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'i !Ill U , I I .1 'I '! , I ! , I i o o 1 r ~ Courthouse Salem, Virginia June 5, 1956 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse pursuant to adjournment on May 21, 1956. Present: W. E. Cundiff. Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark Before the meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Rev. Roy B. Miller; , Pastor, Church of Christ, West Main Street, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. Ii I' d , II rJi;,t:: hundred, ninety-five dollars ($295.00) be issued to the Rodgers Clock Service 'I ~vlt. for repairs to the clock on the Roanoke County Courthouse Building, payable out[: ~ of the general county fund. Ii II ;1 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for two Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E.Cundiff, Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None Keffer, Roland H. Clark and f I' :1 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for GarbagJ ~ d..L 't" II~a. Collection and Janitor Services for the period of May 16 through May 31, 1956, I. C .q,.,...@ . be approved in the amount of Thirteen Hundred, eighty-nine dollars ($1389.00) II '1'1" from which the sum of $27.7e total F. I. C. A. Tax, and total W. H. Tax of ' , $83.30, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,254.92, less $23.00 paid i to SLeriff on account of David P. Gillespie. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ? " " i I I ! I, " I: Ii On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Check #23139, dated June 5, i~ * 1956, for eight dollars ($8.00), payable to Ralph E. Long, Game Warden for re- ~~() . imbursement for additional clerical services paid out at the Rabies Vaccination I: &/, IJ~ I, Ii Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. (;lark and Clinic on June 2, 1956, be, and the same is hereby approved. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ( I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Judge of the Circuit Court ;~~:.. ' .C of Roanoke County be requested to appoint RALPH E. LONG as a Special County . '.,... c. . Police Officer, at a salary of One Hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) per, 0, I~ , month, for the ..urpose of enforcing the dog la"lS in Roanoke County, retro-activ'lto June 1, 1956. r I I, Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwii None " il Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Terrell Nays: 2 .. ----- -~--- -- - -.- --- . ----~--------- -- ......- _... -----_._._--~._---- "r- I ~ cLJ. rY .c .~:;!f 'I' 1~1. -----~_.__._--~-------_._._----'-----,---_._-~-,.- ._ .. _. "" ._ ... ".. __ __ .....__. ... "._ ___ ....d..._." _.._ ,__ ... ,,______ __.. ._.. , _. _ "''1 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that voucher-checks payable out of the Dog Tax Fund, for the sums annexed to the names of the below named parties for clerical assistance rendered during the Rabies Vaccination Clinics, for the period of May 7 through June 1, and two hours only for June 1, 1956, as follows: Esther R. Long, Clerk Gaynor R. Hodges, Clerk Stella M. Kingery, Clerk Betty J. Hartman, Clerk Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ii. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell ' . Nays: None $$2.$2 I $2.$2 62.$2 20.$0 I .... The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: , I A communication dated May 25, 1956, from S. W. Rawls, Department of I Highways~ addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, in re: resolution of this ~oard dated May 21st, 1956, to property in Roanoke County; I A communication dated May 25, 1956, from J. A. Anderson, Commissioner, Department of Highways, acknowledging receipt of resolution passed by this Board on May 21, 1956, in re: property in Roanoke CountY;i ii Copy of resolution No. 12744, Council, City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated II May 21st, 1956, amending contract between City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke", dated September 2$, 1954, for dealing with "treatment of domestic and :, commercial wastes. Letter dated May 23, 1956, from J. Robert Thomas, City Cler~. Roanoke, Va., ordered filed. i Copy of resolution #12749, Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated May 2$, 1956, amending contract between City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke, dated ' September 2$, 1954, for dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes. Letter dated May 31, 1945, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va., ordered filed. I v ) ) ) ) ) ) IN THE MAT'l'ER OF: CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS AGAINST C. H. FULWILER, ET ALS FINAL DECREE WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors for the County of Roanoke, State of Virginia, has indicated approval of the report of viewers and has issued an order to the defendants to come and show cause why said report should not be accepted and the Mountain Brook Orchard Road, or so much thereof as is involved in these proceedings, should not be established as a public road, which required the taking of lands belonging to the defendants in this proceeding; said order to show cause having been properly served and return made i;hereon; and defense having been made and testimony heard thereto; the said' ~oard of Supervisors is of the opinion that the said Mountain Brook Orchard road should be established and it does hereby ORDER and DECREE the establishment of same, said establishment being contingent upon the performance of (1) the securing of a faithful performance bond in the amount of EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($$50.00) by the petitioners herein, said bond to secure the grading I I l - . , , '-~ J o o and stoning of the said Mountain Brook Orchard road from the Bradshaw road through Little Bear Creek Park Subdivision, in all approximately 1000 feet, to secondary state highway standards; (2) the payment of costs in these proceedings; and (3) the payment of the sum c4: $650.00 to the defendants hereinabove named in their proportionate interests as reported by the Viewers. Upon receipt of the $650.00, the said defendants are hereby ORDERED to dedicate to the Public for road purposes those certain parcels of land herein condemned. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Roland H. Clark Nays: None '" i Board of Supervisors ) 1 ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ,I This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application tor Tinkerdale Road from Enon Drive, Rt. 1806, 0.05 mile, to D. E. to be accepted and made a part of the S~condary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Burlington Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 57 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, . A ,I I Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Tinkerdale Road from Enon Drive, Rt. 1806, 0.05 Mile, to D. E. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompany1ngthis order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. G. Terrell, M. R. Keffer and R. H. Clark Nays: None '" Board of Supervisors vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ) ) l ORDER This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Nover Ave. from Rt. 623 to Dwight St.; 0.10 Y.i.le to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. 3 II I ii I ,I :j 5 copies I; this order del to Co.Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr.Dept. High,,.ays 16/6/56 I Ii II ,I it I, !; I; i I! I I I, I I: I 5 copies this order del to I, Co.Ex.Officer !i for del. to I Res.Engr.Dept i Highways I 6/6/56 ! 4 -- ..-- 'v 5 copies thi!5 order del t.o I: (o.Ex.Officer " for del to Res~ Engr.Dept. ' Highwaxs 0/0/56 _.__ __..d__..__,.__,. ..~ --"'-~-- .~---_. ._-~--- -. ---- --.....--.--.-----. ---------- -.- ". --.- - .-. ... --'-"--'. , --r It appearing to the Hoard that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Dwight Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book3, Page 5 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that. by reas~n of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right I for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Nover Ave. from Rt. 623 to Dwight St.: 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. G. Terrell, M. R. Keffer and R, H. Clark Nays: None I Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) I vs ORDER , i; i': The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Vivian Ave. from Route 623 to Dwight Street: 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Dwight Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 5 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, i. :1 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Vivian Ave. from Route 623 to Dwight Street; 0.10 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same ishereby established as a publiC road' to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors~. I. Cundi~f, E. G. Terrell, M. R. Keffer and R. H. Clark Nays: None I I ~.~. I , I I t ! i i !~ i ...; , I 1 i , - I._j ,.., :...J I ;'"1 I..J r',' I , , ....J " I Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upom the proceedings herein, andi upon the application for Marshall Ave. from Washington Street, Rt. 24, to Water Road, Rt. 655; 0.05 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the S~condary System of State Highw~ys. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Blue Ridge Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 104 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County~ Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way fran the abutting property owners ~.s necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drQ~.'lage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Marshall Ave. i from Washington Street, Rt. 24, to Water Road, Rt. 655; 0.05 mile and which " :! :! " " ii is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a publiC road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. G. Terrell, M. R. Keffer and R. H. Clark Nays: None , II " r ,Board of Supervisors ) ) vs ) ORDER ) The Public and the State Highway ) Commission of Virginia ) This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Goodview Ave. from Manassas Drive, Rt. 6S2, to Lanewood Drive; 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary , Ii I I way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue or a certain map I; " " known as Castle Hills #4, which map is reco~ded in Plat Book J, Page 174 of the 1 System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a ;0 ft. right of records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, no~ consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Goodview Ave. from Manassas Drive, Rt. 682, to Lanewood Drive; 0.14 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, Qnd the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. 5 -....----- ---_._~.._- ---- .... .'".. '.-- r i 5 copies this order del to Co Ex.Officer for del to , Res.Engr. " Dept .Highways I 6/6/56 , I I: r F I: Ii i , I. 'I 5 copies ,orq.er del to I: CO Ex.Officer .' for del to ! Res. Engr. 'I Dept.Highways I; 6/6/56 I , ~ ! , I i " I' I: i' I Ii 6 _'=_U,"",_H'__ ii :: - "..- -.- .--. . ,. - - - --~_. ~.'.... ,....'.,..... ._-~-_._--~,---~---~.._'_._. . .,--..--,._._....;,..,..., _....,-~~;:.c-;_, ,0--.-----..",..,--,;:,.-,-.,.---,- .".,....,;:o==,..,...,,-.;:-_-_-,-.-......,.-_..,,:=~.-_..,..:,..=_.::.:.:~~:- Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, E. G. Terrell, M. R. Keffer and R. H. Clark Nays: None I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned ~ntil t in June, 1956. Chairman I Court Bouse Salea, Virginia June 18, 1956 ~ The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County aet this day at the Court Bouse thereof in regular aonthly ses81on. Present: W. E. Cundiff, ChairaaR, Edwin G. i , Terrell, Kinor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. Before the aeetiDg was called to order by the Chairaan, Dr. Beraall L. Born" Superintendent of Schools for Roanoke County, offered a prayer. The aiDlltes of the lut regular and adjourned .eetings. were approTed as spread, each lIe.ber of the Board having read the copy of said ainutes f'1lrnished hill by the Clerk. The follOwing cla1as against the County were this day presented. approTed. and ordered to be paid by Toucher-checks out of the funda respectiYely chargeable therewith, to-wit: 10. 23161 Appalachian Electric Power Co.. "" II 2:3162 II 2:3163 II 2:3164 II 23165 II 23166 . 2:3167 II 2:3168 II 23169 II 23170 II 23171 II 23172 II 23173 II 23174 II 23175 II 23176 .. 23177 .. 2:3178 I Current used at CaTe Spring and Mount Pleasant Fire Houses . 7.08 Ac.e Printers, Inc., office supplies Aaerican Cheaical Co., Janitor supplies for Jail and Courthouse ll7.20 46.28 J.SO 1,197.00 34. 50 ' Acae '1'ypevriter Co., Rent on EquiJaent for Treasurer Chas. E. Baker. Sirenes for 2 County Fire Stations Blue Ridge Produce Co., Food for Prisoners Bro.n HardwareCo., Janitor supplies and Hardware,etc. for Courthotlse 16.56 Carl R. Brightwell, Jail repairs and 1 new Air Conditioning Unit tor ottice of Trial Justice Court 53.~ Building, Pluabing & Electrical Official's Conference of , Virginia, Meabership dues for 1956 5.00 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone sernce for County Fire . Stations I Caldwell-Sites Co" Office supplies Catawba Mercantile Co., !ood for prisoners Dr. S. D. Carey, Exaaination of Drunk Drirtng Roland H. Clark, Services on Fairnew Boae Board Clearbrook 110ne Club, May Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station Bernard Cook, Services on Board ot Public Welfa:.. e W. E. Cundiff, Services on Board ot Public Welfare Doc's SerTice Station, Wash ,T,'. on Police Car #6 94.07 7.86 I 12.00 10.00 i 60.00 60.00 100.00 100.00 1.25 ~ ,,~, t ,.., -..i ,I I' ! :1 . . . . Diaaond Paper Co., 1 Case Toilet Tissue Easter Supply Co., ottice supplies Cancelled. ,Elkins Shell SerTice Station, Repairs, Gas and Wash Jobs tor Polices Cars #5,7,8 23183 Etchison Hat Co.. Inc., wearing apparel , ,Sheriff's hats Reaonted. 110. 23179 23180 231Sl 23182 . . . . . " 23184 Fair"'ie. Hoae, County's Pro-rata shere of expense in - , maintaining hoae tor the aged . 23185 23lS6 23lS7 23188 23189 . . . . . E. Kyle FUller, Instal. tion ot Ne. Sirens Chalaers Ferguson, CoBaission on Deliaqaent Taxes collected - G. C. Foley, May Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House Garrett's Esso Servicenter, VasA job on Police Car 11 Gittens a: Mortoll IllS. Co., Pr8IIi_ on Fire Insurance 23190 Goodwin-hclre.s, Insurance Prea1_ on FireIlISurance 7 Ii , $12.26: " 97.63 19.00" I 24.00 " 39.66) " 77.10 91.43 !i 60.00 I 1.751 368.,a. 688.80 . - 23191 Goodw:l.n-Williaas Chen-olet Co., Repairs and Parts for Police Car 11 4.08 5.70 . 23192 23193 23194 23195 23196 23197 23198 23199 23200 . . .. . . . . . . GraTes-Haphreys Hdw. Cancelled J. V. Griggs a: W. H. Witt, May Rent on CaTe Spring lire House 60.00 Co., Saa1l equipaent for Courthouse Dr. Ray F. Hough, SerTices on Board ot Public Weltare International Business Machine Co., 1 typewriter ribbon Cancelled Va. Green a: Coapany, Labor - check air pressure Keller Machine Co., Welding Garbage Truck #22 Dr. Hugh E. Lee, Dental Services to Prisoner 100.00 1.80 .75 i: I' 6.30 I; , 3.00 ' 23201 Lloyd Electric Co., Repairs - Rebuilding Sirene Hollins Fire - House 15 45.90 . 23202 . 23203 23204- 23205 23206 23207 . . . . . 23208 23209 23210 . . . Janie B. Kclleal, Treasurer, Reiaburse Jury Tickets and Registered Mail Mercy House, Inc., County's appropriation to Mercy House Mt. Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline purchased for Fire '1'ruck Momrch Finer Foods, lood tor prisoners - - IuWay Laundry 5: Dry Cleaners, Laandry-Prisoners Owen Pluabing Co., 1 sign for Co. Fara, SerTicing Air Condi Uoner Nelson Hardware Co., Tubs tor Garbage Collection G. H. P~rent Co., ottice supplies Peacock-Salea Laundry Co., Laudry Prisoners 23211 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Auto Tags tor Co1unteer Fireaen . Hainbo Bread Co.. toad for prisoners Cancelled Radio COBIunications Co., Radio MainteDance Roanoke county School Board. Maintenance ot County owned , Vehicles May, 1956 23217 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking tuel tor County Jail and Home DeaonatratioD Kitchen . 23212 23213 23214 23215 23216 . . Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., LIIDIlC}' hearing 23218 Dr. A. J. Russo, LIIDIlCY Hearings 261.36 :1 258.00 Ii " 26.39 Ii , I 25.94 'I I I; 53.50 11.71 30.87 t! 35.04 I 25.18 I I: 22.32 5.00 48.95 22.50 1.059.23 18.05 35.00 8 . -....---..--.-.-----.- --..- ._---- -.-'---. "--. ---_._-._~ ._-----~-----,..._-- ~~~--=--=---.-r-c=-~---.=-~~.,~'-,.....-- , Ro. 23219 . 23220 . 23221 . 23222 . 23223 . 23224 - . 23225 . 23226 . 23227 . 23228 . 23229 . 23230 . 23231 . 23232 . 23246 . 23247 . 23248 ! ~ . 23249 j' i i . 23250 . 23251 . 23252 . 23253 . 23254- . 23255 . 23256 . 23257 . 23258 . 23259 . 23260 . 23261 . 23262 . 23263 11 23264- . 23265 . 23266 . 23268 ._. . _,__ __n_ ___ ',' '__'. - -- --,' -~_.._--, -----..-..-.... .__.~.._---- --~~'~~--- -- ;: ROaDoke Linen Sernce, Towl service . 3.00 - . ioanoke County Revolving Fund, Reilllburse Bookkeeper's _ Petty Cash Fund " Salea Hardware Co., Utensils tor Jail Salea Creeaery Co., tood tQr prisoners Shepherd's !uto Supply Co., Parts tor Police Car #6 Edward F. 34.31 2.3.95 13.07 19.25 15.75 . Dr. R. B. S~ples, aeblbur.e TraTeliag ExpeD.e Sailey, Salary Jail Physician, Coroner Investiga- tiOD, LlUIacy hear1DCs 90.00 Town ot Sale., County's share ot JlainteZla!lce on Fire '!'ruck #1, lights and water &c - 585.91 J. B. TiJJgler, Labor - PrmUDC '!'rees &c Talleyda1e Packers, Food tor Prisoners 30.00 76.59 - Tirginia Foods, Inc., Food tor Prisoaers and Disinfectant for Jail Tinto. Motor Co., Parts and Repairs to Garbage Tl'lIck #23 H. M. Wood, Repair to Jail Leak WestTie" Poultry Fara, Fo01 tor Prisollers 160.68 33.32 4.70 27.~ - , Chalaers Fergason, Co-.1ssion on Delinquent taxes collected 2.55 , , C. B. Jlalcola " Sons, Protessiollal serTices: Surveying Roads lddressograph-Mdtigraph,Corp. Ideatitication tap tor Garbage CaDS Jaer1caD Ch..ical Co., Janitor supplies IIrs. Janet L. Balle.tiae, Slllrvices as Ilegistrar T1nton PreciDct 20.00 l2.e8 5.94 31.70 Burrell Meaorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills tor Welfare ' ' 122.60 Caldwall-Sites Co., otticesupplies Davidson'S ESlo Servicenter, Gas, Oil &c Isso Standard 011 Co., Gasoline P1r chased tor IDgineer's Car on trip Gill M..orial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills tor Weltare Goodvin-Geatry Studios, Judicial Framing 7.05 7.3.81 3.91 48.00 2.50 - Interllational Busilllss Machine Corp. preparing Voting List , tor Election 76.16 Jetterson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills tor Weltare .304.00 Dr. Hugh I. tee, Dental Services rendered to Prisoners 3.00 Miller Tire Service, !few tires aDd Recap Truck Tires tor ,/123 . 10a.)0 Roanoke M8aorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills tor Welfare 64.00 Roanoke Vallay Motors, Wrecker Service tor Fire 'l'ru.ck /II 20.00 su.. Fal'1l Supply Co., 4-SO/l bags Vigro tor Courtyard and , Shru.bs' 14.00 TechnicalREpreduction & Supply, Road Maps 4.50 State Treasurer, 1/2 ot Expenses in connection vitA Audit &c27l.88 G. 1. Scruggs, Postaaster, reblburse postage 33.00 RoaDoke County Be rd or Public Weltare, Additional Request tor Expenses 123.00 Ii " (, 1: I I I I I Ii i/ III RB: DOG '1'AlES. SHEEP CLAIMS &c: " ' '!'he follOwing claw against the Coun'tywere this day presented, approTed. aud or-dered to be paid by voucher-check60ut a: the funds respectively chargeable therewith. to-wit: I' i 5 12 I, . . Ii I' I. I 1 JAliIE B. IIcJlEAL. 'l'reasurer. Roanoke County, salaries. expense accounts i - I for the aonth of June, 1956. and also those ol J. L. RICHARDSOR. Jr., Coaai,ss1onllr '!'he following accounts were t!1ia day laic! belore the Board: .., , I , ~_.t No. 23233 " . 23234 . 23235 " 2.32.36 . 23237 . 232311 . 2.3239 . 23240 . 23241 ---' . 23242 23243 23244- 23245 23267 'I il " , ;,1 . . . . II .., II " , .-i V ;1 AClle Printers, Certificates of Rabies Vaccination Brown Hardnre Co., 1 sprayer C l P telephone Co., telephone service lor Dog Warden's . ,HOlle " W. B. Coles & Son, Fo~l saaia * 14.9.5 1.5.75 4l1.00 , - Cooper's Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies for " , Euthallasia Bogs Frigid Freese Lockers. Storage on Taecine 15.00 .5.00 5.10 - - - lelson Hardware Co., '-aUDition and Wearing Apparel Radio Couunications Co., Maintellance on Radio C_unication 1.5.00 Roanoke Surgical Supply Co., Medical supplies Used at Dog Clinics 20.73 'I Ii " " Cancelled Sal.. lara Snpply Co., Dog lood 26.65 2.90 1.47 - L. H. Spickard, Gasoline Pln-chased tor Dog '!'ruck , , State Olfice Supply Co.. oflice supplies used at Dog Clinics DaTi~son's Esso SerTiceuter, Gasoline purchased lor Dog '!'ruck " _ j ~_r. '1~ .P,/D. 1.{. ~H'Y'"" 1./''1/:,,, of Revenue, IDW. H. RICHARDSON, Coaomrealth's Attorney. and H. W. CLARK, . . . . Sheritr, will be paid as of June .30, 19.56. v MRS. JAlfIB B. McJlE.U.. 'l'reasurer of Roanoke County this day subllitted to " , the Board the following report: .Salea, Virginia ,June 111, 19.56 !~; I ! ... '1'0 the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business June 16, 1956, there was to the credit of the I 10 General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund_ Sal.. District Road Debt Fund County ,School Fund ' School Conatruction Fund School '1'extbook Fund, Deterred Credit Account I I; I i , " I: Ii Ii I . 6.963.37 1.725.95 9..3113.24 752.47 111.5,999.65 4.926.17 4.162.16 19.116 1213,932.87 Respecttully subaitted, , , ,. " il , i Said report is approTed andordered filed. Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer." 9 10 _.____.,. .m._ -.--------'--,-- . --~--,. - .. -- - .. -- , -- -." ,. - - .. ---._- -----_._~---_.. ___. '''':-_~=-:-_-''--':-r--'::;-=C-:--'-- --:--.,.,.---=.~,--:o..,...~...,.,--=-._c ---_. -----,_.--- - __ u'_ ,._ Cp l..e-L-c.. ~ "-"'~~"'T -/ II RE: DKLIIIQ11E1IT TAXES: 'rhe Clerk thi. day delivered 1;0 the Board the reeeip't of Janie B. .C);4al. Cowrty Treasurer. for $1364.32 on account of del1nquen't taxes ~ollected by , , said Clerk for the lIonth of May. 1956, less 5% co.mssions and turned over to said Treas1ll'er, said check !IIIIounting 'to $1296.10 net. I ". 'rhe follOWing repor'ts were this day laid before the Board and ordered filet: I H. W. CLA1lK, Sheriff, SUllJllary statellent of prisoners days served in the County Jail during 'the lIonth of May, 1950. H. W. CLARK. Sheriff. office and tra....l expenses for the lIonth of May, 1956 EDWARD S. ALLEI. County Agent. lIonthly report for May. 1956 H. W. CLAU:. Sherifr or Roanoke County. this day filed with the Board the repor't of Part-tiae Deputy Fr&n1t A. Rogers, for the lIonth of May, 1956, !IIIIounti~ to $55.00 which repo~t is approved and the Clerk or this Board is hereby ordered 1;0 torward said repor't to the State c.pensa'tion Board as provided by law. I II On lIotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll tor 'the ~.t..e..-t c., \~1tir DI.. . _nth ot June, 1956, be apprond in the !IIIIoun't of $64.32.g1, fro. which the ~ftt~ sa of $riO.39, total F. I. C. A. Tax, and 'total W~ H. Tax $51g.~, is to be 'l; ~ISi. ' deducted, 1eSTing a net ~yroll of' $5,003.62 net, less $23.00 paid to Sheriff of Roaaoke County on account of David P. Gillispie. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Jlinor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. 'ferrell. lays: Irone ~:t;;, t~ '/01-'/ ~'"' ~ I " ,oJ' 011 lIotion, d1l.1y seconded, it is ordered that payroll for JUlIe 2, and June 6. 1956, tor work during rabies vaccination clinics, be approved in the &IIOunt ot $36.00, trOll which the SUII ot . 72~ total F. I. C. A. Tax, aad total W. H. Tax $6.4g, is to be deducted, leaving a net,payroll of $28.00, payable ou't of the Dog Tax Fund. Adopted by 'the following recorded .,o'te: Ayes: ' Supervisors W. E. Cundifr, Jlinor R. Ketter, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Hays: Hone I I '" On 1II0'tion, duly seconded, it is ordered that. ....he Roanoke County Welf'are Board be, and i't hereby is, authorized to pay all S'tate aDd Local Hospital Bills incurred by said Welf'are Board, 'through June, 1956, prior 'to July I, 1956. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, MiDor R. Keffer. RolalldH. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell lays: IIone 1 ,,,j -.J i ~ il II I ! " I " " I !I oil' , i: :1 I I , ! :! " " I! 0 It' , , o I On lIlotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the claill ot Robert H. La,.., I, ~ tL.L t tor sheep killeel by dOl' be not approved in the aao1Ult ot $144.00, as ~Ubaitted,li~~;" but approved in the a& ot $62.00, and that a voucher-check payable out or the Ii ,-,-1:1;:;/J dOl tax t1Uld, tor said lIIIOUllt, be issued to the said Robert H. Layaan in !' I: I' I II I , :1 } I A cO..wUcation dated,Jlay 17-la, 1956, trOll the DeparUlent ot Highways, Richaond, Virginia, showing- tinal allocation ot Prillary Construction Funda - tiscal year 1956-1957. received aad ordered tiled. Letter dated May 22, 1956, trolll R. P. Ellison, Executiye Assistant. Departaent of Highways. received and ordered tiled. "' payaent ot said claia. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SllperYisors W. E. Bclw1n G. Terrell. !lays: BOH CUllcl1tt. IUnor R. Ketter, Roland H. Clark and .t' I' i: , I' On lIlotion. duly seconded, it is ordered that the claill ot A. E. Xchil, tor I , two sheep killed by dogs be not approved in the aao1Ult ot $50.00 aa suba1tted. bu~ approved in the S1lll ot t20.00. and that a voucher-check paysble out ot the dog :: (J tax tund, tor said aaoUllt, be issued to the said A. E. Xclreil in payaent ot said claia. Adopted by the tollowing recorded Yvte: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. CUlIditt, Minor R. Ketter, Roland i. Clark aad Eclw1n G. Terrell. lays: None On 1Il0UOD, duly aecomed. it is ordered that a vo1lcher-check tor $1.59, ref'1ud part or Electrical Perait 18908 Job 6198, be issued to Carl Brightwell, said Sllll to be payable out or the General COUllty Fund. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cunditf, Minor R. Ketfer, Roland H. Clark and Eclw1n G. Terrell Irays: lroH Ii I Report on Dog POUlld for the lIlonths ot May and June, 1956, trOll Mrs. Charles !i W. Thoaas, President. Roanoke Valley Society tor th~ Prnention ot Cruelty to Auiaals, received and ordered filed. ( ! The accoUllt tor $230.00 subllitted at the May Meeting, 1956. of this Board. for two steers owned by Jaaes W. Lewis. killed by dogs. and continued to this and .eeting, was again cOl18idered by the Board, Upon consideration whereot. on lIlotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a " " I voucher-check be issued tor the S1lll ot eighty dollars ($ao.OO) payable to Jues V.I -. ! 11 I' '~Q~' ~.~ .:.1'; , -,..J/J.-' I Ii " I, 'I I! I' I Ii i: il 'ctd t 1c.~. <r C. <;..,.. ,', '"' 12 'c..-L:. llI.:.t4-r.- tt.~ ~~::{ ~ lwrn i ~ut'" ~U~ J. !uj~1. _ _.._._n .. . . .._. o_n _ ._ ___ .. _ _ . _. _._ __,m -_._------_.._------~----~-~.- - ~-_.-_._----------_. ----~._-_._--._~- - --O~,.,--_,,:_-~~.--~. ---- ~-- _._-- ..--....--..-..-.-- -----....-.---" .----.~._-. ----"-.~--.~-.---_:c,-.n.'__::_:_~-_""'~~~.-.._:~"":_...:::=.=rr.'=-.--"=='"=.= I Lewis, tor s~eer b1t~.n by !lad dog, said claim haTing been '9'lIrified by le~~er ot Dr. Edward E. Thoapaon, D. T. K. The claia'tor one ~di-ed and t1t~y cklllars ($150.00) subm~~ed by the - said JaMS W. Lens, oll11er or steer claiaed to haTe bee bitten by dog nth , , rabies, is not allowed, said claiJl not aaTi.JIg been Ter1tied by Dr. Thoapson. Adop1;ed by the follonng recorded Tote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundif'f, Minor R. Ketfer, Roland R. Clark and Ednn G. 'l'errell. Bays: Iione " The following cOllllUJlications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Tentati.,. appronl of suppl..ental allowa:aces 'to Treasurer's Otfice and ~o office of Co.Iissioner of Re.,.... by Chairman S~ate,Co.pensation Board; Letter c1a~ed J'llJle 6, 1956, addressed to Paul B. Matth81fS, Executi.,.. Officer, Roanoke County, frOlll Geo. D. Felix, S'tate, Bwy. Right of WaylDgineer, in re: Proposed Sal811 District Headquar1;ers - Roanoke County. . COIIIIUJlication sir;ll8d by Y. H. Daughtrey, Associa~e Director, Cooperati.,.. Extension Work in Agriculture and Home Economics,in re: Sa~urday closing of County Extension Offices (Revised) ./ Mr. O. T. Aichel, llesidet Engineer, and Mr. W. K. Ell1ot~, Jr., lc~1q Assistant Resident Engineer, State lligllway Departllellt, subll1tte. to the Bpard a copy of a '1'entat1.,.. Budget for the Secondary Sys~.. in Roanoke Conty, for year, 1956-57. Upon consideration thereof', on motion duly seconded and carried is appro.,..~: by the following Ncorded Tote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cunditf, Minor R. Keffer, Iioland R. Clark and Ednn G. Terrell Bays: lione ~lUS, the County School Board ot Roanoke C01lD~y this day filed with Wsi. " !' Board 'tile hereinafter excerpt froll the II1nutes ot the regular lIliletiJIg or the ' Iioanoke County School Board held on June 12, 1956: 1I1fIIEIlIAS, at their meeting of May 8, 1956, the Roanoke County School Board passed a resolution authorizing the Treasurer of Roanoke County. with the cOI1C~ent approTal of the County Board ot Supervisors of Roanoke Coun~y, to transfer by jOlU'Dal entry an HOunt up 'to .50,000.00 frea the County School Operating Fund to the County School Conetruc~ion Fund in order to lleet current obliga~ions, and ~lUS, under this resolution the S1llR of .11,000.00 was transt'erred froll the Operating Fund to the Construction Fund, and WHEREAS, sufficient lunds nll be available in the County School Construction Fund ~o allow ~he repaYJll8nt to the County School Operating Fund during the curren~ fiscal year of the tll,Ooo.oo so ~ranst'erred. I I I' r Ii 'I I I. ! i ;1 i ;': " I' :i , i' I ,I r !r I I n i . I -1 r: i ' -.j 'i I ....J o o It ! 1<71, TIlEIlEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke COUD1;y, wiloh lohe concurrflnt approval of the COUDty Board of Supervisors, hereby requests the Treasurer of Roanoke County to traJIsfer by journal entry lohe s.. of $11,000.00 froa the County School Constraction FUDd to the County School Operating Fund before JUDe 30, 1956". lOW, 'l'IIEREFOIlE, b", it resoITed that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cooty hereby approT8s said request, and hereby authorizes the Treasurer ot Roanoke ColUlty to transfer by journal entry the SUlll of $11,000.00 froa the County School Construction Flmd to the COUDty School Operating Fund before June 30, 1956. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors w. E. CUlldif'f, Minor R. Keff'er, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Hays: lone ! I ... Parsuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of' the Board of' , i, I .1 ,I i , Supervisort: or Roanoke COUDty, Virginia, held on the 21st clay of May, designating JUDe It, 1956 at 2:30 o'clock p. a. as the tiae and lohe 1956, II I, Ii Supervisor'S RoOJa in the Court House Building in Sal_, Virginia, as the place II for a pllbl:lc hearing on the afo~esaid resolu1;ion of' May 21, 1956, Signifying thJ! in1;ention of' the said Board of' Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to 'I I :i :j II Ii specify turther projects in the natare of' sewage collection and treatllent in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set f'orth in said resolution, pursuant to the provisioDll of' the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chaptllr 22.1 ot the Code of Virginia of' 1950, as _ended, particular ref'erence being laacl to Section 15-764.9. concerning the specifyiag ot further projects to be 1UId.ertaken by lohe Authority. Present: W. E. Cundift Minor R. letf'er Roland H. Clark Edwin G. Terrell Absent: lone :1 'I I ,I 'I " i The Chail'llan ope.led the meeting, stating its general purposes, and after , reading by the Clerk ot the Board ot the lotice of' Public HeariDg, as pUblished 1\ in the a'l':illes-Registera. ud certif'ied by the publisher, ud also a reading or ' Ii I' I: I I' i 'I I I I. WHEREAS at a regular aeeting ot the Board of Supervisors of Rouoke County,! Virginia, held May 21, 1956, a resolution was unaniaously passed by recorded 11 vote of' said Board, signifying its intention to specif'y further projects to i be UDdertaken by the Ro~noke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the :i ;i , , :t :1 said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairll8J1 called tor a general discussion ot the sabject. 7'lIe Board, hearing no objection by prospective users or t.he proposed services to be rendered, 011 the motion ot Supervisor tinor R. lefter, seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark the following resolntions were adopted: . , f,(,) provisions of' the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as aaeDded, and particular reference being had to Section l5-76~.9 with ref'erence to specifying ot further projects; and, ii I l' I: I I II " 14 " " . -----.----.--- liBEBBAS the said resolution, together with the Botice of PIlblic Hearing, was du1,. p.ltlished. 111 the -1'iaes-Xegisterft, a newspaper published in and haring cenera1 circalation in the 1'0_ vf Sal.., fircinia, where the said lloallOke C01Ult,. Suitation Authorit,. ha3 its priDcipal office,. and ill Roanoke Cou.ty, said publication haring beell had Oil Kay 25, 1956 and Joe 1,1956; and, wmmlUS the said public heariDg was duly held OR Jue lS, 1956 at 2:30 o'clock p. a. at the tia. and place as set forth in tile said Ilotice and resolnion; and, WHEREAS iD the judgaer.t of the a..bers of the Board of Sllperrisors of Roanoke Cooty, the IOTeraing bod,. of Roanoke Couty, Virginia, 110 opposition, sustantial or otherwise, b,. prospective users of the proposed serv-lces was heard; IIOW, 1'm:IEPOIE, BE I1' RESOLVED: That 10he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke - o. '. County, Virginia, cloth hereby officiall,. eridence its dets~Dation that no sllbstalltial opposition to the additional projects as set forth iD the said resolutioa b,. prospective us.rs of the proposed serrices was Ileard at said ae.tiIlC. ud this Board dotll so certity. AJID 1fII'RRIUS JIG petition has been filed by qlllllif'ied voters with tile Board of Supervisors of Roanpke Cou.ty, Virginia, at the pllblic hearillg, calling for a i referendua as anhori..d in Section 15-764-.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as! ,. " ...auel, and a referelld.. is therefore neither requireel aor lIeceslary; I: lfOW, 1'IDD'OU, BE I1' FllR1'm:R IESOLVID: That the Board of Supervisors of Itoaaoke CoUllt,., Virp.llia, doth hereby ratif,. aDd coatira its action at its replar .etillg of Ka,. 21, 1956 in adoptillg b,. recorded vote the resolution sigDityiDl its illtenUon to specify further projects to be 1Uldertaken b,. the lloaaoke COUJlty Sanitatioll Authority, and doth fUrther specity additioaal projects to be lUldertalten by the Roanoke County Sanitatioll Authority with the purpose of acquirillg, fiJIancillg, cOllstructiDl, operatillgand aaintainiug a sewer i syst.., or s,.st_s, pipelines aDd other properties and facilities incidental thez;~to, for the priIIary purpose of f'urnishillg sanitar,. sewer facilities to residences and I places of business in said areas in lloaDole C01Ulty, Virgina, and for the purpos. of exercisiDl the powers conf'erred upon the ioanoke C01Ulty Sani tatioll Authori t,. : b,. its Charter aDd b,. the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities! Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of VirgiD1a of 1950, as _ended, and being Sections 15-764.1 to 15-764.32 of said Code of Virp.nia, the additional projects coaalating of furDishing said services in the followiDg areas: BEGIWJlG at the south corporate lillits of the ro_ of Sa1.. on the west aide of Vircinia Route 119; thence 1Iith the west side of Va. Route 119 ill a southern direction to the intersectioll of saae with State Secondar,. Route 6115; thellce with State Route 6115 ill a westerl,. directioll to a point in s.,e, being a coaaon corner to -tohe properties of Hidden 'Valley COllDtry Club, Inc. and S. L. Sweeney; thence leavine said State Sec. Route 6S5 and 1Iith a new line through and across the property of the Hidden Valley COllDtry Club, Inc. B. ll4---15' W. 4-202 ft., aore or less, to a c~n corJl8r betweell the properties of Hidden Valle,. Country Club, Inc., W. C. Edwards, and I. B. Rad1'ord; thellCe with the lille of I. B. Rad1'ord and W. C. Edwards S. 79--25' W. 1150 ft. aore or less to a point in the center line of a new 50 ft. road, a coaaon corner between the properties 'of I. B. Rad1'ord, W. C. Edwards, aDd X. L. Stewart; thence I I I I I ], -. --' 1 ...J !4 LJ o i I , .: ,i ii il I :i with thecel1ter line ot new road N. 24--30' E. crossing Uplanel Drive at 1606.3 ft. in all l856~3 tt. to a pout 300 tt. ,aore or less. DOrta ot Upland Drift; thence with a lilUl 300 tt. north or Upland :Orin in an easterly direction to a point 300 tt. west ot the intersection ot Uplaad Driye and Orchard Road; thence witil a liJae 300 ft. ....t ot Orchard Road in a Jlortherly direcUoll to the outside bollDclar7 line ot Orchard Its. .0. 2, as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 201; t1l.ence with the .aae the tollowing courses and distallces: B. 7--44' Y. 505.3 tt.; I. 76--56' E. 515.88 tt.; I. 50--03' E. 5~1.62 tt.; I. 88--03' I. 371.72 tt.; I. ll3-,Oll' ,1.297.0 ft.; I. 85---07"'1. 699.0ll ft.; I. lla~-57' I. 202.20 tt.; S.75~-28tl. 392.SO ft~ to the cor.porate l1ll1ts ot the '1'0_ ot.Salea; theace with sue to the place or BEGIIIIIIIG. The alloft described property is s1l.0_ Oll a plat,thereot uader date ot Jan1lll1'7 16. 1956. AD uergency is aereb)' declared to exist aDd these resoluUon. sllall be in tall torce and ettect troa and atter palsage thereot. Adopted b)' the toUolling recorded YOte: Ayes: SuperYisors W. I. C1lI1tlut. Kinor it. Ietter. Roland I. Clark and Idwin G. Terrell lays: lone ii :1 ;/ II :i " " i , d " ;i II 1lE: ) I . ) J ) ) ) ) ) ) RlSOLUTIOI AID. ORDD IlEZOIIIG OF CD'!'UI PIl0PDTY II RCl.UOIE-OOlJl'l'I, VIRGIlIA, BODDED II PAil'!' BY '!'IIBEAST COIPOU'l'I LID.O' 'l'RI 'l'OWI 0' SlUCK, '0 IOU'OLI lID WIS'l'EU RAILnI COJIPAlI'S JUII LID 111I C1T1WBl BIWfCB LID, AD RODOIE DOULBJAiD, This day con.,.aed at 2:30 P. M., in the Court House ot ROaJlOke COWlty, Sal_, VirCiDia, a regalar Meting ot the Board ot Superrlsors ot Roanoke. Coaaty, as provided Ity Section 15-241, Code or VirCil'l1a, tor the purpose ot trlUlllacting the regular bu.ineu ot the Board, and tor the additional purpose ii I certain real property, situate in Sal_ Magisterial District in Roanoke COllDty, j. Virginia, cOlltaiDing twenty-one (21) acres, more or le.s, adjacent to the I: east corporate line of the '1'0_ of Sale., bOllDded on the north by the Catawba ot coDdncUar; at 3:00 o'clock. P. M. a public heariag on a request to re-sone Branch ot the lortolk and Western Railway CoapallY aIId State Se_clar7 Ronte 7~2, Roanoke 101lleyard, also known as the Veterans 'acility Road, on the ea.t by 'airtield Subdiyision, and a part by the Sites heirs' land, and on tite south 'I - by the 8in line of the !Iortolk and Western Railway CoapallY, 1IIhich public heariDg was continued over frOB! the regular aeetiar; of Kay 21, 1956. The land so d..crilled is owned by Virginia Bolding Corporation and is shown in green, orang. and blue on tbe plat of survey, dated 'e.nary 14, 1956, and ude b)' the oftice ot 1I""''1ger. Indtlstrial and Agricultural Departllent ot the Jlortolk, aDd West.rn RailllaY CClIlp&ny, lIhich plat of survey wa. a~tached to the pet1~ion I L ot Virginia Bolding Corpora~ion filed with this Board 0,l1 March 19, 1956; aDd I , r WHKUAS, on March 19, 1956, the petitiQn ot VirgiDia Holding Corporation wa~ tiled at a regular aeetiag of the Ioard ot Superrtsors, pImIluant to sections I: l5-8.r.6 and l5-8~7, Code ot VirgiDia, as ueaded, tore-sone said land by uendi, the soniag ordinance ot RoDoke COWlty, Virginia, adopted January 20, 19~1, as I I u.aded; and 15 ~ , 'i " I I, i! I I; ii,,~ I. 'l'l1.Jf:.t. -r. 11~w.k lbuti' ((L Y"" :1.,.. 6-l-. d..l. r- ;P. r.A'thh.lir " R- iik il . c, liP-oo.c....~, I' , 1./~J.1. Ii " I, Ii I: Ii I Ii , 16 .. ,--_.'-'-'-'-'--,,- - -.---_..~_._--_.- -----'-- 'U_'____ _ ____.. .... __,.___.,..__._.., ...__.____.___d_. ._...._.__ _. ____.' _._. __.._____....___.____.._n~_.___,.____ ____ r I. f -- -- ....---_. -- - ----------------------~_._---- ....----- -.-- . ------.~----- - - .... --- - - . - '- "-'. - -.......---. -_. , i WllRRRI~, by resolution ud. order adopted llarch 19, 1956, at the above deacrned replar aeetiq ot the Board ot Sapernaors ot Koalloke Couty, Tirgiaia, tIla re-seaiq petition ot Tirg1Dia liolcl.iq Corporatioa 1flIS re1'erred to the PlamliJII Coaaiasioll ot Ro...eke Co1Ulty, Tirgilaia, tor its recaaeadationa ia accordaJlce with Section 15-"'7 ot the Code ot Tirgillia (1950); and YRDIU~, .poa receipt ot a c,ertitied copy ot the re.olutioll and ord.er ot this Board, the PlalUliag CuaiSaiOIl ot RoanoQ Couaty, T1%-,gia1a, atter gitiq notice Ity publication ill the Sal. Tilles Kegiater on March 23, 1956, at a replar call .etiar; held on llarch 2lt, 1956, I18.de a. inspection of the abo1'8 described laad and tully investigated the aerits ot the request tor re-soaiug said property troa residential to light indastrial ue, ud. 1flIS ot the opinion ; that auch chuge ot classitication lftluld be beaelicial to Koalloke Couty at ! large, in tllat it would protide aecessary and exceptionally desiraD1e business .....lopae.ta, alld. that the chaRge ot c1usiticatioll ot the partic1lllar locatioa , ,: , i will proaote tile p1lbl1c illtereat, prosperity alld QUare ot Koanoke County; , I in adcl.ition the P1aaa1ag Cuaisaioll waa ot tile opinioll that the chauge ot i I I I, , I' claaaification of said property trOll reaidentia1 to light illdutria1 uae, tae re-1ocatioll and Wideniug ot JfelJas AYeB1le as proposed by Virgiaia Bo1diag Corporation, and the donatioD o! a part ot its land tor p.blic ue as also proposed by Virp.nia 1I01diag Corporation woald tur1;Iaer pro.,. lIeaeticia1 to the adjaceat aad abuttiug land 01lJl8rs; the P18J1Diug CuaissioD cl.id, 1>>7 re801.1;1011 ......i.oas1y adopted at its ..etiq o. Mar~h 28, 1956, reccmaead to the ioard ot Super1'iaors o! Koanoke County that 11; re-claaa11'y alld re-zollCl the property set torth in the petition ot Virgiaia 1lo1cl.iug Carporatioa fl'Oll -A-Residential District- to -Light Industrial- and f.arther delivered a certified copy ~t its r;solutioD to' the Clerk 'of the Board ot Super,.isora; alld 1iBI!:UAS, the Clerk of thia Board, pur..ant to the resolutioll aDd crder ot this Board adopted at its March 19, 1956, aeetiug, cl.id issue 1I0tice by publicatioa aa req1lired by aections 15-846 aad 15-847 of the Cocie ot Virgiaia of the pua.1c heariug on the proposed saenaent 1;0 the Roanoke Couty ZoDiug Orcl.iBallce by legal ad1'8rt1seaent which appeared Oil April 2~ and April 27th, 1956, ill the TiMs-ltegiater, a weekly newapeper pUblished in Roaaoke CO\.!JIty, and hatillg a gueral ci:'cllla.tioll therein, the pllblisher'a certificate taereo! ha1'illg be.. filed with the Clerk o! this Board, tae aotice statillg t1:l.1ly the t1ae, place and purpoae ot the p.blic heariag and the place at which the' text and up ot the re-lIODing petition, certitied by tae PlaDDiug Cuaisaioll, Jdght be BXUlined; and 1fIID1!1R. aore than fUteen (15) days expired trOll the second pv.blication of the above notice to May 21, 1956, the date ot the tirst public aeariug; and ~~IS, 08 May 21, 1956, co..encing at 3:00 O'clock, P. M. i8 the Court " liousa or Roanoke COlIDty, Salea, 'iirgiaia, there was conducted by this Board a public heariug on the reqt;last of Virginia Ho1d1ug Corporatioll to re-lIOne the atoreaeationed property situate in Salsa Magiaterial District; and liHKllB1S, said public hearing was continued over to the regular aeetiug on JUDe 18, 1956, at 3:00 o'clock P. M.; and Ii I i' ,; I' I'! Ii Ii i' II i' I: .' I I I I I ~ ......,.-f r , -< i . I i! . I , - II :1 i .1 , ! 1"""1 J o 17 fl WHEREAS. OD June 18. 1956. commencing at 3:00 o'clock, P. M.. in the C01ll't Bouse of ~DOke Cou'ty. Sa1_. Virginia. ther~ was conducted by this Board a public hearing. as continued fraa Kay 21. 1956. on said request of lirlinia Bo1dinl Corpora1010n; and WHEREAS. at both public hearings there was a full and complete discussion of the aerits of the proposal, the proposed use ot the property. and tull opportlUlity accorded all inter'ested parties to express their Tiews concerniqr; this proposal; and WHEREAS. at the conclusion ot the public hearing of June 18. 1956. and atter tul1 cousideration of this Board it was agreed that the requested chaage in classification wuld proaote the pllblic interest, prosperity and weltare ot the citiseus of Roanoke COUJIty; _. 'fBERElORE. be it resolved at this regular ..eting of the ioaJlOke " OoUJIty Board ot SuperTisors that the Zoning OrdiJlllJlces of iouoke COUJIty. adopted JUDary 20. 194-1. as saended. be further saended to re-classity ud re-sona that certaiD tract of land situate in the Sale. Magisterial District of ROl.JlOke Couty. Virginia. containing twenty-one (21) acres. 1I0re or less. adjacent to the east corporate line of the Town' of Sa1_. bouded on the north by the Catawba Branch of the Bortolk and Western Railway Coapall1 aDd State Secondary i01l.te 74-2. Roanoke BollleTard. also knOWJl as the Teteran ".clli'ty Road. and .a the east by "airfield Subdivision. and a part 1>>1' tu " ,! Ii Ii i I I , ! . . S11;es heirs' laIld. and on the south by the _in line of the Borfolk aDd Western Railway Caapall1. (the land to be re-soned. and so situated. is sho_ ia green, orange and blue on tile plat of s1ll'Tey _de by the oftice of the 'I ': Jlanapr. Induatrial and Ar;riclllt1ll'al Departllent of the Bortolk and Western I' I Railway Coapall1. dated February 14-. 1956, and attached to the petition of Ii Virr;inia Bo1dinr; Corpo~tion) froll -A-Residential District- to wLight IDdustriJ; , _. ," h DistrictW as defined in Article 6 of the ZoJlinr; Ordinances of Rouoke COUB'ty !i and to pel'llit Tirginia Holding Corporation all uses ot said tract necessarily incident to its proposed light industrial deTelopae.t or said tract; and BE IT FOR'l'BER RESOLVED ABD ORDERED. that this resolution ud order be . .... spread on the official records ot the Board of Superrlaors ot ioaJloke COUJIt1. lirr;iaia. by the Clerk of this Board. and that the Clerk f'urther forward certitied copies of tlais resolution and order to Palll B. Kati;hewe. Secretary of the P]Aftfti~g Co.-1ssion, ud to Tirginia Ho1dinr; Corporation. the petitioner herein. and he is directed to cllange all otticial lIOniag _ps ot I IoaDoke Coanty to retlect the re-soning ordered herein. Ii The above resolution and order was adopted on .otion ot Super'Yisor Roland. Hr: Clark of Salsa Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Ketfer of Catawba Xagisterial Di1ltrict and on a recorded Tote the Supervisors Toted as tollows: Ayes: Super'Yisors Roland H. Clark. Minor R. Keffer. W.B. Cundiff and Bdwin G. Terrell !lTays: None 18 " ".. _.. _._ _ _._ ._.__..__.._..u,_.~__. ----....- ._.-.~._----------_. .--_.. -~"'-~-------- "--'-----"- - .---.. _."-- _....-,_.. --.-.-.,-....- --~_.__._----_.- ,.._-~-- -------.--.---------- ,.~ ~<ilc.."l..., 1D..tr~ - / c./... 1-t.:al.d t a ~ h. ().. ('J. ..J.J...i' ,/~~fl: .1. I , ~.u. . ~' 1i L/'''jS.-' ~'-.1;:r , ~r. , (, ,., )s'c. ~cW.~ ' ~,~.~~ I.{ ,)-II'j.~ . ',"'- ! ..---.----------..-.. - .. .... - .--.......-- -''','', '-"'-,--_c-"",------- --;-----.-..~~-.....,...,.""..,.".,... :-:~=. ... _'. I( Pe~i~ion signed by sundry property owners in Fairtiel( Addi~ion Roanoke - Cou~y, S1;&~iug ~hey llad 110 objection to re-zon1ng said area ordered til"~ ,/ Sudry ciUseDS ot Fairtield Add11:ion again appeared before the IOU" - alld .again registered their opposition to the re-soBiDg aDd reclassityiug ot 21 acre tract ot lalld owned by the Virgillia Holdiug CorporaUon ill Sal.ea Distric~ - Fairfield A\ldition. A letter signed b1 Charles E. KiBDeJ' ot said section in regard to said re-zoning and reclassitica~ion ot said proper~y in the Fairtiilld Addition. I I, of' On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered ~ha~ B. A. Chappel, tradiug as Sollthern Drilliug Coapany, be granted pel'llission to uke two hwndred alld twenty (220) additioDal water eOJlDections, asking ~otal CODD8ctiODS ot tour hudred (/tOO) 1;0 the existiag and proposed water systUls to be estab11shed ill ~he Hidden, "alle1Es1;&tes. Adopted by the tollowiag recorded vote: E. Cunditf', Minor R. Keff'er, Kolalld B. Clark and Aye.: Supervisors W. Edwin II. 'ferrell. "ys: JIone I, i I' V i I' Ii On _tion or Supervisor W. E. Cunditt, seconded by Supervisor tillor K. Ii " i' ! Kef'f'er, it is ordered that at ~he next regular ..e~iug ot this Board 1;0 be held at the Co1U'tbo..e of' Koanoke County, Va., 011 the 16th day of' July, 1956, at 3 o'clock P. M., all ordillance be proposed tor adoption regulatiug the parking of' aotor T8hicle. on the publiC parkiug lot, belcmgiug to th.e County of' aOlUlOke, situa~e 111 the 'fown or Sal.., Va., bouucled by Main Street 011 the SOllth; 111gb. Street on the East; Clay Street on the lorth, and the Courthouse aJlCl the County Off'ice Bnildiug on the Wes~,and prescribiug f'iaes and other pUDiahaeJlt f'or violations thereof. ed the Clerk of', this Board is hereby directed to cause 1;0 be pllblished ollce a week f'or two successive weeks, begilUl1ug Jue 22, 1956, in the 'fiaes- aegister, a newspaper published in the Couty ot aoanoke, Va., the above Ilotice ot iateDtiOD of' this Board to propose tor aclopt1ol1 the ordiDallce above ref'erred I I ~o. Adopted by the f'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: S..pervisors W. E. Cundiff', Millor R. Kef'f'er, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. 'ferrell NaY8: lione ;: " I '" On the app11cation of' the below-JISIled petitioners: H. L. Webb, et also lelas Lane troa Route 605 to D. E. R. K. Reedy, Sr. Orchard Road trOla ROllte 914 to D. E. who this clay tiled their petition tor inclusion in the Secondary Systea of' Highways ill Roanoke County, it is ordered that Wiley P. Givens, W. B. Sllith, ~ I"- .-." ~ ....l 1'4 i ....J n - 19 " I ~ Miller Pe~~y, w. H.Wit't, and FraDk E. McDonald, be appoin'ted viewers, any 'three i ot who. IIllY act, or -Paul B. Matthews, COUD'ty Engineer, 'to dew 'the gro1lDd and report 'to 'this Board 'the conveniences, and incoJlveniences that will resul't as well to indiViduals as to 'the public, it such road shall be aa proposed, and especially whe'ther all1yard, garden or orchard, or any par't thereor, will, in such cases, have ~o be ~aken, and ~ha~ no road or landiJ1& shall be es'taDlished upon or 'through the lands ot oy ceaetery, or 'through 'the 1 aDds ot any se-i ......,. ot learning w1'thout 'the consent ot the owners thereot; and ~he said viewers or C01lDty Engineer shall also ascertain any report 'to 'this Board whe'ther ~he said road will be or such Hre private convenience, as 'to _ke i~ proper tha~ said road should be opened and kep't in order by ~he person or persons tor whose convenience it is desired. They shall also assess and report what daaages, it any, the land owmrs are en'titled 'to, and accoapany 'their repor't wi'th a pla't or diagraa ot said road. Jnd it is tRrther ordered that the Clerk IS this Board be, aDd he hereby . ~i is directed, 'to forthwith issue process to __on the S'tate Bichway COlDissioner: ot Virginia as a detendant to these road proc eedings. The S_ODS shall be directed, execu'ted and returned as process, or a s_ons IIllY be in o~her cases, except that it aay be served upon 'the District Engineer ot 'the S'tate Highway Departant of Virginia having supervisioll of lIllin'tanance and const1'llc1oion of Highways in Roanoke County, and provided !'ur1;her that a cer~ified copy of ~hie order certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be a't'tached to said s1lllll0ns or process to said S'tate Highway Comaissioner to be served as aforesaid. I: Ii Ii I I: Ii I: ,. " i! i: And these road proceedings are continued. On a recorded vote, the supervisors voted as tollows: Ayes: SuperviS) rs W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark and M.!.40r R. Ketter )fays: None ,/ i ii t cJ-:..(d ) ORDER !-to PJ f2J, ) l!~td'~~~ ~~:t~~ ~~dV!~:i::te Highway 1 ;i ~. 1;' ~. I~f~ This matter C8IIIe on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and I: s:l..- , . upon the application tor Davis Street troll Dell Avenue Route 1002 to Dead End --i " I~'} ~-4 BoarG, ot Supervisors vs , . 0.05 Mile to be accepted and made a part ot 'the Secondary 3yst811 of State Highways. I't appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a SO' right of way I I' " I' , for said . road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known ii as L. L. Davis Map, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page l31t of the !i , , records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, :: , II and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report troa a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right ot way from 'the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. 20 ..,.~ c(J.. i1 (Y .~. 'motl t;;;; c. ~.OH~t dj1. h-v.k',... ~.~ ~y .. /')., J ~ 1. i/ S-~ u1: p, (b l1'li'I,,)~ ft1f~ r.{ ~ltn -+"C"cc:_---""--'-,'..-:-,"--:_."-".-"'"Ir-_- HOW, 'rHEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Davis Street ,", . . . from Dell Avenue Route 1002 to Dead End and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the 'same is hereby established as a public road to becOlle a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Connty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supertisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark and Minor R. Keffer. Hays: Hone I I i/ Board of Supervisors ) ) 1 1 ) 1 ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Couission of Virginia This matter cue on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Vinyard Avenue Extension Route 1017 to Dead End -- 0.09 Mile to be accepted and IIIade a part of the Secondary Syst.. of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50' right of way tor said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain IIIap knoWB as Idlewild Park, which lIap is recorded in Plat Book 1. Pap'2511 a: the records j: " of the C erk's Office of the Circuit Court ot Roanoke Connty, Virginia. and thatl! i by reason of the recordation of said \lISp no report from a Board ot Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from theabutting property owmrs is necessarr. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right tor clraiJlale. lOW. 'l'BEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Vinyard Avenue I . . - . . . Extension Route 1017 to Dead End and which is shown on a certain sketch accoapaJlYing this order, be, and the sue is hereby established as a' public road to become a part or the State Secondary Syst.. or Highways in Roanoke Connty . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cnndirf, Minor R. Ketter, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Jlays: lone I .I On motion ot Supervisor W. E. Cnndift, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it ~ s :-lUlEllED that the orders of this Board en10ered at an adjourned Meting on Thurs~y, june )0, 1955, establiShint; Chesterton St. from Westchester, Avenue west to D. E., 0.10 lllile and Chesterton St. from Westchester Avenue East to D. E., 0.15 mile. Map ot Westchester as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202, be and the same are hereby rescinded and re-adopted as tollows: The Board of Supervisors ) vs ! The Public and the State Highway 1 Co.aission ot Virginia 1 I ORDER This matter cue on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon ,the application tor Chesterton Street trOll Westchester Ave. East to 21 ~ ~ Dead End; 0.09 Mile, to be accepted and .ade a part ot the Secondary Syst.. ot State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easeunts and a 50 tt. righ~ ot way tor said road has heretotore been dedicated by virtue ot a certain map kllOwn as Westchester, which up is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202 ot the records ot the Clerk's Ottice ot the Circuit Court ot Roanoke COUDty, aRd i ..,..,... .' -,~ that by reason ot the recordation ot said up no report trC8a Board ot Viewers, nor coe.nt or donation of right ot way tro. the abutting property oners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right ot way and right tor uainage. BOIi, TBBREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said. road know as Chesterton . - -. .. Street tro. Westchester ATe. East to Dead End; 0.09 aile aRd which is show on i: i. a certain sketch accOllpany1Dg this order, be, alld the saae is hereby Ii Ii established as a public road to becOlle a part ot the State Secondary Iyst_ ot Ii !j , Highways ill RoallClke County. i: Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E.CW1d1tt, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Ketter and Roland H. Clark Hays: lone i :1 i I I Ii ,-~;t;: 1!1)(:>l...U::t..t.t" .(lcu..t i. i~~_ c. fi+.G>~ k~ 'l"I}s-( TIle Board ot Supervisors ) t ) ) ) ORDER .., TS ~ The Public and the State Highway C~ssion ot Virginia This utter calle on this day to be heard .poll the proceedings herein, aJld upon the application tor Chesterton Street tro. Westchester A..... West to Dead End; 0.19 Mile, to be accepted and aade a part of the Secondary Systea ot State Highways. It appeariD& to .;he Board that drainage easeaents and a 50 tt. right of way tor said road has heretotore been dedicated by Tirtue ot a certain up known ,: I, as Westchester, which up is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 202 ot the records Ii ot the Clerk's Ottice ot the Circuit Court ot Roanoke CoUDty, Virginia, and that I! 11 W by reason ot the recordation of said up no report trOll a Board ot Viewers, nor cOllSent or donation ot right ot way troa the ab.ttiag property OlfDers is I necessary. The Board hereby paralltees said right or way and right tor drainage 11 lOW, ~RE, BE IT oaDEIlE~ that the said road known as Chesterton I: Street trOll Westchester ATe. West to Dead End; 0.19 II1le, ud wich is shown on a c,rtain sketcla acco.panyiag, this order, be, alld the Slllll8 is hereby established as a public road to DecOlle a part of the State Secondary Systea ot Highways in Roanoke Coot1' Adopted by the tollowing recorded Tote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundift, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Ketter, and o Roland H. Clark lays: Hone ,..., i i~ ,.... o...i o a Cl I , 11 :i ! DAllLY SALARY i' " - ' , :, ----------------- --------------------------------------- 1,550.00 :1 , --t' , .' .' Edw. R. Richardson ----. ---------------------- Willie D. Cook -------------------------------- SHERIFF H. W. Clark ----------------------------------- C. E. BooBe ----------------------------------- E. E. Fry ------------------------------------- B. E. Meador ---------------------------------- 'i I :i S. M. Lynch ----------------------------------- J. W. Gria ------------------------------------ W. W. JohBstoa -------------------------------- E. G. Batsaan, Jr. ---------------------------- Paa! W. Bowell --------------------------------- J. M. Spaagler -------------------------------- ieaecca Y. Crash ------------------------------ Ossie Bowell ---------------------------------- Ii il CL.iR1 OF COURT lAD !tOy I. BROWH GEIlERAL COUIflT W. E. Cundiff --------------------------------- Edwin G. Terrell ------------------------------ Riaor R. letter ------------------------------- Roland B. Clark ------------------------------- Paul B. Matthews ------------------------------ J. i. Taliaferro ------------------------------ Ralph E. Loag --------------------------------- Edward F. Staples ----------------------------- Prances Fitzgerald --------------------. ------ Martha Barris -------.------------------------- IaBAeth L. Dilley ----------------------------- Mary M. 'l'Draer -------------------------------- Harry R. Richardson --------------------------- Araistead S. Watkins --------------------------' Mary E. Ricks --------------------------------- J. W. Griggs ---------------------------------- E. S. Honaker --------------------------------- Roy I. Brown ---------------------------------- Mary E. Stuart -------------------------------- Willie D. Cook -------------------------------- Charlie E. Brickey ---------------------------- 23 ~ I I YearlT salarY' . 6,000.00 3.600.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 i. I " i I' i Ii , i 5,260.00 2,680.00 525.00 315.00 291.66 291.66 291.66 293...66 276.66 276.66 276.66 225.00 230.00 135.00 6,300.00 3,780.00 3,500.06 3,500.00 3.500.00 3,500.00 3,320.00 3,320.00 3,320.00 2,700.00 2,760.00 1,620.00 I i I' " Ii Ii ----------- ----------- 1: ,! I , ----------- ---------- "-1.66 ------------. 500.00 "-3...,66 ------------- 500.00 "-1.66 ---.--------. 500.00 "-1.66 --.--------- 500.00 666.66 ------------- 8,000.00 : "-00.00 ------------. "-,800.00 I' 350.00 ------------- "-,200.00 , I[ I, 300.00 .------------ 3,600.00 I' 300.00 -------.----- 3,600.00 I: 3,600.00 , 300.00 ------------- 250.00 ------------- 3,000.00 250.00 --...-.---.---- 3,000.00 190.00 ------------- 2.280.00 190.00 ------------. 2,280.00 200.00 ------------- 2,400.00 145.00 ------------- 1,7"-0.60 145.00 ------------- 1,7"-0.00 I: ,! i' " I: :1 i 129.16 ------------- 1,550.00 96.00 (ATerage)---- 1,152.00 75.00 ------------- 900.00 20.00 ------------- 2"-0.00 n f...,i - I : ~ .., ...i 25 II On 1I0tion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check ~or sixty- . 3c..~~ eight dollars and thirty cents (*68.30) payable out o~ the general County ~und,li ~t ~. . i~,t!ff. r- be issued to Ben Beach tor aarldng o~f parking lot adjacent to the County C, , . Court House Building. ' ? /, / ~ Adopted by the ~ollov:l.ng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundif~, Minor R. Ket~er, Roland H. Clark and Edvin G. Terrell lIIays: None I ! Upon the recOllll8ndation ot the Roanoke County Planning COIUI1ssion, and on ;J,:~dJ.. t I~ I' Rotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-con1'oraing perait be issued to li","- 'e~i W. H. BROYLES to construl:t and operate a furniture ware-house on U. S. Route Ii>>, }/-.~.f.. No. II, 200 feet ~rom the Highway according to plans tiled with the CoaIdssioD, ;! 7/'/10 " I' said perait to expire within twelve 1I0nths if no construction has been !I " Ii , ~l " 'I ~ , '" II RE: 1II0N-CO!lFOllMIlfG PEIlMIT: - started. Resolution of the ~oanoke County Planning Co.-ission ordered tiled. Adopted by the ~ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Superrlsors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Ke~ter, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. lIIays: 1II0ne( il \, ~ , Notice having been given, pursuant to Article V.l ot Chapter 22 (Public Utilities; Franchises, etc.) ot the Code ot Virginia o~ 1950, that Leslie A. Kiable and Marguerite R. lillble propose to construct a water supply system in subdivision known as FAllMIlfGDALE, located in Roanoke County on the west side ot Virginia Highway No. 119 south o~ the Hidden Valley golf course and north ot Craven's Creek; on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that said proposal be approved, and that pel'lllission be granted for forty-five (45) cODJIections, tour (4) inch cast iron Rains, provided that betore operating under this perait the said Leslie A. KlIible and Marguerite R. Killble shall provide a total sotrage capacity o~ one hundred and f'if'ty (150) gallona tor each residence. Adopted by thetollowing recorded Tote: Ayes: ' Supervisors W. E. Cundift, Minor R. Ketter, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. llays: None '" On ~ion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board concur in the increases, ef'tective July 1, 1956, allowed by the State Caapel1satioD Board, to the f'ollowing deputies in the otfice cl' the Colllllissioner of'Revenue of' Roanoke County, to-wit: Ke1'llit)(. Jewell, Deputy, froll $.3,600.00 to $3800.00 , , , Lida B. Robertson, Deputy, froll *3,000.00 to $3,200.00 Winley W. Harris, Deputy, troll $3,000.00 to $3,200.00 and the ellployment of Evelyn B. Saul in tha Commissioner of the Revenue's of'tice at a salary of $3,000.00 per annum, be approved, effective July 5, 1956. 'I I, i' Ii :, :! II :, 'I Ii II~ . tU-, 'ir.~<f~ I; ~ It&:::- I 1> If.. II 'a.,~ Ii 7/ , J &'" I: ,. il I' I. I I' I: Ii 'I I , \: I I I i~ ,,"^.'q.., 'Ii !!~~ 'I ~(l). ~ N- L "Z{ :~~,~'( :'1' c.o-l ~ r- C,,'i.,L.i~ i 7/,.j~, I I i: " , !: 26 t Ltc; c..~ . . ..-0.. " e..t. (' , Qst 'm~. Co .~.(Q~ 'If" f~r. ~=:: ~ ,.. , --r"",,"~q..$~ '" ,o.Lt.' c.. ~ 7JI,/~ )~ ~~r ~t,: , ~ "/'J-'f/rt . -- 'r I Copy of letter dated July 2, 1956, addressed to J. Luck Richardson, Jr., Caaissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, frolll Jesse W. Dillon, Chairman, State Coapensation Board, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors w. E. Cu.'1diff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for eighty dollars (.80.00) be issued to JAMES A. WHIrE for damages to his property, being, I .. the old Sites property, located in SaleM Magisterial District, Roanoke Coun~, by reason of sewer line cOl16truction, said amount payable out of the general County Fund. And the Co..onwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County is hereby requested to prepare an illStrwaent releasing the County frOIl any further claia of the said JUles A. White in connection with said sewer line. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cudiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Bays: Irone On motion of Supervisor W. E.Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, Roanoke County Executive Officer, be and he is hereby directed to collect all sewage treatllent charges due Iloanoke County, for which Roanoke City and the Town of Salell are now charging the County, fro. the date property was connected to the Iloanoke Ci~ or Town 01' Sal_ sewer throngh June 30, 1956, at a charge of .3.00 per IIOnth which includes treatllent and transportation cos~. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: W. E. Cundiff, E. G. Terrell, M. R. Keffer and R. H. Clark lIays: Bone I ... ,I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Iloanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salell wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BegiDT.i.r:g ;,t a point on the 1I0rth side of U. S. Rt. 11, Lee Highway, at the West Corporate Limit of the Town- 01' Salem, thence leaving U, S. Rt., 11, Lee Highway, and with the West Corporate L1ait of the Town of Salem and the East line of the Mary G. Logan property N. 60 40' W, 250 ft. to a point; thence leaving the Corporate Limit of the Town of Sale. and with a new line iu-a Westerly direction throngh and across the properties of Mary G. Logan and others paralleling U. S. Rt. 11, Lee Highway, and 250 ft. North or the North right-of-way line thereof, crossing State Secondary Rts. 619 and 855, 2750 ft. 1II0re or lessl to the_West right-of-way line of State Secondary Rt. 64 ; thence with the West right-of-way ,line of same in ,a I 11 I i ~ ,J Northerly direction 3200 ft., 1I0re or less, to a co_on corner of the properties of J. W. Puckett and C. C. KeesliJIg; thence leaVing State Secondary Rt. 6,U and with the outside boundary line of the C. C. Keesling property the fo110wi~ courses and distances: N 850 - 30' V, 89.76 ft.; N 87 - 30' V. 79.2 ft.; N 720 W 62.5 ft.; N 340 w 91.7 .ft.; N 660 V 116.55 ft.; N 500 W 192.05 ft.; N 410 - 30' V. 132 ft.; N 400 w 99 ft.: N 360 w 60.72 ft.: N 370 - 15' V, 269.16 ft.: N 290 - 45' E. 112.2 ft.: N 170 ,- E 93.72 ft.; li 200 15' V, 39.6 ft.: li 400 W 85.47 ,ft.; li 20. - 15' w. 66 ft. N 220 - 45' V, 48.,5 ft.; N 60 - 00' W, 148.69 ft.; S 660 - 30' V, ,2498 ft.; S 150 - ,50' E_ 317 ft.; S 14 0 ~ 50' E, 121. 5 ft.: S 150_ 55',E, 337 ft.: S 60 - 10', E, 41 ft. to a gua on the East ,side of State Secondary Rt. 640, Butt Hollow Road; thence with salle in a Southerly direction 4600 ft. sore or less, to the Borth right-of-way line of U. S. Rt. 11, Lee Highway, thence with salle in an Easterly direction 1200 ft. sore or less, to a point opposite the intersection of U. S. Rt. 11, Lee Highway and State Secondary Rt. 760; thence leaving the Korth right-of-way J.ine of U. S. Rt. 11, Lee Highway, and crossing lIame to the East right-of-way line of State Secondary Rt. 760; thence with State Secondary Rt. 760 ina Southerly cUrection to the right- of-way line of the Norfolk and Vestern Railway; thence with sue in an Easterly direction to the Vest Corporate L1III1ts of the Town of Salem: thence with salle in a Northerly direction to the place of beginning. The above described property is shown on a Plat thereof under date of July 5, 1956. And that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Sa1ell for tranlllllission to the . interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the II proTisions of the contract between the Town of SalElJll and the County of Roanoke, '; I ~ ! : , I : - , , I , , '-l dated DecElJllber 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: i 'l'hat the Council of the fown of SalElJll is hereby I I I: II II it ii I Ii I; i! , ' requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept dOllestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and tranlllllit the sallie to its treatllent plant and treat the salle, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salelll, under date of October 16, 1953. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ' Supervisors V. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: Bone Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Ii I ~ II , Ii i: I: 'I [: , II Ii " ;"'., ..... :..... I I I I 42 r-- ,I R I: o. I- i I I: I ; r II I I' I , I- I I , ,- I' I: " jl II I: I I; II ~ !' i: I! , I i, I, " it i ~ _ __-_~_~""'.~,._==""'~.:=,...,~-__:..".,._:;_,~_'"'c_.--"~_..,....,......~_c_c::_=_,_::~_~_:'":':,.__,.-._ __.___'____ _ u.' ,____,_,...,' _..... ____.__'__n_. _n__....___,_.___,_.".. ",.'. .,._____._...'_.___ ..~_ --_.-_...-._-~_.~._--- ._-~--_._--_._-_._- . 23386 23387 23388 23389 23390 23391 23392 23393 23391,. 23395 . . . . .. .. . . .. 23396 .. 23397 23398 23399 23400 . II . . 231,.01 231,.02 23403 -231,.04 23405 234-06 231,.07 23408 231,.09 231,.10 231,.11 . . . . . . . . .. . I , I: !1 ii _I I I " I 'I I: i: ,I I! i; lI,..20 Ii 211.59 " I- I, Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service for June 3.00 !! - Roanoke County Schools, Maintenance of County Owned vehicles 1,10S.011: " i ~ Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies Elkins Shell Service Station, Wash Jobs for Police Cars Easter Supply Co., office supplies Chalmers Ferguson, Cosmission on Delinquent taxes G. C. Foley, June Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station Firestone Stores, Service - Flat tire repaired Fuel Oil &: Equipment Co., Fuel Oil for COUI.tho~se Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Hardware and Paint Green Market, Food for Prisoners June J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, June Rent on Cave Spring Fire House Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Premium on Surety Bond County Engineer &:c Haloid Company, Office supplies Houff Transfer, Inc., Express Collect on office supplies Dr. J. o. Hurt, Coroner Investigation International Business Machine Corp. 1 llew Electric Typewriter Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Treasurer Mercy House, Inc., County's share of June Expenses The Michie COlIIpany, Law books Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy hearings Moore Business Forms, Inc., Income tax tickets Carnell Moore, Maintenance of Garbage Dump[ Miller Tire Service, Inc., repairing Flat and 1 new tire Batural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Nelson Hardware Company, Garbage Collection &:c -HuWay Laundry &: Dry Cleaners, Laundry for Prisoners .. 23412 Russell L. Paxton Printing Co., 500 Delinquent personal property tax &:c Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse petty cash fUnd Riles Armature Winding Co., Mounting for Clearbrook Fire Station Sirene 30.00 231,.21 Sal8111 Creamery Co., food for pri soners 13 .07 231,.22 Salea Hardware Co., Eq~ipment for Jail and Hardware 5.65 23423 Shufflebarger Motors, Repair parts for #1 Fire Truck 111.66 231,.21,. Smead &: Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies for Jail 3.47 23425 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner Investigation, Jail.Physician 60.00 231,.26 State Offiee Supply Co., Reconditioning Royal Typewriter 35.00 231,.27 Sargent &: Sowell, Inc., Signs 20.11 23428 Standard Register Co., 1956 - 1957 Tax Tickets for Treasurer 1,014.81: . 231,.13 231,.14 231,.15 231,.16 231,.17 23418 231,.19 23420- . . . . . . . .. . II . . . II n . G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel &:c Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for June . . 21,..25 13.75 5.62 113.27 60.00 2.25 272.09 16.90 51.94 60.00 1~032.30 30.60 3.46 10.00 590.00 2.1,.il 258.00 ~I7.00 21,..53 10.00 302.71 367.50 92.58 8.60 15.61 54. ?8 19.75 17.17 21.60 22.00 "_nIT .... ii ii I I- i! ,- Ii Ii 11 II Ii " !! ii II ,I 'I :: h Ii I: I: _, I! II !I I I -- I I I I ,. il II i: Ii II I I I I, Ii It II Ii ;i il I i !I I' ! i 1 I! r IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 23442 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Wax for Dog truck $ .71 · 23443 Acme Printers, Office supplies 12.50 II 23444 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance Dog Warden's Truck 54.34 · 23445 Dr. W. O. Crutchfield, Vaccinating dogs 1,.00.00 · 23446 Dr. H. K. Cooper, Vaccinating dogs 300.00 · 23447 C &, P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Dog Warden 15.75 · 23448 Ralph Long, Dog Wardbn, Reimburse Dog Warden .30 .. 23449 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for Dog Kennel 7.15 II 23450 J. J. Newberry Co., Hardware used at Dog Clinics 2.13 · 231,.51 Powell Pharmacy, Inc., Medical supplies 2.70 II 231,.52 Dr. A. W. Rice, Vaccinating dogs 300.00 J ,-, ..-J ~ o Q " " H i I, P 'i II II Ii " " I! ji " i: r I I " il I i 23429 Southern Machinery &: Supply Co., Road Signs 231,.30 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Traveling Expense 231,.31 Tarpley's, Inc., Air Conditioning 23432 Times-World Corp., Publishing Zoning Ordinance 2343' Town of Sa18lll, Lights snd Water 231,.31,. Times-Register Co., Publishing County Budget &:c 231,.35 Valleydale Packers, Inc., Food for Prisoners 231,.36 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners 231,.37 Vinton Motor Co., 1 Battery Adjustment for Inspector's car 23438 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books and office supplies 231,.39 West view Poultry Farm, Food for Prisoners ~3440 H. M. Wood, Plumbing Repairs to Jail 23441 Owen Plumbing Co., Cleaning and Oiling Furnace 23458 American Emblem &: Textile Co., Arm Bands for Civil Defense 231,.59 C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Nt. Pleasant Fire Station Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Repairs to Jail Easter Supply Co., 1 doz rolls scotch tape Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtesy Card Green Market, Food for Prisoners Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner Investigations JSIIes Muncy, 1 day collecting garbage Xatural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., repair part for Hollins Fire Truck Technical Reproduction &: Supply Co., road maps Vinton Hardware Co., 1 new power lawn monr Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes T. C. Garner, Electrical &: Plumbing Inspection 10. ..- . .. . . .. II . .. .. It . . . . 23460 231,.61 231,.62 231,.63 234,61,. 23465 231,.66 23467 .. . . .. . . .. .. 23468 23469 231,.70 231,.71 .. . .. . r I" 1 ; $ 31.75 38.87 31,.5.00 6.40 267.70 858.60 72.1,.2 131,..25" 1,..02 662.35 39.08 11,..75 24.00 123.68 23.00 11.90 10.17 15.63 1,.7.92 20.00 9.80 8.60 1.75 7.50 87.75 1.02 66.83 r d I: i , I Ii II Ii " 44 ~' . " .' 1;- r ~~~!, ~ " ell l. '}to ! . ""'-ot. I ~ - ! '<' ! "1111 J.!.1. ~..l tCo..fl..U..l.i "/I'ip~~! _'__ _,__..__ '__-0'__-.. ._____._.___ .. '._.__..._._______, ______..___ - ---_._._----------._...._-_._---~- .---."- ......-....--.--.. . ..------------ ---_...~. ., Ii I ~ !' No. 231,.53 Radio Communications CO. Radio Maintenance . 231,.54- Salem Farm Supply Co. ~ Dog Food . 23455 Dr. H. D. Sackett, Vaccinating Dogs . 231,.56 Dr. E. E. Thompson, Cavvinating Dogs . 23457 M. S. Thomas, Li~stock claims t 15.00 9.25 400.00 1,200.00 40.00 i ;( The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, Roanoke County, salaries, expense accounts Commissioner of Revenue, 1IlW. H. RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's CLARK, Sheriff, will be paid as of July 31, 1956. i i, II I: Attorney, and H. W. I' Ii 'I I, I' ,I :1 Ii II ii " Ii " , " ii I! Ii ii ,I 'I Ii I Ii II 'I Ii " Ii Ii for the month of July, 1956, and also those of J. L. RICHARDSON, JR., i l,- I i' , I , , I ~ j " " I, i Ii ! I MRS. JANIE B. McNEJ.L, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: . .Salem, Virginia -July 16, 1956 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the clost of business duly 14, 1956, there was to the credit or the General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund County_School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund_ Deferred Credit Account $ 12,287~3 1,381.24- 9,171.81 71,.5.88 58,066.17 16,1,.23.70 1,.,192.02 126.88 '102,395.13 Ii I: 1: i I Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.. i ! I Ii " i' I I " Said report is approved and ordered filed. ? ii " ,: IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. MC!leai, County Treasurer, for $1,056.30 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of June, 1956, less 5% commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1003.1,.8 net. r _v The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoners days served in the County Jail during the month of June, 1956 - - H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of June, 1956 EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for June, 1956 <"'::"". I , :! " il I I ii I' " " I: j! Ii Ii I: I I o H. W. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the report of Part-time Deputy Frank A. Rogers, for the month of June, 1956, amounting to $90.00 which report is approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as pro- vided by law. J On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of July, 1956, be approved in the amount of $6,321.47, from which the sum of $98.79, total F. I. C. A. Tax, and total W. H. Tax, $532.10, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $5,690.58. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for the period of June 16, through June 30, 1956, be approved in the amount of $1551,..00, from which the sum of $31.08 total F. I. C. A., and total W. H. Tax $105.30, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,1,.17.62. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that payroll for June 22, 1956, for work during rabies vaccination clinic, be approved in the amount of $20.00, from which the sum of I,.O~ total F. I. C. A. Tax, and total W. H. Tax amounting to $3.60 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $16.00 payable out of the dog tax fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None o Resolution dated July 10, 1956, from the Roanoke County School Board requesting the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to pass an ordinance, if legal, prohibiting parking and loitering on school grounds when schools are not in session, or are not being used for public purposes was this day laid before the Board; as there is now a State law prohibiting such violations, no action is taken on said request. It is further ordered that the Sheriff of Roanoke County be directed to enforce such State regulations. Q Copy of this resolution is ordered to be certified to the Sheriff of Roanoke County. '45 . tW.. 1; .c..B-1J..L "" c..~"iij:T 7lf~n id.J.. t: .C.w- ....a.~. () . /1~S1. . t- . Co'1'.J.. ~"V"c.,~ "-q;; s' ~ .LJI. t ch)~Q. rP_ ~rQ-C-... jjJ~ r -;[f1"-1. .6 ~~T ~ IV ~ ,j 'e.: c' ~~ 'E>...e.....- y- '/ !8f~. ~r~ 11'1rl ~~~. liI.))b~ ~~~.~, 1'i ~ ('~'J;:~ a....t~.~, . ~c.:, ~'(: .~~ ~.c' c.,~~ '7/'~rS"r. ~ ct..e. r c.~.~ 'IIi'{ n I I ~.C~~~~11 ~.e...C4- f ~"C'....- i tr~1 ~(I~ II I i : II ,) i 3 Pursuant to Section 63-52, Cumulative Supplement, Code of Virginia, 1956, , I j , on motion, duly s~conded, it is ordered that the members of the Roanoke County Welfare Board be limited to three members. Copies of this order to be certified to Judge F. L. Hoback and Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent, Roanoke County Welfare Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays;: None , , Ii II II I I I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent I be authortzedto purchase a chair for the Secretary in the Sheriff's office, I I 1/ at a price not to exceed thirty dollars 1$30.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Aubrey R. Slayton be employed as Assistant Agricultural Agent of Roanoke County as of July 1st, 1956, at a salary of Fourteen Hundred Dollars 1$11,.00.00) per annum, payable by I Roanoke County. Copy of this order to be certified to W. H. Daughtrey, State Director Virginia Extension Service, Blacksburg, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following names, erroneousiy omitted from the salary schedule list of County employees, approve at the Junt Meeting, 1956, of this Board, be added to said list as follows: GeO'l'ge C. Foley V. L. Minnix Monthly Salary $145.00 11,.5.00 Yearly ~alary $1,71,.0.00 1,71,.0.00 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ! i On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Treasurer and the I County 'Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry the sum of !I one thousand dollars 1$1,000.00), from the general county fund to the Library II Ii I Fund, being a part of the 1956-1957 appropriation set up in the County Fund : as a Library Fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W.E. Cundiff. Nays: None I I .' I I 1- I j I ~:.._,=:c- I I , I 1 I I U---l " I' t " :1 J 11 _ I.--J J o r1.,- U l -. - .._----_.. ...._---- *- -- ...-..-'.--- IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: w Ii Lette~ ~teci J;Uy 6, 1956, from R. M. Youell, Director Division of - - Corrections, addressed ~- the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, with a report of inspection of the Roanoke County Jail as of Juns 20, received and ordered filed. j: 1 together I' 1956, ! II ;,- :1 II " " I 'Ii I Ii i Letter dated June 26, 1956, frOJll Margaret L. Malley, Supt. Roanoke County i . I Welfare Board, addressiOd to W. E. Cundiff. Chairman, Board of Supervisors, in ' re: Welfare Budget 1956-57, received and ordered filed. :' Ii ,I II ~ !! I; Ii Ii I' , I' II " Ii Ii I IN RE: Vacation of Streets or Roads named Wedgewood Road and Timberlane Avenue situated in Cave Spring Magisterial District in. subdivision known as Section 1, Greenwood Forest , iI " I' :1 ,I i, , II " I: " I II 'I Ii 1! I II I 1 , :1 : ~ RESOLUTION AND ORDER This day caIRe A. T.Loyd, Attorney for Carl A. Montgomery and Naomi Greenwood MontgOlllery, husband and wife, and each in their own right respectively, owners of certain real estate adjoining a street or road shown on that certain plat recorded in Plat Book 3, page 138, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, known as Section No.1, Greenwood Forest, prepared by David Dick, State Certified Engineer and Land Surveyor, dated October 1, 1954, which plat shows a public street or road, or streets DaIIed Wedgewood Road and Timberlane Avenue, being 50 ft. in width 'I 'I i, !i I " 'I I, " :1 , :1 II II il , I ! , I 'I " , ,I :1 :1 II n i! but at the intersection of the two streets or roads it is more than 50 ft. in I width as indicated on the plat aforesaid, and asked leave to file a petition Ii in accordance with Section 33-76.S of the Code of ViRginia ab~doDing and clos-I ing a certain segment of the aforesaid two roads or streets and requesting I that this Board hold a publiC hearing on the proposed abandolllRent in accordance il with the aforesaid section of the Code of Virginia. II NCT1I, THEREFORE 1PON CONSIDERATION or all of which it is hereby Resolved I~ -( and Ordered by this l:loard that this Board hold a public hearing on the proposed I 7/I,/d. abandolllRent on the 20th day of August, 1956, at 2:00 P. M. at the regular I place of meeting of this Board in the Court House for the County of Roanoke, I I II I Roanoke, Virginia, in at least two publications thereof prior to the date of said I i I Thia Resolution and Order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Edwin G. I Virginia, at Salem, Virginia, and that notice of said publiC hearing be published in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the County of :1 ., I! II ,I i meeting and that a notice thereof be given to the State Highway Commission. Terrell aM Seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote the ;i II supervisors voted as follows: il II i I i I " :i 'I il I Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: Ncne .' 47 48 ~if c:.. .- ~~~; 7J" I~-' e~~)! I .1 ::t BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of Septellber 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment or domestic and cOlllllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: 1. BEGINNING at a po;i,nt in the center of the Old Fincastle Turnpike (State Secondary Route /1605) approximately 700 feet north of the intersection of said Turnpike and Hollins Road, N. E.; thence south 160 15' W. 627 feet to a point in the center of Tinker Creek; thence north I,.l~ 32' W. 1150 feet with the center line of said Tinker.Creek to a point on the east bank. of Tinker Creek; thence south 71,.0 1,.5' E. 970 feet to the point of beginning and enclosil.Iig..the properties of Lyle L. and Luevenie Guster Riley, the Roanoke Eaptist and Social Union, Inc., and the Trustees of the Hollins Road Baptist Church; and being a part of Section 1, Rockydale Heights Subdivision of record in Plat Book 1, ~ge 181, of record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. 2. BEGINNING AT A Point on 10he west right-of-way Une of Palmer Avenue (State Secondary Route #1581), said point being the northeast'corner of Lot 23, Section 6, Palmer Park Subdivision, a map of which is recorded in Deed Book 522, Page 500, in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence S90 1,.2' W 180 ft. to a point; thence with a line S680 41' W, '37A ft. more or less, to a point on the west side .' of Lela Ave. (State Secondary Route #1596) and said point being the northeast carner of Lot 13, Section 6, Palmer Park Subdivision; thence with the west Right-of-Way line of said 18la Ave. S120 11' W, .383 ft., more or less, to a point on said west Right-of-way line and being on the eaat bou..dary of Lot 30, Section 3, PalJller Park Subdivision; thence with a line through Lot 30 N770 1,.9' W, 252. ft., more or less, to a point on the .wes1; boundary of Lot 30 and being the center of . Tinker Creek; thence with the center line and up the creek 11380 30' E, 31,.6 feet to a point; thence N. 380 26' E. 612 feet to a point on the East Bank of the ' Creek and being the northwest corner of said Lot 23, Section 6; thence S.800 18' E, 21,.0 feet, more-or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being all of Section 6 and part of Section 3, Palmer Park Subdivision as shown on the attached plat. And that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; ,. I n , I, I: I i: , I ~ I Ii I I I Ii (A) That acceptable wastes originating with the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City'S sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite Ileasuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County: (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. i: , 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, immediately upon passage, by the Council Ii . . II of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the II County of Roanoke shall be, and remain, bound by the provisions thereof as , , fUlly, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by the other terms and I provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1951,.. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors w. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. None I !. ii , i, i' Ii " i: ., I , " II Ii " I' ,I ii I II il ,. i. :1 ;: ~ i Ii I i i I I' , I II I, ii :1 " ii I, I I Ii ,. ;! I ~ . i '-"' ~ L-J ., U o G , jl r i r " Ii I, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salem wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron in the West side of an alley the northwesterly corner to Lot lI,., Hansbrough-Baer subdivision, said point being located N. 70 1,.5' E. 250.6 feet from the intersection of said East line of said alley with the North line of U. S. Highway Route 1,.60; thence from said iron, with the Corporate line of the Town of Salem in a northwesterly direction a distance of 932 feet; more or less, to a point; thence with the Corporate line of the Town of Salem in a Northerly direction a distance of 405 feet, more or less, to a point; thence in an easterly direction a distance of 965 feet, more or less, to a point; thence in a Southerly direction 805 feet, more or lese, to a poin~; thence in a Northwesterly direction 24 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, COATAIllING 13 acres, more or less. And that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to I i! !i i ~ II II ii i! :i II II I I I I , the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant II I Ii BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the resolution of April 28, 1955 by the Ii Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, concerning sewage originating I! -. 1 in said area, be and the same is hereby rescinded in its entirety. I I BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council of the Town of Salem is I i I I I , I to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. , II I I , I, 'I I hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept dOlllestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same I, to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the prOvisions of tQa contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Sa18lll, under date 01- . October 16, 1953. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None t i: Ii , :i ,I The follOwing ordinance was this day offered for adoption: AN ORDINANCE regulating the parking of motor vehicles on the parking lot belonging to the County of Roanoke, situate in the Town of Salem, Virginia, bounded by Main Street on the South, High Street on the East, Clay Street on the North, and the Court House and County Office Building on the west, and prescribing rines and other punishment for violations thereof; WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vir ginia, has authorit under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and more especially under the provisions of Section 15-8 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, to adopt such measures as it may deem expedient to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS pursuant to said Section 15-8 -the Board of Supervisors is of the ' - i opinion that parking of motor vehicles on the aforesaid parking lot should be 'i restricted as to the length of time parking should be permitted, and restricted I as to parking in certain reserved areas, and that punishment should be prescribe I tor any violations thereof; and I ! 49 ~a. ~...... I!~r~ ',rJ:J..f. ~ .fi....~ ii~--4~ 1:(1. ,~..;c.. .. . ... IlcI.o.t ,,' -- I: ,. 1> o.t..... Ii '1111r~1. il~n.~r 11~~.f I n,..-r- .~''''''"''1 Ii 7/1"1 /s.~ II il I, ,I Ii I! ~ et..r.~' Iz..;t I I i I' .I iI 11-- , ~d4( ~ ~J"/4-1.. 50 !; i' ~..ti' ~ I, ~.' .l! .~~. M:.. '(" . . . . '{''1 n r " WHEREAS at the regular meeting of the BOc~d of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on June 18, 1956, in its meeting room in the Court House;, ii' Building, a resolution was passed, giving notice that an ordinance regulating Ii " II the parking of motor vehicles on said parking lot, described as aforesaid, be I' I proposed for adoption; and ii WHEREAS notice, as required by law, was published on June 22nd and II 1; I June 29th, 1956, in the Times Register, a neWElpaper published in the Town of Salem, Virginia, and having general circulation in said County of Roanoke, Virginia; I I, " I: I I: I' I 11 Ii ., i: ,I it I' Ii Ii II Ii ,I 2: That no motor vehicle or trailer tractor longer than 22 feet shall be Ii Ii Ii 3: That DO motor vehicle shall be parked on spaces marked .Reserved", or Ii upon spaces across which have been drawn parallel lines. Ii i! 1,.: That all motor vehicles parked on' said lot shall be parked'within the Ii spaces as designated by white lines, and no motor ilehicle shall occupy more thaJ I' II ! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1: That no motor vehicle shall be parked or permitted to remain on the hereinbefore described parking lot for a period of time longer than eight hours; parked on said parking lot. " Ii i: Ii !i I: ,: I' ,I i one such space. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this I and upon conviction thereof I I I Ii ii i I Ordinance fined not shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 for each offense, and in i: ., I' Ii ., I. i I, :i !: Ii i' I I: I. Ii ! ~ addition thereto, any motor vehicle parked upon said parking lot in violation , I II II Ii Ii Ii " II BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be and he hereby is I' directed to cause a copy of this Ordinance to be published once a week for !i the next two successive weeks, namely, July 20, 1956 aDd July 27" 1956, in the Ii . I Times Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, and haVing a general], I' 1; " " 'I !, Ii I: I' i: of this ordinance may be moved to a garage or parking lot for storage at the expense of the owner or OWDers of said motor vehicle. BE IT ORDAINED THAT THIS lJtDlNANCE shall be in full force and effect on and after Augaet 15, 1956. i ~ i j; i: ::1 i: circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. I On motion, duly seconded, the foregoing ordinan::e was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ~ I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that Miller E. Petty be employed to make an 'assessment I, 1 Ii of all new buildings which are substantially completed and fit for use, occupanc~ and enjoyment as of July l, 19%, pursuant to Section 58's1l.1 of the Code of i 1 :; Virginia, a~d the Commissioner of Revenue shall enter in the books the fair according to the ratio which the portion of the year such buildings were use, occupancy and enjoyment bears to the entire year. I' " ] fit for' market value of such buildings, the tax on such new buildings to be computed '1 ,j " I I. !: ., II " ..J :1 If ., " I , > i I IL it ii " " i! " ~ L I' I ! ~ o , " ii I! Ii . II ., 'I ~ .> ! ;! 'rj LJ .OJ:" I ~ \, ., 'I !I " " ii Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ana:. Supervisors W.. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G.Terrell. Nays;: None I, , i; 1956. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned \lotH the third Monday in August, ~'1I Cha'_ Cotirt Roue Sal-... Virginia Aucut 20. 1956 The Board oE Superv1.aora oL lloaDoke Coun107aelo this cla7 alo 1ihe Courlo Houae thereof in regular aonthl7 aeaaion.. Prealnt: W. E. Cunditt, Cha11'11an. Edwin G. 'lerrell, II1nor R. letter and Boland R. Clark. Before the .etiJIg was called to order b7 1ihe ChairsaI1, the Honorable l81so R. '!'hUI'lllll1. Meaber ot the Genlral .usably trca 1oanok8 CoWl1;7 ottered a prayer. The llimrtes oL thl laat regular aee1i1ng were approYld aa spread. each IIIIIIb ot the Board u.ung read the copy of said mDl1tea furnished hill by the Clerk. '!'he Eollowing clailla agail1alo the County are lohis daT preseuad. approvld. , . and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out or thl fUJIds reapectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 10. 23550 Aaerican Bar Assoc1a1i1oll. Jleaberllhip ciuefor Judge Hoback t · 23551 Aaerican Chemical Co., Janitor supplies · 23552 Aeae Printers, Inc., officI supplies . · 23553 H. H. Akers, Painting EYacuation signs · 23554 - · 23555 CnlHp" Soft Water Service, Renlo on Soft Water Equi~en't for Holl1D8 Fire S1ia1i1on 23568 Dr. F. S.Cruslr, ho....i_tiou for Drunk driving, &: coroners investigaloion . i. , ! " 'il I, " II . II 'I Ii 'I ..1] " 11 , :! . 23556 . 23557 . 23558 . 23559 . 23560 . 23561 . 23562 . 23563 . -23S64. . 23565 . 23566 . 23567 , :! ;i ;: . I i\ :1 'I I, ! , 16.00 ' Auto Spring &: Bear1:;g Co., Flash lights &c Appalachian Blectric. Poar Co.. Curren't aM a't CoUllty Fire Houses - 102.71 6 II 1.351' 36.15 I 5.851 Ii 25.10 ! I 4.59l 2S.73 i 41.65 I , 39.6S ,i 36.631 63.13 , , 29.45 I 3S5.63 . i 110.07 i i Chas. B. Balter, Hose caskets and nossle for Fire Dep1i. J. P. Bell Co., office supplies Bema 1qu1~8Jlt Cc.rp. Labor-RepatriDg..l.atch on back door BoInIaD's Bakery Co., t'ood Eor Prisoners Blue Ridge Produce Co., food tor prisours Carl R. Brightwell, InB'tall1ng nlw circuits in bas_lo Brown Hardware Co.. Hardware, etc. CliP 'l'elephone. Co., 'l'elephou service tor CoWl1;7 otEices CitT ot Roanoke. sewage treataent cos't tor General Electric Line Clearbrook Liol1's Club. July Rlnt on Clurbrook Fire S1ia1i1on Lee CoIIpton Lines, Inc., Freights charges 011 Towle tor County Jail . 60.00 2.65 II I , 3.50 I , 15.00 r ,I I: i I, II jl ,I II :: I II if Ii I: II il I 52 Ii I !i ,. " I) Ii i , '. " !: II I, i: Ii " i: Ii II i: " I t II I i .0. 23569 23570 23571 23572 .' . . . 23513 23574 23575 23576 23577 23578 .. . . - . . . I 180.2411 Ii 6.811! I' I' :! G. C. ~oley, July Reni: on Mi:. Pleasant Pire Bouse 60.00 II fuel 011 &llquiPMni: Co., hel 011 for iellina Pire lIeuse 467.16 ! ~ ., ~. II General nec10ric Supply Co., 1 Ileci:r1c Fan for Clerk of Cour1; 35.85 Ii A. D. Goodwin, PO Box Rent for Ilec1;oral Board &I Secrei;arJ" s ,I Salary 156.00 ii Ii 60.00 I: i' 45.4-611 Ii 602.18 I! 5.50,1 i; 3.00 II I, Ii . 5.00 Ii 6.90 II 102.00 II 600.00 II 9.54- !: :i 33.80 : 'I 43.85 II 8 60 II . Ii 7.SO , 64.85 Ii 17.1,.9 Ii I: 21.91 ii " 56.40 I' II 38.00 Ii ~ ~ .. Caldwell-SU;e. Co., office supplies and turnUure Da'l1daon's Isso Servicenter,. gaso~e, 011 ei:c.. Illdu Shell Sernce Station, wash jobS on Police cars Pairvie" Home, Couuty's Pro-Rate share of June and July . !xpeues in maintaining home for i:he aged at Dublin, Va. laster Supply Co., office supplies Caacelled 23579 J. W. Griggs, &: W. H. W..i:t, July Reni: on Cue Spring !ire Bouse . 23580 23SSl . Green Market, Food for Prisoners Raloid Co., Record .Paper and Repair pari:il for Photostai:ic Machine . 23582 Hutfun's Garage, State Inspection and Wash jobs on Police. .' . Car #4. , . 23 S83 235S1t 23SS5 23SS6 .' . !' . 23587 Dr. Hugh I. Lee, Dental Sernces rendered Prisoners Alex Y. Lee, ley for buildings Lewis Brothers, Sernce 1;0 Jail s1;oker Magic Ci1;y Mo1;.or" Corp. if pari: TraDD188ion for Police Car Mercy House, IDc., County' 8 appropriati.oD toO Jlercy House . . for July expenses .' . 23588 1(1;. Pleasant .Grocery, Gasoline purchased for.Mi:. Pleaaan1; - Fire Truck It 23SS9 23590 23591 23592 23593 23594- 23595 23596 23597 23598 23599 23600 23601 23602 23603 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parker-.u.o Supply Co., hose G. Jr.. PareJrt Co., office supplies Radio Supply Co., Radio 'lube for lDgineer's Car 115 Roenoke COUI11;y School Board, July Maintenance of County Owned vehicles 962.54 Monarch Finer Foods, F~od for Prisoners Miller 'fire Sernce, Repair and Psrts for Garbage t;rucka latural Gas Diatribu1;ors, Fuel for HolliDa Fire -louse . . - lfuWay Laundry &I D1'1 Cleaners, Laundry prisoners - Owen Pl1abing &I Heating Co., Repairs 1;0 Phostetic Machine &:c liaIson Hardware Co., Garbage Collection tubs and Hardware .Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry prisoners PenUentiary Industrial Dept. 24 dosen1;owels for Prisoners John W. Poling, Cleanign Bot water coil, par~8 aDd.laGor Powell's Pharllacy, Cancelled JeDitor supplies . 23604- Roanoke CoUD1;y Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's peti:y cash 23605 Dr. A. J. Russo. Lunacy hearing 23606 Harvey '1'. Roop, Refund lunacy fee paid ci1;y of aoaDoka 23607 Rutherford Freight Lines, Freight charges on Record book 23608 Radio c-n..1 catiou Co., July Radio Maintenance 23609 Roanoke Linen Sernce, Towel service for July, 1956 . . . . . ..-..-..,-. i I . 248.96;! SO.31' i. II 13.751: ,: " " " I I I 1.39 Ii i' " I 6.40 i! 7.29 .. , 1.17 : I 16.23 10.00 15.00 2.50 22.50 3.00 " i...l ~ , L-J j o LJ 1: - I ,I .: ,I " 'I " I :I " il il " , :1 il II , " " , I " 1 :1 Ii " :'( ,I " Ii .1 Ii " " , :1 ~ 1 q ;; I ! I I , I 'I . ,.." 10. 23610 Roanoke Gall. Co, Cook1!lg i'uel for Count1 Jail and HOlle . Duonetration Kitchen . .. . 23611 23612 23613 236l1,. 23615 23616 23617 Salem Luber Co., LUlllbar . - Salem Cre8MlT Co., toed tor Prisonerll Sal_ GlallS .Co., 1 gla.. tor window in Jail Sale. Hardware Co.,. Ut8llll1l.. for Jail and _11 equipHnt rha Santax Co., Janitor supplies Shepherd'lI Auto SUPp11 Co., Ch8llical. - Fire Dept. #6 Bdward F. Staple., Re1llburlle Probation ofticer trneling expenses Saud 5: Webber Drug Co., Medical lJ1lpplies tor Count1 Jail s-rdean Esso'Servicenter., rSOllm tor 15 T and Ambulance . Gtlrbage Truck #23 J. H. Tingler, Labor - Fertilizing and Pruning shrub. in courthouse yard !reasnrer of VirgiD1a, 200 ciril detenae ftb1cle ident1tica- '- tione 23622 '1'1IIes-Regiater Co., Stationery, and advertising Paridng Lot . . P1A",,111g . . . . . . . II 23618 23619 - . . 23620 . 23621 . . 23623 Viuon JIotor Co., Repairll, parts &:c 23624 reclmical Reproduction &: "Supp11, Mapa 23625 Town ot SalelI, Lights aDd water and sewage charge 23626 Underwood Corp. 1 new typewrUer 23627 ValJ.er Rooting Corp. aigJll!l tor ciril delenee 23628 Vinton Hardware Co., 1 Pwap 23629 Char1ea B. '1&, 1 Direction Finder 23630 Valle1dale Packera, tood for prisoners 23631 VirglJl1a Fooda, Inc., food aDd jail lJ1lpplies 23632 W8lItriew Poultry F&l'lR, tood :tor prisoner. 23633 R. M. Wood, repairs to Jail Sinlc a:c 23634 Doc'. Serrice Station,Gasoline and Wa.h job. 23635 Dr. R. M. Saila1, lunacy cOBllisaion, jail pb1sician &: lIZIIIination of drunk clri ring . . . . . . . . . . .. . '. 23644 Cancelled 23677 Cancelled 23678 F101d Anderson, Labor on Garbage truck 23679 Acme fypewriter Co., repairs to Hal'lHs '1'1pewriter 23680 SeIl1.lI Equiplll8nt Corp. labor on Garbage Truck #23 23681 Ro1 K. BrOlfJl, Recording Right o:t War 23682 .lou W. Carner, Extra labor on Garbage VIIek 236S3 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Mechanical service on Adding ..chine. and ribbone 23684 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner inve.tigatione, drunk clriring &: . Lunac1 hearing 23685 Ball~.r SUPpl1 Co., ottice supplies 23686 CbalIIIers Ferguson, Commisa1on on delinquent taxes 23687 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-local hospital bills for Welfare 23688 Lewi.-gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills tor Welfare 23689 Ralph H. Martin, Extra laborer on Garbage Truck Aug 6 &: 7 23690 J1mII1 J(uJ1c1. Extra labor 011 Garbage truck Aug 13 &: lJ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . r I, 16.2i .~ 13.01 3.3Q ,I " 1O.!I.0 2;::1: II " " 15.7511 2.50 : 34.18 ! I .1 10.00 i: II 5.60 Ii 20.35\: 133.90 II 3.60 1: I' 292.32 ii ., 162.50 Ii 60.00 " 95.50 37.85 i 68.72 I 157.01 : , lI,..85 I 16.50 15.74 I: ,I 110.00 Ii i: II [I I' i 62.36 5.50 17.15 5.10 25.23 105.75 45.00 3.05 102.71 144.00 300.110 17.82 17.82 53 Ii Ii :1 I: i " " " I I I I Ii 54 " if ~ i' i' :t I' ~~:;Ii:- (a~ IJ~I " I !; , "C"-: rJ ~, I ~.-1. __ _ ...'u.. ___ .____n__ 10. 23691 . 23692 It 23693 . 23694 . 23695 --- .-:.....;::O-.:.~'-~=...-~...:..._:_,_~'-'_;..::;-'-..--....:....:.='-"..;.;c;...::.:.....:_'-~c_=.::.;..,:,::__'-........:.;..:;.;....;.._~_-'~==-'--~' _ ---~...,...,--,- - ,.."--...- - .._-. -"", Carnell Moore,. Ma1D1;enance of Garbate D1IIIp . Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare . . Walter W. Yopp, Jr., Extra garbage- labor ChaJaers Ferguson, Comm.ssion on dalinqllent taxes collected Adclressograph-Jlultigraph Corp. Identification tags for Garbage cans · 23696 Cancelled ii II D: DOO TAIlS, SBBBP I!T.ITIiIlI &c i j: !'he following cla. agaiJla1; the. Couty ..re this cIaJ' presented. appl'OTed, I, I, and ordered to be paid bJ' voucher-checb out of the f1md8 respecti w1J' 'I chargeable therewith, to-wit: [' r , 'i IV ! I i , , I: II I' I' I 10. 23636 . 23637 . 23638 II 23639 . 2361,.0 . 236U . 2361.2 C 1\ P Telephone Co., Telephone serTice Diaaond Paper Co., DisinfectaJat . . CountJ' School Board of Roanoke Co., JulJ' Maintenance Dog . Warden's truck Radio c-.Jlicationa. Co., July Radi'D MainteDance !'hoIIas Il. Higgs, Fowl clallD . . Mrs. Mae Lovell, 10w1 clallD Price's Pure Oil Station, 12 9/10 gal. gas purchased for . Dog Truck i " II " I . :: , I. . I: Ii r . . 2361.3 Bal. Fara Supply Co., dog food 2361.5 W. I. ThoMS, Fowl claill 2361.6 Mrs. Roy M. 'I'M_,,, fOwl claim 593 .25 544.00 8.9l .28 I l8.51 ii I . 15.75 3.04 " i! I' I' , 'I I i I ~ i' !, , i r ,. i H I' , " " 47.76 15.00 20.00 9.50 3.94 20.54 12.80 15.20 I !'he fOllowing aCCOUJlts were this daJ' laid before the Board: JAllIB B. McIBAI.. Treasurer, Roanoke CoutJ', salaries, expense accouts for the aonth of ADgll8~, 1956, 8Ddalao those of J. L. RICIWUlSOIr, JR., C08inioner I I of IleTeI11le, IDW. R. RIClLllUlSOl, COIIIIDDWealth'S Attorney, and R. W. CLABI. Sherif~ . :! will be paid as of August 31, 1956. Ii I I I ... ;: I, MRS. JAIrIB B. McllUL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this dar aulaitted to the Board the following report: I .SALBII, vmGllIA August 20. 1956 1'0 *he Board of SllperTisors of Boanoke CountJ': At the close of business August l8, 1956, there was to the credit of the General County Fund . 17,030.09 Library Fund . 1,786.51 Dog Fund 6,625.15 SaleII Diet. Road Debt Fund 747.32 CoutJ' School Fund. 20,216.63 School COJl8truction Fund 1,479.83 School Textbook Fund 4,773.31 Deferred Credit Accout 126.88 , 52,785.72 Resps ctfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.. Saic:l report is approved and ordered tiled. i! i ~ , ji Li' Ii I J .' o 'S j , 1 , _. -- .