HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960-1961 ~"'''''~'''''''"'-'''''''''''''' ',.". . .. II IJ J'llll IJI: SIJ I) I: II\"SIJ lIS III: I:IJ Illl IIIJ()I( .... : t~ . ......-. .__._~--_..~..~~..._-~,-=,..._..=--,~~~,._,...,.,.=~.._,.~=,,~,""'"~'""~"'''''''''''''''''->>"'''''"'''-''''''''''''''''''~'''''''''I''''''''''i . CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT "'1'- .;....". ..., '-~\~:,;,,"'-" .. >. _."""......-.........~,....__. ".'''''. C'-"'~" . '.. ... -'.;0:". ": ~ .""~ ,."-,'. _--.'~".-'''..:..r:'\";,-'>:-...,." .....'~ . ",,~,,' '-'.',.;...., ,:-",,"'--:-",.'."~~R_~~.~~ VDLU E: _' _._ _ M'_" VEARS=1 1 GES: ..- FIL ED: CERTIFICATE OF AUTHEtlTICITY .j THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERt1ANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET ~IERE ~lADE AVAILABLE FOR rlICROFIU'~ING BY THE LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH OF THE ARCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTIONS 15.1-8, 112.1-82, AND 42.1-83 OF THE ~JmE OF VIRGINIA. THE PURPOSE OF THE. NICROFIUHNG IS TO PROVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS, " I I I ~:"I 71 <I &.- {~tl LL;.,~! D'TE_ MARCH JO, 1984 . I . I i II .;,iI"' .' J .,....,.~~.~, ":'~'~":',~..::'l'.'''''. I I j i I i; ; Amendment to Eliminate certain phrase; Sect~on 58-266.3 - Code of Virginia as amend~d -- .~4, ,I Accounts -- 5, 6i 7, 14, 15, 16, 17, 29i, 30) 31, 32, 42, 43, 44, 45,85, 86, 87, 88, ! 98, #9, 100~-: 1 101, 25, 126, 127, 128, l4~, 150', 151, 152, 153,169, 170, 171 172 220,i 221,:: 222,... 223, 224, 233,234, 235, 23~, 23~ 259,262,263,264,265,281,284, 285, ~86, ~87, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302. 317, 3l8~ 3l9~ 320,331, 332, 333, 334, 345, 3461.347'1 348'1~ 375, 376, 377, 378,403, 404, 408, i409, !l4l0, 411,425, 426, 427, 428, 440,'1'11, ..~2, "r3'_t+/+I+'__ l I Ii i ii . , 'I I, , 90,103,131, 155, 173, 226,242, 267A289,~05, 322, 414, 431, 445, I ' I Ii I ji i - L I ii : '; , I " , I: Amendment to Section 15-10 Code of Virginia~ 1950, as amended to date, regarding p"aSsage and publication of CouI!ty ordinances. -- 3. i; 'I - .j.. , .I 'i . I :1 Allen, " II I, , Edward S., County Agent -- , i 9,20, 34,i47, 336, 350, ~l, II II :i JAudit of books of Roanoke County Sanitadon ~uthority letter filed -- 10, ~AddreSSeS of all registered voters on vftingtlist requested -- 10, jAmendment to resolution programming Fed~ral ~id Projects ~- 11, , , ~Annexation Suit employmentof firm to assist l:l.n defending County's interest -- 11, !IAdoPtion of Roanoke County Plumbing Cod~ continued -- 12, n . ~: II . : 1: ~ Adoption of Roanoke County Electrical Cfde Cfntinued -- 12, I if ] Amendment of General Appropriation Ordipance~ of Roanoke County -- 12, 104, 259,. 269,~.3..,~2, 402, ..' i AppaHf~5,p~cYff 5~~,"N8~U5~h~1a,r\W,-active to date -- 18, 34, 46, 90,l03,! l29,~ 154, 173 II Annual rate of COIl".'<'ilSation to Commonwe~lth'i; Attorney -. 20, ! !: .. . . H . _ . .. ~Additional pro~ ects operating and maintkinin~ sewer system Roanoke County sanitatio.nl Aut"*dty ,: 21, 145, 146, l60,.If- ~ #; 43~ ' , I Ii ~ . I' ~Andrew Lewis Place Subdivision propert~ add~tional projects for purpose of operatin~ and baintain- il int sewer system -- 21, i' ~ -- ~ - ; : -- il llArea adjacent to Route 221 and Virginial State Secondary Route 613 additional prOjec~ for ~urpose ii of operating a.ld maintaining se'fr s~Btem -- 23, i II ".l~~n~~n~HtQ cont~act CitY4' of Roanoke and cJ~nty ~f Roan. ~ke w~t~ treatment O.f._dome~'d'_~c a.ri~.I... . t. commerCJ.al -wastes ...- 2 ,'48tjOO,; j~ . Ii ! I; II _ j r: ,I I' n HAppropriation for Crippled Children's ~ospitFl request -- 27, ,,1 ~ Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation leitter ~iEiled -- 27, 248, ~ II ; : II II Adding Machine Remington Rand Electric purchase of -- 27,35, i! ~alter~tions and repairs to Courthouse B6ild~~ preliminary plans submitted -- 28,) 11 Appalachian Power Company notice of amendmen~ to application for license for propo8e~ wat~r.' !i~reement between~:e~k~- C:~dwel1 and ksoc~ates for alteration and repairs tocourb Hou~e r .. . . . BUilding &c -- 41, ; r ...... I" L ~APPOintment of Board of Zoning Appeals for t~e County of Roanoke -- 49, I, ~Andrews, Carl M. appointed member of Board o~ Zoning Appeals for the County of Roanoke --::49, ilAdjOurned Meetings - 83, 143, 281, 403J i ii ~ it aArea Disaster Director for Roanoke County, G~ne Honaker appointed 84, " Ii " ., i;'APprOPriation for Route 119, in Roanokeicoun~y, letter filed - 103, :i. Appropriation Ordinance - 105,179, 180" 254", 296, 328,391, 456, l' i ijAdvertise for bids plans specifications I for additions and alterations to Court House~ l21~ 1 . , !. 1 ,) Additional probation officer and part time S~cretary employed in Juvenile and Domestic Re:j.ations :, Office, 122, ;, :1 , ii Auditor of Public Accounts, report filed~- 131, 414, 1Annexation, general appropriation ordinance ~endment to -- 140, 270, 314, 328,370,i4l7'I1437, Ii i :~ )!Accounting for contributions by counties whi~h will participate in the Virginia Supplemental :1 Retirement System - Group Life Insurance Program communication -148,: 'i ij ~Audit of Clerk's Office -- 155, 381, ii 305, . tAudit.. of Norman R. Moo~e, Judge Juvenil~ and;;Domestic ._ .J"Asses~~~.~~lue o~~3groa~, . Express, . Sl~epi~g car &c Relations Court, Roanoke County Court--155, State Corporation Commission sciatem~ht 155, , Accumulators for machine in , I Treasurer's office, approving allowance for &c -- 156, I I' 1 'j I 1 , " of Salem, dealing with trea~ent ~f domestic 175, 247, ' ! Approving proposed water shed project ~ -- :176, i Ac.tivity and Object General Appropriation ~dinance amendment to -- 179, 259,282, t ___.__L!opp~.ec!ation: for services and co-operatJion # Highway Department and Boarci -- 219, i , " I c________.LAIJdit of Sheriff -- 226, 242, ! i . u . j~pJ::opriation to reimburse Roanoke comity S4nitation Authority 232, l I ,I j ., Additional projects, Roanoke County Smtitat~on Authority -- 245. I II Audit of Records of Roanoke County, va.1 -- 2~7, r m~_Al~~er Grant !s CompanY'. Auditors, a~dit ~ records of Roanoke County -- 247, 395.,J J J.ktion taken by Town Council resolution] rec4ve sewage west of Mercy House&c communlcatib .. 1: Auditor of Public Accounts, Audit of r+ords~ of Roanoke County -- 247, I ~ ____.J~ppo_f,!ltment of Member of Roanoke CocntYj Elec ~rical Examining .BoaX'd -- 253, ... jJ . _ ___jAchninistration of Justice General APpro~riation Ordinance amendment to n 259,3~o .1 402J40~,417.,.457., Ii I' :1 j~l1owance approvlngcost of file cabinets &c jTreasurer' sOff:i.c;:Ci!u:- 2~9, .~ ,.. ! ____~AddreSSOgraPh Tax Billing.Equipment Trelsure~'s Office no actiotlu 261, m ~ . cl~~l ,:.~:,:;~:~~:~~;:;:i:";:f;~::::': ::.~....;; ,.,;;.;.;;;.J-:~;~~;,._~-: L_~. t.h,O.. rit.y. .. to. ....s. ign, ..~t,~pGc.o~. ~. h~~;~'c~~*~i~~,i ~~~~r2.' en:, 269~eas.e" of seepage r~stric*on t Lots ~ and:. J ~'_-iAciv!lIlc_emenl:oLAgr~~~t~l'" a~~7~ome Eco~omiC9:," ....<<. ...,<<>p<i.d.. 0<"_' .....J.". 1',0 __- -::. .2821:'''''1 '- ~_____._~pj:lX'l)pri~tion Ordinance.~de.from Gener~l Revlenue Fund -- 282, d...' ..- L . ~.. .-.-J .J ___ breeme.!l~ .C~y_of._Apl2.ala<;:hi.anPower Comp~ny ~.,! Board of SUPCi!r:Visors.of.Il.()ano~l::ollntY_FI..~~, ________.__ Ii ' I i ~ppalachian Power Company agreement ord~red :ti1iled -- 283, i I! i ~_-=_=~~~~'Frank~'. ii;:~:t~~~~_~~!r of ~oan1Ke Valley'.reg~ona1 Pla~i1lg-~d.~:O:om~~.PCi!Y'lO~ent.-'---- i ~~.e;:::,.;7::~:;;;;;'::. f:::::t.:t;~::, Ro.,"" ;.,.;." fe< .~ J;J.,..;,.,;;~-.- ,! ~_____~~ppl_i.c:atiOn,. Notice of hear!ng, Railway I Expr~ss Agency, Inc., communication filed ..-1323, tf ,.,.... ._. i t' ..m___. i~p..proP1:~ation for wo_rk in Children's HO. ~e SOc_,,!iety of Virginia referred. to Budget C~tte1 324,... : _.., ...._. m JM_sessment of Taxable Property APproPriition \Ordinance ..-328, I ~ ~______.~~p.!.l!ciation of co-operation of Board -1 w. ~. Gentry, 335, .......1 j L---- ..~drew Lewis Place street lights, signs ~ letter -- 338, I ~ , ~ending ~oning Ordinance of Roanoke co~ty -~ 338, 398, ! :11 jj ~ ! : I !, ,! Agricultural A-l District, Article 3, ~cti$ 3-1-3 amendment Zoning Ordinance -- 33,9, 3111, 421, , ' , I I jAdoption of proposed Swimming Pool Ordi)nance; -- 343, adopted 351, ~ ii Allocations to Counties - communicationl Depa~tment of Highways 3.65, !:I ._-n-l~~~l rate for SalllrY c. S. Wingo commlmicaiion filed -- ;65, I". . T j i 1 i . ~......- ,,:.Ang,. ell, Frank R. expressing appreciatiov- of a.,PPoi:,tment on Roanoke Economic Develo~nt C~r.mission~ . ~ u. ... communication filed -- ,365 r 1 I .. " 1 . -- ~Adding Machine purchase of for use in C~erk ~ Office conmunication filed -- 365, i; ._' If Appropriation of necessary funds to study need of reconstructing State lij,ghway 24 -- 1371, ,! !IAcCompliSbments of the Commission befor~ the-inception of the H H F A 701 Project, c~~cation 381, !lAppreciaticn of Department of Highways in obs~rvance of Highway Week -- 382, 1:1 ,.-.....- .; i . . iiAPPreciation of copy of resolution on p~oposed merger of Norfolk & Western Railway w~th otiber r . railrvads -- 382, : ' :1 :!Addressograph equipment purchase of CoaIIlissioner of Revenue -- 382, 431, ,I 'j 1 .. , "'t ~rson, Burkett & Company, letter file!d -- 395, . ,.,1 Appointment Director Civil Defense, cO~y of: letter filed -- 157, ji ._n__ -! Assistant Agricultural Agent employmen~ of t- 164, I . Air facilities at Woodrum Airport favoted -~ 165, .. . . j' . ~ Amendment to contract between City of l' oano~e and Town II .. . and cOlllllercial wastes commun cation filed -- !: ' 'i 1 " ;i :1 :: [ " '! 'I ..J i I o 247, ~ .1..- ,Anderson & Reed, letter filed -- 395, Ii Appalachian Power Company granted permtssion to construct overllBd powerline -- 396, --.......1: . .," . - .. . i!~1f,cation fordo.ing of certain porJion o_~ Rose Avenue &c -- 401, J ' -I _ul. i II part-itime ,clerical , " I i: ,. .1 , Ii 305,322, 336, 350, 38q, 414> I: :: ! i: , " .:='" :'l I Brown, Rov K. Clerk, communication addressed to treatment of domestic and commercial ; wastes -- .L9, Budget Request from Virginia Exte~tion [Servi,ce 1960-61 -- 27,289, Building Committee, Court House prelimi~ary 'plans for alterations and repairs submi~ted-~' 28, 121, ' .. . Budget estimate Department of Public We,lfare. u 41, I 1 Board of Zoning Appeals for the County (,f Roanoke, appointment of ,I Bids for auditing records ex Ro..noke County,'! authorized to obtain 'I " jBudget, prepare synopsis of &c -- 93, 374, :1 Baker, A. P. et al Rezoning order - 1l9~ 163~ I I !: Bids, advertise plans and specifications for:. additions and alterations to Court ~~w;t.~~,.CM~ffi~[ - 1'-'1- ;~-L. ,u...~. ,~~ ~ ~ ~fft. - 11-<1- II Bids on Station Wagon fil~JJ -- l4[ i !, ~ . . , .' t Board of Supervisors, change of regular mee~ing in August -- 148, ,I , I' i: Bonds, Roanoke County School selling oft -- 167, ij ~ Board. of Trustees of Virginia Supplemental Retirement System purchase of bonds -- 167, .1 I j j Borrow money for meEl1ng deficits in Gen~ral !=ounty Fund -- 177, 228,400, ,'i I : Ii Bowyer, William L. rezoning certain property' -- 226, i' '. . .. ,I Budget ,Final for Secondary System, copy of 1960-61 submitted to Board -- 229, ., , , ] Bennett, J. Gordon, Auditor of Public AccouIlts, audit of record of Roanoke County iI ' " II Beach Brothers Motors, Inc., bid submitted and fUed for Fairlane Ford -- 257, i . . I: Boone C. E. Sheriff copy of letter frOm, Sta.te ~ . ' I help -- 261, 305, 289,;' " U 49, 91, I House i , ~ ; i; --I 247,!' ! Ii ! ' Compensation Board allOwing for II li Boone, II 1 Boiler, Mercy House inspection - 337, it il :! Boone, C. E. Sheriff, summary st(".tement of p..risoner days -- 267, 289,322,336,350, ; 445 ~Brooklawn Subdivision petition opposing rezoping of certain lots Ii Broadman, Mrs. Bruce et al opposed rezoning of Short property -- . " Ii j Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County agre~ent ordered filed __ 283, 'f Behl, J W. letter to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority filed 290, 'I . , ,. ~ Brooklawn Subdivision rezoning of portion of land Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Shortt, ; bids submitted for two ton truck for re~use ~ollection work -- 305, C. E. Sleriff, office and trave,l exp,enses -- 267, 289, filed -- 272, 272, Letter i 294 i' --: ,.; , . i: 1 Beach Brothers Motors, Inc., bid submit~ed fpr two ton truck for refuse collection wOrk -i:' I : Building Code Committee, Roanoke County, mem.ber appointed -- 313, :i r , j7- ,I l2l!l i 143, i; 1: I ,: ;: !! " :l 305, .' Blue Ridge Industrial Park purchase ofcert#n land for use of given consideration 314, , ,: Budget Committee, appropriation for work in ,.Children's Home Society of Virginia referred ,to 324, . Budget Roanoke County School Board and 'Alternate Budget filed -- 338, Building Court House committee final report "of -- 373, Building restrictions certain recommendatio~s made C. C. Crockett -- 374, Budget detailed prepared for fiscal planning and informative filed -- 392, . . i Burke, T. E. Rezoning of certain property -- 394, 419, Burroughs Check Signer purchase of for.use ~n Treasurer~s Office -- 407, Barker, D. J. et als Petitioner, Secondary System -- 415, Bent Mountain Precinct, change of voting place -- 430, Bureau of Laboratories - State Department of' Health report filed -- 445, i!Chairman , , temporary,Edwin G. Terrell,,- 1 i !: election of Edwin G. Terrell', -- l:. :1 Chairman, j Ii ;! County Executive Officer re-appointment -- ~ County Ordinances, regarding passage J.d pu~lication of Amendment to &c -- 3, ;1 " :i ~ ij il . ~ ij iI City of Roanoke 1 ii ~. , :i Clark, H, W. Sheriff, expressed appre::!atioh to Board -- 4 , :1 I i: ! ii ~ C &P.Tdephone COlllpany~ voucher-checkifor ~el~fone service -- 9J. 19, 34, 46l47, 90,lOl..' 0, <i 129, 154, 1,3,225, 242, 26~, 280;' ,322,335, 336, ,,50, 380.-4~S. 43?, 45~, ,- ..~ -.." , 'I 103, 131, l55,!173,!i226,242 i ,--.- j II , "It --- _.n... I I' of Jiirisoner days served -- 9, 20,34, 47, 90,1103,~~l".1~~.,_ i 'I : . Ii .'.. 292 323,.324, P38,365, , -! --11 ......._-,_.... ! II I; +< II " ~ , -- 11, I I: r. i ,I County's ::interes t I Ii i n !i , , Clark, H. W. Sheriff office and traveliexpe~ses -- 9,20,34,47,90, '.i '. ,-- ii 'I Ii . " Ii 4Clark,H. W. Sheriff, 11 'I 1 'I 'I Communications -- , , summary statement '173, 226,242, : 10, 19, 35. 47, 91, 1~3, 1~2, 381. 395. ' I' . :. white & Negro CaveSp~ing School negotiate constructton loan from Literary Fund -- 10, C & P Telephone Co. request permission!to m!ke study of telephone service I i v. County of Roanoke, ElmploJilnent in Annexation Suit -i- 11" 148,175, 247, 267,269, 290, of firm to assist in defending I' :1 Compensation l Commissioner of Revenue Compensation of and ~Expense Account i! 'I of County Treasurer et als -12, 268 12, 268, 20. 268, " :i " " , ,. ! II . I' i n and c~nfidbce : --1+ u,__ j ,~ , 'I i I, I ' 9f d~estic . I. I Ii , '\ LI , I of ~estic CoImoonwealth's Attorney Compensation oi and .:Expense Account j .... .. .., II ChaplDan, Benj. E... extended best wishes jand ~xpressed appreciation of services --or ~ Compensation Board approving annual ra~e totCommonwealth's Attorney -- 20, il City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke .keo~ent to contract dealing. with treatment .* and commercial wastes u 24, 38,48, 93;, 107,1-+", 148, 295"", "304, ' I ' , --.t~~r~:i ,.-... , II r 12, amendment to City of Roanoke And County of Roanoke dealing with treatment commercial wastes -- 24, 38, 48,30~, -..t.. , " 'IT Cherryh4i,ll Park,. Section 3, treatment of doUtestic and commercial wastes contract amemdme#t I: 2 I' .-1 , Cr.ippl.e. d ..Chil. dr. en.' s Ro..spital, requesti. Il.' g app_'rt'priation for hospital -- 27, :' ii calcula~or Monroe purchase of -- 27, 35, il1 ] Court Hous~ Bu~~ding Committee, preliminarYlplans for alterations and repairs SUbmitted ;- TI ; -II ~Coleman, w. Tredway" appointed Acting Directpr of Civil Defense for Roanoke County -I- 28,;[ ~. Clark, 1I. W. Sheriff, voucher-check, a~vanc~ traveling expense -- 34,154, ! Ii II Commonwealth of Virginia, Public Welfare St~tistics &c report -- 34, 174, 381, 445, i 1 -. - -- - - .. --. - i ': . - - - - -. . - r !; Coleman, W. T. Acting Director Civil nefens~, copy of letter advising appointment -~ 35,;! ~ Chairman of Board authorized to sign akreem~nt between Eubank, Caldwell and Associates, !for , . alteration and repai;rs to; Court Rouse Building -- 41, ' Crady, Rev. W. W., Prayer -- 42, 316, , i' : , , ,. , ,I ~ : i : !: Children's Home Society, letter requesting aPRropriation foriworkfoff society andirdellort, 'i I ~tved and referrea to Co. Execut ve 0 icer for cons eratio~-- I, Crockett, C. C. opposed alterations tol Court: House Building, 49, I I :j- " !i i :: 'I Caldwell-Sites Company, bid for filing: equipment in office of J. Luck Richardson, , , .... of Revenue filed u:; 50, L .chapman, W. Frank Town Manager, observFr prfsent at meeting -- 82, !i Childers, R. Fred, Jr., reappointed member ~f Roanoke County Sanitation Authority -t 92,:: i Cat"tle, testing of approved __ 95, I' Ii " Chapman, W. Frank, Town Manager appear~d urged adoption of resolution in regard to Primary ~ Route #119 -- 97, : , i; d County Audit - 104, 395, 48.. cbmmis~ioner . I' I ., I: :1 Certified Public Accountants letters filed - 104, :! County Levy General for year 1960 -- 106, ,! if Clark, H. W. voucher-check retro-active to i'date 129, I . Cave Spring Water Company voucher-check ret~o-active to .date -- 129, Commonwealth of Virginia, purchase of berta&n property, Salem District, -- 130, ~ -- ~ ,. :j , , I I , i Ii Curry, Rev. Wark, prayer 143, j .~ Crossroads Shopping Center (25 acres) ltdditi,onal project undertaken by Roanoke Coun~y Sanktation , Authority -- 145,161,: J J . Cherryhill. Park, Section 3 (29.75 acres) additional project undertakel~ by Roanoke C'lunty jSanitati~~. Authority -- 146,: , I 'I County owned cars and trucks , proced_u_r~.: l4toa 1?,. e followed -- 147, ! :,J",' . '_'1' , Change of regular meeting in August ; , ~ .....- " . Clark,. H. W. Letter from expense for transp~rting evidence &c -- 156, 1 ._ Clark, Nora K. et al Rezoning reSoluti~n an~ order -- l5S, 243, j I 'I Changes in voting places of precincts ~,' - l6?,' 315, 430, .1 Clark, H. W. Sheriff, voucher-check ad~itio~al salary for Social Security -- l6S, ,I Continuation public hearin8 1>roposed r~-zon~ng -- lS2,..l Chairman of Board authorized to sign vouchet-check not to exceed certain amount pay~ble io . Martin Bros., Contractors -- 218 . i ii , Clerk of Board authorized to sign vouc~er-check not to exceed certain amount payablj to j if Martin Bros., Contractors r 21S, . ,1 IT Civil War Centennial COIIIIIission, Roano1k CiJy-county General Chairman apPointed--1l8, . J i 'I ;1 Chai~ of this Boa):d authorized to ~ite Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and :Ec04omic.:; Development COIIIIIission pro~sediMapping Program -- 21S, I 'I' COIIIIIOl1wealth'sAttorney salary and expFe ~ccount filed, no action taken --219,..... ;1 .____Lc:~ssJ.ClI!eJ:'.~~theR.eveJ1ue,.salary an~ expli!nse account filed. nO..actiontaken._-..,' ri9.' !i i :' j Ii COwwOnwealth's Attorney notice of hearing for purpose of fixing salary &c filed --219, -.=.jcOIIIIIlissioner of the Revenue notice of ~ariJg for purpose of fixing. salary &c filed [-..,.2! 9... I' I' ___..~.~':JIl~y_. P()licellle11Spedlll hire of two by, She~iff -- 219, ._.' -1...' I, 'j I I .~ Citizens .of. Roanolte County rabies vacc~natiQn of dogs -- 231,. .! ~ __._~~~ey,}Ia.rStlallG..l!:lectl:.icalUtility ~embet' appointed-- 253,407, .. I' jll J C!lrll, pl.trchase of for use inSheriff's iOffi~e -- 257, .... Ii. !! Check and voucher file purchase of for ITreaJurer's Office -.. 257, I ' _.__ JC()~ty A~~;stration ~neral appropriJtion brdinanceamended to -- 259, 328, . ! ~ J,C~s.sioner. .of Rev.enue e.t al addressoJraph _~ax billing.equi.pment no action -- 261. t I: .JC~llr_k,Mrs.c::atherine R.. account submidted &!3 part-time Deputy Sheriff -:- 261, l!. u.____ il Contract between Town of Salem and Cit~ of ~anoke allowing Town of Salem to accept ewa~ wastes . 1 .&c communication 267,i - i;, . ... iI j ! II Ii I 1 !l ._J~(mtribution from Board of Supervisors ~o Chiildren's Home Society of Virginia, letter iil~(L.... ;161.... il Covehaven Court, Section 2, Lots 4 and ~authPrity to sign vacation instrument, rele~e of] seepage ~ restriction on Lots 4 iand 5:, Covehaven Court, Section 2 -- 269, i I! .. il !; II :1 Ii Census 1960 United States governing bo~y of County of Roanoke ordered filed -- 269, 1 :! Caudell, N. W. et als opposed rezoning lof Sllort property -- 272, I :1 7 .. . I , , !i Certificate of Deposit Treasurer order~d to:ideposit from General County Fund &c 2721 il ......,.. i : I ;1 ~. ~undiff, W. E. appeared and expressed fPprejiation--2Sl, I ~ County agencies transferred &c Appropr~atio~ Ordinance -- 2S2, i j Commissioner of Revenue additional allowanc~s allowed by Compensation Board -- 290,) i i I . Resolution and : :1 andlcomm~rcia1 I ,I' I " 1 304, ; Clerk's Office, repairs to books -- l4:L, . 1 "I : !; Chapman, C. D. Delinquent Tax Collector;, re~rt filed -- 141, 414, c , , " Clark, H. W. return of prisoner and re~d ~f monies advanced -- 141, Clerk's Office Audit -- 155, 381, , ' Compensation Board additional allowances allowed Commissioner of Revenue -- 290, i' County School Board of Roanoke County vacat:ton unnamed alley Pinkard Court, Order -- 290, :' Castle Rock Farms, 169-7 Acres, more ot less amendment to treatment of domestic wastes -- 295, 30S, Collins, Dr. Carl prayer -- 297, Chelf-Smith Fuel Oil Co., Inc., purcha~e of:truck for Refuse Collection work low bi~ -- 1- , ' " Castle Rock Farms, 169.7 Acres, more at less, operating and maintaining a sewer system &b 30S, i : ~ , ' , Cherry Hill Park property owners oppos~ng to re-zoning of certain property petition! filed 313, Civil War Centennial Commission, Roanofe Co~nty ,member appointed 313, , Capital Outlay, amendment to General At>propriation Ordinance -- 314, 328,370, .~I I Crippled Children's Hospital, request for ~ppropriation -- 315, Changing of boundaries of certain voting places -- 315, Checks, void after sixty days, Treasurer ~- 321, Children's Home Society of Virginia, appropriation for work referred to Budget Civil War Round Table formation of Roanoke. City and Countyletter filed -- 324, County Payroll approved 336, 446, Change to Day Light Saving Time -- 338, ConstructiOll and Design Swimming Pool; Ordi~ance -- 353, , , " Committe~ 324, ~ " Construction and Design Wading Pools ~- 36t, Construction and Design Spray Pools _L 362! ; Civil War Centennial display in N. W.l'ugh &: Company window communication filed -- 365, '. : " ~ j' : :. ' I Communications acknowledging receipt of Resolution of approval of Board of Supervisors ~f . proposed merger of the; New York, Chicago, and St. Louis Railroad Cll1DPanY" with the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, and the Lease of the Wabash Rail- road Company by the Notfol~~and Western -- 365, Committe~ three-man advisability of fprming Regional Planning Commission -- 372, . , , , Court House Building Committee, Final~ report of -- 373, Crockett, C. C. made certain recommendatiors as to Building restrictions -- 374, II " , ii It L i .. " , " ;! n , ,I II 1 :! ij " :1 -I Ii " 'i 'I ~ '-I .-. . . -. . . ." . , . h Dog Taxes &c -- 7,8,17, 32,33, 45,88,89, 101, 128, 153, l72..224~ 237,259, 265, 266',281, . 287,302,320, 321, 334,: 335; 348, 349, 379,405, 4J.l, 428, 429,444, . ','" Delinquent I, 9 taxes collected by Clerk --'8,18; 33,46, 8 , 305, 321,336,349, 380. 4l~. 431.. 444, 102, 131, 155, 173, 225,242,267; 288, . " :; Division of Markets Report on tests of !weigl!ing and measuring devices filed Dean, George W. State Forester, commun~catiqn Forest Fire Control -- 19, Director of Civil Defense, Acting, appc;.inted -- 28, 10,289, :t ; ;" " Department of Public Welfare, budget e~tima~e -- 41, t Department of Welfare and Institutions~ anncial report -- 47, 289, 381. li Dudley,H. Haddon, Prayer - 85, Ii :1 Dog Warden, request appointment 7 [I , 'I II ~ of &c ~- 107, 400. i' " , " Deputy Dog War:den, request appoint of Q!c -- ;!107, I :: Draper, W. L. et al Rezoning Order --, j1l9, :,163, I I: Disposition of proceeds from sale of S~hool j: properties, . i, communication filed -- 132, .' ii I, it " ii j 1; \ I cOlllll/erci~l : Ii , II '-1 .- .' [I j: ~ I Ii ~ " iI " " il " Ii ,I Dog Tax Fun~ -- 175, rr' :1 i Ii ]1 Delinquent Personal property List for year ~959 and Delinquent Real Estate List :1 filed -- 226, 431, ! II II ~ a I' ii Dogs, rabies vaccination of -- 231, Ii ......1 ;~::~~~=::::::tJ:~::;~:~::~;:~~-~~~ jD~})artllll!I1t~.f_Purchase6e Supply letter :file~ 290, ,~ Dog Laws enforcement to be transferred ito ~g Fund &c -- 296, ii : ; j Dog Fund transfer from General Fund -- 1296, I ~ Department of Highways, tantative interstat~ and Primary Allocations cOllllllunication ~ilE!d::324, ~ Dog Fund transferred to Appropriation ordin~nce -- 329, ~ [POfL~~/.".A .... ~,..',........;, a2.....<"'!',......f; -_~..-. ..,-.. -< 3 ~t; i"-' '-"7 , r '. jl Day Light Saving Time change to -- 338~ ~ . hDefinitions SwiDming Pool Ordinance --,351,; ~ ,Design and Construction, Swimming Pool.Ord~ance -- 353, ; Design and Constrl:~tion, Wading Pools ~- 36~, j Design and Construction, Spray Pools -.: 362;, .1 Department of Highways expressing appr~ciat~on in observance of Highway Week -- 382~ ii I : j Dog Fund. General AppropriaticP.l Ordi~~e ~ndment -- 403. 'i Department of Public Welfare of Roanoke Count:y Annual Budget fiscal year -- 407, TI . - 1 Dalton Road, portion of Murry Road, Map of Westland Addition vacated and closed -- 4,15. j Downey, Dr. R. P. Prayer -- 425, ,I Davidson, C. R. & hei.s at law of Lena M. rezoning certain property -- 434,455, . . !I , Davidson. Elton Y. rezoning of certain Davidson property -- 455, Delinquent Tax Collector, report filedi-- 141, . i I; Director Civil Defense, Paul B. Mattheys, afPointed -- 141, i I: Denying request of County to amend contract !:with City dealing with treatment of . domestic wastes communication -- 148, , Dedication ceremonies at opening of Hatvey ~. Appersor. Bridge invitation -- 166, , "!: :i : !j : i'l' I , for! yearl,1959 " Ii " Ii i r u. I Censu!l, i ! h I, " Ii r ,I U.., I' 269, ~ . !! n-- " " .' ~ i, , . il " " ., , \i ., ~. " - " " I Ii , " 1: ;1 ~t. 11 Ii i! ~ and if I' " I; ::. ~T . _ Fairview District Home Boaru, representativ~ appointed -- 3, F. 1. C. A. -- 8, 9, 18,33, 46, 89, 90, 1024 129,,1534'1'6154,172, 173, 225,241, 266,,288 322,336, 303, 349, 350, 379, 380, 41, 4211, .., ii j Fru shots, study made of giving employeess liliots n 10, Ii Frazier, Ed. of C & P Telephone Co. requeste~ to make study of telephone service -- 11, :i i ; ~Federa1Aid Projects programming l-esoluUon 'f'lIllended -- 11, tFOrf!s.t FireCon~ro1..inRoanoke County-'- 19,; 445, 'I ; !!Fort Lewis Christian Church additional project fo;: the purpose .:Jf operating ~ sewer system -- 21, :.. il Flor;t, J. B: District.~ent, letter o ,. 'Serv:t.ce for 1960-bl -- 27 " ' " " 'I 1 Fitzgerald, " 'i enclosin~ Budget Request , frC'J!1 Virginia Extention!. . and maln~ain~~ ~ ~ i ~ i 'j J- " rr ~Federal Aid Secondary Project, copy of letter to hold public hearing for Rt. 634 -- ~7, JFloyd County, Board of Supervisors, flo~d ~ge. and snow removal -- 35, : iiFlood damage and snow removal, copy of resolution filed -- 35, :, :1 ::Filing equipment bid in office of J. Luck Richardson, Commissioner of Revenue "t. - . " ~Forestry, Virginia Division of, invitation f~led -- 91, l ilFitzgerald, W. E. District Engineer, ap~earec1 before Board urging adoption of resolu~ion in ; regard to Primary Rou1[e 119 -- 97, ' I Ii , ilFinal Allocation of Interstate and Primary Construction FunJs letter filed - 103, ~~, 6(.(2, Th~ I_~[ U1JyJ-~ S-+~ lFOX, Tom Stockton Atty., s.c &eed to sewer c:,issroads Shopping Center -- 161, ., I _fICA'y~uc:.hE!r:,ch.ecl.tll~yablededuction frt sa~aries &c -- 168'1 l~armers National Bank, The Voucher-check paYdble Federal tax deduction from salaries &c !I ' , final ~1:lIig~.~ for ~ lc()ndary System for year 19!50-6l submitted to Board -- 2~9,. . I ,Fire Prevention and Extinction General .ppro1lriation Ordinance amendment to n 259, ~69, t. :!File cabinets approving allowance Treasurer's Office - 260, ii - .- .. ! M iiFitzgeral", W. E. et al consideration of pu~ ::hase of certain land for use of Blue ~Formation of CiVilP::~ ;~u;~4Table Roan~ke C~ty and County letter filed -- 324, [!Ferguson, D. L. rezoning of certain prollerty:,-- 366, 393, IT . "- . - . r [Federal Aid Projects, review of proposed future revision 370,:, tinai Report of Court House Building Comkitte~ n 373, [! ~ - . ~ L ~ " , 'I ~ bcal year.196l~t~~:e~~ 0:_ v~gf~na,. Department of Highways, Interstate and jPr1mfy r. ore. George W. possibility of establish~d f~,:" e station and .First Aid Station west ofl Sal~ - h!'e station &c possibility of establishing ~st of Salem -- 408,1 jl ~1First Aid Station et al possibility of ~stab~iShing west of Salem __ 408, I ~ , ' i Flora, L. T. et als -- petitioner, Secondary System -- 415, J. . ., , ' ~Friden Adding Machine, Purchase of 422,.. .: ,., ~~lJ?,4r.(i.- 4~.,......"."'r..<.;/4 ~.rfl1.""',~ ~./~#'..........~""'"ir-..3 !i Filling of swimming pools by &c -- 45'2,' II I ii " '[ h i' 11 W. E. Resident Engineer, copy of.: letter attaching copy of Public hearing for Rt. 634, Federal Aid Secondary Project -- 27, ii I; IT ,: " r " " Notice, ,. hold!! ,i " ;: :; !! , 50,! I~I/: I , 1: " i' II :i -.-,...-- " --1168, i I "T+' i Ridge t I ! j: !i ~ . 40.8, tt , ,ul Gilbert, Frank, Clerk Roanoke County Court, expressed appreciation to Board -- 4, " Gen~ral Appropriatinn. ordinanc270f Roall,' ~lfe Co,' ~t'106amended -- It'3P~J?41;r,.'f, 167, 217, 2:31, 254, ""Z82, 314, .j , 342,~ ,40:, 4( , 4U7, 417, ,'+, t... !.. " Glenvar Elementary School, strip of land on 'east si.de of existing road resolution continued - 13, j General Sales Tax, resolution filed - 13, !I Goodykoontz, Jack M. Secretary, Roanok~ Valley Development Corp. Inc., resolution i~provfng :: . access street and road -- '26, : " ' i; " ii Gilbert, Frank, prayer -- 29, 97,281,3;" 408, _. 0-' _. .. . I ~ :! Garden, H. R. Jr., member of Planning Commi~s.ion, observer present at meeting -- 82, f --- -. -. ~. _.. ! ,! General County Levy for year 1960 -- 106, - 1961 -- 392, ! ~~d,~J::. ~.c..cpJ..M. ~ ~ (~n) .J..3l ~ General App~~roAtion Ordinance amendme~t t~. -- 140, 167,179,259, 269, 3~o J, .1 Ii General Government, approproation ordinknce ,amendment to -- 140, 167., 179, 217,259,269, .j . r 282, 'I ,I Griffith, Rev. Frederick, prayer -- 149:, 375. ~ Giarizio, Salvatore ec al rezoning res~luti~ and order -- 158, 243, , ' , ~ Gobble, Lowell Mac employed as AssistaI1:t Agr,icultural Agent -- 164, 289, 350, 381, 1! General County Fund deficit for Genera~ County Operations &c -- 177, 400, .' , , ~ Guilliams,C. J. et al Rezoning of certain p:roperty -- 181, . . " I " , '; J General Chairman of Roanoke City-County Civ~l War Centennial COIIIDission appointed_]2l8, :. 'I ' ' , ~ Gobble, Lowell M, Assistant County Agent, mclnthly report filed n 226, 242, 267, 305j 322J' ;:431,445, ,. , r :i General County Fund deficit in -- 228, ! " i ii ~ Guernsey, Irene F. et al Rezoning certa'in pX..>perty __ 243, 280, il . ~' Goodwin-~i~liams Chevrolet Corp. bid filed ~or Fairlane Ford n 257, i Ii Governing body of the County of Roanoke, 1960 United States Census filed -- 269, ! ~. GeneE-:~ Coun~y Fund, Treasurer authoriled t~ deposit on Certifi.:ate ~f Deposit &c 2~2, ~ Garbage Disposal, General Appropriatio~ Ord~nance amendment to n 282,~3o, 417, i .1 Gene~~!~ounty agencies transferred tOI&c Appropriation Ordinance 282, II General Fundtransfer to Dog Fund -- 296, "N I! H i! I U Ii !i General Revenue II I' II " " , !'I . ~ . " I' I! Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Corp., bid submitted . . work -- 305, '. Gatherco1e,Dr. Patricia, et al opposi~g re:z~ning of certain property -- 312, for one two ton truck for refuse i ']"- i 'I : :: coilecd.on . ? Ii , Fund appropriations made frC)m -- 328, ii I ] General Operating Fund, transferred to &c Ap~ropriation " II Ordinance -- 328, ji ...- . ."''''- 'I from board " "t'.- ii I , Gentry, W. H. citizen, expxessed appreciation of co-operation he has always received 335, ' Ii Gentry, W. H. Andrew Lewis Community L~ague; street signs &c letter filed -- 338, ~ -I GenE!r!ll]rovisions, Swimming Pool Ordinance:n 351, Goodwin-Andrews Insurance voucher-check retto-active to ! General Revenue Fund, Appropriation Or4in~e -- 391, :! : Gasoline Service Station petition Oak GroveiPlaza 419, :i j Glen Cove Subdivision opposed to location Ot lagoon -- 438, Ij 'I date of iSsuance -- 380, ~I Harris, A. C. Prayer -- 1, 14, 258, ..JoV-i'; 403, , j Harris. A. C. appointed on Sewer Committee ,- 3, _ Hawley, M. Lee property additional project for purpose of operating and maintaining 'sewer system -- 21,; . .. Hash, G. L. et als property additional project for purpose of operating and maintaining ~ewer system -- 22, ~rdy,~s~_RosE~._~a~d of Manal-ers, :Crippled Children's Hospital requesting appr6pria~ion "for uuspJ. ... . kl , .., Hildebrand, J. R. representing Roanoke' Valley Regional Planning Commission observer; preslen~ at . meeting -- 82, : .. r Honaker, Gene appointed Area Disaster Direc~or for Roanoke County -- 84, " " :: Hurt,.O. J. Resident Engineer, appeared before Board & urged adoption of resolution in regard to Primary Route 119 -- 97, Ii !i !r ii Holidays proclaimed by Governor made applic.ble to Roanoke 1 !. Harvest Motors. Inc.. bids on Station wagon::filed -- 142. 'I .! I: jHelm,.Booker T. voucher-check retroacdve t~ date -- 154, ;1 " Hammond, .Pat voucher-check retro-activ~ to ~ate -- 154, 11 Harvey B. Apperson Bridge invitation trl dedication ceremonies -- 166, " 'I :1 Horn, Dr. Herman L. prayer -- 166, 331,: ~ .- -- [I Hatton, Rev. J. W. Prayer -- 169, .: ~. - - .. !' Ii ' i' j. j , 1 Hearing. Haden H.Niday. V. Beard of Su~rvisprs --231 1 Harvest Motors, Inc., bid submitted for! Fair~ane Ford filed -- 257, il II Hoback. Judge appreciation of efforts o~ Boa~d -- 281, Ii -r--'---"--'-- _H_." ,.-.- - . ": i; -;! ij Hase.. Rupertet al opposition to rezoni~ of ~ester property 292, Ii iI ! Ii J no . ...,.. .. . LH,orn. Dr. HHeigrmanh S hL. SluPti'lRdoanOke c20unt)' SC~, 015 invitation to attend open house at Nort ' ide -1--~~~~'::~~;;;=::-:::;:::'~J: ::':~~;2C ~;;~e o.!loo'''''''''1 "'1;, il HOke, Franklin R. opposing rezoning of ~ert~~nproperty -- 312, i Ii l;~~~~:~h~~~.-~e~i~ed a~ Roanoke dount~ Building Code Committee member 313,1: ~Hiid~br~d, J.~. et al cO':lsideration ~f puJbhase of certain land for use of Blue R~dge I' .. ... Industrial Park -- 314, :: II < Ii ..~spital~ation $tate-Local investigatipns ~d authorizations -- 329, . i II Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and In$uran~e Company, Inspection of Mercy House BoUer ~ 337, ~ ! :: I ilHall. Harvey T. Estate, Rezoning property on;iEasterly side of Route 11 -- 340, I, ~-- '--.'- ~ IIRighway Week observance of -- 370, 382. ' . [ ~. ~HarriS, A. C. three-man commit.tee advisabili~y of forming Regional Planning Commissi9n --P72. ~Huddleston, Warren B. three-man committ~e st~dy advisability of forming Regional Pla~ing~ t. .- ... -, . Commission -- 372, : ,: . ." ~ li.. ... ~Health Department students doing field ~ork ~nder supervision of -- 374, ! ii . :i Henry County Board of Supervisors resolution!, adopted concerning use of convict labor i on virginia ~ . Highways cOllllllUnication -- ~82, ;' !iHoliday declared subject to approval of' Judge of Circuit Court -- 395. 11 ,. - - ~ fV-.,~-Y-~~~~'7.<,. -...-c.....4'~3 if Hollins Gardens Public Utility Easementi Vacation Ins crument -- 452. t -- . -.. - . - . . [I Hamrick, Joseph T. & Dorothy et als rezoning" certain property -- 458, II ~ County employees 119, " " , . ,. I' -I -.1.... -. , , ,. " .-.'.. Joint meeting Board of Supervisors and:Representative from State Highway Department i-- 26, 323, .:Jail Inspection -- 91, 132, 26i', 337, 431, ,'Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Roanoke County, request for additional probation" officer ; <\...:..:t~.. -r and part time Secretary .J,22, C. I a. ^.L .+- . :(J-' '~ funvvL J)..~4.~ V~ ','t'CU<-.~'4 - 1?-,3 budge of Juvenile and nd.mest\c Relation~ Court and Roanoke County Court, audit of -- :155, :; : " :'Journeyman Electrician appointed -- 253; -;- --- . ; ,Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and Roanoke County Court, Audit of , '9--A-..... O:.......~...l".: 1~ ~---C............;"a..<~,..- . < -"--<~C(/,,,..._.,A :!Jones, A. B. property vacation -- 369, ,438, :: . ,J 'j :: -- 305, . 6I.,'~ 1.3" , ;' ul ,I -I' I Keffer, Minor R. elected Vice-Chairman -- 1. Keffer. Minor R. appointed representat~ve on Fairview District Home Board -- 3, Klein, Dr. Wallace, appointed member of Roanoke County Civil War Centennial Commiss~on 313, i: Kenmore Avenue, 300 feet northwesterly ,from U. S. Highway Route No. 221, D. L. Ferguson ' .i property rezoning of -- 366,.394, :! Kennedy, Miss Judy, student doing field work under supervision of Health Department i-- 374, 1 'i " . . :1 , , 'i 'I . I' m ~ ....- 'I :! , II .. " " " 1 ii II 1 II , il ., 'I ~ I 11 ~ 'j :, " ~ :1 'I Ii i, , ~ : . .. ;i .. ': " , ! - -I il H U i: , il 11 ~ :1 .J j I , i . iMoore, John copy of communications sentito Mi,nisters, et al from Roanoke City-cour,tY!CiVi1 War Centennial Commission &c 290; , 'I Ministers. Rabbis, Priests letter from RloanGKe City-County Civil War Centennial CommiSsioIii &c 290. I I I ~ller Street. zoning of property on the) southerly side of -- 293, ! Ii! :! Matthews, Paul B. authorized to substitpte floor covering &c -- 294, I , ! i :.Mundy, Gardner A. et al rezoning of cer~ain property -- 312, 323, 367, : :iMiller Street opposing of certain prope~ty b~ing rezoned 312 326 I j:'M~~C~ HouS~ Boiler Inspection 337, !; --" . I I' . ._- - -s.~""'-~.3ff. . ~41.'':t'~'---~~"'-'.J ~,~~~. ~ rA1"~"'1'~ 4' lle.... ;MiDl1i.x. Clarence claim for milk goat ki~led !>y dogs -- 382. . fl I, : i! f . 'i Maintenance. Secondary system &c Roanotce CouDty Map Tentative Secondary Budget filedl-- 403._ .;:-_______.un. "'vacatedatid closed' -; , ,.. -. . . , .. '... .. ". t!f_lI:t'!:l1yRoad, portion of, Dalton Road. M+p of jwestland Addition -- 415, I J .I ' I II 'iMoore, Cornell, et als -- Secondary Syslfem. ljetitioner -- 415. # i Iii I II , I II r [ I il I ! i il 1 I I [ i J j -I L 1.. I II ur r- t' . . I L I j \ ;i ~ -- ~.. " i, j ~ , " "__.._u_.__. 'I L. ','1 ., ~ I , ,I j ,I 1 II ., " " 1 1\ I ~ I; I " " I ~.4.. i I ! i I 1 ,I I , '1 .i , II 1 I ~j Oliver, James D. Assistant County Agent __ 9, 20,34, 47, 90, 103,131,155, 173, ;j i' , " " IT " ; Oren Roanoke Corporation voucher check'for fire truck -- 34, Objections to said expenditures of alterations to Court House Building -- 49, "1 j ., ~_Ordinance, Zon.ing, Roanoke County, 51, " Observers present at meeting -- 82, :1 Osborne, C. P. representing Roanoke Valley Regional Planning CommisSion observer present liat " meeting -- 82, Letter fr'om -..:- 292,'" '....n "1 ' jOperatiOllal S'Jrvival Plan for Roanoke Count~adopted -- 84,. :i Ordinances - 105,140, 144,179, 180, 1~3, 204, 328,~3Cl' 351, 391, , ' " 1 Operating & maintaining sewer system, Roar.oke Co. Sanitation Authority -- 108,229, ii ' " ,i Operators of County-owned cars and trucks procedure to follow -- 147, ;! . ~ 'i Oliver, James D. Assistant AgriculturaL Agent, resigned -- 164, ' T- . ---" . - . - . H - - -, ,.-- 1 Opposition to county &c purchasing withi tax money any materials &c not wholly manufapture!i in the IT . u. S. except material not no:tice to this Country &c -- C:OIIIIIUI1ic:ation filea -- i75, j Oxford File purchase of for Treasurer'si office -- 257, I J Ordinance_proposed for adoption Swimming Pool Ordinance :: I ~.Operation of Swilrming Pools, Swimming ~ool Ordinance " II Observance of Highway Week n 371, ! ~ 'Oak Grove Plaza' Corporation re-zoning certain property frOlll Bus iness B-1 to Busines~' :: Oak Grove Plaza, gasoline service station loCation -- 419, -- t - --- '-- ,I il I. II ~ .. ~ 'I I: IT -~ I -1 il r -,-~"- -- 343, 360, .;; I f :: I~----,,,-- _. --- I' B-2'!i-397/+l8, , ., Ii .. - ---- i: + 'i I: I i I il- l' ': , - i ~.;,;....-.>-.-.... , I: i:.. Ii- i: , ll. " J :1 ~ .... " .\ :! . 'i i: ~ ri I' Ii " !! rr il n " !:. Ii I ~ Ii ~ " , " ii I' ii ." Prayer -- 1 4, 14,29, 42,83,85, 97 125, 143, 149, 166, 169, 220,233,258,262,284, 1 . '3!l, 3+,-1', 345, . 375, 408, 1.25, 440, : Planning Commission, re-appointnent of ~embe_rs -- 2 jpassage and Publication of County Ordinances! Amendment to Section 15-10 &c -- 3, ;!Peters, James E. Treasurer, Report -- 8,17,33, 45,89,101,128, 129,153,176, 224, :241,266, ~ 302, 321,335,349, 379, 413, 429, 444, ' " J i Ii J ..lPeters, James E. Treasurer, requested s~udy ~f giving employees flu shot.s -- 10, ,I :Plumbing Code, Roanoke County, adoption ~onti.nued -- 12, 144, ;i . ':j .,.-.--- -.1 ~axton, William J. Town Clerk communicat~on to from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, treatmeni of J' . domestic' and commercial wastes -t 19,~ . . ...tiPetitiOI1S -- .20, 255, .342, I , ' ';Plantation Court (10 Acres) additional projects for purpose of operating :! system -- 21, '. 'I 'I " ,. and maintai~ing , ... ,. sewer ilPreliminary report of Secondary System Needs : Study 1958-1959 filed -- 26, if -. i :- . \preliminary plans for alterations and r~pairs to Court House Building submitte~ 28, ,I i : I ~Plumbing Code, Roanoke County, revoked ~nd a~nulled -- 28, .! Ii . ,eters, James E. Treasurer, copy of letter re,qUesting purchase of Calculator and Adding Michine . I~ 'filed -- 35; :: I " ;k_~ I rill FX"oclamationLibrary Week in Roanoke Co~ty -I, 35, I I' ~~ayne, T. Stuart et al offer to purchas4 cer~ain land -- 39, . J J/Public hearing Zoning Ordinance for R~oke *,unty -- 41, ~ ,. !I : j; II ~Pub1ic Welfare, Department of budget esriimat~ -- 41, U . .f.aiIlt_s and Painters' supplies, communiC~tiOn ]~iled -- 47, I ~ Ii Pillow, R. A. Jr., appointed member of lloard!i of Zoning Appeals for the County of Roanoke ii- 49, i d 1 IT 01 '1:1 Pupil Transportation in Virginia, InfOnrtiotal Service. Bulletin filed -- 91, ii . Policy Committee, members appointed --93, i: II li;r~b~~~~-~~~ic~~ and part time Secretary re~uest for el!lP10yment in Juvenile and ~sticli .ll .u. .. "Relations Court of Roanoke,County, 122, . . 'J: .. j;::;:'<~;::;;':d~:;:~::::;:'::i=:'::~tginia ,- ''''f j !iparcel delivery service for retail stores &c ':colDDlunication filed -- 132, I .it -. I II . . I ::Purchase of Station Wagon for use in Ro~noke iMelfare Department -- 140, . "- f, - ~ !; ifurchase of five acres of land from Roarioke County - Dr. A. J. Russo, -- 141, Hi' !!Procedure to follow County owned cars arid trJ~ks -- 147, - -!:t-. - - -. -. . . _ . ~ I~hoenix, F. W. voucher-check payable reclro-active to date -- 154, .. . . ~ ~Off, Gaynell S. employment of __ 156, I ji .. ~,. ,I I[ Ii !i .!!. --I I: I _teters, James E. voucher-check payable r~fun4 bad check &c -- 168, farker, James voucher-check for ass1stin~ do&: Warden -- 168 173, , , Ii fetty Cash Fund re-imbursed -- 168, ~ : ~ :1 Public Welfare General Appropriation Ordinance amendment to u 179, 282, 314, 327, 328, ! ~,~,W~~~ iiPublic Hearing proposed re-zoning continued" 182, ~ ~Plumbing Ordinance -- 204, ii II ;1-'" I; 343,370, [i i! --1- i ~ ~Peters, James E. Treasurer authrozied to emp~oy extra help -- 219, 232, '. IPublic Hearing, notice of Roanoke County Sanitation Authority sewer system -- 229, " ~s~o~~ of Lots :~~}f~ar~ht~-c.2_~J. 2.lf" ~ch;' of -Addie~&X Billi!g equipment comin~ication filed - 248, 'Purchase of cars for use in Sheriff' 'J Office-- 257, - . , ~eters, James E. Treasurer purchase of certain equipment -- 257, , , ~Public Works General Appropriation Ordinance..amendment to -- 259, 327,J,J(J, 402, 406,457., :Part-time Deputy Sheriff account submitted Ml;s. Catherine R. Clark -- 261, :Part-time clerical help Sheriff's Office -- ~6l, Payment of s~laries -- 267, fetition filed opposing rezoning of Brookla~:subdivision lots -- 272 ~l?ubli.c. Worlts. GeneralHAp~ro~r:i,ati()nOrd.i?ancel amendment to -~ 282, I I I , " I Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare (vouch,er-check payable disbursements -- 168, 1 1 Roanoke County School Board account ma:ljntenance of dog truck -- 175, !i 'I Recording of Documents General Appropr!iation: Ordinance amendment to -- 179,259,3701 4021, 406, j Richards Heights Section 2 public hear~g cohtinued -- ~~t i j he~~oning proposed pubiic hearing contthued L_ 182,323. I 1 , - ; J 'I RO~OkeCitY~County Civil War Centennia~ Cominission appointment of ,General Chairman~- 218, i : I ,I :, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Ecfmomic Development Commission, Chairman authorized;1 to ~. ... . . write tOn 218, :; , .~:~. i~eese,..~e R..~tal re~oning certain pr9perty -- 227, I' . ~ itabies vaccination of dogs -- 231, I ' t ~RichardsHeights, proposed re-zoning of,LotsJ not re-zoned -- 232, j i: , ' 'I .~.Roanoke County Sanitation Authority l:e~, urs!,# payment of Addressograph -- 232, 1 ntR~~1mburse Roanoke County Sanitation AuihOri~y payment of Addressograph --232, ,I , . I J . . [ROanoke County records, audit of -- 247 'I ! . .i ; i " J ~abies vaccination opposition to communil::ation -- 248,: c ; : 1 ~ROan.c:>ke County Electrical Examining Board, aPJlointment of member - - 253, 407, j . Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc. Rezoning ~esolu~ion and order -- 256, 270, j ~elease Seepage restriction on Lots 4 a~ 5, ~ap CovehsJlen Court, Section 2 -- 269, '1 ~estriction. release seepage en Lots 4 Jnd 5,] Map Covehaven Court, Section 2 -- 269, . 1 ._~es~il1d,_res()~ution requesting SpringlaJp AVePue made part of State Secondary System ~- 2!lP, ~oanoke County Sanitation Authority vouc~er-c~eck rltro-active to date -- 289, ! J ..~oan()ke. .... C. ounty. ~9g~ta. tt. on Authority .C~,'uniC~tion advising delivery of checks operat~ ct:ts &c .. .1Ro~~ .~JI.Il.ty_ ~ani~.at;io:r:LAl,1.thodty let~er sf8ned by J. W. Bell eta!. comrmmi c8tion.Joo. ..I_n ii \ iT: !-08!1Oke City-County.Civil War Centennial) COllllD!ssion letter filed -- 290. 1 m ,i l.!~~dsOtl,.J~LuC.k.~~ssioner of Rev~ue, !dditional allowances approved --2900..) . jl i, ( ~ ! t ~~~or~, B..L. zoning of propex:.ty on so*ther~.,y side of Mill~r Street -- 293, 326. 32t, &. 'i I ' 1 :1 lR~anoke County School Boarq co~y of resOlution to petition. hard sufrace road built from I,.," '..'. .... Route 117 to parking aret at Northside High School -~297, j' i Ii: ....~Refuse Collection work, purchase of truck fot use -- 304, I , JR.ad~()rd,.~. L. opposing rezoning of cerJain I!rop'er~y -- 312, j I.,: Roanoke County Building Code Committee, inembel:' appointed -- 313, . i "7-----.-.----- -- - --. ! ~ :1 . 11 Roanoke County Civil War Centennial Co.ission member appomnted -- 313, ' ::1 -. - ; :~ - 1 . ..liRa,' J!Way ExpJ:'es.sAg.ency, Inc,., Notice of !,'hear1hg application communi cation. filed -- 3b 1 " ~I iRight-of-way Secondary System letter filed j 324, [I i ~ , .. 326 ! _J 3;8] : , I' I [1 l1.oanoke County County , Court &c audit of -- l5~, 30~, School Board temporary ~oan from &c -- 165, , Roanoke ~RoanOke City-County Civil War Centennia4 Commission lett~r filed -- 324. :jRoanoke Spur and Secondary Route 628, Ndrth of Salem, plans include structure of '[Roanoke County School Board Budget & alternate Budget Roanoke County Schools filed ~.. ~ ~ , . !RE!~~oning certain property request deferred ~- 338, ,; i ' !Right to Appear Swimming Pool Ordinance [-- 3~3, "j .., ... -. . ]Repeal and Date of Effect Swimming Pool!Ordiriance -- 363, ,Roanoke Economic Development Commission lexpressing ~ filed -- 365, :; iResolution of approval of Board of propdsed ~rger 365, . _Reclassifying and rezoning of certain parcel ~f land, U. S. Route 11, -- 367, iReview proposed future Federal Aid Projects ~evision 370, I.. .. , . j , , appreciation of appointment communicatfPn . 1 I, : 1[ of New York &c with N & W communiclationS filed i I .. I~~ Revision review proposed future Federal 'Aid Projects 370, "Resolution and Order consider amending ~ricultural District of Zoning Ordinance -- 371, , . , , 'Roanoke River Basin study advisability of forming Regional Planning Commission to enepurage sound ': and orderly development of &c -- 372, lRegional Planning Commission advisability of forming &c -- 372, ~eport, final of court house building committee -- 373, (SEE PACE BETWEEN ~ AND:R.) Restrictions, building recommendations,made C C Crockett -- 374, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission! a9compl1shments &c coamunication 381, , Resolution adopted by Henry County Board of Supervisors concerning use of convict labor ~n Virginia Highways communication 382, i ~ Richardson, J. Luck, Jr., Co1Imissioneriof Revenue, permitted to purchase addressograph I equipment -- 382, 431, . , . ! :: Roanoke County Budget, notice of publ1~ heat,ing interested persons given opportunity; to s~eak , for or against -- 391, . : ' ~RoseAvenuediscontinuing certain portion, application for &c -- 401,. : ~i I :1 Roanoke County Fire Department filling iof swimming pools &c -- 432, . ' ,; Roanoke County Sanitation Authority appeared concerning function of Authority 4381, ~ . - , . ,< . . J RecOlllllendation filed - re-zoning of prti,perty situated on Route 24, East of Vinton,' ~f :,. . Pedigo -- 445: ' i II , . i !i I ~ Rose, Leslie C. & Rebecca C. et als re2;oni~ of certain property -- 458, Brtiice J. -.1 Ii " J " .1 " " " J 'I 'I . :I I , :i , 4 II ~ i! , II I: :\ Ii '1 I i, ;: ]; II " , II r .. Ii I' Ii & !I I: Ii " n I' n 'r I " U I, =1 . ~ , ii ~ .._.l.. r :1 .~ H il il .1 ii " ~ .1 ;: II ., It 'i II " ~ , " i: . I: i 4 :1 !: I' " I, !! IT h Ii ;i , II , , I: Ii ir i: il 1; I ,] t i: ROiillOke County Welfare Board limited to three members -- 2 Roanoke County Welfare Board member of: -- 2~ Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Econ~c Dev. Commission member re-appointed 3,2?2, 'i Resolutions -- 3, 11,13,26, 29",35, 36~ 39",,96,107, 132,158,245,254,297,307,315,324,,' 338, 369, 416, 430, 4-'8, . .. . ; . I ; : ,I j I Refuse Collection and Janitor Service ~ayroll -;... . 288, 303,322, 336, 349, 380, 414, ~, ~a ..n_. ... 'Safety~ ~ ,. .' 'i II Roanoke Valley/Council letter filed expressing appreciation IT consideration when 1960 Budget is ptepar~d -- 9, !! ! " 8,33, 46, 90, 102, 129, 154 173, 225, 24t, - 2'!-r I , I.. j-- , for financial support and requesting 266, -I .* .' :IR()ano!re _ COlIJ:ltySanitation Authority au~it of books letter filed 10, 'I '.ij ROllIl;C)ke County Sanitation Authority letter from J. Carl Poindexter filed -- 10, I '[ ..... ~ Robertson, Ernest, requested all addre~ses ~f voters on voting list -- 10, 1 Ii fROanOke County Council.PTA request pub~ic t~ observe speed limits through school bl~nkerizone OJ ROaIl()k.!! County Plumbing Code proposed ~doPt~on continued -- 12, 144, 'J ~ Roanoke County Electrical Code propose~ adoption continued -- 12,144, i I' I-"'~ '. :" [I I Roanoke Gas C~aJI.Y. vouc;;her-check retrci-acdve4.fd' llffe -- 19, 34,90,103,130, 154, ~,73, 2~5, 242, 289, 303, 322, 336, 350, 3~O, 41~, , , II Resolutions Copy of communications -- Ji9, I I II LROaIl.oke.Electri,c Steel Corporation pet~tion !~oad clOSing of certain 30-foot right-oLway ~~d"" !I' Boulevard from lands of Cherry jHill ;~arm Corporation -- 20, l' H'" ...... at RO<lnOkecfcfltr68~n~tg;io~0~~t~M;Yi'P~~ol~8ff operating and maintaining sewer systt ~- .~ l,~~,.. . !IRichmond .Ru~ber Company voucher-check f?r fire truck -- 34, ! II ~.a...w.. u .......~~. i i:.1 L..__ .. II R,oanoke Count)' School Board propErty ad6iti~al proj ect for purpose of operating an~ maiJl;aining ij sewer system -- 21, i ~ I :1 ...... n l II I " -= --1':"<e_'l-~~~f~g"i~:'1;:'::; ~ ~i1~=' " add1,,~.l p<oJ ,,' '0< EP"" F' oJ..".. . "j Ro~te 2~1 Area adjacent to additional p~ojedl: for purpose of operating and maintainihg sJer ~-'-'.._"'''system..--'23.i .. ..... "1' .'i; l I I Ii II - -.----. "'I _ ft .~ Roanoi<e .Valley Development Corp. Inc. ~esoll1tion improve access street and road 26, 3~.4, ,...l Roanoi<eQ(l\J11tyPlumbing Code revoked a~d annulled -- 28, I' , Ii Richardson, J. Luck, Jr., Letter in re; salary of Vivian P. Shank -- 35, n ~ I .. !i Roanoke Co. Sanitation Authority copy elf re~olution filed requesting reducing ~ c:harge &c -- 35, ' I' ,I --10-' " 'I I : II Road clOSing of certain 30 foot right-of-way -- Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation ;l . . . " II Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, road c1~sing of certain '.-- T~anoke County;lanning ~SSio~ fin~l reJort -- 41, :i I !; ! Richardson, J. Luck, Commissioner of R~venu~ filing equipment bid -- SO, :! Roanoke County Operational Survival Pl~ acIqpted 84, ! Roanoke County Court, voucher-check retro-active to - 90, 103, 154, , '1 Roanoke County Sanitation Authority members 're-appointed -- 92, ~ ; . ~ Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare .appr~ved payment of bills- 102 ~ ~ Roanoke County School Board voucher-check r~tro-active to - 103, . .. I :i Rezoning Order - 119, 120, 130, 157, 158,161,163,181,226, 227, 228~ 232",243.. 255..256, 270, 472., .. n o~'~' U!'~'^~Hlt4~'4326, 327, 3Z.0t~~;,_371,3:f3' 3~, 39" 390, 416, 418,19 :~ ' ,.t~-'~l~/56" '}'\.c.L&.. - ~B~S~ ./;1.3 , Ll n a () ,.. .1 ~ oqJ/Cl" , ::'~ l'l~ 11 ~. ,Q'.......~~',-<-j........... ':L"il Roanoke County School Board ~ucher-check re o-active to date -- 129, ....- I; , sewag~ T tre~tment . ~I-- I' ., , , ;' ]6" \1 30 foot right-of-wa)' 36,['.1 r 'i II , il ir ~ Richards, Raymond Randolph rezoning certain.property -- 130'/8;1.,232, " Receipts and expenses, State Compensation B~rd, published -- 131, 381, o Russo, Dr. A. J. purchase of five acres of land from Roanoke County -- 141, i, Repairs to books in Roanoke County Clerk's (lffice -- 141, c 11 Return of prisoner and refund of monies advl!I'ced -- 141, Regular meeting in August, change of 148, r- ksee back. of4Index. page opposite) Additions to Secondary System Roanoke ~ounty -- 13,19,47, 174, 247,304,337 365, i . , , I ) .1 . I Road CloeiUR offcirtain 30-lfootiriEht-6f-way, Old.Bouleva~d from lands of Cherry Hi11 Petition 0 oanoke E ectr c 5teet Co~orat1on -- ZU,3' ! Secondary Federal Aid Highway System, ~t?te .!Secondary Route.654, from Route 24 to Route 1.10 Mi. included in -- 21, I I ~ Secondary System Roanoke County, aban+en~ -- 47, 304, ! ~! Road closing of certain 30 foot right-of-way, order abandoning section of road -- S3, .1~e~ondary Roads -1960-61, copy of ten~ativ~ Interstate and Primary Allocations of Jecontiiry uTA~~ro~r~ation.for ~~f~~Sc~l~~C;;n' a~9i6dl~~~0~1t~~~~,:iOn of Primary Route #119 running southlf~omi'ro~ I. 0 a em --. I( I . ui ~~";llblisb.ment_ of Public Roads -- l39,! .1 ~ .l_~~.assi~e.d~ocertain routes n 24S~ 309 ~ ]1 u. fr " I " i . .... . LF.:rCllll Primary ~ystem to Secondary Syste'f- cer~ain recommendations -- 293, " 1 JB,pads abandoned -- 293, fJ I :1 !I Sections discontinued and transferred to seJondary System n 33S, Ii _..~Jli ~~e:.116. I!ot.. ~1l6-0S0-00l, C2 Roanok~ cou,ty, Changes in Primary and secondarysyJIE~~l:- 3~.__._._ ..LC~ges in Primary and Secondary Syste+s -- j337, .~ ], E,ng. 1.eby,...J. T. Jr. et als Fulwiler RO~d from,.! Rt. 622 north to D. E. inclusion in sicondlry System 'I . . petition -- 342, I 1 I .. il Fishwick, W. et als, Barnhill Lane frozn Rt.1671 to D. E. petition inclusion in Seco daryl System .-l'p~;f.,w~l1~amJ. et s;i~: Mdill csreek R~a4.2d f~om Rt. 221 south to D. E. petition i~cl sion!in ~'.=..~.~=~ !" , econ ary ystem f ,I Ii :, Secondary System 342< I . JJ~Qanokecoun~)'.~chOO\~Os~~0:~;i~;~tl;g~4~;hOol Road from Rt,' 117 north to SChOOljPeti!i()Il.i'.11c.t~S!!?.n ..._LPu1:l1t~.J.'l:Ia~ eS~l!-~l.i.~l1eci to ..b~C.OID~, Par .Clf$"tateSecl:l~.SYI!.temofl1ighvaye ~.- .3.9.....~1._. ,..__.._____ I ' , , . +~ec:~. Feclllr.al uAtd Highwall~:;uO:~:~:d ~o:g~; Route 601 from Route 11 to. Rou e 621.... ...__..._.... _-_.il-~!JIIlIl. oLc:~r~_J.'~ad. Northridge Drive jStat~secondary Roul;e 8,5() ~rth()~f.R()Utl!l1~ to. .J~..._40~.L_ , . L I. ____JLf:_~~~lis~~Cl~ce:rt.ai~.mft-d road sF a P, blic road -- u40S.. ..._ .... .._..._' 1__1.. j: I . . i _.. _.1Westl/UldAddition.Dalton RClad and Portion of Murry Road vacated and closed 41S.! ii Secondary System inclusion in &c: 415; 1 1 ~=:n~_n_...___..____._.. .... [1 ;i .... ._.___ ~,__ ~---~ -..."-----.~_.-- I I: 1. H ROADS \,,-- - - n II I, 'j l I 1 i I i i I I , I I I i 1 . 1 I I i ! 1 T--- f I '. ~ !i -.-- .. Ii , i I J Farm Corporatio~l :1 - ....--- ..-- I r4' le!lg~h - ._. if ...m._._. ... ..-..-.- ._~._. T.' ~. II .._--1-. ,I J ,I 1 . , , [I ~ l II I t I ~ j 1 I :! ,I 'I :t , I I, 1 'I " ., .1.- , , ; '; SALEM DISTRICT -- ROADS Mountain Heights Drive from Route 311 orth est 0.60 mile, length 0.60 mile -- 19, Closing of certain 30-foot right-of-wa Old oulevard from lands of Cherry Hill Fa . '.pe'Utionof Roanoke Electric S. elrporaticln -- 20, 83, ,. .- ... Co ration .1 Valley.Drive (extn. ofRt. 1442) from lub ane to Rt. 119 0.20Mi. -- 25, Club Lane (extn. of Rt. 1443) to Valle Dri e (Rt.1442) 0.22 mi. -- 26, 47 R~anoke Electric Steel Corp. applicati n fo improvements to Miller Street -- 26, Miller Street improvements to -- 26, Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, 1 ds 0 Cherry Hill Farm Corporation, road clo iog f certain 30 foot right of-w. y -- 36, .... Club Lane- Prom End of Present Route 1 43 t Valley Drive Route 1442 0.22 Mi. -- 47 Valley Dr~'\7e. - Prom Club Lane to Route 119 .22 Ki. -- 47, Route 873, Route 11 to End 0.15 Mi. ab don d -- 47, Route 817 Route 11 to Route 726, 0.06 . a andoned -- 47, Route 726, Route 742 to Route 873,0.9 Yd. abandoned -- ".7, Route 700, Route 726 to Route 742 0.30 Mi. bandoned -- 47, . Route 888, Route 700 to Route 889 0.10 Mi. bandoned -- 47, Route. 88~? Route 742 to Route 888, 0.0 Mi. abandoned -- 48, .ltoute 742., Old Corp. Limits, Salem to ew rp. Limits 1.50 Mi. abandoned --: 48, . _!t()!1te. 8!)6, Route 742 t.o Route 1431, O. 0 Mi abandoned -- 48, Route.890, Route 742 t.o Route 892, 0.1 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route! 891,.Route890 to Dead End, 0.25 Mi. bandoned -- 48, Rc)ute892, liotl(;e890 to Route 891, 0.1 Mi. abandoned~- 48, Route 767, Route 742 t.o New Corp. Limi s, 0 27 Mi. abancioned -- 48, .~()u~e..1_~I.._~!1t~ ).431 to.liew Corporate Limi s 0..23 Mi,. abandoned~~ 48, _~\J.t~.1-~~J..,..9ld.CoJ:P~J,.~_ts toN~ Co . L tSLl~~6Mi._.abliUcIo!led.':- 48, Route 1404 Alt. Rt. 11 to Route 1431, 0.16 Mi. abandoned -- 48, --------------.-- -.------.----.--..--.......-,-.-------..-..-.-..- ''''... ...,,--". . ---. --_.__._._~----._.' ,'-"'''.-. _._._... ..1.lc).\1=C!_~~~3'.~l1te 1446 to Dead End, O. 4 Mi abandoned -- 48, -I Route 1454, Route 1446 to Dead End 0.1 Mi. abandoned -- 48, .Rout4!.l4~8,.~t. Route 11 to New Corp. Limi s 0.42 Mi. abandoned -- 48, . Route 1430, Alt. Rt..11 to Rt. 1428, 0 42 M . abandoned -- 48, Route 1405, . RClute 1445, Route 1427, Route ,1428 1428 1405 to Route 1429, to Dead End 0.0 to New Corp. L .19 i. abandoned -- 48, Mi. abandoned --:- 48, ts .16 Mi. abandoned --'48, Route Route 1 B.Cl,u.te 1429, RClUte 629 to Dead End 0.27 'Mi. bandoned -- 48,. . Route 629, Alt. Route 11 too New Corp. 4imit 0.87 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route 1460,.Route 629 to New Corp. Limtts 0 ~3_ ~i.:"._a?~n~~~d.:_:_ ~!!L Route 1436, Route 460 to Route 1439, 0 15 M . abandoned -- 48, Route 1439, Route 1436 to Dead End, O. 0 Mi abandoned -- 48, Route 1419, Route 460 to Dead End, 9.1 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route 631, Route 629 to Route 630, 0.6 Mi. abandoned -- 48, -'1. ,. ROl,lte Route Route 1434, Route 629 to Dead End, 0.1 Mi. abandoned -- 48, 1472, Route 631 to Route 1473, Oj17 M . abandoned -- 48, 1473, Route 1472 to Dead End 0.0 Mi. abandoned -- 48, 727, Route 631 to Route 1704, O. 8 Mi abandoned -- 48, Route Route 1703, Route 1420, Route 1439, Route 1708, Route 631 to Route Route 460 to Route 1704, 0~07 M 629, 0.49 Ki . abandoned -- 48, abandoned -- 48, Route 629 to Dead End 0.30 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route 1439 to Dead End, O. 7 Mi abandoned -- 48, Route 1433, Old Corp. Limits to Route 60, Route 1440, Route 1433 to Old Corp. L Route 630, Route 460 to New Corp. Limi Route 1455, Route 630 tO,Route 1461, 0 23 .56 Hi. abandoned -- 48, .22 Mi. abandoned -- 48, 4 Mi. abandoned -- 48, . abandoned -- 48, SALEM DISTRICT CONTINUED I abandoned Route 1447, Route 1461 to Dead End, 0.t5 Mi!