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I . . ~;:::~..uF~-:;":~ ,~?l' v /33 . . ~~-~rd~ -.....L- ,3~ /r1', ~ ~'~~'7" rEs c./ /~~;~01<'4 ~~ ' . -4'2..J .._, 'l ,/ /I' _dL~~"3- ~tI/,If 1----7(~l..... -rt~/~ ~~ ~~~~~av /~.3 ~~~..,.. v t:r/'-~~ /?.3 I ~'1 ) ~ a.~~ if~.-+-4~ ~"a-.,~-/?6. i'-1'-.&> - ~(.,.J~ -1 -- ~~.-' ,IfF, ,Iff ~- C_:d.,-g.~..:A_... ~o 6' . . - A~ ~. c:f'~ r ~*fi...-.-.. ~ ~?-c-< 3-07 . .'~9~~~ ~t,:: - . I!I '~'~~#r~~~/~~/c; I . 'V2f~~;Y~~P~7./7.:J-"''7 ! : ;~.l/4-r(~~7'v-g~4 ~ (?-~/w..~?~ IZ/;>>2-0 ~~~;t A ;/l ~~..t_'~ ).,.i~"""~ '-1'77"--4.. ? "01 .i U~_. , V-~"7.'~. G'~~U'~LA~.~'f~i.-r'f"~ ~ ~CML/~."~' rr Cr>-/~-~"I- ~~ f"'"~j be~C:-/~~~"f2/?'''~1 I :1 I ~ c..-4~~~j~~-v-z,'j. ,..ff7,J51 I .. i ~ ~:}~t:tr-<-~ 1~-~ - 3-3-'1 I " ,~N~fi ~-,.a.e.,., ~~ :>-36, ' '~~~r1""Y' ~(~?~ 2-35' ~ ~ t.~~ -rI~~~~ z-;--"', ;l.1"3, i ~c.'~'1~Y~-H~-z,H . ; f ~ c: ~ ~ ~'1 r-~- " __:~P><"1~~)~ ~ "f7 ; ~~ ~'ftt~V-~"<-;~<'" +'~fd.. C.4-0--~'ij ~S3 . ., . i ~ ~. ~h ' . ; ~ J;.J- ~ ~ fl~ fY~ ;a '1 ~ 7Jtdt..,...I~ t~- . J~ ~J~3""" c I -I -, I , 'I ~.' . /5'f- T'1/ I I I I I i I I , , j I 1 ~3 I' i 'I ;,3 \ ~1-1-1 . . ". ~~~3<> ti I J , v.3g 1'- ..L . , -"'.0-""<' ~"'~'"' ~.../~ 3/4> I I ~ I , ,I :; i I' ~ ! I ~ -, u . , I I " I' ! -.; i ; i I -' I , I J CATA\'I~A DISTRICT --- ROADS . . Iii i ;: Ii ..,,-- "'~_~ 1f'~lIfi,4...;Y1"1'r!/.x~~ 7!r.;k~~~~<9.!~~-J'/ !I I II I ; .' I 'i I I . I ' i I I ! , c I 1 ! I I a i I I i i , I , I i I i. I , , I I I I I il , II ~ ~ il i 'I 'I , I SALEM DISTRICT --- ROADS . , , i i j ; I ,I ' ,I ~~~~~.-1t.~ ~/f'31..A'/1(~~~~3 :. /1 ~~~~.(.J~A-<A'~~-'.J_. -#< byo~q~-/1/~ 7 I I -~~~ I . 'c:::;.., e.....~ -#<11--4 Cff ~~S~ /-3,/1'.$ : ~~--I-"'/~';!""c1rlftr:1"""'~/->'/'kY I I ~#-/"~-' / .f.....e?d-'-c:e,u:;,.+~ctfG."-?~ /",1/f3 J 1 ~~ ~.~~A~ #/1'5.3 ~.3",/'~AfQc.-/j' ~/~~ -jJ~ c:(~ f~" Co' tP. tP.".~ ~ V;-R..--..'- e(~.tIZ ~< A $. 6.i..-A I ~~ c:;~~ }-1""-</~~r4-d ~ t? ~..~ /.f7,1I'i'.3 I ~Rt"{, i~. ,0~ tf!Jr./fSf'-4130~AtP.f /4. i ;;,.!e..-T' ~f>>"9~lJ1-..:..~~t ~ ~5~ /~,/1'3 ~ ~C",,-.~~~.-4t.!1!/4tw.6: &t!/f,,.,;&.. /7. '-/.5 ~ CfA'T...~/vt -1f'~ ~/.- "1-.....,37' I j ~ Gilford Avenue (Ex1;n. R1;. 1l,.17) 0.05 mi~e - ~7 il Nort.h Road from Rt. 70; to D. E. 0.20 mne - h7 Nover Avenue from Dwight Street to Jone~ StrJet 0.11 mile - 48 J ; Vivian Avenue from Dwight S1;reet to JonJs Strbet 0.11 mile - 48 , I Stonewall Road from Mowles Avenue (Rt. J140l!1 ita D. E. 0.28 mile - 49, .3,3 1 IGlenn Ridge Road trom Mowles Avanue (r.t1140~) to Stonewall Road 0.14 mile - 49, .3?.3 Ellen Drive (Exen. Rt. 1103) 0.17 mile 1lo D. ' . - 50 I , II Barnett Road from Northwood Drive to Yo*gwooJ:i Drive 0.06 mile - 50, :1- /~ YOWlgWOod Drive from Northwood Drive to ID. E.l 0.36 mile - 51, "/6 Nort.hwood DriTe from Showaleer Road (Re'I146~l 1;0 D. E. 0.55 mile - 51 'Sigmon Road from Nort.hwood Drive to D. ~. 0.0.' mile - 52, ~ /0; , ~ Glenvar Heights Boulevard. Extn. Rt. 92~. to p. E. 0.65 mile - 52, 2/6 ~iew Point Avenue (Extn.. Rt. 901) 0.06 Ii Ie -) 53, 11'".y- ISkyvieW Road from Dellwood Road to Skyc I Drive 0.21 mile - 53,2./6. _I, Warehouse site 1 Garman Road from Rt. 11 south to south ~/W lire of N & W property 0.18 mi. to serve oger! 54 Dellwood Road frol'.l Rt. 755 to Skyview Rid - ~4, ~ /6 pland Drive, Extn. Rt. 790, 0.20 mile -; 55 1 I , ght Street from Nover Avenue to Vivia~ Avepue 0.05 mi. - 75 ~ ~" ,,,'. ~ (~ 71~Af 1Y. ~ tP./o,..,.,...;4. 11/, u~ [J_,-;'L(~ -,/...''-' 1<f'b.A-.'-- C~......4 ~. -?G //7 $J~1/l-'w:&... ///, ;z /6.11 ~ ~~~...-4 c1t'. &"3,~s"'~ /"$" 4.... : 0.20 Mile - 2 ! , pland Drive - Extension Route 790, From! end fresent Rou1;e 790 1;0 0.20 mile 1;0 dead erd-Le: ;ivian Avenue - From Route 1832 (old Roufe 62r) to Dwight Street, Length 0.10 Mile. -1142 1 rover Avanue - From Route 1832 (old Routr 623~ to Dwight Street. Length 0.10 Mile, 14r ~ tght Street - From Nover Avenue to Viv~an Ayenue, Length 0.05 Mila, 142 I' ~ I i ,I ~ ivian Avenue - From Dwight Street to Jores S~reet, Length 0.11 Mile, 142 I j ~over Avenue - From Dwight Street to Jon~s Street, Length 0.11 Mile. 142 !:i ~ilford Avenue - From end present Route ~17 ~o a dead end. Length 0.05 MilS'l14Ail 114 i I I: . 7', e" 2 ,I Fllen Drive - Exter><;ion Rout,e 1l03-From ~nd Pfesent Route 1103 to 0.17 mile to dead eid. L~ngth/ ~orth Road - From Rou.e 705 to a dead en~, Le~th 0.20 Mile. 142 : ~ II ' iI ralley Drive - From Rouee 119 to a dead rnd. ~ength 0.10 Mile. 142 U !aub Lane - From Valley Drive to a dead ~nd. t.ength 0.20 Mile, 143 I ~ ' : ~orwanda Street From end of present Rout~ 1453, 0.30 mile to a dead end, Leng1;h 0.30 Mile,; 143 i .. : I Burchette Street Fro~ Route 1431 to Morwanda $1;reet, Length 0.23 Mile. 143 ~I : 'i , :1 ~iceoria Street - From end present Route! 1454i 0.30 mile to a dead end. Length 0.30 mile. 143 Ii I ! I I ~edmont Circle From Route ~85 (Keagy Roa~) toiBarnhart Drive, Length 0.50 Mile, 143 I ,I arol Ridge Road From Medmont Circle to t dear end, Length 0.13 Mile, 143 arnhart Drive From Medmont Cir~le to a ead lmd. Leng1;h 0.13 Mile, 143 I, a c I I I ! . , 'I ~ I II _ _Lo_nsdale Road From Medmont Circle to R ute 119 Length 0.15 Mile, 143 ~ -;("'-'.~~r.7A 'k",-<-.~4!J'f'~ 2-/.5 j ~&"~'I--./LH""~"'~ (., ~ /foo.5:>-),A'~..e....<...~dI.5S~ 21r~- ~"4-1-.;41""~ ~~&.3'" ~37~-"">r : if~ 7t~""/.'~r~.ht'r' __..4...- -r:~ . P.37 7f~tn:~":~-'<'-,'Y,,_4- -r~~::J-J7 I Kiska Road from Rt. 856 to D. E. 0.30 ile i- 280,376 ! Rowe Redge Road from Lynchburg-Salem pite (B.t. 1431) to D. E. 0.16 mile, 28~ 37i'r Des! Road from Thrush Drive to Deaner i ve jo .14 mile -- 281 :3 7 -r I ~ ' J Pomeroy Road from Deaner Drive to Euge e Dr1ve 0,15 mile-- 282. .31f'; Deaner Drive from Rt, 767 to D. E. 0.2 mil1.- 282 .37~ Thrush Drivelrom ~~~~i:.~ ~ ~ ~~~~8~~.2 m~e -r.1~~ .37~ ~~I). r.,.,..4 (1R %.f( , .. ) 301 Eugene Drite frorrl> ynchburg-Salem ike I:t. 31) to us Drive 0.10 mile -- 83,3 1- Bruce Avenue from Rt. 773 to Stevens S reetp.18 mi. 284,37-r , Gaymol Drive from Stonewall Road to D. E. oi03 mile - 285, 37~ Stonewall Road from SUDmit Hills #3 to D. Ei 0.10 mile - 285 379-: Ross Street from Lenox Avenue (north) 0 Ma10n Creek 0 .10 mi~e. 3~0. 3 76 , . Ross . Street from Lenox Avenue south to Spri~ Avenue O. ()6 mile. 300..3 76 ( Lenox Avenue from Lake Street (Rt. 142 ) to ~oss Street 0.06 mi, 301,..376 ..:u~[ff".~~~ t3/~~t::'-(- (!{1-~3~3\379' t~~~#.!.,;~~ 1; {P./.s~ .3-'r..J,.37?- ~ to- <L.tL- O"U"".iI ~. (/).0 '1 %~ 338..A, 37'f- M-...........:... .])~ h ~ ~t. "1+ 1>~ (!) .1 'lII...&. 3 3 lr-A . ~-r;.\Lt., ~ ..l~.'l~-1> rr~~ 1>~ O,J~~.~~i'd3 3'7?'----".'- ..~. ~.cp b ~ ~.A.w. tJ^4tb ~.~, 0.) a 1M.... . 33.13 7-3------.a_ ~4~~-~>!:...." '--~~~ ~~~/~(t/~c;;. t!~~ '.$. ~ ~ ~ O~ 1:~ ~;ft1~ cY'.-.,.,.. {~~ d:.~3 +.3?6 ~ /J~ kn... ~W ~ ~weJ-t;~.t.. .3Cf'-.~/.3 ~~~ O~RJ-?I'P.. S ,! Io~-f... 3'13, ~/-3 'Ur::J!.'..~ .L.... ~..3//,/'6 r:;tJ~_ C!1]. ~ "j-o-v 1~2F r;rrr-- I' I ~.J.t~r:P-:~~ .M..A . t- ~ h~'- ~/,/- . . , ---(..?.r~ .If 1- r d.3-/f// ~ --4c:(~~~~....4 .1. --(~~~/--c ~ #, t/f1-f-v ~//~ f'l. ~10,,' 'j f< t~Q-~;fo-<- ~:Zl ~~~~o*~ ' .t.f'..~~/~~8'~~. '~~ ,fr...._A.J~$d&.,L. ~.~/~,..;.A rP. t. &'/7 ~ 1'-$0 ..~ ;: f.-+-.M- ;P;l-+.A~,(-- ~'~~-?f :--r-f--~~~~.f&7~ ~~~ +~~~~,..o~/~ ~27~ 'f<S/ I, 'I , I! I.... - -,," ..... 1- // i ~~1 ~ /i~ ~ ~ -1- -I" .. , ~ ,I n ~ 1 ~ ! !i ~ II " c' , BIG LlqK DIS~RICT --- ROADS i . i ~ . I " ,?>J.:.~A4~7'~C.-:..Ao.''f'''''/'''~ 9-375" ... '. t..~o(/~~ ~....j~(?.~.44-'< 4~ ~~~..~ 'I, J75 ~~ ~#/bo, - <?~s...--4~l:P.i-/o,/-ft1'-, /17_64-- '- ~.~-k CA'<.. r;'f( t9./o~""o, 375 I~ c:;___~_/_. v p J",../6" a : ~ dU,.~ //.37.5 V7~~~;t1~/d~ l?f ~"",/f"fid1', , ! . Devonshire Drive frolJl Map1ewood Drive, ~t. ~blO. to Palisades Drive 0.17 mile - 55, L'5 : , ~ I Briarwood Drive from Map1ewood Drive, . 1;0, to Palisades Drive 0.17 mile - 56, 3/75 l Palisades Drive from Devonshire Drive Brtrwood Drive 0.08 mile - 56,315 I i CUleron Drive from Devonshire Drive to . E., 0.22 mile - 57 37.5 ft l' 11 Thornrose Road from Rt. 838 to Littlet~ Roar 0.30 mile - 57 ~/~ ~ Darby Road from Abney Road north to D. .r. O.rl mile - 58, 2/6 i Malvern Road from Raymond Avenue (R6. t7J t~ D. E. 0.30 mile - 58 ;. /6 II " Littleton Road 1'rolll Darby Road to Thor ose ~oad 0.30 mile - 59, 2~6 Darby Road from Abney Road SW to D. E. .30 tile - 59, :z. /,5 Sham.. rock Road from Hershberger Road, R+ 625r to D. E. 0.11 mile - 60, J 7"f:, Abney Road from Rt. 11 to D. E. 0.35 mi~e - ~O ~/~ ~irUl St~edt (Extn. ~. 848) 0.05 mi?{e 0 D.l~. - 61 ~~ V"'. ...~..,If.~)~ ~"'f~ t::7?6: Cq~o~ //':>,2/6 Ellington Street - From Routes 116 and 59 tf Route 116. Length 0.20 Mile, 142 . . ~"-t~:.:::;ld"~ ;?~<J~t;::~." 4 .. ~//..5;~d?(~(~~ ~ -1/~? -;-a:.//, ~ ~. ~ ,- (!" ~- -'t.. ", , .. A ;........a. 3// ".~ ,3 ,5 -1(~ Nth ..d.- /(~.(i.';-L.,. -<L .' + ~ A 7(.--=//7, .. ,/..5 ,.. ~. 1~ -;;(~~ ~-~ /(1 Y/~,,;a ~.....<,-..- , -Z,30".. .. ~ '1 &~ -;:(~ '1-:f~ /~Yr-,' 4~. "'.3a:>" . , C~...A~4"~fi~A~~.;o I I J1~~", .3, 4!4')3~. ~~+-:f~//r~7(~d7,~~ t.3'" ~.,...r-.>....."..A ...4__ ~/-s.!-....4' ~~ ~/ ;1-301 ~.4..U?t"..c -17...3 +. ~~~~..<t //'.f'~~:f~ //;--...31' I b'~~.(./7tO/-&dJ5~:~~~~~.3<~ ,I Ii ~I1O~'f'-:;.~~~_a....+"'.I~~~~V.3'" I ~ 7fO/f- -tP 09 ~~ ____~.---4 ~~ .-e ..-L-....- ...~~ ~ /;o,ff-tJU3 71t-:..4">"~d~H..--4 ~~~~...+=. i ~..,.u 7-.3"'-4 I ~ I ' jlif'- .... tv....., 1f-l-t'-:! I. i~ Ii ~-" 11<r"c ('~ LI >3 : 1f~ t..'f'~ 11~t~i#A 1f~~"._~~J'~a.,v ~.31 ~ ~~~ ~~/.5J'/~ r~f- (!...~- f '-$3 ! U,' ~1~~~{.5t~A- ~'Y'~~ {2....r67-S3 I J i&4<..~1-f-<<-(/[~~4p71n._d.-~ ""'- ..~~ I ~ 1~~1 ..#'....>6...1/(~~1 ~r?~~~ -- cP.';, f" 66 I 1 ~ ,# . I~ V . I ;~~"I-/c~("r~~i~~"'-'~"'6' ' !~,~ "'I 7(~ //!~~~~rc.- 0,1' ~ 1-66 ;~, ~Z>"o/~i?~)I!~~, ...k../ G0"/~--{.,.'b r '-/I'.' A~, l .....; ~.,.~/~!t1~"'67 !Angus Road from Guernsey Lane to D. E. 0.19 ~i1e 295, ..?1.5' I' i . !APPleton Avenue from State Route 117 tolD. E: 0.3295,31+ .~ I ': iDodson Road from Appleton Avenue to D. ~. 0.1: 296,J7-5 IHlgh Acres Road from Fairhope Road to S~amro~k Road 0.12 296, 37~ . I I 'Fairhope Road from Hershberger Road to frve,t Lane 0.25 Mile 297, ..37f; :1 ~ 1 c -I I j 'I , ! j !, Oleva Street from Portland Avenue (Rt.j1401); to D. E. 0.12 Mile, 297,.)7.5 j . il , Extension of Garstland Dr. (St. Rt. 14~1) f~om High Acres Rd. to D. E. 0.1 mile, 29~ 37~ Guernsey La. from Angus Rd. to GarstlJd DrJ, 0.21 mile, 298, .37'1- ! 1 1 :: ' ;~ Springbrook Rd. from Guernsey La to D~ E. q.02 mile, 299, .3 7~ Floravista Dr. from Guernsey La. to D.IE. 0.02 Mile, 299, .> 71'; i . f~LAd.~.......~"A4.....k""~~"~~-~.:'!.43/.5 l ~ ----~ ! ,I ; ~1{-< t5.sA~11 4./.....;- f2<. /~.~- '- ~3~ .33~ 37S I ~~~~ C~-(,..",.J-..A r-t.-t!U5~:.33/, .37~ I '1~c """'--"-YD!"n~"" I 17~ ~ c:....,..J~..-A~O?t 4'./O~3.3"",.J7.s I L/_~ 1('-"~~<-f~(~~'<'~~::~5~ 3~-3 I ~r I) -.c.. ~.- .-t{ r:~ (~ r &. /5 ,33.3>, .3 73> I I ~~;,~~ r~ '~d.<f- ~3~.331'..s7.3 !! . -I~ ~~ cP~ tf~ ~ "f.-.{.-672-,. '&:,. .3.3~. 373! ~ ~~~h I . ~0.Atf<//..~,.<>}&3s~ 'lJ?~ f.3S, 73 ~,,-..;J1 ~ ~~f'3Bb~tP/~ .33.5; ~7~ I .' '1 /I(~ ---- (Ik .r3r)~ 4'.4?..3~.33 6, 373 I . V) cP~ -- f1f< /f~3)+ 1 /5~ .3..3 ~ J l:$<,....-Fr;:J?~ f-..L.~ hJP.t.- dl.)..~ 337,J73 I ~~~17~(.-.~t4cPi.-tP."~.33?'.)73 I '1-;1'~~~/9D~l~~~~ //~)~~-~.33~.37r , ?--f-: ~,i..(.," 1f..........-4" ~ ~ - d:?tP6/7> &:.. .338, 371; i ~~ ~ -(J-0 ~-tfi/ro1r/A;~~i.--<-&./<>~ 37f ~~~ ~/D""""'+JrI~~~""; -tP./~~/.s,~j" i I ~""4' t.-~Ff.tg.3~C;Zt-f~-"13~-'r-/6,""'~6 If,. -.- #.3-~."",,?-r.;'-<~1""""--#-~L./ i 1.1 ~-;f--';f'-a-II"""; ~~,~.. - "",~A~.... ~ '-'~ [7.,,,:,, ~/I! ~ ~?-a<"~~""""+~d-r-...A ifZ}-.--<~ ~// I i ~~~~...~~r~i~~-A ~:/'~t// I ~",t'4.JC::;---"r "'~~''''''(A~~~~~A ~>.r&~ ,;._Z~"~'S'/f ~-r..<f?-~'Go/.-A" ~~r(~...A(""'r=""=< CR. ..; 1"// I ~ ~;J.L..,4 c;:::,..e,,'>&' tf-r~ -#f. /l"n:A- ~ #< /~I'I. - tP. lif ~ ~ 38 I ~ . d~ L_ #~'...A -4~ "1Z~;"CIk. '('''' '.9.~S~ ~.s:v- i ,I r-- rr-' ! ~ 2k..;..~fr-v~/Pr.t.(." ~7- P.6/o~A~& &.~S4-c.:+-.f-""" ~ i I il I . I ~ i ~ I II I i , II J !I ! ~ I 1 i j I ~ I ~ j ~ o c :1 I '1 CAVE S*INGpISTRICT -.- ROADS . I \ i .. t~~t;~~:ti;i-::;;::..: ""--"~ ,'- 37511" .. ~~~~~,A"~.oc(...4~d'.""~ I~/f-'f ~C-v-e./-,. ",'I~c~ .." /"'<;,?"<'r-#'/~.3,,"~~,f!&/O+- .:;,I1'-f_ ~ ~ ~. p. 130 ~ ~~a~ ~w.....,A-r:f{ f. ~ ~/~/<f, f-~ . ...t1~ / ..,//1 .--a...;..;.. ~ d<' &~6~ :1-'" /1'-3 I 7TtT~--r--()h- j.... . ,. : -f,*,-~~~4< d!03~~cP.a. ;.17, /'if.3 . ~~ ~.p ..#. 1/1...4" (] I f= tP./I.-..:4 ~/, 7-/S ~ ".. Go. .-'~. ~ ..-p..,...J '(..,<-"..r[Sf jk.l. ~. d! 7-f.r"<<'4, :z./, "'''.5 ~.<>e-~'~~#' 'l'fA .-p~ tRf-t~ -;.~ 2-"5 \~cf.",~~ -#< /If~ -4 d,?~5~ :,......., ~"'S ~--G.-: ~ ~t:.."F-i~.. ~~G. ~~S,.-?-'e{ ;1..3,If-f- ..;:;~ -.J --;(~. ~V(f/-:.. -/-?'z::1...-:~ ~/t:::fh>: 41./3/' .. ..4...P:3, p/.5 ~~/1~ l -#< /3o.!..-4~709 .::U;~ 2 /~ ~ c.ve----~A ' . ~~..,~t1<..uA..,<'~/<r~" Z~. "'$ V~ ~~ f?t. //T~r:P. tI.~/~S"~ 1-.5 . I ~~~/'~/~ -4 7o~/f. fl<q,..... :if'-...:..~./..~ 7-5, / .3 . 'I.,f",-..c;. 7Z,e; - ;e /~ r . ,e-_..~ '"'=- 3/,.376 i . .L_, .. .. ~ ~ '.. . -Ll 'r';-~ <..I~......~ ~-r---') 7"1/~/~ 1ti- t..- 'f'-,I'I-'f S1<onerbroOk Dri va 1"rom Rt. 119 to D. E. 0.14' mile - 61, /11- /f; Glen Heather DriTe 1"rom Rt. 119 to Brid e La~e 0.13 mile - 621/.".'/" Bridle Lane from 0.02 mi. NW 01" Glen Hektherl DriTe south to D. E. 0.16 mi. - 62 ..If- . .Tannehill Dr. 1"rolll Glen Heather Dr. to ~tonehrook Dr. 0.10.. mile - 63/~~ 1 'Ilrda,lll ATElnue frOll Wyndale Avenue to D~ E. t07 mile - 6),294 ~WJrDdale Avenue trom Rt. 925 south to Fe~dalel Avenue 0.05 mile - 64, 294 I 1 Sunnyyale Road 1"ro1ll. Rt. 923 to D. E. 0.~2 mi~e - 64, '" +' ~ , I Wyndale Avenue, Extn. Rt. 925. to Rt. 1~J o.p lllile - 65 ,294 OVerdale Road trOll Colonial ATenue. Rt./nO to Parkwood Drive 0.05 lllile - 65, /;<1' , I Parkwood Drin 1"rom Overdale Road to Rtr 164f 0.17 lII11e - 66, /1'-f; I Carriage Drin from Hackney Lane to Broikf'ietd Drive 0.34 ~ile - 66,.)7 tf Sorrel Lane 1"rom Carriage Drive to D. Er O.l~ mile - 67 ! ,'I Turnstile Drive trom Sorrel Lane to D. f. 0.~5 lllile - 67, 304,.)7.6, I : Bridle Lane 1"rom 0.03 mile north ot CartiagelDrive south to D. E. 0.22 mile - 68 ,Shelby Drive ..from Sorrel Lane to Brookfteld ~rive 0.07 mile - 68 .3 76 L ~ I , Brookfield Drive from 0.03 mile north of Car~iage Drive south to D. E. 0.27 mile . - 1--.1-...... Carriage Drive 1"rom Rt. 119 to Hackney fane Ill. .06 mile - 69 3" 6' , l' , Hackney Lane trom Carriage Drive to Rt., 686 ~.ll mile - 10 ! ,; Rosecrest Road from Rt. 221 to D. E. O.f':2 mile - 70, 37" I Rosevale Road !'rom Rosecrest Road to D.I E. 0107 mile - 71,374 I Three Chop Lane (Extn. Rt. 1647) To D. f. 0.~9 mile - 71,37~ I" Darwin Road 1"romThree Chop Lane (Rt. 1647) io D. E. 0.10 mile - 72, .375 # Heatherton Road from Three Chop Lane 1001 Da:rw~1'I Road 0.13 mile - 72,.7 75 ! -, ~ Coventry Lane 1"rom Heatherton RC?~d to Dr E. 9.05 mile - 73,.37.5 I Autumn Lane 1"rom Rt. 767 to D. E. 0.34 mile + 73 . ! Farmington Drive from Rt. 702 to Green *eado~ Road 0.11 mile - 74, /'f:J i Green Meadow Road from Farmington Drivel east )0.11 mi. to D. E. - 74, I"I'J ,Green Meadow Road from Farmington Drive! west 10.09 mile - 75, /'tJ n ' I lBunker Hill Drive, from end present Rou~e 16Q2 to 0.04 mile to Route 682. ~ ' : 1 Pinevale Road - From Route 682 to RoutejI1614; - Length I) .07 Mile, 142 'I I Lawndale Road - From end present Route 606 1jo Fleetwo~'d Avenue. Length 0.02 Mile - 143 j I Oakdale Road - From end present Route 1 09 101 Fleetwoo,d Avenue. Length 0.03 Mile - 113 - 6? . I , :1 i I I i I I. I. i I I i, I 'i , 'I , " Length 0.04 Mil~.- , I I " ! 142 i , ~ I l I i il ,Melody Avenue - From WH.letta l.Irive tol Fleetwood Avenue, Length 0.26 Mile, 143 ' 1 . . . J.' Length 0.04 Mile, 143 : i Willetta Drive - FrOlll present end of -rute ~6l;, O..04,Mile to Ka10dy and Fleetwood tvenuT/ Fleetwood Avenue,FrOlll Willetta Drive tp Brandywine Ave. Length 0.27 Mile. 143 i ~ I L: J Wynne Road - From Route 118 to a dead ~nd, fengtb 0.16 Mile, 143 I Suncrest Drive From Route 220 to Circl~view"Drive, Length 0.43 Mile, l44 i 1 : i Circleview Drive From Suncrest Drive to 0.0; Mile west to dead end. Length 0.0; Mile, Southern Hill Drive From Griffin Road ~o de~d end, Length 0.39 Mile, l44 /t''r I , ~ -rf--, 7~5f'''- 44 r~ a/---,A-~~ ~ :-""-30"::~})lb-i -r~,.'IAo"-~t.- d5! ' i ' ~"/.3-/~ --. )14,'." ~- + -tf--l {!"br~ :1-~7_ '! ~ /'f'-~~___ -1~A.. ...4....,. ~ >1;...>< 1f~; X<- ';t;">U"L.e-...~~, 7 , ~..-..~, ~ 7(<~'/' 7-.53 Sugar Loaf Dr. frOlll State Rt. 686 to DI E. q.24 mile, 301,37"- Hathaway Dr. frOlll State Rt, 686 to Bri~le ~. 0,11 mile, 302,376, Bridle La. frOlll State Rt. 692 to sugarlLoaf~Estates 0.37 mile, 302, >76 Elbert Dr. from State Rt. 692 to BridlJ La.'O.2 mile, 303 )7' I' , Hackney La. from Bridle La. to State S,con~ry Rt. 686, 0.28 mile, 303, .374 1 ' Sorrel La. from Carriage Dr. to D. E. 0.30 mle, 304 J 76 1 i ' I Shelby Dr. from Brookfield Dr. to Sorr~l La~ 0.07 mile, 305 Bridle La. from Glenn Heather Farm to *idde~ Valley Homes 0.22 mile, 306,374 Carriage Dr. frOlll Rt. 119 to Brookfiel~ Dr. :'0.4 mile, 306 ...z..:~'~~-~ .1f-;ft(''-''~~7R1,AlP<f. tP.;<o~13'.3 JJj-k .:u.~.~-'!.v ~ ~~ '#< bca-A lJ', &'..5"-5--+3 ,3""/ -A".~. ...... ~~~ ~..-.....4'-~ t5". ~..5-5~ 3/t,B'il~7'/" . [!J.,.~"..~k.-tf:t. /11~ttD1f.- e?"f'S~ :3'2.7,.375 . {1~4.:-f--'+"~'''~~''''~f--a. :r-1'''''''': CJl;- <!? tl~~ 32.7, .3,?S i 0"~".'~~a.........~~u... ..; -~,.~ .3.,.g,J7S i ~1 ~~ ~l#1/,t.3j,)A~~/.3-~,"'~.3~R.~""'~ 1 /M..o-;..~ ~MO:'::'" ~Af7.ti -~/3~.3~1. ~ ,I. ~~..L_..J 11.e.4.. ')".~J 4.~, . /)......,<;;.(-417.$. tP."'7~3~'7. ~J6' ~ -p:;-' ...~( r , " I I ~.fr.- ~~ ~~,A'cP.t.-~"1~..330. "I"~6 I ~ /M~/r""J'9~~A ~)--r- c::?~ {qof/-.;. .330'~76 I ..u~ ~~~1 . (~~ 6t3}4'6 .<:-.;(AE1.$. -0!'/"'~~3~f7.s- ."fa ~J ~~~ ~~,~O!( dl.(l1~~~.57,~/.3 I 1 .fJ~~r-:~~ f~~~f~~A6.'/S--l3S;i .....,,'..#.;J-.v ~ W"'\"4-~--<a5.0::'~A..A~ ~~~~3 4371 ~?~ t-?(. #. /~D/~ 11f< /.b/J.~~/t/'r &.O{~.37~' i ~ , ~'A~ ~- ;f~ 10 7fr--f c/~ ~~ ~'r~ .37 ~ I I ~~!l;:-..?~~.-v#<.ti9,A/~-~,' ~ f-..<-- &3o~. 37 /,. : ~ ,'ilk.. (,J ~ L..... ret..l'+! 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I U i , " I i I i j Ii I " r Ii I :1 I , ii ~ I I 1 : * " i :) ~ ,I ~ Ii " I # I t ~ i , I --'-'= -.--. ==-===-- - "==--'-- .-- ~..._=. ---~ Court House Salea. Virginia JUDe 16. 1958 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County aet this day at the Court House thereat in regular aonthly session. Present: W. E. CUDdiff. Cil.airaan. Jlinor R. Ketter. Edwin G. Terrell and Roland H. Clark. Before the aee'ting was called to order by the Chairaan. Mr. J. Robert Taliaterro otfered a prayer. The ainutes at the Regular and Adjourned aeetings were approved as spread.. each aeaber of the Board haYing read the copy or said ainutes furnished hilll by t@. Clerk. The followiD~ claias against the COUDty were this day pr8Se~e.. approved. and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the fUJKIs respecti Yely chargeable therewith. to-wit: c = I 110. 28803 . 28804 . 28805 . 28806 " 28807 . 28808 . 28809 . 28810 . 28811 . 28812 . 28813 . 28814 . 28815 . 28816 . 28817 . 28818 . 28819 . 28820 . 28821 II 28822 . 28823 . 28824 . 28825 . 28826 . 28827 . 28828 . 28829 . 28830 II 28831 . 28832 . 28833 I I Dr. S. D. Carey. Coroner investigation CarollJla Door Closer Service. Rebuilding Courthouse Doors Clearbrook Lion's Club. Inc.. May Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station Roland H. Clark. Sernces on Fairnew Hoae Board W. B. Cleaents. Parts tor Police Car #6 S. J. Conner, RefUDd PIUllbing Pe~t Couty School Board of Roanoke Co" Maintenance of Couty .. Owned Vehicles Culligan Soft; Water Sernce. Rent on Water Soft;ner Bernard Cook. SerVices cn Welfare Board W. E. Cundiff. Services on Welfare Board Caldwell-Sites Co" Office supplies Dabney Tire Co.. Tires tor Police Car #7 . 10.00 21.10 60.00 64.40 16.30 3.25 885.63 3.50 100.00 100.00 ~0.26 l,.5.68 Dictaphone Corp. 12 months aaintenance service 35.00 Paul Eller. Assisting in Electrical and PlUllbing Inspection 72.80 Esso Standard Oil Co.. Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card Easter Supply Co., office supplies FairYiew Hoae. County's share of expense in aaintaining hoae for the aged at Dublin Chalaers Ferguson. Co.m.ssi. on on Delinquent taxes G. C. Foley. May Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station S. D. Fralin, Moying Ci yn defense ambulance Fulton White Truck Co. Labor on Police Car /6 Foutz Sausage Co.. Food for Prisoners 8.03 149.96 l29.8l,. 4.14.27 60.00 7.70 2.50 4.4.10 Goodwin-Andrews Co., Pr8lliua on Fire, Lightning &: E. C. Blanket coverage 1,361.60 Glenyar Auto Repair Shop. Repairs to Police Car #9 Void Grayes Huaphreys Hdw. Co., Hardwlre Co. etc. Green Market, Food tor Prisoners Goodwin-Williams Chey. Corp. Repairs and Parts &:c Gittens &: Merton Insurance PrelliUII on Fire Insurance J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, May Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station !aloid Co., Record paper for Photostatic Machine 8.24 797.33 152.68 10.10 386.l,.8 60.00 6l,.6.20 Rasnake Laundry &: Dry Clea/!,ers, Laundry for County Jail Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel for County Jail et al Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners Roanoke Iron &: Bridge Works, fabricated and installed screens jail 2SS60 Roanoke County RevolTing FuDd, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Pet'ty cash tund 2SS61 Roanoke Meaorial Hospital, Sta'te Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 633.60 2SS62 Roanoke Valley Motors, Repairs and Pans for Police Car #6 1.77 2SS63 Sal811 Creallery Co., Food for Prisoners 14.82 2SS6,. Saa' s, Inc., Wearing apparel 4.96 28S6S Shenandoah Valley Inc., Membership Dues 1958 300 .00 28S66 Shenandoah Au'to Pans, Repairs #4 Police Car 175.00 2SS67 G. A. Scruggs, Postllas'ter, General S'tores 81.00 2SS68 Sale. Die-CaS't1llg Co. Inc., Repairs and Par1;s for garbage 59.17 28669 Sal.. Mo'tors, Repairing Police Car #10 and wrecker serTice 9.00 2SS70 Saead &: Webber Drug Co., Medical llUpplies Coun'ty Jail 7.07 28671 S_erdean Esso Station, Repairs, Wash jobs 4.00 2SS72 Dr. R. B. Sailey, Jail physician, coroD@r investiga'tions 115.00 2SS73 lal.. Hardware Co., Utensils Jail, Hardware &:c S.3S 2S87,. Town of Salem, County's share of expense 314.55 28675 Town of Salea, Lights and wa'ter serTice 4,8O.7S 2SS76 Technical Reproduction Co., Maps 4,S.16 2SS77 Tiaes Register Co., Building Permits and Advertising 61.70 " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 1 · Ho~ 2SS3,. 2SS3S 2SS36 2S637 2SS3S 2SS39 2S640 at 641 28S,.2 2S643 2SS44 26645 2S646 2S6,.7 2S8,.8 288,.9 28850 28SS1 28SS2 2SSS3 2SSS,. 2SSSS 2SSS6 2SSS7 2SSSS 2SSS9 " " " " " " .. SylTia Ann Hill, Extra Clerk Public Works Franklin Hough, SerTices on Welfare Board International Business Machine Co., office supplies Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital bills Leggett.s, Fou rubber for Chair in Public Works Office Lewis-i&le Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills Industrial Departaent, Sheriff investiga~on Carnell Moore, Maintenance Garbage Lot Meador &: Greer, 2 sets locks for Courthouse Miller Tire SerTice, Tires for County Vehicles Janie B. McHeal, Treasurer, Reiaburse Jury tickets Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners .atural Gas Distribu'tors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station Owen PIUlbing &: Heating Co., PIUllbing work Peni'tentiary Indu'trial Dept. 2,. dozen towels for jail Phlegar Electric Co., 3 daylight florescent lallps Peacock-Salea Laundry, Laundry for County jail Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine for Treasurer John W. Poling, Pluabing works at Hollins Fire Station Radio Co_1UIi.cations Co., Radio Maintenance Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service Void . 30.79 100.00 i 2S.3S 193.60 2.00 S2.S0 5.00 525.00 2.75 33S.29 100.52 119.73 S.60 19.67 SS.SO 3.15 33.0S 21.60 51.50 52.50 3.00 I I 5.22 22.65 59.50 I 145.36 S.10 I I c c ~ " ~ " " " c " " " " " " " - . .0. 26676 Trans Aaerican PallB.lla Ha~ Co., Ha~s Ear SheriEE's Dep~. 26679 J. P. Turner & Bros., Ins~all1ng sewer line and ligh~hole 26660 Valleydale Packers, Food Eor Prisoners 26661 Virginia Foods, Food Eor Prisoners 28882 H. M. Vood, Repairs ~o Co. Jail Sewer 28663 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Repairs, Oil &c 26664- Ya~es & Vells Garage, Main~enance Co. Vehicles 26665 Ya~es & Wells Garage, Maint.enance Police Vehicles 28907 Rockydale Quarries Corp., Crusher Run St.one 26909 Acme Typewriter Co., 1 stencil Ear le~~er 28910 Aeae Printers Inc. OEfice supplies 26911 Appalachian Power Company, Curren~ used a~ Cave Spring Fire House - " " " " " " " " " " " " 28912 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 S~ation, Gas & Oil purchased Ear . Garbage Truck #24- 28913 Brown Hardware Co., Cemen~ and ~ape oEEice chair 28914 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 26915 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy hearings & Drunk Driving Examina~ion 26916 Caldwell-Si~es Co., ofEice supplies 26917 City oE Roanoke, Sewage ~reat.aent. cos~ Eor General Electric Line 28916 H. W. Clark, ShorifE, Reimburse repairimg sheriEf depu~y badge 28919 Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co., ofEice supplie3 28920 County School Board of Roanoke Co., gas and oil 26921 E. P. Dillon, 4- days si~ting with equaliza~ion board 28922 Easter Supply Co., oEEice supplies 26923 C. C. Farris, 2 days si~~ing with EqualizaUon bcuod 28924 A. D. Goodwin, Services rendered in connecUon wi~h Elec~oral Board 26925 J. R. Goodwin, Jr., services rendered in connec~ion with Electoral Board 26926 Levi Hale, ex~ra janit.or services 26927 W. E. Hale, 2 days sit~ing with Equalization Board 28928 Interna~ional Business Machine Co., Maintenance on IBM 26929 Lewis-Gale Hospit.al, s~ate-local Hospi~a1 bills 26930 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Examina~ion Drunk Driver, Lunacy . Hearing . 26931 A. E. HcNeH, 2 days sitting with Equaliza~ion Board 26932 Horton Insurance Co., Premia on Bond " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 26933 28934- 28935 28936 28937 The Jlichie Co., Law books Eor Judge Hoback Paul B. Matthews, Reilllburse Parcel.Post charges Noland Company, Chemicals Ear Cave Spring Fire Dep~. Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearing - Miller E. Pet~y, eervices rendered in connec~ion wi~h Electoral Board 28938 Dr. A. J. Russo, Examination Drunk drivers 28939 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., S~ree~ signs 2894-0 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy hearings & drunk dr1Y8rs . 25.061 669.00 4-6.26 224.06 6.75 96.25 591.20 77.98 144.72 2.00 21.60 8.12 2.4-0 L08 24.75 65.00 6.36 206.87 1.00 5.61 4-4-0.36 97.75 4-.11 46.67 42.49 7.50 67.29 46.87 35.00 105.60 25.00 4-6.87 10.50 20.00 1.20 2.20 10.00 7.50 20.00 16.35 40.00 -l'-, . ...~ 10. 28941 28942 28943 2894l. . " , ! I I I ! I . . 28953 28793 28794- 28795 28796 28797 28798 28799 28800 . . . . . . . I I " t I ! I r ! ! ~ f , I l ! I t I I ! , . . Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Traveling Expense J. R. Taliaferro, Reimburse Traveling Expense $ 54-.8, 37.2] ~:~ " Eugene W. Chelf, Attorney fee for collecting delinquent taxes 150.QO G. ~. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for Treasurer International Assoc. of EJe ctrical Insp. 195t M8Ilbership due for Paul Eller I Acme Printers, Office supplies A & B Shell Service, Gas, Oil &c ACIla'Typewriter Co., Repairing Typewriter Andrew Lewis Service Station, Gas, Oil &:c A.erican Chemical Co., Janitor supplies Appalachian Electric Power Co., Current used at Fire Station Boyle-Swecker Tire Co., Tire repaired Police Car #9 Bush Electric Co., Electrical.repair work 21. 60. I i 1.oQ 50. 25.0 ! 465.31 ! I . 28802 28801 Krs. Ada S. Byers, Reimburse lunacy commission C & P Telephone Co., T6Lephone service . IIi HE: DOG TAlES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c The following claims against the County ware this day presented, approved,' and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl , therewith, to-wit: ITa. , 28g86 . 2gg87 . 2g8gg . 2ggg9 . 2gg9O . 2g891 . 28g92 . 2gg9.3 . 2gg94- . 2gg95 . 2g896 . 28g97 . 2889g . 2g899 . 2g900 . 28901 . 28902 . 28903 . 2g904 . 2890; . 28906 . 28908 Acme Printers, oftice supplies Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Se~vice Station, gasoline for dog truck Brown Hardware Co" Wearing apparel, dog pound _terial &:c :Void Clitton Shi' t Co" WlARIJlG apparel for Dog Warden County School Board ot Roanoke Co" Gasoline, oil and wash jobs t 12.451 ~ 6.661 10.83 j ,I 40.521 31.26 if I Easter Supply Co" office supplies 1.23 : Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on courtsey card 7.29 ; Fort Lewis Hardware & Lusber Co., Lumber 349.76: Void, Jennings Hardware Co., Misc. it8lls for Dog Pound .94 j Graves-HUlBphreys Hardware Co" wearing apparel Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expense McClung Lumber Co., Material for Dog Pound Owen Pluabing & Heating Co. Plumbing work at Dog Pound Radio Communications Co" Radio Maintenance Salem Lumber Co.. Material for dog pound Sal811 Farm Supply Co., Dog Food, &co Star Animal Hospital, Professional services Void Wiggington Welding Co., Make and install gate for Dog Pound 77.25 C & P Telephone Co" Telephone service 15.00 12.25 I 4.75 i :1 4.4-91 " 55.67 'I 15.00 .II 3.25 " " I I 4l..15 87.50 ~- - No. 289t.5 .. 28946 .. 28947 .. 28948 = It 2891.-9 It 28950 .. 28951 .. 28952 = Mrs. Gaynor Hodges, Clerical work at Dog Climc H. E. Kingery, Clerk at Rabies Clinic Mrs. Esther Long, Clerk at Rabies Clinic Long's Sinclair Station, Maintenance of Dog Truck Nelson Hardware Co., Disinfectant State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine Tidewater Supply Co., Material for Dog Pound Wertz Automatic TranSllission, Repairs and Parts for Dog . Truck . 5.00 5.00 5.00 23.40 11.66 6.60 55.83 10.41 MRS. JAlfIE B. MeDAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day sublli~te. to the Board the following report: ItSalem, Virginia June 16, 1958 To the Board of SuperTisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business June 14, 1958, there was to the credit of the General County Fund Library l"\lJld Dog Fund Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund County School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. . 21,864.18 1,096.66 6,338.61 817.15 202,442.54 26,805.78 4,836.48 92.63 2.42,3.32 t 266,747.38 .~ Respectfully subaitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.1t Said report approved and ordered filed. The following reports were thia day laid before the Board, and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, SWlllllary statement of Prisoner days served in the County Jail during the month of May, 1958; , H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of May, 1958; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for the month of May, 1958; JAMES D. OLIVER, AsSistant County Agent, monthly report for May, 1955. ~tc;.. n . ~.!.~ ~. .> II RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the B~~rd the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, County Treasurer, for .1,192.37 on account of delinquent taxes collected ~y the Clerk for the month of May, 1958, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to .1,132.75 net. c On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the aonth of June, 1958, be approved in the amount of .5,822.87, frolll which the SUII of .99.71 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Ta~es .540.40 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of .5,182.76. . &.;. t: .c..w.. co Co . G.t-~~ 6 - ,i'U,-g' . hJ- t'r ! .c,. f" I ! .Co. . <l c... if' , / I '1 s.t. h ~ I ~ ct.Lfl C, ! ..I Co J.,. @ I r..1'~s; / f ! ~ r i ! _ .u~ ._...__ =,,-, .. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. liays: Hone On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period May 15, 1958, ending May 31, 1958, be approved in the amount of *1,669.09, from which the sum of *37.57 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes *99.80 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of *1,531.72; And the payroll for iefuse Collection and Janitor Services 'for periOd from June 1, 19511 ending June 15, 1958, be approved in the amount of *1,770.50, froa which the SUB! of *39.89 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Tax #114.90 is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of *1,615.71. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperVisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is q dered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Check #28711, dated May 20, 1958, payable to H. W. Clark,Sheriff,in the amount of .250.00, fer traveling expenses to Swainsboro, Ga. for return of juvenile to Roanoke County; Check #28771, dated June 1, 19$ J payable to Levi Hale, Extra janitor, in the ,amount of .02.50 for janitor services; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: Hone On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board approves the payment of all State-Local Hospital bills incurred by the Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare through June 30, 1958, prior to July 1, 1958. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. Hays: Jfone IH BE: SALARY SCHEDULE 1958 - 1959 COUIl'1'Y EMPLOYEES: ~ SALARY FOR YEAR :i i ! SALARY PER MONTH! _'i Edwin G. Terrell W. E. Cundiff Roland H. Clark Minor R. Keffer Mary M. Turner Eldred D. Francisco J. W. Griggs E. S. Honaker i. L. Minnix * 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 3,600.00 3,320.00 2,400.00 3,300.00 1,740.00 . 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 300.00 276.66 200.00 275.00 145.00 - I I I I I Charlie E. Brickey ThOMS E. Wagner Paul B. Matthews Frances Fitzgerald J. R. Taliaferro Ralph E. Long Edward F. Staples Mary E. Hicks Esther Long Margaret F. Irby Williaa E. Eubank, Jr. Betty J. 'Hartaan Harry Richardson Mary Ellen Stuart Araistead Watkins Edward S. Allen James D. Oliver Jane M. Ewing Polly Holloway Truck Drivers (3) Laborers (10) Town of Salem Town of Vinton Chief Probation Officer Secretary to Probation Officer Roy K. BroWl3, Clerk Board of Superl'isors On .otion, duly seconded, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Superl'isors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell lays: lone ~ -~.... -. --~ -- _........- ,., t,*, a 24-0.00 1,740.00 8,500.00 4-,080.00 5,200.00 4-,320.00 3,400.00 3,000.00 300.00 2,4-00.00 3,120.00 2,4-00.00 2,640.00 1,020.00 2,280.00 2,400.00 2,000.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 8,520.00 24,000.00 6,000.00 2,500.00 4,800.00 1,200.00 1,770.00 20.00 145.00 708.33 340.00 4-33.33 360.00 283.33 250.00 25.00 200.00 260.00 200.00 220.00 85.00 (n rage) 190.00 200.00 166.66 183.33 166.66 200.00 - 250.00.2 .00 200.00 (a rage) 500.00 208.33 400.00 100.00 147.50 A comaunication dated May 15-16, 1958, fro. the Departaent of Highways, Richaond, Virginia, showiQg final allocations ot Primary construction funds tor 1958-59, received and ordered filed. Letter dated May 20, 1958, from R. P. Ellison, Executive Assistant, Departaent of Highways, received and ordered filed. a II HE: COUI'l'Y ADDI'!' On .otion duly seconded it is ordered that the firm of Alexander Grant &; Coapany, certified public accountants, be employed to audit the records of Roanoke County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1958. Letter dated June 10. 1958 froa said Company ordered filed. Adopted bf the :rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: S.perl'isors Edwin G. '1'errell, Roland H. Clark, Mine'!' R. Keffer and Cundiff .. lays: Hone W. E. o The following cOlllllumcations were this day submitted to the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated May 23. 1958, froD A. L. Knighton, ot Andrews, Burket It Co. Certified Public Accountants, and Letter dated Mal 26, 1958, from Hayden Q. Anderson, of Anderson It Reid, Certified Public Accountants; o L,tter dated June 11, 1958, fram I. '1'. Quinn, Executive Director, CommiSSion of Game It Inland Fisheries, in re: resolution relative to posting signs as a warning to fishermen along banks of Bottom Creek and other hazadarous and treacher'us streaJIS in Roanoke County. r I I PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO BE ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WITH REFERENCE TO EXTENSION OF GARMAN ROAD Whereas The Roanoke Valley Development Corporation and Koppers Company, Inc., have deposited with the County Executive Officer deeds dedicating the right of way for a 50-foot wide extension of Garman Road in the Sal.8lII District extending from the south line of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company's right of way to the north line of the Virginian Railway's right of I way; WHEREAS The Roanoke Valley Development Corporation has undertaken at its I . . expense to put this road into condition for acceptance into the state secondary highway system; and WHEREAS it is the judgment of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the public interests would be served by accepting the dedication of the extension of Garman Road as aforesaid; lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors that it, on behalr of the public, accepts the dedication of the aforesaid extension of Garman Road as a public road am that upon co.pletion ot iJaproY8lll8Dts to Met requireaents of the State Highway Department that this board will rec~nd that said road be included in the state system of secondary highways. On aotion, duly seconded, adopted by the following recorded YOte: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark aDd Minor R. Keffer I Hays: !fone I ~ t l I , ! I , PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO BE ADOPTED BY TRli: BOARD OF SUPERVIS<ES AT ITS JlEETIlIG ON JUIfE 16,,1958 WHEREAS The Kroger Co. has coatributed to the cost of extending the publiC sanitary sewer in U. S. Route 11 to Garman Road; WHEREAS it is necessary for that company to construct a connecting line to the property it is purchasing, lying south of the Norfolk &: Western Railway CompanY's right of way; WHEREAS Garman Road has been dedicated to the public but has not yet been I taken ir:to the State's secondary highway system; and l WHEREAS it is the judgment of the Board of Supervisors that it is to the il benefit of the County at large to permit The Kroger Co. to lay its sewer pipes l in Garlllan Road and that such action will not be detrimental to any one; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors that The Kroger ~ Co. be, and ~t hereby is, authorized and permitted to lay a sewer pipe in a ~ north-south direction in the right of way of Gaman Road froa U. S. Route 11 ! to the right of way of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company. On aotion, duly seconded, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark and Minor R. Ketter I I Hays: None -' ,. .. ...- I I I I I I , II .. ,,," .'- ~ I,'" . ~ ;,; BOOK 15 PAGE 16 . '..... '." -,-"'" /' " ~ :: -.:( "(.. ",,";" ~ ". ".~ .. - - . ...... ~ ...- /.... /. -, ---', ""- . I I .' ' .-' , n..n.n.......-..h.__..__..__nn.____.h..__.__'...__.__........._n._...~.-.__n."...n.n..n._.n.u..-..nu~~:..._.,...n--u~~~--_..-t~ , and which is sh~wn...on-a.... certain. sketch accompanying this' order~ be, an~' tbe~me is h~by established as a public rciad to become a part of the State secondaTy Sytitem of Highwayain Roa-~. '.', ' I ! I .1, . r.oke County. . l" !.' " . ~ i ," Adopted by the following.recorded vote: ' I" ',' I . ~' . ' Edwin G.TerreU, 'd!Hi. ", I,,"" Ayes: $upervisors' j;undiff and ~one 0" . . r' Roland ~. Clark, Idnor R.'Keffar. I , /', I" II ,.1 ~ayg: " ",' i. .' I f' 1>oard of__.s.~_P.~.~Y~.~~.~.~ _ " H>i,:'l ORDER ) -.t-::-...... ,",~. . ....... 'r':--~,~- .....',. -..... -. -'.- The Public and ~he State CGmmis.'llon of Virginia '- ..;;;.- _n . '/-, ~I ..... ~ T,his matter,came on:thi~.day to be .?eard upon the proceedi~gsherein. and upon-th~ al' plica tioI1 for.. __. ~~~ .~_~_~~~n_~_~. ~~_~.~. ..~!:~_~..~'~~.~~.-~!..~-y.~..;~np. ~...~.~.. n.~_~.~m~.~_~__...._._..~m.m.......m ....:..........1..........................................__.'.................,...............i:~:.::..........,....:.:.....:......,... 1 () be accepted ahd mad~ !' part of th~ ~econdary System of State' Highways.. . It apPf"'ring to the Board that drainage.. easements and a....?Q..$';''''l!..ht ofiwayfor,Jiill road. has herctofcre been dedicated by vi:p.t.ue of a <lertain map known- as~.,.B.".v.~x:ly_...H.~_::t..&Q:~~L__... . " " , . " ................. ............ which map is "!COrdI.! iilPlat BooL......3................... Page::...~..:.~~., of the rocords of the Clerk's .office of the Circuit Court of Roa!'ok;County, ~irginia. an4 that by reaser! of the .recordat~on of said map' no reJJort'from a Board of Viewers, nor conserit a; donationC of right of way from the abutting property ,owners is nkessary. The BOard, hereby guiirantees said right of way and right .for drainage. ' , , ~.oW, THEREF.oRE, BE IT ORDE;RED that Said road kno:wn a._.....:..........._..,,-,...,_.,..~. . . r " . - Westland Street froa Jackson Drive to D. E. O.:l.S mile " ,,'" . .....................:........,...........:._.".........."..c........,./;.~..).............::..ir.:<:.....'..........'-.....:-......,.:'.., . "" '. and wliiC~.;~.~~~:..:~..~..~:~~..~~:~~..~~:;~~~~~~~.~~~:..~::..;:~:.~:-~:...:..~;~; I established as a public road to become a part of the State secondary System 'of Highways in Roa- noke County - \.,' :, "'....... ...... , " ~doPted by ,the followilll: "!""rded vote: .". . ':, [, . . . .' '.: _ 'I ; '.~ 'i.- . Ayes: Supe:visors Roland H.. C,lark 'Edldn (1.t Te~reA':l . W~ E" .. .... ;. ~und:t.ff and Jlinor R ""8f" >"j' -., Y .. ,". t, ' ... .... NaY8: fl ~ '" .&r.", ,l~.' . i ,I', ',." ,'~. one. J .' "'.;1.::, '_~~)_, :.:,,~ :c~>.'.~,:,~,,::-:':.-::':'. .-.' :~rr~;(:.~~.".'::~..:)'i~(~.."J;~>\'..~j~ ~"' 'Ihd f, .:, !' I ...' ;,. II.' " " . .t-\.i, \ I ". .' ~", I ~ . ,: .'"':': ,,;/.~~~., !r~_;~,.:,~,.:;:~..-\'~:?..":-, .~:,...':}:.',f."1.".i>".;f"'.,..:;::.J;..'.".:.,.. ~ , ... ." ..>w....",_;.,:..,:t,~CJJ_-.,r.::t:':. ~ ., ._..~-'- .> ~. " .;,:.:~,. "'.:!.:,:~--., ~,. ~II"; ",~.~"...." ,~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,'''A'''ll1'''~' ',:',', . '''c, ~'~'S; .~'. ~"':.t:."'ti"I';'-",.,:'lI~'1i:"".~ :;. '. . ~k~ ' ~~' ~~,.;~ ~l~r.,:.t.'..,~:'~"'"~~.r..~,~,'.tt:. I~';{' , .~.:~..:. ..~>~.....' ,~!:;J.i!t~~~:,:o,...":,.;:,...~Q:!:~'\',V4~:':i.~ ;) '- ',', ('1' ...:; ~ c..' .,;,," ,; o ..i. ~1 - :; , -..",' ...'~' . ~ -, ,-,:" ~-. .... ~.: ~ :....:' I I I I I ~r~',,:,:' ,'. ' ...... 4 ~ .. .;:;,....L. '.'1... .':"01 .:; - ~.'...:, >.: , ;;C~ ':"":~ ,,: i::; ()rC:.~:- U.j..L. -.,,; V.]. ~__. _"'"... ce;' :.:e:r C,2J. ..:..:! :!i,;/:'5S~" r. I I I I ! " . t t: ...;-, ~f.;.':. ': ," ...:; l.. ~'] I,", L (" . .,;) C;)] '':'22- '~c.' .;.:,;~\. h .:':'i- ,-.^.>, - -. ] '):' t _:1- r.i.J.'~' ..._ .:...~c::/.:; . '~.' I r: ;;' '. ~ !), " " erG .~2' _::.0'::'.;. :'.:!" :.'(:1' '-....:.... ;,"..- ;,-,:,;.;:...:..n. ......t.:.' .,' -' , " cc: _:: t,'; i.s C.f-!.;. ~:. >:.. ...;0......}:. .' '-..... _l.:.l ,;',;~ l'(:~' ~.~~l. v; ..4:I.~ , .~-~ ,. '_/ ..L.'<',' :;". I I I tr~r~ ~.cut; soc~. ~JI1~1 I I I I I II IE: IEZOIIIG or PROPIRfI SITUATE 01 tHE USt SIBB 01 JlASOIS CUBK.. II tHB SALIK MlGIS'1'KRTAL DIS'l'RIC'1' or CLYDB II. WIGGIR'l'OI ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FIDL ollDn '1 u( ~)'h..(;r.-- f>.-- R-. c . 11I-. en.... ,. ~lr 1, 7 )~i I 1fR1lRIU!t. Clyde II. Wigginton did. on the 21st day of April. 1958. peUtion the Boai-d of Sv.!I msors of Roanoke Com:.ty. Virginia. and the PlaJlDing Caa1ssio of ioaJaoke Couty. Virginia. to aIIend the general Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke CoUD1;y. Yirginia. so as to provide that cer1;ain real property OlIIled ll7 the said I Clyde II. Wiggiaton aad sUuate on the last side of llaSOD!I Creek. in the Salu Jlacisterial District. and .ore particularly described in said peUt1on. and aereinat'ter _re tully described. and now classified as -residll1lCe propertY" be reclassified and resoned a.s -Local Business Property-. so as to pronde that I said property and buildings thereon or which may hereafter be erected thereon. _y be used for Local Business purposes; and. WHlUAS. the Board of Sv.perrtsors of Roanoke C01Ulty. Virginia. did.ll7 a . resolut1on adopted at the regular .eeting of said Board of Sv.pernsors. held on the 21st day of April. 1958. refer said petition aad proposal to so a.end said Couty Zoning Ordinance to the Planning CClaIIission of Roanoke Couty. Virginia. as required b7' said "'oning Ordinance and as required by the Code of lirgillia, for a reco_eDdation of said Planlliag Co.m.ssion in accordance with 1;he pro-dsions of said Couty Zoniag Ordinance alld sdcl Code of VirgiJlia; aIId. WHlRIAS. tile said PlaJlDing C~ission of said Couty did. by a resolution adopted at Us regu.lar .eeting heid Oh the 20th day ~f llay. 1958. reco_1Id to the Board of Supernsors of said Couty that said 'Co1Ulty Zoning OrdiJl8Jlce shollld be ueaded so as to chauge or reclassify said property fro. i1;8 present classification of -residence property- to -local business property-. as required in said petition; and, WllBIlU.S. the Clerk of the Board of Supernsors of said Couty has received a copy of 1;he Order and Resolution adopted by said Couty Planning Caa1ssion rec~ndiag that said Couty Zoning Ordinance be so aIIended; and. WllBIlU.S. the said ~oard of Supervisors of said Couty. did by its resolutio adopted on the 21st day of April. 1958. as aforesaid. order the said Clerk of said Board of Supemsors. upon recsipt of said reco_endation fro. said PlanDing Camssion, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next perm.ssible regular or special .eeting of said Board of Supemsors. and to give notice thereof b7' publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zonill& Ordill8nce and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and. WJlGIU!t. the Clerk of this ~ard did set the regular ...ting of this Board " to be held on this the 16th day of June. 1958. at 3 o'clock P. JI.. as the day and t1ae for a public hearing on said proposed uendaent to said County Zolling OrdiDal1ce and did adver1;ise the sue by notice thereof d'l11y published in The Roanoke '1'iaes. a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke alld of general circu- lation in the County of Roanoke. Virginia. for two insertions on the 27th day of llay. 1958. and 2Sfh'day of May, 1958, as required by said order of this Board of I I 28 April 21. 1958. and as required by and in accordance lIith the prondons of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code ot Virginia; and. WRRRIi:&l'I. said public hearing was this day had on said proposed aJIIendaent to said County ZoRing Ordinance by t.his Board. alter said notice thereot was duly published. as atoresaid; and. WVRREJS. this Board has givan caretul consideration to said petition and to said reco_endation of said Planning Collllisdon and has heard. endence to.ching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said COllDty Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as reco_ended by said Planning Ccmaission. HOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY TBE BOARD OF SUPE1iVISOas I I' - -. -.... . OF IOAJIOU COUI'l'Y. VIRGIlIA. at this regular meeting of said Board held on ~is the' 16th d8.y of JUne. 1958. that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roano e COllDty. Virginia. be. and the same is. hereby amended so as to change the clall8ification of the property described in said petition from. its present classification of wresidence property. to wlocal business property.w in order that said property and the buildings thereon. or that might be herealter erected thereon, aay be used tor local business purposes as defined in said Co1lJ1ty Zoning Ordinance. '!'he property hereby reclassified and rezoned froa wr'tsidence propertyW to wlocal bulliuss property. is situate on the East side ot Masons Creek. in the Sal_ Magisterial District. Roanoke County. Virginia. said tract or parcel of land being a portion at the unplatted area as shown on the Map of. EdgellOod DeT810~8I1t Corporation reco:,:,ded in the Clerk's Otfice of the Circuit Court tor the "OUJlty or iouoke. Virginia. and being the SUll property conveyed to the said Clyde M. Wigginton by deed dated March 27. 1958. and recorded March 31. 1958. in Deed Book 592. page 72 at the records ot the atoresaid Clerk's Otfice. said tract or parcel ot land being described as follows. I to-lIit: That certain tract of ground shown on the Map ot EdgellOod Development Corporation recorded in the Clerk's OtticI at the Circuit Court for the County ot iouGke. Virginia. bounded by loss Street on the East. Spring Avenue extended to Masons Creek on the South. )(asons Creek on the West, and Lennox Avenue extended to Masons Creek on the Harth; and Being a part ot the saae property conveyed to Edgewood DeveloJ:aent Corp. by deed fro. P. W. Stoutaaire. dated September 11. 1925. and recorded in Deed Book 146, page 58 in the aforesaid Clerk's Ottice. I A1ID If IS FlJR'l'BER RESOLVED AID ORDERED that the Clerk ot this Board torthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County Planning Co..tssion. and a copy to Derwood H. lusher. M. Wigginton, The toregoing lesolution and Order was adopted on IIOtion ot Supervisor I Roland H. Clark and seconded by Supervisor Edllin G. Terrell. and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows. to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark. Edwin G. Terrell. W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Ketter Hays: Hone Iii RE: REZONIIIG OF PROPERTY SITUATE 011 ) THE EAST SIDE OF VIRGINIA HIGHWAY I 110. 117, IIi. TIlE SALEM:. MAGISTERIAL ) DIS'lllICT OF ROANOKE COONTY, VIRGINIA ) l ) I ) RESOLUTIOli AID OllDlll OF a LEOIIAllD '1'. GILBEBr!liD WARREN W. GILBIll'1' '!'his day Benj. E. Chapaan, Attorney for Leonard'!'. Gilbert, and Warren W. I - Gilbert, appeared before this Board, and requested leave to file a petition on bebell ot said Leonard'!'. Gilbert and Warren W. Gilbert rela'tive to rescning certain property described in said Petition. !lOW, '1'IIEREPORE, BE I'!' lIESOLVED !lID OBDEIlBD that at this regular .eeting ot the Board of Supervisors of ~an~k8 Coun~y, Virginia, held on this 16th daY' ot JUDe, 1958, said petition be, and the saae is, hereby filed. AID BE I'!' FUll'l'HER RESOLVED AID OBDEIlBD that the proposal to lIIIena said . '. - . . County ZoDing Ordilla.Dce as requested in said petition and said petition be, and thay are hereby reterred to the Planning Co.mssion ot RoallOke COUllIty, Virginia, . . for a rec_ndation in accordance with the provisions ot said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code ot Virginia. AlID BE I'1' IUa'l'BER RESOLVED AID OllDEilID that when the Baid Planning I . . Comd.ssion shall report it s reco_endation to the Clerk ot this Board as requi by the said ColUlty Zoaing Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt ot the s_. the said Clerk ot this Board shall torthwith set the SUle don tor pwDlic hearing at the next peraissable regular or special .eeting of this Board. aDd that Ilotice thereot be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AlID BE I'l FlJll'1'HEll RESOLVED AID OllD1l:Rtm '1'HA'1' OlE certified copy of this I . .. Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said pe'ti'tioa be forthwith certified by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary ot the Planning Collllission of Roanoke County, virginia. '!'he above Resolution and Order was adopted on Ilotion of Supervisor Roland Clark, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Kefter, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Ketfer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell lays: lone I III RE: REZONING OF PROPlllfi SITUATE ON '1'HE EAST SIDE OF U. S.. HIGHWAY. lID. 311, lli 'l'HE SALEM MAGIS'l'EllIAL DIS'l'RICT OF ROAliOK! COUll'l'Y, VIRGlliIA .. OF lni:IlB1l:R'l' R. ALCOIUI AID ALFRED H. UrmERWOOD RESOLU'1'IOli AID ORDER ) ) ) I ) I ) I ) '!'his day Benj. E. Chap.an, Attorney for Herbert R. Alcorn and Alfred H. Underwood, appeared before this Board, and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Herbert R. Alcorn and Alfred H. Underwood relative to rezoning certain property described in said Petition. t+h r:L: ,..w ~~..u1> G:.L BrYb~ R-. c. ' ?f t:W- . Co ' '- II? J.J.Y ;;t;7J;;; Icw.;t: B.rn~ ~.(~C., Wcw... Crw.. . (, ) I ~/.s"l 30 er,t...th ~ of' 2..1t" ~. - r rL.R. . ~. ~A~t ~~ b4 ~r,... ~ 'Yh" . (".I',/S~ !WW, 'l'HEiEFOIlE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED AID ORDERED that at this regular .eeting of the Board. of Superviso~s of' aOaD~ke County, Virginia, held on the 16th day of June, 1958, said petition be, and the same is mreby f'iled. AID BE I'l' FIJR'l'HU IlESOLVED AID ORDERED that the proposal to uend said . . . . County ZoDiag ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition be, aud they are hereby referred to the Planning Collllissioa of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a reco.aendation in accordance with the proVisions of' said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AID BE I'l' lUR'l'HER IlESOLYBD AID ORDEllED that waen the said Planning I I . ..... Coaaission shall report its reco.aenclation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of VirgiDia, that upon receipt of' the Balle, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwi th set the sue down for a public hearing at the next pend sable regular or special _eting of this Board, and. that IIOtice thereof be gi Ten by said Clerk by pllDlication in accorclance with the proVisiollS of the Code of Virginia. AID BE 1'1' F1JR'l'HER RBSOLVED AID ORDBIlED 'l'1U'l' on certified copy of this . '.0 ...... Kesollltion and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith certified by the Clerk of this Board and deli.,ered to Paul B. Matthews, Secretar of the Planning COIIII1ssion of Roanoke County, Virginia. 'l'"lle abo.,. Resolution and Order was adopted on .otion of SuperY1sor RolaJ1d H. Clark and. ":'onded by SuperYis or Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded .,ote the SllperYisors .>ted as follows, to-wit: I V. E. lyes: Supel'Yisors Roland H. CUndiff . .ys: Ifone Clark, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and BE rr RESOLVED by the Board of SuperVisors of' Roanoke County, that the ) '. Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend. the contract of Septeaber 28, 1954, betwsen the City of' Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatllent of' dOlllestic and. cOllllllercial wastes, by eaergeney resolution, to the following extent only, vis: BEGIRliIIIG at a planted stone on the west sid.e of State Seconcla1'1 Route 601, a corner to '!'ract /12; theBce S. 83"' 34' 40., 1164.9 f'eet to a stone, a corner to said tract. /12 . and also a corner to Jolm Petty; thence with the line of said Petty property, II. 86" 30' V., 1008 feet to his corner in Mc!lulty's line; thence with the line of said Mc!lulty property, ,So 17" 05' E., 1010 feet to a large white oak; thence continuing the Mcllu1ty line, S. 300 00' V" 170 feet, crossing CarVin Creek to a stone on the south bank of said creek; thence with thlil south sid,\} of said creek S. 72" 00' E. 220 feet; S. 550 50' E., 320 feet; H. 850 40' E., 33A f'eet, to a cedar st~p and corner to Tract .114; thence crossing Carvin Creek and with the line of said '!'ract #4, If. 10 18' 30. w., 361.8 feet to a stone, a corner of' said Tract #4; thence with another line of' said '!'ract #4, S. 89" 00' E., 1040 feet to a stone in Bowman's line on the east side of said Route 601; thence with a line and crossing said road to the west side, If. I" 25' E., 1082 feet to the place of' BEGIRliIIIG and. containing 50.75 acres, being the property of the Colonial-AIIerican National Bank of Roanoke, '!'rustee under the will of Harry H. Rudd. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were tl:.3rein set out in extention; I I a (1) !hat acceptable wastes originating with the atoresaid areas shall be delh-ered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer &ysto at such point as is approTed by the Ci1;y's Director ot Public Vorks or the City EDgineer aDd the requisite .easuriDg aeter installed at said point ot deliTerr, b.r~ae Cou1;y : (B) !hat in all o1;her respects said contract shall r_in i. tull torce and ettect. BE I'!' PDR'1'HER JlBSOLVED, that, a.eeliately upon passage, Dy the Council ot the city "ot' Roanoke," ot "the ..ergency resolution here1uboTe requested, the Co.nty ot Ioaaoke shall be, and r_in, bound by the proTisions thereot as t11lly, ucl to the s_ extent, as said COWlty is now bound by other teras and prortsioll8 ot the aforoentioned contract ot Septe.ber 28, 1954. !a ..ercency is hereby declared to exist and the.e resol1l.tioll8 shall lie in f'ul.l toree and ettect troa am after passage thereot. Idopted by the tollowing recorded YOte: lyes: SuperTiaors V. B. "Gditt, Minor R. Ketter, Roland II. Clark and Bdwia G. '1'errell lays: lone I a 'l'Ilis day the Couty BDgineer here1;otore appointed by this Board. to view the tollowiDg road and the 10caUon thereot,1;o-w.l.t: Eztention ot Route 739, CaTe SpriDg District Right-ot-way and drainage easoaents guaranteed Whereupon, on .otion duly seconded and carried, said EDgi.eer~s reports are approT8d. !ad it is farther ordered that said road, as described brietly aboTe, be, aad it is, hereDy established as public road, 1;0 becoae a part or tlae S1;&te SecoDdarr Systea ot Highways ot Roanoke COUllty, the Board ot SuparTisors par&J1tee1Dg the right for drainage; !ad it is rotheI' ordered that a certitied copy of this r8solutioll be tarnished 1;0 the Dia1;rict EDgineer ot the State Highway Departaeat, haTiDg the superrtsion and aaintelWlce ot State s,condarr Roads in Roanoke County. ldopted by the tollowing recorded vote: lyes: Superrtsors Bdwin G. '1'errell, V. E. CUllelitt, Minor R. Ketter and Rolam II. Clark lays: lone a a WIlDEI!!, by the report ot 10he Treasurer ot IolUlOke COUllty, there is BOW a deficit i. the General COUll1oy Fund tor General County Operations, and it is, 1;heretore, necessary 1;0 borrow .oney tor the purpose ot .ee1;iDg (casual or actual) deticits in said had, and 1;0 thereby create a debt in anticipation ot the r8T8JlDa ot said County; and WRRREI$ the Board ot Supervisors ot ~oaDCke County is authori.ed by Sec1;1ol1 15-250 ot the Code ot Virginia, 1950, to borrow not earl1ar than JUlIe 1st ot any year a sa ot .oney not to exceed one-tourth ot the aao1Ult ot .oney produced by the CoUllty levy laid in said Coun1oy for the year 1958, 31 ~C~ .,...,. . tJ.;;. tt..t.r- C-~(p~ :3 J.".~r. s.-tk. )~ PJif,;I.r( 32 ~: a~ a ra~e o~ ia~erest not exceeding six per cen~ per aDJ1ll, to be repaid. no~ later ~baB Decellber 15, 1958; and lfRBll'S U is ne.cessary a~ t;his t i.e ~or t;he Boa:l'd of Supervisors o~ Iloaaoke ColUl~y to borrow as needed. not; exceedillg a ~'I)~al lIIIOunt of $40.000.00 tor ~he purposes hereinbetore set out; BOW. 'fIlEREFOU. BB IT RESOLVED t;hat ~his Board do Bego~ia~e a loan. llJl.d borrow as needed., no~ exceedillg a to~l ..oun~ o~ t40.000.00 ~roll such Bank or IDSU~u~ion of' .~his S~te as is willillg to ..ke the loan. a~ a ra~e o~ iGeres~ not exceeding six per cent per aBIlUII. f'or a period ao~ 8Xcc5\ding ninet days ~ro. the date o~ said loan; which said ..tuity date at said loaD shall occur no~ later ~han Dec.ber 15. 1958. said loan to be eTidenced. by the nego~iable noU of' ~h1s Board of Supervisors. and 1:b.e lIUIe shall be execuUd I I as tallows: 'l'he Board of Supervisors of' Iloanoke Count;y. by W. B. Cundi1"f'. ChainI8D. wose signature shall be duly a~tested by Iloy It. Brown. Clerk, and.hall becOll due and payable ~o. and at such Bank or Banking Institll~ioJl. as ~he Bank l18ki t;he loan JIllY direct. I1; is ce~ified ty at all t.porary loans tor all prenous years haTe Hen paid. ldopted by the following recorded Tote: lyes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff', Minor Il. Itef'f'er, Iloland H. Clark a:ld Ed1da G. Terrell Iaye: Ioae I S1;a~_eJll; dated June 16, 1958. addressed. t;o Y. E. Cuadif'~. ChaiZ'II8Bj Board of Supervisors or Iloanoke County. trOll H" If. Clark. Sheritt. or the expeues o~ .127.17 of said Sherif'~ ~or ret;uraing prisoners, CharlotU Joan McDollald and Kilton DeIlDY. trOll SwaiJlsboro. Ga.. to t;he 1l0aJlOke Ceunt;y DetentiOJl Cell at Sale., Tirg1aia, and turt;her advisi:ag the Board ot 1:b.e refu . ot 1122.83. 1I0llies not ued out of adTanc.ent of 1250.00, f'or trip, to the 'freasurer of Iloanoke "OlDlty, was this day laid betore the Board. Upon the aotion of' Supervisor Kinor R. Ite~ter. seconded by Supervisor Bd1dn G. Terrell, the ~ollowing resoluUon was adopted: BE IT IlBSOLVID tba~ the BoaJ"d o~ Supernsors ot 1l0aJlOke County desires, lIBeler t;he provisions ot Chapter 757 ot the lcts o~ 1:b.e General lss_bly of' Virgiaia, 195', Page 869 (Sect;ion 29-184.2). t;hat;t;he enf'orc_ent o~ the doC lad in said Coutybe Tested in a Dog Warden and Dep\l.ty Dog Warden. and uid Board o~ Supernsors does hereby request the Judge tL the Circuit Court o~ Iloanoke Count;y to appoint; a Dog Warden. and one or .ore Dog Wardens to assist tha Dog Warden in the dog inspection activities and in dog law enforcement. and It is further ordered that after the appointment ot said Dog Warden and lssistant. by the Judge ot the Circuit Court. that pursuant to said Section. the 'freasarerot Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax , I , ~unds to the S~te 'l'reasury. and that the said County. after said appOintments. I' I a shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified copy of this resol.ll.tion. to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke dountt" Virginia. Adopted by the followingrecorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff aDd. Roland H. Clark' )lays: )lone --.- a Co..unication dated April 23, 1958, addressed to County Court Clerks from I. T. Quinn, Executive Director, Co.-ission of Game and Inland Fisheries, subje aecent Legislation relating to Dog Law enf'orc8DIent, ordered filed. ~ On aotion of Superrtsor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Super'fisor Edwin G. Terrell, the follOwing l.esolution was adopted: WllKRIU!l, at the present tae there is being prepared for !;be State of Yirginia a Jl8W State Plubing Code, in which the regulations can not be above the .&aer1can Standard lfational PIUllbing Code, but aay be less, if the State of Yirg11i1a Board of Health deaas it advisable, and so draft the ordiJlallce or law accordingly, under authority of Chapter 639, Acts of the General Assaably, J.9511, effective June 27, 19511; and 1iEIBAS, the fo'~owing provisions of the .&aericall Standard lfatiolllll Pl_ing Cocle are deaaed objectionable, SAd particularly for rural arellS, as follon, to-wit: Section 2.21.1 required snitable toilet facilities, in accordance with Table 7.21.2, be provided for tlle ase of workaen during con- struction. Table 7.21.2 reqnires in a S8wlling or apart;llent house ODe water closet, one lavatory, and ODe lIath tub or shower; this would render it Deceseary for a person in a !'1I1'al area, if he desired to build a. house without plUllbing, to have a teaporary water closet for workaen only during construction. Tbis saae Table wollld not allow, even in, an isolated section, the iaatallatioll of a kitchen sink unless a coaplete bathrooa also be installed. Reco..endation: That Table 7.21.2 aske an exception,single-faaily dwellings need not coaply with this '1'able. ~ Chapter 3 of the Aaerican Standard National Pluabing Code would require a person to read, understand, and coaply with the specifications for aaterials as listed in the following bulletins which were in effect as of the effective date of this law before he could purchase and install pl_bing pipes in the State of Virginia: Aaerican Standard Association, lew administrative authority shall allow York ,17, lew York; Aaerican Society the extension, addition, or relocation for Testing Materials, Philadelphia of existing soil, waste, or vent pipes 3. Penn.; Federal Specifications wi th materials of like grade or Board, Washington 25, D. C.; Standards quality, as permitted in paragraph published ~ the !aerican Water Works 2.5.1. Association, New York 18, New York; 3.1.2 Vitrified clay sewer pipe and Commercial Standards issued by the fittings shall be of No. 1 grade. U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington 3.1.3 Concrete sewer pipe and fittings 25, D~ C.; Manufacturers Standardization shall aeet the requirements of ASTM Society, New York 17, New York C14 Standards in effect as of July 1, 1958. Recommendation: That Chapter 3 be rewritten as follows: 3.1 Materials. 3.1.1 Min1aua standards. The materials listed in this Chapter shell coaf'Onl at least to the standards cited when used in the construction, installation, alteration, or repair of any part of a p11lllbing and drainage systell, except the m . . ~~ ~kAll-... ~, '/''1:'1 I I 3.1.4 Bi~uminized fiber sewer pipe shall be s'.;allped sear pipe. 3.1.5 Ce.~~-i~on soil pi~ and fi~~ings wi~hiD a building aore than 1 story sha::'::' be of extra heavy weigh~. One s1;Ory buildings say be service weight. Cast-iron soil pipe and fittings when used for buildings sewers say be service aigh~. 3.1.6 Steel and wrought iron pipe shall be galvanized. 3.1.7 Brass and copper pipe. Brass pipe shall be of iron pipe size. Copper pipe shall be of at least 'l'ype L weight for water piping and 1'ype J(. for dra1Dage and/or vent piping. 3.1.S Lead pipe shalllsave a wall thickness of at least one-eighth iach. 3.1.9 Sheet Lead: Vben llSed for sare paas under shoars shall weigh 110t less than six pounds per square foot, except that fou pounds per square foot lead aay be used if ins~alled O't"8r a 1;hi.rty pound fel~ base. 3 .1.10 Drainsge f1 ~tings shall b e of cas~ iron, brass, or copper, with a SIlOOth interior wa~erway. Brass or copper fittings shall be latest publisheci iSA as of July I, 1957. 3.1.11 All. water piping and fittings shall be of galnnized wrought iroD, galnnized stsel, brass, copper, cas~ iroD, or lead. 3.1.12 Calking ferrules shall be of the Slllle weight aDd grade as cast iron pipe used. 3.1.13 Closet floor flaages shall be ot 8BII8 weight aad grade as the 150il pipe used and shall be of cast brass or cast iroll. 3.1.14 Cleanout ti~ti~: lach cleanout ot cast-iron s011 pipe shall consist 01 cast-iroD or brass terrule aDd a brass plug. 3.1.15 Valves when used oa clrainace work shall be full-way type with wrking parts of noacorrosive..tal. Sbes of two 8IId one-half' inehes or aore in disae~er shall have cast-iron or brass bodies. 3.1.16 Quality Required: All pipes, ri ttings, and saterials shall be free of defects or daaage howeY8r occasioned, which wuld, or 1oIOuld tend to, reader such pipe, fittings, or aaterials defective, insan1tary,'or otherwise improper to acco.plish the purpose of this Code. 3.1.17 Identitication of Katerials: Each length ot pipe, 8IId each pipe fitting, trap, fi:rt1l1'e, and deTice used in a plabing system shall have cast, .stamped, or inllelibly Jlal'ked on it the saker's sark or DaIle, the weight, type, and classes of the product, llhich such aarking is required by the approved standard that applies. Sec~10n 7.1.1 of the !aerican Standard Recomaendation: That Section 7.1.1 5at101181 Pl_bing Code would necessitate be rewritten as follows: Quality of a persoa's reading, 1I.D.derstanding, and Fixtures: Plusbing fixtures shall co.plying with the followi1!g standards have SIIooth, illpervious surfaces, and betore he could purchase batheooa be free froa fouling surfaces. tixtues, kitchen sinks, or other pluabing fixtures: HBS eo..ercial Standard OS 20-49; HBS Co..ercial Standard CS 77-4$; IBS C~ercial Standard CS 111- 43: F.S. WW-P-54la-194.7; F. S. WW-P-542; IBS C~rcial Standard CS l44-47; IBS Siaplified Practice iec~endationa F 106-41; PlllBbing FUtures and Fittings '1'r1a R 227-47: LaT8.tory and Sink Traps R 21-46. . I I I I I Section 5.1.2 states ~hat ~he vertical Rec~endation: That this Section be distance frea the .f'ixture outlet to the amended to alloy. a _ayi_\III distance of trap weir shall not exceed 24 inches 36 inches to pel'llit t~ installa~ion o.f' an autOll8.tic laundry on ~he ground floor. Sec~ion 5...6 would necessitate a 2nd cleanout near tne junc~ion ot tne building drain and the building sewer. aecouenelation: This would be excessive i! the base ot the stack was within 15 feet ot the outside wall of the bIlilding. Ask aJleDc!JlllDt to peZ'lli t oDJ.y one clep- out a~ the foot of the stack in this case. Section 10.3.1 states ~hat every building Reco.aendation: That the word -..ple- in which pluabiag fixtures are installed be deleted from t.Ais Section as.a faili pd is tor h1lll&D occupany shall be -- spring or source ot private water supply proTided with an ..ple supply ot pure in rural areas u7, in cIr7 seasons, wholesOllll wa~er. engender controversial cour~ suits between ~he pl_ber, the builder, and the ill8pecting authority. inch kitchen Reco.aendation: Inasauch as Roanoke County has been using li-inch galvanized pipe tor kitchen waste lill8s with good success since 1941, a 2-incl1 pipe would se", excessive and add unnecessarily to the, ~o~al cost. Rec_nelation: That in the iutallation ot a tloor drain contailling no h\llUlIl wastes discharging into a suapt pit be excepted trom the aandatory provisions of this Section it ~he waste pipe does not exceed 5 teet ia total length tro. trap to pit. I Section 11.6.2 requires a 2 waste. I ;, Section 11.7.4 requires the venting of drainage pipe below ~he sewer leval as required in ~he Aigher graTity s7stems by this Code Sections 12.5.1 and 12.5.2 require an Recouendation: Tha~ these two Sec~ions increase in the size of ~he vent terminal be deleted. 1 too~ below ~he root in certain cases. Section 14.6.1 would, in eftect, preclude Recouendation:' Tha~ this Sec~ion be the ill8talla~ion of light-weight or U1ended and modified to except a OD8- standard pipe even in one-story buildings story building. as perRitted in paragraph one of Section 11.1.11. . I Sectioas 14.8.1 and. 14.9.3 would require Recollllenda~ion: Elillinate II8Jldatory two tests on p11lllbing. The City ot proTillion tor 2nd test. Ri-ehllond alld the City of Roai1Dke have no second ~est. , Section 14.10.2 would require a test of Recouendation: That this section a building sewer with not less than a referrillg to the 10-toot head ot water lO-foot head of water or a flow test in test be deleted as it would require an certain cases. arbitrary decision by the inspection authority constituting a severe hard- ship on coapeting bidders and. pluabers. and WlliRi&S, THE Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County de.s that these regulations are entirely too stringent and not feasible for aoanoke County; It is therefore ordered that J. Robert Taliaferro, Pluabing Inspector of Roanoke C01lDty, and Paul B. Matthe~s, County Executive Officer, take this utter up'with the Virgiuia State Departaent of Health, and att..pt to have said regulations changed to suit the conditions in Roanoke County, and further that they be ..powered and instructed to consult with the Virgiuia League of Counties in an effort to have said plUllbing code .odified, and corrected so that sa.e is foasible for use in Roanoke County. It is further ordered that a copy of this resolution be sent to Dr. Mack I. ShaDhols, State Health Commissioner, Richmond, Virginia; to Y. B. Speck, Secretary a ~ of League of Virginia Counties, 302 Office Building, Charlottesville, Va.. and to Delegate lIelson R. 1'hurllllln, Vinton, Va. and to Senator Ted Dalton, Radford, Va. . Adopted b1 ~he foilowing recorded Tote: Ayes: Supervisors Y. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Roland H. Clark 1la1s: )fone ORDERED that the Board be ad:vurned until the ~hird Chail'llllJ1 35 .\ . 36 Court House Sal_, Virginia July 21, 1958 fie Boud or Supervisors or Roanoke County met this day at the Court House'thereor in regular 1I0nthly session. Present: W. E. Cunditr, Chairman, Jl:l.nor R. Kerter, iclwin G. Terrell.and Roland H.. Clark. Betore the meeting was called to order by the Chai1'llan, Xr. Benj8Jllin E. Cha~, Attorney-at-Law, otrered a prayer. fie IIlinutes or the last regulu meeting were approved as spread, each member ot the Board having read the copy or said lllinutes turnished hill by the Clerk. fie tollowing claims against the County were this clay presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out or the runds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 110. 29050 American Airlines, Inc., Advance Traveling expenses NACO meeting .. 29051 29052 29053 29054 Acme Printers, Ottice supplies I I . 566.70 360.75 . '. 1,.. Ayers, Dep. Registrar, Sitting tor voting registration 10.00 Acme Typewriter Co., orrice supplies 6.;0 Arrow Hardware Paint &: Feed Co., Janitor supplies and Jlisc. It8118 American Bakeries Co., rood tor prisoners A " B Shell Service Station, Gas, Oil &c tor Police cars ADdrew Lewis Service Station, Servicing County Vehicles - ADdrew Lewis Service Station, Servicing County Vehicles American Bar A18ooiation, lIubership dues to June 3D, 1959 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts tor Police Cu #2 Auto Spring " Bearing Co., Batteries tor Deputy Sherirts Burroughs Corp., iepairs to Equipment Treasurer Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and hardware Caldwell-Sites Co., ortice supplies and new furniture Dr. S. D. Carey, coroner investigations Cave Spring Water Co., Water used at C. S. Fire House 11.72 ;0.08 54.05 1ll2.06 18.05 19.00 25.90 12.23 7.92 8.82 I 42.10 30.00 7.50 City or Roanoke, RoolI and Board ror Children Detained at City Detention H.-e 168.00 . 29068 City ot ioanoke, June 1958, Sewage Treatllent cost tor General Electric Line 162.13 . 29069 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Inc., June Rent Cave Spring Fire . House 60.00 . 29070 Coaonwealth ot VirgiJtla, 2 luge county Maps at 75~ each 1.;0 .. 29071 Coronet CUben " Ribbon Co., 1 dos heart erasers. ortice supplies .91 .. 29072 C " P Telephone Co., service ror County Offices &c 531.63 . 29073 County School Boud ot Roanoke Co., Gasoline purchased tor distribution in Hollins Station Tank 363.54- . 29074- County School Boud ot R. C. Maintenance ot County Vehicles 809.32 . 29075 Culligan Sott Water Service, Rent on Water So1'tner ror Hollins Fire House 3.50 .. 29076 Dew:l.tt Supply Co., JaJtl tor supplies 69.35 .. 29077 Wallace o. Deyerle, J. P. Warrant issued 45.00 . 29078 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 16.88 .. 29079 Easter Supply Co.. orrice supplies 38.04 . . . . 29055 29056 29057 29058 29059 29060 29061 29062 29063 29064 29065 29066 29067 . .. . . . . . . . . . . I I I I I I ~ . . . . . - . . Io. ~9080 It ~9081 ~908~ ~9083 ~9084 ~9085 29086 It . . - It . 290t'7 29088 . . 290t9 29090 29091 29092 29093 29094 29095 29096 29097 29098 29099 . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Fairrtew Hoae, County's share of expense in Ilaintaining lI.oae tor aged . 82.63 Chalaers Ferguson, coma1ssion on Delinquent taxes collected 672.82 Fouts Sausage Co., tood tor prisoners 44.10 G. C. Foley, .June rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station 60.00 - J'yr-1yter Sales I; Serdce, Ch8lllicala Can Spring Fire Dept. 33.30 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Premiua on Surety Bond 1,909.01 Gearhart Shoe Repair, Repa1ring seat cover on Typewriter chair Green Market, Food tor Prisoners - .J. V. Griggs I; W. H. Witt, .June Rent on Cave Spring Fire House Len Hale, Extra .Janitor Services Mrs. Marjorie M. Hawkins, Re1Jaburse L1UlllCY tee Baloid CoIlp&ny, oUice supplies Lloyd .1. Barris, reillburse L1UlllCY tee Sy1na Hill, Extra Clerical a.sistallce Public Works Dept. Heirom.ua ot Roanoke, Material tor repairing ottice chair .Jarrett BJ.ectric Co., Bef'und B1ectrical Pe1'llit .Jetrerson Hospital, State Local Hospital bills tor Welfare .Janie B. lleleal, Treasurer, Re1Jaburse Jury tickets Magic C11;y JIotor Co., Par1;s for police car 119 Malcola Blueprint I; Supply Co., 1 IISp of h. Lewis Addition 29100 Void . 29101 Paul B. Mat~ews, Reiaburse luncheon meeting of City Manager's Association 29102 Michie Coap&ny, Law books tor Judge Hobaek - lit. V,rllOll Phillips .66- Gas aDd Oil Can SpriDg tire truck lit. V,rnon Phillips -66. Gas, oil, ec. C. S. Fire 'fruck . - - lIount Pleasant Grocery, GasoliJl8 PlU'chased for M. P. Fire Truck 29110 Owen P11lllb1llg Co., Pluabing Repa1rs, ill8talling .Air . Conditioning in Judge Hobal!k's officO! 29111 G. H. Parent Co., Otfice supplies 29112 .J. H. Pence Co., 18 Beech chairs with rubber cushions glides 29113 Edgar H. PorUrfield, repairs to Refrigerator in Jail 29114- Radio CODlunications Co., Radio aaintenance 29115 Rasuke Laundry &: Dry Cleaners, Laundry 29116 Reaington Hand, oftice supplies 29117 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking fuel for County Jail and &c 29118 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, ReiaburslCl BOOkkeeper's - Petty Cash . 29119 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service . . 29103 29104 29105 29106 29107 29108 29109 . . . . . . . It . . Miller 'fire Service, tires tor C9unty Vehicles Motor Parts Supply Co., Par1;s for Police Car III JIonarch Finer Foods, Food tor Prisoners Carnell JIoore, Maintenance Garbage DuIIlp - 29120 Dr. A. .J. Russo, Lunacy hearings 29121 Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney, lunacy hearing .;0 102.10 60.00 47.90 25.00 39.50 35.00 28.84 4.8S 6.50 148.00 110.0; 1;.21 3.00 10.00 17.00 26.59 1.58 109.54- ;25.00 28.79 36.20 13.79 483.04 6.37 138.60 12. 50 4;.00 62.86 6.75 17.23 34.80 3.00 1;.00 10.00 38 I . Roa~ke "rchan~s Assoc. ...bership dues for Chalaers Ferguson Roeoke JfUlOrial Bospi~al, Sta~e Local Hospital bills . . IoaUOD Valley JIotors, Parts for PoliceCAll III Roanoke Valley aegioul Plamliug I; Bco~c Dev. eo..1ssion, County's contribution . 2912a Sale. Creaaery Co., tood tor prisoners 29129 Sal_ Glaas Co., Parts for Garbage 'l'rllck 122 29130. Sal.. L1IIIOer Co., Repairs aaterial for desk 29131 Sal_ Motors Inc., aepair ud Parts. for Police Car III 29132 Saead &: Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies for C01lJlty Jail 29133 Shepherd'. Auto Supply Co., ch..icals ud repairs 29134 Edward 1. Staples, lle18b1l1'se 'frue1iug expaue - 29135 Dr. ll. B. SIdley, Jal.l Phyaiciu salary, coroaer inT8st1- gatioo a:c 120.00 Southern Machinery &: SUpply Co., street sips W. P. Swarts, Jr. &: Co., Parts for Garbap trucks State Board of Education, carryiug charge ot ~ on acquilSition costs a:c g3.g. State attice Supply Co., repairs to otticeequij3len't 7.05 S_rdeu Baso Stat.1oa, Parta aad wash job 2.05 suru Coapany, jaJl1tor supplies 23.0g 'l'echn1cal lleproduction II Supply Co., tracilll paper u4 scale 9.69 Town of Salem, lights and water, &C.'" 4111.52 'l'1aes-aegister Co., ottice supplies 772.70 V~ted Sta~es Pencil Co., office supplies 12.09 Underwood Corp., repairiug typewri t.er 15.76 Charles E. Via, Jr., Drayage &c 9.00 W. H. VeWinickel, Refund Garbage Fee 4.50 Valleydale Packers, tood for Prisoners 35. S4- Tlnton Motor Co., Repairs, Parts a:c 20.34 Virginia Foods, Inc., Janitor supplies &c 205.36 C. W. Warthen Company, Record books 299.50 Wllson's BS80 II Grocery Co., Repairs, gas, oil a:c 70.75 Yates II Wells Garage, Maintenance County Vehicles 2l0.9g Yates II Wells Garage, Mainunece ot County Vehicles 57g.25 Sal.. Paint Co., Pain~ - Desk 3.12 Judge 10rEln Moore, aeillburse traveliug expense 237.4g Ac.e Typewri~er Co., oftice supplies 1.8lt Burroughs Corp., Mechanical services on addiug IU.chines 59.30 Roy K. Bro1lJ1, Clerk, certifying poll tax list 9g.oo Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 37.57 Easter Supply Co., ottice 5upplies 11.00 W. B. Gochenour, a~torney' s fee, Guardian ad Litem fee 20.00 Martin lIros. Const. Work on County Library 62g.71 C. A. Richards, Paintiug Sheriff's Dept. on Police cars 30.00 10. 29122 29123 29124 . . . 29125 29126 29127 . . . . . . . . . . . . 29136 29137 2913' . . . 29139 29140 29141 29142 2914) 29144 29145 29146 29147 2914g 29149 29150 29151 29152 29153 29154- 29155 29156 29157 29174- 29175 29176 29177 29l7g 29179 29180 29181 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Riles Anlature Co., parts and repairs to Police Cars Roanoke Auto Spriug Works, Inc., parts tor Police Car 15 . 65..so 36.lt6 5.00 105.60 2.]4 I 1,163.00 14.56 17.60 .50 22.9lt .lt9 I 15.00 42.00 15.99 , 20.00 I I I' 39 ~- - 10. 29162 G. H. rarent Co., office supplies ' .. 29163 R.a1ngton Rand, repairs to Electric Typewriter .. 29164 B. L. RoDk & Son, Shelnng. cabinets, furniture &c . 14.71 14.60 3,500.00 a II II: DOG TAXES, SBIL" CUIMS &c The tollowiDl claills ..gainst the County were this day presented, apprond. alld ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respecti'ftly clBrgeable I therewith, to-wit: 110. 29156 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Wonder wash . 2.62 .. 29159 BrolfD Hardware Co., light bulbs for Flash lights .81 . .. 29160 Bush Electric Co., Ilectrical llOrk at Dog IellDel 35.50 .. 29161 Bradtord's Steak House. lunch for DqI: Warden's 34.75 .' .. 29162 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance Dog 'l'r1lck 36.52 .. 29163 c & P Telephone Co., telephone serrtce for Dog Warden's BOIae 15.00 .. 29164 . Bsso Standard, Oil Co.. Gasoline purchased for Dug truck 13.96 - 29165 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc.. Preaiwa on suretybond tor Dog warden 5.00 .. 29166 killer 'Tire Sernce, tires for Dog truck 36.22 - 29167 Ralph I. Long. Re1lllburse tranling expense 17.90 - - 29166 Owen PllmbiDl Co., P11lllbing llOrk at Dog kennel 265.97 I - 29169 Radio Co_UDicatioDS, radio ainteDance 15.00 - 29170 Leollard Sllith Sheet Ketal works, ventilation on Dog kennel 56.00 .. 29171 Sale. Fana Supply Cor.p.. dog food 23.10 . - 29172 Sal.. Hardware Co.pany. lIIiscellaneous i t..s 9.45 - 29173 Webber's Phal'lll4cy. medical supplies 4.70 II 29185 Ralph B. Long, Reiaburse traTeli~ expense to R1cblllond 5.75 MIS. JAHIE B. MeDAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to . . the Board the following report: -Sal... Virginia .July 21, 1956 I To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business July 19, 1958, there was to the credit of thG B General County Fund F. I. C. A. _ Library Fund Dog I'und. Sal.. Diet. Road Debt Fund County .~choOl Fund. School onstruction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account . 38.336.86 17.19 1,790.70 5,565.39 672.403 66,512.40 17,lt64.43 5,838.55 92. 6.3 ~ 136,290.60 RespectfUlly subadtted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.- Said report appro....d and Ql'dered filed. IX U: DELIliQUBlft' TUBS COLLECDD BY CLERK: ----.~.._~ '.~_ ~~A.'" "- The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt or Janie B. Mcleal, . . COUJl't;. Trliasurer, tor .2,142.62, on account or delinquent taxes collected by . . the Clerk ror the .onth or J1me, 1958, less cou1ssions. aDd. turned over to said Treasurer, said check aaounting to .2,035.49 net. I On _tion, daly secondeel, it is erelereel that the County Payroll tor the .onth ot July, 1958, be approved in the aaount or .6,616.63, troa which the SUIl of .102.83 total F. I. C. A. anel total W. H. Taxes .640.60 is to be ded1lCted, l~v1ng a net p4~11 or ..5,873.20. , Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supernaors W. E. CUlldirt, Minor R. Kerter, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. ~ Hays: Hone " I On .otion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll tor iehse Collection and Janitor Sernces ror period June 15 thru June 30, 1958. be approved in the aBlOunt or .1:,716.75, rro. which the SWI .,f .38.61 total F. I. C. and total W.. H. Taxes .104.00 is to be deducted, 1eanng a net payroll or .1,574.14; ADd. the payroll ror R..f1lse Collection and Janitor Sernces tor period July I, 1958, ending July 15, 1958, be approved in the amolUlt 01."1.674.03, tro. which the sua or .37.64 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Tax .~01.1lO is to be deducted, 1eaTing a net payroll ot .1,534.59. Adopted by the tollomng recorded 'IOte; Ayes: Supernsors W. E. Cundif'r, Minor R. Kerrer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell. lays: lfoll8 . I On IIOtion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the roll01l1ng 'tOucher-checks be approved. retroactiT8 to dBts or issuance: Check #29025 dated July I, 1958, payable to G. A. Scruggs, PostlBaster, ror post oftice box rent ror Co..tss1oner of ReT8DUe for one year, in the amount of .9.00 Check 129026, dated July I, 1958, payable to Len Hale, extra Janitor. in ' the aJIIount of .62.00 ror 62 hours It. .1.00 per hour. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundifr, Minor R. Kerrer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell lays; : lone I I The Annual Budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 1959, of the Department Public Welfare of Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. I The following reports werP. this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed: H. W. Clark, Sheriff, 1l1lllllllarY statement of' prisoner days served in the County Jail during the month of June, 1958; H. W. Clark, Sherift, otfice and. travel expenses for the month ot June, 1958; Edward S. Allen, County Agent, monthly report for June, 1958; James D. Oliver, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for month ot June, 1958. , I III IE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated June 27, 1958, tro. R. X. Youell, Director, Dirls10n of . . Correctiol18, addressed to the Board ot Superrlsors, County of Roanoke, and H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke County, together with a report ot inspectioa of the ltoaDoke County Jail, dated June 9, 1958, received and ordered tiled. " I '!he following cOllllUJ11cations were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Report ot Auditor ot Public Accounts of COBlOnwealth of Virginia on COIIparat.i 1'8 cost of Local Goverllllent year ended J\Ule 30, 1957 Letter dated June 13, 1958, frOlB G. W. Buller, Chief, Fish Dirlsion . Co.a1ssion of Gaae and. Inland. Fisheries, adclressed to Roy X. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke CO\Ult.y Board ot SuperT1sors, in re: resolution Boarcl ot Supervisors Roanoke Count.y, reqv.est to erect warniB! signs on Bot.t.om Creek and ot.her hazardous strellllS in Roanoke ounty; . . Letter elated J1U/8 20, 19581 trOll Ted Dalton, State Senator addftssed to Roy.X. Bro1lll, aClOlowledg1ng .receipt of copy ot resolution adopted.. by Board ot SuperT1sors ROanoke County relati ft to p1.aabing code. Copy of reso1.ution 110. 13387, dated June 30, 1958, Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, vacat.ing, discontinuing and c1.osing a,certain roaclway, sOllllt1llles known as Oakland Bou1.evard, approxilllate1.y 1.6 1./ feet, in widt.h, situated in the City at Roanoke, State at Virginia, be, and the saae is ordered tiled. Copy of 1.etter dated Ju1.y 1, 1.9;8~ addressed to T. L. Plunket.t, Jr. trOll J. Robert Thomas, Cit.y Clerk, Roanoke, Va., received and ordered filed. . Copy at resolution 10. 13393, Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, elat.ed the 16t.h day at June, 1958, aaending contract. at Sept.ember 28, 1954, bet.ween the City at Roanoke and. the County at Roanoke, dealing wi t.h the treatllent. of domest.ic and. cOllllercial wastes, be, and t.he SUle 1s ordered filed. Copy of let.t.er elated July 17, 1958, adch!essecl to Roy X. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke Count.y. Board ot Superrls tl'Dlll J. Roj)ert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va., received and ordered tiled. I The State Compensation Board, harlng filed its statement or receipts and. exp&lI8es for the year ended Dec8llber )1, 1957, at t.he Clerk at the Circuit Court of Roanoke COW1ty, reql1iredby Section 14-1;8, Code of Virginia, 1950, to be twnished Boards of Superrlsors of Counties, with t.his Board, the same is order&d t.o be published, as required by law, once a week for t1llO weeks in the T1IIes- Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said stateaent ordered tiled. I - "Q .1fC. .(L.lD_a.. 7 - :-::ur rs, t:a;:; r ,*..z.~ ct.L t ~ 7/"o/.s1 I I I a I ,.. . AneLit is 1'urther ordered t;hat said roads. as described brief'ly abo'\'8. be. and they are~ hereby established as public roads. to becoae a pa-~ of' the State Secondary Systea of' Highways of' Roanoke County. the Board of' SuperTisors guaranteeing the right f'or drainage; And it; is f'urther ordered that a certitied copy of this resolution be f'urn:....:hed to the District Engineer of' the State Highway Departaent. haTing the' superTision and aaintenance of' S~te Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the f'ollowing"1'ecorded vote: Ay.s: SuperTisors Edwin G. Terrell. Roland H. Clark. Minor R. Ief'fer and W. I. l::UIlditf lays: Ion<3 A USOLVTIOI supporting the 10ca1i 011 of the east-wast croasiJIg of the I J;;.~ ilRerstate Higtiway Systea. DOwn as Route 64. along a Route generally paralleling ct..R. r C. , ~.((J~. 7/ '>-,,/s.-r. u. s. 460 and U. S. 220. W1'fRR1U$ the Virginia Departoaelltof Highways is now ellgaged in a studT of the . . location of' the last-West Interstate Highway. kllown as Ronte 64. to deteraine . . th. adT1sability of changiBg this Route to sene the Clifton Forge. CoTillgton. Roanoke. Bedford. Lynchburg. and FaraTilJs areas. instead of the CharlottesTille. Waynesboro. and Staunton Areas; and WHBREAS the Roanoke Chaaber of' Co_erce and others are of' the opinion that this relocation better senes the Jlational Def'ense of' our country; aDd WBIUAS this relocation would serve f'ar lIIore people and industry of Virginia snd WHIRI.lS the originally proposed highway would. Dot sene the people of' southwest Virginia at all; and WHIllEAS it appears thet the cost of relocation !IOuld probably be less than the JlortherJl route because of' more lIIountainous terrain. requiring excessive cU'ts. fills and 1DlUl8l1ng; and WHEIlBAS this route lIIore Ilear 11 disects Vir ginia ud is approxiaately eqUidistant to the next last-West interstate routes. one ill lorth ~lina. and the other in Iortherll Virginia; and W1I-R'~ this Ronte 1II0re nearly neets the requireaents of' tile. Bureau of' Publ1 Roade and the lational Def'ense Highway Act of' 1954.. both as to grade and aligDllen and as 1;0 the jOining of' principal cities; aDd WHEREAS the interest of' Roanoke County and Roanoke Valley would be better sened by the construction of' the proposed highway along the nore southerly Ronte; BOW. 'l'HlmIF0RE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of' SuperTisors of Roanoke County -. .. that this body hereby endorses the action of' the Virginia Department of' Highways . . in ordering a study of' the East-West Interstate Highway in Virginia and does here assert t;hat. in its considered jUdgment. the location of' said Interstate Highway. as herein proposed. !lOud better serve the people of' Virginia and also the people of' neighboring states. Adopted by the f'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: SuperTisors W. E. Cundiff'. Edwin G. Terrell. Roland H. Clark and Minor R. Ieffer lays: lone 44 ~f c. .Ii,. .@ft-J 7j>1s.Y' ~ .~ ~ II. ~~ Le. a....... en.... '7 Jp1s.~ ^ ~t to ';ll eLL t (lo.....t. (':l. ~~Co. ~1'a.u.. c-..:. . 1 },"1~ 1fRR1lRIS the Internatioual 'felephom and 'felegraph Corporation has: made .Pplic'~tio. - to this Board tor biprov8lllents to" State Secondary Route 601 to S8rTII an 1.Ddutria1. ~ite to be occupied by said C!)rpOration; and pRRlUS this Board, af'ter evaluating t.he intor-.ation submitted in said application, is or'the opinion that the site and industry quaJ.if'y under Chapter 161 ot the Acts ot General Asseably to be se~ed by a road constructed or iaproTlld trom tunds tromthe Industrial Access Fapd; I . 10Y. 'fIlB:RElOU. BE IT USOLVED that the Highway Departllent be requested to turnillll.' ~n e~tiaate of cost.. data on right:"of-way needs, aDd other iDt01'lllltion to the Highway Commssion on State Secondary Route 601 trOll U. S. Route 11 lIorth approxillately 0.50 mUe and appro1'8 said road tor iJipro'lllllents with its recOBlenclation that the road. be u:proved with Industrial Access Funds it aTllilable. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Ecl1fin G. 'ferrell lays: Xone I II lIB: REZOIIIG or A POR'l'IOI OF A 9.843 . ACRE. 'l'RAC'l' OB 'fIlE .HOR'l'H SIIlI or u. S. HIGHWAY. ROUTE. . E. 1LADJOIIIIG m HOYARD JOHlSOI lIBS'l'AURJ.J'l' ) ) ) l ) I 2iRI! '!'his day the petition of Lodge. Incorporated to resone a portio~ of' a 9.843 acre tract situate on the north side of U. S. Higlnray Route Xo. 11 adjoining the Howard Johnson Restaurant was received and, in accorclance with Sectio. 15-84.7 ot the Code of Tirginia aDd till lIoning ordiJWlces ot Roanoke CoWllty, it is hereby ordered that the said petition be, and tile sue hereby is. reterred to the Planning Comm.ssion of Roanoke County tor its report and rec_ndatiOn. And be it further ordered upon receipt of the recOllll8Jldation of said PlanniDg c-issiOD that the Clerk ot this Board forthwith set the saae do1fJ1 . tor a pubJ.ic heartllg at the next peraissible .eeting of this Board, and that noti e thereoi' be PTIIIl in accordance with law. Adopted by the tollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Y. E. Cundiff. Kinor R. letter, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. 'ferrell lays: lone I II II: UZOIIIG OF CER'l'JIB PROPER'l'Y II 'fIlE SALEM ) M1GIS'l'BRIAL DIS'l'RIC'f. ROJBOKE COU5TY. ) TIRGINIJ, SI'l'lJA'l'E. 01 'fIlE JIOR'fH SIDE OF LEE 1 ou;n::!Y'mIU. iMJsIGHWAI'f ROtrl'l. JIOOF' .ll!, WEST 1 " ...... C L OF lIE CI'l'Y RO....Om, . ) TIRGIIIJ, I1IOlOI. GEIlERALLY .cums 1 AIiD 5. ) OF '!'HE I. G. CLARJ. MAP. J.ll]) 2.008 ACRES.OF l '!'HE 8COOK HEIRS8 LA!lD, BOU!lDED ON TIlE SOU'l'H I BY LEE HIGHWAY.. 01 'fIlE EJS'f .tlY MOWT ROAD. J.ll]) O'l'HERLA1ID OF '!'HE. I. G. CLARK MAP . ON. THE IOR'l'H. BT TIlE. MAlB LINlLUlI! RIG~~OF'-WAY OF,.. . 'fIlE. VIRGIlfI.U RAILWAY. . . . 1 I ORDER '!'his clay conTened at 2:00 0' clock P. M.. a regular meeting of the Roanoke .'. County Board of Supervisors. 46 How, therefore, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of RoannkA.Count.y, Virginia, the said petition be, and " the same is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested .in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the. PlanniDg Colllll1s sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, tor a rec,..endation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. ADd be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its rec~endation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk ot this Board shall forthwith set the same dOml f'or a pUblic heariDg at the nen pel'lBissible regular or special meeting of' this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance With the provisions of I I the Code of Virginia. " And be it fUrther resolved and ordered that one certified copy ot this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of' the Planning Collllllission of Roanoke County, Virginia. I ADd the above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Edwin G. i'errell and seconded by Superrlsor Roland H. Clark and on a recorded' vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff and IIinor R. Keffer. I Nays: lione I "ECGk ...15 47 ." , , t J Th:O~:~II:i~dUP:::V:::SHighWaY .-} Commis!'!ion of Virginia I ~R~ER . I " 5 copies this orde del. to Co.Ex.Offi- cer for del to Res. ~ngr. Dept. Highways 7/22/58 This matter came on this day to be heard, upon t~e proceedings herein, and upon the ap..: plication for Gil for~ Avenue __(~;.;:.;.1}~_ .~t.,..}'!.l.?L.9.,.Q?..l!\~~.~........,..............................,............... ..~:.- -"1- ' ~~,- .1... '\" .,J I ~ to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. ~. i It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a._';.Q.hf.t~nright of way for ga'id road has heretofore been de.Q ~y virtue of a certain, ma~ known as.mll.ol~nd..Ierr=~....:.... . whkh map is recorded in Plat Book.............~n' ..... Page ....~}~. (If the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. ,and that by rt'a:"on of the Tt't'ordatiun of s<\id map no report from aBoard of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The B~ard h~reby guarantee~ said, ri~ht of way and ri~ht for drainage. "OW. THEREFO~E. BE IT ORDERED that said road known as...... , G 11 foni l~.':',~_~.l;-J;~...G;:.~~n..~.)~!;.._..J~..}]J.hy_.._9_~___wiJ'~"'__h______..u____ ..m________un.....' . \~ " ... " and which is shown on a certain ~ketch accompanying this order. qe, and ,thtt'~ame is hereby t"stablj:.,hed as a public road to become a part 'of the state Secondary Syst~m of Highways in Roa- noke County. Adopted hy the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Cundiff, and None. Roland H. Clark J;dwin .G. Terrell" 'II., E. Minor R. Keffer. ~~a~'s: I H ::0':': .)t'i:_L:_;:_\.:~?9.t-? nnnl ,[ Thp Public ,and the State Highway Commi"ion of Vir)(inia J ORDER 5 copies this orde del. to Co.Ex. Officer for del to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 7/22/58 " This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the a~ .... plica t i on f Of .. :.~ ~ .z:_~.i~__~? .<:-.~, _ _ ~ ~~~ _ :~!-= _~.. ]Q.?m~.S'_.J?!___~~.. ________Q_'l_f.9.. .m.te__. _____. ..no..___'l.______.. , , , to be ac('cpted an<i made a part of the, Secondary System of state Highways. , (.. , , , It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a..~.o.Jt:....right of way for said " road has heretof9re been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as...wg~.g.e:.r::L_A,Gx.~s.._~. ...L.. ..., ...hich map is recorded in Plat Book..........3................., Page........., 268 of the records of the Clerk's Office of tlie Circl;>it Court of Roanoke_Count)', Virgim:a, and that by. rea~()n of the recordation of said map no repot"t from a Board. of Viewex:-s, nor .consent -or donation of ri~ht of vl"ay from the abutting property,owners is necessary. The Boa.rd hereby guarantees said rIght of way and rIght for drainage. "o,'~::;::::::~E~:~=D':2:':===~ ......................"............................................................................................................h..............~ and which is shown on a certain 8ketch aC80mpanyillg this order, pe, and' the, same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the Stale Secondary System of Highways in Roa- noke County. ~ Adopted by the following recorded vole: I . Ayes: SuperTisors Roland I!. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W.(E. Cundiff and Minor,R. Keffer. None. ~ays: .~~-~-:--_._. "- 5.. copies this orde deL to Co.Ex..Offi for del. to Res. gngr. Dept.Highway 7/22/58.' . 5.eopies this order del. to Co.Ex.Offic for ciel. to Res. Engr.'De~t.High~ 7/22/58 I I I I I .:r. 5 copies this ord del. to Co.Ex.Off' for del. to Res. Engr~ Dept. Highw . 7/'i.2i58. .,,'.. . 5 copies this ord del. to Co.Ex.Offic for del. to Res. Dept. Hi&hways 7/22/58 " I I I I - . r' ~ ' l . J . " I _ cOOK 15 54 ~ .,' 4 5 copies this order del. to Co.Ex... Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 7122/58 ~~~~~..~.f....~~p'.~~."..s..o..r..s.. } The ~lic and t:e State~'i~:=~".. . CommiN.lon of Virginia,., . "'ORDER ~": e. //~...., This matter came on this day to be beard upon tbe proceedings berein, and upon the ap- plication for...G.~.m>!!))...l\Q;!.Q.. .f.om..Rt...ll..~l)JJ.th...ta..llauth..R/JJ...li.D.e..o.f..\!..ll<..W...P.);'<ll1.I:n~._.....' .0.. .)..a..~.....t9...~.~r:y.~. ..y,roj;.\:...WJU:ehllJ.lli.e..ll.i.t:.e.....'.........................c......_......................................:.....,......... to be accepted and made a part of tbe Secondary System of State"Higbway., to' be improved with Industrial Access Funds. ,', '. i . It 3pJ'03ring to tbe Board that drainage e_menta:and a..5.0.,.ft..rlght ot .way for &aid i" .> toad has heretofore been dedicai:~ by~virtue of a certain map' known as. .t.~r:f?;-.~.J..gwi.~_..........:~.._.. i .....__....~.~.~~~_~.:._. .____.mm.... ., which map is (recorded in Plat Book"'_':-'h"~''''''h...m, Page.--.....~.~~r.... of the "",ords of the Clerk's Office of t,he.prcuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by l'eS80n of, the reconiation of Raid map Jho report from a Board .of Vie!ers, nor COJl8el1t 'or donation of right of WHY from the ahutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guaraDtees said , '.' , right otway and right.for drainage. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that ""id :road known ........................................... " .. .:;. ~~:~_~u: ;0~~.. ~~9.I:L .r.~_t;"L. J),.. ~_9.1A~h__.t9mf.Q.\l.~ hu;VW...U,n~u _Q.f. ";L.~. Xl.J?.r_o..P.~r.cy___h:..O...l8._~le_... . .:.~.. ::>. ~.~~'.~.. ";;;9"':'~F.)'!.~;-: ~h9Y.~. ~..*.tt:: g,. __ ____ _.. . .____. ._~.m m.. .__..____.....__.. ........ ___..' __..........._..__.......__..._..._.1.. and which is shown on a certain Rketch\accompanying this order, be, and "the samei.s h~by established as a public road to become a part of tlie SIlote s.,;",ndary Sr~tem of HighwRYS,in R0a- noke County. I Adoptoo by the fol:owing recorded \'ote: " Aye::i: Super~isors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Te,rell, W. E. Cundiff and Vanor R. Keffer. None. NaY!iI: ,..;;,. .." ./ -- 5 copies this order d.l. to Co.Bx.Offic for del. to Res. Enu. Dep.1;. Highway 7/22/58 ". ._c)<:.:tc:: .~.~":';.~F_~~~~_~.r.s I " ID"~=} ORDER "- ..~ The Public and the State Commission of Virginia This matter,.came on this day to be beard upon the pro'ceedillgs herein, and upon"the ap- plication f or_ .._p.S}.h~f!.9~. ._;~9~.9_.. ~;t;pm'_R,~A.. ZS_::;._);_Qh~.1li~..Road.,__. '.h. -...u___....._~._....__._u__._...:~~..;.h... .........-........-.....-..--.-.-.--.. . ._--. - -.. ..n.......__.......___...___._.........._....... _.....__u.... _..._......h..... to be accepted and made a pa.ri of the Secondary System of State Highway.. .:;>;~.........._........ It upJ'03ring' to the Board thit drainage e_ments and a.,;l?..J\=.,..ri&'ht ot way for said toad has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map' known aa..~!:'Y."~.~);...........:................ , i i ..........::................:.........._. which'map is recorded in Plat Book...........}.......:........ Page........QQ.......:. of the record. of the Clerk's Office of the Circult Court ot Roanoke County, Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of .BIl~d map, ,DO report' from & Board of Viewers, nor conaen~ or donation . of right of way from the ahutting Pr'opOrty owners io n~. ~e Board hereby guaraDtees said right of way and rfght'for drailla&'e. I NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that said road knOWDU...............:.,............_._...... .u.......I2~~l.~~~...?,9.!!5!..JF.9.1"....;p,!;,._.z~.?...J;!I....S.l~:yi.!:lo' ll'lll!l........ ..... '. " , .". -. -... .......-....-.....--.............-.--...-.-......- I , , .... n_'~_.. 'h___ ...... .____.~-......_---:.:--__.-'....h-...,.-....uh-.n..._--.._.h--._.._.._......_._~...........__._..U_h_..;.n....:.__.h.....:..._....__... , \ anll ,which is shown on a certainsketcb accompanying this ~er. be, .and the Bame ill herci>y established as a public road to become a tmt otthe StlLte Secondary Sy~ot Highwayo In b noke County. ' , '. '. I 'Adoroo bYlhe. f"ll~winl' recorded vote: .. , Ayes, Sl:l.pervi'sors bland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terr~.ll,'W. E. Cundiff and lItI.nor .I. Keffer. Naya: Rone. . , '<, ~'- -. ...~._'--=~-~--~~~,.:.,_.__. > ,I," ',",... 0,'. 5 copies this order del. to Cq.Ex.Offic for'del. to ~e$.- Engr. Dept.H1ghways 7/2~/'jg 5 copies this orde eel. to Co.Ex. .6fficer for Qlil t Res. ElU!:r .Def>t.- H1ghwliyll '1/22/58 I I I I 5 copies this order del.to.Co. Ex. Officer r'lr d t& rtes. Engr.~ept Highwaya 7/22/58 5 copies this orde d~l to Co.Ex.Office for'del to Res. Engr. Dept. Highwa 7/22/58 I I I I .. f , ~ . - '. ~ . , . , .. l.. '" - /,,/, ~,~ ...... ,.< l~ , "this .order 5 copies/del to Co.Ex.Officer for del. to Res.Engr. Dept. Highways 7/22/5g this order .5 copies/del to Co.Ex.Officer fOr del to Res.Engr. De,Ilt .Highways 7/22/5S.. . \ vs ) ) l , 1 ) ) ORDER 5 copies this order iiel. to Co. Ex. Otfice for del. to Res. Ellgr.Dept Hipay.s 7/22758 Board ot Sllpervisors The Public aJl.d the State Highway c:o-isaion ot Virgima :a This .attar cue on this day to be heard UpoD the proceediDgs herein, and upon l.he applicatioll tor Green Meadow Road trea Fanaington Drive west 0.El9 aile - , to D. B. to be accepted and sade a part ot the Secondary Systea ot State ~ways. " . . It appeariDg to the Board that drainage eaa..ents and. a SO tt. right ot way tor said road has heretotore been dedicated by virtue ot a certain up IaIown al l'anliJIgton Lake #1, wich sap 11 recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 234- ot - -, the recordl .t the Clerk'. Oftice ot the Circuit Co1l1"t ot Roanoke County, a " YirgiJJ.ia, ud that by reason or the recordation ot said up DO report troa .. Board ot 'fiewrs, DOr coueDt or donation ot right ot. way !rea the abuttiDg property o_ers is necessary. 'l'he Board hereby g\o.arantees, said right ot way ..d right tor drainage. IIOW, THERElOIlE, BE IT ORURIIlq) that said road known as GreeD Meadow Road ." . .. ire. FanaiJIgton Drive west 0.09 aile to D. E. and wich 11 shown. on a certain I -. , ak&teh acccapanyiDg this order, be, and the 8UIe is hereby established as a public road to becoae a part of the State Secondary System ot Highwll1s in c . IoaDoke Cou1;y. ldoJ)ted by the tollowiDg recorded vote: lye.:' Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark and llinor ll.letter . .ys: )fone vs ) ) l l l l ORDBR i 5 copies thi order del. to Co. Ex. Offic for del. to ea. Engr.Dept igb,way.s 7/2275S Board of Supervisors 'l'he Public and the State Highwey Coaaission of Virginia 'l'hil'" aatter cue on this day to be heard upon the proceediDgs herein, and apon the application for Dwight StMet trea Bo....r 1...._ to Vivian lvenae 0.05 . ~ , . to be accepted and _de a part of the Secolldary Syst.. of State Highways. 0. . It appeariDg to the Board that drainage easelllents and a 50 ft. right of Wll1 tor said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a. certain aap kDOwn. as Dwight Hills, 1rilich map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 5 of the recorda of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virgima, and that by reason of the recordation of said map lID report t'roll a Board ot Viewers, nor cOllseDt or donation of right of way froa the abuttiDg property owners is necessary. 'l'he Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right tor drainage. JlOW,'1'HERBFOIlE, BE I'1' ORDERED tha't said road known as ,Dwight Street trom .eI . '. . . . )foyer l....aue to ViTian ITenue 0.05 ai. and 1rilich is shown on a certain sketch acceapanyiDg this order, be, and the SlllRll is hereby established as a public rued to becoae a part of the State Secondary Systelll of ~s in RoaJlOke County . ldopted by the tollowiDg r.corded TOte: lyes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, W~ E. ,Cundiff, Roland. H. Clark and Jlinor I. letter Iays: lone 0~J1D1I!n tha1; the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in luguat, 195 . ~ Chairaan I Co1lrt HoWIe Salo" VirgiJJ.ia 111&1111t 18, 1958 TIle Board of Saperrtsors of Roanoke Couty aet tllb day at the Co1lrt B01UIe tltereot i. regalar aollthly seasion. Presellt: W. I. Cundiff, Chairaan, llinor R. leffer, E4w1. G. Terrell aad RolaBd i. Clark. Before 10'" _etiq walll called to order by the Chairaan, J1r. Fraak Gilbert offered a prayer. Tlte aiJnate. of the last regular .eetiJIg were approved as spread, each ....r of the Board hating read the copy or said ainlltes 1'uraiahed hia by tl1e Cl~rIt. 'l'h. followill& claiJu apiDst the Cout,. were thb day prese.te., appro....., aad ordered to 1Je paid b,. TOllcher-ch.cks out or the fullds respecti....ly cllarpa1tle therewith, to-wit: Ie. 29269 1_ Printer., Of'tice aupplies and book biJIdiDg . 35.50 · 29270 Ippalaclliaa Power Co., Current tor Fire HOllses ud Meter - ~~~on u.n Dr. S. D. Carey, Coro. r IJITestigationa Cleerbrook 110B'S Club, J1Ily Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station Couty School BOard of Roanoke Co., Maiatenanc. ~t Cout,. , - " ,9W1l8d vehicles . 29286 C I: P Telepho.e Co., Telephone service couty of'tices Ice . 29271 . 29272 29273 29274 29275 29276 29277 . 29278 29279 29280 292tl . . . . . . . . . . .29282 . 29283 29284- 29285 . . . Iddressocraph-JIaltigraph Corp. Identiticatioa tags tor Garbagecana _rice Cheaical. Co., laJJ.itor au.pplies luto SpriDg I: Beariq Co., Flalhlight batteries 1 I: B Shell Service StatioD, Gas, oil Ice Caltwll-5ite. Coapaay, ottice, sllpplie. Charles BalleBtiDe, ottice npplies 1ndrew Lewis Service Statioa, Mailltenance County Vehicles BarJJ.ett Coal. Co., Fuel for County office buildiag Bell Lines, Inc., Freight collect 011 'freasurer's Tax tickets 11.76 28.46 6.12 59.97 353.27 32.50 298.78 65.48 19.64- 3.35 I - - Bro1lll Ilardware Co., keys tor library ud Cltaia Burroughs Corporation, Maiatenance colltract on IddiDg Machines , aad oftice supplies . 64-.12 Burrell JIeaorial. Hospital, State-Local Hospital billa tor , ,Welfare. I 236.70 10.00 i 60.00 780.20 478.28 a 10. 29247 29268 c.il1gan Soft Water Service, lient OB Water Softner . City of Roanoke, Rooa and Board for Children held at City" . DetllJltioB, Bo.e " . DiaaoJld Paper Co., JaJJ.itor ~ll.pplies Dictaphone Corp., Records tor Dictaphoae - · 29292 Void . Void ~ ~ a I .. . ft 29269 29290 29291 . . . 29293 29294 29295 29296 29291 29296 29299 29300 29301 29302 mEl3 29B~ 29305 29306 29307 29306 29309 29310 29311 !II .. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .. . . las~er S1lpply Co., orrice sllpplies Isso Sta"-la..d Oil Co., Gasoline purcila.ed Oil Courtsey caret lairvie. Bo.e, COURty'S pro-lata Hare of expe.Se I:c " lamer. IatioJl/ll lIaJIk, Uter Hou Depo.itory lac Service Chalaers Pergue., Coaaiasioa on Delinquent Taxes collected G. C. F ol~y, July Re.ut 011 Mt. Ple~aant Fire Boa.e Gra..... H_phreys Hardware Co., Hardware I:c Green Jlarket, roed ror prisoners J. W. Grigg. "W. H. W1;,t, July Rent On C. S. Fire Bouee ~ Jlarvin C. llelldrick, Jr., ieiaburse July Tnaveling Ixpense Levi Bale, Extra JaJJ.itor services Interllatioual Buai.ess Jlachiae Co., oftice supplies Jiap,c Ci ty JIo~r Corp., Parts #12 Police Car tiller Tire Serviee, Parts for Co. 'Vehicles Caacel lIourcla Fiur looda, 100et " Janitor sllpplies for Co. Jail - Carnell Moore, Co....riDgGarbage DlIIIlp JIalcoJa Blueprint " Supply Co., Road Jlaps Motorola CoaauJJ.icatioll8, lew Radio . 29312 lit. Vernon Phillips .66., Gal, oil, I:c . - 29313 McClung L_ber Co., Jlaterial tor Repairs Pit..y~Bo..s, Ine., Relit 011 ,Postage Jlachiae Phlegar Electric Co., RepairiDg Elec1;ric Fan tor Courth01l8e . - 29322 Radio Coaaunicatioll8 Co., Radio JlaintellllJl.ce 29323 Roanoke Auto SpriDg Works, Parts ill Police Car 29324- Reaiagtoa Rand, Service Electric 'l'ypewriter - 29325 Roenoke County !levobiDg, had, Reiaburse Petty Cash Fund 29326 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 29327 Roanoke Keaorial llospital, Stat.e Local Hospital ~ills 29328 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat co~rs fo~ #10,Po11ce Car , - 29329 Roanoke COURty Law Library, M8IIbership due. tor 1 year 29330 Ruaco Window Co. of Roanoke,'13 Venetian blinds 'tor lIew Co. Lib~ary . 293l1t . 29315 29316 29317 29316 29319 29320 29321 . .' . . . . .. . . - . . . . .. . . . JaJJ.ie B. McHeal, '1'reaalll'er, Reiabuse JV7 Tickets IIrs. lllily ,..bitt, Rehnd Garbage lee - o.u Pl_bing Co., PluabiDg aepair. anti Pipe for St. Sigu G. i. Parent Co., Office ..pp~ies Peacock-Sal811 LallJldry, LaUDdry' Co. Jail - huoll Hardware ,Coa, lani.tor sapplies and aew Ilectric I'aas 29331 Roanoke 'alley Motors, Inc., Parts and Repairs 3.SO 42.00 9.85 '.31 .59 24-.67 127.10 13.52 479.82 ~.OO 15.1tS 127.86 68.00 39. SO 15.15 13.62 15.21 239.28 162.32 53,5.50 17.00 lIt2.00 16.32 2.00 99.16 4. SO 15.17 6.12 22.18 169.16 22.80 2.00 177. SO 4.95 15.60 63.46 3.00 1,377.60 22.50 150.00 350.36 31.88 78 10. 29332 leanoke Staap I; Seal Co., Offic. suppli.s . · 29333 Sal.. Cr.aaery Co., toodtor prison.rs - · 29334 Salea Hardware Co ~, Hardware Co1l1"thous. · 29335 Salea Motors, Parts and a.pairs · 29336 G. 1. Scraggs, Post Master, 10 sheets 4~ stups · 29337 Sutax Co., Diaiiltectant tor Jail · 29338 Sal.. Glass Co., Glass tor Police Car aDd Ie. Library · 29339 Sal.. Paint Co., Paint for Juyenile Collrt Offices · 29340 Void . . '293U 2934-2 29343 . . . 293"- 29345 2934-6 29347 2934-8 2934-9 293 SO 29351 29352 29353 293~ 29313 . . . . , . .. . . . . . . . . Saead. I; Webber Drag Co., Medical SUppU.1 tor Jail. Suaerdean I:sso. Station,' Gas aDd Oil tor- Bolliu Fire Truck Dr. R. B. Sailey, Psychiat~ic i:xaaintaion, Coroner Inyesti- gations, 'i:xaaiJUl1liOJl dnmk driyers, L1lJUlCY heariDgs . To_ of Salem, Current. and water Tiaes-aeg1ater Co., Adnrtiaing 'l'id.wat.r Sapply Cot Chuicals Valleyclal. Packers, Food for PrisoJl.rs . Ullitecl States P.ncil Co. 1 donn Pencils C. W. Warth.n Co., ottice suppli.s Willi_ lato lligl'lll8nt, Parts tor Polic. Car #9 Yates I; Wells Garage, JlahteJUlnc. Co. V.hicles VirCiJJ.ia loods, Food tor Prisoners 2.00 15.08 3.75 14.06 4-0.00 89.08 65.41 5.25 I 1.17 3.90 I 215.80 , 4-69.9' 17.00 9.54 40.55 3.83 5.27 6. SO 376.43 123.29 I - .. ....ok. Gas Co., Cooking he! for Boae D..onatration Iti tchen 3.70 Wilsons Easo I; Grocery Co., Parts, Gas I; Oil 76.69 Idward 1. Stapl.s, a.iabuse Probatio:a Officer's tranling expenses 42.35 29174 Dr. Bsther C. Brown, Luac1 Jleari:ug . . 29375 Carl a. Brightwell" a.pairing lights ill Covthoase 5.92 29376 Void 29377 Dr. s. D. Carey, Exaa1aatioB Druk' driv.r, l1lJUlcy hearings 30.00 2937' Dr. C. 1:. Bartl.y, lunacy heariDg 10.09 29379 City of Iloanoke, SeWage Treatment cost tor the Gell8ral Electric Lin. 186.28 29380 County School Ilea rei. of Roaneke Co., Gasoline pUCh.!lsed tor , , Ilolins lire Station ' , 149.44 - Ann Hinson, Extra cl.rical Worker Interaatioaal Bllsin.ss Machine Co., Mainteuace agre8lll.nt Dr. H. J. Miaarik, Atteiidill Prisoner during absence) of Jail physician 29390 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr., L1lJUlCY heariDg 29391 Palll -B. Matthews, Reimburse ~raveUDg expenses ace . . - . . . . . 293'1 29382 29383 29384- 29385 29386 29387 29388 29389 . . . . . - . . . . - . Void Pa1l1,Ell.r, !ssiatiDg Electrical & Pluabing Iaspector Eggl.ston & Holton, Attorneys, Lunacy h.aring Void Levi Ilale, Extra JaJJ.itor Service - Graves Buphreys Barcbrare Co., lire Bouse , - -, 29392 B. W. P.rdll., Refund on Refuse Collection 10.00 216.44 10.00 I 68.06 793.80 64.36 70.00 I 19.00 40.00 220.40 4.50 10. 29393 . 29394 . 29395 . 29398 = iOalloke Gas Co., CookiDg fllel tor County Jail . , , Q. 'A. Scruggs, POv.....1:.Al', Postage tor MailiDg check'a Tble8 Register Co., Buildin;; Pe1'llits Fuel 0111: Equip.ent Co., Fuel Oil ~cr HolUns Fire Station 11.63 1.23 37.75 53.50 D IE: DOG TADS, SHBBP CLADfS &c '1'he 'foUowiJas claias' agdiust the County were this day presented., approved, aaIl ordered to be paid by voucher-checks ollt o~ the tlUlda reapecti'ftly cAarpalJle therewitll, to-wit: 10. 29355 1JJ.drew Lewis Service Station, GasoUne pllrchased . · 29356 leae PriDtera, 1,000 Certificates ot Ralties Tace1u.Uon · 29351 Marico C1aeaical Co., Disinfectant ~or Dog Ie..el · 2935$ Bron Hardware Co., '1ear:l.Dg Apparel aDd Cord a a. a · 29359 Cal4l,..ll-Situ Co., office supplies for dog ward.. · 29360 C I: P Telephone Co., Telephone service tor Dog'lard..s Bo.e , , 29361 ColUlt7 School Board o~ Roanoke Co., Maintenance Dog Truck 29362 Concrete Ready 1I1xed Corp., Concrete for Dog IellUl 29363 Baao StaJl.dard Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased 011 Co1l1"tsey card 29364- Ralpll E. LoDg, aeillburle Tra'ftliDg expellse to iichaond. 29365 R.I. Praett, Labor on Dog leael 29366 Roanoke 1.to lligJJ.iDg Service, Parts for Dog Truck 29361 Radio CO......llications Co., Kallio Maintenence . . . ,. . . . . 29368 Bal. Fara Supply Co., Dog 'ood . - 29369 ,Sal.. Hardware Co., Hardware and supplies 29370 Frank R. Lawrence, Fowl claia . - 29371 Cecil 1I0see, fowl clai. 29372 W1a4le Shailds, towl claia 29396 Ralph B. LoDg, Reiabarse tra1'6liDg expense to RichaoJld 29397 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Material ~or Dog POWld 1.80 18.75 SIt.45 6.30 7.U 15.00 34.87 14.55 16.62 4.25 18.GO 4.00 15.00 29.25 4.95 3.60 25.25 6.40 11.22 13. SO To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COll.Jlty: 110 the close of business August 16, 19S5, there was to the credit or the a . . . . . . Mrs. J1lfIB B. Mc~, Treasurer o~ Roanoke County this day subaitted to . .. -. the ~ the tollowiDg report: !tSd.., VirgiJJ.ia .August 18, 19S5 General County J'wId Library hnd Dog hnd, Sal.. District Road Debt FllDd County.School FuDd . School Construction Fund School Textbook' Fund. De~erred Credit Account P. I. C. A. . 13,780.70 , 963.75 5,261.10 672.43 1,740.40 1,003.82 S4.8.21 92.63 1.062.30 , 25,128.34 Respectfully aubaitted, janie B. McJfeal, Treaaarer.. Said report approve~ and ordered filed. I II II: DlLIlQUU'f 'l'1DS COLLlC'l'BII BY CLIRl: "'i'he 'c~rk"this'dii1-deii;.reci't~"tii;'~8rd the receipt of JUIE B. Mcll1L. Couty !r8anrel', for 11,324-.51 on accouut of delinquent taxes 'collected by .aid Clerk tor the aon-th ot Jllly, 1958, less coaaisaiou, and turned o....r to .aid 'l'reanrer, said check uountilll to 11,258.28 net. I 'l'he followiDg report. were tUs day laid before the Board ud ordered tiled: H. W. CLAiIt, Sheritt, _ry stat..eat ot prisoner "11 .erl'ed in the Co1Ulty Jail d.urillg the aonth of .1.11', 1958; I , , II. W. CL1iIt, Sheritt, ottice ad 101'&1'&1 expenses tor the aoath at JlIly, 1958; , , IDWJiD s. n.T.a, County Agent, IIOllthly report for July, 1958; , , JAMBS D. OLIVD, Assistant COuDty Igent, aOllthly report tor JlIly, 1958. .' On aotion,' d1U.1' seconded, it is ordered that tile C01lJlt1' Payroll tor the IIOlIth ot bgut, 1958, be approved in the aaount ot t6,616.63, fr_ 1l!aich the s_ of 1101.79 total P. I. C. 1. and 'l'otal W. II. 'l'axes 164.0.60, is to be dencted, leaviDg a aet ~yroll at 15,874~24-. Adopted by the followiDg recordedl'ote: lye.: Supervisors W. E. C1lJId.iff, Minor R. leffer, RolaDd. i. Clark aDd Iiwi. G. 'l'errell . lays: lone I tiAti. ~rC' I ~ Itt;;~ I I I I ) I I On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the paJroll tor Retase Collection aDd JaJJ.itor Services tor period July 16, i958, endillg July 31, , , , 1958, be approved ia tlae allllunt of 11,654.37, troa 1Ihic:h the su of 137.22 total F. I. C. 1. 'l'ax am total W. H. Tax .92.20, 18 to be deducted, leal'iDg a 11810 Payroll ot li,521t.95; hd the payroll tor Rehse Collection and JaJJ.itor Servi.ce. tor period 111&llst 1, 1958, elldiDg Augut 15, 1958, be appro....d in the aaount of *1,778.14 trca 1Ihich the sua of tltO.OO total F. I.C. 1. Tax am total W. R. Tax 190.40 ,il to be decbtcted, leaYing a net paYroil of .1~64.7.74. Idopted by the tollowiDg recorded vote: lye.:Sapervisors W. I. Cundiff, Minor i. Iefter, Roland R. Clark and Idwi. G. 'ferrell. lays: lfone I 'l'he tollowiDg c:--...1 catioJls 1I8re this day laid. betore the Board and I ordered tiled: I , Copy of resollltion #13452, dated July 28, 1958, Council City of Roanoke, ! rep9A1 ""g resolation #13391, ot aaid Council, together with copy ot letter dated , July 31, 1958k addressed to Willi.. J. Paxton, Jr., 'l'own Clerk, Salem; , Copy ot resolution #134'54, dated JUly 28, i958, Council City or Roanoke, repsaliag resollltion #13392, of said Council, together with copy of letter dated July 31, 1954', addressed to Willi.. J. Paxton, Jr., Town Clerk, Sal8111 rro. J. Robert 'l'hOlllls, City Clerkr,of ioaneke. Va.; a I ~ I a ~ Copy of resolution 113~53, Coucil City of Roanoke. la.. dat.d the 28th day ot JlIly, 1954, aaelldiDg cOJl~ac,t dated October 16, 1953, bet.... City ot lloaDOke ,ud 1ihe Te1fll of Sal.. dea1.1Dg wi tit traataent et dc.estic and co_rcial wastes, by addiDg thereto !r.a F, beiDg all ot the Cliff Vi.w SuW1-rtaion .. recorded iJl Pla1i Book 2, page 28, and additional land lyiDg be";'f8eD RiTerside LaDe. Lee Highway, and the Roanoke ii...er, togeth.r with copy or le~ter dated JlIly 31, 1958, addressed to Williaa J. Paxton, Jr., T01fll Clerk, Salu, Va., trOll J. Robert 'l'ho_s, City Clerk, RoaDOke, Va.; , , , Copy ot resolation #134-55, CollJ1Cil City of Roanoke, 'fa., c1a1i.d the 24th day of JlIly, 1959, aaendiq contract dated October 16, 1953, bet..en City of Iouoke ,_ the Town ot SaludealiJl,g with treat.ent ot do.astic and coaaercia1 waates Dy addiDg 1;h.reto !r.a G 13.24- acres b.ing a part of the SIayth H.irs property, Sale. Magisterial District, tog.tiler wi1ih copy or letter dated July 31, 1958, addressed to Willi.. J. Paxton, Jr., TOWB Clerk, Sale.. 'fa., rro. J. Robert 'l'hous, City Clerk, RoaDOk., Va. OIl _tiOJl, d1lly second.d, it is ordered that YOlIch.tt-ch.ck #29221, dated - JUly 29, 19S1l, payab1. to G. 1. Scragga, Pos1i Mast.r, in the __10 of '1'110 Hudred. ud Forty Iollars (.24-0.00) tor postage tor the C..-i.aioller ot ., - lleftllBe ~ loaJlOke Couty. be appro....d, r.tro-acti.... to said da1ie. idoPMd by the tollowiJlgrecorded vote: ly..: SapeM':taors W. B. Cullditt, Jlinor R. Itett.r" RolaBd II. Clark aad BdwiR Cl. Terrell :: lays: Ie.. Le1iter dated Jaly 30, 1958, ill r.: luterstate Syst.. Richaoad-Wes1i, trOll r. 1. lavia, CoIIaissioll8r, Departaent of Highways, addreas.d to Roy It. Brown, .' , Clerk. lloaneke Couty Board at Supervisors, thaJlldag tIl. Board for its , , expreaaioJl ot opillioa and aliluriDg it that co.sidaration will be giTeR said resolatio., aloDg with all otll.r data now beiag asa.bled, in .regard to the 10catioR of the propos.d Interst&.te Route ..st of lichaond, recei....d and ord.red filed. I II 8: lDDITlOI 'fO m 900ID1RY SYS'l'BII ROIJKlD COVBTr: .' . ," . . Lett.r dated lquat 5. 1958, addr.ased to the Board of Supervisors of 1loaJa0ke COllJlty, s.lea, V.1rgiDia, troa B. B. lqat., D.puty COlllIlillaioner, , - , Departaen of Highways, Il.ichaoJl.d 19, l'a., apprortllg addition to til. S.condary Syst.. ot ~ke Couty, Va., ett.cti.... date luguat 1, 1958, to-wit: Iddition Garaan Road - Frc. hat. 11 to sollth right ot way lias I Ie W Property. Leq1;h 0.14 ail.. was recei....d and ordered .tiled. 'l'he State CorporatioR Coaaissioa of VirgiJJ.ia this day sabaitt.d stat..nts of lssesaed. Valli. ot Railroad, Express, Sleep1Dg Car and Steaaboat CoapaJJ.ies.. T.lephone and r.legraph CoapaJJ.ies, aDd. El.ctric Light and Power CorporatioDil , , " . Gas and Water Corporations and Pipe LilB 'l'ranaaisaion Corporationa in the Coaaonwalth ot VirgiJJ.ia, and the St~te Tues Ext.nded -for tile year 1958. 81 ~~ 8JV1JS t 82 I o.J... ~ !~~~. ~")J!:'"i f'" ttz U to I~ IIrs. JaJJ.ie B. McIeal, CountY' 'freasurer,' this day .1Ibaitted 1;8 the Board lIer d.l~ent real estate list for the year 1957 , &.ad her deliJJ.que.t persollal property list for the year 1957, 1rilich lists, on aotioJl, duly seconded and carried, are receiTed aDd ordered rUed. I Letter dated July 21, 1958, froa 1. a. Paessler, lxecutive Secretary, , , State It'aterCoatrol Board, addressed to Clerk, Board ot Supervisors, ioaJIoke Co1lJl.'ty, ia re: heariDg on Septuber15, 1959, at 4:4-5 o'clock P. M. by said. , Water Control Board, tor the purpose or rnoking certaia specified certificates pren01l8ly issued, as shown by copy of Jlimrt.e 16 ot said leard, receiTed aJJ.d ordered filed, tIIb Board haviag no objection to the intended action ot said Water Control Beard. I Dr. V. P. JackaoR,Director, Rouoke C01lJl.ty Health .epartMnt, tllia day .. .. . ~ appeared u'IC~",cl to tile Board a revie. of the activities ot Roanoke Co1lIIty JIealtll .epartlluttor tile fiscal year Jaly 1, 1957 - JUe 30, 1958, Which report ~s received and ordered tiled. Oa _tiOR, duly HcoJJ.ded ud carried, it is ordered tlIat 10.. tollowiJIC claiaa agai1l8t ,the CollJl.'ty, Rot having been approved by Ilal.pk LoDg, Dog Varden, are IIOt allowecl: G. L. S1SHJl for 2 calTel thol'GlIghbred' valaed at 1100.00 eaell, and. Southarn States Roanoke Co-operative, for 25 turkeys killecl by dogl at 11."-3 each. I. BE I'f RISOLVBD by the Board of Sv.perviaors of Rouoka County, Virgiaia; . " That i ~ 18 the intelltion ot 10m Board of Supervisor. of Roaaoke CoaDty, Virg:l.JIia, the IOvel'll1Dg body ot Roanoke County, VirgiDia, to specify additiollal projects to be llDdertaku by the Rou.oke COllDty Sanitat10Jl luthori'ty for the purpose ot operatiJJ.g ud IIllintaiJJ.iDg a sewer systu, or aystllllS, pipe lines, aDd other properties aad facilities incideDtal thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers collf'erred upon the ioaDOke County SaJJ.itation Authority by the VirgiJJ.i Water ud Sewer lathorities lct (Section 15-764-.1 to SectioJl 15-764.32, iJIClllSiTe ot the Code ot YirgiJJ.ia of 1950, as aaended), the additioJl81 projectl coDSistiDg of lurJJ.isil1ng said services in the followiDg additiollal areas: I. I. 'f. a: 'f. AIm ADJACD'f TRACTS I I , , BEGIDIJiG at a point 031 the south boudary of 'fiaker IROll Subdi vis:l,on as, recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 1, in the Clerk's Oft1ce for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, aid 350 feet north of the west right-of-Wll1 line of State Secondary ROllte 111 and said poiat beiDg on the boedary line 3 SO feet north of said. west riglat- of-way- line as previously established by resolution by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the City Council of the City of Roanoke tor the purpose or "" listing the bGlUldaries of areas froa which the City of Iloanoke would accept sewage 1IDlier the teras of the contract of Septeaber 28, 1951t, between Roanoke Couaty and the City ot Roanoke,: thence with said south boundary of 'finker boll SubdiTi&oion If. 270 H' 1tEl. E., 24-0 feet to, a poiat: thence with a line, I. 2'r 45' 30. B., 728.73 teet to the east corner of said Tinker Kaoll.Sllbdivision; 'thence with a lille I. 710 59' 25. W. 229. It 7 feet to a poillt; thence wii;h a line 11..-,,0,16' 20. V., 390.36 feet to a point aDd said point being on the north boudary of, said Tinker boll SZ division aad. a corur to the , JOD w. Jaa1son 90 acre aore or less, tract as record.. ,in Deed Book 54, Page 108, in the aforesaid Clerk'. Ottice: thence with the _st boUliary or said. Jaaiat.lll tract I. 540 30' W., SElO teet, aore or less, to a point; thence I. 1t20 30' E., 1882.98 feet to a poillt and said poillt beiDg OR the west right-ot-_,. line ot State Secondary ~ut;e 601: theDce with a lille crosaiDg said Route 601 aDd through the aforesaid lands of John V. Jaaiaon and. 'the O. H. HutfU.Jl 48.96 acre tract, as recorded ,in had Book 128, Pagl! 528, in the aforesaid Clerk's Olfice, ,I. 76. ItS' B., 1360 teet, morll or less, to a point I. 22. V., ,151t.2 feet, troa the cater lille ot a ts= road. tRence with tae SOllth bouncla17 ot tae aforcsaiCl 1t8.% acre Jha1'tJun tract If. 670 28' E., 301 feet to a poillt;~Jice with a line S. 34. 10' ,E. 181.5 teet to a point; 'thSAce with a line I. 660 15' 1:., 91Q teet, IIOre or leas, to a poiut: t.aence with a 11ne lsaviDg 'the 48.96 acre httaan tract and with the 35.24- acre iutfaan tract as recorclell in Deed Book 510, Page 1t51, iathe aforesaid Clerk'. Oltice, S. 30 25' B., 94J..5 feet to a po1at; tReDee..with a line s. ,170.,35' E., 528 feet to a poiat aDd said point being the soutll.east corner of the aforesaid 35.2.it acre Jha1'taan tract: thence with the east 801IDdary of the 4.88 acre H1lttJua tract as recorded in Deed Book 510, Page 1t51, in the aforesaid Clerk's Olfice, S. 170 35' E. 275.2 teet to a poiat; on the" JliOrth lJo1lDdar7 ot"the G. I. Floyd 1.91t acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 259, Page 24-5, in the aforesaid Clerk's orrice; theJl.ce with the east boundary .t the Floyd.-tract S. 17. 35' B., 380 teet, aore or less, to a poillt 358 feet north of the west rigb.t-of-way line ot .ute II ud. located on the at.resaid. Sewage Treataellt Coutract , .Jlolilldary .a previo1l.S1y eatabliehed betwea-the Boar. 01 Slaperviaor8 of loanok6 C01lll.ty and 'the City Council of the City ot Roanoke; thence in a welterly direction 350 teet aortA of aDd parallel to Route 11 'to a point 01 intersection of tll.e west right-of-_y lines of eaid Rollte II and said Route 117;' thence coutilllliDg with 'the aforesaid boudary line west Of and parallel to Aid Route 117 to tho point ot BEGIIIIIG and totaliDg a elietau or 1t700 Eeet, aore or less, parallel to the aforesai41 Route 11 and 117, and inclulliDg lands or John V. Jaaison, O. H. Jha1'tJun" Locl.ge. Inc..!. Hitching Post, Inc., II. JI. I: H. L. lfancock, 'l'riaagle Trailer Village, the proposed IT&T, Plant tract, Carvin Meadowe Sultdi visioll, ud otller SIIllll, tracts. a I 'a n. CLIJ'F TIBW SDBDIVISIOII 15 RECORDED II PUT BOOK ~ PIU 28, II TIE CLD1t'S, OFFICE ,FOR TIE CIRCUIT COURT OF, aoAJIOU wUN'fi ' a .. - ,". . - nI. LD: II PAn SUJlIUVISIOIl. SECTIOIl 4, 15 RECORUD III ?UT BilOlt 3, Pia, 252, II TIE, CLBIUt'S OFFICE lOR THE CIRCUIT COVllT OF iJlIOD coum~ AID ADJACD'l' LO'l'S II LBEHI P1R1t" SECnOJ; 2" UDlCORDlJl IW': . .. -'. . (Al Lot 1, Arthur G. Meier, as recorded in Deed Book 229, Page 387, ill the Clerk's Oftice for tile ,Circuit Court of iouoke County. (B) Lot 4, Herbert E. Gilliaa, as recorded iB Deed Book 520, Page 448, in the Clerk's Office tor the Circuit, Court of Roanoke County. (C) Lot 5, c. S. Iingery, as recorded in Deed Book 279, Page 44-2, in the Clerk's Olfice tor the Circuit Court of Roaaoke County. ._ BI IT lI'URTIIEa RESOLVED: That a public, heariDg be and is hereby called by this Board to ~ held in the BOard of Supervisors Rooa in '\;he Courthouse Buildi iB Bal_, VirgiJJ.ia, on the 15th day of Septeaber, 1958, at 3:1ilO p. a. of that a .. d81 for the ptI1'poee ot turther conaideriDg the specification of.' said 'projects, at 1rilich tiae and place all prospecti T8 users Of the proposed services, and any other persona in interest, will be given an opportuJJ.ity to be heard. Should, 84 .ub.taatial opposition lIy the pruspectiTe uer. of the proposed services be laearcl, 101ae Board of Supervisors of Roanoke C01lDty7 YirgiJJ.ia, at 11;s discre1oio , ..,. call to~ a relerUd_ OR tile II.U8st1011 iDabo.... set tortll, as preacriMd;' in the atoreaaid VirgiJJ.ia Wa10er and Sewer Authorities lct. -u rr FD'fIIIR RBSOL'OD: 'l'ilat the Clerk of this Board caWle cble notice of this ~lic 'ia~Jig to ~'adYertised, as rell.uired lIy 1;he aforesa14 'irgiJJ.i Water and Sewer lathor1t1es lct. 1a ..erge.ey is hereby declared to exist and the.e reaolutiou sllall be in tull torce and ettect troa ud atter their passage. OJ!. 1I01oion of, SllperTisor Jlinor R. letter, seconded 117 Sapervisor Roland H. Clark, adopted by the tollowiqreeorded vote: lye.: SaperTisors JliDOr R. letfer, Roland H. Clark, Edwia G. Terrell .a W. E. Cuditt .' , , "y.: lone 1 1 III Ill: REZOIIIG PROPD'l'Y OI '1'0 JiORTHWBS'1'BRJ.! ) SIDE or S'1'1TE ROU'l'E 10. 117 " ) USOLl'l'IOI lID ORDIR: ,j;~ ~t> ' t<- ,~ ~ ~, , ~111!.~ 'l'his day _ Roy L. Webber and Gladys G. W.lIller, by their attorney, ud , - asked ~eave to f'ile their petition, relative, to ruoJJ.ing the property owned 10..., situate in Salea Magisterial District, Roaaoke Couty, VirgiDia, OR tile IIOrth..sterly side ot State Route 10. 117 and aore tully described in aaid petitio.. lOW. murau, HI IT RESOLVED 1llD ORDERED tha10 .aid petition be, and . . - " . the _ i., ~ereby tiled. AID U rr J'UR~ IISOLVBD AID ORDBiEfl that the proposal to aaend the I . . .. . General Zolliq OrdilllUlce, as requested in said petition be, alld the .aae is, he~y_'ref'erred to tile Plauing Coaaissio. for the County of ioaaoke, VirgiJlia, tor ite recoaaendation, parsuant to the provisiou of the Cod. of Yirginia. lID BE rr STILL 101l'1'HER RESOLVED 1D OODQ that wen and atter said ". . .-- - ," -.... PIAwn1nl eo..1.sion shall report i10s r.c~ndation to the Clerk ot this Board, as re'l'lired by the Code of' VirgiJJ.ia, 10hat llpon receipt of' the same, said Clerk ot this Board shall torthwith set the sue down tor a public heariq at the lIext peraissible l'ltgular or special aeetiDg of this Board, and that notice thereof' be given :b)" said Clerk by publication, plU'lluant to tho providoD ot the Code of' 'ir,giJJ.ia. &lID BE rr D'1' STILL P'URTiBR USOLVlD lID ORllRllIm that a certified copy of thi. reSolation and order be' forthwith t~anDitted by the Clerk of this' Board to Pa1l1 B. Matthews, Secretary of the PlanniDg Coaaisa1on tor the County of Roanoke, VirgiJlia. '1'.ile abo.... resolution and order were adopted OR IIOtion ot Supervisor bland H. Clark, recorded by Supervisor Minor R. Kefter, aDd on a recorded vot , ,- -S .S~zfri..s, 'tOted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Sllpervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Kef'fer, Edwin G. Terrell aDd' W. I. Cunclitt lays: lone 1- 1 -- II II: '1'i.USUJlEIl'S 11IID'JI. Sft'l'LBIIBIT: .. ._.___...