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I 9' -----..,-----..-,- '#-Route-1418 from Route 1457 to dead -end '-:9" I) Route 1466 from Route 1431 to Route 1465 "9 ----------.1;-floute-1466,fr-om -Route '1465 -to' dead end ;'---'; 9-" ----.---,'...',-------...'-,-----' -'--"---'-"---"'-'-~'----- I, Route 1465 from Route 1466 to dead end' , 9 '_, _, .., ~__ ._ _ ------ ....m---..,.-Route 767 from Route 742 to Route 1431- .----. 9.41. ,'-t..'U - -' I II __ __.__.. _H. ~ ~-o K~' 4-<c.....r1--..., C...<c.<. ,...&'~ ~ ~i'IJ!2..~ ._........"". .. , . .--~. - ... _~. ~==:=j '.~~ :: ~ t:~~,~=i::::- ;Z ::i;: a::~: =.;~:~:;~~~:~"c ii Hawley Drive Drrom Lewis Ave. to Hawley Drive (Grandviev' G~rdens) 0.07 ni. 71 I II __ 1._____ ..___~.Catawba.Drive from intersection of Route. 742 :too Turner Street, 0.11., mi.... .. -, 72, I'IJ~ ..--..-.,-. . , 'i G1enmore Drive from Catawta Drive to Turner Street 0.11 mi. 73. IYF :1 __.__..___J._Turner. St.reat_from.Cata\<Ca Dl j, ve to.O.Oe. mi .west of..Catawlca. Drive,(i .Og,mi .--....-,-73 ,'/'0 :--............-- . ii Alberta.Drive fr~m Route 7?0 ~o Route 742 0.16 m~. 80, ''f~' Ii ------ ---_.____r.,Enon..DrJ.ve from ,I'<alrond. Dnve,.to Dead .l!.nd 0.5';) mJ.. . ...,., "'."., --.........-- -$1.'14''1'''' , II Webster Drive from Dallas Road to Laton Road 0.10 mi. 81, ''<Of i :j . "____, ..,:,,_l'ialr.oncLDrive.from,Route-1S04 Sast to ,F;non ,Dr.i.ve, 0.05 mi.-----.-----..------,,---$2, I'W.,---.-, --- t: i' ~':ebste:- Dri v~ from Dallas Ro~ ~ South to Goff Road 0.08 mi. S3. '",Y I ,i __ ______~,Labon Road from Webster Drive ~o Route,849,-0.17.mi...--------,..----.-,------,-.,-.-84'''..-,"--'-~--- .1' !i D~lla5 Boad fror.z ~non D:-ive to Kebster Drive 0.26 ~i. ' 85,''''''_! ,; -.. -c.....--- ..GJ.vens..Ave...frOlll,j{.ountVlGW .Ave,to ,Route.642.0-.10 l"J. ...--...---...... ......,.......,...., ....-.-.85 II'~ '-.'-.-',---1 il Calloway Ave. from Hawley Drive to Eountview Drive 0.12 mi. 86./Y.~-', Ii i ,~.--_. --~-]l~o'mtYiew..Drtve-from-{)i"ens.Ave. -to ,Calloway .,Ave..O .13..--"-----.- -.--.----."...----'-S7, 1'fS- ..-.-~--..-I . II Terrace ~ri ve from Rt. 639 to Dead End 0.30 ml. . 92,1'1 if 1 I! --..-,..,--------.4. Valley..vJ.eh' Ave...from, Route ' 635 . to Dead End-O_OS mJ. . -. - - -..-...-...--.-.-....-93, I'fJ, -..-.-"..'-- il J.leado~lbrook Road from Northwood Drive South to Dead End 0.11 rrio 95,,,;'3':':i ......__,______;_Laura.RoalLfr=..Nor.thwood ' Drive North t (}. Dead.. end" 0 .10 . mi . -,.---..-.....---- 96 ~t~--',...--- Ii Northwood Drive from Route 117 to Dead End, 0.60 mi. ~97'>- _f il ....___..__,.; .Neadowbrook,Road_from.Northwood. Dri ve. Nwth.tk Dead.l<:nd, -0 .O$..mi. _.,___u_ -.--.. 9&1;l.1.~'f"--." ,-...- n Lat.:!"~ Road fr<;>m North'"ood D:!"ive South to DeadlEnd, 0.10 mi. 99. ..i.!.-~Y'.3 :1 ---, ---,-.-+..Eeacll.'l'r.ee-Drl.ve -frOOl.Northwooo' Drive-Eas>.to. Dead-End ,"0 .17.mi. -----..'...--' 99 . ' ..;-"- . . i: ~ivian Ave. from Route 623 \'lest to Route 623, '0.21 r.zi. "". :1.03 I 4 ~ Ii ---.-'.--1. ~rJllOUnt.l.ve..f'FOIllRoute.623, West .to Route 623, 0.22' mi. -----..-.1\ .---' '---.--...-i04',., ~J~----..".... I . I : !j _____....___~ _ Walke r~,. Ancl.y .F ... . et ,al.s. petitL:lna r-s St.aaley Farm Road from intersecti on .,---'" - .. L.. -t......- i -Route '77'1 ana 680 to dead end, 0.50 mi. 129' f7~-)J'?.s. Ii _______.._ L. Harris, ,. Wm._~, . .e t., a 1sLpetitio.ners, .Orcl)ard fl;o<ld from ,Route, 3ll.to.. _.,....__...' ------..i-- ,..-4 _...__ ii . Hanging Rock Or~~hard 0.20 mi. 129 I II _,....__.._,jl,l'owel1..LC~rt18.D. .et,als._petJ.tioners ._Extensll.on, Route .820 Route, 694 - _.,...__ . ,....__.,.._._*_.._ (Twelve O'Clock Knob Road) to dead end, 1.00 mi. 129 i ,I ,.,..___.,..Sn:1th, _U.....I1..et ,a1s,.pe..titioners, _ View,point.A.ve. . from Rt.,.796 to_dead_end_,____,_ "..--.-...~..I.--. Ii : ii 0.20 mi. 129. J-n : C~.~~==J~lY;~e-~~;!~~~~~~~r~b~~~~~~~~~;h ~;~~~~~~~ e~~~g:~i. ~~~~~~_===-_-=.~~~~_~==B~:~,.:>,-i:~s-J== ~._,~..m___~__Ii}~~~~~~:!~~t1'a:)~Le-~;:./or.O~U.~ _,.II ,,~-..,.().11 ~_"_..~~3.t~~~~..___l__ ____.__._____ ~ U ~ '_0371. ~ ~ -il 0., ,. n....:;.. C ~'o ~~-f?~)--..----..--ml Lf'J.--~-..,--t- ---- ___n_...._____ t~ t~i:t-;,~,e:,,- /~:tnd. ~ ?_/~-a. of{ ~--..-... / 'fr.. , "1 '.-+-- _._.,.____~~a.h.....~-w~ fJ~ l_q.,;tr.:: ' ~_a.oi' ~ _'___'_/ yr., '''oS: ___.l_____ __.._..__Jy~_~.,;..r .. ~.I~,7q'-* ,.J'.: d .:~...._o';:.'nU~n_..'_'_,.___1 <,Lg'.-/~..=.':"..-~-..- -----~-.--.--~~.. .-.'~. .......--.~..lJ. ~tb'.." t../~(.,.-~.-~-JJ~~f;---.-_.-/.)..,..-.-I.J:3,./~J---.-..+----- -----...-,------..tW~~ J~.. . )/~,117 ._i71""..tD:_~~ I~---.-/ J--c.,t. I~,:,-::.-l,-. ___...-..-...---nij~~I~,. . _)~.JI7~ ,:-t=,iv~.~..._.._.l P'; ,/~~-..+._ -------,.-d'~ ,-:- to. ~,..:ti ,,'--', ..-- ...-----.....--.,----,--- -. i~ I?i ~ n. ,~. ....__.' . _ _'_.._m.. ~-..J-- -=--:~.==~~~=~w~J~ -c~~ .t).. ~:~~ 'tJ~A-~-Ykf." .-~ ~c___L..-.-~-,- y----- --,-t !~~~! "Ug~-:" g:U ':~:....---...-., ,--.-.--.-. :-., . ...--,'--..- ... --.-. '-'-..-"-"---"~~~t ...... : .-'--~.,-.- -.....--------.---~ Route.18OS. - '0.10 mi. ---'... -'..'-' -.- ....,-,- .,--.-...,.. ' 234 t'S"s ..-- . ~ -..-,.---.-f !~~H . It!; : -g6?~0 :!i~-----.-."-".-' -- .-...'. .-.----. ,-.'--... .- ~}t: :J:i...,-.~.....-- ----.-...'-..;lioute.1466 -'0.20 mi. ----, ,.-.-...- ,.--. -, ..'..-'----.....-'-...----'.'234-..-..'..-'..;-.- It.-... ---..--f:i~~~:.ltH.;~~)~~;t-4~~ -;~ ~~ c:-~~' s~~em - O.56:~.-._.._- '.-"-.-nt.~:i ,1..,--. - -- ..--..-.--~Route.'1463' - 0.20 mi.' 234.l"iSi "Route 1106 - 0.19 mi. 234 . ,.., Route 1105 - -O.29mi. 234 , 1/ Route 1107 - 0.l3 mi. 234__. '.'--,."-.... -----~Route '11OS --0.12 mi. _H 234 I I, Route 1109 - 0.10 mi. 234 .. ~ .__. .'.-.Route. 890.- 0.14 mioH' 234+'''''; Ii Route 891 - 0.11 mi. 234'+1'1-: ---'.---......-:Route.S92..-'O.OB'mi....-. --. .H,... .. .... ..-.--,-, .....,.......,. 234;""...: "Route 889. - 0 .09 mi. __.._ 234.Jff'f · ,.,.. .. __.__'. ,-.-...-... -.....-'..... ~ Route. 8gg -- - 0.10' mi. -- . 234,'l-f'" I II Route 736 - 0.25 mi.234 .,.,.,' .__,.... ,.. __.u._: Route' 782 - -..0.16' mi. .,.. '234 'Route 859 . - 0.29 mi. , ... , 234 . .,----,.,..~ Spessard ,--Robert W. et als, petitio,er8" Crest Moor Drive from point it ._. .___ _ __.____.~ ___ .'..H. '_.. ,_.___._..u1eaves state, Route_7g4: at, residence. of ,R.. Phillip Grogan _,' Ii to Lake Drive, '. Ii 265 ,....ji_. ____________(Cont,'d~1l:,pagE!.,Jgl.~-,--.-..,---.---.----.--...-.- ill , .1 ! - . ,,," .. .~. ..._-- '.. CATAWBA DISTRICT ROADS. , Hg~~ ~g2f~of m~~~;;n~v;S 1~_~"-1II=--- to __Boteto~~~~~~nt Y!~~-'=---- 2).: ___, ______ Absalom Smith Road from Route 311 to Route 740 1.00 mile 31~ ~D~ --- - BelUlett,Springs Road_frOlll,Route -7$3 to .dead ,elld, - O.15'mile -"-'---32:3 :""'J. ~f~7t..;.--:-_I.U ~'u1'l''f __________!____~_ __ ____________ Ii '1 " j: II il I' i: Ii Ii ' I' Northwood Drive _ from Int. Rt. 117 to 0'.60 Wi (Int. Peach Tree Drive) Length 0.60 mil 265 ----'-------;-Laura Road _ From Int. 'Northwood Dri'!e 'to.0.10 mi. N. ~o [lead End (Length 0.10 mil ''2665- " Mo,do.,,.ook R~d ~L ,~",,"d 'nvo " ,." .>. ". " ,..d E,d , 5 :'~'~..~'~-- ..---~--r!:::~~~_J'~, N~:; ::~~~~~~:::::.---~:.:'..~::-'~2~t.~'~=~~-- ---- --- "- ''''-r R. E. Ingram, et als, Texas Hollow Road from Secondary Ro~ te 641 ",0 dead end. i' ,I.. . .... . . .. ... . 0.40 mi. __.. ... .. ._.....295,'f.d;>.,.__ - -~Wm.-M:-Harris--et-a1s~-' Or-chard Road rroinRoute~3ll to Hanging Rock Orchard, 0.15 mi. ,295 I' I Curtis D. Powell, et als, ..Pitzer _Hollow )load, _Ext. _820, _from, end of maintenance ,to..,___ '. _~"..,_ .----'---..,------';' . - ,-... -. . " . dead ell!!; 0.25 mi. 1295,7"'3-, i-.fIII---. ...,_"_'_..._ ~,AndY _. F ...,.walk.er _.et a1s ; _Stanley_Farm Road; EXi~ - ~~~d 8~~d; f~:~op~~~en.t end_ north_,_, ,-,.. 1295 - ~--'--- , II .: Board of Supervisors; E:;ct. Rt. 603; 0.05. mi _ ' ,.. . __,_____..,_ __.. ,_.____,_.,1295_~___ . -..,------'-'-rBoard-01' SlIpElrvisorsj-Forest Fire Trail from Rt. 612 to dead end i 295 _'I'D'" . . l Viewpoint he.! ..~tl!nsion Route 824 ; 0.Q5 mile.. ,. .,_____,_________________________ !..304.;tt~)~. -----'-'-----:--OrcnaraR'oiia-from Route 630 East to Mason's d"reek 0.10 mi. I 305 ;~,,_+- :, Surrey Ave., ExtensionRt. 1414 to Over~rooke_ Street;O.O:),mi._ __, .._____.,..,__,_..;,305,~7l(-,-- --'---rPine Street from Route 1424 to Route 14251 0.10 mi.. i 306_:~."- : Rover Ave. from Rt. 623 east to connect .w~th Jloute 623 L 0.15m~. _,_,,_,_______.. _._ __..._______ -306'1'- -h~.--'-----'---\--NOrtbriiOUrit-AVe. 'from Hover Ave., to Route 623, 0.22 mi. 307 :1 . '.'.' PeachTree Drive from cO.1'l_mile east of: Rortpwood,Drive 1.0_Showa1ter.Road,_0.10mi..., 307-,.'---- - '.---'--'- -'--..~ --Wilson ROad froml'eacli Tree Dri VB to dead end. 0.07 mi. , 308 'I . : Peach Tree Drive from Route 117 to Showalter Road, 0.21 m:L. _ .. ,.._",u..__,_,.._.,._..308.;.....-..._ --n------------rNe1i'mlin llrive from Parkda1e Drive (Rt. 1461) west to dead oi"dj 0.20 mi. I' 309 Ii . .1' Pilot Street from Renfro Blvd._ (lit. 146~) to Surrey Ave., 0.05,mi..._..,____.______.,.___ .3093i,.j',n-.-, --------..-r C're.stmoor nriVefrom Route 784 to Greenlee Road; 0.13 m1. i 3l0~:~f ii' Reece Road from Route 631 toHa~an Stree.t_O.17_mi.. ___ __,__....__..,__,_.____..___,_,__.._:,)10J~~--- n..----'...-----'-"-r' Hagan-Street 1'rom Reece Road east to dead ella, 0.05 mi. . 311.5?8' Ii Stoutamire Drive from Parkda1eDrive,Rt.. 1461L.west _to dElad ,end,_ O.10mi._,___________.!Jll~Zl__ -----..'--1~BurmaR~d.from Rt.61Tto Sexton Ave. 0.30 nil. i 312,17V _ _____ !' _ E1~~n Drl: ve ,Extn. l~~TiS Ave... (Rt '" 1106) to DeE!d end L 0 .06 mi. _,nn,__,,___,__: . 3lZJ#.7 l_ ----, rr Showalter Road from ve east to dead end, 0.0; mi. ' 313 ii II 5.b~.lter ,Road from Northwood^Drive to Peach Tree_Drive, 0.38 mi.,., __,.,__________..!313,.J_ -.-n--..----'.II-~l!'ll!'ive (Rt. 1469)Trom'Peach-Tree' Drive tq Showalter Roadj 0.06 mi. 314 I; '.. Miller St. from W.C.t. to N & W property, 0.13 m~. ..... ___m 321._ --------------t-GIennlildge Road from Rowles Ave. to Rt: 460f 0~40mi._.-'--'--...--"-'-_.--'--'-'-'---..--- i 321,3?r I' . Silverwood Road from Mow1es Ave. to Glenn Ridge Roadj 0.19 mi. ,_____'m_'_ _____,..______" 322 .US' _ --'----------r ."JrowlesR'oaal'r'om Nichols St. to SiIverwciod Ref. 0.20 mi. I 322_~1g .----,-----~ ..~~-~~,~;:: -f~~: ~~i:~~~~' ~~:-~~ ,~~~~~- ~~:-: t~~:iie -,-,--.------...--..-----...- -j j~j l~- Ii' Edgewood St. from Rt. 796 to Maywood Ave., o.a~ mi.__.____,._..__,_______,...__,.__.324,.:1f._ -'---------U-rlf6?tli"YarliiRd;..fj.-oiiiRt. 643 to dead end; 0.10 mi.------ i 31'9."',i.l'" !: Texas Hollow Road from Rt.. 641 to dead ~nd; 0_.40 _mi.___..__.,__...__.___________,_.._,__,; 319Y'c:>....,_ -------------~-OI.-clia-raR'd. frOinRt.")l1 to Dead endj 0.15 mi. i 319,"''''' II Pitzer Hollow Road, Ext. Rt. 820, 0.25 mile to dead end, _____,______,__,____..___ f 319 _~.....- ,----1-St.anley--Farm-lioaa~-1rn. Route 807; 0.20 idle -to dead and;- : 319,"'.2.. .___..__~-(f~l!..S-i_On-n603~odead.end,.~.05-m~1~-- ~....::,.,~C-~t>A.. '$~ ~78~31911,(4-2",- --------,-~- -""~<<~- .t,--l~_.f~~-~. '.. -t.~-______________:37V~___ ..________,_~_~'" L.._j:J~.~-.-;:'~ '')..i _T..cl--..i. .~__o,Ji .-n....- ,.lfa I, ....1'3____...___.._ I __~________tn... <ta.c....L~U/'2..77g 11 <t;, (.L'" .;__ _ ,,_ - /.ftl:J... ..,.,____ .._.._n_' :----..-.tt~-7 "t- 4l./'<?~.._~8't>-____ . :.___ ~ _ _ __, .,__,_.___m__'_.___m_______. _______L f..-4-j 7..5-_<9. /'$ ~._ ~Kf- ____ - _____ ,__._ - __ ,..-- 'm'_____,_______ .____.'m'______ . --,-._~----- _===_=t~ ~~:~"~ ::;:. :;=---~_..=-~~_~~_-:'-,: =-~: ~=~~==_~-==_-=~-.=.-::'.':==~~-:=:~::=_:i ~=::'i==- I' ...I? i II _ ,_____,____"If~J7~3-D.o1 +' ,,15__ .:.......---.-----~_f~-/7..,... 4:!Dr,':>>j..;. '/(5____,...___ ___ ,--_ ,,_u .----,.....-' ------------..- -.,.---,-.,---..----- __..m___m__~~-lf..'-,"'/'D ~.f'4'$'--- w__ OH :._.,_ __ ..__________~1(~J8',,-~,py,.,.....-<f8'5---, -..,- ,:-. H II-i:? , - -....---.-'-----....(~ Jf"7- di3.'7I!- "/~- . -- ..it ,~ __ ell " ." -- - - -- ,- __ n'_...__ -_ u,~~~*..-'r 'f~ -w ~,.........., .. '- ~l:P~,>rl).', U'~.;:y~ ~cf7.._-...tJ. ,- +C9" ______n___...W""'..~...;,".5D~~~~~~...';1},~9'r~ ~~~.... ~~I\.......L~; rcq.., j -;.I~=:tt:::.1;:'::/ z:;~,,:,~:.h;:t::::..-: ~ . -#< r;,.", ~:~$'~. ' _U_n'__.__~:~_l7,,_.:.,~ I< /IO'f-~ ~ a..-..p//o~'O'~~ <f!<9(;~ ...5"--5::---- ._,~ C~fr- .... .J.t~, U'~ 7{-< f/o". ~ ~ ~ 7(-< I/O?,. ~ I). /7{~ S"$ . ,,- . m.~~~~-(l...u:M.. c----t~ C::-,-PJ'l-o,$ 6?<9c, ~ .s~~;n.____. ...u_m__ ..t~ C----t--M -t~ I~(,.C,V ~ ~ C9. d'~ ..5'1. 7 : -----------..,-~~~~~. ~~-iL~~l-(t:;:~ &(P"'~-S"7 ! ______,_'u __"'__"~~" f".-...c., ~,~rl"'{..~ .~ ..~. - -I~. &~,,~, -5,.'_ i:)~'./. .,' .y? / [d oil, y.!<'!>-...A W"~k""l..o -0",,-,-, m/'.:; '>n..'.A..53f'_______ .,..___ -=~~.-~~~~~=--..:~~L~_f:::- ~\~ f~ ~ ~.~~~:-~ ~-~ c;.'.-- Ii I #2 SALEM DISTJ!.ICT ROA DS _ Cont'd. i: ., I: Ii Ii ., e-- ---. " " -,-------1;.-.-. " Ii Ii 'I I! , J, 'I i! Hal1iahurst Avenue from Route 622 to Jannetta Avenue Jannette- AVenue'-from Rt~ 719 to Route 24' ..-S---.-- '....-.--'.',- Route 758 from Route 653 to Dead End 8 -----,,--- ---- Route -776 'from Route 731 to -dead end "'--- S .-- '--- ..... II Route 660 from Route 617 to intersection'Route 660 and Route '-'-,--. -"'---rR6ute - 617- f'r6ln E'nd of Pavement to intersection-Route 660 and , Route 1024 (Mecca Stl from N.C.L. Roanoke to Route 1022 ------m,.-----rRoute775 from Route 65S to dead end ,-,., 9' ,-.'-. " Route 761 from Route 658 to dead. end 9 - ---,--,- '--'--"f Route - 61S from 'E.C.L: Roanoke to Route' 658 . 9 , Route 606 from Route 460 to dead end . 9 __._._,____....___,__..,.._,_,_..._.......,. -"-'---'---"--TRoute"776 -from' Route -731 -to' dead - end -,-, ---- 9 .. -.-.-"..- -- ~---.-...,-'~' g~~~~irk~~i Ko~rg~e~ri~~; '6;t;0 t~e~~u~~dl~ci~~" ~~i4 mi. ---------,-~~. :; ~r-~,,---- -,-I,J--,,--.--..-~ Greenway Drive from Route 11 to Manor Stz:eet,.O.43 mi.. .....___ 76,/'1"- ': , i rf;idd1eton Street from Route 11 to Greenway Dnve, 0.12 mL . ...,' ''''77, i.,.r.';----' _____,__,__~ Elwood ,S.t.!'_~E!1;;. fr:om Route 11 to Greenway Drive l.. 0.15 I?i.. _..... _.,__.__,._____.__....____,_".., 77 ,I'U': -4--- " Manor Street from Route 11 to Greenway Dri-.re, ,0.19 m1. 78 I'1J 'I ,__._,,__,_,__._ I'NorthwaY..r:riv!! from 0.13.mi._E._Granvill~ Stre,et to 0.09mi. E.of_EoxleyRoad, 0.13 m~._.79' \ Fairhope P.oad from Route 116 to Appleton Ave. 0.17 mi. 90 :I~j- ') __ ___.____...,___~ CannaclaY,I~..o.acl. .from End of State..r:~ intena'1-cet~ Dead _ End 0.12 m i. .___,_____,__.,_______ 941,/'1_ _ j __.. __Jil_..______J, 2:;~~~ .~~~~,g~: .~~~~;nEoi~~~a~O;~i:a~t~~~t ~ :.6 :O;\;i._..___..,.__.,_.___,__..__._ ig~; (:t ::_1__,_ 1'1 i Topping Street from Dexter Road to Dead End, 0.09 mi. 106, 1'/.:, - :i . _..,_,_,__LNormaIl Stree:t. from Surnmerdean Ave. to Del'ter goad, 0.10 mi..___.._,...._......____n__........_107,:,'tj-J..,_.__,_. I' Summerdean Ave. from Toppin,'! St. to Peyton St. 0.17 mi. 108,"....\- il ' Aster. Street from Lucas Street to Dead End, 0.21 mi. _..__.._____....__,_. ,l09, }'-I-:'___;;__.._ -----'------...TChesteir -Ave ~ "f'r6lid.ucas -Street - to 'vlallace Street; 0,..15 :mi'-- . 119,1'+'- ;'1' ii Lucas Street from Asr.er Street to Chester Ave.. u.lu m1. 11.1. /'".5 ' --'.-...---- n'Lucas..Street-.from 'Hwh --Ave. t()'Aster Street, -O.lO'mi .'----'-- ...,.,-..,..-'--..,--'-...._...-..'---'111', j".~--'" ---.. 'i Wallace Street from Aster Street to Dead,End 0.30 mi. 112.1<+-5- II ----..--'--i;Luc'a-s Streei::fromRt.ll to HUf:h-Ava., 0:30 m:l ,. -------.-------.---1l3,r<l-~,,-T--- ________t_PeY:t9.~_~t_reet. from Sw:nmerdean ,Ave. to _Dead .End 0.10 ,mi._.........____,__ _....____,... _....._,115,,1 tf.i- _~.._,_.. :i Estes Street from HUl'h Avenue to Dead ~nd, 0.11 mi.. . 116,11''<:'-_'1 ______~-Summ~..r.ge~Jl Ave. from Peytm Street_to,J:,stes Street, 0.14.1lU...._,___.........__,.....,......__..._...117" I.fj~____, II HUl'h Ave. from PeYto~f;f~~kn!t~sLucas Street, 0.22 mi. .. 118, i ''''~-,! ______,__._...' Bailey, _ R ,-_R.. eta1si, Lemoii-'Road from Route 618, to. dead, _00, ..0.60 mi. __ .--------129 _; - ..~__ . Ii Card6n, Ja~s R. et a s, petitioners, Woods Road from Rt. 747 to dead end 0.30 mi 129., 296:f _ ______~,CuUen..ElhB-E.,.....ll-als. ,petitioners._Ranch Street_from 3.t. .1l6..to_dead ' end ,0.12 mi,.-129ll,lil!,-1l',L-- II Palmer Ave. Extension 1581 0.05 mi. to dead end . , 130,~."..;-_ i; _________.._.Blu1'.t'_h.e.. frOlll City limitB_ofRoanoke_0.30 m1...___,__..__.....,__________.._,_..._._131,:.>9.::i ..--- i; 9aklane Road - Extension Route 775 - 0.10 mi. 134- 1/ q J-;: ,.._ ..___....___,~'-...ars~AJioad..- _Extension ,Route ,867 - to, connect, Route_758_ ..0.35,lI1i. --,-----------------,134, "91. -0---" It' D . ." ______P1d~ '~r IP.O'f~1t.I3A-R..I.f;:..o,o'"i....:...-%, B-v--Lr-~..---_I'I-'f..;----~--- __==~~_=1b1~k~rti~-r;;;;:-~-:-./---:~~..: 7~-:~2~:~-~-~~==-'~,:i~~~L - ..-'--'-.------t~~t: 1)1 ~ ?..~"f Is-: __:i,~~ y~~>- :IJ~..--;..~..-',..-----i..265~---- ____._~I{<MA'}'u..W, ~-~~~~ ,- -'-Ji!~-ID J~c...u.....- ,- 'l.-"-"'-<..../7<,1,,265__-- -,-'--,----~~":,..~.~R;t~,fkS..:~PZt1;J.~ji:A/;f.4 tr:r-;n~:::-t,.~ "<-c.. k~,~"lI8<J" /<J7'..'1C.....--- __,________,:1: p,_~g(!~ .yt.A...e, r-L ~. J~ . 'fC:~l";:!~ R.--a- Rt., -'7> }...I 8 'fr 'i 7,. 295--- -------..-,...f.~;~:, e~,;;;~;;. ~..:=_..~..~:~~=.,! ,:.=~::i :~,=-..._:=~..:-::.~::::=.:=.-..='=_=::::~~:~~,i _=~-=t~=- !!e" .A. ~~ ...j)~ ..,..... ,_ !:i ~)! ;J =:=-=====~=~fl- .~k~',u7;-;~-=:~-~.::,:~ ~,e;::;[~w:t::~_~.J~.~~~..J..:._~=L-..-- :-..---------JcJ.....:t-b~..r ~t--~--~-Jg/):.-- a, /o,_,u.....; t.,P... k.cu.....(.)..?-.1-0,____-!...__ I! Route 1821 - 0.1;0 mi il 233 I ,I ,-----'--- -,....----.~ Route-1m- _ -0 ~12-mi .-..---..--..........'- .n..._" ...." ,. ,..--.- " ,.---.---.--...,.-...,-.....-....,- 233";-''''''-- ;'---- II Route l823 - 0.l5 mi 233, !, ..-....--'- '----'~Route-1803-- 0.16 mi;'------"--' U ......... ---..'---.------..-'----'-----...-..'233'...'...-'-}--- .._JI._.._.....___ -~~~~i~ ig~6-:-g:iZ,:i. -- --,- .: -..... --...,..- ..,-,......-.......,...-~55 .: . !i Route 1811 - 0.10 mi, 233! " --rRoute1812 -0.27'mi.'..-.. -,- --. -..- . -"" '--233'......---. f; Route 181) - 0.13 mi. 233 J . .' -------------..-cRoutel814- - 0.22'1Iii. ,-'--",--' . .---.. '__'n__ -""-'-'-'''--'-'-'233-:'-'-~. i! Route 1815 - 0.25 mi. 233' ,J -----..----...---~ Route-1816" _ O.l,.l'mi -- ....-, ,-....- . ___,_"'_m ....-. .,.,--..... -"- '--'" ...--., -"-"'-'234 -:..'.......----'---.- '.. I'Route 1817 - 0.10 mi. 234 I --rt....'-----';i~~~~~fg~r~~~: ~~~t;6fO~~~~ug~a~0~~~-~ '~:;;'~i. . ,-.-- u-'-.-~5r;.. ,....-, -"---Route604 from Route 460 to Dead End - 0.'80 mL 234.9J'i' .....: Route 611! from endof surface to County , line .. 234.-.!f'f _,..__\~W~~-~~hl.\-Ct.-~k..~."Q ~..... ......._...,....... 2..7(",:~7f(; ,_.._,.._..._,,_,nV\cJ.....,Zl~ ~ L~~~f,- ~~~b~(~'d.l~), :l-11,~/.s-:: 1(.\" _ .L'A . Lb" -c-' f\ . ik-(;) n ' /\ _ -\ "I _,__,__..._..._,u_,__~~J~~ N~ma....."""-' !-J/v1<V<-- . l' ~ ~ N~O.;;...b ~ /._ .. :l.. '71 "fl.".:> .. _.,_.__ . !IG. H. Broyles et a s; Extensi?n Itoute 610, from ,end of maintenance to dead end -0.15 mi.' 295 II .-,- -, * :.BRoarEd o.f Supervtiadf'S; QUnderwo.od RailJ fixlrUIGoodman...Roa.dtto .dead end 0 15' i . 2l~ -~--, ...---- ___.___n._.__ - .,. . Brogan e a~s; uarry Hoad-.from Iel ow m. KeaQ 0 d.eaCl ena, . m. ,2 <I Garstland Ave., (Ext. S14)from Broad1awn Road !-o AppletonAve.. 0.10mi. ,_ I 2 ~/:3,_, ,--,-u''''''''---''-Lynnhope Drive from (Rt. 116) Cove Road to Broad1awn 0.15 mi. 29"/",/.:; . IIBroadlawn Ecad from Lynnhope Drive to Garstland Ave. (Rt. 814) 0.06 mi. . .29S:'I"13___.. ---:,{:annaday Road from Richard Blvd. Rt. 1022 northeast 0.25 mi. to dead end 298 , liMeadow Lane from Yellow Mt. Road Rt. 668" to Lewis Road, Route 776; 0.19 mi. . 299' --.--...-, --.....-'~BarringtoriDrivefrom Cove Road Rt. 116; to Appleton Ave., 0.23 011.299,1':1..;- ....- _...._.._____* fWOOdS.. Road _froll1 GoociInlinRoad-'c~~L'.cli+7dn )..d:ad~end;0..30 ,011. ___"_ -,---..-------:296t 't~J.,-..- BIG LICK DISTRICT - ROADS. 8 617 g I Route - 617 -"-" e ----"------'---;. . 9 ' i: CAVE SPRING DISTRICT - ROADS. I: i I' i( Henry A. Bergman, et als, petitioners, ~equest that Route 6$2 be w:ldened &c 8 : Route 690 from Intersection Route 221 and Route 754_southeast_1.30 mi._to Route 612 __._9 --R1)Ute--1-6'l:3 - from--ROttte '1609 to-Rout e 1615 ... . ~ 9 Ii Route 1617 froo Route 1607 to Route 1616 II 9 " ________._____.._.__..__,___. ~__ ___, - '~_'. .____m__._.__ _._._ ..._ --~ 'Route'1616'fromROttte'1617'to' dead end - --,---- '9------m------------------ ii Route :;'608 from Route 1605 to dead er:.d i " 9 --'--Rmrte--'ffl2--f'rom-Route-1'19 t-o- -oead eIlo -, ----- --9 ------,-- ------------,--------. - ---.-.,--,-----, -----..---- . i.'\ RRoutte 76~' ~ RRoute 12311t9 ddeadd, endd, __:,___ . :i _ 90,-,,- ____.____."_,_' _._ .,,_,____,_, _.....-'-.. __. ..______..______,_._______,_____ ",__,_ .,.,.-,-~ ou e' "'" ,,"'UIll' oute' c t6 ea en ~ ;, Route 845 from Route 676 south....est O.25mL to Dead end 9 >.'_____..__,..________.___,__..._..___.._... ----....Route-79SfromRoute 706 to dead end - ': 9 ----- ,--- ---.... , II Route 615 from Route 220to Route 676 ' 9 _____________________...:..'____;"___________.____ -,-.--RuLl~.."'r95-from-ftoute...119-to-deadend--' '-'-:--9--'----.-- I I' ' ii Route 722 from Route 220-0.20 mL to dead end" 9 . -- --'. --..... ,-----..: -...--- - ~ --"-----.:..-'1= -~....vacat1-on '(jf'lO-rootstrip orpor,~,?f,De1~,:,~,e Road,as'sho\1t;'OIl r'ec'?rded')----- . --... . '. ,i.. .. ... II (maps of Deyer1e Bros. prop. Ihno.sor 1 ',lls and West ~l1ndsor_ Hllls __) _ __21______,__,___;____~..,_________. __ '~".!..~, '~ifM~ae se.condaO'.,. - improvements.t.. ) -:.- 22,~ '7' . I. I; I' i"l-'iS ~"~<lJjt'l:.~ -:1 . . ...' '. . _, ., . Ii ---~.. . ~g';1~t:;~c.:tlS:.:t~-er. -~,.ct:;:.;.-~Ci.73;~:.~l.;::.)i...----:~ ___in~~w._~ .,_~ r~.1-~,t_~_ :3"1 m___.______._,___ .____~-----m------- r1L." PJJ1 ~ahg~u~~,!"~ l~~j''t-------~--~--~-..-~-------,--~ !:r.~. o. lit!li~n '1ff':rls iv..e from 'Grif:in .noad to. dea~. end, O.~9 mL (extenuatinf" ci~cu..'11stance,s) $~L_~_'__-I-- .;., Va:J"e_n~~.!:1.~_Ave .,.. t:'..om_Kno11woodRoao_to_Dead,E::ld:,..0.12 ml.----------.----.------.--., 89, r'fj_. i Knollwood Road from Route 683 to Valentine Ave., 0.11 mi. 90 ,'l-S i! _:_Vi~w_..A'I'e. from Route 682 to"Dead End, 0.14mi - -'---------'-------'------'--------------..-91', I'/~-,~--'--'-'------- I aoodview Ave. from Rt. 1604 to Dead End, 0.15 mi. . ,. .' 94,,</,rn .._LW!llow:lawn__~t~E!E!j;_f:rom Route_8.52~to ,O..o9,.mi.s..r..ofRoute-$52,Lenrth-0.09 mi. ,. -.." 100,'1'0;-.:..:----..- Ii Dove~ Drive from Grandin ~oad, Rt. 6Il2, tc Kipling Street O.17.mi. ~~" lOll I":" :1 ' " Kipl1ng Street...from,Grandln Road, Rt..682,to.DeadEnd"O.l4 mJ..-- ____.___ l"W2',f...,~ ______,______,_ _=~~ea-n~ D~iV~&~~;A~~~~. i~~erse~t~~n,ff3~ul; .22~.2=--",,:i ._____..__________ll~. '-~~_ ~,___~~:_ 'I Griffey,4Robert M., et als, retitioners,1 Eastvie~. Drive from Windsor Road,State : :: L_._______, ,--,---------S~.-Rt.-67.l., (South~ to-delid-end,. O~lO-mi~--,- -,---,129--------,---,----..,- I' Cox, E. C., et ale, petitioners, Cox-Hopkins Road from Route 668 to dead end 'II I' ._.__..___..,_ _____ . _,._,__ _....___ -O'.50,mi.-.-----,-,---,--129---,---,--..~; ----f"Muiiins, G:H. et als, petitioners, Wilson Road From Route 220 to dead end, 0.40 mi.. l29,;l."$~'1~I'1 .:: -IIOfl..e, Vi ncent-,T.--.et.-al.s~--petitiollers,-~tensi.on ,Route-677,..1 mi. --------.. -----129,1 7-5)'J ~J ----- --LU.-,$~-~....:;...~lJ;--~-1rC $.L'-~-(Tr -->>~- ~ t)--a~ --.~,.._--,--,-' ~~~,b~.~--.trtj.f2f.l''':1--f:~~-W.-IU:.(, 8''-__________, 'f7.-''if. -..-~.' ------------- Ii ~ ~~:p~-'h1~;.f1tJ'.?~ p..--,I7-2--_1_265_,__~____~_________ ..JJ~' Jk-;.-~ttL ,lM.:..4~,~-~s:t-r;--.1-f~, <f~_' 'fS:,___!___~____ ~-~~I:~ J-~u"1'J'fu. ...;f.Y-.~'€+.-<..;.... =,r t - C';': ._++--~- . :ille.e. ~-.Y~-"'..L./;W-u....b" j;"~ - __ C;L' ..1,.1..2. 3 _._________,____ ;'-, - '. .$L:t.~~~Pvr_ ::tr}i~u~-Jq~~;;:!~J:l.33,-;l."3j"l--_-~-..--------- 11 ~,~~LL,J a.t.-_~~:--t.,~~.~. ~u,gJ.);L33, ;l.(.3,_:;..'<J-__:.._____~-------__ ---s. R~\1~e__ 8)1-0.09 ,m; '---,-,- .-----.-,-----,: ------ ~____ __._______u_,_._______~"__ ~jt.1rr _____~ ,_____._________ " Route 872 - 0.10 ml. I ,~ f-. :' ...J_I1..Q.\!..t_e _8.7J.. - __O...lO__,mi. ------,---------, . ---, ~ --..,- ,-- ________,_._____, ----...-----234-y..6:-,---- __..__..____ m 1 Route 876 - 0.05 mi. , ii 234 it"": :: . .... . , "?'. ......, ii Route ,,'8."''''O''''05.._mi.______,__,_.____ ;,___,_.. ___,____.., ___..___,__,._______ '___'_______u..~,.".~..,-_-~ _________ j, Route 862 - 0.0Cl mi. , :; 234,tI"7- '. I' .e_20.6.._. 0 _ 1 0 .mi.__ _,____,___..:________ _ ..,___.._____,.__,_._ ______._____, ------234..--c,--.-:- I, Route 1612 - 0.34 mi. i H 234, '1'4'" ' I: Rnuta 161a...- n. 1 5 mi. ________ ___._. ,._.___ ,; ,____ ______.____"_ _"________ -----.-.-2J.4;,~,,.~ .___ __ ...._.. _______.__~ I: Route 879 - 0.50 i " 234 _____LRoute ..615_~r.om.Route..220 ,to ,Route, 676 '-- -.1.60 lIli. _'_'__._'___.,______,.._"u________. ,--- 231,., ;,'trJ..------------....,----..-.- I. Route 800 - 0.50 mL I 'i 234 I H , Rout.e 7.3.5 - D..54 mi -- ,-------..-------------,---.---,234..,-..---------- --;... .L ~- .1\.-- 1..........~... ....{J.n;:)- ---;---" -~' fl..J........ rl i fo8! II _.J.~ 04-<-t~"~_r~ ~-~(. Rt, i-& ~) H-'-T'- _~ ___________:L__ ;------~-.--------- -J~-~b,~ Jr~cLL Ow.- .t~_ .. 1__' .._.______~.b ~_______,___________;'_m __>____________1-'__ -___~~~cli?t., ~O) .1__=.c1. L.......I.. :1___ ________ :41 0 I ~oO,__,_ ._____..___.:_..__~__..,_. ---~.~.... J.-.,...~.r---.~. ..U{I...J. [fI}",)-!c&.-..l.. ... , ...>7L "_,,_'_.~. :_...:...__..~ ----~Sb.r-~~ ,C4...f. _ /IiJ~ ~_Cw-e.l 0 .DIS~ )._).'7 L__~,_._:_,___, ~__ ,______m__ , ,sk:t-F- qlJ.r~ - f,J ~~~._(o ...I":klM.) ...______;a7J_m____..____________!______~------,-.--.--,---. --..ji-~ !J~..r-:-~ 7'-'0,/1__ 'rnw.-~~. (0 ,iT'j~)__~7'f________,___,:_,____,'_._______1I_ ,__,_lW~,(~~....C ~.~ _~Iloo L t..... ~J;.. f "1.'1- t,~ ~ &- :l. (0.0") ~),. 7.1 ;3.1S '!-_--_ ___ ___ _____ _____~U -~q L (L~ fut...J.. t--b-~..u..L CO,17 u....:) .', J.H ,...: 'i~-- ,..,_ !' E. R. Bova el~;isj Extension Route 794 from end of Maintenance to Route 221; 0.30 mi. '295,~:L.r -----+ E.._ C,--,Cox. et also C ox-Hopkins Road from Rout&. 668 to dead end 0.25 1lIi. . . '-l O'lo/~" ,.295 n9 ,- !IJ. H. Mllllins et als; Wilson Road from Rt. 220,to ~ead end 0.20 mi. ~i,'i.1;.,.", i295::n9 ._,__~Carl..L.,Keefer et a1s; Keefer Road from,Buck Mountain Rd. Rt. 679~ to dead'end, 0:25 mi. 29, 319 ';, Clairmont Street frolll Mud Lick Road (Rt. :683) to dead erd, 0.',0 mJ.. .:l-7d,)00 ' ______.:..Barnhi 11 ..Lane...f'rom.Windsor-lload,-,Rt.-671.to-GrandinRoad Extension,-Rt.6Cl6,0.12 'mJ.. ".300.-----.---,--- ---,--------- : Wedgewood Road from Route 221 to dead end, 0.15 mi. '3015tJj _______,;'l'imDer.ane he._F.rom Wedgewood- Road,to de<<d-end; -0.15 mi.'- .,-,--,-.. ---,.-- -'-")01 '505 i: Brandywine Ave. from Route 221 to Fleetwood Ave., 0.20 mL :302' --ts..-A-venue, from ,Brandywine"h'enue - to' dead end G.09 mi. __u_...______.._: 302-..':--- ii Harris Street from Route 221 to Fleetwood Ave. 0.06 mL'303 :' ---t Fl..t.wood-Ave.from-Harris -Street -to' Red 'Rock Road, -'0.10 mi. ", ----,- . 303-~- _e~ee_~~o~Ave. from B~an~ywine,~ve. __to.. Harris _s.treet, 0.15 mi. _.. ..,_ _ __.__,_.___.._ . ;304 . Cont'd. on page 1/2 ! _____....__..__;.. ._____ ~_.~._.__ .__._____~________~_.______.__~_._.m______'.____..... __.__________ ~ J!J:JLL;I:CIt_D..l..SIR.ICT - _.ROADS - CO!lt'd_. -. '----- --- . - ---,--.... .,.. , .'-'-', .... ....-- " .' Extension Route 610. 0.15 mi. . ' . Daniel Road from Route ,747,0.15 mi. to dead end .. - ,-- -: Lennye Are. from ROlfte 65,5 to dead end 0.).5 mi., -~):, '''- '. k.L:... .-~,-Jw-- ~.. ~. _~ tr ~ II 8 O,/), ~, _. ~.~_ _....~~~,~..~71C.;[,~1I(:,,_._R.. <,...1 - --- :'.... ml! ~ <....... ;(...-.. f--(~ t,tor ~r,.....z::. 77' &:!'f"'~'4. _..'\_;..,~~_:.~-~.c ft.;;; ~4?.J" 7~'l/f?- " -. _:,' _.__,_r~7-S/-C?fD7?f&-. '1r'l-_ ., . ',_,' . ._, _. ~~:"~~ll"--~/~~.,'ft'l-',, " _. _~ .;. m~..__Y 1-'7" '- ,,'~. 'fllf..- ------ -..--..--' -', ~I!~ ,.-" -d/.,,? ,?1(..U.'1('f ..-' ~---:~:..,-,-(~ t's3- ~#1 ~ ,f-(f .-. - -- _____m --:-if~ 1(3-4J.11~, f-lf..--,--- _nm' -r'-...._-i'~r~.3- 4:'1">-;";' 'frf..-,........ ,_ -.. )~f.~....___~..t~3.- "'-It>~. '1i,.,__,____,_...._... ,_.._~_:.. ..__,f{-u._ tt.>....&'..;J..~ 1"4'1" ...._......_.... ".,..,__ _..____.._....~#.,~-_?~4. -<....C~;f r:R1- G:.~ ~ '05 ~...5"'3 ___n__11--~p.:...vI"......e-!.- <.. _C..-.. .l1~ ~ Cp's ~...s"..3_.. ,.,.,..._ ..,.._ .,. __.. ____,l.~... .4----.~~-4'<;;u~.Pf'...'1-V~P&#s~...s~~-....... J"" #2 'f<n> / <if 3 4-0 I , 'fy~ 'f~?,";!..3 .. 319,'-10:;' 329,'>'0.2, 330 't~ 11: =~=~=~~=..==_..-~~~-~~-===-:=~=-=-_... ,-=--~= --,.... , .... 1-1.""" , -, '.. ...-..-,-- .., - ___ \ __+___. __ __ _...._ __~__..____.._ _~,__.__._.. .____n.... W..:"~.. _~ _"n. -:___::__ -. u - #2 _,__~..~,~_ CA~_~RING DIST!lJ9'L_~~_.!l.Q~~ r.nn~ '1'1_ 'Winding Way Road from Route 681 to Route 720; 1.0 mile 319 Martin Memorial Cemetery Road from Route 78g. 0.25 mi. to dead end . 319"- Forest Fire Trail from Route 612 to State Police property 5.35 miles 319 .. "Pleasant Hill Drive from Route 794 to Rout.e 221; 0.30 mi. 3251f-02.. Westchester Ave. from Ee1ford St. to Chesterton Street, 0.06 mil 326' ..__..m........~'_.... Davis St;:-eet from Harris Street to Red Rock aoad; 0/08 mi.' ., 326;~/6' - Chesterton Street from W&stcheeter Ave. W8s't to Dead end 0.10 mi. 327 ,-- "--'----'--Chesterton 'street from 'Westchester Ave.' east to dead end 0.15 mi. 327 ~ Norwood Street from Westchester Ave. westto dead end, 0.15 mi. 328, ~~~=~~,~t:::;: :" (:;;;;j "",,,-~,~ ~;~P0 'E-''''-Z :'.. U) " 3.2, 'f, '-10 ~ -,-- -~'""';-----,..~,'~'O VI. V 11"ft..~fm-d<",L<""'V' . \~. Of. ..3'1-7,_ --",)..~- - ,..__~ tJ/lAN<- - _~~~;l. _wM.J~ >I-ft.- y,:t.<-~:t' ~:"U2J:~)' 3(.~ ____u__..___~ "9.1.. rtLs~4.ii.<-".t 1-'~"-.fr ~<. .. :L' ~~ (4:f '31.7...... -- '-, _ -.... t20..s.." I '3 ~ tC. ~~.. :::/iJ:.;: i).- f2r;c::- ~ g'7 h-Lt::. u... ~ L. 'l- ~) . jg b~_ _..u ....__,_,~.._ ~~kJ4~ ~ t.;.~ J2~ ?f 7Lj- ..t;' ~ -l..:L ru.i2f~ .r3~ - 'f1J2-,<l-q,- __~______~-("":".r~~L..~.94-f2:f, 'il1.t;: c(........J- '~.J... ' lfOJ-.. __.j,____...._~~PAL;:~-12:t7o~ ~y-~..0t~~k</l'~~o . ,.~,..,.__ _,....,..". 'to:L ,..________)ll.a.y r-~73-..~-~ "ic"~, 'T'f:1,~_-.. ....... -..,..--,----,~-.~/:3i....D71'2J..1(.....c.72... -"1-11..., .,-.,., ..' , . ~--_~.---A~ ~ ~ ~y~ ~.A ('~ .-;('-'-'<-<f'/f-, '7' 3" ...,... ".-' ___.t~ /~-f-.-l~4-.J tJ?-..;....A- ~V'~ lJ2..~,"/'/.5,'7~3.n..- ".._ _,' ___~_:.___~_a--.J._ .t1-<..fl1::<-'''''l;-t--. (;(b If.3).-A--;;.e~.,.~~/.3 ~"r/6 ,_~...,.,~,__.~ a-.;l,... )4-<.,P"7.I/:;;-~ a--..~d?i/.O~7'/~m..'- .._~___,_..'._...j(.....~~~, c...........-*"m '-C~~4?"<; ~ ~/~,n..n._. ...,. ____~__._,Atu~. "_"'-_C.-..~~, ~..C'___~~ 2y,~.-itj:_~d?/.s~#/6-- .,._,_.__.._ ____..__.____J4.e..., -L4'.-..!2-...;4-<..fi~~.A~1(.-,(a~(~ ~C:P./"~ W'"'---.,--..__. ..,_, ,..... .,.J,,~A-J..-.;~ -p. ;-.,..-4 ~ C..-.. -;;~ d?~<P(, >"[-4- 7"/~, _ H .-~---~Y~-f~.J.-.I..d-c. -t<i/.~(-4/' :../~~~C-.r ~/5~.~:6 --...-...---..--, ...,---.--- .. ~ ..___ _~-4'--,~.JLA. .:;H.-v/ . .-<- . l' ~..x ~~. ~ ,~L5~ 7'i(<;; __..,.,...._._.~___ _~___,~..__,l~-,.~j3tD_P1.1(.,....-1!;C?...o. ~~~ 'f''I-.... . .,. -- .....-. . ~'.lc;;.......v ~ ~~ Z(.---r7f}--<:' -,..,....-4 ~. 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Ii -,-~ " " II 2 - --_..__._._----_._.__._--_._------"--~-,-~..__._---._-- - -. . . - - industrial use, in order to permit the erection and operation thereon of a manufacturing plant by r.he General Electric Company. Whereupon, appeared be~ord this Board Leonard G. Muse and John H. Thornton, Jr. of the firm of Woods, Rogers, :Muse and Walker, attorneys for the General Electric Company, and asked leave to file a petition on behalf of General Electric Company and on behalf of Sarah B. St.John, John D. Saunders, . Raymond E. I"asser, Louise M. ~lusser and Iva K. Greene, the latter bein.g owners Ii " ji Ii " I' i: " II i! " II " " in fee simple of the aforementioned 95-acre 'cract and the former, through its agents and attorneys, having options to purchase the aforesaid land, said petition requesting that the tract therein d,ascribed be rezoned from residential to heavy industrial use as defined in the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County adopted January 20, 1941, as ,amended. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE:30LVED AND ORDERW that at this special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 4th day of March, 1954, at the courthouse thereof, that the rezoning petition of General Electric Company, Sarah B. St.John and other,s be, and the Eame is hereby filed; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED '~hat said rezoning petition be and the same hereb)- is referred to the Planning Gommission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accord with Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia (1950). AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED 'chat when the Roanoke County Planning Commission shall have received said petition, considered same and I ~1w~"'1 . ~ eM... " ~ iXMl- 10 ' i ktf:..-C., ., ff~ Q...ovw . -~ 3 -"t-~ reported its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of same, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing at 10 a. m. ~~rch 30, 1954, at the Courthouse for Roanoke County, issuing notice thereof by publication as required by Sections 15-846 aDd 15-847 of the Code )f Virginia (1950); provided further that if for any reason the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission be not received by II the Clerk of this Board in sufficient time tel comply with Section 15-846 regardingl publication of notice of the public hearing prior to March 30, that the Clerk of II this Board may fix such date for public heari.ng on a reg>llar or adjourned meeting II of the Board and as will fall more than 15 d,IYS following the second i,,'1 publication of said notice. AND BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy of this !I resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Faul B. II ,I tI Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. II The above Resolution and Order was adop1;ed on motion of Sapervisor E. H.' Garner, of Cave Spring Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff of Big Lick District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner, W. E.Cundiff, H. W. Starkey and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None :1 II 'I II II Ii ![ I ,I I' " II I' 11 il II ii " 'I II I I II 'I II I' ! I I " II II II , I I i' II Ii I' II 'I II ii 'I :1 " !, I , " II '0- I' t II I I I I' ,! I, " 'I I, I I , I II I I Ii - .".. , , - 1-"'1 : I l..l 3 ----...----..--.-- . 0'__ u_n__ Mr. _ Whitebread, of the Engineeri~ Department of the General Electric Company, and Leonard G. Muse, of counsel for the petitioners, who were present at the meeting, at the request of the Chairman of the Board, for the benefit of those present, made short talks as to the design, type of const.l'uction, approximate cost, &c of the plant to be constructed by the General Electric Company in Roanoke l:ounty. w. E. Cundiff, Vice-Chairman of the Board, expressed the Board's appreciation to the General Electric Company for location of plant here, and assued the Company of the Board's co-operation in every possible way. On the motion of Supervisor H. W. StarkElY, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. v Keffer, it is ordered that the petition of George W. Draper and ~lrs. Pep"le V. Dra.per for re-zoning Lot 18, Sec. 2, according to nRevised Map of that ;,lortion of Fairfield Map owned by C. C. Nelmsn from residence to business be, a~,d the same is hereby filed, and it is further ordered that said petition be, and the same is, hereby referred to the Planning Conmlission of Roanoke County for its consideration until such time as a proper order herein may be entered. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Btarkey, Minor R. Ke,ffer, W.E. Cundiff and E. H. Garner Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in March, 19~.. ~ 'j;;"/'., .,t / L. 1..(...,.....~Vt., " ~ Chairman Courthouse Salem, Virginia ~larch 15, 1954 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthousp. H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minutes of the last regular ani special meetings were approved as spread, The following claims a~ainst the County were this day presented, approved, ., ii ii It " fi 17857 Agnew &: Connelly, Fertilizer for County Farm 'i158.65 17858 Acme Typewriter Co., Rent on Adding Machine 12.75 17859 Acme Printers Co., Sheets for Record Books &:c 84.00 17S60 American Chemical Company, Janitor supplies 15.00 4 r I I' n Ii n if ii h , i' " I n ,! I: n i' :i I, " Ii I' I: n II Ii tr I' it tt 1; Ii n " , II n " II i n i II n II n I: n Ii.. I' i: !r ,; " " I' n I' . :tI I' f I' 1; rr i I! ~ " n :' :i. I' In ii , [in ;r !i rn I I,;, " i1. i i:n ii !;n I' " (.u !: i" I ,n in i I'. In I 'I Ii :n I:. I, l~ I 'I II il II I' " 17861 Dr. Geozge S. Bourne, Lunacy Hearing 17862 Blosser Welding Service, Repair parts to Farm equipment 17863 Burroughs Adding Machine Cq., ~ibbon for Adding Machine 17864 Burrell Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 17865 Caldwell-Sites Co."office supplies 17866 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy hearings 17867 C. D. Kenny Division, Food-Prisoners 17868 County School Board of. Roanoke Co., Gas, Oil, Repairs, etc. 17869 Wallace Q. Deyerle, J. P. Issuing Warrants 17870 Diamond Paper.Company, 1 Case Toilet Tissue. 17871 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 17872 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel Oil County Farm 17873 W. B. Epperly, Reimburse 4 gallons gasoline for Garbage truck 17874 Fairview Home, Cost of Inmates 17875 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent Taxes 17876 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Oil for Heating Courthouse 17877 Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co., 40 rods for Fence 1787& Growers & Producers Exchange, Repair Parts for Farm equipment No. n n II n II n 17879 17880 17881 17882 17883 17884 17885 17886 17887 17888 178$9 17890 l7891 17$92 " 17893 17894 17895 17896 17897 17898 17899 17900 17901 n 17902 J. W. Griggs & W.,H. Witt, February Rent on Cave Spring Fire House Gill MeD~rial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare International Business ~~chine Corp. Electric Typewriter, Carbon, ribbons, Jefferson Hospital, Inc., Hospitals bills for Welfare Key Brothers ~~g. Co., Sawing lQ~ber Lewis Brothers, Fuel fer County Jail Alex Y. Lee, Keys for Courthouse Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare I. N. McNeil, Repairing Gutters Janie B. McNeal, Treas~rer, Reimb~rse J~ry tickets and Vital Statistic fees Dr. H. J. ~~narik, Lunacy hearing Memorial & Crippled Childr~n's Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire Station National Used Car Market Report, Inc., Appraisal books used in Assessing Noland Company, 1 lamp used in drying Fire hose NuWay Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry - Prisoners ~~en Plumbing Co., Adjusting Oil Burner in Courthouse Cancelled Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearings G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies Rainbo Bread Co., Food-Pr~soners Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Edw. H. Richardson, Rei:."urse Commonwealth'S Attorney, certified cepies of records for court cases Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse bookkeeperfs :1 $ 5.00 i I , 15.00 I I .69 I, II 72.31 il 7.45 [I 15.00 II 35.24111 569.07 14.00 8.37 30.78 2.93 1.26 I I 135.56 l8.68 ii 621.45 I! 41.69 4.67 60.00 64.00 409.60 .1,086.00 16.25 88.06 4.80 16.00 12.50 200.00 I, :1 5.00 II ,I 'I 182.05 I, 8.60 il !! I I I 22.50 1.69 33.67 12.6$ Ii II I I I' II II Ii II II I' 'I I, !I :1 'I' II Ii " !; I 10.00 8.16 32.22 15.00 9.50 Z8.0l 6 ;b:;;; i tt~Ni ':11-~': l~" y- I I' 5-17-~'V- ,! I, I! iI II i I I The following claims against the County wars this day presented, approved, I I II il County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gas, Oil, Repairs, etc. ,~ 36.73 II I: 44.75 !I 5.00 II II 15.00 II 25.00 I I 135.00 , I 4.00 I I I, 5.00 II i ! I IN fu::: I DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAI~m &c: and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, tn-wit: No. 17920 n 17921 " 17922 n 17923 n 17924 n 17925 n 17926 n 17927 n 17928 .1 1: " i: Salem Farm Supply., Food I Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Assisting Game Warden Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Stanford & Inge, 3-signs for dog kennel I Bitt Turkey Farm, fowl claim 27 turkeys R()bert H. Layman, livestock claim, 2 lambs Cancelled ~~s. Richard H. Saunders, fowl claim 1 turkey , i I !I !I II 'I I, II II 11 II il I! II II II !I Ii '1 II il !J i I , I The fo110~,ng acco~~t was this day laid befcre the Board: , JANIE B. Md~AL, Treasurer of Roanoka County, salaries and expense Commissioner .- CLARK, Sheriff will be paid as of 11arch 31, 1954. !~s. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roa~0ke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: accounts for :, , the'month of March, , of Revenue, EDW. H. 1954, and also thos~ of W. C. MUSE, RICHARDSOr, Commonwealth's Attorney and H. 'II. "Salem, Virginia _~larch 13, 1954 To the Board of Supervi.sors of Roanoke County: At the close of business March 13, 1954, there was to the credit of the . General County Fund . Library Fund . Dog Fund . Salem Distr~ct Road Debt . County School Fund . School Constructicn Fund . School Textbook Fund . F. I. C. A. . Deferred Credit Account ;~ 58,884.61 2,917.31 6,850.01. 1,340.35 177,915.39 10l,696.29 171. 94 .29 67.65 ;p 349,843.87 II il 'I !/ :1 !I !I II ;! I Respectfully submitted, Said report is approved aud ordered fi:ed. Janie B. ~IcNea1, Treasurer." , n: RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED 5Y CLillK: I The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the recei~t of Janie B. McNeal, ii Treasurer, for $101l.89, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk 'i 'I f 1,1 for the month of February, 1954, less 5~ commissions, and turned over to the , I' Treasurer, said check amounting to :;?961.30 net. ii !I ~ I The following reports were this day laid before the Boarj and ordered i - - l_"'~ , , \ - " ;. "; - filed: " I' " il II II I ~ 'A..i- 1:" c.; I: '3 -17 -~-q. i 'H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary soatement of Pri;oners days served in the County Jail during the month of February, 1954. . H. 'II. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel exper.ses for .Jonth of February, 1954. , J. A. REYNOLDS, Roanoke County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for February, 1954 , O. W. CUIIDIFF, Assistant County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for February, 1954 , COMMOI~lEAlTH OF VIRGINIA, Department of Welfare and Institutions, Commitments to County and City Jails and City Jail Farms December, 1953 · LETT~R OF APPRECIATION from l~s. S. A. Minter, dated March 8, 1954. H. W. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board , the report of Part-time Deputy Frank A. Rogers, for the month of February, provided by law. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll be approved in the total amount of $6,171.31, for the month of March,1954, from deducted, leaving a net Rmount of $5,642.15. Adopted by the fo~lowing recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: None II II I ii I' ! I I I f Ii Ii Ii Ii II I' I I[ Ii II James Lester Crowder resigned as of February 28, 1954. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer ?.Jays: None The Auditor of Public Ac~ounts this day submitted to the Board the audit . of the accounts and records of R. T. HUBARD, Trial Justice of Roanoke County, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1953, which report is received and ordered i: It II Ii d :: Ii II filed. Letter dated March 4, 1954, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. ____ '""0 ,______~__ ---- . ".--. Route 1024 (Mecca St.) from N. C. L. :~oanoke to Route 1022---0.07 Mile. Route 775 from Route 658 to Dead end-.--O. 20 Mile. Route 761 from Route 65$ to Dead End---0.30 Mile. Route 61ft from E. C L. Roanoke to Route 65$---Widen and Improve. . Route 606 from Route 460 to Dead End---0.52 Mile. Route 776 from Route 731 to Dead End---0.40 Mile. CAVE SPRING DISTRICT: Route 690 from Intersection Route 221 and Route 754 southeast 1.30 Mile to Route 612. Route 1613 from Route 1609 to Route 1615---0.30 Mile. Route 1617 from Route l607 to Route 1616---0.05 Mile. Route 1616 from Route 1617 to Dead End---O.05 Mile. -',,", ~ , Route 160$ from Route 160." to Dead End---0.05 Mile. Route 702 from Route 119 to Dead End---O.$O.Ydle. Route 776 from Route 731 to Dead End---0.40 Mile. Route 696 from Route 22.L to Dead End---l.50 Mile. Route 845 from Route 676 southwest 0.25 Mile to Dead End. Route 799 frc..n Route 706 to Dead End---O.20 Mile. Route 615 from Route 220 to Route 676---1.30 Mile. Route 795 frC':l1 Route 119 to Dead End,.--0.25 mile. Route 722 from Route 220-0.20 Mile--to Deao. End. ,- . SUElol DISTRICT: Route 727 from Route 631 to Dead End---0.20 Mile. Route 1463 from Route 117 to Dead End---O.20 Ydle. Route $29 from Route 117 south tv Dead End---0.44 Mile. Route 1418 from Route 1457 to Dead End---0.12 ~lile. Route 1466 from houte 1431 to Route 1465---0.10 Mile. Route 1466 from Route 146:- to Dead End---0.10 Mile. Route 1465 from Route 1466 to Dead End---O.20 Mile. Route 767 from Route 742 to Route 1431---1.03 Mile. CATAw~A DISTRICT: I':.;. , , I i .J' Route 600 from Route 779---1.20 Mile to Boutetourt County Lin~. Adopted by the fo110~ing recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. None il - Letter dated March 1, 1954, from B. D. F~rri11, Resident Engineer, addressed': ii to Roy K. Brolin, rlerk, and copy of notice of Joint Meeting ordered filed. II II II Ii :! " Ii il " 9 -t---- II i I I Ii Ii II il I ,I II :' , " II I' II I II Ii II Ii 'I I I i i Ii II 1 I I II II I' 'I II ii :1 !I I I II II it .1 " Ii II " " I' Ii " 'I Ii ,! ii I' !I I! 'I I' I! I' - ,- l:,d , j ... ,-'" ; I ~ ~ _._'--'~--_._--'_..__._~ . - _._n..'''.'__ And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to De published once a week for the next two successive weeks, in the Times-Register, a news- paper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, the above notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ii. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, M,.;.or R. Keffer and H. W. StaIk ey Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Board' of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its next regular meeting, to be held on the 19th day of April, 1954, in its meetirh room, at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, at 3:00 o'clock P. M. will propose for adoption an ordinance governing the dumping or disposing of, or . leaving or causing to be thrown any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage, or other waste substance, or materials in I i I I and upon and along any street, road, highway or alley in the C01mty of ltoanoke, or upon any vacant lots or property in the County of Roanoke; and further providing that any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage, or any other waste or refuse substance transported along the streets, roads or highways of the County of Roanoke, must be transported in an enclosed vehicle or a vehicle covered by a tarpaulin or other suitable cover, securely fastened to the body of the vehicle, and of such size and shape as may be necessary to contain the entire load; and further prescribing penalties for violations. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby di~eoted to cause to be published once a week for the next two successive weeks, in the Times-Register, a news- paper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, the wove notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the fo110~ing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Stark~y, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I ] I II ,I I' II II II II II Ii Ii II II If I ,I I , , I lffiS. Y~RGtRET L. Y~LLEY, Superintendent of the Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, in compliance with Chapter 371, Acts of Assembly, 1950, this day submitted her report for the months of January and February, 1954, covering the expenditures and activities of the Department of Public Welfare during said month, which report is ordered filed, as required by law. ORDERED that tr,e Boa..d be adjourned until l.larch 30, 1954, at 10:00 o'clock 1/ vI", r ,i- ,.j . ., I ,',/1 'I. v! Chairman /j I \'- ' A. M. 11 [I " I i i " Ii " ii " II Ii d I' I )i [' II I' II Ii Ii I. ii II II _ 1;~a1\ 1'i.:.-:i:.1J !~77-'~'" II ii I' 'I I, I' II Ii II ;1 II Ii I Ii !i II II :1 I, I' 'I Ii " II ,I II i ~ !: 11 Ii 'I II I, II Ii II II 'I I' i! II I ~ ". 12 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County lIlet this day at the Courthouse ~ " Cou.r". BOl.l8e II Salem.. Virginia 11'1 Karch 30. 1954 I, ... Ii Ii I. i: I' , ,. . ; , i I i Present: H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. II The aeeting haVing been called to order II :LIoliARD G.. )lTJSE, of. cOWlSel for GeIl8ral. Electric Corporation. again appeared:r befOr~the~d,and reviewed, for the benefit of arty:'in1;ereated pel"8ens. II the plans. location and type of. constructiOD of, buildillgs. eetillated Jl1UIIber of ii persons who would be. employed. object for wl11ch plant was erected,and she 11 I, of payroll of the Corporation, and expresce( theappredationof the r.eneral ' purSOlllDt to adjourzaent on March . 15th, 1954.. I I .j: i; Electric Realty Corporation, as well asot l1is fil'll' fop ,the s'plendidco- " r :i operatiou of the Board ot Supervisors, Town of Sal_.otficials. and the pUblic )' gellllrally in the location of the company's j)lantin .~s area. i: Ii Other persons present at the meeting were Chas. A. lilUley, Claude I. !i II Barclay, Geo; W. Draper, L. E. Ward of the I' " Ii and I118ny other citizens of Roanoke County. II II I: 'I I, II Ii jj Norfolk & We.sternllallway Company, real propeny situate in Sale Magisterial DiBtrict in Roanoke County. Virginia, lying weat of Mason Creek~ north of State Secondary Route #142 (also known as Boulevard Roanoke and the Veterans Facility Road), east of the Catawba Branch of the Jiorfolk and Western Railway. south of' State- Secondary Route #1431 (also I I, II 'I II I I i I I THIS DAY couvened at 10:0p a. m., in the Courthol.l8e of Roanoke County, at I Salem,' Vir~nia, an adjourned meeting of the RoallOke County Board of Supervisors, I . I as provided by Sec. 15-241 of the Code of Virginia (1950), the pu.rposeof which 1 - , lIl8et11lg was. to conduct a public hearing and consider a, request to. resone certain il II I I i I I 1 111 U: ) ) Rezoning of certain property in ) Roanoke Co1Dl1'.y., Virginia. bounded J in pan btS~":SecODdary Routes) j/l42 aDd 11431, the Catawba Branch) of the Jiortolk and Wl!stern Railway J and Mason Creek 1 RESOLl1'l'ION AllD ORDER ' I " known as the old Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike), and outlined in red on a plat of a survey ..de by the Office o~ the Chief En.!!;ineer of the Nor~olk and Western I I I Railway Company, dated March 10, 1953, and designated. as #14014 and attached to I' i I. the petitiOD of Sarah B. StJohn,General,Elect.ric.f!-~'811d others, presented to ~s Board on March' 4. 1954, copies o~ which were .tiled with the Board o~ I, Supervisors and the Roanoke County PlAnning Colllllission,andis all or part of those cer~in tracts acquired by the hereinafter named individual petitioners as follows: I (a) The residue of the lands of Sarah B. StJohn, devised to,her under the will of Lucy L. Burwell, dated March 7, 1936 and probated in the Clerk'S Office or the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virgi~,.., in Will Book 6. page 219. (b) John D. Saunders, 12.25 acres more or less. conveyed to,hilll by the following two deeds of record in the aforesaid clerk'S office; (1) From Elizabeth M. G1evier. dated August 17, 1950,.,Deed Book 442, ,page, 556, and (2) .From Rosa J. Kiser, et vir., dated January 29. 1951, Deed Book 451, page, 451. ,--, - - i .~ , ! - ~ """~ ~ 1 i l I .... 13 ---~._----------------------_..-- _._--~._--- __.n.',______. ,_.,.__. ...,.' _... .'.__ .._._.. ___.._.._ __._._ .,,___ ... __..___ .'.. ___..._ n. ... ......_ _._ I, " II Ii II I' I Ii [I Ii ii " II Ii Ii Ii ii il " I' II RaYJlOnd E. Musser and Louise )I. Husser, aDd Iva K. Greene., own&rs in fee II sapIe, of the above described contiguous tracts of land. andt:Je General E1ectric!l !l COIIP&Df, a Hew York Corpora1;ion. which has optio_ through its agents and il 'I attorneys. to purcha.se the atoresaid. parcels of land. prorlding the above II II ,I II ,I I' II II II I' II , (c) Iva Kiser Greene. 4.87 acres more or less, cODT8yed to herqby Rosa J. Kiser. et vir.. by deed dated March 20, 19.52 and.recorded in the aforesaid clerk's office in Deed Book 471.page.28S. (d) Raymond E. Musser and Louise ~. Musser. 8.34 acresllOre or. less. conveyed to thea ,bY deed from Xary )lusser Wertz, et a1., dated November 1.5. 1941 and recorded in the aforesaid clerk's office in Deed Book 294. page 10, and WBEREAS. on March 4. 1954, a pet:~1;ion olSarah B. StJohn, John D. Saunders. I I Ii ,I " ,I II I , I ,\ ~ II described property w111ch is now c1assi!'ied by the. Roanoke County Zoning Ordinances,as n1 Residence D:I.stri<:tn. is rec1ass-1fiedand rezonedaa a Heavy . , Industrial District as defined by Ar1<ic1e 7 of the Zoni~ Ordinances' of&:>anoke County. as the GeDllral E'" .:tric Company. expects .to exercise its, options. and use the property for the erection and opera.tion of a plant for the manuf'acture ot IIOtor control illStrtllllents, which petition wasflled pursuant to Sectious 1.5-84.6 and 15-847 of the Code of Virginia (1950) and the Zon1.ng Ordinances of , ri I' II ILoanoke County, adopted January 20. 1941, as _nded. ,and was received and Ii tiled by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at a special meeting. authorized. " d I: :, il 'I I, by Section 1.5-242 of the Code of Virginia (1950) and called pursuant to Section 15-24-3 of the Code of Virginia; and I I I , , II " I: ~ I I i I I III' this Board. the Planning Collllllission of Roanoke County, at a regularly called I' lIeeting held March 4, 19.54. made an illSpaction of the land above described, I' 1'1 , Ii " I I I' ,[ Ii II I' II I, !i 'I Ii II I! II !i I I 1flIERIAS. by resolution and order adopted on Karch 4. 1954. at the above d8llcribed special Heting of the Boart'J of Supervisors of Roanoke County. the reson1.ng petition of General Electric Company. SarahB. StJohn and others. was t11eel and offered to the Planning COllllll:l.ssion of Roanoke County for its reco_ndation in accord wi1;h Section 15-847 elf the Code of Virginia (19.50); and I I Ii II " " II " 'I I, Ii il ii Ii WHEIlEAS, it was further RESOLVED and ORDERED by this Board that when the . , Roanoke (loUDey Planning Collllll:l.ssion received said petition, considered SaDI'.l and reported its recOJlllllendations to the Clerk of this Board. on receipt of saDIe. the Clerk or this Board should forthwith set therequsllt for rezoning for public hearing at 10:00 a. m.. Karch 30, 1954, at the Cou:"l;house of Roanoke, County, iuuing notice thereof by publication as required by SectiollS 1.5-846 and 1;-847 ot .the Code of Virginia; and wm:R21~. upon receipt of a certified e:opy of the resolution and order of " Ii Ii Ii I, I, ~ ! ]I cha.. of classification would be beneficial to Roanoke County at large in " II proTicl!q; necessary and exceptionally desirable business deve-1oplll8nt and that the I: i. change of classification of the particular location would promote the public ' interest, prosperity and 1fe1fare ,of Roanoke 'CoUDty. Virginia. and did by resolution unanimously adopted at its_ting'on March 4, '1954 recOl!IIIIend to the Board ot'Supervisors of Roanoke County that it aDIend the Zoning Ordinances of tully investigated the I118rits of.the request for ~ning said property froCl residential to heavy industrial. use. was. unanilllously of the. opinion that such I , I I Roanoke County to reclassify the property above described.. as set forth in the i . . I petition ot General F:!.i"tric Company, Sarah.B.StJohnand others,'frOlll Class "A" II Residential to a Heavy InduatrialDistrict, and further. delivered a certified ! copy ot its resolution to the Clark of the Board of Supervisors; and I i:,1 WH~IU!l, the Clerk of 'this Board" p~suant to the. resolution and order of this Board, at its special meeting of March 4., 1954 did issue notice by I' I publication aa required by SectioZIB 15-84-6 and l5-8lt7 of the Code of. Virginia I of the puUic hearing OD the proposed 8118nclment to the Roanoke County Zoning OrdiDaJlCea by legal advertis8i1e::lt which appeared on Harch 5th and March 12th in the Tiaes-Register, a weekly newspaper published in RoallQke County, and hartDg geDeral circulation therein. the puhlishept s' certificate thereof having beeD tiled..wUh the Clerk of this B;)ard, the notice- S1;at1Dg fully the tillle. II place and purpose of' the public hearing and the place. at which the text and map 1'1 II I i I I I I ot the relloning petition, certified by the PlaDning Collllll1ssion. might be eXUlined; and WHEREAS. IIOre than 15 days has expired from the second publication of the above notice'to the date or this, the aforesaid public hearing; ed WH~RL~, all of the requirements of law have been fUlly complied with, with respect to the holding of this meeting; and 1fII1lIlRl!l, on this date, cOlDencing at 10:00 a. iii. in the Courtho. of Roanoke County, Sal_, Virginia, there was conducted by this Board a public .. hearillg on the above request to rezone the aforeaentloned property situate in Sa1_ Magiaterial District as described in the petition for rnoDing; and WHEREAS, at this pUblic hearing there was a.fUll and complete discussioD'of the mrits of the proposal, the proposed use of, the' property by the General I Electric COllipany and full opportunity accorded all interested ,parties to express I their views concorning the proposal, it being hereby recognilled that no citizen II ot_Roanoke 'County appeared in opposition to this relloning petition but that all II II who appeared were in favor of rezoning the property tor heavy industrial use; and,i ! I , , 'I !, :1 II I, 11 II II Ii II I, ': " " WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the publiC hearing and after full coDll14eration of this Board it was UJl8DiIIlous1y sgl"eM.that the requested change in classification would promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizeas of Roanoke County; adjourned _"ting of the Roanoke NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED at this . . - - County Board of ~upervisors. t!lat theZoning Ordinance of Roanoke County , adopted January 20. 1941,88 lIIIlended, be fur.ther amended to' reclalls-ily and rezone that certain tract of land situate in Salea Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereinbefore described in these, proeeed1Dgs,.whicb1ies west of Mason Creek, north of State Secondary Route #14.2 (also known as Boulevard Roanoke and the Veterans Facility Road), east of theCataws Br~ of: the Norf:olk and liestern Railllay, south of State Sl!condary Route #J.4.3l (also known as the old Lynchburg':Sa1em Turnpikfl.), which tract was 11I01'8' particularly described ~d outlined in red on the plat of a surny mde by the Of:fice ot the Chiet Engineer of the Norfolk and Wes-tern Railway. dat;ed March 10, 1953, designated as #140J.4., and attached'to the petition of General Electric Company. I I I I I of Court House Salem, Virginia April 19, 1954 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke C"unty met this day at the Courthouse i I thereof in regular monthly session. Present: H. W. Starkey, Chairman, W. E. I, I Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. il Minutes of the last regul..r- and SpeCiill meetings were approved as spread, I! each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. T',}e follOwing claims against the Coun'~y were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively I I chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 18005 Acme Printers, Inc., Book binding and 6ffice supplies " 18006 Acme '1'ypowri ter Company, Rent on Adding Machine Ii I I ! I [I II $ 347.$5 26.75 n 18007 Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Corp. Identification tags for . Garbage Cans 18008 Airheart-Kirk Clothing Co., 2-Uniforms for Deputy Sheriffs 18009 Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., Utensils 18010 American Bakeries Co., Food-Prisoners 1.46 170.00 46.45 38.94 II, n n n 1~011 Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Houses 41.70 n 18012 Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Spring for Garbage Truck 18013 Burrell Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 18014 Brown I'.ardware Co., Repair matllria1 and Janitor suppUes 18015 Eug~ne W. Chelf, Attorney, Attorney's fee in collecting . . Delinquent taxes 219.98 " .7Q 268.58 38.76 I " n n 18016 Cave Spring Water Co., Water used at Cave Spring Fire House 4.50 n 18017 C & P Telephone Co;, Service County offices 241.21 " 18018 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigations 40.00 n 18019 County School Board of Roanoke County 794.28 n 18020 City Auditor's Office, reimburse Lunacy fee for 15.00 . Comm1ttment of John Thomas Pickett n 18021 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing roof and stop leaks 18022 Davidson'S Esso Servicenter, Gas, Oil, etc. used in Ambulance and fire truck 8.75 n ! il I II !, 'I Ii il II II il ii )' ii 'I ., j I 85.86 " 18023 Cancelled 18024 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 18025 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline for County Engineer's car 18026 Fairview Home, March Expenses in Caring for inmates 18027 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on delinquent taxes 18028 Fitch Dustdown Co., Janitor supplies 38.19 3.1$ 286.55 41.75 32.87 " " " n " n Fort Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co. ,Repair material for Farm equipment 18030 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Oil i, " " I' !i " I 18029 5.30 356. 50 123.72 n "' 18031 Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co., Fire King'Booster hose n 18032 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, March Rent on Cave Spring Fire Houee . 60.00 n 18033 Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 18034 William Green, Rent on Garbage Dump 18035 Hammond's Printing & Litho WorkS, Office supplies 18036 Cancelled 304.00 20.00 21.00 n n n Ii ;, ,[ il I, " --,~, t II Ii I [I .1 II II 'I I i I I , I I I I' II II II II II I I I I Ii Ii 'I II II II I, II II II ~ 'I - ..... _____.__._____..~no___.._____._..,..,._--_c---_,_ . . .-.-..----.-.----. .- .... .... . -------.----- -- ..----- -.-.... '-" - - 18037 Key Bros. Mfg. Co., Sawing Lumber fence 18038 Lewis Brothers, Jail fuel 18039 Lee Compton Lines, Inc., Freight collect on mattress covers - . for jail 18040 Lloyd Electric Co., Repairs to Sirene fire Station 18041 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Inc., Hospital bills for Welfare I: is 11.671: 28.00 Ii ., Ii II 1.80 II 18.50 ,I No. n n n n 207.00 40.00 II 'I II 145.04 !I II 106.00 I' II Ii II Ii 1,016.72 il II 5.00 Ii " 74.51 'I Ii i: :1 " 12.50 ii r 57.65 II II , n 18043 18042 McClung Lumber Company, repair material for McClung Bldg. n " 18044 18045 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, reimburse Jury tickets and registered mail Cordy Maxey, Labor County farm Magic City Motor Corporation, repairs and parts for Fire truck Vinton ~tation Marshall Manufacturing Corp. Paint for County Farm Memorial & Crippled Children's Hospital. Hospital bills for welfare Dr. H. J. Minarik. Lunacy hearing Monarch Finer Foods, Food-Prisoners Mt. Vernon Heights Service Station. Gas and oil Natural Gas Distributors, Cooking fuel Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Adjusting oil burner Russell L. Paxton Print:l,ng Co., Office supplies Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Mattress covers for Jail Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry Pitney-Bowes. Inc., Rent on Postage Machine G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Republic Oil RSfining Co., FuE.1 Oil Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse petty cash 23 .79 25.50 20.75 8.60 79.20 31.42 23.04 5.20 40.25 25.02 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration kitchen ,,26.78 " 18061 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance March 2-County Fire House 47.07 1"-'" I I. II ii H Ii Ii Ii Ii II I: II ,I I; ., I I' II Ii Ii I' !I ii ,I Ii " [I Ii i I ... n I I ..... " n 18046 18047 n n 18048 18049 18050 18051 18052 18053 18054 18055 18056 18057 18058 18059 18060 n n " . n " " n " " n " . 18063 18062 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service n n 18064 18065 18066 18067 1806$ 18069 18070 n n n n n II n 18071 n 18072 18073 18074 n n 3.00 Roanoke County Public Health A.ssoc., County's appropriation to Public health work 508.00 Salem Creamery Co., FooJ-Prisoners March Salem Lumber & Supply Corporation, Repair material Salem Hardware Co., 1 Pre pruners Salem Publishing Co., Advertising and office supplies G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Reimburse postage Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies Priso~ers expenses incurred with audit of accounts and record Clerk of Circuit Court of Roanoke County calendar year ended Dec. 31, 1952. Dr. R. B. Smiley, March salary, Jail Physician, Coroner Investigations State Treasurer, Town of Salem. Lights and water Technical Services, County Government Trsasurer of Virginia, Testing Weighing and measuring devices in Roanoke County as per agreement n 18075 Underwood Corporation, Maintenance service for 12 months l2.80 3.60 2.75 102.90 24.00 8.11 247.1..9 100.00 175.51 20.00 307.50 70.80 18 ~.;iL ~~! ~~~ I~-. Y' . 't- ~. _,,-If- 18076 Val1eydale Packers, Inc., Food-Prisoners 18077 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food-Prisoners 18078 Virginia Market #6, Food-Prisoners 18079 Vinton Motor Co., Labor and Material for repairing fire truck 18080 C. W.Warthen Company, Record books 18081 West view Poultry Farm, Food-Prisoners 18082 Virginia Law Review Association, 1-year subscription Law l.Iaga:oine 11.57 4.52 14.44 i I 19.35 [, ,I 4.50 II 161.41 il :1 288.00 !I 7.69 II II II I I I I ! II II I. The fo11omng claims against the County were this day presented, approved II and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively II chargeable therewith, to-wit: 1,,1 County School Board of Roanoke County, Gas, Oil, etc. $ 98.04 !I ~I 8.50 :\ " :i " II :1 II 'I Ii ,I II I' 75.00 I' il !! " :1 'I " The following account was this day . laid before the Board: ii ~ I! JA1ITE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expense accounts . " No. " " " n n n " 18083 ieo92 18093 18095 18096 18097 18098 18099 18100 18101 18102 n n " n n .. " " n " . IN RE: No. 18084 n 18085 " 18086 " 18087 n 18088 $ 57.46 153.87 35.75 54.69 583.15 31.50 6.50 I Williams Supply Co.. Light tubes for Courthouse I Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on delinquent taxes collected Rockydale Stone Service Corp. Crushed stone C & P Telephone Co., Telephone servi~e Caldwell-Sites Co., Chair Cover for Office furniture Hazel Gearhart, '183~ hours extra clerk in Clerk's Offica The Michie Company, Law books G. H. Parent Co.~ office supplies Dr. E. W. Senter. Lunacy hearing 5.00 5.00 86.25 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy hearing Carnell Moore, Bull dozer work at Garbage dump I . DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: Cancelled T. E. Minnix, Fowl. claim Owen's Market, Ammunition Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 6.58 15.00 4.05 45.75 16.00 I n 18089 Poole's Servi~e Station, Gasoline n 18090 Salem Fann Supply Co., Dog food n 18091 Mrs. Roy M. Thomas, Fowl claim n 18094 Clay Hall, Livestock claim I Commissioner of ,; W. CLARK, Sheriff, for the month of April, 1954, and also those of W. C. MUSE, Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney and H. will be paid as of April 30, 1954. No report filed by Treasurer. """I - !,;.I i ~ , - iJ I I I 19 ~ I I' IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: il I, The Clerk this day de:i.i vered to the Board the receipt of Janie B . McNea1,II Ii Treasurer, for .1468.72, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said II II Clerk for the month of lilllrch, 1954, less 5% commissions, '\nd turned over to Ii ., Ii ~ Ii II ~ I! I I 'I II Ii I II I II II .1 II Ii Ii II ~ II r II II I Ii [I ,I Ii " I I I the Treasurer, said check amounting t~ $1395.28 net. " fl Ii II )i il Ii if Ii II I: II Ii tJ.J.- 1'1; .8-iL1., . H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, s'ummary statement of Prisoner days served in the County i ~_'")..~:;v Jail during the month of March, 1954 i . J. A. REYNOLDS, Roanoke County Farm Demonstr-ation Agent, report for March, 195411 - - ." Ii . O. W. CUND-FF, Assistant County Farm Demoll.stration Agent, report for March, 1954 Ii . Letter from The Chesapeake and PotOIllaC Telephone Company of Virginia, with il order issued by State Corporation, Commission attached dated il April 16, 1954 II !I . ~ - r H. W. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke Co~nty, this day filed with the Board the Ii th~:~ . ~ ~ ~ .~~ , report of Parttime Deputy Frank A. Rogers, for the month of March, 1954, amountlI7t:t;;Jlft ,J ing to $55.00 which report is approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ii, - Jf - ~ I Y:; -;1.' -'~... I Ii I Ii II i! II On motion. duly seconded, it is ordered' that thfl County payroll be apProved:i~" in the total amount of $6,224.65 for the month of April, 1954, from which the 1-1" e:,~s;,.@~ II~-.,I->-~.." sum of $103.88, total, F. I. C. A. tax, and $436.30 total W. H. tax is to be ~~~ r deducted, leaving a net amount of $5,684.47. II Ii Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cu."ldiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. II ,[ 'i Ii I! '1 Ii II The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: . H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of of'tice and travel expenses for month of March, 195~. ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as provided by law. I II " II Ii It Ii I' I! I' Ii F II Ii I' I/' I, I Ii " 'I II II Ii Ii Ii Ii .( Ii II Ii H )i ,I E II .1 I i! Ayes: Keffer lays: None IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated March26, 1954, addressed to the Board of Supervisors County , " of Roanoke, from R. M. Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, together with i: :i Ii ii a report of inspection of the Roanoke County jail, as of March 17, 1954, received and ordered filed. Annual report, 19_ Department of Agriculture, Division of Markets Weights and Measures Section, received and ordered filed. 22 ~{;_. I 'I ' .1''/ i 'x,,:' y, i' ';,,-1/ ! , ~I! !?:!l:. P.i~b . !, If'j:j' ~ .~. : $i2~ c,J.., oc.-L 1; G, ',I, ~.' ~l.+--, ; ''t",'!.'_~'-f ;: ~.. ii , same extended thru said parties' properties, and more particularly on a survey I I I and map prepared by T. P. Parker, State Certified Engineer, under date of April 2, 1954, a blueprint of which map prepared by Engineer Parker is attached with said Vacation Instrument and was presented to this Board for its consideration. i; I, ~ '. I' I I And upon evidence presented and heard orally before this Board, the i Board being of the opinion that such vacation of Deyer1e Road as desired by the II ~forenamed parties and as set forth in sai,i, Vacation Instrument would not and II i I I owners within the areas of lands shown on Baid recorded maps or plats of Deyerle I i I " vacation of said portion of Deyer1e Road dllstroy or abridge any of the rights or' il I I I I I' 10 foot strip or portion of the old Deyer1El Road as requested by the aforesaid 'II" parties and as set forth in said Vacation InstlM.llllent, and more: particularly ,. [I i i II I I April 7, 1954, and this day presented to Gr.is Board for its consideration wterebt the said S. W. Hairston and Edna F. Hairston, each in their own right and as II , ! ! does not abridge or destroy any of the ri~lts or privileges of other property Brothers property. Windsor Hills or West W:lndsor Hills, nor would such privileges of any other property owners. NOW, THEREFORE, Upon consideration of which it is hereby resolved and ordered by this Board that this Board does hereby approve the vacation of said shown on the plat prepared by T.P. Parker, State Certified Engineer, dated April 2, 1954, a blueprint of which is attciched to said Vacation Instrument. And be it further resolved by this Board, that the Chairman of this Board and the Clerk of this Board and each member of this Board, be, and they are he:t"eby authorized and requested to elcecute said Vacation Instrument, dated husband and wife, respectively, and the said S1;over C. Reed and Pauline L. ~ II II [I 'I II 'I 'I the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended tOdatEI. II The above Resolution and Order ;QS adopted on motion of Supervisor E. H. !i Garner of Cave Spring Magisterial District, sElc:onded by Supervisor W. E. cunditd :i 'I II 'I ii il 'I ~ I n Ii II ,j :1 I: Reed, each in their own right and as husban,d and wife, respectively, vacate said portion of old Deyer1e Road and as heretorore.approved by this Board, and which said Vacation Instrument and this Reso1u1;ion and Order are entered into in accordance with the provisions of Section l~;-766.1 and Section 15-766.2 of of the Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote' the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Cundiff Nays: Supervisors H. i~. Starkey, E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. None IN RE: RO!.~!O:! ~OU~i ROUTE NO. 6$2 On the motion of Supervisor E. H. Garner, seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cur.;liff, it is ordered that the State Highway Department be requeated to consider in its 1954-55 budget, improvements tc, State Secondary Route 682; said improvement funds to come, from the regulaI' SecondaryCoLstruction Funds. It is agreed that the County will secure the ncessar:y right of way for the improvements to be made on said Route 682. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner, W. E.,Cundiff, H. W. Starkey and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I I I I - ~ I ,.~, , i - I ~..\ i i - 23 _._-_.~_._----~_._-----_._-_.. ., _ m ,_. "U"_ ",_,'__""'_"__"'_. .__ t I: I' I I I II ~ Letter dated March 18, 1954, from B. D. Ferrill, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, addressed to Paul B. I~tthews, Executive Officer, in re: Route No. 682, Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. Ii Ii I, I ~ iI i~",~e-" iT. ~t.<< 'i~~ Ii I'l .'t -12L '( I' I If _ rl - !'-<f i I' II !I I' Ii I I , I, II ,I II I I II I! r I I! ., I' II I' I i ! i I' II II I, I, I' II I: ji Ii il .: Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, to whom a request for permission to be<.utif~ that portion of land on a plat of Western , Hills, marked areas for parks, from the Windsor Hills Garden Club, having this day reported, in writing, to the Board, that in his opinion the Board had a perfect right to grant such permission to Garden Clubs; Thereupon, on motion, duly seconded, and carried, it is ordered that " '[ I, ii Ii " II II I Copies of letters, and letters, frm Mrs. Angell, H. W. Starkey, Ch<irman, Ii ij Board of Supervisors, Paul B. Matthews, Count)r Executive Officer, and opinion permission to beautify said park areas be granted, and that a copy of this order be certified to Mrs. Frank R. Angell, Corresponding S9cretary, Windsor Hills Garden Club, Roanoke, Va. of Edw.H. Richardson, Commonwea1'l;h's Attorney" ordered filed. II~ Ii t)w.~ 'C. An ordinance prohibiting the dumping on fltreets, roads, highways, and parks~ ~......t 'I If- 7..:1.-S"y of Rubbish, trash, garbage or other waste matElria1; prohibiting the transporting . ,I I Ii Ii :i if The following ordinance was this day proposed for adoption; of rubbish, trash, garbage, or other waste mat.erial in open or uncovered vehicles; prohibiting the burning of rubbish, trash, garbage or other waste material in certain areas, except upon conditi.ons hereinafter set forth; and prescribing fines and other punishme~t for violation thereof. WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, have authority " , under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and more especially under the II II proviSions of Section 15-8 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, to " adopt such measures as they may deem expedient to promote the health, safety and!l II " ,. II I[ " " )! " I' I! ,I " Ii I: general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt suclh regulations was published once a week for two successive weeks, namely, March 19, 1954, and March 26, 1954, in the Times Register, a newspaper of General circulation in the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, by which all persons affected by such regulations were notified to appear on April 19, 1954, at 3:00 o'clock P. M., in the Roanoke County Supervisors' meeting room, Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, to presen~ !! their views with respect thereto; and ii 1, WHEREAS the dumping on streets, roads, highways, and parks, of rubbish, I, " trash, garbage or other waste material; the transporting thereof in open or uncovered vehicles; or the burning thereof in certain areas, except upon conditions her~inafter set forth, are detrimental to the life, health, property:; and general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS this Board deems it necessary for the protection of the life, health, property, and general welfare of the public, clnd in order to protect the life and property and promote the health and general welfare of the inhatitants of Roanoke County, ~bat the dumping, transporting, and burning of rubbish, trash, garbage or other waste material, be restricted and prohibited in the following manner: 1. No person, firm or corporation shall dump or dispose of, or leave or cause to be thrown any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage, or other waste substance, or materials in or upon and along any street, road, highway, park or alley. in the County of Roanoke, nor sheL11 any person, firm, or. corporation dispose of, dump, or throw any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage~ or any other wast e material or substance upon any vacant lots or property in the County of Roanoke. 2. No person, firm, or corporation shall transport any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage, or any other waste or refuse substance, in an open or uncovered vehicle, along the lI.treets, l'oads, or highways of the County of Roanoke, un1~ss the load is covered by a tarpaulin or other suitable cover, securely fastened to the body of the vehicle, and of such size and shape as may be necessary to contain the entire loa.d. 3. No person, firm or corporation shall burn any rubbish, trash, garbage i I i i I unless the said rubbish, trash, garbage, or other waste material is confined II in a closed container made of galvanized iron or other fireproof materia; or I in an open container attended by an able-bodied person until the embers therein I i I contained are burned out, or the burning embers are enilllgUished. I It. Any ;erson, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of thi~1 Ii ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon a conviction thereof shall I be punished by a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred II i , I , II II II II II I I I I I , I , il 'I II il !I 'I II I II " 'i or other waste material in the. County of Roanoke within one hundred feet ot a residence, garage, stable, outhouse, or fence made of inflammable material, dollars for the first offense, and any person, firm or corporation convicted of a second or any subsequent offense under this ordinance, shall be punj.shed fine of not less than twenty-fiv~ dollars nor more than three hundred by a dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail not exceeding thirty days, or, in the discretion of the Court or Jury trying the case, be punished by both such fine and imprisonment. BE IT ORDAINED that this ordinance be, and the' same hereby is, made effective on and after the 1st day of June, 1954. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Ordinance to be published once a week for the nen two successive weeks in the Times Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, 'Virginia. On motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor E. H. Garner. the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey, Minor R. Ayes: Keffer. I'Iays: None I I I I I - -_...' - - L';"t , I :... I"'.... : I , , - - 25 ----,--~-_.__.._---- ._.n _"" ...__..... , __ 1 I: ,. ii Ii II I: I! I I II II il I: I 'I I, 'I I II I !I I ,I 'I 'I II !I II Ii ~ I' II II i i II I! II II II [i " Ii II I' ,I !i Ii i'f~ lirllJJ.+ ,.- 11!,IJ,~ ., '- II '~. :1 ~4-f 17!.-,. I'S~.... 'rr- :!~J.J.. r . II c!. r.y '(Pw III '1- ;1../_';'+ sub-divisions that tend to result in hardships on many individual home owners. Ii ,I Now, therefore, be it resolved that this "...ard recommend for consideratiOn!1 of the Department of Highways the folloldng policies and procedures be adopted II:, concurrently with the effective date of the sub-division control ordinance. Ii ,I II II " ': Ii I. " [i Ii " Ii I' " 11 I' I' ,I .1 II I i i ,I II I' II " I' I: Ii i1 ii ii The requirements I; I II I: II I; it I' i: Ii II 'i I, i:1 Ii II I, :! WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of this Board that accumulated and continuing developments bring about the need for more positive action in SOlving problems of street development in sub-divisions, and WHEREAS, the need for establishing a sub-division control ordinance is recognized and steps are being taken in this effort; however, it is also apparent t!".at thereehave accumulated and remain peculiar problems in existing It is_therefore ordered that the Department of Highways be requested to concur in these recommendations. 1. An inventory of the existing roads al1d streets in subdivisions has been made and tabula'~ed. These tabulations il1c1ude streets that are developed, partially developed, in the procesll of being developed, or individual streets within such subdivisions that have neither physical improvements nor roadside development. 2. The existing roads and streets so tabulated are not in their present status a part of the Secondary Road System. C:onsideration is being given to adding such roads and streets to the secondaI1' road systemwhere they have been improved to standards herein below descrj.bed and where they qualify as to rendering genuine public service. 3. Acceptance of the above roads and streets by the Department of Highways as a part of the Secondary Road Systa~ to be contingent upon the establishment of a Subdivision Control Ordinance by the Governing Body of Rcanoke County to deal with future subdi visior, developments. of such an ordinance to be SUbstantially in accord with the requirements embodied in the policy of the Department of Hi.gbways dealing With subdivisioD street control and published in booklet dated 1949 entit1ec ~The Secondary System.n The minimum qualifying requirements for acceptance as a part of the secondary road system of roads and streets described in Items 1 and 2 to be as follows: Right of Way width 40 feet. Roadbed width to be sufficient to property protect, maintain, and drain the specified width of the pavement base. , Base for pavement to be 20 feet in width with 5 inch depth of base materia1~ consisting of stone, gravel or other approved materi ale II I' Cross-section design of the roadbed inc1u,ding adequate and parallel ditches I, where necessary shall be provided. I' II Drainage structures, lateral discharge ditches meeting the approval of the .[': Engineer, together with evidence of easements for right of discharge shall ' be provided in such manner as to permit necessary and unobstructed maintenance of the road or street. :j II Recognizing the distinction between arterial and dead end streets, it shall,' be within the discretion of the highway District and Resident Engineer to :: accept in lieu of the above requirements. such improvements as will provide " a maintainable road and surface deemed to be a,dequate for the service rendered. , - , I I.,.. I~! , .' ... i "1 i I , , - 27 'I I! ,I I, II I I I I , I' Court House ,il! SaleJD.. Virginia May 17. 1954 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse i' il Ii I' II i: Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, ea<:h member II of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. II ,. The fOllowing claims against the Courlty were this day presented, approved, Ii . ~ and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respecti,vely II chargeable therewith, to-wit: Ii No. 18164 Acme Typewriter Company, Repairs to Royal Typewriter * 3.00 . 18165 Acme Printers, Inc., Post cards, letterheads and tax tickets thereof in regular monthly session. Present: H. W. Starkey, Chairman, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. I' II I! Ii I: II I I i Ii 'I II I 97.20 n 18166 Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Corp. Identification tags for Garbage Cans 18167 Agnew &: Connelly, Seed County Farm 18168 American Chemical Company, JalLitor supplies 18169 BeJDiss Equipment Corporation, Spring for Garbage Truck 18170 Dr. Esther Clark Brown, Lunac:,. Hearing 18171 Bowman'S Bakery Co., Food-Prisoners 5.00 i 32.55 : ,i 3.38 II II 3.75 Ii " 3.73 II 1.50 I! I' etc.619.29! il 2.15 il 4-.18 Ii 134.05 ii I! 4.00 2.09 8.09 58.32 . , I I II Ii II Ii n . 1.40 . . n 18172 18173 18174 18175 18176 18177 Brown Hardware Company, Hardwa,re Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies Columbia Ribbon &: Carbon Mfg. Co., Carbon Paper W. B. Clements, Inc., Checkilll!: Car #6 County School Board of RoanokE' County, Gas, Oil, Repai1;'s, Delbridge Calculating Systems, Inc., 4--Charts . n , , Ii " Ii I! I' 11 I I : , . . . n 18178 Esster Supply Co., Office supplies 18179 Walter B. Epperly, Extra time on Garbage truck 18180 Davis E. Elliott Co., Refund 1,lectrica1 Inspection fee . n Ii II Ii II II II I' " I: Ii " II 'I I f: !: !: Ii I: Ii II !; . 18181 Fuel Oil &: F~.Jipment Co., Hea1ang Fuel Hollins Fire Station 45.72 n Addittona1 Insurance on County Enginller' B car, PremiUlll on Surety Bond, Chalmers Ferguson, PremiUlll on Sw'ety Bond, Martha Jane Harris 18183 Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co. Fenc:e Material Garbage tubs and Lawn Hose 137.16 ]i Ii I . 18182 Gittens &: Jbrton, Inc., 22.07 .. 18184 Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospi1~lbil1s for Welfare 32.00 Goodwin-Andre"s, Inc., PreJDilDl on Surety Bond, J. R. . Taliaforro n 18185 5.00 20.00 I' I, :1 d I, " 18186 William Green, Rent on Garbago Dump . 18187 Growers &: Producers Exchange, Repair parts for Farm equipnent 10.85 !i i; 11 18188 Ha10id Company, Record Paper llnd office supplies 601.80 11 :i 18189 InternaUona1 Business Machine Co., Record Cards for Voting 16.80 Ii Ii 18190 Jefferson Hospiep1, Hospital Bills for Well"are 1,920.00 Ii 18191 Lewis Brothers, Heaeing Fuel .1ail and McClung Bldg. el1.52 18192 R. H. Lowe, Inc., Repairing C'lurehouse and Jail 63.4-4 18193 c. P. Moses, Food Prisuners 21 dozen eggs ae 55~ doz. 11.55 II n II n " " " [' I' :! " i; 1,464.95 36.83 . . 18194 MelllOria1 &: Crippled Children':s Hospiea1, Hospital BU1a Welfare ' n 18195 NuWay Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry - Prisoners " " F , i: " II i: , " I' " ii " , " i' ,I ii I !! " II I: I' " II Ii I' , " No. 18196 18197 - I' II Natural Gas Distributors, Inc., Fuel Hollins Fire House $17.20 I , OWen Plumbing /I; Heating CO., Adjusting Furnaces and Drilling I holes for telephone 37.30 n ft 18198 Cancelled n 18199 Powell Pharmacy, Inc., office supplies 18200 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 18201 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen " " " 18202 Republic Oil Refining Co., Fuel County Farm 1820) Roanoke County Public Health Assoc., County's appropriation to public health work . n 18204 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 18205 Radio Communications Co., Radi,o Maint("4ance April Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Stations 18206 Roanoke County REvolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's petty cash n . . 18207 Salem Crelllllery Co., Food-Pr1soJl!era 18208 Salem Farm Supply Co., Seed, F,rtilizer, Tools, etc. 18209 Sale. Hardware Co., Hardware, Paint 18210 S~l.. Lumber Co., Repair Material 18211 Smead /I; Webber Drug Co., Medicll1supplies 18212 State Office Supply, office s~pplie8 18213 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Medical services rendered prisoners, Coroner cases, , 1Wlacy hearings 18214 Rockyda1e Stone ServiceCcrp. ]~ertilizer County Farm 18215 Swift &: Company, Fertilizer COlmty Farm 18216 Town of Salem, Lichts &: Water Jllil Courthouse &: McClung Bldg. 18217 Treasurer of Virginia, office'lIuppU," n . n n n n n n " n 2.16 22.62 I II 17.681 31.92 i , Ii 508.00 II 3.00 I I 15.00 I I i 36.86 I 12.00 [I 4-4.45 il ~.35 Ii 2.65 i I 3.8) i I 2.97 I I I 95.00 85.34- 123.00 242.18 4.00 I 18218 Underwood Corporation, Repairillg Typewriter in Commissioner's Office 38.50 18219 Valleyda1e Packers, Inc., Food-.Prisoners 67.12 I J 'I II " II I, " II If II Ii 18224 H. M. Wood, Opening Drain Line Jail 5.80 Ii C &: P Telephone Co., Te1ephoneser :ice for County offices 218.75 II il Fairview HOlle, County's share clf expenses in caring for inmates 261.00 11 I , iI ,i II !i II Ii :1 'I 18243 J. R. Taliai'erro, Reimburse trc.veling expense Electrical and :1 " Plumbing Keet;ing . 32.16 i! 2.13 )1 n n n 18220 Vinton Motor Co., New Ford tor County Engineer and repairs to Vinton Fire Truck n 18221 Virginia FOOds, Inc., Food Prilson$1's " . . 18222 Virginia Markets, #6, Food Prilloners n 18223 . C. W. Warthen Company, Record, Books Book Binding etc. n n 182)6 18237 " n 182)8 18239 18240 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission cm Del:.nquent taxes . T. C. Garner, inspection johs . Hazel Gearhart, C1erica1work ill C1erk's.Office " 1821+1 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse ROli,nole Valley Adminis'trators' Luncheon meet;ing " 18242 Monarch Finer Foods, Food-Prisc'Ders " " 18244 Underwood Corporation, Typewriting Ribbon . 18245 Willillllls Supply Co" Light tUbelS 18247 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission cm Delinquent Taxes n 1,032.70 122.76 52.38 121.16 I 1+6.59 156.05 131.80 I 10.05 46.90 31.73 7.71 - ':-~--==---=~---:-::-::~_-:-='::::C---:;::-""=---:'---'-~~:::~.~~~--::---:---:-~--:~_~_..::c__ - ,.."., ,.- I,,",, - I I ~; ~ II I I 'I / :1 I II ~ II 'I :; II II II II il Ii Ii II Ii I " II II II II II 'I I: Ii 'I II /: .! I' I ,I Ii 'I I! Ii Ii ,I " !I I . , . ,... I'! I i -- IA , I W -_..--------- - - "------ --------- . r II II ,I II I' ,I II II II I Ii II II II II II " II ;1 ji I , IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: Ii 1.:1 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I, II " I' 'I II II II $56.25 I: I' 15.00 i/ Ii Ii ii I 7.35! Ii 45.75 !I 'i 25.20 Ii ! 26.25 I 9.00 I 25.00 :1 '! I: 25.00 I! il I, II Ii ,I The following 8acount was this day laid before the Board: II ~ 'C , I:a:. $~ ,TAllIE.B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expense accounts 'ftt?i' __..;t:;::: . - " p~ for the month of ~y, 1954, and also thOS8 of W. C. MUSE, C~Baioner of II, -if _ f _' Revenue, EDW. H. RICHAliDSON, COlllllonwea1th's Attorney and H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, Ii ~^y.- I, ~-_/~ :S\I- II il I; II ii submitted to the !f ii Ii :i :i 'I " II iI II , " :i ,I ': 'I and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 18225 Cancelled II 18226 County School Board of Roanoke County, Gas, Oil, etc. II 18227 18228 Radio Communications Co., April Radio Maintenance II Cancelled " 18229 18230 Cancelled It Sprinkle Brothers, Cartridges " 18231 Salem Farm S.o1pp1y Co., Dog food . 18232 Treasurer of Virginia, E!lIp10yer's contribution .. 1823.3 J. W. Caldwell; Fowl claim . . Frank R. Petticrew, fowl claim . 18234 182) 5 18246 M. S. Thomas, Livestock claim . Thomas Saunders, Fowl claim It will be paid as of May 31, 1954. Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke COUI1f, this day Board the following reports: "Sa1eJD, Virginia .April 19, 1954 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business April 17, 195~, there was to the credit of the -General County Fund - Library Fund . Dog Fund. ,Salem District Road Debt ~nd . County,Schoo1 Fund . School Construction Fund .. F. I. C. A. - Deferred Credit Account . School Textbook Fund Ii I' .1 il I, II 1: Ii ji I: 1! $ 47,960.75 2,061.23 5,562.98 1,349.44 159,900.06 98,767.67 1,889.37 67.65 ;.10 l317,6 .t; Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer" "Salem, Virginia .May 17, 1954 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business May 15, 195~, th'3re was to the credit of the . General County Fund . F. I. C. A. .Library Fund .Dog Fund . Salel!l Road Debt Fund . School Fund" . SchoolConstrl1ction Fund . School Textbook Fund.. . Deferred Credit Account $ 3~,196.33 .24 1,633.87 5,168.26 1,345.89 60,073,89 81,445.63 272.~7 6 .6 29 ,:~,~O~'!'''''~':-~~ .' ....'______~,..~' 30 :i I ~ lJ,.J.. fj r;. ,-, 11 ~"'"l: i, I, Ii I, Ii i: " il I Ii ,. !, .; ~-~~;L, ~+t~ ~ .J. '10 Ii ~"H~- .' ~-'- I~.<; ~ -:.. r ~ ~~... I I' I Ii Ii ~ I' ~~r.!' ~~~ Ij S_/g-~.iJ.~ :i it Respectfully submitted, Janie B. MCNeal, Treasurer." Said reports are approved and ordered tiled. ~ i I' i i ,! Ii " " ;.. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAlES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal, County Treasurer, ror $1987.31, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1954, less 5% commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1887.94 net. I! " " V 1,1 ii The follOwing reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered tiled: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoners days served in the Coun~ Jail during the. month. of April, 1954 H. w. CLAllX, Sheriff, office and travel expl~es tor month of April, 1954 , J. A. REYNOLDS, Roanoke County Farm Demonstration Agent, repoI!t for month of April, 1954 , O. W. CUNDIFF, Assistant County Farm Demonsl.ration Agent, report for month of April, 1954 H. W. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board - the report of Part-time Deputy Frank A. Rogers, for the month of April, 1954, amounting to $55.00 which report is approved' and the 'C1erk of this Board is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State'Compensation Board as provided by law. \ I i On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll be approved I in the total amount of $6,191.)1 1'or the mOllth of, May, 1954, fro" which the sum II II II ii :i , ! of '103.22, total F. I. C. A. tax, and ~lO.03 deducted, leaving a net amount of $5,677.79. total W. H. tax is to be Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Suparvisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Ketfer Nays: . None l Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent, of the Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, in compliance with Chapter 371, Acts of AsseJDb1y, 1950, this day I I, submitted her report for the month of April, 1954, covering the expenditures and II I, activities of the Department of Welfare during said month, which report is ordered filed, as required by law. II i I I I I il II !I I I I i I I , ! , , I ! , il II I: I I ~, I~ ~., , , --_. ----- .. -.-- -.' -- ----+~+_.+- ----- -~-- --- -.- -~_......~--..~ --~. - -, -...-, -------.---- ,. - -I -- 319 Stationery & Office Supplies -- 2a 101 Comp.nsation of Board Members EQ,UALlZATION BOARD i I I I + , J : t ,090 . -' '19 218 220 206 Dues & Subscriptions 202 Auditing by PUblic Acoountants 201 Audi ting By Auditor of Publio 'Aocounts 200, 199 101 ,100 stationery & Office Supplies Postage Traveling Expense Publication and Advertising Jf1sc.1laneous Comp.nsation Clerk of Compensation. & Mi.1eage Board of Board Memb ers ,152/00 = ! ! LJ I i ! 2j. 98: 00 I 150 00 I 115 ~ I \: I I I '50 00 Ii, , I I . I \, __ I I 1 I ' : eOO 00 I I I ! 300 00 I i I . 300 00 , I': , , ! ; l -- , 15000 1 i , ; I : I I I ! 1 .087 07 i , 00 i '~,41:'158 I ; , ' I I '2 086 88 I 'I I 150 00 Iii J ) -- , . 1 I ~,~ 05 :1 500 00 I 'I I , I ; I -- I '00 00 ! 4~ 50 I ,6~ 00 I :'515 , ' .- 07 I J , I II II II I I I , -- ~,9021 00 , i , I I f I , , I ; , , ; , '00 00 j ; 250 00 i I ! I -- ,50 00 i f L i , I ! I I I i I 1 I I I I I , i I I I I I I I I I I 1- : I , I I , , , , I i i , --,-. I , I I 'I I I, I I , , , , I ! I ; I I I III ' I 1./ , I I I I , ! ; I I , I 'f I I I , , I I ~t' I , I i I t I . I I f , , I t I , I , j I , I t -- ,,- :'-;, ":,.:1; ~F' " ';" );~ /~, tl~ i 1 i ~OpIOO 50 ! 2L087 00 j i , , 150 00 t 15 00 00 , h41< I i I I ~,6e7 DC I :' I i~o O( I II Iii -. I :2~0 DC I I , ! I -- .400 0 i j 300 0 I I 200 0 ! ~5 0 15 0 I I , . o 27~ O~ , , , . , , . 65100 . . ~,412100 ~~ 00 i , I ! i 50100 50/00 ~oo 00 200 00 ,25 00 , 4001 00 , , i ; , lJ,400 100 . " I I 1~01 00 200100 , i , 15100 , I 2~~87IOO 1150 00 I la Num- b~ro[ It~m BOARD OF SUPERVISORS _________ .__________. _.Um.__~~ ,_ ApPROPRIATION ., .. YIlAR. ENDlfIG JUNB 30. 1'~ AmtIWcN!,TION INCREME OVER YEAR END~'. JUNE 30, 19....::l.!b- DeCll.hASE UNDER YEAR ENDING')I. JUNE 30, 19 M- Number of :Function TITLE OF ITEM YEAR END~Jf~' EXPENDI'rURES PROPOSED EXJ1ENDITURES AU.oWED BY BOARD --........ T1TLE OF FUNCTION .. .' 19-53- FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES ROANOKE 30, FUND 19 55 IIIDEX_ Page If DisbUl's.ments Paie No. General FUnd.................o..... -16 Dog Fund...~..~...............~.... 17 Virginia Public Assistanc.......... 18 -19 L1brar7............................ 20 Revenue tJineral Fun.d........................ 1 -2 Dog FUnd........................... 17 V.P.A........~...................e. 18 '1' .----.-.-.-... . . .. ,\I YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, . Li5 1 ., " I..~~ ,i ~ 1, }, \ ., l. . ; \ Counti Farm Reoeipt. ______..____~. ._..._,_ - _. ..--.._..--0-..'.'-. County Farm Water Rent ..-. ..-- .-- Plumbing Inspections Tranafer Wills and needs SheriN' COllllllonwealth ._-.. - --_._--_.~. Land RodUlpt1on "_____.. ..._~, 0-'-'-_" Electrical Prisoners From J;.oca1 Source: DeUnquent Taxes I! 4,4 59 11 -... 68!l. 30 . , I, - 54 90 , , !! -. $29 41 68 14 ,:1.5 25 , , 1.534 50 .O~2 93 ! I - , -- I 11 Fee. - Board of Board 01' Prisoners - Town i , , 001l 00 I I 400 00 , I I I _:. r I ~ob 00 ! I - iob 00 ,Jo~ 00 "or 00 i to~ 00 ~.40p 00 'i f .ClloO 00 , ! , i ,p 00 , 30 100 ; Inspections . s Othe1:'B 01' Salem Attorney I , i I I I , , I j I I I I , ; , I I .000 0 I i 790 0 'II I - . I _.090 0 I i " - '20 0 , I I , .'10 I I ~O() i l ~oo 0 j l .59 , I : i ! i I . I I I i / 1b<? ; 1 1p9 , j , : JOO[OO I! 1bJ 0 1bJ '0 o o I , I , t I i ; , I , I , I I I ! i i ! i , , I I I , , j , I ! i 90 0 I 4b 0 ! I I' , , ; I , , I .1- ~ 500 00 i i 7 ~o~ 0 200 00 , i I' '10 0 . , I , 00 0 f , I ' .00 0 ~5~1 0 I ' .500 00 !! . ;3000 , , : I I 1 , , , ' Ii o .00 o Total trom Stat. & Federal Government FrOm 20th JUdiClIl Circuit Board 01' Prisoners State-Local Hospitalization dlerk Fees Virginia Public Assistance Reimbursements Wine Capitation Tax ABC Refund Share 01' 01'fior-~'s bonds Polioe Car Rolling Stock License Excoss Salary Jail Exp State ense Refunll. Profl ts I ~ 3,5~ '0. 100 513 ,4 I :6 ~85 05 I " 144 920 86 1'1 I I 5 766 11)2 .~ I I IL1I-.:.L- i -~ .,., I~':I II " '2 ,3i 72 I I I! I 'I,. 098 84 I !4 d7i ;q. I'! 40b Q3 I I I I: I 21 a3 I I' I I I -- 'I' . i I i!{6 23a 42 '04~q5~100 l'hyaician 5 aoo 0 . " 92 000 '0 " 'I I 6 000 0 l' 1 I 184 ~5t 00 i It: ! 6 601 00 'I i ! I I 1 ;09 00 " ,! I '1 100 00 . I I I :2 50? 00 i 4 000 00 . t I l I I ' ! I "-00 00 : I -~ I I' , 1 I ' ! I ] !. I : : ; ! : I ,2981 0 : ' i ! 29 ,8491 00 .60 o 29 ,29 o i , , ion 00 ; 1"1 ' ( ; : , , 100100 , ; ! : i I' . , : j lli-9100 , ' ~ ! 1bJ 00 , , ::'00: 00 ':~~ :: 10 .:5~ 0 ..20 0 0 0 0 0 o 200100 , i ! ! ,203~ 00 : \ , , ,0001 00 I ~.Q60' 0 ; f ,000:' 0 l7$,114~ 0 -- Balance Beglnning Fiscal Year, July 1, -"""'-""'--=-~~-' - -~- YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 19---53- (ACTUAL) YEAk EHDIN54 JUNE ]0, 19 (ESTIMATI!U) 'Amended !qbT~~q -'0 IHCltEASIi: OVER Y~AR END5~ JUNE ]0, 19 .... DBCitBA!1l UNOlR YEAR. ENOIW\. JUNE ]0, 19~ .-- TENTATIVE EsTIMATE FINAL ESTIMATE '-~~._------- '~-=--"-----------~:--~_-o:::..'___...~~~.; YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19--5.5 'c" .'l", - ._-.- ----- = --- -- - ROANOKE _COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 55 FUND \ , , - - - - Page I 1 & 20 COIOlISSIOIfER OF REVENUE __ _ _..___ __ _'H'___' _.,.__" ___ ._..__.___. .,___.___ ,02 C~e~.atio~ ot Commi..;on~r or Revenue 109 Compensation ot Otfice A.sistant. 109a Compe.nation of Extra Ottice A.si.tant. 200 Adv"...t.1 A1na ---. -- ---~-""' 204 B"ok Btndins - 206 Due. & Sub.cription. , 1212 Premium on Surety Bond. 215 Repa11'. & Replacement of Furniture & Equipment 218 Telephone, Telegraph & Postage' ~17 Reoord Book. I , Stationery & Ottioe Supplies 1~19 ASSESSORS AND APPIlUSERS , -- "n'. H." ._ 102 Oo~.n.ation ot As....or. & Apprale~~. . - --.- -... __.____u _._..~__ _. 220 Trav.ling Eltpen.. . _______.___. H'_ --.---....--..-.- .--_.._._~'....---_..__. .- ----.--.".-- '19 Stationery, Ottioe Supp1ie., Eto. .-- --_.- -. ------. - -_. - -. ...--_.,~... .-..- ,_____ n_ -p-- . -----------.- 1 't~ooIOO 7 680 00 , , I -- , I 20 00 700 50 00 , ' , ~,b 00 267 00 621 00 - - I ; , ' i i . , , , I i I , , I ' , , I' -.. I I .- i; -- I ' I -,. - ..- ~oP. 10!' , , I I __ '67100 72 lr~~tj~: I, 1740 ; I .... , ' i i ,; 12~ 500 28 00 I 700 \ 1 75 89 , , ,62 O~ , , i I -- , I '04 87 , i ~ j , i .60~100 , 8'i8~.1~5 : ! 2h ~h '1~ 15~ 98 1 1~ - ,59 .~ 2 ,60 , 5 40 - ~~ o o o 0' ~ 001 - i I , , I I I , ,960 .6~0 0 i I ,6do 0 ! 67 0 I I i:tO 0 , , I I I I 'I - . I :7 0 I I ! So 0 I I ~qo 0 I ! i I - 1 i 247 0 460 1 , I I i; ,60100 00 \ ; 100100 14 lL600 :00 ! 't9,60 100 7 680 100 051 100 50 100 400 ,00 , 7 100 67 100 20 00 267 100 2b Number of Function t ;; G - TITLE OF FUNCTION - - -~ Num- betof TITLE OF ITEM Ittm ApPROPRIATION Amended YEAR ENDIN~I. JUNIl 30, 19~ Am:K4c:aAl10N --r- INCREASIl OVER YEAR ENDIN~1. JUNE 30, 19~ IlIlCREA!E UNDER YE.\~ ENDIN..<1. JUNE 30, 19---;.q... YEAR ENDED JUNE EXPENnrrURES 30, 19~ PkDPOl;ED EXPENOITURES - COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19-5.'1- General FUND '~~''a ,_~.JI :~l Page fJ 2 ....... YEAR ENDING :UNE 30, 19~ AUOWED Dr HOARD - - ---=-~---~-~-------=-- Rent - O~~lce Space McClung Bldg. Ooupty Fines and Costs Sale o~ Eq\)ipment and Oars Telephone Refund (PM! O~~ice) Hospital Donations-Non Matching Refunds F lOA Tax Insu~ance Recoveries Supplementing O~fice Er;pense Circu1'l; COUl't Judge Garbl1g e Co1l!lctiou Fees Dividends Miscellaneous County Ltcense. Transfer 1'rom Dog Fund Totsl plus balance Current Levy Available, leas de1inquenoy GRAND TOTAL REVENUE Calculation o~ Levy:- l>eiinqueneyon 8~ Ba8i.- -- 0-'- .---...., -.'._-. ..-_..-.__._.-~-._- "..... "~""-~-'--- _..- Total Levy Required Rate of Levy Assessed Valuation January 1, REALTY . . ....--., . M'ILITIE3 . ....-. . - ...- "...d.____" PERSONAL -.-.---...... -.'".'-- Total AssesBed Valuation .._n _ __ __ _ _ _ _ ,5~~Op ~OPl=lJ , ~~ I I ,~17 i . , I .87 i i -1 t 11 j! ,~d71 00 ! ,- ! i I . , I I 1,~2 ; i i I , ! - ~ o o , ,,98 51 ~ r.l ,01.'11 ~o i ~O i ,6~ 1 i ".5~ ; j ,,~5 62 5~ 9 .66 , ~60 00 .992 96 ! I . .POO 00 1 i . : 50 90 I ' .14:; :;6 , , , ,.055 00 , i 'ltt.~5 82 , , ~:; 57 I 4 I 2~ 49 68 20 Op :; = i , , , :;8 , , 11 , - 49 I I , '1 i2 00 I i , I , , ,600 00 ; I ,o~o 00 i 50 00 i -- i -- , ; 550 00 , , i ! -- t,~qo 00 1~.900 00 i i I ; I I , 5 JO ~:;4 I ' _1~ , ,5; = I ' , I I I , I ,56 1 I ,:47 - ,05 , 1 I ' ; I ~l ! ~6 I I c o o o 01 2 o -- 00 o I :;4 , , , , 11 , , - 41i , ' I I I, i1 11 , t 12 i I ,...... '~~: I I 1 .65 ,660 0 I I ,817 I I ,lQO , , ,?2:; 0 ) I .260 0 I , , , .:;00 0 I I i i 2 1..4 , , i t 44 5 564 00 , , , , , t ! ! 700 00 . I , t I ,81. , .47 ; ; ,92~ :00 00 ,69 , , ,86 00 00 15,40 I: 1 15~~5 ,0,65 1 12 , , , ,26 o , , ; ,205 0 ; ,88:; 0 , , ,040 0 , It 20,5 00 i I , , ! I 5 564 00 , ,6991 00 , 11 - 41i :;4 , , ,20~ 0 ,8s:;lo , ,04 0 - - ,92 0 -- 5 , i , , i ,: 291.500100 , ' , : , i ! j l'OO 00 5 ~O? 00 2 000 00 , , 50 00 ,38010 YEA. ENDfO JUNE 30, 19~ (AcrUAL) Y1!AR. ENDtlWJ. JUNE 30, 19-2Y=. (ESTIMATED) lap.dad .. T.lNTATlVE ESTIMATE 20~900iOO i , : 16.500100 ; , , ; [NCRBASE OVfR YEAR ENOING JUNE 30, 1951+- -_ IO-""'_~ I' f: i i ~Olj) 00 " . I ; 400 00 ! ,0501 00 1,200100 50! 00 I .000100 , 50 00 -- -- 500 00 -- -- , , 29,500 00 -- -- I - 5 ,;80 0 '=j:;=='l-= ~== :;00 0 ,?OO 00 , . ,000 00 DIICUASII UN'OIl'R. YUR. ENDIN54 JUNE ]0,19 FINAL ESTIMATE G - RO!lnoke _COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 19_55- L FUND - ~- .. Page # 2 ---.---- --- == ~--- -~ YEAR ENDING-JUNE '0, 1~----- - ) ! i ! ; t , 121 122 215 218 319 399 Jurors Compensation or J1l1"J' C o_isBloners - ~ __" - - - _". .~._ ._..u _ . .......__,,~. __. 0_ _.__.._._ _ __ .__ ..,. '. __n_. '. _~_ Repairs to Ottice Bquipment ___.. ... .__._..._______. .__..U..H__.____.._..___ __. Telephone, 5: Telegraph :c:.---~.c.,......,.......,.,._-,.~~---.,.~-~.,.."_c, '''';;.'':'='..-:;:::;';::;'-~___. .__...:.-;.~,.:-:o:_,.-'.:._____ StationerT, Ot~ce Suppl1ee, eto. ..___._~_.,.__,_.. .....~_.__. _...u__o.._. Jliacel18neoua ,-_. 120 109 5a 103 102 Compensation Compensation ot Secret&r7 Compensation ot Relief Judge Compensation 0 r Special Attorne,.s Oompensation of JUdge CIRCUIT COURT ot & Witnesse. (Travel) I -.- I I , I , ! I I !~. b~/ .l.zr:i01 00 I ' ; i I I , ' i ! ?~0100 100 00 , , , , I I i I -- , , ~OO 00 i I ?~O 00 '~O 00 I I! .... I I -- Tio 00 r- I -- I - ~ . ,ll6 44 ~.~Ioo 2~~2 00 I ! 1\3C 00 .07: 50 , i 37 50 I I .322 92 I I, , I I . -- aJo 50 , i : 1,0 00 I 1_ 13 00 , I _ -t~~ 45 !t 60 19 97 399 204 206 200 201 109 101 ~a Num- b~r of Itt'm ApPROPRIATION Amended II' I I 900 (){l i 1 4.20 20 I i 'J.4 10 I , 2'0 72 i t , I !: -- 28 00 ! 1 128 75 1 i 162 05 I t ~,047 38 ~.5~7134 I , I '1 95 Number of ;Funclion TITLE OF ITEM TITLE OF FUNCTION I 1 I i i I ~~ 0 I ',t 111 : [ ,i I - , - 00 319 215- 218 317 Compensation of Ottice Assistant COUNTY CLERK ._ ""B__._. __..__ .n .__.. ___.__'__'_ Compensation or County Clerk ----1 YEAR ENDED NE EXPHNDlTURES 30, ; , 2 , I i I , ! I I i r I I. r;t~5P 100 Miscellaneous Repairs & Replacement of Equipment Advertising Auditing By Auditor ot Public ,010 II ~~o 00 I i i i -- : 40 00 I i ~OO 00 i ! 50 00 i i I I -- , , I ; 50 00 I ' 140 00 ! j .000 00 I : 5~0 00 '0 00 9~ YEAR ENllIN.81. JUNB 30, 19...:l&- ApPROPill^TION ende , I ~~ 00 II -- I~ 00 *06 00 ! ~ . I : I ! 350 00 , " I i I i 11-- i 200 00 I 'I , 'I i ].40 00 I i I I .~001 00 I, I i I 500 00 ,I I I . I I I ! i ,I-- I' I , i j l " I " I 'I I I' I ! .080 00 'I I: II lOp 00 'T I I ! .400 00 I I i I 'I , ! I 200 00 " I I I I 'I I ,~ 00 II I I I 100 00 IJI '1-- ~ I-- I [lfl 00 -- - ! ! ,; : : , I I I i 1 , 1 : I l I 1,40P i . , ! j : I : I : I 5b i , I i i , , I; I I :~ :- \ I : I I I I I i , I '<.; '~' : 20. 100 , , i ~ . "- I'r' !i,(:. !;;~ ""1 _.-' ,-,' ,,"!' ,:;~~:~ ;Il:~'" 00 Telephone, Dues & Subscriptions Book Binding ! III I I II ~O(l 00 I I L 12 ~Or 00 I ;4p 00 II '00 00 i i ~5~ 0 12~ 00 I . , , 3,5 00 I ~8 00 12 do 0 , I , lqO 00 i I I -- .~ I 1).0100 Reoord Books Stationery, Telegraph . , I , j , I , , I , , \ i I I I , i i I , , I , I 50 00 , 25 00 ! ; UW 00 1 t ,25 00 i I -- , , , I I! :::1:: 100100 , , I I , ' Otrice Supplies, Etc. Aocounts i, Ii Ii I I I I 2 4P9 00 I I I I I: , ! I I' 1 I I I i i 2l) 0 i i ! : , , I4Q 00 I I ! i , I , , , I 50l) ,00 . I II I, , , 1 00 ."'1.080100 . ~ I' . ; , " , , I 401'00 ~OO 00 .~.OOOIOO ,~ ,OO~IOO i: 20 00 i 150 00 : ; 280100 , '50100 '~.~OOIOO 90.0100 INCREA!lE OVER YE,\R ENDI~. JUNE 30, 19~ DECREME UNOER YEAR ENOINr:t. JUNE 30, 19~ PROPOSED EXl'ENDITURES YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, Au.oWED BY BOARD 9-55- FOR THE YEAR ENDINC JUNE General 19 55 FUND 30, EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES ..; ..; " - .. ROANO~_COUNTY. VIRGINIA - .. Page , '" -- - i I , i r I t I , I I i II I i i I I , I 1 I i I I J I I I I I , ! I i , I I I I --.. -- I .,~t~ 319 102 109 206 s 50 COMIIOlllEALTH 'S ATTORNEY , ~6~ ! ! I ! ! : 00 00 -- 00 -- 23 I i ! , , i I I I + I I I I I ; I I , I , , I i I I , I 218 Telephone & Telegraph o_.__.__n____._ ._~_..__.__.._ .__._______. StatlonerJ, Ottlce SuPP11e., _..- "-- _._---- Dues COBlpen.atIon ot C0llll1onwea11:h Compensatlon ot Stenographer and Sub80rlptlol1tl ~oo I t I I I I ! I I I I i I i I , i , I , , I -L , I I I I i I 1 I I i I I , I I i I , I , j I I i J ~ .. ,~/., . ,," .:~"~~ ~.~ "..';".' ~t: ".;.,'1 :}0! eto. ------ Attorne7 00 00 00 23 -- . 9~O !II. 17/0 /00 320 Contlngen07 Fund Book8 I I i I I I I , I I i , I I .j. i I i , I I I I 1-" I , , , I =1==; , , i I ! , i , I , , i , 00 . 00 I i , , .Mo 00 i i .rqo 00 I' I -- I . ~~ 00 :3 00 319 215 218 211 Repairs PremiUID 109 Compen8ation ot Secretarr 20TH JUDICAt CIRCUIT StationeI7 Telephone & Telegraph to on Car t1abillt7 Inaurnaoe , , i i , I I , , I r I I I , , , , I I & Office Supplies -- -- Ottlce Equipment -- -- -- --I -- -- - 00 ! I , I i i I i , i , Ii I, I! 249 00 I' , I II , i I I I I :lp 00 i i I i , , I I I i i 1 I I , I I , I , , 5D 319 218 212 199 121 llisoe11aneoU8 --.....- (Warrants) 5b TRIAt JUSTICl!: i i I i I , I I i I r i i Stlltlonel'7. Telephone, Prelll1 um Witne88es I I I , i , , i I I , j Ottice Supplies, Telegraph & Postage on Surety Bonds I i I ! . J~O 00 i ' 28 00 I i ~_ " -- j ; i 95 00 i I 171 00 ...... i ' i I , , I , I ! , I I , ! , i I -- 00 etc. II ! [1/00 , , ! j -~ rio 00 I I ".. , ' 1~9 65 j j 1.52 9R I i I I i i i , I -- I . I I I 3 do~ 00 I ' , i ~50 00 I I ,2' 00 , I 140 00 : I ,2/j 00 I ' ,$ 00 I 3 00 3~OO I " i j! , ., ~ 000 00 Ii 156 00 , I , j 25 00 I' 149 00 : I 25 00 , , , , 2~ 00 I, 335 00 , , 3 7PO 00 . i i . . , i , , , I: I' , I , , .640 00 .~oo 00 i i ! i __ I I I , : I 200 00 I! i ,. : ! ~O 00 i 'f , I ~4.P70 00 - Nllmbu of Function Num- berof hem TITLE OF ITEM ApPilOPRIATION Amended YEAR ENDED i , I , I .!l!Ll00 i I !4~~ :2~ 0 i I ~- ~6r 0 ~5P 00 , , I' I I II i I I, I I i I : I 3~ 0 i i i! ! I 35 00 140joO I 150100 125100 I - .700100 ,25 00 i 25 00 li5 00 , ~,OOO , , 00 . , i Jl2/oo JUNE lO,t9~ EXPENDITURES YBAR. ENDING.:1. JUNE 30, 19--;u+ ApP.llOPR1ATIOH Amendea Ii I [I ~ 00 i! I I " '30 00 J I ,: I' I' :: i J.b 00 I! 'I _._ : J i J Ii 12500 I I j I " ' !: 15,0 00 , I I ~55 00 1 I 20!00 J.~I' 00 10 00 20 00 I -- i 160 00 : j 1.20 00 40100 INCREASE OVER YP.AR END1N5~ JWtE 30, 19 DeCREASE UNDER. YeAR ENOI~I. JUNE 30, 19~ ALLOWED BY BOARV PROPOSED ExrENorWRES YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, ,,---55 TITLE OF FUNCTION FOR THE YEAR' ENDING General ---_FUND JUNE --COUNTY, EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES 30, 19 'it) Page , 5 - '- BOA.OD - UTDr"'I"'TTA y ~&"'J J.....1. '.. '.. J . i I , . I \ L___ PUBLIC HEALTH 1100 Conpensation of Members of Board 200 00 I I ~02 Compensation of Sanitation Eng1neer 720 00 720 00 109 Compensation of Stenographer 120 00 120 00 117 Compensation of Health Offioer 1 320 00 , , 138 Compensation of Resistrar of Vital Statistios 00 i 166 50 , 1211 Premium on Car Liabi1it7 Insuranoe -- 35 81 1212 Prem1um on Surety Bond. 1000 -- , 215 Repairs &: Replaoement or 0&:.... -- ' 400 , 218 Telephone, Telegraph &: Postage__ 156 00 157 15 , . 220 Travellns Expense 10,0 00 10 00 , 316 , Medical Supplies ! ' -- ~ 50 319 Stationer7. Of'f'loe Supplie., ,e to. I 5P 00 i 69 02 Contribution to Stat. Health Department i , , -- , : -- I ' i . I ; i , ,97~ 00 2 5'~ 65 , , 1 ! -- : ; 150 00 i I 50 00 ! i 20 00 ; , , , 25 00 ! -- ~O~IOO 40 00 120:00 200100 720 00 , , , i I I , , I I I , , I I 1 i ~ 300 0 I I , i I - , , , - , ' , I ! 1 - : I i i - f' - : , - i , r - ."48 0 i I I I - , ' ,948 20010 ! 1 I i 16 I ~6 44B ~81 00 I I i I 00 200 100 720 00 -- 120 00 -- -- 300 00 40 00 -- -- -- 150 00 -- 50 00 -- 20 00 -- , 25 00 -- I 16 448 00 i -- I 16 948 00 9 Number of Function 8h f-;- ~... .--. O!O..., :;;:;;:r.~ """""" TITLE uF FUNCTION - ~- Num. herof TITLE OF ITEM hem ~ . = LUNACY COMMISSION ,24 Compensation - Expense of Members :20 Traveling Expens. ~ }) ROA1f!G~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA Page II 10 ;';XPENDITURE ESf!MATES FOR fHE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 55 Genera1____ FUND -= :i5i! YEAR ENDEn NE 10,. 19-53. YEAR Er.oDING JUNE ~O, 19-55 YEAR. ENDING I, ~ JUNE 3D, 19=.5...4 I' OPO"O INCREASE OVER DECREASE UNDER ^ . y ~ 4 l.t.OWED J\PPROPRIATlON EXPENDITURES - EXPENnITUIl.E5 r.....1l. EN DIN YI!AR ENOINll:.1 BY n ==; _ ApPllOPRtATION ~ ~JUNE 30, 19 JUNI! 30, I~ ------.tl!:. O^RO~ :' Ii mll:i I I :, I .: 400 00 j j '2~ 00 400 o~ [: 460 001 400 00 11 I . -- i! ~ 20 10 00 10 0 10 0 ,00 00 ,2, 20 ,1~ 100 10 0 10 00 '19a Drarting Supplies & Blue P~inta '19 '12 '12&1 ,'12b Grease Auto Tll:'ea, ,220 215 218 212 215 Repairs & R"p1aoelllent of Cara Premium on Surety ~unds Repairs of OtfioeEquipm~nt 211 11' 204 206 109 Compensation of County 109a Compensation of Off1ce Compensation BQokkeeper Assistant of County Inspeotor 102 Compensation of Engineer & Ex. Off1oer lOa Number of Function '17 .,00 Traveling Telephone, Premium Book. B1nding & Subscriptions Num- berof Item TITLE OF FUNCTION Stationery, Reoord Books G,'.011ne Oll Expense Telegraph & PostQga Dues on Car Liability Insurance PUBLIOWORKS TITLE OF ITEM and Car Washins Tubes Off1ce Supplies, and Car Parts ApPROPRIATION Amended etc. 40 0.0 , , , ' 132 00 ! ' ,2.0 00 ! ! .9.0 .00 , ' I : : -- j : 25.0 0.0 i ~50 0.0 I i 150 .0.0 i i 411'00 i : .'5 00 ! i ,9.0 00 i i _= ,; . 0.0 - '8.010.0 I , 260 0.0 I , i 5t18~loa ,760 0.0 .87 01 I I ~83. 4.0 4ab .01 1 ' 28 6.0 , , I : 56 21 , i 4~ 5.0 , , , '79 ,6 , , i I ! I -- I: , I : I ,5 280 .00 I 'i :2 760 00 , , i1 ,so .00 , 4 260 OC' I !l 25 164 0.0 I '8~ 94 r 25 .0.0 I i j : 42 25 I ~Op 77 j 379 7.0 YEAR ENDED lYNE EXPENDITURES '0, 19~ YIlAR ENDlNlj.,. JUNE 30, 19----'-"- ArPROflUATION hended II I! , , , I i I I ! 5 88.000 !; I I I, 189 00 I I '! i 1 8011 00 ; I ,4 500 0.0 i ' i 4.0.0 I , . 40 0.0 I I . 90 00 I 1 \ , 20 00 ; Ii: 1 1 50 00 !. I " aop 00 i 1 300 00 ; I , 25.0 0.0 , t' I 101> 00 ! I I ! l 4411 00 I! ',0 00 i I ;! ! 17~ 0.0 I, !!-- ,. 'I i! ~59 00 i I I I! i2.o 00 1 i 'I . I [' I, i I YEAR ENDIW; JUNE ." G-- INCREASE OVI'It . D1TRf!ASE G~np.R YEAR ENO~t. ' YEAR ENIlI~. JUNE 30, 19~ JUN!:: 10, t9~ 1::1 : , I , I ,800 0 , i ,500 0 : i i 1.0 0 : I ! 40 0 190 0 I I i 20 01 ; ; , , i 50 0 I I ,500 a I I '~5 0 , I 25.0 a' ~ jo 0 4 a a, , : 00 i I 11; : I ! I . , I ,6QOI 0 , I ,ieo 0 PROPOSED EXPENI'lITURU , 1 ! i , I 25 00 II , , : I 2QO 0.0 l i 1.0 .0.0 i I I! 25 00 , , , , ,25 0.0 , I I, I I II '10 0.0 I ! , i i I I , I ,'20 00 I [ , , I 180 00 , , I I i 6 00 1 '00 00 , I , ' I ' , I , , I , , , , i 100 .00 , , I i ! , I : ! : I I . : I 100 loa 7 200 00 , 180 0.0 1 980 00 4 500 00 I 1.0 00 40 0.0 90 00 20 00 50 00 2 500 .00 325 00 I i, 250 .0.0 : !l00 00 , 45.0 0.0 i' ,a .00 ; 1.00 00 i ' I I ' ,25 00 i' ! ' , 15000 , '41> loa , , ! ! : 1 ! I AU,OWED BV BOARD '0,19~5 ~... - ""11 "..- ..........A ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19-55- FUND (~ ~ , ..._J ~ < 1 .~.- ~. Page II 11 100 PLANNING ~_ZONING 109 Compensat~onor pffice ~s8istant 206 Dues-American Society or Planning Orficia1s 218 Telephone, Te18 graph &: Postage ~17 Record Books - ~. -- ~19 Stationery, Ofrice Supplies, Eto. ~19 Drafting Supplies GARBAGE DISPOSAL 102 Compensation or Engineer 109 Compensation of Office Assistant 12~ Compensation or Laborers (Collectors) :142 Compensation of Truok Drivers 200 Advertising 211 Premium on Liability Insurance 214 Rent &: Maintenance 01: Garbage Lot 215 Repairs & ReplaceJDed; of Equlpment(Trucks) 218 Telephone, Telegraph & Postage ;00 Auto Tires, Tubes and Car Perts ....-- ....... ...,-. ".-'._-- ,'...-. ~12 Gasoline ---'. . ..._-- ~12 011 .-.,- ~12 Grease &: Car Waehing ..______. ______ ._..u .___ __ _31.9. _S~~!Qn~ry,Office Supplies, eto. ~27 Garbage Tube aDd Baa11 :I.t8IIUI 240 .. Contract Collect1oD__________.________ ______ ____ --'--- Debt Retirement .._n____' m.....___~.__.__~___.._..__._~__._.___. __..._., ___._ __ .'_._ .__ 298 _loyer's FBderal Insurance Contribution ....__ _...._.__...__.__.____ ..___~u.__.___..__ __.. '.___ lI1eoellaneoua lJOI;O II I r 900 I - ~ ! i 20 , . I I 110 i ! 20 i , , , I - - - - o o o '0 - o 64 7"9 95 19 50 : i ,72 7~ : ! i; -- , I ; 20 50 I i :6 00 I , i 97 09 ! I 110 ~6 ,-I i 10 20 ; I i 60 I ! : ~6 6~ ",0, .51) 50 ; I -- 1 68 ,- Ij; 6~ i i I I : .6~2i 18 , , I I I , I 1 9~ 00 : ! 12 00 i 1 120 20 , , ',q. 22 34 4, , 1 I ,idol 85 Ob Num- berof Item Number of funf'tion TITLE OF ITEM TInE OF FUNCTION GENERAL YEAR ENDED lUNE 10, 19~ ApPROPRIATION EXPENDITURES . i I i 600 00 , I , ' 180 00 i . , ,840 00 , , , ,000 00 i ' I I -- , , '6000 i I t~O 00 , , 300 00 , I I . , I _ , , 200 00 ; I 650 00 i j " i 25 00 I I 125'90 i i I ,Odo 00 II : , I I I -- .~J H : I I , ,085 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~ APPIlOPd.e(\ON \i I I I: i i ,I ,I ! I 900 00 ~ I !! i; 15 00 '1 t, I Iii : ~10 00 i : i i i! 1-- 20 00 1 I 40 00 I ! 00 00 , 600 00 , , I 30P 00 I " :t4 40b 00 I i I 6 oob 00 I ,I , I' i I I _ I I I i 27p 00 I ~Op 00 I' ij.ob 00 , I I iop 00 I 200 00 I ' 11 500 00 I i I I lor 00 I 150 00 I II:: 1 ! I ~- 1 : I ! 'tt ~~ i II I I 900 0 , I , , 11f 10 lOt 10 I I - '40 10 ! j '40 00 I 1 ci9~ 00 , i 10 , , , i , I I j I ~ ! I I 850100 Ii 75 00 I I j2r 00 II lbb 00 " - iI -- ,_ 11 ~7~ 00 40p 00 1 __ I , ,120 00 j560 00 , , , ' 000 00 I' , I 1 . , I i i 21~ 00 I: 280 00 i I 100 00 I I lOQ 00 i I I , ! , 1 i , I I i ! 20 0 '.: II , - - 20 100 I I' , , I I , i! 500100 i ,- , I Ii I! , I ! I ; i II , , II ; . 10100 10100 , , INCREASE OVER YEAR END1ti!?1. JUNE 30, 19~ DECREASE UNDER YEAR ENDlN(t: I. JUNE 30, 19-----2S- moo ~oo ~oo , . , I ~O ALLOWED BY BOARD , 900 00 , . 15 00 , '-00 00 ! -- 40 00 40 00 , ,095 00 , 600100 '00 00 ~,4~0100 6 000 00 200 00 I , , '00 00 '~ ; , ' 100 00 i I i 50 00 : I 500 00 ~do 00 I I ) i -- l i ,;175 00 400 00 j : i I __ I , , , PROPOSED EXl!ENDlTURES __FUND - ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 55 .. .' - .. Page II 12 IE!5!! YEAR ENDING JUNE ]0, 19----5.5 .. " Roanoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 55 General _FUND ... . Numb" r TITLE OF FUNCTION --- YEAR ENDED lUNE 30, "~ YBAR. END~ f ' JUNB 30, 19 o Num- Function berof TITLE OF ITEM AI>I'ROPRIATION EXPENDITURES - Amended ~PRod;lA8ON Item en e - I - - I I ' , Ii I i 11 , I I ADVANCEMENT OF AGRICULTURE &: HOME ECONOMICS , I I , ! I I I I I no ..__. __n_.n... ..__ 0_0 . -- - . --. --- , , ! : ' I ; I I ' i ' ' 1109 Compensation.of _Se~retary I I 756 00 , 798 , , '756 00 I I' I I i i I I ; I I : i ill4 Compensation ot Farm Demonstrator ! ,500 00 1 500 ,68,0 00 i, , , i i I , , I 114 Compensation ot Assistant Farm Demonstrator I' ,38000 3. 265 ,440 00 I , i Ii , ! I i I I i , 118 Compensation of HODl" Demonstration Agent r ,680 00 i. 680 ,680 00 i' , I ' ' ! , 218 TeleVhone and Te~egraph I' 190 00 , 224 5 200 00 i i I i , I \ i , i I '11 Puel - Rome Damonstration Kitchen I : 25 00 I 44 1 i i 4000 i I I i I : i ' . , , I ! I I : I ) ! I I I ,531 00 5 511,86 i ,796 00 I I I , I I , , I ! ' ! I ' i i l' ELEC'l'IOJII I i I : I i I , ' ' I I I . I 109 Compensation ot Ottioe Assiatant I ' I - r I -- , I ! -- , I j : ' I , i i 112 Compensation ot Eleotion Ottioial. , ,flOO GO ' ,660:,98 ,000 99 ! i ! ' ! , ! I , 214 Rental ot E1eotion Booth8 , 150 00 123 0 I ~25 00 i , I ! I I ' I 222 Preparing, Printing &: Posting Voting List I 700 00 5?5 0 1350 00 , , , , I I i . 218 Poatage I ' I I , , I I -- i i -- I I - , , i -, I I : I , , I '19 Stationery,Ottioe Supplies, eto. , ~~ 00 78q 6 ~()O 00 , , I ! ~ I I _ '99 II1soellaneoua I I : -- 79 0 I! ' I i '2 10 , i I -- 210 Advert18ing . I I ! -- , , . I ""'-- - -n - . - , , '4 I .:1~ 00 2~~ I . 500 , I 00 -- i i , , PROPOSED EXrENDITURF.S 5~a46 100 ! I 756 00 , , , , 1 680 00 i l 1 '44\3 00 ! ! 1 o8p 00 , . 250 00 , I 4P 00 , , , , I , INCRl!ASROVER YI'_o\R E~VG JUNE30Jl~ , , I' I! , , i i i I 40j 100 i I , i ,5b 00 ! ! l~ 00 i I : I J I I' ! i I [ 7i6~ 00 50 100 I , i 50 100 I' , , ! , DeCREASE UNDER YEAR ENDINS4 JUNE 30, 19 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, AI.LOWEO BY"OAkO , 756 00 ,680 00 ,440 00 , .680 00 250 00 40 00 I 5 ,846 00 [ i I , 400 00 ~~obo 3.25 00 ,200 00 , '15 00 ! I 400 00 , ! I , , -- , , 1 I i ! -- , ' .140 00 , ~ , I , , , , , , : I .-55 :-J ....~ Page I l' 399 311 I PIlel 397 Towels, 215BIRepairs to Farm 215al Repairs to 215btRepa1rs :210 102 215 123 207 MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND -- -- ~-- --"- ---".."------- ... Compensation of: Cudtodian Compensation 119& Compensation 119 307 223 302 306 PremilDll Compensation of: Laborers Eleotrici tT Extra Janitors W14ter Servioe Repairs to Equipment Building Material & Supplies Cleaning Material & Supplies D1a1Dteotant II1scel1anooua on Fire Insuranoe MoClung to Courthouae T1asue, of: of: Janitors Buildings eto. Building . I i : ! , ' ,580 00 , , 3 840 00 t. ,1! ~ 100 C;,) 1 \ I : -- .. ..."'''' ^'" ~\IV VU , 1 200 00 ! ~ . -- , ; 1 300 00 ,000 00 I 525 00 I , 150 00 1 ~ 100 00 I j , , 500 00 I ' ,36 00 , ' , , ,3CO 00 ! -- , I i , I . I , ,1100 -- , I ,~o,61 01 1 518 55 , i 657 31 , 135 66 , 2114 16 i : 460 59 , , .5273 I I ~6~ 93 , ' : ~ , 1 __ i i i 3 00 , i I , [ i : i J f 2 580 00 , J 4 251 63 , I i i i ' __ I I i : 20 00 , , .. Ol'n ,." J. UU'" lo&. ! i 1 277 24- I 88 95 1 285 55 I ! ! I 3 coo 00 i I 4 320 00 . " r- 1 i 100 00 : ; J , i; ! 1 - , ): .. l'\nn nn :"'t7Vj IY'" . " 1 300 00 . i4 . I , ! ! -- : ! 50100 , I 500 00 , i , I 500 00 I ! 170 00 i : 200 00 , , 400 00 I ' '60 00 i i $00 00 i I 250 00 i : __ I I ! ! II I I I ~ .~5~ 00 1 1 ! ! ,4QO 0 .6*0 0 , , I t 100 0 , , i i - , hnn nl .7"'" ....' , , ,460 01 : I ! I .' ~ ; 500 0' j i 5QO 01 I : 5QO 01 i t '1$0 0 I I '100 0 i I MO 0 I I I ~O 0 ! I ,'5~ 0 , , I ' :2~0 0 I i I , I I i i , 10 ; I , , , ' ! i , ' , ' , I , i I I I I , I , , , ' i I ! I -r-. , I 5~O o 00 PO PO , ' , 710100 : i 100100 i I I I , 600 iOO 10100 I 1 400 00 50 00 , ' 2j, ~OO 00 , ~50 00 , -- 2400100 4 ,29 99 100 00 -- , 1,~OO 100 , , 1~400 00 I ,100100 50~100 500,00 500100 ~80100 100 00 14 Numbrr of Functioll Num- buof hem TITLE OF FUNCTION TITLE OF ITEM GROUNDS ,.\PPROl'RIATION Aiiended YEAR ENDED JUNE EXPU:DITUIlES 3., 19--55 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19.;1t- A1ien~et{ION PRUPOSED ExrENOITURE~ INCREASE OVER YEAR ENDy,ir. JUNE 30, 1971f- DECREASEU!lDER YEAR ENDlS4 JUNE 30, 19 ENDING JUNE 3., AnOWED BY BOARD 19~ - - Roanoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 19 55 General FUND ,;::) YF.AR ~>") Page 11 14 . -~-_.- --.-.- --- TO'l'AL OPERATING EXPENSES ____._.~n. ._____.__._____ ! j I f I I I' ~~,~~21 O~ , I ~~'At i I . ! --- -- 805 Interest on Tsmporary Loan ~. ...___ ._~_.. _ .._..._ ._u _ ...'____ .- - ~------..~. DEBT -- 20 -_.._._._...._~ SERVICE i I , , I' ! I ~ ~8715o I! I =, I II ! 1.~,J~ I i , ! I , I I ; .._- 00 !~8~4'v ~o I i I ~lp 60 Ii I I rr j ! i , i , i I 1 ! I II I: _ I ~+~,If';9160 ,- i , , , , ~[G:~ Vs;n !~t~ ~.!.'dJ,j \:a:: ;i<i'! -- -- I , 702lContr1but~on 711 3001 400 399 319 Stationery & Off10e Supplies 318 298 299 230 231 215 218 228 a, Telegraph C1v1l1an Defense Telephone (PMA 01'f'1ce) 213 206 205 ... 103 Spec1al Attorneys , ! ! i 00 Roadii Garbage City Employer's Federal Insurance Contr1but10n . lllatohing) Re1'und E1ec,tr1cal &: P1U111b1ng Pe1'D13:ts Repairs to Vehicles Compensation Prem1um Dues &.Subscr1pt10ns :m'l53 -- I 3.50 00 ~ 80& 00 :1 ioo' 00 Iii l j:.._ I 260 00 ! , i -- i I I I -- , I , ' j i - , I ,t -_ i , 100 00 ! t i 13 600 00 i i I ; 500 00 ! -I' -.. i 86~ 00 Ii) : f i (Mater1al &: Repairs) D1sposa1 Manager of on W'J1:'kman V{e1gh~s 's Compensat10n &: Measure Insp~ctors. , , I , i __ ! 100 00 ,. --- , , ~8P100 I : __ , , I , ! I I I Ii! , ~"f /60 I ~6r 69 I 205 o() I ~l~ 27 !10 5 , 'I ! 191 15 ! 678 25 1 " 1 837 65 Iii l '! _ I _I II 20~ 53 , I ! 31 60 I . i I 11 20 , , , . -7 17 I " i 17 91 I "62 , -- 500 00 , i J-- , I ~ i , ! i , , , ! I i I i ! , I ! i , ! ! i 15~ 100 'I , -- i 350 00 ! I -- I . zoo 00 i i , I : I __ i I 200 00 j I 1 600 0 i I 2 500 0 , I i - ; I' i -- I , i , -- f I , I __ i I __ ! I ; , 100 00 I i I , I I -- i I I I 20(1) 00 i I I 9 ooe) 00 , " I II l( .i481~c 6J Cont1ng~ncy Fund Replacement Re1'und of Taxes _ "'_...-- .,.-.+ !l1s.,.11aneous of Motor Vehicles """n. __. _ _ ,_ .., _ to Li1'e S~!1ng Crew 5~514 39 '8 Luncheon ~ I I i I I I I I I I I i I , I I I I , I i ! j I I I I I I I , , , , . . I , , I I I I i ,10816c I II I I 'I - II ,dO 0 I ! ,J.O 0 . I I ,:to 0 I I I, _ I l i I 250 0 I i ! I -- , , ,600 0 ;. ) ! I -j' ! I -- i 40 0 I f I I - I I : , , I -.. ! I ~- : 50 00 I! .. , , 200 I OC , 00 , I , I I! i i I' , , i I , , , , 310 00 , ' . I 110 00 i I , I ; I , 50 00 , , ' , , , , , , , 10:0100 i 1 I i , 40,00 I I i i i , , I , , i I i , I I I , I , i I , i , , ..I. -- ~o ... 10 168 ~O I . 4 591 , , ; , ! , ! I I i I I i 2,891 40 i I ! i] ! ' I I I , I I I , ,50 /00 , i I' , i , ~ .1~0? 6 108 , " , , ' , ' 50 , ~: -- I-- -- 00 -- 00 60 40 , 21600 ~~ 600 PO 250 -- 00 -- 50 PO 310 pO : . -- ~oo fO ~10 pO , 18 "IS!J'RT.T.'lt~OlJS OPERATING FUNCTIONS YEAR BND-I~1f JUNE ZO, 19~. Ame"lS<aiftATlON INtREAS~ OnR YEAR E-ND~f. jUNB30, 19~ OI!(;REASI! UNDER YEAR ENDl~. JUNE 30, 19-...;1........ Numb~r .f Function Num- berof hem TITLE OF ITEM ApPR:OPAIA110N Amended YEAR ENDED ,UNE EXPENUJTURES fO, L~ f'll.orosEO EXl'ENOITVR.E:5 ALLOWED BY HOARD YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 ;l;l TITLE OF FUNCTION FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE General 30, 19 55 FUND .. - EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES - _COUNTY, VIRGINIA - - Page If 15 CAPITAL OUTLAY 400 Motor Vehicles 401 Flre Equipment 402 Fire Hose 4o~ Furniture & Fixtures 405 01'1'1C8 Equipment 409 Radios 601 Improvements to Buildings TOTAL EXPENSES & CAPITAL OUTLAY -....- - . ~---, - Inter1'und Trans1'ers;-. To Library Fund To School Fund (Superintendent's Salary) To Sohool Fund Supplement -- -.-. --.- ,.-. - --~--- .. ---- To Virginia Public Assistanoe . ."._._ . . __ ..d_____ - .-. State Local Hospitalization -- ..-.. "___.._.n.._ _. -.--_. GUIlD TOTA~ EXPENDITURES -..-. I i 16 , I I II! I 21 1 i , 65 i , I ,~6 i , ,40 , , 00 00 o 00 I J,7 I I i !4J ~7 1 i ,66 i ! I I , I , ' ,~6 , ' ,~$ ,'06 : ' ,6~ , . ,9' , , i I - , , ,05 6 00 75 88 00 97 00 ; I 19 5 . , 21 1 , I - , 48 1 j ,54 i ' , I I '.' , , ,85 1 : ,4i I I ,25 , , ,',$ I : ,20 , , I i , , ....-. ~6$ 00 60 00 lIB 00 00 I :4~ I Ii 22 i' I! : I i :1 Ii , I 14 If I I , ! I j j ,2~9160 I I i I 'I ~ ,772 4( , , ,410 r.,} I' I i I -- ,I . ,pOl 0 Ii ,500 0 ~IO 3 . I I, , , ~ll ~9~ 60 i I : j , I 91~ 92 , i i i i ! I 298 00 I! , I 9q2152 , ' i I 5 5 I I , I i i , I , , ',25 ,8 , ~ ,6$ 60 00 60 ,5 I , I , i , , I I i i i ,0001 00 : I i i - t ~ I , , I 500, 00 , I 19 Num. berof Item ApPROI'JUATION Amended YEA1I!. ENDING lUNB 30, 19-94- Am'6"6.'tt;l'!tTlON INCRI!A3I!OVER. YEAR ENDl~I. JUNE 30, 19----JJ+- DeCK EASE UNDIIR YEAR ENOIN~ I. JUNE ]0, 19---7'+ , ., ,. 2~~t;~~ AI.LOWED BY BOARD f ' , , 800 0 - : ~ 000 0 - . - ~ 800 0 , , ' , 222 239 0 ; 7 772 0 ], 410 bo 463~9.2~ 100 ,0 '0 .: 00 , !l ,56 II ! i ,953 60 1 r 168 94 , , , ' i I __ , , , ,,87 81 '~ 9 71 i;7 50 8 41 , ~001 00 I . . I i I ,000 00 , i I __ : I ! i I I __ ~ ; , , ~~O 00 adol 00 , , i 1 I i -- I ; I I ,8~ I , i , -- i , , , I II -.. 800 00 i I i I __ i I 31,000 I co i I ! I - [ I I , 00 , , ~.000100 2!200100 , " , , : I , i I , , , ' , : 800100 : , ,5001 00 ,000100 500100 - , ......., Number of Function TITLE OF ITEM TITLE OF FUNCTION ..' _i YEAR ENDED r. '... - Roanoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, I9.---$- Genera ~FUND lUNE EXI'ENOITURU 30, 199J- __ PROPOSEO EXI'ENOITURES :-:l ~,- ) Page # 16 """ .... ,- YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~ , , - - ------ "'" --- - -- Balance July 1 From Tag Sale Contributions RetWldB Sale or car . TOTAL REVmroE -~.- -."-. -_.,~ .-. --.. -~- -_.-. - "--- I I , I i I i ! I I I I I , ! i , i I I 1 i i 1 , i I ! , , i I , I 1 I 1 . I I i I I , I , I I I I -- .~o , .708 i i 10C ~ - t , , , , 1 ' , , , , ; 800 , , i , , , . , ! , " , i I I I I i 26 00 22 00 04 , I i i i . i i ! I . , i , I i I i I I I I , .5~01 00 I i I , ,5001 00 i ' , ,50010 , Itooo 100 8 ~06 00 i -- i i i , , , . I i , , ! , I I I i I I 1 ! l~OOOIOO ~JOOr e , ,500/0 -. ,?OOIOO ,500 00 YEAR END!:D JUNE 10, 19~ (ACTUAL) YEAR ENDl51, JUNB 30, 19. (ESTIMATEO) TIINTAllVE ESTIl-VoTE INCREASE OVER YEAR ESUlNG JUNE 30, 1954-- ----;,:~; ENDING JUNE -'0, ~;--5.s-~' DICRBASII UNDBR VBAlt END~f JUNI!30.19~ :--=1= FINAL ESTIMATJ.; --,= - .===b=,==~~ ~DOG REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_'i5- ",u,1ID FUND ROllnoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA - - - Page f1 11 [ , , 298 220 '19 '99 400 212 215 218 220 l!:mp_loJer Equipment Aid Other Stationery, Jl1scellaneoua Traveling BZpenee, to Postage, Premium on Surety Bonds Repair &: Replacement or Equipment Traveling ~enae-Non Reimbursible Otri_"e ~uppl1es, Supt &: Case Workers-Mileage Permanently &: Totally DIsable- --- --------.-----.-- --', 's Telephone &: Telegraph Federal Insurance Contribution ---------- .---. -.- etc. , ~ 60' 00 211 1C9 109 109 206 Premium on Car Liabil1ty Insuran..:e Dues &: Subscriptions Compensation or Case Wo~ker Compensation of Case Worker Compensation of Case Worker 109 109 109 Compensation or Case Worker of Stenographer CompensatIon of Stenographer CompenStltion 8b 109 102 Travel C W S 2 I I I I I I i I I I , i I , I I , I I I I I ! I I I , , ! I I ! i , ; I i i i I , I , i I i I , , I I , I' I 'i I 1,_ , " i 542 '0 I I i 2 808 0 j i, , I' , 900 0 , " , " 2 700 0 ! '; , " , , 2 040 'Q ; I,' : 415 ,0 . " 1 " 2 940 '0 I I' 2 568 0 I I, , " 2 712 10 , " 2 ~6 10 ~ I I : 50 10 ) ) 52 10 ,I i , , i 5,00 ,65 00 ~ i 692 00 , I ;2 i~ OOl I ,., ) i 450 00 , ! i -. ! ! -- , '9p OJ i . 159 00 ! I- i I -- i i II , , ! , I I I , 1 ! , ' ,::16 25 I i ,808 00 I ,900 00 i l ,700 00 ; i ,ii, 42 \ ...- i i .940 00 i j .568 00 . l .71 00 ,340 00 n ,6 00 81 14 I ! 90 I ,4~ ; I 2' , I ,~ o 00 00 9 16 99 78 50 12 ~ , JS6 6 Compensation Clerk &: Bookkeeper Compensation or Superintendent Sala1'J , I I I , i I I I I , I I i I , ! I I i I , I , 80 BOARD OF PUBLIC _~.. _. '_H WELFARli: -- '10 , I I I ;11510 ~r 0 1 11 I I 520 00 . , , ' ~4.'~ 00 140 00 I i , 000 00 i I 2 220 00 i I - , I I , , 56,0 00 i I , 120 00 ! , ',3,6 00 i i ,920 00 I I 50 00 j i 45 00 I I 15 00 1'5 00 i I 910 00 ! i ,2'0 00 i I 250 00 ! I 4QO 00 I ! i I 540 00 i I .045 00 I , ,080 00 , I , .760 00 ! I ,160 00 i i -- . , ,180 00 i ! ,640 00 I ,880 00 I i ,460 00 , , 50 00 i 00 00 60 00 00 -- 00 00 00 00 00. , , , 14;' 00 , I , , 25P 00 i i l! , , I I , , I I I' , I I, ; 1 : I I: 152 00 i I i 1 , , ; 21Bloo , , I I 4~09Z /60 ; 50 I ' 1!4B4 I '. i 65 f ': 1 25 I ; I , i i I , , I I I 550 IJB91 Po Po ~o , 125 i I 515 i i , . , i , : ; ,91, 0 ,,2'0 250 0 400 0 00 00 Ol} 5 1'5 910 , 380 00 " ! 480 00 456 00 ! i 460 00 I I . , , ' , i , 7 Po 501 45 0 ,92010 ,120 00 ,'36 00 , I I , ; ; ,87 00 60 00 ; ; 240 00 , , 60 00 , , .560100 ,220100 , , 2~ to i , , .000/00 ,140100 00 ,4'2 520 00 YSAR ENDING.eI. JUNB 30, 19--;l1+ ApPROPlLIATION ,g , INCREASE OVI':R YI!ARENOlllift. JUNE 10, 19~ YEAR El\'71JNG JUNE DECREASE UNDER YEAR ENDlN~.. JUNE 30, t9~ Number 01 Function Num. bet of It~m TITLE OF FUNCTION -' TITLE OF ITEM AprAOi'RIATJON YRAR RNDED NE EXPENDITURES 30, 9~ PROPOSED ~X:PEND1TURU AU.OWEO BY BOARD VIRG!llIA PUBLIC YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, ASSISTANCE 19 55 FUND FOR THE EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES ROANOKE '. COUNT r VIRGINIA Page # 18 - - - - -, -. ~- ~ .-=-=--""'"-- -= -- - =-~- -- State Assistanoe Federal Ass1stll'loe COlUlty Assistance ,_,"'n. .. ~-- -..- -~._- ---.--..--.- .__.~-- .--- - :o8lloke _COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 55 VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE __FUND ~ Yen EN~ Y2A1l EN~ - JUNE 10, 19 JUNg .JO, 19 TENTATIVE (ACTUAL) (ESTIMATED) ESTlMATR Amended , , 86 64 924 00 ! i " 116 974 00 , i . , : i i i , i i' ,50 60~ 00 .. 1\ \' !, , , , , ; i , ! I ! ; ,587 60 2:52 501 00 . , I I I j I i , ! i , , I I i t i i I , I I I I I ! i I I I ! i , , I I I i ! I j , : i i , i I , i I i . I J , ! , , , , , , 1 I . I , , i i I , I I , , i I i , i I I i I I , , t , [ i , I I , I I t I . i I i I i I i ! I i , i i I , I , i , i I I , i , t I I i I , , I , , I I i , , , , , I i , I I I I I I . i , , . I I , , , I I I , i ! I , I i I ! I , 1 i I i i . ! i I I I I i ! 2 ,66 40 i: , ' , 'i 51 540 40 I I! 49J17~loo i I I I ! i , i , i I I I , I , i , I I ! , I , I , I I ! . i I i , , I I I . , I I 5 6 ,924100 5~.627100D , 11 ,97400 . .. . i ! f I 5,60' 00 .627 00 2' ,501 00 INCIUtASE OVI!R YEASt ENDIS("\_ JUNE 10, J9---5-...... DBCRBAS& UNDER YE.\R ENDlNE-I. JuNE 30, 19~ Page 11 18 ....--~ -~,,---= YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19--55 FINAL ESTIMATE Number of Function TITLE OF FUNCTION 708 707 706 705 704 703 Num. berof Item Aid to Permanent & ~otally Disable Falrvlew Home Ald to Depenient Ald to Blind R~&U1Qr Foster Gare General Rellef State-Looal Hosplta1lzatlon Old Age ABslatanoe GRAND - TITLE OF TOTAL ITEM EXPENDITURES Children - EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES 'OR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 55 Roanoke VIRGIN .. YEAR ENDED J,llNE 30, 19.....2"- Apl'ROPRIATION Amended I ~ 0~8 I! I! 99 492 I! I I 'I 4875 I I, 53 692 I! I' 12 408 ", I , , 11 266 , I, : [ 900 I i I :1.4322 , ' I ! i I , I ,: i 204.013 , , , , , ' , , 23 , , , ' I ! ,616 , , 00 'r.'" __COUNTY, VIRGINIA '0 o o '0 '0 '0 o II 'I , I, ).8'1,462177 ! I I 1 'I 'I I~~ ,78 854 II " ,4226 I I I I '4i1 495 ! Ii' : 12 268 ,1 " ,1 I, ,10 154 I! 'i 1 :1.40 I' ,. , , 5 766 I I: , ' I '~ , " I I ' I ,i 5~ 027 ExrENDlTr:ItES 1 '{ o o o 2 o o 2 FUND 200n25 YIlAlt ENDING JUNK 30, 19_~ Appr.cl'''';' <,' , I 11 23 I , , 1 I' I! ,4011 :! i I 8B 950 I: i f i 5 050 I' , , , ,53 600 '16 200 , i i I 16 948 2764 ! I I 1~l202 I ; i i , I Ii i i ! I ,~87160 o o o o o o o o o : 1 I I I I I ~~2~~Ot PROPOSED EXI'ENDlTURES ~ i I 18,54/:> 00 I . I .I. I I 'l' ,480 00 I I I . 480 00 ii' ,400 00 i I ,880 00 I i ,04,8 00 , ' ,260 00 I 1 ,50b 00 I I II o -2 ':'t IN(;RHASE OVER YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19----5lF i i '14 , , 10 ! 937 , 4~68p 100 I I : i i I i 1 ~1~2r 00 ; I I 1 ; I 1 430 00 : :: ; ! i oBO . : 298100 , , , i 00 ---. ..,... Page # 19 - YEAR ENDING JUNE 10, 1.---55 DEeRl!M! UNDER YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19----54 , 1 ,200 100 i , ,0741 00 ,900 ,4701 00 ; 166160 , , 5041 00 : ! 00 20 23 ALLOWED BY BOARD , ,540 00 8 ,480 00 ,480 00 , , , , 5 ,400 00 2 ,880 00 1 ,048 00 j,~60 00 1 ,500 00 , ~50 88100 , {j ~ ~ , , f . , ~, , t', ~ (, ~i: ~ " "'-- !\' 101 Librarian's Compensation Librarian's Compensation(i by School Board) Librarian'lI Compensation 102 Librarian's Part-Time Compensation 102 Librarian's Assistant . - 136 Compensation Bookmobile Driver 210 Book Inaurace 211 Premium on L1abili ty Insurance. 215 Repair & Replacement or Equipment 215 Bookmobile Repairs 218 Telephone 220 Traveling Expense 298 ~loJers Federal Insurance Contribution 311 Fuel, Lights (Conehurst) 312 Gasoline. 011, etc. 319 Library Supp11es & Postage 399 lU.acellaneoua Tot.al Operating Expenses CAPITAL OUTLAY .._- 4a? I EqIdplIlent . _." . ..._ _, . ____..___._....._m__.____. ._______...._... 3Z1 Books __.~ ,___._0___' _...___ "_ _.__._'0______.,..._...__.___ GRAl'lD TOTAL BIPENDITURES --...-. - ,--.-_._-_.-.-.._-..- ---- ,-- 4 885 19 ii, J i, , f f , ,I ! 175 00 ! t T " , I! 1 500 00 ; i 66019 , , , " 4 91:1. 120 I ! I , I I ; . I I '-- I I I 1~ 123 9 10 4 9St I I, I I J Ii 1115. ' , :17P ~ . .~~ 40 II i~5 00 Jdo 00 2140 : r'OO 1 -- 100 00 ! ! 36 00 , , ' 30 00 i I ! : -- ; ! 100 00 : , 42 50 ~ I 90 00 , , 50 00 233 70 ; i '5491 , TIO 100 , . ~:! I:: , 58 108 ! I i I I , I I I , I I i i i I I I i i I I , i , ! : i I i , , ! , , , , I I I I i I I I I I I i I I i I , I , f i i I 3 2" \15 .67 37 , 96 91 I i 552 59 : I 3l~ 15 I I I , 474 168 1453 I , .~ , , I I 187 156 i J~ : i ! )50,0 , " i 800 I " j ,I 1 320 . , , ' 50~ i \ , , : I 233 , lO~ 58 ; i i , : , 100 1 : 3~ ! , 50 ! \ i ; , ' : i 100 : I 42 , I 9Q : ) 50 I I I ; '0 50 10 '0 - o '0 o o .0 ,8 o o ,0 o , I I I , , i I i i \ , I I ! , , i , , , , , lJ.80 00 ! l ,800 00 I I'~O 00 I ~O 00 Jl 000 00" , , , ' , I 23~ 70 : \ 104 20 I ' I I 62 0 : I r i - ! 1 , , 100 00 i I 75 00 , , ,5!0 001 : I --, ioo 001 ! i I 42 50 ; I 90 00 I I t 50 00 I . ! , , , , , I, I ' I I! I I I . - I i 1 162 92 " II , I , , II , I : , Ii i i 1 ~6i2 92 . , 3?IOO , I i , , i l~2~. 00 I! . !: 1 000 , , , , 2"0 (I I' , , , , , , I I I Ii , I o ,0 5 897 I , , , ' : 175 i 1 700 - 7 o , , I 1 ~192 00 2~0 i , , ! I i 20 o 101 Num. b~rof Itrm o ,0 100 ,0 42150 90 '0 500 ALI.OWED BY BOARD 480 0 1 800 0 1 440 0 : 1270 0 1 000 2,33 0 104 0 62 100 75 50 Numbrr of Function TITLE OF ITEM TITLE 'OF FUNCTION ApPROPRIATION _~lllRARY ......~ YEAR ENDED lUNE '0, ..~ EXl'!,NDITURU YEAR ENDrN~I. JUNE 3D, 19~ ApPROPRIATION PROPOSED I~XPENOITURU INCREAM! OVER YE.\R ENDUel:). JUNE30,19~ - . -- COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 55 FUND .~ ~ Page II 20 YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 19--5.5 DECR1!I,SE UNDER Yl!AltENOIIbi. JUNE 3D, t9~ I ; , I . I' r ;-~---~--~...~--=-=-~~~ -~-- - , - --. _._------~------~- - - From County General Fund Miscellaneous From State Funds Fines and Costs Ret'unds IJRAND TOTAL JmVENUE INCII!ASI! OVER YI!Alt ENDING JUNE 30, 1~4-- -- ill - - - , I I' 9~J 2 ! i I , , ~ 8~479169 : ! i i ~ I 6t~ 6~ 00 i 5 ~5 741 00 , , ~1 50 '07184 ! , : , I I , ! 1 I , 859148 c::--..=:o:-_" I ' , , , i I 6~859 48 : ! 7.772 7n72 - .0 .0 , ,91~ 2 =='==-1 . ': :; ! i ,. :. , 71,772140 ~" l~2140 7 '--~ --- =-..--""""""'-'-----=-~--~.~=---'~~-=-._;,~~ -- _..:~-::::~ YEAR ENDED - -- = ~---=-~~-:=------ JUNE 30, 19~ - YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19K~-.----=-,c (AcrUAL) YEAR ENDIN~.. JUNE ]0, 19---.;u.e. (ESTIMATED) TENTATIV! ESTUfATIt DrCRRASR UNOJlk YIAR ENOIt)ljI. JUNI! 30, 11---::JJ.1. F'INAL ESTIMATE --._---- ----~ ---_.- ROANOKE .. _COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES 'OR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19--55-_ L FUND ~ -- ':'"'-- . Page # 20 ... c~ .;~ I t", r ~. ~ , l ~ , , \ \- , -_....;. . - ~~~~-=-~~~~'~'ee"r,==e'=~-.- -= ~ . . .,~ -- ~,.- ''-- -=="-'''''==-''~~~===--~-~~-"~-~''''4=~'''''' I TlTLB OF PUNcrlON I. YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 19----1ili. I! II \?!^R ENDlllG ]UNJl 3D, 19...Q2... - il- !Numbe, I Ii I' YR"'" ENDING ,r II " r ;: I ,I I ':: - I; INCRBASB OVBR h DBCRBASB UNDBR. I ,: . 01. 1 Num. Ii ! _.\ ]UNB 3D, 19--.5..4..- I PRoPOSED il YEAR, ENDING !I YBAR ENDING ! ALLOWBD I: IFuoctioo I I ber of . TIn.s OF 1l1!M !, APPROPRIATION ;: ExPBNDl11JRES I, ^ - I,l ExPBNDJ11JR1IS I: JUNB 30 19 C A ;' JUNlI 30 19 kA I: BY BoARD Ii IIi Item I ,i!~ ii' PPROPRlATlON I :i' ~ it . ~ I! :: , i ,: I' . " ~ " rt ,; Ai!ir.rNISTRAT[Oli i --!; 1;-' : ; ,,', "=1' -T- i TI ~;:--~ ==;'"==T==r=., : .- [',0=.:.,- ,- ,;- i f S;;.-;:rn;~ 'i I " I' i " : I ,I ' , Ii , , " ',I :, ' I _~o..9.-.. oar _ --.- ---'... .--'- ',j. ,! 1 '!.l 11 _ I i~ ,!..; :' . I, I;! ' , 'I ! 17";0 I Co;ni'o.nS'ltion 01 ..('mbers. '.I! ~,20 00 I' 1,141. 08 'I 1;,:'00'00:' I i,.?OOIOq. : --, j: : -- I I: 1,2.0000': I -_t_, I__,n."._nn" Clerk... ..: 'j :3,00 Oll. I ;)',(,c,) 00': 1 3:,000100:: t,30~oq ;300[00' 1__: 'i 3,:"('0:00: [: , /I " Supt. - a. LOCHl (Basic) , '1,38 00 I f>.1!,221102. i!. I 1,~.86 00,' I t,33El 06 I --, ': ! --,:i 1,386 00., .:: i " " -" - t. School Board "i: '1'3,061 oq. . -.; . ': I 31,06/.100 I' II ll-,36d oq '396 iOO Ii : -- [[I ""Z600'),! , 'II II A 1+ " t I I . I "I I " I I' I , " \ I j , I i ( BS .... ...up . ", ' -, -- " I __!.I I ; -- I I I _.~ t, --, I: '__ I. ' I I " I' ,. I , \ I. J.., It ' , I , I' . 'I :: "" Other AdnJiniatrative Employees,! ..:6,30 00. 6,605'88:1 i 6',30000:,' ,\?~q oq '6.30,0,) '; -- I Ii 6,9;',0,00;: i' "" Secretaries & Clerical Personn"n, 12,28 OQ, 2,880100 II I 21,400100:' I ~,64a. OQ :2';000 :, [--! !; 2,640.00, I r.'xprcss "~ei,.;,t & Drovone "I I 1. Ii I I'" I' "':,', ,,' I II .' ___",J ; ~.--. "'" ,.~~", .' ~-"l1C;>'b ri "--. ,- -1 - t; ".~ -.- ~ 'I "-, -- I .d I. I l -- I. ,-- ; 7"-. i~ ~_-. __.. : i i Office Equioment i ! 2t4l oq I ' 518150 ,: 131)0:00!)' : 2:'0; OQ i -- i : 50100 'i 2,,000" I 1 I POBtflge, Teiephone, TE'lebI"aph I - i 9~ OQ, 11,146129 Ii. i. li,OOOIOO I;. f,20Q C'O. 1200 :00 [' -- i I:. 1,200,00 1 i I Tnveling Expense of Supt. ! i 27 oel I ,20 60 ,: i : 276 00 I! I ,275 OQ ,-- I I' , --; ,. 275 00 : i -iOtherExpeneee ! '20'Odl.mI16~185Jl:..li,370:00"1 t,22~OO t--, 1141100! 1,22900 :' I Censue, SUrveys & Reports ! i 1, 00, I -- i' 'I I lOiOO!: I ,80q 00 '790 :00 --! I', 800 00 i i ; i Office Supplies i I 5 0 ' 649 00 :! , 500 I 00" I : 700 00, ,200 '00 . : -- i ii -1- 700.00" ! , ' i TOTAL - AD1UNISTRATION ,,, ~ od 20 6/.8172' I 21! 705'00 l~ 1 24 27000 2;56S pO : I =-i ~. 24.27000': I"STRUd'l'IO": ' . " , , ., ' " , ", " ;, - I. i.. - ,,--' , " N .l.ot, I ;1, 1 ' !. " i :I I : \ ',I 'i ':;; I . .. I . , i i 17-:b-1: I Regular Da.y SchOOl - TOTAL INSTRUC'l'IOll "i 951....90@ 00 I 971i,765;ge,:!t.034,OO2-j00 j'l,161~OOO iQ.Q. 127,00000 ,. _ --i --: J...L161.000 00:' I ; . 1 :---1 -~ --r- I"! ! .: r!'; I!. ' . ~ i , i1 'I ! I . i ;: ii' '. ~ : ,i, ! I' \ i ! ! r EVEliIl;c.;, PART-TJj:,\E, SUJD.IER SCHOOL I:! i i (i i i "1: I i I; i I : i: I : II' ! 17-'1:>-2' 'I Evening - Academic ': : --r " : --, " i --, 'i 1 --' -- i --; I: --: , I I 1 " . 17 I , I "'" ' ), . ; 'I" - Vocat..onal - i :. _ --to r l .11:JO ~ 5 " ; . - i ,-- j :: i I --. 'I -- I j -- i li -- : : I Part-time - Academio ! ~,OOQ 00 i 1!,800:00 ':! 1',600100 I' I 1,600; 00 -- ! --, !' ~,600 O~ : : I 11 11 - Vocation,,]. ! 2,OOOOq I 1I,'!l",C3 'I! 2:,OOOiOO I;! '~,OOO, oq .. --, i --, Ii <.,000.0," : ,I Specihl & ACiult .. i ,7,50$ 09 ! 111.67,3 :61 ::: 7, SOO 100 il I 1~ ,OOG! o~, 0,;000 PO, ! --! Ii: J.l:ooo 00 II ___I --I SummCl: scltOOl _m :; " 1'.1,30c!> oei' - 31,';33\00 '11' 4',300100 I! I ",400! oq'" :100 ('0 '! '! --! II' '1',100;00 I ' U 'I - I ., , I I" i" i'" 1'1 ! ,Other Expf:nses of Inatr'uc on ': i ! - ~ j: --I' II . -....: 'J l' __e ~ 1,1 : --! ;! ; -- j .;: '--; i , ! -I Veter8nlil Trnl.ning'd-. .. '.. -. d - ~..:... t,50Q _~<t~_' !~-_:'.L_-- r 1"":'--..21!500 19_0.1 '_:""': _t!,.9s2\ od! ~_... . ~.l_,:"",::j;~:::;oo t_::..~,952 '00, .,!- I I TOVl. - EVENI:<.G, PART-TI,X, SU:.ililER SCHOOL! I W.3QdJ 0' 18I'443i1~*-.'J !._17i.90'> '0#'_1 . ."'''~ o~ ',o.no. : "_.1'" 20'95.-2:.00,.,.1. I '~I 'fOTAL - INS'l'RU:JTIONi' 97,Q. .30~O~ J~.l!..qj,_209 jFliA".oE~..l!mQ.Q. : 11 181\, 95~_Q.1}..3.o.~0_5..~_..o_<LL... '-~.-r-J _i!:.,_1_8.J".9.~?c:9_Qi: ~HE~t!~~~, c~r.m:!~ni;~~;~tio~-~~~~~.s. ;';-~r~~oiPP.1e--- --- '-- -1 ~,506 ~r, -'-:~Jf~9-~ ~~. n '~~Cs~~-I;o-li' C-:;~,6~01~~: ~;':;2~~~ :.,:-1-= 1"" [ . ~7;.'620io'~.'.i I.! i TravelEXPenae5uperv180re,Voc.PeraonneJ,etc:'i ~, 00; 290675!!12I,5ooI0011 '$,48oI0C1 :980pO:, 1--11') 3,,48000:: I I Tui t10n Paid Other Division e 'I I :.30 oq: 252 LiO :! I ,: 300 00 : I 3001 o~' : -- i ;: ! --, '! : 300 i 00: I ' i Cener"l Sup"llee, "iaps, Globes & C.h,<1.r'te :i!: 50 o~'. 5.44102 :11 i 800100 'I 1,aOO'loqi 1,:000 PO;I : :'-. I Ii: 1,800:0011 I ' : LU?ora tory SUppliee . .. ,__ _ ~ I? , 50 oq: 1 538 26 I, 12~ 600 00 ,000 0 i.... ,--! 'i I SOO 00 i i 2,,000 : 00 I, i ! ~iW.a.ries, Books, Supplies & peri0a.10Ul..B. :' I 13,0 09! 8 6.22 74. ::' 6~000 100. ~II ,.000 O~ 1,1000 po:: II --, I . II! 7',000 iOO 'II I : l4fUlualTralnine SupPl1ee - __..1, ': - . Ii ..:- II ,-: 1.-:-' -.. ,I ' -~_I II i -~, l ,:-:-.1: ; --, I , Textbooke Furnishe';;' Freo ~ ! 50 oq: 432 '52 !I 600 ~O i! , 6(.0100 I -- I: . , '1-- 0' , i ,,600 ,00 t, I Vet, Training SUpplles, Travel (1954 Sal. also):, n.. ,200 OQi. . ;..j. -. Ii :1~50 0 00 ' I 7;JO OO!: . ; --: 'I.: 800 00 Ii. '.! 700100 i[ I VooationRJ Trainin6 iluppl1ee ,II 8,0 oq: . 5 527 78 6 000 00 !,?OO 0 i . . i -- L 'I.' ";- I. 6,,000100 I, - , Other Insl;I'\.IoUonal. Costs ',' I 1t.0 on r-l.47~ 01 .-,-J..~OOO 00 ~')OO o! 1 OOO.{lJL.il-~,. _:.=..- -t-. _"~2~O~:tO I _'_ 1 TQ:t'&_-",__OT!ij;:j\ +USTRUCTIONAL--":3J OO~ ~- 36ll'oo 00 ... 600 11-' :.J800~l' ~. ~- k 4l:.SQQ.~11 I'!! II ' lit I .' , I I'" "", , '[' ,. I I' i , II I - -: -I r 7 ~ i - : Ii I (" J . L. 1 II ! 'i I I' ';' Ii , I' , I "t I, 1-" ~' \ 1 I: ii' ii ' : 11 I!! I' , J "I Jl I . 'I [I " , i j . 'i , I I' :' ii 'I [, I ' i 'i I 1\ Ii " , J ~ !' CO~TS n ,------ -- ~ !I I, II H I' - -, -~-- , ., v .. 5::13001. - ROANOlCF. COUNTY, VIRGINTA EXPENDITuRE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 Ii!) FUND .. .. , .1 , , . i,:'" " ~-f-: i;,' f"- ~;. 1:< "!, ,- "ei,.H -------- ,. '-~=-,-~~~7~=~~~-~=-~~"'=~'~~'="~~=F-"= - -' - ~~"lj~~~-=-""~S-"",..~=-~=-..-,-~~'E~~--,~~~=-~"="-'-.-~~~"~~~~ m_",--,---" T1TLIl OF PUNcnON 1_ YI!Ml ENDED JUNE ~O, 19~ I Ii YEAR PNDING JUNB ~O. 19----p5 II Numb<, I I" YEAR ENDING ' II II 'I ' Ii olCRBASB OVER II DBCRBASB UNDIlA ; of. Num. ! t JUNB 30. 19-----5A. I. PROPOSBD YEAR ENDINO i! YBAR ENDING ALLOWED I Function I bet of I TIUB OF ITEM 'II ApPROPJUATION I EXPBNDlTURES jl - . - I; BxPBNDITURBS 1B 20 19. t:A'1 JUNE 20 19 ~A I BY BoARD II ~llenl ' , '! ApPROPRIATION i ... ~~, J. ~ 'I , II ,I" I ,I " : . COORDIllAtEA" TIV I,-:-LiS' !i I: I : : I .n. I : i:' r - r '[=1'-r' r' [ = i -- '1-1 il I I '~ 'i " . ; , If' , ~,. I Ii' 1 I . ; "." \--It-c I I co. mpeneatio. n.. of Doctors"" . "'-." "I: .2. d 0(1' '-- I :;! I 25,0011 I 251 ' --: ;.1 :1 25' 001 :: II II Dentiets !i ': 2$ 00' 1-- I : i 2\001'; : 26' I --! 'I --' 25,OOi '-'\'- '1\ iUI~or"I'C11~0;Y~t:en~:::s. ......-...!:I ~:J,72:.I-ooi I r,~4d;8~:---~0001~0~ 'Ii j~o~t !2~~ioo;i.' =.=!I 2~OO:-..~~! I C ., ,+ 1 I " -+ -I I I' " '1', '" I ' " ' , ' , I I hild Lp.bor Adlnini stration 'I ' I -- ,I i- I ,,' r- II I - t --: ': ,__I II! I '-- :1 i- i Other Coordil'l8.te Activitiee _ 1'1 2~ OO~ 1058< i : 251 OJi~: : 251 --l . I, . , I . ~-' Ii: ..25, Oo'i ! 1 idediccl Supl,Ues 401 00' _ 9el 9.? 1 _-1.-.40 OQ,' I 301--:-=-=--,-.'_ i __":..1 _. I, ,,:-_:,._12...90 mu 1.-Rt ... : ..... 'I' n _ TOTAL- COORDINA'fE ACTIVITIES _'. ..e,1:9LOO L _. J,.i~ ,~'L~":-'_.? ,l~~ 2~~1?J _ i 20(:,' 001., _, _~ .. ::..:t Jt ,__.p.~b~_ot.. AUX~LIA AGB:NCIEiS -II. ,', '=1,' I' I --1- 'I -----;-->---:---."--~+4"-1 -~TT---I -=-'r~-. I -- ..,- __ , . 'I ' . I " I " : I' 1'1 I' ,I .. 1 u 1f-d-l i Trllnsport~.t1on of Punlls: . -.. Ii ..:' -\ I' I I i 'I; , ,I' Iii I Ii' ,I , I , CompenHqtion 01' Bus Drivere Ii I 4t,500 0.01. 'I 5~,541!74,'! 48.,500I001'! 55,000! C,.50;}I'JOi' I --I i 55,000 <xii 'I I I II II Garage Employees' II, 1 000 001 ' 0 035' 84" 1l 0001 00:; 1 12' OOO! l' 000' 0') " " --I 'I l~ 000' 00, I . il I I I II '9' I , ,I , I'! 'J! J." j' I I ' " i' ,Transport"tioll by Public Utilities "I l 6O~ 00 I : 41~i 00' : 600,001': 16,)0, --,;', --, 1 60:} ooi I: \. Repairs, Tires, Tubes, l'ro'ts "I IlV,OOO, 00[" I ~,606! 00" I 12,000100i' i 13_000, 1,000100:'., I --I 'I l3,0000d: i.: i Gasoline, Grease &011. ,: I 2~,500ioo I 1~,676:56': 20,5001001, 'I 211;000; :500;00\ i -~ Ii 1 21,000:00[ " : Fire Insuranoe (Buse s) ,I ' -,- ,t 1-- ': 1--, -< -- ' --I I' --, . . 1 I, I . j 1 I I ,I, I I I . .1 'I ..Ii ' Ii Liability Insurl:l_nce (Buses) '! $,300001 I 1',838: 29, ~,300 OO!, 'I ~,300--:" i -:--1 'I 2,300,00i 1 ' I ,Other Transportation Coets ,_, -:-4.o-----L-26 27..~,~___..:-.J:.- ; '--": -- -l : --, -I, -- ,: . ..' : 'I . Total - Transportation =t-]:l,:;o~ OO~ 1~~..M.d3~70 ,__9,4-,\)00i 00' ! ...1.~~00 _1t100Q.l,Q.Q.+-~--! ,.:::::;__J~~__lO~~.~OO~O-C?: I 17-d-2 i Replacement of Buses J.....;. _ ~_ ::c:.-+-f. ___,+--._.;___'2-.~Q.LOOO, OOlc-f! -!~,.500 -,__~_~___~QO.dl.<4--'-_ly,500_~, I 11 d.. I Oth A ili A ' n ie . " ' I " I , " I,,' " , : : I" . "I . _ _ -v er ux ary ge c s. _ ,i .!, I -- I. I - ..! 'I I .;. 'I, - - : .- .,. i', ' . .' . ~ ',' , . Iii Community Aotiv1Ues & Oommencement Coste II! I 200100t. i J' 180: 29j! . \ 2001OOj: i i 2.00 : --i.: .! .-! Ii! : 20000,i I Other Auxi11a"'y ^"encies . _L, --. . , -' I ,_. --" I _..I I', --, _ , ~ ~ .: r . . t. r)O r I . . -- - :1 ~ -. r . "l ~ - 1 i: -.' j I '~ ! I I i Cafeterie.e II _~O 0~...2&~_~~~ 1? 000 OO!I 18.000_ ..h-O_Q.OiOO_~_j...;._~-I__J I 18.0QO, 09; 1" . \-.'.: i Total - Other Auxl1iary Age.ncles ~.:'.'1 20Too,,' 2~.7g.3i.!!4~+-~17..200 Oo.ii.p~."o 1,000100, . · I,,-.J , .j.. '.~,20l)iO~! __ _ I-! . .1- TOTAL - AUXILIARY AGE:Nc:IES___ _..' I' _ 11 100 QPJ ~11' g.*~~j",_l~OO QQ.I J J,3~~_ -,,~~QQ.LQ.Q.L__ ._~ I I 13~.600' 09: --,. OPE TrOW OF I sCHobL l'IANT !I' I ' : ': i .:. I" I Ii" i ':1 '. -e-1. Compensation of Janitors" , 4 ,00 00 4 ,OO~ 46i[ i .. 41',000 00 I! 55,180 8~180100 'I -.- I . 55. ;180 001 . I ,. · Other Employees ii' - --' I ',1 ' ~- I' I -' : --'I:' -~ II ,-- i Light and :?ower'u",u,-,--"--,,,uu_,-~, '. ,'00 00 1 ,514144'1'; I lQ,OO. oo![ 12,OOO~~OOO!00'.i: : ....- 1*,000; 00:11 '--- 1 . ~ ' " '... I' ~ I" ': I h " 00 7 g", " 0' 000 ' -- ,: - ,000 00, Tel ep one Servioe .. - ,.. - ".. .. ~ I ,OOO! , :>'7\ 2 'I! ' ~ ,0001 0 II ','. I' I' u :1 . : . ~, : ' Water Servioe 1'1 I i,OOd 00 ,57~ 50::: ~,OOO OO~ ~>200 1~200,00:1 . -l 3,200: O~ I Janitor SUpplies I! i ,00 00 ,12. 28\\ I . ,OO~ 00 I 6,500 . ! 500 00:: .. "q ~,50~ Od Fuel.. ,___."._ _"." ,.' .__HU __~' 1,~00 2,'1667;11 1.$.0001001 l~,OOO .l-~I.::. '-:--1 'l~,OOOtO, Other Expenses - Operation of Plant : 10 00 1 06!i I : 100 00 Ii -- ' : --I 11 100 00 ! -.. I Cost of Operlltion & Maintenanoe of Other Ve.l:I1o e ;...:..::. =. '--.:.:. -= ~ .::: ;... -.,. I ~OTAL _ OI'ERATI(jI) ()f.fj(lI!OOL .. PLAl11' ..' a 10 00 9 .,,1!, 70 9 800 ~lL 780 I 09~ .. 9 8sci 0 I : II . ' J II ~.1_001 00 ,'- ~~L 00 I _".:..1._ I , "':':"DL'i,.;~,it,i;', .; - 'KE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19---f>l>- .FUND .. - .... -- ~..c II 2 ! , - ! I Bu11dl;1t: l'rogram ..~ ,--. - -- .- a~;p TO'f AI. ~ I - ~ DISBURSlCILEUT5 & BALAlWE _ __.__ . n_. __ _._____ __. BalLa"-ce D1sb. ~ DIsBU,f.SE!!1E.'lTS - & ~6id...h7i>l 00. , I ,'32" 28 TO~AL -- -~- (OI'E RA'rIllCl - BUDGET) I I I I I 'EB~E , TO~AL Balance at l'oy;ncnt of BOnds ~-,-- ., to S1nK1n;5 Fund " of L1 tera~'y Fund Loans Reo.emption of 'fernpol'r.ry LOH,n:; ( Irterest on Bonds " II Liter",'y F'und Lortna .- ~.- " " !e:npor'Dry Loans Other Debt Service TOTAL - D~BT SERVICE ! ; ,937 441 00 00 - DISBUi,,:;Z,,:Z.:T:o 010se of 'ieflr BUBe "l " " ~- : 1~,800 00 : 3t:~~ :~ " 600 00 ,32 .937 60 I ",- , - ; Hi ,825 00 i 6", 7fJJ 00 I ,_-_ I , , 577 50 " 010 41 I I ' . , -- i , I I I I I , , ! I j I : I I i ,I ' I' : I i I ; 'I I I! i '~~ i I I I 4 Ii ; j if , I I: i I , , I' I I Ii ~ I i i ff , I ! I i I ' I I , I I I , i . I ~ -- i ! -.- ; ,?o.o , - j: I! I! __ , ~ , -..,:: , , I I ,3~ .?l~ 00 I ] 00 , H -- ,800 90 00 00 00 - 1 , : Ii! : i '-~ I I " ! -- I ~~ ~~ gg I, .. I C 800 C:) ; I -- ! 1_:" I 1 , I I I I , , , i; , I " I ' I ! t , i I ~~ I! 11 '.j it " 'I i I 1'1 !, , .. I I ! i i I ' , i 1 I , 1 , Q! OC o \ , , -~ i I , , -- -- -- .:::! i ..~ , .... = ! -- 400100 -- -- -- : ,I .6QliiOO .. I -'- - Q7 .58( 39 549100 150 00 _._.--. =-~11 ,58C - 1~,8~t'100 4,60J co 549100 -- 6,800 '-p- 00., "',~..J 00 SJ ArCl.! te(Jt'" Fees New School Buses Other Llot.or Vehicl ee Equipment of Bulldln5s II II School Buses Purchase of LAnd ImproveClent to 51 tee He',v BuD (tngs /J tern tI 0:; of 02.c. Buil ~1 nS s Ot.he,' Cr-pitol OutlRY TOTAL - CAfITAL OUTLAY " , 200~9 -- -- ,200100 -'- AP~".LAY l,lAE:TiliANQ(, OFYCHOOc.. pLAf,'T- '-T7I-e':-::l -':!Rcpdr of Bu1ldings & Upkeep of Grounds --- Repair & Replacement of Furniture & EC;uipl'lCnt Ot.h",r Exp"nses - i:~in tenance of Flant TOT.\L - i.iAIHT&iANCE (;}' SCHOOL PUNT * IXlli.9B ll-f Ai GE5 Fire Insurance Liability Ineur&,ce Workmen'n Compenf~t1on ln6~'ance "ent Other Fixed Ch~'ges Employees' FICA TOTAL - FIXED CIlAr.GES I- .--- \ -: ~tf-PO Op- : . ,000 00 ,000 00 500 00 1 1 i i :a5~OOO!W Ej,OOv 00 5~gj,S:,Q ~ , , E ; 1 I 4 I 12 , , I '4 ; , i , , 2C ,I ie ,< '€ ~ ::1 061 Oaf' 545 7~;1'82 -- ,939 00 ,940 36 ?6 PO 00 111 , ,0681 ~4 581 94 I, 554 96 17500 ,73,0 85 ; , 361796169 31,371 99 i ' ; -... 09 168168 , , ~.L--:::. Ul.200100 ~-'-M2 os? l' I j , ; \ "..- i : ~~,~ob 00 I -- , , I ~~I ' : -- -- I I! , , ~,Ol 000 100 51.000 QO , ..;- j 3 00 00 I ,000 00 i 500 00 1,pO,0 00 -- I . 500 00 ----- - ; i :; ,I , t '30~051 10 , ~57 ,. , i' ( ! ,5 000 00 I . 7- "'-- ..; - U5~;Y o~t : '] 9~~ . , ! ooe , , 1__ 55C 35C( '; 000 i 500 2050 3t<J 1 500 3 450 ,:_14 8~0 00 , i, I 1 'i -;.. 9 000 00 I -- \ I 10 000 00 , -- ! -- , " I -- ~ :: I 111 oooTci'OL . . -- 11,~~0IOO I :- I :i~ . -, -- .QO A"l.Ow,~~-il "' Bo,"o II ,- oc oc _~'1~iCLQS ~~2-i--- ~ ;JI I -- T:~95'1100 : -- , ,,000 00 , ...-. . -- - _._-. O~ =-= .;-:__ _--= _ __~~ ..57 00 OC -- ,000 00 -- 500 00 - . ,050 00 -- 350 00 -_ ~', ",00 00 _ 4!p 00 -~- .850 ~m- , I ~ ,00 -O( == . 1.- , !~: ,~~Ol 00 I :' - =:11 ' ! - ' . -- ; '- . :---. --- 80 OT- ~-== - --- -- I I .--- . - i - :~.. OC ,60 OC , - i - , - , -.., Ii - ,: 22 OC' '~, ~ = 17','22 OC I I I I I I II 17 ,22 '7 ' , 43 --- --r==-t- -- -- 000100 Num- berof Item Number 01 Function TITLE OF ITEM TITLE OF FUNCTION ApPlI.OPRIATION YEAR ENDED JUNE EXPENDITURU 3D, 9_58 YBAR. END1N't4 JUNE 30, 19_ APPROPRIATION PROPOSED EXPENDITURES INl'REASI!. OVER YEAR ENDI~a JUNE 30, 19 DECREASE UNDER YEAR ESOHW JUNE 30, 19---5.4. ...........-..--~~=== YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 9.-55 FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE SCHOOL 3D, 19~Q. FUND -- .. .' - .ROANOKE _COUNTY, EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES VIRGINIA ... - 3. ~ "- . ~ :~ . t , , 'rOT AL De11nquent Taxes Land. Redemnt10n Rene\','al Short Tenn P~ Off Short TenTI -- COUNTY Collet'ted FUUOS LOl'n Temporl.'J:Y Loan - _n. FROJ~! GCUIJTY FU~JD:; County Levy--- Appropr1 a t1 On TOTPL FROl" FEDERAL FUNDS -Forest R~Gervelj"Hnd School LU1:ch Fund Public Law 815 " "874 li'EDEiilU- Gener~l Apfroprlntion: f'.. A. D. A. (Basic App~'Opri" t1. b. 'iiar'd Ch.ildren TrE'.nsjlortr"Uon l.~llllmurn Education P rogre..'n Snlc;.:cy Equt:ll ult16~-i r~lnQ Local Supervls1.on Special & Adult Education a. Se~,qrl.es b. Supplies Supervising Principals Discretionary Ful~ Voca tlonal; a. Salar1es b. Trllvel c. Bunding &: STAT~ ~qu.tpment School i,unch Pro,;~am Tencheru' Sick Le:lve Free T~.xtboo1~s Other st~te Fundo Vet~ranc' T~~1nlne '!l. Salar1e;:; b. Other Than c. Tr8\>cl T07AL ?UED S FUNDS Sal"_ 1'i e s 24 467 79 969 66 It17 20 ..- 3 012 0) -- -" -- - - '-. 18 079 74 , .....- i - 18 07iJ 7*- i i?E\1 062 dl , 40 000 00 I, '33 , ' I: . , 1 : : ' 674tno 00 i ~8 251 00 i 20 000 00 ! 8tOOO 00 , -- , "j"" 0 """100-- . -- -- ]"00 , ,000 0 ,0"'; 00 .--. ,000 vC -- __ -4-.- l. .~:___ . _ , , , j , ;,.! :: . , i " ' ! ; , , , , , , , , 763 ~-.: -- -"';"-::-::.!;;;;:-=:=-,f;..:: - liD k"R COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19-0,5- SCHOOL Fill;:} -r YEAR ENDEn VIAll hlllDtNG JUNE 30, 19~ JUNE 30, 19_J.i4 (ACTUAL) (EmMATED) - I' , I I I i :5721520 ; "1259 '57 9~7 i; 835 '65 576 8 333 , ' 3, 31033 333 130 '10 00 62 52 00 BO 30 - ~"-I---'- 434 700 00 4 000 0 58 000 00 -- -- 8 333 00 5 000 00 -- 3 300 00 -- 23 000 00 750 00 , - . , 17 000 00 -- --- -- 3 600 500 500 - ......-..- =)..: FRO!.! s'rA'rE FUNDS on 5010 ,000 0 T'::NTATIVR E!fTIMATE :J:" ,000 0' 5 ,000 0' 6 ,62::' 0 10 ,5'15 OC ,;533 C)( ,000 oc -- ,330 O( -- ')' ,ooe OC w ,200 OC -- - . - . -- -- ~,512 OC 200 "It" " ,-240 0 --, , --I ~. ;~~~o: " 50100 - -~g ~~:~~~~,--- ~_=~8 !"0.~+,,o0 1 - ,,:O~~QjO~ -- -. -, 4aO 00 1 17 . '?~~?; V "'.I ~6( OC _._--- -- -- --1 ---- . -_-:.~ -- - "-.- .. j--- "1",8 731 :5};1 00 -- 24 000 00 8,000 01) -- o~~ O~ 31 1)(;') 00 ~ fI1,0;j 0 I 430~ 700 00 7 OtJ'J Q') 3Sr. ~2~ 0(' ~ I fi8 000 00 :~ er. ""t"lt1 r,., la, ,0"" 0,.) l07f ~'lt: 0~ -- ~,o;~ 0 8" ,333 ':; -- ~[~~~ :: --I 3000, ~ oJ,) ~ -==r ,.. 1- 1-' lNCII.l!ASI! OVER y.,,\R ENDING JUNE 30, 19----84 DICRBASE UNDf.R YEAR ENDING JUNI! 30, 19------t;4 c~--"_ FINi\L ESTIMATE ) --" ----- ---- ~=="- ----;~~R ENDING JUNE-~O. 19 5E --~-n- 4. - -- ! ! I 1:':1 , I 1 'd_ ____ -~- ,_ -, '-'- _-:::.L.',_~' f-, _,_t--:.____ , -- -:--:-1--- w----T-- -- I ..:; , "I' ' ..:-! I -- "'1,3861'00 11,386 00 , I ,3721,50 '~,OOO 00 1 ,,133 D011'~~0 00 1-- ,,000 00 , 500 00 1_- -- \-- 1_- -- , i 40 00 'J,~~ ;0 - '1--- '~,~ 00 ---- 1500 00, , 61,000 00 131. e60 00 -- -----.--- ---~~- -- - - _.~ YIlAR IlNDING JUNI! 30. 19-5.5 lNCRBASB 0VB1 DBClBASB UNOsa PINAL YlWI IlNDJIlQ. YlWI 1lND1N1l JUNa 30. 19...QL JUNB 30. 19~ IlS11MATIl I I ' :1 i ! ! -, r-~ I I .. , I 1'; !: ~ I ! . I, 'I I \ , ,,)-,- II I' -- I , 1-- 1 'I' : -- i i -- -- I I ~-: I 'I ' -- I , I -- , l-- t I - I II I -- i I' 1" J---'~-I---~l---- - .-,-- --]"-'f'-::-' -i-'~' - -. ~,--.::. f-- =t-- 10 ' -- ~ ~ --, ' I -- ' ,_ ' _ _ ___ _____ __ ,__, ___=__ -'_..___ J.. - --- --.- _.- ----,- .--- -- --- - - --- ~ I I: I' - j;l : : , I" "'!' ii, I ' , I - I; 'i' I , -- I -- I I -- I [' , -- i I " I I I ' l' 386 0 ! -- I - " ! 1 38' ;i I ' " " I 2r~~0!00 .~~qooll I:: I; i ~,o~: II , 100 '00 l.;;d 00'1 1-- I I, i 10' II 61000 bO I __ I !I 1-- .. i ~ 00 :: r :~O 100 I ::! 1\ 1_:00100 \' 4~' 1\ 1_- I [' --: I 1-.,., I ! - It I -- I -- I I \-- , I ! - ,; I I I 'I 'I ' " I' -- -- 1-- : - I --, I -- I II i-- I,! - I' ' I 40 00 : -~ Iii l-~, I I :4010011_ I --! I -.,. : " J' -.-/ II I' -- I :! 1'-- ' I ,20000 ~ -- I - 500 I 00 I.., --1 J' " _.- I 1-- I ,ODD 001 I ;.~ I 11,180,00 19,670 I 00 II 1,oo~ 00 .. 1-- ; ,~,OOOIOO I 2001 00.. ~ ' ' , I 200 ~ 'I 52 00 - '1''''100! ': -:'111- Veterans TOT AI.. Rents and Rebates, Retund Gasol1 ne Tax: a. School Buses --, b. Ot.her tlotor Vehicles Fire Insurance A.:Jjustment DonA tions fer School L1hra!'1es Fors'st 'Re Derve Fund- - ,..-....... Other Fun<'ls Othf);' School Div1s1on!,-' Non-Scho01 County Veh1cles Tul t10n -;;;- O'rHER rullDS Truet Funds Tranflportat10n of Puplls Spect"l Fees ""rom Pupils Cafeter1as t'.l e of Textbooks " "Other Supplies " II Real Estate 11..." Equipment: a. School Buses b. Other EqUipment Special Gifts from FoundaUons Appropriat1on from Supervi sors Tul t10n from Prl va te SOurce " "Other County or ctty. & Boards for 'is Baslc Sal of Sup t. - I 669'84 287 50 35 00 , ,554 78 640709 .. 417104 l',i49 I 99 , , t -. -. - .- , ;' ,134 26 13,64''7 53 , - , , - ,. fI, -- 430 , -- 276 50 066 20 410 4Q .. 53 40 -- 301,476100 ~ 1200 , 451996 6 12 7 1 -- r :~O 100 000 670 000 o o iQ o FOO!.! DI STIlICT FUN')S District Levies: "__ a. Cap:ttcl Outls,y b. Indebtednes,; ,," c. Town SchOOl D1strict Delinquent Taxes 0011ected __, TOTAL - DISTRICT FUNDS FRO!.! OTHSR FUNDS -- ~~r~- -~~~-~- YRAIl ENDED YBAA ENDING JUNa 30. 19..5.3- JUN> 30. 19..54- (ACIUAL) , (IlmMATBD) TBNrATIVB _n .~~--=--=---=-=~.- _.-=~~_-'.==--- -.- n___ _____~ _ _ _ r-. J ,_COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR 'I1iE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 hh FUND / ,'-,!", .. ~ C?' -. ._,..,,- ) ,- .. s. By The or1g1n"l School BOl'.rd bUdget was ado;)ted at a regular me etinu held on Aprll 12, 1954 in the PJoo.mt of $1,797,200.00 fOl' the Operating Burlget an $534,190.00 for the Capitol OutlflY Budget, or A totRl. bu(lget of ';;2,331,39 It was presented to the BOard of Supervisora of Roanoke County on April 1 1954, at wh1ch time that Board reduced the Operatin.:; Budget to $1,580,549 e,nd the Cs,p:ltal Outl".1 Budget to ~392,150.00, or a total School Budget of ;i~, 972,699.00 and f' eed 6uCh budget on first reRding. The CO'J.nty School Board Of Roanoke CO\- ,:'y on l~BJ 10, 1954 revised its bUd8et to conform tQ amount appI'Oved by the Boo.'':; of Supervisorn. _ Flll!),l approvcl of the budge was given by the Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County on !.lay 31, 1954. The ---0 _ Board .- -- "_. cff ROf,nokc County . , i , , . O. , , I I i , I i L I ~ i , Rate of Rate Of !.Jevy Levy for Ope for School rating Budect ;;1.:50 Capi tal Outlay 50;t per $100.00 Deducted for 'ftal Ue TOTAL TO'fAL RECF:IPTS & BALA1!CE - OPERATIl;G FUiiD Bullding Program Appr;>priat10n - Capital qutlay; 1954-55 .. , ,.., -::~. from local & state 00aetruction From count,)' 25;:: L~vy -- Addi tionnJ. County 25; Levy Dellnquen", 'f~.xes FROM-1..Q..M1J.l.,. BOlm1?.._.iL!~!VE~'!';'~!'r9..... -:LOans from Litel~ry F~nd Locrl Bond !sfue - - Interest on InvEst.n:ents ----- n .,_ ".Elank Deposits _ Borrowed from Benks & Other Sources Income from Sale of Investments Return of Inter-Fund LORn TOTAL - LOAHS, BOEDS, TOTAL BalD-nee & IHVES'fr.;E}rrS R1J:CEIPTS - O?ERATING _ ..n.._ .._..______ from Prev10us Year FUND g ~ O~ 43 '9~63Jr40,,32 00 4 80 0<;1 ... - ,48',76 671 .4b ,32 oc 'I ' . I I. JJi I i 28 72 771 ~~lli; 00 77~ 48 44 72 .03 00 I , , - 1'em ._.~ ....- )orary LOa11' 6 i : I ~ ! I ;-t- , ' L ,J-- I,O?~~ I .-j 00 I --j -- ~;~ <- ':t 50010() r i 1- ,- I I I I i:= I' Ii, !-- I 1-- I I' 22\500 ,00 If '-- I I' ,._~4 r~)(JO ,&.QJI eJ=4s;...I'O:l ,:.0 ~ l' 580 ~ 5,>9 1'00 r: r, " -~ Ii - - I, I I I' I 1_ I! 1:,580,549 i00 I: , , , i : I! i i ,: , 1 Ii, I ' : ; )!i 392'150 '_0 ii I ,I 972 6QG ~() II "~II I 'I 1- Ii i Ii I I Ii ! I!' , I' I ' . I i I : I' I I ' I ,i , ' , ,11 I I I: I I Ii , , I I , I II I "- of o st1ma. ted tax~ ble property --~--'---'---- -~ uncollected for "..he ..--.. -_.--- taxes year f)'{~ 1954 $51 ,321 ,000 I I , ~r,5~p 0 .zl~ 46~ .-- 1~:22f~ -+ -t 1 7P ,dl 0 - ---- OPE AATl UG BUDGST & CAP IT ;,:, OUT~l\Y ~und ,,;153,570.00 118,0-,0.00 118,0.10.00 2<,,500.00 :;;392.1'-,:1 - 00 39 97 59~ 699100 l_oQj go , I I _..~~ ~'-~! o o , ..1 ,- 5-191 00 .:J.:" ~- YBAJI. ENDm JUNB 30, 19--S3 <AcruAL) YIlAll ENDING JUNB 30, 19~ (IlmMATBD ) 'DINTATlVIl Ils'm<ATB YRARIlNDIl>lG JUNE lO. 19-5S- INClUlASB 0VlIa ~ DIlCIUIASB lIND.. YllAR ENDINO ' ....,. ""~""G Ju~B 30, 19->>:1. _ .J:~ ~' -"'~""T jl Ii !I FINAL E>-rtMATB J '.~, " : COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENL'E ESTIMATES ' .FO,R THE~ENti.lNG]UNE 30, 19 ' 55 . ,',' . ,',:- ,"";' ,," S''''''',^ L,' " ' 0-,' ,'" '-""'~' '\.-.. . ""..{IVV ~"'ND ':'~\:"" .-.:" '. ~;:,' ":y",<~,, ~ '.! . '. , , .. - - -- -- 6, ~__~_~_ ____ ,_.~.--i 'i , , p'-'" ~-.. ;- , . ~- 't , .~ ,- -~ ._~._,~ '-'--' -. ---. - ; ~t i ~'_ :{ 'j; ! t- 't' " I":. " 't: !~ ;5:<,- ;~ t. F. ,::: t i !f~ , , I ..~~ , ~: r I, .~ i.f,;, , ~, B if: , c I!)" , ~ ~':' ,{ : f: : f, :;:' p;- :~ ; ';! j -~ , ' >.. lI1l .(, :t :1)(: ''- ~ i , Ii I' ., ~ :l 0 ~ j ~' -If .'~ ~~~J ~. I l, i ---------,._-~----_._--- Ii " , _._---_._---_.-._----------~---_..-,---~- - ~'l c '!":,....,~! :""'-"'_, '''"'._~... , ?-__, ... '" -"-'-, '. -.---._.,._-, .~ On this the 19th day of April, 1954, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met for the purpose of preparing and consider-, ing the local budget of said County. Thereafter, and on said day there was filed the foregoing estimate. Thereafter said estimate was duly considered by the Board,which in accordance with law, fixed as a date of hearing on said estimate the 31st day of May, 1954, at an adjourned meeting of the Board, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of saidday, said hearing to be had at the Court House in Roanoke County, ,Virginia. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors was directed to publish a brief synopsis of the budget, and the notice of hearing, as required by law, in the Times-Register, a newspaper having a general circulation in the locality affected, at least thirty : days prior to the date set for Attest: . "i,.' , Chai'rman upervisora. ROY K ~N, CLERK By 11 .(l, ilL,. Clerk. NOTICE OF PROPOSED INCREASE IN LOCAL TAX LEVY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY SCHOOLS. Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Va.,wi11 meet on the 31st day of May, 1954, 'at an: adjourned IDeeting of said Board, at 10:00 o'clock A.M.,at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Va., at which time and place ,citizens will be heard for or against the following proposed increase in local tax levies for the year ~e . ning January 1, 1954. // /- ' /, /~~C~1rman of the Board pervisors, LEVY paOPOSED TO BE INCREASED. - There is at present a levy of 251 upon each $100.00 of valuation against all property which is the legal subject of taxation in Roan- oke County, for Construction of County Schools, and it is propos~d that said levy be increased 251 upon each $100.00 of valuation, making a total of 50t upon each $l~O. 0 of valuation for Construction of County Schools. t: "- ' ~/l , ~~ Chairman of the BwryoY Supervisors. Attest: RObf.':i;~' ClERK By , ~.41t~lerk. Lt= _=-.-=-___ _ - r~=j~:.~ ~ -- .. =-~- '~=~-~~.t~~- ~ fii mn___~.-~_--:--. ---~~I = :c iil _:~u,__._____~:_~~_~_1 n I Iii ;;;. l:l~ Ii ~-~-- --:~_u__~_..___~_____ -- -___._n. --" ii ~~-=~ '~~ ~~ ~'c~ ~ -- ~ -~-- "~=-~-~ ~= '~~~'--~~ ---,= -~~~- == ~=.~=~,---- --'-'~-,-_.. == ~--.. =~~ ==~~~l: . "!I i' -, , " 1 ,; '. , 1 , '. " " . 1~ m ') ,.,.i 2 :'l . j ... .. .. 3 ') ~ ~ ~ ... ~ ~ , " , i t 1 k I , ~ ! ' 11 ~ , ....... . ~:~".~:"~,j~:::_:'~T;~:-~ ...,:~ .-c I I c_.! '-, , ,..., - ,...., ; I io..i ("....,1' , , I.i .-, -"" ~.~~ ;";Y"'~;;;~3'3';.' ii 'I I! Ij,-~~ Irad.A-~( I!~. r~..oO"'" !/ o( {.' 7r~ :':-r: l7~ 'i iT~~'~ i -tf.....e. -,g I, li(.-I-~f II Ii Ii Ii , ,i '! I, Ii i Ii i: :i 'I I " I, " 1,('_0-ri.~ On motion, duly seconded, it,ia ordered that the COlOnty Treasurer and the :l- 'f}V \' ' COlmty Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer from the School Construction Fund to~~ ~ 71 " -l~ i3 ><t the Roanoke County School Operating Fune.: the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars Ii 6-1. 3~ I' 11 i: '--': --- ~ [I I I I IN RE: TAX LEVY FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 1954. WHEREAS, the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1955, allocating the funds necessary for the operation of the government of Roanoke County, and the operation and maintenance of the Roanoke County School Syst~ having been adopted by this Board; and WHEREAS all of the provisions of the statute concerning the adoption, a-lvertiseJDent and public heliring of said budget having been fulfilled; and WHEREAS, in order to carry into force and effect said budget, it is neceSS81'Y that a tax levy be extended ovel;' all legal subjects of taxDtion in Roanoke County, and the several Districts thereof, including the Town of Salem and the Town of Vinton; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor E. H. Garner, seconded by I I II I, /; II I I , I I Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the fdl10wing levy be and the ii Ii " Ii 'I and the several Districts the~of, including the Town of Salem and the Town of Ii 'I All real estate, tangible property and all legal subjects of taxation for I II County and Dist~ict purposes, including &iilroads, Express, Telegraph, Telephone. Ii ii I I $ 1.50 I, Ii .25 'I .50 il II " II I' " [I same is hereby extended over all legal subjects of taxation in Roanoke County, . Vinton: Water, Heat, Light and Power Companies, also all rolling stock, all electric railways, machinery and merchants' capital in Roanoke County for the fiscal year 1954-1955, as follows: I I' ,/ Ii I II I t !I ~ II II Ii I' " Ii Ii 'I I I' Ii II ,I 'I II II .,., il II Ii II II II II II County School levy on each $100.00 of valuation General County pU1:'poses on each $100.00 of valuation For construction of County Schools, which is to be earmarked for that purpose, on each 1;100.00 of valuation Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None Absent: cSupervisor H. W. Starkey On motion of Supervisor E. H. Garner, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the ~ighway Commission be requested to abandon and discontinue from the State Secondary System of Highways 0.05 Mi. of State Secondary Route 828, From: Intersection with Route 220 To: Intersection Route 876, as prescribed in Article 6-2, Section 33-76.7 of the Code of Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Absent: H. W. Starkey ($50,000.00), to be restored to the School Construction Fund by the County School Operating Fund at a future date. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Clli1diff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None Absent: Supervisor H. W. Starkey I.'I'~~'- !I,~ft9,J..,e' "1~a..J '?~ I ' V""~);,~ 1 1 ....... , '/ " /'"" .. II' C~./~ , .1: I ~1 - ~ ", ''.>( c r>r---'..r"'; t' ,i' .. _' <I. I' -4 ,:J,.-<. ;r{r I/J~ c';r ':'il ~~or (;",,7, , Ii (". ,-~'r- II Ii Ii ,I \1 i " , 'I i II :1 34 . i, If~~'''''' ~.fir.u.tf. I " ~~!! 1?-' ~ zftt< I: J'0~ /'~. Z/~ ~ c:.n- ,,41!. ..A 'p]$ , A_i(~" 1.", ',i, ""'~ ''''r:'' ;;J-;.. i ~71' ~_I-.!:Jt i! 11 II 11 11 II i Department place Route 866 in the Seconda~r Federal Aid System, and that the . i project be set up to construct this road to serve the proposed General E1ectr~ci I I i IN RE: ROUTE 866 - PROPOSED ROAD TO SERVE GENERAL ELECTRIC PLANT: On motion, duly seconded, it is recom~ended that the State Highway Plant in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: S~pervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. Nays: None Absent: ~Supervisor H. W. Starkey H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. i i I ! i II I ! i I II I I $ 616.00 i I 3400.00 il I I I I Ii .' :,- t ~ ~,/to '1 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that voucher-checks, payable out ~~' C rid;"!'" of the general county fund, be issued as follows: . a, ''t' ffl(f-' II ""-:if- II II ,I Salem Publishing Company, Inc., i~r 125 copies of voting list Roanoke Valley Motors, Inc., for two :new 1954 Forci V8, Main Line Tudor Sedans, for use in Sheriff's office Adopted by the following recorded vote: II I! I I I adjo~Md ='il "'" <hird ~oday i. J~. 19"~ I 1Jfg<<Jjf" - v'-Chairmkn , ' II . . ~ II 'f I' I I I I I Ayes: Supervisors 'ii. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Absent: Supervisor H. W. Starkey ORDERED that the Board be ~ Courthouse SaleJD1 Virginia J~e d, 1954 :;. .:. ., ;c~..::'~ .::' .;":., !bf ~oard of 3u?~r,isors Present: H. W. Starkey, Chairman, W. E. i)f '~~~i~C~~ ~~~~tj . ~ . i. s l~.:;_-': .thereof in regular monthly session. i , Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. regular l-linutes of the last/and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, by the Clerk. each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him The fo110'ili.ng claims against the County \-rere this day presented, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, tow~t: No. lS312 " lS313 " 18314 " 18315 " 18316 n 1$317 " 1$31S " lS319. " 18320 " lS321 n 18322 n lS323 Agnew and Cone11y, seed - County farm Acme Typewriter Company, rep'l.iring Royal Typewriter, Public Works Dept. Addressograph-Multigraph Cor;p., identification tags for Garbage cans Acme Printers, Inc., office :supplies Auto Service Station, towing truck (Garbage)out of hole Appa1s::hian Electric Power C"" current at C.S.Fire House Aspden Associates, Inc. 5 g:l.llons wax Janitor supplies American Checica1 Co., Jani't"r supplies (bowl brushes) J. P. Bell Company. office ,supplies, Clerk's office, Brown Hardware Co., hardwarl8, Bradford & Co., disinfectant Roy K. Brown, Clerk, recording delinquent land $ approved [I 'I 17.60 II " II 21.25 :1 2.17 II 'I 196.65 'I II II Ii Ii " :1 i' .I :1 :i 4.00 4.27 15.93 5.05 43.31 9.24 11.50 163.25 I I I , I i' " I I i I II II II I I - ~ No.' I " I " I , " I I I " " ,- " ! " ~ : II" I' I" , " I' I" I" i I" II n ll" I' 'I n , I" 'I" i n " " . - 1-........ ii" jin li~ II I'" ,I II ., "~If Ii" I 'i II" ,II !i ,II II ill ! I In..l !'1 i ; - 'II :, :1 in :i " 'll ii :.. ,. Ii ;11 " :It 'I ~ 'I " II I' II " 18)24 18325 1$326 18)27 18)28 18329 18330 18331 18332 18333 1$334 18335 18336 18)37 18338 183)9 le340 " " 18341 18342 18343 18)4-4 18)45 18346 " !~jkl 18)49 18)50 18351 18352 18353 18354 18355 l!l356. 18357 18358 18359 18360 18361 18362 18363 le364 18365 18366 l!l367 18368 l!l369 Sheldon D. careYr Coroner's Investigation, Mrs. Vivain M. Craighead) 0. & P Telephone Co., services County offices Eugene W. Chelf, Atty's fee, instituting and conducting suits for delinquent taxes Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co., office supplies Bernard Cook, Services on Roa.Co.Welfare Board for 'fiscal year ended June 30, 1954 Mason L. Cook, services on Fairview Home Board Jan. 1, 1954 June 30, 1954 W. E. Cundiff, services on Roa. Co. Welfare Board for fiscal year ended June 30, 1954 Void County School Board of Roa. Co. gas, oil &c for County owned vehicles, month May, ,1954 Davidson's Esso Servicentert gas & oil for Fire Truck #5 and ambulance ff5 Hollins Station Esso Standard Oil Co. gasoline purchased at Jennings Motor Co., Marion, Virginia. Etchinson Hat Co., Inc., uniforms for Shffs. Easter Supply Co., office supplies Chalmers Ferguson, coms. on del. taxes 'collected Fairvi I Home, Co. share for May, 1954, The Fitch Dustdown Co., janitor's supplies Fort Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co., repair 'parts for farm equipment 10.00 245.42 150.00 54.26 100.00 60.00 100.00 663.92 29.0!;- 2.85 45.03 52.21 42.60 307.21 10.64 4.10 Ferrell Insurance Agency, premo on Fire Ins. Co.owned buildings J.W.GriggE & W. H. Witt, Apr. & ~~y rent on C.S.Fire house William Green, rent on garbage dump for June Gittens &: Morton, Inc., add. prem on Car liability insurance for Police Cars #1 and #4 ' Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., premo om fire ins. on Co.owned buildings Growers & Producers Exchange, repair parts for far::: equipment Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co. paint Dr.Ray Hough,services Roa Co.~oard Pu~.~e6!~Oe5for year Hill Directory Company, 7 directori~B e -J - ~ International Business Machine Corp. difference in exchange of electric typewriter Engineer'S office 'Jefferson Hospital Inc;, hospital bills for Welfare R. G. Kerner, bailing hay County farm Lewis-Gale Hospital, hospital bills for Welfare Janie B. McNeal, Treas. re-imburse vital statistics fee jury tickets and registered mail" Paul B. ~~tthews, re-imbursing for travel expenses 1)0.16 to F'airfax and Arlington Counties - re:' sewage; dosposa1 methods (for Welfare, , Memorial & Cripp1ed'Children's Hospita1,hospita1 bills;/l,053.35 Monarch Finer Foods, for prisoners in Roa.Co.jai1, May, 29.70 Carnell Moore, covering garbage dump, Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., repairing oil burner, Courthouse Void Peacoc'::-Sa1em, laundry for prisoners lIIay G. W. Parent Co., office supplies Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., stamp for house numbering Roanoke Linen Service, towel service, Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance for C. S. & Hollins Fire Stations Rainbo Bread Co., food for prisoners - May Republic Oil Refining Co., 1 storage tank fu~l oil County farm W. V. Reynolds, Inc., co~ chains for County farm Void 238.48 120.00 20.00 5.50 539.98 9.26 56.41 100.00 210.00 25.00 672.00 63.75 112.00 21$.95 112.50 4.00 20.34 6.66 1.60 3.00 15.00 36.28 35.00 18.71 35 Ii Ii Ii II I, 'i Ii .,/ " II 'I I II II ,I ii y " II " II I: v II !I I " II II I I , ii It II " II 'I I, Ii v I! " il 'I II " I: Ii !I II II " ii " I II " 11 'I 'I Ii I, i: I! , !i I: v 36 .; No. 1$370 1$371 18372 1$373 1$374 1$375 1$376 1$37'1 1$37$ 1$)79 1$)$0 1$381 183$2 183$3 1$3$4 1$3$5 1$)$6 183$7 1$3$$ 1$3$9 1$)90 1$391 18392 " " " " ~ " n " n " n " n " " " " n n " " " " 1$393 1$394 1$395 1$403 n " -' Roanoke Gas Company, cooking fuel for jail & home demonstration kitchen Roanoke County Public' Health As'so,.; county's appro. for health work May, 1954 Salem Farm Supply Co., grass seed Salem Publishing Co. ,ballots for election & publishing dumping Ordinance in Salem T R Salem Creamery Co'"food prisoners May Salem Hardware Company, hardware and janitor. supplies Coal & Fuel Co. L. H. Spickard' fuel for C. S. Fire Station and,McC1ung , , B1d . Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner's investigations (g) Void Stull Refrigeration & Sales Co. repairing G.E.re~rigerator at County jail R. M. Starbuck & Sons, plumbing Code material Val1eyda1e Packers, Inc. food prisoners - May C. C. Thomas,Labor on County farm Town of Sa1e~ , Ligh~s and water &c Virginia Foods, Inc., food prisoners ~~y Virginia Market #6, food prisoners May Vinton Motor Co., repairing garbage truck #13 &c c. W. Warthen Com~any, record books Clerk's office Williams Auto Alignment, parts for police car #1 Evere'tte Waddey Company,' map material, The American Legion , 3 street flags Dr. F. W.,C1aytor, lunacy' hearing -Irene Beckner Jones Dr. S~ D. Carey, lunacy hearing Joyce V. Akers Clark Dr. H. J. Minarik, lunacy hearing Joyce Clark Dr. A. J. Russo, lunacy hearin: dilly C. Danie1ey Dr. Hugh E. Lee, extracting tooth prisoner James Carl Lawson " Adams Construction Co., labor & material re-surfacing road- at Glenvar ' ,1$404, Chalmers Ferguson, com. on del. taxes collected S.D.a.Fund " " 18405 18406 1$407 1$408 1$409 1$410 18411 1$412 18413 1$414 1$415 1$416 n " " " " " " " " " " Harry W. Bower, refund of taxes order Cir. Ct. May 24,1954 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner's inv~stigation Allen Ray Frye Ca1dwe11~Sites Company, record book, Clerk'S office, W. B. Clements, Inc., installing radios on 2 new , , police cars Davidson'S Esso Servicenter, &as & oail Co. Fire Truck 'and ambulance tl'rApril ' Hazel Gearhart, Extra clerical work Clerk'S office, Ha10id Company, repairs to Photostatic machine G. H. Parent Co., supp1ies'for Trial Justice Pitney-Bowes, Inc., rent on postage machine Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, re-imburse bookkeeper's petty cash Salem Publishing Co., advertising County Budget Virginia Paper & Chemical Co., Inc., two cases tissues ,. ,l\1., general stores, " 1$417, G. A. Scruggs, P. G. A. :::cr1.JE;gs, P. I-I., post office box rent, " 1$416 1$420 1$421 1$422 " n " B. T. Crump Gompany, uniforms Sheriff ,& deputies Russell 1. Paxton Pringing Co. office supplies State Office Supply, office supplies 19.77 50$.00 1.25 102.55 10.40 3.67 7$.25 115.00 II 37.70 26.95 II ii Ii I, I I i I i I I II I II I I I I i , I II II I II 82.70 137.25 493.99 103.02 65.86 $6.1$ 220.00 3.50 6!..14 36.00 5.00 I 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 352.9$ i I I ! II II il !f I' I I, Ii II Ii !: I' 21.60 !I il 29.$2 i, II Ii II II II I, 7.92 2.00 10.00 71.68 215.9$ 46.93 145.07 1.95 3.67 I I 352.00 24.50 57.00 1$.001 " Ii " !I ;1 I, !i :1 II ~ 1 II 129.67 92.51 7.0$ - ,~ ~ -- ''';'\''1 , - ~.~., , I , - ji ,r !I I, II II Ii " Ii I' il Ii II il 'I " II I' Ii 'I if~~ ;.- II cJL.. ,~.r- JANIE B. 14cNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries a~d expense' I:~ accounts for the month of June, 1954, and also those of W. C. MUSE, Commissioner II ~&.0^f- ,.-U of Revenue, EDly. H.' RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney, and H. W. CLARK, will I' U~ ,s. , , '("- be paid as of June 30,1954. Ii '-;l.3.S"Y I! 1 , IN HE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIV~ &c: The fo110ldng claims again2t the County were this day presented, approved I i II I I I , , and ordered to be paid by voucher-check s out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, towit: County School Board'of Roanoke Co., gas &c Gama Warden's car 33.60 No. 18396. " 10397 " 18398 " 18399 " 18400 n 184-01 " 1843.9 " 18402 Void E. O. Kessler, fowl claim 6.00 Boyd Morris, fowl claim 13.65 lilay , 15.00 46.50 35.00 Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance Salem Farm Supply Co., dog-food V~s. Margaret Bower Thomas, fowl claim Void 1 II I The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: II 'I I r II II If [' II 'I II I I I I I 'I II I, I: Ii Ii II 'I I: il I' II ,I I ! Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitt~j to the Board the following reports: "Salem, Virginia June 21, 1954. To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of ousiness June 19, 1954, there was to the credit of the . General County Fund , 13 ,429.32 Ii> . Library Fund 1,039.50 . Dog Fund 4,773.66 Salem District Road Debt Fund 1,404.24 County School Fund 3,971.46 School Construction Fund 24,429.05 School Textbook Fund S05.28 .F. I. C. A. .24 . Deferred Credit Account '267~ ~ 50,120.33 0; Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." ii " " !i II II " 1) " I! i: fl Ii " II " II II ,I I: Ii ,I II II I! I Said report is ordered filed. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: . H. W. CLARK, SHERIFF, summary stateffient of Prisoner days served in the County jail during "he ~onth of li~y, 1954 , H. W. ClARK, SHERIFF. office and travel expenses for month of l'"ay, 1954 J. A. RLlNOLDS, Roanoke County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for month of Nay, 1954 . o. W. CUNDIFF, Assistant County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for month of May, 1954 . 37 i , II II Ii II Ii " II II il II Ii Ii " I " " !I ii " 11 II if I! Ii :1 I, Ii I! , " [I I' '~t-C, .11.....tl. t' i1 ~ -2-+.~?,i " II ill I Ii !I I II !i " 'I Ii -- - - - I , I Ir , Ii Ii I , ,I II II I: I ""'\ i : , Ii : ... ,! . Ii :1 i ! ;.1 - 'i On motion of Supervisor E. H. Garner, seconded by Supervisor Ninor R. il Keffer, it is ordered that the County Executive Officer be authorized to purchas~i ~~ ~ I, (l rl.iJlW' right of way on ~~tin Memorial Cemetery Road from old Route 220 to Martin Memori~l ~ ' II ~ -~<f - '+ Cemetery, in Cave Spring District, from A. B. Harris, property owner; and if Ii I, I' Ii I , I , Ii II Ii Ii Ii " li~' ~~~~ I' \(, " r. c. [. h- I' I'~~,..:r = I' I! II ,_:!- 'f -~-" Iii Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, and carried, with 01 jl ordered that l-lrs. C. E. Via, Jr., and Ernest Robertson, with authority to select II any other members they may desire, be appointed a Committee to submit such I ,I I I , Ii II II it iI ii The Board of Supervisors of Roan~ke Jounty being desirous of making san- I . itary sewer service available to residents living adjacent to~he Corporate ,I ~~~~ II p.13~. IIC.,~@~' Ii "-2- _',>>-"; Ii II :1 Ii City Sewage System, and for water Ii 'I II II " II " " I' II I' II ---. ~--_._"-_..~--_._---_.'----"---- -. .. .-.....-.. -- ...--...--.- I , I' I I I i i I I II I r- I II II ,I negotiation for said right of way fail, that condemnation proceedings be instituted, all costs to be paid by property owners served on this road. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer, H. W. Starkey and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None. l-lrs. C. E. Via, Jr., Ernest Robertson, C. E. Via, and others, this day appeared before the Board, and inquired of the Board the status of,;he Civil Defense Program in Roanoke County; recommendations and plans in regard to Civil Defense in Roanoke County, including the est~mated cost of same, as they may see fit to a future meeting of this Board. Limits of the City of Roanoke, . Committee W. E. Cundiff, E. H. wish to make the appointment of the following v . . Garner, Furman B. Whitescarver and Paul B. ~~tthews, to work out a contract with said City officials for the treatment of sewage from Roanoke County entering the Roanoke se:'vice from Roanoke City. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer and H. W. Starkey. NaysL None. The following applications for sanitary sewer service were th~s day submitted to the Board: v J. B. Harris and C. M. Davis, owners of Bramb1eton Court Addition, near west corporate limits of Roanoke County shown on map attached to said application, by T. L. Plunkett, Jr., their attorney; and of . . . CARL A. !';ONTGO~lERY and NAOlU G. GREENWOOD, owners of Greenwood Forest " , II II II II II 1 I' 1:01 II " i' I I 1 I' Subdivision, located in Cave Spring District, by A. T. Loyd, their attorney; were accepted, and that said service be furnished, as requested, if and when, a suitable contract can be obtained with t~~ City of Roanoke. ~n motion of Supervisor W. E. ~undiff, seconded by Supervisor E. H. Garner, it is ordered that at the next regular meeting of this Board, to be 39 he1dl , Ii Ii I, 40 !i " 11 " " , Ii I, :i t, i: ~&-JJ f~ ~f'".3!~ " I! " 'I II , i: ,I " :I 'I " ii Ii " " I! I: ;.1 Ii ,I " " " ~ I' " I' Ii I' 2 " " :' " " r " i: , " I " I' 11 'I j' I on, the 19th day of July, 1954, at 3 o'clock P. M., an ordinance governing the conduct or participation in the conduct, of certain public entertainments " between the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clock A. ifJ. dailY~ where il members of the audience are required, or permitted to view or participate in sam'i from parked vehicles, oe other ve~icula1:' conveyances, and providing penalties Ii for the violation thereof. j! And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published ]1 once a week for the nExt two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper II , published in Roanoke County, Va., the above notice of intre ntion of this i I I I I I Board to propose for adoption the ordinance abo~e referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. rt. Garner, H. W. Starkey and ~tinor R. Keffer. Nays: None. ., On motion of Svoevvisor H. W. Starkey,seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it was ordered that E. W. C~elf, Attorney heretofore employed by this Board for the purpose, do proceed, as soon as possible, by whatever means he deems best, to enforce the collection of all delinquent taxes, penalties and interest due and owing upon those certain lots or parcels of land, situate in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia, which are assessed upon the I II I I j and II ,I , " I i \1 i , I . Land Books of Roanoke County, in the name of Z. T. MORAN and H. C. HATCHE.'l., described as Lots 17 to 28, both inclusive, Section 4, Hockman Land Company, which have heretofore been sold for delinquent taxes due thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisor H. W. Starkey Supervisor W. E. Cundiff Supervisor E. H. Garner and Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On notion of Supervisor W. E. Cuna iff, seconded by Supervisor ~tinor R. Keffer, it is ordered that E. W. Chelf, Attorney heretofore employed for the 11'[' purpose, do proceed as soon as possible, by whatever means he deems best, il to enforce the collection of all delinquent taxes, penalties and interest due 'I il and owing upon those certain lots or parcels of l~nd, situate in the Town of II I, Vinton, Roanoke County, Virginia, assessed on the Commissioner'S Books of 'I I, said County as Lots 8 and 9, Section 7,~nd Lot 12, Section 2, ttidway Land Ii ,I Company, in the name of Jonah or Joanna T~vener, which were heretofore sold in !I ii I the name of Jonah or Joanna Tavener, for delinquent taxes due to Roanoke County. II Ii Adopted by the follO\dng recorded votes: 'i ii Ayes, Supervisors, H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cunliff, E. H. Garner and !i i1 ?Unor R. Keffer. ii '1 Nays: Hone. ii ii " Ii ,[ II :! I I - - -.. ,- ". - r~""'\ i - Ii !I Ii " i 'I II I' Ii il I, I: II 'I Ii II Ii WHEREAS, Route $2$ from the Intersection of Route 220 to the Intersection I: ~ of Route $76 in Roanoke County has no service to the Citizens of Roanoke il~v~ ~"-'€:"" y;- County due to the construction of Route $76 by the State Highway Department, and ;:t.q ,z- ,G.. J.k , WJlVREAS, the nature of the location of Route $2$ is such that it is 1~ y(..... ~, I:~~ II (,... v../-o-v II r~ L..e (' Iir~ B. :m~c, 11~'C9~p Ii , ' ]. ,,-,-... Ii d !I an adjourned meeting of this Board on May 31, 1954, relative tonthe aban onment il II 11 -""""'~-~-"""--~-'---,--~----------~, ~--~~ . - . - . ... - --. . . t , I I II Ii II Ii Ii I II Ii II II I I il ~ II Ii i ! i , II 'I II I I I II II I' I II I' II II " Ii " I! I' Ii I' " II I: ;: II II :... On motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, it was ordered that E. W. Chelf, Attorney here~ofore employed by this Board for the purpose, do proceed as soon as possible, by whatever means he ./ deems best, to enforce the collection of all d1elinquent taxe:,penalties and interest due and owing upon that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, which is assessed upon v the Land Books of Roanoke County in the name of Josiah Crawford Hrs.. and des~ribed as $7.23 acres, Catawba, which was sold on December 12, 1936, for taxes due thereon for the year 1936, to the County of Roanoke and returned delinquent for each year thereafter. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and I~nor R. Keffer. Nays: None. impossible to maintain it as a State Highway; It is hereby ordered on motion of Supervisor E. H. Garner, seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, that the Department of Highways be requested to abandon Route $2$ in Roanoke County as pres~ribed in Section 33 - 76.12 of the Code of Virginia; And it is furthe: ordered that the resolution of this Board entered at of this road be, and the same is hereby vacated. Adopted by the follo~nng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner, W. E. Cundiff, ~linor R. Keffer and H. i'l. Starkey. Nays: None. ~~. W. E. Fitzgerald, Assistdilt Resident Engineer, State Highway Depart- ment, submitted to the Board a copy of the Tentative Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year 1954-55, dated May 20th, 1954. Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, is approved by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor Keffer. Nays: l:one. 41 .. ._~-- -..-- .-- .. -.-. . I' " I' I !: Ii !:.,; I :'i I I. II li~-~ !I~,- .~.t:./Jti., :~~y, ti~~ I. II II R. !i I' .1 I, .:; .. 2. '1..."'1- " , Ii I' This day came the Coanty Engineer appointed by this Board to view the :i ~~ c : Pcv...e. (?;, following road, and the location thereof, towit: Ii 1h~ C.s.- . . I- General Electric Road froLl Route 742 to Route 1432, 0.$0 mile, :CJJF <r Co hereinafter to be designated as State Secondary Route $66, Salem District~ ~~~ ifff~'~~ IS~~~ 42 , i: i Ii ~~~Ii ~ 0t.<<L P;. i'natel::..,. I ~ R-C.ii (fJ~<.<., :'6 Ii ~. I :! '-~lf.~-"" I' I' !! ! ~ :i i " I: , i I " i; I' Ii il I I I i: I: ., !: , , I, [' \ihereupon, on motion, duly seconded and carried, said County Engineer's report is approved. And i.,c is further ordered that said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is, hereby established as a public road, to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County; And, it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vcte: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner. Nays: None. IN RE: Rezoning of Certain Property in Roanoke County, Virginia, Bounded in part b~ U. S. Rt. 11, and a private driveway ) ) ) ) Order. , , I I , I II 'I !' 'I I Alexander ~l. Davis, Jr., amd A. A. Campbell, 'being the owners of Lots 2,3 and 4 I of the Stutsman property on U. S. Rt. 11, said petition requesting that the said! I I purposes set out in said petition, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke I: ,I I i ! I , I II II Alexander M. Davis, Jr. and A. A. Campbell be, and the same is hereby filed; AND BEi'IT FURTHER RESOLVED AIm ORDERED THAT SAID REZOllING PETITION I be and the same herebt is referred to the F1anning Commission of Roanoke COU-"lty I II II I, ]1 II I , I " reported its recommendations to the Clerk eof this Board, upon receipt of same, tne This day convened at 2:00 P.M. a regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, and whereupon, leave was asked to file the petition of lots described therein be rezoned from residential to business for the County adopted February 21, 1944, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AIm CRDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cour"ty, Virginia, held this 21st day of June, 1954, at the Courthouse thereof, that the rezoning petition of for its recommendation in accordance .d2th Section 15-647 of the Code of Virginia (1950). AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AIm ORDERl!;D that when the Roanoke County Planning Commission shall have received said p~tition, considered the same and Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set this request fcr rezoning for public hearing at 3:00 o'clock P. ~., July 19, 195~, at the Courthouse for Roanoke County, issuing notice thereof by publication as required by Sections 15-646 and 15-647 of the Code of Virginia (1950); pDovided further that if for any reason the reco~mendation of the Roano~e Cc'unty Planning Commission be not received by the Clerk of this Bpard in sLU'f'icient time to comply with Section 15-646 regarding publication of notice of the public hearing prior to July 19, that the Clerk of this Board may fix such date for public hearing on a regular or adj ourned meeting of the Board as will fall more than 15 days following the second publication of said notice. AND BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. ~latthews, Secretary of th,~ Planning Commission of Roanoke I I I II II I I I I . - - r'....... i I ,..,j 43 - --,.....-----,-~~__,_......"....".~--~-,.. ,...,---.~,..._:--7-.----~.~~~.c:......_ -. ..... - County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey of Salem ~agisterial District and seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff of I: Ii I! !i II I .1 Ii " Ii I: ii I, II ] ] II 'I I, II Ii II II ~ II , I I I WITHIN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE,il'IRGINIA, (EXCEPT AS TO ANY LA~mS WITHIN THE I BOUNDARIES UlmER THE JURISDICTION OF ANY INCORPORATED CITY OR TOWN AS DEFINED Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and ~li~or R. Keffer. Nays: None. The following ordinance was this day offered for adoption: ROANOKE COUNTY ~lm SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SUBDIVISION OF LA~m I I I I II PROVIDING PROCEEDINGS TO PREVENT VIOLATIONS: I I I I ,General As~emb1y.of Virginia, 1946, as amended, known as "The Virginia Land I Subdivision Law", the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke is authorized II Ii and empowered to adopt regulations to assure the orderly subdivision of land and 'I I its development and the harmonious and economic development of the County IN CHAPTER 211-A OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA) INTO LOTS, STREETS, ALLEYS AND PUBLIC AREAS: PROVIDING FOR THE lfillKING , APPROVING AND RECORDING OF PLATS OF SUCH SUBDIVISIONS: DEFINING CERTAIN TEm"8: PRESCRIBING PENALTISS FOR VIOLATIONS: AND WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 369 of the Acts of the ., " ii (except as to any lands within the boundaries unQcr the jurisdiction of any Ii II I I , I incorporated city or town as defined in Chapter 211-A of the Code of Virginia) fior the coordination of streets within subdivisions of land with other existing or planned streets, for adequatG open spaces for traffic, recreation, light and !' II ! " I " !' Ii " a Ii ,I ,I II II ii '. by which all persons affected by such reg~lations were notified i! , ij 19, 1954, at 2:30 o(clock P. I-I. in the Supervisors' ~jeeting Ii ,I Ii Ii Ii :I I' II Ii 'I II II County of Roanoke, II II to appear on April , !i Room at the Cou~"house, Salem, Va., to present t~eir views with respect thereto; and Ii II en said date such notice of intention to adopt such regulations was continued to " " 'I jl the June lleeting, 1954, of this Board, be.jng June 21st, 1954; II THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, Ii Ii VIRGINIA: That the following regulations are hereby adopted for the subdivision Ii pf land situate within the County (except as to any lands within the boundaries il under the jurisdiction of any incorporated city or town as defined in Chapter II ii 211-h of the Gode of Virginia); and from and after the effective date of this ii i! ordinance, eve1:'Y owner or proprietor of any tract of land, to which such II ' ,I regulations apply, who subdivides such tract as provided in such regulations, shall'; Ii cause a plat of such subdivision, developed and prepared in accordance with such I: 'I . 'I regulations, with references to known or permanent monwnents, to be made and I, II air and for the distribution of population and traffic which will tend to create conditions favorable to health, safety, convenience and prosperity; and WHEREAS. notice of intention to adopt such regulations was published once week for two successive Weeks, namely, March 19, 1954 and Y~rch 26, 1954, in the Times-Register, a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Salem and the i: 'I I, II Ii II c..L C 'I u.,' Ii ~1<'<< u . I!.::t...e.c~ 'I I, _J'J..Sy.. : I i:t:C I , , II 'Ma..~ - - I. .....--IJ 'm~/.,,,,,,, '~ c]...L. '! f(;.., \f": f "'i1 15",0. ('- a....J...... !,S~. '('<1" ! f M'<- '" <.-..r;: I,:.. n, I ;;;L".... I~,'\ 1:'- i,l , , 7- Itl-.\ o.J " II , " :: I I' I: . - I.......~ i ; - ~-'1 ;...,j -- ----,-~._--- ----.--------. --_._._-'-----~-----------~----_.._~--- I' I I , , i II 'I Ii II Ii 1 , I being subdivided. Particular ,.~tention shall be given to width, arrangement and location of streets, and alleys or utility easements, drainage, lot sizes ii i: and arrangement and other facilities such as parks, playgrounds or school Ii sites, public buildings, parking areas, boulevards and main highways. Adequate [i street connections shall be required by the agent to insure free and safe access II Ii II ,I i! , I' II :i Ii ii " One COIV of street profiles with grades and / or i, I: I I! If,' to be in conformity with the requirements of law and of these regulations. Such to adjOining, eXisting, proposed and PQssib1e subdivisions of lands. E. The owner or proprietor of the subdivision, following the tentative !I Ii 'I I! II I I II 'I Ii I approval of the preliminary subdivision plat and street profiles with proposed grades, shall file with the agent within six months Subdivision plats as provided in Section V-A hereof. topographic map (if required) shall also be filed with the agent. F. The final subdivision plat shall be approved by the agent if found ii II , in which deeds conveying the land are recorded, within sixty (60) days after final 'I appeoval thereof, otherwise such approval shall be withdrawn and the plat markedil Ii ,I I: , plat shall be filed for recordation in the Clerk's Office of the Court , I II II Ii ,I I: I' ,I I 'I , 1 , Ii Ii 'I II Ii II II II I: II I' ,I " Ii ,I ,i Ii Ii fl Ii Ii II i! ,I 'I II void and returned to the owner. SECTION III. GENERAL REQUIRElIiENTS FOR SUBD!VISION OF LAND. A. The owner or proprietor of a subdivision shall observe and comply ii II II I' ,! " j' II Ii I' I' ,! i; I' Ii coordinated with adjOining links in said system and at the same or greater widths. 'I I i! Street Plan of the County, where such plan has been approved by the legislative II " ii Ii Ii " The setback and/ or building line shall conform with the' with the following general requirements and principles of 1amd subdivision in preparing the preliminary and final subdivision plats: (1) The plat shall conform to the adopted Master Plan or one or more parts, sections or divisions thereof, of the County, if one exists. (2) All streets which are designated as part of the major highway system on such Master Plan or part, division or section thereof, shall be (J) Major highway widths shall conform to the widths shown on the Major body of the County, and no street shall have a width of less than 50 feet between property lines. requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the County for the district in which the subdivision is located. Wnere no such setback andl or building line jl I! feet shall be required in all cases. " Ii and/ or building line shall be JO feetl requirements exist, a minimum setback of 25 iihere a street is 50 feet wide the setback to permit future widening of s.,ch street. (4) Courts, or cu1desacs, where permitted shall not exceed 600 feet in length and shall not be less than 50 feet wide. All dead end streets shall terminate ~ a circular right-of-way with a minimum diameter of $0 feet. (5) As far as practicable all proposed streets shall be continuous and made to connect with existing street without off-set. (6) Blocks, in general, whall not be longer than IJ20 feet nor less than 400 feet betw4en street intersections; provided,however, in instances where, because of topography or existing peculiar conditions, a longer or shorter block ~y be approved by the P1ann~ng Commission. :! " II I: " Ii :1 " " :! ($) At street intersections, the property line shal] be rounded by an arc I, ,I , having a radius of not less than fifteen (15) feet. Proper'ty lines at Major st*et il intersections or at other locations where traffic hazards and congestion may be !I I' anticipated, sh~,ll be designed for a radius of not less than twenty (20) feet, 0~1 greater if deemed necessary. (9) Side lot lines in general shall be at right angles or radial to " ;i . 'I II I: i: !! wide. Intersecting ,. I , I 46 . ---,--c_--..,.--~.-:-~._-----'-..,.----,--~- Ii (7) All lots, controlled by these regulations, shall front on a public II street and shall not extend through to another street; provided, however, that II 'II where existing streets make chis regulation impractical the Plan~ing Commission may waive the same. No lot shall embrace any portion of a street or alley. street lines. , i, (10) where possible, reverse frontage of lots, at street intersections, ii :; ..hall be avoided. , I, :' (11) Each separate lot, intended or used for residence purposes, shall i: " i: have a minimum frontage of 70 feet, an avera~< width of 75 feet, an average II depth of not cess than 140 feet, and a minimum area of 9$00 square feet, except where public sewer and water service is provided, then each separate lot intended or used for residential purposes shall have a ~inim~T. frontage of 60 ft.; an average width of 70 ft; an average depth of not less than 120 feet; and minimum area of 7200 square feet. (12) Residence corner lots shall have a minimum width to provide 15 feet of sice yard along the side street in case no lots within the block are arranged to front thereon, or a side yard having a minimum width of 25 feet if the side street is used for frontage; provided, however, where zoning control is in effect the greatest width provided in the Zoning Ordinance of the County shall govern. i' No corner lot or lots shall be re-~;ubdivided to face another street " , II unless all established building lines are observed on both stnets. I ~ II (13) Grades: Najor streets shall, insofar as possible, conform to the I! , :, contours to avoid grades in excess of 7 pe)" cent. unless because of special I' " " " conditions the agent perzr.its otherwise. I'linor streets and alleys shall avoid !' grades in excess of ten per cent. No street shall have a minimum grade of less than 0.4 per cent. (14) Alleys with a miniMum width of 20 feet shall be provided at the rear of all lots designated for business or industrial use. Alleys, when provided in the rear of residential lot.s, shall not be Ipss than 20 feet and may be required by the agent when the lot,s are less than 75 feet Alleys shall be provided with a fifteen foot (15) radius at each corner. Easements at least 10 feet ~Iide, 5 feet on each side of the rear or side lot lines shall be provided for utilities and drainage where necessary. Easements at least 10 feet ~~de zr.ay be required in, along or adjacent to, natural water courses as drains for sanitary sewers and / or water diversion purposes. (15) Monuments of an approved type shall be set by the o"mer or proprietor of the subdivision as required by the agent and as sho~m on the final plat. (16) Reserved strips restricting access to streets, alleys, public ways and easements shall not be permitted. I I , , II il ~ " 'I II ! II I il II " il II iI " " I' II il :1 II I, II II " " I' 'I I, i II I, :1 :i I I - - _.'..n_.. I' 1 I I, I, II [I II 'I " !I Ii 'I I, II I! ,I II Ii 'I !I ~ II Ii ~ Ii ,I i I I ! ,i " I' II - II I' - II ~ 11 I II Ii ,[ Ii [I It II r II II II II I' I! ,I li '.....'1 'I 11 I: ..... jl II ,I " I' If II 'I I '.-: ~ II 'I , , I, '-' Ii i: i: !i .__._---~-----_..-- - ~--~-----_.. .-- -. ., . .'. o (17) I'lhere practicable the center lines o~: all intersecting streets shall meet in a common point and shall intersect one ar,other as near to a right angle (1$) (19) " r II No existing local street names or subdivision names shall be duplicated; ;j Whenever a proposed subdivision abuts a roac, which is included in the Ii as it is practicable in each case. State System of Primary Highways, an access road extencing for the full length it II of the subdivision along such highway and providing limited access thereto may be II provided at a distance suitable for the appropriate use of the land between such II " 11 II Ii 'I [I Ii II ,I Ii II Ii , li I) ,I Ii Ii ii " II ji !! , il I: q " I, !I Ii Ii ,j " II !1 " (4) Location and names of adjoining subdivisions and / or names of the owners " access road and hi~hway. B. A variation of the requirements of thi~, section may be permitted if, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, the topography, or other special or unu~'ua1 condition, necessitates such variation., SECTION IV. THE PRELr~rrKARY PLAN. A. The subdiviGer shall present to the agent not less than 3 copies of the Preliminal~ Plan, plainly marked as such, pre~!rably on a scale of one inch equals one hundred feet, showing the following: (1) (2) Subdivision name. Name and address of the recorded owner of the land proposed to be subdivided and the owner or proprietor of the subdivision, and the surveyor. (3) The location, width and names of all existing or platted streets or other public ways within or adjacent .0 the subdivision, existing permanent buildings, railroad right-of-ways, natural ~reter courses, and other import~nt features. of adjoining lands, together ~Iith accurate legal references. (5) Profile of each street with proposed grades, (if required). (6) All parcels of land designated, or ::oeasonably expected to be required, for future street widening shall be dedicated. (7) Location of all building lines and location and dimensions of all easements. (8) Lot lines with approximate dimensions. (9) Proposed method of water supply, drainage provisions, sanitary sewer layout or other accepted sanitary plan. (10) Proposed use of the property so to be subdivided. (11) Topographic map on a suitable scale and contour intervals when required by the agent. (12) Date, scale or plat, and North ?cirJ,t of map. True meridian shall be used where practicable; other\~ise the drt.e of' the magnetic meridian mus'~ be given. B. The preliminary plat shall be apprclved or disapproved, or approved with modifications within 30 days after the date it is ['resented to the agent. Unless a final plan is filed with the agent \dthin six months after the approval of the preliminary plat, the prl~liminary plat shall thereupon become void and shall be so marked by the ag,mt. 47 ii II " !i " Ii " 48 SECTION V. THE FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT. A. The final subdivision plat shall, by th.l use of black India ink, be clearly and legibly drawn on standard linen tradng cloth. The size of the shall be 20 inches by 30 inches, including CI margin of 1 inch outside ruled border I lines at bottom, top and right sides, and 2 inches for binding on the left I I 20-inch side of the sheet. The drawing she,ll be tC' a scale of 1 inch equals II , 100 feet unless otherwise authorized by the agent. The original linen tracing ! , and 2 prints on standard cloth shall be submitted to the Agent. After approval, I both the original linen tracing and one print thereof shall be returned I , to the owner or proprietor of the subdivision, for recordation il: the precise II form as approved. When more than one sheet is necessary, an index sheet of the II same size may be required by the agent showing the entire subdivision. A vicinity be required by the agent. I I I I' il I' II II and angular shall be determine~ i i I , I i " Ii " il il sketch of the area in the vicinity of the subdivision on a small scale may also B. In addition to the requirements for the preliminary plat shall show: (1) Sufficient data to rtoadily determine the location, hearing and length of every street line, lot line, block line Clnd boundary line and to reproduce the same on the ground from permanent monumemts. Linear dimensions shall be in feet and decimals. All dimensions, both linear by an accurate control sur~ey which must clclse and balance within a limit of one foot in five thousand (5000) feet. Elevations of existing and proposed ground surfaces at all street intersections and points of major grade changes along center lines of streets together with proposed grade lines connecting therewith shall likewise be sho~n. True elevations shall be used based on the i I I ! i' II deflection angle, radius, tangent., lenGth of are and chord bearing and distance. :1 Ii (J) In order to establish uniformity, a seetion and/or survey shall consist II of a nunber of blocks; a block shall c,)nsist of a number of lots; and a lot " II I II II iI :i 11 11 shall be shown, and other identification, not in conflict with these regulations, II II Ii :! ii II II 'I 'I Ii ii r il U.S. C. and G. S. datum where bench mark elevations are available. A plus or minus figure shall not be permitted on any line" (2) All curves shall be circular arcs and described by giving the This may be shown in a scheduled tab~llaticn on the plat. shall be the smallest individual land use unit. All sections, blocks and lots shall be numbered in consecutive order from left to right, beginning at the top of the unit. In case there is a re-subdivision of lots, the original identity may be designated for the new arrang~ment. (4) Permanent reference monuments prescribed by the agent shall be placed as required by the agent. Suer, permanent mCiIlumEmts shall be stone or concrete at least 24 inches long and 6 inches square (or 4 inches in diameter) and shall be set to approved finished grades where practic:able. Other points, such as street intersections, alle,' intersections, tangent points and angle points, shall be marked ~.ith e. solid iron rod or an iron pipe not less than 2 inch in diameter, at least 2 feet long, driven flush with the ground. Konuments and iron pins shall be indicated on all plats. (5) All bearings are to be r~ferred to the tr~e meridian where geodetic control has been completed. Where the magnetic meridian is used the declination shall be stated. II il II I sheet! I I I I I . - 1'-... i ; I - rOc! , I ~ 49 --~-- _._--~----- -~- .__._-----~._-~_. . ',' -." _.'.- - - .- .___.__u.______,____ ..... - ,.. .-.. Ii II " " Ii II II " II I ,I 'I II Ii Ii II I il II II I I I I' ,I Ii I i I II II I! II II II I !! " II II ,I ii l- I! ,I " Ii .I I ,I 'I Ii Ii II Ii I' 'I II 'I Ii II i! 'I I' !! Ii l! Ii i' Ii Ii " iI I, " II ,I I' I " I ,I ii Ii " ~I " I! (6) T:1e names of all streets and the name of the subdivision, t.he north point, scale, date, restrictions and conditions, if any. (7) In no case shall the agent approve a re"rision of a previously approved plat unless the date of the revision thereof be dearly stated thereon, the fact that it is a revised plat and the reason fOle the revision. ':8) A complete and correct description of the land subdivided. (9) A statement to the effect that the o~~ele or owners of said subdivision, as a condition precedent to the approval of the final plat and subdivision, and the acceptance of the dedication of the streets and alleys shO\m thereon by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, doth on his or their ovm behalf and for and on account of his or their heirs, successors, devisees, and assigns, specifically release the County of Roanoke from any and all claim or claims for damag'~s which such ovmer or owners, his or their heirs, successors, devisees and assigns, mayor might have against the County by reason of establishing proper grade lines on and along such streets and alleys as shown on the plat of the land subdivided (or such changed streets or alleys as may be agreed uFon in the future) and by for the purpose of placing I reason of doing neces,sary grading, cutting, or filling I' such streets and alleys upon the proper grade as may, I' II from time to time, be established bysaid County, and said County shall not be required to construct any retaining wall or walls, along the streets and alleys and property lines thereof. (10) The final subdivision plat shall "lso ,=ontain a statement to the I effect I, il !: Ii i! Ii II II [! " " !: Ii 'I that the suhnivisiou, as appears on the plat, is with the free consent and in accordance -.rith the desire of ~,he owners or proprietors of the land subdivided and the trustees in any deed of trust, or other ~nstrumentality imposing a lien upon such land, if any the;:e be, and said plat shall be signed by such owners, proprietors and trustees, if any, all of vlhom shall duly a ckn0\11edge the same before some officer authorized to take acknO\'11edgment of deeds. SECTION VI. STREET NAJ-IE:S. A. Any street which is a prolongation, or approximately a prolongation, of an existing street shall be given the same name. B. Except as provided in Section VI-A supra no street shall be designated by the same name as that heretofore borne by any other street, irrespective of the use of any suffix. C. Where practicable, all streets running in a general direction, east and west, shall be designated as streets and so named or numbered. All streets running in a gener"l direction, north and south, shall be designated as avenues and so named. All streets having winding cours"s shall be kno\m as roads or bo'.]] evards. SECTION VII. PRi;;PARATION OF FIiML SUPJIVISION PLAT. Every final subdivision plat shall be prepared by a competent surveyor or civil engineer duly licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia, who sh"ll endorse upon each such plat a certificate signed by him setting forth the source of title 50 .-----------.--- . - -. . --. title of the owner of the land subdivided and the place of record of the last instrument, or instruments, in the chain of title. When the plat is of land acquired from more than one source of title, tho, outlines of the several tracks shall be indicated upon such plat. , I , ; I II A. ~.nen a final subdivision plat has be"n approved, executed and acknowledge~ as provided in these regulations, it shall be recorded in the office of the il ; I I I 'i II 'I , , , inspected only upon written order of a Judge 01' a Court of record. i , B. The agent, before finally approving any subdivision plat, shall personal~y inspect the proposed subdivision on the gre,und" Upon approving such final II subdivision plat, the agent shall clearly endorse his approval thereon. il 11 C. The Commissioner of Reve,ue or his a,gent of the County of Roanoke SJ!:CTION VIII. RECORDATION OF FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAT. Clerk of the Court in whose office deeds conveying the land contained in the plat are required by law to be recorded, and shall be 5.ndexed under the names of the owners of the land and under the name of' the subdivision. The Clerk shall retain the original linen tracing of saie: plat and shall permit it to be shall not issue any permit for the erectioL .,1' any building or structure to be located in any subdivision, a plat whereof is required to be recorded pursuant to the provisions of this ordinQ~ce, until such plat shall have been admitted record as herein provided for. D, No lot or parcel of land shall be sold or transferred until the i i I been recorded as herein provided for. :1 E. No final plat of a subdivision shall be recorded unless and until it shalt II have been first submitted to and approved by the agent; and no Clerk of a Court ,I i i final subdivision plat, of which said lot or p'lrcel is a part, shall have shall :file orrecord a plat o:f a subdivision until such plat has been approved I il F. All physical improvements required 'oy the provisions of this ordinance :for I' the subdivision as platted shall have been installed therein and thereon at the :1 I' 'I " II physical improvements the subdivider shall have submitted an acceptable form of 'I II il Ii by said agent. expense of the subdivider except that in lieu of actual installation of said agreement or bond ~~th surety in amount equal te the totel cost of such improvements guaranteeing that the required improvements will be installed within a designated reasonable length of time. The form of agreement, designated length of time, bond, and surety and choice of guarantee shall be prescribed by the Board of Supervisors, as it may require, according to the nature and extent of the improvements to be made. SECTION IX. PHYSICAL n:FRcvr;;;;;;NTS. Improvements requ1red in subdivisions lying in whole, or in part, within the County which include or involve any p\:lblic street or any right-of-".-ay connecting two (2) public streets or any elaSe[3ents for the foregoing: I I to' i I I i I I I[ !I "~I ': :: I II , Ii I - . - ~. ~ I - : .'1 , , ~ 55 ._______~____.._~.__~___________._~.__..._ ----.-.~-..--..,....---.-..,.--.-. --c------c:- . . ..-- ." ... - .. . - - .- .----.--. - .._........._-----_._.~ r i I I, II II " ;1 'I !I '''- " il II ,I II I, II " H II Ii ii I! I' I! Ii :1 II I II II I ! On motion, duly seconded, and carried. it is ordered thai; the office of the Delinquent Tax C,o11ector be mOV6d to a nearby room in the Courthouse building; and that the room DOW occupied by the Delinquent Tax Collector and the adjoining room be made available for rental. WHEREAS by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke, County, there is now a deficit in the General County Fund, for General County operatioJlS, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and WHEREAS, the Boardof Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section lS-25O of the Code of Virginia"1950, to borro~ not earlier than JUUlt 1st of any year. a sum of 'IIIOney not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of IIIODey produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1954., at a rate of interest Dot exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than DeceJDber lS, 19S1.; and " II " II Roanoke CouI1'ty to oorrow as needed, n'Jt exceeding a total amount of tso,Ooo.oo II ,I II il II II Ii Ii " Ii I' I[ " :i 'I I' 'j I' I' II !I I, il Ii " !I WRRRR4~, it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of for the purposes hereinbefore set out; N(1jf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this J:loard do negotiate a loan, and borrow as ~8d8ci, not- ex~eeding- a total amount of $SO,ooO.oo from such Bank or Institution of this State as is willing to make tbe loan, at a rate of interest net exceeding six per cant per annum, for a period not exceeding ninety days frolll the date of said loan; w:lch said maturity date at said loan shall occur not later than Decelllber lS. 19S4. said loan to be evidenced by the negotiable note of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: Board of Supervisors of Roanol,e County, by H. W. Starkey, Chairlll.D, 1Ih0se signature shall be duly attested by Roy K. Brown, Clerk. and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the 10s.n may direct. It is certified that all teJDporary loans for all previous years have been paid. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None If 11 'v IN RE: NON-CONFORMING PERMIT: Upon the recollllll9ndation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and on Illation, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-coll:f01'llling permit be issued ~ to Mrs. AMERICA D. WILSON to construct and operate a Grocery Store on Lot 22, Block 7, Section 2, Map of Starmount, according to plB,ns filed with the Planning COIIIIIission of Roanoke County. Resolution or the Roanoke County Planning Commission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Mffer and E. H. Garner. Naye: NoDe ,. " ;I I! 8in1 J...t <t I: ~. (!) ,"rYl"at::- ![C,ti..t ~~ I '-:3' _~1..f " '! !!~ cJ::p I! ~: 1;- ,I .'t t; Ii Cud.. (3. Ii )'}f"HJ........ C, Ii '4. (P ./1.._;1 II 00- 'I / , J-LL Ii ,,- 00 - T ii ii , Ii II r " t, " i! ir~ ii 1it ilCt..<.,' . .,- : ct..k. ~ f.J, h1,,~ ~.~,(j)~ , -~ -'~.... .. t I I ~ I t II Ii Ii ,I j . - !-"..,. ~ - I! ,,'. . ; , I 1 ,- , ! i I i 1 I 57 - ---'-"'--'-~---~--:'~-- .--_. ..- ,- --. - " Letter dated June 29. 2954, from the Hidden Valley Country Club, addressed II " ~ to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, reqt'esting the Board to permit ,: ;i said Club to discharge domestic sewage into the Town of Salem's main I: Ii interceptor line to Roanoke City, received and ordered tiled. 11 iI " I' :1 Ii '~~ i'~rr L tc"L IC.~' !p~ 43, il"J~r:.. :,~(t~ Ii to - 3-0 -S-<./- 'I il I, I' :1 I: II , On 1I0tion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the salary of Ralph Long, Custodian of the Courthouse Building, be fixed at the SUIB of two hundred and tifty dollars <$250.00) per month, for the months of June, July and August, ,1954. II ,I I: Ii II I, I' I' ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer lJays: NlSne On motio::!. duly seconded and c<ii'ried, it is ordered that the eJDployees of the Public Works Department of Roanoke County be gi"en a holiday on Saturday, Jaiy 3rd, 1954. II . 'I II I! i' I I! I II Ii i' !I Ii I I I 1 ! I, I II II ii " ii Ii ii Ii II il !I The State Compensation Board having approved the request for an additional allowance tor the office of the Commissioner of, Revenus of Roanoke County, in the amount of $360.00, for the salary of', a, deputy COIIIIIlissioner at the Revenue for asseSSIlIent of new buildings, '118king a total allowance of $2460.00 for year 1954, for said deputy, and this Board concurring in said request, on motion, dUly seconded, the above allowance is spproved. Letter dated JUlIII 25, 1954, from L. McCarthy Downs, Chairman of said COIRpensation Board, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote:" Ayes: Supervisors H. 'I. l1tarkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the tl)1rd Monday in July, 1954. ~;W"'//L -- Courthouse Salem, Virginia July 19, 1954 ~ il ji II Ii '! Ii The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereof in regular monthly session. Present: H. W. Starkey, Chairman, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved ~ ibn~~Bri~t:ft~dt8!wI~fcher checks out of the funds respectively iI I[ '~ ' I 'lI<~ I , f.,^~~ I ~ cl....... il ~c.....f.,....-- li~~_ 1'1 p~ ~ ,-/\ Ii u~ ,s-y- II ,...~ .:l...>- !I" w~,c; ~ :'~, R..r " / "-'. i' '" -l." -&-~ ! !' I' ,I " j, 'I II II !I II II I I I I 'I II I, II I' II II .I i! I' II I, 1 I I I - .- I I , I II il Ii " 'I I ,I II I, Ii II i[ !i Ii ii I' II II !! " I! n Ii n II , " " 11 II " Ii II n :1 Ii It " i! II ii ". ",,"~ I - I"." i , ..... I' ! )1 II II " 1\ It I' !' Ii II I' 59 -. -~-----_..~-_. _._---_.--~-_._. ----.----.- ...-.. --._-_.-- . __ ._ ..d_' .. ... -",------- -. --- ----.-.--.----.-.--.-----------------..--....---. _. __.. _.. _'._' ___"".' .... _._ ... '. - '---.0...... No. 18533 Roanoke County PublicHea1th Assoc., County's appropriation to Public Health work $ 508.00' n 18534 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service lS535 Salem Creamery Co., Food-Prisoners 18536 Smead & Webber Co., Medical Supplies 18537 Cancelled 1S538 Shepard's Citations, Law books for F. L. Hoback 18539 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware 18540 Salem Lumber Co., Sand for Cigarette Urns 18541 Salem Publishing Co" Office supplies for Electoral Board &:c 1SS4-2 Standard Register Co., Tax tickets for Treasurer 18543 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail services, coroner cases and lunacy hearing " II n " " n " II n n lS54.4 Cancelled 185lt5 Town of Sa1eJD, Lights and water 18546 Underwood Corporation, Repairing typewriter 18547 Virginia,Foods, Inc., Food Prisoners Janitor supplies 1854-8 Vinton Motor Co., repair parts and labor on Ambulance #5, , Installing Exhaust line ofi Car #7 18549 Valleyda1e Packers, Food-Prisoners 18550 Virginia Markets #6, Food-Prisoners 18551 Everette Waddey Co., Record books 18552 C. W. War than Co., record books lS553 H. M. Wood, Repairing leak in Jail 18551t Williams Supply Co., light tubes for Courthou&e 18555 American Bakeries Co., food-Prisoners 18557 Gancelled lS562 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on De1iqquent Taxes 18635 Adkins Cash Stores, Room Rent Election Day 18636 Milton Bayne, Room Rent 18637 Cancelled 18638 Mrs. Nell Butts, Room Rent 18639 G. C. Foley, Rorlm Rent lS640 Hart Motor Co., Room Rent 186ltl R. S. Tee1, Room Rent 186lt2 Young's Super Market, Room Rent 18643 Frank J. Zimmerman, Room Rent 18644 Rettinger Mercantile Co., Room Rent lS646 Mrs. Minor R. Keffer, Room Rent 18648 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tages for Garbage Cans n n n n n " .. n .. n " " n n n n " n n " n II 186lt9 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., M.echanica1 services on Adding Machines 18650 18651 Advance Stores Co., New Air Cushion Mrs. Janet L. Ballentine, 29 registrations and transfers 2 days sitting to register C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone service Cancelled lS652 18653 18651t Hazel Gearhart, extra clerical work i 3.00 : 10.14' ).30' il " " II 20.001 'i !I 71.67'1 II .751 Ii 301t.88! I 904.38:1 !! II 105.00'1 i! !I II 233.81" Ii 22.50[1 II 152.271! " " , 106.411' 56.7311 I. ! 78.lt8 !I 24.5111 121.1g il 3.00 [: Ii 23.91 :i 1', 41.55 : Ii 'I " S.92 II 7.50 I: Ii 5.00 II Ii " I' 5.00,: I! Ii 5.00 Ii 5.001[ Ii 5.00 Ii II 7.50 !; :' 5.00 ! , , 5.00 :1 !: 7.50 Ii , , Ii 4.67 Ii i/ " " 72.00 .' :i 2.65 ii Ii 20.15 ! I' 260.20 " ii 125.21 ii " 60 .J 18655 No. n 18656 n 18657 n ).8658 " 18659 It 18660 n 18661 '( Ii I " !! - --..-.. .- -- * 14.23 11.32 , II 49.00 II 29.50 I I I 42.00 I 49.00 i 36.75 i Mt. Vernon Heights Service Sta1;ion, Gas, oil, etc. Nelson Hardware Co., Paint for New Health Center Harry R. Richardson, Painting New Health Center Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Salem Furniture Co., New windolf shades for Health Building Armistead S. Watkins, 50 hours painting new Health Center Virginia Paper &: Chemical Co., J cases tissue IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: v i II " II il Ii Ii II etc, !I $ 60.85 I: , 1 8.50 i I i 15.00 I !I i I I I I II :1 Ij II I I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks ou1. of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wi t: County School Board of Roanoke (Jaunty, Gas. Oil, Repairs, County Game Warden's Car Joe M. Davis, fowl claim Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Cancelled No. 18556 It 18558 n 18559 " 18560 " 18561 n 186.+5 It 18647 n 18662 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog, food, shells and broom J. M. Ronk, 30 chickens killed by dogs M. S. Thomas, livestock claim G. R. Hetherington, fowl claim 56.00 15.00 148.00 4.90 i The following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks, and Commissioners of I Election for their services in conducting the Primary Election held July 13. 1954~ I ( in Roanoke County payable out of the General County Fund, to-wit: JOHN'S SHOP i $ , No. 18563 Kyle Shelor, Judge and Returns 13.50 , , I 18564 Mrs. Loyd Shelor, Judge 7~50 , n i Ii n 18;65 Doris Shelor, Clerk 7.50 I BRANDS STORE I II " 18566 Grace Morehead, Clerk and Returns 1).50 I, " :1 '" 18567 R. D. Morehead, Judge 7.50 !I REESES' STORE il I! n 18568 W. B. Smith, Judge and Returns 13.00 I, I " 18569 C. P. Horne, Judge 7.50 i' ': I' 'I 18570 J. 7.50 " " T. McCormack, Clerk " I \\lEST SALEM 'I " 18571 :i n Cancelled ,:1 :1 ii It 18572 J. C. Shelton, Judge and Returns 12.50 'I I' il n 18573 A. H. Fo1lmar, Judge 7.50 " " n 18574 Mrs. La Una Hall, Clerk 7.50 I I JI II I' I' II 'I Ii II II " :1 - I I I I I' ,[ Ii [I I !I II II II II II II II I: il I I .-. ,...1 Ii II II II II ii II " Ii I' !I Ii , I' I I, I, - 1-....' i , , - Ii ,I " I: Ii 'I .. I, :1 II Ii Ii II , ! -. -----------_.-~-_.~--.._--------- - - ., GLENV AR No. 18575 Frank A. Garth, Judge and Returns 18576 E. D. Rettinger, Judge 18577 Mrs. Lida B. Robertson, Clerk NORTH SALm $ 1).00 7. SO 7.SO n n n 18578 Jack N. Haislip, Judge and Commissioner 18579 Richard F. Burke, Clerk and Returns 18580 w. B. Littrell, Judge SOUTH SALm NUMBER ONE !: 15.00 !; " 12 SO i: . I; I: 7.50 Ii II 20.00 Ii I' 7. 50 I~ " Ii 7.50 ii " :1 I, 'I II !i I' il " I' I: '! I: 8 I, 12. 0 I' 'I 7.50 I, 'I 7.50 II I! " " I! I! 'i n It n 18581 W. Harvey Woods, Judge, Comr, and Returns 18582 Reid H. Duncan, Judge 1858) Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Clerk SOUTH SALEM NUMBER TWO n " " - 18584 A. 1:. Moran, Judge and RElturns 18585 o. W. Shelor, Judge 18586 Edna Brown, Clerk 12.50 7.50 7.50 " It " PETERS CREEK 18587 Mrs. Sarah Whitmire, Judge and a"turns 18588 Mrs. Lera A. Young, Judge 18589 Mrs. F~ie Biggs, Clerk BURLINGTON " . n n 13.50 7.50 7.50 n " n 1). SO 7.50 7.50 " n 18596 w. R. Porter, Judge and Returns 18597 Robert L. Watson, Jr., Jue~e 18634 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk BOTETOURT SPRINGS 18598 R. L. Walrond, Judge, Comr. and Returns 18599 N~llie U. Hudgins, Judge 18600 Mrs. AnneWalrond Coffey, Clerk HOLLINS ROAD 21. SO 7.50 7.50 " 1).50 7.SO 7.50 n n . n " 18601 G. C. Holland, Judge and Returns 1$602 Ruth R. !olcCutchen, Judge 1860) Mrs. Ada Moor'e, Clerk MEDLEY 1).)0 7.50 '7.50 n " " 1$604 Mrs. Lena U. Zimmerman, Judge & Returns 18605 C. H. Garst, Judge 18606 Jessie U. Linder, Clerk ~7.50 12.90 ?50 62 " 'I EDDINGTON SHOP I !i No. 18607 F. L. Ferguson, Judge and Returns n 1860a Besbie M. Wilkerson, Judge " 18609 D. E. Richardson, Clerk GARDEN CITY ", 18610 Mildred B. Patterson, Judge and REturns " 18611 Mary A. Lynch, Judge " 18612 Virginia Liptrap, Clerk BONSACK " 1861) H. B. Atkins, Judge and Retw:'ns' " 18614 Claude O. Hudgins, Judge n 1861S Myrtle A. Bonsack, Clerk RED HILL " 18616 Mrs. Edith L. Harris, Judge and Returns n 18617 Mrs. C. L. Sink, Judge n 18618 Margaret N. Calhoun il Ii ;1 II II $ 1).50 I' !' 7.50 il Ii 7.S0 " d Ii :1 il !, [I i I I I I I , II ij I, II II 'I I[ II I I! Ii II II r !I ,I II I' I i I !, II Ii " :1 !I :, " I! ;1 !I II :! I ! 1).50 7.50 7.50 l).SO 7.S0 7.S0 1). SO 7.50 7.50 POAGES MILL n 18619 R. V. Bell, Clerk and Returns n 18620 I. C. Rierson, Judge " 18621 T. H. Martin, Judge 1).50 7.50 7.S0 CAVE SPRING · 18622 Henry S. Turner, Judge, Comr. & Returns a 1862) J. A. Lipps, Judge n 18624- Ernestine Graham, Clerk BENT MOUNTAIN 21.20 7.S0, 7.S0 · 1862; J. W. Lancaster, Judge and Returns 1). 50 7.50 n 18626 W. B. Cole, Judge n 18627 Mrs. Lena Lancaster, Clerk OGDEN n 18628 Beulah K. Bernard, Judg~ n 18629 Mattie Jean Adkins, Judge n 186)0 Catherine J. Puckett, Clerk RlVERDALE 7.50 1). SO 7.50 7.S0 n 186)1 Charles B. Clemmer, Judge &: Returns 186)2 Mary C. C1eJDmer, Judge 186)) Mamie E. Bowles, Clerk 1).50 7.S0 7.50 n n ~~~ r.1cJ!..,....~ ~#t:J'Y- 'f:]\." n.;,L.,...t. I~- '('- 1-)'1-S"J' The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: < JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expense ac,:ounts , for the month of July, 195~, and also those of W. c. MUSE, Commissioner of < < Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney, and H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, will be paid as of July )1, 1954. , -' ~ ~ -,... ---, I I, i! I I I I I - - ,,,' ~"1 - i , , r...'! - 63 -"--'~--'-"-------- -_..,-- - - - . ._ __~ "_.____.._...__ .. _._ __~.__._~.u_.._ _.~------_._~~--_.,._-------- - "...-'-- ---,_...._._--_.._-_.._~._,--------_..,~._._._-~---.,.- .-----------.-- t !I II Ii I II I Ii I! II II Iii !i !: " II II II II Ii I Ii , " il Ii II Ii III i! II 1,1 II I!' it : The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Ii II 'H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner days served in the County Ilhd t;c' ~ II Jail during the month of June, 1954. I: 7.}.. ,- Ii . H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for month of June, 1954. [i I ,I I II ~ ! It Ii II II Ii Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: nsa1emi Virginia July 9, 1954 To the Board ,; Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business July 17, 1954, there was to the credit of the , General County Fund .Deferred Credit Account .F. I. C. A. ,Library Fund . Dog Tax Fund . Salem Dist Road Debt Fund . County ,School Fund , School Construction Fund ,School Textbook Fund, $ 37,881.58 267.58 .07 11.32 4,271.87 1,059.18 5,164.32 18,776.65 802.21 $ 68,234.80 Respectfully submitted Janie B. ~[cNea1, T1:'easurer." Said report is ordered filed. ii 'I II h f II " Ii r II II " ii I' J) II II ,I I II 'i I' ill\, . /:" H. W. CLARK, Sherift of Roanoke Coun'ty, this day filed with the Board the 1'.I~ _ I ct.........._ ,,:p;::- report of Part-time Deputy Frank A. Roger.!, for the month of June, 1954, amountill8e~rS..,.. to $75.00 which report is approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby [! , 1L (t'.I"..... ,t i' 7- 2./-s'i- ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as provided by law", II ;I I' I: , !: " ii I: IN HE: DELI~UENl' TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Mrs. JANIE B. McNEAl;, County Treasurer, for $1287.90, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Ii Ii Clerk for the month of June, 1954, less 5% commissions, and turned over to the Treasurer, said check amounting to $122).50 nee. 'I Ii 1; , I: II I II"I"~..",,, .LJ., ~JLu. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll be approved ~.~ ~7i~1 in the total amount of $6,311.)1, for the month of July, 1954, from which the n...c.,'4,(f)t-F Ii 7- ).I.""'j sum of $92.62 total FICA tax, and WH laX $467.40 is to be deducted, leaving a net ;i ' " amount or $5,751.29. Adopted by the following recorded velte: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, '11.. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Kefter and E. H. Garner. Nays: None ._1 - ...- . 1.....\ ..; '''''.\ i , .... --, -- ----._~ ._.-~ '---~.-::-'-""---"""""--~'.----'----'----". 65 _.._---~--- . -- -.. II II I II II II I II il I 'I 'I II I I Department of Highways Richmond 19, Va. July 7, 1954- Abandonment from the Secondary System - Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia GantleJDen: As requested in resolution by your Board, the following abandonment from the Secondary System of Roanoke County is her4by approved _ Effective July 7, 1954. Abandollllent Route 828 from Int. Route 220 to Int. Route 876 Length O.OS Mile Resolution 6-21-S4- Sincerely yours, Burtoll Marye, Jr" Deputy Commissioner received and orde1:'ed filed. I I, 'If II I: II II II I I I, I! 11 'I I Ii II '! I Ii II II Ii a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by which all persons 'i Ii ,I :1 :1 , I i , Ii II " p ,~ " I' 'I I, i! II Ii I' :1 'I The following ordinance was this day offered for adoption: An ordinance governing the conduct or participation in the conduct of certain public entertainment between the hours of 1:00 otc1ock A. M. and 6:00 o'clock A. M. daily, where members of the audience are required, or perDlitted, to view or participate in same from parked vehicles or other private vehicular conveyances, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Whereas, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, }we authority under the laws of the Commonwea1t~ of Virginia, and more especially under the provisions of Section 15-8 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as " I' I! .'1 amended to date. II to adopt such measures as they may deem expedient to promote the health, safety " Ii i! " ii Ii I.i !i 11 Times-Register, a newspaper published in the TOIm of SaleJD, Virginia, and having Ii and general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County, and Whereas, notice of intention to adopt such regulations was published once a week for two successive weeks, namely, June 25, 1954, and July 2, 1954, in the ,; Ii " :i , otclock P. M. in the Roanoke County Supervisol's' meeting room, Courthouse, Sa1eJD, Ii affected by such regulations were notified to appear on July 19,1954, at 3:00 Virginia, to present their views with respect t.hereto; and Whereas, this Board is of the opinion that public entertainment conducted between the hours of 1:00 otc1ock A. M. and 6:00 o'clock A. M. where members of I; the audience are requirdd or permitted to view or participate in such entertainment Ii from parked automobiles or other private vehicular conveyances are inimical to thei: " " II 'I i i: general welfare and detrimental to the morals, health, safety and peace of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; and Whereas, this Board deems it necessary to secure and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabi'tants of Roanoke County the closing , hours of certain entertainments be restrict~4 and prohibited in the following 'I II I' ., Ii II " 'i ii participate in the conduct of any public entertainment wi thin the County between :! manner: (lJ It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to conduct or " " ,j :r II 11 ;i Ii I' n i: ;1 " I :1 'i I; I: i! 'I 'I i! " Ii I: I, ;1 I: Ii :1 II ! I, !' I i ut '~~ i: ,[ . iI7-U-Pl 'I I I: il i! !i I: ,; Ii Ii 66 ji:' , " u ~6.li ~~: c,....., , ... c~" I: "l... -r 'i ~II . I . .: 1_1.1-;""" " the hours of 1:00 o'clock A. M. and 6:00 o'clock A. M. where any members of the audience are required or permitted to view or participate in such I , I ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, i I fined not lASS tr.ctIl i.en dollars ($10.00) nor more than Ona Hundred Dollars II ($100.00) for the first offense, and any." rson, firm or corporation convicted \1 ~f a second or any subsequent offense undelr this ordinance, shall bl3 punished II II by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dol.lars ($2S.00) nor more than Three I , i , II II !I BE IT OiDAlNED that this. ordinance be, and the same hereby is, made effecti~~ 'I II II [I !1 I directed to cause a copy of this Ordinance to be ,published once a week for the entertainment from parked automobiles or c,ther private vehicular c'jnveyance. (2) Anr person, firm or corporation yiolating the provisions of this I I Hundred dollars ($300.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail not excl3eding thirty (30) days or, in the discretion of the Court or Jury trying the case, be punished by both such fine an,d imprtsol'lll1ent. on and after the lSth day of August, 19.54. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that, the' Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby "~r the next two successive weeks, namely, July 23, 19S4, and July)O, 19 SIt , in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Virginia, and having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. On motion of Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor E. H. Garner, the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, N. W. Starkey and Minor R. Keffer Nays;: N.,ne I " II I, I' ,I ". IN RE: Rezoning of certain property ) in Roanoke County, Virginia, ) Bounded in Part by U. S. Route ) 11, and a private driveway. ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER ' This day convened at 2:00 P. M. in the Courthouse of Roanoke County, at Sa1 " Virginia, a regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, the , I purpose of which meeting, in addition to o'~her matters, was to conduct a public II II I I hearing and consider a request to rezone c'~rtain real property situate in the Salem ,Magisterial District of Roanoke Coun'cy, Virginia, on U. S. Route 11, I approximately two and one-half miles north of Roanoke, Virginia, and known as Lots 2, 3, and 4 of the F. M. Stutsman property, and the property adjci.ning it on the west and north, formerly a priva1;e driveway, a plat of which was attached to the petition of Alexander M. Davis, Jr., and A. A. Campbell, presented to this Board on June 21, 19S1t, and is all or part of the real property acquired by Alexander M. Davis, Jr., and A. A. Campbell as follows: J. T. Eng1eby, Jr'i etc. et a1; deed datei October 16, 95). G. F. Sink, et a1; deed dated November 19, 1953 WHEREAS, on June 21, 1954, a petition of Alexander M. Davi., Jr., and A. A. Campbell, owners in fee simple of the abovll described property, wbich patition was drafted pursuant to Sections lS-846 and lS-847 of the Code of Virginia (19S0), and the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County, adopted February 21, 194-4, I . l~ '.......j -" .""'-'.; , I , - 67 ---.-- ._---"--- ---~-- ---_.~ -'"-..-- as amended, and was received and filed by the Roanoke COUIlty Board of Supervisors at a regular meeting on June :21, 1954; and WHmEAS, by reso1utio:l and order adopted on June 21, 1954, at the above- described regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the i II II Ii rezoning petition of Alexander M. Da,"is, ,J!'., and A. A. Campbell '-ras filed and " i: ii " Ii II ii if !! i: offered to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia, (1950); and, WHEREAS, it was further RESOLVED and QRDERED by this Board that when the Roanoke County Planning Commission receiv,ad said petition, considered same and reported its recommendations to the Clerk ,of this Board, on receipt of same, 11 " the Clerk of this Board should forthwith s,at the request for rezoning for If i pulJlic hearing at ):00 P. M. July 19, 195J., at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, I: I' Virginia, issuing notice thereof by public.ltion as required by Sections 15-846 Ii i' and 15-847 of the Code of Virginia (1950): and, i i! /1 il il II I !i , " II I[ " !i i: 11 II jl " " I: 'I Ii :1 Ii II :! ii II 'i I, Ii I' 'I " Ii WHEREAS, upon receipt of a certified c"py of the resolution and order of this Board, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, at. a regular meeting held June 24, 1954, fully investigated the merits of the request for rezoning said property from residential to business, as requested in said petition, was unanimously, of the opinion that such Chang'l of classification would be beneficial to Roanoke County in general aDi the adjOining properties in particular, and would promote the public illterest, and did by resolution unanimously adopted at its meeting on June 24, 1954, recommend to the Board of i Supervisors of Roanoke County that it amend the zoning ordiainces of Roanoke ! County to reclassify the property above-dellcribed, as set forth in the petition, II !i ii II I! ,I from residential to business, and f=ther delivered a certified copy of its resolution to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board, pursuant to the resolution and order of this Board at its regular meeting on June :!1, 1954, did issue notice by publication as required by Sections 15-846 and 15-847 of the Code of Virginia (1950) of the public hearing on the proposud amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinances by legal advertiseJDent which appeared on July 1, 1954, and July 4, 1954, in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in Roanoke City, and having general circulation in Roanok" Coun1;y, the publisher's certificate thereof having been filed with the Clerk of this Board, the notice stating fully the time, place and purpose of the public hearing and the place at which the text and map of the rezoning petition, certified by the Planning Commission, 'I might be examined; and, WHEREAS, more than 15 days has expired from the second publication of the above notice to the date of this, the aforE!said public hearing: and, WHEREAS, all of the requirements of 1au have been fully canplied with, with respect to the holding of this meetin!~; and, WHEREAS, on this date, commencing at 3::00 P. M., in the Courthouse of Roanoke, County, Salem, Virginia, there was conductE!d by this Board a public hearing on the above request to rezone the aforementicmed property situate in Salem Magisterial District as described in the potition for rezoning: and, WHEREAS, at this public hearing, there was a fuE.and complete discussion of the merits of the proposal, the propoSEd use of the property, and full ~~" " c..J:; , u' n1:J. ~ ~~,. ,. J.O_~+ -,--. " I' II !I appeared in opposition to this rezoning petition, but that all who appeared II were in favor of rezoning the property as requested; and, il WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full consideratiol of this Board it was unanimou1y agreed that the requested change in II I , , , I I II NOW, THmEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED at this meetin! of the Roanoke County Board , opportunity accorded all interested parties to express their views concerning the proposal, it being hereby recognized that no citizen of Roanoke Cou~ey I classification would promote the public interest and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; I of SuperVisors that the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County adopted February 21,: i , I tract of land situated in Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginiaj hereinbefore described in these proceedings, which lies on U. S. Route 11, il ~ II former private driveway and the adjoining three lots known as Numbers 2, 3, ar.d )1 4 of the F. M. Stutsman property as appears on a certain plat dated Octooer 16, i , I 1950, attached to the petition filed on June 21, 1954, from residential district: I architecturally similar to the present Ho\'/'ard Johnson Restaurant. not closer !I , ~ than 140 feet to the center line of U. S. Route 11, with gasoline pumps not II closer than 11S feet to the cmter line of' said U. S. Route 11, and construction! of landscaped islands at the right of way line of said U. S. Route 11, together II i i of the remainder of the described property' for parking, and to permit all other I 1944-. as amended, be further amended to reClassify and rezone that certain approximately two and one-half miles North of Roanoke, Virginia, and being a to local business district, to permit the erection of a service station, I with a standard service station sign in OM of said islands, and the paving uses of said property necessarily incident to these uses; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that this resolution and order be spread I " 'I Ii :1 on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of ~his Board and that the Clerk fur,ther forward certified copies of this reso1ut:..on and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and he hereby' is directed to change all official v il I !I il " Ii :1 II ii !I il ii il Ii 'I WHEREAS, the County School Board of Rc,anoke County filed ...i.th this Board the [I hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the County School BoarC: of Roanoke County, I zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and additional certified copies to be sent to Alexander M. Davis, Jr., and A. A. Campbell, petitioners requesting this action. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor H. W. I Starkey of Salem Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff of Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. None at a meeting thereof held on Monday, July 12, 1954: "WHEREAS, the necessary funds for the payment of budget obligations of the 'I t I, County School Board of Roanoke Gounty for July and August, .19S~ wer~Ono1954 and!i carried over as surplus from the 1953-54 budget period end~ngune, , ,I I, " II 69 -_..~_._---- ----~-----_.- - . . .. -.... - - ..____ _,.__ ___m____' ... _" .. -- -------~---- Whereas, local tax funds and state school funds are not to be available until the fall of 1954, and WHEREAS, approximately $100,000 will be needed to meet financial obligations of the Board, and WHEREAS, ~lOO,ooO does not e~ceed fifty per cent of the amount to be produced by the school ta~ levy of Roanoke County for the year of 1954, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County hereby requests the approval and authorization of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow the amount of $100,000 or aQOunts not to exceed the sum of $100,000, as a shortterm loan to be repaid on or before December 15, 1954, at an interest rate not to e~ceed four per centum." WHEREAS' it appea1:'S from the above set forth resolution that the County School Board of Koanoke County now finds it necessary to borrow the sum of $100,000 or sums which in the aggregate do not e~ceed $100,000 on short-term loan to meet the commitments of its 1954-55 budget, and WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the request of the Co~ty School Board of Roanoke County be granted, and that the aforesaid sum of $100,000, or s~~s which in the aggregate do not exceed $100,000, to be I ,I borrowed does not exceed one-half of the amount produced by the County School Levy laid in Roanoke County for the yea~ 1954, NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION thereof, the Board of ~upervisors of Roanoke County, by rec~rded vote, all members being present, does hereby authorize and empower the County School Board of Roanoke County to borrow the sum of $100,000, or sums which in thE! aggregate do not exceed $100,000 on an interest rate not exceeding fo~ per centum per annum, said loan or loans, to be repaid by December 15, 1954.. Upon motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by E. H. Garner, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey and Minor E. Keffer Nays: None On the application of R. M. OWen, et a1s, property owners on the road or - that will result to individuals as well as to the public, if such roads shall :I"~:J~ II ;",u~~ 'I CQ"..iL ~ " : 1- 1-0- I:~,~, ~rrrL Ii f ! r 'L..-... @ , t: P. f> i"rY)~C.~,. 3 -s- S''f be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden or orchard, or any part : street known as Grisso Road from No. 692 to 762, ~ave Spring District, approximate mileage 2/10, who this day filed their petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is o1:'dered that Wiley P. Givens, W. B. Smith, ~liller Petty, W. H.Witt and Frank E. McDonald, be appointed viewers, any three of whom may act, or the County Engineer, to view ~ ""'" t , the ground and report to this Board the conveniences, and inconveniences thereof, will, in such cases, have to be ta:~en, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetsry, or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said viewers shall also ascertain any report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private convenience, as to 70 , I I , I ~~~!, ~~T'f~i l.t;t~. I rn.....~ ! G.~. 1. 1- (- s..,. <:, ",' ~i' ,.i~._I.:>~.\. , make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience they are desired. They shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to, and accompany their report with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is directed, to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway I Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons i I shall be directed, executed and returned as process, or a summons may be in other cases, except that ia may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County, and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to said summons or process to said. State Highway Commissioner to be I served as aforesaid. ,.. i i' I[ :1 il il \1 I, I II II II 'i 'I ii, iI 'I I! ,I ~ i " , This IDa tter came on thi& day to be heard upon the former proceedings had Ii herein, and upon the a,p1ication for Hawley Drive from Hawley Drive (Andrew Lewi~ Place) to Shelor Ave. (Grand View Gardens) 0.22 loli1e to be accepted and made a II !I il by the establishment of said :1 road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public " :; II il II Ii 'I " il I :1 II 11 " I And these road proceedings are continulld. On a recorded vote, the supervisors v01;ed as follows: Ayes: Starkey Nays: Supervisors E. H.Garner, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and H. W. ~ liollll The Board of Supervisors The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ) I } ) ORDER I vs part of the Secondary System of State High'~ays. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated bJ virtue of a certain map known as Grandview Gardens, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 75 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report froma Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and '~his board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers I 71 --- ----- __ . '. 'U .. ._____ I - ,.~.. . - ""I , , . i - .----'-------------"-,---------- .- .....' ... " I , ,I i' II II II il il I[ " II I! !I I II I II II , , I I I, il IV II I, the recorded map of Grandview Gardens and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outl.ining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Seconda:ry System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Hawley Drive from Hawley Drive (Andrew Le1ns Place) to Shelor Ave. (Grandview Gardens) 0.22 Mile and which is shown on <l certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a in Roanoke County. i; 'i II )1 " !i I, I, " il 1\ 'I " 'I Ii " " I' 'I I' .I l! part of the State Secondary System of Highways Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii I: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. , Ii I II ,I !; Ayes: Keffer. Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) l ) ) ) ORDER I l'f~ II ti;J,.,.,& il ~ 'f c..f.-- Ii 1h7 V_dJ ,I L f3 'lne>.U.C. herein, and upon the application for Hawley Drive ~rom Lewis Ave. to Hawley Drite~,~>. , I IGrandview Gardens) 0.07 mile to be accepted and made a part of the II ""-21_~'1 I, Secondary SysteJD of State Highways. I' Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said il S~,,,,, L. t Ii Ii " !I ;; vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia , Ii It I I I , II II II i\ II I, I Ii This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be i'. ,I ,I Ii ,I ii said I' ii ii il !: Ii , kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any ya~d, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-or-way for road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Andrew Lewis Place, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 36 of the il II II II i: " 11 Ii " 'I II 'I !1 II iI :1 I' il 'I j, Ii " II " II Ii " Ii II 'I II ,/ 'I I. records of the Clerkt 5 Office of the CircuH Court of Roanoke County, Virgin; a, i, " and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of righ1;-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property 0W11ers and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Andrew Lewis Place and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engi,neer, Department of Highways under i' date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Hawley Drive from Lewis Ave. to Hawley Drive (Grandview Gardens) 0.07 Mile and which is shown on 'i a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established :: !: - "- /1 ,~,,<" I II il - II Ii ii II " r'...,J . i , , - :( I .11 il :) I, II ~ II I) I I II , " , I I II II I' !I 'I I, Ii Ii II Ii II II Ii I , I i 11 II " I II , :! 'i II II II !I i' ,I II The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for G1enmcre Drive from Catawba Drive to F Turner Street 0.11 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System Ii Ii of State Highways. Ii , 1 Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said , ii road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, 01:' to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the ~oa~d that sufficient right-or-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Park Place, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 76 of the records of' the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report froma Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites an authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Park Place and the communication adc~essed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, pbjectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as G1enmore Drive from Catawba Drive to Turner Street 0.11 Mile and which is shc)wn on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a publiC road to be coma a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vota: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Hays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs Ii ",I The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Turner Street from Catawba Drive to 0.08 mile west of Catawba Drive 0.08 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individua,ls, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of 73 Ii II " II 'I i,:,' "/ ~ tt::. "~ ;: old- r Ii fJQ.<.L. 13}nat4- I','e. L_ " I' ~-~ Ii 1-.1./..1J " .5;7_ :..:.::-t.__ '''~" rt::: " Ii ,'ld i lf1 ,:lrCt...l.. (),'l/io.I~. ie ~!~ I' 7- 7-1-';-<;- 5" <.<l,.. 74 I' " , , Ii ~~~i,' ~' t.W.. rf I,: 1JIttLt. flJ. ~ Co ''i...rT. ; 1- "I-~-'I- f " , lb ... ._--~~--------------- "" ^"...-..- such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for w.~ose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in a~r yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board 'that suff1cient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by 'virtue of a certain map known as Park Place, which map is recorded in Plat Hook 3, Page 76 of the records of the II " il I , I i I , I il I ! I hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of I ; donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map i I of Park Place and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from ' i II C. S. Mullen, Chief' Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; 'I !, !I " Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way f~c~ the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby i I I ! i II II Ii ,I 'I II I, i , , ORDERED that the said roads known as Turner Street from Catawba Drive to 0.08 I: " " I I ,I ii " II I' I: , " mile west of Catawba Drive 0.08 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. W.Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. None I I II " 'I I, ;1 !I II 11 herein, and upon the application for Dansbury Drive from Route 116 to Dead End Ii , 'I 0.20 Mile tobe accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State H~ghways+ Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of' said :1 II !i ~ i The Board of Supervisors, ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Dansbury A,;.;;::, which map is r~corded in Plat Book 3, Page 10S of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and I I I I I I II II I' I I i II ,I II !I I' II II I: I II !I I il II t II Ii . J II , ,- I I , ......~ - ',-I i .... -.-----.-.----- ----------~._-- -.-- - - ,. Ii I, II that by reason of the recordation of said Ilap no report from a Board of Viewers, Ii " nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is Ii necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of ' way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-w~y and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Dansbury Acres and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the poliCies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary Syste~ of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Dansbury Drive from Route 116 to Dead End 0.20 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a publiC road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Boxley Road from Greenway Drive to Route 1802; 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvonience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to maie it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to ~ake in any yard, garden or orchard: And it further appearirg to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by vi~tue of a certain map known as North Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 20 of the records of thE' Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, \irginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent ,for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners ar-d the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Hills and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of High~eys under date of 22 June 1949: outlining the policies, development, object:ives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 ~~ly 1949: and it is hereby ORDERED 75 I: II I' " I ,I Ii II Ii " , II I, Ii II !I ;1 Z:' rb. II ~ :1 r Il " i'll?""'~ II I II(J"-<ot./!J,~ II~,<J:..,,., I~ 7 _ )./ .5 oJ. {! ..: '-..1 '.... 76 If e4...:- It .....eJ <U- .. ~a...L (?- Th ..or::. Co -1.-.v- 7-..1':~-rr " " ii 'I I' J ,I II ii " I' ,I Ii , ii " Ii Ii 1 ,; p ,- ,'J !I Ii 0.141 I the I :1 'I I that the said roads known as Boxley Road from Greenway Drive to Route 1802; mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompa~ing this order, be and same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State S~condary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. w. Starkey, W. E.Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I i! I' .; ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER I The Board of Supervisors vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Greenway Drive from Route 11 to Manor Street; 0.43 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. if I' Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said Ii , road, no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on I account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one i , 1 ,of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it l'urther appearing to the Board that sul'ficient right-ol'-way l'or said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 20 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viel~ers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way l'rom the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Hills and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the I' I , , II I , I , 'I :1 Ii i I Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is , i hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Greenway Drive from Route 11 to Manor ; Street; 0.43 Mile and which is shoun on a certain sketch accompanying this order~ be and ih. same is hereby established as a public road to becomea part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. I Garner Nays: None ! ,I " , . - , ,~ ~ - 77 :-=~:::-_---:-:::::--_~=~==---=::;=::::",,-==_~;:::::::""-==--=C:::.,,"_~~""-::"'''''''~-=:=''''-=-_=-''-=- i: Ii )1 " II' !i~:.7 herein, and upon the application for Middleton Street from Route 11 to Greenway !IP~ B,~ ,e. ,'i,,__ Ii "--v" . Ii 1- J.'. ,;.I " Ii ii Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said I' Ii Ii I! 13 I' I! of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept !' open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, i: II II And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said Ii road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Ii Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book ), Page 20 of the records of the [I !' i I Ii Ii " 11 I il I, 'I Ii J Ii II ,[ :1 ii I I I' ,I Ii II II il II I, The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) l CRDER vs The Public and the State Highway COnmU~sion of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had Drive; 0.12 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the publiC on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is 'i necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- II II I, II Ii ': " :1 :i way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Hills, and the communication addressed to the Board of " II II I' ,I 'I II !: I' II i! I' 'I I I [i ,I r [I Ii II Ii i: Ii :1 I' II ! I )) II i; ,I , 'I II !: ii 'I Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, Objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July, 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Middleton Street from Route 11 to GreenwayDrive; 0.12 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Aves: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner" Nays; None ,.r The Board of Supervisors ) ) l l l ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upvn the former proceedings had herein, and upon the app~ication for Elwood Street from Route 11 to Greenway Driv'e; 0.15 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary 3ysteJD of Stat,e Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on Ii i' i: " Ii II , , " .' 'f~ rt::. ""wcl...1."'- Pou-e. (J,~ Cs..v. ' , 7-'-1-1"'1- 'I '. ,', 78 -~.~------ -~-------- -- -------------~-----_._----_._._._-------.-_.._------- . --- . --- . - -- - - 't~t ~u<r ~co....L 16. "/))oJltz;;; c., ~, 7_:l..I~n. "', ~ --:''i ' c- .. open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard,garden or :1 II 'I II 11 orchard;i account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for I said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as I the I ! II !I :::::::;: ::~:i::r::yr~::::-:::t f::; :::ha::::~: ;::P:::t::e:; ~:ght-of- II I way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is North Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 20 of the records of Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor I hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation or right-or-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded " Ii I, II ii Ii " i map of North Hills and the cOlllDlunication a:;'.ressed to the Board of Supervisors f~bm C. S. ~mllen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; II outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary , :i SysteJD of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED II II il II '[ II " I I I, Ii I' ! , I I that the said roads known as Elwood Street from Route 11 to Greenway Drive; O.lS Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Minor R. Keffer, E. H. Garner and W. E. Ayes: Cundiff Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) l l ) ORDER I ! I " 'I :1 II " II II Ii ii II II 'I ,I I I vs The Public and the State Highway COlllDlission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon tbe application for Manor Street from Route 11 to Greenway Drive; 0.19 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the S~condary Syste~ of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not b~ one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, cnd that It Will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Bock 3, Page 20 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor . ~ ....,.\ - J 79 ------ - ._-_...--~-.......- consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation, of right-of- way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is heJ'eby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for su~h waiver of I Ii II I! I! Ii " I! I' II !i I' II r I I i l' Ii II map of North Hills, and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors I: ;1 i: II Ii Ii II II II II I, donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which vecome effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known ad Manor Street from Route 11 to Gre,anway Drive; 0.19 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to beoome a part of the State Secondary System of Hi.ghways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garlller Nays: None I! " Ii II. ii ., ~ -r;t: I MJ cU., <t 1!901d. r,. ~ ( Ii '1Y1~ L. '~ Ii '7. )../.!,'V i' " I' Ii " Ii I: " " Ii The Board of Supervisors J ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Northway Drive from O.lJ Mile E. Granville Street to 0.09 Mile E. of Boxley Road; 0.13 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, ;: '. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Hills, which map is recorded in Plat B9Qk J, Page 20 of the records of the C'erk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- way by the abutting property owners anQ the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board dtes as authclrity for such waiver of donation of right-or-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Hills and the comm~,ication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June, 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which b~come effective l July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Northway DriVE from O.lJ mile E. Granville 80 ~c.Jr tb I: n.,(J ~ l./' c.{....:..' 1\,1 u ~ [i @~0. I. 'YhaOt: I: ~.~, I Ii 1- ).I-~-V i' " i; ,. !: " ! :ifY'"""" c,.,v J' ----~--_._-----_..- --_.__.._-----_...__.-.~---._--- ... . -...-,,--..--.--. ........- , [, i: " .' I' I' I ~ Ii , i I: i' " " I " 'I II { :i Street to 0.09 mile E. of Boxley Road; O.lJ mile and which is shown on a certainlj " sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a I' public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER Vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Alberta Dr'.e from Route 700 to Route 74-2 0.16 ~tl1e to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said'road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, II I, , II H !I I, il Re-Subdivision Fairfield Addition, which map is recorded in Plat Book J, Page 7),11 :1 II II I' I I , , Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority fer i !I :, !! :, II " " " " " " " !I I' ,I " ii " " II " " II I' 'I :1 I! :, 'I :i :i Ii and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way fr~ the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report o:r the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Re-Subdivision Fairfield Addition and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Alberta Drive from Rt. 700 to Rt. 742 0.16 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Hi,hways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and ~~nor R. Keffer Nays: None I I I I I ,.... ""~' , ....... l...~.. . .... .....\ w I^ I , , u _.__.__._---_._---~-_.- .. ... - .. ...- t II ,I I I I , I 'I Ii ,I if " " ji II I I, I' !I II II II [ i i I I II 'I II I The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia l ) l l l l ORDER The Board of Supervisors vs This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Enon Driv~ from Walrond Drive to Dead End 0.50 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearil~ that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it Will not be ncessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by "i.-tue of a certain map known as North Burlington Heights, which map is record~d in Plat Book 3, Page 57 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-oI-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Burlington Heights and the communic~tion addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 JunE! 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing 1;he Secondary System of Highways, which become eff<lctive 1 July 1949; and it :ls hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Enon Drive from Walrond Drive to Dead End 0.50 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary Sytem of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote ,: Ayes: SuperVisors H. W. Starkey, W. E.. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None I I i I! II II II J I' II I II ji Ii Ii [i II II ii ,[ Ii ,I " " Ii t ! ! Ii if , II " Ii I: i The Board of Supervisors ) l ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Webster Driv<l from Dallas Road to Labon Road 0.10 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Syst~m of State Highways. 81 II Ii 'I I, ..f- 'I'f~""'" II 0ntJ d~ :'Rj t"rn~ t I[ C" .<:. - ... 11 -r " :! 7- ~,~s~ ~, /, .~,,/'''' :,~Lt: " ..... i &.Jl D :: 6l.x....2. fh,m~ ile,'4r '7 - ")'I-~-';' :: \' ., v", j: -- 82 account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one If " !I Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said :i I, II ]1 , , I i open and in order by the person or person~ for whose convenience it is desired, I road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept and that it will not b~ necessary to take in any yard, g~rden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Bur1i~~ton Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 57 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property I I ownersis necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-otway by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authorityfor such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Burlington Heights and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways II under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development, objectives, I' II and law governing the Secondary System of ;aghways, which become effective !: I' 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Webster Ii,' Ii Drive from Dallas Road to Labon Road 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain Ii Ii sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a I; ii pablic road to becomea part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke C()Unty. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I " i V vs ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER 't~ Jt: !' ~ ~9),k:: Co,~ ' 1- ~ ,-~,.. The Board of SuperVisors The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia I ,i ii This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Walrond Drive from Route 1804 East to Enon Drive 0.05 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road,that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept I C l'-'''~' .P" open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it f~rther appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore beendedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North - , .../ - . 1 Ii II II I I I I II ,I i! II II~ I, " Ii I, "Ii - ..-.\ - ii 'I !: " " I' ,I l~... , Ii I il I Ii , - It il Ii II " Ii iI Ii " 'I b II " " :1 " I' 'I I, i! 'i I, I: I I il ii II II il I , Bur1ingtcn Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 57 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of ri,ght-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such Ii , " , recorded map of North Burlington Heights and the communication addressed to the II I, i' II " I: I' Ii ,! Ii " waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Walrond Drive from Route 1804 East to Enon Drive 0.05 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter cace on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the ~pp1ication for Webster Drive fro~ Dallas Road South to Goff Road 0.08 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to a~; individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the Aaid road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary totake in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Burlington Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 57 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of therecordation of said ~p no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Burlington Heights and the communication addressed to the 83 :,'.1 't~-z:t: ; 6:rIJ u t !I ~owL f3 . !.... .. I- ,n.. !:m~I\,Ia"""'P. " ~"--. i'~ I: ji 1-}. 1- I-Y I! I' II Ii 'I !i i; 'I ~ I' <, " , " il II , " Ii Ii Ii " " " -.. .~._..-..~,." 84 -'-~--~_._---::...,---...,...-.,....-~:-_"':"'----:---~.,--=:--::- Board " of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways il II date of 22 June 1949; outlining the :,olicies, development, objectives, and!i i ! , under law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July, 19~9 ; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Webster Drive from Dallas Road South to Goff Road 0.08 Na1e and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and thE' same is hereby established as a I public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Adopted by the following recorded vote: i I , , 'I 11 Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E:. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. II I Roanoke County. Ayes: Keffer Nays: None " 't"~ ~~ ct.-t t Pa....t- 6""n1~ Co"~"" 1- ~I-."/ The Board of Supervisors vs ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be hea,rd upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Labon Road from Webster Drive to Route 849 0.17 Mi:~ to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State .-" . . ~'" So-" Ii Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of 'I said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on II II I I of such mere private convenience as to make, it proper that it should be kept ! open and in order by the pe~son or persons for whose convenience it is desired, ! i ! i And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said i , , road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North i Burlington Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 57 of the records !I of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that :1 by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor II " consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary" I Highways. account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one and that it will not be necessary to take j,n any yard, garden or orchard; it is hereby ordered that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as author'ity for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Burlington Heights and the communicat.ion addressed to the Board of Super.....isors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 19~9; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; ii " , and it is hereby Of!1lERED that the said roads known as Labon Road from Webster 'i " Drive to Route 849 0.17 ~lile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying 11 !, this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a 'i i ~ part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. [j I I - - '-~ I - '"1 i , - 87 .~--+--- -_. -'-..-----.---, - ---.--- ---------------_._--_..__._~----------~--~--..,.--- -~---_.---.. ...,-_._-,._-----,-'_._---.---.-.~.......,.....,.......-~-- II I[ I, II I; II Ii 11 ,I I' ,I I II II ! I ,I II II II Ii Ii ii said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as II Grandview Gardens, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 75 of the records I! I' of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and II that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of viewers,!1 'I Ii II necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- ii way by the abutting propollrty owners and t,he report of the Board of Viewers is III hereby dispensed with: 3!lr:: this boar,j cites as authority for such waiver of II I! II [I II Ii I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient rip':Ct-of-way for nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting pro?e~ty owners is donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Grandview Gardens and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Ch:le f Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949: outlining the policies, development, objectives, and I law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective Ii " " 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Calloway II Ii Ave. from Hawley Drive to Mountview Ave. 0.12 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the sa,me is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State S~condary System of Highways in II I II II il " II Ii II :: ,I II ii I' II " il I ,J Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None .' " , , ii " Ii " ,I I' " 'I II II I I II II I I, Ii II II II Ii II I' ,I 'I " " 'i I, II " II :! I' " il I' ,I 'I I, " if ii 'I II ji ,I ii ii The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Moun'~view Drive from Givens Ave. to Calloway Ave. 0.13 Mile to be accepted and made a part cf the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to ma'{e it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board trult sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated bl' virtue of a certain map known as Grandview Gardens, which map :.s recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 75 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circttit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of II I, II I' ,I 'I It I II " " " I' ,I I ! ~Tt:" ,'1- " , cU- 1: I! 9cw.e.. e" li1l1~C,ti..r.,. II 7 ~ ).. 1_~1- " " Ii " ii- 7- j' ~ 'ii, , !i 88 'f~ IC ~~'f otttP:i (b .Ifn aii.2. ...- Co~. ,.~ 7-).1-. ~ G~ , I' J' r i! i: " " i! , j I ~ Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-ofway by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Grandview Gardens and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, 1 II !) I' ! I i I become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known, as Mountview Drive from Givens Ave. to Calloway Ave. O.lJ Mile and which is I , I I objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System ,of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: II II II I ; H. Garner and Minor R. I I II II II , Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. ~. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. None i! ,I .'" The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDZR I vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This mattl'~' came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had .' herein, and upon the application for Southern Hills Drive from Griffin Road to dead end; 0.J9 Mile (Extenuating Circumstances.) to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. 1 Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said I , I road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, t'r to the public on II account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of ii ;1 '!,I such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and i II II ii II q ;i Southern Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book J, Page 16-55 of the records :i II !I 'I !! Ii II :' that it will n.t be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and I that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites al authority for such waives of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Southern Hills and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, - " , I ~ ji II II II II " I' II II , II Ii I - 11 Ii - II Ii II ,I I ,"-..\ - , ......~ , ! - ..--._---------- -- ... - -.' ------------~- -. -----'-----. ----- ---.-.--.----------.-..---- - .-. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Southern Ii Hills Drive from Griffin Road to dead end; 0.39 Mile (Extenuating Circumstances.Y and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same I: I I' is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Garner Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. I: II I: 'I II None The Board of SuperYisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Valentine Ave. from Knol1wood Road to Dead End; 0.12 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of :1 'I II 11 i: ,I !I Ii State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road: no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard: And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Ballard Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, page 62 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by re_son of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners ie necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation vI ~ght-of- way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with: and this board cites as authority for such waiver of , , donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map I' of Ballard Heights and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors I' ! from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June " ,[ ;1 I, " II I Ii " 1949: outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949: and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as 'ralentine Ave. from Knollwood Road to Dead End; 0.12 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None 89 " :i \1 Ii " !: ~tt:;. ~~'f ~r";j~. ~~ c.,,~ '1- >-,_:.of ! Ii i, Ii Ii I' II II I] c~ ! , --'~":~":'.c",,,,,,,,,.',,,-,_.,, """"".__.n_._ . .."..~__'~"""""'",,,:~,'< _.., ~~~~,., ......