/-- 48, Route 1461, Route 460 to New Corp. Limfts, 0.67 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route 1402, Route 630 to Route 1461, 0~40 Mi. abandoned -- 48, T ~ I , Route 1468, Route 1402 to Route 1461, f.40 !fl' abandoned -- 48, I I.' Route 1432, Route 1461 to Route 1402, 0.30 :Mi. abandoned -- 48, Rou.te 1480, Route 1432 to New Corp. 4ts 9.03 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route 631 Route 630 to New Corp. Limit" 0.:1.6 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route 1489, Route 631 to New Corp. LuJts,Oj04 Mi. abandoned -- 48, Route 1464, Route 460 to Dead End, O.O~ Mi. !abandoned -- 48, Route 1403 Route 460, to Dead End 0.08 Mi. {lbandoned -- 48, Tinkerdale Avenue from Enon Drive (Rt. 1806) to Loman Drive 0.20 mile -- 92, 175, I Alfred S. Prunty et als, proposed Road!from;Blue Jay Restaura.,t north to Alfred S. ~runt property -- l' . I David Richardson et als, Forest Fire ail from Route 765 west to Fort Lewis Mountain -- . I L. R. Myer, et als Forest Fire Trail f om Htnging Rock Road to Loch Haven --95, 1 Cherryhi11 Road (Extn. of Rt. 1502) fr4Jm Fr~ces Drive (Rt. 1503) to D. E. 0.30 mil Corbin Circle from Cherryhi11 Road to ~. E. ~- 0.04 mile, 114,174, I , i, o D. \E. - 0.04 mile, 115, 174, ,'i . E. j- 0.10 mile, 115,174, Crestline Circle from Cherryhill Road Frances Drive from Cherryhi11 Road to Oak Drive from Rt. 1709 to D. E. - 0.2 it mil~, 116, ii (Extn. of Rt. 1438) 0.0 mi1~, 116, 175, " (Extn. Rt. 1101) from wis 4venue (Rt. 1106) to D. E. 0.05 mile -- 1 " Forest Fire Trail from Route 116 East 0 De4d End, 0.07 mil~s -- 139, !,ilot Street (Extn. Rt. 1474) south O. 3 mi~e to D. E. -- 148, 175, u5.l:.ate Secondary Route 642 Given Road, escirj,\ied and removed -~ 165, i' A11eghaney Drive named instead of Give Road -- 165, .. _ .. __ - t ~ Oak Drive - from Route 1709 to Dead En4 0.2~ Mi. -- 174, I II Pomeroy Road - from Route 676 to Route 1482 0.20 Mi. -- 174, .. I !I Koogler Drive - from Pomeroy Road to P eroy~ Road -- 0.27 Mi. 174, " Koopers Road - From Route 11 to N & W ailw~ 0.08 Mi. -- 175, I Forest Fire Trail - From Route 116 Eas to tiead End 0.70 Mi. .. - - - - I ~ Route 626 from Route 117 to Route 628 assigded name -- 248 name assigned I ~ . Thirlane,lState Secondary Route 626 frdm Roqte 117 to Route 628 -- 248, Eugene Drive, Extn. of Rt. 1484 to D. ~. -- 10.10 mile -- 249, 295, Atwater Street from Eugene Drive to De~i R04d -- 0.05 mile -- 249, 295, .Belle Air Circle from Rt. 11 to Rt. 85A -- Q.25 mile -- 250, ~ ~ .' I Desi Road from Atwater Street east 0.06 mile! and west 0.09 mile -- 250, 295, 1 1 Ridgewood Park Subdivision Resolution ~Vemb~r 21, 1960 -- 295, IRoute 628 from Virginia Route 117 west ro vi~ginia Route 116 name assigned -- 311 . Loch Haven Road name assigned -- 311 I : Evelyn Avenue, Extn. of Rt. 1104 - 0.07!milei,-- 311, I Orchard Street from Rt. 830 south to D.IE. -;06 mile -- 327, 365, Summit Lane from Route 1423 southeast tp Dea~ End 0.17 Hi. -- 337, ,Westdale Road From Glenn Ridge Road su~fhwes~ to Summit Lane 0.05 Mi. - 337, I West S\IIIlL it Hills Subdivision additiOns: .0 secondary system -- 337, I , Northside High School Roac from Rt. l17!nort~ to school inclusion in Secondary , Southview Drive from Interstate Route 8~ to Shelor Avenue 0.10 mile -- 267, i Mountainview Drive from Interstate Rout' 81 to Shelor Avenue - 0.13 mile -- 368, . . IShelor Avenue fxm Hawley Drive (Rt. 1l0~) to .Southview Drive 0.07 mile -- 368, I Marson Road from U. S. Rt. 11-220 northfto D~ E. -- 0.15 mile -- 383, Extn. of Frances Drive (Rt. 1507) to Ch~rryh"l1 Road - 0.45 mile -- 383, Nancy Circle from Nancy Drive to D. E. 0.Ot. mile -- 384, Paragon Avenue McDaniel Drive 175, i System -- ! ! ! .1 I I i , ; I '1'- -'-- 95, , 1~4, 174, t t I ~36, l' 5," i I I .'.'1.- -.. < -_.~ I..'.. .. .~- " , I i 342, ~ I " BIG LI K DISTRICT -- ROADS , Blue View Drive (Colonial Trail Park M )...JCl111Route.~~o?so.l11:~~S_~ .~O_d~~/;~~/~: '~3.'__' --- -.--.------.-..c-;;;;,";:-2-77:;;~)- "p:;;~-- --.- ----- --- . Trail .l>!iV",:(8 ..... . . J, From Route 4 Wes to Blue View Drive 0.25 Mile -- 13, Nort.h ~gl.1 Avenue, From Rt. 1812, loop . ". State Secondary Route 654 from Route 24 . Federa.1Aid Highwa.y System -"- 21, Fairmont Drive -- name of State Seconda gw ':erly, toRoute 1812 0.14 Mile -- 13, to R ute 634, length 1.10 Mi. included in Se onda y Ro te 655 from Route 662 to Route 24 -- 36 OrlanlioAyenue from Plantation Road (Rt 601 to Meadowcrest Street 0.23 Mile -ft 91, 174, B. C. Hartman.etals - Monterey Road -- 95, Dexter .Road (Extn. of Rt. 1809) to D. E - 0 10 mile, 117, 174, Pairhop,: R.oa.d (Extn.. of Rt. 1496) from rve t Lane (Rt. 1497) to Rt. 883, 0.07 mile 117 247, P~yton. S1:X'eet.~om Suumerdean Avenue (R 18 0) to D. E. - 0.32 mile, 118,174, Estes Street (Extn. of Rt. 1813) to D. .13 mile, 118, 174, Monterey Road from Route 605 to Dead, 0 70 m les, established as public road 119, 17, High Acres Road (Extn. Rt. 1422) west 0 08 m le to D. E. -- 134, .1 -I Cameron Drive .(Ex. ,tn. Rt. 1015) to Dawnr dge -- . . Dawnridge Drive (Extn. Rt. 1016) to Rt. 654 _P. - Beaumont Road, name assigned to State S con Route 621 from Route 115 to Route 605 n ive - 0.16 mile, 135, 174, 0.30 mile -- 135, 174, ry Route 621 from Route ed ssigned -- 248, 115 to Route 60 -- 48 Austin Avenue from Clearwater Avenue to D. E -- 0.05 mile -- 251, 337, Clearwater Avenue from Rt. 1816 to D. E Eldeti ~ve!l~~fr~!o!cltinn!)T Street to Pl .LY'OIl..lIaven Driye from Rt. 652 to Lynn Lynn.HavenCircle. from Lynn Haven Drive .. _Ches.tj!r._Driy.!L.-~..l';r.ctnRoute .1803 to De d En ~1tItIy..J:lrCl.ok Subd!v!,s!on.:.~~sCl.l~J:ion. Feb ullry Miller Street - Resolution June 30, 19 5 -- ......---.---.--..-- ".-..-----,---.-.- -. .12 mile -- 251, 337, on Road (Rt. 60l) -- 0.16 mile ircle -- 0.1 mil~ -- 277, 337, Haven Drive -- 0.28 mile -- 277, 252 3~t. _!rom W. C..L.~f Roanoke to N &: W prop rty -- 295, Section 7 of New Connection of Route 8g9, f old Route, 116 to Route 809, oPPosit1 .~~c~ion ~t~ii~~~~~~:~io:r~{e~~u~;l~~~'O~~~ ,o~~2R~~~; ~i6 ~S~~:lY to the New' (~b~~~: . ..t~ Connection, opposite Station 1 6-80 roject 0116-080-001, C-2 0.07 Mi. -- 304, Elden Av~ue - From Route 1853 (McKinn St et) to Route 601 (Plantation Road) 0.16 Mi. 95, Route 605 a~d Vir~inia Route 115 from oute 11 north.to the old FincastleTurnpike ear. Shadwell Dri Bell.vii ew School, name as igne -- 309 . ' ve ass gned name -- 309 ~ Route 605 fromNCL City of Roanoke to dw 1 Drive assigned name -- 3l5~ Old Mountain Road assigned name -- 315 I Summerdean Gardens Subdivision additio s to econdary system -- 337, Lynn Haven Hills Subdivision additions ondary system --..3~7.,___. ....__ Section 1 Old location of Route 116, 0 north 0.18 mile to Station 6 .Sections Old location of Route 116 on e e 'north 1.15 miles to Station 19 I Sections discontinued and transferred , Sec Morrison Street from Route 652 to E. C. L. est side of the new location from Stat -- 338, t side of the new location, from Stati o. -- SJ8, - .. dary System -- 338, , n::on - 0.30 mile -- 386, n 6 1 I 70 66 150. i I Endicott Street from Orlando Avenue (Rt. l85.) to Vista Av~ue - 0.20 mile -- 386, Mayfield Street from Orlando Avenue (Rt. l85P) to Vista Avenue - 0.20 mile 387, Vista Avenue from Mayfield Street to Pl~tatkon Road (Rt. 601) - 0.12 mile 387, Woodmere Drive from State Rt. 754 NE O. 3 mi~e to Landfair Drive -- 388, Brookshire Drive from Woodmere Drive SE O'ljmile to D. E. --388, Landfair Drive from Woodmere Drive SE 0.13 le to D. E. -- 389, Old FillCastle Turnpike from Rt. 605 to otet urt County line - 0.30 mile -- 391, Plantation Road, State Secondary Route 01 40m Route 11 to Route 623 -- 402, Northridge Drive named State Secondary oute 850 north off Route 117 to D. E. -- 402 South Drive from Route 117 to East Dr11/1 -- .06 mile -- 405, East Driv~ from South Drive to West Str et - 0.10 -- 406, Barker Road from Rt. 116 to D. E. inclu ion n Secondary System -- 415, I~ "_ . ~ , , - --~ W~~~~~de ~~v~. from Harvest Lane south to D.j E. - 0.09 mile -- 447. " Shamrock Street (Extn. of Rt. 1494) to Harv~t Lane - O.OS mile -- 447, , i 1 Harvest Lane (Exen. of Rt. 1497) from ca9lter Dr. (Rt.S1495) to W. M. Garst propeiY D. E. - 0.20 mile -- 44 . II , il i I , .1- I I I I '1 I I 1 I I , i , i i I , , I. ! I , I 1 I 1 I I I ! i i ! I" ! ~". ,I , i i i I ~ !! ~ ~ ~ ~ , I I ' CAVE SING DISTRICT -- ROADS ___.._.__ _R~c:.~llrds_~~le_v~~~..]'r~ .P~lo~..B()~eva Ludgate Lane and Rodney Lane, vacated W. R. Weeks, et als - Extension of 900 West to Dead EndO.03 Mi. -- 13, sed -- 95, - 95 Cedar Lane from Overdale Road to Route 649 - 0.16 mile -- 109, 174, teel Road to D. E. 0.10 mile, 110, 174, -I Cordell Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1657) from Cresthi11 Drive (Extn.of Rt. 1658) fr Fontaine Circle from Fontaine Drive to Ste le Road to 798 0.20 mile, 110, 174, . E. - 0.06 mile, 111, 174, Fontaine Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1661) fro Stee e Road to D. E. - 0.20 mile, 111, 174, Hackney Lane from Carriage Drive (Rt. 1 23) 0 Bridle Lane (Rt. 1315) - 0.15 mile, Kirkwoo~ Driv~ from Rt. 798 to Rt. 166 5 mile, 112, 174, Overdale Rod (Extn. of Rt. 1655) from t. 1 44 to Cedar Lane - 0.06 mile, 113, 174, .1 Red Rock Road from Fleetwood Avenue to Farmington Drive (Extn. Rt. 1652) from . .,. .. mile -.;, 136, 174, Lakeland Drive from Farmington Drive e Lakeland Drive from Farmington Drive we S{)ringlawn Avenue. from Rt. 613 Steele Road from Cordell Drive Steele Road from Cordell Drive to D. E. (Rt. (Rt. 1 2, vis Street -:. 0.05 mile, 113,175,_ reen Meadow Road (Rt. 1653) to Lakeland Dri O. 9 mile to D. E. -- 137, 174, t - .08 mile -- 137, 174, 0.20 mile -- 138, ~..06_ 165 ) ) 138, 174, 0.16 mile no th to D. E. - 0.04 mile so th to Cresthi11 Drive - 165 13 , 17, Dcnm~ng Street (Extn. Rt. 792) south O. 4 mi e to D. E. -- 147, 175, Circ.l:!view Drive - from Suncrest Drive 0 l)epcl End -- 0.20 Mi. -- 175, . Sl'ringlawn..Avenue.from Rt. .613 to D. E. -- 0 20 mile -- 252, 295, Brymoor Road frObl Deyerle Read (Rt. 68 to . E. -- 0.16 mile -- 253, 0.23 mile -- 273, 337, J :oo~~:n:~~~;~~~~~~~Od R~~d o~~q .~iJ..~-_-~~~-~~~-- to harOlyn.... Dr.',ive -- 0.50~le -:.2,.7.4'-3,.,3,7..1 '._..... to harolyn j)rive-- 0.06 mile --. 275! 3~7.~ _._ :. :::> ~:::_ ";". ~~: ",1. --27', '1" o. 6 mile -- 276, 304, 0.20 mile-- 276, 304, I 'j ~l1a!:o~~J:)r~ve.fr()tD.Spe11:c.er Drive to 1)'1 E. FO~e!I.1;e~.!!9ac;L:g-_O!l!~e~~o~.Road (Rt. 1623) ~.~iE.~~()n _H.!!!s_ Dl:ive from Rt. 221 to E. Knowles ~l:"~Ye. from Arlin&,ton Hills ~pe~ce:r. Drive...fromArlington Hills .C:i..l:cle. Dri~ from Windsor Road (Rt. 68 Larson Lane from Rt. 682 to Tomaranne Harmony. Road from Larson Lane to D. E. Tomaranne Drive from Larson Lane to D. and ive Brymoor Road-:-- From Route 684 to Dead nd 0 . Brymoor Park Subdivision: Resolution No embe Spring lawn Subdivision Resolution July 18, 16 Mi. --295, 21, 1960 -- 295, 960 -- 295, 295, .I~e11e Air Circle -- From Route 11 to Ro te 8 9 -- 0.25 Mi. Belle Air Circle Subdivision: Resolutio Novrer 21, 1960 Route 689 from Route 221 to Route 692 e alSigned -- 309 Roselawn Road name assigned -- 309 Route 692 from Route 685 a signed -- 310 I I Route 692 from Route 689 ahsigned -- 310 Mount Chestnut Road name assigned -- 31, l to s, condary system -- 337, em ditions to -- 337, Sugar Loaf Mountain name assigned -- 31 , Arlington Hills Subdivision , additions Windsor Hills Subdivision secondary sys '. 295, I <, I I Barnhill Lane from Rt. 671 to D. E. pet tion' inclusion in Secondary System -- 342, etition Mill Creek Road from R6. 221 south to D E./ nclusion in Secondary System -- 342 f i Hazel Drive from R6. 687 to Cave Spring Meth!dist Church petition inclusion in Secon ary , System -- 342, 1 Harris Street from Fleetwood Avenue (Rt 1621) to Davis Street (Rt. 1622) -- 0.05 mite --~,389' Brookfield Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1328) O. 0 mile to D. E. -- 390, ~ warwood Drive from Sugar Loaf Mountain 'Road '(Rt. 692) to D. E. -- 0.10 mile -- 390, [I Barnhill Lane from Rt. 671 to D. E. - .12 le -- 391. II , I I ' ;: ,._lSpecial !tElE!t.1ngi>- 1>J~~.166, 217, 258;, J.3~.3i"a'f>.3, j Steele, T. D. re-appointed member of P1Iannit\8 CoDmission -- 2, ~,- .- -- -- - - : :~ if Sewer Coumi.ttee of Roanoke County Membe!rs rJ~appointed and appointed -- 3, ,- -- - - : Ii . . . ~;. ..;i Section 58-266.". Code of Virginia amen~ed eP eliminate certain phrase -- 4, i: TI' .. .. .. . '1" " ,,~ [I Sheep claims &e-- 7, 8,17,32,33, 45, ~8, S9.l 101.l.128, 153,172,2241. 2371. 259, 26~, 26~, 281, .f-I'.." 287,302,320,321, 334" 335,",,48, "",9,379-,405, 411, 4~8, 4"9. 444. [ Ii . S I .... I " ..._....~_c.r'!gg~,_G.A~ Voucher-check for Postage --:1,90, ..., .. " _.._..._ !Istat~ ~~~;<:otmn~~~i~e; 51st report ~~d l~tter filed-- 9,289, .... .. uu.-----ru. Ii'" -,- .. ._-- --.-.-------..---.----..-- ----...-. ._. - . ----.... i-'" ._.~_.. .. --". - - 'n__._~__.'__ -------------'j'...--..'1-..--------- '_' .n_... iISt.()~S, Mrs. Homer A. Cores. Secy Roke Co. Council PTA reCluesting observing of speedllimi~s r ' '-scnoo1:-'t:brough bU.nker zones ..- l~,' , .." . ........-.,.-.l" --'-.-'--- .--utl! .___ _._.__.. i il. I !! I :1 _ ___ . ~~c~Ol_l>l~~eE-~OIlE!.S.. re_quest tel_observe Ispee4 limit. -- 11,__... ., ,..___ _..~,. " __.___~?erif.! _C~I!s.~tion of and Expense Acco~t -i~ 12, 268, '_ '_." ..,_.i .1..____ ,.__JSl:riI>.O_f1.an.~ .east side of existing roa4 int~ Glenvar Elementary School resolution c4ntin~ed -, 13, .. ]sales tax General resolution filed - 13 j ii' . . ... - r..'.. ~ on' -...-.-- _.-~~~~l:~te-~~ig;a~~l'~!tm~ntjOintmeeting~th ~oard, of ~upervisors. -- 26, .. i __ _ r~-- -- __~secondar)'System for year 1960-61 -- jo~nt m~eting 26, ! Ii __d_ I Svoboda , Mrs'iMargaret_Ro District Agen~, le~ter enclosing Budget Request from Virgilia E1tention Serv ce ror 196 -6! -- a , '! 1/- ~ -" I ' , I I Ii "_iS~k,_.Y.ivian p~..C()pyof letter in re: ~alarl of -- 35, i . it ..-..-fl101i .~eIIIOval_and flood ciclmage, copy of ~esol~tion filed -~ 35, L" .~sewagent:~ll~ctionand treatment in certtin afeas Resolution -- 36, 132, 245, 324, ~ i .__._.... _.'..m._ J"sewage in~e_rceptor of Town of Salem was~es &<t -- 39, 50,177,396" l .jl.,. ._ _._._____~S.~IE!l1l- Of.~~t:~~~plY.~OIIIIlB:I.1y' g~~~;u~~1~feiq~~pmS1)ez:t in. of~ice_o~.J.~ Luc:k RiC~x:.ds()t. _CT-s_~~~ne .om__'._ ~~ta~e~partmen~ of Education, Informatlonal~ser"'ice Bulletin --9.1.,' ,-It. -_......f:~~~:;~7::;:=dd::to:; <"Ol";1on'n<~d<O ~.i-'-'f-~~i,. ----- .. .. +Sch~l"~rd' ~f ;oano~ County transfer [of c~rtain funds -- 121, , '-3 ' " '.. i . ---l- --- -----.--..---.--;r--:-'----.-~.-------..----."..-..-.----..-.. . ----.- ;- -~ .--- - ....,.-.--..-. ...-.-..-.......---.-- ........-....--.----------.--...---.....--...---.-.+-.----4'-~-_.__.- __'_ .........u~s~cr~~a~hP1"()l>Il~i~ .~~~~~ ~~~;tlmloym!nt in JUVenileand~StiCRe~~~~ollll_cf~~tf.-_.- '. ...._ !.sec()ndary Sys~em~ ten.tative budget, Roa~oke founty 1960-1961, 122, ! L I . : ~ I' j I ilscruggs, G. A. voucher-check retro-active tOi'date -- 129, 154, !i -----1'.-----.--------..--.-.. 7 .~.. ... .j.. ~Salem District, purchase of certain property!iby Commonwealth of Virginia -- 130, r ~~tate Compensation Board statement of r~ceiP~s and expense publiShed -- 131, . -----'J'..-...-- - --. .,_.,.... n_, ----... 'r ~Station Wagon, purchase of -- 140, " '..... . --- - ---" --.. .. - . ,. ~Station lilgon bids filed -- 142, : L liState Corporation Commission s.:atements iof ~ -- 155, 431, - --, "-rS~~~~f;~~t~;:~~~~e~ f~r t~ansportin~ eVi~ence &c -- 156, I iiShank, Vivian, approving increase in annual rate of salary -- 156, j,; - . .. rteele, T. D. agreed sewer Crossroads S~PPi~ Center -- 161, uJ!;chool Bonds of Roanoke County selling O:f -- [167. ..._'u_ _._~hooll3o~d..!..Roano!te c:ounty revision of' quar~erlY appropriation for educa"ionalpu~8-u~~, II . : i " ~Steam Boi1er~ Inspection of -- 174, ' ; ,. tu l .... . JSchool bus problem of parents and stude~t ont the upper end of KeSSler_Mill Road c~icat~on I ' :' , ., 'I ' 4Sheriff salary and expense ac~ount filed no ~ction taken -- 219, '. : ~r !: ,.-.-. Ii " T " ..... r---- " I! i; , ii ~State Compensation Board notice of hearing f~r purpose of fixing salary and expenses i-- 2i9 , i ,. , JSheriff notice of hearing for purpose o~ fix:l.ng salary &e filed -- 219, " tSheriff permitted to hire two Special county.Policemen -- 219, ~ \ : II (Special County Policeman, Sheriff permitted ~,o hire two -- 219" ; ~econdary System appreciation of co-operation: between State Highway Department and Bokrd -+ 219, !/ . ;: ~tate Highway Department and Board appreciati~n for services and co-operation -- 219,; , .~heriff's Audit -- 226, 242, ~ Ii , .' ~~.taley, HenryV..etal rezoning certainlprop~rty -- 227, .. Ii . i ~ _._____JShor~_!!t~_!~~r<!_a!l_~_.!l-Ul:~:p.IO~zon:l.!lg_C;e: ta~n.. p~~i'ex:.!;y .~:': 2.21!,_~~~' 294, 313, 'I I I " Sec01ldary System Final Budget submitte4 to B,card 1960-1961 -- 229, . ... ... ! _ iShenandoah Valley. Beagle Club, Inc., O~OSit:i~on to rabies vaccination c01llllluoication L- . ji Sewage facilities in certain real estat~ inS~allatiOn of -- 254,. , I . ._.mJspr1.MJ7alleylij.ghlands Subdivision, i~tal1~tion of sewage facilities --254, [ , I , I: Sheriff's office purchase of cars for u~e i~1 -- 257, -~_._-~...... ..-- '---", .,- ---'- _.. - - ! .. j :1 Salem Motors, Inc., bid submitted & fil~d for Fairlane Ford -- 257, _,_~._____...__._.._....__'...n_...,._~ ..~--,.,.~- r ~ Ji ' ' I ____.___L~tee~_~~E~~.c:~~cl\'Cll,lcher_.file - putchas~ foruse in Treas~rer'll of.f'~c:e25],,___ ilsheriff's Office part-time Clerical hel~ alldwance for -- 261, ~~_~J~I:~~~~~',~';eI1~~~.;!;~e~~f~r ll~larY~:ldjex~eJse account a;pr~vedan.d allowecl -- 268, iisalary and expense account, Sheriff ame4ded ~equest approved and allowed -- 268, .__~.__.._.____._._._._._.u__. -.-,......... -. I'; . . .., ,.m., ,. __..m.' ...-. L.._ l<Salary of Division of Superintendent of ISchoQls of Roanoke County, based on 1960 ceJus -... - t~~~~:::::~;=:::t;:;.:::'~:~~'4~~_~2:~;..~J-~.I".'...... --I __'__J~~~~,~~~'-E=~~-~i-~~;~S~d-~~~zonin~ ~ropeF; peti~ionfiled -- 272, . _m _ .... .-.. . iJ ' '1 ~ink, E. M. et als opposed rezoning of ~omasIE. Short property petition filed -- 272 _ _ ... ~S~~ingl.awn Avenu_e, Ill/lP _ of Aprin~lawn, r~solu~ion rescinded, part_of Sta~e S_ecol~-:Ulr:r d'Zs_t~ _-- m2~O, __ - m t:~;~::c:~~Y ~:~~:p::a:~:h::~:;e r::J::t~ :~~:;s~::P:::~:;i:d~_ a 2:~:t of r~1~inc!: d -- -.~~~-_.._.- '-'-l~'~at~-~':~ts" Ins~i~u~~ons-&c lettl filbd 290 .. .-- ..-- -1...-.----.-- ___~w..___..__..._______,_.__~P_____.__._..._._,.__.___._ ".'+-- -.. ..... - ! :t' .. .-- ~-- ---....-- --.~--.-.---"-. '..--.-. ---..".-..--- L I .. ~ Mr",_.and ~s. ~.ci._..!:~~0t11,!JgOl:_.P2~~0I! ojf l8!ldiIl~:r~().!c111W!l_~1;I1:lg.f.vi~.:I..()Jl_::__2_9,,"... __.._ I! I [I __.__.~ubll~!.~ute floor~overing in alteration fontrilct -- 294,_ '., ___ ~.tCl!l~!_.JI1!ia_~.;:;~:,~3:~ ~5~s'3~o,rej or lrSS, amendment to treatment of domestic _ ___becO!ldal1.!~hw&:( _~~tl!lll.R'I:z:'ld~ area ~t No~~hside High SCl1o."l. &C:..:::__~~7 . _ _ __m.__ _ . __. __~~~-~e-,-.Jul~lll\.-Est:a.te., 43::4 Acres, mor~ or ~ess, operating..andmaintaiIling a_s~r_&c_3.0.7.,_,._ __ ~ Sower~.!....!~~1.~~. ~:u~.p~~t~d_member OfrOlUlO~ COI."llty Building.Code Committee -- ~1! ____. .___._ -_of S!:!em, .~es~_:P~E!~i~c:~ c:bange o~ voting p~ace r- 315, .. ... [I +" _..., .___..is.!~on~ S.!!~eIII_~oanokE! Cclun.ty highwaYlmatt~rs discussed -- 323, n .1.... .~" I: i 1 II ---.fecondary System right-of-way letter filied _..:! 324, ... L _ '~," ~~hool '~ard,-~ch;~ati~;urposes apprO~riatton ordinance - 328, i il __.~'Ts~~~l!:~c:a].~~s;it~!ization investigaticb ~au::horizations -- 329. 1.. .,..t,I,'......-..-, ~=-,~-=~ . __ ~C:.l1001_~aJ:~ Budget and Alternate BUdge~ file:<t n 338, 'II . __::' .. __ ,"_"._._.__ _,. __._ _ ~;re!!t lights, signs for streets and spe~d si&ns letter -- 338, ~ ~'---e::' _0 1.'o.c>_l..QJ:~in~nc.eIlroIlose for adoJtion prdinance -- 343, adopted 351.. . I :! , I' I ". cope, Swimming Pool Ordinance -- 352, Ii , '-l _u__,_, -- - -... -. . i 1 i , ~ Spray Poolll,SwiDming Pool Ordinance --j 362,: l . II Smith Mountain Lake appropriate necessJry fuhds to study need of reconstructing Star I Hi I ay ..1'-- . . 24 from Vinton &c -I- 3711, I, I, + ~..~iD!t!rs., Incorporated, The rezoning froui" Residential Rl.to Agricultural A-l cerdain operty",...,.n._ I 371 I' I --~. Sm!~!t-Hcl.I,1!I~ai1!m~-~~l~~yo~~~~~ib~~~Ho~e;t~~~o:n~~i~~~~r P~~~~~mi,llsi'?i-t() ,..!nI'_c:.o\JJ:.a~e_____ ____ II S~.ll.is of Budget preparation of -- 3~4,! . ~ . ! .' I, I I I ': State Compensation Board, statement of !receipts and expenses for year ending Dec. 3 ,19 , Clerk ----- ;__'n - -- . "of Circuit Court to be pUQl1sh<<~ -- 381, . i ... - 'I State Water Control Board's approval o~ planS and specifications for sewage treatme~ fac lities -- . . ~ to serve Section 4 of Nort;h Ardmore Subdivision -- 381, communication 1 ~ " Sewage treatment facilities to serve SC![Ction: 4 of North Ardmore Subdivision State WUer ntrol Ii"-' Boards approval of plans and specifications communication -- 381. : ~ Sewer Authority letter filed -- 395, II ! " I . : ISalem, west of. possibility of establishfng a1fire station &c -- 408, j li Service Station Gasoline, Oak Grove Pl~a u 1419, ) ~Smith, Willie J. settlement of goats killed ~y dogs -- 422, I :1 i liSwimmingpools filling of &c - 432, . ,. ! j sa~em District Road Debt Fund, General Appropriation Ordinance amended u 457, . " :: .~ I' ! i :1 t. .n I ! I .r,:-~-':=-=-=' ,. .',"--~.- il ~ II _'__HJ.!eEE.e1l_'.u~~n G.. elected Chairman -- i, 11 Terrell, Edwin G. appointed member of iWelf~re Board -- 2, ~ .. 1 i< ~ Terrell, Edwin re-appointed member of ~ewer ::Committee -- 3, J Telephone service request to make studi of ~_ 11, I! . i~. ~., Trea.surer, Compensation of and E,:pense iAcco':int -- 12, i :: ...)!r,eat:Dlent. "f ~Sitf' a3n6d5 commercial w4stes fcommunication addressed to Wm.J. Paxton~.'r:o~..Cle~~, II '" i 1; II '_..._.._ ._,_.', _TIlQ..mas _.1.. _~obert., C.ity Clerk cOllllDunication ,"to William J. Paxton, Town Clerk, treatIllent o,f Ii- ,-,-- -domestic"artd commercial 'Wsstes ::--19.... ..... . . ' . -. ........, ..' .. .... n......._,.._ .T.----...-- ____~m-. ! ~ . 'r i! -.---__...t'fl:!.~""'_~?~~~ig:~i,property additiona~ prorect for purpose of operating andmaintart1i~S_~E!!:_. -=-...~-~--t;~~;ci~~~~~~t~~~~p~oJe;t for' purpoJ of ~erating and maintaining sewer systemJ 22, ~_ . ,___.. _ ~'l:l:ea.t:ment _of~5~s~U, and cOlllll:ct"cial was tes ,; amendment to contract -- 24,38,_.48, 93 'j107 'ft' ~z.6.0 I Treasurer-s Office purchase of Calculatbr arid Adding Machine -- 27, I " _ ~ t I - ie, ' ,; T~_of.~alem'.;~8c,~l&~~1c? l~; Iff, fj ater~. service -- 34,90, 103, 130,173, 242, 3?3, 3~,~~~,. ( Ii Tho~P, Glenn O. et al -- bffer to pprc~e certain land -- 39, it i I, Ii Town of Salem main sewer interceptor wa~tes ~ -- 39, 177, 260, ii I Iii! Taliaferro, J. Robert, voucher-check retroactive to &c -- 47, Ii ---... -.. u_ ---.r ,,_. - . .,. .U _ ..... ! ~ ~. ~ Thomas, Joe C. re-appointed member Roan~ke cipunty Sanitation Authority -- 92, I; '.. __'__ .11...__ _....____ _, ___ _ . ~ _ . .... 11 Terrell, Edwin G. appointed on Policy Cbmmieitee -- 93, . ~ ~esti~o; cattle approved -- 95, 1 . [ Ii -11 - - -- -- - .... '- j:' ~ ~ Trensfer of certain funds County School; BoaIjd of Roanoke County -- 121, ! II It~"..;".;. ,""S__y Sy"s 4- "+0" eo""y ""'..0-,..,......_. 122.il --------1 Treas~er~~_Annua~_S_e~~l~ent filed -- :158, ;159,433, ..._....____j ,.+__._ _._'..__ ___T.ex~J~oolt_,F1Jnd_tE!tllpOr_ary loan to -- 165,1 t '_ on I , t " . i ,'1' .. .I=.::'~;'::' .;:::.::~t:d t ~;':5;._ -- 219. : . j Treasurer notice of hearing salary and ~xperises f1.xed filed -- 219, ' (I Treatment sewage collection &c -- 245, : : ~ -__.._,___~_. .-.--,... ____..__ 'H__n_, .... "'- .d' __._.... ..: p ... li ;. l I J'ri.nnell, Claytol1G. Journeyman Electri<:~an ."pointed -- 253,407, II Tolbert, Roy L. & Orma P. rezoning of p~ope~~y in Big Lick District rTreasur~r's Office ~urchase of enveloP~s -- :'258, ~--_.__._._-_.._._..-.._-------- .'- ..--- _nu ..--- -,' - ~. n II Treasurer's Office approving allowance i fUe:'cabinets &c - 260, ft : .j: . \1 Treasurer's Office addressograph Tax billing equipment no action purchase of # ! j; ~ Transporting female juveniles report a~prov~d and filed -- 268, ij Terrell, Edwin G. authorized to sign v~cation instrument release of seepage r on Lots 4 and 5, Map Covehav"~ couft, Section 2, 269, L II iiTyree, Mrs. W. B. oppose rezoning of Short property -- 272, ~ !i Treasurer of Roanoke County authorized! to d,,~posit from General County Fund on .~.. , , -.... . of Deposit, part of sutll &c -- 272, ~ Terrell, Mr. Edwin G. letter addressed;to -~ 282, Ii Tr1uck, purchase of for Refuse collectidn wo~k n 304, i . " i Treasurer approved allowance of certain: amo~t to cover premium on official bonds &c - 307, ~Turner, J. M. rezoning of certain prope~ty -~ 312,323, 338, ii ! ' !!Turner, J. M. et al reclassifying and rezonin.g certain parcel of land -- 367, I! : I iiTentative Secondary Budget &c Roanoke County;,Map filed -- 403, I; . :: !'Treasurer's Office, Burroughs Check signer purchase of -- 407, ., , t. I! ' . liThompson, William B. Jr. Assistant County Ag~nt report filed -- 431, 445, il i ( [Town Side Corporation, rezoning of cer~ain ~roperty -- 434,452, II ' !: ii Treasurer's office request for additiotjal alilowance for extra help _._._ __ _......____.._"..., __ n..._..__._____",___ _n'._ ___'_n ._....... .,. _ ~'_,..__. 255, 279, I, .' u n ! " I; I; '. . "'~ 261 I, I' ,! Ii , \L_ ,I I . ii restriction " I Ii I ii , I H...1i , " , II I ,~ I I' Certificatle , f -.- i. 445, Unnamed alley vacation resolution and order Pinkard Court -- 290, Utility easement vacating portion of Prospec~ Hills -- 341, j Unconstitutionality Clause Swimming Poo~ Ordinance -- 364, .i " -0 ~ i Ii , ! ...1- II 1 'I I ~ Ii if r , Ii " i j , , II il ii ~ -IT il ~ . . L._. 'i it ,'I ~ u_1 II __;1._ II il 1 I. " , L j; __->I.. " !i i !I i; ~ , 'i I, I r"--' ...--- Ii I, .,. ,J... I: .1. I :i l! ~ " " :i Ii IT , , J " ,. I: , , l_vice-Chairman election of Minor R. Keffer -: 1 ;1 ,.! Voucher-checks approved, retro-active to &c!-- 9, 18, 19,34,46,47,90, 129,130,1154,168, 225,242, 269, 289, 303,335, J36;, 350; 380.,415, 430, 451, , " " 1 .-.~ ~ - I' ~_vo.ting list request of addresses of all reg:!,stered voters -- 10 _J_yirginia Water and Sewer Authorities A~t additional projects undertaken by Roanoke Count* ',.'1' . Sanitation Authority -- 21, 36<, 10~, 229, 245,307, 324, 'l'-:Lof; 438. i ';r' J I! ~~---~~n-~~,i~~~;~n~~ ~~~t~~;~~~~~ .~~~~~ ~~~t;~e~_ a~~tc~r~2,eo additional project_ for purpose.l~'~;F~~~~;~-_ .1 l I: 1 I:' --------ii i . 'j--u __..nn___.._LVirgin~ll. .E:xteIltion Service Budget Requ~st fbr 1960-61 -- 27, 289, I . i ' --..-4 Vi_a,. Charles E. Jr., i.o~s of outstandi*g le~der Resolution -- 29, Ii I Ii .~,..~i!giniaDivision of Forestry, invi~~ion f~,,1ed -- 91, I Vacation Resolution and Order -- 94~290, 341, 369, l\,;c~te an.~close portio~. of Ludgate La~e an~ Rodney Lane -- 95, ~ Virginia Supplemental Retirement System co~unication 148, IT -" -- -, . ~ :' .~f ::::::i:l::::l::~::~i::::r:::::e:y::el6::rt~::e4:~' School Bonds , I ~ I i Voucher-check issued for maintenance of couhty Owned Vehicles -- ---IT ~___.w -.. I ~ I[ Voucher-check issued when called for to Aid Lines Co. for transportation of Electribal fl 182,' ~ i - ,. j,;-.- :1 i' :i -- 167, 176, 11 :1 ,. H Ii ii I, 1 II !I " 'r , . ., , i ' I I! ! __-h_d' 'l.i!1J:Q.lll1cl.t;():r~.OIllp~y, purchase of cllrs! for ~se in Sheriff's Office 257, Ii , i m'___~... Voucher and check file purchase of for i Treasurer file -- 257, Ii .' -- -- I .. r .. I I': _Vou~l1t!r-c:heck ~ssued for envelopes -- 1'58, ,: :::c---- i:,;,,':=:~7::~:: '::::;"j,~I'~ '~k to, u.... ~l1"""~ _k~r05+n~ __._______~n.viIlEOIl:,--E.8!~-~d .w.~snt_~~ecincts change! of ~undari~s and voting place -- 31~, "n' .t__ -L...-n- i' ' ; II . .0'. _olYOid ~fter Sbt.tx Days on Treasurer's c~ecks: -- 321, ). i[._..__.___ .. ! Virginia ~~~~:;;tR~~t:if~;~y~_Pj~~ to de~ete structures separating Roanoke Spur rd!l ." . i . yac.ating ll., porti.otl. of a ten foot public utility easement ,on Lot 3, Block P, according toil Plat II of Pros ect Hills, Blocks 0 and P ~_ 341, . ._n "u;-'j__'__ " Virginia State ~ghway ColIInission to approptiate necessary funds to study need of r,constructing ii' State Highway 24 from Vinton &c u,371, ; 1..... I, VOI:I~her-check issued to Clarence Minni~ for:'one milk goat killed by dogs .- 382, I Ii ~. . - -. -- . ---- -- ... .... -- . - . '.0 . - .---- ._~-_.. -'Ir..~- .----.---- J yacl!t.f,on and close of Dalton Road and t)orti~n of Murray Road, Westland Addition -- 415, ) )1 Virginia State Chamber of CoIIIIlerce adv~sed ~s to time and date -- 422, ~ ,I . .' ~oValley~Gas Company, Rezoning of certain prop,erty -- 432, 453, if Vacation Instrument A. B. & Mamie Jones property -- 438, , ,I voucher-check ordered issued to State Treasurer of Virginia for "Forest Fire Control -- ~6, ~ . " Ii :, Vacation Instrument Public Utility Easbenti Hollins Gardens approved -- 452, :: i ,I !i , " ~ i .~ ,I 'I " ,: " t .. , li I " :j Ii Witt, William H, re-appointed member of Plluming Commission -- 2, n -.. 'u,_.__ .--". -- , -- .. t :i ii- il Welfare Board, Roanoke County limited] to t~ree members -- 2, 11 ~ u I f 2 ~ I' Welfare Board Roanoke County member 0: -- ..,' " ~ . :webber, C. E. expressing appreciation; and ~ongratulating new members &c -- 4, i J ii w. H. -- 8, 9, 18,33, 46... 89, 90,102,,[129,:,153, 154,172, 173, 225, 241,266,288, 3Q3, 3~2,336, IT 349, 350, 379, "SO, 414, 42~, 440:, i' ii ~ i ~--- ---- .. ..\ :~:'a:::=' ':::' O~~::fr.:: A:::~::;'-;'~O::':~. o~ .,.".;k:I~;- II Woodlawn Road, Vacation of Portion of i-- 94, i Ii r .,.. -.. .. . i I: , t- ..__.' u_ ~,. :;b~er, c. ..~ ~~!>M~~\~~~~i19~-~!!~ l,~ittee: ourr: a~t}::o.~;r/e.!ls~~u~ion. ~n re:ard 111\J~ ~f)..P:~'-"""!li:~~-~~--' I,z.~ .~ wooc4um Airport, airl facilities favor~d -- ~165, ~ . ~ West Salem precinct voting moved to -~ 165.: ~.. "':," hi: i d 165 ';1'1 West Salem. Elementary Sc 001, West sa~em vo,ting prec nct move to --, :__. ~! Water Shed proj ect approval -- 176, e'..'nvelopes i!.'I,.' II Woodhavcn Press, voucher-check issued ' for -- 258, ! , U Watkins, Mary Jo, Guard, report for tl!ansP9rting female juveniles filed and approvJd :2i8.. 11 I " , I' i' Woods, Paul J. et al oppose re-zoning iof Thomas E. Short property -- 272, I ,I j Williams, Mrs. E. L. et al oppose re-~onin&. of Thomas E. Short property 272, I,' r.' ~i II, Welfare Department of transferred to &c Appropriation Ordinance -- 282, 328, i " L ;i I ;: , r ii Whitlock, Kenneth voucher-check payable retro-active to date -- 289, i j ~ Wi~~~~~' Go~don, et al consideration of purc~ase of certain land for use of Blue Ridge ~ il '~Indus~al .lark -- 314, :' ~ ~ ~ i_Ii' .-- ....__.. "I-'t.~.~ 7{_~'tb., L......,. I6-#~f"~ 1L.. ..,2.,(.~.a:;..., 1f,,41?'"}( .1:"--"~~~' un .____._,__~~diIl$.POO1S'uS~ng Pool Or nance ,-- 3tH,_. ....... . l_~ .... ___ I Wingo, C. S. annual rate for salary commun1~ation filed --365, 395, i:1 .. .... r Witt, 1<1. K. three-man committee study ~dvi;:ability of forming Regional Planning eonktss~bn. - 372, . ---T;~e~, MiS;~~t~~ne student doing fi~ld ~,rk under 'supervis~on ofu~ealth ~P~~~~~-~~'~74-,-~= tt : . Ii West of Salem possibility of establishing 1;1re station and First Aid Station -- 408, Ii ~. : .. j - i; iiWood, Russell R. settlement of goats k!l.lled. by dogs n 422, .. L r ~ Wiley, F. Cameron, Jr., Postmaster, voucher.~check approved, retro-active to [i ,I ~ " q ~ Ii I --~--- - --- - - J+ !I II ~ j , 'i Ii r, " il n 'i .ij i 'I I , ii r date --I 430,~ 1 " , " li..... it " iL. ii ii " :1 , If " II li l' i! u. I: f ,I ,. " i! " .,. :i l I! !. Ii " " ., I:, " Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, PUblic' hearing &c u 41, ~ Zoning Appeals, Board of for the countt of ~oanoke appointment -- 49, II Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County -- $1, TI ~ Zoning of property on southerly side o~ Miller Street -- 293, I - ~ :' ~ Zoning Ordinance consider amendment -- ~329, ~ .~ Zoning ordinance of Roanoke County amenped -~ 338,398. 421, Ii ;1 r- j );. r ii , ~ 'I 11 ii I, " '1 ...,.J ,I Ii I: Ii _.-c " if ~ " it " ;) iI " IT ., " :: if II " " " :1 ~. ;1 il " i 'I II " 1 :1 :, 1 Ii I, " ~ ~ ~ I' ~~ ,.- I; I ii ~. ~. II -~ " ., a ~ fi ~ ~ It " T 'I -~ ,I ~ " ;~ " :! i! ~ , 'i I' J ii " .-i< ii ~ :i !i " " I' ~ j :i ~ ! i. !i , :1 , ii I; I. h II --r' ii I: r I' - ... ,. ,. it !i , , , i Ii Ii t :1 ,. [ I: ,. i: Ii " r " ,0 c c c Cl 1 Court House Salem, Virginia January 2, 1960 '" A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following call: j i January 2, 1960 I I I We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors I of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the COllDDonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, I do hereby waive the notice of a Special meeting of said Board of Supervisors to i bE held in the Board of Supervisors' Room, in the Courthouse Building of Roanoke Ii " County, at Salem, Virginia, at 10:00 A. M. on January 2, 1960, for the following ;;... I lj I I! !; II Ii .1- purposes: 1. For the purpose of organizational meeting of incoming Board of Supervisors. 2.. /my other business on which the Board may unanimously agree. A. C. Harris Big Lick Magisterial District Edwin G. Terrell Cave Spring Magisterial District G. Hampton Moulse Salem Magisterial District Minor R. Keffer Catawba Magisterial District Edw. H. Richardson Commonwealth's Attorney of Roano~~ County, Virginia I. Ii , I: I I' I I, I Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, and A. C. Harris, who were duly elected Supervisor of their respective Districts at the election held on November 3, 1959, and who have duly qualified by executing the bonds and taking the oaths of office prescribed by law, and Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke Cnunty, Virginia. ~ Ii Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor A. C. Harris offered a prayer. " ~ :! I , I' Vice-(' l8irman of the Board of Supervisors for the term ending December 31, 1959, I' I' I I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer 'I There I' I being no further nominations, Edwin G. Terrell was elected Chairman of the Board I ~ motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that Edwin G. Terrell, be, and he hereby is, elected temporary Chairman of the meeting. ... " !: Edwin G. Terrell was nominated Chairman of the Board for the ensuing term. by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keff:er, and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None Not V~~ing: Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell .... On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer was nominated as Vice-Chairman of the Board, and there being no further nominations, the said Minor R. Keffer was elected Vice-Chairman of the Board, by the following recorded vote: 2 .,..~ Le. ~~ '1' f"" I' I' " I' Ii .... S~U" ~ ~ :7-;.. Ii ~-/r.I,,: ~~{,.,i -.. :1 ~ ~~k.~ f Ii ~Ii 1- <<- c-... ii ,/,/'" ;1 " I: It II Ii Ii Ii . " I' M. d.d- t -t- ~~!' r~.u ~~r lY)~~. ,{ s,-/r..() I i ~cW. {" iof -~.. 'h'\...;..r....... , tr .'Yh.e' ~.J...U-' 'f ry '-0 ~ I Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Not Voting: Minor R. Keffer .. ... ii On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, be, and he hereby is, re-appointed as County Executive Officer of Roanoke County, to serve at the pleasure of the Board. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I IN RE: PlANNING COMMISSION: I I' Keffer, I, if I I' 1 On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, Edward B. Lassiter, Big Lick District, T. D. Steele, Catawba District, G. Carl Matthews, Salem District, and William H. Witt, Cave Spring District, be, and they hereby are, re-appointed members of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, for a term of four (4) years from January 1, 1960. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I Pursuant to Section 63-52, Cumulative Supplement, Code of Virginia, 1958, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is Ordl!red that the members of the Roanoke County Welfare Board be limited to three members, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in accordance with Section 63-54, Code of Virginia, 1950. Copies of this order to be certified to Judge F. L. Hoback, and Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent, Roanoke Count)' Welfare Board. Adopted by the foll~-ing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is recommended to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County that Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman of this Board, be appointed a member of the Roanoke County Welfare Board in the place of W. E. Cundiff, who is no longer a member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Copies of this order to be certified to Judge F. L. Hoback, and Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent, Roanoke County Welfare Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None Not Voting: Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell I i: Ii V II I: ! II ~ 'I I ~ cU i: , 1i ~ . '),j.. i . t:\.n_I I: 1t<.e.(.._'1! ~:t i. A4 Ii -A- I' ~,' ~ 1/'-1(.01] II II " , j; Y' , IN RE: AMENDMENT TO ELIMINATE CERTAIN PHRASE: SECTION 5S-266.3 - CODE OF VIRGINIA, AS AMENDED IN 1955: r " Ii " 'I I, I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the representatives of Roanoke County in the General I Assembly, be requested to have Section 5S-266.3 of the Code of Virginia, Ii amended to eliminate the phrase "nor shall any such license tax exceed the II i amount imposed by the State for the same, or a similar privilege," as if found I in Sentence 3 of said Section of the Vode, as amended in 1955. Ji . I It is further ordered that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Hon.J .p. Turk, State Senator, representing the Twenty-first Senatorial District, and ii ,: r I' 'I I, Ii II ,I I: Ii Ii Ii Ii I, I' C. E. Webber, as a citizen and as President of The Farmers' National Bank II Ii " Chairman, Edwin G. Terrell, and new Vice-Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, on their se-Il lection as such, expressed his appreciation as a citizen and in his business ~'Ii capacity, of the services rendered by the members of the Board of Supervisors II in the past and assured the Board of his willingness to be of help in every II 'I " Ii Ii I' Ii I; " II Ron. Nelson R. Thurman, representing Roanoke County in the General Assembly. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Minor R. Keffer, G. Hal!lpton Moulse, A. C. Harris and of Salem, this day appeared before the Board, and congratulated the new possible way in the future. .. " " r Frank Gilbert, Clerk, Roanoke County Court, and H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke County, appeared before the Board, each expressed his appreciation of the services rendered to Roanoke County by the Board, and each extended his best wishes for the ensuing term. [I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in January, 1960~ JI4t~ SJ~rman ii " " " !I :i ii Ii I: :1 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court Houseli Chairman I, / " EdWiIl G. Terrell, G. Hampton I: :' Court House Salem, Virginia January lS, 1960 thereof in regular monthly session. Pr~sent: Moulse and A. C. Harris. Absent: Minor G. Keffer. Before the meeting was oalled to order Rev. M. L. Minniok, Pastor of College Lutheran Churoh, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the oopies of said miIlutes furnished him by the Clerk. I I I Ii ,I II I I 5 , The following olaiIllS against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by vouoher-oheoks out of the fuuds representing ohargeable therewith, to-wit: " No. 33952-5slem Office Supply Co. Office suP?lies 33953-Recording & Statistioal Corporation Home ~rket Repor for Commissioner of Revenue ,., I~ " 33954 Morton Insurance Agenoy, Premium on Bond ! ". 33955Aome Pri~ters, Inc. Offioe Supplies ". 33956 Chapman Insurance Agency County's Share of Bond for County Treasurer r: " 33957C. W. Warthen Co. Record books & Office SUP91ies Clerk Office Supplies " 33958 G. H. Parent Co. " 33959 International Business Machine Corp. 2 Ribbons " 33960 Roanoke County Revolving Fund Frances Fit~gerald Bookkeeper Reimburse Petty Cash I" 33961 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense Chief Pro- bation 01'ficer " 33962 City 01' Roanoke, Room &, Board for Children at the Detention Home " 33963 Vi~ton Motor Co., l~ntenance Co. Vehicles ft .33964 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner Cases Geo Dean & Revel1a Price Ellis ,,' 33965 Town of Salem, Light & liater Service " 33966 Salem );;otor Co., Parts & Repairs fi 4 Police Car ,,' 33967 Summerdean Esso Station, Maintenanae Co. Vehicles " 33968 Radio Communioation Co., Radio Maintenance " 33969 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat Covers for #8 rblice " 33970 Miller Tire Service, Tires fer Vehicles " 33971 Harvest Motor Co., Wrecker Service Car #4 c 33972 Esso Stande~ Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased on Courtsey Card B. T. Crump Company, Belts, Holsters, etc., Shoriffs ". ,,' 33973 33974 33975 33976 33977 33978 33979 " " " " " " c " 33980 " 33981 " 33982 " 33983 " 33984 a " 33985 ,,' 33986 ft' 33987 " 33988 " 33989 " 33990 " 33991 " 33992 " 33993 " Yates & Wells Garage, liiailltenance Co. Vehicles Roanoke Auto Springs WorkS, Parts for Police Car #5 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, ~intenance Co. Vehicles Beach Service Center Gasoline Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Vehicles Auto Sp~ing & Bearing Co., Batteries, etc. Salem Paint Co. Paint - Jail H. ~. Wood Plumbing Co., Opening Jail Sewer Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs work & Installing Air Conditioni~g Equipffient at Co. Library Powell's Pharmacy, Medical Supplies for Jail Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel for Co. Jail Deluxe U:..uadry & Cleaners, I..9uildry - Jail S & ;i Pharmacy, 1iedical Supplies for Prisoners J. :1. R"ynolds Feed Store, Food for Prisoners Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners ~onarch Finer Foods, Foed for Prisoners Green warket, Foods for Prisoners Caldwell-Sites Co., Office Supplies 33994 Salet;l Hardware Co., Utensils, etc. $ 54.41 6.00 497.64 230.00 1,730.63 104.53 8.79 4.66 1.50 55.18 84.00 56.56 120.00' , 434.37 ii " ii 13.55 :; ii 30.2.5 ': 62.50 II 32.50 II :1 45.86 Ii :i " 10.00 !; .! 9.95, :i 92.00 II 249.0411 !: , 26.08 i: !: 147.04 Ii 10 2.5 ii . Ii , 32.81 [1 I! ., 32.11 Ii '. 66.19 Ii I 6 ,I .75 II " 2, 802.3~ !I 3.35 i 15.60 i, 64.40 96.00 73.56 9.31 43.20 30.99. 139.38' 60.0.5 7.36, 6.10 h .~ Ii !I " " I' Ii ,I ii " Ii I: Ii " Ii No. " " 33995 33996 33997 33998 33999 34000 34001 " " " tI " " 34002 34003 34004 3400~ 34006 34007 " ., " " " " 34008 34009 34010 " ,; " 34011 34012 " " 34013 34014 34015 34016 34017 .. ,; ,; " " 34018 34019 34020 34021 " " " Ii 34022 34023 34024 34025 34026 34027 340 28 34029 34030 34031 34032 34033 " " " " " " " " " " " " 340 34 34035 34036 34037 34038 " " " " Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel ~nepu~rQs Auto Supply Co., Chemcials Orpn Roanoke Corp., Fire Equipment Na tural Gas Distributors, Fuel Farmer's Service Station, Gasolinu FUel Oil &: Equipment Co., Fuel Oil Hollins Fires Station Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Hollins Fire Station J. ~/. Griggs &: ;/. H. Wi"c.t, Dec. Rent on C S Fire House W. W. Garman, Dec. Rent on 1;t. Pleasant Fire House Clearbrook Lion's Clug, Dec. Rent on Clearbrook Fire House Cave spring ~ater Co., Water Used at C S Fire House Arrow Hardware ~~int &: Feed Co., ~ardware Virginia State Dept. 9f liealth St. Office Bldg. 45 Copies of St. Plumbing Code Boo;:s Yates &: Wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Vehicles Woodhaven Press, Office Supplies Inspectio;. Tickets Intarnational City Manager's Assoc., Membership dues beginning January 1960. Paul Eller, Electrical &: Plumbing Inspeetions Gittens &: Morton Ins., Bond for Frances Fitzgerald Bookkeeper Feb. 1, 1960 to ".Feb.l, 1961 Goodyear Serv~Je Stores, Tires for #20 Car (Matthews) Technical Reproduotion &: Supply'Co., Office Supply Malcolm Blueprint &: Supply Co. , ~aps Wilson'S Esso &: Grooery Co., Maintenance Co. Garbage Trucks Ja.;,es E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse "Postage used for Garbage Bills General Welding &: Machine Co., Repairs P-4 Garbage Fort Lewis Lumber Co., Parts Garbage Dump Bemiss Equipment Corp., Oil for Traotor Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Identification tags for Garbage Cans City of Roanoke Sewage Treatment Plant, Charges V~ite Spot Supply Co., Janitor Supplies Roanoke Linen SerVice, Janitor Supplies-Towel Service Dillard Paper Co., Janitor Supplies Dame Roofi;.g Co., Repairing Leaks in Courthouse Reof Bro',m Hardware Co" Hardware Barnett Coal Co., Fuel Co. Office Bldg. American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies American Floor Covering Co., Repair ~terial Charles E. Via, Jr., Expenses for Offioe of Civil Defense Shenandoah Valley Inc., 1960 Inv.-Uembership Dues State Board of Eduoation, Carrying charge 01' 2% on acquisition cost of donable prope~ty received on Fort Monroe property information memo 314. Roanoke County School Beard, Gasoline for Hollir_s GaS Tank at Fire Station B. C. Hartman, Sr., Refu d Du)licate Eleotrical permits Technical Reproduction Co., Laps fox Annexation 1<alcolm Blueprint Be Supply Cp., :,:a., for i.D.ne:.::ation Goodwin-Andrews ILS. Co., Premium en Ins. Fire, Lightning Theft aDd Yandalist on Allis Ch&lmers Tractor. $ ---.<---- ."---'" ! ~ ' 50.34 'i " Ii 1.75 i' , I 67.96 I II 8.60 I' . Ii 3.64, ii 36.09 I! " I. ,: 4.00 Ii .1 I 60.00 Ii 60.00 ii J; 60.00 II 8.25 Ii !I 5.221 Ii " 26.00 Ii 301.2211 41.05 II Ii 23.7511 24.0911 il 10.00 I! 37.34 4.55/ 1.80 III 57.00 i I' ,I 65.82 ii ,I 210.00 )! ,I 8.37 i: i 3.8S r II 30.00 'i I. 'I 'I 238.351, ! ~ 96.8211 I I I , 3.00 !: I' F 13.51 Ii 11.00 Ii 2.40 !i I' II 55.53 I' i 24.50 II ;' 9.251 15;.00 ': 300.00 " 70.J.0' I I~ 145.79 11.00 30.00 !, 69.00 :! I' 125.00 Ii I) H c c c lJ C1 \.. , I " !: " i " i' I " I' " 34077 Caldwell-Sites Co., Letters ror Bulletin Board 34078 John H. Tingler, Labor-Triming Trees in Courthouse Yard 34079 American Floor Covering Co., Remant inlaid Linoleum No. 34051 34052 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Catawba Fire House $ N~tional Cash Register Co., i4lintenance agreement on Tax Billing ~chine Jan. 1, 1960-Dec. 31,1960 Haloid Xerox Inc., Record Paper for Photostatio Maohine in Clerk's Orfioe Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co., Offioe Supplies Easter Supply Co., Offioe Supplies International Business Maohine Corp., Agreement servioe to IBM Eleotrio Typewriter in Clerk's Offioe Sslem aerice Supply co., orrice Supplie~, Judge Hobaok Ortioe Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Frances Fitzgerald Bookkeeper Petty oash fund Edward F. Staples, Re~uburse Probation Officer'S Traveling Expense Dec. Void Standard Pares Corp., Parts County Sohool Board of RoanOke Co., Maintenance Co. owned Vehioles Dec. 1959 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunaoh Hearings Salem A~to Parts, Inc., Oarts for Vehioles Roanoke Auto spring Works, Ino., Parts foX' Polioe Vehiole #12 Auerioan Bakeries Co., Food for Prisoners, Bread &. Cblkes Virginia Foods, Ino., Food for Prisoners ~ & P Telephone Co., Telephone Servioe llt. PleasaDt Fire House Dernood H. Rusher, Attorney, Lunacy Hearing , (Mike Louis Haislip) W. E. Cundiff, Services on Welfare Board L. Kenneth Whitlook, Extra Ofrice <<ssistant in Engineer'S Offioe Pump Frank Moore, Remainder of Salary, Jan!. Q 15 Ino. Woric at/ Bemiss Equtpment Corp., Spray Fluid for Traotor Mrs. Pat Doran, Servioes as Regist.ar C S Dist. Fuel 011 & Equipment Co., Fuel for Courthouse Ja.-nes E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse 4 Keys made ror Treasurer's Office. 1;alcolm Blueprint &. Supply Co., Road maps 3.00 I 193.20 I " 1 711.00 i , 9.84 I I 5.99 35.00 9.70 22.50 39.06 44.35 ,I i! 926.70 Ii I' I' I: II I 60.00 13.23 8.95 77.22 139.72 30.25 10.00 50.00 I: r r 174.20 I: I I I, r , , I i I " r 29.10 1.50 22.10 4::0.23 1.30 .40 20.00 6.14 3.24 13.50 37.40 B. R. Hall Plumbing Co., Refund Duplioate Plumbing Permits for &. S Building Corp in Ridgewood Park Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Expenses during trip to Richmond Re: Civil Defense Program Penitentiary Industrial Dept., 1960 Roanoice Co. Auto Licenses Plates 1,638.00 G. A., soruggs, Postmaster, Postage Dr. S. D. Carey, Blood Test Harold H. Hoback, Drunk Driving Alonza Fred Collins j IN BE: DOG TAAZS. snz::? C1,X,:S, &c; .. .. 34053 100.00 15.00 ' The following olaims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid bu vouoher-oheCks out of the funds respeotively, ohargeable , therewith, to-wit; No. .. .. 340 54 34055 34056 .. " " 34057 34058 .. " 34059 34060 34061 34062 " 34063 34064 34065 )4066 34067 34068 .. .. .. .. " 34069 34070 34071 34072 34073 34074 34075 34076 " " " .. " .. " .. .. .. .. 34080 34081 34082 34083 .. .. " " 34084 34085 .. 34039 Appalaohian ~~~r Co., Current used at Dog Pound 34040 Belle il.ir~ Lawn & Garden Center, Dog Food & Weal'ing Apparel 34041 Esso Standard Oil CO., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck on Courtsey Card-transporting Dogs to Medical college. " 36.95. ~ ,c4.....;. 4 ~ !,' t.J... Go .~. ~~c.. 'tot I.G> ~ 1/~1bO -tb@.{ ~i~ t(:HTl (,0 " ,i Ii !I Ii II II' , ii " II Ii I' " II II , ,I " !i II il II " II i, I: I' !l I' 1I t~ Ii ,I II f I, i: ~ " !i il " rI i, I' ~ Ii Ii " II " I' :1 ~ II Ii 34042 Gearh~rt Shoe Repair, Holster and Belt 34043 Radio Communication Co., Radio Maintenance Dog Truck 34044 No. $ 6.50 I 7.50 ' " I I I 13.65 I I 5.00 I 18.951, I' Salem HardwarQ CO.,.Cleaning Supplies Ammunition and Hardware 8.23 , , 7.06: 3.50 " Void " 34045Tom Long'S Gulf Station, J~intenance Dog Truck Dec. 34046 34047 34048 34049 340 50 340~6 " Owen Plu. '.ng &: Heating Co., Repairing Pump at Dog Pound I " Salem Far~ Supply Corp.; Cleanir~ Supplies and Dog Bbod " " Salem Office supply Co., Office Supplies for Dog Warden " Summerdean Esso Station, Oil and Wash Jobs, Dog Truck County Sohool Board of R. 0., Gasoline purchased for Do; 'l'ruok James L. Parker, AssistaI<t Dog i'larden " I 25.721 108.04, I " 34087 \ J.i.l.lES E. PEl'ERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia January 18, 1960 I ! i ToO the Board of Supel'visors of Roanoke County: At the close of business January 16, 1960, ther~ was to the oredit of the $ 200,850.37 3,900.16 1,155.00 400.00 339.81 746, 140.25 335, 334.00 84, 537.90 6, 943.42 2.95 451.90 449.72 Iil,380,505.48 General cow,ty Fund IJ. brary Fund Dog Fund WRSDFund Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund Eduoation Fund Sohool Construotion Fund Sohool Debt Rett~ement FUnd Textbook Fund F I C A Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. MoNeal) Deferred Credit Account I Respo~tively submitted, Ja~es E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. r IN HE: IlELDIQ.UEh'T TAXES COu.ECTED BY CLERK: :, The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the reoeipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer, for $1,296.73 on acoount of delinquent taxes oollected by said Clerk for the amount of December, 1959, less oommissions, and turned over to said Treasu~er, said check amounting to $1,231.89 net. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll for the ~onth of January, 1960, be approved in the emount Of $7,998.34, from whioh the sum of $187.06 to~al F. I. C. A., and Total V. H. Taxes $755.80 is to be deduoted leaving a net payroll of $7,055.48. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, G. Hampton ~u1se and A. C. Harris I NayS: l~one. On motion, duly seoonded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Colleotion and Janitor Service for periOd from Dece;'lber 16, 1959, ending December 31, 1959, i' be approved in the anount of $1,921.50 from which the sum of $48.05 total F. I. Or A., , Taxes and Total ~. H. Taxes $64.30, and insurance $28.50 is to be deduoted, leavins a net payroll of ~l,780.65; ~,.' 1;:0:' I- t:r<J c l't .. c i i I , i I I i ,. I I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: i I R. W. CLARK, Sheriff, offioe and travel expenses for the month of Deoember, 195~; ii R. n. CURE:, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the County 11'.,. ~~. c.. jail during the month or Deoember, 1959; ;' t! 60 EDiiAllD S. ~~, County Agent, monthly rep0rt for Deoember, 1959; i !, , I I , i !' And the payroll for Refuse Colleotion and Janitor Servioes for period January 1, 1960, endiug January 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,504.00, from whioh the sum of $75.12 total F. I. C. A., total W. H. Taxes $99.20, and Insuranoe i28.50 is to be deduoted, leavi~g a net payroll of $2,301.18. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. r On motion, duly seoonded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro..active to date of issuanoe: Voucher-check #33912 in the amount of $400.00 made payable to G. A. Soruggs, ~st Master. for postage for Commissioner of the Revenue. Voucher-oheck 133922 in the amount of $400.00 made payable to G. A. Scruggs. pOst Master, for postage for Commissioner of the Revenue. VOUCher-check 133928 in the wnount of $15.00 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Dog Warden'S home. Voucher-cheall: #33929 in the amount of $76.85 made payable to C & P Telephone company for telephone service at CCU4ty Fire Houses. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. ~ JAl.1m D. OLIVl:R, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for December, 1959; 1959; RALPH E. LONG, Dog Warden, annual report for year ending December 31, f Copy of Fifty-Second Report of the State Highway Commissioner to the Governor I i of Virginia - Interstate - U S and Virginia, for the fiscal year begiuning July 1,1 I 1958 and ending June 30, 1959, together with letter dated December,29. 1959. from i Walter P. Drewry, Director of Publio Information, Department of Highways, recei vedi and ordered filed. v A letter dated Deoel~er 21, 1959, addressed to Paul B. Vetthews, Exeoutive Offioer, Roanoke County, from Henry E. Thomas, President Roanoke Valley Safety Council, expressing the Council'S appreciati.on for th~ finanoial support given it by Roanoke County in 1959, and expressed th~ hope that it would be in~luded the 1960 BOanoke County Budget. Said regue~, was referred for consideration to the County Exeoutive Officer when Budget is prepared for 1960. Letter from Roanoke Valley Safety Council ordered filed. i I !~&..L I it;, .0. '~~ i 11'--1'0 I' :~~!' ,C,\ ~~ in' 'I H(c.o 10 I I I I I i Protesters, signed by Mrs. Os oar H. BOYd, Seoretary, addressed to Roanoke Coun~y r i. I :; I i' I , i The following oommunioation were this day laid beforo the Board and ordered filed: Copy of letter dated January ~, 1960, from Roanoke County Sewer-Tax Sanitation Authority in re: audit of books of Authority; .Lettel dated January 1, 19iZ-,from J. Carl Poindexter, Chairman Roanoke County Sewer Protesters Committee, addressed to Roanoke vounty Board of Supervisors, in re: Roanoke County Sanitation .Authority; I Copy of undated letter signed by Charles Full', addressed to J. Gordon Bennett, i! Auditor of lUblio Aocounts, Commonwealth of Virginia, in re: audit of books of Roauoke County Sanitation Authority. , i; I' !j r n: BE: DIVISION OF LlARKETS - Report: II )1 ;, I: I' II i: " i: Ii 'I I; 'i Ii , I: I: r ~ " ., " Ii 'i I. 'I II I, Ii " :1 E . ii A oommunioation dated Deoember 18, 1959, from Division of Markets, signed by J. F. Lyles, Field Supervisor, 'Veights and Measurers Seotion, Commonwealth of Virginia, addressed to IV. E. Cundiff, CtlairlllaIl, Roanoke County Board of /: " I; Ii S I' " Supervisors, submitting a report on the tests of weighing and measuring devioes reoently oompleted in Roanoke County,. was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. A oommunioation dated 22 Deoember, 1959, from Howard C. Lee, Commander U. Navy, Co~nding Officer, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, expressing his appreoiation to Chief Gene Honaker, Chief Ballard, and all members of the Roanoke County fi.re departments and resoue squads who assia~ed in preparing for and rendering assistanoe at the soene of the orash ot a Navy AD-6 on the morning of 24 November, 1959, at Woodrum Airport, reoeived and ordered tiled. r Ernest Robertson this day appeared bet ore the Board and requested that the " I' I, addresses of all registered voters on the voting list in Roanoke County, made up Ii I, ji ;, by the Treasurer of Roanoke County, follow the name of suoh voter. Matter taken I' " ;, ~J.J. ~ ..... . Ii n I: ~.0~~ 1/),'/' 6, :' " Ii I At th" request of James E. Peters, Treasurer, and on motion, duly seoonded, I' i under oonsideration. No aotion was taken at this time. it is ordered that a study be made as to the feasibility of giving Court House employees tlu shots. Said matter is referred to the Budget Committee of Roanoke County and the Co~onwealth's Attorney. Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Ha:rris and Edwin G. Terrill. Nays: None. ~~~;.., tftj~.~ t ' ~tfa . f)....{u...... '\ If ')..,/(.. 0 , I This day appeared Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendant Roano~e County Schools,: befere the Board and requested the BoarJ to authorize the negotiatin6 of the following four loans from the Literary ~d, and this BOard being of the opinion that the said L~ans should be negotiated; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seoonded by Supervisor G. Hampton 1;oulse, it is ordered tt.at the Chairmah of tllis Board and tho Clerk I I I I I ... I . 1-"" ~ kt I r " :1 ,I '1 :) , ii :i I :, '1 iI ! 11 ij " '~'f U o of s~~ be and they are, hereby authorized to exeoute th~ proper forms requestil,gl , a loan from the Uterary Fund tor oonstruotion of East Vinton Sohool in the sum I ! ot Three Hundred and tifty thous~nd dollars (~350,OOO.OO) white; Cave Spring Sohool tor construotion Thre~ liucdred and Fifty 1housand Dollars ($350,000.00) white; Cav~ Spring School for construotion one Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,GOO.00) negro; and for oonstruotion ~st Sal~ School Five Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($525,000.00) white. . Adopted by the following recorded vote: .Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, a. Hampton 1ioulse and Edwin a. Terrell. Nays: l{one. r , I: I ,1 Ii Ed. Frazier, reprssentative of th.. c & P Telephone OOJllpany, this day appearedi! before the Board and requested permission of the Board to make a study of the I' telephone servioe in th~ County offioes located in Salem at no cost to the oounty~ " i: Ii 11 , I I /: li~'"'~'u I; addressed to Roanoke COU4ty Eoard of Supervisors, trom Airs. Homer A. Stokes, f<"""...:....... ~L Corresponding Secretary RO!1no~e County Counoil P. T. A., requesting that in so il~~~- II 'P.'l.iJK. far as possible th~ public be eduoated to observe the speed limits through School!i r\~ i,r;~,.. [i~....~1i" Thereupon, on motion, duly seoonded, c:lld oarried, it is ordered the the Looall ~.a. . :1!+.. S- i~ regarding speed limits at sohools b~ strictly observed during the times when stUdJnts Plrtl !~I'/I('~ 1 11., , "'"'- ~ And it is further ordered that a copy of the resolution be sent to the Local '$...t...-."Y" 1'1').1/'0 ~cJ. ~c9;( ~o..t.