__,~,_ _"h... __,,'.-...~._._.'.. 'lira. .Jaie B. ."81, CollDty'l'reasurer, this day IUaUted to the Board lae 8U1Ilaiset~~..~ 1"~rn ~he year end1Dg .1uae30, 1958" a~,.!gll-:~ "",;~,~~'#lj!j~J~ ,"-' i ",' ..../ I .\ "\ ,\\. ~'""..t'~',." , iy.....,-' \ ,~~~\.;~~,. '~'?7,~~,-'; ~ ',:,:f'i. f' ""\', .:;',fI,~. \ ..,.. ." \, .~ 4"~" (" ~.;~, -~~-'"r', \ C'~' . ,- ~, \.' ". 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I,~ , ," l~, ,-,,' L ':,:. -4:> "'; ,.I '- " '..., t'.~ " '..I.l ,. ... " :~: ,~ " '~ , , .., ,-~ .~\ ~ ;~) ~- , " \' h"l.....r ..... r,lj ~ ~ i"1-... -;;. Tn t,> :-~. ", ~ t,: r~... '" c ., I " \' .~~ U ~.l '..J.Jo c.;, t... ..(\ ,..'"" :... c... .....' '. ~ !~, ~v 1" ". '" '--J ',ll :.. '.'.' 'r.' ;, " '" "" f.'-, '" " .' , ......" ',.~,- "'-,~,-, .:.';-., "'~."'" i', 2 '} , , :--- I: "1 " "" >,-; Cl.l c.? .& r" "~ . ,. I 1 86 ~~ ,~ t-~'r )n,. ~~ ~ g-i1~'<{ WlIBJlE1S, pllrsuu.t to the pro.'rbioJlSof the Virginia Water aDd Sewer 11lthorltieis -lct, this Board, after dlle public heUiDg, did specify a project to be andertaken by ,... ltolUloke COlUlty SaJJ.itation luthority for tile farJJ.ishiDg of aaJJ.1tary sewage facilities for an area adjaceDt to ut west of' the '1'01111 of Sal.., Virgillia; and, 1f\lRR'R1S seid J,llthority, by contract with Jackson Bills Corporation, haa , , ' cauaed to be iutalled a sewer iaterceptor line rUJlJliIlg eRtirely in U. S. i.ate #11, "gi"""'" at the western terains of the '1'owa of Salu lewer iaterceptor liae at the western corporate 11a1te ot said '1'owa; ,,:ud. 1fJID'R1S the luthorit7 desires to grant, CODTeY, aaaigr" traasf'Clr and set on!' uato the '1'own of Sale., VirgiJJ.ia, a sepellt of' said sewer interceptor lill8, 1rilich would "gill at the westerR tel'llins of' the '1'own ot Salu line at its westera cOl'porate l1aita, and run westerly within the rigilt-of-way of said road, 793 feet. .ore or less, to a aeteriDg station juat west of Horner's Bruch, the " '1'own of Sal_ to owa and aaintaia &aid liD ud the luthority to " relieftd ot payaut tor sewage tranaportatioll and treataent of such sewage aJll! artace water as enter the sue, other than through the said tlow ..ter; and, WlIBJlE1S the Aathorit7 and the '1'oe of' Salem haft .1Itully agreed therellpon, with the uJlderstandillg that all connec1;io1i8 to said 793 feet, .ore or le..,at iaterceptor liae be ander the Joillt aM equal coatrol by the To.. fit Salem aDd by the luthority, but before IIllking any conveyance ot &aid line, or giyiDg up any of' its autllor:f.ty or jurisdiction over the aue, the Il1thorit7 desires the CODCllrreRCe Of th:l.s Board by resolution of record; lOW. 'l'BUFOU, BE I'!' RESOLYED: 'fhat it is the sense of the ...bers ot thiii ;;';' . . . . Board that thB aforesaid agre..ent between the luthority aDd. the 'l'own Of Sale. il to the best interest of all parties concerned, and this Board does concur therein. Adopted by the fOllowiDg recorded, vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. 'ferrell, Minor i. letter and W. E. tudif't lfaya: .one Letter dated Aaguat 9, 1958, frea William J. Paxton, Jr., '1'own Clerk, addressed to Roy t. Brown, Clerk, Board of' Bupervisors, RoaDOke County, ellClosiDg all exeCllted copy of a .8IIIoralldu Of agre..ent under date of A1IgUlt 8, 1958, be'tlleu the '1'oe of' Sale. and the Roanoke County Sanitation lulaerity and countersigned by Jackson-Hilla Corporation pertaiJJ.iDg to a certain sepent of sewer interceptor line located 011 U. S. Route 11, aaediately west of Salea, and letter dated l1lg1lst 12, 1958, fro. Williaa J. Paxton, Jr., '1'own Clerk, addressed to Roy It. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supe~visors, RoaDOke COUDt7, enclosiDg an attested copy of resolution adopted ily COWlc11 '1'own of' Sale. at its regular .eeting oa August 11, 1958, ratUTiDg and contirinq M..orandua of Agre_Dt dated Aagust 8, 1958, between ToWII of' Salsa and Roanoke COlUlt7 SaJJ.itation luthor1ty, 1rilich agre..ent has beaD countersigned by Jackson-Hills Corporation, received and ordered tned. ',' ,. . ;'. , .';.~ '.:j. ~. ~ ,'; . -, .' I I I I I ,', .., . - .' " "j' , 'rJ U RB: UZOJiIJIG OF CBRrAIlI PROPER'l'Y LnJiG ) 1JID BEIJlG n 1lO1lfOU COD'l'Y AJID, ) MORE. P1RTIctJL1iLY DESCRIBED 15: ) LO'l'S 111, 112, 12 and A3 as they ) lPPID OJi 1 CRrAU PUT JI1P OF ) "BDW1RDS PUCE" Dl'1'E1l 1PRIL 9, 1957, ) AID JlECOiDD n PLAf BOOI #3, 011 ) PIGJ: #262 ,II THE CLBIlI'S OFnCB OlF ) TIIB CIRCUIT COUR'1' OF ROllfOD: COUfty, ) VIRGIlIA.", ) ~i~!1 A regular aeetiDg of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors was this day conftRed at o'clock M. a 1IlIJ:UIPOJi, Jack T. Place, attorney for Pau Edwards and Mabel Bdwards, . , appeared before the said Board and asked leave to tile a petition on behalf of' the said Palll a.d Mabel Edwards, wo are the fee siaple owners of certain lots s01lgll.~ to De resoucl. Said petition requested that the lots therei. described De resoned trca "I Residence" to "Local Business Districts" as defined by the soJJ.ing ordilWlce -Of Roanoke C01lJltY~ adopted on Ja~uary 20, '191tl as ..ended to da~i. IOW, TIIUD'OJlE, BE IT RESOLVED 1JID ORDBIlED that at. this regular ..etiDg of . the Board of s.Pervis~r" of Roa;'oke Coanty ~ VirgiJJ.ia, held this 18~h day of' Aagast, 1951i at the COllrthouse thereof', that, the re-soJJ.iDg petition ot Palll Bdwards aDll Mabel Edwards be, and the 8... is hereby tiJe d; 1JID BE IT lUR'l'HB1l RESOLVED 1JID ORDERED, that said re-soJling petition be, and ~ . , tlte sue herepy is, reterred to the Plann!Dg COaaiSSiOll of ROaDOke Coanty for ite rec~ndations in accordance with the applicable statutes in such cases aade aad proYided. m BE IT rtJ1l'l'HB1lIESOLYED AID CIlDBIlED, that a certified copy of' this . ',." '..- r811011l1:ioil and order be fortawith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Palll B. Jlatthewa, Secr'etarJ' of the Plamrlng' Coaaisa1on ot Roauke Coanty, VirgiJJ.ia. The abaft resolution and order was adopted OR aotion of Saperviaor B4w1ll G. '1'errell of Cave SpriDg Magisterial D1s tri ct, and seconded by Supervisor Millor K. leUer, of' Catawba Magisterial Diatric~, and on a recorded vote t.he Supervisors Toted as tollowa: lyes: Supervisors Edwin G. '1'errell, Minor R. lefter, Roland H. Clark and W. E. Cunditf Jiays: 1I0ne ~ III JlE: lli:ZOIIIIl OF PROPERTY SITUATE 011 '1'1lE BAST SIDE OF VIRGIlIA HIGHWAY 110. 117, III '!'HE SALEM JIlGISTBRIAL DISTRICT OF ROAlfOIE COUlf'l'!, VIRGIlfIl" OF LBOlWUl T. GILBER'1' AND WARREll W. GILBERT ) J J ) ) ) FINAL OiDBR ~rP.;;;,...f,..r /; , .c.ic. e-... ~I"IJ<.T ~ WIlEREAS, Leonard '1'. Gilbert and, Warren W. Gilbert, did, on the 16th day of' Jane, 1958, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, an:!. the PlanDiDg Coaaissicn of' Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General ZoJJ.ing Ordill8Dce of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, so as to provide that certain real property owned by the said Leonard T. Gilbert and Warren W. Gilbert, and situate on the East aide of State Highway lfo. 117, and Bore particularly described in said petition, and hereinafter Bore f'ully described, and now classified as .resideJl.ce property. be reclassified and reloRed as .local business property., ~o as to provide that said property and buildiDgs which IIllY hereafter be erected thereon may be used for local business plU'poses; and, WHlWS, the Board of Supernaors of Roanoke C01lJltT, ViJ'giJJ.ia, did by a resolution adopted at its regular aeeting of said Board ot Supervisors, held on the 16th day ot JlUle, 1958, refer said petition and proposal to so ..end said C01lJlty ZoJJ.iq Ordinance to the PlanniDg COIIIIiaaion ot Roanoke Coanty, VirgiJJ.ia, as required bT said ZoJJ.ing OrdiDSnce and as required by the Code of VirgiJJ.ia, tor a reco_ltndation of said PlanJJ.iDg Coaaiaaion and said Code Of Virginia; and, WRXRRIS, the said PlaDning Coaaission of said Coanty did, by a resolution adopted at ita regular. a.e.atiDg held on the 22nd day of July, 1958, rec_nd to e Board of Sapervisors of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, that said County ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance should be &IIended so as to change or reclassify said property troll its present classification of .residence property. to Klocal business propertY", as requested in said petition; and, WIlDIUS. the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Collnty, Virginia, has received a cop-" ot the Order and Resolution adopted by said COlUlty Plawng Coaaiaaion recoaaendiag that said County ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance be so U1ended; ud, ~J:IS, the said COmity Board of Superl'isors of Roanoke COUJl'l;y, Virginia, did by its resollltion adopted on the 16th day of June, 1958, as afcresaid. orcler that the said Clerk of the said jjoard of Supervisors upon receipt of said rec_lldatioll troa said PlaDJJ.iDg COIIlrlsaion, be forthwith set down for a public ltearillg at the next po. :"",ssible regular or special aeetiDg of said Board of Supervisors, and to give notice thereof by publication in accordallce with the proviSiOns of said Couty ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance ud in accordance with the provisions ot said Code of VirgiDia; and, WHGRI!'l, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular aeetiDg of this Board to be held on this 18th day of August, 1958, at 3 o'clock P. M. as the day and Uae for a public hearing on said proposed &IIendlllent to said Coanty ZoniDg Ordi_e and did advertise the sue by notice thereof duly pablished in the riaes Register, a newspaper publiShed in and of geReral circulation ill the County of Roanoke, VirgiJJ.ia. for one iJlSertion, 011 the 31st day of July, 1958 and by notice thereof dilly published in the Roanoke raes, a newspaper of geReral circulation in the County of Roanoke,VirgiJJ.ia, for one insertion, on the let clay of August, 1958, as required by said order ot said Board of Supervisors and as required by aDd in accordance with the proviSiOns of said Co1lDty ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WBBREAS, said publicheariDg was this day held on said proposed U1endJaent to said Coanty ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance by this Board, at'ter said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; andaWHEREAS, this Board has given caretul conaideration to said petition and to said recomaenda~ion of said Planning Coaaission and has heard el'idence touchiDg the merits of said proposed amendment to said County ZoniDg Ordinance is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recolllllended by said Planning Commission. I I I I I I , and, , a 1OIf, TBBllElOU, BE IT llESOL~ AlfD aiDillED BY THE BOARD OF SUPBRVISOIlS OF ROAllOU COUftY, 'vnGIm~' at its regulu. .eetiDg or said Bou.dheld on this the 18th day of ,''v''''', i9.s&, ,:that the said County ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance ot Roanoke County, YirgiJJ.ia, be, and the spe is, hereby pended so as to change the classification of the property described in add petition troa its present clasairicatioB of "residence property. to "local business property", in order ~. , . that said property and the buildiDgs thereon, or that aight be hereattererected thereoll, aay be used for local business purposes as defined in said County ZOJJ.iDg Ordinance. The propertJ' hereby reclassified and rezoned fro. "residence property" to "local buwinlSl property" is situate on the East side ot State Highway Jlo. 117. - iR the Sal.. Magisterial District, Roooke County, Virgil:l1a, od .ore particularl ~ de.cribed alt follows, to-wit: BEGIIOlIJIG at corner No. 1 ill the center line of Virginia Highway 10. 117, which highway is 60 feet in widtll and wich point or lHIginJJ.iDg is the Southwest COrJI8r ot the R. L. Thuraan lots; thence with the South side of said TIluraan property S. 81 degs. 45' I. 439 feet to CorDer 110. 2;, thence a new division 11M alld thrll and across the "ilbert property, S. 1 deg. 29' W. 243.1 teet te Corner 10. 9; thence with the Jlorth ' line ot the reuiniDg J. L. Hartlllan land S. 119 degs. 18' W. 434-.3 teet to COrDer Ie. 10 in the center line of Virgi.Jl.ia Highway 10. 117; thence aloDg aad with the center line or sai4 Highway JI. 1 deg. 10' I. 351.4- teet to the place at BBGIJDlIJIG, od contaiJJ.iDg 3.167 acres, aore or less, including 0.24 ot aa acre, aore or less, iJl the right-or-Wll1 or YirgiJJ.ia BiPWll1 JIo. 117, and'beibga Westerly portion or the 15.56 acre tract conveyed to Leonard T. Gilbert and Warren W. Gilbert by a deed recorded in Deed Book 422, at ~ge 38, of the records of the Clerk's Ottice of the Circuit Court tor the CoUJ1ty or Roanoke, VirgiJJ.ia, which said 3.167 acre tract is aore particularly shown on a prelWnary plat prepared by C. B. Ralcola, and Son, dated May 2, 1958. Reference is also hereby specifically had to copy of a IIllP or plat recorded in Deed Book 570, at page 331, of the records of the Clerk's Ofrice of the Circuit Court tor the County of Roanoke, VirgiJda, and the corner _bers gi....n in this description are taken rra said last aentioned plat. ' 1lfD IT IS lURTHn RESOLVED ABD ORDBRED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certityaJld deliver a copy of this resolution and order to ~he Secretary of the Couty Plann1Dg Coaaisaion, and a copy to Benj. E. Chapaan, IttorDey tor said Petitioners, La.nard T. Gilbert and Warren W. Gilbert. a . 'l'he toregoiDg Resolution and Order was adopted on aotion of Super'fisor W. E. Cundiff and seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: lyes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer and Idwin G. Terrell Jlays: Bone c : III JlE: REZOlfIlfG PROPERTY SITUATED ON '!'HE 1I0R'l'H SIDE OF SUR SECOJIDARY ROAD lIt32, BEGIlINING AT PETER'S CRUK, OR THE EJID OF TIlE CITY LIMITS OF ROAIIIOKE, vTIGIlfIA, AND BITBlfDIIG WEST 1113.2 Fr. WITH 1 WIDTH or .u>PROIIJIATELY 350 FT. OF CARL A. M01l'lGOJlERI AlfD C. G. WILLIAMS ) ) ) FIlIAL OiDER At the aeetiDg of the Board of SUfi rvisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Court Bouse on August la, 1955. - I ; <?1h. dz;.. ,..t.,. ~.r.tc!:'~1 ~ ' 1r vRt~~~ ~ 1'''1 / ~-g 90 1fARII1US, Carll. Montgomery and C. G. Williams did petition this Board and rec!,aested that the County ZOJJ.iDg Ordinance be aaended so as to provide tl:lat certain property described in said PetiUon, which is ,now claseified .1 Residenc Property., which petition was filed at the regular .eetiug of this Board on the 21st day ot Ju.J.y, 1958 aDd by Order entered on that day was reterred to the PlanDing Coaaissioll. of Roanoke County for reco.-endation in accordance with the provisiollS of the Code of Virginia; and WHlUlS said PlaDDiDg Coaaiuion b)" resolution adopted at a aeeting on , the 22nd day of July, 19511, after heariDg eYWence toachiug Oil the aerits of said Petition, recoaae.ded to this Board that said COlU1ty Zoaing Ordinance be aaended so aa to chauge the claaaificatl. on of all the property described in the Petition to local business property, and WI1RIUUS, rae Board of' Superviaors ot Roanoke COlUlty did b)" its Order. elltered on the 21st day of July, 19", as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of thia Board, upon receipt of said reco..endation tro. the PlanJJ.iug Coaaisaion, forthwith sat the saae dOlll'l for a publiC hearing at the next peraiaaible replar or special Metiug of this Board, and give notice thereof' by publication in accordar,ce with tile COUJlty ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance and the Code of VirgiJJ.ia; and 1fII1!RlflS. the Clerk of this Board did set the replar aeet1ug of' this Board to be held on 11lg1lst 18, 1958, at 3:00 P. II. as tbe date and 1;1ae for a pulic hearing OJl. the aforesaid propolI8d aaendaent to said County Zoning Ordinance, and adnrt1aed the saae by notice duly published in the Sal.. Uaes blister. a Dewspaper haviug general circ11lation in the Couty of Roanoke, Vir&1JJ.ia. for two iuertions on the 31 day of Jdy, 19" ud on the 1 day of l11gUat, 19", as required by: said Order of this Board., and in accordance with the provisiou of the County ZoJJ.iug Ordinance and the Code of' VirgLJJ.ia, aad ~KRlflS, said pablic heariag was this date had on the aaid proposed aaen_nt to the County ZoJJ.ing Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was daly pablisaed, as atoreaaid, and WHEREAS, this Board after giviag careful consideration to said Petition and to said rec_ndation of the PlanJJ.iug Coaaission, and heariug evidence tollchiug on the aerite of' said proposed aaendaent to the County ZoJJ.iug Ordinance, beiug of' the opinion that said County ZoJJ.iug OrdillaRce, ahoald be aaended as reque.ted in said Petition, and as reco..ended by said Plann!mg Coaaiss10n. lOW, 'l'HBRD'OIlI, BE IT RESOLVID AXD CIlDEIlEDthat at this aeetiug of the I I I I - Board of' Superrtsors of Roanoke Couty, Virgiltia, bald on the 18 day of'lugust, 1958, the said County ZOJJ.iDg OrdiZllulce be and the aaae ia hereby 8IIIended so as to I classify the property described in said Petition as local business property, , ! in order that said property aDd the buildiugs that IIaY hereafter, be erected thereon aay be used for local business purposes as def'ined by said County ZoJJ.iug Ordinance. 'l'he property hereby classified as local business property is IIOre particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGIIIJIXG at a point on the 1I0rth side of State Secondary Route lIt32 and Peter's Creek, at the east limits of the County Of Roanoke, V1rgiJJ.ia; thence tollowiug State Secondary Route 11.32 S. 720 35' W. 111l3.2 ft. to a point on aaae; thence still following the north side of the road I ,I aloDg a curved line, wose chord is S. 82- 55' If. 230 tt. to a poiAt on the property of J. If. Ellis;, thence with the aaae I. 15- 24-' If. 308.95 tt. to a point; thence I. 72- 35' K. 970 tt.,. aore or less, to the center ot Peter's Creek; thence down the center oE Peter's Cre-ek to the BBGIDIIG. I1' IS rlllmiU IlESOLVED AID ORDiUD that the Clerk of this Board fortilwith cer1;1l7 a c~py' ~f this resolllt10n Dc! ~:~der to tile Secretary of the PlanJJ.iag Coaaission ot Roanoke COllDty, nrginia, and a copy to 1. T. Loyci, Ittorney for the Petitioners. 'l'he toregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion 01' Supervisor Rolu.d H. Clark, aad secoadecl by Supervisor Minor R. Ke1'1'er aDd Oil the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: lyes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Ketter, Bdwin G. Terrell and w. E. Cunditf lays: J lone I, III JlE: IlEZOnla OF CBItUII PROPERTt II THE SALEK ) K1GISmIAL DIS'1'IUC'l', ROAKOIE, COUII'l'I, , ) VIRGIn!, SI'1'O!TI, ON THE 10R'l'H SIDE OF LIB ) JlIGllWAt,! (u. S., iIGDAY lWtfTB JIO. ,11), WlS!' ) or 9B cI'fI LDlITS OF THE CI'l'I OF ROAKOKE., ) VIRGIlIA, 1tI0WJ1 GEIlElW.LY is LOTS 1.110 5, ) ot the I. Ct. Olark JW' AlfD 2.008 lCRES OF ) THE -COOl BlURS- LAID, OOl1lDBD all TSB SOU!'H ) BY LEE BIGDlY, ,OK. rJIE E1S'f ,BY JlURRAY ROAD ) AID- OTIID LOD OF !'BE I. G. CLARK: MAP, Oil, TSB ) 10R'l'H BY THE MAIl LID.1IID RIGHT-OF-WAY OF ' ) 'l'HB, VIRGIJfI1ll RAILWAY. ) JlESOLU'fIOII AID ORDER ~ This day convened at 2:30 P. M., in the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Salem, VirgiJJ.ia, a regular meetiug of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, as provided by Section 15-241, Code of VirgiJJ.ia, for the purpose 01' tranaactiug the regular busineu .of the Board, and for the' additional purpose of conductiug at 3:00 o'clock P. JI., a public heariug on a req:zeat to re-sone certain real property, situate in Sal811 Magisterial District in Roanoke County, Virginia, on the north aide of Lee Highway, (U. S. Highway Route 10. 11), 1I8st of the city liaits of the City of Roanoke, VirgiJJ.ia, known generally as Lots 1 and 5, of the I. G. Clark Map and 2.008 acres of the .Cook Heirs. land, bounded on the south by Lee Highway. on the east by Murray Road and other land of the I. G. Clark Map, and on the north by the lIllin line and right-of-way of the VirgiJJ.ian Railway. The land so described is owed by Frank R. Augell and Louise R. Angell, husband and wife, and ia ahon on Plat of Survey filed with the petition herein on July 21, 1958; and W1ERB1S, on .rilly 21, 1958, the petition of Frank R. Ingell and Louise R. Angell, husband and wife, was filed at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisor, I pursuant to Sections 15-84.6 and 15-84.7, Coie of VirgiJJ.ia, as amended, to re-sone said land by Dending the zoJJ.ing ordinanc:e of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, adopted January 20, 194.1, as aaended; and WRKRR1S, by resolution and order adopted July 21, 1958, at the above described regular aeetiug of the Board of Supervisors 01' Roanoke County" Virginia, ,the re-soning petition of Frallk R. 1ngell and Louise R. Angell was referred to 'the PlanJJ.iug Coaaission of Roanoke Count,-, VirgiJJ.ia, for its rec_endatioD8 in . accordance with Section 15-847 of the Code of VirgiJJ.ia (1950); and a ~' 91 ~' <i..&.. g- o FL.... C ' r <U... c........ r- <>>;:hlh\~t ~/AJ ~Y-~ ry~ 92 ~R~l~, upon receipt of a certified copy of the resolution and order of this Board, the ,PllUUliDg COIIIIission of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, at a regular aeetiug held, on July 22, 1958, made an inspection Of the aboye described land ud tully ioestigated the aerits of the request for ruoJJ.iug said property trOll residelltial to lilht industrial use, and was of the opiJJ.ion that a challge of' classi1'ication of said propt:rty, as recOIIIIended in said resolution, would bebeneficial to Roanob County at large, in that it would proYide Ilecessary aad exceptionally desirable business dnelopaent property, that the chauge of classificatioll, as therein reCO_ended, would proaote the public illterest, prosperit"f and welfare of RoallOke County; the Planaiug Coaaiaaioa did, by resolution VJlIln1aously ,adopted at its aeetiug on July 22, 1958, reco_nd to the Board ot Supervisors ot Roaneke COUJlty that. it re-classity and re-zone the property "et forth in the petitioJl of Frank R. Angell and Louise R. 1Dgell, as tollo..: FrOll -I IlESmUCi- to -LOCAL BBSDIiSS- - Lots 1 and 5 of t.he I. G. Clark)lap and that part ot the !'Cook Heirs- land which abuts on 8. S. Route 11 (Lee Highway) and extends northerly toward the VirgiJJ.ian Railway.approx1aately 177 feet to a line wich begins at the comaon corner of lots 1 and 6 of the I. G. Clark )lap, and rIUI8 thence S. 84-- 40' Y. 150 teet to the west line of the1Dgell property, (Cook Heirs land), said land beiug ahOWD as Parcel A on the plat attached to the resolatioll of the Planning Coaa1~lioll. lIlOlI -i JlESIDEJlCX-to -LIGH'l IBDUSmAL- , ., rhat. part of the .Cook Heirs- land which abuta on the YirgiJJ.ian Railway, and extends southerly approxLaat.ely "'53.57 teet on the westerly side and approxilllltely 301.75 feet on the easterly side, to a line which begiJlll at tile cOllllOn COrDer of lot s 1 and 6 of the I. G. Clark llap, and. runs thence s. 8",- ItO' Y., lSO teet to the west lill8 of the Ingell property (Cook Heirs land~, said land lIeiD.g ahoWD as Parcel B,on the plat attached to the resolutioll of tlll PlaJ1lliug COIIIIission; and WlIRln:l~, the Clerk of thb Board did issae IlOtice by publication, as required by Sections 15-lt46 and 15-6"'7 01' the Code of Virgiuia, of the public hearing on the proposed aaenclaent to the ~DOke County ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance by le&al advartiSUleJlt 1rilich appeared ill The ioaDOke Tiaea, a Jlewspaper haviug a ge..ral circulation ill ioanoke Co1lllty, the publisher's certificate thereof haUIlg been filed with the Clerk 'of this Board, tile Jlotice stat1ug tully the tiae, place alld purpose of the public heariDg and the place at wich the ten andaap of the r e-zoJJ.iag petition, certified by the PlanJJ.ing COIIIIission, aight be exaained; and WBEU1S, aore than fifteen (15) the abova described. notice to lugust days expired frOll the second publication Of 16, 1958, the date of this public hearing; i WBEU1S, on lagust 18, 1958, cOIIIIenciDg at 3:00 o'clock P. M., in the court-I house of Roenoke County, Salem, VirgiJJ.ia. there was conducted by this Board a , " ~ , " , " I it the aer1ts 0: the proposal, the proposed use of the property, and full opportUJJ.ity,l at1'orded all 1nterested parties to express their views concerning this proposal; II and " 'I I ,I i! and public heariug on said request of Frank R. Augell and Louise R. 1Dgell; and WBEiEAS, at said publiC hearing there was a full and cOIIplete discussion of - I I I I I .==~...- ~ lIR'DtUS, at the conclusion of the public heariug of A1lgl1st 18, 1958, and after tull consideration of this Board it was unaniaously agreed that the requested chauge in classitic~tion, as hereinafter set forth, will promote the pllblic interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of ROllJloke County; JIOII'. 'fIIEUFOJlE, be it resolved at this regular aeetiug of the ioaJla~e Coanty Board of -Supervisors that the ZoJJ.ing Ordinances of RoaDOke CO\lJlty, adopted January 20, 1941, as amended, be further aaended to re-classify and re-zone the property set forth in the above mentioned petitioJl of Frank R. bgell and Louise R. Angell as follows: From -A RESIDEICE- to -LOCAL BlfSIJlESS- a - Lots 1 and 5 of the I. G. Clark Map and that part o~ the -Cook Heirs. land which abuts on U. S. Route 11 (Lee-Highway) and extends northerly toward the Virginian Railway approxt.Btely 177 teet to a liJle which begins at the cOllllOn corner of lots 1 and 6 of the I. G. Clark lIap, and runs thence S. 84. 40' W., 150 feet to the west line of the Angell property , (Cook Heirs land), said land being aho.. as Parcel A on the plat attached to the resolution ot the PlaDJJ.ing COaaission. Froa -A RESmUCE- to .LIGHT IJlDUS'l'RIAL- ~ " , 'l'hat part o~ the -Cook Beirs. land wich abuts o. the VirgiJJ.ian Railway aDd exteads southerly approxiaately 1t53.57 teet on the westerly dde ud approxiaately 361.75 feet on the easterly dde, to a line which begina at the co_on corner of lots 1 nd 6 ,.ot the I. G. Clark Map, and runs thence S. 8It. 4-0' W.!. lSO feet to the west line of the lngell property (Cook lieirs land), said land beiug ah01ll1 as Parcel B on the, plat attached to the resalatioB of the PlanJJ.ing Coaaission; and ~ BE It' FUR'fIIER RESOLVED AlfD ORDBRED, that this resolution and order be spread on the o!~icial rec~rds of the Board of Supervisors of RoallOke County, VirgiJJ.ia, by the Clerk of this Board, and that the Clerk forthwith torward certi tied copies Of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary ot the PlanJJ.iug Coaaission, and to Frank R. Angell and Louise R. 1ngell, the petitioners herein, and Pall B. Matthews is directed to chauge all official soJJ.ing ups of Roanoke CO\lJlty to retlect the re-zoJJ.iug ordered herein. The aboye reaolution and order vas adopted on aation of Sapervisor Roland H. Clark of Sal.. Magisterial District and seconded by Supernsor Edwin , , G. Terrell of Cave Spriug Magisterial District and on a recorded vote the Sapervisors voted as follows:. lyes: SUSlervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundit~ and Minor R. Ie:rfer lfays: 1I0ne ~ i f II JlE: JlEZOIIIG OF 1 POnUON OF 1 9.843 ACJlE TRACT ) ON '1'HB NORTH Sml, OF If. ,S. HIGHWAY BOUTE 10. ) 11 lDJOIlfIlG THE BOWARD JOHJlSOII RESTAVRAJiT ) ) or ) ) LODGE, INCORPORATED ) FIlIAL ORDER ut ~C, au..c.......... itk ~~:e:.A71 ~~~~. !I~'(- ~ ~lq/~'Tj( I, ~ II ~ , WllERllS, Lodge, Incorporated, did file a petition with this Board at the regular meetiug held on J1l1y 21, 1958, requestiug that the County ZoJJ.iug Ordinance be amended so as to provide that a certain tract of land described ,94 r I I j :/ , I : j ~,'/ ti c' ,1 :j 'I ,'. . " I " ,1 in said pet11;ioll by aetes and boands, wich ia Jl.OW classified as a residential district, be rezoned to a local business district for a distance of 300 teet rrcathe center line of U. S. Highway Bo. 11, and this Board by order entered at its said lIIeetillg referred said petitioll to the PlamUug Coaa1saion or Roanoke County for recoaaenda~ion as required by law; and WBE1lB1S, said PlaDJJ.iug Coaaisaion by resolution adopted at a aeetiag held OR the 22nd day of July, 19511, after heariag evidence touching on the aerits ot said petition ~co_ended to this Board tp.at said Couty ZoniBg OrdiDllllce be aaended 80 as to perllit said tract tor a distance ot 300 feet troa the center line of U. S. Highway Route 10. 11 to be used tor business purposes; and WR1tR1I:lS, file Board or Supervisors or RO&lloke Couty did by its order ell.tered on July 21, 19511, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said reco..eJ1dation froa the Plu.JJ.iBg Coaa1aaion forthwith set the saae down for a pulic hearing at, the lII8xt p8Niasible regular or special .etiug of this Board, and that notice thereof be gi Tell. in accorciaJt.cl with law: and WllEBEAS. the Clerk of this Board did Sit the regular aeetiJII: of tlUe , , Board to .>e held on August 111, 1951l, at 3:00 P. M. as the date and tillle tor the Pllblic hearing OR the question of uendiug the Couty ZoJJ.ing Ordinaace as proposld iR said petitioll, and the .... was adTertised by notice duly published ill The Roanoke Tau, a newspaper haviag general circulatioR i1!I the Couty of Roanoke, 'firgiJJ.ia, for two insertioJlll Oil the 25th day of .J~, 1951l, aad on the 1st day of 111g1l.8t, 19511, as required by said order of this Board, &lid in accordance wi~h law; and WRRR1I:'~, said publiC hearing was this date had on the said proposed aaendaent to the COUDty ZoJJ.iug Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof duly pUblis.ed, as aforesaid: and lfRRIl"S, this Board after giviug caretul consideratioll to said petition ud to said reco_endation of the PlanJJ.ing Collllission, and heariug evidence touch1Dg on the aerits or said proposed amendllellt to the County ZoJJ.iug Ordinance, beiug ot the opiaion that said County ZoJJ.ing Ordinaace ahoJil4 be aaended aa requested in said petition, and as reco..ended by said Planning Collllission: I I I I lOW, 'fHBREFOU, BE IT RESOLVED AlID ORDBIlED that at this lIIeetiug ot the Board or SaperTisors or Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 18th d81 of August, 1958, the said County ZoJJ.iug Ordinance be and the sue is hereby _ended so as to classify the said tract tor a dill tance of 300 feet froa the ceuter line of U. S. Highway 110. 11 as local business po operty, in order that i such property and the buildiugs that may be ereeted thereon IIllY be used tor local builles. purposes as defined by said County ZoJJ.iug Ortu.nance. The tract hereby classified as local business property tor a distance Of 300 teet froa the center line of U. S. Highway 110. 1 is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: I a BBGIIJIIG at Corner #1 on the easterly side of Cooper's LaDe, 275 teet ..rtherly froa the DOrtherly- side ot U. S. Highway 10. 11; theRce alorag the easterly side ot said Cooper'a Lane, I. 20 degrees SO aill.tes W., 287.0 fee~ to Corller #2; I. 20 degrees 00 ainlltes W., 64-7.7 feet to Corner #3; theRce with the southerly liRe of the reuiJJ.iug propertrot J. S. J..iaon, I. 17 degrees 20 ai_tes E., 436.4 teet to Corller 14; thence S. 17 degrees 35 ainutes E., 5~.6 feetto Corller #5; thence with the northerly line of Lot #3, of ~he J. s. Jaaison lCap, I. 6ll degrees 55 ai_tea B., 50.09 feet to Corner #6; thence aloug the cellter of aaid Lot #3 and crossiug the old abudoned B. ~ O. Railroad grade, S. 17 degrees 35 aiRutes, E., 434.ll feet to Corner #7; ~he.ce-alerag the .ortherly lille of Lot #It. of the StutSlllln Ma~t I. 6t degrees 01 aiJllltes I., 6.5 feet to Corner 18; the.ce with two new lines across said Lot #4., S. 21 .egrees 35 aiJl.1ltes E., 4-4.45 teet to Coraer #9; theace I. 69 degrees 06 aillu~e. B., 5 teet to Corur #10; the.ce with the dividiDl lille ietweell Lots 4 aad 5. of said StutSlllln JIl!p, S. 21 degrees 35. aiJl.1ltes x. 85 teet to Corner III on the IlOrtherly side ot U. S. HicJaway Rou1;e #11, beiagllO teet wide; thellce, aJ.oBg the DOrtherly aide ot said Highway, S. 69 degrees 96 aillates Y., 150 teet to Corner #12; thence learlrag tlte said Higbway aad alollg ~ile westerly li.e of Lot #2, of said StutSllllD Map, and thnee continaiDg with Bew division lines .I. 21 degrees 45 aiRutes W., 275 feet to Corner J13, tunce s. 69 degrees 06 aillut.es Y., 293.3 feet to the place or BBGIDIJIG, and contaiJl.iug 9.843 acres, as shown on a Plat prepared by C. B. Ma1cola lIJI.d Son, C. E., dated July 13. 1957, wich is recorded in the Clerk's Orfice or the Circuit Court or Roanoke Coun1;y, VirgiDia, in Deed Book Sill, page 555; and BBIIG the aaae property conveyed 1;0 Lodge, Incorporated, by, Mark H. Johnston and Helen O. Johnston, huband and wife, by deed dated July 24, 1958, and recorded in the atoresaid Clerk's,Ottice in Deed Book 581, page SSO. n' IS FUR'lHER RESOLVED AID ORDBUD that the Clerk or this Board forthwith ~ I ~ , , certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary or the Plu.JJ.iug Coaaission of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, and a copy to E. Griftith Dodson, Jr., attor.ey tor the petitioner. The foregoiug Resolu'l;ion was adopted on the aotion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, alld seconded by Sllpervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and on the recorded TOte the Supervisors vot!td as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Sapervisors Roland H. Clark, Bdwin G. Terrell, Y. E. Cundirf and Millor R. ICetfer lays: lone a II RE: REZOIIIG 'NO PAiCELS COIITAIIIIG 0.9 ACRE A1lD ) 0.43 lCU, DI '!'HE SALEM JfAGISTERIAL DIS'l'BICT, ) lWAlIOD COUIi'l'I, VIRGInA, LOCATED SOUTH OF ) TIRGWl HIGHWAY ROUTE 117-Y, A1lD 1I0RTH OF ) STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 1431 ) FIlIAL ORDER c WIIR111U~, J.-s Wallace Cates and Leota L. Cates, husband and wife, did on the 27th day ot March, 1958, petition the Board of SuperVisors of Roaaoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, and the Plu.JJ.iug Coaais sion of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, to aaeJl.d the Roanoke County ZoJJ.iug Ordinance so as to provide that certain propert described in said Petition now classified as beillg aAa Residence District be re-classitied as aBusiness Districta; and , - WHEREAS, a8 reqIrlred by the Code of VirgiJJ.ia, 1950, and aore specifically as required by Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 15 or said Code, for a reco_endation in accordance with the provisions of said County ZoJJ.iug Ordinanc ftvf.et m:.:.''C;:. C';';z. ~ cWo 't I~,[~ ~ g / 1''1/..-( 96 ~ = ~ and the Code ot VirgiJJ.ia, the PlanJJ.iug Coaaiaaioner ot Roanoke County did by a Resolution adopted at a Special JleetiDg held on the 23rd day of July, 1958, reco..end to the Board of SuperTisors for the .aid COllDty that the said Co1lJl.~ ZoJJ.iDg Ordinance be ..eaded so a. to put the clalSSificatioa of said property froa its prelent classification of "A" Residence District to Business District; and I W1IBIUS, the Board of Supervisors of said County did by its ielOlution adopted on the 23rd day of July, 1958, Order the Clerk of the Board of SuperTisors upon receipt of' said recommendation froa said PlanJJ.iag eo.ais don to ..10 the aaaa down for Public Heariug at the nax~ peraiaaible regular or special aeeting of said Board of Supervisors and to gi.... Jrotice thereot, through publication, in ~ccordanc" with the provisions of said County ZoJJ.iug OrdinallCe and the Code of VirgiJJ.ia of 19SO, aa lllI8nded to date; WlfRRR1~, the Clerk ot this Court did fix the replar aeetill& ef the Board to be held on tile lStl:t day of lu.gust, 1958, at 3:00 P. M. as the day and tiae for a Pabl1c lleariug on said proposed AIIelldaent to said COUllty Zoniug Ordinance aad did adyertise the saae by lotice thereof, duly pabliahed ia the'Tiaes- Resister, a ae..paper pUblished in and havimg general circalation in the COUllty of Roanoke, TirgiJJ.ia, f or two insertions, the tirst on Juy 24, 1958, ad the seconde' on Jaly 31, 1958, &8 required by the Order ot this Board, and further as require' by aad in aecordallce with the Pro'YisioJlll ot said Coanty ZOaiug Ordilll.ace and the Cocle of VirgiJJ.ia ot 1950, as aaellded to date; ud 1fIIDR1S, said Public Hearillg was Ws .day had on said proposed AIIendllat to said COlUlty ZODiDg Ordinance by this Board, after tull and. caaplete notice thereat was duly pllltlished as aforesaid; ud WBUlS, this Board has: gi'\'8n careful cOllsideration to .aid PetUion &lid to the racoaaendationa of the PlenD1ng Coaaission, and had heard evidence tollchiq the aerits ot said proposed laeRdllent to the said CQunty ZoJJ.iug Ordiunc and this Board beiug of the opiJJ.ion that said ZOJJ.ing Ordinance shoald be aaended as requested in said Petition and as recoaaended by said Plaan1ng Coaaission; 10000, TIBRElOU, BE IT RESOLVED, A!ID ORDERED, TilU' at this regular aeetinc of the Board ot Sapervisors of Roanoke County, held on this the 18th day of lugus~, 1958, the said County Zoning Ordinancs of Roanoke COlUlty be and the saae 1. hereby ..a.ded, so as to change the classification of the property described in Paragraph #1, of said Petition, froa its present classification of "I" Rasidence District to "Business District" in order that the said property and buildiJJ.g that IIllY hereafter IJe erected theropon III&Y be used for busines. pRrpoaea as defined in said County ZoniDg Ordinance. 'l'he property hereby classified ud rezoned f1l)a "A" Residence District to Business District 1s aore particularly described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL I I I ,I I STlRTIIG at where a cedar tree foraerly stood at the intersection of the south line of the right-of-way of the Roanoke Railway and Electric Coapal'lJ' with the northern line of the Salem and Lynchburg Turnpike at "A"; thence with the old north line of the old said Turnpike, S. 830-35' E., 100 ft. to corner #1 being THE ACTUAL PLACE Ol,BEGIIOIIIIG, said BEGlIOIIJiG POINT beiug X. 620-16' B., 11.0 ft. from the highway JlQnaaent I on the present south side of VirgiJJ.ia Highway Route 11l7-I, said aOBlIIlent designated as -G- to be laereinatter . reterred to; thence with the old nortla liBe of tlae Sal.. and Lynclab1lrg hrnpike, S. 830-35' I., 289.0 ft. to Cor..r 12; thence continuiug ,with tlae s..e, S. 800-55' E. 158.0 ft. to Corner #3; thence with the west 11118 of the Helen Beckner property, II. 20-00" Y., 202.8 ft. to Corner Is on the new s01i'th l:Lne .r Virg:lDia Highway, Route 11l7-1 (Highway Project P+aDS 1092~ D-7. 8 and lO); thence with the south line ot said Highway SO ft. southerly frea and parallel with the centerline of sue and with a curved line to the right the !ollowiug six chords: S.0640 31t' W., 68.3 ft.; S. 67 -33' Y., 50.0 ft.; S. 69 -1t8' Y., so.a tt.; S. 720-16' Y. 50.0 ft.; S. 740-42' Y., 50.0 ft.; S. 760-51t' Y., so.o tt. to a concrete aonuaent; thence cODtinaiJIg with the south sid.or said higlawaf' 50 ft. solltherly froa the centerliBe of s..., s. 78 -11' Y., 102.1t ft. 'to a concrete aOll1lllent; thel1Cd continn1Dg with tile south a.ide of said right-of-way aDd with a liBe diYergiug froa the center li.., S. 620-16' Y., Itl.4 ft. to THE lCfUlL PLACE OF BEGIIIIIIG at CorDel' #1, said parcel COJl.taiDiDg 0.9-ac. aore or less. PlRCBL II 'th. 0.1t acre aore or less parcel Borth of present right- of-way line ot relocated Secondary Highway #lIt31 and adjoiJJ.i1lC tile 9.9 ac. aore or leas parcel on the Borth aDd ala. adjoiJl.img t.e south righ~-of-way line ot VirgiBia Highway Route #1l7-1 and beiIl~ shown OD Map of survey as rUllliJJ.iug property of Jues Yallace Cates and Leeta L. Cates, Kid plat prepared by C. B. Jlalcola aDd Son, VirgiJJ.ia State Certified Engineers, dated Febr1l&ry 16, 1955, which plat is aade a part of the description au is recorded. I a 1IID I'f IS FURTHER RESOLVED 1IID ORDBRID, that the Clerk ot this Board do forthwith certify a copy of this ReaolutioB and Order to tlae Secretary of the Roanoke C01lJ1ty Plann1ug COmaiSSioB aDd a copy thereot to J. D. Copenhaver, Ittorne for Jaass Yallace Cates and Leota L. Cates. ldopted 'by the .followiug recorded Tote: 'lyel: Supervisors Rolud H. Clark, llinor R. Ketter, Y. I. Cundift and Edwin G. Terrell. .ys: lone WHB1lB1S, the C01lJ1ty School Board ot Roanoke Couty this day tiled with this Board the hereiaafter excerpt tro. the ainutes of a special .eetiug of the ioaaokG County School Board held on lugust 18, 1958: -0.. aotioB of Yilliaa J. Lot:l seconded by Mrs. Frank B. ThGUs, the f:;,llowiug resolution was un..ni_oualy adopted: a lfRRRIUl!, the County School COllstruction Fud haa illsufticient tuads to aeet the Pll1IIl&nts on the new Oak Grove School aDd additions to Mt. Pleaaallt, Clerabrook and South Salea Schools, and WHEREAS, there is a surplus in the County School Operatiug Fund, and lfRRRlUS, a transfer of funds can be arrauged, thereby postpoiling the borrowiug of aoney tor the Construction Fund for a periOd and thereby saviug the interest thereon; lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the COUJlty School Board ot Roanoke County, with the cODcurreBt approval of the County Board of SUperVisors of Roanoke COllDty, , hereby requests ud authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by I j01lraal entry an aaout of .1OO,OOO~OO froa the Couty Operatiug Fund to the County School Construction FUDd~~___ r ,:l- t ~ .'W.r ~~,.,,{',"... 'y'L ~' &...L't -, C ~.,J~.....v ~ . ~ cJHr~ &1''1! .i~ 98 ; 1 1 I ffJ~t ~Lt I ;I; fl..t..., , ) J. ' ~ ~~ ~ Ilfll7. . , 1OIf, TIlBmOU, DB 11' USOLYD tllat the Board ef S.pervisors ot iOllJl,oke Gouty hereby 'apFOft~ .aid re~eis~, au hereby authorises the freas1l1'er of Roanoke Gouty to trusfer by j0U1'Jl81 eatry an aa01lJlt of 1100,&00.90 froa the Gouty School Operatiug Fud ,to, the, Couty School Coutructioll hnd. Idopte' by the,tollowing recorded vote: lyea: Sllpervisors W.I. Cundift, Minor I. i:etter, lolaad. i.Clark and Idwill G. 'lerreU 1a1S: Jlo.e I II Ill: CU1'lIXG OW TO'lIllG PIlECnC'l 1'0 BE UOlOT,1S on GIOU PRlCIIC'l, noM 1 POR'lIOX OF CIV1 SPRIXG TO'lIJJG i'Ucnc'l: _ I This day cue the ioaBOke Co1lJlty Xlectoral Board, by CoWUle1, and aade the , , following rec_adatioa, wich, in the opiJJ.ioll of said Electoral Board, is tor the best interests and conftD1ence of 1011I yaters of ioaDOke County: f' 1: That tile Toting Preci-llCt in Caft _Sprlug )(agisterial District, D01lll as Cave Spria;g PreCillCt, be divided iJl.to two parts. the MW Toting Precinct to be kJlOwn as Oak Groft Preciact, ud to be boUJUled ud described as follows, to-wit: BBGIDIIG at a poiJlt' in the corpOrate line or the C:l.t)' ot Roanoke, ..ere __ illter.ectswith State Secollllary Rov.te 682 aael. JIacI. Lick Creek; theace with Xu. Lick Creek, as :1:10 aeuders, ill a southnaterly directioll to 1IIaere saU creek aeets State Roate 119; theRce coatimlillC ill a sOlltllwesterly directioll wita the right fork (the larger tork) ot JIlld Lick Creek to State SecoRdary Roate 690; thence with Io.te 699, iR a lO11tlawesterly di:..ction, to the easterly liJl.e of the Poage's 11111 VotiDg Precillct; thellce with the easterly liDe of Poage's Mill Voting Precinct, iR a nortlnresterly directioR to tlae liRe "10_811 Salea )(agisterIal lI:1:a trict aDd eaft SprIag District; thence with line or -sue, in a Ilortheasterly,directioll, to thecolporate liaits ot ioanoke City; theDce with the corporate liaits of Roanoke City, in a southeasterly direction, to the place d: BlGIDIlfG. 111 the reaainder of said C....e SpriDg Votiug Precinct to reuin as it is at I present. 2: 'l'hat the voting place of Oak Gro.... Precinct be at the Oak Gro.... School, located at the Interaection ot State iOllte 119 and State Secondary 1000te 686; WJlD1U~ tile Board of Supervisors is of the opiJJ.ion that the rec_eDdatioJlll of the Electoral Board of Roanoke COUllt)', regardiug the proposed challges aDol'e set out, are for tlae best iRterests and eonveJJ.ience or the c1tiRU and l'oters of Roanoke County, and should and ought to be aade as aforesaid; XOW, TBBII1OII, DB IT USOLYED tllat the Clerk or this Board be aad he is , , hereby directecl to torthwith post a certified copy of this resol'lltion at the treRt door of the Court Bouse of this County, and that tllle Clerk dell ver to the Sheritt of Roanoke County certified copies ot this resolution, to be posted at each of the l'otiDg places or precillcts affected by the abol'e changes, to-wit: the Db Oak Gron:' Toting Precinct and at the present Cay. Spriug Votiug Precinct , ' '1 and said Sheritt is ordered to aake his return showing said postizlgs to the l il Clerk of this Board. II ~ il ~ ~ I I 1nd the C-mtealth'. Ittorney of Roanoke County is hereby iutracted, ette DOtice has been duly post~d tor 'l'hirty (30) days -as ilerei_boys provided for, iD accordance with Chapter 5 of TUle 2It of the 19SO Code of VirgiDia, as U1ended, to tile on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, a petition requesting the Circuit Court ot Roanoke County, or the Jill ge thereof in vacation, to enter an order, aakiDg the changes above set forth. '1'he above Resolution was adopted on aotion of Supervisor Edwin G. 'l'errell, and seconded by Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, and on a recorded 'tOte, the Sllpervisors 'tOted as tolloWll: lyes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark. llinor R. Ketter, W. 1:. Cundiff and Idwin G. 'l'errell Kays: IIone a I' 1958. ORDIRID that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in Sept..ber, ~4~# Cba'_ Court House Salem, Virginia Septeaber 15, 1955 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County DIet this day at the Court House thereot in regular aonthly session. Present: W. I. Cundiff, Chainu.n, Minor R. Kefter, Idwin G. 'l'errell and Roland H. Clark. Before the aeetiug was called to order by the Chai~an, Dr. Henu.n L. Horn, Saperintendent of Schools in Roanoke County, offered a prayer. 'l'he ainutes of the last regu.lar aeeting were approved as spread, each member ot tha Board haviug read the copy of said minutes furnished hia by the Clerk. '1'he followiug claias against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to h~ paid byYOucher~checks out of the fUnds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: ~ ~ ~ . . . . . .0. 29472 29473 29474 29475 29476 29477 . . . . . . 2947g 29479 294g0 294g1 29482 294g3 . . Acae !YPewriter Co., Stencils lcae Printers, Book Binding & Oftice suppliea Void $ 7.90 351.90 Andrew Lewis S~rvice Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles Mrs. Janet L. Ballentine, Services as Deputy Registrar Burroughs Corporation, Office supplies and repairing equip- ment Bowaan's Bakery Co.. Food tor prisoners Brown Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail &c Catawba Sanatori_, X-ray No. 473 Dr. S. D. Carey, Medical EXllIIIination 98.95 24.90 21.00 57.10 10.80 2.50 10.00 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Augu.st Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 60.00 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for County &c 529.96 3.50 119.65 29484 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 29485 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies and equipment -L -- - - -- - .0. 291+86 DiaJllOnd Paper Company, Jzitor supplies · 291+87 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies · 294-88 Double Envelope Co., office supplies . 15.79 25.39 25.66 29489 Void 29490 Diesel IDjection Sales 5: Service, Parts for Garbage Trucks 33.79 29491 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 8.86 . . . I · 291+92 Paul Eller, Assisting with Blectrical and Plumbing Inspectionsl12.00 . 291+93 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline and oil purchased on Courtsey card, Mat thews 1+ ~ 20 Mr. B. Kyle Faraer, Refund Electrical perait 24-,181+ 1.00 I . 29491+ 29495 29496 291+97 29498 29499 29500 29S01 - Chalaers Ferguson, Co..ission on Delinquent taxes collected 24-2.50 G. C. Foley, lugust rent on Clearbrook Fire House 60.00 FoutzSll.usage Co., Food for Prisoners 93.10 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 127.651 GraTes-Humphreys Hardware, Tarpaulin for #24 Garbage Truck 27.68 J. H. Guthrie, Repairs to Garage door 7.00 J. W. Griggs a: W. H. Witt, August Rent on Cave Spriug Fire House 60.00 · 29502 MarTin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reiaburse Chief Probation Officer's Traveling Expense August, 1958 36.61+' - . 29503 Void 29504 R. E. Henderson, Maintenance of Garbage Lot Sprayiug 105.00 29505 Buf'f'aan's Garage, Repair and wash job police Car #1+ 2.50 29506 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance agreeaent on IBM 63.05 29507 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Signs for JuveniJe a: Doaestic Relations Court 10.00 Owen Pluabing Co., Plumbing Repairs Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine for Treasurer Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash 29524- Dr. A. J. Russo, Medical Examination 29525 Roanoke Valley Motors, Parts Police Car #6 29526 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29508 . 29509 29510 29511 . . . 29512 29513 295llt . . . 29515 29516 29517 29518 29519 29520 29521 29522 29523 . . . It . It It It . . I Janie B. Mc.eal, Treasurer, Relllburse Jury Ticket and Registered Xail Fee McCluug Lumber Co., Material: for Kew Catawba. Fire Station JIalcola Blueprint a: Supply Co., County Maps tor ZoJJ.iug &:c 231.74 188.00 9.31 Mercy House, Inc., Contribution to Mercy House for Construction Sewer Job by Wiley Jackson Co. 5,000.00 Miller Tire Service, Tires for County Vehicles 102.62 Ray D. Miller, Refund Electrical Perait Mo~ch Finer Foods, FOOd, Disinfectant and Janitor supplies for Jail 1.00 129.36 71+5.~0 10.98 I Carnell Moore, JIai ntnance Garbage Dwap Mount Vernon Service Station, Gas and Oil C. S. Fire Truck Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck 3.47 lIatural Gas Distributors, Inc., Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire House17.20 Kelson Hardware Co., Tubs for Collecting Garbage and Light t.bes78.2 I , 1 78.391 21.60 ' 56.61+ ij 29.00 1+.00 2.771 1,551+.00 I , 1 a a ~ = I c " " II County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance County Owned Vehicles 598.05 29566 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for children held at the Detention Home Io. 29527 29528 29529 29530 " " " " 29531 29532 29533 29.534 -29535 29536 " " " II " " 29537 29538 29539 29540 29541 29542 29543 29544 29545 " II " " II " " " " 29546 29547 " " 29548 29549 295SO 29551 29552 29553 " " " " " II 29554 29555 29556 29557 29558 29559 29560 29561 29562 29563 29564 29565 II " II " " II II " " II " II . 27.76 32.64 1.SO Roanoke Auto Springs Works, Parts Police Car #6 Rasuke Laundry &; Dry Cleaners, Laundry - Prisoners Roanoke AU"GO Align1ug Service, Labor and Parts Police Car #9 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for County Jail and BOlle Demonstration Kitchen Roanoke Mills, Inc., Listing Voting List Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners Dr. Robert S. Smith, Lunacy hearing 17.42 75.00 3.00 37. :50 14.56 11.75 - Salem Fam Supply Co., Disinfectant for Garbage Lot Chloradine 193. SO 51.00 3.00 1.75 60.00 1.09: Salem Furniture Co., Window shades for Jailor's quarters Sale. Motors Co., Labor on Car #7 Salem Paint Co., Paint for County Office Bldg. G. A. Scruggs, Postlllaster, Postage Smead &; Webber Drug Co., Meaical Supplies County Jail State Office Supply, Inc., Repairs Contract 19.5O 1.80 48.89 Sum.erdean Esso Station, Oil for HOllins Fire Truck State Board of Education, Carryiug charges on acquisition &c State Department of Hlalth, County's appropriation for 8Up~ port of the Health Departmant 5,865.50 Salem Hardware Co., Utensils for ,Jail &:c 15. SO Edward F. Staples, Probation Officer, Reillburse traveling Expense Probation Officer August Dr. Vincent Totin, Lunacy hearing &; mileage Robert Toney, LUllbar for liew Fire Station at Catawba Town of Salem, Light, water &; Sewage Service Tiaes Register Co., Book Binding and Advertising 24.39 12.80 2S.80 536.61 52.SO 28.25 Underwood Corporation, Vinton First Aid Crew, Repairing office equipment machine Inc., Contribution to Life Saving Crew 100.00 13.83 42.31 179.22 64.46 Chas. E. Via, Jr., Freight on Guns &c Valleydale Packers, FOOd for prisoners VirgiJJ.ia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners Vinton JIotor Co., Part" Hollins fire truck &;c C. W. Warthen Co., Ledge sheets and book binding for Clerk 53.72 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts and repairs to Police Car #11 21.;0 Wilsonts Esso &; Grocery Co., Maintenance Garbage Trucks 76.97 Williams Supply Co., Material for Hollins Fire Station &c 39.27 Yates &; Wells Garage, Maintenance County Owned Vehicles 294.22 Void Dr. R. B. Smiley, Angust Salary, Jail Physician &c 155.00 64.00 29567 Auto Spring &; Bea~ing Co., Parts 119 Police Car 29568 Pedigo's Grocery, Gas Garbage Truck #23 4.45 1.60 , . . . . . 29621 Salea Fam Supply Co., Rat Poison for Jail 5.96 29622 Dr. R. B. SlIliley, examination drunk drivers 8cc 35.00 29623 The Selig Co., JaJJ.itor supplies 8cc 23.76 29624 Standard Register Co., 1959 Tax tickets l,175.g7 29625 Willius luto Alignment, Parts for Police Car #4- 4-.00 29629 Diamond Chevrolet Corp. 1 new Fire Truck for Catawba Area 1,095.00 29662 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Purchase of Gasoline for Hollins Fire Station Tank 4-31.82 110. 29569 29570 29571 29572 29600 29601 29602 29603 W. E. Hale, Sittiug with Equalization Board Edward A. McNeil, Sitting with Equalization Board E. P. Dillon, Sitting withEqualization Board C. C. Farris, Sitting with ~qualization Board H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Advance Traveling Expenae Ralph Atkinson, August Expenses Co. Vehicles Acae T ypellri ter Co.. 1 Stenafax Burroughs Corp., office supplies and repairs to Machine Tax tickets Caldwell-Si'ies Co., office supplies C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone Service Mt. Pleasant Fire House Void Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Heariug , Drunk driTiug Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies Bggleston &: Holton, Fee Colllllitment Proceediugs 8cc Fairview HOllle, County's Pro rata share of expense in , Mainta1JJ.ing Hoae for aged Goodwin-Andrews Co., Premi11ll on workaan' s compensation !un Hinson, Extra clerical assistance in Public Works office J. Wilson Iugram, fee for attending inebriecy colllllission Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., lnebriecy heariugs 8cc Williaa J. Paxton, Jr., AsUstance in prepariug and typiug Roanoke County Tax Code G. H. Parent Co., office supplies J. R. Roberts, repairing Jail Retrigerator Dr. 1. J. Russo, lunacy heariugs City of Roanoke, Aug. 1958 Sewage treatment charges &:c Charles G. Shelor, Attorney's fee tor services rendered as Guardian ,ad lit.. &:c rIll RE: : The following claias against the County were this day presented, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: . . . . . . . . 29604- 29605 DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS 8cc . 122.19 122.19 119.4-9 119.4-9 SOO.OO 25.44- 2.00 I . . 29606 29607 29608 29609 29610 15.22~ 9.3iL I 24-.75 15.00 , 25.84- 20.00 122.91 751t.15 106.77 10.00 5~.00 35.00 2.4-4- g.OO 70.00 172.93 I . . . ., . 29611 29612 29613 29614 29615 20.00 I approved I 110. 29573 Brown Hardware Co., Amaunition . 6.00 . 29574- Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 2.50 I . 29575 Void ! n 29576 C &: P TelephoD9 Co., Telephone service for Dog Wardens home 15.00 ! . 29577 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card i for Dog truck 29.71 . . . . . 29616 29617 2961g 29619 29620 . . . . .. . No. 29578 Charlie Moore, Labor - Dog Pound $ 15.00 - - 29579 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Dog Truck lll.ll - 29580 To. Loug's Gull Station, Gas Parts &c 8.65 - 29581 Radio CollaUDicationa, August Radio Maintenance 15.00 a - 29582 Saa's, Inc., Weariug Apparel for Dog Warden 41.65 . 29583 Salea Fara Supply Co., Dog Food, weariug apparel &c 48.4-9 - 29626 Appalachian Electric Power Company, Current used at Dog Pound 9.32 - 29627 Ralph E. Loug, Reiaburse Traveliug expense 4.85 I . 296211 w. W. Henderson, ReillDurse 'traveliug expense 2.30 Mrs. JOIE B. McJlEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: .Salem, VirgiJJ.ia September 15, 1958 To the Board of SUIB rvisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business September 13, 1958, there was to the credit of the ~ General County Fund Library 'Fund Dog Fund Salea District Road Debt Fund County ,School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. $ 38,966.66 164.54 5,257.86 672.43 42,877.67 5,065.06 895.27 100.00 2~172SZ , 96,172.06 Respectfully submitted, Janie B. Mclleal, Treasurer.- Said report approved and ordered filed. III HE: DELIlIQUEll'1' TAIlS COLLEC'l'ED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JaJJ.ie B. Mclleal, County Treasurer, for $1,185.43 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of August, 1958, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,126.16 net. a Ayes: G. Terrell lays : Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. 1I0ne , ~',Qitf , .. Co, '7+~ <1/f &'8' I I, Clark and Edwin ~ Ii ij Ii '( Ii ij I' II j ~ " " II I ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll for the 1I0nth of September, 1955, be appro~d in the amount of $6,616.63, from which the 811II of' tlOl.!tI. total F. t. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes t630.60, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of .5,884.19. Adopted by the following recorded vote: 104 'ur c., (b4'.t@ ~jI~~'t Gw. tc.,~ 'H':SC UI ~ To' Q, ,~,CI> "'I-I'i- r"" On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that 'the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period August 15, 1958, ending A~st 31, 19S5, be approv.ed' in the amount of .1,776.00, frolll which the S1m of $40.02 total F. I. C. A. Tax and total W. H. Tax .91.70, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of ti,644.28; And the pa)Toll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period September 1, 1958, ending September 15,1958, be approved in the amount of .1,777.20, from which the SWl of .40.00 total F. I. C. A. 'l'ax and W. H. 'l'ax , ' $105.90, is to be dedacted, leaving a net payroll of .1,631.30. Adopted by the followiug recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Mihor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Hays: Hone The followipg reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff. summary statement of prisoner days served in County Jail daring the month of August, 1958; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff. office and travel expenses for the aont,h of August, 1958; EDWARD s. ALLEH, County Agent. monthly report for August, 1958; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for August, 1958. IX RE: rlWlSFER FROM GElfEIUL COUNTY FUlfD TO LIBRARY Flam: r On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry from the General Coun1;y Fund to the Library Fund. the sum of two thousand dollars <$2,000.00). being a part of the 1958-1959 Library appropriation set up in the County Budget for said year. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisor~ W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. [effer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell ltays: 1I0ne Letter dated September 1, 1958, from George W. Dean, State Forester, Virginia Division of Forestry, submitting a summary of fiscal matters expended under Section 10-46 of the Code of Virginia, betWeen Roanoke County and the Virginia Division of Forestry, for the fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1957. and ending June 30, 1958, received and ordered filed. IN RE: AUDITS OF CLERK'S OFFICf:: , I I Board !I Court i l i I, The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the the report of audits of ROY K. BROWH, County Clerk and Clerk of the Circuit of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the calendar year 1956 and for the calendar year 1957, which reports are received and ordered filed. Letters dated August IS. 195$. from J. Gordon Sennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. I I I I I << --=> --~ - On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that voucher-check 1129,&JO, dated 'tJ...1l.'/.: C. .'O:_JJ_I" rC ,Cir @~T Miunesota, CJ/11:,-g September 12, 1958, payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke CoUnty, in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars (.500.00), for advance traveling expense for fI! . - , , returJJ.iug Prisoner Bob Mitchell, alias Rocky Marino, from Minneapolis. to Roanoke County Jail, be approved, retro-active to said date. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. leffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None a NOtice of hearing on the 13th day of October, 1958, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the Court Room of the State Corporation Commission, Richmond, Va" on the application of the Taft ')[-.>1010, d/b/n Abbott Bus Linea for a certificate of public convenionce and necessity as a common carrier by motor vehicle for the handliug oi' passengers, newspaper, lIail and express parcels on the following route: From Roanoke to Rocky Mount, Virginia, over U. S. Highway No. 220 by way of Boones Mill. Operations under the certitic:ate applied for will be in connection with operations in coDjunction with one daily round trip schedule now beiug operated by the applicant between Roanoke and Danville. The certificate applied for will not be transferable. ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board 01' Supervisors of Roanoke ';Ol'uty, that the CounCjl for the City of Roanoke, be alid it is hereby requested to aaend the contract of September 28, 1954., between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealiug with the treatment of dOlaestic and comaercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGIlI1iIlIG at a point on the northwest side of U. S. Route #119 at the dividiug line 01' the property of Julian Milton Graham and the property f01'llerly owned by Josephine A. 'l'hoIll8S; thence with the south line of the Graham property, II. 490 30' W., 206.1 feet to a point on the southeast line ,of the reaaining property of the G. R. Hash Estate land; thence with the same - the foUowing, four lines: N. 370 05' E., 120.5 feet to a point; thence S. 520 55' E." 8.5 feet to a point; thence with the northwest line of the property of J. W. Saith, N. 360 SO' E., 318.1 feet to a point; thence S. 520 55' E., l44.0 feet to a point on the northwest right-Of-way line of U. S. Highway, Route 1/220; thence with the same, s. 250 53' W., 100 feet to an augle; thence S. 00 10' E., ,55.5 1'e&1o to an angle point; thence S. 320 45' W., 46.7 feet to an angle point; thence S. 360 SO. W. 127.4 feet to an augle point; thence continuing with the northwest side of U. S. Route II 119, S. 370 16' 'I., 59.0 feet to an angle point; thence S. 38053' 'I., 74.0 feet to the Place of BeginJJ.ing and being an, incluai ve boundary line desc:ription of Julian Milton Graham and J. W. Saith properties situate northwest of the intersection of U. S. Route 1/119 and 1/220, Roanoke County, Virginia and that said areas be added to, am included in, said contract to the full exten as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating with the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City'S sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring lIleter installed at said point of delivery, by the County: (b) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in fuLl fOrce ~ c and effect. 'J-~~r ;~ h.f) ct.l. q; If-. ~.~ y- o ;;.. t u- ~'. "I-Ic;(-n 106 ~~.u .,,~ 1"-1f. . '1-1 i;~'l -, 1 I BE IT FUi'1'llER RESOLVED: That, iIIIIIIediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of'ROSnoke;'Qr tbeeaergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain boand by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the SUIB extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of Sept8llber 28" 1954. An eaergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the follOwing reco:t"ded vote: lyes: Supervisors Bdwin G. Te:t"rell, W. E. Cundiff, Roland H. Clark and Minor R. Ietfer. lIays: 1I0ne I I ! BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count~, VirgiJJ.ia, the Council for the Town of Sal811 concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver 0 the lIllin sewer interceptor of the Town of Salea wastell originatiug wi thin the followiug defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGIDING at a point on the southeast corner of the B. B. Byrd tracts as recorded in Deed Book 260, Page 6, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and said point beiJg the southwest corner of the C. T. Saith 14.5 acre, aore or less, tract as recorded in Deed Book 266, Page 206; thence with a line )f. 860 10' W., 339 feet to a point; thence with a line s. 780 28' W., 229.85 feet to a point and said point being the southeast corner of the Russell M. Johnston 21.35 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 331, Page 520, and the southwest corner of the B. B. Byrd tracts; thence with a line II. 20 SO' B., 990 feet, more or less, crossing State Secondar.y Route 639 to a point in the approxiaate center line of the Roanoke River; thence with a line s. 860 45' E., 244.2 feet down the sa ': Roamke River to a point; ,thence with a line leavi~ th, said river and crossiug the said Rout. 639, S. 3 SO' 'N., 479.9 teet to a point and beiug a autual boundary corner of the aforesaid Byrd and Saith tracts; thence with a line S. 860 10' E., 339 feet to a point and said point being another joint corner to the aforesaid Byrd and Saith tracts; thence with a ljne S. 30 SO' W., 4SO feet to the point of BBGIlIIIIIG anci befng a boundary description of the B. B. Byrd 8 acre, 1I0re or less, tract as recorded in the aforesaid Cle:t"k's Office and as shown on the attached plat. and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City ot Roanoke, and for treatment thereOf, pursuant to the pro'fisions of the contract between the Town of Sale and the County of Roanoke, dated Deceaber 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: '!'hat the Council :for the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to a ccept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area. and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City ot Roanoke and the Town of Sa1..,under date of October 16, 1953., ! Adopted by the tollowiug recorded vote: I I I Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark. Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor! I ~ l 'I' I, '! 1 R. letter Nays: None BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the COWlc11 for the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby, requested to lIIIIend the contract of Sept8lllber ~8, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, deaUug with the treataent of domestic and co_ercial wastes, by eaergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGIIIlfIIG at a point shown on a map made by C. B. Malcolm &. Son dated February 17, 1958, Corner #1 in the center of State Highway 601 and being the southwest ~orner to a tract 'of land containing 5.237 acres conveyed to Letitia Stokes Iannangh by the grantors herein; thence II. 88. 34' E., 714.1 feet to an iron pin designated on up as Corner, #2; thence s. 330 36' E., 516.8 feet to an iron pin ' designated as Corner ,I; thence S. 40. 22' E., 325.0 feet to an iron pin designated as Corner #3; thence N. 820 0.04' W., 1,175.5 feet to the point in the center of ,said Route 601 and designated as Corner #4; thence N. So 18' W., 500.0 feet to the point of beginJJ.iug and contaiJJ.iug 12 acres. and that said areas be added to, am included in, said contract to the f'all extent as it said areaa were therein set out in extention; (A) 'l'hat acceptable wastes originating with the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County to the City's saJJ.itary sewer syst8111 at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Eugineer and the requisite aeaauriug lIIetar installed at said point of delivery by the County; (B) 'l'hat in all other respects said contract shall reaain in lull force and eftect. BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED that, ilIIIIIediately upon passage by the Council of the City of Roanoke of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the COWlty of Roanoke shall be, and r8lDain, bound by the provisions thereof as tull , and to the sue extent, aa said County is now bound by other terms and provisio of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An 8IIIergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereOf. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. leffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. 'l'errell lIays: None ~. -- ~ a ! a liHERE4S, the County School Board of Roanoke Cowt y this day filed with thie Board the hereinafter excerpt from the .~nutes of the County School Board of Roanoke County, at a meeting thereof held on Sept8lllber 9, 1958: "WHEREAS, sufficient funds for payment of the obligations of the Operating Fund Of the Roanoke COWlty School Board are not available in this fund, and ~~AS, local tax funds and state school funds will not be available ' until November, 1955, and WHEREAS, apprOximately $100,000 will be needed to meet financial obligation of the Board, and WHEREAS, $100,000 does not exceed fifty per cent of the amount to be produced by the school levy of Roanoke County for the year ending June 30, 1959; NOli, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the School Board of Roanoke County hereby requests 'the approvai and a~thorization of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow an amount up to $100,000.00 as a short 'term loan to be c c.j......:...~ f6~,)rt, }J.;"....~, $~ 't' ~ ~~ ~' '1/11/HI 108 ",\..11 (l.1, I -- -..-- repaid on or before December 15, 1958 at a ra'te of interest not to exceed four per centUll per annu." WRERIU!;, it; is the sense of 1~his Board that the request of the County School Board of Roanoke County sh()uld be granted, IIOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of SUlII rvisora of Roanoke Co~ty does hereby author:Lzeand empower the County School Board of Roanoke County to borrow an amount up to $100,000.00 as a short term loan, to be repaid on or before Decembe]~ 15, 1959 a't a ra'te of interest not 'to exceed four per cen'tUII per annum, said loan to b e used to meet curren't obli- gations ot the Operating Fund ot the Roanoke Coun'ty School Board. Upon motion of Supervisor Ed,dn G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Cla rk, the foregoing re:~olution was adopted by the followiug I I recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. :rerrell, Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. letter lIays: 1I0ne WHEREAS, the County School B()ard of Roanole County this day filed with thil.s Board there hereinafter excel~pt from the minutes of the County School Board of Roanoke County, at a mee1;ing 'thereof held on September 9, 1958: "WHSREAS, sufficient funds fc)r payment of the obligations which will becolI8 due this month are not avaUable in the Construction Fund at the County School Board of Roanoke County, and WHEREAS, an amount of $100,OClO.00 was transferred by journal entry during the month of August, 1958 from tho Operating Fund at the County School Board 0 Roanoke County to 'the Cons'tructioJl Fund, and WHEREAS, the SUll of $225,000.00 will be need(,~ to meet current obligatio and to repay the $100,000.00 tranllferred from the Operating Fund, and WHEREAS, local tax funds and state school funds will not be available until November, 1958, and WHEREAS, the $225,000.00, plus the $310,000.00 previously authorized for borrowing for the Construction FWld, does not exceed one-halt of the school tax levy for the year, IIOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County hereby requests the authorization ot the Roanoke County Board ot S~'Pervisors to borrow the SUII ot $225,000.00 on a short term loan to meet the obligations which will becOIIIe due 1h is month in the Construction Fund, and to repa:r to the Operating Fund the sum ot $100,000.00 which was transferred by journal entry to the Construction Fund during the month of August, 1958." WHEREAS, it is the sense of this Board that the request of the County School Board of Roanoke County should be granted; 1I0W', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVll:D that the County Board ot SUpervisors of Roanoke County hereby authorize~ the County School Board of Roanoke County to borrow the sum of $225,000.00 on a short term loan to meet the obligations which will become due this mon'th in the Construction Fund, and to repay to the Operating Fund the sum ot $100,000.00 which was transferred by journal entry I I I =_-=0:::--- --- ---- a to the Conatruction Fund during the month of August, 1958, said loan to be repaid on or before December IS. 1955, at a rate of interest not to exceed four per centua per annum, as set out in the resolution of said County School Board of Roanoke County this day submitted to this Board. Upon motion of SuperVisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Roland H. Clark, the foregoing resollltiori was adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. letter Nays: 1I0ne wm:1'l~4S, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the County SChool Board 0 Roanoke County, at a meeting thereof held on Sept8lllber 9, 1958: - , ~ "1iJlRR~4!'l, on August 18, 1958 the Roanoke County Bee rd of SuperVisors, at the request of the 90unty School BOai'd of Roanoke County, authorized the transfe by journal entry of the sum of $100,000.00 from the County School Operating Fund to the County School Construction Fund, and WJml~4S, the Operatiug Fund if I now in need of funds to aeet its current obligationa, and. Wl'RR~4.S, there are now sufficient funds in the Conatruction Fund to repay this transfer, HOW, ~, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board Of Roanoke ~ , County, with the concurrent approval of the County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, hereby requests and a,uthorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by journal entry the amount of $lOO,OOO~OO from the County School Conatruction Fund to the County School Operating Fund.- NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby approves said request, and hereby authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke CouDty to transfer by journal entry an a,mount of $100,000.00 from the County School Construction Fund to th,e County School Operating Fund. Upon motion of SuperT.i,sor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by SuperVisor Roland H. Clark, the foregoingresolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Te:rrell, Roland H. Clark, W. E. Cundiff, and Minor R. letter Nays: 1I0ne III RE: RezoJJ.iug of the greater portic)n of Sub-diVision No. 1 of the 16- acre tract known as the Seconci No. 2 (2) of the old Noah Garst Tract, located in Salem Hagisterial,District of Roanoke County, Virginia RESOLUTION AND ORDER m This day came George B. Dillard, Attormy, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of Charlie 'J. Guilliams, o. M. Palmer and L. S. Mitchell, relative to amending the Zoning OrdiIUlJIces of Roanoke County, to the end and purpose that the greater portion of Stlb-division No.1 of the 16-acre tract known c..J,.....:. 'lOl""q.1 ~, >J..'R. tt:~r- dd&~. c.,~.. -~r 9)J7i'st &zt:b ..L .,... ,c!..t. t i 4cP~ i Cj /Jr./'i-t 110 "- " , " , -<;;- / },~ , ;1 -"- - .------ -- - -- -_._-- _. --- .- at the Second 10. 2 (2) of the old Noah Garst Tract, located in Salem Magisteria District of Roanoke County, Virginia, be rezoned from DResidential DistrictD to -Local Business., which leave is granted and this petition is accordingly filed. And this Board having duly COllsidered the same and concluded that the rezoniug or the said property, so that; it might be used for Local Business purposes I118Y be benet'icial to the County at large; thererore: BE IT RESOLVED AllD ORDERED that the proposal to Dend the ZoJJ.ing Ordinances of the County of Roanoke, so as to change the classifi.:ation of said property requested to be rezoned in said petition so that it ~lght be used for business purposes, and classif'yiug the same as .Local BusinessD as defined in the County ZoJJ.ing Ordinances, be and the same is hereby referred to the PlanJJ.iug Collllllission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for recollllendation in accordance with the proVisions of Section 150847 of the ~ode of Virginia of 1950, as uended; and, BE IT FtJR'1'HER RESOLVED AlfD ORDERED that said Planning Colllllisaion shall report i~s reco_e~datioDS to the Cle,;k of this Board as required by atatute, and upon..,receipt of said recoDllllendaUoDS by said Clerk of said Coamssion, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith fIst the same down for public hearing at the first peraissible, regular or pUblic meeting of this ~oard and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-846 of said Code; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AIm ORDERED that one cert11'ied copy or these resolutions be forthwith delivered b:r said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Katthewa, Secretary of the Planning 'CoDllllisaion of Roanoke County, together with the copy of the petition of the said Charlie J. Guilliams, O. M. Palaer and L. S. Mitchell. The abo.... resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Iefrer and on recorded vote the vote was as follows: W. E. Ayes: Cundifr lays: Superviaora Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Ieffer, Edwin G. Terrell an Hone Board of Supervisors I vs I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ! I I ! I This matter cue on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Eanes (Garden Road) from Rt. 666 to D. E. 0.20 Ilile to be accepted and made a part of the Sllcondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the !3Oard that drainage easements and a SO ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been d6dicated by virtue Of a certain map known as Yellow Mountain View, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 48 of the records of the Clerk:s Office of the Circuit Court or Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason or the recordatJLon of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation oJr right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hel~eby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. ~ I I I I I 111 ~~ - I IIOW# THEIlEFORB, BE IT ORDBIlED that said road known as Eanes (Garden Road) froa Rt. 666 to D. E. 0.20 IIile and which is shown On a certai,n sketch accOJlpanyillg this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a partof the St'ite Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terr... 11, Minor R. letfer and Roland H. Clark Bays: Bone I Board of Supervisors ~,iS ' "'s. I ORDER sc.,f......;. U fi Cll,'i.,..~ ~Ir' '~" 91if~ !he Public and the State Highway Coaaission of Virginia This I18tter Clllll8 on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Scenery Drive frOl!l lloute 796 to D. E. 0.10 aile to be accepted and aade a part of the Secondary System of State High1fClYS. It appeariug to the Board that drainage eas..ents and a SO ft. i'ight of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain IIllp known as Scenery Court, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 307 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke CC1unty. V:lrgiJJ.ia, and that by reason of the recordation of said IIl&p no report froll a Board of Viewe s, I' DOr consent or donation ot right of way from the abutting property Olm&rS is necessary. 'l'he Board hereby guaranttaes said right of way and right for drainage. 1iOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road knolm as Scenery Drive froll Route 796 to D. B. 0.10 IIile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanyiug this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded rote: lyes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundif' f and Minor R. leffer lays: lone Board of Supervisors ...s. , ORDER a The Public and the State Highway Collllllission of Virginia o ':l> (..) ~ut c.. ''tt-(l)~ to be accepted and IIade a part of t~ Secondary System of State Highways. r::uOf- It appearing to tm Board that drainage easements and a SO ft. right of wq ~~ , for said road has heretOfore been dedicated by Virtue of a certain map known as ' '1 I rl'sl Dwight Hills, 1rilich IIl&p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 5 of the records of the /' Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, and that by +! reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor conse or donation of right of way from the abutting prope.rty Olmers ia necessary. The ~, Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage.. ~ i This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Dwight Street from Hover Avenue to Routt' 117 0.07 mile 112 I...~~r if~/Si'-- r " ' d....t r :c '/'1Q ~ tll~Jn ..- -~, .. - -= lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDEREll that said road known as Ihiight Street from lover Avenue to Route 117 0.07 mHe and wich is shown on a certain sketch accolllpanyiug this order, be, and t.he same is hereby established as a public road to becollle a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: lyes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and JI1DOr R. I:effer lays: lone I r On 1Il0tion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, seconded ,by Suporvisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that at the regular mee~ing of this Board, to be held at the Court House of Roanoke County, Virginia, on 1I0vember 17, 1958, at ~:30 O'clock P. M., the following Ordinance will be proposed for a~loption: -AI ORDIJWlCE PROVIDIIG FOR Till!: LEVY 1ND COLLECTIOII OF LICENS:il: TAXBS FOR THE YE1R BBGIImIIIG JAlfUARY 1, 1959 AND ENDIIIG DECEMBER 31, 1959, IND EACH AND EVERY CALENDAR mAR THEREAFTER, UNTIL OTHERWISE CHARGED, FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE '. ,. COUll'lY GOVIRJIME1IT, PADID'1' OF THE COUNTY DEBT, AND TO PROVIDE FOR ALL OTHER COUIl'l'I EXPOSES, BOTH GENERAL AHD SPECIAL: AND TO FURTHER PROVmE FOR THE ISSUIlfG OF PERSOlfAL PRIVILEGE LICENSES: TO ESTABLISH PElfALTIES FOR VIOLATIOII OF TBIS aiDIlfA1lCE, AlfD '1'0 EXEMPT TOWlIS IMPOSING Lm TAXBS.- " . BE IT ORDAIlIED BY '!'HE B01RD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOU COUIl'l'I, VIRGIJIIA, that the following license taxes be levied and collected for the conducting of business within the County of Roanoke, VirgiJJ.ia, but not to apply within the 1iaits of any town located in such county where such town imposes a town licsnse tax on the 8UIe privilege, and for the granting of such. privileges, as are hereinafter defined and set forth, for the year beginniug JlIl'uary 1, 1959, and ending December 31, 1959, and also for each and every calendar year thereafter, uDtil otherwise chauged, as follows: CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIOIS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS I I Sec. 1-1. Statement of Dolicy It is the purpose and policy of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in enacting this ordinance imposing license taxes for tis conducting of business' in the County, and for the granting of privileges as are hereinafter defined and setforth, to equalize as far as practicable the burden of such license taxation , llIIIOug those hereby liable thereto, by adopting for general application, but subject to the regulations, personal privileges and exceptions hereinafter specifically set forth, a systEII of license taxes measured by the volUllll of business done by the business, trade, prOfession or occupation upon which the tax is levied, and in no case shall any such license tax exceed the amount imposed by the state for the same or a similar privilege, and the ,"ounty's merchant's license tax imposed hereu:nder shall in in lieu of a county property tax on the capital of merchants. I I ~ Sec. 1 - 2. How desi2Dated and cited The following ordinances, arrauged in chapters and sections, be, and the s e shall constitute, and be designateci and cited as wThe Li: ense T,ax Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, VirgiJJ.ia.w Sec. 1-3. Rules of construction 'l'he rules, as given in the Code of VirgiJJ.ia, and any acts amendatory therato for the construction of statutes, shall, as far as applicable, govern in the construction of this ordinance and such amendments hereto as may hereafter be adopted. Sec. 1-4. IIUllber and JP;ender A word iaporting the si~lar nUllber ouly may extend and be applied to severalpersons or thiugs, as well as to one person or thiug; and a word iaporti the plural _her only IIllY extend and be applied to one person or thiug, as 111911 as to several persons or things; and a word iJllportiug the lIIllsculine gender only IIllY extend and be applied to feaales and to firms and corporations as well as IIllles; and ,.he llOrd wpersonw uy extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate as well as individuals, partnerships, firms, associatj.ons and institutions. Sec. 1-5. Black-face headlines The headlines of tiB several sections of this ordinance printed in black- face type are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the general content of the section and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part of this ordinance, nor, unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deeaed wen any of such sections, including the headlinea, are amended or re-enacted. Sec. 1-6. Rules for ECUidance As to all questions in regard to the duty and conduct of officers of the County in collecting and enforcing the taxes herein imposed, and in regard to aatters of construction, and for definitions of teras used in this ordinance and the rules ahd regulations applicable to putting the same in operation, for the assesaaent, levy, and the collection of taxes for the current year, reference is hereby aade to the laws of the State of VirgiJJ.ia, and more particularly to Article 1, Chapter 7, Title 5S of the Code of 1950, or to so III11ch thereof as is applicable to th:ls ordinance; and for the con,duct and guidance of the officers of the County and other parties affected by this ordinance, and for fixing their powers, rights, duties and obligations, the provisions of said laws, as far as applicable, are hereby adopted, without, however, being herein specifically quoted, or set forth. Sec. 1-7. Powers of COBllllissioner of Revenue The Collllllissioner of Revenue and Treasurer shall have, and are hereby given, the salle power to enforce the collection of licenses that are nOlf given or may hereafter be given unto the COlIIIDissioners of the lllivenue and Treasurers generally I with respect to State licenses. ~ Sec. 1-8. ZoninJP; The Commissioner of Revenue shall not issue a license for conducting any b1l8iness, trade, profession or occupation at a location where the condUcting a I a ~ of such business, grade, profession or occupation at such location ia prohibited by the zoJJ.ingordinance or any other ordinance of the County of Roanoke. Sec. 1-9. Who subject to tax The license taxea hereinafter enumerated are for the conducting of busines in the County of Roanoke, including all phases and activities of the business, trade, profession or occupation so conducted in the County or the aaintenance of any office or branch office in the County, either or both, and for the granting of certain privileges, but specifically not to apply wi1~hin the liIIIits of any town located in this county where such town imposes a town license tax on the same privilege. Sec. 1-10. Separate license for each place of business When any person is engaged in a busiIbSS, subject to taxation under the provisions of this ordinance, a separate license shall be required for each different location where said business is conducted. Sec. 1-11. When licenses expire. and 118naltv for continuilUl: without license. Except Wen otherwise expressly provided, all licenses shall expire on the 31st day of Deceabe~ of each year. It any person, fira or corporation shall continue the business, employaent or prOfession after the expiration of a license previously issued, without obtaiJJ.iug a new license, such person, tirm or corporation shall, if such failur to obtain a new license be continued for one month, be subject to a penalty of ten per centUll of the SIIount of the license tax which was due and payable at the beginJJ.iug of such month, in addition to the license tax imposed by law; but such penalty shallin no case be less than $2.00. Such penalty shall be assessed and paid aloug with the license tax and shall become a part of the license tax. If such failure to obtain a new license be continued for a longer period than one aonth, such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a misdllllean and, unless otherwiae specifically provided by law, shall on conviction thereof be fiMd not less than $5.00 nor more than $200.00 for each separate offense comaitted after such expiration of such month. 'l'he taxes and penalties provided in the preceding part of this section shall also be assessed against such person, firm or corporation, 2nd collection thereof enforced in the manner provided by law for the enforcement of collectio of other taxes. In such case if such person, firm or corporation spall, on demand, fail or refuse to file with the assessing officer the information necessary to enable him to assess a license tax according to the basis provided , by law, such assessing officer shall assess such license tax upon the best information he can obtain, adding thereto the penalty prescribed by law. Sec. 1-12. Motor Vehicle Licenses. I I I , I I r " , Motor vehicle licenses, however, shall become due and payable as provided for by ordinance heretofore enacted, or as lIIay hereinafter be enacted, by the Sec. 1-1). ~eepilUl: of records 1 j ordinanct. ,! I I Board of Supervisors. Every person liable for a license tax under the provisions of this which tax is based on volume of business, gross value or gross receipts, shall ~ keep a~l records necessary to accurately show said volume of business, gross value or gross receipts, and from such records the volume of business, gross value or gross receip~s shall be taken ~or ~be purpose of computing the tax. All such records and general books of accoun~ shall be open to inspection and examination by any authorized represen~a~ive of the County of Roanoke. Sec. 1-14. ReQuired oath: P8nal~ies for false oath Where a statement of purchases, gross receipts, gross value or sales is ...de by any person under ~he provisions of ~his ordinance, the Commissione:' of Revenue ...y require of each such person a statement, under oath, as to the aaount of his purchases, gross receipts, gross value or sales, and if the Coaaissioner of Revenue deems it advisable or necessary, he may d8llllUld of such perso~ other proof of the amount of his purchases, gross receipts, ~'oss value or sales as ...y enable him to satisfactorily deteraine the S8118, and the Commissioner of Revenue may decline to issue the license until such proof has been furnished. .~one who, for the purpose of obtaining a license, l18.kes ,a false or mis- leading statement or gives false testimony for the purpose of himself obtaiJJ.iug a license, or to assist or aid another to obtain a license in violation of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine of $200.00, and the license issued because of any such testimony shall be revoked and no part of the license tax collected shall be refunded. Sec. 1-15. Issuance of license E....ry person desiring to obtain a license to prosecute any business, trade, profession or occupation, or to do anything for which a license is required hereunder, shall firs~ l18.ke applica~ion ~herefor ~o ~he Commissioner of Revenue, in w:~ch application shall be stated the residence of the applicant, the nature of the business, trade, profession, occupation, or thing to be done, the place Were it ia p~posed to be conducted, and in case the business, trade, professio or occupation to be licensed, whereby the tax is 1;'() be measured by gross receipts gross value, sales or purchases, as mrein provided, shall, if required, make such statement thereof under oa~h to the COlDDlissioner of Revenue, wo shall assess such applicant ,with the proper license ~ax which shall be paid unto the Treasurer of Roanoke County. Said Treasurer shall then issue a signed license 10 said applicant to conduct the business, trade, prOfession or occupation or other thing to be done therein named, which license, however, ,shall not be valid or effective unless and until the tax required shall have been paid to the Treasurer. Sec. 1-16. Prora~ion of license a ! c c Wherever a license is issued for a part of the year, the C~Dmissioner of Revenue shall ascer~ain the tax on such license, which license shall bear the same proportion of ~he annual tax thereon as the period embraced between the date at which such license is issued and ~he 31st day of Decembelr next thereafted bears to the Wholeyear. 110 license tax which is speCifically prohibited from i I II (1) Whenever any person begins a business, trade, profession or occupation ~ on or after January first of the license year, where the tax is based on volume being prorated shall be prorated. Sec. 1-17. Additional license ~axes and be~inners' license f~- of, business, gross value, or gross receipts, the license tax imposed by this 'I ordinance shall be measured by the applicant's estimate of the purchases, salesl gross receipts or gross value that will be r~ceived, lllade, established or r l I produced ~rom the commencement o~ the'business, trade, pro~ession or occupation to the end of the license year; however, such person shall, within a period of thirty days from the commencement of the succeeding license tax year, or when applying for his license for such succeeding year, furnish the Commissioner of Revenue with the true amount of the gross receipts, gross value, sales or purchases for that part of the preceding year during which such person operated and thereupon pay to the Treasurer any additional amount of license tax due. Until such payment is made there shall not be issued to such person any license permitting such person to carry on any business, trade, profession or occupation in the County. (2) Whenever the Commissioner of Revenue shall ascertain that any person should be assessed with other or any additional license tax pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Re....nue to assess such person with such additional license tax as may be reported to be due. Sec. 1-18. Miscellaneous licenses not provided for In every case in which a license is imposed by the State on any business, trade, occupation or profession, not hereinbefore specifically mentioned, a County license tax, equal to one-half of the &IIlount of the State tax, is hereby imposed for the privilege of conducting such business, trade, occupation or proression, unless the same is prohibited by State statute. i Every person required to pay a license tax, or to obtain any tag, sticker I or sign under the proviSions of this ordinance, shall display the license receiPt, tag, sticker or sign in a conspicious place at his regular place of business or profession in order that any authorized representative of the County of Sec. 1-19. Di~n'~v of license Roanoke IllaY inspect the same at any and all reasonable times. All licensees .po do not maintain a regular place of business shall either carry the license receipt, tag or sign with them on their person, or have the name ~ixed or attached to their truck, automobile or motor vehicle, and properly displa7 the same wen called upon to do so by any authori:zed representative (If the County of Roanoke. No license measured by volUBle o~ business shall be required to ;'e publicly displayed. Sec. 1-20. Transfer of licenses. Licenses issued under this ordinance shall be transferable, except where otherwise provided; but in no case shall any transfer of license be legal or valid unless and until notice of such transfer shall have first been given to the COIIIIIissioner of Revenue, who thereupon shall approve saidtransfer by written i endorsement thereon. Sec. 1-21. Definitions. For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms, phrases and words and their derivatives shall be construed, unless the context clearly indicates I I I I I .-_.--- .- r otherwise, as the same are derined in Title 58 of the Code ot Virginia, 1950, as amended, and the provisions of said code, so far as applicable, are hereby adopted to the same extent as though they were specifically quoted and set forth at length. I CHAPTER 2 SCHEDULE OF COST OF COUN'l'Y LICENSES (References to sections in par3ntheeis are to sections of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, unless otherwiae indicated) Sec. 2-1. Amusements--Amusement Parks (Sec. 58-26S) I On e....ry amus8llent park: To operate for at least four months continuously each day I excep~ Sundays and holidays....................................... ~ 200.00' To operate for eight months....................................... '. 300.001 To operate tor one year........................................... t 400.00~ This license permits the keeping' of a bowling alley, trained animal show, hobby-horse or merry-go-round, ferris wheel, penDY or JJ.ickel lllachine for exhibiting pictures, moving picture show, theatrical performance, old mill, or similar entertainments, bath houses, boat houses, parking stations to the extent they are not garages within the defiJJ.ition contained in Section 58-378 of the Code of VirgiJJ.ia, 1950, as amended, and refreshlllent and confectionery stands other than for the sale of beer, wine and tobacco, provided they are located and conducted within the area of the amusement park and are under the supervision and control of the owner or operator of the park; but the operation or a carnival or circus or show of any kind which movea from place to place is not allowed under the license provided for in this section. Sec. 2-2. Aauaements --Carnivals. Shows. Circuses and Menaeeries ISecs. 58--276 --- 58-282) a On such shows traveling on railroads, requiring transportation of-- One and two cars~ per day ......................................~. t 12.50 Three to five cars, inclusive, per day........................... I 20.00 Six to ten cars, inclusive, per day.............................. $ 37.50 Eleven to twenty cars, inclusive, per day........................ I 50.00 Twenty-one to thirty cars, inclusive, per day, ..................... 75.00 Thirty-one to fifty cars, inclusive, per day..................... . 100.00 Over fifty cars, per day......................................... t 12;.00 M On such shows traveling overland by automobile or other conveyance, the tax for each day's performance or exhibition is based upon the automobile or conveyance capacity as tollows: On such shows requiring: I One and two loads, per day ....................................... . 5.00 . 8.00 . 15.00 . 20.00 . 30.00 . 40.00 . 50.00 Three to ~ive loads, inclusive, per day.......................... Six to ten loads, inclusive, per day............................. Eleven to twenty loads, inclusive, per day....................... Twenty-one to thirty loads, inclusive, per day................... " Thirty-one to fifty loads, inclusive, per day ......._............ Over rilty loads, per day ...........................1............ 118 On each side show, curiosity show, or similar show, exhibi'~iug on the same I or contiguous lots with a circus and owned by a person, firm or corporation ' other than the owner or owners of the circus, the tax shall be per day.. 15.00 10 additional license is required for the privilege of selling soft drinks: cOnfectioDS, food, souvenirs and novelties on the grouns on which such shows are exhibited. Resident mechanic or artist may exhibit without compensation any production of his own art or invention wi thoutlicense. lfo license required of any industrial arts exhibit nor of any agricultural fair or the shows exhibited within the grounds of such fair duriug theperiod I I of such fair. show or exhibition! No license required of resident persons performing in a for charity or other benevolent purpose. 10 license required of exhibitions of volunteer fire companies whether an admission be charged or not. The provisions of these sections shall not be construed to allow without paJ'lllent of the tax imposed by law, performance for charitable or benevolent purposes by a company, association, or persons, or a corporation, who made it their business to give exhibitions, no matter what terms of contract may be entered into or under what auspices such exhibition is given by such company, association or persons, or corporation for benevolent or charitable purposes, it beiug the intent and meaning of these sections that every company, associati or persons, or corporation, which makes its business thatof giving exhibitions for compensation, whether a part of the proceeds are for charitable or benevolent purposes or not, shall pay the license tax prescribed by law, unless, specifically eX8IIIpted by the Board of Sllperv1sors of' Roanoke County. Every person, company or corporation who or which exhibits or gives a performance of any of the shows above described in these sections which are not eX8IIIpt frolll license tax by the terms hereof, without the license required b~ ! I law, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars for each offense. The police authorities of the county shall not allow any such performance to open until the license required by law is exhibited to th8lll. Sec. 2-3. Amusements--Hobb Horse Machines Me Like chines Sec. I -Go-Rounds and othep I I I ! l I I I I . On each hobby horse, merry-go-round, ocean wave, ferris wheel and other like machines, .10.00 per machine. Sec. 2-4. Amusements--Movi~ Picture Shows (Sec. 58-270) On each moving picture show in the ~ounty, regardless of seating capacity I Per day .......................................................... 1.00 For a full continuous week ....................................... 2.50 Per year ..........................................................10.00 Sec. 2-5. Amusements--Theatres. Public Performances, Exhibitions, Etc. (Secs. 58-271--58-275) On each theater, public performance, exhibitions, etc. in this county For each performance ........................................... $ 5.00 For each week of continuous performance ........................ $ 15.00 For a year ..................................................... 1250.00 = No license tax on games of football, baseball, basketball, or kindred ball games. For exhibiting a trained and educated horse, except in connection with a circus, theatrical perforll8.nce, etc. already licensed, there shall be paid ~ tax of three dollars for each week, or an annual tax of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 2-6. Architects (Sec. 58-370) a On each architect as follows: When income for preceding year was less than .500.00------------- $,10.00 When incOllle for preceding year was $500.00 or more .............. $ 25.00 Sec. 2-7. Attornevs-at-Law (Sec. 58-371) On each Attorney-at-Law as follows: It under five years at bar ...................................... $,15.00 It five years and over at bar, but receipts less than .500.00 ... $ 15.00 If five years and over at bar and receipts over $500.00 ......... $ 25.00 Sec. 2-8. Auction Sales of Jewelrv. Etc. (Sec. 5S-371.1; also , Secs. 54-795--54-808) On each ~uction sale of: Diamonds, other precious stones, jewelry, watches, Clocks, silver or plated ware, China and glass ware, art goods, rugs, tapestries, etc.............................................................. 1100.00 ~ Tax cannot be proprated; license not transferable. This license not required for judicial sales or sales by executor, admiJJ.istrator or trustee under deed of assignment nor to sales by or in behalf of licensed pawnbrokers in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 2-9. Auctioneers-General (Secs. 58-286, 54-792--54-794) On each general auctioneer in this county -...................... $ 25.00 Sec. 2-10. Auctioneers--Live Stock (Secs. 58-287, 54-792--54-794) ~ On each live stock auctioneer It commissions and profits from sales did not exceed .1,000 during precediug year, tax is $25.00 It coaaissions and profits from sales exceeded $1,000, tax is $25.00 and 50/100 for each $100.00, or fractional part thereof, of commissions and profits from sales, in excess of $1,000. (Licensed live stock auctioneer who buys and sells on his own account shall for the conduct of that business be deemed a MERCHANT and shall take out a merchant's license.) Sec. 2-11. Au~tioneers for Live Stock Markets (Sec. 58-288.1) An individual acting as Auctioneer at live stock markets ........ $ 25.00 Sec. 2-12. Bowlin~ Allevs (Sec. 58-372) On each bowling alley as follows: a First alley ......................................................$ 12.50 Each additional alley ............................................. 5.00 Sec. 2-13. Brokers--Stockbrokers (Sec. 58-290) On each stockbroker in this county.............................. . 50.00 Sec. 2-14. Brokers--Dea1i~ in Options or Futures (Sec. 58-291) On each broker dealing in options or futures in this county .... . $100.00 119 r -- Sec. 2-1;_ Brokers--Wbolesale merchantdise brokers who sell only at wholesale prices and whose gross profits are medsured principall! by commissions (Sec. 58-292) On each wholesale merchandise broker whose profits are measured by commissions, if gross commissions and gross profits did not exceed $3,000 for ' the preceding year, tax is $25.00; if gross commissions and gross profits exceeded .3,000 the tax is .2;.00 on the first $3,000 and 20 cents per $100.00 I on gross commissions and profits in excess of $3,000. As every such license tax is measured by commissions, no question of proration can arise. Sec. 2-16. Building and Loan Associations. (Sec. 58-373) On each Building and Loan Association there 'shall be a specific license t ,: Upon a purely mutual company, lendiug only to its stockholders, and contiJJ.iug its business solely to this county in which orgaJJ.ized.. _.$ I I , I 50.00' Specific liceuae tax upon paid-up stock, or partially paid-up I stock to value of 125,000 or less .....................................1 75.00: And the furth~r sum of $2.09 upon each additioual $1,000 or fractional part thereof, so paid up. Sec. 2-17. Collection A~encies (Sec. 58-374) On ea~h collection agency in the county............................ 15.00 This license not required of a regularly licensed attorney-at-law. Sec. 2-18. Commission Merchants and Brokers (Sec. 5S-293) On each commissio~ merchant and broker, if commissions did not exceed $2,000 for the preceding year, tax is $12.50; if commissions exceeded $2,000, tax is $12.50 on the first $2,000 and twentY-five cents per $100.00 on the next $8,000 and ;o~ per $100.00 on all cOmBUssions in excesdof $10,000. As every such license tax is measured by commissions, no question of proration can arise. I I f I Sec. 2-19. Common Criers (Sec. 58-2891 On each common crier in the county............................... t 5.00 Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-20. Contractors. Electrical contractors. plumbers and steaa fitters (Sees. 58-297--58-303.1) On each contractor there shall be a license tax based on the followiug schedule based upon gross receipts from all orders or contracts accepted during the preceding year: Gross orders or contracts, during preceding year, aggregating I $1,000, but not exceeding .5,000...................................... . 5.00 (NO license required if contracts aggregated less than $1,000) Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than $5,000 but not exceeding 110,000 .....................................................$10.00 I Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than $10,000 but not exceeding .20,000 .....................................................$15.00 Gross orders or contracts aggregating,more than $20,000 but not exceeding $50,000 .................................................... $20.00 121 Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than .50,000 but not exceeding 1100,00 .................................................... . SO.OO Gross ordllrs or cont'-c :ts aggregating more than .100,000 but not exceeding $1S0,OOO ................................................... $100.00 a Gross orders or contracts exceeding .150,000 but not exceeding .300,000.............................................................. 1150.00 Gross orders or contracts exceeding .300,000..................... .2SO.00 As every such license tax is measured by contracts, n~ question of proratio a can arise. Sec. 2-21. Credit Unions (Sec. 6-234) On each credit union in the county: Where the actual paid in capital is not in excess of .20,000....... 5.00 Where in excess of .20,000 and not in excess of .SO,ooo............ 10.00 Where in excess of .50,000 and not in excess of .100,000........... 20.00 And an additioual sua of 30 cents per thousand for each one thousand dollars of actual paid in capital in excess of .100,000. Tax of .5.00 cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-22. Dentists (Sec. 58-375) On each dentist in the county as follows: Under .fiTe ,ears practice...........................................t 10.00 OVer five years practice........................................... 15.00 ~ But if over five years practice and receipts are less than $;00 per annua...............e.........................................1 10.00 Sec. 2-23. ED2ineers--Ceramic. Chemical. Civil. Coal Minin2. electrical. heatiD2 and ventilatiD2. hi2hwav. industrial. mechanical. metallur2ical. minin2, !!!!wav. radio. refri2erati~ sanitary. steam power. structural. and other ;rofessional (Sec. 58-376) On each engineer who has practiced not more than five (5) years.... 5.00 Engineer who has practiced more than five (5) years, and whose income from such business for preceding years was less than .500... 5.00 If however, his income for preceding year was .500 or more......... 1;.00 License not required of professional engineer who is a mer,s employee and who is not engaged in business of his own. Sec. 2-24. Fortune-Tellers. Clairvoyants and Practitioners of Palaistrv and Phrenolo2Y (Secs. 58-377, 18-37~) On each fortune teller, clairvoyants and practitioners of ~ phrenology and palmistry in the county............................. 500.00 ~ Cannot be prorated or issued quarterly. Sec. 2-25. Gara28s. (Sec. 58-378) On every person who shall keep a garage for the storage or hire ~r five automobiles shall pay ..................~............$ 15.00 i ~ And for the storage capacity in excess of five. an additional sum per car of..............~...................................... .50 Garage as defined by law, viz., Sec. 58-378. is as follows: Every place where five or more motor vehicles are stored or housed at any or! time for compensation. I , - Sec. 2-26. Grain Dealers---Wholesale (Sec. 58-295.1) On every person, firm or corporation doing buainess in this county as a wholesale grain buyer, buying and selling commercial grain, except seed grain, at wholesale in and for his own name: It purchases during preceding year did not exceed one hundred thousand bushels..................................................$ 50.00 I It purchases exceeded one hundred thousand bushels the tax is .50.00 and an additional tax of one cent per one hundred bushels tor each one hundred buahels in excess of one hundred thousand busheis. Sec. 2-27. Hotels (Sec. 58-380) I (Defined as a public inn or lodging house of more than ten bedrooms where transient guests are fed or lodged for pay in this county) For each bedroom..................................................t 1.00 , Sec. 2-28. Itinerant merchants. etc. (Secs. 58-3S1, 5~-809--5~-824) On each merchant, vendor, auctioneer, itinerant, tax is .200.00 per month, or fraction thereof. This license not to be granted for less than a month. Sec. 2-29 Junk Dealers and Can'vassers (Secs. 58-382, 5~-825--5~-835) On each junk dealer, $50.01) and .25.00 additional for each additional preaises. On each canvaoSSI!r for the purpose of buying junk tor a junk dea r, or for sale to a junk dealer, .15.00 Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-30. Junk dea~ers--dealers in second-hand pa~er and canvassers (Secs. 58-383, 5~-S36) On each dealer in second-hand paper, who is '!lot a duly licensed junk dealer .50.00 and $25.00 additional for each additional premises. On each canvasaer for the purpose of buying second-hand f8 per for a dealer therein, or for sale to such dealer, .15.00. Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-31. Labor and Ezailtrant Agents (Sec. 58-384) On each labor agent (who cannot transact business of emigrant agent, vh., cannot hire laborers or solicit ellligrants in this county to be employed beyond I the limits of this State)...............................................250.00 Baigrant agent (a person who hires laborers o~ solicits emigrants in this county to be employed beyond the limits of this county).........2500.00 License not to bt issued except upon certificate fram the Circuit Court of the County to the effect that the applicant for the license is a I ! f ~ r f , I ! i I I . , person of gpod character and honest demeanor. Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-32. Laundries (Sec. 58-385) On each laundry (other than hand) in this county................... 5.00 Sec. 2-33. Livestock dealers (Sec. 58-~0~.01) I On each person. firm or corporation who or which is engaged in the business of a livestock dealer, buying livestock for resale and selling such livestock on his or its own account, whether at wholesale or at retail: I If sales during preceding year did not exceed .10,000.............. 10.00 If sales exceeded $10,000 the '~ax is $10.00 on the first $10,000 and two cents per $100 of sale:s on all sales in excess of, $10,000., Sec. 2-3~. Lod2in2 houses (Sec. 58-3S71 On each lodging house (defined as house of ten bedrooms, or less, where lodging or diet is furnished travel,ars or sojourners for compeIIISation.$ 5.00 Sec. 2-35. Medical doctors (Sec. 5g-387.1) On each doctor of medici,ne as :~ollows: I If licensed ~or less than five years..............................1 15.00 If has practiced tor five years or more............................ 25.00 If has practiced for five years or more and receipts for preceding year were less than 3500............................... . 15.00 Medical doctor who has practiced medicine regularly prior to January 1, 190 , or medical doctor who is an intern in a licensed hospital during the twelve months next following his graduation from lIledical school, provided such intern engages in no medical practice other than as such intern during such twelve months of internship, is exempt. Sec. 2-36. Merchants (Secs. 58-30~--58-339) WHOLESALE MERCHANTS I On each wholesale merchant whose purchases not exceeding $10,000..$ 25.00 PurChases over $10,000, $25.00 on first $10,000 and 10 cents on each $100 in excess of $10,000. For every distributiug house or place in this county (other than the house or place of manufacture) operated by any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of a merchant in this county, for the purpose of distributiug go ds, wares and merchandise emong his or its retail stores, a separat'e merchant's license shall be required, and the goods, wares and merchandise distributed through such distributing house or place shall be regarded as purchases for the purpose of measuring the license tax. RETAIL MERCHANTS On each retail merchant whose sales not exceeding $1,000 ........ $ 10.00 Sales over $1,000 and not exceeding .2,000.................... e-e..$ 20.00 a Sales over $2.000, $20.00 on first $2,000 and ten cents on each $100 in excess of $2.000. ' , If the freight paid by a retail merchant on any article sold by him shall exceed twenty-five per centum of tIEl price paid by him for the article itself, ~ the aIIIount.or such freight in excess of twenty-five per centum of the purchase ~ price of the article shall be eliminated from consideration in ascertaining the ~ II I Every restaurant keeper is classified as a retail merchant for county ~ revenue license tax purposes and is licensable as a retail merchant. (Sec. 58-32ct. Every caterer is classified as a retail merchant for county revenue license ~ tax purposes and is licensable as a retail merchant. and for the purpose of ~ ~ measuring the license tax, gross receipts shall be regarded as sales. (Sec. 58-32p1. I " Ii The license tax on every whole"ale merchant and every retail merchant who !I ~ was licensed at a definite place of business for only a part of the next precedinf license year shall be computed for the then current license year on the basis of il ~ i amount of sales of stich merchant and the tax to be paid thereon. GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANTS 124' an estimate of purchases, in the case of a wholesale merchant, and sales, in the case of a retail merchant, which the merchant will make throughout the then current license year, including an eptimate of the amount or sales as the ! case may be, of the goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by the merchant to be offered for sale at the place at ~ich he conducts his business as a merchant, provided such place is not the place of manufacture. Any person, who is both a wholesale merchant and a retail merchant is required to obtain both classes of licenses; provided that any retail merchant who desires to do a wholesale business may elect to do such wholesale business under his retailer's license by paying license taxes as a retailer on both his retail business and his wholesale business; but this proviso shall not apply to any retail merchant the greater part of whose business at the licensed place during the next precedingyears was wholesale nor to a beginner the greater part of whose business it is estimated Will be wholesale for the period covered by the license. Sec. 2-37. ,MerChants placin~ vendin~ machiners (Secs. 5S-362--58-369.1) On every person, firm and corporation eugaged in the business of selliug goods, wares and merchandise through the use of coin-operated vending machines shall pay an annual county license 1;ax for the privilege of doing business in this county of ............................."....................................................... . 20.00 Cannot be prorated. (As to volUllle tax of 10 cents per $100 and qualification under section, as well as details, see sections above cited.) Sec. 2-3S. Optometrists (Sec. 58-390) On each optometrist If under fIve years in practicEI .......... .,. .... ...... .... .. .. .. ...... .. ........ .. ...... .. .... . If five years and over in practice .............................. . 5.00 10.00 t Under this license in each caSEl such optometrist may fill his own prescriptions to any amount and the prescriptions of other optometrists and of oculists, or either, to an amount not exceeding one thousand dollars, but if the gross receipts of such optometrist on account of filling the prescriptions of other optometrists and of oculists, or either, during the preceding calendar year exceeded one thousand dollars, or if a beginner and such gross receipts exceed that amount from the time he began the practice to the following December thirty-first, he shall pay an additional sum equal to ten cents per one hundred dollars of' the amount of such gross receipts in excess of one thousand dollars. Sec. 2-39. Pawnbrokers. (Secs. 5tl-392, 54-tl40--54tl59) On each pawnbroker in the count,y................................... 125.00 l- I I I i I , Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-40. Peddlers (Secs. 5S-340--5S-353) On each peddler as follows: Peddlers of goods, wares or mer'chandise (on foot) in this county..$ 125.00 Peddlers of goods, wares or merchandise (otherwise than on foot) in this countY...................................b................. 2;0.00 Peddlers of meat, milk, butter, eggs, poultry. fish. oysters. game, vegetables, fruits or other family supplies of a perishable nature not grown or produced by the peddler--for each vehicle used in such peddling--in this countY..................................$ I I I " I I .. I I I ~ o 125 -= Peddlers of family supplies of a perishable nature not grown or produced by them and groceries generally including such articles as are customarily sold in grocery stores other than alcoholic beverages--for each vehicle used in such peddling--in this county........................................... 75.00 Peddlers of ice, wood, or coal, for each vehicle used in such peddling in this county ..........................................$ 12".50 Peddlers of seafood who buy the seafood they peddle from persons who catch or take the same in this county.........................t 5.00 Peddlers of goods, wares or merchandise (other than a distributor and/or vendor of motor vehicle fuels and petroleum products, or seafood, a farmer~ a farmers' cooperative association, a producer of agricultural products or a manufacturer taKable on capital by this State who peddles the goods, wares or merchandise manufactured by him at a plant the capital of which is taxable by the State and who peddles no other goods, wares or merchan- dise, or a distributor of manufactured goods paying a county license tax on his purChases, or a wholesale dealer regularly licensed by the county) who shall peddle goods, wares or merchandisa to licensed dealers or retailers, for each vehicle used in such peddling ............................................. 50.00 Peddler of lightning rods, in this county..........................lOO.OO Peddlers of ice, wood and coal not produced by them, but purchased tor resale, each vehicle in coun~y ......................12.50 Cannot be prorated or issued quarterly. When Peddlers' License Not Reauired A manufacturer taKable on capital by the State may, except at a definite place of business separate and apart from the place of manufacture, sell and deliver at the same time to licensed dealers orretailers, but not to consumers, anynere in the State, the g;)ods, wares and merchandise IIanufactured by him at a plant the capital of whioh is taxable by the State, without the payment of any license tax of any kind for such privilege. No license required or those who sell or offer for sale in person, or by their employees, ice, wood, meats, milk, butter, eggs, poultry,. fish, oystera, game, ....getables, fruits or other family supplies of a perishable nature grown or produced by them and not purchased by them for sa~ . No license required of a dairyman who uses upon the streets of the county one or more wagons to sell and deliver in said county, froll his wagons, milk, butter, crealll and eggs. No license required of a person selling or peddling farm products, wood or charcoal grown or produced by him. No peddlers' license required of dealers in coal, wood or ice in his coun~y who peddle the same from vehicles, provided such dealers have taken out merchants' license. Sec. 2-41. Photoaraphers (Sec. 58-393) On each photographer in this county ...............................$ 10.00 Sec. 2-42. Pistol dealers (Sec. 58-394) On each pistol dealer, a special license tax on retailers.......... 5.00 Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-43. and firemen's On each police pension and benevolent association and firemen's mutual aid association If intangible personal property and cash holdings amount to .5,000 or less ..........................................................t 5.00 === -_._=~._--'= It intangible personal property and cash holdings exceed .5,000 but do Dot exceed #10,000..................................t 10.00 It intangible personal property and cash holdinga exceed .10,000............................................................ 20.00 Sec. 2-44. Pool and billiard rooms (Sec. 58-396) On each pool and billiard room in this ::ounty First table ......................................................I 12.50 I Each additional table ............................................. 10.00 Sec. 2-45. Pulpwood. veneer lo~s. mine props and railroad cross-ties-- sUP21iers of (Sec. 5S-396.1) There is an annual license tax measured by sales imposed upon every i i i I I supplies I supplier of pulpwood, veneer logs, lune props and railroad cross-ties who the same to those suppliers who furlush pulpwood, veneer logs, aine props or railroad cross-ties to IIanuf'acturerll, mine operators and railway companies unde ' Sec. 58-417. On the first .10,000 of sales $10.00 and ten cents on each $100 of sales in excess of .10,000. License tax does not apply to 1.he owner of the land from which the forest prOducts are cut, nor tel a producer, naJlely, any person wo cuts trees for pulpwood, veneel' logs, aine props or railroad cross- ties, IIOr to any person who converts such cut trees into sllch forest products. Sec. 2-46. Real estate brokers (See:. 58-398) On each real es'tate broker in tibia county.........................1 25.00 Any person, lirm or corporatiOII licensed as a real estate broker aay sell, in the county. rein he or it is Ucensed, at auction or privately, without taking out an auctioneer's license, any real estate in this county entrusted to hom or it for sale. This section shall not apply to commissioners and receivers appointed by the courts, nor to administrators, executors, guardians, trustees, and other tiduciariea while acting in a fiduciary capacity. Sec. 2-47. Slot aachines (Secs. 58-355--58-360) On each machine into which are inserted nickels or coins of larger denominations to dispose of articles of merchandise. or for the purpose of operating devices that operate on the coin-in-the-slo~ principle, used tor gain ....................... I On each coin operated musical machine or musical device that opera~es on ~be.coin-in-the-slot principle ...............9...... . 15.00 . 5.00 . 5.00 I . 5.00 . 1.00 On each coin operated vending IIachine used solely lor the sale of candy and operated on the premises of moving picture or other theatres .................................................. On each coin operated vending aachine used solely for the sale of candy operated on the premises of any person conducting any lawful business other than a ~heater ..................v......... On each aausement machine operated by the insertion of one cent.. On each machine used solely for the purpose of selling shoestrings, chewiug gum, peanuts or peanut candy, or postage stamps, and on each weighing machine............................................ $ 1.00 I On each machine for the sale of agricultural products, soft drinks or cigars ................................................ t 1.00 On each vending I18.chim operated on premises for which a tobacco retailers' license has been obtained and used solely for the sale of cigarettes ..............................................' t 1.00 On each miniature pool table, in the operation of which nickels or coins of larger denominations are used ........................ 5.00 On each vending machine operated by the insertion of one cent, tor each machine ................................................. 1.00 127 On each vending Il8chine used solely for sale of peanuts, peanut candy and peanut butter sandwiches and creme sandwiches, and operated by the insertion of a coin or coins of any denomination....................................................... 1.00 Automatic baggage or parcels checking machines, for each receptacle .......................................................t .10 CJ On each coin machine operator ...................................... 250.00 a A coin machine operator is defined as every person, fim orcorparation, selliug, leaaiug, renting or otherwise furnishiug a slot machine or slot machine 10,0 others, or placing a slot machine or slot machines with others. Tile license tax iaposed upon a slot machine operator is not in lieu of, but in addition to, license taxes imposed upon slot lIIachines. The slot machine operator's license tax, however, is not applicable to operators or weighing machines, automatic baggage or parcel checking machines or receptacles, nor to vending IIllchines, which are so cOJ:lstructed as to do IlOthing but vend merchandise or postage stamps, or provide service only. nor to operators of coin operated ausical devices that operate on the coin-in-the-slot principle, nor to operators of viewiug machines or photollat machines, nor to operators of devices or Il8chines affording rides to children. 110 license on machines tor selliug saJJ.itary drinkiug cups or sanitary drinkiug cups and natural water. 10 license upon any pay telephone slot machine. lfo license upon any machine vendiug saJJ.itary napkins, or upon washing IIllchines. 10 license upon any Il8chine vending newspapers. Cannot be prorated, nor is license transferable. Sec. 2-48. Soft drinks (Sec. 58-4,00) On each person, firm or corporation manufacturing bottled carbonated beYerages ............................................., 25.00 c Sec. 2-49. Stora~e and impoundin~ (Sec. 58-4,01) On every yard, wagon yard or lot wherever located in the County used tor storage .................................................................................................t 5.00 On every house in the county used tor storage.....................$ 10.00 Noe.--lIo charge where the cOll:pe',~sation to the owners of the yard, lot or house is less than ~50.00 per annum. Sec. 2-SO. Tobacco retailers (Sec. 58-402) c On each tobacco retailer: Specific license tax............................................... 1.00 a This tax is. in addition to and not in lieu of retail merchants' license tax measured by sales. Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-51. Tobacco sellers at wholesale (Sec. 58-4,02) On every wholesale tobacco seller a specific license tax ........ * 10.00 Sec. 2-52. Tradi~ stamps (Acts 1956, Ch. 677) For furnishing or supplying for consideration to others to use in, with or for the sale of gOOds, merchandise or commodities stamps, coupons, tickets or similar devices which entitle the person receiVing the same with such sale to procure goods, merchandise, or commodities free of charge, or for less than the market price thereof, or to receive cash for such premium stamps the following license tax is imposed: 128 --- - --- If value of premium stamps solli in preceding year did not exceed $10,000 .................................................. $ 50.00 If value of premium stamps sold in preceding year exceeding *10,000. $50.00 on first *10,000 and twenty-five cents per $100 upon, all in excess of $10,000. I I 'l'he word "value" means the average value, if sold at retail, of the goods" I merchandise or cOlllllodities for which the prellli.um stamps may be redeemed. License tax does not apply to coupons or other sillli.lar devices issued by a sanufacturer or packer and attached. by him to his goods when he lIanufacturea or packs and which are redeemable in merchandise by the manufacturer or packer or his independent agent. Sec. 2-53. Undertakers (Sec. ;8-403) I On every undertaker in this county .............................. t 5.00 An undertaker may, under his ::'l.cense as an undertaker, bury the dead ,lnd may sell the coffin, casket, shroud and other funeral supplies required to bury the dead which he buries; but an undertaker may not under his undertaker's license, sell cOffins, caskets, shrouds and other funeral supplies to be used in burying the dead which he does not bury. For this business he must. in addition to his undertaker's license, take out a ~erchant's license based on purchases or sales. Tax of .5.00 cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-54. Vendors of medicines. :salves. liniments. etc. (Sec. 5S-391) On each vendor of medicines, salves, liniments, etc. for the sale of aedicines, salves, liniments or compounds of like kind, or an)' spices, extracts I toilet articles or other articles of like kind ...................... . 25.00 Cannot be prorated. except that "any such person who begins such business on or after July 1 of any calendar year aay be licensed for the residue of that calendar year on the payment of a license tax of $12.50 for each vehicle used, or .12.50 if no vehicle is used and such vendor travels on foot." This license not required of a licensed merchant selling at his regular place of business, nor of manufact,urers taxed on capital by this State who oife' for sale at the place of manufacture goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by them. Sec. 2-55. Veterinary sur2eons (Siec. 58-404) On each veterinary surgeon: Tax ....................................................................................... . 