-----.... .__u. _..~_ __ '[ r I, I' ; I i II HI: DELIlQtJBlT TAIlS COLLECi'ID BY CLEHI: The Cierk thia'day delivered to the Board the recti. pt of J81 ie B. Mclleal, . . Ii CoWlt)" treasurer, ~or 1665.49 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Ii I, Clerk ~or t.he aonth of July., 1956. less 5:' collllissiou, and. turl18d over to .aid '1'reaaurer, .aid check aaount1Dg to 1632.2:2 net. J I, I' I: n :;.. r-, .J ., i: Ii ii i! The ~ollowiDg reports were this day laid bdore the Board aDd ordered tiled: H. W. CLAU, Sherif~, oltice and. tra....l expeue. tor the month of July. 1956 H. w. CLlRlt. Sherift, s-rr stat_nt ol priaol18rs days served in the County Jail duriJIg the IIOnth of July. 1956. E. S. &UV. Collnty Apnt. aOnthly report tor July. 1956. " " :i ,. " 'I I. :1 ,I ~ H. W. CLAlUl:, Sherift ot BoaDoke County, this day filed with the Board the . . report of Part-t1llle Deputy Frank.A. Rogers, for the- IIOnth of July. 1956, aaount- iDe to 160.00 which report ill approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to torward said report to the State Compensation Board as pl'l;lY1ded by II II " il I, ;1 I' II I I , I I I' iI II '1 law. 55 _ ..m._. "._ ~ _ n ______ ; i I I' , [: " II II If ,I II iA-L tC.~ 111~1n I, Ii , I lP1g I 1;;;;.:.. I la~~z:~ (' ~'-I /J~ I I 1~44.t'. I .p..~- I 'l'"" I~ .G~ I '6'J 'P-J 1-' I I C1arIc all4 Edwin I I On IIOtion. duly secoll4ed. it is ordered that the County Payroll for tlle IIOnth ol Augr-..st, 1956, be approved in the amount ot $6.490.23, trom which the SUll ot 195.&1;. total F. I. C. A. 'fax. and. total W. H. 'lax lIIIounUng to 1524.70. 1s to be uducted, l~Y1ng a net payroll of 15,669.69. Adopted b;r the following recorded vote: ii II Ayes: Superviaors. W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. letter, Roland H. I G. !'errell. , . lIays.. "-"6 II DU_ q j: I :: I. I r On IIOUon, duly seconded, it is ordered that the paJi'oll for Refuse Collecti r~' '.If,A. t and. Janitor Services tor the period ot Julr :!-6, through ~7 31, 1956, be approve,: ~ ,:~_ in the amunt of $1526.34. trom which the SUll. of .30.57 total F. I. C. A. 'lax , ~. [t;:; aDd total w. JI~.'lax of .90.30, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll ot Ii rrJ,.qs-' I ! I .l407.47. I I i KeEter, Roland H. Clark and. Idw1n ! Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayea: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. :1 G. Terrell i: lIa7a: None " " " I I { II liE: 101 COIlFCIUWlG PDHIT: UPOD the rec_ndation ot the Roanoke County PlaDDing Comai88ion, aDd on Addition. . cCi t t;~' . h 56 ; I !: i: I: ,. I: ;: I: " I I ,. ~ Ii ....~'" I~ i o_.____ .... .__._ _____ __ _._.._____ _ ___ ___. . -. - -_ --.- - -. .. - .- . . .-. - . "-" - __________ ..~___~_____._ _~_.._.....___ _.___ .. ____n.________.~___. r . . ..--_..- "'" ".. j ! Adopwd by the following recorded Tote: Ayes: Supervisors w. E. Cundiff, Jlinor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and. IclwiJ:l G. !errell ",.a: lone v I Report on Dog Pound for the month of June, 1956, froa Mrs. Charles W. . . 'thOMS, PresidflDt, Roanoke Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to &"....'s, received and ordered filed. ;If' I The State Corporation C~sll1on of Virgima thia day subm.tted atat8lllenta of assessed Y&lue of !elephone and. !elegraph C_pa"ies, Electric Light aDd Power Corporations, Gas and Water. Corporations, aDIi Pipe LiDe '1'raDaa1ss10n - . Corporations, and. Railroad, Express, Sleeping Car and. Steamboat CoapaD1es in the eo..onwealth of VirgiD1a and the State Taxes Extended for the year 1956, uc:la . by the State CorporatioD.CoIIIIl1ssion of Virginia, 1lhich statulents are ordered filed. I' Ii Ii i' I' I, 'I I: " :1 II II I IlESOLUTION AND ORDER A IlESOLUUOJl proY1diDg for the f1Dgag..ent of S. lting Funkhouser and. i , ,. Erne" W. Ballou, as Special COl1DlJe1 withollt expense to said Count,. to amst . ' the c-nwealth AttorJl8,. in the det8lllie of the Chancery cauae now pell""'g in t11 Circuit Court of Roanoke ~UDt,., Virginia, under the style of ~ohn W. Davis, et IS, Yll. Board of SuperY1sore of Roanoke County. i 1fIID1l&~, the Board of SupeMisors of RoalKlke Count,., V1rgiD1a, by Resolutionli and. Order adopted on June 18, 1956, rezoned certain propert)" of Virg1D1a Ii Holcl1ng Corporation boaa residential to light iDduRrial, and I , _lll~, certain property oners in the pro:dJll1ty of the rezoned property Ii have tilri a petition UDder the style of John W. DaY1s, et als, '1'8. Board of !, . . II Superrtsore of Roanoke County, in the CircD1t Court of Roanoke County, VirgiD1a. Ii Ii I I j: !: seekiDg to appea1 froa said Order and Resolution, and _1l&~, it is the desire of the Board of Super'l'iaors of Roanoke C01IDty to obtain Special Col1DlJal, without expense to said Count,., to assist the c-mrealth Attorney in the defense agaiuat said petition 'rHEBElORK, II IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisore of Roanoke CouDty, Virg1Dia, that S~ lting Funkhouer aDd Ernest W. Ballou, Attorneys, be, and they - . are hareby engaged as Special COl1DlJel to act without cost to Roaaoke County, to · assist the eo.onwealth attorney in the defenee of the petition filed seeking to appeal said Order and Resolution and said attorne,.s are author1sed to file all!, necelJSlIr1' papers aDd pleadings therein, and do such other things as are necessllr1' in the defenee of said suit. Adopted by the following recorded TOte: A18S: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. !errell 1Ia18: lone I I" .-----.- .--. ----.----.--.-- ..,.-----.--,....,.......,---.--- -..-l- I' [' il :1 - nT-u- I Board h~! III U: 'lRBASURBIlI S AlDllUAL SEm.BII&li'l': .1Ira. JaDie B. MeReal. County Treasurer, this day subllitted to the . . ~ ail-1 -".r- ~_JMI'...-~~)G, 1.946__ "'1'" U ;t.~ :' r " ......an' ., o J' , " . , , ,> I ~. ~ I I f ~..... " , o i-, \: ~. ..". .~.. .. _...; \.\ i , i I I f ! i 1 I I I. , ; .. . 0 .~ '. ~ I'. 0> \. - c' ~. .\ .: ..~', . ':-'.. " ... ~ '\.- \ ::.:'.,' J _, ., \ .' ., 1\.:', .\ " '.., ,''''... ,- .... ........- . . .. .';-.' ~ /;.., . ,. \ :\ '" .} '"'-'. \ .\ r-I J "",:,''; ~'<:'- \ - '.\ : '.. .'-. ~"~ ....'.~\ . \ f-':. ~. ..:~ .~ ,. .~ --\ . ...... ..:':.. :.'",1>,:,,". ..' \ .:,: ,., .' .\"'\ :. ',". . ~.., ..... .' -,........-.-.j,'" -. ii,\' i 11 Irt 'I' i il " " 'I. i: ,. ,. :1 -.......:.\"., . , ,-lI.. _ C , . : ~.: ,'. ,.;< '- . " " \ ~. ., . . , i i: "'.:1".'..... '0 i ~ :i: " .., ~ "'", \ :~ ~ ,. :. ,.,: ~ ., ,I il -' -.,........:.- ~. '. ".~ '\. ...... .. .' ~ " , ,\ 11 II Ii " I Ii " " :1 ~ ~ .. . ~ ..' "~ '. " \ "!. . " '... ._, \. : . " ..,...:, ~ , " .~ ' ~,. :;.. -~ :-.. '.- !! II " I :1 :1 11 !! ""- .--:";; ~:~t ;. . '. .:;.:-,~~",.._+.. '.......1:.. ~ ..on1rll'" ....... ....; . .'\ < ~ '- _0_.. _ ..... ,._......:.'. 11 1 ~ ___._ .._._ _.. -'. ..... ... c .,-....~.-..-1: -'--"~'--ii.IUII"1Da ... rut, .. -'10a, settl_en1: is received and ordered riled. , I 1 I' > i -:'0' ::;~ .$~hH L 1;<~,'t'I." ;_-' A,!~ SlATe Ace",uIII' i:AS,.: ;:'"...1. 'j t'~ . /)-J' fj . .. olr!.. eM~ ;'t:t.;-h./' /"if,; tf--Ic I,:.:t.a. ,)"<!J. If.r~ fit. /. Lu d(AI.Jv/ 11~ ~ Un.. ".........m.. / tI-t..dUj-Jd. .)1 (/<1. ,,(.-.LL ;;;2",.,., 17J':!' I fJ'~ / ?rJ'.3 ~A ;:, xif-;,.. /1 I. ~\O.... ., 1'i[5 .. -I- II II i:; ~ y.1~7J~?1 .~ J a~'''JJ I I.JN~8';' J ~ '0 -"'13 l-+ It . t -/. J c .r4/'ii /.J'N,.,s..;. J t..Vs ....'3 " .J-.I-f J '11 ~ 'J/ 6./ ~~ - /. I 1..,. .: /' /'1,.' '. i) -~ -, ' I -, t[u~{4_k.4 -~""<-:'- po~ 1-AX f:ND. /. '. /J~ (..{..{..'U-t.[.,H kl... t.-t'-r~ SA)~M '[)/~r: DAb PeLT /. . /( /i tt"'~a- {_{..A '-(~t. (._~I ...Iv /! ~J' ,- t-~(l N', I ~CH~c~, fu , . ,.1_ /. LI~_U'(_' '..-If fell,.. .....:"....,...,.J /1 I:~..;.., (1/.:.- &.,. .~( /) / '--;., lIao i-. _.~ d:.:CL<.-',-" / IL (?:: /i c.e/;'!:,Tt( , (too ....; t.} I. .' Ii ~ ~ ~T: '- , ;' I 'N J Ilf.......V . , . ." /'IJ J -, /'/.J ':--' ;.;;,,_...~ ~ 'V ~--;;IIl> ..0 '" """(lJ 7fS067 1 ~~" G."- / 1 J'7 ~ ,~.. 81'>-" IV J.J CD 11- V :;+>-6'} Ie I" t....t....., /.. I, /o'~/~;"...,.. I.._.l.~.i.~ J./ 'i 7 3 'ifl I IJ'g /, ~-o ~ 11 '. :n.~ ,C.' A I~"'-t_.~ '1 " -:>f~v j);, (J;! /' , . _.c (,t . .. I' "'l 1---1. .1_ L ~L~'L." '" J,'D fa liD. . {'..II' teA I. tf';,({,',....JJt" A"', (/ /, /1 1..4..... /... U /J"'-/11J"',J'" 19..(...1 /.:~. ......- . ,... .~ ~A.!.Il: t9.... 7f;u.- . : ' " J...u._ ~~, ,:;......../ " -7~ ))..L:.../ ~.......t.. , 4~ !.,d~ ; " ~~' ') t.4-..-'{J-w7M) t' ~/;t:"f--t--,,.-TL..~ c{"/V,A.tJ..1 ~a-L '!i~ ';L:.,J. 8,...-// d>'+u.-T if/, /I ,- ;"" /~ L.o i~-<"l{ '/~~ 1,,1 J " /'1f-..t - 11.... ~ ,. 1.1 - 71<1 -- /, . C/" - ,=J9 C- C.OlL.N-r-j of R04IVOk.e. V, f<&',N.1J, S...rrL...Me.",T 0+ ..\ANle ~. Me NQI; J. -r''''A~''V<...r c-I1"","Ab,,=pf:~Af1"''''!''J~~''~1._ .,r.!-~1""'>(~flJi_:J'( ~",,_~I:'r{~. :l c, . 1)./ 7;Ur31 I D" DIDO.. ',Ho"gg< 41- H-/';'/ .J.'li.frl , ,;' /J 37 ,.~~ /Yb &<( lih(' 3.(01- JI 4. 3..ri 1t,~8 18$';0'17 '11{, 7 ~.~ ..{' .J.J" J-./"t.!) i-OY 13 'i I y'f- '1'~ 5.r~ 7>-'1fV -rlJ iAL A~~ t!d~ " lle,L,il JLlN,'<t ~a. J 1.J-~ .Jl-- i) < t._ . // . 'J . i__l4" - V..IAJ.c/.'''7 7-<-0-,." '7 ----, - .' -I.:t.--l..-ni...-.' ,.'.O"AohJ~"';:;'.f.," ,/ L /1 /i , /.:""I€..." f>ltt../.-., . _ .';1 /- J j \ ,/::.,. ," ,~/....L_~t/.,..c!t.....~ '--y .... ,/) f.;! . ~./ ,~::..t./4;"ldl_.~ ,~'/=.u.. p' .01#~ 13 t'Y!' 100c Cia 63~ 0 I gg f"l3~ o.f-l-I ..;.~gJ~91 1.(&1 l'.JJ A~c.':HfNrI811..j" " ,'"r, .., , "'dhH_""&40.~...u;/-'''l I. A.~--.;_ ,1 t - I'} j" , l.-~6-<...-...... I 1 1...4'4......._,,~ """i-"'~_ ./1 ,- J 0'1"" r ~'Uu<. ,.I..wl. U"-"ru. ~.....~d,~ 7'.......1 - .,.;./ ..' , 0----t~~"J 7'~.,....... ;; f; 'I , Li:~, ~1 dt'-} ..".........,;... ,.(),,--i..,.--, ,rf;.lld..;. d /1 l......J ,)' /}. /~"::-#:-c"-G '"'7--<<-,.J.. j ,'I I "1 .I.....1-".:<1-(.,.:-.s~ . 7.,t.c...,.i. 4-L "J ('1,--,,-1/, i!~ -J.-j .:J oj, ~ A 7'>' '1 'jy ~?6v"'V 7';ot? "Ii-i['i! ,,3$ I .,H 9 01 fJ JJ{, n~ ~ii '1:11--0 ~1 Y+ 'Y+"o ''I t. 'ki"' ,;0 aDmllll. ..tn.__ E"/P"" . fT" ('IF .~:r. ,0. r,-.. . "'li..L .~ '. ..~ '. ~~J~~-.-L%5-' - /' /, L "" . /',./ -.p:.~"'~~-k--t'_ / '/ ---'" ---"'---=-.A J Y,' ! i .~~_-:. '-"::.l.re:.J.."tl. ror tile "eU' enti. June 30, 1956, D~ .. tollow.: c..e 58 ~.'--fF---~:"'-..- -. ---- - . . . ---- -----..----- .- V MIlS. JAHII B. KcllhL, County Treasurer, this daT sublll11;tecl to the Board - . . Ii her del1nqueJl1;. real ea10ate liat ~or the year 1955. aacl her deliJlquent peraonal i' property list tor the year 1955, on motion, duly seconded and carried, said lists are receiyed and ordered ~iled. , , '. I V i' II RE: ADDI'l'IOIS TO THE .SICORDARY SYSDM - ROAlIOD COUI'1'Y: Letter da'ted August 8, 1956, addressed to the Board of Superrisors ot Roanoke County, Sal_. VirglYl111, trOlll F. A. Davis, Deputy eo-1asioner, . . Depar1;Mnt of Highways, Richllond 19, Va., approving additioDB to the Secondary Bystea, Roanoke County, effectlye July I, 1956, to-wit: Additlons Resolution IdlewUd Park SUbdiT. - V1J1fard Ave. - From end of present it. 6-18-56 1017 to 0.09 Mi. I. E. to a dead end. . LeDgth 0.09 Mile Daris St. - ProII it. 1002 to dead end. 6-18-56 Length 0.05 Mile 'II I. I i i r 5-16-55 Castle Hille SubdiT. - Pilot Blvd. - FraIl it. 1611 to 0.17 Mi. S. W. Length 0.17 Mile Castle Hills SubdiT. Castle Hill St. - Fro. it. 1612 to 0.05 Mi. S. E. LeDgth 0.05 Mile Koc8aw Hts. SubdiT. - Camille ATe. - Fro. end Pres. Rt. lI,.66 to O.lg Mi. W. Length O.lg Mile JIoouw Hts. Subd. - Clovis St. - From end Pres. Rt. lI,.65 to 0.06 Mi. I. LeDgth 0.06 Mile Miller Court Subel. - Portland ATe. - Froa Rt. g29 to 0.25 Mi. S. w. 5-21-56 (D. E.) LeDgth 0.2,5 Mile , i V I: I. I' , ~ I: 5-16-55 5-21-56 I ~ Ii I' ~ .1,: i' , 5-21-56 i, fI i' r NUler Court SubdiT. - B en St. - Froll Portland St. to 0.15 JU; .No. 5-21-56 W. (D. E.) Leng1;h 0.15 Mile lI111er Court Subdiv. - Thelma St. - From Portland St. to 0.15 Mi. 5-21-56 H. W. (D. E.) LeDgth 0.15 1I11e Grandview Gardens Subd. - Givens Ave. - From Rt. 1105 to Rt. 1107 5-21-56 LeDgth 0.12 1I11e ,. v I ,! i .... , '; II fI 5-21-56 Andrew Lewis Place - Evelyn Drlve - From Rt. 1106 N. to dead end LeDgth 0.06 lllile ., Park Place Subel. - Turner St. - From end Pres. it. 892 to end pres. it. 891 Length 0.02 Mile ... Lee Mitchell Subd. - Fort Lewis Blyd. - From end pres. Rt. 855 to ! 0.15 Mi. lie West Length 0.15 Mile I: it 5-21-56 5-21-56 ...... Lee Mitchell Subd. - Medford Rd. - From Fort Lewis Blvd. (Ext. ot it.5-2l-56 t 855) to 0.20 111. N. E. LeDgth 0.20 Mile '" Lee Mitchell Subel. - Litchell Rd. ",From Medford Rd. to 0.25 Mi. S. 1.5-21-56 Length 0.25 Mile ..... Lee II1tchell Subd. - II1tchell Rd. - From Rt. 855 to 0.06 Mi. N. E. 5-21-56 LeDgth 0.06 Mile 0- Westchester Bubd. - lIorwood St. - Froll Aberdeen A..... to Westchester 5-16-55 Ave. Length 0.08 Mile ... Westchester Bubd. - Belford St. - FrOll Westchester Ave. to dead end.5-16-55 LeDgth 0.20 Mile " Westcbea'ter Subd. - Clsi1'IIont St. - From Rt. 683 to dead end. Length 0.10 Mile 6-30-55 "----:;T I I i I' Ii I, ,. :: I ~ " :1 I " Ii i, 1: " i'! Ii I Ii r I. -' i II r I I J .., I - J . o r1..... j " .;" Weste~ester Subd. - Westcheeter Aft. - From Belford St. to Chesterton St. LeDgth 0.06 Mile I V Wttstchester Subd. - Horwood St. - From Westchester Ave. to W. to D. E. Length 0.15 Mile -I Westchester Subd. end. Length 0.09 Mile - Chesterton St. - From Westchester Aft. to E. to dead " , v i ( Westchester Subd. end. Length 0.19 Mile Westchester Subd. - Westchester Ave. - From it. 683 to Belford St. Length 0.24 Mile W1nd1q Wq Road - FrOll Rt. 681 to Rt. 720 to WCL Roano.. Length 1.00 Mile Dogwood Lane - Fraa W1Dding Way Road to dead end. Length 0.15 Mile - Chesterton St. - FrOlll Westchester Ave. to W. to dead ~ ! tv , i; , ~ Forest Road - From Wi '-ld11lg Way Road to dead end. Length 0.20 Mile Deep Dell Subd. - Buru Rd. - FrQIII end pres. Rt. 897 to 0.09 Mi. E. Length 0.09 Mile . . City View Hts. Subel. - Boliers Road - ham at. 119 to dead end. Length 0.26 Mile _ Airview Court Subd. - Wallllann Rd. - From Rt. 686 to /lead end. Length 0.15 Mile it , , i. i-' I I>' ~ . Forest La_ hllex Subd. - Chamberlain Lane - From end of pres. it. 1468 to- it. 1461 '. Length 0.35 Mile !rcIIIore Subd. - ArdiIore Drive - FrOlll Rt. 1816 to dead end. LeDgth 0.36 Mile i: I! ,. '" 11 Ii - 1r,' !rcIIIore Subd. - Crutchfield St. - FrOlll Ardmore Dr. to dead end. II . Length 0.08 Mile , :- i' ,: , H Ii' " " ., Ardaore Subd. - Ketfield St. From Ardmore Dr. to dead end. Length 0.10 Mile Borth Borwood Subd. - Meadowbrook Rd. - From end pres. it. 1470 to Ilva Rd. Length 0.20 Mile Borth lorllOod Subd. - Laura Rd. - FrOlll End pres. it. lI,.7l to Elva Rd. Length 0.15 Mile " ,! " I ~ , " CasUe Billa Subd. - Goodview Ave. - Froll Rt. 682 to 0.14 iii. H. E. [ (D. E.). '! Length 0.14 Mile , 11 )leadew Lane - From it. 668 to it. 776 1eDgth 0.19 Mile was received IUld ordered filed. [ 6-30-Si5 , " 6-30-~ 6-18-~ " !' 6-l8-~ !: Ii 1: . S-l6-S~ i: 6-30-5' II il 7-5-56:; i: 'I 7-S-S61 ; " 7-5-5611 Ii S-21-S' " II I 7-5-S6 i I 7-S-56II Ii 7-S-56 ! 7-S-56 7-s-s6\1 7-s-s611 Ii Ii 7-5-56 II Ii 7-S-56 I: 7-5-5611 I i 7-5-S6 ! 7-5-56 Ii Ii 7-5-56 I! 7-5-56 ! I , I 6-S-56 I: Ii Ii 3-19-56 Ii /' ~~~: ~ ~'("r t; (l.... t:__ . i ~~, 5.,. 1/..--- Q-- 'i~ ~ J!>' i' 60 _"_ _ ___....._ '_0'._._....._ _________...,',H_' _.' __ _ _. __....'. - .-------.--..-.---.---------- _._- -'----- .__ .. - __. 'U. _ _.._...___._.__..,..__........._ -------- -----..--.--. ____no ____ __.__ _____ .._.,_ _____.._.____._ __...,_.~.--- n._.__ _.______~__.__ ._" .. -0' _ _ . .0_ _n_ . ._ .~-- .0.. 0.._ . - .--. .0' .-- .--~_~- - 00. -~.~~--~--.F I ! ., IX BE: Vacation of Streets or Roads naaed WedgellOod Road and 'Jimberlane Avenue,' situated in the Cave Spring Magisterial District in the subdirision . know as Section 1, Greenwood Forest RESOLUTION AID ORDER This day calle A. T. Loyd, 'Attorney for Carl A. Montg01lery and Naomi I , . GreelllfOod JIontgoaery, husband and wife, am each in their 01fJ1 righ" respecti...ly, owners of certain real estate situated in the CoUIlty of Roanoke, Virginia, known as Lot 1, Block 1, according to the Map of Section 1, . GreellWOod Forest, prepared by Dand Dick, State Cert1tied Bngineer and Land - - .. Sur,..yor, dated October 1, 1954, which plat of said subdirision shows Lot 1, Block 1, according to the Map of Section 1, GreellWOod Forest all being a corll8r lot facing on WedgellOod Road, State Secondary Route 1623, and TiIlberlane A,..nua, State SeCondary Route 1624, with a curT8d line at the intersection of said streets or State Routes, the said streets being SO ft. in width except at the intersection thereof, but which said. intersection is 1I0re than SO ft. in wi dth as indicated on the plat aforesaid; And the said A. T. Loyd, Attomey for said. parties, adrill8. th18 Board that according to the petition filed by. Carl A. MoDtgcllery and ..om. Greenwood JIontgoaery, the, desire to have a aaall segment at the point of intersection of the aforesaid two roads vacate d and the width of the said two roads at the i point of intersection be established as SO ft. as shown by plat filed with their ii Ii petition, ,,"d that the posting of notice, alld the publication in the. newspaper Ii of the notice of this public hearing have. all been had in accordance with' II Section 33-76.8 of the Code of Virginia and that 110 public necessity exists for the continuance of that segment of road at the intersection \.: Wedgewood Road, State Secondary Route 1623, and T1IIIberlane A,..nue, State SeeD ndary Route 1624, as a pIlblic road and that the public would be served best by abandoning the said section or seglent of reed as aforesaid as a pIlblic road,and the said Carl A. JIontgOll8ry and Naom. Greenwood Montgomery ha,.. executed a vacation inatrmlent agreeing to the abandoDlllent of said segment of said roads or streets. Upon evidencedpresentedand heard orally. by this Board, the Board being l' of the opinion that the vacation of a segaent of Wedgewood Road, State Secondary , Bonte 1623, and Tillberlane benne, State Sacondary 1624, as shown and described on the plat and in the petition filed in this matter lIOuld not and ckles not interfere with the public use of said roads, and the welfare of the public would. be served best by abandoning the aforesaid section or segaent of said roads at their intersection as aforesaid, and that the said seglllent proposed to be abandoned has Dever been opened or uaed by the public and is only a paper road or! I i ii Ii II Ii , , i, I Ii " I I I street. BOW, THEREFORB, upon consideration of all of which, it is hereby llBSOLVED AID aUIBRED by this Board that this Board does hereby appro,.. and 1'acate that portion of WedgellOod Road, State Secondary Route 1623, and Tillberlane Avenue, State Secondary Route 1624, as shown upon a plat prepared by Da1'1d Dick, State . . Cert1tied Engineer and Land Surveyor, dated October 31, 1955, as requened by the: aforesaid parties and as set forth in said vacation instrUlllent this day presented t:l this Board tor examination and execution ss aforesaid. 11 i II i " , r-, :! , , , , I ' ~ :1 :1 '] ri I-.J ~ o Q 61 AND BB IT FUR'lllER RESOLVED that this Board aDd the Chail'llllU1 of this Board r I and the Clerk of this Board and each member of this Board be and they are hereby authorised and requested to execute said vacation instrument pre seated to this Board for its cOIISiderat10n as &foreseid whereby' the said parties _ntioll8d aboye do vacate that portion of Wedgewood Road, Stata Secondary Routa 1623. and 'lillberlane beaue, State Secondary R<Dute 1624. lIhich said Vacation Instr_nt and this Resolution aDd Order are e,lltered into and adopted pursuant to Section 33-76.8 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 aad aaendllente to date. '!'his Resolution was adopted. under IIIOtion ,Gt Super1'i.sor Edwin G. Terrell. and seconded by Super'visor Minor R. Keffer, and on a record vote the Super1'i.sors voted as f'ollows: Ayes: SuperY1aors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. letter, W. B. CUDditf and Bdw1n G. Terrell. . laye: lone .- ii 'i '/ .! WBBBEAS. the property 01l11ere on an unnaae,d road which is des1gnated by the State De~t ot Highways as State Secondarl Route 601 trom U. S. Route 11 I';~t" (Lee Highway) south to State Secondary Route 62). did request this Board to I ~ .~.... _ ~ part of said Ho\1te 61ll. trom Route 11 (:Lee Highway) south to Aster Street :s~~ I as Sumrybrook Spr.l.ngs Road; and I 911 -t I ~('.I 4.. 1fII1lIlRlS. Pursuant to Section 15-777-1 of the Code of Virginia as aMnded,: ~ I the Goftl'niDg body of aJl1 county is ailthotiDd. and by resolution duly a~d ! MY _estreets. roadf,aDd alleys therein out;side the corporate liII1ts of I; I town8. except those prilllary highways conf01'lli1l,!!; to Section 33-12 ot tha Code ot Ii II I Ii Ii :, '[ I, , ji Ii I, .1 :i r Virginia. 101I. '1'JIRIlRlPl RI. BE IT RESOLVED that the U:l1Il8IIIeG. road heretotore described be and is hereby offiCially _d aDd desigDatd as S11IlDybrook Springs Road. Adopted by the follo1f1JIC recorded vote: Ayes; H. Clark Nays: Super1'i.sors W. E. Cundiff, E. G. T'Brrell, Minor R. None II 'I i! Ketfer and Roland Ii I . ,! r OD JIOtion ot SupeM'isor Minor R. Keffer. IJ8conded by Supenisor W. E. I \ Cundiff, it is ordered that the CoDDOnwealth'S Attorney of Roanoke County, and the County Executi'\'8 Officer be empowered to dlrawa contract bet ween the County of Roanoke and Dr. A. J. Russo, concern:Lng proposed road leading trom the North side of U. S. Route III in a norther:Ly direction to the property of the Westward Lake Estates, said contract to be in cOnf01'llity with a letter dated Augwst 13, 1956. addressed to Paul MatthltWS, Executi'\'8 Officer. Roanoke County, frCIII Dr. A. J. Russo, in which tiesa1d Dr. A. J. Russo agrees that he will execute a:: ind8lllDifying bond in the S1lll1 oj~ Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00), and will assign as further security for the faithful pert01'lU.nce ot his offer to build and cOllplate. the said rOlld, a lire 111Surance policy in the SUIII of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00)" said letter having beenflled by the Board of Supervisors of. Roanoke County a t its August Meeting. 1956. !~U,... i.. -r. Co .'4~ iCQH-W i~~i'"' , l 62 _u_~~_uc_. r , I: s~ i ~"l?.. ; .~! i1 ..,.ito&"~~, _('"jJ'fo ct~. i I, !: ii I' I' " I: t 11 cat~i' c..~~...,- . i,' ct.t. ;:- . [ ~ -i! . riM I! ""f~i. :' ...-- ._~".'--'- - .-------- ,. ---- .....-- r--.' . Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SupervillOrs JU.nor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff, Roland B. Clark and Bdwin G. Terrell Hays: lone Iv I On aotion, duly seconder. and carried it is requested that the H1ghway Departaent consider the following routes as the next Secondary Federal Aid . . Projects to be constructed in Roanoke Coun'ty, listed in order of prefereDCe: 1. Route 7f:AJ troll Route 11 near Salea to Route 639, Length 0.28 Mi. 2. RoU1oe 612 frOll Route 61,.6 to Route 639, Length 1.20 Mi~ Br1clge CTer Roanolre- RiTer and Approaclles. 3. Route 636 ~ Corp. Limits of SaleJll to Route 639, Length 0.88111. Briclge oYer Ro,.v.lrA RiTer and Approaches. . It. RoU1oe 613 tr<lm Route 615 near Starkey to Route 688, Length 0.90 Mi. Briclge over Back Creek and Approaches. . It :1s also requested that these routes be lllade a part of tbe Federal Aid Syatea. Adopted by the f'ollowing recoreled vote: Ayes: 'SupervisoN Roland H. Clark, W. B. CuM1ff, JUnor R. larter ud Bdwin G. :rerrell. Baya: lone I ;: , , " ,. :' " I, !i [ !' II B: CHAlGIIG 'lIIB lWIES OF CnTAII VO'l'IIG ) PRBCUCTS. AID CJLlJIGIllG. TBB LOCATIO! } OF 'lIIB VOTIJiG PLACE-Ill GlDfAa PRBCIICT) WRRllli,s', the Blect~ral Board of Rouoke County consisting or J.R. i, r: II I " II I " I( Ii , ;1 II !: Ii " ;1 " I' ,I 'I Ii 11 RBSOL1J'lIOIl AND ORDER . .' . Goodwin, Jr., Chail'llWl, A. D. Goodwin, Secretarr, and Miller B. Petty, have reco~ed to the Board of' Supervisors that the pt"esent 'VOting place in Glen-var Precinct be cbaDgecl fro. Rettinger's Store to Cain's Store in order to , . diI11l11sh the danger of injury or death to persons 'VOting in such precinct because of the hazardous nature of the traffic conditions on U. S. Route No. 11,:, , i: I j' " , w... of' S.., ..; ancl ,I WBlUIBAS. the said Blectoral Board has likewise reco_neled that the DaII8 or; .BddlDgton Shop., Precinct in Big Lick Magisterial District be chllJlged to "Mount j: Pleasu1O"; that the DalII8 of "Reese's Store. Precinct in Catawba Jlsgisterial I:. i: . - Dis1;r1ct be changed to "Mason's Valley-; and that the naae "Brand's Store" I . . .. preciDCt in Caana Magisterial District be changed to .Caawba,. all of' which change in JllIIH are designed and intended to more accurately and readily identifyii , ji the preciDCts bearing nch lUIIIIes; and WHR1l1US, said Electoral Board has requested the joard of' Supervisors of lloa"Olrot C~ to, after first posting due and proper notice of' such proposed changes, petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke Coun'ty to enter an appropriate Order llaking nch changes; and WA2RIUS, the Board of' Supervisors are of' the opinion tbat the recommendatiolU' of the Blec1;oral Board of Roanoke County regarding the proposed changes set out abaft are in the best interests of' the citizena of Roanoke County and should ud, ought to be aade as aforelUd; I l ,....... Ii j rj I - Ii 0 il :1 } ,I ! I 1I , , - , 0 if 101, THDBlOU, Be It Resolved that the Clerk ot ~hi. Board be, and he is . . . hereby directed to torthwith pos~ a certified copy of this Resolution at the from door ot the Court House of this County, am that the Clerk del1ver to the Sheritt of Roanoke Goun1;y certified copies of this. Resolution to be posUd by said Sheritt at each ot the V01.1ag places or precinc~s atfected by the above changes, and eaid Sherift is ordered to Jl8ke ,his return showiDg said posting to the Clerk of this Board. And the C~nweal~h's Attorney of Roanoke County . . is hereby inatructed to, af"tersuch notice has been du:q pos~ed tor 'l'hirty (30) days as hereinbefore provided tor, in accordance with Chapter S ot 'Utle 24 of the 1950 Code ot Virginia, as amended, file on behalf' of ~he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County a petition requesting the Circuit Court ot Roanoke County to enter an order maldng the changes hereinbefore set torth. : i' The above Resolu~ion was adopted onlllOtion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark of II , Salell Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Ketfer of . Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: i' I' :1 :! I: Ii r " , Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Edwin G. Terrell. Jfa15 : Bone Clark, Minor R. Keffer, W. B. Cundiff and Mrs. Julia Gwin Ault, representative of the VIRGIJIIA RECORD, ~his day" . . appeared before the Board, and requested that the Board place an advertisement in the Virgill1a Record in cODllection with issue on Roanoke, in October, sue being a preview of, and a prelude to, the Star Ci1;y's Diaaond Jubilee in 1957; Upon consideration whereof, on llIOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Kefter, seconded by Supervisor Bdwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that an advertisement of one-half' page be taken in said publication of said issue at a price of one hundred dollars ($100.00). i I i: 'I C........." ca~ion trom Virginia Record ordered filed. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer. Edwin G. Terrell, W. B. C1Ulditf and Roland H. Clark Hays: Ifone 'l'be following communications were received and ordered tiled: UlI1ted Sta~es ot _rica Federal Power Commission, in the utter of Appalachian Blectric Power CoapaZll', Project Ho. 2210, dated August 14, 1956, tor prelill!inary perait tor proposed water power to be located on Roanoke River (SOMtilleS called S~aunton River) in the region ot Roanoke, Rocky Mount, Moneta, II Uta Vista and Gretlla, and in Bedford. Pittsylvania, ~ankl1n, and Roanoke Ii Counties, Virginia, aftecting navigable waters of the Uni~ed States. I: Copy of resolution Council City of Roanoke, Va., deted the 13th day of Ii August, 1956, in re: Rending contract of October 16, 19S3. between the City of Roanoke and the Town ot Salem dealing w1~h the treatment ot domestic and c_rcial wastes. Copy of letter dated August 16, 1956, addressed to William J. Paxton, Jr., Town Clerk, Salem, Virgill1a, trom J. Robert ThoIIIas, Ci1;y Clerk. 11 i ! I: II I: I i~~'. I~. , '~0 : 1~is'~ I:' Ii Ii I I, I: , I: " ii i: I I I, Ii I, ""f-,;;----.,.,';.- . ,I F. lfelson Swink, Jr., MaluDal Control Supervisor, Collllll1ssion of Game and Inland Fisheries of Vi~ginia, this day appeared before. the Board and urged the Board to sponsor a program for rabies control of foxes, in Roanoke ~ounty, and anggested that bounties for all foxed killed, for a stated period of time. No action was taken on said program at this time. I It' Mrs. Paul Williams and Mrs. Lois Lewis, representativies of the Salem Junior Woman's Club were present at the meeting. "I ffutt .c...~J r " Co. .Q~i Y("'1~'~ : ,; On IIOtion, duly seconded, it is ordered that EOOEIiE S. HOIllAKER be paid 'l'hirty Dollars (.30.00) per month, effectiYe August 1, 1956, frOlll the General . ". - County Fund to defray his expenses for serving as Special County Police in the lorth-ll Area of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer. Edlfin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Roland H. Clark lITays: lone fc. " ii Ii :i !! ORDBRED !HAf the Board be adjourned until the 6th day of Sept8lllber, 1956, I I. ~t(:.~/fI I at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Cha1rllan , , ~ ~ Courthouse Sale, Virginia Septeaber 6, 1956 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County DIet this day at the Courthouse pursnant to adjourlllllent on August 20, 1956. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark. Absent: Minor R. Keffer W!mRRll; it is de8llled necessary by this Board to acquire a perpetual easement I- twDty (20) feet in width, tor public sanitary sewer through Lot 27, Block 1,., Section 2, as shown on the Map of Orchard Heights, which property is owned by Mary Bohon, and which necessary easement is 20 feet in width and the center line. thereof is described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of Lot 27, Block 4, Section 2, Orchard Heights, which point is N. 170 23' W. from the south- easterly corner of said lot, and thence running through said lot on a bearing of S. 730 31' W. 190 feet, Dlore or less, to the easterly side of Diamond Road; I ...:, I and, WHEREAS it is the opinion of this Board that the sum of Fifty Dollars (.50.00) would be a fair price for the easement taken and damage, if any, to the resicue of the property of Mary Bohon: ,... I , ~---4 -! <-.J . .. ~ i -' Ii U o ~ " " " II I' " ,I ,. . BE IT RESOLVED, THAT James Beavers, as ageni< for i<his Board, shall be and I is hereby authoriz~d ~. directed to offer i<he said Mary Bohon: the 81:11II of I, . 1 Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the at"oresaid perpetual eas_eni<, and if she declines II 1;0 accept i<he sllllle and execute a deed for said easement, then Furman Whitescar~r shall be and is hereby 8IIIployed as attorney for this Board and is authorized an4 directed to forthwith proceed to acquire said easement ~ condsEDation. It is ordered that a certified copy of this Resolution be forwarded to said Mary Bohon. Adopted by the followiug recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None r f- v- I III BE: I, I' " REZOnE OF 9.945 ACRES PROPERTY BELCEIlIG '1'0 WILEY E. JACKSON, SITUATE III SALEII MAGIS,RRTAT. DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUB'fY VIRGIlIA, ON THE WEST LINE OF ,gg CATAWBA BIWiCH OF THE NORFOLK &: . 1IBS"1'ERII RATT.ROAD. NORTH OF SLEMP STREET ORDER :i 'I II 1/ I I :1 :\ ;! This day came Wiley E. Jackson, by Counsel, aDd reQuested leave 1;0 file his petii<ion regardiug the rezoniug of certain property described in said pet1i<1on. ROlf, 'l'BBREll'OBE, BE IT RESOLVED AllD CRDERED that at this adjourned l18eting I of the Bo$1'd of -SUpervisors of Roa~ke . County , Virginia, held this 6th day of Ii ,. . Septeaber, 1956, the said petition be and the sSllle is hereby filed. ' I; BE IT FUR'l'BER RESOLVED AllD ORDERED that the proposal to .end the Ii Zoniug Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be and the saDIe hereby is referred to the Planning COIIIIIIission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a rec~endat1on, in accordance nth the provisions of the Code of Virginia. ,: BE IT ~'1'BER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Comm1ssion Ii , , , I , il " II " II - . shall report its reco_ndatioDS to the Clerk of this Bo&rd, as required by said Code of Virginia, upon receipt of eame said Clerk shall forthwith set same for a public hearing at the next regular lIeetiug of this Board, and that notice thereof shall be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy of this . .' Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to I: Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planniug Commission of Roanoke County, I' Virginia. I, I; The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Roland 1.. Clark, and seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, and on a recorded vote the '! Supervisors voted as follows: ' Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None 65 ~ Ii the ii I I i, " I :1 'i t i , Ii " I ~. rJ;;;;. ...L.t li~ F' cW. r. .;~~ .kc, 1:(?1",- I" . 0'....1 ~. . l _ __ 1 """........ I, "! -, - ~-, II 66 --------"..-.. - ._-~--_.._._- ~-- . __ ... ..__. pm__ n_ __ ._. ._ __ . _ .. _._. -- '._- ---------- -"---'._-~-_._.'--- ---""T ~7'.~ 'O,--.~.----- . -----..---------- _..~--_.._-_._- --... . -- .-.."r- I' ~ On motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, and Supervisor Roland H. Clark be appointed a collllll1ttee to represent this Board, to.. study and make recOIIIIIIendationa to the next meetiq: of this Board on sewer project west or Sa18lll, to serve property owned by Jackson Hills . Corporation. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark Hays: Bone I I ORIlA'RED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in Sept8lllber, 1956. ?i{;,,-Jt Chai_ I: , " I " " ji i,1 Court House I~ Salem, Virginia September 17, 1956 I. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House il I, thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G.II Ii.!. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. , Before the meeting was called to order by the Chairman, the Reverend Frederick Griffith, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, Virginia, I: I I I' ,I I ~ ;, (I r , :i V :: offered a prayer. . I' The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as [I :1 , spread, each m8lllber ot the Board having read the copy of ssid minutes Ii ,I furnished him by the Clerk. ii II " The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I; and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respect.i vely i! chargeable therewith, to-wit: :1 '! No. 23740 Blue Ridge Produce Co., food for prisoners $ 23.50 II 23741 Bemiss Equipment Corp. Parts for Garbage Truck lI,.6.69 II 23742 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware 1.04 II 2371,.3 Carl R. Brightwell, Work done at Sewer Station 29.40 II 23744 Bob Bryant, 66 Station, Gasoline and oil Cave Spring Fire Truck and Garbage truck 42.19 II 23745 Burroughs Corporation, 1 case adding machine paper 5.1,.5 II 23746 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 109.64 II 2371,.7 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigations 20.00 II 2371,.8 Roland H. Clark, Reimburse traveling expenses 317.69 .. 23749 w. B. Clements, Inc., repairs to Police Car #4 3.00 . 23750 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Inc., August Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 . 23751 C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for County offices 3S7.02 . 23752 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 3.50 It 23753 Cancelled I I J i Ii 'I !! :i " ! .- I , i .- II i' 1 I , - " " Ii I. 'I il it 'I !1 I, II I, " 'I I " I' II I ;\ !, 'I " " II " ii' 1 11 :1 ;. II II 11 il II i: :! Ii '- " i; ,. ., I , i " !) I' o :1 Ii 'I " o 23754 City Treasurer, Room &: Board for children detained at the Roanoke City Detention home 23755 . Double Envelope Corp. Envelopes for Commissioner and Public Works 23756 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing Roof and Guttering on County Jail &: Courthouse 23759 Elkins Shell Service Station, wash jobs on Police Cars &: labor 23760 Paul Eller, 12 jobs inspected and Illileage 23761 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 23762 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes 23763 G. C. Foley, August Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 23764 Fairview Home, County's pro-rate share of expense in maintaining home 23765 Fulton White Truck Company, Repairs to Police cars 23766 Green Market, Food for prisoners 23767 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., 1 Case light tubes for Jail 23768 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, August Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 23769 Hinchee &: Hinchee, Gasoline purchased for Garbage truck 23770 International Business Machine Corp., Maintenance agree- ment on 2 Electric typewriters &: ribbons 23771 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local hospital bills Keller Machine Co., repair and parts for Garbage truck 2.40 Malcolm Bluepring &: Supply Co., maps for Clerk's Office for use of the-public 1,21,.1.30 23774 Mercy House, Inc., County's appropriation to Mercy HOUS3 600.00 No. II . . 23757 . 23758 . " . . . . . . II II II II . . 23772 23773 II . II Delta Electric Co., installing new siren on Clearbrook Fire Station Doc's Service Station, Gasoline &: Oil for Police Car . #6 . 66.00 50.99 161.00 128.34 2.95 i I: 21.00 19.29 18.42 S5.72 60.00 135.70 13.75 40.84 15.48 60.00 3.39 63.50 256.00 23775 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Startup flow meter Mason's Creek Interceptor 28.75 . 23776 23777 . " 23778 23779 23780 23781 23782 23783 23781,. 23785 23786 23787 23788 23789 23790 . . . . . " II . . II II . Monarch Finer Foods, food for prisoners Mount Vernon 66 Station, Gasoline & Oil purchased for Cave Spring Fire Truck and Garbage truck Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, reimburse County Treasurer N &: W Railway Company, installation of Sewer line NuWay Laundry &: Dry Cleaners, laundry prisoners Nelson Hardware Co., Equipment for Building Owen Plumbing & Heating, Plumbing work on Mason's Creek G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine , Powell~s Pharmacy, office supplies Cancelled Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service Roanoke County Re101ving Fund, Advance traveling expense &:c Radio COllllllunications Co., Radio Maintenance Rainbo Bread Co., fOodfor' prisoners 21.31 46.65 44.85 1.00 35.60 3.33 281.37 1,..49 22.80 3.10 3.00 51.80 22.50 1,.6.12 r i I' ., I I I II I I ,. " , Ii I' II I: I, I: r I i i " I' II i i' !I I! I: f ,. " i, I' i: !: I; I I, i, 68 __n__.^ .U.._ ..__._ _.. _. . _ _ --_.._~- - _.__._----._--~.__..- . - -----~-_._._---_.- ==r - .---=------~"~. ------- , ! -OUT- No. 23791 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for County Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen . 15.00 1.75 lI,..07 35.77 . 23792 23793 23794 23795 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Repairs Hollins Fire Truck Salem Creamery Co., food for prisoners . " Edward F. Staples, Traveling eJP ense for Probation officer I Stull Refrigerator Sales &: Service, Repairs to Jail Refrigerator Summerdean Esso Station, Gasoline and Oil State Forester of Virginia, County's pro-rata share of expense in controlling forest fires in Virginia Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician salary, coroner investi- gations, examinations driving drunk Salem Hardware Co., Utensils f~r Jail G. A. Scruggs, P. M. Reimburse Postage in General Stores Town of Salem, Lights and Water service and sewage treat- ment cost 23802 Times-Register Co., office supplies &:c 23803 Virginia Foods, Inc., food for prisoners and cleaning supplies . 8.75 79.62 ; i " " 23796 23797 II . l50.eo I 23798 II i 80.00 I' 9 85 i . I! 87.00 i' I: " , II 23799 23eOO 23801 . II 430.64 II 125.35 II 135.94 I I' i: " 23804 II State Health Department, County's Pro-rate share of expense for support of Health Department Vinton Hardware Co., invoice 9235 Valleydale Packers, Inc., food for prisoners Vinton Motor Co., Repair and Parts for Gar/lage truck H. M. Wood, Repairing Plumbing in County Jail Williams Auto Alignment, Parts for Police Car C. W. Warthen Co., Receipt books &: Deed Books 'iestview Poultry Farm, food for prisoners Cancelled Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies and book binding Chas. E. Baker, fire equipment Burrell Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital bills City of Roanoke,Sewage Treatment for General Electric 5,400.00 25.95 90.88 39.70 8.00 4.00 381,..50 51.73 Ii , 1 23805 23806 23SC7 23808 23809 23Sl0 23811 23812 23820 23821 23822 23823 23821,. 23825 23826 II II .- II I j: II I II . . . II " 3.07 127.20 53.71 527.18 Line 123.54 . . . . II Dr. Esther Clark Brown, Lunacy hearing C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Nt. Pleasant Eire Station 10.00 " 23.00 I 23S27 II County School Board of Roanoke Co., August expenses in maintaining County owned vehicles 915.87 23828 DeWitt Supplj' Cc>.. janitor supplies', 23829 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Police car 23830 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-local hospital bills 23831 Haloid Company, Duplex paper 23832 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State Local Hospital bills 23833 Holdrens Refrigerator Sales &: Service, Repairs to Jail Refrigerator II 49.00 4.59 144.00 598.20 320.00 " . I . . . 3.00 23831,. Cancelled 23835 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local hospital bills 23836 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House 23837 Nelson Hardware Company, light bulbs If . 1,232.00 17.20 18.93 If " 69 h- il I' I 23S38 'I No. I. II 23839 .. iI II 23840 , 'i II 23841 J :: .1 " 23842 ;: . 23845 11 I, $ 325.50! I, 21.60 I, I 2,185.24 Ii lI,..22 I 32.00 2,059.87 I' " , , 'i I ,...., Ii . 1 cJ !: :1 i, !: :1 " t !i ! " " r I. , i: ,I ,I i , " ., - o o " Carnell Moore, Covering Garbage d=p Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local hospital bills Southern Machinery It Supply Co., Road signs Cordy Maxey, 16 hours, Garbage collection Gittens &: Morton, Liability, fire &: theft insurance on County owned vehicles 23846 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, aid to dependent children &:c (1 217.00 II I, I :1 I' IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: The following claims agsinst the County were this day presented, approved" I: , ! and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Beach Bros. Servicenter tire repair dog truck $ 1.501 No. 23Sl3 " 23814- . 23815 . 23816 " 23817 . 23818 " 23819 " 23843 " 2381,.4 Summerdean Esso Station, gasoline purchased for dog warden's truck C &: P Telephone Co., telephone service for dog warden Nelson Hardware Co., wearing apparel Powell's Pharmacy, Medical supplies Radio Communications Co., August Radio !/'18intenance Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food, ammunition County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of Dog truck Gittens &: Morton, Liability, fire &: Theft insurance 3. , 23.461 , 59.60 Ii 83.39 Ii Ii ,I Ii " , I , IV The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, Roanoke County, salaries, expense accounts for the month of September, 1956, and also those of J. L. RICHARDSON, Jr., Commissioner of Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney, and H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, will be paid as of September 30, 1956. .(!), 1O~ (.11 \'2..J.~J~: ~_I8'_.s.-C. -, :1 :[ ,I " I ,r I: " I MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of rtoanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: "Salem, Virginia i September 17, 1956 [ II i :I I , " At the close of business September 15, 1956, there was to the credit of the i: ;! :1 'I General County Fund Library Fund Dog FUfld. Salem istrict Road Debt Fund County'School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account. $ 88,229.75 2,864.21 6,1,.35.97 761.25 l55,65S.90 51,050.30 4,168.58 l26.S8 , 309,295.84 Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report is approved and ordered filed. 70 !, I " I i I I . ~ (l) pi I '~l.st "(_'i,","' Ii /; ~ ~.~~i, ~~~~, I I I ; I: I I' I' LA....;. u r' -Fu_~ .CoIi1.. ~. . .-_. .-- __.____ _ _____,_,_______u_. , v IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal, County Treasurer, for $1080.53 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of August, 1956, less 5% commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1026.50 net. r Tne following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, SHERIFF, summary statement of prisoners days served in the County Jail during the month of August, 1956 H. W. CLARK,Sherii'f, office and travel expenses for the month of August, 1956 EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for August, 1956 AUBREY R. SLAYTON, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for August, 1956. H. W. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the report of Part-time Deputy Frank A. Rogers, for the month of August, 1956, amounting to $15.00 which report is approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as provided by law. r I, On motion, duly secolied, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of September, 1956, be approved in the amount of $6,577.31,., from which the sum of $96.1,.1, total F. I. C. A. Tax, and total W. H. Tax amounting to ~ . $523.70, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $5,957.23. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for RefUse Collection and Janitor Services for the period of August 16, 1956, through August 31, 1956, be approved in the amount of $1592.41, from which the sum of $31.84 total F. I. C. A. Tax, and total W. H. Tax of $71.20, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1489.37. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None , / Report on Dog Pound for the month of July, 1956, from Mrs. Charles W. Thomas, President, Roanoke Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, received and ordered filed. T :1 I I ii '1 " " I I I 1: Ii Ii j! i II " II. i: i: II j: II I' ,I I Ii ,. i. , , i: , , Ii ! ;i i I' I I -if . I, ~ . , U ~ I.-.J ~ , i-J o o ': ~ , The following communications were received and ordered filed: Copy of resolution 12821, City of Roanoke, dated the 27th day of August, 1956, in re: amending contract of October l6, 1953, between the City of P.oanoke and the Town of Salem dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial. wastes, and copy of letter addressed to William J. Paxton, Jr., Town Clerk, Salem, Virginia, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk; Copy of resolution #12822, City of Roanoke, dated 27th day of August, 1951,., in re: amending contract of September 28, 1951,., oetween the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, and letter addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk". Dr. W. P. Jackson, Director Roanoke County Health Department, this day appeared before the Board, submitted the annual report of the accomplishments of Roanoke County Health Department for the year 1955-56, and made a short talk as to the work and activities of said Health Department. i' :1 ;1 .. I ij Ii i, ( " I' II II r il I il I " II II Letter dated September 1, 1956, from George W. Dean, State Forester, Virginia Division of Forestry, submitting a summary of fiscal matters, expended under Section 10-46 of the Code, between Roanoke County and the Virginia Division of Forestry for the fiscal year beginning JUly 1, 1955, and ending June 30, 1956, received and ordered filed. , , I I ~ If Ii II ii I' !I II I, " il i: " ,i ~ II il II " ,I II :! :i i :i '[ !! 'i 'I The State Compensation ~oard, having filed its statement of receipts and expenses for the year ended December 31, 1955, or the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, required by Section lI,.-158, Code of Virginia 1950, to be fUrnished Boards of Supervisors of Counties, with this Board, the same is ordered to be published, as required by law, once a week for two weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said statement ordered filed. Dr. Herman L. Horn, Division Superintendent of Schools of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and submitted the following excerpt of a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Roanoke County School Board, hel on September 11, 1956: liOn motion of Mrs. 'L.mas, seconded by Mr. Adkins, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, there will be an approximate increase of 1,000 in the enrollment in the schools of Roanoke County for the session 1956-57, and WHEREAS, the instructional budget was made on the basis of an anticipated increase in enrollment of 700, and WHEREAS, this incraase in enrollment will require the employment of five additional teachers, and WHEREAS, all operational costs will be increased as a result of the increased enrollment; " II I I: I , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County request the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for permission ani authorization for the use of $23,1,.02.15 for the employment of additional teachers and to provide for additional costs resulting from the increased enrollment. II '71 II II :: I ~ "j ,I I I' I , I I !~~f li~. I 'H'l ~s, I , I I i . I~~,p-, ! r.\l ~ .)~ ~) /1~1. 72 _._.__. ._.____~_._._ no_. __ _ _ . _" . . __ _ ----. ------ -~._._,. ----- --- .----- " I: I I: , 1 ~ ! i I i. i' ~ I; ctd.t~ I ol-l~~~1. ! I i ! I ~ : ! Ii II I Ii i " ! ____u.. __.. . --.,----,..---,.--,---- ----- ---_._--_._-_.__._----~..._-_. r ........ .. I ---..-- _._u.--. __.n. ..-----~-----r- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, hereby approves said request e.nd authorizes the County School Board of Roanoke County to use the sum of $23,402.15 for the employment of additional , teachers and to provide for additional costs resulting from the increased enrollment. Upon motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Aye'll: Supervisors Edwin G. TerreiLl, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Roland Jr.. Clark Nays: None I I I i Ii- ]I 1 i: il JAMES E. PETERS and others, this day appeared before the Board and urged th~ I' il Board to adopt an ordinance for trapping of foxes, and payment of bounties I' thereon, to prevent the spread of rabies among foxes and other animals in Ii Roanoke County, stating that Craig, Botetourt and Montgomery Counties had L " I, " r Ii I' ii Open consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a i: I, public hearing be held on Thursday, October 4, 1956, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., at Ii . il the Courthouse in the Court room of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Va., toli I' hear the views of interested citizens and to obtain such information as may be II I, i: " already adopted such an ordinance, and requested that the Board set a date for a public hearing on said matter; I helpfUl to the Board of Supervisors before taking any action on a petition requesting the passage of an ordinance for trapping of foxes, and payment of bounties thereon, in order to prevent the spreading of rabies among foxes and other animals in Roanoke County. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to publish notice of the time and place of said hearing in the Times-Register for two successive weeks before said date of hearing. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Vl. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Ii I' II U On motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell; it is ordered that a voucher-check for the sum of Nineteen Hundred Dollars ($1900.00) be issued to the City of Roanoke, on account, for sewage trea~ent service, payable out of sewage service funds. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and I I I; d " " I " ii) .' , ij J -, i '--4 :/ 11 " Ii " " I; i' il Ii :1 it r .' " I, Ii " " , i " Ii q :' !i I , , J I 1 I' ;[ " ': " II 'I " o 0 i 0:-- 'I ,i ~: I , , ;; ., I :i Ii il II or 'I II A letter dated September 1,., 1956, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Henry L. Saul, President of Fort Lewis Lions Club, in regard to request of said Club for two acres of land west of Salem for the purpose of erecting a building large enough for club activities and a fire truck, also reserving space for a life saving truck, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered thEtt Supervisor Roland H. Clark be appointed to investigate, said request and report to a future meeting of this Board such recommendation as he may see Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Roland H. Clark. Nays: None , II fit. I; I' Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and Letter dated September 11, 1956, Officer, Board of Supervisors Roanoke i ,I I' addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive II ii ,. County, from W. H. Daughtrey, Associate Director, Co-operative Extension Work, in Agriculture and Home Economics, Extension Service, in re: closing of County Extension offices on Saturdays, received and ordered filed. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third ..... in October, 1956' / Chairman " I 'I :i Ii " r , Court Bollse Salea, Yirgillia October.15, 1956 The Board of Supervisors o~ Roanoke COQ1;y .et this day at 1;he Collrt H01l8e I: thereOt in l'lIplar aonthly ses8ioll. Pres';ll.,. W. I. Ciuldit~, Cha1rIIall, Edwin G.II Terrell, Millor R. letter and Roland B. Clark. ii Betore 1;he .eeting was called 1;0 order by 1;he Cllail'llaJl, the Reverend Ii I. David H. Sllith, Pastor of Windsor Hilla Methodist Church, Roanoke, Virginia, I: I ~~a~. l The Ilinutes Gf the last regular .eeting were approyed as spread, each I; _ber ot the Board haying read the copy o~ said Ilinutes furnished hill by the Clerk. The ~ollowing clai.s against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out o~ the ~unds respectiyely chargeaDle therewith, to-wi1;: il ;,I 110. Powr Co., Currellt used a1; Hollins [I . and Caye Spring lire S1;ations , alld G. I.Sever . . 19.7]' l' 23921,. Appalachian Elec~ric . 23925 Alato Spring &: B'laring Co., Flash Light batteries for Sheriff's . Office 4.5~1 23926 Aaerican Cheaical Co., Janitor supplies 5S.7~' I' " . ~ Ii :,~. m:...L...4. Ii . ((. lJ-. Ii .$04-'("" II ) :1 "1 1'1 JoS! .:l I!~' "74 [, Ii '! i. j. I ! i. I I: !f I I. " ,. I , Ro. 23927 23928 23929 23930 23931 23932 23933 23934 23935 23936 . . . . - . . - . - . - . . 23937 2393' 23939 23940 . . . -.--.------ ..--..--..c r- Aaerican Bakeries Co., Food for Prisoners - Acae Printers, Inc., o~~ice supplies and book bindiJlg Baiss lquipaellt Corporation, Parts for Garbage Truck #24 Caacelled llsrJIe101o Coal COlIpaay, hel for Rea10illg in.. lid&e Produce Co. ~ food for prisoners Dr. 1.;1oher C. BroWJI~ LlUlac:r hearillg CarlB. Br1gk1owll, Electrical repairs in C01ll1ty O!'fice bldg. Bro1lll Harciware Co., llardware Bv.rrell Jleaorial Hospi1oal, State-Local Bospi1;aUsaUoa bills tor Weltare . Bllrroqhs .1ddiJ1g Jlachbe Corp. liltbo.. ~or .1ddiq "cMus B. L. CarperCo, Office supplies Caye Spring Yater Co., Water used at Caye Sprillg lire Roue Clesrbrook Liol1s Clllb, Inc., Septeaber aeat on Clearbrook Fire Bouse t 45.76 559.55 31.'3 I' 69.02 . 31.90 20.90 3.25 23.99 I I 98.&8 , i, 3.75 i: " 3.35 I I; 7.50 ii " Ii 68.00 !' i j; H I: 795.59 !i :, 3.50 i: I: 369.96 !! " I'i City of lloaJIoke, Sewage 'l'reatllent charge for General Ilectric i~ Plant 155.10 . 23941 COUJlty School Board of Roanoke Co., Main10enaace of C01ll11oy 01lll8d nMeles Bep1o. . 23942 Clllligan So!'\; Wa10er Service. Water so!'\;ner CliP 'I'elephoM Co., 'I'eleplloae service - J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, Septeaber Relit on Cne Spriq lire StaUon 60.00 23964 Goodwin-Gentry Studios, 1 Picture for League of Y'irgillia COuzr\;ies Magadll8 . 23943 2394-4- - . . 23945 2394-6 . . 23947 239408 . . 23949 23950 23951 23952 23953 23951,. 23955 23956 23957 . . . . . . . It . 23958 23959 23960 23961 23962 23963 . . . . . . . - Easter Supply Co., office supplies lairYie" HOlle, County's Pro-rate share of Expense ill aailltainillg hOlle for the aged at DubliJI, Virginia 73.00 : i: Chal.llers FergusoR, coaaission Oil delinquent taxes 489.1,.0 I ;' Cucelled City 'I'reasurer, Rooa and Board tor Children detained at the Roanoke City : DeteJrt;ioD ,X_ Dr. S. D. Carey, Driying Drunk II Lunacy hearirags Caldwell-Si1oes Co., office supplies and replaceaent of ~urai ture Wallace O. Beyerle, Issuillg warraDts Doc's Service Station, Gas &: Oil for Police Car #6 Diaaond Pall8r Coapaay, J alii tor sapplies Double Enyelope Corp. office npplies Elkins Shell SerYice Sta1oion, Parts and Wash jobs Paul Iller, Electrical & Plu-bing Inspectiolls Esso StaJldard Oil Co.., Fuel Oil purchased 011 COur1;sey card Cancelled G. C. Foley, Sept8llber Rent on MOUJlt Plessut Fire Statioll - - Fuel Oil &: Equipaent Co., hel Oil for Hollins Fire Bouse - - Green Market, Food for Prisoners . 23965 Grnes-H1IIIphreys Hardware Co., Equil&ent for wildings 23966 Dr. John O. Hurt, Lunacy hearing . ii Ii i( il 20.00 I' i: I 67.50 " Ii I' 21.72 Ii 31.00 I i: 6.15 Ii 23.111 Ii n 236.90 !: 'i 18.12 i: 15. 58 6.76 9.46 ;' , I"~ I I 60.00 I ,I 26.52 62.14 I 1.80 16.75 10.00 J -, J j J I I I , o II , ' 23967 Mrs. Edith L. Harris, Sitting to Register qualified voters Registrations and transfers . 23968 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Jail fuel for heating 23969 Haloid Company, repair parts for Phostatic Machine 23970 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization bills for Weli'i1re - Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy hearings Mt. Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline and Soda Carnell Moore, cOYllring Garbage dump Nelson Hardware Co., Wearing apparel for Garbage collectors and tubs for collection, Paint&c Owen Pl_bing &; Heating Co., Repairs to Courthouse Oren Roanoke Corp. Repairing Sirens on Police Car G. H. Parent Co.. office supplies for Clerk of Court Parker Products Company, Janitor supplies Penitentiary Industrial Dept. 1 chair, Sherift's office Pendleton's Garage, Parts for Garbage Truck #22 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry for Prisoners Pioneer Flag Company, 2 U. S. Flags Price's Pure Oil Station. Gasoline for Garbage Truck 121,. Poole'S Service Station, Parts for Police Car 19 Radford Community Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 23992 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 23993 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 23994 Record Rebuilding Serlice, Record Books for Clerk of Court 23995 Roanoke Stamp &. Seal Co., Rubber stops for Cosmissioner 23996 Rockydale Quarries Corp. Stone for G. E. Sewer Road 23997 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking tuel for Jail and Home Deaonstration Kitchen 23998 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare 23999 Sal8111 Creoerr Co., food for prisoners 21,.000 Salem Hardware Co., 10 gallon garbage can 21,.001 Edward F. Staples, Traveling expense Probation officer 21,.002 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroners investigations, lunacy hearings, dri ving drunk, Jail physician 21,.003 Town of Salem, Light and water service 21,.004 J. R. Taliaferro, Advance traveli~ expenses lAEI Electrical Inspector meeting Dallas, Texas 21,.005 Times-Register Co., publication 21,.006 Valleydale Packers, food for prisoners 21,.007 Charles E. Via, Jr., Reimburse 1 card sign for Civil Defense No. II II " . 23971 23972 23973 23974 " . . . 23975 23976 23977 23978 23979 23980 . . " . . . 23981 . 23982 23983 23984- 23985 23986 23987 23988 23989 . . " . . II . . 23990 23991 II II . " . . . II . " II II II . . . . International Business Machines Corp. Carbon Paper Malcolm Blue Print &: Supply Co., Maps Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse City Managers Luncheon meet.ing Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse treasurer, 1 typewriter ribbon, Post Office Box Rent Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets Monarch Finer Foods, Food for prisoners '75 88. 1,.. 10. 3.4 226.~ 50.2 30. 10.~ 351.7'1 72.5~ 323.5 1.70 2.25 621.23 22.00 3.001 682.00 7.90 17.86 l5.3S 510.48 12.06 3.25 I 33.811 I 110.001 418.771 I 2oo.00! I 26.4oi 71.5611 6.00. it II I, I- '6 , I No. il I, . il 'I !I . II . II . , i I II . II a a . . . I I i I 1 , , i , II II I' - II I . . . II . . . . II II II I t . IN HE: - .~ 2I,.OOS Virginia Foods, Inc, food for prisoners, Medical supplies Janitor supplies . 21,.009 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs! Parts etc. 21,.010 Wilson Esso & Grocery, Repairs, Parts, gas &: wash, Garbage Truck /122 21,.011 WestTiew Poultry Farm, food for prisoners 21,.012 21,.013 2I,.Oll,. 24023 24024 21,.025 21,.026 21,.027 21,.028 24029 21,.030 24031 21,.032 21,.033 24031,. 24035 21,.036 24037 24040 Roy M. Whitt, Reimburse Opening Sewer Lewis-Gale Hospital, State~Local Hospital bills for Welfare Skyline Cleaners, 1.Police Uniform Cleaned Chalmers Fer~son. co~ssion on delinquent taxes Chas. E. Baker, Fire equipment Burroughs Corporation, 1 set rubber cusaions key tops for typewriter C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service Caye Spring Fire House Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigations Easter Supply Co., Credit Judge Hoback's account Miller Tire Service, tires &c Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Expense to League of Virginia Counties meeting, Highway Luncheon .eeting Mr. Cordy Maxey, Use of Truck for 9 hours at .2.00 per hour Mercy House, County's appropriation to Mercy House Roanoke County RevolTing Fund, Reillburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Stendard Parts Corporation, Labor on truck 116 G. A. Scruggs, Forester P. M. Reimburwe Postage of Virginia, County's pro-rata share of expense in controlling forest fire in Virginia Vinton Motor Co., Truck Parts for 124 Garbage State Cancelled 21,.0,.1 Rosnoke Valley Reponal Planning & Economic Development Camaission, CoUnty's pro-rate share of cost of operating 21,.01,.2 Rosnoke County Board of Public Welfare, October Expenses 91.7f-- 71.3J 66.ld I' 16.201 i, S.09' 208.00 II I,..lql 2.2~1 , 53. 5~ I 7.9~1 2l.~'1 20. 15.0 180.111 I 71,..491 l8.oq 600.~ I 1,.3.61 1.5 21. I 210.' 1.1,.21 I i I I 1,163.001 251.oo[ , I iI il II The following claillS against the County were this day presented, spproved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respecti'Yely DOG TAlES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: chargeable therewith, to-wit: 110. 24015 County School Board of Roanoke Co. Maintenance of Dog Warden's Truck . II ,I :1 II , ij Ii I' 11 " ,. " 1i . . . . . . . . . 24016 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service for Dog Warden 24017 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 24018 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 24019 Lederle Laboratories Division, Medical supplies 24020 Radio Communications Co., September Radio Maintenance 24021 Rockydale Quarries Corp. Gravel for Road leading to dog kennel 21,.022 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog food 24038 G. K. Dogsn, Fowl claim 24039 Mrs. A. L. Hylton, Fowl claim !I 'I 54.28:1 I 17.801 15.00!, " 6.76il 248.29!i .1 15.00, " 33.63ii i' 27.55! lI,..I,.O;1 16.60;1 'I I I . I I I i I f-- i i I ,-, I i I..... ~ i '--' ,.., ! I.-l o r , '" I " I The following accounts were this day laid before. the Board: JAIfIE B. McIlEAL) Treasurer, Roanoke GOlIBty, salaries, expense accounts for the aonth or Oct~ber, 1956, and also those of J. L. RICHARDSOI, Jr., Co.m.ssioner of ReTBnlle, EDW. H. RICHARDSOI, COllllOnwealth's Attorney, and H. W. - ~ ~ " ;. r liC:C'~r__ ."d:- PLD." li~a- -( ,i te.:L..,...J. ,oS Ii wf" In ,I i i , I' i If I: i; I' I' I I. i I I i I 'I ,. :~u.t 'tAl- c., ~. I~ I Ii Ii 1:!tAQ. t 6. l c.:,~. Collection and Janitor SerTices for the period of Sept. 1 through Sept. 30, 1956,: ~..~_T~11. be approved in the !UIIount of $1,51,.9.25, frOll which the SUII of $31.00 total F. I.C.,:. . . I' '...-/'7/--c. Tax and total W. H. Tax of $69.60, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of ; - J $1,I,.I,.S.65. I , I " , j! r: I: 'i [J . .. CLAIlI, Sheriff, will be paid as of October 31, 1956. .' , ): , ! I ", MIlS. JAIIIE B. lIcJlEAL, Treaaurer of Roanoke County thill day subaitteel to the Board the f'o110~ report: .Salea, Virgird.a -October 15, 1956 r' " 'I !i 1; " ,; :, il " I I II II To the Board of SuperTisors of Rouoke COlIBty: At the close of business October 13, 1956, there was to the credit of the General County Fund Library Fund Dog hnd " Salsa Dist. Road Debt County.School Fund School Construction FaDel School Textbook Fund. Deferred Credit Account , 21,632.02 1,174.33 6,01,.6.98 767.67 31,111.15:' 1,.6,591.57 9,4-57.49 126.8l! '116,908.09 Respectf'~lly subaitted, II " " :, I, if IJI IE: Janie B. Mcleal, Saiel report ill approTBd ud ordered filed. Treasurer.. DELIJQUBft TAIlS COLLECTED BY CLEIlI: :; ., . . TIle Clerk this day deliTBred to the Board the receipt of Janie B. Mcleal, , . Coaaty Treasurer, for $657.80 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said . , Clerk f'or the IIOnth of Septellber, 1956, less 5:' couissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check aaounting to $621,..91 net. ~ I " ,I " " .j ;i' On aotion, dv.ly secondeel, it is ordered that the County Payroll f'or the :i IIOnth of' October, 1956, be approved in the amount of $6,553.40, frOll which the sua of' $95.ea, total F. I. C. A. Tax, and total W. H. Tax aaounting to $521.50, ii :1 is to b3 deducted, le~viq a net payroll of $5,936.02. d " " :! ii Keffer, Boland H. Clark aDd. " ~ " On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrllll. lays: lone E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and I I i r I ! I I , ~ I i .-/ .-, i '-l I " I' " I: " I. I' I' 11 I J I I " " !, Ii 'i " l' 'I . o o ( 011 aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the COUJIty Treasurer and the Couty Bookkeeper be alltAori.ecl to transfer by journal entry the SUB of 0.. thouaDd dollars <11,000.00). frOll the general county fUJId to the Library , , Fud, being a part of the 1956-1957 appropriation set up in the County Budget as a Library Fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. CUDdiff, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell aDd Roland H. Clark Nays: lone I( , I J...8 B. Peters, Dr. W. P. Jackson and ct her residents of Roanoke Couat1i this day appeared before the Board and agaill disCllssed the advisability of the passage of an ordinance for prevention of rabies and of payJIent of boUJIties Oil foxes in Roanoke Couty. Letter dated October 5, 1956, from Glen Ramsey, Presidellt Youg Faraers of Salu, Va., was laid before the Board; Upon consideratio:c of said request, and upon the reco_endation of the Young Faraers of Salem, Va., Oil motion, duly seconded alld carried, it is - . ordered that in the event of another seTere outbreak of rabies occurring in Roanoke Couty, that this Board will eaploy qualified professional trappers, skilled in fox trapping, for an undersignated period of tillie, at a salary to be cle.ipatecl by the Board or Suparvisors, sajd trappers to be supervisecl by the Roanoke C01l1tty Gaae Warden for the duration of the prograa. . Adopted by the followag recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. lays: NOlle lot Voting: Minor R. B. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Keffer '. " :: t( The following co_unications were this day laid before the Board and I' I Ii Ii I, " Ii !j Letter elated October 9, 1956, fro. Marjorie G. Jones, Chail"llaJ1 of Counties, I: Crippled Childrell's Hospital, in re: appropriation to said Hospital. II Ii ordered filed: Letter dated Oct. 15, 1956, addressed to W. ~. CUJldiff, Chail"llSn, RoallOke C01l1tty Board of Super:visors, fro. L. A. Wright, Forellan, by P. B. Donglas, in re: redllction of fara operations ~t theioanoke 'Couty Fara, inve~tory, sale of cattle &c. r On aotion, duly seconded and carried, :It is ordered that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase an adding machillll for llse in the RoallOke County Clerk's Office at a cost not exceeding .288.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark, Edwin. G. Terrell and ~undil'f !ays: NOlle W. B. 79 ~ .,......... '~~. r- ~'c$. . tt:a-.. i ..~~ ,~ i~. 11-'-1/7 '~-r; I , , Ii I ;! i: Ii II II ,I I: -I' ,I , " II ,i I: II I, II I: " i: I ~ II " :' I '--___l: I' Ii I j' I irfI1/s-' i, I I, " c;.;.-._.....,-CO._..,,--_..~_._~_.------,--:t'" i! ~ u.. f[ ~.Ce.s:,..i. (D~ r i ~'~i I t1 "i.$i.~ :. iI ci:~1, II :::E I, t ; " 'n1.. (p .T ' 0... ~.tl I' t2-. )..,,.. i ~'l. 11'" j n. " -. - ---. n___... -o--,."-,,,--""""'",t.-_,-. -",."'_ _ ___ V II RE: IIIPLODlElft' OF K. L. DILLEY, AS DBPUn.SHBIUIF. OF-ROAIOn: coum: '. .. On aOloion, duly seconded, it is ordered that lohe eaplolllenlo of K. L. DILLE!, as Depuloy Sheriff of Roanoke County, effective October 1, 1956, replacing J. W. Gria resigaed, be approved. Adoploed by the following recorded Tote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and idwiD G. Terrell. Jla18 : !lODe i; ( ': Ii " 'I i On aotion of Supervisor W.E. CWldiff, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered thalo the TreaslIrer propcrtion delinquenlo taxes collected by the Delinquenlo Tax Collector. to lohe various County fllDds to which they apply by JOurDal intry, and thalo a check be drSWB on the General County Fund payable . - to the Delinquent Tax Collector for his salary as such, based on 5~ or sll delinquent taxes collected by hill and turner over te the Treasurer. I: ,. Ii !: Adopted by the following recorded vote: ii W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Rolaad H. Clarkll lIone Ii 'I !! i: II I, II ~IWI: 'l'he Resident Engineer for the Departllent or Highways has appeared Ii " . .. . '. Ii before the Board and presented a plan sketch dated Seploeaber 10th, 1956, showing I' Projeclo 4-580-01-02 on Route 320 in Roanoke County and the disposition of the old II Ayes: lays: 10caloioD, new 10cat10n and connections. WR~IU!'l: '!'his ~:t"d approves and concurs in the reco_endatioDS or the , . Depar1i1Hn1i or Highways as follows: Fin Secloions of the Old &o.loe 320 to be Abandoned - Section 10. 1 - Old location of Route 320, 0.19 Mi. to be a...doned. Section 10. 2 - Old location of Route 320, 0.02 Mi. to be abandoned. Secloion 10. 3 - Old location or ioute 320, 0.02 Mi. to be abandoned. Secloion 10; 4 - Old 10ca1;ion of Rog; e 320, 0.01 Mi. to be abandoned. Section Bo. 5 - Old location or Route 320, 0.04- Mi. te b e abandoned. FiTe Sections of New Location to be Added To 'l'he Prillary System - - . . Section Bo. 1 - lew location of Route 320 from Station 17+70 to Station 28tOO, Length O.lS lIi. Section No.. 2 - New Location of Route 320 from Station 27+S0 to Station 30+70, Length 0.02 Mi. Section 10. 3 - lew location of Route 320, 0.02 Mi. between Connection DA. aM Connection .CD. Section 10. I,. - lew location or Ros e 320, 0.06 Mi. between Connection .C. I and Connection ftD".'. Section 110. 5 - lIev location of Route 320, 0.01 Mi. between Connection .B. and Connection DD.. And be it ordered that three duly certified copies of this resolution be trllD8llitted by the Clerk of this Board to O. T. Aichel, Resident Engineer, Departaenlo or Hishways, Salea, Virginia. I I I I l '-f - , , -- ] r, W o ~ The foregoing was adopted on aotion of Minor R. Ket'fer, .Supervisor, secollded by Roland H. Clark, and on recorded YOte the Supervisors voted as tollows: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundift and Ed!da G. Terrell. Nays: None i ~ V ji I , I, !, i I I I i: 'I :1 !i , " il WHEREAS, the c:o..onwealth of Virginia, throngh the Departaeat of Highways, I! ~ u.. i- has prepared and suhaitted plans to the Board for the con~tru.ction or iaprOTeaent!' ~ .lfr'fl.' R...--e.. ot a section of Route 682 or the State Secondary Syatea, Project 1380-ll-l3, in Ii, ~ .<~~_)' Roanoke County, frOll Int. Rt. 221 (liear Cave Spring) to W.C~L. of Roanoke, i! ~1 I"i, I I ~-r. approved' July 27, 1956; and Ii WlIlWS, it is the desire ot this Board that said road be iIIpro't'ed in I' I' i: " " :1 :' L i, Ii accordance with said plau. " 'i !I I I: !I II :1 j: 'I II ,I .- !: I' .I II :i I, d 1 :1 ! IIOW, TB!:IlBFOU, BE IT RESOLVED: That this ~oarcl hereby approTeS the plans it ..d requests' the - Depart.en~ ot HighWays' to proceed with construction ill accordanc~ '. . ~ ~ew:i.tll, ud this Board hereby sgren to assist aad cooperate in the acqu.isitioa q 'I ot the right or way sholfJl on plallS as being reqlli~d, it being underwood that Ii coats for such right ot way are to be paid troa S~coadary fWAds allocated or to ~ - I I , in the event oae or aore property I I OWMrs rerue to execute a deed covering land reqllired frOll their properties tor right ot way purposes that the Co_onwealth of Virginia, Department ot Highways, II will iutitute and conclude condllllnation proceedings and that all costs are to be i ' i paid froa Secondary fands allocated or to be allocated to Roanoke County. il On aotion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor iolaDd H. i' ! Ii Ii allocated to Roanoke COUDty. It is turtller uderstood aad agreed that Clarle, adopted by the following recorded Tote: Ayes: Supsrvisors Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clarle, " Jlinor R. Ketter' :1 lays: lone 'I !, I ,I " 'I r i! i :i W. E. CUDditr and RESOLUTION AllD ORDER A IlBSOLU'1'IOIf providing for the engagllllent of S. King Funkholls82"-'and ~ ",,';"D Jl Ernest W. Ballou, as Special Counsel withou.t expense to said COUDty to assist -c;-~ w :1 the C_nwealth Attorney in the defense of the Chancery cause 1l0W pending in thefl, ~--. Ii Circuit Court ot Roanoke County, Virginia, under the style of John W. Davis, et a " ,~~. il TS. W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwill G. Terrell. II '~"/!.:t \'IIRlllU!l, the Board ot Supervisors of RoaZlOke COUD~, Virgiu1a, by ResolutioDI ,; . . . - '. I aM Order adopted on J'ime 18, 19;6, rezoned 'er tain property of Vir~inia Holding . Corporation trOll residential to light industrial, an4 WHEREAS, certain property owners in the proximity of the rezoned property have tiled a-petition under the style of oTohn W. Davis, et als, vs. W. E. Cunditf, MiZlOr R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark 'and Edwin G. Terrell, in the Circuit Court of Roanolai County, Virginia, seeking to :invalidate said Order and Resolution, and " I , ! ~ 'VI^..: 0 ,( tl idt.t.~!: ~~y.li 't1.1. } $.1. r-!l ~~~~ii ,. /,~ ) 1.'1. " .. . ..--... --. .......,. - - ._~___..__~_,__ .._..___._.________ .'.U'.__.__'___ ..... _____. ___. d. . _. __..... _.n ---.- ...__.~--------~-_.._.- ----,.,._-,-- - --- r~~-- - -.~-~ ~-~~-~.- --..- .--.---.- I; j: i , - -...--~..,.....".-_;__.-,..,'--~._---___:t_='co Wlll!:REAS, it is the desire of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to obtii:ii2 'Speciail C01UlBel, without llXpeJlse to said. County, to assist the C_n- : wealth Attorney in "the defense against said ChancerY cause, it and when the Board .ot Supervisors ot RoaDOke Countr becOlles a party thereto. THBREJORE, BE IT REsOLVED by the Board of Supervisors ot lloanoke County, .- .. . -. . Virgillia; ~hat' S. King Fli.DIdaov.aer ud Ernest W. Ballou, Attorneys, be, and they " are hereby 81IpI,,' as SPecial Coans81 for the Board of Supervisors of 1l0aJll:lke !1 CoUllty to act without cost to Roanoke County, to assist the C_nwealth Attorney: in the defense ot the Chancery csuse seeking to inTalidate said Order ud IlesolutioJl and said attorneys are authorized to tile all aece8sary papers and pleadiJlgs ,"herein, aDd do such other things as are necessary in the detellse of said csnse. Adopted by the following recorded Tote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Kefter, Rolud B. Clark ud ! Edwin G. Terrell lays: 10lle II RE: I 1 i' I REZOIIIG OF 9.945 ACRES! PROPEIl'l'I BBLOIGIIG '1'0 WILEY N. oJ CISON, . SITUATE II. S1LEIl MAGISTIRLU. DIS- TlUC'l', OF . ROAlOn - colnJTr, VUGIIIA, OI.TO WEST LIB OF THE CATAWBA. BIWtCII OF THE.IORFOLK a: WES'l'ERll IlAILIlOAD, IORTII 0' SLEMP STREET. FIliAL OlWEIl I' I: 'I I' ,! I' ,I II I: )i " Ii J: 1fII1!R1!1!t Wiley II. Jackson petitiolled the Board of Supervisors of RoaAOke " i; I: I I: i; I I I; . . County, ud requested that the ColUlty Zolling OrdiDaJlce of ReaneD County De 8Jl8nded 10 as to proTide that a certain tract of land situate in Sal811 Jragisterial District of Roanoke County, Virgillia. on the west liae of the Catawba Branch of the lorfolk &: Western Railroad north of S18llp Street, con- taining 9.91,.5 acres ud being hereinafter 1I0re fully described, be rezoned and reclassitied as Light Industrial District in order that said property and the , i! ! . . buildings that aay hereafter be erected thereon aay be used for certain Light Industrial parposes, which petition was filed with the Board of Supervisors at its adjourned aeetiag held on September 6, 1956, and by order of said Board " entered on the salle date said p6tition was referred to the Planning Co_ission of i' Roanoke County for a recOllllendation in acoordance with the provisions of the i! ! I' ,f :' , Code of Virgillia. 1i A1ID WHEREAS the Roanoke County ~lenning Comaission did, by a resolutioll If adopted at a lIeetiag on September 15, 1956, after hearing evidence touching the ii .erits of said pet.! tion, - recOllllended to the Board of Supervisors of iollcnoke COUD~ that said County Zolling Ordinance should be ~ended so as to change 'the I' classifica~ion of said property from its present classification of "A" Residence Dis'trict to Light Industrial District, as requested in said petition; , - AND WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did order the Clerk ~;r , .. , i' said Board 'of Supervisors upon receipt of said reco...ndation fro. the Planning .' Co-.1ssion to set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or specialllleeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said Coun'ty Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; I I I I I - i 1-"" I! !, - ,I - :1 I , I jI j J o 83 ij , AID WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular aeetiag of this Board to be held on the 15th day of October, 1956, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. as the day and tiae for a public heariq; on said proposed aaendaent to said C01llllty ZoDing OrdiJWlce and did adnlrtise the saae by notice til.ereof duly published in ne !iaes Register, anewlIpaper published in and ot general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, tor two insertions on the 20 day of Septeaber and the 27 day of Septaaber, 1956, as required by said order ot this Board and as required by and in accordance with the provisions or said County Zollillg Ordinance and the Code ot Virginia; ! ii AID WRJ:IlIWI said public hearing was this day had on said proposed aaendaentl! to said' County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice til.ereef was duly If i! published as aforesaid; I I, ,I :; ,I AID WHEREAS this Board has ginln caretul consideration to said petition . . and. to said reco_dation of the Planning Co_ission and has heard evidence . touching the aerits of said proposed aaandaent to said Connty Zolling OrdiDaDce, . ad this Board being or the opillion that said COUllty Zoning Ordinance slaould be, , . i aaanded 110 as to sone the hereinafter described 9.94-5 acres for Light Industrial I District; : ; ;1 ii !: " I' I lor, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeti~ . -. . . .... of the Board ofSllperYisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held 011 this the 15th day of October, 1956, the said County Zollimg Ordinance be and the Sale is hereby aaanded so as to change the classification of the said 9.945 acres described ill said petition from its present classification of .A. Residence I " II " II :1 " 'I i! District to Light Industrial District, in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon IISY be used tor Light I' II storage of contractors' equi~ent not assembled or aanufactured on the prea1ses. ii The property hereby reclassified and resoned fro. "A.'Residence District! Industrial purposes, as defined in said COUllty Zoning Ordinance, except the :i !I i! i. " " ; to Light Industrial District is ~re particularly described as follows, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land in Salea Magisterial District, Roanoke Connty, Virginia, described as follows, to-wit: BEGIIIING at a point on the west line of the Catawba Branch.ot the Norfolk &: Western Railway Coapanyr ight- of-way, the sue beiq; the S. W. corner of the land of W. G. Musser; thence with the W. G. HIlsser line N. 890 15' W. 856.6 teet to an iron pin; thence with the Henry G. .Pike line S. 110 00' W. 549.45 teet to an iron ein; thence with the ZIOr.the1'ly line of Park Place S. ,89 15' E. 71,.5.9 feet to said railway right-of-way lille; thence with sue I. 210 l8t E. 179.13 feet, I. 220 47' E. 200.03 feet, and R. 21; 22' E. 200.31,. feet to the~place of beginning. And it is further resolved and ordered thst the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County forthwith certify a copy of "this Resolution snd Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Coaaission and a copy to C. E. HUIlter, attorney for the petitioner. The foregoillg Resolution and Order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follollS, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Kefter, Edwin G. 'l'errell and W. E. Cundiff lIays: lone i i 1 Ii Ii I' II Ii Ii I' , I' II I ii " ., I il , ,i . . .f(~. !, .-.-.--c~_--. ff-.---= Albert B. Lurie. alld Jia Gra.,ely, residents of Rouoh COUIlty, and Charles G. Shelor, their attorlley'- this day appeared be.t'ore'the Board, and filed a petUioll sicned lIy a _bar, or. residents of Salu Macisterial District, in opposition to the rezoning froa "A. Residence District to Light Industrial District of 9.91,.5 acres property. owned by Wiley N. Jackson. II' BE rr iESOLlED BY the Board of Sapervisors of Roanoke Couty, that the i: I " Ii li Ii Ii i: Ii ,. i. I II Ii " I' !: I I '. COUIlCil .t'or the CUy or iouoke, . lie alld it is hereby requested to uend the co.tract o.t'Septeaber 28, 1954, between the City or Roanoke and the Couty o.t' RoaDOke, deaHllg with the treataent or doaestic alld co..ercia! wastes, by eaercency resolution, to the .t'ollowing extent only, vi.: BEGIllllIlG at the intersection of the northwest R/W lines of Va. Routes 117 &: 116; thence with the North R/W line of Va. Rot!te 116 in a westerly direction, 670 ft., aore or less, to the property of John 'l'yree; thellce lea.,ing Va. Route 116 ad with the diTision between J. F. 'l'yree alld F.L. Hatcher, 1210-38'1, 350 .t't., aore.or less, to the center. line of the old B a: 0 R/W; thence leaving the Tyree prop'erty and with the center line of the old B & 0 HailWaY Ri'W through the property of F. L. Hatcher ia an Easterly direction 690 ft., Dore or less, to a point in the 11ne of the Lynn Draper property; thellce "ith saae llI,.20-25' E, 420 .t't., aore or less, to a poillt in the 11l1e of M. .F. ' Bower property; thellce with sue }j390-l5'W, 300 ft., Dore or less, to a corner of the Mary J. Itef.t'er property; thence with saae I14Go-03'W, 384 ft. to a .comer o.t' the Harold Craan and Xiller Garst property; thence with saae 1610-30' E, 1182.6 ft. to a poillt; tlulJlce with a new line through, the Craan and Garst property 11470-30'1:, 770 ft., aore or less, to a point on the last siele of.a pri.,ate road, being a C_OIl corner betwe8Jl the properties of C. A. WriCht and W. G. Hall; thellce with Wright a: Hall line 5550-30'1, 573.37 ft. to a point on the east side of La~J1 Lalle~ State Secolldary Rt. 805; thence with saaecI230-44'W, 330 ft., aore or less, to a Co.DoII corller of the ,Dr. .,J. Clark 1illey &: J. ll. a: II. I. Carper properties; thence with SaM &ad the lille of the Roanoke Connty School Board property (So~thT1e" School) ISSo-Il'l, 89l.2 ft. to a point 0& the West side of Hartaall Lallel ,thence with said Lalle alld the School Board property. S4-0 -4-1'1, 1172.63 ft..to the lorth R/W Line of Va. Rt. 117, in all 1232.63 ft., aore or less, to a-poillt on the south side of said,road; thence with South side of saae S41,.0-07'W, 200 ft., aore or less, to a point in the line of the Joel Garst heirs propertYl thence with said Garst heirs pl'Gperty leaving Rt. 117 S29 -35'1, 200 ft. to.a point; thence with a new line through .the., Joel Garst Heirs property SI,.40-07'W, 390 ft., aore or less, to a point in the lill8 of the .C. '1.. Garland property; tll1ence with sue 3290-35'1,669 ft., aorec or less, to c orlHlr of Lot 32, Map of Southne" 1ddiUn, PJ.at Book 3, Page 59~eDCe with said Lot 32, S620-0S'W 279.7 ft. to coneI' of Lots 32 a: 33; thence with the ,line .betwen Lots 32 &: 33, S320-30'W crollllilll LewiStOIl Ave. at 137 ft., ill all 187 ft., to the West side- of Lewiston 1.,..; thence with the "est side of saae 8570-10'1, 33.0 ft. to corner of Lots 2 &: 3; thence with line between Lots 2 a: 3 S320-30'~, 209.0.t't. to a point; thence with. the rear line .o.t' Lot 3 &ad the line of F. J. ZiBaeraan property S270-10'E, SO ft. to a point, corner of Ziuel'llaJl and K. N. Hil1enberc; thence with the Bi11enberg liDe 3620-50'W 636 ft., aore or less, w the s.ollthwest corner of the lauie Callahan property; thence leavilll said Callahan corller aDd with a Dew liDe.tarough the Billenberc property S370-15'E, 300 ft., Dore or less, to the outside boudary line of Killer Court (Plat Book 3, Pace .126) at the northwest end of '1'IIelllli Street: theDce with the outside boudary line of Killer Court aM the Hil1enberg property S680-SS'W 4-27.46 ft. to corner of the J. C. Braaaer property; thence .with the Braaaer Line S7lo-25'W 1,.01,..2 ft. to a poiDt 011. the Line of P. I. Il1Istard property; thence with his lim and the line of G. B. Showalter and others, tm follOwing courses and distallces: S330-20'1, 280 ft., Bore or less to a point; 38lo-l5,'W, 5Q ft., aore or less, to a point: S300-00'W, 1080 ft. to a point on the Dorth Bide of Co.,. .Road (R~. 116); thence with the lIortb side of. ec.,. Road in an' p!asterl,y direction to a point opposite 1;he i~tel'lJectioll.. of soe with Barriar;tOD Dri.,.; thence leadng the ]forth side of Co.,e Road crossilll' ;sue and with the East line of Barriar;ton Dri.,e .S14o-14'W, 785 ft., Bore or less, to a point. on Killer . ;1 II i II I: if II , i " , , , I i I' i , i I: .. I I, I, il I ~ " !I Ii I' ,I I' I' r I. Ii I' .' I I 'I I I Ii n , I' II I' , ,... , , I I,J " , [1 I I, )! , " ~ it )1 I' " :1 " " Ii i " 'I II Ii !: i '--' 1 IooJ " ii iI Ii ;1 il 'I q 'I Ii ii " II II I' II Ii 'I Ii ~ " I' t: ,I " :i :' I I' :1 ,I o I, I II I, ii , 0 ,I ! , :) ,I !i " :1 " :. I! : ,; 'I I, 1 " i ! I ,I I, Ii COUl1c~l I: II'~~ I, hi""'" ~....L-L 'Jrft~ II ,;.r 11/ ~"" I' I , I " I i , Garst Line; theJlce 16aving Barriragton Drive azul with the lines or tiller Garst, Stanley DaTis aJld ot.hers, S5e-45' W, 14-69 n., aore or less, to,a'Poiat. on t.he sout.h side ,of Hershberger Road (Rt. 6251;~8Jlce wit.h saae ia a westerly direct.ion to a point oa t.he West side of Va. Route 117; thence with same in s northeut.erly direction crossing it. 116 to the Place of BegiRDing. And that. said area be added to, aJld included in, said contract. to the full enent. as it said area were therein set cut ia ext.eJlsio; (1) That acceptable wastes originating with the aforesaid area shall be deliT8red, by the Count.y, to the City'S sanitary sewer syst.. at such poiat as itl approTed by the City's Director ot Public,Works or the ~ity Engineer and t.ht! req1lisi t.e .easuring .e. "" inst.alled at said point of deliTery, by the Count.y; (B) That in all ot.her respects said cOJltract. shall Allain in tull foree and ettect.. 2. Be it. hrther resolTed, That, iaaediately upon passage, by the COllDcil of t.he Cit.y ot Rosaoke, of t.he ..ergency resol\lt.ion hereiubove request.ed, the Conty ot Roanoke shall be, and reDin, bound by t.he proTisions t.hereof as tully, and to the sue eneJlt., as said Couty 111 now bound by t.he ot.her terllS and proTisiollS ot the afor..eat.ioned cOJlt.ract of Septeaber 28, 1954. An ...rgeacy is hereby declared to exist aad these resolutiollS sball he ia fall torce aad effect froa and alter passage thereof. Adopt.ed by the tollowing recorded Tote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cunditf, Edwin G. llolalld II. Clark Ifqs:. ]foae Terrell, Jlinor i. letter aDd BE IT RESOLVED by the Boerd ot Supervi80rs of Ilouoke Couty, that. the . . . -. for t.he Cit.y of Roanoke, be sad it is hereby requested to uead the contract of Sapt.ellDer 28. 1954-. between the City ot ROlUloke and the Couty of Roanoke, dealiJ:II wit.h the t.reataent. of doaestic aJld cOIIIIercial wastes, by eaerceacy resolutioa, to the tollowiDg extent ollly, vis: BEGIIJIIJlG at a poiJlt on the west boundary of Braabletoa COllrt. at the lortlteast corner of the H. S. TurJler, et als SubdiTisio.; thence with the north line of tlD.e H. 5(; 'furner )lap aDd of the SOlith line of Section 2 Brubleton ourt aDd t.he properties of A. I. BrUt and H.. J. illSsell, .7&-49' W, crossing Lawndale Road and Oakdale Road, 1229.22 ft.. to a.. point. on the.last. line of Block 2, Berwick Heigh"; t.hence with the west line of t.he H. J. RlISsell property, l1e-01'I:, 138.75 tt. to a point; thence.ll87e-49'W, 7.29 ft. to ,a point; t.hence coatinuing with the East line ~rwick Heights, crossing Willetts Dri ye and with the East line oE Block 1, Berwick Reipts, l1e_~'E, 1,.55.03 ft. to thel1ort.hwest corner of Section 2, Braableton Court, on the south line of reaaining property of HeraaD. r. Larson; t.hence wi th t.he di Tiaion li.e o~ SectioD. 2, Braab1eton Court, and t.he property of BeraaD r. Larson, a5e-54'E. 437.23 ft. to a point; thence S80e-lI,.'E,_ 340 ft.. to a point.; tlD.ence S78e-26'E1 4-80.0 ft.. to a.polJ1t on the west liJle of the property of ~ue H. Yost; thence wit.h tiaesaae and with the west line ot Brub1eton Court, S2e-11'W, crossing Fleetl1004 DriT8, in all 517.9 ft.. to the place .of .' Beplllling .and beiD.g.an axclusiTe boundary descr.l. ption of Section 2, Braabletol1 Court, ot record in Plat. Book 3, Page 2281 and being property~f A. M. Britt of record. in the Clerk's uttice of the Circuit Coart for.t.he Coaat.y of Roanoke, . Virginia, in Deed Book 372, Page 84, and p;:ooperty of .H. J. Ruuell, of record Inthe aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book ~72, Page 80, sit.ute in the Cave Spri. Dist.rict, Roanoke Count)', V1rSinia, aDd being shown.oJl Plat prepared by C.. B. Malc:ola & SQn, V:Ir pnia State Cert.ified Engineers, gated Qctober 5,_,1956. 85 11 i' Ii Ii I! !i il Ii ,I i Ii .1 ii " j, I' I' I II I I ~~t @v<<t. &. , 'jnOlUt="...f- H ~~.Co. i I 117} ~-, . ",...... .n" - --,~-_.._.__._---_._._.- i Tj'''"C''. hd that said area De added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said area were therein set out in extensio; (A) 1hat acceptable wastes origillSUag with the aforesaid area shall be delinred, DY the County, to the City's sallital'y sewer systea at such point as is approTed by the City'S Director of I'1tblic Works or the City Engineer alld the requi811;e aeasuring .eter installed at . said point ot deli yery, by the COllDty; (B) 1hat in all other respects said contract shall r..ain in tall torce and ettect. 2. BIl: 11' P.llRTIIKIl RESOLVB:D, that, aaediately upon passage, by the Co-=il I I ., ot th~ City of Roanoke, of the eaergency resolution bereillSboye reCluested, tbe COllDty ot Roanoke shall be, and reaain, bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the sue extent, as said County is now boud by the other ,tel'llS aM proTis1ons ot the ator_ntioned contract of Septellber 28, 19S1t. h ..rgency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in tull t orce aad .tfect. troa and atter passage thereof. Adopted by the followiag recorded YOte: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cudift, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor Il. Kefter, and Jtolaad I. Clark lays: lone if I i .I jl I' :. I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) l ) In Ie: Q!!!! Properties on Iortherly side ot u. S. Highway Route )fo. 460 . PETITIOI or W. R. CALFD and WDIFIlED. H. CALFD:, lusband .and wife, . '!'his day E. W. Chelf and Charles G. Shelor, attorneys for W. Il. Calfee and Winitred H. Calfee, appeared betore this Board and req.ested leave to file a Petition on behalf of said parties, relatiYe to re-zoning a certain tract or parcel et real estate, .ore fully described in Paragraph No. 2 of said Petition, and which said parcel ot real e state is situate in Salea Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, on the northerly sii e ot U. S. Highway Route No.~O, and which said tract or parcel of land is a part of the sue tract or parcel of land describ;d, in Paragraph No.1 of said 'Petition, and which said Petition contains, aaong other things, the following allegations:- (1) '!'hat the petitioners, W. R. Calfee and Winifred H. Calfee, husband and wite,. are the fee st.ple owners of said tracts or parcels ot land, described in Paragraphs Nos. 1 and 2 of said Petition, holding title to same as .tenants by the, entireties, retaining the right ot surviyorship as at COaJlOn law. (2) 1hat said property described in ss~d Petition is now classified under the Zoning Ordinance of R"anoke County, as "1 Residence. property, but that the trend for a nuaber of ~ars in that locality'has been fro. residence to business use, aM that a substantial part of the property along U. S. Highway Route )foe 1,.60, in the general neighborhood of the petitioners' properties, is now zoned for business purposes, and that they desire to locate thereon a business to be classified as "Local Business.. I I '" I I r:=::- I i i , , i - t I ''''-~1 ~ I '- .., ~ ;[ 'I I. " " I! H , !' " I, J 1, " ii I ~ n u ,I , Ii it " !I ., :1 ()) That said petitioners desire to have all of that portion of ~heir property as is described in Paragraph Ho. 2 thereof, and which fronts on the northerly side of U. S. Highway Route 10.460, extending in a northerly direction 11 on the westerly side thereof, to a depth of approxill8tely 728.5 feet, and on the easterly side thereof for a depth of approxill8tely 675.5 feet, rezoned frOB .A Residence Property" to "Local Business Property." And it appears to this Board that the use of said properties, situate in Roanoke County, Virginia, for .Local.Business. purposes, aight be beneficial .. - to the Coun~, at large, in that such use Blight proTide necessary and desirable business develo~ents in the County, in general, and in tAe vicinity in qmestion, in particular. JICM, rHEUFORE, BE 11' RESOLVED AID ORDERED:- . .. . , . fiia~ at this regular Beetinc of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun~, VirgiD1a, held this 15th day of October., 1956, the Petition of the said W. R. Calfee and Winifred H. Calfee, be and the sallie is hereby filed; and Be it fUrther resolved and ordered: That the proposal to aaend said zoning Ii , ordinance so as to change the classification of said property requested- to be :1 il d " " :, " 'I II 'I II !I :1 ! I' Ii I' to "Local ll1lsia ss" purposes as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance, be, and II II Ii II 'I I, I i That the said Planning Collllission shall : ! , rezoned in said petition frOB its present classification .A Residence Property" the saae is hereby referred to the Planning Collllission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for recoaaendatioDS in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 15-81,.7 of the Code of Virginia; and . BE I'!' FORTIWi RESOLVED AID ORDERED: . '. . . . report its recOllll8Ddations . to the Clerk of this Board, as required by statute, that upon receipt of said recolIIRendations by said Clerk, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first. peraissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be giTen by said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 18-81,.6 of the !lode of Virginia; and BE 11' FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: '!'hat one certified copy of these ResolutioDS 'be' forthwith d~li~red 'by ~id Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Collllllission of Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a copy of the Petition ct: W. R. Calfee and Winifred H. Calfee. '!'he aboTe Resollltion was adopted on Botion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and secoJlded by Supervisor W. 1 Cundiff, and 011 recorded Tote, the Supervisors Toted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwia G. '!'errell , lIays: None " ? IIi RE: } ) } 1 ) J j 2!!!!!!! REZOJIDIG OF PROPiR'l'I SITUATE 011 " Bl$'!' SIIlB_0P',C;A'1'4l1BA llWCH, IJQRFOLK AID,nB'1'IIULWI.lfA!, ~N 'lIlIi;..... R'TT.~lDlUGI!'1'. 01.. WAY. UJUJ...sOll~S , CREEK, AlIOln' O~HALF. XILB, ,JORTJCOF U. . S. ROU'B, 1,.60 ,A1' . LmSIllE. _ ", . of ROBER'!' M. pnCBBR AID WTT.T.Tp( S.,P~C~_. 87 ~ ~' ~~ , 10 1lVa....L e, , "".JJ;;"__ k lile-. .C ,~-k. .Ct,.... I '1"Jn 88 . . - - .. -. . -. _.__._~. --. ---- .~~.-.._.._-_. f ....--.0 T---- 'l'hill day cue Robert M. Pilcher and Williu S. Pilcher, by Counsel, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property dellcribed in said petitioB. JIOW, 'l'BBUFORB, BE If RESOLVED AlID ORDEiED that at thill regular aeetinc: ot theBoai-d of -Supervis~rs of Ro~oke 'Ce~ty, -Virginia, held thill 15th day ot October, 1956, the said petition be, and the S8e is hereby tiled. AID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AllD ORDERED that the proposal to amend said ." . .. Zolling OrdilWlCe all requested in said petition and said petition be, and the sue are hereby reterred to the Planning COIIII1ssion of Roanoke Couty, Virgina, for a rec_ndation.in accordance with the proTisiollll of the Caie of VirgilliS. AID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AID ORDIRED that when the said Planaiug I I Coaaisllion shall report its reco..endation to the Clerk ot thill Board, as required by the Code ot Virgillia, that upon the receipt ot the lIaae, the said Clerk of this Board lIhall forthwith set the SSIIe down for a public hearing at the next peraissible regular or special aeetiug of this Board, and that :aotice thereot be giTen by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the proYisioDS ot the Code of Virginia. AID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy ot this resol1ltion and CI" der be forthwith deli Tared by saU Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning COIIIIission ot Roanoke County, " :, I' 'I I, i ii Ii I: I' Ii I' " :' i: II il I, " I 'I I, I' 'I I I I! Virgillia. ;: I " II Ii I I; II II Ii Ii ,. I r IN RE: 'l'he above Resol1ltion &.1d Order was adopted on aotion of Supervisor Minor R. Ketter, and seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark and on a recorded Tote, the Sllpernllors TOted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Roland R. Clark, W. E. C1mdiff and Edwin;1 G. Terrell I; lays: None VACATION OF A FORTION OF A STREET OR ROAD, KNOWN AS TURRER ROAD, SITUATE IN SECTION I, PARICPLACE, SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COURT!, VIRGINIA RESOLUTION !liB ORDER 'l'hill day appeared E. W. Chelf ~nd Ch~ie~' G. Shelor Attorneys tor lellie J. Assa:!.d, the _r of certain real property, abutti~ and adjoilling a certaiD road, DOlID as. 'hrner Road, as shown on the aap of Section 1, Park Place, property of.Park Place; Inc., (now property of lellie J. !sasid) , which up ill ot record in the Clerk'lI Office of the Circuit Court or Roanoke -Couty, .' Virginia, ill Plat Book 3, at page 76. And the said E. W. ehelf and Charles G. Shelor, attorneys for Nellie J. !ssaid, advised this Boa~d that the said Nellie J. Assaid is the owner of ~ll of the property ab1ltting on that certain thirty foot width strip of said road all lies between the Easterly side of Catawba DriTe, Extended, as shown on said - . up, anc the Westerly right-9t-way line of the Catawba Bruch of the Norfolk &: Western Railway, and that tlB said IIallie J. Assaid desires to vacate that portion of said Turner Road, and the said attorneys thereupon presented to this Board for itll consideration a written Vacation Instrwaent dated the 15th day of October, 1956, executed by the said party so requesting said road to be vecated, and requested that this Board take appropriate action relative to vecsting the aforeaentioned portion of said Turner Road. I I l- r'i \,j ,... , .J -, I-l !I " II ,I " II ,I i i: 11 , II 'I I ,I II t 'I I, I, :' ,-, J o 'rhis day appeared Wlll1U L. Martin, Attorney for C. R. DaTielsoa and Elma '1'. i c.,h 'lIo~ . ~ BaYielson, his wif'e, M. C. Townsend and Evelyn D. '1'ownsend, Hu~band and wife, . :711I>>. f. - li"m~ tfir ; ffL Y'- ,'} I! Wfl1 J ~-, I i i II Ii I' II 'I I, I' , And upon eYidence presented and heard orally by this Board, and the Board beiag of the opinion that such vacation of the aforemutioBed portion of Turner Roael, as shown on said up, and as desired by the aforesaid party. aael as set torth in said Vacation Instruaent, dated October 15, 1956, llOuld not, and does aot breach or destroy any ri,ht or privilege of other property owDlrs in said subdiYision, known as Sectioa 1, Park Place, and that the vacation of the aforesaid portioR ot said Turner Road, so desired by said party will not incoEYenience the public as that portion of said road haa neYWr been actually opened on the ground to nhicular traffic, and has. been, and is !lOW, only a paper road, all of which is Bore particularly set forth ill. said Vacation Iastl'1lllent, dated October 15, 1956, and this day presented to this Board for exu1aation and consideration; NOW, 'l'HERE1ORE, Upoa consideration of all of which, it is HBIlEBY RESOLVED 1IID OR))znm BY '!'HIS BOARD, '!'hat this Board does hereby approve tile Tacation of t~t pc;rti~n' of' ~~id' '1'ur~er Road, as reqllested by the aforesaid party, as set forth in said Vacation Instrullent, and this day presented to this Board for exaa1natioll. as aforesaid. I: Ii I, I' !, I, I' Ii " I " " ,[ Ii I' " I i' I ,I I' ,I Ii I' i :! I, Ii II " Ii I UD BE I'1' FUR'l'HER RESOLVED:- By this Board, that the ChainllUl of tilis . ..... . Board aDd the Clerk ot this Board, alld each Beaber of this Boarcl be, and they are liareby av.thorfzed and requested to execute said Vacation Instl'llllent dated I October l5, 19S6, and presented to this Board tor its consideration, as atoressi1' . i whereby the said party ..ntioud aboTe does Tacate that portion ot said 'l'uraer II Road, 1lhiclt said Vacation llUItruIlent alld this 1iesolution alld Order are entered I: into and adopted p1l1'S1l/lllt to tile Code of Virginia, 1950, as aaended to elate. il '!'here resolutions and Order were adopted on .ot.ion of Supervisor Roland H. Ii Clark, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell and on a recorded vote, the Ii ! SuperTisors Toted as follows: Ayes: SUPERVISORS Rolaad H.Clark, Edwin G. '1'errell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor' R. Xerter 1a7S: Ione II RE: VACA'1'IOIl OF A S'l'REE'l' OR ROAIl J''4EJ) PE'1''l'I'1' AylSJlW5 SI'1'UA1'BD nr BELLE HAVEl SVBDIVISIOB, ROUOU COOI'!'Y, V...tGIllIA.. . . .. . . RESOLUfIOI" . AID' oRDER owners of certain real property adjOining a street or road shown on that plat recorded in Plat Book 3, page 98 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ot Roanoke County, VirgiDia, known as Belle HaTen, which plat was aade by T. P. Parker, s. c. E. under date of May 26, 1952 and which said plat shows sa:i.d public road or streetDlllled Pettit. Annue as being 50 feet in width , :1 :j i :1 'i ii il And the said Williaa L. Martin, Attorney for the parties aforesaid, advised [! this Board that the parties being all- the property owners owning property 'I il abutting said road desire to vacate the same and he presented to this Board for " , " II :' and extending in a general southerly d~ection'on a course S. 290 05' W. from Belle Haven Road to the line of the property owned by M. C. Townsend and Evelyn D. Townsend. 89 ~ i: II !, i. I I I I I I ! , II " , i ..-'.'-"f..-.'-.-'- !I ,I i its consideration a written vacation instruaent dated October 15, 1956, executed by all or said parties so vacating said road and requesting this Board to take appropriate action relative to vacating said road or street known as Pettit Avenue. And upon eTi.dence presented and heard orally by this Board, the Board being I' or the opinion that such vacation of Pettit Avenue as desired by the aforesaid parties and as set forth in said Vacation Instrument dated October 15, 1956, woul~ not and does not abridge or destroy any rights or privileglts of other property owners and that the vacation of said Pettit Avenue so desired by said parties would not illconvenience the public, as by a plat of Section No.2, Belle Haven, a DeW road kllown as Pettit Avenue better located will be established, created andi I, , dedicated to the pnblic as a road extending from Belle Haven Road to !ownsend :: Road as shown on said asp to be recorded of Section No. 2 of Belle Haven and that said new road will be a better way of travel for the public than the Pettit Avenue desired to be vacated by the parties, all of which is more particularly set rorth in said Vacation Instruaent dated October 15, 1956 and this day presented to this Board for its eXllllination am consideration. lOW, !HSRBFORIi:, upon consideration, all of which it iZl hereby resolved and ordered by this Board that this ~oard does hereby appron the vacation of Pettit A~e as requested ~ the aforesaid parties and as set forth in said Vacation Instruaent dated October 15, 1956 am presented to this Board for its consideration as aforesaid. AIm BE I! Fl1R'rHER RESOLVED BY THIS BOARD that the Chairu.n of this Board and the Clerk of this Board and each lIober of this Board be and they are hereby authorised and reqaested to execut~said Vacatio~ Instruaent, dated October l5, 1956, aDd presented to this Board for its consideration as aforesaid, lIIhereby the said parties mentioned above do vacate said Pettit Avenue, which said vacation instruaent and this resolution and order are eDtered into and adopted pursuant to the provisions of Section 15-766.1 and Section 15-766.