_ 90 { II i! , , :! ii' ;1 I' ,I ~tfi t'~ ~. Th~c;,. ~ 7 _)...1-.\.... l V v I 't~t.!, ~.'te.j....:.. ~i. cU.. t 11 'J <<..lL i!l, !: 'ih.JJ~~,' , " 1. l-/_J..... Ic " " r \ ~he Board of Supervisors ) , J ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard uplJn the former proceedingshad herein, and upon the application for Knol1wood Road from Route 683 to Valentine i i il I I , I Ave.; 0.11 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State , Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing th'l.t by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for , , I I Ballard Heights, which map is record3d in Plat Book 3, Page 62 of the 1:'ecords oil 'I Ii that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, I I nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as the Clerk's Office of the Circuit CoUrt, of Roanoke County, Virginia, and necessary, it is hereby ORDEP~ that any such consent for donation of right-of- ir II 1/ donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded II II map of Ballard Heights and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisorf , from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highw~,ys under date of 22 June II 19~9; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of i: ii i! 'j I, 0/ Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 19~9; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads kno~ as Kno11wood Road from Route 6$3 to Valentine Ave.; 0.11 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None The Board of Supervisors l ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Fairhope Road from Route 116 to Appleton Ave. 0.17 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. .~ " ;' I I ! i, I I I II I I i I :i 'I !I II II I I , I Ii ii Ii ,i !i II II II il II il " 'I " I -------,-~-------~.--~------._-" - - ___ __ d. ~ _. _____ ,,_ _ __. _____ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___. _ ~ , - -- '.". - "4 . I - 91 ---..----. --------~------_.__... ._--.------------ .--..-- "------ .--- __ - __ ____ ..... __ _m__ _ __,___" 'I II II Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of. said Ii I' II " ;i II Ii " open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, !i , ii ,I 'I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said I Iii, road has heretofore been dedicated by vil~tue of a certain map known as Rockland Ii I I! n I I, i! " necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of rigbt-of- (I II road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make, it proper that it should be kept II II II .I I: i I I[ I, Ii i I I il II Ii ii II I I I I: Ii [I I i and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; Court, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 111 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no rE:port from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of riewers is i, hereby dispensed with; and this board cite~; as authority for such waiver of :1 donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map II ! of Rockland Court and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors frOlll 'I C. S. ~lul1en, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June, 1949:li " outlining the policies, development, objective:3, and law governing the Secondary II System of Highways, which becomeeffective l. July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED il! that the said roads known as Fairhope Road from Route 116 to Appleton Ave. 0.17 i !! Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this arder, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Cotmty. Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None il Ii. II II it II i: ,"Ij I, Ii :1 " Ii I, il ii II Ii I: II " rhe Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for View Ave. from Route 6$2 to Dead End; 0.14 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Systeu: of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearicng that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any :Lndividua1s, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make ~"t proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desi~ed, and that it will not be necessary to take :Ln any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Oakview Court, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 94 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke COUIlty, Virginia, and that by " i: I: ,I iI I: I' II \) " !I II II 'I lr reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or dor~tion of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is I' I' II !I " II II Ii II Ii II il I: I' , 't~ a.::- ii u-nW r 'I I!~.......J. il eM/. t p,,] 6. ': 'Yh~ i,.. 1")..1 -. ~ !! I " I j: 1 ~ I i' I: ! Ii c - ii , 92 -~--~_._-_._- .-_._----------------_.~.._-- ..--- --~_._----------- -._-~_..__._-- .. - -- . - - . -.. - -- i, Ii .rli-I ~t~~',1 'hl; ~ Ill, P~~,'Tn~ ~.~ '1 _ ').\ -~4- r ',_,t.. Ii " , necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- i , i way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is , I; I: I' Ii I' 'I I, !I ii i ii I: 'I \ " ! i , I I Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engi.neer, Department of Highways under I date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and I law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July I 1949; and it is heraby ORDERED that the sa.id roads known as View Ave. from Route I , 682 to Dead End; 0.14 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying III this order, be and the Sa/lle is hereby estc,blished as a public road to become a I I I II I , Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. 1 hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Oakview Court and the communication addressed to the Board of part of the State Secondary System of HigtMays in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vot.e: i (' I i " Ayes: Keffer Nays: None I i \ , I I I il :1 II II [I ,I , " Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said II road; vo inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on The Board of Supervisors ) 1 ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to he heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Terrace Drive from Rt. 639 to Dead End; 0.)0 ~a1e to be accepted and IDadea part of the Secondary System of State Highways. account of the establishment of said road" that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept , i open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, I il II I, " !I ii " :, " 'I " !I , and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Green Hill Terrace, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 162 of the, records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of sai~ nap no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property I i\ 'I !I I il II 'I I' II recorded map of Green Hill Terrace and the communication addressed to thE! Board owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the ab'.1tting property owners and the report of the BO~lrd of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; anrt this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the :1 I ,I " ,I under date of 22 J\:,ne 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and Ii " law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July ;1 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads know:! as Terrace DriVEl from 1'1 !i Rt. 639 to Dead End; 0.30 i-lile and which :ls shown on a certain sketch accompanying , o:c.der be and the same is hereby e.stj'lblished as a public road to become a \,11 o~ tnA Sta~e Secondary ~ystem or H~glways ~n Roanoke County. of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief EI~ineer, Department of Highways I I I I I I II 'I II II , .- I I ,-"-.. f I .- r i '_'f II II II I il I, , , . -- ;....1 1 - ,._, ~ r -- 93 - --~----"------'--~' -.----.-.--'.- _._._--_._-_._-~--_.,_._._--------------- _ . ',... H . .. .. _ _ ',' _, _ " __. _ _,_ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii ,I " i! Ii Ii ,I il I, II II Ii I: ii ... ,I Ii This !:latter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had :1 ~ u= . herein. and upon the application for Vall,~y View Ave. from Route 635 to Dead End I; <0.1 ~~ 0.08 ~1ile to be accepted and made a part ,~f the Secondary System of Stato Ii p~ 6 'I ~L,,-. i 7 - ).../-~V , Ayes: Supervisors H. W.Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia Highways. 'I I, I !I , " II I, r ! i , Ii II II II , i Upon consideration thereof. it appea:ring that by the establishment of said I I' road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public em II " account of the establishment of said road" that the said road will not be one II I,!' of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept I open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. .1 Ii and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; Ii And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for ,I I said road has heretofore been dedicated bl' virtue of a certain map known as i'i Mattie B. Spangler ;'IJB.P. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 19 of the I! ~~ I! ..--';) records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. I and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property '., (..~.' ~.,' owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED THAT any such consent for donation 'ii' of right-of-way by the abutting property c'wners and the report of the Beard of' il j! " Ii " Ii I I, II II I' Ii ;! .' ii , :i Ii public II I: Viewers is herebydispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Mattie B. Spangler Map and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining ~he policies. development. objectives. an~ law governing the SEcondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Valley View Ave. from Route 635 to Dead End. 0.08 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke ., :i ;i " II ii ,I II II I' Ii E :1 ., i I ,I Ii II II ,I \; 'I County. Adopted by the fOllom',g recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None 94 I. 'tiZ ,I !; It::: r I! 't~~:, a.&.-It tp~ B. Ii 'l"n,,~~.e.;:;-c . ~~. . i.. .,. ,~.\"U ~ c.. ,/' I Ii).. -: fJ r.. te..A...&. l.t::J.-e..r ... 't ~. ",-..f<, i d...t. ~ P<wL \l; :1 'h1~C. I "i.LuJ I' -r. I 7- }../- ~1.f I I' IJ i; 'I '. The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This netter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Goodview Ave. from Rt. 1604 to Dead End; 0.15 Jule to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State: 'I 11 1. I I II II II desired. and that it will not be necessary to tuke in any yard. garden or orchard; il II II Castle Hill Development. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 34 of the I I records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. ' Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to tha public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it 5ho~ld be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has hereto~ore been cedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Ayes: Keffer Nays: i, I , I I II I Ii II , I , I 1 !I , " 11 II !I Ii II il :1 " II Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Glll:'ner and Minor R. II " II " ;1 i! and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Castle Hill Development and the communication addressed to the Board of SupP~'visor!' fT"m C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineel J Department of Hj.ghways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. Qnd law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effectJ.ve 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads knoWT. as Good,new Ave. from Rt. 1604 to Dead End; 0.15 mile and which is shown or. a certa:Ln sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established all a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: None i f I i' I I' The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Cannaday Road from End of State Maintenance to Dead End 0.12 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. I I I I il !) II " il i 'I 'I ! II " 11 II I: I ., ,! 'I II '! " I - ..~ . ,- I ~.., I .... r '''''~ I i ~ 95 . --------.~ '- ...-- "---'- -_..-._----~.._----_._-----------~--~---_.._-------~-_.----.--------.,--.-- ~-----------._---------- .---. --- _ '___. _ .___ .__.'___.________._.'___" __.'N__...________ ii P II " I: I' ,I Ii L:~t7~ ?Lt-" ,I ii ~+ cW. , : a.....t. f!:> , I.Th~C. i:~", ,i '7 - >. 1- 5~ il i ~ 11 Ii Ii il :I I I I' il II II II " II !, Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessa~ to take in any yard. garden or il I, II " II I I " " 'I I I, II I. ii :i Ii II II II I' , I Ii I! II I, 11 Ii II " Ii Ii II 'I II L i~ Ii, i:' I' II II I! ., ii I' !i Ii 'I I, II !; II II II I: il orchard; I: " ji il Vinyard Gardens. which map is recorded in Plat Book 2. Page 191 of the records II II " II II ~ i And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain Inap known as of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of saia map no report from a Board of Viewers. nc)r consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutt:ing property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that,any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of I' II !I !. 'I II Ii I' ,I il II I, I: Ii I: Ii :, !j 'I II I' ,I III Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authol~ity for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Vinyard Gardens and the communication addressed to the B'~ard of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development" objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which be como effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Cannaday Road from End of State Maintenance to Dead End 0.12 Mile and whl,ch is shown on a certain sketch accompanyirg this order. be and tr.e same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came or this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Meadowbrook Road from Northwood Drive South to Dead End, 0.11 Mile to b~ accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any indiViduals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road ~ill not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons fur whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in arty yard. garden or orchard; .-; .' " 96 ~ ~ It::. d....2..~ i Pcu..e.. 13, ?n~!J;. Co '<;U - !i ~. 11 1- ~/-~1f " . c.'r" ) " And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Norwood #1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 119 of the records of II I' I , , , I of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the repo"t of the Board of I' il Ii II the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this bo~rd cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Norwood #1 and t~e communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Meadowbrook Road from Northwood Drive South to Dead End. 0.11 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None i: i: , The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to bb heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Laura Road from Northwood Drive North to Dead End, 0.10 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. ,Upon consideration thereof. it appear:Lng that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on " account of the establishment of said road" that the said riad will not be one of such mere privateconvenience as to mak,~ it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. i i il 11 ., II :i 'I II II I, Ii II II :1 , I I I 'I Ii Ii I, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to theBoard that sufficient right-of-way for said road has h~retofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Norwood #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 119 of the records of the Clerl"s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation I I I II II II I I 1 Ii Ii I I' II !( ilv II I I - ~ - II II I I I 1 '1 I. " II < II I, I' I I II Ii I' " il n II II II ,I i II II .' II II II II r ,I " .1 il Ii II ii II Ii 'I Ii " - ,...j -.. ''''I - t of right-of-way by the abutting property e.wners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and thE! report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Norwood #1 and the communi.cation addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the polici.es. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that l;he said roads known as Laura Road from Northwood Drive North to Dead End. 0,,10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secordary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. g. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) vs ) ) The Public and the State ) Highway Commission of Virginia ) ORDER This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for NVrthwood Drive from Route 117 to Dead End; 0.60 Mile to be accepted and made a J~rt of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon ccnsideration thereof. it appearIng that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the pUblic on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it pl"oper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessa~r to take in any yard. garden or orchard; !i II Ii , ;1 'I 'I I: :i ii .I Ii , I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Norwood #1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 119 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court 0;' Roanoke County. Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of ~~id map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed witn; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Norwood #1 and the camr.~~ication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engi11eer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 97 I Ii Ii 'i , Ii Ii Ii !j II ii II il Ii !i !i jl ,I '1 '[ II I, '. Ii I' II i I~ II ~ ~ tt..L. I" Pc.-L PJ, I 'r1...u.L.,..---z.:. i4"- II 7- >-/-n ii iv ,. if ii I: If '1 Ii " ,I II ii II ,I II II 'I I, Ii " i; 'I I ,I Ii I' II i: il 'I !I !i :.' I' ~. II .., -;' .~"_ i. , ~ ii ]1 i. :i 98 't~ iI;;;:;!,...t... d.L- n 6>c....L 8, 1n,..ut...... r;, ~ 7 _ ')..f _~"lf- c.. ' ,,,' ;.xLV ,~ - ._~._-----~-~-------.._-- - -- _.- ..._.._----~ _._-~-_. .~----- -.--------- - - . -, - --. -- " 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Northwood Drive from Route 117 to Dead End; 0.60 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State SecolIlary S3'stem of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: St;j-'9rvisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. KEIffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None " The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER va The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Meadowbrook Road from Northwood Drive North to Dead End. 0.08 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will ::-esult to any individuals, or t;o the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by t~e person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Norwood #1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page ll9 of t'.e records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Vi~wers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Norwood #1 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer. Department of Hi~hways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the polIcies. development. objectives. and!1 " I 1 I law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Meadowbrook Road from Northwood Drive North to Dead End. 0.08 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. I 1 i , il II II I' I I Ii i I II I !I II II 11 i: 'I ii II I I I I ! !i I, !I I I I , , II i I i I I I ~ I Ii II 11 .' " II , :! :1 " I' ,I " i ~ d " , ., :i :1 'I '1 /. II 102 I: I: Ii V i" I 't~ t.L !' eW.u i ct..t. t II r:.. I! \I"<<-L P.J. I 'l'nat(~C . 11 <i...rr' , !.' 1_ :l-I_'~V \..., C/ reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-I way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Windsor Park and the communicaUon addressed to the Board of Su~rvisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under dat,s of 22 June 1949; outlining tt'.e policies. development. objectives. and 1,.\'1 governing the Secondary System of Highways., which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED thatthe sal.d roads known as Dover Drive from Grandin Road. Rt. 682. to Kipling Street; 0.17 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, bEl and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part elf the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and ,.pon the application for Kipling Street from Grandin Road. Rt. 682. ~o ~ead End 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of Stdte liighways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Windsor Park. which map is recorded in Plat Bc,ok 3. Page llO of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the I I I I i I i I I II II II I I II ., II i I I I -, . - ,~, - o :i Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. II " Ii :1 I Ii Ii li'l-~ ,I It,;; \.vb' r Lj. II~rlr;, j' 'Il1,.u,~ ;:;;:-C ' II 'ic...y ,7-1/-1'1 ., i ~ I! Ii ,I II II Ii Upon consideration thereof, it a,)pearing that by the establishment of said II ,I ii ,I Ii I: I' I' I, ., I' II :i 'I 11 And it further appearing to the Board that. sufficient right-of-way for 'II 5:.::,"'-- ,I said road has heretofore been cEdicated by vir'cue of a certain map known as II Starmount Sect. 1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 103 of the il records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. il I, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Ii Ii Ii I' .1 I: j' il 11 " " recorded map of Windsor Park and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mllllen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objective, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Kipling from Grandin Road. Rt. 682. to Dead End; 0.14 mile and which is shown on II Street II a !I Ii Ii Ii certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a pprt of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ,i il Ji ~ Ii Ii r II I II II I I , I II II II II 'I I II II II II I I i , i I II Ii II II II 'I II ,I II I ,I , I' !i " ,. I I, II ,I Ii I II ,. II " , Ayes: Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Vivian Ave. from Route 623 West to Route 623 0.21 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; Viewers. nor consen; or donation of right-of-l~ay from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED tha.c any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting propllrty owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Starmount Sect. 1 and the commllnication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. Objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which becomeeffective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Vivian Ave. from Route 623 Wes1; to Route 623 0.21 ~lile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompclDying this order. be and the same 103 104 Ii " " " " ': 1: " " I' " 't~ If It;;. '.....w II .u. t p.,..." f!, '1: ..... ., mtWl...--C, i' ~ " T". Ii _,,'_~"\f II or V,"'v "1 I Secondary I is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adoptedby the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. B. Cundiff. E. H. Ga~ner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: N.,ne I The Board of Supervisors ) ) I vs ) ORDER ) The Public and the State ) Highway Commission of Virginia ) " ii This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Starmount Ave from Route 623 West to Route 623 0.22 l~le to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of Ii I , I I i , I , be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is I I I , I I . I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for sa~d: road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as ! , , Starmount Sect. 1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 103 of the I records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. I and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of II Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property I , , said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishmp~t of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should I desired. and that it will not be necessary to tak~ in any yard. garden or orchard; owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Starmount and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it ishereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Starmount Ave. from Route 623 West to Route 623 0.22 Mile and which is shown II II 1/ I' II 'I ;1 'I Ii II il I, 'I II I I on a certain sketch accompanying thi~ order. be and the same is hereby Ayes: Keffer. )i II Ii Ii ,I II II I: I; Supervisors H. Iv. Starkey. W.E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. 'j :1 I, I, " , ii ij :1 :1 established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the followin~ ~ecorded vote: Nays: None _.--.--------. I" I 'I II Ii r - II , I I -.. I Ii II I , ... I - ,,-_.' \ I - /...... . I ! I .... I , , " II " 'i Ii II 'I' , I I' II II Ii II Ii , " [i 'I II Ii I --------- -- - --. -- ---. The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Dexter Road from Topping Street to Dead I End 0.17 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State il Iii Highways. i' Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said Ii road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public II 11'1' on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not oe one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be II " kept open and in order by the ;~erson or persons for whose convenience it is I' desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or i orchard; I I , I I II II II I. II I II " 'I II 'I I, I I , 'i And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right.-of-way for said!i Ii I I records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia, I , and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report fr()m a Board of ,I II Ii Ii of right-of-way by the abutting property '~wners and the report of the Board of II Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and thiil board cites as authority for such ii Ii ji '11 Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. De;:>artlllent of Highways i .1 i , road has heretofo:i:"e been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean Sect. 1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 84 of the Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necpssary. it is hereby ORDERED that anysuch consent for donation waiver of donation of right-of-way and th,e report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean Sect. 1. and the communication addre,ssed to the under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. ! II II II " ji :i I' ,I II Ii I: i il ., i! Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. and law governing the Seconda~' System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Dexter Road from Topping Street to Dead End 0.17 l~ile and which is shown 011 a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the! same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway COlI',nission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former pri)ceedings had herein. and upon the Application for Dexter Road from Route 601 to Topping 105 I' 'I I ,I ...r;- i.'::t: 1M- .1 . L !i ... -r i~[~j'", li%"ut ~'i....y i 7- "'~~V " \"J i- I I, I: i' . I. ~.) ./_ Ii ~. -' .-rf::; " ~nc(" I, "'-""" Ii P~.Jh--- " 'Y>1a.o..e.....- :Ic.,~ il 1-)..1-51f- J! I I! I !' I. 106 i: ! 't~Lb't ~ut(-1 p~ V1l.'l'l'I~ Co ':;r: - " - ,. . 7->-"" , ',. , \;; 'i ~ Street 0.07 Mile to be accepted and made I, part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result tQ any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said rQad. that the said road will not bee one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. g~rden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board th9.t sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean Sect. l.'which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 84 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circ'uit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board or Viewers. nor consent or dOl1ati"n of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and th~ report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean Sect. 1 and the communication addressee to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; ,outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949: and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Dexter Road from Route 601 to Topping Street 0.07 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby i established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Ii " :\ II II I I i I i I , II II it Ii '[ !I II " Ii i' I I I , i, ji il t; Ii I' :1 " " II " i ;1 'I II !! HIghways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. None The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the applicatiou for Topping Street from Dexter Road to Dead End 0.09 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the publiC on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such IDeru private convenience as to make ~t proper that it should be kept Ii II II " ,I II II :1 ! I II II II II 1 I I I I .1 I I I I I 'I I. I I I I I - "._1 - '-' . - I II !I II !I I, I!. , ' I "'" ~ .... ~ .....t ! :. I .... 107 ---.--.-. ._-~----------- -- -~------_._~-~-- _... .._n__..... ....... .... ...__.._ ---- .'---"--- I! II open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired) and that it will not be necessary to take in an:' yard. garden or orchard; II And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for If II said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known I! I' as Summerdean Sect. 1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 84 of the Ii :i records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia.' " and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of II Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-vay from the abutting property Ii owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consen'~ for donation Ii of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Ii Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such I: waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the Ii Ii recorded map of Summerdean Sect. 1 and the communication addressed to the Ii Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Topping Street from Dexter Rd. to Dead End 0.09 Mile and which is shown on a II certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby II I'I! established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of II Highways in Roanoke County. .1 Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ii Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. G~rner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None IV J: " !I i' 'i I I j ,i't~ I ti;;;;Iuv-W i! <tel- 11 ij)Cl..uL 13 . !'1n~ C. 1'4 II ~ _ .;.. I _ $'\f- I' , I: ~I' " '. The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs 1 I, II I, II II I, il II II " Ii Ii II " r, II ii Ii II !: The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Norman St. from Summerdean Ave. to Dexter Road 0.10 l~le to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System ," Ii II Ii Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said j' " i: !, of State Highways. road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be ~ept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; " r,' ji \.' And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean Sect. 1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 84 of the II records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. I II i Ii II I, I' I ! 108 .; i 'I II 'I !' -I" i Ii ,I ~fll {Po...t. ~, . II 'hI<lV~ C:. Ii ~ Ii 7-')../~$'t Ii I: I: Ii 'I " ii I' i! Ii I! Ii , . 'i.' and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property II II , i of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of I owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the r~port of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean Sect. 1 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; ana it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Norman Street from Summerdean Ave. to Dexter Rd. 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this d2Y to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Summerdean Ave. from Topping St. to Peyton St. 0.17 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. i I,. II II :1 II Ii 'II on account of the establishment of said road. thet the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be I I I 'I 11 II !I Summerdean Sect. 1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 84 of the 'I records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia.:1 II and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of II ;1 Ii ., ,I .' il Ii of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of il ii I' !I II Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such ~aiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean Sect. 1 and the communication addressed to the I I I I I I , I I I , I II f ~ I , I ..... - ,- , - .-.., . ! -- 109 - '.__.-~._---- ----------,.-.------.-..-- .. . . . ., ..,.... '...0..... ... _____ Ii , I B~~rd of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development, objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which ~~come effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Summerdaan Ave. from Topping St. to Peyton St. 0.17 mile and which i~ shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W, E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Ydnor Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia II II Ii .' f! I !I II II II Ii II I' II II " " II I II 'I I '1 II 11 II ,I II II I :1 'I h Ii ,I II j; I[ Ii II Ii " I' II II !I I, 'I I. 'i " Ii This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Aster Str,.~et from Lucas Street to Dead End;0.2l Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will :esult to an~ individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said r0~~. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Bo~rd that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 96 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property II " II owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation i: of right-of-way by the a'Jutting property owners and the report of the Board of f' " " Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such :1 :: waiver of donation of right-of-~~y and the report of the ~oard of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean #3 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. ~:ullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondazy System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads kno~~ as Aster Street from Lucas Street to Dead End 0.2: mile and which is shown on a certain sketch " II II I R.'I '. j II Ii ,I 11 I' I: I, Ii il't~ rt: I~..,+ II~ ~:tP,. b}'JoetJ, ,;:;c- ,I~ i! ,. ii _ ~{_!,V- I I - ,... I I I Ii :1 II II 'I II II ,I II . !i I'~ {-, II i,i , Ii il I' II II " 'I I, .' II I II " 1f 110 .------~- -~_.__._-_._---_.__..,--- --------- - . . - accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E.' Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None " :r iI Ii !il "I 'T~ r1= 'I Irntuij~ r Ii' p~~ II 1'>1 ~ ii c.'~ Ii '7-l-I~;J. I: ~~ I: \' The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Chester Ave. from Lucas Street to Wallace Street. 0.15 Ydle to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing; that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to ar.~ individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the sai0 road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 96 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ordered that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean #3 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Eng~neer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949: and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads kno~n as Chester Ave. from Lucas Street to Wallace Street 0.15 Vdle and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is nereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor Keffer. Nays: None 1 II " " I I I , I II II I II ,I II II II I I I, II I i I I I I I I I I ! I I' .1 II II I II II II :i " !I " II II II il II " " " ,I " il I' !i " Ii Ii " d Ii Ii II R.II I' " 'I I .1 .1 ~ i 'I il I I - - -. "".1 - !"",;, - 111 L II I ------.-. . .-- -_._---~_._._.-_..~.. - -----" -.----------...-.--" .. ... _....- - ... !i :1 'I I: II li:1 such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers --~--._~..__.." ._-~... .---- .._._--~-----~-~-,-_. - .-.---.-- . -. -. . - .. The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER , J II ii :1 il II , II I I , The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Lucas Street from Aster Street to Ghester AV6!.0.10 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Sec"ndary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of , said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the estabJ.ishment of said road. that the said rosd will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard., garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for I 'i I, I I I II I I II ,I I: I' I II ., 11 'I 'I Ii II II Ii II [, ,. il Ii :i ]1 .liv said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 96 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a. Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as ~:uthority for the recorded map of Summerdean ifJ and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. developoent. Objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Lucas Street from Aster Street to Chester Ave. 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be an0 the same is hereby established as a public road to becomeB part of the State Secondary 3ystem of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the follow~ng recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays : Supe~visors H. ~1j. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor None The Board of SUJli rvisors 'I II II i( II I: I " I, 'I !I !, " vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Lucas Street from Hugh Ave. to Aster I' Ii I: Ji '11: ~tJ~ I .~ ilutL ii (b .YI1~ ic.,.~ Ii 7- ~ I-$~ " " Ii II /il ;. Ii ' II II Ii !/ I. I; II II !i II '. Ii 'I I, II II :, il I' ,I Ii " II I! Ii I: ,I 11 I' II :1 I, I. R. !! 'I I' , :i I :1 , I~~~ 11r'~ 0, , '1'Yh~ Ii " C. . < . I: ~ )' ., 7 _ ;>.. I _ ~-u. \', 112 .. '7 e.-l-;. ~ ~ .tJ- r @o....t. P.> . . .",,,, {~. -.:;;;X, ~,. 1- ~/-~""" \'J ~----~~-----------~- --- --:--- Street 0.10 ~lile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon ~~~sideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment oi said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenip.nce it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board tlmt sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 96 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or don~tion of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent or donatio~ of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiverof donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean #3 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and Ayes: Keffer Nays: I i II :1 'I II I i i I I I , Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E.Cundiff. E. H. Garner and ~inor R. I i, II ii il !I 'I II 11 II II II I law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it ishereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Lucas Street from,Hugh Ave. to Aster Street 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: None " I l ,I The Board of Supervisors vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the appEcation for Wallace Street from Aster Street to Dead End 0.30 Ydle to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result ~o any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be - ,;/ il II I I saidl , I I , i I I I I II II I' I I I I - . - ,".1 - "'1 , , I'i - ___0_____________ . - - - - - . I II I I I II I' " i! II I , I I i! Ii II I II II I i II I Ii " Ii il II Ii II it II II I: Ii II .1 'I I, I 11 " I' II II I' 'I of right-of-way by the ahutting property owners and the report of the Board of Ii ,I Ii il " I' II Ii .I 'I Ii Ii I' , i( II I, Ii II II II !; kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Boa~d that sufficient right-or-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 96 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the C~rcuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean #3 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objective~, ~~d law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED tt~t the said roads known as Walhce Street from Aster Street to Dead End. 0.30 ~~le and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same ishereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. I I, 'I II I, 'I If r Adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors H. W.Starkey, W. E.Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Ayes: Keffer Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) \ , ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia I II II II il .1 " Ii II 11 Ii Ii ,I 'I I, 'I " i .I /' !I Ii ,) 'I This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former prcceedings had 'herein. and upon the application for Lucas Street from Rt. 11 to Hugh Ave. 0.30 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. itappearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere pr~vate convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficienc right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as 113 ii.. ~rt:: il~jut l:fJ~f.J. il~n~'r... II ,,'7, . li~' I 7 _ ),,/- ~ 1.f I 1 , ., Ii fJ /.-- Ii i: '. !i I, " 'I I, I: 1: 114 Summerdean Sect. #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 96 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ordered that any such consent fo~ donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of 1i Ii !i !, " ]! , j, Ii ~" ., II ~~.J ~ I..U. thL t- Ii ~lMoL fJ - !t C" "'" I' '~~~ II 7-).1-~"If I I I i , II I. :, II II i I I , established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of i II , II II !, i' , i i II 'I il !I I , I II I Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean Sect. #3 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. ~fullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Seconuary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; ~nd it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Lucas Street from Rt. 11 to HughAve. 0.30 Vdle and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E.Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be hea!'d upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the applicatiol" f'or Woodland Dri ~'e from Route 720 to i I, I I' :1 !I II iI , " " II il , ii tl " I " Ii " said read has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain deed. which !i ., '1 deed is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke county.'1 Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said deed no report from a intersection of Route 720; 0~5 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establis~~ent of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to maKe it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. amd that it will not be necessary to take in allY yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the 1-- ii I II II II I I I I I - .- - - ,...., - 1"''4 I ! I ~ 115 .__.______._____ _.__,___.._____.____,.. _..,__.__ ._.____.. _....n.._.___. __.__ ...... .. _. .. _..' .... .. - .0. .. ..__...._.._. ----_._-_.~_._,------- --------~.._..__.._--_.__._---------_._----~ I' !I :1 I Ii Ii I: !i 'I Ii Ii II I' ,I 'I Ii II II ,[ II established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Ii Ii 'i Ii I: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, E. H. G9.rner. W. E. Cundiff and ~linor R.!1 'I Ii Ii Ii II I~'~ I ~ I ""'1 1;""1 doL 1:61~P.J, ''n>a.uL... -c -2...r I[ 7 - }..I- . oJ. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had I herein. and upon the application for Peyton Street from Summer dean Ave. to II !i Dead End; 0.10 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of I: i' Ii I Board of Viewers is hereby ~ispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded deed and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Hig;hways. ....hich become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Woodland Drive from Route 720 to intersection of Route 720; 0.45 ~lile and which is I I I , shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: None ..r The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs I, I' II II Ii i[ 'I ,[ I " !I II I I I I, Ii II II II !I II Ii ,. Ii I! i! I: ,I 'I I, , I' il Ii II 'I Ii I I i The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, gardenor orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Stimmerdean #2. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 85 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is h~reby ORDERED that anysuch consent for donation right-of-way by the abutting property ow.ners and the report of the Board of Vievlers is hereby dispensed with; and this :;0dra cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean #2 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. l~ul1en. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and (2. L :] ii n II II I! one Ii , 1 I, :1 I' ., , ii !i , .' Ii " " I f.' o il Ii I' ii i; 116 II 'I ,. " II " Ii Ii !! . .; !! " il I' , If II 't~..;.rJ;; 11 IMl.t ~,~ r I: p"...,L. f'J. I: 'M~-r..ii 'i...y , Ii 1-')...1-~-Y I 11 I' 11 II ,! II \ ~) 0,- , ,. I; ii ,I il 'I II I, ii Ii i r ~i Ii r 'I ji .1 I! " i: II I 11 )1 ,I I ,- law governing the Secondary System of Highways. wL15ch become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Peyton Street from Summerdean Ave. to Dead End; 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Ge:rner Nays: vs Supervisors H. W.Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. I I !I ii 'I II I' ii II II il " I I None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had he,rein. and upon the application for Estes Street from Hugh Avenue to Dead E~d; 0.11 ~ule to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Sys+em of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any indiViduals. or to the public on account of the establis~~ent of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be Kopt open and in order by the pers'~n or persons f or whose ccnvenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virt'~e of a certain map known as Summerdean #2. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 85 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the 'i :1 recorded map of Summerdean #2 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Estes Street from Hugh Avenue to Dead End; 0.11 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State 3~condary System of Highways in Roanoke County. '-"r I I I I II " Ij II I I I I I I or;[ I, I I I I I [! ,. II " I, 'I il II I, II I I, !I !i " I II ii ., I, il I I - ..- ',_1 - - 1<,.., j ! - Ii ,I I, Ii II ,I " I' II 'I [ I Ii II II ., I: Ii II II " II II II !I 'I too, ..J I I' I' II II Super,risors H. W. Starkey. W. E.C'lndiff. Minor R. Keffer and B. H.!, Ii Ii Ii I i~ ,'1" I'~ ,1U <t P......... 6 I' 11'rr)a.~~ c= Co . I'~r This matter came on this day to be h~ard upon the former proceedings had I '1 _ ).. I _, . '-I System .1 'I II If II Ii Ii I! 'I II I I L ,- i I I I, !I ~ I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Garner Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) OrtDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ., II , 11 II 1 I I II i herein. and upon the application for Summ~rdean Ave. from Peyton Street to Estes Street; 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Seccndary of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result t'J any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or p'~rsons for whose convenience i 1j is desired. and that it will not be necessary' to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated b:f virtue of a certain map known as Summerdean #2. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 85 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and thiit by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Vi,awers. nor consent or donation of right,-of-vlay from the abutting prop'trty owners is necessary. it i~ hereby ORDERED that any such consent for don,ltion of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed 11ith; and 'jhis board cites as authority for su,~h waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Summerdean #2 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outl:lning the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which b,tcome effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads kno'ln as Summerdean Ave. from Peyton Street to Estes Street; 0.14 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying th:ls order. be and the same is h"reby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary SY<item of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: , Supervisors H. \'I. Starkey. \'1. E.C:mdiff. J'iinor R. Keffer ancl E. H. ,I I! II I; Garner. Nays: None 117 '- _..- ,'\ .[ #1 ;..l./~_/ ! I j Ii I' ,I Ii I Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii 118 Ii u.ti Ii 1 ..... I' Lb i, cW... t Ii ~0' II . . d..----7" " 'h1~ lA" ~. I! 1-)...,-~1fii ~: Ii II ,. 'I !: Ii .' II I ,;! 'I II Ii II " :: II Ii ,I Ii ,I .1 I' \: .' " :i , ii ]I 'I I I; II 'I I, ~ Ii " " I! " I, I' I: 11 Ii ., II ii I' " ii I! , r Ii !: . ~ ~) The Board of Supervisors :1 II I I I I I I I I I , I I II II I vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this c3.ay to be heard upon the former proceedinl~s had herein. and upon the application for Hugh Avenue from Peyton Street to L~cas Street; 0.22 }lile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the p':lblic on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will n'Jt be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience i.t is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden '~r orchard; And it further appearing to the Boa~d that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map kno~~ as Summerdean #2. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 85 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the ~ecordation of said map no report froill a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting prop,arty I owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for doru.tion I i of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the B'~ard of I Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such II II II waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewe:~s the recorded map of Summerdean #2 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. }jullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949: outlining the policies. development. Objectives. i , II II II !I ., :1 certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established i , , : i i and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Hug:h Ave. from Peyton Street to Lucas Street: 0.22 mile and which is shown on a as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of High';,<ays I in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: I II II :1 il II il 1954.1 il ii :: Chairman Ii :1 II " il " :1 ii I H. VI. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. l,1inor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner None . 119 ---------~---- '-'---"'-~--" - -_..-._._---_._._---_.~-----_._--~---~~-,- . - - - - - - -- - --- -. ._-_.._~--_._-- -~-- --..----..- --.--.-----.- Courthollse '1"1 Salem. ~Tirg1nia 1 August .L6. 1954:1 day at the Courehouse II II I' ,I ;1 II ., The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this thereof in regular monthly session. Prese:llt: H. W. Starkey. Chairman. U. E. - Cundiff, E. H. Garne::' and Minor R. Keffer. Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread. each mElmber Ii II I, il II 'I II Ii Ii ,I " $ 25.9Q 3.0J II 1.31 40.91 II 15.84ii I 10.311 , ,I 38.581 " " 'I 30.8111 ., " 103.76] II 103.30i i 742.25 , 4.32 Ii. 4.05 Ii 257.5Q il 17.6i ]1 II 546 .lq~ Ii 21.80' of the Board having read the copy of said IDinutes furnished him by the Clerk. The fOllowing claims against the Coun1~y were this day pres8,nted, apl,roved ..... and ordered to be paid by voucher checks 011t of the funds respectively chargeable therewith. to-wit: ,-..,.; No. 18727 16728 " l':111e Printers, Inc.. Book Binding and office suppliers Acme Typewriter Co.. Repairing Typewriter in Treasur'er's Office 18729 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tags for Garbage Cans " . 18730 American Chemical Co., Cleaning supplies for Jail and Courthouse - I I 'I I I I I I .' " 18731 Appalachian Electric Power cO.i Current used at Cave Spring and Hol ins Fire Houses " 18732 18733 18734 18735 18736 18737 18738 18739 18740 18741 18742 Bem1as Equipment Co.. Auto part; for Garbage Truck #13 Bowman's Bakery Co.. Food Prisoners Brown Hardware Company, Paint. Hardware. etc. J. P. Bell Co., Post binders fc,r Record books Burrell Memorial Hospital. Hospital bills for Welfar,a Burroughs Adding Machine Co.. Adding Machine RibboIl.3, &c Caldwell-Sites Co.. Office supplies H. W. Clark. Sheriff. Reimburse traveling expense Roland H. Clark. Election Expanses W. B. Clements. Inc.. Parts Sheriff flar #1 County School Board of Roanoke Co.. Gasoline. Oil. R,!pairs. etc. " " " . -- " " . " " . 18743 Davidson's Esso Servicenter. Gasoline for Ambulance IUld Fire Truck Hollins " 18744 Cancelled 18745 Double Envelope Corporation. Envelopes Treasurer 18746 Easter Supply Co.. Office supplies 18747 Chalmers Ferguson. Commission on delinquent taxes collected 18748 Fort Lewis Hardware Co.. Repair material for Farm Equ1P!nent 18749 Gill Memorial Hospital. Hospital bills for Welfare 18750 Growers &; Producers Exchange. Re~air parts for Farm E:quipment 18751 J. W. Griggs &; W. H.l'!itt. Rent on Cave Spring Fire Heluse 18752 James R. Goodwin. Jr.. Election Expenses 18753 The Hampshire Corporation. Acoustical Tile Installatton 18754 Jefferson Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 18755 Memorial &; Crippled Children's Hospital. Hospital bills for . lr/elfare je.. I II II Ii ,I I I II I II " :: Ii 'I II II I II I, Ii Ii II I' Ii I I, I I Ii II il " " . . . i - . " " " ;~1 ! I .... " . . " " 18756 Malcolm Blue Print &; Supply Co.. Subdivision Maps 18757 Miller Tire COL:.pany, 4 tires' for Garbage Truck #13 18758 Monarch Finer Foods. Food-Prisoners 18759 G. H. Parent Co.. office supplies " " iJ II .1 283.00' '1 , 35.29 !i 88.7l!: ., 13.96 'I 80.00 .: 17.051 , " 60.00' i; 34.00': Ii 206.001 ,I i 112.001 il ii 1.072.001 ,. 12.15: " ,. 159.751 , 13.70 3.66 ii !i ii il I 120 -I :: 110. ': Ii .. I I' " It Ii " ., I: It :i !i . Ii )1 II " .. Ii - Salem Hardware Co.. Hardware Salem Lumber Co., Flag Poles Salem Furniture Co.. Window shades Salem Publishing Co., Publishing Subdivision and Public Entertai::ment ordinances &c 18776 Sherritt Flag Co.. 1 American F'lag set complete; 1 Virginia State Flag set complete It 18760 18161 18762 18763 18764 18765 It 18766 18767 18768 18769 18770 18771 18772 18773 18774 18715 It .. It .. It It Owen Plumbing & HeatiIll Co.. SElrvicing oil burner Peacock-SalElJll Laundry. Laundry-Prisoners - Miller E. Petty. Expenses ElecUon Roanoke Valley Motors. Inc.. Grease for Spare car Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Roanoke Gas Co.. COOking Fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen Roanoke Printing Co.. office supplies Roanoke Linen Service. Towel service Cancelled Rusco Window Company. Repairing Venetian blinds Salea Creamery Co.. Food-Prisoners Salem Farm Supply Co., Paint. thinner etc. 18777 Smead & Webber Drug Co.. Medical supplies. prisoners 18778 Dr. R. B. Smiley. Jail salary. Coroner investigations and Lunacy hearings 18779 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co.. Replacing tape on Venetian blinds 18786 State Department of Health. First payment on Appropriation for health department 4,241.98 18787 Vinton Motor Co.. Repair and Parts for Police Car #6 1.60 18788 Virginia Markets #6. Food-Prisoners 86. 59 18789 Everette Waddey Co., Record Books 87.50 11179O c. W. Warthen Co.. Record Books 162.55 18791 Young Brothers Plumbing Co.. Refund Plumbing Permit #4945 2.00 18799 Chal=ers Ferguson. Commissio~ 2.08 18800 Acme Printers. Inc.. Binding Tax Books 5.00 18801 Bemiss Equipment Corporation,' 1 spring for Garbage Truck #12 1.40 111802 Blossers Welding Service. Repairing welding cattle guard 8.00 18803 Roy K. Brown. Clerk. Certifying poll tax list 18804 C & P Telephone Company. service 181105 Dr. S. D. Carey) coroner investigation 18806 Coronet, Carbon & Ribbon Co.. 4 boxes carbon 18807 Hazel Gearhart. Extra clerk 18808 Haloid Company. Record duplex It 18780 18781 18782 18783 18784 18785 .. .. .. .. It .. .. .. .. .. It .. .. .. .. . Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., Road maps Treasurer of Virginia. office supplies Town of Salem, Lights and water service ThOlll8.s Brothers. 4 hours dozer work Valleydale Packers. food-prisoners Virginia Foods. Inc.. food. Medicine, disinfectant, Razor , . blades for prisoners I , I $ 7.00 I 19.14 , , I 49.00 i I .90 i i 15.00 I I 16.04 !I 6.32 3.00 2.50 1.3.07 4.13 10.63 3.00 6.75 351.20 71.48 6.22 80.00 3.28 .90 3.60 215.78 36.00 i I I 85.97 I I 107.73 i II ! I 78.00 266.40 10.00 19.52 99.27 299.10 .--- _.~ -----~---- . ,. - - . - I I I , i 'I I. !l II II ,I II !I Ii i I! I I 'I :1 II II II :i , - , .." 1000I I ~. II t II II II :, !I I II II I 121 .--.'----.-...,...-~---.-.---- ':c"-"":: --"_.- --~-----_. .'. .___...., .__n_ _._ No. 18809 Hitching Post Motel. Inc.. 1 Fan tor County Jail " 18810 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy hearing " 18811 R. G. Kerner. labor County Farm " 18812 Carnell Moore, Covering Garbage Dump Betty K. Matthews, Extra office assistatlt Nelson Hardware Co.. Garbage Collection Tubs &c T. P. Parker. Survey and Maps Cancelled ROatloke County Public Health A$~o:., County's appropriation Roatloke County Revolving Flmd. Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash 18819 Skyline Distributors. Inc.. Drafting supplies for Engineer 18820 Shepherd Auto Supply Co., Chemicals 18821 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster. Reimburse postage 18822 Minnie Wooldridge, Rent on Garbage lot 19O.51t I [I II Ii Ii 'I County were this day presented, ,approved, I II I) ;1 II II II I Ii II II JI 'I II " l! ,. Ii Ii I[ " 1.00 Ii I' I Ii lJ I; I: I: :11 i; ! ;~ [I ~ "'~ The follOwing accounts were this day laid before the Board: ,: ~ ~'f;;:P;: · ,lim"J,......;.. JANIE B. McNEAL. Treasurer of Roanoke County. s~laries and expense accounts !i ~ PctJ e", for the month of August. 1954.. and also those of W. C. MUSE. COIlIIIlissioner of !' , -U - 'W"M.-tJ,/J Revenue.EDW. H. RICHARDSON. Commonwealth's Attorney. and H. W. ~r..ARK. Sheriff. ii V'>l.. I, 3 - ) 8' -..n~ I ,1 !, " 18813 " 18814 " 18815 " 18816 " 18817 " 18818 " " " It " 18823 Fairview Home, County's share in maintaining home for aged " IN RE: DOG TUES. SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The follOwing c1a1ms against the and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks chargeable therewith. to-Wit: Ro. 18792 18793 18794 18795 18796 18791 " " " " It " 18798 18824 " " 18825 out of the funds respectively Acme Printers, Inc.. Envelopes for dog tags W. B. Coles. fowl claim County School Board of Roanoke Co., gas. 011. etc. Poole's Service Station. gas. & oil Radio COIDIIIunications Co.. July Radio Maintenance Salem Farm Supply Co.. dog fOOd. gun shells and cleaning supplies Vinton Motor Co.. Labor and Parts on Game Warden's car B. S. Owen. fowl claim Roanoke County Revolving Fund. reimburse BOOkkeeper's Petty Cash " 18826 K. S. Thomas. livestock claim will be paid as of August 31, 1954. i! II $15.00 I! 5.00 Ii 68.64 il I! 168.7511 25.71 i! 65.82 Ii .35.00 Ii Ii I I, 508.00 II II 8.50 !I Ii 12.03 ii I I 3.75 I I .33.00 I i 20.00 $ 6.50 31. 50 39.llr 10.35 15.00 61.34 20.19 4.04 74.40 II " II Co Gn II " u I , SCI10C, ,\ v~~:i.l ::ic~10(1:L ,\ II -,':1~ Go:) ,~ !~ , II II II " " " " c " ., ; " " 'J co ~. i J Lt:....L "'- c:.~ --' 11-:1.:-' l' II .' " ~tn " II I I , 1 1) Q " " " " II " p " ; " , ; , A ....'+ vc " .., ,[ .' ,. n- " I 1 .. C II G " " " " L " n 11 c 0:) " .1: " " " 11 11 n."> n .J .. .. ,', ) r:, " " 1 " 11 :Jnlor:l " 11 1- ~ ,j..) " vI - " L 1 1 , .~ ,j .. !\ o , t o L , .1 v ';..L~'1. " J'J 'J ~~ ,) 1 0...;'7.39 1 ~,i..)" 0[ , !J;~. '/6 '/::2. ,) l l) .1 , Ll 'J'; ,,", '.. -n ,"- ,,:. 'J v 'I '.) " u j 1 , " j - -A . ,- t r . ; CU3b ; i ;1 1;'ar,1C~-'S l So t tlo,Jon t 01' 30ard 0)' ~upo_rv_1J~9r 'fro I ]10 s 0,' " lC o 0" at ,:),'Jlcm 00 01 or'-cin" 1[<,1 ,) l.nd ~'(; ;;. , 1. on '(. 8'~' ;j'l Dr ., 'J.) 1. ,~ ~'r .. - : - , I ., . i f-.- I L it Ii " .1 Ii ,,~ , , ..j J ., I . ~ . " ,ft1 .c G A \...,.'1 " c; L ",-lei '.j s :...' 0~:-~C' (' )C " " " " ..' c:~ G~:O() , ., .. r9 ",:1,' .f e .!:~:J.l o'~ - , i i i I ..' , " .1 ., n Co '. ;..;: I '-' G .\ .. ~. o ., , . G - Ll " ,,\ , ft ,J " ~L:0 ~ . l' j,C, {8~ ;;;, ./h,~~ --~'2'':;~~:::; c _,., , (' o J " .. u , .~'':: .1 ,1 " j. '.0:,_ ,"J.; 1..u:) ---.----+ ---.--.--.- -'. 'j :.27 '--- ------- ------- '" .' ~---- l~~~~___ _ 'X) " " )(y ,) . 'r' " .' ,I n," .'~ I ,) ) ~ 'I ,) J i' ,- "/;1 " '-~ ~~O,. .'~0:;~~~/~ ~.../ "', . "<:;' Cry.:: G Arcou Q , c,":'.ll. (\,. j ., ~ o c r -/'1.5-';' " COEnt.;:r .J:1rl L.; fop 02 r 1(" C 8.1~ .V o G ndc I' , ,F.l ......~:.!. ~2. " , 0\) r 1\)04. .'''p .' - IN RE: ROAD #744. known as King Brothers Road: Mr. O. T. Aichel. Resident Engineer. Department of Highways, this day appeared before the Board and made a verbai report as to'the estimated cost &c , - of construction of Road 11744. known as King Brothers Road. in Cave Spring District, and stated that although said road was in the Secondary System of Roads of Roanoke County. he felt that the estimated cost of $12.500.00 for the construction of said road and bridges necessary thereon was 30 grea~ that he could not recommend the expenditure of said amount from the allocation to Secondary Roada of Roanoke County at this time. t.'., - I i I A. Linwood HOlto~, Jr.. Attorney and John W. W~bb. this day ,appeared before I the Board. and advised the Board of Mr. Webb'S intention to establish a water I I ,-. supply system in the Garden City Section of Roanoke County to supply water ill the immediate fUture to six families. and. ~f necessary. to serve, later as I _ .. 100 _u.. in that ..... of tho _t,-; I' Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, and carried. it is II ordered that a permit be granted to John If. Webb (the installation to be approve~1 by the County Engineer) for establishing of a water supply system in the Garden II I ~ - - City Section of Roanoke Countr to supply water in the ilIlmediate fUture to six later familils, and, it necessary,/to serve a maJtimum of 100 fal!li.lies in said area. Letter fro.. A. Linwood Holton, Jr.. Attorney, dated August 12, 1954, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer. Nays: Supervisors W. E. Cundirf, E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey, and Minor R. None ~ Mrs. C. E. Via, Jr.. Chairman of the COlllllittee appointed at the June Meeting. 1954., or this Board, to submit such recommendations and plans in regard to Civil Defense in Roanoke Coun':.y, as the COIIDIittee, sa,.. fit. including the utiDlated co~t of same. this day submitted the rollewing report: wAugust lE, 1954. I~l ! I I - ... Mr. Howard Starkey, Chai.nlan, Roanoke County Board of' Supervisors Salem, Virgin1a~ Dear Sir: The COIIIBIittee on Civilian Derens,e for Roanoke County wishes to submit the ;~1 :' I ... of organization for your approval. named on this table are willing to Ii :1 I II 'I II I! II II II 'I II " ii Ii " " ;1 ~ ssistant .\1 rollowing table All people DIRECTOR CO-ORDINATOR FOR VINTON CO-ORDINATOl: FOR ROANOKE COUNTY CO-ORDINATOR FOR SALEM serve in these capacities. Charles E. Via, Jr. T. R. Boggess W. T. Coleman Woodford M. Green. W. w. Coxe Jack L~ Goodwin LEGAL ADVISOR RESCUE SERVICE POLICE SERVICE FIRE SERVICE ENGINEERING SERVICE - Sheriff H. W. Clark Chief L. A. Ballard Mr. O.-T.-Ai~hel W. E. Fitzgerald. 125 I I I I' I I , I I c.....t. [I C!!P:'1 ,,~ Ii j;) 8- ,'jJ:~ Ii ~o'" ".0. .. ~ tJJ-t., II~t..(. ~~-~ "...~.r~ , ~/J I ~ _ ;>olD - ~-'i II 126 ~ I I I I ~ " Ii ;1 I. Iii " ., I I ~J..d' I U)~ei ' ~)t~ ~1' ! g-/~.I>~ ~ i il " Ii i fi " ! II Ii II ~ ,I ~ ~ ,. EMERGENCY SERVICE Mrs.. C. E. Via, ,II'. RespectfUlly 8UbJ1~te~. Mrs., C. E;.Via. Jr., Chairman." which report ill' apprcmtd, and' the' CCIIlIII1ttee : here'tofore appointed by this Board is discharged. lIUh thanks. I v' Dr.W. P. Jackson, Direc'tor of the RO~':1oke County Health Departmentj 'this day appeared, and af\;er being im:roduced 1;0 the lIlemben of '.:he Board. made a short talk concerning the set up of his organi:zation. aud urged the 118111bers of the BoaN to Yisit the department at i'ts offices in the Senter Building pn College,AnDUe, SaleDI. Mr. Starkey, ChaiTlllllnoftheBoard. assured tr. Jackson of the Board's interest and co-operation in this tDrk. I " Ii ~ I' n II I' " , I' II I' .I II II I' ,i II Ii l' V- i I .1 II 11 II II .' I' I I! WHEREAS; theCOIIIDonwealth of Virginia, through the Department of Highways, , . has prepared and sublllitted plans to the Boord for the c:onstruc'tion or improvement of a section of Route 866' of the Sta'te' Secondary Sys'tem, Project 1380-10, in RoallOke County. from In't. of Rt'. 71.2 to Int. of Rt. 1431 (E. of Salem) approved July 29. 195,.; and, WHEREAS. 'it is the desire of this Board tbat said road be improved in accordallce ,with' said pla1llJ. liar. 'l'HEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board het-lOby approves the plans and reqlllO.... the Department of Highways to proceed 111 th construction in accordance,1I1th these plans. and this Btlll:l"dheTeby agrees to and does' guarantee a '60 foo1; unrestricted right of 1I!l1 as indicated or DOted on said plans. toge'ther with the right and easemelllt to use the additional areas sh01lI1 as being required for tbe ~."p..f' exec:u'tion and maintenance of the work as indicated on pIanlt, i1; being understood tha't incidentaleosts such as moving and ree.tting existing fences. houses, structures,- utilities, or other ' obstructions of such ne.ture. are to be paid from Secondary Ftmds allocated or to be allocated to Roanoke County. I It is further underetood and agreed that in the event oue or more property 'owner~ refuse to execute a deed covering land required from their properties for I right of way purposes, this Board hereby 8l1thori1:es the C........o.wealth of Virg:l.nia~ ,Department of Higllwaya, to institute condemnation proceedings and agrees to pay I I I , I I I I I 'I II II II "RESOLUTION of the Board of Directors of Mercy Hous e; Incorporated, adopte~ II II WHEREAS by an act of the General llssembly of Virginia, approved March 6, ! I I i I I I I from funds allocated or to be allocated to Roanoke County all costs in connection therewith including awards of ,commissioners. I This day Furman WhitescarTer appeared befo~e this Board and presented the - following resolution of the Board of Directors,of Mercy House, Incorporated: August 6. 1954: 1948, Acts of Assembly page 336,' the Board 01" Supervisors of Roanoke County - ~~...... - '-.. -"' , , - l.~~ I ; . t .... 1'1 . 1 I..l 127 was authorized and: empowered to transfer'in fee simple by gift, or !l8.1e. or to uk,! a long term lease of all or any portion of the lands, buildings or appvtenances used or usable by Mercy House. Incorporated (formerly The Roanoke C01Il1ty Public Health Association, Incorporated) in the operation and ma1lttenance~. of Mercy House. such gift, sale or lease to be made upon the terms and condition, and with the r8Ser-.:::l.l0n5 tilerein set out; and. ' ,J ' WHEREAS, Roanoke 'County has heretofore contributed substantially to the JI _int.nance and operation of Mercy House, and' only by virtue of such contributio . ' " jl has the effectiTe and continued operation of Mercy House been possible; and, Ii I) I' Ii UDanilllollsopinion that it would be for the best interest. of both Roanoke County il' and Mercy House. Incorporated that a porti'Jn of the lands now owned by Roanoke I I Ii 11 ,I II II 'I II I: II II K(Ji. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directore of Mercy House, I I Incorporated. respectfully request the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County lIHEREAS the Board of. Directors of Mercy House, 'Incorporated is of the County. and on a part whereof is located Mlsrol' House, be ginn and conveyed to Hercy Rouse, Incorporated. upon the terms llnd condUiousand with the reseMations proTided for in the aforeseid Act of the General Assembly of Virginia. it being beliend that this woul,i constitute a persuasin induc:eaent for cont.ributions and endowments to Mercy House, Incorporllted. by printe citizens. and would 1mpI'OTe the facilities of Mercy House. and in no wise lessen interest in and contributions to Mercy House by Roanoke County; II I, II ~ to gin and conny to the said Mercy House, Incorporated. upon the terms and I Conditions and with the expresllSd reS'JI'Tat:Lons prcrrl:dedfor in the aforesaid ,I Act of General Assembly of Virginia, that ,:ertaintract or parcel of land, II , together with all impI'O~emen1;s thereon and all' appurtenatlc8ll thereunto belonging J I located in the Sal811 Magisterial District of Roanoke C01Il1ty, Virginia. on U. S. I ,I , I j I ; , i I BEGIHNIJIG a1; the intersection of tille northerly line of U. S. Route 11 II and the westerly line of Virginia Secondary State Route 1/64.2; thence along ~ with the northerly line of U. S. Route 11, S. 6)0 36' W. 350 feet to an iron II pin; thence a new line through the County Farm property, N. 24.0 20' W.697.9 Ii II o ' II property, ,N. 220 38' W. 84.6.7 feet to an iron pin; thence II. 71 06' E. 53.0 II . , fee1; to a point on Virgim:a Secondary Route 11642; thence with the westerly II side of said State Rou1;e 1/642 the fOllcrw1ng courses and distances: S. 690 51' !i . I' B. 212.0 feet to a point; S. 5~ 55' E. 121.0 feet to a point; S. 260 59' E. !' II /I Ii Ii " I' II :1 " ii I' ,I 11 Ii ,I II II ),] II i Route 11. and described ufollows; toot: feet to an iron pin; thence still with,! new line through' the C01Il1ty Farm 1275.2 feet to the point of ))egiuning, containing 10.31 acres. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Furman 'Whitescarver be. and is hereby, - '. - requested to appear before the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. a tits next heting and present this res"lution." WHEREUPON, this Board, having duly considered the request. did. on II II I I I I lIotion of Supervisor Cundiff, aeconded by SuperTisor E. H. Garner. unanimously adopt the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED; That the r$quest of the Board of Directors of Mercy House, Incorporated' for a donation of cert.ain lands and buildings used and usable by Mercy House, Incorporated, as de,scribed in the Resolution this day presented on behalf of Mercy House, Incorporated. be granted. and that a deed 128 I' I: ~! I' !I I' I I i! I I i ~ .Ii ,J' ~i ~L'~ II I I Ii ~ !' :1 I: " II " II ~ ~ I, Ii ~.w. {' Ii e'~~~i! P-f'k~ ...~ ~.j %- r"l-r'lf I I to the said property be executed and deliVElred conveying said property to Mercy House. Incorporated, upon the terms and C01lditions'and with the reserfttions set out in the Act of the General Ass81IIbly" approved Jf.arch. 6, 1948. and designate I as "Chapter 158". said te1'llls. conditioDs alld reserfttions being as follows, towit: "The aforesaid land!!, and all 1!IproTelleDtlr thereon. lIhall return to the Board of Superrlsors of Roanoke County, its SUCC8SSOI"ll or assign,!s, in the eTent Mercy Hor..se. Incorporated, it!1 BUCC83S0rs or assignes. shall, for any rea.on di:scont"inue or ~ease to operate tlte Mercy House as a' non-' (and as a convalescent home) stock. non-profit corporation.! Mercy HefUse, Incorporated may sell any part of the aforesaid lands, buildings and appurtenances only with the - consent and approYlll 0: the Board of Superyisors of Roanoke County, its successors or assign!s, and the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County." On recorded l"Ote, the foregoing r<~801ution~ adopted as follws~ Ayea: W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer and H. W. Starkey. Nays: None. IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN, PROPERTY IN ROANOKE - COUHTY, VIRGINIA. ON U. S. HIGHWAY If 0.11. west of thel corporate limits of the City of RoanOke. bounded in part by )bd Lick Creek. I I I I J J ORDER. This day conTened at 2:00 o'clock P. M. a regular meeting of the Board of Supernsors of Roanoke County, llhereupo~1 leave was asked to file the petj.tion of Fannie L. Arm..4t. 0\<10, Raymond E. Paulin and Bertha J. Paulin. being the owners of three parcels of land' in said petition described, requesting .that said lots be resoned from T3sidential to bIllsiness, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinances of . Roanoke .count'y adopted Februs,ry 21. 1944, & s amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting Ii !I ii , II ii II ! [! I' I: Ii I .I I II (1950) il BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AN~ ORDERED that llhen the said Planning Commission 1I1I shall haft "ceind said petition. consider'8d tire same and reported its II recommendation to the Clerk ofthia Board, upon receipt thereof, the Clerk of II this Board shall forthwith set thi3 ;'equest for rezoning for-Public hearing, at ~ II regular or adj_urned meeting of th1s Board which shall first occur more than I fifteen days following the second publication of notice thereof as required I I I, II I, iI 'I II I, resolution and ~er be fortJ:iw1tbdel1Tered by-the Clerk of this Board to iaul B~ II II I , of said Board of Supervisors that the said petition be and the same is hereby filed; , AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDEREEI that said petition be and the same - , is hereby referred to the Planning Commissi.on of Roanoke County for its rec_ndation in accordance with Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia by Sections 15-846 and 847 of the Code of Virginia, and the said Clerk shall cause said notice to be published. ,AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDEREEI THAT A certified copy of this Matthews, Secretary of said Planning Commi!lsion. I , I I I I I , I II I I I I II II II I. Ii " 'I II ,I II I 1 I, 'I II I~o:~r ,,~t U1f . Andy F. Walker, et als - Stanley Farm Road from intersection Route 777 and II g ~ I 7 _,s "I, , 680 to Dead End, 0.50 mile. Salem District. ., il~.:t..L r ~ Robert M. Griffey. et ale - Eastview Drive from Windsor Road. State Sec. Ilf~' f3"'1n<<~IX.., Rt. 671 (South) to Dead End. 0.10 mile. Can I c."~, r Spring District. I! 8'-/'1-"" . E. C. Cox, et als - Cox-Hopkins Road from Route 668 ~o Dead End, 0.50 mile. ' Cave Spring District." I . Wm. M. Harris. et als - Orchard Roadf'rom Route 311 to Hanging Rock Orchard" 0.20Illile. Salem District. " . 'j ~ G. H. MUllins, et als - Wilson Road from R~uce 220 to Dead End, 0.40 mile. I Ca",e Spring District. ", i I ~ Curtis D. Powell. et als - Extension"Route 820 from Route 694 (Twelve o'clock , Knob Road) to Dead End. 1.00 mile. Salem District.l! . R. R. Bailey, et als - Lemon Road fro.'M Route 618 to Dead End, 0.60 mile. I' - Big Lick Dist'rict. ,I II " Vincent '1'. Doyle, et als - Extension Route 677. 1 mile. Cave Spring Districtl~ . James R. Cuden, et als - Woods Road from Rt. 747 to Dead End. 0.30 ~ile. II Big Lick Dist'ict. I, I I II II I I 1 i I I I I II ,I 1f such roads shall be 8S proposed. and especially whether any yard, garden Ii or orchard, or'any part thereof, will, in such cases. have to b9 taken, and that '1'1 no road or landing shall be established upon or through the'lands of any I I' II I : II i II II ,I ii kept in order by tbe person or persons for whose convenience they are desired. !I They shall also assess and repo,.t what damages. if any, the land owners are '[ entitled to. and accOlllpany tb~ir report with a plat or diagram of said roads. I And it ill further ordel-edthat the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is II . Ii directed, to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissluuer of Ii ,. Ii Ii Ii II " ;) !! The above Resolution and order was -adopted on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey. of Salem Magisterial District, and as seconded by' Supervisor W. E. of Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Cundiff. - Supervisors voted as follows: - Ayes: Nays: None. H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. .~, - On the application of the below ~ed petitioners: '....... , II II ~ - ~ U. D. Smith et als - View Point Ave. from Rt. 796 to Dead End. 0.20 mile. Salem District. ~ Ellis E. Cullen, et als - Ranch Street from Rt. 116 to Dead End, 0.12 mile. Big Lick District. ' who this day filed their petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highwaya in Roanoke County. it is ordered that Wiley'P. Givens, W. B. Smith, Miller Petty. W. H. Witt and Frank E. McDonald, be appointed viewers. any three !; of whOll may act, to new the' ground and report to this Board the' connniences, and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public. ! (, j.....~ I ! I I I I i I I, il ~ II I convenience. as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and , , , , cemetery, or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent .. of the owners thereof; and the said viewers .nall also ascertain any report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private r....' 1.1 . I .... Virginia as a defendant 1;,0 these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed and returned as process, or a summons may be in other cases, except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and ccnstruction of 129 130 'i !I Ii II ,I ,I II il ,. Ii " I, II i: " Ii Ii .ji 'I Ii " '. II II .,..+1 ~,~i; rC. ,'4'~li , " 'i'~ I 'i - ~ of- Ii Rt~,t.rll ~~II , I , 1 , < --'"-~:~--:-"'..-"- -- Highwaya in Roanoke County. and proTided further that a <::9'.:1;i1'ied copy of thie order certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be at1;ached to said SUIlIlllons or I I I proceas toeaid State Highway-COIIlIIIi'seioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On a recorded 'vote, the Superv-isore voted lIa follows: Ayes: H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner.. Nays: None. I C. R. Kennet.t II II II I ) ) ) ) The Public and the Sute Highway ) COllllllias1on of V1rginia. ) , , , " This _t1;er C8llle outhis day to be heal~d t!~otr the fO....61 proeeedings had II herein, and UpOll the appl1cati'on for Pallller be. Ext\lnsion Route 1581 O.O~i mUe t~ Dead hd to be accept811' and made a 'part of the Sflcondary System of' State Ilighwaysr UPOD cClD8identiOD thereof. it appearing that hT th;!, establishment, of' said road; no inCODftnience will result to any indiTiduals, or to the public on I vs.. Oi~der 40 foot right-of-way account of the establishment of said road, 1;hat ths said road will not be one I I I I I, I' I II ~ Ii I! r by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor I oo_nt or d_Uoo 0< r.....-O<_y "'" ... ........ proporty -..... i [, DecuNry, it i8 hereby ordered that any such consent for donation of right-of-wa1 Ii by the abutting property oWDers and the report' of the Boal'd of Viewers is hereby 'I ,I " ~ Ii I: I' " ~ I' I I, II Ii ,I .. of such IIIIIre private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kep1; open and in order 'by 'the person '0:- persons for whose convenience it ill desired, and that it will not be necessary to take'in'any yard. garden or orchard; , 1 , I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way II for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Palaer Park. which map is recorded in Deed Book 377. page 166, of the records of the Clerk's Office of tna Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that dispensed with; and this Board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report cf the Board of Viewers the recorded map'of Palmer' Park and the cOllllllUDication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mulleli' Chiet Engineer, Department of Highwaye under date of 22 June 1949; outlining I the poliCies, denlopment, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of il Highways. '1lhi.ch become effective 1 July 194$; and it is hereby-<>rdered t-hat 'the eJ.d , roads known as PalIIIer Ave., Extension Route 1581 0-.05 mile to Dead End, and II 'I II which is mown on a certen ske'tch accompanying this order, be andllhe same f"l' ! i' ! Ii I II, I. i! il III 'I i: II I Ii I 'I'il' i II il [I II ii ii I ,I I II Ii I I I hereby established asa public road to bscom.e a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ares: H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. , - ,--.. ,-. ...... "'"" j - ,..." , , I : I I i.,j ~ ~. ~ ."1 ~ Ii [I If- ' ,I~~~ I!~'~, It ~ r:. ~ <(' I A?J.~~r II)~~ 'I t -I"I-.J. If I System of Stat.e Highways. , Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment (If said I road; no inconftnience'will result to any individuals, or to the public em acco+ of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such I I [ that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; i And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for ~Iaid I I road has heretofore been dedicated by .,irtue of a certain map known as Alice Rou.e Property. which up is recorded in Deed' Book 466. page 47 of the records of the ,I Clerk's Of'fice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by II reason of the recordation of said map no report frOlll ,a.. Board of Viewers I nor I' C. E. McGhee ) ) ) ) ) ) Order ,30 f,)ot right.,of-way .,s. The Public and the State , Highway COImIIission of Virginia. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceeding=, had herein. and upon the applicfLtion for Bluff Ave. from. City limits of Roanoke 0.,30 mile to Dead End, to be accepted and made a part uf the Secc,ndary mere private convelIience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose comenience it is desired, alId consent or donation of right-of-way from the abuttiDg p:roperty,owners 111 ' I ~ IWcessary, it is hereby ordered that any such consent for donation of right-,)f- way by the abuttiDg property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers il3 hereby dispensed with; and this Board cites as authority ~or such waiver of donation of right-ot-way and tile report of the Board of Viewers the recorded I118p of Alice Rouse Property and the communication addressed to the Board of Supernsorll frOll C. S. z.bllen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, dnelopment, objectives and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1. July 1949; and it is hereby ordered that the said roads llmown as Bluff Ave. from City limits Roanoke 0.,30 mile to Dead iad, and which is shown on a certain sketch aecompanyiDg this order, be and the same ip hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke COUIlty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. The Board of Supervisors l ) ) l l ) Order. TS. The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia. This utter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedin.;s had herein, and upon the application for Webster Drive from Labon Road north to Dead End 0.15 mile to be accepted and made a pert of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said 131 I I i II I I II ,I " II II I, I: ,I I II II I i , I Ii I l'lf~c...1J.;.... 1:;'1" dJ!.Q 'it"" C .e.., l(p~ J.... i!t;~ il ~ -lq.s.'I- Ii , Ii I i: .' I' ;] I' ,I " , ii I i 132 1 ~I t , ti c.... ' .;~ Ii ~ r-ttoR- r.: u ~.~,~..p- JJ..;t~ M-I'l-lN- ii II II Ii n I , i I !I ~ Ii " ~ I' Ii II I' II I, ! I II I: t II " ~ Ii .1 i! ., Ii " , II " il I' I II II Ii II II II II II I: ii ( ! , , road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals,or to thl> public on account! I of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such I I I mere printe conft1lience as to make 11;' proper that it should be kept open and in I I order by the person or persons fCTr wose ,convenience it is desired. and that it I will not be necessary to take-in any yard, garden CTr orchard;' And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said roa1i has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Ilorth Burl1ngtonHeights, which map is 'recorded in Plat Book 3, page 57 of the records of the Clerk'., Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia, and that by reason of the recCTrdation of said map no repOI"t frcm a Board of Viewers, nor consent CTr donation otriglrt-of-way from the abu.tting property ownere is aeees811ry. it is hereby ordered that any such consent fCTr donation of l"ight-of-way by the abutting property owners 'and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this Board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of 1me Board of Viewers the recclrded map of North Burlington Heights and the cammmie(ltion addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development, objecti....s. and law governing the Secc,ndary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby orc1ered that the said roads known as Webeter Drive frolllL.bon Road North to Dead End 0.15 mile, andllhich is shown on . certain sketch accompanying this order, be and thO! same is hereby established as,. public road to become a ~~ of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: lone. The Board of SUperviSCTrS ) ) ) ) } } Order 50 foot right-of-way 'Is. The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had he"~i:l.; and upon the application for Cliff View Drive from Route 873 to Route 726 0.10 mile to be accepted and madE' a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it, appearl.ng that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result t,o any l.ndividuals, or to the public on i' .1 11 I' ,I I' " Ii II iI , r I , ! i I open and iJ1 ortier by the person CTr persons for whose convenience it is desired, :i II II I! II I I I , account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private couvenience as to 114~1l it proper that, it should be kept and that it will not be necessary to take :Ln any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road hall heretofore been dedicated by virtue 'of a certain map known as Cliff View, which map is recorded in Plat llook 2. page 28 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. and that by II I I '1 I i I I I Ii II II il 1 I I I I I r.eas9I1c.of the recorda~ion of said map no report frolll a Board of viewers, nor , cOJIHnt or donation of r1ght---of-way 1'rolll tJ:e abutt:l.ng property, owners is necessary"i~ is hereby ORDERED that any such,consent for. donation of right-of- - I l .~I way by the abu1;ting property owners and the report or the Board. of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority 1'or such waiver or I I dOllation of right-of-way and the report of tihe Board of Viewers the recorded map I I I I II Ii II I I I I I II of, Cliff View and the cOIlllllun1cation addressEld to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chie1' Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; .- outlhti"g the poliCies, deve1op:aent, objecttves, and law governing the Secondary -. system of Highways. which bacoille effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Clirt View Drhe frolll Route 873 to Route 726 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying ,this order. be and the same is hereby established ~s a pUblic road to become a part of the State Secondary Syst8111 of Highways in Roanoke COWIty. Adopted by the following recorde,! vote: Ayes: H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cund:Lff. E. H. Garner, and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. ~ ; ... The Board ot Supervisors J va. ) ) The Public and the State ) Highway Colllll1ssion of Virginia ) This matter cllllle on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings Order 50 toot right-or-way I had. herein, and upon the appl1cat;ion for North Brufty Street, ExteDBion Route ' 854 0.05 1II11e to Dead End, t!) be accep\;ed and made a pClrt of the, Secondary System I of State Highways. , II I' I Upon consideration thereof. it appearing ~hat by the establishment of said road; no iDeonvenience will :'Ssult to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment or said road. tha~ ~he said road will not be one of in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it ;,s,desired, and that ,....'.. it Will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; : ! 1.1 And i~ further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue or a certain map known as I'"'~ . , I" f W I !] Lake Spring Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 78 of the records I: of ~he Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that , J U j, i ;.') tT, 'j;.~ .',.;-j , ' r~-cl "\',,'1 t~ 1 ~"1 }ti.:.~ tJ ~i,', ::;:'!) ',," i,~ 133 ~b~r.u r. G, , co.,.. (Plrl~ 3rrk-€-P. ft;.~.., PJf I g-(~~ i 'I II I I I II I' I 135 Present: , il I' I 'I I , I II II '1 I i , I I, $ 55.2~ 9.0~ 4.0 Courthouse Salem. Virgil1ia September 20, 19.54 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereof in regular monthly session. H. W. Starkey. Chairman, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. '~ . i }--'l Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread. each member of the Board having read the copy of said minut'3s furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented. approved and o:rdered to he paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith. to-wit: Acme Printe~s. Inc.. Book binding and office supplies American Chemical Co.. Janitor supplies &c Auto Service Station. Towing Garbage Truck out of ditch - , , , .'- No~ ' 18893 " 1~894 " IM95 " 18896 ~ i - " ,18897 " 18898 .. '18899 " 1;~900 " '18901 " 18902 " '18903 " 18904 .. 18905 " 1$906 " '18907 I: 1$905 I .. . 18909 18910 " 189ll 18912 18913 .1.".... J I II " I " I " .18914 ,18915 18916 .18917 18918 ,18919 18920 18921 18922 18923 ,18924 18925 18926 .18927 " .. " r~1 W " " " .. II .. II " , " " Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tags for garbage cans 9.0 Bemiss Equipment Co.. Repair Parts and Labor 3.6 I Brown Hardware Co.. Tubs for Garbage collection. Janitor sUPPUes17.~1 ,I 103.95,1 10.09! .4~j il County School Board of Roanoke Co.. Gas. oil. repairs. parts etc.707.lr 5.85 18.~~ 79.! 24.+ 324.~5 I' I'I Chalmers Ferguson. Reimburse delinquent tax collector for office supplies 50.0~ Fort Lewis Hardware Co.. 1 bOlC shells for shooting crows 3.0511 Goodwin-Andrews.Inc.. additional. Premium on Workmen's Compensa- II tion Insurance 134.41,1 I 96.001 I 1.563.11, I 60.001, 8.94! , 329.7011 60.0011 , '. 40.411i 1.744.00 Ii '. 5.50ii 244.00 II .1 II II 60.88/: " ]I 10.50il 272.00 Ii i! I 10.00 Ii I 1.80 II 368.00 II i I I Burrell Memorial Hospital. Inc.. Hospital bills for Welfare Dr. S. D. Carey. Lunacy hearings Caldwell-Sites Co.. office sup~lies Columbia Ribbon & Carbin Mfg. Co.. office supplies Diamond Paper Company. Janitor supplies Davidson'S Esso Servicenter. gas. oil. parts. etc. Easter Supply Co.. office supplies Fairview Home. County's share in maintaining home for aged Gill Memorial Hospital. Hospital bills for welfare Gittens & Morton Insurance Co.. Premium on Insurance &c J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt. August Rent on Cave Spring Fire House Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co.. 6 tubs for collecting garbage Haloid Company. Record Paper and office supplies Dr. John O. Hurt. Coroner investigations International Business Machine Corp. 2 bOlCes Carbon paper &c Jefferson Hospital. Inc.. Alex Y. Lee. 16kays &c Hospital bills for Welfare T. R. Leslie. Covering Garbage dump Cancelled Liberty Fire Apparatus Co. Inc.. Fire equipment &c Lloyd Electric Co.. Repairing and parts for fan Lewis-Gale Hospital. Inc.. Hospital bills, Mrs. H. T. Lucas, Rent on Election booth Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co.. Photo 4 subdivision maps Memorial & Crippled Children's Hospital. Hospital bills .. 136 I' I: ~ II II " I II 'I I. t: I I : I. It II It I, Ii It II !i It Ii ii " II 'I It I. II ,I It I, I' ii n I: !: II " I, j; If Ii I, It II , II It Ii .. It II I' " " It Ii It I' II It I' I I It " :: Ii E " ii Ii II It n ,. 1: " 11 It [I I' ,I It No. 18928 18929 18930 18931 18932 18933 18934 18935 18936 18937 18938 18939 18940 18941 18942 18943 It .. It It It It It It It It It It It It It It 18944 18945 18946 18947 18948 18949 18950 18951 18952 18953 18954 18955 18956 18957 18958 18959 18960 18961 18962 18963 18972 18973 18974 18975 18976 18977 18978 18979 18980 18981 It It It It It Monarch Finer Foods. Food-Prisoners Mt. Vernon Heights Service Station. Gas. oil &c Moore Business Forms. Inc.. 15.000 Income T~~ Tickets Natural Gas Distributors. Fuel oil Owen Plumbing & Heating. open Jail sewer line Oren Roanoke Corporation. Fire equipment NuWay Laundry & Dry Cleaners. Laundry Dr. Robert E. Paine. Jr.. lunaclr hearings Rainbo Bread Co.. food prisoners Roanoke Gas Co.. Cooking fuel jail Roanoke Linen Service. Towel ser.vice Roanoke Sanitary Supply Co.. Janitor supplies Radio Communications Co.. Radio Maintenance Roanoke County Public Health Assoc.. County's Appropriation Salem Creamery Co.. f.ood-prisoners Dr. R. B. Smiley. salary jail physiCian. coroner cases and lur.acy hearing State Treasurer. Expenses incurred in connection with audit Salem Hardware Co.. Janitor supplies. &c Salem Lumber Co.. Repair Lumber for Courthouse &c Salem Farm Supply Co.. Paint Salem Furniture Co.. Rubber runner for Health BuildirJg, State Office Supply. office supplies Cancelled Town of Salem. Lights and water service Thomas Brothers. 10 hours shoveldozer work &c Technical Reporduction & Supply Co.. Maps Mercy House Valley dale Packers. Inc.. Food-prisoners Virginia Foods. Food and cleaning supplies Virginia Markets #6., Food-prisoners Uarco Inc.. office supplies Vinton Motor Co.. New police car &c Harry M. Wood. opening jail sewer line &c Mrs. Minnie Wooldridge. Rent on Garbage d.ump C. W. Warthen Company, receipt books Cancelled Williams Supply Co.. lights tubes for Jail &c Rock)-dale Stone Service Corp. Crushed Road stone Burroughs Adding Machine Co.. Ribbon for Tax ticket machine C & P Telephone Co.. Telephone service Chalmers F~rguson. Commission on delinquent taxes Fitch Dustdown Co.. janitor supplies Hazel Gearhart. 