10.00 I No license required whenpractice is confined to castration, spraying or dehorning of live stock. r ~ I I ! CHAPTER 3 PEllALTIES AND MISCJ~LLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 3-1. Penalties Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction 'thereof, be deemed guilty of haVing committed a misdemeanor, and be punished by a fine of not less than .5.00 nor more than .300.00, and in addition, in the discretion of the trial officer, be colU'ined in Jail for a period not to exceed thirty days. Sec. 3-2. Repeal of contlictin~ ordinances or parts of ordinances All ordinances or parts of ordinances, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, but, however, only such ordinances or parts of' ordinances as I ~ .a ~ ~ ~ t are in conflict herewith, are, subject to the followiug proviso, hereby repealed; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed or taken as repealing or amendiug any of the provisions of any ordinance or resolution having the effect of an 'ordinance, heretofore adopted or enacted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as to any offense colllllitt against the provisions of said ordinances, or resolutions haviug the effect. of ordinances, or as to any act done, ,any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurr under or by reason of said ordinanc,es, or resolutions having the effect of ordinances, prior to the time this ordinance takes effect. Sec. 3-3. Constitutionalitv If any part or parts, chapter, sectio~, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shoukd for any reason, be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the reaainiug portto of this ordinance, which shall rema:Ln in force and effect as if such ordinances had been adopted with the unconstitl1tional or invalid part or parta, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause or p~ase thereof eliminated, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COWlty, Virginia, hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted this ordinallce and each part or parts, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more part or parts, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause- or phrase would have been dec:lared unconstitutional or invalid. Sec. 3-4-. Effective date This ordinance shall be in fullL force and effect upon and after the 1st day of January, 1959. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to cause to be publismd once a week for four consecutive weeks in t;he Times-Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke. Virginia, notice of the intention of the Board to propose said Ordinance for adoption, together with a copy of the said Ordinance; and the Clerk of this Board is further ordered to post a copy of aaid notice and proposed ordinance at the front door' of the County Court House; And the Sheriff of Roanoke eOWl,ty is directed to post a copy of the aforesaid notice and proposed Ordinance at each Post Office in this County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and MiDOr R. letter Nays: None 3 'T I Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. held on the lSth day of August, 1958, designating September 15, 1959, at 3:00 O'clock p. m. as the time and the Board of Supervisors Room in the Cowrthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a publiC hearing on the aforesaid resolution of August 18, 1959. signifying the intention of the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virginia, to specify further projects ~. 1 he nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke pounty, as Ilet forth in said resc~'ltion, pursuant to :~~Q, , 1- t~~ -;.- '~J:).~ i c" ,~,CP~ I~JWf!:.1f ~ II ~ 130 -= the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of '1950, as amended, particular reference beiug had to Section 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: W. E. Cundiff Minor R. I:effer Roland H.. Clark Edwin G. Terrell I Absent: 1I0ne 'l'he Chail'llal1 opened the meeting, statiug its general purposes, and after readiug by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as publ1she in the ftTiIIles-Register,. and certified by the Publisher, and also a reading ,of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chai~n called for a general diacuasion of the subject. The Board heari~ no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, as to Project I (I. T. & T. and Addacent Tracts) and III (Lee Hi Park Subdivision, Section 4, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 252, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke Connty, and Adjacent lots in Lee Hi Park, Section 2, Unrecorded Map), on a motion by Supervisor Roland H. Clark, and seconded by SuperVisor Edwin G. Terrell, the following resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote. ftWHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count , Virginia, held August 18, 1958, a resolution was unanimously passed by recorded vote of said Board, signifYing its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisio s of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended, and particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifyi~ of further projects. WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was duly published in the ftTiIIles-Registerft, a newspaper published in and having general circulation in'ihe Town of Saiem, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and in Roanoke County, said publication having been had on August 23, 1958; and, WHEREAS the said public hearing was duly held on September 15, 1958, at I I 3:00 o'Clock p. m. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resolution; and, WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, i substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services, as to Project I (I. T. & T. and Adjacent Tracts) and III (Lee Hi Park Subdivision, Section 4, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 252, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and Adjacent lots in Lee Hi'Park, Section 2, Unrecorded Map), was heard; NOW, THEREroRE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of SuperVisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby offiCially eVidence its detel'lllination that no substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said resolution as to Project I (I. T. & T. and Adjacent Tracts) and III (Lee Hi Park Subdivision, Section 4, as recorded in Plat Book J, Page 252, in the Clerk's Office for'the Circuit Court of Roanoke Co~ty, and Adjacent lots in I I 131 -" --~~-- ... - - --_.._~.. -- - -_..,. c Lee Park, Section 2, Unrecorded Hap}, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at 'said meeting, and this Board doth so certifY; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, c as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia Cloth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its regular meeting of August 18, 1958, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority with the purpose of acquiriug, financiug, constructiug, operating and m,aintaiJJ.ing a sewer system,or system, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto for the primary purpose of furJJ.ishiJig sanitary sewer facilities to residences and places of business in said areas designated in said resolution of August 18, 1958,a8 Projects I (I. T. & T. and Adjacent Tracts and III (Lee Hi Park Subdivision, Section 4, as recorded in Plat Book J, Page 252, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and Adjacent lots in Lee Hi Park, Section 2, Unrecorded Hap) of Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its Charter and by the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act., Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and being Sections 15-764.1 to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in each of those areas se'~ out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular meeting held August 18, 1958, and designated as Projects I (I. T. & T. and Adjacen'~ Tracts) and III (Lee Hi Park Subdivision, ,Section 4, as recorded in Plat Book J, Page 252, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and Adjacent lots in Lee Hi Park, Section 2, Unrecorded Hap) therein. Reference is herebyspecifically had to said resolution and the description of each of the said areas designated as I (I. T. & T. and Adjacent Tracts) and III (Lee Hi Park Subdivision, Section 4, as recorded in Plat Book J, Page 252, in the Clerk's Office for '~he Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and Adjacent lots in Lee Hi Park, Section 2, Unrecorded Map) and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Supervisors Record Book 15, pages 82 to 83, inclusi e. As to Project II (Cliff View Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 28, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County) this . I c . !'II '1.1 <: Board is advised that this area is included in the area proposed for annexation by the Town of Salem as to which the Council of said Town has already passed an Ordinance of Annexation. Furthermore, the Board finds substantial opposition from prospective users of said area, where upon this Board continues the Public Hearing as to Project II (Cliff View Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, - r r i I Merrilllan Sears and other residents of the Cliff View Subdivision this day appeared before the Board and opposed the inclusion of said Subdivision area under the jurisdiction of the Roanoke County SaJJ.itation Authority, and urged that the hearing on said matter be continued to the next meeting of this Board. Petition signed by sundry residents of said area received and o~dered filed. a I Report of the Roanoke County Health Department for the months of July and August, 1958, signed by Dr. W. P. Jackson, Director, was received and ordered fUed. r i On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the clailllof One Hundred and Forty-five Dollars ($145.00) of J. J. Bower, heretofore presented to this Board for Cornish chickens reported to have been killed by dogs, was not allowed, there being no evidence tha't said fowls were killed by dogs. Adopted by the followingrecorde,i vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Kinor R. leffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell lIays: 1I0ne I The follOwing letters were this day ordered filed: Communication dated August 26, 1958 addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors; Letter dated July 22, 1958, addressed to Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, from Paul B. Matthews, Exec'l1tive Officer; and Letter dated Sept. 3, 1958, from Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, addres3ed to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the request of the Edgewood Lions Club that the County License Tax on carnival sponsored by said Club on September 26, be, and the same is, hereby waived, it being represented to the Board that the proceeds from said performance will be used for charitable a purposes. Letter from J. D. Terry, Chairman, of said project, received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. lefter, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None l r On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that WILLIAM B. ADAMS, MARTHA D. ADAMS and ROBERT J. MILLER be, and they are, hereby appointed the Official ~ii:: ~*~;!i '~~~ ~ -r I --r "I) ''/ j;"'i I i I I I v I t~ ~qll'H"f 7~'. i t~~! ~'~j ~'~.i <:tl ,q(~ ! . . r ~~, ,1' 'I' ... , . . -- r- Representatives of the County of Roanoke, Commonwealth of Virginia, upon the 'f observation of VIRGINIA DAY at the Universal World's Fair at BrusselSj Belgium, , I and upon the occasion of the visits of said members to other cities and i capitals of Europe and the British Isles, in all of which said places this County's representatives shall be authorized and directed to extend expressions of friendship, hope, peace and good will from the officials and inhabitants of the County of Roanoke to the officials and inhabitants or Brussels and such other European and British Capitals and Cities. It is further ordered, on motion, duly seconded, that the Chai1'lllan and Clerk of this Board be authorized to sign the above designations when presented for their signatures. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Roland H. Clark and Edwin G. Terrell lIays: lfone I I IN RE: PERMIT TO LAY AID MAINTAIN WATER PIPE LINE ON EUGENE DRIVE; This day C8llle the Ridgewood Helights Water Company, Inc., by counsel, and reqaested permission of the Board to use a certain portion of Eugene Drive for the purpose of laying and maintainiug a water pipe lim for the benefit of the residents of Ridgewood Heights and Ridgewood Park; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Roland H. Clark, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that tl1e Ridgewood Heights Water Company, Inc., be, and it hereby is, permitted to use that portion of Eugene Drive for the purpose of laying and maintaining a water main for the benefit of the residents of Ridgewood Heights and Riggewood Park; provided said pipe line shall not be laid in such mann,er as to interfere with the use of the said I Eugene Drive by the Public, or in such manner as to interfere ..rith the plans of the State Highway Department should Eugene Drive afterward be taken into the Secondary Road System of this State. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Minor R. Keffer, 'Ii. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I "PROPOSED Rli:CORDATION TAX" "The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular County meeting held at the/Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, on September 15, 195~, directed the advertisement in the manner prescribed by law of the following ordinance, which will be proposed for passage by the said Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on 1I0vember 17, 1955, at ):00 o'clock P. M., to-wit: "BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of SuperVisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, I that tho following ordinance be passed and ordained: a It'!'HAT TIlE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF Roanoke County, doth impose a county recordation tax in an amount equal to one-third of the amount of the State recordation tax collectable for the State on the first recordation of each taxable instrument; provided, no taJ, shall be illposed under this ordinance upon any instl'Wllent in which the State recordation tax is fU'ty cents specifically; and provided further, that where a deed or other instrument conveys, covers or relates to Propel'ty located partly in Roanoke County and partly in another county or city, 01' in other counties or cities, the tax imposed under the authority of this ordinance sball be computed only with respect to the property located in Roanoke County. ItThe Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County collecting the tax imposed under this ordinance shall pay the same in t 0 the Treasurer of Roanoke COliDty. For his services in collecting the tax imposed by this ordinance, the Clerk shall be compensated out c.f the treasury of Roanoke eounty in the amount of five per cent upon each instrUlllent taxable under this ordinance recorded in his office. Such compensation shall be paid out of the county treasury. ItThe effective date of this ordinance shall be the first moment of January, 1~5~.1t I I The Clerk to this Board is directed to publish in the manner prescribed by law, the above proposed ordinance, ~LDd to post a copy at the front door of the Courthouse of Roanoke County. And the SherU'f of Roanoke County is directed to post a copy of the aforesaid notice and proposed ordinance at each Post Office in this County. Adopted by the followiug recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Bays: 1I0ne Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs. The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ~ 'l'his matter came on this day tel be heard upon the proceedings herein, and a I I ! , It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of I way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known ~i as Ridgewoo Hts. #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 220 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of be accepted and made a part or the Secondary System or State Highways. upoJi the application for Thrush Dril'e from AutUllln Lane to D. E. 0.0) Mil.) to Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Thrush Drive from Autumn Lane to D. E. 0.03 Mile and ~hich is shown on a certain sketch -- -- accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke ' County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Roland H. Clark, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in October, 195 . ~M# I Chairman Court House Salem, Virginia October 20, 1958 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County m et this day at the Court House in regular monthly aess1on. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and John Lee Logan, recently appointed, Supervisor for Sal.. District by the Judge of the Circuit Court of RoUlOke Count:y, Va., in the place and stead of Roland H. Clark, deceased. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of Roanoke County Schools offered a prayer. W. B. Cundiff, Chairll&n, on behalf ot the Board, welcomed John Lee Logan I as a new ~ber. The followiug resolution was offered and unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, in the death of Mr. Roland H. Clark, RoaDOke County has sustained , the loss of an cutstandiug ciVic leader, who rendared wise and effecti ve servic ' in representiug the Salem District on the Board of Supervisors. and WRRRIUS, in diachargiug the responsibilities of his office, he proved hiIIlaelf a IlIaD of vision am courage, firm in his belief that Government services! should be made adequate for the needs of a forward lookiug area; and WIIEREAS, to this end, he worked, tireleaslyto inform h1IIIself of the problema wich confronted the Board of Supervisors and joined his efforts to theirs in iIIlproviug all County services; and WJnlIlR1S, Roanoke County was enriched by the high qualitJ' of. his services and by his life as a Christian gentleman; 'fHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors record their sorrow in his passiug; and be it further I I RESOLVED, That we extend our sympathy to the members of his family; and be it further RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be sent to the tamily, and a copy filed in the IIinutes of the Board of Supervisors. c c c a m 137 It haviDg been brought to the attention of the Board that in the preparation ot the reaolution entered at the September Meetlug, 1958-, of this Board, aDIendi the contract dated Septlllllber 28, 1954, between the County Of Roanoke and the Cit7 of Roanoke, there occured a typo>graphical error ln said resolu'tion, as ehown on lins 5, page 106, Supervisors' Record Book 15, referring to sald contract as dated September 2S, 1958, instead of September 28, 1954; On IIOtion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it 18 ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is, authorized to make add correction above referred to on the lIinutes of this Board at the September Meetiug, 1958. Idopted by the tollonug recorded vote: lyes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer. W. B. Cund1ff and John Lee Logan. lIaya : None The ainutes of the last regular lIIeetiug, with the exception above note, were approved as spread, each member Of the Board having read the copy of said IlliDUtes fI1rn1shed hilll by the Clerk. The 1'0llowiug claillls against the County were this day presented, approved, llIld ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectlvely chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 29717 Acme Printers, Book binding and office supplies . 156.15 .. 29718 AIlIerlcan Ch8lll1cal Co., Janitor supplies for Jail and CourtbOU89 53.46 " 29719 American Public Welfare Assoc. 1 copy Public Welfare Directory 1958 7.50 " 29720 Andrew Lewis Service Station, Meintenance Co. Vehicles 177.52 " 29721 Auto Sprlug &: Bearing Co., Parts for Police 1.62 .. 29722 Arrow Hardware Paint &: Feed Co., Roof coatiug 5.10 " 29723 Amerlcan Bakeries Co., f~od for Prisonera 68.82 " 29724- Appalacbian Power Co., Lights and Power 39.70 " 29725 Burroughs Corp., JlainteIl&Dce agreement on Addiug Machine in Public Works &:c 28.25 1;;., ..- .. 29726 Boyle Swecker Tire Co., Repairs Police Car #4 2.00 " 29727 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital bills 47.34 for Welfare .. 29728 Bush Electric Co., Repairs to Air CoDditioniug in Court RoOlll 47.00 " 29729 County School Board of R. C. Kaintenance of County owned Vehicles 736.71 " 29730 C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone service 658.26 .. 29731 Cave Spring Water Co., Water Rent on Cave Spring Flre Statlon 7.SO " 29732 Cantrell Electric Co., Refund overpayment on Electrical Permlts4.5O I " 29733 Culligan Soft Water Service, Water Rent on Water Softner 3.SO ~ d .. 29734- Clearbrook Lion'S Club, Sept. rent on Clearbrook Firs House 60.00 ~ " 29735 Cityof RoallOke, Sewage Treatment charges for General Electric ~ Lins 180.00 >, It 29736 County School Board of Roanoke County, Gasoline purcha3ed " [' ,I for Hollins Fire Station Tank 203.92 ~ " 29737 Caldwell-Sites Co., office aupp1ies 4-8S.22 " 2973S Dr. s. D. Carey, coroner investlgations 'i 65.00 'I I, I 110. 29739 · 29740 · 29741 n 29742 · 29743 n 29744 · 29745 n 29746 n 29747 · 2974lt · 29749 Wallace o. Deyerle, Warrant issued Paul Eller, Aasistiug with Electrial and Plumbing inspections Easter Supply Co.:, office supplies C. G. Foley, Sept. Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station Chalmers Ferguson, collllllission on Delinquent taxes collected Fairview Home, County'lS pro-rate share of expense in maintainiug home for the aged Foutz Sausage Co., food for prisoners Fuqua &: Mooraan, Painting County Library in Comaa Bldg. Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to Bngineer's Car Green Market, Food for Prisoners J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, Sept. rent on Cave Spriug Fire , House · 29750 Gill Memorial Hospital. State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare n 29751 . 29752 29753 29754 29755 29756 29757 29758 29759 29760 29761 n . . . . . . n . . 29762 n 29763 29764 29765 29766 29767 2976S n . . . . . 29769 29770 29771 29772 29773 29774 29775 . . . . n . n 29776 29777 n Marvin C. Hedrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense Chief Probation Officer Sept. Ann Hinson, Extra oftice assistance in Public Works office P. M. Henry, Gasoline and JaJJ.itor supplies HaloidIBrox, Inc., office supplies Mrs. Edith L. Harris, sitting for Registrations International Business Machine Corp. 2 boxes Carbon Paper Jefferson Hospital, state local Hospital bills for Welfare Kee Lox Mfg. Co., 1 box carbon paper . 14.00 250.76 , 100 .06 60.00 296.10 I 62.48 49.55 240.00 5.00 116.11 I 60.00 17.56 48.03 87.71 7.35 ~ 21.00 20.35 8.95 37.00 2.96 I LeWis-Gale, Hospital, state-local hospital bills for Welfare 314.SO Lloyd Electric Co., Repairs Hollins Fire Station 14.00 JaJJ.ie B. Mclleal, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets Postage , and PO Box Rent McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for Sanitation Authority and Catawba Fire Station McLean Trucking Co., Freight collect on office furniture Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Road Maps Meador & Greer, 20 keys for Firemen Catawba Station Merchants Industries, Inc., office supplies 385.08 51.65 4.93 2.62 it.4J) 155.20 Xiller rire Service, Tirea for Engineer'S Car &: Garbage Truck 80.32 Mt. VerDOn Phillips 1166'M, gaSOline purchased for C. S. Fire Truck Carnell Moore, Maintenance of County Garbage lot September Motor Parts Supply Co., Batteriea Fire Trucks Monarch Finer Foods, food for prisoners and DisiDf'ectant Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline for Mt. Pleasant fire Truck Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire House lIelaon Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and light tubes Norfolk &: Western Railway Co., Rent und for sewer pipe year Etndiug Oct. 17, 1959 Northwest Hardware Co., Hardware Owen Plumbiug Co., Repair work at eq;., rthouse I 7.65 588.00 54.80 64.75 9.81 8.60 ' 33.76 I 1.00 32.37 29.32 10. 29778 II 29779 II 29780 29781 29782 29783 = II II II - "--------". - Russell L. Paxton Printing Co., 5,000 sets tax receipt Books j Penitentoiary Industrial Dept. FurJJ.itoure JuveJJ.ile Court , Offices ' Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry - County Jail Peters Creek Shell SerYice Station, Parts and wash jobs 139 - 86.60 244.70 57.00 11.70 32.00 Edgar H. Porterfield, repairs to Jail Refrigerator Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for , Welfare, 1,961.00 II 29784 Void II 29785 RoaDOke Concre~ Products Co., Concrete Culvert Pipe for Roads · 29786 Roanoka Rock Wool Co., 15 bags Rock Wool tor Catawba Fire Statoion ~ II 29787 II 29788 29789 29790 II .. . 29191 II 29792 29793 II I II 29794 II 29795 29796 29797 II .. . 29798 29799 29800 29601 II .. II .' 29002 29803 29804 291lO5 29806 29807 .. . a II II .. II 29808 29809 29810 29811 c .. .. II II 29812 29813 29814 II II Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's , Pettoy Cash ' Remington Rand, RepaL"s too Dalton Addiug Machine Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, bpairiug seat covers Police Car Is Rutohertord Freight Lines, Freight on furJJ.iture for JuveJJ.ile " Court offices Roanoke Valley Motors, Parts for Police Car Is and R. C. Sanitation Car Roanoke Linen Service, l'o'wel service Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking :Fuel for County Jail and Home Demo~stration Kitchen ' Riles Armature Winding Co., Repairs - Armature Police Car II 12 Radio Communicatione, Radio Maintenance Sept. Edward F. Staples, Reimbu:rse Traveling expense Salem Hardware Co., Utensils and Miscellaneous Items for Co. Jlilil Salem Creamery Co., food :ror Prisoners Salem Glass Co.. Repairs '~o desk &c Clerk's Office Salem Furniture Co., Replacing rods at Jail Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Ph:rsician Salary Sept. Coroner investigations Salem Motors, Repairs and Parts Vehicles Smead & Webber Drug Co., )(edical supplies Jail State Office Supply Co., Repairs to Royal Typewriter SUIIlIIlerdean Esso Station, Parts, oil and Wash jobs John B. Stoetson Company, Renovating Sheriff's clothing Tarpley'S, Inc., 2 stands for Juvenile & Domestic Relations . Courto , Times Register, advertising and book binding Town of Salem, Light,. wal;er & sewage toreatment cost Uarco, Inc., Listing of Registered Votoers in Roanoke Co. University of Virginia, Sl~te Local Hospital Bills tor Wl.ltare Valleydale Packers, food for prisoners VirgiJJ.ia Foods, food for Prisoners and Rasor blades Vinton Motor Co., Repair ~lnd Parts Hollins Fire Truck 54.3. SO 15.00 33.93 6. SO 3.50 21.75 15.39 ,3.00 18.06 7.SO 77.50 35.4.9 21.90 14.56 8.30 1.60 110.00 27.15 19.05 6.50 28.05 75.14 13.90 981.75 521.93 106.35 140.80 58.89 177.10 8.25 140 No. 29815 II 29816 II 29817 II 29818 .. 29819 II 29820 II 29821 -""",,= - Virgima !rlIlature Co., RElpairing HoiLlins Fire Station . Warren Jay Products Corp., Emblems for Civil Defense Wilson's Esso &. Grocery Co., Gas, oil, etc. Garbage Trucks Everette Waddy Co., Recol.d Books C. W. Warthen Co., aeceil)t Bock Yates &: Wells Garage, Maintenance of County Owned Velb.icles 26.50 70.75 106.37 88.86 98.50 1,001.03 James M. Young, Attorney, Attorney'a in Re: Lunacy Heariug 10.00 .. 29822 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies Paul B. Matthews, Advance expenses League of VirgiJJ.ia Counties and Va. Highway Conference lIleetincs, reiDIburae Planning Commission dinner meeting E. P. Dillon, 11 days sitting with Equalization Board Void W. E. Bale, .3 d81s sittiug with Equalization Board C. C. Barris, 9 days sittiug with Equalization Board A. E. McNeil, 8 days sitting with Equalization Board Brown Hardware Co., hardware Dr. S. D. Carey, lunacy hearings, examination of drunk dri vera. .. 29831 Carl R. Brightwell, repairs to County Jail, unit beaters, lights 8tc .. 29823 .. 29832 Dr. John o. Hurt, lunacy hearing r I .. 29824- 29825 29826 29827 29828 29829 29830 Dr. F. D. Jlcltenney. Jr., lunacy hearings &. drunk driviug Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney, Attorney's tee in commitment Proceediugs Dr. A. J. Russo, lunacy heariug, examination drunk drivers Murray A.Stoller, appointed attorney Dr. R. B. Smiley, exaJII driving drunk, Paychaitric exam1na- tions, and lunacy heariugs lcme Typewriter Co., 1 Stenafax Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies .. Green &. Company, repairing doors at Courthouse 4.00 31S.00 239.11 7.3.31 199.24 195. SO 41.53 25.00 62.23 10.00 SO.oo 20.00 I. 5.00 10.00 35.00 2.00 5.99 99.75 Glenvar Auto Repair Shop, repair and parts tor l'ol1ce Car #9 54.30 Mrs. JaJJ.ie B. McNeal, Treasurer, reiDIburse postage used in mailing L. of Va. Co. letters 37.40 Martin Bros. Contractors, labor and material tor installiug tile floor in Comas Bldg. 748.77 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage 44.00 State Treasurer, 1/2 expenses incurred with audit of accounts 487.30 IN BE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &.C The tollowiug claims against t,he County were this day pr"lsented, and ordered to be paid by voucher-check out of the funda respectiv"'ly therewith, to-wit: No. 29838 America!! Chemical Co., disinfectant for Dog Pound .. 29839 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., exhaust E.~pe for dog truck .. .. .. II .. .. .. 2983.3 29834 .. .. 29835 29S36 29837 II .. .. 29854 29855 29856 29857 29858 .. .. .. .. .. 29859 .. 29860 .. 29861 approved I Chargeable! . 9O.09J 3.19 , I I I I I' No. 29840 II 29841 Brown Hardware Co., ExtellSion Cord t C &. P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Dog Warden's , Home " .. 29842 29843 29844. County School Board of R. C. Maintenance Dog Truck Sept. Bsso Standard OU Co., Gll:solin8 purchased for Dog Truck Harry E. Kinger, Game War'den, Work at Dog Pound during vacation ,period for Dog warden Tea Loug's Gulf Station, repairs, gas &: Parts for Dog Truck . c . . 29845 . 29846 29847 29848 29849 29850 29851 29852 29853 29862 Reimburse expense to Richmond transporting dogs c If Ralph E. Loug, Reimburse traveling expense to Hicblllond Miller Tire Service. tire" Dog Truck Radio Coauaunica'tions, Radio Maintenance Sept. Salem Farm Supply Co., DOl~ Food and Disinfectant Salelll LUIIlber &: Supply Co." Lumber - Kennel Yates &: Wells Garage, Repair and Parts for Dog Truck J. B. Day, Fowl claim H. W. Craun, towl clailll Ralph E. Long, Dog Warden, .. If . .. " . . III Ri: DELIBQUERT TADS COLLECTED BY ,CLERK: .89 15.00 3j.79 34..4.3 7.00 19.87 4.75 18.11 15.00 31.45 2.00 8.72 18.00 34.00 21.85 , - The Clerk this day delivered to th" Board the receipt of .1aJJ.ie B. KcJleal, County Treasurer, for .1,020.53, on ac.:ount of delinquent taxes collected by lIaid Clerk for the lIlonth Of September, 1958, less collllllissioDS, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to .969.50 net. II On 1Il0tion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the IIIOnth of October, 1958, be approved in the amount of .6,616.63, froJll which the sum Of $99.97 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes t630.6O is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of t5,886.06. Adopted by the f'ollowiug recorded v,)te: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Ketfer, John Lee Logan, and Edwin G. Terrell lfays: Jlone a On lIlotion, duly seconded, it is orde,red that the payroll for Re:t'uae Collection and Janitor Services for period September 15, ending Septelllber 30, 1958, be approved in the amount of .1,704..47, from which the SUID of .38.36 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes t1l4.70. is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of' tl,551.4.1; 'I I I ia ! p it And the payroll for Refuse Collectiol~ and Janitor Services for periOd fi-om October 1, endiug October 1;, 1958, be approved in the amount of .1,684.49, from wich the SUIII of $37.87 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes .105.50, to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,541.12. ~opted by the fOlliwiM recorded Y_Qte: Ayes: Suparvisora . l5. Cundiff, M1nor R. Keffer, Terrell. lIays: 1I0ne '\ John Lee Logan and Edwin G.! i 141 ~ cb.t f"" ~rC. fi:t~ 111>1 !>"1; ~ d.Q.. r iU C ,~rL ~*rc. Sf.. j@ , ~ I "1s~ 1142 ~~; ('~cW. ,Uc~. ~'~' , ~;~~1>'( i The following reports were this day laid before the Board: H. W. CLAR1t, Sheriff, SUIIlII8.ry Statement of Prisoner days served in the County Jail during the IIlOnth of SepterAher, 19S5; H. W. CIJJlK. Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of September, 19S5; EDWARD S. ALLElf, Coun1;y Agent, monthly report for September, 19!<8; JAMES D. OLIVER, lssistant County Agent, monthly report for September, 1958. I On motion. duly seconded, it is ordered that the fOllowing TOucher-checks be approved, retroactive to date of issuance: Check #2969g, dated October 7, 1955, payable to Goodwin-1ndrewa Insurance Company, for $632.91t; Check #29699, dated October 7, 1958, payable to Goodwin-1ndrewa Insurance Company, tor $50.32; Check #29700 dated October 8, 1955, Oren-Roanoke Corp. Catawba Fire Truck $4094.18 I Adopted by the followiug recordled vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. ~undiff, Minor R. Keff'er, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Bays: None ( III RE: ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM. ROANOKE COUH'l'Y Letter dated September 23. 195$, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, VirgilUa. fr'Om F. A. Davis, Deputy COIIIIlIissioner, Department of H1ghwll1S, Richmond 19, Va., approviug addi'tions to the Secondary , System of Roanoke Coun1;y effective September 23, 1958, to-wit: Idditions Ellington Street - From Routes 116 and 659 to Route 116. - Length 0.20 Mile Resolution - July 15, 1957. Upland Drive - Extension Route 790- From end present Route 790 to 0.20 mile to dead end. - Length 0.20 Mile. Resolution - July 21, 1958. Bunker Hill Drive - From end present Route 1602 to 0.01t mile to ROut6 682. Length 0.0It Mile. - Resolution - lIovember 25, 1957. 'Pinevale Road - From Route 682 to Rod; e 16J.4,. - Length 0.07 Mile. Resolution May 16, 1955. Vivian lvenue - From Route 1832 (old Route 623) to Dwight Street. Length 0.10 Mile. - Resolution- June 5, 1956. " lfover Avenue -FRom Route 1832 (old Route 623) to Dwight Street. Length 0.10 Mile. - Resolution - June 5, 1956. ' Dwight Street - From Hover Avenue to Vivian Avenue. - Length 0.05 Mile. Resolution-July 21, 1958. ' Vivian Avenue - From Dwight Street to .Tones Street. - Length 0.11 Mile. Resolution - July 21, 1958. Hover Avenue - From Dwight Street to Jones Street. - Length 0.11 Mile. Resolution - July 21, 1958. ' , Gilford Avenue - From end present Route J.4,17 to a dead end. - Length 0.05 Mile Reaolution - July 21, 19S5. Ellen Drive - Extension Route 1103 - From end preaent Route 1103 to 0.17 mile to dead end. - Length 0.17 Mile. Reaolution - July 21, 1955. North Road - From Route 70S to a dead end. - Length 0.20 Mile Resolution _ July 21, 1958. Valley Drive - From Route 119 to a dead el1d. - Length 0.10 Mile. Resolution June 16, 1958. I I I c c 15 I I ~-._-- - Club Lane - FrOlll Valley Drive to a dead end. - Length 0.20 Mile. Resolu~ion - June 16, 1958. JIorwanda Street - FrOlll end of present Route J.4.53, 0.30 mile t\) a dead end. Length O~jO Mile. - Resolution - June 16, 1958. Burchette Street - From Route J.4.31 10'0 Morwanda Street. - Length 0.2) tile. Resolution - JUne 16, 1958. Victoria Street - From end present Route J.4.~! 0.30 mile to a dead end. Length 0.30 Mile. - Resolution - June 16, 19~. Gieser Road - FrOlll Orander Drive west to a dead end. - Length 0.06 Mile. Resolution - June 16, 1958., Gieser Road - From Orander Drive eas1; 0.03 mile to dead end. - Length 0.03 tile Resolution - June 16, 1958. Grander Drive - From Route 702 to Gieser Road. - Length 0.10 Mile. Resolution - June 16, 1958. Farmington Drive - From Route 702 to Green Meadow Road. - Length 0.11 Mile. Resolution - July 21, 1958. _ Green Meadow Road - From Farmington Drive west 0.09 mile to dead end. Le!!gth 0.09 Mile. - Resolution - July 21, 1958. Green Keado~ Road - From Farmington Drive east 0.11 mile to a dead end. Laagth 0.11 Mile. - Resolution - July 21, 1958. Sunnyvale Road - From Route 923 to a dead end. - Leugth 0.12 tile. Resolution - July 21, 1958. High Acres Road - From Garstland Drive (Route 1421) west to a dead end. Length 0.13 Mile. - Resolution - May 20, 1957. Lawndale Road - From end present Route 1606 to Fleetwood Avenue. Length 0.02 Mile. - Resolution - May 20, 1957. Oakdale Road - From end present Route 1609 to Fleetwood Avenue. LeJIgth 0.03 Mile. - Resoluti'Ol1 - Jilay 20, 1957. Melody Avenue - From Willet~ Drive to Fleetwood Avenue. - Length 0.26 M:I.1e. Rpsolution - May 20, 1957. Willetta Drive - From present end or Route 1615, 0.04 mile to Melody and Fleetwoo Avenue. - Length 0.04 Mile. ResolutioD - May 20, 1957. Fleetwood Avenue - From Willet~a Drive to Brandywine Avenue. Length 0.27 Mile. Resolution - May 20, 1957. Medmont Circle - From Route 685 (Keagy Road) to Barnhart Drive. Length 0.50 tile. Resolution - December 16, 1957. Carol Ridge Road - From Jledmont Circle to a dead end. - Length 0.13 Mile. Resolution - December 16, 1957. Barnhart Drive - From Jledlllont Circle to a dead end. - Length 0.13 Mile. Resolution - December 16, 1957. , Lonsdale Road. - From Medmont Circle to Route 119. - Length 0.15 Mile. Resolution - December 16, 19~. Wynne Road - From Route 118 to a dead elnd. - Length 0.16 Mile. Resolution - Dec8lllber 16, 1957. Keesliug Avenue - From Route 11 to dead. end. - Length 0.65 Mile. Resolution - June 16, 1958. Leemount Street - Froll Keesling Avenue to dead end. - Length O.lS Mile. Resolution - June 16, 1958. Howard Drive - From Leemount Street to Route 640. - Length 0.92 Mile. Resolution -- June 16, 1958. Westland Street - From Jackson Drive to dead end. - Length 0.25 Mile. Reso+ution - June 16, 1958. t', Randolph Avenue - Froll1 Macon Street to .1ackl:on Drive. - Length 0.20 Mile. Resolution - June 16, 1955. Macon Street - From KeeSling Drive to a dead end. - Leugth 0.17 Mile. Resolution - June 16, 1958. i-- Clover Street - From Keesling Avenue to Howard Drive - Length 0.10 Mile. I R,solution - June 16, 1958. ~ ~ I r Par1alood Avenue - FroD! Howard Avenue south to dead end. - Leugth 0.33 Mile. Resolution - June 16, 19;8. 1I0rthway Drive - FroD! end present lloute 1820 ~outh 0.05 Mile to dead end. LeDgth 0.05 Mile. - Resolution - JtLDe 16, 1958. Bridle Lane - From 0.02 mile northtJest of Glen Heather Drive south to dead end. - Length 0.16 Mile. - ReElolution, - Jllly 21, 19S5. Glen Heather Drive - FroD! Route 1151 to Bridle l'llne. - Leugth 0.13 Mile. Resolution - July 21, 1958. Stoneybrook Drive - FroD! Route 119 to dead end. - Length 0.14 Mile. Resolution - July 21, 1958. Tannehill Drive - From Glen Heather' Drive to Stoneybrook Drive. LeDgth 0.10 Mile - Resolution - July 21, 1958. Iredell Avenue - From Lanewood Avenue (Route 1632) north to dead end. Length 0.10 Mile. - Resolution - June 16, 1958. Overdale Road - From ColoJJ.ial Avenue (Route 720) southeast to Par1alood Drive. - Length 0.05 Mile. - Resolution - July 21, 1958. Parkwood Drive - From Overdale Road southwest to end of Route 1644. Length 0.17 aile. - Resolution - July 21, 1958. Mountain View Drive - Froll! Norwood Street to dead end. - LeDgth 0.05 Mile:' Resolution - June 16, 1958. , Lytham Drive - FrOll lforwood Street to 1I0rwood Street. - Leugth 0.20 Mile. Resolution - June 16, 1958. , Iiorwood Street - Froa Gatewood Avenue (Route 1308) to Route 909. Length 0.18 Mile. - Resolution - JUIlI8 16, 19;8. GreeD1'ield Street - FroD! Gatewood Avenue to dead end. - Length 0.21 HUe. 18aolution - June 16, 1958. Suncrest Drive - From Route 220 to Circleview Drive. - Length 0.43 Mile. Resolution - January 20, 19S5. , Circlertew Drive - From Suncrest Drhe to 0.05 Mile west to dead end. Length 0.05 Mile. - Resolution" Jazluary 20, 19;8. Southern Hill Drive - From Route 722 to 0.12 llli.le east to Griffin Road. Length 0.12 Mile. - Resolution - July 21, 19;8. Southern Hill Drive - From Griftin ll:oad to dead end. - Length 0.39 Mile. Resolution - July 19, 1954. View Point Avenue - From end Of pres,ent Route 901 to 0.06 llli.le. - Length 0.06 Mi Resolution - July 21, 1958. was received and ordered filed. I I l f t 1 I .. I t ~ i IJJ RE: ADDITION '1'0 SECONDARY SYSTEM - ROANOKE COUm'Y: Letter dated October 3, 1958, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanokll County, Salem, VirgiJJ.ia, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Collllllissioner, Department of HighWll1s, Richmond 19, Va., approviDi!!: additions to Secondary System Roanoke County, effective October 3, 1955, to-wit: Addition Garman Drive - From Route 115 West tC) Dead End. LeDgth 0.29 Mile. was received and ordered filed. I I JI!lS. JAlfIE B. McliEAL, Treasurer of RClanoke County this day submitted to the Board the fOllowing report: "Salem, Virginia October 20, 1958 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business October 18, 19;8, there was to the credit of the = a B a a 145 General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salm District Road Debt Fund County ,School Fund ' School ~onstruction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. . 11,105.24 2,179.41 5,059.60 672.43 23,349.54 50,673.48 4,230.04 98.16 16.0), , 9'7.~e3.93 Respectfully submitted, JaJJ.ie B. McNeal, Treasurer.- Said report approved and ordered filed. IN BE: INSPECTIOIl OF coum COURT HOUSE STEAM BOILER: Report dated 1.10 22, 1958,' of. H. E. Belcher, Chiet Inspector, of The Hartford Ste8111 Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition ot F. T. F. B. Ste8111 Boiler No.1, HSB-2)026, located in Boiler Room - Basement - County Court House, N. E. Corner Jlain Street &; College Avenue, Salm, VirgiJJ.ia, inspected internally and E1x-cernally, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. Ilotice of : h.ariug 'given by the State Compensation Board for the purpose of fixing salaries andexpenses of the Attorney for the COllllllonwealth, COIIIIIIissioner of the Revenue, Sheriff and Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the calendar year 1959, recei....d and ordered filed. The followiDg collllllunications were this day laid before 'the Board, and ordered filed: Notice of application of VALLEY WATER COMPANY, for certificate under Utility Facilities Act, instituting proceedings and settiug for fOrlllal hsariug, &c, on October 22, 1958, at Court room of the State Corporation ColIIIIIis ~ion, Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Notice of application tor Licensl'; in the mtter of APPALACHIAN POWER COJIPAIlY - Project 110. 2210, - Upper l~ Lower D8IIIs (Smith Mountain) In re: League of VirgiJJ.ia Counties: Letter dated October 13, 1958, from W. B. Speck, Field Secretary, enclosing tentative progr8111 Annual Meeting or the League; CollllllUJlication from K. R. Hyde. AlIsociate Manager, Hotel Roanoke, addressed tJ the meDlbers of the League of VirgiJJ.i~L Counties; Copy of letter dated October 17, 1958, from W. E. Cundiff, Chairlll&n, Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, addressed to Members of the League of VirgiJJ.ia Counties; CollllllUJlication dated September 26, 1958, from W. B. Speck, Field Secretary, League of Virginia Counties, with list of committee appointments attached. I IN JlE: AUDIT OF NOllMAN R. MOORE, JUDGE OF THE JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT, AND ROANOKE COUNTY COURT: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board ~ a report of audit of NORMAN R. MOORE, Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relatio1' Court, and Roanoke County Court, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1958, which ~ !I report is received and ordered tiled. 146 --. Letter dated October 13, 19511, from. J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accoanta, ordered filed. IN RE: SALARY OF JAIL PHYSICIAN: Letter dated Sept8lllber 30, 1958, from. W. L. Lukhard, Chief Bureau of Accounts, Department of Welfare, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, in re: salary of Jail Physician, ~'eceived and ordered filed. I I A cOlllllUD1cation dated October 20, 19511, addreaaed to Board of Suparv1sors of Roanoke County, from T. L. Plunlett, Jr., Attorney tor Hidden Valley Water i Corporation, advising the Board of its intention to install a water distributio s18t811 accordiug to State and County specifications in the Subdivisiona in Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, known as Hidden Valley Hollies, Sugar Loat Eatates and Glen Heather Farm, received and ordered filed. Letter dated October 9, 1958, from Copenhaver, Edwards &: Barrett, Attorneys addressed to Willi8lll Cund1tt, Chail'llllU1 of Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in re: Sterling 'White, requesting that the Chairman take t.he matter up with the Board, and see wether or not. the County will assume auy portion of an obligation of t1731.90 due the Burrell M8IIIorial Hospital, incurred on behalf of said Sterling White, was this day presented and ordered filed; Upon consideration of said request, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that Edw. H. Richardson, COlIIIIICl1ll8alth's Attorney, be directed to advise Messrs. Copenhaver, Edwards and Barrett, Attorneys, that the Board ia unable to do anything in this matt.er. 'I Sundry peti tions, beari ng the signatures of approx1118. tely 1260 persons in opposition to the : annexation of any territ.ory in the areas specified: ;oAir View Court fil(. , t f Mrs. A. L. Sweet; ~unt Vernon Heights tiled by R. L. StClair; ,Crestwocd Park filed by J. J. Grillles; ,Castle Hill Southwest. filed by Helen Keffer; ..castle Hills filed by R. t. StClair; .Between Roanoke City Limits and Route #119 filed by Richard L. Meagher; ,Between Roanoke Cit.y Limits and Route 1/119 filed by Mary W. Smothers; ..cave Spriug tiled by R. C. Herchenrider; .Weatern Hills tiled by A. F. SlIIit.h; .Hidden Valley Estates by A. F. SIIIit.h; ,City View Heights filed by Mrs. John H. .Weeks; ,Cresthill Section by Mrs. Fred Webster; ,Berwick Heights filed by W. W. Botkin; -Windsor Park by C. M. Bowman and R. H. Turner, Jr., .westchester by L. J. Parkinson; ,J. J. Bower 4.ake Drive filed by Mrs. C. A. Rich; Alpriug Valley Lake (Lake Drive) filed by Mrs. C. A. Rich, were this day laid before t.he Board, and ordered filed. I I l Mr. C. M.BoWllW1 aDd Mr. R. H. Turner, Jr., frOlll Windsor Park Section cOllllllented that a petition had been filed i,n the Roanoke City office of the City Manager, said petition beariug only six !IlIIIIes in favor of a!Ull!xation; and RESOLUTION ~ AND ORDER: ! the owners of certain real ~ r.A... ~ r 'I ~\f~ Th on thal~, ~A~ff 1958, ~ ctii. <t /T.l: i~~..~... $-<., R-"C,{)l...... i~~i:'~ ~ I Ii c an inspection of said petition showed that no Signers of the petition were reaidenta of the Windaor Park Section. Mrs. Fred Webster and sundry residents of other areas represented urged the Board tooppose the aunexation by the City of Roanoke of the territories mentioned. a IN BE: NOII-COBFOllJIING PERMIT: Upon the re,commendation of the Roanoke County Planniug Commission, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conformiug permit be issued to J. HARRY McBROOM, JR., for the construction of a retail store (to be leased to the lfational Peanut Corporation), and a miJJ.iture golf course, accordiug to plans aubaitted to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, on U. S. Route 11 (Lee H1ghway), next to the Roanoker Motor Lodge. Resolution of the Roanoke County Planning Collllllission ordered filed. Idopted by the followiug recorded vote: lyes: Supervisors W. E. cUndiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: Nons IN JlE: NON-COBFORJlING PERMIT: ~ Upon the recollllll8ndation of the Roanoke County PlanJJ.iug CoIDlll1asion, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conforming pemit be issued to WILMKR A. BALL to build an office and storage room on Lot 21, Block 7, Starmount Subdivision, according to plans submitted to the Roanoke County PlanJJ.ing Commission. Resolution of the Roanoke County Planniug Collllllission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Mioor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None c III JlE: REZONING PROPERTY 011 THE NORTHWESTERLY) SIDE OF STATE ROUTE NO. 117 ) WHEREAS, Roy L. Webber and Gladys G. Webber, c property, situate in Salell Magisterial District, Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, northwesterly side of State Route No. 117" did, on the 18th day of August, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, to amend the General ZoJJ.iug Ordinance of said Courty so as to provide that said real property, situate as aforesaid and now classified in said zoning ordinance as ItResidence Propertylt, be reclassified and rezoned as ItLocal Business Property., and so as to provide that said real property and the buildings now thereon, or 1rilich may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for local business purposes; and, c.!., """~ rofJ IJ..~. ~. et... '(...., rj~v.s f' p.~ .~,(!)~ f1).1s~ "e.L..:. d..,t. r fJ., ~htl...at:.. f1:r~ 148 ~1l~I.S, said Board of Supervisors, at its regular meetiug on the 18th day of August, 1.95$, received and considered ,the petition of said parties. and by Resolution and Order, entered on the aforesaid date, referred aaid petition, and on the proposal to amend said zoJJ.ing ordinance, to the PlanJJ.ing COIIIIIIission Of said County, as required by the Code Of VirgiJJ.ia, and directed that said Commission report is recommendation to the Cle~k of said Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the provisions of the Code of VirgiJJ.ia; and, W1SRE1S, said PlllDJJ.iug Commission of said County did, by a Resolution <- adopted at a meeting heldon the 16th day of September, 1958, report and recommend to said Board of Supervisors that said General ZoJJ.iug Ordinance of RoaDOke County, VirgiJJ.ia, should be amended to reclassify and rezone said real property tram ita present classification or .Residence Property. to -Local Business Property., as prayed for in said petition, and pursuant to the Resolution and Order of said Board, as aforesaid, did deliver its Report aild RecOllllll8ndation to the Clerk or said Ba rd; and, WHEREAS, said Board of Supervisors did, by its Resolution and Order of the 18th day of lugust, 195$, direct the Clerk of said Board, upon receiviug said Report and RecOllllendation ot said PlanJJ.iug Collllll1asion, to set the matter down tor public heariug at the next permissible regular or special meeting of said Board, and to give notice thereof by publication, pursuant to the provisions of the Code of VirgiJJ.ia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of thia Board did set 3 o'clock P. M. at the regular meetiug of this Board, to be held on the 20th day of October. 19;8~ as the time and day for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to aaid General ZoJJ.ing Ordinance of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly and regularly pubUahed in The Times-Register, a newspaper ' published in Salem, Roanoka County, VirgiJJ.ia, and of general circulation in said County, by two insertions of said notice on the 25th d81 of September, and the 2nd day of October, 195$~ as required by the Code of VirgiJJ.ia; and, WHEREAS, a public hearing was this day had by this Board on said proposed amencllllent to said General ZoJJ.ing Ordinance of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, after legal and t1lllely notice thereOf, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board having carefully considered said petition, and said Report and RecOllllllendation of said Planning Collllllission, and haviug heard evidence, I touching upon the merits of said proposed amendment, is of the opiJJ.ion to and doth, find that said General ZoJJ.ing Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, should be amended, as prayed for in said petition, and asrecOllllllended by said Planning Commission. NOW, 'l'HERBi'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF I ROANOKE COUN'l'I, VIRGINIA, at this regular meeting ot saL d Board, held on the 20t I d81 of October, 1958, that said General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to change the classification' Of the real property, described in said petition, from its present classificatiot: ot naesidence Property" to "Local Business Property., so that said real property! I and the buildings now thereon, or which may hereafter be erected thereon, may i b. used for local business purposes as defined in said zoning ordinance. I I I I I a The real property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "Residence Property" to "Local Business Property" is situate in Salem Magisterial District, RoallOke County, Virginia, on the northwesterly side of State Route No. 117, is the same property conveyed to said Roy L. Webber and Gladys G. Webber, by Veda Bower Roberts et als, by deed dated the 1st day of July, 1958, and is described aa follows: BEGIHBING at an iron by a corner post on the northwest side of Route No. 117, corner to the W. LinllOod Draper property; thence with the line of the Draper and the F. L. Hatcher properties N. 3So 16' W. 895.5 feet to an old iron on the west side oE a branch, corner to the Frank L. and Mary J. :teffer property; thence with the line of the Keffer ,property N. 610 59' E. 763.2 feet to an iron; thence with another line ,of the Keffer propertt and also the line of Clarence R. Ferguson S. 28 35' E. 673.0 feet to an iron on the northwest side of Route lfc.. 117; thence with the line of Route No. 117 S. 430 0$' w. 644.9 feet to the BEGIHBIII}, and containing 12.44 acres, according to map of survey, dated June 30, 1958, made by r. P. Parker, State Cert. Engineer. AND IT IS PUR'l'HER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board do ~ !I forthwith certify copies of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary ot the County PlanJJ.iug Collllllission and to James I. Moyer, Attorney for Roy L. Webber and Gladys G. Webber. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor I John Lee Logan, and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and upon a recorded II r II Ii II Tote the same stood as follows: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff Bll1s: lfone John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Ketter and On motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. rerrel~, c.-I.... , 'MccJ.::.(. 11 it 1s ordered that Minor R. Ketter be appointed as a representative Of this ~ ~ l!.. Board on the Fairview Home Board, replacing Roland H. Clark, deceal!ed, to be J~ "'{' compensated at an annualrate of $100.00, plus Seven Cents (71t) per mile, Irf...1{5."'& transportation. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. CUndiff, Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor . Ketfer. . Bays: None ~ c On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, aeconded by Supervisor Minor R. Ketfer, the PlanJJ.iug Collllllission of Roanoke County is hereby authorized to obtain the services of the Virginia Division of Industrial Development, Department of Conservation and Economic Development, to assist the Planning Commisaion in revisiug the Zoniug Ordinance of Roanoke County and preparing Land Use Maps. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Ayes: /Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan. Nays: None i ~3~ '~I cL.t.\lt p, e , , )}'o.td;::: I, $.e.... , ~ C ' i'~c-. ~ ''1~1.sY ~ " II " I' II " I' ,I , 150 L- I , ~~~ I c '~'.~tf-t ~ . ~ to)l.... ~r- ~ &-f'lo1~1. - -. ._- -'-'-. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the water system of the Fair- dale Construction Company of Salem, VirgiJJ.ia, in the subdivision Of Wooded Acre' , be approved accol.'diug to the Acts of, the General Assembly, 1954., permission beiug granted for twenty-five connections, provided before operatiug under this permit the said Fairdale Construction Company complies with all regulation of any other agencies haviug jurisdiction in such matters. ldopted by the followingre.:orded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell lIays: 1I0ne I I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Council for the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby, roquested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of RoaDOke, dealiug with the treatment of dOllestic and cOlllllercial wastes, by 8IIl8rgency resolution, to the following extent only, v1z: BEGImlG at, a point on the aouth r ight-of-w!IY line of State Secondary Route 742 (Shenandoah Avenue) 650 feet, lII:re or less, frOll the West Corporate Lilllits of the City oi Roanoke; thence with a line s. 340 18' E., 616 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 690 19' E., 412 feet to a point and said point being in the center of Peters Creek and on the West Ccrporate Lilllits of the City of Roanoke; thence wi~ the said West Corporate Lilllits of the City of Roaneke in a southerly and easterly direction with the said Peters. Creek as it meanders 3000 feet, more or less, to the north rigb; -of_way line of the Norfolk & Western Railway ,Company,; thence with the said Norfolk & Western Railway Company right-of-way line the following beariuga and distances: S. 340 34' Y., 361. feet; s. 470 01' Y., 1371 feet; s. 820 00' Y., 409.5 feet; N. SSO 47' , W., 893.6 feet; thence with a line leaviug the said, Norfolk & Western Railway Company right-of-way N. 51!' 06' E., 504.7 feet to a point; thence with a line N. ' 310 33' W., 54S feet to a point; thence with a line S. ,890,08' E.. 167 feet, to a point; thence with a line N. 350, 19' W., 1270 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 510, 21' W.! 268 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 330 40' W., 3!S3 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 74". 51' E., intersecting the south right-of-way line of said Route 742 at approximatlil. y 430 feet, in all a total distance of 680.4 feet to the place,of BEGINmG alld being a boundary description of that 76.52 acres, more or less, of the 88.9 acre tract owned by the Fairviaw Cemetery Company as shown on the attached plat and recorded in Deed Book 152, Page 303, in the C~erk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke C01U\ty. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full exte as it said areas were therein set out in extention; (a) 'l'hat acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County to the City's saJJ.itary sewer system at such point. as is approved by the City'S Director of Public Works or the City Eugineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery by the County; (b) 'l'hat in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and' effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, immediately upon passage by the Council of the l City of Roanoke of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County Of 'i Roanoke shall be, and remain, bound by the proviSions thereof as fully, and to th~ same extent, assaid County is now bound by other terms and provisions ot the I aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. :1 I I I I 1'-"1 0_ c An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thareof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None c IN RE: REZOlfIHG PROPERTIES SITUATE ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LYNCHBURG SALEM TURNPIKE EAST OF MASON CREEK IN ROANOKE COUNTY" VIRGINIA OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM E. DOSS AllD OF FLETCHER B. McDANIEL, ARTHUR W. McDANIEL, ,ROBERT F. McDANIEL, AllD MARTHA McDANIEL AND OF EDWARD J. DUmm AND MAMIE W. DUNNING I Q!R!! This day came Hazel K. Barger and T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Executors or the Estate of William E. Doss, deceased, Fletcher B. McDaniel, Arthur W. McDaJJ.iel, Robert F. McDaniel, Martha McDaniel, Edward J. D11IUtlng and Mamie W. bunning, by , , ~-rt:. ~;~.' ~C.. ~J 0...... c....- f ~'Y1S"l ~ , , Counsel, and request leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND CRDERED that at its regular meetiug of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby tiled. AllD BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the ZoJJ.iug c , , ' Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the PlanJJ.iug COIIIIIIission of :Roanoke Cowt;y, Virginia. for a recommendation in accordance with the prortsiona of the Code of VirgiJJ.ia. AND BE IT F.tlRTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planniug COlIIIIIission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of VirgiJJ.ia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public heariug at the next permiSsible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of th" ~ Code or VirgiJJ.ia. ' AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy or this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planniug Commission of RoaDOke County, .VirgiJJ.ia. J The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor John Lee ! Logan, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a record~d vote, the I Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin GIj. ~ll. I Nays: None I II II >, ~ ! . ~ ~ II r , II i M U ~l:r ~ tke. <r ~~B, ~~~'l 1"'''''1~.y I ,9tt rc r ~Ut" ~~' '7:>' ?-/57 I I c...L... ~ I "Jt,'.. cd.. I ~ &...e1I Fa- 6>~ (3 , , ')),~ ~~c, ro-f"'1s-v. IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN TIlE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE GOONi'!, VIRGINIA, SITUAn:, ON ,TIlE SOUTH SIDE OF COVE ROAD (STAn: ROUTE 1116) AllD TIIB EAST SIDE OF PETERS CIlEEK ROAD (STA.n: ROUTE #ll7),.prowN GEbmI?4T.T.y, AS LOTS, 5, 6, 8, 9 AIW 10 OF TIlE C. F. WEBSTER PROPERTY, CONTAINING IN TIlE AGGREGA'l'E 7.65 ACRES. I QR~~l! I This day convened at 2:00 o'clock P. M., a regular meetiDg of 'the RoaIlOke County Board of Supervisors. Whereupon, Robert E. Glenn, a'ttorney for Lena A. B~ogan, appeared before the Board and asked leave 'to file e. pe'tition on behalf of Lena A. Brogan, the fee simple owner of a certain tract of land sought 'to be re-.oned, said petition r reques'ting tha't the tract of land therein described be re-zoned from residential to business use, as defined in the .0JJ.ing ordinances of RoaIlOke County, adopted January 20, 194.1, as amended. IIOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at 'this regular monthly aeetiug of the Board of Supervisor~ of Roanoke County, VirgiJJ.ia, held this 20th day or Octoher, 1958, a't 'the Courthouse 'thereof, that 'the re-.oJJ.iug petition of Lena A. Brogan be, and 'the same hereby is, filed; AlID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED .um ORDERED, that said re-zoJJ.iug petition be, an the same hereby is, referred to th~ PlanJJ.iug Commis sion of Roanoke County for it: , recOllllllel1dationa in accordance with the applicable statutes in such cases made and provided. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a certified copy of this I I resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to , i Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke Coanty, Virgi a. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor ,John Lee i Logan of Salem Magisterial District and s@conded by Supervisor Edwin G. Tarrell of Cave Spring Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors vote as follows: Ayes: Supemsor. John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer lIays: None IN RE: REZONING OF TIlE GREATER PORTIOII OF PARCEL B CC:rl,'AINIlfG APPROXIMATELY SEVElf (7) ACRES. LOCATED IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROA.OOKE COUN'l'!, VIRGINIA, ON THE WEST SIDE OF VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUn: NO. 630 (KESSLER'S I MILL ROAD) OWNED BY C. E. NEWMAN .um QUEENIE J. lfEWMAN AND BEING AS SHOWN ON PLAT, OF SAME, PREPARED BY T. P. PAI?KR~. S. C. E."ON MAY 16, 1958 RESOLUTION AllD ORDER I This day came W. B. Gochenour, attorney, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of C. E. NeNllan and Queenie J. NeNllan, relative to amending I portion of Parcel B, contaiJJ.ing approximately seven (7) ac!"es, located on the west side of VirgiJJ.ia Secondary Route No. 6)0 (Kessler's Mill Road), owned by C. E. NeNll&l1 and Queenie J. Newman, and being as shown on Plat of same, prepared -- by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., on May 16, 1958, located in the S~lem Magisteri~l District of Roanoke County, Virginia, being rezoned from "Residential District" to "Local Business., which leave is granted and this petition is accordingly filed. = And this Board having duly considered same and concluded that the rezoJJ.iug of the said property, so that it might be used for Local Business purposes, may be beneficial to the County at Large, therefore: BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to :mend the ZoJJ.ing Ordinances ~ the County Of Roanoke. so as to chaDge the classification of said property re~~ested to be rezoned in said petition so that it might be used for business purposes, al1d class1tyiug the same as "Local Business. as defined in the County Zoniug Ordinances, be, and the same is hereby referred to the PlanJJ.ing Collllllisaion of the County of RoanOke, VirgiJJ.ia, forrecOlDlllendation in accordance with the prortsiona of Section 15-847 of the Code of VirgiJJ.ia of 1950, as amended; and, BE IT FUR'l'HER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said PlanJJ.iug Commission ahallreport ita reco_ndationa to the Clerk of this Board as required by statute, and upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk of said Commission, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice th8.1'eof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provia10na of Section 15-846 of said Code; and, IlE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy Of these resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planniug Collllllission of Roanoke County, together with the copy of the petition of the said C. E. Newman and QueeJJ.ie J. Newman. The above resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Ketfer and seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, and on recorded vote the vote was as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Kef1'er, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and w. E. Cundiff Nays: None ~ c ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that JOHN LEE LOGAN, Supervisor.. of Salem District, be, and he hereby is, appointed to represent this Board on the JuveJJ.ile and Detention Home Collllllittee 01' the several counties and cities, in the place and stead of Roland H. Clark, deceased. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and John Lee Logan. Nays: None a Mr. P. o. Bailey, Resident Engineer, and Mr. W. M. Elliott, Jr., Assistant Resident Engineer, State Highwsy Department, submitted to the Board a copy of a Final Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year, 19S5-59. Upon consideration whereof, on motion duly seconded and carried is approved by the following recorded votes: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None " Said testative Budget and Maps ordered filed. ~~ to L '<.f~ Q..... ,$,,-0. .~'t 11~7si I ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ tr6>,(l).~ ~(~'~" ~tt~ :1 ~ Gt..e.. <( ~@~~,~ I!c.~,~' ii ,"""'" S I -/ ~ 154 .t~ bI - 1) e(O. ~ ~~' kr ~~ 1~').'fs1 At a meetiug of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on 20 day of October, 1958, this day came before the Board Mr. P. O. Bailey, Resident Euginear of the Department of' Highways for this County, regarding the matter Of selecting a highway project to be constructed from Federal Aid Secondary funds accrued and/or accruiug to this County; and lfIIllIIl'!I!'l, after due consideration and upon the recOllllllendations of the said Resident EIlgiDeer, it is the sense of this Board that Route 60'+, between Botetourt CL and Route 460 in Bonsack, is inadequate for the present:-day traffic and is the 1II0st needed project on the Secondary System. in this County after the construction Of those projects previously selected; and WHEREAS, the Resident Engineer has advised this Board that this (these) route (routes) (is, are) not a part of the Federal Aid Secondary System.. HCM, THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Board 01' Suparvisora requesta the Department of' Higbways to take the necessary steps to have the routes and segments of routes required added to the Federal Aid SecondlU7 System. and the project as deacribed above constructed and/or reconstructed aa &Federal Aid Secondary project, from funds accrued and/or accruing to Roanoke COUD'ty, as soon as is financially feasible after the financing of those projects previously selected. Adopted by the followiug recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan lfays: 1I0ne ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in NoV8Jllber, 195J. ~,~ '"'''- I I I I , ~ l Court House Salem, Virginia November 17, 1958 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met thia day at the Court House in regular IIlOIlthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell and .John Lee Logan, Absent: Minor R. !teffer. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. .J. Melvin Trower, Psator of the Central Methodist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him. by the Clerk. I Edwin H. Garner, former member of this Board, was present at the meeting. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively . I chargeable therewith, to-wit: "- No. 29928 Acme Printers, Office supplies $ 218.05 II 29929 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 2.00 II 29930 Andrew Lewis Service Station, Maintenance County Vehicles 55.33 II . 29931 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flash light batteries for sneriff 6.12 II 29932 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 69.30 29933 Bowman I s Bakery Co., food for prisoners $ 29934 Dick Bryant, Gasoline purchased for Cave Spring Fire Truck and Life Saving Crew No. 63.30 " 27.63 15.72 9.50 " 29935 29936 29937 29938 29939 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware, key. batteries, etc. Bush Electric Co., Electrical repair County Office Bldg. " c " Cates Building Specialties, Inc., Material for County Library19.67 " Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigation City of Roanoke, sewage treatment charges for the General Electric Line Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies and Record book C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service for County Offices Clearbrook Lion's Club, October rent on Clearbrook Fire Station 10.00 " 180.00 55.06 499.28 " 29940 29941 29942 c " " 60.00 " 29943 Central Typewriter Exchange, Repairing Dalton Adding Machine for Sheriff's Office 22. SO 29944 R. E. Comerford, Jr., Refund Garbage Fee 4.50 29945 B. T. Crump Co., Holsters, Handcuffs and Cases for Sheriff and Deputies 23.79 29946 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Hollins Fire House 3.50 29947 Double Envelope Co., office supplies 47.82 29948 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline for Police Cars and for Truck Hollins Fire Station 58.03 29949 Easter Supp~} Co., Office supplies 193.92 29950 Fairview Home, County's pro rata share of expense in Maintaining home for the aged at Dublin 30083 Isaac H. Bowles, Room R nt Hollins Rd. Precinct " " " II " " c " 48.80 15.00 10.00 " " 30084 M. A. Bain, Room Rent Mason Valley Precinct 30085 E. C. Board, Janitor Services Election ~y, Oak Grove Precinct 30086 Cain's Grocery Store, Room Rent Glenvar Precinct 30087 John Flinchum, Janitor Services South Salem Precinct #2 30088 A. D. Goodwin, Services in connection with election 30089 J. R. Goodwin, Jr., Services rendered in connection with election " 5.00 7.50 5.00 261.70 " II " " 22.50 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 " 30090 30091 30092 30093 30094 30095 30096 Bart Motor Co., Room Rent Election E. H. Howell, Janitor Services John Hudson, Janitor Services Election Theodore M. Johnston, Janitor Services Election " " c " " Otto litts, Janitor Services Election 5.00 ,. l Miller E. Petty, Services rendered in connection with election 64.50 i R. S. Teel, Room Rent Bonsack Precinct 7.50 .1 " n . o " 30097 F. J. Zillllle1'lll8D, Room Rent, Medley Precinct 30098 Mack H. Wright, Janitor Services Election day 30099 The Fecbheimer Bros. Co., Uniforms for Sheriff Dept. 30100 Foutz Sausage Co., food for prisoners 30101 G. C. Foley, October Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire House 30102 Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service, Chemicals and Cartridges for C. S. Fire Dept. 5.00 5.00 614.40 44.10 60.00 n " " " " 24.20 " 30103 Void 156 ---_. No. 30104 WIll. Green & Co., Rebuilding and parts for Doer Closers $ 97.80 " 30105 Green Market, Food for prisoners 30106 Goodwin Andrews Insurance Co., Adding 3 jeeps and fire truck for fire and the:ft coverage " " ll6.ll 17.000 30107 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, October Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 " 30108 Graves-Humphreys Hardware, Hardware, Catawba Fire Station 13.49 I " 30109 Haloid Xerox, Inc., record paper for Photostatic Machine 646.20 30110 J. C. Haislip, Refund Garbage Fee 1.50 " " 30111 30112 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County Jail John W. Hancock, Jr., Inc., Material for New Catawba Station 298.00 32.00 I .. " 30113 International Business Machine Co., Typewriting ribbons and Carbon paper 13.61 30116 Edward B. Lassiter, Reimburse Planning Board Luncheon meeting 4.00 30117 R. A. Lester & Son, Adjusting C. S. Fire Truck #3 2.75 30118 League of Virginia Counties, Banquet and Luncheon tickets for League meeting 155.00 30129 National Probation & Parole Assoc. Subscription Probation and Parole Directory 2.84 30130 Nelson Hardware Co., Light tubes and starters 42.57 30131 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Work at Courthouse County Office Bldg. and Catawba Fire Station 677.53 30132 Onl-.....tal Iron 6< Prison Works, Guards with Anchors for Fire House 37.00 " 30114 Koppers Coalpany, Inc., Material for New County Library 30115 Lewis Brothers, Checking and adjusting Jail Stoker " " " " " 30119 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber 30120 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Professional service attending Prisoner 30121 Merchants Industries, Inc., Envelopes 30122 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply, 1 map for Inspector 30123 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts for Police Cars 30124 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses for League of Va. Counties Meeting 30125 Miller l"ire Service, Tires for County Vehicles 30126 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoner 30127 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Hollins Fire Truck 30128 Carnell Moore, Maintenance of Garbage Dump " " II II " II .. " " " " " " " 30133 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 30134 Peters Creek Shell Service Station, oil and wash 30135 Roanoke Gas Company, Cooking Fuel for Co. Jail &c 30136 Roanoke Linen Service, towel service 30137 Rasnake Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry for Jail 30138 Mrs. Virginia K. Rierson, Services as Deputy Registrar 30139 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for vehicles 30140 Roanoke Mills, Inc., Preparing voting List 30141 Roanoke Ready Mix Concrete Co., Invoices 30142 Rutherford Freigbt Lines, Freight collect on furniture from Flower School Equip. Co. 30143 Radio Cnrnnnmications Co., Radio Maintenance &c " " " II " " " " " " 70.95 6.65 233.95 5.00 134.95 .52 66.86 I 46.15: 321.88 168.39 61.69 400.00 4.64 13.00 24.26 3.00 48.35 52.10 7.48 110.91 194.24 I I 10.54 37.50 ~- - ~-=:=-- - -."------ 1--No. 30144 30145 30146 30147 30148 30149 Salem Creamery Co., food prisoners Salem Motors, Repairs and Parts Co. Vehicles Salem Hardware Company, Janitor sUPplies Salem Glass Co., Parts for Garbage truck Smead 6< Webber Drug, Medical supplies County Jail Standard Railway Fusee Corp., Chemicals for Cave Spring Fire Dept. Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician Salary and Coroner cases State Office Supply Co., Repairing Royal Typewriter Salem Parm Supply Co., Brush and Leaf Rake SUIIIIlerdean Esso Station, Parts and wash jobs $ 15.68 78.00 8.65 2.50 18.19 " .. .. .. c " 21.46 160.00 7.35 4.59 7.95 .. 30150 30151 30152 30153 " " = .. " 30154 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for support of Local Health Dept. 30155 State Porester, County's pro rata share of expense in controlling forest fires in Va. John B. Stetson Co., uniforms 5,865.50 " 110.00 12.60 " 30156 30157 30158 30159 30160 30161 t .. Southeast Binding & Plat Service, record books, binders &c3,480.40 Technical Reproduction Co., Maps for re assessment office 6.37 Xown of Salem, Light and water service and sewage treatment 490.23 " " \~ Times Register Co., Publication and Building Permits Treasurer of Virgin1a, Part of the Salary of the Judge &c 30162 Underwood Corporation, R~airs to Typewriter in Clerk's Office 124.75 " 1,983.75 " 23.75 80.09 a .. 30163 Valleydale Packers, Pood for Prisoners 30164 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food, disinfectant and Cleaning supplies Vinton Motor Co., lepair and Parts for Co. Vehicles Charles E. Via, Jr., Reimburse Freight Charges &c Williams Auto Alignment, Parts #8 Police Wilson's Esso 6< Grocery Co., Gas, Repairs, Oil &c Williams Supply Co., light tubes for County Jail C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books and office supplies .. 188.78 78.63 6.98 4.00 57.93 24.07 356.93 272.84 259.25 218.97 244.37 275.78 " 30165 30166 30167 30168 30169 30170 30171 30172 30173 30174 30175 30176 " " " " " " Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance County Vehicles E. P. Dillon, Services on Equalization Board C. C. Farris, Services on Equalization Board A. E. McNeil, Services on Equalization Board County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline " " " . ~ II " County School Board of Roanol-... Co. Maintenance County owned Vehicles October 1958 839.76 30177 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets 221.64 30178 Michie Company, Law books 20.00 30179 Chalmers Ferguson, COIIIIIIission on Delinquent Taxes 794.28 30180 Cave Spring Electric Motor Service. Repairs to Electric Fan 4.50 30181 Ann Hinson, extra clerical worker in Public Works office 73.89 30182 Flower Equipment Company, Inc., furniture 229.30 30191. Radio COIIIIIUnications Co., October maintenance on Radio equipment 30195 Charles B~llentine, office supplies &c .. " ~ .. " " " .. 15.00 34.10 " , 158 I r No. 30201 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 30202 Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies 30203 Appalachian Power Company, current used at Catawba Fire Rouse 30204 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tags for Garbage cans 30205 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service Mount Pleasant Fire Station .. " " " $ 205.14 2.12 2.75 22.00 I 24.75 " 30206 Paul Eller, asSisting in electrical and plumbing inspections 324.44 30225 Rutherford Freight Lines, Freight collect on Furniture 30226 Soundscriber sales Corp. office supplies 30227 Salem Die-Casting Co., Inc., Parts Garbage Truck 30228 Dr. Russell B. Smiley, Lunacy hearing 30229 Salem Resque Squad, Contribution 30230 Robert Toney, Lumber for County Library 30231 Vinton First Aid Crew, Contribution 30232 Times-World Corp., Advertising delinquent real estate taxes 706.5 30233 W. C. Powell, Land option 20.0 30234 J. R. Taliaferro, Inspector, reimburse traveling, expense attending meeting in Florida Times-Register, publishing delinquent real estate " 30207 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., Hardware 30208 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy hearings 30209 Void 30210 International Business Machine Corp., Typewriter 302ll Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 30212 Willi_ P. McPhilamy & Co., Rental on long carriage Remington Electric 30213 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Chief Probation Officer, Reimburse traveling expense 30214 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., lunacy hearings 30215 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-lbcal Hospital Bills for Welfare 30216 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline for Mount Pleasant 30217 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire House 30218 Roanoke Ready Mix Concrete, Concrete for Hollins Fire House 30219 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse bookkeeper's Revolving Fund 30220 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, postage 30221 Edward F. Staples, reimburse traveling expense 30222 H. L. Rank & Sons, Shelving, Furniture &c 30213 Salem Hardware Co., 1 new electric refrigerator 30224 ROC1oke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital bills for Welfare .. " " " " " " .. " .. .. .. .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 30235 30238 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Request from Welfare, November supplement " 5.88 10.00 I 504.50 37.00 80.00 37.73 20.00 333.00 7.53 .8.50 I 296.0 2.6 6.0 11.6 10.0 100.0 I 116.01 789.6~ 439.0~ I a a a I ~ 159 - .==;;or_ ~ ..--.--.-,---- D1RE: DOG TAXES. SHEEP f!f.ATM!l &c 1'he following claims against the County were this day presented. approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 30183 Bor./ Appalchian Power Co., Current used at Dog Pound " 30184, Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, gasoline purchased for dog truck Bush Electric Coalpany, installing lights at Dog Pound County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline and Oil Maintenance II $ 7.96 1.75 35.25 26.95 15.00 13.60 1.32 22.62 3.95 5.60 27.34 27.61 45.34 13.75 17.40 6.00 9.70 29.00 " 30185, 30186. " 30187, C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Dog Warden's Home II 30188, Marvin Chattin, Fowl claim " 30189, caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies II 30190 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas 6< 011 II 30191 Humphreys & Webber, Inc. Kedical supplies " 30192 McClung Lumber Co., Vaccination table for Clinics " 30193 Miller Tire Service, tires for Dog truck " 30196 Roanoke Surgical Supply Co., Medical supplies " 30196 Salem Farm Supply Co., Disinfectant, Dog food &c II 30197 Shepherd's Leather Shop, 34 dog collars II 30198 State Department of Health, Medical supplies " 30199 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs Dog Truck " 30236 Tom Long's Service Station, Gas, Oil and wash jobs " 30237 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond 'l'be following claw are made to the Judges, Clerks and CoIIIIIissionersof Election for their services in conducting the General Election held on the 4th day of November, 1958, in Roanoke County, payable out of the General County Fund, to-wit: CATAWBA No. 29951 Everett Sirry, Clerk & Returns $ 16.40 " 29952 J. W. Hylton, Judge 10.00 " 29953 Doria Shelor, Judge 10.00 I " 29954 R. D. Morehead, Judge 10.00 fI 20055 Viola Grisso, Clerk 10.00 MASON'S VAU.EY 29956 " I W. B. Smith, Judge and Returns 15.70 29958 " / H. B. Pratt, Judge 10.00 I 29959 .. I C. P. Horne, Judge 10.00 ., " 29960 Graham G. Smith, Clerk 10.00 II 29961 J. M. Frith, Clerk 10.00 WEST SALEM " 29962 Bruce H. Robinson, Judge and Returns 15.00 " 29963 Elizabeth F. Hodges 10.00 " 29964 Robert C. Dawson, Judge 10.00 " 29965 Hilda D. Miller, Clerk 10.00 fI 29966 Lois M. Saul, Clerk 10.00 No. GLENVAR 29967 Frank A. Garth, Judge and Returns 29968 Mrs. Lida B. Robertson, Judge 29969 Kathleen L. Hill, Judge 29970 Marie P. Young, Clerk 29971 Bettye N. Houck, Clerk NmTH SALEM 29972 Richard Burke, Judge and Retums 29973 V. W. Reed, Judge 29974 W. B. Littrell, Judge and COIIII:i8sioner 29975 Winnie L. Brown, Clerk & Commissioner 29976 John J. Sheahan, Clerk SOUTH SALEM NtIIBER ONE 29977 W. Harvey Woods, Judge, Returns and Commissioner 29978 Dorothy H. Russo, Judge 29979 Reid H. Duncan, Judge 29980 Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Clerk 29981 Alberta M. Shufflebarger, Clerk SOUTH SALEM NtIIBER twO 29982 A. H. Moran, Judge and Returns 29983 o. W. Shelor, Judge 29984' G. L. Poff, Judge 29985 Edna Brown, Clerk 29986 Mrs. Lena "Sowers, Clerk PETERS CREEK 29987 Mrs. Sarah M. Whitmire, Judge and Returns 29988 G. K. Kelch, Judge 29989 Willia N. McDaniel, Judge 29990 Ruth C. Sears, Clerk 29991 Mary S. Stanley, Clerk BURLINGTON 29992 Della B. Murray, Judge and Returns 29993 Anne T. ltendrick, Judge 29994 E. W. Hogg, Judge 29995 Corrine M. Murray, Judge 29996 Rosalie S. Lucas, Clerk EAST VINTON 29997 Roy W ~ Thresher, Judge 29998 Paul W. Foutz, Judge and Returns 29999 J. G. Gray, Judge 30000 Mary F. Crowder, Clerk 30001 Marie B. Powell, Clerk II II " II " II II " " II " " " " " " " n " II " " " " " II II " " " " II II " $ 15.70 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I 15.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 I 25.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I 15.42 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 16.40 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 I 10.00 16.40 10.00 ' 10.00 ! 10.00 I 161 ~ .---~= .~ WEST VINTON . No. 30002 Robert L. Watson, Jr., Judge and Returns $ 16.40 II 30003 Wi11i8lll R. Dailey, Judge 10.00 " 30004 Alice R. Bragg, Judge 10.00 " 30005 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk 10.00 a " 30006 Dessie M. Smelser, Clerk 10.00 BOTETOURT SPRINGS " 30007 R. L. Walrond, Judge, Returns & COIIIIDissioner 27.80 " 30008 Wade W. Ga1'lll8D, Judge 10.00 a II 30009 R. B. Obenchain, Judge 10.00 " 30010 She1'lll8D C. Shaw, Clerk 10.00 " 30011 Ruby L. Obenchain, Clerk 10.00 HOLLINS ROAD II 30012 Mrs. Ruth R. McCutchen, Judge and Returns 16.12 II 30013 Ada L. Moore, Judge 10.00 " 30014 Mamie C. Rowland, Judge 10.00 II 30015 Virginia M. Howlett, Clerk 10.00 " 30016 Ruby E. Firestone, Clerk 10.00 MEDLEY " 30017 Hrs. Lena U. Zimmerman, Judge and Returns 15.56 " 30018 C. H. Garst, Judge 10.00 II 30019 F. J. Zillllle1'lll8D, Judge 10.00 ! " 30020 Jessie U. Linder, Clerk 10.00 II 30021 Rhea C. Garst, Clerk 10.00 MOUNT PLEASANT " 30022 D. E. Richardson, Judge and Returns 16.40 II 30023 F. L. Ferguson, Judge 10.00 " 30024 J. L. Mason, Judge 10.00 " 30025 Pearl A. Rakes, Clerk 10.00 "q 30026 Mildred B. Patterson 10.00 i BONSACK I " 30027 Mrs. Jacob Bonsack, Judge and Returns 16.40 ! " 30028 Mason L. Cook, Judge 10.00 ~ " 30029 Russell J. Foutz, Judge 10.00 ~ a .. II 30030 Margaret T. Rpmbley, Clerk 10.00 II 30031 W. P. Catron, Clerk 10.00 RED HILL . II 30032 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Judge and Returns 16.40 ~ II 30033 Grace B. Johnson, Judge 10.00 " 30034 Doris D. Wickline, Judge 10.00 ~ II 30035 Margaret M. Calhoun, Clerk 10.00 ! II 30036 Mrs. Ruth E. Brooks, Clerk 10.00 POAGES MILL i II 30037 I. C. Rierson, Judge and Returns 16.40 Ii II 30038 R. A. Henry, Judge 10.00 ., II " II 30039 o. F. Martin, Judge 10.00 i: i\ '. II " 30040 C. L. Gregson, Clerk 10.00 :' ~ II 30041 D. R. Willett, Clerk 10.00 I .._..-.- - -- - ~ ~.- C6:I/E.; SPRING No. 30042 H. S. Turner, Judge and Returns $ 15.84 " 30043 Harold Henry, Judge 10.00 " 30044 Carolyn T. Jamison, Judge 10.00 " 30045 Margaret P. Thomas, Clerk 10.00 I " 30046 Ruth R. Floyd, Clerk 10.00 BENT MOUNTAIN " 30047 Mrs. Maude L. Poff, Judge and Returns 16.40 " 30048 w. B. Coles, Judge 10.00 " 30049 B. W. Angle, Judge 10.00 I It 30050 Lena Lancaster, Clerk 10.00 " 30051 Ada L. Thompson, Clerk 10.00 OGDEN " 30052 Mrs. Beulah It. Bernard, Judge and Returns 16.40 " 30053 R. E. Brown, Judge 10.00 " 30054 Ethel Osborne, Judge 10.00 " 30055 Virginla B. Guthrie, Clerk 10.00 ", 30056 Bernice A. Martin, Clerk 10.00 RIVERDALE " 30057 F. B. C1E!lllller, Judge and Returns 16.40 " 30058 Mary C. Clelllller, Judge 10.00 " 30059 Madeline G. Chockleti:, Judge 10.00 I " 30060 Mrs. Alice Tabor, Clerk 10.00 " 30061 W. D. Bowles, Clerk 10.00 OAK GROVE " 30062 J. A. Lipps, Judge and Returns 15.28 " 30063 L. J. Martin, Judge 10.00 " 30064 S. R. ?ritchard, Judge 10.00 " 30065 Earline Porterfield, Clerk 10.00 " 30066 Emestine Graham, Clerk 10.00 MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: I "Salem, Vfr ginia .November 17, 1958 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business November 15, 1958, there was to the credit of the General County Fund $ 19,902.23 Library Fund 1,145.84 Dog Fund 4,806.64 Salem District Road Debt Fund 672.43 County School Fund 163,760.54 School Construction Fund 50,674.84 School Textbook Fund 7,164.27 Deferred Credit Account 37.95 F. t. C. A. 997.49 ~249,162.23 Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. I = a CI a ~ ~: DELDlQu&lT TAXES COLLECTED BY CT RIlIt: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, for $1,840.76, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of October, 1958, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,748.72 net. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month ~f November, 1958, be approved in the amount of $6,541.63, frOlll which the sum of $98.30 total F. I. C. A. and totsl W. H. Taxes $640.60 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $5,802.73. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan .:!~d Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ~cM- ( .c..~. rIA q.,.~ ,I) 1'1 /S.V 00 motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse ~ ~j; Collection and Janitor Services for period October 16, 1958, ending October 31, .c..~. ...c.. 1958, be approved in the amount of $1.758.08, frOlll which the sum of $35.59 total ~.Qi~ F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $115.20, is to be deducted, leaving a net payrol II) 1'1 !J--( of $1,603.29; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period frOlll November 1, 1958. ending No,,~ber 15, 1958, be approved in the amount of $1,763.50 frOlll which the sum of $39.7.1. .:otal F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $113.90 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,609.89. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . d.J..-j; C. (J;.-lt, ,..c .~.@J Voucher-check #29864 dated Oct.')ber 23, 1958, in the amount of $50.00 payable~ "J I'I/J~U- to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, advance traveling expense to ~ Shelby, N. C., for return of prisoner, ~ i Voucher-check #29923, dated November 3, 1958, in the amount of $8.00, payabl, to Levi Hale for extra Janitor ser-nce, il Voucher-check #29917, dated October 31, 1958, in the amount of $3.76 payable! to Dave Lawhorn for refund of garbage fee. ~ ~ , Adopted by the following recorded vote: i: " H Ii i . The following reports were this day laid before the .Board: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, sUlllll&ry statement of Prisoner days served in the County Jail during the month of October, 1958; H. W. CLAlUt, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of October, 1958. EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for October, 1958; ~ !I REPORT OF CCIlKONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, Department of Welfare and Institutions- i Commitments to County and City Jail Farms, year ended June 30, 1958. ~ ~ JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for October, 1958; 00 motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, ,iQhn Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None , ~ .d. tC.. . ~1/19/J.'1 r ~;l! I' to )1........~..1 f.. oR..... .. ~ !~~1 1I11"J'~ ~:t ~- Q...,-.'!"0'-4 1c.tttl - ...... ~ 'I' l~"'.$1; . RE: INI JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated October 9, 1958, from R. M. Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke and H. W. Clark, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County jail, dated September 30, 1958, received and ordered filed. I. IN RE: 'l'RANSFER PR<Il GENERAL COUNTY FUND TO LIBRARY FUND: on November 28, 1958, On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that! the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry frOlll the General County Fund to the Library Fund, the S\DII of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), being a part of the 1958-1959 Library appropriation set up in the County Budget for said year. Letter dated November 11, 1958, from Mrs. Blanche B. Peclneau, County Libr~an, received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I The following cc"'.....nications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Order of continuance State Corporation COIImission -- in re: application Valley Water COIIIpany - for certificate under Utility Facilities Act. Copy of resolution dated October 27, 1958, Town of Salem, in re: transportation and treatment of sewage, and copy of letter dated October 29, 1958 Mdreased to J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va. ,from William J. Paxton, Jr., Town Clerk. I Sundry petitions bearing the signatures of approximately 203 residents of , Roanoke County, in opposition to annexation by the City of Roanoke of the below tulllled areas, to-wit: -Castle Bills, Cave Spring District, filed by Mrs. _ Keffer; ,.Witt & Turner, Addition, Cave Spring District, .Mitt & Turner Addition, Cave Spring District, .Green Valley, Cave Spring District, filed by W. E. Brown and ..Green Valley, Cave Spring District, filed by Gordon B. English, were this day presented to the Board, and ordered filed. W. E. Brown and Gordon B. English both urged the Board to do all in its power to prevent the Annexation of any areas in Roanoke County by the City of Roanoke . I I On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chai1'lll8D of this Board, together with the Clerk of this Board be authorized to enter into and sign a contract with Mrs. Billie P. Plunkett for the purpose of leasing at a cost of one dollar ($1.00) per year, a lfRRRRA!:, Dr. Human L. Horn, Superintendent of Schools for Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board of Supervisors and explained to the Board that officials of the State Highway Department had informed him and the County Eftg:b,eer ~,. of Roanoke County that the proposed Inter-state Highway to be construCted North ~i.~""___ and West of the row of Salem, in Roanoke County, would cross over and thru the 32 98~ acre tract of land heretofore conveyed by this Board of Supervisors to the ~.P.." --r- County School Board of Roanoke County by deed dated the 21st day of December, 1955 /I f I i'1 ~ and spread of record in Deed Book 543, at page 468, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, which. would make said 32.98 acre tract of land unsatisfactory for the construction of the proposed Glenvar Elementary School, on which said tract of land the School Board had contemplated erecting the said new school building; and WRRRJU.!:, Dr. Horn further explained to the Board of Supervisors that the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia , was willing and desirous of conveying said 32.98 acre tract back to the Board of Supervisors and accept in ..Y('nJh'lge therefor a tract of land situate North of said original tract, which new tract would contain a total of 28.489 acres, and more particularly shown on plat showing survey made by C. B. Malcolm & Son, State Certified Engineers, - a tract of land containing five (5) acres, more or less, in Catawba Magisterial District, to be used for the purpose of a dump for disposal of garbage and waste material; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of said contract, when properly signed by all parties, be filed with the minutes of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that the soundscriber, recorder an~ranscriber, property of Judge 1. L. Hoback, be purchased from him at a price of two hundred dollars ($200.00), for use in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Ro~ke County, and that a voucher-check be issued to Judge Hoback in the above amount in pa.yment of said recorder. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff. lfays: None RESOLllTION I I I i I observation and consideration, on which said tract of 28.489 acres in the County i ~ I ~ ! ~ i ~ dated August 19, 1958, a copy of which plat was presented to this Board for its School Board would erect said new Glenvar Elementary School; and, WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that it is "to the best interest of all the citizens of Roanoke County, more particularly the section of Roanoke County which would be specifically served by said new Glenvar School that the Board of Supervisors exchange with the School Board the tracts of land, that is 165 " tiJ. r- }U..L... I ";,111 .o."~- .-c, " tt.r. ~ '111'l/.$,y 166 the School Board would accept a deed to the 28.489 acre tract and the Board of Supervisors would accept frOlll the School Board a deed to the 32.98 acre tract. NOll, THEREFalE, on motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it was resolved that the Board of Supervisors convey to the County School Board of Roanoke County the 28.489 acre tract, as shown on said plat made by C. B. Malcollp and Son, in exchange for said 32.98 acre tract heretofore conveyed to the School Board by said deed of conveyance recorded in Deed Book 543, at page 468, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and that the C...........wealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, as Attorney for this Board, be, and he is hereby requested to join with the Attorney for the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, in bringing the necessary.. petition to the Circuit Court in order to effect the exchange of said properties. The foregoing Resolution _s adopted on motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and on a recorded vote, the members of the Board voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff. Bays: None I I The following ordinance was this day adopted: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING Fat THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF LICENSE TAXES FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1959 AND ENDING DECPXBER 31, 1959, AND EACH AND JSvat CALENDAR YEAR THEREAFTER, UNTIL OTHERWISE CHANGED, FOR THE SUPPCltT OF THE COUNTY GOYIRlI!ENT, PAYMENT OF THE COUNTY DEBT, AND TO PROVIDE Fat ALL OTHER COUNTY Ut'uSES, BOTH GENERAL AND SPECIAL; AND TO FURTHER PROVIDE FOR THE ISSUING OF PERSONAL PRIVILEGE LICENSES; TO ESTABLISH PEBALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND TO EXEMPT TOiIBS DIPOSING LIKE ~_~S." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISmS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, that the following licens~ t.axes be levied and collected for the conducting of business within the County of Roanoke, Virginia, but not to apply within .the limits of any town located in such county where such town imposes a town license tax on the same privilege, and for the granting of such privileges, as are hereinafter defined and set forth, for the year beginning January 1, 1959 and ending December 31, 1959, and also for each and every calendar year thereafter, until otherwise changed. as follows: I I , CHAPTER 1 DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS r Sec. 1-1. Statement of 1)O!icr It is the purpose and policy of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in enacting this ordinAn,=e imposing license taxes: for the conducting of business in the County, and for the granting of privileges as are hereinafter defined and set forth, to equalize as far as practicable the burden of such license taxation among those hereby liable thereto, by adopting for general application, but subject to the regulations, personal privileges and exceptions hereinafter specifically set forth, a system of license taxes measured by the volume of business done by the business, trade, profession or occupation upon which the tax is levied, and in no case shall any such license tax exceed the amount I c imposed by the state for the same or a similar privilege, and the county's merchant's license tax imposed hereunder shall be in lieu of a county property tax on the capital of merchants. Sec. 1-2. How desi.....ated and cited The following ordinances, arranged in chapters and sections, be, and the s shall constitute, and be designated and cited as ,"The License Tax Ordinance of th County of Roanoke, Virginia." Sec. 1-3. f..J1es of construction The rules, as given in the Code of Virginia, and any acts 8IIIendatory theret for the construction of statutes, shall, as far as applicable, govern in the construction of this ordinance and such amendments hereto as may hereafter be adopted. Sec. 1-4. NUlllber and !tender A word importing the singular number only may extend and be applied to several persons or things, as well as to one person or thing; and a word importing the plural number : Only may extend and be applied to one person or thing, as well as to several persons or things; and a word importing the masculin gender only may extend and be applied to females and to firms and corporations as well as males; and the word "person" may extend and be applied to bodies politic and corporate as well as individuals, partnerships, firms, associations and institutions. Sec. 1-5. Black-face headlines The headlines of the several sections of this ordinance printed in black-face type are intended as mere catchwords to indicate the general content of the section and shall not be deemed or taken to be titles of such sections, nor as any part of this ordinance, nor, unless expressly so provided, shall they be so deemed when any of such sections, including the headlines, are amended or re-enacted. . a ! ~ ~ Sec. 1-6. Rules for ltuidance As to all questions in regard to the duty and conduct of officers of the County in collecting and enforcing the taxes herein imposed, and in regard to matters of construction, and for definitions of terms used i n this ordinance and the rules and regulations applicable to putting the same in operation, for the assessment, levy, and the collection of taxes for the current year, reference is hereby made to the laws of the State of Virginia, and more particularly to Article,l, Chapter 7, Title 58 of the Code of 1950, or to so 1IIl1Ch thereof as is applicable to this ordin"""e; and for the conduct and guidance of the officers of the County and other parties affected by this ordinance, and for fixing their powers, rights, duties and obligations, the provisions of said laws, as far as applicable, are hereby adopted, without, however, being herein specifically quoted, or set forth. Sec. 1-7. Powers of Ca:amissioner of Revenue The Cnmm""sioner of Revenue and Treasurer shall have, and are hereby given, ~ the same power to enforce the collection of licenses that are now given or may I , hereafter be given unto the CllImIissioners of the Revenue and Treasurers generally I; ,. ~ ~ i i c with respect to State licenses. 168 t Sec. 1-8. ZoniJut The "-,-"i "9ioner of Revenue shall not issue a license for conducting any business, trade, profession "r occupation at a location where the conducting of such business, trade, profession or occupation at such location is prohibited by the zoning ordinance or any other ordinance of the County of Roanoke. Sec. 1-9. ,'Wbo subiect to tax The license taxes hereinafter enumerated are for the conducting of business in the County of Roanoke, including all phases and activities of the business, trade, profession or occupation so conducted in the County or the maintenance of any office or branch office in the County, either or both, and for the granting of certain privileges, but specifically not to apply within the limits of any town ltx:ated in this county where such town impQses a town liceMe tax on the same privilege. Sec. 1-10. Setlarate license for each place of business When any person is engaged in a business, subject to taxation under the provisions of this ordinance, a separate license shall be required for each different location where said business is conducted. Sec. 1-11.. When licenses expire. and penalty for continuit12 without license Except when otherwise expressly provided, all licenses shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year. If any person, firm or corporation shall continue the business, employment or profession after the expiration of a license previously issued, without obtAini"g a new license, such person, firm or corporation shall, if such failure to obtain a new license be continued for one month, be subj ect to a penalty of ten per centum of the amount of the license tax which was due and payable at the begi""i'18 of such month, in addition to the license tax imposed by law; but such penalty shall in no case be less than $2.00. Such penalty shall be assessed and paid along with the license tax and shall become a part of the license tax. If such failure to obtain a new license be continued for a longer period than one month, such person, firm or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeano and, unless otherwise specifically provided by law, shall on conviction thereof be fined not less than $5.00 .for more than $200.00 for esch separate offense cOlllllitted after such expiration of such month. The taxes and penalties provided in the preceding part of this section shall also be assessed against such person, firm or corporation, and collection i thereof enforced in the manner provided by law for the enforcement of collection i 1 of other taxes. In such cases if such person, firm or corporation shall, on demand fail or refuse to file with the assessing officer the information necessary to enable him to assess a licenae tax according to the basis provided by law, such assessing officer shall assess such license tax upon the best information he can obtain, adding thereto the penalty prescribed by law. Sec:. 1-12. Motor Vehicle Licenses Motor vehicle licenses, however, shall become due and payable as provided i for by ordinance heretofore enacted, or as may hereinafter be enacted, by the Board of Supervisors. Sec. 1-13. Keetlin~ of records Every person 1:Iable for a license tax under the provisions of this ordinance, which tax is based on volume of business, gross value or gross I I I I I c a ~ a m ~ 169 receipts, shall keep all records necessary to accurately show said volume of business, gross value or gross receipts, and from such records the vol\DDe of busiDess, gross value or gross receipts shall be taken for the purpose of computing the tax. All such records and general books of account shall be open to inspection and ........ination by any authorized representative of the County of Roanoke. Sec. 1-14. Recluired oath; penalties for false oath Whereastatement of purchases, gross receipts, gross value or sales is made by any person under the provisions of this ordinance, the CoaIIIissioner of Rtlvenue may required of each such person a statement, under oath, as to the amount of his purchases, gross receipts, gross value or sales. and if the COIIIIIissioner of Revenue deems it advisable or necessary, he may demand of such person other proof of the amount of his purchases, gross receipts, gross value. or sales as may enable hiI!1 to satisfactorily determine the same, and the CoaIIIissioner of Reveaue may decline to issue the license until such proof has been furnish;~d. Anyone, who, for the purpose of obtaining a license, makes a false or misleading statement or gives false testimony for the purpose of himself obta a liceDSe. or . 0 assist or aid another to obtain a license in violation of this ordiftAftfooe, shalJ be subject to a fine of $200.00, and the license issued because of any such testimony shall be revoked and not part of the license tax collec,!:ed shall be refuQded. Sec. 1-15. Issuance of license Every person desiring to obtain a license to prosecute any business, trade, profession or occupation, or to do anything for which a license is required hereunder, shall first make application therefor to the (lnnwnhsioner of Revenue, in which application shall b:, stated the residence of the applicant, the cure of the business, trade, profession, occupation, or thing to be done, the place where it is proposed to be conducted, and in case the business, trade, profession or occupation to be licensed, whereby the tax is to be measured by gross receipts,gross value, sales or purchases, as herein provided, shall, if required, make such statement thereof '-under oath to the COIIIIIissioner of Revenue, who shall assess such applicant with the proper license tax which shall be paid unto the Treasurer of Roanoke County. Said Treasurer shall then issue a signed license to saidapplicant to conduct the business, trade, profession or occupation or other thing to be done therein named, which license, however, shall not be valid or effective unless and until the tax required shall have been paid to the Treasurer . Sec. 1.16. Proration of license Wherever a license is issued for a part of the year, the Commissioner of Revenue shall ascertain the tax on such license, which license shall bear the , same proportion of the annual tax thereon as the period embraced between the date ~ at which such license is issued and the 31st day of December next thereafter II 1 bears to the whole year. No license tax which is specifically prohibited from Ii being prohibited from being prorated shall be prorated. ~ " ~ Sec. 1-17. Additional license taxes and be2inners~ license ~ (1) Whenever any person begins a business, trade, profession or occupation ~ on or after January first of the license year, where the tax ill based on volume ~ I 170 of business, gross value, or gross receipts, the license tax imposed by this ordin~e shall be measured by the applicant's estimate of the purchases, sales, gross receipts or gross value that will be received, made, established or produced from the cOlllllenCement of the business, trade, profession or occupation to the end of the license year; however, such person shall, within a period of thirty days from the cOlllllencement of the succeeding license tax year, or when applying for his license for such succeeding year, furnish the CoIIIIIissioner' of Revenue with the true amount of the gross receipts, gross value, sales or purchases for that part of the preceding year during which such person operated and thereupon pay to the Treasurer any additional amount of license tax due. Until such payment is made there shall not be issued to such person any license Permitting such person to carry on any business, trade, profession or occupation I I in the County. (2) Whenever the Commiuioner of Revenue shall ascertain that any person should be assessed with other or any additional license tax pursuant to the provisions of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Revenue to assess such person with such additional license tax as may be reported to be due. Sec. 1-18. Miscellaneous licenses not provided for In every case in which a license is imposed by the State on any business, trade, occupation or profession, not hereinbefore specifically mentioned, a County license tax, e~ to one-half of the amount of the State tax, is hereby iIIIpo8ed for the privilege of conducting such business, trade, occupation or profession, unless: the same is prohibited by State statute. Sec. 1-19. Displav of license Every person required to pay a license tax, or to obtain any tag, sticker or sign under the provisions of this ordinance, shall display the license receip " tag, sticker or sign in a conspicious place at his regular place of business or profession in order that any authorized representative of the County of Roanoke may inspect the same at any and all reponable times. All licensees who do not maintain a regular place of business shall either carry the license rec.~ipt, tag or sign with them on their person, or have the name fixed or attached to their truck, automobile or motor vehicle, and properly display the same when called upon to do so by any authorized representative of the County of Roanoke". No. license measured by vo11.1llle of business shall be requi~ed to be publicly displayed. Sec. 1-20. (Transfer of licenses. Licenses issued under this ordinance shall be transferable, except where otherwise provided; but in no case shall any transfer of license be legal or valid unless and until notice of such transfer shall have first been given to the Commissioner of Revenue, who thereupon shall approve said transfer by written endorsement thereon. I I I Sec. 1-21. Definitions For the purpose of this ordinance, certain terms, phrases and words and their derivatives shall be construed, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, as the same are defined in Title 58 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, -. ---.~ --------- as amended, and the provisions of said code, so far as applicable, are hereby adopted to the same extent as though they were specifically quoted and set forth at length. ~ CHAPTER 2 SCHEDULE OF COST OF COUNTY LICENSES (References to sections in parenthesis are to sections of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, unless otherwise indicated) Sec. 2-1. Amusements--Amusement Parks (Sec. 58-268) On every amusement park: To operate for at least four mOnths continuously each day except Slmc1ays ad holida.ys............................................ = $200.00 $300.00 $400.00 To operate for eight months------------------------------------- To operate for one year-----------------------------------______ ~ This license permits the keeping of a bowling' alley, trained animal show, hobby-horse or merry-go-round, ferris wheel, penny or nickel machine for exhibiti pictures, IIIOving picture show, theatrical performance, old mill, or similar entert..i.........ts, bath houses, boat houses, parking stations to the extent they are not garages within the definition contained in Section 58-378 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and refreshment and confectionery stands other than for the sale of beer, wine and tobacco, provided they are located and conducted within the area of the amusement park and are under the supervision and control of the owner or operator of the park; but the operation of a carnival or circus or show of any kind which IIIOVes from place to place is not allowed under the license provided for in this section. Sec. 2-2. Amusements--Carnivalsl Shows. Circuses and Mena2eries 1Secs. 58-276--58-282} On such shows traveling on railroads, requiring transportation of-- One and two cars, per day--------------------------------------- $ 12.50 Three to five cars, inclusive, per day-------------------------- $ 20.00 Six to ten cars, inclusive, per day ---------------------------- $ 37.50 Eleven to twenty cars, inclusive, per day ---------------------- $ 50.00 Twenty-one to thirty cars, inclusive, per day ------------------ $ 75.00 Thirty-one to fifty cars, inclusive, per day ------------------- $100.00 Over fifty cars, per day ___u_______u_________u________....____ . $125.00 ~ I I ! One and two loads, per day ---------------------________________ Three to five loads, inclusive, per day --------------------____ Six to ten loads, incl\wive, per day ----------------------_____ Eleven to twenty loads, inclusive. per day --------------------_ Twenty-one to thirty loads, inclusive, per day ----------------- On such shows traveling overland by automobile or other conveyance, the tax! H for each day's performance or exhibition is based upon the automobile or . i conveyance capacity as follows: ! ~ ~ $ 5.00 I $ 8.00 ~ $ 15.00 i $ 20.00 i ~ $ 30.00 ij ,i Thirty-one to fiity loads, inclusive, per day~------------------ $ 40.00 ~ " ., Over fifty loads, per day -------------------------------------- $ 50.00 ii " ., ii On such shows requiring: a On each side show, curiosity show, or similar show, exhibiting on the same or contiguous lots with a circus and owned by a person, firm or corporation other than the owner or owners of the circus, the tax shall be per day--$ 15.00 No additional license is required for the privilege of selling soft drinks, confections, food, souvenirs and novelties on the grounds on which such shows are exhibited. Resident mechanlc or artist may exhibit without compensation any production of his own art or invention without license. No license required of any industrial arts exhibit nor of any agricultural, fair or the shows exhibi!=ed within the grounds of such fair during the period of such fair. No license required of resident persons performing in a show or exhibition for charity or other benevolent purpose. No license required of exhibitions of volunteer fire companies whether an admission be charged or not. The provisions of these sections shall not be construed to allow without payment of the tax imposed by law, performance for charitable or benevolent purposes by a company, association, or persons, or a corporation, who make it their business to give exhibitions, no matter what terms of contract may be entered into or under what auspices such exhibition is given by such company, association or persons, or corporation for benevolent or charitable purposes, it being the intent and meaning of these sections that every company, associati or persons, or corporation, which makes its business that of giving exhibitions for compensation, whether a part of the proceeds are for charitable or benevolent purposes or not, shall pay the license tax prescribed by law, unless specifically exempted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Every person, company or corporation who or which exhibits or gives a performance of any of the shows above described in these sections which are not I ezempt from license tax by the terms hereof, without the license required by law, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars nor more than three hundred dollars for each offense. The police authorities of the county shall not allow any such perfo1'lll8Dce to open until the license required by law is exhibited to them. Sec. 2-'. Amusements--Hobbv Horse Machines. Merry-Go-Rounds. and other Uke Machines (Sec. 58-269) I I I On each hobby horse, merry-go-round, ocean wave, ferris wheel and other r like machines, $10.00 per machine. Sec. 2-4. Amusements--Movin2 Picture Shows (Sec. 58-270) On each moving picture show in the County, regardless 01 seating capacity. 1 Per day --------------------------------------------------------- $ 1.00 For a full continuous week -------------------------------------- $ 2.50 Per year -------------------------------------------------------- $ 10.00 Sec. 2-5. Amusements--Theatres1 Public Perf01'lll8Dces. Exhibitions. Etc. Secs. 58-271--58-275} I I On each theater, public performance, exhibitions, etc. in this county For each performance ------------------------------------------- $ 5.00 For each week of continuous performance ------------------------ $ 15.00 For a year ----------------------------------------------------- $250.00 No license tax on games of football, baseball, basketball, or kindred ball games. ." - -."--. -. .-.- a For exhibiting a trained and educated horse, except in connection with a circus, theatrical performance, etc., already licensed, there shall be paid a tax of three dollars for each week, or an annual tax of twenty-five dollars. Sec. 2-6. Architects (Sec. 5S-370) On each architect as follows: When income for preceding year was less than $500.00 ---------___ $ 10.00 When income for preceding year was $500.00 or more ---------_____ $ 25.00 Sec. 2-7. Attornevs-at-Law (Sec. 58-371) On each Attorney-at-Law as follows: If under five years at bar -----------------------------________ $ 15.00 If five years and over at bar, but receipts less than $500.00 -- $ 15.00 If five years and over at bar and receipts over $500.00 -------_ $ 25.00 Sec. 2-8. Auction Sales of Jewelry, Etc. (Sec. 5S-371.l); also Secs. 54-795 __ 54-80S) On each auction sale of: I a I Di-.nds, other precious stones, jewelry, watches, Clocks, silver or plated ware, China and glass ware, art goods, rugs, tapestries, etc.';'-- $100.00 Tax cannot be prQJ:ated; license not transferable. This license not required for judicial sales or sales by executor, a""iniAtrator or trustee under deed of assignment nor to sales by or in behalf of licensed pawnbrOkers in the manner prescribed by law. Sec. 2-9. Auctioneers--General (Sees. 5S-286, 54-792--54-794) On each general auctioneer in this county----------_______________$ 25.00 Sec. 2-10. {Auctioneers--Live Stock (Secs. 58-287, 54-792--54-794) ~ On each live stock auctioneer i If cOllllliss1ons and profits from sales did not exceed $1,000 during precel year, tax is $25.00. If cOlllllissions and profits from sales exceeded $1,000. tax is $25.00 and $ .50/100 for each $100.00, or fractional part thereof, of cOlllllissions and profits frOlll sales, in excess of $1,000. (Licensed live stock auctioneer who buys and sells on his own account shall for the conduct of that business be deemed a MERCHANT and shall take out a merchant 's license.) Sec. i I 2-11. Auctioneers for Live Stock Markets (Sec. 5S-2SS.l) An individual acting as Auctioneer at live stock markets----------$ 25.00 ! 2-12. Bowlw A1le~ (Sec. 5S-372) i On each bowling alley as follows: i First alley ----------------------------------------------------- $ 12.50 I Each additional alley -------------------------------____________ $ 5.00 2-13. Brokers--Stockbrokers (Sec. 58-290) I Sec. I Sec. On each stockbroker in this county ----------------------________ $ 50.00 Sec. 2-14. Brokers--Dealinv in Options or Futures (Sec. 58-291) On each broker dealing in options or futures in this countY-------$lOO.OO Sec. I! I' II .1 i ~ for the Ii " ,. ~ i ,I ~ 2-15. Brokers--Wh:olesale merchantdise brokers who sell onlr at wholesale prices and ~se ~oss profits are measured prind a 1 b c ~ 8~ons ec. -- On each wholesale merchandise broker whose prOfits are measured by commissions, if gross commissions and gross profits did not exceed $3,000 preceding year, tax is $25.00; if gross commissions and gross profits exceeded . 174 _..-,-==::a:= $3,000 the tax is $25.00 on the first $3,000 and 20 cents per $100.00 on gross cOlllllissions end profits in excess of $3,000. As every such license tax is measured by cOlllllissions, no question of proration can arise. Sec. 2-16. Buildi1llt and Loan Associlltions. (Sec. 58-373) On each building and Loan Association there shall be a specific license I tax: \ a, Upon a purely mutual company, lending only to its stockholders, and confining its business solely to this county in which organized --------$ 50.00 Specific license tax upon paid-up stock, or partially paid-up stock to value of $25.000 or less ---------------------------------------------- $ 75.00 And the further SUIII of $2.00 Ul-on each additional $1,000 or fractional part thereof, so paid up. Sec. 2-17. Collection A2encies (Sec. 58-374) On each collection agency in the county ------------------------- $ 15.00 I This Sec. 2-18. license not required of a regularly licensed attorney-at-law. CoaIII1.ss1on Merchants and Brokers (Sec. 58-293) . On each cOlllllission merchant and broker, if cOlllllissions did not exceed $2,000 for the preceding year. tax is $12.50; if cOlllllissions exceeded $2,000, tax is $12.50 on the first $2,000 and twenty-five cents per $100.00 au the next $8,000 and 5~ per $100.00 on all cOllllllissions in excess of $10,000. As eve--y such license tax is measured by cOlllllissions, no question of proration can arise. Sec. 2-19. CoaDon Criers (Sec. 58-289) On each common crier in the county ------------------------------ $ 5.00 Cannot be prorated. I Sec. 2-20. Contractor.s J. Electrical contractors. l)lumbers and steam fitters (Secs. 58-2~7--58-303.1) On each contractor there shall be a license tax based on the following schedule based upon gross receipts frOlll all orders or contracts accepted during the preceding year: Gross orders or contracts, during preceding year, aggregating $1,000, . i i but not exceeding $5,000 -------------------------------------------------- $ 5.00 j (No license required if contracts aggregated less than $1,000) Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than $5,000 but not exceeding I $10,000 --------------------------------------------------------------- $ 10.00 Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than $10,000 but not exceeding I $20,000 --------------------------------------------------------------- $ 15.00 I Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than $20,000 but not exceeding ! i $50,000 --------------------------------------------------------------- $ 20.00 I Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than $50,000 but not exceeding 11 $100,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- $ 50.00 ~ II Gross orders or contracts aggregating more than $100,000 but not exceeding $150,000 -------------------------------------------------------------- $100.00 I i Gross orders or contracts exceeding $150,000 but not exceeding $300,000-- : i ______________________________________________________----------------- $150.00 ! Gross orders or contract exceeding $300,000---------------------- $250.00 l I I ---- As every sucJt license tax is measured by contracts, no question of proration can arise. a r Sec. 2-21. . On each credit union in the county: Where the actual paid in capital is not in excess of $20,000------$ 5.00 Where in excess of $20,000 and not in excess of $50.000-----------$ 10.00 Where in excess of $50,000 and not in excess of $100,000 ---------$ 20.00 And an additional SUIII of 30 cents per thousand for each one thousand dollars of actual paid in capital in excess of $100,000. Tax of $5.00 cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-22. Dentists (Sec. 58-375) On each dentist in the county as follows: Under five years practice --------------------------------------- $ Over five years practice ---------------------------------------- $ Credit Unions (Sec. 6-234) ~ 10.00 15.00 But if over five years pract,ice and receipts are less than $500.00 per aaaum ------------------------------------------------------------- $ 10.00 a Sec. 2-23. ineers--Ceramic Chemical Civil an vent at n tr a r Ma ra 0 re r erat structur . an ot er J)rO ess ona On each engineer who has practiced not more than five (5) years---$ 5.00 Engineer who has practiced more than five (5) years, and whose income from such business for preceding year was less than $500---------------------$ 5.00 If, however, his income for preceding year was $500 or more-------$ 15.00 License not required of professional engineer who is a mere employee and who is not engaged in business of his own. Sec. 2-24. Fortune-Tellers. Clairvoyants and Practitioners of Palmistry and Phrenolo~ (Secs. 58-377, 18-374) On each fortune teller, clairvoyants and practitioners of phrenology and palmistry in the county-------------------------------------------------$500.00 Cannot be prorated or issued quarterly. Sec. 2-25. Gar82es (Sec. 58-378) On every person who shall keep .a garage for the storage or hire of five automobiles shall pay --------------------------------------~--------- $ 15.00 And for the storage cspacity in excess of five, an additional SUIII per Sl a car of --------------------------------------------------------------- $ .SO Garage as defined by law, viz., Sec. 58-378, is as follows: Every place where five or more motor vehicles are stored or housed at any one time for compensation. Sec. 2-26. Grain Dealers--Wholesale (Sec. 58-295.1) On every person, firm or corporation doing business i n this County as a except seed grain, a wholesale grain buyer, buying and selling commercial grain, at wholesale in and for his own name: . I f I " . II If purchases during preceding year did not exceed one hundred thousand r ,I bushels --------------------------------------------------------------- $ 50.00 ~ '1 If purchases exceeded one hundred thousand bushels the tax is $50.00 and ~ 11 an additional tax of one cent per one hundred bushels for each one hundred bushelS I' ,I " !: in excess of one hundred thousand bushels. Sec. 2-27. Hotels (Sec. 58-380) (Defined as a public inn or lodging house of more than ten bedrooms where transient guests are fed or lodged for pay in this county) For each bedroom ------------------------------------------------ $ 1.00 Sec. 2-28. Itinerant merchants. etc. (Secs. 58-381, 54-809--54-824) On each merchant, vendor, auctioneer, itinerant, tax is $200.00 per .mth, or fraction thereof. This license not to be granted for less than a month. Sec. 2-29. Junk Dealers and Canvassers (Secs. 58-382, 54-825--54-835) On each junk dealer, $50.00 and $~5.00 additional for each additional premises. On each canvasser for the purpose of buying junk for a junk dealer, or for sale to a junk dealer, $15.00. Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-39. Junk dealers--dealers in second-hand DaDer and canvassers (Secs. 58- 383, 54-836) On each dealer in second-hand paper, who is not a duly licensed junk dealer, $50.00 and $25.00 additional for each additional premises. On each canvasser for the purpose of buying second-hand paper for a dealer therein, or for sale to such dealer, $15.00. Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-31. Labor and Emi2rant A2ents (Sec. 58-384) On each labor agent (who cannot transact business of' emigrant agent, viz., cannot hire laborers or solicit emigrants in this county to be employed beyond the limits of this State), -------------------------------------------- $ 250.0 Emigrant agent (a person who hires laborers or solicits emigrants in this county to be employed beyond the limits of this county) --------------- $2500.0 License not to be issued except upon certificate from the circuit court of the county to the eifect that the applicant for the license is a person of good character and honest demeanor. Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-32. Laundries (Sec. 58-385) On each laundry(Q;her than hand) in this county ----------------- $ Sec. 2-33. livestock dealers (Sec. 58-404.01) I I I 5.00 I On each person, firm or corporation who or which is engaged in the business of a livestock dealer, buying livestock for resale and selling such livestock on his or its own account, whether at wholesale" or at retail: If sales during preceding year did not exceed $10,000 ----------- $ 10.00 If sales exceeded $10,000 the tax is $10.00 on the first $10,000 and two cents per $100 of sales on all sales in excess of $10,000. Sec. 2-34. (Lo~in~ houses (Sec. 58-387) On each lodging house (defined as hous~ of ten bedrooms, or less, where I I lodging or diet is furnished travelers or soj ourners for compensation) Sec. 2-35. Medical doctors (Sec. 58-387.1) $ 5.00. , I , On each doctor of medicine as follows: I If licensed for less than five years ---------------------------- $ 15.001 If has practiced for five years or more ------------------------- $ 25.00 , If has practiced for five years or more and receipts for preceding year i I were less than $500 -------------------------------------------------- $ 15.00 c Medical doctor who has practiced medicine regularly prior to January 1, 1909, or medical doctor who is an intern in a licensed hospital during the twelve months next following his graduation from medical school, provided such intern engages in no medical practice other than as such intern during such twelve months of internship, is exempt. Sec. 2-36. Merchants (Secs. 5S-304--5S-339) WHOLESALE MERCHANTS On each wholesale merchant whose purchases not exceeding $10,000 ------ $ 25.00 Purchases over $10,000, $25.00 on first $10,000 and 10 cents on each $100 in excess of $10,000. For every distributing house or place in this county (other than the house or place of manufacture) operated by any person, firm or corporation engaged in the business of a merchant in this county, for the purpose of distributing goods, wares and merchandise among his or its retail stores, a separate merchant"s license shall be required, and the goods, wares and merchandise distributed through such distributing house or place shall be regarded as purchases for the purpose of measuring the license tax. RETAIL MERCHANTS On each retail merchant whose sales not exceeding $1,000----------$ 10.00 Sales over $~OOO and not exceeding $2,000 -----------------------$ 20.00 Sales over $2,000, $20.00 on' first $2,000 and ten cents on each $100 in excess of $2,000. If the freight paid by a retail merchant on any article Gold by him shall exceed twenty-five per centum of the price paid by him for the article itself, tht amount of such freight in excess of twenty-five per centum of the purchase price of the article shall be eliminated from consideration in ascertaining the amount of sales of such merchant and the tax to be paid thereon. Every restaurant keeper is classified as a retail merchant for county revenue license tax purposes and is licensable as a retail merchant. (Sec. 5S-320 . Every caterer is classified as a retail merchant for county revenue iicense tax purposes and is licensable as a retail merchant, and for the purpose of measuring the license tax, gross receipts shall be regarded as sales. (Sec. 58-32 ). GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO WHOLE AND RETAIL i MERCHANTS I The license tax on every w.holesaleJ merchant and every retail merchant who ~ was licensed at a definite place of business for only a part of the next .1 preceding license year shall be computed for the then current license year on ~ I' the basis of an estimate of purchases, in the case of a wholesale merchant, and II sales, in the case of a retail merchant, which the merchant will make throughout ~ the then current license year, including an estimate of the amount or sales as the case may be, of the goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by the merchant 1 to be offered for sale at the place at which he conducts his business as a ~ merchant, provided such place is not the place of manufacture. Any person, who is both a wholesale merchant and a retail merchant is required to obtain both classes of licenses; provided that any retail merchant Who desires to do a wholese.