-. ~ ii "~r/,,, II ,I I~~-r. !' R.... . s:...,... lif.:e~ [~~r "Item 7. Route 681 from Route 720 to Route 119 reoonstruction " be, and the i;~~' same is., hereby delet4d, and add in lieu thereot: Ii C. <Z4 '2 H-' "State Seeondary Route 654 from Route 24 to Route 634 for reeonstru,)tion" I' (/).-//"" Adopted by thQ following reoorded vote: Said permission is granted. This day there was laid before the Board a letter dated Jan~ary 9, 1960, blinker zones when children ere going to or from said sohools; Police Departments be requested to fully eo-operate in seeing that the law are going to or from said sohools. Police Headquarters, Sheriff of Roanoke County, and a copy to 1~s. Stokes. ,', , , 'f on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton ~ulse, it is ordered that the resolution edopted by this Board on February 16, 1959, Supervisors' Reeord BOOk 15, p. 237, programuung Feder~l Aid Projects be, and the sama is, hereby amend.ad .;oS follows: Ayes: Supervisors A. c. Earr.l.s, G. Ha;upton 1ioulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. { (on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton liQulse, s"conded by Supervisor A. O. Barris!, ')C~L.t it is ordered that the firm of Lar.gleji & KcDonald, Consulting Engineers, be, and ..to 2.l... )+. they are, hereby amployed to assist in defending the County's interest in the ',UOc' p. ...... ~~ . ,/).-// ,"0 Annexation Suit of tIll. City of noanoke v. COU':lty of Roalloke, !,~suant to t"r;"s set forth in Ii! letter ~ated January 5, 1960, from said firw, siened by Joseph MCDOnald, addressed ,"0 the Co=onwealth's Attorney. S"id tir,,, to be p!l.id on a monthly basis wheu statements for serviees are rendered. Adofted by the Following recorded vote: ~~: 1foheHampton 1l0ulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin a. 1~ !i ~ The adoption of the aoano~e County Plumbing Coda p~oposed for adoption on Ii 'I Ii Dece~ber 21, 1959, and continued to th~ regular January ~eetillg, 1969 of this ., ;: Board is continued to the regular February Meeting, 1960 of this Board. ( The adoption of the Roanoke County Eleotrioal Code proposed for adoption on i! Deoember 21, 1959, and continued to the regular January Meeting 1960, of this I i i i , I ~ On motion of" Supervisor, A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton 'I., Ii T~~: ii Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roan~ke County, adopted on. June 15,1 L~ Ii 1959, for the Fisoal Year beginning July 1, 1959, ~d ending June 30, 1960, be i: ~. Ii and the same is hereby amended as follows, to beoome effective January 1, 1960: i: r I, i Co .<iy.Gl . I: Item lOA-1l3: Compensation of County Inspector -- an additional appropriatiom i 'Il-III.I> of $400.00 is hereby made tor the J!'iscal Year ending June 30, 1960, for the salary' Ii Board, is continued to the regular February Meeting, 1960 of this Board. " Ii ii " ,I :r :! I of the County Inspeotor. ii I: i: Ii II " ii I' \! , Adopted by the tcllowing recorded vote: Supervisors 4es:/A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. ii " " if I1'! RE: COMPENSATION OF COm;TY TREASURER i' CO:1iISSIOl.\'El( OI!' TEE REVEhVE Co.L. . I, C0W40NWEALTH'S ATTOEL.'lEY. and ~ OJ ~I4Q..L ii SHERIFF, and Expense Aocounts: r. ~m:.' The COmpensation Board of the state of Virginia having certified to this ~\M.u- ~ ~ :: B::>ard that it had tentatively fixed the following allowances to the COunty 52': l:U ): Treasurer, COmmissioner of the Revenue, COilllllonwealth's Attorney and Sheriff or . ~:: Roanoke County, for the year beginning JanuarP' 1, 1960, towit: .. I; i: 111, '('- 'I ).1/1.1) I TREASURER: Expense.account allowance as shown on said $ 7,000.00 31.840.00 $ 40,013.85 C01llSSICNER 0" REm;UE:. Exoense Acoount as shown on said allowance $ 7,~00.00 38.640.00 $ 7,500.00 3.600.00 $42,539.50 I C01::':OliWEi.LTH 'S ATTCRNEY: Expense Account as shown on said allowance $11,100.00 $N""F.llJFF Expense acoount as shown on said allowance $ 7.750.00 61. 870.00 I %>64.640.00 Upon oonsideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded said allowanoes, as tentatively fixed by the Stat~ Conpensation Board, are approved, and the County's share of said salaries and expenses are allowed, payable monthly, "s per voucher- ohecks returned and approved. AdoDted by thefollolnng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G.. Hampton ;,louIse, .A.. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: Hone. ~ ~ i III ~ Ii Ii Present.: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, L~. HamPt~n :1 Mou1se, !'linor rl.. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Ii Ii :'! ~ , II Ii 'I ' I :1 " 'I Ii, I, ~ :1 ~ Ii i' " [I Ii II ,I r i II approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the i"lnds respectively ,I ., II ~ 1[1 :! j a I Ii Ii ~ i,l Ii ~ ii II Ii [' Ii ii Ii ! II II ,I I :1 I ~ : : ! ! 'I II ! il Ii ~ 1. ~ " 14 a prayer. No. 34164 II 34165 II 34166 II 34167 II 3416$ II 34169 II 34170 II 34171 II 34172 II 34173 II 34174 II 34175 II 34176 II 34177 II 34178 II 34179 II 3!,.180 II 3411!1 II 34162 II 31,.183 t I II 341i!4 Ii ,/ " I II 341P.5 Ii II 34166 II 341e7 II 341M n 341i!9 II 34190 I' II 34191 II 34192 " 34193 II 34194 II 34195 Court House, ~alem, Va. February 15, J9~0. House thereof in. monthly session. Th3 Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at thq Gourt Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor A. C. Harris offered I The minutes of the last meeting were approved as spread, each menber of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, chargeable therewith, towit: Acme Printers Inc., office supplies Salem Office Supply Go., office supplies National Market Report, office supplies - Invoice 25704 Acme Typewriter Co., repairs to Royal Elec. Typewriter, James E. Feters, Treasurer, jury tickets &c n~~noke County Revolving Fund,Frances Fitzgerald, Bookkeeper Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies G. H. Parent Co., office supplies, Clerk's Office Easter Supply Co., office supplies Bverette Waddey Co., Record Books for Clark's office, Dictaphone Corp., office supplics Clerk's Office C. w. Warthen Co., record books for Cler~'s Office Dou~le En7elope Corp., envelopds for Roy K. Brown,Clerk, J. H. Pollard, services as Jury Commissioner Chalmers Ferguson. services as Jury Commissioner, Dictaphone Corp., maintenance on Dictaphone Jan.l,1960, Dec. 31, 1960 - County Court ~~rton Insurancb Agency, premiwn on bonds Ford Candler and Dimple J. Turman I.;. C. Hendrie!:, Jr., Ohief Probation Officer. re-imburse- mer.t traveling expenses Vinton ~otor Company, maintenance County vehic1~s Town of Salem, light, water and sewage treatment service Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, seat covers for Police Car #12 Miller Tire Se~vice, tires for County vehicles Harvest l.;otors, maintenance county vehicles Ful':"'1 White Truck Co., parts for #i2 Polia! Car Goodyear Service Stores, tires for vehicles Esso Standard Oil Co., gasolin~ purchased on trips Invoice 410068 Williams Auto Ali:.:nment, tires for Cou~ty Police Gars Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for County Vehicles Dr. R. 3. Sn,iley, ~a'.l physician, salary Jan. ,&c Radio Corr~unications Co., radio maintenance County School Board of hoa,,':>ke Co., ,naintenance County o.med vehicles '3rown Hard'o'lare Co" h3rd.~are '::c I 152.70 91.52 41.00 7.50 479.54 10.74 64.44 2.2!l 86.57 107.45 1.95 98.50 36.34 35.00 35.00 27.75 49.50 36.33 113.37 411.36 44.45 794.31 6.64 2.50 92.70 II. 18.70 67~14 22.59 135.00 57.95 970.63 1$.14 I I I .16 ~ ~ Ii 'I II !I ~ II ,! Ii I' 'I I' Ii I; I II ~ 'I I, 'I II It II .. Ho. 34239. 34240 34241 34242 It It It It 34243 34244 34245 34246 It It It It 31r247 II 3424e It 34249 34250 34251 34252 34253 34254 34255. II It II It II It II 34256 34257 3:"25$ 3:"259 31,.260 31,.261 342~2 31,.263 31,.264 31,.265 32.266 It It It It II " It II It It II 32.267 It 3!+268 It 32.269 It 3'4270 3.4271 It It 34272 " j4273 It 3,4274 It 34275 34276 34310 34311 34312 It It It It Richardson's General Tire Co., vehicles tires Monroe Calculating Machine Co., ribbon, International 3usiness ~achi~e Co., carbon paper, International Asso. of Electrical Inspectors, 1960 Membership dues. J. R. Taliaferro . VOID Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., maintenance vehicles Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for P - 2 Vehicle 40.12 1.40 26.$5 10.00 74.01 14.2$ Addressograph-~~ltigraph Corp., identification tags for) 29.90 Garbage Cans. Bemiss Equipment Corp., pa~ts and oil for tractor, Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., iliaps and office .. supplies Williams Supply Co., Invoice 5520 White Spot Supply Co., janitor supplies, Roanoke Linen Service, towel service Jan., 1960' Owen Plumbing Co., repair work at Courthouse McClung Lumber Co., lumber for Courthouse, Meador ~ Greer, repairing lock to side door Courthouse 254.$5 123.11 2$.13 . 12.57 3.00 44.79 9.09 5.50 Roy c. Kinsey Sign Co., Lettering for Judge F.L.Hoback's door. 21.00 Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co., naB. hammer, Dillard Paper Co., janitor's supp~ies Salem Glass Co., glass for C. H.. Woods, Rogers; Muse & Walker, Atty's fee ia re: Salem Annexation Charles E. Via, Jr.,'Civil Defense Program Rutherford Freight Lines, freight on auto tags Roanoke Book & Stationery Co., 1 box signals Noland Company, plumbing samples for Inspector John Slovensky, refund Plumbing Permit #941 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., street signs, Roanoke County School Board, gasoline furnished for tank at Hollins Fire Station Woods, Roge~s, Muse & Walker, Attys., atty's fee iu re: City Roa v. Co. Roa. Kime & Jolly, Attys., atty's fee in re: . annexation -" City Roa. 1/. Co. Roa. J. A. Blair, Refund electrical Permit 23,$2$ Job 9476 Gigante - Duplicate of 23,728 Ernest Arthur, Refund Plumbing Permit 347 American Air Surveys, Inc., photographic enlargement City of Roanoke Woodhaven Press, 2 ~ Letterheads for Delinquent Tax Collector Asso. of Judges of Co & Municipal Courts of Va., Asso. dues 1960 for Judge Norman Noore Roanoke Electronics Supply Co., Inc., Battery for Radio Shff's office & Radio Civil Defense.Program Appalachian Power Co., current used at C.S.Fire House Wright ~otor Co., repairs and parts #9 Vehicle Woodhaven Press, envelopes - Treasurer, Salem Office Supply, carbon paper Roanoke County Revolving fund, re-in:'ourse bOOI,keeper's petty cash fund 3.60 12.13 9.59 500.00 140.00 43.$9 .75 45.26 3.00 63.$3 325.$9 1,361.23 1,050.00 12.50 3.00 22$.00 17. 50 10.00 1$.40 15.44 35.$2 33.90 2.20 7.50 I II 'I II " " 11 'I II 'I II II II 'I It l' II I I I Ii i I Ii II II II Ii I' II II II Ii i! ;, il " Ii I' I' 11 II II II :i II il I: ,I il I! il II I I I r-! I.,. M ,... c t:I c No. 34313 n 34314 n 34315 n 34316 It 34317 n 3431$ " 34319 I' . ~ 34320 n 34321 It 34322 n 34323 II 34324 n 34325 " 34-326 n Powers Press Inc., . envelopes - Treasurer Burroughs Corporation, maintenance adding machine Clark's offic'3 Haloid Xerox, Inc., office supplies - Clerk's Office Yates & Wells, Garage, maintenance County ?olice vehicles Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner' 5 cafies Esso.Standard Oil Co., Fuel - Catawba Fire Ho~se C 'l: P Telephone Co., tel. service ~lt. Pleasant Fire Station L. ;cE'nneth Whitlock, Extra Office Assistant Engineer's Office lilart.ha Ii. ;Iiatthews, Extra Typist in Engineer's Office, Yates & Wells Garage, maintenance garbage trucks Fuel Oil &; Equipment Co., fuel for C. H. Peacock-Salem Laundry, janitor's supplies ~~lcolm Blue Print & Supply, road maps Paul B. Matt~ews, r~-imbursement traveling expense during trip to Norfolk 34;27 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, General Stores IN RE: DOG TAXES,' S!Iili>P CLAmS, :Oc: ... i I ~ !' - - --.~.._. 37.00 18.70 44.55 161.7$ I' 20.00 I 65.75 I' I ~ " 30.25 i! ~ ! 72.39 I, , " I: Ii 94.40 " 306.59 420.23 8.67 /' il Ii If ,i H if I' Ii " i' " Ii 'I approved, Ii I' chargeablel! ., 2.00 1;.60 72.00 The follOwing claims against t~e County were this day presented, and ordered to be paid by voucher-ehecks out of t:~e funds respectively therewith, towit: :~o. 34277 n 34278 It 34279 " 34.UO n 342.;1 n .34282 n 34283 n 342$4 n 3428; 34286 " It II " II Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Service Station, oil & wash job, \log truck Belle Aire L2.~m ,0< Garden Cem;er, do.:; fe:i, velD ~sso Standard Oil Co., gasolin~ ~urchased for dog truck 3.50 9.1; 13.98 Carl E. 7urrow, live stock claim, 2 calves killed by dogs 80.00 County School Board of R. C., gasolint purchased for 36.12 dog truck Ralp~ Long, re-imbursement tr~velirgexpense transporting 14.3; l.C~S to ~;edical College of V:J.. Owen Plumbing Co., servicing pump &c at Dog Pound James E. Petars, Treas., r0-imbursement insured mail to Richmond (Dog tags) Salem' Farm Supply Co., for do~ food 15.00 .84 g.95 7.$0 1,..00 72.3':>' 29.30 ~ J~.IES E. PETERS, 'freasur,,:' of :1oan01o:e County, this da,' subrr.itted to the 34287 State Depart",ent of Health, Rabies vaacine treatment 3432$ J. a. Berry, disinfec"Cant for dog pound 34329 J~~es L. Parker, Asst. Dog \varden 34330 rates ~ ~ells Jara]e, rep~irs & parts for do~ truck Board' the following report: "Salem, Virginia February 15, 1960. To the Board of Supervisors of :1oano~e County: At the close of business February 13, 1960, there was to the credit of the 18 ~ ~,Us-~ .c."U. ~ reI;.,. , ~1 ,j.. I I' II ii 'I !i ii i! , I' i! ,I . r ! . "t! JI ii I, ~ Ii I ' .C. .:1 I ...a~ I! I . II I' I ~ Ii ! !i " " II ,. ;~ I II I: !. i: " il ~cUr~:. .C.'~'I C. ' .,. . i: ~. ~ r ~1111fc,C I: , " " 1i !: General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund W R S D Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Cor.s;I'uction Fund School Uebt Retirement Fund School fextbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (J.E.Peters' $231,432.61 4,974.98 7,512.29 400.00 , 339.81 681,479.18 141,639.34 85,117.75 6,108.42 1,738.56 451.90 303.07 $1.161,497.91 Ii II il I il ,. II " Ii il " II II il ii il II II I, II Ii II , ~ . Respectively submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." I l ,I I: ,I t ~ ~ Said report received and ordered filed. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Cou.~ty Treasurer, for $1,020.31, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of January, 1960, less commissions, and turned over.to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $969.29 net. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of February, 1960, be approved in the amount of $7,966.47, from lmich the sum of $206.35 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $739.80 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,029.32. Adopte~ by the following recorded vote: . Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Ydnor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, . and A. C. Harris. P 'i I' Nays: None. :1 " II " " !l I, . On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered. that the payroll for Refuse ii , II Collection and Janitor Service for period January 16, 1960, ending January 31, 'i i! 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,021.50, from whioh the sum of $60.65 tota1ii F. I. C. A. Taxes and total W. H. Taxes $59.30, and insurance $28.50, is to be Ii . Ii deducted, leaving a net payroll of ~l,S73.05; I, And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period Febr\.drY 1, 1960, ending Feb. 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,042.75, from whicl. the sum of $61.28 total F. I. C. A. T~es; total W. H. Taxes $62.10, and insurance $28.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,890.87. Adopted by tne following recorded vote: ':'ya5: g..pervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse; and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks Q~ approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #34158 in the amount of $54.78 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at fire stations and meter station; / I I I I I ~ H o ~ u o v Voucher-check #34159 in the amount of $19.00 made payable to C & p Telephone Co., for service at Dog Warden's home i- in the amount of $575.24 made payable to C & p Telephone Company for telephone service for County Offices &c Voucher-check #34161 in the amount of $36.32 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel used at County fire houses; Voucher-check #34160 " Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. , ~ '. The follOwing communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: r Copy of resolution #13961, dated January 25, 1960, Council City of Roanoke, Va., amending contract of October 16, 1953, between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, dea:ing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes by adding thereto an area contining approximately 147 acres lying in Roanoke County on the north side of U. S. Route 460 between State Route 640 and 642, and copy of letter dated January 27, 1960, addressed to William J. Paxton, Town Clerk, Salem, Va., from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va. " " ! ~ Ii Copy of resolutions #13962, #13963 and #13964, dated January 25, 1960, Ii Council City of Roanoke, Va., amending contract of September. 28, 1954, between Ii the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with treatment of II' domestic and commercial wastes by adding thereto an area containing approxill1Stel ly 117 acres lying along both sides of U. S. Route 221 bet\ofeen Cave Spring al1d II Cave Spring High School; an area containing approximately 54.3 acres lying on II the nor~herly side of U. S. Highway 220 and Virginia State Highway 119 at ii their intersection south of the City and an area containing 10 acres lying on Ii the west side of State Route-60l north of Santee Road, northeast of the City, '! and letters dated January 27,1960, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke Ii County Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va. II Ii lJ ., I' I: i, i! i' Roanoke County, Salem, Va., from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department II " addition to the Secondar~i p i! Ii Ii " " Ii it" IN HE: ADDITION TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated February 8, 1960, addressed to Board of Supervisors of of Highways, Richmond 19, Va., approving the following System of Roanoke County, effective Feb. 1, 1960: Additfon. Lc,nl!:th. Mountain Heights Drive, from Route 311 northwest 0.60 mile, length 0.60 mile was received and ordered filed. ... IN HE: FOREST FIRE CONTROL IN ROANOKE COUNTY: Communication dated February 8, 1960, addressed to the Clerk of Court, Roanoke County, from George W. Dean, State Forester, Virginia Division of Forestry, submitting an itemized account verified by affidavit, representing the sum charged to Roanoke County under terms of Section 10-46 for forest fire control service from July 1, 1959 - January 26, 1960, amounting to a total of ~395.g2, was this day presented to the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a voucher-check for three hundred, ninety-five dollars and eighty-two cents ($395.82) be issued to I I Ii , Ii II I: '1 ,. I , [, r: I. i Ii II Ii Ii Ii Ii I' I' " " i, Ii Ii " I' ii S ~:'A_<~.. rl'....1 , " i ie., . 'lr. " 1).-/17/ 'D 20 I I ,. II ~ ~,t.C.M-~ V"'I'1)"Dli " r II t r ,I Ii Ii [I II Ii i- I' II Ii " j! I' " Ii !i ii I, " Ii I: , j; " , .- .' ,. . 'v', . '\1--. \~. L:' ~",. 'l....J. \, " ..., I ,I Ii II i' Ii II II II II i' ,I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the !I action of the Compensation Board at its meeting held on January 29, 1960, approvi~ . II ~he annualrate of compensation of eight thousand dollars l$e,Ooo.oOI, effective 11 'i I, I' Ii the S~ate Forester of Virginia, in payment of said account. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. January 1, 1960, to the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board certify a copy of this order concurring in the above change to the Compensation Board. Copy of letter dated February 1, 1960, addressed to Edward H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney for Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman of Compensation Board, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, and A. C. Harris. . Nays: None. " i~ , r I ! , ! H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served I in the County jail during the month of January, 1960, '1 H. w. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of I, January, 1960 I EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly r'ilport for the month of JanUary,191 JJUiIES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for the month [I of January, 1960. i Ii I: Ii Ii Ii I: ,I A petition of Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation was presented to the il Ii " Board of Supervisors by F. Rodney Fitzpatrick, its attorney, asking that a !i certain 30-foot right-ef-way county road established by the Board of supervisor~ .' on October le, 1920, be abandoned, said road running from a poin~ where the :' il Old Boulevard passed from the lands of Cherry Hill Farm Corporation to land Ii I' of the pe~itioner and running 614.5 feet, more or less, and no longer necessary i: I: , , The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: IN RE: ROAD CLOSING OF CERTAIN )O-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY ) ) Order. for public use. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered t~at abandonment of said road be considered at the ~~rch meeting, and notice of intention. to act be posted at the front door of the Courthouse, at three places along and on said road, and notice be published twice in The Roanoke-Wcrld News, a newspa~er of general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, ~tinor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Monlse and N Edwin G. Terrell. ays: 'NOne. ........ I I I I I ~ , . ''''' ~ I~ ~ ~ c Thlo.t it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. II :J. c.J.-:. II c;{.jJ r- Ilhu.~ Ii H 11 )60 'I I the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County S~,itation Authority by the I . I Virginia Water and Sewel:" Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32,11 inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional Ii Ii I: I' I' :i Ii , " !: ~ On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is requested that State Secondary Route 654, from Route 24 to Route 634, length 1.10 Mi., be included in the Secondary Federal Aid Highway System. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None h If I: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 15, 1959, for the Fiscal Year beginning July.l, 1959, and ending June 30, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective February 1, 1960: Item 18: Miscellaneous Operating Functions -- an appropriation of I' " ii $10,000.00 is hereby made for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1960. for i: I' annexation expenses. I: Ii Adopted by the following recorded vote: F ~!"I' Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and ., Edwin G. Terrell Ii Nays: None Ii Ii " l ii " C ). BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines, and other properties and facilities incidential thereto, for the purpose of exercising , I i' I Ii , projects consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: 1. PLANTATION COURT (10 ACRES): BEGINNING at a point on the east side of Plantation Road, State Secondary Route 601 at the northeasterly corner of the property formerly owned by Mrs. A. P. Jones and now owned by R. R. Quick and others as recorded in Deed Book 624, Page 279, in the records for the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke C8untr; thence with the aforesaid Plantation Road S. 6 00 E. 111.7 feet to a point on the gast side of the road; thence continuing with the road S. 1 25' W., 238.9 feet to a point on the west side of the road; thence leaving the road end with a line through the aforesaid Quick property S. 85 31' W., 1272.9 feetto a point on the westerly line of the Quick property and being the easterly line of the property Sf Miller E. Petty; thence with the Petty-Quick line N. 6 05' W., 309.5 feet to the northwesterly corner of the Quick tract; thence with a line leaving the Petty bOllndary and with the C. S. Williams southerly boundary N. 83 46' E., 1303.7 feetto the point of beginning; and being a boundary description of that remaining portion of the Quick property not previously approved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke for sewage treatment and containing 10 acres, more or less, as shown on the plat prepared by David Dick, S. C. E., under date of June 13, 1959. .. I 1/ ,. , L i: " I, i: ~, 2. PROPERTIES OF M. LEE HAWLEY, TIlE ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD, TIlE FORT LEWIS CHRISTIAN CHURCH, PROPERTIES WITHIN THE ANDREW LEWIS PlACE SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTIES ON OR ADJACENT TO ROUTE 11-460, WEST: 21 ... 22 --. I Ii I Ii II I, I II ,I , II [, I i I ~ I, I' ~ I: ~ ;1 Ii " ii ~ " 1 It , " ,. 3. BEGINNING at a point on the north right-of-way line of U. S. Route 11-460 (Lee Highway) at its intersection with the east right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 640, 5,700 feet, more or less, west of the West Corporate Limits of the Town of Salem; thence with a line and said line being the aforesaid north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 11-460, 4,300 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the aforesaid north right-of-way line of U. S. Route 11-460 with the east right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 642; thence with the aforesaid east right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 642 and the west property line of the M. Lee Hawley property, as recorded in Deed Book 49, Page 512, in the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, N. 260 59' w., 1,275 feet, more or less, to a point on the west boundary of the aforesaid Hawley property; thence with the aforesaid Rawley west boundary and leaving the west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 642, N. 26 59' W., 275 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the aforesaid Hawley property; thense with the north boundary of the Hawley property, N. 76 45' E., 1,085 feet, more or less, to the northeast corner of the Hawley property and being the northwest corner of the Andrew Lewis Place Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 36; thenSe with the north boundary of the aforesaid subdivision, n 77 30' E., 1,084.74 feet, to the northeast cooner of the subdivision; thence with a line continuing N. 77 30' E., 1,25 0 feet, more or less, to the east right-of-way line of-State Secondary Route 640 (Butt Hollow Road) and meeting the boundary line of the Board of Supervisors Resolution for sewage treatment for the Beverly Heights area as recorded in Board of Supervisors Order Book 14, Page 26; thence with the east right-of-way line of said Route 640 (Butt Hollow Road) and the aforesaid resolution area boundary in a southeasterly direction 2,100 feet, more or less, to the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid U. S. Route 11-460 (Lee Highway) and being the beginning point of this des<"dption, which said description encloses an area of 147 acres, more or less, and including the properties of M. Lee Hawley, the Roanoke County School Board, the Fort Lewis Christian Church, properties within the Andrew Lewis Place Subdivision and other properties on or adjacentto the said Lee Highway. DESCRIPTION OF 0.39 ACRE JOSEPHINE A. THWAS PROPERTY AND 54.3 ACRES, MORE Oil. LESS, PROPERTY OF G. L. HASH, ET ALS, TO BE SUBDIVIDED AND KNOWN AS "TOWNS IDE" : BEG!NNING at the northwest corner of Virginia Highway Route 119 and Jones Streete thence with the east side of Jones Street (5g feet wide) N. 38 14' W., 203.1 feetto a point; thence N. 34 14' W., 208.6 feet to a point; thence leaving the east side of Jones Street, and with east lines of V. I. C. and C. Company go~erty, N. 130 53' l~., 859.6 feet to a point. thince N. 1 02' W., 221.1 feet to a point;othence N. 126 55 E. 471.25 feet to a point. thence N. 26 20' W., 179.84 feet to a point; thence N. 406 50' W. 23.6 feet to a point; thence with southeaste6ly lines of V. I. C. and C. Company 9.84 acre tract, N. 47 22' E., 110.0 feet to a point in the center line of gre Wash Branch; thence down the center line Sf same, N. 41 26' E.,l06.9 feet to a pointe thence N.30 26' E., 114.4 feet to 8 point; thence N. 46 51' E., 196.0 feet tg a voint; N. 88 11' E., j4.5 feet to a poigt; thence S. 53 49 E., 59.0 feet to a point; thence N. 53 59' E., 145.0 feet to a point; thence N. 370 57' E., 106.71 feetto a point; thence leaving the center line of Ore Wash Branch and with the sOl:lthwest line of Tract 7, Acsal Corporation Map, S. 52 14' E., 1339.6 feetto a point on the present northwest right-of-~ay line of U. S. Route 220; thence with She same, S. 31 18' W., 136.9 feetto a point. thence S. 32 16' W., 229.32 feet to a point6 thence S. 276 59' W., 474.31 feetto a point; thence S. 26 53' W. 185.57 feetto a point; t.hence leaving the northwest side of U. S. Highway Route 220 andowith the northeast line of the J. W. Smith property, N. 52 55' W., 144.0 feetto a psintj thence with the west line of the Smith property, S. 36 50 W., 318.1 feet to a point; thence with tee northeast line of the Julian Milton Graham property, N. 52 55' W., 8.5 feet to a pointe thence with thE: northwest line of the Graham property, S. 37 05' W., 120.5 feet to a pObnt; thence with the southwest line of the Graham property S. 49 30' E., 206.1 feet to a point on the northwest side of Virginia Highway Route 119; thence with She same, S. 380 53' W., 75.9 feet to a point; thence N. 52 55' w., 4.4 feet to a point; thence wiSh the northwest side of Virginia Highway Route 119, S. 43 39' U ., 595.85 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being an inclusive boundary description of the G. L. Rash, et als 54.3 acres, more or less, and the Josephine A. Thomas 0.39 acre tract, and being: shown on plat prepared by C. B. Malcolm and Son, S. C. E.' dated September 21, 1959. I r II 'I ,. II " " !I !I II Ii I! I " !, 'I Ii II 'I Ii I il II II Ii " I, Ii ,f II If I [, II II II 'I Ii il [ ii il I: I! ii I' Ii II I I I I I .. ! ,., I ' i"1 ,.. , kt ~ ~ c .. I 4. AREA ADJACENT TO ROUTE 221 AND VIRGINIA STATE SECONDARY ROUTE 613: BEGINNING at a point on the east right-of-way of U. S. Highway Route 221, at the southwest corner of the Otho O. Mills 1.30 acre tract and being the northwest corner of the Cave Spring High School Tract as recorded in Deed Book 320, Page 132, and Deed Book 591, Page 333, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with a line N. 34022' W., crossing the aforesaid Route 221, and thence to the south right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 689, in all a toal distance of 370 feet, more or less; thence with a line crossing the aforesaid Route 689 and in a general northerly direction and 300 feet west of and parallel to the west right- of-way line of the aforesaid Route 221 crossing the center line of State Secondary Route 905 at 825 feet, more or less, the center line of State Secondary Route 906 at 1,950 feet, more or less, to a point on the north right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 1630, in all a total distance of 3,850 feet, more or less, thence with the aforesaid north right-of-way line of Route 1630 in a westerly direction 400 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the R. E. and Estell S. Trenor property as recorded in Deed Book 469, Page 411, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, and being the southeast corner of the second Trenor tract as recorded in Deed Book 465, Page 448, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office; . thence with the line of thE' ~armington Lakes Sewage Treatment 0 Area boundary and the line between the two Trenor tracts N. 23 15' W., 844.08 feet to a mutual property corner of Trenor and the Estate of Mrs. Missouri Ester Ric~ardson (of record in Will Book 7, Page 421); thence continuing with a line N. 230 15' W., with the aforesaid Richardson boundary, 430.3 feetto a mutual property corner of the Richardson tract, the Raymond M. Giebner property (o~ record in Deed Book 398, Page 266); and the propertyof H. E. and Lois A. Young (of record in Deed Book 451, Page 349); thense with the north boundary of the aforesaid Young property N. 75 50' E., 524.25 feetto a point on the south right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 119; thence leaving the aforesaid sewage treatment area boundary and with the east boundary of the aforesaid Young property and the west right-of- way line of the aforesaid Route 119 in a southerly direction 800 feet, more or less, to the north boundary of the Charles P. Bryant property as recorded in Deed Book 224, PagG 286; thence continuing with the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Route 119 and the north boundary of ~he Bryant tract in a southeasterly direction 180 feet, more or less, to the north corner of the W. B. Rasnake tract as recorded in Deed Book 548, Page 574; thence continuing with the Rasnake boundary and the west right- of-way line of Route 11>, 300 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Route 119 and the west x~ght-of-way line of th~ aforesaid Route 221; thence with a linecrossing Route 221 at right angles to the alignment of the west right-of-way line of Route 221, 360 feet, more or less to a point 300 feet east of the east right- of-way line of Route 221; thence with a line parallel to Route 221 and 300 feet in distance from the aforesaid east right-of- way line of Route 221 in a southerly direction 1,750 feet, more or less, crossing State Secondary Route 687, to the intersection point of the south right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 687 and the west right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 613; thence with the west right-of-way line of Route 613 in a southerly direction 4180 feet, more or less, to a point on the west right-of-way line of Route 613 and the east property boundary of the E. G. Craghead property as recorded in Deed Book 316, Page 426; thence leaving the aforesaig Route 613 and with a line through the Craghead property S. 68 00' W., 450 feet, more or less, to the mutual property corner of the Roanoke County School Board and the aforesaid Craghead tract; thence with the Cave Spring Hiih School property boundary. and the Craghead tract N. 7 22 Wo' 60 feetto a point; N. 390 18' W., 305 feet to a point; N. 67 07' E., 235.5 feet to a point; thence with a line and leaving the aforesaid Craghead boundarz N. 57 07' E., 85.1 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 20 54' W., 135.8 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 000 45' W., 147 feetto a point; thence with a lige N. 520 00' W., 644 feet to a point; thence with a line ~. 46 40' W., 63.1 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 34 22' W., 100 feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of an area of 117 acres, more or less, adjacent to U. S. Route 221, State Secondary Routes 119 and 613 and located north of the Cave Spring High School property as shown on the plat under date of November 14, 1959, anc made a part of this description. BE IT FURTHERRESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse Building in Salem, Virginia, on the 21st day of March, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock 23 j: ]! I' I, 'i II I, " Ii r ,I I! " " , I' 1M iy<- :' /, I', , , , ;' ! . ,tJ Ie I. '\.' i p. m., of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services, and any other persons in interest, will be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the .24 " " ~ Ii i- I !i I _~+r Ii ~Ii 'met-', .I Ii ~ ~I ~'7/c.d ~ , .l..L ~ r... (). . I' ,I Ii ,I " I' ,I Ii I! " " " i, : ~ :1 ii proposed se::lTicf::: be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, II I: Virginia, at its discretion, may call for a referendum on the question inabove Ii " set forth, as prescribed in the aforesaid Vi.ginia ~ter and Sewer Authorities !l Ii Act. !; :i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cuase due notice of il !; ;! this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. in full force and effect from and after their pa~sage. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Terrell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors and A. C. Harris Nays: None :i " ,I " il I' i1 I: :: " :' ., Supervisor Edwin G.:I I' , " I: ,I 'I I I I, il " I, ,I 1: :1 ii ,i :( I' I' II ;! An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be G. Hampton Moulse, E4Wir. G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954; between the City of Roanoke and the County of II I I, !I II II " I' II " ii Ii " 'I II 11 ii II Ii Ii I: II Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and c01lllllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, tc the following extent only, viz: Cherryhill Park, Section 3 BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Lot 28. Block 4, Section 2, Cherryhill Park Subdivision, as reco~ded in Plat Book 4, Page 30, of the records of. the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence leaving the aforesaid Lot 28 and with a new line through the remaining property of Byron L.Radfordand Ethel M. Radford (said Radford property being of record in Deea Book 611, Page 139, of the aforesaid Clerk's Office) N. 72 00' E., 6aO.0 feet to a point; thence with another new line S. 40 20' E. 390.0 feet to a point on the north right-of- way line of the Norfolk and Western property; thence with the boundary line between the'aforesaid Radford property and the Norfolk and wgstern property the followine courses and distances: S. 46 057' W., 1398.1 feet; S. 85 23' W., 337.07 feet. and N. 55 22' W., 901.5 feet to a point and said point being a mutual corner of the aforesaid Radford property Norfolk and Western property, and the U. S. Veterans' Administration Hospital property; thence leaving the Norfolk and Western property and with the joint boundary of the Radford propertyoand the Veterans Administration Hospital property N. 52 16' E., 502.16 feet to a point on the west boundary of Lot 14, Block 5, Section 2, Cherryhill Park Subdivision; thence with the southerly boundary of the aforesaid Cherryhill Park, Section 2, and leaving the Veterans Administration Hospisal vroperty, the following courses and distances: S. 32 00 E., 37.15 feet; N. 600 32' E., 137.68 feet to a point on the west side of Frances Drive; thence with tge west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Frances Drive; S'029 28' E., 38.27 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 60 32' E., crossing Frances Drive and with the south boundary of Lot 13, Block 6, Section 2, Cherryhill Park Subdigision, 237.68 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 72 16' E., 438.32 feetto a point and said point being the southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 6, Section 2. of the aforesaid Cherryhill Park Subdivision; thence with a line along the east boundary of the aforesaid Lot 11 crossing Cherryhill Road and with the east boundary line of the aforesaid Lot 286 Block 4, Section 2, Cherryhill Park Subdivision, N. 17 44' E., 290.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 29.75 acre portion of the aforesaid Radford property to be subdivided as Cherryhill Park, Section 3, and as shown on the attached plat dated January 27, 1960, by T. P. Parker, S. C. E. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; I I I I I r: ~ H U o 25 (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; i: , I: \1uoJ,~ I'~. Ii ofli~.~ I' (B) That in all other respects 'said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and 1'1 Ii j' I; .. 'i 1nli I' I II I provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby decla ed to exist and these resolutions shall be full force andeffect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Sqlel'Visors Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None r Board of Supervisors vs. x ORDER i I I , Ii 'I Ii ThhiS matltier ~amefon th1l'sl day ~o be( heard ufPon th14e4P2r)ocfeedinglsbherein, and il 'S.: ';:" upon t e app cat10n or Va ey D;:1ve extn. 0 Rt. rom C u Lane to Ii t~~<. i , I' Ii If ~ it" I ~ &...e. ti" State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map :' ~ known as Farmir.gdale, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 43 of the I];}...- ';j f?" ~,. records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia,:! i: The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia Rt. 119 0.20 mi. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for dainage. NOW, TIIEREFORE BE IT ORDERED that said road known asz Valley Drive (Extn. " I' of Rt. 1442) from Club Lane to Rt. 119 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certaih I sketch accompanying this order, be, and the ..ante is hereby established as a i public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None 26 r r I' (I ii " b..~~""'\ ~ c.rL.:. ii ct..e. Ut ~ . ~ ~(1)~ Ii 3"~ 4d. Tal, ~~I " I, " j! I! 11 'I 'I I, Ii ~ " ~ I' ! II 'I Ii ,I ji I' II ,I Ii II Ii , . , , i l~utV ~. 'C!>~~:,' ~ ~a4.L'. ~1L~' 1"11O~ vs. Ii 'I " 'I Ii " 1: 'i i! ,i 1. ,I This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings het'ein, and !I i! n :i I Board of Supervisors x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia upon the application for Club Lane (extn. ~f Rt. 1443) to Valley Drive (Rt. , 1442) 0.22 mil to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State 'i Ii I, Highways. ii It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of II way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map Ii Ii known as Farmingdale, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 43 of the ii records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of RO&"1.oke County, Vh"ginia, Ii and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of II I ii Ii 'I I: l' i~ I' II ~ : :i H 'I i' 'i Ii Nt:M, TIIEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Club Lane (extn. of !I 11 ii Ii Ii II I II 'I II II II ii ~ il Ii ii I Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. Rt. 1443) to Valley Drive (Rt. 1442) 0.22 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part Of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors and A. C. Harris Nays: None G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer IN RE: JOINT MEETING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REPRESENTATIVE FRW TIlE STATE HIGHWAY DEPAR'mENT: Pursuant to notice required by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942, W. E. Fitzgerald,l! Resident Engineer, on behalf of the State Highway Department this day appeared before the Board and discussed with the Board highway matters regarding the Secondary System for the year 1960-61. Preliminary report of the Secondary System tleeds Study - .May 1958 - DeceI;iber 1959 - received and ordered filed. I " " I ~ Jack M. Goodykoontz, Secretary, Roanoke Valley Development Corp., Inc., this day appeared before the Board, and presented copy of resolution of said Corporation, urging the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, and the Roanoke City Council to make every effort to quickly improve the access street and road serving this plant. Copy of said resolution ordered filed. I WHEREAS, Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation has made application to this Board for improvements to be made to the access road to their plant, this road being known as Miller Street; and Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and I' G. Hampton Moulse I: Nays: None I I, it II I' i! I' I: l1..... h1ai'O::: !' ~'J.J.- )i ~177'D ,: II I, II I; II I, Ii 1;l1-t.. .~ Ii 1ul:.'p l~-! '..,/'D ,:: "-'-'---...--.-.1-- ,- I ,., WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Funds; NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, data on right-of-way needs, and other information, to the Highway Commission on the construction of a structure over Peters Creek and improvements of Miller Street, and approve said bridge and road for construction with its recommendation that they be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. ~ f~ ... Letter dated January 29, 1960, addressed to Miss Logan, Deputy Clerk, from Mrs. Rose W. Hardy, for Board of Managers, Crippled Children's Hospital, in re: requesting that appropriation for said Hospital be incluQed in the 1960-61 County Budget, received, and referred to the Budget Committee. ! r Copy of letter dated January 18, 1960, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, signed by Mrs. Margaret R. Svoboda, District Agent, and J. B. Flora, District Agent, enclosing Budget Request fr~ the Virginia Extention Service for the year 1960-61, received and referred to the Budget Committee. 27 i. Letter dated January 29, 1960, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, from Address- !,~ ~.ati._ ograph--Multigraph Corporation, ordered filed. Mr. Matthews to contact C. A. r: ~'~J' !: 17 '0 " Ennis, Sales Representative of said corporation. Ii il~' '~7; i, r~. I, purchase one Model LA 7-200 Monroe Calculator at a cost not to exceed three : ~ .O~t- hundred and eighty-five dollars ($385.00), and a new Remington Rand "93" Electricf ;r-) " /'0 .. .. Copy of letter dated February 1, 1960, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, attaching copy of Public Notice, concerning the willingness of the Highway Department to hold a public hearing for Rt. 634 Federal Aid Secondary Project, received and ordered filed. ... On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to Adding Machine at a cost not to exceed two hundred and forty-six dollars and sixty cents ($246.60) provided the State pays one-third of total costs of said machines, for use in the Treasurer's Office. , I, :, II iL I: I 1:' " ;: " 28 i, t: Ii :1 ~ I' 'I ~~O_1. r I, . ' ~r!! Ii y-- ~ ')-117 I "''' ~ if " " :i i. ~ Ii ~ I: ii Ii , Ii H I: II '" ~,"-'''..:I 11 'ib.. tl e. Ii ~' . II . ., . . II 't~. ~,w'l! j: I 'I 2>bl7~j ~. 6;....---:$)}J '(' I: '7 h,,, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None 11 II " :1 II 'I I: :1 ~ il II I' I H. W. Starkey, Chairman, and R. S. Rime and Paul B. Matthews, members,of the Court House Building Committee, this day appeared before the Board and submitted preliminary plans for alterations .and repairs to the Court House Building PFepared by Eubank & Caldwell, Architects, Roanoke, Va. Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that Eub~.k & Caldwell, Architects, be employed to prepare detailed plans and specifications to. be ". ,J !I I' II " " " " " I' " " II " I. submitted to this Board, in accordance with plans this day submitted, and filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell A. C. Harris Nays: None. !; " I; " and il II I, 11 June 30, 1960. I: Ii " i! Ii :1 II il 'I II Ii SupervisoJ:j! Ii appointedl 'I II 'I 'I !i Ii il 11 I It having been reported to this Board that Chas. E. Via, Jr., Director of Civil Defense of Roanoke County, departed this life on February 6, 1960, thereby creating a vacancy in the office of Civil Defense; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by A. C. Harris, it is ordered that W. TREDWAY CO~~ be, andhe hereby is Acting Director of Civil Defense for Rcanoke County for the term ending Copy of this order to be certified to the Honorable D. L. Moore, Jr., Director of Civil Defense, Richmond, Va., and a copy to W. Tredway Coleman. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Ii II !i ij I: I' i " !1 Ii ~ " .1 " I: ir 'I I' I' 'I ,. ii " " , On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that all provisions of the Roanoke County Plumb~ng Code adopted on July 1, 1940, amended and re-adopted June 16, 1941, which are different and in conflict with provisions of the present State Plumbing Code, which became effective July 1, 1959, be, and the same are, hereby revoked and I annulled. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and I Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None r: c H ~ Ii , " ]1 'I !I I: I Ii !i ,I 'I I' Ii .,. " II " {( " t.1 a .,. The following resolution was offered and unanimously adopted: 'I I! ., " p WHEREAs, in the death of Charles E. Via, Jr., Roanoke County Civil Defense Ii i'(~~" I' . 7 ,,-. r 'r 'I ~ :..-... .;4 pst-. t.(~<1r:- WHEREAS, in discharging the responsibilites of his office as such Director, ,:~- 4.,.. ~3f he has proved himself a man of vision and courage, firm in hts belief that i~~ ,~ J~ - , ~~ il ".. 'f- ~.. " .' " Ii !: :i Ii /, I! Ii Ii I Ii !: ii Ii ., I ,I Ii I' ji I: Ii i! II ,I " i: ): Ii " II Ii il r: " I' The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House Ii i! r: il " Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. /'1 Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. I I: The mi~utes of the last meeting were approved a5 spread, each member of the Ii Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. Ii J) I: , I' .' Director, the County and the community generally has sustained the loss of a~ outstanding civic and church leader; and provision should be made for the defense needs of this area; and WHEREAS, the many organizations and church of which he was a member, have been enriched by his ~ervices; NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the members of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors record their sorrow at his passing, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we extend our sympathy to the members of his family, and that a copy of ttis resolution be sent to his family, and a copy spread on the minutes of this Board. ORDERED that the 'Board be adj ourned until the third Monday in March, 1960. ~ &' JI.wJ.Ukairman Court ROUE e Salem, Virginia March 21, 1960 thereof in monthly session. Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Present: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 34438 Burroughs Corporation, 1 Signature Plate for Mr. Terrell 34439 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 34440 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 34441 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies; $ 21.00 129.93 91. 22 288.80 " " r [i " " 34442 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Fees for Recording Clerk 214.20 34443 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash 30.09 " " 34444 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 34445 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 34446 J. P. Bell Co., Record Books 34447 American Photocopy Equipmellt Co., Record paper 34448 Shepard's Citations, Law Books 34449 The Michie Company, Law books 47.11 5.91 231.81 68.05 28.00 19.50 " " " " " " 34450 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets and , Vital Statistic Fees 331.56 30 il ~ 'I !i i! i: " i! f !I II II II " r Ii Ii I' ,f I: II ii Ii Ii I! ~ , Ii II I! " II I' II I' Ii I' II H I' ii II ,I Ii 'I I' II ~ 11 I' :i Ii I' " I: II ,. , !i I: I !i No. 34451 Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Co., Law Books 34452 Sam Webb, Reimburse traveling expense 34453: M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 34454 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children at Detention Home 34455 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Police Car #7 34456 Salem Motors, Inc., Wrecker service for Police Cars 5 and 9 34457 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 34458 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs #4 Police 34459 Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance Co. Vehicles 34460 S_rdean Esso Station, Maintenance County Vehicles 34461 Superior GMC Corporation, Repair P - 11 Garbage Truck 34462 Salem, Motors, .Inc., Repairs &c 34463 Suomerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 34464 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance February 34465 Miller Tire Service Co., Tires for County Vehicles 34466 Harvest Motors, Maintenance of County Vehicles 34467 General Electric Co., Sirene for Police Car #1 34468 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for fJ7 Police 34469 Salem Auto Parts, ..nc.. Chains &c 34470 Esso Standard Oil Co. Gasoline, parts &c 34471 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigations 34472 County School Board of Roanole Co., Maintenance County Owned Vehicle &c 34473 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Maintenance of Cars 34474 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts #5 Police 34475 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 34476 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner Cases 34477 Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Repairs at County Jail 34478 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 34479 Deluxe Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry 34480 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Jail 34481 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 34482 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel for County Jail 34483 Monarch Finer Foods, Jail supplies, food, disinfectant Medical supplies &c 34484 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 34485 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners 34486 Roanoke Tobacco Co., Janitor supplies 34487 Salem Paint Co., Paint 34488 Salem Hardware Co., 1 10 Gallon garbage can for Jail 34489 S & W Pbar:ulcy, Medical supplies for County Jail 34490 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 34491 Virginia Foods, Food for Prisoners 34492 H. M. Wood Plumbing & Heating Co., Repairing Shower at Jail 34493 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 34494 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Chemicals C. S. Fire Dept. 34495 Mount Pleasant Garage, Maintenance Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck 34496 Lucky's Radio & T V Service, Inc., Radio Maintenance II II II " II II II II II II II II " II II II II II II II II " " II II II " II n " II II " " II II " " " " " " " II " $ 30.00!1 " Ii 20.7911 ,f :i 60.07 Ii Ii " 316.00 ;' .f :! 30.22~ 30.00:1 !I " 181. 88 Ii 8.00:; i. 38.12 il Ii 53.56:1 187.86. Ij 394.79,; 'I 78.681! ii 22.5011 I' 131.4611 II 36.6711 190.00i1 26.081 121.61' 12.58 I I , 40.0011 875.611 264.2711 7.03" I 252.9911 l40.00il ,I 55.6lil il 41.281: .' 50.57!i 58.7011 98.691! :i 64.00:1 I' II " j: 180.34:: , 15.60" II 55.20,! I: 8.25: II 25.221: I I :, 2.951 8.8211 " II 14.111' I 'I 126.741: !; 9.0011 192.48, 2.00:, i 53.80: 'I 10.00i, r" k. ,0 ~ tJ o ~ :1 No. 34497 Keller POOle's, Gas and Oil for C. S. Fire Truck 34498 Goodyear Service Store, Tires for Hollins Fire Truck 34499 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Oil fer Hollins Fire House and Courthouse " " " 34500 34501 34502 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Clearbrook First Aid & Resque Squad, Gasoline and Oil Cave Spring Sinclair Station, Gasoline Furchased for Police Car #8 " " " " Clearbrook Lion's Club, February Rer.: on Clearbrook Fire House #7 34504 W. W. Garman, Rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station 34503 " $ 8.59 15.00 509.62 Ii " I' Ii Ii i: !i " il II ii I: Ii Ii II Ii Ii Ii Ii j' ,: Ii ii I: ,: Ii " Ii " I' Ii II Ii " i' 4.00 14.44 10.89 60.00 60.00 34505 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, February Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 " 34506 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization 34507 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization " " 222.00 462.50 34508 Bedford County Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization 74.00 3,367.00 " 34509 34510 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospitalization L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant - Engineer's Office H. G. Cole, Garage, Wrecker Service for Engineer's Car " " 34511 " 34512 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies " 34513 Edward B. Lassiter, Reimburse expenses to Richmond " 34514 Times-Register Co., Publication Zoning " 34515 34516 Malcol. Blueprint & Supply Co., Zoning Maps The John Hughes Co., office supplies " " 34517 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification Tags for Garbage cans 34518 Wilson~ 8 Esso & Grocery, Maintenance of Garbage Trucks 34519 Alton T. Meador, Refund Garbage Fee 34520 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., 1 Dozen Square Tubs for Garbage Collection 34521 Dickerson GMC. Inc., Repairs Garbage Truck 34522 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for P-2 Garbage Truck 34523 Bemiss Equipment Co., Fluid - Tractor 34524 Lee Hartman & Sons, Repairs to Movie Projector 34525 Meador & Company, Locksmith Repairi~g 2 Door Checks 34526 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 34527 J P Turner & Brothers, 3 Hours removing snow from County Parking Lot 34528 Salem Farm Supply Co., Salt for Melting Snow 34529 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 34530 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Work at Courthouse 34531 McClung Lumber co., Lumber 34532 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing Courthouse Gutters &c 34533 Certified Electric Corp. Lamps - Light tubes 34534 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware &c 34535 Barnett Coal Co., Heating Fuel for County Office Building " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 89.16 7.50 44.25 61.50 5.00 4.50 3.82 27.90 67.35 4.50 38.34 81. 68 67.31 1.50 17.83 14.00 9.75 24.00 8.95 3.00 138.86 4.98 11.00 54.70 9.47 52.70 " 34536 Bush Electric Co., Repairs to Electrical wiring in Courthouse 28.24 II 34537 American Floor Covering Co., Repair material 34538 McKesson & Robbins, Polio Vaccine 34539 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Traveling expense to Richmond and Norfolk " 5.95 86.00 134.76 31 32 I' .1 i, Ii Ii Ii !: " ,[ 'I II il ,I " " " ,. , ;i " :~ 11 " " " i! Ii I' J Ii 'I !I I, No. 34540 Jobe Florist, Funeral Design for Chas. E.Via, Jr. 34541 Freeland Business Forms Co., Forms - Automobile Licenses 34542 Roanoke County School Board, 625 gallons gasoline for Hollins Tank 34543 Rime & Jolly, Attorneys, Legal services rendered in annexation case II $ 15.00 159.20, " l34.oq , I 250.0q , I 1,579.63 , i' 604.46 1: i 1,057.26 i , 1.96 i I. , 60.00 I 428.16 : 36.00 16.88, I 75.00 I, I 3.20 I I 38.27, I I " II II II 34544 Langley & McDonald, Services of Consulting Engineers 34545 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's fee 34546 Dulane;f & Robinson, Services Certified Public Accountants 34547 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 34548 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 34559 COOP Telephone Co., Telephone Services 34560 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine for Treasurer 34561 Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety Bond 34562 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., ~emium on Surety Bonds 34563 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 34564 C. W. Warthen Company, Office supplies 34565 Jk. R. B. Smiley, Examinations of Drunk Driving & Lunacy Hearings 34566 Holman Willis, Jr., Lunacy hearing 34567 Dr. Sheldon D. Carey, Examination of Drunk Driver 34568 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy hearings 34569 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy hearing 34570 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy Hearing 34')71 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearing ,34572 W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 34573 Void ,. i 55.00 I I 10.00 [ , I 5.00 i 50.00, 10.00 I 10.00 Ii , 10.00 ! 10.00 I " II II " " " " II II II " II II II II " 11 II " II 34574 J. Albert Ellett, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 34575 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy hearings 34576 Leroy Moran, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 34577 Harlin Perrine, Lunacy hearing 34578 Booker T. Helm, Labor 34579 Caldwell-Sites Company, Bond paper 34580 Monroe Calculating Machine Co., I New Monroe Calculating Machine 34581 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of Dog Truck 34582 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expense to Maryland & Richmond 34583 Sanco Corporation, Parts for New P-ll Garbage truck 10.