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date. I This Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Roland H.Clark~ ,: " seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors ' voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin 1 G. Terrell. . Nays: None I I I I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in November, 1956.:, ~'fI C'--" I - i ~"...." - -- 'i I - J n w 'I :1 11 i , Court House Salem, Virginia . November 19, 1956. 91. 11 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House, thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G.,: Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. Before the meeting was called to order by the Chairman, the Reverend W. W. Judy, Pastor of the Riverdale Baptist Church, Roanoke, Virginia, offered a ~ prayer. The minutes of the las~ regular meeting were approved as spread, each .. member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approve~ and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargea1E therewith, to-wit: H :1 ., ,. ~ i No. 21,.201 21,.202 21,.203 21,.204 21,.205 21,.206 21,.207 21,.208 21,.209 24210 24211 24212 21,.213 242l1,. 21,.215 24216 21,.217 21,.218 II I II . .. .. Ii I ii I II II !; I " ii 11 :, :1 il ,. " " !! I' . " II II II .. . . . .. .. i: 'I !! II Goldie R. Griggs, Services as R~gistrar C. ~. Johnston, Room Rent Election . 83.20 12.50 Mrs. H:.T. Lucas, Room Rent 10.00 Mrs. Virginia K. Rierson, Services as Registrar 101.20 Mrs. D. H. Shelor, Room Rent 5.00 <. a~ S. Teel, Room Rent 5.00 Young's Super Market, Rent 7.50 F. T. Zimmerman, Room Rent 5.00 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 27.72 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Car Chains and Batteries 95.15 Acme Printers, Envelopes for Co. Treasurer 13.75 J. P. Bell Co., Record books for Clerk 120.18 Bowman's Bakery, Food for Priso;;;ers 53.12 Carl R. Brightwell, Repairing Jail Lights 8.50 Blue Ridge Gardens, Re~lacing Shrubs damaged by County Truck 6.00 Blue Ridge Produce Co., Food for prisoners 29.65 Brown Hardware CO.r Hardware for Building 3.59 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., office supplies 7.20 II 21,.219 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies II 21,.220 21,.221 24222 . .. . 21,.223 24221,. 21,.225 II II ;r .. 24226 24227 .. Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigation Clearbrook Lians Club, October Rent City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment charge for General Electric Line Cave Spring Hardware Co., 2 Tubs for Garbage collection C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service R. H. Stratton, City Sergeant, Commitment fee for Ethel Mosly Hawthorne w. S.Clements, Parts for Police Car #1 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 7.14 10.00 60.00 127.50 6.80 385.25 20.00 3.50 3.50 . 21,.228 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 21,.229 Dame Roofing Co., Repairs to Jail 24230 Doc's Service Station, Gas & Oil for Police Car #6 21,.231 Dewitt Supply Co., Janitor supplies 923.82 16.50 8.1,.5 209.77 .. II II " I , I' I i' II !i ., " Ii I: 'I 'I II I II , ! I I I .1 I; [I !I I; I' II 1 , I [1 'I I , I i I! I: " ii Ii I: i' I. .- " , II I II r i ; 1 92 -"'f'~ r ,[ I' I' )! ,I I: I: , " I :i L " , I: I , I' Ii " I: i. l' {i !: 1Ilo. 2~232 Wallace O. Deyerle, Fees for warrant issued 21,.233 Elkins Shell Service Station, Oil and Car Wash 21,.234 Paul Eller, Electrical & Plumbing Inspections 2~235 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline 21,.236 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 24237 Fairview Home, CountY's~hare of Expense in Maintaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. 2423S G. C. Foley, Oct, Rent, Mt. Pleasant Fire House, Mounting for Sirene 24239 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 2421,.0 Gittens &: Morton, Ins., Liability Insurance on Clearbrook Fire Truck It II It II II . It . II 2421,.1 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, October rent on Cave Spring Fire House It 21,.242 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Additional Premium on Workmans Compensation Insurance determined at audit 21,.21,.3 Mason H. Littreal, Refund Duplicate Electrical Permit 21,.244 Malcolm Blueprint &: Supply Co., Maps - Southview Sewer II It $6.00 12.60 67.76 7.22 96.80 67.50 79.08 3S.77 4.78 60.00 38.87 5.50 1.50 It 2421,.5 Mercy House, Inc., County's appropriation to Mercy House for October Expenses 600.00 II 24246 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 21,.21,.7 Miller Tire Service, Parts and Repairs to Vehicles 24248 Carnell Moore, Covering Garbage Dump' 2~21,.9 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets 24250 NuWay Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry prisoners 2~295 Adkins Cash Store, Room Rent Election 24296 Catawb a Mercantile Co., Room Rent Election 21,.297 Cains Grocery Store, Room Rent 21,.298 Hart Motor Co., Room Rent It II It It . . It . It 24299 Cancelled II 24300 Janet L. Ballentine, Room Rent 24301 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House 21,.302 N &. W Railway Co., Installation of Iron sewer line . II 81,..61,. 183.38 378.00 171,..66 56.95 15.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 45.00 8.60 1.00 II 21,.303 2~304 Owen Plumbing &: Heating, Pipe for Road Sign Nelson Hardware Co., Wearing apparel for Garbate collectors220.67 4.96 . II 24305 Oren Roanoke Corp. Chemicals and Repair parts for Fire Truck 21,.306 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 24307 Roanoke Hauling & Rigging Corp. Wrecker Service 21,.308 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for Jail and HomE! Demonstration Kitchen II II II " 21,.309 Roanoke Mills, Inc., List of Registered Voters 24310 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 24311 Salem Farm Supply Corp. Rat Poison for Jail 24312 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 21,.313 Salem Hardware Co., Repair Material and Equipment 21,.311,. Salem Resque Squad, Contribution to Life Saving Crew 21,.315 Smead &: Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies 24316 Summer dean Esso Station, Gas, Oil 21,.317 Town of Salem, Lights, Water and Sewage treatment " II " II . II II . 39.40 208.18 27.00 23.18 179.55 3.00 3.38 11,..07 3.74 100.00 17.71 175.01 440.61,. I I 'I " I Ii " I I I ~ , i I , I... ': Ii II ,I :: i' ii i i'" jj :\ /I i' 'I 11 Ii I' :1 il " ,I , 'I !i i I .~ I; I' i' Ii i: I i .I :I ~ , -I II .1 ! :i " :1 I 'I :j I 'I :i ;r :! :j I'J o I " I ! I . 24319 21,.318 Technical Reproduction & Supply, Y~ps for Sewer Treasurer of Virginia, County's Pro-Rata share of salary.for Judge 21,.320 Times-Register Co., Publishing Delinquent tax List for Treasurer No. . n 21,.321 State Department of Health, County's Pro-Rata share of expense for support of County Health Department 24322 U. S. Government Printing Office, 30Civfl Defense Manuals for all school principals 21,.323 Vinton Fuel Co., Fuel for Cave Spring Fire House 21,.324 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food, etc. for Prisoners 21,.325 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 21,.326 Vinton Motor Co., Gas, Oil and Repairs 21,.327 Virginia Record, Advertising in Virginia Record Magazine 21,.328 Westview Poultry Farm, Food for Prisoners 24329 Wilson'S Esso & Grocery, Gas &: Oil Garbate Truck #22 21,.330 Watts Hardware Co., 1 Gun replacing one Garbage Collector 21,.331 H. M. Woods, Opening Jail Sewer 21,.332 C. W. Warthen Co., Record books and office supplies 24333 Barnett Coal Co., Heating Fuel 21,.331,. Dr. .R. B. Smiley, October Salary Jail Physician. Coroner Investigations 24349 Chalme~s Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent Taxes 24350 Milton Bain, Room Rent Mason Valley Precinct 24351 Brown Hardware Co., Equiplllent used at Voting Precinct 21,.352 Dr. C. K. Bartley, Lunacy hearing n II . II n n . II . n II II . . .. '" II . 24353 243 51,. 21,.355 24356 " . II II 21,.357 2435S 24359 " . . 24360 24361 21,.362 21,.363 . II . . 24364 24365 24366 24367 24368 24369 24370 n n II II n II Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Hearings G. E. Clapsaddle, Lunacy Hearings Division of Planning & Economic Developlllent, 2 prints R. C. Index Map 2 prints each 51 section sheets Dr. J. J.EUer, Lunacy Hearing Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes Fuel Oil &: Equipment Co., Gasoline &: Oil Purchased for Fire Truck Mrs. Madeline B. Edwards, Services as Deputy Registrar Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization A. D. Goodwin, Expense in connection with Nov. 6 Election J. R. Goodwin, Jr., Services in connection with Nov. 6, Election Dr. John o. Hurt, Lunacy hearir.gs Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization Bills Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization Bills McClung Lumber Co., Election Booths material Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Traveling Expense Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety Bond G. H. Parent, Office supplies for Roanoke County Court . 24371 M. E. Petty, Services rendered in connection with Nov. 6, Election II 24372 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization II 24373 Dr. R. C. Potter, Lunacy Hearing $ ~ 8.00 2,134.14 584.32 5,1,.00.00 19.50 ,; 67.00 'I II 125.01,. ii ! Ii 93.66 Ii I,.lS.19 Ii 100.00 ,I ri 1,.7.77 II 'I I, 52.92 II: 6.25 I 8.00 I, 'I 339.06 I 37.10 ,I II 70.00 Ii .72 10.50 28.20 10.00 95.82 20.00 10.00 Ii 20.80 I I: 'Ii I 10.00 725.37 25.31,. 36.65 32.00 407.1,.0 24.00 10.00 1,056.00 369.60 152.96 52.95 5.00 8.79 11,.7.50 862.1,.0 10.00 93 " Ii i I I I I Ii ,I I' II I " Ii I' i Ii 94 __ ...-___.... .... _.n "------.- --.--..------ -----_..'---- ~---,.".-~.~-ff _.. Ii Ii ! i I I: Ii The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, i: . ~ ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively . No. 24374- II 24375 . 21,.376 n 24377 . 24378 .. 21,.379 . 21,.380 . 24381 it IN RE: and -..-_---,.,--"..,._..",.....".-.,c,""..,.,-.-.."..c ii I: Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund . 16.1,.5 65.00 Dr. A. J.Russo, Lunacy hearings Dr. R. B. Smiley, Driving Drunk Examinations, L..nacy Hearings Southern Machinery &: Supply Co., Road Signs Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Traveling Expense Probation Officer 65.00 78.19 " il 29.33 j; 2.80 \: Times-Register Co., Publishing Zoning Ordinance University of Virginia Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization Bill 316.80 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners 30.35 DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: No. chargeable therewith, to-wit: 24344 steve Neal, Livestock Claim 24345 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 2431,.6 Salem Lumber &: Supply Co., Lumber used at Dog Clinic 2431,.7 State Office Supply, 2 doz. Pencils used at Dog Clinic 2431,.8 S. S. Vineyard, Fowl claim 24382 Lenna R. Hartman, Clerical workers at Dog Clinic 24383 Gaynor R. Hodges, Clerical services at Dog Clinic 24-384- Stella M. Kingery, Clerical Services at Dog Clinic 243S5 Esther R. Long, Clerical Services at Dog Clinic 24386 Margaret T. Powers, Clerical Services at Dog Clinic . 24335 24336 24337 24338 24339 24340 2431,.1 21,.31,.2 21,.31,.3 . II . .. II ! II . . I , !, II . .. II n II n II . " " ~ . .35 15.75 105.71,. I I. I " 7.30 !: 3.99 I ; I 5.40 ,! Ii Ii Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Car Wash C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Dog Warden County of Roanoke School Board, Maintenance of Dog Truck Davidson Esso. Servicenter, Gasoline purchased for dog truck Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck Shirley O. Hogan, Fowl claim Cancelled Moses Texaco Station, Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck Nelson Hardware Co., 1 Rifle and shells " I' 1,..83 : 1,.7.16 i 29.00 15.00 12.80 i Ii I' Ii !- 1.57 29.1,.0 1,..90 lI,..70 lI,..70 lI,..70 9.80 The Following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Oommissioners of Election for their services in conducting the General Election held November 6, i 1956, in Roanoke County payable out of the General County Fund, to-wit: JOHN'S SHOP No. 24117 Kyle Shelor, Judge &: Returns . 21,.11S Tomie Shelor, Judge . 24119 Clovis C. Garman, Judge II 24120 Doris Shelor, Clerk . 21,.121 Lois Barton, Clerk $ 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I I I I I 96 . . ' .,' I ~' , -. " . , --- ------~...._~-~~--~~- - -.- ."----- - .. - - .. -- ,- ,.,. - . .. ,: 11 I I I Ii r i' I , " If , , ;: . - --l' " PETER'S CREEK NO, 21,.162 Sarah M. Whitmire, Judge and Returns 21,.163 G. H. Kelch, Judge 21,.161,. J. M. Wigginton, Judge 21,.165 Mrs. Ruth C. Sears, Clerk 21,.166 Mrs. Willie N. McDaniel, Clerk BURLINGTON 21,.167 Mrs. Della B. Murray, Judge and Returns 21,.168 Rosalie S. Lucas, Judge 21,.169 H. H. Meador, Judge 21,.170 Ruby M. Halsey, Clerk 21,.171 Corinne M. Murray, Clerk EAST VINTON $ 15.1,.2 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I . II " II II 16.1,.0 . 10.00 ,I . 10.00 10.00 10.00 I: L I II II . Paul W. Foutz, Judge and Returns T. M. Bush, Jr., Judge 16.1,.0 10.00 10.00 Ii I' I 10.00 I: I 10.00 i' II 21,.172 21,.173 . 21,.171,. Roy W. Thrasher, Judge 24175 Wavie O. Griffith, Clerk 21,.176 Louie W. Harper, Clerk WEST VINTON I ii 16.1,.0 If iI Ii 10.00 " 10.00 II Ii 10.00 r 10.00 ' I II II II 21,.177 W. R. Porter, Judge and Returns 21,.178 Robert L. Watson, Jr., Judge 21,.179 Dessie R. Smelser, Judge 2I,.lSO Mrs. C. W. Williamson, Clerk 24181 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk BOTETOURT SPRINGS " II . II " 21,.182 R. L. Walrond, Judge, R~turns, &: Comr. 21,.183 Wade Garman, Judge 21,.181,. R. B. Obenc~ain, Judge 21,.185 Sherman C. Shaw, Clerk 2I,.lS6 Ruby L. Obenchain, Clerk HOLLINS ROAD 21,.187 G. C. Holland, Judge and Returns 21,.1SS Cancelled 2I,.lS9 Ada L. Moore, Judge 21,.190 Mamie C. Rowland, Judge 21,.191 Thelma E. Hale, Clerk 24192 Ruth R. McCutchen, Clerk MEDLEY 21,.193 Lena U. Zimmerman, Judge and RJ::turns 21,.191,. F. J. Zimmerman, Judge 21,.195 C. H. Garst, Judge 21,.196 Rhea C. Garst, Clerk 21,.197 Ruby S. Davis, Clerk 27.80 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . . " . . 16.12 . . 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I II II II I . 15.56 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I, II . . II l' I , i ~ I , , , '-' ,II~ .--1 :j i 'I :1 :! ., " I :1 ,I 11 ""'" i i...l J o . MOUNT PLEASANT No. " 24198 D. E. Richardson, Judge and R~turns 24199 J. L. Mason, Judge 21,.200 W. D. Mattox, Judge 21,.201 Mrs. Willie L. Richardson, Clerk 21,.252 Mrs. Pearl A. Rakes, Clerk GARDEN CITY $ 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Ii I' I! I: " I' Ii 10.00 Ii , 10.001 I , .. . .. II . II 24253 ~~s. Juanita Powell, Judge and R~turns 21,.254 Virginia Liptrap, Judge 21,.255 Mrs. Anna Burdette, Judge 24256 Mildred Patter~on, Clerk 24257 Mavis Fry, Clerk 16.40 10.00 10.00 .. II n BONSACK . 21,.258 H. B. Atkins, Judge and Returns 21,.259 Mason L. Cook, Judge 21,.260 Myrtle Bonsack, Judge 42461 W. P. Catron, Clerk 24262 Mrs. E. R. Rumbley, Jr., Clerk RED HILL 24263 o. W. Boone, Judge and Returns 24261,. Mrs. A. B. Harris, Judge 24265 Elizabeth M. Leedy, Judge 24266 Ruth E. Brooks, Clerk 21,.267 Margarp.~ M. Calhoun, Clerk 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 II II .. .. . . .. . . POAGES MILL . 24268 I. C. Rierson, Judge and Returns 21,.269 o. F. Hartin, Judge 21,.270 R. A. Henry, Jr., Judge 24271 David R. Willett, Clerk 24272 Mary P. Gregson', Clerk CAVE SPRING 16.1,.0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 . .. . . .. 24273 H. S. Turner, Judge and Returns 24274 C. C. Farris, Judge 24275 J. A. Lipps, Judge 21,.276 Paul Eller, Judge 21,.277 S. R. Pritchard, Jr., Judge 24278 Ernestine Graham, Clerk 24279 F. L. Grisso, Clerk BENT MOUNTAIN 24280 Mrs. Maude L. Poff, Judge and Returns 24281 W. B. Coles, Judge 21,.2S2 B. W. Angle, Judge 21,.283 Lena Lancaster, Clerk 24281,. C. F. Holt, Clerk 15.84 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 II . . II .. . II 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 II . m - Ii II I I: 1 , , I: I , i: I I, 98 - ~~-'-~---r--'---' ----.-.----.-.- - -- .-. I! Ii \1 Ii' ~' Cl'll/tol.ol.' IT <s+-- i: CIoUoo j ~ %::t:...b. ! e <P. f.>^f.'-1I. i.' ~"""""".\'.'(", III ~n. ,. No. 21,.285 24286 21,.287 OGDEN E. C. Cawley, Judge and Returns J. L. Dent, Judge Beulah K. Bernard, Judge and Comr. ft 24288 Dorothy S. Tuck, Clerk ft 24289 Helen L. Pickett, Clerk RIVERDALE .___.__._ ._n.___._._______ ---- ._'~----' ----- F I, $ 16.40 10.00 21.1,.0 10.00 I 10.00 16.1,.0 10.00 10.00 I 10.00 10.00 The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, Roanoke County, salaries, expense accounts for the month of November, 1956, and also those of J. L. RICHARDSON, JR., Commissioner of Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney, and H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, will be paid as of November 30, 1956. F. B. Clemmer, Judge and Returns Madeline G. Chocklett, Judge Mary C. Clemmer, Judge Mrs. Charles B. Clemmer, Clerk Mrs. Alice Tabor, Clerk " " I: i II ! Ii I! ~ MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: I II . ft 24290 . 24291 . 24292 . 24293 II 21,.291,. .Salem, Virginia November 19, 1956 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business November 17, 1956, there was 1;0 the credit of the General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund County.School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. $ 26,109.23 1,1,.39.90 5,909.1,.2 766.08 191,212.01,. 55,621,..1,.6 2,389.09 105.98 .01,. 2S3,556.24 Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.. Said report is approved and ordered filed. " i IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: I I The Clerk this day delivered to tre Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal~ County Treasurer, for $S29.35 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of October, 1956, less 5% commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $787.88 net. -- ! ,>.~ - , -' ,I I iI " ~ i , jj ~ II I; " II 'I , ii " " :i it I il il ,i '''1 J o 11 v On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of November, 1956, be approved in the amount of $6,711.66, from which the sum of $95.03 total F. I. C. A. Tax and total W. H. Tax amounting to $513.20, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,103.1,.3. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None " 99 1\ II~~ ~/ II/"'/~ 'I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that tb~ payroll for RefUse '.!. ~.T ~ ~D. Collection and Janitor Services for the period of October 16, ending October 31~ ~;,~ 1956, be approved in the amount of $1,521.60, from which the sum of $31.1,.6 ii II j "1~~ total F. I. C. A. Tax and total W. H. Tax of $53.50 is to be deducted, leaving " a net payroll of $1,1,.36.64. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: !lone Ii iI The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered! Ii filed: I H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the County II~I~ ~ Jail during the month of October, 1956 :, ~/'~ II H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of October, 1956 ['I. HEALTH OFFICER'S MONTHLY STATISTICAL REPORT for the month ending October, 1956 I . i) EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly repcrt for October, 1956 AUBREY R. SLAYTON, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for October, 1956 H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the report of Part-time Deputy Sheriff Frank A. Rogers, for the month of October, 1956, amounting to $50.00, which report is approved and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as provided by law. it II 'I I , , , :i I i ., :i Report on Dog Pound for the month of September, 1956, from Mrs. Charles W. Thomas, President, Roanoke Valley Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, received and crdered filed. ( On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) from the general county fund to the Library Fund, being a part of the 1956-1957 appropriation set up in the County Budget as a Library Fund. 'I I' II 'I . ,~~ !~q;;~,-u- It~-.L IJ-~ I "I.-P~i. I! r-r I ,I ItE . f .' .c~~ ::~ i~_ y- r- 1 '.u.r , c.. v- i! Co 'i.t-1P . " /".., - Ii II!,.) ~ Ii .I I' I 100 ------- Ii .. ~ Ii - ... I! I 'I I, I c- I . I, .~Y'li L.~.: c.. . Ii v-~'1-r' i G>~ i 1I/.).JJSr. I i -.--c-.-'---.-.-....,.....-if,.,.---..,-;:-. _. ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None v A communication dated November 2, 1956, from the Division of Markets, Thomas C. Harris, Jr., Supervisor, Weights and Measures Section, addressed to Howard W. Starkey, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors submitting a report of the test of weighing and measuring devices in Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. " Ii j! ( I .. Ii 11 I: Copy of resolution #12900, Council eity of Roanoke, Virginia, dated the 13th day of November, 1956, amending contract between City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke, dated September 28, 1954, dealing with the treatment of ii domestic and commercial wastes be, and the same is ordered filed. Letter -' dated November 16, 1956, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va., ordered filed. Board: ji 'I ii II I! !I I. follow- !i I' p !I The following Excerpt from minutes of the regular meeting of the Roanoke County School Board held on November 13, 1956, was this day laid before the . On motion of L. M. Whitmore, seconded by Mrs. Frank B. Thomas, the ing resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, there is a surplus in the Operating Fund of the Roanoke County Schools which is not needed to meet current expenditures, and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Board owes on short term loans $410,000.00 to the banks in Salem for th~ construction of Cave Spring High School and the addition to South View Elementary School, and WHEREAS, the notes for these short term loans will be due before January 1, 1957, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County, with the concurrent approval of the County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, hereby requests and authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the County Bookkeeper to transfer by journal entry the amounts necessary from the Roanoke County School Operating Fund to the Roanoke County " School Construction Fund to pay these temporary loans as they become due. Upon consideration of said request, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Bookkeeper be and they are, hereby authorized to transfer by journal entry the sum of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00) as of this date, and Seventy-five Thousand Dollars ($75,000.00) on December 6, 1956, from the Roanoke County School Operating Fund to the Roanoke County School Construction Fund to pay temporary loans of said School Board as set up in resolution of said School Board this day submitted to this Board. I I I I I o " ~ !j Ii l,-.J " , " ,I Ii II 'I Ii :i " , " Ii :1 I' ! 1 , II ~ !Ill ...J M LJ o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H.Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ i: " " H. W. CLARK, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board to purchase five model 97 Winchester Riot Guns at $66.31 net, total $331.55, for use in the Sheriff's Department; Upon consideration whereof, on motion duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase three model 97 Riot WinchestertGuns at $66.31 net, total $198.93, for use in the Sheriff's Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None i I I I I , , I, :, ,: i On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for Ten Dollars ($10.00) be issued to H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke County, to re- imburs~ him for purchase of 22 H &: R pistol stolen from the Fort Lewis Hardware Company, and recovered from A. T. Stump, who purchased said pistol from a juvenile. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None " :i IV '1 !! On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that an appropriation of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) be made to the Treasurer of Roanoke ,i County, for the purchase of "tamps for mailing of tax tickets out of her , 'I office. , :1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None if , , , , , , IN RE VACATION OF A 15 FOOT ALLEY IN THE TOWN OF SALEM, VIRGINIA, EXTENDING FROM/! THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SALEM AVENUE (SALEM-LYNCHBURG TURNPIKE) IN A NORTHERLY ,Ii DIRECTION TO THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF CREST ON AVENUE, AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF CRESTON: LAND COMPANY" OF RECORD IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE ' COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 1,.7. This day came Thomas S. Marshall and Mary H. Marshall, and Carrie P. Richardson and Edw. H. rlichardson, her husband, by Counsel, and showed unto 101 l' I, II ,1 I: , ~ ,,(.L.-r-- , a.~ ~~r ': II}""" J-51. I II I: Ii I' I: II~ d<.L t i . ~~ '~" ,.. l.f!f ~6~ . i,~ i ,. I I, ! the Board ofStipervisors of Roanoke County that they, being the sole owners of Ii property abutting on the above described alley, have executed an instrument as I: I' required by law, vacating and closing said alley, and that in addition thereto, I the Council of the Town of Salem, by resolution adopted at a regular meeting I: of said Council, held on the 22nd day of October, 1956, has approved the vacatiof Ii. 102 .'. --. ~. .- --- ---. - -.. - - - ~.. . ..... . ... ~--------- ~~-----_._---- --- .-.,' . -_.- --.,--.- _. ..-- .---,----- .-.----,._.__._--_.-_._.._---~-,------------ --'---'''-'- .=~~-"=~-~rr'-'~-'~~-'- ~~,-~-----.... ----- ----,- --.- r'---.-... " il " :i ,: ,I I' JTxnr I; d..t.. * ~'; L.e;. "i c-.. 1 11/4~" Ii I' and closing of said alley; and requested that under the provisions of Sections 15-766.1 and 15-766.2 of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County approve the vacation and closing of said alley. Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark, this Board doth hereby approve the vacation and closing of said alley, and in evidence thereof, it is ordered that W. E. Cundiff, Chairman of this Board, and Roy K. Brown, its Clerk, do execute an Instrument for recordation in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of .' Roanoke County, Virginia, approving the vacation and closing of said alley. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None i: ,. , ; I. , , ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) QRQ!R IN RE: Rezoning of property situate on the East side of U. S. Route 11 and known and described as Tract liB", Block 1, Summer dean Sec. No.1. OF RUSSELL SEARS and EVA SEARS ; II i !, , , I' i I i i' This day came Russell Sears and Ava Sears, by Counsel, and requested leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this the 19th day of November, 1956, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend aaid Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition be, and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, thatcupon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I ;, Ii " !: ;, I Ii Ii il Ii Ii ,. " i; j: I' !! I' I' , I '! " II I: I' , , i: ,I I I I ~ , I ,,J ~ , o.....J j o ~ " !:~i1r~ ~. ,b1aJJi::::::- C, contract of September 28, 1951,., between the City of Roanoke and the County of :! 'i,f..-0~ Roanoke, deal1iJg with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by '! 'J/4~-r. emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: See attached descriPti~n~ P!~~~ and plats. ,Ii":" ~ I~ I~ '-/9"7 '~r:f ~l - ,9.s-1. I !fA) is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the! " 1i 'I " J.. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the And that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating with the aforesaid areas shall be delivered,by the County, to the City'S sanitary sewer system at such point as requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County: (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force , " II ii II Ii " I " ,I , and effect. ! " 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, immediately upon passage, by the councilll of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the ' I County of Roanoke shall be, and remain, bound by the provisions thereof as " fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and II II provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 2S, 1951,.. II Ii An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be I in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Ii Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. ~UL;..iff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays~ None :1 t II ! :1 'I il :i 'I Mr. o. T. Aichel, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, submitted to the Board a copy of a Final Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year, 1956-57. Upon consideration whereof, on motion duly seconded and carried is approved by the follo.nng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None , ~ : 'I ,I i r' .- , " Commonwealth of Virginia, Roanoke County Map for 1956-57 Final Budget Primary and S~condary Highway Systems January 1, 1956, Department of Highways, :i !i I' ,I , :; V and copy of Final ordered filed. Budget for S~condary System in Roanoke County for year 1956-5~, On motion of Supervisor W. E.Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark, it is ordered that, at the regular January, 1957, meeting of this Board, to be held at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the 21st day of January, 1957, at 3 o'clock P. M., the following ordinance will be proposed tvr adoption: 103 11 i: " " !i Ii I! /11; ,~ 'ho\~ , ,@-T :i ()".!.~ t:L. :~r. . : ~-<-1~)J...!.- I $L..-. ()y- , I, 111~s.1. I, - I' ,. II , ~.~( I~/' ! I. "'/~' I, q ~J.,J... /1-" 'I~ - o;;f e:.. . m<- ,,/.....,/" 104 -----_._- ii ; ~ - ~_. -tr ,""".-'-.~ AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS liTHE MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE ORDINANCE. FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEVYING AND COLLECTING A, LICENSE TAX ON MOTOR VEHICLES IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF SAID ORDINANCE. ; ji d MOTOR VEHICLES: Every motor vehicle and trailer operated on the streets, highways or roads within Roanoke County, Virginia, in business or for the private use or benefit of the owner, shall be subject to a license tax as provided herein. The provisions of this ordinance, however, shall not be construed to apply to trucks, road rollers, tractors, engines, locomotive engines, electric cars running on rails, motor vehicles, trailers or semi- trailers owned by the Commonwealth of Virginia, by any political subdivision of the Commonwealth, or by the United States Government, or to vehicles used ;< ii sale by any manufacturer or dealer, as defined by Section 1,.6-1,.5 through 46-48, ' I: 1,.6-67 znd 1,.6-105 through 1,.6-109 of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended. ii " i: exclusively for agricultural or horticultural purpe>ses, or vehicles held for Nor shall any provision of this Ordinance apply to motor vehicles or owners I' " County of Roanoke, which town imposes Ii resident in any incorporated town in said a licnese tax upon owners and motor vehicles in said town. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to require a license tax on a person, finn or corporation or upon any vehicle exempted from same under the provisions of any of the statues of ~he Commonwealth of Virginia, nor any person who does not actually reside in Roanoke County or who does not use their automobile in Roanoke Coun~. The word 'reside' as used herein shall be construed to mean ;, , " ! , .to have a place of abode in Roanoke County", irrespective of the intention of i , any person to return to some residence outside of. Roanoke County at some future I: date. 2: AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, MOTORCYCLES, ETC. la) On each and every automobile, truck or trailer to which this ordinance is applicable, there shall be a tax of $3.00 per annum. (b) In case of a combination of a tractor-truck and trailer, or semi- trailer, each vehicle constituting a part of such combination shall be licensed as a separate vehicle, and separate license plates shall be issued therefor, as set forth under paragraph la) of Section 2 herein. lc) Upon each and every motorcycle, motor scooter and 1/2 ton, or under, automobile tralers or vehicle of like design, to which this ordinance is applicable, there' shall be a tax of $1.50 per annum. 3: LICENSE TAX YEAR: The license tax year shall commence on the first day of April and expire on the thirty-first day of March of each year. 1,.: PRORATION: Only one-half of the license tax prescribed by this ordinance shall be assessed and collected whenever any such license tax first becomes assessable during the period beginning on the 1st day of October in any year, and ending on the 15th de.:; of January in the same license tax year; and only one-third of such license tax shall be assessed and collected whenever any such license tax first becomes assessable after the 15th day of January in the same license tax year. Each license issued upon the payment of the license tax thereon shall expire at the end of the license tax year in which the same is issued. 5: ISSUING LICENSE TAX: Any person coming under the provisions of this . .1 I I I I ; i L--- r~ I I I I , . r-, I , 1-...... ~ i ! i..J ., \-J o [1 Ordinance shall make application for license upon forms supplied by the Treasurer of Roanoke County, at the office of said Treasurer in the Court at Salem, Virginia, and upon payment of required tax shall be issued, as House', , .. evidence, tins or tags which shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle so licensed, so as to be readable in a manner similar to the State license tags. Failure to display tins or tags shall be considered as violation even though , the license tax has been paid. It shall be unlawful for any person to whom a \: I ,I :1 ii !I I ,I :1 11 :\ :1 I 'I I' ,I " i[ II tin or tag is issued upon the payment of any license tax prescribed in this Ordinance, to give, loan, rent, sell, a ssign or transfer such tin or tag to another or to otherwise permit another to use in any manner such tin or tag , I ,I Any person holding a Ii current registration certificate and license plate who disposes of the vehicle II for which it was issued and does not purchase another vehicle may surrender the II l1c~nse plate and registration certificate to the Treasurer of Roanoke County, II with a statement that the vehicle for which the license plate was issued has I, 'I during the license tax year for which the same is issued. 6: REFUNDS OF UNlJSSD MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE TAXES: been sold, and request a refund for the unused portion of the fee paid. The Treasurer shall refund to the applicant one-half of the total cost of the , i registration and license plate if application for such refund is made ~ior to 'he 1st day of October "r the current license year, but such refund shall be only one-thi~d of such total cost when the application therefor is made subsequent i " II \1 !i 'I I !I !I !I I I: I ! licens~ i: i to the 1st day of October of the current license year, but prior to the 1st day of January of the current license year. No refund shall be made when application therefor is made after the 1st day of January of the current year. LOST TAGS: In the event that any license plate issued under the 7: provisions or this Ordinance shall be lost or mutilated, or shall have become illegible, the person who is entitled thereto shall make immediate application for and obtain a duplicate or substitute therefor upon furnishing information of such fact satisfactory to the Treasurer of Roanoke County, and upon payment of fifty cents (5C;:,j. (I !I I " 8: DISPOSITION OF REVENUE DERIVED FROM LICENSE TAXES AND FEES: The 'I I i I " 1 'I revenue derived from all County license taxes and fees imposed under authority of this ordinance shall be applied to General County i purposes. Ii --If any section, ' i 9: IN CASE ANY PART OF THIS ORDINANCE DECLARED INVALID: phrase or part of this ordinance should, for any reason, be held invalid by a Court of competent juriSdiction, such decision shall not affect the remainder the ordinance, and every remaining section, clause or part thereof shall continue in full force and effect. ,j :1 PENALTY: 10: ":,1 person or corporation who violates any of the " " I: I Ii conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more II I, ji I, provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon than $100.00, and for a second such conviction within one year, the punishment shall be a fine of not less than $25.00 nor more than $200.00. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance be and the same hereby is made effective'on and'after the 1st day of April, 1957. 105 ~ o~ I 106 --~ ~. - -- ... - -,- -- --- . -- .--.-.. .-------------- .. - - . ---- - ----..-..--.---....-.-.--- -.-. ~. . r : ct.t.. ; li)....~.~.1J- i ~~:, " I~~i. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for four successive weeks commencing November 29, 1 56, in the Times- Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of intention of this Board to propose for adoption the above ordinance. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to post a copy of said ordinance at the front door of the Court House of Roanoke County, Va. And it is further ordered that the Sheriff of Roanoke County be directed to post a copy of this proposed ordinance at each post-office in Roanoke I County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell. . Not Voting: Supervisor Minor R. Keffer Nays: None i I ;. I: II II Ii " ji Ii !I I I ~ The following communications received and ordered filed: Copy of letter dated Nov. 6, 1956, from Paul B. Matthews to State Department of Health in re: appropriation of sum of $663.60 towards conduct , I I, r , ii " i Ii I; I I ji i Letter dated'October 17, 1956, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Engineer, !i & Executive, Officer, Roanoke County, from Edwin G. Terrell, secretary-Treasure~! Roanoke Valley Regional Planning &: Economic Development Commission aCknoloiledgin.1 , check #21,.041 in the amount of $1.163.00 representing Roanoke County's :[ I i , , I, Letter dated November"13, 1956, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roano't County, from Wiley N. Jackson in re: rezoning of 9.945 acres on west side of I of the Roanoke County Health Department for period from 1-1-57 to 6-30-57. contribution to said Commission. ~ Catawba Branch of the N &: W. Railway Company, north of Slemp Street from A Residence District to Light Industrial District, stating that before the character thereof is changed, that a fence will be built around the plant of Wiley N. Jackson Company and trees planted along the fence of said plant so as to afford a screen to the view of residents of Park Place. i f.r I WHEREAS, The School Board for the County of Roanoke, on the 19th day of November, 1956, presented to this Board, an applicatior addressed to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of borrowing from the Literary Fund $250,000.00 for a new nineteen room, one-story elementary school building (or for adding to or improving the present school building) at Oak Grove, to be paid in 25 annual installments, and the interest thereon at JL per cent paid annually, provided there are sufficient funds in the Literary Fund at the time the money is called for by the School Board. If, in the discretion of the State Board of Education, it appears advisable: to provide money for this loan through assignment to the Virginia Retirement System, the rate of interest on this loan will be not less than two nor more than four per'cent per annum. I . I I ~~-:.:- ! i! i-I n w 1 1...J n U o 107 II RESOLVED, That the application of the County School Board to the State ! Board of Edu~ation of Virginia for a loan of $250,000.00 from the Literary Fund; is i hereby approved, and authority is hereby granted the said County School Board " to borrow the said amount for the purpose set out in said application. I: I' Ii c..J..i.i4. . -r.- Terrell, it is ordered that Miller E. Petty be employed to make an assessment ii" i::.(~L:.i;~ of all new buildings which are substantially completed and fit for use, ' i ~~_1. ! U 3 - f?1.. '('- books the fair market value of such buildings, the tax on such new buildings ~--p' I I/j~r~'-' to be computed according to the ratio which the portion of the year such build-: I: " :j 'I :1 , ! 'I The Board of Supervisors for said County will each year during the life of I! Ii this loan, at the time they fix the regular levies, fix a rate of levy for ii :, I' schools or make a cash appropriation sufficient for operation expenses and to !: pay this loan in annual installments and the interest thereon, as required by law regulating loans from the Literary Fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin Minor R. Keffer Nays: None G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark and of On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. occupancy and enjoyment as of December 31, 1956, pursuant to Section 58-811.1 ,I :1 , of the Code of Virginia, and the Commissioner of Revenue shall '3nter in the ings were fit for use, occupancy and enjoyment bears to the entire year. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. w. E. Cundiff Nays: None " Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell,' Roland H. Clark and I I I ! :1 I Ii I: II II :t ~ i :i " :1 :1 " I, I' I' ,I I " ., ., ,I 'I I, " !i , :1 II " I ;1 :i II , " 'J ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in December, . 1956. q~'1/ eba'- Court House Salea,. Virginia Decsaber 17, 1956 The Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke Cowsty aet this day at the Court House ' .thereo1' in regular .ollthly session. Present: W. E. CUIldi1'f, Chainlan, Edv.l.ll G. .'ferrell, Minor R. Kef1'er and Roland H. Clark. Be1'ore the aeetiag wa3 called to order by the Chail'llan, Edwin G. Terrell, Supervisor !rOIl CaTe Spring District, offered a prayer. The ainutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each .saber of the Board having read the copy of said lIiJ1lltes fUrnished hia by the Clerk. i { The following claias against the County were this day presented, approved, I Ii and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectiTely , chargeable therewith. to-wit: Ho. 24-465 Appalachian Electric Power Co., Electricity · 24-466 Acae Printers, Inc., Office supplies .. 24-467 Auto SpriDg &: Bearing Co., Flash light batteries for Shariff &: Deputies t 21.68 29.30 1,..60 . 24-468 r. L. Ayers, 1 day sittiug to register T~erB 10.00 108 if " Ii , j: ,i I' I I I' I, . . . . . . . 10. 241,.69 · 24470 · 241,.71 · 241,.72 . 241,.73 . 24474- 241,.75 . . 241,.76 .. 241,.77 24478 24479 24480 241,.81 241,.82 . - . .. . II . 24483 241,.84 . II 24485 ~86 241,.87 241,.88 241,.89 24490 241,.91 24492 241,.93 .. . . .. . . . .. . . 2449~ . .. . . . . . 24501 24502 24503 24504- 24 505 24506 Barnett Coal Co., HeatiD.g fuel Baiss Bquijaent COIp., Parts for Garbage Truck #22 Blue Ridge Produce Co., Food for _ Prisoaers Brown Hardwaro Co., Hardware Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Repairs to Jsil and Court- house Burroughs Corp., 2-new Adding Machines County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County owned Vehicles Children's Ho.e Society of Va., Contribution to Children's Ho.e at Rlchllond Clearbrook Lion'S Club, Rent on Clearbrook Fire "S1;ation Dr. S. D. Carey, Attending Prisoner at Co. Jail C & P Telephone Co., Telephone SerTice for County OEfices Copy-CraEt Inc., office supplies C111ligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Bqllipaent Treasurer, City of Roanoke, Roo. and Board Eor Children detailled at Roanoke City Detention HOlle Cancelled City of Roanoke, Sewap Treatllent Plant, Sewage 'l'reatllent co., ',for General Blectr.ic PlaDt Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies DoC's SerTice Station, Gasoline Police Car #6 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasolille Purchased for Police Cars Paul Eller, Electrical &: Plumbing Inspections -'~T--"-'- . 73.25 22.50 19.65 , 24.42 13.31,. 737.10 859.00 : iI 200.00 (! 60.00 i " 5.00 , 382.93 Ii 8.50 ii I' 3.50 I I; I! i lI,..OO ,: !; 129.53 " 11 8.78 I' " 9~39 Ii I' 15.48 :' ii 51.91 'I Easter Supply Co., Elkins Shell Service Station, Wash jobs for Police Vehicles 15.00 Ii !! Chalaers Ferguson, Office supplies 35.52 ii I' Collllission on Delinquent taxes collected585.l5 Ii !i " :! G. C. Foley, NOTSmber Rent on I(t. PleasaDt Fire House Fairvi~v Ho.e, CO\Ulty's pro-rata share of expenses in llaintaining hOllle for the aged Fuel Oil &: Equip.ent Co., Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire House . and Courthouse .., 60.00 ~g,OO ':;60.90 60.00 8.65 i 9.88 ; 4tJ.77 51.22 1 I' 60.00 Holdrens Refrigerator Sales & Service, Servicing Jail Refrigerator 7.50 i International Business Machine Corp. 1 Hew EJectric Typewriter 455~00 Alex Y. Lee, Repairing Lock and Making keys 5.00 Lewis-Gale Hospital, S1;ate-Local Hospital Bills for We!Eare958.82 25.00 JlcClung Lumber Co., 1 Voting Booth Janie B. Mclfeal, Treasurer, Re:1llburse Cost of Registered .' . Mail and Jury Tickets 24507 Cordy Maxey, Garbage Collection bt Contract use of truck 10 hours at '2.00 per hr. 24495 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Novuber Rent on CaTS Spring " , . Fire House 24496 WII. Green &: Co., Parts for Garbage Truck #23 24497 Garst Poultry Fara, Food Eor Prisoners 241,.98 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 241,.99 GraTes-Humphreys Hdw. Co., 1 Aluainum Extension Ladder 21,.500 W. R. Hester Co., Heating Fuel for Co. Jail 24508 Millar Tire Service, Tires and Repairs Co. Vehicles 27.25 20.00 11,.2.60 I I I I I 109 ~ I 1.50 I' I 600 I .00 ;1 I Malcolm Blueprint &: Supply Co., Maps * Mercy House, Inc., County's pro-rate share of Expense tor MeFcy House Edward F. Staples, Reiaburse Trayeliag Expense MolIB.rch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 10. 24509 .. 24510 14.77 93.37 . 24511 24512 21,.513 . ~ I-J , Xt. Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck . 11.33 · 24514 Owen PlUllbing &: Heating Co., PlWlbiag Repairs Courthollse .. ud Co. Office Bldg. 71,..12 Russell L. Paxton, Printing CG., office supplies for , . 'l'reasurer 21,.515 . 'I ,I 'I II '1 76.88 I"! \-,J 24516 X. E. Petty, Reillburse Expenses to RichaOJl!l: attending .eeting of Assessors AssGciation Peacock-Salsa Laundry, Laundry-Prisoners Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners Roaaoke Valley Motors, lDc., Wrecker SerTice Gar~age , Truck #23 .. 29.68 25.73 47.69 , 'i Ii '- " . 21,.517 24518 24519 .. Ii " 1l II " I, . 5.00 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for Jail and Ho.e Demonstration Kitchen Radio Co_unicaticns Co., Radio Maintenance Dr. R. B. S.Uey, Salary 1II0veaber Jail PhYSician, CoroDer Investigations S.ead &: Webber Drug Co., Medical Supplies for Jail Salsa Furniture Co., Shades tor Courthouse Salsa Glass Corp. Glass for County office Bldg. Sale. Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail and SIIIall equipllleat for Bldg. Town of Salea, Lights and Water service Times-Register Co., Book Binding office supplies and advertising Valleydale Packers, Inc., Food for Prisoners 24520 .. 26.1,.3 28.38 II 21,.521 24522 . 80.00 4.58 5.60 6.35 ii II it ! ; 1 I, :1 II :i i ii i! il n Ii I i I I i I . 24523 21,.521,. 21,.525 21,.526 . . ~ U , . 17.10 I 778.57 II II i I . 21,.527 21,.528 . 79.40 92.S5 118.88 . .24529 21,.530 24531 .. Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners Virginia Metal Manufacturing Co., Pipe for Road leading to Garbage Duap Vinton Motor Co., Parts for Police Car #6 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books for Clerk West-v:iew Poultry Fam, food for prisoners Cancelled Wilson's Esso &: Grocery, Repairs, Gas &: Oil H. M. Woods, Repairs to Jail Ssnr . . Firestone Stores, Car Parts Police Car 116 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service . . 12.85 12.10 158.68 . 24532 24533 24534 24535 21,.536 24537 24538 24539 24540 .. 49.30 . :\ :j " .. 38.86 8.00 . J . I 3.50 I d 3.00 II I . .. Nelson Hardware Co., Wearing apparel for Garbage Collectors 'rubs &:c 52.59 Merchants Industries, Inc., FOrllls for Reassessment 256.68 , Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Deliuqaent taxes collected .29 W. H. Witt, SerYices Rendered in absence of Fire Chief Cave Spring Station . o . 21,.541 24553 24554 . . 72.50 24555 H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Advance Trayeling expense to Bo.ont, 'rexas and returning 250.00 21,.556 Aaerican Society of Pla~tng Officials, Msabership dues for 1 year beginning Jan. 1, 1957 . . 15.00 Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring . .. . Fire House 10.64 . 24557 I 14.90 24558 Ac.e Printers, Inc., office supplies II 110 . -------y--- ._,-- t; :i IQ. 24-559 . 21,.560 . 21,.561 . 24562 .. 21,.563 .. 24-564 . 24-565 .. 24-566 --- .. 21,.567 II 21,.568 . 24-569 . 24-570 . 21,.571 . 21,.572 .. 24573 .. 21,.574 . 21,.575 .. 24-6l1,. . 21,.615 . 24-616 . 24-617 .. 21,.618 . 24-619 . 21,.620 .. 2462l . 24622 Dr. S. D. Carey, ,Coroner Investigations ..--...----r-. . 20.00 25.75 l.06 i 120.40 . 78.99 .. I 12.50 W. V. Crosswhite, Drayage --- Easter Supply Co., Office supplies Goodwin Insurance &: Realty Co., Car Liability Insurance Gittens &: Morton, Inc., Liability Insurance Hufflllan's Garage, Wash Jobs Roanoke X8aorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for . .. . Welfare. . 1,288.32 Sumaerdean Esso Station, Gas, Oil, etc. Cancelled Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy hearings, Examination Drunk Dri ving Dr. R. B. SlIiley, LUlUl:Y Hesring Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners . . Snyder Bros. Motor Freight Lines, Freight Collect Cancelled C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies for Clerk West Publishing Co., Law books - Dr. S. D. Carey, Jail visit in a~8eDce of Jail Physician Haloid COIIpaDY, 1 New Photostatic Machine Treasurer, Catawba Volunteer Firemen, 1956-1957 , Contribution W. H. Witt, Treasurer, 1956-1957 Contrib1ltion !reasurer, Nt. Pleasant, 1956-1957 Contribution 125.95 I 35.00 lO.OO 13.07 19.91 33.75 27. 50 5.00 8,500.00 200.00 1,.00.00 1,.00.00 ! Treasurer, Hollins Fire Department, 1956-1957 Contribution 400.00 Caacelled Volunteer Fireaen, 1956-1957 Contribution Volunteer Firsaen, 1956-1957 Contribution Treasurer, Volunteer Firemen, 1956-1957 Contribution 400.00 i i' 1,.00.00 I 1,.00.00 (' II 0: DOG TAIES, SHEEP CWKS &:c: ! '!'he following elaias against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: .0. 21,. 542 . 21,. 543 . 2451,.1,. . 21,. 54 5 . 24- 546 . 24547 . 21,.548 . 24549 II 24550 "'-._~ II 24551 . 24552 . 24576 C &: P Telephone eo., Telephone SerYice for Dog Warden . l5.7~I County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of Dog!ruck 48.03(. I 8.62: 6.0$ 1,..95) l.15: I, I 4.191. Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck Diamond Paper Co., Disinfectant for Dog Kennel Fort Lewis Hardware'&: Lumber Co., Lumber for Dog Kennel . - McClung Lumber Co., 1 dog stick Pillis Brothers Gulf Station, Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck Powell's PharJRacy, Medical supplies Radio COIIIIIIUDi.cations Co., Radio Maintenance Dog Truck Salea Farm Supply Co., Dog 'Food Sale. Lumber co., Luabe; fo; Dog Kennel Salsa Animal Hospital, Vaccination 303 Dogs at 3-Clinics ,- 2.70 15.001 1,.5.85 3.52: 151.50 Ii !' i' ,I I I I ! 112 ----.~...-.-~I-.-- ! ~ c.&..i. t., 1W.C.~ rC. ~.~ . I). .).t ~ ., '/" ~ 4.lto..~ "'/1~/rt " 1: I I ji , :: " ,Ii Ii I! I, Ii " ,i 'i I: Ii I, ! I' Ft: -"". r "'~i: ~I bl'fo : ,.14' I, IS;. '(':'1 1 ~ 11 , , ~.. 'I I I " " " , ~/W..t ~ c.~C.U'! ~....c..'>1-' i ~ OJ , " I. 1"1f~.~ l\. . . ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for the period of NOV8lllber 16, 1956, ending Decellber 30,,1956, be approved in the amount of $1,592.51,., from which the S1lll or .31.83 total F. I. C. A. 'l'ax and total W. H. 'l'ax or .63.20 is to be deducted, leaTiD& a ~et payroll of .1,497.51. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell lays: Bone I I ~ 'fhe following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARI,Sheriff, sUBaarY statement of prisoner' days served in the County Jail during the month of !iov8lllber, 1956. H. Y. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of Nov8llber, . . 1956 EDWARD S. ALLEI, County Agent, monthly report for Jloveaber, 1956 .\IJBREY R. SLUm.~ Assistant County Agent, monthly report for lloveaber, 1956 . -. ROAIOKE TALLEY SOCIE'l'Y FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUEL'U TO AllDULS, Monthly Pond . " ~ . '. Report dated Nov.. 12, 1956 HEAL'l'H OFFICER'S JlOIITHLY STATISTICAL REPORT for the month ending lovember, . '.' .... .' .. "', .1956, i: II , ;, i. I' i: i! Ii /: If I ; !i COJIIIJJlWEAL'l'H OF VIRGINIA, Department of Welfare and. Institutions, Coaaitllents to County and City Jails and City Jail Farms Year ended June 30, .1956 H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the report of Part-time Deputy Sheriff Frank A. Rogers, for the month of . , Novuber, 1956, amounting to .55.00, which report is approved and the Clerk ii I' of this Board is hereby ordered to forward said re~ort to the State COIIpensation Board as provided by law. , , ,1 III liE: PADlERT OF SALARIES: On motion. duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary checks for all County employees be approved for payment as of December 17, I 1956. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Ieffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell lays: None I 114 ---_._.~--------~.._- o. __.._ ~ ~ Resolution No. l2929, dated December 10th, 1956, Council City of Roanoke, Va., in re: resolution amending contract of September 28, 1954, between City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke c:leal1ng with treatment of do.es1;ic and co..ercisl wastes and letter dated December 12, 1956, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, directed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County, Board of Supervisors, ordered filed. I ... IN RE: ADJI['l'IONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM - ROANOKE COUNTY: -- , , . Letter c:lated llovellber 20, 1956, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Sale., Virginia, frOlll F. A. Davis, Deputy Coatis sioner, Departaent of Highways, Richmond 19, Virginia. approving additions to the Secondary S781iea,.Roanoke County, effective Nov8lllber 20, 1956, to-wit: Additions Resolution I Peschtree Drive - From Rt. 117 to Showalter Road Length 0.21 Mile Wilson Road - Fro. Peachtree Drive to dead end. Length 0.07 Mile Showalter Road - Froll lorthwooc:l Drive to Peachtree Drive Length 0.38 Mile . Jiorthwood Dri,", (Route lI,.69) from Peachtree Drive to Showalter Road. Length 0.e6 Mile Peachtree Drive - Froa D.l7 Mi. E. oflforthwood Drive to Showalter Drive Length O.lO Mile Showalter Road - Froll Peachtree Drive northeast to Dead end. Length 0.05 Mile . Peachtree Drive - Frolll Rorthwood Drive E. to Showalter Road. Length 0.17 Mile 6-20-55 6-20-;; 6-20-55 6-20-55 6-20-55 !i ii " I. 6-20-55 7-19-55 was ~ceiTed and ordered filed. ./ file follOwing resolution was unaniaously adopted: cJ..-Cl'I'lQJ..L.; ~.~ . tf..~~. 1;1. -Iq_~--r. WHEREAS. in or about the year 1938 the United States IIational Park Service constructed the section of the Blue Ridge Parkway aotor road, together with an access connection with Route 221, known as State Project 1093-D and Federal I . . Section I-P, between Adney C3.p and Pine Spur Gap, in the Counties of Roanoke, Franklin and Floyd, and in connection therewith relocated and constructec:l on a t..porary location a section of Secondary Route 602 in the Counties of Roanoke and Franklin and upon and within the Parkway lanc:ls as shown. on National Park Service Easelll8nt Sketch No. 1,.6 datedll-lI,.-56. State Project 1093-.1, Federal Section l-N; and Whereas, in connection with the further construction and improvement of the Blue Ridge Parkway, the National Park Service proposes to relocate and construct on a permanent location, which will serve the saDIe citizens, the said section of Route 602 upon and within the said Parkway lands, crossing under the said motor roac:l at or near centerline Station 0~25, Project 1093-D, Section l-P, as I 115 [i ! - shown on said easement sketch, which, together with other plans relating thereto, has been approved by the State Highway Collllissioner. NOW, '1'HEREFORE, this Board hereby approves the said Easellent Sketch No. 1,.6, dated 11-11,.-56, a copy of which is hereto attached and _de a part of this resolution and the proposed alteration and construction of the said section of Route 602 as shown thereon; and upon receipt of a certificate froa the State Highway Commissioner that the said section of Route 602 has been a~tered and constructed and is satisfactory, then and at such tille, the section of the old location of Route 602 not a part of the permanent location and construction in Roanoke County shall be de8lled to be abandoned as a public road, pursuant to Section 33-76-12 of the Code of Virginia or 1950, as amended, and the section of Route 602 as altered and constructed in lieu thereof in ~-~ - ,--J Roanoke County shall be deeaed to be a part of the Secondary Syst8ll of said County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. eundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edvin G. Terrell. Hays: !lone i ~ ( , ;j i II II '1'he following resolution was nn"lni"ously adopted: Ii !I WBRf.AS. pursuant to certain Acts of the General Ass8llbly relating to the " , . l' . Blue Ridge Parkway, the Co_onwealth has acquired the laBds _braced within the r 4~ ' A. boundaries of State Project 1093-J, ~ederal Section I-N, of said Parkway,; ~~ extending froll Route 220, south of the City of Roanoke, southwesterly $L "'(' approxi.llstely 14.66 mles to the end of said project or section, at or near '1''1 J~\. Adney Gap, in the Counties of Roanoke and Franklin; and the Coaaonwealth J proposes to conve,y the said lands to the United States of America, and its agency, the Hational Park Service, has agreed to construct and llaintain the said project or section; and WHEREAS, in counection with the location ani proposed construction and llaintenance of the said project or section, it is necessary (1) that certain sections of existing Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. designated as Routes 679, 688, 691, 690 and 612 be altered and constructed within the said boudaries and upon the said lands (by and at the cost of the Federal GoverDll8nt), all of which will serve the same citizens, and (2) that the sections of old roads all within the said boundaries and upon the said lands to be replaced by such alteration and construction be abandoned as public roads upon the cOllpletion of such alteration and construction; and WHEREAS, the sections of existing Secondary Roads to be altered and constructed are shown on and provided for by the plans, maps and sketches of the Department of Highways, the National Park Service and the Bureau of Public Roads, all of which are satisfactory to the State Highway Comaissioner and this Board, the latter being the only agency.of the C~~nwealth eapowered by law to abandon sections of Secondary Roads in Roanoke County; and o 116 ..- .------ .--.--. ""T:' !i ~ -r dJ, C. ~.(l) 1:l-~_l;4 -r.- . I WHEREAS, before executing the deed lISking conveyance of the said lands to the United States of America, the State Highway Commissioner desires suitable evidence that upon the compJstion of the alteration and construction of the new sections of Routes 679, 688, 691, 690 and 612, in lieu of the sections of old roads (now existing)'" the latter will be de8lled to,be abandoned as public roads upon receipt of his certificate to this Board that such sections of new roads haTe been COD8tructedand are satisfactory; and WHEREAS, the said sections of Routes 679, 688, 691, 699 and 612 as now located and as to be altered and constructed are shown on certain eas8llent sketches prepared by the National Park Service and approved by the State Highway COIIai.ssioner and this Board, copies of which are hereto attached and _de a part of this resolution, and whJ:h are identified as follows: ,I I Route 679 - Sketch No. · 688 -. .. · 691 - ~ · ~ 690 - ~ II ~ 612 - ~ · 19-0 - dated 10-22-51 :I,.-A - · 3-19-56 8-B - ~ 11-26-1,.8 10-A - ~ 11-20-56 26 ~ 5-9-1,.9 NOW, THEaEFCRE, upon receipt of the said certificate of the State Highway - . Co..tssioner that the said sections of Routes 679, 688, 691, 690 and 612 have been altered and constructed and are satisfactory, in lieu of the sections of old roads, then and at such tillll the latter shall be deemed to be aba:adoned" , as publiC roads, pursnant to Section 3.3-76.12 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, t I as aMnded, and the said sections of said routes altered and constructed in ii .! lieu thereof shall be de8lled to be parts of the Secondary Syst8lll of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following reco~ded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. eundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I , , ( IN RE: ) ) ) ) RESOLUTION WA'l'ER SYSTEM OF FARMIBG'1'O. LAKE IN.ROAHOKE COUNTY. Notice having been given, pursuant to therequir8lllents of Section 15-751,..1 of the Code of Virginia as amended to date, that Real Estate Investment Corporation proposes to coustruct a water distribution syst811 in Fa~ngton Lake on the property owned by it in Roanoke County, Virginia, on 1I0tion made and duly seconded, it is ordered that the proposal be apP:r:<lTed according to the law in such cases made and provided, and pe:naission is hereby granted for the construction of said water systell, it being shown that said system consists' of a well, or wells, as may be necessary to provide an adequate supply, storage facilities for 20,000 gallons, and four-inch cast iron pipe throughout. Adopted by the following recorded 'IOte: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Hays: None I I . ,.. ! ,..J ~ i " I I .1 " II , Ii 'i Ii ii .1 I' , " W I [ " j,1 I I o o I' I' I!~r I~~ I...... 1:1- -Iq~, WRRR~IS, Robert M. Pilcher and Willies S. Pilcher did petition the Board . ot 5v.per'lisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and requested that the County I; Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be esended so as to prOvide that that certai~ .;' Copy of letter dated Decaaber 6, 1956, addressed to J. Luck Richardson, Jr., . " Co.aissioner of ReveDUe of Roanoke County, frOlll .Jesse W. Dillon, Chainaan, State CoapeDSa1;1on Board, approving, subject to ~oncurr8n~e of the Board ot Supervisors, an ~dditional allowance of $316.00 for cospensation of Deputy . ' . ill Charge of Jlew Bailding Assessment, making total authorized allowance tor 1956 for said Dep~ty $2,116.00, was this day laid before .the Board; d . , Upon consideration whereof, 011 sotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the acl.d1tioDSl allowance of $316.00 tor co.pensation of said deputy 1!e and the sase is hereby approved by this Board. Adopted by the following record~d vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ? Copy of letter dated Deceaber J, 1956, addressed to Janie B. McNeal, . . Treasurer, Roanoke County, from Jesse W. Dillon, Chairllan, State Compensation . . . Board, approving, subject to concurrence of the Board of Supervisors, the following additional allowances; was this day laid before the Board: Purchase of electric typewriter from $425.00 to t45~.OO Postage and P. O. Box Rent from $1,309.00 to $1.11,.59.00 Sta1;1onary and Office Supplies fro. $4-14.00 to .699.60 Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the additional allowances set out above, be, and they are, Ilereby approved by this Board. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: NOlle ;1 I I , II RE: ,I .! , REZOIIIG OF PROPERTY SI'l'lJATE 01 ) IAS! SIDE OF CAUnA BRAY~ IORFOLIC) ~. WESTKRlLRAILWAY, BITWJWI THE. -. ) Rln,TlOAD RIGH'fOF WAY. AND KASOB'S ) CRm, ABour. OD~HALF MILE BORTH OF l U. S. ROUfE.46O A'! LAKESIDE. , . . ) ) OF l l ) l FIlIAL ORDER ROBERT M. PILCHEi AND WILLIAM S. PILCHER tract of land situated on the east side of the Catawba Branch, Norfo~ aDd Western Railway, between the Railroad Rigpt of Way and Mason's Creek, about one-half aile north of U. S. Route 460 at Lakeside, and sore particularly de- scribed in said petition, and hereinafter. containizg 17.05 acres by survey of T. P. Parker, dated April 8, 1947, be rezoned and reclassified as Light Industry property, in order that said property and the bnildings that lIay i I 117 II . ,,-c,..-C"c..- 1'\. -I- I' ~cl:~'~ '~~ ..' .cp.~,~ : 'IwoowC. IS, r- i ~I!.' t:L. r .0. .'i;. ~ I].. .J.4 -$"", II , I~~ .ii 10 ,.,t;;i,. I( Ro l.i~'_U' I . '" /4,r I I~~""" ii tf/~~' :1 Co. ., liCe .~(p I! ' " . ;. :.s"t I; " II II i Il :! I! I: ,I " II " :i 'I 118 hereafter be erected thereon, aay be used for said Light Industry purposes, which said petition was filed with the said Board of Supervisors at its regv.lar meeting held. on the 15th day of OctoDer, 1956, and by o:::,der of said Board of S.pervisors entered on the said l5th day of October; 1956, said petition was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation in accordance with the ll'ovisiOJls of the Code of Virginia. AND WHEREAS, the said Planning Collllis,sion did, by a resolutioll adopted at a meeting on the . 12th' day of Novamber, 1956, after hearing evidence touching :i I the merits of said petition,. reco..end to the Board of'Supervisors of Roanoke County that. said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to chauge the classification of said property fro. its presen~ classification of .A. Residence Property- to .Light Industrial Use. as requested in said petition. - -. - AND WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 15th day of Cctober, 1956, as aforesaid, order the Clerk of the,' i said Board of Superv1sors, upon. receipt of said reco..endation frea the Planning !i Caaaission, to forthwith set the same down for a,public hearing at the next pel'llissillle regular or special meeting of said Board of Snpervisors, and to Ii giTe notice thereof by p1I.blication in accordance with provisions of sa d Cowsty Zoning Ordinance and. the Code of Virginia. AID WHEREAS, . the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meetiq: of this Board to De held on this the l7th day of Dec8IIber, 1956, at 2:30 P. M. as the . . day and time tor, a publiC hearing on said proposed amenuent to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the rilles Register, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in i' 'the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 22nd and 29th days of NoTeaber, 1956, as required. by said order of this Board entered on the 15th day of October, 1956, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND WHEIlEAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed aJIIlndaent to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid. AND WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to : said petition and to said recOlRll.endation of the Planning Collllission and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed aJlenuent to said County Zoning Ordinance" and this Board being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be. amended as requested in said petition and as recomaended by said Planning Collllif'sion. I I I NCh., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting of the Board ot'Super~is~rs of Ro~oke 'Cou~ty, 'Virginia, held on this 17th day of Dec8IIIber, 1956, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from its present classification of "A. Residence Property. to .Light Industrial Use. in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be e~ected thereon aay be used for light industrial use as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. I ~ , I i-""'. ~ ; ....J Ii W o 119 II The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "A. Residence Property. to "Light Industrial Use. is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: . - Located in the County of Roanoke, in the Salem District, fronting on the east side of State Secondary Road, Route No. 630, known as Kessler's Mill Road, lying between the Catawba Branch ,,;: the Norfolk and Western Railway and Mason's Creek, Deing imaediately north of the land now occupied by the branch plant of Roanoke Mills (fol'llerly Thaden-Jordan) and described by .etes and bounds as follows, to-wit: . i !I ! 'I ~Il'lBDIG at a point on the Easterly side of the right- of~way.of the Norfolk and Western Railway Catawba Branch, and the Southwest corner of the Stoutamire property, which point 18.15 feet S. 81,.0 10' E. of ,"he center 1111I of the Norfolk and Western Railway, Catawba Branch; thence alollg the Eastern ..t:1ght-of-way line of the Norfolk and Westeril. Railway Catawba Branch, 1347.6 feet, .ore or less, to the Northerly boundary line of the Stoutaaire land the Eastern right-of-way line of the N<rfolk and Western Railway; thence N. 850 11' E. to a point in the center of Mason's Creek; thence .along the center of said Mason's Creek ,in a Southerly direction to the Southern boundary line of the StoutaJRire property; theDce with the Southerly boundary line of the StoutaJRire property N. 81,.0 10' W. to the Easterly side of the right-of-w<iY of the Norfolk and Western R,,-I "''''y, Catawba Branch, the place of BEGIIIIJIG and contsinillg fiftl!lUl acr.., .ore or less, and being ail the property of P. W. Stoutamire between the right-of-way of the lorfolk and ,estern Railway, Catawba Branch, and the center of Mason s Creek; and .. If i ~ ,. I I I , I I, " !' ': " i Being known as the whole of Section 110. 2 as shown on the Map of Carlton Park Property of P. W. Stoutallire, aad being the reaainder of the property of P. W. Stoutallire all . designated on said .ap made by C. B. Malcolm, Civil Engineer, Jla7 1, 1939, to which up reference is hereby _de; and Being the salle property con-.eyed to John A. Pilcher aDd Viola J. Pilcher, husband and wife, from P. W. Stoutallire and Jessie P. Stoutaaire, his wife, by deed dated May 27, 1940, and of record in the Clerk6s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 275, Page 19?; John .A. Pilcher having died July 28, 1948, and Viola J. Pilcher, widow, having conveyed the property to Robert M. Pilcher and Williall S. Pilcher, by deed dated July 21, 1950, recorded in Deed Book 1,.1,.6, Page 179, in said Clerk's Office. The said property being shown as containing 17.05 acres by survey of T. P. Parker, dated April 8, 191,.7. And it is fUrther resolved and ordered thst the Clerk of this Board forthwith certifY a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Roaneke County Planning Co.m.ssion and a copy to Murray A. Stoller, Attorney for the petitioners. i' i' ; i i I; I .' ii I' I Ii ii II I, I I' II iI i i The foregoing Resolution and Order was ado~d on the motion of Supervisor 'I I: Roland H. Clark, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded II vote the Supervisors voted ss follows, to-wit: ': Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell aDd W. E. Cundiff !fays: !folle' " " , I' I: ~ c.J.....:. lit~~. ! .~ I: ,1-/,,, J~-' I: I Wheress, W. R. Calfee and Winfred H. Calfee, husband and wife, did., on the! 15th day of October, 1956, petition the Board of Supervisors of RoanokB County, [, Ii IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON TIIi NORTHERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTENO~ 460, SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROAlfOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA" } ) } ) 1 ) ) } FINAL ORDER OF w. R. CALFEE .um WINIFRED. H. CALFEE 120 _H \ _.-~-- _.. .____.._ .n_.._ Virginia, and the Planning Comaission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to a.end the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain property described in said Petition, and aore tUlly hereinafter described, and now classified as "1 Residence Property. be. re-zoned and reclassified as .Local Business Property.; aDd - - WIlERBAS, '!'he Board of Supervisors of said COlUlt,., did by a Resolution adopted on the 15th day of October, 1956, refer said Petition and Proposal to Aaend said Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Co.ms SiOD of Roanoke County, VirgiDia, as required by said Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, for a rec~endation in accordance with the prorivisions of said Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WIlEREAS, Said Planning Coaaission did by a Resolution adopted at its aeeting held on the 12th day of IOV8llber, 1956, reco_end to the Board of Supervisors of said Count,., that said County Zoning Ordinance should be aaended so as to change the classification of the hereinafter described propert~ of the petitioners, froa.its present classification of "1 Residence Property. to .Local Business Property", as requested in said Petition; and WllBREAS, '!'he Board of Supervisors of said County, did b,. its Resolution adopted on the 15th day of October. 1956, as aforesaid, order the Clerk of said.. I I Board of SuperTisors, upon receipt of said reco_endation from said Planning Coaaission, to forthv1th set the saae down for a public hearing, at the next regular aeeting or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to gin notice 1;hereof by publication, in accordance v1th the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, The Clerk of this l!oard did fix the Regular Meeting of this Board, to be held on the 17th day of December, 1956, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed aIIendllent to said County Zoning Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the rimes Register, a newspaper published and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by one insertion in said newspaper 04 the 22nd day of November, 1956, and by another insertion in said newspaper on the 29th day of November, 1956, as requested by said Order of this, Board of October 15th, 1956, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance snd the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, Said Public Hearing was this day had on said proposed aa8ndBent on laid Zoning Ordinance, by this Board, after notice thereof was duly I I published. as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, This Board has giVen careful consideration to said Petition and to said recomaendation of said Planning Commission, and has heard evidence touching on merits of said proposed AaendBeDt to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be aaended as requested in said Petition, and as recolIIIRended by said Planning Coaaission. I NOW. rHKREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AllD <liDERED: - i ''"'' J-, ,.J 1: " :1 :i J :i II"" o o 121 That at this Regular Keeting of the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke CountY, Virginia, held 08 this the l7th d~y of DecBber, 1956, the said County ZoniDg Ordinance of Roanole County, Virginia, 00, and the Sallll is HEREBY AJlEJmED so as to chazige the classification of the property of the pe.titioners, as is hereinafter described, from its present classification of .1 Residence Property. to "Local Business Property. in order that said property and the - buildiDgs that ~y hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for .Local Business Purposes. as defined in said Com y Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified 'lm rezoned frOll .A Residence Property. to .Local Business Property. is more particularly described as follows: All of that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Salem Magisterisl District, Roanoke County, Virginia, snd more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEING all of that portion of that certain tract or parcel of real estate heretofore conveyed to W. R. Calfee and Winifred H.Calfee, husband and wife, from Bessie G. Stoutamire,widow, by deed dated the 22nd day of November, 19,1,., and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ot--Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book.No. 5l7.at page 577, as fronts on the northerly side of U. S. Highway No. 460, and extending in a northerly direction on the East and West sides thereof, to a depth of three hundred, twenty-five (325) feet. ii ,I Ii , 'I II j: Ii AND, rr IS lPlJRTHP:R RESOLVED AND ORDERED: I: That ~he Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of these Resolutiousll and order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning COIIIIission, and two Ii I- :! copies thereof to E. W. Chelf, and Charles G. Shelor, Attorneys for the Petitioners. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on the motion of SuperTisor Roland H. Clark, of Sales Magisterial District, seconded by . Magisterial . Supervisor W. E. Cundiff of Big Lick/Pistrict, and on a recorded vote, the SuperTisors Toted ss follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff', Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Hays: lone , I II I: I I' l. .. I I , I I' I Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER 's~ : ti::\I~ I<t&,. t-C , :ry. ~~ i ~c/.J2. ,f; i .~~' I";):'-I~ I I vs The Public and the State Highway COIIIIission of Virginia This matter calle on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for W'yndale Ave. frolll Wynlllere Drive west to dead end; 0.08 Jiile to be accer"d and IISde a part of the Secondary System of State lighways. It appeariDg to the Board that drainage easell8nts and a 50 ft. right of I I records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of RoallOke County, Virginia, I , l- i ! I I I I I way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map knon as Wynaere Court, \;hich IISp is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 207 of the and that by reason of the recordation of said lIISp no report frOlll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. 122 --"-------^- .-.---.----- - - .- - !1 I ~rt " ~ .u. 10 ~ . C1U,..".J i bt 4..L ttt.J1-!.... lQ.. '~':'r' .' ~'-; s~Lt::: : ~~1f' ~~A)r- ~5~' I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Wyndale Ave. -' . from Eyllll8r8 Drive west to dead end; 0.08 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this.order, be, and the salle is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland R. Clark Nays: 'None wi Board of Supervisors 1 1 1 1 1 1 ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway ComBission of Virginia This matter calle on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and ,. upon the applicatian for Wyndale Ave. from WYDllere Drin East to dead end; 0.0$: H mile to be aocepte" and IISde a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Ii ;i It appearing to the Board that drainage eas8lllents aDd a 50 ft. right of way tor said' -road has heretoforeb_ dedicated by virtue of a certain map kn01lJl as Wynmere Court, which IISp is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 207 0: the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, ," Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map DO report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right ot way from the abutting property owmrs is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW:, 'fREREF()RE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road kncnm as Wyndale Ave. fro. WyJaere Drive East to Dead end; 0.05 aile and which is shown on a certain, sketch accOIIpanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to beco.e a part of the State Seoo ndary System of Ilighways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the followi~ recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, and Roland H. Clark Xays : None ... Board of Supervisors 1 1 TS 1 1 The Public and the State Highway 1 Co.mission of Virginia 1 ORDER This Blatter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Wynmere Drive from Grandin Road Extension, Rt. 686, to Wyndale Ave.; 0.11 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to th. Board tha~ drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain IISp known as Wyumere Court, which lIap is records of the Clerk's Office of the recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 207 of the Circui t Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, ii Ii ,I ~. m___~y:," I: I I .' I; I' II i: i: I I I 124 --'-.......::.:.;...:.~_._.._--'---:.;. ..- ..-..- -'---'---~-'--- . . r !, ~ On motion of SuperTisor Roland H. Clark, seconded by Supervisor W. E. g '''IIi'( ~" ;T~~ ~)..O -~~ ~tf~. 1~1." CUIlditf, it is crdered that at the regular February Meeting, 1957, of this Board, to be held at the Courthouse of Roa~ke County, VirgiAia, on the 18th day of February, 1957, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., the follOwing ordinance will be proposed for adoption: I All ORDIBNCE DEFIIDlG AlfD REGULATIIG 'l'RAlLERS,TRAlLER COACHIS, CAMP AU'l'OMOBILEf!, AID AlJ'fOMOBILE "~ATT.I1iR CAMPS, .TRAlLER COURTS, CAMP SITES, AJIil CAMP JROmmS: AJID PROVIDIIG PEllALTIES FQR. VIOLATIOllS _ THEREOF. WlEREAS, in the judgment of the Board of Supervisors of' Roanoke Couty, Yirgil11a, it is deemed necessary, in order to prOllOte and preserTe the peace, ccaf'ort, good crder,health, morals and welfare of' the citizens of said County, that trailers, trailer coaches, camp autoaobiaes, automobile trailer camps, trailer courts, camp sites, and camp grounds be defined, regulated and controlled, NOW, 'l'HEIlEFORE, BE ;IT ORDAIImD by the Board of Supervisors cI: Roanoke County, Vli-gln1~, as f'ollows, 'to-wit: I I I, , ii Ii I' Section l: Bo person, firm or corporation shall operate or conduct any i trailer Cllllp or trailer park as hereinafter defied: in Roanoke County, Virgillia ,i: except in any incorporated town within this County, without first obtaining a " i' " I! I' iss\1ed II , by the Board of Supervisors of said County, or by such officer of said County:: I permit issued by the Roanoke County Health Departaent, showing full .coapliance.with Section 6 of this ordinance, and obtaining a certificate as shall be designated by said Board, which certificate may be obtained upon satisfactory evidence that the applicant is a proper person to receive the llSll8. HORTer, before any certificate so issued shall become final, an inspection of the pr8lllises shall be made by the Coun1;y Executive Officer, or duly qualified representat.ive of the Board of Supervisors, to detel'llline that the applicant has complied with all regulations and restrictions set up in this or any County ordfnaace affecting the Salll8, and any such certificate IISY be reToked at any time by the Board of Suparvisors upon good and sufficient cause being shown for said revocation. No certificate or pel'llit issued hereunder shall be transferrable or assignable. !'ERHS AID DEFINITIONS: r Ii ! Section 2 !. For the purpose of this ordinance, a "Trailer. shall mean any 'Vehicle used, maintained or constructed for use as a conveyance upon higbways, so desigued or so constructed as to permit occupancy thereof as a dwelling or living quarters for one or more persons. i. A .Trailer Park. shall mean any site, lot, field or tract of land upon which is located tw~ or mcre trailers as defined in Section 2A, or is held out for the location of any such trailers. Q. A .Trailer Lot. shall mean a unit o:f' land used or intended to be used I I '. by one traUer within a trailer park. ~. ftT8IIporary. shall mean for a period of time not longer than six calendar months. ~ lJ r; \...J j o o 125 ~ " , !. .Person. shall lIlean any person, fim or corporation. !. "Couty. shall .ean Roanoke County, Virginia. g. .Health Deparaent. shall lIlean the Health Deparaent of Roanoke County, Virginia. Section 3: It shall be unlawful for any person to park for more than 48 hours any trailer on any street, alley, highway or other public place in the County, except in a trailer park which has obtained a certificate and license, in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, except, however, that one trailer uy be parked and used for temporary living quarters, provided said trailer is parked on property owned by the owner or OCCUpaDt of the trailer, or I:tss peraission of property OWJ1er, and further provided that no business shall, Ii be conducted therein while such trailer is so parked, and except 'that any person! I! shall be permitted to have on 'their own premises one or sore trailers, when the Ii I' salle are used exclusively to house their own employees, who are bona fide 1'1111 i' i, I tiae elllployees on the premises on which said trailer or trailers is or are I parked. Ii TEJlPORARY PARKING: Ii " Any trailer or trailers parked as set out in the preceding paragraph for a I' ,i period longer than six calendar .onths shall be deemed a residence or dwelling Ii II and be subject to appraisal and assessed for taxable purposes like other property , of its kiDd, in 'the County, and any trailer so parked shall a t all t1aes co.ply ! with water, sewage and sanitary regulations of the Roanoke County Health ! Department. I: Section 1,.: Applications for certificates to operate or conduct a trailer I: I park, as herein defined, shall be sade in writing 'to the Board of Supervisors ofii said Oounty, or to such: officer as might be designa'ted by said Board, and, if i: I requested, shall contain: 4 i' " A. The name and address of the person owning said trailer park. I' B. '!'he name and address of the person operating, conducting or managing II I' the tral. ler park, if different frOll the Dame of the owner thereof. I C. A up or plat drawn to scale, with description, so that said tract or Ii parcel of land uy De definitely located, and sho~ng the names of adjacent :: property owners, the number and size of the trailer lots contained in the proposed trailer park, and also showing the location and n_ber of sewer connections and other sanitary conve~ences, including proposed toilets, ahoars, waShrOOllS, laun:l.ry, drying space and utility roOlls, septic tank or tanks, disposal areas, electric lines, etc. , . il D. Bach trailer lot shall have a IIJ.nimuIII width of 20 feet and an area 'If ,I I' not less than l500 square feet. ! I- B. A statUlent setting forth the sanitary facilities to be provided for thel said traiJer park, including a description of the sewer system and water supply. ' Section 5: Tliere is hereby imposed an annual lllinilllml County license tax on any person operating or conducting any such trailer park of t3.00 per year per' trailer, to cover from one to eight, inclusive, trailer sites or lots, used or intended to be used as such, and for nine trailer sites or lots, or more, an 126 - ,'. - - _.__._._-_._._--_.~. . ~r- -,.,.. . additional license of .2.00 per lot for two-thirds of the number of lots or sites in the trailer camp in excess of eight~ used or intended to be used as such, said Ucense to be obtained from the office of the eOllBlissioner of Revenue of this CountY. No license, however, shall be obtained without the person operating and conducting such trailer park first obtaining a certificate as set forth in Section I,. of this ordinance, froB the Board of Supervisors of this County, and the prescribed permit from the Health Department. Every license issued under the provisions of this ordin ance shall set forth the maximum nlDlber of trailers which are permitted by such license to be parked or placed oX!: accoBodated at such trailer park at anyone tille. ETery such annual license i' I hereinabove referreQ to shall be obtained on or before the first day of (' II April of the year for which it is issued, or before the operation of such trailer park is began, and DO license shall be proprated for any part of a year. Licenses granted hereunder may be transferred or assigned. LICEJlSE 'l'AX YEAR: 'l'he license tax year under this ordinalD e shall co..ence on the first day of April and expire on the 31st day of March of each i; I year. I " i Ii " i' '!'he owner or operator of each trailer park shall keep a record of the name , and address of each head of a family or occupant of each trailer, and the liceue nllllber of the trailer, at tiJae of entry, and length of sojourn in the park. Such record shall be subject to inspection at any tiJae by any officer or other person haTing legal right to make such an inspection;' Such record shall be preserved for at least three years. Section 6. It shall be the duty of the person operating or conducting any Ii trailer park in Roanoke County, Virginia, to first secure a permit issued by the Roanoke County Health Department, as provided in Section 1 hereof, before . . a certificate is issued by the Board or Supervisors of said County,- and prior to the issuance of said certificate, the following conditions shall be complied with, and continued to be complied with by johe person operating or conducting any trailer park after license for the same has been granted and secured: !. Location. EYery trailer camp or park shall be located on a well- drained area, and the premises shall be properly graded so as to prevent the acc1lllUlation of storm or standing water. !. Water Supplv. An adequate supply of pure water which Beets the requ1r8111ents of County Health Department shall be supplied to lIIeet the requirements of such trailer park. Said water supply shall be piped to each trailer for permanent connection, otherwise it shall be ob~aiD8d from faucets only, cODTllniently located. No dripping vessels shall be penni tted. Q. EYery trailer park shall be provided with an adequate sewage disposal system which lUets the requir8lllents of the Roanoke County Health Department. Any system constructed after this ordinance 'becollles7, effective shall be provided with suitable vents which extend up above the roofs of the trailers and with an outlet for direct connection with the separate trailers with standard I I I I I o i'l , i W , >.-J '1 U fiJ ""'-"'--~-"""'r '___m_'~"~'_' --',.___._~._______~. --.,--____',,___ ..------......,..-,---..'_..,.,..,.....#"c"_..".....,.,. . it aetal threaded pipe or suitable flexible hose securely clamped so as to prevent leakage on the ground or escape of. sewer gas or unheaUhy odors. Openings when not in use shall be closed with threaded plugs. .!!. Any trailer parked in a trailer park shall be parked nolo closer than teB feet from another trailer, nor closer than five 1'eet 1'ro. a party line. I. Roads or drheways serving the park shall be wide enough to permit illgress and egress without undue hazard to persons i' or property of those using the' I Ii I' I' park. Ii I' I. t'oilets. There sllall be provided for each such trailer park, to be ii . . i: conyeniently located on the preaises, one water closet for each sex, in the rati~i . . I~ ,. of olle wa-:.8r closet for eyery ten _ales and/or every ten females, or fractional Ii q part thereof living or sleeping in trailer cars parked on or in auch autOllobile II " trailer park. However, where a ",trailer usillg the facilities of the park has toilet facilities built therein, the occupants of such trailer shall not be counted ill arrh1.llg at the J1uber of water closeu to be proyided by park " ii j! owner or operator. Said water closets shall be distinctly IISl"ked lI)(en. and Ii . " .Woaen., respectiyely. Said facilities shall be l18.intaiJled ia a clean, sanitarT Ii " coadition, and shall be l18.intained in a state of good repair. One adequately , , " bright night light oYer the signs -Men. and -WOllen., respecti Ye11, shall be i' . II _iu.ta1ned by eTery owner of or operator of said toilet facilities. Door and ! wbdow openiDgll of said toilet facility build.1q shall be properly acreened against flies and .osqui'l;oes. .!!. II Inry occupied 'l;railer space within the park or caap shall be provided ii II Ii 'j n ; Ii 'r I, with a water-tight garbage csn of suitable size, howenr not ualler tun 10 gallOns, which shall have a :tight fitting top, and provided with either a rack or stakes to preYent dogs or other aBiII8.ls fro. disturbing CO!ltellts. 10 Ii I' garbage or trash shsllat aBY t1ae be duped or deposited on the grounds. I. Waste Water. No waste water or aaterial froR sinks, lIaths, showers or other pluabiag fixtures in or out of trailera shall be deposited or allowed Ii ,I to leak apoll the aurface of the ground, and all such fixtures when in use aust I' be conaected to the sewer systea or the drainage therein RUSt be disposed of a a ~~"ftAr satisfactory to the Health Departaent. I. InvestiJr:ation. Upon the request", for the prescribed permit fro. the Health Departaent of Roanoke County, said Departaent shall investigate the preaise8 where said trailer park is to be located, aad if the same is found to coaply with the sanitary provisions of this ordinance, and other health ordinances of this County, and ~he laws of the Comaonwealth of Virginia, and the regulations of the State Boardof Health relatillg to such perait, shall be gral!t~(1; otherwise, it shall be refused. i. When oil or other liquid fuel is used within a trailer, the tank supplying or containing such fuel shall be placed not closer than five feet froa any exit or entrance to such trailer; there aust be no leakage on the ground, and when piped into the trailer all connections shall be tight, thereby creating no fire hazard. !. It shall be the duty of the Executive Officer of the County, the Health Departaent Officers, Sheriff or his Dupties, Fire Marshall, or other 127 I Ii I' ! 128 "'----------1- I I I !I . . -.... _.__.._.._.._.-,_._..--~--- .._,-~..~._---_._-~--~- -~- -_._-~-- Ii legally allthorized representative of the Board of Supervisors, to go into the trailer parks froa time to tiae to see that the regulatioJlS herein set out are beiDg complied vith, that there exists no condition within the park tbat is co ntrarr 1;0 the declarations made herein. I 1. For e"ferr twelve trailers or fractional part thereof parked within a i I' trailer park, there shall be one fire extiDg1lisher of aPP"oY8d type convenientlr located for t.Bediate use in case of fire. Ii r ! I ;i !. Certificate Display. It shall lie unlawful for any person to establish, Ii . I llaintain, conduct or carry on any trailer camp or trailer park unless there shall '; be at all tiaes posted in a conspicious place at said camp or site the pel'llit I, I i , I I f I: I' obtained froa the Health Departaeat in accordaBce with the provisions of this ordiJlSDCe, and the certificate issued by the Board of Supervisors Wlder the te1'lls of this ordinance. Section 7. The proTisions of this ordinance are not intended, nor do they apply to trailers kept or stored by a bona fide dealer in trailers on a sales If, howeyer, one or I' " Ii then, all.cl in that eTent, he shall confOl'll vith ,all the rules or regulations of I' II the Health Departllent, and a perait issued by said Departaent before any trailej' be lISed for office or storage purposes, and. then only when he shall have ,) I , ..cared aDd paid all license or other taxes legally assessable against him for I lot where there is no use or occupancy made of any unit. lIOl'e trailers on such sales lot is used by 9ch dealer for office or storage, I the busines s he intends or is conducting. Section 8. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deeaed guilty of a misdemeanor, and' upon conTiction thereof shall be fined not less than $50.00, nor more than $300.00 for each offense, each day's violation to coastitate a separate offense. BE IT FUR'l'HER ORDAlJiED that this ordinance be, and the salle is made I: I , I ! .' effective on the 1st day of April, 1957. I BE IT FURTHER ORDAIJiE~ that certified copies of this ordillaace be f'urniShe1i to the Coaaissioner of Revenue, the Judge of the Roanoke County Court, and. the I' Sheriff of this County, and that complaints tor any Tiolation cOTered by thi1s ordinance be Prosecuted under the tel'lls of this ordinance, and that all tines and all licenses illposed hereunder shall be collected and paid to the credit of (, the General Fund of this County. I I And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published oac~ i: Ii , ;: j: i i of intention I I , I a week for four successive weeks commencing December 20, 1956, in the Tiaes- Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke eounty, Virginia, notice of this Board to propose for adoption the above ordinance. I: I I I, ,: Ii And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to post a copy of said ordinance at the front door of the Court House of Roanoke County, Va. And it is further ordered that the Sheriff of Roanoke County be directed to post a copy of this proposed ordinance at each post-office in Roanoke County. !, Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: I' Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and " Edwin G. Terrell ii Jlays: None i, II I. I I i n 1"1 " w ., ..-J I Ii 11 'I 1\ 11 ! )1 'I Ii Ii II i' " " t' II I' J ~i " I: :; " i: !: Ii o I, " Ii BE IT ORDAIRBD, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, ii ~ ;I ....r Virginia, that on and after the 1st day of April, 1957, it shall be unlawful fo~i Ii )~ .)..D _~-L any person, fira or corporation, alone or ill connection with any other business,,: ~ I to lIIaintain or operste an .Autolllobile Graveyard. as herein defined, in the Ii '. I, COUJlty of Roanoke, Virginia (except in any incorporated town within said County) ,I , ~ except upon the co.pliance with the following provisions which are hereby Ii " II declared to apply to all autolllobile graveyards qintained or operated within thei! Iii County, and i.posing licenses upon such automobile graveyards. ii I, " " r height, to be kept neatly painted and in good repair to the satisfaction of the Ii Ii Board of Supervisors of said County, or to such officer as Ilight be desigl!lated !i il by said Board, at all tilles, and lIIhich shall be constructed of plank boards, i' corrugated iron, brick, cinder block or concrete, so as to exclude such Ii 1'1 graveyards trOll public view. Provided no plank board fence shall be erected within any fire Bone as now or hereafter established; and any fence so erected Ii I shall be at least twenty feet from the street or road aDd in no event beyond the Ii 'I I- building line of other buildings on same street or road. II i' I Ii I' II t: I If 'I I I' ;1 i: V , i Oa .otion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, it is ordered that at the regular February meeting, 1957, of this Board, to be held at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the 18th day of February, 1957, at 2:30 O'clock P. M., the following ordinance will be proposed for adoption: I j; " 'I I! .' " il I' :1 " ,I :i il I, II 'I It I I: I I , i I: II I I 11 ORDIIWlCE LICENSING AND REGULATING All'l'OKOBILE GRAVEYARDS IN !'HIS ORDIIWlCE AID PROVIDlliG A PE!lALTY FOR. ITS VIOLATION l: Such graveyards shall be entirely enclosed by a fence eight feet in " II i' II II 2: Such fence shall not be used for bill posting or other advertising purposes except that a space not larger than six feet by twelve teet l118.y be used for the advertis8IIIent of' the business of the owner thereof. Where such graveyard fronts o:a more than ODe street or road the use of space for advertisement herein peraitted shall extend to each street or road on which the graveyard abuts. :i 3: !'he contents 01' such graveyard shall not be placed or deposited to a Ii heicht greater than the height of the fence herein prescribed. " I' , 1,.: No open fires for the burning of rubbish, trash, autolllobile, or any part thereof, or other waste qtter, shall be pera! tted, provided that all accidental or casual fire occasioned by the use of aD acetylene torch shall not be regarded as an open fire under this ordinance where it is shown that the person operating or lISintaining such graveyard has, by the use ot fire extinguishers or other safety devices, aade reasonable effort to prevent sue. 5. Such graveyard shall as far as practicable be kept clear and clean of all rubbish or waste qtter. 6. SUety devices, such as fire extinguishers, or other liD.e apparatus may be required wherever in the opinion of tbl Board of Supervisors of said County, l' or to such officer as might be designated by said Board, such devices are required in the interest of public safety. L Ii I' I' Ij ! 129 , eJ;t:tt" in. i: ~ . I~.I,-n 'I !i j; J' ii:h~~ I: ~ t '&ijf 1). .~ _s"' 130 --..-'-'11-- [' 7. All tanks and engines of all Tehicles shall be kept thoroughly drained' of gasoline. 8. All tanks, engines, automobile parts, receptacles and containers capable of holding water or any source of stagnant water whateTer, where mosquitoes may breed, shall be kept thoroughly drained and dry. 9. All abutting sidewalks shall be kept clear and clean of all I Tehicles, trash or other waste matter. 10. All abutting streets shall be kept clear and clean of all vehicles incapable of being operated under their own power. 11. All such graTeyards, together with the books herein required, shall at all times be kept open for inspection to all officers of the eounty haTing police powers. 12. ADy person maintaining or operating an autOllObile graveyard shall I keep at his place of business a book in which a record shall be kept of the day:: snd tiae of day of each purchase, the name and residence, as well as the color,i1 " age and height of the person sellillg and actually deliverillg the behicle. parts if ,I If Ii location of the preais88 will re such business is to be carried on; the said Ii :! pemt aay be r8Toked at any tiae by the Bclard of Supervisors for any Tiolation ii '. j: or accessories purchased, the amount of the purchase price, the aake, state license nuaber, motor nuber, body nuaber, style and seating capacity, of the ...hicle purchased; the aake and identifying nUllber of radiators, speedometers, and "'p8to88 purchased, together with such other inforaation concerning said property as aay be necessary to proTe ownership or identity of S1lch Tehicles or of nch aatoaobile parts or accessories purchased. Diligent inquiry shall ,: also be IISde as to the legal right of the seller to IISke such sale. 13. .0 person shall knowingly buy, sell, receive, dispose 01', conceal, haTe in his possession aD)" motor vehicle, part or accessory from which the aanuta1:lturer's serial DUIIber or any other n_ber or ident1ficat1o. ilark has been l'8IloTed, defaced, cOTered, altered or destroyed, for the purpose of concealing or msrepresenting the identity of such Tehicle, part or accessory. BTery person to who. is offered for sale any motor Tehicle, part or accessory fro. which has been removed. defaced, covered, altered or destroyed the aanufacturer's serial number or any other nuaber or identification IISrk shall iaaediately notify the Sheriff of such offer. lI,.. Xo person, fira or corporation, shall aaintain, or operate an autoaobile graTSyard without first having obtained a pemt therefor. 15. Application for a perait hereunder shall be made to the Board of Supervisors, and shall contain the lIaIIe and address of the applicant. and the of the provisions of this ordinance. I i " :! :1 Ii " I II !: ii or ): Ii II II ,I Ji I , i I 'I 'I I, , , Ii Ii Ii I !: II 1 , il t " , i I I 16. Ii As used in this ordinance the tera .Automobile Graveyard. shall Ilean ': any lot which is exposed to the weather upon which more than five motor Tehicles, of any kind, incapable of being operated are placed. 17. There is hereby iaposed on the OWDer or operator of any such autoaobile graveyard that is described and defined herein, an annual license tax of OlIe HWldred Dollars 1$100.00) where the number of motor vehicles . ~ i , n t".j '! ; '-=" . W o .l.l ~ 'j ~ I ,. J 131 u 1-- I' , I, II Ii I incapable of being operated of any kind are placed thereon, does not exceed 'l'wenty (20) in nuaber; where the number of motor Tehides incapable of being operated of any kind llXceeds twenty (20) in naber, the annual license tax il I. shall be One Hundred Dollars (*100.00), and in addition thereto a tax of One i, " Dollar (*1.00) for each 1I0tor vehicle -incapable of being operated in excessof I: 20; and' in either event, this tax shall not be prorated; all licenses required!: hereunder shall be obtained fraa the Coaais sioner of Revenue ot said County and Ii the tunda deriT8d therefroll shall be paid into the General Fund of the said COllDty. The license tax year under this ordinance shall cOlRllence Oil the first day of April aDd expire on the 31st day of March of each year. " Ii ii I' 'I 1: 1\ It " ,. i: j: :1 II j: I: r ,1 i' I: " I I' " Ii II il Ii II ~ . Ii ,I I' )i ii ., 11 I' Ii I I [ l' lll. The authorities of this County shall not allow any such autollobile graT8yard to open. if they are advised of its presence in this County, until the license required is exhibited to th_. 19. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisioDS of this ordillaDce, shall. upon conTiction, be fined not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and not .ore than Three Hundred Dollars($300.00), and each day's continDance of such violation shall constitn~r a separate offense. BE IT FURTIIEIl ORDAIBD that certified .:_yies or this OrfiDance be turD1siled to the Co..iss1o~er of HeTenue, the .Judge of tile Couty Court, and the Sheriff of this County. and that co.plaints for any violation conred by this ordillance be prosecuted uder the '.."l'IIS of this ordill8.llce; and that all i' I' i Ii I: I, , 1 Ii II 1j :' collected and paid to the tiDeS and all licenses i.posed hereunder shall be crecl1t of .1oIle General County Fund of this County. I I' I: " j: ij I, II d Ii I ,I ii ., 'I I, I: jl " , I' I: j: This ordinance is ell8.cted and adopted pursuant to the prOvisions of Section 15-8 and l5-lg of the Code of Virginia of 1950, ss ..ended to date, regulatillg and prodding for the iJaposition of such a license by the Board of Ii Ii And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published i' once a week for four successive weeks co_encillg Decellber 20, 1956, in the 'l'iJaestr - I: Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of I, Ii intention of this Board to propose tor adoption the aboTe ordinance. " Supervisors of this County. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to post a copy of said ordinance at the front door of the Court House of Roanoke County, Va. And it is " L ,'1 ~.lrther ordered that the Sheriff of Roanoke County be directed '':0', Ii post a copy of this proposed ordinance at each post-ortice in Roanoke County. Ii '1 'I Adopted by the following recorded vote: I, ;! Ii Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, W. E. aUditf, Minor R. Keffer and 'I Edwin G. Terrell. 1/ v If I, ways: one Ii " 'I I[ " r Ii .1 I: 132 ", ii c.L.....nD it to !$i. ",..:.-... I ~;t:...: ~~J'~ . ' ,~ _~ _5" I. I' )1 . ii ~c:t...e.i V c.~' ri, c.:~.(p '. !: ~ i' I ~_n , I: !i IN RE: COMPENSATION OF COUH'l'Y 'l'REASURER, COJIMISSIOJIER OF THE REVEm, COJOlOmALTH'S .AnORllEr, AND SIBRIFF, and.Expense Accounts: 'l'he CoIIpensation Board of the State of Virginia having certified to this Board that it had tentatiTely fixed the following allowances to the County Treasurer, COIIIIissioJler of the ReVeR1le, Co..onwealth's Attorney, alld Sheriff of, lioanoke County, for the yesr beginning January 1, 1957, to-wit: TllBAS1JID: Expense Acco1lDt as shown on said allowance 16,800.00 11,..820.00 1 25,069.00 COJIIIISSIODli OF liEYIJll1E: Expeaae Account as' shown oa said allowance 16,000.00 21.840.00 . 30,110.15 COJIII)JlWEALi'H'S An'ORlIEY Expense Acco1lDt as shown on said allowance 16,000.00 2.S80.00 1 8,880.00 SIIDD'I' . Bxpeue Account as shown oa said allowance 16,800.00 42.155.00 1 4.8,955.00 Upon consideration whereof, on aotion, d1l1y secoBded, said allowances as I I. I i, , , tentatiT81y fixed by the State CoapeRsation BOlUOd are approved, SAd the COUl1::r'l share of said salaries and expenses are allowed, payable aonthly, as per youcher-checks . returned and approved. II Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. I ~:~ I I' On notion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for the SWII of eighty-five hun dred dollars ItS,500.00) for purchase of one Foto-Flo Recorder G-30, for use in the Clerk's Office or Roanoke County, be issued to 'l'he Haloid Conpany in payaent for said llachine as per invoice Ho. W-592-W, dated Hov8llber 30th, 1956. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. l>. t:UJldiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H.Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None j: i ~ Judge F. L. Hoback appeared before the Board and commended the members of the Board on their sple!ldid IISnagenent of the affairs of Roanoke County during the past year. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in January, 1957. 4fe,,~ Cha'_' I I , " :1 I i Ii 'I II ~! I , I , i 'I " :1 Ii " " I' " I' Ii " I II Ii I' i! I " i ~ I I I. , i: Ii a i! , w J II ,I II I, II ji I' II II t: Ii 'I " I, n ;! ;; II " Ii 'I o o r ". I I , I , 133 Ii ------ d - . i , Court HOlZse i Sal8lll, Virginia Jeuary 21,195~ day at the Court House I: I; Edwia G. i , I I' I n. Board of Sup8Misors of Roanoke County Bet this thereof in regular aonthly session. Present: W. E. Cundif'f, Chairaan, , ,; II I i r- I' II I! " I I, I I I i I ! 'l'errell, llillor K. Ketfer and Itoland H. Clark. Before the autiJIg vas called to order by tlle. Chairaan, !leT. J. W. Arthur, I, Paster of 'l'hrasher MtlIlorial Methodist Church, Vinton, Virginia, offered a prll1er./1 The alates ot the last regular aeeting wenl approTed as spread, each I' . , _bar of the Board haviq read the copy of said Il1nutes furnished hia by the ii II The tollowillg claills against the C01ll1ty were this day presented, approved, Ii and ordered to be paid by Toucher-checks out ot t;he tunds respectiTely chargeable I! therewith, to-wit: " Ii I, E I Ii Ii !: Clerk. i il i: I, I: " Ii 10. 24671 . 24672 . 24673 . 24.671,. .. 24675 . 24676 . 24677 . 24678 . 24679 . 24680 .. 24681 . 24682 . 24-683 . 24681,. . 24685 .. 24686 . 24681 . 24688 I: · I( I, · I: Aaerican Bakeries Co., Food for Prisclners - Aaerican Cheaical Co., Jan1tor suppl:l.es b.to Spriq & BeariDg Co., Flash Ligl:tt batteries for Sheritts Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Ident:l,fication tags tor Garbal:e Cans Acae Printers, Inc., Oftice supplies for Clerk alld . . Caa1saioner, Ilaraett Coal Co., Heating F.el for Cc.uty Oftice hildiq - . - . Bea1.. Eq1l1paeat Corp. Parts tor Garbage Truck 122 Beach Sernce Oenter, Gasoline for Ga\rbage Truck #24 Blue lliclge Produce Co., Food tor Prisloaers Buorell M...orial Hospital, State-Locd Hospital Bills tor Wellare Brown Hardware Coapaay, Hardware hrro1lghs Corporation, SerTice COlltra,ct on Addillg Machine Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Work a,t Jail and Clerk's Office Dr. S. D. Carey, Exaaination of Drunk DriTers, Coroner - . InTestigatioDS . . Cole, Harding & Jaaes, Inc., 1 Huaberillg Machine Bates . . CaTe Spring Water Co., Water used at CaTe Spriag Fire House C & P 'l'elephone Co., Telephone Service , . County School Board of Koanoke Co., Maintenance ot Couty ovaed Vehicles - Dectlllber 24689 City of Koanoke, Sewage 'l'reatllent charges for the General Electric Line - 24690 City ot Koanoke, Rooa and Board for children detained at the Roanoke City DeteDtion Hoae 24691 W. B. Cl_ents, lac., Repair and Parts tor Police Car #4- 24692 Clearbrook Lion's Club, IBc., Dece.ber Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station 24693 Cllll1pn Sott Wster Service, Rent on Water Sonner 24694- Caldwell-Sites Co., Oftice supplies 24695 Bsso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Police Car #1 24696 Blkins Shell Service Station, Wash Jobs for Police Cars 24697 Easter Supply Co., Record books and office supplies . . . . ji II' · I. · ii . r: " I ii I I . 44-.80 46~4.8 6.24 I' Ii 18.91 Ii , 194-.4-0 i I I' 52.49 Ii 38.57 II 7.29 , 22.50 Ii ii " I' 157.80 Ii 17.27 II Ii 15.20 " II 58.53 I Ii 55.00 Ii 64.36 " I! 7.50 I. 391.30 /i 786.4.3 10S.4-0 i: I, Ii ~: 26.00 i: , 156.55 60.00 3.50 32.93 lI,..ll 23.75 21.51 ! '0. l! · ji , . i ~ , . ~.._~ q I, I I. I i, 'I I ,..., , I \..,J Ii II ,I I. Ii Ii " I' I! I I ,I Ii Ii · I · ~ I · i . I: . I' ,: ii · ,i Ii · " I, . Ii ;: " ,: . J - I, . I, I: · Ii . Ii . II . II . ii I' ,I · Ii . I I: · " Ii · ,I i' · I' 1 ]: i! 'i 11 · I' :1 :i . . . . 2/.73 7 2.738 24739 2474-0 2474-1 - . . 247.2 247.3 . . 2474-4- 247.5 247.6 24747 24744 . . . - . . 24749 24750 24751 24752 . . 24753 24751t 24755 24756 24-757 24758 24759 24760 24761 24762 24763 2476. 24765 24766 24767 24768 24780 . 24781 24782 24783 24784- 24765 24786 R8III1llgton Rand, Service Contrac~ on. Dalton Adding Machines$ Rockydale Quarries Corp., Stone for Road leading to d_p Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat Co.,ers for Police Cars Ileese Radio Ser"ice~ Redio MaiJltensnce for Car #15 Retud LiCluidated daJlages and weight fees deposited with Couaty Treal~er aJld should have been paid Treasurer of Yirgiaia '!'he Sanfax Capany, Janitor supplies - Couaty Jail Roanoke Couty Court, Dr. R. B. Sailey,. Dee.lter Salary Jail Physician, CO:l'OJler In.,estigations, ExA-instion Drunk Dri.,ing, Lunacy hearings , Sal_ Creaury Co., Food for Prisoners . Salem L1Wber " Supply Co., L1lIIabe r for repairs Cancelled Sal_ Hardware Capuy ..V;euila for Jail, 81lpplies &c Edward F. Staples. Reiallurse TraY8ling Expense Coun1;y Prollation Officer State Office Supply Co., 2 dozen Pellcils S~deaJl Esso Station, Gas, Oil, &c ToWll of Sal.e., l.ight and Water Service, Sewage !'reatllent - J. R. Taliaferro, Reiaburse Coun1;y Inspector '!'raveling Expense to !lichaond. Va. Techaical Reprod1lCUon " Supply, Rced llaps UaiY8rsity of Tirp.nia Hospital, State':'Lo.:al Rospital Bills for Welfare _. . Vlldarwood Corporation. Typewritillg !libbon . . Valleydale Pacters, Food for Prisoaers Virc1aia FoOda, Inc., Food SlId Cleaaing npplies for Jail' .....--1 61,..14 II lI,..24 28.00 ' , " Ii II I " 'I ii Ii I i' 'I I, :i I' Ii Ii Ii II !I " II I I 8.65 268.00 28.84- l60.0e 26.14- 22.50 22.45 28.56 1.60 113.03 311.21 4-.76 1.00 70.48 2.55 96.51 82.76 64-.80 3.85 , . Vinton JIotor Co., Parts, Repairs and Oil Vinton Hardware Co., Aa.unition for Sheriffs Cancelled C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books 83.19 Wilson'S Esso " Grocery, Gas and Oil tor Ge.rbage Track #24 46.98 .' WestTiew Poultry Fara, Food for Prisoners 2S.llG Cancelled 1Ir. Roy II. Whitt, Labor Opening Sewer in Orchard He:..e;hts SubdiYisioD 9.00 Cancelled E.,erette Waddey Co., Record Books for Clerk 399.90 s. J. conner, R~tund Plumbing Perait 2.00 - Chalmers Ferguson, Co.uission on DelinCluent Taxes Collected .91 W. H. Witt, Treasurer, Reimburse Fire Hose 'purchased from Towson Hose Rubber Capeny . 33.33 Alexander Grant" Co.pany, IxaII1ning records and preparing report'for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1956 1,495.00 Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Hollins Fire House Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased on trip to Richmond Dr. Sheldon D. Carey, Examination of Drunk Driving - Dr. Harvey W. Goode, Lunacy Hearing and Traveling Expense 31.53 3.40 5.00 11.75 135 i I , I' ,I ,I " ,I II " I: " " " 1! I: !i ii il i Ii I) I! Ii " " Ii r I' " il " I. :! " II i; ;. I' " I: 136 ., I' P :1 i 'I .. 10. 24787 Dr. F.. D. Mc!tenney, Jr., Attending Prisoners in absence of . . Jail Physician . 10.00 Miller Tire SerTiee, Tires J(ercy House, Inc., Appropriation for >>ec8llber Expenses Powell Pha%'llaCY, Inc., Jfaps Eor Coun'ty Inspec'tor 79.50 609.00 3.4.5 . 24768 24749 24799 24791 24792 24793 24791. 24795 24796 24797 24798 24799 24800 Dr. T. B. Pope, Lunacy Hearing &: Mileage 10.30 . - Mercy House, Inc., Re:t'a:nd llUIurance on Bllildings Fire Damage 45.50 JIalcobl Blueprint 5: Supply Co., Jfaps 1.42 Barry R. Richardson, Painting HOlle Ileaons'tration kitchen 18.57 Roanoke Merchants Association, Mabership dues 5.00 iOaDoke PrinUq Co., OlEice supplies 11.36 G. A. Scraggs, Postaaster, Reillburse Postage 68.00 E. G. Bateasn, Jr., Deputy SheriEt, Reillburse Tire Chain 1.GO !mistead S. Watkins, Painting HOII8 Bemol1S'tration It1tchen 14.57 Worrell-Col1Solidated Laboratories, 32 ga~ol1S Dra Pine Oil 87.00 Disintectant III U: DOG TAlES, SHBKP :LAIIfS &c: The f'ollowiJlg claills against the County were this c:lay presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the E11Dds respectiYely chargeable therewith, to-wit: Ii " Ii Ii I: " ii " I' !! " i! ,I ii I' Ii " " I' ii " !! Ii , , " !: L :: r . . . . . . . . . . . . r I j: IJ ii !i ; ~ I :1 j! 11 !i I " I' Ii " , Ii 'I I' 24406 Roanoke COllDty Board oE P1zblic WeUare, JU1l8l'1 supplaut 4-8.00 II Ii I, . 10. 24769 . 24770 !II C. 5: P Telepholl8 Co., Telephone Service for Dog Wardenfs HOllie .' . ~ounty School Board of Boeoke Co., Gas, 011 ed Wash Jobs 15.75 20.96 24771 DaTidaon's Esso SerTicenter, Gasoline Purchased tor Dog .' Truck 24772 Gittens & MOrton Ins. Co., Additional Liability Insurance Dog Warden's T~ck " . 24773 24774- 24775 24776 24777 21,.778 24779 24801: 24,802 24803 24804- 21,.805 . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 1,..90 6.67 Ralph Long, Reillburse Traveling Expense to Richaond Cancelled Cancelled Powellfs Pharmacy, Medical supplies 2.85 .' Radio Co.aunications Co., Decelllber Radio Maintenance Sal8111 Hardware Co., supplies for Dog Kennel Sal8111 Fara Supply Co., Dog Food . - Daa Hancock, LiTes'tock claim 5.74- 15.00 4.55 32.65 36.00 45.00 20.00 1,.5.00 15.00 . Christine Fitzgerald, Livestock claim Ii.. 1. Turner, Livestock clailll w. s. ~oaas, Livestock clailll M. s. 'l'hoBlas, Livestock claim ;1 'I I, i' , :1 Ii I' I! I: II i' I 'I I I: Ii i: i: H i " II I ! Ii i: ii " I " " i- " II " ;! I , I; I Ii ii " Ii , ).i I r-, t'" - , , i.../ ~ J n u - -....- ... _.__.._-~_.- -----Tn , i..- I The followillg accounts were this day laid before the Board: JAJIIE B. McIiEAL, Treasurer, Roanoke County, salaries, expeue accounts tor the ~Ollth ot .1anui-y, 1957, and also those of J. L. RICIWUlSOI, JR., Comdssioner of ReTllnue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's A1otorney, and B. W. CLARK, Sheriff, will be paid as of January 31, 1957. .... i MRS. JABIE B. McIllEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to . -. ~. the Board the follOwing report: "Salem, Virginia . January 2l, 1957 I I, r i. , j: ! , j' :1 i '1'0 the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: . At --the close of business Jannary 21, 1957, there was to the credit.of the General ~ounty Fund Library Fund Dog Hund_ Salem District Road Debt Funu County.School Fund . School Constrnction Fund School Textbook Fund_ Deferred Credit Account $ 80.277.78 3,110.18 1,71,.9.50 776.93 212.1,.42.85 9l,678.60 1,611.32 260.36 . 391,907.52 I I: j, ! ~ l: Ii I Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.. Said report is approved and ordered filed. l II IB, IlII.IIQUEIlT ru.. COLl.1!""" at CLIRK, I II Ii ! Ii I '1'he Carle this' day' d8J.i Tered to th~' Board the receip10 of County Treasurer, tor $933.31, on account' of delinquent taxes Janie B. McNeal., collected by said . , Clerk tor the month of December, 1956, less 5~ cOlllBlissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said'check amounting to t886.64 net. : ~ : '1 I, ji r ..... 0< J....,.,.. 1951. il I' sua of $125.35 total F. Ii Ii On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Pa~oll for the be approved in the amount of $6,606.91, frO. which the I. C. A. !ax and total W. H. '1'ax $518.30, is to be deducted, leaving a n~t payroll of $5,963.26. ii " " ,I 'I ': Adopted by the following recorded vote: " Ayes: Supervisors W. E. "'undiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland B. :: G. Terrell ,: ,I lays: Bone i' i: ., i I i Clark and Edwin I ); :! I' 137 .- T ..... --~~'-- !!~.' 1~,*:ll B::.t.~ :~ flV~ i' "U- li~/.s-.'l II '/).J-jl7 )1 " !; , I' Ii I: !1 n Ii 'I I. I: II II r: II Ii il , I ;1 Ii Ii Ii " il I ,I I: I :1 if I' i: 'I i !i n ji I.! " :i II Ii : ~el.Jl. .s- 11 flA B I' .C, 1Wri-- , ~04 Ii ~7~3j~;- , , ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse COllectiJ!:1~ tt/ i I c.,~- ! 8!:1d Janitor Services for the period of December 16, 1956 ending December 3l, 1956,;, ." a 'VI- be approTed in the liIIount of $1,585.50, fro. which the S1lll of $3l.71 total 1 . F. I. C. A. '1'ax and total W. U. Tax of $65.80 is to be deducted, leaving a net ,1/~~T.ft?2 payroll of $1,1,.87.99. Adopted by the following recorded TOte: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin. G. '1'errell . )fays: Jion8 138 ~....t.~. e.....U..w 'I.... J~:; -. . -- I.: .----.--.--- -"--- . ';1 v The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered tiled: H. W. CLAIII, Sher1!f, s_ry statement ot prisoner days served in the County Jail during the aonth of December, 1956; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the aonth of Deceaber, 1956; . IlBALTH OFFICER'S MONTHLY STATISTICAL REPORT, Roanoke County Health . . . .. _'. .' _ .. ' ' Department. tor month, ending DecemDer, 1956; I . . EDWARD S. ALLElf, County Agent, llIonthly report for Deceaber, 1956; . . .' AUBREY R. SLAYTON, Assistant County Agent, aonthly report for Dec8lllber, 19561; j! FORTY-NINTH'REPoR'f OF THE S'fATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION to the Co-nrnor of I'; _ V1rg1nie. for fiscal year beginning July 1,1955, and ending June 30, 1956. . I I ii I' '::. H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board toha I' ~ . ~ frepor~ ot Pa~t-~iae Deputy Sheriff Frank A. Rogers, for the month of January, ii t- ,j-..'l<'{ ~r 1957, uo1lJlting to ~20.00, which rePort is apprOTed and the Clerk of this Board [:1. is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State Coapensation Board as !' " provided by law. !i I, " :1 H " I; j! I, j! il I: II r I I Ii II . II ~~fi~ . I Copy ot Resolution #1294-8 Council City of Roanoke, Va., dated Deceaber 26th~ 1956i repealing reaillution 1l2!21, dated 27th day or Augu,l!t, 1956, entitled -A II Iieso lltion 8118nd1ng the ccntract of October 16, 1953, between the City or . I Roanoke and the 'few C'f Salea dealing with the treatment ot doaestic and il c_ercial wastes,. . :ter dated Deceaber 28, 1956 froa J. Robert 'l'hOlUlS, " Ci'ty Clerk, addressed..:.I Williaa J. Paxton, Jr., 'fown Clerk, Sal_,Va., ordered Ii tiled. ,. . i Copy ot resolution 1l2949, dated Deceaber 26, 1956, Council Ci'ty of II !loanoke, Va.!. _ending contract ot October 16, 1953, ~en City of Roanoke and II; the 'fow ot ~leIl dealiDg with treatmsnt or dOaestic and c~cial waste.. i Letter date( DeceUer 31, 1956, fr~ J. Robert 'fhous, City Clerk, addrea... to ii Willillll J. Paxton, Jr., 'fown Salea Clerk, ordered filed. i I: i! " 'I !I I I' V i: Report on Dog Pound for the aonths ot Noveaber, 1956, and December, 1956, . . troa Mrs. Charles W. ThollB.s, President, Roanoke Valley Society tor the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani...ls, received and ordered tiled. I .1 'I l- i: .... )i n I' !I 1 II f The tolloifing co-mcations were this day laid before the Board alld " " I' I . " Application ot Appalachian Electric Power CoapallJ, Project Io. 2210, tor pre]i.1_..,. pendt uder Section 4 (t) Fed.eral Power Act, proposed project to be located OJl Iloanoke River (_etiMs called Staunton Ri-nr> in the Ticiaity of Roanoke and SUJlIiry other cities and counties in Virgillia, and. a1'fectiag uTi gable waters or the 11. S. , :1 ., i, Copies of letters froa Jes.. W. Dillon, Cha1~1 to H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke Cooty, su4 letteJ" dated Deceber 17, 19:>0, and to Mrs. Jallie B. McJJeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County, said letter dated Deceaber 26, 1956. . I: I IX RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROAllOD COOIfi AID .JIIlS. JABIE .B. IlcllEAL,. TWSVllIR AllD OF -COUJI'fY .OFROABOn:, VIRGllIIA, SCHOOL. !In' BOOK FUlID: . -. On aotion, duly seconded and carried, it i3 ordered, that tlI. report of i: Alexander Grant &: eoapany, of audit of accounts and records of Roanoke County, and of Mrs. Janie B. Mcleal, Treasurer, aDd of County of Roanoke, Virginia, .' , School Text Book hnd, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1956, be aad the saae , - is hereby received and ordered tiled. l I , ! I I ~ I r- t"" ~ , .-J j o o Letter elated January la, 1957, froll J. Gor'lian BelUlett, Aucl11;or of Public - . Acco1lDts, receiTed and ordered filed. I I i,;- I , I , , I i I !i Il'l BE: IliCREASE II SALARY OF E. F. STAPLES. PROBATIOIf OFFICER: On .~ti~n. dRly' se~onded~'it is ordered that the salary of E. F. Staples. Probation Officer of Roanoke County. be increased in the su. or Six'teen dollars ($16.00) per ';onth. retro-acthe 1;0 July I, 19~6, the State haTirlg - approftd said increase. A!iephll by 'the followiDg recorded Tote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cuncl1tf, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. lays: . Rone v II RE: ADDITIOBS 70 THE SECOJIDARY SYSDIl - .RQABOQ COlJl'l'!: I: Ii Ii I: I' Ii Letters' dated Dec~~r' 17, 1956. and JanualOY 15. 1957. addressed to 'the -. . Boarel or SuperTisors or Roanoke County. Sal_. lrirginia. frOll F. A. DaTill. I' t' " I' r " aelcl1tioDll 1;0 the Seco~dary Syst.., Roanoke Counl;y, eftecU.... Deceaher 17. 1956. I' Ii " I i !: I ,. . - Deputy CODillaioner. Depar'tllllll.t of HighwaYll, Ric:hIaonel 19. Virginia. approTiag I Ii I' , I, I i Ii ed JaJl1UIl'7 1. 1957. rellpectiTely, Aclcl1UODll to-wit: Resolu1;1on Sedgerielel Rd. - Fro. Rt. 1624 southwest to Wedpwood Rd. LeJII'th 0.20 Mile 3-2-56 Wedgewood Rd. - Fro. end of Rt. Sedgerield Rel. Leq1;ll 0.05 llile W188re DriTe - rro. Rt. 686 1;0 Wynclale be. I.eBg1;la 0.11 llile _ . 1623 S. to 3-2-56 12-17-56 Wynclale ATenue - Fro. WyDaere Dr. 1;0 E. to Bead End. I LeDgth 0.05 II1le - II,' - lfynclale be.'- Fro. Wymaere Dr. 1;0 W. to Dead End. LeJIC'l;Ia 0.08 JIile '. were racei....d and ordered filed. 12-17-56 12-17-56 , l;o r II RE: I ! , ResoniDg or property sitvated on the Bast aiele or U. S. Route 11 and known and described as Tract aBa. Block 1. Suaaerdean Sec. NO.1. . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FlHAL ORDER OF - RUSSELL SEARS and AVA SEARS i business property in order that said property and the buildings that aay hereafte~ 139 --II" -"--'-~~~-"= I, I, !; , i~~ ~.~~r I!~'~ \1 Vz3 J ~-i , i: " Ii I, " i' I I! ,i !: "~,' ..... iw~~'. -''' I' W,.,f . ~ fLY' i:" a4..... ~ t l:p6, ib~.f.. .' '/"1&-7 140 " !! ..-.~,._.. ---.----~-,...-~..-.r-'..-'-.-~.-"..,.. -,. i' , be erected thereon may be used for business purposes, which said petition was filed with the said Board ot. Supervisors at its regular meeting held on the 19'th da,. of IOTeIlber. 1956. and by order of said Board of SllperTisors entered on 'the 19'th da,. or .o.....ber. 1956. said petition was rererred to the Plamdrlg C~ssion or Roanoke Count,. for a reco_endation in accordance wit. the , " II ; I " " Ii " il " proTillions . of tae Code of Virginia. AJID WR1i:RRI!'l. -the saiel Plamdng COIIIIillsioll did. by rellOlutioB aelopted at a Metillg of the lIaid PlalUlirlg COIIIIission held on the 11th da,. orlleceaber. 1956. ' atter heariag eTidenee toucbillg the .erits or said petition. recallead to 'the Boarel of SllperTisors of Roanoke County that lIaid County Zonillg Ordiaaace ahould be annded 1I0 as 1;0 change its classirica'tion of. saiel property trOll its pNlIent clus1tica'tion or -A. Residence Property- to -Bllsinellll Propert,.- as requested in said peti Uon. AID lIBEREAS, the Board of SuperTillors of Roanoke County did by its order . . entered on the 15th da,. of October. 1956. all aforesaid. order the Clerk of the 1 said ~. o! SllperT1sors. upoa receipt or said rec_eadat1on trOll the Planning I, l:-i"sion. to 'for'tllwi'th set the saae down for a public heariag at the 1l8x't pem1l1aib1.8 regular or special .eeting of lIaid Board or SllperTisors &Jld to gi.... aotice thereo! b,. pUlica'tion in accordance with proTis1ol1S of said Count,. Zonirlg Ordiaaace and 'the Code of Virginia. AID JDRRAS. "the Clerk of this Board did set the rep.1ar .eetiq o! 'this Board to be held on 'tile 11th da,. of Beceaber, 1956. at 2:30 P. R. all the cla,. aJId. tille ror a p1lblic heariDg on said proposed aaeDaent 1;0 said .Count,. Zoniag OrcliJIaace and cliel ad....rtise the s8llle by notice thereof dul,. pllblillhed in the Tilles iecillter, a newspaper published in aDd of general circulation in the CoUJl1;,. of Roanoke, Virginia. for tuo insertions as required b,. said order of this Board and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of saiel County Zoning Ordivance and the Code of. Virginia. 'I ,I AlID WIIRIlIi;AS. the pUblic hearirlg was this da,. had on said proposed aIIenaellt to said County Zouirlg Ordinance b,. this Board after notice thereof wall dul,. publishecl as aforesaid. AID WlIEREAS, this Boarcl has given careful consideration to said petition and to said reco_ndation of the Plannirlg Collllission and has heard eTidence " " I' " , i' " , I: , Ii " Ii Ii I I' '. :! H ~ i i! ,. Ii I' I : Ii touching the .erits of said proposed amendaent to: lIaid County Zoning Ordinance. Ii and 'this Board beirlg of the opinion that said Count,. Zoning l'lrdilUlJ1ce should be i: aaended as reqaested in said petition and as recommended by said Plamdng CHllission. 1f0lf. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AlID ORDERED, that at this regular lIIeetirlg - . . . .. of 'the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke County. Virginia, held on this the 21st day or Janaary. 1957. the said Count,. Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby ueaded so as to charlge the classification of the property described in said peUUon froll its present classification of -A. Residence Propert,.- 1;0 -Business Use- in order that said property and buildings that a,. hereafter be erected thereon may t'G used ror business use as defined ill said County Zoning Ordinance. I I I I I ~ 1 \.... ~ \...... ~ . I \-l " o o 141 r'O rr -----.- I: ! The property hereby reclassified aDd rezon.d from -A. Residence Property- to -Basi_liS lJlIe- is aore par1;icularly described as rollows. to-wit: - Sitvated on the East side or U. S. Route 11 and DOwn and d.scribed as Tract -B-, Block 1. S_erd.4D Sec. 10. 1 of Roanoke County,. Virgiuia. I' I r ADd it is fur'th.r resolTed and ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith , certify a copy of this li:.solu1;ion and Order to 'the Secretary of th. Roanoke C01lJlty Plannirlg Collllission and a copy 1;0 Walter W. Wood. attorney for the petitionerll. The foregoirlg iesolu'tion and Ord.r was adopted on the aotion of Supervisor . V I llinor R. Kerf.r. and seconded by SuperTisor Edwin G. Terrell, and on a recorded I I Ii I I' ii ! , , The following ordinance was this day adopted: Ii AX ORDllAICE 70 BE UOW)J AS -m MOTOR nRrCLI LICBIfSE ORDIlAKCE- FOR TiB PURPOSE LlmllTG Aim COLLECTIIG..A LICEISE TAX 01lT MOTOR VEHICLES Ill.ROAlOKE COUftI. ' VIRGIIfll. AID PRO~IBG PUALTIES. ~OR VIO~TIOIIT o~ SA~ ORl?IIWfCE. I JIOTOR UBICLES: E....ry Ilotor Tehicle and trailer operated on the streets. Ii highways or r~a~ within Roanoke County. Virgiuia. in business or for the pri ....t, Ii Ii , I' II Ii Ii C_IIW.alth of Virgiuia. by any political subdivision or the Co"ollWllalth, or Ii by tile UDi tad Stat.s GoT.rBllent. or to vehiclell Qed exclusi ....ly for agriCultura~! or hortlcuUval purposes, or Tehicles held for sale by allY aaauf'acturer or deal,r' as elefined by Sec'tion 46-45 through ~6-4l!. 46-67 and 46-105 through 46-109 of tll~ Code of Virginia of 1950 as aa8J1ded. 1IT0r shall any proTision of this Ordinance 'I. apply to aotor Tehicles of owners resident in any incorporated town in said I . . County of Roanoke, which town uposas a IJc ense tax upon owners and aotor TOte the SuperTisors Toted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: SuperTillors Jlinor R. Roland H. Clark Jrays; IITone Kerfer. Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundirf. and , Ii I! I' use or b.nefit of the OIfJl.er. shall be subject to a license tax as proTided herein. The proTisions of this ordiunce, howeTer, shall not i. construed to apply 1;0 trucks. road rollers, tractors, engines, 10coaotiTe engines. electric cars 1"'II11i1'lg on r~ils. lIotor Tehicles, trailers or semi-trailers 81fl1ed by the I I' I I : , , r I I I I: i: lITotllirlg in this ordinance shall be conlltrued. 1;0 require i! ....hicles in said town. lic..lIe tax on a person, fir'll or corporation or upon allY ....hicl. exeapteel rroa seae und.r the proTisiollS of any of the statutes of the COllllOlIWlIalth of Virginia,' nor any person who does DOt actvally reside in Roal!lOke County or who does not use their automobile in Roanoke County. The word 'reside' as used herein shall be construed 1;0 mean -1;0 haTe a place of abode in Roanoke County-, irrellpective , of 'the intention of any person to return to sOlie resid.ence outside of Roanoke County at lIaae future date. 2: AU'fOXOBlLES. TRUCKS, TRAILERS, MOTOR CYCLES. ETC. . (a) cbt each and ~verY autoaobile. t~ck or trailer to which this ordinance ill applicabl.. 'there shall be a tax of $3.00 per allDUll. (b) In calle of a combination of a tractor-truck and trailer. or selli- trailer. each Tehicle constitutirlg a part of such cOllbiu'tion lIhall be licensed all a lIeparate Tehicl., and separate licell8e plates shall be issued 'thereror. as s.t ror'th und.r paragraph (a) of Section 2 herein. , ( r (c) Upoa each and e....ry lIotorc,.c1e. lIotor scooter and 1/2 ton, or under. aU1;ollobile traiJ.ers or ....hicJ.e of like design. to which this ordinance is applicallle. 'there shall be a tax of tl.50 per 8.JlJlllII. 3: LICEBSE TAX IEAi: The license tax year shall caaaeace on the rirst da,., of April and expire on the thirt,.-first da,. of Jfarch or. each year. 4: PRORA'l'IOJ: Only one-half of the license tax prescribeel by this " ji ordinance shall be assessed and collected wheneTer an,. such J.icense tax first becolle. allllellsable during the period begiRDing on the 1st day of Oc1;ober in an,. year. and endirlg on the 15th day of January in th. Sa118 license tax year; " and only one-third of such license tax shall be assessed and collected wheneTer I I I': ): !! j: I I I, i' Ii " I; a:rrr such license tax first beco.es assessable after the 15th day of January n I; i in 'the Balle license tax year. Each license issued upon the pa)'ll8nt or the licenlle tax thereon shall expire at the end of the license tax year in wbica i I: \' i I !' Ii i' " I, I, , i: Ii j: Ii II ii tile sUle is issued. i I ! 5: ISSUIIG LICENSE 'fAX: hy perllon coaiag U1!lder the proTisions of this !' Ordillll1lce shall aake application for license upon foras supplied by the 'l'reaSllre~ , ' of Roanoke Count,.. at the office of said 'l'reasurer in the Court HoulIe at Sal_. i . " VirgiRia, and llpon paY'l8J1t of req1lired tax shall be illslled. all eTideace, tins ori I 'taIs which shall be attached 1;0 the rear or the vehicle so licensed. eo as to bel! Ii Failure to dillpla,. tillS! Ii paid. It .hall be uDlawf'uJ. ror any persoa to whoa a tin or t8C; is i8sued :! .pon the pa,..nt of auy license tax prellcribed in this Ordinance. to gi..... loan, Ii rem;, lIell. aSlIign OJ:' transrer lIuch tin or tag to another or 1;0 otherwise penait Ii I I' [I 6: REFUIDS OR UHUSED KOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE TUBS: Any person holding a Ii .. ' II current regilltration certificate and license plate who d1sposell ot the Tehicle rrr which it 1Ia1l illsued and doe" Dot parchase another Tehicle aay sarrender 'thE. I' licenlle plat e and regilltratiol\ certificate to the Treasurer or Ropoke County. Ii Ii I, !' readable in a aamter lI1IIilar to the Sta"te license tags. .. or 'tagll lIhall be considered as Tiolation eTen though the license tax haa Itee. I; I: i I another to use in any IUlUl8r such tin or tag durirlg the license tax year tor which 'the saae is iSllned. with a stat..ellt that 'the vehicle for which 'the licenae plate was issued has been sold. and requlIt a refuDcl ror the Wllllled portion of the fee paid. The " ,I , I, I " , be '!'rea.urar shall rerund to the applican~ one-haJ.t of the total cost of 'the regilltration and license plate it appliC3tion for snch refun~ is aad. prior to 'the 1st day of Oc1;ober or 'the current license year. but lIuch refuDcl shall only one-third of s1lch total co lit when the application thereor is lIade auba.q1l8nt tc the 1st da,. of October of the current liceue J'ar. but prior to tile 1st day or January of the current liceu8 year. 10 rerond shall be aade when applica'tion therefor is made after the 1st day or January of the current license year. 7: LOST 'fAGS: in the e....nt that any license plate 111sued under 'the pro'l'illions of this Ordinance shall be le8t or autilated. or shall haTe becoae illegible. the perllon who is entitled thereto shall aake illaediate application Ii ror and obtain a duplicate or subs'ti1;ute thereror upon tu.rnishiag inforaation ofl .i lIuch ract satisfactory to the Treasurer of Roanoke County, and UpOIl payaent of ,( ritty cents (50"). I I I ~ I .\ ,... ~ i I....l o W" l-; I I i 1 I I , ~ 8: DISPOSI'rIOII or REVUUX DEiIViD FROM LlCEBSE TAIlS AID FEES: The 143 _oa~_ I, re....Jlue deri.;.ed frO. all 'County iicense taxes ~nel fees iIIIposed under authority i I of this ordinance shaJ.l be applied to General County purposes. i, 9: Ill. CASE AIiY PART OF THIS ORDlRAICE DECLlRER IIVALID: If any section. phrase or part of thill ordinance .ho~d, ror 'anY reason. De held. inTalid by a C01l1't or cOllpeteRt; jur1sdiction, such decision ahall 11010 effect 'the rftlaindsr of the ordinance, aBd. eTery r8lllainirlg sec.tion, clause or part thereof lIhall cont~ue i I I I: I I' I I I I r Ii i i, II I, i I 10: PEIALTY: ADy person or corporation who Tiolates any of 'the proTisionsli or 'this ordinance shall be guilty of a IIisdeaeanor. and llpon conTietion thereof I: shall be p1lJlished by a rine of not less than t5." nor IIOre than tlOO.oo. anel for Ii in rull rorce and efrect. a lIecond lI1lch coaTic1;ion within Ol1e year. the puniahallll.t shall be a fine of aot less thaa t25.00 nor more than t2oo.00. BE IT FUR'l'BER ORDAllED 'that this Ordi!l&ltce be and the Balle i'hereby is _cle Ii . ," . efrectiTe 011 and after the 1st MY or April. 1957. On .otion or SllperTillor Edwin G. Terrell. seconded by SuperTisor W. E. ~f. adopteel by 'the rollowirlg recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Roland H. Clark. lot TOting: Sllperrtsor lIinor R. Keffer I " I' I i I I I, r A petition aiped by JUls E. Lick District: letter sigll8d by C. Stern, and sundry otlaer resieleatll of Big , . ,I L. Patton, or eave Spriag District: and lettelii 'I I, I, ordinance requiring County li~ense tags on .otor ....hicles. trailers &c. ordereel I: I: signed by Cllarle. K. KiDney. of Sale. District. protest1Rg the adoption of rileel. E. T. IIottley. George D. Black and C. A. Grahaa appeared in person in . . . oppollitioa to 'the adoptioa of aaid ordinance. ( Board of Sllperrtllors ) , ) I TS ) ORDER ) The Public and the State Highway ) COIIIIission of Virginia ) :' " I , I I i , , Thill .atter calle on this day 1;0 be heard Up9n the proceedirlgll herein. and lIpon the application tor Grellll.field St. rrOll Horwood St. to dead end to be accepted anel _de a part or the Secondary SYll'tem of State Highways. It appearirlg to the Board that 4raivage 'ease..nta and a 50 tt. right of , , , I I . . way ror aaiel road has heretofore been dedicated by Tirtue of a certain up known as Hidden Valley Estates. Kap Ill. which llap is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 196 ot 'the records of the Clerk'S Orfice of the Circnit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said lIIap no report fro. a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way tro. the abllttirlg property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guaran1.ees said right of way and risht ror cirair,:;.ge. il I: Ii I' II i' ,i " " I' i: I' :! , j, I: I: ! i 1f~C.' I: tl...:o r .'l- fi(l..J. !,.W~ i,#~.!! ( ~~ e .)'halL!.. iCe.' 'Z.,.(p~ i~' t"t)...."u !I R-.~~. : ff: I.J..:L ii y ~~}~;~ 144 ,., 'I ~Jtr; r- ''''~~i~ ~.: ~C;r~ I' ~j '--.. ... ..- '-. . ......-.... ....-,.--.-.-.......... .._._-~--_._._._---_._--_..- " I' ~ : ;! , '~--'-'----------------"----'-T~~~~~"' HOW. TIlEiEFOBE. BE IT ORD~: that. :the said road known as GreeDtie1el St. . ~ . . fro. Ior.rood' St. - to d.ead. end. and which is shown on a certain sketch accOllpanying , this ord.er, be.. and the sue is hereby established as a public road to becolle a .,art of 'the State Secondary Syst8lll of R1ghways in Roanoke County. Adopted. by the roll_iDg record.ed TOte: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. C1:U1diff. Ed.win G. Terrell. Minor Il. Kefrer and Roland. H. Clark IaYlI: lone 1 I: ; , Ii I' " I' Board or SuperTisors ) 1 1 1 1 1 ORDER TS '!'he Public and the State Highway COIIIIission of Virginia Thill Etter caae on this d.ay to be heard apoll the proc.edirlgs herein. and " . I; upon the application ror Gatewood ATe. frOll Rt. 119 to 10nllloll St. 1;0 be ii _. I' accepted. anel aade a part of 'the SlIeo.aery Systu of State Highways. _ II It appearillg to tbe Board. that cl.rainage.eaa..euts and a 50 rt. right or wa"! ror aaid. road. has herewrore been dedicated b,. Tinue or a certain aap kDown i as Hidden Valley Estates, Map #1, which .ap is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page I' . '" '. Ii 196 of 'the rec')rds or 'the Clerk:s Ofrice of the Circuit Court or Roanoke countY1! Virginia. aJId taat b,. reallOll of the recordatioB of said. aap no repcrt trOll a Board or Viewers, nor consent or donation or r1gh1; of way frOll ~e abuttillg Ii Ii J and right for cl.rainage. Ii HOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Gatewood .be. I: Froa Rt. ll9 to -Iorwo~d si. ud which is shown on a certain sketch acco.panyirlg Ii - I: 'this order, be, and. the sue is hereb,. established as a pllblic road 1;0 beco.e a j' II r Ii 1 " I' i ~ , I property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said. righ1; of way part of the State Secondary Systlllll of Highwa,.s in Roanoke Count,.. Adcp1;ed by the rOllowirlg record.ed. Tote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. Roland. H. Clark !fays: Hone E. Cundiff, Edwin G. 'l'errell. Minor R. Kefrer aJlli Board. of Supern80rs ) ) ) 1 } ) Ii I' II Ii , I vs ORDER !he Public and the State Highway Coma1SllioD or Virginia i; II Ii Thill 8tter caJlle on this day 1;0 be heard. upon the proceedings herein, and. 1 upon the application for Maplewood. DriTe from Rt. 21,. to Parkview Drive to be accepted and aade a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appeariJIg to the B,oard that drainage easeaents and a 50 ft. right of way , for said road. has heretof~re been d.ed.icated by virtue of a certain map known as' Lind.enwood #3, which I118.p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 151 of the records of i the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia, and that by' . -- -- ..~---- ~ \~... ~. I-i ~ o o T' " 145 reason of the recordation of said lIap no report fro. a Board of Viewers, nor CODllent or donat.ion of right of way rroa the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right ror drainage . "'rc'~cc,,- I: i , said road kno1l!l as lfaplewood Drive:i i I, [I I: .' i HOW. fBEREFORE. JlI,: IT ORDERED that the -. -' fl'Oll Rt. 24 to ParkTiew Drive and which is shown on a certain sketch . aCCOllpanyilg this order, be, and the saae is hereby es"C.ablished as a public road 1;0 beco.e a part of the State Secondary Syst811 of Highways in Roanoke I , , , I I I, i i i \ I V County . Adopted by the following recorded vote: I' I, I I: I' j: I I'i Ayes: SuperTillors W. Rolsnd H. Clark BaTS: Hone E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and i j !' ) 1 vs I ORDER [i The Public and the State Highway 1 !i CQIIII1ssion of Yirgi~a) I. This matter cue on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and lib~ . II~~ upon the appliC'.a'tion for Pinecrest Drive (Ext. Rt. 9la) fro. Martin be. 1;0 II ~."m . lfaplewood, Drive to be accepted"and ~de a part of the Secondary System of Statei' ~.O~ Highways. I~ . I. a~ .. ," Door<l ..., ",,,"_a ~... aDd a 50 ft. "... at I ~ way tor &aid road has' heretofore been dedicated by Tirtue of a certain map Ii kno1l!l as Lindenwood 113 ~ which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 151 of 'the 11'1 3/' 7 records of' the Clerk; s Office of "the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virgiuia. II .' ,I and that by reason of the recordation or said map no report from a Board or il I' ,I !: i ~ Ii ,i I; I, Ii H Board of SuperTisors I' I. r I, , I I' ii I I i I I i I' I Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way froll the abutting property o1l!lers is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right i'or drainage. HOW. '1'HEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that the said road kno1l!l as Pinecrest Drive 9la) trOll &.rtin Ave. t~ lfaplewood Dri.... and which is shown on ~ ,. (Ext. Rt. I: I i; , certain sketch accomPanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System ,of ~ghwaya in Roanoke County. Adopted by the i'ollowirlg recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark Bays: Ifone r i, I, i' i V i: i, i' CHALM&RS FERGUSON, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this elay presented to the Board a report showirlg delinquent tangible personal property taxes collected by hill in 1956, showing penalty and interest, for 'the years 1931 through 1953. inclusiTe. lUIolUltirlg to t12.a6a.67. which report is receiTed. and ordered filed. 146 " Ii i I, ~ut~ ,c.. . r .~~~ II" !>Jr'P ': \r"".(\ I \i I Ii , Ii I. Ii i I tC~r ~'l2:1~4"I! ~"""~'i", Et~i,:1 . au...;r- ~i . ~'ii 1/"3 J~1A Jt' ' , . ",,' I~':: /~ . ! (,1";// /' i ~ ~'V,'., ~. It ': ~ . .. ~~<r. lI~O\, . ~.. . If).)} 5,') v RALPH E. LOllG, Dog Warden for Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board a report on dogs in Roanoke County ror the year 1956, which report is ordered riled. /' Stat_ent of expenses of Deputy Sheriff D. E. Mead.or ror returning prisone~ .. i Ralph Wil1;oB .~Iaoaas fro. Beau.ont, Texas. to 'the Roanoke County Jail at Salell. [, Virginia. subaitted by H. W. Clark. Sheriff or Roanoke County, receiTed and ordered filed. I I !' I On aotion, duly seconded. it 18 ordered that Mrs. ES'l'ER R. LOllG be I eaployed as clerical help to the Dog Warden of Roanoke County. at a salary Ii,. of twenty-fiTe dollars ($25.00) per 1I0nth. effective, January 1. 1957. payable out of the Dog Tax Fund of Roanoke County. Adopted by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland B. Clark and. Edwin G. Terrell Hays: Hone On 1I0tion. duly seconded. it is ordered that the bond of Mrs. Janie B. McHeal, Treasurer or Roanoke County. be increased froll fi.... hundred. ritty thousand dollars ($550,000.00) to six hundred. fifty thousand dollars. ($650,000.00). I, i I I , ii II Ii I Ii II I! ! I Copiell of this order to be certified to Janie B. McHeal, Treasurer, Morton Iuurance Agency. Salea, Virginia, and 1;0 the Audi1;or of Public Accounts, at Richaond. Virginia. Adopted by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff, II1nor R. Keffer, Roland B. Clark aDd Edwin G. Terrell. liays: Hone II ,I II II " II " i I' , I I r " " j! 'I Copy or letter dateel January la. 1957. addressed 1;0 the Honorable . . Frederick L. Hoback. Judge of the 20th Judicial Circuit. trOll J. Gordon I ... . . Bennett. Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. o. W. Shelor. a resident of the Town of Salell, this day appeared before the Board aDd suggea1;ed that the COUJl.1:Y of Roanoke and the Town of Sal_ join in aD erfort to work out sOlie sort of plans whereby a water supply adequate for the needs of the Roanoke Valley area. west of the City of Roanoke. and the Town or Sal_, could be obtained; Upon consideration whereof. on 1I0tion. duly seconded. it is ordered that Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell and Boraan R. Moore be appointed a COIIIIittee I 147 .- - -. - - ..... -.... -.. - .' .-. . ..---------- -_._------- -- -------. --- -.. -- ,- ... . - ---,.......... ....... .-. .'. .,___.-'-___._~__'___.___'__=____.u..______________.____._.__,_-,__. M , i!"li ~ I I W -, W r- i i I I I' I I I I Ii r . H'-----r- poSsihilityl' I' of Roanoke.: I, to confer with the orficials of the Town of Sal_ lookirlg into the of a joint wa~er eupply program for the Town of, Salem and area west Adopted by the followirlg recorded Tote: E. C:udiff. Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Ayea: SuperTisors W. Edwin G. !errell Nays: lIlone I, i: j. Ii Ii AJIlUft I~ the This day Goodwin-Andrews. Incorporated. insurance Board of SuperTisors the followirlg checks: agllll.ts. dell vered unto COJIP AJiY Michigan lI111ers Mutual Insurance COlllpany General Aaerica Companies DRAF'l' BO. L511M 5615 2a9a75 9al!40 S4643a 9936 141659 141660 141673 t165.6a 399.40 Incliava LUllberaans Mutval Insurance COlllpany , I Ii I, I II Ii II 124.10 62.16 62.16 66.39 66.19 I. 66.40 i I 103.42; ,: I imd it was shown io 'the Board that said checks are all lIade payable 1;0 the i Board or SuperTisors of Roanoke County. Va., and Mercy House. Incorporated. and ! that said checkll are all payable for dauge done. 1;0 a buildirlg belonging to . " Great Aaerican Group of Insurance Fir...m's Fund insurance' Group COIIpanies - - Olel DOIliIlioll Fire Insurance COII.psny . - The Bano....r Fire IJlS!U'ance COlllpany .' - The HanoTer Fire 1II8UZ'ance COIIpaIly . -" Th. HanoT.r Fire Insurance COIIpaIly Jlercy Bouse. Incorporated; II Upon cousieleration whereof, on motion of SuperTisor Roland R. Clark. ," seconded by SuperTisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered th4t the Chairaan or I: this Board endorse said' checks -The Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke COlUlty. Va. Ji _. . I Dy W. E. Cundiff. Chairaan-; and that said checks. after beirlg so endorsed. be Ii d.li....red 1;0 Mercy-Rouse. Incorporated. I , I Ii " Ii I, i' +; Aciopted by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors RolaDd R. Clark. Edwin G. Terrell. W. E. Cundifr aDd II1nor R. Kefrer lays: lone I: The Roanoke County Sanitation Authority thill day deliTered to the Board a I, t I;,~: ii .:f- " ! part or, or which is seMed. or !laY be serTed by 'the -lIIorth-ll Project- sewer ii systea, and upon which lot or parcel of land a buildi~ has been conllt~cted for ii I J ).:3 ) ~ 7 resolution dated Janusry a, 1957. requellting the concurrellce or this Board in reqa1ring all owners. tenants or occupants or each lot or parcel or lalld which abuts upon a street or other public way containing a sanitary sewer which is a residential. co..ercial or industrial use, to be cOllDected to said sewer syst811 by JallDary 1st, 1951!; On 1II0tion of Supervisor W. E. Cundifr. seconded by SuperTisor Roland H. Clark. it is ordered that said resolution be, and hereby is, concurred in. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AY.lI: SupeMisors W. E. Cundiff, Roland R. Clark, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: Ione -- - 0 ,____ __.!.___-~-.~_.._ ,"~ 0 1957. ORDERED that the Boarel be adjourned watll the third Monday in February. "" . 4!fL:~'ii .- -I Court House Salea, Virginia February 19, 1957 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the COlr t House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. I ~ Befor~ the meeting was called 1;0 order by the Chairaan, Rev. John E. Sayre, , Pastor of 'the Oak GrOTe Church of the Brethren offered a prayer. The lIinutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spreael, each _.ber of 'the Board havirlg read the copy of lIaid IIlinutes furnished hiIII by 'the Clerk. The rollowirlg claias against the County were 'this day presented, apprond, and ordered to be paid by Toucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: ( No. 24889 24g9O AClle Printers, Inc., Book bindirlg and office supplies Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Fire Sta'tiol1S and G. E. Meter Sta'tion Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for CaTe Sprirlg Fire Truck Antra Motors, Inc., Wrecker Service for Garbage Truck #22 Auto Sprirlg &: Bearirlg Co., Parts for Police Car #5 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County Office Bldg. Blue Rodge Produce Co., Food for Prisoners BcWlRllJl's Bakery, Food for Prisoners Bro.n Hardware Co., Janitor supp~ies, Hardware. etc. Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Dr. S. D. Carey. Coroner Investigations Cave Spring Electric C &: P Telephone Co., Motor Service, Repai~ing Electric Drill Telephone Service for County offices $ 2g.g5 36.19 4.20 12.00 19.1g 25.4g 22.65 42.56 19.91 3.96 10.00 5.40 393.20 I - - 24g9l 24892 24893 24g94 24g95 24896 24g97 24g9g 24g99 24900 24901 24902 County School Board of R. C. December Expenses Maintenance of Vehicles 6g.06 1 - 24903 County School Board of Roanoke Co., January Maintenance of owned 'Tebicl.. 922.80 - 24905 Roland H. Clark, Representing Roanoke County on FairTiew HOlle Board - n n n - 24910 Cancelled - . - - - - - - I: , " I: " i , i: I: I " - - - - 24904 Clearbrook Lions Club, January Rent on Clearbrook Fire . House 60.00 24906 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment cost for General Electric line 24907 Culligan Sof~ Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 24908 DeWitt Supply Co., Janitor Supplies 24909 Doc'S Service Station, Repair, Gas &: Grease 24911 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 24912 Elkins Shell SerTice Station, Wash and Grease - - 81.50 1 145.49 3.50 23.50 7.55 3.57 14.50 ~ ,,,,J - . . . I....J ~ o o r " ! , i I, - 110. 24913 Fairnew Home, County's Pro-rate share of expense 24914 G. C. Foley, January Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station - - 149 .--'-~__.h._I! * 36.20 60.00 Chalaers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent taxes collected 301.72 24921 Gittens &. Morton, Ins., Liabilit,. Insurance on POliee Cars 1 and 5 and Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck 141.69 24922 Haloid Co~pany. Office supplies, Freight and office equipllent 24915 24916 24917 249lg .. R. A. Franklin, Repairing lIteps in Court rooll Federal Sign &: Signal Corp. Sirene for Police Car #1 Fuel Oil &: Equiplllent Co., Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire House and County Courthouse, Gas for Can Spring,~ire Station 24919 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, January Rent on Cave Sprirlg F.ire House - - - - 24920 Green Market, Food for Prisoners - - - 24923 E. A. Hartllan, Oil for Cave Spring Fire Truck 24924 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Count,. Jail 24925 Lee Hartaan Sound Equipment, Repairirlg MoTie Projector 24926 Interna~ional Association of Electrical Inspectors, . 1957 MelIbership dues for J. R. Taliaferro 24927 Jefferson Hospital, Inc., State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 2492g Lewil!-Gale Hospital. S1;ata Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 24929 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Inc., Case History - Carl Walters Medical Report - - - " - - - 24930 24931 Lee Compton Lines, Freight collect on office chairs - Lotz Funeral Home, Inc., Ambulance service to Jefferson . Hospital ror Jno. James Chumble,., Garbage', Collector, .. 10.00 73.20 503.06 60.00 43.19 992.66 i 1.50 60.00 15.95 L , 6.00 :: , I' 540.g0 Ii " I, 440.00 Ii I! 3.00 I: 2.6, Ii " , " , ji 6 I 7. 0 24932 Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer, Reimburse Treasurer Jury Tickets Vital Statistic Fees, 233.20 - 24933 Cancelled 24934 Milll1eapolis-Honeywell Regula. tor Co.. Labor and Parts charlged scalll1ing Mech. on flow recorder and calibrated - - 24935 Merchants Induatries, Inc., office supplies 24936 Cancelled 24937 Malcolm Blue Print &: Supply Co., IllapS 2493g Mercy House, Inc., County's appropriation to Mercy House for January Expenses 24939 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 24940 Carnell Moore, Maintenance of Garbage Dump JanuarJ 24941 Natural Gas Distributors, Inc., Fuel Hollins Fire House 24942 National Market Reports, Inc., office supplies 24943 NuWay Laundry &: Dry Cleaners, Laundry - Prisoners 24944 Owen Plumbing &: Heating Co., Labor on'Photostatic Machine Courthouse and G. E. Meter Station 24945 Nelson Hardware Co., Tubs for Collecting Garbage, Janitor Supplies and Light tubes 24946 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 24947 Peacock-Salell Laundry, Laun:l. ry for Prisoners 2494g Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Office chairs - - - - - - .. .. .. - - - ii i 63.75 i 131.39 'I ]1 15.76 ii , 600.00 24.4g 493.50 g.6O 41.00 4g.70 g4.95 73.12 1.73 23.5g 36.50 Ho. 24949 Roanoke Gas Co., Cookirlg fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen , I , I; i: I: i Ii Ii !: " ,; I: Ii Ii " !' Roanoke Valley Motors, 2 New Police Cars III and 115 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Reimburse Postage Salem Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail and Repair material Sa1e1l Creamery Co., food fpr prisoners Salem Fara Supply Co., Janitor supplies Sal.. Paint Company, Paint for Demonstration Kitchen Cancelled Saead Be Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies for Prisoners Sumaerdean Esso Station, Gas and Oil State Orfice Supply, Inc., office Furniture State Forester of Virginia, County's pro-rate share of expense in controlling forest fires 2496g Dr. R. B. Smiley. January Salary Jail Physician, Coroner Investigations - 24950 24951 " - 24952 24953 - - 24954 24955 24956 " - - 24957 24958 24959 24960 24961 24962 24963 24964 24965 24966 24967 - - " - " " " - - " - - 24969 24970 24971 24972 24973 24974 24975 24976 24977 24992 24993 - - - - - " - " - - " Roanoke Linen Service. Towel Seri'ic8(for January. 1957 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bill for Welfare Roanoke Valley Motors, Repair and Parts for Police Car 116 Reilllburse Sheriff TraveUrIg Expense. Hotary fee to Treasurer of Virginia, for Mary Turner, Secretary to Judge Hoback ' Roanoke Seat Cover Shop. Seat Covers for Police Car 115 Roanoke County Revol Tirlg Fund, Mrs. Willie L. Richardson, Services as County Registrar Radio ColllllUlications Co., Radio Maintenance for Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Stations Town of Salem, Lights and water and sewage service Technical Reproduction Be Supply, Maps Tiaes-Register Co., office supplies and advertising Valleydale Packers, food for prisoners $ 38.51 3.00 l,6g9.60 30.10 I 5.70 22.50 20.50 I 15.00 3.800.00 39.00 8.91 13.07 , 3.3g i 16.15 ' " 5.27 I: I: l30.6g II II 19.9g If " I' , I 498.g5 Ji " 70.00 l' 392.241 13.51 Ii 456.85 i 7g.07 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food and Medical supplies for prisoners126.64 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts on Garbage Truck #24 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books WestTiew Poultry Farm. Food for Prisoners Wilson's Esso & Grocery, Gas & oil for 1122 Garbage Truck " 24995 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Clerk's fee qualH'yirlg Mary Turner, Notary Public ' Chalaers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent Taxes collected BUilding, Plumbing & Electrical Officials, Renewal of Membership dues for 1957 24994 Dr. Esther Clark Brown, Examining drunk driver Cancelled H. W. Clark. Sheriff. Reimburse traveling expense Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr., Examination of Drunk driving, , .' . Jail visit. attending prisoners 25001 Miller Tire Service, Inc., tires for Inspector's Car - 24996 - 24997 2499g - - 24999 " 25000 " Burroughs Adding Machine. Mechanical services for I-year on Adding machines 88.09 59.17 12.90 51.09 .08 I 5.00 5.00 2.50 I 30.40 5.20 13.29 14.00 26.56 152 Ii ~ .,..c.tt: ,...;.... .I [, ~~i' l1!:,.1( .' l~-r '1'~/;" ~LLt1;,' a. ' . - . ...c. ~ (}' .. ~/~5" . -~"7-' The following accounts were, this day laid before the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, Roanoke County, salaries, expense accounts for the month of February, 1957, and also those of J. L. RICHARDSON, JR., Commissioner of Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, Commonwealth's Attorney, and H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, will be paid as of February 2g, 1957. I '( MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted 1;0 the Board the following report: I -Salem, Virginia .February 19, 1957 To the Board of Supervisors of Ro~noke County: i' At the clost of business February 16, 1957, there was to the credit of the il General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund' Salem District Road Debt Fund County.School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund. F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account $ 75,196.g5 2,724.16 7.791.94 7g3.34 204,9g7.95 l23.47J.g6 3,031.gg .3g 564.62 ~ 418.554.98 Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal. Treasurer.- Said report is appro Ted and ordered filed. , , ! V Ii I; i I I' Ii '! I: II I I II RE: ,DELI5QUEHT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: . . The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal, County Treasurer, for .699.51, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Cl~k for the month of January, 1957, less 5% commissions, and turned OT8r to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $664.53 net. I' I \: V I ii 'I Ii On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of February. 1957, be approved in the amount of $6.920.59, from which the sum of $132.49 total F. I. C. A. Tax and total W. H. Tax $616.70, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,171.40. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I " i! , I i: ii " f On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period of Feb. 1, 1957 ending Feb. 15, 1957, be ap!l.t'oved in the amount of $1699.94, from'which the sum of $38.23 total F. I. C. A. Tax and total W. H. Tax of $77.80 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $l,5g3.9l. Adopted by the following ~recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. undiff, Minor.R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ ( l".t I'""l i ,...J ~ o o -, ,. . .... ------ -- ------..------- --- 153 r I if ,___..._m__ -- -- - -- .. __u -- '----f~..---~~~--- ,- I !: , * 1.Il~-ta. I ~-1'I-~7 I 1957;1. Ii I: I; ! " The followirlg reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK. Sheriff, summary stateaent of prisoner days served in the County Jail during the month of January, 1957; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses fo-: the month of January. EDWARD S. ALLEN. County Agent, 1I0nthly report for January, 1957; AUBREY R. SLAYTON, Assistant County Agent, 1I0nthly report for January. 1957; HEALTH OFFICER'S MONTHLY STATISTICAL REPORT, Roanoke County Health Department for month, ending January, 1957. Ii I H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the !;~,.....:.u r 'I. '~.r=- report of Part-tille Deputy Sheriff Frank A. Rogers, for the month of January, I' W-~'J( 1957, 8II0unting to $50.00, Which report is approved and the Clerk of this l~ W"l" Board is hereby ordered to forward said report to the State COllpensation Board !' ~J'I/" I I ~ ! as provided by law. I i I I, r I: I I' I 'Ii i V I. I r I I I I, I I , I I , A letter from Harvin L. Gray Executive Secretary Qf the Ruritan National COBIIIIUIl.ity Service addressed to Roanoke County and elated January 2g. 1957, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. IN RE: REZONIIfG OF PROPER'l'Y SITUATE ON THE NORTH, SIDE OF VIRGINIA, HIGHWAY ROUTE HO..119,.IN THE. CAVE. SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ORDER , THOJWl W. KENT. This day, Benj. E. Chapman, Attorney for Thomas W. Kent, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Thomas W. Kent relative to rezoning property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that, at this regular meetirlg of the Boarel of SuperTisora of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 19th day of February, 1957, said petition be, and the same is, hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said I i Ii !i Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition be, and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia,!: I, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. , AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board. as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receiptor the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the nex't permissible regular or special meeting of thls Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. I I I i: .' I: I i: ji Ii !; II II I: Ii I: I' I I I ,I I I " " Ii 'I i:~ti;;~... i!~lV6. i:mm- $-,.. i:L.. c ff......c..... !. '-) I 't ~~? , Ii " , 154 ~ct; :i, -6). :.. cA.. L.r ,I ~ t-eul5Q [, ~~' 'P~ :: C. ~~ ?-}, ., f" . ~cM1 ,f~ 3Ji;~i1? ._-,- -.-- --"-~---""---'-r-"==" AND BE 1'1' FUR'1'HER RESOLVED AID ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and ~rder' be forthwith . dell vered by the said Clerk or this Board to Paul B. Matthews. Secretary of .he Planning Commission o~ Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor E. G. Terrell of CaTe Spring Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor R. H. I . . Clark of Sal.. Magisterial.District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: A~es: Supervisors Edwin G. 'ferrell, Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. undiff Nays: 1I0ne I V ,: III RE: !I , II I' !; 'i " l; PE'l'ITION OF J. L. JENIfINGS .' - RE-ZOIfING LOTS SOUTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11460 ORDER .' I and this petition is filed. And this Board having duly considered the same and concluded that the may be beneficial to the County at large; therefor, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Ii ,; 'I I, Ii I! Zoning Ordinances !: 'i " Ii II I rezoning of the said property so that it might be used for business purposes . ..' of the COUBty or Roanoke so as to change the classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said petition so that it might be used for business purposes and classifying the same as nLocal Business-, as defined in the County , . I Zoning Ordinances, be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission Ii of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for recollllendation in accordance with tbe i' I' I' ;! proTisions of Section l5-l!47 of the Code of Virginia of 1950. as amended; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AID ORDERED that said Plannirlg Commis sion shall repoJ. I . . its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by statute, and upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set th~ saae down for public hearing at the fire permissable, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-l!46 of said Code; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDliED' that OIll certified copy of these I - . .... resolutions be'forthwith delivered by'said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, together with the copy of the petition of the said J. L. Jennings. . . The aboTe resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on recorded vote the vote was as follows: ---- ", - --_.._~ 155 .. -... - -.. . .--. -- ... .._ . ._... ._..._.. '.. __n,__..... .".....,,_ ----..~_._---~----_._- --- ----------~--- _.._--~_._._-_._--,-- '.r~-n-~ ~:~:.-'s~pe~~:s-ors .Rolan~ H~- '~~~,-~~~.--C:~i;;.-n=n:r-:. Ke~;~r-=~.--"TM', , I Edward G. Terrell ! Nays: . None ~ . i ,.,..j :J j" o o , ~ I I ! i I i: i I , t I I ! i V ! i Ii ! i , Copy of letter dated February 1, 1957, signed by Jesse W. Dillon, Chairman~, . . Ii State Compensation Board, addressed to J. Luck Richardson, Jr., Commission9r I , of Revenue of Roanoke County authoriZi~ s~id Collllllissioner to charlge the Ii " allowance of $2,ggO.00 for employJlllnt of an -Assessor of New Buildirlgs- to i, -Clerk-, reeeived and ordered filed. Ii I ! , , i' Copies of orders of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Elo_ty dated February 13, Ii I, . , , I: 1957. appointirlg NOrllan R. Moore, tie breaker to cast deciding vote in all Ii cases of a tie in the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke Elountl, and in the County I: " School Board of Roanoke County, in the place of R. T. Hubard, deceased; and I' appointirlg Howard W. Starkey as a member of the County Finance Board to I: fill the unexpired term of R. T. Hubard, deceased. term of the said Howard W. Ii I I I r 'i I i i , , I I i, I I , i I Starkey endirlg Decemt'..~ 31, 1957, said orders ordered filed. IIi RE: AUDIT OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia 'this day submitted to the Board the report on audit of H. W. CLARK, Sheriff 01" the County of Roanoke. Virgiuia, for ti'.e fiscal years ended 'June 30, 1955 and June 30, 1956, and for i, I' . :: I Ii i' I if I i: I' I' I, A letter dated February 9. 1957, addressed to Chaaber of COIIII8rce Members, ! I, ! . . the period July 1, through October 19, 1956. which report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated January 29. 1957, frOll J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. ( I signed by C. E. Webber, Chairllan, Salem Recretion Collllllission, requesting a contribution frOll this Board to help carry out program of said Recreation Collllllission, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, this Beard regrets its inability to cOllply with the request of said Commission, there being no provisions under the laws of the State of Virginia for making such donations. , i I' ~ !' On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that voucher-check !l24g67, elated February 1st, 1957, payable to Miller E. Petty in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for appraising one hun~ed and forty-three new buildings, be approved, retro-active to February 1st, 1957. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. C"..1diff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Ii Ii [, I, : I I II Ii " I I: i' ! ~.:W ( ~c j_0~ '-/P/ '7 106 ~c~~ ~"137 I ~kD- . . v- cJ.&- Ti: . T'6.~~., ~~7 :, ~ r. J,.L " ~. .~~i 'i~i7 ';" c..L..: U C; RM~~.~ .1.H ,...,,,....;.. sri! ~o.L-. r AI- :: 10 ~.)!.~.,.-~. c......e.r.t.; ~ r ; " Pc...t. l?> . I, lrI~t'~ C. ~ " ~ ~'1~7 IN RE: TRANSFER OF LIBRARY APPROPRIATION: On motion, 'duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry the sum of Four Thousand. four hundred and four dollars ($4,404.00), balance of Library appropriation for 1956-57 set'up in the County Budget, for said year. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ On 1I0tion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Executive Officer be instructed to have all offices in the Court House numbered and that an index cabinet be installed on the first floor in the Main Hall and one in the hall in the baseaent showing where the various offices or officials are located. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors Ii. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IIi RE: AU'l'OMOBlLE GRAVE YARD ORDINANCE: This day the ordinance known as the -automobile graveyard ordinance- calle on for public hearing. and after a full discussion on 1I0tion duly seconded it is ordered that action on Salle be deferred, and that a new ordinance be drafted incorporatirlg the ni"ious suggestions brought for'th at this' meetirlg, and on further motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that SuperTisor Roland H. Clark, Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney and Paul B. Mat'thews, County ExecutiTe Officer. be, and they are, hereby appointed a Collllittee to draft a new ordinance 1;0 be submitted to this Board at its next regular March meetirlg. 1957. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors Ii. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark Nays: None Ralph A. Glasgow. Attorney for Pal Supply Corporation . and M. G. Gunter. junk dealer. Ii. D. Brookaw, owner of Glenvar Repair Shop, and other interested citizens of Roanoke County appeared before the Board opposing the adoption of the proposed automobile graveyard Ordinance on this day. ( w. E. Jobe, a citizen of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and fomplained 'of the disagreeable odor caused by hogs confined on property on the Veterans' Facility Road across from Brook Club, and near his premises. No action was taken on said complaint the Board advising him that it had no jurisdiction over such situations. j ii ,I I I I I I I a r"1 I.o.J ~ o ! ' o .... ......._.._..__._.___,..__,_~_._.__~__.___.... ~ n_'.".' _ '._ _..''.__ - _._._--~._~~~---_.~-_.__. -- --.--- --_.._-'-----'- ------~------- 157 "''''T- -'-,,"~~--~=,- ,-~,----,,~-, ~-~ .~'-"'-' -,-' -~'---- V I L i ---.-- - '-'--' ,- --'--~"-----'~ ." -'" '" , '" " . Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day appeared, and !':. t cl.1. ~~S7 adTised the Board that, due to the fact it was a very busy time in her of'fice. it would be impossible for her regular force to handle the sale of County automobile license tags without additional assistance; Upon consi deration whereof, it was suggested by the Board that she request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County 1;0 appoint two deputy treasurers of Roanoke County, for a period of sixty (60) days, to assit in the sale of said County tags, the names of said deputies to be furnished the Court by said Treasurer. I I r I' On motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark. it is ordered that the resolution of this Board adopted August 20. 1956, officially naairlg and designatirlg State Secondary Road 601 from U. S. Route 11 (Lee Highway) south to State Secondary Route 623, and requestirlg that the Board DaIle a part of State Route 601 frCIII Route 11 (Lee Highway) south to Aster Street as Sunnybrook Springs Road, be rescinded; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded it is ordered that the reSolution of August 20, 1956, be rescinded, and that State Route 601 from the Harshbarger Road to U. S. 11, be, and it hereby is officially DaIIed and designated as Plantation Road. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None i, ii j: i, ;i I' I I 1, i i I I r Ii Ii V- i; I' " i I I IN RE: REZONIHG OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ROANOKE COUNTY" VIRGlNIA, EAST OF SALEM. ON SOUTH SIDE OF U. S. 11460 ADJOlNIHG FLAMINGO CLUB. ) 1 1 1 ORDER This day came Ralph A. Glallgow, who requested leave to file his petit ion as the fee simple owner of two (2) parcels of land described in said petition, relative to amending the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, to the end that the property described in said petition, be classified and zoned as -Local Business". which leave is granted and said petition is filed. And this Board havirlg duly considered the same and concluded that the rezoning of the said property so that it might be used for business purposes may be beneficial to the County at large; therefor. " BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinances!; of th~ C~~ty of R~anoke's~ as'to change the classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said petition so that it might be used for business purposes and classifying the same as "Local Business-, as defined in 'the County I Zoning Ordinances, be and the same is hereby referred to the Plannirlg Commission!; of the COUDtr of Roanoke, Virginia, f'or recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section l5-g47 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Commission shall report i~s reco_endati~ns 'to the "Clerk of this Board, as required by statute. i: :L~ JJ- ',11 cJ,~.(DJrr 'i )./~~7 !i Ii ii Ii Ii " i ~ I' Ii " ! :1 ii !I~~ ;or/.,u r I tI..L r :, ii l:W. a . !ft:~:~L~~ i\ !iJ.-!,q / ~7 i; Ii !! :!~ciL !' ,j i 7, b'v~.e..J.J I: ? II, <.;,,:' \ "-J i!...ll . <l!.... . I: I. " ): { :1 !: 158 V Ii ii " " " ii fte J&f erl. II ~ .,."L;1<~ Gt...Q.. <t P,6, II ~.i! ~~~ ii J.~..- ii ;I. s11 i' I' i I' I) :: l' j: I i " , and upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearirlg at the first permissible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the proTisions of Section l5-l!46 of said Code; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLlrED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these .1 . . . - resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, together with a copy of the petition of the said Ralph A. Glasgow. The aboTe resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell. of CaTe Spring Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: I Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, &dwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff. and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ;i il Ii ! AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AID REGULATING TRAILERS. TRAILER COACHES, CAMP AUTOMOBlLES~ AJID AUTOMOBILE TRAILBR:ClilI'S..TRAILER.COURTS, CAMP.SlTES, AND CAMP GROUNDS: 1'1 AID PROVIDIHG PEIILT~ ,FOR VIOUTIONS THEREOF. Ii 't L I: il comfort, good order. health, morals and welfare of the citizens of said County, II ,I " ii I' , i: I. i , The following ordinance was this day adopted: WHEREAS. in the ju~ent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, it is deemed necessary, in order to promote and preserve the peace. I that trailers. trailer coaches, camp automobiles, automobiJe trailer camps, trailer courts, camp sites, and camp grounds be defined, regulated and controlled, NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke . . . , . County. Virginia, as follows, to-wit: Section 1. No person, firm or co~poration shall operate or conduct any trailer camp or trailer park as hereinafter derined in Roanoke ~oun1;y. Virginia, 1: except in any incorporated town within this County. without first obtaining a permit issued by the Roanoke County Health Departlllent, showing full cOllplUnce ii " " :; . . with section 6 of this ordinance, and obtaining a certificate issued by the Board of SuperTisors of said County. or by such officer of said County as I shall be designated by said Board, which factory evidence that the applicant is a certificate may be obtained upon satis-" ;1 proper person to receive the same. However, before any certificate is issued shall become final, an inspection of the premises shall be made by the County Executive Officer, or duly qualified, representative of the Board of Supervisors, to determine that the applicant has complied with all regulations and restrictions set up in this or any County ordinance affecting the same, and any such certificate may be revoked at any tillle by the Board of Supervisors upon good and sufficient cause being shown for said revocation. No certificate or permit issued hereunder shall be transferrable or assignable. I M h'{ rr ;..,J ~ I I , , , I: " I I ! I I , I 0 , , I i o 159 . ... -_.~.. .._....... ,.--..-.....-... ._._--_._~~--""._.._-_._-------_. .- r ! I , ---r-'---.~'~- " I: '1'EBMS AND DEFINITIONS: , i I I . . -'.. Section 2 !. For the purpose of this ordinance, a -Trailer- shall mean any vehicle used, maintained or constructed for use as a conveyance upon highways, so designed or so constructed as 1;0 permit occupancy thereof as a dwelling 'I I, ii or living quarters for one or more persons. " , , " ii i! " held Ii j!. A "Trailer Park" shall mean any site, lot, field or tract of land upon which is located two or more trailers as defined in Section 2A, or is out for the location of any such trailers. Q. A -Trailer Lot" shall mean a unit of land used or intended to be used by one trailer within a trailer park. Q. -Temporary" shall mean for a period of time not longer than six calendar months. !. -Person- shall mean any person, firm or corporation. I, i Ii ii I' Ii County ,I: I' ii " H r. !!. -County" shall mean Roanoke County, Virginia. "Health Department" shall mean the Health Department of Roanoke Virginia. Section 3: It shall be unlawful for any person to park for more than *g hours I I I' I any trailer on any street, alley, highway or other public place in the except in a tr~iler park which has obtained a certificate and license. County, il in accor-li trailer I' dance with the prOVisions of this ordinance, except. however, that one II I , I Ii , " , i! 1; i: " i! Ii il full time employees on the premises on which said trailer or trailers is or are Ii I18Y be parked and used for temporary living quarters, provided said trailer is parked on property owned by the owner or occupant of the trailer, or has permission of propertYl)wner, and further' provJ. ded that no business shall be conducted therein while such trailer is so parked, and except that any person shall be permitted to have on 'their own prem~ses one or more trailers, when the Sallie are used exclusively to house their own employees, who are bona fide parked. TEMPORARY PARKING: I' I! " " Any trailer or trailers parked as set out in the preceding paragraph for a period longer than six calendar months shal~ be deemed a residence or dwelling and be subject to appraisal and assessed for taxable purposes like other property of its kind, in the County. alld any trailer so parked shall at all times comply with water, sewage and sanitary regulations of the Roanoke County Health Department. Section 4: Applications for certificates to operate or conduct a trailer park, as herein defined, shall be made in writing to the Board of Supervisors of said County, or to such officer as might be designated by said Board, and, if requested, shall contain: A. The name and address of the person owning said.trai:B r park. B. The name and address of the person operating, conducting or managing the trailer park, if different from the name of the owner thereof. C. A map or plat drawn to scale, with description, so that said tract or parcel of land may be definitely located, and showing the naDEl s of adjacent property owners, the number and size of the trailer lots contained in the ,: j: ii II , 160 .------- -------------------.--------.----..----,-.. u .' . . ... . _ .... .. ... ,.. 0',' ... ".' _ _. ._. . _ _' ,--,"-" ,- --. -.- --. lr-".,.-~.,."":-..-.,.--.. proposed trailer park, and also showing the location and number of sewer I connections and other sanitary conveniences, including proposed toilets. showers, washrooms, laundry, drying space and utility rooms, s~ptic tank or tanks, disposal ! areas, electric lines, etc. D. Each trailer lot shall have a minimum width of 20 feet and an area of not less than 1500 square feet. E. A statement setting forth the sanitary facilities to be provided for the said trailer park, including a description of the sewer system and water supply. I I Section 5: There is hereby imposed an annual minimum County license tax any person operating or conducting any such trailer park of $3.00 per, year per trailer, to cover from one to eight, inclusive, trailer sites or lots. used or intended to be used as such. and for Dine trailer sites or lots, or more, an additional license of $2.00 per lot for two-thirds of the number o~ lots or sites in the trailer camp in excess of eight, used or intended to be used as such. said license to be obtained from the office of the Commissioner of onl II I' I! !: :! , , , " , ReveJllle of this County. No license, howeTer. shall be obtained without the person operating and conducting such trailer park first obtaining a certificate as set forth in Section 4 of this ordinance, from the Board of Supervisors of 'this County. and the prescribed permit from the Health Department. Every , I' II I' !i license issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall set forth the number maximum/of trailers which are permitted by such license to be parked or placed I I il " Every such annual license !I i " or accOllodated at such trailer park at anyone time. hereinabove referred to shall be obtained on or before the first day of April of the year for which it is issued, or before the operation of such trailer park is begun, and no license shall be prorated for any part of a year. Licenses granted hereunder may be transferred or assigned. LICENSE TAX YEAR: The license tax year under this ordinance shall I , , I; ,! I, collllllence I on the first day of April and expire on the 31st day of March of each year. The owners or operator of each trailer park shall keep a record of the and address of each head of a family or occupant of each trailer, and the license nwaber of the trailer, at time of entry, and length of sojourn in the namei' " :, II ~ : park. Such record shall be subject to inspection at any time by any officer or other person having legal right to make such an inspection. Such record shall be preser~d for at least th~ee years. Section 6. It shall be the duty of the person operating or conducting any trailer park in Roanoke County, Virginia, to first secure a permit issued by .1 . .. the Roanoke County Health Department, as provided in Section 1 hereof, before a certificate is issued by the Board of Supervisors of said County, and prior to the issuance of said certificate, the following conditions shall be complied with. and continued to be complied with by the person operating or conducting any trailer park after license for the same has been granted and secured: A. Location. Every trailer camp or park shall be located on a well- drained area, and the premises shall be properly graded so as to prevent the accumulation of storm or standing water. I , ,..... r'"'" I \-l j D. a 161 !!. An adequate supply of pure water which meets the -'~c'crc- ,I :1 ii Water Supplv. requiraments of County Health Department shall be supplied to meet the requirements of such trailer park. Said water supply shall be piped to each trailer for permanent connection, otherwise it shall be obtained from faucets only. conveniently located. No dripping vessels shall be permitted. Q. Every trailer park shall be provided with an adequate sewage disposal I " system which lIeets the requirements of the Roanoke County Health Department. I i: . I; Any system constructed after this ordinance becomes effective shall be provided! , with suitable vents which extend up above the roofs of the trailers and with an outlet for direct connection with the separate trailers with standard metal threaded pipe or suitable flexible hose securely clamped so as 1;0 prevent leakage on 'the ground or escape of sewer gas or unhealthy odors. not in use shall be closed with threaded plugs. !i Opeuings when Ii I, [I I I ~ I :Jl. Any trailer parked in a trailer park shall be parked not closer than ten feet from another trailer, nor closer than fiTe feet from a party line. i I I I' " i i i- I, II I, i' " , !. Roads or driveways serving'the park shall be wide enough to permit ingress and egress wi thout undue hazard to persons or property of those usirlg the park. !. Toilets. There shall be provided for each such trailer park. to be Ii conveniently located on the premises. one water closet for each sex. in the I, ratio or one water closet for eTery ten aales and/or e....ry ten females, or rrac-, I' ,I I, I Ii tional part thereof livirlg or sleeping in trailer cars parked on or in such' automobile trailer park. However, where a trailer using the facilities of: the park has toilet facilities built therein, the occupants of such trailer shall i! :1 not be counted in arriving at the number of water closets to be proTided'. by park oWller or operator. Said water closets shall be distinctly marked ltJ(en" and -Women-, respectively. Said facilities shall be maintained in a clean, sanitary condition, and shall be maintained in a state of good repair. One adequately bright night light over the signs "Men" ahd '~Women-, respectively. I :i ji I' ! , , shall be maintained by every owner of or operator of said toilet facilities. Door and window openings of said toiler facility building shall be properlY,' screened against flies and mosquitoes. Q. Every occupied trailer space within the park or camp shall be provided with a water-tight garbage can of suitable size, however not smaller than 10 gallons, which shall have a tight fitting top, and provided with either a rack or stakes to prevent dogs or other animals from disturbing contents. No garbage or trash shall at any time be dumped or deposited on the grounds. !!l. Waste Water. No waste water or material from sinks, baths, showers or other plumbirlg fixtures in or out of trailers shall be deposited or allowed to leak upon the surface of the ground, and all such fixtures when in use must be connected to the sewer system or the drainage therein must be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Health Department. I. Investil!:ation. Upon the req'.lest f:or the prescribed permit :froll the Health Department of Roanoke County, said Department shall investigate the premises where said trailer park is to be located, and if: the same is found to comply lit.. the sanitary provisions of this ordinance, and other health ordinanc~s 162 of 'this County, and the laws of the Co_onwealth of Virginia, and the regulations or the State Board of Health relatirlg to such, pemit shall be granted; otherwise, it shall be refused. ,i.. When oil or ot.her liquid fuel is 1B ed wi thin a trailer, the tank supplying or containirlg such fuel shall be placed not closer than five feet froa all1 exit or elltrance to such trailer; there must be no leakage on the ground, and when piped into the trailer all connections shall be tight. thereby creatirlg no fire hazard. I. It shall be the duty of the Executive Officer of the County. the Health Departaent.Officers, Sheriff or his Deputies, Fire Marshall, or other II legally authorized representative of the Board of SuperTisors, to go into the trailer parks froa tille to time to see that the regulations herein set out are being complied with, that there exists no condition within the park that is or I; :i i: 1, contrary to the declarationsmade herein. 1. . For every twelTe trailers or fractioval part thereof parked within a trailer park, there shall be one rire extinguisher of approved type r: ii Ii Ii !. Certificate Displav. It shall be unlawful for any person tg elltablish'~i I18intain. conduct or carry on any trailer camp or trailer park unless there shal ! , be at all,times posted in a conspicious place at said camp or site the permit i obtained fraa the Health Department in accordance with the proTisions of this con....niently located for immediate use in case of fire. " i; il " I, i: 'I 'I 1\ II II " Ii il j\ q " 'I \1 " I il I' Ii II I. Section 7. The provisions or this ordinance are not intended, nor do they apply 1;0 trailers kept or stored by a bona fide dealer in trailers on a sales lot where there is no use or occupancy madeof any unit. If, however, one or more trailers on such sales lot is used by such dealer for office or storage, then, and in that event, he shall con1'orm with all the rules or regulations of t.he Health Department, and a pel'lllit issued by said Departaent before any trailer be used ror of rice or storage purposes, and then only when he shall have secured and paid all license or other taxes legally assessable against him for the business he intends or is conducting. Section g. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $50.00, nor more than $300.00 for each offense, each day's violation to constitute a separate offense. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance be. and the saDIe is made effectiTe on the 1st day of April, 1957. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that certified copies of this ordinance be furnisbed to the CoDtss:i.oner ot Re~nue. the Judge of the Roanoke County Court, and 'the Ii Ii )1 - . Sheriff of 'this County, and that complaints for any violation covered;by this ordinance be prosecuted under the , terms of this ordinance, and that all fines and all licenses imposed hereunder shall be collected and paid to the Credit of the General Fund of this County. · i.: = rr .1 I I Ii , , I , I 'I I , ,i I I I' Ii " " " " I' i ii :1 'I I " II " Ii I ii , r if I o 0; ; CJ 163 I! n , On motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H.Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, and . II1nor R. Keffer Bays: None 1957. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the thiI'd MOJIday 111. March. '7#C-4f Chairman " , I: ,. !' , I Court Houae I, 8al_. Virginia March 18.1957 i' The Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke Co.unty lIet this day at 'the Court I I House 'thereof in regular IIOn~ sellsion. ,Presllll.t: W. E. Cundiff. Cha1rllan. Ii ; i: " " i , i: I' I; I <Belvin G. '1'errell, IIiIlor R. Ieffer and Roland H. Clark. I BeEore the .etiug waa. called to o.rder by the Chairman; Re.... W. W. Crady. I .Pastor of the Wellt Sala_BaptilltChur.ch offered a prayer. 'file II1Jmtu of the last regular lIeetirlg were appro....d as lipread. each _bar of the Board haTirlg re&d the copy or said llinutell furnisheel b1II by the Clark. !he following claiu against, 'the County were this. day presented. approTed, aad ordereel 1;0. be paid. by Toucher-checks out of the funds respectiTely cbu-gea~le 'therewith, to-wit: 10. 25105 A~ .'f)i"".....1ter .Co.. Repairirlg H81'IIell 'fypewriter ror Treasurer : . 25106 - 25107 . 25108 - 25109 - 25110 . 25m - 25112 - 25113 - 2Sll4 - 25115 - 25116 - 25117 - 25118 - 25119 - 25120 - 25121 Au1;o Spriug ~Bear.i..ng Co., Jan1tor lIupplies and flash , . light batteriell for Sherittll Arrow Barcbalre Paint I; Feed Co.. Paint. Jan11;or suppliell a:c . . Barnett Coal.Co.. hel.ror County Office Bldg. '. Baptist, ChUdren's be Press. ottice suppliell City of Roanoke iooal;.Board tor Chilclren eletained at the 1. C. Detention be Roy I. Brovn. Clerk, Clerk's reel recordirlg tractll or . . DeJ.inquant .anel Burre11.Jleaorial, HOllpital. Hospital billl1 tor Welfare Blue ltidge Produce Co.. Food for Prisonerll . - Brown Hardare Co., Hardware. etc. Dr. S. D. Carey. Coroner ID'I'8stigations c-nweal"th of Virginia. DiTillion of Plannirlg I; EconOllic . Dav. Re-alllles.ent Mapa Clearbrook Lion's Club. Inc.. February Rent o.D Clearbroo.k lire Station C .... P Telephone Co.. telephone Serrtce i' I' i L i: II I , I' ii $ 22.50 6.00 11.72 75.52 , " " I 5.50 I , , 46.00 Ii , loa. go i Ii I 220.92 I I 18.25 ! 6.44 10.00 21.80 60.00 419.90 6.00 Dr. Fred S. Cruller, JaU Visit in absence of Jail Phyllician County School Board ~f Roanoke, County. Maintenance of County , owneel Tshiclell Feb. . 1.023..60 City of Roanoke. Sewage 'lreatlllent Plant. Sewage trea'tllent chargelltor General Electric Line 244.88 .. 164 ----;: ii - - . Baster Supply Co.. Ortice lIupplies FairYiew HOlle. CQWlty's Pro-rate share ot expense in main- . . . ta:lnillg hOlll8tor the aged at Dublin. Va. Ferrell Insurance !gancy. Pr~1III on Insurance co"erirlg '. Volunteer Fir8lllen Cancelled Chalaers l.ergason" C~asion on Delin~eDt taxell collected G. C. Foley. February RllIl.t on Kt. PleallaJl1;, Fire Station . . Puel Oil a: Bquipunt Co.. Fuel Oil ror Hollins Fire House - and Courthouse, . 25134 J. W. Griggs a: Ir. B. Witt. February Rent on Cave Spr:l.r1g ',' BiN Bouse Dr. Jolin O. Hurt. Coronerll In".lItigation Jetreraon Hospital. State-Local BOllpital Bills tor Wellare 366.20 i, .i Lee Coapton Linea. Inc., Freight coUect on oft1ce FlIrDiture ' ;1 , " tor CODillsioDer . 8.87 I, 25140 Janie B. Kcleal. Treasurer. Reiaburae 'lreasnrer. Jury "I.'" .. ,,'lickets. Vital Statistic Fsell 28.06 iI 52.00 i " :1 il 5.60 Ii i' Ii !! I, II ,I Ii :1 10.00 II !i 7.78 10. 25122 25123 25124 25125 25126 - - - - . .25127. 25128 - - 25129 - 25130 25131 25132 25133 - . - - . 25135 25136 25131 25138 25139 - - . . - - - 2514l 2S142 - - - 25l1t3 . 25144 25l1t5 25146 25l1t7 25148 - . - - - Cnl1iglllll sort Water SerTice. Rent on Water Sortner Caldall-.SiteaCo.. Otlice supplies Diaaond Paper Co.. JanUor aupplies Doc'lI SerTice Stati~n. Gaso~ Purchase ror Police Car .16 , Ji1kina Shell SerYi.ce Station. Gasoline and Wash Jobs tor , Police Cars ' w. i. . Be~r aoal , Co.. BeatiJIg hel tor: ColDlt7 Jail . '. Ball PliDIbing Co., Refund Pl1Ulbirlg permt #7210 B. R. Cordy Jfaxey. Gar\)age Collsction b,. Contract Paul B. Jlatthaws, Reiaburse trayeling expense to Richaolld . tor CiYil Detenlle Jlercy Bouse. Inc.. CoWlty'lI appropris'tion to Mercy House . , ror Feltraarr . Ifollarch Finer Foocls. Food tor prisoDerll . - ,lI1chie ~. Law booka tor Judge Freel L. Boback IfortOIl lIISUftDC8 ApJIcy, Preaiua on. snrety bonda Mouat Pleasant Grocery.. GallOl1lle tor. Kt. PleallaJl1; Fire Truck Malcola Blueprint. 4: Supply Co.. Mapa tor Re-all.ell_nt anel . , , Bouse IallHring 25l1t9 Vin_apolill-Honeywell Regula1;or Co.. Meter chartll tor G. E. , Sear - 25150 25151 25152 25153 25154 25155 25156 25151 . - - - - - . - 25158 25159 Viner tire SerTice, Inc.. Auto 'lires ror ColUlty Vehicle. . . "leon Barclware Co., Wearing apparel f.Jr Garbage Collectors Natural Gas Distributors. Pueltor Hollina Fire House . , Owen P11lllbirlg a: Heating Co.. P11lllbing work Oren Fire Apparatus Co.. Pa:1;!I rorJlt. Pleallant Fire Truck Killer E. Petty, Reillburlle- x.ys tor 'lax roOll Penitent1arr Industrial Dept.. Count,. Au1;o 'lagll Badio Caaunicat10ns Co.. Jfaintenance tor Radios at Fire Boulle Rainbo Bread Co., tooel tor Prisoners Roanoke Gas Co.~ Cooking fuel for County Jail and BOlle Dellonstration Kitchen. , ."=r $ 3.50 i 1.61 49.05 : 3.75 ].g.lS 95.91 I lit. 60 376.00 I lIt6. 52 60.00 4S1t.64 60.00 30.00 ,: 2.25 'I 20.00 I; I 600.00 58. SIt 22.50 15.00 4.86 i' l24.22 Ii 26.01 8.60 I 112.10 Ii Ii " !I I; Ii 28.00 I 1.00 1.224.65 Ii i 15.00 I 4l!.54 41.89 a [] ~. o f) WI :1 Ii " " , , ~ t i' :1 I I, il " - 165 r- II, 953.92 3.00 Ii 2g.oo 22.81 10. 25160 RoalllO~ Kell.orial Hospital.. State-Local Hospital Bills tor 6 , . Welfare. . .. - 25161 25162 25163 25164 - - - . 25165 25166 25167 2Sl6S 25169 . - . - . - Roanoke. T.inAU SarTice. ,Towel SerTice , . C. A. Richarda.Sheritt'.lIcar.EablulaandpSignlI ioaDolte Y.alJAy JIot.ors.IDe... Auto Parts .to~' ~Ull.V Yehic1es Eclwarcl. F. Staples.,. ProbatiOJl ~iC8r. Reillburlle TraTeliDg -, Expenae February State ottice Supply Co., Office lIuppliell Sa181l ,CreaMrJ. Co.... ;ood tor PrillOnsrs Shepard'lI CitatioDa. Law Books Sh......doah ValleT.. Inc.. 1957 "lPMrllhip Duell Sumlysicle AwniDg I; Tent, Co~.. CaJl.Tall co....r~ ror County Fire . - Tl'Ilckll .- 25170 Seward LuWP' Jlanufac.turing Co., Brief Casell ror . , Supernaorll and 1!:"p.....r 25171 Dr. R. B. SIIiley. I'ebraary Salary Jail Phyllician Coroner .. InTestigatiODa . - . .. 25172 25173 _. -, 25174 25175 25176 - - - 25177 - 25174 25179 25180 - . - _. 25181 251112 - - 25143 25184 - - 25185 25186 25187 25188 25149 - - , - u Cancelled Salea Bardwar....Co.. Ut8Jlails tor County Jail and supplies tor ' CourthODa~ Cancelleel 29.26 20.33 , Ii ;i II il II Ii I I, !I II Ii 12.06 24.00 300.00 57.00 87.50 110.00 I Ii I: 13.55 I' Ii !I " f1IIes-World. Corp. Ad....rtisiDg Re: ZoDiDg Town ot SA'.... Lights and Water S.r~ce and SeRge freataent . Cost 404.14 UJlderwod Corp. Maintenance s8rTice tor 12 IIOnths and 2 Blectr.ic Typewriters UDitecl States Pencil Co., 1 do.s. Ball Pencils Valleycla18.Packers.. Foocl..ror Prisoners - Char1ell E. Via. IaproT8lllentll I; Millce1laDeous repairll 1;0 CiTil Defense orrice Cancelleel Virginia State C~ber of d_rce. 1/2 page adTSrtis_ent in _mreal'th Magazine Yirp..it,Foods, IDe.. Food tor Priaoners - ' Vinton First Aid Crew. Inc., 1956-1957 Contribution 1;0 . . Lite SaTirlg Crew Virginia Law ReTiew Association. Law BOoks , Vinton JIotor Co., Partll. Repairs." etc~ C. W. War'then COIIlpaJl1". 50 record book index sheets S. M. Woods. ,PluIIIbirlg Repairs Courthouse Westn_ Poultry Farm. Food tor PriSDJllIrll 6.00 ii II I' I' , II I' Ii Ii I I Ii , " ! 70.80 3.95 101.45 292.112 121.27 '188.50 100.00 16.75 418.42 6.31 36.80 27.15 .54 6.74 - . - 25201 Chalaers Ferguson, Co.mllllionon Del1nquent Taxell Collecteel - 25202 DaTid Wayne Buc:1r't'''',w1tnesll in County C~ 25203 . Bean. Radio Shop.' RetuJId Blectrical Penut &C 25201t Dr. S. D. earey, 1l:.......iJUltion of Drunk DriTiDg &: LUDaCY . . Searirlg., . . \ 25205 ElIlIO S1;anclard 011Co.. GuoliDe purchased, on Courtlley Card 25206 Miss Betty J. Hartllan. Typillt for Re-AlIlIellllllent 25207 PitZl8y-Bowell. Inc.. Rent- 011 P~age MachilHl 25208 ClU'Jlell Moore. Maintenance Garbaee IlwIp 25209 Dr. S. J. Minarik. Lunacy hearirlg 25210 Dr. F. D. MclelUl8Y. Jr.. Examination of Drunk DriTiDg - - - - - - - - 1.00 25.00 13 .15 37.08 22.21 4l!8.25 10.00 10.00 166 - . - - , -""'=1'- " L Ii Bo. 25211 - 25212 . 25213 . 25214 . - 25215 - 25222 - 25223 . ___. ___.. - _n .._ ---.--------- - - ,---~ "---. - --, - .'. -----.,.-- - ,- .-..----~~~~7~=_',_ i i 1 1.;0 91.68 95.96 Dr. R. B. SII1ley. h....iftaUon DruIIk DriT1Jlg Luuacy 1lear1ug 70.00 . . Cancelled Balph LoDg. .Dog Warden. Reillburse TaTeliug Ixpnse , " Belson Hardware CoapanJ. Weariug Apparel tor Dog Warden . . Radio COllllllUl1ica'tions .Co.. February Radio Maintenance Sa1ea,Fum Supply Co.. Disinfectant and Dog Food BSllOS~dard. OU 'po.. Gasoline purchalled to';' dog truck . _,' Qn trip 1;0 Richllond transport1r1g Dogs - 25217 J. C. Fouta. Fowl claim - - 25218 lira. E. R. ..a....r. Fowl claim , - 25219 R. L.' Sheph8rd. Fowl .a.u. " - 25220 Pearl Jackson. Livestock claim - 25221 Pearl Jackson. Livstock claim i; i' ji " Ii Bo. 25190 - . 25191 ~ 25192 - 25193 - 25191.- . 25195 -. 25196 -, 25197 . 25198 - 25199 . - 25200 . - 25216 Jlalcola Blvaprinfo &. Supply Co.. Map for ReaslIellsiug $ Re.1Dcton RaDd. Hew oftice fa1'Diture ror CoIIIIIillsioner ot BeYe_ Saaerclean ElI80 Station. Gaa. OU &Ie . . . . - . State Board ot Educat1on. Surplwt Material purchaseel tor , CiTilD~llIl.lIe Tirginia Ketal .....uf'''c.'tUriug Co.. Pipe for icada JloaDOke Coun1;y Board of Public .elfare. Karch supplaent 42.50 ).69 476.00 , r IB BE: DCn. fADS. SBBBP l'!T.a1V.Q &Ie: '!'he "followiug cia1u -ap-i....tthe Coun1;J: were this day pr&eenteel. approYed. I ( c..L.:. ~..;;...L.. , llL,~tgf i )EV>lD : I "-'U i . ~,.)V .:; 1'<; J ~1 . - allll ordereel 1;0 be paid by -,oucher-check8 out of the funds rellpecti ....ly c1targeallle 'herewi'th. to-wit: Acae Printers. Inc.. otfice supplies $ Bro1lll Harclnre Co.. Dog Food & Hardware tor Dog KaMel .. . ~ . , . . C & P Telephana Co.. .~el.ephone SerTice tor Dog Wardents . . HClIIlI " . " County School Board or Roanoke Co.. Febn&ry Maintenance :, . of Dog Warcl8ntll Truck BasteI' Supply Co., office supplies Port Lewill Hardware Co.. Material to be used at Dog Kelinel :: Ii " " I I' I: I' II '1 I, :' it 'I if Ii I! " Ii I' I' ; II j! 24.45 4.9' 15.75 i, 65.85 Ii I' i, 7.99 3.25 II :1 I I 6.04 7.79 15.00 29.20 2.76 15.00 13.00 5.00 2.00 2.00 1'he following accounts were this day laid before the Board: JAlIII B. JfcIEAL. 2'reaslll'er, RoaZlOlce County. salar1ell. exp8D8e accounts tor the 1I0nth ot March. 1957. and alao, tholle ot J. Luck Richardaon. Coa:I.ssioner: o~ ieYeDUe. Bdw. B. Richardson. COIIIIIOnwealth's Attorney. and B. W. Clark. Sheriff. 1d.ll be paid all of March 31. 1957. I I I I o o a ( ,. 'i i , MRS. JAJID B. McllEAL. Treasurer. o~ Roanoke_ County th1l1 clay suhIIi~ted 1;0 the Board the' ~oi.1oWing repOrt: Ii -S81... Virginia 'i March 18. 1957 ii 'I It 167 r I !I :i I " ii i' ii " " 'I 11 'I \1 'I II 11 I: Ii ,I I i I , " I I , :1 II IIIi.! t"C ~ II ?>IUf" , Ii II I I '" B. W. CLJIK. SherUt or RoaDoke c01U1't,.. this clay filed wi'th 'the Board the I~.t: report o~ Part-tu.. DepUy 1rBnk A. Rogers. for the 1I0nth of rebruary. 1957. ~'l'>I '. aaOWlting,1;o t40.00 Which report ill approved and the Clerk of~his Board ill 17U~'~ here~ ordered 1;0 forward said. report 1;0 the State COllpenaa~10n Board all prou ded ~ ~ I" / '7 , ~~ ~ , o o :i :I 'I , I :: iI , " Ii 'fo the Board of SuperT1sors of Roanoke Count,.: A~ tile clolle or bus1Dls1l March 16, 1957. there was 1;0 'the credit of the GenerUCOuntr Fund t 39.388.76 Library lund - . . 6.462.85 Dog Fund. g.822.98 Salea District Road Debt Fund 792.18 County . School Fund . 115.905.35 School ConatracUon. Fund 116.915.73 School. Textbook Fund. 2,771.88 F. I. C. A. . 1.882.26 Dererred Credit Account -. ~.3i 293. .2.3 R8lIpecttull,. lIubllitted. Janie. B. Molea!, Treallurer.- . - Said report is appro....dlUld ordered filed. " " " " ,i t 'I Ii i: I' ,\ Ii :1 i: ,I II !I :1 ,I r ,I I :i III BE: DBLIlIQUEI'f TAUS COLLEC1'BD.,BY CLERK: 'fhe cierli:' ~Iii. U; d8liV81'ecl1;o~he Boarel the receipt of Jauie B. Moleal, CoWl'ty freanrer. ~or 11267.20 on aCCDut~f eleliDque.~ taxes collecteel b7 said Clerk for 'the aonth or'lI'ebrusry., 1957. less 5~ coilll1asioJl8. and turneel oyer 1;0 -. said. !J'eas...r. saiel check UK)uUng to t1203.84 net. The followiJII.repc-.rts. were this, clay laid betore the Board: H. W. CLABI. Sheriff, s-..ry stat_ent of prisoner days serT8d in the COUJlty JaU dur1q ~he IIOnth or Febraary. 1951; . . H. W. CLARl. Sheriff. orfice and tra....l expenaell for 'the IIOnth of rebruary. 1957; IDWARD S. AU.lll, County Agent. monthly report for February, 1957; . . . - ~ AUBIII R. SLAI'l'OI. !uistant County Agent. IIOnthlr report ror February. . 1957; , . 0/ On !IOUon. clnl7 seconded. i~ 14 ordered that the County Parroll for 'the IIOnth of March. 1957. be approveel in 'the 8IIOunt or $6.590.77 rro. which the lI1III of 1125.12 to'talll'. I. C. A.. and total W. H. 'r~ 1569.ao is to be . . . . deducteci, JeaTiDg a net payroll or t5.895.85 ne~. Adopted b7 the fol.lowiDg recorded Tote: Ayell: SuperT1Sorll W. E. Cuncl1tf. Minor R. Ketfer. 'lb1ancl H. Cla1ic: and Edwin G. 'ferrell. lays: lip.. cL....R..r ~W- , .-a i~'~ i1~S7 I: Ii 168 . -'~r c.-&..;.. u <t; Ii' ~,c.'~.' ~~C t,. o '-( $ $7 " ~,tU.T:: ~.~~ .3/hf'? !i !: I " " n "- ----.- -.-.....----..,..----.-. . ,.---.. ---...- -------- -_.~---~-_... On !lOtion. duly lIecondecl, it is Cll" dered that 'thepaJ'l'Oll ~or Retuae Collect1Dn aad Janitor Ser.vice, for. 'the period,Fellruary16. 1957 endill& February 28. 1957. be approved.in,the aaoUllt.of .1,667.6$. froa which 'the 1IU. I ot t37.52 total r. I. C. A. Tax._andtotal W. B. 'tax t65.30 is to be deducteel. Iii I' 1eaT1Dg a net parroll ot tl,5$3.9l. d Adopteel by thetollowing recorded TOte:, ii, A,.ell; ':SuperTisors W. 3. C~ t. Minor R. Keffer. ROland B. Clark an(. . Eclw1n G. 'terrell. . , . .' . . ~:~ [ I it' , I II II I, I' Ii II ., Check #?S0S4 dated March 11, 1957. payable to General Electric Co.pany tor I' 25 clr1IIIs at t1.65 eaeh tor roadaide. trash cans; . Adopteel by the, t01101l111& recordecl Tote: Ayes: SaperT1l1Orll W. E. Cunclitt. Minor i. Ketter. Roland B. Clark and Eclwin G. 'ferrell. lays: .Ione On 1IOt10n.. clulr seG).n4ad. U 1& ordered that the tollowill& YOUcher-checka be approT8ci. retro-acti:re 1;0 date of 1ssvance: Check #2Sfl83 .cl.a1lW 'JIarCh S, 195'4 .payable 1;0 B. W. Clark, Sherift. in 'the &!IOat ot t5O.oo ror ad"RJ1Ce traul1r1g expenlle 1;0 Bagersto1m. Md.. 1;0 return prillOaer; . " i: Ii ii r i: StateMat dated Karch 18. 1957. addrelllled 1;0 w. K. CuIldit~. C1lai1'll&Jl. -.." or ~~orll. 2oanoke County. Virginia. troll B. W. Clark. Sheritt. . - ioaaolte CowU."., ot the A'tP"".es or Deputy Sheriffs D. E. Heador and I. L. Ii , II I: Ii . . . . Diller tor NWrn or pri80nerst~ BageratoWJl, ,Md. 1;0 the 'D9a1K'ke C01Ult)' Jail. aDd farther aelTillirlg the Boarelot 'the retUDd of tll.55.. llODie. JIOt used., . . . 1;0 the .!reuurer of Roanoke County. was this day laiel before the Boarcl aDd ordereel tiled. j; ;i j, i ~ I I " Reper'!; on Dog Pound ror the lIOn'ths or Jan1Ulr1 and Febru8l'1. 1957, trOll Mrs. ;i Ii :1 i: Ii II . " Charles W. Th-.. President. Roamke Valley Society for tile PreV8n'tion or cruelty 1;0 ""i....,.. recei....d and ordered tiled. i ,. " ~ II U: JAIL IISPBCnOI: Letter dated Karch 8, 1957. trc. i. M. Youell. Director DiTision of . . Correctionll, addrellll8d 1;0 'the .Boardor SuperTisorll County ot ioaJlOIte. 1;ogether Ii :i wi'th a report or inspection or 'the Roanoke County Jail. dated Febl'1l8l'1 27. 1957. I' . " Ii received and ordered fileel. I' Ii I I i' Ii Ii 1 I ! ,I II :1 I :j I: Ii II 'I II 'I 'I II ii I ,i , ,I ii I' u r-, I...i '0 c ~ ;" Copy ot letter dated March 4. 1957. trOll Je8H W. Dillon. Chaiman. State ~" C-p""..Uon BOard..,addr.eSBe41;o. J.. Luck Richuciaon. Jr~.COllllissioner or l' " aeftD_ of RoUoke County. apP!"ortng' the" ~u. of t1925 ~OO 1;0' co....r persoua1 ---- \. ' serTicell in aS1l8llSllent; at new .buildings. received and ordereel ti1ecl. ~ , i 'I I' " Ii " A c.........ication trOll the ,CoIaIonweal'th ot ~lrginia. Depar1aeDt ot Highways. II showing 'teJltaU,. al1ocatioDllofIBterllta1;e and Prillary CoDll'tr1lction luncla. Ii ~ I: tor 'the tillcal year 1957,.54. apprOved by the Highway COIIIIislIion at ita Ii _tillg on March 14. 1957. racel....d and ordered tiled. ii n Letter da'tedJlarch 15. 1957. trOll R. P. BllUan. lxecuti.... Asais'tar1t. Ii il Depart.ent or ~YS. 1;oge'ther with notice ot public' hearings on taDtati.... 1,1 allocatioJUl.. recei....d and. orclared filed. r( II RE: COVin APPIlOPJlI.U'IOIS lOR Bn'DSIOIWOllI: . -." LRter datacl rebr:aa:7 22. 1957. trOll W. H. Daqhu-ey. Aaaociate Dire~'tor. :i 'i 'I II II Ii ~ ! ,! 'I II 11 II .. . . Y. P. I.t-. Agricultural E_.....ioll.Ser.n.ce.addre..... 1;0 Board ot SuperTiaors of '^"-....l:otIBr. requestirlg that. this. Board make. a lIuq or t!1e appropriat10u '. tor exteUion work in R^"""klI- County tor the pastti.... y&arll; aclTillillg that aclcl1tiODal. tuda will. be Meded, 1;0 u.kean adjustIHat ill the lIalarr schedule of extasiOR worDrll after June 30. 1957. and reqaestiag that the couideration. be gi....n 1;0 thill requellt in 'the preparat10n of 'the County bUdget tor 'tile year 1957-5g. was this day laid before 'the Board. which saicl request ill referred 1;0 Paul B. Jlatthews. County hecut1.... Ofticer. tor hie reco .....tion in the utter. I ! V " " " !I I O. T. Aiche1. Resielent ElIlg'h...er. Depar'tllllll.t of Highways. thill clay appeareel . .. Htore the ~rd and rec_ndad. that . sync~oJ1i.sed u-attic controls be inatalled at the iJl'tersection of State Routes 742 and 726. and at 'the intersectioll ot Route 742 and Route. g66. Upon couideration .1Ihereot. on IIlOt10n. d:ul7 seconded. 110 is orclared that 10 Stat!;. Highway Departllent be requested to proceed with tile. iJUltallat10n ot synchroniaedtratric siguals at the hereinabove lItated in1;erllectiou. Adopted by the followirlg recorded Tote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff. Roland H. Clerk. Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. ltetrer. IaYlI: lone " II ! ;, il ;i I 'I ,I il I Ii ~ 1 'I i1 I il " :i :i " :1 I ? I 169 J, I 'I . II ~......4e.r :{J;;:Jj;: '. ~ ~. I - ~tPT. , (g;::;.t; ,.. :~ I . ['t',... I'~~f 1~(3. I 'n)().tL1. ... C fAf.(P~ ! ~/~&7 I , I I ! , A peti1:10n signed by SWldry property owers on Borth siele ot Back Creek. ~~ "'o..U g- Roanoke County. and lIernd by State Secondary Route 657. addressed to the '4~~:D~ Departaent ot ~ghways. and delivered 'this day 1;0 t:he Board of SuperTillorll. I)~~~ reques'tirlg that consideration be giyen 1;0 'the cOJUltruction of a high-water bridge 1G>i:$ rr I c:t.Jl.. acrolls Back Creek to replace 'the present low-water bridge which now serves the ~ e. ,..,-,~. '" -< -. - .hi. '''''1014'''~ .......... 1'f'C; W ~7' 170 r c.:a.. u. r. i b.4.4.,..lD~ 3J~'? :: ,,~tt ~'~.' $~ aHs.., -.o. 1 I' Upon coasideration lIhereor. on aotion. duly seconded and carried. said petUlon ill referred to the State Highway Departllent tor its considerat-ion. "" It ill requesteel that a stucIJ be made with a Tiew 1;0 ex'tllll.dirlg Route 866 !rea Route 742 1;0 Route 11. and proTiding grade crollsing elimination lItru~ture. on saiel project. AcIo~ed by the rollow1ng recordeel Tote: A~.:, SuperTiaors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell. Minor R. Ketter and W. B.ClID4i1."t. ' Ba18: ~118 :) " :i " :' " I: :! i: I: I' " Ii !I In ceapliance with an excerpt troa the IIimltell ot the regular ..eUng of the Roanoke C01IJlty School. Board held on March 12. 1957. and thi. .,.~eel with this Board. aDd at 'the request of Dr. H. L. Horn, Superintendeat; of the Roanoke . . . ~ . County School Board. aM on !mUon. duly lIecondsd. it is ordered that the Co1lJlty 1'reanrer and 'the County Bookkeeper be authorized'1;o trauter by .:!ouraal' aUT the_ ot SeYeJlty:...ti.... Thousand Dollars ($75.000.00) 1'roII'the School CoDR1'IlC'tion Fund 1;0 'the School' Operat1Dl Fund. . . Adoptecl by the tollowiIIC recorded vote: A7": SlaperTisorll If.B.: Cund:it't. MiDor R. letter. Boland H. Clark and Bclwin G. Terrell. . JIays: Bone " I: ii ;i i! if' " !! !i i " Copy ot relloluUon to be prellented to the Council o"f 'the City or Roanoke on March 19. 1957. tor adopUon. inviting the Britillh Goodwill Mi..ion to the JUHtolm Festival 1;0 Visit our COlllllm"1ty on, April 5. 1957. and copy of letter . . addrellsed to Guy L. Gearheart. Town Manager Vinton, and o'thCl"lI were 'this day - . laid betore the Board &JIll ordered tiled. :1 " " 1 ~ v " r ,I Arthur G. Trout. Chah'manof the County School Board ot Roanoke County. this day presented to "the Board 'the rollowirlg excerpt 1'rOII the Minutes of the Roanoke County School Board held on March 12, 1957. to-wit: -On IIQtlon ot JIrs. 'lhoaas, seconded by Mr. Adkins. 