~e business may elect to do such wholesale business under his retailer's license by paying license taxes as a retailer on both his c c .c . c 1178 I -- -~= retail business and his wholesale business; but this proviso Shall not apply to any retail merchant the greater part of whose business at the license place during the next preceding years was wholesale nor to .. beg:1nner the greater part of whose business it is estimated will be wholesale fo,; the period cl)vered- , ! by the license. Sec. 2--37. ~chants Dlacinv vendinv machines (Secs. 58-362--58-369.1) On every person, firm and corporation engaged in the busir:ess of selling goods, wares and merchandise through the use of coin-operated VeDt;;.1g macl!rl.nes shall pay an annual county license tax for the privilege of doing business in this county of----------------------------------------------------------$ 20.00 Caanot be prorated. (As to volume tax of 10 cents per $100 and qualification under section, as well as details, see sections above cited.) Sec. 2-38. 'ODtometrists (Sec. 5S-39O) On each optometrist If under five years in practice --------------------------------- $ 5.00 If five years and over in practice ------------------------------ $ 10.00 Under this license in each case such optometrist may fill his own prescrip ons to any amount and the prescriptions of other optometrists and of oculists, or either, to an lIIIIOU!lt not exceeding one thousand dollars, but if the gross receipts of such optometrist on account of filling the prescriptions of other optometrists and of oculists, or either, during the preceding calendar year exceeded one thousand dollars, or if a beg1Ilner and such gross receipts exceed that 8IIIOunt frOlll the time he began the practice to the following December thirty- first, he shall pay an additional sUm equal to ten cents per one hundred dollars of the amount of such gross receipts in excess of one thousand dollars. Sec. 2-39. Pawnbrokers. (Secs. 5S-392, 54-840--54859) On each pawnbroker :In the county -------------------------------- $ 125.00 cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-40. Peddlers (Secll. 58-340--5S-353) On each peddler as follows: Peddlers of goods, wares or merchandise (on foot) in this county--$l25.00 Peddlers of goods, wares or merchandise (C?therwise than on foot), in this county ---------------------------------------------------------$250.00 Peddlers of meat, milk, butter, eggs, poultry, fish, oysters, game, vegetables, fruits or other family supplies of a perishable nature not grown or ; produced by the peddler--for each vehicle used in such peddling--in this county ---------------------------------------------------------------- $ 25.00 Peddlers offamily supplies of a perishable nature not grown or produced by them and groceries generally including such articles as are customarily sold in grocery stores other than alcoholic beverages--for each vehicle used in such peddling--in this county --------------------------------------------- $ 75.00 Peddlers of ice, wood, or coal, for each vehicle used in such peddling in this county------------------------------------------------------------ $ 12.50 I I I I I a = a a a 179 - - -..-. -- ~ I Peddlers of sesfood who buy the seafood they peddle from persons who catch or take the same in this county ---------------------------- $ 5.00 Peddlers of goods, wares or merchandise (other than a distributor ,md/or vendor of 1IIOtor vehicle fuels and petroleUll1 products, or sesfood, a fumer, a farmers' cooperative association, a producer of agricultural products or a manufacturer taxable on capital by this State who peddles the goods, wares or merchandise manufactured by him at a plant the capital of which is taxable by the State and who peddles no other goods, wares or merchandise, or a distributor of manufactured goods paying a county lice..J8e tax on his purchases, or a wholesal dealer regularly licensed by the county) who shall peddle goods, wares or merchandise to licensed dealers or retailers, for each vehicle used in such peddling ------------------------------------------------------------- $ 50.00 Peddler of lightning rods, in this county ---------------------- $100.00 Peddlers of ice, wood and coal not produced by them, but purchased for resale, each vehicle in county ----------------------~---------------- $ 12.50 Cannot be prorated or issued quarterly. When Peddlers' License Not ReClUired A manuf...-::turer taxable on capital by the State may, except at a definite place of business separate and apart from the place of manufacture, sellL and deliver at the same time to licensed dealers or retailers, but not to consUlllers, anywhere in the State, the goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by him at a plant the capital of which is taxable by the State, without the payment of any license tax of any kind for such privilege. No license required of those who sell or offer for sale in person, or by their employees, ice, wood, meats, milk, butter, eggs, poultry, fish, ol7sters, game, vegetables, fruits or otber family supplies of a perishable nature grown or produced by them and not purchased by them for sale. No license required of a dairyman who uses upon the streets of the county one or IIItJre wagons to sell and deliver in said county, from his wagons, milk, butter, cream and eggs. No license required of a person selling or peddling farm products, wood or charcoal grown or produced by him. No peddlers' license required of dealers in coal, wood or ice in this county who peddle the same from ,'ehicles, provided such dealers have taken out merchants' license. f I Sec. 2-41. Photo2raphers (Sec. 58-393) On each photographer in this county ------------------------------ $ 10.00 Sec. 2-42. Pistol dealers (Sec. 58-394) On each pistol dealer, a special license tax on retailers -------- $ 5.00 ! ~I Police pension and benevolent associations and firemen's I mutual aia associations (Sec. 58-3~') i On each police pension and benevolent association and firemen's mutual aid il association ! i' If in tangible personal property and cash holdings amount to $5,000 ji :i or less ---------------------------------------------------------------- $ 5.00 i: :1 If intangible personal property and cash holdings exceed $5,000 but ~ ~ $ 10.00 Ii 1 .' Cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-43. do not exceed $10,000 ------------------------------------------------- If intangible personal property and cash holdings exceed $10,000 - $ 20.00 Sec. 2-44. Pool and billiard rooms (Sec. 5S-396) On each pool and billiard room in this county First Table ---------------------------------------------------- $ 12.50 $ llO'.OO I Each additional table ------------------------------------------ Sec. 2-45. There is an annual license tax measured by sales imposed upon every supplier of pulpwood, veneer logs, mine props and railroad cross-ties who supplies the same to those suppliers who furnish pulpwood, veneer logs, minle props or railroad cross-ties to manufacturers, mine operators and railway companies under Sec. 5S-417. On the first $10,00(, of sales $10.00 and ten cents on each $100 of sales in excess of $10,000. License tax does not apply to the owner of the land from which the forest products are cut, nor to a producer, namely, any person who cuES trees for pulpwood, veneer logs, mine props or railroad cross-ties, nor to any person. who converts such cut trees into such forest products. Sec. 2-46. Real estate brokers (Sec. 58-398) On each real estate broker in this county ----------------------- $ 25.00 Any person, firm or corporation licensed as a real estate broker may sell, in the county wherein he or it is licensed, at auction or privately, withOl.lt t,,1riftg out an auctioneer's license, any real estate in this county entrusted to him or it for sale. This section shall not apply to cOlllll1ssioners and receivers appointed by the courts, nor to administrators, executors, guardians, trustees, and other I I fiduciaries while acting in a fiduciary capacity. Sec. 2-47. Slot machines (Secs. 58-355--58-360) On each machine into which are inserted nickels or coins of larger dentwlliftAtions to dispose of articles of merchandise, or for the purpose of operating devices that operate on the coin-in-the-slot principle, used for gain ----------------------------------------------------------------- $ 15.00 On each coin operated musical machine or musical device that operate~ on the coin-in-the-slot principle ------------------------------------ $ 5.00 On each co~ operated vending machine used solely for the sale of candy and operated on the premises of moving picture or other theatres ------ $ 5.00' On each coin operated vending machine used solely for the sale of candy operated on the premises of any person conducting any lawful business other than a theater -------------------------------------------------------- $ 5.00; On each 8111U8ement machine operated by the insertion of one cent - $ 1.00' i On each machine used solely for the purpose of selling shoestrings, chewing gum, peanuts or peanut candy, or postage stamps, and on each wei~ing machine ------------------------------------------------------ ;$ 1.00: On each machine for the sale of agricultural products, soft drinks or cigars ------------------------------------------------------ $ 1.00: I I - - On each vending machine operated on premises for which a tobacco retailers' license has been obtained and used solely for the sale of cigaretts ----------------------------------------------------- $ 1.00 ,0 On each miniature pool table, in the operation of which nickels or coins of larger denom1nstions are used ----------------------------- $ 5.00 On each vending machine operated by the insertion of one cent, for each machine ------------------------------------------------------ $ 1.00 On each vending machine used solely for sale of peanuts, peanut candy and peanut butter sandwiches and creme sandwiches, and operated by the insertion of a coin or coins of any denomination -------------- $ 1.00 Automatic baggage or parcels checking machines, for each receptacle ----------------------------------------------------------- $ .10 On each coin machine operator ----------------------------------- $250.00 A coin machine operator is defined as every person, firm or corporation, selling, leasing, renting or otherwise furnishing a slot machine or slot machine to others, or placing a slot machine or slot machines with others. The license tax imposed upon a slot machine operator is not in lieu of, but in addition to license taxes imposed upon slot machines. The slot machine operator's license tax, however, is not applicable to operators of weighing machines, autometic baagsge or pacel checking machines or receptacles, nor to vending machines, which are so constructed as to do nothing but vend merchandise or postage stamps or provide service only, nor to operators of coin operated lIIUSical devices t:1at operate on the coin-in-the-slotprinciple, nor to operators of viewing machines or photCllll8t machines, nor to operators of devices or 1ll8chines affording rides c ~ ~ to children. No license on machines for selling sanitary drinking cups or sanitary drinking CupS and nstural water. No license upon any pay telephone slot machine. No license upon any machi~e vending sanitary napkins, or upon washing machines . No l1cense upon any machine vending newspapers. cannot be prorated, nor is license transferable. Sec, 2-48. Soft drinks (Sec. 58-400) On each person, firm or corporation manufacturing bottled carbonated beverages --------------------------------------------------- Sec. 2-49. Stor82e and i~~nin~ (Sec. 58-401) On every yard, wagon yard or lot wherever located in the county used for storage ------------------------------------------------------- $ 5.00 On every house in the county used for storage -------------------- $ 10.00 Note:--No charge where the compensation to the owner of the yard, lot or house is less than $50.00 per annum. Sec. 2-50. Tobacco retailers (Sec. 58-402) c $ 25.00 i ~ l ~ l 1- i ~ I, Ii ~ Ii '. " ,: ii Ii II I , On each tobacco retailer: Specific license tax -------------------------------------------- $ 1.00 This tax is in addition to and not in lieu of retail merchants" license tax measured by sales. Cannot be prorated. 181 - . " I t Sec. 2-51. Tobacco sellers at wholesale (Sec. 58-402) On every wboleaale tobacco seller a specific license tax-----------$ 10.00 Sec. 2-52. Tr8rl;n~ st~$ (Acts 1956, Ch. 677) For furnishing or supplying for consideration to others to use in, with or for the sale of goods, merchandise or cOllllllOdities; stamps, coupons, tickets or similar devices which entitle the person receiving the same with such sale to procure goods, merchandise, or coamodities free of charge, or for less than the market price thereof, or to receive cash for such premium stamps the follow- ing license tax is imposed: If value of premium stamps sold in preceding year did not exceed $10,000----------------------------------------------------------------- $ 50.00 If value of premium stamps sold in preceding year exc-;eding $10,000, $50.00 on first $10,000 and twenty-five cents per $100 upon all in excess of $10,000. The word ,"value" means the average alue, if sold at retail, of the goods, merchandise or cOlllllOdities for which the premium stamps may be redeemed. License tax does not apply to coupons or other similar devices issued by a manufacturer or packer and attached by him to his goods when he manufactures or packs and which are redeemable in merchandise by the manufacturer or packer , or his independent agent. Sec. 2-53. Undertakers (Sec. 58-403) On every undertaker in this county --------------------------------$ 5.00 An undertaker may, under his license as an undertaker, bury the dead and may sell the coffin, casket, shroud and other funeral supplies required to bury the dead which he buries; but an undertaker may not under his undertaker I s license, sell coffins, caskets, shrouds and other funeral supplies to be used in burying the dead which he does not bury. For this business he must, in addition to his undertaker' s license, take out a merchant's license based on purchases or sales. Tax of $5.00 cannot be prorated. Sec. 2-54. Vendors of medicines. salves. liniments. etc. (Sec. 58-391) On each vendor of medicines, salves, liniments, etc. for the sale of medicines, salves, liniments or compounds of like kind, or any spices, extracts, toilet articles or other articles of like kind ---------------------------$25.0 Cannot be prorated, except that "any such person who begins such business on or after July 1 of any calendar year may be: licensed for the residue of that calendar year on the payment of a license tax of $12.50 for each vehicle used, or $12.50 if no vehicle is used and such vendor travels on foot." This license not required of a licensed merchant selling at his regular place of business, nor of manufacturers taxed on capital by this State who offer for sale at the place of manufacture goods, wares and merchandise manufactured by them. Sec. 2-55. Veterinary sur.l!:eons (Sec. 58-404) :::~_:~~_::~=:m__m___m___m_mmm________ $ 1001 No license required when practice is confined to castration, spraying II or dehorning of live stock. I I I I I I CHAPTER 3 PENALTIES AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 3-1. Penalties. a Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordh'-("e shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of having cOlllllli.tted a misc:1-anor, and be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $300.00, and in addition, in the discretion of the trial officer, be confined in j ail for a period not to exceed thirty days. Sec. 3-2. Repeal of conflictin.. ordinlln("es or parts of ordinances All ordin...,,,es or parts of ordinances, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, but, however, only such ordinances or parts of ordinances as are in conflict herewith, are, subject to the following proviso, hereby repealed; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed or taken as repealing or amending any of the provisions of 'any ordin""l:"e or resolution having the effect of an ordinance, heretofore aciopted or enacted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as to any offense cOlllllli.tted against the provisions of said ordinances, or resolution having the effect of ordinllno:-es, or as to any act done, any penalty, forfeiture or punis incurred under or by reason of said ordinances, or resolutions having the effect of ordinances, prior to the time this ordinance takes effect. Sec. 3-3. Constitutionalitv a a If any part or parts, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should, for any reason, be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance, which shall remain in force and effect as if such ordinance had been adopted with the unconstitutional or invalid part or parts, chapter, section, Sub-section, sentence,clause or phrase thereof eliminated, and ,the Board of Superv'isors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted this ordinance and each part or parts ,chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, l,;lause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact thst I anyone or more part or parts, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase would have been declared unconstitutionalor invalid. its July Meeting, 1955, in regard to additions to be taken into the Secondary Sec. 3-4. Effective date i This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon and after the 1st daY; ! On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee ~ Logan, adopted by the following recorded vote: ~ ii ~ ~ ~(~ ~ 'j}' ~ ~~~~ ~, ,~ i i: II I"/Ist ii ii ,I i of January, 1959. a ~ Ayes: Nays : Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff None rl".. motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a resolution entered by this Board at ! I At the request of the Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, and on Road System of Roanoke County, be, and the same ishereby rescinded. 184 I I I 'r.... U......f. I~~. I I-... - ,. ll"~~~'" I~.f,t....~ .c:u.t...... " G>.:ar0 J......... I :v.:,,,"!~1: , And on further motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the reports of the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following roads and locations thereof, to-wit: Garman Drive from Route ll5 to D. E., Big Lick District, and Southern Hills Drive from Rt. 722 to Griffin Road, Cave Spring District, be and the same are, hereby approved. And it is further ordered that said roads, as described briefly above, be, and they are, hereby established as public roads, to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; S...,. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be , I I furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Letter dated October 31, 1955, addressed to Paul Matthews, in re: proposed Addition - Ext. of Rt. 910, Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. The following ordinance was this day adopted: "PROPOSED RECORDATION TAX" ''The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular meeting held at the County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, on September 15, 1958, directed the adverci.sement in the manner prescribed by law of the following ordinance, which will be proposed for passage by the said Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting to '..e held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on November 17,1958, at 3:00 o'clock P. M., to-wit: "BE IT DINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the following ordift~~ce be passed and ordained: "THAT THE BOARD OF SUPERVISCRS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, doth impose a county recordation tax in an amount equal to one-third of the amount of the State recordation tax collectable for the State on the first recordation of each taxable instrument; provided, no tax shall be imposed under this ordinance upon i any instrulllent in which the State recordation tax is fifty cents specifically; I I and provided further, that where a deed or other instrument conveys, covers or relates to Property located partly in Roanoke Ccr.mty and partly in another county or city, or in other counties or cities, the tax imposed under the authority of this ordfn"""e shall be computed only with respect to the property located in Roanoke County. "The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County collecting the tax imposed under this ordinance shall pay the s8lDe in to the Treasurer of Roanoke County. For his services in collecting the tax imposed by this ordin"nee, the Clerk shall be compensated out of the treaury of Roanoke County in the amount of five per cent upon each instrument taxable under this ordift"tlce recorded in his office. Such compensation shall be paid out of the County treasury. I. , ~i~~e Jl .. $. Director, of the Chamber of Coamerce of Roanoke, Virginia, stating that he had ~ been directed by the Roanoke Chamber of COIIIIIIerce Civic Center Committee to ~,;s;; A' . I~C/J..Q(".l.' request this Board to appoint a liaison representative to meet with said Commit e~--.....-. .... ...."... f~l", tho, """ . Civic Cen'tt """'. offK' .11 of.......le ~.~, of the Roanoke Valley, and that it would be well to have a representative from a '<f+~ 1I/~"1"S"f, .. -.- t:l "The effective date of this ordinance shall be the first moment of January, 1959." On motion of Supervisor Jolm Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None c WHEREAS, the property owners on an unnamed road which is designated by the State Department of Highways as State Secondary Route 725 from U. S. Route 221 west to dead end 0.30 mile, did request this Board to name said State Secondary Route 725 as Sunnycrest Road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virg1n1a as amended, the governing body of any Count" is authorized, and by resolution duly adopted may ~ streets, roads, alleys; therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, except those primary highways confOrming to Section 33-12 of the Cocle of Virg1n1a. NOW, TBEREF<BE, BE IT RESOLVED that the unnamed road heretofore described be and is hereby officially. named and designated as Sunnycrest Road. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Jolm Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff. Hays: None . t1 A I.'.............ication dated October 21, 1958, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Roanoke County aoard of Supervisors, from A. S. Rachal, Jr., Executive the governing bodies within the V lley and of the Vinton and Salem Chambers of Coumerce, and further requested that when such appointment had been made to be r2 advised of such fact in order that said liaison representative could be informed of future meetings of said Committee; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be appointed to represent this Board on said Civic Center Committee. Adopted by the following recorded votE<: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None o ~ IN RE: Rezoning of the greater portion of Sub-division No. 1 of the l6-acre tract known as the Second No.2, (2) of the Old Noah Garst Tract, located in Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia WHEREAS, Charlie J. Guilliams, o. M. Palmer and L. S. Mitchell did duly FINAL ORDER file their petition to change the classification of certain property owned 'rl1",. r2.-J.-"...- ~.~-L ..."'*" ~" ~.~- 11..(..... ~~~ a;{...t.r~ t.:- ~ '1,fl'l i,1 --- fPiPr ,,1f,~ .!o,. . ~,;.-...l S:h tt.~C, i~~" ::l-~:fh !( ~ fill..... '("- Ii 1I/11/sg i II 186 - by them, and situate in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, said property described as follows: All that lot orparcel of land lying and being in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, with all appurtenances thereunto belonging, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on the line of Second No.1, now owned by William McClannahan and comer to the 5 acre t- lCt sold to J. Conners lJIld running thence with the MI.;]lInnanll11's line, S. 30 35' E. 415 feet to the comer of the fence, the said comer of the fence being 22 feet from the center of the McAdam Road; thence with the fence S. 710 40' E. 355 f8et~ crossing a 20 foot road and the Frantz line, N. 07 4~' E. 498 feet to a Gum, ~ old comer; thence crossing the 20 foot road, N. 85 22' W. coming to the comer of the Conner's line at 20 feet, whicn is the west side of the 20 foot road and with the Conners line, in all . 426 feet to the beginning, containing 3.77 acres, more or less, exclusive of the road, and being the lot or parcel of land lying on the McAdam Road, and being Sub-division No.1 of the 16 acre tract known as the Second No.2 (2) of the old Noah Garst Tract; and There is excepted from the property as above described two certain parcels of land constituting the northerly portions thereof, one of which contlli"il1g 0.16 acre was conveyed by o. T. Moore, widower, to Doris o. Reynolds, by deed dated April 8, 1941, of . record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit <burt of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 285, at page 141, and the other of which contlli"i"g 0.55 acre was conveyed by o. T. Moore, widower, to Doris Reynolds by deed dated March ~3, 1945, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 336 at page 457; and BeiDg the same lot or parcel of land conveyed to Charlie J. Guilliams, O. M. Palmer and L. S. Mitchell from S. S. Craft and Edna Craft, husband and wife, by deed dated October 24, 1956, recorded November 1, 1956, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 564, page 41; and WRJ7.Rf..o\S, by order of this Board entered at its regular meeting on September 15, 1958, the proposed amendment was referred to the Planning CnmmiRsion of Roanoke County for recOllllllendation in accordance with 15-847 of Official Code of Virginla of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Planning COIIIIIIission of Roanoke County has certified to this Board a copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Coamission, which said resolution recOllllllends that said property be re-classified to "'Local Business", and I I I. WHEREAS; a public hearing was this day had on the proposed amendment, after notice thereof was duly published in the Roanoke Times and The Roanoke WOrld-News,: a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, and having general circulation in . I the County of Roanoke, as required by 15-846 of the Code, under the dates of ~ November 1st, 1958, and November 2nd, 1958, and duly certified by the publisher of said paper; And this Board having duly considered the same, it is accordingly hereby ORDERED that the County Zoning Ordinancebe, and the same is hereby amended to re-classify the above-described property to "Local Business District" to a depth of 200 feet from the North Right of Way Line of U. S. Route 460. It is further Ordered that the Clerk of this Court forthwith certify a copy of this order to the Secretary of the County Planning C01IIIIIission and to other party in interest desiring a copy thereof. I I any 'I II I ,I I I :I On 1IIOtlon of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Q QWERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in December, 1958. (7~~~1f Chairman a .~ Court House Salem, Virginia December 15, 1958 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House in regular lIIDI1thly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Brfore the meeting was called to order Mr. Hadden Dudley, Principal, Oak Grove Elementary School offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were appr ,ved as spread, esch member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 30327 Acme Printers, Office supplies. 30328 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 30329 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies $ 54.25 14.13 152.95 " " " 30330 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Service Station, Gas, 011 etc. 169.33 30331 Arrow Hardware Paint 6< Feed Co., Hardware etc. Hollins Fire House 9.56 30332 Auto Spring 6< Bearing Co., Flash Light Batteries for .. Deputy Sheriffs " II 6.12 " 30333 Frank L. Ayers, Sitting for Registering Voters 10.00 30334 Appalachian Power Co., Current for Fire Houses and G. E. Meter station 34.67 " t2 58.85 86.64 13.85 50.63 33.33 6.18 185.36 " 30335 Charles Ballentine, office supplies 30336 J. P. Bell Co., Record Books for Clerk 30337 Janet L. Ballantine, Sitting for Registering Voters 30338 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County Office Bldg. 30339 carl R. Brightwell, Electrical wiring in County Jail 30340 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware etc:. Jail and Courthouse 30341 Busy Electric Co., Wiring Hollins Fire House 30342 Dick Bryant Amoco Station, Gasoline and Oil for Cave Spring Fire Truck 11.64 " " II " a " " tI " 30343 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 94.68 30344 Bush Electric Co., Electrical repairs to Courthouse Furnaces ~, 25.00 187 ~ ~ 'I ,. ,I II I. ! i ~ ., :! \ I! Ii !i ii !i i " 187 . No. 30345 Dr. S. D. carey, Coroner Investigations " 30346 Cates Building Specialities Inc. Material for Hollins Fire House " 30347 Children's Home Society of Va. Contribution 1958-1959 30348 H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Reimburse Traveling Expense 30349 Clearbrook Lion I s Club, Inc., November Rent on Clearbrook Fire House II " " 30350 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 30351 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner for Hollins Fire House 30352 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 30353 Dame Roofing Co., Installing Roof, etc. 30354 Wallace o. Deyerle, Warrants issued 30355 E, P. Illlon, Sitting with Equalization Board 30356 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies 30357 Mrs. Pat Doran, sitting to register voters 30358 Mrs. Madeline B. Edwards, sitting to register voters 30359 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on courtesy card " " " " " " " " " " 30360 Paul Eller, Assisting with Electrical and Plumbing Inspections 30361 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 30362 Fuel Oil 6< Equipment Co., Fuel Oil for Courth,use and Hollins Fire House 30363 G. C. Foley, November Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire House " " II $ 5.00 248.40 200.00 2.35 60.00 508.97 I 4.00 117.83 485.75 14.00 299.52 9.85 20.70 23.50 I 42.76 156.04 23.63 462.21 60.00 I " 30364 Farmer's Service Station, Gasoline Cave Spring Fire Truck 2.43 30365 Chalmers Ferguson, COIIDIIission on Delinquent Taxes collected607.07 " II 30366 C. C. Farris, Sitting with Equalization Board Flower Equipment Co. Inc., Furniture for New County Library 469.08! " 30367 30368 30369 Goodwin Insursnce Co., Premium on Car Insurance Goodyear Service Store, Tires, Police car II " " 30370 Grand Piano & Furniture Co., 2 brass smokers for Juvenile Court Offices 30371 Goldie R. Griggs, sitting for Registering voters 30372 J. W. Griggs 6< W. H. Witt, November rent on Cave Spring Fire House 30373 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 30374 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., Material for New Catawba Fire Station and supplies for Cave Spring Fire House 30375 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts - Inspector's Car 30376 W. R. Hester Co., Fuel for Co. Jail 30377 Levi Hale, Extra Janitor services " " " " " II " " Marvin C. Hedrick, Jr., reimburse traveling expense Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 333.00 22.00 II 30378 30379 " 30380 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for Courthouse Repai.rs 30381 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage and Jury Tickets " " 30382 A. E. McNeil, Sitting with Equalization Board 30383 R. K. Martin, Papering Jail Dwelling and Office " 299.52 159.60 59.76 20.00 26.65 60.00 207.11 8.53 .75 32.00 21.50 31.43 I I 142.50 309.39 314.15 a ~ ~ ~ o ~._.__u = No. 30384 Miller Tire Service, Tires and Flat repaired 30385 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regu~or Co., Repairs to G. E. Meter " " -...--.- $ 38.26 30386 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Dinner for Planning COIIIIIlission . 19.40 30.00 " 30387 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Disinfectant Co~ Jail 30388 Carnell Moore, Maintenance Garbage Lot 30389 Mount Pless ant Grocery Co., Gasoline Purchased for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck " " - " 139.15 400.00 8.80 30390 National Cash Register Co., 1 New Accounting Machine for Tax tickets 5,520.00 " 30391 Nelson Hardware Co., Starters Courthouse 30392 Ornamental Iron 6< Prison Works, Material Hollins Fire Station Addition 30393 owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing, St. Signs etc. 30394 Northwest Hardware Co., Material for New Library 30395 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies - Clerk 30396 Peacock-Sdem Laundry, Laundry for Co. Jail 30397 Peters Creek Shell SE:rvice Station, Gas wash, grease, parts, etc. Police cars 30398 R-M Tire Center Inc. Repairs Police Car #5 " " " " " " " " " 30399 30400 30401 30402 30403 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners Reid & Cutshall Inc., 1 Clock for New Library Reimington Rand, 1 Remington Standard Typewriter " " 18.35 6.00 413.09 84.24 9.31 45.28 49.05 4.00 63.36 15.00 16.25 " Roanoke Iron Works, Inc., Material New Fire House Addition 63.50 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 2,164.50 " 30404 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service Nov. 30405 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration kitchen and C. S. Fire House " " 30406 Roanoke Paving Co., Paving Hollins Fire Station 30407 Roanoke Ready Mix Concrete Co., Concrete 30408 Radio Coamunications Co., Radio Maintenance 30409 Salem Paint Co., Paint, etc. Co: Jail and Hollins Fire House 30410 Shepard's Citations, Law Books for Judge Hoback 304ll Salem Creamery Co., Food for prisoners 30412 Salem Glass Co., Parts Garbage Truck #22 30413 Salem Hardware Co., Utensils, etc. Jail 30414 Salem Motors Co., Parts. Repairs etc. Police Car #11 30415 Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical Supplies Co. Jail 30416 State Forester, County's share of expense in controlling Forest fires in Va. 30417 Dr. R. B. Smiley, coroner investigations 30418 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., Material for St. signs 30419 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling Expense 30420 Town of Salem, City Manager's Dinner Meeting " " " " " " .. .. " " " II " .. " 3.00 32.96 394.50 14.06 55.99 179.66 61.10 13.44 2.50 15.63 73.21 6.89 424.06 125.00 657.13 30.52 21. 00 30421 Town of Salem, light and water service 6< sewage treatment cost 503.03 " 30422 Times-Register Co., Publication 43.00 - I i ! i I 190 304233.H. Tingler, Pruning and cutting down Courthouse trees $ 30.00 30424 Technical Reproduction 6< Supply Co., Maps for Reassessment and Zoning 69.16 30425 United States Pencil Co. 3 doz pencils 11.43 3042b Valleydale Packers, food for prisoners 68.87 30427 Virginia Law Review Association, Law books for Judge Hoback - -- No. II II " II " 30428 Virginia Foods, Inc., food for prisoners 30429 Vinton Motor Co., Repair, Parts, etc. 30430 West Publishing Co., Law Books for Judge Hoback 30431 Wilson~s Esso & Grocery Co., Maintenance Co. Garbage Truck 30432 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistance in Public Works 30433 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Boo~ and office supplies 30434 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance of County Vehicles 30435 Ann Hinson, Extra office assitance in Public Works 30436 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline pUrchased for Hollins tank " " II II " " " " 6.50 160.11 I 28.66 30.00 80.61 I 67:78 258.81" 315.23 77.10 270.14 II 30437 30456 ROCkydale Quarries Co., Road stone County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance Co. Vehic1es660.62 6.10 30457 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring Fire Station 7.40 I 30458 Alexander Grant & Co., Auditing and Examining records and preparing report for fiscal year," . ended June 30, 1958 2,400.00 ' 30459 American Society of Planning Officials, Membership dues for year beginning Jan. 1, 1959 15.00 30460 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare II II " " " " 30461 Dr. Esther Clark Brown, Lunacy Hearing 30462 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 30463 City of Roanoke, Sewage treatment charges for the General Electric Line II " II 30464 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 30465 J. Thomas Engleby, 3rd, Defense Attorney in Committment Case 30466 Fairview Home, County's share of Expense in maintaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. " II " Foutz Sausage Co., food for prisoners Haloid Xerox Co., record paper for Photostatic Machine Keith K. Hunt, Attorney, Lunacy hearing League of Virginia Counties Membership dues in League of Va., eight memberships in National Association of County Oficials 30471 Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare II 30467 30468 30469 30470 " " " II 30472 Nelson Hardware Co., Janitor supplies 30473 Power Equipment Center, starters 30474 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Repairs to office equi~nt and Rent on office equipment 30475 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare " " " " 30476 Void I 15.78 10.00 I 26.85 161.55 49.47 10.00 96.08 39.20 646.20 30.00 I 348.00 610.50, 15.60 27.68 I 37.20 J l66.50! 'I " :j :1 'I , -.- --.-" No. 30477 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy hearings 30478 R. E. Reynolds, Paintinr: Jail Office and Residence " " 30479 Salem Glass Co., Replacing glass at Jail " 30480 Salem Paint Co., Paint - Painting Jail " 30481 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy hearings a " 30482 H. W.. Starkey, Attendance - Finance Board Meeting " 30483 SUIIIIllerdean Esso Station, Parts, wash jobs &c " 30484 Everette Waddey Co., record books " 30485 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service Mt. Pleasanl: Fire = House 191 $ 20.00 252.00 8.00 29.64 40.00 50.00 36.70 lll.08 24.75 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLADfS &c The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by :voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 30438 Brown Hardware Co., Wearing Apparel for Dog Warden and batteries $ 6.10 " 30439 C 6< P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Dog Warden's Home " 30440 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline and Parts for Dog Truck 30441 Shirley Ferris, Clerical worker at Dog Clinic 30442 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., PremiUIII on Surkty Bonds for J. L. Parker, Assistant to Dog Warden 30443 Sandra Hodges, Clerical worker at dog clinic 30444 Eathen R. Long, Clerical worker at Dog clinic 30445 Gaynor R. Hodges, clerical 'worker at dog clinic 30446 Tom Long's Gulf Station, Parts, gas, and wash jobs 30447 Lewis Parker, work at dog clinic 30448 Radio Communications, Radio Maintenance Nov. '.7 30449 E. .C. Rhodes, work at dog clinic 30450 Dorothy J. Rhodes, work at dog clinic 30451 Salem Farm Supply Corp. Misc. Items and Dog Food 30452 State Office Supply Co., 2 dozen pencils for Dog Clinic 30453 Mary R. Spangler, work at dog clinic 30454 Yates and Wells Garage, Maintenance Dog Truck 30455 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance Dog Truck Nov. 30486 Charlie Moore, Custodian dog Pound " " a " II " " " " " " " " " a " " II ~ I ~ r 15.00 23.03 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 6.55 4.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 39.93 1.80 10.00 41.26 25.14 12.00 MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia December 15, 1958 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business December 13, 1958, there was to the credit of the 192 .u I i I i I ~" i d ~l ~l C. I ~~... ~ ~. rf .. (b' ~ .;. 11tI~ r General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund County School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. 1. C. A. $ 66,829.39 2,607.12 4,894.07 672.43 505,660.88 137,723.94 2,034.58 8.38 1,232.33 $ 721. 663 .12 I Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.~r Said report approved and ordered filed. I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, for $1,350.71, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of November, 1958, Ie ss cOllllllissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,283.17 net. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of ,December, 1958, be approved in the amount of $6,616.63, from which . the sum of $90.54 total F. 1. C. A. and total W. H. taxes $640.60 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $5,885.49. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer .md Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period NovE!l!lber 16, 1958, ending November 30, 1958, be approved in the amount of $1,802.21 from which the sum of $40.53 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $123.40 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,638.28; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period from December 1, 1958, ending December 15, 1958, be approved in the amount of $1,802.21, from which the sum of $40.52 total F. I. C. A. an.. total W. H. $123.00 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,638.69. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell N..ys: None I I On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check 130279, dated November 26, 1958, in the amount of $210.00, payable to G. A. Scruggs, Post Master, for postage for CoIIIlli.ssioner of Revenue of Roanoke County; Voucher-check #30280, dated November 26, 1958, in the amount of $175.00, I payable to Shingleton & Martin, for painting the Hollins Fire Sta~_on; Voucher-check #30300, dated December 3~. 1958, in the amount of $220.00 payable to Jack 1'1. Garst, for landscaping County Library Lawn; c a = ~ ~ 193 Voucher-check 130301, dated December 3, 1958, payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, for advance traveling expense to Baltimore to return prisoner; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None The following reports were this day laid before the Board: and ordered fil d: ~iiQL. ~ ~ H. W. ClARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of November 1958; H. W. CIARK, Sheriff, s\llllll&rY statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail during the month of November, 1958; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for November, 1958; JAMES D. OLrJER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for November, 1958 The following comnnmications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Copy of letter dated November 24, 1958, addressed .to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County, from A. S. Rachal, Jr., Executive Director, Chamber of Coamerce of Roanoke, Virginia, in re: Civic Center ColIInittee; Letter dated Nov. 20, 1958, from E. F. Jamison, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Chai1'lll8D, Roanoke County, Board of Supervisors, enclosing petition dated Nov. 6, 1958, signed by property owners on Franklin Road, Starkey Road, and Ogden Road, opposing any annexation by the City of Roanoke; Letter dated November 19, 1958, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from J. Carl Poindexter, in re: Roanoke County Sanitation Authority; Copy of letter dated Nov. .!Q,,1958, from J. Carl Poindexter, addressed to the State Corporation ColIInission, Richmond, Va., in re: Roanoke County Sanitation Authority; Copy of letter dated November 22, 1958, addressed to the State COrporation ColIInission, Richmond, Virginia, from John W. Hagen, in re: sewer line in Norwood; Copy of letter dateci November 21, 1958~ addressed to Roanoke County Heslth Department, from J. Carl Poindexter, in re: permission to build a septic tank system; f r Copy of reso1ul:1on No. 13558, dated December 8, 1958, Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, amending the contract of October 16, 1953, between the City~ of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cCllllllercial waates. Copy of letter dated December 10, 1958, to William J. Put , Jr., Town Clerk, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, ordered filed. ~ Copy of resolution No. 13559, dated December 8, 1958, Council City of ~ Roanoke, Virginia, amending contract dated September 28, 1954, between the ~ City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of [I domestic and cOlllllercial wastes. Letter dated December 10, 1958, addressed to II Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert Thomas '~! City Clerk, ordered filed. Copy of resolution No. 13560, dated December 8, 1958, Council City of Roanoke, amending contract dated September 28, 1954, between the City of I~ Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and coamercial wastes. Letter dated December 10, 1958, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, I! ordered filed. I ~ ~ Copy of Resolution No. 13561, dated December 8, 1958, Council City of Roanoke, amending contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and coamercialwastes. Letter dated Dec. 10, 1958, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, ordered filed. 194- ~~t -(J....a . LA-- ,.- . G04,J._@~ I~np'f -- ----- IN RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, TREASURER, AND OF SCHOOL TEXT BOOK FUND OF COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA: On motion, duly seconded, and carried, it is ordered that the report of Alexander Grant & Company, Auditors, of audit of accounts and records of Roanoke County, and of Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, and of County of Roanoke, Virginia, School Text Book Fund for fiscal year ended June 30, 1958, be, and the same is hereby received, and ordered filed. I IN RE: PAYMENT OF SALARIES: I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary checks for all county employees be approved for payment as of December 20th, 1958. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundift,.,Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: REZONING PROPERTIES SITUATE ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LYNCHBURG SALEM TllRBPIKE EAST OF MASON CREEl{ IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF X THE ESTATE OF WIUIAM E. DOSS AND OF FIEl-= B. McDANIEL, ARTHUR W. McDARIEL, ROBERT F. McDANIEL AND MARTHA McDANIEL AND OF EIMARD J. DUNNING AND MAMIE W. DUNNING FINAL ORDER I At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on October 20, 1958. VRRRIl'.A~, Hazel K. Barger and T. L. Plunkett, Jr., 'EXecutors of the Estate of William E. Doss, deceased, Fletcher B. McDaniel, Arthur W. McDaniel,1 Robert F. McDan1el, Martha McDaniel, Edward J. Dunning and Mamie W. Dunning petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain properties. described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as local business property, which petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board on October 20, 1958, and by Order 'entered on that day was referred to the Planning COIIIIIission of Roanoke County for reccmmendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, I' WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on November 18, 1958, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to local business property; and, ! WHEREAS, the said Planning COIlIIIIission of Roanoke County, also, recOllllllende~ I by said resolution that the property to Tate E. Minnix situate on the Northerly I I side of Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike extending eastwardly from the propert~ of W. E. Doss to the property of Morwanda Park Developing Corporation having a depth of 2C feet also be reclassified from its present classification to local busiu~ss property; and, I 19b - =. -- ,-=..==,.- = C2 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County dH by its Order, entered on October 20, 1958, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said reccmmendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permtssible regular or special meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on December 15, 1958, at 2;20 P. M., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordin"ntoe, and advertised rhe same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke- World News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 21st & 28th days of November, 1958, as required by said Order of this Board, and in accordance with theprovlsions of the County Zoning Or~ce and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recCXlllletldation of the Planning CoaIIIission, and hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordin"t\('e, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as reccmmended by said PVmn;...g enmmillsion. a a ~ Hal, THEREFau:, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 15th day of Dec~er, 1958, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the properties described in said petition and as: described in the said recOllDDendation of the County Planning Commission as local business property, in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be :erected thereon may be used for local business purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. The prope1:'ty hereby classified as local business property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: FIRST: That property situate on the northerly side of the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike extending eastwardly from Mason Creek a distance of approximately 404 feet and having an irregular depth on the northerly side of the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike of approximately 170 feet including in the northwest corner thereof a plot cf approximately 75 by 150 feet owned by the said Edward J. Dunning and Mamie W. Dunning; and, SECOND: The property of Tate E. Minnix situate on the northerly side of the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike extending eastwardly from the W. E. Doss property to the property of Morwanda Park Developing Corporation having a depth of 200 feet. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning COIIIIlission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy of T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resol~ ion was adopted on the motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voteci as follows, to-wit: c 196 4,c.,~-J- k 1 · ~-tJ. 4. k 'f'. r;:k-- 17- /f .5T Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with this I I Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of a special meeting of the Roanoke County School Board held on December 9, 1958: "On IIIOtion of R. Wilson Adkins seconded by Mrs. Frank B. Thomas, the following resolution was 1:l1""nimnusly adopted: WHEREAS, the County School Construction Fund has insufficient funds to meet the payments on the notes which are due on the building program, and WHEREAS, there is a surplus in the County School Operating Fund, and WHEREAS, a transfer of funds can be arranged, thereby saving the interest on this money for the Construction Fund for a period of time, NOIJ, THEREFau:, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County, with the concurrent approval of the County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, hereby requests and authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by journal entry an amount of $200,000.00 from the County School Operating Fund to the County School Construction Fund.~' NOIJ, THEREFau:, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby approves said request, and hereby authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the County Bookkeeper to transfer by journal entry an amount of $200,000.00 from the County School Operating Fund to the County School Construction Fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Welfare Board be, and it hereby is, authorized to payall State and Local Hospital bills incurred by said Welfare Board as of December 31, 1958. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, heldat the Courthouse thereof on Monday, October 20, 1958, I the following resolution was adopted: \ , "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Ii Council for the City of ROBIlOke, be, and it is hereby, requested to amend the \ contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County 1 of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, i~ by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: il l I ~ I I I 197 c BEGINNING at 8 noint on the south right-of-way line of State Secr ld:ry Route 742 (Shenandoah Avenue) 650 feet, more or :..ss, from the West Corporate ~ts of the City of Roanoke; thence with aline S. 34 18' E., 616 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 69P 19' E., 412 feet to a point and said point being in the center of Peters Creek and on the West Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the said West Corporate Limits of the Cit'.f of Roanoke in a southerly and easterly direction with the said Peters Creek as it meanders 3000 feet, more or less, to the north right- of-way line of the Norfolk & Western Railway Company; thence with the said Norfolk & Western Railway Company rightCiof-way line the foll~ br':rings and distances:o s. 3434' W. 361 feet; So 47 01 W., 1371 feet; S. 82 00' W., 409.5 feet; N. 55 47' W., 893.6 feet; thence with a line leaving the saj,d Norfolk & Western Railway ~any right-of-way N. 51 06'oE.A 504.7 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 31 d-" W., 548 feet to a poiilt; thence with a line S. 89 O~' E., 167 feet, to a point; thence with a line N. 35 19' W., 1270 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 330 4O~ W.l 383 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 74 51 E., intersecting the south right-of-way line of said Route 742 at approximately 430 feet, in all a total distance of 680.4 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 76.52 acres, more or less, of the 88.9-acre tract owned by the Fairview Cemetery Company as shown on the attached . plat and recorded in Deed Book 152, Page 303, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes Originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery by the County; (8) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, immediatel)T upon passage by the Council of the City of Roanoke of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain. bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None. " AND WHEREAS this Board, being advised that the hereinabove-described area'l containing 76.52 acres, tliOre or less, cannot be accepted at this time as an ' amendment, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke dated September 28, 1954; NOW, THEREFORE, ON MOTION BY SUPERVISOR W.E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, BE IT RESOLVED that the resolution of the Board of SuRervisors of Roanoke County adopt~d on Monday, October 20, 1958, and a a c c spread in the minutes of this Board in the Supervisors' Order Book #14, page-l be, and is hereby rescinded; and, . i II ON FURTHER MOTION OF SUPERVISOR W. E. Cundiff, SECONDED BY SUPERVISOR ~ Minor R. Keffer, IT IS ORDERED that the following resolution be adopted: ~ ~ I, i G !I Ii ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Council for the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby, requesteci to amend the 198 \ ~ f~~ ~r/ ~'.~ ~ 1?-/fS~ contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cOllDllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point on the South Right-of-Way line of State Secondary Route 742 (Veterans Facility Road) 800 feet, more or less, from the West Corporate b1mits of the City of Roanoke; thence with a line S. 340 18' E., 616 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 1 r50' E., 530 fest, more or less, to a point; thence with a line S. 35 30' E., 225 geet, more or less, to a point; thence with a line S. 54 15 W., 380 feet, more or less, to a point and said point being on the east boundary of the Veterans Hospital property; thsnce with the Veterans Hospital property line N. 31 33' W. 1122 feet, more or less, to a point; thence c~tinuing with the Veterans Hospital property line N. 33 40' W., 383 feet to a point; thence with a ll,ne and leaving the Veterans Hospital-proper~ N. 74 51' E., intersecting the south Right-of-Way line of said Route 742 at approximately 430 feet, in all a total distance of 680.4 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 17.8 acre portion of the 88.9 acre tract owned by Fairview Cemetery Company, as recorded in Deed Book 152, Page 303, and now being subdivided by B. L. Radford & Son as Cherryhill Park, Section 1, (Unrecorded) as shown on the attached plat. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable waste: originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery by the County (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, iDmediately upon passage by the Council of the City of Roanoke of the emergency resolution hEt'einabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain, bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force andeffect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I I WHEREAS, there appeared before this Board this date representatives of th Virginia Department of Highways for the purpose of acquainting this Board with a proposal made to the Virginia Department of Highwaysby the Norfolk & Western R;>ilway Co.; to-wit: the adjusting and improving the grade and approaches of the overhead bridge over the Norfolk & Western tracks on Secondary Route 681 near Odgen School, Roanoke County. WHEREAS, the Board has realized that the present approach and crossing of the Norfolk & Western tracks under the present facilities has long been undersirable, considering the voll.lllle of traffic that uses this road. I 199 =-====-=- -~ _.. ~~ o WHEREAS, the Norfolk & Western Railway Co. has proposed to the Virginia Department of Highways that they will bear the entire cost of raising the two end spans of the structure to provide a level crossing, if the Highway Department will bear the cost of building the necessary revised approaches. WHEREAS, the Board has been advised that the estimated cost of the rebuil ng the approaches to this revised bridge is to be $5,000.00 and the Board has been further advised by the Virginia Deparlment of Highways that the cost of this work is to be borne from the regular funds available from Roanoke County Secondary Road Funds. WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has advised this Board that it concurs with the proposal made by the Norfolk & Western and further requests.' this Board's approval for the cOllllDitment of necessary funds for this project when available. TIIEREF(BE, be it resolved on motion duly seconded that this Board agrees with the Virginia Department of Highways and the Norfolk & Western that this proposed project is meritorious and is needed to further the comfort and safety of the users of Route 681, Roanoke County, and that this Board approves the cOllllDitment of $5,000.00 to this proposed project when funds are available from the regular Secondary Road Funds for this proj ect. Adopted by the following recorded votes: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. CUndiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o c WHEREAS, there appeared before this Board this date representatives of th 5 4"....: ~.c;..,,,~ Virginia Department of Highways for the purpose of acquainting this Board with ~ /{'. . the necessity of certain adjustments to be made in the Norfolk & Western Overpas . r '~ (Norfolk & Western Bridge No. 1601) on Route 1431 (Salem - Lynchburg Turnpike). '..P ~.~. op-:- ~'''''/9.58 These adjustments more specifically to be in the m ture of raising the s\!per.t:ructure of this bridge in order to provide adequate vertical clearance c for vehicular traffic on Route 1431 as it passes under this bridge. WHEREAS, the Norfolk & Western Railway Co. has advised that the vertical clearance under this structure is only II Ft. 7 inches, this clearance having been decreased to this dimension from an original d:l.mension of 12 ft. due to an occasional resurfacing of the highway with the subsequent raising of c I: ~ ~ ~ Virginia Department of Highways that during the past year this bridge has been ~ II !I i 1 II I' WHEREAS, The Norfolk & Western Railway Co. has proposed that this structure ~ be raised sufficiently to provid! a 13 ft. minimum clearance from the surface elevation of the pavement. AND WHEREAS, the Norfolk & Western Railway Co. has further advised the struck on several occasions by passing trucks with subsequent damage to the trucks and the bridge structure. WHEREAS, the State of Virginia permits trucks to pass over its highways with a maximum height of 12 ft. 6 inches without special permit. of Route 1431 to the bottom of its superstructure, the cost of this wcrk being estimated at $5,000.00, the Norfolk 6< Western further proposing that the --._", Virginia Department of Highways participate in this work on a 50 - SO basis. WHEREAS, the Virginia Department of Highways has advised this Board that it concurs with the Norfolk & Western's proposal of the necessity of this work being done and the Virginia Department of Highways further requests the approval of this Board to participate in this proj ect with the Norfolk & Western Railway Co. on a SO - SO basis, the total cost to the State being $2,500.00, said cost of participation to be financed out of the regular funds available to the secondary roads of Roanoke County. THEREF<IU:, be it resolved on motion duly seconded that this Board approv the Virginia Department of Highways' participation to the extent of 50% in the proposed raising of this bridge, the necessary funds to be used for this project to be budgeted when available in the regular Secondary Budget for Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded votes: AYES: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I WHEREAS the CU......o..wealth of Virginia, through the Department of Highways, has announced plans of its intention to locate a convict camp in Botetourt County, Virginia, for the purpose of using prisoner labor on the Highway System in the Salem Construction District, and WHEREAS this Board, having been reliably informed that approximately $75,000.00 would be appropriated to this project from Roanoke County's Secondary Road Fund Allocation to be used for the support and maintenance of said convict camp, and WHEREAS citizens of Roanoke County who are now gainfully employed by the ,I Department of Highways and have been for some time would be discharged because I of the location of said camp and the use of prisoner labor for the construction and maintenance of roads in the Salem Construction District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby oppose the location of a convict camp in Botetourt County or in any other county in the Salem Construction District for the following reasons: 1. The use of convict labor is not economical, therefore would not improve the conditions of the County road system. 2. A number of County citizens now employed by the Highway Department would be discharged. I I Department of Highways, to Colonel Richard W. Copeland, Director, Department 3. Allocation of any funds heretofore appropriated for the maintenance and construction of the Secondary Roaa System in Roanoke County to the support and operation of a convict camp would be detremental to apd not in the best interest of Roanoke County. I BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED THAT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION BE forwarded to I,:.. State Highway C.nnwni"sioner of Virginia, Frank A. Howard, District Engineer, ~ I I of Welfare and Institutions, to Honorable Nelson It. Thurman, Member of the House of Delegates from Roanoke County, and to Honorable Ted Dalton, State Senator, on motion of John Lee Logan, seconded by Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: 201 Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays : None ~ Edwin G. Terrell presented the following resolut:l.on and moved that it be adopted: ~ JJ. r WHEREAS, a majority of the qualified voters of Roanoke County voting at a ~ special elect:l.on duly called and held on June 11, 1957, were in favor of the "~ " contracting of debt and the issuance of bonds of said County of the ' ;J.f I 7 J oS "'i aggregate principal amount of $2,600,000 for the purposes hereinsfter set forth, and an order was duly entered on June 29, 1957, in the Circuit Court of said County authorizing the Board of Supervisors of said Countyto proceed to carry out the wishes of the voters of said County; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors desires to make provision for the issuance of said bonds: N<M, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: (1) Roanoke County shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $2,600,000, pursuant to the provisions of the Public Finance Act of 1958 (Chapter 19.1 of Title 13 of the Code of Virginia, 1950) and in accordance with the proposition approving the issuance of said bonds adopted by a majority of the qualified voters of said County at said election held on June ll, 1957. 'J;he moneys raised by the issuance of said bonds shall be used to finance the cost of school improvements in such County, including the purchase of sites for school buildings or additions to school buildings, the construction of school buildings or additions to school buildings, and the furnishing or equipping of school buildings or additions to school buildings. (2) Said bonds shall be designated "School Building Bonds" and shall consist of twenty-.u hundred bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbere " r from 1 to 2600, inclusive, in the order of their maturity, and shall be dated December 1, 1958, and shall be payable in annual installments of $130,000 each on December 1 in each of the years 1960 to 1979, inclusive. Each of said bonds shall bear interest at a rate or rates which shall not 1:2 ~ payable thereon shall be in substantially the following form: exceed five per . centum (5t) per 8DnIllll, and such interest shall be payable on , I June 1, 1959, and semi-annually thereafter on June 1 and December 1. Said bon1 ~ ~ i ~ I ~ i I' ~ I " il 'I Ii " Ii 1 ii shall be coupon bonds payable to bearer. (3) Both principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at the office of the Farmers National Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, or, at the ~ c option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. (4) Said bonds and the interest coupons representing the interest (FORM OF BOND) No. No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CctlMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ROANOKE COUNTY 202 <- SCHOOL BUILDING BOND $1,000 $ 1,000 RotNOKE COUNTY (herein referred to as "County "), a political subdivision of the CoIImonwealth of Virginia, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the bearer of this bond the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOlLARS ($1,000) on December 1, 19_, and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the rate of per centum ( X) per annUlll, payable on June 1, 1959, and semi-annually thereafter on June 1, and December 1 in each year, upon presentation and surrender of the coupons therefor attached hereto, as they severally mature. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable at the office of the Farmers National Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, or, at the option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment I of public and private debts. This bond is one of an issue of bonds of like date and tenor, except as to maturity and rate of interest and number, and is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Public Finance Act of 1958 (Chapter 19.1 of Title 15 of the Code of Virginia, 1950) to finance the cost of school improvements it:! said County, including the purchase of sites for school buildings or additions to ' school buildings, the construction of school buildings or additions to school buildings, and the furnisbmng or equipping of school buildings or additions to school buildings. The contracting of the debt evidenced by this bond and the issuance of this bond has been approved by a majority of the qualified vote s of the County voting at an election duly called and held on June 11, 1957. It is hereby certified and recited chat all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the C"ww04wealth of Virginia to exist, be performed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been performed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of said State. The faith and credit of the County are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond in accordance with its I I I I terms . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board ,of Supervisors of the County has caused this bond to be signed by its Chairman and to be attested by its Clerk, and the seal of the County to be hereunto affixed, and the interest coupons hereto annexed to be authenticated with the facsimile signatures of said Chairman and Clerk, and this bond to be dated December 1, 1958. I Chairman of Board of Supervisors ATTEST : Clerk of Board of Supervisors o o -0 I ~ D 203 "~~= -- .~~. - =- -" r ... On the 1st day of ~::::&. "_. ROAIKB<E """"'"'. · POliti.:. ..........1 of the eu....oawealth of Virginia, will pay to bearer DOLLARS ($. ) at the office of the Farmers National Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, or, at the option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National I City Bank of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New Yod, in any coin or currency of the United States of Amedca which is then legal tender for the paYlllE!nt of public and private debts, being the interest then due on its School Building Bond, dated December 1, 1958, No. . (Form of Coupon) Chairman of Board of Supervisors Clerk of Board of Supervisors (5) The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors are hereby authorized and directed to cause said bonds to be prepared and to execute said bonds in accordance with their terms. The 1IIOtion to adopt said resolution having been duly seconded, was put to a bote and t1J'lAniTnnusly adopted by order of the following recorded vote: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan. Hays: None EDWIN G. TERRELL presented the following resolution and IIIOved that it be adopted: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to make provision for the sale of the $2,600,000 School Building Bonds which are to be issued pursuant to the proposition approving the issuance of said bonds adopted at a special election held in said County of Roanoke on June 11, 1957; Nm, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roan,.ke as follows : ~~c ~ a.dj; . . 1'7'1)S.""i (1) Sealed proposals for the purchase of sai,d bonds will be received pursuant to and in accordance with the following Notice of Sale: NOTICE OF SALE COUNTY OF ROANOKE. VIRGINIA $2.600,000 SCHOOL BUILDING BONDS ! The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in the CODIIDOnwealth of Virginil. will receive sealed proposals for the purchase of bonds of said County 1 her>.':nafter described, until 12 o'clock, Noon (Eastern Standard Time) on ~ January 29, 1959, at the office of the State Commission 0 Local Debt, Room 222 ! ij Finence Building, Capitol Square, Richmond, Virginia. At such time and place the sealed bids received will be publicly opened by such State Commission on Local Debt. The bonds consist of $2,600,000 Schooa. Building Bonds dated December 1, 1958 and payable in annual installments on December 1 in each year as follows, viz.: $130,000 in each of the years 1960 to 1979, inclusive. The bonds are 204 =~ ~ .-..- of the denomination of $1,000 each. Interest is payable seuli.-annually on June 1 and December 1. The bonds are coupon 'bonds without privilege of registration. The bonds are payable at the office of the Farmers National Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, or, at the option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank of New Ybrk, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State af New York. The bonds are issued to finance the cost of school improvements in said County, including the purchase of sites for school buildings or additions to school buildings, the construction of school buildi~s or additions to school buildings, and the furnishing or equipping of school buildings or additions to school buildings. The faith and credit of the County are pledged to the payment of the bonds. The County is authorized and required to levy on all real property taxable by the County suCh ad valorem taxes as may be uecessa..-y to pay the bonds and the interest thereon without limitation as to rate or amount. Bidders are invited to name the rate or rates of interest which the I I bonds are to bear, which rate or rates must be a multiple or multiples, of one-tenth or one-eighth of one per centUlp.. No more than three rates may be named for the bonds. All bonds maturing at the same date must bear inter~st at the same rate. Each rate of interest named must be for consecutive maturities and cannot be repeated. No tate may exceed five per centum per annUlI. E ch proposal submitted must offer a price which is not less than par and accrued interest. I ! ! ! ! I ! I i i I i ! Unless all proposals are rejected the bonds will be awarded to the bidde whose proposal results in the lowest net interest cost to the County determine by computing the aggregate amount of interestpayable on the bonds from their date to their respective maturities and deducting from such aggregate amount the premium offered, if any. In addition to the price bid the purchaser must pay accrued interest from the date of the bonds to the date of payment of the purchase price. No bid for less than all of the bonds offered will be entertained. Each proposal must be unconditional and must be accompanied by a certified, or bank cashier's or bank treasurer's check or checks for $52,000, I drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company and payable to the County to secure the County against any loss resulting from failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his proposal. The check or checks of the bidder whos ' proposal is accepted will be deposited by the County and credited to the purchase price and no interest will be allowed thereon. The proceeds of the check or checks will be retained by the County as liquidated damages in case the bidder fails to accept delivery of and pay for the bonds. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the award of the bonds. Immediately following the time all proposals are to be received and opened, the State Commission on Local Debt of the Commonwealth of Virginia will open the same and ascertain the amount of each proposal and the name or I I CJ the names of the person or persons making the same, and will ascertain the best bid in accordance with the terms hereof and certify the same to the Board of Supervisors of the County, and the representatives of such Board of Supervisors will be present for the purpose of acting upon dIe recommendation of the State CoImdssion on Local Debt as to the best bid, and the Board of Supervisors will cause such bonds to be prepared, executed and delivered to the successful bidder. a The right is reserved to rej ect any or all bids. The bonds will be delivered at The First National City Bank of New York, in New York City, New York, on the 2nd day of March, 1959, or as soon thereafter as possible. The purchaser will be furnished, without cost, with the usual closing papers, the opinion of Messrs. Reed, Hoyt, Washburn 6< McCarthy, stating that the bonds constitute valid and legally binding obligations of the County of Roanoke, and that the County is authorized and required by law to levy on all real property taxable by the County such ad valorem taxes as may be necessary to pay the bonds and the interest ther'~on without limitation as to rate or amoun Bidders submitting bids must use the bid fOrDls .:nich may be obtained from the State Commission on Local Debt. Each proposal should be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked eProposal for Roanoke County Bonds" and should be directed to the ~'Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, care State Commission on Local Debt, Room 222, Finance Building, Capitol Square, Richmond, Virginia." Further information will be furnished upon application to the undersigned. All bids"will be received by the Commission for and on behalf of Roanoke County. a STATE CQoIMISSION ON LOCAL DEBT (2) .J. Gordon Bennett, Secretary. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized and directed to publish a copy of such notice of sale in Times-Register, a newspape published in Roanoke County, Virginia, and to make such other publication as a he may deem advisable. The motion to adopt said resolution having been duly seconded, wasput to vote and unanimously adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None c On motion duly made and seconded, the Chairman or Vice-chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to sign Voucher Warrants for payment of all utility bills coming due r '..!r any regular meeting of this Board, and it is ordered that all such utili.;y bills and vouchers be presented at the next regular meeting of this Board for approval retroactively. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Ed-.rln G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None ~(Ll-d-. n~ ~r...'b .~~ , !i i~~ ~~ r ~~ 1~J7 it' .u. r 1h~ c. ~@~ \1' '1) ~~ f.1 ~M.J .: ~'C),~J':' " . \C' rJf- ' ,G ....1 J. . a.)~1 :;~ ~,~G:, ~ ~.......... $a~'. 't l~ 17/511 I. i - ~.. - -~- -- IN RE: C<Ifi'ENSATION OF COUNTY TREASURER CaoaSSIONER OF THE REVENUE C<JlMONWEALTH'S ATTCRNEY, and SHERIFF, and Expense Accounts: The Compensation Board of the State of Virginia having certified to this Board that it had tentatively fixed the following allowances to the County Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff of Roanoke County, for the year beginning January 1, 1959, to-wit: I TREASURER. Expense account as shown on said allowance $ 7,000.00 24,404..0Q $ 31.404.00 I catMISSIONER OF REVBmJE: Expense Account as shown on said allowance $ 7,000.00 29,909.,5.<1. $ 36.909.50 CCHroNWEAL'l'H'S ATTaUlEY Expense Account as shown on said allowance $ 7,000.00 3.300.00 $ 10,300.00 SHERIFF Expense account as said allowance $ 7,500.00 ~~,79O.,O.0. shown on $ 62,290.00 Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, said allowances as tentatively fixed by the State Compensation Board, are approved, and the County's. share of said salaries and expenses are allowed, payable monthly, as per voucher-checks returned and approved. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that an actuarial study to determine Roanoke County's contribution cost for participation in the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System, pursuant to Section 51-111.31 thru 51-111.38 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended,be made, the cost of said study not to exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I It being shown to the Board that the judges, clerks and commissioners of election held in Roanoke County, on November 4, 1958, through error, were paid the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per clay instead of fifteen dollars ($15.00), as was the intention of this Board; I I, 'I '[ :i ,j :1 ,1 ,I J ($15.00) per day, and that the official making the returns shall receive the l , 'I sum of five dollars ($5.00) and mileage for said services, and the C01III1issioners of Election shall receive fifteen dollars ($15.00) per day and mileage. :1 'j Whereupon, on motic~, duly seconded, it is ordered that the said officials be paid an additional sum of five dollars ($5.00); and in the ~~_~ said election officials shall be paid the sum of fifteen dollars c a ~ a c Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Mrs. Janie M. Ewing, Home Demonstration Agent, Roanoke County, this day tendered <:0 the Board her resignation:" effecttve. February 1, 1959, as such Agent, which resignation is accepted with regret. This Board desires to cOllllllend Mrs. Ewing for the sp~endid work done by her in Roanoke County, as such Home Demonstration Agent, and to express its good wishes for her future. Mrs. Pauline G. Holloway, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, Roanoke County, this day tendered to the Board her resignation, as such, effective December 31, 1958, which resignation is accepted with regret. The Board also desires to express its appreciation of the splendid work done by Mrs. Holloway in Roanoke County as Assistant Home Demonstration Agen~ and good wishe for her future. amERED that the Board be adjourned until TueSday, January 6, 1959, at 1:00 o'clock P. M. ~...;.. & J~ ~~Chairman Court House Salem, Virginia January 6, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereof pursuant to adjournment on December 15, 1958. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan. r r .f....d. pr..... Before the meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Warren Huddleston IN RE: Rezoning of the greater portion of Parcel B containing approximately seven (7) acres, located in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, on the west side of Virginia Secondary Route No. 630 (Kessler's Mill Road), owned by C. E: Newman and Queenie J. Newman and being as shown on plat of same, prepared by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., on May 16, 1958. FINAL ORDER The Property of: C. E. Newman and Queenie J. Newman WHEREAS, C. E. Newman and Queenie J. Newman, on the 20th day of October, 1958, did petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the PlaIUling Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the County Zoning Ordinance so as to provide that certain property described in said petition, now classified as "Residential Property" be reclassified and rezoned as, "Local Business Property"; and ~ , il . r 'I:t. ~ _ d\A.A- ,Iii:l:. ~ c , O":"'.Cr.- ! '/'-(571 - - WIlEREAS, as required by the Code of Virginia of 1950, and more especially as required by Article II, Chapter 24, Title 15, of said Code, for a recommenda tion in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and I said Code of Virginia, the PlAnning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, did I hold a public hearing on the aforesaid matter, after due notice and publication thereof, at its regular meeting held on November 18, 1958, and did, by a Resolution adopted at a special meeting of said Board held on the lOth day of December, 1958, reccmnend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of said property frOlll its present classification of "Residential Property" to '!Local Business Property"; and WIlEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said County did, by its Resolution, adopted on the 15th day of December, 1958, order the Clerk of its Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recOllllllendation from said Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at an. adjourned meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held on January 6, 1959, and to give notice thereof, through publication, in accordance with the provisions of said County Zonlng Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date; and WIlEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the adjourned meeting of this Board, to be held on January 6, 1959, at 1:00 0' clock p. m., as the day and t for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof, duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper published in and having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, :for two insertions, the first on December 17, 1958,: , and the second on December 19, 1958, as required by the Order of this Board, ! i I I I I I I I entered December 15th, 1958, and further as required by, and in accordance with, the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Vir ginia of 1950, as amended to date; and WIlEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after full and complete notice thereof was duly publiShed as. aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to the recOllllllendation of said Planning Commission, and has heard evidence I touching the merits of said proposed amendments to said County Zoning Ordinance,: i and this Board being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance spould be I amended as requested in said petition and as recOllllllended by said Planning Commission: NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this the 6th day of January, 1959, the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, : Virginia, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to change the classification :1 of "Residential Property" to "Local Business Property" in order that said I property, and buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for J I ''Local Business Purposes", as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance.! The property hereby reclassified and rezoned to "Local Business Property" :1 I i I I is more particularly described as follows: ~U~fifih!fieC!;iraJi~Uife~ia~aDI~!r~!tl~~~n$eand --- c County, Virginia, with all appurtenances thereunto belonging, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on- the west side of Virginia Secondary Route No.. 630 (Kessler's Mill Road), which said point is the northeasterly corner of the map of parkdale as shown in Plat Book 2, Page 203, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke COunty, Virginia, thence from said point N. 86 deg. 40 min. W. 578.5 ft. to a point; thence with a new division line through the property of C. E. Newman and Queenie J. Newman N. 2 deg. 10 min. E. 531.25 ft. more or less, to the center of Lick Run; thence clown the center of said Run as it meanders to a point Where said Run intersects the westerly line of Virginia Secondary Route No. 630 (Kessler's Mill Road); thence S. 3 deg. 09 min. E. 548 ft. more or less, to the Place of Beginning and being the maj or portion, containing approximately seven (7) acres, of Parcel B on that certain plat prepared by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., on May 16, 1958, and being a part of Parcel No.5 of Joseph and Salomie Stoutamire Lands as shown in Plat Book 2, Page 34, of the records of the Clerk's Office aforesaid. c c AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board do forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and a copy thereof to W. B. Gochenour, Attorney for C. E. Newman and Queenie J. Newman. The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, of Sal Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a. voucher-check be issued to Vinton Motor Company for fifteen hundred, eighty-cwo dollars and ninety-seven cents ($15S~.97) in payment of one new police automobile to be assigned to the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None c On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, for the sum of four hundred dollars ($400.00), for purchase of stamps to be used in the office of the Commissioner of the Revenue c of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and ORDERED that the Board be adjourned ~!n the third Monday in Janua:y, Qj)w~ tJ.j~ YIvV- I ~. Chairman ~-----71 209 tt~t'~ f Itt~- IJ7Ji>'t ~i' . Ut;- , C.fiJ- II .... Co ~~ ~ ii IJ1J5.l" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a r ~ ~ ! 19591 " N " ~ " ~ " ; ;, il " ~ ~ ~ ~ i[ Court House Salem, Virginia January 19, 1959 of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House Vice-Chairman Present: Edwin G. Terrell,IJohn Lee Logan and The Board- of Supervisors in regular monthly session. Minor R. Keffer: Absent: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Irvin Williams, Pastor of Trinity Methodist Church, Roanoke, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the las t regular and adj ourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnihsed him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, _ approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 30721 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment cost for the General Electric Line 208.44 i 30722 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 4.00 30723 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Dec. Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station 60.00 No. 30703 Acme Printers, Office supplies 30704 Acme Typewriter Co., Office supplies 30705 American Floor Covering Co., Rubber Runners for Cuspidors 30706 American Chemical Co., Disinfectant for Jail 30707 American Bakeries Co., Food for Prisoners 30708 Andrew Lewis Service Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 30709 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts Police Car #12 30710 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Vehicle Parts, etc. 30711 Auto Service Station, Parts, gas, etc. 30712 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel. for Heating County Office Building 30713 Boyle-Swecker Tire Co., Psrts Police Car 14 30714 Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Work at Jail 30715 Brown Hardware Co., Janitors supplies and keys etc. 30716 Beach Service Center, Gasoline purchased for Garbage truck 30717 Dick Bryant, Gas and Oil f.or Cave Spring Fire Truck II " " II " " " " " " " " II " " 30718 Catawba Mercantile Co., Gasoline purchased for Police Car is " 30719 Chamber of Commerce, 2 membership dues at $30.00 each 30720 Cave Spring Water Co., Water used at Cave Spring Fire House " " II " " 30724 Void " 30725 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 30726 Void " " I I $ 239.05 51.60 3.75 52.47 59.42 169.53 23.32 46.15 116.52 104.21 37.62 7.90 10.08 25.70 17.96 5.10. I;~ 60.00 7.50 I 245.88 30727 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, l.unacy hearings 20.00 30728 Dame Roofing Co., Repair and Replacement of Jail 32.00 30729 W. S. Darley 6< Co., 1 Steel Gun Cabinet for Sheriff's Office 185.62 " II II 30730 Dictaphone Corporation, Office supplies for Clerk 30731 E. P. Dillon, I day sitting with Equalization Board 30732 Eggleston 6< Holton, Attorneys, Commitment proceedings 30733 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas, oil &c 30734 Easter Supply Co., office supplies " " " " " 30735 void! I 6.31 24.37 10.00 36.98 4.03 c o L! c Q 30737 Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 111.00 30738 Chalmers Ferguson, Commission on Delinquent Taxes collected 738.88 30739 Murray A. Foster, Attorney, Lunacy Hearing 10.00 30761 Liberty Sales Corporation, Fire equipment for Cave Spring Fire Department 69.33 30762 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse Extra Janitor's Service 21.00 30763 A. Edward McNeil, 1 days sitting with Equalization Board 24.37 30764 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Treasurer Jury Tickets 22.52 30765 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., lunacy cases 50.00 30766 Martin Brothers Contractors, Labor & material Remodeling 3,812.45 No. 30736 C. C. Farris, Sitting 1 day with Equalization Board " " " " 30740 30741 30742 30743 G. C. Foley, Dec. Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire House Flower Equipment Co. Inc., Furniture for New Library Fulton White Truck Co., Repairs to Police Car 112 Fuel Oil & E-iuipment Co., Fuel for Heating Courthouse and Hollins Fire House " " " " 30744 30745 Cancel " Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Premium on Bond " 30746 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Fire Hose 30747 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Dec. Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station 30748 Goodyear Service Stores, Repairs to Police Car 16 30749 Green Market, Food for Co. Jail " " " It Hazelgrove, Shackelford & Carr, Attorney's fee rendered by Frank K. Saunders, Re: Rachael Cyphus Swon 30750 " 30751 Levi Hale, Extra Janitor's Services 30752 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for Police Cars 30753 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel for County Jail 30754 Haloid Xerox Inc. Office supplies 30755 Keith K. Hunt, Attorney, Lunacy Cases 30756 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense 30757 Keller Machine Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 123 30758 Minor R. Keffer, Services at Fairview Home Board 30759 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Metal sign for new Library 30760 Landers, Frary 6< Clark, Part for Courtroom Water Jug " It " " " " " " " " " " ". " " " 30767 Magic City Motor Corp. Parts for County Vehicles: 30768 Void 30769 Meadr & Greer, Repairing Guns 'for Sheriff and Deputies 30770 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Traveling Expense, Re: Executive Board League of Virginia Counties " " " " 30771 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Co. Vehicles 30772 International Business Machine Corp., office supplies 30773 Monarch Finer Foods, food for prisoners 30774 Carnell Moore, Maintenance County Trash Dump 30775 Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Bond for Co. Treasurer 30776 Motorola Communications, 1 New Radio " " " " It " $ 24.37 60.00 638.66 2.50 942.68 5.00 139.71 60.00 3.00 122.00 10.00 20.48 13.14 64.00 39.50 20.00 33.53 2.70 98.00 50.00 3.39 15.98 136.25 66.36 391. 75 4.66 156.30 400.00 64.52 350.00 30777 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline Purchased for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck 13.93 " 30778 Mount Pleasant Garage, Anti Freeze for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck12.00 211 Ii I' II ~ f I II 'I ~ ~ i I I , II !i " ,I ii II il " :1 'i II II , ij ., ii it I[ No. 30779 Nelson Hardware Co., Paint and light bulbs $ 54.10 I I " Repair work at Jail, Mercy House and Post Signs Courthouse, for Street 533.78 30780 Owen Plumbing 6< Heating Co., " 30781 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel 'for Hollins Fire House 30782 Harlin Pe=ine, Attorney, lunacy cases 30783 Pedigo's Grocery Co., Gasoline for Garbage Truck #24 30784 Miller Petty, Cement for Hollins Fire Dept. #5 " " " 17.20 50.00 1.35 7.30 I " 30785 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. New Auto tags Auto License Plates for 1959 1,702.50 " 30786 Peters Creek Shell Service Station, Parts, Repairs, gas, oil &c 36.25 I " 30787 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., I stamp for Juvenile Court Office 1.18 30788 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for Jail and Home Demonstra- tion Kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House " " 30789 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 53.05 37.50 " 30790 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Repairs to Seat covers and 1 new set28.50 30791 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 93.44 " " 30792 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service Dec. 1958 30793 Smead & Webber Drug, Medical supplies for Jail 30794 Void 30795 Shenandoah Valley, Inc., Membership Dues for 1959 30796 Salem Motors, Inc., 3 New Police cars Labor and Parts 30797 Shepherd's Auto Supply, Chemicals and Repairs 30798 Shepherd"s Auto Supply, Parts 30799 Edward F. Staples, Probation Officer, Reimburse Traveling Expense Dec. 30800 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy hearings " " " " " " " " 3.00- 3.20 300.00 6,055.37 5.00. 12.54 I 45.49 20.00 " 30801 Soundscriber Sales Corp. Maintenance contract on soundscriber for Roanoke Co. Juvenile Court 52.00 " 30802 Summerdean Esso Station, Oil Hollins Fire Truck 30803 Salem Furniture Co., Floor covering and Furniture 30804 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., Street Signs 30805 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician Salary &c 30806 Salem Hardware Co., 10 gal. garbage can for Jail 30807 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, General Stores 30808 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners " " " " " " 3.00 64.62 61.88 160.00 2.95 84.00 73.71 I .. 30809 Town of Salem, Light and Water service and Sewage Treatment Cost 487.74 " 30810 Virginia Foc.ds, Inc., food for Prisoners 30811 Vinton Motor Co., Repair, Parts, Oil &c .Fire Trucks 30812 Kenneth Whitlock, Assistant to Co. Engineer. 30813 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books for Clerk 30814 H. M. Wood, Repairing Plumbing in Co. Jail 30815 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Gas, Oil &c, Garbage Trucks 30816 Yates 6< Wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 30817 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Examination Alcohol test 30833 Fairview Home, County's pro-rata share of December 1958 Expenses for maintaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. II " " " " " " 149.43 243.47 34.12 27.50 6.80 93.50 319.20 5.00 I 78.56 a ~ a 30837 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance Co'mty owned Vehicles 725.51 30838 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline purchased for Hollins Tank 249.00 30839 Paul Eller, Assisting in Electrical and Plumbing Inspections 22.74 308M Garst Poultry Farm, 51 I Turkey at 40(! lb. Food for Prisoners20.40 30841 Haloid Xerox Inc. Parts for Photostatic Machine 30842 Ann Hinson, Extta office assistant in Public Works Office 30843 Void 30844 Miller Tire Service, Inc., Tires for Police Car #2 36.26 30845 Rasnake Laundry 6< Dry Cleaners, Laundry for Co. Jail 68.41 30846 Michie Company, l.Gw books for Judge Hoback 15.00 30847 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 92.50 No. 30834 Brown Hardware Co., Ammunition for Sheriff and Deputies 30835 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigation 30836 Caldwell-Sites Co., 1 qt. Ink -.- $ 21. 33 10.00 1.32 12.00 51.67 15.68 II 30849 Salem Furniture Co., Janitor supplies 7.75 30850 Tne Todd Company Division, 1 new Check writer Machine for Treasurer's Office 481.00 30851 Votd 30852 William H. Witt, Relieving J. W. Griggs Fire Chief at Cave Spring Station, during vacation period 75.00 30853 Underwood Corporation, Repairing Typewriter For Clerk's Office 7.00 No. 30818 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Dog Pound II 30Sl9 Acme Printers, Office supplies 30820 Auto Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 30821 Brown Har~re Co., Wearing Apparel and Gun shells 30822 Coeper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 30823 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased Dog Truck 30824 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling Expense and Extra help at Dog Pound " II II II II II II II II II II " II II 30848 Salem Creamery Co., Food for P~isoners II 30S54 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Catawba Fire S~ation 3.00 " II II " II 109.69 51.02 30916 Wiley & Wilson Consulting Engineers, Engineering Services in connection with Sanitation Authority Sewage collecting system of Roanoke County 3,150.00 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &0: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable to- therewith-wit: II " II " " II 30855 Booker T. Helm, Janitor Services 30858 Rockydale Quarries Corp., Road stone a c /" II $ 14.77 7.00 4.10 9.40 2.50 5.46 21. 70 " 30825 Void II 30826 Miller Tire Service, 2 tires for Dog Truck 38.24 II 30827 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for Dog truck 15.00 " 30828 Salem Hardware Co., Misc. Items and Bulbs for Dog Pound heaters 23.63' 214 ~c.~. ft,.~ ~'~I~ ~ti '("c.~ \ ')..q~ No. 30829 Salem Farm Supply Co., Wearing apparel, dog food and hose $ 43.34 " 30830 M. S. Thomas, 1 sheep killed by dogs 5.00 " 30831 Yates & Wells Garage, Repair to Heater in Dog Truck 1.50 " 30832 J. L. Parker, 6 days work at Dog Pound 50.02 " 30856 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Postage for Mailing Dog Tabs .49 I " 30857 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance Dog Truck 35.27 MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report~ I "Salem, Virginia January 19, 1959 - To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business January 17, 1959, there ~~as to the credit of the General County r=d Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt-Fund County School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. 1. C. A. $ 93,768.33 1,981.74 1,179.00 666.33 496,834.67 59,786.56 332.01 291.23 20.25 ~ 654,860.12 Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. I IN RE: DEL~UENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer, for $992.75, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of December, 1958, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $943.11 net. On motion. duly seconded, it is orde't'ed that the County Payroll for the month of January, 1959, be approved in the =ount of $6,689.63, from which the sum of $132.27 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. T~~es $621.10 is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $5,936.26. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and EdwL.. G. Terrell. Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period December 16, 1958, ending December 31' 1958, be approved in the amount of $1,644.50 from which the sum of $36.93 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $101.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,506.07; -~~-- ----. a And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor services for period . I January 1, 1959, ending January 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $2,236.00, from which the sum of $55.89 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $192.20 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,987.91. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ The following reports were this day laid before the Bo~rd and ordered filed: H. W. Clark, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail during the month of December, 1958; H. W. Clark, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of December, 1958; Edward S.Allen, County Agent, monthly report for December, 1958; James D. Oliver, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for December, 1958; ~ The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: 51st Report of the State Highway Commission to the Governor of Virginia for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1958; Letter dated December 31, 1958, from H. L. Smith, Director of Public Information; Report of Commonwealth of Virginia Public Welfare Statistics, Department of Welfare and Institutions for September, 1958. IN RE: ADDITIONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM ROANORE COUNTY: ~ Letter dated December 19, 1958, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond 19, Va., approving additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective December 1, 1958, to-wit: Additions'-- Resolution June 16. 1958 HIDDEN VALLEY ESTATES - Oakleigh Avenue - From Greenfield Street to Greenfield Street. Length 0.14 MilE' CRESTHILL SUBDIVISION - Cordell Drive - From Route 119 to Steele Road. Length 0.45 Mile. fill w.I Fontaine Drive - From Northcross Road to Steele Road. Length 0.29 Mile. Cresthill Drive - From Route 119 to Steele Road Length 0.44 Mile. Gaylord Road - From Route 119 to Cordell Drive Length 0.11 Mile Northcross Road - From Cresthill Drive to Cordell Drive Length 0.13 Mile ORCHARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION-Paragon Avenue - From Diamond l:load (Route 881) to dead end. Length 0.09 Mile Resolution Julv 21. 1958 RIDGEWooD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION - Autumn Lane - From Route 767 to dead end. Length 0.34 Mile. NORWOOD SUBDIVISION - Northwood Drive - From Showalter Road (Route 1452) to dead end. Length 0.55 Mile. b--l tC.U. ",.., r~" ~ i I II I' I I ! ~ ~ ~ I, Ii ~ !: 216 i r ')..~cU~1 Q~~. I .'\ ~\\ '>' _.,--~~~ l Youngwood Drive - From Northwood Drive to dead end. Length 0.36 Mile Barnett Road - From Northwood Drive to Youngwood Drive. Length 0.06 Mile. Sigmon Road - From Northwood Drive to dead end. Length 0.03 Mile. GLENVAR HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION - Glenvar Heights Boulevard - From end of present Route 927 to dead end. Length 0.65 Mile. BOXLEY HILL SUBDIVISION - Littleton Road - From Darby Road to Thornrose Road. Length 0.30 Mile. Malvern Road - From Raymond Avenue (Route 837) to dead end. Length 0.30 Mile. Thornrose Road - From Route 838 to Littleton Road. Length 0.30 Mile. Darby Road - From Abney Road north to dead end. Length 0.11 Mile. Abney Road - From Route 11 to dead end. Length 0.35 Mile. Darby Road - From Abney Road southwest to dead end. Length 0.30 Mile. De11wood Road - From Route 755 to Skyview Road. (SKYVIEW SUBDIVISION) Length 0.15 Mile. SKYVIEW SUBDIVISION - Skyview Road - From De11wood Road to Skycoe Drive. Length 0.21 Mile. Resolution September 15. 1958 ~~ght Hills Subdivision - Dwight Street - From Nover Avenue to Route 117. Length 0.07 Mile. SCENERY COURT SUBDIVISION - Scenery Drive - From Route 796 to Dead end. Length 0.10 Mile. YELLOW MOUNTAIN VIEW SUBDIVISION - Eanes (Garden Road) - From Route 666 to dead end. Length 0.20 Mile. was received and ordered filed. I I I ~ l A petition signed by residents of Cove Road and Norwood Areas, Roanoke County opposing the annexation of any territory in Roanoke County in the above areas, by Roanoke City, was this day presented to the Board, and ordered filed. Letter dated December 22, 1958, from S. D. May, COIlIlIIissioner, Department of Highways, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, in re: Convict Camp - Botetourt County, received and ordered filed. I Letter dated December 23, 1958, from W. L. Lukhard, Chief Bureau of' Accounts, Department of Welfare and Institutions, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, in re: re- imbursement from State for purchase of refrigerator for County jail, received and ordered filed. I Donald J. Stanley, Edwin A. Bullard, Phillip Del Pierre, Thomas S. Hoykar and Hunter Tyler, residents of the Summit Hills Section of Roanoke County, a this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board's assistance in getting a contractor to furnish estimates for re-laying private driveway pipe lines in said Section; Upon consideration of said request, and on motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, be directed to secure estimates from a contractor and notify the individual property owners as to the cost of said work, and report his progress to the next regular meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ~ Ayes: Nays: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Te=ell None Upon the recommendation of H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke County, and on motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffl~r, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase a straight jacket, leg irons and belly chains for use in the Sheriff's Department at a cost not to exceed fifty-four dollars and seventy cents ($54.70), plus freight. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ~ I I I The members of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority this day submitted to this Board their resignation as such, effective upon the appointment and qualification of their successors; Upon consideration whereof, Ofl motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, it is ordered that said resignation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority be ordered filed for further consideration by the Board of Supervisors. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .~ l I I I On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin ,G. Te=ell, it is ordered that at the next regular meeting of this Board, to be held at the Court House of Roanoke County, Va., on the 16th day of February, 1959, at 3 o'clock P. M., an ordinance be proposed for adoption imposing license taxes upon, and otherwise regulating the maintenance and operation of places commonly known as automobile graveyards, and prescribing fines and other punishment for violations of such ordinance. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two successive weeks, beginning January 22, 1959, in the Times-Register a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke, Va., the above notice of intention of this Board to propose for adoption the ordinance above refe=ed to. ~ I ' ~ n I " Ii ~ ,~ :1 " n ,'. " i " ii " ! ~ I ~ ("a..f.1 r. ~~f~O/~~ a \ I ~ i Q I' i i 218 ~-- Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None CHAUIERS FERGUSON, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day presented to the Board a report showing delinquent tangible personal property taxes collected by him in 1958, including penalties and interest, for ~e years 1932 through 1955 inclusive, amounting to $9,931.35, which report is received and ordered filed. I ~~f1 I~~~ I.~~ ~f. I ~+-. c.,:..J "'" . I $,.Q... X- I J )"J ~ .., Upon the recOIIIIllendation of Mrs. Margaret Svoboda, District Extension Agent, West Central District, and on moti~n of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, it is ordered that Miss Margaret Groseclose be employed as ASsistant Home Demonstration Agent for Roanoke County, retro-active to January 1, 1959 and as Home Demonstration Agent for Roanoke County, effective February 1, 1959, to succeed Mrs. Jane M. Ewing, resigned; And further that Miss Mary Owen Armistead, be employed as Assistant Home Demonstration Agent for Roanoke County, as of February 1, 1959, to succeed Mrs. Pauline G. Holloway resigned as of December 31, 1958.. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrd1. Nays: None IN RE: BUDGET ClHfITTEE: On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be requested to prepare a draft of tentativs budget for Roanoke County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960. CHAIHERS FERGUSON, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day tendered in writing his resignation as such, effectiveupon the appointment of a successor. The Board expressed its appreciation of the splendid services rendered Roanoke County by Mr. Ferguson. ~~I ~ &..J.$! -t::U C.~t '~.iCo~i "~G~ IN RE: TRANSFER FRCM GENERAL COUNTY FUND TO LIBRARY FUND: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry from the General I County Fund to the Library Fund, the S1.lIll of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00),: being a part of the 1958-1959 Library appropriation set up in the County Budgetl f .d II or sa~ year . ~ :1 :1 I i I I I I I I - c Letter dated December 30, 1958, from Mrs. Blanche B. Pedneau, County Librarian, received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrl~ll. Nays: None c On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, it is ordered that Edwin G. Terrell be, and he her~by is, re-appointed as a member of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission for a period of three (3) years ending December 31, 1961. Letter dated January 2, 1959, from C. D. Lucas, Executive Secretary of said Commission, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer; John Lee I.ogan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None IN RE: NON-CONFOOMING PERMIT: c Upon the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning COIIIIlission, and on motion. duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conforming permit be issued to CURTIS F. COX to construct a general repair shop (auto) on Route 119, according to plans: filed with said Commission. Resolution of the Roanoke County Planning Commission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, john Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays : None IN RE: NON-CONFORMING PERMIT: a Upon the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conforming permit be issued to CASH SHOAF to use an existing residence on part of Lot 1, Block 4, Westland Addition, for office purposes, according to plans filed with said Commission. a Resolution of the Roanoke County Planning Commission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None IN RE: NON-CONFORMING PERMIT: Upon the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conforming permit be issued to CASH SHOAF to build a retail hardware on part of Lot 1, Block 4, Westland Addition, according to plans filed with the Commission. '-b~ r.c....aJ.t....- ~.t-.. ~. ~~lf:~ Alw-. C- . p~ 1<..- --~ ~.rU-""('- 112-11 s"" ... 1lh J...L. <[". (!.J ~.(pH~ IJ...,/H 1.e..L...:. ~i>~. R-:.c W-- CA- . __ r- b... c(.....e . r; n.... .C-i. 'J~I/~~ '~~ 'tC..C. .41~"':" !~4 ~ "7.'/~-' ~ ,I ~ II 'I ~ ! Ii Ii II I' i~ 1=i;o' II P- C. ~1__ ~ c-......... tft..- il ClJ- to ~c.c...L ij I/~~ ~ I, ~ il I 220 ic:..L~~r; ~ eLL: ~04. . c....... (~ Q....J..~ Y'" ., ,..Jrr. ~ ~ .w.. r.- ~.c..~. ~ ..c. ~~,~ ~; ~ ... I~'r ~f" Co ~. ,f-/S"'f i I r.tt~ I ~.S--. eo...a;. 1L.. . I fUL .'t- .... 1; (L ./:J . "'"' d.J.. L. tt~ -y:p~r:9~.1 1 'f"')S'" . ~ j Resolution of the Roanoke County Planning Commission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None J. Luck Richardson, Jr., Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and stated, that in order to facilitate the work of his office, it will be necessary to purchase an additional National Tax Billing Machine, model 32-10-10 (38X) 26ft SP 10/16, at a cost of $5,520.00, and requested the approval of said purchase by this Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the above request be hereby approved, and it is further ordered that the State Coalpensation Board be requested to concur in the action of this IlG Jrd in the purchase of said additional machine. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I I WHEREAS, it has been recommended to this Board that the area in Roanoke County bounded by the East Corporate Limits of Salem, North side of Route 460, the West Corporate Limits of Roanoke, and the south side of Route 11 be considered an urban area insofar as roads and road allocations are concerned. WHEREAS, this Board has given careful and deliberate consideration to this proposal. Now, therefore, be it resolved on motion duly seconded that the above described area be designated as urban. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is orderp-d that Botetourt County be accepted as a member of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission, effective as of January 1st, 1959. Adopted by the foll~ling recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Thursday, January 29, 1959, at I 5:30 o'clock P. M. I I J~ :1 ice-Chairmt I 'I 1 j ~.MJ:'-' .y 221 "-- --- -- ~~ -- --- --- -..-' - .. ."- _. -.""""",-" o Court House Salem, Vir ginia January 29, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ::let this day at the Court House thereof at 5:30 o'clock P. M., pursuant to adjournment from January 19, 1959. Present: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors received sealed proposals for the purchase of $2,600,000 SchOOl Building Bonds of Roanoke County dated December 1, 1958, until 12 o'clock, noon, Eastern Standard Time, on January 29, 1959, at the office of the State Commission on Local Debt Room 222 Finance Building, Capitol Square, Riclunond, Virginia, pursuant to the notice of sale of said bonds published in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors on December 15, 1658, and WHEREAS, the following list shows the name of each bidder who submitted a proposal and the price offered and the rates of interest specified by such bidder: u NAME OF BIDDER PRICE OFFERED INTEREST RATES The First National City $2,600,754.00 1960-1968 inclusive 3.0 % Bank of New York and 1969-1973 II 3~ % Associates 1974-1979 II 3.40% Smith, Barney 6< Con, and $2,601,500.20 1960-1962 If ~ i J. C. Wheat and Company 1963-1973 II 0 and Associates 1974-1979 II 3.30% Phelps, Fenn & Co. 2,600,000.00 1960 4.0 % The Bank of Virginia 1961-1974 II 3\ % and Associates 1975-1979 II 3.40% Halsey, Stuart & Co. Inc. 2,602,210.00 1960-1963 II 5.0 % and Associates 1964-1977 II 3.30% 1978-1979 II 3.0 % Wachovia Bank and Trus t 2,600,000.00 1960-1962 II 5.0 % Company and Associates 1963-1970 II 3\ % 1971-1979 II 3~ % Kidder, Peabody & Co. 2,601,535.00 1960-1973 " 3~ % and Associates 1974-1979 II 3.60% Chemical Corn Exchange Bank 2,618,278.00 1960-1979 II 3.70% and Associates and c WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors, acting by its representatives, has accepted the proposal to purchase said bonds, hereinafter referred to; c ~ i ~ ~ ~ ij i of New York and Associates. I (2) The $1,170,000.00 bonds payable in the years 1960 to 1968, inclusive, ~ shall bear interest at the rate of 3.0% per annum. The $650,000.00 bonds ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: NOll, THEREFORE, (1) The Board of Supervisors hereby approves, and ratifies the action taken to accept the proposal to purchase said bonds for the price of $2,600,754.00 and accrued interest submitted by The First National City Bank payable in the years 1969 to 1973, inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of ~% per annum. The $780,000.00 bonds payable in the years 1974 to 1979, inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of 3.40% per annum. (3) The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors are hereby authorized and directed to cause said bonds to be prepared and to execute said bonds in accordance with their provisions and to deliver said bonds to the purchaser upon payment to the County Treasurer of the purchase price of. said bonds. I On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the above resolution was unanimously adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan. Nays: None I ORDERED that the'~Board be adjourned until the third Monday in February, 1959. \ 4ff~~~ Chairman Court House Salem, Virginia February 16, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court Bouse in replar monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, ChaiJ:llUlD, Edwin G. Terrell, Vice-Chairman, and Minor R. Keffer. Absent: John Lee Logan. Before the mHting was called to order Mr. M. C. Townsend offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adj ourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board 'having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following clailr> . gainst the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively charguble therewith, to-wit: I No. 33010 Andrew Lewis Service Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles $ 197.99 " 33011 American Floor Covering Co., Asphalt tile Repair material 4.22 " 33012 Anto Spring & Bearing Co., Vehicle parts, etc. 131. 91 " 33013 Arrow Hardware Paint & Feed Co., supplies Hollins Fire Station Bldg. 3.67 " 33014 Acme Printers Co., office supplies 46.55 " 33015 Charles Ballentine, office supplies 33.00 " 33016 Barnett Coal Company, Fuel for County Office Bldg. 52.61 " 33017 Bowman's Bakery, Food for Prisoners 53.10 " 33018 Brambleton Auto Service, Parts and Repairs 6.05. " 33019 Dick Bryant, Gasoline Cave Spring Fire Truck 7.18 " 33020 G. D. Bell, Refund Electrical Permit 1.00 " 33021 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware, Janitor supplies, etc. 6.02 I I a a ~ ~ a 33022 Bush Electric Co., Electrical work 33023 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner cases, Jail visits 33024 Clearbrook Lion's Club, January Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 33025 C. F. Candler, Reimburse repair material courthouse 33026 Catawba Fire Department, Refund Portable pump U1iit 33027 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment charges for General Electric Line 33028 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline and Oil for Hollins Tank 33029 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance County Vehicles 880.05 33030 B. T. Crump Co., Invoice Bolsters and Handcuff case 23.29 33031 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental service on Water Softner Hollins Fire House 4.00 33032 Mrs. C. M. Conner, Jr., Gasoline for C. S. Fire Truck 33033 Caldwell-Sites Co.. office supplies 33034 Dictaphone Corp., Maintenance agreement on Die taphone for Juvenile Court 33035 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Police Cars 33036 laster Supply Company, office supplies 172.78 33037 Fairview Heme, County's pro-rata share of expense in maintaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. ll7. 78 33038 Ferrell Insurance Agency, PremiUIII on Accident Policy Volunteer Fireman 510.00 33039 Farmer's Service Station, Gasoline purchased for C. S. Fire Truck 2.94 No. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " n " 33040 33041 33042 33043 33044 " " " " " 33045 33046 33047 " " " $ 4.30 60.00 60.00 1.12 182.67 238.64 319.59 7.99 60.69 35.00 8.38 r.h"l_S Ferguson, CoIImiss1on on Delinquent taxes collected 476.54 G. C. Foley, January Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire House Foutz Sausag~ Co., Food for prisoners Federal Sign & Signal Corp. 3-New Sirens and Fire Apparatus Fuel Oil & Equipment Co. Inc., Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire House and Courthouse Gr,een Market. food for prisoners C. H. Givens, Jury cOlllDiss1oner WIll. Green & Company, repairs courthouse 60.00 83.30 278.44 907.46 152.09 35.00 5.00 33048 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Additional premiUIII on Liability Ins. Police Cars 19.22 33049 Goodyear Service Store, Parts for Car #8 22.94 " " " 33050 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., Fire Hose and Hardware 33051 J. W. Griggs lie W. H. Witt, Jan. Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 33054 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense 33055 Dr. John o. Hurt, Coroner investigation 33056 International City Managers Assoc. Membership dues for Paul Matthews " 33052 33053 " " " " " 33057 " A. C. Harris, .Jury Coamissioner w. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel - Co. Jail 152.05 60.00 35.00 ~I ' 64.00 ! I ~ Ir ~ I' II ij ~ ~ ~ 23.83 20.00 23.75 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance service on IBM Electric Typewriter - Clerk & Carbon Paper 39.35 33058 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 111.00 --- No. 33059 Keller Machine Co., Repairs to Courthouse $ 2.00 II 33060 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., 1 sign for Fire Department at Catawba . 24.00 II 33061 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 166.50 II 33062 McClung Lumber Co., Repair Material 17.87 " 33063 Janie B. IJ.cNea1, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets, Vital I Statistic fees and postage 207.00 .. 33064 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps for Customers resale 9.00 .. 33065 Magic City Motor Corp., Repairs to Police Vehicle 89.20 .. 33066 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense 59..47 .. 33067 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 149.80 I " 33068 Carnell Moore, Maintenance Garbage Dump 400.00 .. 33069 w. S. Darley & Co., ltraight Jacket, chains, etc. 55.13 " 33070 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gas Mount Pleasant Fire Truck 8.06 " 33071 Morton Insurance Agency, Premi\llll on Surety Bonds 25.00 II 33072 Miller Tire Service, Repairs and Parts Police Car #8 43.34 " 33073 National Market Report, office supplies - Coamissioner 43.00 " 33074 Noland Company, Repair Material 10.76 " 33075 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse Plumbing etc. 125.95 n 33076 Nelson Hardware Co., New Equipment and light t\1bes 59.78 .. 33077 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 27.47 .. 33078 Russell L. Paxton Printing Co., office supplies 88.60 .. 33079 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry-jail 32.88 I II 33080 John Puhl Products Co., Janitor supplies Courthouse 4.22 .. 33081 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat Covers for Police Car #4 22.50 II 33082 Roanoke Restaurant, food for prisoners 7.75 ." 33083 Remington Rand, Overhauling Typewriter in Juvenile Court Office 40.60 .. 33084 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 3,052.50 II 33085 Rutherford Freight Lines, Freight collect on Auto fags 49.00 , " 33086 Rusco Window Co. of Roanoke, Venetian Blinds for Judge Hoback's Court 21.60 " 33087 Radio Con-m{cations Co., Radio Maintenance January 1959 37.50 .. 33088 Roanoke Valley Motors, Parts for Police Cars and wrecker service 21.59 .. 33089 Roanoke Gas Coalpany, Fuel for Jail, Home demonstration Kitchen and C. S. Fire House 53.23 I II 33090 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 3.00 ." 33091 Salem Creamery Co., food for Prisoners 15.60 .. 33092 Sanfax Company, Janitor supplies 89.09 " 33093 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware, etc. 35.00 ... 33094 Slt..........doah Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 35.20 I ... 33095 Snyder Bros. Motor Freight, Freight on St. Signs 6.18 .. 33096 Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies Jail 6.75 .. 33097 Vold ,I ... 33098 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for the i support of local Health Department 5,865.50 .. 33099 State Forester of Virginia, County's share of expense in I I controlling forest fires in Virg1n1a 450.94 : II 33100 WIll. P. Swartz, Jr. & Company, Janitor supplies 37.50 II 33101 SUlllllerdean Esso Station, Gas, Oil, etc. 48.25 i c c c C' a No. 33102 State Offil:e Supply Co.. Service contract 33103 Void " " 33104 Southwest Motor Parts Corp. Repairs to Police Cars 33,"-05 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician and Ccroner cases 33106 Times-Register Co., Advertising re: License Tax Notice 33107 Town of Salem, Lights, Water and Sewage Treatment Cost 33108 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 33109 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs to Garbage Truck #22 33110 Wilson' s Esso & Grocery Co., Gas, Oil eta. Garbage trucks 33111 C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies and record sheets 33112 Williams Supply Co., invoices A 7628 and A 7604 33113 L. ~eth Whitlock, office assistant in Public Works 33114 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance C~ Vehicles 33115 Ann Hinson, off~ce assitant in Public Works 33128 Appalachian Power Co., current used at Cave Spring Fire House " .. " " " " " " " " " " " 33129 Bank of Salem, Rent on night deposit bag 33130 Burroughs Corp., Mechanlcal services for 1 year 33131 Caldwell-Sites Co., record book 33132 Dr. S. D. Carey, Psychiatric e7-inations, 'drunk dri:v1ng, Lunacy hearings 33133 City of Roanoke, Reimburse lunacy fees, &c 33134 Eugene W. Chelf, Attorney, Attorney's fee for instituting and conducting Chancery suite VB. W. M. Wygal for Delinquent taxes 33135 Esso Standard 011 Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire 'House 33136 Haloid Xeron Inc., Repair parts for Photostatic Machine in Clerk's Office 33137 International. Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors, Membership dues " " " " " " " " " $ 35.0 i 40. 150.0 2.5 533.9 49.5 14.92 84.70 91.00 25.69 60.22 604.34 77.37 16.15 6.00' 17.70 3.14 I 60.00 70.00 I 126.56 56.6l! 107.00: 10.00 33138 International Business Machine Corp., Parts for IBM Typewriter4O.00 " 33139 ling IS King, Attorneys, Lunacy hearing 33140 Nelson Hardware Co., light tubes 33141 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., lunacy hearings, examination alcoholic 33142 G. W. Reed, Jr., Attorney, Lunacy hearing 33143 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse traveling 'expense " " " " " 10.00 41.16 35.00 10.00 25.55 ' 33144 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy hearings, Psychiatric Examination, Drunk driving eJr"",ination 50.00 " 33145 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., Street signs 33146 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners and 1 case of soap 33147 Waldron-Wiggington Construction Co., Maintenance Garbage Dump covering fire at dump " " " 33148 James M. Young, Attorney, Lunacy fees 33153 A. L. Roberts, 1 load #9 Stone for Drive 33154 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, aid to dependent children & Aid to permanently & totally disable 33155 C 6< P Telephone Co., telephone service for Clearbrook Fire Station " " " " 33156 TOIII Long's Gulf Station, Gasoline and Wash jobs for dog truck 77.23 192.79~ j 140.001 " 20.00~ , l4.60il l u 634.00! ~ 26.4011 14.731 n J ii ~ I' >. IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Andrew Lewis Service Station, Repairs to Dog Truck Animal Hospital, Medical supplies and services rendered at Dog clinic County School Board of R. C. Gas & Oil for Dug Truck Diamond Chevrolet Corp. Parts for Dog Truck Esso Standard Oil Co., ~ for Dog Truck Lewis-Gale Hospital, Rabies Treatment No. 33116 " 33117 " 33118 " 33119 " 33120 " 33121 " 33122 " 33123 " 33124 " 33125 " 33126 " 331Z7 .. 33lt.9 " 33150 " 33151 " 33152 , I I $ 4.00 I 431.521 37.62 .90 15.57 4.00 ' I McClung Lumber Company, Lumber for Rabies Clinic table 8.32 I Radio Co..."....ications Co., January Radio Maintenance Dog Truckl5.00 Salem Farm Supply Co., Wearing Apparel Salem HardwareCo., Wearing apparel Taliaferro Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 31.19 , 1.35 I 1.55 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs and Parts Dog Truck William Figgatt, Fowl claim Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond S. S. Vineyard, 15 hens killed & 1 rooster Russell R. Wood, livestock claim 13.42 4.80 28.70 16.00 I 4.00 I MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia February 16, 1959 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business February 14, 1959, there was to the credit of the $ 102,663.76 2,054.14 6,853.30 621.41 609,664.37 27,642.58 326.78 564.17 1,445.38 13,114.58 ~ 764,950.47 Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.~ General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund County School Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. School Bond Account I Said report approved and ordered filed. I IN RE: DELII<<lUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: " The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL'I County Treasurer, for $1,620.40, on account of delinquent taxes collected by I said Clerk for the month of January, 1959, less cOllllli.ssions and turned over to' said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,539.48 net. c c c a ~ -----. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of February, 1959, be approved in the amount of $6,922.96, from which the sum of $138.51 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $658.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,125.95. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. cundiff. Nays: None ~: . . r fi+. (p . ,..., 11r~-r:; On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse ~u II Collection and Janitor Services for period January 15, 1959, eudi"g January 31" .c. .U. ..c. ~ 1959, be approved in the amount of $1.712.45, from which the sum of $42.84 Cb~. total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes of $93.20 is to be deducted, leaving a ::';17 J!.l:f net payroll of $1,576.33; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor services for period February 1, 1959, _ding February 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,793.50. from which the sum of $44.61 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes of $78.00, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,670.89. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: Hone The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: ~ Sheriff, s\IIIIIIIarY statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail ciuT1.ng the month of January, 1959; Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of January, 1959; EDlfARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for January, 1959 JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for January, 1959; RALPH E. LONG, Dog Warden, annual report for year ending December 31, 1958 H. W. CT.AR1l', H. W. CL,6RI(, r r ~ On motion, duly seconded, and carried, it is ordEired that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #33008 in the amount of $15.88 payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at Mt. Pleasant Fire Station; Voucher-check #33009 in the amount of $30.25 payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Mt. Pleasant Fire Station; Voucher-check 130983 in the amount of $15.00 payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at home of the Dog Warden; Voucher-check #30982 in the amount of $50.15 payable to the C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Stations; Voucher-check 130959 in the amount of $200.00 payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, advance traveling expense to get prisoner from Tampa, Florida. Voucher-check 130918 in the amount of $34.69 payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at the Holl:l.ns Fire Station. Voucher-check #30919 in the amount of $360.74 payable to C & P Telephone Company for pa:yment of the County's telephone bills. Voucher-check 130920 in the amount of S71.20 payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephOne sei"Vlc:e. 228 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None A con-mication dated January 23, 1959, from Division of Markets, J. F. Lyles, .f..-"..istrative Assistant Weights and Measures Section, addressed to W. E. CUndiff, Chai1'lII8D, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, submitting a report of the test of weigl'>""g and measuring devices recently completed in Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. I I t The following co',,''',,,,,, cations were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Copy of resolution 13597, dated the 19th day of January, 1959, Council City of Roanoke, consenting to and approving the inclusion of the County of Botetourt as a 1III!IIIber of the Roanoke Valley Regional Pl......"..g and EConomic Developaent CoaIIIission, effective as of the 1st day of January, 1959. Copy of letter dated January 21, 1959, addressed to R. D. Stoner, Clerk, Botetourt County Board of ~upervisors, frOlll J. Robt. Thomas, City Clerk, filed. Copy of resolution 13614, dated the 26th day of January, 1959, Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, amending contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cOlllllercial wastes. Copy of letter dated January 29, 1959, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from J. Robt. Tbomas, City Clerk, filed. Copy of . atter dated January 28, 1959, signed by G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, addressed to R. W. Clark! Sheriff, Roanoke County, in re: expense vouchers for the months of October through December, 1958. Copy of Quarterly Report of per:l.od October 1 through December 31, 1958, of Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development COIIIIIIission, from C. D. Lucas, Executive Secretary, in re: actions and progress made by said CoIIID1ssion during said period. Letter dated February 5, 1959, addressed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke I County, signed by J. Paul Gruver, Secretary, Roanoke Ministers' Conference, in re: adoption of such measures as may be necessary to continue compulsory school at......i1...."e. Copy of letter from J. Robert Thomas, dated January 29, 1959, addressed to Mr. S. D. May, Coamissioner, Virginia Department Highways, enclosing copy of resolution No. 13600 of Council cf the City of Roanoke, dated January 26, 19 9, requesting that an area situated between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem be approved as a Federal-Aid Urban Area. I I I c c I -~ a ._ .~_____ ~_ n_ ._ _ --- IN RE: AUDIT OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board the report on audit of H. W. Clark. Sheriff of the County of Roanoke. Virginla, for the period October 19, 1956, through June 30, 1957. and for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1958, which report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated February 13, 1959, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. On motion of Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that the resignation of the five members of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority be accepted as soon as replacements are found for each individual member resigned. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. ICeffer. Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. CUndiff. Nays: None On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. ~~..: Keffer, it is ordered that M. C. TCmlSEND, of the Salem District, be appointed ~,'_ -a 'j"- a member of the Roanoke Sanitation Authority for the unexpired term of Hunter H. j; Akers, resigned, said appointment to be effective illlllediately. The resignation :;!dt':._~ of Mr. Akers is accepted with regret. ' ~17/STI Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. CUndiff. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County ! ~c&.e t Executive Officer, be authorized to purchase a tractor loader for the purpose ~1~ . of operating 'a sanitary land fill on a site to be approved by the Roanoke County '>>la1tl.... . C. '~~I H--J Health Department. ?-/., l-rf Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. CUndiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrel,l. Nays: None ij ........ ..._ 33-21. 195' ..de .f Vir...... _ ......... _. "'" ~.~~. Highway CoIIIldssion to transfer, certain primary roads into the Secondary System. ~~'A~' WHEREAS, this Board having given careful and deliberate study to the I ~ following primary routes, which this Board considers to be' of secondary nature ct...t <(' ~ ~~ :1 ~-fl1 s,7{ , ~ and further feels that the best interest of all concerned would be served more properly if the following roads were transferred to the Secondary System. Route 115, from the North Corporate L1m:lts of Roanoke to Route 11, Leagth 2.83 Mi. . Route 116, from the North Corporate Limits of Roanoke to Route 311, Leagth 3.75 Mi. 231 It is ordered that a voucher-check for $11.51 be issued to Henry W. Clark, ~ . Sheriff of Roanoke County, being refund for check issued to the County of ~70 Roanoke by United States Stationery Company, instead of to Henry W. Clark, Sheriff, ~.(l) '; and it is further ordered that said check for $ll.5l of the said Company, dated I Ti February 3, 1959, be deposited to the Credit of Roanoke County. ~ '-I'i! S.., Adopted by the following recorded vote: i Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. ~ ~:~ ~ a I r I i I I I v IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE ) IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ) COUNTY OF ROANOKE, STATE OF VIRGINIA, LOCATElI ON THE Noo.TH SIDE OF o. S. ROUTE NO. 11, JUST EAST OF THE APP4Uf!RT4~ ELECTRIC POWER C(HpAN'{- ~ HANCOCK SUB-STATION ) ORDER The following persons this day appeared before the Board: E. M. Atkinson and W. A. Wertz in regard to operation of County government; and Lester Mitchell in connection with the adoption of the proposed adoption of automobile grave yard ordift;,.".e. I 'l'bis day convened at 2:00 o'clock P. M. a regular meetiD&; of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, whereupon leave was asked to file the petition of Bernard Cook, et als, requesting that two parcels, one containing 4.26 acres and the other 1.95 acres, in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, State of Virginia, on the north side of U. S. Route No. 11, east of the Appalachian Electric Power Company-Hancock ~b-station be rezoned frOCl Residential A to Local Business district, pursuant to the Zoning Ordift'"'ces of Roanoke County, adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County January 20, I 1941, as amended, and the pertinent statutes of the CoaIIIonwealth of Virginia. HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND au>ERED, that at this regular meeting of the said Board of Supervisors the said petition be, and the same is hereby, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the said petition be, and the same is hereby, referred to the Planning COIIIIIIission of Roanoke County for its recOllllllendations in accordance with Title 15, Section 847, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; ~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that when the said Planning COIIIIIIissiOn ~I shall have received the petition, considered the same, and reported its j ~ II Ii ,I 'I il ii il ): as jl r recOlllllendations to the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt thereof, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing at a regular, special or adj ourned meeting of this Board which shall first occur 1IIOre than fifteen (15) days following the second publication of notice thereof, required by Title 15, Sections 846 and 847, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and the said Cl'ark shall cause said notice to be published. I ~~ ct.-L r I~' ')..-110/.'( ,232 ~ I I ~ 3 ~rtt1 1"...t.. $~ ! k:~'l ~17/~"1i ! I ",r ~,V; 'I ~J t ~ ~ ! f I , i AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORlERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the said pl....ning CoIImission. The above resolution and order was adopted on 1IIOtion by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell of Cave Spring Magisterial District, and secoaled by Supervisor Minor a.1 Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors I voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: lione I I WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with this, Board the hereinafter excerpt frOlll the minutes of the regular meeting of the Roanoke County School Board held on February 10, 1959: "On 1IIOtion of Mrs. Frank B. Thomas, seconded by William J. Lotz, the fOllowing resolution was unan1mously adopted: WRRR1l'6!il, the COunty School Construction Fund has insufficient funds to meet the P4'JDents due on the additions to the Andrew Lewis, Cave Spring, and William Byrd High Schools, and: WHEREAS, there is a surplus in the County School Operating Fund, and: WHEREAS, a transfer of funds can be arranged, thereby postponing the be ing of 1IIOney for the Construction Fund fo7': a period and thereby saving the interest thereon; NOll, THEREF<IlE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke County, with the concurrent approval of the County Board of Superviscrs of Roanoke County, hereby requests and authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by journal entry the amount of $40,000.00 frOlll the County School Operating Fund to the County School Construction Fund." NOll, THERErmE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby approves said reques t, and hereby authorizes the Treasurer 0": Roanoke County to transfer by journal entry the amount of $40,000.00 from the County School Operating Fund to the County School Construction Fund. Upon 1IIOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None I I BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the T01iIl of Salen concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor of the T01iIl of Salen wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of State Secondary Route 645, which point of BEGINNING is the northeast corner of the 2.15 acre tract heretofore conveyed to R. R. Wimmer by the Board of Supervisors by deed duly recorded lIIIIODg the records of the Clerk' s Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, and alo~ and with the north line of said 2.15 aclje tract, S. 55 29' W., 482.50 feet to a poi~t; ~fII1ce N.S2 31' W. L 76.20 feet to a P9.inti.oth,nce N. 36 W., 348.90 feet 1:0 a point; thence N. 4u 04 W., 1137.40 I --~_. -., = ... .-. ~. ~--- - - -----, a feet to a point; thence with a new l~ N. 630 26' E., 1029.26 feet to a point; thense S, 26 34' E.! 1351.14 feet to a pc]in~; thence S. 69 10 30" W., 18 .20 feet to a point in ~ center line of the present dead end of State Secondary Route 645; thence along and !ith the center line of State SecondarY Route 645, S. 21 53' E., 118.39 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and containing in the total 28.489 acres, accorcliDg to survey and plat made by C. B. Malcolm and Son, Virginia State Certified Engineers, dated August 19, 1958, a copy of which plat is heretofore attached. and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council of the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and traJUllllit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract I, between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 19S3~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~sors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None c c IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON SOUTHERLY SIlE OF ) LYNCHBURG SALIM l"URNPIKE EAST 011' EUGENlOi IBm OPTIONED TO ) JOHN C. GLASGCIl ) ORDER ----- ~z:t:- dJ.. ;th\: lhrc.!--~' 'l-jl? f!>'l' This day came John C. Glasgow, by Counsel, and requests leave to file his petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOll, THEltEF(BE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ClWERED that at its regular meeting of o i the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and ~ the same is hereby filed. j!. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Orilfft"tl/"e as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referre' to II the Pl......fqg Coaaission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recOllllllll11dation in ~ Ii it I , " ~ the said Clerk of this JIoard ~ , shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible ~ regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the ~ said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of virgi~a. Ii AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND OllllRRF-l) that one certified copy of this ii j resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Boa rd to Paul B~ accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission 'D shall report its recOlllllendation to the Clerk of this Code of Virg1n1a, that upon the receipt of the same, Board, as required by the Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia., ,. " The above resolution and order were adopted on 1IIOtion of Supervisor Minor R. i! iI 11 il l\ " Keffer and seconded by Supervisor- Edwin G. Terrell, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None 2.34 , me...."., '" . &..L (O.~ R.;.:c. , ,-/'1Jr.-q ~'...&. ~- ~Ae..J:.' ""'~~~ IN RE: PETITION OF RICHARD C. ALLEY AND X 0RlER GATHIE E. ALI.EY, Husband and wife,X Property on the Northerly side of , Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike and the , Easterly side of Caldwell Street This day E. W. Chelf, Attorney for Richard C. Alley and Gathie E. Alley, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a Petition on behalf of said parties, relative to rezoning a certain lot or parcel of real estate, IlIOre fully described in Parag=aph No.1 of said Petition, and which said parcel of real estate is situate on the Northerly side of Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike and the Easterly side of Caldwell Street,. and which said lot or parcel of land is a part of the samereal estate conveyed to said parties from Fannie Martin Ellis and Squ1are Morgan Ellis, by deed dated the 11th day of October, 1954, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 522, at page 461, and which said Petition contains, 8IlIOng other things, the following allegations: (1) That the petitioners, Richard C. Alley and Gathie E. Alley, husband and wife, are the fee simple owners of said lot or parcel of land described in Paragraph No. 1 of said Petition, holding title to same as tenants by the entireties, ret"iftiY\8 the right of survivorship as at COlllllOJJ law. (2) That said property described in said petition is now classified under the ZOn1ng Orilift......e of Roanoke County, as itA Residence" property, but that the I I trend for a maber of years in that locality has been from residence to business use, and that a substantial part of the property along the Lynchburg- Salem Turnpike, in the general neighborhood of the petitioners' property, is 110W zoned for business purposes, and that they desire to have said property rezoned from "A Residence Property" to ''Local Business Property." And it appears to this.,Board that the use of said property, situate in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, for "Local Business" purposes, might be beneficial to the County, at large, in that such use might provide necessary and desirable business developments in the County, in general, and in the vicinity in question, in particular. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDeRED: 'l'bat at thii regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 16th day of February, 1959, the Petition of the said Richard C. Alley and Gathie E. Alley, be and the same is hereby filed; , and I I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the proposal to amend said zoningPII ordift"ft~e so as to chang'! the classification of said property requested to be rezonecJ in said petition from its present classification of "A Residence Proper .. to "Local Business Property", as defined in said County Zoning OrdiftAft"e, be, the sane is HEREBY REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for recOlllllendations in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 15-847 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said Planning COIIIIIission shall report Its recoo:mendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by I 235 statute, that upon receipt of said recoamendations by said Clerk, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for 'Public hearing at the first c ! pemissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be t I , lS-1 ,I given by said Clerk by publication, 846 of the Code of Virginia; and BE XT FUaTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: in accordance with the provisions of Sec. That one certified copy of these ~ I ~ BE IT .-._ by <he .."'" of _0 of 10_.. County. <bat "" Cooooi · I "'" "" City of """""... bo ..... it is herthy ........t.. to __ "" """'~t of ,:-~ September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing 11.:1 with the treatment of domestic and c_rcial wastes, by emergency resolution, I~ r 3 to the following extent only, viz: ~~ ~.: 1. C. J. Carmack Subdivision, Paul C. Eller property, etc. (plat and t,.J ',/m description attached) -, ~-, Resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matt Secretary of the Pl"""iftg C.IlIIIIniot sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, tog4her with a copy of the Petition of Richard C. Alley and liathie E. Alley. The above Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and! seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and on recorded vote, the Supervisors I voted as follows, to-wit: I Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff. i Nays: None ~ l -- , a 2. Cave Spring High School Tract (plat and description attached) and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent, asif said areas were therein set out in extention; a II ~ delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is II !I approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the ~ requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; I, ,I (b) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and II 'I I, I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, illlnediately upon passage, by the Council of t1 City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of II ~ Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the prov:lsl.ons thereof as fully, and to the II ~ ~ ii " shall be in ,I !I " ii , " ,- ~ ~ il -, II 'I Ii !: (A) That acceptable wastes originating with the aforesaid areas shall be effect. same extent, as said County is now bcund by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1958. c An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Kfllfer. Nays: None 236~ ---I I ~ ; i I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia I the govern1ng body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects t be undertaken by the Roanoke County. Sanitation Authority for the purpose of i, operating and maintAin'h'g a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines, and other' i properties and facilities incidential thereto, for the purpose of exercising 1 the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the Virgini Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32, inclusiv' , of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: 1. MOUHTAIN VIEW SCHOOL TRACT I I BEGINNING at a point shown on a map made by C. B. Malcolm & Son dated February 17, 1958, Corner #1 in the center of State Highway 601 and being the southwest corner to a tract of land contAining 5.237 acres conveyed to Let&tia Stokes Xavana1,!gh b!sthe grantors herein; thence N. 88 34' E. 714.1 feet an lr:on pin designated on map as Corner #2; thence S. 33 36' E., 5l6.~ fe~t to an iron pin desi~ted as Corner 11; thence S. 40 22 E., 325.0 feet to an iron pin designated as Corner #3; thence N. 820 0.04' w. ,1175.5 feet to the point in the center of s&id Route 601 and designated as Corner #4; thence N. 5 18' W., 500.0 feet to tlie point of BEGINNING and containing 12 acres. 2. HARRY H. RUDD ESTATE ! r BEGINNING at a planted stone on the west side of State 0 Sec~ Route 601, a corner to tract #2; thence S. 83 34' 40" W., 1164.9 feet to a stone, a corner to said tract #2 and also a corner to John getty; thence with the line of said Petty property, N. 86 30' W., 1008 feet to his corner in McNulty's li~; thence with the line of said. McNulty property, S. 17 OS' E., 1010 feet to 8 large white oak; thence continuing the McNulty line, S. 30 00' W., 170 feet, crossing Carvin Creek to a stone on the south bank og said creek; tlience wi~the south side of said cljeek S. 72 00' E., 220 feet; S. 55 SO' E., 320 feet; N. 85 40' E., 338 feet, to a cedar stump and corner to tract #4; thence cros81ng Carvin Creek and with the line of said tract #4, N. 1 18' 30" W., 361.8 feet to a stone, a corner to said 0 Tract #4; thence with another line of said tract #4, S. 89 00' E., 1040 feet to a stone in Bowman's line on the east side of said Route 601.; thence with a line crossing said road to the west side, N. 1 25' E., 1082 feet to the place of BEGINNING and containing 50.75 acres, being the property of the Colonlal-American National Bank of Roanoke, Trustee under the will of Harry H. Rudd. 3. CHERRYHILL SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1 BEGINNING at a point on the south right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 742 (Veterans Facility Road) 800 feet, more or less, from the West Corporate bimits of the City of Roanoke; thence with a 6ine S. 34 18' E., 616 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 1 SO' E., a30 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with a line S. 35 30' E., 22a feet, more or less, to a point; thence with a line S. 54 15" W., 380 feet, more or less, to a point and said point being on the east boundary of the Veterans Hospital proper~; tlience with the Veterans Hospital property line N. 31 33' W., 1122 feet, more or less, to a point; th~e continuing with the Veterans Hospital property line N. 33 40' W., 383 feet to a point; thence withoa line and leaving the Veterans Hospital property N. 74 51' E., intersecting the south right-of-way line of said Route 742 at approXimately 430 feet, in all a total distance of 680.4 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 17.8 acre portion of the 88.9 acre tract owned by Fairview Cemetery Company, as recorded in Deed Book 152, Page 303, and now being subdivided by B. L. Radford 6< Son as Cherryhill Park, Section 1, (Unrecorded) as shown on the attached plat. 4. J. W. SMITH - J. M. GRAHAM PROPERTIES - ROUTE 220 I I I , " , I, I ! } BEGINNING at a point on the northwest side of U. S. Route ll9 at the dividing line of the property of Julian Milton Graham and the property formerly owned by Josephine A. ~ i thence with the south line of the Graham property, N. 49 30 W., I ! " 206.1 feet to a point on the southeast line of the remaining property of the G. R. Hash Estats land; thence with the same, the foll~ four lines: N. 37 OS' E., 120.5 feet to a point; thence S. 52 55' El. .8.5 feet to a point; thence wi~ the northwest line of the property of JO W. Smith,. N. 36 SO' E., 318.1 feet to a point; thence S. 52 55' E., 144.0 feet to a point on the northwest right-of-way l~e of U. S.Highway, Route 220; thence wi~ the same, S. 25 53' W., 100 feet to an angle; t~e S. 0 10' E., 55.5 feet to an angle point; th~e S. 32 45 I W., 46.7 feet to an angle point; thence S. 36 SO' W., 127.4 feet to an angle point; thence 6ont~ with the northwest side of U. S. Route 118, s. 37 18' W., 59.0 feet to an angle point; thence S. 38 53' W... 74.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being an inclusive ooundary line description of Julian Milton Graham and J. W. Smith properties situate northwest of the intersection of U. S. Routes ll9 and 220, Roanoke County, Virginia:.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse Building in Salem, Virginia, on the 16th day of March, 1959, at 2:30 o"clock P. M. of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said proj ects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services, and any other persons in interest, will be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the proposed services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its discretion, may call for a referendum on the question in above set forth, as prescribed in the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginfl Water and Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect frOlll and after their passage. On IIIOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. ~ = I Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Nays: None Terrell and W. E. Cundiff ~ ~ I f i r t Terrell, it is ordered that the resolution adopted by this Board at its regular I I meeting on October 21, 1957, recorded in Supervisors' Order Book 14, Page 339, I , \ On IIIOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. progr_i"g Federal Aid Projects be, and same is, hereby rescinded; and it is further ordered that future priorities of Federal Aid Projects be progr8lllDed as c follows : "1. Route 634 (Hardy Road) from E. C. L. Vinton to Bedford County Line; .'> ...2. Route 760-bridge and approaches over Roanoke River. > ...3. Route 6l2-bridge and approaches over Roanoke River. C.<, "4. Route 6l3-bridge and approaches over Back Creek. /".:. ....s. Route 604 from Botetourt County Line to Route 460 -- reconstruction. ii c.~. "6. Route 68l-bridge and approaches over N 6< W Railway; Winston-Salem Division; " . 1 . .'. ...7. Route 681 fmai Route 720 to Route 119 -- reconstruction. Ii Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None ! ~ :1 ,..~"" "//{ \--'-' 1.<-<'''V,.c_ I, ,...f:' /' I~ / r ~/ 11~:t:k i1 a.{I'f {~ I " !I I' il " 'I II ~ ~ ~~C^ :'i ~'i.~...-L j , ;1 . . ! " S <r 1!~tJ...e-r ii Co~.~ .~tP 1, '1'1<.' 238 ~'~i ~c.-' .~tt(i.'" ~~~t tI ~.~~- ~ &fWl..(.. (l.. . I ~tt:1 ~ '('- i ~(1~ ~ ~ f " Ii t V t'.A'~ 4\-4 <m~5- [ l~~ tD~.).l. ~. 1~' ~ ~~ '-.) . ! .I 'ldf S11 i: I i IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated February 5, 1959, from R. M. Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ' and to H. W. Clark, lheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County jail, dated January 27, 1959, received and ordered filed. I The following cOlllllUnications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Petition dated February 12, 1959, from the Roanoke County Sewer Tax Protest rs CoIImittee, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County; , Letter dated February 3, 1959, frOlll C. E. Webber, Chairman, S<l1.,~ RecreaUo ColImission, in re: opportunity to share in the work of program ol ;;t.id CoIImission; I Letter dated February 11, 1959, signed by J. J. Bower, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Chairman Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, in reference to the taxation system in Roanoke County. Copies of said letter to be certified to the CoaIIIissioner of the Revenue and Treasurer of Roanoke County. Statement dated February 16, 1959, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Cha:l.1'lII8D, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from H. W. Clark, Sheriff, of the ezpenses of $' 97.27 of Deputy Sheriff E. E. Fry, for returning prisoner, Douglas I; R. Sampson, from Tampa, Flc ic'a, to the Roanoke County jail, at Salem, Virginia, ; , and further advising the Board of the refund of $102.73, IIIOnies not used out of ' advancement of $200.00, for trip, to the Treasurer of Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. I w. A. Wertz this day appeared before the Board and suggested that impro:1' s be _de to Route 692, Sugar Loaf Mountain Road, which request is referred to ! W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, who was present : at the meeting of the Board. Dr. J. carl Poindexter this day appeared before the Board and requested that I I the one hundred and fifty (150) feet of unpaved street on Pilot Street connecting, with Sirry Avenue, Monte Vista, and Route 460 (unimproved road), be improved. No action was taken on th:ls request as said street does not comply with the Roanoke County Subdivision ordinance. I I IN RE: JOINT MEETING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REPRESENTATIVE PROf THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Pursuant to notice required by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942, W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, on behalf of the State Highway Department this day appeared before the Board and discussed with the Board highway matters regarding the Secondary System for the year 1959-1.960. c a CI ~ a 'I I :1 ~ BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, virginif, << that on and after the 1st day of April, 1959, it shall be unlawful for any, ,I' person, firm or corporation, alone or in connection with any other business, to ~ ~ maintain or operate an "Automobile Graveyard" as herein defined, in the County Ii ( ij of Roanoke, Virginia, except in any incorporated Town within said County) except~ .1 upon the compliance with the following provisions which are hereby declared to ~ ~ I Ii " ii AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING AUTOMOBILE GRAVEYARDS IN ROANOKE COUNTY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR ITS VIOlATION. apply to all automobile graveyards maintained or operated within the County, and imposing licenses upon such automobile graveyards. 1. Such graveyards shall be entirely enclosed by a hedge or fence eight feet in height, fence to be kept neatly painted aDd in good repair to the satisfaction of the Board of Supervisors of said County, or to such officer as lllight be designated by said Board, at all times, and which shall be constructed of plank boards, corrugated iron, brick, cinder block, or concrete, so as to exclude such graveyards from public view. Provided no plank board fence shall I I I' I ! 'I 'I I i H ~ I; i' II ~ ~ .~ " ~ I, l ! " U ~ ~ ,I extinguishers or other safety devices, made reasonable effort to prevent same, ii 4 nor shall any fire, open or enclosed, for the burning of automobiles, parts ~ thereof or any rubbish or trash be permitted where the smoke or fly ash therefrom! ~ !i :i 5. Such graveyard shall, as far as practicable, be kept clear and clean of :i ,'i Ii " !! be erected within any fire zone as now or hereafter established; and any fence so erected shall be at least twenty feet from the street or road and in no event beyond the building line of other buildings on same street or road. 2. Such fence shall not be used for bill posting or other advertising purposes except for the advertisement of the business of the owner thereof. Where such graveyard fronts on more than one street or road, the use of space for advertisement herein permitted shall extend to each street or road on which the graveyard abuts. 3. The contents of such graveyard shall not be placed or deposited to a height greater than the height of the hedge or fence herein prescribed. 4. No open fires for the burning of rubbish, trash, automobile, or any part hereof, or other waste matter, shall be permitted, provided that an accidental or casual fire occasioned by the use of an acetylene torch shall not be regarded as an open fire under this ordinance where it is shown that person operating or maintaining such graveyard has, by the use of fire the I ! t I. E fl [ may be required wherever, in the opinion of the Bca rd of Supervisors of said I ~ 1 , ~ I, ! i I I I I will damage the property of any person. all rubbish or waste matter. 6. Safety devices, such as fire ~~tinguishers, or other line apparatus , Ii County, or to such officer as might be designated by said Soard, such devices: are !' required in the interest of public safety. 7. All tanks and engines of all vehicles shall be kept thoroughly drained of gasoline. 8. All tanks, engines, automobile parts, receptacles and containers capable of holding water or any source of stagnant water whatever, where mosquitoes may breed, shall be kept thoroughly drained and dry. .......- 240 - -=---. -- - '- --. ---- -- 9. All abutting sidewalks shall be kept clear and clean of all vehicles, trash, or other waste matter. 10. All abutting streets shall be kept clear and clean of all vehicles incapable of being operated undeJ: their own power. 11. All such graveyards, together with the books herein J:equired, shall at all times be kept open for inspection to all officers of the County having police powers. 12. Any person maintaining or operating an autOlllObile graveyard shall keep at his place of business a book in which a record shall be kept of the day and time of day of each purchase; the name and residence, as well as the color, age, and height of the person selling and actually delivering the vehicle; parts, or accessories purchased; the amount of the purchase price, the make, state license number, IDOtor number, body number, style, and seating capacity, of the vehicle purchased; the make and identifying number of radiators, speedometers, and magnetoes purchased, together with such other information I, concerning said property as may be ncessary to prove ownership or identity of such vehicles or of such autOlllObile parts or accessories purchased. Diligent inquiry shall also be made as to the legal right of the seller to make such sale. , 13. No person shall knowingly buy, sell, receive, dispose of, conceal, or have in his possession any IIIOtor vehicles, part, or accessory from which the manufacturer's serial number or any other number or identification mark has been removed, defaced, covered, altered, or destroyed, for the purpose of concealing or misrepresenting the identity of such vehicle, part, or accessory. Every person to whOlll is offered for sale any IIIOtor vehicle, part, or accessory from I I which has been removed, defaced, covered, altered, or destroyed the manufacturer' I I I I serial number or any other number or identification mark shall immediately notify, the Sheriff of such offer. 14. No person, firm or corporation shall maintain, or operate an autOlllObile graveyard without first having obtained a permit therefor. 15. Application for a permit hereunder shall be made to the Board of Supervisors and shall contain the name and address of the applicant, and the location of the premises where such business is to be carried on; the said permit may be revoked at any time by the Board of Supervisors for any violation of the provisions of this ordinance. 16. As used inthis ordinance, the te.."II1 "Automobile Graveyard" 1I!il8nS any lot or place which is exposed to the weather and upon which IIIOre than five IDOtor vehicles of any kind, incapable of being operated, and which it would not be economically practical to make operative, are placed, located, or found. il h 17 . There is hereby imposed on the owner or operator of any such automobil1 graveyard that is described and defined herein, an annual license tax of :1 Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) where the number of IDOtor vehicles incapable of being operated of any kind are placed thereon, is IIIOre than five, but does not exceed ! I I six, (6), in number; where the number of IDOtor vehicles incapable of being I , 'I operated of any kind exceeds Six (6) in number, the annusl license tax shall bel Twenty-five DolllU"s ($25.00), and in addition thereto a tax of One Dollar ($1.00),1 for each IDOtor vehicle incapable of being operated in excess of twenty-five (25);1 ,I and in either event this tax shall not be prorated; all licenses required 'I , , ,[ I ~ " j ------~-~' T f I hereunder shall be obtained from the COIIIIIIi.ssioner of Revenue of said County and the funds derived therefrom shall be paid into the General Fund of the said County. The license tax year under this ordinance shall cOllllll.ence on the 1st day of April and expire on the 31st day of March of each year. 18. The Authorities of this County shall not allow any such automobile graveyard to open, if they are advised of its presence in this County, until the license required is exhibited to them. 19. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the prov:lsions of this i ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), and each day f s continuance of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. 20. If any part or parts, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance should, for any reason, be held to be unconstitutiona I or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ord1nAnce, which shall remain in force and effect as if such ordinance had been adopted with the unconstitutional or invalid part or parts, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof eliminated, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted this ordinance and each part or parts, chapter, section, sub-section, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or IIIOre part or parts, chapter, section, Sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase would have been declared unconstitutional or invalid. = a a BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that certified copies of this ordinance be furnished to the Commissioner of Revenue, the Judge of the County Court, and the Sheriff of Ii i! this County and that complaints for any violation covered by this ordinance be !i " 'I prosecuted under the terms of this ordinance; and that all fines and all I, licenses imposed hereunder shall be collected and paid to the credit of the i ~ General County Fund of this County. ~ il # I' Ii :t !i ~ This ordinance is enacted and adopted pursuant to the provisions of Sections 15-8 and 15-18 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, regulating and providing for the imposition of such license by the Board of Supervisors of this County. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to cause this ordinance to be c published in full for two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke. On IIIOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keff~r, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None (lR1)RRv.]) that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in March, 1959. q{~~-- 241 ,f e :!.~ 6. "'1\. -~ (tk:t ~ :' "J/~q Ii I I l ; I 1 l , ~ jl'~ ~ ."...... ~.'- WHEREAS the Interstate Highway System in Virginia was generally approved ~ A. t7. -",,""!- r-: 1'.,~ rJ,.AJ .., ';; by the Federal Works Administration in 1947; and v... --r- ?....",.1l"'-' j~~ ' ,,(., ~ lfRRREAS the designated location of Interstate Route 64 is now in the Route Q. ..,4,.<. '''; ~-' i" .....250-60 Corridor and is referred to in recent studies as the North Route; and .;"t~ ~~ WHEREAS interested citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia have given ~:. ~~areful consideration to the location of Interstate Route 64, with respect to ~--'1~:~.Y cost, population to be served, economic. data, traffic, and benefits to our ~ if /Tv r " State and Nation in case of National Emergency; and ~ Je.{" - '4.5f \ I . TO l '/~~fi ! : ~ It. -4.:4 "",j i .4j;1Y'" 1"- r~ "-'''51 ! ! I I t I Court House Salem, Virginia March 2, 1959 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following call: Salem, Virginia February 24, 1959 I Mr. Roy It. Brown, Clerk Circuit Court of Roanoke County Salem, Virgi17ia Dear Mr. Brown: Pursuant to Section 15-243 COde of Virginia, 1950, the undersigned members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby request that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, be convened in Special Session at ll:OO A. M., on Monday, March 2, 1959. The _tter to be considered at this Special Meeting will be for the I?urpose of deciding how to invest the funds to be received from the sale of ~2,600,OOO.0 School Bonds. The undersigned further ask that you issue immediately on receipt of this request the notice in writing or in the alternative have such notice served by the Sheriff of Roanoke County, upon the members of this Board in further pursU8DC:eof Section 15-243 Code of Virginia of 1950. Very truly yours, W. E. Cundiff Edwin G. Terrell M. R. Keffer John Lee Logan Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. I Present: Keffe ; i , ! and John Lee Logan. Before the meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Mr. Frank Gilbert I offered a prayer. On IIIOtion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Treasurer of Roanoke County be and she hereby is authorized to place on deposit with the Farmers National Bank of Salem, salem, Virginia, and the Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, at the best available interes . rate or rates, the proceeds received from the sale of the $2,600,000 Roanoke County School Bonds, in such proportion as the Banks and the Treasurer may agree upon, after an escrow agreement has been entered into. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan. Nays: None I I 244 Court House Salem, Virginia March 16, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular lIIOnthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairma:."1, Edwin G. i Terrell, Vice-Chairman, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Benjamin E. Chapman offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said mlnutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: l l I I I ~ f I r I No. 31024 If 31025 If 31026 If 31027 If 31028 If 31029 " 31030 " 31031 " 31032 " 31033 " 31034 " 31035 If 31036 If 31037 I I ! "I " If 31038 " 31039 If 31040 If 31041 If 31042 If 31043 If 31044 If 31045 " 31046 If 31047 If 31048 If 31049 I 1 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies Acme Printers Co., office supp~ies American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies $ 2.00 473.30 44.01 At rew Lewis Service Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 118.99 Arrow Hardware Paint-Feed Co., Janitor supplies and Misc. Items 9.52 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Auto Parts, etc. Barnett Coal Co., Fuel-Co. Office Bldg. Bemiss Equipment Corp. 1 New Garbage Truck Used International 18.99 30.50 6,025.00 8.35 4.06 129.50 .1 J. P. Bell Company, Office supplies Brown Hardware Company, Hardware, etc. Bush Electric Co., Wiring (Repairs) Courthouse Dick Bryant Amoco Station, Gas for Cave Spring Fire Truck 2.52 Burroughs Corp. Repairs to Tax Ticket Machine for Treasurer I s Office 26.78 Roy K. Brown, Clerkof Court, Recording 2,091 tracts of delinquent land, sold by the Treasurer for 1956 at 10~ per tract 209.10 c Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 22.48 Clearbrook Lion's Club, February Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 60.00 County Scheol Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline purchased for Hollins Fire Station Tank l5~.69 I Culliga., Sr.:it Water Service, Rent on Water Softner for Hollins Fire Station 4.00 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Clearbrook Fire Station 26.40 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies DeWitt Supply Co., Janitor supplies Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies Easter Supply Co., office supplies Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey Card 19.43 21.68 9.85 39.66 1 31.36 Fairview Home, County's share of expense in maintaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. 43.47 Chalmers Ferguson, COIIIIIIission on Delinquent Taxes Collected 273.10 r-, h~ c o tJ o r r I f l f f i ! I, I l " ! ~ ~ f No. 31050 31051 II II 31052 31053 31054 31055 31056 31057 II " II " " II 31058 31059 31060 II ~ .. 31061 II 31062 " 31063 n 31064 31065 31066 31067 31068 II " " " " 31069 31070 31071 " " " 31072 " 31073 31074 31075 31076 31077 " II " " " 31078 31079 " " 31080 31081 31082 31083 " " II " 31084 31085 31086 31087 31088 31089 n " " " II C. G. Foley, February Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station $ 60.00 464.31 'I I, " 36.89 Ii 9.83- ! it ~, 101.42 ~ ~ I 'I II 6.50 I: II :i 60.00 'I il 646.20 ! II Ii , ~ n , II 10.00 ii 18.50 I 'I !I 40.00 I Ij for Welfare 407.00 II 6.28 ~ Fuel Oil 6< Equipment Co., Fuel for Heating Courthouse and Hollins Fire House Goodyear Service Stores, Parts and Repairs Co. Vehicles Goodwin Insurance & Realty Co., Premium on Insurance &c Green Market, Food for Co. Jail Void WIll. Green & Company, Repair to Door Closer Courthouse J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, February Rent on Cave Spring Fire House Haloid Xerox Inc., Record Paper W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel Jail M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expenses Feb. International Assoc. of Electrical Inspection, 195~ Membership dues for Paul C. Eller Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Repairing Motor at Hollins Fire Station Void Lewis-Gale Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills McClung Lumber Co., Repair Material Courthouse Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Attending Prisoner at Jail Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Co. Treasurer, Jury Tickets &c Merchants Industries Inc., office supplies Miller Tire Service, Parts Police Cars &c Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners and Medical supplies Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline purchased for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck Henry S. Murphy, Jr., Refund Garbage collection fee Carnell Moore, Maintenance of Garbage Lot G. R. Mortimer, Refund Garbage Collection Fee Judge Norman R. Moore, Reimburse Traveling Expense 32.00 28.28 5.00 125.70 161.37 II .I II :f " ~ II " ., ~ ij " ~ " " i, U " II ~ " 'I 'I 'I 'I \1 ii !: " 'I 29.13 134.78 17.94 4.00 455.00 1.50 44.73 Mount Vernon Phillips 66 Station, Gasoline Cave Spring Fire Truck 20.45 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts #3 Police Car 1.65 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine for Treasur!lr's Office 21.60 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House 1.54 8.60 Oren Roanoke Corp., Repairing Salem Fire Truck 39.85 Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Plumbing Work at Courthouse and Installing St. Signs 225.72 Nelson Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies and Hardware G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Pulaski County Court, Reimburse Lunacy commission ltoanoke Gas Co., cooking fuel for Jail &c Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners 105.34 .92 31.50 45.93 3.00 53.72 246 I I i I l I , ~ ! ! ! ~ ~ , " ! No. 31090 " 31091 II 31092 31093 31094 31095 31096 31097 31098 31099 31100 3ll0l II " " " 'f II " " II II 31102 31103 31104 31105 31106 31107 31108 31109 31110 311ll 31112 31113 31114 31115 31116 31117 31118 31133 31134 31135 31136 31137 " It .. .. " " " " " " II " " " " II " " II " " " 31138 " 31139 " 31140 31141 31142 31143 31144 " " " " Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund $ 22.30 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 832.50 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy Hearing 10.00 Roanoke Restaurant Service, Food for Prisoners Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., Office supplies Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Salem CrelllllE!ry Co., Food for Prisoners Salem Farm Supply Co., Utensils for Jail &c Salem Hardware Co., Garbage Tubs, &c G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage 7.85 10.50 58.38 14.40 7.61 39.25 60.00 I I SUIIIIlerdean Esso Station, Oil and Wash Jobs 8.75 State Board of Education, Carrying charge of 2% on ac- quisition cost of ~258.20 for donable prop- erty received on the Va. 148-58 (Va> Prop- erty Information Memorandum, Civil Defense 5.16 Shepherd's Citations, La~, books 28.00 Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies Co. Jail 4.03 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician Salary &c 189.00 Void Town of Salem, Lights and Water Service and Fire Equipment56l.09 United States Civil Defense Council, 1959 Membership Dues 5.00 Va11eydale Packers, Inc., Food for Prisoners Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners 44.16 93.60 I Virginia Armature Co., Repairs to Hollins Fire Truck 79.20 Vinton Motor Co., 2 New Police Cars 3,719.04 Wilson's Esso & Grocery, Repair, pa--cs, &c 78.43 Walters Printing & Mfg. Co., 2,500 Engraved 110 Envelopes 80.00 Williams Auto Aligmnent, Parts for Police Car 14 9.00 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance County Owned Vehicles 174.34 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy Hearing Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy Hearings 10.00 10.00 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Attorney Court Appointed 10.00 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for County Police Cars 56.72 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies Easter Supply Co., Office supplies Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Hearing &c 37.39 11. 78 20.00 I C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Ser.Ti.ce for Mount Pleasant Fire House 30.25 County School Board of Roanoke, Maintenance of County owned Vehicles 609.20 I City of Roanoke, Plant, Sewage treat- the General Electric Sewage Treatment ment charges for Line 217.09 43.08 39.20 71.07 2.11 10.00 Deluxe Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry, Jail Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners Ann Hinson, Extra Office assistant in Public Works John Publ Products Co., Janitor supplies Barry N. Lichtenstein, Lunacy hearing 248 -----=-" - , Et::.tt ( [ ~ ;}1115~ IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY C1ERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, County Treasurer, for $1,219.96, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of February, 1959, less commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,158.96 net. I t I On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance:' Voucher-check #31002 in the amount of $1,376.78, dated March 7. 1959, payable to Roanoke Coun~y Board of Public Welfare; Voucher-check 131003 in the amount of $482.47, dated March 7, 1959, payabl to C 6< P Telephone Company; i II Voucher-check 131004 in the amount of $15.00, dated March 7, 1959,' payable ii to C & P Telephone Company; 1, Ii Voucl1er-check #31005 in the amount of $49.28, dated March 7, 1959, payable I to Appalachian Power Company; t Ii Voucher-check #33195 in the amount of $10.00, dated February 20, 1959, ' payable to G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, for postage; Voucher-check #33221 in the amount of $250.00 dated February 26, 1959, to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, for advance traveling expense to St. Louis to get prisoner; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, Jolm Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of March, 1959, be approved in the amount of $9,922.96, from which the sum of $138.37 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $658.50 is to be ~~..., deducted, leaving a ne.t payroll of $6,126.09. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ... On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period February 16, 1959, ending February 28, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,946.00, from which the sum of $48.16 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes in the sum of $102.10 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,795.74; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period March 1, 1959, ending March 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,756.00, from which the sum of $44.41 total F. 1. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes in the sum of $91.90 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,619.69. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I ! v I , I t:J r ~ I r:J r t I I; ~ D o 249 The following reports were this.day laid before the Board and ordered filed7 H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of Feb~, I[ 1959; I, H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, S\llllll4ry statement of prisoner days served in the il f:.tL-: a,WI ..," Roanoke County jail during the month of February, 1959; c..r 3}1"1 ~ EDIlARD S. AUEN, County Agent, monthly report for February, 1959; ~ J JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for February, 1959.11 Ii , " " I; ~ The following cOlllllUI1ications were this day laid before the Board and ordere4 ~: ~ . ~ Copy of resolution No. 13643, dated the 2nd day of March, 1959, Cour.cil Citl of Roanoke, amending contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cODlDercial wastes. Copy of letter dated March 4, 1959, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, ' Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from .J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, filed. I, Letter dated March 10, 1959, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ~ County, signed by T. D. Brown, in re: Roanoke County Sanitation Authority- i North 11 Sewer System. I ~ ~ ! IN RE: REquest for contribution for support of Children's Home Society of Virginia, received and ordered referred to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, for reply. IN RE: COUNTY BUDGETS: A communication dated March 13, 1959, addressed to Clerks and Members of Boards of Supervisors, from League of Virginia Counties, received and ordered filed. t r ! ! ! t ~ I t , Letter dated March 3, 1959, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from W. Frank Chapman, Town Manager, Town of Salem, in re: condition of the Roanoke County Fire Equipment now housed in the Town of Salem's Fire Department, received and ordered referred to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, for study and report. E. M. Atkinson this day appeared before the Board and presented a petition signed by one hundred and fifty-four citizens of Roanoke County, concerning the employment of Mr. Candler, as custodian and Special Officer, said petition ordered filed. I f f I ! ~ , , I , IN RE: INTERSTATE ROUTE 64- Richmond - Clifton Forge: Letter dated March 3, 1959, addressed to N. C. Logan, Deputy Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from S. D. May, Coamissioner, Department of Highways, Commonwealth of Virginia, in re: Interstate Route 64 - Richmond - Clifton Forge - received and ordered filed. y ~ ~ II I I ff j! ,. " II ~ ii , II II II ~ II I' " " Ii Ii tl I, ii I I II " 250 ~J.J. 11" c.. C. ~c.. ~~ .... ..;J.J.. g.rE..- s~, <;...u ,. ~.$"..e...:... 3}'1'&-' ~~ .~~e. ~" .ei':--.. ~~C. 61_ .c.-. 3J '1/~'1f ! ! I I 1 ~...J tr-1 ~ I ~~J ~! ~~'i ~.. , t . -'. r ~ I'; ~fi ~ ~ w:D'e.-...1 I C. 'hl~_. " , ~ ~ I ~J,J~""f ! J -, . I r , IN RE: TRANSFER PROf GENERAL COUNTY FUND TO LIBRARY FUND: On motion, duly seconded, itisordered that the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry from the General County Fund to the Library Fund, the sum of Two Thousand, Four Hundred and Five Dollars ($2,405.00), being a part of the 1958-1959 Library appropriation set I up in the County Budget for said year. Letter dated March 10, 1959, from Mrs. Blanche B. Pedneau, received and ordered filed. ~ ~ County Librarian,~ II Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I Ul RE: REZONING OF LOTS 8 AND 9, F. M. STllTSMAN MAP, ) SITUATE ON THE NCltTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE ll, ) EAST OF HOIlARD JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT, IN THE ) SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, ) VIRGINIA ) .QR~!! This day the petition of Arthur G. Trout, Joyce H. Trout, Harry D. Trout, and Melva B. Trout to rezone Lots 8 and 9, F. M. Stutsman Map, situate on the north side of U. S. Route 11, east of Howard Johnson's Restaurant, in tJte Salem , Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, was received and, in accordance! with Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia and the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, it is hereby ordered that the said petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for tt s report and recoaaendation. And be it further ordered upon receipt of the recommendation of said Planning COIIIIlission that the Clerk of this Board forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given in accordance with law. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Ayes: IJohn Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None I RE: LOSS OF SECONDARY ROAD FUNDS: The following resolution was this day adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, does hereby vigorously deplore the depletion of secondary road funds for the vitally important rural roads of the State of Virginia, primarily as a result of the supposed advantages of the vast interstate highway system, and does hereby urgently request the Governor of Virginia, the General Assembly of Virginia, and the Virginia Department of Highways to save and improve our system of farm-to- town and city roads of the State, and to re-emphasize the superior importance of rural roads in our state over the vast interstate system of highways; They are further requasted to effect all economies possible and to seek other formulas for first serving the bedrock people of our counties, cities and towns rather than sacraficing our own needs so the transient traveling public I I o c ~ c o can be afforded such rapid means of passing into and out of our State. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that attested copies of this resolution be sent to the Governor of Virginia, to the Hon. Nelson R. Thurman, member of the House of Delegates from Roanoke County, to the Virginia State Highway Commissioner, to the Honorable Ted Dalton, State Senator, and to the Board of Supervisors of Prince William County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ! V Resolution dated March 5, 1959, of the Board of Supervisors. of Prince William County, Virginia, in re: Loss of Secondary Road Funds, ordered filed. I, ~ ! 1 I I f Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 16th day of February, 1959, designating March 16, 1959, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. as the time and the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a public bearing on the aforesaid resolution of February 16, 1959, signifying the intention of the said Board of Supervisors of RC810ke County, Virginia, to specify further proj ects in the nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further proj.ects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: SupervisorsW. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer " Absent: Supervisor John Lee Logan ii I' The Chairman opened the meeting, stating its general purposes, and after Ii I' ,I reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published II " in the "Times-Register", and certified by the publisher, and also a reading of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general discussion of the subject. The Board hearing no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, the following resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote: WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Ii Ii I: County, !1 Virginia, held February 16, 1959, a resolution was unanimously passed by recordeii :1 !: vote of said Board, signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County S.:mitation Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended, and particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifying of further proj ects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was duly published in the "Times-Register," a newspaper published in and having 2~1 ii II !I II ~ 'I ~ I, ~ ij ~ " 'I II ~~ tU-r r ~CP~ ~ ilt.~.a.. I " Ii ! 3/ I f'j s'"'i \1 il 'I II i ~ ~ l H ~ i " 'I Ii , 252 _..- -.~.-"---,,,..,- -- .~- . =--.- - =-= general circulation in the Town of Salem, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has itsprincipal office, and in Roanoke County, said publication having been had on February 26, 1959. WHEREAS the said public hearing was duly held on March 16, 1959, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resolution; and, WHEREAS in the judgment of the M.embers of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition. substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determinstion that no substantial opposition to the additional pro:;j ects, as set forth in the said resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at said meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVJ::D: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its regular meeting of February 16, 1959, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution j signifying its intention to specify further pr0gects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects II to be imdertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority with the purpose :1 of acquiring, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto for the primary purpose of furnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpose i of exercising the powers conferring upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority , by its Charter and by the provisions of the Virginia Watel: and Sewer Authorities :i -I Act., Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and being Sectionsi! 15.764.1 to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the additional projects consistingl of furnishing said services in each and all of those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular meeting held on February 16, 1959, reference is hereby specifically had to said resolution and the metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Supervisors' Record Book 15, Page 236. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I I I I I Cl ,., u o o o I: ., ii ~ !i ., ~ " , !I II I I i ~ ~m Ii s; _,.- Iii: ~ ~.LL ;- ~1. 'Yn~ . c 'i+ l:1H-1 3/ f~.s"i 11 ,. j ~ 'L~tr ~~ I~ I ~.tu-<f I~. Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly to be served by a road constructed : Co ~(b~ or improved from funds from the Industrial Access Fund; ~ 1>1 ( if!.'" NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested :1 ~ to furnish an estimate of cost, data on right-of-way needs, and other informationil to the Highway Ccmmission on State Secondary Route 601 for a continuation and ii j extension of the presently proposed Industrial Access improvement which is now il under way for the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. This Ii extension will be approximately 1000 feet in length, and it is hereby recOllllllendeo,l I that this extension be improved with Industrial Access Funds if available. I! " " J! :: I " !, , " " i: !i On motion duly seconded and carried, the State Highway Department is hereby "~ ,: -,;- requested to relocate the proposed bridge on State Second2:ry Route 1581 across !:il~' <...J-I Tinker Creek to the extension of State Secondary Route 1596 and its crossing ;' .~ 1:. ~7;r-~ over Tinker Creek. " ~ L.i <r- Adopted by the following recorded vote: ]! ~o.h:f~." ::Co.f.,..QJ~ :: ~/lsjS'7f , r Mrs. Wanda Boyd this day appeared before the Board and opposed the inclusion of the Cherry Hill Section, or any other area of Roanoke County, in the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. Mrs. Evelyn Robertson this day appeared before the Board and opposed the inclusion of any area of Roanoke County in the Roanoke County Sanitation , \ ~ I t Authority. On motion duly seconded and carried, it is requested that State Secondary Route 681, from the intersection of Virginia Route 119 to the intersection of State Secondary Route 720 in Roanoke County, be included in the Secondary Federal Aid Highway System. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, WHEREAS application has been ~de to this Board for a continuation of improvements to State Secondary Route 601 to serve an industrial site to be occupied by the Double Envelope Corporation; and WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted i n said application, it is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify under Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and ,. I i I .. f i f i I i ! i I i , r I I , , I r t Ayes: Super\o1sors Edwin G. Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and '~=l " ., '. ii I, i! - 1 ~~ I @J- ~ 1?- ~i ~~~! (J.I',,- ~ 3J J ? J ~'T{ i, ;.- :z.~ I It::"" J-tii ~~~'-.(.~T. ~ I' "I6'M f>. [ ~~y..t i ". c:4.. ~ <fT, l~e i .-..-- Ii I~~:' !~~C.l:. '~ " I 1\; (X.M. l.:f""" - , . ii 311'1 ) ~-, ~ i ~ ! IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. HIGIlllAY ROUTE NO. 220, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF W. R. HARBOUR, ET ALS I RESOLUTION AND ORDER This day came Benj. E. Cha~ and James M. Young, Attorneys for W. R. Harbour, et a1s, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said W. R. Harbour, et a1s, re1taive to rezoning certain property situa'te in the Cave Spring Magisterial District and more particularly described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the said Petition be, and: the same is, hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the proposal to amend said County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition, and said petition be and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said County Planning Commission shall submit its report with its recommendation to the Clerk of this Court as required by the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk a. this Court shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next perm1ssab1e regular or special meeting of this Board, as authorized by said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said Petition, certified by the Clerk of this Board, be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B.Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. I I I Edwin G. Terrell and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. v~te the Supervisors voted as f~llows, to-wit: j " I Cundiff and JOhn! I The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisors Keffer, and on a recorded Ayes: Lee Logan Nays: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. None I IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN THE SALEM ) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY OF ROANOKE, STATE ) OF VIRGINIA, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ) ROUTE NO. 11, JUST EAST OF THE APPALACHIAN ELECTRIC) POilER C<Ja'ANY--HANCOCK SUBSTATION ) .Q!~!! I This day convened at 2:30 P. M., in the Court House of Roanoke County, at i Salem, Virginia, a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, : , " Virginia, one of the purposes of the said meeting being to conduct a public hearing ! and consider a request to reZOne certain real estate situated in Roanoke County, Virginia, more particularly hereinafter described, upon the petition of Bernard Cook, et a1, which was presented to this Board on the 16th day of February, 1959, copies of which were filed with the Roanoke County Planning Commission. ~ "==.;. u. _.. _ _ ._._ -'.-_-O=r=___ [7 i...J WHEREAS, on the 16th day of February, 1959, the petition of Bernard Cook, Roland Eugene Cook, Jr., Frank E. Cook, Roanoke Valley Shopping Center, Incorporated, Alden Homes, Inc., and Lee-Hi Shopping Center, Inc., was filed pursuant to the provisions of Title 15, Sections 846 and 847, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and the Zoning Ordinances of 'l.oanoke County, adopted January 20, 1941, as amended, and was received and filed by the said Board at the said regular meeting. WHEREAS, on February 16, 1959, by resolution and order, duly a.dopted, the said petition was duly filed and referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recOllllllendations in accordance with the said Sections of the said Virginia Code. WHEREAS, it was further resolved and ordered by this Board that when the said plAnning Commission received and considered the said petition and reported i s recOllllle1ldations to the Clerk of this Board, the said Clerk should forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing and issue notice thereof by publication as required by the said Sections of the said Code of Virginia. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said order of this Board, the said Planning COIIIIIission, at a duly called meeting held on the 17th day of February, 1959, fully investigated the merits of the said request for rezoning the said property frOlll its present "A" Residential District to Local Business District, and was of the opinion that the property should be rezoned frOlll "A" Residential District to Local Business District, and that such change " of classification would be beneficial and would promote the public interest, and did, by resolution unanimously adopted at said meeting, recOllllllend to the Board of Supervisors that they amend the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County so as to reclassify the said property as Local Business District, and did deliver a certi- fied copy of its recoomendation to the Clerk of this Board. WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did issue notice by publication as required by Title 15, Sections 846 and 847, of the Code of Virginia, as amended, of a public hearing on said amendments to the said Zoning Ordinances, by legal advertisements which appeared in The Times Register, a weekly newspaper pub1ishe in Roanoke County, Virginia, and having general circulation therein, On the 19th day of February, and on the 26 day of February, 1959, the publishers' certificate having been filed with the Clerk of this Board, the said not9ce stating fully the time, place and purpose of the public hearing, and the place at which the said petition, certified by the Planning Commission, could be examined. WHEREAS, more than fifteen days has expired since the last publication of the said notice and all requirements of law have been fully complied with, and on this date at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the Court House in Salem, Virginia, the time and place designated in the said publication order, there was conducted a public hearing upon the said request for rezoning, and full opportunity was offered for a full and complete discussion of the merits of the said request for rezoning. WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the said public hearing and after full consideration by this Board, it was unanimously agreed that a change in c1assi- it i,..i c c c fication to Local Business District would promote the public interests of the citizens of Roanoke CC'unty and more particularly those in the vicinity of the said land. 256 -~- NOll, THEREFORE, by resolution at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, it is ordered that the Zoning Ordinance, adopted .January 20, 1941, as amended, be 1iJrther amended to rec1asify and rezone from "An Residential District to Local Business District, as defined in the said Zoning Ordinances, the following described tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, located on the north side of U. S. Route No. 11, east of the Appalachian Power Company Hancock Sub-station, and more particularly described as follows: Parcel 11 I (, I I I , I ! I BEGINNING at an iron on the north side of U. S. Route No. 11 at the southeast corner of the 23.07 acre tract;o thence with the north side of U. S. Route No. 11, S. 65 21' E. 87.91 feet to a concrete mogument; thence continu- ing with U. S. Route No. 11, S. 68 30' E. 57.08 feet to a poigt; thence with a new line through the Cook property, N. 08 08' E. 1360.61 feet to a point on the south line of the Virginian Railwa~ Company property; thence with a line of the same, S. 87 25' W. 142.48 feet to an iron at the northeast corner of the aforementioned 23.07 acre tract; thencil with the easterly line of the 23.07 acre tras.~~~ 08- 08' W. 1295.87 feet to the place of BEGL1'll'lU'lli, containing 4.26 acres, and being a portion of the same property, an interest in which was conveyed to Bernard Cook, Roland Eugene Cook, Jr., and Frank E. Cook by Bel:sey H. Cook, widow, by deed dated August 11, 1955, and of record in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 535, Page 100; Betsey M. Cook having been devised the interest in the same by the will of James S. Cook, dated May 12, 1924, and of record in the said Clerk's Office in Will Book 8, Page 294; Roland Eugene Cook, Jr., and Frank M. Cook having inherited their interests as sole heirs-at-1aw of their father, Roland E. Cook, who died intestate in the year 1945; Roland Eugene Cook, Jr. Bernard Cook and James S. Cook having acquired the interest of Charles W. Cook and wife by deed dated September 8, 1934, and of record in the said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 228, Page 53; Roland E. Cook, Bernard Cook, James S. Cook and Charles W. Cook having inherited, as sole heirs-at-1aw, from William H. Cook who died intestate i n 1919. I I I i ! ! i ~ I , i ~ , ij " ! ~ ~ " ~ ! , At the request of the petitioners, action on the second parcel described in the said petition is deferred at this time to the next regular meeting of this Board on April 20, 1959, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution and order be spread in the Book of Orders of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that' the Clerk of this Board deliver a certified copy hereof to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the said Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and he is hereby directed to change all official zoning ~ps of Ro.:moke Cbunty to reflect the rezoning ordered herein, and the Clerk of this Board shall likewise mail. to Tom Stockton Fox, Attorney at Law, 810-813 State and City Building, Roanoke, Virginia, two certified copies of this order. The above resolution and order was unanimously adopted on the motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors .John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I = On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. JR. Keffer, it is ordered that R. FRED CHILDERS! of Bramb1eton Court, Cave Spring District, be appointed a member of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the unexpired term of Reginald M. Wood, resigned, said appointment to be effective immediately. The resignation of Mr. Wood is accepted with regret. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None = IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON SOUTHERLY SIDE OF LYNCHBURG SALEM TURNPIKE EAST OF EUGENE DRIVE Optioned to JOHN C. GLASGCM a This day came again John C. Glasgow, and T. L. Plunkett, Jr., his attorney, pursuant to notice of public hearing this day on the rezoning of property on southerly side of Lynchburg Salem Turnpike east of Eugene Drive. optioned to John C. Glasgow, and came also Bruce E. Anderson, Mrs. Bruce E. Anderson, Mrs. S. N.Price and Mrs. L. N. Watts and other citizens of said area, and opposed the rezoning of the above property; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said petition be referred back to the Roanoke County Planning COIIIIIIission for further recammendations, and said ~tter is continued to the ne."l:t meeting of this Board. Petition signed by sundry citizens of Roanoke County, opposing re-zoning of property from residential to business, said property situated on the southerly side of the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike extending eastwardly from Eugene Dtive a distance of approximately 262 feet and having a depth of 175 feet on the southerl side of the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike, received and ordered filed. ~ IN RE: REZONING OF PROE'ERTY ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LYNCHBURG-SALEM TURNPIKE AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF CALDWELL STREET, SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OF RICHARD C. ALLEY AND GATHIE E. ALLEY. a This day came Richard C. Alley and Gathie E. Alley, by E. W. Chelf, their attorney, pursuant to notice of public hearing this day on the rezoning of property on the northerly side of Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike and the easterly side of Caldwell Street, Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, of the said Richard C. Alley and Gathie E. Alley, and came also Bruce E. Anderson, Mrs. Bruce E. Anderson, Mrs. S. N. Price. and other citizens of said area, and opposed the rezoning of the above property; c.L ~jI lOG fl. ~ 3').:J'f~_ . tM....J,.lr. )'<... .u..r.- a..~.-. , 3/'1$-' H:~_~. ~....:.. Cr-.. 3/'7 /~.., l: cL.R.. -r.- ~C. et.<<. .c."... . ~/, 7/ S'<f 258 ~;r ~~~ I i I I i ! I " I I I , , i V i I I f I 1 t ~ ij I I ! I ~ . , Ii f , " Ii !,' Upon consideration whereof, on IIll)tion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said petition be referred back to the Roanoke County Planning COIlIIIission for further recOlllllendations, and said ~tter is continued to the next meeting of this Board. l I On motion, ch1y seconded, it is ordered that voucher-check #33152, dated February 16, 1959, for four dollars ($4.00) payable to Russell R. Wood for two goats killed by dogs, be cancelled, and that a voucher-check for the sum of thirty-five dollars ($35.00) be issued to the said Russell R. Wood in tax payment for said goats killed by dogs, said amount payable out of the dog/fund. . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in April, 1959. 4Jf~P~ '""- I Court House Salem, Virginia March 26, 1959 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County was held this day at the Courthouse, pursuant to the following call: March 26, 1959 We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, do hereby waive the notice of a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors to beheld in the Board of Supervisors' RoOl!l in the Courthouse Building of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, at 8:45 o'clock a. m., on March 26, 1959, for the following purpose: 1. To consider the employment of a Delinquent Tax Collector to replace Mr. Chalmers Ferguson, resigned. 2. To employ counsel to assist the Commonwealth's Attorney in any Annexation proceedings brought by the Town of Salem and now pending in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Va. W. E. Cundiff, Chai= Big Lick Magisterial District John L. Logan Salem Magisterial District Edwin G. Terrell Cave Spring Magisterial District M. R. Keffer Catawba Magisterial District Edw. H. Richardson COIIIIIIOnwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia I I 25.9 .~.._.~._-"_.--- "--.._~.~=,,=,. -.- Present: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Chai~, John L. Logan, Edwin G. Terre 1, M. R. Keffer and Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia. c IN RE: EMPI.OYMENT OF DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR TO REPLACE CHAUfERS FERGUSON, RESIGNED. &....1l- II W On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that CHARLES D. CHAPMAN be employed as Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, in the place and stead of Chalmers Ferguson, resigned, and to perform any other duties that ~y b,'! assigned him by Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, beginning April 1, 1959, at a salary of forty-five hundred dollars ($4500.00) per annum. Before entering upon his duties as such Delinquent Tax Collector. the said CHARLES D. CHAPMAN shall be required to enter into bond in the penalty of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) with corporate surety. It is further ordered before turning the delinquent tax tickets over to the said CHARLES D. CHAPMAN, that an audit be ~de by Alexander, Grant Co Company, of the accounts of the said Chalmers Ferguson, resigned. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None The application of CHARLES D. CHAPMAN for position of Delinquent Tax Collector, received and ordered filed. ~ IN RE: EMPLO'lMENT OF COUNSEL TO ASSIST THE CCIOlONliEALTH'S ATTORNEY IN ANY ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS BROUGHT BY THE TG'.lN OF SALEM AND NOll PENDING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA. ~ On motion of Supervisor EdI>-in G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the law firm of Woods, Rogers, Muse Co Walker be employed to assist the CoIImonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, in representing the County in any annexation proceedings brought by the Town of Salem, and now pending in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G.Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: NOne a ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in April, 1959. gf~,~ Chai~ 260 I Court House Salem, Virginia Ap't'i1 20, 1959 The.Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, Vice-Chai~, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. David Smith, Pastor of the Windsor Hills Methodist Church offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: I I ! I ~ i I I " I I f l I i \ I \ r No. 31254 Acme Printers Inc. office supplies $ 503.35 It 31255 Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Corp. Identification taga for Garbage cans 31256 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies for Jail and Courthouse 31.09 17.44 It II 31257 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Mt. Pleasant Fire Station 12.50 31258 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies .75 31259 American Bakeries Co., food for prisoners 72.36 31260 Andrew Lewis Service Station, Maintenance County owned Vehicles 132.70 It It It It 31261 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts, &c 31262 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel - County Office Bldg. 17.62 30.50 I II It 31263 Bush Electric Co.. Electrical work at Courthouse & County Library 201.10 It 31264 Baptist Children's Home Press, Office supplies 6.00 It 31265 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware 7.59 31266 Dick Bryant Esso Station, Gasoline and Oil Cave' Spring Fire Truck 17.83 31267 Brambleton Auto Service, Repairs and Parts C. S. Fire Fire Truck 45.30 31268 Building, Plumbing & Electrical Official's Conference of Va. Membership dues for 1959 5.00 31269 Cave Spring Water Co., Water service Cave Spring Fire Station 9.20 31270 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment charges for General Electric Line 213.27 31271 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Hollins Fire Station 4.00 I It It It II It It It 31272 Clifton Shirt Co., Wearing Apparel 31273 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance County owned Vehicles March 1959 131.11 It 700.57 It 31274 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline purchased for Hollins Fire Station Tank 364.10 I It 31275 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigations; Drunk Driving Examinations 30.00 31276 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office supplies 35.08 31277 Camper & Webb Texaco Service Station, Parts police Car #10 2.75 31278 Deluxe Laundry & Cleaners, Laundry for Jail and Courthouse 49.29 It It It It 31279 DeWitt Supply Co., Janitor supplies 21. 68 It 31280 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing and replacing slate roof at Co. Jail 16.00 31281 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 8.97 It --- 261 No. 31282 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card $ 39.56 ~ If:j = ~ a c " 31283 Everson-Ross Co. Inc. Badges - Sheriffs " 23.41 " 31284 Paul Eller, Assisting in Electrical and Plumbing Inspections 263.44 31285 Engleby Electric Co., Refund Electrical Permit 7.50 31288 Cha1~rs Ferguson, Commission on delinquent taxes collected 674.78 31289 Fechheimer Bros. Co. Wearing Apparel for Sheriff and Deputies 359.95 31290 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse 497.71 31292 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 37.00 31293 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 135.62 31294 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for County Engineer's Car #20 35.06 31295 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Hardware etc. 32.68 31296 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel County Jail 64.00 31297 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's traveling expense March 1959 84.55 31306 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., ~.aps 8.13 31307 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for Police Car I~ 9.94 3130lS Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond and Charlottesville 177.81 II 31286 31287 Fairview Home, County 1 s share of expense in maintaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. Farmer's Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Cave Spring Fire Truck II ,II II " II 31291 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for County jail II II II II II II II 31298 Ann Hinson, Office assistant Public works II 31299 Void 31300 Jarrett Electric Company, refund electrical permit 31301 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare 31302 Mason H. Littrea1, refund Electrical Permit 31303 Dr. Frank D. McKinney, Jr., Professional services rendered Prisoner at County Jail 31304 McClung Lumber Co., Material for Repairs 31305 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, reimburse county treasurer " II II II II II II II II " 31309 Miller Tire Service, Tires for County Vehicles 31310 Carnell Moore, Maintenance of County Dump 31311 The Michie Company, Law Books 31312 Monarch Finer Foods, Food, Janitor supplies, Disinfectants and Medical supplies for Co. Jail II II II " 87.22 1.95 42.60 72.54 5.50 444.00 5.50 5.00 70.31 44.47 156.61 400.00 58.28 172.25 II 31313 Fred L. Mueller, Refund Garbage Fee 6.50 31314 MOunt Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline Purchased for Mount Pleasant Fire Truck 22.08 " 31315 National Association of County Officials, Subscription to County Officer magazine " 24.00 31316 Owen Plumbing Co., P1ucbing Work at New County Library Bldg. Comas Building 61.61 31317 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repairs and Parts for Vinton Fire Truck 244.06 31318 Russell L Paxton Printing Co., office supplies for Treasurer 18.40 31319 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 21.91 31320 Purex Corporation, Invoice #621129 3.41 II II II II II 31321 John Puh1 Products Co., Janitor supplies 31322 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel Home Demonstration Kitchen &c 31323 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 31324 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat Covers II II II 2.11 38.78 28.40 22.50 262 31325 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills $ 3,737.00 31326 Rusco Window Co. of Roanoke, Repairing Venetian blinds Courthouse 11.60 31327 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 70.54 31328 Salem Farm Supply Co., Supplies County Library and Courthouse 31.10 31329 Salem Hardware Co., Utensils - Jail 14.05 No. II II II II II 31330 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 31331 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician Salary 31332 Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies 31333 Shenandoah Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 31334 Sheltering Arms Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills 31335 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., Street signs 31336 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Traveling Expenses March 1959 for County Probation Officer 31337 SUllIIIIerdean Esso Station, Parts, Oil, wash jobs &c: 31338 State Board of Education, civil defense expense 31339 G. A. Scruggs, Pos~ster, General Stores 31340 Stone & Webber Construction Co., 9 hours Covering Garbage Dump II II II " II " II II " II 15.60 155.00 15.30 369.60 160.00 625.91 I I 85.09 27.80 279.26 72.00 90.00 31341 Town & Country Phillips Service Station, Parts, Gas, Oil, Wash jobs 23.21 31342 Town of Salem, Light and Water Service 441.44 31348 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Repairs, parts, gas, oil and Wash jobs 86.55 31349 Wi~ Co., Janitor supplies 32.17 31350 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts and Repairs 92.36 31351 Lewis K. Whitlock, office assitance in Engineer's Office 224.56 II " II 31343 Times-Register Co., Advertising and Office supplies 31344 Va11eyda1e Packers, food for Prisoners 31345 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food etc.prisoners 31346 Underwood Corporation, Maintenance Contract on Electric Typewriters " II II II 31347 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs, Oil, parts &c: II II II II II 31352 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance County Owned Vehicles 31353 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy Hearing 31354 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 31355 Fred S. Cruser, M. D. Lunacy Hearing II II II II Keith K. Hunt, Attorn",y, Lunacy hearing II 31356 31357 31358 Dr. A. J. Russo, lunacy hearings, drunk driving examination 85.00 Dr. R. B. Smiley, drunk driving examinations and lunacy hearings II II 31359 J. P. Saul, Jr., lunacy hearing 31360 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy hearing 31361 Roanoke Linen Supply Co., towel service March 1959 31366 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased for Dog truck 31374 Margaret Bane, selling auto tags 31375 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 31376 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 31377 Goodyear Service Stores, tires for County Vehicles ': II II ~ II II II II 142.00 48.20 135.20 I 74.40 73.05 610.70 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 I 40.00 10.00 I 10.00 3.00 11. 77 36.56 7.28 9.94 166.51 = = = i , ... I I ! l i ! f , IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 31362 Acme Printers, Office supplies " " " II " " " " " ~ II " " c r 31382 Roanoke Memorial Hospital. State Local Hospital bills 444.00 31383 Soundsc~iber Sales Corp. Discs for Juvenile Court Office 12.00 31384 Star City Office Equipment Co., Repairs to Royal Typewriter 5.00 31385 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for support of local health Dept. 5,865.50 No. 31378 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel Oil for Catawba Fire House $ 31379 Dr. H. J. Minarik, lunacy hearings 31380 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Delinquent tax Collector's Car 52.22 20.00 50.48 9.17 2.00 " 31388 Trans-American Panama Hat Corp. wearing apparel Sheriff and Deputies 45.00 "Salem, Virginia March 20, 1959, 32.66 5.00 69.95 $ 10.00 9.50 47.65 6.00 28.50 16.36 12.61 15.00 24.90 40.30 6.45 3.60 23.90 18.00: MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: " II II 31381 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies " II II " " 31386 Void To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business April 18, 1$9, there was to the credit of the II 31387 Times-Register Co., Advertising Planning Meeting " 31389 Rose A. Wirt, Office assistant 31390 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Examination of Drunk driving 31393 J. R. Taliaferro, reimburse traveling expense Richmcnd & Fairfax " :, II 31363 Bush Electric Company, installing lights at Dog Pound 31364 County School Board of R. C. Gasoline and Oil for Dog Truck 31365 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies for Dog clinic 31367 Tom Long's Gulf Station, Gas, Oil, wash jobs for Dog truck 31368 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber 31369 Roanoke Surgical Supply Co., Medical supplies for dog clinic 31370 Radio Communications Co., March radio ~intenance dog truck 31371 Salem Hardware Company, Material for Dog Pound 31372 Salem Farm Supply Co. Food for dogs and garbage can for Dog Pound 31373 Yates & Wells Garage, Parts and Repairs Dog Truck 31391 State Office Supply Co., office supplies 31392 Salem Furniture Co., 2 card tables 31394 Robert E. Mow1es, fowl claim Ii 'I Ii Ii i " Ii ii i I, ~ ~ ~ ;: ii i! I, ~ ~ 'I I' ~ ~ I ~&e ~. c..~; ~ C. .~attf 'f/~1/!"'"If i , ~ur To rfC. ).' ~.~ (P ." '1("'{ !. General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund County School Fund School Construction Fu nd School Construction Bond Account School Textbook Fund . Deferred Credit Account F. 1. C. A. $ 98,567.75 2,665.31 7,492.41 606.81 196,889.39 12,746.35 10,262.98 423.80 573.24 4 235.62 l;i334,463.6b I Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. I v On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of April, 1959, be approved in the amount of $7,497.96, frOl!l which the sum of $151.75 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $701.90, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,644.31. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff. Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None :i , I :1 " 'I ,I ;' ~ I I ! total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes in the sum of $83.60 is to be deducted. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse I Collection and Janitor Services for period March 16, 1959, ending March 31, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,706.89, from which the sum of $42.68 leaving a net payroll of $1,580.61; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period April 1, 1959, ending April 15. 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,854.25, from which the sum of $46.36 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes $97.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,710.39. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None v' I On motion, duly seconded and carried, ~is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #31224 in the amount of $36.72 payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Catawba Fire House and G. E. Meter Station; Voucher-check 131225 in the amount of $15.00, payable to C & P Telephone Company, for telephone service at home of Dog Warden; Voucher-check #31226 in the amount of $526.65 payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for County office; I Voucher-check #31228 in the amount of $50.00, payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, advance traveling expenses to Baltimore to get prisoner; Voucher-check #31231 in the amount of $3.00 payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at meter station; Voucher-check 131232 in the amount of $26.40, payable to C.&P. Telephone Company, for telephone service at C1earbrook Fire Station; ~ c a a c -'~-"==._-='=-- -_.- t " I I I i I r I ! I I " I . , , i I I I Voucher-check 131251 in the amount of $14.20, payable to Appa1achine Power Company for current used at Cave Spring Fire Station; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Slpervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Tel."1:'ell Nays: None IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, County Treasurer, for $1,445.86, on account of delinquent taxes collected by ~ " ~ ~ ~ " said~ I, said Clerk for the month of March, 1959, less commissions and turned over to Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,373.57 net. i' U I. [ ~ I I. ~ , n ~ I, I I; r I I t i I t .1 Ii " 11 The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed:! IT " H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of March, 1959; " il~..t;:I'-C ~- 1+'il>-'/'1'" Ii ~ ~ Ii Ii II I The following c~~unications were this day laid before the Board and ordered~ fi~: I , , Notice of hearing on April 30, 1959, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. before the State 'I Corporation Commission, Riclunond, Virginia, on the application of Wilson I Trucking Corporation, for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity ii" as a COll!!lon carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of property on the U following route or routes: Between Roanoke, Va., and junction of State 'i Highway 115, and U. S. Highways 11 and 220, via State Highway 115; via State~ Highway 118 between Roanoke, Va., and junction of State Highways 118 and 117; II via State Highway 117, between junction of State Highway 117 and U. S. il Highways 11 and 220 and junction of State Highway 117 and U. S. Highway i 460. Restriction No freight originating at Roanoke or any intermediate 1 point along said routes shall be delivered at any other intermediate points " along said Routes at Roanoke, at Lexington, or at any points between' Roanoke and Lexington; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, sUlllllary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail during the month of March, 1959; E.'DWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for March, 1959; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for March, 1959. Notice of hearing on April 30, 1959, at 10 o'clock A. M. before the State Corporation Commission, Richmond, Virginia, on the application of BROOKS TRANSPORTATION CO. INC., for a certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a common carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of property on the following route: Between Roanoke, Va., and junction of StateHighway li 117 with U. S. Highway 11, and 220, via State Highway 118, and State Highwa~ 117, also between Roanoke and junction of State Highway 117 with U. S. " Highway 460 and Alternate 11, via State Highway 118, and State Highway 117, . Restriction: No freight originating at Roanoke or any intermediate point along said routes shall be delivered at any other intermediate point, or at Roanoke. Notice of hearing On April 30, 1959, at 10;00 o'clock A. M., at the Court room of the State Corporation Commission, Blanton Building, Riclunond, Vir ginia, on: the application of CLINE MUNDY, DBA General Motor Lines, for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a Common Carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of property on the following route or routes; Between the: junction of State Highway No. 117 with U. S.Highway No. 11 and the junction of State Highway No. 117 with U. S. Highway No. 460, via State Highway No. 117,' serving all intermediate points. v A communication dated March 27, 1959, from Commonwealth of Virginia, Depart- ment of Highways, showing tentative Interstate and Primary Allocations fiscal f: i ~ ~ , Ii ~ ~ it i I I 1 l ! ! i ~ ., ~ Ii f ~ i i v ~ , t year. 1959-60, as approved by the Highway Commission at its meeting on March 26, 1959, received and ordered filed, Letter dated March 27, 1959, from H. L. Smith, Director of Public Information, together with notice of Public Hearings on tentative allocations, to be held on May 21, 1959, at the Auditorium of Hotel Roanoke, Roanoke, Va., at 8:30 o'clock A. M. received and ordered filed. I A communication dated March 26, 1959, from the Commonwealth of \iirginia, Department of Highways, showing tentative estimates of revenues and 1\ appropriations for the fiscal year 1959-60; also a copy of tentative allocations il ',i " for the Pr~y, Interstate, and Urban Systems for 1959-60, of Secondary Road 'I Funds, Roanoke County, received and ordered filed; Letter dated March 26, 1959, from S. D. May, Commissioner, together with copy of letter dated March 26, 1959, to the members of the State Highway Commission, ordered filed. I The following letter together with map attached was this day laid before the Board and ordereo filed: l , l j t. "Department of Highways Richmond 19, Va. March 31, 1959 i Route No. 118 Project No. 0118-080-1d1 Roanoke County - Changes in 1 Pr~ry and Secondary Sys tems ,I [I Board of Supervisors of Roanoke CountYi :::::~:ginia 1 ;1 In accordance with resolutions passed by your Board on February 16, 1959,[/' changes in the Pr~y and Secondary Systems ~de necessary by relocation and i construction on Route 118, Project 0118-080-101 in Roanoke County were confirmed: by the Highway Commission on March 26, 1959, as shown on the attached sketch andi! described as follows: j SECTIONS ABANDONED AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-76.5 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA., 1950:1 I Section 1 -- Old location of Route 118, from the new location opposite Station 4 + 25 northerly 0.05 mile to the new connection opposite Station 6 + 85. .. Section 2 - Old location of Route 118, from the south property line extensicjn of the Roanoke City Airport Runway northerly 0.24 mile to the 'I north property line. " SECTIONS TRANSFERRED TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-271 OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA, 1950: Section 4 - Old location of Route 118, from the new connection opposite Station 6+ 85 'northerly 0.09 mile to the south property line extension of the Roanoke City Airport Runway. I Section 5 - : , :i Old location of Route 118, from the north property line extensiqn of the Roanoke City Airport Runway northerly 0.13 mile to Route 117. I I CONNECTION ADDED TO THE SECONDARY sYSTEM AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-141 OF THE! CODE OF VIRGINIA, 1950: ' Section 6 -- New connection, from new Route 118 at Station 6-1-85 west 0.03 mile to the old location. Sincerely yours, F. A. Davis, Chief Engineer" a a I I a .- i The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Copy of resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, on March ..8, 1959, in re: Opposition to depletion of secondary road funds ; Copy of resolution No. 13666, dated March 30th, 1959, Council City of Roanoke, providing for the relocation of the proposed County-City line bridge over Tinker Creek into Palmel' Park. COpy of letter dated April 1, 1959, addressed to S. D. May, Commissioner Virginia Department of Highways, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, ordered filed. f I ! ! I t l ! I I RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON SOUTHERLY SIDE OF LYNCHBURG SALEM TURNPIKE EAST OF EUGENE mIVE OPTIONED TO JOHN C. GLASGOW ;( FINAL ORDER 269 ~d...1 W ~.I2-C. rJa.....c-. r 111 .it ,.~ T. iTl;~ 'f {7-11 ~'7, At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on March 16, 1959. WHEREAS, John C. Glasgow petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as local business property, which petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board February 16, 1959, and by Order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held! on February 17, 1959, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said ! petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property describec! in thepeUtion i :1 i entered on February 16, 1959, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, l ~ I I I " ~ , l tl \ ~ i " ~ ~ ij to local business property;, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same clown for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the COde of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on March 16, 1959, at 2:20 P. M. as the date and time for a public heari~ on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said COunty Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke-World News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 25th and 27th days of February, 1959, as required by saie Order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was on March 16, 1959, had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, . ...' ~~ - - 270 i I , ~ . i i ~ i ;' ! " ! i I i i i ~ i i 1 ~ ~ a r t ! ! i ~ I ( ~ I I: ! ~ WHEREAS, this Board, after considering said petition, recommitted the same to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its further study and recOlllllendation; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular meeting held March 17, 1959, reconsidered said proposed amendment and reaffirmed its prior recommendation. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of April, 1959, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition and as described in the said recommendation of the County Planning Commission as local business property, in order that said property and the buildings that ~y hereafter be erected thereon may be used for local business purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby classified as local business property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: That property situate on the southerly side of the Lynchburg Salem Turnpike extending eastwardly from Eugene Drive a distance of approximately 264 feet and having a depth on the southerly side of the Lynchburg Salem Turnpike of 175 feet. IT IS FURTJ[ER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith I I certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I ; I 'I l j ;1 'I I !j 'I i :i :1 'I :1 i i , I , 'j I A cODlllUI1ication dated April 3, 1959, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County, from B. F. Parrott, Campaign Chairman, Roanoke Valley Safaty Council, ~king a brief report on the Council's luncheon meeting on Mai:ch 16, and advising that the Council had established a budget of $19,000. for the coming year, and urging that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County give, not only its financial support to said program, but its endorsement, feeling that both will be extremely valuable to said Council in all of thr services it is endeavoring to render: Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Roanoke County take a corporate membership in the Roanoke Valley Safety Council, and appropriate the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to said cause, and that a voucher-check for said amount be issued to the Roanoke Valley Safety Council in payment of said approp:;:iation, same to be mailed to B. F. Parrott, Campaign Chairman, Corporate Membership of said Council at 603 Fir~t Federal Building, Roanoke, Virginia. Letter from B. F. Parrott, Campaign Chairman, ordered filed. I Adopted by the fol:~~ing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None = CHAUIERS FERGUSON, former Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day presented to the Board a report of delinquent tangible personal property taxes collected by him for the months of January, February, March and up to April 13, 1959, showing penalty and interest thereon, for the years 1932 thru 1955, inclusive, amounting to $4,231.62, which report is received and ordered f:l.1ed. a IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Upon the recOllllllendation of Dr. W. P. Jackson, Director, Roanoke County Health Department, who will retire as of July 1, 1959, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board recommends the appointment by the State Board of Health, of Dr. C. P. Pope, as Director of Roano~e County Health Department to fill the vacancy occasioned by the retirement of Dr. Jackson, as of July 1, 1959. Copy of this resolution to be certified to Dr. M. I. Shanholtz, State Board of Health, Richmond, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None a On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a Committee composed of Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, Edw. H. Richardson, COIllIlIOnwea1th I s Attorney and Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, to recommend an ordinance prohibiting the burning of old automobiles, tires, or any other substances causing fly ash, soot or smoke. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I r i I I T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for Byron L. Radford and Ethel M. Radford, owners of subdivision known as Cherry Hill, this day appeared before the Board, and requested permission of the Board to file a petition for vacat~on of portion of The Boulevard, which petition was ordered filed. No action was taken on said petition. ~ I ~ I ! ! I, I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that J. R. Taliaferro, Roanoke County Electrical and Plumbing Inspector, and Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be requested to write a letter to Dr.M. L. Shanholtz, State Department of Health, opposing certain provisions contained in the p~oposed State Plumbing Code. And, further, that a copy of said letter be forwarded to the Honorable Ted Dalton, State Senator, and to the Honorable Nelson R. Thurman, Roanoke County's Representative in the State Legislature. 27.1 ~ I ~~ ~T 'Y\t ~ I~ 'f .~ ~ IT .W.p. a~R- G>)~ j.\)...J.t-~...e- IJ.j ')oI)~""1 ~~ )1.<<... I... 1 ~ ij""'!!'""! ii ~ ii ,1 :1 il " !; I' ii i:~.~. lTT .r<, 'to.L:r- if+- . f r.>. ii%,,~ if t/...,/:,"'! !j I, !' 272 I I I ~ I . J.J. r+ c . 0.,..i I . c..'i.t- ! @' ~ 'VII~~ ! ~! 11 c..~ t.~~. , I~. ! tJ')oIJ~'" I ~I 1tW~/i~, ~ I i ~ . ~ i ~ ! lI~1Ci ~ .llrOtb- ! ~ <r"" ~ ~~! fl)-')Slf! ~ I , ~ Adopted by the following ._corded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. ~diff, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None John Lee to::l IN RE: LEASE OF PROPERTY FOR GARBAGE DISPOSAL: I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board be authorized and empowered to sign an agreement with Robah G. Kerner leasing 1.34 acres of land in Salem Magisterial District for the purpose of disposing of garbage and waste materials at an annual rate of two hundred, sixty-eight dollars ($268.00) per year; And it is further ordered, after th:ls agreement has been signed bj' said Chairman and attested by the Clerk of this Boarn, and Robah G. Kerner that said lease be recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of'Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LYNCHBURG-SALEM TURNPIKE AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF CALDWELL STREET, SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA of FINAL ORDER I x RICHARD C. AllEY and GATHIE E. AU.EY WHEREAS, Richard C. Alley and Gathie E. Alley, husband and wife, did, on the 16th day of February, 1959, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide: that certain property described in said Petition, and more' fully hereinafter described, ani now classified as "A. Residence Property" be re-zoned and reclassified as "Local Business Property"; and !1 ii :1 :1 'I I :1 , recommendation in accordance ~o1th the provisions of said Ordinance and the code! ! I , , i 'I WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of said County, did by a Resolution adopted on the 16th day of February, 1959, refer said Petition and Proposal I to Amend said Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, as required by said Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, for a of Virginia; and I WHEREAS, said Planning Commission did by a Resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 17th day of February, 1959, recOllllllend to the Board of Supervisors of said County, that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change the classificaticn of the hereinafter described property of the petitioners, from its present classification of "A. Residence Property" to "Local Business Property", as requested in said Petition; and WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of said County~ did by its Resolution adopted on the 16th day of February, 1959, as aforesaid, order the Clerk of said Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said c Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing, at the next regular mceting;.or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to give notice thereof by publication, in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, The Clerk of this Board did fix the Regular Meeting of this Board, to be held on the 16th day of March, 1959, at 3:00 0'c10ck P. M., as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoni Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the Times Register, a newspaper publiShed and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by one insertion in said newspaper on the 19th day of February, 1959, and by another insertion in said newspaper on the 26th day of February, 1959, as requested by said Order of this Board of February 16, 1959, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was held by th:ls Board at the time and place aforesaid, and the ~tter was referred back to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, for furt:her study and recommendations; and YHEREAS, said Planning Commission, at a meeting held on March 17, 1959, affired its former recommendation that said property be re-zoned; WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said recoomendations of said Planning Commission, and has heard evidence touching on merits of said proposed Amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said Petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. = c ~ NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That at this Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this the 20th day of April, 1959, the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is HEREBY AMENDED so as to change the classification of the property of the petitioners, as is hereinafter described, from its present classification of "A;. Residence Property' to "Local Business Property" in order that said property and the buildings that ~y hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for "Local Business Pu.~oses" j as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. ~ The property hereby re-c1assified and re-zoned from itA. Residence Property" to "Local Business Property" is 1ll0re particularly described as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke Coucty, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of Caldwell Street and Va. ltate Secondary Highway #1431, known as the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike; thence ~th the easterly side of Caldwell Street, N. 7 20' E. 125 feet to a point, corner to the lot conveyed to R06ie Li11ion Crook (D. B. 571, page 269); thence S. 82 40' E. 110 feet to a point; thence S. 7 20' W. 137.15 feet to a point on the Lynchburg-Sa1lem Turnpike; thence with said Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike N. 76 22' W. 110.73 feet to the place of Beginning as shown on a Plat showing survey of property of Richard C. and Gathie E-. Alley, ~de by C. B. Malcolm & Son, Va. St. Cert. Engrs., February 22, 1957, and being a part of the same property conveyed to Richard C. Alley and Gathie E. Alley from Fannie Martin Ellis and Squire MOrgan Ellis, by deed dated the 11th da~ of October1 1954, eg3r~fof~8iHo~ cB6nE~~r~i~g2!ta;eiRfD~Qa BbEiu~~2, at page 461. I il I ~ " " I ~ it " ~ " " a 274 . I i I I ! I I i i f , ~-:e~ I eL'f'j trY11 ~-q I iEJ..L r ~ e..-c. ~ !t.... Cr- . ~ '}'W. .=+t 'f/~!."i ! ! I , ,. I i ! , 1 I , 1 , t :1 iJ \ ~ ~ " i; i ~ " f . t , , ~ AND, IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of these , Resolutions and Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. and two copies thereof to E. W. Chelf, Attorney for the Petitioners. :! The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, of S~lem Magisterial District, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell of Cave Spring Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follo-iiS, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None I I , i i il ~ This day convened at 2:30 P. M., in the Court House of Roanoke County, at i IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY OF ROANOKE, STATE OF VIRGINIA, LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE NO. 11, JUST EAST OF THE APPAlACHIAN ELECTRIC PotiER CGlPANY - HANCOCK SUB-STATION ORDER l Salem, Virginia, a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, one of the purposes of the said meeting being to act upon the defera1 of a consideration of the request to rezone certain real estate situate in Roanoke County, Virginia, and more particularly hereinafter described, upon the original petition of Bernard Cook, et a1s. Which was presented to this Board on the 16th day of February, 1959, copies of Which were filed with the Roanoke County Planning Commission. WHEREAS, on the 16th day of February, 1959, the petition of Bernard Cook, Roland Eugene Cook, Jr., Frank E. Cook, Roanoke Valley Shopping lmlter, Incorporated, Alden Homes, Inc., and Lee-Hi Shopping Center, Inc., was filed pursuant to the provisions of Title 15, Sections 846 and 847 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and theZoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, adopted January 20, 1949, as amended, and was received and filed by the said Board at the said regular meeting, Which said petition requested the rezoning of the hereinafter described property and other property; and WHEREAS, on February 16, 1959, by resolution and order duly adopted, the petition was duly filed and referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendations in accordance with the said Sections of the said Virginia Code; and, WHEREAS, it was further resolved and ordered by this Board that When the said Planning Commissionreceived and considered the said petition and reported its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, the said Clerk should forth- with set this request for rezoning for public hearing and issue notice thereof by publication as required by the said Sections of the said Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the said order of this Board, the said Planning Commission, at a duly called meeting held on the 17th day of February, 1959, fully investigated the merits of the said request for rezoning of the said I I I property from its present "A" Residential District to Local Business District, I and was of the opinion that the property should be rezoned from "A" Residential District to Local Business District, and that such change of classification would beneficial and would promote the public interests, and did, by resolution unanimously adopted at said meeting, recommend to the said Board of Supervisors that they amend the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke Counl:y so as to reclassify the said property as Local Business District, and did deliver a certified copy of its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did issue notice by publication as required by Title 15, Sections 846 and 847, of the Code of Virginia, as amended, of public hearing on said amendments to the said Zoning Ordinances, by legal advertisements which appeared in the Times-Register, a weekly newspaper published in Roanoke County and having general circulation therein, on the 19th day of February and on the 26th day of February, 1959, the publisher's certificate having been filed with the Clerk of this Board, the said notice stating fully the time, place and purpose of the said public hearing, and the place at which the said petition, certified by the Planning COmmission, could be examined; and WHEREAS, more than fifteen days did and has expired since the last publication of the said notice, and all requirements of law have been fully complied with, and on ;::;n.ch 15, 1959, pursuant to the said notice, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., in the Court House at Salem, Virginia, the time am place designated in the said publication order, there was conducted a public hearing upon the said request for rezoning, and full opportunity was offered for a full and complete discussion of the merits of the said request for rezoning; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the said public hearing, and after full consideration by this Board, it was unanimously agreed that a change in classification to Local Business District would promote the public interests of the citizens of Roanoke County and more particularly those in the vicinity of the said land; and WHEREAS, by order entered by the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at said meeting on March 16, 1959, it was ordered that the said Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County as to a portion of the property described in the said petition be amended to reclassify and rezone the said property from "A" Residential District to Local Business District, as: defined in the said Zoning Ordinances, but at the request of the petitioners, action on the second parcel described in the said petition, being the property being purchased by Lee-Hi Shopping Center, Inc. from Appalachian Power Company, be deferred to the next regular meeting of this Board on April 20, 1959, at 2:30 o'clock P. M.; and WHEREAS, counsel for said Lee-Hi Shopping Center, Inc., did appear at said time and place and again request that the hereinafter described property be so rezoned. NOW, THEREFORE, by resolution at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, it is ordered that the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, adopted January 20, 1941, as amended, be amended to reclassify and rezone from "A" Residential District to Local Business District, as defined ~ in the said Zoning Ordinances, the following described tract or parcel of land, II " ,I II I I I ~ ! 276 , il I I r I .Si~d11 . L " 1r' ~ Co. ~Ce..d . 111-11 :r~ 1 . ~ , & \ I 1 1--- lying and being in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke COllllty, Virginia, located on the north side of U. S. Route No. 11, east of the Appalachian Power Company Hancock Sub-Station, and IlIOre particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monUlllent on the north side of U. S. Route No. 11, at the southwest corner of the property of Alden Homes, Inc. (which property was conveyed to the said corporation by Bernard Cook, et a1, by deed dated August 11, 1955, and of record in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office of Roanoke County, Virginia, in teed Book 535, Page 170); thenceowith the westerly line of the said 23.07 acre parcel N. 24. 09' E. 962.5 feet to a point on the same; thence two new lines through thS property of the Appalachian Powsr Company S. 87 25' W. 167.95 feet to a point and S. 24 09' W. 883 feet, more or less, to a point on the northerly right of way of U. S. Route No. 11; thence with the same on a curve to the 18ft, whose radius is 676.25 feet, whose chord is S. 64 21' E. 150.05 feet, an arc distance of 150.25 feet, to the place of BEGINNING. Containing 3.184 acres, IlIOre or less, and being a portion of those lands acquired by Appalachian Electric Power Company (now Appalachian Power Company) from The Franklin Real Estate Company through that certain deed dated April 24, 1951, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 456, Page 337. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution and order be spread in the Book of Orders of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that the Clerk of this Board deliver a certified copy hereof to Paul >>: Matthews, Secretary of the said Planning Ccr.mnission of Roanoke County, and he is hereby directed to change all official zoning ~ps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning as ordered herein, and the Clerk of this Board shall likewise ~1 to Tom Stockton Fox, Attorney at Law, 810-13 State and City Building, Roanoke, Virginia, two certified copies of this order. The above resolution and order was unanimously adopted on the motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I IN RE: REZONING OF LOTS 8 AND 9, F. M. STUTSMAN MAP, SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11, EAST OF HOIlARD JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT, IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA x ORDER I I This day convened at 3:00 p. m. in the Courthouse of Roanoke County, at .1 salem, Virginia, a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke countyrl Virginia, one of the purposes of the said meeting being to conduct a public . ] , hearing and consider a.request to rezone certain real estate situated in . Roanoke County, Virginia, IlIOre particularly hereinafter described, upon the petition of Arthur G. Trout, Joyce H. Trout, Harry D. Trout, and Melva B. Trout, which was presented to this Board on the 16th day of March, 1959, copies of which were filed with the Roanoke County Planning Commission. WHEREAS, on the 16th day of March, 1959, the petition of Arthur G. Trout, Joyce H. Trout, Harry D. Trout, and Melva B. ~out was filed pursuant to the provisions of Title 15, Sections 846 and 847 of the 1950 Code of Virginia I 277 . = o as amended, and the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted January 20, 1941', as amended, and was received and filed by the said Board at the said regular meeting. WHEP~, on March 16, 1959, by resolution and order duly adopted, the said petition was duly filed and referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recOllll1endations in accordance with the said Sections of the said Virginia Code. WHEREAS it was further resolved and ordered by this Board that when the said Planning Commission received and considered the said petition and reported its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, the said Clerk should forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing and issue notice thereof by publication as required by the said Sections of the said Code of Virginia. WHEREAS, pursuant to the said order of this Board, the said Planning Commission, as a duly called meeting held on the 17th day of March, 1959, fully investigated the merits of the said request for rezoning the said property from its present "An Residential District to Local Business Distri..~t, and was of the opinion that the property should be rezoned from "An Residential District to Local Business District, and that such change of classification would be beneficial and would promote the public interest, and did, by resolution unanimo 1y adopted at said meeting, recOllll1end to the Board of Supervisors that they amend the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County so as to reclassify the said property as Local Business District, and did deliver a certified copy of its recOllDl1endati s to the Clerk of this Board. WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did issue notice by publication as required c ~ by Title 15, Sections 846 and 847, of the Code of Virginia, as amended, of a c ~ public hearing on said amendments to the said Zoning Ordinances, by legal ! advertisements which appeared in the Times-Register, a weekly newspaper PUb1ishe1 in Roanoke County, Virginia, and having general circulation therein, on the i 26th day of March, and on the 2nd day of April, 1959, the publisher's certificatl having been filed with the Clerk of this Board, the said notice stating fully the time, place and purpose of the public hearing, and the p1ace'at which the I ~ ~ , said petition, certified by the Planning Commission, could be examined. WHEREAS more than fifteen days has expired since the last publication of the said notice and all requirements of law have been fully complied with, and ~ on this date at 3;00 p. m. at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, the time and ~ place designated in the said publication order, there was conducted a public II hearing upon the said request for rezoning, and full opportunity was offered for ~ a full and complete discussion of the merits of the said request for rezoning. ! WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the said public hearing and after full i consideration by this Board, it was unanimously agreed that a change in ~ i: classification to Local Business District would promote the public interests of ~ I, the citizens of Roanoke County and more particularly those in the vicinity of Ii the said land. II NOll, THEREFORE, by resolution at this regular meeting of the Board of if 'I Supervisors of Roanoke County> it is ordered that the Zoning Ordinances, adopted I January 20, 1941, as amended, be further amended to reclassify and rezone frOD! 'I '278 ;:bXr . t~~1 ~.~~f I i l"'lr~~ ! I , i , ~ i r li "A" Residential District to Local Business District, as defined in the said Zoning Ordinances, the following described tracts or parcels of land lying and being in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, being Lots 8 and 9 of the F. M. Stutsman Map, situate on the north side of U. S. Route 11, east of Howard Johnson's Restaurant, inthe Salem Magisterial District: of Roanoke County, Virginia. I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution and order be spread in the Boo II of Orders of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that the:i I , Clerk of this Board deliver a certified copy hereof to Paul B. Matthews, I Secretary of the said Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and he is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein. The above resolution and order was unanimously adopted on the motion of John Lee Logan, Supervisor from the Salem District, seconded by Edwin G. Terrel" Supervisor from the Cave Spring District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I IN RE: ZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATED APPROXIMATELY 3-1/2 MILES NORTH OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE ON THE SHENANDOAH DIVISION OF THE NORFOLf. AND WESTERN RAILWAY, CONTAINING 22.41 ACRES .Q!U!!! I l THIS DAY came Gimbert and Gimbert, Incorporated by counsel and requested leave to file its petition relative to zoning the property described in said ~ il ~ petition. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND CRDERED that at this regular meeting ! of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held this 20~h day of April: 1959 il that said petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said zoning ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition be, and the ,I same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, VirginiaJ :i ~ ,1 " 'I I j I I " ~he i .. .I ! for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning I Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at I next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice in accordance with " . I the provisJ.o~ i I i thereof be given by said Clerk by publication of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning C01IlIllission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ~ The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted unanimously in favor of this order. Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None a WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes cf the regular meeting of the RoanC'ke County School Board held on April 14, 1959: "On motion of Mrs. Frank B. Th~s seconded by Mr. L. M. Whitmore, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, when taxes were received last fall the School Operating Fund had a surplus, and WHEREAS, funds were needed in the construction program, and WHEREAS, the sum of $240,000.00 was transferred from the County School Operating Fund to the County School Construction Fund to save interest for a period of time, and WHEREAS, the County School Construction Fund, as the result of the sale of bonds, has a surplus of funds at present, NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke Count, with the concurrent approval of the County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, hereby requests and authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by journal entry the sum of $240,000.00 from the County School Construction Fund to the County School Operating Fund." NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby approves said request, and hereby authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by journal entry the sum of $240,000.00 from the Count School Construction Fund to the County School Operating Fund. Upon motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None a a IN RE: NON-CONFORMING PERMIT: ~ Upon the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-confOrming permit be issued to Roland E. Cook, Jr. to sell and display nursery stock at the intersection of U. S. Route 11, and Kegley Road according to plans filed with the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Resolution of the Roanoke County Planning Commission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None j ~ i ~ ~ ~ 5 copies . this order I del to Co. I The Publi d ~ S High Ex.Officer . cane tate :way for del to r Commission of Vuginia State Highwcjy De.pt. Res.Epgr. 4/22/59 " ~ ~ upon the application for Kiska Road from Rt. 856 to D. E. -- 0.30 mile to be , accepted and ~de a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. 