184 hours extra clerk Wm. Green & Co.. Repair parts for Garbage truck Pit~ey-Bowes. Inc.. Re~t on Postage Machine Graves-Humphreys Hdw Co.. Garbage tubs McGraw-Hill Book Company. Inc.. Electrical booY~ $ 59.51 17.74 280.50 17.20 7.00 48.00 45.32 20.00 41.48 16.36 3.00 J.06.43 15.00 90e.00 13.07 70.00 .!08.70 27.74 9.85 l.ll 7.13 1.11 :~12.21 90.00 .50 104.66 126.64 58.78 87.52 1.691.18 62.00 20.00 116.00 21.31 336.52 1.05 252.55 49.40 4.08 161.95 145.15 21.60 22.05 28.50 I I I il II I II I I I , I II !I I I , ., \1 Ii [I - No. 18982 n 189S3 .. 18984 .. 18985 n 18986 n 18987 n 18990 .. 18991 .. 18992 "-"'''-' - ........ .. 18994 IN RE: Janie B.McNeal. Treasurer. Reimburse jury tickets &c Roanoke County Revolving Fund. Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash G. A. Scruggs. Postmaster. Postage for Mailing Tax Tickets Dr. Fred S. Cruser. lunacy hearings Eugene W. Chelf. Attorney. Attorney's fee in suits &c Chalmers Ferguson. Commission on delinquent taxes collected Shenandoah Valley. Inc.. 1954 Membership dues Bank of Salem, Payment of Temporary loan and interest Shepherd Auto Supply Co.. Radio Installation on new Police,car Farmer's National Bank. Temporary Loan , DOG TAXES. SHEEP CLAIMS &c: 137 $ll3.JI 5.451 500.00 I 25.00 iI I 161. 97 ! 3.49 300.00 25.059.05 I ll9.66 25.142.371 I II II .1 , , I $ 15.19 I 67.3711 52.10 II 15.00 I 3.241 15.00 'I 46.50 I The following claims against the County were this day presented, appro"red. and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith. to-wit: Bradford & Company. Disinfectant and Fly Spray Gittens & Morton. Ins Co.. Premium on Insurance &c County School Board of Roanoke Co.. Gas. oil~ repairs. &c Mrs. Mae Lovell. fowi claim' No. 18964 n 18965 .. 18966 n 18967 .~ , I .. 18968 ...,j .. 18969 .. 18970 n 18971 n 18988 n 18989 . I I n 18993 Poole's Service Station. Gasoline for Game Warden's car Radio Communications Co.. Radio Maintenance Salem Farm Supply Co.. dog food Salem Lumber Co.. Crate for shipping dog head Cancelled Wipledale Dairy Farm. fowl claim M. S. Thomas. livestock claim 2.50 33.25 30.00 II ~F i~G{pI3~ 1'('1i-~"t ! '''I-,2.;l.. -sv The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL. Treasurer of Rcanoke County. salaries and expense accounts , '*1 i ! - for the month of September. 1954. and also those of W. C. MUSE. Commissioner of , , Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON. Commonwealth's Attorney. and H. W. CLARK. Sheriff. will be paid as of September 30. 1954. fI i the Board the following report: I II 'I I: Ii I! t! II "Salem. Virginia II September 20. 1954 o Mrs. Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer of Roanoke County. this day ~ubmitted to To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business ,September 18. 1954. there was to the credit of the - ,.-"..... - - - , , I - It:::' ; I ... '....1 l. ... . - 111ff' . <LJ.. (" On motion. duly seconded, it isordered that a voucher-check for three hundredll . a ,y. "C'"Y-' doll~lrs ($300.00). as per budget appropriation. 1954-55. payable out of' general "I () , I q- 2,).-&1f county fund. be issued to the Shenandoah Valley. Incorporated. for 1954 I I I I, I' I , ~ C)vlCl~Pt.ID -r. ~ '"rn . , ~--l:- 'W:."y ,. known as map showing Castle Hill Development" Section #1. recorded in Plat Book 3. ~ d...e.. " Page 129, in the Clerk's Office of the Circui.t Court of Roanoke County, August 6. I, pE 12>,~Ui..... 1954; and it being shown to the Board of Supervisors that thif. map is being vOidedll~. ).,...Ql rP " 9 -~ 2.-S,!- in acc:ordance with Section 15-793. Code of Vi,rginia. and the Board seeing no i I , t i ~ advertising membership dues in said association. I.dopted by the following recorded vote: I..yes: KeffE.r Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. None ~nnual Report - 1954-54 Department uf Agriculture. Division of Markets. I I I II L,etter dated September 15. 1953. from Geo. W. Dean, State Forester. Virginia II Weigr..ts and Measures Section. received and ordered filed. Forest Service. submitting a summary of fiscal matters. expended under Section 10-46. of the Code. between Roanoke County and the Virginia Forest Service for the fiscal year beginning July 1. 1953. and anding June 30. 1954. received ani ordered filed. The State Corporation Commission of Virginia this day submitted statements of assessed value of TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. ELECTRIC LIGHT and POWER corporations. gas and WATER CORPORATIONS and PIPE LINE TRANSMISSION CORPORATIONS. RAILR:lAD. EXPRESS. SLEEPING CAR. STEAMBOAT and BUS COMPANIES in the Commonwealth of Virginia, anc the SUite Taxes Extended fOl~ the year 1954. made by the State Corporation COmmission of Virginia. which statements are ordered filed. . B,m M. Richardson. Attorney. this day appeared before the Board. and filed the ll'!tition and affidavit of A. S. BEARD. fell' the voiding of a certain plat. reason for objecting to the voiding of said plat. hereby gives its consent and I, the scLid map is hereby voided; and Paul B. YiEltthews, County Engineer. is hereby direc1;ed to make the proper notation as to the action of this Board voiding said plat. recorded in Plat Book 3. page 129. A letter dated September 20. 1954. addres.sed to Howard Starkey. Chairman. Board of Supervisors. Roanoke County. from Charles E. Via. Jr.. Director of . Civil Defense. requesting that a telephone be installed in the Civil Defense OffiCE. in the Court House Annex Building. is hereby referred to Paul B. Matthews. County Executive Officer; and it is further ordered that a purchase order for stationery. office supplies &c, be secured from Paul B. Matthews. County OfficElr. when needed. Executive! ii " , Ii Ii 'I' ii 139 !! I:~ ' il ~q~ e J IlfDI'7:.,'{";" ~. ,,~ ~d!- I, r- !1>~u 'b iM:0.~ IpO"~.o~ '1 . ) ). . ~.,.. 140 m . ~ .....",..L...t./' r;- , ,'Iw.}'. ~ ~~a-+ '5~ y-~ ii ~'>>I....(.l.t 2. .\~, tj otI\MU Ii rl~ y- Ii ,I "1- j.. ~- ~lj- Ii II " II II ~ I ~ II " :1 :1 I I, I! Ii I' ,I Ii .1 f ~.-:; ~;~.{~ 'I (J)~., ii' (, 11- '9Ic-ll I~-. '(- ~~i d.J.. 1f"tu.J, il ~,~(p~ ~ ~'~~Il C\.H.-~Q. ~ , II II , I! 'I " Ii Ii ,. ~ ~ ~ ~ &.J. toil u,c,~ rt:.. .~,cp h1r-c-'" ~-.u_sll,\: i I II Ii Ii " I: :1 I I: ,. I' I! il !I il ,. II I, 'i i; " " Ii " A letter dated September 20. 1954. addressed to Howard Starkey. Chairman. Board of Supervisors. from Charles E. Via. Jr.. Director Civil Defense. requesting this Board to recommend one member to serve on the Civil Defense Advisory Council. was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof. on motion. duly seconded. and carried. it is ordered that Supervisor E. H. Garner. of Cave Spring Magisterial Distric'~. be. and he hereby is appointad to serve on said Council. IN RE: CORRECTION RESOLUTION DIRECTORS MERCY HOUSE. INCORPORATED: On motion. duly seconded and carried. it is ordered that a correction of the minutes of the last meeting of this Board on August 16. 1954. on linll 10. page 128. Supervisors' Book 13. be. and the same is hereby made to read as follows: after the words nnon-stock non-proffitn and insert (and as a convalescent home) At the request of Mrs. Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer of Roanoke County. it is ordered that this, Board approves the employment of an additionaL full time deputy treasurer in her office. at a salary not to exceed Twenty-one Hundred Dollars ($2100.00); and that the present budget allocation of Twenty-one Hundred Dollars ($2100.00) for extra help be changed to not exceeding three hundred dollars ($300.00) for budget year 'beginning January 1st. 1955. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Sta.rkey. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None IN RE: REPAYMENT OF TEMPORA..'l.Y LOANS: On motion. duly seconded. it is ordered that the Treasurer of RoanokE! County be. and she hereby is. authorized to re-pa:r as of September 21st. 1954, ,Ill temporary loans made to this Board. to-wit: The Farmers' National Bank of Salem. $25.000.00 plus interest of $14;!.J7; and The Bank of Salem. $25,000.00. plus interest of $59.05. for which amounts Voucher-checks are ordered to be issued to each of said Banks. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I' II I I I I II I I I I II , I , I I I I I I I I , I I I I , I I , I i I I I I II II !I " iI I !I I i , ! il 'I II I IN RE: DRAINAGE - SECONDARY ROADS: - Letter dated September 1. 1954. from O. T. Aichel. Resident Engineer, Department of Highways. addressed to the Board of SuperYiso~s of Roanoke County. requesting in future that in all resolutions for additions taken into the Secondary System. that statements be incorporated in the resolu.~ion that the Highway Department is guaranteed by the Board of Supervisors drainage,' to the adjoining properties; otherwise. such additions wil~ be rejected by the Highway Department; this provision applying to new. and old subdivisions and 'rural additions; was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration of said request. on motion. duly seconded. the County Engineer is directed to prepare all matters pertaining to Secondary Roadll in accordance with this communication. ~.....,., - "_1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. E. H. Garner. W. E. Cundiff. and NQ,nor R. Keffer Nays: None , IN RE: ADDITIONS to Secondary System: Letter dated S~ptember 7. 1954. from O. T. Aichel. Resident Engineer. Department of Hi&~ways. addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. requesting the Board to include in its resolution pertaining to each road. a certification or guarantee as to the width of the right of way. calling the Board's attention to the fact that any right of way less then thirty (30) feet can not be considered. was this day laid before the Board. and ordered filed. ,.., - The following communication was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: w. B. Speck. Field Secretary. League of Virginia Counties. in ra: segregation in public s~hools. o IN RE: ) ) ) I I ) ) ) QliQ!,g Rezoning of certain property in Roanoke County. Virginia. on U. S. Highway No. 11. west of the corporate limits or the City of Roanoke bou~ded in part by Mud Lick Creek :""1 . I ~ Ii I' II I' II il 'I I , I I II II I Salem, Virginia. a regul~~ meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. one of the purposes of said meeting was to conduct a public hearing and consider a request to rezone certain real estate situated in Roanoke County. Virginia. more particularly hereinafter desc:ibed. upon the Petition of 'llnnit L. Armentrout. et al. which was presented to this Board on the 16th day of August. 1954. copies of which said Petition was filed with the Roanoke County Planning Commission. THIS DAY convened at 3:00 P. M. in the Court House of Roanoke County 'it 141 Co.f>.. M.... 1: Ic,ii. C;~ II... rc-f.'-"':' !'7h~. b @f.~ ~,~,., !~~~ II 'l-~). - p..: I II II , 11c.J,-. U t; c..~ ~~ q- S- ~~r; (J.I.~ ~C_.,.,~...jj: i~1 I S'" Q..-- y- II ~-).).-p~ I I[ II II 'I II II II 'I I. I! II II Ii !I:J.~ I' C<....tt ~ r i~cr..iL- to I Ce:S!' 0/-. R. -f.. "iI".,., y< r I~a....e.f . Ii p,ijJ.' 'lli~ li~.~,a~. I,~ 1 , 'I '1 - ). >- -..'I- !"';~_~_~_____._ _.. '.rr-,~~'"~""-'':''-'_.''--~'. "_._. 142 II , II II II ,. Ii Ii lj II II I' I II :1 II Ii I I , , , , I II I I I I , I WHEREAS on the said 16th day of August. 1954. the Petition of Fannie L. Armentrout. Raymond E. Paulin and Bertha J. Paulin. owners in fee of the hereinafter described land. was filed pursuant to Sections 15-845 and 15-847 of the Code of Virginia (1950) and the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke COllnty adopted January 20. 1941. as amended. cLnd waE received and filed by ~hEl said Board at the said regular meting. Whereas on August 16. 1954. by Resolution and Order duly adopted. 1,he said II il I) I I , I' II " Ii II I: ii " II " r 'I Ii " il Ii Ii , i i' il Ii r Ii 'I ! " Petition was filed and referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendations in accordance with Section 15-847 of tbe Code of Vir@:inia. I I said Planning Commission received and considered said Petition and rep()rt.ed its I recommendation to the Clerk of this Board. the said Clerk should forth1~it,h set 1, I I I Whereas it was further resolved and ordered by this Board that when t.he the said request for rezoning for public he,,-ring and issue notice thereof' by publication as required by Sections 15-846 and 15-847 of the Code of V:lrginia. WHEREAS pursuant to said Order of this Board. the said Plarming Commi.ssion at a dllly called meeting held on the 24th day of August. 1954. llIade an II rezoning from residential to business use. and was of the opinic,n that stich I change of classification would be beneficial and wollld promote t.he public intere~t. and did by resolution unanimously adopted at said meeting. recommend to 1.he 'j I reclassify said property as business property. and did deliver <I certified copy I inspegtion of the said land. fully investigated the merits of.' said reque~;t for Board of Supervisors that they amend the Zoning Ordinances of Rc,anoke so as to I of its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board. WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did issue notice by publication as required by Section 15-846 and 15-$47 of the Code of Virginia of a public hearing on said amendment to said Zoning Ordinances by legal adyertisement which I appeared in the Times Register, a weekly newspaper published in Roanoke County. .Virginia. and having general circulation therein on the 27th day of August. 1954. and the 2rd day of Sept. 1954. the Publisher's Certificate having been filed with the Clerk of this Board. the notice stating fully the time, place purpose of the public hearing and the place at which the Petition certified by the said Planning Commission could be examined. I I I and I i I i , I , I I ii II " il I " " " :1 Ii " WHEREAS more than fifteen (15) days has expired since the last publication of said notice and allreqllirements of law have been fully complied with; whereas on this date at 3:00 P. M. at the Court House at Salem. Virginia. the time and place designated in said published Order. there was conducted a public request for said rezo~ing. WHEREAS at the conclusion of said public hearing and after full II I, I, :1 consideration I' I hearing on said request for rezoning; whereas at said pUblic hearing full opportunity was offered for full and complete discussion of the merits of said by this Board. it was unanimously agreed that the request to change in classification would promote the public interest of citizens of Roanoke County and more particularly in the vicinity of said land. NOW. THEREFORE. by the resolution at this regular meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Roanoke County. that the Zoning Ordinances adopted January 20, 1941. as amended, be further amended to reclassify and rezone from residential i I i I I II I' II 'I , ! ~ - ...,.,. -- ,.-,--1 .::II - /' , 1,,,'-1 , ! - '4 ; . ~ - districtto a business district as defined in said Zoning Ordinances. the following described parcels of land lying and being in Roanoke County. Virginia. PARCEL NO. I BEING all of lots "A" and "B". subdivision of the Lu.:ille P. Diehl property. made by S.,S. Lynn. S. C. E.. dated .June. 1943. PARCEL NO...ll BEING lots "c" and "D" to said subdivision of Lucillo P. Diehl. PARCEL NO...1ll 71/100 acres being a part of the western half of Lot 2. Section 4. as sho'h7l on the Map of Westland made by SDli:th- Bradford &: Co. May 6. 1919. excepting.094 acres convElyed to the Commonwealth of Virginia by deed recorded in Ileed Book 139. Page 439 and Deed Book 215. Page 554. PARCEL III-A I I, A triangular parcel of land containing an easterly p<11rt of lot 1 and a westerly part of lot 2. Section 4. as shown on said Map of Westland. Said parcels of land being located on U. S. Highway No. 11. just west of the Corporate line d: the City of RoanokE!' and being more particularly described in the said Petitiem of Fannie L. Armentrout et al. Be it further resolved that this Resolution and Order be spread in the Book of Orders of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virgini.a. and that the said Clerk of this Board deliver a certified copy hereof to Paul B. Matthews. Secretary of the said Planning Commission of Roanoke County. and he is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County tCI reflect the rezoning Order herein. and the Clerk of this Court shall likewiflemail to R. Roy Rush. Attorney. Box 614. Roanoke. Virginia. two certified cc'pies of this Order. The above Resolution and Order was unanimously adopted on mc,tion of Supervisor E. H. Garner of Cave Spring Magisterial District and was seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey of Salem Magisterial District, and on 01 recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner. H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundii~ and ~dnor R. Keffer Nays: None IN RE: ADD1'lIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEr-I, ROANOKE COUNTY: 1e~er dated August 12. 1954. addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Salem. Virginia. from Burton Marye. Deputy Commissioner. Department of Highways. Richmond. Virginia. ap.roving additions to Secondary System. Roanoke County. effective August 12. 1954. to-wit: I, ~ ~ II I' I' 'I 'I I i I I Additions From west Int. Rt. 720 to east Int. Rt. 720 Length 0.45 Mile Int. Route 635 to dead end. Length 0.08 Mile Resolution 7-19-54 7-19-54 was received and ordered filed. I II II I' II t I I i I I II II Ii II Ii I I I I , i I' ,I II I , I il II Ii II II II [I I i I , il , I I I I II " 'I 'I II C < Ii Ii ,I t:,' 'I 'I I: 11 " " I' Ii I: II I' ;, ,. .' II i 143 144 '{ "\ S !r.w...... I ~, ov---' ..' ~' ,). ,.,' t 'I I, II il Ii ,I II Ii II II t r II ," ~ I, /1" S Ii " II II II I II r3-L. 8L IN HE: ADDITIONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM. ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated August 12. 195~. addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COW1~Y. Salem. Virginia. from Burton Y~yre. Deputy Commissioner. Department of Highways. Richmond. Virginia. approving additions to the Secondary System. Roanoke County. effective August 12. 1954. to-wit: Addi tions From dead end of Rt. 1024 to 0.12 m. E. of' dead end of houte 1024 Length 0.12 Mile Into. Route 1101 to Int. Route 1105 Length 0.19 Mile From Int. Route 603 to Int. Route 790 Length 1.00 Mile was received and ordered filed. IN RE: ADDITIONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM. ROANOKE COUNTY: Resolution i I I I I I I I I 7-19-54 lC-26-53 I 8-20-51 Letter dated August 13. 1954. addressed to Board of 3upervisors of Roanoke County. Salem. Virginia. from Burton Mayre. Deputy Commissioner. Department of Roanoke County. effective August 13. 1954. to-wit: Eighways. Richmond. Virginia. approving additions to the Secondary System. was received and ordered filed. ADDITIONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM. ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated August 27, 195~. addressed to Board of Supervisors of Resoluti(ln 7-19-54 7-19-54 I , !i , Iii Additions 5 II; Walrond Drive from Route 180~ to Enon Length 0.05 Mile S ill I v Enon Drive from Walrond Dri ve to dead end Length 0.50 Mile --: 1,'1 - II, J Dallas Road from Enon Drive to Webster Drive Length 0.26 Mile Ii .s )11, "Webster Drive from Dallas Road to Goff Road Length 0.08 Mile II _ '['I J Webster Drive from Dallas Road to Labon Road Length 0.10 Mile .1 " " -. i' · Labon Road from Webster Drive to Route 849 ~ II Length 0.17 Mile II i: II !; II i! II I, IN RE: Ii I: II " II II " [I II Addi tions i: c~,II' Wi110wlawn Street from Route 832 to 0.09 Mi- E. of Route 832 "" Ii. Terrace Drive from Route 639 to dead end , S Ii Hawley Drive from dead end Route 1105 to 0.07 Mi. N. of Route 1105 l:l i i! J Fairhope Road from Int. Rt. ll6 to 0.17 ~Ii. S. Int. Rt. ll6 I' ~ t !i" Northway Drive from 0.04 Mi. N. Boxley Rd. to 0.09 m. S. Boxley !I Road ' " 7-19-54 7-19-54 7-19-54 7-19-54 I Roanoke County. Salem. Virginia. from Burton Marye. Deputy Commissioner. System. Roanoke County. effective A~JUst 27. 1954. to-wit: Department of Highways, Richmond. Virginia. approving additions to the Secondary !' . Greenway Drive from Route 11 to Manor Street If" Boxley Road from Greenway Drive to Route 1802 :' Length I 0.09 Mi. 0.30 Mi. 0.07 Mi. 0.17 Ni- 1 , I 0.13 Mi. II 0.43 Mi- II 0.14 loti. 11 ,. :I I - '''-''' - ,...., ~ - , '~"Ll - I II 0 II I I I II Ii I , I I I. ~! 'I , Roanoke I I II .1 ji :1 I: ii II ,I ~, \"'( ',~ ~..~_. . ...~.__.. -.' -. --- .. ~ .Midd1eton Street from R~ute 11 to Gr~enway Drive Elwood Street from Rout& 11 to Greenw~y Drive Manor Street from Route 11 to Greenway Dri 1re Vivian Avenue from Route 623 to Route 623 Starmount Avenue from Route 623 to Route 6,~3 0.12 Mi. 0.15 Mi. 0.19 Mi. 0.21 Mi. 0.22 Mi. 0.15 Mi. 0.20 Mi. 0.14 Mi. 0.14 Mi. O.ll Mi. I I , t ~ 'r t r f Goodview Ave. from Int,. Rt. 1604 to 0.15 Mi,. N. E. Rt. 1604 Dan.C?ury Drive from Route 116 to 0.20 z..li. N. E. Route ll6 View Avenue from Route 682 to dead end. Catawba Drive from Rt. 742 to 0.14 z..~. N. B. Route 742 Glenmore Drive from Catawba Drive to Turner' Street Turner Street from Catawba Drive t9 0.08 ~~. W. of Catawba Dr. Alberta Drive from Route 700 to Route 742 Knol1wood Road from Route 682 to Valentine Avenue 0.08 Mi. 0.16 Mi. O.ll Mi. Valentine Avenue from Knollwood Avenue tv dead end 0.12 Mi. 0.30 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.15 Mi. 0.30 Mi. 0.21 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.11 Mi. 0.14 Mi. 0.22 Mi. 0.22 Mi. 0.13 Mi. 0.12 Mi. 0.10 Mi. Lucas Street from Route 11 to Hugh Avenue Lucas Street from Hugh Avenue to Aster Street Lucas Street from Aster Street to Chester Avenue Chester Avenue from Lucas Street to Wallace Street Wallace Street from Aster Street to dead end. Aster Street from Lucas Str6~t to dead end Peyton Street from Summer~6~n Avenue to dead end Estes Street from Hugh Avenue to dead end Summerdean Avenue from Peyton Street to Estes Street Hugh Avenue from Peyton Street to LuCas Street Hawley Drive from Hawley Drive to dead end Mountview Drive from Givens Avenue to Callo'i1ay Avenue Calloway Avenue from Hawley Drive to Mountview Drive Giyens Avenue from Route 642 to Mountview Avenue Dover Drive from Route 682 to Kipling Stree'~ Kipling Street from Route 682 to dead end Dexter Road from Route 601 to Topping Stree1, Topping Street from Dexter Road to dead end 0.14 z..a. 0.07 Mi. 0.09 Mi. 0.10 V'.i. 0.17 Mi. 0.17 Mi. 6.64 z..a. 0.17 Mi. Norman Street from Summerdean Avenue to Dexter Road DeX1;er Road from Topping Street to dead end Summerdean Avenue from Topping Street to Pelrton Street Total was received and ordered filed. IN RE: ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM. ROANOKE COUl/TY: Letter dated September 10. 1954. addressed to Board of Supervisors of County. Salem. Virginia. from Burton Marye. Deputy Commissioner. Department of Highways. Richmond.Virginia. approving additions to the Secondary System. Roanoke County. effective September 10. 1954. to-wit: Addition Resolution Webster Drive from Routes 849 and 808 to dead end Length 0.15 Mi. 8-16-54 was received and ordered filed. 145 I I l()t II~ t II~ T- IS s c.$ , ! ..0 11:,,-- '1 :5 I , IS . i 'is !s i 'e s I IC~ i : II~ II' + II~ ;- I! I~ ~ fl1- 13 t I ~ X ~t ,I~ ..;- I ,:;; ~- ~ t. ,IS Is c, ~ & ~ <1 Ii '- ~ 'I ' j,c. ~;, II ' I'" .' I ..). ~- 1/2 i i '~ ( !in ;... fiG:. II Ii I: Ii Ii 146 " Ii ; :1 II o Ii c...L CMt:t' ,] J'7 'I ~.ae. tlo.. . i' ~it::' Le.'t c Ii m::~j '0 1e,~~ . II ~~.~'1 Ii il ! il II I' il I ,I II II r ,I II I: " II I: I' II [' I II " !i ,I " 'I ii Ii II Ii I' II I! ,I I, " 11 r I: ,. :1 Ii I! I: I' I .ct~ or I' .,. ,w. II '~~Ii 'i - ~~- ~ .: II II ': i. ii Ii The Board of Supervisors I~ II I The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia J ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs This matter came on this day to be hew~d upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Loman Drive from Dallas Road North to Laban Road; 0.08 Mile. 50 ft. Right of Way and Drainage Guaranteed to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Hig~ways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to makE' it proper that it should be kept I I I I And it further appearing to the ~oard that sufficient right-of-way for said I I I I I ,I II open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that 11; will not be necessary to take i.n any yard. garden or orchard; road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Burlington Hts. which map is recorded. in Plat Book 3. Page 57 of the , recc,rds of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is ne~es5ary. it is hereby ordered that any such consent for donation of I right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of North Burlington Hts. and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chi,af Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of H:lghways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that th,~ said roads known as Loman Drive from Dallas Road North to Laban Road; 0.08 llile and which is shown on a certain sket,:h accompanying this order. 1'a and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State SElcondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. ~linor R. Keffer. W. E. Cundiff. and E. H. Garn'3r Nays: None I The Board of Supervisors I The Public and the State Highuay Commission of Virginia ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Laban Ii:oad f",om Webster Drive East to Loman Drive; 0.08 ~lile 50 ft. Right of \'iay and dradnage guaranteed to be accepted ^'~"""'____'_____""""''''''-c_._,-,.~,.-~..~.,.,_.._.__."..,..___. __.. _ ,,___, ~..___ ,...,.....,,.. '",~',,-, - -----.--.---.---.------,. .- ... .. ... - -.. ,. - . . - , . -- - -- - - -- . ~. II II II '[ I, !I II ~ ;i I' ri II I' II I i I ~ ti i: and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden o:r orchard; I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said I I road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Mt. I Vernon Heights. which map is recorded in Plat Book 2. Page 67 of the records of I by reaSOll of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor II consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property Olmers" is I I necessary. it is hereby ordered that any such consent for donation of right-of- I I way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers i,s I hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of I I donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map I of Mt. Vernon Heights and the commuunication addressed to the Bo,,~d of I II I I the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that I I II I \ I, I ! I[ , , , , I S4pervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. object,ives. and law governing the Secondarv System of Highways. which become effecti1,'e 1 July 1949; .. ;1 " and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads knownas Bunker Hill Drive. Extensi011 Rt. 1602. East to KeDDlOl'e Ave.. Rt. 682; 0.05 Mile and which is fl.hown on a certai; sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby establi.shed as a publi~ I I I , 11 ~ , I II t ~ ~ ~ II 11 , I ! I road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways ion Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. Minor R. Keffer. E. H. Garner and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I This day the viewers and/or County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the follOwing roads. and the location thereof. to.,wit: View Point Ave. from Route 796 to dead end; 0.20 Mile. Salem District.. 40 ft. Right of Way gue.ranteed. Ranch Street from Route 116 (Cove Road) to dead end; 0.12 Mile. Big Lick District. 50 ft. Right of way guaranteed. Whereupon. on motion. duly seconded and carried. said vieweNI reports are " Ii ,I il I' Ii I[ I, II ,i " II :1 " il 'I I. ii approved. And it is further ordered that said roads. as described briefly above" be and they aN. hereby established as public :roads. to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County. the Board of SupElrvisors . guaranteeing the right for drainage; And. it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution bll furnished tothe District Engineer of the State Highway Department;. having the supervision and maintenance of St,ate Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. fl. Starkey. \'11'. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner. and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I I, " !I II Ii 11 Ii 'I II I' II !i 150 On motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey. seconded by Supervisor W. E. CI~diff .i- II , ! , it is ORDERED that E. W. Chelf. Attorney. heretofore employed by this Board :.. I II I. Ii ;1 'I Ii ),! , for the purpose. do proceed by suit in equity to enforce the collection of all delinquent taxes upon the following described lots or parcels of :Land. situate in the Town of Salem. Roanoke County. Virginia. to-wit: Lot 9. Section 44. Salem Improvement Company. in the name of H. S.' Fisher. heretofore sold on January 1st. 1934 for taxes due for the year 1932. and returned deli:llquent thereafter; I " Lot 9. Section 37. Salem Improvement Company. in t:ie name of Jannie J. or N.' J. Obenchain. heretofore sold o:n January 4. 1932, for 1930 taxes. and returned delinquent thereafter. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: if II II " Ii ~ I: 1/ II ., ii ,. Ii ,I I: Ii Ii ii I' ~'-- d..L t> I' P~PJ,~ L c.W!. t Ii ~O'" , " il 't-).'- -S"f i i Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garl1er and Minor R. None On motion of Supervisor E. H. Garner, se,~onded by Supervisor W. E. Cundi:ff. it is ordered that at the next regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 18th day of October. 195~,. an Ordinance will be proposed for adoption declaring the following area to be a Bird Sanctuary: BEGINNING on U. S. Highway No. 11. at Mud Lick Cl~eek. and following U. S. Highway No. II South on the South side thereof to Deyerle Road; 1~hence West with the East side of Deyerle Road to its in1~ersection with Mud Lick Road; thence Southwest with the Northwesterly side of Mud Lick Road to its inters'lction with the Ea!;tern boundary line of Westchester; i;hence following the Eastern. Northern and Western boundary lines of Sections 1 and 2. Westchester to Mud Lick Road; thence with Mud Lick Road to State Route 686; thence fOllowing State Route 686 in an Easterly direction to Western HiJ.ls; thence following the outside b()undary lines of Western Hills to the intersection with State Route 686; thence with State Route 686 to Grandin Road Extension; thence with Grandin Road Extension to Mud Lick Run; thence down Mud Lick Run to the place of BEGIJI.'NING I and prescribing a penalty for violati.:m therElOf. The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a proi>Ose for ,adoption the Ordinance above ref"rred to. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: I Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors E. H. Garner. \'i. E. Cundiff. H. Iv. Starkey and I-!inor R. None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned /' untH sePtemb~r1 1954. IV I ~\ i I P. M. Chairman i I II I, II I, I I , i I II :1 i \ , Courthouse II Salem. Virginia . September 27.195f II II I I I i , I I igt;;i:-.; 7; .~t..-.......... " ': I..,L ! ~a {i..y 6-11. i (t...t......,..J..~y--- II ," Ii q _).g--S'I- I I i II Ii Ii II I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cc,unty met t.his day at the Courthouse pursuant to adjournment on September 20. 1954. - Present: H. W. Starkey. Chairman. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and ".1 E. H. Garner. .. Edw. H. Richardson. Commonwealth's Attorney. W. C. Muse. Commissioner of . ' . Reve1nue. Mrs. Janie B. McNeal. County Treasurer. and H. W. Clark. Sheriff of ,- RoaI~ke County. each this day appeared before the Board. and submitted his '.......; salo,ry and expense accounts for the year ending December 31. 1955. Upon consideration whereof. on motion. duly seconded. it is ordered that the salary and expense accounts of the above named County officers be. and the same hereby are. approved. as submitted. subject to the approval of the State Compensation Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. Iv. E. Cundiff and l~inor R. Keffer Supervisor E. H. Garner II! WHEREAS. the County School Board of Roanoke County filed with this Board the hereir~fter excerpt from the minutes of the County School Board of Roanoke County. at a meeting thereof held on Monday. September 13. 1954: "WHEREAS. the budget of the County School Board of Roanoke County as - appr'oved by the Board of SU;:Jervisors of Roanoke County for the session 1954-55 I included the amount of $22.500 to be borrowed as a five-year loan for !i replacement of school buses (as provid,,j in Section 675 of the Code of Virginialll and I , I , I 'i I WHEREAS. these buses have been purchased and the funds are now needed for payment. and WHEREAS. this amount plus the $100.000 previously authorized as a short- term loan ~oes not in the aggregate exceed one-half of the school levy laid for the year. ',.< NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke 1-4 hereby requests the approval and authorization of the County Board of w Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow $22.500 to be repaid ~~thin five years ~1 W Ii Ii WHEREAS. the resolution of the County School Board of Roanoke County above Ii I: at a. rate of interest not to exceed four per centum per annum." set forth indicates the need and requests authorization by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for the S~hool Board of Roanoke County to borrow budget for the session 1954-55. and ~mEREAS. this loan and u $100.000 I ~ II I' I' II Ii short tar'll loan previously authorized do i' ,; II II 'I II " :i Ii I: I' ;1 II il $~2.500 as a five-year loan for replacement of buses as was approved in its not in the aggregate exceed one-half of the school levy laid for the year. and v:1i2REAS. it is the sense of this board. to grant the above request. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County is hereby authorized to borrow $22.500 for the replacement of school 151 , i Ill.~ I c...Jjfu ~ I~L~ I '1 - .z.l? ~S-<j. i i I .1 Ii .1 County , I " ,I I I ,,,--,,~___.______... __..___.__..........__._;-"__-.~..r_ -._ '..._._ 152 " 'i Ii II II ii I I' ii Ii II I' I! " '. [I '-~ 1: Cl.Jii k-?-" ~ til s.;r:I! "'I .i ~ ,S"4- : l' !: r I I II I, I foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recordEd vote: ! Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner. H. W. Starkey and Minor R. I I I I I' , I I I "\~AS. the County School Board of Roanoke County now needs to borrow as I , I I bU~les. such sum to be repaid within not lelss than five years at a rate of interest not to exceed four per centum per annum. Upon motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff. se~onded by E. H. Garner. the Ayes: Keffer Nays: None 1~EREAS. the County School Board of Roanoke County filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the County School Board of Roanoke County. at a meeting thereof held on Monday. Septemb'~r 13. 1954; a short-term loan approxiately $60.000 to ~se in addition to the funds it now has available to meet its current payroll ,gnd other budget obligations. and ,I I! " !I " ~ II ~ , " II ~ Ii II II ~ ! ~ Ii ,I II Ii I II II ,. " II " II II " II If il I " ., " Ii ~ WHEREAS. the amount of $60.000 plus t~e amount of $122. ~)OO previously borrowed o~ authorized to borrow do not in the aggregate exceed one-half of the school tax levy for the year. NO''''. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County hereby requests the authorization of the County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borI"lw as a short-term loan the amount. or amounts. not to exceed $60.000 to be repaid on or before Dllcember 15. 1954 at an interest rate not to exceed four per centum per annum." WHEREAS. the County School Board of Relanoke County has by the above resolution indicated its need to borrow $60.000 as a short-te:rm loan to meet current budget obligations. a~d WHEREAS. the $60.000 plus iP122.500 pre,viously authorized. for borrow"ing do not in the aggregate exceed one-half of the school tax levy for the year. and ~IHEREAS. it is the sense of this Board that the request of the School Board I II I' I I ! i borrow $60.000 as a short-term loan to be repaid on or before Dec. 15. ,1954. at i I I I I I I ! , I I I. II " should be granted. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that tl::e County Board of Supervi"ors of Roanoke County hereby authorizes the County School Board of Roanoke County to a rate of interest not to exceed four per centum per annum. Upon motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff. seconded by E. H. Garner, the foregOing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey and Minor R. None Ii Ii II 'I !: (i ii I' !: Ii :i il " " il II II " i, ., Notice of hearing given by the State Compensation Board for the purpose of fixing salaries and expense accounts of the Attorney for the Co~monwealth, Commissioner of the Revenue. Sheriff and Treasurer of Roanoke County. for the year beginning January 1. 1955, received and ordered filed. I I I I I II " II II ,. II " :1 IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: - I I " I I , I ~ Letter dated September 24, 1954. addressed to the Board of Supervisors. County of Roanoke. from R. M. Youell. DirE!ctor. Division of Corrections. together with a report of inspection of the Roanoke County ~:ail. dated September 15. 1954. received and ordered filed. ..-.1 The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ORDER ) 50 ft. a/v and Drainage Guaranteed. ) ) - . vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Goff Road from Webster Drive East to Enon Drive; 0.30 mile to be accepted and made a part of l;he Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by th~ establisr~ent of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public ~n account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the perso~ or persons for whose convenience it is ., II II II I' ,I. , II I: I records of the ::lerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. ,I I I II II II r II II Ii II II II Ii II I' II II II I I Ii II ,I II :! I' :: I jI it Ii !i I I: I: I: desired. and that it ,/ill not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or - orchard; I I I I I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Burlington Heig:1ts. which map is rec'~rded in Plat Book 3. Page 57 of the and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board:, of ViewerS; nor consent or donation of right-I,f-way from the abuttiilgproperty owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED 1~hat any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property ownel~s and the re~ort of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed wit~: and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the l""~' U recorded map of North Burlington Heights and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chj~ef Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949: outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law'governing the Secondary System of Highways, which becon;e effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORL~ED that the said roads known as Goff Road :'1 w from Webster Drive East to Enon Drive; 0.301f:ile and which is shown on a . . certain sketch accompanying t,.is order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road ~o become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner Nays: None H. ~\1. Starkey. ,'I. g. Cundiff. ~linOI' R. Keffer and 153 , I' .1 I I I II I, 'I I II Ii Ils'~' I[ Ct- -... ,et..Q... P,(3, ~,~c, ~c "'ft;:;.' . Iii; dAL t ii'~:U-1 ~. II I Ii '1,~8' "/ Ii ,I I, ii 'I I II II 154 } 'i I' il iJ ., " i! I " ~' Ii " -... !I ~ ,8. I: ~C.li cr..r. 0 ~ !i 't~ rt- Ii t~11 f:Lt s"- ii Ii " I, II II ~ II :1 I, " " !I 'I Jj II iI I! ~ ii r Ii I' Ii ii ~ II II il II j) II II I, II I II I, il ~ ~ ! ~ fP.i. i: -m<>tl~ C. ' il "'tr-a~('f' i.' ~~t ,I .~~.u-i ) ~f' 4 "I-:>-i- ~ !i The Board of Supervisors ) ) l ) ) ) oanER 50 ft. R/Wand Draina~e C.uaranteed. vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia , I I , I I Newland Road; 0.27 ~ile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System I i I Upon consideration thereof. it appeari.ng that by the establishment of said I road; no inconvenience will result to any j,ndividuals. or to the public on i I II II I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said! i I I , I I This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon th, application for \'{endover Road from Route 117 North to of State Highways. account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make! it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Brooklawn. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 99 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of lioaDoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donat~on of right-of-way from the' abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ordered that any such consent for donation of right-of- way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this bo~rd cites as authority for such waiver of j I I i from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June I I I I I I, 'I I , I Newland Road; 0.27 mile and ~hich is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this I I , I I I I donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Brooklawn and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Wendover Road from Route 117 to order. be and the sa~e is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. ~. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and ~linor R. Keffer Nays: None I 'I I, II :1 , I , I , i " herein. and upon the application for Newland Road from Route 117 North to II Wendover Road; 0.30 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System II I I I The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ORDER ) 50 ft. R/N and Drainage Guara~te~d. ) ) vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter cam~ on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had of State High','iays. I I I I I - _I - .., - j~1 I I .. t1, " I..i Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or ';0 the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not b~ one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. and that it will not be nec~ssary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road r~s heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Brooklawn. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 99 of the records of the ; 11 I I , II ':11 necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any sucy consent for donati.on of right-of- Ii way by the abutting property owners and tht3 repor"t of the Board of Viewers is II i donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded i map of Brooklawn and the communication ad~ressed to the Board of Supervisors fro~ I C. S. lolullen. Chief Engineer. Department o:f Highways under date of 22 June 1949: ! j I [I Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia" and that by reason of the recordation of said map no r3port from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-l,ay from the abutting property c>wners is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of outlining the policies. development. objec"t;ives. and law governi.ng the Secondary System of Highways. which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known a:, Newland Road from Rc,ute .ll7 1I0rth to Wendover Road; 0.30 mile and which is ShOl'/l1 on a certain sket,ch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public rc,ad to become a a part of. the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vot'l: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. \'i. g. Cundiff. E. H. Garrler and Mj,nor R. Keffer Nays: None BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. the CouncE II II II I 1 , I , Ii il I, II I I I I I I of the City of Roanoke conc'.lrring. a certa:ln paper being a draft. for a contract between the City of Roanoke and the CO'.lnty of Roanoke concerning the treatment of domestic and commercial sewage. a copy of which signed by the Chairman of this Board being filed with. and made a part of the record of this proceeding, is herebyratified and approved. and the officers of this Board. to-wit: the Chairman and Clerk are hereby authori.zed and directed to enter into said contract with the City of Roanoke. said contract to be executed under the cc>rporate seal of this Board. and when said contI'act shall have been duly executed by the officials of the City of Roanoke ar.d the County of Roanoke. the Clerk of this Board is directed to enter said contract verbatim in the Supervisors' Record Book of this Board; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. that this Boa:~d doth hereby request the City of Roanoke to add to. and include. in the afo~esaid contract. the following two additional areas described by metes and bounds as follOl'ffi. to-wit: 155 I ,I Ii Ii I I Ii I , I II I I~~~ <r ..,.,,' ~ !,~~' ~ J. i.'r.Ra.~ 5,~ :(:rr- ,... rl- '(ll. ~ ...lji~ _ I~ .u" 1'0 Q. .\J<:<... V;;. C' 'rtl"~,, ._- c:; ....' , (p\..4u.:....t II 10--, II "! - ~ li--I'+ 156 Ii II II I: II I ..__......_.e._ I I I I I , I I , I, I II II 'I I I AREA #1, SOUT/MEST J3ginning on the Northside of Brambleton Avenue (Route 221) at intersection of said Avenue with the South corporate limits of the City of Roanoke. thence with the North side of Brambleton Avenue in a. Southerly direction 1800 feet more or less to the propeI'ty of W. H. Witt as Recorded in Deed Book 352. page 7S. thence leaving Brambleton Avenue, and with the property lines of W. H. Witt. H. S. Turner sub-division and Herman Larson in a Northerly direction 1900 more or less to a point. thence continuing with the property of H. F'. Larson in a Easterl:r direction 700 feet more or less to the. West corporate limite of the City of Roanoke. thence with same in a Easterly and Southerly direction to the beginning and including all the lands embraced in the sub-division map known as Brambleton Court of Record in Plat Book 3. page 122. Roanoke County. Virginia. and also ,the remaining _" lands of Annie Sue Yost and 0~1ers. AREA #2 SOUTHWEST II ~ II II Ii " I' II I Beginning at an iron pipe at the Southwest corner of the Corbieshaw sub-division and the Southwest corner of Richard Height. thence N32.-l0' West. 131.0 feet to a point on Route 221. thence ,with said right-of-way line or u. S. Route 221 S50.- 38' West. 50.04 feet to a point. thence leaving same~ S)2.-10' East. 160.6 feet to Richard Heights. thence 322 -08' West. 874.4.4. feet to W. E. Morgan. thence SO.-04' East 376 feet to line of George Garst property. thence with same S76.-10' East. 225.2 feet to corner of G. L. HOfawger. thence with,same North 25.-22' East. 429.0 feet. North 56.-33' East, 658.4 feet. South 5?-22' East. 60.7 feet to corner of City of Roanoke property, the!nce with same West 32.-30' East. 959.5 f'~et co Corbieshaw sub., division. thence with ,same South 78.-46' W~st. 1188.0 feet and containing 22.41 acres being pro?ercj of Carl A. Montgomery. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I ORDERED ,that the Board be adjourned unt:l1 , .)/jf~ the th'~onda~ ir, October, 1954. Chal,rman , I: " li I' II ,I '1 I , ( I' " t: " " I! " I, ,. '1 Ii i! I' ~ II :f jl 11 I II /' I , II II , I' II II II !I Ii [I ).00 Ii 154.115 II ii 15.00 I[ 'I i I C'Jurt House S'alem. Virginia October Ill. 1954 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coumty met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present,: H. W. Starkey. Chairman. W. E. I Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Minutes of the last regular and adjo~Jned meetings were approved as spread. each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the Count)' were this day presented. approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks ou1, of the funds respectively chargeable therewith. to-wit: No. 19057 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tags for Garbage Cans $ " 19058 Acme Printers. Inc.. Office supplies Public tqorks and. Electoral Board " . " 19059 Acme Typewriter Co.. Reconditiolling Royal Typewriter " 19060 Appalachian Electric Power Co.. Current used at Cave Spring Fire House ).60 - 'I I The following cla:Lns against the County wer,; this day preslmted. approved. II and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks o'~t of the funds respee:ti vely III chargeable therewith. to-wit: $ 32.70 I!I 10.00 15.841 15.00 jl 7.40 i I v IN RE: DOG TAXES. SHEEP CLAIMS &c: . -..( No. 19127 County School Board of RoanokeiJo.. Gas. Oil. Repair!I, Etc. " 19128 Mrs. H. E. Lane. Fowl claim " 19129 Poole's Service. Station. Gasoline and Oil It 191)0 Radio Communications Co.. Radio Maintenance " 19131 Salem Hardware Co.. Ammunition .- .-. 159 I~"",~, I"QcJL... ~ JANIE B. McNEAL. Treasurer of Roanoke County. salaries and expense accounts ~~!3",'1/. . , I~~~ for the month of"October. 1954. and also those of W. C. MUSE. CO:~Bsioner of I] '1"I'lf Revenue. Edw. H. RICHARDSON. Commonwealth's Attorney. and H. W. GLARK.Sheriff. The follOwing accounts were this day laid before the Board: will be paid as of October 31. 1954. . the Board the following report: I I I: II "Salem. Virginiji ,OctoberlS.19541 I I ,I II II II , 1 i I I 1 I , I i , ,. , I I , Mrs. Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer of Roanoke County. this day submitted to ! - To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cou~~y: At the close of business October 16. 1954. there was to the credit of the 'General County Fund . Library Fund 'Dog Fund ' . Salem District Road Deb1; 'County,School Fund . 'School Construction Fund 'School Textbook Fund, 'F. I. C. A. 'Deferred Credit Account * 35'.576.90 350.87 2.940.92 817.76 43.893.23 17.988.39 879.60 2.01!!.44 267.~8 108.733. 9 Fund l Respectfully submitted. /~...~ II II il II I, r II II I, The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Jan:Le B. McN,eal. I' :1 Treasurer. for $142!!.29 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Glerk II for the month of September. 1954. less 5% co:rmnissions. and turned over to :said II Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer" Said report is ordered filed. . , ~ IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: :~1 u Treasurer. said check amounting to $1385.3!!tlet. , - '_f. - '-. ~ .... I ;"''''.~ . . ! i , , .... r1 , ., ," I - On motion, duly seconded. it is orderEld that the Treasurer of Roanoke County. and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal el1:try from the General' County Fund to the County of Roanoke Library Fund the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3.000.00) of the I.ibrary Appropriation set up illl the County Budget for the year 1954-55. Adopted by the following recorded votE/: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. w. g. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Mi.nor R. Keffer Nays: None I I I I I I , I I Ii Ii!, Council. and a committee of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. pursuant j' II 'I I I I II II WHEREAS. a committee composed of Coun,:i1men Roy L. Webber. Walter L. Young II and the City Manager and the City Attorney, heretofore appointed by this Ii Council for the purpose. have met with a committee appointed by the Board of !i Supervisors of Roanoke County. composed of W. E. (;undiff. E. H. Garner. Furman BJ I II I, Pursuant to order of the Board of Suporvisors of Roanoke County. Virginia. entered at the September Meeting. 1954. tho following documents are entered of record in the current minute book of this Board: to-wit: IN THE COUNCil OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE. VIRGINIA , ,The 27th,day of September. 1954 No. 12232. A RESOLUTION approving a contract recommended by a committee of this to which the City will treat certain wastes originating within defined areas of the County; directing the City Clerk to transmit an attested copy of said contract to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County; conditic'nally authorizing the Mayor and the Clerl<: of the City of Roanoke to execute the same for and on behall' oJf the City; and providilJg for an emergency. Whitescarver and Paul B. Matthews. and hav.a drafted a contract agreeable to each member of both committees. pursuant to which the City ' proposes to transport to and treat at its sewage dispo:3al plant certain domestic and I I' ~ cOJlllllercial wastes originating within definl~d areas of the County of Roanoke; and Ii WHEREAS. for the publiC health and safety. an emergency is set forth and' I I, , declared to exist; i Therefore. BE IT RESOLVED by the Coundl of the City of Roanoke as follows: I 1. That the contract this day read to and considered by this body. the original of which is on file in the office of the City Clerk. pursuant to which the City of Roanoke proposes to transport to and treat at its sewage disposal plant certain domestic and commercial wast'ElS originating within defined areas of the County of Roanoke. be. and the same is hereby. approved. I I I I 'I I i I II II II I I II 2. That the City Clerk be. and he is hereby. directed to promptly transmit ,I Ii " 'I II I, " II Ii i: Ii !i II Ii II an attested copy of said contract to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to be considered by that body. 3. That if and when said contract is lawfully executed by the proper officials' of the County of Roanoke. for and on behall' of said County. that the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Roanoke b~. and they are hereby. authorized and directed to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City of Roanoke. 161 11~~r ~: ~$)"~ 11~"4.i ~",",.e...a- ~,'<""rr 1ft:, ~~ ~~' i''710[:># il 'I , 162 ., " ~ " , 'I " I: 11 :1 Ii " :1 Ii I. II )1 Ii I II 11 i: 'I I, II I, , "',' Ii " I I! I II r II Ii 11 " 'I I, II II I' ~ il , I II !I I, Ii II " II " " I' II il i: Ii " " I' II II ,. :! II II I' ,I " :1 " II II I' :1 il !I '1 I, '1 " " Ii II I: I: Ii I' I! Ii " Ii ,I 4. That. an emergency existing. thif' resolution shall be in full force and effect from its passage. -I I Attest: J. Robt. Thomas. City Clerk THIS CONTRACT. made and entered into this the 28th day of September. Nineteen Hundred Fifty-Four. by and between the City of Roanoke. of the first part. and the County of Roanoke. of the second part. (both parties being I - political subdivisions of the Commonwealth of Virginia). WITNESSETH: THAT. WHEREAS. for the purpose of this contract the following words and abbr.viations shall. unless their use clearly indicates a different intention. be defined as follows: 'area'. that portion of the county hereinafter described by metes and bounds; 'b.o.d.' or 'b.o.d. content'. biochemical oxygen demand;, I 'city' or 'Roanoke'. the Cit:r of Roanoke. Virginia; 'county'. the County of RoanlJke. Virginia; and 'p.p.m.'. parts per million gallons; and I I I I I I I I' i i I II I WHEREAS, the vast majority of the res:ldents of the Roanoke Valley have for many years,real1zed that their health nnd safety demanded that the Roanoke River and its tributaries. within the city" and the densely settled environs thereof. must be ,cleaned and freed from obnoxious domestic and industrial wastell and dber, deleterious matters. and wi. th that purpose in view. the City has, at enormous cost. constructed a sewagE) treatment plant and has also installed intercepting sewer systems leading thereto. and. is now engaged in transporting through its intercepting sewer systems and treating at its sewage treatment plant. domestic and industrial walstes originating within its ~orporate limits; and it has. also. enterecl into a contract with the Town of Salem. Virginia. pursuant to which it propc'ses to transport to and treat at its sewage treatment plant domestic and ind~strial wastes originating within the corporate limits of said town; 'and 1tIHEREAS. the capacity of the city's ill.tercepting sewer systems and its sewage treatment plant were respectively designed to transport and to treat all domestic and industrial wastes anticipated to originate. for a long period of years. not only in the combined areas from which the city is presently receiving and treating such wastes. but also wastes that are anticipated to originate in other sections. in the vicinity of the city. for years to come; and WHEREAS. the county desires that the city receive normal domestic and commercial wastes originating within the area hereinafter defined and,transport the same to. and treat such wastes at. its sewage treatment plani;; and 'llHEREAS. in the judgment of the parties to this contract. the transportation:1 I to and the treatment of such wlstes. originating in the area. at the Roanoke II plant will be to the advantage of both the city and the area; II " , I I , I I I , i II I i , I I - ,~.... .'- "'_f ""'" - 1"""- : j ... 14 i j .... II Ii I, THEREFORE. FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the premises and of the covenants and obl1gationsherein'contained. 'the partios hereto covenant and agree. one with the other, as follows: I. !M!: That certain area of land situated within the County of Roanoke. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING on the east side of Roui.e 118 (Airport Road) at '~he north corporate limits of i.he City of Roanoke i . thence with the eas\' side of Routll ll8 (Airport Road! in a northerly direction to the nelrth right-of-way of Route 117; thence with the north right-of-way of said road in an easterly direction to i.he west boundary line of Tinker Knoll Subdivision of Rel:ord in Plat Book 3. page 1. in. the Clerk's Office of i;he Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia; thence ldth the outside boundary lines of said subidivi'1n to a point 350.0 feet north of the right-of-way lil~ of Route 117 and U. S. :1; thence with a line para,;leling Routes 117 and U. S. 11. and 350.0 feet north of the north right-of- way lines thereof in a .lortheastel'ly direction to Carvins Creek; thence with Carvinll Creek as it meanders in a southerly direction to the corporate limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with said City limit in a northerly, and westerly direction to the place of BEGINNING. II. SCOPE: I II I A. The county agrees to deliver all of the normal domestic and commercial wastes originating within the area tributary to any existing or subsequently installed sewer line therein. other than those. the discharge of which are permitted. from time to time. by the State Water Control Board. to the northermost terminus of the city'S Tinker Creek intercepting sewer. located on the west side of Tinker Creek east of Hollins Road approximately 165 feet from the intersection of Hollins Road and Riley Road. N. E.. said point being known as Manhole No. 52. as shown on Sheet No. 5 of the Hollins Road Sanitary Sewer Project. prepared by Mattern & Mattern. Engineers. under date of September 1. 1949. on file in the office of the City Engineer for Roanoke. Virginia; and the city agrees to accept all of the area's such wastes as are so delivered at said point and transport the same ~herefrom. through its interceptor line. to its sewage treatment plant and so treat all such wastes in its plant to the same extent and degree that it originating within the city at its plant; and such i I i I' I I, II Ii I! I II I i: II stream. I: II ,. " I: II " Ii " .' ,. I' I: " II '. shall treat wastes treatment shall conform to the proper rules. regulations and directives of the State Water Control Board. and shall be the exclusive responsibility of the city. If any such discharges I[ I' II II ~ I I I II Ii I[ II Ii II I from within the area. directly or indirectly. to a stream permitted by the State Water Control Board contain wastes with suspended solids in excess of 20 p.p.m. or b.o.d. in excess of 20 p.p.m.. the city and the county agree to use every effort to see that such objectionable materials are kept out of the either by separation of the wastes into non-objectional and objectionable materia13. as a result of which the non-objectionable materials might continue to go to the stream, and the objectionable to the sanitary sewers after pretreatment. if any such is required. or by delivery of such wastes to the sanitary sewers for treatment with other wastes after pretreatment. if any such is required. or by such other method as may be mutually agreed upon by the city and the county. All outstanding permits of the State Water Control Board in I I I il !I I: II I ! Ii ., Ii II I il II I' Ii I 164 :1 'I I. il il II " il Ii I II I, II II I, ~ ~ II II , l I I I jl I , I I , I, II t;erminus of the city'S Tinker Creek Intercepting sewer. as heretofore II designated. The county shall provide and instaLl a recording flow meter. a by- II pass connection around the meter for emergency use. and facilities for taking , I samples. either manually or automatically; all of which metering and by-passing II facilities provided for in this sentence shall be mutually agreed upon btitween the city and the county. I the city and the area shall be studied ~Y.lth the object of removing from the streams as much suspended solids and b.o.d. as possible. All wastes treated at the Roanoke plant. including wastes originating in the area. shall be the propert;y of the city. B. That count;y covenants andagrees to provide and maintain. without cost to t;he city. all facilities necessary to deliver wastes from all points of collection in the area to the point of delivery at the upper-most northern I c. It; is expressly understood and agreed between the parties hereto that the city. by this contract.undertakes and obligates itself,to treat only normal domestic and commercial wastes originating within the area and that the charges hereinafter provided for are char'ges intended to be made the county for services rendered the area as a unit. Accordingly. the county hereby covenants and agrees that it will not. without the prior consent of the city expressed in I the form of a resolution or resolutions of its Council. deliver to the city, II under the terms and at the charges provided for in this contract any wastes I originating outside the limits of the area. I III. CHARACTER OF WASTES: I I A. The character of wa .tes delivered by the county and accept'ad by ! the city. under this contract. shall consist only of normal.domestic and cOllllll8rcial wastes. The county. therefore. especially covenants and agree:~ that the area's wast;es. as delivered to the city's intercepting sewer. shall ru)t cont;ain industrial wastes; nor oils. hair from tanneries. paunch contents" grit from packing plants. chrome. plating wastes. or other substances not normally regarded as sewage. The county covenants and agrees to permit nc) connection for rain, roof or foundation drains or storm or surface water disposal to be made to the sanitary sewer system within the area or to it:l I :i ~ II 'I 'I ~ ii II .ji " :1 , I' Ii " " I, II !i II 11 ,I il mains or intercepting sewers leading therefrom and connecting with the ci t.y' s intercepting sewer line at the point hereinaboiTe described. Should it beclome evident that the county is delivering to the city'S intercepting sewer materials excluded by the foregoing two sentences. the city shall notify the county of such fact. and. upon being so notified. the county agrees to forwith eliminate delivery of sucy objectionable material. Should it become evidont; that the county is delivering to the city'S intercepting sewer any such excluded materials. and the city notifies the county of such fact. and thcl county does not promptly eliminate delivery of such objectionable materials then. and in such events. the city may forthwith terminate this contract. B. The strength of normal domestic and commercial wastes delivered by the county and accepted by the city. shall. at no time. have an average b.o.d" that exceeds 30U p.p.m.. and an average suspended solids content that exceeds :100 p.p.m.. at the point of deLivery to the city'S intercepting sewer; and th,~ I I 166 I II i, Ii I I: ., ii '1 !I ~ II Ii I' II II " 11 I II ,I II I' :1 I II II !: " " II II II II :1 I; Ii 11 ii , I " Ii Ii II I! 'I II I' ii il " I: D. The city agrees to render the ccunty each month a bill for the proper amount owed by the cou~ty (to the city) for the city'S rendering of the sElwage treatment service herein contemplated. which bill the county agrEles to pa~r within thirty (30) days from the receipt thereof. In fixing the charges herein agreecl to for the rendering of the sewage treatment serVic:e contemplated no ~,ax or assessment of any nature whatsoever was considered. Therefore the county covenants and agrees that the fulJ. amounts of any and all toes and assessments that may be lawfully assessed or imposed upon the c:Lty during'the life of this contract by any taxing authority. other 1.han by the, city, resulting in any manner whatsoever because of the city'S having becl)me a party to this contract. shall. prior to the payment dates. be added to su,:l1 a monthly bill and paid by the county. r " I I I I I I i I [, I II il I I borne equally by the city and the county. I I I 1 I I I I _". by"" . ,pro" , _"'.~ aforementione,i recording I' domestic and '~ommercial I E. Should any question arise. between the parties hereto. relative '~o the charges hereinbefore provided for. then such question shall be dete~ined by a majority of a committee of three. composed of the city'S auditor. th,a county's chief finance officer and a third independent certified public accountant. to be chosen by the foregoing two; the J.atter's charges shall be SAMPLING OF AREA'S WASTES: The city may. at"such times as it elects. the wastes delivered it by the county. through the v. meter. and if it be thereby determined that normal wastes of greater strengths or suspended solids content or indus~rial wastes or materials excluded by paragraph III. A.. supr&. are being so delivered to the city for transportation and treatment then. and in any such event. the city. I I I I II I , i , at its option. may: A. Cause the county to forthwi th discontinue the delivery of any sU.ch industrial wastes or excluded materials and/or to reduce the strength and suspended solids content of such normal domestic and commercial wastes so that the strength and suspended solids content thereof will conform with the provisions of Paragraph III. B., supra. or B. Require the county to :pay such additional charge for the treatm~,nt of such wastes as the city may impose; or C. Forthwith terminate this contract. I i I i I :1 I' I , I VI. BY-PASSING: As the' cardinal purpose of the construction by the cit,y of its intercepting sewer system and sewage disposal plant was to bring about all effective abatement of the pollution of the Roanoke River and its tributclries II 'II within the vicinity of the city. it covenants and agrees that it: will n01. by- h . 11,1 pass wastes into Roanoke River. or its tributaries. unless. in t: e cJ.ty'n judgment. it is necessary so to do and. when. in the city's judgment. it is ii necessary to so by-pass. it will discontinue by-passing as soon as pract:Lcable. I The county. therefore. covenants and agrees that during such period of times as I 1,1 the city. in its judgment. finds it necessary to soby-paB's'was1.es the ct~unty II will. nevertheless. continue to pay the city the charges herein agreed upon as II 'i through -;here was. or had been. no by-passing and as if the cit:;r had transported Ii all such ~stes from the area to. and treated them at. its sewage treatm;nt plant. I - , . , t~,. , r- I. ,.,.-.. ... - 71~' I I ~ II il 0 II i Ii .1 ,i I , i I II II II I 167 '1 I ~ ~ II il II II I: ,I Ii I connecting with the city's main or intercepting sewer. at the place here,inabove I , described. ShaLl. in all regards. conform to such installations as are currently I I. I' being installed within the city. and shall. prior to installation, ba approved, II in all details. by the Director of Public Works of the city; and that after the Ii installation thereof the same. except as hereinafter modified. shall be and II VII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS: A. The county covenants and agrees that all sanitary seller systerls and all additions thereto and extensions thereof hereinafter installed withJ.n the area, and all mains and intercepting sewers leading from the area and remain the exclusive property of the county. The county further covenants and agrees that it will cause to be obtained requisite permanent easements in which I I i Ii II !I Ii .1 to install. maintain. enlarge. alter and repair all such installations and. immediately upon the installation of such part thereof as may lie within the city. the county will. by proper instrument. approved by the City Attornay. cause to be conveyed fUll. complete and unencumbered title thertlto unto '~he city and the city shall be under no obligation to receive or treat sewag'~ under this contract until such conveyance is consummated. Upon so obtailling such title thereto. the city. coyenants and agrees to operate and mainta:ln the II II II I I! II II i i I ,I , I described. in order that the sanitary sewage facilities may. in the near future. ! I I Ii II Ii Ii Ii I' same throughout the life of this contract. B. The county agrees that it will, without delay, cause requisite steps to be taken for the con.struction of such sanitary sewer sys'tems within the area. and, mains and intercepting sewer lines leading therefrom a.nd connecting with t~e city'S intercepting sewer, at the place hereinabove be afforded the more thickly settled portions of the area; and, further. that the area increases and/or centralizes it will as the population denSity of cause requisite steps to be taken to provide for necessary additions and extensions to the sanitary sewer system within the area. C. The county further covenants and agrees that should it terminate this contract pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph IV. B.. supra. it will. in that event. during the three-year period of time following such :ootice of termination. proceed to ca':.se compliance with any and all then applicable I, Ii II " II Ii Ii I; II i: 'I II , I' terms :i I' II !i :1 i Ii II I: ,. !i " ,. 'I Ii I! I: II Ii statutory proviSiOns and directives of the State Water Control Board. or 'Jther proper authority. in the matter of colle'~ting. treating and disposing originating within the area; and that if. within said period of 1;hree of 'ifastes years the county has not been able to cause facilities for treating wastes originating within the area to be completed. it will continue to have normal domestic and commercial wastes originating within the area ;reated by the cit3' under the and provisions of this contract. VIII. TERM OF COI~CT: Unless terminated as hereinabove provided for. this contract shall continue in full force and effect until October 16. 1971. WITNESS the following signatures and seals. ( Seal of ) (City of Roanoke) (, Virginia ) Attest: J. Robt. Thomas. City Clerk CITY OF ROANOKE By Robert W. Woody. Mayor Seal Adopted by the B.oard'of { supernsors 1873 1 (RR~R: C~YK. V~F~~aCler~ BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY By, H. W. Starkey. Chairman ,.,', ", h I' ,I Ii I' II " '1 I; ii !I I! II II I: " II I' II :1 II 'I II Ii " " I: ili Ii II i' I! I' ii II Ii " Ii ,I r Ii ., " ~ t: ~ Ii I. ;, , ii ~ ~ Ii I' ., ! il I' tl I' I' II resolution. adopted on the 27th jay of September. 1954. requested the City of II II State of Virginia. City o~ Roanoke. to-wit~ I, Norman R. Bentley. a Notary Public in and for the City of Roanoke. in the State of Virginia. do hereby certify that Rocert W. Woody and J. Robert Thomas. Mayor and City Clerk. respectively. of the City of Roanoke. whose names as such are signed to the foregoing contract. bearing date on the 28th day of September. 1954. have each personally appeared before me :in my City and State aforesaid. and aCknowledged the same. Given under my hand this 29th day of September, 19.54. Norman R. Bentley. Notary :~blic My commission expires June 17. 1956. ~tate of Virginia. County o~ Roanoke. to-wit: I. Frances Fitzgerald. a Notary Public in and for the Count]r of Roanoke. in the State of Virginia. do hereby certify that Howard W. StarkclY and He;, K. Brown. Chairman and Clerk. respectively. of the Board of Superv1llors of Rc)anoke County. whose names as : such are signed to the foregoing contrac1~. dated on the 28th day of September. 1954. have each personally appeared bE.fore me :In my County and State aforesaid. and acknowledged the same. Given under my hand this 29th day of Sept. 1954. ( Seal of ) (Frances Fitzgerald. Notary Public) (, Roanoke County. Va. ) Frances Fitzgerald. Notary Public My commission expires March 5. 1958. IN THE COUNCn OF '.':'HE CITY OF ROANOKE. VIRGINIA The 4th day of October. 1954. No. 12236. A RESOLUTIOll adding two additional defir.ed areas to the contract of September 28. 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the Cou~ty of Roanoke. dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes' an~ providi~g for an emergency. WHEREAS. the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virginia. by a proper Roanoke to add to. and include in. the contract of September 28. 1954. between th~ City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke. dealing with the treatll1ent of wastes. II two additional defined areas; which request is agreeable to this Council; and II II II II I',' THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Roan,~ke as fOllows: , I I 1. That the fo~lowing two defined areas of land situated within the County I I WHEREAS. for the public health and safety. an emergency is s,et forth and declared to exist; of Roanoke be. and the same are hereby. aJded to. and included in. the contract of September 28. 1954. between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke. dealing with the treatment of wastes. to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extensio. Viz.: II II II II I! I II II I 'I I I I , I I i I I I I I i I I I I ;'r II II il r - , .-. ,- ,.~....'. ~ , I - I:;,;','" : I . , .. o _.,..__.~",-"""'~:"'--'''..',, ',-- AREA NO.1. SOUTHWEST: BEGINNING on the North side of Brambleton Avenue. (Route 221) at the intersection of said Avenue with the west corporate limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the north side of Brambleton Avenue. S. 4$0 52' W. 285 feet. more or less. to an angle point; thence S. ;60 17' W. 1292 feet. more or less. to the easterly line of the property of W. H. Witt. as recorded in Deed Book 352. page 76. in the. Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia; thence leaving Brambleton Avenue N. 330 43' w. 186.36 feet; thence with the property line of the H. S. Turner Subdivision. and Herman Larson N. 20 00' E. 1900 feet. more or less. to a point; thence S. 100 E. 700 feet. more or less. to the West corporate limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the west corporate limits of the City of Roanbke. S. 360 43' E. 100 feet. more or less. s. 310 47' W. 278.7 feet. S. 800 05' E. 183.5 feet.N. 890 05' E. 1$9.5 feet. .N. 540 41' E. 266.65 feet. S. 330 05' E. 303.8 feet. S. 60~ 57' W. 137.7 feet. s. 360 48'. E. 364.1 feet. and S. 400 15' W. $5.0 feet and to the place of Beginning. and containing 38.7 acres. more or less,and being all the land embraced in the subdivision map known as Brambleton Court. of record in Plat Book 3. page 122. of the said Clerk's Office. and also the remaining lands of Sue H. Yost. II II AREA 2. SOUTHWEST: BEGINNING at an iron pipe at the southwest corner of the Corbieshaw subdivision and the southeast corner of Richards Heights; thence N. 320 10' W. 131.0 feet to a point on Route 221; thence with said right-of-way line of U. S. Route 221 S. 500 3$' w. 50.04 feet to a point; thence leaving same. S. '320 10' E. 160.6 feet to the line of Richards Heights; thence S. 220 08' W. 874.44 feet to W. E. Morgan; thence S. 00 04' E. 376 feet to line of George Garst property; thence with sam S. 760 10' E. 225.2 feet to corner of G. L. Hofawgeri thence with same N. 250 22' E. 429.0 feet. N. 56 33' E. 65$.4 feet. S. 570 22' E. 60.7 feet to corner ,of City of Roanoke property; thence with same N. 320 30' E. 959.5 feet to Corbieshaw subdivision; then~e with same S. 780 46' W. 1188.0 feet. and containing 22.41 acres. being property of Carl A. Montgomery; 2. That the sewage originating in either of the aforesaid areas shall be delivered oy the County to the City'S sanitary sewer system at such points as are approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the reqUisite measl~ing met3r installed at said points of delivery; 3. That the City Clerk be. and he is hereby. directed to mail an attested copy of this resolution to Roy K. Brown. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virginia; 4. That, an emergency existing. this resolution shall be in force and effect frcm its passage. I I I I II I' II Ii .1 ~ il I, .1 ! I I I Attest: J. Robt. Thomas. City Clerk Letters dated September 29 and October 5. 1954. addressed to H. W. Starkey. Chairman. from J. Robert Thomas. Clerk. City of Roanoke. Va.. ordered filed. ,. Ii 'I Ii II II Ii II II I I I ! 'I I, ii 'I Ii Ii I 'I , Ii Ii 'I I I II I I[ I, ,I II I: Ii II I, II " , Ii 'I II Ii Ii " II Ii " :1 " ii I! Ii 170 ., " r:iJ,~~ il ...J ~ 0-- ,I l.f~ll:; :1 41 , " cA .,. , y~.~ cl..e. d ::~~i cW., tt<l~:'I\. ii ~ Ii 101"";) pI Ii ~ ' Ii I II !i Ii I " { I I I: \ Ii ~.ut- '-:rr'1/~'f , On motion. du~y seconded. it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews. County Executive Officer. be authorized to submit a bid of Five Hundred. and Five Dollars ($505.00) to the Disposal Officer at Langley Field Air Base fo; the purchase of a 750 gallon Maxim fire truck. surplus equipment at said Air Base. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E, Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On motion. duly seconded. it is ordered that the water system of E. N. Miller. in subdivision known as Meadowview be approved according to the Acts of the General Assembly. 1954. permission being granted for thirty-two (32) connections. provided that before operating under this permit the said E.N. Mil~er provide total storage capacity of five thousand (~OOOJ gallons. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ II " Ii Ii " Ji II II I, " , [i II Ii t! ji ~ I' Ii ,I II II :: '! A petition agned by sundry citizens in the Clearbrook community requesting the Board to proVide a fire engine to be located in the said Community. received and ordered filed; said request is referred to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer. for investigation and report to ~his Board. The following cOIllIIlunications wl~re this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated September 21. 1954. from E. Griffith Dodson. Jr.. Attorney. addressed to H. W. Starkey. Chairman. Board of Supervisors. in re: application of B. A. Chappel. trading as Southern Drilling Company. under the Utility Facilities Act. and copy of resolution ,setting formal hearing before State Corporation Commission; , " " ii " ii 1( i I II Letter dated September 27. 1954. addressed to H..W. Starkey. Chairman, Bcarjl of Supervisors. from Roanoke Gas ~ompany. in re: Purchased Gas Adjustment; II Letter from Shenandoah Valley. Inc.. dated October 1. 1954. thanking Board I for 1954 Advertising ~mbership in Shenandoah Valle~. Inc. I Letter dated September 20. 1954. from Crippled Children'S Hospital request , for allocation of funds; I i' i I I I I The following Ordinance was thio day proposed for adoption. NOTICE OF THE I I I INTENTION OF THIS BOARD tQ propose same for adoption. having been duly published i I ~ Ii I' ,I :1 ii I I Letter dated Oct.v 7. 1954, from S. E. White. Chief Inspector. Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, Inspection of County Court House boiler; as required by law: AN ORDINANCE declaring and set~ing aside a defined area in the Cave Spring District. County of Roanoke. Virginia as a Bird Sanctuary. and imposing a penalty for its violation. I , I -j ,. .1 , . 'I .\ - '-- I I il II I :~ .\ ~ - , I,,",,'" I ; - ,...... , , u BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA. as follows: 1. The area defined as follows: BEGINNING on U. S. Highway No. 11. at Mud Lick Creek. and,following U. S., Highway No. 11 South on the South side thereof to Deyerle Road; thence West with the East side of Deyerle Road to its intersection with Mud Lick Road; thence Southwest with the Northwesterly side,of Mud Lick Boad to its intersection with the Eastern boundary line of Westchester; thence following the Eastern. Northern and Western boundary lines of Sections 1 and 2, Westchester to Mud Lick Road; thence with Mud Lick Road to State Route 686; thence following state Route 686 in an Easterly Direction to Western Hills; thence following the outside boundary lines of Western Hills to the intersection with State Route 6e6; th~nce with State Route 6e6 to Grandin Road ~tension; thence with Grandin Road' Extension to Mud Lick Run; thence down Mud Lick Run to the place of 'BEGINNING, I shall be set aside and declared as a Wild Bird Sanctuary; and to shoot at. trap. Ii ,II Ii 2. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that suitable markers approved by the Executive 11 I' I II II I. I kili 'and' destroy shall be prohibited; Officer and County Engineer. Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. may be erected on the roads entering the Sanctuary indicating that the area has been so set aside and declared; ). Any violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and be pUnishable by a fine of not less than $10.00. nor more than $300.00 for each offense; 4. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED THAT THIS ORDINANCE be, and the same is to become affective on and after December 1. 1954. until otherwise prOvided by law; II I I' next two consecutive weeks in the Salem Times. Register. a newspaper published 5. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to cause a copy of this Ordinance to be published once a week for the li and haVing a general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia. I! . 11 ~ On motion of Supervisor E. H. Garner. seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff I the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors E. H. Garner. W. E. Cundiff. H. W. Starkey and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I II I' I J ~ 1t ,I ,I I, II ~ I II The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ORDER ) 50' R/W & Drainage Guaranteed ) ) vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Burlington Drive from Route 117 to Dead End: 0.1) Mile to be accepted and made a part of ~he Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said )i I' " ., II r II I road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishment of said road. that the said road will not be one of 171 Ii Ii Ii I II ,I I' I i , I [I II II II Ii :1 II [, 'I II II iI " I, II I I " 11-'-." 'I II Ii ;1 I. I' ii~.w. t. Ic.~ ~ (DJA..-,1 rr I' o.-l..! U r/.A.L II t:1t 1dJ,. r II R..., ::i'J' __ ;1 'kl,;p;;;~ I~' Ii l';.f"-I)S~ I, I II II 172 " ,. 'I ~ J..t t"C, il 'i,..~\tZ ~ ~ !! -. j....w. f!1 . ti.J.., T . :1 tqr.'~1 . ~ I ).,//1'" :i I ii " '. " j; II il \1 ii I: ., , I! ii II ji II " ,I Ii ,I ! I; !I II II ;! !I i' i i and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it :ls desired. and I 'I I I I I I ! , I I II I such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that .sufficient right..of-way f,or said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain ~ip known ,as I Burlington Heights. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 51~ of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Co'mty. Virginia. and that by reason of therecordation of said map nc re;port from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed With; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of tha Board of Viewers the recorded map of Burlington Heights and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Dapartment of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways.iihich become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known, as Burlington Drive from Route 117 to Dead End; 0.13 Mile and which is shown. on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of HighwB~S in Roanoke County. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None II I' I I I I II il II I, 'I II i I ~ The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ORDER ) 50' RjW & Drainage Guaranteed ) ) vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former pl'oceeding!l had herein, and upon the application for Richard Blvd. from End Stat;e Maint. (Rt. 1611) to Pilot Street; 0.14 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Socondary I II II " il account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not b,~ one I( of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open II and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it :ls desired. and II II And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient righ'[;-of-way :for said il ., I' :1 II :, i: I ! ! I System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the estab:,isbment <)f said road: no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to thE! public on I that it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or or,:hard; road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map k:aown as Castle Hills Development #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Pag'a 101 of the records of the Clerk's Office o~' the Circuit Court of Roanoke C,ounty, Virginia. 174 Ii it Ii 11 Ii ~ [I i li II il 'I 'I f " 'I ~ -t ,.,.IJ, ~ U<iC. '~'()~I~ ! t+ ct.J. ("', ......... I't"' u r Ii R... .~,~, :; ~ I, 1~~/ll~ Ii - / " (I " , I' II I, Ii 'I I. 'I ,. " I' Ii i: II II I' i; Ii II ~ " ii !I II (,' " " iI I' II I I Ii L II ., Ji " ! II I' r II Ii I' .' " ,I :; i: :1 (. !I of Lindenwood. Sec. 1 and the communication addressed to the Board of supervisor~ from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date of 22 June i II I 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways. ....hich become effective 1 July 1949; and it ils hereby ORDERED tha~ the said roads known as Lindenwood Drive from Route 24 to Parkview Drive; 0.24 Mile. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None The Board of SuperVisors ) ) ) ORDER. ) 50' R/W & Drainage Guaranteed ) ) vs 1he Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia I ii [I I I I III Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said I i I i, I' ,I !I II And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for 'I said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of & certain map known as i II Lindenwood. Sec. 1. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 116 of the records:! 11 of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and I that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, I " II i I 1 I I 'I 'II map of Lindenwood. Sec. 1 and the communication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen. Chief Engineer. Department of Highways under date il !! II I' II II I, il II Ii I " II i i I This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Parkview Drive from Lindenwood Drive to Pinecrest Drive; 0.07 Mile to be a~cepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the public on account of the establishcent of sai~ road. that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it ....ill not be ncessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of- wayby the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies. development. objectives. and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Parkview Drive from Linden....ood Drive to Pinecrest Drive; 0.07 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Coun1;Y. I I I I I , I Mr. .. E. Fit,,"old. As.","", '..id.n' E..i~.". ".." Rigb.", """"_. L~a: " submitted to the Board a copy of a Final Budget for the Secondary System in I(!AI ~, .r:;::,. Roanoke County. for year. 1954-55. dated October. 6th. 1954. I!~~ Upon consideration whereof. on motion duly seconded and carried is approved I!/c-f>-'/..... by the following reco~'ded vote: I; I! i I ! Ii II~ a:::- 1.2- , ,I ~r II Q ,fj .7.-1.... ,. , I s.J.~ ~ P. coP. the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of securing State School i,i-I) /' I, 1./ J-f ,,+ Constructi~n Funds in the amount of $57.000.00 for the new school building (or fori I: Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None - .-. This day the viewers and/or County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following roads. and the location thereof. to-wit: r., ./ Extension Route 677. 0.20 mle. Cave Spring District. 30' R/W Guaranteed. . ' . Stanley Farm Road from Int. Routes 777 & 680; 0.10 mle. to Dead End. Salem District. JOt R/W Guaranteed. , - Whereupon. on motion. duly seconded and carried. said viewers reports are approved. And it is further ordered that said roads. as described briefly above. be. and they are. hereby established as public roads. to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County. the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; Ayes: Keffer Nays: II I! " :i ,. Ii II I Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff. E. H. Garner. and mnor R. I And. it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the Diotrict Engineer of the State Highway Department. having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanok~ County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: None Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cu~diff. E. H. Garner and ~tlnor R. None WHEREAS. the School Board for the County of Roanoke. on the 18th day of October. 1954. presented to this Board or Council. an application addressed to ;"1 .... II adding to or improving the present school building) at Mt. Vernon Elementary I II II I I , I: 'I ,. " RESOLVED. that the application of the County School Board to the State Board il 'I II Ii " 'I I. " The Board of SuperVisors for said County or Council of said City has. or willi! I provide sufficient funds through cash appropriations and/or levy. to complete I: !l ii Ii " School. of Education of Virginia for $57.000.00 from the School Construction Fund is hereby approved. this project. If the School Board has sufficient funds on hand to complete the project. permisSion is hereby granted for the use of said funds. for the purpose designated in the application. 175 I' II Ii II 'I I, II , I~'W~ lfi' .,-'f I ,~'f II . j......u.. r I Il....-.,..., I ~~)4t-..- II 1 '--1 ~IJ & lJ [' I 176 ,,- Ii c..J.....,.;. Le. \ ii PLL fu, if t;::;;; 'I 'YhaJ~ ~I Ii c'ffi,,,..,(I)~~ II cJ1J.. ~. ~ ~'i..y\,'r\.i..t.l.tll' (l/"/~1j. I, ~ I !I II I ; I I , I I , 11 i:"n't i: """'" ., o/li..<"" Ie, .C.'~-i' .. c.~, II cp '. J 111if,r.~ ii ;1 l' :I II 'I " ,i :i II !I i: II II I: ,. ,I " " '. I: Ii i: il " ,I Ii Ii ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Monday night. November 1. 1954. at 7:30 P. M.. for the purpose of setting up an authority for the operation of a sewage disposal system or systems. or water syst~m or systems. or garbage or refuse system or systems. in Roanoke County. be brought to the attention of the Board. or any ot~r business that may !'V~~ Chairman I: " I' ~ 11 !: ii I: I' 'I i- i' ,[ ., I. I' ii ii Courthouse Salem. Virginia November 1. 1954 The Board of Supervisors of RoanokeCounty met this day at the Courthouse pursuant to adjournment on October 18, 1954. Present: H. W. Starkey, Chairman. W. E. Cundiff and E. H. Garner. Absent: Minor R. Keffer i: r Upon the written request of E. N. Miller. operator of water system in Meadowview Subdivision. it is ordered that the resolucion of this Board entered at its October Meeting. 1954. granting the said E. N. Miller permission for thirty-two (32) connections. provided that before operating under said permit that he provide a total storage rapacity of five thousand (5000) gallons. be.and the same is hereby amende~ to read "sixteen (16) connections. provided that before operating under this permit that the said E. N. Miller provide a total storage capacity of twenty-five hundred (2500) gallons. Adopted b7 the following recorded vote: Ayes: Sup3rvisors H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff and E. H. Garner. Nays: None Upon the recommendation of Norman R. Moore. Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Roanoke County. that a probation officer be appointed by his Court for work in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Roanoke County. it is ordered that the sum of thirty-six hundred dollars ($3600.00). salary. and four hundred dollars ($400.00). traveling expenses. per annum, be. and the same is hereby authorized, said sum to be paid one-half by the County of Roanoke, and one-half by the Commonwealth of Virgirda. to become effective upon the appointment of said Probation Officer. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: SupervisorG H. W. Starkey. W. E. Cundiff and E. H. Garner None ORDERED that the Soard be adjourned until :h'~~O"day }~ ~ Chairman in November. I. il II I II I, ,I II I , I , i I I , , ,. I' , I I I I II II I I il il I I I i I :1 II 19J. II I , i i I , i i I, I I . , I I I 178 ~ II I; i: .: I' 'I ! II :1 I' 11 il i! i: .. :i !! :j n 'I II " I II I: Ii " I' II :i .. I' J ij :1 n " ,. II II ,. " 'I II II ! I. " i: I, ! ~ tt i: " Ii " 1! 'i ! Ii I' 'I II I: Ii II :1 " " ;, I~ " !! No. 19360 19361 19362 " " II 19363 19364 19365 " " " 19366 19367 II " II II " II II 19373 19374 19375 II II II 19376 19377 19378 19379 19)$0 19381 19382 19383 19384 19385 19386 " " II " " " II " 19387 19388 19389 19390 19391 " 19392 19393 19394 19395 19396 19397 19398 19399 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel use on trip Easter Supply Co.. office supplies Fairview Home, County's share :2 maintaining home for the aged ~~ ,p I 3.95 I[ 3039 I I Chalmers Ferguson, Commission 29.57 T. C. Garner. Inspection Electrical and Plumbing Jobs llO.62 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt. October rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 269.57 The Haloid Co., Repair Parts for Photostatic ~JB.chine 602.09 Leslie A. Kimble & Go.. Professional Services rendered examining records and preparing report 1.498.90 The Michie Company. Law Books for Judge Dr. Harry J. Minarik. Medjcal service to prisoners 5.40 544.00 4.00 1.20 58.70 15.00 16.00 Memorial & ~rippled Chilffioen's Hospital. Hospital Bills for Welfare 1,136.00 Monarch Finer Foods. Food Prisoners R. L. Monahan. Reimburse Expenses to Virginia Fire School Mount Vernon Heights Service Station. October expenses Moore Brothers Construction Co.. Covering County Dump Nu Way Laundry & Dry Cl~aners. Laundry Prisoners Owen Plumbing '& Heating Co.. Plumbing Repairs Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy Hearing Powell's Pharmacy. Medical supplies for Prisoners G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Radio Commwlications Co., October Radio Maintenance Roanoke Gas Co.. Cooking Fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen Radford Community Hospital, ":.,c.. Hospital Bills for Welfare Roanoke Linen Service. Towel Service Roanoke County Public Health Assoc. County's appropriation to Public Health work for September and October -~368 Lewis Brothers. Repairing Jail Stoker and Furnace 19369 Lewis-Gale Hospital. Hospital Bills for Welfare 19370 Lloyd Electric Co., Repairing Electric Fan 19371 Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Coo, Map for Road Viewers 19372 Paul B. ~illtthews. Reimburse traveling expenses Roanoke County Revolving Fund. Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Roanoke Merchants Association. Membership dues for Chalmers Ferguson Dr. A. J. Russo, Rent on Garbage dump Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co.. I-Circuit Court Seal Salem Creamery Go.. Food-Prisoners Salem Hardware Co.. Hardware and Janitor supplies Cancelled Salem Farm Supply Corp. Paint, enamel etc. Smead & Webber Drug Co.. Medical supplies for Prisoners Southern Desk Company, 1 table 60.45 20.00 25.85 26.25 35.84 8.25 5.00 .50 4.07 15.00 18.5$ 622.44 3.00 516.00 9.95 5.00 25.00 10.50 14.31 13.14 8.53 2.72 49.20 I I I I I I I I I I i I I , I I i I, !I 'I I, II " 'I : I, II II il " I, I, I' ., iI il " ., II ., q I , I I I I - ,,,-;. - ,..._, ~ - '-I I I - : ~1 .... ~ 1>0. 19400 Salem Lumber Company, Repair Naterial $ ;:2.08 ~ II Ii I I , Ii I' I il II II I' I I ii II II II 'I II II I I I !I 19401 Dr. R. B. Smiley. Jail Physician, Coroner Invertigations Lunacy hea::'ings 85.00 " 19402 The Times-Register Company, Book Binding. iJvertising and Office sU!lplies ;;3.70 !I 19403 Thomas Ercti,<:"'S, 8 hours shoveldozer leveling and covering county dump 72.00 19409 C. \'1. \varthen Company. Record books 19410 A. M. West. Food, Prisoners 19411 W. H. Witt, Treasurer. Services at Oave Spring Fire Department !I 19404 19405 19406 19407 19408 Town of Salem, Lights and water Val1eydale Packers. Food for Prisoners 2;~6. 83 il8.45 !I !I !I " !I !I " Virginia Foods, Inc.. Food Prisoners and Cleaning supplies 1L,8.14 Virginia Markets ~~. Food for Prisoners 67.15 Virginia State Department of Health. County's share for support of Health Department. 4,21,1.98 6:11.85 24.30 !I 19419 19412 Everette Waddey Company, Record bocks 72.50 21,3.00 " !I 19420 Broad Street School P. T. A. Contribution for Playground Improvement 1:)0.00 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission 5.21 Carl R. Brightwell, ~lectrical Wiring ;~0.43 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 1.83 w. B. Clements, Inc., Repair Parts for Police cars 33.34 Double Envelope Corp. Envelopes 1,8.90 Fair-Acres Farm Store, 5 bags granulated salt 6.75 Hazel Gearhart. 153 1/2 HI'S. extra Clerk 134.87 International Business Machine Co.. Performing at hourly rates listing of Roanoke Ccunty voters ll9.38 Janie B. McNea~. Treasurer. Reimburse Jury tickets and Registered ~Bil 108.76 Remington Rand. Overhauled and Ne'tl Parts for ~'Ypewri ter :27.50 L. H. Spickard, Heating Fuel 14.50 Times-Register. 400" Legal Adv. 400.00 Treasurer of Virginia. Judge's salary 1.1:51.32 C &. P Telephone Co., Telephone service 2;21. 76 J. R. Taliaferro. Reimburse County Inspector Traveling Expense 78.22 FICA Contribution Fund, Employer's matching fund ;21.06 iiiercy House, Inc.. Contribution to rf;ercy House 1,000.00 " " III RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAmS &c: " 19422 The follolcing claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively " 19423 19424 19425, 19426 19427 194.28 chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 19413 County School Board of R. C. Gas. Oil, Repairs. etc. " 19414 Cancelled " " " !I !I " 19429 n 19430 19431 19432 19433 19434 19437 " !I !I !I !I !I 19438 19439 !I '~ 28.46 19415 Poole's Service Station, Gasoline 19416 Radio Comrr.unication~ Co., Radio Maintenance 19417 Salem Hardware Co., Ammunition 20.49 15.00 7.40. !I " !I 179 II i, " ,. 'I I, 'I I, .I ., II I; II Ii '1 II i) I' 'I Ii il !I I, Ii Ii 'I I, II I' 11 II I' " II " '1 I, I: '1 I, " I' ,I '1 II I, II I. I' " ii II II '1 I. II .1 ,1 il i; 182 - f' 'I I' II II HOLLINS ROAD '( i Holland, Judge and $ 13.30 I ,I No. 19272 G. C. Returns I il I Ii II 19273 VJrs. Leona Comer. Judge 7.50 I 'I II II II 19274 Ruth R. ~lcCutchen, Judge 7.50 II I I' I! 'I " 19275 Ada L. ~Ioore , Clerk 7.50 I. il 'I !I " 19276 Thelma Hale. Clerk 7.50 i[ ~lED LEY I Ii I II i 'I " 19277 Mrs. Lena B. Zimmerman, Judge and Returns 12.90 I I: I I Ii .. 1927$ F. J. Zimmerman. Judge 7.50 II Ii " 19279 c. H. Garst. Judge 7.50 ~ ~ II 19280 Kathryn G. Mason, Clerk 7.50 II " ,. ~ II 19281 El va J. Garst. C., ~","1~ 7.50 ,. ..r.........l\. il I' ~ EDDINGTON SHOP ~ " 19282 Mrs. Willie Richardson. Judge 13.50 , 'I I " il " 19283 Lenore Gillenwater. Judge 7.50 'I , il " 19284- J. L. Mason. Judge 7.50 ,I ~ I II 19285 Pearle A. Rakes. Clerk 7.50 ~ II 19286 D. E. Richardson. Clerk 7.50 II '. GARDEN CITY Ii " II Ii II 19287 Juanita Powell. Judge and Returns 13.50 ., , " 192$8 Mildred B. Patterson. Judge 7.50 I i: I! II " 19289 Virginia P. Liptrap, Clerk 7.50 fi Ii " 19290 Mary R. Lynch, Clerk 7.50 If Ii " " 19291 Edith B. Kelley. Clerk 7.50 I' I' I: BONSACK :1 " " ,. " 19292 H. B. Atkins. Judge and Returns 13.50 ., ., I. Ii 11 " 19293 E. H. Robinson. Judge 7..50 i' 11 .1 " 19294 Claude G. Hudgins, Clerk 7.50 I' II " 19295 Myrtle A. Bonsack. Clerk 7.50 I' Ii " 19296 w. P.Catron, Clerk 7.50 " " :! RED HILL 19297 J. T. Bandy. 13.50 I , II Judge and Returns I I I i il . , i " 19298 Va's. Clyde Sink. Judge 7.50 I 11 '. " 19299 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Judge 7.50 Ii " I II I' " 19300 Margaret M. Calhoun, Clerk 7.50 ,I II II " 19301 Ruth E. Brooks. Clerk 7.50 'I il ': ,. POAGES ~IILL " Ii il " 19302 R. v. Bell. Clerk and Returns 13.50 II I I' 1i !I If " 19303 T. H. lilartin, Judge 7.50 " 19304 I. C. Rierson, Judge 7.50 I " 19305 R. A. Henry. Jr., Judge 7.50 i 11 " 19306 Y~ry P. Gregson, Clerk 7.50 Ii II II II ., II I' ii I, 'I ii I, , , II ., I: I: II II :i II II No. n n - n '_f n - n . n , ..... n II n I 1. ~ i I ~ I'" LJ CAVE SPRING 19307 H. S. Turner, Judge and Returns 19308 J. A. Lipps, Judge 19309 J. D. Pritchett. Judge 19310 Ernestine Graham. Clerk 19311 O. D. Eller. Clerk BElIT ~IOUNTAIN II 19312 J. W. Lancaster, Judge and Returns 19313 ~. B. Coles, Judge 19314 Thomas J. King. Judge 19315 C. F. Holt, Clerk 19316 Lena Lancaster. Clerk $ 13.10 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 13.50 'I , I II I Ii ,I Ii II I I 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 13.50 7.50 7.50 16.00 7.50 183 13.50 I 7.50 Ii 7.50 I 7.50 I I 7.50 Ii I' II , , i I I I II The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: l~~~ JANIE B. McNEAL. Treasurer of Roanoke County. salaries and expense accounts'irof ~'f>/;:l:: for the month of November. 1954, and also those of W. C. ~SE. Commissioner of ~~ . . !II~,'U- Revenue. DW. H. RICHARDSON. Commonwealth's Attorney. and H. W. CLARK. Sheriff. . f) ~11 v#- i: ,c.~<wv-l g;o will be paid as of November 30, 1954. " 1/1. fs-rJ. 1 il II il I, II II II il I I I I ~ " II 'I II I I n II " n OGDEN n 19317 Cancelled 19318 E. C. Cawley. Judge and Returns 19319 J. L. Dent, Judge 19320 ~~s. C. C. Bernard, Judge 19321 Catherine J. Puckett, Clerk &Comr. 19322 Helen L. Pickett, Clerk RIVERDALE n " n " n 19323 F. B. Clemmer. Judge and Returns 19324 Mary C. Clemmer. Judge 19325 "Irs. Gertrude Madeline Chocolett. Judge 19326 Mary Lou Lee. Clerk 19327 "lamie E. Bowles. Clerk the Board the following report: !{,rs. Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer of Roanoke County. this day submitted to Salem, Virginia November l5. 1954 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: i.t the close of busin5s November 13. 1954, there was to tha creditof the . General County Fund , Library Fund . Dog Tax Fund . Salem District Road Debt Fund - County School Fund 'School Construction Fund -School Textbook Fund . F. I. c. J... , Deferred Credit Account Respectfully sub~itted, Janie B. Mc~!eal, Treasurer.U Said report is ordered filed. $ 43.290.38 2.082.71 2.711.66 871. 3 7 54,519.43 49,591.34 2.804.65 207.53 200.20 .;; 156,279.2i il I, II II I. " It Ii il 'I II " I, I' ,I tl :; Ii II '1 " I' . !i :, p I; I, I ., i I, ,. I I, 184 ii " Ii I' " ., I .I if 'I II I. ,I I' ~' Ib..t I> C, II II-I~-~'lj. !I " I! I. il II Ii II II II Ii i! II " if ii ~~p.....(;i 1ld4~~~ W~~,'J' nt. h~U-'1 '1/ II. )~'lj. II !i ~ II I, ~t!i ;3': ~ I! ,.. Ii d..i.. r Ii II ~/~"f ~ ,. [1 ( ii 'I 'I I, il ., :, i' .' l' i I I The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal. I I i , I , 'I II IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: COl.:nty Treasurer. for $2440.ll on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of October. 1954. less 5% commisei:ns. and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2318.11 net. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: 'H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in County Jail for the month of October,. 1954 'H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of October. 1954 . o. W. CUNDIFF, Assistant Roanoke County FaI~ Demonstration Agent. report for month of October, 1954 J. A. REYNOLDS. Roanoke County Farm Demonstration Agent. report for month of October. 1954 . PAUL B. lf~TT~-WS, Executive Officer. report dated October 30. 1954 H. IV. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke County. this day filed with theBoard the ~ report of Part-time Deputy Frank A. Rogers. for the month of October. 19;~. amounting to $35.00 which report is approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as providecl by law. On the application of the below named petitioners: . J. H. Naxey. et als; Extension Route 721 from end of State ~Iaintenance to 0.10 Nile to Dead End. Big Lick District. . C. W. Tidwell. et als; Valley Road from Gearhart Road, Rt. 659, 0.10 Nile to Dead End. Big Lick District. . Harris and Davis. Inc.; Public Thoroughfare from Earris Street to Eva Avenue, 0.10 Mile. Cave Spring District. who this day filed their petitions for inclusi~n in the Secondary System of II 'I il three of whom may act. or Paul B. gacthews, County Engineer, to view the I ground and report to this Board the conveniences, and inconveniences that. will II il II II I, d I. the lands of any seminary of learnin~ ,dthout the consent of the o'~ers thereof;1 and the said viewers or County Engineer shall also ascertain any report to thisil " Eoard whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private convenience, ii II !I II 'i They shall also Ii '; :i d :1 Highways in :toanoke Ccunty, it is ordered that \'.; ~ey P. Givens. \'1. B. Smith. Miller Petty. W. H. ~itt and Frank E. McDonald. be appointed viewers. any result as well to individuals as to the Public. if ouch roads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any ~3rd, garden or orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken. and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery, or through as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for \./hose, convenience thelr are desired. assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entj,tled to. and accompany their report with a plat or diagram of said roads. I I I II II II , I I II I I i , " II I I I - , ; . ~-~,' - . ...l , .~. I ! ~ !<"!'i .1 U And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be. and he hereby II is directed. to forthwith issue process to s~non the State Highway co~nissione! , The summons shall be I i II 'I Ii I' ,I II II [I I Ii !i II II Ii Ii " ii I II I , .1 ! ,::k~ I, tGt r,- requesting that a certain seven (7) acre tract of land owned by her near II'~ Lakeside be rezoned so that the same can be used for business purposes. pursuantl~' to the statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia allld the Zoning Ordinan~es of ,I" J I ~ I~-.,r. II Whereupon. BE IT RESOLVED that the said petition be. and the same is hereby:1 Ii jl I \: 'I I, !, " 'I I I I II " II considered the same and reported its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board. ,i Ii upon receipt thereof the Clerk of this .ooard shall forthwith set this request Ii for rezoning for public hearing at a regular or at an adjourned meeting of the II i' Board of Supervisors. which ever shall first oc cur, more than fifteen (15) days II following the second publication notice thereof, as required by Section 15-846 Ii and Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, and the said Clerk shall caus:e II said ::t~~eF::T::RP::~~:~::.and OaDERED that a certified copy of this resvlutionli I, and order be worthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. ,~tthews, II ,. 'i I' I! Ii II : ~ I I I of Virginia as a defendant to t'1ese road proceedings. directed. executed and returned as process. or a summons may be in other cases. except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways i.n Roanoke County. and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board. shall be attached to said summons or precess to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On a recorded vote. the supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Keffer. Nays: Supervisors 1;1. E.Cundiff.E. H. Garner. H. W. Starkey and l'linor R. None In r,,~ Rezonir~ of Certain Property in Roanoke County on U. S. Highway #460, Near Lakeside. ORDER ~~s. Bessie G. Stoutamire this day begged leave to file her petition the County of Roanoke, adopted February 21. 1944. filed; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ordered that the said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia for its recommendations in eccordance w~th Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia of 1950. BE IT FURTHZR RESOLVED that after the planning Co~mission shall have Secretary of the said Planning Commission. The above resolution and order was adopted on order of H. \'I. Starkey, Supervisors of Salem ~ag~sterial District and W. E. Cundiff, Supervisors of Big Lick Nagisterial District, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: 185 f- 188 , II II ,I II I. 'I ~ .1 II I, I' il 11 ii II II ~ II II II !I " II I I I i I i I Court House Salem. Virginia December 20. 1954 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present:, H. W. Starkey, Chairman. w. E. Cundiff. E. U. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. I I I i The following claims against the County were this day presented. approved i II I Minutes ,of the last regular meeting were approved as spread. each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively No. 19504 chargeable therewith. to-wit: n 19505 19506 19507 n n n 19508 19509 19510 1951l n n n II !I II [I I ,I ! :1 , " !! " II II I. I: II II II n Appalachian Electric Power Co.. Current used at Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Houses Acme Printers. Inc.. Office supplies Advance Stores Co.. Reflectors for Parking Lot Addresscgraph-Multigraph Corp. Iden'cifi~tion tags for Garb'~ge Cans ,. American Chemical Company. Janitor supplies for Jail J. P. Bell Company. Carbon Paper fOl~ Treasurer Bemiss Equipment Co.. Repair parts j~or Garbage Truck Brown Hardware Co.. Janitor Supplies. Hardware and repair material 19512 Mason L. Cook. Representing Roanoke County on Fairview Home Board n 19513 Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co.. Typewriting Ribbons n 1951.4 19515 19516 19517 19518 19519 19520 19521 n n n n n n n n 19522 19523 19524 19525 n n n n 19526 19527 19528 n n n 19529 n 19530 $ 24.97 121.10 2.09 2.71 14.85 47.43 133.83 11.45 60.00 7.52 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Repairs, Gas. Oil, etc.614.53 Dr. S. D. Carey. Coroner Investigations and Lunacy Hearings 40.00 Ru~h Chartrand. Taking & Transcribing proceedings C & P Telephone Co.. Service for County offices Caldwell-Sites Co.. Office supplies and equipment Cancelled D~vidson's Esso Servicenter, Gas, Oil. etc. Lester G. Davis. Witness attendance. County of Rke. vs. , Wm. C. Price Esso Standard Oil Co.. Gasoline for Sheriff Easter Supply Co.. office supplies and equipment Fairview Home, County's share in maintaining home for aged Fair-Acre Farm Store. Discount not allowed on Check #19426 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes The Fitch Dustdown Co.. Janitor supplies Ft. L.ewis Hardware & Lumber Co.. Repair Material for Farm Equipment 23.35 347.17 673.96 ll3.00 27.15 3.50 90.37 161.50 1.00 48.87 22.75 12.50 36.13 n 19531 Gittens & Morton. Inc.. Premium on Insurance on Hartford Steam Boiler 201.00 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co.. Inc.. Heating Fuel for Courthouse and Hollins Fire Station 459.32 Graves-Humphreys Hdw Co.. Repair material for Jail tubs for Garbage Collection n 19532 GoOdwin Insurance & Realty Co.. Premium on Liability Insurance lll. 77 n 19533 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt. November Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 I I I I II II I i i I I I I II I I I , II [I II ij I I I i I t I , ., 'I II II II " I' il I i I 190 .1 Ii ~ Ii il 'I Ii ~ ,. " Ii 11 ~ " r ~ i " 'I 'I " Ii ~ II .; " II Ii ., II " il Ii " " ii 19597 Leonard A. Wright. December salary 19598 Ellis V. Jones. D~cember. Laborer Salary 19599 Paul B. Matthews, December salary 19600 Frances Fitzgerald. December salary 19601 Cancelled 19602 Martha J. Harris. December salary 221.50 19603 J. R. Taliaferro. December salary 338.00 !9604 Lula O. Crawford. Secretary to County Agent. December salary61.80 19605 J. A. Reynolds. December salary 124.40 19606 o. W. Cundiff. December salary, 98.00 19607 Margaret Svoboda. December salary 114.40 19610 Ralph Long. December salary 219.80 19611 Roy K. Brown. December salary 129.00 19612 Harry R. Richardson. December salary 88.20 19613 Armistead S. Watkins. Sa1al:'Y. Dee. 86.80 19614 W. C. Muse. December salaries 1.034.47 19615 Janie B. McNeal, December salaries 1.098.79 19616 E. H. Richardson. December salaries 316.00 19617 Cancelled 19618 H. W. Clark. Sheriff. December salaries 19619 ~~s. Janet L. Ballentine. Services as Deputy Registrar 19620 Hazel Gearhart. Extra Clerk 19621 ',T. C.Garner. Assisting County Inspector 19622 Gill'Memorial Hospital. Hospital bills 19623 Huff Awning Co~pany, Inc.. Sheet for Vinton ~ire Truck 19624 Johnson Typewriter Co.. 1 Royal Electric Typewriter 19625 W. B. ~~rsha:l. Refund Plumbing Permit #5295 No. 19572 19573 19574 19575 19576 19577 19585 19586 19587 19588 19589 19590 19591 19592 19593 19594 19595 19596 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Valleydale Packers. Food Prisoners Virginia Foods. Inc.. Food. Medica: supplies &c Virginia Markets #6. Food Prisoners West Publishing Co.. Law Books Williams Auto Alignment. Repair Labor Williams Supply Co.. Light Tubes for Buildings Cr~lmers Ferguson. Commission on Delinquent Tax6s H. W. Starkey. December Salary W. E. Cundiff. December Salary M. R. Keffer. December Salary E. H. Garner. December salary Mary M. Turner. December S~lary James M. Grim. December Salary J. W. Griggs. December salary E. S. Honaker. December salary C. S. Webb. December salary Town of Salem, County's share of December salary Town of Vinton, County's share December salary $ 75.40 155.67 54.95 22.00 , 4.00 :1 15.92 I I 6.98 I 41.$9 I 42.86 I I 43.31 I 42.46 I I 199.60 I 229.60 I , , 142.10 ' 141.30 19.60 I 250.00 I 166.67 I I, !i I i I I I I I I , I 'I II , i I I 171.50 78.40 561.20 221.50 I I 888.80 20.50 157.36 120.80 32.00 40.00 395.00 1.75 I No. 19626 It 19627 It 19628 It 19629 - It 19630 _-i It 19631 It 19632 It 19634 - ~_.~ H. B. Mabes, Stone for Garbage Dump Memorial & Crippled Children's Hospital, Hospital bills Roanoke County REvolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash Dr. A. J. Russo, December Rent on Garbage Dump University of Virginia Hospital, Hospital bills Everson-Ross Co., Inc., Badges Phlogar Flectric Co., Repairing Lights JUdge F. L. Hoback, 1 Type~iter " tI IN HE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLA..lMS, &c: Ii Ii $ 19S.n11 528.00'1 16.471 , 25.001 I 64.00,. " 29.961: ,I 5.271 150.00 I .I I' ,I II d I; 191 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved~l and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively Iii chargeable therewith, to-wit: I 19578 Acme Printers, Inc., 2,000 telephone pads for Game Warden $ ! 10.20 I 15.00 I I. 8.67 I II I' I !I i! 1) ,. I The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: i~ ~~~ to 1-' JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expense account~iGi' for the month of December,1954, and also those of W. C. MUSE, Commissioner of II 0,.,. , 11- . ; r2...l.~ I! 'I Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, CODU1ionwealth's Attorney, and H. W. CLARK, Shenff'!i '--/:>-1/1.'1 II II !i , !I I' ,! " ii il "Salem, Virginia .December 20, 1954 !: I' :1 ,I !i ii II II i! Ii !' II " Ii Ii " Ii Ii Ii Janie B. NcNeal, Trei'.surer Ii ., Ii II .. No. It It It It It """! It I It - It It 19579 19580 19581 19582 19583 19584 19608 19609 19633 C & P Telephone Co., Game Wardens Telephone County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gas, Oil, repairs &c Poole's Service Station, Gasoline Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Vinton Hardware Co., J Boxes Rifle Shells Ammunition Salem Farm Supply Corp., Dog food George S. Harmon, December Salary w. F. Gillespie, December salary Hitt Turkey Farm, Fowl claim will be paid as of December 31, 1954. ,"1 i f ;.J I ~ I[ Ii .. 'I ! 13.50 16.04 78.06 46.25 180.78 14.70 86.00 Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: I"" 'I U the At the close of business November 18, 1954, there was to the credi.. of General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt County.School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund. F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account Fund $ 86,172.23 87$.09 2,631.06 716.16 347,551.$6 173,07$.69 2,917.93 207. 53 200.20 .$ 614,353.75 Respectfully submitted, Said repcrt is ordered filed. - , , , .,",'""1 --. .-; IIIIl ..... ,-, i ; , r .... I t__. !i L..i ij Ii I I I' 'I II I, II I, Ii I r II I' 'i ""'E;opy of Resolution Council of the City of Roanoke, dated December 6, 1954; Ii copy of letter from J.Robert Thomas, City Clerk, and copy of letter J. A. ~i'li Anderson, Commissioner State Highway Department, addressed to J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va. in re: Roanoke Municipal Airport (Woodrum Field) re-1ocation of portion of Virginia Route 118, in vicinity of Roanoke MuniCipal Ii li~rt. ~ II 'I II 'I II il 11 I Chai.rman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, submitting a report of the test onweighing and measuring devices in Roano~ County, which has recently been completed, was this day laid before the Boa~d and ordered filed. The following communications were this day laid before the Board ~nd ord,~red filed: Bureau of Public Administration, dated December 1, 1954, Virginia County Su?~rvisors' Manual - 1954 Supplement Letter dated Dec. 2, 1954, addressed to Board of Supervisors, County, from Leslie A. Kimble & Company, in re: audit onCounty of Vir.ginia, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1954. Roanoke Roanoke, Chas. E.Via, Jr., Director of Civil Defense, Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and requested the Board to purchase one 1500 watt Briggs and Stratton generator, at a cost to the County of $105.00, (the State Civil Defense matching funds will pay three-fourths of the cost of said II II u !I II !I ~ i , generator) to provide adequate power for the county communication system during periodsof power failure; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase said generator requested by said Director, at the price above outlined. Letter from the Director of Civil Defense, Roanoke County, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. ::undiff, E. H. Garner and lunor R. Keffer Nays: None IN RE: PAYMENT OF SALARIES: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary checks for all'County employees be approved for payment on December 20, 1954. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer and H. W. Starkey Nays: None II I . " I' II I, II " I!' 'I I I , 1 II ,I 1\ I! ,! II i On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Welfare Board be, and it hereby is, authorized to pay all State and Local Hospital bills incurred by said Welfare Board as of December 30, 1954. Adopted by the fOllOwing recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 193 Ii II , I I, II Ii r II Ii II 'I " I ,I I I c..L.:o d...e. t I:-u... Co. fl".L i;Jt,~ c~ 'I n- Iltr{'1s1+ I, Ii II I' f II II il~~<r ~~ i,CD~' .c~ 'r .fb.-JLL ii ) ;-J 1- :;:;;r Ii I: ,I I) 'I il (I 194 , I' I: c4...u t.- r a,~:cp~il 1~~1s,+ il II \ II !I ;i Ii " II II 1j II " ii f' ~ t1n~L~. G.~(P~ II '''';''''1 L ~ , I II I! ~ .'n.!i 'I'\o~il f~" <<~~~ ~ f'4.-.'(<-......;:::., .! ~ cI.J...<~ ~ ~~1.~'1'- ii '1'h...u:c.,. \ !t '1 ~.~.~~ II II " Ii !i i: I \i 11 :, Ii 'i " " Ayes: Keffer Nays: , I II II II Supervisors H. W. Starkey ~ w. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner a.nd Minor R. II 'I II II I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and he hereby is, authorized to purchase a new car for use in the Sheriff's office at a figure not to exceed approximately $1700.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and he hereby is, authorized to purchase eight ($) pairs of firemen's boots, and six (6) rain coats, at an approximate fi.gure of $285.00, for use at the Cave Spring Fire Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None Letter dated December 20, 1954, from E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in re: sewage disposal facilities be madE' available to the property of Colonial Stores, Incorporated, recently purchased from Fannie L. Arme;:t~out and Raymond E. Paulin and wife, received and ordered filed; said request referred to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer. I ( II I Ralph B. Ewing, and A. C. Ellis, by their attorney, this day appeared befor I the Board, and requested that the Board grant a non-conforming permit relative I to Lot 7, Section A, Spring Garden Development Corporation; Thereupon, on motion of SUpervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor II I' E. ll. Garner, it is ordered that the location of the building erected on Lot 7, r I Section A, SpringGarden Development Corp., now owned by Ralph B. Ewing, which I , bui:Lding is in violation of l.rtic le 3, Section 3, Paragraph 4, of the Roanoke II II Cowlty Zoning Ordinance as it was erected 1.65 feet from the property line i I, instead of 5 feet which is required by said Ordinance, is hereby approved. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey and Minor R. I Ayes: Keffer Nays: ; i I I i i II Ii il I, Letter dated December 6, 1954, addressed to Board of Superrisors of 1 Roalloke County, Salem, Virginia, from Burton Mayre, Deputy CommisSioner, il j1 De~.rtment of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving additions to the Secondaryn :1 II II il II I Nom IN liE: ADDITIONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM, ROANOKE COUNTY: Sys'~em, Roanoke County, effect.ive December 6, 195 L. , to-wit: - '''"'''' .... ,~, .......~ i - !'-~ ! .! -- :...., I - . ..__,.._~.,..~.."..-.""" ;,;::; ~:,'_ ~'.'_ -~'~"_:::"'.'_\ .~~_.......,."" __.. ._",.,.".."_.~~..,;('.,,,,!,r ," '.,.,.- Additions . ~ Ii Resolution II I, 9-27-54 Ii " j I 9..27-54 I .I I 9-20-54 I i 9-20-54 , , , I r I ItNewland Roadlt - From Int. Rt. 117 to 0.30 Mi. N. to Int. Wendover Drive Length 0.30 Mile _ ItWendover Roadlt - From Int. Rt. 117 to 0.27 Vd. N. to Newland Road Length 0.27 Mile ~Loman Drivelt - Fran Int. Rt. 1$07 to Int. Laban Road. Length 0.08 Mile~ ItLaban Drive" - Extension of Rt. S49 - Fron end present, Rt. S49.to Int. Loman Drive (D. E.). Length O.OS.Mile. ItGoff Roadlt - From Int. Rt. 1$06 to Int. Rt. 180S Length 0.30 Mile ItCliff View Drivelt - From Int. Rt. S73 to Int. Rt. 726 Length 0.10 Mile Itpalmer Avenuelt - Extension Rt. 15$1 0.05 Mi. N. Length 0.05 Mile "Dell Avenuelt - From ECL Roanoke to 0.07 Mi. NE to DE Length 0.07 Mile. "Ranch Street" - From Int. Rt. 116 to 0.12 Mi. So. W. Length 0.12 Mile ItView Peint Avenuelt - From Int. Rt. 79t ~o 0.20 Vd. S. Length 0.20 Mile "North Bruffy Streetlt - From present end Rt. 854 to 0.05 Mi. N. to DE. Length 0.05 Mile "Bunker Hill Drive" - Int. of Rt. 1602 - From Int. Rts. 682 to 720 to 0.05.Mi. .east Length 0.05 Mile ItExtension Rt. 758" - From end present Rt. $67 to end present Rt. 75S Length 0.35 Mile "Extension Rt. 7751t - From end present Rt. 775 to 0.10 Mi. S. Length 0.10 Mile. . "Bluff Avenue" - From ECL Roanoke to 0.30 Mi. east Length 0.30 Mile ItTobey Roadlt - From Int. Rt. 643 to 0.15 Mi. west Length 0.15.Mile "Extension Rt. 677" - From end present Rt. 677 to 0.20 Mi. N.W. Length 0.20 Mile ItStanley Farm Roadlt - From Int. Rts. 777 & 6$0 to 0.10 Mi. N. to Dead End. Length.O.lO Mile 10-1$-54 9-27-54 $-16-54 8-16-54 f I 7-21-52 9-20-54 9-20-54 S-16-54 9-20~54 $-16-54 Ii l l f ~ II II I, II II II ~ II Ii i' II I- " II Ii I' I: 'I II II " II I' II II il Ii I' ;1 'I ,. " 8-16-54 8-16-54 9-21-53 10-IS-54 was received and ordered filed. Harris & Davis, Inc. ) ) vs ) ) The Public and the State ) Highway Commissioner of I Virginia ) ORDER These road proceedings came on 'again this day to be heard upon the report of Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, heretofore appointed by an order entered herei.n on the 15th day of November, 1954, together with the exhibits att.ached to said report, and filed in these proceedings with the Clerk of this Be'ard on the 15th day of November, 1954. 195 [i II ,I 'I I, II !I I, i I I: I! 11 Ii Ii Ii II ., !: !i II I! Ii II !i Ii I: II Ii r il I' i) Ii 'I Ii " " Ii Ii I' 7 ~ 71::: Ii ......w .. 1r~"': !i~.~~ i'~1~~ d..l1; ii/~,~ Ii I '0' >-1 >V- ii I' II " :i , I i i I [i II !I , And it being shown to the Board that the proprietors and tenants of the land on which it is.proposed to establish the thoroughfare described in t.hese proceedings are the petitioners, and that so.id petitioners have donated t.he right-of-way, and have waived any claim f<r compensation for damages to t,he residue of their respective tracts of land, which written consent is file.d with the aforesaid report of the County Engineer, it is ordered that process to summon the proprietors and tenants of the land on which it is proposed to establis~ said thoroughfare, to show cause against the same, as set forth. in Section 2309 (4) of Michie'S Code of Virginia, be and the same is aereby dispensed with; and the Board heard testimony touching the expediency and propriety of establishing a public thoroughfare as described in these proceedings; and the Board further considered the seid report of the County Engineer, with the exhibits thereto attached, and upon consideration of which, it is ORDERED that said report of the County Engineer, and ~be exhibits thereto attached, be and the same are approved and confirmed. And upon consideration of the entire record in these proceedings, and of the testimony heard, the Board doth hereby establish a new public thoroughfare I! " " ;I II II II L il !I II Ii .1 Ii " Ii " H II i! Ii I, II II il II ,I II fi I: " J ii II 'I I, l! ,. , II '1 ii II II " Ii Ii ~! ;i ,; " II 1i i! " ,I ~I :1 ! if through the properties of Harris & Davis, diagram filed with said County Engineer's I Inc., in accordance wi'~h the map or .~' Report, and it is ORDE::!ED that the saJ. I thoroughfare, as descrioed in said Engineer's Report, and the map or diagram thereto attached, be and the same is hereby established as a public thoroughfare in Roanoke County, Virginia, not to become a part 0f the State S'~condary System II II of Highways within the County of Roanoke, Virginia. And the Board doth further ORDER that the written consent, duly executed byl Harris & Davis, Inc., the land owners along said public thorough:fare donaUng the right-of-way, and waiving any claim for damages to the residue of their II tracts, be recorded by the Clerk of this Board in the Deed Books in the Clerk's I I I I II I I I , I I [ I , II il II II I, il II II I, ii II " ii " Ii ir il i[ II !I il II !I !i Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. And it is further ORDERED that the petitioners, or the parties for ~3ose benefit this thoroughfare is established, do pay all cos1;s incidlmt to th~se proceedings, and that the said thoroughfare be constructed and maintained at the expense of the parties for whose benefit it is established. And it is further ORDERED that a certified copy of this order, together with the duplicate report of County Engineer, containing all exh:lbits the:reto attached, be mailed to the District Engineer of the State Highwal' Department of Virginia, having supervision of maintenance and construction of llighl"/ays in Roanoke County. The foregoing Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor E. Il. Garner,of Cave Spring Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor H. ,I. Starkey , of Salem Magisterial District, and 0:-, a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Keffer. Supervisors E. H. G~rner,. H. 'II. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff and Millor R. Nays: None. I I I I I 198 " i i ~ i , WHEREAS, The delinquent tax recordft of. Roanoke County have been completely I Ii reviewed, purged and brought up to date, and a new system installed, in order II il Ii. that the Clerk and his Deputie?, as well as the public, can more clearly and II " , I , i I' Ii Ii II .1 " II Ii accurately ascertain the delinquent taxed on the properties returned delinquent i, I I I WHEREAS: The examination of the delinquent tax records has disclosed ,I I numerous pieces or parcels of property, as well as tracts of land, that are I being returned, year after year, for taxes unpaid, to the detriment of the count~r when the necessary suit or suits should be brought to sell such properties for i such accumulated taxes, and thus place said properties upon the Land Books of II the County in the name of the new purchaser or purchasers, and to do so will I assure the County a greater and more certain tax income; and in the name of the owner or owners thereof, all of which has been done at considerable cost to the County; and WHEREAS: E. W. Chelf has heretofore, to-wit: On the 21st day of December, 1942, by a Resolution of this Board, been employed by this Board as its Attorney to institute the necessary proceedings, especially, under the Provisions of Section 58-1101 et sec. to collect the delinquent taxes due the County of Roanoke, the terms of his employment having been. fixed by this Board in its Resolution of December 21, 1942, which is spread of record in SU~drvisors Order Book No.9, at page 152, the terms thereof having been modified and amended by'subsequent Resolutions or this Board, adopted June 20, 1949, and December 21, 195}, respectively, which Resolutions are spread of record in Supervisors Order Book No. 11 at page 360, and Supervisors Order Book No. 12, at page 456; and Ii Ii II !I Ii I' i' I Ii I' 'i I, It " ,I ii i' :1 I, I I' 'I II il ,I , I' ,I ]: " " :i It I' i il 'I " j; .' " 'I II II Ii 11 I WHEREAS: This Board has heretofore adopted separate Resolutions directing II said Chelf to proceed with reference to each particular piece or parcel of real I property so delinquent, for County Taxes, which this Board deems cumbersome I I I I , I. Ii employment heretofore specified in the Orders or Resolutions of this Board, set ' forth in the Whereas section hereof; and he, the said Chelf, is hereby empowered I I to proceed generally as provided for in any applicable Section or Sections of the! I , I , I I II :, iI remained unpaid for a period ~ three years after such parcels or lots have been i , I , I II I Resolution from this Board as to any particular lot, tract or parcel of property I il 'I il II II :1 and not now necessary; NOW, THEREFOHE, BE IT HESOLVED: That the employment of the said E. W. Chelf, as Attorney for this Board in Re: the collection of delinquent taxes due the County of Roanoke, Vir ginia, be continued under the terms of Virgin:La Code of 1950, and the Amendments thereto, to collect the taxes delinquent against any propert~es in all Magisterial Districts of the County of Roanoke, including the Towns of Salem and Vinton, which delinquent taxes ha...-e sold by the Treasurer of Roanoke County, and such lists filed in the Clerk'S Office of this Court, unless otherwise directed by this Board, and in so doing it shaH not be necessary for the said Chelf to first secure a separate so returned delinquent for non-payment of taxes, pr~or to his taking action hereunder. Ar.~pted by the following recorded votes: A)'es: Supervisors H. W.Starkey, W. E.Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer NcLYs: None I I I I I ~ ( , . '-;11 t""" ; , . ,-. ~ i - i;jo'" lJ f~1 I' ~ l..i 199 ---------- "- ...., .. - ---. I II j~ ~ II II ! On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Dr. W. P. Jackson, be authorized to employ an additional sanitarian in the Roanoke County Health Department, the salary of said sanitarian to be paid entirely by the Sta1~e of Virginia, for the period beginning January 1, 1955, and ending June 30, 1955. However, this Board agrees to include in its 1955-56 Budget an appropria'~ion for the continuance of the employment of said sanitarian. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None ~ I 15~\ , 11~;tb II ,q il IPo...u-t- fJ. iYrn~ II o. ~ ~1~.l>-Y I: 'I I [I I I , I i his Colonel J. Sinclair Brown this day appeared before the Board and expressed '1 appreciation and that of every other citizen of Roanoke County, he WclS sure, I the splendid work done by the Board in handling the affairs of the County I , II 1'1 I He paid high tribute to H. W., II II I I , for and of the faithful and unselfish efforts rendered the County by the Board and s~ated he felt that every resident of the County deemed it a privilege to live in such a well governed and progressive community. S~arkey, Chairman, and o~her Board members and recalled many happenings c.f past years. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned ur.til the 1955. Chairman The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at Ii Ii il Court House !i Salem, VirginbJi January 19, 19~ i the Court House I , I, II !I " 'I II II thereof in regular monthly session. Present: H. W.Starkey, Chairman, W. E. II I I II II I I i II II i II II ], II II ~ I Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Minutes of the last regular meeting were appr.oved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out~f the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identificatton;, Tags for Garbage Cans Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies and Book Binding American Bakeries Company, Food Prisoners American Chemical Company, Janitor Supplies American Society of Planning Officials, Membership dues for one year beginning Jan. 1, 1955 No. 19671 It 19672 n 19673 It 19674 It 19675 $ 6.95 148.55 30.0$ 29.50 ;j i1 11 I Ii Ii jl I' .1 " ;1 " I " 15.00 4.50 115.99 14.54 " I! " " il II :i i' Ii I: il I, It 19676 Brown Hardware Company, Casters It 19677 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office equipment It 19678 Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co. , Office supplies It 19679 Cancelled . . 200 ( 11 No. 19680 Cave Spring Water Company, Water used at CC'.'le Spring ~ Fire House · 19681 C & P Telephone Company, Telephone service It 19682 County School Board of R. C., Gas, Oil, Repairs &c · 19683 B. T. Crump Company, Inc., Uniforms Shel"iffs and . Handcuffs · 19684 Davidson'S Esso Servicenter, Gas, Oil, and parts for County Fire Truck and Ambulance and gas for garbage truck Easter Supply Company, Office supplies !i Ii II ~ I: " I' Ii il I I, Ii !I I! Ii II I' Ii , II ,I I! " " " Ii ,I II II II Ii II I: i' " i! ji ii !i II " " Ii : !i " II It " I' ii tt I' II It It 19685 19686 19687 19688 . It . " 19689 19690 " " 19691 " 19692 It 19693 19694 19695 19696 19697 19698 It It " " It . 19699 19700 19701 It . It 19702 19703 19704 19705 19706 19707 19708 19709 :L9710 19711 19712 19713 19714 It . It " " " It It " 19715 19716 19717 " Etchison Hat Company, Inc., Trooper hats, Uniforms Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes Fairview Home, County's share of Expenses Fuel Oil & Equipment Company, Heating Fuel Growers & Producers Exchange, Repair parts for Farm Equipment J. W.Griggs & W. H. Witt, December renton Cave Spring Fire Station Gittens & Morton, Ins., Premium on Surety Bond for Frances Fitzgerald Ha10id Company, Repair Parts for Office equipment W. R. dester Coal Company, Heating Fuel for County Jail P. W. Howell, Jailor, Reimburse Jailor for 60 doz. eggs International City Manager's Assoc. Membership dues League of Virginia Counties, Membership dues Magic City Motor Corporation, Repair and Parts for County Fire Truck Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety Bond Monarch Finer Foods, Food Prisoners . Mt. Vernon Heights Service Station, Gasoline and Anti Freeze Natural Gas Distributors, Inc., Cooking Fuel NuWay Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry-Prisoners Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Furnace Repairs G. H. Parent Company, Office supplies Powell Pharmacy, Inc., Office supplies Radio Communications Co., December Radio Maintenance Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service Roanoke Gas Company, Cooking Fuel $ ~..50 311.21 851.62 22.34 '/7.82 53.13 11.44 22.80 164.10 422.34 12.60 60.00 10.00 10.62 58.00 28.50 15.00 300.00 14.67 5.00 21.16 6.77 8.60 26.55 48.14 1$.64 1.49 15.00 3.00 28.20 Roanoke County Public Health Assoc. County's appropriation258.00 Remington Rand, Inc., Mechanical Services Salem Creamery Co~pany, FOOd Prisoners Salem Hard~are Company, Janitor supplies Dr. R. B. Smiley, Salary Jail Physician, Coroner Investigations Cancelled G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Reimburse Postage Town of Vinton, 1954-1955 Contribution to Vinton First Aid Crew, Gasoline and Oil for County Fire truck 19718 Cancelled It 19719 Town of Salem, Lights and water 53.00 15.39 12.19 140.00 36.00 168.00 259.42 I I I I , I ; II Ii " " II I :1 II I I, il I II I ! [I :1 II II I! II I I , ; I I I ~ II 'I I I I I II II i I I II II I I 'I II !I II h II .1 II I I .! i I II Revenue, EDW. H. RICHAiDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney, and H. W: CLARK: Sheriff, Ii , II I, I' ,I 'I II ,. I.-! ,.. i ; t ~"-f . - l..f'_' ; ! I .... !, U No. 19720 " 19721 " 19722 It 19723 It 19724- It 19725 It 19726 It 19727 " 1972$ It 19729 " 19730 " 1971.0 It 19,.1 It 19742 It 19743 It 19744 19745 19746 19747 It It " IN HE: Underwood Corporation, Repairing Typ6writer Valleydale Packers, Food-Prisoners Virgin~ Foods, Inc., Food and Medical Supplies Vinton Motor Co., Wrecker Service C. W. Warthen Company, Ledger sheets for recnrd books Williams Supply Co., Light tubes Young Plumb;.ng Company, Refund Plumbing Permit Economy Food Market, Food-Prisoners Malcolm Blue Print &: Supply Co., Road Maps Virginia Market #6, Food-Prisoners Cancelled Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes Coronet Carbon &: Ribbon Company, 6-bronze Underwood T. W. Ribbons Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy hearing Eugene W. Chelf, Attorney, Attorney's Fee for instituting and conducting suit in collecting taxes C &: P Telephone Company, Telephone SerVice Double Envelope Corporation, office supplies Hazel Gearhart, Extra Clerical worker Walters Printing &: Mfg. Co., office supplies " DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The follOwing claims against the County were this day presented, $ 2$.75 il Ii I II II Ii It ,. " ii '1 II II II II II II II II !I II I II " " i' II I[ II II Ii I i II II II '1 II Ii approved, Ii !l chargeabl~i II II II Ii II ! , , Ii Ii ii " 67.94 164.07 5.00 4.77 2.20 2.00 26.00 1.20 7.79 .72 6.77 5.00 150.00 4.2.66 1$3.6$ 125.21 16.50 and ordered to be paid by v~~cher-checks out of the funds respectively the:rewith, to-wit: No. 19731 It 19732 It 19733 " 19734 It 19735 " 19736 " 19737 " 19738 It 19739 It 19748 C &:P Telephone Co., Telephone for Game Warden County School Board of R. C. Qas, Oil, etc. Mrs. J. B. Fleshman, Fowl claim Mrs. Schley Pickeral, Fowl claim Radio Communications Co., December Radio Maintenance Poole's S~rvice Station, Gasoline for Game Warden's car Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food Salem Hardware Co., 10 Boxes shells Ernest Sirry, 11 vestock claim Nelson AIls, Livestock claim The follOwing accounts were this day laid before the Board: $ 20.01 30.04 12.00 4.00 15.00 21.11 46.50 7.40 20.00 25.00 201 !I II " Ii Ii " 'I II " II " ,. 'I li~ if ct..~~- il ::t;::' 11~P'(j). . (, -u- II '~I~'. Ii 'I 1<o/5T Ii " , ;! . JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries and expense accounts for the month of January, 1955, and also those of W. C. MUSE, Commissioner of will be paid as of January 31, 1955. - -- ; - I,''''''l i I - " , . W ~kC I ~C<d. 6 .1'n~ ~ '~@rr-' '/~~.' Upon consideration of which Edgar F. Jamison, John W. McCoy, Frank Angel, M. E. Petty and R. L. Walrond, are hereby appointed viewers, any three of whom I 'i~~ ~. may act, to faithfully and impartially ascertain whether or not any ,~~,~ il~r~- Ii -, ,I II II !I I II Ii II I~~ I 'I\( ilr; ).1... the County of Roanoke and the General Electric Company, a corporation organized I ~, ~. and eXisting under and by virtue of' the laws of the State of New York, concerninil ~ of, W...t. the.establishment of a public sewer line pumping station, and other necessary II ~ ~. 11'/0n' I I: " IN HE: 'I i, Ii I [I I' II I' I! 'I Ii II ,. , APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, il !O VACATE, DISCONTINUE AND. CLOSE THE OLD DEYERLE ROAD IN ROANOIC~ COUNTY,i1 VIRGINIA, BETWEEN. PINELAND ROAD AND WINDSOR ROAD. . . l, APPOINTMENT OF VIEWERS Letter dated January 14, 1955, from J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., Attorney General, addressed to H. W. Star~ey, Chairman, .Board of Supervisors, Roanoke , County, in re: opinion as to whether general county fur.ds of Roanok~ County can be used for the establishment and operation of a public sewer line and pumping station, received and ordered filed. This day came the Petitioners by Counsel and asked that viewers be appointed to permanently vacate, discontinue and close the road described in the caption herein. 1.nconvenience would result to any individual or to the public by vacating, discontinuin~ and closing the old Dsyerle Road from Pineland Road to Windsor I I I I t I Road in Roanoke County, V1!'ginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Cundiff . Nays: Supervisors E. H. Garner, Minor R. Keffer, H. W. Starkey and W. E. None This day there . was presented to this Board a proposed agreement between I ,I I' II II II I' I I ,I ,I I II II II II i I faCilities. by the County of Roanoke and treatment at the Roanoke City Treatment Plant, which said proposed agreement is in the following words and fig-.uoes: i; THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into as of this 17th day of January, 1955, II . ~ by and between the County of Roanoke, a political subdiVision of the Ii Ii Commonwealth of Virginia, hereinafter called the ItCountylt, and General Electric II 1/ II I' Ii WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, G. E. has purchased certain real property in Roanoke Ii II i; Company, a corporation orgi.nized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office at 1 River Road, Schenectady, New York, her.!inafter called "G. E. It County, located west of Ro,moke City, and bounded as follows: Bounded on thll south by Facility Road, also known as State Highway Route No. 742; on the west by the right of way of Catllwba Branch of Norfolk and Western Rail- way Company; on the north by Lynchbu!'g-Salem turnpike, also known as State Hi,ghway Route No. 1431; and on the east by Mason " s Creek, being the property owned by the General Electl.ic ComparIY. WHEREAS, G. E. proposE's, and 1s in the process of constructing on the above describ!'1 area a man\lfacturin:~ plant; and WHEREAS, there is not availabl,,! in the ;"rea a public sanitary sewer system to provide fo.' the disposal of sani';ary and process wastes; and 205 .e II " \i Ii ii II " I, I: II " I " 'I II " 206 Ii li " 'I \\ I' 1i Ji 'I I, Ii I, Ii n Ii , )! , ii II II i: I; :i i II II " I " " u I' :1 I' " II I' WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke. has in operation a modern sewage disposal plant, with ample capacity and interceptor lines designed to handle and treat all domestic and industrial wastes anticipated tc originate in the City and areas of Roanoke County for years to comejand WHEREAS, in the jUdgment of the governing bodies of Roanoke County and Roanoke City, the transportation to and the treatment of such wastes at the Roanoke plant, originating in developed areas developed in the future, will be to the advantage of the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, on behalf of the health and safety of the residents of Roanoke City and Roanoke County, their respective governing bodies made and ent;~red into I a contract on the 28th day of September, Ninet'ilen Hundred Fifty-four, dilfining a I certain area of Roanoke County to l~eceive sewage disposal service, in 11 accordance with terms of said contract, which has been amended by emergllnCY Ii resolutions to include industrial wastes and add three additional RoanollB II II II Ii i County areas, one of which included the location of the G. E. plant; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County is willing to construct a public sewer line and necessary pumping station of adequate size from the southeast corner of the area above described eastward Illong Facility Road to the Roanoke City " " " l~ I: .' ,; ., r: F 1\ ;: " i: I accommodate all foreseeaole future needs of such areas. interceptor line at Peters Creek and will maintain, enlarge, alter and repair this line and pumping station for '~he duration. of this agreement; and I I II Roanoke County to the north, south and east of the proposed sewer line location II I' I WHEREAS, since additional developed residential and commercial areas of will require service and said public sewer line will be of adequate size ~o THEREFORE for and in consideration of the premises and or , the covenants the parties herett II and obligations herein contained and mutual benefits to accrue, covenant and agree with one another as follows: I. SCOPE (A) The County a grees to construct, own and maintain a pumpilig station, together with necessary appurte~~~ facilities, and a pUblic sewer line of adequate size from the southeast corner of described area to a connection with Roanoke City interceptor line in a':cordance with provisions of the existing contract between Roanoke City and :ioanoke County. i 1 , Ii il II :1 transport same to an approved connection with an interceptor line of the City of 11 ii !I 11 'I " Ii ~ I area (B) G. E. agrees (other than those which the State Water Control Board may permit to be to deliver all of the wastes originating ~lithin its directly discharged into Mason's Creek) to the proposed public sanitary sewer, and the County agrees t~accept all of such G. E. wastes at said line and Roanoke. (C) G. E. covenants and agrees to prOVide and maintain all facilities necessary to deliver its wastes to point of delivery, including a recording flow meter, by-pass connection (for emergency use), and facilities for taking samples. I' II II il !I i' :1 il I I I I .J _ Frequency and sampling procedure shall be in accordance with provisions of the , , Roanoke County-Roanoke City contract of September 28, 1954, as amended. I I I 'I II 1 I I 208 After due discussion, on motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, the following resolution was adopted by unanimous I I , II " Ii Ii i .i ., Ii I, .I l! ~ I II Ii II I! II " Ii Ii " ;j vote: ; , , , 'I il il I, I I il II BE IT HESOLVED: That the aforesaid proposed agreement be, . and the same is hereby, ratified, approved and confirMed; . and A copy of said contract havinl~ been duly executed by the said General Electric Company and exhibited to this Board: BE IT FURTHER HESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board do sign the said contract and the seal of this Board be impressed thereof and attested by the Olerk of tlis Board, and that the Clerk shall forthwith deliver an executed copy thereof to the attorney for said company; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of said agreement duly executed by the General Electric Company and by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, be filed with the clerk hereof, and lodged among the records of this Board. An emergency is hereby declared to exist, and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. The above resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: II ,I II I " 'I I ,I 'I ,I " " i: ,I i) I' , ~ Ii I' ,I ., II !! Ayes: F- W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner. ,ways; :~one ~ f,i -1 :I II " " ~.~::D~.:( ~~.Ii ,..,.,.r :1 V;;w....&+ ~ Ii ~'} ;1 '/ '-1 ~-~. !: e...iw. ~ r Ii ~ )J..~.;.P~ J~- ~ il I/~~~' II !i General Electric sewage and waste into the Town's interceptor line; and in . I addition thereto a charge of thirty dollars ($30.00) per million gallons prOVider I for the treatment of the sewage and waste by the City of Roanol<e; and that the I I h be not greater than that provided in the contract dated,September 28, 1954, i I between the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke. 'Before a vote was taken I I II !I !I !I provisions in the contract between the County and tho General Ele ctric Company, '. Before a vote was taken on the resolution as to the Agreement between the ! i i I , , , I I II !I II I i County of Roanoke and the General Electric Company and during the discussion Jas. I. Moyer, Mayor of the Town of Salem, made the following proposal, which was taken under advisement. That the County construct an adequate size sewer line from the General Electric property to the man hole on the Wer.z property at a point on the Town of Salem'S sewer system; that the Town of Salem would charge Roanoke County fifteen dollars ($15.00) per million gallons for the transportation of the strength and characteristics of the sewage and waste of the General Electric on the resolution as tL ~e Agreement between the County of Roanoke and the General Electric Company and during the discussion Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, called attention to some indefinite particularly regarding the charges, and stated that, in his opinion, it left the ! Board of Supervisors at the mercy of the City Council of Roanoke in case the 'I I' " .I [I ,. Ii " 'I !I Ii II II , charges in Roanoke County were reduced at a later date, and advised that the eharges in said proposed contract. should be set forth in definite detail. I I I I I - ~_.., I I .-. I '.-." ~ - I .'.....t . ; '- ~-',. . . -. Ii Ii II :1 II Mr. Webber expressed his pleasure at being present at , 'I the meeting, and assured the Board that he shared the appreciation of many other II Ii citizens of Roanoke ~ounty, of the splend~d management of all County affairs by II Ii r7 I, / '/ } On motion, duly seconded, it i.s ordered that the water system of G. F. Wiley, in the subdivision known as Fairdale, be approved according to the Acts of the General Assembly, 1954" permission being granted for ten (10) connections, provided that before operating under this permit the said G. F. Wiley provide an auxiliary pump and motor to be kept on the premises at all times. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Stal"key, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On motion of W. E. Cundiff, seconded by E. G. Garner, it is ordered t~....t J the engineering firm of Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern be authoriz~d t~ proceed with the preparation of preliminary plans that would be necessary for the creation of a Sanitation Authority for the construction and operation of the sewer system in the North-II area of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: II II II Ii " I' I. I Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and ]'linor R. II I. 'I ,i i' Letter dated January 13, 1955, from E. W. Chelf, Attorney, addressed to thell I I I Ayes: Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in re collection of delinquent taxes, received and ordered filed. C. E. Webber, a prominent citi.zen of the Town of Salem, and recently elected President of The Farmers' ~ational Bank of Salem, was recognized by the Chairman of the Board. II 'I II '/ I ,I I I Ii II :1 Ii !I II " I i I " i, I! ,I ;/ I' ,I Ii I this Board. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Mon~y 1 1\ i C / , / 209 '1 I . I~.. I ' lic.W. ~.'i...@J.P 'I Ir.... d....t.t. '1".#. wk I ,/,,/.... , I Ii ,I ., I ! ! I I [i~~";'" c..L~ ,!..&tc..14.. li~~~r. ,1)~4. $..-....., rV ! IIi "1 ,."- , I 210 fI-- Court House I Salem, Virginia , February 21, 19551 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House I, il I i i I I I I i I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I i' ,I ~i ii .:1 ther'30f in regular monthly session. Prt~sent: H. W. Starkey, Chairman, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and I'linor R. Keffer. I Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member " , I !I ii Ii !I " ii Ii " Ii II Ii 'i Ii ii ii " of t:3e Boa.rd having read the copy of sa;~d minutes furnished him by the Clerk. and .,rdered to be paid by voucher check,; out of the funds respectively char,geable therewith, to-wit: No. 19814 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies, book binding and 200 Zoning Ordinance Books 19815 Appalachian Electric Power Go., Current used at Cave Spring Fire house and Hollins Fire House 19822 Burroughs Adding ~~chine Co... 2 Burroughs ribbons for County Treasurer 19823 Burrell lr.6;;:crial Hospitcl, :3tate-Lucal Hospital bills for lielfare Department 19S24 Charles \1. Cock, Jury ComndBsioner 19825 County School Board of E. C.. Gas, Oil, Repairs, etc. 19826 Columbia Ribbon & Carbon ;.if!;. Co., office supplies 19827 Ii. B. Clements, Inc., PCirts for Police car 1982S Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Hearing 19829 \i. S. Darley & ;ompany, 2 Handcuffs for Deputy Sheriffs 19830 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 19831 Davidson'S Esso Servicenter" January Expenses 19839 J. W . Griggs & ;J. H. W::.tt, January Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 19S40 Gittens &. i\lor-con In::) uranc e , Liability Insurance 105.62 19$41 jotI'! O. Hurt & Ola 1.:. Hurt, Rent on Garbage Lot for 30.00 January & Fetruary, 1955 " II 19$16 19S17 " " 19818 " 19819 19820 19821 " " It " " " ': " " It " It It 19832 19833 19$34 19S35 " " " " 19836 19S37 198J8 " II " " " " 19842 19843 " I .$ 179.65 Ned R. Alt<augh, 1 used Siren for Sheriff's Deputy American Chemical 00., ,Tanitor supplies, 1 case self Poli8hing \'/ax 39.37 15.00 16.33 Addressograph-~lultigrapb C01'p., Identificateion tags for Garbage Cans 1.99 8.00 15.05 31.S4 Auto Service Station, Towing Gart>age Truck Beach Service Center, Gc.sol:lne and Oil for Garbage truck Bowman's Bakery, Food-Prisoners 1.38 I 277.20 35.00 754.16 67.64 33.24 5.00 24.71 34.70 50.94 Easter Supp:Cy Co., office supplies Economy Food lr.arket, Food prisoners $.05 I 36.99 II II 'I it " 'I il II II Ii 11 " " :1 \1 :1 'I iI ii il ~ I I! Ii II !I I I " I Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline for PC.l.ice cars Fairview Home, County's share in I'laintainine; Home for the Aged 8.37 173.40 Chalmers Ferguson, Conunission OT, Delinquent taxes collected 17.25 Cancelled I Fuel Oil eG Equipment Co.., Fuel Oil for Heating Courthouse and Hollins Fire Statio!; 702.6$ Haloid Company, Paper usedlecord sheets and Office supplies 62$.$0 Jefferson Hospital, Inc.., State-Local Hospital Bills for Helfare 656.00 211 ---~_._-_.~-~------_._--- .'.. .... -- " "..-...., --.. II IV I , No. 19844 n 19845 n 19$46 - n 19847 T'~" . Key Brothers }~g. Co., Sal~ing 900 fee of lumber for };er'~y House $ 13.5Q, I: $5.95 :1 16.odl Ii ,; 11 240.69! II 1.201' ii " 22.50 II 11 !i 5.001' Ii 496.00', ii 47.97': II !' 174.37 i 30.00', 23.76![ 15.3711 16.75il 16.821 Ii 31.0011 32.27i 15.00 1.55i 'I 3.0011 I, , 12.50 I , 90$.0011 'i 28.901i II 43.52\' " ,i II 'I 90.001 Keystone Envelope Corp., office supplies Lewis-Gale Hospital, Inc., State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Janie B. ),IcNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Treasurer for Jury tickets and Vital Statistic fees It 19$4$ It 19849 II " 19850 !I I n 19851 I , n 19852 Ii i n 19853 i " 19854 It 19855 II 19$56 It 19857 n 19858 n 19$59 n 19860 It 19861 " 19862 It 19863 " 19$64 n 19865 " 19$66 " 19$67 " 19$6$ Nalcolm Blue Print &. S1.:ppl;r Co., Road Maps for Viewers Report }lichie Company, law books Cancelled .- \--. Paul B. f'lEltthews, Reimburse dinner meeting at Hotel Roanoke Roanc,ke j,rea l<lanul'acturer's Association !.lemorial II: Crippled Children's Hospital, State-Local Hospital.Bill for \'/elfare lfl.onarch Finer Foods, Fc,od prisoners Cancelled Nelson Hardvlare Co., t!c.rdl~cLre, Bldg. supplies Alfre.d lI;urray, Rent on Garbage Lot Orer, !l.oanoke Corporatie.n, Battery and Parts Owen Plumbing &. Heatin€; Co., Repairing Courthouse Furnace G. H. Par~nt Co., office s,l.::pplies Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry Prisoners John \'1. Poling, Pumping anc. Cleaning Septic Tank at Hollins Fi re Hc use III - Puritan Chemical Compa~y, Janitor supplies Radio Communications Ce.., Radio l'Jaintenance Remington Rand, Inc., 1 Adding J'lachine Ribbon Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service \'lillie L. Richardson, Services as Registrar of Eddington Shop F'recinct Roanoke County Public Eealth Assoc., County's appropriation t.o Public Heal th l~ork. Roanoke Gas Co., Cookir.g fuel for Jail and HOl!le Demonstration Kitchen 19869 Roanoke County Revolvir.g Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund n 19870 " Dr. R. B. Smiler, January Salary, Jail Physician, Lunacy' Hearing, Coroner Investigation "k-< ~ ! i ..... . II 18.00 I! I ii 12.6411 " 57.00.! " :1 II 19$71 " A. Scru~gs, Postmaster, Reimburse General Stores u. n 19872 Salem Lumber &: Supply Co., Lumber for Shelving Welfare Offices n 19$73 L. H. Spickz.rd, Heating fuel for County Office Building n 19874 Salem Hardware Co., Janitor supplies, Paint and Jail Utensils il I: il 'I !I " " i! " ii II " I' I I , I, /. Ii II [J " :i 7.551i II 5.291 n 19875 n 19$76 " 19877 It 1987$ n 19$79 II 19880 State Office Supply COlrpany, 2 doz. legel pads Town of Salem, Light ar..d water service for Jail, Courthouse, and Courty Office Bldg. 253.4$ i' Ii 105.30,i Ii 47.021: " $1.32 i I: :' Health, Balance due on i, of support of Health Department4,241.98 I: Ii ii Times-Reg~ster, Office supplies Valleyda13 Pa~l:ers, Inc., Food-Pri S0ners Virginia Foods, Inc., Food-Prisoners Virgir.ia State Department of appropriation I, "'i Ii ~ i~ " " I I! Ii ii ,I I: I' l II Ii ,I " II !I Ii Ii ij " Ii h No. 19881 r II 11.02 I i 1,$14.63 II II 4.00 I, Williams Auto Alignment;, Rep'iirs on Police Car I Growers &. Producers Exc:hange, Repair parts for Farm Equipmer.!t 32.76 [ Cancelled Ii " 1.09 I , Beach Service Center, Gasoline and Oil used in Garbage trucks 11.59 ! Virginia l.\etal l.lf'g. Co. fipe used in Road leading to Garbage Dump Vinton Motor Co., New Pcli:e Car for Sheriff, Parts for Garbage Truck Harry B. "wade, Service:; as Jury Commissioner C. w. \'iart~en Company, off:, ", supplies A. W. West, ~'ood-Prisollers Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes Coronet Carbon &. Ribbon Co., office supplies Cancelled C &. ? Telephone Gompany, Telephone Service for County Offices Caldwell-Sites Co., 4 - M Mimeograph paper for Treasurer Hazel Gearhart, Extra Clerical Work Roanoke Stamp &. Seal Company, office supplies J. R. Taliaferro, Reimb'~rse trav~lir,g expense State Forester of Virginia, Expenses incurred for forest fire control activities State Office Supply Co... 4 gross 5>1 pencils H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Reimburse Traveling expensa " ii> 35.00 55.50 17.35 23.00 I , I , ![ I, il I. I' I I I i 1 274.65 11.37 15$.44 3.50 29.08 ".1.67.49 25.40 2.70 " i !I I' f \1 IN RE: DOG TAXES J SHEEP CLAIMS &c: Ii I II The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: If 19882 " 19$83 198$4 19885 19/186 19887 19/195 19/199 19900 19901 19902 19903 " It " If " " It " " " If 19904 19905 19906 19907 It It It " 19908 " 19909 " 19910 No. 19888 It 19$89 " 19890 19891 19892 If " If 19$93 19$94 " " 19896 If 19897 19$9$ " Acme Printers, Inc., Posters for notifring customers of dead line on dog tags County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of Game ~'ilardent sCar C &. P Telephone Company, Telephone service Game Warden Cancelled Janie B. ~!cNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Treasurer for postage used in mailing dog tags Poole'S Service Station, Gasoline used in Game '.varden's car Radio Com:;lUnications Co., Radio Maintenance for Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Station Roanoke County Revolving F~nd, Reimburse Game Warden for ex:?!'ess charges shipping 1 fox head to Laber ,tory at :lichmond for Rabies test Salem Hard"lare Co.. Anununiticr for Game \'[arden 1 Lard can Salem L~~ber & Supply Co... 1 Crate for shipping 1 fox head to Laboratory at Richmond for Rabies test , .~ 8.20 38.03 17.27 .44 16. 99 15.00 2.76 6.65 2.45 I I I I I I ! II Ii :1 il II ., !' ii 'I !\ ii il II II Ii il 'I ':1 I I - ,...t .- ........, r ~ i - '''I I i I..i ;~1 W II I, 1.I~i~ JANIE B. I.IcllEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke COlmty, salaries, expense accounts an~~ supplemental expense account for tC.e month of Februar-.f 1955, and also those of .11 ~t1..,~ C'~ . < . '-1i- \1. C. l.luse, Commissioner of Revenue, Eclw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's ' ~ ,~1' < ')._)..2:~-~' t The following account \:as thiE. day laid before the Board: Attorney and H. \'I. Clark, Sheriff \1'111 be paid as of February 2$, 1955. I I , "Salem, Virginia II February 21, 195511 I I At the close of business February 19, 1955, there was to the credit of the I I I ,I Ii " i ~~s. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the follo\ring report: To the Board of Supe,.visors of Roanoke County: . General County I'und 'Library Fund . Dog Fund. -Salem District !load Debt Fund 'County.School Fund , School Construction Fund 'School Textbook Fund . F. I. C. A. :$ $$,926.54 1$6.12 $,060.43 $91. 54 236,7$2.74 141,343.63 1,702.65 .02 $ 477,$93.67 Respectfully submit ted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report is approved and oriere d filB d. IN RE: DELINQUEIIT TAXES: The Clerk this day delivered to tte Board the receipt of Janie B. MeNeal, Treasur~r, for $5,119.$9, on accoun'; of delinquent taxes collected by said 213 I I, 'I I I I , ~ II II r I, ~ . I' ~ II I ; r ,I ~ 'I I, I' II .I 'i , I, I' il II II The follOl.ling reports \1ere this day laid before the Board and ordered filed:.l CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoners days served in the County I'll.&. tc, .~ Jail during the month of January, 1955 Ii ,.->...-~ . ., L CLARK, Sheriff, office and kavel expenses for month of January, 1955 11 CUND:LFF, Assistant County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for January,1955'j Ii REYNOLDS, Roanoke County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for January,1955 'II, PAUL B. ~~TTHS.1S, Executive Officer, re?ort dated January 31, 1955 II I' II I! :~t !~~ ~& !]B...'b'U. 't 'I R...JL~ I!. I, :z. .H~~'J' 'I Ii " Clerk for the month of January, 195:5, less 5% commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to '.$4, $63.90 net. H. '.' ,I. H. ~'l. o. il. J. A. H. \'I. CLAR.1i:, Sheriff of Roanoke COOlnty, this day filed with the Board the . re:?ort of Part-time Deputy Frank A. :logers for tr.a monthsof December and January, 1955, amounting to ;;$O.CO \',hi'~h report is &pproved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forhard said report to the State Compensation Board as provided by law. 214 " '~I , , i(ti! 1.CO~j! r I' I 'I I! )..-}.?-!. I II '1 I, ,I Ii II I; !' i! r , 'Mil' ~'I .& I, C.?;~\ ,- Ii Co. . [i :l-.)..3 -~ . il " :1 " ;, I: II !i " ,: I! Ii " ~ Y-r oLt. f ~ ~. re.. ,. :l-~ !,-4 ( 'I ~ A- I t,~&..L'b ' ~ ~~;,~ " '"\ /,.-\.:.. \)\.' On ."i", duly "",d'd, " " "-,,,.d 'h,' 'h. Con", ""oIl b. "",,,1 in the total amount of ,;:\6,562.31 for the month of February, 1:;'55, from whici, II the sum of ~110.64, total F. I. C. A. ~ax and W. H. Tax $459.30, is to be I deducted, leaving a net amount of $5,992.37. i I I I, ': Supervisors H. \1. Starkey, 1;1. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nay". None On motion, duly seconded, it is ord.:",d that Edward G. Bateman, Jr., be employed for a period of two months, a1; a sa~ary of $150.00 per month, to assist the Game l'iaT'den of Roanoke Cour.1;y, in checking dog tags. I Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vO':':: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors H. \1. Starkey, IJ. None E. CnndiU, E. H. "''"'' "nd "M' R.II 1 I , On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that c!lec? /119796, dated __ for $50.00 for advance traveling expenses to H. Ii. Clark, Sheriff, Roanoke County, for return to Beatrice !vIae Roop from I'lashington, D. C., to the Roanoke County jail be and the same is hereby approved; and the report dated Feb. 4, 1955, from H. W. Clark, Sheriff, submitting statement of expenses incurred in connection therewith, received and ~rdered filed. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. I'i. Starkey, lti. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and l'iinor R. Keffer Nays: !lone On motion, duly seconded, it i.s ordered that the Treasurer of Roanoke [ , I II II I County, and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry from the General County Fund to the County of Roanoke Library Fund the sum of Three Thousand, Seven Hundred, sevEmty-two dollars and fort~. cents (.$3,772.40) the balance of library appropriation for year 1954-55, set up in the County Budget for said year. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. ';1. Starkey, \'1. E., Cundiff, ~. H. Garner and Hinor R. Keffer Nays: None I I I I, il " II I' Ii II i. II " , I I , I R. /{,. Garner, and other resid:mt.5 of the C:',ear Brook Section of Roanoke County, ~his day appeared before the Board, and 7equested that the Bo~~d make , arrangements for fire protection for said section; Thereupon, said matter VIaS referred to Paul B. !,1atthevls, County Executive Officer, and the Chairman of the Board assured the petitioners that as soon as some equipment can be located that t:,e Board will give their request ev.,ry possible consideration. " I i , i , i =- - .....1 r- ,_", - , , ! ..... ~ ,. '.\ , i , \.oj o 215 i This .lsy was laid before the Board a letter from Walter G. S;;ephenson, I President of the Roanoke Valley Develwpment Corporation, a Virginia corpor&tion1 ~ ~_,~ 11'-: . J6-"~' in which letter the County of Roanoke ~las offered the sum of one thous&nd !! L.o ~Ho';'.d.w. dollars (-'<1,000.00) .. t' t t f 1 d t" 43 19 11;j-. ~{}',j..., ~ per acre .Lor a cer aln rac 0 an con aJ.nlng. !i ~ 0ltt1. acres (the exact acreage to be determined by a survey to be made thereof), said 1'1. ~.<-,~:- land being ::'ocated adjacent to t;le Koppers plant site, and bounded on the north II U)/' by right-of-way of the Virginian Railway Company, on the west and south by II Roanoke River, and on the east by the property of R. G. Kerner; I After a full discussion, it was determined that it was for the best interest of Roanoke County to accept said offer, and upon motion o~ Supervisor ,I H. \'1. Starkey, s:>conderi by Super V'i sor ',I. E. Cundiff, it is ordered tl:~t the off~r of the said Roanoke Valley Development Corporation to pay the Slli~ of one thousand dollars (~l,OOO.OO) per acr~ for said property, be &ccepted, and the Commonwealth's Attorney is directed to immediately file the proper petition and other papers with the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, praying that the sale of said property at t~e price of one thous&nd dollars ($1,000.00) per acre, be ratified &nd confirmed, and that when said Court or the Judge thereof in vacation, has ratified and confirmed said sale, as hereinbefore set forth, the said Commonwealth's Attorney be directed to prepare a good and sufficient deed, with Special Warranty of Title, conveying the said property to the Roanoke Valley Development Corporation, or to whom it may direct at a price of II i i I , Ii 'I I I I I 'i II one thousand dollars 01,000.00) per acre; II I I I , r II , I I i; Ii " Ii I ,! II ,I " II II Judge thereof, in vacation, and to deli v~r to said Corpcration, O!' to ~lhom I it may designate, said executed deed upon the payment of the sum of one thousand II dollars (~l,OOO.OO) per acre for saie tract of land. !i , i I Supervisors H. \'1. Starkey, .,';. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and ;.linor R. Ii ,i II Ii 'I II ?i'~.L I!C.<J,.,.,~ se''/er easement through its property, following generally near the water line of Ii (J}'~::l-;j _'.,S~' I-Iason's Creek in the easement granted the Appalachian Electric Power Company. Ii " I: .i 1! And it is further ordered that H. W. Starkey, Chairman of this Board and Roy K. Bro',m, Clerk of said Board, be, and they are, hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute said deed, when said sale and conveyance has been ratified and confirmed by the Circuit Gourt of Roanoke County, or the Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: None On motion, duly made and seconded, it is ordpred that formal request be made to the Veterans' Administration for permis3ic. for right-of-way for Adopted by the follcwing recorded vote: I II 11 II I: Ii II I " [I II II ,I , Ayes: I' " Ii " " II !! Ii II " Supervisors Ii. \'1. Starkey, 1'1. E. Cundiff, Minor R. I;effer and E. H. Garnor. Nays: None 216 ~ut; a~.a~ ~ ')..ljl~J tJ'^ .' i .,. On ~otion, duly made and seconded, it is 'rdered that the County Ex'~cutive Officer be authorized to advertise for bids for construction of fo;~ty-three hundred (4300) feet more or JB ss, of 18 inch sewer line, according to plans and specifications, beginning from Salem man hole R $, following ; ~ I' ~ Ii it ': ii " il Y' I I. il Ii II generally the right of way of Nason's Creek to the South East line of the Supervisors 1:;. E. , ! I i " i Cundiff, E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey an,~ !.lino::;, R. I ! I , I I I I II Starkey, E. H. Garner, W. E. Cundiff, and ~linor R.: property of the General Electric Corporation. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Executive Officer be authorized to employ one additi,~nal employee in the Public '/Iorks Department at a salary set by the Executive Officer, and approved by this Board. Adopted by the follo\.;ing recorded vot,,: Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors None H. H. ... On motion, duly seconded, it :Ls ordered that the water system of Amarican Construction Company of Roanoke, in subdivision known as Brattonla\-ln, be , approved according tc the Acts of the General Assembly of 1954, permission being: granted for one hundred (100) conmlctions, provided that before operating under this permit that the said American Construction Company of Roanoke provide a total storage capacity of twenty-five thousanJ (25,000) gallons, and instal six (6) inch water main in Peggy Street from the reservoir to Richard Avenue; and a si~ (6) inch water li.ne in Richard Avenue west from Peggy Street , to Jack Street; and a six (6) inch water line from Peggy Street east to State : Route 653, all other lines are approved in size, as indicated on plans su~mittedi of proposed water supply, dated February 17, 1955, prepared by Buck jl;ered~th, 1:,lt Engineer. II :1 ,I 'I 'I :1 I !I I' I , , ! II " ,. '1 il Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: ;1. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner, H. Ill. Starkey and Minor R. Keffer. None The following communications v;ere this day received and ordered filed: Notice of hearing on February 24, 1955, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the Court Room of State Corporation Corr~ission, Richmond, Virginia, on the application of ~ilson Trucking Corporation, for a certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a comreon c,rriar by motor vehicle for the handling of property on the following !'oute or routesl between Roanoke and Salem, Virginia, over the , 'i following described ~outes: 1 U. S. Highway 460, 2. U. S. Highway 460 and Alte~- i nate U. S. 460, 3. U. S. Highway 11, 4. State Road 1431, ,. State Road 742, II il Notice of hearing on Februarj 24, 1955, at 10 0' clock A. h. in the Court :1 :i 'I Roo~ of State Corporation Cor.mas sion, Richmond, Vir ginia, on the application of il II II ,; I I -I I,., " r ,. , I I I 218 I: ., '-:fi !, om' to ~.",..~~r/Al'I: ~ '(Lv- : ')'.).!>-~-S' ... ~ ~.).'!>-~~ This day there was presented to this Board a proposed agreement between the County of Roanoke and General E;lectri~ Comoa~J' a Corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of lie~l York, concerning an amendment to a contract heretofore entered into by and betlteen this Board and said Company on Janua~J 17, 1955, which said amendment is in the fo llowing words and figures, towi t: , THIS AGHEEl.1ENT, made and entered into the 21 day of February, 1955, by ! and between the Count~' of Roanoke., a political subdivision of the Commomtealth I . i of Virginia, hereinafter called the "County", and the General Electr~c I Company, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the b.ws , I , , I II II II I I I i , vrnEHEAS in said contract of January 17, 1955, the County agreed to construq~ of the State of New York and having its principal office at 1 River Road, Schenectady, New York, hereinafter called "G. E.", WITNESSETH: \iHEREAS the ?arties hereto on January 17, 1955, executed a contract by which the County agreed to construct a public sewer line and to furnish G. E. a connection therel'li th at certain ~.pecified rates under certain specified conditions, all of which were set forth 'r said agreement; and and maintain a pumping station and to ~uild the public sewer line f~om the southeast corner of the G. E. property, therein described, to a connection with an interceptor line of Roanoke City; and vrnEREAS since the execution of said contract an alternate route for the construction of the public sewer line by Roanoke County, by which said waste could be transported by a gravity flow rather than the use of a pumping station and by which the interests of the public would be equally as well served, has been proposed by Roanoke County, and 'which alternate route is acceptable to G. E. NOW, THEREFOHE, in consideration of the premises, covenants, obligations and mutual benefits accruing in the contract of Januarf 17, 1955, and which ',ill accrue herein, the parties hereto covenant and agree ~nth one another to the following amendments to the existing contract of January 17, 1955: (1) Paragraph I(A) is amended to read as follows: (A) The County agrees to construct, o~m and maintain a pumping station, together with ne~essarf appurtenant facilities, and a pub:ic sewer line of adequate size fron: the southeast corner of described a~ea to a connection with Roanoke City interceptor line in accordance lrith provisions of the existing contract. between Roano~ City and Roanoke County. Cr in the alternative, if the County so desires, it may receive and discharge se~lage by means of a gravity flow public sewer line of adequate size constructed from the southeast corner of the described area to a connection with the To;m of Salem's main interceptor line at manhole R-S. ( 2) (B) Paragrap.. I(B} is aElended to read as follo':lS: G. E. agrees to deliver all of the wastes originating within its area (other than those which the State ~ater Control Board may permit to be directly discharg~ into I.lason's Creek) to the proposed p"blic sanitary sewer, I I I I i ! !I ri ver: Ii :i i " ,I !I II " II :1 il I " il I, 'I Ii II I ~ ,."'.; ,- I I I I II I i II I Ii II il II il II 'i Ii II II II I ! i Ii i1 il I) II II I I Ii II !I ii II " 'I' ._t' ,..., ;...J Ii,;, U r1 II \...l Board of Viewers the recorded map of Sunnybrook and North Hills and I ~ Ii " ,. I' t::.e COIr.I:luJ'1ica- authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the tion addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways, under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of High.mys, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Chester Drive from Dexter Road, Route IS03, 0.10 mile to Dead End, and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Hig~~ays in ROanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer I.lays: Supervisors H. ~. Starkey, 1.T ti' ,j. .- Cundiff, E. H. Garner and ~1inor R. Ii il , Ii Ii I: , f! l!one BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors 0f the County of Roanoke, the Council of the TOlm of Salem, Virginia, concurring: i,' I' 1. That the County of Roanoke will deliver domestic sewage and also Ii ~ *. r industrial sewage of the kind and character as specified in the contract betwee~i~~.~. Roanoke County and General Electric Co:npany, under date of January 17, 1955, as II )( Uu. . ~ li~ _J.l. -~:& Ic.-h ~<><.L<- j:~~.~'::- II). - ~_H' amended by supplemental agreement of February 21, 1955, by gravity flow from portions of the It.ason's Creek watershed and deliver the same to the main River interceptor of the TOlffi of Salem at p;anhole R-S, and cause the same to be metered at said point. The Town of Salem will transport such sewag~ to the interceptor line of the City of Roanoke; 2. The County of Roanoke will pay to the To;m of Salen at a rate of ~5.0C per millio!l gallons of sewage for said transportation at stated intervals and according to meter readings; 3. This contrac~ shall be in full force and effect for the sam(' period of " time as specified in the several contracts nO','1 in existance concerning the same,'! .I to-wit: The cont!'ac~ oetl,.:;"n the Town of Salem and the City of Roanoke, as I, amended; the contract betw~<';ll the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke, as amended, and the contract between the County of Roanoke and the General Electric Company, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOL,~: That a copy hereof be forwarded to the Clerk of the Council of the To~m of Sal""l \-lith the request that the Council conC'lr herein. II; RE: VACATIOli OF l-lA? OF OTTER VIEW H~IGHTS: This day came John Hatcher Fe.guso~, by Furman :.TIitescarver, his attorney, I'lho requested the Boare! of Supervisors of ~oanoke County, Virginia, to consent to t;:e va.cation of a plat of Otter Vie;-: Heights \'lhich plut is of record in the ,t " , ~,{:.t.. Cler!:' s Office cf the Circuit Court of Roanot:e County, Virginia, in Plat Book ..._~~. 3, Page 72. """" I ,: Ii II !I il I. II I! Ii I' II I[ Ii il II II I I I i I I i II I I , i II .. II .1 !' il I, I' il Ii il .I :i Ii " ii I' Ii ;1 i: " " Ii II Ii il il i1 ii ;i II if il ;1 H :1 /' II 'I II Ii Ii !i " Ii .....,.r - ""'I - ,.:!r." : I , , ... I'"' ~ 223 -----._---~---....,..-_._----------:----.,.-------_._----.,--~~.~ ~IID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith deliv~red by said Clerk of this Board to ?aul B. ~~tthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. , ., " The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Su~ervisor Minor R. I' Ii " !: il H Supervisors Kinor R. Keffer, H. \'I. Starkey, E. H. Garner and \'I. E. i' Keffer and seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-~'lit: Ayes: Cundiff Nays: lione , I' i: All ORDINAIICE vacating, discontinuing, and closing that portion of the Old I, ii~~.t i'Yn~ ,c, .~.(P~ I!., ,~ \_,. Wortham have heretofore filed a Petition before the Boa~d of Supervisors in the,' ~ 'r~ -~~ 'I Ii " Deyerle Road located in Roanoke County, Virginia, between Pineland Road and Windsor Road; :ffiEREAS, Helen L. Ware and Henry M. \iare, Thomas F. Wortham and Violet County of Roanoke, Virginia, :in accordance lrith la-.1, requesting the Board of Supervisors to vacate, discontinue and close th~ Old Deyerle Road located in Roanoke County, Virginia, between Pineland Road and Windsor Road, and as to ~ the f51ing of said petition due notice was given to the public as required by "'l,"; . l~(.."L I:~-. II k-r/;C-' , 'lk.......(.. -----.. -- law; and \'ffiEREAS, in accordance \'lith ":1e said petition, viewers l1ere appointed to view the property and report in l1riting what inconvenience, if any, would result fro~ vacatin$, discontinuing and closing the said Old Deyerle Road as above referred to; and vffiEREAS, it appeu~s from the report in writing filed ,nth the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke CouP-oy, Virginia, together with the Affidavit of said , , " " II II [I i' II , views, on the 21st day of February, 1955 that no inconvenience would result either to any individual or to the public from vacating, discontinuing and closing the said Old Deyerle Road between Pineland Road and Windsor Road, to which report no exceptions have ~~en filed; and wn~R~AS, the petitioners have agreed to b~ar and defray the costs and expanses incident to the closing of the Old Deyerle Road. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~~D by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that that portion of the Old Deyerle Road lying between Pineland Road and .vindsor Road, be, and the sa~e is hereby vacated, discontinued and closed; BE IT FeRTHER ORDAIlffiD that the County Nanager, ~~. Paul B. ~~tthe~s, be, and he is' hereby directed to mark "Permanently Vacated, Discontinued and Closed",' that portion of the Old Deyerlo Road located between F;neland ROad end Windsor Road on all maps and plats on file in the County Engineer's Office in Salem, Virginia, 01. .,ihich said ma:cs and plats the said portion of Old Deyerle Road is shown referring to the book and page of Resolutions and Ordinances of the Board of Su?ervisors of Roanoke Cotmty, Virginia wherein this Ordinance shall be spread. 224 ; II il Roanoke County, Virginia a copy of this Ordinance in order that said Clerk may II !i BE IT FURTH~~ ORDAINED that the Clerk of the Hoard .01' Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia shall deliver to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of make proper notation on all maps or plats recorded in his said Office upon which are shown the Old Deyerle Road between Pineland Road and Windsor Road Ayes: Keffer Nays: 'I If II I'! Supervisors H. W. Starkey; W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. " I I I I I 11 il !I II II II ;; ,I :1 II Ii :i il herein as permanently vacat~d, discontinued and closed as provided by law. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ~rone I' i i: ( IN RE: ~~Jd ~ ff.;. ~ REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON ) THE EASTE:tLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE ) 220 JUST SOUTH OF THE CITY LIMITS ) OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, IN THE CAVE ) SPRING ~~GISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ) ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ) o R D E R OF EDGEHILL CORPORATION ~-;l.3-.!>-~ TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: This day came Edgehill Corporation by co~nsel and requested leave to file it,s petition ::-elative to rezoning the property to be described in said petition. I , , I I I , II And be it further resolved and ordered that theproposal to amend said zoning ;1 1 ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition be, and the same hereb1 " li NOW, THEREFOHE, be it resolved and ordered that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 21st day of February, 1955, the said petition be, and the same hereby'is, filed. are, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance ",lith the provisions of the Code of Virgini:l. And be it further resolved and ordered that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of same, the said Clerk of this I I I I II II :1 ! Board shall forthwith set the saine down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of rtoanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor E. H. Gc:rner and seconded by Supervisor \1. E. Cundiff, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted unanimously in favor of this order. I I I I I i: ., " ~' I :: I ,I " Ii II Ii i BE IT FURTHER ~ESOLVED, That, immediately upon passage, by the Council I I II II !I 2. of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain, bounc by the provisions thereof as I' r II 'I Ii ~i \, II I' I " i! fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by the other terms and provisions of the afQ~ementioned contract of September 2$, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. " " " 'i " !I " ., !i Ii I' ,I '.t II ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Starkey. ~!ays: E. H. Garner, ",j". E. Cundiff J I.i:inor ft. Keffer and H. ~;j. Supervisors None , I I[ I , i i I ',",'mo" I I I I I I I ! i I, I I I I ORDERI:D that the Board be adjourned until the third l-londay in I'lara'" 1955. Court House Salem, Virginia March 21, 1955 House thereof in regular monthly session. ~ Present: H. W. Starkey, Chairman, ~. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court Clerk. member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the I, ,. Ii :! " I: " Ii ii II II II Ii I i I :i " II The follOwing claims against the County were this day presented, apyroved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-~~t: No. 19973 , 19974 19975 It It 19976 19977 It It 19978 19979 " It 199$0 199$1 199$2 II " It 199$3 19984 It " 199$5 Acme Printers, Inc., Book Binding, Office supplies, Tax Tickets Cancelled Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tags for garbage cans Agnew & Con~elly, Seed County Farm Airheart-Kirk Clothing Co., Wearing Apparel for Police Officer Johnston American Chemical Company, Janitor Supplies for Jail American LaF~ance-Foamite Corporation, Gas Masks for Volunteer Firemen Auto Service Station, Towing Garbage Truck #13 Beach Service Station, Gas, Oil, etc., Garbage Truck #13 Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Truck Part for Garbage Truck #12 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and Hardware Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroners Investigation, Lunacy hearing, Medical ExamiJ~tion Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies and equipment for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Records :1 'I $ 256.15 1111 I 'I II II 6.$7 il I 2$1.42 I , I 'I [I !I " :i II i[ II II II 11 I' I , I !I " il i: " II il 208.30 19.75 7.39 13.00 21. 2$ 29.01 6.73 20.00 114.05 I I I I I . - ,o-"...t I i W 1"'"'1 u- Ii II il 'I II 'I II I 11 II II 'I II II II I: I , i II II No. 19986 It 19987 It 19988 19989 19990 It It It 19991 It 19992 " 19993 19994 It " 19995 " 19996 It 19997 It 19998 19999 20000 It It It County School Board of Roanoke County, Gas, Oil, Repairs, etc. for county owned vehicles month February Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline secured on Courtsey card on trip to Richmond Economy Food Market, Food Prisoners Easter Supply Co., Office supplies Davidson Esso Servicenter, Gasoline, oil, etc. #5 Fire Truck and Ambulance and Garbage Fairview Home, County's share in maintaining home for the Aged at Dublin Ferrell Insurance Agency, P;."emium on Insurance for Volunteer Firemen Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating Fuel ~or Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse Gittens & Morton Insurance Go., Fire, Theft and Liability Insurance J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, February Rent on Cave Spring Fire HOUS3 Growers & Producers Exchange, Repair parts for Farm Machinery Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., Paint and office equipment Hester Coal Company, neating Fuel Jail Hill Directory Co., Inc., 6-City Directories for County Offices It 20001 Haloid Company, Repair Part for Photostatic Machine 20002 McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1 Abbott-Nech Tr. Electrical Code hand Book 20003 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, ~eimburse Treasurer, Vital ~tatistic Fees, Jurf Tickets, ilegisteredMail 20004 Mrs. Sadie D. Magee, for issuing warrants for the Violation of County Ordinances which have not been paid by defendants 20005 Mercy House, Inc., County's appropriation to Mercy House Inc. for February It " " It 20006 Midwestern Manufacturing Co., Wearing Apparel (Fireman's Coats and Boots) for . Volunteer Firemen at Cave Spring Station 20007 Memorial & Crippled Childre1's Hospital, Hospital Bills for WeL'are " " 20008 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy hearing 20009 ~liller Tire Servi_e, Inc., 2 Firestone Tires for Garbage Truck #12 20010 Monarch Finer Foods, Food Prisoners 20011 Natural Gas Distributors, Cooking Fuel for Hollins Fire House 20012 Nelson Hardware Co., Tubs for Garbate ~ollections and light tubes 20013 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 20014 Cancelled 20015 Cancelled It " It " It It It 'f 20016 Russell L. Paxton Printing Co., 2,500 Envelopes for County Treasurer " 20017 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry for Prisoners 2001$ Nuway Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry Prisoners, " Ii I $649.39 I 'I I 10.03 , Ii 51.05' 'i I,': 41.1$ , 50.59 139.20 413.60 41.55 422.80 105.62 60.00 1.60 67.81 116.00 ,I 192.00 , 39.12 I 7.79 I, Ii 'I Ii .I 'I I i I I II Ii 'I II II I' ,I I: Ii I: 'I 'I Ii I, I! ,i II Ii 11 II I' I' Ii I 'I Ii I' ,. , i! 