'the tollowing rellOlut:l.on wall ........i.oualy adopted: WJlDIUR. the lIchool build1r1gs in Roanoke County are onrcrowded. and 1fR1mIUR. there is a cont"","i"g locrealle in the lIchool population. and 1fRRRRIR. the tunda D01f proTidedby 'the Construction Le.". are not lIufticient ;; 1;0 proTiele adequate classrooa space tor 'the present school enrollaent nor tor " :' the future. -. 'fBEREPOBE. BElT RESOLVED that the School Boarci ot Roanoke County . '.. -. " propose the tollowillg lIchool,building program tor 'the period 1957-1960: I.. Borthaide High School Andrew Lewis High School Addition Wl11."\am. Byrd Hip School Addition CaTe SpriDg HigIi School Addition Caner High School Addition lew Oak. GroTe EleaentalT School "W GlenTal' Bl_n'tary School --1" I " Ii I 'I " " Ii ,I " II ,I ;1 !I " " " ii !i Ii II 'I " , , I' i ~ i I I " I' 11 1 !' i , I, I' " I: " il .' i: I' !I II II !, Ii 'I I I , i " Ii " I I !i 171 -Hl" Hew Vin1;on Craig A'IllIl.U8 School I South SaleIl n...ntary, School Addition ,: Ilt. Pleaaant ll...n:tal7 School Aeldi'tion " Clearbrook neaentary School Addition i' Back Creek Eleaentary School Addition " Burlington lUeun'tary . School Addition. or new building in that area Ii The ellt1llated total cost ~ the 1957-1960 building pro~U1 - II!, . $3.aoa.OOO.00 i , BE IT lUR'l'BR RESOLVED 'that the .School Boarel hereby reques'tll the Board Ii ~ Superrill~rs ~ ioanoke County 1;0 anthoris~ the borrowiag .ot an additional tl50.ooo.00 troll 'the Literary Funel (the BolU"el or SuperTisorll hall previously authorilleel'theborrowiug or $250.000.00 anel $5g.000.00 from 'ths Literary Fuad); ancl in aWt1.on'there1;o 1;0 proY1cls 12,600.000.00 aelditional t~ in the interia between July,l. 1957 and.Ju~ 1. 1960. thelle aelditi.onal tunda 1;0 be -~'.-='.------ :! D 'i ....J j o o i ,: il . . proTieleel by llIl increased, tax. levy or by borrowing.- i , , lJpoa colUl1deration lfhereot. on lIotion of Supervisor W. B. euiditt seconded i i' by Supervisor Jliaor llr Iettar. it is ~ dered, that thill Board approyea 'the I: , building progrU as sub.u.tted .1n..'ths. tora .or a resoluti~n rrOll tha 1liDute1l .or I 'ths regular Meting or the RoanokaCoUDt.y. School Board elateel March 12, 1957. I and h_by requests 'the said. School. Boud to, prepare the proper lllgal d.ocuaentll or I haTiDg a boJlll iss1l8 eleet10D. to be presenteel to the Board of SupervilOrs ot B""'....1ce llollDty at the earliest possible date. AfI.opted by the tollowing recorded vote: AJ'es: SaperT1sors W. B. Cundiff. M:l.J1or R. Ketrer. Roland H. Clark anel Bclwin G. Terrell _ lIaya: 110118 " I I :! " I " i: :i , 'j " !i Ii " I ~ [I ;1 OnllOtion ot SuperTillor w. B. Cundift. seconded by Supemsor Jlinor R. letter. it is ordereel that the t.ollowing perllOIl8 or the State DeparWent .of Taxat10Jl be _ployeel. all appraillerll 1;0 assist the County AlIlIessor in _king 'the piIeral re-allllssaent or. real property in Roanoke County: EUectiYe Jlar.ch H.l957: Benjuan B. Ad8a. Jr., at a salary or 1440.00 per ~Dth . . . anel expell8e allowance or t50.00 per aonth. Harold C.Wingate. at. a salary of $1.50.00 per IIOnth anel expense allowance or $75.00 per IIOn'th. Ii " II I, 'I I I EUectiYe Karch 25. 1957: Fred Vaden. at a salary of $452.00 per IIOnth and 8xp8DH . allowance or $75.00 per aontl1. Adopted by the rollowing recordeel TOta: Ayea: SupervillorS W. E. Cunditr. II1norR. Ketfer. B. G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark lays: IIone I On IIOtion. duly seconded and carried it is requested that 'the Highway Departaent consider the building and erection ot short al'Ja gatsll 1;0 be placeel on Routs 726 at the crollsinga or the Bortolk anel Western and Virginian Railroads in Roanoke County. It 1s also requested that this Route be made a part or the Federal Aid Syst ,I il " , , .' I I~~~ i~'~ ! ::.!~~? , II , ~~ t;;6 ~'I1!...:wt I)..I:Q,....O.. (Ii.. ~. ~~-r 3/H(S? 172 I' " I' I' Ii " " I, if I r , ii I! 'j I. t i' ,~~.d,ii ~t..J...~~ ~ll~"" I - ~_ .~_ __::= C" ~:;::...--=-_.;..::-.::;_;~-=,,:=-::=.:::......:.-..~~':.o..=,,~.'-"""'-C-_._--'--'-- -''''--~.~o-_'-'-._----.'~o-f''-''~'-'~~'--- Adopted by the followirlg recarded vote: A"lI: SuperTisors Minor, R. Ketter. Roland H. Clark. Bdwin Of. Terrell and W. E. Cunditr JraYll : BODe " i: , 1 1: I ii i! Resolution of the Board of Directors Challber of COIIIIerC8; Sal_. Virginia. I, Ii Ii Ii II 'I !I !ac.. advellseel 1;0 II I Ii II .I I II II "UAS. there has been no General Re-Asses_~. of Ileal ElI'tllte in Roanoke Ii CoUll1;y- siBee, the year 1951; and . II ;: lfRR:RRa~. !hill Boarddeeaa it adTisab1e. that a Gelll1'al Re-a8B4111aellt ot Ileal II Batate "_cle- ~ the ,..ar ,1957; Ii 101I. 'fBBBBPORI. on 1I0'tiOIl ot SuperTillOr IIiJ10r R. Xetter. ..concied by I, SuperTilSOr -Idwi~ G. ~errell. BE IT RiSOL~ that there be a goeral re-asllesaen1 or Real Estate in Roanoke COUll1;ydurirlg the year 1957 tor the "81' 1958. Ii AID n.I! FURTHER RESOLVEDtha.t the Judge ot the Circuit C01ll"t of Roanoke II . 11 .. .. -. . . . .. . . . 'I CoUDty. Vir.ginie. pursuant to SectiODB 58-787 and 5S-789 ot the Code 01' TirgiD1a.il II be requested 1;0 desigllate ror the purpose ot ....lrillg sucll g8D8ral re-assellaent. II lIJlCh person or perSODS, as. ill 'the opinion ot said Court. aay be necessary tor i; I' the purpo.. 01 -lriftglluch general re,..assell_nt. anel1lhose cOllpensation shall bell tixecl by this Board all proT1.ded in Code Sec. 58-788; . i AID FURTHER. 'that inaauc4 all 'thia ~cl has requellted the De:partllen1; ot ii 'hxation to ~nder aciTillory aid and asai8.tuce -ill IlAlring lIuch gene:l"al re-aS8esSlle~t. Which haa been granteel. and it appearing that only one person will be requireel ,I to perf ON tile dutiell provided ror ill lIaici Cecle Secll. 58-787 and 5l!-789. BE I! FUR'1'IIER RESOLVED 'that th1sBoard reco.end 1;0 'the Judge ot the Cirl:uit Court of I adopted March 6. 1957. in re: Sitell Crossing. laid betore the Board and i. H Ii j' i: II I; Ii i/ " orclered filed. Letter dateclFebruary 26. .1957. .tr0lll GitteDS & Mor'ton; . - Board 01 SuperTillorll 01 Roanoke_ Cowmy. enclolling 1Ia'tioDal Surety Corporation bolld 14008112 written in the,_ of Eugene W. Chelf. Atto1'lley, ttD collect tazell and lena, .reJI8wir1g. lIaiel. bond trOll January 20. 1957 1;0 Jallil8ry 20. 1958. receincl and bond and letter ordered tiled. I I I I' Ii I , , I !: - - RoaIl6b"County, Virginia. that only om such person be appointeel. Adopted by the rollowiDg recorded vote: Ayell: Clark Bays: SuperTisors W. B. Cundift, Minor R. Xetter, B. G. Bone Ter1'llll and Roland Ii. I, " '): I' Ii i: I' " I ;i I: I I !: i: !his day Benj. X. Cha~. At1;orne,. tor Minor D. Webber. appeared before Ii this Bo.U'cl anel'requested lea.... 1;0 tile a petition on behalf or the saiel :! II1nor D. I....bber relaUve to, rezoniDg certain propert,. described in said Pe1;I1;lon. , .oW. !Bi~RI. BE rr RlSOLVED AIID ~nR1l1m that at thill regular l18e'tiDg or i, 'the Board of :3uPerTis~rll' or RoUcib coUn,.; Vi~nia. held thill 18th cla,. of Ii Karch. 1957. said pe'tiUon be. and the lIeae is herelly tiled. I: AIID BE IT FUllrHBR RESOLVED AJID a>>nRlllOJ tha1; 'the proposal 1;0 _end said Ii Cowmy ZoBiug ordi~c.e as requ.lIteel ul said pe'tition and lIaiel petition. be. Ii " and the s.- are hereb,. referred to.'the P1a.II'"'1Ig COBission ot Roanoke CotiJR7. ': Vir&'''"'llI..tw a re_........Uon in..a.ccord8nce with 'the proTisions ot saiel Ii County ZoniDg OrdilllUlCe and.'the Code or Virginia. Ii .lID BE IT FlJRrHBR RESOLVBD AID ORDERED that when the said PlanniDg I . . . . . I: t!-f"a1on shall report its recomendation 1;0 the Clerk ot thill Board all Ii requirecl by the saiel County Zoning Ordi_ce and 'the Code ot VirgiD1a, that. i I upon the receipt of the ...e., the said Clerk of thill Board shall torthwith set I the _e down tor a public heer1Dg at the nex't per.illsible regular or special I lIeetiDg ot thill Board. and that no'tice thereof be gi Ten b,. said Clerk by publication in .aCCCl!danclLwith 'the proTis10ns of 'the Cocleot VIrgiJl1a. - . AID BI rr FUll'l'BlR RESOLVED AJID ORDERED 'that one certifieel cop,. of thIs . ". - .' '.... Besol1Rion and. Orduo and. c.ert1tied copy of said petiUon be forthwith certWeel by 'the Clerk of thill Board and deli....red to Paul B. Ma1;1;hews. Secretary ot the P",..""'lIl ('-...ion oE Roanoke County. Virgl.D1a.' . Ii Tae abo.... Resolution and Order vas adopted on lIotion of SuperTisor Roland HJi :1 I, I , i' ,I Ii Ii , ii Ii 'I i I ie't~ I"~~' : :f>-. lie.. ..... Ci....... Thill da,. CUll I'lmIan Whit811CarTGr, A1;torne,. ror Randolph JI. Stanley and ii lJ/~~-'1 Elisabeth D. Stanle,., who reques1;ed leave 1;0 rile a peti1;ion on behalf of 1;he Ii , saiel Rudolph JI. Stanley. and Elizabeth D. Stanle,.. rela'tive 1;0 aallll.dirlg the '~"'." .,. Zonirlg OrdiRallCes or Roanoke, C01Ul.t,. to the' end and purpoae that a certain tract ~'"t',:,~'~'~, . , . , ; . or 5.06 acrell in Sal_ Magisterial Di$ict of Roanoke Count,.. Virginia. near the I,~ I!' : intersection ot State Routes 117 and 470. be classified and ZOD8c1 all -Local il' i ""; 1 ': . Buainells-. 1Ihich lea.... ill. gral1teel,and 'this petiUon is filed. -r "-~-'-~----'] v IN BE: o Uzoxnm OF PROPDfi SITUATE 05 THE ) IOR'l'H. SIDE -OF THE . OLD LDICHBlIRG:-:SALEM I TtJIl1llPTlnl.l1OAD.. IH 'lBB SALEK MAGISTRIlJAT. DISTRIC'l' . . . , .. ._ OF ' , I MIIiOR D. WRRfi~. ) RESOLUTION AID CEDER. J c il ii Clark and lI8conael by SuperY1sor II1nor R. Itdfer. and on a recoreled "VOte the SUperTiaor8 YOted .. tollowlI. to-wit: Ayell:SuperTillOrll Roland H. Terrell ' . lays: JJone Clark. Minor i. KeEfer. W. B. Cundirr and EclwiJ1 G. a " In N; PETITIOI OF RAIDOLPH M. STAIILEY .um. ELIZABB'lR D. STAILEY . 01lDER ~ - , ' aesoniJIg of tract or 5.06 acre; near interllection ot State Routell 1I7 and 460. Roanoke C01Ul.ty. Virginia 173 i.,..~rb rkr I '.d.tt' ,.....,.~.~ i.-f>.c.c..c..~_. .'c-. . :. 'J(~l>? 174 -- :T " ,I n Ii !I \: i; i: ~ I , " ! ~ I: il ... Ii " Ii " " " i; ~~! Co .~.CD~~ ! 3} '"1\7 !' ___ _.. __d __ ._ ___________.~__u ____._ _ . __ . ...___ ._ - n' ---- -- .-- .-- --_._~_.- ----. ____n._.____' ,.... ...___~. ____~__ .--- .,-- -- ..---' . ------ ------- __-.-u,.-~,_-__- -~-u_=r-.- . I " , " " ,I: ,I I 'I " H )i I' ArId this Board haviDg duly considered the 1I1l11e anel conclueleel tha1; 'the rell""1..ot ~ said proper'ty. so i:llat it aight .b. uaed ~or buaineSll purposes. 1187 b. beaetieial 1;0 the County at large; theretore. BE IT RESOLVED AlIDORDEIlBD that ,the, proposal to llIIaDd the Zonirlg OrlliD8I1CH ot tie Co_ or Ro&noke, so as to change the clalllllficatlon or said property requested 1;0 be rezoned.ia lIaid peti tiOD so tha1; it aight be used tor busiDellll parposell.and clasait)'irlg 'the same ai -Local Basi_lIs-. all eleriDed iD ~ - . - the CCIUIl1;y'IoDiDg OrdiDancea.be and the s_ ill hereby referrea'1;o the PlaDning' eo..illsioD of the. CoUlltf ~ ..Boanota. Virginia. ror reco_enclatioD iD accordance with the proniioaa of Section 15.84-7 of the Code of VirgiD1a of 19SO, u __eel; and. BE I! JUIlSR RESOLVED AID mnlClI~n 1;ha1; eUd PllllUling C~ siOD shall repor1; its rec.....dat1DJIS.-1;o 'the Clerk of this Boiircl all required br statute, and 1lpoD r8ceip1; at said re,c_ndB.uoJlS by lIaid Clerk. the saiel Clerk of this Board shall forthwithast 1;he, SIlIIe down for p1l~ic hearing at the first peraill8.ble. reP1ar or pullll.c, lIeetirl& of this.Board anel1;hat DOUC. thereof b. Ii"" br said Clem br Jmhl i~Il1;iOJl iD.a~cordauce with the provillioll8 of SeetloD , i: II Ii " if Ii I' :1 15-81.6 of said Co4e;' and ii I' n II I! l"IIRDD RESOLUD AID ~nR1llm that one. certitied coPT or these :i rellOhuoJlS_ be' forthwith ~Y~ed.' by' ~aiel Clerk of thill Boarel ~o Paul B. I! JIa1;thna.Secretary ot.the p1=nn1l1g .CaIm1slIion or RoaDOke' County, together wi~l: iM COPT or the petition ofu the said Randolph ~. S'taIIley and !lilabeth D. S I!,' '!'he allo.... .resolntiOllll1f8re adopted on 1I0tiOD of SuperTisor RolaJlli B. Clark. i . . II and seconded by ~perrtsor EdJdu. G. Terrell and on recorded vote the TOte was as Ii follows:' II Ares: SuperT1l1ors Roland H. Clark. W. E. Cundirf. Minor R. I.frer and BdwiJ G. Terrell I' IaTs: lODe il I Ii Ii I I, Ii I' BE I! RBSOLUD by 'the Boar.d. or SuperTisors or Roanoke County. that the . . . ~. . C01lDCil for_ the City of Roanoke. be and it is. hereby requell'ted ,1;0. IlII8JId the con1;ract of Septellber 28. 1954. betwellll. 'the City or RoaDOke aDl! "the County or ~oalloke, dealing with the 1;reataell.t of dollesUe, and co..rcial wastes. by ea8rgency, resolntion. to the followiDg exteDt only. v1z: BB/1h_'1II\i at old corner Jro. 46. beirlg a aarked gua at 'the northeast corner ~ the property or H. A. Bolster anel cOl'DElr 1;0 1;he property cODftyed to G. G. Fralin. J. H. FraliD. C. F. K.tau....r. and H. A. Lu~as froll. 1;he . First Iatio,lIal Excharlge . Bank. Executors for the Batate of Dr. Hugh H.Trout. .deceased. of record iD the Clerk'. Office of : the. Circuit. Court for the County of Roanoke. ViriiDia. iD Deed Book 454. page 452; thence 1eaTirlg said beginn1"g, poiDt aDd wi'th the southerly boundary line or the aforesaiel property of G. G. Fralin. et also Jr. 620 23' E. 92.85 feet to corner -A- iD-'the center of Tinker Creek; .thence a1; 'the ceDte1' or said creek the fOllowing seyen courHlI and dilItancell: B. 390 20' E. 95.97 feet to ~or1l8r -B-; Jr. 510 SO' E. 94.33 rest; 1;0. cOl'DElr -C-; Jr. 660 29!.1. 83.8l.teet 1;0 corner ana; Jr. 870 25' E. 40.15 feet .1;0 corner "1-; .S. ?J! .21.'. .1. 219 reet 1;0 corner -,.: thence crosaingC1sana1;er,AnBue. S. 790 36' E. so.09,reet to corner -,G-; . S. l!90 08' E. 124. 7~ reat to cornar -H-; thence 1ea.v1r1g.said creek anel with a new diTillion. l1De acrolls the property or G. G. Fralin. et ala. S. 60 ~3' w. 156.32 feet to corner -Jlf; thence wi'th 'the wster1r..boundary line or the property of B. E. Steed. S. 60 ~3' w. 559 feet to corner Jro. 34. be1ng,a planted ;j Ii II I! '1 II I I: I' , " I' " I: " " " il ,. I, ii !I II . -. . I I I I. 1 o I; ;j ~ " " ,I I I! " it " Ii , :: I! " :! j: " !: 11 11 II " Ii !,i II !I I; I: " " ,~ c m 175 --T " 'I i concrete lIO_nt; theD('e with 'the southerly lil18l1 or the property of B. I. Steed and croSllirlg 'th. 15 foot width ea_ant or ri~-or-1ill7 of 'the Roanoke Pipe Line COIIp&ny. IDe., B. l!9., 21' E. along the northerly siele or a rana.road a diatance o~ 217.5 fe.t to a planted concrete aOll1lll8J1t at corD8l' Bo. 3~; thence cont1nni. alOrlg ,sou'therly line o~ saiel S~eed property and alorlg the nor'therly lIide or said fana roael. the followirlg a1x covse8&Jld dill'tances: S. 82. 2g, B. 71.4 teet to corner ITo. 36; B. 77. 31' B. U.4,.feet to corner ITo. 37; .H.,.l!9. 39' "E. 4-9 teet to corner 110. 38; S. 64. 32' E. 40.1 teet_.to corner 110. 39; S. 45. 06' E. 49.4- feet 1;0 corner .10. 40; S. 34. 35' B. 101 teet ,1;0 corner ITo. 41; 'thence with two lJ.nell.around aDd with that. c.ertain 1.314 acre trut preTiously connyecl lJy' G. G. Fralin. et als. to Phillip Williaas aDd Blll1e Wi1H<<"'lI~ his wit~J S. IS. 47' W. ISO teet to corner 10. 4J,-A; a~ 66. .LO' .1. 385.4-,.teet 1;0 corner 10. 42-A in anUDll81'ked. Plantation Road; 'thence alOrlg said road aDd nth the westerly line ot 'the Sowers proper1;y. and passirlg by the intersection or Secondary Road. ROute #738 at about 630 reet in all S. 15. 47' v. . 1;01;al distance of 952 teet 1;0 a concrete mon_nt..at corner 10.4-.3; thence with the northerly boUDdary line of the origiDal property otJ.L.~chardson and croslIing the aforesaideaaGent or right-of"-way of the RoaJlOke Pipe 11D8 c-JlIUl1. Inc.. in all ,a ,total, distance or 1700 reet more or leSlI 1;0, an old iron pipe at corner 10. 44; thence with easterly boun~ line or. 'the aforesaid property or HI A. Bo1ater. IT. 31. 26' E. 708.45 feet 1;0 an old iron p pe at corner 10. 4-5; N. 16. 12' W. croseing 'f1Illr:er Creek at about 510 teet in all a..total distance or 613.1 feet 1;0 the lilarked gum tree at corner 10. 46. the place ot BEGIJDlIlI). anel. containil1g 43.5 acres more or less. and. beirlg.thi property of J. H. Fralin and Vena B. Fralin, of record in Deed Book 56.3, page.300. . . And that lIaid areas be addeel 1;0. aDd included in.eaid contract to 'the rull ex'tent as if said areas were therein lIet out in extention; (A) !hat acceptable wastes originatirlg with the atorellaid areas shall be deliYued. 'by the County. 1;0 the City's san1tarr sewer syst8111 at such point as ill approftcl by the City'S Director or Public Works or the City Engineer and 'the requisite lleasuring I18t~r 1utalled at said point of cleliftry. by the County. (B) !hat in all other respects said contract shall remain in fullf orce and4ttect. 2. BE 1'1' ll'UR'llIER RESOLVED. that. 1Jamediately upon pallHge. by the Council . ." .. or 'the City ot lloaJloke, or the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County or Roanoke shall be. and reaain bound by 'the proTisions thereof all tully. Ii . II and to the saM extent. as said County is now bound by other teras and proTisionsl: ot the aforllll8ntioned contract or September 2g. 1954. il ], ~ i " i] [! it II " !\ ~ ! I :i :1 " , An ..ergency' is hereby declared to ex:I.lIt anel 'these resolutions shall be in :1 , :i ,\ I :1 " I Ayes: SuperTillors W. I Bdwin G. .1'errell :I lJaya: lIone ,I tnll torce and efrect frOll and after pallsag8 thereof. Adopteel lJy 'the tollowing recorded Tote: E. Cundirr. II1nor R. Kerrer. Roland H. Clark, aDd i \ V I :i A RESOLunOlr inTitirlg the Britillh Goodwill Miaaion to the JUllstown Festivall I I !I 1;0 Tillit the Valley of Roanoke.' Virgiuia. as the official guellts of the f~wn of i ~ <too :1 Sal_. 'the ~0WJ1 or Vinton, the City of Roanoke. aDd the County ot Roanoke. I ~ ~ .! ~1Z.!'l. it has coile 1;0 the attention of the goveruing bodiell of the potitic ~ " ,I subclirtsion ot the COIIIIIIonweal'th of Virginia aituate in 'the Valley of Roanoke ::?J) I"I/'? I , that 'the Britillh Goodwill Mission ,to the Jues.tolm Festival. chai1'lllaJled by nacOUJ11; Hallah..... will Tisit the eo_ollWNlth in the sprillg of the current year; and 176 Ii II , ii I Ii II ii I' !t I I, I: 1: i: Ii I, I I , , ~~~I' 'i.t-. CI '-~ I' <lA' ,~. t "-f~ ! 2>1 ~ I I Ii " I' >",: . .r . " , " ;: I: " Ii " Ii il " !j ii " 1: ii Ii j' il ,. Ii I, :i II 'r=- 1fII1OlR&!il, 'the lIaid governirlg boclies, are. unanilllous1y agreeel. on the one hand. that i~ lIOuldbellOst 1IJIfortunate ror thill..distinguished group 1;0 Tisi1; Virginia! . ~ and not see the beauties. or our Valley and par.take of the hospitality of ite ii cit1UDlI and. ol!the other hand. --for thecitizeDll of our Valley not to have the Ii inelltillable priTilege of lIeetirlg so clilItinguished a group of gentle people; and If YRDll&!il. -since the City of Roanoke is currently .celebrating itll Diamond 1'1 II Jubilee. the go....rningbOcliellof 'theRoanoke Valley join 1;ogether in the ,I " . . priTi.l.e~ adopting.and prellen'tirlg this resolution... TBERBFORE. BE IT RESOLVED by the. Boar.d of Superrtllore or Roanoke County that Cha1rEnViscount g,;, i ;';h~ &ncl. th8. British Gooelwill Mission 1;0 'the I I J_stown FellU.,al be. and they are hereby, lIIost cordially inTited to be 'the ~ticial Pelltll or .'the Tow or Salea. the Town of hn1;on,. the City ot Roanoke. anel the COllJlty of. Roanoke; being, hereby. requested 1;0 arriTe in said City or Roanoke on the 5'th clay ot April, 1957. BE 1'1' lURrBBRRESOLVlDthat 'the Cleric of the Board ot SuperT1sors be. and he is hereby. directed. forthwith 1;0 aail attested ~opiell or th1l1 resolu'tion 1;0 the British Goodwillllission 1;0 'the Jamastown Festival. to the Secretary of the J....stow FesU'rai. to 'the respe~tive Clerks of the Councils of 'the Towns " - o~ Bal_ and ViJrton and of 'the Council or 'the City of Roanoke. i II :1 " Aelopted by 'the rollowing recoreled TOte: .118s: SuperT1l1ora W. E.CUJId1tt, Bdwin G. B. Clai-k lays: .one " :1 I, Ii II :1 Keffer anel Ro,r I 'I 'I Ii I' i: , I Terrell. Minor R. Board ot S1Ip8rTiaore I J ) J ORDER I " I' I, II Ii II Ii I II [! " . , upon the applicaUlm.tor lH.-lu."'Il A..... .., Ext. Rt. 1022.froa Jaet St. to it. 653 - ii 0.43 iii. 1;0 be accepted edmaclea part of the Secondary Syst_ or State BighwayllU 'I It appearing to 'the_Board that drainage eaS81118ntll .and a 50 ft. right or way ,I '. '[ for lIaid roa11 hall. here1;ofore been dedicated by Tirtue of a certain up know as Ii if BrattoDlawn. which up is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page. 152 of the records of !1 II the Clerk's Oftice of 'the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virgin1a. and that by ii ~ II reason of 'the recordation or said liapno report frOll a Board of Viewerll. nor II II is necellsarj. , , I Vll '!'he PabUc and 'the State IlichwaY c-fuion of Virginia '!'hill utoter calle on this, day 1;0 be heard upon 1;he proceedings herein. and conse!l1; or dona'tioJ1 ot right or way from the abu1;'tirlg property 0Il1l8r8 '!'he Board hereby guarantees lIaid right of way and right for drainage. IIOW, therefore. be it ordered 1:hat the said road known as Richard Avenue _ Ii ,: II I, I: !, Ex't. lit. 1022 rroa Jack Street to Rt. 653-0.43 iii. and iGich ill shown on a certai~ ! sketch acccapanying this order, be. and the 1I811e ill hereby elltab-lillhed all a :1 !' public road 1;0 become a part of 'the State Secondary System of Highways in Ii ii II I ]: I Roanoke County. Aciopted by the followiDg recorded vote: Ayell: SuperT1sorll W. E. Cundiff. Jlinor R. Edwin G. Terrell _ . lIayll: Bone. Kefter. Roland H. Clark and o 11 !.oJ ~ J n i..I o ::-~.~C;;;-~~-_-_"'-:..;.~~..___ c__,._,~____~_____ ,j II !I ~ I I Board of SuperTisors ) The Pub:C and 'the State Highway I COIIIIIIission of Virginia I ORDER 'lhis utter Cllll8 on this day to be heard upon 'the proceedirlga her_in. am upon the applica'tion for PlainV1ex Ave.frOll Rt. 116 1;0 D. B. - 0.23 mi. 1;0 be accepted ancl 118cl.e a part of t;be seconda.1y Systea of State Highways. It appearirlg to the. Boarlf. that. drA :!nAg. eall81118nts and a 50 1'1;. right or " :1 " :1 , . . way tor ea1d road hall heretorore been dedicated by Tirtue of a certain _p kao all Plain View. which !lap is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page gl of the records . . of tha C18rJt~lI Oftice of the Circuit Court or Roanoke C01IDt;y. Virgillia. and that by reaa~n elL ~e. recordaUoA--aL&aldlllllp no ~POr1; from a 'Board of Viewera nor cOllllnt or cl.olll1tion. of right or way rrOlll the abutting propert:r olll1era is necellsary. !he Board hereby guarant.ees said .right or way and right tor clra JIOlf. 'fBERElIORE. BE IT ORDERBD that the said road kncnm all Plain View A..... t1"OIl Rt. 1i.6 1;0 -D. E'- - O~23 Jid.. . and which is 8h01ll1 on a certain sketch " " I; 'I I, " " II I' I I . accoapaD1iJ1g this orcler. be. and the _e 1s hereby established all a public road 1;0 becoae a part or the State Secondary Systea of Highwayll in Roanoke COIUl't:r. Adopted b:r the tollowirlg recorded vote: Arell: SuperTisora Roland H.Clark. Edwin G. Terrell. II1nor R. letter and W. I. Iiurlditt . Ja:ra: Iione '. i: II RE: JOII'l JIEE'fiIG BOARD OF SUPBRVISORS AID BlPUSEJft'AnVI. FROM THE. S'Ui'B. RIGBII!! ,DEP.tRDlBII'1': Pursuant to notice "requi~'ed by Cbpt~ 266. AC~lIo:t 1942. O. 1'. Aiche1. Rellidllll.t Bngill8er. ancl W. M.Elliott; Assill1;ant aea1dent Engineer.' on behalf of the State Highway Departllent. thia day appeared berore the Board. and disc!llllled with 'the ~d 'the proposed work to be done 111 Roanoke County for 'the :rear 1957-58. on the Secondary System. as tollows: Requests tor ,Surrace Trea'tllent and Other I1aproT8lD.ents 1957-58 Budget Catawba District :1 I ! I I ': ;i :, !! i. ii 'I 'I" I I " :1 .1 j. ;/ :1 Route Miles 912 from at. 311 to Rt.740 ---~-----------------------------__________ 1.00 SalEllll District Rt. 807 froa Rt. 777 1;0 D. E. ---------------------____________ 0.30 Rt. 1410 froa Rt. 1425 1;0 at. 1424 --------------------__________ 0.10 Rt. 897 froa Rt. 619 1;0 D. E. ---------------------_______ 0.30 Rt. 856 from Rt. 619 to D. E. ---------------------------___________ 0.20 ;j I , " II ! Rt. gal rro. Rt. 603 to Rt. 790 ------------------------___________ 1.00 at. 850 from Rt. 117 to D. E. ---------------------------___________ 0.40 Bill Lick Distz';1ct 758 rrom end of paveaent ~ Rt:460'------------_________________ 902 from Rt. 747 to D. E. --------------------------_____________ 0.12 903 trom Rt. 747 to D. E. -------------------------------------- 0.13 J, I , Rt. ! ,i Rt. I Rt. Rt. 721 ~ D6 666 to D E --------------------------------------- 0.90 ...<VJII ..... . - . 177 I i I 1"'+ tJ;;.. '~tl...e.1I I L.t. Ill. >>1~;J..... p. ~.()61f,...;. 16:: tIJ. .ff- IP.....~... i~~~ i '/~i.7 . , ,.... 1> .t.'~ ' i;"w.-- ~ I ! 'J.~ I~r..- . .Tn.;1.~ ,1:..., ... IAitu I~L.JL-~ I : 3/~4' 178 v- i: :ti;i :if. ~!, ~,.,,:, ). ,0' I,i . J- ' "" .' ~J~/ ;: . , . ~ -t.....' '.3/ ,.q:s.7 ,I -. -- . __._ ~ _ _._.._n__ _'_ _..___.__ ___d__ _,._.___> -.-.-- -~--~-_.__._..- Rt. 1401 troa Rt. 1406 froIIl Rt. g29 to D. E. 1401 to D. E. __~__o- --.- ,_.__u., -'-~"-----"l~" ji : ~--~-..,..,....-.,.,.-~---....,,------~,._._--...,.--- " " ii i Rt. ------------------------------------- ---------~----'---------------- Rt. 1411 trOll at. 1401 1;0 D. E. ------------------------------------ 665 troll Rt. 666 1;0 D. E. ------------------------------- 633 troa Rt. 659 1;0 D. E. ------------------------------------- ~ froIIl it. 460 1;0 County Line ------------------------------- Rt. Rt. R1;. II- - 08.... S'llrill'" District Rt. 745 froa Rt. 6te to D. E. -------------------------------------- it. 1306 f't'oll Rt. 119 1;0 D.' E. ------------------------------ Rt. ?e2 t'roII Rt. ll9 1;0 D. E. -------------------------------- . Rt. 906 froB Rt. 221 1;0 Rt. 794 ------------------------------------ Rt. 794 troa Rt. 906 1;0 Rt. 793 ------------------------------ Rt. 907 froB Rt. 221 to D. E. -------------------------------- at. 762 troll Rt. 692 to D. E. ------------------------------- Rt. 644 troa at. 221 1;0 Rt.' 669 wellt intersection Rt. 607 R1;. 637 troll Rt. 607 1;0 MontgOlll8l'Y County Line ------------------ Rt. a67 troa Rt. 720 to Rt. 681 ---~-------------------------------- Rt. 1627 trom Rt. a67 1;0 D. E. ----------------------------------- at. 1626 trom Rt. g67 1;0 D. E. ------------------------------------ I' I I' I: Ii I, Ii Ii Ii Ii I: , I ! , 0.25 0.15 0.15 0.30 0.10 1.00 0.26 0.60 0.10 0.35 1.00 0.20 v Rt. Rt. 920 tro. Rt. 6a3 to D. E~ ------------------------------------ 0.13 0.15 Rt. 1303 troll Rt. 920 to D. E. ------------------------------------- 1305 trom Rt. 1302 to D. E. ---------------------------------- 1301 troll Rt. 1302 east 1;0 D. E. ------------------------------- 1301 rrom Rt. 1302 west 1;0 D. E. ------------------------- 1302 trOll Rt. 683 1;0 Rt. 1301 --------------------------------- 130,," trom Rt. 683 to D. E. ----------------....------------------ 1611 troa end of paTement 1;0 it. 1604 ------------------------ Rt. " i: I, ii 'I I: Ii Ii I, I, !: 'I I, I, " Ii 'I I' 'I " ii 11 Rt. Rt. Rt. Rt. 0.20 ' 0.19 0.09 0.10 0.22 Ayes: Suparrtsors W. E. Edwin G. Terrell lays: lone Adopted by the rollmdrlg recorded Tote: Cundiff, Minor R. Kerter. Roland H. Clark and " Ii " 'I Letter dated March 5. 1957. rrom o. ~. ~ichel. Resident Engineer. ~epar1:lllen, ot Highways. addressed to Roy K. BrOlill. Clerk. Boll' d of SuperTisors. and copy II of IIOtice of Joint Mee'tirlg ordered filed. [, I' i' I! BE IT RESOLVED. by the ~ard of SuperTisors or Roanoke Cotmty. Virginia, I Ii II " 'I L II I Ii I' I' I: ,I Ii Ii Ii I' 11 II 'I il Ii [ ii I :1 I, I II :1 II d II II " Ii " 'I Ii il I, I " i! " , I 1 I I I '. -. . the Council ror the Town or Salem concurrirlg: That the County ot Roanoke do deUTer to the IIllin sewer interceptor of 'the ToWn or Sal.1I wastes origiJlAtirlg within the tollowirlg defined area. located in' the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County. Virginia. and described as rollows. to-wit: BEGIlIIIIG at a point in 'the center or Ashbottom Road; t1auce.wi'th 'the Town or 881ea boundary line 1f7"-44tW. 330 ft.. Jl\01'8 o:L", less. to a point 0Ji. the eastside..of a proposed subdiTision street in AcadllllY Hi11l1. pro~rty or the Sal_ HolclirlgCorp.; thence wi'th. a line 1r620l-S5t E. 682 rt., to. a point; 10hence with a line n70-5lt .... 1312 ft. 1;0 a point; thence wi10h a line 1f830-Q4t W. 765.13 tt. to a point;: 'thence wit;h a line 8400-25' W. .' I [J J o o 179 "__ _ .. n . _._-- ~_._------~ --- ~ _.~- --------- it I: !i !; 11- . it F Ii 924 ft. 1;0 a poillt on 'the eallt side of Ashbot1;oa Road; thence with a liDeS400-25'W". 21.5 ft. 1;0 a po~t in 'the center of said Ashbottoa Road; thence with the center liDe of Aahbo1;1;oll Road..the rollowirlg courses and distanc.es: ,8230-)0'1. 11.5 ft. more or less 1;0 a ~iDt; 'thence S24~-46JE. 127 ft. 1;0 a point; ttence S390-49'E. 363 ft. 1;0 a,. point;; thence S510-l0' B. 345..2 ft. to a ,oat; thence S3l0-0)'E, 282.3,.ft. to a _poat; thence S280-OO'E. 334.5 .rt. ..to a point; thence S660-l7'E. 152.3 ft. 1;o..a point; thence S620-05'E. 228 ft... 110" or less. 1;0 'the place of BBGIJIIDIG. aDd beirlg Section 1. Academy Hilla, and uncl.nelopecl.lancls of John P.J'ishwick of record in 'the office or the Clerk or 'the CirCUit Court ror Roanoke County in Deed Book 529. page 431. .. that lIaid walltes be accepted by the Town of Sa1.. for tr",,-iRlIion to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke. and for trea'tllent thereof, purauant to the proTis1ons of .the contract between 'the 1'01111 or Sal.. and the County of ioanoke. dated Decaber 19, 1955. BE IT P'Bll.THER RESOLVED: That lohe Council or 'the Town of SaJ._ ill hereby requsllt.d t~ req.st th8Council for the City of RoaJll)k. 1;0 accept doaestic 'I I. I ;; , I I, ,: II I' i! - ., walltell orig1Dat1.ng within .'the afores81 area. and trallSllit the lIlIJIIe 1;0 its ~at..nt plant; and 1lreat 'the Balle, pursuant 1;0 'the provisioJllS of the coZltract b.t.... . City or Ilnanoke and the ,T01ll1 or Salem. ,UDCleZO date of Oc1;ober 16, 195 . Adopted 'by the follo1d.r1g record~d vote: Ay.s: SuperTisoraW. I. C1I1IdU'f. Minor R. Keffer. Roland B. Clark and Bdwin G. '1'errell lays: lone I I I' ,I 'I II ij ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the 'third II 11 II I' ;1 :1 II il :i ,! Chai1'llan Court lIQuse Salem. firginia April 15. 1957 The Board or'Supervisors of Roanoke County aet this day at the COurt Bouse 'thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff. Chairlllan. Edwin Terrell. Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. J.. :1 " , , , , 'I I I , 'I ! i Before the meetirlg was callE" to order by the Chairlllan. Rev. J. W. Leggett. I I '1 I I , I Retired Methodist Miuister of Vinton. Virginia. offered a prayer. The Ilinutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each l11811ber of the lloard haTirlg read the copy of said ml1Utes rurnished him by the Clerk. '!'he followirlg claims against the County were this day presented. approved. ':" , and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively ,I " i :1 :! , " , chargeable 'therewith, to-wit: Ho. - 25311 American Bakeries Company, food for prisoners 25312 Au1;o Sprirlg &: Bearing Co.. Flash light batteries for Sheriff and Deputies 6.11 . 65.60 - 25313 Cancelled 25314 Acme Printers, Inc., oEfice supplies 215.15 - - 25315 Appalachian Electric Power Co.. Current used at Hollins Fire House &c 32.97 180 '.,.....--.,..--,...--:---:: ....,..,...,-.-.."........,..-.,-,.-c_,...~_. ~._.__,-__.______-:--:-__~_~__~ Ii --.-------- - ----~,---.~-- -- - ..-------..-'c--c---~~-lt.. ]1 -...-....---....-.....--. __._______.._'____n. II ,I I, I' Ii I' , 'i 1: Ii " !i p :1 ii Ii I, i: I' " I, , I: " I' it ,I II I Ii Ii I' II ,I " II ,! " " , Ii ,i Ii I' Ii ii - - It - - - It 25316 American Chemical Company, Janitor supplies for Jail and Courthouse . 25317 Barnett Coal Company, 1/2 ton Coal sent JaJIles Chu.bley Garbage Collector ~ to be de- ducted. frolll his April Salary 253lg Burrell Memorial Hospital. State-Local HOspital bills Eor Welfare No. - If It 25319 25320 25321 25322 25323 25324 25325 - - - ~ - - - 25326 25327 25328 - - - 25329 25330 25331 - - - Chaaber or Commerce, 2 membership dues for 1957 City Treasurer. City of Roanoke Room &: Board for Children d.atained at the City Detention home 6.00 Ca.... Sprirlg Water Co., Water used at Ca.... Sprirlg Fire House 7.50 Clearbrook Lion's Club. March R8J:lt on Clearbrook Fire Station 60.00 City oE Roanoke. Sewage Treatment Plant. Sewage Treatment charges,&c Blue Ridge Produce Co.. Food for Prisoners Brown Hardware Co.. 6 Model Winchester Tiot Guns &c J. P. Bell Company, Record Books Bem1sll .~paent Corp.. Repairs on Garbage Truck #22 Carl R. Brightwell. New lights < and Electrical Repairs &c C at P Telephone Co., TelephoDB SerTice County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County owned Vehicles Carnell Moore. Maimenance of Garbage Dump - 25333 25332 W. B. Clements. Inc.. Car Parts for Police Car #7 .. 25334 25335 25336 25337 25338 - - - - - 25339 - 25340 25341 25342 25343 25344 25345 - - - - - .. 25346 25347 Gill H8morial Hospital. State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare32.00 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt. March Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 25348 25349 25350 25351 25352 25353 Calligan Soft Watar Service. Rent on Water Sortner Eor Hollins Fire Station Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies Dictaphone Corp. Filler for Dictaphone BlIcins Shell SerTice Station, Wallh jobll on Police Cars Baster Supply Company. office supplies $ l36.lt4 7.50 " Ii Ii 94.68 I' 1 36.00 Ii I' ;i 203.02 ' II 115 90 Ii . I 34.12 ;i il 109.09 '( II 373.g2 II " " ii II I " i' i! II 1 i 'I fl :1 'I I 97J.g6 472.50 60.00 252.35 136.37 3.50 I I, 107.34 II 96 Ii . " Ii Ii 1! II 1 ,I il 'I II /; :! 26.25 36.63 FairTiew HOlle. County's pro-rata share of Expense in maintain- .trig hOllle for the aged 73.40 Franklin Memorial Hospital, State-Local HOspital bills tor . - Welfare Chalmers Ferguson, ~ommission on delinquent taxes collected G. C. Foley. March Rent on Nt. Pleasant Fire Station FUlton White Truck Co., Repairing Police Car #7 Fedct'al Sign &: Signal Corp. 1 New-Sirene for Car 117 Green Market. Food for Prisoners , Gittens &: Morton, Ins. Prelliu. on Liability. Fire &: Theft Ineurance on Police Car #7 ' GraTes-HWllphreYll Hardware Co., Scoop for Garb.age Truck &c W. it. Hester Coal. Co.. Heatirlg Fuel for County Jail HaJ.oid Company, Record Duplex for Photosta'tic Machine International Business Machine Corp.. 1 New Electric IBM , Typewriter Eor Commissioner of Revenue g-New ribbons Jefferson Hospital. State-Local Hospital bills ror Weli'are - Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-local Hospital bills for Welfare 262.95 441.74 60.00 2.50 73.22 120.23 i Ii 1 ;' ! I, I, Ii " I! Ii , i' I: !i 31.54 60.00 " :1 ii U " I, ]: !i I' " " ii , :; 'I 1 11.94 30.00 646.20 406.41 352.00 105.60 , il !1 I I I I I o - i , I ....I ~ U o o , " 'I i, I i ii I, p ;1 'I I, ,I i " ,I i\ ii i( It II 'I I' " " I; .! Ho. 25354 25355 25356 25357 2535g - .. - - - 25359 25360 25361 25362 25363 25364 - - .- - .- - 25365 25366 25367 - - - 2536g 25369 25370 25371 25372 25373 25374 25375 25376 25377 25378 25379 253g0 253gl . 253g2 253g3 .- - - . - - - - - - - - - - .. - 253g4 25385 25386 253g7 253gg 253g9 25390 25391 25392 25393 25394 25395 25405 - - - - - - - n n - - - Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer. Reimburse Jury Tickets McClung LUllber Co."Rapair material McGraw-Hill Book Co.. Inc.. 1 Subscription to Book Malcolm Blueprint. & Supply Co., 2 maps Mercy House, Inc., County's appropriation for support of , . , Mercy House &c Monarch Finer Foods. Food for Prisoners Mt. Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline purchased for Mt. Pleasant Boraan Jfoore, Judge. Reimburse Judge travelirlg expenses Rasnake Lanndry, & Dry Cleaners, Laundry for Prisoners Owen PlUllbirlg &; H.atirlg 110.. Plumbirlg Repairs Russell L. Pax1;on Printirlg Co.. 5.000 window envelopes for Treallurer Peacock-Salea Laundry Co.. Laun:l.ry Prilloners Harry R. Ric~dson. ex'tra Janitor'lI ser'l'ice . Roanoke County R,.volTirlg Fund. Reimburse BOOkkeeper's Petty , Cash . Roanoke Valley Ilotors. Oil for Police Car #1 Roanoke Linen SerTice. Towel serYice for March Roanoke gas COIIpany, Cooking Fuel tor County Jail &c Roanoke M8IIorial HOllpital, State-Local t'" ..lspital bills Radio CoIIIlunications Co.. Radio Jlaintenance Sal_ Crelllllery Co., Food for Prisoners Sal_ Hardware Co., Hardware Utensils for Jail &c Sal. Fam Supply Co.. Rent of Spreader &c Salem Jfotors. Inc.. 1 Hew Plymouth Police Car Saead & Webber DrrJg Co., Medical Supplies for County Jail Su.aerdean Esso Station. Gasoline Southern Machinery &; Supply Co.. Road signs Mary E. ,Stuart. Ex'tra Janitor SerTices Town or Sal8lll, Light and Water Service &c Tilles-Register Co., 9,100 Motor Vehicles Receipts Dr. R. B. Smiley, March Salary Jail physician &; Coroner , Investigations United States Pencil Co.. 2 dozen Pencils University of Virginia Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills Valleydale Packers, food for prisoners Vinton Motor Co.. repair material &;c Virgiuia Foods, Inc., Janitor supplies &c Vinton Hardware Co., Repair material for Jail and Courtho1,J.se Wilson's Esso & Grocery. Gasoline, Repair &c Westview Poultry Fam, Food for Prisoners H. M. Woods. Plumbers. Plumbing repairs Williams Auto Alignment, Parts for Police Car II Cancelled Eugene Honaker. SerTices as Registrar &c Chalmers Ferguson. Commission on Delinquent taxes 181 . 12.'" r 3.70 7.79 1.09 774.00 92.78 7.25 24.50 3g.40 16.55 47.33 27.1g 9.77 34.70 2.25 3.00 23.37 668~80 50.52 13.07 23.90 15.85 1.775.00 4.30 103.59 134.63 9.77 331.gl 105.00 00.00 g.09 774.40 96.15 g7.31 4.70 97.03 124.87 24.00 9.10 4.00 77.95 .78 1i " ;! :i - - - - - - - " - I: - " 1: :: - ;: . , :i , " " II I' Ii I' i' ii ;i " I I 11 !i " I; I, i' " Ii i! I " i, j; i; i: p " !i 25406 Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Nt. 616.23; , Pleasant Fire House _ .. , ~ Blue Ridge Produce do., Janitor supplies 10.00 i' - f H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Reimburse County sheriff &:c .75 ': w. B. Carter. Chairman, County's share of Expense for ReceptiOnl55.3i C~nweal'th of Virgiuia. ReaslIesllllent maten. al 4.g~ I' 5.001 I' 23.50 Ii 136.37 Ii :1 192.00 II 63.22 !I 16.6611 5.00 Ii II 316.25 I! I 8.50 I, i: 35.00 II :' I 33.18 II ,. I 10. 25407 254Qg 25409 25410 25411 ___. . ___._ ..__. . ___. ____. _. ... _. . .,_ __on _ _'_.u .. """ .," _" ____.' ...~. 'M'_____ '." _.__._____.__ _.. .. - - --~_._-_._---- -----_._-------~._._-- -.---.-----.--.----.----..-------- -,.. .- II' II Dr. S. D. Carey. Ry~~'n~tion of Drunk driving . . 254-12 C &: P Telephone ~ollpany. Telephone SerTice for Mt. Pleasant , Fire House , 25413 W. B. Cloents. Inc., Labor and Parts on Police Car #9 25414 254-15 254-16 25417 25418 Hill Direc1;ory Co.. 6 City Directorys II1sll Betty J. Har"tlllan. Typist for Re-assesSlllent Killer Tire SerTice, Inc. Tire for Police Car 116 Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr.. Jail Visit- attendirlg prillOnllr: &:c . . Penitentiary Industrial Dept. 1957 Roanoke County License Plates - 254-19 Boanoke Seat Cover Shop. Seat covers for Police Car 114 - 25420 Dr. A. J. Russo, Examination of Drunk Dr1v1r1g &: Lunacy: Hear- irlg 25421 Edward F. Staples. Probation Officer. Reillburse March Traveling expense 25422 J. R. Taliaferro. Reillburse County Electrical &: Pluaging Inspector &:c - - - 25423 25424 25425 25426 25427 91.91 ' I G. A. Scruggs. Reimburse Postage 54.00 II Dr. R. B..lmiley, LUnacy hearirlgs 10.00 I " - . United States Pencil Co. Inc., 2 dozen Plymouth Pencils g.09 i . I' Virgiuia Foods, Inc., food and Medical supplies 199.46 :; I' - . II 5;&te Department of Health, County's appropriation for support 'II' '. of County Health Department 4.29l.g0 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfar~, Request for April I! Supplement 110.50 II r .I II If :1 'I II I, i' ~ III BE: DOG TAlES. SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: The follOwing cla1ll1s against the County were this day presented, approved. ,- and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of 'the funds respectively chargeable! therewith, 1;o-wit: Ii Ii Bo. 25396 County School Board of Roanoke Co.. Maintenance of Dog Truck$ 93.gg I! " 25397 Diamond Paper Company, Disinfectant for Dog Kennel 6.08 II I, 2539g C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone serTice for Dog Warden's Home 16.00 II 25399 W. B. Clements. Repairs and Parts for Dog Truck 136.37 ii . Ii 25400 Ralph Lorlg. Dog Warden. Reimburse Travelilg expense 3.15 Ii State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine 3.g0 il ,i i: !i Ii !i i; :1 II ! , i' " j; Ii I: Ii ii 11 ii ;! j: ;' " " r I Ii Ii !] - - - - " 25431 - - - - 25401 - 25402 - 25403 - 25404 .. 2542g - 25429 - 25430 Radio COIIIIIIUJlications, Radio Maintenance for Dog)'arden's Truck15.00 Salem Farm Supply Co.. Dog food 17.95 SUDlllerdean Esso Station, Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck Blue Ridge Produce Co., Disinfectant and Cleaning supplies Ralph Lorlg, Reimburse travelirlg expense Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse County Treasurer &:c 4.34 124.75 2.35 2g0.30 I I I I I i , [ I I Ii I: Ii " l' " Ii } The followirlg reports were this day laid before the Board: Ii . U-t;c... iJ..,.L. i ~ H. W.' CLARK. Sheriff. sUllllllllry stat8lllent of prisoner days in 'the County Jail -r,,"-'1-n i during the month of March. 1957; I H. w. CLARK. Sheriff. orfice and traTel expenses for the mon'th of March. 1957; . # EDWARD S. AT.T.RI! County Agent, monthly report for March. 1957 . 184 n,n. - l' tl:i u. rr ~c.~~ Q~ " 11 t1/1'J - -. .-. ._-~- -..--.---. --- -'--:".-~':"::""=-":"-:"'::-;~-_-:. On motion. duly seconded, i~ is ordered that ~he payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period March 16 ending March 31. 1957, be approved in the 'aIIount of $1,560.00. from which ~he sum of t35.09 total F. I. C. A. Tax and. total W. H. Tax $67.g0 is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of tl.457.ll. Adopted by 'the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. Edwin G. Terrell lfays: None E. Cuncl1tf, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and . . AUBREY R. SLAYTOH, Assistant eOU11ty Agent. monthly report for March. 1957 II r Copy of letter elated March 19. 1957. rrom Frances Fitzgerald, County Ii BoOkkeeper, addrellsed to Mr. Chalmers ~erguson. ~elinquent Tax Collec1;or of !i Roanoke County. of uncollected delinquent tangible perllona! property tax tickets Ii for the year 1954. turned over to hom by Miss Fitzgerald as of said date. ' ,j received and ordered filed. !: I, i, i. I. .... i Ii . Copy of resolution Ho. 13007. Council of the City of RoanOke. Virgiuia. entered 'the lath day of March. 1957, in re: inTitation to the British Goodwill ! II1ssion 1;0 'the Jamestown Festival to Tisi~ the Valley of the Roanoke as official Ii guellt of the To~ of Salt'~, ToWll of Vin1;on, County of Roanoke and City of Ii , I ,I .' Roanoke. 1;ogether with copy of lette~ from J. Robt. Thomas. City Clerk; letter f1'Oll Thos. B. Stanley. liovernor of Virginia, and letter from Parke Rouse. Jr.. i: Executive Direc1;or, Virginia 350th Anniversary Colllllission and letter of April 9. Ii :: 1957. from R. F. Cnnnil1gham, Assistant Private Secretary, Ministry of Education, " Ii II i' ErJgland. received and ordered filed. +- Copy of resolution No. 13019. Council City of Roanoke. Virgiuia. elated \! Ii March 25th. 1957. amendirlg the contract between the City of Roanoke and the I' ii County of Roanoke. dated Sept8lllber 2g, 1954, dealirlg with the treatment of i! i' dOllestic and cOlllllercial wastes. be, and the same is ordered filed. Let~er dated i March 29, 1957. from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke. Va.. ordered filed. - T . II I: 'I , " :i I: , I I I ': , :1 Ii Ii I i' 'I '[ II il " :i ! Ii " " I' I !I II Ii II I ,I " Ii i: I I Ii I, i I' " Ii :1 :i 185 c IN RE: ADDITIONS TO SECOIDARY SYSTEM - Roanoke County: Letter dated March 25. 1957, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Salem, Virginia, from F. a. Davis, Deputy Commissioner. Department of Highways. Richmond 19, Virginia. approTiJJg additions to the Secondary System. Roanoke County, effective February 1, 1957, to-wit: Additions Resolution Gatewood Ave. from Rt. 119 to Norwood St. 1-21-57 Length 0.15 Mile I. II o Greenfield St. - From Norwood St. 1;0 dead end Length 0.01 Mile was received and ordered filed. 1-21-57 A collllllUDication elated March 5, 1957. from Virginia Department of Highways Secondary System Allocations July 1. 1957 - June 30. 1958~. showing funds for the year July 1, 1957 to June 30, 1959. to be $35,224,397. Federal Aid and State Matchirlg Funds and State Regular and Equalization Funds. of which amount Roanoke County's share is $394.l9g., together with a letter dated March 29. 1957 from R. P. Ellison, Executive Assistant. Department of Highways. received and ordered riled. c Maps Roanoke County Primary and Secondary Highway Systems, dated January 1. 1957. together wi'th letter from o. T. Aichel, Resident Erlgineer. Department of Highways. received and ordered filed. . o On motion. duly seconded. it is ordered that the salary of MILLER E. PETTY. ~~ ", . C~- County Assessor, appointed by the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Va.. for the . ~c... purpose of makirlg a general re-assessment of real estate in Roanoke County &c.,.. ~~ i/l'~. S1.'- durirlg the year 1957, for the year 1959, be, and the same is, fixed at the sum ~ ~ of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). per year retro-active to March 1. 1957. . .~.~_;.~ And, on fUrther motion, duly seconded. it is ordered that Check #25286, ~/'7}S? dated March 2g, 1957, payable to the said MILLER E. PETTY. County Assessor, in 'the amount of $416.66 for the month of March. 1957, be. and the same is hereby approved. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwi G. Terrell Nays: None .~ Letter dated April 4. 1957. addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer. from O. T. Aichel. Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, in re: Route 1439. received and ordered filed. BEZORING THE PROPERTY OF E. r. NICHOLS OH THE WEST SIDE OF PETERS CREEK SOU'l'H OFU. s. ROUTE 460 in ~~ ~ ROANOD COUll'rY . VIRGmA .U(" ~~, I This day cace E. F. Nichols, by counsel, and requested leave to file his ~~~.CAv- I petition relative tc rezonirlg the property described in said petition. '1'/" I ~7 1fOi. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND CIUlERED that at this regular :lIIeeting of i 'the Board of: Supervisors' of Roanolce County, Virgiuia, held 'this 15th day of i II April. 1957. the said petition be, aDd the same is hereby filed. I' 186 *t~, ~ . u. II ~. 'I (g' . }"/s7 ~ 'nI~'D ~ , iolC- .' ~(..,. _. ').........c.. Ii.'~'~ ~ ~r". . ~t ~. ~~ti 'i,. CD ~ 1/H/~? ~.- II II On mo'tion of SUperviSOl' Rola::1d H.Clark. seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. it is ordered that the Highway Commission be requested to abandon 0.10 ;U. of Route 1439. lrom 0.05 iii'. S. of the Intersection of 629 1;0 the intersection or Route 1420. in Salem District. Adopted by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors RolalJi H. Clark. Minor R. Keffer. W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell BaYll: lone I ." WRmlJ;:A!l. The United States Amy has erected an Amory for 'the United Stete,s Army ReserTe components on 'the Veterans Facility Road in Roanoke Cowlty; and ~~A!'l. the citizens 'Of 'RoanollB Valley and this Board desire that 'the aforesaid Anr.ory which is to be dedicated on Amed Forces Day. 18 May 1957. I . - be dedicated and !laIIIed in honor of one of its citizens-who gave his life in delense elf our Bation. NOW. 1'B8REFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Commandirlg General. 2nd U. S. . . . . Amy. Fort George G. Meade. Maryland, be and is hereby requested 1;0 118llle the Army Resern Arw10ry in Roanoke County in honor of Hall. Cloyse Eldric1ge. P. F. C. who on 18 April 1945 gaTe his life in defense of his Country. From bis citation we quote: "201-HALL Cloyse Eldridge SUBJECT:_ Citation For Gallantry in Action. In the afternoon of 19 April 1945. in Nuremberg. Germany. PFC Hall and tw other soldiers. walked and ran 75 yardsuncl.er bitter enellY lllachine gun";" -aila11 arIIIB. and pan218r.foust .fire. 1;o0k up positions in a house 25 yards from this enemy emplacement and engated the enemy in a duel.- -Dellpite fierce fire that whined through the windo)rs and ricocheted around the room, PFC Hall and the two o'the.r soldiers fought the Germans for half an hour. killed six of the enemy. wounded four. captur&d. two, and perDlitted their company to DIOve on to its objecti'/e." -A few minutes before the last two Germans surrendelred. PFC Hall was killed. (Silver Star)- On motion ~uly made and seconded. this resolution is officially adopted - . I. , ji I I i i' I I by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperVisors W. E. Cundiff, M. R. Keffer. E. G. Terrell all,d R. H. Clark Nays: None , , IN lIE: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER I I i I, I I --1 ! ~ , '! 0 i: " " 0 o o 1"1, U 187 ABD BE IT FUR'l'lIER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposals 1;0 alIIend said zoDiJIg ~rdinance. as' requested 'in Saidpetiticn. be, and the same is hereby referred 1;0 the Plannirlg Commission or Roanoke County, Virginia for a recommendation in accordance with ~he proTisioDS of the Code or Virginia. AID BE IT FURTHElt-RESOLVED .AllD ORDERED that when the said Plannirlg Commission lIhall rePort its' recomm~nelation . ~o 'the Clerk of this Board. as '. required by 'the Code of Virginia. that upon the receipt or the lIll111e. the Clerk of this Board shall for'thwith set the same down for a public hearirlg at 'the nex't peraissible regular or special lIIeetirlg of this Board. and that notice thereof be gi....n by lIaid. Clerk by publication in accordance wi'th the proTisions of 'the Code or Virginia. AJID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that one certified copy of 'this I resolution cd order be forthwith deli ~ered by said Clerk of this Board to Ii Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planuing Commission of Roanoke County. " I Virgiuia. II The above resolution and order was adopted on IIIOtion IJf Supervisor I I W. E. Cundiff. and secomed by SuperTisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded T :\ , II ii 'I II II ~ ,I :; " Ii il " 'I '! vote, the SuperTisors voted as follows. 1;o-wit: Ayes: Super'l'isors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Hays: Jlone IN RE: PE'fiTIOJl OF J. L. JEHNINGS FOR RE-ZOJIIIG OF . PROPERTY SITUATE ON U. S. ROUTE 11460 FINAL ORDER ~~r ~:(b~ II~ e.-a, V 1'<<-- c,..... , I 'f J,11~"" I i I i I i WHEREAS J. L. Jennin gs did duly file his petition 1;0 change 'the classiri- cation of certain p~perty owned by hilll and situate in ~he (,iounty of Roanoke on U. S. Route #460, and which said property is known as Lots 8 and 9. as shown on the Map of 'the property of J. L. Jenuirlgs, of record in Plat Book 2. page 18) of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virgiuia; and "WRR!lIU!l by order of this Board. en~ered at its regular meetirlg on February 19, 1957. the proposed. alIIendment was referred to the Plannirlg I CoauIission of Roanoke County for recolllDlenelation in accordance wi'th Section l5-g4~i of the Official Code of Virginia of 1950. as amended; and Ii . I l(IIRRlUS the Planuirlg ColIIDIission of Roanoke County has certified to this ! I Board a copy of 'the resolution duly adopted by the Collllllission which said I resolution rec_nds 'that said property be reclassified ~o -Local Business"; and' " I; :1 Ii II :i i; :i I! " Ii i j i - - WHRRR,S a public hearirlg was this day had on the proposed amendment. arter notice thereof was duly published in 'the "Salem Tillles-Register-, a newspaper published in this County. under dates of March 21. and March 2g. 1957. as required by Section 1;-846 of the said Code of Virginia. and duly certified by Es'ther Thornton, publisher of said paper; and this Board havirlg duly considered the same. i~ is accordirlgly hereby ordered that the County Zouing Ordinance be. and the same is hereby. amended to reclassify the aboTe-described property 1;0 -Local Business". It is further ordered that 'the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this order to the S ecretary of ~he County Plannirlg ColIIDIission and to any other 188 - .;:.:,c-~_-'- '~_.'_:...__'_~,__;:c.:;'_~.,::...;....:~:.~_",,::,,___._-"-,,---::..;...-,,==-.=..:==.'_ .__._..__ . __.__.. ,-.-.-._.._____._ __.. __ H . ....n__:_. '__''''_' .;.;.;...--"'-----------_._..~----_._-_._-_._.- -- -- 'ij-party in interes~ desciri:-a COP; tbereo~~-c I I On !lOtion ot SuperTisor Roland H. Clark. seconded by SuperTisor Minor R. I I' Keffer. this rellolution is adopted by 1<he following recorded vote: I' Ayes: SuperTisors Roland H. Clark. Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: Iione -~~'" Ii r I, " I' II I' " I Ii I! 'I Ii I, " 4.., ~ (" Pccl.,'& . ~~c.~ c..,.. . J' fIll ~1 II BE: PETITION OF RANDOLPH M. STANLEY AND ~,I~4RirH.D.. STANLEY FOR RE-ZONING OF -PROPERTY. LOCA'l'ED NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF STA'l'E ROU'l'E 117.and 460 FINAL ORDER WRRRRAS Randolph M. Stanley and Elizabeth D. Stanley did duly file their petition to charlge the, classification of certain property owned by 'th8111 and sitnete in the County of Roanoke, near lobe intersection of Slo,ate Routes 117 and 460. which property is described, as follows: BEGINNING at a five inch diameter catalpa tree on the southeast side of a private road between G. W. M. Gardner and W. T. Doosirlg (forlllerly owners); thence leaTirlg said private, road and with the lines of_We T. DOOSirlg's 5.35 acre tract, N. 30 deg. 50' W. 327.4 teet ~o an'iron pipe from which a pear'tree bears H.' 68 deg. 30' E. 13.5 feet; thence N. 17 deg. 49' W. 16s.g teet to an iron pipe corner 1l.4.; 'thence N.78 deg. 02' W. 132.9 .teet 1;0 an iron pipe. Corner #15; thence leaTing 'the Doosil'!l Line N. 6 deg. E. 21l!.2 teet 1;0 an iron pipe corner 1}16; thence with the Monte Vista Land. N. g5 deg. 15' E. 450.0 feet to the middle of Peters Creek. Corner 1}5; lohence with the middle o.t Peters Creek. down 'the creek, S. 13 deg. W. 160.0 feet; 'thence S. 51 deg. If. 1631 feet; 'thence S. 5 deg. E. 200 .teet; thence S. 9i Deg. E. 169 t'eet 1;0 a stake corner to Parcek Bo. 1; thence with 'the line of same S. 7g deg. 45' W. 123.0 feet to the place of Beginning. ! I; I I I , i II II II . 'Ii ~RIIlR~S by order of this Board. entered at its regular meetirlg on 19'th day I of Karch. 1957 'the proposed amendment was referred to the Plannirlg COIIIIIlission ot Ii RoaDOke County ror recOllllendation in accordance with Section l5-g47 or the I I' and; O.tficial, Code of Virginia o.t 1950, as amended; and, WJlRRR,S 'the Plannirlg Collllllission of Roanoke County has certi.tied a copy 1;0 this Boarcl of 'the resolution dnly adopted by the COIIIID.ission which said i i ~ resolution recommends that said property be reclassified to -Local Business-. i ! . .i I: , I: Ij ii' I I I WIfRllR4!1 a public hearirlg was had this day on the proposed amendmenlo. after il notice thereo.t was duly published in the "RoaDOke World News.- a newspaper II ~ . ;I , p'Jblished in the City of Roanoke and haTirlg general circulation in the County of' 'i " RoaDOke. under dates of March 26 and March 29, 1957. as required by Section II l5-l!46 of 'the said Code of Virginia. and duly certified by the Publisher of said paper; and this Board havirlg duly considered the same. it is accordingly and. hereby Ol?nRRRTl that the County Zonirlg Ordinance be. and the same is hereby. amended 1;0 reclassify the aboTe-described property to -Local Business-, other party in interested desiring a copy thereof'. " ij 11 " II II " ii ,I On motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark. seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keft'er, the above resolution is adopted by the following recorded vote: I I I I I --'1'- i Ii ;' ,0 o J .' \! " i: I: " ,I i :1 0 :1 ;: i' " ,I o 189 ---..-...:--.----..---.--- , ~' I Ayes: SuperTisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ~ " Ii Ii " I: " I' if ,I ) ORDER OF REFERENCE '1'01 ) PLANNING COMMISSION r ) . I-d;-. ,I ~1 d..e. t This day Allen W. Staples, attorney for City Developing Corporation appe81re~ pJ:; f.>.~ before this Soard and requested leave to file a Petition on behalf of said Ii 'l'):lo.tJt:onS- I' f-r,... C . f-l'....... Corporation relative to re-zonirlg a certain tract or parcel of real estate Ii ~, owned in fee simple by City Developing Corporation, locatedin the Salem !: t / " ) ~ 7 Magisterial District of Roan~ke County. Virginia, on the north side of Lee I: . il Higln,ay and known as Lots 2 and 3, Block 1. accordirlg to the plat of Subdivision Ii I, of 'the W. P. Bracey Estate. elated April 2, 1952, and recorded in 'the Clerk's I': . I . II Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. in Plat Book 3. Page 95'1 II which said Petition requests re-classification of said property from wLocal I I !; IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY NO. 11. BEING LOTS 2 AND 3. BLOCK 1 of the 1f. P. BRACEY ESTATE MAP ) " '. Ii if II I' Ii " f, " !! Ii " II I! il 'I II " Ii ,I II d II Ii il Ii 'I !I :1 Ii II I. " " Business Property" to -Light Industrial Property-; and ii . .. Ii It appear1r1g to the Board that the Petition or City Developirlg Corporatiolll II !! '. i aay ha.... merit, and that the matter should be in....stigated and a recOllllllendat1oJa _de by 'the Planning COJIIIIIission of Roanoke County; I 1fOW. mREFORE BE IT RESOL~ AID ORDERED: I' That at this regular Ileetirlg of the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke County. 'I Virginia. held 'this 15th day of April. 1957, the Petition of City Developirlg : Corpora'tion be and the same is hereby filed; and ,I Ii II 'I 11 I, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND CRDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoni"'" Ii ..., 'I OrdinaDCe of ROanoke County so as to re-zone and re-classif'y said property troll II ii its present classification as wLocal Business PropertyW to -Light Industrial I: I' Ii Property- purposes and uses as defined in said County Zouirlg Ordinance be and 'the same hereby is referred 1;0 the Planning Collllllission of Roanoke County. Virginia for investiga'tion and recollllD.endations in accordance wi'th 'the proTisions of Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia; and I ! I I I ! i I special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by I publication. in accordance with the provisions of Section l5-g46 of the Code oJr i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the said Plannirlg Commission shall , '. report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board. as required by statute; that upon receipt of said recOllllllendations by said Clerk. the Clerk shall forthwith set the same for public hearing at the first permissible regular or Virginia; and .i II I , BE IT FURTIlSR RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these " '. resolutiona be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. MatthllWS. :1 Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, together wi'th a copy at ii I I :1 the Petition of City Developing Corporation. The above resolutions were adopted on motion of SuperTisor Roland H. Clark. , II and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. and on recorded vote, 'the Supervisors I' , voted as follows: :: it , j.... ~ . ~ , ',. - , - Clark. Minor R. Keffer. W. E. , -- n'_'n_ -,unl.-----.. Cundiff and i I I REZONING OF A CERTAIN TRACT OR ) PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE, PARTIALLY ) Di TlIE Ton or. SALEK. AND PARTIALLY ) Di THE COU!l'1'I,OF ROANOKE. IN SALEM ) MAGISTJmTaT. DISTRICT ) Qi~li ----- ~-~- ~- - - -~---l!"-."---' Ii AYES: SuperTisors Roland H. , Edwin G. Terrell I Nays: None I I I' " I, II Di RE: I [. Ii " ~"d;:.; ~ ' r- &..e.. <t Ii @c e. i ~~Pt: Ii ~. ! i IlflJ.L7 ' This day conTened a regular meetirlg of the Roanoke County Board of Superrtllors. and there appeared berore this Board the Commonweal'th or Virginia. Department or Highways, actirlg by and 'throrlgh its at1;orneys, R. S. Kille and W. H. Jolly. and asked leave to rile its petition herein requesting that a cer1;ain tract of land described by metes and bounds in said petition. and situat i [ --ially in 'the Town of Sal.. and partially in the County of ROaD.oke. be Ii" ..... v reZoned f1'Olll residential 1;0 light industrial use. as defined in 'the Zonirlg OrdiDlU1Ces of Roanoke County. 1fOW. TIIEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular aeetirlg of the Board of .SuperYisors of ROaDoke Count,.. 'held this 15th day of April. 1957. in 'the Cour'thouse 'thereof ,tha said rezonirlg petition of the COlllllOnwealth of Virginia. Departllent of Highways, be, and the same is hereby filed. A!iD BE IT FURTHER BESOLVED AND ORDERED that said petition be. and 'the same . . - . ..... I is hereby referred 1;0 the Plannirlg Commission of Roanoke County ror :it s recomaen-I dation in accord with Section 15-847 of the 1950 Code of Virgiuia. I' AND BE IT SfiLL FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the Roanoke County Ii Ii Ii I: I . . . . Planning CoDmillsion shall have received said petition. considered same and reported its recam.enelations 1;0 the Clerk of this Board. upon receipt-O.f' lIame. 'the Cleric shall rorthwith set this request for rezonirlg for public hearirlg at 3 0' clock P. H.. May 20, 1957. at the .c.our'thouse of Roanoke County. issu1r1g notice thereof by publication as required by Section 15-84.6 and 15-847. of the Code of Virginia of 1950; and provided still :u .ther that if for any reason the reco_nda1;1on of 'the Roanoke COUD:; y Planning (;0mm1 ssion be not received bythe Ii Clerk of this Board in sufricient time to comply with Section l5-l!46 regarding ,! j: " I, II " j' Ii Ii i: " publication of notice of 'the public hearirlg prior to May 20. 1957, that the Clerk of 'this Board may fix lIuch date for public hearirlg on a regular or adjourns meetirlg or 'the Board as will fall. more than fifteen days following the second publication of such notice. AND BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy cf this Ayes: Terrell . Hays: None \ 1 -I . i I I ~ " I, I ., I I Ii ': I I, Ii " it I' " Ii I I ..- n. I..i o . o o ~ u .... [ . ~ _u, liI1~c~fo . ic.~(/l~ i~ ~.. -~ ....he. ~A~~ i~.c.. I $o.e...- . v- i .f)11)J.7 I I I I , School. aDd i ~IU!;. funds beirlg available in the Operatirlg Fund excessive to 'the 11eEld I' at that' time. t2a6,Ooo.OO was transferred frolll the O~ratirlg Fund to the I I l-U I :t 'I i' WIZR1U!;, 'the County School Board 01: Roanoke County this day .filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the lI1nutes of the regular meetirlg CI.f the Roanoke County School Board held on April 9. 1957: -On IIIotion of Mr. Whitmore, seconded by Mrs, Thomes. the followirlg resolution was unanimously adopted: WlJli:RIU!;, sufficient funds were not available in 'the Construction Fund j~or the comple'tion of the Cave Sprirlg High School and the addition to South Vieu ,'I ;! , " ;1 I, I' I :: Construction Fund 1;0 pay for these buildings; and ... pIlARA!;. 'only $75,000.00 of this amount has been returned to 'the Opera'~ing I Fund. and ' II , Ii i Ii I' Ii.. " II " I: , " [I " WBEIlEAS, 'then funds are now needed for the opera'tion 01: schools, and ~RA!;. 'the Board ot Supervisors in a resolution dated July 19. 1955 . . . authorized 'the County School Board or Roanoke County to borrow the necessaIy funds tor this COll.8truction on short term loans, said loans to be repaid when local tax f'uDds, aDd state school lunds are available; and WHEREAS. local tax funds will be avlilable to repay this loan in the fall of 1957; and WHE:REAS. 'the loan will not exce~d ,0% of the School Levy; HOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the . (:o~ School Board of Roanoke, \1 \1 II I ji I ! II II il t " I I i I , i il 'I il Ii ,[ !' ji " I :1 il " oj Ii , . , . County requests the Board of Sup~rTisors of Roanoke County to authorize the Chairaan and the Clerk of the County School Board of Roanoke County 1;0 borrow t85,Ooo.00 1;0 be used to repay to the Operating Fund part of the loan from 'the Operating Fund 1;0 the Construction Fund." ,? - . - F AHD. WHEREAS, 'the County School Board of Roanoke County has, by the abov.! resolution. indicated its Deed to borrow $g5,OOO.oo, as a short term loan to :re-I pay 'the Operatirlg Fund part of the loan from the Operatirlg Fund 1;0 the Construction Fund; and WHEREAS. the said $g5,Ooo.OO, plus anypre'vi.ously au'thorized short term borrowing, does not in the aggregate exceed on,a-half of the School Tax LeVjl' for 'the year 1957; and WRRR1US, it is the sense of 'this Board that 'the request or 'the County School Board should be granted; HOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke County does her~by authorize and empower the County School Board of Roanoke County. through their duly aut.horized officers, to borrow tg5.000.00. as a short, II 'I , " II , term loan to be repaid on or before Decembar 15. 1957,at a rate of interest not i to exceed six per cent per annum; said loan to be used to repay to the Operatirlg I II Fund part or the loan rrOlll 'the Operating Fund to 'the Construction Fund. I Upon JIlOtion of SuperTisor Edwin G. Terrell. seconded by Superrtsor Roland H.I . I Clsrk. the foregoirlg resolution was adopted by 'the following recorded vote: I Ayes: SuperVisors Edwin G. Terrell, Rol.ar..cl H. Clark. W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: NODe :i ;i I ~ 191 II ! :1 I , , i I ! ....~~~~~.~-_...._-~_.- if .ct'U.I: WRRTllU!'l, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day rUed with thi:3il eo.fi.,..' Board the hereinai'ter excerpt rrom the minutes or the regular meeting of the .,.. i , I ~iJ~ !; ,. .~!! B..",,L (~~I $...e...- Y' Ii tJ 11/.17 I Ii Ii Ii I: )i If I' i 192 . ... .-- --- -. . - ..._'--;"---.._~--._----- -- -- --------.-- --- Roanoke County School Board held April 9. 1957: -On motion of Mr. 1fl1itmore, seconded by Mrs. Thomas, the fOllowirlg resolution was unanimously adopted: WBEREAS. the {:ounty School J:loard of Roanoke County, wi'th the concurrent approval of' 'the Board or SuperTisors of Roanoke County, has transferred by journal entry in the course or the year 1956 a 1;otal ~ $2g6.000.00 frolll the School Operatirlg Fund to the School Construction Fund. and WRR1l1U!'l. 'the 1;otal of $211.000.00 is now owed to the School Operatirlg Fund. r Ii NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that 'the County School Board now hereby request the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to au'thorize the Treasurer or Roanoke County and the County Bookkeeper to transrer by journal entry tg5,OOO.OO frolll the Roanoke County School Construction Fund 1;0 'the Roanoke , County School Operat:irlg Fund as a partial repayment or 'the temporary loans made in 1956 1;0 the School Construction Fund.- Upon consideration of said request. on 1Il0tion. duly. seconded. it is or.dered that the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Bookkeeper be. and they are, hereby authorized 1;0 transfer by journal entry the sum of $ rro. the Roanoke County School Construction Fund to the RoaDOke Co11I1"ty School Operatirlg Fund as a partial repayDlent of 'the temporary loans .ade in 1956 to 'the School Construction Fund. Adopted by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayell: Supervisors Roland H. Clark. Edwin G. Terrell. W. E. Cuncl1fr and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None , If , , I I I I' I Ii " I: I! ,I I' I' I' I: Ii ~ !, , Ii I' i I " H ,I II II ,I Ii j, 'I I, " by 'the Co11I1"ty School Board of Roanoke County. in the amount of t2.266.229.g2. andl! I the draft of the County budget in the amount or t593,l71.00 (includirlg balances and inter-i'und transfers) as submitted by the Budget Committee. The Budget COIIlIIittee. heretorore appointed by 'this Board to draf't a budget f~ RoaDOke County for the year 1957-1958'. this day laid before the Board a draft of said proposed budget. also a draft of the proposed budget for County Schools as prepared by the Division Superintendent of Scbools. and approved Upon conaideration of the County School Budget the sallie is approved in the aIIIounts submitted by the County School Budget, in the amount of $2.266.229.g2. which includes 'the proposed expendi turest'or construction. making a 1;otal budget of Co11I1"ty and Schoola of t2,861.345.g2 approved by this Board; a!lcl. the fur'ther hearirlg of the same is continued until the 20'th day of May. 1957, at a regular lIleetirlg of this Board at 2:30 o'clock P. M. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to publish, as required by law. a brief synopllis of said Budget in 'the Times-Register. a newspaper having general circulation in the County, at least 15 days prior to that date; said synopsis to " be prepared by Paul B. Matthews. County Executive Officer. and a member of the i, , !; Budget CoIIIIIi ttee. . '----,re. .~ I I ,I I! , I , i I ,I I 11 Ii 'I II 'I I, I II II II II I. I: 'I II i: I! II !I I: " " , , " ii [, Ii I' " I I I '"~-~--f-P'~--"~ r rJ r'i U o m On motion of Supervisor, Edwin G. Terrell seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff. approved by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark Nays: None , V Drs. Russell B. Smiley and W. P. Jackson this day appeared before the Board 'and requested that this BoardHmake an appropriation of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) to 'the Roanoke Valley Polio Eradication Callpaign. for the purpose of purchasing vaccine for inoccuJ.ation of all school children in RoaDOke County. and aduJ.ts up to forty years of age; Upon consideration whereof. on 1I0tion. duly seconded and carried. i1; is ordered that 'this Board goes on record as approTing said program. and will participate in the cost of said program. " Ii I I' " II )1 ii :i i' r i !, Ii " :1 !) " , i ;r !: , Copy of application of JOSEPH A. STUPALSKY. owner and operator of the . . . Green Haven Hills Water System. ~or certificate under Utility Facilities Act. . - adTisirlg this Board of formal hearirlg on said application to be held in 'the Court room of 'the State Corporation Commis sion, Blan1;on Buildirlg. .Richmond. Virginia at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on April 17, 1957. received and ordered filed. 'I I I I Ii II :1 IV 'I II I. il I 'I Ii 11 1\ " r 'I :1 il :I 'I :1 ,I :1 !I )' This day a certified resolution passed by the County School Board of Roanoke County on April 9th. 1957, was presented to 'the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke County. reques1;ing this Board to request the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Va., to order an election upon the question of the issuance or bonds ot Roanoke County to finance cost of school improvements in said County; WHEREUPON. on 1I0tion. duJ.y seconded. it is ordered that said resolution be filed for action by .this Board at its nex1; regular meetirlg to be held on May 20. 1957. Adopted by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W.E. Cund:lf' f. Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None i I' II i I I ... ii :1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of SuperVisors of Roanoke County, that the '. ' Council tor the City of Roanoke. be and 11; is hereby requested to aIIend the contract o~ September 2g, 1954, between 'the City of Roanoke and 'the County of Roanoke. dealing with the treatment or domestic and commercial was1;es. by emergency resolution, to the following extent only. viz: 193 --r II ! I I I I I Ii I I I , I ttr""'--' L ~ ~. ~ 8.-.~ . ~.~.~ Y' ' "f/ "1'7 . '-. ,.----~----- ____.__~___ __n._ __.___ .--- - -- -- --.--.--...----- .. -. ~._-~:~----~-~_._-,--~---------~.,~-.._- " " --.--- - - - -- .,-.---.--.-r~--- I I i i I I, , I Ii BEGINNING at the center line intersection of State Secondary Route fj6S2 (Garst Mill Road). State Secondary Route .IM6 (Grandin Road Rx'tended). and State Secondary Route fj6g4 (Circle Drive), approximately .25 miles west or the Roanoke City Limits; thence with 'the boundary of 'the area described in the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors' resolution of November 10. 1955 (Addition to Southwest Area--Windsor Hills, Windsor Park. Western Hills, Windsor Court. Lee-Hi Park. etc.) with the._south right-of-wayline of said Route fj6g6 as it meanders 19OO teet"!: to the east boundary line of Western Hills subdivision, (Plat Book 2. page 170); thence with the outside boundaries of said Western Hills S._50 53' E. a?9.5g feet to the 8Ou'theast corner of said Western Hills; thence with a line N. g70 44' w. 663.93 feet to a point; thence with a ~ine N. 79". 21' W. 490.16 feet to a point; thence with a line 'S. 470 43'. w. .621.78 feet to a point; thllll.ce with a line H. ,20 53'. W. ..175 feett 1;0 a point; thence with a line N. 600 51'. W..34g.94 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 50 09' W..200 feet to a point; thence with a new line in a nor'thwesterly direction through the Byron W. Steele property (Deed Book 351. page 370) to a point of intersection of the center lines of State Secondary Route fj6g6 and fj6g3; thence with a lill8 S. 00 00' 25 ft. to the south right-of-way line of said Route fl6a6; 'thence with the northern boundary of the said Steele property and parallel 1;0 Route 11686 S. l!4 0 23' W. 74 feet! to a point; thence with a line S. g60 11' . W..76.1 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 770 46' W. 90 feet to a point on thP south right-of-~x line of .said Route fl6a6; 'thence with a 11118 leaTirlg Route UOg6 S. 160 5g' E. 700 feet! to a point; thenca with a line S. l!40 4-9' W. 500 feet;!: 1;0 a point; thence with the boundary of the F. T. Hash property (now Byron W. Steele, Deed Book 27g. page 466); 'thence wi'th a line S. g50 01' W. 4-04.7 feet'" to a point; thence with a line S. 390 00' E. 197 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 7go 3g' W. 1151 feet 1;0 a point on the east boundary of City View Heights; thence wi'th a line S. 41' 45' E. 290.35 feet to a point in the center of Etheridge Road. City View Heights; and being a portion of the west boundary line of the said Steele proper1;y and the east bOundary line of the City View Hdghts Section; thence with the center line of said Etheridge Road (Section 113. City View Heights Addition (of record in Plat Book 3, page 82) S. 850 04' w. 14g7 feet:!: to a point in the center line of Virginia State Secondary Route 11119. (Cave Spring or Mc Vi tty Road); thence with 'the center line of said Route /1119 N. 160 26' W. 96.01 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 280 34' JO" .w. 1l9.8g feet to a point; thence with a line N. 52". 511 30" W. l19.8g feet to a point; thence wi'th a line N. 650. 001 W. 10g.4g feet to a point and said point being in the intersection of said Route 119 and State Secondary Route #713; thence still with the center line of Route 1119 N. 560 O~i W. 106.01 feet to a point; thence with a line No 3go 34' W. 304 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 380 Og, w. 469 feet to a point and crossin~ the intersection with State Secondary Route /1686 at approximately 440 feet:!:; 'thence wi'th a line N. 3go 53' W. 453.2 feet to a point; 'thence with a line H. 730 07'. w. .75.5 feet to a point; 'thence with a line S. 31002' W. 25.feetZto a point. and said point beirlg on the west corner of Route /1119 and Route /1686 and also beirlg the east corner of the tract of land recently purchased by the Roanoke County School Board for the proposed Oak Grove Elementary School (of record in Deed Book 559. page 119); 'thence with the south right-of-way of said Route 119 and-the bOundaries of the said School Board property N. 550 52' W. 165 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 520 52' W. 91.74 feet to a point; thence with a line leavirlg Route /1119 with the boundaries of the School Board property S. g70 23' W. 264 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 480 3g, w. g4.1 teet to a point; thence with a line S. g70 37' W. 130.4- feet to a point; thence with a line S. 370 30' .w. 519.4 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 770 45' .E. 161.04 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 120 45' W. 235.1 feet to a point in said Route #6g6. a::ld said point being a mutual property corner of the School Board property. the Paul Eller property and the 106.5 acre tract of the Hidden Valley Corporation (formerly the H. C. Eller property);. thence with the north boundary of the Ridden Valley Core9ration land and with the approximate center line of Route eog6 S. g50 51' W. 196.3 feet to a point; thence with a line S. g60 35' W. 1184.6 feet to a point and said point being the center line intersection of said Route #6g6 and Virginia Secondary Route /1692; thence with the center line of Route #692 and the western boundary of said Hidden Valley Corporation land S. 300 51' W. 270.7 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 160 35' .W. 269.7 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 230 17' W. 197.6 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 40 25' w. 324.9 feet 1;0 a point; thence with a line S. 170 19' W. 104.3 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 410 13' W. 153.1 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 2:" 30~ W. ,142 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 370 36' W. 2ll.g feet to a point; thence with a line S. 260 49' .'1. 119.5 I; ,[ I I I' Ii I I: Ii II " I; I I I' 'I , I ,I I i , i I I , I 1; I, I: I, Ii I: Ii I: II I, I: " Ii I ! , ! II Ii I' " Ii Ii II I: i: I' i: I I II I: I I; " I: I' II I' ,I II " if ii II II I' .I i' I! i' " , " !: I I '. j! l: " I: . il i: ii " " " feet to a point; thence with a line S. 300 43' w. g.7 feet to a point; thence with a line leaTirlg Route /1692 S. 220 16' E. 446 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 20 2g"t w. .361. feet to a point; thence wi'th a line S. 450 og, E. g94.6 feet to a point and passirlg slightly 1;0 the east of the summit 01' Sugar Loaf Mountain at approximately 450 feet; thence with a line H. 510 33' E. 459.g feet ~o a point; thence wi'th a line N. 200 04' .w. 103.5 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 330 22' E. M5 feet:t1;o a point and being the southwest property , corner of the J. T. Engle by, Jr. property (97 acres, of record in Deed .Book 313, page 3g0); thence with the southerly boundary lines of said Engleby tract S. 260 00' E. 5l0.lg feet to a point; thence with a line S. 600 .00' .E. 334.62 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 700 00' E. glO.4g :teet to a point in the center line of a farm l'oad; 'thence with the westerly boundary of the 51 acre tract of Henry J. Jamison (of record in Deed Book 109, page 351) in a westerly and southerly. direction with a small creek 575 1'eet:!: to a point; thence with the sou'therly boundary of said Jamison tract 1300 feetrto a point on the north side of State Secondary Route 11702; thence with a line N. 440 17' E. 1440 feui:to a point and said point being the southwest .comer of Tract No.2 of the W. B. Rasnake property (now owned by Howard F. and Helen Estelle K. Lawder, of record in Deed Book 405. page 313); thence wi'th a line N. 440 17' E. 9.5.feet to a point; t hence with a line N. 860 45' E. g6.feet to a point. and said point beirlg the southerly mutual corner of Tract No. 1 and No.2 of the said Rasnake property; thence with the southerly boundary of Tract No. 1 (Rasnake tract) N. g60 45' E. 2M feet to a point; thence with a line S. 720 20' E. 3j..i feet to a point on the north right-or-way line of Route ,l:~; 'thence with the southerly boundary of the W. S. Phelps tract (now owned by G. G. Fralin, C. F. Kefauver, Sr. and Charles C. Flora, of record in Deed Book 564. page 24g) S. 6go 00' E. 1421 feet to a point and.said boundary line being the . property diTision between the property of the aforesaid W. S. Phelps and the property of Mrs. Sally W. Reid and Mrs. Mary YOUlll8JlS (of record in Deed Book 293, page 451); and said point beirlg in the center of ,Mud Lick Branch; 'thence with a line in a southeasterly direction through the aforesaid property of Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Youmans 7gQ feet:f;to a mutual property corner of I. J. Bower (of record in Deed Book 302. page 515) and Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Youmans; thence with the Bower line S. glo 55' E. 512.2 feet to a point and said point beirlg the southwest corner of 'the aforesaid I. J. Bower property; thence with a line H 420 56' E. 1070 feet+ to a point and said point beirlg a property . corner to the I. J. Bower tract and the 45 acre tract sold by T. L. LieT8sley,to Byron W. Steele (of record in Deed Book 3l3! page 326); thence with 'the boundaries of the Steele tract S. 7150 15' E. 165 feet to a point; thence with a line N. gOo 30' E. . 9.2 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 19~ 30' E. 270.2 feet to a point; thence with a line H. glo 07' E. 410 feet to the center line of Garst Mill Road; thence with .the . center line of said Garst Mill Road. the following bearings and distances: H. 10 57' E. 101.5 feet; N. 50 13' E. 70 feet; N. 140 20' E. 100 feet; N. .190 5g' E. 100 feet; .N. 250 02' E. 50 feet; .N. 31~ 25' E. 100 feet; .H. 370 32' E. 72 feet N. 260 23' E. 100 feet; N. 190 34' E. 100 1'eet;. N. ,130 34' E. 200 feet; H. 170 34' E. 100 . feet; N. 200 41' E. 195 feet; N. 240 02' E. 107 feet; N. 190 10' E. 50 feet; .H. S' 10' E. 70 feet; H. 40 15' E. 331.5 feet; N. .20 02' E. 66 feet;. thence with the line ,of the old Lutie E. Van Stavern property (now owned by Mary Craghead Blount and of record in Deed Book 274, page 10'?) and still with the center line of said Garst Mill Road N. 40 11' W. 191.g feet to a point; thence with a line H. 320 31' w. 361 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 410 31' W. 173.9 feet to a point; thence with a line H. 340 45' W. .100 .feet to a point; thence with a line N. 120 40' W. lOOfeet to a point; thence with a line H. 290 10' E. 100 .feet to a point; thence with a line N. 670 50' E. 200 feet to a point; thence with a line H. 410 36' E. 200 feet to a point; thence with a line H. 560 22'. E. 100 .feet 1;0 a point; thence with a line N. 780 00' E. 69.6 feet to a point and said point being the southwest corner.of the Deyerle property (now owned by Winifred Garst Ferguson and of record in Deed Book 294, page 109); thence with the center line of Garst Mill Road H. g30 20' E. 200 feet to a point; thence with a line S. g90 50' E. 226.7 feet to a point; thence H. 700 10' E. 291.5 feet .to a point; thence with a line N. 560 5g' E.. 73.9 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 370 21' E. .170.7 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 260 46' .E. 100 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 200 51' E. 74.9 feet to a point; thence with a line H. 390 33' w. 99.feet to a point; thence with a line N. 620 33' W. 207.9 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 30 27' E. .100.feet to a point; thence wi'th a line N. 220 27' E. 170.6 ,feet to a point; thence with a line N. go 47' E. 266.3 feet, crossing over the old Mill Race to a point; .thence with a line alorlg the center line of Garst Mill Road 475 feett::::to.i;he, ... place of BEGINNING and being a description of the approximate boundaries 01' the area shown on the attached plat, said plat and description havirlg been prepared from existing deed descriptions, land surveys, plats, and ;'erial photographs. All deed book and plat book references beirlg on record in the Office of the Clerk for 'the Circuit Court of Roanoke Coijnt:y. 0 :1 :1 j ': ii I, , I II i , Ii 'i , o " " " " " " , II Ii 'I I I .1 I, 'I I. :1 il " II " 'I il it II :1 :1 o ,j ii ,I II ,! II !: II II I ~ ! {J :1 !! ~ 1 I Ii I I I I I ! I i ii 196 _, ___ ____.n.__ _ n_..___ . .. __,__,_,_ - ___. - _._.__'.__n____.. '-'"'T~--~ --~~-'-------" r ----'-----r , And that said ar,eas be added to. and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating with the aforesaid areas'shall be delivered, by the County, 1;0 the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of ~blic Works or the City Engineer and the requisite lIeasurirlg meter installed at said point of delivery. by the County: (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in fUll force I - and effect. 'i !' l: II I: " !i j! 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 'that. immediately upon passage, by the Council II of the City of Roanoke. of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested. the "II ' l County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the proTisions thereof' as full~'. II !i and to the same extent, as said 'County is now bound by o'ther terms and provisionsl of 'the aforementioned contract of September 2g, 1954. Ii :1 An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be i~l I! II full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Ii,' Adopted by the followirlg recorded vote: " " " I !i I' I II II I: 'i : I I I Ayes: Supervisors w. Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None E. llundiff, Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and IT IS ORDERED 'that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday ill..May. , " I, 'I I, I; I , i. ii I: :i 1957. Ii ChairmaJ: !! , " i " Ii " , i: , " I n if :: , Court House Sa~z Virginia )fay 0i!U. 1957 '!'he Board of SuperTillors or Roanoke County lIet 'thill day at 'the Court House 'thereof in regular monthly lIellsion. Present: W. B. Cundiff. Chai1'lll&n. " li I! " I' I I, II ~ore the uetirlg wall called 1;0 order by the Chairllan. JIr. Walter W. Wood" ii ;1 !I Edw:l.n Terrell. MiDor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. At1;orney and pallt )fayor of the City of Roanoke offered a 'prayer. I 0/" I 1: '!'he IIinute. or the last regular ..e1;i~ were appro....d as spread. each _.-ber or 'the Board haTiDg read the copy of said minu'tell furnished hill by 'the Clerk. '!'he rollo1liDg claias against the County were this day prellented. approved. and ordered to be peid by voucher-checkll out of the tands rellpectively chargeable therewith. 1;o-wi t: I 110. 25520 Aaerican Bakeries Co., food for Prisoners . 1.610 - 25521 Appalachian nectric Power Co.. Current ulled at C. s. Fire House 4.08 - 25522 Aaerican Chemical Co.. Jani1;or suppliell 19.5l - 25523 Anto Spring &: Bearirlg Co.. Parts for Police Car #4 1.70 - 25524 BowIaants Bakery. Food for Prisoners 45.88 It 25525 Barnett Coal COIIpany, Fuel - County Office Bldg. 6g.59 a o ~ o g .O!:_ I' " , ~ ' Ho. 25526 Cancelled ,i ;; Ii 'I ~ l " :1 ji il " :i il :! " !I 'I ,I iI " :1 II !I " Ii :i il II , I I i I. :1 ; :1 II :1 'i 11 H _ " " il _ 'I ; :i . I i: Ii " - :1 ;, - 'i 25527 Baptist Children's HOIla, Ofi'ice supplies 25528 J. P. Bell Co.. office supplies 25529 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and Hardware 25530 earl R. Brightwell, Electrical Repair work Courthouse 25531 Blue Ridge Produce Co.. Food ror Prisoners 25532 Dr. S. D. Carey. Coroner In".lItigations 25533 City of'io&noke..Sewage treataent Charges foz' General Electric Plant - - - - - . - - - 25534- 25535 - - 25536 25537 25538 25539 25540 - - - . - - 25541 25542 - - 25543 2SS4J. 25545 25546 2554.7 - - - - - 25548 25549 25550 - - - 25551 25552 - - 25553 25554 25555 25556 - - - 25551 2555g 25559 25560 25561 25562 25563 25564 25565 25566 25567 - - - - - - C & P 'telephone Co.. 'relephone SerTice Coun1:y' School, Board of Roanoke Co.. MainteDUlce of County owned ....hiel.lI Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co.. 'lypewri'ting ribltOns and Ink Cn1Hpn Sofa Water SerTic., Rent on Water Sc,ftner . 4.00 1.4l! 22.61 24.75 17.00 10.00 227.62 369.25 995.04. 30.79 3.50 21.99 B. T. Cruap Co.. Spplies ror Sheriff'. orficEl Caldwell-Sites Co.. orrice supplies Goodwin Insurance &: Realty Co.. Insurance on Judge Hoback's . car, ' . 24.70 Wallace o. Deyerle. Warrants iSllued >>Ge's SerTice Station. Gasoline purchased for Police Car .' #6 Dillard Paper Co.. Jani 1;or suppliell E11rin.. Shell SerTice Station. Wash jobll on Police Cars EsllO Standard Oil C,*pany. Gasolinepurehased Baster Supply Co.. Office sU'l'pliell FairTiew HOlle. Cowtt.y's pro-rate share of expense in , . ....int;ainirlg hOlls for aged Chu.erll Ferguson. eo-illsion on Delinquent Tuell '. G. C. Foley. April Rent on Jit. Pleasant Fire Honss Fuel Oil & lquil&ent Co.. Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire Roue and Cour'thouse 117.67 25.00 3.11 23.75 21.00 23.77 271.43 83.00 767.15 60.00 489.01 197 ,-- ~- Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare (Check written first of 1I0nth) Fort Lewill Coal &: Gas Co.. Gas. Oil and arealle for Garbage , " Trucks Green Market. Food for Prisonerll Goodwin-AnclreWll. Inc., Prem1111J on Surety Bond Goodwin-Gentry Studios. FraJlirlg ror Judge Hoback 19.50 45.41 5.00 2.50 J. W. Grigg. &: W. H. Witt. April Rent on Ca.... Spring Fire House 60.00 Void Gittens & Morton Ins.. Preaiu. on Sure~ Bonds ~ Haloid Co.. Office lIupplies W. R. Hester Coal Co.. Fuel ror County Jail InternatiollE Busin8ss Jlachine Corp., ofi'ice lIupplies Jobe Pl1111birlg &: Heatirlg. Openirlg sewer Keller Machine Co., Repairll to Radio: on Tank Hill Roy C. Kinsey SigIL Co.. supplies for Chil Defense Ralph LOrlg. Reillburlle 3 trips 1;0 Richllonci for Auto tagll Janie B. Mcleal. Treasurer. Reiaburse Treasurer Jlagic City Mo1;or Corp.. Repairs to Garbage Truck - 25568 Malcola Blueprint &: Supply. Jlaps 20.00 30.60 30.00 4.60 9.00 178.36 76.00 13.00 129.36 44.03 13.g0 198 ._.=:--:--_~---:-""=---"'O"1i-C-""""---:- " :i " " ,I 1 Ii Ii ii I' i! !1 ,I " j; ,I II i: I' I, I 'i II I: ,I i! I; ii II I I ,! I , , " Ii ,i " Ii Ii " i, " " i' II , " I i' ! i: F " II i: " Ii i: , , I !! i: , I' ;' " 10. 25569 Paul B. Jlat1;hews, Reillburse Luncheon Meetings a:c . JIotorola COIIIIUIlica'tionll &; Electronicllft 1 new Radio tor Police Car "I 25575 Xt. Pleallant Grocery. Gasoline purchased ror Ht. Pleasant Fire Truck - 25570 25571 25572 - - - 25573 25574 - - Michie Ccapany. Lew Books lI111er Tire SerTice; Auto Tires ror COllBY Vehicles Werey House. Inc.. County Appropriatioll to Mercy House , , for April Expensell ' Monarch Finer Foods. Food tor Prisoners - 25576 )(1;. Pleasant Garage. Partll and Repairll Mt. PleallllDt Fire Truck - ' Roanoke Staap &; Seal Co.. 6 lItaapll tor reallsessaent Iodgerll Clock SerTice, Repairing 1;ower Clock on Courthouse Roanoke Linen SerTice. Towel serTice Roanoke Paint &; GlaSll Co., Paint tor GQi!age cans Highway ioaDCIke VaUey Motors. Inc.. Wrecker SerTice tor Garbage Truck 25591 Ruaco Window COIIpany or Roanoke. Vene'tian Blinds Repaired at HolUne Fire House 25592 Roanoke Seat CO....r Shop. Seat co....rs tor Police 25593 ROllJlOke County R....olTirlg Fund. Reiaburlle Bookkeeper's petty cash 25594 SaIl's. Inc.. weariDg apparel ror Prisoners . 25595 Sale Fam Supply Corp. Paint - Cour'thouse 25596 Sale. MotorsCo.. Oil for ?olice Car 117 25597 Shepherds Auto Supply. Cheaicals tor Ca"Ye Spring Fire Dept. 25598 Sal_ ~-'>>er Co.. Laber Jlap true Clerk's Oftice 25599 SUlII1lIrdean Esso Station. Gas ror County Behiclea 25600 Salea Creaery Co.. tood tor Prisonerll 2;601 i'he Sanfax COIIpany. Jani 1;or supplies 25602 Saead &; Webber Drug Co., Medical lIupplies 2;603 SUJIDylIide Awnirlg &; TllIl.t Co., Part for Fire Station #5 25604 Dr. R. B. Slliley. Jail PhYllician &; Coroner InTeatigations 25605 Skyline Paint &Hardware Co.. Paint 25606 State Orrice Supply Co., Reconditionirlg typewriter &; ortice supplies 25607 Standard Parts Corp. Partll and Repairs Police Car #1 25608 Sale Hardware Co.. Jauitor suppUell and Hardware 25609 'lOWD or Sale. Water &; Lights service 25610 Tiaell-Register Co.. Motor Vehicle Receiptll 5.050 - 25577 25578 25579 25580 25581 25582 25583 25584 25585 25586 25m 25S88- 25S89 25590 - - - , . - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Belson Hardware Co., Janitor suppliell a:c Cancelled OWen Pl1111bing Co.. Pipe ror Road signs G. H. Parent Co.. ot.!ice supplies Pendleton's Garage. Parts Garbage Truck Radio COIIIIUuications Co., Radio IfainteDllDce Penitentiary Industr1al Dept., Bedcling a:c ioanoke Gas Co.. Cook1Dg Fuel tor Jail and H. D. l1tchen !i.......lre Leundry &; Dry Cleaners. Laundry Jail . 41.10 15.00 746.55 600.00 56.25 350.00 3.80 203.42 45.02 gl.26 1.33 1.50 g5.00 543.30 21.113 66.ti5 4.88 60.00 3.00 3.25 10.00 15.00 45.00 20.04 9.92 7.99 2.40 3.50 7.50 144.57 13.07 41.95 7.20 2.55 70.00 33.75 4l.7g 45.49 73.91 422.55 155.65 ), I, Ii Ii :1 " II " i' " ,I " Ii Ii II I, II il Ii Ii ,I I" II , I I I i II Ii II I, iI Ii II I'l, , il I: II II I II 1 " Ii d iI Ii I' Ii I' Ii I' 11 " i! ,I :! ,I " I' I I iI IJ " i! i, I H " i) 199 -.. . . - -----.--.--.-..----" r-' iI I I' 1. i. 10. ; ~ 25611 Trasco Technical Reproduction &: Supply. Re-allllesSllent lIupplies $ 2.30 72.04 112.6l. 25612 25613 25614 Valleydale Packerll. Food for Prisoners VilltOn Motor Co.. Repairs, etc. Vehicles State Forester of .Virg1D.ia. County's pro-rate share of expense in controlling rorest . rires in Va. 31.4.06 Vinton Hardware Co.. Paint. Hardware a:c 230.S6 Virg1J1ia Foods Inc.. Food. a:c 160.23 Virginia Metal Manufacturing Co.. MaLn1;enance Garbage Ihmp; - - - o 25615 25616 25617 - - - l!9.96 86.36 35.40 61.33 8.50 333.07 158.40 821.92 o EY9rette Waddey Co.. Record books tor Clerk WestTielf Poultry Fera. Food for Prisoners Wilson's ESllO &: Grocery. Repairll. Gas. Oil and Wash H. M. Woodll. Plu.bers. Plu.birlg Repairll Freftl-lift MeIIIoriaJ. Hospital. State-Local Hospital bills Jefferson Hollpital. Inc.. State Local HOllpital bills Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bille Clearbrook Lion's Club Inc. April Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station Auto Sprirlg &: Bearirlg Co.. Parts for Dog Truck' Blue Ridge Produce Co.. Error in invoice 40356 Chalur8 Fergu80n. Comm8sion on Delinquent taxes Anto Sprirlg &: Bearirlg Co.. Batteries and Cleaning aaterial Msrgaret Bain. typirlg votinglist B. G. Bav:'IaD. Jr.. Deputy SherUf. Reillburse tra....lirlg eXpeDlJell E. R. Bush, Stone for Mt. Pleasant Fire houlle Burrell Memorial Hospital. state-local hospital bills Cancelled Dr. S. D. Carey. lunacy heuirlgll. examination of drunk dri ring 25649 City Auditor. RoOlll &: Board for Children at Dention HOllIe 25650 Baater Supply Co.. office supplies 2;651 BallO Standard Oil Co., Gasolins purchased 25652 Gittens &: Morton Inc. Liability insurance 25653 Betty J. Hartman, 106 Hours typist for assessors 2565~ Lewis-Gale Hospital. state local Hospital bills 25655 Municipal Salell Co., Inc.. parts for Garbage truck 25656 Mt. Vernon Phillips 66 Station. Gasoline and 011 25657 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, car seat coverll ~5658 Dr. A. J. Russo. lunacy hearings ..5659 Roanoke Valley Motors, Inc.. parts for ex'tra car 25618 25619 25620 25621 25622 25623 2562lt 25625 I, II I 'I !' d 'I .. - - - i,1 .' n - - - ii 'I i! :! il - 60.00 3.34 1.00 1.52 11.05 39.87 I ,I 25626 25627 25641 25642 256l.3 25644 - :1 .1 ,. " " :i I, r I ;1 \1 'I il :i - - . - o 1" I I , I - - 3.50 36.00 410.28 'i :i II :! 256l.5 256l.6 256l.7 256l.g - i1 " " i I' .' " ;1 !i 'I :! I Ii 'j - - - 65.00 64.00 6.!l0 - - 18.2Jl - ;: , I' 4g.16 94.5:l 3g7.20 325.10 17.98 22.50 30.00 l.n 11. OC) 35.00 52.29 1.50 ~5.2g 351.77 416.00 - i: I :! - o " 1 ;. - - II - o - " 25660 Roanoke Iron &: Bridge Works. w.. Repairs to County Jail 25661 Dr. R. B. Sailey, Lunacy hearirlgll 25662 Southern Machinery &: Supply Co.. street signs 25663 Sale. Hardware Company. 1 Padlock for Radio Tover 25664 Edward F. Staples. Reillburse traveling expense 25665 C &: P Telephons COIIIpany. telephone service 25669 Roanoke C01lDty Board of Public WeUare, May supplement - - - - - - - IT' , I ! r- '0 !i 11 I, o I; :, ,I " I o " !i 'i I, Ii I' II :1 I. ii II !i Ii 'I Ir I' II h r I I I I :i .... i , , il I' il 'I II I i,~ , 1 !, o 0" :' , - .- . ---_.._-~--- MIlS. JABI! B. MeDAL, Treasurer or Roanoke County thill day submitted to - . -. the Board 'the tollowing report: -Sal~.! Virginia May 21.1. 1957 To the Board of SuperTisorsot Boanoke County: . ' At..1;he close ot bUllinellll May 19. 1957. there wall to the credit ot the General County Fund Libnry Fund Dog Fund, Salem District Road Debt Fund COUJlty.School Fund . School Construction Fund School Tex'tbook Fund. Deterred Credit Account F. I. C. A. t 52.334.a9 3.749.26 8.472.29 all. 77 104.603.11 37.530.56 2.633.17 361.74 2lU,.S4 "'l 211.480.33 Respectrully aubllitted. Janie B. Mclfeal. Treasurer- Said report ill approved and ordered filed. IIi U: DELlJIQuQl'l 'rAIlS COLLEC'.rED BY CLUK: . . " . The Clerk thill day deliTered to the Board the receipt or Janie B. Mclfeal. . . County Treasurer. tor tl056.59 on account of delinquent taxell collected by sai,tI, Clerk tor the month or April. 1957. lells 5~ c0lllli8llions. and turned OTer to said I , Treasurer, said check aIIOuntirlg to tl003. 57 net. I H. W. CLAIll. Sheriff of Roanoke County. thill day riled with the Board the report ot Part-t1ae Deputy FRABK A. ROGERS. tor 'the IIOn'th or April. 1957. . ,. 'aaounting to t65.oo. which report is approTed and the Clerk or this Board is hereby ordered to forward said report 1;0 'the State COIIpensation Board as proTided by law. On aotion, duly seconded. it is ordered that the County Payroll for the aonth or Kay. 1957. be appro Ted in the emount of tg.621.33. trOll which the liD of t165.44 total F. I. C. A.. and total W. H. 'rax t7g0.50 is 1;0 be deductel1. leavirlg a net payroll of t7.675.l9. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayell: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff. Miner R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. lfays: Hone H 'I " ii I, :;. On aotion. duly seconded. it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor SerTices for period April 16 encl.1r1g April 30. 1957. 'i be appro....d in the amount of tl.5:a7.20. trom which the SUIA of t34.36 total F. I. C. A. Tax and total W. H. Tax t$3.40 is to be deducted, leavirlga net payroll or $1.409.44. Adopted by the followirlg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell IfaYll: Hone . . .JJ. t ,c, . B.J.. . .~~~ I I I~a+' ffJ..::t: . rant . Illi..c. ~. I ~J~~J~7 I I I i I ! 202 I! .. ',: t." I' ~ ~ ,J./. ~ \" :1 , -'~ v .;;) -"\ !, _', I, _ I'~ .. - \ \ !i I , i: " i:i !: i: " '! .:)~). '""i~ -..,i i Ii II i , ! I ! , i I' Ii i\~} ~,#.b~ ~>>. ! . I ~\ I ~;..t I ft...J.~ yo- i ~ ~S,I"$71! 'i 'I I. " Ii - ... . - -. ". _ .~__._u____.__._._.._~_u.__ ____._ . _.' ,'_ __._ . ',. ,_ .__ __ .... _.__ , .._' _ __ d _ __ ,'.,'__.. , .-'-". - --------- ----~--_.~--------_.__.__.._- _..~--_.._--._-- --..- --......,.-,..---~_..-..--.....,._._..~.,.,--,--- -.....,.,~,....,..,...-._..."...",. Ii Ii i I On IIOtion. duly seconded. it is ordered that the rollowirlg youcher-checks be approved, retro-acti"e to date of iSlIuance: I! Ii Ii 1; I II " , , I ! i Che,:k. ~5475. dated Aprll.30. 1957. payable to Cordy Jlaxey. in 'the aaoUllt of $20.00. for use or his truck tor refuse collection; ChE .ic #25501, dated Kay 1. 1957, payable to T. F. Sutphin. tor tJ.g.00 for ii paiDtiz,g Coarthollae. 32 hoars at $1.50 per hour;, . . I! II Check #25502 dated Kay 4, 1957. payable 1;0 H. W. Clark. Sheriff. ror $25O.()() !i tor ad.,anctl tra.,eling expenses to Little Rock. Arkansall. 1;0 bring back: prisoners b3' ordef" JuT8Dile &: DoIIelltic Relations Court. Judge lloraan Moore. Ii I:' Adopted by 'the followirlg recorded TOte: Ayell: Superdsors W. E. Cundift. Minor R. Kefter, Roland H. Clark and EdwiIl G. Terrell lIays: Ione 'l'he followiDg reportll were thill day laid betore the Board: B. W. CLARI. Sheriff. summary stat..ent of prisoner days in 'the County Jail during the IIOIIth of April. 19.57; B. W. Clark, Sheriff. otfice and tra'f8lexpensell ror IIOnth of April. 1957. EDWARD S. ALLIJi. County Agent. 1I0nthly report for April. 1957. AUBREY R. SLAY70I. AsllistaD1; County Agent. 1I0nth report for April. 1957. Ii i: " )1 I! Ii "solution 110. l304g. elated April 15. 1957. Council City or Roanoke. Va.. alI'l resolution CoDDCil Town of Sal_. Va., datied April 22. 1957. concurrillg in _bill , U the Array Renrn Araory in honor of CLOYSE ELDRIDGE HALL. r.cei....d and ordered I! filed. Ii Copy or letter dated April 17. 1957.addreslled 1;0 Lt. Gen. Charles E. Hart. II US" (!. .."i~g General. 2Dd United States Amy. Fon George G. X.ade. Mazyland. II troll J. lobt. 'l'hou.s. City Clerk, ordered tiled. I Ii II I! I' 'I 'I 'i I _rUR 'the budget tor Roanoke County. conrirlg the period ending June 30. 1958. all prepared and prelleJrted by 'the Budget CoIUd.ttee appointed pursvant 1;0 the pro'l'isiOns or Section 15-575. Chapter 19. Colll.e of Virginia. 1950. haTe be8l1 ..",. ........... by ... .,.,. .r _or, .. , promo.. ....."" ... II !I I: II )1 Ii I I, II II Ii Ii Ii r WRRRRll'l. all of 'the proTisions of the lItatut'lt for the preparation. study aad adftrtiseun.t. ot.. the County Budget. ha.... .... . fulfilled; IOW. 'rBBRBFORE. on 1I0tion ot .SuperTisor Edwin G. Terrell. seconded by SuperTillor Roland H. Clark, it is ordered that said Budget ror said rillcal year eliding JUDe 30. 1959. be. and 'the lIue is. hereby adopted by 'the rollowirlg :1 I: Ii Ii " Ii w. E. Cunditf :; II Ji r II I I' , recorded TOte: Ayes: Super'fisors Edwin G. Terrell, aolaDd H. Clark. Minor R. Kefrer and lays: lone . I I! 1: Ii ! , I , , I I , I ~ I I, ,I :, Ii to: I I i . , I r 1; , ! ~ !: , . ! --'---""-' --j.- ...._.1.. '--- ...t-..- i I .- ---... - ; '1 -_..-.-.~._. - -.+-.., ". 1 ~ , ,LL __00 ..~_,_ ..~,..96 _6., .OQ..O _",.;. ':Cl9 J)( '" I ~g9 . .., "l:~4!J- ,..Q.. -1-.,~~9 _2 ,_ ..t69,() ., ..7f- Q( 109COlIIPonlll_lltlQnExwaQtfl\lo._Auutlll:lt.ll -.- .--' ,...:- ...ZW-.2 l:-~ ",6.6, ..9, -.__ #.6.Q.__ __,'... ,.20Q, )1 -', " , I 200 4dvertls1q .-. m.. -- - -.+ -t-() - 0 --ri.. _-L~ -1 ' ,-,.;" . 1:--.5 .,0 '. . ".~ _0 .. !) ! I I! J ~ . ..nl. Bo k B1 ..1 I I " "n'; " 0 " 0 -;;D ::1& :ub::~I-~~- ..~-.----:-_.. ' u_'___:_ -, '-ll'1-1 - n-;' ~ -.,.. -;-+- u_ ,... -'1' _d' - - -~- '~--2"02 -Fio~~t-&~r:811-OM:.--u..----,. ---- ---,-- - iT T 11 -.+'-,-+. ____0-0 ,,-t _,M -- --..."'--':~ -:;81: :n Re=::~t Ottl;;-~UiPllMlut ---., - t '20 0 ; 1-1 0 , i ' -,;,..', .... ..",,--- --- - - -.-" -,1._- ...--... .---...........-..---,-------,--- .----..... --- -;-+- 'i-+-- -- '.- ,..,.... 218 Telephone. Te~eSl'aph & Postage ' :' 0 ,-" =_'::'-:': ..:::--- .--- ...J:t.;".ii..;~~+-::c:c.:::::::;7~7."::.:-:c:c:----.~-,..~ ,.. f --f 1- .,.---, 517 Reoord Boob , , -- - --_. ._- .---------.- -- --i--,!- ...~ -.- .___ ~19 Btatlone1'7 as 5 OC _ ~-L _1~OC 7 ,i ,I - _ i _!, T ; " :! - -- -~~r- ; I i , 5 l1jt9 oc --...-...-----;---1---- .- 2b H- . J.92, C01l\llUllllPotlQn ,C~ulQnOJ'.J)_t_!\.Y~P.M O()lIIpeD,!llltlon 0 f Office ~!JIilltall1;lI. .~--------~--- OUtce 8~pl1e. lle-allSelllllll8tlt _PlI & Suppl1es ,-- COMMIS_SIOHEl!.OF ..~VENUB .. -I i "1' tl '. 6 ~j , i- ~65 0 r--t-.. . 4900 .-t--,--.--- '40 0 " .." 50 0 I t.- .4qo. (lOu, ---1"'1-- ; i ! : ~ 6 ,v 8 !~ ~ 0Cl 1 I I.,: I i i ~,.....5 00 ~ . . - 00 - .' j I I ' .. c:--..... .~~; I -. , ;L201 oc "... . IT -_.-.- .~,4Qol 00 . ._. I I' 10 00 .51001 .. ';- , I ~. - . ~,oooloC ~._1201 oc ~,aQO oc 50 oc 150C : "i' t.--_:.~ ...../...- "~:;.' ~o\_ YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 19~ YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19 5~. I YEAR ENDJ~ JUNE 80, 19 7 PROPOSED INCREASE OVER DECREASE UNDER ON EZI"ENDlTtJREi - YEAR ENDING YEAR ENDING ~lre1r Atl'&WMltfION E=NOITURE8 ,JUNO 80, 19~ JUNO 80, 19~ I Ii! Tn . P mT&'. '~ :' :! J ';" i: r . i l : I I, \ __._~ ~~: - _ J~-L,_ __4-; .1-. . -r--~-- ..~~_. ._~. _.J.,~.. .._'........ ,_. J :. .08 0 ";~a 0 ' , ,-r--- _~ --'-+~- - --....- -- -,.-- ~------ _._-~ '1 0 ; ,~ ;: I .--; ~-t. --. - -~-- --~-- -- ,----.. -~ ...- . : 3P 0 . .,$ 0 50 0 r . ! - --t- _.--~. "--+---- - --....-....- ..-.........-.- .~._p._- _.._-..-.- '.". . ,.'50 ~.__ t~, _~ __,",'_ _.. .,.. _2.._,_.. i6J,JL___.. .-i,3Q...9.!.A<I.. ___..;I,QILO..:.:. ~ .0 '; 15 O( 0 :' ~ -'~-'--,- --.--- - .--........-- ---- ...-,- --- --.---- I ~-__Q..-.u....? O( u ..~5.0.0 ,_ 7 oc -. 1 t- ____u ._._. ._0._ . : i 1 11 5 0 . .--+--; -.. .... '--. -- :--- .. -~ ....- . , i I 'i ~3~: ". oc ~. 74.1 . ~,56 ..68\ 175 00 50100 '~ .~7100 =:I i 'I --L _.~-~_ _ I ' , i , ' I __4QQQCl tOo 00 _'.0--_ .- ~---'__ _. :_,5~0 00 ,--.:-.. I-ao6. ...Dll.u_enll~.ol".1p_UQJlIL_. . 220 T1'8Vellng Expense, --=r~ .. ,- ~;;,;;~~~-g~~-~-==~:---- ___ __',. 317 _" 31? _ Record Books --'---- .----' ()r~lce_S\lt>p'il.1e! - ~-..---- ---- --- -~.- 6 O( . .1-- --~._~_. o .. J,OIO!> r- '- - ~ol:: ._~t=~2~2 'jla , --I---- .: 1.- tTlTL~FUNCTION Number of Num- hDetlo bet' of Item --.. ----------...-- __-+_--t-~..!llLlIIP.eD8atlon Olerk of Boer. _J~_~L publlcation and Advertls1n~ , Aud.:!.t1~~L!'7 PubU<:~!l~oun~antll _.____._ I BOARD OF SUPp;RVI50RS 100g,ompensatlon of Boerd Memberll & MUea,se TITLE OF ITEM ------ ._----~ .~---~~--- ALLOWED BY BOARD . . llibln. t ,.". . -- DIBBURBEMEN'.I!8' G.iieral.~FuJi" .---....--.----~..---- D08~PUnd---~--~--~--~----"--....-- Virginia Public Ass1atance ---- Ubra- "f ------- REVENUE, _. General P'und--- Dog P'und------- Virginia Public . Llb1'al"'f AlIa1stance----- '. ?a 1 20 22 24 1 20 ~ - 2 ~. ~"; 1'1'0. - 19 - 21 - 2~ COUNTY; 'VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 58 Gentlra1 FUND Roanoke . .~age 11 1 --~----_..._--~ -- --=/..' __L~___ ~-- --.. ~._...!...._...- '-~.~- 1~~:aloompeD8at10n of ~4 1206 '209 121i. Advert1s1Dg- Book,~!1ldi118 Duell &: S ub8or1pt10n8 Fre1ght. Expre8s &: Drayag. .n _ ___"" _ .,~ ~ _ ... _ . .~_.. ... ._. ....._____ ___ _. .__ Prem1mn on Bursla17 InsUl'ance 212 Prem1mn on SlU'ety Bonds -. -- - -------~ .._~.- ..-- - .. .-- .....- Rent on Off1oe Equipment -~.. YEAR ENDING JUNB 30. 19__ APPRoPRIATION EXPEHDJTURES ApPRQ~T10N Amanded ,_ _ Am.enaea, __ ! I !! I i I T: Ii: I I ' ,,, " ' ' ~-. ,- Jl --rr .._ i -rt:~ -.-ll~2 ~~- - r--~3 -506, ~~[_.~,_. 'i .! :, . . . : -- -- " '. u -- 500 00 500 00 I ' , -- .----,-.. -'- --_.....- -c-~ . ,I ' . 1 ,i --!, __ -- ,0000 20000 --,---.- '- -t-+-. , , -- I ------- --- ..- --"-'0-' -~-.~.,-,- .- "-'- --- .-- i r )! 1, ' -_._----_._.~-----_.._..-~---_._- - . ~ .- --- -+---...- -... - --- I' " ,I i ._ ' . :! 1.._ I: I _ 1~ 000 00 _._ ___ __.. _..... __.. __ .. __._ ._ ___ _~_... '-4 '..__ . ~ !. . ! I I: ___ f-. -- J -- . - --'-._ __ ,_ -_"_'_ __,__ - . u, ,.. i i!. !! i, 1-- -H- -', -- ,+,1--, -..---1, - ..... ...' " ':~ .l~ O(), -U~ .?3' '-3, , : .~5,0 00 I".: M5.o.() ". JL_~~69 . " "M5 00 ': I - I ': ~,~ ..359()().... _,~, ,!!