280 'I I ! :1 ! ~ ~ ! I The Budget Committee, heretofore appointed by this Board to draft a budget !I for Roanoke County for the year 1959-1960, this day laid before the Board a j :1 draft of said proposed budget, also a draft of the proposed budget for County Schools as prepared by the Division Superintendent of Schools, and approved by the County School Board of Roanoke County, in the amount of $.5.442,696.13~ and the draft of the County budget in the amount o~ $796,938.00 (including balances and inter--fund transfers) as submitted by the Budget 1 Ccmmitteej Upon consideration of the County School Budget the same is approved in the amounts submitted by the County School Board, in the amount of $5,442,696.13. which includes the proposed expenditures for construction, ~king a total budget of County and Schools of $6,239,634.13 approved by this Board; and the further hearing of the same is continued until the 18th day of I:~y, 1959, at a regular meeting of this Board at 2:30 o'clock P. M. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to publish, as required by law, a brief synopsis of said Budget in the Times-Register, a newspaper having general circulation in .the County, at least fifteen days prior to that date; ::e:~;:~: ::~:tP::n::::e:~ Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, and r On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell seconded by Supervisor John Lee Lo~, approved by the following recorded vote: i Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None I I. Board of Supervisors VB. x ORDER This ~tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and 'I !i , I ;1 ,I i known as Deep Dell, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 74 of the ~ ,I records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia,l , and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of ,/ Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property own4:s is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for '! It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map 1 1 drainage as shown on Map of Deep Dell. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Kisl<-.a Road from Rt. 856 to D. E. -- 0.30 mile ar. rhich is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same l.S hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. -==-a_-_ '= Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ Board of Supervisors VB. 1 ORDER The Public and the State Higt1t1ay Commission of Virginia a This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Rowe Ridge Road from Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike (Rt. 1431) to D. E. -- 0.16 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Ridgewood Park, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 298 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recorda':ion of said ~p no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOllJ the abutting property owners is necessar The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Rowe Ridge Road frOllJ Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike (Rt. 1431) to D. E. -- 0.16 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following. recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None .1 281 5 copies this order del to Co Ex Officer for del to Res. Engr. Dept.Highways '+.22/59 5 copies this Board of Supervisors ordeJ::.'del to Co Ex Officer VB. X ORDER for del to Res.Engr. The Public and the State Highway Dept. Highways Commission of Virginia , 4/22/59 This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and Ii upon the application for Desi Road from Thrush Drive to Deaner Drive __ 0.14 mile ~ to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. i II It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as I a Ridgewood Park, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 298 of the records '; :1 of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that \ ~ ~ consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessar1' The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. Ii " ~ i Ii Ii , i! Ii ~ by reason of the recordation of said ~p no report from a Board of Viewers, nor 282 ... 5 copies ~h~' order del ~ Co Ex Office for de1to J Res.Engr. De'p~.Highwa 4/22/59 I I . ! i ~ ... 5 copies thi!s order del tdi C8.Ex Ofrica':- for del to i Res.Engr. ~ De,Pt. HighwaY1s. 4/22/59 : , -"-",- _... ..-- --,- .'-..'. r- j NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Desi Road from Thrush Drh... to Deaner Drive -- 0.14 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a pUblic road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors VB. x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia , I l 1 " " I, " , r , ~ " , , i u \ f ~ ~ ! I , , " This ~tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Pomeroy Road from Deaner Drive to Eugene Drive -- 0.15 mile to be accepted and ~de a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain ~p known as Ridgewood Park, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 298 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, V:I.rginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Boerd hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Pomeroy Road from Deaner Drive to Eugene Drive -- 0.15 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a Public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This ~tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Deaner Drive from Rt. 767 to D. E. -- 0.20 mile to be accepted and ~de a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road h~ heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain ~p known as Ridgewood Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 298 of the records of the C1erk'E Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia,) and that by reason of the recordation 01 said map no report from a Board of nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting i I :1 !i II 'I ill ,j ~ I !1 I I I ! :i i II , II " 'I j ) ., , , " :1 " ;i , " I I a a I ~ c owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road Imown as Deaner'Drive from Rt. 767 to D. E. -- 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to becomea part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors w. X The Public and the State Highway Coum1ssion of Virginia ORDER This ~tter came onthis day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Thrush Drive from Eugene Drive to Autumn Lane (Rt. 1448) -- 0.20 mi. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain ~p known as Ridgewood Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 298 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Thrush Drive from Eugene Drive to Autumn Lane (Rt. 1448) -- 0.20 mi. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None , ~ Board of Supervisors vs X ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This ~tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Eugene Drive from Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike (R~. 1431) tq' Thrush Drive -- 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System ii of State Highways. I] il I 5 copies this order del. to Co. Ex.Offic for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highwa 4/22/59 u I ~ II ~ ii i! " 'i ~ " I, ! H II H , S copies this order del. to lilo. Ex.Officer for del. to J!.es. Engr. ~P.t. Highways 114722/59 ! h 284 It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain ~p known as Ridgewood Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 298 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, ~ and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Eugene Drive from Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike (Rt. 1431) to Thrush Drive -- 0.10 mi. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: A)'es: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I Board of Supervisors [I :, I ~ This ~tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and :1 upon the application for Bruce Avenue from Rt. 773 to Stevens Street -- 0.18 mite to be accepted and ~de a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. ~ It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of -I i I' :1 known as Alta View, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 304 of the 'I records of the C1erk1s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia,,! and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of il !! " " 'I !1 ;i ,i i I x ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia I way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain ~p Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Bruce Avenue from , :i Street -- 0.18 mile and loil.ich is shown on a certain sketchi i i , , I Route 773 to Stevens accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logar>, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and I Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None -......>==. Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ~ This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Gaymol Drive from Stonewall Road to D. E. -- 0.03 mile to be accepted and ~de a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as SllIIIIIit Hills #4, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 240 of the records of the Clerk'S Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Gaymo1 Drive from Stonewall Road to D. E. -- 0.03 mile and which is shown ,on a certain sketch a a accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors w. I The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia ORDER II This matt"r came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Stonewall Road from Summit Hills 13 to D. E. -- 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Summit Hills #4, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 240 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Stonewall Road from Summit Hills #3 to D. E. -- 0.10 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to ~ecome a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. ~ copies this der del. to CIo. Ex. Officer r Del. to s. Engr. pt. Highways 4/22/59 copies this rder del. to o. Ex.Officer or del. to es. Engr. ept. Highways 4/22/59 i ,I " ~ ~ " Ii 1 ~ ! I' Ii ~ l " " It ~ II ! ~ " !i 286 ~I '1-J~ 'r-c- , 'f1:'>fPf. ! ~., ~~t I ! i I I I ! ti ~ . I ! I , ! f ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I WHEREAS, pursuant to certain Acts of the General Assembly relating to the Blue Ridge Parkway, the COIIIIIlO11wea1th has acquired the lands embraced within the boundaries of State Project 1093-M, Federal Section 1-M, of said Parkway, extending from Route 460, East of the City of Roanoke, southwesterly approximately 15.42 miles to end of said project and section at Route 220, South of the City of Roanoke, in the Counties of Botetourt, Bedford, Roanoke, and the City of Roanoke; and the Commonwealth proposes to convey the said lands to the United States of America, and its agency, the National Park Service, has agreed to construct and ~intain the said project or sections; and I WHEREAS, in connection with the location and proposed construction and ~intenance of the said project or section, it is necessary (1) that certain sections of existing Secondary Roads in Roanoke County designated as Routes 651, 654, 618, 658, 775 and 789 be altered and constructed within the said boundaries and upon the said lands (by and at the cost of the Federal Government), all of which will serve the same citizens, and (2) that the sections of old roads all within the said boundaries and upon the said lands to be replaced by such alteration and construction be abandoned as public roads upon the completion of such alteration and construction; and WHEREAS, the sections of existing Secondary Roads to be altered and constructed are shown on and provided for by the plans, maps and sketches of Department of Highways, the National Park Service and the Bureau of Public roads, all of which are satisfactory to the State Highway Commissioner and this Board, the latter being the only agency of the Commonwealth empowered by law to abandon sections of Secondary Roads in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, before executing the deed ~king conveyance of the said lands to the United States of America, the State Highway Commissioner desires suitable evidence that upon the completion of the alteration and construction of the new sections of Routes 651, 654, 618, 658, 775 and 789, in lieu of the sections of old roads (now existing), the latter will be deemed to De abandoned as public roads upon receipt of his certificate to this Board that such sections r: new roads have been constructed and are satisfactory; and WHEREAS, the said sections of Routes 65l, 654, 618, 658, 775 and 789 as I 4 il 11 " I I now located and as to be altered and constructed are shown on certain easement sketches prepared by the National Park Service and approved by the State Highway Commissioner and this Board, copies of which are hereto a~tached and ~de a part of this resolution, and which are identified as follows . Route 651 - Sketch No. 28-D - dated 3-15-54 " 654 - " " 17-A - " 4-7-50 " 618 - " " 16 " 1-5-50 " 658 - " II 16 " 1-5-50 " 775 - " " 14-A - " 7-13-50 " 789 - " " 36-A - " 2-24-59 c c c c o ..-.-.--=== NOW, THEREFORE, upon receipt of the said certificate of the State Highway Commissioner that the said sections of Routes 651, 654, 618, 658, 775 and 789 have been altered and constructed and are satisfactory, in lieu of the sections of old roads,. then and at such time the latter shall be deemed to be abandoned as public roads, pursuant to Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and the said sections of said routes altered and constructed in lieu thereof shall be deemed to be parts of the Secondary System of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: lbpervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: ,None I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council. for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point and said point being the northeast corner of theO. H. Huffman 35.24 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 510, Page 451, in the Clerk's Office forothe Circuit Court of Roanoke County and with a line N. 51 45' E., 1650 feet to the southwest corner of the W. G. Nininger 19.0 acre tract and being the northwest corner of the Marie Smith Freeman 1.0 acre tract; thence with a line S. 340 55' E., 660 feet, more or less, to a point, and being :the j oint boundary of the Hollins College Corpcration property with the aforesaid Freemanproperty, the Carter Bollen 1.0 acre tract, and the Ralph Anderson property, and said point being the southwest cornelj of the aforesaid Anderson tract; thence with a line N. 54 30' E., 220 feet, more or less, to the joint corner of the aforesaid Anderson tract, the Melissa Meade 1.14 acre tract and the Willliam M. Gaither 2.0 acre tract; thence with a line S. 35 SO' E., 400 feet, more or less, along the west boundary of the Gaither tract and the Hollins College .85 acre tract to the southwest corner of the Hollins College .85 acre tract; thence with a line along the south boundary of the aforesaid Hollins Co11e~e .85 acre tract and the aforesaid Gaither tract, N. 57 37' E., 400 feet more or less, to the west side of a private road; thence with the west right-of-way line of said private road and the east property lline of the Hollins College Corporation property, S. 35 00' E., 1200 feet, more or less, to a point on the Hollins College east property line; thence leaving the aforesaid privata road and with the Hollins College property line S. 35 00' E., 500 feet, more o~ less, to the north right-of-way line of U. S. 0 Hilfhway Route 11-220; thence with a line continuing S. 35 00 E., and crossing the aforesaid U. S. Highway Route 11-220 to a point on the east property line of the ~. Charles H. Peterson 13.10 acre tract and 350 feet, S. 35 00' E., from the south right-of-way line of the afo&esaid U. S. Highway Route 11-220; thence with a line S. 69 15' W., paralleling the south rig~t-of-way line of the aforesaid U. S. Route 11-220 through the properties of the aforesaid Dr. Charles H. Peterson, the Fred N. Hamlin 13.52 acre tract and the J. H. Fralin 11.92 acre tract, 1500 feet, more or less, to the north corner of tge H. A. Lucas .088 acre tract; thence with a line S. 79 53' W., 700 feet, more or less, and following the north boundary of the J. H. Fralin.028 acre tract, and the south boundary of the Enon Baptist Church property, the Hill Bower 1. 73 acre tract, and the Mabel Bower 3.0 acre tract to a point at the southwest corner of the aforesaid Mabel Bower tract; thence with the south boundary ofothe Hollins College Corporation, 1.39 acre tract S. 49 37' W., 67.61 feet to a point; thence with the s8uth boundary of the W. N. Shesrer .74 acre tract, S. 49 37' W. 221.85 feet and S. 88 30' W., 148.3 feet, to a point on the east sbde of State Secondary Route 1815; thence with a line S. 88 30' W., crossing the aforesaid Route 1815 (LaMarre Drive), 100 feet, more or less, to the center of Carvins Creek; thence with a line following the e...co~ cert & del. to James H. Beavers, Secy Roke. Co. San Authority April 23,1959 . U In.i i:~ tf ),'1/ S)'1 i 1 ii Ii ~ " I ~ 'I II Ii ! I " " i! n II ~ " i' ~ 28.8 - center of earvins Creek northerly 700 feet, more or less, with the boundary description included in the sewage treatment contract dated September 28, 1954, between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the Council for the City of Roanoke, to a point 350 feet north of the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 11-220; thence continuing with the aforesaid boundary description with 8 line parallel to the aforesaid U. S. Route 11-220 S. 69 15' W., 900 feet, more or less, to the east property line of the G. E. Floyd 1.94 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 259, Page 285; thence with theeast boundary of the Floyd tract N. 17 35' W., 380 feet, more or less, to the northeaso corner of the Floyd tract; thence with a line N. 17 35' W., 275.2 feet with the east boundary of the O. H. Huffman 4.88 acre tract as reco,ded in Deed Book 510, Page 451, to the southeast coruer of the 35.24 acre O. H. Huffmanotract; thence with the aforesaid Huffman tract N. 17 35' W., 520 feet, to a point; Shence continuing with the aforesaid Huffman tract N. 3, 25' W., 944.5 feet to a point and said point being the place of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of a 150 acre, more or less, area including a portion of thE properties of the Hollins College Corporation, Dr. Charles H. Peterson, Fred N. Hamlin, J. H. Fralin, Kyle Bolt, Enon Baptist Church, Hill Bower, Mabel Bower, C. R. Davidson, Robert Freston, and W. N. Shearer, Sr. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; I I (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas i , shall be ~ I I delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County: (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the I County of Roanoke shall be, and r~in bound by the provisions thereof as fully" i and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: !iJpervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1959. I ~O'f1 Chairman I: ~ Court House Salem, Virginia May 18, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of ..oanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, Vice-Chairman, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting werE approved as spread, each member! , of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. ! I .... f r; i: ~ ----=='-- The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeab1 therewith, to-wit: c c ~ c o No. 31484 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies " 31485 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flash light batteries &c 31486 Acme Typewriter Co., Office supplies 31487 Andrew Lewis Service Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 31488 American Chemical Co. Invoice Janitor supplies " " " $ 101. 25 12.10 50.40. 150.83 50.89 31489 Charles Ballentine, Office supplies for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 31.80 31490 Bowman's Bakery Co., Food for Prisoners 50.94 " " " 31491. Bush Electric Co., Electrical work in Clerk's Office 31492 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware etc. " 19.00 13.88 " 31493 Dick Bryant Esso Station, Gasoline Purchased C. S. Fire Truck 3.88 31503 City of Roanoke, Room & Board for Children detained at the Detention home 1,212.00 31504 County School Board of R. C. Gasoline and Oil purchased for Hollins Fire Station Tank II G. C. Foley, March and April Rent Mt. Pleasant Fire Station 120.00 ~ 'I I i) ~ ! ~ II !i i: " 31494 Don W. Branch, Refund Garbage Fee 31495 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Refund filing fee Democratic Primary 31496 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy Hearing 31497 Void " " " " 31498 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigations; Lunacy hearing 31499 C. F. Candler, Alterations on Wearing Apparel 31500 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner, C. S. Fire House 31501 Carl R. Brightwell, Repairs to Jail lights 31502 G. E. Clapsaddle, M. D. Lunacy Hearing " " " " " " " 31505 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance Co. Vehicles " 31506 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 31507 Dame Roofing Co., Repairs to Jail &c 31508 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 31509 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry-Jail 31510 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline 31511 George T. Eades, Investigation Services trip to FBI Lab. 31512 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 31513 Fairview Home, County's share of expense in maintaining home for the aged at Dublin " " " 11 11 11 " " Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel oil for Hollins Fire Ho'Jlle " 31514 31515 " 31516 Fulton White Truck Co., Repairs to Police Car #12 " 31517 G1envar Auto Repair Shop, Repairing Tractor at Garbage Pit 11 31518 Goodwin Andrews, Ins. Prem1U111 on Surety Bond for Charles D. Cha~, & J. R. Taliaferro " 31519 Green Market, Food for Prisoners " 31520 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, March and April rent on Cave Spring Fire House " 31521 Robert S. Guerrant, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 31522 Graves Humphreys Hdw. Chemicals Fire Dept. 31523 Ha10id Xerox, Inc., Record Paper and office supplies " " 4.50 198.00 10.00 40.00 4.50 4.00 3.95 10.00 439.29 701.22 155.23 14.00 25.54 61. 72 29.47 25.00 60.55 111.66 49.11 2.50 45.50 80.00 94.02 120.00 10.00 3.18 667.20 I I ;i i I l I I' " j , I I I ~ i . ~ , i " ~ J , " " I fi ~ r " I ! I I I ! 31533 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., 1 sign with bracket for New County Library 35.80 31534 McClung Lumber Co., Repair ~teria1 Garbage 10.48 31540 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and medical supplies for prisoners160.62 31541 Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Maintenance agreement on Monroe Adding Machine 22.00 31542 Carnell Moore, Maintenance of Garbage Dump 450.00 31543 National Fire Protection Assoc. Subscription to 1 NEPA Inspection Mauua1 5.65 31544 Natural Gas Distributors, Inc., Fuel for Hollins Fire House 8.60 31545 Charlie Overstreet, I.faintenance Garbage Dump 84.00 31546 Void 31547 Void 31548 Nelson Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and hardware 31549 Owen Plumbing Company, Repairing Plumbing at Courthouse and Library and St. Signs No. 31524 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense " 31525 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel Co. Jail 31526 Paul A. Hartman, March and April Rent on C1earbr~ok Fire Station 31527 Hill Directory Co., City Directories 31528 Hollins Welding & Repair, Repairs &c 31529 Ann Hinson, Extra office assistant 31530 Dr. John O. Hurt, Lunacy hearing 31531 Dr. W. C. Jones, Attending Prisoner 31532 International Business Machine Corp., office supplies " " " 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 31535 Robert A. McNeal, Services investigating trip to FBI Lab 31536 Miller Tire Service, Tires, repairs &c 31537 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., lunacy hearings 31538 Meador & Greer, 1 atorage safe 31539 Mt. Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline purchased for !ft. Pleasant Fire Truck 11 11 rr 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 rr 11 31550 Harlin Perrine, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 31551 Paint-Wall Paper Service Center, VarnishCS.Fire Dept. 31552 Roanoke Gas Co., Coot-ing Fuel for County Jail &c. 11 11 11 $ 34.23 32.00 120.00 210.00 6.25 71.07 10.00 10.00 13.93 I I 25.00 97.85 40.00 84.00 14.66 I 73.49 352.80 10.00 7.20 26.78 11 31553 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 3.00 31554 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 40.56 I " 31555 Edward H. Richardson, Attorney, Reimburse meals for witnesses & expense to Ri.chmond 52.95 It 31556 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat covers for Police cars 31557 Roanoke Paving Company, Patching holes in roadway 31558 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital bills 31559 Radio CoIImunications Co., Radio Maintenances 31560 Shenandoah Hospital, State Local Hospital bills 31561 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse traveling expense 31562 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment charges for the General Electric Line 31563 SUlllllerdean Esso Station, Gas Oil &c 31564 Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies Co. Jail 31565 Standard Parts Corp., Parts for 124 Garbage 31566 The Sanfax Co., Janitor supplies Jail 11 11 rr " 11 11 11 11 11 11 55.00 70.00 1,276.50 48.69 88.00 30.24 I 236.68 31.85 2.18 25.80 64.86 --'-r a I I I I 31569 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy hearing 30.00 31570 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner investigations, Lunacy hearings Jail Physician salary 210.00 31571 State Board of Education, ci~i1 defense supplies 157.38 31572 Salem Farm Supply Corp. ,supplies for Jail and Post for Garbage Dump 9.76 31581 Vinton Motor Co., Extra office assistants selling 385.65 county tags & Repairs to Engineer's Car 31582 United States Pencil Co., office supplies 11..43 31583 Charles E. Via, Jr., Reimburse Labor and Material re-1ocating beds Civil Defense property 44.95 - -.--- No. 31567 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners " 31568 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., Street signs " " " " " 31573 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for General Stores 31574 Times Register Co., Publishing County Budget 31575 Town of Salem, Light and water service 31576 Town & Country Phillips 66 Station, Gasoline C. S. Fire Station 31577 Technical Reproduction & Supply, subdivision ~ps 31578 Va11eyda1e Packers, Food for Prisoners 31579 Virginia Foods, Food for Prisoners & Janitor supplies 31580 University of Va. Hospita~, State Local Hospital bills " " " " " " " " " " " 31584 C. W. Warthen Company, record books and receipt books 31585 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Maintenance Co. Vehicles 31586 H. M. Wood, repairs to Jail 31587 Woodhaven Press, office supplies 31588 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance County owned vehicles " " " " " $ 15.60 17.69 68.00 168.00 405.87 15.04 3.00 49.05 152.99 222.00 152.33 99.78 19.27 42.71 223.38 31609 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Welfare supplement disbursements 1,565.87 " 31610 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Catawba Fire House 31611 Mrs. Lucy T. Brubaker, office assistant 31612 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk Driving Exam & Jail visits 31613 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 31614 Copy-Craft Inc. office supplies 31615 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Jail visit 31616 Easter Supply Co., office supplies " " " " " " " 3.00 47.61 25.00 6.91 17.00 7.00 24.83 31617 Paul Eller, 118 electrical and plumbing inspections @ $1.00 per job & mileage 150.24 " 31618 Chalmers Ferguson, office furniture 31619 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Jail 31620 Cordy Maxey, Use of truck and labor 31621 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense 31622 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 31623 J. W. Reynolds, food for prisoners 31624 Salem Motors, repairs to vehicles 31625 Rose Ann Wirt, Clerical assistance in Delinquent Tax Collector's office 31626 Lewis Kenneth Whitlock, extra office assistant in Public Works 31628 City Treasurer, Room & Board for Children at City's Detention Home " " " " " " " " " " 101.75 43.70 220.00 177.89 .86 10.'i0 200.37 101. 62 274.39 31630 C & P Telephone Co., Current used at Mt. Pleasant Fire house 30.25 132.00 I i ~ i, II ~ i ~ II , il 'I Ii r il ~ Ii ii II !: ii ,I ,I " U ~ ]I jl i! ~ ,\ }; Ii !i 29? ... IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Dog Pound $ Acme Printers, Office supplies Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of Dog Truck Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck Mrs. Mavif B. Fry, office assistant in dog clinic Mrs. Leona Har~, office assistant in dog clinic Mrs. Gaynor Hodges, clerical assistant in dog clinic 31598 Mrs. Esther Long, clerical assistant in dog clinic 31599 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Dog Truck 31600 Mrs. T. R. Durham, fowl claim 31601 Mrs. C. V. Hodges, fowl claim 31602 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond . 31603 Mrs. Dorothy Rhodes, clerical worker at dog clinic 31604 Radio Coamunications Co., Maintenance Dog Truck April 31605 Salem AnimAl Hospital, Vaccination fee for dogs & medical supplies 31606 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food, Wearing Apparel and Misc. items 31607 Salem Hardware Co., Misc items 31608 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs and Parts for Dog Truck 31627 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expenses to Richmond i ~ I " I I. I c i I ~ i ~ ~ i I ij I i I I I No. 31589 " 31590 II 31591 II 31592 " 31593 " 31594 II 31595 " 31596 II 31597 " ,I II " " II " II II " " ~ , 1 " ~ j , ! " ;- j ~ " " r. ., :, ~ f! " F II 21.17 59.30 9.26 3.00 42.06 i 5.66 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 17.78 ! 9.00 10.20 9.10 15.00 15.00 " i i 387.63 46.84 10.75 31.69 5.35 MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia May 18, 1959 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business May 16, 1959, there was to the credit of the $ 82,819.54 1,631.19 1,313.76 7,215.33 606.81 429,857.42 38,956.72 149.24 22.95 531.26 $563,104.22 Respectfully submitted, General County Fund Library Fund F. I. C. A. Fund Dog Fund Salem District Hoad Debt Fund County School Fund School Construction Fund School Construction - Bond School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account Janie B. McNeal, Treasw:er.- Said report approved and ordered filed. -.-.-- I I I I I I I I I I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, County Treasurer, for $2,036.60, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1959, less cOlllllli.ssions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,934.77 net. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the ~ J...Jl. r month of May, 1959, be approved in the amount of $7.514.63, from which the sum C ~_ of $152.30 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. T~es of $705.50, is to be deducted, ~ q~. leaving a net payroll of $6,656.83. I ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: S /~ 1,s"'1 Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion, duly seconded it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period April 16, 1959, ending April 30, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,833.35, from which the sum of $45.84 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes in the sum of $92.10 is to be deducted, leaving a ~et payroll of $1,695.41; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period May 1, 1959, en~ing May 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,794.71, from which the sum of $~-4.86~ota1 F. I. C. A., and total W. H. Taxes in the SUIII of $82.40, is to be de~cted, leaving a net payroll of $1,667.45. Adopted by the f~llowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None r I On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance; Voucher-check #31457 in the amount of .$40.00, payable to J. R. Taliaferro, Electrical and Plumbing Inspector, for advance traveling expense to Plumbing meeting; Voucher-check #31459 in the amount of $781.88, payable to Salem Paving Company for maintenance at County garbage dump; Voucher-check #31464 in the amount of $15.00, payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Dog Warden I s residence; Voucher-check #31465 in the amount of $516.05, payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at County offices. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None i l '.ur .c. ~~ . ,s1/"t/S7f I Ii II ~ ~ II ~ " II ! ! I, ~ I " Ii 294 I : ~..R..irc.~. , ...... r-J,,,/SIf . ! r i I I I . r The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. Clark, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of April, 1959 H. W. Clark, Sheriff, sUlllllla1'y statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail during the month of April, 1959; Edward S. Allen, County Agent, monthly report for April, 1959; JlIIIIeS D. Oliver, Assistant County Agent, for month of April, 1959. I' Letter dated February 19, 1959, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from F. A. Davis, Deputy COlIIIIIissioner Department of Highways, Richmond 19, Va., approving additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective February 19, 1959, to-wit: Additions Fercl"le Avenue - From Wynda1e Avenue west to dead end. !.ene' ..1 0.07 Mile Wynda1e Avenue - From Route 925 south to Ferda1e Avenue Length 0.05 Mile Wynda1e Avenue - From end of present Route 925 west to Route 713. Length 0.15 Mile I was received and ordered filed. I r * " ! " ~ ~ " " / I r I The following cClIIIlIIUIlications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I Letter dated April 27, 1959, signed by D. L Ferguson, Sec. - Treas. The :\ Cave Spring Water Co., Inc., together with copy of order of the State Corporati1' Commission, case No. 14307, and copy of receipt to be signed by W. E. Cundiff, i , Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem" Va. ~ ~ II ~ j Necessity as coumon carrier by motor vehicle for t!:le handling of passengers ~ From city limits of Roanoke, Va., over State :1 , ,I Highway No. 24 at intersection Virginia Secondary Highway No. 612> at Stewartsville, I Va., thence via Virginia Secondary Highway No. 619 to Shady Grove Church, Va., j I ~ J :i ,I 'j 1 Notice of hearing on June 24, 1959, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court Room of the State Corporation Commission, Richmond, Virginia, on the application of PENDLETON BUS LINE, for a certificate .,f Public Convenience and on the following route or routes: I and return over same route. RESTRICTION: Operate with closed doors within City of Roanoke and Town of Vinton and within .3 mile of present Vinton routes of Safety Motor Transit Company. (Case Mo. 14338) (Copy of notice :l:e~urned to I E. K. Pendleton, 1423 Dake Ave., S. E. Roanoke 13, Va.) v " Mrs. Carlton Wright, Mrs. John V. Mason, Mrs. Ralph Steinhardt, Mrs. Allen Calvin, Mrs. H. Lamar Crosby, Jr., from Hollins Unit of the Roanoke League eX Women Voters, and Mrs. T. A. Carter, Jr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewis, from the Salem Junior Women's Club, were present at the meeting of the Board as observers. 29R .' I , ::::~C:~:::HIW~~:'-} ORDER. Commlasion of Vifyinia I ~' . ,_ I Thi. matw came on.thia day to be beard uponthe'proceedinllB berein, and upon. the ap-:,. plication for..~~~__g.t.~.~;~~...D!!._{~.~.!...~I;.!...~!@J..!~..~~_ ~r~..~~..t:.~.~.:__~' ~ O"~"'.,g~",....._..;............................".._._..._._..___.._.._.._.........._...__.._........_._........__....._....~_.. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Sy.tem of State Highway.. . It appearinw to the Board that drainage _enla and a?.9...;l;_t;~...right of way for oaid ToaO has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of I' certain map known .....g~9!;.lf..mu.~..~...... ,....u............................,.... whlch map ia recorded in Plat Book...__.....'!...............~ Page...?..............., of the.recorda of the Clerk'. Otrice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, VIrl1iDia. and that by rea,on'ol the recordation oLsaid map no report from a Board of Viewen, nor conaent or donation of right ol way lrom the abutting property owner. i. nece888l'y. The Board hereby guarantee. said right ol way and right lor drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known ""-....................................... Exten~i,OIl..o;,.,~IIJJ.~!!..,Q;:.....(~_h..!,l,;"..~.'!~J,,;~.m&!J,..~r:.'Y'...!(<!.,.,.,.T.O..,Q,...~.,.'u,g.,.l...@.. and which is shown on a certain sketchaccomp&Dying this order, be, and the same is hereby e,tabli.hed as a public road .to become a part ol the State Secondary Sy.tem of Highway. in Roa.- noke County. Adopted by the fonowing recorded vote: Aye~: SUf;8:-vis0!"S ;'/...:.;. CU!1d5.:"f ,:'~ir:or 3..1~8.ffer, <-;C[~r: 1...2e ~0c..-':;':- <.:i-2U ~dw~~ G. ierrell. . Nays: 'JanE.;. I Board C?fJ~~P~~.~.or8... .... } The Public and t:e State High~a~" Commission of Virginia .. ORDER This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceediDg'& herein, and upori the ap.- plicallon for""(;"",,!:,,-,,L~ "f.r.C>Ill.,~" ..RA.L,;()..~X:~;!,a,ncI.,Il.r.'..u.9.!.~..!!d.-.1.!'.................._......... to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Sy.tem of State Highway.. It appearing to the Board that drainage .....",enla anel a..~.Q..';'..,..right of way for oaid ro:uJ has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known .....\I<;r,1!l,~L!!,J,.U~..f,L..;.. ........................................ whlch map is recorded in Plat'Book.........L............... P...........~........... of the "'!Corda of the Cleric'. Otfice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation ol right of way froni the abutting property owner. i. neceoury. Tb'e Board hereby guarantees said right of _y and right for draiDaa'e'" NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road knuwn ...............................,....,-... , Gu.~,"l..~!.._f~..~..~.!....~;.~..;J,~_D..r..!_.._...O.,.~.,~Il....._................................... I __._... "'_n.. ..n"'__._ _.__n...__..n....._.._....._....._............_......._.................h...._._u__._....__.._...........___.....__.... and which ill .hown on a certain aketeh accomPallying this ord!,,". be, and the ...me I. hereby ..tablillhed .. a public road to become a part of the State Secondary SY8tem of Highway. in Ro&- noke County. I Adopted ~ the foHowinw recorded vote: Ay~: Supervisors W.E.Cundiff;Yrinor R.Keffer,Johr. Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nay.: None. __ __..________..______.._. _ _,._._ _._,~c_._.____... .._ :-302 Boa.rdo(:>1Jf~~,,~. ..uuuu........._} '-- \'S . :rhe Public and the State Highway C<>mmiMion of Virginia " " 1. ) , . 'This matter came on thla day to he hean! upon the proceedlnp herein. and upon the ap- , ' plication for....Il'-~...P1;.u.tJ;!lll!J!~..~!:.....!!J1.~...!;9..1I.);1.!!.+.!l..~..._.Q..u..~.h............_......... ORDER __.. _...n_ _n..__..___n..._.____..._...___.._n.___-.__......__..._._......_.h._.__._..._~._-n.._-......-._.__....;..nn.___h to be accepted and nwIe a part of the Secondary System of State Highw.ra. . . It appearing to the Board that drainage euemen~ and .2.9..JJ;....right of way for said .. road h.. heretofore been dedicated hy virtue of . certain 171.1' known..lIidd.an..ll&llllJl..~ ....uuu.....,............uu.... which ItI4p is recOrded In Plat Book.;..........;Lu.......... P&lle...;l9.~....u...... of them:oros of the Clerk'. Offke of the Circuit C<>urt of Roanoke C<>unty, Virginia. and that by Tt'_a~ori of the recordation of said map' no report from a Board of Viewers, nor cenaent or donation of right of _:j'i from the abutti\,.g property owners is neceoaa!"y. The Board hereby guarantees oaid right of way and right for cIralnage. .. .. NOW, THEREFORE, Bl': ITORDERED that said.road known ...............................u.k... .".JlA.t.~...l?!;...J~.:;!;l!.;IU~!;....p.~i1...~..J.l.);j,!!.t~..k,...:....::'O...u..!!lJ.l!l.......,.........,......".... , I and which ill shown 'on a certain 'sketch accompaIlying this order. he, .and the......me i. hereby e..tabIiRhed as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary !lystelD of Highways, in R0a.- noke C<>unty. Adopted by the followinw recorded vote: Supervisors Edwin G. . John Lee Ayes: Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, Logan .~d W. ~. Cundiff. Nays:: , None. ---- I T:~::b::.::::i:::.~i~hW~~...-.}., . Commission of Virginia " ORDER .. This matter' came on thja day to he heard upon .the proceedinp herein. .nd upon the ap- plication for....ll;r}.<iJ,!!..y;,..!.~...~t:..t:.e,..Rt:......~~~mt:O'.:>".F.~.a.:f..;.~.t:~t:~.8.h..~.~.3.7.:~.1~._h_..... , . ... _..... __ .._. _. ._n____.. _....___...'_.__n'....___..______.._____hO______.._..__,n__._..___n._..__....__n..____.:~..:':-1....h_......__._..n_.:..._h to he accepted and nwIe a part of th~ Secondary System of State HighWa"'.:.-" , It appearing to the Board that drain&lle euementa, and 'a..2.9...t.h.righi of way for said ro>ad h.. heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as...~ci~.~..~.!g!!:i.~.I!9.~.! , . ,.' 3 305 ...........,.........m.......m............ which map is rec:orded in Plat Book...h.............m......~ Page..._............... of lhe m:ord. of the Clerk'. Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Virginia. and that by Tt'L'lOn of the .reco:rdation of said map no report from a ,Board of Viewen, nor eolUlent or dODlltiOD of right of way from the .batting property owners i. nec:esaary.The Board hereby guaralltees said right of way and right for drainaIe. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said ~d known a...._.................................. .~~~.e...~...~..!!~~.!!...R~~~.~..~..~-.~..~.~t:~.:.....~~:J.!...~!.8.............1...,...... I , , ...._.. ... ....2.... nono_'___ _.__......._n..._..._...__.._._h._.........._....._..hn...._..__...._...._...._._...._..__,_n...........,.___............... I .nd which ill shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be. and g.e ..me i. hereby' ""tablished as a public road to become a part of the State ~ System of Hlghwaya in R0a.- noke C<>unty. '-' I Adopted by the foBowiDl' reeorded vo~: Ayea: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffe~, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff. Nara: Ilone. - i~ A. -, 'I - - -- Dr. Herman L. Horn, Division Superintendent of Schools of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board an alternate budget of Roanoke County Schools for session 1959-1960, which budget is ordered filed. Cl IN RE: VACATION OF PORTION OF THE BOULEVARD 1 1 ORDER DISCONTINUING A CERTAIN PORTION OF BOULEVARD c It appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, upon Virginia, held ~r.- 1'-e..P~ i~~ ., 1''t/~'" At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse on May 18, 1959. the petition of Byron L. Radford and Ethel M. Radford, which petition was heretofore filed with this Board on the 20th day of April, 1959, pursuant to the provisions of Section 33-76.14 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended to c date and pursuant to the provisions of Section 33-76.16 which said petition was accompanied by a reasonably accurate plat and description of the section of the road to be abandoned, that that portion of the Bou1evar'd set forth in the petiti and appearing on the plat extending through the property of Byron L. Radford and Ethel M. Radford from the property of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company north and westerly to the property of the United States GovernDle11t Veterans Administration in Roanoke County, Virginia, is no longer necessary for public use by reason of the relocation thereof some years ago, that as supported by an affidavit of a deputy shedff of the County of Roanoke, V:lJginia, at least tb1rtl' days notice of the intention of this Board to act in this matter was duly given by posting notice at the fron,t door of the Court House and at least three places along and on the road proposed to be abandoned and by publication of the intenti so to do at least twice in a newspaper having general circulation in this Count)r, all of which notices stated accurately the time and place at which this body is meeting hereon to consider the abandonment of such road, that no petition has been filed reques Ung that a public hearing be held on this matter and that the request of the petitioners is reasonsb1e and should be granted. It further appearing to this Board that each of the requirements of Article 6.03 of Chapter I of Title 33 of the Code of Virginia (1950) has been strictly complied with, that the rights of no one will be prejudiced by vacatin!~ ' discontinuing and closing by abandonment that portion of the Boulevard requested to be vacated by the petition,ers. IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED that that portion of the said Boulevard lying and ~ being in the County of Roanoke, State of Virginia, passing through the property ~ a ~ " ~ the Norfolk and Western Railway Company north and westerly to ,the property of Ii the United States Government Veterans Administration as particularly shown in U !i Road File 11, page 26, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke !i tt vacated a11dii .I 1 il County, Virginia, be and the ssme is hereby abandoned, discontinued, of Byron L. Radford and Ethel M. Radford extending from the right-of-way of closed. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby Ii authorized and directed to ma.rk the ssme abandoned on the aforesaid Map !I~ '-, appearing in Road File 11, pe,ge 26, in his said office and also to ~ke referenl:e!i ~ ~ I,~ to the minute book of this Board at the page wherein and whereon this order is !i ""'-, spread. ! " , 308 . ~ ! i I ~ ~ i v I ~i 't' ell . I SJ ICj J ~-, i i i i I , ! l:~:t : ~11'1 /~ ! i The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I t I i I . ~ ~ i r ~ ! ! ~ Ii ! . BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional i projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and ~intaining a sewer system or systems, pipe lines, lltId other properties and facilities incidental thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority ~ by the Virginia Water Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.,: 2, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950. as amended), the additional projectsl consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: , L. C. BlJNT AND THCIfAS M. GWALTNEY TRACTS BEGINNING at a point on the west right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 767 approximately one-half mile south of the Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike and said point being a 1IIUtua1 corner of the L. C. Hunt and Thomas M. Gwaltney properties; thence with the aforesaid right-of-way line of the afgresaid Route ~~~::~~.f~~b~~gE:~"~4~~e~s~~~:568 ~g, ~~: ~M.6;5 feet to a point; thence with a line leaving She west right- of-way line of the aforesaid Route 767 S'033 45' W., 135 feet to a point; thence with a line D. 65 15' W., 435.0 feet to a point; thence with a line ij. 83 14' W., 114.9 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 73 15' W., 217.2 feet to a point and said point being on the j oint boundary line between the Ernest William Schrader property and the John W. Deaner property; thence with the Sshrader line the following bearings and distances: oS. 73 15' W., 286.2 feet6 N. 790 31' W., 253.77 feet;oN. 28 10' E., 774_. feet; No 10 48' W., 101.3 feet; 0 N. 34 39' W., 114.25 fest; N. 43 06' W., 197.39 fest; N. 28 45' W., 87.0 feeti N. 13 29' W., 141.15 fees; N. 00 25' E., 383.47 feeti N. 4 50' E. 101.46 fest; N. 88 49' W., 50.1 feet; S. 88 4~' W. 73.8 feet; N. 3 22'oE.. 197.0 feet, more or lsssi S. 28 07' E. 93.52 fest; ~. 88 49' E., 247.09 feet; S. 1 2u' E., 112.0 feet; N. 87 42' E., 329.27 feet to the northeast corner of the Schrader tract and being on the west boundary of the Bateman property; thence with ~line between the aforesaid Schrader and Bat_n tracts S. 13 32' E., 518.54 feet to a point and said point being a j oint corner to the aforesaid Schrader and Bateman properties and the L. C. Hunt 6.03 acre tract;othence with the boundary of the aforesaid Hunt tract N. 47 40' E., 446 feet, more or less, to the west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 767; thence with the west right-of-way line of the said Route 767, 590 feet, more or less, to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the L. C. Hunt 6'.03 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 561, Page 334, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and the Thomas M. Gwaltney 20.2 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 616, Page 164 and Deed Book 616, Page 166 of the aforesaid Clerk's Office. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse Building in Salem, Virginia, on the 15 day of June, 1959, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. I I I I of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at Which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services, and any other persons interested, will be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the proposed services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its discretion, ~y call for a referendum on the question inabove set forth, as prescribed in the aforesaad Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. ~ut f$~ ~~. R... c . 1959, petitiODL f1~~. .1... -_._._~== - c BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after their passage. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Hays: None c IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE HORrH SD>E OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 220, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF W. R. HARllOUR, ET ALS x FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, W. R. Harbour, et a1s, did on the 16th day of March, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning COIIIIIIission r o of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real property owned by the Petitioners, and situate on the North side of U. S. Highway Route 220, ilmediate1y adjacent to the South Corporate Limit line of ROlInoke City, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, and more particularly described in said Petition and hereinafter more fully described and nOW classified as "Residence Property", be reclassified and rezoned as "Local Business Property" or "Light Indus trial Property", so as to provide that said property and buildings that ~y hereafter be erected thereon ~y be used for "Local Business Purposes" or "Light Industrial Purposes"; and WRRRF.AS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors held on the 16th day of March, 1959, refer said petition and proposal to so amend said Zoning Ordinance to the Planning COIIDIlission of Roanoke County, Virginia, as required by said County Zoning Ordinance and by the Code of Virginia for the a ~ ~ ij ~ I ~ ~ ~ I, 'I H !, WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has received ii a copy of the order and resolutions adopted by the County Planning COIIDIlission ~ " recoamending that said County Zoning Ordinance b~ so amended; and I, " " ~ " il adopted on the 16th day of March 1959, as aforesaid, order the said Clerk of said li 11 I recOllllllendation of said Planning COIIIIIission in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the said Planning COIIIIIIission of said County did by its resolution o adopted at its meeting held on the 21st day of April, 1959, recOlllllend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change and reclassify the property hereinafter more fully described from its present Bus!ness Propertylll; and classification of "Residence Property" to "Local WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said County did by its resolution Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recOllDllendation from said Planning 310 .:1 - _._- -, I I I i I Ccmmiss ion , to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissab1e regu1aror special metting of said Board of Supervisors and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and I I 1 ! ! i I WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on this the 18th day of May, 1959, at 3 o'clock P. M. as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the World News, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 30th day of April and the 1st day of May, 1959. as required by order of said Board of Supervisors of March 16, 1959, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly publiShed, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said Petition and to said recOlllllendation of said Planning Commission and has heard' evidence touch the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as recOlllllended by said Planning Commission. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUN'lY, VIRGINIA, AT this regular meeting of said Board held on . I this the 18th day of May, 1959, that the said Co=ty Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke~11 County, Virginia, be and tbe same is hereby amended so as to change the ~ classification of the hereinafter described property from its present II classification of "Residence Property" to "Local Business Property", in order :1 that said property and the buildings that ~y hereafter be erected thereon ~y ,I be used for "Local Business Purposes", as defined in said County Zoni~ Ordinanc', The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "Residence Property" tol , 1 "Local Business Property" is Ilituate on the North side of U. S. Highway Route ,I " No. 220 immediately South of the Corporate Limit line of Roanoke City, virginia':1 in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia,' and more ,! particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the North side of U. S. Highway Route No. 220, (being Franklin Road at said BEGINNING point) which point of BEGINNING is the point of inter- section of the North side of Franklin Road, or U. S. Route No. 220, witil the South Corporate Limit line of Roanoke City. and which point of BEGINNING is designated as Corner No. 2-A on the hereinafter referred to map; thence along and with the North line of U. S. Highway Route No. 220, a curved line to the right, a distance of 166.99 feet to a point, being Corner No.3; thence continuing along and with the North side of said highwar the following courses and distances: S. 61 degs. 35 W. 50 feet to Corner 4; S. 28 degs. 25' E. 15 feet to Corner 5; S. 61 degs. 35' W. 152.60 feet to Corner 6; S. 57 degs. 02' W. 151.70 feet (chord) to Corner 7: S. 51 degs. 45' W. 272.69 feet to Corner 8; continuing S. 51 degs. 45" W. crossing a 50 foot width roadl 50.01 feet to Corner 11; continuing S. 51 degs. 45 W. 168.80 feet to , Corner 12: S. 47 degs. 13' W. 124.70 feet (chord) I I I 1 I ! , ~ I " ! " i! I I ! i t ~ . e I I ~ I I a a 311 to Corner 13; S. 36 degs. 00' W. 124.70 feet (chord) to Corner 14; S. 33 degs. 30' W. 196.30 feet to Corner No. 15, corner to property now or formerly owned by G. R. Hash; thence leaving U. S. Highway Route No. 220, along and with said Hash property line, N. 49 degs. 12' W. 250 feet, a calculated distance, to Corner 15-A; thence a new line in a general Northeasterly direction parallel with U. S. Highway No. 220, and 250 feet Westerly therefrom (measured at right angles) the necessary courses and distances to a point in the South Corporate Limit line, or Corporation line, of Roanoke City, designated as Corner No. 15-B, which point is N. 45 degs. 39' W. 250 feet from Corner 2-A; thence along and with the South Corporate Limit line of Roanoke City, S. 45 degs. 39' E. 250 feet, a calculated distance to the point of BEGINNING, and containing in the total acres, more or less, as shown I on map prepared from records by C. B. Malcolm and Son, f State Certified Engineer, dated Febr.un-y 20, 1959. And it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court forthwit certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the County Planning Coamission of Roanoke County and a copy to Benj. E. Cha~, of Counsel for W. R. Harbour, et a1s. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Letters signed by Charles M. Wingo and Barbara B. Wingc, and Ralph E. Wade in re: Rezoning property of W. R. Harbour and P. C. Clay, along the west side limits of Franklin Road just beyond the corporate/of Roanoke ordered filed. 1 , This day, Goodwin-Andrews, Incorporated, insurance agents, delivered unto the Board of Supervisors the following checks: COIIQ)anv Amount Draft Number Great American Group $ 205.94 17799 Indiana Lumbermens Mutual 507.13 176232 Michigan Millers Mutual 548.94 18795 Royal-Globe Insurance Group 219.99 L19996 The Fund Insurance Companies 205.94 S198138 The Hanover Insurance Company 219.30 14082 The Hanover Insurance Company 342.66 14083 The Hanover Insurance Company 219.99 14084 United States Fire Insurance Company 150.76 91530 and it was shown to the Board that said checks are all ~de payable to the Board I, Mercy House, Incorporated; I ~ I, f I I I / ~ 'I I' Ii ,I ,- Ii Ii " 'I on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconde~i t is ordered that the Chai~ of the Board !i ~ of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and Mercy House, Incorporated and that said checks are all payable for damage done to buildings belonging to Upon consideration whereof, by Supervisor John Lee Logan, it endorse said checks "The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, by W. E. Cundiff, Chai~," and that said checks, after being so endorsed, be delivered to Mercy House, Incorporated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and 312 f l ~ol....d ~ 11 e. ~ m~ ~ c. . ~(D~~ -t~~1 ctc..e. t I ~~.I. . 1~~1 i i ~ I I I '" l ~ c4t ('I ~.R-c.l ~J(AAo.. ~I . 'f"')..~ l ~~~~. i ~'r. , ~1 J,1~ i I ~ ~ . , " ~ IN RE: NON-CONFORMING PERMIT: Upon the recOIIIIIendation of the Roanoke County Planning Conmission, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a non-conforming permit be issued to C. F. KEFAUVER and MARVIN LEMON to operate a golf driving range at the intersection of Routes 11 and 623, according to plans submitted to said commission. Resolution of the Roanoke County Planning Commission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATED APPROXIMATELY 3-1/2 MILES NtJlTH OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE ON X THE SHENANDOAH DIVISION CF THE NORFOLJ,AND WESTERN RAILWAY, CONTAINING 22.41 ACRES FINAL alDER WHEREAS, Gimbert & Gimbert, Incorporated, petitioned the Board of Supervisoxi!s - i of Roanoke County, Virginia, and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of I , Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that that certain tract of real estat , described in the petition be zoned and reclassified as heavy industrial property, in order that the said property and the buildings that ~y hereafter be erected ; thereon may be usee for heavy industrial purposes, which petition was filed with I I the Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held on the 20t:' day of April, ' 1959, and by order of said board entered on the same date said petition was referred to the Planning Colllllission of Roanoke County for a recOllllllendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission did, by a resolution adopted at a meeting on the 28th day of April, 1959, after hearing evidence touching the merits of said petition, recomend to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change the classification of said property from its present c1assifi::ation of "A Residence j Property" to heavy industrial property as requested in said petition; and 11 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order I , , entered on the 20th day of April, 1959, as aforesaid, order the Clerk of the I 'I said Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recOlllll1endation from the Planning :1 Conmission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next 'i permissible, regular or psecia1, meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to! i give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 18th day of May, 1959, at 3:00 o'clock P. M., as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper published in and of general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions, one on the 1st day of May. 1959 I I I ~ a _;1' I I ~ _. ...-.",.,,-.'~'t"' _. _"'==c' and the other on the 2nd day of May, 1959, as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; an WHEREAS, said public hearing was had on the 18th day of May, 1959, on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said recOllllletldation of the Planning COIIIIIli.ssion and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to zone the real estate described in the aforesaid petition of G:f.mbert & G:f.mbert, Incorporated, for heavy industrial use. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND CRDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this 18th day of May, 1959, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property d4scribed in said petition from its present classification of "A Residence Property" to heavy industrial property in order that said property and the buildings that ~y hereafter be erected thereon ~y be used for heavy industrial property as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "A Residence Property" to heavy industrial property is a certain tract of land containing 22.41 acres situated approximately 3 1/2 miles north of the City of Roanoke on the Shenandoah Division of the Norfolk & Western Railway and bounded on the south by Palmer Park, on the north by Hi~ and others, on the east by Tinker Creek and on the west by the Shenandoah Division of the Norfolk & Western Railway. And it is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County p]..nning COIIIIIli.ssion and a copy to G. W. Reed, Jr., Attorney for the petitioner. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None I ~ f [ , f I I ~ t I I i On the application of the below-named petitioners: EDmett W. Martin, et als -- Martitl,-Sink Road from Rt. 789 to D. E., 0.40 lIIile Emmett W. Lindsey, et als -- Parkway Road from Rt. 688 to D. E., 0.55 mile Lindsey-S~llwood Road from Parkway Road to D. E., 0.55 lIIi1e who this day filed their petitions for inclUSion in the Secondary System of " Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer'I' view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences J1Ild inconveniences , ,I that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall r! !i be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, ,or orchard, or any :i I part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing ii shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery, or through the ! ,I I ! " ,. ,I I ;;~f I 'it :l lib ~ cLt t f!ji '1~' 1 J " " 314 " J 'I ---, l " - -- .~- ----...- ~- ----. = lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private convenience as to I i . ~ i ~ I i I I l ! ! I ~ ! i i ~ , " " ~ make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person I, l repoZ:t what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to, and accompany the l il report with a plat or diagram of said roads. : And it is further ordered that tbe Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is! directed, to forthwith issue process to SUlllllon the State Highway Ccmmissioner of' or persons for whose convenience they are desired. He shall also assess and I I executed, and returned as process. or a SUlllllonS may be in other cases. except that it ~y be sarved upon the District Engineer of the State Department of Highways of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County, and provided further that a certified copy of this order, certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to said SUlllllOl1S or process to said State Highway Ccmmissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: The SUlllllOl1S shall be direct d, Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. John Lee Logan Nays: None Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and WHEREAS, the ~intenance of a sound and efficient system of rail I transportation capable of rej' '.ring prompt and dependable service to the economic development of Roanoke Colinty; and is necessary WHEREAS, Norfolk and Western Railway Company and The Virginian Railway Company have applied to the Interstate COIIII1erce Commission in Finance Docket No. 20599 for authority to merge their property and franchises; and That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby endorses and I approves the proposed merger of Norfolk and Western Railway Company and The Virginian Railway Company and requests the Interstate COIIlIlIerce Commission to act favorably on the application in Finance Docket No. 20599; and That a copy of this resolution be sent to the Secretary of the Interstate COIIII1erce Commission; and That copies of this resolution be sent to the Governor, each member of the Virginia Congressional delegation and the State Corporation Commission. On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwini G. Terrell Nays: None I Letter dated May 13. 1959, addressed to John L. Logan, from J. P. Vice-President - Law, received and ordered filed. , FiShwick'1 I ._-~---- ~ WHEREAS Gimbert & Gimbert has made application to this Board for a road to serve an industrial site containing 22.41 acres, more or less, situated north of Roanoke, said site bounded on the west by Tinker Creek; on the east by the Shenandoah'Division of the Norfolk and Western Railway; on the north by HinmAn and others; on the south by Palmer Park; and WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Ass2lllb1y, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Funds; NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, data on right-of-way needs, and other info~tion to the Highway CODmission on the construction of a bridge and approaches over Tinker Creek, and improvements to State Secondary Routes 1581 and 1596 and approve said bridge and roads for construction with its recoamendation that they be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None ~ ttc..t. ~ F.6 a.L1rr- Al.{t~ I . I J. S. Mitchell and other citizens of the Riverda1e Section of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and asked what progress had been made in regard to the burning of automobiles, automobile parts, and other waste materials in Roanoke County. Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, member of the committee appointed at the April Meeting, 1959, of this Board, advised Mr. Mitchell that an ordinance covering said ~tter would be proposed for ~ ---' ~ ,<(~"" . ~. /'f-~If I adoption at the regular June, 1959, meeting of this Board. ..... . -/ On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, it is ordered that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at its next regular meeting to be held on the 15th day of June, 1959, in its meeting i room in the Courthouse building at 3:00 o'clock 1'. M., will propose for ~ adoption an ordinance regulating the burning of old rubber, automobile batteriesr leather, waste oils and grease, garbage, junk automobiles, or similar items:, ~ cloth materials, plastics, or leaves or trimmings, or any such refuse in such a ~er as to cause nuisance, annoyance, detriment, or discomfort to any other II person or persons or damage to bUSiness or property. And further to regulate the escaping into the open air of such quantities of cinders, dust, fly ash, soot, acid, or other fumes, dirt, or other ~teria1s, or obnOxious gases, in such place or ~er as to cause injury, detriment, nuisance, or annoyance to any other peJ;'son or damage to any other ~ !i ~ " I: i Ii ;1 Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke, Va., notice of Ii intention of this Board to propose for adoption the ordinance above referred to.!i I' ;1 ~ ~ property. And further to provide penalties for violation of said ordinance. And the Clerk cfthis Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two successive weeks, beginning May 21, 1959, in the Times- a a I I ~ No. 31718 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies and Hardware 31719 Bush Electric Co., Electrical repairs 31720 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 31721 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children detained at the Detention Home " " " " 31722 CUlligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner for Hollins Fire House 31723 Mr. Bernard Cook, Services on Welfare Board 31724 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment charges for General Electric Line " " " 31725 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance County owned Vehicles " 31726 W. E. Cundiff, Services on Welfare Board 31727 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing Roof on Co., Office Bldg. 31728 Deluxe Laundry, Jail Laundry 31729 Void 31730 Dictaphone Corp. Office supplies 31731 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies - Jail 31732 Double Envelope Corp. 3 M. envelopes for Clerk 31733 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 31734 Paul Eller, Electrical & Plumbing inspections 31735 East.:!' Supply Co., Office supplies 31736 Fairview Home, County's share of expense in ~intaining home for the aged 31737 Farmer's Service Station, Gas, Oil &c 31738 Foutz Sausage Co., food for Prisoners 31739 G. C. Foley, May Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck 31740 W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, Lunacy hegrings 31741 J. w. Griggs & W. H. Witt, May Rent on C. S. Fire House 31742 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 31743 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., 1 dozen ga1v. garbage tubs 31744 B. C. Hartman, Refund Electrical Permit 31745 Paul A. Hartman, Treasurer, May Rent on C1earbrook Fire Station " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 31746 Harvest Motors Co., Wrecker Service 31747 Ann Hinson, Extra office assistant 31748 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling Expense 31749 Franklin Hough, Services on Welfare Board 31750 International Business Machine Corp. Maintenance agreement on Typewriter, Carbon Paper 31751 Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills 31752 Minor R. Keffer, Services on Fairview Home Board 31753 Keller Machine Co., Repairs and Parts on Garbage truck 31754 Barry N. Lichtenstein, Lunacy hearing 31755 R. A. Lester & Son, Repairs and Parts C. S. Fire Truck 31756 Liberty Sales Corp. Fire Equipment Bent Mountain Station 31757 McClung Lumber Co., Parts - Lumber for Repairs &c 31758 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy hearing 31759 Carnell Moore, Maintenance Garbage Dump 31760 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Co. Vehicles " " " " " " " " " " " " " " $ 4.70 17.50 302.93 62.00 4.00 100.00 226.65~ 638.22~ 100.00 20.90 55.16 3.23 9.85 46.04 19.31 112.161 14.67 72.56 14.59 36.80, 60.00 20.00 60.00 101.32 37.32 .50 60.00 10.00 74.66' 232.98' 100.00 45.16i 388.50~ 98.00 254.371 OO~ il 6.10:1 364.211 ~ 80.90! ii 90. OO~ 420.00; " 147.35:1 ij ! i ~ I I ~ I ~ I ! " ,. i . " , ~ i! .. . - "'~'._"~'~'C~"-">.,.,. ....~ . ~. ," 18.351, ,I 'I 93..38l 21.39,[ " 34.601 " Ii Staples, Reimburse Probation Officers May Traveling! expenses 38.85! I i 190.00) i 796. 50~ 1 55.80:! , 409.991 433.741 = ~~ No. 31761 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gas, purchased Mt. Pleasant F:!.re Truck 31762 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 31763 Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety Bonds 31764 Nelson Hardware Co., Hardware &c 31765 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing repairs 31766 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire Station 31767 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 31768 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash fund 31769 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills 31770 Rainbo Bread Co.. Food for Prisoners 31771 J. W. Reynolds, Food for Prisoners 31772 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Police cars 31773 R-M Tire Center, Repairs Car #12 31774 Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., 1 Camera, meter and films 31775 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts #23 Garbage truck 31776 Roanoke Valley Drama Association, Participation in 1959 Souvenir Book Thy Kingdom Come " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 31777 Void 31778 Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel for County Jail and C. S. Fire House 31779 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 31780 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 31781 Salem Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies, &c 31782 Sam's Clothing Co., 2 Tee shirts for Prisoner 31783 SaleD1 Oil Co., Maintenance Garbage Lot & oil 31784 Sa1eD1 Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 31785 Sanfax Company, Janitor supplies 31786 Salem Farm Supply Co., Supplies for Courthouse 31787 Salem Furniture Co., Window shades 31788 Salem Glass Co., Desk top 31789 Salem Paint Co., Paint &c 31790 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Repairs to Garbage Trucks 31791 Charles G. Shelor, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 31792 Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies for Prisoners 31793 State Office Supply Co., Repairs to typewriter less credit " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 31794 Skyline Distribu~ors, Inc., Drafting supplies " Southern Machinery & Supply, Street signs Standard Railway Fussee Corp., Che~ica1s 31795 31796 31797 SUDIllerdean Esso Station, gas, Oil &c " C. S. Fire Dept. " " 31798 Edward F. " 31799 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Coroner cases, Lunacy hearings " 31800 Times-Register Co., Building Permits, Printing Voting List " 31801 Technical ReprOduction & Supply Co., Repairing transit ~ps " 31802 Town of Salem, Maintenance of Roanoke Co. Fire Truck " 31803 Town of Salem, Light and Water Service " 31804 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 10.411 151. 76 1 27.08 49.30, , 23.00 8.60 10.11 ! 14.301 888.00 45.00' 31. 50 . , i 4.94; , 5.75, 105.77 8.62 I I 250.00 15.05 3.00 I 88.30 42.28,1 . 'I 2.00! 3l.lli 15.60'1 I 44.68i 5.75,1 8.70, , 9.08, 12.58' 85.40 lQ.OO 3.95r 40.42: I I 32.4~ ! r:J a I u m --..- No. 31805 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners and medical supplies " 31806 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts Hollins Fire Truck 31807 Everette Waddey, Office supplies 31808 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 31809 Willimns Auto Alignment, Repairs and Parts for Police Car 31810 Wilson's Esso & Grocery, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 31811 Wi11imns Supply Co., Repair Material 31812 C. W. Warthen Company, Record books and office supplies 31813 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Owned Vehicles 31814 C. E. Cuddy, Attorney, Court appointed Attorney 3181.3 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 31844 APpalachian Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring Fire House $ 173.79 , 12.18 7.95 59.05 65.23 105.74 7.51 789.05 365.20 100.00 12.18 11.58 1.23 28;3.50 85.99 30.25 .98 353.64 81.10 16.79 18.00 240.50 306.09 60.09 50.00 3.73 " 31859 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage 100.00 31860 State Office Supply Co., 6 dozen firm brown wallace pencils 4.76 .. 31864 Sam's Inc., Wearing Apparel, Deputy Sheriffs 31866 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Disbursements for Welfare Dept. 31867 Cordey Maxey, use of truck for refuse collection " " " " " .. " " " " .. 31845 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 31846 Blue Ridge Gardens, Shrubbery for County Library 31847 Mrs. Lucy T. Brubaker, office assistant Delinquent Tax Collector's Office 31848 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service 31849 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 31850 County School Board of R. C. Gasoline and Oil purchased 31851 J. w. Griggs, Services as Assistant Registrar 31852 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire House 31853 A. C. Harris, Refund Filing Fee 31854 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State Local Hospital bills 31855 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Refund Registered ~il and Jury ticlcets 31856 Nelson Hardware Co., Light bulbs 31857 Harlin Perrine, Lunacy fees 31858 Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel for Home Demonstration Kitchen 18.00 75.64 " 31863 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Office Assistant in Engineer's Office 257.46 ~ r r f r I I , " " " " " " " " .. " " " " " " 31861 Edwin G. Terrell, Refund Filing Fee 31862 Rose Wirt, Office Assistant Delinquent Tax Collector 39.50 307.00 50.00 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 31815 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gas and Oil for Dog Truck $ 40.86 " " " .. .. 31816 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline for dog truck 31817 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expenses to RichuKnld 11.10 6.35 320 ii ;i " l '~~.. c.. 1- " ." ( .- 'ftrw'.OJ.._ ^c. : 17 I " ~ I n ~ :, j! Ii " ~ i i I ~ ! I i I , l i \ ~ i l i . , ! No. 31818 James L. Parker, Traveling in personal car during perfo=ce of duties as Asst. Dog Warden $ I 31.08: I 15.00: )! 23.65, 14.37; I 2.55, i 19.221 90.09j I " 31819 Radio Communications, Radio ~intenance 31820 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog food and Misc. items 31821 Salem Hardware Co., Dog, Food, Janitor supplies &c 31822 SUlIIDerdean Esso Station, Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 31823 Yates 6< Wells Garage, Repairs and Parts for Dug Truck 31865 American Chemical Co., Disinfectant for Dog Pound " " " " " Mrs. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submi~ted to the Board the following report: "Salem. Virginia June 15, 1959 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business June 13, 1959, there was to the credit of tile r ! I 1 , I ~ I ~ i l \: $ 75,897.89 136.23 6,124.16 606.81 337,540.32 2,812.74 95,160.84 848.59 531.26 2.706.59 :?522,365.43 Respectfully submitted, I 'I il I j ;I Ii I i , I 'I 1 )1 ,~ I I I :1 General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund alem District Road Debt Fund ~unty School Fund School Construction Fund School Construction Bond Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. 'i ~ l IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COlLECTED BY CLERK: i; The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of Janie B. McNeal, County Treasurer, for $1.102.71, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of May, 1959, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check am.ounting to $1,047.57 net. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of June, 1959, be approved in the am.ount of $7,514.63, from which , I to bel I !I , the sum of $152.29 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes of $705.50, is deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,656.84. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period May 16, 1959, ending May 31. 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,841.50, from which the sum of $46.04 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes in the sum of $89.80 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,705.66; a c ~ c 9 321 And the payrQ11 for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period June 1, 1959, ending June 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,865.12, from which the sum of $46.65 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes in the sum of $88.90 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,729.57. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the account of Ronald R. Henderson, Part-time Deputy Sheriff of Roanoke County, for the month of May, 1959, amounting to $200.00, which report is approved, and the Clerk of this Board is ordered to forward said report to the State Compensation Board as provided by law. Adopted by the following recorded vOte: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: t Voucher-check #31697 in the amount of $486.40, payable to C. & P. Telephone Company for telephone service for county offices; Voucher-check #31698 in the amount of $15.00 made to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check #31669 in the amount of $14.02 ~de to Appalachian Pm.-er Company for current used at Salem-meter stat.ion and Mt. Pleasant ~ire Station; , Voucher-check #31672 in the amount of $80.00, payable to Cordy Maxey for garbage collection by contract (40 hours at $2.00 per hour) ; Voucher-check #31702 in the amount of $29.00, payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire Station; Voucher-check #31703 in the amount of $26.40, payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at C1earbrook Fire House; Adopted by the following recorded vote: i ~ I r ~ ~ I I j: ~ " II ! I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered fi1ed~ " H. W. Clark, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of May, 1959; Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and H. W. Clark, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of May, 1959; Edward S. Allen, County Agent, monthly report for May, 1959; James D. Oliver, Assistant County Agent, for month of May, 1959. ii~, A' . ~- ij (,-,,~..., '! I il ii ii i: " " Ii I r i I I IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated May 28, 1959, from R. M. Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia" , anci to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, County of Roat'':lK.., t;:lgether with report of inspection of the Roanoke County Jail, dated May 20, 1959, received and ordered filed. I r . IN RE: ACKNOilLEDGMENT OF RESOLUTION PROPOSED MERGER NORFOLK & WESTERN and THE VIRGINIAN RAIIBOADS: Acknowledgments from Governor of Virginia, United States Senators, sundry Congreemen and Jesse W. Dillon, Chairman, State Corporation Commission, in re: Resolution of this Board proposed merger Norfolk & Western and The Virginian Railroads received and ordered filed. I r Letter dated June 1, 1959, from B. F. Parrott, Campaign Chairman, Roanoke Valley Safety Council, addressed to W. E. CUndiff, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, acknowledging contribution and expressing appreciaticn of the Board's support of the Council's program, received and ordered filed. I I I I \ ~ V ~ " i i ~ f ~ A cOlllllUIlication dated May 21-22, 1959, from the Department of Highways, Richmond, Va., showing final allocations of Pr~y Construction Funds for 1959-1960, received and ordered filed. Letter dated May 25, 1959, fro. H. H. Harris, Administrative Assistant Department of Highways, received and ordered filed. I :1 A cOlllllUIlication dated May 22, 1959, from Virginia Department of Highways, :1 Richmond, Virginia, of Secondary Roads All?cations 1959-1960, together with 'I letter from H. H. Harris, Administrative Assistant, Department of Highways, j received and ordered filed. I " 1 ,I ;I i , I r r- IN RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF DELINQUENT TAX Cou.ECTOR OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VA. On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the report of Alexander Grant & company, of audit of the records of the delinquent tax collector of Roanoke County, Va. of delinquent personal property taxes, as of April 13, 1959, be, and the same is, hereby received and ordered filed. Letter of Alexander Grant & Company, dated May 22, 1959, received and ordered filed. I c c o I c .~ . r:J..J. 1;- .Co.~- , .c~, ~@ - or County Fund to the Library Fund the sum of TwO Thousand, four hundred and five i ~ dollars ($2,405.00) balance of the 1958-1959 Library appropriation set up in th1 ~. (JJ. County Budget for said year. 7P.'7~ Letter dated June 11, 1959, from Mrs. Blanche B. Peclneau, County Librarian CI--:r.;_~ received and ordered filed. ~'.~ I ~j"!~..." -"- .--,....-.."...-,--.. .~...~. . .. ~ -,' . IN RE: TRANSFER FROfGENERAL COUNTY FUND TO LIBRARY FUND: I , I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry from the General Adopted by the following Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None recorded vote: Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board appropriates the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to the staff of the Burrell Memorial Hospital at Roanoke, Virginia, for the year 1958-1959, payable out of the General County Fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, th Council for the Town of Salem concurring: Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 2, Map of National Heights Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 320, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and said corner being on the north right-of-way line of Penley Boulevard at its intersection with the west right-of-way line of Welton Street; thence with the east boundary of the aforesaid Lot 8 and west ri3ht- of-way line of the aforesaid Welton Street; N. 4 02' E., 126.12 feet to a point and said point being the northeast corner of the aforesaid Lot 8; thence with the north boundaries of the aforesaid Lot 8 and Lots 3, 4, 5'06, and 7, Block 2, of the aforesaid subdivision, N. 85 58' W., 300 feet, to the northwest corner of Lot 3', Block 2, of the aforesaid National Heights Subdivision; th~e with the west boundary of the aforesaid Lot 3, S. 4 02' w., 150.60 feet to the southwest corner of the aforesaid Lot 3 and said corner being on the north right- of-way line of the aforesaid Penley Boulevard; thence with the north right-of-way line of Penley BouiLevard and b~ng the south boundary line of the aforesaid lots, N. 89 22' E., 300.96 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 2, of the aforesaid National Heights Subdivision. and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council for the Town a Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes origim:ing within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract 324 'jx O:/{,i~~ -1 I ---' h --~ - - between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 1953. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I I r ! I I Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of 1 Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 18th day of May, 1959, Supervisors Room in the Courthouse in Salem, Virgin:J.a, as the place for a publi , hearing on the aforesaid resolution of May 18, 1959, signifying the intention , of the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify furthell proj ects in the nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of I Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had to Section 15- 764.9 concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken by the Authority: Present: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer I Absent: None The Chairman opened the meeting, stating its general purposes, and after reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published in the ''Roanoke World-News", and certified by the publisher, and also a reading of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general discussion of the subject. The Board hearing no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, on the motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, the following resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote: WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County~ Virginia, held May 18, 1959, a resolution was unanimously passed by recorded vote of said Board, signifying its intention to specify further projects to be , , 'I undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisiotp' :i of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended, and particular '! reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifying of further projects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was' duly published in the "Roanoke World-News," a newspaper published in aild having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and said publication having been had on May 25, 1959. WHEREAS the said public hearing was duly held on June 15, 1959, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resolution; and, WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of th~ Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, I I I , --.. ---... - -- ---.- c substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said \ resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this "- meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its regular meeting of May 18, 1959, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution signifying its intention to specify further proj ects to be undertaken by t:J.e Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority with the purpose of acquiring, finanCing, constructing, operating and ~ntaining a sewer system, or systems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto for the primary purpose of furnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its Charter and by the provisiC'ns of the a ~ Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and being Sections 15.764.1 to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services and all of those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the ! in eac~ I I ~ ~ :! Ii aforesaid resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular meeting held on May 18, 1959, reference is hereby specifically had to said resolution and the metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in ~ [ f l f 1 l r f I I, r ~ f Supervisors' Record Bo~k 15, Page 308. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff Nays: None John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and c WHEREAS the Virginia General Assembly has created the Virginia Civil War Commission to coordinate plans for the Civil War Centennial 1961-65; and WHEREAS the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia has requested this Board to appoint a local Civil War Centennial Committee to work with the State Commission for an over-all State program; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following persons be, and they are hereby, appointed as the local Civil War Centennial Committee to work with the similar committee appointed by the City Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, for State and local observance of the Civil War: Mrs. Russell Johnston, Mrs. T. E. Burke, and Mrs. A. D. Hurt. ii ~ I II 'I ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ii i' !l~ r . ;1 b~D,,1 h " If") _ ~~',~ Ii I I'i.. ,. i'~ 'fu... . L2t; . II')~ ae.- :i v.... '_'..P II \ .,.""~ ~Ct,i..~ T r,'!t.A~ ~ Yra... C-.. ~J{'f~ i~. r~~'9 ~ ~.:.1tfi. " J' 'f'- 326 ~Co~ 't1.CP~ 'II"')!.~ ., l ~.~i 1i'~.r: i.v~~ b!".)'s-tf ~ , , :1 ! . t i ~ ~ ! , ~ 1 i , ! ! I ~ I I And it is further ordained that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Executive Director of the Virginia Civil War Commission and the Clerk of the City Council of the City of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee I Logan, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None I Letter dated April 6, 1959, addressed to HOllorable Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Circuit Court of Roanoke County, from Chas. T. Moses, Chai~, Virginia Civil War Commission, received and ordered filed. I l On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff, ChEli~ of this Board is hereby authorized and directed to sign PHS Form 2654, Application for Federal Grant for Sewage treatment Work, under 33 U. S. C. 466 et seq. said Federal Grant to be used for the construction of a sewer line from the existing Mud Lick sewer from Route 119 to the Cave Spring High School. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I Upon the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires, under the provisions of Chapter 757 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, 1958, Page 869 (Section 29-184.2), that the enforcement of the dog laws in said County be vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden, and said Board of Supervisors does hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a Dog Warden, and one or more Dog Wardens to assist the Dog Warden in the dog inspection activities in dog law enforcement, and It is further ordered that after the appointment of said Dog Warden and Assistant, by the Judge of the Circuit Court, that pursuant to said Section, ~. I the Treasurer of Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax funds to the State Treasury, and that the said County, after said appointments ,I i I i I ! shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and the Clerk of I this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None ~~2 4 copies this order del to Co. Ex.Officer for del. to Res.Engr. Dept. Highways 6/16/59 Board of ,s.~,~.~~C),,~,... } The Public and t:e State Hi:~:'- . . Commruion of Virginia .\l ORDER .- Thi, matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedinl1ll herein, -and upon the ai>' plication for__.~~.,__.9J__~c.1<,.l!!?~.. 9.,.O~__.~~...t.~__~.,...E.!......,....:,_......._..._.................__.~--' ... .... ___..........n.....n.................._.._.__.._.__.__......___._..n.........___...__...nnn__n.._....._._.__...n_un.___._ to be accepted and made a part of tho Secon!IarY Sr,tem of State Highway'. .It appeAring to the Board that drainage eeaementa and a..~.Q..;.~.'..right of way for oaid Toad has heretofore been dedicated by virtue' of a certain map known 86..~~.;.~~~.~~_S~~.._~~}_J!.m_ .............., ,............., which map is recorded in Plat Book.:~........................, P..e._..~~....._. of the record. of the Clerk', Office of the Clreuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by n'a~on of the recordation of said plAP no report from a Board of Viewel'l!l, nor coneent or-do.DI1tion." of right of way from the abutting property oW!'er8 i. neceMBry. The Board hereby guarllIItee. oaid right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that ...id road known .a.L...................:................. ,,];;.>;en., ,..Qf, ,Sham4<H:k.l\Q&<l...Q.9:i.__mJ.~...w.,.Il.....)i:.,., ......,.........,... ....,. ,.' .,.,...,' ,...n, ,n.......n..,' .. ..._..un...__n....n....u. .n. ..t:.,n.u..............._........_...__.....n...,.. n....n_.__...____...._.._.___....... . 'f" and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this ort1er. be, and the same is hereby e,tabli.hed .. a public T9"'1to become 8 part of the Stale Secondary System of Highways in R0a- noke County. () / ' Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Aye" W.E.Cundiff, Minor R. ,Kef'fer, Jdhn Lee, Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. ' Nays: None. . -\A, I Board of Sup~~~or8 ._'j 4 copies this orde del. to Co.Ex.Off! cer for del. to Res.Engr. Dept. Highways 6/16/59 !P',,> " J ;' ;',11\ <lfi{i 'h(' Stat~ Highway ill.S:,,:.)~l o'!" YI!-ginia " ORDER '"I':: I;" ~- --. . . '-' This n:att.er came on this day to be heard upon the proceeding~ herein, and uPon th~"J)- 1,lll-.,lipll fn:" ~:a.\fIl~~~.s.~_.P;-_1_y~. from cam~ro.~._Dri-,~e to J.? E! ~::...~~.~q...~~!7.._.m....._......~.,.-,... -' n... n'._Cn>'(:.n.n....:...... l~ h. )ll"'':'l,~~.tl and m:1de a part of th~ Secondary System of St.ate HighwaY8. \i \ l t :~pr<:,aring to the- ~oard that drainage easements and a.~!tJ~.....right o{way\for said . 1"' ,j(: !~.l." :~l:',r:'~orore l~een dedicated by virtue of a certain map known ~s..J4~~.~~.~ll.....n_... --.---.. " . , ...oo.... whic~ls recorded in Plat Book........}...........u.... Pageoo._:~oo2.7.9.u... " .': . tit' I"L'cnni-.; of the Clerk's Office of the ~uit Court of Roanok~ County, Virginia,.....c61d that by , . \ .' I, ~,-:"'I 01' i)'~: f{Honiation of s.&id map no reportJrom a Board of Viewer,-,"lmr consent or donation I': n~~ht of \,.~:y from t,he 'abutting prpperty ownei-s is neeessary. The Boird l)l!~lJY guarantee~ said, riJ.!"ht of v;ay ::.nd right for drainage. '. ~/,... . ~-j : :-1011', THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road 'sJloWn .............u:~.....................u... , ' ,"~.~!I&.e.,~~n,..j;J;QI!L~.,Pl;~n.,!;R..P......!\j.~~oo.9.lQ..!\I1,.~.\\..........................:.. I .n................u......................n.hun.......u.n.....n..._.......n....................._......_nnn...........h."'" . " . a:"l ~:b(.h i:-; shown on a certain sketch aceompanYin~ t~ order, be. and the same la bereby ",.tahli~hcd a.s R public road t~ become a part of the St&te~ndarY System of ,Highways in Roa- nvke ('ouDty. " " / I Adopted by lhe following recorded vote,: ..-\ye~ : w. E. Cund.itt, )(iDOr Bcbdq G.ferrell. KOlle. Ir~'~':-" --_.~: -.~ - - :.-... R. Ketter, John Lee Logan and S'~y~ : "- 'j-' ~- 'U .. 336 ~ .. 4 copies this orde del. to Co.Ex. Officer for del to Res.Engr.Dept. Highways 6/16/59 ~ . .rl\~:]I~!a:P,':::.Hig~~~y"-} CCH':mis~ion of Virginia / ORDER Thig matter came on this day to be heard upon the p=eeding~ hereiiJ. and upon the ap. .,I'lation for ...,E>r:.t.~:Lc>.tl.,~f,..~V,""tl..~..([t~'nn8.~n.,~~11,..o...~~..'!!i.~!...........n.................n.... 1(; /"l"lHO(',;:'plt:'d and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways,.. It appearing to the Boa~' that drainage easements and a.~.Q__~_~_.hright of way for said j" ,HI hilS :Jl:'rl'tofore heen dedicated by virtue oi a certain map k~own M..~2~_~.._~l~!lo:..f.~..m... ____nn____' which map Ie recorded in Plat Book.nn__.}..__.....n__n__' Page...______~.!____. t': . hf' I"ec()rd~ uf the Clerk's Qffice of the.-Circuit 'Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that "by . I' :....;'''1 ')( 1 h~ re~ oniation 'of seid-mapno report from a Board of Viewers, nor ~onsent or donation 01 r.!!ht of \'.';~y from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board herehy gusrytntees said r:,e-hl of ,',-.ay ;~n(! ri~ht for drainage, "- .'WW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that said road known ...___...___...,....... Extenai()Il..9~,!1!!J..Y!!J;Jl.~.n{!\J;....&;m...!l9.;,!;!L9...9;l..~J!\... I .a:IJl Wr.ll'h l~; :-:hown on a certain sketch accomp~nying tbi~ order, be. and the game ig h~reb:y l~,t:thlhht:d 3" a puntic wad to become a part of ~he State Secondary System of I1i,R'hways inl:Roa:-> !,I,l\I' (\.unty. AdoPlt..,d ,hy the following recorded vote: ..lye" W.E.Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer. John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. ;...:.;,:~: None. I Board of Supervisors .-1 4 copies this order del to Co.Ex.Office for del to Res.Engr Dept.Hi!1;hways 6/16/59 ., -, 111/' ;'.:'1;\ <Inri '_he- State ., 'I:~l."'\:":~ (~f \"irginia Highway J This n~attcr came or. this day to be heard upvr. the proceeding:; herein, and upon the ap. ORDER d!ialinn 1'01' Extension of D&r1>y, Road {Rt. 1&4,3) ,1l".I::th..'O".l~..!"ci,l,e, . ...,.........,.....r.'. .........c.,...........___....................__...___. :\. !~> ',l'(''"-'l,:t>d and made a part of thl~ Secondary System of State Hjghways: Jt ::pr'f':lring to the Board that drainage easements 'and a..$.Q..f.l;.....right of way for said . . ft. ' k Boxl")': Hills #2 . l' ,!I~ !;;\.; :~"'r'.ro((Jre heen ded:cated b)~ VIrtue 0 a cer lUll map nown a.~"m_'''''. ..m..n_................... ...... which lnllp is recorded in Plat Book...,...n....~n........n.. Page..___2,l.~...,__... I': 'hl' rewr.-!Q. (If the Clerk'sOtf,ice of the Circuit Court of ~nok~ County, Virginia, and that, b~ I ,';,"'11 ~)f 'i h~ ft'" oniation of sz.id map no .report -from a Board of ViewcrS. Dor consent or dona.tion ('i r'j..~ht or \':;~y [rom the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board herehy guarantees said rig-hl of ,yay anti right for drainage. !<lOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERE'D that said road known u...__.....................,......._.__ " " , ,Ext""":L'?n...!!f!..~1>y..~...{~~....:~,&'t~J:..I1C).>;.!;l>..o.,I,S.,.!"iJe.;,. ..__................c.....:..... .__..~.. . I ... ..___. '... ........... ..........d.._.n_........ n.. .. ............... .n. .....n..... ..... .......... ._........~.. ...... .""""n.._'" U:HJ wr.ich is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be. and the same i's' hereby o'stahJi,hcd "" a ,public road to become a part of the State S<\rondary Sygtem of Highways in Roa. noke County. Adopted by the following rec<lrded vote:' I "lye" Y.E.Cundift~X1DOr R. Keffer. John Lee Logan and Edwin G.., Terrell~ ~as~: lIoDe. f. 83R 4 copies this order del to Co. Ex.Officer for del to Res.Engr. Dept. Highways 6/16/59 The:icO~~:~::i~h~="'} CommiMion of Virginia " '\1 O~R Thi. matter ca&1e on thia day to be hearn upon theproceedinga herein, and upon the ai>' plication for____.~;_j,!'!!".,.o.t.!i'Y.!'t4!fld:..A,y."!'.;!~--.(~;.,--J.!tQ.U--t--'?--.c:.o.~..!!E.!!!.__(!l,;-,-.JJ,!!L9.!.~. mi. I "'" , ,,::,.... ,.----..,.------..~.--...----........_......._......_.....--..--..............--..........................:...............--.......---,; to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of Sta~ Highways. . .. [t appearing to the Board. that drainage euementa and a.?.9...;.;.!..right of ",ay for said Toad hR8 heretofore been ,dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as.._~~.Y.~~_~..~:?_~E~.J.~.." .. '.'..mmm....m.......~'...~.__.., which map ia recorned in Plat Book..__..,__~........__....___, Page:....~.~~......... " of the rccorn. of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, 'and that by n'a~on of the recordation of said map no report from ~ Board of Viewers, nor consent or,donation of right of way from the abutting ~perty owners i. nece88l\[Y. The Board hereby guarantees said /__.. right of way and right for drainasre. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known &a......_...__.............'...__......... I Ext.ensian. ,of. ,.fQrtland.A"enu.e...(Rl;...~!tOlJ, ,.t.o..,COY.e...l\QMl..(St..__.&t....UQ)__.QL~.Jlli.L........ / and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby c..tabliRhed as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary ~stem of Highways in Roa.- T)o~e County. Adopted by the foHowin~ recorned vote: Ayes: W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. ~ayg: None. .(1 I 4 copies this o~de del. to Co.Ex. Office~ fo~ del to Res.Engr.Dept. Highways 6!16!5G ,:::"::::':~..,'=-} Commission "of Virginia ORDER This matter came on thia day to be hean! uPon the proceedinll'B herein, and upon the ai>' . ~ . plication for.._.~.~~-;._.~.~...;?:~.~._~~E~~P.'~_~~~~r-~.~~~~~E...l?E..~!!..::...9.~.~~..~!.=-..__-{ ..,',.'.".n'n..'................n.........._..__...-"-._...._..:...._~.....--........n-.--..-.......--...../.:.~-....~.~~.,...c.:'. to be accepted and made a p&rt of the Secondary Syat~ of State Highways. [t sppearin, to the Board that drain..,e euementa and a...5.Q..ft...right of way for said road has hererofore been dedicated by. virtue of a certain map known &a.....l!'.~J;ilel'.!'.....-'.._.__....__.. 'n...nnn..c..'_.___n..n....~.....' which map in recorded in Plat Book...........__...~....___.. P&lie_'......l....,.n_ of the'recorns of the Clerk's 01fiee of"the CirCuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that hy rellson of the recordation of said map DO report from a Board of Viewen, IIOr consent 01' donation of right of way from the abutting JIl'Operiy owners is ~, The Board hereby guarantees sald right of way and right for dra!naee- NOW, THERE~RE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known &a...___......................__...... '.",n.~~"..~~n.f.F.!!!!'...fM!99.2~..!!,oad ..~.J.<!!!!;!:f.!=.!!!..!!~~y!..=.::__!!.,.9.L'!'!.~.~__...........__...... ... '-~ I , ...__. - __u. .__...__...__._.._____......__...___._.._..nn._nn..._......n..........nn.......___.._..._...h___......____.__..__... and which ia shown on a certain sketch accompanying thJa order, be, and the same ia hereby ...tablished as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of ~b_ys In R0a.- noke County. I Adopted by the foHo~ recorded vote: " Ayes: w. E. Elbrin Ion.. '- CWl.diff, JIiDor ll.. Ketfer, John Le. Logan and'-' G. !err.l1. -- --.. , \ U N&ylI: "'.' .' ~...-,l'_...... V<-- ;, .... r.. _' -, ~ _'.."'" ." '.... .'-~r"': l-L.< r fLe. /..-; ~~ .~~ -r-qyJ {.I .:, &.,. --#""'~ L<<-<. v'(~/~ ~ " L \...< , .' ~'_. - ............. h \ ,-' "~f b / ~ , I c WWRIl~$. this date W. E.Fitzgera1d, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, appeared before this Beard recOllllllending the necessity and advisability of providing adequate crossing protection at the Norfolk & Western and Virginian railroad crossings on Route 760 (Duiguids Lane). WHEREAS, this Board concurs with the above reccmmendation and further requests that the Virginia Department of Highways setup with the Bureau of Public Roads a proj ect to provide for flashing light signals and short arm gates at the Norfolk & Western and Virginian railroad crossings on Route 760. WBJtRr"~, this Board further requests that this project be financed 90T. Unmatched Federal Funds and 10'% Railroad Funds. 'C TBEREFalE, on motion duly seconded and carried, be it resolved that the Virginia Department of Highways setup with the Bureau of Public Roads, on a 9OT. Unmatched Federal Funds and lOT. Railroad basis, the proj ect to effect the erection of flashing lights and short arm gates on the Norfolk & Western and Vir~~an railroad crossings on Route 760 in Roanoke County. . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer . ,Hays: Hone :0 An ordi-e regulating the burning of old rubber, automobile batteries, leather, waste oils, and grease, garbage, junk automobiles, or similar items, cloth _ter1als, plastics, or leaves or tri....ings, or any such refuse in such a ...........r as to cause nuisance, annoyance, detriment or discomfort to any other perSOIl or persons, or damage to business or property; And furthar to regulat e the escaping into the open air of such quantitiClS of cinders, dust, fly ash, soot, acid or other fumes, dirt, or other _terials, or obnoxious gases, in such place or ~nner as to cause injury, detriment, nui.sance or other annoyance to any person, or damage to any other a property; And further to provide penalties for violation of such ordin.ance. WRRRIl"~ the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has authority l,IDder the laws of the Cv....oouwea1th of Virginia, and more especially under the provisions of Section 15-8 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, to adopt such measures as they ~y deem expedient to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS notice of the intention of the Board of Supervisors to propose for adoption said or.'lin"n('e has been published for two successive weeks, n8lllely on May 21st and May 28th, 1959, in the Times Register, a newspaper published and having general circulation in Roanoke County, as r~quired by law; and WBEBEAS the burning of old rubber, automobile batteries, leather, waste oils and grease, garbage. junk automobiles or similar items, clotp ~terials, plastics, or leaves or trilllllings, or any such refuse in open fires in such a ~ er as to cause nuisance, annoyance, detriment, or discomfort to any other person or persons, or damage to business crprr.:-pertYi and the permitting to escape into the open air of such quanlties of cinders, dust, fly ash, soot, acid or other fumes, dirt or other ~terials. or obnOxious gases, in such place or ~er as tit ~:tii- ~.~~ a,:., ~:. ", ~... . ""-.;.-- ~"....- ~ , I'I. Js-rf '.~'l~~"":: . ~~,. 1 "I, ."J ~~ to cause injury, 'detriment, nuisance, or othe1' annoyance to any person or to .my other property are all deemed detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the 1Dhabitants of Roanoke County; and WRRRIUS this Board deems it necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety and general welfare, and in order to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County that the above acts shall be regulated, restricted and prohibited in the following manner: 1: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to permit or cause or allow the burning of old rubber, automobile batteries, leather, waste oils andgl;ease. garbage,junk automobiles or similar items, cloth materials, plastics. or . leaves or trimmif\glJ,' or any such refuse in open fires in suCh a ~~,. as ~ cause nuisance, annoyance, detriment or d1sCCli::fort to other person or perSons, or damage to business cr property. 2: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to permit, , . cause or allow to escape into the open air of such quantities of cinders, dust, fly ash, soot, acid or other fumes, dirt or other ~terials, or obnoxious gases. in suCh plaCe or m......t'r as to cause injury, detriment, nuisance 01' other annoyance to any person or damage to any other property. . 3: Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinan~e shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $300. for each offense. 4: In case any part of this ordinance should, for any reason be held invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the r~der of the ordinance, and every r_ining sel:tion, clause or part thereof shall continue in full force and effect. . , . Be it further ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be and the same' is hereb made effective on and after the 3rd day of July, 1959.. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be publiShed once a week for the next two successive weeks in the Times Register, a newspaper published and having general circulation in Roanoke County.. Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, the foregoing ordinance was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None An ordinJl"ce to prevent the spread of rabies by regulating and ~t controlling the running at large within certain boundaries of Roanoke County, of all dogs and cats,. for a period of forty-five days, and providing penalties for the violation of said ordinance: 1: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, for a period of 45 days from June 15, 1959, to permit any dog or cat belonging to I I l said person, firm or corporation, to run at large, unless same is leased under; ~ restraint of its owner in such ~er that a person or an~l shall not be j I subject to the danger of being bitten or clawed thereby, within that bOlmdary of Roanoke County described as follows, to-wit: I I I I I c BEGDlNING at the City Limits of the City of Roanoke at the intersection of Virginia Route 115 and State Secondary Route 605; thence with State Secondary Route 605 in a northerly direction to State Secondary Route 616; thence with State Secondary Route 616 to Virginia Route 115; thence with Virginia Route 115, in a southerly direction to the north Corporate Limit of the City of Roanoke; thence With same to the place of BEGINNING. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the above ordinance shall be guilty of a misdelllE'9nnr, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $300.00. c 3: In case any part: of this ordinance should, for any reason, be held invalid by a Court of competent: jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the remainder of the ordinance, and every r~ning section, clause or part thereof shall continue in full force and effect. 4: An emergency existing, this ordinance shall be in full force and effect for a period of 45 days from this 15th day- of June, 1959. Be itl further (IU)AINED that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be published once a week for the next two successive weeks in the Times Register, a newspaper published and having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia. On IlIOtion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, the foregoing orninlOnt!e was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ! c This day the County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the ~~ following roads and the locations thereof, to-wit: ftjJ ,d!., r (a) Parkway Road from Rt:. 688 to D. E. -- 0.55 mile. I ~- . t; (b) Lindsey-~lwood Road from Parkway Road to D. E. -- 0.55 mile 1- i . dt...t Right-of-way and drainage easements guaranteed .~ tr~ Whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, said Engineer's reports are t'! ~ 't. approved. ~ ,i And it is further ordered that said roads, as described briefly above, be, $~, and they are hereby, established as public roads, to becOlK a part of the State h JJf'tS'J., Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing; the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, havU;g the supervision and ~ntenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUyervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None m Report of County Engineer as to roads above described received and orderedfiled. ~1t- c.:I; ~. :. cj4n d.J ~. to JI7 /s.., This day. the County Engineer. heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof, to-wit: (a) Hartin-Sink Road frOlll Rt. 789 to D. E. -- 0.40 mile. Right-of-way and drainage easements guaranteed Whereupon, on mOtion duly seconded and carried, said Engineer's reports are approved. And it is further ordered that said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road, to become a. part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the supervision, and ~intenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. On lDOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Report of County Engineer as to roads above described received and ordered filed. BE IT llESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of Septembar 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of lloaDoke, c1ealing with the treatment of domes tic and cOllllllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: Description of 25.00 Acres, being the northerly portion of the Property of Mrs. A. P. Jones that is being purchased by R. R. Quick and others for Development as Plantation Court. "Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Plantation Road, Va. Secondary Highway 601, at the northeasterly corner of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones and at the south- easterly corner of the Stokes property; thence with Plantation Road S. 6 degrees 00 minutes E. 111.7 feet to a point on the east side of the road; thence continuing with the road S. 1 degrees 25 minutes W. 772.5 feet to a point on the west side of the road; thence leaving the ;:,oad and with a new line through the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones S. 85 degrees 03 minutes W. 12132.-9 feet to a point on the easterly 1:l.ne of the property of M. E. Petty; thence with the same N. 6 degrees 05 ,minutes W. 850.5 feet to a point corner to the Stokes property; thence with the same N. 83 degrees 46 minutes E. 1303.7 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 25.00 Acres and being the northerly portion of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones, as shown by Plat ~de for R. R. Quick and Others, by DaVid Dick, State Certified Engineer and Surveyor and dated June 13, 1959." and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; :1 (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall i ~ ! ~ I ~ ~ I ~ be deli'Vered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; I I I I' I c (B) That in all other respec:.t8..$aid contract shall r_in in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and r_in bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforBllentioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Cl Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER '" copies 1:1118 order del to Co.Ix.Officer for del ~o aes. 1Dgr. Dep~.B1.&hwa,.s 6/16/59 . Tbe PUblic and the State Highway Ccmmission of Virginia c This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Woodside Drive frOlll Rt. 631 north to D. E. -- 0.2 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft.1:ight. of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Woodside Park #2, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 2, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said ~p no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED THAT SAID ROAD KNOWN as Woodside Drive from Rt. 631 north to D. E. -- 0.2 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None .c " ~ :'~ Board of Supervisors VB. x ORDER '" copies ~hi8 ordez; del ~o Co. Ix. Officer for del to aes.EII&!'. Dept. Highways 5/16/59 The Public and the State Highway Ccmmission of Virginia This ~tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Connie Drive from Rt. 626 west to D. E. -- 0.15 mile to be accepted and ~dea part of the Secondary System of State Highways. ,. copie. ~a '~0rde1' 1:0 Co. :k.Otftcer to . del 1:0 Rea. IDgr.Dept. Hi~/ ya 6/16/59 ~ ._,-~ It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Brax-han Court, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 190 of the records of the Clerk'. Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, aDd. that by, reason of the recordation of said ~p no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property cnmers is necessary., The Board hereby guarantees said right of way ad right_for drainage. ROIl. 'l'HEIlEFalE. BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Connie Drive from Rt. 626 west to D. E. -- 0.15 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch I I accompanying this order. be, and the same is hereby ~tablished as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff aDd HinOt' R. Keffer Hays: None Board of Supervisors VB. x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Ccmmiasion of Virginia I This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Amber Way Circle from Mud Lick Road (lit. 683) south to D. E. -- 0.16 mile to be accepted and ~de a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Windsor Hills Estates, which ~p is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 311 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. and that by reason of the recordation of said 1lI8? no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll. THEREFORE , BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Amber Way Circle from Mud Lick Road (lit. 683) south to D. E. -- 0.16 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan Nays: None I I ~ " ., ,i J ~ 1 , ~- ,.~~ I For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the Dog Laws to be transferred to the Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors 9.040.00 ~ 9.040.00 I EDUCATI~ PURPOSES FUND ,(Schools) For Educational Purposes 17a - School Board - Administration 17b - Instruction 17c - Co-ordinated Activities l7d -' Auxiliary Agencies 17e - Housing l7f - Fixed Charges Subtotal 40,250.00 2,319,188.82 1,.250.00 227,520.00 288,693.78 25.255.00 2,902,157.60 'Debt Service (See Debt Retirement Fund) Capital Outlay 50.030.40 Total Appropriations from Educational Purposes Fund. $2.952.188~00 CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FUND (Schools) For sites, buildings, equipment and other capital expenditures 2.416.863.10 $2.416.863.10 I IEBT RETIREMERT FUND (Schools) For payment of Principal and Interest On bonded indebtedness of County Schools , ' '. ' 85.178.00 Total Appropriation from the Debt Retirement Fund $ 85.178.00 Grand Total of ALL Appropriations from ALL Funds $ BE IT FllRTBER RESOLVED that the treasurer be, and she hereby is, authoriz , , to transfer to other funds frOl!l the General Revenue Fund and Dog Revenue Fund, from time to time as moneys become available, SUIIIS equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriations made to these funds' from the General Revenue Fund and Dog Revenue Fund for the period covered by this appropriation resolution. A copy of this appropriation' ordinance is ordered to be certified to L. M., I ltuhn, Director of the Division of the Budget, and to Janie B. McNeal, Treas '.1%'er of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vOte: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan. . Nays: None I I A copy of the detailed budget prepared for fiscal planning and informative purposes for the fiscal year 1959-1960 filed. o o , o c - IN RE: TAX LEVY FOR ROANOIlE COUNTY FOR YEAR 1959: WHEREAS, the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960, allocating . funds necessary for the operation of the govermnent of Roanoke County, for Educational purposes, Construction of County Schools and School Debt Retirement Fund, having been advertised for informative purposes, according to law, by this Board; and ~ll.u:, all of the provisions of the statute concerning the advertisement and public hearing of said budget have been fulfilled; and WRRRR6~, in order to carry into force and effect said budget, it is necessary that a tax levy be extended over all legal subjects of taxation in 'Roanoke County, and the several Districts thereof, including the TOWEl of Salem and the TOWEl of Vinton; Hal, tBEREP'CllE, on motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by ~v1lJor V. E. Cundiff, it is ordered that the following levy be, and the s is. hereby extended over all legal subjects of taxation in Roanoke County. and the several Districts thereof, including the Town of Salem and the Town of Vinton: All real estate, tangible property and all legal subject of taxation for County and District purposes, including Railroads, Express, Telegraph, Telephon , Vater. Beat, Light and Power Compll11ies, also all rolling stock, all electric railwaya. ~ltinery and tools in Roanoke County, excluding merchants' capital, for the fiscal year 1959-1960, as follows: RAut-ationa1 purposes on each $100.00 of valuation $ 1.50 GeDeral County Purposes of each $100.00 of valuation .25 For capital expenditures for County Schools, which is to be earDUlrked for that purpose, on each $100.00 of valuation .40 School Debt Retirement Fund on each $100.00 of valuation .10 Adopted by the Following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ;rohn Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Rays: None (lPnRRlln that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in July, 1959. ~M~_ , Court House Salem, Virginia July 20, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chai~, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Absent: Edwin G. Terrell, Vice-Chairman. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. C. Roy Edwards, Pastor of Thrasher Memorial Methodist Cp.urch, Vinton, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last :t'egu1ar meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. T',}e following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, ~.~ 11 ~t,]:,."," ~.~ 1-1~ 1,rXf" ).b... c.. .)~ . ~- $ta::l- I~ '.JJ .J.... ~it-, ;~ .,.~ t! ~~. and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 31964 County School Board of Roanoke Co., June Maintenanc,e of., County OWned Vehicles $ 657.43 " " " " " " " II II " ." 31965 International Business Machine Corp. Maintenance agree- ment service to IBM Typewriter 31966 Burroughs Corporation, Maintenance &g1:eement on Adding Machines 35.00 I 118.50 31967 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 79.00 31968 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Real Estate Appraisal Maps 12.26 31969 Pitney Bowes. Inc., Rental fee on PO,at83e Machine 31970 Merchants Industries, Inc., office supplies 31971 ,Treasurer of Virginia, Office supplies , 21. 60 387.81 1.1.00 I 31972 Vinton Motor Co., Extra office Ass:!.st~ts selling auto tllP 390.60 " 31973 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office.supp1ies 31974 RoyK. Brown, Clerk, Compensation of Recording Clerk CertifYing Poll Tax List 31975 Easter' Supply Co., Office supplies 31976 Underwood Corporation, Repairing Typewriter 31977 Roanoke Merchant's Association, Membership dues for Delinquent Tax Collector 31978 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Car expense foJ;' Delinquent Tax Collector -, . 31979 United States Pencil Co., office supplies 31980 Ha10id Xerox, Inc~'ilepair'~teria1 for Photostatic Machine 31981 American Bar Association, Annual dues for Membership to June 30, 1960 . ., ! 31982 Roanoke County Law Library A$soc.', 1/2, year dues 31983 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies 31984 Wallace O. Deyerle, Fees for warrants issued 31985 Farmers National Bank, After hours Depository service 31986 Edward F. Staples, reimburse traveling expense" 31987 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 31988 Judge No~ Moore, Reimburse traveling expense 31989 Deluxe La~dry, Laundry - Jail 31990 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 31991 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 31992 J. W. Reynolds, Food for Prisoners 31993 Monarch Finer Foods, Food, Disinfectant and Medical Supplies for Jail 31994 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 31995 Salem Hardware Co., Tools for Jail 31996 Smead & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies Jail 31997 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food and Cleaning supplies for Co. Jail " " " " II " " II " " " " " " " II' II II " II II " " 31998 Valleyda1e Packers, Food for Prisoners 31999 Jack Wright, 1 pair Woh1 Taper clippers 32000 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas and Oil 32001 Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairing Police Car #2 II II " II 32002 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Police Vehicles " 32003 Radio CoIImunications Co., Radio Maintenance .. 32004 Roanoke Valley Motors, Inc., Parts Folice Car 6 22.99 99.00 -75.66 31. 70 5.00 '5.36 8.00 687.05 I 19.00 75.00 59.75 34.50 11.22 73.73 45.22 332.34 64.82 41.40 85.60 22.50 I 142.96 15.40 8.45 10.35 I 113.78 45.01 I 15.50 i i 40.46 ~ 5.00 ~ 107.791 36.23 1 j 1.07 .' o o o c ~... aJ No. 32005 Salem Motors, Repair, Parts and Wrecker Service 32006 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician Salary June Coroner cases 32007 Dr. R. B; Smiley, Blood Test for Alcohol, Hopkins 32008 Town of Salem, Light and Water Service 32009 Vinton Texaco Service Station, Gasoline Police car #6 It It It It It ._.__,_r'_" ,.-. ..__.,~-:.>. $ 84.75 165.00 5.00 453.27 4.35 It 32010 Summerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 52.56 32011 Horton Insurance Agency, PremiUlll on Surety Bonds for Special Police Officer 5.00 It 32012 Yates &. Wells Garage. Maintenance Police Vehicles " 32013 32014 32015 32016 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts Police Car #10 Auto Spr~ &. Bearing Co., Parts for Police Car #2 Richardson's General Tire Co., Tires for Vehicles G1envar'Repair Shop, Repairs to Vehicles and Tractor It It It " 32017 Andrew Lewis Phillips Service Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles It 32018 Void " 32019 American Chemical Co., Towels for Jail 32020 American Bakeries Co., Food for Prisoners 32021 Salem Glass Co., Repair ~teria1 for Jail 32022, Farmers Service Station, Gasoline It It " It 160.16 6.00 9.04 123.18 32.14 142.20 24.75 60.52 5.00 14.68 32023 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental Fee on Water Softner for Hollins Fire Station #5' 4.00 32031 Fairview Home, County's pro rata share of expense in ~intaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. 85.19 32032 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization Bills for Welfare 18.50 32033 Gill Memorial Hospital. State Local. Hospital Bills for Welfare It 32024 Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel for C. S. Fie House and H. D. Kitchen 32025 Graybar Electric Co., Chemicals 32026 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Tags for C1earbrook Rescue Squad 32027 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gas &. Oil for Fire Truck 32028 Stan's Auto Parts Co., Parts for Hollins Fire Truck 32029 Rockydale Quarries Corp. Tires for C1earbrook Fire Truck 32030 Vinton Motor Co., Repair and Parts for Fire Truck at Hollins #5 It II' It' It It " " " It " 32034 James M. Young, Attorney, Lunacy Fee 32035 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy commissions 32036 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy committments 32037 Dr. A. J. Russo, lunacy hearings 32038 Void 32039 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy hearings 32040 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Court appointed attorney 32041 Frank N. Perkinson, Jr., Lunacy hearing 32042 James N. Kincanon, Court appointed attorney 32043 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 32044 Cave Spring StClair Station, Parts for Engineer's Car 32045 Goodwin-Andrews Insurance Co., PremiUlll on Surety Bond 32046 Magic City Motor COrp., Parts for Inspector's Car 32047 Ann HinSon, Extra office Assistant II It " It It It " It It It It It " 5.33 3.36 5.75 2.09 49.05 50.00 9.51 37.00 10.00 80.00 50.00 20.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 , 2.95 3.00 5.00 5.99 164.25 350 32051 Times-Register Co., Building Permits and Advertising 113.00 32052 Edward B. Lassiter, Expense cluriD3 trip to Richmond and Fairfax Counties,; 76.54 32053 Technical Reproduction &. Supply, Maps 10.00 32054 Edwin G. Terrell, Secty-&. Treas. Contribution to the operation cost of the Regional Committee 1,163.00' 32055 Diesel Injection Sales &. Service, Repairs to Tractor used at Garbage Dump 32057 Rish Equipment Co., Repairs to Tractor used at Co . Dump 286.98 32058 Thomas Brothers;, Labor at County Dump 573.25 32059 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance of Garbage Truck 45.78 32060 Bemiss Equipment Corp. Repair parts for Tractor 31.59 32061 H. P. Burgess, Replace Hose that was burst by Garbage Truck 4.95 32062 Brambleton Auto 'Service, Repairs and Parts for Garbage Truck 6.95 32063 Void No. 32048 Virginia Associated Plumbing &. Heating Contractors, V P I Plumbing Institute on New State Law 32049 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 32050 Barbara Belcher, Extra office Assistant II II II II II II II II 32056 Millard G. Gunter, Operating Tractor at the County Dump II II II .. II .. " .. 32064 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks 32065 Miller Tire Service, Auto Tires for Vehicles 32066 Carnell Moore, Maintenance of Garbage Dump " .. $ 23.60 30.50 63.42 I 41. 42 I 183.30 9.96 366.97 200.00 .. 32067 Salem Oil Co., Maintenance Garbage Lot 30.81 32068 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment cost for General Electric Lbe 242.83 I 32084 Gentry Studios, Photo of Courthouse 8.00 32085 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Expense to Langley Field &c 135.60 32086 Martin Brothers Contractors, Labor for erecting screen doors on Roanoke Co. Library 15.00 .. .. 32069 Void 32070 Roanoke Mills, Inc., Preparing Voting List 32071 Dame RoofiD3 Co., Repairing Courthouse Roof 32072 Ferrell Insurance Agency, PremiUIII on Fire Insurance 32073 Graves Hllmphreys Hdw. Co., Paint (CANCELED) 32074 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Repairs and St. Signs 32075' Nelson Hardware Co., Water Hose 32076 Sunnyside Awning &. Tent Co., Repairing Blinds 32077 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service II .. .. .. .. .. .. " " 32078 Void 32079 VintonHardware Co., Building Supplies 32080 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware, etc. 32081 McClung Lumber Company, LUIIIber Repairs to Courthouse 32082 State Board of Education, Civil Defense carrying charge on property 32083 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline purchased for Hollins Fire Station Tank .. " " .. " .. II .. .. 