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 14.00 13.72 445.00 65.99 41. 45 I " .. " " .. " " " " 465.01 I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &<:: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and.ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable " ~ therewith, to-wit: No. 34549 American Chemical Co., Disinfectant for Dog Pound 34550 Andrew-Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance Dog Truck 34551 Belle Aire Lawn & Garden Center, Wearing Apparel for Dog Wardens and Dog Food 34552 R. E. Cook, Jr., Fowl claim II " " II $ 90.0~ 6.4Q 19.67 56.00: " 34553 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 34554 Tom Long's Service Station, Maintenance Dog Truck i $ 1. 341 32.62 I' I i' 167.60 !i I ,. 28.90, i, ! 68.25 i 3.70 i Ii II I, ,i r I II I I No. " 34555 James L. Parker, March salary for Assistant to Dog Warden " 34556 Sam's Inc., wearing apparel for Dog Wardens " 34557 Salem Farm Supply Co., New equipment .. " 34558 Salem Hardware Co., Chains, links &c I' " JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the .. Board the fOllowing report: 1 ',-f "Salem, Virginia March 21, 1960 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business March 19, 1960, there was to the credit of the General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. W. R. S. D. Deferred Credit Account (Jemie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters) $ 184,407.88 5,455.51 7,625.68 339.81 706,211.50 67,715.24 85,912.36 5,157.85 3,680.79 400.00 451. 90 75.85 $1,067,272.67 Respectfully submitted, ~ ., I ii James E. Peters, 'fi-easurer." Said report received and ordered filed. f IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the recei.pt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $975.10, on account of delinquent taxes c:ollected by said Clerk for the month of February, 1960, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $926.34 net. '" On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Cll'unty Payroll for the month of March, 1960, be approved in the amount of $8,156.12, from which the sum of $201.92 total F. I. C. A. and total W. H. Taxes $754.90 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,199.30. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None '~. I .' ... II i<t-~. . IIITC, 1;..(/) . !: 3j.... '0 I,' kl ; t , ' i.i o v On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse COllection and Janitor Service for period February 16, 1960, ending Februa~y 29, 1960, be approved in the amount of $1,886.50, from which the sum of $56.60 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, total W. H. Taxes $45.40, and insurance $28.50, is to deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,756.00; 34 thtL:' . ~ r ( d...e.. . ,I Co.~!! r~.~-~~; '3 JV16D ii " Ii Ii !i r. ~ ii 'I !I I, ,I Ii [\ II Ii il " II Ii II " II Ii i1 'I " ,. il 'i I Ii !i ., " r ~f. c .uU../ "}/....,r;~-"i And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period March 1, 1960, ending March 15, 1960, be approved March 1, 1960, ending March 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,188.75 from which the sum of $65.64 total F. 1. C. A. Taxes; total W. H. Taxes $77.30, llIld insurance $28.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,017.31. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks i: be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: I Voucher-check 134332 in the amount of $150.00 made payable to H.W. Clark, I Sheriff, for advance traveling expense to Delaware to I return prisoner; , Voucher-check #34335 in the amount of $9,473.63 made payable to Richmond Rubber I' Company and Oren Roanoke Corporation fcr one new fire truc~; Voucher-check #34374 in the amount of $221. 74 made payable to C lie P Telephone i Company for telephone service at Colmty offices; , I I Voucher-check #34375 in the amount of $245.08 made payable to C lie P Telephone Company for telephone service at COtmty offices; Voucher-check #34408 in the amount of $21.30 made payable to C lie P Telephone Company for telephone service at Dog Warden I s home; Voucher-check #34409 in the amount of $54.41 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at dog pound; Voucher-check #34410 in the amount of $50.35 made payable to C lie P Telephone Company for telephone service at Cave Spring and Hollins Fire Stations; Voucher-check #34411 in the amount of $368.69 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service; Voucher-check #34412 in the amount of $66.77 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel for jail, home demonstration kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #34436 in the amount of $56.65 made payable to C lie P Telephone Company for telephone service at Clearbrook and Mt. Pleasant Fire Houses; Voucher-check #34437 in the amount of $3.00 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at Catawba Fire House. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the County Jail during the month of February, 1960; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of February, 1960 EDW'ARD S. ALLEN, County AgE:c:lt, monthly report for February, 1960; JAMES D. OLIVER Assistant County Agent, monthly report for February, 1960; RUBINE'l"rE WMILLER. Home Demonstration Agent, monthly ret:,ort for February, 1960; SHIRLEY V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, ulOIlthly report for February, 1960; C(Ho!ONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, Public Welfare Statistics, Department of Welfare and Institutions, amount expended per inhabitant for public assistance payments &c for fiscal year ended June 30, 1959. I r- i"'f 11II , I~ c ,',1 U o ;.. ,. Copy of letter dated March 1, 1960, addressed to Janes E. Peters, Treasure1 of Roanoke County, from Ron. G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation I I I Board, approving request, subject to concurrence by this Board, for an allowance to cover purchase of 1 - 10 Key-board Column Calculator at a cost of $385.~0 and 1 Electric Adding Machine at a cost of $246.60, for use in the r , I, Ii [, II ~py of letter ..dated March 17, 1960, addressed to J. Luck Richardson, Jr., " !I Ii " Ii Ii II " Ii l! I: Ii RQai:Loke County Treasurer I s Office, received and ordered filed; Coumissioner of the Revenue of Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman State Compensation Board, in re: salary of Vivian P. Shank, employee in the office of said Coumissioner, received and ordered filed. The frllowing communications were this day laid before the Board and " ji II il [I ordered filed: Copy of letter dated February 25, 1960, from Office of Civil Defense, ComIIIonwealth of Virginia, addressed to Mr. W. T. Coleman, Acting Director, Civil Defense Roanoke County, advising receipt of resolution from Board of Supervisors Roanoke County, of his appointment as such Acting Director of Civil Defense, received and ordered filed; Copy of letter dated February 17, .1960, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, addressed to Mr. Sam D. May, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Highways, enclosing copy of resolution No. 13979, of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, dated February 15th, 1960, in re: requesting the Virginia Department of Highways to allocate requisite funds in order that that portion of U. S. Route220, leading into City of Roanoke from Virginia Route 119 to Virginia Route 675, near Clearbrook School, a distance of approximately 2.3 miles, may be promptly rebuilt and improved to meet the existing standard of construction of said route to the north and South thereof; Copy of resolution dated March 1, 1960, of Roanoke County Sanitation Authority requesting that the Board of Supervisors investigatethe possibilities I' I; of the City of Roanoke reducing its sewage treatment charge, and the Town of !i Salem reducing its sewage transportation charge for sewage flowing from the area!i west of Salem, was this dey laid before the Board and ordered filed. Notice of amendment to application for license under Federal Power Act, in re: Appalachian Power Company fer proposed water-power Project 2210; Copy of resolution dated March 14, 1960, of the Board of Supervisors of Floyd Cow....!, in re: flood damage and snow removal. ~ In order to urge all citizeilS to unite in the National effort to achieve a;' better read, better informed America, and to stimulate interest in libraries of all kinds to the end that all citizens may realize the full potential of our National purpose, Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman of the Boarcl of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Va., hereby proclaims the week of April 3-9, 1960, as Library Week in Roanoke County. 36 " " , Ii I ii ;1 ., i' ii I . h '.1 !! ~. "f"........i' . . . , . , I II ~LI".,<.._I."i ~ r: " .Ii ~.w,r.:Yi" q Ii II I' I' i, ii " Ii II I! Ii Ii ., I' , i:t- r. f j\j.LU-~ ~~'<-f i~;u.i' (t ~~e!, 'Ytl~ t Cc ~0~~1 ~ ...... c \: ,I II Ii , " " I' V trl"i.e..e. To C 3f"1'0 if , !; " " ,. " Ii " " I' IN RE: ROAD CLOSING OF CERTAIN 30-FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY i i I i The Board having agreed' at its February meeting to consider at this meetins the abandonment of a certain 30-foot ri,Jht-of-way county road running through I: I I Ii Boulevard crossed from the lands of Cherry Hill Farm Corporation to the lands o~ II 'I I' II it II seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that abandonment of said II II II II Ii I, i: II II ,I '. !i " :i I' II " II x ORDER the lands of Roanoke Electric St.eel Corporation from a point where the old I Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation in a generally easterly direction 614.5 feet, more or less, and proper notice not having been given to the pub.lic of the Board's intention to act, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, I road be considered at an adjourned meeting of the Board at 10:00 A. M. on the 23rd day of April, 1960, and that notices of intention to act be posted as required by law. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Neys: None G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and " " :i :1 Ii II WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, II the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to I' II I! WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 655 to Route 24 did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and I streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. Such names shall take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Silction 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, TBEREFaU:, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 655 from Route 662 to Route 24; FAIRMONT IRIVE. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 15th day of February, 1960, designating March 21, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. as the time and the Board of I Supervisors Room in the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as hearing on the aforesaid resolution of February 15, 1960, , i the place for a public " I signifying the " I intention of the said Board of supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify further projects in the nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Abs~t: None ~ h I The Chairman opened the meeting stating its general purposes, and after Ii I reading by the Clerk o.f the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published I! in the "Roanoke World-News," and certified by the publisher, and also a reading Ii of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general,; " The Board hearing no objection by prospective users I, '. of the proposed services to be rendered, on the motion of Supervisor A. C. I: Ii " Harris, and.seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the following resolutions II I' " I I, i, WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ,I: " " Virginia, held February 15, 1960, a resolution was unanimously passed by recor~d I: discussion of the subject. were adopted by unanimous recorded vote: .C vote of said Board, signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisions of. the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended, and ! particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifying ii j' of further projects; and, Ii " WUEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was Ii " :, duly published in the "Roanoke World-News," a newspaper published in and having II general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, where the said Roanoke I' f' c County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and said publication having been had on March 11, 1960. WHEREAS the said public hearing was duly held on March 21, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. III. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resoluticn; and, u WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no~ substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; . Nell, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTllER RESOLVED: Roanoke That the Board of Supervisors of i County, Virginia, cbth hereliY.iratify and confirm its action at its requl.~ I, ~ meeting of February 15, 1960, by adopting by recorded vote th~ resolution signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority with the purpose of acquiring, financing, constructing, operating and maintaining a sewer system or systems, pipelines or other properties and facilities incidental thereto for the primary pur~ose of furnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County,' ! Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the ii II " j; i! " I: Ii r I I: I II .' 38 !t ... ~ tn..-J'I ~ ' . . I ~~. l) " r. ", ~, t..QVL i~ fl " ( f~ .;- j: ,~ . Ii .2--:_'U, ,""';:~I ;- 2-71''''1~ Ii 'h \Cv.K.,,,:,, r. :, " I' \ e ~\. ..A"~' ~ ci;t Ii ,'2\..-v Y- I' /t ' , '!>j,r{u I i: I, i' i: Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its C'narter and by the provisions of the i: " Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia, i , I as amended, and being Sections 15-764.1 to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in each and all of those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at I: II it9 regular meeting held on February 15, 1960, reference is hereby specifically II :1 had to said resolution and th~ metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's I Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Supervisors' Record Book 16, Page 21. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None 'i I, ;i [I I: il il " " " I Ii " il I' " I' ,I il I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Super~sors .)f Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is:. hereby requested ~o amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cODlllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point on the west right-of-way line of Virginia Highway Route 118 (Airport Road), at its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Virginia Highway Route 625 (Hershberger Road) and said point being shown as Corner No.3 on the attached plat by C. B. Malcolm and Son, S. C. E., under date of June 11, 1959, and as revised through September 1, 1959; thence with the eforesaid north right-of-way line of Route 625, S. 10 37' 20" w., 34.69 feet to Corner No.4; thence continuing with the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 6~5 A ~he fOllowing courses and distances: ~. 6~0 05 ~O' W., 96.44 feet to Corner No. 5; S. 65 08 15' W. 'oa chord distance of 3.20 feet to Corner No. "AIf; S. 67 47' 45" W., a chord distance of 171.63 feet to Corner No.6' S. 700 24' 20" W., 355.48 feet to Corner No.7; S. 71tJ 11' 11" W., a chord distance of 77.40 feet to Corner No.8; thence leaving the north right-of-wgy line of the aforesaid Route 625 and with a line N. 34 04' 50" w., 6421.97 feet to Corner No.9; thence with a line N. 55 55' 10" E., 712.32 feet to Corner No. 1 located on the west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 118; thence with the west right-of- way line of Route 118 the following courses and dist~ces: 5-. 35030' 40" E., 701.71 feet to Corner No.2; s. 32 43' 40" E., 856.58 feet to Corner No.3, the place of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of that 25.00 acres owned by Skyway Development Corporation, as recorded in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Deed Book 629, Page 458, and Deed Book 629, Page 463, and as shown on the attached plat referred to above. " 'i Ir Ii Ii ,I ii il 'I Ii II Ii I! " 'I " I: I' Ii ,! II I I I and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. ~ j;'t .- k.. I H I ~ III c 39 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council I of I i , I I I I the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof as fully, and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September~'28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in ' full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None ~ !i Ii Uu.: cU r: !: - ~ I i:"~,)+' I: /1 . ~ Ii Ie. cl ~- k'I,:iL {. . II"'> / -; '}//6 C 11 . . Ii H Ii Ii II Ii ,I II ! This day Glenn O. Thornhill and T. Stuart Payne submitted to the Board a written offer to purchase at a price of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) per acre, to be paid in cash, a tract of five (5) acres, property of Roanoke County, adjoining the new Interstate Highway on the north and fronting three hundred (300) feet on the easterly side of State Secondary Route 643; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton MDulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said offer be accepted, subject to the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County is hereby ordered to prepare ,md submit to the Court the proper petition setting forth the offer for said land, and obtaining the permission of said Court, if agreeable to the Court, for the sale of said land. And it is further ordered that the Chairman of this Board, and the Clerk I, II . , i of said Board be, and they are, hereby authorized and empowered, subject to the Ii I, approval of the ,Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, to execute a deed Ii . p conveying said property for the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) cash I' ,I per acre, with special warranty of title. Ii Adopted by the following recorded vote:! " Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. , BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the!, Q-t-:'l c..,-"-" .- i:'/h.w..J( (L.~_( ,r. 1(. t 'l ! ~~.; C ( /'..!.'_~I"'~'W deliver to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salem wastes originating ~+-.) ut.~:- within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of i ,:,-.,--;-., ':' t: Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: ,-~',~:l'"u:t.,.u", BEGINNING at a point, designated as Point No.1, in the I,; ! 7, .>fL' C center line of State Secondary Route 636, 1040 feet, more I or less, southerly from the intersection of the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 636 and the north right-of-way line of Route 773 and said point being the southwest comer of the James C. King property as recorded in Deed Book 472, Page 216, all record references being to the records of the Clerk's Office for the Ci!)cuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with a line S. 85 29' E., 1115.05 feet to Point No.2, being a new line through the Estate of Grace A. Smyth, Sr., as recorded in Will Book 7, Page 569, separating a 3.455 acre portion from the 46.297 acre tract herein described; thence with a line S. 730 00' 40" E., 499.94 filet to Point No.3, and said point being the northwest.,cdrner Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do of the S. I. Taylor property as recordea in Deed Book 478, Page 583; thence with a line S. 42 49' 10" W., 513.97 feet.to Point No.4 and said line being a west boundary of the Albert T. Sisk property as recorded in Deed Book 441, Page 185; teence continuing with the Sisk west boundary. S. 46 59' 10" W., 181.5 feet to Point Noo 5; S. 306 41' 30" W., 144.8 feet to Point No. 6; N. 85 38' W., 163.15 feet to Point No.7; S.0600 35' 30" W.,180.l2 feet to Point No.8; and S. 32 37' 50" W., 235.6 feet to Point No. 9 and said point being the j oint property comer of the aforesaid Sisk property and the D. O. Grubb property, as recorded in Deed Book 558, Page 129, and Deed Book 514, Page 384; thence witho the west boundary of the aforesaid Grubb property S. 32 46' W., 160.62 feet to Point No. 10 and said point being the joint west comer to the D. O. Grubb and L. E. Grubb properties; thence with the(west boundary of the L. E. Grubboproverty, as recorded in Deed Book 615, Page 323, S. 32 09 W., 106.26 feet to Point No. 11 and said point being the southwest comer of the L. E. Grubb property and the northwest comer of the King Sub- division of record in Plat Book 3, Page 283; thence 0 with the west boundary of the King Subdivision, S. 33 02' 10" W., 678.51 feet to Point No. 12, the southwest comer of the aforesaid King Subdivision and being on the north right-of-way line of S~yth Road; thence with a line crossing Smyth Road S. 33 02' 10" W., 51.10 feet to Point No. 13 on the south right-of-way line of Smyth Road and said point being the northwest corner of the Stella R. Robertson property, as recorded in Deed Book a7l, pafe 370; thence with the Robertson west boundary S. 34 13 40" W., 90.56 feet to the southwest comer of the Robertson property, Point !{o. 14, and being the northwest corner of the Paul Kenneth Stewart property, as recorded in Deed Book 571, Pege 187; thence with the Stewart west boundary S. 32 00' 20" W., 135.32 feet to the Stewart southwest corner, Point No. 15, and being a point on the north boundary of the William P. Stewart property, as recoried in Deed Book 338, Page 3886 thence with the William P. Stewart north boundary N. 58 27' 20" W., 718.92 feet to Point No. 16 on the W. W. Grisso property east boundary, as recorded in Deed Book 436, Page 518, and being the northwest corner of the William P. Stewart tract; thence leaving the aforesaid Stewart property and with the W. W. Grisso east boundary N. 320 15' 20" E., 1270.54 feet to Point Nc. 176 thence continuing with the aforesaid Grisso boundary N. 12 36' 10" E., 193.59 feet to Point No. 18 on the east right-of-way line of Route 636; thence with a line leaving the east right-of-way line ob Route 636 and within the right-of-way of Route 636, N. o 50' 45" W. 182.36 feet to Point No. 19, located in the center line o~ Route 638; thence continuing with the center line of Route 636, N. 4 45' IS" W., 339.37 feet to Point No. 1, ~e place of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of the 46.297 acre portion of the remaining lands of Grace A Smyth, Sr., as shown by a survey made by C. B. Malcolm and Son, S. C. E., under date of July 1, 1959, and as shown on the attached plat as prepared by J. A. Beavers, Executive Director, Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the intercepo:or of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council of the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the sP..llle to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 1953 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton MDulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None " 'I I, i! 'I Ii ii ,I Ii " I' [I II I' " j: Ii II II ,I :! " I I I I I ,. i,. c ,.. i -- ~ c I' i' '" PAUL B. MATTHEWS, Secretary, Roanoke County Planning C~sSion, this day presented to the Board the final report of the planning Commission on the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, said report having been unanimously adopted by said Commission; and ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, pursuant to Section 15-846, Code of Virginia as amended, and on motion, duly seanded, it is ordered that the Clerk of this il Board be, and he hereby is, directed to give notice that a public hearing will ii II I! I' I' Ii " I' I, I I' 1\ " be held at a regular meeting of this Board, on the 18th day of April, 1960, at 3:00 P. M., on the proposed adoption of said Zoning Ordinance for Roanoke County, as certified to this Board by the Planning Commissiun of Roanoke by publication at least twice in some newspaper published in the County, County of Roanoke, or having a general circulation therein, second publication of such notice shall be at least fifteen days prior to the holding of said hearing, and such notice shall state that a copy of the text and map, as certified by the Planning Commission, will be on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and in the office of the County Engineer at the Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, where any interested person may view same prior to the public hearing. Communication dated March 17, 1960, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from Paul B. Matthews, Secretary, Roanoke County Planning COmmission, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. 1l:effer Nays: None r On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board approves the budget estimate of the Department of Public Welfare for year ending June 30, 1961, in the amount of $390,021., the aforesaid amount consists in part of local funds in the amount of $87,815, as required. Said estimate ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ., On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to sign the agreement between Eubank, Caldwell and Associates, for architectural services for the alteration and repairs to the Court House Building, in Salem, Virginia, terms of their services to be in accordance with the provisions set forth in their communication of February 19, 1960, signed by said firm by B. N. Eubank. Said letter ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampton MDulse. Nays: None 41 i1l.ct. I. " I'<AZ-" - €. .... ~r~l Ii 3/" :jIb C> " Ii Ii I' .1 II Ii I: Ii '1 Ii I ii Ii i! ,I Ii , Ii i '- c,.t....:.. ;J;;:. '......,d.. T"'" 1!~~7 :, . -n V'd...e.. 11a...r- ~ ::r.~.~ !i 3/~-1b" i: I. " ,. :; , 4? i, ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in April, 1960. [ Ii ~-yj~~ '. Court House Salem, Virginia April 18, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairill8n, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. W. W. Crady, Pastor of the West Salem Baptist Church offered a prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the'Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: " ., " " 'If " il r No. 34690 League of Vir~inia Counties, Membership dues 1960 34691 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies 34692 Underwood Corporation, Maintenance on Typewriters 34693 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 34694 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets &c 34695 Burroughs Corporation, Ribbons for Adding Machines 34696 C. W. Warthen Co., Book Binding and Office supplies 34697 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 34698 Void 34699 Haloid Xerox Inc., Record Paper for Clerk 34700 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 34701 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Office supplies 34702 Double Envelope Corp., Envelopes 34703 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance of Police Vehicles 34704 Wright Motor Co., Repairs and Parts #9 34705 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs and Parts for Police Car 34706 Wilson's Esso & Grocery, Mainenance County Vehicles 34707 Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance County Vehicles 34708 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jai.l Physician, Coroner Investigations 34709 Salem Motors, Repairs and Parts for Police Vehicles 34710 Summerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 34711 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance II " " II " " " II " " " II " II II " " " II " II II Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 34712 " Miller Tire Service, Tires for County Vehicles Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas &c Co. Vehicles Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigations, Jail Visits Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Main~~~an~e County Vehicles II 34713 34714 34715 34716 34717 " " $ 42.00 200.00 74;40 78.25 408.88 10.20 156.01 13.35 711.00 4.67 18.15 48.73 309.11 10.35 101. 20 108.66 110.62 130.00 46.99 78.40 22.50 41.31 91. 07 31. 93 60.00 90.82 ;. Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance County Vehicles203.57 I I I I I No. 34718 Roanoke City City Treasurer, Room and Board for Children at Detention Home $ 140.00 ~ l~ ~ .. c ~ a II II 34719 Sam Webb, Probation Officer, Reimburse Travelingexpense 34720 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 34721 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners March 1960 34722 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 34723 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware &c 34724 Sanfax Corporation, Janitor supplies II II II II II II 34725 34726 34727 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies Jail Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry at Jail II 38.08 85.45 109.31 19.34 29.95 75.73 4.39 37.62 Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Plumbing Repairs to Jail and Courthouse .170.99 II 34728 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 34729 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County Jail 34730 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 34731 Garst Poultry Farm, Food for Prisoners 34732 Deluxe Laundry Co. Laundry - Jail 34733 American Bakeries Co., Food fo. Prisoners II " " " " " 142.62 96.00 109.42 22.38 14.42 57.32 34734 Vinton Resque Squad, Contribution to Vinton Life Saving CrewlOO.OO 60.00 34744 Fuel Oil & E~uipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse 447.76 34745 Culligan Soft Water, Rent on Water Softner 4.00 34746 Cave Spring Water Co., Water used at Cave Spring Fire House 8.47 34747 Clearbrook First Aid & Resque Squad, gas aud Anti Freeze 11.89 34751 Building, Plymbing & Electrical Officials Conference of Va., Renewal of Regular Membership dues for 1960 5.00 34752 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 311.68 34753 Yates & l~ells Garage, Maintenance County Vehicles 635.86 34754 Sanco Corporation, Freight on parts 6.29 34755 Salem Oil Co., Fuel Oil for Tractor 61.56 34756 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Inc., Parts and Repairs Garbage Truck 68.02 " 34735 W. W. Garman, March rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 34736 Clearbrook Lion's Club, March rent on Clearbrook Fire Station II II 34737 J. W. Griggs & W.H. Witt, March Rent on Cave Spring Fire House II 34738 Pure Oil Company, Gas purchased for C. S. Fire Station 34739 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 34740 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Parts for Hollins Fire Truck 34741 MOunt Pleasant Garage, Repairs to Mount Pleasant Truck 34742 Graybar Electric Co., B'tteries and Light tubes 34743 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Additional Premium Adding 1960 Ford to Fire & Theft Coverage " II " " II " " II II II 34748 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for C. S. Fire Truck 34749 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 34750 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for Engineer's Car II II II " " II II II 60.00 60.00 3.24 8.60 2.60 48.02 20.62 6.19 1.10 28.15 2.49 34757 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage for Garbage Bills 112.85 II 34759 Keller Machine Co., Parts and Repairs G~~ge Trucks 34758 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Traveling Expenses 35.00 46.55 ii , Ii 'i i' ,. i! I' i' " , ii I: " I' :i I II " I I I I I , Ii I I I , Ii Ii I' 11 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., Street signs 381.55 Roanoke County School Board, Gasoline purchased for Tank at Hollins Fire Station 171.52 Parke, David & Company, Poliomyelitis Vaccine 96.00 Bush Electric Company, Electr;~al Repairs 8.00 Acme Typewriter Co., Repairs to E~uipment 41.50 Langeley and McDonald, Engineering services &c 1,146.96 Baptist Childrens Home Press, office supplies 78.00 Remington Rand, 1 new Remington Electric Adding Machine &c 246.60 H. L. Ronk & Son, 1 Judges Bench for Circuit Court Room 525.00 No. 34760 M. R. Fitzgerald, Hauling Stone and brick 34761 Williams Supply Co., Lamps 34762 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 34763 Salem Farm Supply Co., Rock Salt 34764 Stork Diaper Service, Janitor supplies 34765 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., Repairing Venetian blinds 34766 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 34767 Purex Corporation, Janitor supplies 34768 Peacock-Salem 1.sundry, Janitor supplies 34769 McClung Lumber Co., Repair Material 34770 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing leak in gutters 34771 Bush Electric Co., Repairs to Equipment 34772 Salem Rescue Squad, Contribution to Rescue Squad 34773 Barnett Coal & Oil Co., Fuel - County Office Building 34774 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies and Misc. items " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 34775 34776 " " 34777 34778 34779 34780 34781 34782 34783 " " " " " " " 34784 Motorola Communications, 2 New Radios for Fire Station II $ 280.73 28.99 10.53 24.44 6.80 10.50 3.00 I 2..0 12.27 11. 91 12.00 3.00 100.00 15.50 12.40 I ii I II 'I I, il II II " I: ii II 'I i , ! I 700.00 " 34785 General Electric Co.,. Sirenes for Hollins Fire station 190.00 34786 Boyle-Swecker Tire Co., New Fire Truck for Vinton Station 598.64 " 34787 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, General Stores 34788 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners " " 76.00 15.60 34800 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance on County Vehicles 854.77 " 34801 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies and Equipment 34802 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance agree~~nt 34803 Acme Typewriter Co., 1 New Electric Hermes Typewriter 34804 Dillard Paper Co., 1 case Kleenex for Juvenile Court 34805 Fulton White Truck Ce., Repairs to Car 411 34806 Salem Farm Supply Co., Rat Killer and Creosete 34807 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire House " " " " " " " 34808 n Forestry, County's pro-rate share of expense in controlling forest fires in Va. 34809 Gill Memorial Hospital, State - LOcal Hospital Bills Virginia Division of " 34810 Jefferson Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills 34811 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills 34812 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy Hearings 34813 D:. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy Hearing 34814 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearing 34815 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy Hearing 34816 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy Hearings 34817 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy Hearing " " II " " " " 135.84 35.00 400.50 11. 38 2.50 6.31 5.71 I 114.00 37.00 I 499.50 980.50 20.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 20.00 10.00 !II , [-1 ~ , ' t~ 34822' American Society of Planning 0fficials, Office supplies 5.15 34823 J. Robert Taliaferro, Expenses to Electrical Meeting 1.85 34824 Paul Eller, Assistant in Electrical and Plumbing Inspecti~s136.30 34835 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, April Supplement for Welfare expenses 685.00 34837 Mickie Lee Janney, Typist for Annexation 17.78 34838 Lois G. Higgs, Typis t for Annexation 21. 93 No. 34818 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy Hearing 34819 Eggleston & Holton, Attorneys, Lunacy Hearing 34820 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Hearings, & Examination of Drunk Driving 34821 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant $ 20.00 10.00 50.00 79.38 10.30 17.96 30.77 5.03 173.23 26.62 45 " Ii ii I: Ii 'I I, ,: ,. " " Ii ,/ Ii If II II l: Ii II I' ;: I' II Ii I' II .... IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: " The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I: ji 11 i: and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively Chargeable!1 therewith, to-wit: )! i' :1 ., i: :! M . , .. !"1 .. o ... 34793 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expenses 120.06 34794 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog, Food, Wearing apparel and &c 66.38 34795 Radio C01IIlllunications Co., Radio Maintenance 22.50 34796 Salem Hardware Co., Hose 1.65 34797 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs to Truck 42.83 " " II " II, " " 34825 Caldwell~Sites Company, office supplies 34826 Sanco Corporation, Parts for Garbage Truck 34827 Bemiss Equipment Corp., Parts and gas for tractor 34828 Roanoke Hardware Co., 1 Yale Lock 34829 Mrs. Martha H. Matthews, Typist for Annexation 34830 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Extra Car " " " II II " " " No. 34789 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Gas, Oil &c " 34790 Belle Aire Lawn & Garden Center, Wearing Apparel Dog Food " 34791 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 34792 Esso Standard Oil Co., Parts and Gasoline for Dog Truck " " " " " " " 34798 Williams Supply Co., Socket and Heat Map Lamp 34799 Yates & Wells Garage, Repair and Parts for Dog Truck 34831 Dog Food and Wearing Apparel 34832 Void " " II " $ 11.35 18.09 12.00 26.87 28.01 13.21 18.09 " 34833 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance Dog Truck March 58.65 34834 Diamond Pap'" Company, Disinfectant for Dog Truck and Pound 3.00 II 34836 Mrs. Earl Mitchell, Fowl claim 9.00 Board the following report: JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the "Salem, Virginia April 18, 1960 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business April 16, 1960 there was ~o the credit of the ~ i-t r- i~ ~ ,...., J 47 . ----- . -- u_ ".- .------- ---- ------------.-.-.--, u.-------r------. , Voucher-check #34661 in the amount of $30.00 made payable to J. Robert Taliaferro! for advance traveling expense to Virginia Beach Electrical : Meeting Voucher-check #34664 in the amount of $17.05 made payable to C. & P. Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check #34665 in the amount of $80.51 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Cave Spring, Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations. I; Ii /) Ii II The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: II H. W. CLARK Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of March, 1961'; H. w. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in the ~...t 1;'(.. Roanoke County Jail during the IOOI1th of March, 1960; i 'IJ').61'~ I EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for the month of March, 1960; Ii I I R~INETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for March, 1960; I I I , I I I , Adopted by the following recorded vote: Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.lIarris and Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. G. Hampson MDulse. Nays: None " i: i; i\ JAMES E. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for the month of March, 1960; SHIRLEY MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstraction Agent, monthly report for March, 1960; DEPARDIENT OF WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS, annual report 1958-1959; CtIlMUNICATION dated April 1, 1960, from Department of Purchases and Supply: subject Paints and Painters' supplies. if II Ii ii II ... IN RE: ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM ROANOKE COUNTY: " ii " :, it II I, II Ii Ii 1i I, , II , effective February 15, 1960: II II II " ii Ii ,I I I I II i 0.22 Mi. i I I I I 0.22 Mi. !i Ii I, I, I' Ii II I, !j :: of Roano1<<li Letter dated April 12, 1960, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Da""". Deputy COIIIIIlissioner, D!partment of Highways, approving the following additions to ~he Secondary System of Roanoke County, Additions Len~th Club Lane - From: (Route 1442) Valley Drive - From Club Lane to Route 119 End of Present Route 1443 to Valley Drive was this day received and ordered filed. ~ IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated April 12, 1960, addressed to the Board of Supervisors I' County:., from F. A. Davis, Deputy COtmllissioner, Department of Highways, advising 'ii i I' I' Ii !i the Board that due to annexation by the City of Salem of certain roads in Roanoke County and in accordance with Court Order of October 31, 1959, the following sections of Secondary Roads, totaling 15.83 miles have been taken into the Town of Salem, as of January 1, 1960, and have been abandoned as part of the Secondary System of Roanoke County: Route Description Route 11 to End Route 11 to Route 726 Route 742 to Route 873 Route 726 to Route 742 Route 700 to Route 889 Len.e;th 873 817 726 700 888 0.15 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.96 Mi. 0.30 Mi. 0.10 Mi. r .1 I' -:r " ~~ cl.J- 'I! m~~,~~! i I' Ii II ii " I ~ I' , I' E Ii " !: I' ~ I: I: " Ii " i ji J; t Ii I: I' :1 I i' II i ~ ii I' I' ii Ii I: I' " II II , , !: 889 Route 742 to Route 888 742 Old Corp. Limits, Salem to New Corp. 866 Route 742 to Route 1431 890 Route 742 to Route 892 891 Route 890 to Dead End 892 Route 890 to Route 891 767 Route 742 to New Corp. Limits 767 Route 1431 to New Corporate Limits 1431 Old Corp. Limits to New Corp. Limits 1404 Alt. Rt. 11 to Route 1431 1453 Route 1446 to Dead End 1454 Route 1446 to Dead End 1428 Alt. Route 11 to New Corp. Limits 1430 Alt. Rt. 11 to Rt. 1428 1405 Route 1428 to Route 1429 1445 Route 1428 to Dead End 1427 Route 1405 to New Corp. Limits 1429 Route 629 t9 Dead End 629 Alt. Route 11 to New Corp. Limits 1460 Route 629 to New Corp. Limits 1436 Route 460 to Route 1439 1439 Route 1436 to Dead End 1419 Route 460 to Dead End 631 Route 629 to Route 630 1434 Route 629 to Dead End 1472 Route 631 to Route 1473 1473 Route 1472 to ~ad End 727 Route 631 to Route 1704 1703 Route 631 to Route 1704 1420 Route 460 to Route 629 1439 Route 629 to Dead End 1708 Route 1439 to Dead End 1433 Old Corp. Limits to Route 460 1440 Route 1433 to Old Corp. Limits 630 Route 460 to New Corp. Limits 1455 Route 630 to Route 1461 1447 Route 1461 to Dead End 1461 Route 460 to New Corp. Limits 1402 Route 630 to Route 1461 1468 Route 1402 to Route 1461 1432 Route 1461 to Route 1402 1480 Route 1432 to New Corp. Limits 631 Route 630 to New Corp. Limits 1489 Route 631 to New Corp. Limits 1464 Route 460 to Dead End 1403 Route 460 to Dead End Limits 0.06 Mi. 1.50 Mi. 0.80 Mi. 0.14 Mi. 0.25 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.27 Hi. 0.23 Mi. 1.16 Mi. 0.16 Mi. 0.14 Mi. 0.14 Mi. 0.42 Hi. 0.42 Mi. 0.19 Mi. 0.05 Hi. 0.16 Mi. 0.27 Mi. 0.87 Mi. 0.23 Mi. 0.15 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.15 Mi. 0.60 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.17 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.08 Mi. 0.07 Mi. 0.49 Mi. 0.30 Mi. 0.07 Mi. 0.56 Mi. 0.22 Mi. 0.94 Mi. 0.23 Mi. 0.25 Mi. 0.67 Mi. 0.40 Mi. 0.40 Mi. 0.30 Mi. 0.03 Mi. 0.16 Mi. 0.04 Mi. 0.09 Mi. 0.08 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. II Letter dated April 6, 1960 addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, from H. Ii Merrill Pasco, President, Children's Home Society, requesting appropriation to :1 ward work of said society and enclosing copy of report of said Society, received, ,i I and said request referred to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, for 'I consideration when the 1960-61 County Budget is made up. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, d;aling with the treatment of domestic and cOllllllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point on the west Side of State Secondary Route 613 (Cave Spring-Starkey Road) at the north corner of the Fred L. Harris property; tharlce with the northwest boundary of the Harris tract S. 1~3 02' W., 622.41 feet to a point on the Harris line an,', being the east corner of Arlington Hills Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 231, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke CO\18ty; 1'hence with the Arlington Hills Subdivision line N. 40 05' W., 897.0 feet to the south corner of the Cave Spring Higb School property of the County School Board of Roanoke County; thence leaving the Arlington Hills line and with the Cave Spring High School tract line N. 69P 13' E., 490.35 feet to a point; thence continuing with the Cave Spring High School tract line and tee south line of the E. G. and H. C. Craghead property, N. 67 00' E., 481.23 feet to a point on the west right-of way line of the aforesaid Route 613; thence wiSh the southwest right-of-wag line of Route 613, S. 6 43' E., 456.62 feet and S. 19 18' E., 147.6 feet to the place of I I' " i I. 'I t i 'I I 'I I) 11 I 'i " 11 Ii II II I ;1 :1 ,I I I I ~ \:'1 BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the 12.66 acre tract owned by Dr. Cavitt K. Bartley and Dr. James C. Garst, as recorded in Deed Book 619, Page 562, of the records of the aforesaid Clerk's Office and as shCMn on the attached plat made a part of this description. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the 11II i.... County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force " , i , and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and c Ayes: Supervisors Minor A. C. Harris Nays: None " " I' " Ii I, i: I: i" I' i ~ " Ii R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and III II provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: . c. C. Crockett this day appeared before the Board and opposed the proposed alterations to the Court House Building, and filed an open letter forth sundry obj ections to said expenditures. 11 !i Ii II 'I Ii Ii settinf " !' .. IN RE: APPOIN'lllENT OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOI<E: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a Board of Zoning Appeals for ~ County of Roanoke, consisting of five members, be appointed by this Board as follows: c Paul B. Matthe,,,s, County Executive Officer, Administrator; W. H. Witt, of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, for a term of two years; Frank W. Mar.tin, of Cave Spring District, for a term of three (3) years; . R. A. Pillow, Jr., of Catawba District, for a term of two (2) years; R. J. Miller, of Big Lick District, for a term of one (1) years; and Carl M. Andrews of Salem District for a term of one (1) year. Adopted by the following recorded voce: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None i li~~ , extent I: III I: II Ii " I' Ii Ii " i' I: " ii II i' I: I: II 'I I, Ii " Ii " I' Ii 'I I, i: I, I! Ii I: I' !;~ " . i! ~61t ,,_ (2)ii;.~ 'I!~O . I ~ M....... V"- !., .. y lJ....ez sr ! '-1-/460 50 " . tf~ ~ I; .c. -! I :rC~ ii I, ....) I: r r' I "r) II I' Ii ~-- $~... ~u1J ~'. ci--. ~t; 'f/~' () , , ;, , " . ,! On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the bid of Two Hundred, thirtY-Ii " six Dollars ($236.00) of Caldwell-Sites Company of Roanoke, Va., for filing' equipment in the office of J. Luck Richardson, Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke:i ii I, :! County, be, and the same is hereby accepted, said bid of said Company being the lowest bid submitted for saidequipment. It is further ordered that the bids of Easter Supply Company, Inc., and the I Salem Office Supply Company be filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii Ii I' I! I' Ii I' ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the I; Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver :; to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salem wastes originating within the r following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke Coun~y, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: ' Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None Keffer, A. C.Harris, G. Hampton MDulse and I ,BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the south right-of-way line of U. S. Highway Route 11-460 with the west right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 639. thence with the said west right-of-way line of Route 639, S. 80 301 E., 400 feet, more or less, crossing the right-of- way of the Norfolk and Western Railway and the right-of-way of the ' Virginian Railroad to the northeast corner (on the south right-of-way) line of the Virginian Railroad) of the T. Warren Messick properties 1 as recorded in Deed Book 239, Page 519, of the records of the Clerk s Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the afore- said westoright-of-way line of Route 639 and the Msssiik east boundary line S. 8 30' E., 826.0 feet to a point and S. 21 05 E., 124.0 feet to a point in the center line of the Roanoke River at its intersection with the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Route 639; thence with the Messick southern boundary line up the P.8anoke River as it meanders the following courses and dl,stances: S. 79 56' W., 639.0 feet, ~re or less, to a point; N. 83 36' W.'0455.5 feet to a point; N. 74 23' W., 404.0 feet to a point; and S. 62 17' W., 844.2 feet to a point on the north bank of the Roanoke River; thence with a line leaving the Roanoke River and with the west boundary of the aforesaid Messick properties, N. 130 30' W., 361.0 feet to a point on the south side 0& the right-of-way of the Virginian Railroad; thence with a line N. 13 30' W., crossing the north right-of-way line of the Virginian Railroad at 100 feet, with the aforesaid Messick west boundary to a point on the south right-of-way line of the Norfolk and Western Railway right-of-way at 306 feet, crossing the Norfolk and Western Railway right-of-way (80 feet wide), to a point on the south right-qf-way line of the afore- said U. S. Highway Route 11-460, in all a total distance of 1500 feet, more or less; thence with the south right-of_way line of the aforesaid Route 11-460 in an easterly direction 2,280 feet, more or less, to the place of Beginning and being a boundary description enclosing properties of T. Warren Messick, Leo F. Henebry, L. M. LaPrad, John A. Garrett, Milan H. Christley, India Kirk Johnson, N. J. Kilby, Jr., Rebecca Jones, and Lewis Owens, totaling 70 acres, moreor less, as shown on the attached plat made a part of this description. and that said w&stes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council of the Town of Salem is hereby , requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City , of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, l!lil. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris I I I Nays: None . " .,' " 'I:" . ' . . . ~ rJ l&~~i.]~lill~i~ I I I I I I :l< :~ ":~1.~:r ~,.:,,~:,. ,~(!fig(~)~~~;,:~~\i~3,~:i~~'~~~I]~~ili~~i~i~I'~~;~'"i:..~c'}\,?t ",i; .", ' d_'\""~f:"",,<:;,;.~~ji:~'--:;';P';?l:i;;;:~~;,y~!$zf,{~'i"~.!""B"<;~~~j~~;idi'~~};:, , ."~"-' ~::~:';;(:~"$_h:;"~~';.;~!~~h',::~"::S',\ .:-,.:.:>;>~ ~:"~'...;~~~~.-::~~~. ):~.t7&i.\>';;</;;-.-1 ':~':'.~:"~' ,~"'.<"'\. ,:-:.c... I I I I . < l> " . .....~.;.:. I '1 \ t , I '/',. '''' , , "'~ tl ~.!.o ;>.~-: o~~i~~~}~{~.$llltj~~,~f'""i. ~~?...~~~'f'~;;~:~$~"(-~ :':,>. .~,:;:s'~~,,~~~.~: ?'~~?_''''::\'~~).?:~::;~r-J:.i;;A~;?7::~~\Z~fJ:l:l:';~S~!,,1'<0' I I I I I o o o o ~ 83 I' II I' II II ,[ r ,I I , i ,( ~ II !i 11 I I i , I i' I II II r 1/ Court House Salem, Virginia April 23, 1960 I' The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the II Court House thereof at 10:00 o'clock A. M. pursuant to adjournment from II I' ,I I I Before the meeting W8S called to order Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse offere~1 ij I , I I April 18, 1960. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Ch/1.irman, G. Hampton Houlse and A. C. Harris Nays: None a prayer. 1 I IN RE: ROAD CLOSING OF CERTAIN 30 FOOT RIGHT.-OF.-WA'Y ORDER ABANDONING SECTION OF ROAD WHEREAS, Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation filed a petition before the Board of Supervisors on the 15th day of February, 1960, requesting that a certain 30 foot strip of land for public road, the center line of said road ~J..,(J ..,-;" beg~-ing at a point where the old Boulevard passed through the lands of Cherry ~. Bill Farms Corporation to the property formerly owned by the Norfolk an d ~. Western Railway Company, now owned by the petitioner, Roanoke Electric Steel II ~ Corporation, extending in a generally northeasterly direction 614,. ~ f;~et, more I t I 'Y ~J"" or less, said petition conforming to the provisions of Section 33-76.16, Code of Virginia. 1950, and containing a reasonably accurate plat and description of I the section of public road to be abandoned; and lfRRR1U.!'l, the Board of Supervisors at its meeting on March 21, 1960, adopted a resolution fixing Saturday, April 23, 1960, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. as I the time to consider the abandomnent of said road; and WHEREAS, H. W. Clark, Sheriff of Roanoke County, has filed his I certificate with the Board setting forth that a notice of the time and place to I consider the abandonment of said road was posted at the front door of the I Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, and at three places al.ong and on t~ Ii road described in the petition, and that such posting W8S made at least thirty days prior to the date of the meeting; and II WHEREAS, the General Manager of the Times-World Corporation, publisher of ~ I, The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper of general circulation in Roanoke County, II Virginia, has filed his certificate that notice of this meeting was duly (, published in said newspaper by two publications, the first publication being made more than thirty days prior to the date of this meeting; and i I WHF-RJ;'A!'l, no person has appeared before the Board of Supervisors to petitiOIl: for a further public hearing on the closing of said road; and . Ii ! WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the I governing body thereof, is satisfied that no public necessity exists for the I continuance of the section of road as a public road and that the welfare of i H " the public would be served best by abandoning the section of road, and that all il requirements of law have been complied with, and that the petition should be Ii ,. ~~. I Ii " ii ,I !I I 11 II , I I I 1/ II II !I Ii ,I Ii Ii i1 I: !i i! I' 'I I ,! " 'I I, " ,. II I! 0; I II " II I' ,I II ,I I! ~~~ t~ 'f/'" ~1' 0 ab_~r. ~. 1~~I~ ' J.~.t:t.'th... . 6! h, e... c. ~.~. ~ i1'6 IT IS, TllEREFaU:, tRDERED that the section of road hereinafter more fully described be abandoned, closed, vacated and discontinued, the section being closed described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the old Boulevard "passed through the lands of Cherry Hills Farms Corporation to the property formerly owned by the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, and now owned by Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, and extending in a generally northeasterly direction from saidoPoint the following coursea and distances: N. 45 30' E.0427.4 feet; N. 39 30' E. 127.2 feet, and N. 22 30' E. 59.9 feet, a total of 614.5 feet, more or less, and 30 feet wide. The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, is directed and authorized to make proper notations of the closing of this road upon the ma in his office wherein said road may be shown. The foregoing order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Houlse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote, the Superi71sors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I On the recOlllllendation of the Fire Chiefs Association of Roanoke County, it is ordered that Gene Honaker be, and he hereby is, appointed Area Disaster Director for Roanoke County, to serve as such at the pleasure of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Houlse Hays: Hone I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Operational Survival Plan, as prepared within the limits of the Virginia Civil , Defense Act, be, and the same is, hereby adopted. Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None (lU)ERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1960. I ij 'I I I i ,/(J-..:; e1.'1('4t.!ll>a.- II I I I I ! I I I I. II IiyII i! I Court House Salem, Virginia May 16, 1960 II I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House il Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffe], I Before the meeting was called to order H. Haddon Dudley, General Supervisor II Education, Roanoke County School Board" offered a prayer. II I !l i! !: i! I " II II i thereof in monthly session. G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. rJ , I. I: r Ii I !i I: " I' li Ii Ii I' r" I. Ii ii Ii ;' II " \ ii" !! Ii Ii I' " Ii ji I il I' Ii II Ii Il " , The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished I i i him by the Clerk. ' The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, i and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funda respectively chargeable I II II $ 101.94 I , 210.00 I II 112.70 i 28.05 I a therewith, to-wit: a o Ii " ji 11 II :: " Ii II II i: II I ii Ii 'I I: I: ii I: I I I' i " n ~ No. 34926 34927 " 34928 " Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Hill Directory Co., City Directories National Cash Register Company, Maintenance Service on Tax Ticket Machine 34929 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies . " 34931 34930 C'OIIDOI1wealth of Virginia, Office supplies Burroughs Corporation, New Service Agreement on Todd Machine " 34932 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies " 34933 34934 34935 " " " 34936 34937 34938 34939 34940 34941 34942 34943 " II " " " " II " Void Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance County Vehicles County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County owned Vehicles International Business Machine Corp., G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies Haloid Xerox, Inc., Office supplies American PhotocOFY Equipment Co., Office supplies for Clerk Office supplies C. W. Warthen Co., Record Paper and Office supplies Everette Waddey Co., Record paper James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense April " 34944 Sam R. Webb, Reimburse April Traveling Expense 34945 Wright Motor Co., Flasher for Deputy Sheriffs II 34946 34947 " " Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance County Vehicles Texaco Service Center, Gasoline purchased for Police Car 15 34948 Void II 34949 34950 34951 II " " Salem Motors, Parts for P-9 Garbage Truck SllIIIlIerdean Esso Station, Maintenance Co., Vehicles Shenandoah Valley Inc., MemberShip-Investment II 34953 34952 Salem Oil Company, Fuel for Tractor used at Garbage Dump Killer Tire Service, Vehicles Tires 34954 Void 34955 Cave Spring StClair Station, Police Car 18, Gas 34956 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance of County Vehicles 34957 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries and Parts 34958 Void II II " " " 3.00 20.00 115.30 986 . 