~ __ ;()()OO L~ .?4.o 00 _"l.459 94 . ~ .5:1,000 ;60 01 __ J.ti0 001 ;;'9 00 . ' 350 00 ..;900: -,..-. 00 ;2 00 , 00 "'r . '36 12 .~ -.- .~ --0--."- _"-"- -- ! 166 99 .f ... .,'--. --'.-'. .......-.....- ...".. I 1,0 00 i .'71;2 49 _... _.,___... .__._ ._.. ___..1--_ ._._.+.~ _n'_ it ~~5qo ! ~10 .. --.....--;--- --...-- .- - t--.. -..---t--- -.~-. --! ~5() 00 I i 16 10 ,- -++- -.-~-- .:----- - ~ ....--he --, : i .9810 00 i. ,~;,6 01 '1 " " -r' - .to.OO" -+--F--- : &1' i: ' ~~1Y;j~~' . ",_~,..~i~ : r :' ! I' . .t.1 ,..1..:_ ,'.J, , I .. -, '.--" _UOOO 4q0 00 -,.., '"85'0 00 I , ..... -"eo -00- ,;I, i ! .~...-..... i '1--~-- ~"'--r--' I ' ! I _l.L___ \ i . ~-i- , , --~.+- , Ii -+-t- I L ~ :rc, -...-..-~.-....-.... i i . I I 1 -t , I 1214 215 218 '-.--l-~ --,-----------.. li~2:._st~tion"e;i'ic 'Off1ce SUpplles -...-.----..-------. .--'-- Repa1rll &: Replacement ot J!lquipmllllt . --_.,-- - ._,._.~.. _.--_."._-"~..__._--------_.~--'--~ ._- -.-.- Telephone. Telegraph &: P08~age i220 'h'aie:rtiil-,Jilipeni.-- n - .. ~ ,'J. ..-.,- ._~._~---- ~_.. .--.- .. . ._~ ! \ -~-,-~ '50' 00 ! : -........., ..---- ~6p_ 0.0 _0' _ _. 25 00 8~ 00 655' 00 ;~IOO 10 00 0Jt . ~~. fa.. -.. .-t-. I ...........--.- ..... - __,.1~12.0_~ .. iJo~~ . ,.. .I~~~ 195 ! '" '---/--- .--"-. be o po I , . ,..... .~7j) I 10 10 -- + -- 10 ..- 00 . '0100 10 00 ~~ ~~ ;,'"9190 I 2.0:0 400100 Extra Office Ass1tants :1."2 [103 Compe:n8spj,o~ of. ,Sl'll~_1al_At1;~~nllJlI. 1:~91 :::::::~~:::: :;;::~:s:~:=t~ 3 ,----- ,,g~ - I 300 00 ;50 00 .4!l.. 00 r 001 30!l00 ~5!l, ClQ 7~1,10 00 150 po 6.00 po I TITLE OF ITEM "'__ ,,___AJ'-q~~QR3~P;pJU.IS}mS _"...______~ ___ 10~. _Oompenllation of' AS8essors""& Appra18,~rs _ ____ 0_ _~lJ.ve.?:~.J?-g,~en~__.._._____. ____ ~!~_()!'r.!~.ll_S~p-!!.~__..,__..____ J.?5 50 DO COtm:rY.TREAS.1lRER., O()lllp ens at; !,o!lofCl)llnt)' ~l:'e~ll.U1'Ill:' ,..-.-. .--.---------.--------- 3~40t) 100 i - .~ - ,,~Ot) - 00 ..-- ~;T- ,-.I J,;;j;;,;' --..-.....- 15Q joo , ... .._L_ T.., , -.. 500 .-----....--. - 800 - ~og DO 10 ._...n )() ,- P-~_ 25 85 655- 5() " . ........ ,.-.-- 9~'- (), , 400 . ;00 . 25Q 7 1~0 - '~Ii ~...- -.,,- ----.-_. -.--- __ _.~~ 5~O 2-, ..-.- ~(),~-()- 200 0 ___ __.._.....'_ -_0-'.--- ____ 1)0.. ~ '! , l 'w ':->.~! ...t,...! r- Number ! of runell. Num- ber of It-':!!n YEAR ENDING JUNE INCREASE Ol'ER YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19-W- .' '1- I ,; ; i I ~J,;__:,__ 80, 19 _U 58 DECREASE UNDER YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19~ -.,-~---, - ----.- TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 19 57i PROPOSED ExPENDITURES ALLOWED BY BOARD -~ B! ~COUNTY, VIRGINIA .---" -' EXPENDITURE ESTDlATESi< FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 5S General FUND Page I 2 . . .' '. .'.'.;.-. '. .\ I ,I I ~ r I " ~ ,I , ~ " I' , i ~ ~ ,5.000.0001 00621.868~000 100 :, ., il ~ " " ,I j " I ~ ii " Ii ,I >> ij 7P,89~.76010a Ii ,I :1 I I' , ii ~ 'I " !: ;: rt i; i! ~ , Ii ii i! ,60 ...,- "'2. ,66 ,- ;1 ! 13 ~ ., ,. ,POO OOii 11 484 00 , . - " .500 00:: 157 170 00 ~. . ~ 25:: 25 ,77 0045,000 000 00 . ' . '. 0,_ " .037 00:5,868 000 00 ,18 00' ,,000 000 100 .862 90 , ,. i' .247 00 I, II 25 :i :i 5L.47 ,640100 ! P.42~'120i 00 .00 .000100 ;8t862 00 177 247 00 I 25 .473 .640 00 .425 .120 00 .OO~ 000 00 1V1.!39i.760 100 REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING 'JUNE SO, 19 58 General FUND 0- II YEAR ENDED Ii YEAR ENDING .. If;6 II JUNE 30. 19--5-1---- Ii JUNE 30, 19 I; (AClVAL) II (EsrtMATEO) I. Ii J.mend.ed = .584 !' II I 57~ . 5 000 10 ~! 13 .040 43 145 686 '0 - , 5,4 ,875 78 5~ 994 10 ROBnoke OOUNTY. VIRGINIA .. .. Page II 3 - so. -- YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19 S8 - TENTATIVE II INChE..E OVER ~! DECRlW;E UNDER FINAL EsnMATB YEAR ENDING II YEAR ENnIN~ ESTIMATE r'''" 57 . '__.m 5~635 bo .635 00 635 00 . ' .16 .385 00 2:l10699 00 :1-68 385 '0 - 60 ,971 00 87.502 00 29 325 00 593 171 0 .. -.,-----1-1-1- I ! , -+- ~ .1 i ; -or , .- I : I r"r- , , '.' , i l! 43~ 00 ~9P /60 710100 . 760 100 1001 00 50 00 7601~ --~- 199 215 121 n8 !~',;;_~r.:~r~:-.... . -::-~ _C~ 519 Ottioe Suppl1ell .....- ..-,.._ ._H' ..H_..... ,," "- -- , i -t , ; "f--- + WltnellUB --. .. - _.------ Telephone. - '-_._--~ Telegraph &: POB tage 2000 --.......t- ~ - ..-- 240 00 .---'t---... -..... , , ! - '1? .-~ -- ~ --. , rot-I'" i _......4.._ , -,.\' .. , t ":1" - ~oo 00 _~o~ o~ I . , -- -3.3r 00 I' -- 20)00 -+ . '- 250100 J-~-- ..... 350 eo(l - 100 00 ~f="'f-:o -::-:_:r.;.- ,.~Qot:c'- \: -- 100 00 "~ j 1 I l?l -". 100100 :.;::f-,;:;,.f-:-.....: -- 350100 ~o 20 00 00 Repalrll &lle_pl:&cemen~ 0 l' 01:1'lce _Eq.111pm~t ,l~lOO -:~;I;; ;00100 50 00 40100 ROANOXE Warrants Mlo~ .4.0100 40100 5b COtmTY com'!' '-, . i, - ,..... g~p 00 ~ ,. ~?12_1 6~~lPI00 .1~l:" roo '25.1 O~ ~.135 00 599 Qcmtlngenc;v Fund KlsoellaneoUII -- :14 ..- DO 01'1'loe Supplies Law Books Repair & Replacement 01' Otf1ce, Equipment Telephone Servloe - 30 00 :140 00 .15 00 ,- -- .35100 213 !85 , .70137 37 00 ij l~ 200 00 ,1500 150 00 ?75 00 - 100' 0 225 0 15 0 150 00 275 00 ~ -- 00, 225 00 ,1500 15.0 00 1!f5 00 25100 ~3o:00 I ~oo:oo 130 100 TITLE OF ITEM - = ___,OmO_UI'l' __OO!1RT-______._._____.,_.____ __'__ 102. O,OQte~JL..ot Juclglt, _ ___ 03 Oompensation 01' Special Attorn6T8 --. ~_.- "---..---------.----------------------.--,-.-- 09 Compensation of Stenographe~ ---+---- ._. --_._--"---_.~-----_._---~-_.__.._------~----~-----._- 20 Compensation 01' Rellet Judge(Trave11ng Expense] -_..,-+ + __________._._._._____ ._.___......_.n.._______.._. _~._____~_.___ 1 Cplppensation 01' Juror8 & Witnes8e8 _.._......_. _ _u_,._. ..+ _. .__.n .. .___.... __.__ ,___,,_,__,.,"_h~___ Compensat ion 01' J~ Commissloner8 211 ~22 2061DU8B PremlUl1l & S ubaoriptions on Car__L1abll,lt;vIns1U'~C!e(J.Hobaok) 1 t I I -- _l_L___, ___ .1...:.. -'-~ }''-_,_' ,,' . I. ;. , _ ----t1. M~ 0 .~ Q29_ 2 _ ~ ! 101100 - , I 1- .--.-+--- - ___ ._...--.~ ___ , -! 100000 .---.... ---_. --- : 10000 - ,_. .___.t _ ...____ '__ , ,iL 500 00 1077 61 .. -..,...-+-. .....~... .-. - -. .-- ,-...~. - -.-...- . 15 00 10 00 ...-.._-+- ~-- - -~- --.-.---- ----. 25 00 32 00 _..__. <0-___+. '" '~f~~ 500 00 ~1~;;: :~ 50 00 -:""fo' .155. 00 100 00 --.- -- 00 -- -,-}, 1-5~~l--- 100 0 -~...- ------ ---.- ~~oo 0 .- ...... .-~--.--. -,-_. 500 .~.-- -....._.~ ~-_.. 1000 75 0 l:I: ~ooronr .1] -. , 00. --_.~.~~~ ~~ .-----.- -.--.-- ---- .~oo 00 500 00 ._-. ---..., ,000 00 15 00 50 00 Number of Punetio 5a, . TITLE OF FUNCTION Num. bel'of Item APrlloPR[ATlgN ~AndeC! YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, ExPENDITURES 19 ~ YEAR E~ JUNE 80, 19 APPROPRIATION ~- ;A~A PROPOSED EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, INCRRABE OVER YEAR ENDINIl,., JUNE 30, 19---2L 19 5R DECREASE UNDER YEAA ENDINq..,., JUNE SO, 19-2L -= ~~=.._- ALLOWED BY BOARD --- -....--_.----..~-.--- . - 1_ .',.,'''''. -.-, , COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 58 ,1 _FUND RomoJce - - Page , 4 -..-- ---1-'" 1'- -, - ~ --'11 I ' '! : i: ;; i ; .,.._~ --~]-. ],- Ii; , , I - +-i' -,--' ---- --.----'.---1 l~ ' . I ---'--- I~i=~'I~, -'T-, II .- -:.--;-. --, --.+---t---I-- ' ~: I ;--t-_ -~-~-- ; i .: ' I , I : n- . ,-t- , , " ! '- .-+-...-- I I .-- .-+.- ..~. , , , , H 1" , '-1'-"1' 7"' --I--,~. I __"'__-o-'_I.--+__~ --t__o___I___ 1 .-. --......... .. ~1~~fc- ,-- 'o-.r-I-- --.-j- -- .- -~ ~{.~~;,:~"",~ - ~ ... .610 ~~t-~. 00 ~,}'l~ L~5 L_~_ '. .- f Cont1ngenoy Fund ,145/ 00 -- . !t.05 Office Equipment -- io~l'oo 00 ,5.0, !!-167 - )215 1218 boo 1~20 La. Book8 Auto Premium Liability Repairs & Replaeement or Office Telephone Service Tires, Partll, eto 1~0 00 ., .2500 140 00 "!"-.- 113 12 7330 4580 - - -- Equipment 1211 on Car Insuranoe 1210 :206 109 ..- 20thJUDICIAL,ll:[RCUIT Compensa tion of Stenographer Dues & Subsoriptions Premi UIIl on F1re Insurance .- , " --i .?:: ::F . ~.?OO 00 .!3 ()O .2184 112 22 - ,-- .- .- .- - ~~ -- .- -- 5d ._._----~ ---- . - :~ I .2;100 .~ - ~~~ - 61 ff -.- ---. - - ~745100 :.j~60 1>.0 25.tO ~,~ , , ~~:- ~~~.llpl:l.o,ne_ ,~T-",-legllP~ Office Suppl1ell 5_Cl_ N'umber of hmCUOD TITLE OF ITEM _", ,!:t014!.lOtm!Aura'S_.AT.'l'.OILNEI___,,__,_..,______, ___!~E?_I' CO!I'Pensatlo~~ of~o~on.ealth's Attorney 109 Compensation of Stenographer- ..".._ _m__ _____'''_'''__' '_..._..___.________.._..,______._ 206 Dues & SUbscriptions , i :tiifH~-~~ 30 _._-~'~;~~~~ ,-~ --- '440 00 --'- ---.... TIT~F.UNCTlON INum- ber of Item - APPROPRIATION "',"A'ru~"ul ! i --',.---[ -4-,' ';...- ;:'64000 , i ~35o 00 " -.4-- _20 !!:r0 . 220 00 ----~-,"25()() .:5200 ~_n;9 _~~ .J.I.J 0:1. -=ric I 1~5_H -.?5 ~o o R!L 259 ~ 0 25100 25 po 250 25 r .~! YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 58 . INCREASB OVER ~ECREABE UNDER PROPOSEI> YEAR END5l'f b YEAR ENDI'W_ EJ[PEN:~~~____,~JUNE 30, 19 __-.: JUN~_8~~_ 19~ 1=:1._-1- ..1-, 00 '.~9H R() ?) 1 tlO I)() )0 tl.O_ )0 30 . , ,~9.Q 440 EXPENDITURES YEAR EN~!t JUNE 30, 19 APPROPRIATION ImAnA.d ALLOWI:D BY BOAIID YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 19 56 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING.niNE 30, 19 58 FUND - .. ItOllll.oke COUNTY, VmGINIA .. - . - Pag~ I 5 -: , , I I i , , ;~-~~~- Small Equ111IlllJA~,&:S \lPP,l.!!,1I t~a ::~Ol~ ___u .~_ - _0- ___ _. '. ._ _._~___ __"" ~12b Grealle. CIU' Wallh1ng &: Ant1 Freeze __ '-. _'_'_ . _ _______~.__~u.._.. ___h+_ .'._ om. ._ _'___ ___. ___ ....... . ~19 Ott1ce SuPplie. - -.-- ~~2.~.P1:ng41.1'.!!~t.~~pl~~~ '..., ~25 Un11'Ol'IlI8 ....------- -.--.-.-.-. . _..-. 199 K1l1celleneoU8 --',-'- --.----.--.-.--------------. l 1 ..-...- I:: . 1-- .2t~: " ..1:2". '.. ....' ! .+ i I ,,!j.54 9? ..J;Z4.!~ ~36 02 .':i- --.- , , ';1: _f_.-'. ---1-- - 31oaoo, 00 ?"O~u ()()_ I' -(1 ~. , , 5S .....- i93 .-...--' 35 1~_ -~q 800 ~ _'_0- '0 10 590 00 100 200 00 .;.,~u+ .2,0 918 163 193, --..-._- -- 93 '110 74P 100 ..3~ L'?() ".o-~7p ~C2,_ .4p 00 800 00 ~O.Q :'1~_ 00 t-...t.-- .' 100 ,-.80q ~Qq. '().9.- '0, 10 '.0 to I~. ~o.o I 00 100100 60.0 00 100 00 3t800 00 20.0 00 '00 00 t:: :15 f15 ?15a ~~ Traveling CIU' Partll. T1rell &: T ubell Rltpenae -'-~-' -.... ---. O,f1'ice ;Eql1ipment i'olic. Oars. -' .. ,- '~~ ;~:;~I:~ 315 OQ.._ ,~~, ()~Ju 00 ~o~ 2t49~165 '__48J04 9 ;~~ 150_ 339 140 -~e .VO_Il!", 1m 60 :1.6000 ~8()0.0 11000() o() ; .500 1'00 ~40 00 2 5 700 370 180 1~0 000 o ,000100 "",200100 30100 20 00 430 '00 I i 5' 700'00 370 00. 180 00 150. 00 2 QOP 00 ~o ~09 :11 ~12 0.9 11 'P-Amt nm I'!A- T'R"'l~~ Insurance ~ . ~:I::- -- 60 00 . ".- . .---- -- 55 j74 10' ,7 2 03 4;' 25 .37 ,4 ._ .~.2.j2!1: L .4t 00. -- -- 5.1~ ()o .~ 00 2~10() 60100 - 600bo. ~5 60. o o '0. 10 2510.0 0.0 21.51 ~~ 25100. -- -- -- 60.0. 100 ~::~ t~: 6.010.0 --r~~~ .07 .82 ,06 .06a 6a TITLE OF ITEM -----~~--~ POLICING &: IBVESTIGATING(Sher1rf's o.ffice) -~.~--~------- --------------.-.-.-- Compensation of County Sheriff - ..- I Compensation 01' Deputy Sheriffll -- --_. -~_._------~-- Compensation of Part-Time Deput7 Sheriff -"-_._-'---~_._-_..__._-_._--._--_.-._-_._.._---- ?o~.e~.s,!t.~o~__~:..~!'.e_c:ia1 Or.r.~cers_u, -- , Compensation or Coroners Compensetion of Clerk --_. -.----- ---------~---_.~--_.__._- -------------_. -'j],:;-j~~, -~--'- .~- -~- I: c- , i2 <150 02 7 ~O~ 56 -148 08 ---- antE R~t:1 & E ....., ,_ .. on .., _ -...a....__ '--'-.. .- Premium on, Suret7 Bonds Repairs & Rep~acsmsnt of Repairs Be Replacsmeroo i Radio Ma1ntenanos TelephonE! &: Telegl'aph ;::J:~ ~;j:O'+- :t~~: -.- -~~:J~j_ ';it~:'_k~: 700. '-198~ 60. --]~;~~~ . " -,' 00 200 30.010.0 u31~~:::j:~ u' ~. 270 ~OO ---.-....- -.-............ --.---.....--. 9.730 00. 150100 _.. uul__. -t AJn~""lT10N YEAR END~ JUNE 80, 19 ApPl\PPI\IATION ,e~C1e~ r YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, INCREASE OVER YEAR ENDJNA, JUNE 30. 19--2:L.- 19_ DECREASE UNllER YEAR ENDIN~ JUNE 80, 19~ Number of 'unctio Num.. ber of Item TITLE OF FUNCTION EXPENDlTtJREB YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 10, - COUNTY. VffiGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 General R(IIll!1ok& FUND 58 " PROPQSED EXPENDITURES ~ - Page # 7 A!.LOWED BY BOARD JtrJ ~ .'.- '19"1 --- -=~~~--~ '~~~- -.---- ..,.-... -~------_._-_._---_.._-,--_._- 00 Slllall Equ1pmsnt & utensllll -"'-'.'~-' ---- --- ----"~.._-- ,- ~~ , , ,-. 9 00 )0 ---._-" )0 ----..-.'T .. ---;'-1 ' ' , : ~~-.~-- -:--,+1- ; 1-1-- ! I I I tlt.td3 . '-' I I , , - ~.~'. 15~~ ,:":~,, . ",. '!. ':0..". 00 -...........-- .- - . 25 00 0""'--' .....-_. ..... 1iJ. -,~ ~-_.._. ; ; __i _;.~ _ ~4~ 00 ..-. 100100 t.-~-...- "'--.--- ----- -- 16 --- 11 ----.--..-.-.."-... Ifedloal Suppl1ea .- ..----------..-... ._~-_.- -,_. -.---."-. Ottiee SuPplles -..--------..-----.-.---- ,.----. Prisoner Items -------_._--,--,_..~_._--_._-_. 1I1110ellaneoua Bedding ..--- ----_...---- Laund17 - -- '.- ... .-. ..._-.-. .,-----"." -~- .....-,-_. Cleanlng Materla1 & SuPplles .--_._--.~..,._._- -.--.- .-.- Dls1n1'eotant ,.-.-"" --'.-. Fuel ,,~,3.~~ ~'f' . -.' : 10000 . " -- -~. -...--- -..--....., - ---- - ~._. ....f'-......-- .---- ; 350 00 '. 419 99 I _ .._,_.__ .......-.- ~-_ _ .4_.._.. _.....-..-.~ .-..- r : ~oi> 00 ,:' 259 71 ._.~~---.-. -.- -.--.-.. _~-t- - --f"".- -....-.t. .-- ~~ ! 11'. 00 i, ,21 45 n'" u "t"~ ul.'t.u _..,u;__ -.+- ' !! ~0(l00 : 49414 ... ...-.--. '_.-." - ~ ---t-~_. -. I --+--+- '-1-4-_ -.-- .~- ~: :5(l 00 I :74 57 I: I: ' ~ -~-.-..-_.__..- -- .-.t--t-'.,..-..-. - 'ut'.-- -..--+- -- - i ;25 00 :' 49 07 _._---~---- -. ~++ . -. - .__. _. : i :,: - I ..... 88 -1, ,,~.. .---...----.-- . ---7-~ ~~- - -Ti~ "~-1-- --- - I ", 'I,. i 25 ; I l' i '-1'+ -1' ' --t-. _L......... -- ~ 00 :~_ !~t 65 tt ' "" t 50 00 -.-..-.-'....- '50 00 -~ ---. - - .... ~OO 00 - '~--r- .-~ -..- 2500 .. . -<__.._ 'U'_' 500 00 .....-.,-. --~"--- ....-- :50 00 --<-..<- --....."T-. ----~ 7500 .....-~. ----t---._ ___ -- -- " ~?~ 0 425 0 250 0 ,-..-.~~- 25 0 .......... 500 0 -.,.".--- ..-.- 50 0 _. 0-_.'.__ ____. 50 0 -~.--- ---. ~: ,1 ~5100 50 00 25 00 I -- ~5.0 00 425 00 250 00 25 0 500 00 50 0 50 00 -- rZ , _. J1 \1 Repa1rB & Replacement of -._.. .---- Water & Sewage Treatment - ~-- -- ~--_.. -..- -. -- . l:o.~JOO 60 CONFlNEIlENT & CARE --.----r-'---- -- __nO --- 06 Compensatlon 01' Jal10r 06a Co ensatlon of H1 t Jal10r 08 CompenBatlon of Jall Cook . -- - .,. .----- 11 CompenBBtlon of Jal1 Ph7Blolan - --.-.. ~-------~--_.__.._--------------------~~-- 03 Board 01' prbonerll (Food) __ ____n__ ___._.___.__...._ _.. _________.._ .l?L _!lJe_~~!~.c'ltL., ,5 Repairs to Jall Equipmsnt -- -----+ OF PRISONERl!_(Jail)_. 1 00 I :. I 860 00 500 00 600 00 _...-0-- 4 000 00 -+.+- --.,,' ---1- ~_ .'00 O~ ! 300' 00 0---'-- ___w.__~ ".'_ ,~~ ~.~, 5.~.P. 00 2,5() 00 300 00 -.---_.- --- 0--0---- _. _,,~ ...'7.5<>C) 400,00 15!l100 ~~j~ APPaol'RlA1ION AIIIende4 ~~ i I -+"1 3;0"{ !!7 '6 -2QQ. 00 52() 02 540 00 -+--, I---~ --Il'-~~-- . 640 00 650 00 ___ ______ ~_ .__ .nw__._ _..___ __.. _,+_.~~6~_ O~_,.~~~? 00 '-~2 ~~, 475 85 .6? 92 284 29 I! 1~J8l180 1 107100 Number of Functio Num- ber of Item YEAR ENDING JUNE 3~ 5-7 ADl1fn'lf&'lt\TION - I - --- ~-~-<..- --- 6 00 __ 60 QQ 60 00 ----.-.- ~-_. .-.... .,___...__..___.1.___ ~5.0 100 .1100100 ~ --,. ,. -t--,'. -- BOo' -'."',"- '," , ~~ 00 . 100 "'--;.- _....... -- - ....-- .....-'1 ;.. ; i ::: ; -4--J. -- ..,.......,...- -- j, . i ; I l' '1 1 :;, I , 300100 .-,. 4 , ' ~_.[ 0+_-" ,. : 1~_0 100 -_..' [-t.-, ,__ I ---..-.., --- 00 .~ '--j--;-'j--.' __ ,11P- 90__ ___ ..9.6Q ~___ i~'I~~ OlD ,701) TITLE OF ITEJol EXPENDiTUREs PROPOSED EXPENDITURES TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 19...c:L ..-:;::. YEAR ENDING JUNE INCREASE OVER YEAR ENDINg... JUNE 30. 19--2it- 30,~ DECREASE UNDER YEAR ENDtlio. JUNE SO, 19-2L- ALLOwm BY BOARD EXPENDITUF.E ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 ., 58 FUND Page /I 8 .. ~ .. Roanoke de COUNTY, VIRGINIA ... """". =>> ;.' ~\. , t( l h'j ~" J^\ t:i~t '/1/' i!i:~', ';I~ _____u '-- ,-- -- 8a 8e Number of nmctfon 8~ " --.-'--+--- TITLE OF FUNCTION ~~"""""'-T B"..nn 100 102 123 '---1- 1203 , . 702 1------ 702 702 Contr1but10n to HOJp1talll .-"-'--'I--~-,------. ~________.___._._.___ ,g09 21~. 308 310 311 INum- lber of Item ! " Fert1lizer. ,--- .--- Cattle Feed ...... .' on..'.. .~_.. ,_ Fuel Fence - County Farm INSTI'l'l1l'IONAL CARE - _ -.____,_~ .._.__..__~...__n._ Fairv1ew Home (Cost .- . . - . --- --- Contr1but10n to Ch11dren' --. -...- - ...' .,.-..--.....- Contribut10n to Mercy House (lOJJll'.I!XF~ Compensat10nof_F~Nanager FlU'IIl.LabOl'_, _ .. __ u_ Fre1,gb,t. E.xP.r_eslI ,tc.Dre,le,ge. RElP,a1rs, F~ : OF ITEllf ------ -- w_~ OF PUBLIC WELFARE __..n.....__ __~.____...... _ ._~ .._ ._.__ '0___"_ __..' .__ Co~ensat10n o~ Board Members .. .- _._----------------~-----._- .~I>l_s,!'~!l.!l1;__of Seed. ----.---- ----- ---~.__._----~-- .. etc -----..--..' "--,...__. of InlII8tell) 1I Home - ~q,~p~nt ~ -- ,COtJNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,19 58 General Fund FUND , 100 00 ... '7 ~.. ~n .---- j 150 00 . I ... I I - . t -. ~. . .-- j , ) M';_'__"---'-_ _. I 00 APPROPRLlrIOH Amended , I f ' .~. .~. -..... i I _.1- . , . ___._ -f. L \lion _00.. _/_ I it- -[+i- -11 -, ++-,.w- , Ii ,JI, LL _ U.JL---- ,t .t9000 ! '1 .~o,OO , I' ,,_,,_ --' '~' 5. 00 , ---~ . -_.. . I : I 1000 +-+-"1 i .~d~ o~ /- - --~--t ~~_u I ) !.- .--~-_L.. ..:: YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 19, -t1~+, -i[:,. jjt,.+,-I- .Lt:- I]l~- -rj' - --r~I;~: ,I .1.. I h,rl'--~-j . , , . i , , , '.... ...-..".1.-1'-...' , .819 7~ ; "-400 00 ,--+-,-~_.- ._-~- - .t-- .----- i .~33 32 "+T" -:+ ---- I: : 1__ _~~. I ,Li~ r '! , ' ..+__:_ ._. _~_ _ _'d' " , I r ' +: .1cio 00 I' : I ; .- ,4El.a 30 , I; -L.- _~lOO : I ; \ --- L~.,i6 _~4 i ! , :- _ .;_ ;47.9 __ .5 69 ,--.--- .EXPEHDlTtJIlU, , . , ., .- .~52133 -2HOLOO Jd~r~~ .JIg. -- 26121 , I I -'-rT Tt .~ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 5$ ] INCREASE OVER DECREAf:1t UNDER ALtOwm PROPOSED YEAR ENDING YEAR END BY BOARD EXPENUlrURES JUNE 30, 19~ JUNE 30, ~~~-_~L__.~bb+'+ '~ln'~~m:~L: : L, =r~~-~1-1r-"';--r. I , , ,.. - .. . .+,.-- --~-:, - 1 ' , " 200 00 I i '0 00 "~ . . . ~ -.--,-- ~.j - .d 30Q.000 ~ +- 30.000 f,;, ......='=j= .. ~ TT , ! I _~ , ___; -+ .'_.-.-~- - .--, .600 00 400 00 :-:'J~2QOOO 4---'-~' - r-- -.-- _~O _~.~ , I J , ;; = ., I . .-- , , hi-- I -- -- 00 -- --- 1 " ' -- -rl'] -.-; ---.-++ --+-.-- I I : i i , 'I :+ i I' i I '..1 I ._'.~- it ! ' ~"-- , ' : . t-1-'--.-:":-' . I! -~..-- 1-':- ___u~. ._,----- , -, : i': :: ~i200 00 t. --'"!-+-. -'-'-" , , ,,, ~~.~~ , ' , 1-- I- 00 - --~ -- -- -- .. --t--+- i I ' , I T1 J.l ----t--t-..-.....-. --1-"'"- j , , , , -- :1 ,- .. ..,-.-. I _.._~ ..,.. " ' ; : ! I. -' .+- ' ..-+- !.l i: I I ..-'_1-._,"__ , . I - .. ... ! ~j55q ... ,-, . 7 j200 '-- .-. 1?~_ 400 200 Page # 10 po 00 00 00 110 --.-~-- '-- ' '1i!f1 -~ ~ -4.'rf-' - i; , , 2t200 pO . 20~ pO I ... -...-~- -..-.- . .-. ?iOO 100 , . ~OO I ~ I -- , I ~-. r- r- -- -- -- -- .- .- 00_ I .. -- ff- -,- ,2 0 .- - .-t~ --- ..- - - -... i ! I _ --;- -t+ --- - :,.1., L' " _ ,_ 295.., On o I , , -'11---- ."; l I' , _. __-! .1.. _. ._l I 0 i - -t'-I- -'-'1",-- -4- -,'. H'_ I ;1 i I I : , 'I I .-...----- .-.--------~-.-----.-----------------.--.- +--~- -.~-i-.~-- PUBLIC HEAmHH"- __nn,__________._,_ ----- --H :-;-1- :.--1.1,"0---' ,.-,-------.,---,------------ ,.j--i--t- - ,j-~-- ,~~!~a~~on y'!~e~~ot Board _______ i' I L._ III I Compenaatlon_ Re~18~rll~ot V'1tll;8~1l~111tloll 1 3pC JO_l~~' 0 J;.QJ:I,J;rlb~lon j;.Q_Stat~ He@lt~L~~~tmellt___ l2 tJ:IO. '.----.------'- - -J..t .+- . I ! ----.- i,"'---'3 t I --- I r n__ ------:- '1'---- ' , - .' ~ . I' --'.0-' -+-t- ~-.-- i ...;....j-- 11 ~.- f ._;n : ,. '-r---+-- --r"'f.-- " I. -rr --- II --- ----- '.--- --i--'--,--'-- --~. 100 138 ~.9_ 9 -- -r- --t--- fi! Kt , I _7.00100 , --.t--r-- , ,---t--+-- --, ~ , - , '\ ~_,.., n - ,i . ~ .; "'~' 10" ,- ,. i-~ ..- .a ~oo ~O ~86qQ'I' r-- ------ , 1 j I l 1-- LUNACY COI6I188105 -'-'- ------.----- -~-_..._--_._---- .-. 124. COIIIPensat1o:,!: o.tMemberll 220 ~rllv~_l~l1!L~!~!__n ".,"- "_0- I I ' -- -1,.t-- "-.-1 ii' ; ',-l.-. '_On -----.--------.-.-1-1 8h --- APPRoPRIATION ... .~umber of unctlo Num- ber of Item TITLE OF ITEM ExPENDITURES Y.uR ENDING JU"E3~57 ApPROPRIATION 1 ': , -w- -+Iu -- ~ i '50 'tTt--- ,. tlQ -- ---0-- -~-~.r-- -." , . , i ~. ! ~ YEAR ENDING JUNE INCRBABB OVER YEAR ENDING JUNE 3D, 10..$- 1 , , I .' j , i ! I -. i-+, I ! Ii. I . , ,- -r;-' ~--.~ .-~ ,-~-_.- ~.-.- ...._.. i ,uo,_.' I .. , , '--'-.-f" _.._.m -.-..- 200 00 t - ~ ' t ; ! _.-.-,-~ - .+- ._, - , ' , ~ 1 I 3J.Q -1....-- 300 00 1- - ~ -.- 110 00 ---t..-. ----- ~ - 00 u._ ... --.-. - 45Q.IOO - --+~ : I !--t-,--- :4~ 100 ! - lU.OIQQ , +" -., +-- --1-- -- 8;;1: I 30, 10~ DECREABB UNDER YBAR ENDINR_ JUNB 30, 19--:U- PROPOSED ExPENDl'l'UREB ALLOWED BY BOARD TITLE OF FUNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 10 -#- ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 General FUND 58 COUNTY. VIRGINIA f-'l Cl' HOanoke c.} ~-'-:) ~.,....".--~-.. (;.J Page 11 11 Code Books , \ , ~17 ~19 ~19 Drafting Supplies & Blue Prints Reoord Books orfioe Suppl1es 220 ~OO ~12 ~12 :S12 Traveling Car Parts. Gasoline 011 arelB e & CIU' Washing Expense Tires. etc. 250 2.00 ~5 ~O 1"00 . ; ~* ~5 5 ~5~~1~ , , 16 :~ 2~~~,65IOO 100 100 2?~9~O: 50 ,0 ~25 00 710 50 00 50 ,poo .0 00 '0 '00 . , 6~9 - '2 - 100 50 100 700 100 -- PO ,0 ~: 445~ 18 ,0 55 ,~ 600 100 ~O 100 100 00 100 100 10 100 50 00 50 'O~J ~ ~ .50 0 700 00 00 ~49 ~48 ~.50 100 :S25 00 200 00 100 00 20 0 50 to 50 ~o 700 00 ~25 :~OO I . , 500 100 100 500 100 20 100 100:00 215 215 218 Repairs & Replacement Radlo Maintenanoe Telephone & Postage ot Cars 215 206 211 212 Repalrs & R ep1aoement of Offloe PremiUDI Premium on Car Liabillty Insuranoe on Surety Bonds Dues & S ubscrlptions 50 115 25 50 2~100 ~OO , . klO Equipment o o o o . 7~ ro Il~ ~9 ! 25 pO III 106 ro 1 720 fU r- ~1 ~6 i 11~' Compensation Assistant County ~lIiPector &I ... 1eage 200 204 Advertislng Book Binding 10 b~ ~~~ n 150 klO - 11~ 102 102 109 109 Compensatlon of Office 109 i 7 400 t~ ~ 600 bo 2 100 eO 1 ~80 joO 4 800 ~O 1200 I~~ 110100 I 75 100 : 115 ~O : ~O :00 1100 100 llooo :00 I !-- 75 ~O '1',11510 . ~o 0 I 1125 fO 1500 I' 0 125 0 :450 0 I I I I i 25100 , , I 25 :00 100:00 ; I , , I i ! ; 500 !OO , I , , I I I I ~25 100 ~OO 100 500 to 25 0 450 0 115 fO :SO 00 125 0 75 po i ! !. ;\ " II ii II II ~ 10 00 1-- 10100 .215 00 ~OOIOO 75100 215 100 Compensatlon County Compensation s Compensation of County Engineer & Executive Otfiolll' Compensation of Asst. Exeoutive Offioer Compensatlon County Bookkeep6~ Assistant Extra Orfioe Insp eo tor Assistants 4.800 7 400 . " 2 400 0 j " 3 480 0 19800 1 080 po 4L800 PO J' 1 40~ 1 200 3 480 1 980 1 880 PO DO ,0 o 00 1J.8.oo 00 2jl.OO ~O 1 ~SG ~O ~ .1600 CIlO ~ ~OO 100 5~ 100 100 ~t900 2 100 1~:s86 E ..- I 7 .~ooio 7~400 PO Number of Fuac-ll< ~ lOa Num- ber of Item PUBLIC WORKS TITLE OF ITEM (Supervisor _ ____0" _...h ."_ I Oft'loe) AnRoPRlA'nOH Amended -.......... EXJ>&/'."DlTVlUl3 YEAR ENDINO Ju,",30, 19 57 APPtIorMl.'l"10N :'MenaeCl I PRol'OOllD ExPllNDn1lIlD -- -- YEAR ENDING JUNE 50, 19 58 INCRBABE OVBR 'I DECREASB UNDBR YEAR END YEAR END JONB 30, 19 'fit I JUNE 50, 19 ~"r ALLOW1!D 8Y BoARD TITLE OF FUNC'110.N YEAR ENDED JUNE 50, EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 50, General 19 5~ UND 19_ 'is .. .. ROil p.okB .COUNTY, VIRGINIA ESTIMATES .. Page /1 12 I uJ_J" j TITLE OF FUNCTION Num - o! Num- ,hero! TITLE OF ITEM , Item , , PLANNING ,&:~O:NING lOb , , 1109 Compensation of Office Assistant '200 Advert1B ing 206 Dues &: S ubscl'iptions 218 Telephone &: Postage ~19 Office Supplies ~19a Drafting Supplies Subdivision Maps. Books. etc. 20 Contribution to Roenoke Valley Regional Plan- ning &: Eoonomlo Development C()IIIIl1BsIon ADt"en'd~":tnON . . ~ " " ..... , 900 001" " ~ 150 00 I 15 00 ~ 100 00 50100 I i 50100 100 00 I I-- I l I I i - . ~ -, ,'. .207 ;00100 45170 15100 100100 346 :72 , -- I 42 -- ~ i ~ I' ~ ~ II Ii I' i: !~ ii I' ,I q I " j: I: i: i: 900100 ! 250ioo , 15 QO , 100100 I 50:00 , 50!00 200:00 1.165;00 , , I 1 ! , i t. 7~0 j 00 I I I I I I I I , I I I , , I 1 I I I I I I I I i , H 2~~80 900 LO 50 fO 15100 i 50100 i I ! 50 po I . i 50 ~o i I : 200 PO i I 1,165 po I i o 250!00 I I I , 200 i 00 , i , 50[00 I ! i I , I YEAIl ENDING JUNE 3D, 19, YBm ENDING JUNE 3D, 19 57 11 INCREASE OVER 'I DllaUlASB UNDllII _PUBBD Y..... END~ I YEAR END J&~'8~"ltnON ExpEND1TVlUII II JUNE 30, 19 i JUNE30,19 ~ ALLOWED DvBo.\110 = 900 00 50 OO~ 1500i! II 50 00;,1' 50 001 50 00:1 il 200 OO~ I, .165 00:, " I ,: I' i' !' .480 00, .~ '11 H I II ., Ii ~ " ~ II I EXPENDITtIRBS - YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 19 56 I I " r::I. f' . ,~ Roanoke COUNTY, vmGINIA EXPENDittJRE ESTiMAlES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19--51L 'UND D --"' --. . .;:J Page II 1~ .. , Roanoke _ .COUNTY. Ym.GINIA Page 114 EXPENnITURE ESTIMJft'ES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 58 _ 'Gen...al FUNO I TITLE OF FUNCI'lON ] YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 19 51; ~ I" YEAR ENDING JUNE 80. 19 58 Number - ! YEAR ENDINO 01 N.uo- II JUNE 80. 19 5'{ INCRKASB 0... I DECtUWB UNI)El1 I Funcli bel 01 TITLE OF ITEM AP'ROl'IIIATlON _.....mntBlI I'I ^""""Pl1II'TIO" ,_":::.0"':.. YEAR ENI)JN~ 7 YlWt ENI)~7 cc~~ Item lII\ended " I 1i-AJJj.endeCl , 1 , ~JUNE80. 19 . JONE80; 19 , 100 I GARBAGE DISPOSAL i ,i-:I H I ~' '. "I I I I I 102 Compensation 01: County Engineer I 600 00 ' i 60b~OO ~ 600 00 600 ~o ~OO I ad 109 Compensation 01: 01:1:1oe Asslstant 600 00 ,l_. I 600 00 ~ : 600 00 . 600 100 i . ~OO 0 i lID9b Compensatlon Extra OUloe Assistants I --. I -- ~ ' -- I 1-- i I~oo 0 I 12~ Compensatlon Laborers(Garbage Collectors) I 1~ ,200 OO~ j 1~.707 45 i! 2~,600 00 25 000 ro I ~1400 0 ! 142 Compensd; 10n 01: Truck Drlvers I I .000 00 ~,'2~ n I( ~,120 00 8 520 :01' 0 i 21400 0 211 Preml1ll11 on Truck Llability Insur"ance 425 00 , 1418 41 Ii : 450 00 450 00 I j I I 214 Rent & Maintenance 01: Garbage Lot ~Go 00 '. ~.471 30 ~ ~.800 00 ~ 000 100 jl 200 0 I 21' ...."'" &R ..",,~t "" Tr""'" ,.. 00 1""15'11 : '00,00 1 000 ~o ! ,500 ~ I 218 Telephone & Postage 100 00 ! 127 '00 I: ' 150' 00 1150 1100 Ii I 'I III ' i I I' I 240 Garbege Collectlon by Contract -- I ~ ~~I /-- 1-- I I ) I 298 Employer'S FICA (Matchint) 420 00 I 540 '16711 ' 560100 1560 00 i I I I 300 Car Parts, Tirell & TUbes/ '600 00 ~,030 23 'j ~.8001, 00 1,200 '100 ! I 6001100 I 6 I I II' I, I 30 Janltor SuPplies ,-- I 4 80 I, I i -- i --.I! I ' [312 Gasoline I .700 00 ~.722180 ~ ~.1701 00 2~800 100' I: I 312a 011 i: 100 00 i 111 40!i , 1.00' 00 i 150 100 I 50 0 i i312b Grells8 & Car Washing ~ 7500 I 8~!17i: i 50'100 7500 25 I' ! I 319 01:1:18e Supplies r, 300 00 ,322 33 , 250 00 350 100 100 fO . -- 327 Garbage Tubll and Equipment 100 00 276 3'8 I 250 I 00 275 'EOO I 25 0 ~99 Mlscellaneous -- 94 50 11__ '_ i ' I , I I Debt Retirement .120 OO! -- , I 1__ 5 670 , 4n70 po I i , - - , ,~~ 00 , ,~~ 66 , .000 00 50 4000 10 60,0 00 '" I I ! , i I 5 .400100 t.OOOIOOi 150 I OOii __If I' Ii 560 OOil ,200 001 11 --II I' .800 00 Ii . II 150 0, Ol'! 75 00 Ii ~50 00[1 ,1 275 OOli Ii --' :1 'I ,770 OOli 900 00 900 00 300 00 2 .000 00 .520 00 450 00 I .000100, ALw""" +=+==/1 BY BoA!<<) , , , ij " - I TITLE OF FUNcrION Num....- I 01 Num. Functl .... 01 TITLE OF ITEM 1_ - ~A'OVANOEMENT OF A(}RICULTURE &: HOME EONOMIOS 11 109 Oompensation of Stenographer 114 Oompensation of Farm Demonstrator 114 Oompensation of Asst. Farm Demonstrator 118 Compensation of Home Demonstrator 118 Compensation Assistant Home Demonstrator 218 Telephone Service 311 Fuel-Hgme Demonstration Kitchen Page' 15 YEAI\ ENDING JUNE 30, 19 58 INCI\IlAS& OVER DF.CBEASB UNDER YEAR ENDINO YEAR ENDING JUNB 30. 19 'j1 JUNE 30. 19 51 I . 'I I I i I I I ,. 4iooj I I 1280 10 I I I ' I I i I 200 00 I I I , 120 00 I I I 160 00 I I I I I i 10 00 , I , I I i 25 100 13 ELEOTION 109 Oompensation of Office Assistant 112 Oompensation of Election Officials 200 Advertising 3>9 Freight. Elxpress &: Drayage 214 Rental of Election Booths &: Equipment 218 Pos tage 220 ~rave1ing Expense 222 Prt:pll1'ing, Printing &: Posti~ 'Votlna Lillt 319 Orfiol' Supplies ~~ON = ~--- - I I 756 eo 3. 720 po I 1 400 po 1680t 700 I 250 ~O ! , 75 r I ~ t 6 581 po 1 I 'I I! I I I i '~r I 4 000 0 I , -- I: I I; to- " 125 ro I il ;0 00 ,- 1 800 10 50<) ,0 , ' i " I i : - J 535 10 7~105 YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 19,_.56- Ii - ----II YBAREN1>IN!W II JUNE 30.19 ExP&NOlIVRllS 'I APl'lj01'Q,t.\TlON i AmEinCleCl I ! Ii ' I " I I ,Ii 1756 0 I) /756100 1~7.20 811 lr720 100 /823 5 ,I 1~4oo 100 1~680 0 Ii 1~680 ,00 i 700 '~O " 1~~0 ',00 I' I 303 9 'I' '300 :00 I I I 43' ~ 75 '00 Ii ! ': I I, , " I 7 371 100 ~026 r9 I I' I ' ; ,j: I i I , ,t Ii" I' I I , II t328 bo : ! I' 4 980 el :' 26 fO [; 7 ~3 Ii 334 ~O I: 72 6 146 0 t' , 389 5 i 7 564 1'6 roo I , I 1 080 :00 , I i ! 3,500 iOO ; 25:00 ! : r- , 150 po 50 :00 11 800 b~ r 500 \00 ~ 'I 'I II " II !. - ,640100 200 00 75 00 i ~.200 00 , 400 00 I i , , ! ! , I I ' I ' l 000\00 i' I ~. 740 I' 00 i 2500 I j,W>OIOO 1.680,00 760100 1,'f2lJ 00 PROPOUD ExPllNDlI11RllS ,;60100 Jl.440iOO 310 I 00 50100 ;15100 i I ! I ! ,! I 240 100 I I I I i 50iOO , 25100 774100 780 100 i , 600 100 100 ,I'll) I I ! , 80 100 I I I ! i I I I , , 25 100 ALLoWED BY BOARD =;== 760 00 .000 00 , I .600 00 i I, ,800 OO!; I, I' .600 00:1 ;10 0 Ii ,- 5000fi I' Ii 8.120 00 Ii , p \ 'I II l I 1 000 00:: I' ,- 3740 0;: ~ ! 25 001 " " ,- -I I I' 200 iOO Ii 75 001 _1\ 1 200 00 I, " 400 oil 'I 6640 .COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, General UND 19 58 --"---'-- 1_ TITLE OF FUNCTION Number of Num- =~ berol TITLE OF ITEM 1_ - 14 MAINTEl~ANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNr8 102 Compensation of Custodian 119 Compensation of Janitors 119 Compensation of Extra Janitors 207 Eleotricity 210 Prem1mn on Fire Insurance 215 Repairs & Replacement of Equipment 215 Repair To County Of1'1ce Building 215 Repairs to Courthouse 215 Repairs to F8l'II1 Buildings Maintenance ot Grounds 223 Water Se~v1ce & Sewage Treatment Cost 302 Building Material & S uppl1ea 306 Janitor Supplies 307 D1Binfectant 311 Fuel 397 Towelll. T1ssue. eto ;-.) ~ OJ '.lit.. .Ii .COUNTY, vrnOINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES PAge /I 16 FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 S8 General FUND .. YEAII ENDED JUNE 80, 19 56 -Ii YItAR ENDING YEAII ENDING JUNE 3D, 19 5A - : JUNB 50, 19 57 PROPOSED II INCREMB 0_ DECREASE UNDO I Au.oWBD APPROJ.>IUA'I10N EXPllNUmnutS ; - YEAR END YEAR ENDINO APP1\OPlUA'I10N l!:XPBNDI'I'VIUtI JUNB 50, 19 ~, JUNE 50, 19 57 BY BOARD Amended .Amended . I i 1 I , , I , i i I , I J.440 /00 I I 2 ,00 r .700 ooi ~ 700 00 .700100 I I 2 '00 f. I ; , 4 3.20 0 .35 25, ' 560 '00 .960 00 I i 6.000 ! I ! I 250 ~O I ! i i ; 100 0 ,3000i ' 200100 I , i 50 iOO 200 0 I I i I i , I I , ! , a.OOO 00 I I i ! ~ 1925 0 .9971 Z1: 2rOOO [00 I 2000 0 I I i . I' I I I I i I . 900 ;00 ~.470 i 00 ! : I 11 1 200 .~7 79/: /570 iOOI 1 470 0 II i i i i 673 10li !-- : 1-- i II : i - I I I 200 I 00 I I" , I 150 3241 88:' I I I (300 ;00 I L049179 I 500 ,00 ~.oooloo I I 200 0 I ' I I 500 1~000 ;00 ! ! i i 1 000 0 I I ! I I +- , I 5(30 , I 200 , I-- I I i i - I I I I i I i ~ i i 966173 I I i I I , ~ I I 1-- , i I I I - 360 101. 4291 92 ~5 I 5Q9 00 ~25 00 500 0 ~ I - ! 2PO 10 368 37 200 I 1400100 200 00 'I 400 0 I 400 10 633 86 ! 500 500 00 500 10 , 50 10 102 59 100 1'0 00 50 100 150 10 3 opo iO .497 84 3 100 3,500 00 400 00 3 500 10 , I ~5 '0 335 40 200 PO 300 00 100 100 300 10 .- - - , - - r- l' 3~q .~1J;5 09 16 385 '0 19~880 00 ,0 1350 ,0 18 920 10 Roanoke .COUNTY, VIRGINIA Page , 17 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 50, 19~-5B- _ General FUND , TITI.E OF FUNCTION ] YEAR ENDED JUNE SO, 19 5~ , YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 58 Numberl- 'I y..,. ENOINO I I of Num- JUNE so, 19 57 I"""EASE 0_ DEaIEASB UNO... FunctI her of TITLE OF ITEM AP..PRO EXHNDlTVRE8 - PRoPOSED YBAn ENDING YEAR ENDINO ALLoWED It... AiIIe'l'ft{:c!! APPIlOPI\lATlON EllPJlNDITVJID I JUNE so, 19 'Y7 JUNE 30, 19 57 I BY Bo""" = I 18 MISCELLANEOUS OPERATINGFUNG'l'IONS I) I 1 I. I ~ I i II I I I I I I I I I 1~9 Compensation Weight & Measure Inspectors ~ -- I - i I ~~ ~, I I I -I! 200 Advert1s1ng I .25 00 1275 0 i I ~- i! I ,-- I I I -Ii 206 Dues & Subscr1pt10ns 300 00 ! 600 0 I i 600 00 !I I I ~OO 00 ! i ~oo 01' 0 ! ~OO 0 Ii ! I I ", I I, I II 209 Freight, Express & Drayage -- : 16 to I ' r~ II: 1 -- I I' I I I - I I ' I I I I, I I i 211 Prem1um on Car L1ab1l1ty Il181U'ance -- j 50 6 I' , r~ ,I I i 1--' I ! I: I I 213 Premium on Worman's Compensat10n Insurance 1 600 00 1t107 2 i 1970 po il: 1,200100 I '2~0 ioo I I I 1 200 215 Repairs to Vehicles -- I 26 0 II I r~ Ii I i '__I I I I ., Ii II I' I I 218 Telephone (PMA OFFICE) I 2501 00 1252 0 Ii : 200 ro II i 250 00 I 50 ;00 i I 250 228 Civil Defense Office i 500 00 i268 2 '1 ! 500 po I I 50010011 . I ! i, I ~OO 298 >>np10yer's share PICA (Ilatch1ng) J ,000 00 ~f129 1 ~ 3~200 ~O!,: ~!.500 !oo! I ~00 100 I ~ 3r500 . ii' I " I I I III i 2~1 City Managers Luncheon Meet1ng 40,00 i 61 0 I:, i 30 00 .~. '501100 'I 20 lOO 'I I 50 ' I I ' , I . 1', , ' ~OO Parts, T1res. etc. I 200 00 I 13 ~O I 1'100 00 :1 : 50100 i I 50 bo i 5;0 I I '1, I, I I I. I I ~12 Gasol1ne, Grease, Oil etc. . --131 3 I: , 50 00 Ii ! ,--,! 50 po I I I I ~ I I' I 'I I 1 I II ~16 Medical Supplies Ii --. 2 t7 Ii, I -- ',!! ; 10 00 I 10 1'00 I I 10 ~ I ~ I I: I ii, I ~18 Road Mster1al and Repa1rs 100 00 : 119 5 if I - - :1 i i 150 .00 i 150 JOO I, 150 . ~99 Miscellaneous -- )381 f9 ~ I -- ~! I 1-- : i-- ! ' - ii ~99 Refund of Taxes _"I ' 19 11.7 I: I -- II 'I 1 !-- !! I " I II II . I 'i I Il 792 Contr1but10n to L1fe Sav1ng Crew 200 00 i 200 fO Ii ,200 00 ,; I 120'0 I' 00 i :.: I 200' 711 Contingency Fund ,1l~ 00 :- II l'5n 00 91.811 00 1 688 0, ;5:' 261 ~27 Auto Tags "- ,_ "'^_ .200 00 1 200 00 j 1 200 G.E. Sewer Expenlllils - ,35 7?0 .8 _L 150 00 150 00 :,.. 150 0 8tQ~" Inv.nto1'7 ,. _, -r' 1nS! 19 __ [,_ , + -, . -r j - '- ,328 00 ,42 5539 7 42~ 17.~71 00 ~ 798 00 IIaPO 10821 '0 . ----.. - .... , I - TIn.E OF FUNCTlO.N YEAR ENDED JUNE 30,19 5j; YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,19 58 -I, Number YBAR ENDlNo II I' 01 Num- I JUNE SO, .19 57 I INCBBAlJ_ OYER , DECIIEASB UNDER Ar. ' FunctiOl her of TITLE OF ITEM MPROPIUA.'I10K EDBNDlI'1fflBS ill. AP~~TION I ~POftD YEAR ENDINO YJW\ ENDINQ r:owm I: Item AIIlended II ADi811a8a I mma jONE30,19!iT JUN_aO,19 57 BY """ f 2'0 I i I CONTRACTUAL SERVICFB II .. :; I, u '. ,i 1 ~ I , .! I'! . i. I I. i. ! I !' I i I. i I: I Sewage Treatment Cost ~ -~ __,II I 450 00:1! 2t400 100 ~ .950100: II I ~.400 oo!: I 'I i" i' ,T I, I I. , ,I Iii I i I -- ,-- : I 450 00. T 2 400 po .950) 00, ;! : .400 00 i I i I I 'I I t I ' , . I I I I 'I I I I ! Ii! I I I Ii 20 DEBT SERVICE Ii I il Iii I ! i! I ii, ! !I I j I j i l . Ii 802 Redemption of Temporary Loan Ii -- , --I -- i I i r- ! i I! --Ii 80' Interest on Temporary Loan - 29 521[ --;! I ..-Ii ! ,I I --Ii I II :'1 I' I Ii i i : I I Ii I ' . --29 52 , -- I -- II i i I --I II I' I : 1 i . Ii : i I : I I, TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSFB -'01.848 28!: 26' .157 9' I I ,06l909 bo i 21).9'11071 :' I 29~~089 00; ,I I., :: ! i 'I i I 'I !' ~ . ji I I~, I I' I: : I I' I ,i I " I . :1, I I I . I' 19 CAFITAL OtrrLAY ! i i i: I !!! i ii, :; :' 1 i :. I 400 Motor Veh101es I , i- ,~.05' 1'0 II II i--:i i 21500 po . ~.500: oJ: I ~.500 OOi, I 401- Fire Equipment ! i-- J.,4() 170 \,! ~.500100!i i 1, 600 ~o I. i 100! 001 i I I ~,600 OO~ 402 FJ.re Hose 500 100 ~ .672 15 I,! II 500 00 ill II 2looo ~O :, ~.500i OO! i I, I i'oOO OO!: I 'I ! I. I ': I I: 40' Furniture & Futures -- ] ,01' 261. 500 00 I i I ~- i : !: 500100 I --I: 405 01'.1'ice Equipment 50() 00 ] ~~l;Ll, \: I 500 00 ~ I lrOOO ro . '500i OOi i J ,000 OO!! 409 Radios . , -- 200 oo~ 'i __:1 I I r- I I ,i --Ii 499 Air Conditioning -- 39444 --I' I - . j 'II I i --ii 499 Farm Equ1pment -- 525 00 I - I - I. i I I --j' : I I I ' 601 I>>lProvement t 0 Bu11dings -- ,~ ,:J.06 67 -- __ I t,OOO o( ,pOO 001 - --'--~--, - 1-=..", .-'_.u.h______._'hU'__.,u ,__uu '! T H ---:i' I: ., I' ; I ';. , 11. -' '.i .000 00 .~! .+17 ~5 . .000 00 7 100 00 ,600 OC 500 00 ,100 00 . . I. :~ d. uu'., ". ".. I . I'" , I , , I I , u, . . , I I " I " t. .. -0 . ." f t; i) : I ;: .' ,I , ' ,I . '. " ' :' tllll _'"~ I . "I I !, " _________ I ; L ! I!! ' 'c'''-'C'-'-~l I TITLE OF FUNCTION = Numberl I - 01 Num- ber 01 TITLE OF ITEM It.., TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES lie CAPITAL 'OUrIAY Inter1'und Trans1'ersl- TO L1brary To School Fund Supplement(Suptfs Saler,.) To Virginia Public Assistance To State-Local Hospitalization To Fa1rv1ew Home '--.r YEAR ENDED JUNE SO, 19 56 ~I ExP.....lTUlIES Ii . I' -. '1=1 ~~J'965 6~ I: , ! i' :i " li ii 49 21~' 781100 1,000100 ,.240100 25 .407 .59' .410 ,,8~IOO 00 00 00 576~9~l-172 j . I I i I i I ~.59~ 100 ~.,86I00 2OZ.704 175 : I 221.262)48 ~I.019 186 5' , I 2lil"W~ 19' , , I ~,403100 ~,500ioo , I 22~~917ioO , I 1~.750100 ".'12 00 ! i ! i ,o~~19' ~ 604l97l I 11r017 po It500 ro 247,0(37 00 281000 bo , '58 ~14~009 o o o 6 ~:\.,O'l ~ 2~,l70 00 ~.250 00 46 00 07 .1'1 6'4/001 07 59 2lf 2 ]. ~o , Ii ,0'7 OOi! " Ii ,500 00,; 'I .087 ool! I' .000 ooil (I .'58 OO!; I I' II II ,I ,189100 17 o ApPROPluAnON Amended FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, Gen 1 -- YIW\ EHDJNO JUNE so, 19--S.1- MI'ROPIUA'(lON Amendea 1 l'RoPOllllD EXPPu~&oJl\D YEAIl ENDING JUNE 30, INCREA8B OVER YEAR END'1!:7 JUNE 30, 19 DECREASE UNbIlft YEAREND"'/; JUNE 30, 19 7 ALLOWED BY BoARD UND --~.~~- --~ ..- 19 58 EXPENDITURE Rqanoke COUNTY. VIRGINIA ESTIMATES 19 'iB Page ;; 19 c "":'\ --~-.. ( '.... ~ - -- _\. :t .. ... .-:-,") ,r- '" ~} f " . , .' n I ~ ~- " Ii Ba~ance beg1nn1ng fiscal year July 1. flooll1 lag Sale Sale 01: Dogs Transportation or Dogs Board otl Dogs , Dog Vacc1na~1on Fees t ,,' "':.1 ., , . :..'>C.~ . iIi', ,.' 1 , 14-. .., "- . , , ii " ,I t , I il i, I, ~ II l ~ ~ , ii , " :i ~ 'I ~ 22 5 283 II ~l ,- ... . '9 5. 456 381 o :, , " " j ! " ! . I' j ;j I i! ;j YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 19 5'; (AcnlAL) :1 I ~ I' I l i ~ ~ 'UND " YEAR ENDING r-- JUNE 30, 19 57 ,; TBNTA.TIVB (ESTlMA.TED) I' _no . . II I 3 560 00 II ~.900 00 Ii 10 000 00 U ,500 00 I: -- >> 750 00 il , 7501 00 -- ~ !i I '--I -- I -- I I j--' , ii ~.'oL 13 560 00 " ( ~ i: '. , . ! i i Ii 1 " " INCREASE OVER YEAl\ END~ JUNE 30, 19 I 7~9 00 750100 -- ~ , Ii " , il :1 ~ " , i .. I' 'I Ii ff I 1~500 100 I I I I , . 131.900 100 FINAL E~TIMATE I 3.900 '00 8,500 00 750 00 750 00 -- -- ~ )i ! DECl\E.\SB UNDER YEAR ENDIN!fl JUNE 30, 19 YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19, Do COUN'l'Y, YmGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 513 Page 120 ft'-~ , _.. _.....' ---"-l TITLE OF FUNCTION NUPl - --- 01 Nwo- Fun.d her 01 TI11.E OF ITEM I.... = 03 Rabies Tl'satment 05 Dog Kennel ,06 Dog Food 07 Re-stock1ng Raccoons TOTAL M1nimum Legal Balance 15~ Dog Tag Sale to State Tl'Bnsfel' to General Fund , .' --), -......,. ,...-.) 1 o'~ "'-- -" , .... ,. Roanoke COUNTY. VIRGINIA Page 11 21 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19 SA ~I FUND . YEAR ENDED IUNE 80,19..-56 _ YEAI\ ENDlNC IUNE 50, 19--2 YEAI\ ENDIN'57 I I JVNB 30, 19 INCIUtAIB OYER DECI1EA8& UNDJ'J\ APPRO'RlA110N ilDoNDlTOI\IllI APPROPlUATlON I E::':""':.. I YEAR END'N57 II YEAR ENDlN"57 l JUNK 30. 19 JUNE: 30, 19 , 50 00 . - 50 00 50 DO ~o~ 00 : 261 93 i \ 100 00 150 bo 50 0 5.00 100 250 95 ~ 250 00 200 ~o 50 ,00 150 100 - i 200 00 150 0 I 50 00 I I i I - - I I: ! 1_ I II ' 6 600 0 12 525 1 1\ 6~810 100 6 740 0 995 0 1 065 00 250 0 - II ! 250 00 250 0 "50. .. <>52 f41 ,l500 00 , 215 to 225 100 3 825 10 .Z 584 h 5 000 00 5.635 0 ~35 '0 1 I 12 0.2' ~ 1;! 162; 13 560 00 13J900 ~ 1.~'0 ~ , ,., I , :.: =~ .. - S~ate Assistance Federal Assistance ..--. state Local Hospitalization County Assistance U'nme.tched County Func1s Virginia Public Assistance Refunds .. . -.. -_. , --, 'It: ~L REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 50, . 'U7IRGINIA PUBL:!:9' ASSISTANcE :1 :I Ii ~,.. ~.., ~- II " n - 11 II , t " ~ " " 11 1 YEAR- ENDW JUNE 30, 19--56.- (AcruAL) - ". 2' 16 5 -' 1 - ..lL_ ~I .40,,51 61.i,! I " ~ , " .364 ii! I .838 o,Of. ' .79 -- . .18616 :{ \ , ! ! , i; r ,. I, ~ '9:1 . ! 247~979 100 I 521198 00 12~ 8~0 60 8 750 bo YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 57 (.tie'ni:a UNO 19 58- 57t990 Xli> 5 2110 )00 , " !I , !; h 'I !: I; ~ I 27fj,445 I 00 8 1,195 '00 1 ,~~l 00 -- 6 .699 00 I . , I I TD-"TA.11VB EsnMA.... -- ~ IN'CREAS.E; OVER YEAR ENDING JUNS 30. 19-'5.'l.-_ YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, u ~ ~ " Ii ~ II ~ " ! Ii ! I i I I i , ! , i i -I f I I I I , I , I I i DJ::ClIEASB UNDER YEAR ENDJNQ JI..I!'IB30. III 19 58 278!.445 :00 6 FINAL ESTIMATE -- ,..- n coliNTY, VIRGINIA Page # 22 ('-- -, ( - --, , __ __i) _ ;: l ~ TITLE OF FUNCTION Nom - - of Num- Functl her 01 TITLE OF ITEM 1- = - 80 70~ General Relief 704 mld Age Assistance 705 Ald to Bllnd 706 Ald to Dependent Children 707 Regular Foster Care 708 Aid to P., ;uanently & T otslly Dilllllale 709 State-Local Hospltalization Falrvlew HQ1118 unmatohed Local Funds GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES . 20 ~671 00 2.0 ,089 62 2' ,O~l 00 2': ,17'176 " I 1 i 247 979 PO .. .' o 2'l~,4451 00 2'9..512100 26~420 ioo 278~445 o. ,I i: ~ 'I rf YEAR ENDED JUNE 90, 19 56 '-1\ ~ ' Expmro : Amended . II , I , ~,9~6 65[. 9t,080\' 2511, t 641 501 , _ I f' ~,,681i 50\\ a{,845197~ ~.186167~ 11 ;~74! 74i T j " ~' .262: 481, , I' , 3.019 86', I 'I" I I I . i --I I i' I ' . 'j l I. , 5.191100 1~.6401 00 160000100 ~ 2 9 t,240! 00 .800 00 ,400 0 .660100 ,600100 .140 APpJ\OPJUAnON Amended 00 'UND YEAR END~ JUNE 30,19 APPRoPRIATION , 6~900 po i 100~475 00 I 7~~~0 po I ~6,OOOl 00 26.040 ~ ! J4~285 00 : 18~750 00 ! ~t'12 00 I I ~t'51 00 I , ! i !i I " . I 1 , ~ 1 . , U , , ' I! ~ II 1 Ii j d 1 ~ I , , I j I , 17'" 640 00 I 28,.000 00 ':.'58 00 I I -- I ! I g.522 00 ! 101,800 00 7[,';2 00 ,61,960 00 , 1 27:,900 00 I I l' 622!00 t \ 9~~25 100 ; I I 2 iOO I : , I i 960 100 , , ' lr860 \00 : i I '~'55 \00 , I 9,250 ;00 , \ i 46 ;00 I i i ! I ! I I i I ! I ' I I I i I ';,1'5100 I I I I I I I i \ I I , I 1 I i I I I 2'9~~12 109~800 7~'~2 '6~960 27~900 \ 17~640 I 28~000 I 'r~58 I , I o o '0 o pO PO 00 00 , I' I' I, Ii i I I: I: .I \; ~I I: ,I YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19. 'I IN~BOwm D~BUNDBR PRol"OilUD YEAR EN>> YEAR ENDm E............,... II JUNE 90. 19::57...1 JUNE 30, 19 !>7 8~522 M.LOWI!D BY BOARD o - VIllQUr.J;A-l' '''. -~ 4.- COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 5 8 SIS'rAN.1l.E ---" ""- .' :--~) Page 11 2' '.." ~..: . Oenera1 Fund state Funds Fines & Costs Re1'unds .i". '#- -, , ~ ~ I' ij ~ ~ ,948 ;59.300 ~b07 06. ."sa 61;- 259 65; , . , " , 'I I I " .~ ~ 26 " ,4031 00 ,403' 00 -- j II I I, i< :i . Ii " 1 1li 017 '00 " I -- -- -- ,,017100 Ii I! ! 1~6J.4 00 10 037 o - ~ ~ ''''''''''''''' " YEAR E;r I: YEAR ENDINO JUNlf. 30, 19 JUNE 30. 19~ (ActuAL), {ESTlMATED1- TENTA'I1VE Esn....'" --------. YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. INCREASE OVER II DECJU!:ASB UNDER YEAR END . ' YEAn END JUNE 3D, 19_ ,~1. lUNE 30, 19 ~7 10~037 bo FINAL ESTIMATE .COUNTY. 'VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES " til FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ ".~ LIBRARY .FUND -==1~ J~_ ------ -...~ - - 'IOTAL - INSTRUOTION -..----t."------.-----.-- - --1 -l I- -- I-~ ._-- ~...... t. --'-1-- '---1- . u____ '--~ -- --- -- Oompensation ot Clerk '"Oompensa1;j;ol1'--o! SUpt.. ... ......old-{ , b. .School Board Oompensation of Aee't. SUperintendent (Iompensation ot Other Mmin1strat1ve Employees ::9 43000 E :' ., _._-_.~------_. .'- Oompensation ot 8eoretaries & Clerioal Per80nn i:L ! \2,$40 00 :3,149 76 ICxprees, Freight & Dr8.Yage !: -_, h--'~: _. , . ;;;t;;~~;~~~~~~.~~~~~~Il~~=_~._==~=-== :~t-i~ ~ ';-~-W.-i d;~;' --:.'-~ :j;t~~ _'~ Traveling lCxpenee Of Supt. '. ~6j) 00 i. 333 18 760 00 ------'---------.--.-.- ~'--,--,-- '________.u____,_,..,..", ~ -+--;- -..,~' __ ,_ ++- _..~_. __ -e- __ ..,___ ,_.._ .._, Other .xpenses 11 400 00 ; 3'9 6Q . SOO 00 '-.,-.-.-----'-'------,--------------------,...---------. -, -.--.--~-,- --+-~-" -'- -,--------- ----, --l Ott~Cl~.~~p~~,e....__.,__..__.._ __,u, , _.. .. ',..__ .. ..:_~'_~~~ O~ _ J..l,~2.3.~~1 ___:J ,~~ ClO _, _ , , , Cen8Us, euneys, & aeporta : 300 00 ,1 867 36' _ _ ..-.--- ___'_-.-=~.'__~;~_,_:~~I8~;:~~~~l{_'_~-~"-'-'-:---:__ .., rJ7 Oil 00 I 27 476 77 ~ 780 00 - IN TIII10 ION , 'I I, -- ~..suJ.~'p-~y SC~Ogl_~__~',l',l!.__:rN~i'.~q~IOJL.__,..__ .eOO.a90 00 " ".on A9233 " o1._III:'1413g 1.878 171 - P T-TIME. SUl4lERSCHOOL_ .....__'_.._______,__._____ Li--L---- ~I,_,,___'_+,'---.~..-,_- '_'" JEven1ne; - Aoadem1o ..! i- r ,- - _ _ - J<LV.'!!1na..~_'l.o~a.UJ1ruY._ -- -..-- -_______..________~...... ~_ __ _.1 JiO..7 b'li _,_.1 .Mln 00,_.." , , Par~time - Aoadem1o --n-..._~,~-_~-,-='=,_.J-fa.~~:-~: ~~:~~~~; :~' =~;rt~j;;-- '~l dop 00 ~O 14~ 76 11 000 00 ------------- -'-lli -qolrOO. , w -T~I '600 1M - ! i i.'... '? 80 " " '--- -. --~ I"; _ -w- .~ ~l-~OO i : i I~ 1= q~g ".. ~~: -. -- ,1'f'" '; .~l' ~e 00 l, !" 7 40.:, 6~C7~ Ie 1 - 1=- . ! 1 J' I i ' i: 'I I 1 + -t-+ ..-, -- --+-->- -r-,- -- -,. I I'; .. , I I,: I, , + ..i......l. ,I" I : ,! I' I 'I ' :' I' -rj tt iT-I -I-tt-., .-- I ' , , -r -r - -1-1 I! 1 i Par~t1me - Vooat1onal .- - .._~.__.___..___.. _..... ._____._u.._.._._u_~ Speo1al & Adult ,. --, - ]J',;,fijer--lIithool '-----,----,- ._ !!~._r Expenses of I~struo~!.on_.___, Veterans Training --- -- . 'rO'l'AL ...&VI I , . -- ..Onuw. i7-a RAT1~ .- ,_.. Compensation ot Kembers Numbel L of It'Unctto: .NI ~. TITLE OF FUNCTi"Ml Num- ber of Item TITLE OF ITEM -4 W--I : I I I : 11- ! -: APPROPRIATION YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 00 EXPENDITURES : l- i , ,-.- ,,173145 I -'- ~1~,7~100 ~,e80 00 i I ; i ! j ;, H i ; -.;-. ;-.. --~--~ .--t.- - ,-.- i I. ' _i _. ~ -~-1 I ': ; i Ii: I ,- I' i i i!, l " 'I' , -T-~ "~T -- -r, _-l_ ." 111 \ I l ' I I ,t i ------ .-...---t-.. , _1 QOO.~O_ :~ .: :;~J: - , :- ~E,jJ~l : :-\ i 1 - dH --.- .-..-- S -' :~'-~~~'l~: 8[:~:.I::, 000 --_o__f_. - -~~l~:_ i74 ~A81~ - 800 -..........,.-. 4' -- ! I , , -.. ~ H0 r-- DO -, 1001 ~OO - - - .;. i . -4 t' +-- -t__ .. .. , - 1000100 ~ - - 00 , I ' . Il~ " I I, -:s~:;~i~- ;. ----......- ..-..-_.~.- .. -3~u 1~7 .iZl..Il2..L JI80 L-.._, -t-T __ 325 .0_ o o o '''''BE ~j~;-~ 4 o ,~, iO!lqq 0 - ;LJ~!l~ ~~O~ 76() . ......... Q~ :J,. L.~~ -."- ------ 19 "f YEAR ENDINll. JUNE 30, 19_ b? ApPROPRIATION YEAR ENDING JUNE 80. 19 58 DECREASE UNDER YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19...5L. '- -7 . .-- ~' IOANOItE COUNTY VIRGINIA , , EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30,19 58 _ _ SOHOOLFUND .. - 1 YEAR ENDINJl JUNE 30, 19--...!il. EXPENDITURES Ar1'nOPIUATIO:': I I ! I I I I !' I I \ I - i j I I -Hi--~l ,IL~ 00 ,L__18 ~ ,_;..17 do __ 1 ' I' , ---- -t- --~~- ._-t...~- .. - -. -- -----, . --,.-.- I ,L : ~-l, -I5OV- __' '178_ ,9.9...., _,8.:1 00 ) ,I L -&00- 00 ., ,'_,"- "____ n' ,,"__, '.,..., , ' .....-4_ -_._,-- - t.....- -.- ._, ~. - -____" ...J\tQ Q~ ae;"QQ i , . _ ~l:-' .. - - ~~..~- ~ ---!--- --.- .._. __"Jo.99 .Q~~ - - --- ; . .' -If!:!9QQ , ,~OOO 1 ,~.ti41l .Of iQO "" ;-" I~ ~; ,:; ~ ~. \( ---- . ,Q,tlI$l'.:J:,J},.trno1;1ol)@l Qo It I _no ...._~.____._.___ .~;l~~;~::~..,j)THEll.XWSTlUlOTIO~- ---~ "Vet. -- Tra1n1ng.Suppl1ea,___Travel" .V9Q!~t.1cml!ol_~"~!1~.mL Sup.P.l.1,e ,L _____+___.____.___ ~tlon Paid Other Dlv1elonii _,__ _ Gt!leral ~PPl1e-h_~P.!!I__~~__obe@.." ~t~_________ __~t_o.ry,-B\!ppUu-.-----..-- ._.____ .__ .on_. __ __,.,__ ..L1brar1e......BQOka.,___pu.a & Per.1QlU.oaJ.s____ . V..n"..' __.Tra1n1ng"Supplla.s,_____.________ Textbo,olta. Furnished Free .----1---.--- -~~- -"--..-----' -- ---, ='-l~- Me410al Suppl1..- ----,-~QTAL__ '"~-,...~~''''- ~. --.-.--.- ~lDnl).fI"t.1c9.n_ qt_.Pt_~U,._U__ ____ OCIIIIPlllSa1i10JLot.Jiurua.____ _______ QlI.IIIJluleors At,tlndanol__,m_.., .child Labor A"m1n18t.r&tlDJ1 _ .... ,.0 thl1".. ,OODr41Jlat. ,_..4C_t.1n.t.1..__ .--- Q.O~.P.!!1'_~j:4,QA.9f_,!lf..~t.~~.. - u '- ,':t--::I: j~._ -=~ .._~ .-~': i i II ~ -.-- -- I -t--~ --, 'J -0--' "~. 1 i! --- _;~2.4l>, .00 "'to- no ,,' '... ~ i :. -..., - t- -rf --- -- -',--' --,..-:- -1'" .. 0" .......' "'- --. ---.---- _--...-. - ~-. 00_ _ .. ...-_..._ ..--.__'"t.._ I :, , _. .___________ ___ I ' COORDINATE-AOTIUT.IE8 ._ i ';~ ;~n,;,;-;:....i'.-!.h,....,;.-:~~.{il~"\';Jx'\":~.:l-lf~~1::.:::.r::'~:7:':A:~'-'1':1)O""l"L,Ij-, ~ {t"f:~ ~';." J.' ._,) ':'1 ~ _"P. ,:t: ---~ ,Q()JJ~'{L__ e1o.o. -,,--_. .~._-- -~ t .i. j~~J~~ .. I .L ..--.,. t: - .iod , -._1\l~9,&4 i _'''-_8' .Q ~ -1'- ~, ~! Q Q~ .Q< o -+ I I 1 I 1 I I + , 1 .. - 1JLJJ .':" 1+ ! I - .. ! ,! : -r. " -+"j-- --- -- .-t. , ! , 1 i ..j. i ; i ! , . j 1 I . " ,~, ':~ " . : I ~ !5QOIOO , - - - ,100100 50 - :~ - .-.'; 100100 00 ,"n , ' , " -.-+ --")'" --" , ' j ~ ! I i+ T - , I ,~ ~5100 , . "I ,2QQlII -. I ..,. -- '=E - - ~51 OC vO YEAR ENDING JUNE 39, 19~ INCREASE OVER DECREASE UNDER YEAR ENDIN~ .. ~~ ~~DIN~ JUNK 30, 19...JiL n oJ UNI!i ~u, .Lu--57- , =c= , :. . , ;!: ; .~~ --~ ...- ~ o~ mark. to -\---.--1 TraYJl Elt-olnse of Su.penhor8 ~ Voo..PeX'.QMJt1..__ " ~. ~ i7 1-- -~.-.... ,----- -+- Numbe1: of Functlo Num. ber of Item TITLE OF ITEM APnOPRIATION ~ PROPOSED ExPENDITURE'J ALLOWED BY BOARD T1TI..E OF J;'UNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 30. 19, COUNTY, VffiGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 SOHOOL - - " 5i FUND 68 ,,/ - - llOANOn: ,. - - 2. APPROPRIATION ~ ~ PllpflA: ., I i Oompensation ot Bus Drivers ~,t~do 00 Oompensat1on ot Guage EmployeeB I ~l ,~~o 00 --- -,.--- .--,--.- '.rranBport.at.ion by COntraot ! I : ., ___ _ ____ ____ __ Transportation by Publ10 Ut1lit1es _ i i ldo 00 Repairs. Tires, TUb... Parts i i. ,odo 00 .".--.. -~._..-."- - - -- -."------ -.----- ------ ~------ 1-- ~ " ....!" GaBol1ne, GreaBe, & 011 ! ~I, ~90 00 - .. ,--... --"'_._-J'1rlrInBlIrann.....-jlus..- - --.----,,-----,.--- '- -rT 'Ii ,_ ____ _,_ ,-----L1abUu.,_.Inauran~,BwlIl8_____ ! i! ~~nl no Other TranBportation COBts , ! . I . --. -- ----, ----'-...--,-.-------..-------.-----,".- ...,--_..,-" ....---------- - 'Tr' : - .1 Tet-al - '!'ran!!PQrtat.1on '11 .4( 0 00 'J--- ",.,--,---.--------------,.,--,......-.--. _..,.-,,--,-, -- -'-"+, r', t--. 1 : 1 I I ., 7~__, _.. ,R.'PJ.a9~1IIl!!lt...Qt.~I!.I!___,_______,__ ___.__,,_'.__ : I '.. ,Q.Q 7-d-f Other Auzll1ary A8enol88: i :' 1 1- u-u-~~~~-:OUR...".cf~::i~~I: ..~.~~ ~.,~r.rl: o~: TotsJ. - O'ther Auxil1ary Agenol88 20 !lOP 00 ; 2;1,512 04 :ae ,200 . 00 37 400 00 17 200 '00 ,.,~ ,..m _,_-_~~_=.-;~;~.=~~~~;;~~;~~~.~=~~_~==.. ~~ Ad aAol1} 1~ 080 00 1"'- 717 50 9 86'7 50 OP OFSOHOOLP' i !: , -----. ..-----..----,,,-'----.-----,------ -f-'-+-'~ -t---..+- ----. ...l~- -~--- -,- ---,--- -"--' ---- - ...... ...,-" Oompensat1on ot Jani WrB i $'7,000 00 i liif ,~1~ 2a 8c ,000 00 85 000 00 5 000 00 ---.- ----- ______.___________~..____.____u_________ _...,........ -..........c- - --t ,_ ___ .. ____ __+__, __ _"n'_ ....--.... ___ -........ ..____, .. o03enBation of Other Employees ; I - 1 I... , _ _ _ I !Ii.non.no : ' : ... .~ .........r_~~_=::.:::: 1ff::;:: 1': ~; ~:~ :Ei-: ~I: ~~ ~i . I :8,q~~ r.&,~'7~ 80 :e.~,~ 00 18~50~_00__~_~t ~_____ .e,qoploo I ~e.'~ 26 ; ljl~,~oo 00 1~6 OO\> 002500 0 ~ 19J1~."; - . - - -:- i ._' - ~-- ..-.,.+- -;;t~- ---+ f-_.... 0-. i~~I~~ ~:-; -; :[ :.h"..:~~:~lt~.', ~!l~,~ '~ 114 ~. 11 .,.", ! ~ .m= I " l i I; I i IiI i + rl +- -,.. 1- +-,' .. -H- -. l-t-+' .' !, !! I ii' i-H -r roo t I \ I I I , i l' ,: j . ' I . 1 ,I , " " 7~' I,: \ , " 'j. r .------1-.--.- ....~'7,..,.~ 'l'?".~"Z!\:~,' ~~r.;:~~.t , -+.--~ Telephone Servioe ---~--~-'- ..-----..,---...- Water Serv10e -'-~ --- --_._--_._~-_.~-- Jani tor SIlppl1ea ._---~--- J'\lel _~nn,",'~_ . _ I"". ' , t lL_. n TOTAL --~. ~ti: - OPERATION 01' SOHOOL PLAH'l' --- '~ -~&1 ; i ! 1 '----r--- iT , ,", -, I - - - 1- - - - - -I j I , ~ "['-,' ~B'~' ~ -+--i- . Ii' : I .: ,-- ~ ,I , ; 1 I .....- 86 000 ._.' _ n~_'_' - 20000. 4 200 ..~- .-.--.- 6 500 .-- .----..- 8600 140~0 #~~ .0"1 ~ 1'7i1717 ~; ... )0 ~O JO )0 JO TITLE OF FUNCTION I ~~~~ I ~.~. _ __ I 'i~'" .I.........lJ1!I V.E' ENOIE.& EXl"ENDlTURE8 . Tlti '41 '~~ ! .TT'I" I 91.n,41A6 I i \ I , 'I L 1 ++ I 260bo 13 710 ~ -~-. , - Ii! ; Iii I t-l -W i . ,Qob 00 . 1 ,$4P 00 .~.. 50 1 ,<:lOO 00 -+. .- -~. 2 ,<:lOO 00 t--~... -...-.-_. _-v , _. _ 0- ,lOp.oo, 980 0 ~---. .. ._-_.-..--~ -.. 12 37 50 #--+.. . .--.-.--- lol ABO QQ... - --.-..!"- ---- 3 980 00 iii 7'77 50 -.- - .2 750 00 130 00 -' -];5'1- 50 - .. -,,_.---~ .~~~O~, ~o. .. l..i - --'T~'- --+--- - .' 3 - 3~ 0-_ - 000 -" -,- 2Qo._ - ~ ~O lO, T 1 Bf;, ~f- - ~~t~~~ - )0 )0 trftQ.... A.L.IloUl. YEARIilNDEl) JUNE 80,10, 58 YE.'\R ENDING JUNE 30, 19 fi7 ApPROPRIATION PROPOSED EXPENDITURES YEAR ENDING JUNE INCREASE OVER YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 10-57- 68 30. 19. _ - - D.&:CREABE UnDER YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 10-57- ALLOWED BY BOARD EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 SCHOOL 58 FUND . . - . RJANOKE COUNTY, . VmGINIA - - 3. is I J.: ~ ~Q : ~ ! i! :' I i I -, i: ..J_ +"- ____ _. _+,__, _;, _._ ' __ , ! I , I '-L- - -~-t- -._~- -- - ~ --1-: - ---- - ...--.-- --f-_. _--0" --1 i8 gob 00 '. 814 ~. _ ...Q ~OO_~O.. ,--t- ..,j _ ,_ 'I' . I , -~oo ~ ~ QQ. - i .~ j~t],O ".. .,:5 QO!>O.O - . ; ~,~ :~ -- J-,! ~~~~_ ~,~.~ _;~_~;~ ! ~: ,-, ,- :6 000 00 -: 00 00 I '88 82 2l.1lP7 Q~ ! ,: .- ...........--.t- --~-........t-- ~-- _..... . -..;..--+-- .-.-- ~ . -< , , , I I ,_" ---....-.......- --..... -t--- ---.-_.~- -----.-._~---. _m,u___. .---- .-....,---. _.---_.._~--------_.._..._._-_._-~----_._-,--_.- Al',olll._t.e,oj;,' JI 1'e.., ..-, -, ---- ---, -- .. ---- --, . '-~"-::.T' N!tl!,J~~l!991.,_~U~__.__,_.__,,_,,_______,._________._ - .J.-tl- . _;..__ I , . .O:t.huM.o,tg}:' _VtA2,.Qie,L___ ___,_.,____..,__ __ _.+~_.;, _ Equlpment_ tol'_.Bu.ll.cl1I1P_.___ ..___..u____,__.____, _ -~-Jl cioiQQ. ii' I , _ ~q1.\!pme!lt."t.o.r Jl_~~..ll!_~~e..!...___ ___..__.,____ .;....L ..':..J__ , ' _. ~~~"lI.aBe_ o~__~~d______._,____..____~______ _.LL ~ i I Improvement to S1tee -',-, New BullCIinge"-'--.-- .__ A1.t.U'&11onB ot Oldjlulld1l1Ae ":0"-" Ot.ller:.~l """" OlI.UU__ _._ _ _..L-~!l'AL - OAlI'W.t...9J'-'lt.AJ~__._,_ h_ ._----+---- "_._.-.__._---_._._-~._----_._- , l I '-..- -r - 1 ,- , " r-- ......-+-- - - - -+--- ---.. ".-- - - . - ~t-~ ~ ----~_~_-.~- u_ ,- - ---+~ ---. , ' I ' . '7 Q2 I -t ' ii, ' , -~ ...,--+- _.- ----+ -+- ,I i ill' i ' i.- -t.+-- --.- "- -~~_.. -- -".- .---- --- -, -~..-- --"-,-- .. ,- ----,- . I ,: 'I' i tT':" " ,; i I I '. '. --to- 1-1- ,""'-'" +-r -~ 1-1..... II' ,: Ii, i ' I I " ' J....J- '1 ' IT : I I ' J ; I 1 1 <--...- .-... 70 11 o~ 00 - -.-, - .......-+--- !..I_.,.-- ",_.._ 97 - 00 OC ~; I~-:-=- ~~~l~i~~~:-::~;: ':QC _..-.- .- - ... , ;L~J9l!:too ,9_qoLo~ J I : I ' , __,,__'-_ __o____t-'. I : " ~ j' ~ -'-'''JJ,' i ~." -~-.. ~' ,I I : i ' TrT ., I -, 1 . , - .~~ .". ... - ,~~~I~o - . - .1. 90 .~ ~ ! i ; - 1:: .~I<m '. ~ , OC oc YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19~ 1t."CREASE OYER DECREAsE UNDER YUR ENDING YEAU END1 h~"T~ '~"" J' I~ saoo' _, -+-+~ ~ 0 -r-'- ~~- .-- _~ - ___0.'.__ ctITAl Q -.~--- -:Fr" 1 10ther Expenees - Maintenanoe ot Plant J~=[=-- _, TOTAL - MAINTENANOE OF SOHOOL PLANT . ------ H---.... ___.___,________.___ ~~e~~.~n,~~~_B.?_~ 1-- OlJ~X Fire In8lU'8Iloe Z;raollny- Insuranoe'..-------- WorltmeA!J_.OOlPllell811.t"O{L Rent. _ Other F1xed Ohargee Thift'l:nsuranoe------------....- 1i;IIIP!.~Y:~~~', _l.:!;QA._ .fOm. - _FI}(EP QliI1.RgE_~ .-- - ~I.u. - Q.9 , 1--' .... , 2 -, 1 OC -OC OC OJ .~.._..,..._ _".u, oc -. -~ t--- , ._ ',-0 - .~J--- - . - m:, 0, oqj 1500 0..91 200 00 --....- 600 00 -.-..-..-- .-..-. !5Q0 00 I ! I - ,~o.oIQO $97 Q2 .. .. - - . - - 2871 Q2 TITLE OF ITEM . tlUtlUUlr .1't..Aft'J: ~1r ot Bu1ld1ng~~UpkeBpot Grounde Repair ~_Replaoement ot Furn1 ture & Equipment EXPENDITURES k~ ]3 5 ~ 24 I J~9 lob 00 j i, i 6,000 00 .+--- - m:0 0 C 600 OC . 2 10 00 _...-- --',-- ,- , J ~~ 001 ~t:~~ 600 00 :+.. - '~' " . tl 380 00 I __1-- :';;ro ~ ~-= - Numbe' of F1.mctlo Num. lberof Item :or!! YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19_ ApPROPRIATION PROPOSED EXPENDITURES ALLOWED BY BOARD APPROPR[4TION TITLE OF Ii'UNCTION YEAR ENDED JUNE 80, 19 5& RODOU EXJ.>ENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19 SCHOOL FUND 68 ......., . v - - COUNTY, VffiGINIA . ," - .. 4.. ----,..-., - ']--' -~--.-- -." '--'" -'C"'" ___ _'_ _'_ ,__ '.__ .' - ---- f ',~ ---- ,.- '- -- -~..- -.. '.- -- , ~-l : . ..i+- -:.. -1--' - __ .~__ __" __ __, - '-r ! i ,...... ___ __ ., ,._., _ ____ .. I _._ __ I _ ___.,- , i Ii, .w.- , .-, '. i Ii -_ .. tT'TT ' I -1., _._ " ! -- .--:- -...-- -- .. I: ;, __-__ ___'_'-'" L I -t--+- _, , ' '-i- -- -- ': 1, ...... ---:- .. , i +'" : I ' - I, ,'r -t+' r:i,,.,. -t I!, :' , I " , ' "-+ t' 1" t I ' + I I I I, I I " ,- 11:;, \;~- . '" - ..-A--A1m11A,.~+.nD...1n sx1.a-U-J. .+.'h._ ,0. Budget, wh10h lnoluded an est1d1abd tJ,o.ooo,o --1 thl. purp".,_.Th1.1 , tem haa 1iI1110-be41Jl 4ela.t.- from the adopte(l budget tor that year. -----~-~J=_ ----- -- + ~;r I 1. , ' IT Ii' I I I -. -......--~ , '.1 , --c-t- .- t , -+ i , , 1 ..,. ------ 1.___.:... ~ .. , j. I 1 -II-"""';"'-j-- i- ,-,.,+--- ~........~ -- -~i-~tIiL'-' .t1'- 1 - "-:--r" , , , , , I I _L i I '-1; II! I ! I J i H"'r;- il 11 ----..... 44 I I i '.1 ' I ---:- ,-r-t-- ~ , , !i 80, 19~ DECREASE UNDER .._!_~ E.~D1.\1~ EH"U",5 OU': '~~ -+---0- -~t- : - .! : - I -11--- --'- ~ --=l---- -..-+----.'-" --r--' DE'~ 20 ----...- ---1--.-.- .-~--- Balanoe at O1o.e ot Yo'.. ----------..---,----.--.,- '---"'- ,- - m____. -,,:,. ,...,' -~- 'T, TOTAL - DISBURSEMENTS" BALANCE (OP~:tt>>6 'Ii '5500 _.,__._________..__,____.____________,_Bu ___U_ -- -- ~ '--t- BuUd1n&_I'I'Ogr&llL"',Dl.'~~I'.JIIjl!1.t..ll.Jfd3M~!1.().m ' 0000 _______ GRJ\!lD_J.QT~_=J)f.S~1!~AfEl.iT.!J,__n..,_2 . a5 0 i I, I , 'n __ m_ .___._____, _un ...,un'__,u UH' .,,___ __ '_'0___ ,_ .. _.....__ ___1_ _--L- -I,... i I i a I , ; J ._-~ _._._._._.--~-------~--_.-.__._----_._---------- . ,- +- ! I : t I -- ' ---,...------- -+-H-:-+ .__ ....!, The lQ5'1-58 QPtlrat1ne Buc1Stlt .a. i: , adopted ln the 8III0unt ot ~~. Th1 I.. lnoluded aJl eBt1maWA..lm .Q..QQ ..rvlolng non-Bohool oounty vehiole. at the .__u __Bull GAr-a". Tht A amount 1a....tht1n ""pdq 1:. ;.j Sohool Board by the 0 OUAty qenolell on a lion i . AA th1 B 1 tam rill not "'PPA~ on <> : Annual Report, we have deleted 1t trom the tl ,__ _ __t~ +.lua -nfl.,1 I\t .D1 hI" -.J.- APPROPRIATION ExPENDITUM.3 ! i j :! - ~ i " i Payment ot Bond. i - "-. -. "'t-- 1 : ' Payment to S1nk1ng J'und__.... _.. ' -l--- ..r---- Payment ot L1 te~arY J'und Loan. ::~~~t~~nT:~.~~~~~a[~~an. ________ _ J_I Intere.t on Bondll 1 [ i Intel'est._on_L1:tsrB.l;Y_Fund_1.oana. ..,_____'m. _, .'ZOo. 00 6~:~~b~n800g~ary L~n. _.__ i~_ "0000 'rOTAL - DIllT SERVI~ 30 82 00 .--~_.._-----_.-._-~._--- ------ TOTAL - DISBUR5lllIlENTS ,2152,22e a2 a06 8'12 61 _ _"_ _~__-o-__ ..._.__. __Po _..~__._.__.~... .. __._ _0_'_'__ . "__0_" __.___. . _.._~. _"no_ ,2$2,229 82 305 8'12 51 ~-- ---- - ..---t-- --..-:-... --- 8 000 00 1:5 00 00 .0171.229 82 320 872 61 -- - - -.- - , r -'lJ':'/ ---or __.J_..:~, u ~ t:tToo . -. .-J..' ':-f;~OO~O 9 82 _ _ "'._~_ _._ ~l~L_:_U._"'D DO --, I, ~'1 00 1-_ __ -- ;,00 00 . -_._-~ ]~- ..............,. - - - - I- . I- - .- . I 1+'--'-- I I. I- I~ L. - --- --. --<-" -. .-.-.- ...--- - .- 815 00 9&'1 229 2 - '-"---"--fl-- , r Numbe of Functio TITLE OF FUNCT10N ----t "'T.._ I ~;~ Item YEAR ENDING JUNE INCREASE OVER YEAR ENDING _ __ __ c:'rf .. UNE 3U, JU.....i.U.-- 1 '7. I I TiTLE OF ITEM YEAR ENDED JUNE 80. 19 51 ~ " YEAR E~ JUNE 30, 19 ApPROPRIATION PROPOsm "ExrENDITtrnP.8 -- AL10wm BY BOARD ROANOICE_ COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPEND1TURElES'l'IMATES ' FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1958 SC~L FUND . . V .. - ., . .. .. 5. . - .. . ( I " L-./ """"""" rROM I -:oiiii aUOD a, f.ppro ) _ _.__.b. .en..... ..".. - PupJ tion --....- .U_ .-. M1n: nPro , _._.~- Ball lon 1 - 'Looar- SUpirv181-on-.-. _...__u.m .,n__ _ 3PII!l~al &_.~ul~E~\loat1on.: a. Salar1ee ___.PL.~pp!!_e.!L~__ __ __~___. --"--- . fk.lpervlelng Prinoipale D1eoretlonary FUnd Vocational: a. Salariee .'.- - .1.., Travel o. . Bulld1ngs and Equlpment Teaohere' Sick Leave Free Textbooks Other State Funde Veterane Training fk.lpplies TOTAL - .TATE FUNDS 1'1\011 I'EDERAL FUNDS I'oreet Reaerve J'wld 8fhool Lunoh Fund (and Bpeo1al JI11k FUnd) Publio Law "'8U1 .-. Publio Law'874 TOTAL - PEDERAL FUNDS '...' , .---+ .. .. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA I. REVENtJE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30. 19 is SCHOOL FUND """ YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19 58 Y_E~ YEAR ENIlED - JUNE 80, 19 JUNE 30, 19 67 TEN'l'ATIVB INCREA8IO 0_ DECREASE UNDEII FINAL YEAR ENDING YEAR ENDING . (ACTUAL) (ESTIMATED) ESTlMATB JUNE 80, 19....li'l.... JUNE 80, 19-..Jrl.. ESTIMATE ~ ~- -;"- ~. '~I --0 .1 ~I-T--- : I II " ."_ _+~ n_~ _ .___.~_ 5oiooo o.~ 582,000 bo . . . . 41&5 160 81 000 00 - 682 000 00 --, -~12 'd. - - 20S 000- 0 r'24J 00. -.1 000 00: - . -.94 000 0 . _,1,5, Ofl ._ i~ ::0 .-l::~:~ . ~&5,000 00 - . ~8 .QO!> 00 10&5 800 8 217 00 - 148 793 0 --- _._-~-_. ---.----. ------.-. ,_._~.__.. ---..-. ---. --.,.--"- _.-._---.-.-. h. ~. . . ...-. ...... .. 1107 5415 117 995 0 119 170 1 875 55 - 119 870 e;5 '--0- lOG ---'-.". _.~'.._- ---. - --- ~.- ....-- ."---~.-- .- - ....- . ...--- _. .---<0- _____. 9 600 0 12,100 0 2 500 00 - 12 100 00 ..-'-- "._-~. -~-- .".. ..--. 9 191 8 12 727 4 727 20 - 12 727 00 -.._.- ._~._-- ----..... --.__..- _.. - ...--. .-----... .--<.- .... --'- _..--~ --."- --_.- 1 3&53 2 8,300 0 - .39 00 OS 300 00 ."___. __..._..___ _mo. ...-.- __. U .... .. . - - - - - - - -..-..- . , ..-- .... 27 943 9 36,200 0 - 740 00 36 280 .-. 959 9 .- .1~360 0 200 10 1 350 - 57:4<) 0 3,000 0 .2 000 00 - .&5 000 &5 09~ - - 3 000 10 .. - - - - - - - 00 0 - 200 '0 10~ FO 17 5 - - - - . 810 129 I 91 5 109 949 75 - 021 3 '5 = 98. 9 150 0 - - .50 )0 /21, ..~, 5 .20, 00 0 37, QO 10 17 0.00 10 37 000 0 '"i .I - - b - - "'. .'. , ~ l_1~~ j!J s. 100 10 000 'Q. 10 ~ I ~ :54 I: , 27 000 10 a1 OliO 0 , 50 '0 =l! - "" , . -. ,. ........ - ------t.. ...-. , , -j t- .- -- I' ._.~- , ! : i .- - "- ~- -~-+. 0..- -.~.. --i.-. -......-:---- .-- __----i.-~~ -.,..,~,-, _.._._ _ _~"__ ~-~...f-.- ' 1 . ! ; Q. ,-,~, '.....:- -- -- -991 ~_ ~_ . - !""' ~--- -...'-.- .- --/l8- Opo- 0.--....-. ---- 1'----.--'rO~iIL..~OQWXLrl1Ul2S..____,____,_,___ __'__.. _ ._... ' FlIO!l OTHER J'UBDS i .-- -Speolil.-Gltt. tromFClUridatlOnli-'-Boarc1r--.----,.-----,______. ---r . , _.... .;.' __ _ ....._ .- . Appropriation trom Buperv1eore tor 1/2 Baeio Salary ot Supt. !1 3S1 00 _ 1 700 0 Tultion tromPrivate Souroe . 19 436 75 - - ,000 00 ., 000 0--' .. -TuitlonrroiQ-Another coUnty or-cn;,y---- la-r 00 ____k _~_.u_. -"f. 76<f 0 __ -. --~.t_B'Iulde.__.,._.____.__. _.,. ........ n__._.____...__, ___. .____.,____ _ _ _". ..__ __ __.__..,...... _._. __ ,.._...-. _,...._ ..,. ". _._.- 1'raneportat1on ot Pupils Uii 45 _ _ _ _ I_ . Speoi8l I'ees trom Pupils '---..., 4013 10 -- 7,000 00 4 600'0 --.-.:;."- -... --.-..-. ;.'0'0--0<)' --4~66o- (f ____._ OAf'At.llr1ll1L..._._________.__________.____.___ ,----- _ . lies 5Q .---- -.- -_,_.250 cO. __.t2.5Q.o -.-- _,,_. ......_260_ V_. Sale of Textboolts ,'_ _ _ ' _ . '. , ----saU-oro-uer Slrppl1-ell ---- '.-- --'----------.---------,-----.--.--- ---;-; -Sill' 05 .-. 0 ",;,-"'. t . -l 00 I ... 00 0 -- ---..Ba1..e__.9t._lW_~;LIi:.II~j;.I.____.___.______ _ .~_ __ ___ _ ---..__L__ _. ______=__._ _"':~:'='::::,-- - --- ------------ ~ '--!-I..- -,--........)-. Other ~..!P.ment __,___ ___ _______. _________ 1 1 -,- Rent and Rebates ---------.------ -'--- Refund ot <laeoUne Tax: '------.-;---SGh~.Jlu.....__-,--.---..---. b. Other lIotor Veh101ee ---"1" In suran oe- AdJii'stiiient.--- , Donations tor Sohool Librar1.as Other Funds -- Other Sohool Divisione m. _ nlTl~'A ~::unt)! Lsvy . -- ------.- ---_-=~=:~=======_ Appropriation -De-Unquent-'l'axn'-Col-l-euttJd- -. n. -_,.._ ________ __ i-----LNt...\\_Jl~~1.o..!l_ _ " . . --~- . .. -----~--_._---- ._~._------- '-~- . JIOANOXli: COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 19 68 --- SCHOOL FUND i . ~ i ; , , , , t'""-!".. fb:a ""r/;I '; I i . 1 ' . I i . ! ! YEAR ENIlIU. JUNE 80. 19-ED (ACTUAL) I r ! I ! i , ::I:-H-- lL'i1;!; I I I r 1 I T ! '-~ -r~-.~'O 1 ; ~ T-- i , YEAR ENDED JUNE SO, 19 fi7 (ESt'lHATED) -'l!j'~~OO- ; I: i ' +--- -W- il 00' JL ~ , . - -----I~O TENTATIVE ESTIMATB , Ii n YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19 uo INCREASE OVER DECRI:A8B UNDD YEAR ENDING YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19..M...... JUNE 80, 19_.Ji7.... , .. ] =-,l'-l-= ; 1 ! oJ -- - ,200 -1-.-- .-J ,- - 10 I +- - '- .. --.. -r-"--r - __._ fi2.~.~ , t I FINAL ESTIMATE ; I T -li , I i 7. -r- --. [--' _ _._.__~u L...__ --.~--- .., }j ..~ .~ .' 1 \ ~ .. - .. .. .. . . ._~: 8. . ~ . II . .,.,,: .- .t. - . ~ -~ .~~~: t t " SCHOOL ''''1', k. -~~ ,:.~"~' _FUND i, ~ ~ .......... ..... .. Y"""E~ I YEAR ENg, YEAR ENDING JUNE 80, 19 ell _ INC.....E 0_ DEC.....E UN'" r JUNE 30, 19 JUNE 30, 19 TENTATlVB YEAR END YEAR ENOl FINAL (Aoru.lL) (E8TIMATED) E8TIMATII JUNE 80, 19~ JUNO 80. 19~ ESTIMATE =J'ROK Is==' - I I ,-- - ~..~ 'r. . -t~:n8l.~~~~. ~~i~g'u~ - - - _'-..-.-0 ,-~----- --~---..' -,~.. n_' .. ~ ..' Interest on Investments - - Ixltereit.-iin-Baiiltl>epoil.ti-----------.' .. _.'~.~._-, .--+-..~~ ---- - ....- .. -,.....- ...-- --- .-. -.... ---, 1-'.. ..... - - __.. __J!..Q~~~!d,__:t'l;'QIIL~~S .~_9.th~r B()ur~.e (Temporary Loans) - - __ ___. ____ ._,_ n.__________._.__u_____,____________ --. .. --.--.-- ..... Inoome trom Bale ot Investmente - .. I"+t. TOTAL -..-LOANS,-BONDS,_.AND.INVESTMENTB.__,___ _u___.._ - - - -----. -.- - . ".- -- -.--- =i ....+_ _"n_ -..,---. m TOTAL...._lli:OEIP.TI."'OPEilAnNGBU'DGE':._.____ -. ...-.~. -.---------~. .. .>_QJl. .._O~_ 00 62 210 871 52 - ,1,117 9i~ 2 -...-.-. --.-.+ Balanoe _tr.om Previous Year.. __ ._.... . - ---- e 267 30 34 996 99 84 217 3J It .. . _ .__.___.'l.'Q~.u.REOEIPTS. AND B.AJ,.AN9E_::...OPIi:M~!{_(tBUl;l~Ii:'!'______ 71 201 ~ L 94 3157 31 26 ,229 83 306 872 61 :~ 26~ .~~ 83 __ _ '-V.... '-_._ ..._ _L.____ J___~ _'_~'__"_'_' 'J______ u ...__. + ---"----+---. ltn11 ..1 ni 'Dy.ngrDm App,.np,...1 A +1 nn __ .CAPITAL OV'1'LAX._~_..______ ___.___ -.------. --- -- __+__ n 1957-58 hOiIIlJOunty60s6 Levy t3&58,OOO.00 ---.- -- aa8 OOG. ..I'J'Qm . ~~.11!1.~!nt.TllJtlls 5 000.00 6 000 From Ll terary Fund ...... 6e~OOO-:oO -.-.. ..-.--- . -.-.._.- . . 68 000- Fr.ODl. Jll1or.'- . Term L.oan. _ 414.000.00 $815 000.00 77 ,566 80 80 ,000 00 81 ,000 00 16 000 00 414 000 , ~____ - ,___u. ____ __ TOTAL - OPERATING BUDGET Al~D CAPITAL OUTLAY .w ~.74 :~ 82 320 87el6l 067tataQ Asseesed value ot taxable property tor the year lQ57 - 870,8g8,760.00 Deduoted tor estlmateduncoUeoted taxeil-6% .. Rate at Levy tor Operating Budget - 81.50 per $100.00 Rate at Levy tor Schoor.Capltal. Outlay ~ &O~ per $100.00 The lG67";SQSCliool Board Budget was adopte.d by the Roanoke County School ,oard at a s~eoial meeting hdd on J.:aroh 14, IG67 ln the amount ot ~2aS.22G.8 * tor the Operating Budget andIBl.5,OOO.00-torthe Capltal. Ou la1 Bud6et, ora total at _ $3,081,229.8_2. It was presented to the Jloard ot Supervieore of bnoke County at. the1r regUlar meeting ot April 16 and ..&e Passed on tirst reading. Final approval was given by the Board ot Supervisors at thelZ'regularI/l8etlna on Kay 20, 1957. :;~ ~~y SOhool. Boa~t:bnOke County . v. SUPt~ 001.- --' "'''--" ...- -.-..... .- . The 1967-58 Operatlna B.l1dget .all ottioially adOpted wae In the !1IIIount 0 82; 2"~ 229.82. . Th1;s-1noluded . an- eeUmatedalllountottl4>,OOO.oocct.Gbe&'. +....- ,... .-. trom varioue oounty ageno1ee ln payI/l8nt ot eervioe to non-sohool oount,y olea at. Our "SohO01.BulGe.rage .~Ae th1e .-it.em--w111-llot..appear-on -our..6Im Report we have deletsd 1t trom the tlgure toZ' the ottloial bu.dget. _' . - ._t. __..".._._....__ ___,,, _ ..... .......-_____ __ '" ..___ .. A e1JD11ar e1t1iion u:1etelnthe 1961-67~Ht, wh1.oh inoluded an et. - mated reoe1pt of. O,OOQ.~ to~ _~hlll_pI11'pO.'~ .._ . e item has also been deleted trom the adopted bu.dget tor that year. , -.-...- . -.-. -.-" .-- .- .- -...-.~ , I , 1 i"1"."1'~ '.'~-r' :1;"<t r .f,O'ti,.~t :'~r/: l"f:l" 'i"L"'}kL"".,~. a, .. _~;:q;l'< ;.::,::~~~i~~' .:.~~ -',' -~'-' .. ,-",,.,,.,,,~ J~'''' l -',?,' .' --~.......~ . "-~ '~i" .'" _ ". - . .~. ;.~ ... '..."V ,'~" .-;- _' ~! .... ' - ~ ~,;r, 'l " , ,;..'~' V-i!.' '-, < . ).,.." ,._,i.~'a( ,f,'i.....:if" ~. ..:~;- '\";~";l~ ','" _;1 1"2 the Baird of r;f~1i; t.,:,:~t.: of preparini,i')i ,. ';l,j tj;}};~:~ Therea1'ter, and on said day there was filed the fOregOit~';:, estimate. ,t~.::;~ . . .~ .<.\ i',~> <1:" " "j. L .,. -t.}....:~'"": ~;,-.r.' . :""_ i ~Yr~ k,~ "!oh: .-'" ,.: .~,:,,_,l The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors was directed to;~~~;~~ . ;,~';'1 publish a brief synopsis of the budget, and the notice of heariIli( -Ii' as required by law, in the Times-Register, a newspaper having a :i( general circulation in the locality affected, at least fifteeil fft.~. days prior to the date set for hearing. ~~l j:; -'-' .-. .,:,;;;. ~ ~~ ~1>~1 ~ ~.::'-'''.::.' :;,~' ,.....<:_1 ' . -~~ Chairman ~t~~ of the Baird ~p~rvisors. ,ii~ ~~:~) (;;11 ~. L~::::.i.i ;; ;~':,'>~~ '0",:. ':) t. ,",:?(~~:'~'::I " t.,~! ::~ ~/;: :~; " j(>'.~ t};~~.i ,t:,;j, "'-H7::~:'~; - .~;~~ ::~_:,~ : ,l-:.--:.t]:~.' . v.''', ~. :~~"~>}:i' '2 ,_. . ,< .\<;t.+'; i,,~t1~:,!L:i:E I a ~ II c c co. a""'cr 0" ~ -rt:- 1:: On this the Ib day of 1957, Supervisors of Roanoke County me for the purpose and considering the local budget of said County. Therea1'ter said estimate was duly considered by the Board, which, in accordance w1thlaw, fixed as a date of hearing on said estimate the J,O day Of~1957, at the regular l118eting of the Board, at the hour of l:30 o'clock P. M. of said day, said hearing to be had at the Court House in Roanoke County, Virginia. .11;test: ROY1jK. ~~v.CLERK By .Q. Dep.Clerk. ... o ... III I tl Po III i .. .1 I -, ~J o. su ., ,e ~f Ill. :d . g~ ,",' - .~ Ili. ... ~$."'! ~~a 0;::1./.....2 ~:o -, .,,;'" , 11:1. ... . ..$o'tl ~Illl"" .. ' .. : Sot I ~+' . '.- 0' .e. II 2'. Po ...... ..rc:.! r i~ I ,',' . ,[, iT I i.; C' c,_' , ! ! 'J I ' ,., I .1. . . t~ -~ r.. ' __.._.1-._.. , . " => ".. ll'S ~~ , . .._...i--..c_ ..~ ~ ~ "0... .,..' n .. , ,. j , !~ i 1 I I , ~l j. g',<> : ~~\, ~!- . It ......... ~. ' . ~: ... ::.:, ~~ .... Z .... ;I>- .- F~ ! u J, .. ~~. V"II.W ,..aiI. .. , .-.. ...--.~.O_ --I' - ---.- ,. il$~ 1ij~ ~f~. ado~ed. by ~s Board; and '(--. ,,=:.01.::::::'''::':; ':::'7::::: ~:::: lur~~ 1,1:~h5.~. .....' ~RjS, iD order to carry into tore. and ettect said bUdget, it is I~ ~ "~'.' necessary that a tax leTJ' be extended over all legal 8ubjecte ot taxatlon iD !, 1 ~1 's. ?<~ RoallOke Count)', and the several District8 thereot, and 10he Town of Vinton; IICJIf, !HDBJOllE, Superv1sor Minor R. ~etfer, it is ordered that the follOwing le"Y be and 10he sa: S('-qn .;. is bereb)' extended over all legal subjects ot taxation in Roanoke CoUJ1't)', and !i I, the ..fti'al Di8tricts thereof, inclUding the 'low of Bal.. and the Town ot I: [II, Vinton: 'I 11- V- II I: d Ii I 1 .1 I II 11 II BE: TAX LEVY FOR ROANOKE COOIft'Y FOR BAR 1957: liHEREAS, 10he budget tor the fiscal )'ear ending June 30, 1958, allocating the fllncls necessary tor the operation of the gobel'llllent of Roanoke County, and 10he operation and maintenance ot 10he Roanoke Count)' School S)'st811 having bean I'j -1 Ii Ii :1 'i :1 " 'I :i - I :1 I ~ :1 ii :1 I '! i :i Ii !l I , I ,I ;/ " i All reiL estate, tangible property and all legal subjects of 'laxation for Count)' and District purposes, including Railroads, Expres8, felegraph, Telephone, . . Water, Heat, Light and P01l8r Coapanies, also all rolling stock, all electric - railways, ..chin"rr and aerchants' capital in Roanoke Count)' tor 'the tiscal i I 1,1 * 1. 5'0 III .25 I .51~ Ii i rur 19S7-1958:, as tollows: CoUJ1't)' School LeTJ' on each *100.00 or valuation General County purposes on each *100.00 of valuation For Construction of Count)' Schools, ~ich is to be earaarked for that purpose, on each *100.00 or valuation Ado~ed by the tollowing recorded vote: Ares: Swpervisors Roland lI. Clark, Minor R. Ketfer, W. E. Cunditf and Edwin G. Terrell . liays: . 11011I ~ I - I :t it , :i ;, Ii " ii :1 ii I' !I :i i i :i V 1-. ! ~ i: Stat_nt dated Kay 7, 1957, addressed to W. E. CUIldiff, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke COUllt)', froll H. W. Clark, Sherift, Roanoke COUllt)', ot the '!expenses ot Deputy Sheriff E. E. Fr)' for retUl'Dof juvenile froll Little Rock, (; :' Arkansas to Salea, ordered by Judge Nol'lllaD R. Moore, or 10he Juvenile and Dca_tic Relations Court, Roanoke County, and tur'thel' advising the Board of the refund ot *89.60, I10nies not used out ot advuc8llent tor trip, to the 'freasurer ot Roanoke COUllt)', was this da)' laid before the Board and ordered filed. , o Ii :1 ii , " , , o .", , 'i I ot RoallOke amending the contract between the Ci t)' ot Roanoke and the County of :1 I 'I Copies of rellolutions NOll. 13078 and 13079, dated May 13, 1957, Council CitJl' Roanoke, dated September 28, 1954, dealing with 10he treatJIent of dOllestic and COlllll8rcial wastes, be, and the same are ordered 1'iled. Letters dated Ma)' 15, J. 19S7, trom/Robert 'l'homas. Cit)' Clerk, Roanoke. Va, ordered tiled. . . Ii ~ r, . , , '..,..J r-t I ~ 1-1 J n l...J 205 --r ._..__,:c-:-o:=--~~_~.,..---.::-,~-'-_.~...,...,.--,- """""--:---::-c"'C~-:--.~.._._~- ." Ii :i ., .1 =."'=1.. , I Whereupon, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said request be referred to Dr. W. P. Jackson, Roanoke County Health Ofticer. 'l ;/ , :.~L : ~. '~ )l.....L u 1,/'2;..... .~J.: ilfU.,'~' -r.- II~ w w,..L' ~";;i (2$. . 't'" r ~dJ.,1"C. .. :::::::: who_, .. -", _ 00=.'" ... '-", .. " r,' ,1tJ., ordered that said request be granted, and that a copy ot this order be forward:e, to Jfr. Arthur G. Meier, Mud Lick Run, Lee Hi Park, Roanoke, Virginia. :) :1 '1 il ., il .&ulge. WO-uR. Moore, of the Roanoke County Court, this day appeared betoz.. 'i the 'Board, and requested that the Board appropriate the SUlll of FiTe Hundred I, II II " 1: II , II il Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii Supervisors W. E. Cundiff', Minor R. Ketter, Roland H. Clark and Kdwin J. Ii Ii II li~Zi !rr~ I:IJ.,Y'-.. ~ t 'i~c.~ i@~~C, IIW I' I I ii Ii " H :! . Wal'ter W. Wood. Attorne,. for L. F. Hubard. owner of tract ot thirty (30) acres ot land on Mud Lick Run, this clay appeared before the Board, and petitioned the Board to cOllllll11l1icate with Mr. Arthur G. Meier, owner ~ Lot !: !i " " II ,. " I' Ii " " " 'I II I , 1, Block 1, Map ot Section 4. Lee Hi Park, and request hia to raOTe certain buildings encroaching upon the DOrtherly side of sdd right ot way described ~ I ! II :1 ii I, 11 II Ii :1 , :1 " II :i ,[ :i '\ i! ~ :i 11 :1 .1 il , ,I :1 " Dollars ($500.00) for the purchase and installation of a dictaphon8 recorder and equipment for use in his Court; UPon consideration whereot, on motion, duly seconded. it is ordered that the County PurchasiDg Agent be authorized to purchase the recorder and equi~ent requested. Ayes: Terrell lJays: ll'one On /lOtion of' Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G . Terrell, it is ordered that this Board approves the request for additional IlUII of Four Hundred, twenty-three dollars ($423.00) to Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, - . . '1'reaaurer ot Roanoke County, for stationery and ottlce supplies &c for the remainder ~ the calendar year 1957. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: AJ8.s: BdwiD G. 1Ja18 : SuperY1sors W. Terrell. lrons E. Cunclitt, Minor R. Kef tel'. RolaB4 H. Clark and :i :1 I " " " i/ i I , '1 ,! , On motion, duly seconded. it is ordered that a Toucher check tor Three ThoU8anl~1r;j,~~ J. three hundred and fifty dollars ($3350.00) be issued to M. W. Ara1stead III, ~ lIf Campaign '1'reasurer, Polio Eradication CamPflign, for use in the polio eradication ~k...... 0/;,. -r.fL..!.,w~ caapalgn. i~RL '(<L ~","-,r' . c.' ~4 t ~r frOlll JohA W. Eure, Co-Chairman, ordered filed. i t.....:. 0.t. .-: . i~' Clark and Edwin G: !'1 '-3 )t i I A40pted by the tollowing recorded vote: AJ8.s: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff'. Minor R. Ketfer, Roland H. Terrell Nays: None 206 .' " .- -- - '__.__.___..___ __.n _.'._ ,_n .'. . ...... ,_". _n_ O .__~_ ____~_..._ .___+___________ ,__ f&+tt; run ~=.~::.:~..:..n.. " w..... .... ........ ..~=:n nnn nnn ~..... Co.: Cour1; of Roanoke County be requested to re-appoint Ralph B. Long, at a salary of 0128 hundred and 1'iEty dollars ($150.00) per month, as Special ~_;)"1>_11 ;, I: " I: " " Ii " ,I ii " ii " , " " ,. ;1 ii 11 " -~ ",~t.f ~~~" r~1 ... u ..c..tOy. :1 ~ I: -''61~~J11 ii I, I' ,I ,I ii Ii I' !; ~tW. t; r iuLc ~ .: tQ I! :{.')31 n i! 'W.~ f!i ~. II' I ~_ (OJf :di:l. y- 'i l. n)S7 I: v ~'l! - r i.l. 1/ U I: (b :Yn~ Co ~./D~I..: ~/"1~~! ,. !! tM$~ ~~~ n>'J'7 r- c.,.p..: tI..L t"" c.'~.~~ '~1""1 11 -. Police Officer for the purpose of enforciJIg dog laws in Roanoke County. It is further ordered that a .copy of this order ,be certified. to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SupeMisors V.. E. Cundiff, Kinor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Jlaye: ,Hone I I I , I I i I ! I It II II J' II Ii I: Ii Ii On IlOUon, duly 8econded, it ls ordered that the 8alary of EUGiHliS. I I HOlJlnR, as Special County Officer, at Fire Station Is, Hollins Road, be I ~ the 8ame 18 increa8ed frOll thirty cbllar8 ($30.00) per aonth to sixty-fiv.1 , I dollar8 ($65.00) per mouth, effective July 1, 1957. i i I II I) " II ii I' II Ii !i On aotion, cluly seconded, 11; i8 ordered. that Hunter H. Aker8 be re- appointed to. succeed Mmsell', as a member of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for a term of four years. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Aye8: Supervisors W. E. qadiff, Kinor R. Xeffer, Roland H. Clark and Id1dn G. Terrell . liays: Ji9,- Adopted by the following r~corded vote: Ayes: Sup.Misers W. E. Cundiff, :Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell )fays: Bone II lIE: XOX":COllFOIlMIBG PEIlMI'l: .. Upon the reco_ndation of the Roanoke County Planning eo-188ion, and on IIOtlon. cluly seconded. lt is ordered that a non-conforming permit be issued to AIIerica D. Wilson to build a storage roOD! and barber shop on property owned by her,on Rt. 117, according to plans filed with j;he C0IIIIIi8sion. Adoptee by the following recorded vote: AYf!s: SupeMi80rs W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Edwin Ij. Terrell ;lays : Ji9- Clark all4 :i , .i 'I iI IN RE: BOH-OOllFORMIHG PERMIT: " ,I " I Upon the reco_enciation of the Rozoke County Planning Commission, and Ol~ J: n I: , !i motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conforming permit be issued 101:> Ed Jefferies to use the exi8ting buildi~8 on property owned by him on U; S. Ii Route 11, for a motor lodge. 'T-.-'-~.'--~='._'-- Ii II '1 I I Ii I' 'I I, Ii Ii " i' I ii I " I' Ii ,I I: I' , I Ij I W o o ~__.____._ .._u_n_____...._.__ _.-.._~-----,--- -' ------.-.. ---.. --- ._-~~~=.~.r.'~. ..'-. ---.---.-- .----_._-- ',-- ---~---- ---,,-:---:-"::.."'- - Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. CIUlditf, Kinor R. Bdwin G. Terrell. Hays: IIQ_ Ketter, Roland H. Clark and Mr. O. T. licbel, Resldent Engineer, and Mr. W. M. Elliott, Jr., Assistan:t Resident Engineer, State Highway.Department, submi'tted to the Board a copy . . of a Tentative Budget for the Secondary Syst.. in Roanoke County. for year, 1957-58. Upon cOlISideration thereof. on IIIOtion duly seconded and carried is appro1'8d by the following recorded vote: Ayes:--Supernsors W. B. Cundiff, Kinor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Bdwin G. Terrell lays: If9- , i, i; r Maps showing 1957-58 Secondary Tentative Budget, Roanoke County Pr1Iuary a11l Secondary Highway Syst811S, ordered filed. Ii r Ii !) Ii , " On _tion of Supernsor W. E. Cunditt, seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark. the followiD& resolution was adopted by "........".0118 vote: WHKIlBAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County has, by resolution, requested the Board of Supervisors to make the request to the Circuit ~~ of said County lllade by the adoption of this resolution: HOW, 'l'HEREF0~,.-;, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, a "...llows: . . (1) The Circuit Court of Roanoke County, or any Judge thereof, is hereby requested to order an elec.tionto De held. in said County upon the question of contracting a debt in the amount of $2,600,OOOby the issuance of bonds of Roanoke County. pursuant to the provisioJIS ot the Public Borrowing Law of 1952 of Virginia, to finance the cost of school 1mpro'Y8lllents in such Co1Ulty, including the purchase of sites for school buildings or additions to school buildings. the construction of school buildings or additlons to school buildiIll~s and the furnishing or equipping of school buildings or additions to school buildings. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby directed to certify II copy of this resolution and to present it to the Circuit Court. or any Judge thereof, in and for Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer and Bdwin G. Terrell lays: Bone iI 'I :1 il :, 'I :1 :i , ,i ! , il :i , i :i Ii ! ! !j ,] I I I ,I il " i' i! C. C. CROCKETT, JOHN McCOY AND ARTHUR G. TROUT appeared before the Board and expressed their views as to the proposed School Bond issue. 20i7 I I !;:::t:'t>>,. iCD. T Q...cLc... ii:$~~L'Y I. 0&....- yo- I f:.l")-F7 ! Co.,L.rt:::. i,...,L' ct..t or I (t:i~~~. ~. I~.ml\ ! r d...L r I~ !.1~.s'? 208 ,-,... '.' .-. - ..., ,-- -. -.-. _.~__.__.___ _.___._.u . ___._____~..___ . '.lr~.~-.---'~.--. --..---.-~-----.-. - --.--- .- I.... ~~C! ~ ~ '/~7" . r I! ~~~ ,1,,'/47 i ~~:,':, rtt"'t 1 ~~r' ~ ') " : . I, -- !i ..."..t...:.. [' ~{' :! ~.j.~ 11 a~~ :'1';.(~~ Ii I i Iv IX BE: l' :; , BEZOBING OF PROPERfY ON THE NORTH ) ;tt Ii SIDE OF 11. .S. HIGHWAY NO.. 11, BEING ) Ii . ." II LOTS 2.ABD 3z. BLOCK 1, OF THE W.. P. ) II BRACEY ESTATI5 MAP . . . I II ~~~ ~{) 1fRJmRl~, Ci~y Developing Carporation did on the 15th day ot April, 1957, r ctk r~~. . I a ~<<- CnJj peU~ion ~he Board of SuperVisors of Roanoke Coun~y, Virginia, aDd the Pl8DDiDi~ . 1'J.'i~7 I! COMiss1on ot Roaaoke County, to amend the Zoning Ordinance ot Roanoke Coun~y, 11 so as to re-zone aDd re-clasaify the proper1;y hereiDatter described trOll -Local ii Ii I! I !: ii " I " L !i I' " .... --....-.---'.----l!- .~-=-=. I I On ~he 1II0~10n of Supervisor Roland H.. Clark, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Ketter, .the tollowing resolu~ion was ottered tor adop1;ion: Whereas, it is the intention ot this Board to cause to be abandoned 0.10 iii. ot Route 1439 trom 0.05 1IIi. South of 'the Intersection ot Route 629 ~o the I I I I i: I' I~ is theretore ordered tha~ notice ot said in~en~ion be .given by posting. I: no~ice in a~ leas~ ~hree places .on and along said road sough~ to be abandoned !' Ii tor a~ leas~ thir~y days, and by publicaUon in ~he 'fiaes-Regis~er, a newspaper Ii . I published in, and haTing general circulatlon in Roanoke Couuty, tor 10'110 isnes ' !n1;ersection ot Rou~e l42O, in Salem D1strict, Roanoke County: I II ot sa1d newapaper, aDd shall alllO give no~lce ot said iutel1tion to abandon said road to the State Highway COEIiss:l.on,or to the COlIIII1ssioner thereot. And 'the Clerk ot 'this Board ls ordered to cause said publica~ion ~o be Illade, and to post said notice a~ the tront deor ot ~he Cour'thouse ot Roanoke ;! !j 'I II [: County. aDd ~o give notiee to 'the S~ate Highway COIlIII1ssion. or 'the COIIIIIissioner ~hereot. And the Sher1tt ot. Roanoke County is ordered to torthwi'th poat copies ot eald notice in a~ leas1; 1;hree places on and along said road sough~ to be abandoned. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: SupervillOrs Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Ketter, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cund1tt lays: lione :i ii I' i: II :i Ii '. H ii .I I' i' II n , I FIliAL ORDER Business Proper1;y- to "Light Industrial Proper1;y-; and i I: ii i i I i I l' I . . ~lU$. the Board of SuperVisors ot Roanoke Coun~y d1d. by resolu~:l.on adopeed ~he l5th day of April, 1957, refer said Pe1;i~ion and proposal to the II PlanDing Coaissioll ot Roanoke County tor 1nvestigatioZWld recollllllendatiollS in accordance with ~he provisions or said Ordinance and the Code ot Virginia; and WHEREAS. said Planning C01IIIIIiasion did, by a reeolutlon adop'ted a~ its .ee~ing held on ~he 16'th day of April, 1957, roCD mend to the a..'>,.:\ ot SuperT1l1Ors ot said County, that said CQunty Zoning Ordinance should be UleDded so as to change ~he classification ot the hereiDat~er described property ot the petitioner trom. its present classification ot "Local BusineSls Property- to -Ligh~ Indus1;rial Property" as reques1;ed in said Peti~ion; aDd .. , WIlRI1JU~. the Board ot SuperVisors of said County did, by Us resolution adop~ed on the 15th day ot April, 1957, as aforesaid, order the Clerk ot the said Board ot Supervisors, upon receipe ot said recOIIIIIendatiollS trom said Planning COIIIIIIission. to f'or1;hwi'th .ee the same down tor a public hearing a~ thEI i I if ...,.7:-=..".....,..,.~=-::=-:---;-;'".;""~~..,...._~:==,_ _ .-- 'jFC"=~~~C=C=,=".~=.=",._,. ~ ; W - .-! i ,i I' ., ,I 'I 1: 'j i1 !I ~ ! ....J J /"1 ~ ----.-.... ,.---- __,'n_ ..'_"__ . ..~_._---.- '0'------ ___..__._ nen regular a..Ung oE the Board oE Supervisors and to giYe notice thereoE Eor. p;JbUc haariq in accordance with the provisions oE the County ZoDing OrdiDlmce aDd the Code of VirgiDia; aDd lllHDll:~S, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular .eeting of this Board Ul be held on the 20th day of May, 1957. at 2:00 P. M. as the day and u.e for a public hearing on said. proposed amendment of said County Zoll1ng OrdiJiaDce. aDd did advertise the sue by IlCtice thereof duly published in "The T1aes ReSister". a newspaper published and ha't'ing geDeral circulation in the County oE Roanoke, Virginia, by publicaUoD in said paper OD the 25th day of April and the 2nd day of May, 1957, as r4_quired by the provisions of saiel Zorling Ordinance and the Code of Virgirlia; and WBEIlEAS said public .."-aring lias held this clay on said proposed aaenclmel1t of the Zoning Ordinance, by this Board atter notice thereof was duly published as atoresaid; and WHJj:Rll:IS, this Board has given careful conslderatlon to said proposal am to the said recomMDdations of the PlaDDing COlIIIIIiesion. and hashaard evidellce f: as to the merits of said proposed aUDdment to said County Zoning Ordinance; an ,. II I I, 'I ., i: i\ 1'his Board being of the opiDioD that the ZoDing Ordinance should be al\8Ddad as requested by the Peti1;ion, and as recCllllllended by the Planning eo.isSiOD. -, TIlEIlEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .AND ORDERED: . . . .. - 1'ha1; at this regular l18eting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COlllDty held OD the 20th day oE May, 1957, the said County Zoniag Grdinance of Roanoke County. Virginia. be and the same is hereby amended so as to change the classlf1c:ation of the property of the petitioner as hereiDatter described trom its present classification of "Local Business Property" to a new classification of "Light Industrial Proper.ty. in order that the property and the buildings hereatter to be erected thereon IIIB.Y be used for light industrial purposes as defined in the County Zoll1ng Ordinance. !be property hereby re-zoned and re-elasslfied Eroa "Local Business Property" to "Light Industrial Property" is identUied as follows: Lots 110. 2 and 3. Block No.1. according to the Plat showing subdivision of the. W. P. Bracey Estate, aade by C. B. Malc:OlIR a: Son S. C. E. 's, dated April 2, 1952 and recorded ln tte Clerk's,Oftice of the Circuit Oourt of Roanoke County. Virginia. in Plat Book 3, page 95, being located on the north side of U. S. Highway No. 11 east of Roanoke River, the same being in the Salem Magisterial . District of Roanoke County, Virgill1a. IT IS PUR'l'HEii RESOLVED .AND OanlUlR1) that the Cl'~rk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy 01' these resolutions and Cirder to the Secretary 01' the Roanoke County PlaDDing CClIIIIisslon and two copit's thereof Ul Allen W. SUlples, attorney for City Developing COl'poration. The foregolng resoll1tiona and ~der were adopted on tha motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark. of the Sal81l1 Magisterial Distric't, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, of the Cave Spring Magisterial District and on a recorded't'Ote, the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark. Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R; Keffer and W. E. Cundiff Hays: Hone 'I :i I' I, , 'I , " t: 210 - --- . - - -- -~- ,- -- - --- . "__.....;.....;_~_____ _______._.__ ..____ ____ ___,,_ _____n ______._ _...,._ _~-:-'-=-""'--'~~--'-""'--"~--------"""--'-"-----------:---'.-cc-'-'-"'--'- I: IV " ~ ! In re: iezoningof a certain tract ) or parcel of land si~uate ) Partially in the Townot Sale. 1 and partially in the County of ) Roanoke, in SaJ.em Magisterial ) District ) --------.1. ! RESOLUTION AID ORDER i: " Ii i " j! I: 'lhis day COJ1'18D8d at the, Courthouse of Rouoke County, in Sale., Virgillia,:i I' a regular IHeting of the RoanokeCoun1;y B<.ard of SUpllmsors. One of the ! purposes of which Meting was to conduct a public hearing and consider a rec[Ues, to reaone.certain real estate situate partially in the Town of Sal8lll and !i , partiallY' in Roanoke County, said prOpllrty being descrlbed by aetes and Ii I bound.a in the plltit10n heretofore filed requesting the rezoning of said il . h property, and being as shown on plat of sur.vey filed therewith, said peti ticn !I II having been, on Apr1l15, 1957, flledand recei'l8d by the Board of Supemscra Ii :1 at ita regular .eeting held on that date; and, ;i I I n " !! 11 I !I il .,' I i. " :i ~i I, :! 'I i! II i' :, If !: r ,: Ii i: I ,I petition of the Coaaonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, was referl'ed Ii to the Plann1ng COIIIII1ssion of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accord I' 'i WIlRI?~AS, by Resolution ~ Order adopted on April 15, 1957, the rezoning with Section 15-847 _of the 1950 Code of Virglnia; and, WHEREAS, it was further resolved and ordered by this Board that when the Roanolla County Planning Collllll1ssion received said petitlon, considered Sllllle and II reported its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, the Clerk ;)f this .I Board Gould forthwith eet the request for rezoning for public hearing at tilree II I I I I II i' I! II .1 ii ,I I 0' clock p. .., on May 20, 1957, at the Courthouse of Roanoke COun1;y, issuing: notice thereof .by publication, as required by Sections 15-846 and 15-81.7 of 'I i: , I I' the Coda of Virg1Dia; and, Whereas, upon receipt of a certified copy of the Resolution and Order of this Board, the Plann1ng Collllll1ss10n of Remoke County, at a regularly called: .eeting held April 16, 1957, fully investigated the lIerits of the request for ;/ :1 reaoning said property from residential to light industrial uee, and was il II il ii 'I ! Ii i: Ii April 16, 1957, rec~nd to the Board of Supemsors of Roanoke County that, it I: aaend the IOning ordiDance of Roanoke County to reclassity the property P )) described in said plltition from Class A Residential to Light Induatrial use, and' i! ! ",,,.ni-ouely of the opinion that such change of classification would be beneficial to Roanoke County at Large, in providing necessary and desirable bueiness developunt, and that the change of class1tication of the particular location lIOuld protllOte the public interest, prospllrity and welfare of Roanoke , County, Virginia, and did, by Resolution unallilllouely adopted at lts meeting on I farther delivered a certified copy of its Resolution to the CJerk of this Board; and, I WRRRR.&~. the Clerk of this Board, pursuant to the Resolutlon and Order " i' hereof, at its regular meeting of April 15, 1957, did issue notice by publicatio~, as required by law, of the public hearing on the proposed amendment to the ': Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance by legal ad'l8rt1s8Illent, which appeared on April 'i . Ii 25th and May 2nd, in the Times Register, a we ,i;,~y newspaper published in : Roanoke County, and ba ving a general circulation herein, the publisher's cert1t1eate thereofhaving been filed with the CJerk of this Board, the notice stating tully the time. place and purpose of the public hearing, and the I, i; " ----1-' . -'.'. . ! " 1 , I "i ....J - . w J o ... , ~ . ~ 1 ~., 211 -_.. . ---. ,----- ------. - ........ .__.--_._._~~.._.~._..._-- ..- .-,. "- ------. ----.-----..- ._.'. ,-------.-- p,.._....H.__._.___.. . ----_..----- ..;"::"':'-".0==;';:.::0'". _'=;;.:;.::.~._C='=__::;.:.==,,'O::,::",:..,;-::,_-_""u ~...,- .---.......----,::-......,...,..-o..,-,-.:-'..,,.........,..,_,"'-.:._-,.-:c-c c ,.,""'''''-~.-."."'"''. " 'i ii " Ii place at which the text and map of the rezoning petiUon, certified by the Planning COIIIIIission, might be examined; and, ~lU$, aore than fifteen (15) days has expired frOlR the second publicaUon of the above noUce to the date of this, the aforesaid public hearing; and, WHRRR&!'l, all of the requirements of law haye been tully cOlRplied with, with respect 1;0 the holding of this ll18eUng; and, WRRllR&!l, on this date, colIIRencing at three o'clock, p. a., in the C01ll'thouse of Roanoke County, there was conducted by thls Board a public hearing on the aboye request, to rezone the aforementioned property, situatlt in SaleIII Mag:l.sterial District, as described in the petition for rezoning; and, WlIDRA!'l, atthis public hsarilg there was a full. and complete discussicln of the urits of the proposal, the proposed use of the property by the C_nwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, and full opportunity accorded all interested parties to express their views concerning the proposal; and, pmR&!'l, at the conclusion of the public hearing, and atter full considera1;ion of this Board, it was unani1llously agreed that the requested change and classiticaUon would promote the public interest, prosperi1;y and weltare of the citizens of Roanoke County. JIOW, '1'HImBFORB, BE I'l' RESOLVED at this regular auting of the Roanoke . - County Board of Super1'1sors that the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County, adopted JIUIWl1'Y 20, 1941, as SIIIended, be further amended to reclassify and rezone that certain tract or parcel of land, situate in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, hereinbefore described in these proceedings, which adjoins on the West the Eas1; corporate lla1ts of the 'fO<fJl. of Salea .18810 East of Craig A1'8ZlU8, in said 'fown, which tract is shown on plat of S1ll'vey filed with the peUtion herein, from "A" Residence District to a Light Industrial District, as defined ln Artlcle 7 of the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, and to pe1'lllit the Commonwealth of Virginia, Departlllent of Highways, al1 uses of said tract necessarily incldent to its propoeed light industrial developlllent of said tract; and, BE IT FlJR1'IIER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be . .. spread. on the official records of the Board of Super'lisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board and that the C:Ie rk further forward certified COpi'8S of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and he hereby is directed to change all official Zoning Maps of Roanoke County so as to reflect the rezoning ordered herein, and additional certified copies be furnished unto Kime and Jolly, attorneys for the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, the petitioner requesting this action. The abon resolution and order was adopted on m01;ion of Super'lisor Roland H. Clark of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: '; I i .! , n :! .1 'I 'I ii I il " " 'I ,I ! 212 .' " t ..--~------ -,-.---.------- -- -- - -- -- ---.--.-.,---------- .--.-..- ~ . .. __.U_'_" ______ _. ____ -.._---- -------.,' - - ~~ I.:... 'I ..,.. L: d . ad; ~ '('-,.-! ~~!.i: ~~., Otff<(tt~ ~. i:. 1 .. " . t, J.1~~1 5.7 it " r It .. Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. W. E. Cundiff lays: Hone Clark, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. .... . --~.~.~-~-T" Terrell and I '" II RE: REZOIIDlG OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON 'fBE IORTH SIDE OF 'fBE _ OLD LtliCHBURG- SALEM 'l'ORBPIU ROAD~. lli- 'fBE SALEM MAGISDRIAL. DISTRICT OF I JIDKIl D. Wl!:BBER FINAL ORDER 1fAGIU!'I, Minor D. Webber did, on the 18th day of March 1957, petition 1~he Board ot Supervisors ot Roanoke County, Virginia, and the PJ "'''ti Y>g Collllllission ot Roanoke County, Virginia, to 8IIIend the general Zoning Ordinance ot Roanol,e County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real property owned by the said Minor D. Webber and situate on the lorth side 'of the old Lyachbarg-Sall_ Turnpike Road, in the ~1_ Magisterial District, and more particularly . . described in said petition, and hereinafter more fully described, and now classitied as "reeid8nce property" be reclassified and resoned .as ItJ.ocal Buaill8ss ProP~Y", so as to prOv:l.de that said property and bulldiiJgs thereon [' II ,I I. f li' , I! I, II I I I WflRllJU!'I, the Board of Slipervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did, by a I resolution adopted at the regular meeting of said Board ot Superrtsors, held on i: Ii .. I: the 18th day of March, 1957, reter said petition and proPosal to so aJIISnd said Ii It " County ZoD1ng OrdilWlce to the Planning COIIIIIIission of Roanoke County, Virginia, II as required by said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virginia, II !; Ii Ii Ii WHEREAS, the said Planning Collllllission of said County did, by a resolut:l.on !I adopted at its regular meeting held on the 19th day of March, 1957, recolllDlend I: to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning OrdilWlce ! should be 8IIIended so as to change or reclass1ty said property from its present il " classification of "residence property" to "localbusiness property", as requeste~i i: in said petition; and, !i ~R&!'I, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received Ii a copy of the Order and Resolution adopted by said County Planning Collllllission :' or which IIIlY hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for Local BusiJl8ss purposes; and, .' Ii " ,. for a recommendation ot said Planning Commission In.aecordance with the provisions of said County ZoniDg Ordinance, and said Code of Virginia; and, recollllending that said County Zoning OrdilWlce be so amended; and, WHEREAS, the said Boardot Supervisors of -Said County, did, by its resolution adopted on the 18th day of March, 1957, as aforesaid, order the said Clerk of said Board of Supervisors, upon receipt ot said recommendation from said PlanniDg ColllDission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meetiDg of said ~ard of Supervisors, and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the i. provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions:: I of the Code of Virginia; and, I I I I Ii I' :1 I 213 - - "---. .-.---------.-- r-, - " l....I .'"'1 J o .- --- ..- -- ------- ------ Ti" , r ! I, \1 WllRRR&!l, ~e Clerk ot this Board did set the regular meeting oE this Board to be held on this the 20th day ot May. 1957. at 3 o'clock P. M.. as the i I da,. aDd t1ae tor a public hearing on said proposed 8IIIendlle~t to said eounty ! ZOning OrdlZlal2Ce and did advertise ~e sme by notice thereot duly publishe'! Ii in the 'fiaes Register, a newspaper published and ot general circulation in the i , CoUD'tf ot Roanoke. Virginia. tor. two insertions on the 18th and 25th days of ! April 1957. as required by said order ot this Board ot March 18. 1957. and as required by and in accordance wi~ ~e provisions ot said Count,. Zoning Ordi1l8llce and ~e Code ot Virginia; and. WRRIlIU!l. said public hearing was this day had on said proposed 8IIIendll8lllt to said County Zoning Ordi1l8llce by this Board. atter said notice ~ereot was duly published. as atoresaid; and. WllRRR&!l. this Board has given careful consideration to said petition ail1d to said recoJllllendation ot said Planning Commission and has heard evidence 'I 'I :1 !I I I I, ., . touching the merits ot said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of ~e opinion ~8t said County Zoning Ordinance should be 8IIIended as :,' !! . requested in said petition and as recOllllllended by said Planning Commission. 10(. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED .uro ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPBRVISORS il II 'I Ii " II :! :1 Ii ,i , . . . - . OF ROANOKE COUJI'fY. VIRGIHI/, at this regular meeting ot said Board held on this ~e. 20~ dAy ot. Kay. . 1957. that the said Count,. ZOning Ordinance ot Roanoke Coun'tf. Virginia. be. and the s8llle is. hereby amended so as to change the classitication ot the property described in said petition troa its present classU'ication ot residence property to local business property. in order that said property and the buildings thereon. or ~at might be hereatter erected ~ereon, may be used tor local business purposes as detined in said Coun'tf Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassitied and. rezoned trOlll Rresidence propertyR :i :i :1 I " II I . to Rlocal buainess property. is situate on the North side ot the old L)'Dchburg-Salem Turnpike Road. in the Sal8111 Magisterial District. Roanoke , . County. Virginia. and more particularly described as tOllows. to-wit: BEGImRG at a point on the North side ot old L)'Dchburg-Sal8111 Turnpike Road. at the point ot intc.rsection ot the North side ot said L)'Dchburg- Salem Turnpike Road w!th the outside West boundary line ot South lSclgewood Sub-division, as shown on plat recorded in Plat Book 2. ." page 128. or thB records ot the Clerk's artice ot the Circuit ourt tor the County of Roanoke. Virginia; thence trOlll said poiD; ot BEGImHG and along ~d with the North side ot the old L)'Dchburg-Sil8111 'l'arnpike Road. as the S81118 meanders. in a W~sterly direction. a total distance ot 1564:45 teet to the Southwest corner ot said Jlinor D. Webber property as described in Deed Bo9k 269. at page 283. ot the records ot said Clerk s Ottice; thence along and with the outside West boundary line ot said Webber property in a Northerly direction 200 teet to a point; thence a new line thru said Webber property in an Easterly direction. parallel with and 200 teet trom (measured at right angles) the North side ot said old Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike Road 1500 teet. more or less. to a point in the outside East boundary line ot said Webber proper'tf. (being the outside West boundary line ot South Eclgewood Sub-division); thence along and with the saae in a Southerly direction 200 teet to the poi~ ot BEGINJlIIIG, and being more particularly sholl11 on map made by F. A. Spiggle. State Land Surveyor. dated April 22. 19~1. and being part ot the property conveyed to Kinor D. Webber by said deed recorded in Deed Book 269. at pege 283. ot the records ot said Clerk's artice. 214 ..-...,,-.1 . Ii I, , forthwith certify a. copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the I, County Plann1ng Commission, and a copy to Banj. E. Chapman, Attorney for Ii I Minor D. Webber. Ii " T---.-.-.-.. - " n ARD IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED Aim ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board '!'he foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Superviso:r ~ , " " I: Roland H. Clark and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. and on a recor,ded ji " II , Ii Ii Ii II , vote the Supernsors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff. Bays: None IN RE: ) ) } } ) ) ) FINAL ORDER REZOliI1fG THE PROPERTY OF E. F. JrICHOLS ON THE WEST SIDE OF .PETEBSCREEK SOUTH OF U. S. ROUTE lt60 IN ROANOKE COURTI, VIRGINIA At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginill, held at the Courthouse thereof on May 20, 1957; WHEREAS, E. F. Hichols petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinances be amended so as to provide that said tract of lal2d lying south of U. S. Route 4-60 in Roanoke County, Vlrglnia, bounded on the east by Peters Creek and on the west by SlA:UIit Hills Map, Subdi.vislon Bo. :~, being all of the property at said location oWDed b1 said petitioners, be rezoD8d and reclassified as local business property, which petition was fi:Led Ii . Ii at the regular meeting of this Board on April 15, 1957 and by order entereli on !i the saae day was referred to the Planning CoIllllission of Roanoke County for Ii " , recomendation In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, lmd !i I, 1fRRl!lU!'l, said Planning Comaission did, by a resolution adopted at a lIIeeting ." ji on April 16, 1957, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said Ii petition, reco_end to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinances should be i _nded so as to change the classification of the property described in thn petltion to local business property, and lfImlRIS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order entered on April 15; 1957, as aforesaid, order the Clerk of this Board, upon , receipt of said reco_ndation frolll the Planning Commission, to forthwith 3et the BaIII8 down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or spec:lal lIIeeting of this Board and to give notice thereof b1 publication in accordance with the County Zo~ Ordinances and the Code of Virginia, and WllERBAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the next regular lIeeting of this Board to be held on May 20, 1957 at 3:00 P. M., as the date and tillle for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to sale' County Zoning Ordinances, and it advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Tillles-Register, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia for two insertions on the 25 day of April and :2 day of May, 1957. as required by said order of this Board, and in accorda~le with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinances and the Code of Virginia; and I I II Ii I' ,I I' ,I II I' I II L , " " h i' I I I I 215 - ._______... _.._.. '-'0-- --- - ~---_._--~- ~- ,.' - ---- .... - .-.-. -'" - . -- ..... -.. "--.'-' .~.. _._____________ _________. _________u_ ,., , , ; u 'I ~ . , , '-J J o .,~,_-__=c::..".occ;_:'C"._-'.....,...,......'"''"'