32087 Stanford &. Inge, Rent on two Sites Crossing Signs 32088 Charles E. Via, Jr., July Secretarial Assistance .. II Clerk, Refund Overpayment in the amount of 90.25 of it's share of excess fees of the Clerk for calendar year 1958 32089 Roy K. Brown, 172.50 28.55 234.96 5.14 60.00 4.51 3.90 3.00 1.20 12.94 5.50 I 2.90 93.96 I 60.00 I 100.00 90.25 ~ a .1 ~ m 32114 Cain~s Grocery Store, RoOlll Rent Glenvar Precinct 7.50 32115 A. D. Goodwin, Services rendered in connection with Primary Election July 14 253.32 32116 J. R. Goodwin, Jr., Services rendered in connection with Primary Election 37.50 32117 Hart Motor Co., ROOIII Rent Election Day So. Salem #1 Precinct 7.50 32118 Miller E. Petty, Services rendered in connection with Primary Election 52.50 32119 Roanoke Co. School Board, Janitor Services for Opening and Closing School Buildings Primary Election 45.00 32120 R. S. Teel, Rental of Election Booth 7.50 32121 Frank J. Zi.umerman, Rental of Election Booth 7.50 32196 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage and Jury Tickets282.99 No. 32090 Chalmers Ferguson, 1 office chair " 32091 National Cash Register Co., 1 tax ticket machine 32092 Liberty Sales Corp. Fire Hose 32093 Salem Paint Co., Paint .. II " 32091 Void 3211.08:', \'ilson Esso &. Grocery, Maintenance Co. Vehicles June 32109 t~tor Parts Supply Co., Fire equipment 32110 Cave Spring Water Co., Water service C. S. Fire Station 32111 Mrs, M. A. Bain, RoOlll Rent Election Day Mason Valley Precinct 32112 Janet L. Ballentine, Services as Registrar 32113 Isaac H. Bowles, RoOlll Rent Hollins Road II .. II .. II II. II II .. II " II II II II " 32197 Michie Co., Law Books 32198 Dr. S. D. carey, Coroner Investigation 32199 Times-Register Co., Publishing Budget 32200 Rose Wirt, Office assistant Delinquent Tax Collector 32201 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 32202 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 32203 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts for Police car #6 32204 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 32205 Vinton Motor Co., 1 new Garbage truck 32206 Caldwell-Sites .Co., Office supplies 32207 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for County Jail 32208 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Catawba Fire House 32209 Benjamin E. Chapman, Attorney's Fee in Lunacy Hearing 32210 Paul Eller, 195 Electrical and P1Ulllbing Inspections 32211 Beach Service Center, Gasoline for Garbage Truck 32212 Jarrett Electric Co., Refund Electrical Permit 32213 Charles E. Via, Jr., 5 batterie& for Civil Defense 32214 Easter Supply Co., office equipment 32215 G. A. Scruggs, P. M. Postage for General Stores 32216 City of Roanoke, RoOlll and Soard for Children Detained at Dentention HOllIe II II II II II II .. II II II " II " .. " " " " II 351 $ 20.00 5,670.00 222.83- 8.78 76.32 102.98 7.55 12.00 25.05 15.00 18.50 10.00 46.50 165.50 .80 13.38 8.00 10.01 2,423.94 3.14 12.06 3.00 20.00 242.41 6.96 1.00 7.50 1.76 88.00 126.00 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 32094 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies $ 15.00 " 32095 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline and Oil for Dog Truck 37.40 II 32096 Mrs. Donald Charles, Fowl claim 27.50 II 32098 Nathan Damewood, Livestock claim 10.00 " 32099 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 14.15 " 32100 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., PremiUIII on Surety Bond 5.00 ., 32101 TOIII Long's Service Station, Maintenance Dog Truck 14.75 II 32102 McClung Lumber Co. Material for Dog Pound 2.80 II 32103 Radio (;.opwmmications Co., Radio Maintenance 15.00 II 32104 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware and ADmunition 5.60 " 32105 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food 26.65 " 32106 Sam's Iuc. Wearing Apparel 58.79 " 32107 Yates &. Wells Garage, Repairs to Dog Truck 4.00 . 32217 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse Dog Warden &c 12.20 I I The following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioners of Election for their services in conducting the Primary Election held on the 14th day of July, 1959, in Roanoke County, payable out of the General County Fund, to-wit: I CATAWBA No. 32122 R. D. Morehead, Judge and Returns 32123 Doris Shelor, Judge 32124 Mrs. Viola Grisso, Clerk MASON VALLEY $ 21.40 15.00 15.00 " " " 32125 F. J. Callahan, Judge and Returns 32126 Joseph M. Frith, Judge 32127 Graham G. Smith, Clerk WEST SALEM 20.70 15.00 " " 15.00 " 32128 Hilda Miller, Judge, Returns and COIIIlIIissioner 32129 Joseph S. Morrison, Judge 32130 Elizabeth F. Hodges, Clerk 32131 Mrs. Virginia R. BranUIII, Clerk GLENVAR 35.00 I 15.00 15.00 15.00 20.70 I 15.00 15.00 i 20.00 l 30.00 i 15.00 I 15.00 ii " II " " " 32132 Frank A. Garth, Judge and Returns 32133 Mrs. Kathleen L. Hill, Clerk 32134 Bettye N. Houck, Clerk NORTH SALEM 32135 Richard F. Burke, Judge and Returns 32136 Eleanor B. Garrett, Clerk &. COIIIlIIissioner 32137 Winnie L. Brown, Clerk 32138 John J. Sheahan, Clerk " " " " " " 354 - No. RED HILL 32174 Margaret M. Calhoun, Clerk and Returns 32175 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Judge 32176 Mrs. Doris Wickline, Judge POAGES MILL 'I " $ 21.40 15.00 15.00 " " 32177 I. C. Rierson, Judge and Returns 32178 O. F. Martin, Judge 32179 Th~ P. Willett, Clerk CAVE SPRING 32180 H. S. Turner, Judge and Returns 32181 Carolyn T. Jamison, Judge 32182 Margaret P. ThOlll8S, Clerk BENT MOUNTAIN 21.40 15.00 15.00 " " " 20.84 15.00 15.00 " " " ~ 21.40 15.00 15.00 32183 Mrs. Lena Lancaster, Clerk and Returns 32184 Maud L. Poff, Judge 32185 W.'B. Cole, Judge OGDEN 32186 Beulah K. Bernard, Judge and Returns 32187 Roscoe E. Brown, Judge 32188 Virginia M. Hunter, Clerk RIVERDALE 32189 Mary C. Clemmer, Judge and Returns 32190 Mrs. c. B. Clemmer, Judge 32191 W. D. Bowles, Clerk OAK GROVE " " " 21.40 15.00 15.00 " " " 21.40 15.00 15.00 I" " " " 32192 Mrs. Ernestine Graham, Clerk and Returns 32193 J. A. Lipps, Judge 32194 Paul Eller, Judge 32195 Earline Porterfield, Clerk 20.28 15.00 15.00 15.00 II II " MRS. JANIE B. McNEAL, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to. the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia July 20, 1959 I To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At. the close of business July 18, 1959, there was General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund County School Fund School Construction Fund School Construction Bond Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. to the credit of the $ 52,345.05 2,238.30 5,508.74 606.81 183,934.96 10,658.43 30,261. 97 553.21 4.154.48 .$ 290,261.95 I Respectfully submitted, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer.!' Said report approved and ordered filed. ~ IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JANIE B. McNEAL, County Treasurer, for $1,492.28, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said . Clerk for the month of June, 1959, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,417:.67 net. a On motion, duly seconded, it is order..d that the County Payroll for the month of July, 1959, be approved in the amount of $7,731.63, frOlll which the sum of $157.74 total F.!. C. A., and total W. R. Taxes $744.40, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,829.49. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan Nays: None a On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period June 16, 1959, ending June 30, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,749.67, frOlll which the sum of $43.77 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes $75.30 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,630.60. And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period July 1, 1959, ending J1I1y 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,665.58, frOlll which,the sum of $41.66 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $64.00 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,559.92. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan. Nays: None H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day filed with the Board the account of ROHALD RAY HENDERSON, Part-time Deputy Sheriff of Roanoke County, for ~ the Clerk of this Board is orderedto forward said report to the Board as provided by law. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan. Nays: None m The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of June, 1959; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, sUlllllUlry of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County. jail for the month of June, 1959; . EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for June, 1959; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, for monthly report June, 1959. "Co.~_ ~ . ~~~ ~-<&1j q-, ~ ........_._~.. _.c.~....,..~'...,"" -~,'.'..',-_."'..-r"''-'H.',"._~<_.V On motion, duly seconded and carried, it. is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #31868 in the amount of $83.00 made to Paul B. Matthews, for re-imbursement of traveling expenses to Richmond; Voucher-check #31907 in the amount of $561.62 ~de to Goodwin-Andrews I Insurance Company for premiUIII on fire insurance for buildings; Voucher-check #31932 in the amount of $425.50 made to Lewis-Gale Hospital for State-Local hospital bills for Welfare Department; Voucher-check #31933 in the amount of $1,147.00 made to Roanoke Memorial Hospital for State-Local hospital bills for Welfare Department; Voucher-check #31934 in the amount of $37.00 made to Jefferson Hospital fo State-Local hospital bills for Welfare Department; Voucher-check #31937 in the amount of $475.89 made to the C &. P Telephone Company; Voucher-check #31940 in the amount of $2,687.58 made to Goodwin-Andrews Insurance CoI!1Pany for premiUIII on Worlanen's Compensati and Employer's Liability Insurance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan. Nays: None I I The Annual Budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 1960, of the Department of Public Welfare of Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. I Copy of letter dated June 23, 1959, frOlll Frances Fitzgerald, County Bookkeeper, addressed to Charles Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, of uncollected delinquent tangible personal property taxes: for year 1956, by districts and amounting to $19,693.12, turned over by her to Mr. Cbapm'ln as of said date, received and ordered filed. Letter dated June 22, 1959, addressed to N. C. Logan, Deputy Clerk, Roano County, frOlll James J. Geary, Executive Director Virginia Civil War Commission, acknowledging resolution of Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in re: appointment of' cOlIllllittee frOlll Roanoke County on said COIIIllIission, received and ordered filed. I r Copy of letter dated June 27, 1959, addressed to Salem Town Council, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and Roanoke County Sanitation AuthOritY'l frOlll John W. Hagen, Member Roanoke County Sewer-Tax Protesters Committee, in ; re: sewer costs in area proposed to be annexed to Town of Salem, received and ! ordered filed. I . CI a I ~ ~ Mr. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, / to the Board a copy of a Tentative Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year, 1959-60. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried ~.. approved by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Copies of Map and Supplemental Map, 1959-60, Roanoke County Secondary Tentative Budget ordered filed. I Ernest Robertson, Chairman, and E. M. Atkinson, member of the COIIIIIittee of the Roanoke County Citizens League, this day presented to the Board a communication dated July 18, 1959, listing points Which said League opposed and advocated in County government, and requested that the Board take said recOlllllleUdations under advisement, and stated that the Committee would return at the next meeting of the Board, hoping that their recOllllllendations would be given due consideration at that time. W. E. Cundiff, Chairman of this Board, delivered to Ernest Robertson, Chairman of the Roanoke County Citizens League a copy of the Roanoke County s.dget for the year 1959-1960, (said Budget to be returned to the Chairman of this Board at its August, 1959, meeting) with the request that said League submit to this Board a revised balanced budget with the tax reductions, as proposed in its request. Letter frOlll Roanoke County Citizens League, dated July 18, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ordered filed. Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for South1awn Circle frOlll Grandin Road Extn. to D. E. 0.06 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Windaor Hills !states #2, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 19 of the records .of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report frOlll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll the abutting property OWliers is necessary. The Soard hereby guarantees said' right of way and right for drainage. , Lif- iC.-ZJ.~ C;l_~. ~~. 1],.1.jJ."fJ 358 I I i I I !~,~, I[~~ . 7 ti ~~ NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Southlawn Circle frOlll Grandin Road Extn. to D. E. 0.06 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to becOllle a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Sup3:cv1sors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan. Nays: None Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for peakwood Drive frOlll Roanoke City Limits to Roanoke City Limits - 0.15 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary. System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Prospect Hills, Blocks "0" &. IIp'', which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 183 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit COurt of Roanoke County. Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report frOlll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll tbe abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Peakwood Drive frOlll ROanoke City Limits to ROMloke City Limits -- 0.15 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby establis:ted as a public road to becOllle a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer .and John Lee Logan. Nays: None IN RE: VACATING SAUNDERS ROAD x ORDER This day came H. D. Ward and Ruth R. Ward and asked leave to file a petition seeking approval of the vacation of Saunders Road, which petition is ordered filed. I It appearing to the Board that the request of the petitioners is reasonable,. that vacating and closing of Saunders Road will not destroy or abridge any rights or privileges of the public, it is accordingly ordered that certain in- StrUlllent executed by W. D. Bowles and Mamie E. Bowles, his wife, and H. D. Ward and Ruth R. Ward, husband and wife, under date of May 25, 1959, vacating and I I I I 359 discontinuing and closing Saunders Road be and same is hereby approved by this Board as provided by Section 15-766.3 Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date. CI On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan adopted by 'the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, .rohn Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None a IN RE: NON-CONFORMING PERMIT: Upon the recOllllDet1dation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that anon-conforming permit be issued to H. L. GEARHART to construct and operate an electrical repair shop on Route 119 south of Ogden School Road according to plans filed with the Commission. Resolution of the Roanoke COunty Planning Commission ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors .rohn Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None a On moti9l1 of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. ~( .....~. " " ordeud ,"," ,~ C. rboooo of Loo _. W..'. SOlb ....",,'. ~~::,. be appointed a member of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the unexpire ~jqW~ term of Link J. Missimer, resigned, to be effectiVe i.umediately. The resignation ~ ~ of Mr. Missimer is accepted with regret. ~/ 0'7 .r:,i~, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors .rohn Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None o c.L~~1f On motion, of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. L~.~- Keffer, it 1s ordered that Gene D. Whitlow, Salem District, b.e appointed a member ~oJo~ of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for a four (4) year term, effective I~ ~. i.umediately, replacing Elbert H. Waldron resigned. The resignation of Mr. Waldr ~:: .;:..~. is' accepted with regret. ./J .., j,., 1!.7i Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None II ~ WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Monday, June 15, 1959, the following resolution was adopted: "BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and COIlllllercia1 wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, vb:: .t BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Plantation Road, Virginia Secondary Highway 601, at the northeasterly corner of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones and at the southeasterly corneroof the Stokes property; thence with Plantation Road S. 6 00' E., 111. 7 feet to a point on the sast side of the road; thence continuing with the road S. 1 25' W., 772.5 feet to a point on the west side of the road; thence leaving the road and wit~a new line through the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones S. 85 03' W., 1202.9 feet to a point on the easterly line Sf the property of M. E. Petty; thence with the same N. 6 OS' W., 850.5 feet to a po~t corner to the Stokes property; thence with the same N. 83 46' E. 1303.7 feet to the point of BEGINNING, cont"ining 25.00 .acres and being the northerly portion of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones, as shown by plat made for R. R. Quick and others, by David Dick, State Certified Engineer and Surveyor and dated June 13, 1959. and that said area be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extension; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the Count ; '(8) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by,the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the Co~ey-_- of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be 1 I, 1 ...; in full force and effect frOm and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supen"isors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None" AND WHEREAS this Board, being advised that the hereinabove-described area, cont"ining 25.0 acres, more or less, is impractical to develop first due to its distance frOlll Roanoke City water mains; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, BE IT RESOLVED that the resolution of the Board 'of Supervisors of Roanoke County adopted on Monday, June 15, 1959, and spread in the minutes of this Board in the Supervisors' Order Book 115, Page _, De and is hereby rescinded; and On further motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervis~r John Lee Logan, it is ordered that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Council for the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby, requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke, dealing. .th the treatment of dOIlIes tic and commercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point on the west side of Plantation Road, Virginia Secondary Highway 601, at the southeasterly corner of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones and at the northeasterly corner of the property of S. & W. Corporation, formerly the Rudd property; thence with the northsrly line of the property of S. &. W. Corporation S. 83 34' 40" W., 1157.6 feet to a point, corneroto the property of M. E. Petty; thence with the same N. 6 05' w., 915.0 feet to a point; thence with a new line through the Jones 1 I. - ~ property N. 850 31' E., 1272.9 feet to a point west of the center of Plantation' Road; thence with the s~ and with the easterly line of the Jones property S. 1 25' W., 880,0 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 25.0 acres, more or less, and being the southerly portion of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones, as shown by plat made for R. R. Quick and Others, by David Dick, State Certified Engineer and Surveyor and dated June 13, 1959." and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full ext as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County tc the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery by the County; (8) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, iDmediate1y upon passage by the Council of the Ci~ of Roanoke of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain, bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect frOlll and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None I a Letter dated June 26, 1959, addressed to James A. Beavers, Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, frOlll Quick Realtors, in re: Plantation Court resolution area, received and ordered filed. o BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of dOIlIes tic and commercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: The 21.6 acre tract subdivided as Map of Arlington Hills, property of Avenel Homes Corporation, by C. B. Malcolm &. Son, Virginia State Certified Engineers, under date of July 30, 1956, and recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 231, in the Clerk'a Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and shown on the attached plat and bounded by corners: 1-7, inclusive. The subdivision area being located on the east side of U. S. Highway Route 221 an<i on the west side of the Roanoke County School Board property designated as the Cave Spring High School Tracts as recorded in Deed Book 320, pa'ie 132 and Deed BoOk 591, Page 333, in the aforesaid Clerk s Office. and that said areasbe ac1ded to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention: " W (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer systen: at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and 361 ;,~ ~ lbn& r ~ h\~ ~a; Yo- T :f. ~L.~ E. 1/')..1/1:."'1. . 362 :l.~ ~~r ~ ~I 1J~?-ISq T'" ~ r I dd Q.. _._ _. I.. the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County: (B) That inall other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisi of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None I I BE -- IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City' of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of dOIlIes tic and cOlllllercia1 wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point on the east boundary line- .of the U. S. Veterans Administration Hospital property and said point being the south corner of Lot 19, Bloc!: 3, Section 1, Cherryhill Park Subdivision; as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 17, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the southwest boundary of the aforesaid Lot 19, N. 54 32' E., 122.91 feet to the east corner of the aforesaid Lot 19 and being on the west side of Cherryhill Drive; thence with the west liight-of-way line of the aforesaid Cherryhill Drive N. 35. - 28' W., 34.26 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 540 32' E., intersecting the west boundary of Lot 16, Block 1, Section 1, Cherryhill Park, at 50 feet, a total distance of 173.86 feet to the southeast 60rner of the aforesaid Lot 16; thence with a line Ni 2 09' E., 50.0 feet to a point on the east boundary of Lot 15, Block 1, Section 1, Cherryhill Park; thence with a new division line through the 88.9 acre tract purchased by B. L. Radford &. Wife frOlll the Fdrview Cemetery Co. as recorded in Deed Book 611, Page 139 in the aforesaid glerk's Office; the followias bearings and distances: ~. 81 11' E., 228.58 feet;oS. 35 28' E., 590.34 feet;oS. 72 16' E., 140.0 feet; S'05l 40' E., 224.34 feet; So 72 16' E., 280.0 feet; S.o 17 44' W., 290.0 feet; NO 72 16' W., 438.32 feet; a. 60 32' W. 237.68 feet; N. 29 28' W., 38.27 geetj S. 60 32' W., 137.68 feet; thence with a line N. 32 00 W., and joining the aforesaid east boundary of the U. S. Veterans Hospital property at 40 feet, more or less, in all a total distance of 975.13 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 15.33 acre tract bei.ng sulldiVided for B. L. Radford &. Wife as Cherryhill Park, Section 2, Unrecorded, by T. P. Parker, State Certif.L<;d Engineer. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the ~ergency resolution hereinabove requested, the I I I a County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect frOlll and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County has this day filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the regular meeting of the Roanoke County School Board held on July 14, 1959: "On motion of Mr. William J. Lotz seconded by Mrs. Frank B. ThOIIIas, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, The School Board of Roanoke County desires to make a contract with the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for a loan of $1,250,000 for the purpose of borrowing money for school construction within Roanoke County, as authorized by Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1959 of Virginia, approved April 24, 1959; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOJ.VED by the School Board of Roanoke County as follows : (1) The School Board has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to provide the following four new bnildings to be used as elementary schools: (1) a building in Mason's Cove containing approximately eight to ten classrOOlll8, (2) a building in Vinton containing approximately fifteen to twenty classrOOlll8, (3) a building in Salem containing approximately fifteen to twenty classrooms, and (4) a building in the Cave Spring area containing approximately fifteen to twenty classrOOlll8, and that it will be necessary to expend for the erection and equipment of said new buil~ings and for the acquisition of land or rights in land needed therefor not less than $1,250,000. (2) The School Boa-rd desires to borrow said SUIII frOlll the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supp~emental Retirement System for said purpose, pursuant to Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1959 of V1.rginia, approved April 24, 1959. In the event enat the Board of Supervisors aI-proves this resolution, the School Board shall endeavor to negotiate an agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Vi::-ginia Supplemental Retirement System for the borrowing of such sum. (3) The Clerk of the School Board is hereby directed to submit a copy of this resolution. certified by him, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for its approval or rej ection." WHEREAS, The School Board has determined that it is necessary to provide th following four new buildings to be used as elementary schools: (1) a building in Mason's Cove containing approximately eight to ten c1assroOlllS, (2) a building in Vinton containing approximately fifteen to twenty classroOlllS, (3) a building in Salem containing approximately fifteen to twenty c1assroOlllS, and (4) a building in the Cave Spring area containing approximately fifteen to twenty classroOlllS, and that it will be necessary to expend for the erection and equipment of said new buildings and for the acquisition of land or rights in I ~ , WiI ::t7 A ~-r .I~ C 1> l~ 'Pe<.{.... r 1/'2.-1/ s.""'f ; ~ land needed therefor not less than $1,250,000, and WHEREAS, the School Board desires to borrow said'sUIII from the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for said purpose, pursuant to Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1959 of Virginia, approved April 24, 1959 and has duly adopted a resolution setting forth such purpose and the amount to be bo=owed therefor, and a copy of such resolution duly certified by the Clerk of the School Board has been submitted to the Board of Supervisors for its approval or rejection; Nal, XHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun y that said resolution be and the same hereby is approved. Upon motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer the foregoing resolutiv~ ~ adppted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John.Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I I WHEREAS, the County School Board o'f Roanoke County this day filed with thi Board the herei'l1after exc.erpt from the minutes of the regular meeting of the RnRIlOke County School Board held on July 14, 1959: "On motion of Dr. C. R. Woodford seconded by Mr. W. H. Starkey, the following resolution was un-imnusly adopted: WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Soard is installing a rental system for textbooks, and WHEREAS, by paying cash for books instead of having them shipped on cons:lSJ""""t, the School Board can r.ave l~%, and WHEREAS, there are not sufficient funds in the Textbook Account to pay for the books which _e nowlbeing received, and WHEREAS, sufficient funds will be received frOlll the rental system to pay for these books in the fall of the year, NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County School Board reques I the approval and authorization of the Board of Suj ervisors of Roanoke County to direct the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer the SUIII of $25,000.00 frOlll the Educational Fund of Roanoke County to the Textbook Fund of Roanoke County in payment for these books, this amount to be returned to the Education Fund in October or November of this year. 1I NOil,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby approves said request, and hereby authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by journal entry the SUIII of $25,000.00 frOlll the Educational Fund of Roanoke County to the Textbook Fund of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff. I I I Nays: None WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ~ Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Monday, February 16, 1959, the '0 following resol~tion was adopted: a "BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervis.ors of Roanoke COunty, Virginia, the COuncil for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salem wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the center line of State Secondary Route 645, which point of BEGINNING is the northeast comer of the 2.15 acre tract heretofore conveyed to R. R. Wimmer by the Board of SUpervisors by deed duly recorded among the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court' of the County of Roanoke, and along ana with the north line of said 2.15 acre tract~ S. 55 29' W., 482.50 feet to a point; th~e N'.,52 31' W., 76.20 feet toa point; thenceoN. ~6 54 W., 348.90 feet to a point; thence N. 40 04 w. '0 1137.40 feet to a point; thence with a new l!ge N. 63 26' E., 1029.26 feet to a point; th~e S. 26 34' E., 1351.14 feet to a point; thence S. 69 10' 30" W., 181.20 feet to a point in the center line of the present dead end of State Secondary Route 645; thence along and with the center line of State Secondary Route 645. S. 210 53' E., 118.39 feel: to the point of BEGINNING, and containing in the total 28.489 acres, according to survey and plat made by C. B. Malcolm and Son, Virginia State Certified Engineers, dated August 19, 1958, a copy of . which plat is heretofore attached. and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the' County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FVRTHERRESOLVED: That the Council of the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 195 Adapted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None" AND WHEREAS this Board being advised that the hereinabove-described area containing 28.44 acres cannot be approved by the Town Council for the Town of Salem or the Council for the City of Roanoke for sewage service due to its a a a area: m NOll, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, BE IT RESOLVED that the resolution of the Board uf Supervisors of Roanoke County adopted on Monday, February 16, 1959, and spread in the minutes of this Board in the Supervisors' Order Book #15, Page 232 be, and is hereby rescinded; and, On further motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, it is ordered that the following resolution be adopted: BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roa:1oke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salem wastes orig;::tating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, VirgL~a, and described as follows, to-wit: , It;:; ~ i1~::- r/~ rerq. 1/';.3JS,-r:; BEGINNING at a point in the center line of State Secondary Route 645, which point of BEGINNING is the northeast corner of the 2.15 acre tract heretofore conveyed to R. R. Wi.umer by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by deed duly recorded in the records of the Clerk's Office for the CircUit court of Roanoke County, anS al~ and with the north line of s.nid 2.15 aclie tract, S. 55 29 W., 482..50 feet .to a PO!-8t; ~e N. 52 31' W., 76.20 feet to a ~in~iothf?Ce N. 36 54 W., 348.90 feet to a point; thence N. 'W 04 W., 380.00 feet, more or less. to a point; thence with a uew line through that 28.448 acre tract conveyed to the County School Board of Roanoke County, Viliginia, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, N. 63 26' E., 860 feet, more or less, to a point on the east boundary of oS aid School Board tract; thence with said east boundary ~. 26 34' E., 600.00 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 69 10' 30" W., 181.20 feet to a point in the center line of She aforesaid Route. 645; thence with the said center line S. '21 53' E., 118.39 feet tothe point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 12.21 acre, more or less,secdon of the aforesaid ~ty School Board 28.448 acre tract. . and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of. Salem for transmission to the interceptor of .theCity of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof. pursuant to the provisions of ,the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE ,IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 'lbat the Council of the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept dOIIIestic wastes originating within, the. aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the .same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the {:ity of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 195 Acloptedby the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff Nays: None 1< 1 ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in August, 1959. ~16 Court House Salem, Virginia August 17, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the court House thereof in regular 8lIlthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, CbairIIIan, Edwin. G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Before the Meting was called to order J. G1euwood Strickler, Attorney, offered a prayer. The llinutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each -'-er of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished biIII by the Clerk. I I . The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved. and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Bo. 32312 Kee Lox Hanufacturing Co., office suppliea $ 33.72 78.77 316.00 " 32313 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 32314 Art Printing Co., office supplies II G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, postage for Treasurer ~,~",,,~"'.-;'" 367 No. 32316 Acme Printers Iuc. Office supplies $ 150.00 " 32317 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Peety Cash Fund 38.80 II 32318 Roanoke COunty Schools. Maintenance County owned Vehicles July 1959 715.70 II 32319 Putney Bowes, Iuc., Rental fee on Postage Machine for 0 Treasurer 22.80 " 32320 C. W. Warthen Co.. Records Books for Clerk of Court 514.26 II 32321 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 4.54 " 32322 International Business Machine Co., office supplies &c 93.27 " 32323 Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer. Reimburse Jury tickets 30.04 0 II 32324 Michie CoIIIpany, Law books for Judge M... ~re 18.50 " 32325 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Traveling apense 26.60 << " 32326 Harvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reiaburse traveling Expense 98.05 " 32327 Yates lit Wells Garage, Maintenance COunty Police cars 88.13 " 32328 Williams Auto Alis-nt, Parts Police car #10 10.00 " 32329. Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance COunty Vehicles 112.06 " 32330 Town of Salem. Light, Water and Sewage Service 464.04 II 32331 Texaco Service Center, Gasoline for Police Car #6 3.10 " 32332 Sal_ Motors, Inc., Repairs and Parts for Police car #10 58.73 . II . 32333 State Brake lit Lubrication Co., Repair and parts for Police . Car #10 14.40 II 32334 S~dean Esso Station, Maintenance COunty Vehicles 22.60 ~ " . 32335 Badio C--i cations. Radio Maintenance 51.98 0 II 32336 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat Covers for Police Car #9 27.50 II 32337 Miller Tire Service, Tires for County Vehicles 23.20 II 32338 Hart Motor Co., Repairs and Parts for #9 Police Car 7.65 II 32339 Goodyear Service Store. Parts for Police Vehicles 20.26 II 32340 Fulton White Truck Company, RepairS to Police Car #6 2.50 II 32341 Esso Sf"andard Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased for Sheriff'. carl 5.28 " 32342 Everson-Ross Co., Inc., Badges for Sheriff and Deputiea 8.25, II 32343 Dr. s. D. carey, Coroner Investigations 30.00 ft 32344 Andrew Lewis Service station. Maintenance COunty Owned Vehicles326.3 II 32345 Auto Spring lit Bearing Co., Batteries and Extinguisher for Deputy Sheriffs 13.56 II 32346 Virginia Foods, Food, Disinfectant and Prisoner It_ 106.80 ~ II 32347 Valleydale Packers. food for Prisoners 19.04 II 32348 S &. W Pbanaacy. Medical supplies 11.35 " 32349 Sal_ Hardware Company. Utensils Jail, Garbage dept. supplies anci ~ys for buildings 10.90 " 32350 Roanoke Gas Company, Cooking fuel for Jail, H. D. Kitchen, and C. S. Fire House ..Ii 65 ~ " 32351 J. W. Reynolds, food for prisoners 28.50. n. 32352 Monarch Finer Fooda. food for prisoners 139.07 II 32353 Bowman's Bakery, food for prisoners 46.60 " 32354 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance County Owned vehicles 269.64 " 32355 Oren Roanoke Corp.Plllllps &c 1.401.06 " 32356 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire House 17.20 " 32357 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline purchased Mount Pleasant Fire House 12.84 II 32358 Graves-HuIIlpbreys Hardware Co., C. S. Fire House 16.62 No. 32359 J. W. Griggs &. W. H. Witt, 3une and July Rent on Cave Spring Fire House $ 120.00 .. 32360 Void .. 32361 G. C. Foley, June and July Rent on Mt. Pleasant Pire House 32362 Clearbrook Lion's Club, 3une and July Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 32363 Culligan Soft Water Service~ Rent on Water Softner 32364 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire Station 32365 Dr. S. D. Carey, Call to Jail for Jotm Gaston 32366 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 32367 Poutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners' 32368 Woodhaven Press, office supplies 32369 Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., office supplies 32370 ADn BiDson, lZtra office assistant 32371 RoaJIOke Photo Finishing Co., Fi1llls ~ 32372 Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., Pillas for Callera 32373 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 32374 Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co., office supplies 32375 Wilson's Esso &. Grocery, Maintenauce Garbage Trucks 32376 H. G. Gunter, OperatiD3 Tractor at County lQap 32377 COrdey Maxey, use of truck for refuse Collection 32378 S~JIftd""d Parts Corporation, repair and parts for P-2 Garbage truck 32379 Salea Oio CoIIpany, fuel for tractor 32380 Riah EqmP'"'"""t Co., B,3pairs to trac.tor 32381 R. A. Lester &. Son, repairs to P-2 Garbage truck 32382 Carnell Hoare, Maintenance of Garbage lot 32383 Dick Bryant Amoco Station, Stone 32384 Addressograph-Hultigraph Corp. Identification tags for Garbage cans 32385 City of Roanoke, Sewage treatlllent charge for General Electric line 32386 RO"ftftke L:f.uen Service, Towel service 32387 Owen P1U11bing Co., street signs 32388 Dale Roofing Co., Repairing gutter to Co. Office Bldg. 32389 Bush E1E'Ctr1c Company, installing air conditioning in Co. . Office bldg. 32390 Brown Hardware Co., supplies for Building 32391 Charles!. Via, Jr., Secreterial assistance 32392 Roanoke County Schools, Gas and Oil for Hollins Fire Station 32393 Garrett's Esso Station, Jeep repairs and servicing for Civil Defense Program 32394 3. W. Ferrell, Refund Electrical Permit 32395 c..-..,..lIIea1th of Virginia, Refund traveling expense 32396 Tidewater Supply Co., Fire Equipment for Catawba and Bent Mt. Fire Stations 32397 Burroughs Corporation, 100 Rolls adding Machine Tape for Distribution .. It .. .. II .. .. II II .. .. II II .. .. .. .. II II .. II .. II II II II II II II " " II II " " " 120.00 120.00 4.00 4.44 10.00 98.91 41.40 32.80 1.27 140.00 I I 4.58 6.24 .94 76.~ 16 1SO.05 20.00 35.80 36.04 13.74 3.00 20.00 44.00 I. 13.36 241.61 3.00 235.32 8.00 154.33 .59 125.00 778.45 . I 15.85 3.00 4.50 I 88.01 15.00 " 32398 G. A. Scruggs, Post:master, Postage purchased for Distribution . to offices 64.00 " 32399 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children detained at the Detention HOllIe 60.00 ~ a I Dr. R. B. Sllliley, Jail Physician Salary, Coroner Investigation Psychiatric ~........i1l8tions, Blood test Alcohol, lmIacy hearings $ 235.00 32401 Harlin Perrine, services rendered for Blunt &. Barger Lunacy Hearings 32402 Dr. Frank D. McKem1ey, Jr., Lunacy hearings 32403 LeRoy Moran, Attorney, lunacy hearing 32404 Dr. B. J. Minarik, ~.....",ination of Drunk drivers 32405 Williams Supply Co., Equipment for Hollins Fire Station 32406 ll1t"hle Company, Law books 32407 De1_ Laundry Co., Laundry for Jail No. 32400 " " " II " II " II 32418 Garst Construction Co., grading roads 32419 Woodhaven Press, delinquent tax receipt books 32420 G. B. Parent Co., office supplies 32421 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 32422 B. G. Cole Garage, wrecker service 32423 Harry R. Richardson, Jr., cook at Co. Jail . 32424 Gill MlSIr1al Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 32425 Jefferson Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 32426 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 32427 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 32428 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Physician fee 32429 Void 32430 Eugene W. Chelf, Attorney, Lunacy fee &c 32431 L. tr......eth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 32432 Void 32433 Riah Equiplllent Co., Repair parts for Garbage tractor 32434 Keller Machine Co., repairs to Garbage Truck P-a 32435 Caldwell-Sites Co. office supplies 32436 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc.. Workman's Compensation Insurance 32437 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses to Michigan 32440 S. M. Lyrich, Deputy Sheriff, Reimburse traveling expense 20.00 50.00 10.00 40.00 3.32 22.50 53.80 240 .00 26.25 14.56 3.31 15.00 50.00 37.00 185.00 55.50 388.50 5.00 30.00 .251.49 106.31 15.75 15.32 267.76 428.50 20.45 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this .day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 32408 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Fire Extinguisher for Dog Truck $ 28.67 " 32409 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of Dog Truck 43.34 I " 32410 Brown Hardware Co., Gravel Mix for Dog Pound 3.60 ~ a " " " " II II " II " II II II II " II II " II II ". " " " " ~ 32411 Esso Standard Oil Co., Maintenance Dog Truck 32412 Mrs. C. V. Hodges, Fowl claim 32413 E. W. Kingery, Fowl claim 32414 Radio CoaIaunications, Radio Maintenance Dog Truck 32415 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog, Food, Disinfectant &c 32416 State Department of Health, Rabies Treatment 32417 Yates &. Wells Garage, Repairs and Parts Dog Truck 32438 Guy L. Sisson, Livestock claim " " " 4.61 7.00 10.60 15.00 52.96 6.60 44.70 150,00 -'~"-+-. .~--_....j--'-:1. -..-- .1 I ., f , .; II ,.------'-.t-......~.: l~ ! . ~ {<I ~'I , ~i'. /: ,,:... l-' ,-~ riJ, ,(:."-',; ...!(.:I ~~ '..; ~;/'!-' V:"-",v ~. ' ~. ;'. 1 I J:-":~_~ ~;.~.~. ~j~'-~~_,-::_ .! /'."{' ,~'t ~.~ ..(_~-'-~-'-_~-'--~LJ ~!~~-~ L~_'-~_:l(!._~..:.:~ ;' 'I ..t /'/',. 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'~', f J9J/f \ ,. -- ::;;, 1l0ltRlJ O~, "O~hok~ f~, J _J ~'. ..... " j.., , , -~- 372 ~Mt" ~~ . .u Co. <(' C. Cr.{;. @~ The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, sl.lllllllarY of prisoner days served in Roanoke County Jail for 1 the month of July, 1959; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of July, 1959; ElIlARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for July, 1959; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for July, 1959. I On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #32255 in the amount of $350.00 payable to Lewis Kenneth Whitlock, extra help in Engineer's Office; Voucher-check #32386 in the amount of $511.40 payable to C &. P Telephone Company; Voucher-check #32387 in the amount of $15.00 payable to C &. P Telephone Company; Voucher-check #32288 in the amount of $50.00 payable to SchoolBoy Patrol Camp Fund; Voucher-check #32289 in the amount of $175.00 payable to Ralph E. Long for traveling expense to New Holstein, Wisconsin; Voucher-check #32291 in the amount of $30.25 payable to C &. P Telephone Co for services at Mt. Pleasant Fire Station; Voucher-check #32290 in the. amount of $23.20 payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current at G. E. Sewer Meter and Hollins Fire Stations; Voucher-check #32292 in the amount of $23.87 payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at cave Spring and Mt. Pleasant Fire Stations. ...: , I . . . ~ ,- :l .:~ .. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None , JANIE B. McNEAL, County Treasurer, this day submitted to the Board her delinquent real estate Supplemental list for 1957 and delinquent real estate lis for the year 1958, and her delinquent personal property supp1ement11st for 1957, : I and delinquent personal property list for the year 1958, which lists, on motion, I . duly seconded and carried, are received and ordered filed. ~ t I , I I I IN RE: INSPECTIm OF MERCY HOUSE BOILER: Report dated June 22, 1959, of H. E. Belcher, Chief Inspector of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition of F. T. Boiler No.1, HSB - 85051, located - Boiler House - Mercy House N/s of U. S. 11, 3 miles W. of Salem, Virginia, inspected externally while not in service, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. I ., I, 4 , , i ~ i i' I The report of CoIm:nonwealth of Virginia, Public Welfare Statistics, Department of Welfare and Institutions, June, 1959, received and ordered filed. The following cOllllllUnicat:l.ons were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated .1uly 27. 1959, addressed to Paul B. Hatthews, Executive Officer Roanoke COunty Board of Supervisors, frOlll Edwin G. Terrell, Secretary-Treasurer, Roauoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development Comolission, acknowledging check for $2.,163.00, representing Roanoke County's contribution to operational expenses of the said Comolission; Copy of unsigned letter dated July ,1959, addressed to Mr. Earl Simms, Developer of Orchard Heights Subdivision7'"l-i:OIII purchasers of hOllIes and tenants in said subdivision, in re: Roanoke County Sanitation AuthOrity, sewage treatmen costs; c Copy of resolution of July 27, 1959, of the Council of the Town of Salem, rescinding resolution adopted by said Town March 9, 1959, pertaining to transportation and treatment of sewage frOlll an area west of western corporate limits of said Town designated as Area "J", and requesting Council City of Roanoke to permit the Town of Salem to accept wastes from area designated above, and as set out and described in resolution of the Board of Supervisors ofRoanoke County, Virginia, adopted July 20, 195~; Copy of letter dated .1uly 28, 1959, signed by William.1. Paxton, .1r., Clerk, Town of Salem, addressed to Mr. J. Robert ThOIIIas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Virginia, ordered filed. c IN RE: ADDITIONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM ROANORE COUNTY: Letter dated August 14, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COunty, Salem, Virginia, frOlll F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Departmen of Highways, Richmond 19, Va., approving additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke COunty, effective July 1, 1959: c ADDITIONS c Forest Lawn Subdivision - Stoutamire Drive, FrOlll Parkdale Drive (Route 1461) to Doyle Street Length 0.20 Mile - Forest Lawn Subdivision - Doyle Street, From Newman Drive to Dead End Length 0.13 Mile Boxley Hills Subdivision - Fenwick Drive, FrOlll Darby Road West to Dead End Length 0.20 Mile Boxley Hills Subdivison - Fairhurst Drive, FrOlll Darby Road Wes t to Dead End Length 0.20 Mile Captain's Grove Subdivision - Anchor Drive, FrOlll ComnuInder Drive, West to Dead End Length -.30 Mile Captain's Grove Subdivision - Palmyra Drive, FrOlll Darby Road to Thornrose Road Length 0.20 Mile Captain's Grove Subdivision - Commander Drive - FrOlll Williamson Road (Rts. 11 &. 220) West to Dead End Length 0.35 Mile Boxley Hills Subdivision, Malvern Road, FrO!ll Route 839 North to Fenwick Drive Length 0.03 Mile Captain's Grove Subdivision - Thornrose Road, FrOlll Rt. 838 to (lnmmJInder Drive Length 0.35 Mile Boxley Hills Subdivision - Darby Road, FrOlll Route 1843 to C............der Drive Length 0.30 Mile SlIIIIIIit Hills Subdivision - Glenn Ridge Road, FrOlll Mow1es Avenue (Rt. 1408) to Stonewall Road Length 0.14 Mile SUIIIIIlit Hills Subdivision - Stonewall Road, FrOlll Mowles Avenue (Rt. 1408) to Dead End Length 0.28 Mile m M'l'E OF RESOLUTIm 6-20-55 &. 6-15-59 6-15-,29 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 7-21-58 7-21-58 374 Ridgewood Park Subdivision - Deaner Drive, From 767 to Dead End Length 0.20 Mile Riclgewood Park Subdivision - Thrush Drive, FrOlll Eugene Drive to Autumn Lane (Rt. 1448) Length 0.20 Mile Riclgewood Park Subdivision - Eugene Drive, From Rt. 1431 to 'Jhrush Drive Length 0.10 Mile Ridgewood Park Subdivision - Rowe Ridge Road, FrOlll Route 1431 (Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike) to Dead End Length 0.16 Mile Ridgewood Park Subdivision - POIIIeroy Road, FrOlll Deaner Road to Eugene Drive Length 0.15 Mile Ridgewood Park Subdivision - Desi Road, FrOlll Thrush Drive to Deaner Drive Length 0.14 Mile SUllllllit Hills Subdivision - Stonewall Road, From SUllllllit Hills #3 to Dead End Length 0.10 Mile SUlllllit Hills Subdivision - Gaymol Drive, FrOlll Stonewall Road to Dead End Length 0.03 Mile Alta View Subdivision - Ellison Avenue, FrOlll Penley Boulevard (Rt. 773) to Stevens Street Length 0.18 Mile Alta View Subdivision - Bruce Avenue, FrOlll Penley Boulevard (Rt. 773) to Stevens Street Length 0.18 Mile r f r I ~ ~ I ~ Alta View Subdivision - Stevens Street, From Ellison Avenue to Bruce Street Length 0.07 Mile Woodside Park Subdivision - Woodside Drive, FrOlll Route 631 to Dead End Length 0.19 Mile Brex-ban Court Subdivision - Connie Drive, FrOlll Route 626 to Dead End Length 0.15 Mile Hemlock Hills Subdivision - Springbrook Road, FrOlll Guernsey Lane to Dead End Length 0.02 Mile Hemlock Hills Subdivision - Floravista Drive, FrOlll Guernsey Lane to Dead End Length 0.02 Mile Hemlock Hills Subdivision - Extension of Garstland Drive (Rt. 1421), FrOIII High Acres Road to Dead End Length 0.10 Mile Hemlock Hills Subdivision - Guernsey Lane, FrOlll Angus Road to Garstland Drive Length 0.21 Mile Hershberger Hills Subdivision - Shamrock Road, FrOlll Hershberger Road, Route 625, to High Acres Road Length 0.11 Mile Hershberger Hill Subdivision - Extension of Shamrock Road, 0.05 Mi. to Dead End Length 0.05 Mile Hershberger Hills Subdivision - Lancaster Drive, FrOlll High Acres Road to Dead End Length 0.15 Mile Hershberger Hills Subdivision - Fairhope Road, FrOlll Route 625 to Harvest Lane Length 0.25 Mile Hershberger Hills, Subdivision, High Acres Road, FrOlll Shamrock Road to Fairhope Road Length 0.12 Mile Fairhope Subdivision - Harvest Lane - FrOlll Fairhope Road to Lancaster Drive Length 0.06 Mile West View Terrace Subdivision - Appleton Avenue, FrOlll Route 117 to Dead End Length 0.30 Mile 4-20-59 4-20-59 4-20-59 4-20-59 4-20-59 4-20-59 4-20-59 4-20-59 6-15-59 4-20-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 7-21-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 6-15-59 5-18-59 ---.- 1 I I 1 1 a o Cl c 8 l r West View Terrace Subdivision - Dodson Road, FrOlll Appleton Avenue to Dead End Length 0.10 Mile West View Terrace Subdivision - Angus Road, FrOlll Guernsey Lane to Dead End Length 0.19 Mile Miller Court Subdivision, Oleva Road, FrOlll Portland Avenue to Dead End Length 0.12 Mile Covehaven Court Subdivision - Extension of Portland Avenue FrOlll 1401 to Cove Road (Rt. 116) Length 0.25 Mile Edgehill Estates Subdivision - Darwin Road - From Three Chop Lane, West 0.03 Mile to Dead End Length 0.03 Mile Edgehill Estates Subdivision - Darwin Road frOlll Three Chop Lane (Rt. 1647) to Dead End Length 0.10 Mile Edgehill Estates Subdivision - Coventry Lane, FrOlll Heatherton Road to Dead End Length 0.05 Mile t f ~ Edgehill Estates Subdivision - Heatherton Road, FrOlll Three Chop Lane to Darwin Road Length 0.13 Mile Edgehill Estates Subdivision - Three Chop Lane - FrOlll Present End of Rt. 1647 to Dead End Length 0.09 Mile Creathi11 Subdivision - Kirk Drive, FrOlll Rt. 119 East to Dead End Length 0.45 Mile Cresthi11 Subdivision - Kirkwood Circle, FrOlll Kirkwood Drive South to Dead End Length 0.04 Mile Cresthi11 Subdivision - Sheldon Drive, FrOlll Kirkwood Drive to Kirkwood Drive Length 0.20 Mile Ingleside Subdivision - Ingleside Drive, FrOlll Rt. 613 to D. E. Length 0.21 Mile Ridgevue Subdivision - Bush Drive, FrOlll Rt. 655 to Int. Route 1008 and Rt. 1009 Length 0.23 Mile Windsor Hills Estates Subdivision - Amber Way Circle frOlll Route 683 to Dead End Length 0.16 Mile Petty Acres Subdivision - Petty Avenue, From Route 601 to Oakland Boulevard Length 0.34 Mile Petty Acres Subdivision, McKinney Street, From Petty Avenue to Dead End Length O.lO.Mile Petty Acres Subdivision - Elden Avenue, From McKinney St. to Oakland Boulevard Length 0.20 Mile Petty Acres Subdivision - Oakland Boulevard, From Petty Avenue to Dead End Length 0.10 Mile Lindenwood Subdivision - Devonshire Drive - From Maplewood Drive (Rt. 1010) to Palisades Drive Length 0.17 Mile r Lindenwood Subdivision, palisades lk'ive, FrOlll Devonshire Drive to Briarwood Drive Length 0.08 Mile Lindenwood Subdivision - Briarwood Drive - FrOlll Map1ewood Drive (Rt. 1010) to Palisades Drive Length 0.17 Mile Lindenwood Subdivision - Cameron Drive, FrOlll Devonshire Drive to Dead End Length 0.22 Mile Lindenwood Subdivision - Dawnridge Drive, From Cameron Drive to Dead End Length 0.10 Mile 5-18-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 6-15-59 6-17-59 7-21-58 7-21-58 7-21-58 7-21-58 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-16-59 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-16-59 6-16-59 6-16-59 6-16-59 7-21-58 7-21-58 7-21-58 7-21-59 6-15-59 316 " r L . , ~ \. .. ~ (' !i Hidden Valley Homes, Bridge Lane, FrOlll Rt. 692 to Sugar Loaf Drive Length 0.32 Mile 5-18-59 Hidden Valley Homes - Hathaway Dr., FrOlll Grandin Road Ext. (Rt. 686) to Bridle Lane Length 0.12 Mile Hidden Valley Homes - Sugar Loaf Drive, FrOlll Grandin Rd. Ext. (Rt. 686) to Dead End Length 0.22 Mile Layman Lawn, Subdivision - Rosecrest Road, FrOlll Route 221 to Dead End Length 0.22 Mile Layman Lawn Subdivision - Roseva1e Road, FrOlll Rosecrest Road to Dead End Length 0.07 Mile Sugar Loaf Estates-Hackney Lane, From Rt. 686 to Bridle Lane Length 0.28 Mile Sugar Loaf Estates - Carriage Drive, FrOlll Rt. 119 to Brookfield Drive Length 0.40 Mile Sugar Loaf Estates - Sorrel Lane, FrOlll carriage Drive to D. E. Length 0.30 Mile Sugar Loaf Estates - Bridle Lane, FrOlll Glenn Heather Farms to Hidden Valley Homes Length 0.22 Mile Sugar Loaf Estates - Turnstile Drive, From Soarel Lane to D. E. Length 0.05 Mile I ~ Sugar Loaf Estates - Shelby Drive, FrOlll Brookfield Dr. to Sorrel Lane Length 0.07 Mile Sugar Loaf Estates - Brookfield Dr. FrOlll 0.03 Mi. N. of Carriage Drive, South to Dead End Length 0.27 Mile Hidden Valley Homes, Elbert Drive, FrOlll Rt. 692 to Bridle Lane Length 0.265 Mile ~ North Burlington Heights, Subdivision - College Drive, FrOlll, Dallas Road CRt. 1807) to Dead End Length 0.23 Mile Berwick Hes. Subdivision - Pinevale Road, Ext. Rt. 1601, frOlll Rt.16l3 to Route 1614 Length 0.08 Mile Deep Dell Subdivision - Kiska Rd. FrOlll Rt. 856 to Dead End Length 0.30 Mile 7-21-58 7-21-58 5-18-59 I 5-18-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 I 5-18-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 5-18-59 I 5-18-59 6-17-57 6-30-55 4-20-59 Mt. Vernon Hes. Subd. - Bunker Hill Dr., FrOlll York Av. CRt. 1617) to Valley Forge Ave. Length 0.08 Mile 6-15-59 Edgewood Subdivision - Ross St., FrOlll Lenox Av. to Mason Creek Length 0.10 Mile 5-18-59 Eclgewood Subdivision - Lenox Ave. From Lake St. (Rt. 1420) to Ross St. Length 0.06 Mile ~ 5-18-59 Edgewood Subdivision - Ross St., FrOlll Lenox Ave. to Spring Ave. Length 0.06 Mile 5-18-59 Sunnybrook Subdivision - Chester Street, From Boxley Road, Route 1802, to Dead End Length 0.10 Mile n I ( Martin-Sink Road - FrOlll Rt, 78S to Dead End Length' 0.40 Mile Extension of Rt. 910 - From End Present Rt. 910 to 0.45 Mi. West to Dead End Length 0.45 Mile Parkway Road, FrOlll Rt. 688 to Lindsey-Smallwood Road Length 0.30 Mile Lindsey-Sma1hlOod Road, FrOlll Parkway Road to Dead End Length 0.55 Mile Extension of Rt. 739, FrOlll Present End of Rt. 739 to Dead End. Length 0.55 Milel 6-17-57 6-15-59 7-21-58 6-15-59 6-15-59 6-16-58 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a cOllllllittee, not to exceed e.oJ~ q,.,c:o:..Q...l seven members, be appointed by the Chairman of this Board to recommend a building ~ ,~~~ . Code for Roanoke County. ~ 8(- I %7~' " II ~ Ii ~ ~ was received and ordered filed. c On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Biennial Budget Estimates for fiscal years ending June 30, 1961 and June 30, 1962, be approved, as submitted this day by the Department of Public Welfare of Roanoke County, Va., Said estimate ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None c This day appeared before the Board, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County. and stated to the Board that the tax tickets of Roanoke County for the year 1959 could not be made at the regular time, due to delay of the Board of Supervisors in laying the rate of levy as a result of the Special Session of the General AsSembly, 1959, thereby resulting in the late mailing cf tax tickets for said year. a W. E. Cundiff, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, on behalf of the Board, expressed to Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, retiring Treasurer of Roanoke County, its appreciation of the splendid services rendered by her to the citizens of Roanoke County, as well as the excellent co-operation given by her office to this Board during her tenure of office as Treasurer of Roanoke County, and assured her of the Board's best wishes for her future. Mrs. McNeal thanked the Board for its kind expressions and good wishes. Dr. C. P. Pope, Health Officer of Roanoke County. successor to Dr. W. P. Jackson. retired, this day appeared before the Board and reported on the salk vaccine supply in Roanoke Cc:mty. a IN RE: BUILDING CODE FOR ROANOKE COUNTY: t!J Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell ande W. E. Cundiff Nays: None ~ u.. /l ~ .",.4 ~f'l/~~ , 378 ~~ ~ ~11s-zr 1- 11wt..U iTH. . ~';~1 On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that W. E. Cundiff, Chairman of this Board, be authorized to sign on behalf of this Board, a vacation instrUIII<:nt dated August 10, 1959, between Leslie A. Kimble et al and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, vacating map of Section 11 of Farmingdale, said map recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 171, of the records of the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County. 1 The State Compensation Board, having filed its statement of receipts and expenses for the year ended December 31, 1958, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, required by Section 14-158, Code of Virginia 1950, to be furnished Boards of Superviso;"s of Counties, with this Board, the same is ordered to be published, as required by law, once a week for two weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said statement ordered filed. I E. M. Atkinson, sP9kesman for the Roanoke County Civic League, this day appeared before the Board, and stated that his Committee would like additional time in which to study the Roanoke County Budget for the year 1959-1960, copy of which budget was delivered to Ernest Robertson, Chairman of said League at the July Meeting, 1959, of this Board, which request was granted. Said League to submit such recOIIIIIendations as it may deem proper at a future meeting of this Board. 1 r , Mrs. Dorothy M. Butler, Mrs. Kathryn F. Garst and Mrs. M;ldred P. Sites, Deputy Treasurers, Roanoke County, were present at the MeetiIlg of the Board, and recognized by the Chairman. ~ Upon the recOlllllendation of the County School Board of Roanoke County, and on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that, at an adjourned meeting of this Board to be held in its meeting rOOlll at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Va., on September 4th, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., an ordinance to provide that an Act designated as Chapter 72, Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, Extra Session of 1959, providing for the compulsory attendance of children between the ages of seven I and sixteen in the schools specified in said Act, shall be in effect and in I II ,I I ,I ., ; , iI once a week for two successive weeks, beginning August 20, 1959, in the Times- ,I Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke, Va., the above notice ,j of intention of this Board to propose for adoption the ordinance above referred 'I ! force within the County of Roanoke, will be proposed for adoption. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, EMn G. Terrell, Jolm Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None ~ Resolution In Re: CctlPULSORY ATTENDANCE lAW, of the Roanoke County School Board of August 11, 1959, received and ordered filed. a ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the 4th day of September, 1959, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. 4Y4-$' Chairman Court House, Salem, Virginia September 4, 1959. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke.. County, Virginia, met this day at the Court House thereof at 2:00 o'clock P. M., pursuant to adjournment from Augast 17, 1959. I Present: W. E. Cu..dilf, Chairman~ Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and 1 Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, offered a prayer. On motion of Supervisor ~~nor R. Kef!er, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, the following ordinance was this day of!ered for adoption: BE IT RESOLVED THAT: ~, the School Board of Roanoke County has recomwended by resolution to the Board of Supervisors that an Act designated as Chapter 72 cf the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, Extra Session, 1959, be adopted pursuant to Section 24 of said Act so that it shall be in effect and in force within ~t.- "I/~~'" I the County of Roanoke; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that an Act deSignated as Chapter 72, Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia, Extra Session 1959, providing for the compulsory attendance of children between the ages of seven and sixteen in the schools specified in said Act, shall, from and after September 24, 1959, be in effect and in force within the County of Roanoke. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to cause this ordinance to be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a news- paper publiShed, and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke Virginia. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell. I I a Nays: None. 'J,. ~ ...".,~..,...,.,......:?,"........,~". . ~.> __,," This day came W. M. YJ.ller, a representative of Alexander Grant &: Company Certified Public Accountants, Roanoke, Virginia, and presented unto the said Board, now in session, a ~econcili~t.ion of the accounts of Janie B. McNeal, former treasurer of Roanoke County, with tee Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, showing the amount of said funds on deposit with said bank,at the close of business August 31, 1959,. as follows: State Account. I Balance per bank statement August 31, 1959 Less outstanding checks Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 $ None l '1 Re~lar Account. Balance per bank statement August 31, 1959 Less outstanding checks: 148,148.05 i Date NUlllber Pavee Amount 7-22-57 26237 Home Construction Company $ 2.00 and H. M. Waldron 11-17-58 29944 R. E. Comerford, Jr. 4.50 1-1-59 30871 Sam I. Shumate 3.15 1-19-59 30875 Henry R. Wright et als 2.70 2-4--59 4191'. WUliaiil. o. , Wa1. t~r D. and 5,528.40 Lula D. Vinyard 7-14-59 1700 Aubrey R. Vaughan 150.00 7-14-59 1803 Textbook Fund, Roanoke 32.2ee. County Schools 5,000.00 8-10-59 School B~y Patrol Camp Fund 50.00 8-31-59 32504 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare 21,263.15 8-8.-59 4387 Roy K. Brown 100.00 8-11-59 4392 Wholesale Builders Supply Company 112.60 1 Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 Pavro11 Account. Balance per bank statement August 31, 1959 Less outstanding checks: $ 46.80 : I , Amount. I $ 31.20 I 15.60 46.80 ! $ ---------- Date. Number Pavee 3-6-59 5-12-59 6761 8202 Lucille Wood Mrs. F. E. Topsey Reconciled bal&~ce at August 31, 1959 School Textbook Fund Account. Balance per bank statement August 31, 1959 Less outstanding checks: Date .~r Payee Amount. 8-31-59 848 Florence S. Givens 7.98 8-31-59 849 John H. Rettinger 20.00 8-31-59 850 Gaylord Brothers, Inc. 26.60 8-31-S9 851 D. C. Heath &: Company 1,621.97 8-31-59 852 Ginn &: Company 904.53 8-31-,9 853 Ginn &: Company 151.58 8-31-59 854 American Book Company 571.55 ! 8-31-59 855 John C. Winston Company 492.17 8-31-59 856 Novick Transfer Company, Inc. 4.47 8-31-59 857 Baptist Children'S Home Press 31.50 8-31-59 858 Caldwell-Sites Company 143 .44 ! 8-31-59 859 Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 192.39 i 8-31-59 il60 Houghton Mifflin Company 248.36 I 8-31-59 861 Harcourt, Brace and Compan1 Inc. 2,607.51 l 8-31-59 862 Payroll Account 1,159.54 ! 8-31-59 il63 Bank of S"lem 96.90 l ~ Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 i . > $ 9,882.70 I 1[ 'I II :1 I :1 t.2ilO.49I $ 1.602.21 'I I .381 ---=. -- - -- -- Board of Public Welfare Account. Balance per bank statement at August 31, 1959 $ 911.94 Add County of Botetourt check #11204, dated 11-1-59 charged to County of Roanoke Account 25.00 Add deposit in transit 2l.7117'Z5 21,911. 9 n Less outstanding checks: Date. NUlllber. Payee. Amount. ... 1-31-57 11115112 ?owells Pharmacy, Inc. $ 12.40 1-31-57 11115119 ~owells Pharmacy, Inc. 4.32 1-31-57 1111592 Powells Pharmacys Inc. 10.27 2-211-57 119051 National Sample tore 4.95 7- 1-57 905$2 Mary B. Jackson 30.00 0 9-30-57 92243 Our Lady of the Valley School 36.50 ll- 1-59 1031112 Sallie Lewis 9.50 ll- 1-59 103466 Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Supt. 50.00 9- 1-59 103611 Betty Oatneal 63.00 9- 1-59 103612 Miss Loulie M. Willson 66.50 9- 1-59 103613 John L. Stamback 30.50 9- 1-59 103614- Martha G. Hubbard 32.50 9- 1-59 103615 Lula P. Lockard 47.00 9- 1-59 103616 Sarah E. Martin 27.50 9- 1-59 103617 Lucinda S. Baker 34.00 9- 1-59 1036111 Almira D. Atkins 311.50 9- 1-59 103619 Sarah R. Carroll 26.50 9- 1-59 103620 Virginia A. Fuller 16.00 9- 1-59 103621 Lillie B. Rucker 56.50 9- 1-59 103622 Tomeshia P. Thompson 61.50 9- 1-59 103623 Iowa P. Bradley 61.50 9- 1-59 103624 Emma M. Stamback 30.50 9- 1-59 10.3625 Annie Zo!. Deaton 76.50 9- 1-59 103626 Lucy B. Morton 62.50 9- 1-59 103627 Preston J. Edwards 56.50 9- 1-59 10362$ Nettie Sumner 3$.00 9- 1-59 103629 Maggie Wertz Minnix 39.50 9-1- 59 103630 Cora B. Simmons 411.50 9- 1-59 103631 Eliza O. O'Neal 50.50 9- 1-59 103632 Emma Callie English 51.00 ~ 9- 1-59 103633 Miss Sarah Blackwell 6.50 9- 1-59 103634 Nannie J. Blankenship 54.50 9- 1-59 103635 Martha Ann T. Mutter 42.00 9- 1-59 103636 Bertha Underwood Richards 26.50 9- 1-59 103637 Mrs. Illia W. Andrews 59.$0 9- 1-59 1036311 Laura F. Greenway 37.00 9- 1-59 103639 Martha R. Vaden 46.50 9- 1-59 10364-0 Trigg Edward Miles 211.00 9- 1-59 103641 Beulah R. Rhodes 50.50 9- 1-59 10364-2 Ada D. McGuire 2$.00 9- 1-59 103643 ~~linda Cannaday 711.00 9- 1-59 103644 Kyles G. Minnix 26.50 9- 1-59 103645 Sallie F. Davis 36.50 9- 1-59 103646 Mona Jane Shorter 70.50 9- 1-59 10364-7 Daisy Brown 23.50 9- 1-59 1036411 William Powell 41.50 9- 1-59 103649 Della Florence Sumner 65.00 9- 1-59 103650 George William Day 53.00 9- 1-,9 103651 Julia S. Stump 62.50 9- 1-59 103652 D. C. Ar~ebright 211.00 9- 1-59 103653 Y~ria Louise Shanks 15.50 9- 1-59 103654 Jenny Mitchell 32.50 9- 1-59 103655 Henry B. Atkins 111.50 9- 1-59 103656 Julia Atkins 30.50 C 9- 1-59 103657 Epes It. Shanks 52.50 9- 1-59 1036511 Rosa Holland Taylor 31.50 9- 1-59 103659 Lemma A. Blankenship 43.50 9- 1-59 103660 G. A. Switzer 26.50 9- 1-59 103661 Leanna M. Ferguson 56.00 9- 1-59 103662 Mrs. Avena Huddleston 21.50 9- 1-59 103663 Rosa Ellen Piercy 53.50 9- 1-59 103664 R. L. Pruett 44.50 9- 1-59 103665 Janetta F. Bain 56.50 C 9- 1-59 :lOJ666 gynthia J. Blankenship 4-6.50 9- 1-59 103667 ~~rtha R. Thompson 26.50 9- 1-59 10366!l Sallie Lewis 9.50 9- 1-59 103669 Mary B. Spencer 34.00 9- 1-59 103670 Doney E. Gray 32.00 9- 1-59 103783 Lee Nichols !!1.00 9- 1-59 1037!!4- Pear lie Trent Boothe 5.00 9- 1-59 103785 ~~s. Sallie Bobbitt 75.00 9- 1-59 1037116 William H. Blackwell 31.00 9- 1-59 1037117 Dora A. Baker 4-0.00 9- 1-59 103788 John w. Baker 36.00 9- 1-59 1037119 Flora N. Pruett 26.50 9- 1-59 103790 J. T. Thomas 39.00 9- 1-59 103791 Nettie Thomas 41.50 9- 1-59 103792 Lindsay Clemons 4-3.00 I 9- 1-59 103671 Oliv~ z. Wimmer 43.00 9- 1-59 103672 Willie J. Wood 50.00 9- 1-59 103673 w. O. Caldwell 32.50 9- 1-59 103674- Rosa Newman 33.00 382 ,. ---- -- -- - Da~e. Number Pavee. Amount. . 9- 1-59 103675 Emma B. Griggs $ 5$.50 .9;-.1::59 103676 Eliza A. Lovern 39.50 9- 1-59 103677 Preston L. Lovern 60.00 9 - 1-59 10367$ Rosetta C. Martin 59.00 9 - 1-59 103679 Dan G. Sink 37.00 9- 1-59 103680 Emma Arnold 35.50 9- 1-59 103681 Mrs. Lillie E. Lephew 39.50 9 - 1-59 103682 Bettie Smith 2$.00 I 9- 1-59 103683 rt18ttie Young 35.50 9- 1 -59 1036$4 Lina R. Atkins 47.50 9- 1- 59 103685 Melinda B. Blackwell 41.00 9- 1- 59 103686 Mrs. Fannie S. Grubb 33.50 9- 1- 59 103687 Belle Snead 63.00 9- 1- 59 10368$ Lelia D. Painter 41.50 9- 1 -59 103689 Mrs. Harret~ Patsel 7.50 9- 1 -59 103690 John Hicks 42.00 9- 1 -59 103691 Frank T. Phlegar 9.50 1 9- 1 -59 103692 Martha G. Underwood 55.00 9- 1 -59 103693 Octavia K. Meador 26.50 9- 1 -59 103694 D. W. Melton 53.50 9- 1 -59 103695 Daniel L. Beckner 75.00 9- 1 -59 103696 Jacob Cooper 10.00 9- 1 -59 103697 Artie Coley 40.50 9- 1 -59 103698 Emma H. Weeks 41.50 9- 1 -59 103699 C. J. Thomas 75.50 9- 1 -59 103700 Delia V/ilson 54.00 9- 1 -59 103701 Fannie B. Mitchell 29.50 9- 1 -59 103702 Rosa B. Stockton 38.50 9- 1 -59 103703 Charlie A. Wilson 31.50 9- 1 -59 103704 Bess Greer' 44.00 9- 1 -59 103705 Letitia Payne 50.00 9- 1 -59 103706 Mary E. Houser 8.50 9- 1 -59 103707 Sallie Sink 66.50 9- 1 -59 103708 Almer Turner 60.00 9- 1 -59 103709 Flora E. Brewer 34.50 9- 1 -59 103710 i:lla Deoley 39.00 9- 1 -59 103711 Victoria E. Starkey 2$.50 9- 1 -59 103712 Junious Johnson 26.50 9- 1 -59 103713 Arthur H. Doss 32.50 9- 1 -59 103714 . Roberta A. Frazier 62.50 9- 1 -59 103715 Blanche Webster 49.00 1 9- 1 -59 103716 L~ P. Lewis 66.50 9- 1 -59 103717 Melissa W. Thompson 28.00 9- 1 -59 103718 May Burnett 40.00 9- 1 -50 103719 Georgie R. Garrett 69.50 9- 1 - 59 103720 Lilly E. Miles 21.50 9- 1 -59 103721 Adolphus H. Owen 52.00 9- 1 -59 103722 Cora Smith 22.00 9--1 - 5~ 103723 Mary E. Ferguson 35.50 9- 1 -59 103724 Mrs. Beulah E. Huffman 45.00 9- 1 -59 103725 Ora Hurd 85.50 9- 1 -59 103726 Alfred H. Chisom 11.50 ., 9- 1 -59 103727 Annie M. Chisom 29.00 i 9- 1--59 103728 Lewis J. Durham 32.50 9- 1 -59 103729 Fannie L. Jones 55.00 9- 1 -59 103730 John E. Bradf'ord 44.50 9- 1 -59 103731 Lillie W. Overbey 47.00 9- 1 -59 103732 Charles W. Hodge 35.50 9- 1 -59 103733 Susie Kingery 26.50 9- 1 -59 103734 Eliza May Zurheide 29.50 9- 1 -59 103735 Nannie Young 67.50 9- 1 -59 103736 Nrs. Lucy Drewry 26.50 9- 1 -59 103737 Rosa A. E1am 41.50 9- 1 -59 103738 Charity J. Craighead 26.50 l 9- 1 -59 103739 Bertia J. Clark 35.00 9- 1 -59 103740. Sallie M. Kelley 26.50 II 13 9- 1 -59 103741 Chester Richie 26.50 9- 1 -59 103742 Bertha M. Thompson 9.00 9- 1 -59 103743 Martha Day. 31.50 9- 1 -59 103744 Lula DeLong 27.50 , 9- 1 -59 1037+5 Erie L. Nuse 44.00 9- 1 -59 1037+6 James C. Smallwood 29.50 ~ 9- 1 -59 103747 James E. Anderson 86.50 ,I 9- 1 -59 103748 ~~s. Lois Austin 26.50 j 9- 1 -59 103749 Verna G. Cox 28.00 j 1 9- 1 -59 103750 ~ettie F. Broughman 26.50 9-1 -59 103751 enry Clinton Eller 13.50 I 9- 1 -59 103752 fT.ary E. Gibson 53.00 il 'I 9- 1 -59 103753 Emma W. Nienke 36.00 II 1 9- 1 -59 103754 Bessie E. Henry 26.50 , ii , 9- 1 -59 103755 Blanche E. Folkes 6.50 " ! 9- 1 -59 103756 Bitha W. Iddings 8.50 I 9- 1 -59 103757 Eula Scott 40.50 I 9- 1 -59 103758 George E. Worley 55.50 9- 1 -59 103759 Amos P. Parks 41.50 9- 1 -59 103760 Lydia W. Lovell 26.50 i 9- 1 -59 103761 Markel L. Minnix 22.00 . 9- 1 - 59 103762 Susie D. Minnix 36.00 ! 9- 1 -59 103763 Luanna Bowles 26.50 9- 1 -59 103764 Carrie Divers 29.50 9- 1 -59 103765 Lena N. Holder 23.00 . ; , . ~. NUlllbe$ . Payee Amount. 9- 1-59 103766 Charles Henry Moore .46~50 9- 1-59 103767 Cora H. Oyler .30.00 9- 1-59 103768. Nannie William 47.00 9- 1-59 103769 Sarah B. Manning 26.50 9- 1-59 103770 Eva B. Journell 23.50 9- 1-59 103771 Ina L. Love 18.00 ~ 9- 1-59 103772 &mira. J. - A1 tizer 26.50 9- 1-59 103773 Mary P. Johnson 47.50 9- 1-59 103774 Mable. P. .MaxeY 50~00 9- 1-59 103775 Virginia G. Thornhill 26.50 9- 1-59 103776 Rosa Lemon 43.50 9- 1-59 103m Lillie F. Buckner 26.50 9- 1-59 10377t Earnest.Flowers 19~00 9- 1-59 103779 Swsie M. Lawson 44.50 9- 1-59 1037SO Pete A. Port 25.50 a 9- 1-59 10371tl Richard Puckett 56.00 9- 1-5.9 J.03782 _ry H. Wirt 58.00 9- 1-59 103793 Mary S. Parris 124.00 90 1-59 10379~ Dora W. Craw1'ord 22.50 9- 1-59 103795 Dora W. Craw1'ord 22.50 9- 1-59 10379~ Berta ,C. Craighead 21.00 9- 1-59 103197 Berta C. Craighead 20.00 9- 1-59 103798 Berta C. Craighead 20.00 9- 1-59 103m Berta C. Craighead 20.00 9- 1-59 103800 Bessie. Beckner 117.50 9- 1-59 103801 Lottie M~ Griffin 63.50 9- 1-59 103S02 Willie G. Moses 48.00 9- 1-59 103803 Fanny B. Palmer 42~50 9- 1-59 103804- Mae L., Kirby 31.00 9- 1-59 103S05 Frances.R. Jeter 152.50 9- 1-59 103S06 Nellie P. Parker 33.50 9- 1-59 103807 Cyntha ~. forf 25.50 9- 1-59 103808 Evelyn A. ~wis 127.00 9- 1-59 103809 Mary H. . Martin 30.00 9- 1-59 103810 Ellen. K. Journell 74.00 9- 1-59 103Sll Katie English SO.OO 9- 1-59 103812 Lula H. Mt. Cassell 40.50 9- 1-59 103813 Mrs. Ruby G. Loving 162.50 9- 1-59 103814 Grace R. !mos. 66.00 I 9- 1-59 103815 Hattie ,M. ,Hale 67.50 9- 1-59 103816 Gustavia Coles 46.50 9- 1-59 103817 Alice B. Martin 127.00 9- 1-59 103818 Annie Fisher 72.50 9- 1-59 103819 Mrs. Louise Harrison 46.50 9- 1-59 103820 Beatrice W. Martin 50~00 9- 1-59 103821 Lucy B. L1nton 119.50 9- 1-59 103822 Frances c. Paitsel 135.00 9- 1..;59 103823 Sarah E. Thomas 30.50 9- 1-59 103824- Mrs. ADnie M. Blevins SO.OO 9- 1-59 103825 Leona B. Carter 74~50 9- 1-59 103826 Dorothy M. King 163.50 9- 1-59 103827 Cora S. Yopp 69.50 9- 1-59 103828 Gay B. Neal 23.50 9- 1-59 103829 Minnie King .65.50 9- 1-59 103830 Elsie G. Brown 72.00 9- 1-59 103831 Betty Jean Messer 54.50 9- 1-59 103832 Betsy .Martin 155.00 9- 1-59 103833 Patsy B. Helm 39.50 9- 1-59 103834 Patsy B. Helm 39.50 9- 1-59 103835 Alice C. Wilhelm 100.00 9- 1-59 103836 Cora RaIIIlley 134.50 9- 1-59 103837 Mrs. Geraldine Jones 112.50 9- 1-59 103838 Bessie Underwood 74.00 9- 1-59 103839 Ruthie Casey 24.00 I 9- 1-59 103840 &mira Combes 94.50 9- 1-59 103841 Virginia C. Hale 165.00 9- 1-59 103842 Ethel A. Mills 97.50 9- 1-59 103843 Callie. W. Wilson 133.50 9- 1-59 103844 Letha A... Anderson 100.00 9- 1-59 103845 Annie L. Boone 165.00 9- 1-59 103846 lli1da Casey 110.50 9- 1-59 103847 Thelma _ Hardy 91.00 9- 1-59 103848 Carrie Ellen Helton 95.00 ~ 9- 1-59 103849 Louise English 36.00 9- 1-59 103850 John F. Hodge 40.50 9- 1-59 103851 Elsie.H.. Jenkins 157.50 9- 1-59 103852 Shiraey Marie Kirby 122.50 9- 1-59 103853 Shirley J. Graham 60~00 9- 1-59 103854 Anna Belle P. Hamm 41.50 9- 1-59 10) 855 Anna Belle P.. Hamm 41.50 9- 1-59 10)856 Harvey T. Watkins 46.50 9- 1-59 10)857 Rufus Briggs 76.50 . 9- 1-59 103858 Frank W. Jones 41.50 9- 1-59 10)859 Jessie.r'irkhead 9.50 9- 1-59 10)860 Maggie Lee Shockley 50~50 9- 1-59 10)861 Dorothy.K. Sullivan 43.50 9- 1-59 10)862 William R. Sullivan 4).50 9- 1-59 10)86) Lula Bell Warden 9.50 9- 1-59 10)864- Willie H. A,ldridge 61.50 9- 1-59 103865 Mrs. Bessie Kessler 26.;0 i 384 ---..-- .__u _.____.> Date. Number Payee. Amouat. ++ 9-1-59 103871 Bertha Hickson, Committee J4.'U 9- 1-59 103866 Clarence L. McFalls $ 44.50 9- 1-59 103867 Lorraine C. Divers 40.00 9- 1-59 103868 Buck Ferris 52.50 9- 1-59 103869 Letha Y. Blankenship 58.00 . 9- 1-59 103870 Minnie Williams 61.00 ++ 9- 1-59 103872 Mrs. Geneva Webster 56.50 9- 1-59 103873 Elmer C. Shilling 81.50 1 9- 1-59 103874 Mabel S. Burroughs 57.00 9- 1- 59 103875 Elsie Meadows, 6.50 9- 1-59 103976 Elvin Minor Taylor 40.50 9- 1-59 103877 Vest R. Muse 40.50 9- 1-59 103878 Lou Emme Hall 72.50 9- 1-59 103879 H. W. Powers 31.00 9- 1-59 103880 Pearl G. Page 56.50 9- 1-59 103881 Jessie Colbert 51.50 9- 1-59 103882 Aubrey R. Feather 44.50 9- 1-59 103883 Columbus Sims 26.50 I 9- 1-59 103884 Nelson A. Hale 59.50 9- 1-59 103885 Margie T. Gra;:, Committee 26.50 9- 1-59 103886 Flora E. Martin 46.50 9- 1-59 103887 Florence R. Woolwine 58.50 9- 1-59 103888 James W. Greer 44.00 9- 1-59 1038Sq Mary Hairston 59.00 9- 1-59 103890 Virginia L. Spangler 58.00 9- 1-59 103891 Eula T. Cheek 66.50 9- 1-59 103892 James T. Thornton 71.50 9- 1-59 103893 Mervin. J. Alls 31.50 9- 1-59 103894- Carlyle Crowder il~50 9- 1-59 103895 Sybil K. ChisOlll 6.00 9- 1-59 103896 Ray Allen Cole 46.50 9- 1-59 103897 George A. Welch 36.50 9- 1-59 103898 Lona M. Wood 50.00 9- 1-59 103899 Mattie S. Pre.ton 80.50 9- 1-59 103900 Dicie M. Lively 36.50 9- 1-59 103901 Dalbert C. Maxey 40.00 9- 1-59 103902 Powell Pharmacy, Inc 3.04 9- 1-59 103903 Ray's Market 5.00 9- 1-59 103904- Kick or Mack S~ores Company 45.00 9- 1-59 103905 Roanoke Memori 1 Hospital 3.15 9- 1-59 103906 Green Market 25.00 9- 1-59 103907 Powell Pharmacy, Inc 2.80 I 9- 1-59 103908 Mrs. Bertie Combs. 30.00 9- 1-59 103909 Dr. John S. Jeremiah 3.00 9- 1-59 103910 Nick.or Mack Stores Company, Inc. 12.00 9- 1-59 103911 Starkey Grocery &. Hardware 36.00 I 9- 1-59 103912 Dr. John S. Jeremiah " 6.00 \.i 9- 1-59 103913 Harris &. Huddleston . 10.00 9- 1-59 103914- Nick or Mack Stores Co. ny 35.00 9- 1-59 103915 Nick or Mack Stores Company 10.00 9- 1-59 103916 Ray's Market 10.00 9- 1-59 103917 Nick or Mack Stores Company 20.00 9- 1-59 103918 Powell Pharmacy 2.35 9- 1-59 103919 Roanoke Memorial Hospital 43.50 9- 1-59 103920 Nick or Mack Stores Company 40.00 9- 1-59 103921 Howard T. Campbell 5.00 9- 1-59 103922 Mick or. Mack Stores Company 30.00 9- 1-59 103923 Mick or Mack Stores Company 5.00 9- 1-59 103924 Mick or Mack Stores 4.00 9- 1-59 103925 Mrs. Bertie Bush 60.00 9- 1-59 103926 Mick or Mack Stores Company 35.00 9- 1-59 103927 Mick or Mack Stores company 30.00 9- 1-59 103928 Mick or Mack Stores Compny 22.00 9- 1-59 103929 Melrose Clinic 30.00 9- i-59 103930 Ca~ba Sanatorium 2.50 9- 1-59 103931 Powell Pharmacy 8.75 9- 1-59 103932 Mick or Mack Stores 8.00 I 9- 1-59 103933 Green Market 24.00 9- 1- 59 103934 Catawba SanitoriUIII 2.50 9- 1-59 103935 Mick or Mack Stores Company 10.00 9- 1-59 103936 G. K. Custer Store 20.00 9- 1-59 103937 Crouch's Pharmacy 3.00 9- 1-59 103938 Mick or Mack Stores Company 18.00 9- 1-59 103939 Mick or Mack Stores company, Inc. 10.00 I 9- 1-59 103940 Green Market . 5.00 9- 1-59 103941 Roanoke Memorial Hospital 30.00 I 9- 1-59 103942 John M. Oakey, Inc. 5.80 9- 1-59 103943 Mick or Mack Stores Company 5.00 9- 1-59 103944 Mick or Mack Stores 35.00 9- 1-59 103945 Powell Pharmacy, Inc. 4.73 9- 1-59 103946 Dr. Esther C. Brown 2.00 9- 1-59 103947 Powell Pharmacy, Inc. 1.32 9- 1-59 103948 Gill Memorial Hospital 5.00 8-31-59 103949 Mae S. Martin . 57.86 8-31-59 103950 Hanie Lena Quarles 57.86 I 8-31-59 103951 Eva Brown 57.86 ~ 8-31-59 103952 Roy M. Brillhart 57.86 I 8-31-59 103953 Joe Creasey 57.86 8-31-59 103954 Junior A. Burnett 57.86 8-)1-59 103955 Sarah A. Hale 57.86 1 8-31-59 103956 Mrs. J. T. Bandy 30~00 ~ 8-31-59 103957 Mrs. J. T. Bandy 30~00 i 8-31-59 103958 Mrs. J. T. Bandy 30.00 i Date. Number . Payee. Amount. ++8-31-59 103979. Mrs. DoxiePotf j6.10 8-31-59 103959 Mrs. J. T. Bandy $ 0.00 8-31-59 103960 Mrs. H. E. ~ompson 36.10 8-31-59 103961 Mrs. C. W. S radlin 31.10 8-31-59 103962 Mrs. Alfonso Martin 41.10 8-31-59 103963 Sanford King 30.00 8-31-59 103964- Mrs. c. C. Luke 35.00 C 8-31-59 103965 Mrs. Almeda. Beard 36.10 8-31-59 103966 Mrs. Roy M. Hobbs 36.10 8-31-59 103967 Mrs. L. C. Argabright 36.10 8-31-59 103966 Mrs. W. F. Bonham 30.00 8-31-59 103969 Mrs. Nellie V. Lockett 11.66 8-31-59 103970 Mrs. L. C. Argabright 36.10 8-31-59 103971 Mrs. Fannie Stanley 36.10 8-31-59 103972 Mrs. Fannie Stanley 36.10 8-31-59 103973 Mrs~ Wyatt C. Tate 36;10 C 8-31-59 ~3m . Mrs. L. C. ArJgabright 36.10 8-31-59 10397J Mrs. Roy M. Hobbs 36.10 8-31-59 103976 Mrs. L. C. Argabright 36aO 8-31-59 103977 Mrs. William H. Maynor 36aO ++ 8-31-59 103.976 Mrs; c. C. Luke 36.10 8-31-59 103900 Mrs. E. L. Hall 31.10 8-31-59 103961 Mrs. Ettie Divers 36.10 8-31-59 103'962 Mrs. Walter .Campbell 25.20 8-31-59 103.963 Mrs. Carrie Hichols 36.10 8-31-59 103.984 Mrs. Ruby Watson 31.10 8-31-59 103965 Mrs. Ruby Watson 31.10 8-31-59 10,966 Mrs. Roy Sweeney 36.10 8-31-59 103'96'1 Mrs. Willard. A. Conner 36.10 8-31-59 10,968 Mrs. Paul Mitchell 31.10 8-31-59 10,989 Mrs. L. C. Argabright 36.10 8-31-59 103990 Mrs. L. C. Argabright 36.10 8-31-59 103991 Mrs. Noah Moore 36.10 8-31-59 103992 Mrs. Pearl E. Sheppard 36.00 6-:31-59 103993 Mrs. E. L. Ball 31.10 8-31-59 103994 Mrs. Willie. MUrphy 36.10 8-31-59 103995 Mrs. Willie Murphy 46.10 6-31-59 103996 Mrs. .E. L. Robinson 41.10 8-31-59 103997 Mrs. Willie Murphy 30.00 8-31-59 103996 Mrs. H. E. Thompson 36.10 .0 . s.;.jl-59 103999 Mrs. Thomas. Thompson 35.00 6,:.31-59 104000 W. Calvin Armentrout 25.00 8-31-59 104001 Mrs. Barry E. Goodwin 36.10 8-31-59 104002 Mrs. Milton P. Roades 36.70 8-31-59 104003 Mrs. Herbert Glovier 36.10 8-31-59 104004 Mrs. Herbert Glovier 36.10 8-31-59 104005 Mrs. Ettie Divers 34.00 8-31-59 104006 Mrs. C. C. Luke 35.00 S-31-59 104007 Mrs. Paul Belcher 36.10 8-31-59 104006 Mrs. J. T. Bandy 36.10 S-31-59 104009 Mrs. Roy Hobbs 36.10 8-31-59 104010 Mr. Robert King 30.00 8-31-59 104011 Mrs. Ernest. Stuart 36.10 8-31-59 104012 Mrs. Ernest Stuart 3e:.l0 8-31-59 104013 Mrs. Ernest Stuart 36.10 8-31-59 104014 Mrs. Ernest Stuart 36.10 8-31-59 104015 Mrs. Roy Hobbs 36.10 8-31-59 104016 Mrs. Wallace C. Ranger 35.00 8-31-59 104017 Mrs. Price Plunkett 45.00 8-31-59 104018 Mrs. Pearl Graham 21.10 8-31-59 104019 Mrs. Justin Bayse 30.00 8-31-59 104020 Mrs. G. R. Walker 36.10 8-31-59 104021 Mrs. N. M. Tickle 36.10 8-31-59 104022 Mrs. E. L. Robinson 26.10 3-31-59 104023 Mrs. Hix Mitchell 26.10 C 3-31-59 104024 Dr. John E. Higgins 13.00 8-31-59 104025 Mrs. F'red Hannah 30.00 8-31-59 104026 Mrs. Margaret L. Malley 30..00 8-31-59 104027 Miss Berndean Williams 7.00 3-31-59 104028 Mrs. Ernest Stuart 7.00 3-31-59 104029 Children's Clinic 7.20 3-31-59 104030 Mrs. Prioe Plunkett 45.00 8-31-59 104031 ?-Trs. )"'argaret L. Malley 35.00 3-31-59 104032 Mrs. Wilton Minnix 35.00 8 8-31-59 104033 Dr. B. M. John 21.00 8-31-59 104034 Dr. B. M. John 53.25 8-31-59 104035 Dr. B. M. John 12.00 3-31-59 104036 Dr. B. M. John_ 6.00 8-31-59 104037 Dr. Harry B. Stone 3.00 3-31-59 104038 Dr. Wiley S. M&yo, Jr. 15.00 8-31-59 104039 Dr. Esther C. Brown 6.00 3-31-59 104040 Propst-Childress 10.95 8-31-59 10404J. Powell Pharmacy, Inc. 6.45 3-31-59 104042 Dr. G. E. Clapsaddle 16.00 3-31-59 104043 Mrs. Helen Davis Parks 7.00 8-31-59 104044 Mrs. L. C. Argabright 30.00 3-31-59 104045 Dr. Esther C. Brown 2.00 3-31-59 104046 Roanoke Valley Speech Clinic 3.00 8-31-59 104047 Dr. William H. Kaufman 11.60 8-31-59 104048 Mrs. Edward Campbell 30.00 a It is therefore . ordered that the said Bank of Salem Salem, Virginia, change the namil of the salc;i accounts from County of Roanoke, JAnie B. McNeal, Treasurer, to County of Roanoke, Virginia, James E. Peters, Treasurer. It is further ordered that the said Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, pay and charge said account with the aforesaid outstanding checks and none other than has been issued and not paid by said bank prior. to the close of business August 31, 1959. On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, sec~mded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adoptedqr.the following recorded vote:. Ayes: Supervisors. John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. ~ This day came W. M. Miller, a representative of Alexander Grant" Company, Certified Public Accountants, Rcanoke, V1.rginia, and presented unto the said Board, now in session, a reconciliation of the accounts of Janie B. McNeal, former trsasurer of Roanoke Count;y, with the Farmers National Bank, Salellll, Virginia, showing the amount of :aid funds on deposit with said bank, at the c10s of business August 31, 1959, as follows: ~ State Account Balance per bank statement. August 31, 1959. $7 ,111.34 Less outstanding checks None Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 ..J7 .111.34 , Ree:ular Account Balance per bank statement August 31, 1959 $168,956.23 Lese outstanding checks: Date Number Pavee Amount 6/26/59 1637 Andrew Lewis High School . 222.21 8-11-59 1844 John D. Crawford 59.00 8-11-59 1876 Wholesale Builders Supply Company 7.37 8-11-59 1906 State Board of Education 183.98 8-31-59 1915 Treasurer of Virginia 1,044.48 8-31-59 1916 Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia 6,380.98 8-31-59 1917 Rainbow Crafts Cow,pany, Inc. 8.17 8-31-59 1918 Ogden School 200.00 8-31-59 1919 Mrs. Inez H. Meadows 200.00 8-31-59 1920 Appalachian Po' .'- Company 537.72 8-31-59 1921 c. B. Dodge C" .'cay 2.80 8-31-59 1922 Ben Jacobson " AQsociates 48.00 8-31-59 1923 H. A. Lucas &. Sons, Inc. 722.90 8-31-59 1924 Rylie S. Hayden 57.93 8/31/59 1925 c. &. P. Telephone Company 79.68 8-31-59 1926 c. "P. Telepr.one Company 292.33 8-31-59 1928 Treasurer of Virginia 8.28 8-31-59 1929 Bank of Salem 6.80 8-31-59 1930 C " P. Telephone Company 25.94 7-20-59 31979 Ur.ited States Pencil Company 8.00 7-20-59 32135 Rie hard F. Burke 20.00 8-17-59 32381 R. A. Lester " Son 3.00 8-17-59 32328 Williams .uto Alignment 10.00 8-17-59 32394 J. W. Ferrell 3.00 8-17-59 32361 G. C. Foley 120.00 8-17-59 32395 CoDBllOnwealth of Virginia 4.50 8-17-59 32416 State Department of Health 6.60 8-17-59 32422 Ii. G. Cole Garage 15.00 8-27-59 32441 Edwin G. Terrell 74.86 8-27-59 32442 W. E. Cundiff 75.16 8-27-59 32443 M. R. Keffer 75.61 8-27-59 32456 J. W. Griggs 180.37 8-27-59 32458 V. L. Minnix 135.07 8-27-59 32459 Charlie E. Brickey 19.50 8-27-59 32460 Thomas E. Wagner 141.37 8-27-59 32461 A. B. Hoback 97.50 8-27-59 32463 Town of Vinton 208.33 8-27-59 32470 James D. Oliver 146.76 8-27-59 32471 Margaret Groseclose 160.53 8-27-59 32472 Mary O. Armistead 136.76 8-27-59 32474 Esther Long 19.87 8-27-59 32475 James L. Parker 168.60 8-31-59 32484 Kenneth Perdue 103.83 8-31-59 32585 Robert McMake1 103.83 8-31-5~ 32486 Charley Moore 46.98 8-31-59 32488 George Hudler 103.83 8-31-59 32489 J. H. Meadows 108.83 a a "388 _ ._.__"n _ - 8-31-59 32490 W. H. Bryant 115.23 11-31-59 32491 Floyd Anderson 1l.1l6 8-31-59 32492 Parrish W. Franklin 96.76 8-31-59 32494 Harry R. Richardson, Jr. lQ5.00 8-31-59 32497 Ann Hinson 81.06 8-31-59 32502 G. A. Scruggs 40.00 8-28-59 32503 Edwin G. Terrell 35.30 8-20-59 3282 Mrs Ruth C. Cannon 11.00 I 8-20-59 2387 Channie A. Leonard 151.05 8-20-59 2388 Peggy H. Roeder 178.67 8-27-59 2397 Charles M. C~rdner & Company 134.28 8-27-59 23911 New Method Book Binding, Inc. 509.99 8-27-59 2399, Campbell & Hall, Inc. ' 97.95 8-27-59 2400 Benefic Press ' 7.89 8-31-59 4418 Bank of Salem 196.50 8-31-59 4419 Days Construction Company 1,0.00.00 8-31-59 4420 Times World Corporation 11.20 $ 15.167.00 I Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 .$153.7119.23 Teachers Payroll Account Balance per Bank statement August 31, 1959 $47,906.01 Less outstanding checks: ~}~-59 Number Payee Amount 9834 Charles L. Jennings 1538.11 8-31-59 9835 Leonard V. Hale, Jr. 449.60 8-31-59 9836 Ralph C. Isbell 187.89 8-31-59 9837 Dana Q Markham 301.26 8-31-59 9838 Franklin H. Mericle 194.29 8-31-59 9839 Irma T. Moseley 384.31 8-31-59 9840 Bernard Frank Schmidt 1116.22 8-31-59 9841 Vance C. Shephard 149.47 8-31-59 9842 James H. Sims 372.42 8-31-59 9843 Aubrey It. Vaughan 292.82 8-.31-59 9844 livery B. Parr 454.57 8-31-59 9845 Annie B. Stiff 434.70 8-31-59 9846 Mabel L. Hall ll5.a4 8-31-59 9847 Mary H. Jones 90.90 8-31-59 9Sl,g Dorothy Ann Mundy 99.113 I 8-31-59 9850: Inez H. Meadows 434.93 8-31-59 9851 Richard F. Stone 98.17 8-31-59 98j2 Con A. Davis 527.84 8-31-59 9853 William K. Alford 170.60 8-31-59 91154 Charles Verner Crush 437.12 8-31-59 9855 John W. Edmunds 90.86 8-31-59 91156 Griffin Hardy 365.96 8-31-59 9857 Peggy Jean Hemmings 310.13 8-31-59 9859 Clayton R. Lacy 179.26 8-31-59 9860 Hubert McGee, Jr. 100.06 8-31-59 9116l Paul B. Noble, Jr. 315.37 1 8-31-59 9862 Elizabeth M. Richardson 177.62 8-31-59 9863 Mary F. Saunders 153.45 11-31-59 91164 B. Ford Sexton 99.34 'I 831-59 9865 Ruby M. Hensley 109.32 Ii I " 8-31-59 9866 Myrtle R. Huddleston 444.71 II 8-31-59 9867 L. Hugh Tucker 420.96 8-31-59 986e Eugene W. Peyton 379.27 I 8-31-59 9869 Clyde M. Yates 120.38 1 8-31-59 9870 James A. Johnson 444.93 8/31-59 9871 Gay B. Neal 451.86 8-31-59 9872 Margaret Littlejohn 444.71 i 8-31-59 9873 Rae W. Scott 435.36 I 8-31-59 9874 Dew! tt T. Miller 626.00 II I 8-31-59 9875 E. Edward Barnett 146.48 il 8-31-59 9877 ETe1yn L. Blake 393.95 8-31-59 9878 William F. Bolton 323.55 II 8-31-59 9879 H. M. Copenhaver 212.59 8-31-59 9880 Joe B. Fields 180.lii il 8-31-59 9881, Mary H. Goodwin 204.97 8-31-59 9882 A. D. Hurt 461.23 :1 8-31-59 9883 Harold L. Johnston 241.99 8-31-59 9884 Eddie M. Joyce 199.91 ,I I 8-31-59 9885 Doris G. Kelly 292.95 ,I ~ 8-31-59 9886 Norman G. Lineburg 153.01 , il 8-31-59 9887 Richard Miley 182.16 II 8-31-59 9888 Lake L. Newton 203.02 II 8-31-59 9889 Kenneth Eugene Orr 375.73 8-31-59 9890 Robert A. Patterson 162.05 " 8-31-59 9891 James E. Peters 474.35 :I 8-31-59 9892 Daniel W. Richards 119.21 8-31-59 9893 w. Murphy f.lcott 395.73 8-31-59 91194 Mary Ella Wright 195.17 8-31-59 9895 Grace J. Robertson 443.97 8-31-59 9896 May M. Franklin 419.60 8-31-59 9897 Rufus S. Dowe 91.16 , Da'te . NUlllber. Pavee. Amoun't. . . . . . . . a..31-59 9898 Chauncey D. Harmon $471.23 a..31-59 9899 Roland H. .Malone 177.~ a..31-59 9900 Wil1'0rd C. Penn .196.0 a..31-59 9901 Flossie B. Wes't 434.31 a..31-59 9903 E. B. Broadwa'ter 575.73 $-31-59 9904 Josephine N. Fagg 437.34 a a..31-59 9905 May C. Duncan 455".$4 a..31-59 9906 H. Haddon Dudley 449.25 a..31-59 9907 Elizabe'th L. Powell 429.25 8-31-59 9910 Jane't M. Dishon 285.?t6 8-31-59 9911 Wel'tOn S. ,S'tone 95.83 8-31-59 9912 Samuel J. Allison 289.77 8-31-59 9913 Nada S. Ba11a'tor 240.68 a..31-59 9914 Margare't S. Sen'ter 388.85 8-31-59 9915 Thelma Buford 124.40 a 8-31-59 9916 Mrs. R. R. Wrigh't 60.00 8-31-59 9917 Bea'trice W. Kraus 77.86 8-31-59 9919 Charles L. Arring'ton 225.50 8-31-59 9920 Mary Elizabe'th Allen 264.32 8-31-59 9921 Margare't M. Bailey 262.08 8-31-59 9922 E. Edward Barne't't 354.00 8-31-59 9923 Ru'th Bell . 6.36 a..31-59 9924 Norma J. Belcher 263.70 8-31-59 9925 Oakie Sue Blount 225.50 a..31-59 9926 Melba Ruth Calaway 286.~ 8-31-59 9927 Mildred R. Chapman 291. 8-31-59 99211 Barney E. Craddock 112~32 8-31-59 9929 Alice H. Dunwoody 215.50 8-3~59 9930 Charles Echols 231.90 8-31-59 9931 John W. Edmunds 275.58 a..31-59 9932 James Gacek 15~90 8-31-59 9933 Marguerite M. Ileinfield 251.00 8-31-59 9934 Sara Lucas 199.25 8-31-59 9935 Richard Miley 274.90 8-31-59 9936 Lucy H.. Hoore 257.60 8-31-59 9937 Gladys R. Orr 311.00 8-31-59 99311 Mary S. Parrish 331.00 8-31-59 9939 Mary Potts 15.90 a..31-59 9940 Elsie M. Proffi'tt 300.18 a..31-59 9941 Daniel W. Richards 344.60 I 8-31-59 9942 Lucille ,M. ,Reeves 244.60 8-31-59 9943 Lena Geraldine Simmons 255.50 8-31-59 9944 Otha S. St. Clair 7.00 a..31-59 9945 Ruby A. Sui'ter 277.60 8-31-59 9946 Ann J. Thomason 2311.20 11-31-59 99411 c. Ray Wells 244.60 a..31-59 1 Merlinlfaburn 214.50 8-31-59 .2 M. L. Comer 191.12 11-31-59 9951 Viola Henry 1.71 8-31-59 9952 Johnnie W. Holland 48.75 a..31-59 9953 George Martin 104.11~ 8-31-59 9954 Charles D. Terry 220.1 a..31-59 995g James L. ,Chisom 195.00 8-31-59 995 Herman,E. Howell 2.19 8-tl-59 9957 John H. McPherson 80.44 8-31-59 99511 &me'tt G. Craghead 102~37 8-31-57 99~ Theodore M. Johnston 112.S7 8-31-59 99 Ervin C. Board 186.95 8-31-59 9961 Willie E. Warren 411.75 8-31-59 9962 Ruth N. Warren 1.19 8-31-59 9963 Everet'te W. Martin 74.1l1 8-31-59 9964 Ben M. Richardson for . Everet'te W. Martin 30.00 a..31-59 9965 Ernes'tine J. Hairston 1.39 a..31-59 9966 Irvin T. Woods 85.31 a 8-31-59 9967 Hent;y H. Craighead 243.22 a..3l-59 9968 Willie L Lavinder 97.50 8-31-59 9969 Thomas B.. McHam 11~. 73 a..3l-59 9970 James E. Wllsoa 7 ~oo 8-31-59 9971 Edward.H. .Howe11 217.02 a..31-59 9972 Cora Alley i.63 8-31-59 9973 John A. Jackson 13 .50 a..31-59 9974 John L. Flinchum lo;!.37 a..31-59 997g Willie H. Carpenter 104.1l1 a a..31-59 997 Qrphelia H. Carpen'ter .97 8-31-59 9977 Jeremiah McGeorge 178.60 8-31-59 99711 Edith E. McGeorge 36.56 8-31-59 9979 Mack H. Wright 1911.67 8-31-59 9900 Trigg D.Burnette 2.19 a..31-59 9981 R. E. Lawrence 207.02 a..31-59 9982 o. J. Echols 26.81 a..31-59 9983 Le'tha B. Davenport 1.71 8-31-59 99115 Emma Frances Henderson 2.19 a..31-59 9987 Amon E. Rout't 175.50 8-31-59 9989 George O. Wright 197.02 a..31-59 9991 Raymond Mu!!e 219.37 a..31-59 9992 Sadie M. Muse 2.19 8-31-59 9993 Francis Willis 1911.67 a..31-59 9994 Marie M..Willis 1.711 8-31-59 9995 Samuel R. .Pate 1.95 8-31-59 9996 William C.' Megginson 1.46 ,_,' w..o_'.' '0' _,.., --"._'d_'_~'o,........,.... 390 = ~ S-31-59 9997 Wallace H. Lee 195.50 / v~'. : (J' S-31-59 9998 Benjamin G.,Henderson 89.10 8-31-59 9999 Hazel F. Ballentine 307~62 S-31-S9 1??oo Herman L. Horn 631.10 B-31-59 10001 Bayes E. Wilson 409.70 S-31-59 10002 Grace Swann . 278.65 S-31-59 10004 Fi'aDces E. Daugherty 16i~60 ~-- S-31-S9 10005 H. T. Neece. 1 .57 S-31-59 10006 Jewell R. Ferris 34.61 1 S-31-59 10007 W. K. Ferris 48.26 S-31-59 10008 Betty A. Smith 210.10 S-31-59 10009 Susie W. Nevergold 185.25 S-31-59 10010 Loline Garrison 73.20 S-31-59 10011 zella D. Bayen 63.20 S-31-S9 10012 Mary Nell S. Ali'ord lS1.0S S-31-59 10013 N. Cq,rolyn Murphy 60.50 S-31-59 10014 Yvoare O. Terrell 136.80 S-31-S9 10015 Emmitt A. Craghead 196.95 I "'31-59 10016 Ruby T. Kirby 126.60 S-31-S9 10017 Betty,Jo,Woodson 151.0S S-31-59 10018 Edith F. Hancock 139.86 S-31-59 10019 Vera P. Thom1son lS8.60 S-31-59 10020 Jessie F. Ca dwell 136.80 S-31-59 10021 Joyce Reckley 161.05 SQ31-59 10022 June H. Long 171.12 S-31-59 10023 Carolyn A. Deeds 168.50 S-31-59 10024 Marian D. Henderson 105.00 8-31-59 10025 Viola T. Cash 115.90 S-31-S9 10026 Mary F. Saunders 182.B6 S-3l-59 10027 Billie H. Frury 326.62 S-31-59 10028 Charles E. Gillespie 376.72 8-31-59 10029 R. M. Martin 278.50 S-31-59 10031 Ryl1e S. Hayden 447.25 S-31-59 10032 ~es M. Dodson 298.65 8-31-59 10033 W. Carroll 257.98 S-3l-59 10034 Floyd B. Jarvis 260.15 8-31-59 10035 Herman. E. Lancaster 230.17 8-31-59 10036 Roy D. Lancaster 220.17 8-31-S9 10037 John.A Mauk: 291.95 S-31-59 loo3S James c. McDaniel 246.77 S-31-59 10039 A. L. Newman 302.02 S-3l-59 10040 W. F. Newton 2SL95 8-31-59 10041 A. R. Rutherford 230.30 1 S-31-59 loo4~ Lee M. Woodruff 202.S5 S-3l-59 10043 Byrd V. Huff 140.34 S-31-59 10044 Carl A. Colley 231.66 S-31-59 10045 John D. CraWford 278.57 8-31-59 10046 Frederick Lee Dixon 178.8S S-31-59 10047 John L. Flinchum 191.40 S-31-59 10048 Gus G. Grogan 218.11 8-31-59 10049 David C. Hale 196.79 S-31-59 10050 William P. Johnson 63.18 8-31-59 10051 J:oseph H. Kyle 200.84 S-31-59 10052 Roland H. Malone 140.42 S-31-59 10053 Everette W. Martin 196.12 S-31-59 10054 Herbert McBride 208.11 S-31-59 10055 John H. McPherson 13.16 S-31-59 10056 B. Ford Sexton 68.44 S-31-59 10057 Richard F. Stone 176.21 8-31-59 loo5S R. S. Thomas 323.75 S-31-S9 1 Vivian. Richardson 151.05 S-31-59 10060 Florence S. Givens 97.50 S-3l-59 10062 Elizabeth Ann Coffman 76.00 S-31-59 10063 Donald G. Kelly 110.15 S-31-59 10064 Melissa Ann Peters 90.65 S-Jl-59 1006; Hazel c. ~lagner 18.19 S-Jl-S9 10066 ~easurer of Virginia f.62 S-31-59 10067 Margaret E. Bounds 6.23 I S-31-S9 10068 Betty Houck 114.10 S-31-59 10069 G. Eric Sachers 483.~ S-31-59 10070 W. H. Carpenter 206. 5 S-31-59 10071 Rufus S. Dowe 234.34 - S-31-59 10072 George Martin 187.53 S-31-59 10073 Thomas B. McHam 188.85 S-31-59 lOO7i Joseph H. SWink 246.85 S-3l-59 1007 Hubert McGee, Jr. 100.08 S-31-59 10077 E. Edward Barnett 86.70 ~7.906.01 1 Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 $ School Bond Service Account Balance per bank statement August 31, 1959 $ 553.26 Less outstanding checks r;one . Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 $ 553.26 Certificates of Deposit Certificates of deposit at August 31, 1959, per bank: Date of Certificate Certificate Number Due Date Interest Amount C rate $290,000.00 3-6-59 A36317 10-9-59 T 4-9-59 A36323 12-1-59 210,000.00 8-10-59 A36346 6 months from date 3% 100.000.00 Certificate of deposit on hand at A1lgtlst 31, 1959 31600.000.00 a It is, therefore, ordered that the said Farmers National Bank, Salem Virginia change the name of said account from County of Roanoke, Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, to County of Roanoke, James E. Peters, Treasurer. It is further ordered that the said Farmers National Bank, Sa1 em, Virgin pay and charge said accounts with the aforesaid outstanding checks and none other than had been issued and not paid by said bank prior to the close of business August 31, 1959. On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, adopted by ~he follOWing recorded vote. Ayes: Sup..rvisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. Cundiff. Nays: None. a This day came W. M. Miller, a representative of Alexander Grant &: Compan CJert1fied Public Accountants, Roanoke, Virginia, and presented unto the said Board, now in session, a reconciliation of the accounts of Janie B. McNeal, forme treasurer of Roanoke County, with the Mountain Trust Bank, Vinton Branch, Vinton, Virginia, showing the amount of said f)tbds on deposit with said bank, at the close of business August 31, 1959, as follows: $21,865.50 Balance per bank statement August 31, 1959. Less outstanding checks Reconciled balance at August 31, 1959 - J21.8b5.S0 It is, therefore, ordered that the said Mountain Trust Bank, Vinton Bral1ch, Vinton, Virginia, change the name of said aclount from County of Roanoke, Janie B. Mcliea1, Treasurer, to County of RoanCllce, James E. Peters, Treasurer. It is further ordered that the said Mountain Trust Bank, Vinton Branch, Vinton, Virgtnia, shall not payor charge said account with any checks issued prior to the close of business on August 31, 1959, since there were no outstandin checks at the close of business on August 31, 1959. Ql motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan. Nays: None. I Letter dated September 4, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke, from Alexander Grant & Company, enclOSing copies of reconcilia tion of the accounts of JANIE B. MCcNEAL, former treasurer of Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. ~: V WHEREAS, on August 3, 1959, James E. Peters was duly appointed Treasurer ~ . of Roanoke County, Virginia, to be effective September 1, 1959, and WHEREAS, the said James E. Peters has duly qualified as such officer before the Clerk of the Circui.t Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on August 31, 1959, and entered into bond in the penalty of seven hundred angff~~,~~8usand dollars, conditioned according to law, with the Fidelity and .leposit COIlpany/as surety '!~ " and a. WHgREAS no audit has been made of the accounts and records of Roanoke County, Virginia, for the period from July 1, 1959 through August }1, 1959; 391 , . i I Board of SUI2 rvisors ! vs , S ~ 'trti I rlI-. i ~ ~ d..l r.- I: c..~ I 0.18 mile \. : cy7tfs. 392 G~ r ;~ ~ Co ~ ~J.r t~. )ttf~ " J<f] l" = Now, therefore, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, request the firm of Alexander Grant & Company, Certified Public Accountants, to audit the accounts and records of Roanoke County for the period set out above, and to perfo said audit in accordance With the audit specifications prepared by the Auditor of Public Accounts. For this service rendered Roanoke County, Virginia, by the said Alexander Grant &: Company, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby agree to pay the follOWing per-diem rates: fifty dollars for one senior auditor, and thirty-five dollars for each junior auditor so employed. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor EdWin G. Terrell, adopted the folloWing recorded vote: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, EdWin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff' and John Lee Logan. Nays: None I 1 This day the County Engineer heretofore a ppointed by this Board to view the following roads and the locations thereof, to-Wit: Van Winkle Road from Rt. 741 to D. E. -- 0.35 mile. Whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, said Engineer's reports are approved. And it is further ordered that said roads, as described briefly above,tie and they are hereby, established as public roads, to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guarantee the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the 1 supervision and maintenance of State Secondary aoads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the folloWing recorded vote: Ayes: Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer and John Lee Logan. Nays: None. I ORDER ~ !I iI ~ :1 to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways.i! I J It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of II way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known' as Cherryhil1 Park #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 14 of the recQrd1 of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that! :1 by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor 1 . ] consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessar1. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. :1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Frances Drive from Cherryhill Road northwest to D. E~ -- 0.18 mile and which is shown on a certain The ~blic and the State Highway Commission of Virginia I' This matter came on this day to heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Frances Drive from 8herryhill Road northwest to D. E. -- I sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. c Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Board of Supervisors I ) ) ) ORDER ~ vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virgin:la. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Cherryhill Road from lit. 742 southeast to D. E. 0.27 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. L1 It appearing to the Board of drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way toJ;' said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Cherryhill Park #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, page 14 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Yirgin:la, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property ovners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way ant! right for drainage. N(M'. TIlE' :FORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Cherry Hill Road from at. 742 southeast to D. E. -- 0.27 mile and which :is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. c ON MOTION of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the following resolution was this day proposed for adoption: Whereas to improve the organizational structure of the League of Virgin:la Counties the fOllowing changes to the Constitution and By laws of the League of Virginia Counties are hereby proposed: 8 ARTICLE V. EXECUTIVE BOARD The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Immediate Past President, the two Vice-Presidents and two (2) members from each Region, Not more than one member of the Executive Board shall be from the same County. The Treasurer and the Secretary shall be members ex-officio. No member of the Executive Board shall serve more than four consecu- tive terms. For purposes or representation on the Executive Board the State shall be divided into ten (10) Regions as follows: :> r+~ c6. O~ ~tc. ~.(b~ ~lU.t- ~.~. 1/~ -, First Region Sixth Region Essex Alleghany Gloucester Bedford James City Botetourt; King and Queen Campbell King William Craig Mathews Floyd Middlesex Montgomery I York Roanoke Second Region Seventh Region Accomac Amherst Page Isle of Wight Augusta Rappan.onnock Nansemond Bath Rockbridge Norfolk Clarke RockingJ>n Northampton Frederick Shenandoah I Princess Anne Hifhland Warren Southampton Ne son I Surry r Sussex I Third Region Eight Region ; Charles City Albemarle Madison Chesterfield Caroline Northumberland I Goochland Fluvanna Orange Hanover Greene Richmond Henrico King George Spotsylvania New Kent Lancaster Stafford Powhatan Louisa Westmoreland Fourth Region Ninth Region Amelia Mecklenburg Bland Russell Appomattox Nottoway Buchanan Scott Brunswick Prince Edward Dickerson Smyth Buckingham Prince George Giles Tazewell CUlllberland Lee Washington Dinwiddie Pulaski Wise Greensville Lunenburg Tenth Region" I Fifth Region Arlington .culpepper Fairfax Carroll Fauquier Charlotte Loudoun Franklin . Prince William Grayaon Halifax Henry Patrick Pittsylvania Wythe BE IT RESOLVED that a certified copy of tbis resolution be transmitted to Mr. W. B. Speck, Field Secretary of the League of Virginia Counties, so that he may place it upon the agenda for presentation to the members of the League of Virginia Counties at their next annual meeting for their consideration and adoption. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. 1 Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in September, 1959. 1 ~~Cha'-. Court House Salem, Virginia September 21, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session: Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roano County offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnishe him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: = I I I a League of Virginia Counties, Membership dues and Contribu- tion to Urban County Committee Fund 1,284.00 Salem Office Supply, Officesapplies 95.06 No. 32536 Times-Register Co., Advertising in paper 32537 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense to Charlottesville for Local Government II " 32538 " 32539 32540 Kee Lox Mfg. Co., Binders for Commissioner of Revenue II II 32541 International Business Machine Co., 1 new Electric Type- writer, &. repairing typewriter 32542 Roanoke County Schools, Maintenance County Vehicles 32543 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Liability -COIIIprehensive AutOlllObile Insurance 32544 Standard Register Co., 1959 Tax tickets for Treasurer 32545 Roanoke Stamp &. Seal Co., Office supplues 32546 Acme Printers Inc. ,Book Binding and office supplies 32547 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 32548 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash fund 32549 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Automobile 32550 Underwood Corporation, Repairing Typewriter 32551 United States Pencil Co., Office supplies 32552 Void II II II " II " " II " II II " 32553 Ha10id Xerox, Inc., Record paper 32554 Dictaphone Corp., office supplies 32555 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets 32556 LeRoy Moran, Attorney, Services rendered Court appointed Attorney 32557 City of Roanoke, RoOlll and Board for Children Detained at Detention HOllIe 32558 Peters Creek Shell Service Station, Parts, Wash etc. 32559 Salem Motors, Inc., Parts and Wash jobs 32560 Town of Salem, Light, Water & Sewage Treatment cost 32561 Town &. Campus Men I s Shop, Wearing Apparel 32562 Morton Insurance Agency, Bond 32563 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Police Car #2 32564 John B. Stetson COIIIpany, Wearing Apparel 32565 S\lIIIIlIerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Yehicles " II II II II " " II " " " " $ 17.10 142.32 50.95 462.50 663.79, 3,044.66 1,255.39 8.55 68.00 571.55 95.65 26.66 23.00 8.00 969.30 1.95 6.40 20.00 60.00 6.00 27.47 445.46 18.00 5.00 1.95 134.72 17.60 396 No. 32566 Wilson's Esso &. Grocery, Maintenance vehicles 32567 Radio Communications, Radio Ma::'atenance 32568 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance Police Cars August 32569 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 32570 Esso Standard Oil Co., Maintenance Co. Vehicles Gas 32571 Miller Tire Service, Tires &c 32572 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Coroner Investigation 32573 Roanoke Gas co., Cooking Fuel for Jail and Home Demonstra- tion Kitchen and C. S. Fire Station 32574 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners . " " " " " " " " " 32575 J. W. Reynolds, Food for Prisoners 32576 Rainbo Bread COIIIpany, Food for prisoners 32577 Void 32578 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospitalization for Prisoners " " " $ 77 .43 79.85 266.17 . I 1 160.10 i 71. 72 ! 26.60 i 10.00 i I I 16.00 ! 154.94 24.00 . 46.44 I 229.25 " 32579 Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., Medical services rendered prisoners 21.00 32583 Monarch Finer Foods, Food, DisL,fectant: and Medical supp1:les 186.09 32584 Dr. S. D. Carey, Examination for Court hearing, attending prisoners at Jail " 32580 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 32581 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies 32582 Deluxe Laundry &. Dry Cleaners, Laundry for County Jail " " " " " 32585 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 32586 Green Market, Food for prisoners 32587 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 32588 Eugene Honaker, Refund cost of gas on trip to Richmond, Va. 32589 Paul A. Hartman, Treasurer, August Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 32590 J. W. Griggs &. W. H. Witt, August Rent on C. S. Fire House 32591 G. C. Foley, August Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 32592 McClung Lumber Co., Supplies for Bt. Mt. Fire House 32593 Void " " " " " " " " " 32594 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance County owned Vehicles " 32595 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline purchased for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck " Fuel Oil &. Equipment Co., Fuel for HolliIlS_ Fire Station Farmer's Service Station, Gas, parts, &c " 32596 32597 32598 32599 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental Fee on Water Softner " Arrow Hardware Paint &. Feed Co., Supplies Hollins Fire House " " 32600 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 32601 J. P. Bell Co., Record books " " Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Catawba Fire House Crippled Children's Hospital, Contribution Burrell Memorial Hospital, ft:ate-Local Hospital Bills II 32602 32603 32604 " " 32605 State Department of Health, Appropriation for support of local Health Department 32606 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills 32607 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 32608 State Department of Health, 100 copies of Plumbing Code 32609 Roanoke Auto Aligni~ Service, Repairs and Parts 32610 Railway Express Agency, Express collect on Code Books " " " " " " 27.90 ' 9.85 ' 36.30 22.50 41.40 : 70.85 8.60 3.20. I 60.00 . 60.00 · 60.00 ! 1.25 : 430.47 , 8.66, 37 .30 ~ 18.43 ~,I 5.10 : I 4.00 'I I 32.62 ,I ! 32.89 . 3.00 : ! 200.00 ~ 425.50 ,I " !l II ~ I 6,334.00: 1,054.50 'i I 44.89: 'i 65.00 I i 6.50: I ;1 19.67 l' I I o J o c 8 II II - No. 32612 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies $ 11. 96 14.20 3.00 82.90 20.00 35.54 2.25 12.50 8.71 9.04 20.34 26.40 II 32613 Roanoke !look &. Stationery Co.., office supplies 32614 Malcolm Blueprint &. Supply Co., Map for House Numbering 32615 Rish Equipment Co., Repair Parts for Tracto~ and Labor 32616 G1envar Auto Repair Shop, Repairs to Tractor 32617 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 32618 W. M. Newman, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 32619 Keller Machine Co., Repairs to Tractor 32620 Beach Service Center, Gas and Oil for Garbage Trucks 32621 Diesel Injection Sales &. Service, Parts for Garpage truck 32622 Standard Parts Corp. Parts and Labor on P-10 32623 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Grease for Garbage Trucks 32624 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment charges for the General. Electric Line 32625 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County Office Building 32626 Dame Roofing Co., Repairs to County Office Bldg. 32627 Rodgers Clock Service, Repairs to Tower Clock 32628 Salem Paint Co., Building Supplies fo;r: Courthouse 32629 Salem Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and Equipment for building 32630 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 32631 Owen Plumbing Co., P1U111bing Repairs to Courthouse 32632 Void 32633 Void 32634 McKesson &. Robbins, Polio Vaccine 32635 E. Kyle Farmer, Refund 32636 Southern Machinery &. Supply Co., Street signs 32637 Plunkett Plumbing &. Hardware Co., Refund overpayment on two p1U111bing permits .75 II II II n II II " II II II II II' 287.77 64.15 21.00 56.25 .51 II n II II II 20.65 3.00 27.65 II II II II II 84.28 .50 217.18 II II II 32638 Charles E. Via, Jr., Coordinator, Request for Civil Defense expenses 180.90 32639 Roanoke County Schools, Gasolinepurchased fo~ Hollins Tank 301.96 32640 Nelson Hardware Co., 1 New Electric Fan 47.74 32641 Tarpley's, Inc., 2 Air Conditioning Units 358.00 32642 Tidewater Supply Co., Fire Hose for Bent Mountain Station 1,220.10 32643 Oren Roanoke Corp. Fire equipment Bent Mountain Station 5,951.66 32644 Cary Hall Machinery Co., 1 new Garbage Truck 3,087.40 32645 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for General Stores 100.00 32646 M. A. Bain, Rental of Election booth, material for partition- ing off for booth 10.50 32647 Dr. R. B. S1lIi1ey, Lunacy Hearings, Drunk driving examinations 80.00 ~ 32648 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk driving examination 5.00 II Ii 32649 J. Wilson Ingram, Lunacy fee 10.00 32650 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy fee 10.00 32651 Murray A. Stroller, Lunacy fee 10.00 II " " II II " " " " " II " " " 32652 Dr. Robert Paine, Jr., Lunacy Fee 32653 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy fee 32654 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy fee 32655 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse traveling expense 32656 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware and Building supplies 32671 Salem Hardware Co., Disinfectant and Misc. Items 10.00 10.00 30.00 44.80 5.87 " " " ~~....,,~-_.._- No. 32675 Times Register Co., Publishing School Compulsory Attendance law in local paper $ 12.00 32676 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., PremiUIII on Policy for County Fleet II " 250.00 239.90 32677 32678 " C &. P Telephone Co., telephone service Mrs. Virginia B. ThOlllas, Work in Delinquent Tax Collector's Office 32679 Pitney Bowes, Inc., Rental Fee on Postage Machine for Treasurer 21.60 27.32 6.98 50.00 33.63 22.92 18.94 2.01 I 7~SO I " " 32680 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse August Traveling Expense 32681 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 32682 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner cases 32683 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Fuses and batteries 32684 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Hollins Fire House 32685 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., 1 level for County Inspector 32686 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 32687 Void 32688 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assitant in Engineer's Office " II " II II II " II 213.17 II 32689 Paul Eller, Assisting in Electrical and Plumbing Inspections 299.84 II 32690 ThOIIIas Brothers, Maintenance of County Dump 32691 Miller Tire Service, Part P-10 Garbage Truck 32692 George Klotz, Refund on Garbage Collection Fee 32693 Liberty Sales Corp. Fire Hose for Town of Salem Station 32694 Nelson Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies 32695 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator Co., Service to Flowmeter 32696 Salem Office Supply Co., 6 files 32697 Keller Machine Co., Repairs to P-2 Garbage Truck 24.00 .90 9.75 325.71 28.66 85.50 28.69 9.74 " " " I II II II II II 32700 32701 32702 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, Welfare Expenditures 570.50 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 6.69 1 Roanoke County Court, Warrants for collecting de1:l.nquent taxes138. 7:'~ ! II II IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 1 No. 32657 Mrs. Esther Long, Clerical assitance at Dog Clinic 32658 Mrs. Lenna Hartman, Clerical Assistance at Dog Clinic 32659 Mrs. Dorothy Rhodes, Clerical Assistance at Dog Clinic 32660 Ralph E. Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse helO at dog Pound 32661 Void 32662 Salem Animal Hospital, Doctor's Services - Rabies Vaccination and Medicine 151.20 " $ 15.00 15.00 10.00 7.00 1 " " " " " 32663 Goodwin Andrews Ins. Co., Liability Insurance on Dog Truck 45.53 32664 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance of Dog Truck 161.63 32665 Radio Coumunications Co., Radio Maintenance 7.50 32666 Mr. Lewis Parker, Reimburse Expenses on trip to Richmond 7 .00 32667 Ralph E. Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse expenses on trip to Richmond 19.75 32668 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on courtsey card 5.75 32669 Miller Tire Service, Tires for liIDg ..Truck " " " " " " 399 - -.--- No. 32670 TOIII Long's Gulf Station, Maintenance of Dog Truck $ 26.02 " 32672 County School Board of R. C., Gasoline and Oil for Dog Truck 42.15 " 32673 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food 17.70 " 32674 Belle Aire Lawn &. Garden Center, Dog Food 17.50 a " 32698 Goodwin Andrews Ins. Co., PremiUIII on Fire, Theft &c 5.00 " 32699 James L. Parker, Assistant to Dog Warden 47.53 ~ JAMES E. PETERS, , Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Iloard the following report: "Salem, Virginia September 21, 1959 To the Iloard of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business September 19, 1959, there was to the credit of the General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Education Fund School Construction Fund School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account F. I. C. A. $ 96,528.90 1,863.21 4,295.40 366.81 124,857.35 119,134.49 6,596.80 589.37 2 789.92 1i357,3zz.Z5 Respectfully submitted, ~ James E. Peters, Treasurer Said report approved and ordered filed. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Iloard the receipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer. for $1,627.23, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of August, 1959, less cOllllllissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,545.87 net. o the SUIII of $140.76 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,876.66. Adopted by the following recorded vote: H. Taxes $739.30, is to be ~u To -lJt-.. C. . ~ '1/ 'Y1~1 J.hn Loe "'ll"" """ ......1 a ., ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of September, 1959, be approved in the amount of $7,756.63, frOlll which c Ayes: G. Terrell Nays: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period August 16, 1959, ending August 31, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,832.61, frOlll which the SUIII of $45.79 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and total W. H. Taxes $84.40 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,702.42; 'UT,- e. .eJ. Q" c., ~ ' q/2~ 400 ~tc. w.~ -r 'i)"I}~ I ~c..t:t .,.~ ~ . , 1~:Jr And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period September 1, 1959, ending September 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $2,133.00, from Which the sum of $53.33 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $104.90 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,974.77. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered . filed: I H. W. ClARK, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in Roanoke County Jail for the month of August, 1959; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of August, 1959; EIJWU) S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for August, 1959; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for August, 1959; r i ~ I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #32502 in the amount of $40.00 payable to G. A. Scruggs, Post- master, for postage; Voucher-check #32503 in the amount of $35.30 payable to Edwin G. Terrell for traveling expenses to Richmond; Voucher-check #32511 in the amount of $26.25 payable to Roanoke County Court for warrants and court costs in collecting delin- quent taxes; Voucher-check #32513 in the amount of $240.00 payable to G. A. Scruggs, Post- master, for postage; Voucher-check #32514 in the amount of $220.00 payable to J. R. ~aliaferro for advance traveling expenses to elec~ cal meeting in New York City and Hampton Voucher-check #32515 in the amount of $41.25 payable to Roanoke County Court for warrants and court costs in collecting delin- quent taxes; I I I ! I , ! l f: r i I " I Vo'~er-check #32516 in the amount of $56.65 payable to C &. P Telephone Company, for service at Mt. Pleasant and Clearbrook Fire ! Stations. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. '::undiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I IN RE: INSPECTION OF COUNTY COVRT HOUSE BOILER: 1 Report dated August 14, 1959, of H. E. !e1cher, Chief Inspector The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition of boiler located in County Court House, N. E. Corner Main Street So College Avenue, Salem, Virginia, advising that no conditions were observed that required attention at this time, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. 401 c The following communications were this day. laid before the Board: Copies of resolutions #13833,413834 and 413835, dated September 14th, 1959, Council City of Roanoke, Va., amending contract. of September 28, 1954, between City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of dOIIIestic and Commercial wastes, be, and the same are ordered filed. Copies of letters dated September 16, 1959, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk Roanoke County, Board of Supervisors, frOlll J. Robert ThOIIIas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va., received and ordered filed. c The State Corporation Commission of Virginia this day submitted statements of Assessed Value of Railroad, Express, Sleeping Car and Steamboat Companies, Electric Light and Power Corporations, Gas and Water Corporations, and Pipe Line Transmission Corporations, and Telephone and Telegraph Comp....ies in the CoaIDonwealth of Virginia, and the State Taxes Extended for the year 1959. IN RE: REzoning property on the easterly side of State Secondary RoUte No. 623 south of Sun Valley Boulevard of Orlando Corporation .Q!~!! ;t:~ ~~tt fOtc.l. B. l)1~ ~ (4.,.. c. p.jlc.......~ "I JH/~1 x ~ This day came Orlando Corporation, by Counsel, and requests leave to file its petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED 1:hat the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordjnance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. c AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commil'sion shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of. this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this " 0 r , ~ resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul Bl Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisors Edwin G! Terrell and seconded by Supervisors John Lee Logan, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 402 eA.rt::- '""* ;..J..,t. It~ $...e.- ..r:: 'I}"'7 ~., ! I I I i i I . ~ ~' ! "'~I i If ,t~.t,i i :~! l\fiy- I ;.1 "I"j'~~ I , ., .. .. ~ l I Bruce W. Janney and G. R. Terrill, residents of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, in reference to a change of route of School Bus in Crestwood.Park; whereupon, the Board of Supervisors advised the applicants that this Board had no control whatever over the School Bus schedules, and suggested that the matter be taken up with the Roanoke County School Board. I Board of Supervisors VB x I ORDER The Public and the State Highway CoIIIIIission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Oak Drive frOlll Rt. 311 to D. E. -- 0.22 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Oak Ridge, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 108 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke, County, Virginia, ............... and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report frOlll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property own rs . is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way anJ right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Oak Drive frOlll Rt. 311 to D. E. -- 0.22 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch 1 accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to becOllle a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W..E.Cundiff and Hinor R. Keffer Nays: None . This day came C. D. Bowles Company, Incorporated, by T. L. Plunkett, Jr., their Attorney, and requested the approval of the Revised Map of Lynnhaven Hills made by C. B. Malcolm &. Son, under date of September 15, 1959, which revised map vacates and makes void the original map of Lynnhaven Hills dated July 15. 1959, of record in Plat Book 4, at page 23; I Upon consideration of said request, on motion of Supervisor Jolm Lee Logan~ seconded by aJpervisor Edwin G. Terrell, the Chairman of this Board is hereby 1 authorized and directed to sign said map showing the consent of this Board 1 to the vacation of the map of Lynnhaven Hills of record in Plat Book 4, at page I ,I ~ i i1 Ii 1 23. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Jolm Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and IN RE: TRANSFER FR(I{ GENERAL COUNTY FUND TO LIBRARY FUND: CI On motion, duly secmded, it is ordered that the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper be authorized to transfer by journal entry the SUIII of twenty- seven hundred and twenty-eight dollars ($2,728.00) from the general county fund to the said library fund for the period ending October 31, 1959; and further that the amount of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) heretofore transferred to said library fund frOlll the general county fund be approved; and in the future that the SUIII of fourteen hundred and thirty-ew dollars ($1,432.00) be transferred by journal entry by the County Treasurer and the County Bookkeeper each month for the remaining fiscal year 1959-1960, ccmimenc1ng November 1st, 195 , c from the general county fund to the library fund. Adopted by the 'following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer,. Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None Letter dated September 17, 1959, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Mrs. Blanche B. Pedneau, Librarian, received and ordered filed. a IN RE: PURCHASE OF STAMPING AND SEALING MACHINE: On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer is hereby authorized and directed to purchase a stamping and sea:in; machine frOlll Pitney-Bowles Company at a price of Eight Hundred and ninety-three dollars ($893.00), primarily for use in the Treasurer's Office. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell None = BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Counc for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954. between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, deali with the treatment of dOIlIes tic and ccmmercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: Description of 0.39 Acre Josephine A. ThOIIIas Property and 54.3 acres, more or less, property of G. L. Hash, et als, to be subdivided and known as "Townside." a BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Virginia Highway, Route 119 and Jones Street6 thence with the east side of Jones Street (5Q feet wide) N. 38 14' W., 203.1 feet to a point; thence N. 34 14' W., 208.6 feet to a point; thence leaving the east side of Jones Streete and with east lines of V. I. C. and C. C~any property, N. 13 53' W., 859.6 feet to! point; thence N. 1 02' W., 221.1 feet to a psintj thence N. 12 55' E., 471.25 feet to a poiBt; thence N. 26 20 W., 179.84 feet to a point; thence N. 40 50' W., 23.6 feet to a point; thence sith southeesterly lines of V. I. C. and C. Company 9.84 acre tract, N. 47 22' E. 110.0 feet to a point in the center line 06 Ore Wash Branch; thence down the center line of same, N. 41 26' E., 106.9 feet to a point; thence N. 30026' E., l14.4'feet to a point; thence 403 ~~';.I.J. r..~. ~:~.~ c..' . ,<,... oU ,e.. r ~U.r C.~, CD~ <r I ') 1~"" 1cbti ~:I1tr ~~\~ ~ ~~ ;~ .u b :~~.~ J").1~' (~.p " N. 460 51' E., 196.0 feet to 8 point; N. 880 11' E., 54.5 feet to a poAnt; thence S. 53 49' E., 59.0 feet to a poist; thence N. 53 59' E., 145.0 feet to a point; thence N. 37 57' E., 106.71 feet to a point; thence leaving the center line of Ore Wash Branch and with the southwest line of Tract 7, Acsal Corporation Map, S. 52 n14' E., 1339.6 feet to a point on the present northwest right-of-wayoline of U. S. Route No. 220; thence with thS same, S. 31 18' W., 136.9 feet to a point; tgence S. 32 16' W., 229.32 feet to a point; &hence S. 27 59' W., 474.31 feet to a point; thence S. 26 53' W., 185.57 feet to a point; thence leaving the northwest side of U. S. Highway Route No. 220 and ~th the northeast line of the J. W. Smith property N. 52 55' W., 144.0 feet to a poAnt; thence with the west line of the Smith property, S. 36 50' W., 318.1 feet to a point; thence with the nor~east line of the Julian Milton Graham property, N. 52 55' W., 8.5 feet to a point; thence with the northwest line of the Graham property, S. 370 05' W., 120.5 feet to a pOin&; thence with the southwest line of the Grahal:!1 property S. 49 30' E., 206.1 feet to a point on the northwest si~ of Virginia Highway Route 119; thence with &he same, S. 38 53' W., 75.9 feet to a point; thence N. 52 55' W., 4.4 feet to a point; thence wi&h the northwest side of Virginia Highway Route No. 119, S. 43 39' W., 595.85 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being an inclusive boundary description of the G. L. Hash, et a1s 54.3 acres, more or less, and the Josephine A. Thomas 0.39 acre tract, and being shown on plat prepared by C. B. Malcolm and Son, State Certified Engineers, dated September 21, 1959. And that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas' were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, tc- tt e City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain i n full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, illmediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in~ full force and effect frOlll and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Reffer and John Lee Logan Nays: None <IU>ERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in October, 1951' , I Chai!i I Court House il Salem, Virginia -i . October 19, 195' The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House ~ i thereof in regular monthly session. Present: ~l. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin GJ :1 Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. Thomas D. Toler, Pastor, Haran Baptist murch, Roanoke County, offered a prayer. , <Ii; ',' I I , 1 1 1 The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable c therewith, to-wit: No, 32802 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance County owned Vehicles $ 662. 