'I II $3.0; 1l.00 25$.00 249.96 512.00 5.00 156.26 49.96 8.60 58.04 1.73 28.53 4.61 34.85 227 228 J I Ii No. It It It It n It It It It It It It It It It It It It n It It It It It It It It " It II It It 20019 20020 20021 20022 20023 20024 20025 20026 20027 Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Repairing Furnace in Courthouse Radio Communications Co., February Radio Maintenance Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Stations Rainbo Bread Co., Food-Prioo ners Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service for February Roanoke Gas Company, Cooking Fuel for Jail and Home Demon~tration Kitchen Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy hearing Salem Creamery Co., Food-Prisoners Salem Farm Supply Co., 25# Rock Salt Shepherd's Citations, Shepard's Virginia Citations, Law Books 20028 Salem Hardware Co., Material for repa~r~ng Jail Hardware and repairing Jail Refrigerator Hardware for garbage gate 20029 L. H. Spickard Coal Co., Heating Fuel for Cave Spring Fire House and Co~~ty Office Building 20030 State Office Supply, Inc., 2-Royal Electric T. W. Ribbons 20031 Stull Refrigerato~ Sales & Service, Repairing Refrigerator 20032 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner Investigations; lunacy hearings, Salary Jail Physician 20033 Town of Salem, Lights and Water for Courthouse, County Office Building and County Jail 20034 20035 20036 20037 2003$ 20039 20040 20041 20050 20051 20052 20053 20054 20055 20056 20057 20058 Underwood Corporation, M~intenance Service on 2 Electric Typewriters Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners Virginia Foods, Inc., Food Prisoners Virginia Law Review Association, Law Books University of Virginia Hospital, Hospital bills Westview Poultry Farm, Food Prisoners ~i~lis Service Station, Gasoline and Grease Cha:mers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent Taxes Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current Used at Hollins Fire Station Cancelled . . .,./"""; !I $ 25. 5~ I' 15.00il 44.641 3.00 2$.30 I I 5.00 I 25.75 2.54 24.00 , 72.00 I I i i I i II I 134.00 4.85 105.50 75.00 269.'16 70.$0 ., 98.16 'I I I , , I i I I I i I I I , II I' ! l30.14 5.50 560.00 43.00 9.78 3.87 27.$5 47.60 192.$2 131.$0 12.75 12.44 21. 60 57.00 169. 50 I I I , , , II Ii II II ~ i il II 11 i' " ,i II 'I I, II I !I i! " Ii I, " :1 II I C & P Telephone Company, Telephone Service Eugene W. Chelf, Attorney, fee in instituting and conducting suite of County of Roanoke in collecting delinquent taxes Hazel Gearhart, Extra Clerical work in Clerk's Office Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expenses B. K. Elliott Company, Drafting supplies Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine L. H. Spickard Coal Co., Heating Fuel for County Office Building 20061 R. C. Board of Public Welfare, Narch supplement I - -,0 - . - I...~ i ~ !"'f ! I - -_._----~._-~-----_._--_._-- --...- . -' .. .., .- -- . . j i ----- ---- v IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEF CLAl}m &c: The following claims against the County and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out chargeable therewith, to-wit: were this day presented, approved, I of the funds respectively 'I Ii $ 6.50 III! 3.00 II II " Ii 10.00 il II 7.12 I I No. 20042 It 20043 It 20044 It 20045 It 20046 It 20047 It 20048 It 20049 " 20060 Acme Printers, Inc., Envelopes for Dog tags Cecil Bryant, Fowl claim County School Board of R. C. Gas, Oil, Repairs, etc. County Game Warden's Car 46.66 6.00 Mrs. Elmer O. Deaton, Livestock claim Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety tionds Poole's Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Game Warden Car Radio Communications Co. Inc., Radio ~~intenance for Game '.~arden' sCar 15.00 Salem Farm Supply Company, Dog food 46.25 C & PTelephone ~o., Telephone Service for Game Warden 17.95 I I I The following account was this day laid bef~re the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries, expense accounts ,{ for the month of ~~rch, 1955, and also those of W. C. Muse, Commissioner of v II Revenue, Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney and H. W. Clark, Sheriff will be paid as of March 31, 1955. Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Bo~rd the following report: "Salem, Virginia March 21, 1955 To 1;he Board of Supervisors of Roanok'cl County: At the close of business ~~rct 19, 1955, there was to the credit of the . General County Fund 'Library Fund ,Dog Fund .Salem District Road Debt Fund 'County.School Fund . School Construction Fund . School Textbook Fund . F. I. C. A. 1:1 61,603.5$ 2,9$0.25 $,349.21 966.73 220,407.17 132,716.47 2,034.41 .02 $ 429,057.84 ! II r Ii " I' i II II Ij II II II !I Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasu.rer." Said report is approved and ordered filed. IN HE: DELINQUE1IT TAXE9 COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, for $5,421.$0, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of February, 1955, less 5% commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $5,150.71 net. 229 i I I :I~~ litt~~ I peJ .l!Hi-n - or I~/~ I ~/...-II ~-5.- , '! I I I I II ii ,I 'I r II il I.' n ii " , Ii .1 Ii " II " I! ii I' d II " Ii Ii 'I " !I 'I I. Ii ii II " II -----.-----------..---. -.--.,----.--..-.:---..- .. 230 r' I' " ~ II !i " h..e.-r.c..~~ ,- '"'l-ss- ,~ I: j! II !l h !: II Ii 'I I, y ~......J ~I tr- . 'flI;a;-li ~~ii '~~i 3/,..t/~! ii Ii II , t ~M'll,.! -tu--;.1:. .~. II ~,.. ,i 'f'"' ~ . II' l.' Ii ii .' ,I ~-.. 'i 3. ).. II I . The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: . H. w. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoners days served in the County Jail during the month of February, 1955 "' H. W. CLARK' Sheriff, office and travel expenses for mont~ cf February, 1955 . J. A. REYNOLDS, Roanoke County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for month of February, 1955. . O. W. CUNDIFF, Assistant County Farm Demonstration Agent, report for month of February, 1955 . DEPAR~mNT OF WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS, Commitments to County and City Jails and City Jail Farms, December, 1954 H. W. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the report of Part-time Deputy Frank A. Rogers for the month of February, 1955, amounting to $65.00 which report is approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as provided by law. II II , , ii II II , I: ii On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll be approved in the total amount of $6,706.31 for the month of March, 1955, from which the sum of $113.56, total F. I. C. A. Tax, and \1. H. Tax $459.30, is to be deducted, leaving a net balance of ~6,133.45. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Ydnor Keffer Nays: None v I I , , I I Copy of letter dated March 10, 1955, from Frances Fitzgerald, Bookkeeper, I' i I i I I II II II il !I il I II , addressed to Mr. Chalmers Ferguson, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, of uncollected delinquent tangible personal property tax tickets for 1952, turned over by her to Mr. Ferguson, as of said datd, received and ordered filed. The Auditor of Public Accounts this day submitted to the Board the audi~ of the accounts and records of R. T. Hubard, Tri?l Justice of rlo~noxe County, for the fiscal year ended June 3Q, 1954, and for the period from July 1,1954, through August 31, 1954, which reports are received and ordered filed. Letters dated February 21, 1955, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. I '1 , i II I i I I il I' II II il II R. !I i' I I I I 232 ~ 3~ c.J..!J~~ rLfl. t Co /1.. (Pu_:...J "-,. .,._~-s; ~. ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the resolution of this Board of Febtuary 21, 1955, ~e, and it is, hereby amended to read as follows: WHEREAS The American Construction Compa~y of Roanoke applied for a to install a water system according to the provisionsof the Acts ~f the 'I' If " Ii I 1) I, " i: I " I~ r ii Ii j, II Ii II I' permit ! General I: !I II I II II I I I Assembly of 1954, in a subdivision known as Bratton2a~m; I Now, therefore, it is ordered that the water system be approved for one hundred (100) connections, provided that before operating under this permit that the American Construction Company of Roanoke provide a total storage capacity of not less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallons and install four (4) inch cast iron water m~ins in all streets, roads, avenues, alleys, or easements within the subdivision of Brattonlawn where three (3) or more connections are to be made. Adopted by the following recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, ~unor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None , i j ii ., , I' I' ., I: :1 of The Budget Committee heretofore appointed by this Board, to draft a budget for Roanoke County for the year 1955-56, this day laid before the Board a draft Ii I: 11 I I' Ii .1 Ii I' r ,I Ii I! II II " I' I: I! i of said proposed bUdget, also a draft of the proposed budget for County Schools, II 'I II I I I Budget Committee. Upon consideration of the budget for County Schools and I the School Construction Funds, the same is not approved in the amount submitted I by the County School Board, but is approved in the amount of $2,207,455.00, I ! , I I , I !' I , i a brief synopsis of said Budget in the Times-Resiger, a newspaper having general!1 circulation in the County, at least 15 days prior to that date; said synopsis to II I I 1 i I and School Construction Funds, as prepared by the Division Superintendent of I Schools, and approved by the County School Board of Roanoke County, in the amount of $3,013,101.00 and the draft of the County budget in the amount of $4el,134.00 (including balances and interfund transfers), as submitted by the County Schools and School Construction Funds, making a t~tal budget of County and Schools of $2,6$$,589.00 approved by this Board; a~d the further hearing of the same is continued until 16th day of May, 19;5, at a regular meeting of this Board at 3:00 o'clock P. M. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to publish, as required by law, I be prepared by Paul B. ~~tthews, County ~xecutive Officer, and a member of the Budget Committee. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, approved by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. N. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None II II 1 I I . II I' :1 :\ !, 'I , :1 " II II II IN RE: FIRE EQUIP~mNT FOR CLE~~BROOK SCHOOL SECTION OF ROANOKE COUNTY: v Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, this day reported to the Board that he had examined surplus army equipment at Fort Eustis, and found none satisfactory for use ia Roanoke County; ,- ! _i - \_^...~ .. I I .... , -'I i 1 ~ , , I i Adopted by the following recorded vote: i Supervisors E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, and l~nor R.I i' I i Ii I I , , I f:-- ' c....t-. .....c Pursuant to notice required by Section 266, Acts of 1942, W. E. Fitzgerald, I ~~~ r- Assistant Resident Engineel', on behalf of the State Highway Department, this ! W .i~ day appeared before the Board, and discussed with the Board the proposed work I~~ to be done in Roanoke County for the year 1955-56, on the Secondary System, as i ~ ~ ' II }.)..'1 -~-!- I i -.-._---------~-",...---,------.,..----:-~- . - .. - - - .. Ii " II Ii I' Ii nel~ fire equipment as may be needed in said locality not later than January 1, II II , After some discussion the Board assured Mr. R. M. Garner and other irrterested parties, that the Board would make every effort to secure such 1956. A petition signed by James D. Crump and other residents of Roanoke was County,jthis day filed ~R9~p-~e~i~ieft before this Board, urging that immediate attention be given to widening and straightening of the very hazardous portion of the Garst Mill Road, Highway #682, from the intersection of Grandin Road Extension to Route #221, being the part over which the Mt. Vernon School b~s travels; Upon consideration whereof, said petition was referred to the State Highway Department for its consideration. I I I I I I , , , Ii I II II i Henry A. Bergman and other residents of the Garst Mill Section of Roanoke County this day appeared before the Board and presented a petition requesting improvements to State Secondary Route 682. Upon consideration, whereof, and on motion of E. H. Garner, seconded by H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that the said request be referred to the State 233 !,~ II V" . t ,. . . :,h.J ....... , '.^~ ~.~..(i i Aft j~ ~..e..:- y1J . J -).. '1-~-$. !~ I r il>1 'C . in-'i ~. t.4. J, tt..~ , ;) .l-'i'-~-~' . Route 1$21 0.40 , I . Route 1$22 0.12 , 0 I' . Route 1$23 0.15 J II 'I , Route 11.\03 0.16 I, I, . Route 1809 0.17 Ii I: II . Route 11.\10 0.14 II d 1811 0.10 I . Route !I , Route 1812 0.27 Ii I' Route 1813 0.13 I! :1 0.22 i: . Route 1$14 " 0.25 . Route 1815 Department of Highways and the said State Department of Highways be further requested to make State Secondary Route 682 the next Feceral Aid Project in Roanoke County. Ayes: Keffer Nays: None IN RE: JOINT MEETIlm BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND HEPHESENTATIVE FROM THE STATE HIGffivAY DEPARTMENT: follows: BIG LICK DISTRICT: MILEAGE = ~ The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: .- . A preliminary report for Roanoke County, Virginia, Sanitary Sewerage System, North 11 Area, prepared by Hayes, Seay, Matern & Natern, Architects _ . Engineers; Letter dated Narch 5, 1955, addressed to Mr. Howard Starkey, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Hubert Wright, President of Roanoke Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Inc., Letter dated March 1$, 1955, addressed to Mr. Howard Starkey, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, together with Budget Requisition dated March 21, 1955,. from Charles E. Via,' Jr., Directcr, Office of Civil Defbnse, Roanoke County, Letter dated March 9, 1955, from S. J. Phillips, Chairman, Booker T. Washington National Monument Committee, addressed to Mr. Howard W. Starkey, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, v , .-. I I Iv ,i Iv I - Letter dated March 8, 1955, from Samuel Children's Home Society of Virginia, in re: Society. . M. Bemiss, President, The appropriation for work of said " Resolution No. 1232$ of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated February 21, 1955, acquiescing in request of Town of Salem for permission to transport, through a portion of its sewage incerceptor line, for the County of RoanOke, certain sewage City of Roanoke is under contract to treat for said County. ...... it I II II II I , Upon the recommendation of Miss Lucy Blake, District Home Demonstration Agent, V. P. I., Extension Department, and on motion duly seconded, it is ordered that l~s. Irene ~mrtin Green be appointed Home Demonstration Agent of Roanoke County, replacing Mrs. ~furgaret Svoboda, resigned; said appointment to become effective April 1, 1955. Addopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: I r - I........ , . U I I I II I' ,I 'I I I I I II II II II I: i , I I I II " i' Ii II I' " " Ii II I Supervisors H. W. Starkey, \,/. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. I, [I Ii I! , None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Tuesday, o'clock.P. M. to consider establishing Roanoke Coun y 1955, at 4:00. Authority. II " I' Chairman II II Ii II II Ii 'I Court House I, Salem, Virginiail April 5, 1955 ! , I i I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse pursuant to adjournment on March 21, 1955. Present: " Supervisors H. ':/. Starkey, Chairman, W. E. Cundiff, /fJ.nor R. Keffer II I' I' I, I, I' Ii !: i ~ I; II' , i! " Chairman I: " II I: J; " II Ii ,. :1 /1 ~ and E. H. Garner. Action was deferred on the establishing of Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the 1955. Ii 'I I I Ii I' II II II II .I Ii II I ! 236 --~-----_._---_.-. ...... - 0-' , , I , , Court House I Salem, Virginia ' April 18, 1955 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session.. Present: H. W. Starkey, Chairman. W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Ketter. (' ;i i: " " ,. " Ii \1 I, , , , I I II approved, I , funds respectively I " I. I I Minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished hilll by the Clerk. " l~ I: I II I il " " '! " Ii l " I I: i The follow:!.~ claillls against the County were this day presented, and orde:..d to be paid by voucher checks .out of the chargllable tLerewith, to-wit: No. 20136 Agnew and Connelly, " 20137 20138 " " 20139 2011+0 2011+1 " It " . 2014-2 2011+3 20144 2011+ 5 20146 20147 " " " II " " 2011+8 20149 " Grass Seed for County Farm American Bakeries Company, Food Prisoners Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring Fire HOWle Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co. Inc. Utensils for Jail American Chemical Company, Janitor Supplies for County Jail Beach Service Station, 13 4/10 gallons gasoline for . Garbage Truck #13 Blue. Ridge Produce Company,Food prisoners Hospital bills for Welfare Burrell MeIl10rial Hospital, Brown Hardware Co., Bulbs Dr. S. D. Carey, Professional Services rendered Prisoner Cancelled Cave Spring Water Company, Water used at Cave Spring Fire House Catawba Mercantile Company, Food prisoners C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for County offices " 20150 Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Mfg. Co., Carbon Paper - Public Work's Office " 20151 20152 " Cancelled County School Board of Roanoke County, Repairs, Gasoline, Oil, Parts, etc. I $4.1.00 60.80 8.95 65.65 21.38 4.33 I I I , II I , II I , I 4..00 831.60 11.10 I 4.00 4..50 10.50 i I 303.4.4 I' I II I I I 9.83 634..79 It 20153 Dame Rooting Company, Repairing Courthouse Roof Gutter and down spouts 32.00 20154 Cancelled 20155 Dictaphone Corporation, office supplies 20156 Economy Food Ma.k~t, Food Prisoners 20157 Easter Supply Company, office supplies 20158 Fairview Home, County's share of March Expenses Home for Aged .. .. .. " " It " " " " It II I ,I 2.00 I, II II II I 1 I' I , 50.62 61.50 I in maintaining 164.10 It 20165 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Janitor supplies 20159 Challllers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes 20160 The Fitch Dustdown Co., Janitor supplies 20161 Gimbert & Gimbert, Inc., Maintenance Garbage 20162 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Premium on Notary Bond for Paul B. Matthews 20163 Gittens & Morton Inaurance Co., Liability Insurance on Cave Spring Fire Truck 20164 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, March Rent on Cave Spring Fire House . I 4.3.34. II 9.60 'I I 167.50 ,I 'I 'I iI :i :, :1 ii '1 :1 , , II , 3.00 40.43 60.00 21.22 - :_-~., ~ I -- i....i , - :'1 : i , . - 241 II I I 'I~. . lilO J..~~ II y-- ~ I ~ Ii ~ d..e.. t lire ~- il \J. . /"Q.tI~ .'''- I;~. ~c., ~f....... c........... 111/~..- I I I i [I WlfRRRA!l, on February 21, 1955, a peti1oion of Edgeh1l1 Corporation, owners Ii . ~ in fee saple of the above-described property, which petition was drafted Ii p-!rsuani; to provisions of the Code of Virginia (1950), and the Zoning Ordinance" I I IN RB: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER . RESOLUTION RBZONIHG OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE KASTBRLY SIDE OF U.. S.. ROUTE 220 JUST SOUTH OF THE CITY LIMITS .OF ROAIOKE, VmGINIA, II THK CAVE SPRIIG MlGISTERIALDISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, . VIRGINIA . AND This day convened at 2:00 P. M. in the Courthouse of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, a regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, 1;he purpose of which meeting, in addition to other mai;ters, was to conduct a pUblic hearing and consider a request to rezone certain real property situate in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the East side of U. S. Route 220, just South of the City Limits of Roanoke, Virginia, and known as Lots .3 through .30, Block A, map of -Edgehill-; and of Roanoke County, adopted January 20, 1941, as amended, and was received and filed by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors at a regular meating thereof on February 21, 1955; a~d WHEREAS, by resolution and order adopted on February 21, 1955, at the above-described regular meeting of the Board of.Supervisors of Roanoke County, I I' II I I II :1 i Planning COIIIIIission of Roanoke County for its recomendation in accordance With:1 the Code of Virginia (1950); and ! WHEREAS, it was furthe~ RESOLVED and ORDERED by this Board that when the i Roanoke County Planning Collllllission .received said petition, considered same and II reported its recOIIIIII8ndations to the Clerk d this Board, on receipt of Slllie, II . I the Clerk ~ t.h1s Board should forthwith S.'lt the request for rezoning for publi~ , I I I I I , I , II Ii said property from residential to local business, as requested in said petition. was unanimously of the opinion that such change of classification would be Ii',! beneficial to Roanoke County in general and the adjoining properties in I: particular, and would promote the public interest, and did by resolui;ion I' II lIftAftimously adopted at its meeting on March 10, 1955, recommend to the Board Ofi! " Supervisors of Roanoke County that it amend the zoning ordinances of Roanoke Ii ii County to reclassify the property above-described, as set forth in the petition. the rezoning petition of Edgehill Corporation was filed and offered to the hearing at .3:00 P. M. April 18, 1955, at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, issuing notice thereof by publication as required by Sections 15-$46 and 15-$47 of the Code of Virginia (1950); and WHEREAS, upon receipt of a certified copy of the resolution and order of this Board, the Planning COIIlIIIi.ssion of Roanoke County, at a regular meeting held March 10, 1955, tully investigated the merits of the request for rezoning from residential to business, and further delivered a certified copy of its resolution to the Clerk of the Board ofSupervisorsJ'aDd WHEREAS, the Clerk of t~s Board, pursuant to the resolution and order of this Board at its reqular meeting on February 21, 1955, did issue notice by publication as required by Sections 15-846 and 15-847 of the Code of Virginia 242 } j " i: , , ., I, 'I I' I: i: i " i ~ ,I , Ii .' II I j Zoning Ordinances by legal advertisement which appeared on March 25. 1955 and i , I i (1950) of the public hearing on the proposed aIIendment to the Roanoke County April 1, 1955, in the Salem Times.Register, a newspaper published in Salem, Virginia. and having general circulation .in Roanoke County., the publisher's . I certificate thereof having been filed with the Clerk of this Board, the notice 1 . 1 stating :rull~' the time, place and purpose of the pUblic hearing and the place I , certified by the Planning i i II WHKIlJUS, IlIOre than 15 days has. expired from the second publication of the 1.1 above noUce to the date of this, the aforesaid public hearing; and ill WHEREAS, all of the requirements of law have been tully complied with, !, II " Ii II I I I II I WHEREAS. at this public hearing, there was a full ~nd complete discussion I I I I opportunity accorded all interested parties to express their viewe concerning i I at which the text and map of the rezoning petition. COlIIIIission, lllight be examined; and I with respect to the holding of this meting; and WHEREAS. on this date, cOlDlllencing at 3:00 P. M., in the Courthouse of Roanoke County. Salem. Virginia, there was conducted by this Board a public hearing on the above request to rezone the aforementioD&d property situate in Salem Magisterial District as described in the petition for rezoning; and of the merits of the proposal. the proposed use of the property, and full the proposal, it being hereby recognized that no citizen of Roanoke County appeared in opposition to this rezoning petition. but that all who appeared I were in fayor...of rezoning: the property as requested; and WHEREAS, W. H. Board and Lena Board, husband and wite, the owners in tee , , I of Lots land 2. Block A, of the property known aaEdgehill, appeared at this I meeting and stated that they were the owners. of the only other lots in Block A, i ot the Kdgehill MaP. which fronted on U. S. Route 220; that they were in accord I: . ~ with the petition of the Edgehill Corporation heretofore filed, in which I Edgehill did request rezoning of said Lots 3 through 30, Block A. Edgehill; ! II and that they were in accord with the recollllllendation of the Planning CODlllissioni of Roanoke County to the effect that Lots 3 through 30, Block A, Edgehill, I should be rezoned to local business; and that they did waive all technical requirements and did, in person before the Board of Supervisors, speCifically request that the lots owned by them, to wit, lots 1 and 2, Block A. Edgehill, be included in the ordinance rezoning said. lots from residential to local II I' business; and that they did thereby ratify the petition of Edgehill. join :1 therein. and did officially and formally request that the ordinance rezoning II il Lots 3 through 30, Block A, Edgehill. be prepared and adopted in such a way II Ii " as to effect the rezoning of Lots 1 and ~, Block A, .Edgehill, from residential 'I :1 " to local business zone; and II WHEREAS. at the conClusion of the public hearing and after full consideratiClf of this Board it was unanimously agreed that the requested changes in 11 classification made by Kdgehill Co~ration and by W. H. and Lena Board, husbm di :1 and wife. would promote the public interest and weliare of the citizens of Ii 11 Roanoke County; lj I I - ,_. - ..,.....-t ~ I - I.....' I i ... r, U 243 1 BOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED at this meeting of the Roanoke County Board I ot Supervisors that the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County adopted January 20'11 1941, as amended, be further amended to reclassityand rezone that certain II tract of land situated in Cave Spri~ Magisterial District of Roanoke County, ; I I Virginia, hereinbefore described in these proceedings, which lies on the , .! Easterly side of U. S. Route 220, just South of the. City L1II1ts of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and being known as Lots 1 throngb 30, Block It, of the property known as "Edgehill", from Residential District to Local Business . j' BE ITPURTHER RESOLVED and ORilWD that this resolution and order be sprea I on the oUicial records ot the Bo~d ~~ Supervisors of Roanoke CoUnty by the II Clerk ot this Board and that the Clerk further forward certified copies of thil! resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning CollllD1ssion i i of Roanoke County, Virginia, and he hereby is directed to change all official Ii , " Ii ! District; and soning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and additional certified copies to be sent to Edgehill Corporation and W. H. and Lena Board, petitioners requesting this action. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor E. H. , , Garner of Cave Spring Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor W. E. I i Cundiff of Big Lick Magisterial District, and an a recorded vote the superviso S , Ayes; Ketter Iiays: I Supervisors E. H. Garner, W. E. Cundiff, H. W. Starkey and Minor R. I II , I voted as follows: None I ./ . Furman Whitescarver, attorney representing Colbert's Incorporated ..nd Hart . . I Motor Company, Incol"Porated, this day appeared. before th', Board with a petitio~!. ~ ~.. . . ,1 .ur for an IilII&Ddment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance so as to classify certafn ~~. property described in said petition and located on the southllrly side of U. s. If ~ c: Route 11460 just east of the Town of Salem, and situate in Area No.2 as Ii 81a......Y-. heretofore adopted by thls Board, from "A" Residence to light industrial uses, II 'I /~H- II I. II II ii ! or such other classification as would permit the property to be used for business and. industrial purposes. Whereupon, it is ordered that this petition be, and the same is hereby, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the statutes in such cases made and provided. i It is further ordered that upon receipt of the recollllDendation of said ,I II Planning Commission of Roanoke County, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith Ii I' eet the said petition down for public hearing at 'the next regular meeting of I: Ii this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk for publication in i; accordance with 'the law. It is further ordered that a copy hereof be forthwith certified and delivered by the Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Mr. Paul B. Matthews. Ayes: Ketter Nays: " " I' ii " II " Supervisors H. W. StarkEl)"; W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. ' Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: None 244 I' " !I I 'I i' II \0.' II' , '" ,,' \.}..' " .' I," \i I I 11 J! " r 11 " )i il , " I y ~~ v I , ~ ~ I Furman Whiloescarver. Alotorney for Miss Burnett Wilson and Beloloie C. RhodesJ i appeared and requesloed the approval or' the closing and vacatin@: of all of Gray I Sloreelo which.lies. beloween Riverside Drive (formerly Overlook Boulevard) and , i : I II II JI " , . Section 1'IlO as shollJl on the aforesaid map, all in the Town of Salem, Virginia; I I And it appearing that Section 15-766.1 of the Official Code of Virginia of I I I 1950 requires lohalo lohe inst%'Ulll8nt vaca1;1ng streets and alleys. authorized by : I said Sec1;ion. be approved by lohe governing body of the County or City in which I the streets and alleys to be closed and vacated are located. and a question hasi ;1 arisen as to whether the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the II . I gOYerning body of the County of Roanoke. Virginia. is required to approve the II' same by reaSOn of the fact that ths aforesaid statute did not specU'y the , , I i I i I Hill Stren. both of the alleys in Section Three of the map of Victoria Land I and ImproYement Company, reco~ded in Plat Book 1. page 27,~ot the records ot the Clerk's Oftice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the westerly ninety (90) feet ot a certain twelve foot alley which runs easterly frOlll Gray Street and ::'ies northerly from and parallel with Hill Avenue in go....rning body ot TOllJls to approve the vacation and closing ot streets and alleys in th1s manner. and that the Board of Supervisors ot Boanoke County. l: ~ , J' I, Virginia, does approve the closing of the street and allays. and the vacation thereof', the follOwing resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED: That the request of Miss Burnett Wilson and of Bettie C. Rhodes, widow, for the vacation and closing of all of Gray Street in the Town II ot Sal8lll, Virginia, which..lies between Riverside Drive (formerly OVerlook Bou1.evard) and Hill Street, both of the alleys shown in Section Three of the III map ot Victoria Land and Improvement Company. of record in Plat Book 1, page 27[1 of the records ot the Cle~k' s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, I, , I , i I . Virginia. and the westerly ninety (90) feet of a certain twelve foot alley which runs easterly trom Gray Street and lies northerly from and parallsl with Hill Avenue in Section Two, as shown on the aforesaid map, be aDd the same is ., ! hereby approved, and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia~ !i is hereby requested to mark on the map of Victoria Lane and Improvement Companyll II II I, il [I 1/ I I Ii Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Ii [I " !I Ii II Ii " II 11 II II il II I' recorded in Plat Book 1, page 27 of the records of his ottice. showing the vacation lohereof; and I BE IT FOR'l'HER RESOLVED: Thalo the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virginia do evidence its approval of said 'Illcation and closing by joining in the Indenture of Vacation and tha1; this be done by the Chairman of the Board, with the seal ot the Board attested by the Clerk ot the Board. and duly I acknowledged. Ayes: Ketter Nays: None I II - '~O-'~ ~ ',--.,; r-o, , I - !".:l i i W l'"i : I i..I ~~45 ...............--..,...,...--~--~- I~tr- I'P'L~~ ,J 0,;. . p.jl"'....... c...... Iii 'I) ).-f.n. . I I !I ;1 :, II AND BE IT FURTIiER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to 8IIIend said I zoning ordinance as requested in said peti~ion and said petition be, and the I same is, hereby ref'erred to the Planning Commission of' Roanoke County, Virginia' for a recoaaaendation in accordance with the provi;sions of' the Code of' Virginia'j AND Eli: IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commiss on - - . . . . ) ahall report its recommendation to the Clerk of' this Board as required by I Code of' Virginia, that upon receipt of' same, the said Clerk of' this Board shall I forthwith set the same dOlm for a public hearing at the next pel'lllissible, II regular or special meeting of' this Board, and that notice thereof' be given by I,: add Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisioJUl of the Code of' II Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHEH RESOLVED AND ORDERED tj1at one certified copy of' this Garner and Minor R.II II II II II II I: "~' ....J.r II I' ''{; -r: f. I:i~~'~r ~ .L..R- I> Ii pU G. ))pJ:Ii-;:. I~' (~......c.. I:ffa:..... C:n...... . If "0 ~1'" Ii IN RE: l REZONIHG OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE l NORTHERLY SIDE OF U. S.. ROUTE 460.. ) APPROXIMATKLY 2 lITT.R.<l EAST OF THE ) LlKI'lS OF. 'l'HE TOn OF SALEM, -IB THE I SALEM: MAGISrERIAL D!SrRICT OF ) ROANOKE coum, VIRGINIA I ORDER This day cue Leo F. Henebry by counsel and requested leave to file his petition relative to rezoning the property to be described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at thiBregular meeting of the Board of 'Superrts~rs of' Roa~oke 'Co~ty, 'Virginia, held this 18th da.y of' April, 1955, that said petition be and the same is hereby filed. . . . r9BDlntion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of' the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. '!'he above resolution and order was adopted on motion of' Supervisor H. W. Starkey and seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff' and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted: ., .,' AY8ll: Keffer lIays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. None III RE: ) ) REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON ) 'l'HE WES'l' SIDE OF VIRGINIA HIGHliAY ) ROUTE /lll7 (PETERS. CREEK ROAD.) ) NORTH AND SOUTH OF NOR'l'HWOODDRIVE ) III '!'HE SALDl MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ) ROANOKE COUm'Y, VIRGINIA ) ) OF ) ) ) FINAL ORDER NORWOOD CORPORATION WHEREAS, Norwood Corporation did petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ant" requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amena~~ so as to prOVide that those certain tracts of land situated on the west side of Virginia State Route #ll7 (Peters Creek Road) known as Tracts ItAIt and "Bit according to Map of Section 1, Norwood, dated April 15, 1954, of record in the Clerk's Office of' the Circuit Court of' 246 , , I I'. " ., .,; ~ .", .~ ~ i I: Ii ~ ii i !! II " t I I' I' I' ~ I. i' Ii ,! " j i: " " i: I ; , I! I' I, II I, ! Ii I: r- Roanoke County, Virginia,.in Plat Book 3, page 119. be rezoned and reclassifie~ , as local business property, in order that said property and the buildings that I may her.eafter be erected thereon, may,be ~sed for said local business purposes~i , MUch said amended petition was filed .with the said Board of Supervisors at : , , j,ts regular meeting held on ~e 21st day of February, 1955, and by order of sa~ , board entered on the same date said petition was referred to the Planning I C:OIllIIission of Roanoke eounty tor a recommendation in accordance with the II provisions of the Code of Virginia. I AHD WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission did, by a resolution adopted at i I n Heting on Karch 10, 1955, after hearing evidence touching the/llSrits of sai petUion, recOllllllend to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County t1:e t said 1,1 County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change the classification of said property from its present classification of itA Residence Property" te, I local business property as requested in said petition; AND WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order I entered on the 21st day of Feb~ary, 1955, as aforesaid, order the Clerk of th~ I Isaid Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from the I n.!nning Commission, to forthwith set the same down fo~ a public hearing at I . '~e next permissible regular or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors, I IUld to give notice thereof by pu.blication in accordance with .the provisions of I :said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; i AND WRRRR1S. the Clerk of this Board. did .set the regular meeting of this :Board to be held on this the 18th day of April, 1955, at 3:00 o'clock P. M. asi the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said il County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly II pu.blished in the Times Register, a newspaper published in and of general II circulation in the County of Roanokp., Virginia, for two insertions on the 25th!! day of March and April 1st,. 1955, as required by said order of this Board illl entered on the 2:'st day of February, 1955, and as required by and in I accordance with the prOVisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of I Virginia; II AND WHEREAS, said p~blic hearing was this day had on said proposed amendm~t to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board. after notice thereof was duly !I published as aforesaid; 1,1 AND WHEREAS,.thisBoard has given careful consideration to said petition I and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and has heard evidence . i I touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, I I I I and this Board being of the opinion that saie. County Zoning Ordinance should . .1 i Ii il NOW. THERSFOHE. BE IT HESOL\'ED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting i! of the Board of .Supervisors of Roa~oke' County, . Virginia, held on this tile 18th II day of April, 1955, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby II Ii amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said !i " ., petition from its pre:;ent classification of "A Reflidence Property" to local :i ),1 " !i be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commill8ion. - I business property in order that said property and the buildings that may I hereafter be erected thereon may be used for local business purposes as defineJ " in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "A ResidencePropertylt to local business property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEING all of Tracts ItAIt and "B", according to.Map ot Section 1 of.Norwood. made by C. B. Malco~ and Son, S. C. E's., April 15, 1954, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circui t Court of the County of Roanoke. Virginia, in Plat Book 3. Page 119. And it is fUrther resolved and ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certifY a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County PlannillgCOIIlIIIis!lion and a copy to Strickler. Plunkett and Strickler. Attorneys for the petitioners. The toregoing Resolutions.and Order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Kinor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor E. H. Garner. and on a recorded vote. the Supervisors voted as follows. to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Einar R. Keffer, E. H. Garner, H. W. Starkey and W. E. Cundiff Bays: None l:f~f .- . I """'.f / . , ....; A RESOLUTION SIGNIFYING THE INTENTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROAIOKE COUNTY,. VIRGIlfIA, THE GOVEIUmlG BODY OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA, !D CREATE All AUTHORITY PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE VIRGINIA WATER AND SEWER AUTHORITIES ACT. AS AMENDED (COde of Virginia .of 1950 Title 15,.764.1 to Title 15-764.32, inclusive) FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING. FINANCING, CONSTRUCTING, OPERATING AID MAINTAINING A SEWER SYSTEM, OR SYSTEMS, AND FOR THE PURPOSE OF EIERCISING THE POWERS CONFERRED BY THE SAm ACT .urn ACTS AMENllATORY THEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: SECTION ONE: That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to create an authority under the Virginia Water and Sewsr Authorities Act, as amended (COde of Virginia of 1950, Title 1;-764.1 to Title 1;-764.3:2. inclUSive) for the purpose of acquiring. financing, constructing, operating and ~.... \ i i ! .. lIlaintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines and other property and facilities incidental thereto for the primary purpose of fUrnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residents and place of business in certain areas in o. Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpOS9 of exercising the powers conferroQ. by the said Act. No other or further project, or projects, shall be undertaken Ii Ii by such authority until and unless the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, II Virginia shall by subsequent resolution after public heariql; and with or withou~: referendum, specify the further project, or projects, to be undertaken. II SECTION TWO: The proposed articles of incorporation of said authority are il Ii as follows: ARTICLES OF IliCORPORATION OF ROANOKE COUNTY SANITATION Atn'HORITY In compliance with the Virginia Water and Sewer .AUiohori~es Act, .as amended (Code of Virginia of 1950 Title 15-764.1 to Title 15-764.32. illclusive) 247 II 'I II :1 c.j,.., tlJ. C i~ I 'f/'bF~ I I I, II I! ,I ii I " , " - ~ , t:K 248 -= I , , the Board of SuperYisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to a resolution I 1 duly adopted signifying its intention to form a sewer authority, hereby certif ': r (1) The name of the authority shall be "Roanoke County Sanitation . . Authority" and the address of its principal office shall be Salem, Virginia. (2) The naJIIe of the incorporating political subdivision is Roanoke County, Virginia, and the names and addresses and the tems of office of the first members of Roanoke County Sanitation Authority are respectively as follows: I I' ii , " Ii ,I II I, I: Ii Ii ,I " 'I Ii " Ii " II ,! I: Ii " " I' Ii " Ii Ii ~ i: i' " '. Name of Member Paul B. Matthew Reginald M. Wood Hunter B. Akers Fred A. Gates Elbert B.Waldron Address Term or Office 1 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years I Route 3, Roanoke, Va. Maryland Avenue, Salem, Va. Route 3, Roanoke, Virginia Route 3, Roanoke, Virginia Route 4, Roanoke, Virginia (3) The purposes for which the Authority is to be created are, for such projects as may be hereafter specified as authorized by said Act, but in addition' thereto the original prinCiple purpOS6 is to undertake the following sanitary sewage projects, all of which are set forth in more detail in the report otHayes, Seay, Mattern and Uattern, Eni~jl.neers, dated March, 1955, and titled "Sewage Study, a Preliminary Report for aoanoke County, Virginia", a copy of which is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia: PROJECT ONE - NORTH 11 I To construct, maintain and operate a sewer system, or systems, to supply sanitary sewage services to an area referred to as the North 11 Area, and described as follows: BEGINNING on the East side of Route 118 (Airport Road) at the North Corporated limits of the City of Roanoke, thence with the east side of Route 11$ (Airport Road) in a Northerly dir~ction to the North right-of-way line of Route 118; thence with the North right-or-way line of sr.id Road in an Easterly direction to the West boundr:.ry line of Tinker Knoll Subdivision of record in Plat Book 3, page 1 of the Clerk'S Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia; thence with the outside boundary line of said subdivision to a point 350 feet north of the right-of-way line of Route 117 and U. S. Highway #11; thence with a line paralleling Routes 117 and U. S. Highway 1111 and 350 feet North of the North right-of-way lines thereof in a Northeasterly direction to Carvins Creek; thence with Carvins Creek as it iIleanders in a Southerly direction to the Corporate limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the City limit in a North and Westerly direction to the BEGINNING. The preliminary estimated capital cost of said project is $410,000. This figure does not include acquisition of rights-of-way and related legal II I i I I /, II II II I, I fees. I The break down of this cost is as follows: 1. Interceptors 15,580' - 15" concrete 1,395' - 15" cast iron 12,0151t - 10" concrete 345' - 10" cast iron 9,650' - 8n concrete . 50' 8n cast iron Rock excavation 3.380 yards Measuring and sampling station $ 84,695 45,661 35,137 40,524 5,000 600' concrete - I 1..,...,.., . -- - II 2. Service Lines !/ I 34,101' - 8" concrete $116,317 270 connections 6" concrete 15,921 I 270 wyes and 1/8 bends 1,098 I Pavement replacement ~ , I Sub-total I i Interceptors l214,497 I Service lines 138.250 I Total 1352,747 15% Engineering & Conting. 52.912 GRAND TOTAL $405,659 The initial rates estimated by the aforesaid responsible engineers for - I ,..., ~ , i i ~ - 1~1 U I II II I II II I, II Project Six shall be to construct, maintain and operate a sewer system or Ii II !I I. I' Ii II it il II Ii ,I Ii Ii !i I' ,I " , 1: ,I The estimated cost of construction for said projects is None (Constructicn heretofore completed by subdividors) The estimated initial monthly rates of service is $2.00 per month - per living unit Said estimates are likewise contained in the aforesaid report of Hayes, Seay, Mattern and Mattern, and estimates are certified by said responsible engineers. PROJECT SIX - PETERS CREEK .ystems, to supply sanitary sewage service to an area known as the Peters Creek Area, and described as follows: r1 LJ BEGINNING on the west corporate limits of the City of Roanoke at the intersection of Route 117 {Peter's Creek R., " and Va. Secondary Route 625 (Hershberger Road) thence' >ling said beginning point and with the west right of ~1 line of Rcate 117 (Peter's Creek Road) in a northe%"_l direction to intersection.of same with the Va. Route 116 (Cove Road); in a Westerly direction to the intersection of same with State Sec. Route 629 (Green Ridge Road), west of Peter's Creek United Brethern Church; thence with State Sec. Route 629 (Green Ridge Road) in a southerly direction to U. S. Route 460 east of Lakeside; thence crossing U. S. Route 460 and with U. S. Route 460 By-Pass in a southwest direction to intersection of said By-Pass with State Sec. Route 1431 (old Salem-Lynchburg Turnpike); thence with same in an easterly direction to the west corporate limits of the City of Roanoke at Peter's Creek; thence with the west corporate limits of the City of Roanoke in a northerly direction to the place of BEGINNING. 249 250 , / '. I; 1\ t II II il Ii Ii " [: ii 11 II II ~ Ii 11 1/ I; Ii I: , i' ,: Ii I' I' ,I il I' I II ., II ~ , ii I' !i Ii il The estimated cost to the &lDlhority for the construction o.r said project I' I I I I I The estimated initial monthly rate for service is I . .2.00 per month - per living unit I These estimated costs are certified by said responsible engineers. I III WITJlESS WHEREOF the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, I the governing Body of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, has caused these 'I articles to be' executed in the name of Roanoke County by H. W. Starkey, Chairm11~ of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, and the seal of the Board of I is None The constructions costs for this area are to be paid for b:r the subdi vidors and the property owners. I Supervisors of Roanoke County to be affixed hereto and attested by the Clerk of this Board. day of , 1955. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VA. By This H. W. Starkey, Chail"lll.an Attest: Roy K. Brown, Clerk I II I State ot Virginia, County of Roanoke, to-wit: I, , a Notary Public in and for the Stat.e and County aforesaid do hereby certify that H. W. Starkey, Chairman of thE, Board of Stlpervieors of Roa:loke Cour..ty, Virginia and Roy K. Brown, Cler~: of the Board ot Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, whose names are signed to the tClregoing writing bearing date of _ day of , 195~i, have each . this day personally appeared before me in my State and County ilforesaid and acknowledged the GtaIlle. Given under my hand this My commission expires: day of _, 1955. Notary Public I SECTION THREE: The follOwing persons are hereby appointed as members of , I II I I I the first Board of Directors of the authority and the term of .)f'fice of each member shall be, respectively, as follows: Name of Member Term of Office P,lul B. Matthew Rrlginald M. Wood H!mter H. Akers Fred A. Gates Elbert H. Waldron 1 yea:r 1 yea:r 2 yea:rs 3 years 4 yea:rs Upon the expiration of the original terms of office, successors to the mBlllbers appointed shall be appointed for terms of four years each, and each suchperson appointed shall serve until the expiration of his term or until 1'01II ,",rJ - , I'''.~ said authority to be created under the provisions o~ the "Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act.1t t II _ill I SECTION FIVE: After the adoption of this resolution a public hearing -. thereon, as required by Title 15-764.5 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Court House at Salem. Virginia. on the 4th day of May. at 4:00 o'clock P. M. SECTION SIX: The Clerk of this Board shall be and is hereby directed to -, , i .J cause a copy o~ this resolution to be published. as required by Title 15-764.5 I of' the Code of Virginia. 1950. one time at least ten (10) days prior to the II date of. the said plbl1c hearing in the Times-Register, a newspaper of general II I circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a notice in substantial the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING . . "lotic8. i.s Jo.....'v .g1 ven that. pursuant to the provisions. of the ItVirginia Water and Sewer Authority Actlt. as amended (Code of Virginia of 1950 Title 15-764-1 to Title 15-764.32. inclusive) a public hearing will be held in the Board of S\!pervillors room in the Court House Buildi:og in Salem, Virginia, on the 4th day of May. at 4:00 O'clock P. M. on the resolution heretofore ,...., I i ~ i I adopted by the Board of Supervisors of' Roanoke County, Virginia, signifying i tsl .-'" ..", ,.. I intention to create Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purposes set I I Ii I till proposed service is heard. said governing body. at its discretion may call II. tor a reterendum on the question ot undertaking the pr"jects named in su,h I' ordinance or resolution to be held on a date specified in a resolution of said !I governing body not less than thirty (30) days or more than sixt.y (60)days from II the date of the adoption of the resolution. In any event, if ten percentum of Ii II Ii governing body calling for a referendum. such governing body shall order a I! , referendum as provided in Title 15-764.6. as amended of the Code of Virginia of! I' 1950. on or before the 4th' day of May. 1955 the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke I! 'i Ii II forth in said resolution. "The resolution referred to in this notice is as set forth below:1t If, at the said hearing, in the judgment of the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia. substantial opposition by the prospective users of f'1 U I I I I II I the qualified voters of such political subdivision file a petition with the 251 I , II I ,- ,_, ~ ~- ~ - : r.ft ~ .~ I LJ I' I :~1 I I' I u II , I I I I I I I !I II Ii I; I II II I[ hereby, requested to amend by emergency resolution the contract of September 28, I~ ~f~ 1954, between the City of Boanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the iT :Lx, t48 I~~' :o.i[, i:r- 4 t I . r..., ~"p_,''. f..t~ 'I ,--. '/1~ I trr,~.... 1 . rh.tij~' hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City I of Roauoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and i 0" :...L:i~.l.. I,I1 .. dt,'C 'i., , ~ r~r.~""".''''' I . -1 ^ r, t I'?~~ C',':~~ C-t A"'(.'e.(.~ '-~1 I' V'~ '(' I I ",.1 ~ .5." "":) J. ',1 II . . I . I II II II I: II II II II i II and thot acceptable wastes o,rig:'.nating within the aforesaid area shall be delivered with the Treatment of Domestic and Commercial Wastes. "BE IT RESOLVED: That the Council for the City of Roanoke be, and it is treatmentof domestic and commercial wastes, by amending the section titled -VIII. TERM OF CONTRACTIt, to read a,s fo llows: 'VIII. TF.JlM CF CONTRACT Unless tel'lllinated as hereinaboye provided for, this contract shall continue in full force and effect until January 1, 1981.' ItBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. ItBE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 'fhat immediately upon passage., by the Council . of the City of Roanoke, of the emerg:ency resolution hereinaboverequeated, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain, bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by the other terms and provisions of the aforelDentionedcontract of September 28, 1954. ItAn emergency is hereb:y declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect fr':lm and after passage thereof. "Adopted by the follow:lng recorded vote: -Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and E. H. Garner. v' BE IT RESOLVED: That the Council for the City of Roanoke be, and it is commercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the extent of adding thereto the following described area: BEGINNING at the south corporate limits of the Town of Salem on the west side of Vir.ginia Route 119; thence with the west side of Virginia Route 119 in a southerly direction to intersection of same with State Secondary Route 685; thence with Route 6$5 in a westerly direction to the easement of the C & P Telephone Co. underground cable line; thence leaving Route 085 and with the C. & P. Telephone easement through the properties of the Hidden Valley Country Club and I. B. Radford in a westerly direction to a 50 foot road, a point on the division line between I. B. Radford and Home Dealers, Inc.,; thence with said division line and the 50 foot new road as established in Deed Book 520, page 42, 1320 feet more or less in a northerly direction to Upland Drive; thence crossing Upland Drive and with a private road through the property of Forest Hills Corporation in a northerly direction to Diamond Road; thence with Diamond Road in a southeasterly direction to the north property line of Section NO.1, Map of Orchard Heights, Plat Book 2, page 173; thence with same in an easterly direction to the south corporate limits of the Town of Salem; t hence with same to the place of beginning, and being an a~ea to serve the buildings of Hidden Valley Country Club and the present ~e~~r system inOrchard Heights; by the County to the. Town of' Salem sewer system for transmission by the Town of Salem through its interceptor lines to the City of Roanoke. In all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. 253 254 ')~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That immediately upon passage the Council for the ') I, Ii I' ,I I, Ii ~ II " 'I r II I: I: ,i I' " " I' II II ,i ii ii ~ # il Ii I' !i " Ii " I ,I " " I: " ~ II i: ., 'I I, -il 'I I, ,I ii I! II I' tl 'I i! - . City of Roanoke of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be and remain bound by the provisions of said contract as fully and to the same elttent as said County is now bound by the other terms and I / .... ':1 .,.{ , I I I said area and transmit the same through its interceptor to the interceptor line I 'I 'I , An emergency is hereby' declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in I full force and effect from and after passage thereof. I Adopted by the follow:l,ng recorded vote: i Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. II ) II, ~ /il I i Richard W. Copeland, Director, Department of Welfare a,nd Institutions, this I, day presented to the Board" the approved budget of Department of Public 'j' Wel1'are, Roanoke County, f()r fiscal year ended June 30, 1956, and requested that the signature of the Cha~~n, attested by the Clerk of the Board, be attached I ! I I provisions of the aforesaid contract of September 28, 1954. BE IT FURTHER HESOLVED: That the Council of the Town of Salem be and is requested to accept domestic and commercial wastes originating in the afore- of the City uf Roanoke. I Ayes: Garner Nays: None I thereto, which was accordingly done. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Wednesday, May 4, 1955, at 4:00 o'clock P. M. . ,,/ ~ ,0" ----:- ,", v" /' / .-'i/:) j-,rvc/L-vy // v I hi, C ainna~ II , i .' Court House Salem, VirgiDi May 4, 1955 II At a meeting of the B',ard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held II ,; ,I Ii ,. , I i I ! il il II II II hearing on the aforesaid resolution of April 18, 1955, signifying the intention i' I I on the ~th day of May, 1955 at 4:00 o'clock P. M., in the Supervisors Room in Ii '" I: Ii " II " .' t,he Court House Building in Salem, Virginia, pursuant to a re!lolution adopted I at a regular meeting of said Board, held on the 18th day of April, 1955 designating May 4, 1955 at 4:00 o'clock P. M. as the time and the Supervisor's Room in the Court House Building in Salem, Virginia as the place for a public of said Board to create an authority under the ItVirginia Water and Sewer Authority Act,lt as amended (Code of Virginia of 1950, Secti~n 15-764.32, inclusive), to be known as Roanoke , ; I, Section 15-764.1 to II County Sanitation Authori t~I, "il i' " for the purposes as set forth in the ~oresaid resolution, also pursuant to adjournment of this Board by order of the Board. Present: H. W. Starkey 'I.E. Cundiff E. H. Garner Minor R. Keiffer Ab.sent: NODe !""'" I I , -. ....... ~ ~ , ~. ~' \ , - f';""" I , i i ..l ,~ leI U,-. , r I I , J The Chairman opened the meeting, stating its general purposes, and after the reading by the Clerk of '~he Board of the notice of public hearing and also the reading of certain resohltions proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general discu~sion of the subject. The Board, hearing no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, on motion of I W. E.Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor E. H. Garner, the following resolutions wer'l adopted by unanimous recorded vote. I I WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Beard of Supervisors of Roanoke C.,unty, I I ,i I I Virginia, held April 18, 19,5, a resolution was una~ously passed by recorded vote by the said Board, signifying the intention of said Board to create an authority under the ItVirgirn,a Water and Sewer Authorities Act,lt as amended (Code of Virginia of 1950, Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32, inclusive), to be known as Roanoke Coun1.y Sanitation Authority, for the purposes as set I I , I II II I II I II Ii I I I II I' Ii ~ ~ i II I I April 22, 1955, in the ItTimes Registerlt, a newspaper published in ahd having i , general circulation in the County of R~anoke, Virginia, along with a notice that I a public hearing on said resolution would be held by the Board of Supervisors of I Roanoke County, Virginia, on the 4th day of May, 1955, at 4:00 O'clock P. M., Ii in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Court House Building in Salem, Virginia, I that date being more than ten days after the aforesaid pUblication of the said (I I , WHEREAS the said publi.c hearing was held en May 4th, 1955, at the time and Ii place set forth in the said notice ~nd said resolution; and Ii " II [, Ii i i I II 'I Ii II II II Ii :1 ! forth in the aforesaid resolution; and, WHEREAS pursuant to th,! p~ovisions of Section 15-764.5 of the Codeof Virginia of 1950, the aforesaid resolution was duly published in full on notice and said resolution; and, WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, i.he governing body of the Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; NOW, T!lEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby of1'idally evidence its determination that no sub,stantial opposition to the creation of Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, by pro.spective users of the proposed services, was heard at said meeting, and this Board doth so certify. AND WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at the hearing calling for a referendum, as prOvided for in Section 15-764.6 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, on a referendum is thsrefore nClt required or necessazy; NOW, THEREFORE, BE 11' FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roa:'lolte County, Virgini.a, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at Us regular meeting of April ::.8, 1955 in adopting by recorded vote the resolution Signifying its intention 1;0 create the aforesaid Authority, and doth further rai.ify the application for a charter from the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, in accordance ~lth the form of charter set out in full in the 255 ,I II " " :1 II I , I II II :i .' " Ii Ii I' 'I I, II II Ii Ii I' II I: I I, il " ii Ii I: I II ~ c.Xfl:; ll!l.Ui.~ ~,r.[...'I! t;it~.!1 . VW"j ~U I !>1~l;~ ~i ... roil these ~,P.l. o~ %5.t c Ii I Adl)pted S~;\he Board ' Ii ( Supervisors 11 ' i' ( 1873 ~ ~ S" ~ Ii (Roalloke County, 'I Ii ,. II " li 256 . ., aforesaid resolution of April IS, 1955, and doth specifically ratify and confirm the action of the Chairman of this Board and the Clerk of this Board I Ii i I I II II 'I !, Term of Office I I I i I J AND WHEREAS Furman Whitescarver, as attorney on behalf of this Board, I heretofore' caused to be filed with the State Corporation Commission of Virginia,! Arti,:les of Incorporation, together with proof of publication of the notice and ]:' the resolution, as aforesaid, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15-764.7 of I the Code of Virginia of 19~O, his action in so doing is hereby ratified, approve r II I I I H. W. Starkey, Chairman of the Board 0 Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virgini I under the official seal of this Board in executing the said Charter, and, BE IT FURTHER HESOLVED: That the appointment of members of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and their respective terms of office, as set I out in the resolution signifying the intention to create the same, be, and the same is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, and the names and addresses and terms of office of said members being as follows, to-wit: Name of Member Addr~ I Paul B. Matthews Reginald M. Wood Hunter H. Akers Fred A. Gates Elbert H. Waldron Route 3, Roanoke, Virginia Maryland Avenue, Salem, Virginia Route 3, Roanoke, Virginia Route 3, Roanoke, Virginia Route 4, Roanoke, Virginia 1 year 1 year 2 years 3 years 4 years and I:onfirmed, and the said State Corporation Commission of Virginia is hereby requested to forthwith issue a charter for Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to send a certified copy of resolutions to the St~te Corporation Commission of Virginia. I ) of) ) ) Virginia) Copy Teste: Roy 1(. Brown, Clerk of the 30ard of Supervisors of Roanoke C"unty, V:lrg:lnia Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: H. W. Starkey W. E. Cundiff Minor R. Keffer E. H. Garner ii . !1 , I I I I i II 'I I, sani1;ary sewers in Roanoke County which connect with any sewer system owned by II the City of Roanoke, Town of Salem, Town of Vinton, or Roanoke County Sanitation , i 'I 'I II II II 'I 11 II shall be interpreted and de<:ided by the Public Works Engineer of doancke County, ,I :1 !i " II I I !;-3.ys: None On motion of Supervisol~ W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. I ..;, Keffer, the fOllowing general specifications for the construction of Authority are hereby adopted: (1) . GENERAL: All work shall be done in accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Public Works Department of Roanoke County. Any questions, doubt, or mis un<ierstanding or the plans,profil~s, or specifications and his decision shall in all cases be final (2). INSPECTION: The Engineer or his dw.y authorized representatives will inspect all work ...... >~.::~, ~ . I U ,...., : - , ' I - o f"l i \ ~ 257 ________~____ -:c---- . - - and materials necessary for the completion of the work under contract and the contractor shall furnish him and his inspectors with all needed facilities for the carrying out of such inspection. (3). LINES AND GRADES: ~::.::. !IeC'3SS..ry lines and grAdes will be furnished by the Engineer, and the contractor &hall provide, at his own expense, such materials and labor as the Engineer may require for assistance in this work. The contractor shall notify the Engineer twenty-four (24) hours in advance that grade stakes a:l'e needed. (4). HESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTOR: The contractor shall bear full responsibility for safety of the public in carrying out his work and will provide all safeguards and lights necessary. (5). MATERIALS AND ~rORKMANSHIP: All material shall be of the best qualify obtainable under the trade ~ I classifications, and any D~terial not meeting the approval of the Engineer she.ll be rejected. ill workmanship shall be of the highest qualifY obtainable. Vitrified glaz'ld clalf sewer pipe shall conform to the requirements of the A. S. T. M. designated as ItStandard Specifications for Clay sewer pipe A. S. T. ~. de,.\.gnation C-l)-35.1t Brick shall be of thl3 best qualify, whole, sound, hard, burned brick I , I Ii Ii I , , I I, Cement shall be a st;andard brand Portland Cement meeting all requirements !I 'I I, I I I ,I II I i I ,i i il II II 'I Ii Ii 'I I, ], II 'I II !i II I: I' II " Ii of perfect shape and acce:ptable to the Engineer. of the A. S. T. M. designation C-9-30. Sand shall be of a clean, dry sharp nature and shall not contain loam, clay, or vegetable matter in excess of three (3) per cent by weight. Mortar shall consist of one part Portland Cement and two parts clean . dry sand mixed with clean water to the proper consistency. Manhole covers and frames shall be of a good qualify grey iron, having a tensile strength of not less than 18,000 pounds per square inch. Casting shall conform to size and shape as shown on Public Works Department standard I II I II II II II Ii il I[ II 11 II 'I II II II II , . No. 2-081739. ( 6). . CONSTRUCTION OF SEWERS AND MANHOLES: Earth: Excavation~. '1 consist of opening the trench from the surface to pipe grade. Trench shall be twelve (12) inches greater width than the outside diameter of the pipe and shall run to true grade as secured from grade lines established by thl, Engineer. When the trench is excavated below grade, it shall be filled to grade with dry clean sand or clay securely rammed, placed in layers not exceeding six (6) inches in depth. The trench shall not be excavated in advance of finished pipe, laying a distance of more than five hundred feet, without written permission of the engineer. Rock: When rock is encountered, it shall be removed full width to a depth of four (4) inches below pipe grade and the trench brought up to grade with clean, dry sand or clay securely rammed in place. No rock shall be removed by II i II I[ I I II I ,.' " " '. I: " 'I H il ,. Ii " ;1 i' ,I ,I 258 Ii ii II Ii " I' I: II II !I I: I I' ii ,. II ,I il " II I, II 'I I, I ~ II II :! I I blasting unless i_ is at least twenty-five (25) feet in advance of the pipe laidl I !, I I II I' I I I Pipe shall be laid to true, straight, line and grade between manholes from I " I , I in the ditch. (', ). PIPE LAYING: Before placing pipe in trench, a bell hole shall be dug sufficiently deep to allow access for the joint wiper completely around the joint of the pipe. I Bell holes shall be dug so as to leave the body of the pipe on smooth, hard ground and the body of the pipe must have a full bearing in the bottom of the trench. the stakes set by the engineer. Pipe shall be laid with bells upgrade and securely jointed before making up the joint. Type of joint material to be specified by engi~eer. After the jOint has been made up, the pipe shall be backfilled to the spring line and side tamped securely in place. (8). BACKFILLING: .. After the joints have been made up, the pipe shall be backfilled with loose, dry earth or clay and thoroughly tamped in six inch layers to a point one foot above the top of the pipe. The remainder of the ditch shall then be filled with loose, dry earth, thoroughly tamped in two foot layers, to the surface of the ditch. No rocks or hard clumps to be used until a depth of four feet over pipe has been reached. Then rocks or clumps of shale not exceeding 50 powlds in weight may be used. Where possible in the opinion of the engineer backfilling above the spring line of the pipe will not be done until the cement mortar (if specified) in the joints has hardened and in no case shall backfilling be carried past a point twenty-five feet in back of the pipe laying. The ditch shall at all times be kept free of water and pipe shall only be laid on a dry, firm bed. On paved or unpaved streets the ditch shall be backfilled and tamped to the level of the street and all excess removed or placed in suitable spoil piles for future use in settlin& of the ditch. On trenches through fileds or private property the tamping may be omitted after t.he first foot aboVe the pipe and the excess dirt heaped on the ditch line. I I I 11 II II 'I I , I I , i I All streets shall be returned to their original condition, either by repaving or graveling, as required by the State Highway Department, and all requirements of the State Highway Department shall be complied with. Wye branches shall be placed in the pipe line at the points designated by the engineer and shall be placed so that the branch is in no case lower than 45 I i de~ees with the center level of the pipe line. The branch of the wye shall be II 1','1' securely supported in place by a foundation of concrete or mortar exten1ing four inches on either side of the branch and up to the center line of the branch. il (9). MANHOLES: Manholes shall be constructed of good qualify hard burned brick and shall conform to the plans on file in the office of the engineer. Each manhole shall be provided with a top and steps as shown on the plans. 260 ~ I ii I, !! I' !I No. 20310 Brown Hardware Co., Cleaning supplies and Hardware .. 203ll CommoJlll8alth of' Virginia, Office supplies for Judge Moore. .. 20312 Catawba Mercantile Co., Food Prisoners . .. 20313 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service .. 20314 County Sehool Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles It 20315 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigations It 20316 Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co., 6 Typewriting Ribbons 20317 Caldwell-Sites Compeny, office supplies 20318 Davidson's Esso Servicenter, Maintenance Garbage Truck 1/13 .' /I 5 Fire Trunk and Ambulance 20319 Doc'S Service Station, Repair Parts for Police Car #6 20320 Double Envelope Corporation, l-X Bnftlopes for office of Civilian Defense .. .. .. II .. 20321 EssoStandard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on trip Courtsey Cards 15.74, 50.85 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies. 48.09 , FairTiew Home, County's share of April Expenses in Maintaining . I Home for Aged 1$0.00 I I I! II il 60.00 I .. 20322 Economy Food Market, Food Prisoners .. 20323 20324 II . 10.20 1.93 21.00 281.72 803.59 40.00 7.52 17.41 I 88.55 1.95 I 1l.63 .. 20325 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent Taxes collected . 1/2 of collections. . 64.13 351.00 .. 20327 20326 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating Fuel for Courthouse .. J. W. Griggs &. W. H. Witt, April Rent on Cave Spring Fire House .. 20328 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Premium on Surety Bond for J. R. Taliaferro 20329 Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 20330 Gittens & Morton Insurance PrWUIl1 on Surety Bond for C. Ferguson, Martha Jane Harris and Liability Insurance on Gargabe Truck 1116 20331 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel for County Jail 20332 John O. Hurt & Ola M. Hurt, Rent on Garbage Lot for May 20333 William C. Johnston, Hauling 2 loads of cattle 20334 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Treasurer for Jury .' tickets and postage fee 20335 Paul B. K!ltthews, Reimburse Traveling Expenses and Dinner Meeting 2031j:6 .' Puritan Chemical Company, Janitor supplies. &c 20347 .' Powell's Pharmacy, Inc., Acid for Photostatic Machine 20348 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance .. II .. n n It .. II 20336 20337 20338 20339 20340 20341 20342 20343 20344 It II It .. It .. .. .. It 20345 It .. It Alfred Murray, May Rent on Garbage Lot Miller Tire Service, Inc.,"Auto Tires for Garbage Truck 1113 Michie Company,. Law books forJudge Fred L. Hoback Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners National Market Reports, Inc., copies of books Natural Gas Distributors Inc., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station Nu Way Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry Prisoners Owen P1Ull1bing & Heating Co., .Repairs to Jail and Courthouse Phlegar Electric Co., Checking motor on Adding Machine and 1 quart Cleaning Fluid G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies I 5.00 32.00 59.64 29.00 15.00 15.00 , I 'i II I I , , , i ! 13$.35 83.47 15.00 534.30 Ii 17.50 Ii 76.76 II !I II II II II II 'I I, :1 il II 'I I: ]1 :1 I' 'I I! I 22.50 8.60 I 35.10 22.05 3.95 16.68 18.60 2.94 15.00 262 ii Ii ~~;;i:-I r ~L!I . ~ p.~. il. ~~ni. I (U~ IS' (; II 1.117/ ~-s- Ii Ii Ii II il I: II II Ii Ii 'I II I' 'I r, I " " ., I! " " i! l.,,"," ~:: jllA.t.." Co. " ~1'1~.- I' " :i " ., " Ii No. 2037e 20379 20380 20381 20382 20383 20381. 20385 20386 20393 " " " " It " " " " Pat Doran, Fowl claim Cancelled Carl'l. Hurt, Jr., Fowl claim Radio Communications Co., April Radio Maintenance Poole's Service Station, Gasoline for Game Warden Salem FaI'll1 Supply Co., Dog food and Ammunition C. F. Wood, Fowl claim II $ 7.50 I I I I 16.00 I , 15.00 I 29.$6 II I 4.9.50 !' 13.00 - Cancelled J. W. Fitzgerald, 24 hens killed by Dogs Treasurer of Virginia, Employer's share of FICA 24.00 33.60 The following account was this day laid before the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County, salaries, expense accounts for the month of May, 1955, and also those of W. C. MUSE, Commissioner of Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, COllllllOl1wealth's Attorney and H. W. CLARK, Sheriff . . will be paid as of May 31, 1955. )(1:"s. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to - the Board the following report: ItSalemJ Vir~inia May 10, 19:5 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business May 14, 1955, there was to the v~edit of the . General County Fund . Library Fund . Dog Fund_ 'Salem District aoad Debt Fund 'CountyScl1ool Fund . -School Construction Fund . School Textbook Fund. * 36,520.76 512.89 6,161.95 1,027.19 225,394.81 100,234..48 1.$6~.31 '371,71 .39 RespectfUlly submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report is approved and ordered filed. .' Ii ,. I .' IN BE: DELINQUENT 'lUES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal, Trellsurer, for *3884.29, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1955,. less 5~.cOllDDissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $3690.0$ net. The following reports were this day laid before the B08I'd and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoners days served in the County Jail during the DIODtIs .of April, 1955 H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for month of April, 1955 I I ,I II I I, I I 'i I, II " " Ii , I I I i , il Ii il II if II II I, I' il Ii :! I ~'. ,,; :'::r'~~_.-...,,__.._____ ,__"....,--..,.....,' ~_..."'!....-~...h..'~_._...,.._.. '_, 264 " Ii Ii [' II :1 :i I! ,I Ii :1 , i- II ~CDtf ii \JI II l! Ii ,I :j t2~~I, 11 .$-" Ii 'tl1 .- I m~ " ;1 ~~~~~ii C..~~i, ~1/~ n,Jr Ii II ji , II II I II II 'I II Roanoke, 8Illending contract of September 28, 195.1" between City of Roanoke and I. :[ County of Roanoke adding two additional areas. 1;0 said contract, together with !I I letter dated May 4, 1955, from J. Robert Thomas, Clerk, City of Roanoke, receiv$d il 'I II I, I, II On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for the sum II 'I II II il iI II II II ~ " II " " I' II , .. WHEREUPON, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Department of Highways be requested to include Route 682 f~om Route 221 to . City of Roanoke limits in the FAS System of .Secondary Federal Aid Projects in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SupeM'1sors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R Keffer. Nays: None IN RE: ROUTE 682 - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated May 9, 1955, from O. T. Aichel, Resident Engineer, I I I 1 i I ! On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks Ii II I *84.80 I $147.00 I , , I Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H.I I I' II ,I addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, received and ord~red filed. be approTed for payment: i Check dated April 30, 1955, to Wallace E. Kelley, Extra Laborer on Garbage Truck, for period April 16, thru April 30, 1955 . Check dated May 2, 1955, as Assistant April, 1955 to Edward G.Batemen, Jr., for services to County Game Warden for month of Adopted by the following recordsd vote: Ayes: Garner !lays: None v II I, I: ii ;' I' r: .1 Ii [I I' Resolution No. 123$0, dated May 2nd, 1955, of the Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, amending contract dated Sept. 28, 1954, continuing contract to January 1, 1981, between City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, together with letter dated May 4, 1955, from J. Robert Thomas, Clerk, City of Roanoke, received and ordered filed. ~ II Resolution No. 12379, dated May 2nd, 1955, of the Council City of and ordered filed. of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,OOO.00) be issued - to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and d~li vered to Paul B. Matthews. Treasurer of said Corporation, which said sum payable out' of the general county fund, is to be considered as a temporary loaD; and .~ " I I I I 'I :L a-L... ct; ~l;;w.. (' 1,1955. ~~t-l ~ - ~ .!/.. If,,,,,,,,,,,,,- .!.-rn1~-:!.- I I I, .' i I I, I , - It is further resolved that this Board, at the expense of the general fWld of Roanoke County, do guarantee Obligations of the satd ROanoke COIl.:lGy Sanitation Authority in an amount not exceeding Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ,~. - I...... On motion, duly made and seconded, it is ordered that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County be requested to appoint Ralph E. Long as a Special County Police Officer, at a salary of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month, for the purpose of enforcing the dog laws in Roanoke County, effective June 1, 1955. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R. . Kerfer Nays: None ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that George S. Harmon be relieved of his duties as Dog Warden for Roanoke County, effective June Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Keffer Nays: - Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W.E. Cundiff,E. H. Garner and Minor R. None I"';" i ; . U A petition signed by Robert W. Spessard, J. Kyle Montague and sundry otber residents of Belle Air Court, Salem District, requesting that the Vil~ginia State Highway Department take over and hard surface that strip of road in Roanoke County known as Crest Moor Drive from the point it leaves sUIte road number 784 at the residence of R. Phillip Grogan to Lake Drive at the residence of Bob Main, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly;.'seconded and carried said pe1;ition is referred to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer. 1"" . L.i Letter dated April 27, 1955, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk of the ROMoke CQunty Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert; Thomas, City Clerk, in re: , tSDlporary sewer connection to serve lots in Hearthstone Addition, received and II orc1ered filed. i! II Ii I' ,I " III' IN HE: ADDI'l'IONS TO TIlE 3ECONDARY SYSTEM, ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated April'18;'i955,' addressed'to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Ii I t II II i County, Salem, Virginia, from Burton lJdarys, Chief Engineer, Departmant of Hig~ways, Richmond, Virginia, approving additions to the Secondary System, Roanoke County, effective April 1$, 1955, to-wit: 265 ,. oL.Q-r I ,. c.f.-, I~ ,~<;.p.' 1(9~ !i !'11~..-.;- j, ul Ii I r' ~ .w. t: C.4.(P~ II ~'111n- II II !I I I I , I Ii 'i " ]) " II Ii ii II " ,. 266 i., 11 Iv" ';J ., i: " , Ii .0 ~ I, 'J #- Ii II I. \1 S ii :i ,. Ii S Ii ,I ii S :1 Ii I: t i' tj. .. l! II ii lO.t :i " " 'I c.$ e*-- :1 , I, I: I' Ii II W I, I: II I' ~tb aroL. ~..i, . c;t.;.. t"" i~ ~.~ ~ 'R.-r.. Ii {P{cu ' Uw- ! ~1J"17f II I I Ii Ii I. 'I I. II H Additions ./ ExteI1llion Rt. 721 - From end present Rt. 721 to 0.10 Mi. E. to Dead end. Length.a.lO Mile l "Valley Roadlt - From Int. Rt. 659 to 0.10 Mi. S. to Dead end Length 0.10 Mile. , Horthwood Drive - From Int. Rt. 117 to 0.60 Mi. W. (Int. Peach Tree Drive.) . Length.O.60.Mile "' Laura Road - From Int. Northwood Drive to 0.10 Mi. N. to Dead End 7-19-54 Length 0.10 Mile ./ Meadowbrook Road - 170m Int. Xot'thwood Drive to 0.0$ Mi. N. to 7-19-54 Dead end. Length 0.08 Mile Resolution 12-20-54 12-20-54 i i , I I I I II I, 'I II I I I I I II .1 II II il II II i[ I I II 7-19-54 I I "' Lindenwood Drive - From Int. Rt. 24 to Int. Parkview Drive. Length 0.24.Mile { Parkview Drive - From Int. Lindenwod Drive to 0.07 Mi. S. to Dead end. Length 0.07 HUe 10-1$-54 10-18-54 .. Richard Blvd. - From end present Rt. 1611 to 0.14 Mi. W. Length 0.14 Mile. .. Burlington. Drive - From Int. Rt. 117 to 0.13 Mi. N. E. (Dead End) . ." Length 0.13 Mile 10-18-54 10-le-54 was received and ordered filed. IN HE: Rezoning of certain property in } Salem Magisterial District ) ltoanoke County, Virginia, ) rocated on U. S. Route No. 11 ) just east of the property of ) Franklin Real Estate Company ) Q .!L~. ! 11 I THIS DAY convened at 2:00 P. M. a regular meeting 01. the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, whereupon leave.was asked to file the Petition of Bernard Cook, Betsey M. Cook, Roland E. Cook, Jr., and Frank E. Cook, being the owners of a certain tract or pareel of land described in said Petition, requesting that said tract or parcel of land be rezoned from x'esidential to light industrial district, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County adopted January 20, 1941, &S amended. . Now therefore, be it resolved and ordered that at this regular meeting elf the said Board of Supervisors the said Petition be and the same hereby is 1:Ued. [I I , j i , I I And be it further resolved and ordered that ,said Petition be and tae I I , , I :1 Virginia (Michie 1950). :1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission II lIhallhave ~eceived saidPetition,'co~idered.the same.and reported its II recollllllsndation to the Clerk of this Board, upon' receipt thereof, the Clerk II of this. Board. shall forthwith set this request for rezoning for Public hearing, il at a reg;uar or adjourned meeting of this Board which shall first occur more !I '~an fifteeZl days fOllowing. the second publication of notice thereof as iil lrequired by Title 15, SlU:tion $46 and Title 15, Section 847 of the Code of 11 'iTirginia (Michie 1950) 'and the said Clerk shall cause said notice to be llame hereby is referred to the Planning CoJlllllission of Roanoke County tor its recommendation in accordance with Title 15, Section 847 of the Code of I published. T ,- ,~J r-- \_~ .. - I .~-'" L.J t", " . ~ 267 __.0- AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy of this re:!olution a~d ord~~ b'd fortliWi th delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Palll B. Mat'thews, Secretary of said Planning Commission. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on Motion'by Supervisor H. w. , St,U"key of Salem Magisterial District and was seconded. by Supervisor W. E. II C~~diff, of Big Lick Magisterial Distric't, and on a recorded vo'te 'the Supervis:rs . vO'&ed as follows: Ayes: H. w. S'tai-key, W. E. Cundiff, E. :1. Garner and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None IN HE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATED ON THE J N~iTH.SIDE OF U. S..ROUTE.221 J (BIUMBLl$l"ON AVENUE) DESIGNATED AS J LO'fS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1, and LOTS J 1 'lmroUGH8, BLOCK 4, ACCORDING TO l MA:? OF BRAMBLEl"ON COURT OWNED BY. l HAlmIS & DAVIS, INCORPORATED. J QR!UR This day came Harris & Davis, Incorporated, by Counsel, and requested lellve to file its petition relative to rezoning the property described in sa:Ld petitll)n. HOW, TIIEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED 'tea't at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 16th day or May. 1955. 'the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said ZOlling OrdiDance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a rellO:!llllenda'tion in accordance With the provisions of 'the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning COIma1ssion shall report its recommendation 'to 'the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, 'that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of 'this Board shall forthWith set the same down for a publiC helU"ing at the next pemissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDEHED that one certified copy of this resolution anri order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Palll B. Matthews, Secretary of 'the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, V11~ginia . The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor E. H. Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: ~ i " Ii " II I Starkey and Minor a.1 ,I II I II I' I! 'I I, Garner and seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, and on a recorded vote, the Ayes: Supervisnrs E. H. Garner, W. E. Cundiff, H. W. Keffer. Nays: None 1~fH- II~ m..iJT:..- II5+< (2.~C. 'PA''-L'-'''':' Cw... I ~1Iin- i I I II I I I I II Ii II Ii II 'I II II I ! 268 , Ii Ii II II " i II :, !I ii I' I! II ~ " Ii :lfi.-,r:- 1.1 s ~ I, d.R. r i' ~ii f.~1'h . Ii ~ l.r.@~ ' ",...r...u.r. I'i ~C-'ff : . ,....,~ , ,II !) t '1 ~-1' ~ II I " Ii I' II ,I I, Ii Ii " " 'i I Ii II " I! I ,( I' ,I ii ,I Ii (J I' " )! ii " IN RE: ) ) VJlCATING TEN-FOOT WALKWAY) AND EASEMENT ON THE MAPS ) OF MIWlOWVIEW ) Q~QI~ This day came E. H. Miller, et als, and asked leave to file a petition soeking the approval of the vacation of a certain ten-foot width public walkway "nd easement shown on the Maps of Meadowvielll', which petition is I OaDEJUm tU-d. It appeariDg to this Board that the requ8stof said petition is reasonable, that vacating and closing said public easement and walkway will not abridge or destroy any of the rights or privilegeso~ any property owners within the bounds of the area of land shown on the Maps of Meadowview. it is accordingly ORDERED that said instrument executed by E. H.Miller. "t als, the aforesaid petitioners, under date of May 13, 1955, vacating. discontinu- ing and Closing the aforesaid ten-foot easement and walkway be, and the same Code I is hereby approved by this Board as provided by Section 15-766.1 of the ot Virginia (1950) as amended todate. II On motion of Supervisor H. W. Starkey, seconded by Supervisor W. E. cundif' adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, E. H. Garner and Minor R.II , i I Ayes: Keffer Hays: Jione I The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) The Public and the State ) Highway Commission of Virginia ) ORDER vs 50' R/W and Drainage Guaranteed I i, Ii ,I II I " Ii Ii ,. , j I This matter came on this day to b\~ heard upon the former proceedings had I herein, and upon the application for W'est~hester Avenue frc::m Mud Lick Road i I II Ii ,I I I i , i I , i I (Rt. 683) to Belford Street; 0.24 Mile, too be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or 11 II II I, Westchester, Section 1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202 of the 11 records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. virginia,)1 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of II Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property I,.' owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation !/ ! I , , I I orchard; I And it further appeariDg to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as s~ lb- , pa. i. -:G'~ I~~ 1"" ~ ~" f2..-. . , !~.,.~I~-' This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had I!)~~' herein, and upon the application for Belford Street from Westchester Avenue I!, 711~'~ I I - of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispc.nsed with; and this board cites.as authority for such waive~ of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Westchester, Section 1 and the-communication addressed to the Board of S~~ervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief ~ngine8r, Department of Hig~way~ ~der date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 July 19~9; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Westchester Avenue from Mud Lick Road (Rt. 683) to Be~~ord Street; 0.24 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highl~YS in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner. Nays: None . , > 1.... ~' "-~ ~ The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER 50' R/W and Drainage Guaranteed vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ~ -- to Dead End; 0.20 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience wi 11 resul ~ to any individuals, or to the public :#00, i ; ~ I I , II !I I I II II il I' II II 'I I, 11 I I donation of right-of-~y by the abutting property owners and the report of the I Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority Ii for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Ii II " , on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere priva,;e convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons for whose convenie~:'c it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Westchester, Section 1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no r.eport from a o Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from 1;he abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for Viewers the recorded map of Westchester S~etion 1 and the communication addressed to the Board of Sapervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlinJ.ng the policies, 269 I I II II 'I 270 ii " " 11 'I I' 'I II " i' [I Ii Ii " I: Ii il II I, :1 Ii ., " ~ i II " " ,I I' ,I " II " I ~ J;:: II ~11 I!. D. l......t-,' ~ ."~.I I. C:<i.t-@~ Ii It r.t.. ~ ",~' ~''''1U>f Ii ) ~ . II '1s-~ Ii II ,: II " II ~ I I I I' II i: " Ii " II Ii 'I i! ,I ii " ,! Ii ~ i! , II development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, I , I I I I which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Beoford Street from' Westchester Avenue to Dead End; 0.20 Mile and which is shown on a certain sk~~ch accompanying this order, be and the I same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. I I I' , Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Garner. Nays: i Supervisors Po. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. i~ , , 1 i I 1 I I I None ) ) ) ) The Public and the State ) Highway Commission of Virginia ) The Board of Supervisors ORDER 50' R/W and Drainage Guaranteed vs This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings herein, and upon the application for Clairmont Street from Mud Lick Road (Rt. 683) to Dead End; 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. had I 1 I r I Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will ~sult to aur individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it propsr that. it should be kept open and in order by tha person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; I I And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue 'of a certain map known as Westchester, Section 1, which mep is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202 of the I , records of the Clerk'S Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke' County, Virgini~~ II and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of 'Iill Vie1l8rs, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property , owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation I of right-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed with; and . ~. board cites as authority for II I. such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of viewersl' the recorded map of Westchester, Section 1 and the communication addressed I to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become II effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as II Clairmont Street frOlll Mud Lick Road (Rt. 683) toD.ad End; 0.10 Mile, and il II which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same II II is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary] II System of Highways in Roanoke County. 'I I I I -- ". -- , ,-. .~ , , ! ..... ''', I : , I l...l o - -------.---- - ~- --- . . .. -. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner. Nays: None The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ORDER ) . 50' R/W and Drainage Guaranteed ) ) vs The Public and 1;l1e State Hil!~l1ray Commission of Virginia This matter c8IIIe on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for Aberdeen Avenue from Mud Lick Road (Rt. 683) to ~ad End; 0.13 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Syetem of State Highways. Upon consideration thereoft it appearing that by the establishment of said ros.d; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to .Bake it proper that it should be kept II ope,n and in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is deSired'1 and, that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Wee:tchester, Section 1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202 o.f the rec:ords of the Clark's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and. that by reason of. the recordation of said map no J:l.aport from a Board of Vie1wurs, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property I OWIl8rs is necessary, it is hereby O~ERED that any such consent for donation of II ril!~t-of-way by the abutting property owners and the report of the Board of I I I I II II [I ~ " .11 [I I I Vie>wers is hereby dispensed with; and this Board cites as authority for such wai.ver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the rec:orded map of Westchester, Section 1 and the communi::ation addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining thepolicies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Highways, which become effective 1 .ruly 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Aberdeen Avelnue from Mud Lick Road (R6. 