._:_,__,_..,....'":..._...,.o ,I I' , ~RAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed uendlllent to the County Zoning Ordinances by this Board ai'ter notice thereof was duy published as ai'oresaid; and WHEREAS, this Board. having given caretul consideration to said petition and to said reco.aendations of the Planning COIIIIIIission. and has heard evidence touching on the aerits of said proposed llIIIendlllent to the County ZOniDg OrdiDanCes. and this Board beizlg of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinances should be- aaended as requested ir. said petition and as recOllllend,ed by said Planning Commission. HOW. 'lHERElORE. BE IT RESOLVED AliD ORDERED. that at this aeeting of the Boar!! .,f suPervisors of ROanoke Co~ty ~ Vi~g:l.nia. held on the 20th day of Ma,y. 1957. the said County Zoning Ordinances. be. and the same are hereby 8IIIendeld so as to classify the property described in said petition to local busines!' property. in order that said property and the buildiDgs that aay hereai'ter be erected thereon. may be used for local business purposes as defined in said, II Ii !I " " :\ II " II II " Ii II :1 II I I County Zoning Ordinances. The property hereby class1tied as local business property is 1II0re part,icu- jl larly deSCr1be~ as follows. to-wit: I i, Ii All the property owned by B. F. Nichols in Roanoke County. Virg1n1a south of U. S. Route 460. bounded on the east by Peters Creek and on the weISt by SlDIIit Hills Jfap. SubdiVision lio. 3. recorded in Plat Book 3.1 pege 191. being I' the same property acquired by .IS. F. Nichola by deed troa James C. Xowles and Charles S. XcliuJ.ty. I Jr.. t/a JIowles-McNulty. and by deed frOlll Giant II' Food Properties. Incorporated of record in the I' Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND CRDERBIl that the Clerk of this Board forthwith I I I , , [I ii " i\ Ii '1 ., , :' -. .' . " certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the rlanni~~ Commission of Roanoke County. Virg:l.uia and a copy to Woodrua and Gregory. Attorneys tor the Petitioner. , The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of SuperVisor Rolall,d H. I , if I ,/ " i , :i " 'i Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. W. E. Cundiff liays: Iione I " Clark. Minor R. Kefter, Edwin G. Terrell and I ! ! Clark. and seconded by SuperVisor Minor R. Ketfer. and on the recorded Tots,. the undersigned Supervisors voted as tollows. to-wit: :i " ;'1 ii } 'I i Board of Supervisors ) ) ) i ) ORDER i 4 copies this I' order del to ,Co Ex Oi'i'icer !i'or del. to IRes. Engr.81at , Dept . Highways This utter came on this day to be heard upon the proceediDgs herein. and.l 5/23/57 upon the application tor Eaton Road from Greenlee Road to Greenlee Road; 0.16 Mi TS The Public and the State Highway Commission ot Virginia to be accepted and made a part of the SelXlndary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way tor said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map , known as Crestmoor Ill. which map is recorded in Plat Book 2. Page 195 of the records or the Clerk's Oi'tice of the CircuU Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said.map no report i'rom a Board of , ~ 4 copies this i, order del. to II CO Ex Officer I' for del to .' Res. bgr. State Dept. Highways . 5/23/57 iI _4 copies this order del. to' Co Ex Of'fi cer ' f'or del. to ' Resident ~gr ~ SIi!~wR"t. 5/23/S7 ,.-. ....~.,......~- '. _.-.. - ......-.--- __~._.___ __. ..__ - 0-_-' _ ,..h. I, ~ ! - -.-- - ---~. .-. - ----,.-- . -.. .-------- ir Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frc'lII the abutting propert" O1fD8rs is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. liOW, T1lli:1lEFORB. BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Eaton Road tro. Greenlee Road to Greenlee Road; 0.16 aile and which is shown on a cert.ain sketch acco.panying this order. be. aDd the sue ls hereby established as a, public road to becoaea part of the State Secondary Syst8lll of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the followilJg recorded vote: Aye a: Stiper'fisors W. B. Cundift, Minor R. Kefter. Edwin G. Roland H. Clark .. Bays: HODe Terrell 8Jl4 Board of Super'fiaors ) ~ ) ) OiDER " The Public aDd the State Highway Couisalol1 ot Virginia :; " i: !hia .tter cae on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and upon the applicatloB tor Lenora Road frOll Colony Lane to Parkwood Drive; 0.14 , . Ilile to be accepted and lllade a part of the Secondary System of State HigliWllJrs. It appeariDg to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right oJ~ 1laT tor said road haa IB retofore been dedicated by virtue ot a certain lllap known aa Green .Valleys 113. which lllap is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 199 oj~ the recorcla ot the Clerk',_ Oftice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virg1Ilia. and that by reason of therecordation of said lIap no report froll a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way frOll .the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. ROW. THEREFORE.BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Lenora Road f~m I I " Ii ., I: I' I' I' I, i:' II I. i-' ii " Ii " I' , 'I " 11 .' . . Colony Lane to Parkwood Dl~ive; 0.14 Mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be. and the sue is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Kefter. Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark Rays: None Board ot Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public aDd the State Highway Collllll1ssion of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. al1d upon the application for Pine Acres Lane fran Route 613 to D. E.; 0.20 mile 1:0 be accepted and lllade a part at the Secondary System of State Highways. I I: I Ii I' I' I I " jj I 4 copies this ii' order del to I Co Ex Of'f'icer !;tor del. to liRes. Engr.Stat 'Dept. Highways 5/23/57 /, II :1 II ,I Ii I! I' j' Ii Ii II II I II I' II I' , 'I I Ii !i I Ii i;' i: !: I I Ii 4 copies thill 'order del to Co Ex 01'1'1c er ,'f'or del. to IJRes. Engr.Stat "Dept. Highways , 5/23/57 Ii " ,., i -' -, ..--J ~ o o 4 copies thie order del to Co Ex Officer for del. to Res. Engr. State Dept This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and I Highways Ii 5/23/57 upon the application for Colony Lane from Green Valley Drive to Crawford Rd.; i .~_.__._---. .---- ---------- ," . - .-. ..--.. --_. --.-- ... -.-.. --..-- -..-.....- ---_.... ---.-- -..-...----..- -,----_._---- .' - . . It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a SO ft. right of' i: way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Pine Acres, wi:1ich up is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 223 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court ~f Roanoke County, and that by reason of th8 recordation of' said up no re.port from a Board of' Viewers, no consent or donstion of right of wey from the abutting property owners is " ! ~ .' " " i: necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. HOW, 'l'IIERUOIlE, BE IT ORnRl?Rn that the said road known as Pine Acres Lane from Rt. 6i3 to .D. E.; 0~20 miie ~d which is shown on a certain sketch accOlRpanying this order, be, and the slllle is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary'System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark .ys: None ,I " ti !i i II r I' ,I " I! i ~ I: I: I' :1 , I :i I !, ii i ,I V 'I II I, i I !I ;1 ;, p Soard of' Supervisors ) ) ) ) J ORDER vs The Public and the State Highwey COIII!:isslon of Virginia . 0.23 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State ii Highways. Ii !I " 1 il " 'I 'i i i i' ii I ,I :1 I' I I I I I :1 It appec.ring to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Green Valleys #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 199 of ., the records. of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, .. V:l:rgin1a,and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report froDl a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of' way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainsge. NOW, THEIiEFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Colony Lane f'J.'ODI Green Valley Drive to Crawford Rd.; 0.23 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the 'same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of HighWays in Roanoke County. Adopted by the followiDg recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark lIays: None 217 I I I '[ , 218 ,. copies this 01 order del. to' Co Ex Officer. for del. to Res. Engr. State Dept. Highways 5/23/51 ,. ~ 4 copies thisi .t'der del. to, Co Ex Officer for del. to Res. Engr. State Dept. Highways 5/23/57 .. ,. .-,."'...:. :f"- " Board of Supervisors ) ) l ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia " This matter CllIll8 on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and i I, I' upon the application for Cedar Lane frOlll Thompsons Lane to. Crawt'ord Road; 0.1611 Ii I: I' ! I I I' I proper1;y ollJl8rs is necessary. 'l'he Board hereby guaralItees said right of way I , i and right for drainage. Ii NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDRllRl) that the said road known as Cedar Lane from ii . . . ~ 'l'hOlllpeona Lane to Crawt'ord Road; 0.16 Mile and which is shown on a certain i: II Ii ;1 I I " I, I ! Ii i: I: . - )llle to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Systea of State Hlghwaya. It appearing to the Board that drainage eas8lllents and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Green Valleys 113. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 199 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the CIrcuit Court of Roanoke County. Vlrginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of VIewers. nor consent or donation of right of way frOll the abutting sketch accOlllpauying this order. be. and the same is hereby established as a public road to becomea part of the Roanoke County. State Secondary SysteIII of Highways in. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. Roland H. Clark Nays: Bone E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer. Edwin G. Terrell and Board of Supervisors } ) ) ) ORDER vs 'l'he Public and the State Highway Co.m.sslon of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and upon the appl1catlon for Parkwood Drive from Green Valley Drive to Crawt'ord ii I: Rd.; 0.23 Illile to be accepted and _de a part of the Secondary Syat8111 of State Ii I: [: I: i, :i 1: I'! ,. Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage euements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicatedby virtue of a certain map known as Green Valleys #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 199 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for dralnage. BOW. 'l'HEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Parkwood Drive trOll Green Valley Drive to Crawt'ord Rd.; 0.23 Illile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this Cll'der. be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a partot the State Secondary Syst8lll of Highways in Roanoke County. -'h - if I I I " i! i 'I I ~ i w y .., i , --.; I) I ., i! .i 'I , i: Ii i ;' " I' 1 II Ii , - I 'I I J , V I i , , i !,"7l '-J ..:.;J 219 -.._._...__.._~---_.._----- . . ... - --.. ---_._-.- ,. 4 copies this order del to Co Ex Offi cer for del. to Res Engr. State Dept Highways This utter caDle on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and 5/23/57 upon the application for Melody Ave. from Willetta Drift to Fleetwood Ave., Adopted by the following recorci6d vote: lyes: Supervisors V. E. Cund1tf', Reland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer and Edw1!? G. Terrell Hays: Hone Board of Suparvisors ) } l } ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway COIIID1ssion of VL'gin1a 0.26 1I11e to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certaln map "kDOVn as Braableton Court #2, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 228 of the re~ords of the Clerk's".-()f'fice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Vlrgiil1a, aDd that by reason of the recordation or said map no report frOJll a Board of Viewers, nor coneent or donation of right of way frolll the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees sald right of way and right for drainage. !l11f. 'fBSUFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road ltno1m as Melody Ave. fro . . . Willetta DriTe to Fleetwood Ave., 0.26 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accollpanying this crder, be, and the s8IIe is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways ln Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Ed\-1in G'- Terrell, Roland H. Clark and Minor R. Kefter Bays: None Board of Supervisors l J 1 ) ORDER TS The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virgin1a . This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Fleetwood Ave. from Willetta Drive to Brandywine Ave. Rt. 1602; 0.27 111. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Brambleton Court #2, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 228 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Couuty, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right 01' way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right tor drainage. I :4 copies this lorder del to II' CO Ex Ofn cer f(>r del.to I Res. Engr. ,State Dept. I Hishways , 5/23/57 Ii 220 :i ,. copies thisi' order del to ,i Co Ex Officer: for del. to ' lles. Ingr. i. State Dept I! Highways 5/2)/57 t: " ~ i ii " II . W' 4 copies this I' order del. to', Co. Ex. Officer for del. to . Res. Ingr. State Dept. Highways 5/2)/57 . -. . - - - -.' '. .. .. - - .~.__._-------~~ ------_.-._._---_.~---- I... I' " " NOW. THEREFORE. BE .IT Oijn~ED that the said road known as Fleetwood Ave. trQJll Willetta Drive ~ 'B~and"d.ne'A'Ye.. Rt. 1~2; 0.27 Ki. and which is shown on a certain ske1;ch accollpanyi1:lg this orci8r. be, and the same is hereby established as a public road. to bec_a part of the State siiCOlldary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded, vote: Ayes: Super'Yisora W. E. Cunditt. Edwin G. ferrell. Kinor R. Ketter and. Roland B. Clark Bays: Hone Board of Super'Yiso!,s } 1 } ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway COIIII1asion of Virginia This utter cue 011 this day to be heard upon the proceedings hereill. and upon the application for Oakdale Road. Ext. Rt. 1609. to Fleetllocxl. Ave. ;0.04 , L it It appearing to the Board that draillllge eas_ents and a SO ft. right of I. " I: I' I' I' Ii II i: 1: Ii I:' if I. " I: way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map kDown as BrambIeton Court 112. which map is recorded in Plat Book.3. Page 228 ot the records ot the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of ROlUlOkB County. V1rglDia. and that by reason of the recordation of said up no report froIII a Board of Viewers. nor .consent or donation .of right of way frOll the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for draillllge. liOW. THEREFORE. BB IT ORDERED that the said road known as Oakdale Road. . . . Ext. at. 1609. to Fleetwood Ave..; 0.04 Ki. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanyi1:lg' thi& order, be. and the same is hereby esta&lished as a public road to becODl8 a part of the State Secondary System of Highwaye in Roanoke. County. ~optad by the :following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. CundUf. Edwin G. Terrell. Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark . Nays: None Ii )! I, , , il Ii " " , :i Ii ;, I' il i! 'I I' J' !i li Board of Supervisors ) ) vs J ) The Public and the State Highway ) Collllllission of VirgiDia I ORDER This matter came 0:1. this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and upon 1.he application :for Willetta Drive. Ext. Rt. 1615. 0.0) mile to Melody Be Fleetwood Ave. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Sys't8III o:f State Highways. It appearing to the Board that draillllge eas8IIIents and a 50 :ft. right of way!, for said road has heretofore been dedicated by 'Yirtue of a certain map known as Brambleton Court 112, which map is recorded in Plat Book ). page 228 of the I! i: Ii if ii !j II I I, I' i, i; [i ,I I' ,I 'I II Ii " I! I, if I I I , II II II " II Ii " :: I , I I Ii II Ii ,! Ii Ii it I " '. " ii i' I I -: ,..., i ~ o o .''-''.' 221 .. :: )i recorda ot the Clerk's attice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke-County. Virginia! 'I l' and that b1 reason of the recordation of said .map no report from a Board of ! Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way from the abuttll1g property owners is necesSB.1'1' The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right ii !: ii Ii :1 Ii I: II !I II " ii Ii ii il II I ,I il " " r i i II I I , , I !, Ii ~I II " it !I ii :1 I Ii :1 Ii :I i' II 1: Ii , ii for drainage. i I Hl7i. TBERBFORE. BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Willetta Drive, I Ext. Rt. 1615. 0.03 mile. 1;0 ~lodY &: Fleetwood Ave. and which is shown o~ a ) certain sketch accOlllpanyillg this crder. be, and the same is hereby i i es~lis1led as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of I Highways in Roanoke County. I Adopted by the'i'ollowing recorded vote: I' Ayes: SuperVisors "T. E. Cundiff. Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and i Roland H. Clark Hays: None BoardofSupern~rs l vs ) ) The Public and the State Highway ) C01IIIIission of Virginia ) ORDER i I i II,. copies this I order del. to Co Ex Officer. for del. tc Res. Engr. State Dept. Highways 5/23/57 This IIat'ter came on this day 'to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application tor Ledgewood Ave. frolll Crest St. to D. E.: 0.04 Mi. to be accepted and ude a part of the SecondalT System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Crestwood Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 21.4 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said up no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way, from the abutting property. owners is nec'essary. The Hoard lII'reby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. .. . . JfOW,THEREFORE.. BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Ledgew:>od Ave. . . . from Crest St. to D. I!..: 0.04 mi. a,nd which is shown on a certain sketch accOlll 1ng this order, be. and the same is hereby established as a public rOad to becOllle a part ot the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the 'following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Ketfer, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark lays: None.' I II Ij " " " i II il d it I ;1 , ( I I Board of Supernsors ) VB I The Public and the State Highway ) Commission of Virginia ) ORDER I,. copies this order del. to Co Ex Officer for del. to Res. Engr. State Dept. , Highways 5/23/57 'I This utter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Lawndale Road, Ext. Rt. 1609, to Fleetwood Ave.: 0.02 Mile to be accepted and lII~de a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. :1 II II :l ----'--'--.--'-,.--'-'.;..:..:....:'-'--...:.:-- --_.._---'-._-:..;.....:......:.;.:...._---_. ---.-:.. .---.--.---- :W'.--' " ~ :' !: !' l Ii I' , r ,I I' [i il II i i I ; I Ii !! " i' I Ii II I, q ~ ij ii I: , J Ii II I, 11 il I' ,I il V " " II I. ~ i n ;1 o IJ ii !i I' ii II Ii !I [, 14 copies this order del to 'I 'Co Ex Officer for del. to 'IRes. Engr.Stat Dept. Highways i 5/23/57 and' ..,-.. ---. .........--..-......-. -;_.._-_..~---- ,_.._.~---_._-_. . "-----~..,.",.~....".,..., ----..-----_.,. Board of Superv:isors The Public and the State H:1ghway Commiss:ion of V:1rgin:l.a ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER '. vs Th:1s matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceed:1nga herein, upon t;he application for Rasmont Road from Rt. 221 'to Ledgewood Ave.; 0.20 11I:11 'to be accepted and made a part of the S!condary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that draiDage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been ded:1catedbyJ Virtue of a certain map known as CrestllOod Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 214 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roaaoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordat ion of said map no report f1'Olll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. HOW, THEREFoRE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road knoWn aa RaSlllont Road frCllli at. 22i to Ledgewood Ave~; 0.26 mile and which :is shown on a certa:1n sketch accompanying this crcler, be, and the same is hereby established as a '." \ public road 'to become a part of tne' State Secondary System of H:1ghways :in , Roanoke County. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and. Roland H. Clark lJaye : None " Board of Supervisors vs The Publ:1c and the State Highway Commis~ion of Virginia ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER Th:1s matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceed:1ngs herein, and. upon the application for Crest Street from Ledgewood Ave. 'to RaSlllont Road; 0.04 mile to be accepted and made a part.of the Secondazy System of State Highways. It appearing 'to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has here'tofore been ded:1catedby virtue of a certain map i: known as Creatwood Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book .3, Page 214 D1 tJ 'I ') [1 ,i of the records of the Clerk!s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no l'eport from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right; of' way from the abutting property oliIl8rs is necessary. The Boord hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the lAid road known as Crest Street from Ledgewoocl Ave. to Rasmont Rd.; 0.04 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of' Highways in Roanoke County. 223 , i , '14 copies this ,order del 'to [:Co Ex Officer for del. to IRes. Engr.Stat iDept . Highwaye I 5/23/57 - ,..- - ,- .. , . ~ .-... <~ ---_._- -- . .--. .--.-..--.---- -- ------<-- - --------- -_..._--_.-_._--~--~ f '~ V 4 copies 1;his order del 1;0 .1 Co Ex Otficer ': tor del. to , Res.Engr.S1;a1;e, Dep1;. Highways 5/23/57 !: 1 V 4 copies 1;his" order del 1;0 Co Ex Otficer ' tor del. to I, Res. EDgr.S1;ate Dep1;. Highways: 5/23/57 ' AdOp1ied by the tolloWing recorded vo1;e: Ayes: Supervisors Ii. E. Cunditf, EdWin G. H. Clark Hays: Hone I. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland Ii !i I, !I I' !: !; I I, I! il It copies this II order del 1;0 ,1 Co Ex Officer Ii for del. to Ii ~:~t~T'Sta1;e j! 5/23/57 II . I I! Board ot Supervisors ~ d ': ) ) , .~. ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway COIIII1ssion of Virginia This 1IIll1;1;er came on 1;his day 1;0 be heard upon 1;he proceedings herein, and upon 1;m applica'Gion tor Greenlee Road trom Cres1;moor Drive, R1;. 699, to Eaton ~ . . . Rd.; 0.50 Mi. to be accep1;ed and made a part ot 1;he Secondary Sys1;em ot S1;ate Highways. 11; appearing 1;0 the Board 1;ha1; drainage easemen1;s and a 50 f1;. i' " " , righ1; of wa, " for said road has heretotore been dedica1;edby virtue of a certain map known as I: I, i: Cres~or #1, which map is recorded in Pla1; Book 2, Page 195 of 1;he records 'i . . ot the Clerk's Office of 1;he Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and , , :, .. ,!; tha1; by reason of the recorda1;1on of said map no report. trom a Board or Vie1l8rs~ I nor consent or dona1;1on of right of way fro. the abutting property owners is ,. '.. . I' necessary. The Board hereby ~antees said right or way and righ1; for draina~. BOW, mEuroBE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known ~s Greenlee Road Ii . , trom Crestllloor ~ive,. Rt~' S99~ to 'Eaton Road, and which is shown on a certain I: sketch accOllpanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to becomea part or the State Secondary Sys1;EI!l ot Highways in Roanok~ 'I CoUD~. ii I' I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ii. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark Nays: Hone ! ) ) ) ) , The Public and the State Highway ) COIIIIII1ssion of Virginia ) Ii 4 copies this II order del to I'Co Ex Officer ,'for del. to I Res.Engr.State IDept. Highways : 5/23/57 I j: I ! Board of Supervisors vs ORDER This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Thompsons Lane from Colonial Ave., Rt. 720, to Colony Lane; 0.31 mile to be accepted and made i, part of the Secondary System .'. " of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way.for. said road has heretofore been dedicateclby virtue of a certain map known as Green Valleys #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 199 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circnit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from 1;he abu1;1;ing property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. I J ~ 'i i' ;1 V I' II II I, " 'I II il il I I , I I I, . ,. , ! '--1 J 1 I " Ii i: Ii " i; Ii II [I II I' Ii I; " , Ii , :1 o , ! j. ., i; \i Ii r- o 225 n. n_ _._._ _______.__ _.[_.__ ___ .__ rr'..-.'----.---. Ii 'I :1 ;1 ,I: NOW, THEllEFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Tho.psons Lane " . . . from Colonial Ave.. Rt. 720. to Colony Lane; 0..31 mile 'and which 1s sholm on a , cert;ain sketch accompanying this order. be. and the eame is hereby established i\' I: as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Ii oUllty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark Hays: None i! " i' i. I 'I II II Board of Supervisors ) TS I The Public and the St;ate Highway ) COIlm1ssion 0:1' Vlrginia ) ORDER This III&tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and upon the application for Hope Road from Rt. 686 to Norwood St.; 0.16 mile 1;0 be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of St;ate Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft~ right of way tor said road has hereto:1'ore been dedicated by virtue of a certain III&p kno as ~view Court #.3, which map is recorded in Plat Book .3. Page 217 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report .from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation 0:1' right 0:1' way :1'rom the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby ~antees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW. TIlEREFORB. BE IT ORDERED that said road knOlm as Hope Road from Rt. 0"' ",.. 686 to Norwood St.; 0.16 Mile and which is shown on a certain sle tch. accompanying this order. be. and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part 0:1' the State Secondary System 0:1' Highways. in Roanoke CoUIlty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer. Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark Nays: None Board of SuperVisors ) ) } ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the St;ate Highway Commission of Virginia This IIIll.tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and upon the application for Shady Side Drive :1'rom Belle Meade Drive to D. E.; 0.15 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of St;ate Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a SO ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by Virtue of a certain map known as Belle :!Ieade. which III&p is recorded .in Plat Book .3. Page 2.36 of the records of the Clerk's Office 01' the Circuit CoUrt of Roanoke County. Virginia, 4 coples this .order del to Co Ex Officer .Ifor del. to Res. Engr.Stat Dept.. Highways 5/2.3/57 I I I , 4 copies this jOrder del t.o ,Co Ex Officer ii'or del. to ,Res.Engr.State :Dept. Highways ! 5/23/57 I 1 , , 226 I' 4 copies this Ii" order del to i Co Ex Officer II tor del. to I' ies.Engr.Sta1;e,: Dept. Highways I; .5/23/57 r" 4 copies this '. order del to Co Ex Officer tor del. to ies. EDgr.S1;a1;e Dept. Hlghways '. 5/23/57 4 copies 1;his order del to Co Ex Officer for del. to Res.Engr,S1;ate II Dept. Highways ;1 5/23/57 This lIla1;ter came on this day 1;0 be. heard upon the proceedings herein, alld i! . ~ upon the application for Balsam Dri,ve from Belle Meade Drift, 1;0 ~. E.;:.o.27 mil~ to be accepted alld made a part of 1;he Secondary System 'of S1;ate Highways. !! p It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of Ii f(-- I Ii I aDd; that by reason of, the re.cordati,on of .84id map DO z:eportfrom.a Board of Viewe;r's, nor cODS~n1; ,or. liona.1;ion of, right, of WlU'trQII 1;he abutting 'propel'ty owners is necessary. Th~Board here.by guarantees said right ot way and right for drainage. lOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Shady Side Drive . . . . . . troll Belle Meade Drive to D. E.; 0.15 mile andwhi~b is sbw on a certain 11 i' i: ;, . . .ske;1;ch .a,ccojDpanying :t;his order" be, and the same is hereby establi.shed as a pUblic road to become a part ot the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded Tote: Ayss: Supervisors W. E. lJ-ol11ditf, Minor i. Ketfer, Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark Hays: Hone B9ard .ot Supervisors ) ) ) ) 1 ) ORDER vs. The Public and the State Highway Comaission of Virginia ii jI I' I ~ i! r way for said road has. retofore been dedicated by vil'tueofa certain map I; I' , known as Belle Meade" lIhichmapis recorded ln Plat Book 3, Page 236 of the ;! records of the Clerk's ot"fice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, Ii aDd that by reason ot the, recordation of said map no repprt tr~. a ;Board of ! i' )! Viewers, nor consent or donation of rig!1t of way from the abutting property 01lD8rs is necessary. . The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. loti, TllEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said l'oad known as Balsam Drin' froll Belle Meade Drive to D. E.; 0.27 II1i.le and .lIhich 111 shown on a: certain sketch accolllpanyiDg. this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to becCllle a part of the State Secondary o:Iystem of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopte d by the FollowiDg recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors t. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minoxt:i. Keffer. and Ro18Dd H. Clark . . lays: None Board of Supervisors ) 1 ) } ~ ORDER vs The Public and tho State Highway. Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Belle Meade Drive from ToppiDg .Hill Drive to D. E. 0.15 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of S~te Highwa:ys. I; ...."...",. i! " ! L ii I' I I Ii ., I Ii I 'I il II II II II Ii [ I Ii I I[ I, I 1: I I , 4 copies this order del to Co Ex Officer :'for del. to Res. Engr.Sta1; : Dept. Highways 5/23/57 ,..., I " I I: ,J I I " I; il I: 11 i :-- i i! II !! " !I I' .1 II '. " ii " " ') ~ Ii I; I; J I I' It Ii " " ,I ., :1 ! Ii 'I ,I 'I ., :! 1 I I ., , o o 227 - .. - ..-- ___,_~_ .__ ____._ _ a '._ __ __ _.. ___u_.. ._'_.__n..___._" u_____~_. .~__..___... _ Ii I : It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 it; right of .-r-~-".~~. I way for said road has heretofore been dedicated byvirtue of a certain map i i known as Belle Meade. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 236 of 'the I records of the Clerk t s Ottice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. I and 'that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of i Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way from the abut'ting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW. TIlEREFORE. BE ITORDEllED that said road known as BelJe Meade Drive . .. . . frOlli Topping Hill Drive toD. E.; 0.15 Mile and which is shown on e certain . . sketch accompanying this order. be. and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. ,. , Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Edwin G. Terrell. Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark . .. Nays: . None Board of Supervisors ) l ) ) ) ORDER 4 copies this order del. to Co Ex Off'icer for del. to Res.Engr. State Dept. Highways 5/23/57 VB The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia :1 This aa'tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and upon 'the application for Sherry Road f:mm Rt. 797 to D. E.; 0.13 Mile to be accepted aDd sade a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to th8 Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Sherry Court. which map is recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 150 of the records of the Clerk'S Office of the ~ircuit Cour't of Roanoke ~ounty. Virginia.: and ~~byreason of therecordation 01' said map no report frcma Board 01' Viewers. nor consent or donation 01' right of way from 'the abutting propsrty owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW. TIIE1lEFORE. BE IT ORDERED that the said road known as Sherry Road from Rt. 797 to D. E.; 0.l3 mi. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be. and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part 01' theState Seco ndary Sys'tem 01' Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer. Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell . Nays: None II - ._,~==,. .._-,,'---07 '--'----".' -----0-:0. ..' t I it I' It copies' this I' order del. to Co Ex Of'ficer f'or del. to Res. Engr. S~te Dept Highways 5/23/57 ~ It copies this order del. to I, Co Ex Of'f'icer!' f'or del. to Res. Engr. State Dept. Highweys 5/23/57 Board of Supervisors ) ) ). ) ) 1 ORDER vs " II il ii !i i, Ii 'I . . This _tter calle on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and II . ~ upon the application for Fair Oaks Road from Crutchfield St. to D. E.; 0.20 I: ,I mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary 57st8111 of Statll' Highweys. !' I. It appeariIlg to the Board that draillage easUlents. and a SO ft. right of ii I: wey for said road has heretofore been dedicated by vlrtue of a. certain up I' known as North Ardllore, which up is recorded in. Plat Book 3, Page224 of the II I recorcls of the Clerk's Office of. the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia,ll and that by reason of therecordation of said Illap no. report trOll a Board of ii " 'i !i I II I: Ii lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OBn~ll~D that. said road kno1ol11 as Fair Oaks Road froIII 'I Crutchfield St.'to D.. E.; 0.20 mile and which is shown on a~certa1n sketch I! ,I Ii ,I 'I I, I The Public and the State Highwey Commission of Virginia I Viewers, nor consent or donation of right. of way froll the abutting property oweme is necessar.y. !he Board hereby guarantees said right of_y. alld right for draillage. :'! n i: accOIlpaJl71ng this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to beCOI118 a part of the State Seconciarr System of Highweys ill Roanoke " !; !! County. I I I I I ,I ji I, II !i I, " I' I' Ii Ii !' This matter came on this day tobe heard upon the proceedings herein, and j' il upon the application for Crutchfield St. from end of Rt. 1833 to Fair Oaks Rd.; I' . f 0.05 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State I Ii " Ii i,. I Ii " j,: II i! Adopted b)' the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervl80rs W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Keffer, Roland H. Clark and I: " , i' Board of Supervisors ) ) ~ ) ) ORDER '9'S The Public and "the State Highway Commission of Virginia i: !: Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of I way tor said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Ardmore, which map is recorded in P;l.at Book 3, Page 224 of the records of' the Clerk's Off'ice of' the Circui,t Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of' the recordation of' said map no report from a Board of' Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of' way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of' way ii i Ii " " I' Ii " I Ii !: and righ1< for drainage. , NCYil, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road kn01ol11 as Crutchfield St. from, end ot Rt. 1833 to Fair Oaks Rd.; 0.05 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accClllpanying this or .der, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State SeCDndary System of Highways in Roanoke County. . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None -- - ------_._-----~~-_.._------~_.._-- .-'-.---.-- ..-...- '---.--- ~---------_. -.--..---.-. ___n_.__..____ .___.___ . -- - --~.- -----.--.-. .--.--_..... ....-----.-..-...---.-- -- ----.._---._--_.--- . Ii ,. , ! , ..... ,I Board ot Supervisors ) ) ) 1 ) . ) ORDER VIS The Public and 1;he S1;a1;e Highway C~ssion ot Virginia J This I118.1;1;er came on ~is day to be heard upon 1;he proceedings herein, and upon 1;he applicat.1on tor High Acres Road frOlll GarsUand Dr. R1;. 1421, 1;0 D. 0.13 mile to be accep1;ed and made a pan ot the Secondary Sys1;em of Sta1;e ]1 , Ii 11 Ii Highways. 11; appearing 1;0 1;he Board tha1; drainage easemen1;s and a 50 1'1;. righ1; ot way tor said road has here1;otore been dedicat;ed by v1r1;ue ot a cer1;a1n map known as Hemlock Hills fI4., which map is recorded in Pla1; Book 3, Page 243 ot 1;he ~cords or 1;he (herk's Otfice of 1;he Circu11; Cour1; of Roanoke Coun1;y, . i, Ii " Virginia, and 1;ha1; by reason of 1;he recordation of said map no repor1; trOlll a Board of Viewrs, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll 1;he abutting proper1oy OWDSrs is necessary. The iloard hereby guaran1;ees said righ1; of way and righ1; for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that the said road known ae High Acres Road 1 :...J q " " !i " I' Ii If II II II II I 'I 11 H ! Nays: None trOlll Gars1;1and Dr., Rt. 1421, to D. E.; 0.13 mile and which is shown on a . . cer1;ain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the S1;ate Secondary Sys1;am of Highways in Roanoke C01Ul1;y. Adopted by ~e following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. bundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark, and w Minor R. Keffer. J , ~ :1 " 11 I' ,I II " " " :! r :1 ,I I I .1 System of the several coun1;ies 1;hroughout the State had been ~de, and that he Communication dated April 19, 1957, signed by J. C. Masten, Director Public Service Taxation Division, in re: Division of Public Utility Taxation, . . receoved and ordered filed. Letter dated April 15, 1957. from O. T. Aichel, Resident Engineer, Depar of Highways, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, advising ,nt I 1;he Board as a result of passag.. into Law by Congress of the 1956 Highway Act, I I Public Law Bo. 627, that an added supplemental allocation on the Secondary I I I ! U.' ~' I t ~ Ii was enclosing a revised final budget of the Secondary System of Roads in Roanoke Coun'ty. i! , " " Let1;er and revised budget ordered filed. I I ;i ORDERED that 1;he Board be adjourned until the third Monday in June, 1957. ~. Chairman - l I B.; ! I I I I I , I ! i I 229 4 copies lilis order del to Co Ex Officer for del. to Res. Engr. State Highway , Dept. I 5/23/57 --- -- ~=-~-~T i: .-----r Court House Salem. Virginia June 17. 1957 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. i; I' Ii l! Before the meeting was called to order by the ChairDl<ln. Mr. R. T. Edwards. Ii 'I I Ii I. I Ii I Ii II . The follOwing claims against the County were this day presented. approved. II and ordel'ed to be paid by' .voucher-checks out of' the f'unds respect! vely chargeabl~ I thereWith. to-wit: i' . 1 No. 25760 Appalachian Electric Power Co.. Current used at Fire House I' and G. E. Meter Station $ 34.6611 II 25.621, 242.45 " ,I 1.88 :! " 5.;0 Iii 20.75 : i 23.721 I, 1.15 Ii i 12.1311 10.00 I .60 ! I 134.82 Ii 12.00 II Present: W. E. Cundiff. Chairman. , .. Edwin G. Terrell. Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. Attorney and past Mayor of the City of Roanoke ot'/ered a prayer. I The minutes of' the last regular meeting were approved as spread. each Ii I member of the Board having read the copy of' said minutes furnished him by the , ii , II ;' ii Ii l( " ,I ,. :i " !I " !1 Ii ii 'i :1 I: I! Ii ,I !: ,I , ii I \l " I: II " n n n n , n n n n n n n n n .. n n Clerk. It . 25761, Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Identification tags and plates for garbage cans n 25762 25763 25764- 25765 25766 25767 25768 25769 25770 25771 25772 25773 n It It n n n n n n n It 25774 25775 25776 Acme Printers. Inc.. office supplies J. P. Bell Co.. office supplies Baptist Children's Home Press, Office supplies Clark Blue Ridge Produce Co., Food for Prisoners Brown Hardware Co.. Hardware etc. Burroughs Adding Maehine Corp. Ribbon for Adding Ma<ihine Caldwell-Sites Co.. .Of'f'ice supplies Dr. .S. D. Carey. Coroner Investigations R. L. Carper Co.. office supplies C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service Cave Spring Electric Motor Service. Repairing Drill City of Roanoke, Sewage treatment charges for General Electric Line Roland H. Clark, Services on Fairview Home Board Bernard Cook. Services on Welfare Board Cancelled 25777 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance County owned Vehicles 25778 25779 25700 2578l 25782 25783 25784 W. E. Cundiff, Services on Well'are Board Diamond Paper Co.. Janitor supplies Culligan Soft Water Service. Rent on Water So.t'tner for Hollins Fire House .~~~'s SerVice Station. Gasoline purchased for Police Car #6 Elkins Shell Service Station. Wash jobs and Gas for Police Cars Easter Supply Co.. office supplies Fairview Home. CountY's pro-rate share of expense in maintaining home for the aged 25785 Fort Lewis Coal & Gas Co., Parts, Oil and Wash Jobs 25786 Chalmers Ferguson. Commission on Delinquent Taxes 25787 Boyd H. Fitzgerald. Reimburse Lunacy fee and Judge Fee 25788 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 25789 Gittens & Morton Insurance. Premium on Fire Insurance I I 'j 'I 193.85 il " e" "0 ii ,.0 II " Ii 100.00 !I H :! 1.144.50 I lOO.OO l6.12 I 3.50 5.60 42.30 15.05 I 73.40 25.55 619.77 25.00 41.44 ; 602.00 -. ~.,. ..;..~ ," ",''''';;':'~~~~l'.~~,__,."...,...,"_....., II . No. 25790 Goodwin-Andrews Inc., Premium on Fire Insurance II 25791 25792 II 25793 25794 25795 25796 25797 2579!l 25799 25!l00 25!l01 J II II II II 1- II II II II II 25802 25!lo3 25804 25805 II II II II 25!l06 25807 2580g 25809 25810 25!lll !ii I: I !, II II II .-, i .-I ;j II II II 25812 II 25813 25814 II II 25815 25816 25817 II II i I ;-' J II. 25818 25819 25!l20 25821 25822 25823 25824 II II II II II ,-, J II II 25!l25 25826 II " 25827 II 2582!l 25829 ,I II Ii Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Paint and Janitor supplies Mr. B. C. Guthrie, Reimburse damage done to rock wall by Garbage Truck Jerry Hodges, Gas & Oil &c Dr. R. F. Hough, Services on Welfare Board International Business Machine Corp. Ribbons and Carbon Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse County Treasurer Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co., Maps for Reassessment Miller Tire Service, Tires and Repairs Carnell Moore, Maintenance of Garbage Dump. Mercy House, Inc., Appropriation to Mercy House Mount Pleasant Grocery, GasolilB Purchased for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners Nelson Hardware Co., Garbage Tubs for Collection Owen Plumbing & Heating, Repair work National Fire Protection Assoc., 1 Handbook of Fire Protection &:c Peacock-Salem Laundry Company, Laundry Prisoners Radio COillIllunications Co., Radio Maintenance Rainbo Bread Company, Food for Prisoners Roanoke Mills Inc., Offi ce supplies Roanoke Valley Motors, Parts and Repairs Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician Salary, Coroner Investigations Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners Salem Farm Supply Corp. Rat Poison for County Jail Salem Hardware Co., Janitor supplies, Hardware and Repair Material Salem Lumber & Supply Co., Lumber Marking off Parking Lot Salem MOtors Inc., Repairs and Parts Police Car #7 Summer dean Esso Station, Gas Oil &c Smead & Webber Drug CO'r Medical supplies for Jail Smith's Esso Service Center, Gasoline used for Police Car #6 G. A. Scru~s, Postmaster, Reimburse Postage wm. P. Swartz, Jr. & Co., 8 Stainless Steel Cuspidors for Courthouse Town of Salem, Lights and water and Maintenance Fire Truck Times-Register Company, Advertising and Publishing Voting List Trans American Panama Hat Co., Wearing Apparel for Deputy Sheriffs Technical Reproduction & Supply, Reassessment maps &c Uarco Inc. Office supplies 231 -~..._....-..______ ---'-'-c--,::=-=~~.__ _.__. $ 1,131.7 32.7 12.091 19.4011 100.001 i 24 711 I 198.851 5.97 267.33 420.00 620.93 : 11 5.00', 69.33'\i 72.90 i 297.75 if 11.20 19.2!l .Ii 15.00 39.28 97.88 324.96 9.73 14.46 3.00 100.00 14.971: 3.68 10.07 2.20 16.95 113.01 1.38 3.80 42.00 Ii 'I I: I I 38.80 754.09 927.00 52.00 56.96 104.86 2:32 ...-_.. -- . __ ___.._.__~ U' ..---~---- Ii ii " " " I: ( [I " I: , " ,. :1 .' " ,. i " ii I' ,I , " , I i; i' " Ii " " " I ! " 'I : ~ , ;: I I~ , i' n '; Ii n " , " i: It " ;, " n n n .. .. No. 25830 25831 25832 25833 25834- 25835 25836 25965 25967 25968 25969 25970 25971 25972 25973 25974- 25975 25976 25977 25978 25979 25960 .. n It It n It n If It If II " It .. n It .. It .. .. It .. 25981 25982 25983 25984- 25985 25986 25988 25989 If .. n n .. II It It 25990 25991 2.5992 25993 n n n n 25994 25995 12.50 I; ': 15 00 :j . Ii , " Kyle Shelor, Room Bent 5.00 Ii Miller E. Petty, Services rendered in connection with Election 96.511 C. G. Tinnell, Room Rent Election 7.50 i ., R. S. Teel, Room Rent Election 7..50 ii I' 7.50 il 5.00 Cave Spring 3.50 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners Virginia Metal &nufacturing Co" Metal Pipe for Roads Vinton Motor Co., Repair and Parts for Garbage Truck #23 ~ilson's Esso & Grocery, Repair, Gas & Oil Westview Poultry Farm, Food for Prisoners Williams Auto Alignment, Parts for Police Car #4- Chalmers Ferguson~ Commission on Delinquent Taxes Mrs. M. A. Rain, Kent Election Booth Cain Grocery Store, Room Rent Catawba Mercantile Co., Room Rent Election day J. R. GoodWin, Jr., Expenses in connection with Election A. D. ~oodwin, Expenses in connection with Election Hart Motor Co., Room Rent Election Johnson' s Community Grocery, Room Rent ~~s. Iva Lucas, Rent Young's Super Market, Room Rent Election Frank J. Zimmerman, Room Rent Election Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Fire House Cave Spring Water Co. /Water Used at Cave Spring Fire Station, Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Esso Standard Oil Co., Oil and Tires C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service Double Envelope Corp., office supplies Fulton 1r/hi te Truck Co., Parts for Police Car #4- Goodwin-Andrews Inc., Premium on Surety Bond Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare International. Business Machine Corp., Office supplies Betty J. Hartman, TYpist for Assessors and Appraisers Lewis-G~le Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare . 68.41 53.63 18.35 61.53 " , 10.50 i! , , if I I Ii !, It i ! 4-.00 .83 7.50 7.50 7.50 , 60.00 I: 278.78 7.50 7.50 .71 4-.24- 9.50 14.81 2.50 i Ii I; " ii Ii il II ,I " II I !: 1,163.60 il I' II II :i 'I Ii Ii Ii Ii I, [' I, Ii 283.00 .! 2,58.00 4-.66 77.55 932.80 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Luncheon Tickets to Roanoke City's Diamond Jubilee ,14.00 Mt. Vernon PhilLps 66 Station, Gas & Oil for Cave Spring Fire Truck Medical College of Virginia, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 25996 Michie Company, Law Books 25997 Carnell Moore, Labor on Garbage Lot 25998 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. 100 Auto Tags 25999 Pitney Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine 26000 26001 26002 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Edward F. Staples, Reimburse !4ay Traveling Expense State Office Supply Co., 2 ribbons 11.05 20.00 157.00 21.93 21.60 442.40 1.30 3.46 I . I I I I ---- f - I I J - ; ~ r No. 2600.3 26004 26005 26006 26007 26009 26010 26014 -...---...---- - -~._----._" Town of Salem, Sewage treatment $ 68.75 83.77 291.40 I I I " I I I: , q I I' I' ,I " Ii II It It .. It It It It IN HE: Virginia Foods, Inc., food for Prisoners & Janitor supplies C. W. Warthen Co., record books Walters Printing & Yd'g. Co., office supplies Wilmar Company, Janitor supplies Edward F. Staples, Reimburse May traveling expenses 70.00 18.81 41.30 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital for Welfare 422.40 Judge Norman Moore, Reimburse Traveling expense 25.45 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: II il I, ;I and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: I I I I! , I I I Election for their services in COl ~cting the Special Election held June ll, 195 l I I I I J :! i' il Ii 01 " !' ;. ii ,I Ii 'I ;1 ,I ,I I, ;: !l } ;1 'I I: il I: No. 26008 26011 26012 26013 25837 Esso Standard Oil Company, Gasoline and Auto Tires F. H. Platter, Fowl claim Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Slip covers dog Warden's Truck Shelton's Garage, Making squirrel cage $ 51.42 11.00 l3.95 3.00 .. .. .. It It 258.38 C & P Telephone Company, Telephone service for Dog.Warden's Home l5.75 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of Dog Truck Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 72.77 l.45 6.00 .. 25839 25840 2584l 25842 Ralph Long, Reimburse Traveling Expense Miller Tire Service, Tires for Dog Truck 62.21 It It It Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for Dog Truck 15.00 The following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioners of No. 25$4.3 25844 25845 25846 25847 25848 in Roanoke County, payable out of the General County Fund, to-wit: q o ii 'I ,I , I I ,I I o It It .. " It It 25849 25850 25851 25852 2585.3 It It It " John's Shop Clovis C. Garman, Judge and Returns Kyle Shelor, Judge Cancelled Mrs. Loyd Shelor, Judge Doris Shelor, Clerk Lois Barton, Clerk $ l6.l;.0 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 CATAWBA Mrs. Viola Grisso, Judge and Returns Robert D. Z,Iorehead, Judge J. W. Hylton, JUdge Grace Morehead, Clerk Everette Sirry, Clerk 16.40 10.00 lO.OO 10.00 10.00 I 233 234 , " ., " Ii :i l' ~i il Ii ., I, " i: II No. 25854 n 25855 n 25856 n 25857 n 25858 n 25859 25860 25861 25862 2~S63 " " n It n 25864 25865 25866 25867 25868 " " n n It 25869 25870 25871 25872 25873 It It n " " 25874 25875 25876 25877 25878 " " " " " 25879 25880 2588l 25882 25883 " It fl " It 258S4 25885 25sa6 25887 258sa It " n '. . - --. -II' MASON'S VALLEY W. B. Smith, Judge and Returns C. P. Horne, Judge H. B. Pra::t, Judge. Mrs. M. A. Bain, Clerk J. M. Frith, Clerk $ 15.70 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I !;EST SALEM J. C. Shelton, Judge and Returns A. H. Follmar, Judge Bruce H. Robinson, Judge Elizabe~h F. Hodges, Clerk Ruth A. Lavinder, Clerk GLENVAR 15.00 'I 10.00 :i 10.00 :1 Ii 10.00 I! 10.00 Ii I Frank A. Garth, Judge and Returns Kathleen L. Hill, Judge Bettye N. Houck, Judge Vera P. Thompson, Clerk Marie P. Young, Clerk NORTH SALEM 15.70 10.00 10.00 lO.OO 10.00 Richard F. Burke, Judge and Returns W. B. Littrell, Judge & Comr. John J. Sheahan, Judge Emma M. Francis, Clerk Mrs. Winnie L. Brown, Clerk & Comr. SOUTH SALEM NUMBER ONE :1. Harvey Woods, Judge, Returns &: Comr. Dorothy H. Russo, Judge Reid H. Duncan, Judge Mary Snapp, Clerk &; Comr. !olrs. Agnes L. Wolte, Clerk SOUTH SAW! NUMBER TWO 15.00 II 20.00 Ii II 10.00 II 10.00 II .20.00 :1 [, n I Ii Ii 25.00 I' d i' 10.00 I! 'I lO.OO Ii II 20.00 I; " 10.00 Ii I' il " ~ I I A. H. Moran, Judge and Returns O. W. Shelor, Judge G. L. POi'i', Judge Edna Brown, Clerk Lena Sowers, Clerk 15.00 I " 10.00 ii 10.00 10.00 10.00 I PETERS CREEK Mrs~ Sarah Whitmire, Judge &: Returns G. H. Kelch, JUdge J. M. Wigginton, Judge Ruth C. Sears, CJerk Willie N. McDaniel, Clerk 15.42 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I ;.o..''';'':::'--'C::;'''~-'=~::'';'';:' -------""-- ----~-. ~-- - --- BURLINGTON .~.~._-~'~~-r' ~ ,. I $16.401 , 10.00' 10.00i' , lO.OOi 10.00: =~-:'--~"'""".'-'."'""!7-,-,~----~....,...-,- .------------- '.- -- :: n w No. 25889 It 25890 It 2589l It 25892 It 25893 " I' " " n cJ It 25894 It 25895 It 25896 It 25897 It 25898 i. I' I i: Ii i: I, 'I I' ,: !( , II I ;, 'I I, It 25899 It 25900 It 25901 It 25902 .. 25903 J Ii I i: .1 I' I' , !l !i ii " ii " II 'i I il 'I I, It 25904 .. 25905 .. 25906 .. 25907 It 25908 It 25909 25910 25911 25912 259:13 It It It It .. 259JJ. 25915 25916 25917 25918 .. .. o It .. .. 25919 25920 2592l 25922 25923 11,.. U It It It It It 25924 25925 25926 25927 It It It " Mrs. Corrinne M. Murray, Judge and Returns Mrs. Della M. Murray, Judge Rosalie S. Lucas, Judge Anne T. Kendrick, Clerk Ruby M. Halsey, Clerk EAST VINTON T. M. Bush, Judge Paul W. Foutz, Judge and Returns Roy W. Thrasher, Judge Oakey Cox, Clerk Wavie O. Griffith, Clerk I 10.00[i 16.401: 10.0011 10.00 10.00 WEST VINTON W. R. Porter, Judge and Returns Robert L. Watson, Jr., Judge Dessie M. Smelser, Judge 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 Ii I' 10.00 i Lola Williamson, Clerk Edythe S. Watson, CJark BOTETOURT SPRINGS R. L. Walrond, Judge, Returns &: Comr. Wade W. Garman, Judge Ruby Obenchain, Judge Sherman Shaw, Clerk Mildred Hudgins, Clerk HOLLINS ROAD 27.80 10.00 I 10.00 I 10.00 Ii 10.00 I I. I Mrs. Ruth R. McCutchen, Judge and Returns G. C. Holland, Judge Lois H. Burnette, Judge Mamie C. Rowland, Clerk Ada H. Moore, Clerk 16.12 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 MEDLEY Mrs. Lena U. Zimmerman, Judge and Returns C. H. Garst, Judge F. J. Zimmerman, JUdge Rhea C. Garst, Clerk Ruby S. Davis, Clerk MOUNT PLEASANT 15.56 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Ii Ii I; I, II Ii 1\ , I i J. L. ~~son, Judge and Returns W. B. Mattox, Judge Mary R. Cronk, Judge Willie L. Richardson, Clerk Pearl A. Rakes, Clerk 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 GARDEN CITY Juanita Powell, Judge and Returns Virginia Liptrap, Judge Mrs. C. C. Burdette, Judge Mildred Patterson, Clerk 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 25928 Mavis B. Fry, Clerk 10.00 235 236 --~"-_._-_..- ....'._ ..' .u_~ __..n."n_... __ _._ __ _"", ;---_...._--~ ---_.--------- . ._~..m.,.-.... ....- ~_.. _ _ ___...,'__.., ---:"-.--~C Hrc~- .----.-....-.. '.. .- -H.'~r~.~.'--- " BONSACK " I I; No. 25929 Myrtle A. Bonsack, Judge and Returns $ 16.40 I ~ " It 25930 Mason L. Cook, Judge 10.00 I [, " It 2593l R. J. Foutz, Judge 10.00 :1 , It 25932 W. P. Catron, Clerk 10.00 I It 25933 Margaret T. Rumbley, Clerk 10.00 I' II RED HILL II !i It 25934 Mrs. J. S. Brooks, Clerk &: Returns 16.40 Ii I It 25935 Mrs. J. H. Leedy, Judge 10.00 I I I I 25936 Judge 10.00 I It Mrs. A. B. Harris, Ii It 25937 Mrs. Grace B. Johnson, Judge 10.00 II I' It 25938 Margaret M. Calhoun, Clerk 10.00 Ii POAGES MILL II I! Rierson, I' II 25939 I. C. Judge and Returns 16.40 I .. 25940 R. A. He11X'y, Jr., Judge 10.00 il I; It 25941 O. F. Martin, Judge 10.00 Ii I I Willett, Clerk 10.00 I It 25942 D. R. i II It 25943 Mary P. Gregson, Clerk 10.00 CAVE SFIUNG Ii :: " II It 25945 Henry S. Turner, Judge and Returns 15.84 II II .. 25946 J. A. Lipps, Judge 10.00 I' I l I! It 25947 S. R. Pritchard, Jr. , Judge 10.00 ,I 1\ I: It 25948 Ernestine Graham, Clerk 10~00 II It 25949 Ruth R. Floyd, Clerk 10.00 I' II BENT MOUNTAIN II It 25950 Mrs. Lena Lancaster, Clerk and Returns 16.40 I; I It 25951 W. B. Coles, Judge 10.00 I It 25952 B. W. Angle, Judge 10.00 , II It 25953 Maude L. POff, Judge 10.00 '. ii It 25954 C. F. Holt, Clerk 10.00 OGDEN It 25955 Mrs. Helen Pickett, Clerk and Returns 16.40 It 25956 E. C. Cawley, Judge 10.00 It 25957 ;oorothy S. Tuck, Judge 10.00 I It 25958 J. L. Dent, Judge 10.00 It 25959 Beulah K. Bernard, Clerk lO.OO RIVERDALE It 25960 F. B. Clel!llller, Judge and Returns 16.40 It 25961 Mary C. Clemmer, Judge 10.00 I It 25962 Madeline G. Chocklett, Judge 10.00 It 25963 Mrs. C. B. Clemmer, Clerk lO.OO It 25964- Nu-s. J. C. Tabor, Clerk 10.00 Ii n :; r('~',i.:-:s ~ :.;... ~)rl';c!" r.~c)l . ''':' .':' ffj (:~~' for' ',0 .... ~. .::nrr. .i:,} -j"I\'.&VS. 0" '''0 /~"";' / ..L,: ,,/ 5 CGr~"c t...;~..~, t(, .:;9.....: 'o"":.!,'.' to - !U'r. Lx i':-.'. ,i:'- ,:,:.~~rs 0/1<'-/57 ,- ":". ._J' ._.'...,; 5 COf,i~s this oreel' Qel t,u Co. ~x. vi'l'i C8r ;,"cr del. to he s ..Gn[r. Dept .Hi;'[1\":&YS b119/57 . 5 co}:i-:.:s r.;-:is or:::.er de~ t~ t..:,-,..-:x. Oi':ic8~ i'cr' ~~l.tc ~.~~.., ~~c_r. .) .pt ;1... :..(l... C-J ::> - c/l~.'57 d ~ .,:;r'l~iJ.;S -::.his or;;er :.:.~l t.o Co wfi'j~0r ~'0r del to !..~~s. ':;n/"T. Dert. hi[h'.:a:'s 6/19/57 5 cod..,s this ordQr' c21 t'J Co. ~x ~fficer for del to '"'~C: 1i''->:~r J.~' t ..~'- .....11'-, .' , . Hi<"'h'.':;,:;s 6,/19 57 5 c ot:' if: ~ t;li...; del vo vO ~X ~lllC for uel. i...C ~;.e s. ~nbr. Defi... r.iG_!1'.,'ays 0/1 S.j ;',; 5 COii~s t~J:S oroer de~ L0 CO ~x ~frjc=r' i'n~ ~;e~ tc ites .:.:u;r .l.kq:;~. !-ii[.'1~,'~~r5 b/l~,'17 :'1~\( 14 oAC-f246 I I I 5 ('-":1 i-=:.' --':':Li-=, orl1H'::' :'1..-:; v:: .:.^ v~. -, ,',:'. ;r.,. ::-.<i.. . .. . .u;;;o:... ~:, ,:"..' , l'; J. ~'I ;.,.. ',I~O. 1.1~; i JOdrd lor I , ._~~P.~.t~L~9rs . The Puplic and the State. Commj~",ion of Virginia i Highway 'l J ORDER " i This matter came On this day to be heard !upon the proceedings herein, and upon the, ap- ! d ication rOT .. .G.?9~~. LS,~,"~~C_l}_ ~~.I_ _ _ ~:t.'! __R~ "m.L~J.~..t9. .J,..Q.ne.h'09.Q. .Qr.i.v.e..mmm..Q....O.5_. m.i.... , to he a.cnlp:'t'rl and made a part of th~ Secondary System of-State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a.~~,L.f.~...~right of wa,y for said h "h f. b dd.' db ,. f .. k . Castle Hills #2 road as I ereto ore een e Icate y '\ilrtue 0 a certaIn map Down as__....._-....._______..___............. . . j ........., which map is recorded in Plat Book.....)..........:.., Page....3)......... uf the r,ord~ of the Clerk':5 Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Co:unty,:Virginia, :md that' by rt'a~on off the re~ordatjo!l of s~(id map no report from a Board of VIewers; nor consent or donatio." ur ri~ht ~f_ way from the abutting proper,t,y owners is necessary. The Board hereby, guar::mtee:; ~aid riJ.,l"ht of way and Ti~ht for drainage. . :-;OW, THEREFORE. .BE IT ORDERED that said road known as G09dy'is", /lv~n.u~" ..~2\k.&t,...J..6.J.3....tQ..J..9!leWQ9d .1\~~!l~e....Q.QS.,OlL ". \, ., " and which i:-; sho\vn on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the ~8me i...- herebv' t'stablished a..". a ~pubIic road to become a part ;of the State Secondary S~...tem of HjR'hway~ in Roa- noke County, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Kef'fer and W. E. Cundiff. S"3:';~: None. j,)aru 01 S.up.~r,-:.!_?g~_s \S HighWay"l J ORDER ::; ''>:-F~ .~~ 1 :".i; oruel' .,~: tC' Co The Public apd the' State Commis~ion of Virginia :..X ,--",ff::>2r 1 c'" .::It:l :,.:;,;., L::=:.~~n::r.. :;i!~~,. i~~ ~-: ;';' .3.} S '-'/.:.',/,' :;,t This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and U!lon I he ap- pi i cation for. _ _ 00.~.~0.~ ~.J:". f.Y. _ DXJ ~~ __ tr9!T.1. ._~!-': ~_ ._lZQ._ .1;9...Ih~Cf;.~.. ..Ch.o.p.. J..~fle...J;...ZQ. .ro.L!.c... . ;;D.ti... .,.... TJ ~~. ~~" _. ~'-~~P. ._~~_~~., tr.<?~ ..I?~. f.~J.h...~~2n.~9.J).!n..;.~ ...nQ."nU ...[l.U.en.n... ....n.... lobe ;lCl'l'pted and n:ade a part of th~ Secondary S~'stem of State Highways. It appearing to the Board thatdr~in3ge easements and a.$__~..i.~.~;.right of way for saiA . ~ - y JZ:.~ h t f b. ded' ted b .rt.. ft. k 0 td.9.eh i J I E s ta te s rr.ad has, ere 0 ore een lca Y VI ue 0 a.~:~ am map n wn as._..... n"dnn..,~.............:,,\,... u ..........., which map i~ .recorded in'.Pl"t Book.......,....?..........." Page. . 212, of the records of'th,e Clerk's Office"of the Circui.t Court of Roanoke Count Yo , Virginia, :md th~t. b~~ ;t':l~on of the rel:onlation of,said map no report from a Boar~ of Viewers,.Jlor'consent OF d~nation of right of way from the abutting property owners i& uecessar;y. The Board hereby guarantees.said ~ " right of way and right for drainage. .', . NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as..._.......,.............. '. ""'00' I lpnd9D.d~r!Y... Rr.i .Y.~..f.r'O.I))..K~.....Z4_Q. .ut9..Jhr~.e...~hQ.,_. .l.an~___Q.Z.Q..mH e,~..ang... u..... .._.. Three Chop lane from Darwin 80ad to D. E. D.11 mi Ie. ... _ .. _ _ _.. _u. n.n'__", _ u. _ u..... ....un...n..h_....nn.h.......nuh.u..._~u........un...:.n...... .n.T.: ..........n....,....'nn,..~...,...n.. and which is ,shown on a certain'sketch accompanying th'is" order, be, and. th~ ..same :is hereb;: eSUlbJished as a public road to become a part of the State Secor~ary System of Highways in Roo, nok~ County. ~. ! , . , . ,j1 0' I Adopted by.-the following recorded vote: Ayes: Edwin G. Terrell, Roland and W. E. Cundiff. None. H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer , , .-A- / ~ \ / .\ , , I I' ..~U ! I I ~ayg: ~ ". J : 1 i .U .0 i 11 II I' I, i II il iJ 'I I! I' II ,I J- 1 I I " I !""1 '! U i' " 11 :i S l -- - ..~. - .. --~- '_"_'-'..'-_ ~-';;'-::'., _.:.:=..._.'-'..-::--;.:.7"--'--'_..';,,;....;,: ~ :.:-_-..._.;;:...::.~--'--,._-==..:..~'-._.-.=.,_"-__..~:.-::..:..:....;::._~-' ;r I' I' ~ I , j: , --- --_._._-_._-~..-. .,..-.,......-. - . - . - The following accounts were this day laid before the Board: JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, Roanoke County, salarie~, expense accounts for the month of June,. 1957, and also those of J. LUCK RICHARDSON, Commissioner of Revenue, EDW. H. RICHARDSON, CollDllonwealth's Attorney, and H. W. CLARK, Sherll'f, wiJ,l be paid as of J~e 30, 1957. I: I I Ii " ,I , f' I: I' ~ i Ii i' MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Trearurer of Roanoke County this day submit'ted to the Board the following report: i r- Ii Ii Ii ;1 ii il ! "Salem, Virginia .June 17, 1957 To the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business June 15, 1957, there was to the credit of the General County Fund $ 33,087.36 Library Fund 3,135.79 Dog Fund 8,278.7.5 Salem D:lstrict Road Debt 81.5.29 County.School Fund . 13,500.68 School Construction Fund 28,8l0.a6 ,:,chool Textbook Fund 3,436.85 Deferred Credit Account 361.74 F. I. C. A. 2.072.0~ , 93,498.71 ,I ,I I' ii I! . II Ii I: ! I I i I Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report is approved and ordered filed. IN BE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED. BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal, County Treasurer, for $943.97 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of May, 1957, less 5~ commissions, and turned over 1;0 said Treasurer, said check lIllounting to $896.77 net. On motion, duly',seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of June, 1957, be approved in the amount of,$8,442.79, from which the SllIII of $161.64 total F. I. C. A. Tax ani total W. H. Tax $7.56.30 is to .be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,524.85. Adopted by the foll01. ~ recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period May 16, 1957 ending May 31, 1957, be approved in the amount of $1,496.11, from which the sum of $33.65 total F. I. C. A. Tax and total W. H. Tax $68.40 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,394.06. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors \'I. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ",.,-..", 251 ~""~ r;u-~ . . t3,'H .11.... I~ ~_,'ir;$1. I I I I I I I i I I I I I I 252 f'iled: .__" ___r."'_"""-~ .. .~.,~'- -.~,~,,,,-.,.............,.- ...,-".,."""""'.:~,:,,<:"?:,.,,.--.. -' ,'- .. -::="~=-::,::~~--"-",,,,:;::,,,-=':'''''_:_;.:.;.=_-_...o..'':'':;'-:'':=':''_''';'';'~ ~'.'..:.:..;c.:..:'';''''';';;';':'';''--'-~'._c.:..:':''';:;'-='::',;"o:;=c.;;.~~=- .~{ te~. il ~:,I tP~ ' ,-,,,:$" I II II t Ii i I Ii II " 1 II i' 11 II t ! Ii II h , .&~tDt . ~ II Ii ,r'f ~.~'II . ,\ Co (P~! ict~ ,I I &.-''l'~'" I! 'I I: ,I i' ,I " 'I , I' I: II iI " [, Ii " ~ n " 'I 1: ii . - --"---r- -~~.~~- " On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that voucher-check No. 257.38 dated June 15, 1957, f'or $150.00, payable to Martha Jane Harris 'f'or one half' " " I: 'i I , I of June salary, be approved, retro-active to date of issuance. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keff'er, Roland H. Clark and 1 On motion duly seconded, it is ordered that the amended County Library Budget for year 1957-1958, in the amount of $10,0.37.-00, be approved, in order that said Budget may coincide with appropriation heretofore approved by this Board for said year. Amended copy of said budget submitted, ordered filed. Adopted by the f'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None 1 . , I II The following reports were this day laid before the Board: II H. w. CLARK, Sheriff! sU1llDW'Y statement of prisoner days in the County Jail Ii ~_~~~~~m; i i Ii I II .1 I: I H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, ottice and travel expenses for month of May, 1957 EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report tor May, 1957 AUBREY R. SLAYTON, Assistant County Agent, monthly report tor Ma;y, 1957 IN BE: COUNTY AUDIT: .. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the tirm 01' Alexander Grant c!: Company, certif'ied public accountants, be employed to audit the records of Roanoke County for the f'iscal year ending June 30, 1957. Letter dated May 29, 1957, from said Company ordered f'iled. Adopted by the following recorded vote: i , , i 'I I. ! Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None . E. Cundift, Minor R. Ketter, Roland H. Clark and I: The tol1owing communications this day submitted to the B~rd, are ordered " I I I ii ,I !i Ii " J' I' II I: :1 " :i ;: 11 ii Ii Certif'ied Public Accountants;. I, " Ii Ii I: ,I Public Welf'are be, and it is hereb'll' authorized to pay all State and Hospital Ii Bills incurred by the Welf'are Boar~ through June .30, 19.57, prior to July 1, 19.57.11 i: II II I Letter dated May 23. 1957, trom A. L. Knighton, of' Andrews. Burket & Company, certif'ied Public Accounts; and Letter dated May 28, 1957, trom Anderson &: Reed, On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Board of. 'it I /: I' !: , :: I: I i , I ] I I " r ,! I " '. Ii ,. ~: " ,. - I! I r ; :1 .-1 ,- il I. i! " I 'I II , Ii ,- " II II I! , " :i , ! I I , J .0 . ~ U ! , , , i II II II !, I' ,I " if II !j " h il I Ii I, II ! , , , I ! I !I i' ~ i I 'i I ii !i .......-.:-...-..----.-. .-:.::~;c..:::~c,;o_= ~.,.:.;.:-~-_'_'~_:.-..::..:..~=-=='_':;::::;::;;'__.:;:...;....;.:....:.:.o.:.-...:;~ --_--,.-,.~-.-c-:--",__._,..,...,.._,....".~,.,....,.....:::_-.~_-:,- ,.,...-""'"""'''-c-....."...,-.._.- Adopted by the following recorded vo~e: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None Letter dated May 24, 1957, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk of Supervisors Roanoke County, from John W. Eure, Co-Chairman, Polio Eradication Campaign, expressing appreciation of financial support of Board of Supervisors; Communication dated May 31, 1957, from Executive Board of League of Virginia COUJl'tles, in re method of appraising value of real estate property other than public utilities, and recommending that no change in the present method of assessiong property of public utilities in Virginia be made at this time. Extract oi: resolution in re: assessment ~ property of public utilities, adopted by the Orange County Board of Supervisors, held May 14, 1957. Mrs. Y.iller and Mrs. Barton this day appeared before the Board and asked if it was compulsory that all lot owners in Tinker Knoll Addition connect With "North-ll Sewer Project"; Atter a discussion of the matter, the Balrd advised the petitioners that it had concurred in the resolution of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, dated January S, 1957, requiring all owners, tenants or occupants of each lot, or parcel of land, abutting upon a street or other public highway containing a san11;ary sewer which is a part of, or which is served, or may be served, sewer system, and upon which lot or parcel of land a building has been by said I I I I , I constructed for residential, commerCial or industrial use, to connect to said sewer system by January 1, 1955. On motion, duly seCXl nded, it is be authorized to.purchase additional ordered that the County Purchasing Agent equipment for recording machine for use in the Roanoke County Court at a cost of ninety-five dollars ($95.00). Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland Edwin G. Terrell Nays: lone H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Copy of resolution of Board of SuperVisors of Nelson County, Va., adopted at its May Meeting, 1957, in re: Simplified Method of Enforcing Lien for Delinquent Real Estate Taxes, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the resolu-cion of the Board of Supervisors of Nelson County, and directs till Clerk of this Board to forward a C'opy of this resolution to the Honorable Ted Dalton and the Honorable Nelson R. Thurman, our representatives in the General Assembly, with the request that they use their best efforts to enact such legislation as may be necessary to accomplish the above purpose. 253 '1 I I I I I ! I~~t I ... i'l.<Jl..<.l \ rl... .,~" , ((v..v ~ v--r-" I' b_ISf.-t i I , I I :tff Ic4~ I~C. I (b:... ..t. t. I~ 1~~~Tr~ I ~Y"'r /, ~ .u;;:: Y"- , -/l-h 254 :1 )' il 'I Ii 'I t [P.7i;~~, ff. Kit I, ~ C-!I ~iJ II 5 '\ 1'1 . I " ~ /1 ,~1Ii I, 11 I i I I 1 '~rl ~' c. . I Co ...,.CP ,-,-qJ~ I , I II I ~I f~B. I' f)\"t' r;:;. I $.c- I. &.-1"1-.\7 j ! I II . ~ ~~rll ~.\. !i ~i' ~. I' ,I "-Ii' .$,.1 :' i1 I; 11 I. I . jI ~. jl !; " '-- I-~~Ii I I _ ____d . _. __.. '____.__.. _ .____+___.___.___n_.____. - _. - ___ ...... '__'._u n_____ ._ ,._._....:..:.._-,._-~----- ----.----.---. .1 Ii ,I II I: -- .-- ---.,'-. -----.-.-....-....--.-- _____,' u", ... Copy o~ resolution o~ Nelson County Board o~ Supervisors to be .forwarded to each of ~e above represen~tives. I, Letter dated May 28, 1957, f'rom Judge K. A. Pate, requesting this Board II II to send a representative ~ attend a meetixg to be held at the Roanoke City !I' Library Auditorium on Tuesday. June 25. 1957, at. 2 o'clock P. M., to determine i! Whether or not a study of' regional detention services should be made; ! Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seco nded, it is ordered that Edward F. Staples, Juvenile Probation Officer of Roanoke County be requested to attend said meeting as a representative from this Board. Letter dated May 28, 1957 from Judge Pate ordered filed. Adopted by the follol.ring recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell . . Na~s: None II On motion. duly seconded. it is ordered that a voucher-check for %wenty- five Dollars and Forty-five Cents ($25.45) be issued to Judge NOI'lllan R. Moore to re-imburse him for expenses to annual State meeting of Judges of Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court at Abingdon, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer, Roland H.Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: NON-CONFORMING PERMIT: Upon the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conforming peI'lllit be issued to Joe C. Thomas for the storage of contractor's equipment on Lot 9, I. G. Clarke Subdivision. Reoommendation,o:t' Planning Commission ordered filed Ad~Pted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supservisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Ii r II II II II I, ! I i: , II This day came C. F. Kefauver, John D. Craig and lIT. E. Riley, by Counsel, and! 'I requested leave to file the petition relative to, rezoning the property described !I'I:., in said petition. Ii II IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON TIlE WESTERLY SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE 11 NORTH OF ROANOKE cm CORPORATE LIMITS Dl THE MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE .COUNTY. VIRGINIA ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) j QE1l.!E of C. F. KEFAUVER. JOHN D. CRAIG .AND W. E. RILEY II ii ,I " I , I I, I I I I II :1 I: 1 I I I ! I I . C1 J r'"'1 U 255 --~'~'~-. - -----..--.-..- ~._-- .------..- -- --- -,--, ..- :_.:.:...;-'....-':::::."...:=~~,.;..:...c:..=...,-:.~, , I: !. , I: the I ~he regul~ mee~ing :=r: I I I ! NCJIi, THEREFOllE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED ~ha~ a~ i~s .. . Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said pe~i~ion be, and same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED tha~ ~he proposal ~o aJDend the . , I [: f I: !i j: II !i i: " " .. ii II I ii Zoning Ordinance a~ reques~ed in S~id pe~i~ion be, and ~he.same is hereby rererred ~o the Planning Commission or Roanoke County, Virginia, ror a recammenda~ion in accordance wi~h the provisions of ~he Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED ~hat when said Planning Commission . . shall repor~ i~s recommenda~ion to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, ~ha~ upon the receip~ of ~he same, ~he said Clerk or ~his Board shall forthwi th se~ ~he same down for a public hearing a~ the next . and permissible regular or special mee~ing or this Board,/~hat no~ice thereof be liVen by ~he said Clerk by publication in accordance wi~h ~he provisions or the Code of' Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certoified copy or this ,i !I II " !i I I i i I . . resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Ma~~hews, Secre~ary or the Planning Commission of RoallOke County, Virginia. The abofe resolution and order were adop~ed on motiun of Supervisor W. E. Cuneiit'f, and seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and on a recorded vo~e, the Supervisors voted as follows, ~o-wit: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. CundUr, Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I I j ! ! t H i ! IN RE: REZONING PROPERT! SITUATE ON THE WESTERLY SIDE. OF U. S. HIGHlI1AY ROUTE 11 NORTH OF MALVERN HILLS SUBDIVISION IN TIlE - MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA of QR1!!R HENRY A. LUCAS, HAl.nON A. LUCAS AND ROBERT E. LUCAS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) This day came Henry A. Lucas, Hampton A. Lucas and Robert E. Lucas, and reques~ed leave ~o rile ~he pe~ition rela~ive ~o rezoning the proper~y described in said peti~ion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED ~hat a~ its regular DEl eting of ~he Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said peti~ion be, and ~ same is hereby riled. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED "~a~ the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said peti tion b~. and the same is hereby re.t'erre : I ~o ~he Planning Commission or Roanoke County, Virginia, ror a recOllllllenda~ion : in accordance with the provisions o.t' the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission ,: shall repor~ its recommendation to ~he Clerk of this Boari, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon ~he receipt of the saJDe, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set ~he same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and ~hat notice thereof be given by the .said Clerk by publication in accordance with the Provisions of the Code of Virgini . 256 'r . II :1 II Ii " ~! II " 'I il ;! I' I' 1 ~ 1:t: !I ~'..~. II c.t.e ! &...t.- ,I 0.lt}~ I ~ .Jtf~c....11 '-If-S"7 I' II 1~M<t11 -rt~111 ~nrl-f'- I ~ \",:~) II :.0-.- II 'I t..-'-, -~7 Ii . II Ii I ,. II I' II Ii Ii " .' i: I, " Ii I Ii Ii Ii I' " II I: ;i !' ~ : I' " ,I " " i! " I' , I' " , ",'.'''. '~~l~~~",'^~':~"'~~":'f~'1, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be .forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark. Nays: None IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF. U.. S. HIGHWAY. ROUTE 11 NORTH OF ROANOKE CITY CORPORATE LIMITS IN THE MAGISTERIAl., DISTRICT, OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VmGINIA OF C. F. ~AmrnR, G. G. F~m AND OLLIE E. . F~IN ) ) ) ) ) ) ~ ) ) ) Qli~!li I I Ollie E. Fralin, by Counsel,' This day came C. F. Kefauver, G. G. Fralin am i: ii Ii Ii Ii II I, , I I I , , i II I and requested leave to file the petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the tloard of Supervisors of Ro~oke County, Virginia, the said petition be, al d the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. i , AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission II Ii ,I II :: q II !I " '[ I: Ii ,I I, ,I I ! shall report its recommendation to the 0lerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permiSSible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND Be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Soard to '- Paul B. Matth9WS, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, i! Ii Ii " ;1 ii n I' ,. ;: ;: ,I Ii II " " ii " " Ii , Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, and ::9conded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors yoted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors \Il. E. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell and lUnor R. Keffer Nays: None II II 'I I I I I I: :l Ii i I. I li " , o J ~ .0 m It:'. . i.~'~~ who requested leave to file I '_17 -J.7 i Harriett i I !~t.- . I tti~...~ 1cwr..L~ : lUt:J . , ,_".._4? --_:='':':''=~.;..c..~~-=-'_''''-'':'-_';:':-'-'~'-:'c;...:.-_:..:..=.;...,-,-:.:.c:. '.-":'.;:_'=-::"~=.~'-'--';"_-"'-C="':""";;':__";'~.~'-';''':'-=-~O':-"'- r- t I I 'j I) :1 -'-'~-'--- ----- .-_-0 ___ _____. _ .- - ._._-~"--_.__._,--,_._..-.-_. .. . - -.- --- -- --'.,-""c-'''---'-',,---''-c-c--,..,,-' _ .'. IN RE: " II ,. ~ i I 'I: , Rezoning of certain property located on the Salem-Lynchburg Turnpike in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, being three parcl"ls of land known as the "Pike Property", and being formerly.a part of the Cresten Land Co., as per map Book l, page 47 of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. ORDER This day came Furman Whitescarver, attorney, ,j :i II j! I ~ Ii II I' " ,I " ][ I. I: jl " Ii I' i I 1, " I' II 'I I, Ii I, ii d r , , II I, Ii [I II ., 'I II jl a petition on behali' of Clifford H. Pike, Mary M. Pike, Helen E. Pike, T. Pike Carter and J. Roy Carter, her husband, Annie Pike Hardison and . . Joseph R. HaTdison, her husband, Alfred G. Pike and Thecla Pike, his wife, Alice Glen:Ja Pike Trucks and J. R. Trucks, her husband, relative to amending tbe ZOD;;'ng Ordinances of Roanoke County, to the end and purpose that three certain tracts or parcels of land situate in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and known as the "Pike Property", containing 14 acres, 3 rods and 25 poles, in Parcel No.1; 9.59 acres in Parcel No. 2 and 14.92 acres in Parcel No.3, as shown on the Map of the Creston Land Co. in Plat Book l, page 47 of the records of the CJsrk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, 'Virginia, said property being described by metes and bounds description in said petition, be re-zoned from "Residential District" to "Light Industrial District", which leave is granted and this petition is accordingly filed. , I I I I ! BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinances: I of the County of Roanoke so as to change the classification of said prollerty I requested to be rezoned in said petition so t hat it; might be used for . I I I A1.J this Board having duly considered the same and concluded that the rezoning of the said property, so that it might be used for "Light Industrial" purposes -y be beneficial to the County at large; therefore; business purposes and classifying the same as "Light Industrial", as defined in the County Zoning Ordinances, be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section l5-847 0: the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended; and, 257 ....-.----..--..-----. 1~t.L ~ Ir &..e. r Q C3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by statute, and upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk of said Co~ssion, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the irst permissable, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thlreof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-846 of said Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, together with the copy of the petition of the said Clifford H. Pike. 14ary M. Pike, Helen F Pike, Harriett T. Pike Carter and J. Roy Carter, Annie Pike Hardison and Joseph R. Hardison, Alfred G. Pike. and Thelma Pike, Alice Glenna Pike Trucks and J. R. Trucks. i ,[ [ i II :1 " I ! , II :r , i 1 I I I I I 258 I I I , II I' ,I " II Ii Ii 'I I: I: iV Ii r Ii ~J,..d" Ii ~~l: 4. - p-b,.. C-li -r- . 1 II 1.- Ii _l> 'f ,I If II II Ii Ii r ____ ... _n --- . ..----.-...------ ,~~:..:....._.....;;.::~=-.---_.- ----------_._~_..- -'-- --.--- ._,._.....,-.--.,............,-...,..-----~.---:-.,..,---- . The above resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. and on recorded vote the vote was as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: Petition of Ralph A. Glasgow ) for Re-zoning of Property ) situated on U. S. Route No. 460 ) FINAL ORDER WHF.RRAS Ralph A. Glasgow did duly file his petition to change the classification of certain property owned by him and situated in the County of Roanoke on South side of U. S. Route 460 East of Salem. Virginia and East of and adjacent to property known as "F!.am1ngo Club" and described as follows, to-wit: (l) I I I i , I II I, ,I I I I I I I' l! 'I I BEGINNING at a point on the South side of Route No. 460 at the intersection with the west side of .Martints Alley; thence with the south side of Route No. MiJ. s. 840 30t W. 52 feet to a corner post. corner to the Jennings property; thence with the line of Jennings ,S. 00 28t w. l44.8 feet to a stake. corner to the lot formerly. occupied by Cobbs; thence with same S. 890 30t E. 52 feet to a stake on the west sfde of Ma:rtins alley; . thence with the same N. 00 28t E. 150.3 feet to the BEGINNING; being .the same .property conveyed by Austin Garland to Josephine Garland. his wife. by deed dated May 23,1904. recorded in the Clerkts Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. in Deed Book 30. page 454. BEGINNING at a stake on the south side of Route 460 at the. intersection with the east side of Martints allet; thence with the east side of Martints alley S. 0 28t w. 91.8 feet to a stake corner to the lot formerly ,owned by Fannie Simms; therce with the line of same S. 850 34t .E. l73.2 feet to a stake on the west side of a ten foot alley (not in use); thence with the west side of said alley N. 20 35t E. 122.4 feet to a stake on the South side of Route No. 460; thence with line of same S. 840 30t W. 178.4 feet to the BEGINNING, being the same property devised by the will of Austin Garland dated February 20. 19l6, probated April 19. 1916. recorded in Will Book 2. page 395, in the said Clerkts Office. to Annie Stewart and Josephim Garland; both tracts above being shown on plat attached to deed dated June lSth, 1952. from Annie Stewart Oney to Ralph A. Glasgow, recorded in Deed Book 476. page 58, in said Clerkts Office. WHEREAS by order of this Board. entered at its regular meeting on l7th (2) June, 1957. the proposed amendment was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with Section 15-847 of the Official Code of Virginia o~ 1950, as amended; and Ii d Ii Ii /! i! I' i Ii i: I' I. I, jj II ;: " E I '. I' i: i' WHEREAs the Planning Commission of Roanoke Board a copy of the resolution duly adopted by County has certified to this i II " resolution recommends that said property be reclassified to "Local Business"; an~i WHEREAS a public hearing was this day had on the proposed aJIIendment. af'ter I! Ii 11 i I i: ,I " the Commission which said notice thereof was duly published in the ftSalem Times-Register". a newspaper pUblished in this County, under dates of May 23rd, and May 30th, 1957. as required by Section 15-846 of the said Code of' Virginia. and duly certified by Esther Thornton, publisher of said paper, and this Board having duly considered r " Ii i " I i I i I ! 'I q i! " I; I: I I I II i: , I' ,I ! I I I I I. -~'----- ---- :\ o o J o I I il , " !I I ,I I: " II I, i: " r II " II Ii 'I 1\ i 'I 11 " , ,. m".' .' ,:~ . . '1 :1 I ,I ...,.....-:-..,.,...c-;_,,~.."'\'.......,.~~_,.,.. .. ...,......._..u.. ~~,-,.-.';;",:.:,~~:,',~',:" ".... --... .--- -" - ,_. ----~----_._, ._~~--- _.........._ ._ _n____ __ _._ ___.~_ ______ __u.___ ..,,- - - .-------. - ---..--.-.....-- ---- - ------------- ._-- ---------- _.__n__________ ~_~_...._._ ..___.-:...------- .__ ._----:------:---.----._--~----...------- the same, it is accordingly hereby ordered that the County Zoning Ordinance :/ jl " " I " II II j: !I 'I I' 'I I' II i' Ii " if 'I II II II Ii II I I and the same is hereby amended to reclassify the above-described property to "Local Business". It is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this order to the Secretary of the County Planning Collllllission and to any other party in interest desiring a copy thereof. On motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, this resolution is adopted by the followingrecorded vote: Ayes: , Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None ~R4~, by Resolution of this Board dated March 19, 1957 the Virginia , Department of Highways was requested to consider building and erection of short arm gates to be placed on Route 726 at the crossings of the Norfolk and Western and Virginian Railroads in Roanoke County. It further requested that this Route be made a part of the Federal Aid System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved on motion duly seconded and carried that the erection 01' these short arm gates as herein described shall be given first priority in programming future Federal Aid Projects. It is this Board'S desire that this Project supersede prior requests. It is also further requested that this Project be financed 90% Federal Aid and 10% Railroad Participation. Adopted !:I1 the. following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 259 . ___II be'i , i I i I' II i: I , I~F !l~ l, -IC/-J7 , RESOLUTION AND CR DER i A RESOLUTION providing for the engagement of Leonard G. Muse, as additiona I 'f-~ Special Counsel without expense to said County to assist the Commonwealth ~~ "iif' Attorney in the defense 01' the Chancery cause now pending in the Circuit IN Court 01' Roanoke County, Virginia, under the style 01' John W. Davis, et als, vs.,j . lilt, Board of Supervisors. I . '_::_.17 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors 01' Roanoke County, Virginia, by Resolutio and Order adopted on June 18, 1956, rezoned certain property of Virginia Holding Corporation from residential to light industrial, and WHEREAS, certain property owners in the proximity of the rezoned property have filed a petition under the style of John W. DaTis, et als, vs. W. E. Cundiff', Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell, now modified under the style, John W. Davis, et als, vs. Board of Supervisors, in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, seeking to invalidate said Order and Resolution, and WHEREAS, by Resolution and Order adopted on October 15, 1956, S. King Funkh~user and Ernest W. Ballou were engaged as Special Counsel to assist the ) , , I Ii 260 .:~~ II ~~ II ~! .~~i ~ chQ.t I ~., i ~.D t . "-1'1-1.7 I I ! , 1'- CODDllonwealth's Attorney in the defense of said Chancery cause, but since said engagement S. King Funkhouser has become temporarily indisposed, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to obtain additional Special Counsel, without mepense to said County, to assist the Commonwealth Attorney in the defensEl against said Chancery cause. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that Leonard G. Muse, Attorney, be, and he is hereb~ engaged as additional Special Counsel for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to act without cost to Roanoke County, and on coil.:loboration with S. King Funkhouser and Ernest i. Ballou, to a3sist the Commonwealth Attorney in the defense of the Chancery cause seeking to invalidate said Order and R~solution of June 15, 1956, and said attorneys are authorized to file all necessary papers and pleadings therein, and do such other things as are necessary in the defense of said cause. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None {! H ii !, II II I I I ii Ii I I i I I' I I i I I A RESOLUTION. AMENDING the contract between the City of Roanoke and the .. County of' Roanoke with reference to the treatmElDt of Domestic and Commercial i wastes. r WHRI?ii:~g, at the times the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City i II , i ! , I , of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing ~rith the treatment of domestic and cCllllllElrc1al wastes, was amended, to include other areas situate within the County of Roanoke, it was understood and bEllieved that no undue hardship wo'.1ld be imposed upon the County by requiring j.t to install and maintain approved sewage flow recording meters such as ~las required in the original contract to measure the wastes originating in the area therein described; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that it may be impracticable and unfair to require the County to install and maintain sewage flow recording meters in some of the areas heretofore inc\uded in the aforesaid contract by resolution at the request of the County; and WHEREAS, in such instances, it is necessary for the parties to the aforesaid contract, to a;ree upon a method of Estimating the amount of domestic and commercial wastes originating in such areas not served by such sewage flow recording meters and, nevertheless,. transported to and treated at the sewage treatment plant by the City in or'der that the County may properly compensate the City for such services. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, the council of the City of Roanoke concurring, that the contract of September 28, 19511-, by and between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the transportation and tz'eatment of certain domestic and commercial wastes, be, and said contract is hereby amended in the following particulars and no others, viz.: Ii I, , '. Ii I I: I: I: 11 II r !: , I Ii " I II II ,I I I I I I I II II II I' ,I I II I II , I , , I II II I I I' II Ii 11 [I i ~ I I Ii If :1 " I, Ii I: II r :i .1 .w .J ~ o ~. ,-;. :~:' 261 - ----"'"-=- ----=. -~....::-.-=-~-- --- - .........;;.:::-::..._- -~__'__._""""'-'-___'__''''''-_-_C' ~7'-,,,,":.....,..,o-_--.~_.__..,. ...,.. '... .... - ... I. I: 1. In areas served by the Roanoke City Water Department where it is i; " iIllpracticable for any reason, in the sole judgment of the City Director of Public Works and the City Engineer, to install and maintain an approved sewage flow recording meter, or meters, the wastes originating in such area I: " I' Ii " I: " ii },I " :i II Ii il I shall be determined and computed to be the , water registered as passing through the City's water meters and, thereafter, in large measure, into the area's sanitary sewer system; and the charge, made to and payable by ~he such wastes shall be the base rate County, for transporting and treating ; I I I I I Manager of the Roanoke Water Department, the water passing through a number of I such individual water meters in the area, may be accurately and economically measured by a single master water meter, the City may install and maintain such I a master water meter, or master water meters, at the sole.cost of the County. : I 2. In any area obtaining water from a source, or sources, other than the I Roanoke City Water Department and it is 1mpra~ .~(lble tor any reason, in the so e Judgment of the City Director of Public Works and the City Engineer, to install i , I I provided for in Section IV.A of the contract, plus an added charge ot 40 per cent thereof to cover an agreed estimate for the infiltration of surface and other waters; provided, however that when, in tho sole judgment ot the " II II Ii I: '1 ;, i: II I i I r j, 'l I. I! II 1! I ,I " 'l I' ., i' " and maintain an approved sewage now recording meter, or meters, it 'shall be the duty of the County to cause to b e installed such water meter, or meters, as in the sole judgment ot the Manaeer of the Roanoke Water Department, will correctly measure all water passing into all premises situate in the area and connected to its sanitary sewer system and the wastes, originating in such area, shall be determined and computed to be all of the water registered as passing through all such approved water meters, and thereafter,.in large measure, into the area's said sanitary sewer system; and the charge, made to and payable by the County, for transporting and. treating such wastes shall be the same as set out in Paragraph 1. above. And, when, in the sole judgment of the Manager of the Roanoke Water Department, the water passing through a number ot such water meters, in the area, may be accurately and economically measured by a single master water meter, or master water meters, the City may cause the County to install an d maintain such a master water meter or master water meters. at its sole cost. 3. When residences and structures, in any area embraced in said contract, that would discharge wastes, during any day, equivalent to the wastes discharge j by lOO single dwellings are connected with the sanitary sewer system located I therein and it is practicable from ane gineering standpoint, as determined by I the City Director of Public Works and the City Engineer, the County, upon being I! requested to do so, shall forthwith install and maintain, at its sole cost, a III sewage flow recording meter, or meters, as approved by the aforesaid City Officials; and shall, thereafter, pay unto the City for transporting and treating the sewage passing through such sewage recording flowmeter, or meters, in strict accordance with the terms of the original contract. 4. The terms and conditions of this Resolution shall be in force and effect on and after the first day of June, 1957, and upo~ the adoption, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of th~ concurring ~esolution herein contemplated I I , I' Il ! " 'I ~ ; i: il il I: if I " I. i: Ii :1 " ii ii it :i i! :i Ii !; 1\ (I :1 !I " i " l' :! i! ,I I! ii I' " 11 !: " 262 Ii il I I ~Jt;1 (?tto.L..JL, 'tit:c-.J "-I~-S"1 I (~~ 1t~) i r I; II I' I! I) I i ! 'UT' , bot.h t.he County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke shall be found by the terms If Ii Ii and. conditions were contained in the aforesaid contract. of September 28, 1954. I I ! -~- - ._-,-- -'--'''''''-:"'''''~---'..''''''-'''-- . r,"."_..-..~.'n-" . '"'',,''' ," - ---..'-.- -- ------_.~ ---. --,._---'--- -_....-.~---~.,-_.- __~_.._"___.__. .____.__._,_.__.__~ .____ .-.......0.... __._.__.....__.__.__.~_._~_.__ .______._.... ",_u_ ____________.____.___.n._..__ '. ...__.---_._.~-_.__._-,,---_._. --------~_.._---- ____. . '_ ..._ _"__,,, .._ - ._ - .. _...... _. - _...'. .__ n.._' and conditions herein contained, on and after the last mentioned dat.e, as fully and completely as each would be bound thereby if the aforesaid t.erms Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E.Cundii'f, Minor R. Roland H. Clark Nays: None Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and .1 Ii i I I Sundry communicat.ions from J. Robert. Thomas, City Clerk, and Ran G. Whitt I, City J;t.torDe)', addressed to P81l,B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, and copies resolution &c in re: amendment to sewer contract dated September Zg, 19 between t.he City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, received and ordered I filed. QR1!!R n RE: ' Rezoning of certain property in Roanoke County, Virginia, located on Route #460 - 11 East of Salem, and consisting of 15-37 acres, known as Roanoke Gun Club property. This day convened 2:00 o'clock P. M., a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count.y. There appeared before t.he Board, John H. I .. Thornton, Jr., Attorney for Roanoke Gun Club, Inc., and asked leave to file a petition on behalf of said Gun Club, the former being the owner in fee simple of the aforesaid tract of land and the latter has a contract. to p1n'chase the land. Said petition ~'equesting that the tract therein be re"oned from Residential to Business use, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance .1 of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted January 20, 1941. I I NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered that the rezoning petition of I Roanoke Gun Club, Inc. and the same is hereby filed. I I II I I Ii I \' ,I , I And be it furt.her resolved and ordered that the said rezoning pet.ition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning ColJlll1ission of the County of Roanoke for recommendation in accordance with Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and Be it further resolved and ordered that when the Roanoke County Planning Commission shall receive said Petition, consider same and report 1tS recommendation to the Clerk of the ~oard, upon receipt of same, the Clerk of this ~oard shall forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing at 2:00 o'clock P. M.,July 15, 1957. at thB Courthouse issuing notice thereof . . by publication as required by Section 15-846 and 15-847, of the Code of Virginia, provided i'urt;her that if for any reason the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission be not received by t.he Clerk of this Board in sufficient time to comply with Section 15-846 regarding publication of notice of the public hearing prior to July 15, 1957, that the Clerk oi' this Board may i'ix such date for public heari~ on a regular or adjourned meeting of the Board as will i'all more than 15 days followi~ the second publication of said not.ice. I , I I I II II " :1 il II ii " 'I II I' II Ii .1 Ii o J o f71.' UJ i I I Be it further resolved and ordered that when the RoanokeCounty Planning I Commission shall receive said Petition, .consider sa~e and report its recommenda~~on to the Clerk of the Board, upon receipt of same, the Clerk of this Board shall I; forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing at 2:00 o'clock P. M..l July 15, 1957, at the Courthouse issuing notice thereof by publication as I required by Section 15-846 and 15-847, of the Code of Virginia, provided II further that if for any reason the recommendation of the Roanoke County I Planning Commission be not received by the Clerk of this Board in sufficient I time to comply with Section 15-846 regarding publication of notice of the I ,.=:-....:'-'_:~'--_-=.'-' .~o _or,. I. I' ., I, I' I' Ii " I " I, I' 'l certified copy of II II i 1 I And be it still further resolved and ordered that a this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Court to Paul Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Hays: None II r Ii Ii I ORDER IN RE: Rezoning of certain property in Roanoke County, Virginia, located on Route 221, Soutb of the Limits of the City of Roanoke., and consisting of 1.623 acres. - This day convened 2:00 o'clock P. M., a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. There appeared before the Board, R. T. Edwards, Attorney for W. H. Witt and Pri::e Fields and asked leave to file a petition on behalf of W. H. Witt and Price Fields,. the former being the owner in fee simple rJ: the aforesaid tract of land and the latter has a I contract to purchase theland. Said petition requesting ,that the tract therein I be rezoned from Residential to Business use, as defined in the Zoning Ordinance .1 II Ii II I of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted January 20, 1941. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered that the rezoning petition of W. H. Witt.~nd Price Fields be, and the s~rne is hereby filed. I II :1 II Ii 'I And be it further resolved and ordered that~he said rezoning petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke for recommendation in accordance \d+'h Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and i ,I i' II 'I II il II II i: " II it H i! II I, I, i! I: I I' public hearing prior to July 15, 1957, that the Clerk of this Board may fix such date for public hearing on a regular or adjourned meeting of the Board as will fall more than l5 days following the second publication of said notice. And be it still further resolved and ordered that a certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Court to Paul Matthews, Secl'etary of the Planning Commis sion. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 263 II II :1 'I ~~r 'Gt..t, t P oc-(.. & 14>,,-- ~ c..... I '-/~_~7 264 '-r 3 e.L:. &4 t 11 JI...){k' il ~$..U-, '_I.,'-'sf I Ii I Ii I i: !, l! this B~ard the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the regular meeting of I' i: I' Ii Ii I' , WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with the Roanoke County School Board held on June II, 1957: nTherefore, on motion of Mr. Whitmore seconded by Mr. Adkins, the following resolution was adopted: I WHEREAS, sufficient funds were not available in the Construction Fund. for the completion of the Cave Spring High School and the addition to South View School, and WHEREAS, funds being available in the Operating Fund excessive to the needs at that time, $286,000.00 was transferred from the Operating Fund to the Construction Fund to pay for these buildings, and' WHEREAS, only $75,000.00 of this amount has been re~urned to the Operating Fund, and 'Whereas, these funds are now needed for.the operation of schools, and WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors in a resolution dated July 18, 1955 authorized the County School Board of Roanoke County to borrow the necessary funds for this construction on short term loans, said loans to be repaid when local tax funds and state school funds are available, and WJIRllRA~ local tax fund'll will be available to repay this loan in the , i I i I fall of 1957. and WHEREAS. the loan will not exceed 5~ of the School Levy. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the. County School Board of Roanoke County requests the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to authorize the County School Board of Roanoke County to borrow $186,000.00 to be used to repay to the Operating Fund part of the loan from the Operating Fund to the Construction Fund." I ! I , :i Ii Ii AND WHEREAS, the County School !loard of Roanoke County has. by the above resolution. indicated its need to borrow $l86,OOO.00, as a short term loan to repay the Operating Fund part of the loan from the Operating FUJIi to the Construction Fund; and WHEREAS, the said $186,000.00, plus any previously authorized shcrt term borrowing, does not in the aggregate exceed one-half of the School Tax Levy for the year 1957; and WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the request of the County School Board should be granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County does hereby authorize and e~power the County School Board of Roanoke County, through their duly authorized officers. to borrow $186,000.00. as a short term loan to be repaid on or before December 15. 1957. at a rate of I I " !i 11 I' " Ii Ii Ii I' Ii 'I !! " il I, " I interest not to exceed six per cent per annum; said loan to be used to repay I' Ii :1 II I' 1\ II 11 'I II I' il " , I: " I: Ii !! Ii 'I 'i i ! i I , I ! to the Operating Fund part of the loan from the Operating Fund to the Construction Fund. Upon motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff. seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell. the foregoing resolution was adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None J -, , , ..J ~ o i3 01 Ii Ii Ii I: i , ji Ii II Ii Ii I' II II Ii Ii I; Ii I' I: I: 'I I: Ii II I! I I , 265 ...;,....;--"~~:=..;.;..:.:._:-"------'-'_..:---".;..-'--.;...;...;.....'--~--,.~ ..-.._--" .. ~'--'-"':-'_-:--'''''''''-----::''''-'_-_'.-'''--'.--:--c-:-:-:-.--'-''''''''''''''c :.~-":-"-""---~--:","-""~""~"",~.,,,,"~,,,~,,,,,,.~.,~ ... WFF.~F.A~, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the regular meeting of the Roanoke County School Board held June 11, 1957: "On motion of Mr. Whitmore seconded by Mr. Adkins, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County, with the concurrent . . approval of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, has transferred by journal entry in the year 1956 a total of $286,000.00 from the School Operating Fund to the School Construction Fund, and WRF.~F.A~, the total of $21l,000.00 is now owed to the School Operating Fund, '~ I r I .C. I~ I ....... c.A,.:.: !.::t..e. tQPl-. i )oJ. t.N-. i~ i ,- I ., -$ , I I: Ii I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the bounty School Board now hereby . request the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to authorize the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the COUl;lty Bookkeeper to transfer by journal entry $l86,OOC.00 from the Roanoke County School Construction Fund to the Roanoke temporary loans made .County School Operating Fund as a partial repayment of the .in 1956 to the School Construction Fund." ,I I Upon consideration of said request, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordere I that the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the Roanoke County B90kkeeper be, and I they are,her~by authorized to transfer by journal entry the sum of $186,000.00 i I from the Roanoke County School Construction Fund to the Roanoke County School Operating Fund as a partial repayment of the temporary loans made in 1956 to the School Constructio~ Fund. Adopt~d by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None , !I II l II Ii 'I II I I if II II il II I I' II. " Ii II ,I I, I' II ., ii ,I ii ,I Ii II I I , IN RE: SALARY SCHEDULE 1957 -- 1958: COUNTY EMPLOYEES: Name Edwin G. Terrell W. E. Cundiff M. R. Keffer Roland H. Clark: Benjamin B. Adams, Jr. Willie D. Cook Willie D. Cook Mary Frances Fitzgerald Betty J. Hartman Mary Elizabeth Hicks Margaret F. Irby Esther R. Long Ralph E. Long Paul B. Matthews Miller E. Petty Harry R. Richardson Mary E. Stuart James R. Taliaferro Mary M. Tul'ner Fred H. Vaden Armistead S. Watkins Harold Collins Win~ate Jane ,Ellen Gose Edward S. Allen Aubrey R. Slayton Irene M. Green Jane M. Ewing H. E. Kingery Year Salarv $ 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 5,280.00+$600.00 Travel 900.00 900.00 3,900.00 2,100.00 2,700.00 1,920.00 300.00 4.,200.00 8,300.00 5,000.00 2,520.00 75~ per Hr. 30 Hrs. per webk 5,100.00 3,300.00 5,100.00+ $900.00 travel 2,280.00 ' 5,4.00.00+-$900.00 travel 75~ per H. r. 4.0 hrs. per week 2,000.00 l,600.00 1,800.00 1,600.00 900.00 Month * 4.1.66 4.1.66 4.1.66 4.1 56 440.00 50.00 Trave 75.00 325.00 175.00 225.00 160.00 25.00 350.00 691.66 416.67 210.00 4.25.00 . 275.00 ! 1;.25.00+$75.0 190.00 , 4.50.00 t$75.0 166.66 I l33.33 l50.00 133.33 75.00 . -----,--.-. _.- - -.-..- .____.~_H_______ .:::....,. __::::. =~__C._-..:;.=.;..._::_C..__ -'-'--'.-:=_ - ,,____..u".____ .-._----~- ...T-.-~~~c~..--~ -c.~~_~ ,- .-.-~.--..---.. I: 10. 26092 ;1 !'. 