6 c c a G 32805 Merchants Industries Inc., office supplies 32806 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies 32807 Easter supply COIIIpany, office supplies 32808 Burroughs Corporation, Maintenance agreement on Delinquent Tax Collector's office equipment &c 32809 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 19.7 32810 Acme Typewriter Co., Rent on equipment and office supplies 9.2 32811 Todd COIIIpany Division, Signature Plate for Treasurer 21.0 32812 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Post Office Box Rent 2.2 32813 Meador &. Greer, Changing Safe Combination in Treasurer's Office 12.0 32814 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Traveling Expense Probation Officer 75.1 32815 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense Chief Probation Officer " 32803 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 32804 National Cash Register Co., Office supplies for Commissioner of Revenue II II " " " " " " " " " " " 32816 Fairview Home, County's pro-rata share of expense in maintaining hOllle for the aged at Dublin 11. 9 " 32817 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts Police Car # 1 " 32818 Federal Laboratories, Inc., Tear Gas for Sheriff's Office " 32819 Void " 32820 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance Police Vehicle 32821 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Sheriff's car . and Co. Engineer's Car 32822 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigations 32823 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for County Vehicles 32824 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for County Cars 32825 International Business Machine Corp., office supplies 32826 Salem Motors, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 32827 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co. Parts for P-10 and Batteries for Flashlights 32828 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Police Car #5 32829 Town &. Campus Men's Shop, Alterations on Police Uniforms 32830 Town of Salem, Light, Water and Sewage service 32831 Williams Auto Alignment, Repair and Parts for Police Car #10 32832 Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance Co. Vehicles 32833 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance County Owned Vehicles " II " " " " " II " " " II " " 32834 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners II 32835 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician and Coroner Investigations 32836 American Bakeries Co., Food for Prisoners 32837 Va11eyda1e Packers, Food for Prisoners 32838 Virginia Foods, Food, disinfectant and Janitor supplies 32039 Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel for Jail, Home Demonstration Kitchen and Fire House II " " " 122.5 15.6 124.9 38.3 3.6 6.0 482.6 177.7 180.4 31.41 270.0 65.9, il 27.6~ 186.54 I 17.8 406 32847 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry - Prisoners 45.96 32848 Bramb1eton Auto Service, Repairs and Parts C. S. Fire Truck 27.76 32849 Cave Spring Water Co., Water Service Cave Spring Fire House 8.25 32850 H. C. Baker Sales Co., Parts C. S. Fire Truck 4.89 32851 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 4.00 32852 J. W. Griggs &. W. H. Witt, Sept. Rent on C. S. Fire House 60.00 32853 Arrow Hardware Paint &. Feed Co., supplies for Hollins Fire House 2.72 32854 G. C. Foley, Sept. Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire House 60.00 32855 C1earbrook Lion's Club, Sept. Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 60.00 32865 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for County Engineer's Car 12.80 32866 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatmenr charges for General Electric Line No. 32840 S &. W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for County Jail 32841 J. W. Reynolds Feed Store, Food for Prisoners 32842 Owen Plumbing Co., Repair work on Building and Equipment and St. Signs 32843 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 32844 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 32845 Mrs. Gertha Lynch, HelllDing towels for Co. Jail 32846 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners " " " " " " II " " " " " " " " " 32856 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for C. S. Fire House 32857 R. A. Lester &. Son, Repair and Parts C. S. Fire Truck 32858 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire House 32859 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance County Owned Vehicles 32860 Shepherd's Auto Supply, Parts Hollins Fire Truck 32861 SUIlIDerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 32862 State Forester, County's pro rata share of expense in ~ontrolling forest fires in Va. 32863 Times-Registc~ Co., office supplies 32864 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., office supplies " " " " " " " " " " " 32867 Wilson's Esso &. Grocery, Repairs, Oil Gas, &c 32868 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 32869 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Garbage Trucks 32870 McClung Lumber Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks 32871 Miss Catherine E. Moon, Refund Garbage Fee 32872 Graves-HUlllphreys Hardware Co., 1 dozen square tubs for Garbage collection 32873 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 32874 T. J Clifton, Refund Garbage collection fee 32875 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts, Oil and Grease Tractor 32876 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Parts 32877 Mrs. Maude L. Poff, Services as Registrar Bent Mt. 32878 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Services Registrar 32879 American Chemical Co., Janitor Supplies 32880 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and Mis. Items 32881 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 32882 Sunnyside Awning &. Tent Co., Replacing and repairing cords on venetian blinds " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " $ 3.05 58.50 108.15 134.65 91.01, 7.50 43.70 1 I 1. 91 9.73 4.44 777.04 13.32 31.30 1 120.00 85.00 2.09 246.88 50.40 14.62 15.08 4.00 4.50 1 35.28 2.43 3.75 208.29 33.58 143.50 11.05 12.18 10.45 94.93 1 4.80 a ~ ~ ~ ~ I :: i " " _. No. 32883 Salem Hardware Co., supplies 32884 Purex Corporation, Ltd. Janitor supplies 32885 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry for janitors 32886 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service " " " " $ 15.55 2.16 6.24 3.00 32887 Graves-HUlllphreys Hardware Co., material for Index 59 Harvest Festival 3.53 32888 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline purchased for Hollins gas tank 180.52 " " " 32889 32890 Malcolm Blueprint &. Supply Co., Maps Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Material for Index 59 Harvest Festival 2.00 9.00 32901 State Office Supply, Inc. 12 doz. Brown Wallace Pencils 7.94 32902 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for distribution to offices 80.00 32903 Dr. S. D. Carey, Examination of Drunk drivers 25.00 32905 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy fees 20.00 32906 Void 32907 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy fee 40.00 32908 Salem Glass Co., Top for Desk in Clerk's Office 4.58 32921 Nancy C. Camper, Extra office assistant in Treasurer's Office 25.33 32922 William H. Witt, Relief Fire Chief at Cave Spring Station during vacation period 32929 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital care for Prisoner 60.70 32930 Dr. Robert R. Rudolph, Consultation at Lewis-Gale Hospital 20.00 32931 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-,Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 1,184.00 " 32891 N &. W Railway Co., Rent Land for sewer pipe near Salem 32892 Southern Machinery &. Supply Co., Street signs 32893 Charles E. Via, Jr., Secretarial Assistance October 32894 Virginia Metal Manufacturing Co., Road Material 32895 County School Board of Roanoke Co., 1 Truck to be used for Garbage Collection 32896 Liberty Sales Corp. Fire Hose 32897 Motorola Communications Co., Bent Mt. Fire Dept. Radio 32898 Oren Roanokd Corporation, Equipment for Bent Mt. Fire Dept. 32899 Pitney-Bowes Inc., 1 new Mailing Machine for Treasurer's Office 32900 Tidewater Supply Co., 1 Pump " " " " " rr " " " " " " " 32904 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy fees " " " rr " " " 32923 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 32924 C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies 32925 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 32926 Charles Ballentine, office s~~plies 32927 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Psychiatric Examinations 32928 Powell's Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Co. Jail " " " " rr " " " " 32932 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 32933 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant " 1.00 24.67 157.00 109.99, 93.90 115.67 350.00 24.84 893.00 157.35 40.00 ' 75.00 14.73 . 12.35 15.52 20.43 10.00 2.85 37.00 266.51 32934 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty cash fund 5.50 32935 National Fire Protection Assoc. 200 National Electrical Code Books 150.00 32936 Paul Eller, assisting with Electrical and Plumbing inspections 88.14 32937 Miller Tire Service, tires for Police Vehicles and Garbage Trucks 149.24 No. 32938 " 32939 " 32940 " 32941 " 32942 Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Oil for Tractor used at Garbage Dump Commonwealth of Va., Maps Salem Camera Shop, 37 8xlO Enlarge Photo Finishing $ 7.92 143.25 111.00 Roanoke County School Board, Gasoline for Tank at Hollins Fire Station 78.48 Sunnyside Awning oS. Tent Co., 1 Tarpaulin for Bent Mt. Fire Dept. 35.20 1 Il 32943 32947 J. D. Crawford, 1 Radio Receiver for Bent Mountain Fire Dept.48.00 Judge Norman R. Moore, Traveling Expense attending annual meeting of County and Municipal Court Judges " " 57.56 1 32948 Edward H. Richardson, Costs advanced for bringing suit agains~ Brook Club for sewer charges 4.50 } IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 32909 32910 Brown Hardware Co., Supplies for Dog Warden J County School Board of Roanoke Co. ,Gas &. Oil &c " " 32911 J. D. Crawford, 1 Radio receiver with power supply 32912 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 32913 Gearhart Shoe Repair, 3 dog leads 32914 State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine 32915 Mrs. Dewey Sloan, fowl claim 32916 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 32917 Salem Hardware Co., Lamps and Misc. items 32918 H. L. Weaver, Fowl claim 32919 Western Auto Associate Store, Janitor supplies &c 32920 Yates &. Wells Garage, Repairs to Dog Truck 32944 Belle Aire Lawn &. Garden Center, Dog food 32945 Ralph E. Long, reimburse traveling expense to Richmond 32946 James L. Parker, Assisting Dog Warden " " " " " " " " " " " I f I , \ i: . ! I ~ I- 1 I i I ~ " $ 9.45 38.29 48.00 30.72 3.00 .1 7.80 8.40 7.50 33.20 8.00 6.83 7.00 17.50 4.65 126.29 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County thi' day submitted to the Board the following report: I "Salem, Virginia October 19, 1959 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun~y: At the close of business October 17, 1959, there was to the credit of the General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund Textbook Fimd F. I C. A. Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account $ 48,872.56 503.97 3,323.23 366.81 31,967.02 359,295.97 965.90 7,070.16 16.81 451. 90 7.72 l> 452,826.61 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. 1 --- a IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer, for $590.22, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of September, 1959, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $560.71 net. a On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of October, 1959, be approved in the amount of $7,806.64 from which the sum of $146.09 total'F. I. C. A., and Total W. H. Taxes $739.40 is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $6,921.15. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~, On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Col1ecti and Janitor Services for period September 16, 1959, ending September 30, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,951. 94, frOlll which the SUIII of $48.82 total F. I. C. A. Taxes 'and total W. H. Taxes $74.70 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,828.42; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period October 1, 1959, ending October 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $2,039.66, frOlll which the SUIII of $51.02 total F. 1. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes $89.10 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,899.54. Adopted by the following recorded vote: , G. Ayes: Terrell Nays: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin None The folloWing reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: a H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in. Roanoke County Jail for the month of September, 1959; H. W. ClARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of September, 1959; . EmARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for September, 1959; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for September, 1959; Report on Audit of FAIRVIEW HOME, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1959. c ~,~c. .@."i- -,'ol)...7~'" On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be ~ ~ approved, retro-active to date of issuance; '-C, ..... c... Voucher-check #32703 in the amount of $7,000.00 payable to Bemiss Equipment ~ <D ~ Company for one new tractor; ~ J ryJ-o/1 SZ ~ Voucher-check #32704 in the amount of $23.40 payable to M. G. Gunter for extra ~ labor' . A y- , ~ ~tlv",\ Voucher-check #32743 in the amount of $183.55 payable to C & P Telephone Company i for te1~phone service; ~ Voucher-check #32768 in the amount of $250.00 payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff for II advance traveling expense to Tampa, Florida, to get prisoner.: 410 I t Voucher-check #32773 in the amount of $93.75 payable to Roanoke County Court for warrants in collecting delinquent taxes; Voucher-check #32774 in t~f' mount of $17.20 payable to C &. P Telephone Co. for servi~_ at Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check #32775 in the amount of $3.00 payable to Appalachian Power COIIIpanyl for current used at meter station; , Voucher-check #32776 in the amount of $50.15 payable to C &. P Telephone COIIIpany for service at Cave Spring and Hollins Fire Stations; Voucher-check #32779 in the amount of $108.75 payable to J. D. Lockard, Clerk, Municipal Court in Roanoke, for warrant for collecting delinquenttaxes; I Voucher-check #32780 l in the amount of $56.65 payable to C &. P Telephone COIIIpany for services at Mt. Pleasant and ~ Fire Stations;. in the amount of $25.22 payable to Appalachian Power COIIIpan! for current at Mt. Pleasant and Clearbrook Fire Stations; in the amount of $5.00 payable to the Treasurer of Virginia: for Notary fees for Paul B. Matthews; Voucher-check #32801 in the amount of $75.00 payable to Roanoke County Court fo': warrants and Court costs in collecting delinquent taxlilS. I Voucher-check #32781 Voucher-check #32800 Adopted by the f'llowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated September 17, 1959, from Y. M. Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Virginia, and I H. W. Clark, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, Virginia, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County jail, dated August 24, 1959, received and ordered filed. I " I' ~ r Letter dated September 15, 1959, from George W. Dean, State Forester, Division of Forestry, submitting a summary of fiscal matters expended under Section 10-46 of the Code, between Roanoke County and the Virginia Division of Forestry for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1958, and ending June 30, 1959, received and ordered filed. r I u i , , I i I ! 1 i ~ I ~ 1 ! This day came Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, and showed unto the Board that C. F. and Emily Mae Holt have offered, in writing, to sell a tract of land on Bent Mountain containing 0.56 acres, as shown on map made by said County Engineer, dated September 25, 1959, at a price of five hundred dollars I ($500.00); I And the Board being of the opinion that said tract of land is necessary for a site for a fire station, on motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisors John Lee Logan, it is ordered that the offer of the said Holts be accepted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 411 a WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to purchase for a site for a fire station, at the purchase price of $500.00, a certain tract of land containing 0.56 acre, belonging to C. F. and Emily Mae Holt, and being more fully described in a map and description made by Paul B. Matthews, Engineer, September 25, 1959; NOW, THEREFCRE, Code of Virginia, as a Roanoke County be requested to appoint a competent and discreet Attorney at Law to examine the title to said real estate, and be IT FURTHER RESOLVED that under the provisions of Section 15-709.1 of the said Code, the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County be required to approve the deed to said real estate when sace is prepared, and further that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of the County, when title to said property has been examined and deed for same has been approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney. And the Clerk of this CO;Jrt is ORDERED to forthwith deliver a copy of this Resolution to the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and to Edw.. H. Richardson, Attorney for the Commonwealth of Roanoke I County . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. G. Terrell Nays: None I Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin .1 WHEREAS the property owners on Lucas Street, Aster Street, Wallace Street, and Chester Avenue, Map of Summer dean 43 and 45; and Mow1es ,Avenue, Map of Summit Hills #2 and 43, did request this Board to change the names of the ~ aforesaid streets, roads, or avenues; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein outside the corporate limits of towns. Such names shall take precedence over any other designation exceptthose primary highwa conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following street names be changed: Summerdean #3: j~~ -r- ?I 1:.. 4. (P--;fr-i- ,-.:"- :<~. 5, r2 Lucas Street frOlll Route 11 to (hester Avenue change to lA MARRE DRIVE. Aster Street frOlll Lucas Street to Dead End change to RIDGECREST DRIVE. Wallace Street from Aster Street to Dead End change to BROOKVIEW ROAD. , Chester Avenue frOlll Lucas Street to Wallace Street change to lA MARRE DRIVE. . SUIIIIIlerdean #5: Aster Street from Route 601 to Lucas Street change to RIDGECREST DRIVE. Summit Hills #2 and 43: Mowles Avenue from Nichols Street to Silverwood Road change to SUMMIT DRIVE. On motion of Supervisor W. E. Cundiff, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffe , . and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ..' 412 ~~, 'f~ - ~ ~. ::~,. ~~f ~~ ~~.--r ~~ ~1s~ WHEREAS it has become necessary that an Ope.ational Survival Plan be prepared for Roanoke County, Na.T, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Director of Civil Defense of Roanoke County, be and hereby is, directed to prepare an Operational Survival Plan for Roanoke County in' conformity with the State Operational Survival Plan. On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. TerrelL Nays: None I 1 WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with this I Board the hereinafter excerpt frOlll the minutes of the County School Board of Roanoke County, at a meeting thereof held on October 13, 1959: "WHEREAS, the County School Educational Fund has insufficient funds to meet the payments due on its obligations fo~ the month of October, and WHEREAS, there is a surplus in the County School Construction Fund, and i WHEREAS, a transfer of funds can be arranged, pending the receipt of county taxes and certain State allocations, Na.T, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke Couny, with the concurrent approval of the County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count , hereby requests and authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the County Bookkeeper to transfer by journal entry #225,000.00 frOlll the County School Construction Fund to the County School Educational Fund." Na.T, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanolre County hereby approves said request, and hereby authorized the Treasurer of Roanoke County to transfer by journal ent:ry an amount of $225,000.00 frOlll the County School Construction Fund to the County School Educational Fund. Upon motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None 1 ~ i I I r ! ! ~ ... I; " " I , " , Ii The following communications were this day laid before the Soard, and ~ [ ordered filed: :' Report of CoIImonwealth of Virginia, Department of Welfare and Institutions year I ended June 30, 1959; II Letter dated Septembker 29, 1959, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive;: Officer et a1s, from W. Frank Chapman, Town Manager, ~ Salem, Virginia, in re: petitions cOlllp1aining of :11 obnoxious odors~ coming frOlll garbage dump north of :, Town of Salem; :1 Letter dated September 23, 1959, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke county) Board of Supervisors, from Mrs. Paul Erdman, Director 1 of Public Relations, Crippled Children's Hos~ita1, ~ acknowledging receipt of County's check fer ~200.00 !! toward work of said hospital, and expressing its )1 appreciation of said appropriation. ~ ~ I I 414 tt::I~ ~. rt J 1')-1~ 1 ! I ! I t ~O:L.. tt:i ~~$"! Co f".,:CPf1f l 6-~ fa ' ~~. ~ 1 I ~ ~~- IN RE: REPORT OPERATIONAL AND FISCAL SUMMARY - ROANOKE COUNTY, YEAR 1958-59, OF RESIDENT ENGINEER - DEFT. OF HIGHWAYS: W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, this day submitted to the Board report of Operational and Fiscal Summary for Roanoke County, Covering Fiscal year 1958-59, which report is ordered filed. I IN RE: PURCHASE OF ADDING MACHINE FOR USE IN TREASURER'S OFFICE: On motion duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase at a price of $254.70, a Burroughs Director "200" Adding Machine for use in the Treasurer's Office of Roanoke County, the County to be re-imbursed for one-third of the cost of said machine by the State. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I IN RE: REFUND TO MRS. FRANCES S. FARMER F(Il. ERRONEOUS ASSESSMENT OF TAXES: This day came !'.rs. Frances S. Farmer and also the Commissioner of Revenue and shOwed unto the Board of Supervisors that an assessment of real estate taxes upon Lot 4, Section 26, Glade Land COIIIpany, assessed in the name of Fannie Farmer et als, was made for the years 1946 through 1958, and that she has paid these assessments through error through all these years, and requested the Board to refund the last three years erroneously paid, under the provisions of Section 58-1152.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended to date, and the Commissioner of Revenue having informed the Soard that said taxes were erroneous y 1 assessed against the Treasurer of Roanoke said Fannie Farmer et als, it is therefore ordered that the. I County refund unto Mrs. Frances S. Farmer the SUIII of $13.95 that being the erroneous assessment for the last three years. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I i ~ ~ 11 , II I :i l upon the application for Mountain Heights Dr. from Rt. 311 to D. E. -- 0.6 mile " i ~ j. Board of Supervisors vs 1 ORDER I The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Mountain Heights, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 178 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a J . Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Mountain Heights Dr. from Re. 311 to D. E. --0.6 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch .-, I :....J accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commitlsion of Virginia ~ This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings hel"ein, and upon the application for Richards Blvd. from Pilot Blvd. (Rt. 1631) to D. E. -- 0.03 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Sys tem of State Hig::,:ays. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Castle Hill Development Section 3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 115 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report frOlll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NaJ, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Richards Blvd. frOlll Pilot Blvd. (Rt. 1631) to D. E. -- 0.03 mile and which is shown on a certain sket h a accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors f! !.oJ x ORDER VB The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Jack Street from Rt. 1022 to Harwood Drive -- 0.1 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. s-~ tt;- ~ut a S-rCD~ t:tL.L1\ ~.~. ~;r 11~......rll-- S' . u.....:- . &.&. i\ Ilfr~i#t . f~ .Jt~ )~. J6f1~ It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Vinyard Gardens Annex, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 206 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Soard hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Jack Street from Rt. 1022 to Harwood Drive -- 0,1 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I 1 Board of Supervisors, vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Harwood Drive from Rt. 653 to Jack Street -- 0.3 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Vinyard Gardens Annex, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 206 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report frOlll a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll the abutting property owners is necessary. The Soard hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road kn~7tl as Harwood Drive from Rt. 653 to Jack Street -- 0.3 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch 1 accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to becOllle a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and Mino.: R. Keffer Nays: None I I c ~ a ~ t11 This day came C. D. Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, and showed unto the Board that CHARLES E. HUNLEY on October 13. 1959, erroneousl paid $28.31 to his office for delinquent merchant's capital personal property taxes for the year 1950, when as a matter of fact he had gone out of business and disposed of said property on August 19, 1949, and requested that he be permitted to refund to Mr. Hundley the SUIII of $28.31, which permission is granted; thereupon on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that said Delinquent Tax Collector write a check for above amount on his delinquent tax collection account to re-imburse Mr. Hundley for said taxes erroneously paid by him. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 6'L~ e~ If) _~/- "'1 E. M. Atkinson on behalf of the Roanoke County Civic League, this day appeared before the Board, and submitted a report setting forth the recOllllllendations of said League, which the League was confident would result in considerable savings to Roanoke County, and requested that the items suggested be eliminated frOlll the County Budget for the cOIIIing year. Said CoDmittee was assured that said recoumendations would be given proper consideration when next year's budget was prepared. Said report was ordered filed. Mr. Atkinson and his Coam1ttee was extended an invitation to attend the next meeting of the Roanoke County Welfare Board by Mr. Cundiff. Roy A. Lusk, Chairman of the Roanoke County Civic League, inquired of the . Board if any decision had been reached on the five point questionaire submitted to this Board by said League at a former meeting of this Board. He was advised by Mr. Cundiff, Chairman, that no deciSion had been reached by this Board at this time on said requests. I ORDERED that the Soard be adjourned until the third Monday in November, 1959. ~z///~ Chairman Court House Salem, Virginia November 16, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, and John Lee Logan. Absent: Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of Schools in Roanoke County offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. .-.....'_. The following claims against the County were this day presented. approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 33379 Mrs. Janet L. Ballentine, Deputy Registrar, Transfer, Registering &c " , I: , I ! 33395 F. J. Zi.umerman, RoOlll Rent Election Day 5.00 33396 I Alexander Grant &. Co., Examining records, preparing report and Auditing record of Treasurer 4,745.16 33397 IRoanoke County Schools, Maintenance of County owned vehicles 996.41 33398 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses attending League of Va. Counties and Highway Conference 198.00 33399 United States Pencil Co., Office 3 doz. Plymouth Pencils 11.50 33400 Salem Office supply Co.. office supplies 31.81. 33401 Russell L. Paxton Prin~ing Co., office supplies 19.45 33402 Morton Insurance Agency, Increase Treasurer's Bond 20.20 33403 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 602.03 33404 Everette Waddey Co., Record Books 64.55 33405 C. W. Warthen Co., Office supplies 187.16 33406 State Treasurer, Expense incurred in connection with audit of accounts 248.57 II 33380 Ervin Board, Janitor services Election Day 33381 Isaac H. Bowles, "RoOlll Rent Electicn Day 33382 Dan D. Clifton. RoOlll Rent Election Day 33383 J. L. Flinchum, Janitor services at So. Salem Precinct #2. Election Day 33384 Mrs. A. B. Harri, Services as Deputy Registrar 33385 Edward Bowell, Janitor Services Election Day 33386 Hart Motor Co.. Room Rent Election Day 33387 Buck Jarvis. Janitor services Election Day 33388 Theodore Johnston, Janitor Services Election Day 33389 Samuel Moore, Janitor Services Election Day 33390 John McPherson, Janitor services Election Day 33391 Roanoke Mills, Inc., Preparing Voting List 33392 R. S. Teele, RoOlll Rent Election Day 33393 Mack H. Wright, Janitor Services Election Day 33394 Irvin Woods. Janitor Services at Bent Mt. School II II " II II " II " " " " II " " " II " " " " " " " " " II II 33407 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies for Clerk 33408 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 33409 Double Envelope Corp. Envelopes for County Clerk and Public Works 33410 Coronet Carbon &. Ribbon Co., office supplies 33411 West Publishing Co., Subscription 1959 CUlllulative Va. &. West Va. Digest 33412 Furman Whitescarver, Dues Roanoke Co. Law Library 33413 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets " " " II " " " $ 16.65 5.00 20.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 90.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 26.34 3.97 58.44 2.82 30.00 75.00 69.59 33414 Treasurer of Virginia, County's share of salary of the Judge 1,865.84 33415 Lawyers Co.operative Publishing Co., Subscription for Judge Moore 10.00 " II 33416 Wallace O. Deyerle, Fee for Issuing Warrants 33417 Void 33418 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies " II 31.50 42.78 I 1 I ~ i1 i I ! ~ ,I " il :1 " 'I " ~ J ! I I c a CI ~ c " " No. 33419 City Auditor, ROOI!I and Board for Children detained at . the Detention Home " 33420 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenan-ce County Police cars 33421 Town of Salem, Light and Water Service 33422 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs to Police Car 33423 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner Case, Jail Physician salary 33424 Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing Appare'l for Sheriffs 33425 SlIIIIIlerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 33426 Salem Motors, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 33427 Radio(;on-mnnications Co., Radio Maintenance 33428 Miller Tire Service,Repair parts &c 33429 Goodyear Service Store, Tires for Police Car #6 33430 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline 33431 W. S. Clements, Inc., Parts ,'~O Police Car 33432 Andrew Lewis Phillips "66" Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 33433 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners 33434 Va1leydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 33435 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware and Garbage Can 33436 The Sanfax Co., Janitor supplies 33437 J. W. Reynolds Feed Store, Food for Prisoners 33438 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for Jail, Home Demonstration Kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House 33439 Bowman's Bakery, Food for Prisoners 33440 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Jail and Courthouse 33441 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 33442 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Heating Jail 33443 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 33444 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 33445 Dame Roofing Co., Repairs to Jail Roof 33446 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies 33447 Void 35448 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry Co. Jail 33449 Mt. Plersant Garage, Parts, Oil &c 33450 Fuel O~ &. Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 33451 Natur' _ Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House 33452 Mt. Pleasant Grocery, Gas for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck 33453 Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to Fire Truck " " " " " " " " " " 33454 33455 33456 33457 Mrs. G. C. Foley, Oct. Rent on Fire House J. W. Griggs &. W. H. Witt, Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station 60.00 60.00 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Clearbrook Lion's Club, October Rent on Fire Stat10n " " " ~,..~,. ;~_:. ,.:"=w.;~:_.~...,, - $ 56.00 143.26 440.19 4.70 120.00 1,147.25 36.35 91.64 27.50 99.83 90.04 29.25 18.01 251.55 100.74 40.82 7.95 45.08 43.50 34.85 71.78 124.41 146.58 31.00 113.61 59.80 12.00 9.85 23.22 8.60 47.25 17.20 13.88 5.00 4.00 60.00 33458 Arrow Hardware &. Paint Co., Supplies for Hollins Fire House 1.66 " 33459 33460 33461 33462 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State Local Hospitalization for Welfare407.00 " Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare State Department of Health, Appropriation for support of Local Health Department 33463 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies for Public Works " " 33464 Void 610.50 740.00 6,334.00 43.70 i i I I , 420 " 33474 Tidewater Supply Co., Hose for Washing garbage trucks 34.91 33475 G. A. Scruggs, P. M. Remain...ar of Postage for sending out: garbage notices 59.42 33476 Spangler Garage, Reimburse repairs to sign damaged by Garbage truck 25.00 33477 M. A. Maloney, Refund Garbage Collection fee 3.00 33478 Keller Machine Co., Repairs to Garbage truck 49.50 No. 33465 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant in Public Works office 33466 Lewis Kenneth Whitlock, Reimburse Traveling Expense to Richmond 33467 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., office supplies 33468 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., PremiUIII on bond and Fire Ins. 33469 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 33470 Technical Reproduction Co., Maps and office supplies 33471 Malcolm Blueprint &. Supply Co.. Maps 33472 Wilson's Esso &. Grocery, Maintenance garbage trucks 33473 Void " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 33479 W. W. Henderson, Lumber used for shed at Dump 33480 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., LUlllber &c 33481 Beach Service Center, Gas for P-4 Garbage Truck 33482 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for P-10 Garbage Truck " " " " $ 270.97 13.47 2.93 19.73 6.70 43.98 18.75 61.60 1 I 48.00 27.30 2.65 7.71. 33483 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tags for Garbage cans 35.30 33484 City of Roanoke, Sewage Treatment charges for the General Electric Line 339.76 33494 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 10,89 33495 Charles E. Via, Jr. ,Request for Civil Defense Program &c 144.90 33496 Void 33497 State Board of Education, surplus supplies for Civil Defense Program 364.50 33498 Roanoke County School Board, Gasoline purchased for tank at Hollins 242.37 33499 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., 1 Metal Sign for Judge Moore 8.00 " " 33485 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 33486 Salem Farm Supply Co., Maintenance of Grounds Fertilizer, seed &c 33487 Roanoke Book &. Stationery Co., Building supplies 33488 Roanoke! Linen Service, Towel service 33489 McClung Lumber Co., Repair Material for Courthouse 33490 Fuel Oil &. Equipment Co., Fuel for Courthouse 33491 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., 1 new Electric Fan 33492 Salem Paint Co., Paint 33493 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware &c " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 33500 W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, legal services 33501 State Office Supply Co., office supplies 33502 Burroughs Division, 1 new Adding Machine 33503 Harvest Motors Inc., Parts for Police Car #2 33517 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash 33518 Acme Printers, Office supplies 33519 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 33520 Times-Register Co., Publishing delinquent taxes " " " " " " 1 6.43 4.55 3.00 3.00 1.65 420.23 60.03 9.36 7.44 1 1 50.00 5.78 254.70 9.07 77.73 164.90 17.40 916.00 c a ~ ~ a " " " " " " " ..:.~ ..... .,.._~..,~_"",,_.._"',_ .,'~.,'" ..':.':.~~':",......:...,~r-' 33527 Goodyear Service Stores, tires 33528 Void 33529 Richardson's General I'ire Co., Repairs Police Car #4 33530 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Ex8ll1<"ltion of Drunk drivers &. Lunacy Res ~nJs 35.00 33531 Salem Creamery Co., Food for prisoners 15.60 33532 Powell Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Prisoner 7.15 33533 Dr. John S. Jeremiah, Lunacy hearing 10.00 33534 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring Fire House 3.00 33541 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., premiUIII on surety bond 5.00 33542 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 7.55 33543 Paul Eller, Electrical &. Plumbing inspections 203.94 33544 Technical Reproduction Co., maps .80 33545 Brambleton Auto Service, Repairs and Parts for Garbage truck 10.05 33546 P. Cameron Wiley, Jr., services in connection with Election 174.77 33>47 M. E. Petty, services in connection with election 65.00 33548 John C. Gleason, Services in connection with election 60.00 33549 Bush Electric Co., Electrical wiring 162.40 33550 State Office Supply Co., 3 waste paper baskets 8.08 33551 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage 60.00 No. 33521 International Business Machine Corp., Maintenance service on Electric typewriters $ 33522 Remington Rand, Maintenance service on typewriter 33523 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse Probation officers traveling expense The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 33504 Belle Aire Lawn &. Garden Center, Dog food and wearing apparel " " " 33524 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., reimburse traveling expense 33525 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., batteries for Flashlights 33526 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts and repairs Police Car " " " " " " " " " " " 33535 C &. P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Mount Pleasant Fire House 33536 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy hearing, coroner 33537 Harlin Perrine, Attorney's fee 33538 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, .Jr., lunacy hearing 33539 Furman Whitescarver, lunacy commission 33540 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies " " " II " " II " " II " II " " II " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: 33505 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware for Dog Pound 114.50 16.25 49.00 119.45 6.08 28.00 54.24 . 7.25 30.25 20.00 10.00 30.00 20.00 9.83 $ 10.33 8.25 33506 Roanoke County School Board, Gas and Oil purchased for truck 41.51 33507 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas, Parts and Oil for truck 36.39 33508 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., Batteries .52 33509 Mercy House, 3 loads stone for dog pound road 30.00 33510 James L. Parker, assisting dog warden 33511 Richardson's General Tire Co., tires for Dog Truck 81. 55 58.46 c CI a ~ ~ " " No. SOUTH SALEM NtlKBER . ONE 33289 W. Harvey Woods, Judge, Returns and Ccmmissioner 33290 Reid H. Duncan, Judge 33291 Mrs. Dorothy H. Russo, Clerk 33292 Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Clerk 33293 Mrs. John H. Snapp, COIIIIlissioner SOUTH SALEM NtlKBER TWO 33294 A. H. Moran, Judge and Returns 33295 H. C. Painter, Judge 33296 George L. Poff, Judge 33297 Clarence Butler, Clerk 33298 Edna Brown, Clerk PETERS CREEK 33299 Mrs. Sarah M. Whitmire, Judge and Returns 33300 G. H. Kelch, Judge 33301 Willie N. McDaniel, Judge 33302 Ruth C. Sears, C1e~k 33303 Mary S. Stanley, Clerk BURLINGTON 33304 Mrs. Della B. Murray, Judge and Returns 33305 Reba B. Irons, Judge 33306 Mary D. Duffy, Judge 33307 Frank E. Painter, Clerk 33308 Rosalie S. Lucas, Clerk EAST VINTON /-- ,$ 35.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 .15.00 " , , " II II " 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " If " 20.42 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 33309 Paul W. Foutz, Judge and Returns 33310 Roy W. Thrasher, Judge 33311 Marie B. Powell, Judge 33312 J. G. Gray, Clerk 33313 Mary F. Crowder, Clerk . BOTETOURT SPRINGS 33314 R. L. Walrond, Judge, Returns and Commissione~ 33315 R. B. Obenchain, Judge 33316 Wade W. Garman, Judge 33317 Ruby L. Obenchain, Clerk 33318 Sherman C. Shaw, Clerk WEST VINTON 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 37'.80 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 33319 Robert L. Watson, Jr., Judge and Returns 33320 Lola G. Williamson, Judge 33321 Dessie R. Smelser, Judge 33322 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk 33323 Alice R. Bragg, Clerk HOIJ.INS ROAD 33324 Ruth R. McCutchen, Clerk and Returns 33325 Lois H. Burnette, Judge 33326 Ada L. Moore, Judge 33327 Iva A. Lucas, Judge 33328 Virginia M. Howlett, Clerk 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 21.12 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " ~,_,,_,''''''''''''~'''''''''''''~ ...., '~:-" "~'V".'.,;<. "':':.\ RIVERDALE No. 33369 Mrs. Mary C. Clemmer, Judge and Returns $ 21.40 " 33370 Mrs. C. B. Clemmer, Judge 15.00 " 33371 Mrs. A. L. Chocklett, Judge 15.00 a " 33372 Mrs. J. C. Tabor, Clerk 15.00 " 33373 W. D. Bowles, Clerk 15.00 OAK GROVE . " 33374 Mrs. Ernestine Graham, Clerk and Returns 20.28 " 33375 J. A. Lipps, Judge 15.00 ~ " 33376 Paul C. Eller, Judge 15.00 " 33377 S. R. Pritchard, Jr. 15.00 It 33378 Earline T. Porterfield, Clerk 15.00 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia November 16, 1959 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business November 14, 1959, there was to the credit of the a $ 58,321. 76 4,880.39 2,553.08 366.81 346,149.75 27,053.76 11,402.48 8,411.71 1,263.97 451.90 38.66 ~ 460,816.95 Respectfully submitted, General County Fund Library Fund Dof Fund Sa em District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (McNeal) Deferred Credit Account James E. Peters, Treasurer.. Said report approved and ordered filed. a IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES: E. PETERS, County Treasurer, for $3,769.98, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of October, 1959, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $3,581.48 net. "" U On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of November, 1959, be approved in the amount of $7,806.64 frOlll which ::he SUlll of $146.08 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes $739.40 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $6,921.16. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~" . cUe5_ .....4 ~ ".c. ~ F' /17 /~-q I n i !I 'I II ! 'I I. I 426 r~.u- fi ~.Cc.e..J- fcl;~. II / 17/ S-q ~UJ f.tb....C.~ ffi~ . 11/17/ .$,"T{ ~.J..nf:-C M:1fi ~ 1I/t7/~ i ,,"'.C""" On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period October 16, 1959, ending October 31, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,903.32, frCllll which the SUIII of $47.60 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and total W. H. Taxes $74.30 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,781.42; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period November 1, 1959, ending November 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,987.00 frOlll which the SUIII of $49.69 total F.I. C. A. and Total W. H. taxes $70.00 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,867.31. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Jolm Lee Logan and Edwin G. Te=ell N:1ys: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #32990 in the amount of $432.50 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for County Offices; Voucher-check #33242 in the amount of $15.10 made payable to C &. P Telephone Company, for telephone service at Dog Warden's home Voucher-check #33243 in the amount of $52.65 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at County fire statio Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Joml Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and <r dered filed: I 1959) ~ H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, SIJllllllary statement of prisoner days served in Roanoke County jail for the month of October, 1959; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of October, EllilARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for October, 1959; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for October, 1959. i v I C. D. CHAPMAN, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day presented to the Board a report of delinquent tangible personal property taxes collected by him for five months period, through 9/19/59, amounting to $4709.95, including full and partial payments of which amount $1240.94 was collected foryears 1941-1953, which report is received and ordered filed. I ~ I ~ ~ . (I IN RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY,VIRGINIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1959, AND Fm THE PERIOD JULY 1, 1959, THROUGH AUguSt 31, 1959: On motion, duly seconded, and carried, it is ordered that the reports of Alexander Grant &. Company, Incorporated, of audit of accounts and records of Roanoke County, and of Mrs. Janie B. I McNeal, Treasurer, the Board of Supervisor~, 'I the Library Board, the School Board, the Board of Public Welfare, and the Comlllissioner of the Revenue, in accordance with the specifications of the CI ~ a ~ a Auditor of Public Accounts, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1959, and of the accounts and records of Roanoke County; Virginia, for the period July 1, 1959, through August 31, 1959, for the purpose of turning over the records to the incOlll1ng Treasurer, James E. Peters, in accordance with specifications of Audito I of Public Accounts relating to turnover audits of' the 'accounts of counties to the Ccmmonwealth' be, and the same are hereby received and ordered filed. Letters dated Ot ober 30, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisot's, frOlll Alexander Grant &. Company, enclosing audits 'for County of Roanoke for year ended June 30, 1959, and August 31, 1959, ordered filed. Letters dated October 30, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisot's, Roanoke County, frOlll J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, accepting audits of County of Roanoke and Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer, for fiscal year enfting June 30, 1959, and of audit of accounts of Mrs. Janie B. McNeal, Treasurer of Roanoke County for period July 1, 1959, through August 31, 1959, received and ordered filed. . Notice of hearing l?iven by the State Compensation Board for the purpose of fixing salaries and expenses of the Attorney for the Cowwunwealth, Commissioner of the Revenue, Sheriff and ,Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the calendar year 1960, received and ordered filed. Copy of letter dated November 13, 1959, addressed to James E. Peters. Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond MasSie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, 'duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board, concurs in the action of said State Compensation Board in approving an allowancefor extra help for 1959 in the SUIII of $675.00, effective as of date of employment of said extra help, in the Treasurer's Office of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Copy of Resolution No. 13879, Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated October 26, 1959, amending the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of dOIIIestic and cOllllllercial wastes, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. Copy of letter dated October 27, 1959, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert ThOIIIas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va., received and filed. c..-L'YII~ ~-D -:1 ~~.C C' 't..~ ~ '('" "''' ~ &...t f" -t..Jl, 'II 1'1 f S ~ . ! I I i ~ '. " :i " r ~ " . . "-'.--.- ,.... '-.~"'.'" .".~. . -. ." ,- IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY 1959-60 ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM: Letter dated November 10, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from F. A. Davis, Chief Engineer, Departtllent of Highways, Richmond 19, Virginia, approving the following addition to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective October 1, 1959: I Addition Oak Ridge Subdivision - Oak Drive, frOlll Route 311 to Dead End was this day received and ordered filed. Lemtth 0.22 mile Letter dated November 2, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of alj Counties in the Secondary System, frOlll S. D. May, Commissioner, Department of Highways, in re: subdivision and enclosing copy of resolution adopted by the State Highway Commission at its meeting held in Lexington, Virginia, on October 29. 1959, received and ordered filed. I IN RE: VACATING A PORTION OF A TWELVE-FOOT PUBLIC tl'l'ILITY EASEMENT THROUGH Lot 1. BLOCK 2, SECTION 1. CHERRYHILL PARK x ORDER This day came B~ L. Radford and Ethel M. Radford and asked leave to file a petition seeking the approval of the vacation of a portion of a 1:ertain twelve- foot width public utility easement as shown through Lot 1, Block 2, on the Map of Section 1 of Cherryhill Park, which petition is ORDERED filed. It appearing to this Board that the request of the petitioners is reasonab e, that vacating and closing the southerly seven feet of the aforesAid t:?elve- foot public utility easement will not destroy or abridge any of the rights or I be and the same is hereby approved by this Board as provided by Section 15- 766. of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended to date. On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I specifically designated as the beneficiary of such easement on such plat or to whom the benefits thereof have been granted by writing duly of record, it is accordingly ORDERED that that certain instrUlllent executed by B. L. Radford, et als, under dated of November 16, 1959, vacating, discontinuing and closing the southerly seven feet of the aforesaid twelve-foot width public utility easement I I " i " I WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Rt. 642 from Rt. 11 to i State Secondary Rt. 640 and on State Secondary Rt. 640 from State Secondary Rt. 642 to State Secondary Rt. 869 did request this Board to assign names to the aforesaid roads; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names c streets, roads, and alleys there:tn outside the corPorate limits of towns, Such names shall take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conform1Dg to Section 33-12 of the Code of Vi1:ginie, and shall be' employed in making reference to property abuttf.ng thereon; NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following names be assigned to State Secondary Routes 642 and 640: State Secondary Rt. 642' from Rt. 11 to State Secondary Rt. 640 - Givens Roa State Secondary Rt. 640 frOlll State Secondliry Rt. 642 to State Secondary Rt. 869 - Givens Road On mOtion of Supervisor Jolm Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G.' Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None a BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia .2.w, r~~, 1//17/:''1 the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines, and other I properties and facilities incidentia.l thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects' consisting of furnishings aid services in the following additional areas: 1. HOLLINS COLLEGE AREA (150 ACRES, MORE OR LESS): BEGINNING at a point and said point being ~e northeast corner of the O. H. Huffman 35.24 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 510, Page 451, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and with a line N. 51 45' E., 1650 feet to the southwest corner of the W. G. Nininger 19.0 acre tract and being the northwest corner of ~ Marie Smith Freeman 1.0 acre tract; thence with a line S. 34 55' i::., 660 feet, more or less, to a point, and being the j oint boundary of the Hollins College Corporation property with the aforesaid Freeman property, the Carter Bollen 1.0 acre tract, and the Ralph Anderson property, and said point being the southwest co;ger of the aforesaid Anderson tract; thence with a line N. 54 30' E., 220 feet, more or less, to the joint corner of the aforesaid Anderson tract, the Melissa Meade 1.14 acre tract and ~ William M. Gaither 2.0 acre tract; thence with a line S. 35 50' E., 400 feet, more or less, along the west bouakry of the Gaither tract and the Hollins College .85 acre tract to the southwest corner of the Hollins College .85 acre ,tract; thence with a line along the south boundary of the aforesaid HolliBB College .85 acre tract and the aforesaid Gaither tract, N. 57 37' E., 400 feet, more or less, to the west side of a private road; thence with the west right-of-way line of said private road and the ease pl)operty line of the, Hollins College CorporatiGn property, S. 35 00' E., 1200 feet, more or less, · to a point on the Hollins College east property line; thence leaving the aforesaid privase road and with the Hollins , College property line S. 35 00' E., 500 feet, more or less, to the north right-of-way line of Uo S. Highway Route 11-220; thence with a line continuing S. 35 00' E., and crossing the aforesaid U. S. Highway Route 11-220 to a point on the east property line of the Dr. Charles H. Peterson 13.10 acre tract and 350 feet, S. 350 00' E., frOlll the south right-of-way line of the afsresaid U. S. Highway Route 1l-~20; thence with a line S. 69 15' W., paralleling the south right-of-way line of the aforesaid U. S. Route 11-220 through the properties of the aforesaid Dr. Charles H. Peterson, the Fred N. Hamlin 13.52 acre tract and the J. H. Fralin 11.92 acre tract, 1500 feet, more or less, to the north corner ofothe H. A. Lucas .088 acre tract; thence with a line S. 79 53' W., 700 feet, more or less, and following the north boundary of the J,. H. Fralin .028 acre tract, and the south boundary of the Enon Baptist Church property, the Hill Bower 1.73 acre tract, and the Mabel Bower 3.0 acre tract to a point at the southwest a c 430 - corner of the aforesaid Mabel BolI'er tract; thence with the south boundsrl of the Hollins College Corporation, 1.39 acre tract S. 49 37' W., 67.61 feet to a point; thence with She south boundary of the W.N. Shsarer .7l; acre tract, S. 49 37' W., 221.85 feet and S. 88 30' W., 148.3 feet. to a point on the eastoside of State Secondary Route 1815; thence with a line S. 88 30' W., crossing the aforesaiclRoute 1815 (LaMarre Drive), 100 feet, more or less, to the center of Carvins Creek; thence with a line following the center of carvins Creek northerly 700 feet, more or less, with the boundary description included in the sewage treatment contract dated September 28, 1954, between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the Council for the City of Roanoke, to a point 350 feet north of the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route ll-220;-thenee' continuiIut with the aforesaid boundary description witg a line parallel to the aforesaid U. S. Route 11-220 S. 69 15' w., 900 feet, more or less, to the east property line of the G. E. Floyd 1.94 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 259, Page 2~5; thence with the east boundary of the Floyd tract N. 17 35' W., 380 feet, more or less, to the north~t corner of the Floyd tract; thence with a line N. 17 35' W., 275.2 feet with the east boundary of the O. H. Huffman. 4.88 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 510, Page 451, to the southeast corner of the 35.24 acre O. H. Huf~ tract; thence with the aforesaid Huffman tract N. 17 35' W., 520 feet, to aopoint; thence continuing with the aforesaid Huffman tract N. 3 25' W., 944.5 feet to a point and said point being the place of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of a 150 acre, more or less, area including a portion of the properties of the Hollins College Corporation, Dr. Charles H. Peterson, Fred N. Hamlin, J. H. Fralin, Kyle Bolt, Enon Baptist Church, Hill Bower, Mabel Bower, C. R. Davidson, Robert Preston, and W. N. Shearer, Sr. 1 I I i I i I G ~ ! ~ i: ~ ! I ~ " , " , i I: ! I . , 2. PLANTATION COURT (25 ACRES): BEGINNING at a point on the west side of Plantation Road, Virginia Secondary Highway 601, at the southe88terly corner of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones and at the northeasterly corner of the property of S. &. W.- Corporation, formerly the Rudd property; thence with tge northerly line of the property of S. &W,.Corporation S. 8334' .40" W., 1157.6 feet to a point, cornel) to the property of M. E. Petty; thence with the sameN. 6 05' W., 915.0 feet to a poj,nt; thence with a new line through the Jones property N. 85 31' E., 1272.9 feet to a point west of the center of Plantation Road; thence withothe same and with the easterly line of the Jones property S. 1 25' W., 880.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 25.0 acres, more or less, and being the southerly portion of the property of Mrs. A. P. Jones, as shown by lllat made for R. R. Quick: and others, by David Dick, State Certified Engineer and Surveyor and dated June 13, 1959. 3. ARLINGTON HIll.S #1 (21.6 ACRES): The 21.6 acre tract subdivided as Map of Arlington Hills, property of Avenel HOllIes Corporation, by C. B. Malcolm and Son, Virginia State Certified Engineers, under date of July 30, 1956, and recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 231, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and shown on the attached plat and bounded by corners 11-7, inclusive. The . subdivision area being located onthe' west side of the Roanoke County School Board property designated as the Cave Sprw High School Tracts, as recorded in Deed Book 320, Page l3~, and Deed Book 591, Page 333, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. 4. CHERRYHILL PARK #2 I I BEGINNING at a point on the east boundary line of the U. S. Veterans Administration Hospital property and said point being the south corner of Lot 19, Block 3, Section 1, Cherryhill Park Subdivision; as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 17, in the Clerk's' Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County;- thence ~th the southwest boundary of the aforesaid Lot 19, N. 54 32' E~, 122.91 feet to the east corner of the aforesaid Lot 19 and being on the west side of Cherryhill Drive; thence with the west riiht-of-way line of the aforesaid Cherryhill Drive N'035 28' W., 34.26 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 54 32' E. intersecting the west boundary of Lot 16, Block 1, Section 1, Cherryhill Park, at 50 feet, a total distance of 173.86 feet to the soutgeast corner of the aforesaid Lot 16;- thence with a line N. 2 09' E. 50.0 feet to a point on the east boundary of Lot 15, Block 1, Section 1, Cherryhill Park; thence with a new division line through the88~9 acre tract purchased by B. L. Radford &. wife frOlll the Fairview Cemetery Co., as recorded in Deed Book 611, Page 139 in the aforesaid glerk's Office; the fo11owigg bearings and distances: ~. 81 11' E., 228.58 feet;oS. 35 28' E., 590.34 feet;oS. 72 16' E. 140.0 feet; 0 S. 51 40' E., 224.34 fest; S. 72 16' E., 280.0 fest; S. 17 44' W. 290.0 feet; N. 72 16' W.,438.32 feet;- S. 60 32' W., 237.68 feet; N. 290 28' W., 38.27 feet; S. 600 32' W., 137.68 1 a a a ~ a feet; thence with a line N. 320 00' W., and joining the aforesaid, east. boundary of the U. S. Veteratls Hospital property at.40 feet, more or less, in all a totaJ. distance of 975.13 feet to the place. of. beginning and bef,ng a boundary description of that 15.33 acre tract being subdivision for B. L. Radford &. wife. as Cherryhill. Park, Section 2, Unrecorded, by T. P. Parker, State Certified Engineer. 5. GLENVAR SCHOOL TRACT (12.21 ACRES. MORE CR lESS): BEGImUNG at a point in the center line of State Secondary Route 645, which point of BEGINNING is the northeast corner of th!'! 2.15 acre tract. heretofore conveyed to R. R. Wi.umer by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke, County by deed duly recorded in the records. of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, ana alC?Dg and with the north line of said 2.15 ~re tract, S. 55 29' V., 482.50 feet to a POAnt; thence N.. 52 31' W., .76..20 feet, to a poigt; thence N. 36 54' W., 348.90 feet to a point; thence N. 40 04' W., 380.00 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with a new line through that 28.448 acre tract conveyed to the County School Board of Roanoke Coun~, Virginia, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, N.63 26' E., 860 feet, more or less, to a point on the east boundary of said School Board tract; thence with said east boun~ S. 260 34' E., 600.00 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 69 10' 30" W., 181.20 feet to a point in the center line ':If t!16 aforesaid Route 645; thence with the said center line S. 21 53' E., 118.39 feet to the point of beginning and being a boundary description of that 12.21 acre, more or less, section of the aforesaid County School Board 28.448 acre tract. 6. CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL TRACT: BEGINNING at a point oil the east right-of-way line of U. s. Highway, Route 221 at the southwest corner of the Otho O. Mills 1.30 acre tract and being the northwest corner of the Cave Spring High School tract as recorded in Deed Book 320, Page 132, and Deed Book 591, Page 333 in the Clerk's Office for tHe Circuit Court of. Roanoke County; thence with a line S. 34 22' E., 100 feet to a point; thence with a 1ineoS. 460 40' E., 63.1 feet to a point; thence with a lAne S. 52 00' E., 644 feet to a point; thence with a line S 00 45' E.. 147 feet to a point; thence with a 1ine.~. 20~ 54' E., 135.8 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 57 07' W., 85.1 feet to a poi.nt; thence with the lines of the 10.42 acre tract o,f. E. F. 0 any R. C. Cragi!ead the following cOmises and distances: S. 57 07 ~., 235.5 feet to a point; S. 39 18' E., 375.0 feet; and S. 7 22' E., 60 feet to a point; thence with a new line through the property of J. C. J'arris~an4 with the southerly line 8f the 12.48 acre tract conveyedto Mary Butler Minton, S. 68 00' V., 495.0 feet to a point; thence with .the. northeast line of the property ofoEula G. Layman, of record in Deed Book 139, Page 270, N. 40 15' V., 550 feet to a point in the center of an old abandoned road; thegce continuing with the center of said old abandoned road, N. 16 20' W., 517 feet to a point on theeast right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 221 and said point being the northerly corner of the Orbie D. Eaton 2.74 acre tract; Shence with the east right-of- way line of said Route 221 N. 24 43' E., 348.0 feet to a point; thence continuing with the right-of-way line N. 240 28' E., 348 feet more or less, to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the 2(). 48 acres, more or less, acquired by the School Board of Roanoke County for the Cave Spr~ High School site and of record as noted above in the Clerk s Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. 7. c. J. CARMACK SUBDIvISION (HIDDEN 'vALLEY HamS 12)": 1. Property of C. J. Carmack 2. Property of E. C. Board 3. Property of Paul C. Eller BEGINNING at a point and said point being the northeast corner of the intersection of State Secondary Routes 692 and 686; thence with a line follsw!*. the east right-of-way line of said Route 692 N. 32 30 E., 371.71 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of the 0.34 acre E. C. Board tract as recorded in Deed Book 573,. Page 109, of record in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the northern boundary of the said Board tract S. 830 16' E., 125 feet to the northeast corner of the Board tract; thenceowith the eastern boundary of the aforesaid Board trace S. 6 44' W.. 100 feet to the southeast corner of the ~ard tract; .thence continuing S. 60 44' W., 66.15 feet throUgh the ,C. J. Carmack property to a point on the north botmdary of the C. J. Carmack Subdivision as recorded in Deed-. Book 356,. Page 546 in the aforesaid Clerk's Office; thence with theonorth boundary of the C. J. Carmack Subdivision N. 85 45' E., 595.7 feet to a. point on the east ,boundary of the Paul C. Eller property as recorded in DeSd Book 46, Page 155; thence with the Eller property N. 21 00' V., 126.3 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 640 44' E., 154.8 feet to the point; thence with a 432 ~;e:;;:- 'K.. ~, 1t "K<<w. :!-c>..L..t ~. jeL \( II/Orq/fgf'" , $...t... I..J" S'I !.:...- ~ . -u........ , . 63 J~..JJL 11~"" 1>..Q.<,. .,. 1:2~r I ut ~. " fl7j's..., line S. 720 22' E., 230.6 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 420 00' E. ,133.9 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 77~ 20' E., 260.3 feet to. a point; thence with a line S. 37030' W., 111.4 feet 'to a point; thence with' a line S. 77045' E., 161.0 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 12 45' W., 256.74 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Ronte 686; thence with the north right-of-way line 0& said Route 686, the foll~ng courses and dis tances : N 81 48 r W., 215.3 feet; N. 88 32' W., 205.6 feet; S. 870 06' W., 206.1 feet to a point and said point being the southeast corner of the aforementioned Carmack subdivision tract; thence continuing with thg aforesaid right-of-way line and Carmack tract, S. 85 45' W., 978.73 feet .to the place of Beginning and being a'boundary description of tracts recorded in the names of C. J. Carmack, . E. C. Board, and Paul C. Eller, cOlllprising 8 acres, more. or less, and located on the existing boundary of the Mud Lick Sewer Extension Areaas described in the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors' resolution of Monday, April 15, 1957. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors RoOlll in the Courthouse 3uildi in Salem, Virginia, on the 21 day of December, 1959, at 3:00 o'clock P. M., of that ,day ,for the purpose of further c~nsidering the specification of said projects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services, and any other persons in interest, will be given' an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the proposed services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its discretion, may call for a referendUIII on the question in above set forth, as prescribed in the afore~aid Virginia Water and ~e~r Authorities Act. BE IT FUR~ RE~OLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. I 1 I An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these.reso1utions shall be full force and effect from and after their passage. inl' ~ i On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by: Supervisor John Lee Logan, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and ,W. E. Cundiff Nays: None BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the TOwn of Salem CQtlcurring: ' 'That, the County of Roanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salem wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the north right-of-:way line of'U. S. Route 11-460 (Lee Highway) at its intersection with the east right-of-way line of State Secondary Route #640, 5,700 feet, more or less, :west of t~ West Corporate Limits of the Town of Salem; thence with a line and said line being the aforesaid north right-of-way line of the aforesaid U. S. Route 11-460, 4,300 feet, mo~e or less; to the inter- section of the aforesaid north right-of-way line of U. S. Route 11-460 with the east right-of-way lirie of State Secondary Route 1642; thence with the aforesaid east right- of-way line of State Secondary Route #642 and the west property line of the M. Lee Hawley property, as recorded in Deed Book 49, Page 512, in the records of the 91erk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, N. 26 59' W., 1,275 feet, more or less, to a point on the west boundary of the aforeSaid Hawley property; thence with the aforesaid Hawley west boundary and leaving tee west right';'of-way line of the aforesaid Route #642, N. 26 59' W., 275 feet, mOre or less, to the northwest corner of the aforesaid Hawley property; thence with. the north boundary of the Hawley property, N. 760 1 I o 45'. E., 1,085 feet, mOre. or less, to the-northeast corner of the Hawley property and being the northwest corner of the Andrew Lewis, Place Subdi.visionaa recorded in PlatSook 3, Page 36; thenceowith the north' boundary of the aforesaid subdivision, N. 77 30' E., 1,084.74 feet', to the northeast cornel; of the s,ubdivision; thence with a line continuing N. 77 30' E., 1,250 feet, more or less, to the east right- of-way line. of State ~econdary Route #640 (Butt Hollow Road) and meeting the boundary line for the Board of Supervisors Resolution for sewa,ge treatment for the Beverly Heights area as recorded in Board.of Supervisors Order Book 14, Pllge 26; thence with the east right-of-way line of said Route 1640 (Butt Hollow Road) and the aforesaid resolution . area boundary in a southeasterly direction 2,100 feet,more OJ:' less, to the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid U. S. Route 11-460 (Lee Highway) and being the BEGINNING point of this description, which said description encloses an area of 147 acres, more or less, and including the properties of .M. Lee Hawley, the Roanoke County School Board, the Fort .Lewis Christian Church, properties within the Andrew Lewis Place Subdivision and other properties on or adj acent to the said Lee Highway. ., . o and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the COlincil of the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request.the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept dOIIIestic . . (1 wastea originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem~ under date of October 16, 195 Adopted by the following recorded vote: . . Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Edw1D. G. Terrell Nays:. None a BE IT RESOLVED BY the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council. for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to. amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of dOIIIestic and cOllllllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: Area Adjacent to Route 221 and Virginia State Secondary Route 613: BEGINNING at a point on the east right-of-way line of U. S. 'Highway Route 1221, at the southwest corner of the Otho O. Mills 1.30 acre tract and being the northwest corner of the Cave Spring High School Tract.. as recorded in Deed Book 320, Page 132, and Deed Book 591, Page 333, in the Clerk's Office for tee Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with a line N. 34 22' W., crossing the aforesaid Route #221; and thence to the south right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 1689, in all a total distance of 370 feet, more or less; thence with a line crossing the aforesaid Route #689 and in a general northerly direction and 300 feet west of andl2arallel to the west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 1221; crossing the.center line of State Secondary Route #905 at 825 feet, more or 1ess.,the center line of State Secondary Route #906 at 1,950 feet, more or less, to a point on the north right-of- way line of State Secondary Rbute #1630, in all a total distance of 3,850 ,eet, more or less. thence with the aforesaid north right-of-way line of Route ;1630 in a westerly direction 400 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the R. E. and Estell S. Trenor property as recorded in Deed Book 469, Page 411, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, and being the southeast corner of the second Trenor tract as recorded in Deed Book 465, Page 448, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office; thence with the line of the Farmington Lakes Sewage Treatment Arsa boundary and the line between the two Trenor tracts N. 23 15' W., 844.08 feet. to a mutual property corner of Trenor and the Estate of Mrs. Missouri Ester Richardson (of record in }fill Boo~ 7, Page 421); thence continuing with a line N. 23 15' W., with the aforesaid Richardson boundary, 430.3 feet to a mutual property corner of the Richardson tract, the Ra~d M. Giebner property (of record in Deed Book 398, Page 266~, and the property of H. E. and Lois A. Young (Of 8 433 .'t" I,~~r ~k'.~ UII/'7)~ "..'.',,-,' "..'''.~. "'- "'."'-~'."""'~-" ., ,~. - record in Deed. Book, 451, Page 349); thence wits the north boundary of the aforesaid ,Yeung property N.75' 50' E., 524.25 feet to a point. on t~ sou~hrig~-,of;-way line of State Secondary Route 1119;. thence leaving the. aforesaid, sewage treatment area boundary. anq wi~h the ~t boundary of the aforesaid Young Foperty and the west right-pf-way line, of the aforesaid Route #119. ~ a so~ther1y di~ection 800 feet, more or less; to the north boundar:>, of the Charles P. Bryant proper~y as recorded in Deeq BO,ok 2~4, Page ,286; thence continuing with the. aforesaid west right-of-way line, of, Route #119 and the nort;h boundary of the Bryant tract in a south- easterly direction 180 feet, more or less" 1:0 the north comer of the W. B. Rasnake tr4.Ct -as ~ec:ordedin Deed Book 548, Page 574; thence continuing with the Rasnake. .boundary' and the west right-cf~way line' <?f -Rout~. .1119,. 300 f~et, more or less, to the intersection of ,the aforesaid wes.t . right-of-way line of Rout(,- #119 and the wes.t right-of-way line of the 'aforesaid Rout:~ #221; thence with a line crossing Route 1221 at right angles to the alignment of the west right-of-way line of. Route #221, 360 feet, more or less, to a point 300 feet east of the east right-of-way line of Route #221; thence with a line parallel to Route #221 and 300 feet in dis.tance frOlll the aforesaid ,east right-of-way line of Route #221 in a southerly direction 1,750 feet, more or less, crossing State Secondary Route #687. ,to the intersection, point of the south right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route #687 and the west, right~of.,.,waYUne of State , . , Secondary Route #613; thence with the west right-of-way line of Route #613 ina southerly direction 4,180 feet, more or less, to a point on the west right-of-way line of Route #613 and the east property boundary of the E. G. ,Craghead property as recorded in Deed Book 316, Page 426; thence leaving the aforesaid Routs #613 and with a liue through the Cr~gh~~d property S. 68 00' W., 450 feet, more or less, to the IllUtual property comer .Qf . tI:1e Roanoke County School Board , and the aforesaid Cragl:ead tract; thence with the Cave SPoing Hi~ School property boundary ~ the Craghead tract N. 7. 22 W., 60 fset to a point; N. 390 18' W., 305 feet to a' point;N. 67, '07,' ,E., 235.5 feet .to:,8- "point; thence wi~ha line and leaving the aforesaid Craghead boundary N. 57 . 07' E., 85.1 feet to a point; thence with. a line N. 200 54' W., 135.8 feet to a point; thence with a line N. goo 45' W., 147 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 520 00' W., 644 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 46 40' W., 63.1 feet to a point; thence with a line N.340. 22' W., 100 feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of an area of 117 acres, more or less, adjacent to U. S. Route #221, State Secondary Routes #119 and Route #613 and located north of thE' Cave Spring High School property as shown on the plat under date of November 14, 1959, and made a part of this description. 1 I I '" and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall 0,..., I .' be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. 1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council , . of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove r~quested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisipns ,t:hiE!reof as fully, and to the same extent, 'as said County is now bound by other terms and Adopted by the following recorded vote: ;1 I I An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be ih I " I , I il i ,I .1 l I provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 2~, 1954. full force and effect frOlll and after passage thereof. Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell,W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan. Nays: None. WHEREAS, the County School Board of RoanokeCoimey' this 'aay filed with t s Board the hereinafter excerPt framthe minutes' of the County School Board of a Roanoke County, at a meeting thereof held an November 10,' 195'9: ''WHEREAS, approximately $20,000.00 will be required to pay scholarship grants to parents of children attending schools other than the Roanoke County Public Schools , and WHEREAS, THE Auditor at'the 'Commonwealth of Virginia: 'reccnmi1ends that an appropriation separate and apart frOlll the funds for the opera':ion .Jf public schoOls be made by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County frOlll the Educational Fund, and WHEREAS~ the assessed valuation of Roanoke County is in excess of $94,000,000.00 instead of in excess of $90,000,000.00, upon which estimates of incOllle were based for the year 1959-60, and therefore there will be in the Educational Fund approximately $45,000.00 which has not been appropriated for an a I purpose, Naf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Boardof Supervisors be requested to appropriate $20,000.00 frOlll this surplus to be used for the payment of the scholarship grants and, FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors be requested to authorize the School Board of Roanoke County to make payments on these ,scholarship grants frOlll this appropriation." Naf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supe.rvisors of Roanoke County hereby approves said request, and hereby authorizes the appropriation of $20,000.00 from the aforementioned surplus to be used for the payment of scholarship grants, and further authorizes the School Board of Roanoke County to make payments on the scholarship grants frOlll this appropriation. Upon motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None c WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County th.is dsy filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the County School Boa~d of Roanoke County, at a meeting thereof held on November 10, 1959; ''WHEREAS, the Auditor of the Commonwealth of Virginia has recOllllllended that the $21,182.97 set up in the 1959-60 budget of the Roano~e County School, Board for scholarship grants not be used for this purpose, but that a separate and distinct appropriation be made from the ,surplus which ,will ,accrue in the Educational Fund, and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Board reconmends that the Board of Supervisors make the appropriation as reconmended by the Auditor of the c Commonwealth of Virginia I NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke i County request the Board of Supervisors to reallocate the $21,182.97 in the ! School Budget for scholarship grants as follows: $5,000.00 for Mal.ntenance, and i I , $16,182.97 for Capital Outlay, the greater part of which will be construction of the addition to the School Bus Garage." used for the 435 ~. 11 ~.. .JJ.,...... s..."u... ~ C. SJ.fh.,I!.. '1>>A- ~'~r.- C. "JIi/~., 436 s ! ! , ~cU t-l ~ ~ I If (I'" srt ! i I ! i NCM, THEREFORE, BE.IT JlESOLVED that the Board ,of Sup,ervisors of Roanoke County hereb.y approves said request, and hereby ~uthorizes, the .reallocation of the $21,182.97 ,in the Scho~l Budget, for scholarship grants in the S.1DIS and for the purposes as set forth in the above School BOli!%'d resolution. Upon motion of Supervisor John Lee, Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G.' , 'I . , . ~ Terrell, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded Vote: Ayes: Supervisors ,John Lee l.!Jgan, Edwin,G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None' , I '. Letters dated November 4, 1959, from Dr. Herman L. Horn, Division Supt. of Schools, addressed to Paul' Matthews, COlmty Executive Officer; copy of letter dated Nov. 4, 1959, frOlll Dr. HermanL. Horn, Div. Supt. of Schools, addressed to Mr. Kenneth C. Patty, First Assistant Dept. of Law, Commonwealth of Virginia, and copy of letter 'dated November 5, 1959,- frOlll Kenneth C. Patty, Assistant Attorney General, addressed to Mr. Herman L. Horn, Division Superinten ent of Schools, ordered filed. I Mr. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, submitted to the Board a c'opy of a Final Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year , 1959-60,. Upon consideration whereof, on motion duly seconded and carried is approved by the following recorded votes: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G: Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None I Copies of Map showing 1959-60 final budget Primary and Secondary Highway! Systems, dated January 1, 1959, Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, 'seconded by 'Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that there be proposed for 'adoption at the next regl1lar i meeting of this Board, to be held on December 21st, 1959, in its meeting roOlll, I il :~=tsthean:t::::;::e:::e p:::::: C::t:h:f i::::;n ~::r:::~a:d fees ,) ;1 il I i '! And the Clerk of thiS Board is hereby directed to' ~~use' to be published 'i once a week for t,,'o successive weeks, commencing NOvember,/i959, in the TimeS-, Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of intentionl of this Board' to propose for adoption the above ordinance. ' ,! Adopted by the following recorded vote: ! at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., an ordinance therefor, and providing for bonding p1U111bers; 'and providing penalties for I violations of said ordinance. Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that there be proposed for adoption at the next regular meeting of this Board, to be held on December 21, 1959, in its meeting roOlll at , a the Courthouse of Roanoke County, at 2 :45 P. M., an ordinance amending the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance whereby there is adopted as a part of the Roanoke County Ordinance, the 1959 National Electrical Code, also known as NFPA No. 70, June, 1959, ASA-C1-l959, and the National Electrical Safety Code, also known as H43-National Electrical Safety Code - Part 2, and National Bureau of Standards Handbook H43, issued August 15, 1949, and providing for an Electrical Eymninillg Board to give examinations for master electricians and journeyman electricians, and providing for fees for such examinations; fees for inspections and fees for electricians' cards, and providing bonds to be furnished by master electricians, and providing penalties for violations of said ordinance. Am the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published 26 once a week for two successive weeks, coumencing November, 1959, in the Times- Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of intention of this Board to propose for adoption the aboveamendments to said ordinance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and W. E. Cundiff Nays: None ~cW.~ p. If Ilq) ~"\, a a Miss Mignon Griggs and Mrs. Charles F. Pauley, on behalf of the Salem WOIIIan'S Club, this day appeared before the Board and reques ted that said Club be permitted to decorate for Christmas a tree on the Courthouse lawn; and carried Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded,/it is ordered that said request be granted until the further order of this Board. IN RE: PURCHASE OF CARS Fat SHERIFF'S DEPAR'l'MENT AND PICK.!UP TRUCK FOR DOG WARDEN: ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B.Matthews, County Executive Officer, be authorized to purchase three cars for USE: in the Sheriff's Department, and one pick-up truck for use of the Dog Warden, fr()\ll the Vinton Motor COIIIpany, said cOlllp!lnY being the lowes t bidder. All bids submitted for said cars and pick-up truck ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell and John Lee Logan. Nays: None a c ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in December, 1959 Chairman Court House Salem, Virginia December 9, 1959 A Special- Meeting of the Board r~ Supervisors of Roanoke County was held this day at 'the Courthouse, punuanl .~ the following call: . December 9, 1959 We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors ofl I R,oanokeCounty. Virginia, and the Commonwealth ',s Attorney 'of Roanoke COunty, do" hereby waive the notice of a Special meeOing. of said Board of Supervisors to b.e he] d in the Board of Supervisors' Room, in the Courthouse Building of Roanoke i I County, at Salem; Virginia, at 12:30- p. m. on December 9, 1959, for the following! j 1 I purposes: 1. To consider, a contract with the Appalachian Power COIIIpany for the installation of street lights in Roanoke County. l I .'<. 2. Any other business on which the Board may unanimously agree. W. E. cundiff, Chairman Big Lick Magisterial District Edwin G. Terrell Cave Spring Magisterial District Jolm L. Logan Salem Magisterial District . , Minor R.. Keffer , Catawba Magisterial District Edw. H. Richardson Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia Present: . Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, ,John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. .Keffer and .Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia. Before the meeting was called. to order, Mr. A. C. Jiarris ~ Supervisor elect from Big Lick Magisterial District offered a prayer. 1 ... Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and , i] I. ;) l812-i il :1 I The Public' and the State Highway Commission of Virginia upon the application for North Hugh Avenue frOlll State Rt.'1812 to State Rt. 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State " Highways. J It appearing to the Board that dr~inage easements and a 50 ft. right of way 'I for said road Qas heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as ,I S\JDIIIerdean 14, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 104 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Soard of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll the abutting property owners is 'I necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said :r.ight of way and right for drainage.:1 NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said roal1 known as North Hugh Avenue :1 from State Rt. 1812 to State Rt. 1812 - 0.14 mile and ~~ich is shown on a 1 'I certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is he;:eby established i ~ I a as a public road to becOIIIe F.l part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None a On motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded'by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, pursuant to Section 15-778 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County with the Appalachian Power COIIIpany for the insullation of not more than 342, 2500 1U111en, Dusk to Dawn lighting unit at locations to be specified by this Board or its duly authorized representative, said agreement to be for ten years at a monthly charge of $1.65 per month per uni , and said agreement to be presented to the Commonwealth's Attorney for his approva as to its terms and conditions before acceptance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None a Suggested Locations for Street. Lights ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for five hundre dollars ($500.00) be issued to C. F. Holt and Emily M. Holt in payment of 0.79 acre of land on Bent Mountain for use for fire station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and W. E. CundLff Nays: None Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in Decembex. 1959 c ~. 0~~~ Chairman c I II Ii ! ~ i Present: W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Edwin G. ~ Terrell, John Lee Logan and Minor R. Keffer. .1 I, 'I Before the meeting was called to order Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of ~ Schools for the County of Roanoke offered a prayer. ~ ~ The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread~ each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. Court House Salem, Virginia December 21, 1959 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day atthe Courthouse thereof in regular monthly session. ~~::~ ~~ '1* 'f ~ o{d- 1i1f ~.~.(P~ 1'1"1/SZf C4....;.u t:!tL~~ r- c.--~. ur <D~ ,q"'/!;"<i 440 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds therewith, to-wit: No. 33671 W. H. Whitmire, 3 Carrying cases respectively Chargeab11 $ 63.60 r " 33672 Pitney-Bowes, Inc.; 1 mailing machine &. rent on equipment 33673 Power Press, Inc., 500 Memo sheets padded 33674 ,Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on J. E. Peters' bond 33675 Meador &. Greer, changing safe combination and keys " " " " 73.40 7.50 67.26 12.50 I 33676 Fielding L. Logan, Inc., premiUIII on Surety Bond for J. E. Peters 1,730.63 33677 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Metal Signs for Treasurer's Office 80.50 " " 33678 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 33679 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 33680 Acme Printers, Office supplies " " " I 424.65 331.61 142.60 33681 Woodhaven Press, OfflLce supplies for Delinquent Tax Collector76. 55 " 33682 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for vehicles 33683 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 33684 Burroughs Corp. Maintenance agreement on adding Machine " " " 20.82 27.97 14.25 33685 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse bookke~per's Pet~y cash fund 40.52 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Coroner Investigation, LUIllacy hearing 160.00 Salem Motors Co., Repairs to Co. Vehicles 213.94 Summerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 29.05 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 112.76 Miller Tire Service, Maintenance Co. Cars Tires 76.00 Goodwin-Andrews Insurance Co., Additional premiUIII on Fire &. Theft Automobile Insurance .50 D1i. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigations, Drunk Driving Examination 45.00 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts Police Car #12 34.70 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flash light batteries for Sheriff and Deputies 6.12 Andrew Lewis Phillips "66" Station, Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 233.48 " 33686 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 33687 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books and office supplies 33688 Raloid Xerox, Inc., office supplies for Clerk 33689 West Publishing Co., Law books 33690 Goodwin Insurance &. Realty Co., Premium on Liability &.C 33691 Bank of Salem, Rent on Safety Deposit Bag 33692 Soundscriber Sales Ce1rp. Renewal of maintenance 33693 Edward F. Staples, Reimburse traveling expense 33694 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 33695 Judge Norman Moore, Reimburse traveling expenses 33696 Treasurer, City of Re,anoke, Room and Board for children detained at Detention Home 33697 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs to Car #5 Police 33698 Town of Salem, Light and Water Service " " " " " " " " " " " " " 33699 " 33700 33701 33702 33703 33704 " " II " " 33705 II 33706 33707 " " 33708 9.89 487.30 44.55 30.00 82.21 6.00 52.00 37.38 21. 91 27.91 I 112.00 35.00 427.58 1 I '" --." '.- ... .'-"-- _.',....-...-.~ ..... - .".... No. 33709 International Business Machine Corp., Office supplies for Sheriff's Office a ~ a ~ a II " 33710 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance County Owned Vehicles 33711 Roanoke County Schocll Board, Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 33712 H. M. Wood Plumbing &. Heating, Plumbing Repairs &c 33713 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 33714 Salem Remnant King, Toweling for Jail 33715 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking Fuel for Jail &.C 33716 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., Bedding for Co. Jail 33717 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Janitor supplies 33718 Rutherford Freight Lines, Freight on Bedding &c 337l9Vi;giniaFoods Co., Food for Prisoners 33720 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners 33721 Salem Paint Co., Paint 33722 Salem Hardware Co., Paint for Courthouse 33723 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County Office Building 33724 Salem Floor Covering Co., Linoleum for Jail 33725 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 33726 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry for Co. Jail 33727 Va11eydale Packers, food for Prisoners 33728 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 33729 J. W. Reynolds Feed Store, Food for Prisoners 33730 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 33731 Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance Co. Vehicles 86.97 33732 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for C1earbrook Fire Station 6.34 33733 Fuel Oil &. Equipment Co., Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse 879.81 33734 Farmer's Service Station, Gas, Oil &c 31.00 33735 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel Oil for Catawba Fire Station 23.44 33736 Diamond Chevrolet Corp., Parts for Catawba Fire Truck &c 19.86 33737 O~lligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 4.00 33738 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Parts and &c 62.10 33739 J. W. Griggs &. W. H. Witt, Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 II " " " II " " II " " " " " " " " " " " " ,. " " " " " " " " 33740 33741 33742 33743 33744 33745 33746 33747 33748 33749 33750 33751 33752 " " " " " " " " " " " " W. W. Garman, Rent 01:1 Mt. Pleasant Fire House Clearbrook Lion's Cl1Jb, Rent on Clearbrook Fire House in Minor R. Keffer, Services on Fairview HOllIe Board Burrell Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Cancelled University of Virginia Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Radford Community Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Lewis-Gale Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Bedford County Memor:la1 Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy hearings Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearing $ 2.85 72.49 825.73 16.70 15.60 25.00 43.31 699.60 179.37 9.56 45.12 58.72 53.40 25.50 32.00 82.00 59.80 45.76 42.21 93.37 44.40 386.18 60.00 60.00 104.00 167.00 I 2,164.50 ~ ~ 74.00 ~ ~ 314.50 ~ ~ 18.50 I 74.00 ~ 148.00 ~ I' Ii 80.00 II Ii Ii 10.00 II ~ 442 ,- I I , i f ji , I l , ~ ~ I: ~ i f ~ " ! ~ I No. 33753 33754 " " Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy healrings Dr. John S. Jeremiah, Lunacy hearings 33755 Void 33756 Stuart A. Barbour, Jr., Court Appoillted attorney 33757 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Office Assistant Public Works 33758 Owen Plumbing Co., Servicing Pump flor Garbage Dept. 33759 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for Car #20 33760 Esso Standard Oil Co., Parts and GalS 33761 Acme Typewriter Co., Office supplies 33762 American Standards Assoc., Plumbing Standards 33763 Technical Reproduction &. Supply, Maps for Subdivisions and Streets " " " " " " " " " 33764 Malcolm Blueprint &. Supply Co., Map:s " $ 60.0 10.0 10.Oq 274.3 I 4.4 i 3.0 24.0~ 23.75 : , I 59.50 1 i 1.50 1.561 33765 International City Manager's Assoc., 1 copy of Local Planning Adm. 7.50 33766 City of Roanoke, Sewage treatment charges for General Electric Line 33767 Wilson's Esso &. Grocery, Parts, gas and oil 33768 Salem Glass Co., Parts and Labor on P-l Garbage Truck 33769 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware &c 33770 Salem Oil Co., Fuel Oil 33771 Rockydale Quarries Corp., Stone 33772 Nelson Hardware Co., Gasoline Cans for Garbage Dept. 33773 Magic City Motor Corp., 1 Axle -1'-1 Truck 33774 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., Hardware 33775 Richard L. Lucas, Refund Garbage Collection " " " " II " " " " " " 33776 33777 33778 33779 33780 33781 33782 33783 33784 33785 33786 33787 33788 33789 33790 33791 33792 33793 33794 33795 " " " " " " " Il " " " " " " " " " " " " 33796 Bemiss Equipment Corp., Parts for Tractor Uarco Incorporated, Preparing Listing of Registered Votes Mrs. Goldie R. Griggs, Registering and Transferring Voters Mrs. Madeline B. Edwards, Transferring and registering voters White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies Williams Supply Co., Lamp tubes Salem Paint Co., Paint Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service McClung Lumber Co., LUlllber Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County Office Building Bush Electric Co., Electrical work at Courthouse Brown Hardware Co., Hardware, &c American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies American Floor Covering Co., Floor covering Times-Register Co., Advertising Southern Machinery &. Supply Co., St. Signs Chas. E. Via, Jr., Secretarial Assistance State Board of Education, Supplies for Civil Defense Program Roanoke County School Board, Gasoline purchased for Hollins Fire Station Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expense for trip to Fort Story 238.35 47.75 i 10.91 1.65 101.10 , 60.03 I 4.59 ~ 12.88 28.16 1 1.50 i 17 .09 ~ 100.12 i 55.35, 24.20 I- 16.3411 30 .43 ~ 11.271 , 3.00 i I ::'.35. i 5.57, I 1 I 63.40 i 103.65 ~ 5.56 !I 119.54 il 9.35 ~ 18.501 II i 49.33 II ; 145 .001 I 13.581 " 150.081 ,I I 6.451 I No. 33797 Mason H. Littrea1, Refund Duplicate Electrical Permit a ~ a 33798 Chamber of Commerce, Contribution 33799 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage 33800 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expense to Richmond 33801 Auto Service Station, Gas, Oil, Wash &c 33810 Richardson's General Tire Co., Tires for Dog Truck 33816 Garst Construction Co., Grading work 33878 American Society of Planning Officials, Membership due for Year, 1960 " " " " " " " " > 33879 Void " 33880 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Flash Light batteries 33881 Acme Typewriter Co., Repairs to Gestetner Memograph Machine 7~50 33882 Chamber of Commerce, 2 memberships for 1960 60.00 33883 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for tractor 2.40 33884 C &. P Telephone Co., Service forTelephone County Offices 447.56 33885 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk Driving Examinations &. Lunacy Hearings 15.00 33886 E. W. Chelf, Lunacy fees 33887 Paul Eller, 288 inspections &. traveling expenses 33888 Michie Company, Law books 33889 Morton Honeyman, Lunacy Hearing 33890 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash fund 33891 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Police Cars 33892 Motorola Company, Radio 33893 Salem Office Supply Co., stamp pad ink 1.32 33894 Southern Building Code Congress, 6 copies Southern Standard Building Code &. 6 part 11 gas &. postage 30.54 33895 H. W. Starkey, 15 meeting finance Board 75.00 33897 Virginia Law Review Association, Law Books 7.50 33898 Virginia Foods, Food for Prisoners 86.23 33899 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Additional request 580.00 " " " " " " " " " " " " " or " " " " 443 $ 5.00 250.00 64.00' 56.25 152.27 54.94 27.00 15.00 6.12 40.00 382.86 15.00 10.00 27'.55 70.98 350.00 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &.c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable I therewith, to-wit; a c No. 33802 33803 33804 " " " 33805 33806 33807 33808 33809 33811 33812 33813 " " " " " " " Acme Printers Co., 500 receipt books Belle Aire Lawn &. Garden Center, Disinfectant, Dog Food &c County School Board .of R. C., Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts and Repairs Dog Truck Henry W. Carroll, Livestock Claim Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil Ralph Long, Reimburs e traveling eXpense to Richmond James L. Parker, Assistant to Dog Warden Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for Dog Truck Salem Hardware Co., Misc. Items Salem Farm Supply Co., Ammunition for Dog Warden $ 7.65 i ~ ~ ~ 'I ~ II Ii 'I ~ ~ I i ! 27.04 38.83 47.06 25.00 40.55 9.25 126.28 52.50 39.11 1.30 r ~~ "~Co \t;0 I~"-:'I ~..., I I I i I ! ~.u 1:: r . . Co .e..R.~ ~C, ! ~ ~' I~ ~~1~7j i ~ , j i , No. 33814 Vinton Motor Company I 1 new Dog 'rruck $ 1,673.40 II 33815 Void II 33817 Yates &. Wells Garage, Maintenance of Dog Truck 33896 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond 55.80 5.n " JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia December 21, 1959 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business Decl!lllber 19, 1959, there was to the credit of the $ 145,772.92 4,434.82 2,795.14 366,81 729,488.23 136,820.95 63,559.82 7,449.08 2,618.67 451. 90 259.50 ~l,094,017 .84 Respectfully submitted, General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retiremlant Fund Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit AcclJunt. (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit AcCIJunt" James E. Pete!."s, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer, for $1,112.62, on account of delinquent taxes collected by sai Clerk for the month of November, 1959, less commissions, and turned over to said I ! Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,056.99 net. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of December, 1959, be approved in the amount of $7,889.97, frOlll which the sum of $126.48 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes $749.30 is to be deductedi leaving a net payroll of $7,014.19 net. Adopted by the following recorded vote: E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Ayes: Supervisors W. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I i i On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse ,I Collection and Janitor Service for period November 16, 1959, ending November 30, ~ 1959, be approved in the amount of $1,921.50, from which the sum of $48.05 total! I F. I. C. A., Taxes and total W. H. Taxes $64.30, and Insurance $57.00, is to be ,I 'I deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,752.15; 'i And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services fOL period ~ December 1, 1959, ending December 15, 1959, be approved in the amount of $l,970.l~, , from which the sum of $49.30 total F. I. C. A. total W. H. Taxes $67.80, and :1 Insurance $28.50 is to be deducted, I I I 1 I CI a ~ I ~ -' 1 a Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: .Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #33557 in the amount of $26.65 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at Hollins Fire Station; Voucher-check #33598 in the amount of $60.00 made payable to W.J. Lockard, Clerk of Municipal Court, City of ' Roanoke, for sixteen warrants in collecting delinquent taxes; , Voucher-check #33602 in the amount of $153.75 made payable to Roanoke County Court for forty-one warrants in collecting delinquent taxes; Voucher-check #33627 in the amount of $153.75 made payable to Roanoke Cou nty Court for forty-one warrants in collecting delinquent taxes Voucher-check #33628 in the amount of $136.00 made payable to J. Luck Richardson, Jr., for traveling expenses to Alexandria Voucher-check #33629 in the amount of $565.77 made payable to C &. P Telephone COIIIpany for telephone service Voucher-check #33631 in the amount of $36.36 made payable to George Underwood for labor on garbage truck Voucher-check 133633 in the amount of $15.00 made payable to C & P Te1ephon:= COIIIpany for telephone service at Dog Warden's HOllIe; Voucher-check #33634 in the amount of $153.75 made payable to Roanoke County Cour for forty-one warrants collecting delinquent taxes /~ Voucher-check #33636 in the amount of $14.29 made payable to Appalachian Power COIIIpllny for current at Mount Pleasant Fire Station Voucher-check #33669 in the amount of $12.50 made payable to Appalachian Power COIIIpany for current at Cave Spring Fire house Voucher-check #33670 in the amount of $82.90 made payable to C &. P Telephone Company for service at County fire stations. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. TerrelL Nays: None ~u '(" .C. ~ '~ "0/ S"l IN RE: PAYMENT OF SALARIES: . &..iT Li~~i.. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular 1llOt:>!:h1y salary checks for all county employees be approved for payment as of December 21, 1959. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY ~JELFARE BOJ.RD AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF ALL STATE- LOCAl. HOSPITALIZATION BILLS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1959: :j~~~ '~~ ~~r.- 4.~- ,,"c, ~ . ~ /1'-fih ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Welfare Board be, and it hereby is, authorized to pay all State and Local Hospital Bills incurred by said Welfare Board as of December 31, 1959. J Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ r ~ r r I I:, t ' r ~ I ~ t ! r r I I,; i I l ~~l ~c .~~~ , , " -t'"~ ~ I~ 'iu l~iU ! . 1 i ~ ! ~ I 1- t I ! IN RE: ADDITIONS TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated November 16, 1959, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner Departmen , of Highways, Richmond 19, Virginia, approving additions to Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective November 1, 1959: Additions Belle Meade Subdivision Extention of Belle Mead Drive, frOlll end of present Route 1633 to Route 613. Length 0.20 mile. Leawood Circle, frOlll Belle Meade Drive north to dead end. Length 0.07 mile. Sunny Side Drive, frOlll Belle Me~lde Drive north to dead end. Length 0.07 mile. Sunny Side Drive, frOlll Belle Meade Drive south to dead end. ~ngth 0.13 mile. Vinyard Gardens Subdivision Jack Street from Route 1022 to Harwood Drive. Length 0.10 Mile. Harwood Drive frOlll Route 653 to Jack Street, Length 0.30 Mile. and ordered filed. I I IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated December 3, 1959, from R. M. Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Virginia, and to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, Virginia, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County jail, dated November 25, 1959, received and ordered filed. I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, the following communications were received and ordered filed: tetter dated December, 1959, from Frank M. Williams addressed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Virghia, in re: sewage problems; Letter dated December 4, 1959, from John H. Senatorial District, addressed to City Managers, of Supervisors, along with proposed bill. ~ j Temple, Senator frOlll 8th I and Clerks of the County Board :1 1 ,I :1 11 :1 1 ,[ .I I :1 il :1 I !I II I I I Letter dated November 27, 1959, from J. carl POindexter, Chairman Roanoke County Sewer-Tax Protesters Committee addressed to Mr. M. W. Armistead, 3rd, Publisher, The Roanoke Times and World News et a1s; 1 On 1uotion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 15, 1959, for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1959 and ending June 30, 1960, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: Item 3-a: Delinquent Tax Collector -- an additional appropriation of $4,020.00 is hereby made for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1960, for salaries and office expenses of the Delinquent Tax Collector. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, W. E. Cundiff and -- o Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 16th day of November, 1959, designating December 21, 1959, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. as the ti~e and the Board of Supervisors RoOlll in the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a public hearing on the aforesaid resolution of November 16, 1959, signifying the intention of the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify further projects in the nnture of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, liS set forth in said reso~ution, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water IInd Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, lIS amended, particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken b the authority. Present: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: _ o The Chairman opened the meeting stating its general purposes, and after reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published in the ''Roanoke World-News, II and certified by the publisher, and also a reading of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general Lj discussion of the subject. The Board hearing no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, on the motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and seconded by Supervisor John Lee Logan, the following resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote: WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held Nov. 16, 1959, a resolution was unanimously passed by recorded vet of said Board, signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water andSewer Authorities Act, as amended, and particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifying of further projects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said duly p!1blished in the "Roanoke World-News," a newspaper pUblished in and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, where the said Roanoke ! County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and said publication havingii :1 'I ~ WHEREAS the said public hearing was duly held on December 21, 1959, at 3:00 i 11 !t 'I ~ Ii Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, ii II substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; ,;1 " ii 'I , ~ ~ !: i, II " ii I: :1 been had on December 7, 1959. o o'clock p. m. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resolution; and, o WHEREAS in the judgtllent of the members of the Board of Supervisors of NOW, THEREFORe;, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a 448 -1 , i i i ! ~ ~. It r +~ h~r' ~ J..L r.1 ~c\L.L ~-- l b\~ ! s-...~c.. ~ Pf~ C. . ! p..J,3)ST1 ~ ~I r i referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of th~ ~Ode of VirginiaOfl-~5'O', ..-! as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its regular meeting of November 16, 1959, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify i i additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority i with the purpose of acquiring, financing, constructing, operating and maintainin' I I I a sewer system or systems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto for the primary purpose of furnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County,! Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanokf County Sanitation Authority by its Charter and by the provisions of the virginia!1 Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia, as amendek and being Sections 15-764.1 to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the I additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in each and all of i those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolutio! i' i passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular ! meeting held on November 16, 1959, reference is hereby specifically had to said resolution and the metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Supervisors' Record Book 15, Page 429. I An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON TIlE EASTERLY SIDE OF STATE SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 623 SOUTH OF SUN VALLEY BOULEVARD OF ORLANDO CORPORATION x- FINAL ORDER I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on December 21, 1959. WHEREAS, Orlando Corporation petitioned this Board and requested thatthe County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property I , described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as local business propert~, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on September 22, 19591, I and by order entered onthat day was referred to the Planning Commission .of Roanokf County for recommendation in acco~dance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, SAID Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 22nd day of September, 1959, after hearing evider.ce touching on the merits c of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinancel be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to local business property; and, V' WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order, enteret on the 22nd day of September, 1959, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board" upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwit set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with t e County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Boarddid setthe regular meeting of this Board to be held on December 21, 1959, at 2:30 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke-World News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on November 18 and November 20, 1959, as required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Vi~ginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consi.deration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. !~OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the ~ a . Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on 'the 21st day of December, 1959, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the properties described in said petition as local business property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for local business purposes as a 11 II n ,. ~ I Ii ~ ~ Ii ~ i ij I: Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jri, " :i II II The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Kefferl defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby classified as local business property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEING Lots 1 through 5, inclusive, Block 1,. according to the Survey of Section 1 of Sun Valley, as shown on Map made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., June 13, 1959, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia a IT IS FURTllER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Attorney for the Petitioner. and seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None 450 ,. copies ~hi order del ~o Co Ex Office for del w Res. Engr. DeP.t. Highwa 12723/59 ,. copies ~his I order & ,. copies ske~chl . del ~o Co Ex i Officer for I I del ~o Res. i Engr. De~. I Highwa,ls · : 12{23/59 ! ! ~ i! ----- r ~ ~ I Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for SUIIIIIlit Lane from State Secondary Rt. 1423 to D. E. 0.17 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of i way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as West Summit Hills, which map is recorded-in Plat Book 4, Page 17 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donatio:l of right of way from the abutting property owne: s is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Summit L3ne from State Secondary Rt. 1423 to D. E. -- 0.17 mile, and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John 'Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None r i i Board of Supervisors x ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Westdale Road from Glenn Ridge Road to Summit Lane 0.05 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known! ~ -\1 ;1 as Summit Hills #2 and West Summit Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3 4, Page 160 - 17 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOlJ, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Westdale Road from Glenn Ridge Road to Summit Lane -- 0.05 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G.Terrell and Minor,(R. Keffer. Nays: , I I I I I ,. copies of ske~ch & ,. copies this resolu~ion d"l to Co Ex Officer for del ~o This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and up n ) Res.Engr llep~.High- the application for Koogler Drive from Pomeroy Road to Pomeroy Road -- 0.27 mile wa~s / 12,.23 59 to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. Board of Supervisors VB 1- ORDER [J The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Pomeroy Road from State Secondary Rt. 767 to Deaner Drive (State Secondary Rt. 1482) -- 0.20 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Ridgewood Park Addition /Fl, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 11 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Pomeroy Road from State Secondary Rt. 767 to Deaner D=ive (State Secondary Rt. 1482) -- 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanyi~ this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None c . c Board of Supervisors VB 1 ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia a It appearing to the Board that draiolage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Ridgewood Park Addition /Fl, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 11 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. o and right for drainage. , I ~ " 'I II " Ii ~ ~ ij II r II ,I II " II ,I and Minor~ The Board hereby guarantees said right of way NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Koogler Drive from Pomeroy Road to Pomeroy Road -- 0.27 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan, W. E. R. Keffer Nays: None Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell 451 ,. copies ~his resolu~ion del ~o Co Ex Officer for del ~o Res. Engr. Dep'~.Highways 12723/59 1452 I I I ,. copies thi ordll1' del ~o Co Ex Office for del ~o I Res. Bngr. t" , De~. Highwa, s ~723/S9 I' . '. , I I ! i ,. copies ~his order del ~o Co Ex Officer for del ~o ti hs.Engr. I DeP1;. Highway. 12/23/59 I .... - II i h ~ ! ~ I I' ~ ~ i ,i " " " " I' , I -~--_..,-_.- - Board of Supervisors --1 -_.. vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for l'rail Drive from Rt. 460 to Blue View Drive -- 0.25 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Hfghways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way: I for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as i Colonial Trail Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 294 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way o1!nd right for drainage. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Trail Drive from Rt. , I I 460 to Blue View Drive -- 0.25 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch . accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: I ! ~ I Ayes: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell R. Keffer Nays: None i and Minot I , ! I Board of Supervisors x- ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Blue View Drive from State Secondary Rt. 610 west to i , D. E. 0.25 mile to be accepted and mac12 a part of the Secondary System of State' Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way 'I :1 for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as ,I Colonial Trail Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 294 of the I , records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court "of Roanoke County, Virginia,! and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of ! , , I Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Blue View Drive from State Secondary Rt. 610 west to D. E. - 0.~5 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established a$ , I a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors t'l. E. Cundiff, John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell and Min'Pr R. Keffer Nays: None I c = I ~ a 453"4 ~ I: I, " !i Ii i ! I, I Ii it ,. Ii H I, I !! ! il).~~ 'I~' ',~.~ ; P-. c,. i 'Eo f6.......L !~..h"- r , . : <r tLL WHEREAS, the sum of $225,000.00 was transferred in October by journal entry! I <r C. from the County School Construction Fund to the County School Educational Fund, a' d ~ I" I J.-/ :J. 3 p.-r WHEREAS, the County School Construction Fund now has insufficient funds to - / , i WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County this day filed with this Board the hereinafter excerpt from the minutes of the regular meetjng of the Roanoke County School Board held on December. 8, 1959: "~ motion of Dr. C.R. Woodford seconded by Mrs. Frank B. Thomas, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: make payments due on its obligations for the month of December, and II ,I F~,~ I ........ a <<...fe< of "'"' can .. ..'anged, ,..,.by .'imina'''' tho 0""'; " of securing a temporary loan for the County School Construction Fund, II WHEREAS, there is at this time a s~plus in the County School Educational I: I: Ii Ii I I , i i i I i I I I I , ! i I I , , i I I I II Ii , i , i NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County School Board of Roanoke Count, I , with the concurrent approval of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, hereby i i requests and authorizes the Treasurer of Roanoke County and the County Bookkeeper! to transfer by journal entry the sum of $225,000.00 from the County School II Educational Fund to the County School Construction Fund." il NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun y i I I I I ! I I hereby approves said request, and hereby authorizes the Treasure4 of Roanoke County and the County Bookkeeper to transfer by journal entry the sum of $225,000.00 from the County School Educational Fund to the County School ConstructiOn Fund. Upon motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor John Lee Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer and w.l i Logan the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Cundiff Nays: None I t:",:,' BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of RoaIloke County, that the Counc Ilr~~ for' the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of j1i Oa. . , September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealin:!~~_ i with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by emergency resolution, 'I ~ .r~ 1 ~t'--'_ tf Ii to the following extent only, viz: p'_'~ II BEGINNING a,t a point on the east side of Plantation Road, ,(jfIL........;. A I: State Secondary Route 601 at the northeasterly corner of ,I ~ ~(. 11'.'1,: the property formerly ownedhby Mrs. A. Pd' Jdonies andd nowk \ owned by R. R. Quick and ot ers as recor e n Dee BoO, u ~I S'1 624, Page 279, in the records for the Clerk's Office for :1 1-/,. 7 II the ~ircuit Court of Roanoke C8unt:y; thence with the :i I:" aforesaid Plantation Road S. 6 00 E., 111.7 feet to a point on the e88t side of the road; thence continuing with 'i ,. the road S. 1 25' W., 238.9 feet to a point on the ,[ I: west side of the road; thence leaving the road god with a I line through the aforesaid Quick property S. 85 31' l~., , 1272.9 feet to a point on the westerly line of the Quick I: property and being the easterly line of the property ob I: Miller E. Petty; thence with the Petty-Quick line N. 6 , 05' W., 309.5 feet to the northwesterly corner of the Quick I' tract; thence with a line leaving the Petty boungary and i with the C. S. Williams southerly boundary N. 83 46' E., ': 1303.7 feet to the point of BEGINNING; and being a boundary Ii description of that remaining portion of the Quick property not previously approved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke for sewage treatment and containing 10 acres, more or less, as shown on the plat prepared by David Dick, S. C. E., under date of June 13, 1959. r ~util n"",-..~ 11. I ~~~il ~"1""' "'I c.,/&.., ~ r II iWl.t.' B ~ ~ ~~ I pt:. c--., Ii i 1~?-3J!.7f ~ I I i ! ':IJ7fI.~ I i . ! i /:& '1H.~: : f,.~ ~~/sWi\ ~::: t~.= I'i . I , ! ,I " , I' 1 :;~:::~:: =n~:t:t~:'::::;'::: ::t::t~': full ~x:l. Ii (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be Ii 'I Ii i, delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary s~;er system at such point as II II, h ; II is approved by the City s Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and t e 'I III1 I requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; ~II (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force I and effect. i!1 I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of I " I' I II !I it Ii I' II II I, I I ! w. E. I i I I the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the Count of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and' to the same extent as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An . emergency is hereby declared to exis t and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect fromand after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Cundiff Nays: None John Lee Logan, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and IN RE:'. NAMING'OF A STREET OR ROAD IN TIlE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT x RESOLUTION I This day J. Kyle Montague appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a petition relative to naming a certain 30 ft. private roadway as described in his petition presented this day. I NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that at this regular meeting of the Board of ,I Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 21st day of December, 1959, 'sa4r petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as set out in Volume 3, 1956 Replacement Volume, that the said private 30 ft. roadway, II II 'I !I !I II extends Westerly along the said Renick property, the John C. Ellis property, ar,1 r situate 0.3 of a mile South of U. S. Route 11, running in a generally Westerly direction from Virginia State Secondary Route No. 684, known as Deyerle Road, which said roadway is to the ittmediate North of the A. M. Renick property and I others, to the J. Kyle Montague property, and others, formerly known as the Ella ~. Spangler property, (said roadway being set out more particularly on a Plat ~ " I Ii 'i II II I. ii Ii which would be beneficial to the general public and to people 11 ving in the area If ,i Ii 11 attached hereto), be 'and the same is, hereby officially uamed and designated "Lake Drive",in order that the confusion presently existing might be set at I rest, and that the said roadway might be known under one name 'and designation of the said roadway and serviced thereby. AND BE IT FURTllER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a li :: copy of this Resolution to the Secretary of the Roanoke County :flanning CClmlissionil " Ii and also a copy to J. Kyle Montague. c a ~ tl c - ."~ -'.'-,',;~ 455 Ii I'I!, The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor John Lee Logan, ii and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ii w. E. ! I I I Ayes: Supervisors Cundiff Nays: None John Lee Logan, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and MISS MARGARET GROSECLOSE, Home Demonstration Agent, Roanoke County, having, this day in writing, submitted to the Board her resignation, effective December 1959, as such agent, said resignation is accepted with regret. Upon the written recommendation of Mrs. Margaret Svoboda, District Agent, West Central District, and on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Miss duly seconded, it is ordered that Miss Sherrill . Agent Massie be, and she hereby is, employed as Assistant Home DemonstrationjofRoanoke County, at a salary ot $2000.00 per year, payabie by Roanoke County, said appointment to be effective January 1, 1960. Letters of Mrs. Margaret Svoboda and Miss Groseclose ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ii Ii I: r I: League of Virginia Counties, this day appeared before the Board and presented Ayes: Terrell Nays: Supervisors W. E. Cundiff, Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan and Edwin None :1 il the 1/ , I Mr. W. B. Speck, Secretary, and Mr. Otis Brown, Assistant Secretary, of Mr. Cundiff, retiring Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, a plaque,fr~ the League of Virginia Counties, for his splendid work with local and state groups, in his capa~lty as First and Second Vice-Presidents of said League; and stated to the Board he was confident the County of Roanoke was appreciative , , I .1 I, r of the wonderful leadership it had hac1 in the services rendered it by Mr. Cundiff il :[ i: 1 In appropriate remarks Mr. Cundiff thanked the League of Virginia Counties II 'I I 'j 'I il :i I 'I , , as a citizen and member of the Board of SI.:~ervisors. for their token of appreciation. The adoption of the Roanoke County Plumbing Code proposed for adoption on this date, is continued, to the next regular January Meeting 1960 of this Board. r The adoption of the Roanoke County Electrical Code, proposed for adoption I: i' on this date, is continued, to the regular January Meeting 1960 of this Board. .~~ t togan'"::"i~::: :::::::~;"~:::::::~n::<::::~7.:~TIII"'~ ":paR........ ~.$. II I~ 'l}:r """,,ding fr~ Roanoke >li~ '" ,he Son'" '0 <he ...."d ".ofrio ___,', P1~'I.! ~. .M <he H~'" b.. Md <he ,_ he<<b, " ,,_f....d eo ,he T_ of "'M I .'.t.1 3/~'" pursuant to Court order entered on October 31, 1959, in Common Law Order Book 22, il e~' j - II Page 48, in the Annexation suit of the Town of Salem v. the County of Roanoke, II II Virginia, upon the payment to the County of Roanoke of the sum of Thirty-six II il Thousand six hundred, seventy-one dollars and fifty cents ($36,671.50) as set 11'1 i[,'11 forth in said order. Illil Adopted by the following recorded:.vote: II ~ Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, John Lee Logan, W. E. Cundiff and Edwin G. Terrell II INN · [I ays : one I' I to,..., frnm W. Frank _. T_ _ag~. da..d ..o....,~ '.'. "". _J.., 'I I II to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ordered filed. II I ;1 il r IN RE: ~!i ~~~~~ ...1; (lw;.. ~ I, ~ cUC; II ~~~I ';UJ "3J~t; !1 . II II " Ii 11 ii Ii Ii 'I II I' ,I r w... ~'! ~tA'~~Q~~'M :1 n~I'] ,.. . ii :i 01 u:;.., e..... " ta~~':' 'i ~~,i. l>tU Commonwealth's Attorney; said firm to be paid on a monthly basis when statements ~ ~: , 1: l~ ,,31 &-, ] I I EMPLOYMENT OF FIRMS TO ASSIST COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY IN ANNEXATION SUIT On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that the firm of Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorneys, and the f"i.rm of Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, be, and they are hereby employed to assist the Commonwealth's Attorney in defending the suit of the City'of Roanoke I v. County of Roanoke, pursuant to the terms set forth in a letter dated December 21, 1959, addressed to the Commonwealth's Attorney, said firms to be paid upon a monthly basis when statements for services are rendered. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors John Lee Logan Nays: None Minor R. Keffe., Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and I I, II I' On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. 'I Terrell, it is ordered that the firm of Dulaney and Robinson, Certified Public Ii AccountSQts"be, and they are hereby employed to assist in defending the county,s~ interests in the annexation suit of the City of Roanoke v. County of Roanoke, II I; the:1 IN RE: EMPLOYMENT OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS: I pursuant to terms set forth in a letter dated December 11, 1959, addressed to for services are rendered. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, W. E. Cundiff and John Lee Logan Nays: None I II " il II 'I " II I I :1 Ii II I I I I i I' II I I: I! Ii I !: i,i " !i --==. ~. ' - T ! ., Ii " " Ii II 'j I , , , II ,I Ii II Ii II I) I I i i I' , [ II Ii II !i !I " 'i , " " II I, II :1 !I I, i1 " Ii Ii Ii I. i! 'I Ii i! II 'I !. ,i !i ,i " :! " " L Ii i: ii :1 :t ':- ~ . -I I I I I .,.,...~.~~~~~-:~~:t":l'~.~~f,.,;I',_,.~".~,)~.,.,"",?,,~u~ ,.. r I J 1 END OF BOOK J '. ~);:.;.;.;""...,:..-..._.... '--'.~.