97 944.61 4.66 1.68 25.00 39.72 538.75 54.98 449.72 34.16 17.36 .95 56.18 5.24 .57 44.40 300.00 29.54 118.48 56.55 188.28 6.68 II I I I ,I II II 'I I , I I i ! i I I I I, II II I 86 No. 34959 Radio Communications Co., April Radio Maintenance 34960 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance County Police Vehicles 34961 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies for Sheriff 34962 Poole's Service Station, Repairing tire 11 Police 34963 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Coroner Investigation, Lunacy He,,-rings 34964 Salem Glass company, Replacing glass at Jail 34965 Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Plumbing Repairs 34966 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Jail and Janitor supplies 34967 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Examining Prisoners 34968 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 34969 Easter Supply Co., office supplies for Jail 34970 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry - Prisoners 34971 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Jail 34972 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies - Jail 34973 Salem Creamery Co., Food for prisoners 34974 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 34975 W. V. Reynolds, Inc., Food for Prisoners 34976 Valleyda1e Packers, Food for Prisoners II II " II " " " II II II II " " " II II " $ 22.50 158.48 10.37 1.50 130.00 22.00 684.33 98.84 5.00 129.48 12.32 35.31 4.44 9.85 15.60 90.20 52.50 20.47 " 34977 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners and Disinfectant for Jail 168.19 34978 Void 34979 Salem Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail, Janitor supplies &c 19.93 34980 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts for Police Car 17 35.00 " " II " 34981 W. W. Garman, April Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 34982 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, April Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station " 60.00 60.00 II 34983 34984 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fir~House Clearbrook Lion's Club, April Rent on Clearbrook,Fire House 60.00 II " 34985 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire House 34986 ESBO Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 34987 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Hollins Fire House " " " 34988 Bramb1eton Gulf Service, Gas, Oil and wash Jobs 8.60 37~20 32.57 4.00 33.80 " 34989 University of Virginia Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare , 962.00 34990 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 1;628.00 34991 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare " " " 34992 Bu~~e11 Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 34993 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 34994 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 34995 Keith K. H'.mt, Attorney, Lunacy Hearing 34996 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy Hearing 34997 R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy Hearing 34998 Void " " " " " " " 34999 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy Hearing 35000 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy hearing 35001 Void 35002 James M. Young, Lunacy hearing " n II 55.50 425.50 203.50 55.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 I I I Ii I ,I I I n u o o o ~ , I II " ii il i' II II 'I I, II Ii II il I, Ii II 'I' I Ii Ii II Ii Ii n ,I Ii I' I: II li Ii [I Ii ~ Ii 1; H Ii ji Ii " I: ii ii , Ii Ii " (, , ii Ii II I: " " I: !! il Ii " II I' Ii \, , I, i , j. No. 35003 Dr. A. J. Russo, Examination Drunk Driving, & Lunacy Hearings 35004 Virginia State Dept. of Health, County's appropriation for support of local Health Department 35005 Times~Register Co., Bui1diqg Permits and permit signs Publishing Zoning Ordinance 35006 Richardson's General Tire Co., Tires for Engineer's car " II II " $ 25.00 6,334.00 461.50 21.10 35007 Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Maintenance service on adding Machine in Public works office 22.00 35008 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Premium on Public Official Bond 5.00 35009 Easter Supply Co., Red and Blue Pencils 7.28 35010 Caldwell-Sites Co., Repairs to Office equipment and Office supplies 14.65 35011 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for framing maps 1.85 35026 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for P-1 Truck l2.92 35027 Beach Service Center, Gasoline for Garbage Trucks 13.38 35028 Brown Hardware Co., Garbage Supplies & Janitor supplies &c 12.20 35029 Bemiss Equipment Corp., Repairs and Parts for Garbage Truck 94.15 35030 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Identification tags for Garbage Cans 35042 Roanoke County School Board, Gasoline for Hollins Station Tank 136.14 35043 A. F. Dobie, Refund Electrical Permit 2.00 35044 State Board of Education, Surplus Material for Civil Defense Program 83.19 " II. " " II 35012 Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co., Maps for Zoning 35013 J. L Woods, Refund Garbage Collection Fees 35014 West Salem Body Shop, Painting Garbage Truck 35015 Wilson's Esso & Grocery, Gas, Oil &c 35016 Salem Farm Supply Co., Damage done by Garbage Truck 35017 Rutrough-Mack, Inc., Wrecker service 35018 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts P-2 Garbage 35019 Old Virginia Brick Co., Bricks for Garbage Lot . 35020 Ivor Morris, Refund Garbage Collection 35021 Keller Machine Co.. Parts and Repairs P-13 35022 Cary Hall Machinery Co., Parts for Trucks 35023 Harvest Motors, Parts for P-9 Truck 35024 General Welding & Machine Co., Repairs to P-l Truck 35025 Gibson Radiator Shop,Parts for P-13 and Tractor " n " II " n " " " II II, " ." " II " " Cf II 35031 White Spot Supply Co., Disinfectant Janitor supplies 35032 Williams Supply Co., Janitor supplies 35033 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 35034 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Janitor supplies 35035 DeWitt Supply Co., Janitor supplies 35036 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 35037 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., Street Signs 35038 Roanoke Valley Safety Council, Membership dues 35039 Penitentiary Industrial Corp., Auto Tags 35040 GraveS-Humphreys Hdw. Co., Paint 35041 Glendale Industries, Inc., Armbands for Civil Defense Program " " " " II " " " " II " " II 52.20 3.00 85.00 62.04 7.00 15.00 29.37 60.00 3.00 27.38 46.73 17.70 6.50 11. 75 19.40 30.19 1. 73 3.00 8.32 24.50 13.51 61. 93 100.00 280.00 2.70 15.35 , I I I II ri Ii II II II i! , I i Ii I: I I: " " II 88 " " No. 35045 Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co., Maps for Annexation $ 31.68 315.30 II t I " 35046 35047 Dulaney & Robinson, Services rendered Accountants &c Annexation 730.01 350~9 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Legal services rendered in the annexation case 1,450.00 35050 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's Fee Re: Annexation I 1,489.13 75.00 33.54 100.00 43.50 15.71 20.20 21. 70 8.00 1.01 I 35104 The Clifton Shirt Company, Uniforms for Sheriff and Deputies214.03 35105 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Test for Alcohol &c 15.00 35106 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 16.80 35107 Gren Roanoke Corporation, Parts for Cave Spring Fire Truck 14.50 II Void 76.46 30.25 I 'II 35048 Langley & McDonald, Services, Consulting Engineers Annexation II 35111 Mount Pleasant Garage, Gasoline for Mount Pleasant Fire Truck52.24 3.00 " 35112 Keller Machine Co., Repairs and Parts Garpage Truck P-1 35113 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for Tractor 35114 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 35115 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 35116 E. P. Hollins, Painting 228 sign Post for Street Signs 35117 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Dinner meeting 35118 Rutherford Freight Lines, Freight on Auto Tags 35119 Void 35120 Dulaney & Robinson, Accountants, Services rendered 35122 Dr. S. D. Carey, Medical Services rendered prisoners 35124 Burroughs Corporation, 1 Ribbon for Adding Machine " " II 35051 Charles E. Via, Jr., 2 Filing cabinets 35052 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash Fund 35053 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage 35054 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies 35055 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 35056 Woodhaven Press, office supplies 35[01 Salem Office supply Co., Office supplies 35102 Underwood Corporation, Repair service on Typewriter 35103 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Police Car 12 124.19 160.37 57".31 10.64 233.69 25.90 7.49 894.24 15.00 1.20 I I i' I II " .. II n II " " " II II ,; II 35108 Auto Service Station, Parts, gas, &c 35109 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 35110 Appalachian Power Company, Current used at Catawba Fire Station r IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: II I I this day presented, approved, II The following claims against the County were and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks " out of the funds respectively Chargeab11 therewith, to-wit: I; 35057 Inc., Invoice No. 24442 $ 4.26 ii No. Auto Spring & Bearing Co. , II Ii " 35058 Andrew Lewis Phillips "66" Station, Gas, Oil, Lubrication It I' and Wash 8.35 I' " il " 35.94 " 'I 35059 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance of Dog Truck ;1 ~ I' II 35060 Bob's Market, Dog Food 98.60 I , " 35061 Void II .. II II II II " II II II i- il No. " II I: II I II I; II II II )i " :, II " jl ii ,I II " II il " II n I , , I I :1 \1 n II ji il " II I, ,! II II " Ii' I I I II Ii Ii !I II II \1 I; :i II ii I~ iI II I I: ,I I! c u c 0 " " it " '" :J I: t! ~ i; 'I i " , I "I ii " " II Ii " ... " 35062 Esso Standard Oil Company, Gas for Dog Truck 35063 Mrs. Esther Long, worked rabies clinic $ 21.46 l5.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 7.50 10.00 30.00 6.00 133.32 17.85 I , 10.95 I 2.00 I 46.41 I 6.00 I Board the following report: JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the "Salem, Virginia May 16, 1960 The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, County Treasurer, for $1,685.89 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1960, less caomdssions, and turned over to the said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,601.60 net. " 35064 35065 35066 Mrs. Lenna Hartman, worked rabies clinic Ernest Hartman, Jr., Worked rabies clinic Jean Long, Worked rabies clinic " " II 35067 Mrs. Annabelle Plunkett, worked rabies clinic On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of May, 1960, be approved in the amount of $8,364.93, from which the sum of $208.17 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes $773.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,383.26. " 35068 Radio Communications Co., Inc., April Radio Maintenance II 35069 Winton W. Shelor, Fowl claim 35070 35071 35072 Mrs." Ada Robertson, Livestock claim Albert McFalls, Fowl claim Salem Animal Hospital, Doctor's Fees for Vaccinations and Medicines Sam' s, Inc., Wearing Apparel for Dog Warden " 35073 II 35074 Salem Hardware Company, 1 Shovel for Dog Pound 35075 Yates and Wells Garage, Services to Dog Truck 35121 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond and Maryland 35123 Russell O. Wood, Livestock claim II To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: Atthe close of business May 14, 1960, there was to the credit of the General County Fund Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund_ Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. W. R. S. D. Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. $ 188,379.78 5,962.35 7,377.73 339.81 481,503.02 122,585.83 47,283.05 538.70 1,805.65 400.00 McNeal) 451.90 $ 856,627.82 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. " IN RE:': DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: 89 I II II I, , I , , II II , i I' ,I Ii Ii !i~let Ii C,~- [(1) - 'f" I,C~ Ii iJJ7/b~' 90 ~ eW.. · -tA.Il- . Co ,~ . (j)~ ""c. ~ '0 'u.' .r. . q.,. , ~D, 'Y' (,0 i I I I' 'I II I' ~ " l- II ror:.. fW.. t ~'1"'''~ ~ , ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Koulse. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that thepayroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period from April 15, 1960, ending April 30, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,390.00, from which the sum of $71.71 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and total W. H. Taxes $88.20, and insurance $28.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,201. 59; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period May 1, 1960, ending May 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,477.50, from which the sum of $74.33 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and total W.H. Taxes $112.60, and insurance in the sum of $28.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,262.07. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it isordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #34839 in the amount of $427.60 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for county offices; Voucher-check #34916 in the amount of $75.00 made payable to Roanoke County Court for warrants used in collecting delinquent taxes; Voucher-check 134920 in the amount of $439.21 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service; Voucher-check #34919 in the amount of $20.00 made payable to G. A. Scruggs, Post Master, for postage for Collector of Delinquent Taxes; Voucher-check #34921 in the amount of $52.24 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for lights and power at dog pound; Voucher-check #34922 in the amount of $15.00. made payable to C & P Telephone Service at Dog Warden's Home; Voucher-check 134923 in the amount of $33.78 made payable to Roano.ke Gas Company I for cooking fuel at jail, home demonstration kitchen and I Cave Spring Fire House; I Voucher-check 134924 in the amount of $100.10 made payable to C & P Telephone I' Company for telephone service at three fire stations and Judge Hoback's office; I I I' II Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Hampton Moulse Nays: None Edwin G.Terrel1, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed:11 H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of April, 1960; II II I' ,I It " 'I ]\ I, I H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of April, 1960; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for April, 1960; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for April, 1960; RUSINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for month of April, 1960; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for month of April, 1960. I I I I I o o c , i i , I C :r I " I' 13.L Ii a II II Ii ,I I Ii Ii I! I' I! I, , I' I: 'I I ~ II II ,I F II I, Ii 'I h Ii " t :1 " ii i i Ii ,I il ji Ii .. Ii I' II II i I I I I i , I I State Department of Education - :nfor,1l8tiona1 Service Bulletin for April, 1960~ in re: Pupil Transportation in Virginia, received and ordered filed. IN RE: JAIL INSPECTIW: Letter dated April 14, 1960, from R. M. Youell, Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, and to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County jail dated April 6, 1960, received and ordered filed. Communications dated April 22, 1960, from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, showing allocations to Counties - Secondary Roads - for year 1960-61; also a copy of tentative Interstate and Primary Allocations 1960-61 of Secondary Road Funds Roanoke County, received and ordered filed; Letters dated April 22, 1960, from H. H. Harris, CommisSioner, and from Walter P. Drewry, Director of Public Information, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be and he hereby is authorized to obtain bids for auditing the records of Roanoke County for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hamp~ Mou1se Nays : None I I ,. I' II r An invitation from The Virginia Division of Forestry to attend an open house at the Salem District Headquarters on May 27, 1960, was received and ordere filed. Board of Supervisors vs. x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Orlando Avenue from Plantation Road (Rt. 601) to Meadowcrest Street 0.23 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Plantation Court, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 33, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way 91 I I I I I I II I I Il~ U- ~ r1,1: ! ~uj; II~'~~~ 1~1l~~ I~l III !)7'7/~. I ' II i I I I II " 'I I( 92 I If ~ II Ii I: .I ji II " . ~ ~a, ~ ~.(j)~ i l ct...t r.- I , ~ I f,)1t ...' I Sl 17/ ~ ' {,'" 'e->7 .,'''X', ~. , . -.- ". . ~~~,,',:. II ii ,! il II If " ~ ~~'I'l Ii c I 2 t?,:~'~ " c;,.D~ .- . 't" I! ~ "'.. '(J.. r.it ~ ~~cD.~@J...~. ~" ~" a-.-$.'. ~ ~ l' .t~~':J ~1'''J'() il II !! Hal, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Orlando Avenue from Plantation Road (Rt. 601) to Meadowcrest Street, 0.23 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public. road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Ha;;r:'.s, G. Hampton Mou1se, Minor R.. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 1 I I Board of Supervisors I VS. 1 ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Tinkerda1e Avenue from Enon Drive (Rt. 1806) to Loman Drive 0.20 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. :ight of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Burlington Hts., which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 66 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virgin a, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent o~ do;.tation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. Tne Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Tinkerda1e Avenue from Enon Drive (Rt. 1806) to Loman Drive 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accOJr.panying ,this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the Scate Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vo:e: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Ha'lljlton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I 0'.1 motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that JOE C. TH~, of Lee Highway, West, Salem District, and R. FRED CHILDERS.. JR., of Brambleton Court, cave Spring District, be, and they hereby are, re-appointed to succeed themselves, as Members of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for a term of four (4) years each, beginning May 6, 1960. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampson Moulse. Nays: None , ,I II Ii I' II II Ii II ,I II il II I o 0 , I ,I I. or Ii 'I Ii 11 I: fi Ii il I: I' II II ! i 1 I Ji , 0 , , I I' II Ii 'I It 1 I I ,I II Ii Ii Ii 0 II II II II Ii Ii 0 Ii ii I, I I: j! , II I, I , I' Ii Ii Ii I' I' " " , I Ii I .eo!.. ~ f: Ic.V~ (o~ r I~~~ '1Ir~ cOllllllittee frOl:l this Board to serve with a like Committee from the Town of Salem lilY'1:0 I~"',!,lr. r Il1t~ I sF/~ I , Ii J 'I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton I Mou1se, it is ordered that Paul B.Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and .~ U r is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare a synopsis of the Budget for the ~ <i.t-,(p~ County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the fiscal year cOllllllencing July 1, 1960, and to 1111) ,,, publish same for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, said Budget ' L ! On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Super'T.lsor G. Hampton Mou1se, it is ordered that PAUL B. MATTHEWS, County Executive Officer, and Supervisor EDWIN G. TERRELL, be, and they are, hereby appointed as a policy and the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se, Minor R. Keffer and synopsis to be published in the Times Register, a newspaper of general circula- tion in Roanoke County, on June 9, 1960. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cOllllllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point, corner to the land of M. C. Nienke and Hannabass (now Deaton); thence with the westeoly boundary line of the said Nienke property S. 30 30' E., 497.5 feet to a point; thence wita a southerly line of the said Nienke property N. 61 47' E., 729.0 feet to a point in the center of State Secondary Route 692 (Sugar Loaf Road); thence wi.th the center line of said 30 foot road 1034.9 feet in a southerly and westerly direction to the point of intersection of the center line of said Route 692 with the center line of State Secondary Route 686 (Grandin Road Ext.); thence with the center line of said Route 686 (30 feet wide) 1007.0 feet in a northerly and westerly direction to a point and said point being the southeast corner of the 2.0 acre tract of F. E. Ferrell, II, and Patsy H. Ferrell, as recorded in Deed Book 495, Page 232, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke Count)'; thence wit~the east boundary of the aforesaid Ferrell tract N. 10 29' W., 465.0 feet to a point and being the northeast corner of the Ferrell tract and being on the south boundary of the aforesaid Deaton property; thence with the south boundary of the Deaton property, N. 75 52' E., 480.0 feet to a Boint; thence continuing with the Deaton boundary N. 59 13' E., 198.0 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of the Reese O. and Mabel E. Hankins 16.05 acre, more or less, tract as recorded in Deed Book 419, Page 53, and Deed Book 495, Page 232, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, and including that portion of the Hankins property subdivided as Hidden Valley Court, Section 1, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 52; and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered,by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and ~~lt.J . J ft'f..,"n1. I~,~~ ~.~, D~ ,~~ 't'" , / ;J;~, .~ ~ ." }U.. . ~..!34. ,,,.6 6 ~ 'W>,. "'-u.J A'PI ~t>t- . ....... , '.'f.,/~'{J ~ ~'_ $""':c..c.. t~} , ;rll '~ I ~ \{... . II j; .dd. -r.- 10001~t ~~.~ i i , I , I I I I I i i .1 'I I, II Ii II Ii I' II Ii Ii Ii i I , I 94 ......_... the requisite_ measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I 1- IN RE: VACATIOO OF PORTIOO OF WOODlAWN ROAD X RESOLUTION AND aU>ER /L 0/ This day came Angus N. Mays and Odell M. Mays, husband and wife, Thomas Lee Wright and Frances Hackett Wright, husband. and wife, Robert S. Drain, Jr. Hazel J. Drain, husband and wife, and Raymond L. Early and Sadie M. Early, husband and wife, by Benj. E. Chapman, their Attorney, who presented to this Board a Vacation Instrument executed by all of said parties, vacating a portion of woodlawn Road, lying between Block liD" and Block "E':', as shown on the map of Spring Garden Development property, spread of record in Plat Book 3, at Page 12, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the Count of Roanoke, and requested this Board to approve the vacation of said portion of woodlawn Road and said Vacation Instrument. And the Board being of the opinion that' said portion of woodlawn Road I requested to be vacated is not needed as a public road or street and that said road has never been opened on the ground and is' a "paper" road only, and that no other property owner or person, other than said persons above named, would have any rights whatsoever to the use of said road, it is RESOLVED and ORDERED by this Board that this Board approves said vacation of said portion of said road and said Vacation Instrument, and the Chairman and Clerk of this Board, and each member of the Board, is requested and authorized to sign said Vacation Instrument, dated March 1, 1960. This Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I a c c c , , I I: Ii I" 1:3 [ L ~~ S ~ " - I I , ! On motion of Supervisor G. Haupton Houlse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board approves the testing of cattle in , I t ii II " I, r Ii F I' Ii Roanoke County under the Federal State Brucellosis Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Mino _' R. Keffer Nays: None Eradication Program. AT a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, on the of May, 1960, i , I I I I , Ii 16th day I I 1 I Virginia i I I ! G. Hampton Mou1se, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the County of' Roanoke ~ held 'in the Court House in Salem, Virginia, at 2:00 o'clock P. K., the foregoing instrument signed and acknowledged in the form of a deed, by all of " I' I: Ii II Ii , i I the property owners adjoining that portion of Ludgate Lane and Rodney Lane requested to be vacated and closed, was presented pursuant to the terms of Section 15-766.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. And it appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that such vacation, as requested, will not abridge or destroy the rights or privileges of any of the other property owners within the bounds of the area of land shown on the Map of Edgehill Addition, upon motion made, seconded and adopted, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cou nty does hereby approve the foregoing instrument signed by all of the property owners adjoining that portion of Rodney Lane and of Ludgate Lane requested to be vacated and the said Board of Supervisors does hereby vacate Ludgate Lane and that portion of Rodney Lane requested to be vacated by the foregoing instrument and as more fully shown on the plat attached thereto. ! I ,I I, I , Ii And the land lying within the confines of said vacated streets is hereby conveyed to the adjoining land owners in accordance with the Statutes of the State of Virginia, in such cases made and provided. G. Hampton Moulse Edwin G. Terrell Minor R. Keffer Albert C. Harris BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, VIRGINIA. ROANOKE COUN':l"!, On the application of the below-named petitioners: S. C. Hartman et als - Monterey Road W. R. Weeks, et als - Extension of 900 Alfred S. Prunty et a1s, Proposed Road from Blue Jay Restaurant north to Alfred S. Prunty property; David Richardson et als, Forest Fire Trail from Route 765 west to Fort Lewis Mountain; L. R. Hyers, et als Forest Fire Trail from Hanging Rock Road to Loch Haven (4;:0 i , I , i I I: i I I: I this day filed their petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Ka!:thews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well tn individuals as to the public if such roads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or "" I I~~ ~,$ IC.,~+ I S1'7/'0 ! , , I I I I~~~'~~ ~ ... u...L !.1"/',. & t.~'q.~ 'P~ "" , ~~---- ~ 96 ~r:~. tt=~ \ . m-L "'(~. c~. \6.tllGl"~ ~~ ~~,,<, ~tbutl ll?i~J~ ~ through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in I i shall also assess and report wha~ dam~ges, if any, the land owners are entitled I Ii I And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby ! , I is. directed to'iorthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner I , , , , order by the person or persons ~or whose convenience they are desired. He I to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said roads. I of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed. executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State , . I , Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and cOJlstructio . . : I of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of ; I this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said i summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. I And these road proceedings ar~ continued. On a recorded vote, the supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Kou1se, A. C. Ha=is and Edwin G. Te=ell Nays: None WHEREAS. the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is advised I I that the CuwwOuvea1th of Virginia, Department of Highways, is now in the process of making appropriations for the construction, reconstruction and improvement to both primary and secondary routes for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 1960; and, WHEREAS, it is the understanding of said Board that tentative appropriatio have been made for the construction, reconstruction and improvement to , I' I' Ii " I I i primary and secondary highways in the Salem District and that no appropriation whatsoever lws been made for the reconstruction and relocation of Primary Route' Ii II WHEREAS, that portion of Roanoke County through which State Primary Route Ii #119 traverses is experiencing an extremely rapid growth and many properties I: are being subdivided into home sites and expensive dwellings are being II j #119, running South from Salem to U. S. Route 1220, South of the City of Roanoke; and, I constructed along the proposed relocation of this primary highway; and, WHEREAS, the relocation and reconstruction of Primary Route 1119 is most important to the Town of Salem, to Roanoke County and to this entire section of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and, WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that a public hearing will be held by the COIllIIIOnwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, in Roanoke, Virginia, May 26, 1960, prior to said tentative appropriations becoming final; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, be and it is hereby I o '" ~r Ii I, Ii I' I; I, II I! Ii .I I, I' I' o~ requested to reconsider its action in not making any appropriation towards the relocation and reconstruction of Primary Route #119 running South from the Town of Salem to U. S. Route #220, and that the Commission be, and it is hereby requested to make sufficient appropriation for the ensuing year beginning July 1, 1960, in order that Primary Route 1119 can be relocated and reconstructe , , and that steps be taken to immediately acquire the necessary rights of way for i I such relocation and reconstruction since this area is growing so rapidly, and I if the acquisition of the rights of way is postponed it will not only become i more expensive but will necessitate either relocation of its proposed route or I , the acquisition of expensive dwellir.gs; and : I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the Roads Committee of the I I Salem Chamber of CODII1erce, which committee is in full accord with the provisions I , I of this resolution, be requested to appear, together with officials of the I , I Town of Salem and the Board of-Supervisors and other officials of Roanoke County at the public hearing to be held by the Highway Commission in Roanoke, Virginia, on May 26, 1960, and urge that funds be appropriated for the relocation and reconstruction of Primary Route 1119 running South from the Town of Salem, Virginia, and, BE IT STILL FURTHER ORDAINED that appropriate copies of this resolution be at once certified to the Honorable H. H. Harris, Commissioner, Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia. Adopted Upon the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Mou1se, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None C. E. webber, on behalf of the Roads Committee of the Salem Chamber of Commerce, O. J. Hurt, Resident Engineer, and W. E. Fitzgerald, District Engineer, Department of ilighways, Jas. 1. Moyer, Mayor , Town of Salem, W. Frank Chapman, Town Manager of Salem, and Howard W. Starkey this day appeared before the Board and urged adoption of resolution in regard to appropriation &c of Primary Route 1119. thereof in monthly session. I I II I I i '~~-i I I I I , i , I ! I I I Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffe , ! i I' I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in June, 1960. Court House Salem, Virginia June 20, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House Present: G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. 98 The minutes of the last regular meeting Were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. i The followiIfj claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively Chargeablrl . I therewith, to-wit: ' ,I I I No. 35234 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expenses $ 43.45 ' , I 35235 The Progress Press, record sheets 110.00 35236 International Business Machine Corp., Maintenance agreement 94.80 " " II 35237 Star City Equipment Co., Adjusting, Repairing, &c type- writer " 35238 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 35239 Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance County vehicles 35240 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse traveling expense 35241 Goodyear Service Stores, tires 35242 Miller Tire Service, tires 35243 Everette Waddey Co., office supplies 35244 Woodhaven Press, office supplies 35245 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 35246 Ha10id Company, repair parts for machine 35247 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 35248 American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper 35249 Furman Whitescarver, 1/2 year dues 35250 Goodwin Insurance & Realty Co., L ability insurance 35251 Fred Morris Turman, witness 35252 City of Roanoke, Room and Board 35253 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse May traveling 35254 Sam webb, Reimburse May traveling Expense 35255 Williams Auto Alignment, repair and parts 35256 Void " " " " " " " n " " " " " " " II " " " 35257 Salem Motors, Parts Police Car 35258 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance CountyVehic1es 35259 Yates & wells Garage, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 35260 Trans-American Panama Hat Co., Wearing apparel 35261 Fechheimer Bros. Co., wearing apparel 35262 SllIIIlIerdean Esso Station, Gas, oil &c 35263 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician salary &c 35264 Fulton White Truck Co., Labor - Police Car 35265 Radio Co1i:munications Co., Radio Maintenance 35266 Goodyear Service Stores, tire 35267 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased 35268 Easter Supply Co., Wallets and Casters 35269 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance County owned vehicles " " " " " IS " " " " " n " 35270 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigation 35271 H. C. Baker Sales Co., Batteries 35272 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries and Parts 35273 Acme Printers Inc., office supplies 35274 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, maintenance IS " IS " I 5.50 I ... 121.03' 653.02 15.10 27.46 161.87 100.89 37.06 l7.96 785.80 312.67 23.50 75.00 159.42 25.50 184.00 115.14 27.16 123.43 I .87 178.99 297.07 78.00 426.89 29.15 180.00 2.50 22.50 22.78 26.05 16.20 I I 1,003.86 10.00 4.65 6.48 109.55 224.43 o o ! o r-t.., U -- n i I , ~ Ii I: Ii I: No. 35275 H. M. Wood, Opening.drain at County Jail " 35276 Valleyda1e Packers, Food for prisoners 35277 Salem Hardware Co., Repairing Jail Refrigerator 35278 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies 35279 Salem Creamery Co., food for prisoners 35280 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners 35281 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry Jail and Courthouse 35282 Foutz Sa'.lsage Co., Food for Prisoners 35283 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Medical supplies 35284 Town of Salem, Maintenance of Roanoke County Fire Truck 35285 Shepherds Auto Supply, Parts, Labor &c 35286 State Forester of Virginia, County's Pro rata share in controlling forest fire 35287 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 35288 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 35289 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 35290 University of Virginia Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 35291 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 35292 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repairs Vinton Fire Truck 35293 Graves-Humphreys, Inc., Tubs for Garbage Collection &c 35294 Esso Standard Oil Company, Fuel Catawba Fire Station 35295 C1earbrook First Aid & Resque Squad, Gas and Oil 35296 Culligan Soft water Service, Rent on Water ,Softner 35297 Arrow Hardware Paint & Feed Co., Hardware 35298 Bernard Cook, Services on Welfare Board 35299 Franklin Hough, Services on Welfare Board 35300 Edwin G. Terrell, Services on welfare Board 35301 Minor R. Keffer, Services on Fairview Home Board 35302 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy hearings 35303 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy hearing 35304 Dodson, Pence & Coulter, Lunacy hearings 35305 EggJeston and Holton, Lunacy hearing 35306 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy hearings 35307 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearings 35308 Harlin Perrine, Attorney, Lunacy hearings 35309 McClung Lumber Company, Lumber 35310 Roanoke Auto Aligning Service, Inc., Repairs to County Engineer's Car 35311 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Part for County Engineer's Car " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " It II " n It II " It " It " " It " " It " " " $ 13.50 22.74 4.50 2.80 15.60 46.69 34.80 37~84 123.80 388.57 116.95 355.18 ' 1,073.00 203.50 259.00 74.00 148.00 85.00 79.97 64.88 19.08 4.00 10.50 100.00 100.00 50.00 104.00 20.00 1 10.00 ~ 40.00 fI 10.00 40.00 30.00 40.00 6.25 34.32 2.96 " 35312 Times-Register Co., Publishing Zoning Ordinance and Election laws 410.50 II 35313 Salem Camera Shop, Films 35314 American City, Subscription to American City 35315 Wilson's Esso & Grocery, Servicing Garbage Trucks 35316 I. B. Morris, Refund on refuse Collection 35317 Keller Machine Company, Repairing P-13 Garbage 35318 Jack D. Draper, Refund on refuse collection " " n " " " 35319 R. A. Lester, Repairs P-IO Truck 35320 Void It 4.28 4.00 94.37 il II 3.50 I,i 5.63 " 3.00 Ii !I 1.50 No. 35321 Bemiss Equipment Corp. Parts - tractor 35322 Roanoke Mills, Inc., Preparing Voting List 35323 E. S. Honaker, Services as Deputy Registrar 35324 Mrs. Janet L. Ballantine, services Registrar at Vinton 35325 Maude L. Poff, Sitting to register &c 35326 Sale:;; Paint Co., Concrete Patch 35327 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service $ 20.59 116.60 112.05 37.15 12.10 2.02 3.00 .. .. " " .. " " 35328 35329 35330 35331 35332 35333 Owen Plumbing & H eating Co., Plumbing repairs at Courthouse218.4l Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Parking Lot sign Courthouse 7.50 .. " Brown Hardware Co., Hardware and Janitor s~lpplies Bush Electric Co., Electrical repairs at Courthause American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies Earl Wood Printing Co., office supplies 12.12 46.30 12.18 24.60 .. " II .. 35334 Rainbo Bread Co., Use of Truck for Communications 100.00 35335 National Plumbing & Heating Co., Refund Duplicate Plumbing Permits secured through error 9.00 35336 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on Workman's Compensati0n3076.50 35337 County School Board of R. C. Gasoline purchased for Hollins Station 301.85 " .. " II 35338 W. T. Coleman, Co-ordinator, expenses fol' 2 visits to the Surplus Warehouse in Richmond 16.70 n 35339 Commouwea1th of Virginia, Surplus property for Civil Defense 91.80 35340 Acme Typewl'iter Co., office supplies 50.45 II " 35341 Roanoke Book & Stationery Co., office supplies 22.50 .. 35342 Langley & McDonald, Consulting Engineers, Engineering services in connection with annexation 2,048.12 35343 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Legal services rendered in City of Roanoke vs. County of Roanoke 800.00 " .. .. 35344 Dulaney & Robinson, Accounts, County of Roanoke &c 35345 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's Fee City of Roanoke &c 35346 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps for Reassessment 35347 J. W. Griggs lie W. H. Witt, May Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 35348 Clearbrook Lion's Club, May Rent on C1earbrook Fire House 35349 W. W. Garman, May Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House 35350 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, General stores 35351 Green Market, Food for prisoners 35352 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty cash fund 35353 Dr. Hugh Lee, Jail Physician fee 35354 State Office Supply Co., Service contract on ROf~l Electric 35355 Williams Supply Co., Cord, Courthouse 35356 Virginia Foods, Pbod, Disinfectant for Jail &c 35357 E. W. Chelf, Attorney's fee &c 35373 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Advance expenses to State Treasurer 28.00 21. 60 320.10 21. 00 333.00 148.00 665.62 " 955.00 2.75 " " 60.00 60.00 60.00 100.00 .. " " 91. 45 II II I II II , " 42.11 " 4.00 .. 35.00 3.79 " " 113.26 .. 150.00 " .. 35374 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine 35375 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse jury tickets 35376 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Box Rent &c 35377 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 35378 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills .. .. .. .. ~ - . -~ I I I I I n U o I ~ II ~ l 'I II 35384 If 35390 If 35391 " 35392 n 35393 II 35394 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills Shenandoah Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra help in Engineer's Office Virginia State Department of Health, 50 copies of State Plumbing Code Acme Typewriter Company, office supplies for Annexation Roanoke County Board of Public welfare, June supplement H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Reimburse Gas and Express County School Board of R. C. Gas and Oil &c Lynwood Goodwin, work on Garbage Truck John W. wilson, 3,000 38 spec. reloads $ 74.00 259.00 647.00 72.88 32.50 23.95 628.00 6.10 99.48 91.22 69.00 IN IE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I I and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeab1 therewith, to-wit: I' No. 35358 I n 35359 " 35360 " 35361 D II 35362 " 35363 " 35364 II 35365 " 35366 n 35367 " 35368 " 35369 o ~ tJ Bob's Market, Dog food Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Dog Truck Port Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co., Lumber for Dog Pound Miller Tire Service, Tires for Dog Truck Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repairs, oil & Wash jobs Radio CoIIIIIunications Co., Radio Maintenance Salem Hardware cO., wearing Apparel and 'Batteries State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine Vinton Hardware Co., Aumunition for Dog wardens Yates & Wells Garage, ,Repairs and Parts to Dog Truck Ralph E. 'Long, ReiDiburse traveling expense 35370 Windle Shields, Fowl claim 35371 Mrs. H. S. Rhudy, Fowl claim " !I , I I I I I ~ I " " $ 25.50 48.94 31. 90 271.08 18.86 10.50 7.50 4.25 7.80 2.65 62.73 45.85 4.00 8.00 35372 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of Dog Truck 54.67 35385 American Chemical Co., Inc., Disinfectant for Dog Pound 35386 Ellis Jones, Laborer 35387 Jemes Parker, Assisting Dog Warden " " If 90.09 12.12 43.65 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: General County Fund Library Fund Dof Fund Sa em District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Pund Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund P. I. C. A. $ 163,283.52 6,901.99 6,476.29 339.81 369,751.36 125,512.99 6,803.11 246.78 3,715.28 i "Salem, Virginia I june 2Q~ 1960 Ii To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: I At the close of business June 18, 1960 there was to the credit of the . c.t.M 'Wl\A;t~. ti~. -e..~. R--c..w ~. ~~ Co ~~~ e.~'O~ ",.111041 ~..w. . ~.c.~ C.~, "/'/,111.1> n tI c., a- c.. ~.~ '1"'/"" , ~ , i W. R. S. D. Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (James E. Peters) $ 400.00 451. 90 27.00 $683,910.03 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. 00 motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board approves the payment of all State-Local Hospital bills incurred by the Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare through June 30, 1960, prior to July 1, 1960. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R.Keffer, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Mou1se Hays: Hone IN BE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board and receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, County Treasurer, for $1,531.58 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of May, 1960, less commissions, and turnved over to the said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,445.00 net. 00 motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of June, 1960, be approved in the amount of $7,902.43, frOLl which the sum of $194.30 total F. I. C. A. and Total W.H. taxes $714.50 is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $6,993.63. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A,. C.Harris and G. Har.1pton Moulse Nays: Hone i I, II i II I' II Ii il ~ II I 00 motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period May 16, 1960 ending May 31, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,352.21, fromwhich $70.57 total F. I. C. A. Taxes $90.00 Total W.H. Taxes and $28.50 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,163.14; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period June 1, 1960, ending June 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,413.74, from which the sum of $72.44 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $95.40 total W.H. Taxes, and $28.50 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,217.40. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None J I! , .I II I' I I I ,I I I o o o. o a 103 II ... " !I :; I Ii II II " II II II II il !I 'I I , I I II I --.-- II ~ tU- r.- I Co ~1:..-. c. ~..C, 1+'(p~ , "1,>,1/'.. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #35127 in the amount of $30.00 made payable to Roanoke County Court for warrants to collect delinquent taxes in eight cases; Voucher-check #34129 in the amount of School Board for tank; $175.81 made h:~ab1e to Roanoke County gasoline pure ed for Hollins Station Voucher-check #35130 in the amount of $443.09 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for county offices; Voucher-check #35131 in the amount of $20.79 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire House; Voucher-check #35204 in the amount of $72.00 made payable to Cordey Maxey for garbage collection by contract; Voucher-check #35205 in the amount of $400.03 made payable to Town of Salem for lights, water and sewage treatment costs; i I II II II Ii I' II II I I I I II I, II I Voucher-check #35206 in the amount of $15.25 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Dog warden I sHouse; Voucher-check #35207 in the amount of $51. 35 made payable to C & P Telephone , Company for telephone service at Cave Spring and Hollins I Fire Station; Voucher-check #35208 in the amount of $25.98 made payable to Roanoke Gas Compan1 for fuel used in jail, home demonstration kitchen and at Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #35210 in the amount of $56.65 made payable to C & P Telephone I Company for telephone service at Mt. Pleasant and Clear- I brook Fire Stadons; I Voucher-check #35211 in the amount of $25.28 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at Mt. Pleasant and Cave Spring Fire Stations . Adopted by the following recorded vote: AyeB: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered file : , I I, II II " ii II r ,I II ~f11.6-ri. ,~/6" I II Ii 1960JI " [' H. W. CLARK, Sheriff sUllllll8ry statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of May, 1960; H. W. ClARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of May, 1960; EDWARD S. AlLEN, County Agent, monthly report for May, 1960; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, month~yreport for May, 1960; RUBINE'l"l'E MIu.ER, Home Demonstration Agent for month of May, 1960; SHERRIIJ. V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for month of May, i I II Ii .. Ii " il " 'i :, " II :t :i 1! 'I :1 , II Ii !i ~ Ii I' .1 i , l A Coomunication dated ~y 26-67, 1960, from the Department of Highways, !I Richmond, Virginia, showing Final Allocation of Interstate and Primary II Construction Funds for year 1960-l96l, approved by the State Hi~hwaY Commission~ ' received ant' ordered filed. Ii :1 Let~er dated May 31, 1960, from Walter P.Drewry, Director of Public Ii " Information, Department of Highways, received and ordered filed. 11 Letter dated May 19, 1960, from H. H. Harris, Commissioner, Department of Highways, in re: appropriation for Route 119, in Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. ~~;l.l ~ If ~-.L I ~~~ ~~I ~~l:t rc., .'i.+ ,(J) ~ ')-11"" " . ~~..t- fr: Y-c, ~ IN RE: COtlNTY AUDIT On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the firm of Alexander Grant & Company, certified public accountants, be E!l!Ip~oyed to audit the records of Roanoke County for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1960, at a cost of Twenty- four Hundred Dollars ($2400.00). Letter dated June 15, 1960, from said Company, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A... C. Harris and G. Ba:apton Moulse Nays: None I I The following commtmications were this day submitted to the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated May 25, 1960, from A. L. Knighton, of Andrews, Burket & Company; Certified Public Accountants, GIld Letter dated May 25, 1960, frOJ!l Hayden Q. Anderson, of Anderson & Reed, Certified Public Accountants. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the general appropdation ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 15, 1959, for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1~ 1959, and ending June 30, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to- become effective June 1, 1960: Item 1A: Item 2B: Item 3: Item 3A: Item 4A: Item SA: Item 5E: Item 6A: Item 8H: ~ Item lOA: Item lOB: Item 10C: Item 12: Item 18: Item 19: Administration - Supplemental Appropriation of Assessment of Taxable Property-Supplemental Appropria- tion of Collection & Disbursement of Taxes - Supplemental Appropriation of Delinquent Tax Collector-Supplemental AppropriatiOn of Clerk of Court - Supplemental Appropriation of Circuit Court - Supplemental Appropriation of Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court - 'Supplemental Appropriation of Policing & Investigating - Supplemental Appropriation of Lunacy Commission - supplemental appropriation of Public Works - supplemental appropriation of Planning & Zoning - Supplemental Appropriation of Garbage Disposal - supplemental appropriation of, Protection of Livestock & Fowls (Dog Fund) - supplemental appropriation of Annexation - Supplemental appropriation of Capital Outlay - Supplemental appropriation of Total Supplemental Appropriation Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I $ 1,082.32 2,701.46 7,724.23 915.79 1,821.64 300.00 - 500.00 3,500.00 795.00 8,432.16 484.15 8..947.68 I I 5,065.23 8,383.77 30:968.84 S 81.622.27 I I Ii II r I' I [I A. C.Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se, Minor R. Keffer and n ~J U1 'I I! Ii :1 I' " II II 'I h /; " ~ i' " II I' II II II I. II " rl il r i , I ! a o o - ; . -,. NoUce of Public Hearing, having been duly advertised, this day at 3 o'clo It P. H., all persons interested were given an opportunity to 'speak for or ICs..- ~ 1 ..;f- ...;.... for the year cODlllencing July 1, 1960, and no one appearing, said budget was ,!~~......eu r ordered filed. i ~IO.( If~:~~ I ?so?' y" 11 ~/Yf '~ij I ~~, i ,c. I~:; I .)'n.}~ For the protection of Livestock and Fowls and II~ .. .~ ~t the enforcement of the Dog Laws to be IJ..(A- transferred to the Dog Operating Fund and II ... If' ,_ expended only on order of the Board of ~ 1 Supervisors $ 2.577.50 I t. /"'1"" BE IT Fl1RIl'BBR RESOLVED that the Treasurer be. and he hereby is, authorized ~...:i;;;;;;..., to transfer to the Dog Operating Fund from the Dog Fund Revenue, from time . .J'k...L.' (. -r'''.~ to time as moneys become available, sums equal to, but not in excess of, the -. .--..., t;~.; , . a..- ''I''~u ~.-. 1.1-. ~.,., ordered to be certified to L. M 1/ J '11 ~- 't- 'A r II II Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and G. I, I I , I, II :!Coh \YW\~ !I~!.~~ !Illi~r~ IT~r;- i ~, l~. f.}-J.- iI s....J.k R.... c . \1 ~~.~..t.- !I~ II 'i '-/".1 ilct:,~ ! i"ls--rI t.. ~ _ 0.0 i ~i{ ,..~. . il h -.L.L h illtlj,,*.. _....... II 41t- cn.... :1144 r./'~'>;'!6" !I . p rs'--"" 's. 5""'7" Ii c....t.. ,) \I~) il il APPROPRIATION awINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the following appropriation is hereby made from the Dog Fund Revenue for the Quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the functiotlS or purposes indicated: ii ,I 'I I' I! 11 II II !I I: II 1 I' II il II 'I " 'I " i, :1 I, ~ i' " 11 II ,I il ii " ii II 11 Ii " I I '[ ii II :i I 'I I, I, " Ii ,: appropriation made to this fund from the Dog Fund Revenue for the period covered by this appropriation ordinance. A Copy of this appropriation ordinance is ICuhn, Director of the Division of the Budget, and to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Hampton Mou1se Nays: None APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the followin gappropriations are hereby. made from the General Revenue Fund for the Quarter Ending September 30, 1960, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of welfare to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board $ 100,005.25 For the operation of the Public Library to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board 8,623.25 For the operation of General County Agencies and services to be transferred to the General operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors as follows : d I' d I! 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of taxes Revenue 3A - Delinquent Tax Collector 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5A - Circuit Court 5B - County Court .2,269.25 5,802.50 and other 5,958.75 2,176.50 2,107.00 2,370.00 248.75 l05, 106 I ~ I I I ~ , I ~t , 1;11 ~i.~ t'~,"1i"1 ~ stoOl;. T...,.. I .~ c.-... ~I , "{... ~ i cu.. it -t-. ~ j ~t~ I '~'Ii ~/Y ".'-i-- h~~~ ht~~ \~ l:-tt ~ I 5C - C~~uwealth's Attorney 5E - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detec'tion . 6A - Policing and Investigat~on 6C - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public welfare 8A - Board of Public Welfare BE - Institutional Care 8H - Lunacy Collillission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOA - Engineering Department lOB - Planning and Zoning 10C - Garbage Disposal lOB - Contractual Services 11 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (See Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions lSA - Annexation 19 - Capital Outlay For Educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board: l7A - Administration l7B - InBeructi-on. 17C - Co-ordinated activities 170 - Auxiliary Agencies 17E - Housing 17F - Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants 1,655.00 3,712.S0 16,137.25 4,811.75 8,672.5C 75.00 350.00 502.50 7,072.50 7,015.00 856.25 17,665.00 1,875.00 2,450.00 I 2,028.75 10,710.00 5,708.25 6,250.00 25,937.50 I 11,712.50 665,003.69 312.50 68,342.50 92,225.51 6,427.50 6,250.00 116,102.37 409.912.58 $1,629,335.15 I Debt Service Capital Outlay Total appropriations from General Revenue Fund BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he herepy is, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund, from time to time as moneys become available, sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriations ,made to 'these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this appropriation ordinance. A copy of this appropriation ordinance is ordered to be certified to L. K. Kuhn, Director of the Division of the Budget, and to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. c. Harris, Edwin G.TerrellandG. Hampton Mou1se. Nays: None I IN RE: GENERAL COUNTY LEVY FOR YEAR 1960: BE IT RESOLVED AND CRDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that there be, .and is hereby, levied, for the year 1960, a tax of $2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable res1 estate located in this County, and that there be, and is hereby, levied, I for the year 1960, a tax of $2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed :i II valuation on all taxable tangible personal property located in th~County on I January 1, 1960, the'respective levies hereby or~~red being ~lso applicable : I . . . . II to the real estate and tangible personal property of public service corporationsll.~ , . ') I based upon the asse!lsment thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission, " and duly certified. T I, Ii I' rJ c o o ~ ,. I, Ii '1 Ii Ii !I Ii I' II " " Ii ~i t II I' II :/ II II 'I Ii Ii I' ! I I 1 I 1 IT IS FURTHER aulERED that such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of this County, shall be used to defray the County charges and expenses and all necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution of the lawful authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Upon the motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Dw....:d of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires, ullckr the provisions of Section 29- ,,84.2, of the Code of Virginia, that the enforcement of the dog laws in said County be vested in a Dog warden and Deputy Dog warden, and said Board of Supervisors does hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a Dog Warden, and one or more Deputy Dog Wardens to assist the Dog warden in the dog inspection activities and in dog law I-enforcement, and It is further ordered that after the appoiatment of said Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden, by the Judge of the Circuit Court, that pursuant to said Section, the Treasurer of Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax funds to the State Treasury, and that the said County, after said appointments, shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and the Clerk of this Board is herkeby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the fol1~~ng recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer an A. C. Harris Nays: None II I' II II II II II II I I ! I ~ " Ii i' II I' ,I i' ii if " " Ii Ii 11 \1 I. ,I Ii I' 1: I il Ii I' II ,I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Counc:l.1 for the City of Foanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cOllllllercia1 wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: The 15.14 acre tract deeded to Jack Harris, Inc., by Herman F. Larson and Lillian E. Larson. as recorded in Deed Book 640, Page 170, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 55, as Melody Acres Subdivision, Section 1, mapped by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., and shown on the attached plat. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extention. (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County;! , I ! , 1~J...L ! . 1-f. ~ r i~.L i 'J-V1/bd I 'I Ii Ii Ii , l~ ,,- fT.' t>t. , ,~'I" i. b~~/1.0 r ; I &...L f; :)-~Q. Y' ,i~ .r. I> /'J,i '0 (b) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, iIlmediate1y upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke. of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Mou1se Nays: None ~ e4...:. U fi ~ d .l!l...-- 'I'Y~J (.() BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia. to specify additional projects to be undertaken by theRoanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe line and other properties and facilities incidential thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers confe=ed upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in the follOwing additional areas: >; ) 1. HIDDEN VALLEY COORT, SECTION 1: BEGINNING at a point, corner to the land of M. C. Nienke and Hannabass(now Deaton); thence with the westeijly boundary line of the said Nienke property S. 30 30' E., 497.5 feet to a point; thence with 8 southerly line of the said Nienke prkperty N. 61 47' E., 729.0 feet to a point inthe center of State Secondary Route 692 (Sugar Loaf Road); thence with the center line of said 30 foot road 1034.9 feet in a southerly and westerly direction to the point of intersection of the center line of said Route 692 with the center line of State Secondary Route 686 (Grandin Road Ext.); thence with the center line of said Route 686 (30 feet wide) 1007.0 feet in a northerly and westerly direction to a point and said point being the southeast corner of the 2~0 acre tract of F. E. Fe=e11, II, and Patsy H. Ferrell, as recorded in Deed Book 495, Page 232, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with tge east boundary of the aforesaid Fe=ell tract N. 10 29' W., 465.0 feet to a point and being the riortheast , corner of the Ferrell Tract and being on the south boundary of the'aforesaid Deaton property; thtn~e wiSh the south bou~ry of the Deaton property N. 75 52' E., 480.0 feet to a point; thence continuing with che Deaton boundary N. 590 13' E., 198.0 feet to the point of Beginning, and being a boundary description of the Reese O. and Mabel E. Hankins 16.05 acres, more or less, tract as recorded in Deed Book 419, Page 53, and Deed Book 495, Page 232, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office, and including that portion of the Hankins property subdivided as Hidden Valley Court, Section 1. as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 52. r I I I I I I I ~ I, II II II II II 'I I' I I I II II II II I II ,I i; II Ii Ii II " " II I I o ~ u a i I II II ,i I II II " I, Ii Ii ii 11 , i I I i I, a I Ii I, 0 I: '! Ii Ii " Ii " " " ii I ,I I' I II (I :1 Ii II II I II I, 'I ii II Ii II 'I I ,I 'I I: Ii ii " II :1 II ii It I' ,) ij I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse Buildi in Salem, Virginia, on the 18th day of July, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m., of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services and any other persons in interest, will be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the proposed services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its discretion, may call for a referendum on the question in above set forth, as prescribed in the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutiOns shall be in I full force and effect from and after their passage. On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, a<!oPted by the following recorded vote: , Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Barris and G. Hampton Mou1se. Nays: None Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Coamission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Cedar Lane from Overda1e Road to Route 1649 -- 0.16 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Green Haven Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 168 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way and right for drainage. NCJIl, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Cedar Lane from Overda1e Road to Route 1649 -- 0.16 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch ,! I I' I: Ii I: I, l! Ii I! accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road I to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. I 'I Ii I I I I' II Ii I , I I I , , , Ii I; ii I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Hampton Mou1se. Nays: None Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. ~.f{ 7j~~ ~ ~ -r. R. . Wr;-.J-J.. 1t.t..- pLY- Io/~Jc.o r1; f- 1+-+-' -\ f" 7/~1blJ~J I I ~ 5 copies this order del. to Co. Ex. Offic for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Hwys. 6-22-60 5 copies this del. to Co. for del. to R Engr. Dept. 6-22-60 5 copies this del. to Co. Of. for del. Res. Engr. Hwys .1 6-22-60 Board of Supervisors i I I II I II II II II II I I , I vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia T'nis matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Cordell Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1657) from Steele Road to D. E. -- 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. rder It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50--foot right of . Of. f . way or said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Cresthill Section 3, which map 16 recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 50 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit CO\r.:'C cE Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. Hal, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road mown as Cordell Drive (Extn. of ll.t. 1657) from Steele Road to D. E. -- 0.10 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Mou1se Hays: Hone I " r I I I Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway COIlIIIission of Virginia This matter came or.. this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Cresthil1 Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1658) from Steele Road to 798 -- 0.20 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. I It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of I way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map mown b er. , rd as Cresthill Section 3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 50 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property I owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right I I for drainage. II Nal, THEREFORE, BE IT mDERED that said road mown as Cresthill Drive (Extn~ of Rt. 1658) frOlll Steele Road to Rt. 798 -- 0.20 mile and which is shown on a II certain sketch accompanying ,this order, be, and the same is hereby established Ii as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in II Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: 1'1 Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. I,,' Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I I 5 copies del. to Co. fOl- del. to Dept. Hwys. this order E:<- Of. Res. En 6-22-60 5 copies this order ... ,,,,,,,,.,,,",,,;." ''''''~";!;..II' ,~<&,,, ~~?'li';~i~~Y~?~ ""~:"~.''1\l~~iir' ~z., ~l'~n}~.(~'~.q~~. :;~;~~;.{\-":' ~: I I I I I " I I I I I o o '0 o rn I I, 114~ II (.e:J~,...u- . ~tC~Q' l(b~ Jw ,I~-t~. reports are ['~ . i , I I II I i I I , I*!:" 11~t:. !oW1'{"~& '~ Ik,~C. il~o...... ~ , [I b j-v1' () II Ii " II " il that said petition be and the same is herE'''y filed; and !! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said petition, together with the il 'I request contained therein to amend the zoning ordinance to re-zone said property Ii !i from "Industrial" to "Business (Local) B-1" be and the same is hereby referred :' .' I, to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recODDDendation, in 'j 1 11 ~ II H " i, Ii 11 " II Ii ,! ji Ii This day the County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof, to-wit: Monterey Road frOll1 Route 605 to Dead End, Big Lick District; 0.70 Miles. Right-of-way and drainage easements guaranteed. Whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, said Engineer's approved. And it is further ordered that said road, aB described briefly above, be, :' I: II " 1! I: " i: il 'I i: 'I I,' ;r H ;; " and it is, hereby established as a public road, to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads, in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Ii I! II " BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the proviBions of Section 17-41, as amended, of the Code of Virginia, it is ordered that, with the consent of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, that all days made legal holidays in Section 2-19 of the Code of Virginia affecting State employees, as amended, all days as may be proclaimed by the Governor of the State of Virginia as legal holidays, be, and the same are, hereby made applicable to Roanoke County II ,: li Ii Ii .' employees. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and h " ;) Ii !i ), ... I , . " " i' . IN THE KAT1'ER OF RE-ZONING LOTS 15 and 16 BLOCK 3, PAUmR PARK, IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ORDER i: I I, " j !i " I' i I' .' ! I I I . j: .' I, i A. P. BAlCER AND w. L. DRAPER PETITIONERS This day Norman R. Moore, Attorney for A. P. Baker and W. L. Draper, appeared before this Board, and asked leave to file a petition on behalf of A. P. Baker and W. L. Draper, requesting that a certain parcel of land described in said petition be re-zoned from "Industrial" to "Business (Local) B-1. · NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERJ::ii this 20th day of June, 1960, acCordance with the applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia, as amended. I I II I il II , " :-r .w. f- ~k. /, /1.1'0 ~tt; ~-Lr ~ . o(,.t t P~6. ~ ~~C. 'ft' eu.. en...... '/"'i(6D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when said Planning CllIIIlIlission shall have reported its recOlllDendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the , said Clerk shall forthwith set the same for a public hearing at the next permissi e . regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice be given by said Clerk through publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, as amended; and BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED AND CRDERED that a certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning COIIDIIission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R.Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors coted as follows : I I Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE OF STATE SEClImARY RotlTE ll5 SOUTH OF HOLLINS STATIC>>! OF MOUNTAIN VIEW FARM, INC. x .2!.!!E! This day came Mountain View Farm, Inc., by Counsel, and reques ts leave to file its petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. liICU, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the ZOning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the slIDe ishereby referred to the Planning CllIIIlIlission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recOllllllendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning CllIIIlIlission shall report its recOlllllendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk oftr.is I I Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next I permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be I II If II ri II ~ " fI Ii ii Ii il " I: given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. i . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this II' resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. II Matthews, Secretary of the Planning COIIDIIission of Roanoke County, Virginia. , il I 'I I, II ii ii Ii 11 i! Ii " j! Ii :' I The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays : None A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the firm of, Eubank, Caldwell and Associates, " I, plans and specifications for the additions and alterations to the Roanoke County i Court House, said plans and specifications being dated June 1, 1960, Comm. 2844, Ii I' Ii Ii Thereupon on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor 'I Ii I Ii I I i I < , ~: jJr ~) ~~ and this day ordered filed; Architects and Engineers, be, and they are hereby au~orued to advertise for bids; sealed proposa~s to be received by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors in the Board of SuperviBors' Meeting Room in the Court House Building, at Salem,Yirg:l.nia, until 2:00 P. M. Eastern Standard Time on J:u1y 28, ,1960, at which time and place bids received will be publicly opened and read. I~ is further ordere~ that ,a certified copy of this resoluti~n be forwarded forthwith to the authorized frim of Architects, and to each member of I the Roanoke County Court House Building Committee. ~~~Jr ,~,R, ~ "/,"''11>6 I I i I I , , Ii Ii I Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and r,equested that an i , additional probation officer and a part time Secretary be employ~d in his office; I I Upon consideration whereof, on motion of SuperviBor G. Hampton Mou1se, .... seionded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request be granted, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell . Nays: None Norman R. Moore, Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Re,1at:!.ons Court of . .,. I , and that the Judge of said Court be authorized to employ an additional Probation Officer and part time Secretary ,in his office. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I w. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, this day submitted to the Board a copy of the tentative budget for the Secondary System in Ii i Roanoke County for the year 1960-1961; 'I! ~ Upon conaideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, sa:!.d tentative I, budget is approved by thf. following recorded vote: I 11 ! ~ Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. II !' Hampson Mou1se. I' ~:~ I I Ii il ~ ~ Copi.es of Maps of Roanoke County Primary and Secondary Highwav <:ystems, II r I I dated January 1, 1959, 1960-61 Tentative Budget, and Supplement Roanoke County i, Ii II Ii Map Primary and Secondary Highway Systems dated January 1, 1959, ordered filed. !' r: r! I, I: IJ l' ., II , I Ii ORDERED that the Board be adjourned unt third Tuesday in July, 1960. I II I " Ii Ii [I irman ,I " I' II '! ! II 1! !!. i! I 'I I I ~ cLa- I b~', i +c.~~11 G~ ~ 7/",/,,, Ii II I tttt~~. ~ ft' C,.. , ~(O~ I '/"'/'0 II I ~ II i ~..ul roil.... Co, I llitP !i 7) (,1" /J Ii " " " il ii 'I ~ Ii 'I ~ ~ Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 15, 1959, and amended June 20, 1960, for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 1960, ~nd ending June JO, 1961, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective as of June JO, 1960: " I I i I I I I , , 21.79 '! I On motion of Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Item 1..: $ Administration - supplemental appropriation of Item 2b: Assessment of Taxable Property - supplemental appropriation of Item J: Collection and Disbursement of Taxes - supplemental appropriation of Item Ja: Delinquent Tax Collector - supplemental appropriation of i . ' I 220.49 , , 11.JO I 391.78 410.36 19J.86 Item 4a: Clerk of Court - supplemental appropriation of Item 5a: Circuit Court - supplemental appropriation of Item 6a: Policing and Investigating - supplemental appropriation of Item 8e: Institutional Care - supplemental appropriation of Item 8h: Lunacy Commission - supplemental appropriation of Item lOa: Public Works - supplemental appropriation of Item 10c: Garbage Disposal - supp1e~ental appropriation of Total Supr.lementa1 Appropriation 336.56 2J7.60 50.00 571.05 1.401.95 $3.846.74 Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors Mino' ~ Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Yuncr R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a voucher-check for Four Thousand, Five Hundred and Eleven Dollars ($4,511.00) be issued to R. A. Franklin for materials used ~ in the construction of the Bent Mountain Fire Station, as per statement this day submitted to the Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Ydnor R. Keffer, it is ordered that voucher-checks be issued as follows: I, I, I I, I I " i' , I " , I ~ Charles Ballentine,6S,800 Three part, Snap-Easy County Tax Tickets at $17.40 per M, as per Purchase Order No.775, for use in Treasurer's Office $1,220.79 , Charles Ballentine, JOOO Real Estate Tax ~~ster Sheets and JOOO Personal Property Tax ~~ster Sheets, as per Purcliase Order No. 78J~ for use in Treasurer's Office . Inc., 80,00u Merchants Industries,/8J5 20 1b graykratt window envelopes Invoice No.963625, for use in Treasurer's Office 284.62 398.50 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. None. I Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G., Terrell. Nays: r Ordered that the Board be adjourned until July, 1960. I 'I I: I' The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House :1 Ii II I i i , i Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. Melvin Trower, Pas tor of Central Methodist Church offered a prayer. I The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as sprea1i' each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by I I the Clerk. I The following claims against the County were this day presented, app.oved, Ii and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively Chargeab1~1 therewith, to-wit: I No. 35526 The Times-Register Co., Publishing Budget, Zoning Ordinance I & Voting List $ 954.0 i , 62.9 I , 29.0,1 I 18.8 c Court House Salem, Virginia July 18, 1960 Cl " I, .I I' i: II " . Ii I! ii Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se and A. C. Harris. thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. !; " I' " \: ii I! ~ II ., " , {; It 'Burroughs Corporation, office supplies 35527 35528 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies It ~ " 35529 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Commonwealth of Virginia, office supplies Roanoke Merchants Association, Membership dues July 1, 1960 to July 1, 1961 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty cash Fund \) It 35530 ii Ii " 35531 II " Ii " 35532 II " 35533 Ii I' Ii " 35534 II II " 35535 I, I " 35536 I Ii i' " 35537 !i II Ii It 35538 I! " 35539 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance Qf County Vehicles June, 1960 o Everette Waddey Co., Office supplies Underwood Corporation, Repairs to Typewriter Dictaphone Corporation, office supplies The Michie Company, Law Books American Bar Association, Membership dues to June 30, 1961 Norman Moore, Judge, Reimburse Traveling Expense to Detroit, Michigan 35540 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Chief Probation Officer's Traveling Expense June 1960 35541 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse Probation Officer's June Traveling Expense 35542 Yates & Wells Garage Co., Maintenance of Police Vehicles June 1960 " o " Ii I' " " " I: " " It 35543 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Grease Job, Police Car 11 35544 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs to Police Car 13 35545 Summer dean Esso Station, Parts~and Oil for Police Car 111 and Hollins Fire Truck It " II 35546 Salem Motors, Repairs, Parts and Oil Police Car 19 35547 Salem Glass Co., Repairs and Parts Police Car III 35548 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance June 1960 35549 Roanoke Seat Cove;. Shop, Seat Covers " r " " " 5.0 ; I 15.2 ' i i 47.71 l6.l~ i 408.2Q I 13.82 39.0~ " i: 5.9Q I. 225.0q 61.62 I 91.00 I 32.5~ I ! If I' ~ ! ~ II i i 'I I , I I i 'I If / " I, I: II ~ " il Ii No_ 35550 Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety Bonds 35551 Miller Tire Service, Tires and Repairing flat 35552 Cave Spring Sinclair Station, Gasoline purchased for Police Car #8 35553 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County owned vehicles June 1960 " II II II 35554 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., car Parts and Batteries 35555 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance of County Vehicles " " $ 5.00 35.36 6.15 883.68 9.56 I 301. 78 " 35557 Salem Creamery Co., food for prisoners 35556 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician salary, Luncary cOllllllission 110.00 15.60 35558 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies Jail 1.19 35559 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 61.60 35560 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies Jail 27,72 35561 Salem Hardware Co., Garbage Can for Jail 2.95 35562 Roanoke Auto Aligning Service,set front wheels' on Police Car 4.50 II " II " " II 35563 Virginia Foods, Food for Prisoners 35564 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 35565 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry, Prisoners 35566 American Bakeries Co., Food, Prisoners 35567 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Janitor supplies 35568 Va11eydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 35569 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires Mount Pleasant 35570 Oren Roanokd Corporation, Parts for Catawba , Fire Truck 35571 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire Station 35572 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Hollins Fire Station 35573 Culligan Soft Water Co., Rental fee on Water Softner 35574 Auto Service Station. Gasoline and Oil purchase " " II II II II " II " " II " I 40.27 133.93 47.55 64.72 175.40 14.38 277 .36 82.25 8.60 56.31 4.00 19.10 I 35575 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, June Rent on Cave Spring Fire House60.00 " 35576 W. W. Garman, June Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 35577 C1earbrook Lion's Club, June Rent on C1earbrook Fire House 35578 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy commission 35579 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy commissions 35580 Dr. Esther Clark Brown, Alcohol test 35581 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy commissions 35582 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy Hearing 35583 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy hearing 35584 Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., Paper weights 35585 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on bond & additional premium 35586 Harvest Motors, Parts for Engineer's Car and P-1 Garbage Truck 35587 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased for Engineer's Car " " " II II II " " II " " " 35588 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 35589 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires Engineer's Car 35590 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies " " ~'l~Klfvv.tby"'~"g+"'.T~-"-"'V"''''''V' ac.m1:lJKVt9~t~yY+lov1t_ II 35592 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Gas and Oil for Garbage Trucks 35593 Salem Oil Company, Fuel for Tractor II 60.00 60.00 10.00 30.00 5.00 40.00 20.00 I 10.00 i II II II ,I II [, " II Ii Ii II II I, I! " It .I Ii Ii " 8.28 7.l3 I 2.65 5.00 17.74 29.24 2.00 itTIF'h&& 69.91 56.03 n I:..i o o o o i " " I, ,I ,. Ii " i: Ii ii " I; Ii ,I I! , , ! Ii II Ii I , i! I' ii I I II ,I 1 Ii 1/ H Ii I I ~ I. II " I: i! i: i. t , I i " I: i I I' , , " i I' I i, " i " I " ! No. 35594 Cordey Maxey, Garbage Collection by Contract " 35595 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline for Tractor 35596 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage for Garbage Bills " " 35597 Beach Service Center, Gasoline for Garbage Trucks 35598 Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Parts and Repairs 35599 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Services as Deputy Registrar 35600 John C. Gleason, services rendered in connection with June Election 35601 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Services rendered in connection with June Election " " " " " 35602 Miller E. Petty, Services rendered in connection with June Election 35603 F. L Ayers, Services rendered as Deputy Registrar 35604 Salem Paint Co., Paint for marking off parking lot _35605 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 35606 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse and Post for signs 35607 Ferrell Insurance Agency, Additional Premium on Building Ins. 35608 Bush Electric Co., Repairs to Sheriff's Office 35609 Brown Hardware Company, Hardware 35610 Times-world Corp. Advertising for Bids on Courthouse Add. 35611 Roanoke County school Board, gasoline &c 35612 COIIIIllOtlWealth of Virginia, 2 Large County maps 35613 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps for Annexation 35614 Dulaney & Robinson, services rendered certified public accountants " " " " " " " " " " " " " 35615 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's fee City of Roanoke &c " 35616 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Attorney-s fee in annexation suit 35617' Langley & McDonald, services, annexation suit 35618 Commonwealth of Virginia, surplus goods for Civil Defense 35619 Paul B. Matthews, expenses during trip to Richmond II II " " " Ii $ 72.00 i , 3.541 l23.90 I , 7.27 174.39 10.70 i I i I I I I i I I I I I I II II I I 7.50 46.10 7.50 50.00 8.60 3.00 85.00 4.18 6.00 2.75 8.80 145.75 1.50 li.28 1,242.29 I I I , i I I I II II i I I , I 1,172.43 837.71 1,209.49 114.87 12.77 35620 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., material for New Bent Mountain Fire House 120.43 " 35621 Rockyda1e Quarries Corp., Stone for Co. Garage Road " 35622 Nelson Hardware Co., Material for construction of Bent Mountain Fire House " 'i~....-tr""Y~~~Ihr+TT+,~g.,.v.u....m..Yh1idt " 35624 Times-Register Co., Building Permits for Engineer's Office 35625 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution to Office " " 35626 Robert Perdue, Laborer on Garbage truck 35638 Caldwell-Sites Co., 6 Rms. white bond 35639 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets 35640 Burroughs Corporation, Mechanical services Adding Machines 35641 Burroughs Corporation, Mechanical service to Machines " " " " " 35642 The Michie Company, 1960 Supp. to Code 35643 Goodyear Service Stores, Flat Repair for Car #5 35644 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners " II 240.71 47.55 tA~ 32.65 100.00 8.82 10.50 39.71 60.30 37.70 25.00 , 1 25 I: . 1 Ii II 11 " 104.47 No. 35645 Appalachian Power Company, Electricity at Catawba Fire S ta t:.or. " 35646 Esso Standard Oil Company, Fuel for Catawba Fire Station 35647 Shepherds Auto Supply, Parts for Hollins Fire Tr.uck 35648 C & P Telephone Co., Ppone bills 35649 The Pure Oil Company, Gas, Oil, Parts, Repair &c 35650 Graves-Humphreys, Inc., Battery 35651 Den'Ood H. Rusher, Lunacy Fee 35652 Martha H. Matthews, Extra Help Public Works 35653 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra help 35654 Miller Tire Service, Inc., Repair & ?arts 35655 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 35656 The Pure Oil Company, Gasoline for Hollins 2lnk 35657 Acme Typewriter Company, 1 Stenafax for Records 35658 Bemiss Equipment Corp. Repairs to tractor 35659 Davis Photo Company, Photo of Lawyers 35660 Williams Supply, Installing Gas Pump 35661 Nelson Hardware Co., Date billed " If " If " " " " If " If " If " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: $ 3.00 6.61 5.95 30.25 9.30 3.34 10.00 151.34 57.37 5.49 2.94 142.38 I I I 2.00 ~ 54.56 1.25 41.08 13.72 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeab therewith, to-wit: No. 35627 Andrew Phillips 66 Station, June Maintenance 35628 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware 35629 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 35630 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 35631 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 35632 Fort Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co., Hose and Nozzle 35633 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on Bond 35634 W. C. Hughes, 4 pullets killed by dog 35635 Radio O:numunications Co., Radio Maintenance for Dog Truck 35636 Salem Hardware Co., 1 Counter Sink " Ii : " " " " " If II If I $ 13.7 .6 I JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: "Salem, Virginia July 18, 1960 I At the close of business July 16, 1960, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund: )1 Ii Local State Federal Total II I! $14,248.17 $26,898.92 $41,147.09 II Ii General County Fund (Operating) 118,200.48 I, I I' Library Fund 3,233.71 it , Ii Dof Fund 5,800.69 Sa em Dist Road Debt Fund 339.81 Education Fund 195,316.41 i! 'I 'I School Construction Fund 50,404.10 'I School Debt Retirement Fund 8,194.51 I, School Textbook Fund 1,277.15 I F. I. C. A. 5,732.72 i o o '0 c ~ I I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks b~ ~ olJ.. approved, retro-active to date of issuance: I! ~ . Voucher-check #35397 in the amount of $8.26 made payable to the Roanoke County ~ School Board for oil at Hollins Fire Station; <t-c.~'7;:O~ 7 J ,q 1'0 Voucher-check #35398 in the amount of $9.00 made payable to G. A. Scruggs, Post Master, for box rent for Commissioner of the Revenue; I[ , I , I I I Ii Ii Ii II I' II Ii Ii Ii Ii I' Ii Ii ;i il II I' ,I .l! II I: " !i i' II I' t 'I Ii Ii ii 'i " Ii i: II ,I 11 II Ii I: Deferred Cred:lt Account (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (James E. Peters) 451.90 30.00 ~430,128.57 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of July, 1960, be approved in the amount of $8,463.28, from which the sum of $208.65 total F. I. C. A. and Total W. H. Taxes $809.50 is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,450.13. Adopted by the following recol-ded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Barris and G. Hampton Mou1se. Ne: None ~ II II 'I II I' '" " II II I' ,I H ii Ii " :: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period June 16, 1960, ending June 30, 1960, be approved in the amoU!lt" of $2,468.30, frOll1 which $74.05 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $100.00 'f. H. Taxes and $28.50 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,265.75; ! , I " I, Ii I' i: " :1 'I I, And the payroll for nefuse Collection and Janitor Services for period be approved in the amount of $2,629.63, from' I C. A. taxes; $128.70 tota1w. H. Taxes, and I $28.50 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,393.52. July 1, 1960, ending July 15, 1960, which the sum of $78.91 total F. I. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I: J' i! Ii Ii I, .. Ii Ii I, I, I' " Ii ii i: " I, Ii I: , I: I' i I, i , Voucher-check #3544l in the amount of $472.75 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at County offices; Voucher-check #35772 in the amount of $20.93 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at dog pound; Voucher-check 135473 in the amount of $23.90 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #35476 in the amount of $8.92 made payable to Cave Spring Water Company for water service at Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check 135477 in the amount of $77.20 made payable to Roanoke County School Board for gas for Hollins Fire House; Voucher-check 135494 in the amount of $250.00 made payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff for advance traveling expense to Florida to return prisoner; Voucher-check #35495 in the amount of $14.40 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Dog Warden's home; in the amount of $52.65 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at C1earbrook and Hollins Houses; Voucher-check #35497 ; . J.J..1; ,I~ ,Q. II . i~'~C. i '1/ "/'0 , II I I , I . J...1. t c..sJ.. re,. "~'~ II ?}"I'o II !, II 'I I~ " ,I I' ,I Ii I: II ~tvl QovJ.-: P.>. I "rY'~ Qt~c.. ~ 1/ J ~ I"~ ~ut;' W'~. ~~ 111~ ~/) ~ Voucher-check 135498 in the amount of $420.47 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water ser'*:e; Voucher-check #35499 in the amount of $23.28 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel at jail, home demonstration kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None IN RE: REZaUNG PROPERTY SITUATE 00 THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 221 SOUTHWEST OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE C<IU'ORATE LIMITS IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. OF RAYKOOD RANDOLPH RICHARDS x I I ORDER This day came Raymond Randolph Richards and filed his petition requesting the rezoning of Lots 1,2, 3,and 4, Section 2, according to the Map of Richard Heights from Business B-1 Local to Business B-2. IT IS RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board refer this matter to the Secretary of the Zoning Board for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for their recOllllllendation. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None This day, W.H. Jolly, of the law firm of Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, acting for and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, tendered to this Board CoaIIIonwealth of Virginia General warrant No. 238328, dated October 30, 1959, ~ in the amount of Three Thousand Five Hundred ($3,500.00) Dollars, payable to the I Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, which warrant represents the considerati n for a certain lot or parcel of land situate in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, B:ld described as follows: Being as shown outlined in red on a copy of a pllit entitled "Survey showing I'artofproperty . oWned by Roanoke. County Board of Supervisors... Sept. 22~ 1959...T. P. Parker, State Cert. Engineer I, which copy is annexed to the deed between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth of Virginia, as a part thereof,and recorded therewith; and beginning at a point marked by an iron in the North 80 foot r~ght of way line of Route 11, and a c:orner with the present lands of the grantee; (6) N. 29005' W., 220 feet to a corner; and (2) S. 60 24' 10" W., 202.31 feet to a corner; thence with new lines: (1) with an extensbon of the present West line of the grantee, ~. 29 34' W., 100 feet to a new corner: (2) N. 60 47' E., 341.1 feet to a new corner; and (3) S. 29005' E., 320 feet to a point in said North right of way line and a new cooner; thence with the said North right of way line, S. 50 55' W., 138 feet to the beginning, and containing 1.47 acres, more or less. Which tract or parcel of land the Commonwealth of Virginia is desirous of purchasing from the Board of Supervisors, to be used by the State Police Department f~~ its purposes, in conjunction with the parcel of land now owned by the Commonwealth, which adjoins the aforedescribed lot on the North and East. Ii ,I I' II 1 ! II :1 I, I: I' ,I I: Ii I: I " Ii " I' ~ Ii ~ I I I II I, " il li l' o n .. i ,I " ,I I' " Ii ,I d Ii II " d :1 :1 " " 'i " " 'I I: 0 Ii '; I, Ii II if, !i " !I '; I, II !i :: t !' " ;i o o . 131 And this Board having duly considered said offer and the purposes and OISes for which said land is to be put, and being of the opinion that the offer is a fair and adequate one, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer,it is ordered that said offer of the COIlIDOnwea1th of Virginia, be, and the same is, hereby accepted subject to the approval of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia; AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Attorney for the COIIIIlOnwealth, Edward H. Richardson, be, and he is, hereby ordered and directed to prepare and present to the Circuit Court' of Roanoke County, Virginia, a petition on behalf of this Board; praying that the sale of the above described property to the COIIIIlOn- wealth be ratified, approved arid confirmed. AND IT IS STILL FURTHER ORDERED that if arid when said sale is so ratified, approved and confirmed, the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized, em- powered and directed to execute, on behalf of the Board, a good and sufficient deed, conveying to the Commonwealth of Virginia the hereinbefore described property, with Special Warranty of Title, and the Clerk of the Board is IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES: COUoECTED BY CLERK: I I i thisj I i , I I i I I I , I I I Ii hereby authorized, empowered and directed to affix to said deed the seal of Board and attest thesame. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS; County Treasurer, for $1,077.68 on account of delinquent taxes collect~d by said Clerk for the month of June, 1960, less commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,023.80 net. Ii the Ii i I I , II II ,I Ii , I , I 1:~1;:'c..aJ.. 1 '1/"/'0 , i The following ,reports ,were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. w. CLARK, Sheriff, sUllllllllry statement of prisoner days se:rved in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of 'June, lS50; office and travel eXpenses for the month of June, 1960; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, EWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for June, 1960; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for June, 1960; RUSINETTE MIu.ER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of June, 1960; SHERRILL MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of June, 1960; Report of Auditor of Public Accounts of Commonwealth of Virginia on Comparative I: Cost of Local Government year ended June 30, 1959; ! Ii I, " , The State Compensation Board, having filed its statement of receipts:and expenses for the year ending December 31, 1959, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, required by Section 14-158, Code of Virginia, 1950, to be furnished Boards of Supervisors of Counties, with this Board, th~ same I i ~Q. t-I! ~/:L1"O is ordered to be published, as required by law, once a week for two (2) weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said statement and letter dated July 1, 1960, addrE:ssed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from Honorable G. Edmond Massie, Chairman of State Compensation Board, ordered f:\,led. IN RE: JAIL:INSPEC'!ION: Letter dated June 30, 1960, from R. M. Youell., Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, County of RoanOke, and to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, tog,ether, w.ith report of inspection of the Roanoke County jail da~,ed June 22" 19,60" received and ordered filed. i ,I ,. Ii I Ii 'I I Ii II I , The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: COIIIIIU11i.cation dated June 27, 1960, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of I Public Accounts, in re: disposition of proceeds from the Bale of School I Properties, with opinion of The Attorney General, dated June 15., 19,60 a,ttached.! Notice of~bellr~R&.J!~ J101U 26, 1960, at 10 o'clock A. H., in the Court I Room of the/c8.h1tlfsrllftr'1tf~nd, Virginia, on the application of W.Howard Wood and J. E. Bambrick, t/a Retail Delivery Service, for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a Restricted CommOn Carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of property on the following route or routes: Parcel delivery service for the delivery of merchandise to the residenceB of customers of retail stores residing within seven and one-half miles of the corporate 1imites of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and also within the city 1 ts of Roanoke, Virginia. I I , , 1 Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of ~ It Ii ! I: r ii I: I I i I: Ii ~ : Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the' 20th day of June, 1960, designating July 18, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. as the time and the Board of , , Supervisors Room in the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a PUbli1" hearing on the aforesaid resolution of June 20, 1960, signifying the intention : I' of the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify Ii further proj ects in th~ nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain arias of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant to the provisions /1 of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorit.ies Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code Ii of Virginia .,of 1950, as ~ded, particular reference being had to Section I: 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further proj ects to be undertaken by the I' i! , I , , 1 i i ~I I I [ published in the ''Roanoke World-News," and certified by the publisher, ani also i ,. , a reading of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Cnairman called for a 1 I The Board hearing no objection by prospective I users of the proposed services to be rendered, on the motion of Supervisor 'A. cJ I Authority. Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Present: Moulse. Absent: None The Chairman opened the meeting stating its general purposes, and after reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as general discussion of the subject. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the following resolutions 'were adopted by unanimous recorded vote: I I .",: I I I o o o o rrJ I' i' II II 'I I, II Ii II Ii , Ii Ii , II II Ii II I I I I I I , I !I II .1 I' I! II i , I I ! " i: II ~ II Ii I' Ii " II I: ,I II Ii ii " II II II I! Ii 11 il II !i Ii !: I' !i I' II II 'I " I Ii I I II It I' II 'I II Ii WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held Jun~ 20, 1960, areso1ution was unsnimouslypassed by recorded vote of said Board signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer, Authorities Act, as amended, and particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifying of further projects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was duly published in the "RoanQke. world-News," a newspaper published in and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and said publica- tion having been had on July 5, 1960. WHEREAS the said public hearing was duly held on July 18, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. at the time and place as set forth in the 'said notice and resolution; and, WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed.services was heard; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virginia. do.th hereby officially evidence its determination that no substantial opposition to the additional projects, as setforth in the said resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: ,That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its regular meeting of June 20, 1960, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertakeI by the Roanoke County Sanitation hJthority, and doth further specify additional projects to be u*dertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority with the purpose of acquiring, financing, constructing, operationg and maintaining a II II facilities to residences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke county'll Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the I , Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its Charter and by the provisions of the I Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia, I ! i I , i sewer system or systems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto for the primary purpose of furnishing sanitary sewer as amended, and being Sections 15-764.1to 15-764.39 of the said Code of Virginia, the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in each and all of those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ~ "': ~c c ' ~ .... ' .... -. ,~- r ...,'.. c-r: ...". " ~. -0 -,,:,.:::. .-. .> -. /", ;.;' . -'I , c.""..... ~ :':. ') y<.-'''-' ;::>-; .:--:.l ...... ,C -:':::- "~.. :0'" '':l..i.. ...(' ~S~, I,.'::/~,,:, :',"'";~. 1_, I ) :::c .- c -. r .. 1 . . c :-: . ., c 0 , ,-, ~~ .'C' ., C' , , -, " . . ': "/; - /.' ~ , :: (' :, ~ " ." .... ,.. ~... ,. , "0 .:-: C" :;:::.' :.' -/:-,/"" , "if .:;~~-,;~ ;.; j1?~~~-~~~~;~;~-'~j~j~~~~2f~~tts~~~1~~!.&~L~~~~;i~:i~ I I I I '0. : !. n .. , i " I " , I: j: Ii I' , I: !I " t " " I " , " i ~ II I: I I 1\ f I I: I' I! !i I I: o rn I " I, !I S'~ J..i.r ~ ~,~H~ If.,.- .w. r.v- A ~fL ,~.., f};.t r~:D II I' II 'I way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known II II II II I consent or donation of right of way from theabutting property owners is necessary.1 II r , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT CRDERED that said road known as Steele Road from I Cordell Drive (Rt. 1657) south to Cresthill Drive.,0.16 mile and which is shown on II a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established ill as a public road t~ become a part of the S~a~e Secondary System of Highways in 1 I ! I This day the County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the I S-~ following roads and the locations thereof, to-wit: I d..i. t;- ic. ~<1l~ I to d..L T.- I!~~~. il~T Whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, said Engineer's Reports are II approved. II And it is further ordered that said roa~, as described briefly above, be, 11 !i and they are, hereby established as public roads, to become a part of the State 'I ii Ii Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guarantee'l I, II ii t! ~ t Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER . if " 'I II I, " I, i: I' !I The Public and the State Highway CoIImission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the applicr.tion for Steele Road fr,om Cordell Drive (Rt. 165 ) south to Cresthill Drive - 0.16 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of as Cres.thill #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 50 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the, Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. Roanoke Co~ty.., Adopted by the following recorded vote: " Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Te=ell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Mou1se Nays: None Forest Fire Trail from Route 116 East to Dead End, District, 0.70 Miles. Right-of-way and drainage easements guaranteed. Salem Forest Fire Trail from Route 864 west t9 Fort Lewis Mountain, Catawba District; 0.60 Miles. Right-of-Way and drainage easements guaranteed. ing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. Nays: None 139 1 l...,.j o o o o 141 ~ ,: r ;~ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Dr. A. J. Russo, President, Municipal \! Ii I' ,I II Letter dated June 23, 1960, addressed to Edmund G. Terrell, Chairman, II Utilities & Development Corporation, in re: H I: purchase of five acres of land from Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R.Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, is directed to advise Dr. Russo that the County has no desire to dispose of any further acreage at the County Farm at the present time. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii II A. :i " It Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Koulse, Edwin G. Terrell and C. Harris Nays: None " I' J- I' F Ii Terrell, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to SOUTHEAST BINDING & PLAT q I, , Ii II " ii II ii !i l: Ii I: I: ,I I .. !I '~10 .c.,~~ ....c ,<;+. ~'D On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Edwin G. SERVICE, in the amount of Five Hundred"Sixty-Four Dollars and Fifty Cents ($564.50) for repairs to books in the Roanoke County Clerk's Office, at such time said account is presented for payment. ' Adopted by the following 'recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Hampton Mou1se. Nays: None A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and G. C. D. Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector .of Roanoke County, this day I i submitted I i i I Ii Ii II " ii II I' I: II ,I I! I! " I' " Ii Ii I to the ao&rd his report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960, of total collections including penalties and. interest, as follows: Total collections Total Expenses Recovered Warrant Court Cos t fees $ 26,862.91 and . , $10,117.10 1.407.76 $ 8,709.34 j, Cost (percentage wise) !' " which report is received and ordered filed. i: 32.6%, I ii j; " , r " Letter dated July 8, 1960, addressed to Edwin G.Terrell, Chairman Board of Supervisors. Roanoke County, from ti. '10'. Clark, Sheriff Roanoke County, of the I. [i " I, " Ii i~ from the Duval County Jail, at Jacksonville, Florida, to the Roanoke County jail ii i ii at Salem. Va., and further advising .the Boar,d of the. refund of $109.02, monies notl!l! Ii used out of the advancement of $250.00 fOr trip, to the Treasurer of Roanoke I' Ii ii expen:>es of $140.98 of said Sheriff f'r returnin g prisoner, William J. Thrush, County, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. r " Harris, it is ordered that Paul B.Matthews, Ii " Ii !: County Executive Officer, be and he hereby is, appointed Director of Civil Defense for Roanoke County, and the Towns of Salem and Vinton, succeeding W. Tredway Coleman, whose term expired June 30, 1960. Copy of this order to be certified to the Honorable D. L. Moore, Jr., Director of Ci'lil Defense, Richmond, Va., and to Paul B. Matthews. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Ayes: Supervisors Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I " I: II ,I Ii The bids of Harvest Motors, Inc., and Elliott Buick, Inc., on Station wagon II for use in Roanoke County Welfare Department ordered filed. " BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requellted to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by IoiiIC ~rgency reao1ution, to the following extent only, viz: 2 Copi~il d BEGINNING at the northwest corner of the C. D. Garst , to J. Rooert s property on the north side of Virginia State Secondary Clerk, City 0 Route No. 116, as recorded in Deed Book 345, Page 372, ~ano~, Roan ke, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circsit a. an 1 cop Court of Roanoke County; thence with a line N. 27 3g" delivered to w. 456.84 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 47 James Beavers 52' W., 124.43 feet to a point and being the northeast Roanoke Count corner of Lot "A" of the subdivision of Nannie B. Garst; Sanitation thence with a line following the northeast bo~ry of Authority the aforesaid Nanni~ B. Garst Subdivision N. 42 08' w., .July 22, 1960 1229.8 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of Lot "B" of the aforesaid Nannie B. Garst Sub- division; thence with a lige along the south boundary of I the Keith properties N. 62 24' E., 622.62 feet to a i point; thence with the south boundary line Sf the W. T. Slusher propertyi the followigg courses and distances: S. 680 37' E., 278.38 i feet; S. '35 29' E;, 517.03 feet; and S. 76 30' E., 65.0 i feet, more or less; thence with the west boundary l,ines of , the Kent E. & sara N. Morgan 2.~7 acre tractS. 26 10' E., I 152.0 feet, more oro1ess; S. 50 30' w., 120.0 feet, :1 more or 'less; S, 42 08' E., 140.0 feet, more or less; N. 670 52' E., 385.5 feet to a point in the center of Peters .,1 Creek; thence with the center line of Peters Creek down the creek in a southerly direction 322.0 feet to a point; thence with the northwest boundary line of the Peters Creek Church of the Brethren property and the Woodie M. Sutphin property, as recorded in Deed Book 579,page 51, in the afsresaid Clerk's Office, and the C. D. Garst property, S. 47 52' W., 745.0 feet to the place of beginning and being a boundary description of the 25 acre, more or less, tract to be subdivided by J. C. Mow1es and as shown on the accompanying plat made a part of this description. ' and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full as if said areas were therein set out in extension; , i if I' I ~ , , i extent I! II " ,I I (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by,the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as is : i ![ 'I II il i I! II the City of Roan"ke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County:i ,I " of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and !I 'I 'I ,'I :1 approved by the City's 'Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTIlER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions .of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. .1 I i I II I I i I i I I I. I I I 1 u o ~ o I I . II~ur.- IC.,~ ~~ It' -r, ~~. lii,f!f~ II 7/1-11 J /,,0 II Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, I, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton,Mou1se, it is O'rdered that the bid of one II hundred, fifteen thousand and seven hundred dollars ($115,700.00) of Martin Bros. i I , I 'I I, iI I' II " ,I I Ii An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: , ii I 'I il A. II I, ~ ii " " Ii II 'I II il If 'I " t~ Ayes: Supervisors C. Harris Nays: None Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Y.effer, G. Hampton Moulse and ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Thursday, July 28, 1960, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. , dj~irman Ii II " I 11 t " 'I I I Court House Salem, Virginia July 28, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Court House thereof at 2 :00 0' clock P. M. pursuant to adj ournment from July 1.8, 1960. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. Wark Curry, Pastor of I 1 ! j, Ii 1\ il " r lj ~ " Ii I' II I: il I: II 11 !I II " Ii II I! II Ii , II H 'I II I, " !I I, !I Ii " " I, I. , ,. Trinity Methodist Church, Roanoke, Virginia, offered a prayer. Pursuant to notice heretofore given by publication, bids for alterations and repairs to the Court House Building were this day submitted to the Board, and upon the recoomendation to the Board of Supervisors by the Court House Building Committee that the bid of ~~rtin Bros. Contractors, Inc. in the amount of one hundred, fifteen thousand, seven hundred dollars ($115,700.00) be accepted, it being the low bid submitted; ContrBCtors, Inc. be accepted, work to be completed within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days from the commencement of work, for alterations and repairs to the Court House Building, pursuant to plans and specifications i: Ii heretofore submitted to this Board by Eubank, Caldwell and Associates, Architectsll II Ii ! further ordered that Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman and Roy K. Brown'i! " Clerk of this Board, be, and they are, hereby authorized and instructed to sign Ii I: I i: !! " Ii if ! and Engineers. And, it is the contract with Martin Bros. Contractors, Inc., when presented by Eubank, Caldwell and bssociates, Architects and Engineers. And it is further ordered that the bid, together with bond submitted by Martin Bros. Contractors, Inc. be filed. :143 II r II II I I I I I I , i I I I I I \r r ~ I: ~ \~.,.~ ~~~\i: S- &{'/ Ii ~.~ I; i-~~~ jl '\~~o I: \i",,\'" i "\ I Ii I I' I I , i' Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se, Edwin G. Terrell and I A. C. Harris Nays: None f ELECTRICAL On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G.Hampton Koulse, it is ordered that there be p,roposed for adoption at its regular meeting I of this Board, to be held September 19, 1960, in its meeting room at the I CourthoUlle of Roanoke County, at 2:30 P. M., pursuant to Acts of Assembly 1960 I Cumulative Supplement, Chapter 1, Title 15-8, an ordinance amending and changing the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance adopted May 16, 1938, excepting certain areas when equivalent standards are provided, and adopting as a part of the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance, the 1959 National Electrical Code, also known as NFPA No. 70, June, 1959, ASA-Cl-1959 and the National Electrical Safety Code, also known as H43-Nationa1 Electrical Safety Code-Part 2, and National Bureau of Standards Handbook H-43, issued August 15, 1949, and providi for an Electrical Examining Board to give examinations for master electricians and journeyman electricians, and providing for fees for such examinations, fees for inspections, and fees for electricians I cards, and providing for advertising and identification of bonded master electricians and making it illegal for others to 80 advertise, and providing for bonds to be furnished by master electricians, and providing notice prior and subsequent to installations, and providing for penalties for violations of said ordinance. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks, cOlllllencing August 11th, 1960, in the Times Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of intention of this Board to propose for adoption the above ordinance, and j II II I I I II On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Mo..1se, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. II Keffer, it is ord!:red that there be proposec1 for adopticn at its regular meeting Ii ,; of this Board, to be held September 19, 1960, in its meeting room at the Ii Courthouse of Roanoke County, at 3 P. M., an ordinance amending and changing 11 Ii :1 I: I' ,I II Ii I' I; " amendments. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer Nays: None A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se, Edwin G. Terrell and PLUMBING the Roanoke County Plumbing Ordinance heretofore adopted on the 15th day of July, 1940, and amended and re-adopted the 16th day of June, 1941, and partially revoked and annulled February 15, 1960; excepting certain areas when required standards are provided, and pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and more especially to Acts of Assembly 1958, Chapter 639, and 1960 Cumulative Supplement C~pter 1, Title 15-8 and adopting as a part of the Roanoke County Plumbing Ordinance that certain code known as the State Plumbing !I I: II II I I I I I I I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; II That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, virginia,l! ~ ,( c<J) { the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects il ~ 7 }11 J~o ] i I' 'I i Ii !! Ii " 'I I I: .1 i' I; ii Ii I' Ii Ii Ii II " II II It II I, Ii Ii 11 Ii I I , , subsequent to installations; and providing for penalties of violations of said ordinance. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks commencing August 11th, 1960, in the Times Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, a notice of intention of this Board 1;0 propose for adoption the above ordinance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Mou1se, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Code being the State of Virginia official plumbing standards and regulations adopted May 6, 1959, and made effective July 1, 1959 with certain amendments changes. And providing for fees for inspections; providing advertising and identification of bonded master plumbers and making it illegal for others to so advertise; and provide for bonding of plumbing contractors and notice prior and I" I -.I to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines, and other J properties and facilities incidentia1 thereto, for the purpose of exercising II I' " Ii II I: ;! r ii II " ii Ii J ,Ii " ii II Ii " Ii Q I i Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32, I inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects il consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: II 1. CROSSROADS SHOPPING CENTER l. (25 ACRES) II BEGINNING at a point on the west right-of-way line of I Virginia Highway Route 118 (Airport Road), at its I intersection with the north right-of-way line of Virginia Highway Route 625 (Hershberger Road) and said I point being shown as Corner No.3 on the attached plat I by C. B. Malcolm and Son, S. C. E., under date of June 11, I 1959, and as revised through September 1, 1959; thence I with She aforesaid north right-of-way line of Route 625, i S. 10 37' 20" W., 34.69 feet to Corner No.4; thence Ii continuing with the north right-of-way line of the Ii afor~aid Route 625, the following courses and dist~ces: I S. 65 05' 20" W., 96.44 feet to Corner No.5; S. 65 08' 15" W'e a chord distance of 3.20 feet to CornerNo. "A"; S. 67 47' 45" W'6 a chord distance of 171.63 feet to Corner Noo 6; S. 70 24' 20" W., 355.48 feet to Corner No.7; S. 71 ll' 11" W., a chord distance of 77.40 feet to Corner No.8; thence leaving the north right-of-wag line of the aforesaid Route 625 and with a line N. 34 04' 50" W'e 1421.97 feet to Corner No.9; thence with a line N. 55 55' 10" E., 712.32 feet to Corner No. 1 located on the west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 118; thence with the west right-of-way line of Route 118 the following courses and distances:o S. 350 30' 40" E., 701. 71 feet to Corner No.2; S. 32 43' 40" E., 856.58 feet to Corner No.3, the place of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of that 25.00 acres owned by S~ay Development Corporation, as recorded in the Clerk s Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Deed Book 629, Page 458, and Deed Book 629, Page 463. the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the o ~ 2. LYNN DELL SUBDIVISION (12.66 ACRES): BEGINNING at a point on the west side of State Secondary Route 613 (Cave Spring-Starkey Road) at the north corner of the Fred L. Harris property; thegce with the northwest boundary of the Harris tract, S. 43 02' W., 622.41 feet to a point on the Harris line and being the east corner of Arli:iton Hills Subdivis;,on~ as recorded in Plat Book 3, Pa2e 31 of the records, or the Clerk's Office for the C11'cu t ~ourt.of ROQIloke County; thence with the Arlington il Ii and Ii '; I I j , I: " !: ii Ii j1 !I " , " i I' " !I I' I, Ii I i I ~ i i i ,I I, Ii 'I Ii ~ il l I' r ,I I II r I, i: " " i v Ii <\r. c.)' IT ~~,v I: ~!' \\,>0 I ~1\-A 0-- !, wi; !I , , ~ II I I I I Hills Subdivision line N. 400 05' W., 897.0 feet to the south corner of the Cave Spring High School property of the County School Board of Roanoke County; thence leaving the Arlington Hills bine and with the Cave Spring High School tract line N. 69 13' E., 490.35 feet to a point; thence continuing with the Cave Spring High School tract line and the south line of the E. G. and H. C. Craghead property, N. 67 00' E., 48l.23 feet to a point on the west right-or-way line of the aforesaid Route 613; theace with the southwest right-of-gay line of Route 6l3, S. 6 43' E., 456.62 feet and S. 19 18' E., 147.6 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the 12.66 acre tract owned by Dr. Cavitt K. Bartley and Dr. James C. Garst, as recorded in Deed Book 619, Page 562, of the records of the aforesaid Clerk's Office. II I Ii I I I 3. ClDRYIIILL PARK, SECTION 3 (29.75 ACRES): BEGINNING at the northeast corner of Lot 28, Block 4, Section 2, Cherryhill Park Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 30, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence leaving the aforesaid Lot 28, and with a new line through the remaining property of, Byron L. Radford and Ethel M. Radford (said property being of record in Deed Bo06 611, Page 139, of the aforesaid Clerk's Office) N. 72 00' ~., 650.0 feet to a point; thence with another new line S. 40 20' E., 390.0 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of the Norfolk and Western property; thence with a boundary line between the aforesaid Radford property and the ~~orfolk and weatern property the following cgurses and distanc~~: S. 46 57~ w'! 