26093 J !, Ii \1 j, :1 iI I, [, il ,I I II I ii I, II i ,I II j II I ,I II , , , ' ,..J ~ . . I: .. II · I · . r · I · il . . . . o I · I · II 5 , II · Ii II · I; " !! . i\ !; II , !; . G:1 k1 " I , .. ,I , " r: .. .. Br. F. S. Cruaer. h...i-.tion of Dr1UIIt drinq - 10,. I. Bro1m. Clerk. Cartityillg Poll Tax 11st Bvroqiul Corporatio.. 1 ribbon ed 100 roUs Adding . Machi.e Paper 26100 C I: P Telephollll Co.. Tei.phone SerTices. Offices. &c 26101 C1Lll1gan Soft. Vat.er Semce. Re.t. on Vat.er Soft.ner at. . Holli.. Fire Houee .. 260911- 26095 26096 26091 26094 26099 .. .. . . . . . .. Bell Lines. hc.. Freight on Tax Tickets . - - ~ ., Bea1es EquiJaellt Corp. aepair eel Parts for GarBage Tncb Bro1lD Hardware eo.. Hardware Il.e I.1clge Proclu.ce Co.. Carll. Brightwell. C01l1't Rooa Air Collditioll1ag 1Ulit 26102 Clearbrook Lion's elu.... Inc.. Ma,. and .Tuae bRt .' clearerook Pire Roue 26103 City ot lloaIloke. Rooa II Board for Children eletabed. at. Dete.tioll RoM 26101t City of Ioeoke. Sewage 'freatlleDt charges thru Ma,. 31. . 1957 belusi ve ot G. I. eel Iorth 11 11nes 3.489.50 26105 Cit,. ot Iloeoke. Sewage 'freatllellt. tor Geeral Elect.ric liRe . .. .. .. - ,--- --.~.. .~ -. . 4.76 t4.1111 22.32 24.85 172.54 5.00 180.00 14.113 431.49 3.50 120.90 llO.oo 199.74 .. 26106 Cout,. School ~d of llouoke Co.. Maillte1laJICe ot Cou~ o1med. Vehielee 939.94 .. 26107 26108 26109 26110 2611l Dr. S. D. Care,.. R"....i natioR ot .Br1ulk Dririag . . . W. B. Cl..llts. Parts aDd aepairs Fire Dept.. 15 HoJ.l1.A. . Caldwell-Sites Co.. Office s1lpp11e81 Dewitt Supply Co.. Janitor supplies Dillard Paper Co.. Election a:c , 26112 Dlctaphone CCl" ,oratioll. Microphone Eleetroll1c Mixer Box 26113 26114 26115 26116 26117 261111 26119 26120 26121 Illdu Shell Sarnce Statioll. Gas Oil a:c Void A. J. Epperly. PaJIIlllt of Daaages last.er Sllpply Co.. Office supp11es 'airnew Boae. Couty's share of expeue in lI&intainiag hoae tor the aged Chalaers Fargaeoll. Comaiseion 011 llel1llqueDt faxes Fort Lewis Coal II Gas Co.. Gall Oil. a:c 18.00 62. Oil 73.30 13.36 5.77 125.00 4-3.55 22.63 46.13 41.00 431.19 33.53 120.00 G. C. Pol81. May II .rue aellt. 011 lit. PleaaantJ'ire Roue .T. W. Griggs II W. H. WUt.. May I: J_e Rent on Caye Spriag . . Fire House 12'1).00 26122 B. F. Goodrich Store, 'fires llnd UoHS for Villton Fire . . Truck. 26123 .rlUl8 Ellen Gose. 151 19111'S at. ,7.5 ct... per h01l1' . 'fypist. tor re-asses..eat 26124 Graves-Baaphreys Bardware Co.. Yellow Paillt. tor II&1'kiag oft parkiag lot 26125 Greell Market.. Food fer Prisoners 26126 Balold eo.pall)'. Repair Parts aDd Record Paper 26127 B1It1'aan's Garage, Repairs. Parts and Wash .Tobs 261211 Dr. A. X. .Tacobson. LlUIllc,. hearing 60.55 99.35 3.97 57.81 649.19 16.50 10.00 267 __ __ ._n_. , i I 1 II I 1.....- I I I I I J f"" . ! w ~. o GJ.:.. t:l] -"":".~.==_..,-::".."-,,-,,,,,==::::==-~,.,,-~=...-::---=o~____c-~-=c.:..-=---=--=.c'-="=-:~.~_o'-"--"=-::...'~'=_-,,-=-..=:::-.-=-;.,....=::~--::::::-:::=. l ~ , , I I __._ _______u _____.___ ,__ ___~...__, _mn~__._ ..._ ~._.-.-..,.-..~"':=:c..:..,~=~_::_=;_....:;_=_-_~---. . r II I ,I " ;: D U: DKLIJQ1JEft 'f.lIBS ClOLLEC'l'ID BY CLERI: 'l'Ile Clerk.tllis' Iilly -del1Ter.ci. to th~hard the receipt oE JAIII B. XcBAL. . . . Co1lll1;y 'l'reasurer. Eor 11005.90. on account oE dllliaqaea1; 10axes collected by said 8lertt Eor the _~h or June, 1957, leas 5~ ccmaisdoJUl, and turaed OTer , - 1;0 eaid 'l'reanrer, eaid check DOUDting to 1955,.60 net. i' ~ I' II " Ii I' II il I' I' ~, OIl acUon. duly secoDCI.ed. it is ordered t1ult the payroll for Refuee II Collectioa aa Jaaitor Serrices tor pcariod June 16. 1957 ending June 30., 1957, II De approTed iD the U10unt ot 11,653.00. tro';' whtch the SUII ot t37.21 total . F. I. C. A. 'fax and 'fotal W. R. 'l'ax 178.30 is tel De deducted. 1earing a net Pa,.roll oE ti.537.1+9: Oa aoUon. duly secoaed. it 18 ordered tlult the Couty Payroll tor the _1.101l ot My. 19S7, be approTlld 111 the DOut ot t7.5:U...96. fro. which the is_ or 1133.98 1;otal F. I. C. A. 'fax aDCI. total lr. B. 'fax 1727.46 18 to be deducted. leariq a _10 Payroll or 16.653.58. Adopted by the Eollow:l.ng recorded 'VOte: Ayes: Sliperrtsors W. B. Cundiff, Minor R. letter and ioland R. Clark. 1Ia,..: .. I :1 II Ii ~ I I ! Adopted by the tollowiq recorded Tote: A,..s: Sllpernsors W. B. CundiEE, Minor R. Ketter and Roland R. Clark. llays: 10_ Oa aotioa, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll tor Refue Collection aDCI. Janitor Service tor periOd July 1. 1957. through Jllly 15, 1957, be approTed ill the _ount. of Il, 736.36, fr~a which the lIllIl of t39.oo F. I. C. A. 'fax and total W. H. 'l'ax ot tl07.30 is to be deducted, 1eanng a net payroll of .1,589.99. Adopted by the follOWing recorded 'VOte: 'I II , I I A,..s: SuperTillOrs WooB. CundifE, Minor R. lefEer and Roland B. Clark llays: Io_ , i :1 t II Ii De approTed, retro..actiTe to date ot issuance: " t' ,I I, I ii :i I, , l' On IIOtion, dllly seconded, it is ordered that the following Toucher-checks Clleck #26051, dated Jue 28, 19S7. payable to. Bdwin G. 'ferrell. pa,..ele M Edwia &. 'fR'pell, for $250.00 for adTaJlce traTeling expenses 1;0 Atlanta,Georgia. to.latio..!l lssociation of Co1lDty Officials; Check #26079, c1a1;ed ~1lH 27, 1957, payable .~o Virginia Departllent of Health. tichaolld, V:lr' ginia, for tl6.7:5, tor rabies TlIccine useell on County iesidel11;s during Eiscal year 1956-1957. Adopted by 1;he tollowing recorded Tote: Ayes: SuperT1l1Ors W. B. CllDdiff, Minor R. Ketfel." and Roland H. ClaIt: J 1Ia)'ll: 10_ " 271 , , I I I I i , I , I~~r 'tlJ,....., c;, ~f7.f. I~;-c. 1~7 i I I I I , , i I !~c(d. ( '-t1..-.C . ~ l'~~ 1.':~ I I I ~ of.A. r '.c'~. (l) 're. I~, i I I I . .w.. t C. q-- ICo "1.,. CP I '/- /1 I I I I i H II I I ~ I I 272 I ~ I II 'I ~. ,C.ii rrjj 0,. fi.,..(p . ii '1- 11- s;-, Ii I' 'I II , I , i II ~ cU.1' wtt-'C'I ~' c.'i:t . 1 - /1- 7 ~\QR...~ .!' cC...d t' ~ 1- I i ":'~1 I! I it " Ii I' i: II ;; I ! U II: IIlVID TO IKIII COlSftUCnOIl CORPAI! FOll IISPlCfIOI CiARGI 01. BUII.JIIG 01 BIOI 1lIS1, .0011: . H_ CoIlll1:rac1:1o. Coapany this clay petitlo.eel the Board to re1'1uul to it 1;Jae e;" ot .2.00, IllIlpec1:1oll Clsarge, ot Pl_bi.PeI'1I11o #669a, dated May 1', 1956, ise_d DY the PaDlic Yorke nepartaellt ot RollROke Cooty, Oil property of H8II1'J "'e, it be1111 eta1ied to'the Boarel that Uo pemits - lIoe. 671e ailel #6698 were is..ed to the eaid HOlle Coutruc1:101l COIIpuy, a.el 01111' o.e .u. i- I! .1 Ii II I: II I: 'I I _e nilt; Upo. couideratio. De1'Oot, oll_tioll, duy seconded, it is crelered! that a T01lcher-check for 'l'wo Dollare (.2.00), payable to HOlle Construction COIIpany, be iesued, beilll ref Unci ~f eald i;"pection Charge; ~~l'IIi t . #6698 ..villi this day been retU'Red to the Public Yorke Departae.i of Roanoke Couty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: S1lperrlsors W. E. Cunditf, lliDor R. Ketfer alld Roland B. Clark. lays: lo.e On 1101:10., duly secoBdeel, it 18 orelered that the ..pl01lleDt of O. T. GRIllI as an asseeeor to aseiet ia the general 1'O-asses..ent ot real eetate ill I Roanoke Co..t,., at a saar,. of Four HWlClred aDd t1f8Jlt,.-five Dollars ($425.00)peIli month and tra...l expenses of seventy-riTe dollars (.75.00) be appr~""d. - . . Letter dateel .Juy 10, 1957, froa F. C. 10rberg, Director Blvisio. of . ~.. Appraieals and Jlapping, Depaetllent of 'l'axatioll, addressed to Paul B. Matthea, I II I I . , Ezec1lto... . O1'ticer, Roanoke CoWlty, ordered filed. Adopted b,. the following recorded vote: AY8ll: S1lpervisors W. E. Cundiff, lIi~or R. Keffer and BolaBd B. Clark lays: IIone i ,[ I , , i ,i I' i: The following collllUJlicatiolls were thi~ da,. laid betore the Board; and orelered tileel: Co". of Il8s01ution 110. 1)106, Council cu,. or Roanoke, Ta., elated. .June 24, 1957, _Ilding tbe contract between the Ci~ of Roa.,oke and the Cou~ of ioaJIok. w:l.1oh referellce ~ l;he treatullt of dOlleetic and. co_ercial wastes, and letter dated Jue 26, 1957, froll .J. Robert Thoaas, .Clerk, addressed to Roy 1. Brcnm, Clerk, .ROllIlolte Co..ty Boarel of S1lperrlsore. Letter froII Frau R. Angell, dated .Jane 25, 1957, addressed to W. m. , CUlditt, ioallOk. Coanty Board of Suparvisors, RoaIlOke COllllty. ill re: appreciatiMln of opportan1ty to serve the Roanoke Talley Are~. a lI..ber of the Roanoke Ii Talley lleg1oJII.l Pla.Jm1ng and Ecollollic DeTelOpllellt eo..iasion. Ii C-.micatioll dated ol'ul,. 1, 1957, and signed b,. Wll11_ B. SpeCk, Pie1cl 1'1 Secrear,., Leagu ot Virginia eoutue, and Weldon Cooper Director Bveau of i Paltlic AdlliDistration 1JDi....rsi~ or Tirgill1a, in re: 195& c-ulati.... SllPPl..entlll to Virgillia Couty Suparrlaors' Jlanuel, copy of Man1lel ordered tiled.- Ii :1 i! ij Ii The Stat. CoIIpensation Board, having fned its stat..ent of receipts aDd Ii Ii -, Ii ,. " V , 8Xp8llses for the year encled Dec..ber )l, 1956, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of ROSDoke C01lDty, reqaired by Sectioll 14-154, Code ot Virginia, 1950, to be tarDished Boards of S1lperrlsors of Counties, w:l.th this Board. the saae is ordered to be published, as required by law, ollce a week for tllO weeks in the Tiaes-Register. a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said stat8lllent ordered filed. :1 ii 'I Ii Ii :1 I, ii I, I 1 I r I I J 'r' ,-.J J o ~. ':?: " , I I II 11 I I I I I Ii I I I I, I; II Ii r I, I, II I, I' 'I I, II II II II I " ., Ii I I I .1 , I I 273 ~ II !I I' Ii Ii .I II I' II f II ,I Ii I I 'I I, II II I r Ilf 0: .JAIL IISPBC'fiOJl: . .- . Letter dat.cI .JlUle 7. 1957. froa R. JI. YOllell. Director D1 Yi810Jl of Correctiou. adclre~sed to the Board of SllperYieors. .CoUJlty or Roanoke. and to H. W. Clark. Sheriff. COlUlty of Roanoke. together with a report of ilUlpection of the Roanok. COlUlty .Jail. dated Kay 27. 1957. recd....a and. ol'liere~ filea. On aotion. d1l1y seconded. it is ordered that a Toucher-check for O.e HuHr.d. thirty-two dollare and seT..ty-1'i.... cel'lts (..132.75) be ies..d 1;0 _.. ~ Judie 10NaD R. Moor.. for re-:labursea.nt of traTel ~nses to the latio..l .Ju....aile Covt cOnference frOll ROlUlOk.. Va.. to Milwa1lkee. Wis. and. return. Adopted DY the followiag recorded TOte: Aye8: SllpeM'isors W. I. Cunditf. Minor R. Keffer and Rola. B. Clark. 1a18: lone I I I~' clJ.t .c.,~. Y"C. ~ ~ I 1-I1-S7 I llichard. W. Copeland. Jr.. Director. Departael'lt ot Weltare aJUl hstitutiou/ this day pre8ated to the ~oard .the approftd budget of ~partaeJl1: ot Pulllic I w.ltare. CoUJlty ot ~lUlOke. Va.. tor tiecal year e.ding .Jue 30. 1958. Dd ' requested that the sipat1lreot the Cha1run. atteeted by the Clerk ot the Board. be attached thereto.1Ihi.ch was accordingly done. i r 'file following co..unicatioDS ware this day laid Defore the Board and. , ordered filed: Copy of order entered by the .Circuit Co1ll't of R_ke Coaty. Va.. .J1l1'18 29. 1957. in tile utter of the Issuance of .2.600.000 bonds of Roanoke COWlty for . Scllool Purposes; . " i I i Copy of letter dated .Jllly 3. 1957. addreesed to Herbert A. Krueger. Chief. i hreali of hTen11. Probation I; Det.ntion. Departaent of Weltare and Iut1tutiolle I 8iped b7 Jlra. JIal')' C. Pickett.. 'leaporarJ' President and Dr. D. I. JlcQailJcen. '1'..porary S.cretary. in re: Reg10Jlal D.t..tion Sur....y. ' Letter ciat.. .J1ll7 :3. 1957. addressed to Boerd of SllperT.ieors of RolUlOke Couty. siped by Woods. Rocere. .... I; WalJc.r. Atto1'JUl7e. in re: etat1l8 of that porti.. of Orchard Hill Road 1'1IDIl1q bet..en Le. Hl Road aJIIi the L. F. H1lDard proper't7; , I 1 I On aotio.. dlll7 seconde4 it is ordered that the COUJlty Parchasiq Agent betfi I, . rL.L r.- adbori... to purchas.. for use ill the Sherift's Depart.ent. three fov-door. f'.C..~L . . ~ '"" ~<llu:..:..-;T 1957 Fords. CutOJl ',Sedans. eight cy1ilders. according to the specifications I 1 ~\l~- I - 11-." . I allbaitted by the Roanoke Valley Motora. Inc.. ill bid of JlIly 13. 1957. at a : price of .l642.50 per unit. or a total of .4927.50. I Inc.. Sal.. Motors and I ! i Bida of Vinton Motor Coapany. Shuf'flebarger Motors. Goocbd.n-Willieas Chnrolet Corporation. ordered filed. .\clopted by the following recorded Tote: Ayes: SlIpeM'isors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Ketter and Roland H. Clark. 1a7a: JlODe 274 ~_. If Ii Ii II :1 I: tt: ~ · ("Ii ~ II ~ ~. !, 1rI~ I L.. t'l-. Co. i ~-f~.~~i ~"'~ i ~~'i k~~1 '_1"_~11 I I i I I I I I I I I Ii Ii I: it I- i: II iB: ilZOIrrA or PROPD'fY OF BEIIRT A. LIJCAS!, lWIEfOl A LI1, CAS_AID ROBSRT I. LUCAS srlIJATE 0Ii TBE WP'JI'fDLT SIDE or u. S. BIGIDi'AY oovm 11 lOan OF ao.1JOD ,crn CORPOU'll LIJII'l'S_ I ) 1 ) 1 Ii II :1 i II II II I I II II FIBAL ORDER A~ ~lae .ee~iq ot ~Iae Boarll ot Superrlsors ot iouoke Coo~y, Virgiaia, Iaeld a~ ~lae Court Boase QJl July l5, 1957. ~'S, aeDr)' A. Lacas, lIaap~on .1. Lucas and iober~ B. Lucas pe~itioned . - tills 30ard and re~es~ed ~ha~ tile Cooty Zoaiq Ordiaance be' ..ded so as to pro1'1d. t.1Ia~ certa1. property describ.d i. said Pe~i1;ioa, a portion ot which i. now classitied. as b1lriMes proper~y and a portion ot 1Ihich is MW clasaitied as -.lI.sUuce Property-, " relo.ect aacI reclassitied ae local Dui..as pro~, 1Ihich peti~lon' wae filed a~ ~he regular ...tiq of ~hie ~ard 011. J1lJle I 17, 1951, and by Order ..~ered oa ~Il.a~ clay was reterred ~o tile Planaiq I eo.1seion of IloaJ1oke Coo~J' tor rec_aclat.ioJI in accordance witll ~1l.Il pro1'1sio.s ot 1;he Coel.e of Yirgiaia; ud I ! -2'8, ea1( Plamaiq C~ee1oJl by a rellOl1Gio. ael.op~ed a~ a .~etiq ell I <haM 18, 1957, after hear1q e1'1d8l1ce ~oachiJlg oa 1;he .erUs ot eaiel. Petition, " Nc__ed to tIlis ~ tha~ said Couty ZoaiJIg OrdiJWlce be ..ded eo as t.o III c.... ~be elas.Uieatioa of the property deseribell. in ~lae Petitio. to local I hal.sa property: and, Ii . " lfIlRUIS, tile Board of SupeMisors ot Ioaaolte COWl~y did by it.e Order, u~_( Oil J.. 17, 1957 as aforesaid, order ~ba~ ~lae Clerk of this Board, I apo. reeeip~ of said recoaaeJld.ation !rea ~he Pl.....'h.C Coaaiuio., f ortll.wi~1a se~ I i I " the .... clo_ tor a public ilearing at the next peraisaible regular or special .ee~i.JIg of ~hie Board, ud gift notice tIlereof by publication in accorduce with tile eouty ZoIliDc OrdiJlaDee aJId ~he Code of YirgiJIia; and, 1oIIl211R1S, ~Il.. Clark ri this Soard did se~ the regular .ee~ing o~ this Board ~o be h;~d oa July 15. 1957, at 2:30 P. M., as the da~e and U.. tor a public heariug OIl ~he aforesaid proposed aaendllen~ ~o said COWl~y Zoaing OrdiDaJaee. and adftrtised ~be 8aII8 by. a Jlo~ice duly published i. ~l1e RoaJlOke- World 18WlI,a newspaper haTing geaeral clrcula~ion ill.~Ae COW1~y of aoaaok., l1rSinia, for ~wo insertions on ~he 22nd and 29th clays of June, 1957, as required by saiel Order of this Board, and in accordance wi~h the provisiou of ~he ColUlty Zoniq OrdiJlaDce . and ~he Code of Virginia; aJlci, 1fIIBiBAS, said public Rearing waa l;h1s da~ehad on the saiel. propos.d aa.JlUt8l1 to 1;he. Cooty Zoniq OrdiIlance by this Board. af~er notice ~hereof was duly published, as aforesaid: aDd, ! Ii, WRJ:lIR4S. this Board af~er ghiq careful consideration to said Pe~Uioll . ~ ad to said reco_enclation of ~he Plann1DgC~ Ba1on, alld heariag eTidence JI touchiug on ~h. .erits of said proposed uendrae,l1t to the Coun~y Zoniag OrdiJlaace ! II beiug of ~he opinion ~ha~ said COUJlty ZoniDg 0r,UJlaDee should be aaellded as Ii I: i' ii I Ii iI July, 1957, ~he said Cowaty Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby ueaded ail as to classify ~he property described in said PIJ~ition as local business proper~1~ reques~ed ill said pe~itioIl, and as reco_ended l~y said Plamdng Collllliaa1on. loti, 2'llBRUOU, Hi n RESOLVED AID ORDBRID that a~ this .eeting of the . . . Board of Supervisors of' RoaJlOke Coun~y. Virginia. Jaii.ld on 1:he 15th day of I I I I I J J -, , I \-j 0,' t>. . ~ ~ A10 'lobe .ee1oiq of 10ile Board of Supervisors of RolUlOk. COllD1;y, V1rgia1a, held a10 10lle Cour1; House on Juy 15. 1957. I~.,., $ ~ . TfiBF.lAS, C. Fo Ietaaver. G. G. FraUn aDd Ollie I. FraliD pe101tio.e. 10his I t2l ..- Board aacl r.ques1o.d 10hat 1oal) COllDty Zoning Orel1....c. b. ~Jlded so as 100 I 7 - '" - ~ 1 pronde that .eertaiJl property described ia said PetitioJl. a portion of which is I now claseified as businese property and a portiOD ot whic. is DOW classified I as -A aeeidence Propert,.-, be rezoned aDd recaes1fied as local wsiaess ! I I I I I I , I , , i ; --- I 11 in order that said propert,. and till b1l1ldings that may her.after be erected tIlereoa IIQ' be used for local busill8l1s purpolles all defined by said COllDty ZoniJII Orcl1BaJlc.. !he propel'tf here1l1 classified as local business proper1oy is .ore partiC1ll.ar1y deeeribed as follows, 100-11110: of All/1;ha1o certaia tract or parc.l of land cOll8is101q of 2.054 acre. situate OD 10he We.terly side of U. S. I1pway Ronte 11 Ior1oh of JIalYern Hills Subdinsion. conft)'8cl to BeDr1 A. Luc.... Hallptoa 1. Luca. aad Robart I. Lucaa bylbn.y Boxle,.. ellrrlYiIlg frastee 1IDUr tile 11111 of W. W. Boxley. deceasect. 111 deect dated Ipril.6, 1957. aad. recorded i. 10he Clerk'e ortlce of tile Circuit C01l1't of the C01lDty of Roaaoke. .Virginia. o. May 7. 1957. IT IS lUll'fIID RISOLlID AJID OIDBRID tha10 10he Clark d this Board fortllw1th c~ a c~P1. of Ws R.s~l.tioa alld. Order to 1oh. Seeretar1 of 10ha Plallll1q CoIDI1..io. of itoaIloke CollD1;y. V:lrginia. aDd a copy to Strlcklar. P11U1k.1;t ucl Strieltler, Itt.orneys fo:' the Petit1oaers. !be foregoiJIg aeso1u1oion was adop1oed on lohe. .01;10. of Sv.pernlOr Ki.or i. letter, and secoJlded by SaperT180r Roland H. Clark, alld on tile. recorded vote tile SuperT1sors Toted as follows, to-1I1t: A18S: SuperT1sors JUcor R. letfer, Rolalld H. Clark and W. I. C.Dtift lays: lone I; , !I Ii i: Ii 'I Ii " " " II .' !i i: I! I: , ji ! 1) Ii 'I Ii ,: Ii " i: ,. /! II II il ~ II 1i 'I I, I !I I, II I' I Ii [I II " II I' II " I: , !I " " I, I i, i' II U: IIZOIIIG OF PIlOPIIl'fI OF C. F. ID'AUVBI, G. G. RlLII,IJID . . OIJ.II I. FltlLIX SI'1'Ul'f1 O. THB: USDILT SIDBOF V. S. HIGHWAY 101J'fI 11 liOR'l'H OF ROAJrOU: CITY COIPORl'l'l LDln'S . ) ) l 1 ) FIDL OBDER , property, which pe1;i1oio.n was f'lled at 1;he regular .ee1;illg of'this Board. on .T1Ullt 17. 1957, alld by Order entered on ~hat day wall referrsd to the Plalllll1llg Co.a1saioB of Iloanoke County for recaEaeadation in accordance with. 10he proT1sioJlS of the Code of Virginia; and, WHInllt'~. said PlanBillg C~ssion by a resolution adopted a10 a .,etillg on . . Juae 18, 1957, after hearillg endence touchillg 0. the .arits of said Peti1oio., ree_nded to this Board that 'laid COllD1;y ZODillg OrdillallCe be sanded so as to chaD&e the classification of' the proper1oy described in 10he Pe1oit10n to local i' Ii " i I i I , , upon receipt of said recOlllleIldation frOlA 10he P1lllUl11lg COIIII1ssion, f'orth1l1th set i 10he saae down for a public heariDg at the next psl'll1ssib1e regular or special ! I ..e1oillg of this Board, aDd gl. Ye notice thereof by publication in aCcordance Ii ,I 'I boiness proper1;y; and, ~J:'!'l, the Board ot SuperTisors of lloanollB C01Ul1;y did by its Order, entered on June l7. 1957 as aforesaid. order that the Clerk of' this Board. I, I: 1: , with 10he COllD1oy Zoning Ordinance and the Code of' V:Ir ginia; and 275 I- i: I I I I i I I I I ,. i I I I ., II :I .1: ': fI I I , ...~'n'_ ! pnlU$, the Clerk or this Board cl1d set the regalar _eetiDg of :tll1s i Board to .. held OR .J1lly 15, 1957, a:t 2:38 P. 1(., as 1;he date and. 1;1118 for a : pOlic heariDg on 1;h~ aforesaid proposed aaertdlaut to said Cout;y ZoDiDg II OrdilllUlce, aDd adYer1018ed 1;he S8IIe by a ROtice d.1lly paliehed in :the BoaJlOke- I l!orld. len, a llewspeper haYiDg g.neral cirC11latioa in 1;he Couty or ROaJlOke, I I Yirpaia, ~or.:two iuer1oions OR tlaa. 22acl ud 29t1l days o~ .TlIH, 1957, as I required Dy said Ord.r of :this Beard, ud la a.ccordaRc. 1fi1;h :the proYia1ons of :tile Cout;y Zollillg Orcl:l._e and tile Code of Virgillia; ud. I' II II I I Ii 'I I I I II WARV1US, sAid pUDlic hear1Dg was this. da:t. llad on :tile said proposed I aaeDdlaea:t to 1;h. County Zo1l1Bg Orcl:l.DlUIC. by this Board, after notice :thereof wa d1l1y polish.d, as afor.said; ud lfnR1US, 1:1118 Boarcl atter priJIg caretal cOllsid..ratioD to said. Petition . . ud. to said recOllllleaclation of the Plama:l.Dg CClIiII1aaion, and hear:I.JIg endene. tollCh:l.Dg 011 the ..rUs of said Propos.d ....dlI.zrt to the Couty ZoD:l.Dg Orcl:l.JIUc., b a:l.Dg of 1;he opillion 'that said County ZolliDg Orcl:l.JlUC. .!lould. .e ....d.d as request.d iR said Pe:tition, and as reco_ad.d. by said Plama:1.Dg I eo-:LlI8ion. lOW,' 'fHBRUOIB, BE no IBSOLlD AID OItDEiBIli that a:t :thie ...1;:I.1IC of the . . - . . '" Board of SllperTiaors of Rouoke County, VirgiD:l.a, held on the 15th day of July, 1957, 1;he said Couty ZoIl:l.Dg Orcl1I11U'lce be and the s..e is hereby U18l1ded so a. to classify :tile proper1oy "sort... 111 said P.:tit1ol1 ae local busi..ee property, ia order that said property aad the .Ililcl:l.ags that IIIlT her.arter .. .l"Ic1:ed .reoll uy be used for local business purpose. a. defia.d. by said Co1Ult;y ZoIliDg Orcl:l.Danee. '!'he property hereby classHied as local builless property is aore particularly d.escribed as follows,. to-w:l.t: I I' I' II ( \: I I' All of tha:t certain :tract or parcel of laDd.coll8ia:tiag of 20.733 acrea eit1Ui.te on the '.s1;erly eide of U. S. lli&hway Iovte 11 conYeyed to C. 1'. KefauYer, G. G. Fralh and 011:l.e E. 1ralill b1 Allu;r. Boxley, al1l'T:l. nDg 'frutee WIller thew:l..ll of W. W. Boxley, deceas.d,- Dy d.ed dated May 1, 1957, and recorded ia the Clerk's Ottice or tile Circll1t Court of 1;he Couty ot looGke, T1rc1D1a, on Jlay 1, 1957. I n IS PUllfID USOLVED AID 12DEUDthat the Clerk of this Board ror~Jndt. I CC:~ia COf" D:~ tkhi scReSOllltiVO:lr1l and.D:I. Orderd to 'the secSretal'ycklot. tAp Ie PlaDIl:I.ag I'. ~IIS on 0 ..-DO e outy, gi a, aD a CI)PY to trl ar, lIJIkett and II ,I Ii I II i! I Ii :t .1 I! " II " H I II " !; , ii :! I Strickler, Attorneys for the Petitioners. '!'he foregoiag aesolution was adopted OD th,~ .otion of Sapernsor JI1aor R. I Ierfer, and secoDded by SlIperYisor Roland H. Clark, and on the recorded Wl.e the Super"fiaora TO~ed as follows, to-w:l.t: Ayes: Superrtsors JI1ROr R. (efter, Roland ll. Clark and W. E. CuclU't lars: lone I i; , ,; I ,. i I: , I '1 " II Ii i ii I, I: l.- i: Ii i: L II Ii I, r ; !I I , n ii I u , Ii I i I I' II I , I CJ I I I I I: II I I I I J I! Ii , I I II I' I i , ji Ii " I' ,I I II 'I II :! Ii 'i !i i! I' d i; ,I I' II II j' o ~ GJ -,...-._-~~~~~"~~."I~ 277 II BE: BEZOJDIG OF PROPDTY OF C. F. UF.l1lVBll. JOP.D. WIG UD.W. E. llTT.'R]' SITVA'B OIJ.'fQ QS'1'EIlLI SIDE. OF U.. S. IUGBWAI. ROV'1'E, 11- XOR'fH OF. .1l0.uOD: .CITY QOlU'OR1'B LDlItS - ) l I l l FIIW. ORDD ! i I i I~~t" At the-.ee'tiJIg ot the Bo.ud ot Supervisors ot Rouoke CoWl1;y. i1rgillia. ~~'~ held a't 'tae Court ~oue on ~uly 15. 1957. ~',.C mws, C. F. IetauTer. John D. Craig and W. E. Klley pe'titioned Ws ~ ~ . . ~.C-.,.. Board and requs'ted 'tha't 'the C01ilJ1'ty Z.OUDg Ordiaance be aMnded so ae 'to ')/l'I~ pl'ortcle 'tha't cer'tain proper'ty described in said PeUUon. a poe'tion ot which ~ J.1 , , ~ 18 now classified &I :business proper'ty and a por'tion ot which is now claelitied (j r j, adv &I al Residence Proper'tya, be relloned and reclassif'led as local Duei1l.ess t2L --r-: ,. I 7_,,-.57 property. which pe'ti'tion was tUed a't 'the regular .ee'tiDg of' 'this Board on I .ru. 17, 1957. and b;r Ord.r en'ter.d Oil 1;aa't day was reterred'to 'th. PlamaiDg CloaaissioJl of' lloanoke Cou'ty f'or recOUlellda'tion in accordance with 'the prorteions of' the Code ot Virginia; and. _iu~, said PlallDiDg Couislion by a reso1u'tioll adop't.d a't a .ee'tiJlgon Jue 18. 1957. at't.r heariDg ertdence 'touchiDg on 'the .eri'ts of' said Pe'ti'tion, ~ec_Dded 'to this Board that said County ZoniDg OrdillaJlce b. aMnd.d so as to chaJlge the class1.tica'tion ot 'the property d.scrib.d in the P.'ti'tion to local buiDellll proper'ty; ud. ynllIUg. th. Board of' Supernsors of' loanoke County did by its Order. I . I ..tered oa June 17. 1957 as aforesaid. ord.r tat the Cl.rk ot this Board, i upon receipt of' said rec_nda'tion troa the Planning ComaiaaioJl, f'0~h1llith 88't I 1 the .... d01fJl f'or a public hear:; Dg at the next peraissible regular or special I .e'tbg or Ws Board, and gi.... notice thereof' by publication in accordance wi'th tJae County Zoning Ordillance and th. Code of' Virgillia; and, i _1tI~, the Cl.rk f4 'tlUs ~08rd did set the regular .eetiJIC ot this Board I to be belli on ~y 15, 1957, at 2:30 P. J(., as the dUe and t:1ae f'or a public I _ariJIg on the aforesaid proposed ..elldaent to said Coaty ZoBing OrdiJl8J1ce, an ad'Nrtleltd 'the sue by a notice duly p1lb1:l1 h.d i1l. 'th~ Roanoke-Worl. --. a I -paper hanDg general circulation iJl 'the County of' ioeDoke, VirgiDia, tar to lnsertioJl8 on the 22nd and 29th days ot June, 1957, as required by aaid Order of Ws Board, and in accordance wi 'th th~ prorlsions of' the ColUl'ty ZoIliJlg . , Ordi_e and 'the Code of' Virginia; and, ~l$, aaid pllb21c heariDg waa 'this da1;e had on 'the aaid prepoaed ..eDdllent to 'the Coun'ty ZoDing OrdiJl8J1ce by 'this Board, after notice thereof' was dul)' publiahed, as atoresaid; and, WJlRII21$. 'this Board at'ter gi YiDg careful consideration to said Peti'tion an 't 0 said rec_endation of' the PlallDiDg ColIIIIis sion. and h.aring endence touchi 011 the MrUs ot said proposed amendaent to the Count)' Zoniag Elrdillance. beiDg I 1 of' the opinion that sail.d County Zoning Ordinance should be ..ended as request.d in said Petition, and as reco_nded by said PilaJIniDg Commssion. . !fOW. 'fllEREPORB, BE rr RESOLVED AND OIlDERBD that at this lIIeetiDg of the - . . . Board ot Superneors of' Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 15th day ot July, 1957, the said Coun'ty ZoniDg Ordinance be and 'the same is hereby amended so a8 to class!. ty 'the proper'ty described in said Peti'tion as local business prop.rty. in order tha't aaid property and the build1nis that may hereafter be ereoted 278 i I i JA I )':..., I 1>0./ / II' t, I ,I I i I ! I J nr- i ,i !' I II II I' I , I I I i I I I ,j i thereoll 11&)' be uaed tor local Dllsinea'8 purposes u detined by aaid County ZoniJIg Ordinance. !he property hereby clasaitieel as local businesa property ia aore par1;iclllarl)' deecriHd as tollon, to-v.l.t: III that certain tract or parcel ot lalld troatilll \Ii,'" approxi.llate1y 1,633 teet on the Westerl)' .side ot u. S. Righway Route 11' extendiq neterlT fr_eaid IIigIlvay tor a TarJ'1Dg, depth ot 3" teet to 53, teet as sh01fD and outl1ll8d in red Oil a certaiD Map ude _y Dand Dick, S. .C. E.. dated April 24-. 1957, attached to and ude a part ot the t :0:..sa1d Petition tiled v.l.th the ~oard ot Superrlsora )f lloanoke . COllDtr, Virginia. on .Tune 17, 1957. If IS 18R'ftID iIBsoLVID A1ID OIllEIlID that the Clerk or tMa Board torthwith cert1~ a C~Pr' ~ thiaResOluUon .pdOr.der to the Secretary or'the PlalUliag c-1ae1ea ot RoallOke CO.l1t)'. Virginia, and a COPT to Strickler. P11UIltett alld Strickler. Attorae)'s tor the petitiollera~ I !he torepiag Resolution vas adopted on the aotion ot Superrleora loland H Clarit. ad aecolllled lIy Superrleor tiDor R. letter, sad on the recorded 'IOte the Saperrleore 'IOted aa tollon. to-wit:. A18a: S1I.perrlaora RolaDd H. Clark, MillOI'll. letter and Y. :I. C1Uld:U't laTa:: lODe I I 'l'B 1IIS'l'IILY . SIDE or. u., S. BICHIDI. JlOftI 11. _fJI or IlOIJOD CIft COiPOR1!BLOO'1'S II TD JlAGISTKRTIT. DIS'l'llICT.QP' CClUJ'l'!, . VIRGIlIA. or ili~W.~~A=~~ ~OBl D. CRAIG J ) ) ) ) j ) ) ) i I Q!!I! r F. letauver. John D. . Craig and W. E. Riley. bT COUDael. . . reqaeawd leaft to fi e the petition relathe to r8soniag the propertT deacrille ill said petitioD. IIOW. 'fIIBIlBlOIlE. VB!) 1llD ORDEllED that at its repJ.ar aeetiug ot .' - " .... theBoarcl of Superrleore ot R oke County. Virginia, the said petition be, alld tile ... ia Ilereby tiled. AID BE IT I1IJd'HJSi IlBSOLVED AID RDIIlED that the proposal to llIlend the . . . . . ZoD1ug Orcl111lU1Ce as requeated in aaid etition be. alld the 88M ia hereby reterred to the Plamllug Co-.1sa10n or Bo oke COlUlty. Virginia. tor a rec_endation in accordance v.l.th the prov1 ons of the Code ot Vlrginia. I I I I I I , " It I - AID BE IT P'UUBER iESOLiED AID ORDEiED "h when said PlaJm1ng CODissioll . . . skall report its reco...ndation to the Clerk of t e Board. as required by ~he Code ot Vlrginia, that upon the receipt of the sllIle, the said Clerk of thia I Board shall torthvi th set the aue down tor a pulllic h ring at the next I permssible regular or special aeeti~ of this Board. alld ba" notice thereof I be gi'l'en by.the said Clerk by publication in accordance with e provisions ot I, I' I I I I, i; i I: Ii I 10M Code of VirgiD1a. AID BE IT PIIR'l'HER IlBSOLVED AlfD ORDERED that one -. '. resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Bo Paul B. Jlatthen. Secretary of ~he Planniug ColllIl1ssion of Roanoke COUJIty "~l'p "i A_ o J j r1. ..... w ~- ':;:.; ,.~\ Petitio. of Cl1tferd I. Pike. et ala tor re-soll1.q ot property e1t1late 011 I" Bt A. r Sal_-LJDChbvg 'hrnpike IaI.o1m as 1IIAL OIlDlR ___ the -Pike Propert1" aIId. be111g t01'ller1y , fJ a part of the Creetoll Land Co. property. I ~ pnlU!l c~ttord I. Pike. ~ry ~.P1ke. lele. E. Pike. Barriett T. Pike ~;,~ ~ earter ad J. -01' Carter. !maie Pike Bardi80Il.&Jld Joeepla i. BardieoJl. Alfred. G. I , . , .. .. I .., - I' _4" Pike anel Tlaelu Pike. !lice GlelUl& Pike '!'neks and. J. i. 'melts did duly file . their petitio. to ehaqe theelassUicat:i.o. ot eert&i. prepe!:ty o...d. by th_. and 81t1l&te iJl the Clouty ot Rouolte. Tirgill1a. Oil the Sal..-Lyachbvg T1arJlpike. eou181;1ug ot three parcele of lud with all aggregate acreage of 36.51 acres. 3 .rods and 25 poles and described. by _tes &Jld bOlUlU in said. petition.. with cer10ain exceptiou thereto. lIJ1d which said property is described as tollon. to-wit: . . C1lIId1tt. ad eeco Super'fisors Roland I. Clark ud. on a rec~rded .Tote. it the S1lpe1'T,l.sors YOted as follows. A18e: S1lperrt80rs W. B. Cunditt. and Minor 11. letter. . . Roland I. , 'i I, " 'I ,. Ii ~ I: DO: , Ii I Ii I' I I I I I , , I II P.liCBL 10. 1: Ii ,I II II !I II I I I I !I il I I I I ! , I I , !I Ii :1 II " I -BIGIJJIIJIG at a stake on t1le sOllth e1de ot the Sal.. &lid x.,.,chb1ll'g'l'ampike and ill the lliddle ot -I'f Street corner to 10. 1 at 7; thence aloug the lliddle ot -I--Street with a 11.. ot Ios. 1 and 2 S. 110 W. 106-1/2 poles- (pase1ug a corner to Ioe. 1 and 2 at 73-2/10 poles) to a etake on a 11De of Bunlell at 11; thence with Barwell's li.. I. 690 15' 1f. :(3-26/100 poles to a etake in an old rock tence at .17; theDce alolll a 11De ot lire. Logan. B. 11 0 B~ 101 poles to a stake Oil a 11_ of the Sal_- aJId. Roanoke .Car line at 16; thence by P{U'allel lines with the car line (20 teet trOll tile center of road) I. 690 30' B. 1.0-3/10 poles-to a stake at 15. B. 770 15'E.l,l-l/2 ,poles to a stake by a side ot the Sal.. and Lynq,burg load at 14; 1:I1ence alollg.tbe south side of said road S. 740 45' B. 3-4,/10 poles to the BBGIDIIG. .' COJltainiDg 14 acres. 3 rods and 25 poles and described in a recent surTey by Joseph 11. Woods.- . . pnCBL BO. 2: -BlQIIIIIIG at a stake on 'tile south eide of the Sales and LJDchburg Turnpike (t18 center ot -I- Street as laid down on a plat of the lands of 1:I1e Creston Land COIIpany of record in the Clerk's Or.tice of 11oanoke Couty) and corner to a tract ot land owned. by Deaton; thence with the east line ot eaid Deaton's land and~e.comer ot-I- Street. S. 110 39' w. 1209 teet to a corDer on the Obenchain line; thence .with line ot Obenchaln S. g8036t E. 356 feet'to a stake in -,pt Stir-eet; thence alolll -,pt Street S. .,110 39' E. 1233 teet to the -south side of' Sal.. and Lynchburg 'l'llr.npike; thence 1rl.th the south side of said Turnpike S. 630, 9' W. 210 .teet to a point; thence S. 66- 9' W. 148 teet to the BEGIBBIIfG. Containing 9.59 acres. P.liCBL BO. 3: BEGIDIIG at a stake on the line o.t the Obenchain land and ao1ltbeast corner of the 10 acres so14 the Lutheran Orphanage; thence with said Obenchain's l1De S. 86- 21' E. 495 teet to Ii point in the lforfolk & Western right of' ,way; 1;huce with eaid right of way the .tollowiDg courses and distance: Ji. 210 4.lt' E. 143 teet; thence I. 200 09' E. 119..teet; theDc. I. 11! 4.lt' E. 117 teet; thence I. 14.~ 31' E. 171 teet; thence I. ll~ 22' E. 624 teet to the soath side-,ot Roanoke and 8al_ 'farap:lJte;,thence with the south side ot the Turnpike B. tlo 07' W. 565 teet to a stake at the northeaet corner d the 10 acre tract; thence with liDe ot SlIII8 S. llO 39' W. 1233 feet to the BBGIIIJ1IJiG. - Conta1niug 14..92 acres according to SIU'T8y sade by C. B. Turner Sun.yor. May 27. 1916. 279 280 ~ tt..e..1:' ~ 1-11.-1'] I I , 'I !I Leplleterences: Parcellfo. 1: By d..d ~o illJU7' G. Pike froa Jlinn1e T. Dea~on and . I. R. Deatoll, her.husband. dated llfarc!l 111, 1913 aDd of record in Deed Book 65, page 229 of said Clerk's ottlce. .' By de.. ~o Helll'1 G. P1ke trOll T. T. Perta~er aDd lUJ11e L. Pertater, his wite, dated lov..ber II, 1915 and ,ot record in Deed Book 79, page 4430t said Clerk's ottice. By deed to H. G. Pike trOll W. G. :Jfusser and S. E. Jlwsser, his.wite, .dated June 1, 1916 and of record in .ed Book Ill, page 274 ot said Clerk's Ottice. Ii " I; I: " i: " I: II I Ii I Ii , I i: " II II iJ " Ii 1 II " Ii Parcel lfo. 2: Parcel 10. 3: . !here is excepted troa the above parcels of lalld ~Ile. tollow.:l.Dg ~ollveyances: 1. Strip tor street to ToWll ot Sal_, trOll heire at law of Benry G. Pike, dated A~st 25, 1931 ad of recori in Deed Book 207, page 446. 2. 2.60 acres to Co_onwealth of Tirgina tor road purposes trOll said 'heirs, beiDg .65 acre 1JI present roadway ancI. 1.9 acre of additional .land. of .record in Deed Book 427. page 37 under date of April 30. 19.6. i I " I, . III WIfRIl1l!AS by order ot ~his Board. eDiered at its regular .etiDg OR the 17th' day ot Jll1Ie, 1957, the proposed a118Da8llt was referred to the 'a...."1II 'Coa1salo . . I ot loaJlOke Couty for recoa.endation in accordance with Section 15-84.7 ot, the I 01'tic1al Cocte 01' TirgiDia 01' 1950, as aaellded; and, I . .. I Whereas t\:ae PlaDD1ng C-nssion ot Roanoke Coety has centtied to this I , Board a copy or the resolution duly adopted by t,he Colllllill8ion which said reao11ltiGD rec_8llds that said property be recl.assified. to -Light. Indllstrial aDd. , I WDUU a polie hearing was this clay had eln the proposed ..endaeat. after II aoUee thereoi' was duly pubil.ished in the "World .ewa-, a newspaper pllDlished in I' I District-; and, the City or Roanoke and haviDg general C~;'~t1,oD ,i~the C01Plty of Ioanoke, as req1dre~ by Section 15-$46 ot the said. Cocl.e,uder the elates 01' Jue 25, 1957 aDd .Jv.ne 28, 1957, "~)1Y certitied by the pul1lished ot said paper; and this .1' Board hartDg duly cousideredthe same. it is acc,orcl.illgly hereby OIinImm that the II Couty ZoDing OrdilQulce be. aDd the same. is hez'eby, ..elided to reclassifY the above-cl.escribed property to -Light ID4u8trial District.- It ie further ordered that the Clerk ot thls Board.forthwith certUy a copy i .. I ot thia orcl.er to the Secretary of the County Plann1Dg eo..ission and to. any othe party ill illterest deslr1Dg a copy thereof. Aclopted by the 1'ollowiDg recorded vote: Ayes: SupeM'isora 1olancJ. H. Clark, Jlillor R. letter aDd W. I. Cunditt. ..,.: !lone Ii ,i Ii :1 Ii I I I 'I Ii .I [i ~ I. Ii ~! i! ,. [, '.1 i, t' I " [, ii I I' Ii " Ii Ij I . violation thereof. , ! I On action. duly secoJlcied. it is ordered taat the Board of SupeM'isors of II I, lloanoke Cotmty, Virginia, at its next l118etil/g. to be held on the 19th day of II Augaat, 1957, ill its aeet1Dg roOll,. at the Courthollseof Ioanoke County, Virginia.!: at 2:.38 o~ClOCk P. M., will propose tor adoption an ord:h..n..e prohibltiDg the Ii dlapiDg on streets, ~ads. highways, and parks.. of raIlbish, trash, garbage or If [' other waata IIIlterial; prohibitil/g the transportj'Dg of rubbish, trash, garbage, :' , ., or other waste IIIlterial in op!n or uncovered v~llicles; prohibitiDg the burn1Dg of II rabbish, trash. garbagtl or o,her waste material in certain areas, except upon Ii cOllclitiOIlS .hereinat'ter set torth; aDd prescribiJIg filies and other pun1shJa8llt for :' !, Ii ii o 1.- r I, I; iI Ii Ii I' I! I, " i ; n J Ii Ii r I , ~ II I. H i I 'I I, ,I I I I"" i 1 " I! Ii " i: r I ,I II i II Ii !! D ... ... 'lork or .... ...... .. -... di~ok'" to ,.... to .. .""".... -III oRce a week for the DaXt two successi,. weeks, in the Tiaes-iegieter, a news- paper published i:a iouolte County, Virgillia, ttJ,e aboTe' notice of the I . 1 intemion of this Board to propose tor adoptioll' the ordinance aDove referred to ' Adopted by tb. following recorded ~ote: II Ayes: Super1'isors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. leffer and Roland H. Clark. ., lays: lfoll8 Board of S.per1'isors "s ) : I ) ) ) omu The POlic and the State Highway C~se1on of Virginia 'fIlis .atter cue on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, a:1d. upon the application for Hill Avenue frolll Rt. ~r..9 to D. B. 0.20 ai. to be . . accepted and ..de a. part of the Secondary Syste:. of State Highways. . It appeariDg to the Board that drainage eal_ents and a 40 ~. right of way f~r said road hes heretofore been dedicated by Tinue of. a certain up blown as, Ri nrdale, which II&p ie recorded in Pllat Book 3, Page S3i of tke recorda of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit COlU't: of iOlUKlke COUJl.ty, Virgillia, . ~ 281 ,I 5 c:opieSlthis I order- de to . Co .Ex.Officer for del to Res. Engr. Dept.Highways I Salem, Wa. 7-l7-57 I aDd that by reason of the recordation of said ..p 110 report trOlll a Board of Vi rs, ._r COU8Jlt or dolllltion of right of way frOlll the abuttlng property _ers is Deceseary. The board hereby guaraDtees said right of way ed right for draiDage. 101ft mRBPOIlB, BE IT ORDBRBD that said road kllOwn as ~ll Avell.u frs it. 749 to D. :i~ 0;20 ai. and whi~ i~ shown Oil a certain sketch accOlllPaJlT1JIg tbia Ii . . orcl.er. M. aDd the lIaJIe i~ hereDY estaDlished as a public road. to MCOllle a part of the State Secondary Syst8111 of Highways in io~LlIOke CoUJl.ty. - . Adopted by the following recorded "ote: Ayee: W. B. Cundiff', Enor R. letter ed iloland H. Clark lays: 10118 TlS ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER " i; ,. ii I: 'I I, il if ,! V Board of Superl'isors " II 11 I! i' ,I I, [I The Public and the State Highway COIIIIIiaaion of Virgillia . II 'fIlis _tter CllIU on this day to De heard UpOIl. the proceedings herein. and. ii 'I apoll the application for Jack Street fro. Richard Avenue. II. B. it. 1022. to i' Ii D. B. 0.05 ai. to be accepted and ude a part of the Secondary Sys~e. or State i' HiM i eo1ways. ,I 11 I~ appearing to the ~ard tha~ drainage easUlen~s anda SO ft. right of way Ii tor said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain II&p known as I~II' Vinyard Gardens. wich II&pis recorded in Plat B<Dok 2, Page 206 of the records il C III ot the ,lerk~s Otfice of ~he Circuit ~ourt of Roanoke County. Virginia. and ~hat by reason of the recordation of said map no repol.~ froll a Board or Viewers. nor " I, I c011llent or donation or right of way frOlll the abu1;ti~ property 01lJl8rs is necessa The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. rn 5 copies this order de I to Co.Ex. I' Officer for del to Res. ; Emgr. Dept. I Highways 17-17~S7 i I i ,I II I I 28.2 ; copies this i order del to Co Ex Officer for del to Res~Engr. Dept.HIghways 7-17-;7 . I ~. I ; copies this order del to ! Co, Ex.Office,' tor del to I Res.Engr. I Dept .Highways i 7-17-;7 ~ ! i I I I i !i i L .- i ! i ! II )1 ,I II , lOW, i'lIBuroBE, BE Ii' ORDDED that said road kDOwn as Jack Street fro. ! " . .' - .. . . . 1 Richard. A:RD.e, I. E., -Rt~ 1022, to D. E. 0.0; ai. and which ie shown Oil a i oertai~ sketch accoapanY1ng this order, -be, and the 88M is hereby establiehed I , as a public road to beco.e a part of the State SecoDdary Systea of Hi~s in i . , . . . I Roanoke Co\lllty. 1 ldopted by 1t he following recorded vote: I I lyee: Supervisors W. E. C1UIditl, MiDor R. ietter and Iloland H. Clark. I lays: IIone " i I I II I I , , , I Board of Supervisors ) TS I 'file PUlic and the State Higlnray ) eo-ieaioD of Virginia ) ORDBR I I i I I I I I , i ! . I I I " ,[ II , , 'fhis aatter cue on this day to be heard Upoll the proceediJ1g8 herein, alll1 I upon the application for ElliDgto n Street fro. Ilta. 116 and. 6;9 to Rt.ll6 i 0.20 ai. to be accepted aDd aacle a Part of the Secondary ~.tea of State H!iJawaya. . n appeariug to. the Board that draiuge eas_nts and a ;0 n. ript of way for said road laas heretofore been dedicated by rirt.ue of a certain aap bewn 'as J:1H'ICtOn Court, which aapis recorded. in Plat Book 3. Page SS of the recorD of ~ Clerk's orfice of the Circuit C01l1't of ~oke CotlJlty, TirglDia, I .' and *10 lIy reasoll or tile recordation' of said aap 110 report !r~ a Board of I Vi_rs, .or c_nt or doution of right of way !rea the abuttiJIg pr. perty 'I 01lDBre is neceseary. '!'he Board hereby guarantees said right of way and ript Ii I fordrd.JI&p. '. , . lOW, 'fJIBRBFOU, BE rr ORDEIlED that said road. known as ]11 HlIlgton Street !rea bs. ll6 ud '6;9' io Rt~ii6 - 0.20 ai. and which is shown on a certain . . sketch acceapanjiq this order, be, al1d. the saae is hereby established as a pllbl1c road to beccae a part of the State Secondary 51stea of Highways in Roanoke C01lDty. Idopted by the fol10wiug recorded. vote: lyes: Supervisors W. E. C1UIditf, Minor R. Ketfer aDd Roland H. Clark. .ys: IIone Board of Sllperfisors ) ) vs ) '!'he Public and the State Highway J CoIllliseion of Virginia. ) I I II I I' II I I I and I ORDER This _tter c8Jlle on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. upon the application for Park Lane from Winding Way Road, Rt. S67, to D. E. - . . . . 0.10 ai. to be accepted and IIB.de a part of the Secondary Syst811 01' State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a ;0 ft. . right 01' way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by rirtue 01' a certain map known as Jefferson Park, which aap is recorded in Deed Book ;64. Page 4.61 of I I il II Ii II L i ] -, , , .~ j n LJ IJ ,tij -_.__._......"..._~.,,~-_...~!.' li !; Ii I: :; I, I I. " Ii I Ii I; I 1; " 'i I, I' I I' I I' I: I !i II !; t I I', ~he reoorda of 'the Clerk's Office of 1;he Circ1l1~ Cour1; of Roanoke COlUl1;y, " - VirgiJlia, and tha~ by r8&SOD or 1;he recorda1;ion of said. _p no repor1; fl'Ola a Boarcl of Vie..rs, 1101" couen1; or dona1;ion of righ1; or way fra. the abu1;t1mg preper1;y owuers is necessary. The Board hereby guarant.ses said right of way ud right for clrainage. IQW, 'therefore, be 110 oraNd tha1; said road known as Park Lane fra. WiJld1J11 Way Roael, it. 867, to D. I. 0.10 iii. and. which is shown OIl a certa1l1 sketch acc""'P"1l11J11 this orcle;, be, aDd the Balle is hereby established as a pabllc roael to bec_ a par1; or 1;he S~.!\1;e Seconcl.ary Syate. of Highways 111 Roanoke CoaDty . .lclop1;ed by the following recorded. vo1;e: Ayes: Supernsors Jliaor R.KetLer, W. I. CllDdift and Rolalld H. Clark. )faye: Ione The Cha1raaJl sta1;ed to the .eetiag 1;hat FaJlDie L. Kessler, Chlora Ilisabe1;h . - -. Keaaler, 11018e Glascoe, lirk lugelle Keealer and Jero.e 'f. Xeesler, the owners ~f eerta1a property annate in -1;he Co~ty of !\,a~ke, Vii-pina, shown on the Map I ' . : or KeaelerlaDd _de by C. B. Ifalcola I: Son, VirgiJlia Sta1;e CerUfled hgineers, I . datect-llarch 25, 1957, which Plat,~ppeara otTecord 111 'theC1erk'. a Ottice of the I Circllit C01l1"t of iouoke C01Ulty, Virgil11a, ill Plat BoiU: 3, Page 257, have I I reeraeRed 'that the Board of Superrlsors couent to the vacatiOD ot 1ihe aaid i, plat; and that there haa been no sale of any 101; or lots in 1;he said subdividoD I \1 I I II " i, I' " I: II I' II J! 'I ii I I' II \i 'I I, 'I 'I I, 'I II I' ii il , il fi r or auy partioIl ot. aaid proper1;y. 'l'Mrellpon .0tiOD _de and seconded, the tollowing resolu1;1ou ....re vnAnianualy adOp1;ed: RESOLlED, 1;ha1; 1;he Board. of Supervisors ot the COlUl1;y of Roanoke, Virgil1ii, do hereby COJl8eDt 1;0 and approve the vacatio1ll..of that certain plat known as the IrJfap of Xesalerland-, ude. by C. B. )(alcola I: Son, Virginia State Cer1;itied lagineers, da1;ed March 25, 1957, which plat appearl10f record in the Clerk's Oftice of 1;he Circui1; C01U"1O or Roanoke C01Ul1;y, Vil"giDia, iD Plat Book 3, pace 257; and. . BE Ii' ll'Ull'l'HEll 1lES0L lED ~ha 1; W. I. CUDd1tt, Chairaan of the.Board,ot SuperT1sors, be and he is hereby au1;horiJ:ed aad direc1;edto endence 1;he CODseD~ alld approval ot the Board of Supernsors 1;0 1;he vaca1;ion of ~he eaid Pla1; by execu1;ing alld acknowledging on behalt ot the Board ot Supernsors an ins1;ruaen1; cap1;ioned "VacaUon ot 1;he Plat Desipa1;ed as the 'Map of Xesslerland' Da1;ed March.25, 1957", a copy,ot which iutruaen1; shall be tiled with the.ml1U1;es of 1;k18 ...eUng. By 1;he tollowiag recorded Tote: . Ayes: Supernsors W. E. ClUldift, Minor R. Ketter and Roland H. Clark lays: JIoDe ii ~ 'I il i' .o~ion, duly secollded, i1; is ordered 1;hat 1;he 11181lbers of 1;he Roanoke COlUl1;y :r ., ii :: PurS1llUl1; 1;0 SecUon 63-52, CUlllula~ive'. Suppleaen1;, Code of Virgil11a. 1956, on Weltare Board De la11;ed 1;0 three IIleabers, one of ~hoIll shall be a 1II000ber of 1;he ~~ftSlt. SyBtJi!isors of Roanoke County, in accordance w1tn 5ec. 03->4, Code of ii ea~fes7d'1' this order 1;0 be cerUtied 1;0 Judge F. L. Hoback and Mrs. ;j II II , I' , . Jrargare1; L. Malley, Superin1;enden1;, Roanoke COUJl1;y Weltare Board. ... . ldop1;ed by 1;hefollowing recorded vo1;e: Ayes: Supernaors W. E. CUDdift, Minor R. Xeffer and Roland H. lays: lone Clark -l'" I i I I I I I I ~<l'lI~ to ..:f: t ) ..- ~ .'mQ~'1 f.",~. ~. i $-Q".... "<'" ! 7-17-.$.1 I 284 c1r f" e. t13.. ~~I ~q,-. . Co . Ii. P-I'cx.c- <A-- I' . '" I '1-I"-~' . I , I I , I 1wt:;.;.. U. i 1o.~1 V-,'{., I 'Y} -')..)..~., i II I i I In re: ) ) i ) ) ) I I PEnno. t ~ 'I II i: ji Ii or ollDn propel-ty 011 Iortherly side of U. S. Rigllway Route 10. 4.60 . - TH(IWI:L. FERGUSOJ and GI.1DYS .. BRQJSOI, Ilubucl ud wit. Tais day..". Chell', Attol'JleY for'l'hou.s:L. ,Ferguson and Gladys II. , -. I'ergusoll, appeared "fore this Boerd aDd. requested lean to fUe a Petitio. Oil behall' of eaid parties,relatin to Re-soDing a certaiJI lot or jl&rcel ot real .state,aore tully described in Paragraph mmberedl of said P.titio.; aDd which said lot or parcel of real ,state is eit..te ill. the 8al.. Magisterial District, ioaneke Couty, VirgiDia, OD the Jlortherly 8ide ot U. 8. Biglaway r . Ioute 10. 4.60, and which PetitioD. contaiJla, DOug -other thiJIIs, the tollowiug allegations: I, (1) '!'hat the Peti tiours, 'rho.aa :L. Ferguson ud Gladys M. Ferguson, i hllsband aDd. wite, are the tee saple 01lD8rs of the lot or parcel of land. I ....,.,..... _ .-. 1 "" ..,. .......... ..101.. "'10 .. ._ a. ii teJUUlts by the emlreties retaiDing the right of survi'tOrship as at CClllllllOIl law; Ii (2) '!'hat said property described in said Petition is 1l0W clauitied uder I I Ii I i: 'I II II Ii II the ZoDing Ordillanc. of ioanoke Couty, Virgin..'!.a, as .A Residellce Property", bu that the tr.nd tor a naber of years in tol; locality-has be.n tro. reside~c. to Duduse use, and that a II1lbstantial part of the property along U. 8. Biglaway iout. lIfo. 460, in the general neighborhood ot the Peti1;ioners property, is nOY soned for business purposes, and that they desire to sell the said Foperty to Ray K. Parks and Pearl G. Parks, hlllShand and wite, who desire to locate thereon an extel'llillating business, and t,hat for that reason the Petitioners desire to have said property re-soJlled aDd. classitied as ":Local Buiuss Property.. And it appe';s to this Board that the ase of said property, situate in Roanoke COIUlty, VirgiDia, for .Local Business". purpOe.., lligilt be beneticial 1 .. .- to the Couty, at large, in t.hat such use llight provide necessary and desirable business develoJ:aents .in .the County, in general, and in theYiciDity in question, in particular. Iiow, theretore, be it resolnd and ordered:- I '!'hat at this regular aeeting of the ~oard of 8uperTisors of ioanoke Ii Couty, Virginia, held this 15th day of July, 1957, the Petition of the said Ii 'l'hOEs :L. Ferguson and Gladys M. Ferguson, be aad the S8118 is hereb)- file,d; and II BE IT FUR'fBBi IESOLYID AJfD, ORDERED: '!'hat the proposal to lIIIead said :! i: n I I II Ii ,I Ii ,I I' d I , I , i; I' i: " 1 . . . - soiling OrdiJUUlce so as to change the classitication of said property requested ;: ii to be re-solled in said Petition froa its present classification of .A iesidenc. I' :i Property. to .Local Business. purposes as detined in said County Zoning I, i ii , " I .~ - Ordinance, be, and the SUle is IIUE&Y iBFEllllED 'l'O the Planning Co.msaion of Roanoke Cout;y, Virginia, tor r~co';'endations in accordance with the provisions of Sec. l5-4I.7 of the Code of VirgiDia; and BE I'f PUIl'fHEli IlESOL'fED AID ORDEIlED: '!'hatone certified copy of these ..' -. - . . Resolutions be forthwith delinred by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews 286 1 Ii' II ,I !! I II <[ Ii ltfiL-li ea~..../.~ II - - - I' '7-I( A7 Ii i i 1 Ii II Ii I ! i I I Ii II ii Ii Ii Ii I I I' II Ii Ii " l! ii I' II " fj Ii I ..:'-....'-"<~._....'''''''~,-,.,...:'.~:.~:::::::~.~''..''':...::. . U ~! llESO~VBD BY !HE BO~ ~ SUPEll~CUlSI~~-~'UOBE COU~~, ~mQt~;'-l , _, . - .. - ". ~ -.. .... ,_. -. . - Ii 'fbat it is th. iD1ienUon ot th. Board ot Supervisorsot ROaDoke Couty, Virlinia~ . . ' the 10T.miDg body of Rouok. Ccnmty, Virgillia, 1~ s)l8city addUiollal proj.cts 1;0 be ud.r1iaken by 'the Ilealloke Collll'tySallit&Uol1< !uthorl1;y tor th. plU'pose of acquiriDg, tinanciDg, consU'Uc'tiD&, op.ra'tiDg aD;! lI&in'tai1liDg a s....r sys't_, or .y81;", pipe 11ne., alld other properti.s ud tacl111;i.s lncld.ntal ther.to, tor th. priary purpose ot turai..h1Dg .aDitary .lnntr tacilUiee to residenc.. aad. plac.. ot 81181n... i. certAiJl. areas in ROaDo]ce C01lll'ty, Virgi1lia, and tor the PYrP088 ot .x.rcieiDg th. powers conter~ed u]~n Roanoke Couty Saaitation !1ltbor11;y by the T1rp.1lia Wat.r and. Sewer, !\1thorlltiee'.!ct (8.ctio.15-764.1 and SecUon U-764..32, incluiTe, ot 'the. Cod. ot Virllilliaot-1950, a. ..ell4ied), the addi1;ioul proj.cte coels'tiDg ot lur!\1.hlDg Hid e.rvic.s ill 'the tollowiug addi1;ioDal area.: lIo. 7: P.tty - Boxley Lalld I: Ii I' if Ii ii Ii Ii I' Ii Ii Ii II I' I' I: " I; Ii .I Ii I BIGIDDIG at a point in the ceJl1;er ot Carrie Cre.k. on the ao\1th bo1UMlary line 01' the W. W. BoxlQY le1;&t8 and 'thellce I. 69026' I. 136 teet ,1;0 a poill1;;thnclt I. 111044' W., l041 t.et 1;0 a po1Jl1;, all4i b.illl the .000thwltst comer 01' the lI111er I. Pn1;y property! thellCe S. ~ro 00'1. lG23 teet 1;0 a poill1;; 'thoce I. 07. 23' W., 217lt ,t.et 1;0 a po1Jl1;; . thuce I. 670 00' I. 4411..8 teet 1;0 a ))oiJl1; iD the cellter 01' Tirpll1a S1;&t8 Secolldary RoG. /6O:L, all4i beiDg 'the 80Glaeaat oor.er of' Hid II1llar I. ,Pel.1;y preps">,; 'thence wi1;ll 'the cell1;er 11.. 01' .u.. Renlte #601, I. 110 15' w., 1155;' t..t to 'the IlOr1;Il...t C01'1l8r 01' 1;Ia. lI111er I. Petty i proper1;y; 1;Iauc. s. 660 10' W., 1215 :l~.et 1;0 a pols; I 1;II..c. S.130 44' w. 63S t..t 1;0 a pol,Jl1;; t aence S. 690 I 4S' Y., 272 1'e.t.,to a po1Jrt .8&1' 'the ulrter ot Can1u ,Creek, 1 1;Iaace i. -a 8Ou'th.rly, westerly &JIll 8.lleterly d1rec1;!oll with Ii Ni4 creek &II 'the CT8ek ....der.. 'the :l~ollov1ug HariJIP ..d Ii d1a1;u::ee: $. 320 06' W., 300 t..t1oC1 a .polD1;' 'thence S. , 5)oU'W.,279 te.t to,. rint; 'thence S~ .110 08' Y., '5 teet II . 1;0 .. r1Jl1;; 'the1lC. S. 65 40' I., 109 te.t 1;0. a, poill't' thence Ii I. 85 30' I., 2111.5 t.et 1;0 ,a poi., the.c. S. 810 45' B., 143 t.et [I 1;0 . poiD1;'. thellce S. 320 51' B. 92 t.l8'tto a point; 'theDce S. 1 00' 35' W., 162 t..t 1;0 a poiJI.t; tileacl. S. 230 34' W., 267 1 feet 1;0 . p01Jl1;; 1;IIence S. 110 30' W. 272 t..t 1;0 ,a po1Jl1;;. I thGce S. 320 15' w., l40 te.t to.& pcdJlt and beiDg a joi.t. COrMr 1;0 the W. oW. Boxl.yl.ate, B~ !. Balllaat., IIrs. Sarah 19l..1;o1l,- and lI111er I. Petty properties; 1;IIence S. no 35' W., 425.6 teet 1;0 a poiDt o. t;he 8Oath.ast .i4e 01' Carrina Cr.ek; 'thence S. 360 15' W., J.71.6 t.et 1;0 & poiDt; ~.ce s. 620 25' w. 435 t..t 1;0, a pol.1I1; ill the ce.nter ot Carrie Creet; thence with CUTin Crctek in a general s011tl1eaeterly direction the tol10w1Dg ..ariDge and'iclietuces: S.. 2J. 0 17' B., 91 te.t to a poiJl1;; thence S. 520 lit' B., 121 te.t 1;0 a point; th.llce S. 480 24' B., 304 te.t to a pc,ill1;; thence S. 430 21' I., 213 teet to a poill1;' thellee S. 140 45' B., 31tO teet 1;0 a poiJl1;; thence S. 45& 10' E. 220 f.et ~;o a poill1;; 'thence S. 240 30' B., 305 t.et to ,a poill1;; thene:e S. 4.20 53' B., 186 teet to B,poll11;;,th.llce S. 490 38' I., 250.4 t'e.t,1;o a poiJlt; thence S. 240 44' I., 8J,. te.'t ,1;0 a po:l,n't; thellce S. 610 55' B., 14O.5.t..t 1;0 the poiat or BlGtlltlG ud beiDg the properti.. ot 11111.1' B. & Hele. P.tty as de.crib.,d in Will Book 5, Page 231; De.el Book 465, page 34.0; and Deeet Book 465, page. 342; and a portiOD of 'the Y. Y. Boxley Be1;a'te i'r~perti.e as descr1b.d iJl. Deed Book 169, page 249; of record. ia the otfice of the Clerk of the Circ11it Court ot RoaDoke Couty. .0. 8: Old 1incasUe 'l'lu'llplk. BBGIIIIIG at a point i1! 'the cenar of the old 1111casUe Ttlrnpike (81;&te S.condary Route #6(5) approxill&tely 700 teet aorth 01' the intersection 01' .ai~l hrnpike .ud Hollin Road, .. B.; thence S. 160 15' W. 627 feet to a polnt in the cent.r of !inker Cre.k; thence I. 410 32' W., 1150 tee't with the c.nter line of said !iIli:er Cr..k to a point o. the east bank ot !inker Creek; thertce S. 740 45' E., 970 te.t 1;0 th. point of BBGIII1III1G ..~l enclosiug the properties 01' Lyle L. aDd Lusv.llie Guster Riley, the RoaDokll Baptist II1ssionary and Social Ullion, IIIC., u~l th. !rus'te.s of 'the Hollie Road Baptist Church; and beini: a part of SecUon 1, Rockyclale Heights Subdivision d: recoI'd in Plat Book 1, page 18l, of record ill 'the offic. of the Cl.rk or the Circ11it Court of Roanoke Count;y. I I I _ i I Ii Ii II I: 'I !i il II :1 !I " 1: n II ii Ii I 1 i I I 287 , r 1: i: 10.. 9: Alpine Road BBGDiJDIG a~ a poill~ on ~he Ilor~h coner of ~he J. L. LaBrie. property as recorded. ill Deed Book 521, Pag.. S15 iathe Clerk's Office of the Circui~. Co~ of Roanoke Conty alld said ~intbe1ng 011 the wes~ del. of Ste~e Secondary Ro.t. 1623; thellc. I. 380 3tl' 1.,483.3 fe.~ to a poi.t .011 the .0rtlDres~ DoUlldal'y of S~araoUII~ SuDdiTisioD, Sec~ioll I, Block 1; thellce I. 540 08' w. 300 fe.~ to a poin~; th.DC. S. 380 30' w., 631.5 f.e~ 'to a poat; theDce S. 500 39' E. -422. 5 fee~ od croeslag Sta~. See Ddary,Roa~e. ;&23 ~o a point .Dd saiel , pout "iag tile eoatll coner of. aaid J. L. LaBri. property; thellCe S. 670 00' B., 1,.J.2.5 f.e~ ~o a polm; on ~lIe. DOrtlDre.~ bolUldary ot Dwight Bill. SuDdiTi.ioD. Block 6; tlau.ce 1d~ ~lIe DOrth..e~bomuIary of .aid Bw1pt Bille SuDd1Tieion ... 580 50' I., 21,,1.5 f.et 'to a poia1; .011 ~lIe...e~ dele of State Secolldary.,Rout. 1623; theDce I. 670 58' w. 296.5 t.et 1dth the ...10 righ~-ot-vay line of ilaid,RoGe 16Z'J to a point; thellC. again 1dth the west righ~-of-way li.. of Route #623 .. 660 57' w.. 388.9 feet to the poim; of BlGIIIIIIG uel. eIIclostng ~he properties ot LoJlJlie J. "Jlartha Arlen. Slayton. Wi111aa 1. " Cecelia L.. ODenshain. Jr.. Williaa 1. Obeubala. J. L. LaBrie. Uel G. L. Whitlow. 10. 10: S-erdeo Gerdell8 S.c1;1on BBGIDIIG IT OLD coner 10. 46. being a IUU'ked gaa at the northeast corner of the propert;y of H. 1. Boletar Dd coner . to the property conftlyed to G. G. Fruin. J. H. Frall.. C. 'I. Ie1'auer, Del H. 1. Lucas troa th..Firat lational hcllaDge - BaDIt, Executors tor the Este~. of 1m. Hucli- H.. 'froG, el.eceased. ot record in the Clerk'e. Office of .the. Circuit. Court for the Cout;y ot Roanoke. Virginia, in De.d Beek 454, page 452; the.ce .1eaTinc said BBGIIIIIIG poiltt and. .1dth ~he southerly lIoundary line of the at01'8sa1. dproperty of G. G. ~in, .10 a1. I. 62023' I.. 92.85 fee~ to coner -1- iB'the cea1;er.ot.tinker Creek; .thence at the clleter of said-creek the followinc ......11 cour.e. Dd dis~lUICes: I. 390 20' I. 95.97 feet to corMr -B-; I. 510 50' B. 94.33 feet to..coner -C-; I. 660 29' I. 83.81 fe.t.to corDer _Jl8; I. 81025' I. 80.15 feet ,to copner -I"; S. 710 21' I. 2l9.teet ~o corner -,.; theice crosslnc Clearwater A....D.e. S. 790 36' I. 59.09,fee~. to coner -G'"; S. 890 08' E. 124.74 gee~ to .coner -H-; ~henc. leaTing Aid creek .and..with a new diTidon 11ne acro88 the 'property of G. G. Fralin. et also S. 60 43' W. 156.32 teet ~o corner -J1'; thellCe.w1th the .eaterIy Doundary line of the property ,of B. B. Steed, S. 60 43' W. 559 fe.t to corner 10. 34; beiag a planted concre~eaonWl.nt; thellce with the southerly lines of ~he property ot B. E., Steed Dd cro88ing ~he 15 toot width easaent or right,..of-vay of ~he Roaraoke Pipe Lill8 COIIpall)', Inc.. I. 890 21' E.. along the northerly .ide ot a tara road.a distance ,of 217.5 teet to a plaated concrete aOllUllent at corner 10. 35; thence continuing along 8ou~herly line of said S~eed property and along 'tlI.enortherly side of said fara road, iihe tollowing six. cour~es uel distances: S. 82028' E., 71.4 feet to corDer 10. 36; I. 770 31' I.. 81.4 teet..to corner 10. 37: N. 890 39' E.. 49 teet. to corBer Ho. 38; S. 640 32' B. 40.1 fee1< to,coner 10. 39; S. 450 06' I. 49.4 fee~ to corner 10. 48~ S. 340 35' E.. 101 feet 'to corner 10. 41; thellCe 1d'th. ~1110 lines arOUJld .aDd with that certain 1.314 acre trac:t p:rev1o:wsly conTeyed by G. G~ TraliB. e~ als. to Phillip Willi... and Elsie Willi..s, h1s 1dre .S. 150 47'.. W. ISO feet to corner 10. 41-1; S. 660 16' E. 385.4 feet to corner Ho. 42-1 ili D UDIIllrked Plantation Road; thence along said road .and witl1 10he westerly line ot the Sowers property! and passing by ~he :lntersectioD ot Secondary Road. Route 11731$ at about 630 teet il1 all S. 150 47' W. a total distance of 952. fe.1o 100 a conCl~ete acllUllent a~ coner 10. 4.3; thence with 10he northerly bOlll1dary line of the origiJlal property 01" J. L. Richardson ud crosis1ng ~he aforesaid eas8llell1o or .r1gh1o-of-.ay oJr the Roanoke Pipe Line Coapany. IDe., in all a to'tal distance of 1700 feet acre or less. to an old iron pipe at corner Ill. 44; theDce. wi~h the easterly boundary line of the &torea.dd property ot H. 1. Bolster. ,ll'. 310 26' E. J 708.45 feet 1;0 .D old iron pipe at corner 10. 45; I. 100 12' W. croslling Tinker. Creek at about 510 1"eetin all a :tc.~al cl1s~an(:e or 613.1 ree~ ~o 10he lUU'ud gull tree at corner Ilo. 46. thEl place of BEGnmrllG; and. cOD'taill1ng 43.5 acres _ore or lElss. Dd being the property of J. H. Fralin and. Vena B. Fralin. of record in Deed Book 563, .page 300. 110. ll: PalJller Park BBGIlOIIlIG at a point on the west right-of-way line 01" PalJller ITeJllle. (State Secondary Route #l58l) said poiDt being 10he northeast corner of Lot 23. Section.i,. Pabler Park. Subdivision, a ..p of which is recorded in Deed Book 522. page 500. in the o ii I j: " I; II I: ,. n I' I Ii II I I J Lj. I II I I I ! i, I. I 0 ~. '_.i~, ., ,.,:: I ! II II I, j, I il 11 L Ii ir :1 :! " :i 288 = ~ I , I ottice ot the Clerk ot the Circuit C01ll't ot Rouoke COlUlt)'; thence S. 90 42' V.. 1110 teet 1;0 a poiRt; theRce nth a 11M S. _ 6$0 .41' .,V.... 376 teet. .ore or leee. to a peiat on the weet .aiele ot. .tela ben.e (S~te Seco~ Rou1Oe 11S<)6} I.Jld eud po1at. beiag 'tile 8Orth...t corner ot Lot 13" - SectdoD 6, PalIIer P.n SIlbdhie1oD; thence nth the west right ot 1faJ" liDe of aaid Lela AT8aue. S. 120 11' V.. 363 teet. .ore. or leee,. to a poiDt OD eald weat r.ight-ot-lIl1Y line and beiJi~ on the eaat DolUlclary ot Lot 30. Section 3, PaJller Park Subcli'Yi'llioD; thence' Idth. line throup Lot 30 f. 710 49' V.. 252 teet.. .ore or le... to a poia~ 0.- the west !toudary ot Lot 30 ud beiag thil . ceJl1;erot .'1'iJl.ker Creek; thence .nth the center U.. aDd .ue the creek. I. 380 30' E.. 346 teet 1;0 a poiRt; thence I. 38 26' 1'.,.'612 teet .to,. poiRt oa the east haJI.k ot the creekaad bei.. the JIOrthwest corner ot said Lot. 23, Section 6; thence'S~ ~o .16' I.. 240 teet, _re or leea. to the -poillt 01' BJ:GIIJII.~d,beiJlg all . 2ItO teet.. IIOre or leee'. to the point. ot. BBG,L".LIG,. and beilll allot Section 6 and part of Section 3. Pa1ller Park sabdi'Yiaion aa ahown oa the .ttache~ p~t. Bo. 12: SUJIJl7broolt Seclo'i"n 10. 2 a: Other Adjacent fracta . j BBGIIIIIG at tlte Borthweat corner ot LotiS. Block 12, Map S. S_rdean Subdi T.ision ot record. in Plat Book 3, page 170, i. the ottice ot the Clerk of the Circ1lit Clo~t ot Iouoke CollJ!.ty; eaid point being the nortlaeut corner ot the 5 acre Leon R. Iytchen fra,ct.' au beiDg approxiaately in the ceRter ot Carna' Creek; theMe wUh a li.. S. 190 54' I., 219.5 teet. to a point; thence S. 520 45' W" 279.8 teet 1;0 a point; thence S.470 OS' V.. 264.2,teet to a point; .thenoe S. 760 35'.V., 47.3 teet.to a poiD't; theBce S. 720 40' V.. 150 Eeet.to .. point; thellce I. 340.32".V~~. 364.47 r..t to a point and eaid peint beiJlg the .11.101181. property coraer tor the Iytchen property and the property of. Alton G. iii Uer . Jr., . uel Gainea A. llille~i thence vitha aOllth bolUldary otthe Miller prOPIH"tY S.' >lS0 36' V; 506.97. teet 1;0 a po1nt on the northeast a1de ot State ,Secondary ioute #601; thence nth the same beariDS. ~O teet to a peiRt on the southweat side ot said Route.. 6001' thellce nth the 801ltheaet right-ot-way 110 of 1o1l.ta b601, aaid rlg1it-ot- way line also being the 80rtheaat Do~daff ot Block 7. Section 2. SlUlIIybrook Subdiviaion, S. 310.24' I. 350 teet, .ore 9r lees. 1;0. a point; 'ta8.1lce atill'wit' the 801lthweat right-or-lIl1Y line ~ R01l.te #601 ~ 9110 . t.fl1~. .ore or leae1;o a point said point beiBg:theeaet coraer ot Lot i. Block 8, !ection 2. SlUUl1broolt SlIbdiYi,iolll~ ot record in Plat Book 2, page2l7. in the :iaid Clerk'e Oftice; thence nth a line S. 15050' B.. 292.5,reet 1;0 a point . on the e..t boUlld.a:ry ot. the L. J. Boxl81latate and belng the weet right-or-v,,,y line or sald Ioute #601; tbJlce with a 1iDe S. 130.25"1:.. 160.8 te" to.1f 'point and aaid point be111g the nO:l'theaat corner or the Bedgela1ll1 hraer1ea. Inc.; tIlDce nth theeaat bOUlldal'1 or .the Be4gela1ll1 p~operty and also beiJlg the weat right-ot-way lill8 of said aollta #601; s. 130 2~' E.. 123.2 feet to a ~nt; thence S. 100, 00' B.. 330. 1:eet to a point and said point beiagthe southeast, corner or the' Bedgelall:ll property nel the. JIOrtheast jlorner . ot the Miner B. Pe'tty proper1:y'; thence nth t:heolctSlli1;tl- . Petty l1.ne S. 660.55' V.. 1215 te.t to' a poiRt; thence nth another line 5.740 24' V., 638 reet to a po1:i1t; thence Idth a line S. 700 46' ,11...,211, teet to a point and. said point being the autua1 (roperty corJl8r of. Hedgela1lll Iv.rseriea. Inc.. Miller B.. Petty. aadARthur G. Trout;. thence' S.' 700.41>' V.. 247 re.t to the center of Carna Creek; theJlce Ill' Carnne Creek with the Ball and frout. Line I. 270 00' V... 124 feet to a p01at. in the center,ot the aaid creeki thence N. 69. 1t6' Y., 311 feet; tunce nth a lio I. 59 52' -W.~ 304- teet to a point; thence.. 190 23' V.. 120 .reet to a ~int; thence Jr. 460 37'. E., 162 teet to.a point; thence.,S.' .660 28' B. 326 teet to a ,point; thence 1~73~ 17' I.. 285.7 reet ,to a polDt and aaid po1Bt being the ..tual' pl'operty cornero:t Ar.t;hur G. 'h-o.t ud Richard B. Painter and be;tllg'ill the appron.ate center ot CarT.in Creek;- thence, with the, said Pabter. line aIld the lill8 of Paul G. Bash ed the approx1llat. ceRter or Carvin Creek I., 190,26' E... 15 reet; thence .. 190 26'l!l~. 116.5 teet to a point; thence.. 200 13' W.. l51..teet 1;0 a poiat; theRce I. UO I.,8' V.. 324 teet to..a poiat;and aaid point being the .utual-property, Corner ot tl8 add L. J. Baxley Istate and the property ot JOB LaRicoe; thence with the Lallicoa 11lle iB the. approxiJaate . ceater 'or' CarviD Creek; thence I. 530 03' V.. 343.54 reet 1;0 a po1J11; being the .atual proper.t,. c.oraerof Jolm LaRicos and Ho.er S. aDd Matilda I. Peek; thence with the Peck line .. 530 03' V., 99.6 teet to a point; thence I. 420 12' V.. 130.5 reet 1;O.a .eoint; thence .. 160 31' V., 200 teet to a point; thence.. 1 50' V. 118 teet to a..poiat; thence vith a 11M I. 210 03' W., 7O.:teet. .ore or leas, 1;0 a point and.aid point beiJlg.OIl the west aide ot Carrln Creek and being the southwest corner of Lot 5. Block 5. Section 1. S~brook Subdinsion;tbence with a line on lip ClarviD Creek S. 89 02' E.. 218.97 reet to a point; Ii I' II " Ii " , ii ,i II Ii :1 .1 !I I, ii Ii .1 " i! !j '. V " il il " [i .1 )j :\ I' :1 I, \1 II 'I i I Ii I I \, 'j 1 i ,I 'I II " q II I, I' il II I' :1 , ,[ " H [. " i! Ii :i II II 'I 11 :i Ii I I I II i II I I Ii 'I I I I i: II I ., Ii :1 I ;; Ii ,I j! i ! I I, 290 , t I Circuit: COIll't: or Roanoke COUDt:t and the 35.;. acres. aore or le.s ot E<!gehill Is4:a1;es. Inc... as shown 011 1;he attached plat prepared by, C. B. Malcola I: Son on March 23. 1956.' . . _' .. . . . , 10.3: West-ll- B8Terly He1g1rt;s BBGImIG'at." pOint onthellorth side ot lJ. S. Route U. Lee.Highway. at the West,Corporate U.i1;s fIf the'.1'own ot Sal_. thence leartng'U.S~ Route 11. Lee Highway. and with the West Corporate L1II1ts or t;liLe 1'01m. ot.Salem and the'eut..liae or theKaryG. Logan pror.er1iy.l. 6. .40~ w.. 250 teet to apo1ut; 1;hence~,leartng the. Corporate L1a1ts ot tbe 1'own ot Sal..andwUb.a new liB.. in'a westerly direction. through anei across the property.ot JIary G. Logan' and. otherparallel1Dg" U~ So ~icJute' 11t. . I.j1e.l1ghway . aDd 250 teet'l. ot the Ilorth~ri~t-of-way 1ne thereot. ,croaailll StateSecondary-lloutes. 619' and 855. 2750 teet .ore or leas.--to the ."est ript-ot-1irayllne ot Stat6. Secondary Rone 041; .theDce'with the' west right-ot-way or .... iD a north.rly d:lrection 32(10 teet; Iiore or lese. to'a cO-on corner ot the properU.., ot J.W. Puck8tt and C. C. Xeesl1Dg; .~hezice leaY1Dg State, .Secolldary .Ioute 641 alldwiththe outside. bo.uary liu.clttheC. ~C. Xeeali, property w:l.th the tollowiag courses and cl1lStaDltes: . .1. S. 30' W.. 69.16 t.et; .x. $7. 30' W.. ,~.2 te.t;l. 72. 00' w. 112.S teet; I. 34. 00' w.. ,91.7 teet; X. 660.00' W...116.SS teet; I. 500 GEl' .W.. ,192.05 teet; X. 4l'!'3~; W.. 132 teet; I. 400 00' W.99 teet; I. 36. 00' W. 64).72 't.et; .. 37. 1St W..'269~i& teet; I. 29. 4S' B. .ili.2 teet; I. 17.00' . B~, 93.72.t.et; .X. 20. 15' ,W...,)9.& tee1:f .~ 40. ,.,. 8S.47 teet; I. 20. '15' w.. 66 .teet; .1. 22"' 4S' 'W.. 48.5Ieet; I. 6. Qa' W~. 148.69 teet; S. 66& 30'W.. .24~g teet; S~ 15& 50' B. . 317. teet;- S~ 14. ;0' E.. 12l.5..teet;S. 'l:SO 55' B. ,"337 teet; . '5. '6. 10' B.. 41 teet to a pia OIl tile. east ,side of State . Secondary Route 640. Butt l10110w Road; thence with....e ill asolltherly direction througb. 46E1O teet". more Qr less, to the north right-ot..vay line ot V. S. loute .U, Lee Ilighway, 1;heDcewith __ ill an easterly cl:l:rec;tion 1200 teet, .ore or heaL. to a point oppoe1te the iIltlerse'ct1oJl ~t U. -So *oute U, Lee nghway and State Secj)ndary iollte .760; thence leartng .. the DOrth rigllt-o:t-wa,. l1ile ot .I.. S. Ro~e 11, Lee Iligllway, . ud crosalng ...e' to 'the east right-of-way liJle or- State. Secondary bate 760; thence with StaU Secondary Route 760 1Jl a- aoatherly.direction 'to thlt right;'ot.,vay line ot the JIor!olk and We&tern a.1l1laY; thence. tdth iIaIIe in an easter:b" directioJl to the Ve&t Corporate L1!I1tll or- the T01fJl ot Bal_; tlle.ce with the 88IIe in a.lIOrtherly direction to tile Place. ot BBGIBIIIG. a.Aid llescription oJlrecord ill tile Board er- Superrtsors Order Book #14, ~a '26 and 27. ot record i. the otfice ot the Clerk ot'. the l:irc1l1t Co1Irt ot Roanoke' ColUlty. file alloTe ".cript1oll is' ehown oa a Plat thereot lUIder date ot July 5, 1956. ., JIo. 4: Masons Creek lrea,,'Kxcept Gell8ral Electric Plant. etc. . . BBGIDIIG at a point on the Veterans Facility Road (State Secondary Rollte 742) at .the Ccrporate LWta ot the City ot Roanoke on Peters Creek, thence with the VeteralIS Facility Road in a westerly cl1rection to Sta~ secondarY' Route /1767; thence no.rtherly with said Rt.. #797'to the L)1lchb\trg:'. . ._' Sal_ 'hrnpike (State Secondary Route 1431} , -thence with . said Lynchburg-Sal.. furnp1lta in an. easterly cl1rection to the intersection of e_ 1111 th 'Peters Creek at the 'Corporate tillite ot tha City.of Roanoke; thence with the Corporate'LiAits ot the City ot ioanoke alollg and down Peters Creek in a southerly direction. to the point ot BBGlmlG. and beiDg .the territory'prOposed to. b8s~l'1'8d by. a public. sewerage 81810.. cOlIStru.cted at'the expense ot the Board ot Supernsors of Roanoke County tor the plll'pose ot serTinl the General Electric Plant and others adjacent to . the li'est side ot MasolIS Creek and Aid area described and recorded on Bclard.ot Suplirnsors .Order Book 113. page 203.. ot record iD the oftice ot tile Clerk or the Circuit Court of. Roanoke COllll11Y. 10. 5: Brambleton ~ourt A1:ea 112' " BBGIIIIIG a~. a point . on. the west bouDiary of Braableton Court at the northeast corner of the H.S. '1'1U'ller, 810 als Subdirtsion; thence with the. north liDe ot the H. S.'hrner .)lap and ot the s01l.th line ot SecUon 2, Braableton Court. and the properties of A. M. Britt end H.. J. Russell. I. 87. 49' W.. crossillgLawndale..Road .A.IId.Oakdale RQad, 1229.22 . teet to a point on the eal!lt lill80t Block 2~ Berwick Heights; th.nce with thewe8t line ot the H. J. .Rv,ssell. rroper1:y, II. 1. 01' 1:.. 138.75 teet \00 a point; thence 1..87 49'V'1 7.29 feet to a point;h thence contiDUimg with the east ine of Berwick Heights. .crossiDg Willetta Drive. with the east I I I I I 291 -l " " :, Ii ;1 ii " II , 8 I, II I' Ii l: Ii I' i LIB QtBlock 1, Berwick Heights, 5. 10 06' 1.455.03 teet to the. northeast cOrJl8r or Se;tioJl 2, .,BrllllDleton Court, on the south line or rnaill!ng F' operty ot ael'lUlJl F. Larson;. thence with tu ,cli Yieion line of Section~2, , Brllllbleton Court, and title property of HelWln F . LarSOD. JI. $50 54' E.. 4:J7.23 teet to a point; thence S. 800 :U;', E. f 340 t'let to a point; thece S. 780 26' E;, 4110. teet to 'I point on the ..et liae o,t ,the"property ot Sue H. Yost;, thence ,with ~ slllle and wi th tae west liil18, 01 Brllllbleton . . Courti:. . S~: 2" 11' V. .cr088iag Flee;:weod BriTe, i. , all 5 1.9, t..t to. the. place ot _BBG;[JDIIIG.lUKl being . an. excluin. boundary. deacription l)t Sec:t1o.2.. . Brllllbleton C01l1''t, of recorii ia Pla1~ Book 3~ page 2211. .an~ . beiDg property ot. A. .... Bri I;'t l)f, record ~ the Clerk' e, otfille. of the Circ:ui~ CO,1I1'1~ for the out,. ..ot ioanoke.. Tirgi.u.in, DeeclBook.372" ~ga~Il4;. and . property of, J[. ;I. Rueell," of recol:'d in.at'oi'esa1d'. . Clerk'a ,Oftice in Deed Book 372. ~Ige 8O..llitua~ . in. the CaYe Spring .Distz1,c't, . 1loaao):e C01Ul'ty, TirgiDia, . . and bting ahow on :Platprep!ir.~ 11)' 'C. 'B. 1la1cola and 't5&.~irgi~ Stat~..cer't~ie~ E~J18~r... ~ted Oc1;Ober 5, , Jlo.~ 6:. Mud, Lick Se:nr, Ertell8ion BBGrinlImat '-the center Une interl';ction: of State. Seco:1i aoate.#68,2. (Gars't~ll i4:1ad)~ S~te SecOJ1dar)' 'Rollte 6 (Grancl1Jl,!load ~.Jllied)" aJId State Sec:olldary Ioate Il4 (Circ:1e.DriTe), approx1Jilate1y .25,1I11e. ..e't or, the .Joaaoke City,L:la1ts; the.ce ,with 'the 1Io-dar7 of Ue:area dtscri~d,iJlthe RQanoke. Clouty Board of SJlpirYieors' reaolution of 1Io"""I~ 10, 1955 (Addition 1;0 So1ltlnreet Area-:-Vlnd.sor Hilla, lfiDdaor Park, Vestern !fill., V1adsor- Covt~ Lee.,.Hi Park: etc.). with. tileeoutil r1p'--of.,.wa:r liJl8 or Hid lout8 ;&86 ae-it. ..anders 1600 . f..t:t, to. the east bCUadar:r Una ot Veatern Hilla s1lbd1T1aiOJl, (Pla't ,Book 2, page l'TC1); thence with the 01l1;81de boudariea' ot eaid'Veatern Hills S. So 51' I. 8'19.58,:f..t .109't.he southeast COl'J18J:. ot .a&1d Veatel'B Hille; 1;taeace.with a llDe N. m 44' V.~)3.93 fe" to a. poiD~; .tileUC. with a llDe I. 790. 2l~ V. 4~~.1' feet '.1;0 a .point; .tJaeace With a li~ $. 470. 43~ V. 621.78 feet 'to'a polD't; ,,~~ce with a line I. 520. 53' V. 1~'5 teet+ 1;0 a poin; theJlCe 'with .a liJI.e 5. 600. 511 V. 3M..91t 'tee1i to a po1Jl1i; ,thenc;e with a line N. 50 .09' .'V' 20E1 fe.'t 1;0 a point; th:ence with a: new line in a,no.tlnroaterl:rdlrec'tioJl tlu'oagh the Byron V. Steele property. '(Deed Book 351, page 310) ~ a point ot 1JlteJ"eect10n ot the center lin~a ot State ,S.con4al'J' Route 1686 and ~3; ,~ce with a line S. 00 ,00' 25' .'tothe south ~ghto-of-wlir line ot aaid Rollte . #6~6; .,'thence with tohe .uortlern bolUldaryot the sai:d Steele. pl'Clpert:r and parallel to ROllte#686 S.840 23' Y. 74 fee'tt 1;0 a paint; thence with a liae S.- El60 11' 'w. 16.1 teet to a point; 'thence .with a: line'S. 770 46' ,Y. 90 feet .'toa poin't on, the aou'th right-ot-wayline of 21aid ROu.te #686; 'thence .wi'th a line leaving Route :/1686S. 160 58' :E. 700 fee't:t; 'to ,a pOint; thenCe nth a line .5.' $40. 49" v. .500 fee't;t . ,'to a po!nt; thence 1I'itb 'the bouda:ry .otthe P. !. Hash . properto:r (DOW BJron V. Steele,. Deed, Book 278:. page. 466); ~e .nth. a line'S. .850 01.' W. 40'4.7 teet! 'to. a polat; theJlce with a. line S. 390, OO~ I. 197 feet 1;0 a point; thilP-ce 1r1th &. line S. 780. 38~ V. ll;lfee1i 't,O a poin't on . the ea8t bOIlDdary of City: V:iew~eighte;. thellCe with a line S', 4" 45' E. 290.35 feet 1;0 a point in the center of Etheridge Road, Cit,- View Heights; and being a portion or 'th.e ,rea't boundary liD,e of t~e said S'teele prope.rt:r and. 'the east boudary, line, of the 11;1' View Heights .Bect19n; thellCe with the center line ~ ,said Etheridge load {Sic1;!on , #3; C1t1' View Heights Addition (of record in Pla't Book 3, page 82.1 's. 8.50 04' v. 1487 tee1i;t to a ecint'i. the ceJlter line of Vir-pma: S:ta,te Secondary Route 1119, (Can Spring Or McVi~t,. iQad); thence w:l.th the center liJle ot said Rou'te #119 11.1,00 26' -v. 96.01 tee't to a poin't; thence wi'th a line N. 2$0 34~ jo-. 'W., 119.88 teet to a point; 'thence with a line N. 520 51' 30~V. 119.88 feet to a point; 'thence with a line. 1..650 00' v. 108.48 feet to a point and said point ~eing in the in'tersec1;!on ot said Route 119 and State Secon~ Route 1713; thence still with the ceJlter line ot Route 1lU9 JI. 56 06' V. 106.0l feet to a point; thence with a line N. 380 34' V. 304 feet to a point; thence with a line H. 38008' 'v. 469 feet.to a point and crossing the intersection.with State.Secondary Route #686 at approx1lllatel,. 1+40 teett; 'thence.wi'th a line H. 380 33' v. '453.2 fee't 'to a point; thence with ,a line .. 730 07. v. . 75.5 tee't to.a point; thence witb a line S. 310,02' ,V. 25 feett to a point, and. said point being on the west ,corner of Route #119 and Route #686 and also being the east corner of the tract ot land recently purchased by 'the Roanoke I I 'i I , 1 i ,I , II " !I II I I , I tj I ! .1 'I I II ,I II j: 'I I, II Ii i i I i I I , , I, I' I' ,Q II !I " I! I ! I " 1] ,I il I' ':. I' II " I; il n ii d " " r: il 'I " II I II ,I I I :: i; " n II Ii Ii ,I !i " I I; I' II " I' II Ii I' ,I Ii II tI 'I Ii II ji Ii " I' 'i II it i !I II Ii II I I ii II II II II II II r II .1 I I. II !I !i i; I' I: eounty School Board tor the proposed Oak Gro..e . E1e..~ School (ot . record in IleedBoolt 559. ... ' page 119a~:ence wi~. thesouth.r1ght-ot-way line ot said, e1l9 edthe, boundaries ot tlie said School 'BOard property B.55. 52' Y. 165 teet to a point; thence with a line L 5~ 52' w. 91.74 teet to ,a point;; therice wi'th a line le,a,rlngROll1:e ,#.119 with the boUDdaries ot the SchoC!l Bol,rd p~perty. S. 870 2~'W. 261. tee't to a,point,; 'tliace ,with a .. line S. 480 ..34' W. 84.l te.et :to &, poiJ1't; thenc~ with a .11De' S. 470 37.'; W.136.4 teet: to .a -point;. thence with a 11ne S. 370. 30~ w. 51~.4 teii~ t" a point;. the.nce with a lim 'S..770, 45~ 'J. 161.04 teuto.'a point; 10 hence~with a line S. 12~ 45t W. 235.l teet t~..aPo.~l1t in88;i'il Aoute #6461. and said poillt. being a n'tual' property corner~ot the ;school Board property ~he Paul.'Eller- vroperty. and t.he .106., acre tract, ot.t{e Hidden raller C~rpOraj;ion (toraerly. the H. C. Eller' property); tll.eilce'14tll the JIOr:tA boundary. ot the. Hidden ,Talley Cor~ati.n led aDd wit!! the apPl'OJtlllate center line ot Aoute #6$6 S. 450 51' W. teet to a point; thellCe with, a lill8 S. ~o 35' Y. 1184.6, feet to a poirit. and .llaidpoil1t beiq. the center .11l1e intersectlon of said Route #646 aDd V1rgin1a Secondary Route #692; thence with the center lil1eot Route #692 and the western bo1Uldary of said Hidden V,alley Corporation land S.,30! 51' W. 270.7 t"et to ,a p01:llt; theace with a line S. 160. 35t W. 269.7 feet 10.0 apo1:llt;thence with a line S. 23~ 17~ W.187.6 teet to a p6i:llt; thence . with a line S. 4- .25' .W~ 324.9 feet to a.poil1t;thence'wit~'a line S. 170 19t W~ 104.3 teet to a poiat; tReace witlla lil1e S. 4l~ 13t W. 153.1 feet to a point; 11h8llc.~th, Ii ;L1J1.e S. 290, 30t W.. 142 ,teet to a ,point; tlile~~th a lli1,e S. 370 36'. W. .211.4' teet 'to a. point; thel~ce with a line S. 260 , 49tW.1l9.S feet to a poi~t; tlielllcil lfitha11ne. S. 300, 43~ W. 4.7 i'eet to a point;t'hellC,1 with a .line,l,eaTing . Route #6'62 S. 220 16'E~ 446 teet to a poiJlt; tlience with a line or .20, 24~ W. 361 teet to a poiat; tli8nce with a line S. 450 -P4', 1&.,494.5 teet tc~ a, point anq passing , 'slightly to the last of the euH11.'q1' SuprLOafJloutain at approx1Jla:tely 450 teet; thence ld.th'al1ne,.Iir~. SlO 33' E. 459.4 teet to.a Point t.-Jice ~lth a llDe,..20~"04':1f. 103.5 teet to a point; ,thence With a line Iir. :330 22' I. 645 teet,t ~ a 'poin~ and being :th<<l . southwcist p~~erty corner of the J. 'f. Ingleby. Jr.. propert;y,.(97 acres..of l'ecord ill Deed .Book 313. page .3,80); tliencle~with the south~ly boudary lines ot said Engleby 'tract S~ 260 00' I~ 510.l4 teet; t;o a point. thence with Ii lille S. ,60- ,OOf.E. 334.62 .teet ,&:0 a poirit;,thence witb a line S. 790, OO~ I. .310.48 . feet t.o a point in the centerJ,inel ot ,a tara road; ~hence w;l.th the _ter17 bo1lJ!dary ,or t;he g acre ,tract; ot Henry J. Jaaieon (of record.in Deed Book 109. page 351) in a wester.ly a1l!i southerly d1nctiol! 1Ilith a :lIIIllll creek 575 teet;t toa ~l'nt; t;hence with the southerly boundary ot said Julsoa tract 1.300 .teet:tto 8,. point on the north side .ot State Secondary Route #70'2; thence wit;h a 'line I. 440. 17' ~. 3440 teed to apoiJl.t and said point; being . the southwea~c.comer. ot Tract Bo. 2. ot '1;11, W. B. iasuake propert;y (now owned by Howard F. antl Helen Istene K. L8.wder.. ot record in Deed Book -405. page 313); thence with a line H. 460 45' E. 46 teet to a point. and.said Point .being the southerly mutual. corner ot Trac.t ~ci. 1 and ](0. 2 ot. tlesai,d. RasDake. property'; thence with the southerly b01Ulda.r1 otTract lo~ 1 (iasllake 'lract) 1..460 45'!. 264 teet to a point; thence v1.tha lille S.. 720 20'. E. .317 teet to a poirit on .the northrighti.et--way line ,ot Route'#1l9; thene.e with the southerly bOUl1dary ot.t;he W. S.. Phelps tract (now owned by G. G. Fralin.C. F. K~auver.. S.~:.t and ,Charles C. Flora. ot reco;rd in De~d Book 56.- page 4:40) S. 6lto 00' E. 1421 :teet to a . point .aiul. said boundary 1,1ne being the property division betWeen the.pl'opertY'of the aforesaid W. S. Phelps and the propertyot Mrs. Sally W. Reid and. Mrs. Mary Yoaans (ot record in Deed Book 293. pege-451); and said point beiDg .,in the. center, otJlUd Lick Branch; thence wit;h a line ill a southeasterly direction throllgh the atoresaid property. "t, Mrs. Reid a:ild Mrs. Youmans 740 teet.'t to a JIIutual property. corner ot I. J. Bower (ot rec.ord in Deed Book 302. page 515) and Mrs. . Reid and Mrs. . YoDlllU1S; thence. with the Bower line S. 810 55' E. 512.2 teet to. a point aDd said point being the southwest corner ot theatoresaid I~J. Bower'property; thence with a line B. 420 56' E. 1070 teett: to a po1nt,and said poillt being a property corner to the I. J.Bower tract and the 45 acre tract sold by 'f. L. Lievesleyto ~n W. Steele (ot record in need Book 313. page 326); thence with the ~oUl1dari.s ot the Steele tract S. 740.15' E. J6 5 teet to a point; thence with a line ](. 400 .30',E;. 9.2 te'et to a Po.lnt; thence with a line H. : , 30' E. 270.2 teet to a point; , I " , li I: i I: ;; i: j! r I, I i 186.3 I I , I I i I 'I i , ! : I i " I , I I II I " 'I I ~ I: " ,. I I D [] o o ffi f I: II I' r Ii I Ii I Ii I I' I II I' I I thence with a liDe I. 81. 07' E. 410 teet to the center line of Garst 11111 Road; ,thence with the center lineot said Garst )(111 Road, the tollowi.Jl& bea1'iDgS and distances: I. 1. ')7' E.. 101.') te.t; I. '). 1)' I. 70 teet; I. J.4.. 20' E. 100 teet; I. 19. .58' E. 100 te.t; .. 2'). 02' B~ ')0 teet; If. .31. 2')' E. 100 .teet. .. 37. .32' E~. 72 teet; .,.. 26. 2.3' E. lOO f.et; I. 19' 34' B. 100 t.et; J. 15. 34' B. 200 .teet; .. l7 ..34' E. 100 teet; J. 20. UtB. .18') .t..t; .. 2.4. 02' B. 107 r.et; I. 19. lOt B. ')0 teet; J. 8.. 1G' E. 70 t..t; I. 4. 1')' B. 33l.5 teet; ,If. 2. 02' E. 66 te.t; . thence with the line ot the old Lut:l.e B. lan Stann property (.ow owned by Marl Craghead Blount and ot record in Deed Book 274, page ')..07 J and still. with the cuter lin. ot eaid Garst Mill Road Ifh40 11' W. 191.8 teet to a point; thence with.a 11n.'..,32...31''1.361.t..t.to a point; thenc. with a liM .. 41~ 3lt W. 113.9 teet to a point; th.nce with a line II. 34" 45t W. 100 teel; to a poillt; thence with a line .. ')..20. 40t W. ')..00 teet to a point; thence w11;h a line Ill. 29" 10' E. 100 r.et to a point; thence with a line I. 67.. 50t B. 200 te.t to a point; thellcewith a line I. 4')..., 36t B. 200 t..t to a po1n1o;. thence with." line Ill. 56., 22t B. 100 t.et to a point; th.nce with a line I. 78" OOt B. 69.6 teet to a point and eaid point being the southwest corner rL the Deyer')... property (lfowowned by Winifred Garst Ferguson and ot . record in Deed Book 294, page 108); thence with the center li_ ot Garst )(111 Road Ill. 830 20t B. 200 teet to a point; thence with a line S. 89. 50t .E. 226.7 te.t to a point; thence I. 70. lOt E. 29')...5 teet to a poillt; thence with a lin. J. 56~ 58' B. 73.9 teet to a point; thence with a line I. 37. 21' E. 170. T teet to a point; thence with a lin. II. 20~ 46' B. 100 te.t to a point; thence with a line I. 20. 51' .E. 74.9 teet to a point;. thence with a line Ill. 39. .33' W. 99 t..t to a point; thence with a li1'l8 Ill. 62. 33' W. ,207.9 te.t to a poiJ1,t; th.nc. with a lill. I. 30 27' B. ')..00 t.et'to a point; th.nce with a line J. 220 27', I. ,170.6 t..t to a point; thence with a I1ne I. 80 47' .B. 266.3 teet, croasiJlg over the old Mill Race to a poillt; th.Dce with .. 11n. alODg the center .liDe ot Garst Milllload 475 teet!:. to the plac, ot BBGIDIIG and being a d.scrlption ~t the approxiJlat. Do1llldari.s. or the area shown on. tile attailhed plat; said plat and d.ecription haTiDg b.en prepar.d tre. ezistiag deed descriptione, land s11%'Teys, plats, and aerial photographs. All deed book and plat Dook reterenc.s be1Dg en r.cord in the Ottice ot the Clerk tor the Circnit Court or. Roanoke County. BI If FlJR'l'HBR llISOLVID: 'fhat a public h.aring be aDd is hereby called by this Board ~o be held 1n the BOard ot SuperTisor's Rooa ill the Court Hous. , , Building at'Sal_, l1rgiaia, on the 19th day ot August, 195 7, at 3:00 o'clock p. .. or that clay tor the purpose ot turther consid.ring the specitication ot the said projects, at which tille and place all prospectin users ot the propose s.rTic.., and any other persoll8 in interest, will be c1ven an opportunity to be . heard. Should aubstantial opposition by prospectin users ot the proposed aerTic.s be heard, the Board ot Sup.rTilOrs ot Roanoke County, Virginia, at its discr.tion, _y call tor a retereMUIl on the questioD ot und.rtakiJIg the projects her.i..Do.... set torth, as prescribed in the aforesaid lirgiJdl Water &ad S.wer Authoriti.s Act. BI If FlJIl'fllBll RESOLVED: 'fhat the Clerk or this Board caUlSe due utice ot I I I I I II " I I I I I ! i I !, , i, Ii [I " 'I I: II i .I , :1 I' " ., this publ1c hearing 1;0 be advertised, as required by the aforesaid VirgiDia Water and Sewer AuthorUies Act. All eaerpJICY is hereby declared to exist and these r.solutions shall be in full tor<:e and ett.ct!roa and atter their passage. ...,.... 293 I I I I I I~$- L.- !f'.~~ ,. eo.-..I :1 ;1 il il :1 j " l( I :1 II " i , I I I I! I I ! I I I I In accordance with Section 63-54, Code ot VirgiDia, 1950, it is reco_ndedl~U 1: to the Judge ot the Circui1; Court or Roanoke County. that SuperTisor W. E. ~ C1IJId1tt be appoin1;.d a .eaber ot the Roanoke County WeUare Board. I '7- I ( _S7 I Adopted by the tollol>1.ng recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisot"s Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff' and Minor R. KeEf'.r Bays: Ion. , ! ~ I: · ,I i: , . . . . . . ,I . l! . I II I' . I. [ ,I I' . " " , i: I: . II II t: I' . I, Ii . Ii " I Ii I I I , II Ii I' I , 1 , I , I i I I I Ii II 'I I ! I 1 I I I Ii ,I I I A CoPT or ill. re.olut~OJl. W 'M. cert1riecl b,. the ~leric ot this Board to tlIle Jlldie ot the Cucui;t Court; ot,.Iloano~eCo1Ult,., Virginia. 'AdoPted'lIy' tliefollo1d.1lg re~or~ed TOte:' i, .l,..s: . Superrlsors Jlinor I. lfett.r.RolaDd H. ClaJlk aad.W. E. Cunditt Ra,.s: Roae . ' " OIlDEIlEDthat . the Board b~ adjouJled unti~th8tll~rd .nd&" in August, 19511. -'-, Chail."llan Court; House . S,lea, Virginia , . .lap.t 19, 1957 The Board ot . Supeni.ore ot Roanoke CoUnty. ..t ~b: day at the Court; Jfo... thereo1' 111 .replar IIODtllly....ioa. . Pr..eDt:W. .I~ CIUld1t1', C!Ia11'11aD, II:lDorll.. 1.t1'er ,ud RolaDd H. Clark udEcIw1D CJ~. 'f!JTell. :.' Betore. tJae ...tlag was called to order by the Chau-..a, DJ:. He1'llaD L. 101'Jl. SllperiAtaJldIJlt. ot Schools iD loaDoke .County .ottere." .. pray.r. '.. . fJae JI1D1lt... 01' the. la.t regular .eetiilgwre appro~d a., spread, each ....1" of tJa. Board hanag read the cOPT .ot .ald .iaut'.1'1IrD1ehed ~ by the Clerk. 1 I 1 ., II i i I I I 'file tollowing claills agalat the County were thi. day pr.nllted. appl'OYld., . , aDd ordered 1;0 be paid by youcher-checka out or the 1'unds re.pect1 "ly ". . cllarpable tJaerew1th, 1;o-w1t: 10. i . ! I . 327.75 I I I I 33.36 j 10.19 II 26U7 .ADcIersoD~. AIIoco StatioD, Gaeol1Depurcha.ed tor POlice 3.SO I 26418 ....ricu Floor Co"riagCo.,. aepair. to County office bu11diag 45.70 [ 26419 c. C. BerDard, A..htiag at Pole. 1'01" two electiou' . 20.00 II 261.20 Bm.e EqII1paeDt Corp., ,Repair part. toX' Garbage trucks SO.08 Ii I' 261.21 Bo.u'e Bakel"7,'tood 1'01" Pri.oDeril 42.20 ! 26422 Brown Hardware Co., 1 rake 261.23 Carl R. Brightwell, EI.ctrical work 1lo0ll#4 26424 Burrell Jfeaorial Hospital, State Local Hospital bills tor We11'are 26414 26415 Acae Pr1Dter., !nc.. O1'tice lI1lppUel ud Book biDcliag "t";, .' Appalach1a1l Electric Power Co., aurreDt used at Bollia , .t JIoUllt 1!leal!Wlt Fire Ioll.e. eel G. Z. ..tel" station . 26416 Aclclre.sograph-JIultigra~h ~:r~~d:::.1tication tag. .tor I' " Ii I, I, il I I i Ii I I I ! !! I I 2.25 I: 40.20 I' I I 126.24 I: :1 7.50 78.00 !' 208.53 i: 3.50 60.00 261.25 Burrell "..orial Ho.pital, freatlleDt (X Ray) 1'or PrisoDer 26426 City 'freallU'8r. Ilooa .t Board tor children detained at the Iloanoke City DeteDtioD Ho.e 26427 C1ty 01' Roanoke, Sewage '1'reatment charge. tor the General Electric liD. . 26428 Call1gaD Sott Water Sernce, leDt OD Water softDer 26429 Clearbrook Lion's Club, IDC., July Rent OD Clearbrook Fire Station o . ---r'. il Ii II :l ;1 " i: I' :1 I, I i'l J ji Ii II I Ii II 'I 11 I' ,I " I' " i I, II I: :i j\ I :j , ;i " Ii ;1 'I I, " 'I I, I' il II I I I: II 1i Ii " Ii " II il II 11 " 11 'I I, Ii II II II II :1 " Ii Ii I :1 I' H L I' II II 'I :' o C'm.i W I · " :1 . ij j: I! It 'I .. ii .. .. Ii Ii . I' .; , ! . ,Ii Ii 10. 261.30 . 261.31 261.32 26433 26434 26435 261.36 . ,.- . . . . . 261.37 26438 26439 26W> . . . . ~ 26442 26.\43 26444 2644.5 26/M6 . . . . . . . . . 261.50 261.51 . . . 26453 26454 . . 26455 26456 26457 JlUlie B. Xcleal, Treasurer, Re1aburse Treasurer J1U'1 tickets 95.90 Malco~ Blue Print 4: Supply Co., Maps for Reasses.ent and roads . '!. Dr. S. D. Carey, Exaaination DrUJlll: dridng, Coroner rnnstigation Caldwall~Sites Co.. office supplies CaaollW8al'th of Virginia. office supplies DeWitt Supply Co.. Jallitor supplies Dictaphone Corp.. offlce supplies Cancelled B.IIO Standard Oil Co.. Gasoliu purchased tor Co1lJlty Bngineer'. car 295 .35.00 54.66 8.00 21.38 10.71 10.93 418.57 51.95 224.52 C 4: P Telephone Co., Telephone serrice ~lt1J1l1 Shell Sernce S'tatlon, Gas. oil etc. Xaater 'Supply Co.. ottice supplies lairrie. HIae. Co1lJltY'e share ot July expeuee iJI uilrtain- , . ing hOlM tor the ageel 31.44 Chalaers :rerguaOJl. Co.Us.ioa oa Del1n~ut 'taxe. 565~07 a. .1. lra..~liB. Labor 4: Material repair:" 'to Co1ll'1ohouae 69.25 . . G. C. loley. July aeat Oil )('t. Plea8aJlt 11re House 60.00 hel 011 4: Bqu1jaent Co.. hel 53.46 Goodwill-WUl181U .Cheyrolet Corp., Part. tor Car 19 . S3 Gill X_orial Ho.pital. State-Local Hoepital Bills tor Wel- . tare... 175.60 . 26458 Dr. F. D. McKenney. Jr.. Coroner investigations, Lunary hearings 26.\47 GraTe.-a.phrey. Hcbr. hc. 1 Blectric tan 2,", GNU Market. :rood tor hi.oBera 26.\49 J. W. Grigg. 4: 'w. H. Wi't't, July Rent .oa CaTe Spring Fire . . Houae ' Holdren'S, IDe.. aepair. to Jail Refrigerator .' IIl'terDa'tional Buainell8 Machine Corp., ottice supplies and _inw_nce agre_t on Blectric Type1l1'iters 26452 Margaret'. Irby, 8 hours at $1.00 per Hour typing new . Plll11bing Code. 8.00 Jetteraon Hospital. State-Local Hospital Bill. tor Weltare 581.00 Lewis-Gale Hospital. State-Local Hospital bills tor Weltare 457.60 Mrs. Glady. LaJlWl8ll, Booa Rent Blect;1on 16.00 Monroe CaJ.culating Machine Co., 1 cord tor MoJll'oe Calculator 6~Ol Xt. Vernon Texaco Service. Parts. gas, etc. ea"e Spring Fire Truck . 264.59 26460 264.61 26462 26463 . It . 264.64 26465 26466 Carnell Moore. Maintenance Garbage Lot Mouarch Finer Foods, toods tor prisoners Cancelled tiller Tire Serv.l.ce, Tires tor Garbage Trucks latural Gas Distributors. Fuel tor Holl1ua Fire HOWIe Xelson Hardware Co., Garbage Tubs tor Collection and Ligh~ tubes 26467 Cancelled 264.68 Parker Products Co.. JlUlitor supplies 26469 s. C. PetersoD. ae1'wul GarbBfj8 Collection Fee 24.94- 44.02 60.00 7.50 102.98 12.03 50.00 472.50 74.09 15.0; 165.30 8.60 55.07 27.59 4.;0 "c.,",:",,.~..~,:,:"')C":or~~QIlo,,,",. ,~,,~~~~'*~~:'?'1:... 296 ".----.--. --- Io. 26470 Peacock-Sal.. Laundry. Laundry Jail . 26.28 . 26471 G. H. Parenlo Co., of'f'ice supplies .32.81 ! . 261t72 Radio c:o.un1caUoDS Co., Radio: Ma!ll1iell8nce July HolliJIs I I 1.5.00 'I aJl.d Can Spring lire House I, !i 2647.3 Bay's llealo Markelo. JaJliloor Supplles 1.6.3 i . II . 26474 Ba~e Laundry I: D17 Cleaners, Laundry Roanoke County I Jail 10. SO Ii . 2647.5 Roanoke CoUDt)' RnolYing Fund. Reillburee Bookkeeper'S I . Peloty Cash, . 12.40 I I I . 261t76 Roanoke Gas Coapal1)', Cooking Puel f'or Jail and be I DemoDSloraloion Iilochen 1.3.77 ! . 261t77 Roanoke tills, IDc.. L1sloinge, 16,000 YOloing cards SO.oo I I ! II . . f'or 'YoUng f'ile II . 26478 Roanoke M..orial Hoepital, Sta1;e-Local Hospital Bills Ii . . f'or Welfare . 1.672.00 , . 26479 RoaD~ke ~D8n SerYice, 1'owel SerYice July, 19.57 .3.00 I I I i . 26480 RoaDoke IlerchaDlo's Associaloion, M8llbership dues f'or I ! Chalaers lerguson .5.00 . 26481 Roanoke Valley Mo1iors. Par1;s aDd repairs 17.68 . 26482 Dr. R. B. SIdley, July Salary Jail PhYeiCiaD60 Peychialoric .. Bxaa. DriYing Dl'UJIk Bxaa, roner 1.5.5. eo InftstigatioDS. Lunacy hearings . 261.8.3 Saead I: Webber Drug Co.. lledical eupplies f'or Jail 2.9.5 . 261tSlt G. .1. Scruggs. Post.aster. Reillburse Postage 72.00 . 2648.5 Sal_ Cre~ry Co.. lood f'or Prisoners 14.07 - .. 26486 SaDtax Co., aaDiloor Supplies 22.92 ,I . 26487 Sal_ Luber Co.. Luber f'or Repairs 8.00 I - . 2648t S_rdean Eaao Staloion. Gas. 011. eloc. Vehlcles 102.97 'I . 26,.89 Sales Hardware Co" Janiloor supplies, eloc. .5.7.5 II . 261t9O 1'eclm1cal Reproduction I: Supply, Maps f'or Judge Hoback 14.76 . 26,.91 C. G. 1'illJlell. RoolI Rent Election July .9 7. SO . 26492 i'01IIl of' Salem. Lights aDd water I: Sewage Treatment cost 4SO.l.5 . 261t9.3 Cancelled . 264.9. Valleydale Packers, lood f'or Prisoners 3.5.40 , . 2649.5 Vin1ion Motor Co~ Parts. repairs etc. County Vehicles 104.06 . 26496 Uniftrslty of' Virginia. State-Local Hospital bills f'or Weltare . 246.40 . 264.97 Charles E. Via. Jr., Reimburse miscellaneous it8lls f'or . . Drill of' July 12, 19.57 8.20 . 261t98 WestYiew Poultry larll. f'ood f'or Prisoners 39. SO I . 261t99 Wilson'S Esso I: Grocery. Gas Oil, par1;s etc. Garbage 'l'ruck . . .~2 . .53.8.5 Ii P . 26.500 C. W. Warthen Coapal1)', Record Books and of'tice supp~es 3.59..54 ,I i: II . 26SOl Eftrette Waddey Coapal1)';; Record Books and ottice supplies 321.34 Ii I . 26.502 Virginia Foods. Food and Medical supplies tor Prisoners 219.19 I, I " I I I . 26S03 Janet L. Ballentine. SerTices rendered as Deputy Regislorar I in Vinton Section 22.60 . 26.504 H. W. Clark. Sheritt. Reimburse Tranling Expense returning Prisoner tro. Staun1ion 1.80 . 26SO.5 Cancelled . 26S06 Mrs. A. D. Barnhart. 19 hours typing Plubing Ordinance at 1. SO hour 28..50 . 2652.3 Appalachian Elecloric Power Co.. Current used alo. Can Spring lire House 4.40 . 26.524 Barnett Coal CoaPaD1. Fuel - CoUnty Ottice Bldg. 47.0.5 298 ~ I' ,I 1; Ii 'I I: I' II 11 I ! II I I I i I I I II ,I I I I ,i I, I: I I! )i , , I' " Ii II Ii II 1; " , I ii I' " /; II I' II I " i! I [: " " , r , " I' i" " 1: :i i: i: J " !; I ~e followiDg eJ.aaa are .ade to the Judges, Clerks. and CoIllliSSion~rs ot Ii Ileetioa tor their .ernees in cond.ucting the Prillary Election held. July 9,1957~ . i' . . II in ~oke County. payable out of the General County Pund, to-wit: II Jell'S SHOP I - 26351 PrlUllt 1. Gar1;h, Jud.ge and aetura 26352 Ucla B. Robertson. Clerk 26353 lathleen L. Bill, Judge 10m S1LBM .' 263510, Iliehard.". Burke, Judge and Ret.ura 26355 Cancelled 26356 John J. Sheahan, Judge 26357 Victor W. aeed., Clerk SOUTH SA UOI JlIMBBR OlE 26358 w. IIaney Wood.s, Judge, aetura I: Coar. 26359 aeid. H. Duncan, Judge 26360 Mrs. Ape. L. Wolte, Clerk SOUTH SALEM HlOOlER 1'lt'tI 26361 ~. H. JIoran. Judge and Returna . 26362 Edna Bro_, Clerk PETERS CRBEK 26363 Mra. Sarah M. Whitllire, Judge aad Retura 26361t Mra. Doris M. ae1DOld.s, Judge 26365 autJl C. Seara, Clerk BURLINGTON 26366 Mrs. Della B. Murray. JUdge and Returns 26367 Corrine M. Murray, Judge 26368 Anne T. Kend.r1ek, Clerk 10. 26338 26339 26340 .. .. .. 26341 2631t2 26343 .. It .. 26344 26345 26346 26347 .. .. .. .. 26348 26349 26359 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mr. Kyle Shelor, Jadge and ReturllS Mra. Lloyd Sbelor, Judge Mra. Dori. Shelor. Clerk CA'UWB1 Mrs. Viola Grisso, Jucige and R8tourllS . . ~"! ,~;. ." ~ R. D. Morehead, Judge Graee Morebead, Clerk KASOI'S VALLEY . 16.40 10.00 10.00 16.40 10.00 10.00 " , C. P. B01'Jle, Judge and. l\et,1ll'IlS " 15.70 Cancelled- W. B. Waith, Judge J. M. Frith, Clerk WEST SALEM 10.00 10.00 - J. C. Sheltou, Judge and. ReturllS Bruce H. Robiuon,., Judge Ruth 1. LaT4ader. Clerk GI.DVAR 15.00 10.00 10.00 15.10 10.00 10.00 15.00 \,,' 10.00 10.00 25.00 . 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 15.42 10.00 10.00 16.40 10.00 10.00 1 I Ii ! I I I I I I I I, Ii II II II ,I Ii 1: )1 II I, I I I I Ii Ii I: I; Ii I I !I I ! " I Ii If I " j\ I' ii ,I I' I: !I i ~ Ii " ii 11 !' I I I I I 300 I, " n I, i, I, ii I !i I il :, Ii I' :! I I' Ii ii I: i: I' :I Ii i! I, !! 1i I' II' ;tL!fI ttOI PCb t3"f(.l1 ti: U~,,1 '~,u.I n ,I ~I II 'I t ,. ii Ii II II II :I 'i i' Ii Ii II 'I I, II I' I' Ii jl , I: !i l1 :, 1! Ii I, " 'I !: - ,~.....~....... ":':'-''''''._''.~'~''_. ._. _.___.'..___._.___......".".....' ...o;~"<(.,,'~"~,'Ir'$, ..___..,. ."........__~~.f~... . _ .' . . _~ '. . _. ..,.._ .,.'~ ii II ,I " .~.~ ~o;- -._",,..::-= _ CAVE SPRIIG H. S. Turner. Jud.ge and ReturllS . 15.84- 10.00 10.00 10.00 10. 261t0l 261t02 261t03 261t13 .. . . . Ernestine Graham, Clerk J. A. Lipps, Judge . - Ruth R. Floyd, Clerk BlIIT IIOOI'fAIIf 261t0lt. Mrs. Maucie L. Port, Jucige aDd ieturua 26405 w. B. Colea, JlIdge 26406 Mrs. Lena Lancaster, Clerk 16.40 10.00 10.00 .. .. .. . .. .. 26407 261t08 261t09 0GDJJl Dorothy S. 'luck, Judge and ReturllS and COIDIIisaioners . . J. L. DeDt, Jadge . -. . Beulah I. Bernard, Clerk 10.00 " 27.80 10.00 .. iIYlRDALI .. 26ltlO 1. B. cl_r, Clerk and. Ret1U'llS 16.40 - .. 261tll Mrs. C. B. Cl....r, Jud.ge 10.00 - .. 26412 Mary C. Cl_r, Jucige 10.00 !be fOl101d.IIg accounts were this day laid betore tbe Board: JUIE B. kllRAt. Treasurer, Roanoke COWlty, salaries, expense accounts " -. tor. the .oDtb of August. 1957, aad alao those ot J. LUCI: RICBAiDSOJr, Comaiss1on . , . ot ie'YeDUe, EDW. H. RICHARDSOli, COllllomrealth's Attorney, and H. W. cL1llIl:, -, . Sherit.t, will be paid. as ot August .31, 1957. MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the.Board the tollowing report: Salelll, Virginia August 19, 1951 '1'0 the Board. of Supernsors of Roanoke County: At tbe close of business August 17, 1951, there was to the credit ot the General County Fund ". I. c. A. ' Dog Fund Sa11l111 Dist. Road Debt Fund County.School Fund School Construction Fund Deterred Cred.it Account School Textbook Fund Library. Fund. . . 5,854.49 1.079.42 7,854.2.3 817.1; 9,110.88 3,314.56 361.74 5,683.42 1.382.86 J 35, 458.75 Respectfully suDa1tted JaDie B. Mclieal, Treasurer." ,Said report is approved and. crd.ered tiled.. Ii I II il II I 1 I I !, i 1/ " ii I! II II " , ii , " I: ! I I I i Ii Ii I' il i' 'I I, ii " I I: ,I 'I Ii 'I II I ,.. u J j o 101 ~ v , I: I' '!'he Eollowing reports were this day laid batore the Board: H. w. CtllII, Sheriff, ~ stateaeut oE prisoner days in the County Jail d.uring the 1I0nth of July, 1957 . B. W. CL1RJt, SherifE, office and traYel expeues for the .ontb of July, 1957 EDWARD S. ALLD, County Agent, aonthly report for July, 1957 lUBm R. SLAn'OIf, AaUstant County Agent, 1I0nthly report for July, 1957 DEP1R'lIISft Or 1mLFARE .lID IHS'fiTU'rIOHS, A.."'...l report, July 1, 1955 to June 30, . -. . - - - .. .' 1956 . S1IIOURI OF 'l'IS'fIMOIY, supporting application for increaaed rates filed by the '. .' Chesapeake end Potollac !elephone CoIIpany of Virginia with the State Corporation eo..ission on July 17, 1951 , , " i I i I: Ii I! Ii Ij I t I ! Ii Ii , I II RI: DILIIQUIft!AIES cOLLBc'l'ED BY CLERK: '!'he 'Clerk this' day d.e11~ed. 'to th~ &ard the receipt of JAlIIE B. McBlL, County '1'reasurer, Eor .1,084.82 on account of delinquent taxes collected by A1!! Clerk for the 1I0nth of July, 1957, less 5:' co.maaioa, and. turned over to said !reaaurer, said check amounting to .1,030.50 net. On 1I0tion, duly aeconded. it is ordered that the couaty Payroll for the .onth of August, 1957, be approved in the amount of .9,785.92, Eroll which the . sua oE .165.71 total P. I. C. A. Tax and' total W. H. !ax $866.80 is to be deducted, leanng a n~t payroll ot .8,753.41. lclopted by the following record.ed. vote: lyea: 'Superrtsors W. I. CUDd.itf. Minor R. IeEfer, Roland. H. Clark and. Eclwin G. !errell. lays: 10M I. ,I I Ii 'I II I II r Ii I! On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll tor Retuae Collection and. Janitor Sernces Eor periOd July 16 encling July 31, 1957, be approftd in the'lIIOunt of .1,722.06, troa whiCh the sua ot'.38.73 total P. I. C. '!'ax and. total W. H. !ax .79.10 is to be deducted, 1eanng a net payroll of .1,604.23. Adopted by the following recorded. vote: lyes: Superrtaors W. E. Cund.itf, Minor R. Ieffer, Roland H. Clark aDd Edwin G. !errell laya: lone , , , I I Ii " !I , i " r I: ,I I r , it I: " On IIOtion, duly seconded, it is crdered that the tollowing voucher-cbecks be apprond., retro-acti'18 to date of iasuance: i' Check #26313, ch;:ted lugust 1. 1957, payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Ii luthority for 13,533.51 tor sewage treatMnt charges collected. in the llSIIe of ii RoallOke County. for the luttiority: ! Ii Check #26301, dated July 31, 1957, payable to Ioru Jean Saul. for .121.50, il Eor typing re-asaea.ent cerda at .1.00 per hour; . I' ,I Check 126238, dated July 25, 1957, payable to School Boy Patrol Corporation I: for .50.00, for spollSoring two boya to School Boy Patrol Cup. ld.opted by the folloWing recorded vote: lyes: Supel'Yi.aors W. E. Cund.itt, Minor R. IefEer, Roland. H. G. !errell lays: lone I Clark and. Edwin ; I I 301 IW. t C . f!wJJ..lJ 8'-;1.4:-;;0 I ,I " I: I I ~',.ti&. rc.. ~. ff~ '1~;I17 I I I I II~'~J. ~c,. :~.~ I. '1"1" I I I ! c o ,] 3 ~'" d;J 303 I II Ii I I I The tollow1Dg ordiJW1ce was this day proposed for adoption: An ordinance prohibiting the d_ping on atreets, road."highways, and. parka, or rubbish, traah, garbage or other waste material; prohibiting tbe transporting of rubbish, trasb, garbage, or other waste aaterJ:al in open or uncovered vehIcles; prohibiting the burning of rubbish, trash, garbage or otober waste material in certain areaa, except upon conditions hereinafter set _ forth; and prescribing fines and other puniahlBent for T.l.olation thereot. ~RAl'l the Board. of Superrtsors ot RoanoD County, Virginia, hsye authority UDder the lan of the C_nwealth of Virginia, and lIOn ~apecIally I C ~~).~ UDd.er the pronsiollS of Section i5-8 of the Code'of Virginia ot 1950, aa _Dd.e to date, to acIopt auch ..asures aa tobey 1181 d.eu expedient to prollOte the health, safety ~~r ~ S-.Lo ~ S7 c.4-. -.l..~- edit"" I' I i I Ii '1 .I i i and geDlralweltare ot tobe inhabitants of Roanoke Couty; and I wr.~RAS, notice of intention to: aclopt such regulatiollS was publiahed. once a _k for tllO successive weeks, DUely July 18, 1957 and July 25, 1957, in the . . 'f.s-legiater, a newapaper ot general circulation in the '1'0_ of Balu and the County of ioanoke, by1lbIch all persona attected by such regulatiou 1IIIlre notified to appear on August 19, 1957, at 2:30 P. M. in the RoaDOke COUDty Stapemaors' ...ting !'OOIl" C01l1'thouse, Salu, Virginia, to prell8Jl't their nen .. witob respect tobereto; aDd. _RU the dlDIping on atreets, road.s, hig!1ways, and parka, of rubbiah, U'aah, garbage or other waste IIllterial; the tr&llSporting thereof in open or II Ii , tlJlCovered fthiclea; or the burning thereof in certain areas,. .except upon coJlditiOIl8 herelJ1S.fter' aet forth, ere detriaental to the life, health, property and generalweltare of the illhailitanta of RoaDOke Co1lJ1ty; and lIIRRRRAl'l this Board deeas it necessary for the protection of the lite, healtob~ propertoy, ~d ge~ral 1IIIlltare ot the public, and inorder to protect tobe lite and. property and pro.ote the health and. general 1I8ltare of the i"'b1~s ot Roanoke County, that the d._ping, trauporting, and burning ot rubbish, trash, garbage or other waste IIllterial, be restricted and prohibited iD the f'ollowing IIllDDer: SIC'l'IOIJ 1. Iro person, fira or corporation shall dUllp: or dispose of', or leave or cause to be tbro_ any rubbish, tin cans, traah, garbage or other wa8toe aubatance, or aaterials in or upon aad along any street, road, highway, park or alley in the CO\\D1<Y of ioanoke, nor shall aDY person, til'lll, or I I: 'i II ~. Ii Ii I' II II il if :1 i: 11 I' 11 I' Ii Ii I: " I I 'I I, - '. corporation dispose of, d1lllp, or throw any rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage, or any other waste aaterial or substance upon any vacant lots or pf'oprty in the CoUDty of' Roanoke whicb have not been selected, approved. aad designated as a/ garbage or tralA disposal area by the Health Departaent of ltoanoke County. SEC't'IOI II. Iro peraon, fil'lll, or corporation shall transport any rubbiah, ~in cans, trash, garbage, or any other waste or r~f'use subatance, in an oplln or UDCovered vehicle, along the streets, roads, ..l: highways of the County of Roauoke, unless the load. is covered by a tarpaul in or other suitable cover, securely fastened to the body of the vehicle, and. of such size and. sbape as lIay be neceasary to contain the entire load.. SECTION III. Jlo person. fim or corporation shall burn any rubbish, trasb, I garbage or other waste material in the CODDty of Roanoke within one hUDd.red feet I of a resicleace, garage., , stable, outhouse, or fence aad.e ot iDf'a-able material, I j! r I! , " " I' II II I Ii II I' Ii II II. W. ~ ~.t..L t I ~.~tF' I '~ct.L Ii t::: +- ~i. -1~'a.~ . c. j 8-"'-S7 304 I I I Ii II I' I II Ii il 11 Ii II I i I Ii II !I ,I! , I I I I I I 'I UJIless the said rubbish, ,trash, garbage. or other waste aaterial is confined. [I II ill a closed container aade of galTallized iron or other tireproot lIaterial; in II 1n an open container. attended by an able-bodies person uti! tbe eabers therein II': colltained areb1lrned out, or the burning _bers are extillgUished. . . I SECTIOI IV. Any person, 1'im or corporation nolating allY' ot the Pl'Onsiot 01' tbia OrdiDaJlClt shall be guilty ot a aisd..eanor and upon a connction I thereot shall be pllil1shed by a tine 01' 11010 less than ti ye dollara nor .ore than one h1Uldred dollara tor the tirat o1'teue, and tm1 person, fim or corporation coD"ficted ot a second or tm1 aubsequent ortense uncler this OrdiDaJlce shall be punished by a tine 01' IlOt lesa than twenty-five dollars nor aore than three hundred dollara or by lapriso_ent in the COUDty jail not exceeding thirty days or, in the discretion 01' the Court or Jury trying tbI case, be punished by both' such fine and iapriso_nt. SECTIOI V. 111 ordillallces, cr parts 01' orclinances, 01' the CoUZlty of Roanoke in contUct witb the pronsiona ot tllisOrdinance are hereby repealed.. BE IT ORDlIlED that this Ordinance be, and the same hereby is, aade . . . . . effective 011 and after the 15th day or Septeaber, 1957. BE 11' P'URmR ORD1IIED that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby . ." . . directed to cause a copy ot this OrdillSnce to be published once a week tor the next two successive weeks in the Tilles-Register, a newapaper published in lloanoke County, VirgiDia. On aot1on 01' Sa.perrtsor Rolaad H. Clark, seconded by Supernsor Edwin G. Terrell, the 1'oregoing Ordinance was adopted by ~he follOld. recorded vote: Ayes: Sapervisors Roland H. E. Cundiff Nays: lIoJle Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Ketfer and I Mrs. Irene Martin Green, HOlle DemollStration Agent ot ROllllOke Couty, hav:l.ngt. 1;bis day in writing, subllitted'to the Board her resignation, effective .September 1, 1957, as such agent, said resignation is accepted wi,th regret. Ii Upon the recoaeadation of Mrs. Margaret Svoboda, District Extension Agent, !I Weat CeJ$ral District, and on lIot10n, duly seconded, it is ordered that Mrs. il Ii Ij !I I :i I. il i: I' it I, , I, i JaM M. Ewing be, and. she herebY; is, appointed Boae Daonstration of RollllOke Coimty, at a salary of