683) to Dead End; 0.13 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. 1'03 and the same is het"eby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Hi~~ways in Roanoka County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, and E. Gal.ner. Nays: None The Board of Supervisors l ORDER 1 50' R/W and Drainage Guarenteed ) vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia 271 I Is~ zr:- 1......Ji .w.. <:[ l~~.~~~ I 't ;;- ..... e:l.A.. r- !((... ~,.. N' 10::&:" \3.. :L~ I ..-f' -0---' I .. '1..... II I , Ii I, II II I' II H.:I I I I' Ii 'I ~ Ii 5".../..-. a::; IIant...jj.,t.L f; l\.......,.,. 1:Yl1~L.'<t.. .:,~ . 't I>/,- Itff" ~.~.... I .l.C.:'" I ~ . Ii ~ 11~-[,- . II Ii 272 'i Ii II I, Ii II I: Ii Ii ! II ,I il 'I ~ II I' Ii II II Ii Ii ii ': ~ Ii I' I Ii This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application for NOrh~od Street from Aberdeen Avenue to Westchester Avenue; 0.08 mile, to be accepted and made a part of the Sec,)ndary System of State Highways. Upon consideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the publiC on acc,)unt of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in' order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or orchard; And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Westchester, Section 1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202 of the records of the Clerk's Office ot the Circuit. Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary, it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way bythe abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewars is hereby dispensed with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-of-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Westchdster, Section 1 and the communication 6ddressed.to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 1949; outlining the policies, development, objectives, and law governing the Secondary System of Htghways, which become effective 1 July 1949; and it is hereby ORDERED that the said roal~s known as li'crwod Street trom Aberdeen Avenue to Westchester Avenue; o.ola Mile, and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be and the same is. hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Garner Nays: Supervisors H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and E. H. II No!lEl ! I I ! i , , I I II i WHEREAS the budget for Roanoke County, covering the period ending Ju.,e 30, 1956, as prepared and presented by the Budget Committee appointed pursuant to the provisions of Section 15-575, Chapter 18, Code of-Yirginia, 1950, have been tully considered by the Board ot Supervisors at a previous session; and WHEREAS, all of the provisions of the statute for the preparation, study and advertieement of the County Budget have been fulfilled; HOW, THEREFOHE, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor H. W. Starkey, it is ordered that said Budget for said fiscal year ending June 30, 1956, be, and the same is hel'eby adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, H. W. Starkey, W. E. Cundiff. Supervisor E. H. Garner I I I I I II i I I I I I I I , I I I I I I . - 319 215 218 220 319 317 Telephone, Te1e~aph & Postage' Traveling Expenee. . , Record Books . Iltationery, 01'1'1ce~Suppl1e., :F:i;o R.-A....ement Mep. & Supplie. r 1~ i . . , , i . , I , . Prem1.Wtl on Sur.ety Bond. Rep~\~ & R.placement 01' Office Equiplllent / ~ ; INDEaa- P"s. DISBURSDlEKTS - General-Fuud- . 1. - 16 Dog Fund----- - ---17 . Va. Public Aseiatance-----------18- 19 ~~:~-------------------------20 General Fund-------------------_1 2 Dog Fund------------------------17 Va. Public Assistance-----------1B Librer ~--------20 I Num- 00,. of TITLE OF ITEM lItem I I BOARD OF SUPERVISORS , 1100 Compensation of Board Members & Mileage , , 1101 Compensation Clerk of Board 1199 Miscellaneous j 200 Publication & Advertieing 1202 , Auditi~gBy Public Acoountants 1;06 , Dues.~ Subscriptio~ , , I i 220 I Traveling Expense I ~ .. i2l8 Postage :319 .Offioe Supplies, Stationery, E~o , , .~'~~., '; COMM1SSIONER OF REVENUE I 100' Compensation of Commiseioner of.Revenue 1091 Compen~ation of Office A::i:~a?t~~ 109 Compeneation EXtra Office Assietante 200 Advertising 204 Book Binding 206 Due. & Subscriptione 212 r " r " i j. ~ I, : ~ !6~Q O~ t ,68] 00. I ,,'1, i 1L,.6901 ~. I . · 6 0, z ! , , 15 , .' 4 ; I , oq O~ ..- r .. o OQ I I" . Ii : 1) , , , , ",I I !' I '.. I .', 3,780 00 , . j ;j f' ,703: 33 . I II I 500 00 I .. i ;i I . 33;.05 I I ,I i 1150i I . : I I! I . 3000, , .1! !! : 71 001 . .! ~' 11~ 401 I; . Ii 38 611i ,: I ~ i I I -';1 .: ;i I --'j : " I, 37~ 5~i .. ,I , il 18 401 : . . '[ . i , I I I I I 3 960 :00 7,680 '00 . I , , 1,600 100 ,. I : 67100 i 20 Joo i + i 7100 I 5000 , I 40Q 00 I ; , I -- , I __ I , I 267 00 I' .. I __ I 7100' 200 00 .47.5 0 : . 25 150 00, 300 OQ I , :\ !, ii ;! ;; I' I ;: I' " II it 'I I, il , , , 4,000 00' i I: ~,480 ;0011, I I' 3,240 001, , " I 67 Oo'i , Ii I. 20 00:: I, , ,. I t: -- JJ,640,00 Ii I i . I I I , I I . , 150100 , :75100 2500 , , 150iOO . I ~3100 I I 00 150 ~OO 475.00 : ~ I 25 00 00 00 40 00 : I'. 800 00 20 00 " !' ~ -. , I , , 7 00 , 200 00 I I I ' ; i I I I . 4,000 00 :: ~ 8,48000 , , , 3,240 00 , ~ : 6700 . , ,~Q I . !i ApPROpmA~ON I Amended ,. II' I I f ' ' , , ' , 'I: I , : I I ". r i . ~,0~7 00 :; I \, i,! I 150 00 "',! I"'! \, ; I I, I 15 00 _,I. I . II Ii' 50 ~O ., I I,., I .!!! },o~o ~o, I' I . r I 300 90 I'. ! ., I . . I I, ! 250 00, i I' . I ,') -- I ' . I ~"Jo ' .ii I 50 I' I' Ii I .,1 J 00' J od 4,497 54' EXPENDITURES 98 60 300 00 I I , , k,087i 04 I ' . I I 150, 00 . . I i ':-- I ~87i 50 . . I i,397 65 19 54 -~lll--~--- -I YEAR ENDING /1 JUNE3[1~55 !; Al'Pi\OPRlATION " 17 05 00 30 4,412 :00 2 087 :00 I . . , 150 '00 I L 200 100 I . I 1r400 100 i 300 pO I 200 :00 I I I 25 '00 , , ! ! I 50 iOO , I Ii ~-==:::=--=-----"-" _~~=-=-=-~.:o:=.~:,~~=__=~:_:::_,_,.__-;';_=~_ II Ii YEAH Ei'\DING JUNE 30,19 5~ 'I 'I 'I i' 'I t, INCREASE OVER I, DECneASE UNDEIl :1 ! PROPOSED 11 YEAR ENDING I YEAn Eh'DING ;1 Al.LOWED i! ExpEN'Drrt1RBS IIjUNE30, 19_--5S-:; JUNE 30, 19 55:1 ny BOARD 4- -- ._!L. _J.._ ~~ 4- _ _ no ~_..... _._._..____~__ Ii i I I' I' I Ii i!1 i . , I I j I, I ,I! I I " ! . 'I I!" ,I I II I I ! 2,0871001: II ! il ! ii I 2,087 00 j . . i !i 1:1 I I!! ! i 150! OOil I I Ii !:: i 150 00 ! I I! , I Fi I!I ! i I -- , I '.' I 'I' -- , I" 'I I I I , II I II . I. .,. , ' i 150 00,; I I Iii 50 :00 1/, I ! 150 :00 1 II I '! . I r I !] i ],,400 001' I ! III i:1 I 1,400 00 I . II I I I I III , : I ~oo 001" I i I I Ji i ;1, I'. i 300 '00 I . I. I 'iI I 'I, ' i : 150 001; I ! Ii 50 :00 i~ I ; 150 00 I I' I I;: 'h , ; : . 'I. ! 25 OOi I i I! I 'I i 25 00 , II I ,', ,I I : 50 0011 i Iii' t, I 50 00 1 I" 'I, i Iii Ii -L~i 100 100 4,312,00 4,312 00 -~ TITLE OF FIlNCTION ....-....,--~-=--= . I: YEAR ENDED jUl'IE 30, ..' Roanoke . COUNTY, ,VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE SO, 19----5L General~ ". .JUND .' - .. Page ff'l , , Share Probation Officer's Salary & Expenee ( ". . Total from State &'Federal Government , , FROM LOCAL SOURCE Delinquent Taxes Board of Prisoners - Town of Salem - PeU - Sheriff Commonwealth's Attorn., Land Redemptions (Prom Clerk) Electrical Inspection Fees' and Licenses Plumbing Inspection Fee. Transfer Will. and Deeds County Farm Reoeipts County Fsrm Water Rent --. -'~ .-. --, -. . - -... I' J c I I, I' ,I II !! I, !' I, I! 'I Ii it Ii Ii ,\ , I: E .6 " :i I: $ ,4761 'Zfl 1,15~ 30il 15 25 Ii 50'1 76~ 50~ o 4 t.OOJ 00 . .50 Ooi i ,50 00 ! 3 00 , l' I ii ,ood 00' I ' II 70d 00" I II ,OO~ 00, 20~ 00,; .10j o~i I: ,00, 00" :~ 15 ~,OOOIOO ~.5~01 001 i I; ~,2001 001 ,,20,0100' I i I ! I' I ! Ii ~'5ooI1 OOi' 1700 DO" I. I i. ~,200, 00, 25010011 2.~0?'00 15100 200 5000 900 00 500 00 500iOO 200100 00 I, I 'I 'I 'I il I :1 'I JCl9!OO - , , I , , 4,500 100 I I , 700 00 I 1,200 00 15 ;-~a50 00 ~,OOO 100 ~,500 ,00 i I l,200 100 11,200 00 I I I I 00 I: ,I II ~ " i: " i " I' " II I' I, Ii I: ~ I' I ii 27~,57 -'-~=~~-====:_~~-'--'=~~~:=--r- -~~~~--rl'-~-~~~-~--=~-~~~-;;:~;'~::~-JU~~-;~~:56~~~~~=:=~=r~~ II YEAR ESDED I, I I.! JUN' 30, 19-1i4-- I: FINAL ' I (AcruAL) I' ESTl'fATE ! U =" , __, ~~= i' Iii !i , 54 15" 951 iOO " . - I T , f , II J I: f I il ,. , I, I Ii ~ il t Ii " Ii " 1: " " I' I' ;1 " " i' ; , II , ,. ii I; " :, " " .' Share Police Car Expense Refund Exbess Clerk Fees Share Jail PhYSician's Salary Other Hospital Refunde Rolling S~ock LID~n.e Board of Prisoners State ( Jail F.::o::penses) -~~~~'~--'-- _":=--"=-I=.~.:;;..=:o~.~~-~._.~.n__.______ -------~-- I , j ! '--- ~T -- --- ,." , , i , , 1 State-Local Share A.B.C. Profits Share Wine Profite VIrginia Public Aseietance Employer a Federal Insurance Contribution Reimbursements Hospitalization Retunds ,432! 02 ,60216411 730114" 3661 71" 646! 69 , -- ,6611 00 8 '''t ,576 00 15 ,466, 11 : .249148" , ,218 59 9!n 40 94 Capitstion Tax I 6' 000 100 87(000'/00 , I 6rOOO JOO 181r829 iOO 6 750 :00 r 1._ 1~000 ioo 2i400 100 4,400 :00 , I , , 110200 ,00 , I 300 100 I I 1500 100 . ._- , , ..- 'OCl 297 '79 REn:NUE FROM STATE & July 1. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 1 - I. I ~ I I 11 6.500! 001 i I 'i n:, 000 : OO!I' , I: 6 " ,200,00', 166.0981001i , , 8,000 OOr! : :1 I --i ; I' I 975 oOli , 'I , I I 3,000\ 00. , I il 4,500 00,1 I I ,I '. 1,200' 00, , I!l ( ! II i '50 00,' I I Ii , 600 001 , "1 1 I I, 2t99819!- 27~,42'! 0011 /j],800 I 1 , I , , I , ! 200100 I I i,250100 i .1 i . \ : i I , ; , I I 600100 , ' , , I 100 00 I I , , I l , . i 50 JOO i 100, 00 i.oooioo I , 500100 00 I ! : ,I ,I I 25.756100 . , ~,~~ ,I , , " I , , , I i I ., lO~OOO :00 I I I i I I 15h,1 :00 . , , , , , , , I I I ' I I I i I 25 :00 , I I I : I \ 1 , I I , i 'I 11 I il :1 il ,I I I I 6:,500 ,00 I I n,OOO '00 I I 6,200 .00 : I 166',098 :00 8'.00000 I I I~- : I " 97500 ! I , I ,,000 ,00 I I ~,500 100 1,200 100 i I I 350 joo I 600 !OO ! I 2.000 ,00 :; Ii " , " i! " " !I " !i Balance beginning fiscal year , ,426 19~69' YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~% Ani~R'all8'" ) u___~_~ b .951 TENTA:nv& ESTIMATE ,i INCI\EASE OVER DECREASE UNDm 11 YEAR ESD~,,9 ; YI':AI1 ENDING , JUNE 30, 19~~__ JUNE 30, 19----S-S-_ l. -,-- ,_.- __ __ ____.. _ n.. _.._ _. I' I' 'I 00,1 I I Roanoke COUN-rrY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES ". FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~_ General .__FUND Page Ii 1 . - - .. ,~ Ii , 1_ TITLE OF FUNCTION i' YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, Numberl' ------i I' t ~II of ~ N _ 'i ,Fun, ction; 'j' ,ber~1 TITLE OF ITEM I, ApPRUPlUATIUN II Tn I ,It"", . " h 7ded -~ ! ~ ii, COUNTY TREASURER ], I I 1 : r II I 1102 1 Compensation of County Treasur~r I! 1.867\ Qoii ! 'i w~ II Compensation of Sp ecial Attorneys 'I' i c1 500 i 00~1 ii' I I 'II 1 : 105 1 Compensation of Recording -<llerk ! i 2, 5011 00;; Iii i I:' I! I ! 1091 Compensation of Office Assistante i' i 6,120l00il ii" I': II I '1091 CompenlJation of Extra Off1'ce Aesistante- II' i 1.~, 50il 001' I I' i.: II II 1'200 Advertising , I! I 350: ooil . 204 Book Binding I' I j ~O ~o il I i I .! r I' I i 20(, Dues and Subecriptione . i I I. '5i 001! i i 209 Freight, Expres e & Drayage i i I . t -- il i I ! 211 Premium on Burglary Insurance il i i 1621 qo11 I I I.. ; I ,.. I II i : '1212 PremiUlll on Sur.ety Bonds i'. I 1'.951 OOli I' Ii , I I'll : '214 Rent o~ Equipment 'I' II' I '.' -:-:1 : I I 'I II ! ,215 Repa1re & Replacement of Equipment :: i 11501 OO'i , I ; I " ~ I' I' 1218 Telephone, Telegraph & Postage I'! I 667! OOil . 1" " I ' I I 1220 Travel1ng Expense ,i i I: 1.0100' , I I I , . . , I- j I I 1319 Stationery & Office Supplies I' I ~,O~O!OO , I I " I j '. I ; 399 Mill.ce11an.El~us I' , I ;. I I ! I ,. I I 1 J , , i~a , , I I I I , i I I i , 319 21.8 199 206 212 16:,964100 ~O 00 I 15 00 , 170 00 ~ 50 00 715 00 Te1phone & Telegraph Stationery & DELINQUENT TAX Dues PremiUIII COt,LEC,!,OR Compensation'of Delinquent Tax Offioe Supplies and Subscriptions on Surety Bonda Oollector , , 400100 i j ! l , , , , 400 i i , - , I , I I 1 ! i I I , , , J , I 68117411 , . 424155 i 63joo i 151 00 , , : ~9!170 !! ii9149 , , " 'i Ii , I) 1 If ,. I! , il " , 4701 00 , . . I 4001 00 51 00 151 00 J -- . I 5~ ~O 245 100 25 :00 : I 170 ioo , 50 too , - . . ", , ! 715: 0 i I , , , , , . i i 450. oq , ; ! 30' oC! : I 15 od , I I ! 170 00 , i , 50 0 1 .5561QO 1 , , ! , ~ , , I , , I I 6 i 1 I , I , I I , , , , , i I r ! , , I I I I EXPENDITURES ~-------- 19 5'1 -rI . YEA~ ENDING iU~E 30~56~-~~-==-r-'=--='" .-- .------, -. YEAR. - 'I . . . JUNE 30. ] _ I!I INCREASE OVER il DEC1\EASE UNDER ill :, - PflOPOOED, YEAR ENDING I YEAR ENDING i ALLOWFD : ~ APP~~~d ExP~lTURM ~NE30.19 _~~ _ ~!UNE30.~9 5; ~=-_-:~~:=____~_.~ I I i I[ I II i I II I ,I" i , ,I, 'I II '.," , t '; . I ,I . 1 . I' - :!).. 'I 4.1~4i 00',' 4i,134 ooil I II'. I, I :1, I' 4,134 00 I I'! ' I 1 j I! I ~ ! : 2001 00, ,425 0011 11225 '00 I[ ~, , ! I I il :., "Ii il i I 250,00, 'I' 350 :001; ; 100.0.0. 'I ill I I . I Ii I II I' I Ii I I 6,240' 00.' 8,2400.0' 2~000 100 Ii ,I , : l,j : I I ! Ii II ! 1.350, 00 I 200 00: , ! Ii il , I I' I 'I I ,,, " I 350; 00: I 400. oOj' ,50 [00 II :,1 , ," , I I i II ' 1 ~o 00: I ~o OO! 'I :i ,,' I I"!,, .1 10' 00" ii' 10 ooi'I' I i Ii ' I ,l I I l' oj - ',I i 1000:' Ilooo,i I I' , 'I' I' I ' I' I' I I, i .,1 J 165 00.. , --II I I i , II I ,; I I 95! 00, 10,00il' 'I"! I' I I 'I.' , ! I i! I, . II , ;-- ii 115 00 Ii. I' 115 :001'1' I I,' : I II I I ; 150 00. I. 150. 0.0.1. I I [I : Iii! I II '. I I I '. I I I I , 600 00 1,08000: : 1~80 ,00 I' I I.' 1 ; II I I' I i I 'I I . I' , i I 10 00 ! 10 i 00 I I il , b I I' , I' I' 'I I II! ,; I, , d2aO 00. 1,800 ,00' I I 'i , ','.1 I': I" Ii , " I ' I' I I -- ,..- , . . I 1 I 'I I' "', i i! ,I I, i ,I I 1~.78~ 00 ~ 123 54 I T,~19. 18 , I I -- l' I f,068;92 , ~.oo I , -- 30. 00 4 59 ~.-~--= i I .999: 9(; i 412 56 i 347 10. , , ,180; 00 , .260: 18 ~~600 , 22, 9~ , ,272: 24 164 28 , " " if 1,800 , I I i , 1 150 ~O : I ! o 165 ;00 I 85 00 , ; I , . I I I . , 40.0 bo 16,964 0.0 , , 425 00 350 0.0. ; I 8,240 00 : :1 20.0 00 , , , , 40.0 00 10 00 I I: 1.800 00 , . h ; i I 1 ' __ : !: i i -- 10 00 i 115, 00 I i' 150 0.0. ! ~ 1,080 00 30 00 , , 10 00 ! ' 10 00 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES l"'OR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 56 General 'UND Roanoke _COUNTY, VIRGINIA ,..... .. .. - Page 11 2 , ! , 1 ! I I I I t ! i i ! ., I ! I , I ) , i \ , , I I Revenue from Looal Source , , I Transfer from Dog Fund I , Total Plus balance Current Levy Available I GfWID TOTAL REVE~1JE , Caloulation of Levy:- Delinquenoy on 8~ Basis Total Levy Required , Rate of Levy: - I Asseseed Valuation January 1, REALTY i I , TJTILITI~ \- PERSONAL Total Assessed Valuation . r ~--'-~'" -, ee' , , 19~44 i , , l I I' ,5701 00:; 5 ,I ~ ~ ~ ,I - ,77~ 00,: 5 h 'i I' Ii :1 II .i ,. .. I' I 'J Ii I' ()o~ ~,61t9,22~ 0' I I II ' r ! ~ 5,000;,000 ,00 , . ' I 1 : ' j ; ~ , i I I I ' i: I ! i I I' I I . I I 1 ' I , . , i I I Ii 'I ~ J II II ,. . 'I I. " ii 'I Ii I: ~, I 3,98 I! i 15,24 IO~~1 1h 124] 00 12t.600 ~O 25 ,0481 00:: 3 .. 1\ ,345 QOIr .'177 001 ~ ,32 '40~'86 ,25 ,81: ,65 ,10 ,l27i 93 ,260] 00 I .30Q 00 25 12 ,00 11,000 00 'I ' I : 1~7',500 00'1 . i 25!1 :1 I , I I II' ~ 00 ,60],772100" 3,199,91; O~ 00 5,72J,0371 001"1 469~22 O~ r I . , I 00 1P,669,1'1100, 1~,091100 3 ,00.0 8~460 00 i 740 00 9',200 ;00 i I , a,60Ii,772 100 I , I 5,729',037 (I) I' I ,0, 669i,li91100 11' 000 00 ~ ' 137~500 bo 'I I liS 49 1 ~5 11 47 ,878186 l' .::J. ;;76/ L.4!1 " ,302 42 37~,08~ 93 11$,040 00 o , 354,634100 , 12~,500iOO 48:1:,134100 00 8'~070 iOO 1~789 128 i I I 81.460 ioo 181453 , 18 453 '93 , I -r- '93 , 825 ,00 , ' I ' 354~634 00 126~500 bo ..-! i 481~134 00 .. .. ..: .._---- .~ -. -_. - -'=-------------------------' .._---~.. County Offioe Building -~ - ..- --~~ --- I I , , i =---=:cc=r--..:== =--==-~_ ! , I I 1 I I I I I , ! I I i I 1 , I I I Publio Garb~ e Share Sale TEllephone Rent County Fines and Sale of Cars Reooveriee of Other Equipment Refund PMA Ofrioe Coste of Cirouit Telephone Receipts Collection Feea trom ~states C01.U't Expenses of Publio and Refunda from Assietanoe Other Looalities Clienta ~--:::.._--~.--=-~===-==~~.-=-=---~o:::.===t=~........:-....::~~i~~--=-----::-~~--'-'-'=..~":O;::="~~~:~~~~~~__~_=::=_~,;o...,:~~-~~c:::::= .. i, Ii " YEAR E"D1NG JUNE 30, HI.#- :i Ii YEAR END. I YEAR ENDING :: I fl '. ,; il JUNE 30, 19~ II' JUNE 30,19 55 I, TENTATIVE II INCHEA," OVE>\ I: DEcnEASE UNDER ,I . FINAL \1 I' (ActUAL). I (ESTIMATED) it EsntolATE \t YEAn E~iOlNG !j YEAR ENDING : ESTIMATE \1 =="- - - !.;- -: I 420 oJ Amenr:od ~J. i - 'I'. u_=;.:JI:.JUNE31'19-l-=!liu~N~~)~:6t~-h="II~=1.-~tl;.~'u=___ "'f i' I " i; " I' I'''' II! 'i :' . ,095 65': ~,OOO 00 J:!,OOO i OO!.: 1!.000 100 I:. I I. II; 6,000 Ibo II ; . ;i' I . I:; "I ! I, .; !:: . 1 \ I :1 . I . --" 1,000, 00,. 1,500iOO" : I I: 500,00 . i 1.500 pO \1 . . - II .. I .. l' ! II , I 'I ' I 'I" I' :t I;' l" I I I i" 152 00. 'I -- I 'I : --,I I I f. : I' I[ i -I'. - i'I' " I" .. .., 'I ' .. I 1 h ' : I . \". I -:-,:. I 501 00, 'I 50 001.1 I ji I i! 50 ,00 ., ,., :1' I' , 1 ,I I , ,. " , I 341 ~8 I 1--: I --!~ ! I ,I 'I' ! -- ;i i . ;: I j, j I I i II ! ,085 00, 2,100 00 I 2.110 00: i 10 :00. I I 'I 2.11000 :! I I ' I I I ! ~, ! 1.1 ' i: I i 1 ,72285' 29,500 00 34:,200:00 4,700 '1001 I : ' 34.20000 II I: I ! I Ii ! I I I 26 72 I--!" 10,00.' : 10 iOOI ! I i 10 00 I ' , 'I' ' II ... '\ I I t I j I I I , I 1::" I '.'! i 4 ,339 65' . 58,435,00 ~ 58.435 bo i: " Ii :: ii Ii Ii I: " II ii Ii . II 5 3 615 , :< II I: d Ii I I: I' " REVENUE ESTIMATES "~'. '.. FoR THE YEAR ENDING 30, G.!ID-'UJ.. JUNE 19..-56- .FUND Roanoke COUNT\" , - VIRGINIA .. Page /I 2 I I I, Sa l' i I CIROUIT OOURT I ! t , 102 Compensa t10n or Judge i I I , 103 Oompensation of: Speoial AttorneYli i i 120 II Oompensation of Reliet JUdge(Trav&ltng Expens"l) i I ' 121 Oompenslltion of Jur'ors lie Witnesses I. I 206 Dues lie Subsoription. I. I It I 122 Oompensation of Jury Commissioners ' :U5 Repairs &: Replacement of Office Equipment Ii 23.8 I Telephone lie !l:eleSl"aph . .... : 319 Stationery lie Orfice Suppliee 1; I ,39 I I I! I. !I ~,0801 00: , , . I 100100' , , , I , -- : I , , 1 , 100' 00 2001 oJ 9601 oJ, , , -'" - o ,00" 1~! I : I I i,OlO: 18 I . i I . 55 00 I ; . i- ~,494i 35 I : . i , ,24j 50 .! : I 1! 1,70,0) , . I ,I Ii' I !: I' i.. 3~ 50, 'J I' ,24 1 3~: 178 Z7i ~ ,! ): , I 'I ,. " F!,52 I ' :1 , I 'I ! I i. t 'I 1,080 00 ! I :1 i 100 00 I I :, ! . . I :1 I 209 00,1 j909 091 I . . 1_:' Ii I d ,; 15 o~' I ,2 01 ! .14 o~ I 2 ~ I o i I , , I : I I , I :1;,155'00 : I 1100100 i I I lOa! 00 :Ii 500100 " I i 251,00 1 '7 I 5[00 I I i 30 00 I i40 0 17510 I, L.L -~~ 780100 75 00 600 OD 25100 25100 I .5too 50100 il " " 'I ii ii " 100100 i , ! , , ! , , 100 '00 , ! i j i , , Ii ii II ill , I! :1 !I ., " " ;i 'I il " II :1 !I ~ I, , , i i . , 1,15500 I ' I 100 00 : i : , i 10000 , , 1.500 '00 I , 25 .00 75 '00 I , i 3000 , i 140 00 , I ,75 00 I , I ~.200 00 I I I " i I I -~~-- I Num~~~ 01 t Function I ==-:1 , , 4a ! , I : I 317 319 215 218 204 206 109 ~-=----'--'_..------ --- TITLE OF FUNCTION W ber of I TITLE OF ITEM It~ ___ ____-_-"---'-O_~_=___'=_'_= 201 200 101 209 Record Books Stationery lie Office Suppliee Advertising Auditing By Auditor of Public Book Binding Dues lie Subecriptions Fr.igbt, Rxprese lie Drayage COUNTY OLERK Compensation of County Clerk Oompensation of Office Assistant Repairs lie Replacement Telephone lie Telegraph of Office Equipment Accounts , 4.4301 00 I' YEAH ENDE~~U=~5i, \1 Ii --r-~- j - -". YEAH Et.'DJNr: T- I II II , Ii JUNE3~~ : ApPROPRIATION ~I' EXPENOITURES Ii. Anl\Qi'lU4-TION 11 Amended ' AlII..naea II -r!' '11--; I i-~ I I T-;!' \, i ! I I I! I I :'r ,. , I' I! I I '" I! 900 00: 'I 900 i 00" i 900; 00' I': ! . I II . 'I I' , I. 'I J 'I "j "", I' I 'I--,i ~.092: 75.' i,4ooi 00,. , I' I: I 'I "I 1.1 I: I 40: 001: I '--:: i 40 00 i. II' 1 ~ool oo![ I 247: 49': I 300! 00 I' I :, I I" I : ',I i 350 ooi: '52 50' : 3501 00 !, I. I I,ll ' 1 Ii I I I! I !. I 'I" i : --II' I 30' 00 I 1-- " I I I \ t II II I --:! I 39 39 I 201' 00 , , . . I II I I . I 1 I 200! 001 I 148 18 i 150' 00 i I I 140100!! 186 73:.1 i i 280! 00 ,. I "I 'I ., I I ! I: I =,,0001' 0011 4,258 35', 2,0001 00 l' IT. II t i i : . I I i I 500, 00 ~.289 64 I 1.000 00 \, I, I , ~.245: 02 , , 1",lwCl 00 .-=--~~~:----- '.~' --=-;:.; _ .. YEAH ENDING JUf'lE 30. 19-56--_ I' ,i 'I : Il'CREASE OVEn i DECREASE UNDER (I PROPOSED I. YF.AR ENDING I,. YEAR ENDiNG ill AI.l.OWED Exn.NDITURES j!luNE 30, 19_~ ji JUNE 3D, 19 55 ; U"I' BOARD I I +.:. , I '1' -- - .--.-,- ---.' _.___':~c~.~=~-- I 1\ I I Ii i 'II i i r I, I II I", I I 90~ ( 00 ': j' i Ii i Ii i ! 900 00 I 1 I . I Ii ! 'i'l : J 1,200,00 i 'Ii 1.200 00 ,II 1,200 00 ; I II j 'II,! , I ill . i :! '1 : I' :1 '4'" I . -- , I ! I 0 00 'I : I -- I j' , 1:1 1 I I : ! ': l j;j i '(' I i 250 00 ii i 1:1 5000 II ! 250 00 . . I'" "II' , I! 1!1 . I t I 350 OOi 'I ! Ii II '.! 350 t'o , II I ,I I . , I 1 I i Ii "I : ! J 30 001. ~ 30 ;00: i i! 30 ~o t : I' 'I I ~ t 'It t ! 50 [001.,. I 30,00; I 'I 50 ~O I' I' '... II Ii , " 600' ooi' II. 450 '00 'I i ii. 600 00 I I' '.' , . Iii" I ,I i '! 2DO i 001.' I ! 1'1 80 :00 :i 200 00 :: I \;. I ,I ; ! 4.500: 00, 2~ 500 ,00 il i II 4.500 00 . : 500!001'j i ,I 500 '00 ~ I i 500 00 1 I ~ I :1 I _' 1 a.~80: oOli 2/.010 :00 8 80 00 1.87000 General EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES _ FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ 56 --.-FUND .. . Roanoke .. COUNTY. VIRGINIA - - Page #3 3,6io: 00, , . , l , 20th JUDICIAL CIROUIT 109 Compensation of Secretary ~6 Dues and SubBcriptions ~r~ ~emium gn Ca~ Liabl1itf In8uran~ ! i e~aira Re~ acemant 0 Office uipment 21 Te aphone end Telegraph : , i ~19 Station~ry & Office Supplies , ~20 Books Contingency Fund ,4o!> 100 , , "~O! 100 I : ; 1-- , I I. :-- I : 1:= I -- I , i I I ,176\71 Ii, I 2. ~n los I I ' II , I-- I ~2~ I:~ . . 1-- , : 1-- ~ir 150 : I.:.: II I 'I ,I il II i :1 'I i ~ I' :i , 10 . ~I' 00100 I .-- I : . 150 00 ~a188 25\00 , 12: 00 I ~35 00 ,'''00 00 ,61 ,0001 0 2010 l~QI 0 143i 8 5J 0 cloolo 145,0 o 120100 i ;, I II . I II 20loo!, 'I I! ,I i II , I 251001 i II 75! OO!I ' I !I ! 210100 , I I I I I 20(00 I I , I I . , 190100 i 1 , I I ' , , 3.000 00: , " I 20 001 , ! I l~ 00' 146 %8i I 5000 lOCi 00 145 OO! 54 Miscellaneous Stationery & Office Telephone, Compensation Dues Compensation COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY & Subscriptinns Telegraph & of Stenographer of Co=onwealth Supplies Postage s Attorney I. , , , j: " , 11 I , L I' , ,. i I, i. Ii ! S20 100 I , 21,400 :00 11,200 ioo i . I I 'i- f 190 \00 I~o 100 , I : i i : : ; I 2~617 .00 j. ! 1~ 10300 I I I ~O '00 I 21505 I : . I , I I 13 :30 I 44150 '2 is 2,640 .00 i I 1,20000 i. I , , , ..- , , , . i 200 '00 i I i 30:00 I I I ~- II " il if " : , I. , I: I. Ii :; I' II " Ii II , i i , I I I: , ' I ;:: 2,640 OQ I I I' l,~50, 00: l' i I: : ~O: 00,1 I '" f 220: od' I ! I: ! :" : 25: 00 , , - - - 26 0 200'00 , i I , I. I 150'00 , i 30 00 20 00 ii :1 " )j " I' , i 00 , , i I I , 5.00 . I I. Ii il :1 " ! " ;1 II il ,i I: Ii II :i " :: I 2,640 00 , . 1,350 00 i I ~o 00. : I 220 00 25 00 Stationery & Record Books Premium Repairs -Witnesses TITLE OF ITEM TRIAL JUSTICE Miecellaneous Freight, Telephone on Express to Equipment (Warrants) & Telegraph & Postage Surety Office Supplies COURT & Bond Drayage - - -- , I l i~ Ii ~ ! ~ I f i 1: , I r i; , . ~ , --- ------ ~-- ~E^R ENDED JU!:IE 30. 19 5~ EXl'END111JRES ~'1l'x\'ll:';8N ~-T'[, , " I i i :. '..' I . .,. . , ; 40 0 . I L I - I . L I I- I 30 klo ' II 10100 , . . I ! 125 ,00 , I' I I' ,__ I . I [ 150 100 i~55 ~ . , 472 ;05 ...;;= I . I 14 po . . I . , . 1.t75 . I 4 '65 . I J_ i . I 1- 150 .15 . I 110 '64 . . I ; i 190 :S6 Ii " ., ,. ~ i " i! :! ;1 ,j Ii i 'I ~ I Ii i , " il ! I ~ I I ! i I i I I. I ! i i I , ! YEAR ENDING JUNE3~55 ApPROPRIAnON ~70100 .~- --- l .~. ~- YE^RENDlNGJU!'lE30.19~L-' "~ II I! il 'I I' 11 INCREASE OV.Im 'i DF.cREASE UNDEI\ i. .! PROPOSED ! YEA" EI'WING :1' YEAR ENDING :l AI.LOWED :i EXPENDITUIlES lJVNE 3D, 19 55 !; JUNE 30. 19 55 'I BY BUMID co--" :=II: =' _ ~. _._ -_ l:>-_ =~=;11-~._.~...,.=-== ! II i I II I' ! II I', I; , 'I' 'I "I . I. - I I' t I 'j "I I I ' I I ' I I, I 40100 :1 I 40' 00,' ; I li Ii 40 I ,I I 'I' I" '. 'I, . I' I I. l,j I i I ~ I ! I I; I .-" I, 1--1' I "I ! ,I j it I i 1: I j It !:\ -- II I' 10, 00: 10 00 ! I' I Ii " I I! I i Ii I ii, 20 '00 'I' ! 20 00:: 'i'l il II ! " I I I" I, , I ;' !' ! t) 'I ~ !: I II I ': I ,'! ,-- '.' I _ _ I I '.' 'I 1 '. . I I' " ' \< t. '. :., 160 '00 .! ! 240100,) ,. 80 00'; i:1 I I' ,!, I, I" Ii! ~ I : I: 1-- I: i 125 00: 1125 00: I i.l I I, : . I 11" " " , "I' 1 150 100 il I --: :i 150 00 I, : 435i 00, 215'00 150:00 435 00 125 00 ;-.. 240 00 1000 I 20 00 -- 00 -- General EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ 5.6-- -FUND tilt Roanoke COUNTY . VffiGINJA - - Page # 4 ?S1 '12 ?Sl: 109 .111 I 206 I , '207 , , :211 , I i212 '215 , 1215 I 218 I !220 I ',00 '12 ,220 I ! I I :102 !106 i 1106a I 106b 107 Electricity Premium on Car Liability Insurance . Premium on Surety Bonds Repairs & Replacement of Cars Radio Maintenance Telephone, Telegraph & Postage Trw eling Rxpense Car Parts, Tires, Tubes, etc Guoline 011 Gresse & Car Washing "-. '.- . ...... .--.-- ~--- .. ... Ststione~ & Of~ce Supplies Compensation Physician's Dues & Compensation or Special Officers Compensation of Coroner Compensation Compensation Compensation POLICING & Subscriptions of Clerk & of County Sheriff of Deputy Sheriff of Part-Time Deputy Sheriffs INVESTIGATING Fees Bookkeeper !i r [ l! r " , Ii i: . , i r I I. r i ~ \i I , l t I [ I f p r , 1 I ' I I ~,934100 5,334,00 i . , I I 500 i 00 ~,640I00 , , i ' . 1 I 500:00 , . I ' 849 dc) . I I: 40:00" 't' II! - I .. I i 60,00,1 I : I ii I ;75 OO~ ., I II 24 00: , I 1'~. ~Ol 00 240 00 I 2~0 00 I 25 00 660 00 t200' 00 i ! : 140 00 l: 250 00 , ' 50 00 30 00 : ' . 50 93, " 141 5?S:i I I 31 67! ,643 60: 80?S 39'1 \, .1 ~14 28:1 ;, !! , " .~ 751 I. " l! I . , <;67 34; ,~Ol 121 !: I " , 12615?S!1 i I 'I 2.91 22;[ I' n 54 8411 . 'I : :1 ; il , , i I 665 : 00 : . I 805'0(1 1,933 ,?S83 457 ~.610 -- 40 32 34 86 'i !! " , , J il II " 'I I " 'i .1 i I I :' t :! , ! \1 [ I !I 1.934100. I j I' 5,434100 ' I I it , 500: 00 . I I '1 ; I I. 2,640,00 :' , I ' . . ,I i 600100' II :1 I 840: 00.\ I j i ~ I . :' I 4000,' : 1 I: I . " I ...- ij : ! ~I I 60100.1 I I I: " I 375,OOli I " , " :1 I 25; 0011 : . I I, ,,600100li I. I II i 240100, 400 00 50 00 i 800 00 f'~OO 00 140 00 250 00 75 00 300 00 75 00 . I I I 1 I , : , I 21 000 'oa , , , 6~774oo : I 450 ,00 , , I I "'. 000 '00 ;Jr . I 1675 100 I 88000 , , , I I ' , -- , . I 1 I t- , , I 60 :00 . I ::425 iOO I 25 \00 3~8001oo 1280 100 I ~15100 I 200 100 I. I I 600 100 ~,4OO po 00 150 Ii II ., I: I' Ii II Ii I' II Ii :1 I 'II I i Ii I 1:1 66 od: I \ il ",340 00 I ,: ; II I ;, i i1 I L 360 00 ( il 75' 00' , 'I , i 40; 00 ill' . I [, I ,I ) II . I !I I II 50 00 III 200 O~ I ,! 4~ oq I \: 15d ,,1 . I I I 'i : I II ld OO! 5d ~ , I I , I i I I , 50! I i i I I I , , I I 40' 00 , I I I I I I , , I i , 1 I 85 00 I I 2~1 00 100 00 00 I , \ ~ p :1 1 ~ ~ II l :! :\ 1 , II , , I I ! I I I I I I I i I ; , ! I I , , I i I I , I I I I I I I I , I i 2,000 00 6.174 00 , ' 450 00 I ' , ' . ' 3.000 00 , ' '675 00 : I . , ' '88000 , , : i , -- i . . j : I ~_ , I , , I 60?0 425 bo 1 i . , , I 25 po 3,800 00 , , . 280 00 , I I '15 00 I . . i ,200 00 I I 60000 , 2 400 bo , . I , . , . , 150 00 , I . , I ?SOO 00 I . . I 75 po , i I I I , I. I. i I Ii " I, I , I. I I I: , I' i , , 1 , I !,i r , I i. I I I. Traveling Telephone compensation Expenses & Telegraph ==-=--- n~LATIONS COURT Officer --:::::::-=====--'==- 1 -==---=--~~-:==. ,~~--::::---..:...:: _____..~""'_.____...c.::-..:::..::_--:..- ~---_i'~___~__~~~~~=-'-""-=---=="...o.=-'-=-_': ii Ii d I ii YEAR ENDED JUl!lE 30,19 54', 'II YEAH DIDIl'>G JUl!lE 30, 19-')'- 'I : r-- :; YEAn! NO II i. '1-- il :i JUNE 30, I ~ II ( INCIlEASE OVER II DECREA~E UNDER ! ( EXPENbITURFS i! aAPP~ I. PnOP08EO i YEAR ENDING :.1 YEAn ENDING:. ALLOWED i = ~ ~ Am~ .\>END~~_ ~~E~30;,l~ _.~l_!.us~~~~~ I9=.~_~.__J _ _._~y.n_~ARD i ! 'i I I' ! I Ii I I II I Iii ' I. I ,;! I I I I I) I' I I 'i Ii' I I I I I I! i Ii : I ,I I ! I., I 3 ~600 .00 'II ,,600i 00: 'I II 3.600 00 i I '1 I I I' I 'I I " :1 1 i II:l:! i 10000 i ! 100 00.' i Ii 100 00 I i Ii i i : 400 \00 I: I 400: 06\ I ii 400 Co I r ," ~ I I i I Ii ! P 4.100 po : 1001 00' 100 00 " ~'-~~~i: I I' i 'i , I: ' I: I' , I i I' lit-. . " . I ApPROPRIATION -~r 1 I I , i .. Roanoke COUNTY, VffiGINlA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR TIlE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 56 General 'UND - - Page II 5 61,617 , . -=-~.__.._-~ I ! TITLE OF F NCTION ! I Number! I , 01 I I NIUn. , Functior4 bcr4f TITLE OF ITEM _...:_ I. I (.l~ -!i---T~ - ,==____0. I i I I Pollving &: Investigating Continued ! ! l319i Finger Print Suppliee i I 'I' 325\ Unt1'orms i I 399 M1ecellaneous i I I I I . I I 6e i [ CONFINEMENT & CARE OF PRISONERS (Jail) I ' I I \ : 106 Compensation 01' Jailor i I I i ! i 106 Compeneation 01' N,ght Jailor ; ; I : I I 111 Compensation 01' Jail Physician i I 1108 Compensation o:r Jail Cook ! i I 203 Board 01' Pl'isr,ners (Food) , , I I I 207 E1ectrlelty I I. ) I i 2091 Express, Freight &: Drayage I i ! \ : 215 I Repairs to Jail , I i 215 Repairs &: Replacement 01' Eqylpment I I 223 Water & Sewage Treatment I I 225 Hospitalization of Prisoners . I I I 301 nedding ! I 305' Laundry I I , I I I ~06 Cleaning Material &: Suppl1ell I I 307 Disinfeetant I [ I I I i I I I 311 Fuel .._ \31? _Me.d1~~n~& Medie~l. Supplies .'-~-. -. . 319 Stationer &: O1'1'iee Supp1ies4 330 Prisoner Iteme 400 Small Equipment &: Utenllils 00 1r067 LO !. I- II 500 PO . I 1420 po I . I 3 000 00 r ;50 100 i + I , 1150 ;00 I . 1-- 1\' i25 ioo 30 100 1'75100 i ,00 100 , , I . . I l.00 00 I :25100 I 350 00 I ,40 00 11000 I ~OO 100 1 '75 00 42'1" 52 69 fl . 828 . I 20lP 170 ~.J" b I I :J.~466 ~4 I[ L_ " ! ! 420 pO ! 608 00 I I 3,850 45 ! 280 118 I ' I 360 I , , , \1 184 :39 8185 I ,. , \154 ;68 1";- I I I 79 :20 , , _ I . . , 367 119 187 '45 :i " Ii ! 'f , i " I ') i , I , " il \ , n h , , :! d :: ,I II l . 1 t :1 :! ! . , I !I :i y I Ii , Ii i ! r J 1 l , j . I p247100 ,47 ,425100 200100 ,472[00 , I I , I , , ! , I I I i I , i i I I i I i I 100100 100 00 320 00 00 , , , 067 '00 I 800 100 I 600 100 I 420 00 . I 200 '00 i '00'00 1 r 50000 . I i-- 150 00 I 25 250 15 350100 5000 - 00 00 25 15 400100 501 00 00 50 50100 40 00 60 00 80 00 800 00 I I I I I I , I I 100'00 165!00 I i i I 30100 50100 ,381iOO o=:---====-~~~~-,;;;~-::o=:.C:=~~:.~-,7~~ YEAH ENDING JVI'lE 3D, 19......5L " : 'I ji [NC:tEASE OVEn i. DECREAse UNDER :1 YF,\R ENlHNG ti YE....n E:mING: ALLOWED IUNE 3D, 19 55 ;, IUNE 30, 19 55 '. OY BOARD I -~! --i--:T--T~ .. 7- Iii! ' I .. I , I I; Ii ' I ".:. " I I I II Ii ~o 100 :i I 2000 I II I" , I' 1'1 ! I II 300 :00 ill 600 00 Ii 'I ' I i'l' I . t ,I , I I, i:! I 00 II 'I il " ': I, I! Ii , " ,I II II I, :! [I ,I 'i !I , jI 200 00 805 100 :1 ~ ,I II II 'I ,\ !l l 'I II ~ il I' "I , II ,I Ii ,I il Ii Ii 'i " :'1 11 :1 I I I i i I , I , I , , I I , i I I I I I i I , , 1 I I I 23,029 I I 1,107 00 I 86000 600 00 , ! 500 .00 i 4.00000 I 300 00 , , -- I I ~oo ;00 100 00 I :5'15 '00 , - ! , 100:00 i 350 00 I 30000 i 15 00 I [400'00 : I II' 50100 25 '00 , ! I I ,- I I II 150100 . I 'I ; ,00 I i I i I , ! , II I, Ii I: --~--~ ------ ---- - ----- EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 56 General .FUND - .. Roanoke COUNTY. VIRGINIA ... - Page /I 6 I ,TITI,E OF FPNCfION Numbe,i --I' , 01 I ; Functioj =-==---=.=~-="-.:-=t ! I . i 7 I I , I ' i I I , I I i I I I , , I : I I I ; I I I ! I . I j I I i I , ; I i I , ' . , i I I I I 1 1 I . i I I i I I . , I ' I I : ! I : I ' , , ' i I i I . t I ' , , ! I i I , , i i i I 1 I : I ; , i I i , I I i I , I I I , I ! I i i i I I 1'- I I I I ] , , , I I 16~035 o i6~286 156 16i.015 100 1 .72510 760100 50 00 16.'(::'5 00 '23 325 '99 702 '001 Auto Tiree. 304\ Chemicals 306 Cleaning Material &. -- - I F 1 '.1..1.1 ue I 3121 Gasoline I 312& 011 312 Grease a nd Car 223 215 215a Radio 218 215 213 211~ 211 11, 207 208 102 Num. berof Miecellaneoua .---_.-_. .---- -,_.- .. -- ..- --~, ~ - Contri but ion Water Service Small Equipment & Supplies Uniforms Telephone Repairs Repairs Rent on Forest ~ _.=--=..=~_.,--_.~ FIRE PRE\~NTION & EXTINCTION Compensation lUectrici ty Compensation Insurance Insurance on Trucke TITLE OF ITEM Maintenance Fire Cave Spring Fire House to Fire EquipmEll t to Fire House & Telegraph on Personnel Tubes Extinction to Volunteer Firemen 01' Fire Chiefs 01' Relief Fire Chiefa Waeh1ng Supplies and Parts '-_.~---~----'----------'----'- ----------T--~~R-~~~ED JUNE !O, 19 5'J r l . I I r ! ! ji r , t r ~ , , i~ L , r I I I I I ~ r I t ~ r ! r I I I I ~ I . I I r 75 to j' .. 1~8()O . 00 ) 1tnenR8'eTI8N Im~ , 8~720 0 1100 00 i 130 00 I . I ' 1r' 200 100 450 100 ! 60? 100 17,20 100 I 200 100 I . ~I-- . 180 100 415 '00 , I 20 po 300 '00 . . I 50 po 20 00 500 eo 500 00 . . I :,6 ~o 25 ioo - EXFElo."Dl'l'1lnES , I i I i I I : 414 ,90 j i i 723 /25 [I L._ . I I I T 7 :89 , ~- ,: I l' 4.!98 1 800 loa' ! ' I T~-.I 8~ 720 104 I i__ I . I 11164 46 , I l~ 173 I~j'l . , , ., : 60006 i ' . i i 542 150 : 72000 , I I ' 1232',10 I. i -- i 1 21207 I , 50159 . I 18 eo , 43616 I 1425 I J- :1 ,I 11 " Ii ~ I' Ii ii , I " I i I ,I " !I II " , " " 'I , i' :1 " I 'j ': ;i il ii " ,I I ;: I: II Ii .:; ., 'I i! ,I i, I: II " " i! ; 1~800100 YEAR Et>.'DING JUNE 3~ 55 1%'bOfi~mN ~-I- i I- i 8:,720 [00 1 j 100100 I I ; 'I ! 130 :00 , I , l' ' 1.200,00 , , I ' I I 1500 iOO I , 575 ioo ii, , I I I 720 '00 I I I , ' I I : 200 100 , I I I ,-- I I I I ! 180 :00 1 I 500100 I ,..! I i 20100 i I I 300 :00 " I I 50 '00 l : I_ I I 20100 , I . I ' I I '4' : I 00100 Ii' I I : 50000 I i30 \00 I I 50100 I : 20100 I -, ! ~ ~ t 'I I: u- p 1 ~ , ~ , 1 I il I: I , n II ~ ~ Ii . 1 I ~ I 1 l ~ ~ . ! I I , Ii \ " I " 11 ~ . , 1.8001 o~ Pnol'06m EXPENDITURES I -I~--i! I I Ii , I Ii 8,720' oq' I' 100: od: , j' ! 1501.0 ,', I I! j i: 1,200 0 I I Ii I 600 OJ! I " ! 550101: I 720, od! I 500 Odl I ,I. , I' ; 200 00' I 'I' I 1801 00 I I I, I ,; ! 525 ooli , . I d' , " I 200 i , I I' , " i 300,oq, i t I: I 50,00i i 20: od: i 4001J: . , , 575! 0 I , , , 5010 . I 251 40!0 -----~--,---_....- -. --'------------- ~------~-~---- - ---_..,---~---- .-------_. ---- - - .----.-.-- - ,"- ENDING jU1'lE 30, 19-5.6-.. .. INCRE~SE O\'E~-rl- - DECREASE UNDER' i,1 - YEAR END~~! YEAR EN~ :11 Ar.l...QWED 'I UY BOARD JUNE 30, 19__ _iIJ~NE30.19 ___ :'_ ____ u__ - - _ . -.f __tr=_ ___. ._..._.~....-'-.... -::it _"f _ _ _____'".'--_ __~__ o. _ , I II 1 1 ;1) i I '1 ,,,,,, I Ii : i ill' ~.720 roo , I I( 1, I ' !', I ~i _ I i Ii I:i 100 ,00 I 20: 00 II ill 150 100 I I' , , I ',I I II I I I i[ i ii I 1.20000 1 " j'l ' " I I,' ij' " I 100 00" i" I 600 00 Iii: i Ii i : I I' ! 'I! 25 :00 :1 I ! 55000, I I I I ,I I I " , :' ,!': 720 00 I ,I I 'II I I' ! '00100: !! I 500,00 I ,;. I ill ' I 200 00; i I, I 200 00 I II' I II' I i I 25 00;: ,i' 180 00 ' I 1:1 I ill 1 I ; I 1:1 I I I I 525 00 I, ! i'l I III' , I i , 1 I II!: 20 00' I "I 'I I' i !: I' jl i i 30000' I " I I 'I I I:i I! i 50 '00 , I" " I . I ' I 1'1 'ill 2000' I I I I I ; I . ".. I.' :1 i il! ,0000 1 H I Ii I ! 75; 00:' ; I! i 575 ,00 ,I II i.1 , 'I 20100:1 I' II' I I 50 :00, , !. I , I, 25:00 Ii i '2500' , ;l, I if I' i 401oo! I 'I I I i-I . ,I I I ~-: , I : I ~.aoo 1001 !: I I , 1 YEAH 20 00 ---- --._~ - .... .. Roanoke COUNTY, VffiGlNIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 56 General UND Page /I 7 - - ~---~-!~IC=:F~::~ Number I I J of I Num- Function ber 01 TITLE OF ITEM ~-1=~-~""'!\!'!!' - .., -- , , ' 8e. I I BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE i : I . I ! 100 I Compensation of Board Members r I r I ! I I . I \ , I , I 8d i I COUNTY FARM I ' 102 Compensa tion of Fal'lll Foreman i I \ 123 Farm Labor \ I 12~ Labor on Farm Road I I II : 209 Freight, Express & Drayage . I ! : 215 Repairs & Replacement of Farm i I 307 D1sinfMtant i I 311 Fuel r I 331 Purchase of L1 vestock I ' : I ,~28 Farm Machinery & Tools I I I I , '399 Miscellaneous , I I ! I Fence, County Farm i ' I 308 Fertilizer, Seed, etc. , , I ! ! I I ' , I : ! I' , I : I i 8e ! I INSTITUTIONAL CARE : ' I !203 i ! I \ 1 i i 1 j 1. , , ,3qo 00 1 .~47183' 9~350 o .750100 400100 I 5.000 100 I I 8~750 po ;\,..."''''''==:. \ , '. ! , 1702 '~"'''''',I _=_(~02. 702 702 Contribution . Cont.'llJ..tw.Uon to -"'. . ." . -. - '..-' - --.--~,. . . Contribution to Fairview Home (Cost of Inmates) Contribution to Children s Home to Hospitals l'ubU.c Mercy House, ~a1thA4.ociatLon Inc I I Ii ! I' , I' " , I f'~~,O oor I 400 0011 t,Ho 001 500 00 , I 500 00 Ii : ! i .6831 93 , I 4,001' 00 1 . , , ' I:P~I~: 750[ 00 I I , , , 2fl :~: ~ .1 5tOLO fXl l,~ bo 750 bo I ! I , I I ~. 600 100 400100 I .00011 00 750 00 I J.ooo 100 . i 400 I I I 00 I , I I I I , I 5,00000 ! . I ! i i , i , , 2~600 00 i i i 400 po , I I, - ; i I ,5.000 ,00 . I I 75000 . I I I I I I: " I I , , , , I i I , , " . Equipment -----~-- ._--~--~ -- - ._-~-~~------- .. ----:~.c.-f,:_-- .~- ---.-------------'--r=-==---=-== =r==-=-----.:------=--==-~==-~--;O:::..~--=-:==......"..~,::..==='==~~.::~=-:~--=-. I' 4 ,I L ~~, ii, YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,19 51 I II YEAH ENDING lVi'll; 30, 19_.;;l<l_ , :' 1:, . . YEAn ENDrNG " I -- I I ; . I JUNE 30, 19 55 II INCREASE OVEn : DECilEAS~ UNDER '( I Appl\OPlUATION EXPENDITURES ,I ~}>t 0 JVA- ON' Ii ..... PRoPOSED II YEAR ENDING 1\ YEAR ErWING I A1.:,~wm __ : ~ended j ,unenae~ i\ ....xPEND1TVl\ES IJUNE30,19 55 :: JUNE 30, 19 55' m OARD Ti --'-r: 'F'I i t I Til j==r=y---' 'I' 1~~~='- -'I' 'l~;--~;'-~~--- , " , I" . I ,II i I 'I' . I, , II! I , I:' 'I 'I ";' I. I' ' . '" ,I, I I 1, 1 j: I ,', ' I', I' I, I. I 300\ 00.: .300 po 1\; 1300 :0011 : II I :11 ! ~oo 00 '_ 1" I t---"--Il 1-- I I' I ' I . II' , ! II "I ' , !',:::l= ! 3, 0,01 OO~ ! 3001 00, ~oo po ~:: i 300100' i -+- ! 300 00 'I I, I ,I ,.1 I,: , , 'I ' i, I ' I I 'I Ii I ! I i \ I I I I " ,[ I I. , . I 'I I i I II 'I I I Ii I Ii I ' ,: 1 I 1 I !I I I l,200IOOI'i 2,,100[00., II !i ! I I , I "II " I l,140\ COlli 1,788 02" ii' , :1 I' I I I I I I I, I ;1 , 'I r- II I 72 00 II' I '1 Ii ,. I ", . I! j '1 I i I 10 ooii i ~5' 90 III 5.!00:: I I I! I "I I ' 'I Iii 251001 138: 48 :1 100 100 I i; I i t-! ! 10,22,; Ii ! !i II i' 75! 001'\ I' 116; 75' II I Ii Ii I ." I I' , I,: 2,4001 001 ~,775 00 ill I I il i' I i I 'II , ! i I I I, I, 'I l.750100,' i 39465 1'1 :1 I' , ' 'I I ,. , I. I 'II : I Ill" I ii' . ' I -- i . 53 71 iI i ! i! I'! 1100 'I OO! \ 308 99 ! : \1 ! ~, 200 00 :1,,446 09 ! I Ii I 9' 00; 001 1"'" ioo : ' ...../ I I , I , i , r I , I , r , I i i , , i ! , I , , I I i , , i j I i I , I I i .. RoanOke COUNTY. VffiGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ 56 General .FUND I ' , I , , I ! , , I f 2,1410 00 I : 1.140 pO i I , , , -- i I i 20 00 I i , , I 50 po i r- , , 100 1)0 i i j ~ I ! 1 ~ i ,- , I I ~ , I 20000 I i ~.20000 , I 41810 PO I ! I , I 2,100 00 I \ 1.,140 [00 I I I -- , I , 25 00 , 1150 00 I I 1 _1_ , t 110000 I I \ '-- , , I I , , ,- I I , , I ' I '- I : , 150'00 11200 ~o 00 ,865 .. - Page /I 8 , 1:0 bO . , 50 I I I I I I I I I i I I I I ! i I '00 I I :1 11 II 'I II 'I I. 'i i: , II II I' ,I [I 'I q 1j 4.865 00 I , , , I I 2,100 bO I 1 140 00 I 1 25 00 150 00 , I 100 00 I ;-- I I I -I' ! I , I. -- , ) t , , 15000 \ i 1.200: 00 ~___._u_;._... _cT='==-o-.=",--~,-'-"--"~'-~c"o~~----ccc' o~-.. ... ~ -. '. '~--'----'" c .-,,,=-~.=~~..~-_....=,,.==.......=,....,=..,,~,....~~~.. ....c:-._...-...--._-~. I I TITI,E OF F\.INCTION II YEAR ENDED JUNE 30.19-54-!, :i"----.-~.~-.:~~:::~:G JU~I~=5L-.. ~.._~- --"-r- .~ 'Number: I .- I. , ------:i Ya'nENDI~~ I I ---~ " ' ! of I Num. I Ii :i JUNE 30. 19 'j;\ I, INCREASE OVEn Ii Dl::CllliASE UNDER :j : Function I her of TITLE OF ITEM I, ApPROPRIATION 1,1 E""----.. I" A - '.i PIIOPOSED I VEA" ENDING I' YF.AR EI\"DING ' ALLOWED : I I I I' Eo.\U................ J'I'ROPRIATlON' "II v ...om......no....' c.c:.' 55 II . D ..- ==~~ = (~ ~_~~' . =. . "t,n ~. L.. ~...::::.'.'~ .~ J.JUNE~~,.I9~- ~!uN~30~~9. ~_;;..,._ u,~::::.=. ~~._ 8h I r LUNACY COMMISSION II' II :. Iii I, I' 1,1 I' I II I II i I':T I Ii ' T I I Ii:" I - 'I' ' I I I I " II I I I' ! 1124. Compensation _ Exp i i 400 00 'I 1345 100 ',I I 400 loo:i II i 350 bo 1,1,1 I 1;1, '50 I 00 '.:, I '1' 350' 00: , 'I I ' II . I.. ' I' I ! I "I I I ' , I . ' , I I, . " ' , ".,' I , ' ! I 1220! Traveling Expense ! 110 00 Ii I y Ii I i 10100:' i I 10 fO i; I ,:: ' I :1 i \ 10 00 I ! ! I \ ['I! I ii 1 I I ~ I 'I' ! I, I II I ,I I i : I 'I t . Ii 1 I Ii Ii ,I I .! ! I . i I" -- I I 'I I ! I "I ' '" 'i ' ,," 410 00:, 345 :00:, I 410 [00 II, '3~0 00 Ii I,I 50' 00 I ~ ii:d: b~" i \ I I[ i I Ii I I , I 'I II. I I I' II " I II.! I I 'I I 'II I [ I . il I, I j I' .9 II II [I , \ I Ii 'I 'i i I , 'I 'I . ,,! I II ' " , ,I !I ! \i ! \' I I' J , ,I I 'I \ d I I, I' 'I '.' , . 'I ' IiI , ! I! I ) " "I' , ! I ii I, i i I \1 1\ ' I ' ~' I . ' , I I' ," 'I I i \\ . " I : I 'I ' , ' ' I ' !! I I 1 II j I ! !I 1 I Ii ; j .1 I i :\ I i ' I \ I , I I ' I .62.5100 I .208149 1 .948100 19~01~ 100 .6651 0 I I I , , I I I i \ \ . 2.29 316 319 Medical Supplies & Stationery Office Supplies 2.5100 Traveling Contr'bution to State Health pepartll!l!!n1; , 20100 220 211 2.18 109 138 Premium Compensation Compensation 120100 102 100 Telephone. Expense Telegraph '" on Car of Stenographer of Registrar Postage 50100 40\00 150 00 Liability Insurance of Vital Statistice Compensation or. Sanitation PUBLIC Compensation Membere HEALTH of Bngineer Board !! ! I. I. [' ii I I I I I , [' , \: :1 " ! Ii I :\ I, I " " ~00100 , 720100 2.00 100 I I , . I I \ I I , I i I I I I : I I I I , I I ..- j 720 ioo . . I 120100 . , , 115100 , , I , 1-- , 158181 '92 \85 1-- i!83 . I , I I , I I I I I I I I . . \ 200 \ 00 I . :-- I 1-- ., . I I ~OOiOO I I .! . 1-- , . ! 4- ,I . I- I -- 1~.448100 '1-- -- , , , I I I I I I I i__ I 300 '00 L_ I I \1 t 1-- 18r713 iOO I J_ , ' I , !-- :! ii " II II , .. n Ii I' 'I j! ii ,. il " Ii ,. " 'I Ii I II , II 1 'I ,.6651 00' '1 't " I 2001 00 i I , \ I ;!OOOO I' 'i II " Ii ., " I' II " i: ,I 'i I' I " " " ,\ ii Ii " i' ,I :1 " j :1 I iI \1 'I II ii ~ , , I , , , I I \ I I 2.<Il.41~! 00 20.113 1 i 1 I , i i i , i i , I I , I I , , ! 300,00 I I , : i I 00 i , , i , . ! 1 i I I , ! I , ! , '. ense of Members 360 00 { r - . - '. Roanoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR lONDlNG JUNE 30, 19~_ Gener al -- .FUND --".- ... } Page II 9 -- , _c-o' 1- =""'-=-"==----'~="'r" .,.~~=~ i YEAR ENDED IUNE 3D. 19 54 _..'_, __'<,11 YEA. ENDING j IUNE 30. 19 ~5 11 EXPENDmJI\ES !1 ApP~T10N !i 'Tn.. I, "I~. Am~n,ded ',' ',1.,' 'j ". I I, I <. II! P ':1 'I I ..' .. II . I . 'I 61,180100 ',: 'n,200,00;, I .. 'j I II ~1,180 00 :1 ",180 00 Ii 1,800 OO,! 1:'980 00 I 'f[ ,,' . 'I I -- ' -- I ~,500 100 'Ii 4,500'100 :,1 I ,. ' 'I : 248 150 :1 I 1-- . I Iii 'I j __I! I 10100 'i , I, 'I I 60 100 I 40 I 00 ',' I II I I i 90199:1 90100 ii I 25100' I 20 00 ' 142 '25\ ! 50 00:; ~, 132 87'1 a,500 ! 00 .' I ' , I I 'I 382 53 '1' I 325 00 ',I 'I ' 394 ':36 i 250 1001 I I' 'I 244193 Ii 300, 00 :1 5* 167 il 450100: :1 'I I, " !! I ;1 ,I , I I f ! ! ; * i f q: l' \. , 'I \ < 317 Reoord Booke 319 Stationery & Office Supplies 31.9i~af:ing ~~p~~ies & Blue Print 399 Miscellaneous Code Books 2 ,929100 '''---:P' -- =~=~ I ... - -~1~ FUN~ON-- : Number : , 01 I ~'Num" Functio~' ber of 1 I Item , , . -~oa r- " , I I I i i ! I i I , , , I I 1 : I I , , I I I i I i I I I , I I I i I I i I I I i i I i I 312 Greaee and Car Washing 312a 011 312 300 220 215 215 218 Telephone, Repairs & Replacement of Cers 212 211 Dues 109f 109 113 113~ Comperqation Bock Binding ITEM Gaaoline Cal' Parts, Traveling Repair & Replacement 0 f Office Premium Premium 109 204 206 102 TelegraPh & Postage Expense Tires, Tubes, etc. Equipment SubsOl'iptione on Car Liability Insurance on Surety Bonds PUBLIC WORKS Compensation Compensati on Compeneation Compensation Compensation & TITLE OF of County Engineer of County Bookkeeper of Office Aasistante of Extra Office Aseistants of County Inepectol' of Assistant County Inspector __.=~-=='._~_--- -----=0-=* l I , r ;: I I , I r I l f ~ i , r I r . ~ I I , 30 100 75 100 - 250 00 , 20 00 I - -- I 54 00 398 06 : ~ 01 , 18 44 ; 1 5~ 90 1~'~ '0100 100 00 25 00 150 00 40 00 . : -.. - 2~,24o 00 -'C=C cc:--' :=,."'C.-,"=:~~".~..~.~=,o.'C'~="=,"c"==-='f_'_='~' YEAH E'IDING JUNE 30.19--5.6... i I ' INCREASE OVER , DECREASE UNDER ill I PROPOSIID \ YEAR ENDING I YEAR ENDING : At LOWED I EXPENDITVRES I: JUNE 3D, 19 55 II JUNE 30. 19 55 D\: DOARD ! 3 t 180 bO 300 0 il 1,1 3.480 !, 00 . II ~" 1.980 0, - II I, t,980: +*'p 1 080 ~o II i,11 ~,080 I 00: ~ I !" ' 300 0 'I' 'I; 4,800',00" 'I I' I I: 150 0: ., 150 ' 00 'I I I i I t I! I' I 10 00 " I . 10 II I 50 00, I' ! l 25 0 II 1115 00: 5 P, 0 1,1 i 25 00: I 1 I' -;. : I 50 00, I II ! i 'I ~, 100 00, 1 I I' il I 300 001 II ' I I II I 256100: :: ! 200 100' !' I I i II ; 425100! II I I i I. I 30iOO; i 100 I 001 I I I . 15 001 I '75 00\ , 50\001 , . , , 1100 100 t 221585 po II . 2J40~ 0 I 15 po 375 ~o 50 225 10 o o 56.0 00 - 100 00 2~,085 00 I 30 100 Po 10100 100 440 100 250 100 00 300 100 3i,800 00 150 100 20 100 4,00 40 00 90 00 425 200 bo 50 F 1~ to 25 fO 50 b; 2i'l~0 fO [300 po '250 bo Po Po 25 100;00 00 400100 1 25! 00 41,500 ApPROPRIATION Amended ,180100 1I,80~ 00 ,880 00 00 It080 EO 4t' 500 FO 150 ~O 10 KlO , II II :[ II II II .. - Rea noke ..COUNTY, VffiGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 56 General ,__FUND .. - P age. !I 10 312 Oil Grease and Car Washing ( ;, I I , I ! , , I I I i I ! I I ! ; ..._t,.,...,......" 312 312 300 Gasoline - m~"'~::'.:::-::=':'-'~-----'--'.::-=~~~:7'''::- Car Parts, Tires and Tubes .--- - . , t- 11-.- t2~~ 0 65(lno :2 0 1'; .. 12 0 , I ! 1 I ! 5' , . , , 1.,60 , , i5 i 8. , , ; , . I ~.~... 240 Garbage Co11eMtion by Contract 215 218 Telephone, Telegraph & Postage ...- Repairs & Replacement or Trucks 3001 0 5 00 31 6 72 . -' 8~ 89~ I, O~; '2' ,I :i JI " " Ii 100 100 50 00 7510 25100 , 100 100 75 00 , 1~500 ~~~l: 100 100 10010~ 400 100 500100 100100 lac I I 1 , I I I , I I I , I I I I i , , I I I I I I I , I I I ! lOb I , Numberi j of I Functio~' I 214 n4 Rent ot Ottice Equipment 211 200 142 109 12' 102 Compensation ot Ottice Compensation ot County Engineer GARBAGE DISPOSAL I I I ,. I I " I I I I: ! I I "". Rent & Maintenance ot Garbage Premium Advertising Compensation ot Garbage Truok Drivere Compensation ot 6001 OQ 145100 '91 40 I 436! 42 6001 00 i ~661 6, 15,1911 29 . ~,695194 I i i ; 600 '00 : '00 60 , I 14r400 ~O 6,000 r~ 275 100 on Car Liability Insurance Assistant Laborere(Garbage Collectors Lot ) 601 oq 12~ 0 1801 OOi f,840I 00 ~,00~1 0 '00:00 'I I, II II ! , I I i !: i ~OO 100 I . . , ! 600 100 19:,200 :00 I I , , 6',00000 ! I i 4251~~ I ,60 100 , I 1._ I ' i 500 00 i . 100 ,00 400 100 00 'i " ;i ~ Ii , I' 'I il I, ., ii ,I II 'I JJ,'(OO 100 420 100 600 /00 , , , i !. , , I I I I , I , I ! 100 ,. i ,7001 00 ~~~I~d o 20 00 ! I . 400 00 i 200 00 360100 300 00 1~,200 OOi , ! 19,000.00 ! I 1-- 42510Q 150100,1 I ii if 'I II " ; ~ 300 '100 ij),800 00 40100 Subdivision Maps and Books 319$ Dratting Suppliee 319 206 218 200 109 TITLE OF FUNcnO,N Num- hero! Item TIlLE OF ITEM i -t:. ,YEAH ENDED JUNE., 30. I Ii i' ApI'ROPRI"nON ^ ==--== I I: i , I I' i I I , I I: , ,0851 0 ,249173 1~095 o ,365100 270 100 l~ 365 :00 4o[ 00 Stat10nery & Ottice Supplies Telep & Subscriptions Telegraph & one, Postage 201 00 15 110100 ~01146 2186 Dues Advertising PLANNING & ZONING of Ottice Compensation Assistant 00 900100 15100 900 230 40 00 II 900 10011 I r-nl^^ I I , , EXPENDITURES ------...- - ._- 19' 54 " , ;1 II " :1 II .- ~- -------- FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, General 19_-56- _FUND -. .. EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Roanoke .. COUNTY, VIRGINIA - - Pago , 11 f V; .. i - , 1 Numbcrl-.- 'N -- ! of . Num. Function! her of TITLE OF ITEM , Item , 1 I . . I GARBAGE DISPOSAL CONTIN~D~-'- , , i 10c! I 319 Of'fice Supplies i I 1 ! ! 325 Wearing Anparel ! ' I 3Z7 Garbage Tubs and F-quipment \ , 399 Miscellaneous suppliee , I , Debt Retirement , I I I I I I 1 , I I I In I I I I I i I In , ADVANCEJ,IENT OF AGRICUI.'lURE & ,:'JME ECONOMICS , , i I 109 Compensation of' Secretary I '"'1 ,..,.n..l10n or F... o,.on.l..lo. i I i 114 aCompensatio~ of' Assistant Farm Demonstrator ; , I 118 Compensation of' Home Demonstration Agent I 215 Repairs to Equipment I ! 218 Telephone and Telegraph 311 Fuel-Home Demonetration Kitchen 399 Miscellaneous i , I I Ii I' , \: I' I I' I " I 11 f '& I, I 1: i' " i 1 1~ I 756 00 ~,6BO 00 . . I j.440 00 .680 00 - 200 00 qO 0 - , .796 00 : I , , , ~ !I II II 'I 'I ~ , 'i II II ., il .846100 ~,.(-~l . I ~ ~+-- i I : --+.."f-t-.;-.......... I' ~ I 'I " " - .939111 31.000 100 l~ 000 100 2 240 53 2 840 100 l!,680 00 ~.440 00 I ~.680 00 271.761 I" 561 178 95170 286 95 51 50 5 30 25 Bl , I ;i :i 'I II ., , " 2 , I I I 500 00 I I -- 1100 00 I '-- ~.175 ,00 ! - 40 100 250100 I 1756100 Ii.680 00 , ~,440 00 ~.680100 .500100 I ,I :1 ;1 II :1 ., I' :1 :i I :1 , :1 ,I ,. I :1 :1 j! I II !I I, '\ Ii " :; iI I :; 11 ,I ,I ;\ 'I , , , iI :1 34 200 0 = I I 1756 pO lr80 FO 1 li40 00 1 680 ~O 25Q~ I , 1$00 U ..,:0.:..... 751 0 - 401 00 T I 13000 I r-- 1100 po I r- 3h26 bo 35100 ,995100,\ I' :1 II II II Ii :1 II :1 I ,I !, 1 II II II .1 'I !I II I' 40100:! !I :1 1\ 40100 200 00 I 1 I , lr055 00 ~ I I I I I I I i I . I I , I I ' I I , I I 756100 I I' l, 720 I 00' I L l,400 00' , , l. 680 001 . I I -- I 00 , 311, 1300100 i 1_- , I 1100 JOO : I I -- I I ~,120:00 I 1 I 75 !001 ...,1 J - 250 200 100 ApPROPRIATION Amended -_.- YEAH ENDED JUNE 30, 19 51, -- -----,-- EXPENDrnrnES YEAR ENDING jVNE30,19 55 A1.r~'n:Te^.rON PnOPOSED EXJ>E.!'WtTVIlItS YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_----5-6-- ~~=_-o: ~ Ir..cm::AsI: OVEn I DECRFASE Ul'mRR YEAH ENDING I YEAR E}:DING Au.oWED JUNE 30, 19-59-- ,I IVNE 30, 19 55 DY BOARD . - .. COUNTY. VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JONE 30, 19 51> General UND .. _age /I 12 . i } ~ ^' .:, ~ l- .( l- I W ~~ i'" ~:;. . r ~ i , , I i i I ! i , I ! i I i I , i I I I I i I I I I I I I I , I : I , i I , I i I I I I 1 I. I' i: I: i: I I, I, , " l ~ , . Ii ;i , ~ , ~ l ii i: :1 ~ i I I " . . " Ii r II ~ I I! I II ~ Ii " " " it 11 II 'I I, ,\ II Ii i. i, I il !\ h I Ii II \1 I) . J. I i , \ i I I ! I r I i , i I ,. I I I 319 399 Preparing, Printing & 01'1'ice Supplies Miscellaneous 200 209 214 218 222 109 112 -> 13 -I Numberl 01 I Func.:tion! Num. berof Item TITI...E OF F;JNCTIo.N TITl.E OF ITEM ELECTION Compensation 01' 01'1'ioe Ass1etant Compensation 01' Elect10n 01'1'1c1als Advert1s1ng Express, Freight and Drayage Rental 01' Elect10n Booths Postage Post1ng Vot1ng L1st --- .- -. ~ - - - - YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 19 5lI. i, - ---- I YEAR ENDING ij JU'E3~55 AI'PROPRlAnON EXPE~LHTURES H.. AernQF8I&TlON Amended ! Am6nU6U rT'~ :11 , ., i' i 87 30: :,. ~.652 71'; : i .. :\ 2110, , " 644 I ' , i 114 50; 27 00 . . .773 96' 453 30 I: r I I, \, I' I; I !' I I " i I I I t. .375! 0 .1261 04 , 8501 oOi 400 O~ -- 8173 125 , , .000100 -- 140 100 14000 4fl 000 '0 ~- I L_ I ,I i 125 fO 115 pO 1~200 ~O i 400 bo I I 6 00 -- i Ii '1 :i ., " " ,I I ., " ,I I Ii 'I ., " :1 I, .I !' ,I :i ii II .' Ii 125100 30100 1'800 00 500 00 I 1 1-- f:::t ,.535100 1,080100 ~.OOO 00 ,395 iOO , 7" 535 ~oo ~ ;On Inn . , I i I i 1 PROPOSED EXPENDrn1hES -==-- ---- -._- EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, General _FUND .. Roanoke .. ~ge H 13 i , i i , , I i i I ~ t i I I I t I I t I ,168 General __~,;,=,---~'==-~--4f--_.---:---- YEAR ENDED JUNE 3o~921L _ i , 1 , , , i i 1 i , , I I I i , i I 1 i I , I I ! I I ! i , I I I I , i I Number! 01 I Functio~ I 18 I i I I i i I I I I I , , I I i I I i I , I Num. ber of TITLE OF ITEM Ilem = ! I MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FlIHCTIONS \ 139 Compensation Welght & Measure Inspectors i I 1206 Dues & SubGarlptlone 1213 Premlum on Workman's Compensatlon Insurance 1 \ 215 Repairs to Vehlcles 14 and Spare Car 1218 Telephone (PMA Offlce) 228 Civl1lan Defenee 298\ Employer's Share FICA (Matohlng) , 299 Refund Eleotrlcal & Plumbing Permlts 231 City Manager's Lunoheon Meeting 300 Tires, Tubee and Car P&7ts (#14 and Spare) 312 Gasol1ne, Grease and 011 (#14 & Spare) 318 Road Materlal & Repa1rs 319 Offloe Supplies 399 Miscellaneous '99a Refund of Taxes 702 Contr1but10n to Life Saving Crew 711 Contlngenoy Fund TITLE OF FllNCTION f i I , r t f I l I I I I I \ l . [ , r i; . . I h t ! ~ , I ApPROPRIATION EXPENDITURES nACt ~07 !50 , 350 100 ' r i . . . ! 301 \93 200 100 I oJ_, I 98,00 . . I' 1116130 I 200 100 I I -- . I , i-- 1,500 I 00 2',668 !77 .tl 24 50 29 75 65 142 Il '75100 a7 79 )),600 100 869 76 , ,,-. 57 11 100 100 ~ ,12155 ,200 00 200 100 I 1,000 00 -- 1 ---- ----.,- - ---='-'- ._------~---.-----=...:...-~-- =~ -~-- Ii ------ L _ YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 19~ J- '\ YEAH E"'"DING ~, :11 ttl t, i,' JUNE 30,19 c::.~____ >..'1 INCREASE OVER I DIXIlEASE UNDER !\ I ~, PROPOSED - ~NDING II YEAR ENDING I i'I' Apl'ROPHlATlON ; EXI'ENDITURE8 Ju .9 !I JUNE 30. 19_t:t;. 'Ame~d.. ' . :r.r--ll- r i IT \ I 'I , .. j I II , I 'i I [310 I CD I I, : I I ;1 "1 \ I I if ", I ' I 'Ii! I i' :1 i I ! II Iii I i II Ii' , I '\ i! ;1 I I I 'I ' 'I I I II 'i I I il " .1 . I ,I ,I i I I !I r ! I ~ 'I I , ' I' I I :1 . I il ' 'I I , I ' , I :1 I . i i:i i 'I' II ' . I ' , I , i I j i , ii ] . I , I , 1 !: , I 1 !: 1 !! !I I ~ , . ~ i,1.08!60 I I 50100 1 310100 ; 300100 \ 1 I 310100 I I-- I 250 iOO , .-- I I ~,600100 , , 1_- 40 00 - -- - - 200100 60 :\ !\ " 200 pO 9+500 po I \ ~ I i i :300 bo I I , : :600 po ! ~- I 1 1250 bo I 1 ;500 fO I , 2~900 po I ~- I 40 po . I I 75 po 1125 pO , 100 pO I -I J- ,004/40 75 125 500 400 290 I' II II II 11 ii " 'I 001 II " __I il il . il 100' I 1\ i 00'1 I II II I " I ,I ooil I il 100!1 100! 001: ~60100 50100 I I \ i I i , 1 I i , I : I I I I I , , , , ,3031001 --===-----.,'- ; , I , - , i : 300 00 I i' : 600 00 , I" I . , I , -- , l' ! i i 250'00 , ' , I i 500 00 , . , 3,000 00, i -- , I 40 00' , I 75[00 , I: :125 QO I , I' 1100'00 , " I I' I ,L I -- , I: i i I 1-"; , I" I " I --I i 200 001 , . , ,. , . 9,113: 001 i \ i i i J. I I , ALLOWED nv BOARD f . ~ - .. .; Roanoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA - - F.XPENDlTURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_5-6_ _.___FUND , J ) Page # 15 I TITLE OF FUNCTION : Numbcri-' , , 01 I Function: i I ",-=,"..=;-=t>o= , , I : , 1 1 I I , i 1 I I 19 I \ , , ! I I , , , , , , I ! I I I , 1 : I ! I I ! \ I I I I I , : , , : I : 1 I i . I I 1 I I I I , , I . I ' , I . I ! I I I I I ! I ! 1 i ' 1 I I I \ \ I I ! I , i i I I \ 400 lOl I , 1402 1 1403 !403 I ,405 I . 14Q9 I 1699 I '699 I \ I i I , Num- her of Item TOTAL OPERATING Fire CAPITAL Fire OUTLAY Motor Vehicles Furni ture Floor Lights Fence Radios Office Equipment Garbage Total Operating Exp Interfund Transrer.t~ GRAND TITLE OF ITEM =-,,-=:--_==-=-,~-~-=----"':;:~-~-- ------=-~~ To To School Fund Supp1ement(Supt Salary Fund Supplement To Virginia PUblic Assistance To State-Local Hospitalization To To Equipment Hose Monument School Library Fund Falrvlew Homs TOTAL EXPENSES Dump & Fixtures Road Improvements EXPENSES --. ,~--- ~~--:::-~.o.='~~~==-='-'~=--------'--- ~ -"---~--- ._~AR ENDED IU~E30.19~ ___.. I. ~PPRDP~, , ADIena ~ --r = ; , i 188. 00 enses & Capital Outlay ) .. Ro snoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19__.5.6- General .FUND - l , , I t l , I I I , r r ~ I , r , I r ( r I I I I f -~I i ---, .300100: 191.548 001 , , .859 48' .410 00 5 .251 00 . . 21 .621 60 1 .202 00 , .764 00 48 I Loo'o 00 i ~- I I _ I I . \ 500 00 I 800 00 I I ~- , .656/08 EXPENDITURFS I , I 20 i !I i ,I : 2Fi' 221181; , I I '.' . . , ; I :' i 4.859 48' i i.4l0 00' i 18 J. - ! I ; 43 1. 8.756147 30106 123'172 12159 , 402169 1.821[57 I 68'15 I . . I 110 \ 62 885t03 I ~-T .841\91 .379! 90 .924 81 q .452 67:: " i! ,I. ., .......0 00. !' 'I 'I ii I' .008177 ii " I :t ., --= " " i! YEAR E:-'l>ING -----I ~--- JU~:E 30.19 I -- 11 PRoPOSED ApPRQPl\4TlON ;1 EnENDITUI\F3 Amenaea ==ok. , 'I I . I : 219J4390 !i ! \ ! \ I I I , I , . i I I , 3~800 pO . I . :r 22?~239 0 7 712 1 410 216 621 0 1~ 50q 2~260 0 464.803 I ; , i ! I ..- , 1 1 , I !-- 1800 bo \. I -l- i 1 , , : i- I I 31 000 00 i I I ;.. i i I I I ..- , I I I I j"- I \ ,0 ~ 1 !I J Ii , ii , . il I! ~ il j u I ii d , 'I . d , , . Ii I II " 'I ii ;j I' :1 'I II :\ 'I 11 '\ i , I I i I I 1 ! I i I , , , \ i i , I I , I I i I , 247 2481.195 \ 8,,593 ~.4l0 205,i36 00 I 131098 0 1 ,000 00 2 500 00 I '. .: .800 00 460 i \' 48 .134 0011 46 ,84 00 '0 053 00 11.000100 I i i i 1 , I , I , I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 195 100 -- -. 500 00 i 500 ioo I I I_- I , , I-~ 1.- I \00 100 '00 -- !NCI\EASE On.:n YEAU Er-'UING JUNE 30. I9_~ ~~ =-~-- YEAH ENDING JUNE 30,19_56- . Ij DECRF.ASE UNDEI\ !I lEAR ENDINt: II IUNE 30. 19 55 J695 '0 43~063 43~063 820 160 .0 o il :i \i p II \ ~ b :\ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ ~ b I ~ f J ~e 116 13 I I 16~495 10 i ! 1300 00 , I \ I , I I I 2J500 po , I I I I : I \ jaoo lo :1 l\ ~ \ I , I I ! I I I i I ----- -- - - ,--_..__._--~. .--~---- , I Au.oWED 8Y BOAIID ' , =-"._'~.=-=:-:-:- I :, I \. 24$,808; 09 I ,I I I I 249,808: oq I ' Ii" , I I 13.5931 O~ ~.4l0, 00 I I I -- 20~.52' 09 :1~.0?01 00 . ~.800 oJ I I I 48 I I I , , , I I , i , , , , , i I ! 1.0LJ01 00 , ' ! I , I , ~- I , I : i -- I I 500 00 i : 1--: : : ,- I . 1 I 500' 00 , I : I \ --, I I 1-\ i -- I ' I i I I I ! .13 00 I ) I . . I , i , j , , i I , , , I ! 1 I - -- . -------- ..- ----~--_. I [ TI'I\E OF FUNCTION Numb." I I ! 01, iNum~ Function I ber of TITLE OF ITEM : I I Item =---------=t= -f--- - '12 ' I ! DOG FUND i 1116 Compen~ation of Ga!'le Warden , I 116 Compsnsation or Assistants i 211 Premium on Car Llabl1ity Insurance , 212 Premium on SDBety Bonds i 1215 Repair.& Replaoement of Cars I I 215 Radio Maintenance I /218 Postage i I' 298 Employel.'s FICA ( MatChing I . 300 Auto Tires, Tubes and Car i I ,06 Cleaning Supplies i I ! 301 Dlsinfectants I I I ! i I ! I I 1 I I I , I , I I i , , , , 1 I i I , I i I , i i , , j , , I i I i I I , I I I , 312 Gasoline 312 011 312 Grease and Car WaShing 317 Record Books & Dog TSgs ~19 Office Supplj.es 398 Ammun1tlon 399 Quail FOOd 501 Fowl Claim 502 Li vestock Claim 50~ Rabies 'freatment 505 Dog Kennel 506 Dog Food 507 Raoooon. (Restocking) Minlmum Legal P.~lance 15~ Dog Tag Sales to S~ate Transfer to General Fund .~00100 .'975 00 , , f5,0 00 .275 00 , , ! -- i .492142 .611 35 i j 250 00 .395 76 , , . -. .- ,235 31 I , il :I II ;1 :1 ii " II .500 ,2051 00 .275 2501 00 00 00 , 1 3 6~600100 I 250 00 1 025100 ~50100 825 00 25 7 .62 i i - , ,95 o o 1 I I' I' Ii " ) Parts ~~~~~, I: ' I: r! ApPIWPRlAliON I I I I j' , ! i: i I' I , I I I , I [ I ), , . 150 00 650 00 :1.50 00 ~20 100 100 00 45 00 , 200 00 , 900 00 , i .280 00 630 00 60 00 - 100 00 ~80 00 - 10 00 60 00 - 30 00 600 00 30 00 30 00 250 00 12:110 , ~ 646 46~14o 319 230 50 835 73 98 22 313 20100 50100 65 00 62 90 :i I: 'I .' i; .7701 00 200 550100 00 100100 100 500100 100/ 600 00 50100 250100 00 00 500 100 150 00 50 100 100 00 500 [00 600 100 250 100 ~~ YEAR ENDED JUl 48 154 15,'22 23 00 "515u ( :>80 100 60 00 2 30 100 6000 150 bo I r- 4060 550 100 280 600 75 5 75 25 50 100 30100 00 00 o 1001 o~ '~-i-~ f ;1 I II I I 15: 00, I i' I. :1 if :1 'I I 'I I I I I: d 15,00, I " . 'I 50j' 00,': ,I 'I I " I I' : il I II 50 00 I 1 I I ! , I 25! od ~oo ~O 180 00 ~ - Roanoke COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19--56___ _FUND .. - Page I 17 il Ii Ii I! II Ii I' " 'I Ii II I :i I: ;i I: II 1 :! , : II ! ! f--r- i I~ _,u,_" I I , I, 1-- I I I I I I I- I I I I -: ,-- ----- ------ --------- .._---_._~-- .---- ._--~- Balance July 1, From Tag Sale , , Ii Ii y",.. ~NDED,_ Ii II JUNE 30. L -54 I' '1l (AcroAL) I I -' , --,--:1 .__n---~_.~~.~~~=, ~ I . ~:~~: I: ~II Ii .. , ,I i; ii II _ ~ II 1 " Ii :1 r ~ :1 I, , .. .236 -- 02 II I i' jl !I ;i 'I I, il i i r " Ii I " ': Ii I! I' ===._.:.==_=.:'==='=-==-~~.~!--;"~~: YEAR ENDING JU~E 30, I!J 56 YEAR ENDING 'I :1 -r- fJl JUNE 30, 19. -55--- IT' ! INCREASE OVF.J\ I DF.cn~:ASE UNDY.R. FI"AL , I: ENTnTIVE 'I II !I'- (ESTlM.-\TEDf I: EsnMATB II YEAR ENDING '/ YEA" ENDING i ESTIMATE I ,I JUNE 30, I9~_' JUNE 30, 19 55, ' n J:-~! ,- : r~ 1--.-- -I " '::~T ._':- ,210137 'i ,3~025 100 ill' I I, 1,118517 :11 , 3~' 025 po .5001 00 9~OOO 100 I 500 00 I '9 000 bo ,I i 'I I 'I " I ' \" I 'I: 'li 'fdwl'l Ii "i II: \' I I ! . ~ I~ I, 1 .710137:, 12.025100:: 500i oq 1.:185 ~7 12i025 pO = . j ! , I: I I II I! i .. " I I " " I i: I I , ! I I . ,[ " ji i: " , , I 'i I I II Ii " ,I :' I: II Ii , ~ I' I' II II " 'I II I: II I, 'I I " .. II Ii I: Ii Ii Ii " [' I, -- REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, Dog - 19 56 FUND Roanoke COUNTy, - VIRGINIA Page # 11 , ,- >-~:. r ,) It..' L'i ~ lr~ it,. ~:~ i-'>;"_, .i" ::il - I i ~---- ..: - -'=~____~~~____..o.--=--_ --.--.-- - - - -- ----- . STATE ASSISTANCE FEDERAL ASSISTANCE COUNTY AS3tSTANCE, .( j....,' , I . . 1 :;~ L...J,;'_:. J . ._--~--- -~~-~~---_.--~----_.- r (' ..' ~--= I ~ ~ I ~ [, " " II !: Ii I' jl < 162~934 18Jil I , Ii , 441.58; 39 ~ I I 2071.51~ ~ YEAR ESDED JUNE 30. 19 54 (ACTUAL)- ~ I! I~ , I, " ,[ II I: , i, , , 'I [ !: I, I I " I' i' I: Ii I: II I; I! I: Ii I, I, I I , ;i i r , I . , I ~ il t , I: i i t J ii , II it :1 1 ~ , , ~ I: 1 l ~ N =-O-----=O.~~~~,"'~~~~~---:c--::=~-~----=--O:'- -~~~-~=~;lr_==;O"===-~ " r:.L" [, YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ ---7U-- B YJ:;AH ENDING i JUNE 30, 19 55 I:i T II INCREASE OVER :i . ENTAUvg I " (ESTIMATED) i ESTIMATE I YEAR ENDING 11 ,[Amended =,', = _ J,! ~",~E_30r:]-,9_-r~J..' ~ I I I '11 [ 6 ,869 00 :' 60.19510o!i :i , I ' ' , I 1161',960 '00 I, 10!l, ,9031 oJ.' I"" 'I' ,i I 'I' I I Ii I " , , , , I !' I Ii ,!" I ,I 5Q.552 :00 i 5'.838! 00: U.613 00 '-LJ' I,' I ill.. , I "I I, Ii I i' .1 ,3811001 222,9~610q: I j il 23 ! Ii " ii I I: !! " I' I, " , ! 1 , , I I i I I I : , I I [ I , , , i I I I , I I I I I I I , I I ! i I I , ! 1 ii I: r ,I i Ii II " " Ii 11 Ij II il II " II I: ;1 :1 I' ,I ~ .613 , , , . , i J , Ii Ii , , " :1 I , , 1 II l , 00 i i Ii ;: :1 I I " ;, " " " :1 'I i: " j' , 1 , i' I' ,I I' i: I' Ii l ~ II " DECREASE UNDER II FINAL i! JlJN:~~~ ~9"'DIN~! EST~~rATF. Ii , ,4~6~~~~lT , 6d~~~io-~r--- ,l1r' 057100 ii' : 10d.90310011i ! II' I I' I Ii I, I II! 5~.225 !oo I: II " i I I' J ' I I I , ',I I: I 1 , I 15~131ioo I 22i,323100 - ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_.5..6..- ) VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANBE ,FUND .. Page 11 18 '. I : , i , \ i I \ I ! I i I I \ I i , I i ! I i I i : I I 1 I \ I I I I . i i I 80 r~ , I 703 General Relief r 704 Old Age Assistance I 705 Aid to Blind I , ii 706 Ald to Dependent Children I , , 701 Regula!' F9ster Care I I 1 708 ' Aid to Permanently & Totally Dlsable , I 709 Stat e Local Hospl tal1zation I Fairview Home i i, I I I I GRAND TOTAL EXPENSES I 23 ~00.725 .~87160 20 .517148 I j I , i: ~ , Ii , , I 1 ~ I I ! " " " Ii " " " 232~381 o ,I II I! " I ~9 .03800\ ' ,9 81410~ 10~ I I ' \ \ 2221936 100 Ii 10 689 0 i 21.~47 0 1 22 .323 00 l , , , i I 1 i , o 4~011 0 88t' 950 10 5 050 10 53~600 10 16~200 10 16~948 po 13 ~ 2i)2 60 ?~ 764 0 I 17$.749118 1 ' i~ ~.531131:i 8t.128180,: , ~. 3581 50" , I Ii 3~.959i 14 1$.058: ,," I . 1 ;1 1?,120: 23 I '1 1~.452 67 t 1401 00' I I I , j 1\ , r.54Q 00'1 84.48dl 00',1 , ,I 6.)~6d 00' I II 50.40 00: 1 I i\ 2P .78dl 00:. I '! lr,04~ 00'1 1~.50ol 00; , " , 2.261 00,,: : II \ Ii , ii 20~.46~ 00" I I \ i I , : 1 I I I \ I I .~___ _~_ - _n_ =~~~=T--~-I -- : ,TITLE OF FUNCTION Number~ I 01 I Function: I ' Num- bernf Item TITLE OF ITEM ApPROPRIATION -~.:=:.:..;::.-=_ ~_==-'~.;;c---:-=~---"-----;-~--- -'-==:- - --- YEAH ENDED JUISE 3D, _.--- EXl'ENIHTIlRE.') 19 ~4 !I ----------.'/ II !I " Ii ;1 YEAR ENDING JUNE3~~~ ApPIIOPIUATlON -=~:I iI- :1 " " I, .-----.--.---.---- ----.----.--.-..------.-. -'- ---"-_. - -----~-- _.-_.__._.-~-' -- ~- -------_._-----_._._-~ _~~~-""m~G ltl[' 30, 19_5~____ u I \' a I INCREASE OVEn D..:.cnEASE UNDY.I\ i PnorosED I YEAl\ ENDING . YEAR ENDING II ALI,OWED I EXPENDlTUl\E9 i)UNE 30. 19_--S~1 JUNE 30. 19~_ _ bY BOAl\D , '1:.200~ ' - 1\ It340100 PII ,7~200 -~O ~ , 92.4561 00 ~\' 976 00 II I II 92.406 :00 I '\ I ' ,~.660 'I 00 200 00:1 ! 6.660 :100 1 II I I 3t,800 100 I II 12,600 100 :11 37.800 Po I I ~ I: i i 1 2~.4l8 i 00 ,638 00:: i 'I I 22,418 00 , i I I I i I: 1,.704: 00 1.,44 '100 1 13:.704 001 ; 1 \ I. 1 I ~.oooIOO 5~500 100 I 8.000 po, i II I I I I 1l.800 00 .460 lOO 1,800 pO ' I ! i I I I: , ' 190,038 00 ( f , - " VIRGINIA PUBLIC ASSISTANCE -~-- ai ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTiMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19---56,_ __FUND ) Page II 19 ) I' ., , I I , .. ! I ---I I '-1 Un I I ---t I ---~ -- ---~._~~~~- ------- ----..----- --- -[ ! ---t~t 1 -+ ! ..t.., , 1 -11 II -0-, I I I I -,_1,7~~L~9 . 2140 9 00 I , I I t i ~ i , 1 , I I I I , I I I 1 405 102 ~12 319 ~99 220 298 ~ll 215 218 211 215 210 102 136 _(}.!'~~~.~~tal~.El~!'~..II___._______._'____ !I'~~al_Op.l>~~t1.l1~ ~..!1l_~~8 CAPITAL OUTLAY Insurance .,....,,~y. -------------------------.- -.---.--- __ JJ:qu1pmll.~t _.PreIlliI1lllPl!I.1.8\)1.11. t,.!nsuran -"!.. Repairs & Replacement of Equipment -- _.~asoUlle. O.!~.~ Gr..!.~s..!!...~tc.________.____ Contributlon Books Employer --~--_.--- ---.-. Fuel, Mlscellaneous __~~'pr.arian '.s_.Part-:Time.Compens8.t;ton gl:l~ar1.arl'.s_A.s.lJi.s1;ant Llbrary SuppUes Traveli _._~._. .._-- Telephone &: Postage -------.-.-----.---.---- ng Expense .-. - ------ ------- s Federal Bookmobile Repalrs Book InsUl'Bncee Compensation,Bookmobi1eDriver !-lb_rar.!~ Llbrar1an L1ghts --. ---.. 's "Compensa t10n '1I..Comp ellll~1;lpl1~ (Conehurst) --- - -- - ---- -'-"--- (l/<!bY~I1()_o~} '-'-""~"'-~-.-' .- .. I 1 +-':fl.r~L4.8 I , .,- I I i i , r , , i , , I 1 I I I i i , i 1 I i I 1 ; i , I ! I ! , I , ! i , i I I ! ! i , ' .984 48 ij- -, : I -....-.. ".--.- , ;t7.5 00 , 1 1.1.o.o~co ;:I~: i 50 00 ., -.- 1 I ) ! - , , 100 00 , , 42 50 t-e , , $00 00 . ,.- "--'. 1.$00 00 I'" " 1,'20 00 ! ! 50900 i i . . - .-.. --. I ! ~3,3 70 i04 ?O I , 5.8 Q.~ I , I \ - . -j "-- ido 00 j -~ -.-- '36 00 ! II :-- "'j i I i I ; .I 1 , I ' : i~ ! I 11 I , : I ~ I I i (1 , I ! I II LI I ; lU I I, ii :J , I J I I I ) I I i rl I , ;-. I i Tl I ' , , , , ,102 92 1-----' '_ I I i I . i"; --- ,~o ~5 1 ' .,,6 02 --,---. .:~. 75 05 95 09 ~6,O 9~ , ~1.l ~O , ' : I - '"' .-- , I , I ! : I! , , 'i 547 50 ; I 149 98 I , , , , .-. --- '24 01 , , i) i ! '7 50 r i --. , , 70;1135 ! i i ; i i ; I , , ! ! i I , , , I , I 1 , j I I I , , , i i i ! I I I , I , I , I I i I i I 1 , I , , i , I , , I , ! I i , i I , , ! , 1 I I I i i i I I I : ! ! , , I , i , .897 40 i r - I I j i .- t~5 00 .1~0 00 ,50j ) I ! I , , 1 I 100 00 480 00 I ~ . - -. I 800 00 j ; 44p 00 , , , , 27P 00 I l 000 00 I - , , , , 2,~ 70 , I 104 20 ! i '6200 II ~ t ! 100 00 42 , 90 50 75/00 00 50 00 00 8 i 480 '0 ill '1 800 0 i ;; 1 5600 , " I ! I ! 2790 I I '1 250 '0 . " , I' I 234 I , Iii i 105 , , , , I ,6? I :! I I I ~ , I 100 0 ;; 75 , ' 50 , 'I ! 150 . I' ! 100 : . I , , ! 42 I .__._ J 125 i j5b I " , I; , I I , Ii , I' i I ; , 6 4" 00 I 'I - , I! J J: i 14p 00 ! I I - 2 OOp 00 -- i r , I , I , i . , I I I . I I 556 10 j! - , I 1 i , I , , , , 300 00 : 1 II 85 10 j , , i I I , i r i ! i ! i i I , i I I 3,5150 ; i I , , , I j i , I , 1 i , , i 1 I , i ! '120 '0 i I I I J) 25~0 i 1 ,0 o , I , ! i , i , 1 , o , , ~5 00 1 , ! I , ! 50 , ,. ~5100 I 50 , 2 I 1 ~oo . ' , , 000 i j , , , i ! , .~53! 00 210100 lj.250 00 00 00 ,800 ~.560 4200 125 00 50100 . , 150100 100 00 100100 105/00 62 00 234100 480100 7.5100 50 00 101 Ltbrll1'lllll'sC_ompens.ll ti()ll Isen",!! OVI!R YeAR ENDIN~,.. JUNE 30, 19~ DeCREASE UNDBR YEAR ENDI~~ JUNe 30, 19--....;0.. AU.OW.I!D BY 80....'-0 Number of 'unction Num. b~rof Item TITLE OF FUNCTION TITLE OF ITEM ApPiWP'UAYION YEAR E~J)ED Lib:ral' JUNE EXPIlNOITURES '0, ,,~ YEA.R, RNDING JUNE '0, I'~ API'ROPIUJ\'rJON FUND P~OPll"!D EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDING JUNE '0, L.~6 . .. .. FOR lHE.YEAR ENDING Roanoke EXPENDITUTIE ESTIMATES - -_COUNTY, VIRGINIA JUNE 30, 19 56 .. - Page /I 20 -- ,-------------.--.--- n_h .-------------. , ..' ..' - COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 56 Llbrll17 ,FUND VIA. END;') I Va,u. ENDING JUN1l30.19 JUUI! 10, 19~ (ACtUAL) (ESTIMATED) I "...-- General Fund ..---------- - .~--- -- ------. . . 48 I .r 40 . jJ8 00 State Fund__ I . ~ .. .... ...- . -- ---,------------ I I -- FINES AND COSTS ' i~l 39 I -- , I ' I I I Bookmobile Expenees $~O 96 I i I -- I, +-- I _ n _....__ '. .-,- I I I ' II '.,.---- .~95 83 ,172 40 l' ' , == I ---- I 1 I - -- '.._.-- I I ! I I , I , I , -- , I I ! 1 , I I I . ._d.__ -. -- '" -- -. -- ._.~_.- . .... ..,-....--.--.. --------".---. _..._----, -_.- ._ B.O__ .. '-'- .---- -,,~ -""'- .....- , , __I . .-..- ". ---.- u_.__._ 0" ..___.. _e___.._.<. ___._, .----_. ._.__.-_.'____'. ..... -'_"0' __.._ -- ---...y.--.- ._~----_._-_._- ..-. .-...-.-- .._.-. . -..'._-.- -...-.. .-.-. ---. .- " -_. --'--.- -- ..'--,- --.. .-.. ...._- -.. -----~----~---_._,_.__. ..- . , ------------.----- - 118 ~9~ ~ "~I - I II ' I ! ~~ I I ! II I 8 ~9~ 00 TINTAnvB E!lTIMATE et 8f(J 160 Page /I 20 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ - INCRHAS! OVI!R DIICIUlASB UNDBR. FINAL YEAR EN~ YEAR EN~ ESTIMATE JUNS 30, 19 JUNE 30, 19 _ . - , , I I I I , , I ! i I I ! I I I I I I I I I , I I ! , i , I I I , I i I i I , i i , I I I ! i I f I t I i I i ! i I , i I , i , I I I I , I I , i I , , , , I I , I I I 1 I i i , , I .~93 .~~3I00 I I ! I -- Ii i ' I I , I , , I ! , , I i I , , I i , I I i I I i , I I I I ! 00 , " . I f ~ , ~ - Number ., of i? , Function - - Am1 ..--- un_ r I r-- u____ r-~----- , I 1____._.---- i ! I I .-.--- I_- I { ,. "-.-- I f. -- m... , ",. ,-. 1 i.. _ t , \.------- - ~ , , ---. --.. - ---~ -.....- L____ - m ._n - I~ ! I ~ .'- I~ .. COapensation ot Jleabe!;'s 11 1;5 ~ Go.pellsation of lILerlt '3 1 GEl Compensation ot lkIpt. ,~ a. Looal. (Baslo)..n _ ~ 4l1- 00 · · l ~ b. Sohoo1 Board ;3 SO 1M · , · As.'t.. lbpt..,. '-" I ";~t: .. i Ot.her Adain1et.rative EmpU,yees ;7 41t 82 .. , · Seoret.aries" Olertoal Perso ;2 a:5 ~ Express rr.ipt.' & Dra,yaa. I i ol5 t7 .,' .._~ 'Im'll iqut.., ,', ,. '. I ";"1 Postase. TelepllOne, Te18&1'8Ph tL ~9.. i7 TraYllill6 Expens. ot SUpt.. ' I ~. 98 Other B%pens.. i2 ~t 01 Genlllls. BlrY.ys & Report.s i I ..;..: Ott1ce Supplie. , Uu ______." ___... _ _ __ TOrAL - .lDIIINISTRAi'IOll 'n._ I I Regular Ila,y SollOol - TOrAL INSTilJOTIOH .~ H OL ! i bell1D& ~ adealo II · ~ Vooat1Onal P&rt.-tillle ~ .loadellio : ' · · - Vooat1onal i I' Sp.o1al & A4ul 10 ....er So!aool.._ I Otller bDens.. ot InSt.ru0t101l V.tllraa.T Tralalq TOTAL - :lvalING, PAM-'fIlli:. 8UlOO:R SCHOO , ,,' !O!AL - DlSTlIJO'1'IOI ~~::B~:: ota1~rk. to PrJ.aoJ.pal. 'fra....1 Expellee 8IlP.1"fhor.. Voo. ~.r'ollll&l. .10 . flU tio. Pa14 Otll.r Dh1eloll. ....raJ. 8Ilppl1... Maps. Glo_. ,. OJIart. _n__'_ La~rato~ suPPII.. ',,_n L1brart...'lou:a,. suppl1.. & Per10dioal.n._. '. ~.""1II1 Tl'aln111& 81ppl1.. .~. nnn-1futlloOkll'lll'a1alle4 1'1'... _.n __n_____ nn.,... !.t. !ra11l1;f..~rpl1~~, ;ra....1.___... .. .,.,. .'-- ",,- .ooat1olllal '11& ....pp...1e. Otur In.~ruo~ODal_Cl08~.. _____.__.:___. .n --"-" ---- _____ __u_ ~ _ _ !Oi'AL - O!l'Bl:R I.Si'lIJOrIO>>AI, a08'lB ---- .- ---- -- 17- I -~-- h I I J -- I I I, Ii , I i I! i i , ' ',1 I' I) I , , i I ' ,I I I I I I I I I I i I I i i I i I , , i i I , . I I I I , , I I , i I i , I , . I tiI j 1 ! I 1M tIi 01 ell 041 " lHl eo 0Cl " GO OIl I I' i ! i I I , I I, I; I I I , I I i , I 'I : II ! f i i I I ! i I I II I I, ! 01 I ; i , I 0' I '_ I Gl ! J , I . ! , II 1 I 11 ~i9 G , ;, I I' , II I , I ' i I I i II II o . . Oi - , ! I i I I I I , , ; . , i I I i I ! i 1 I I I i , i I I I I I I , , , . I , ! i , , I I ! ~ I i I ;II , I I I , , I , ! I , I , ! ! '~O" I Il ! I , I , , I I : I i i : r ; , I I ; I as 001 , I - : i , , I j ! I I , I I j I i eo eo 00 i I ~-' , , i ' i , , ! i I I I I! !1~7 if=, ' I' 11 ! 1. , " : i, =-1-1 I I I- I , I I I i I _n " 1 i , , I " (, i, ~;~- I6'~ fNCRI!ASI!: OVIlR YEAR ENDINr5 JUNR30,19~ OI!CREASI! UNDER YI!:'l.R ENOI~I:: JUNE 30, 19--iHil. AI.LOWED BY BOARD TITLE OF FUNCTION Num- buof Item TITLE OF ITEM ApPROPRIATION SOJIlOL . YEAR ENDED J.UNE 30, 19~ EXPENDITURES YIIAR EHDING JUNB 30, 19--55. APPROPRIATION PROPOSED EXPEHDITURl!S _FUND EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 Bi ... - JiO.uJOD - COUNTY, VIRGINIA - - YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19...Jl& / 'fO!AL - or~TIO. or SCHOOL PL.UI'r _._.-----------------_.._---_.------".~-----_.__._-_. .----------- ~ ~"I -~)/'<.." .,,",' .. J I IJ '''' ~:+~,' "\~~ 1.. '--:. ...,~-, ,'.~ f I J , , : f . r ~ . 1 , r-' , , I I, , r- I .--- -.. .---.' . ._.4 _m O~ eo.pUK ,oa ot JaaitoN . · O~.r I!:laplc;oou Ll&Jlt. u4 Ponr -' ,,- . - 'rel'pAoDe 8erY1.o. 'Ia'.r8erY1.o,- ..".n..' ._.n.' ".- Jultor Slapplh. lUel.u.n,nu, O~r b:P..... - OperaUoa ot Pluto eo.\ ot Op.rat.loa " Wat....... ot OU.r v.ll1-1-,. -- -.-.---....--.,-,- -----.-- , ~Jlf4 ~.~ 00 i~, ~= II. . ,- ! I , I .1i00 00 .000 00 .... I' 60000 11 .000 00 I .~ 00 -I.. ' I, , I 00 =+t 17-.-' 17~"~ Traaeportatloa ot Pup1l11 Oo.p.neaUoa ot Bu. Ilr'1Yllr. . ,.-. a.ras. .plo~... 'frallBportat1o. ~~ eontraot frallllpGrtatlon ~7 Pll1tllo UUl1 U.. S-pa1rs. Tire.. 'rU~.ei Parte CHLllolln.. frea.. "01 'n'" ftN IallU'aRo, (Bu...) LiallUl t.;r IllllUrallO' (Bu...) Otll.r 'l'raneport.a.Uoll Co.t. Total - 'fr...portat1oll Replao..eat. ot rJUe.. O~r A1a111ar:r .\&.ao1..: Oo..aalt.;r AeUY1t... " eo_.D,,...Ilt. Otllllr ~Uiar:r ~.ao1.. Oat.t..na. Total ~ OU.r Awtillar7 As.llo1" 'fO'l'AL - ~.""I.tARY AGli:llcr!J:S eo.t.e 1 I ! I,i~ fa 7 171 IL 1 1 I ~ AI1~ ~ A TIV S ~..sat1oll of DOotor. -- ot D,llt1sts Ooapcnaation ot Hur... 001llpuJ. eory At t..lldano. aMI" Labor AclII1nl.t.ra t101l OUer Co.rdinat. Activitlll ..41oal Slappll.. _.n' ,c__,... 'rO'l'AL - OOORDINA'rIi: -~-- .-- ..- - _...-- AOTIVITES - '_'n . ! 1 JJ ,I I I Ii .000 00 ! ... 00 I I-- I I _00 I!~ :=,1 : I ~l. II ..00 .... r11 i I I i , i ; , , i ... 1 '" I G I o I I , I I II I I i 1 , I , j I 00 = 00 . 00 . 00 :~ gg .~ 00 ~~~ 01 ~ 00 ..i. . 1 I ~ia 00 I 12 ee , , " ' i : '. 00 1 i ~ [ i eo , , nn " = 00 , : I , I ! I i i \ I : I 600 I 00 I : I I I I I , I I , , , ' , I - , ' . ; I I l 16 Ocl 1 ~ ': I I ' ..,. ; 1.oe CC ! I .~ OC : .~ O( ;G4 OC 1.~ CI( ! --' , I i iT: -:.-.--"~--~:'~ -. ,,',: ,'" ~. ---~-;;:.:.~ \<1~ -..~.;....~;.;,. ~.~~,~""~.\rA_a_1i;~~;~ ~ . ) j t I I i I 2ti 00' i :ao 10,1 I " I : , i ! I I. : I ,! . I , ' ! ' I i : i I , I I I ' , - , " ! i raOo ()( i: ;.. I - , i o TITLE OF FUNCTION Num- berof hfm Numbfr of Function TlTI.E OF ITEM ApPilOPlllATION BaHOOL YEAR ENDED JPNE '0, 19~ EXPENPITlIPJ:~ YaAlt EHDJNG JUNE 30, 19....1.&.... ApPROPItlATION PRopmEO EXl'ENDlTUP.U 1 NCREA!! OVER YEAR ENDI~... JUNE 30, 19-D.D.. .f; " I ...--~ '", -- .... -:;, 'il _..11;' FUND 10 IlOAJTOn: COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES -, FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 sa , --a .~. ~ --I ~ . YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19--51.- DECREA!E UNDER YEAltENDl:L<i- JUNE 30, 19....D..D- AU.OWED BY BOARO 8. , , \ \, , i , ; I. .., --- , -- -....- - to'UL - DISlRJPRlr.~S _, ______ .._ 'd~__ m_ ._ __ ~aD!lt_"~_ <:l!-.ca.~ of ,I'elll' 'fO'AL, .;. ~__1IItt1.l'l_~1IE1lr s,. ~~qE (on~I,) ~.~~ !~l5l'IIIIl.~ D1~!I..!..-,"__~~~_m___m___ . '., __~~_~'UL .~~BBUP~8_______m. __, >>ayaeut of Boad.- P8,7II1IDt to 81l1k1q J'wa4 Payapt ot 1.1 terarl Fwl4 LOaD 1W4IlIPtlOD of 'elllPQrar.1 Loans (Bus..) latera.t oa BoDd. IIlten.t oa LUerar.r !'wl4Loanl_, Iater.t on 'lI/IponrJ':l.oaIl. O\Ur Debt 8IInloe __, tOTAL - DIB' 8Jl:RVICI --- 1 I II -; , : ~I~ . ~ r:i:~_ OUTLAl' - SCHOO P l!lIpalr ot .Bulldinp " UpIt..p ot GroWlcle----. . B"'p~r and Replaoement. of Furn.\ t.ure & Equlpmlln -. O\':JLe." Expellses ~ Jl&1uteDal1Ol1 ot Plallt TOTAL - JlAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL PLANT ____._ .._.___ ___d_ _._ ... _.__ .'_om. S .' , -ft1'll Illsuraqo _._ ~abl11t1 Iasurano. "orbea'. COIIIP.nsatloD lallllrUloo RoIl~ OQ8r I'1xe4 llAar&.s ' IIIplo.1IlO8' J'IlU. - rIXO CllW1GES --.-. -.- - -'-,..---- tOTAL oYlllAI , Aro1IJ.teot' e re.e ' .... 8olIool Bu... OQ8r IIotor V,,&1olo. Equlp..at tor Builcl1q. EqulpaeJ:lt tor Sollool Bu... Purchase ot LlIIld IlIProYeaell~ to 81t.. .... Buildlng. Al ~.rat101l ot Old Buildlna. 01iller Capl t81 OUtlll.T !'OTAL - CAPITAL 1: 1. I I 1 I I I, , 1 , , Ii I I I. \ I U , I , , w , , il" ~ .~ 00 !.-J. 1 ' :- -- '.1. 1'", .'M 00 ,-r ' 00 00 - 00 - 00 00 00 00 - 00 .~~. m ~ .~~. liii ~ t~:;; I~ ~ ) , m. ~ ~ II II ! I I~ . 1 T I i ~ I I I.,. , i . I' I I , I i i i , ! 60CI I I I I . , , , I I I 00 . 00 00 00 00 00 ldo~ I , I I I i I , I I i , ! , ! i , I 1 , , i I , , I . I Woo i I , I j . , , . . , , ! I , , j i [ , I I i I! 281M IS 000 :56 1'~ I i I; ! .000 i ' .;.' I 2 l590 , :5 000 I 11~ , 6000 'i! Ie 100 , ! I i o I I , , I ; 1000 , I I' ,t ':;1 000 I' . I " I I 1 ii, I I I: i , 1. aalii I " 100 I' ! , .400 I I 11IOO I' , , - ,l5i3a~ 1~ 816 ~Ci , , , TITLE OF FUNCTION t;.;: , b~~r:f i Item f;. ~' Number 01 Function TITLE OF ITEM YEAR ENDED J,UNE ApPROPRIATION 30, 19---54. EXPENDITURBS YitAR ENDING lUNa 30, 19-56 ApPROPRIATJON PROPOSED EXPENDITURES INC!\lASIl OVER YEAR ENDlN,G... JUNE 30, 19...........D.D. YEAR ENDING JUNE DECREASE UNDER YEAR ENDlW... JUNE 30, J9-OQ..... 30, ALLOWED BY BOARD 19.Jill EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, SQBOOL 19 - 6a FUND . ;~r~: - - ....,.. - ~~u COUNTY, VIRGINIA . - :5. 'fOTAL .---------- - ftD&RAL J'lJlIID a ----.."'.-..., -. _.._,._---_._~ I , I 1 , , I i , I I . -.----..- .- . J'B)JI rEI;! ...-----.------.-------.-- ..-- rar..\ Bu.rY' I'luIA _...__._ _0-._..._.__.____._.,...____.. ....__ 8o.boo1 LuaeJa I'IuI& . _',_'''_.'' _0. _ _ _"_.~.____.___ _________..__. _._~ ----~_..._.._. ....----.....;-.-. -, . .-. -,- ," Publio Law .lB · 874 .-.. 'fOUL .-- . ----... Teaollere &1ok Llave J'r.. Tlxtbooks OtJaer atate Funds .u .. '. _ _.__ Veterans Tra1n1ng: . a. SalarilS b. Otller than Salari.s c. Tra'l'e1 -- J'BlJl 8T~ .. . de.eral Appr~pr1aUOll: ._.., a.- ADA (Baelo Appro~r1a Uon) ". b. Ward Obildren Papl1 'TranBportation __' ------ ..--..~ ----- D1 Bore t.1 Ollll7 Fund Vooattonal: a. Salarle. 11. Tra'l'll o. BulldlD& alll1 Equip..n\ Speo1al aIIl1 Mill to Iduoat.1on a. SIIlariS8 b. Suppliee _ , . auplrYla1D& ~rlnolpal. J:quallzaUon LooaJ. SupIM1slOl1 ll1n1m\lll Ifluoat.1 011 Pro&1'8ll ' - Salary Fund - .. Jl)AJ\OU COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 58 OOL FUND """ v-========:~ YEAI. ENDED S. VIAl. EN~ - JUNE 30, 19_ JUNB 30, 19 TIlNTATlVI! INCRlfASE OVER YEAR EN~ (ACTUAL) (EmltlATEO) EmMATJI JUNE 30, 19 - --~- .~ --'- - ".. ..-.- -- -~'.~ . --'--" ..,_.~. .----. .-..- ....-., - ....--.--- "'u_ ..*--.-...- -- .----- .' I -- .... ! -- -- - -- ;;. 8UTI: J'U)JJ)8 . . I ,I :'_: ! j: ~ "25 00 I' i I I '~~80 ,~ 043 5.fr I! 'i ' , " 1;0 718 51 ! i i i U 107 84(5 20 I I I, I' 18 ~~ 30 I I' I .I ,J I',' 3e8 I -~ I Iii ! ~ 333 ! I' i i I ... I I I Iii ail 548 I i 1101 I' 1-7 ,t I: I :5 111 Ii ii I ~- 'I i, i I ! I Ilniao ; :5"^ I I '"" 3- .... ,- I ~ o e9 i! i I " , I I :' .; : I ~ 700 ~O ! I I' i~t~: i~:I!! ; ;; i I " , : a~oo i' I' ! I I! \ j .. , :5 000 ; " " I ii ( '! ,3~ : ! , ~~ l l i ~ ; l 23 000 1 200 , , ! ,-- , , ! ; 1 ! ;-- , - I j -... , 'I Iii i 6i.a ! 2PQ i o o 00 -- - . , j , , I; :: ,. " .. ,~ -- " Ii; i .fr6l 175 I I " ! 7 OOQ ! i iO 000 't t' ,I t i 70 500 . '. .-, L i ! i 107 545 . ;' i I! 8333 Ii! i r , ' I ' , I ! -- o '0 o -- ~- ~- I -- ! -- , , -- -- , , -- ~- . ! ~- I' , ! ~- - l i , ! i 1.~~5 -~ 2,?~ ,878 , j i 00 00 00 i -- -~ -- -- - -- -- -- -- -~ -- -~ - I 23. 1, ; ,.liT 1...i,~71i 100 I' 't:" ,'. 00 10, '0 00 j I' 70. 10 00 . i 1:' 110' . 8. 3, 3, '00 po 100 iOO -- , '00 , 33 100 IOQ h> DIlCUASIl UNDER YEAIl ENDI~~ JUNB 30, 19--.J2il ~ YEAR ENDING JUNE lO, "'4. lINAL ESTIMATE 19_ J .. - ! ~ , I r- ~ f ? I ~ , , , ! r t , s i i ~ t, f \ I , 8peola1 F..s froa PupU. Oatetm.. .., ,,' , . Sal. ot Text.1Ioolr.. Ba1. at Otller SuppU.. · · 1lIa1 Z.tate Ba1. of IClu!~nt.: .. Scllool Buae. b. Otllar ZqulpIISnt atnt.. awl llabat.. ..tut ot (Jaaolln. 'faxe ,., a. SoMol JIua.. ., ~. OtJa81" 1101001' Vohle1.. J'1:re Iaalll'''o. A4,1W1..' - J)o,...t.lOIl. for SeIlool L11t:rer.1... Otller I'1m48 _.__ ...".. _._ .-.._h.".. "'_'~_'~h._ d ____ OtJaer 801lo01 DlYialon. .-- - ....---. -."---.--.' .---.. - .._-....__._-_.._..--_.-.~------_. .. X..-SaIlool Clowlt.;r VoJalol.. ~.+-_.._--. ..-..- --- .._--_.__...~--_....-.---,--_._.. .....--.. Vo\al'llD. !l&1 t.lo. ._____.u. ...._. '..____ ._....._,.__ .....__... .'... ._.... ._____. IOfjL - O!BU J'IOO)8 ~.Q . ep..lal Gltt.s troa J'oun4dlon. awl BCNIl'4. Approprlat.lon froa Supervisors for * Baalo Mt.lon troa PrlYate Souro. . · '. Anoth.r Count,)' or City T1'Il.to J'un4. 'frall8portatlon of PUpllil SIll . of S\lp t. i I Iii -~ ). 411) 6 99$ I 'Ie) I " Il~ ~064 I 848 I~ ..~ , , , I I , 3:P15 .... lrt elL' . 3 4 ,1 1 I i 1 I ,I I __I 1 313$ 4000 :a~ f -r- 1 : 100 i I I 1000 I 40d I -_1 I :t I I II : _~ I , I I J -~; ! 4<1 I i I 6iQQ I -r' ~T l- o -- 1,00 00 -- , , ! i -~ 200 00 , , -- I -~ ; I , , ' -- , , -- : 00 ! i : : - ~- I I -- : I I :aoo 00 I I -- ' , , : I IiIOO 00 i I . -~\ I; , , -- - , , I i ..,. -- ~- I i , I , I '1 ! 7 ! I I , ! ' ) I , , I I I i i I I " ; [. , I I ,. , I ~u:~ 1 t, : I l& , i ! ! : i It Ir 1ta ! I I g II I ! _' I coo 000 iOO .-' ) 1~ 000 20() , , ,- , ,-' I , ,- ! ~ ! I , ._" 1 000 ,..] 1 i I ; I ~ 1_: \ ._! ; , I ~ I I op~ 4110 I 1 6!)0 I : ICNaW ,eY7 . . , roprl':t.lcia ~laqu8nt faxe. Colleoted Land Red.aption . u, . , ,u Ben...al,!lb~:Dt. 1'.1'11I Loan TQTjL COUNTY roNDS t! , I j i ! =t t I rf~ 12.4 ~ I ~ ~,_, 1'1 i ~ (I i! ~::~~ ,2. obo il 0 obd I I I: , =:: 1 i I .'7 .$ ~op J~ it .....:: I' , , ~2 o o o o - Q I I - -- -- - ! - r,&~f~ 100 , i I ... t '~ qoo 10 000 ! 1 ..; i . ' , , '2:5 YEn END'b4 JUNII 30, 19_ (AcrUAL) Y..u. ENDIl\U JUNE 30, t9~ (ESTIMATED) TBNTAnvH Em"AU INCReASE OVER YEAR ENDING 66 JUNB 30, 19 DICIlIIAS! UNDER. V.8A'Il ENOING JUNE 30, 19---55 FINAL E~TlMATE \ --=~-~ ~-~. --- ----~- YEAR ENDING JUNE '0, 19~ =--="- --- ..-~ '- ."" ,..... -;;, '---.... 8OHOOL ..~) !lOANOD _COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19~ FUND :I. ) - . ) 6. I I I I I 1 ( ~ ~ :~.' " ... . ~ I ", . ( ., if -- r- , I -- I I I i ~ , ~ - " s ~ ,~ , , ~ I -- ! - I ~ - = I , - - I . <- , .. 6'#' __ _ .....;1 LOAllS IlO '81m = - ,08{UI ~ro.L1terarJ' ,.,~~ --"- LooaI BOnd bsue'" ~ Iatll1'ut 011 ~InvutJlelit.s :, .' · '~ Depolll t. --- llorrQwe4 t:roa ~ " Ot.liex' SWrou (TellpOrary LOaD) Inoollle ~ro. SIlJ.e o~ 1nvestaents ae~lS ot Xnter-J\ul4 LOaD _Un. TOTAL - LOANS, BONIlS, " INVJ:8TJO:HTS . IfOTAL.BIOIlIPT8 - ,OHUA'l!nrG BUDGKT Bal~oe tro. Previous Year TOTAloR.l:ClI!P.T8_"llALAI'CI::- OPillAlING FUND - , . "- .-_.~-----_._-. --_. -- Jlu11U11& proaraa Appropr1atton - C8pital Outlq: 1855-66 -- -- ", Bal. t'rolll local. " .tate Oonstzuot1on J'wl4 - ~~.OOO.OO :r.roa Count)' oo,ILev;r - 253.000.00 .,. Dell nquellt Taxes . . - - 5,000.00 Alnt. requi red to balanoe - 659.000.00 tl,861, __., TOTAL OPl:aATING BUDGKT " OAPITAL OUTLAY ......s..4 vallle ~ taxallle propertl tClr' tile ,ear 1955 - Deboted ~or e sUna te4 Ullool,leote4, tax.. ... ,.,. . n ". , ....... "'_'n _te ot' LevI ~or OpelStl~~~I'-~ -tl.liCl ,,'" '., -.-.- --- ..... ... 'n a.te o~ LevI ~or 8011001 Oepit.al Outlq - M; per tL90.oo~ , -.----'. -..',---_. ._. __"_n .......__..___..______.__._..,._ ____.... ____on. ___ _'_._. ._._...._.____ n ... ._ _u_ _______ ". ------- ",. --,._- '1'.. or1&1DaJ. SOJaool BeaN aaq.t ... a4Dpted .t . .peo1al _eU. lIe1.. Jla.Nla e. 11156 1Jl tile ..ount ot Jl.718.101.00 tor tlae operatA. 1I1l4&,t IID4 tl.I61.000.oo tor _the Osp.ltal Outlay Jlu.4&.t. It. w.. pruente4 to t.1Le leard ot Sup.m.or. ot IIDuoa Oouat.r CIll JIarola 21,' 11155, a to wll1011 U..- tut JlltU'd 1"0".'" \1M op~:t.1D& 1IIl1l&'t to tJ,.la7. &5.00 aD4 tile Capital O1ltlq Bu....t to $588.000.00. or. total. 80_01 llu4a.t. ot ta.sae~56.00;' .... pu..A ....la Rd&et oa t'1r.t read1Ja&._ nUlIiIPNl'al.~.tlle. _et .__ a. "41&.'4 liT U. Board fit "porn.or, ft. &1"" on IIq 11. 1"65 i. U, ..1'- ....tl...., s. 1I1.00t..~ OJIew.UIl5 lIlIIlpt.ana tua.OOO..OOH tw. _, ClIIpital Oa.U~ or a t.otal. 8ellool aJApt or-p,.? .4H.GO. - 1'J;& .._..~_. a.1'd. rnh...h. "4&'t. t.. Hafon w \Y .....ta &11..... i. a .peo1al. .,eU. .a JIq' 85. 11&5. --~. ------ _ _ __.'__.u _0____ -~----~ ---~ ----._--- fa a.at.r BMool Board of Ranoa Oount)' _._~---_._-- ---'-- -.------. --" . - T! I , [ i I I I , i , I I I I I j II , I I I ,_ I' , I - , f' -po I I ' , - i~ 000 i' ~ I ,I i' :. _ I \ I ~ i i 00 000 00 .RS ~~ t7 , " I 9 1'~ i i i i i i ! i I I i , I I r- , I ! ! : , , ! , ! ! I 1 I I ! i I i I i I I I , I , I I i I , [ I i I , I 'I I ! I ! I I i I , , , ! i , , ; I 1 I ! i I I . i I i i , I 00 I i , I I ! j . i I I i r I i , I i , I ! I , 1 I , I , , ~ Ii , i I I j j i! , i i I , , ! ' a82 ~ , , i 'l' .;- ; . Iii , - , a . 1500 00 , 'I 00 00 00 i I ! i I , I I j i . 1 I j I , , J 1 I , i ! ; I , , I i I I j ! i 1 , , . , I , I I I ; I i , I , , ! i I , , , I i I , i , ! , i I I I I I , I I , i I i . 1 , i , , , I I , , I i ! i i . ; I i I , i , , I I ~ - ,- - , - i - - i - i , i i , i I I I , I I I I i ! ; , I I I ! I i , I I I I , I I I i i I I i i I i ! i ! i I , I ; ! I , ! ; , i i , , I ! i : I , I , , i i : , I i i I , I I , ; I I i I , , I I I I i I i , I ! \ I I i - -~ -- ,-- i__ I -- - ~.. I , , I I , , I , I i , I I , I I I I , 4 ... i I i I I , I i , 600100 ... ,- ~ i - ':' , I j , , I , . , I , I j ! I I , I I ,81 ~55 00 , - - i , I , 33;"000 00 2 ,000 00 , ,000 00 , '. -- ""'-.-:..=--=- , - l:t ~- I:: - I I I i ! i i , i ! I , i I i i ! i , , i I I , I , j I , , I i , i , , , I i I i i i , I , I ~ YEAa ENI)1m jVNS 10, 19-51r.. (ACTUAL) " - FOR ,~ . . REVENUE ESTIMATES THE YEAR 30, " . '"":. ENDING JUNE J lf09Iio . : 4 ~ I" ""';-( ... . .i' .~. . _ . . '\}"f t." .)'-,:~ " 19 66 .:.,....FUND .' ',.AY.." .......,. -'f',' o "~ '~::.~, "(.~,, YIAk ENDrNd \/,~, ',' ,'~' ]UHll 30, i9~"-' ,'i :~, (EmMATED) ..... .) . T4NTAnvB ESTIMATE ~:~:.\~t INCkBA5R OVER. YEAR ENOnJ..2_ JUN! 30, 19~ D.lCRIIASB UNDlIll. YEAR ENDING Jt.It~1 30, 19---55 - -~~ JUNE 30, 19~ --- FINAL ESTIMATE , ..... '" """ '. ~ I' . ^;..}i,t, , , .: :~~/ ':._ '~t~ h' ll"'" ~.- '? " '. .', ,', f I .. - .. IKlA1lOD: COUNTY, VIRGINIA .. - . ~~-'-T-' I ' i I .~~. "~'~.--""':"-----_._-_.,._.." ~ ~. .~ ----i' .\: -' ~ : I ." Z c _ a. s:.. i o . o . I." , I I _ -L..-l--l-- . ' : I ..-0-1 ?-WI - ~'-------'-~'--'.,-- , ~.. ---- 4- t 4 + '~ -_.~ l\ 'if, -_._~ ~.; i ._~ -,-_:~ , ' '.I ~ ----L-- i On this the 21st day of March, 1955, tjie Bcard'of " ":':"':~",::'>':.~ .'. f' of '~Pati11g ',". i', /,.i{::;::;;;V:'::/r!' ~:;\-.::.. ..(. ,.:',. j i,.. I ! Supervlsors of Roanoke County met for the purpose and considering the local budget of said County. , -t---- Thereafter, and on said day there was filed,'the ,;'c. ----~ ( ;t .. =l ~ ~ j >;; ! , ~ , -'it -1-. ~ , " li ,. foregoing estimate. .':;: ~:.~~\ ~.' " ,,.. , ',' considere4)>>- th ei:lBllllrd ., <' There~fter said estimate was duly " ! " which in accordance with law, fixed as a date of hSJring on' said , estimate the 16 day of May , 1955, at 3:000'cl~'.lt4t. 14:.', ~,.,::.,;.<".'.;.L of said day, said hearing to be had at the co~;,~ in i Roanoke County, Virginia. The Cl..rk of the.B;'r'd:~Supe~-rlsor~ at least fifteJ!,Ddays prior,.. to the date set forbearing.' . -<::", " . ,:, ..~, ~. ;1 ' .-1 >. l ,t" Board of Sup " s Roanoke County'; Va:. , I "'..! !"; :.\' .: I i :. "'j I :. "I I .. I II I, i , I I '.II I ,I ! 11 I' t ,j" I I I 11 , I ,,:;J, ' Ji .j 1'\ ...: , ;; \ -I I i ~~'iI = \, \' ! ,,' I ~!.t I ~!~=I ! I i!~1 -I! 13ih!! ! 1- 'Ill I 1 ~. ': \ ~>'- .. ~~. :,.. .::,., Attest: , ' ,.. .t ROY ..,K/' ~R~N, CLERK By ~Dep. Clerk. ,- 1 i ! i 1 I i , i I I I , i i I i I ; ;"~ I I"', ~. .. %:i~ r ,. (: . 1- i ~o' Q' 0" ~ " c z '" .;" w !O ----.>.- -.. .--- -.. .-- ~. r --'~--.,_._-~ I'-:;"~- "> < " "'s ~. . " 00 7 .~ --.~ .__ __._n __ __. . ~ 1 ( ", ~ nil - 1& ...t , " ; '-' .;:5 . . I V -" L',~~', ~~ '~':~:f",:,:(J:,-'~?~'.?:r2E~;.D!,j:'~i~t~;J~ih':?;:~:;':i\L IN RE: TAX LEVY FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FOR YEAR 1955. '] WHEREAS. the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1956. allocating the funds necessary for the operatlon of the government of Roanoke County. and the operation and maintenance of the RoanokB County School System having been adopted by this Board; and yHGRl.S. all of t.he provisions of the st.atute concerning t.he adoption. advertlsement and public hearing ~f said budget having been fulfilled; and WHEREAS. in order to carry into force and effect said budget. it is necessary that a tax leavy be extended over all legal subjects of taxation in Roanoke Count.y. and the several Districts thereof. including the Town of Sal811 and the Town of Vinton; 1fOW. TIlEREFORE. on mot.ion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. seconded by ,Supervisor W. E. Cundiff. lt is ordered that. the following levy be and the salle is hereby extended over all legal subjects of taxat.ion in Roanoke Count.y. and t.he seYeral Dist.rlcts thereof. including the Town of Salem and the Town of Vinton: All real estat.e. tangible property and all legal subJect.s of taxation for Count.y and District. purposes. includi~ Railroads. Express. Telegraph. Telepholl . ~ I H.-J ~ J , Wat.er. Heat.. Light and Power Compe.nies. also all rolling stock. all electrlc railways. achill8ry and merchantst capital in Roanoke County for the fiscal year 1955-1956. as follows: Count.y School levy cn each $100.00 of valuation $ 1.50 I General Count.y purposes on each $100.00 of valuation .25 For const.ruct.ion of County SChools. which is to be earmarked for that purpose. on each $100.00 of valuat.ion .50 Adopt.ed by the followiDg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervlsors Minor R. Keffer. W. E. Cundlff. E. H. Garner. 'and H. W. St.arkey Rays: Hone The Board of Superv-..sors ) ) ) ORDER ) 50t R/W and Drainage Guaranteed ) ) vs '", .,j\ The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia iJ W This matter came on this day to be heard upon the former proceedings had herein. and upon the application for Castle Street from Pilot Blvd.. to View Avenue; 0.50 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Syst.em of Stat.e Highways. Upon consideration thereof. it appearing that by the establishment of said road; no inconvenience will result to any individuals. or to the pUblic on account of the establishmen~ of said road. that the said road will not be one , of such mere privat.e convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persollS for whose convenience it is desired. and that. it will not be necessary to take in any yard. garden or crchard; I I I ~>:i~~;~W.:"~' ,;:, .,<'.., .~'J,;,~"~ -,"'<p! 273 Jt "';<'??~: , "',"" '",,,.\,~ 11 "'<"', I .,,,,,,,,,,"""'<,: I'~~"-~' ~~~~2' ~Ud"':>i\' "f" .6 ~;' ," I :;,<;>~/:~ Y't, '~'\"~ 0,."''''' ('I /C..!,J.,:>'? ~ Ll...!:.: W r.JC'.<<:" :' . ,'.' ~ 1.' 1 ~- ~- r:i:~ "",..fl. -t:) iil :JJ.~,c : frt 'It. .:~. ~"J C':"_,.,: . ,;.'~ ,_ ,', .";'i '''''':''','''',' _::':1':':<J; , ~ '- .'. ~,/l. ,',<,} ~'i"""',',',' . ~Y:; . ,'~, ~l.3lj '/) "(,Y.,'.:',::,','~,,!,' ,:::,,;.;,':'.'") II " ;;t- ~. l,iPC<.<..c.8,~ 1'\:0 ,'i,.. ,(0 H--' i+t"t-~ r P-h~''Ef ~.' 274 ! " ji II :1 !i II ~ ~ , ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ,S-~_~ !i ~~t:~'!1 t t'~.u. c~~ R.,. '~'I>>-f '~ I ~111~~' i I II I! !! ii Ii ~ 'I 'I II I. II I' " " II II " ii il II !i And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Castle Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 3* & 115 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of eaid map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owers is necessary. it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-wa by the abutting property oWllers and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby dispensed'with; and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of right-ot-way and the report of the Board of Viewers the recorded map of Castle Hills and the cOllllllunication addressed to the Board of Supervisors from C. S. Mullen, Chief Engineer, Department of Highways under date of 22 June 19*9; outlining the policies. development. objectives, and Law governing the Secondary Systu of Highways, which become effective 1 July 1949: and it ishereby ORDERED that the said roads known as Castle S~reet from Pilot Blvd.. to View' I Avenue; O.05M11e and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, I be and the s8llle is hereby established as a public road t.., become a part of the I State Secondary Systu of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors H. W. Starker, W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and E. H. Garner Nays: None I I I The Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ORDER ) ) 50' R. W. and Drainage Guaranteed ) va The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be beard upon the former proceedings had herein, and upon the application f~ Lanewoo& ~rive from Route 720 to Martinel1 A9'8nue: 0.09 IlI1le to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Upon conaideration thereof, it appearing that by the establishment of sald road: no inconvenience will result to any individuals, or to the public on account of the establishment of said road, that the said road will not be one I i I II il il And it further appearing to the Board that sufficient right-of-way for said I road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as , j I I II I' I II consent or donation of right-of-way from the abutting property owners is necessary~ it is hereby ORDERED that any such consent for donation of right-of-way by the II il II I I I of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be kept open and in order by the person or persons fer whose convenience it is desired, and that it will not be necessary to take in any yard, garden or ocahrd; I Castle Hills. which map is recorded in Plat Bock 3. Page 34 & 115 of the records of the Clerk'S Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor abutting property owners and the report of the Board of Viewers is hereby - dispensed with~ and this board cites as authority for such waiver of donation of' righ1;~of-way and !;he report of the Board ot Viewers !;he reco