1398.1 feet; S. 85 23' W., 377.07 feet; and N. 55 22 W., 901.5 feet to a point and said point being a mutual corner of the lresaid Radford vroperty, Norfolk and Western p!.'operty, and the U. S. Veterans AdminiBtration Hospital property; thence leaving the Norfolk and Western property and the joint boundary of the Radford property and tee Veteran's Administration Hospital property N. 52 16' E., 502.16 feet to a point on the west boundary of Lot 14, Block 5, Sect:'on 2, Cherryhill Park Subdivision; thence with the southerly boundary of the aforesaid Cherryhil1 Park, . Section 2, and leaving the Veteran's Administration !!8spital property, the followias courses and distances: S. 32 00' E., 37.15 feet; N. 60 32' E., 137.68 feet to a point on the west side of Frances Drive; thence with thlj west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Frances Drive, S. 2g 28' E., 38.27 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 60 32' E., crOSSing Frances Drive and with the south boundary of Lot 13, Block 6, Section 2, Cherryhi11 Park Sub~vision, 237.68 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 72 16' E., 438.32 feet to a point and said point being the southeast corner of Lot 11, Block 6, Section 2, of the aforesaid Cherryhi11 Park Subdivision; thence with a line along the east boundary of the aforesaid Lot 11 crossing Cherryhill Road and with the east boundary line of the aforesaid ~t 28, Block 4, Section 2, Cher ~yhil1 Park Subdivision, N. 17 44' E., 290.0 feet to thE point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 29.75 acre portion of the aforesaid Radford property to be subdivided as Cherryhi11 Park, Section 3. I ~ I ~ 1 I I II Ii ii' '. i I , II 'I ~ Ii I; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by Ii this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse BUildin1 in Salem, Vi:ginia, on the 22nd day of August, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. of I that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said ,I [, il II I I be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the ii 'I L p:coposed services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia~i II at its discretion, may call for a referdum on the question in above set forth, Ii I' Ii " H I! I' I! I, 'I I " I' ~ 4. MELCDY ACRES SUBDIVISION, SECTION 1 (15.14 ACRES): The 15.14 acre tract deeded to Jack Harris, Incorporated, by Herman F. Larson and Lillian E. Larson, as recorded in Deed Book 640, Page 170, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 55, as Melody Acres Subdivision, Section 1, mapped by T. P. Parker, S. C. E. I I proj ects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed and any other persons in inter-est; will be given an opportunity to services, as prescribed in the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. n \...J !""'t W o o o Ii I' II II II Ii II '1 /. Ii " II II r il BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall ~e in full force and effect from and after their passage. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton MDulse, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Mou1se, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. ~ffer Nays: None il i1 if Ii l ii 'I I, " :1 " ii Ii Board of Supervisors x ORDER vs. The Public and the State Highway COIIIllission of Virginia , I I I: This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Downing Street (Extn. Rt. 792) south 0.04 mile to D. E., L~.LL to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. 10 rc.....e. &, [I I' ,1 'i " " 'I I I, Ii !! jl I' II I, Ii :1 I, Ii " Ii :1 i! I: Ii II ji It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as W. K. Peters Map, which map is recorded in Deed Book 500, Page 86 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by r..ason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. right for drainage. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way I' :1 , I: II Ii J; :, ii Ii Ii Ii 'I I; II I! !i " Ii .. I' I' I I ,: Ii Ii NOW, TBEREFCiU:, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Downing Street (Extn. Rt. 792) south 0.04 mile to D. E. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. ~ffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Nays: None 1; , I! On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that on and after August 1, 1960, and until further notice, the following procedure will be followed by all operators of County- owned cars and trucks: 1. Change oil every 2,000 miles. 2. Grease every 2,000 miles (summer) 3. Grease every 1,000 miles (winter) 4. Change oil filter every 4,000 miles 5. Motor tune-up every 8,000 miles if needed 6. Wash only as necessary 7. All tire purchases to be on recommendation of Shop Forman Purchase Orders will be issued for tire purchases to dealers selling on State contracts. 8. All repairs will be done at the County Garage. Work orders authorizing work will be issued through the County Engineer's Office after the need for work has been verified by Shop Foreman ,'i.t-.~~ ~ ctj.' 'r. ~,~,.. ~~~ and II I , , I I 1 I II II I, ;i II Ii 'I Ii II " Ii ii~~r. i (r!cJ.t..~ , li1h~ ie. ~ @H-~ i 1/-vq/~D , I: , Ii i; i: I: " ~H tLL~ ! 7J'}1)~D II Ii I II " II I " I; r 11 Ii I' ,I II il Ii Ii Ii ~ II ~ II Ii I' S'~ II Gt..t. t \r'cu..e.~ II Ii )'YI~ c, I ~:if /1.-1 ~'~fi! ~II I ""/"0 ii I' I' No part or accessory to be purchased except through shop No unauthorized work or purchases will be honored by the Board of Supervisors In cases of emergency, work may be authorized at establishments other than the County Garage. It is further ordered that a copy of this resolution be sent to each 9. 10. 11. [' .I 1: ~ " 'I Ii 'I operator of County-owned vehicle. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Mou1se, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I , I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. I Keffer. it is ordered that the next regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board il of Supervisors be held in the Supervisors' Meeting Room August 22, 1960, at !I I 2:00 o'clock P. M., instead of August 15, 1960, due to the inability of a I majority of the members of said Board to attend the meeting of this Board on ' August 15th, 1960. I i I II in date of meeting in a newspaper of general circulation in: Roanoke County, for II i I I And the Clerk of this Board is directed to publish notice of said change the next two successive weeks, the first publication to be on August 4, 1960. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I II ordered filed: II Letter dated July 21, 1960, signed by J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, I Council of the City of Roanoke, in re: denying request of County to amend I contract with City dealing with treatment of cODDllercia1 and domestic wastes; 'I " CODDIlunication dated July 25, 1960, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of II Public Accounts, in re: Accounting for contributions by counties which will II participate in the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System - Group Life Insuranc~ Program. II II II II Ii II 'I II This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and Ii upon the application for Pilot Street (Extn. Rt. 1474) south 0.03 mile to D. E. II !i il 'I 11 " I ,I 11 the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that il il by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor i: 1\ Jj \i Ii i) ii II The following communications were this day laid before the Board and Board of Supervisors I vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia I to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 40 ft. right of has way for said road/heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Monte Vista, which map is recorded in Plat Book l, Page 373 of the records of consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is _ _ ~~!~~'l5,!,,-':!":li!:.:~:'!~I':'?-~':"':"~"-"~-~:-O>,'l't!!-.........,~,. ,~_,.. >. ,. " 35797 n 35798 tJ " 35799 11 35800 " 35801 " 35802 " 35803 " 35804 " 35805 II 35806 I: I' " " I' n I' ~ i I' !: i 'I I, I j- U " !I I' I " r r Ii Ii " " " Ii ,I 'I I I I Ii C Ii Ii I' 1\ ,I r Ii " " Ii :1 'I I, I! i; 1i il II r J; I' " :i c necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NClil, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Pilot Street (Extn. Rt. 1474) south 0.03 mile to D. E. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None , i ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until August 22, 1960, at 2:00 0 clock I I' II I' P. M. pursuant to resolution this day entered. . r:!J:J vvuLl--: Chairman Court Hous" Salem, Virginia August 22, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House ! I I I , II ,I 'I I , I thereof in monthly session. Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Present: Keffer and A. C. Harris. Absent: G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Frederick Griffith, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Mo. 35793 Burroughs Corporation, Carbon paper 60c n 35794 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 35795 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 35796 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Attorney's fee in collecting Del. Taxes $ 61.08 I' 60.81 ,I Ii 26.10 ,I Ii 'I 1 150.00 Ii :: 370.15 " II Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies Acme Typewriter Co., Repairs to Officeequipment , f' (i !: Underwood Corporation, Repair Service on Typewriter in Clerk's Ii Offke u.~ I I, I' Ii Ii Everette Waddey Company, 1 Record Book for Clerk 90.11 Times-Register Co., Publishing expenses of Clerk and Zoning Ordinance 17.00 Southeast Binding & Plat Service, Record Books for Clerk &c 476.50 G. H. Parent, Office supplies 3.05 Haloid Xerox, Inc., Office supplies 44.55 Commonwealth of Virginia, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, Office supplies American Photocopy equipment Co., Record paper 4.00 37.50 Ii ,I Ii II I! 5.50 I il II II ! I ,I ~ ~ , .1 " 'I 'I I: \l ~ :1 it " II II I' .i I " u " " " 'I :, " , , , i tl , I! ii 'j , ,I 35827 Salem Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail and Hardware 5.35 35828 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 15.60 35829 S & W Pharmacy, Medical Supplies for County Jail 5.00 35830 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry for Jail and Courthouse 37.05 I 35831 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and supplies for County Jail 200.22 ,I 35832 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 178.12 I I No. 35807 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets and Vital Statistic Fees $ 35808 Wallace O. Deyerle, For warrants issued under Roanoke County Ordinance 35809 Michie Company, Law books 35810 Farmer's National Bank, After Hour Depository Se~vice 35811 City of Roanoke, City Treasurer, Room and Board for Children Detained at the City Detention Home 35812 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 35813 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse July Traveling Expense 35814 Yates & Wells Garage, Inc., Maintenance of Police Vehicle 35815 Vinton Motor Co., Maintenance County Vehicles 35816 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician, salary July Coroner 35817 Salem Glass Co., Parts and Repairs for Police Car 35818 Summer dean Esso Station, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 35819 Morton Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety Bond for two County Police Officers 35&20 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 35821 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Investigation 35822 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Blood Alcohol Test 35823 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Maintenance Police Vehicle and Batteries " " " " " II II " " " " " II " " " II 35824 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Maintenance of County OWned Vehicles 35825 Val1eydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 35826 Virginia Foods, Supplies for County Jail " " " 'I " II " " " 35833 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 35834 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies for Jail and C. H. 35835 Yates & Wells Garage, Maintenance of Fire Trucks and Garbage Trucks 35836 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, Parts and Service on County Fire Trucks 35837 Mount Pleasant Garage, Repair, Parts and Oil " " .. II II 35838 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for County Vehicles 35839 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, July Rent on Cave Spring Fire Truck 35840 Clearbrook Lion's Club, July Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 35841 W. W. Garman, July Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 35842 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 35843 C1earbrook First Aid & Rescue Squad, Gasoline and Oil used in Clear brook Fire Truck 35844 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner July 35845 Brambleton Gulf Service, Repairs, &c for Cave Spring Fire Truck 35846 Arrow Hardware Paint Co., Supplies for Hollins Fire Station 35847 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital bills II II " II " " II II II I' II 79.26 Ii I I, I, 64.50 20.00 6.00 I 114.00 Ii " II ~ I I I I I 32.49 59.08 220.58 I 27.37 210.00 2.80 24.15 10.00 13.32 10.00 10.00 15.06 301.19 23.15 169.32 I 48.40 29.50 I 296.13 ~ , , , I I I 146.00 i 71.64 il 5.23 '[ I 60.00 [ I 60.00" 'I !, 60.00 Ii 14.07 ;' ;1 " 18.43 :1 ii 4.00 Ii II Ii 68.27': I " 1.60 Ii " II 897.001 I I r-, ""'" ~ I ! U it u o o " I: ii , i Ii I " I, I, i: Ii " I. I Ii I: II [, r " " , I' Ii Ii " 1! " , I' I I ! i , ! I I I, , i i , ! I I' , ! I I I I I , Ii I ..--------------------------.----- 1i 35848 Jefferson Hosplta1, State Local Hospital bills $ 156.00 I 35849 ~i11 Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital bills 19.50 I 35850 Burwell Memorial, State-local Hospital Bills 2l4.50 I No. " n " 35851 University of Virginia, State-local Hospital bills 35852 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy hearing 35853 Harlin Perrine, Lunacy hearings 35854 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy hearing 35855 Dr. Frank D. McKen~ey, Jr., Lunacy hearings 35856 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy h~arings 35857 J. wilson Ingram, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 35858 Keith K. Hunt, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 35859 W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, Lunacy hearing " n " " " " " " " 471.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 50.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 " 35860 State Department of Health, County pro-rate share of expense7,047.50 35861 Times-world Corporation, Publishing Zoning Ordinance 12.80 I " 35862 Progress Press, Office supplies 35863 Internatio~al Business Machine Corp., Typewriting ribbons &c " " 35864 Double Envelope Corporation, envelopes " 35865 35866 Robert W. Sow1e9, Assisting with Electrical and Plumbing Inspections woodhaven Press, Office supplies for Public Works n " 35867 Robert C. Walker, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 35868 Leslie Dyer, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 35869 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Maintenance of Garbage Trucks 35870 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 35871 Miller Tire Service, Inc., Parts Tires 35872 Excelsweld Company of Roanoke, Repairs to Garbage Truck 35873 Beach Service Center, Gasoline Purchased for Car 15302 35874 Bemiss Equipment Corp. Repairs and Parts for Tractor 35875 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 35876 McClung Lumber Co., Repair Material for Courthouse 35877 Meador & Company. Repairing 2 door checks 35878 Steven L. Helm, Extra Janitor Services 35879 Dillard Paper Co., 2 1/2 g. Dixie Cups 35880 Dame Roofing Company, Repairing Roof 35881 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supp~ies 35882 Williams Supply Co., Starters and Light tubes for Courthouse 35883 Salem Paint Company, Paint for Painting Parking Lot 35884 Bro~ Hardware Co., Hardware 35885 Powell Pharmacy, Medical supplies 35886 Sherman W. Roberts, Refund Duplicate Plumbing Permit 35887 David Dick, Road Maps 35888 L. Clay Dillon, Repair to Equipment Clock in Clerk's Office 35889 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline and Oil for Hollins Gas Tank and County Garage Tank 35890 Wilson Electric Co., Refund fee on Hot Water Heater 35891 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps 35892 Dulaney & Robinson, Services rendered in connection with Annexation Suit.. n " " " " " " " " " n n " " " n " n " " " " " " " 138.00 84.00 47.82 33.27 15.50 9.00 4.50 I 105.01 12.22 82.42 H , 20.00 I 11.19 I 62.86 I I 3.25 i I 6.90 I I 14.50 I I 92.87 ! 18.23 II 4.40 Ii 90.68 il 'I 72.8511 'I 8.00 ! I 2.94 !I .35 Ii 'i 2.50 i ': 9.80 Ii Ii 12.00 Ii 897.47 I' II I' .501 Ii " 34.84 I' I: i I, 521. 65 i: I , , I I II I, I I I I. 'I Ii I I [, II II II !i " il I, ~ I, " ~ " I' ,I I i II 'I I, II " , 1i r .I !I ;, I' I' , " II Ii Ii i I' I Ii II II ;1 ~ :1 'I II II II ,I il No. 35893 State Board of Education, Surplus Goods for Civil Defense Program 35894 Millers, Inc., Office supplies and Misc. Items 35895 Roanoke Wood Preservers, Inc., Material for Building 35896 Nelson Hardware Co., Hardware and Electric Fans 35897 Koppers Company, Inc., Building Poles 35898 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Hardware &c 35899 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Lumber 35900 Remington Rand, 1 New Electric Adder 35901 Bush Electric Company, Electrical work 35902 University of Va. Law School Assoc., Membership dues 35903 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Fuel Pump for Car 5604 " " " " " II II " " " " 35904 Void II 35905 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 35955 International Business Machines Corp., Maintenance Electric Typewriter 35956 The National Cash Register Co., Maintenance to machine 35957 Salem Offi~e Supply Co., Rubber stamp 35958 Salem Office Supply Co., 3 i15l0-L Files 35959 Roanoke County Court, Warrant for Collecting 20 Delinquent Tax cases " " " " " " 35960 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash Fund 35961 C. W. Warthen Company, Envelopes 35962 Shepherds Auto Supply, Parts for Police Car 35963 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Police Car 35964 Goodyear Service Stores, Parts for Police Car &c 35965 Void 35966 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Salem Fire Truck 35967 Kenneth Whitlock, Extra help in Engineer's Office 3596~ W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for Garbage Truck 35969 Dickerson GMC., Inc., Parts for Garbage Truck 35970 Miller Tire Service, Inc., Parts to Garbabe Truck 35971 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts to Garbage Truck 35972 Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Corp., Invoice Machine supplies 35973 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline for County Garage Tank 35974 State Board of Fducation, Civil Defense supplies 35975 State Board of Education, Civil Defense supp~ies 35976 Ralph Long, Traveling expenses to Richmond 35977 Eubank, Caldwell and Associates, Architectural Services 35978 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Reimburse Postage 35979 Koppers Co., Inc., Fence Posts for County Farm 35980 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance to County Owned Vehicles 35981 Paul B. Matthews, Expenses during trip to Miami, Fla. 35983 H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Reimburse traveling expenses 35984 Void " " II " " " " " " II II " " II " " " II II II " " II $ 29.56 16.95 168.80 63.65 54.60 17.83 519.15 161. 90 382.40 l5.00 11.01 131. 74 35.00 35.00 5.29 16.45 75.00 24.00 67.75 1.26 4.26 40.58 .70 161.68 4.52 109.25 66.82 24.66 162.93 237.85 1.48 14.15 10.45 5,206.50 64.00 76.09 169.60 497.62 11.10 I I I Ii I! II II II 'I II 'I I, II " " il il I " 'I 11 , I' II " il I: " I I I n ~ n ~ o o D i I il IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: I, The following claims against the County were this clay presented, approved, I) and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of th~ funds respectively chargeab1~ II , I I [ [ 2.00 Ii I I I I I I I 100.00 1.'1' 16.00 I [ JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day sub"-litted to i , I , , I [ , , I I I Ii Ii " '[ I: ,I Ii h II i: I' I , I: ::~Mf month of Augus t, 1960, be approved in the amount of $8,430. 52, from which the I: c. , , I ~(p sum of $186.17 total F. 1. C. A. and Total tv. H. Taxes $813.70 is to be deducted;. 4- i: if '1-~/'~ " i' No. 35985 Hecht's Bake~J, Inc., Supplies furnished Salem Jail $ 70.50 " 35986 Void " 35987 MOtorola G & C Inc. Invoice #T3-l177 Catawba Fire Truck 375.00 I, I. ". I , I; , ! therewith, to-wit: , Ii L I: I; I; I, I: I: I; !1 ii i' I. I: I! I II I: I! I' II Ii ! No. 35906 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Wonder Wash $ 2.22 " 35907 W. C. Greer, Repairs to Equipment " 35908 Bob's Market, Wearing apparel and Dog Food 63.04 " 35909 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline " 35910 Radio Communications, Radio Communications for Dog Truck 15.00 " 35911 State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine 7.80 " 35982 Roanoke County School Board, Labor to Dog Truck 1.00 " 35988 E. E. Conner, Livestock Claim " 35989 J. M. Layman, Livestock Claim the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia August 22, 1960 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business August 19, 1960, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund: Local State Federal Total $111,058.41 $113,725.50 $244,783.91 " II il ii .I I: " " '[ I, Ii Ii I General County Fund (Operating) Library Fund Dog Fund Salem Dist. Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (James E. Peters) 59,870.08 1,267.97 279.96 339.81 12,210.39 25,180.78 389.35 4,133.76 7,629.02 451. 90 30.00 ~356,566.93 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer.1I Said report approved and ordered filed. i I . i: I' I i! " , [: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the leaving a net payroll of $7,430.65. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin C. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None 153 Ii 'I II ,I Ii ,I I 7.83 ~ull fi -a...... , c., I: ~~ 1'V~J~o II !I II il ~ ~ j; [I II II [I 'I i1 II !i ,I ~Ur t;"-t.-e.J ~I ~~ ' '(j"~J(.o I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period from July 16, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,532.50, from which $75.99 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and $108.40 W. H. Taxes and $23.75 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,324.36; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period August 1, 1960, ending August 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,610.03, from which the sum of $78.31 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $121.60 W. H. Taxes and $23.75 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,386.37. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check 135708 in the amount of $14.40 made payable to the C & P Telephone Co. for telephone service at Dog Warden's Home(replacing check 135495) Voucher-check #35710 in the amount of $52.65 made payable to the C & P : Telephone Company for telephone service at the Hollins ' and C1earbrook Fire Stations (replacing check #35497) i Voucher-check 135713 in the amount of $100.00 made payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff, for advance traveling expenses to Washington, D. C. to take evidence to FBI Laboratory; Voucher-check #35715 in the amount of $451.15 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at County Offices; I Voucher-check 135765 , , in the amount of $41.25 made payable to Roanoke County' Court for warrants used in collecting delinquent taxes; I in the amount of $161.00 made payable to F. W. Phoenix: for labor in building of storage shed; in the amount of $1,800.00 made payable to G. A. Scruggs, Post Master, for County Treasurer's postage meter used in mailing tax tickets; Voucher-check 135750 Voucher-check 135753 I Voucher-check 135754 in the amount of $15.00 made payable to C & P TelePhonj' Company for telephone at Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check 135755 in the amount of $51.15 made payable to the C & p . Telephone Company for telephone service at Hollins and, Cave Spring Fire Stations; I: Voucher-check #35757 in the amount of $81.00 made payable to Booker T . Helm for labor in building of storage building; I Voucher-check 135758 in the amount of $23.53 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel used at County Jail, Home Demonstration Kitchen, and Cave Spring Fire Station; Ii Voucher-check 135759 in the amount of $21.87 made payable to the Appa1achia* Power Company for current at Hollins Fire Station; I, Voucher-check #35760 in the amount of $26.40 made payable to C & P Telephon~ Company for telephone service at Clarebrook Fire ! Station' " , ~ I i of $14.93 made payable to the Appalachi~ for curent used at Mt. Pleasant Fire ! i i , 'I Voucher-check 135761 in the amount of $21.00 made payable to Pat Hammond for work on ~exation; Voucher-check 135764 in the amount Power Company Station; Voucher-check 135791 in the amount of $63.96 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Bent Mountain and Mt. Pleasant Fire Stations. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None n Ioloi o o o o The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board : i Ii .I Ii II II ,I Ii Ii Ii '! II The State Corporation Cormnission of Virginia this day submitted statements ji II . of Assessed Value of Railroad, Express, Sleeping Car and Steamboat Companies, i: 11 Electric Light and Power Corporations, Gas and Pipe Line Transmission corporatioj8 I: Ii " Ii Ii Ii 'I I: , , I i , I , , .. I' r: I " II i I II Ii I; [ !: I t: I: " II i: Ii I " Ii I i 1 Ii ~ I I , i I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: ~ne Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, County of Roanoke Treasurer, for $1,394.15 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of July, 1960, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,324.44. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, sUDDIlary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of July, 1960; H. W. CLARK, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of July, 1960; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for July, 1960; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for July, 1960; BUSINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstrlici6n. Agent, monthly report for July, 1960; I I SHIRLEY MASSIE. Assistant Home 'Jemonstration Agent, monthly report for JUly, 1960. IN RE: AUDIT OF CLERK'S OFFICE: The Auditor of Public Accomlts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board the report of audit of ROY K. BROWN, COllnty Clerk and Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the calendar year, 1959, which report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated August 10, 1960, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. I I: i: l " I' I I ~ I I, , I I I: I' I IN RE: AUDIT OF NORMAN R. MOORE, JUDGE OF THE JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT AliI> ROANOKE COUNTY COURT: a report of audit of NORMAN R. MOORE, Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, and Roanoke County Court, for the period July 1, through December 31, 1959. Letter dated August 2, 1960, from J. Gordon Benett, Auditor of Public Accounts received, and ordered filed. , r and WaterCorporations, and Telephone and Telegraph Companies in the Cormnonwealth of Virginia and the State Taxes Extended for the year 1960. I' , i' Ij ~tJf<~~ ef... 3 "" c+t..:.J-L Ii If.... ~~~ ~ ~ 1it~ 1c.......C.. ~ C. .~.u.. :?1f. ~/~'I l ~' .i: ~I'-""i ~, L-...... '- i. 'l'h0'''-:, "" , $. ,IJI.<M,.., ~;J; - I ~~'-ii c:t~ ~2-~i" D Ii Ii II Ii II .I i! " II I- i Letter dated July 30, 1960, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, from H. W. Clark, Sheriff, Roanoke County of the expenses of $77.25 of said Sheriff for transporting evidence (safe from Miller's Supermarket, 7511 Williamson Road, Roanoke County) to theFBI Laboratory in Washington, D. C. and return, and further advising the Board of refund to Treasurer of Roanoke County, by check No. 2271, dated July 30, 1960, in the amount of $22.75, monies not used out of the advancement of $100.00 for trip; and still further advising the Board that there wss an expense of $15.82 for gas which was purchased on Courtesy Card , of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, was this day laid before the' Board and I , ordered filed. i I I , f Copy of letter dated July 21, 1960, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurei of Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, II approving an allowance, subject to the concurrence of this Board of One II , I I I I , , f Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($180.00), to cover cost of accumulators for machine now in use in the Treasurer's office, wss this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, and at the request of said Treasurer, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisors A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase the accumulators for said machine in the Treasurer's office, at a cost not to exceed One Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($180.00). Letter from G. Edmond M.assie Chairman, State Compensation Board, ordered filed. Copy of this resolution to be certified to Chairman, State Compensation Board, James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, and Paul B. Matthews, County Purchasing Agent. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I Copy of letter dated July 21, 1960, addressed to J. Luck Richardson, Jr., Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, with the concurrence of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, approving an increase in the annual rate of salary of Mrs. Viv.ian Shank, and thE employment of Gaynell S. Poff to replace Mrs. Lida B. Robinson, resigned as of June 30, 1960; was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the annual rate of salary, effective July 1, 1960, of Mrs. Vivian Shank be approved in the amount of $3240.00, and the employment of Gayne11 S. Poff, replacing Mrs. Lida B. Robinson, resigned, be approved at an anuua1 rate of $~,OOO.OO, effective July 1, 1960. Letter from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, ordered I , 1 I , Ii I" II Ii II ,I Ii Ii ,I Ii il Ii I' ,I f I: II " ii I filed. i{. ..::::: - o o c o rn This day Frank W. Rvgers, Jr., Attorney for Robert A. Lester and Virginia , ~~.- Lester, appeared before this Board and asked leave to file a petition on behalf II ~ ~ I .,-rP<><-.A- 6 I~ ~ re-. c. ' IIPi-.. ~ Nal, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED this 22nd day of August, 1960, II gj'l-3)r.O II , F I: Ii , I I; IJ I: I' I; l' Ii I: ~ I: Ii I' I; j I, !I Copy of this order to be certifiedto the Chairman, State Compensation Board, and J. Luck Richardson, Commissioner of Revenue, of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. TerrelL Nays: None Copy of letter dated July 28, 1960, from Douglas L. Moore, Jr., State Cordinator, Civil Defense, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Director, Civil Defens~, Roanoke County, acknowledging resolution of July 18, 1960, E .u-d of Supervisors, Roanoke County, in re: appointment Director Civil Defense, Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. II ( i' r I I' , IN THE MATTER OF REZONING OF 5.18 ACRES, MORE CR LESS, SITUATE ON U. S. HIGHWAY #221 AND STATE ROUT"i: #687 ROBERT A. LESTER anc: VIRGINIA LESTER 1 ORDER PETITIONERS of Robert A. Lester and Virginia Lester requesting that a certain parcel of land described in said petition be rezoned from Residential R-l District to : i I I I, I I i I: I, " I; I; I i 1\ I L Business B-1 District. that said petition be, and the ssme is here by, filed; and BE IT FURTIiER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said petition, together with the request contained therein to amend the zoning ordinance to rezone said property from Residential R-1 District to Business B-1 District be, and the same is " I hereby, refe=ed to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a I recOllllllendation, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as ;:equired by law, the I II 1\ il ~ \i II I I I I ii II II said Clerk shall forthwith set the same for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice be given by said Clerk through publication, in accordance with the provisions cf the Code of Virginia, as ~ended; and BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Faul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning COIlIIIlission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, of Catawba Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, of Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 157 r II II II II Ii ,I il " " I I I I Ii Ii I' I II 'I Ii II II II !I I' Ii -1 tl-"->My' ~...1.~...i' ,.!...L (iJ<lU,.;.tJ ) ~<lJ ? 4<<....... ( 4au...?r.) <.~auj~- dA<<J4~ f~6') 74"",......, '-yJ<z2( ~..~L. l?~.:._? ,:{'O~./. vJ"'COl,,~ .0"(' vJ',...,,,fto y~"'-dr'JV eoI:' .,(J' 'J YoG ,,; 17t'3., lI8' t'1."6 ,t"f,~.'.~;;~S~~:t,t;':;:i!f',,\,i';1i~':fJ &...., 1 & - avu ~.c/ %' ' Ii, 'Ye.. ./J:l;d1 k- If,,', ~ ~.t....) ~ Ute. #d. ~ I'ifS (J4~.....) tJ.. '}'1. -61A~ ;!Il/IJ.,/ I ?J~ ~ '7"e. dEi../i. J~ i'1 J "f{ ~ '7'e }l.tJ.. da-tJV /901'7 ^~~' ~~~~ ~~t<..... ' ., . - ! . I, ~,,'t J r.~' ! . " " , , . " ! " .' (~ 0'.: i .' .' . ..... t-.' .' . ~..... . ~ ' .ff i " ,I , 1 ',~ . ~~ . .; I , .' t: " t_' f , , ~..: Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 28th day of July, 1960, designating August 22, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. as the time and the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a public hearing on the aforesaid resolution of June 20, 1960, signifying the intention of the said Board of SupErvisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify further projects in the nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant, t, ~ , ,- to the provisions of "he Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being r . i > . 0; Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Vil:ginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference~: "',~. .... .~ ,- ... ,; ';~:i '.' '.t: . ,. I 0 .' " " . , ~ I being had to Section 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Absent: G. Hampton Koulse. The Chairman opened the meeting stating its general purposes, and after reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as publishe "~,~~ " t .~ . '" \ .; f, ,. . "I. ~. '. '; in the Salem "Times-Register", and also a reading of said resolution proposed !, 0, to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general discussion of the subject. The Board hearing no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the following resolutions were adopted by unAndmn~s recorded vote: < . .,.... .~ ~. . ." , ~ '. w ~:,~' , ,t . :':r.-'-/r .~.*t~. . ~~f I WHEREAS at a special meeting of the Board oi S'.Ipervisors of Roanoke 1 '". County, Virginia, held July 28, 1960, a resolution was unanimously passed by rP,: recorded vote of said Board signifying its intention to specify further 1 .~ :'~ projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant. ':~ '., . , . to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended," " .: ~. ~~ and particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to . .,'~. specifying of further projects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing was duly published in the Salem "Times-Register," a newspaper published in and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and said ?"blication having been had on August 4, 1960. WHEREAS the said Public Hearing was duly held on August 22, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resolution; and, "" !'>. "''1; I ~ , " . WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of . ~}~ fI.~ .,' Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, '. r Ii ,I I II Ii " I substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, - _~ .4 ~ I~ .~ !"4 J o 161 WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its special meeting of July 28, 1960, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution signifying its intention to specify further projects to be ..-:;lertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority with the ;' purpose of acquiring, finan~ing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a sewer system or systems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental ther~to I: " I, , i: " I iJ i; I: , t: II I: I: I: Ii aditional projects consisting of furnishing said services in each and all of Ii II those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolutiOfr passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its special 'i for the primary purpose of furnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its Charter and by the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and being Sections 15-764.1 to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the meeting held on July 28, 1960, reference is hereby specifically had to said resolution and the metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the i, " Ci- .::uit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Supervisors' Record Book 16, Page II Ii I: II II " II :' " " !! 145. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these sreo1utions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell None . Mr. Tom Stockton Fox, Attorney for T. D. Steele, and Mr. Steele, in person, this day appeared before the Board, and inquired, as the City had agreed to sewer the Crossroads Sh~pping Center, if the proposed action of the Board would render that property liable for connection or sewer service charge by the Roanoke Cour..ty Sanitation Authority, if there wer~ no services rendered by the Authority to the property of the Crossroads Shopping Center. ... IN RE: REZWING PROPERTY ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF STATE ROUTE NO. 115 SOUTH OF HOLLIM STATION ~ . cU. 1b '. (P~ PJ , s ;'h1a.DJ~ ~ At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held :.., ~t. ~ ~ ~ at the Courthouse 0:1 August 22, 1960. i rd;;J~ ~ W1Iereas, Mountain View Farm, Inc., petitioned this Board and requested that :,cJr:.t.1. t.- !. the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property I:~ ,llI~.. OF x FINAL ORDER MOUNTAIN VIEH FARM, INC. described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Industrial M-l property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on June 20, 1960, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting I held on the 28th day of June, 1960, after hearing evidence touching on the 'i il merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning if il i I. II Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property I described in the petition to Industrial M-l property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order entered on the 20th day of June, 1960, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, " !i I iI II F " " 'I !I I, ,I II " I, " :1 " ii I: ii , II " ,II " II forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication Ii in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and Ii Ii WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Boardi! ,I I, to be held on August 22, 1960, at 3:00 P. M. as the date and time for a public Ii 'I Ii Ii II 1III two insertions on July 22 and July 29, 1960, as required by said order of this II I I, I' tl II Ii II Ii :1 " il I hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the RoanoMa Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zonin~ O~diuance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and II Ii " ii II II evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the Cou nty II , Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should!i il " ,I I: WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommend~tion of the Planning Commission, and after hearing be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisorsof Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 15th day of August, 1960, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same ishereby amended so as to classify the properties described in said petition as Industrial M-1 property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for Industrial M-l purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. The property cereby classified as Industrial M-l property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEING an 11.02-acre tract of land on the east side of State Route 115 south of Holli~s Station. I I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the = = a y I i Ii H :1 il 'I " il ,i 'I I, II J~ II :1 II 5i~ ..w. t WHEREAS A. P. Baker and W. L. Draper did on the 20th day of June, 1960, i~~ (3, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning i~~ Collllllission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the Zoning Ordinance so as to I t>ho ,02- c, . ,1(1oc...- en... v- provide that Lots 15 and 16 Block 3, Palmer Park, in Big Lick Magisterial D~stri~t~ ~J,;- of Roanoke County, Virginia, now classified as Industrial M-2, be. re-classified II . I ' II il r:- il\.A... ~ I Plannin3 Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Hunter H. Akers, I i " 11 Ii II il I' :1 :i !i " I I Attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing Resolution was a10pted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. None IN THE MATTER OF REZONING LOTS 15 AND 16 BLOCK 3, PALMER PARK, IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF ): FINAL ORllER A. P. BAKER AND W. L. DRAPER and rezoned as Local Business B-1; and WHEREAS, as required by the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and in accordance with the provisions of Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, thi:; ..ultter was, on June 20, 1960, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and said Planning Commission, by report to this Board, did recommend to this Board that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to 'j =hange the classification of said property from its present classification of Industrial M-2 to Local Business B-1; and WHEREAS this Board of Supervisors did, by resolution adopted the 20th day of June, 1960, order the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation of said Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and to give notice thereof, through publication in accordance with the I I I I i: provisions of said County Zoni~ Ordinance, and the Code of Virginia, as amended;1 " and Ii '! I I I , WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held the 22nd day of August, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock P. M. as the date and time for a pUblic hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, and having general circu1atio~ in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions, the first on Friday, July 22, 1960, and the second on Friday, July 29, 1960, as required by order of this Board, and further as required by law, and in compliance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and liHEREAS said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, after full and complete notice thereof was duly published; and 163 " H Ii " :i i: " " I , i ~',tJ~r a..r. ~t' C.t~~t .-rr ,~~ . ~. 't", . b' 'VIJ"" (" ~ &..L, t' .c..W- <<'Co 'i.t ~ ' 8(,"'//1.0 r ~ ~~t. ~~~ 'l.t ~'I(~ ~t~ t,. '1ti ,~t.- ;~ .c..~ c.,~<>> ~ """I. .. ~ .riilt,.J j:;""' ~<m~ t\:~ ?Ce.. '(" i ~"'tfl.O WHEREAS this Board has given careful consideration to said petition, and to the recommendation of said Planning Commission, and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended, as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission; I NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this 22nd day of August, 1960, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be and the same is hereby amended so as to change the classificatiou of Lots IS and 16, Block J, Palmer Park, in the Big Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, from Industrial M-2 to Local Business B-1, in order that said prop"rty and buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for Local Business B-1, as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. And it is further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board do I forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning COmmission, a,id a copy thereof to Norman R. Moore, Attorney for A. P. Baker and W. L. Draper. The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None " :! ': !: 11 I , " JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant Agricultural Agent of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and submitted in writing his resignation as such, effective August 31, 1960, to accept a position as Assistant Professor, Agriculture Education Department, V. P. I., at Blacksburg, Va. Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that said resignation be accepted with regret. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. None I J. B. Flora, District Extension Agent, West Central District, this day appeared before the Board and recommended the employment of LOWELL MAC GOBBLE as Assistant Agricultural Agent of Roanoke County to replace James D. Oliver, I resigned; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that LOWELL MAC GOBBLE be employed as Assistant Agricultural Agent of Roanoke County, as of September 15, 1960, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the said James D. Oliver. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None r: c = = ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that approval be hereby given the Il.~~~~~ Roanoke County School Board to make atemporary loan from the Educational Operat~ g~ . tE.' II ~ Fund to the Textbook Fund in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00); i.! ~.5 'I'" " r. And it is further ordered that the temporary loan made on July 26, 1960, i ' v,c:r-:- . in the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) from the Educational 11~ Operating Fund to the School Texthook Fund be approved. 'I ~.. 'f J r. 0 Letter dated August 17, J M" addressed to the Board of Supervisors of II) " " H I!t :! ,I I' il. :1 " ii :! !i !i il Upon resolution, duly made and seconded, it is ordered that this Board i! ~ r ii 7#1:, y~ goes on record as favoring the retention of existing air facilities at li~hr~ llfl~~' Woodrum Airport, regardless of the carrier providing such services in a degree 1 i,~""~ not less than presently provided, including through flights to New York City; :i ,..'tk", ./.<...... It is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board forward copies of this !i~~~ !I V'" ~ ',....... resolution to the Civil Aeronautics Board, Washington, D. C.; Chamber of commerTe~v....x- y<<- " of the City of Roanoke, Chamber of COlIUllerce of the Town of Salem, and the Ii 'l.'f/rt.o " Ii Chamber of Commerce of the Town of Vinton. II I Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Roat1~ke County, from Dr. Herman L. H?~, Division Supt. of Schools, ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. None Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None 11 'i ii II Ii I! I, !~~tc, i~,(p~ !! ~ )-'1/b6 ., . 'I 18, :1 :1 !i Ii ;j I: On motion, duly seconded and carried, the resolution of this Board heretofore adopted naming State Secondary Route 642 Givens Road be, and the same is her.eby rescinded and removed, and that said road be, and it hereby named A11eghaney Drive. Petition of property owners on State Route 642 ordered filed. I I I ii~u't d )J. :, . " ' ., ' :: Q.,). j~,~r 118 .~ """" I ,_ 1-. \It', c....., .... 'j~~, , ~ ,."e. . s..&.... I y": 8J7.3/'o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County prepare a petition and order amending the following changes in voting places of precincts in Roanoke County: //1. The voting place for precinct known as East Vinton now located at South Pollard Street, be moved to Nicks Furniture Company, located on the corner of East Lee Avenue and South Maple Street in the Town of Vinton; and #2. The voting place of West Salem precinct now located in the Water Works Station of the Town of Salem, on West Main Street, be moved to the West Salem Elementary School in said Town. Copies of this order to be delivered to Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's:i Attorney, and to F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Secretary of the Roanoke County Electoral Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None 'I I '_oj -I Ii ~ i ! i ! I. ~ I; 1 ~ i I ~ ~ I ~ ~ " 1"""\ I '-' o n W o -r---- ;!' i. WHEREAS, the County School Board has agreed to sell to the Board of Trustees ~: i: of the Virginia Supplemental Retirelll,nt System, and the Board of Trustees of the i:.t~ Virginia '''!>P'_w. R.,,"_, ''''- .... .gm' "0 p~'Iwo" p~o=' '0 .... i~"~r provisions of Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1959 of Virginia, $1,000,000 School :'~' i::,~ I, WHEREAS, the County School Board and said Board of Trustees have agreed that Ii r I' } (.,0 Bonds of Roanoke County for the price of par and accrued interest, and said bonds shall be issued in coupon form without provision for registration and shall be payable, both as to principal and interest, at the First and Merchants National Bank, in the City of Richmond, Virginia, or, at the option of the " , !: and I, holder thereof, at The Farmers National Bank, in the Town of Salem, Virginia, that the bonds shall consist of one thousand bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 1,000, inclusive, in the order of their maturity, dated Ii :: semi-:: , " , September 1, 1960, bearing interest at the rate of 3 5/8% per annum, payable annually on March 1 and September 1 and maturing in annual installments on September 1 in each ye~r as follows: $50,000 in each of the years 1961 to 1980, inclusive, and WHEREAS, the County School Board has requested that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County approve the terms of said agreement and the Board of Supervisors is satisfied that the said agreement should be approved; NGI', THEREFIJ!l.E, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that said \, II agreement made by the County School Board with the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System be and the same hereby is approved. ~ ~ . i " !i Ayes: Supervisors ~ Minor R. Keffer f Nays: None ,I t ~ t I: ;! r !' i ~ r b r i: , I I \ ~ , I I r ! " On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se, adopted by the following recorded vote: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become I C, . ct..-. : '"1/'/'0 effective August 31, 1~60: FUNCTIOO: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object 3 - COLLECTION AND DISBURSEMENT OF TAXES AND OTHER REVENUE An additional appropriation of $828.24 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8 - PUBLIC WEL?ARE 8e . Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $1408.00 is heT.~by mad~ from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30. 1960, for the function or purpose as he~einabove indicated. 9 - PUBLIC HEALTH An additional appropriation of $22.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the qUdrter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. FCR THE PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND FCMLS AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE DOG LAWS An appropriation of $2000.00 is hereby made from the General Fund to the Dog Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin- G. Terrell Nays: None :+ d..R. 1; .. Jh., >J+.- i l4i,..,w- S~r.. ~~'il tf+= '~il A''4~" qJllbo :t ~ .. ~~ii ~~ ~.i '1JI/r,.O -==-==-===- - On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that approval be hereby given the Roanoke County School Board to revise the quarterly appropriation for educational purposes as follows: Transfer $7,000.00 from instruction 17 b 1 to Administration -- Census and School Study 17 a. Letter dated August 29, 1960, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Adopted by the following recorded vote: " :1 ~ 'i I ! and Edwin! :i Supervisors, frC'lll Hennan L. Horn, Division Sutp. of Schools, ordered filed. Ayes: G. Terrell Nays: Supervisors l!:.nor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse None .i :1 I I i 'I II " il , " 'I " Voucher-check #36019 in the amount of $1,325.80 payable to FICA Contribution H Fund; deduction from salaries of County Employees ,I Aug., 1960, and Employer's Matching; 'I On motion, duly seconded, it is voucher-checks be, and the same are, ordered that the payment hereby approved: of the following Voucher-check 136020 in the amount of $1,064.25, payable to The Farmers' National Bank, Federal tax deduction from salaries of County Employees August, 1960; Voucher-check 136021 in the amount of $43.60, Federal tax deduction from salaries of County employees August, 1960, payable to Farmers' National Bank (Dog Fund) Voucher-check 136022 in the amount of $29.74 payable to FICA Contribution Fund, deduction from salaries County Employees Aug. 1960 and Employer's Matching (Dog Fund) Voucher-check 136023 in the amount of $23.00 payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, refund bad check of George D. Eader (now serving jailsentence) Voucher-check 136025 in the amount of $24,879.34 payable to Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare disbursements for Welfare. Voucher-check 136026 in the amount of $80.66 payable to James Parker, Assisting the Dog Warden, 8~ days August, 1960, 9 hours per day at $1.25 per hour; !i Voucher-check 136027 in the amount of $10.96 payable to H. W. Clark, Sheriff ,i additional salary for Sheriff Social Security tax 8.41 ' instead of 19.37 (see August Payroll). Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the petty cash fund in the County Bookkeeper's office of Roanoke County be re-imbursed in the amount of seventy-four dollars and seven cents ($74.07.) Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris a~d G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in September, 1960,. Jf~ y J./l~\irman I I I I I ~ I~,J r- l~ ~ U 1'-1 i , u- o r Ii ;1 f ~ " 'I I, " i: ~ r 1 I' I ~ " 'I r :, ~ i I ~ r I; ~ , t , ~ t , , ~ \ I Court House Salem, Virginia September 19, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffe:d, I' i A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Mou1se. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. W. Hatton, Pastor of the Fort Lewis Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 00001 " 00002 " 00003 " 00004 " 00005 " 00006 " 00007 " 00008 " 00009 " 00010 " 00011 " 00012 " 00013 " 00014 " 00015 " 00016 " 00017 " 00018 " w. W. Henderson, $ 171.79 Times-Register Co.. Advertising 44,,00 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 39.35 Merchants Industries, Inc., Envelopes for Com. of Rev. 217 . 52 Burroughs Corporation, Carbon Paper and checks 515.31 J. Luck Richardson, Jr., Reimburse 1/2 travding expense 33.37 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse 1/2 traveling expense 13.75 Double Envelope Corporation, Envelopes 68.79 Harvest Motors, Parts for car Acme Printers, Office supplies and book binding 1.00 25.85 Underwood Corporation, Repairs to Equipment 63.46 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books for Clerk's Office 524.25 Remington Rand, 1 ribbon for Dalton Adding Machine 1. 75 Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 277.27 International Business Machine Co., Ribbon for Typewriter 4.68 Easter Supply, office supplies 1.68 Haloid Xerox, Inc., record paper and repairs 1,270.25 City Auditor, City of Roanoke Room & Board for Children Detention Home 44.00 56.91 " 00019 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse traveling expense 00020 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 2.46 " " 00021 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse August traveling expense 60.21 00022 Vinton Motor, Parts and Repairs 175.58 00023 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs to Police Car 00024 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Coroners and Lunacys 00025 Southwest Motor Parts Corp. Parts for Police car 00026 Salem Radiator Service, Parts for Car 00027 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Co. Vehicles 00028 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 00029 Goodyear Service Stores, Parts and stock 00030 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline and fan belt 00031 Bramb1eton Ave Amoco Station, Parts 00032 Auto Service Station, Parts Police Car 00033 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Invoices 00034 Antrim Motors, Parts 00035 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Car " " " " " " " " " " " " " 6.00 200.00 10.66 8.62 51. 75 4.00 193.29 15.50 4.00 1.00 17.90 5.48 1.70 -~. No. 00036 H. M. Woods Plumbing & Heating, Repairs to Jail 00037 Va1leyda1e Packers, Food for Prisoners 00038 Virgi.da Foods, Inc., Food and Disinfectant for Jail 000:>9 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware &c 00040 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners " " " " " 00041 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry 00042 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Janitor supplies 00043 Hecht's Bakery Inc., Food for Prisoners 00044 Green Market, Food for PrisonerB 00045 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 00046 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies for Jail 00047 Void " " " " .. " .. !I $ 23.95 Ii 34.79 178.92 24.82 78.65 43.60 179.96 55.90 126.14 59.58 11. 63 I I 00048 Virginia Metal Mfg. Co., Repair material for Hollins Fire (CANCELLED) Station 105.02 00049 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Chemicals for C. S. Fire House and Hollins Station 7.50 .. .. 00050 Summerdean Esso Station, Material Hollins Fire Station 00051 Natural Gas Distributors. Fuel Hollins Fire House 00052 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Parts C. S. Fire Truck 00053 Mt. Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline purchased for Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck 00054 Littlejohn Printing Co., Ofdce supplies 00055 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, August rent 00056 W. W. Garman, August Rent on on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station 00057 Clearbrook Lion's Club, August Rent, Clearbrook Fire House .. " .. .. tl " .. " 5.00 17.20 20.35 31.21 12.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 I 00058 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Equipment Water Softner 4.00 " 00059 C & P Telephone Co., Service Clearbrook Fire House 00060 C1earbrook First Aid & Resque Squad, Gas and Oil 00061 John S. McCown, M. D.. Lunacy hearings 00062 lewiS-Gale Hospital, Lunacy hearings 00063 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy hearing 00064 Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy hearing 00065 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Lunacy hearing 00066 Fairview Home, County's share of expense for Home 00067 Woodhaven Press, office supplies 00068 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., office supplies 00069 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 00070 Magic City Motor Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks 00071 R. G. Kerner, Rent on Bargate Lot 00072 Dickerson GMC Inc.,Repairs 00073 Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Corp., office supplies 00074 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., 1 Kit 00075 Bemiss Equipment Co., 24 qts. oil 00076 Salem Farm Supply Co., Janitor supplies 00077 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., Repairing 1 Blind 00078 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service " " .. tl " " " " " " " " tl tl " " tl tl " " 26.40 12.30 20.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 6.45 61.05 1.65 163.80 31. 97 652.00 109.25 217.88 2.50 8.40 8.05 4.00 3.25 I I 00079 OWen Plumbing & Heating Co., Plumbing Work on Courthouse and Sign Posts 97.49 00080 OWen Plumbing & Heating, Plumbing work at Courthouse and New Bent Mountain Fire Station 509.01 tl !III ; :; , ~"j 1-- i No. I " ~ " i " ! " I " u I ~ " I " ! ~ " i' I . " r " ~ ~ " , I " ! :: a c i ~ ~ I I: . ! i ! I Ii " ~ ! " " " " " " II " " " " " " " " o " " " " o " t " " " , , t, tI i " , i: If , l n r ~: It ~ ~ r " t 00081 MCClung Lumber Co., Lumber for repairs 00082 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 00083 Brown Hardware CO., Hardware &c 00084 Chapman Insurance Agency, Fire & Extended coverage 00085 Fielding l!.. Logan, Insurance, fire & Extended coverage 00086 Salem Insurance Agency, Fire coverage &c 00087 Skyline Lumber Co., 1 Roll Kordite to cover furniture 00088 Southern Machinery & Supply Co., street signs &c 00089 Langley & MCDonald, Engineers, Engineering service connection 00090 State Board of Education, Surplus Goods for Civil Defense 00091 National Cash Register Co. ,Numbering Feature 00092 Martin Brothers Contractors, Estimate No.1 00093 Hohenrainers Furniture Co., office furniture " 00094 Void 00095 Void 00096 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., File for Garbage Records 00097 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State Local Welfare 00098 University of Virginia, State-Local Hospital Bills 00099 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills 00100 Star City OfficeEQuipment Co., Repairs to Office Equipment 00101 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 00102 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 00103 State Forester, County share of expense 00104 Dulaney & Robinson, Services rendered in connection with Annexation suite " 00105 Yates & Wells Garage, Car Parts 00106 The Pure Oil Company, Gas and Oil 00107 Kellex Machine Co., Repairs and Parts 00108 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 00109 Void " 00110 Haloid Xerox, Inc., Repair parts Photostatic Machine 00111 Bob I s Mar1r.et, Dog Food and Wearing Apparel 00120 Bush Electric Co., Wiring for Air Conditioning 00121 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense 00122 National Cash Register Co., New Ribbons for Tax Machine 00123 GoOdwin-Andrews Ins. co., Fire", Theft Insurance __u-...-.=---- $ 1. 25 13.51 8.91 234.77 254.92 576.54 20.00 289.90 2,363.68 88.15 115.00 9,684.00 68.00 62.03 565.50 747.50 131. 00 5.50 2,l83.50 16.80 242.15 296.00 22.50 " 1,112.72 I, 40.9iL 30.25 3.80 29.04 44.90 7~.15 9.80 270.65 00124 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Comprehensive Automobile Ins. 2881.88 00125 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance Co. Owned Vehicles 508.06 00126 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 3.08 00127 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine 00128 H. W. Clark, Sheriff, collecting taxes 00129 City Sergeant, Execution to make levy 00130 Roanoke County Court, 33 cases - Warrants 00131 Everette Waddey Company, Record books 00132 Copy-Craft, Inc. office supplies 00133 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 21.60 4.50 1.50 123.75 89.03 8.50 3.75 " .- -_.. 172 I I I I i 1 i ~rI.J- " 171, ' ~, (" c..lt..,.(!)~ '1/ ~i 1,0 _=-"="_- _"'"'-.'-~-=-",",,-==.=-;c.-~. ~~='--==--'=''':'='--=--',",","-.:'=-'o.",",-",,-,,,:--"-~,-"-*'-'''-'-''=-''=-c-,,,-,,,,,,,-,,,,~,-,,,"~-_''''''-'''_",,_ ..,====._ -:-.. No. 00134 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies &c 00135 Miller Ti.re Service, Tires for County vehicles . 00136 C 6. P Telephone Co., Telephone Service 00137 Appalachi.an Power Co., Current used at Catawba and Bent Mt. 00138 Poff's Garage, Gas Oil &c 00139 Clifton Shirt Co., Wearing Apparel for Firemen 00140 Roanoke Co., Board of Public welfare, Disbursements 00141 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy hearing 00142 T. warren Messick, Lunacy hearing 00143 Teansport CTC Clearings, Freight on pump 00144 Tidewater Svpply Co., lump for Garbage Dump 00145 Times-Register Co., Publishing Election Laws 00146 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's Fee " " " " " " " " " .. .. .. II 00147 Void " 00148 Barnett (:oa1 Co., Fuel for County office Building 00149 John H. Tingler, Labor Cutting Down tree .. .. $ 32.00 230.99 11.50 13.58 69.49 57.31 3,868.99" 10.00 10.00 3.00 159.74 3.00 987.05 I I 54.23 25.00 00150 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Legal Services rendered Annexation 752.97 " 00151 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Office supplies 00152 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Gneral stores 00158 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of Vehicles ... IN RE: DOG TAXES, SlIEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Bob's Market, Dog food and Wearing apparel Bush Electric Company, Replacing ];bod lights Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Rat Poison C. J. Foutz, Fowl claim Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Dog Pound Radio Coumunications Co., Radio Maintenance Sam's Inc., Wearing apparel Tarpley's Marine Center, First Aid Kit County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of Dog Truck " " No. 00111 " 00112 " 00113 " 00114 " 00115 " 00116 " 00117 " 00118 " 00119 " 00153 " 00157 County School Board of R. C. Maintnance of Dog Truck 1.74 52.00 340.38 I $ 29.04 7.50 4.44 2.70 25.00 3.00 15.00 30.75 12.00 16.14 2.75 I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of September, 1960, be approved in the lIlIlOunt of $8,520.79, from which the sum of $194.42 total F. I. C. A. and the sum of $797.40 total W. H. Taxes is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,528.97. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None ~ , ! i",J i' I ' - J ,....', J o 173 [- " --=. 'T~ uk- I'~ .cc. II '. li&.t.. <rG 'Z:,G ' !: '1/?Yf' 0 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Ii I I I i! ~ " II ... ~ ~ ~ i ~ Collection and Janitor Service for period from August 16, 1960; ending August 31, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,516.41 from which $75.50 total F. I. C. A. T.~es; $104.30 total W. H. Taxes, and $23.75 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,,312.86; And the payroll for Refuse Collectionand Janitor Service for period Sept. 1, 1960, ending Sept. 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,781.00 from whichlthe sum CI,f $83.44 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $130.10 total W. H. Taxes and $42.75 insurance, is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $2,524.71. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G" Hampton Moulse. Nays: None " i! On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks b~ ~ olJ.. approved, retro-active to date of issuance: I:" t....- ,C, i!m~ I 1 UP Voucher-check #36032 in the amount of $18.06 made payable to the Appalachian i,... q/,,~, 0 Power Company for current used at dog pound; --. J Voucher-check #36033 in the amount of $11.85 made payable to the Appalachian ~ Power Company for current used at Cave Spring Fire Station; Ii ,j Voucher-check #36034 in the amount of $473.27 made payable to the Town of Salem I: for light and water service; I' i' Voucher-check #36035 in the amount of $14.50 made payable to the C & P Telephone i; Company for telephone service at Dog warden I s Home; I , Voucher-check #36036 in the amount of $572.51 made payable to the C & P Te1epho~' Company for telephone service at Ccunty Offices Voucher-check #36026 in the amount of $95.63 made payable to James Parker for services as Assistant Dog warden; Voucher-check #36037 in the amount of $20.99 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel for cooking at County Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen I I j; f " . " , ! t ~ ~ I " , ~ i " , , , Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Mou1se Nays: None IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $1,405.58 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of August, 1960, less commissions and turned over to said lTeasurer, said check amounting to $1,335.30 net. " I: I ii The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: H. W. CLARK, SHERIFF, sUllll1ary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke . ~ County Jail for the month of August, 1960; I q/ (,0 H. W. CLARK, SHERIFF,. office and travel expenses for the month of August, 1960; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for August, 1960; JAMES D. OLIVER, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for August, 1960; RUSINETTE MILLER, HOllie Demonstration Agent, monthly report for August, 1960; SHERILL MASSIE, Asistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for August, 196{l; --- .=__..:.-'--_--.- --"0= __=-"u .'_. CmmONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, Public welfare Statistics, Department of Welfare and Institutions for period 1950-1960 ~ I~ IN RE: INSPECTION O:~ COUNTY COURT HOUSE STEAM BOILER: Report dated September 2, 1960, of H. E. Zelder, Chief Inspector, of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of Baltimore Maryland, as to the condition of the boiler located in County Court House, N. E. Corner :1 Main Street and College Avenue, Salem, Virginia, was this day laid before the Board " ~ and ordered filed. ,] ~ IN RE: ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated September 8, 1960, addressed to the Board of SupervisorB of Deputy COIlIII1issioner, Department of Highways, to the Secondary Systel!l of Roanoke County, Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, approving the following additions effective September 8, 1961'l: ADDITIONS CRESTHILL SUBDIVISION: (Resolution July 18, 1960) Steele Road - from Cordell Drive (Route 1657) to 0.04 mile North to Dead End. Steele Road - from Cordell Drive (Route 1657) to 0.16 mile South to Cresthill Drive (ResOlution June 20, 1960) Cordell Drive - from Steele Road to 0.10 mile East to Dead End Fontaine Drive - from Steele Road to 0.20 mile East to Dead End Fontaine Circle - from Fontaine Drive to 0.06 mile South to Dead end Cresthi11 Drive - from Steele Road to Route 798 Kirkwood Drive - from Route 798 to 0.05 mile South to Route 1664 FARMINGTON LAKE SUBDIVION: (Resolution July 18, 1960) Farmington Drive - from Route 1653 to Lakeland Drive Lakeland Drive - from Farmington Drive to 0.08 mile West to Dead End Lake1and Drive - from Farmington Drive to 0.19 mile East to D!ad End GREEN HAVEN HILLS SUBDIVISil:ON: (Resolution June 20, 1960) Overda1e Road - from Route 1644 to Cedar Lane Cedar Lane - from Over dale Road to Route 1649 PLANTATION COURT SUBDIVISION: (Rello1ution May 16, 1960) Orlando Avenue - from Route 601 to Meadowcrest Street OAK RIDGE SUBDIVISION: (Resolution June 20, 1960) Oak Drive - from Route 1709 to Dead End hollins gardens subdivision: (Resolution June 20, 1960) Peyton Street - from Route 1810 to Dead End ~er Road - from Present end of Route 1809 to Dead End Estes Street - from Present end of Route 1813 to Dead End LINDENWOOD SUBDIVISION: (Resolution July 18, 1960) Cameron Drive - from Present end of Route 1015 to Dawnr:ldge Drive Dawnridge Drive - from Present end of Route 1016 to Route 654 CHERRYHILL PARK SUBDIVISION: (Resolution June 20, 1960) Crestline Circle - from Cherryhill Road to 0.04 mile East to Dead end. Corbin Circle - from Cherryhill Road to 0.04 mile East to Dead End Cherryhill Road - from Frances Drive (Route 1503) to Dead End Frances Drive - from Cherryhill Road to Dead End RIDGEWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION: (Resolution D!cember 21, 1959) Pomeroy Road - from Route 676 .to Route 1482 Koogler Drive - from Pomeroy Road to Pomeroy Road LENGTH .i :1 0.04 ML 1 I 0.16 Mi. ; Ii ,I i! 0.10 Mi. 1 0.20 Mi. 1 0.06 Mi., 0.20 Mi. I 0.05 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.08 Mi. 0.19 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.16 Mi. 0.23 Mi. 0.22 Mi. 0.32 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.13 Mi. 0.16 Mi. ., 0.30 Mi. .. 0.04 Mi. 0.04 Mi. ., 0.30 Mi. ' 0.10 Ki. . 0.20 Mi. 0.27 Ki. I I I I I ~ ! hd ~ I : l"",j ~ ''''1 W o -'~ " I , i ! , , ~ ~ 175 SUNCREST HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution January 20, 1958) Circleview Drive - from Suncrest Drive to Dead End , -- r ___n,__ ' .. ~ 0.20 Mi. i , I I [ ! I I f , j I I' t ~ , CHESTERFIELD COURT SUBDIVISION: (Resolution July 28, 1960) Downing Street - from Present end of Route 792 to 0.04 mile South to ORCHARD HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution June 20, 1960) Paragon Avenue - from End of Present Route 1438 to 0.09 mile N. E. N. BllRLING'l'DN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution May 16, 1960) Tinkerdale Avenue - from Enon Drive (Route 1806) to Loman Drive ANDREW LEWIS PLACE SUBDIVISION: (Resolution July 18, 1960) McDaniel Drive ,;. from End of Present Route 1101 to Deal End. 0.05 Mi. D.E.0.04 Mi. 0.09 Mi. 0.20 Mi. BRAMBLETON COURT SUBDIVISION: (Resolution June 20, 1960) Red Rock Road - from Fleetwood Avenue (Route 1620) to Davis Street 0.05 Mi. MONTE VISTA SUBDIVISICIi: (Resolution July 28, 1960) Pilot Street - from Present end of Route 1474 to 0.03 mile S. to DeadEndO.03 Mi. Koopers Road - From Route 11 to N & w Railway 0.08 Mi. Forest Fire Trail - From Route 116 East to Dead End 0.70 Mi. Forest Fire Trail - From Route 864 west to Ft. Lewis Mountain 0.60 Mi. Monterey Road - From Route 605 to Dead End 0.70 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. i , , " , , t I' ,I Ii Board and ordere~ 'I " I' [i The following communications were this day laid before t~~ filed: Copy of letter dated August 26, 1960, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, addressed to william J. Paxton, Town Clerk, Salem, Virginia, enclosing copy of resolution No. 14141, of the Council of the City of RoanOke, Virginia, dated August 22, 1960, in re: amendment to contract of October 16, 1953 between City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes. II " i Ii ~ ~ i' ~ " I ~ " i' " I' 1: I' i ~ I Copy of letter dated September 12, 1960, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, addressed to William.1. Paxton, Town Clerk, Salem, Virginia, enclosing copy of resolution No. 14164, dated September 6, 1960, in re: . amendment to contract of October 16, 1960, between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes. A letter dated September 8, 1960, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 'from Mrs. Curtis R. Abbott, in re: school bus problem of parents and student on the upper end of Kessler Mill Road; Copy of resolution of The Draftsman Local 3925 of the United Steelworkers of America (American Bridge Division, United States Steel Corporation, adopted at a meeting held by said organization August 19, 1960, ,in re: opposition to county, town, city, state and federal gobernments purchasing with tax money any materials, appliances &c not wholly manufactured in the United States of America, except material that is not notice to this Country &C. IN RE: DOG TAX FUND: ~ cU. 11 The following accounts were this day submitted to the Board: ;t!...., ,C ' An account of J. O. MARSHALL in the amount of $12.00 for one goat killed bYI~" dogs was not allowed in the amount submitted, : ^ <:;' n. . but allowed in the sum of $10.00; ; I..,) '''I,U/ An account of M. S. THCl1AS, in the amount of $12.00 for one sheep killed by: Cf / -u.-I6 tJ dogs, was not allowed in the amount submitted,' . . / but allowed in the sum of $10.00; An account of ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD in the amount of $2.75 for maintenance of dog truck approved in the amount submitted. On motion, duly seconded, were approved as allowed above by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, and A. C. Harris Nays: None 176 I, ~~~ q- C, I <c.,. !tis ! '1)~';fbO i : -- ..--..-- . :=-r-=-="",,-,-,,=- -=.-."":;"O";"';'O__-'----=-====--'~.._..,O_'_"_: "0.__ --"'--~.=~:~.~,"-..:.."='__=_.~=O.O_'_,=.,... '-"-='==--""=.-"'-";"-="".="=-"'=-""=" On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued for Three Hundred, Forty Dollars and Thirty-eight Cents ($340.38) for maintenance of County Owned Vehicles, payable to the Roanoke County School Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Barris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None " On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton MOu1se, it is ordered that this Board goes on record as approving a proposed water shed project under Public Law No. 566 along the South Fork of Roanoke River and its tributaries, and is agreeable to and favors this project along with the Boards of Supervisors of Montgomery and Floyd Counties; and the j I' I Chairman and Clerk of this Board are hereby authorized to sign a letter addressed! il ~ " i i! IT I 1 to Mr. Leland Crouch, Executive Officer, State Soil Conservation Committee. Copy of letter ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and . , JAKES E. PETERS, Treasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia Septemb~r 19, 1960 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business September l7, 1960, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund: Local Federal State Total $251,867.44 $68,167.17 $183,700.27 General County Fund (Operating) Library Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. - r- ! I I I 1,639.51 339.81 I 608.98 5,098.47 3,618.81 I 451. 90 31. 69 ~263,65G.6l Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (James E. Peters) Respectfully subwitted James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. a c c tJ o &J~~ ~Mt- <po.e.... _ "- deliver to the main sewer interceptor line of ::h", Town of Salem wastes 111 t..- c1...1 To originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial, C<Z;' re-. '("- District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: . "f J 'J-// lo.. :~.L ,09/"'}/'" ~ - ! , ; WHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General County Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeti~ (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation ~ . t i i i II ~ , ~ I 'I ~ i of the revenue of said County; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15-250 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, to borrow not earlier than June 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1960, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1960; and WHEREAS it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors :'j I, I' r: of Roanoke " 11 I, " County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $100,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $100,000.00 from such Bank or Institution of this State as is willing to make the loan, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, for a period not exceeding ii thirty (30) days from the date of said loan; which said maturity date of said II Ii " loan shall occur not later than December 15,1960, said loan to be evidenced by I, :1 the negotiable note of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be Ii I' " Ii executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by E. G. Terrell, whose signature shall be duly attested by Roy K. Brown, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct. It is certified that all temporary loans for all previous years hav~ been ~ r paid. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harril1', adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None i ~ L- I r BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do BEGINNING at a point on the west boundary of the Glenvar Elementary School 28.489 acre tract at the northwest corner of the 12.21 acre tract described in the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors resolution of July 20, 1959, to the Town of Salem and the City of Roanoke requesting that the 12.21 acre tract be included in the County-Town and Town-City contracts for sewage treatment; thence with the west boun~ry of the aforesaid 28.489 acre school tract, N. 40 04' W., 757.4 feet to the northwest corner of the 28.489 acre tract;thence with a line leaving the School Board tract and with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County land, N. 400 04' W., 'T'- "~u. I.,. t....... ~ I' ~lCJ 'e. Ii <T" 'CA k Ii <Du.;., I VV--: h !",}j,o Ii I' r ,I 2,400.0 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the Board of Supervisors tract; thence with the northoboundary of the Board of Supervisors tract N. 50 00' E., more or less, 200.0 feet, more or less, to the south boundary of Westward Lake Estates Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 87, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County: thence with the south boundary of the afsresaid Westward Lake Estates Subdivision, S. 45 00' w., 198.0 feet more or less, to the center of Little Bear Run Creek; thence with the outside boundary of the Westward Lake Estates Subdivision up Little Bear Run Creek 500 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with the north bount:&ry of Westward Lake EstatesoSubdivision, leaving Little Bear Run Creek, N. 58 02'E., 1,931.9 feet crossing Big Bear Run Creek to the north corner of the aforesaid subdivision; thence with a line continuing N. 580 02' E., crossing the center line of State Secondary Route 1643 at 220 feet, more or less, to a point 300 feet, more or less, northeast of the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route #643, in all a total distance of 550 feet, more or less; thence with a line parallel to and 300 feet east of the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route #643 through the properties of Howard D. Ulrey, F. Cordy Maxey, S. D. Maxey, W. R. Young, A. C. Paisley, James D. Hawks, and others, in a southerly direction, 4,400 feet, more or less, to a point on the south boundary of the James D. Hawks 3.0 acre ttact; theace with the south boundary of the Hawks tract, N. 65 00' E., more or less, 400 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the R. L. Gunter 5.38 acre tract; thence with a line leavingothe Hawks boundary and with the Gunter boundary, S. 21 30' E., more or less, crossing the north right-of-way line of the proposed Interstate Route #81 at 350. feet, more or less, and the south right-of-way line of the afore- said Route #81 at 670 feet, more or less, in all a total distance of 700 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of the Gunter cract and being the northeast corner of the 5.00 acre tract purchased by Glen O. Thornhill and T. Stuart Payne from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the deed of which is not recorded as of thIs date; thence with the east bogndary of the Thornhill-Payne 5.00 acre tract, S. 36 03' E., 246.29 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 530 57' 18" W., 430 feet, more or less. to a point 300 feet east of the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 1643; thence with a new line from the south boundary of the afc.esaid Thornhill-Payne 5:00 acre tract, through the Board of Supervisors property, parallel to and 300 feet of the east right-of-way line of the &foresaid Route 1643, 250.0 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with another newoline through the Board of Supervisors property S. 67 30' W., crossing the center line of the aforesaid Route #643 at 320 feet, in all a total distance of 1,600 feet, more or less, to the center line of State Secondary Route #645; ~ce with the center line of the said Route #645, N. 21 53' W., 600 feet, more or less, to a point on the boundary of the aforesaid 12.21 acre County School Board tr8ct; thence with the l2.21.acre tract boundary N. 69 10' 30" E., 181.2 feet to the southeast corner of the aforesaid 12.21 acre tract; thence conSinuing with the east boundary of that tract N. 26 34' W., 600.0 feet to a point on the east bour,dary of that tract; thence with the north boundary of the 12.21 acre tract S. 630 26' W., 860 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of the 297 acre, more or less, area shown on the attached plat under date of September 15, 1960, to accompany a resolution of the Board of Supervisors to the Town of Salem and the City of Roanoke requesting that the 297 acre, more or less, area be included inthe County-Town and Town-City Sewage Treatment Contracts of December 19, 1955, and October 16, 1953. I I I I I and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council for the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, ~ i ~ 1,..4 ~ \.... ~ ," 1 . I - o -, i ,! i ~ , " I ~ ~ I' II L ! ~ i' I: r On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: , Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective September 1, 1960: FUNCTlOO: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxe& and other Revenue An Additi6na1 appropriation of $2,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or pt;rpose as hereinabove indicated. 4 - RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS An additional appropriation of $1,600.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE 8E - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $4,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8H - Lunacy Commission: An, additional appropriation of $100.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTlOOS) An additional appropriation of $800.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None l " I " , I' I: !. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the Quarter Ending December 31, 1960, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board $ 100,005.25 For the operation of the Public Library to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board For the operation of General County agencies and services to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors as follows: 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and other Revenue 3A - Delinquent Tax Collector 8,623.25 2,269.25 5,802.50 5,958.75 2,176.50 . ._-~_. " I " cLJ- "~ :! " " . .0, '~ b. '1.r.d~ ; CfJ'}-'{roo c., ,'1y. a '1/ z-I / {, 0 ..~~ ',,~~ , ~ ,~"sd-e.. ~ i~.-- y-- "f / ')..1/6D 180 -~~-=.- ...".,.".,..-.".. _-=__"';;';'::~'",,"__ ___-;--'=__ __ .-=_ ~ __ _ __"""'-=:.-__ "'-..___ -C-"'-=","",-'=~-. _",-,'",,_,_-;-,-""'.c=C-O-';=~~=-"'-'-~'_-.o=.'-'='~;~=~-~~"""" 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5A - Circuit Court 5B - County Court 5C - Commonwealth's Attorney 5E - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6A - Policing and Investigation 6C - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare SA - Board of Public Welfare BE - Institutional Care 8H - Lunacy Commission 9 - Public Health 10 ~ Public Works lOA - Engineering Department lOB - Planning and Zoning 10C - Garbage Disposal lOE - Contractual Services 11 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (See Dog Fund) l3 - Elections 14 - Mainte.'1ance of Buildings and Grounds 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions lSA - Annexation 19 - Capital Outlay For Educational purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board: the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring moneys from one item or purpose to another, without further consent of this Board l7A - Administration l7B - Instruction 17C - Co-ordinated activities l7D - Auxiliary Agencies 17E - Housing l7F - Fixed charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service Capital Outlay Total Apprqriations from General Revenue Fund 2,107.00 2,370.00 248.75 1,655.00 3,712.50 16,137.25 4,811.75 8,672.50 75.00 350.00 502.50 7,072.50 7,015.00 1,712.50 l7,665.00 1,875.00 2,450.00 2,028.75 lO,710.00 5,708.25 6,250.00 25,937.50 11,712.50 665,003.69 312.50 68,342.50 92,225.51 6,427.50 6,250.00 116,102.37 409.912.58 $1,630,191.40 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund, from time to time as II moneys become available, SUlllS equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriations:: made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this appropriation ordinance. A Copy of this appropriation ordinance is ordered to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, ! adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MouJose, Edwin q. Terrell Nays: None ~Ufr" ,Oo,~.. ... Co, ~~ "1/ '1--1/1.,0 APPROPRlATIOO ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of RoanOke, Virginia, that the following appropriation is hereby made from the General Fund for the Quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the functions or purposes i.ndicated: I I I' I 1 ~ , i,,~ ,.. """ o !4! U o 181 =.'---- ~ --- - -'-- __'"='=--.<.----.,.;;-...-'co- ....-- I T Ii For the protection of Livestock and Fowls and the enforcement of the Dog Laws to be transferred to the Dog Fund and expended only on order cf the Board of Supervisors 2,577.50 $ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hreby is authorized to transfer to the Dog Fund from the General Fund, from time to time as moneys become available, sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriation [! made to this fund from ~he General Fund for the period covered by this appropriation ordinance. A copy of this appropriation ordinance is ordered to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton I, 11 Moulse, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se, A. C.Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. ~ i' , i l r ~ I i ,I f ! I !I Nays: None :: " I! :1 " I I' REZONING OF PROPERTY IN BIG LICK ii MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ON THE EASTERLY ii SIDE OF ROUTE NUMBER 117 \: l ,." ~t- i:~~d::- This day, E. W. Chelf, Attorney for L. S. Mitchell and C. J. Guilliams, Ii cl.J.1; appeared before this Board and requested leave ~o file a Petition on behalf of t~e "Yh~ said parties, relative to rezoning a certain lot, tract, or parc~l of real estat~, ~ ~ C' more fully described in paragraph No. 1 of said Petition, and which said Ii P. 0(.(..0../ c-...J ' :' '7 ~I '0 parcel of real estate is situate on the Easterly side of Route No. 117, and " " which said real estate is the same property conveyed to said parties from Irene ~oble " I' Garland, Widow, et als, by deed dated August 6, 1958, and of record in the C1erki"s !: IN RE: PETITION OF L. S. MITCHELL and I C. J. GUILLIAMS Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 600, at Page 89, and which said Petition contains, among other things, the following allegations: (1) That the Petitioners are the owners as tenants in common ,of the real estate described in paragraph No. 1 of said Petition. (2) That said property described in said Petition is now classified under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County as "Residential District R-1", but that the trend for a number of years in that locality has been from residential to business use, and that a substantial part of the property in the general neighborhood of the Petitions' property is now used for business purpose~, and that they desire to have said property rezoned from "Residential District R-1" to "Business District B-2". NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Co~ty, Virginia, held this 19th day of September, 1960, the Petition of the said L. S. Mitchell and C. J. Guilliams, be, and the same is hereby filed; and 182 l cAu:. cW- t;' ~~ti.. "1]"'!bll .. ~~~ ~/~fith ._-'~_~..,,_. --_."..-==...=-~=-' "--""---0;=> =_ JI'---- l :! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said proposal to amend said Zoning Ordinance so as to change the classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said Petition, be, and the same is HEREBY REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for recommendations in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and the provisions of Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia; I and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by Statute, and that upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk of this Board, said Clerk shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and of Section 15-846 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: I: That one certified copy of these Resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a copy of the Petition filed herein. The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and secunded by Supervisor G. Hampton Mo' lse, and on recorded vote, the S I voted as follows, to-wit: upervisors :i \1 :i )1 Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On motion, duly sec~ded, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued i,' 'I Texas ,I :1 ,I when called for to an Air Lines Company for round trip ticket to Houston, tax exempt, for transportation of Electrical Inspector, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I ... The public hearing to be held at 2:30 o'clock P. M. on thi; date, in re: proposed re-zoning of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, of Section 2, of the Map of Richards Heights from itspresent classification of Business B-1 to Business B-2 Zoning District, by mutual agreement, is continued to the October meeting 1960 of this Board in order to enable all members of the Board to inspect said property before reaching a decision in the matter. I ... C7' . ~ . ~ ~ , , , .' ...... , I I - ~ -u.,.p;::"-JI- LJ-.:. ,r;- 1 (,' ~')<-. :.;J~ .~ . ,-I , I _. ./~ t r~-1' " ...; /'.,' r ----- I })A.-J} ..< ?_ l "'. f i I; ;.) /b I I I I I I I I I I I I " ..., t- ~--- Y,..I- " \ r \ \.A- ,,,,_,'/...0 ~.., -\1 ~~~v.'t:,r. d.J... f; J~:'J>1 '1" ;-1 I '0. v I I Harris, ;.tt U 1960, b ''f>"l''''"n n ,_ c.,~ rCo .~ o ttr:' /7~' 0 ORDERED that the Board be adj ourned un the third Monday in October, 19601 !J ,~ Cqairman I >. a ~ Court House Salem, Virginia October 1, 1960 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County was this day held at the Courthouse, pursuant to the following call: Salem, Virginia September 26, 1960 I Mr. Roy K. Brown Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia Dear Mr. Brown: Please call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-243 of the Code of Virginia as amended. Please call this meetir.g for Saturday, October I, 1960, at 8:30 A. M. The purpose of the meeting will be to consider the following matters: 1. Amend the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanf.llte County adopted on June 20, 1960, to appropriate additional funds for the qua,>:ter ending September 30, 1960. 2. To consider the salary requests for the Constitutional Officers for the calendar year 1961. Very truly yours, Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman Board of Supervisors A. C. Harris, Member Big Lick Magisterial District Present: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer, and Edw. H. Richardson, COIIlIIIOnwealth'S Attorney. Before the meeting was called to order, Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse offered a prayer. a On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, and the same is hereby, amLnded as follows: effective September 30, 1960: o FUNCTION: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object 3 - COLLECTICIl AND DISBURSEMENT OF TAXES AND OTHER REVENUE 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes: An additional appropriation of $293.32 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated 4 - RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS An additional appropriation of $l22.l2 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 5 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5e - Juvenile and Domesti~ Relations Court: An additional appropriation of $513.40 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending Septemb~: 30, 1960, for the function or purpose8S hereinabove indicated. --,..--- 218 i~Ur. , .c..~ .. Co . 't;-~ .'131'" c.;a..'n\~ 1i~;' I~ ~3H' /\Mot.. ~ .Y\'. . v-: l- t d.J-.lt I~ , LJ.. . c... ---~ - 'r 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION An additional appropriation of $24.09 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLIC waucs lOa - Engineering: An additional appropriation of $1,192.26 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for thf function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ' 10c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $l,191.58 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - MISCEu.ANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS An additional appropriation of $576.75 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 19~0, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. . Harris, it is ordered that the Chairman and Clerk of this Board be authorized to sign, when presented, a voucher-check not to exceed the sum of Twenty-five Thousand, Two Hundred and Eighteen I;ollars ($25,218.00), payable to Martin Bros., Contractors, for alterations to the Court House Building. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that Mr. John F. Moore be, and he hereby is, appointed General Chairman of the Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial COIIIIIIission. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and I A. C. Harris Nays: None On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris' it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to write the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission that Roanoke County will participate in the cost of the proposed Mapping Program to the extent of Twenty-one Hundred, ninety-seven Dollars ($2197.00) per year, for a two year period, provided all the participating governments in the Valley subscribe to this project. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I I I o On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ordered that the Salary and expense accounts of the Commonwealth's Attorne Treasurer, CoD:missioner of the Revenue, and Sheriff of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board be filed, no action being taken thereon. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None o Notice of hearing given by the St,ate Compensation Board for the purpose of fixing the salary and expenses of the Attorney for the COlDIIIOtlwealth, Coamissioner of the Revenue, Sheriff and Treasurer of Roanoke County for the calendar year 1961, received and ordered filed. o On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer it is ordered that James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, be authorized to employ extra help in his office for a period of thirty (30) days for mailing out of tax notices at a salary not to exceed two hundred dollars ($200.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that, since it has been shown by the Sheriff of Roanoke County th&t there has been appropriated funds for the payment of salary of one Special County Policeman at the rate of Two Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($275.00) per month, and of one at Two Hundred c and Sixty Dollars ($260.00) per month, and that at the present time there are two vacancies for Special County Police, the Sheriff of Roanoke County be permitted to hire two Special County Policemen at a salary of Two Hundred, Sixty-seven Dollars and fifty cents ($267.50) per month each, in lieu of one at Two Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars ($275.00) and another at Two Hundred and Sixty Dollars ($260.00). c WHEREAS since the State Highway Department has taken over the building, maintenance and operation of roads in the Secondary System in Roanoke County, the operation of same has been outstanding, and the co-operation between the State Highway Department and this Board has been most satisfactory; NOW, THEREFORE, this Board desires to express its appreciation for the said services and the co-operation of the said Highway Department, and further to assure said Department of the continued co-operation on the part of this Board. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Clerk of this Board to the Honorable H. H. Harris, State Highway Commissioner, at Richmond, Virginia, and to the Honorable C. F. Kellam, District Engineer of Salem District. c ~(P Wf3j, 0 'a..- A~ '" 3~) 5 : t:. g '14'(1 ~'tll",., , Id:: f.~-.. 1..;J- ~ . ~- D ... JS...:..r ~ '('- r ~~~ r.- r.~ S. ~ 3n'f" ........1Il.M:. i1.. , 'P.W. RL-.r- 11'/"" r ~ 1.-' YlI... ~~ 220 On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell ' Nays: None I 1960. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in October, - (1J~airman I Court House Salem, Virginia October l7, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House i I thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. I I Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Roy B. Miller, Pastor of the Church of Christ, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as i spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished I h~ by the Clerk. ~ i The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, il and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively '. chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 00269 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies " 00270 Burroughs Corporation, Ribbons for A1ding Machines 00271 Underwood Corporation, Repairing Typewriter " I $ 136.62 3.90 42.75 " 00272 State Treasurer, Share of expense in connection with audit 252.24 00282 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Sept. traveling expense 29.53 00283 Town and Campus Men's Shop, Wearing Apparel 36.00 00284 City Treasurer, Room and Board for children at Detention Home 168.00 " 00273 C. W. Warthen Company, Record Books and office supplies 00274 American Photocopy Equipment Co., office supplies 00275 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 00276 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 00277 Michie Company, Law Books 00278 Bank of Salem, Rent on Safety Deposit Bags. 00279 Wilson Trucking Corp., Freight collect on furniture 00280 Fairview Home, County's share of expense 00281 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense " " l! " " " " " " " " " 124.43 6.00 21. 30 30.73 44.50 6.00 3.00 23.22 74,l0 I I 00285 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Coroner, Psychiatric Examd and Alcolhol Test 150.00 c M u o o o No. 00286 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Labor on cars 00287 Texaco Service Center, Gas &c 00288 Summer dean Esso Station, Repair tire 00289 Salem Radiator Service, Rod repair &c 00290 Southwest Motor Parts Corp.,Clamb &c 00291 Radio Communications Co., Inc., September Maintenance 00292 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts &c .. .. .. .. .. .. " 00293 Esso Standard, Gas &c 00294 Magic City Motor Corp., Part for Police Car &c 00295 Sheldon D. Carey, M. D. Coroner and Lunacy or' _ Fred S. Cruser, M. D. Blood Alchol Test 00297 Salem Glass Company, Desk top 00298 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts &c 00299 Void 00300 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Inc., Parts &c 00301 Andrew Lewis Phillips "66" Parts Labor 00302 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Jail 00303 Valleydale Packers, Inc., Food for Jail 00304 Salem Har&.07are Company, Garbage can &c 00305 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies 00306 Salem Creamery Company, Inc., Milk for Jail 00307 Peacock-Salem Launderers & Cleaners, Laundry for Jail & Janitor supplies 00308 Monarch Finer Foods, Food & supplies for Jail 00309 Green Market, Inc., Food for Jail 00310 Foutz Sausage Company, Food for Jail 00311 Dame Roofing Company, Inc., Repairs to Jail 00312 Void .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. " .. " .. .. .. .. " .. .. 00313 Carl R. Brightwell, Repairs to Jail 00314 American Bakeries Company, Food for Jail 00315 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, Parts, Repairs &c 00316 William H. Witt, for services as ?ire Chief 00317 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts Fire Truck, Garbage Truck &c 00318 Shepherds Auto Supply, Parts Fire Truck & Garbage truck 00319 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Inc., Parts for Salem Fire Truck, Garbage Trucks 00320 The Pure Oil Company, Gasoline 00321 Natur~ Gas Distributors, Inc., Gas Bill Hollins Fire House .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 00322 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for Fire Truck 00323 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, September rent 00324 W. W. G~rman, September rent 00325 Clearbrook Lion's Club, September Rent 00326 Void .. .. .. .. .. 00327 Fuel Oil and Equipment Co., Inc., Repair Fire House Furnace " 00328 Cave Spdng Water Co., Inc., Account $ 106.59 11. 54 1.50 85.89 318.13 22.50 23.30 39.36 7.09 40.00 10.00 7.50 66.39 17.39 6.25 183.57 21.06 34.78 l7.63 15.60 66.19 263.84 187.35 58.52 42.50 37.71 71. 61 43.00 100.00 78.77 28.88 22.05 1.83 17.20 7.09 60.00 60.00 60.00 l5.00 8.25 ~_. - ! i , j .1 , NO~. 00329 Culligan Soft Water Service, September bill " 00330 Clearbrook First Aid & Resque Squad, Reimbursement for gasoline 00331 Clearbrook First Aid Crew, Labor & Parts for Ambulance 00332 Auto Spring & Bearing Co. Inc., Batteries, Parts &c 00333 Antrim Motors, Inc., Parts Salem Fire Truck 00334 Auto Service Station, Gasoline, Oil 00335 Richard S. Tilley, Attorney, Lunacy 00336 Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney, Lunacy 00337 R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy 00338 Void 00339 Harry J. Minarik, Lunacy 00340 Frank D. McKenney, Jr., M. D. Lunacy & Inebriate 00341 John H. Kennett, Jr., Attorney, Commitment II " " " II II " " " II II " 00342 Void 00343 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy 00344 Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Labor & Parts 00345 The Times-Register, Publishing Plumbing & Electrical Ordinances 00346 Double Envelope Corporation, 500 Unpriuted Envelopes " II " II " $ 4.00 20.19 14.28 139.67 14.06 85.57 20.00 50.00 10.00 I I 30.00 60.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 74.00 2.25 00347 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning & Economic Development, Annual appropriation to Planning Committeel,163.00 " 00348 Malcolm Blue Print & Supply CO., Maps for Zoning 00349 Times-World Corp., PUblishing zoning and County Planning Meeting date 00350 J. R. Richardson, Refund Garbage collection 00351 Mercena M. Phennicie, Refund Garbage collection 00352 George W. Lindsey, Refund Garbage collection 00353 Murry J. Gobeli, Refund Garbage collection 00354 Sturgill Lewis, Refund Garbage collection 00355 W. H. Johnston, Jr., Ref~nd garbage collection 00356 Joseph P. Higgins, Refund garbage collection 00357 Motor ~art Supply Co., Parts for vehicle 00358 Custom Seat Cover Shop, Canvas cover for Truck 00359 Bemiss Equipment Co., Repair, Parts and Oil &c 00360 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies 00361 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Equipment Pump 00362 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Services rendered as Deputy Registrar 00363 Mr. E. L. Ayers, Services rendered as Deputy Registrar 00364 Mrs. Maude L. Poff, Deputy Registrar Services 00365 Nelson Hardware Co., Janitor supplies 00366 Roanoke Linen Supply Co., Towel service 00367 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 00368 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 00369 R. L. Cook, Refund Plumbing Permit 00370 J. W. Ferrell, Jr., Refund W. H. Heater " " " " " " " " " " " " " II " " " " II " II " 9.00 7.20 9.00 4.50 1. 75 .75 2.25 1.50 1.00 3.48 8.00 27.87 216.45 106.62 15.25 13.15 14.20 12.87 3.25 20.l5 12.18 2.75 .50 I I I a ~ I ~ ~ =~. No. 00371 Graybar Electric Co., Light bulbs for County Library " 00372 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for vehicle 00373 Emory P. Hollins, Painting Pipes for St. Signs 00374 Void " " " $ 19.20 65.48 59.00 00375 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Distribution at County Shed 348.84 00379 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Office furniture 20.30 00380 Eubank, Caldwell and Associates, Architectural Services 523.53 00381 Concrete Ready Mixed Corp., Concrete 168.78 " 00376 Salem Paint Co., Paint for Building 00377 Wm. P. Swartz, Jr., & Co., Flag material 00378 Dulaney & Robinson, Accountants " " " " " " 00382 Cates Building Specialties, Inc., Wire Mesh 00383 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Distribution 00384 W. B. Clements, Inc., Stock for Distribution 00385 Skyline Cleaners, Cleaning Uniforms 00386 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Stamps for distribution 00387 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse bookkeeper 00388 Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital bills 00389 Lewis-Gale ~~spita1, State-Local Hospital bills 00390 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local HOspital bills 00391 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills 00392 University of Va. Hospital, State-Local Hospital bille 00402 Garst Construction Co., Work on Road 00403 Salem Office Supply, Office supplies 00404 Todd Company Division, Ribbon for Check writer 00405 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 00406 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., Office supplies " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 10.45 57.79 1,487.05 38.95 30.16 44.28 13.95 84.00 53.66 195.00 97.50 39.00 1,262.00 390.00 48.00 19.69 6.00 26.81 6.85 " 00407 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance of County vehicles St.j.15 " 00408 Keystone Envelope Co., office supplies 00409 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse Traveling expense " " 30.14 35.35 " 00410 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at C. S. Fire Station 11.53 " 00411 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 00412 Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 00413 Commonwealth of Virginia, office supplies 00414 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage 00415 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy hearing 00416 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy hearings 00417 Dr. R. B. Smiley, lunacy hearings 00418 Murray A. Stoller, lunacy hearing 00419 Miller Tire Service, Recapping tires 00420 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies 00421 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses to Va. Highway Conference " " " " " " " " " " 00422 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense 00423 State Board of Education , Surplus goods " 41.40 167.91 8.15 133.14 40.00 20.00 50.00 10.00 51.94 544.85 45.25 17.00 61.l6 -~- -~ .:-==" ---,--- a On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of October, 1960, be approved in the amount of $8.383.29, from which the sum of $184.30 total F. I. C. A. and the sum of $800.30 total W. H. Taxes is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,398.69. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None c On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period from September 16, 1960, ending September 30, 1960, be approved in ~ne amount of $2,436.55, from which $73.ll total F. I. C. A.; $98.50 total W. H. r~es and $33.25 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,231.69; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period October 1, 1960, ending October 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,447.27, from which $73.45 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $77.30 W.H. Taxes and $42.75 insurance, is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $2,253.77. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None a On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check iF162 in the amount of $364.61 made payable to the C & p Telephone Company for telephone service at County offices Voucher-check #238 in the amount of $22.71 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for currentused at Hollins Fire Station; Voucher-check #239 in the amount of $141.55 made payable to the C & p Telephone Company for telephone service at County offices; Voucher-check #240 in the amount of $l4.50 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Dog Warden's home; a Voucher-check #243 in th~ amount of $20.90 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel at County Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None c IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $1,202.81 on a.::count of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of September, 1960, less commissions and turned over to saiu Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,142.67 net. .ljt; - 'tU.t"' ~. C ,lU- ~rC~ OJ~ ';:';'1'0 c...,.f1..,.(j) r 1/rf/,o 226 r:>...e..t-C,. W ~~~6 . , I ~' A>4- r r. tf:;;- ~ 0 , 10 I e. ~ "m~~. i f', ! c-.... '-"""'- ! '1'~t.o ! I ; ~ i , ~ r The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: ~ str.mary statement of prisoner days served in the I ROb.L10ke County Jail for the month of September, 1960;; ; office and travel expenses for the month of Septemberi 1960; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for September, 1960; I H. W. ClARK, Sheriff, H. W. ClARK, Sheriff, LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for September, RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of September, SHIRLEY MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of September, 1960; 1960; I' 196 ; I '., '. IN RE: SHERIFF'S AUDIT: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board a report of audit of H. W. ClARK, lberiff of the County of Roanoke, vor the fiscal year ended June 30, 1959, and for the period July I, 1959 through April 30, 1960. Letter datec September 21, 1960, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. I r JAMES E. PETERS, County Treasurer, this day submitted to the Board his Delinquent Real Estate List for year 1959, and his Delinquent Personal Property List for year 1959, which lists on motion, duly seconded, are ordered filed. IN RE: Rezoning of property situate on southerly side of Virginia Route , il1l7 (new) northwest of the City of Roanoke corporate limits in the: Salem Magisterial District of Ranoke County, Virginia. WILLIAM L. BO'WYER ORDER This day came William L. Bowyer and filed his petition requesting the j rezoning of Lots 6, 7 and 8 according to the map of the James W. Bushong propert1 made May 9, 1953 by T. P. Parker, S. C. E. from residential to business B2. : It is resolved and ordered that the clerk of the board refer this matter to : the secretary of the zoning board for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for their recommendation. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G.Hampton Moulse, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I =,.=:--=----_._~-- $1i~ ~ I?l.Yh;ot;.. of real estate is situate on the southerly side of Roanoke River, adjacent to ~ rQ.- .c. and on the northerly side of State Secondary Road number 639 east of Shanks Lane, 'P-1u.- ~. w! Jrfr. 0 IN RE: PETITION OF LEE R. REESE AND HENRY V. STALEY x REZONING OF PROPERTY IN SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ON THE sourHERLY SIDE OF ROANOKE RIVER, ADJACENT TO AND 00 THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF STATE SECONDARY ROAD NUMBER 639 EAST OF SHANKS LANE This day, E. W. Chelf, Attorney for Lee R. Reese and Henry V. Staley, appear d c before this Board and requested leave to file a Petition on behalf of the said parties, relative to rezoning a certain lot, tract, or parcel of real estate, more fully described in paragraph no. 1 of said Petition, and which said parcel r! ... and containing 3.2 acres more or less, and which said real estate is the same property conveyed to said parties from Dorothy Gittens Hancock et als, by deed dated August IO, 1960, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Boo~ 648, at page 225, and which said Petition contains, among other things, the following allegations: (1) That the Petitioners are the owners as tenants in common of the real estate described in paragraph no. 1 of said Petition. (2) That said property described in said petition is now classified under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County as "Agricultural District A-l", and that they desire to have said property rezoned from "Agricultural District A-l" to "Business District B-2". a NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, . Virginia, held this 17th day of October, 1960, the petition of the said Lee R. Reese and Henry V. Staley, be, and the same is hereby filed; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said proposal to amend said Zoning Ordinance so as to change the classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said Petition, be, and the same is HEREBY REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for recommendat::'ons in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and the provisions of Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: c That the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by Statute, and that upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk of this Board, said Clerk shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and of Section l5-846 of the Code of Virginia; and o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That one certified copy of these Resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a copy of the petition filed herein. The above Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor G.Hampton Moulse, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: ~J;:.r ~il~ k~c. I~~' Ayes: Supervisors G.Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOurm.lESTERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE 117, PETERS CREEK ROAD, IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF THOfAS EDlJARD SHORT AND RUTH P. SHORT I I RESOWl"ION AND ORDER I ~ , I >> n ~ ~ I' ~ ~ u ~ I' ! ,. " ~ \: " This day Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Thomas Edward Short and Ruth P. Short, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Thomas Edward Short and Ruth P. Short relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND al1>ERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 17th day of October, 1960, said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition, be, an the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, I , Virginia, for a reconmendation in accordance with the provisions of said County I Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as requir by the said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Boare!, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this I Resolution and order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith ! certified by the Clerk of this Board and' delivered to Paul B. Matthews, secreta+ of the Planning COIIIIIli.ssion of Roanoke County. il The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R.! Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I I WHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General County Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and = WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15-250 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, to borrow not earlier than February 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1960, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per ann~, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1960, and WHEREAS it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to extend for 30 (thirty) days our obligation of paying to the Banks or Institutions, the $100,000.00 due October 26, 1960 which said maturity date of said loan shall occur not later than December 15, 1960, said loan to be evidenced by the negotiable note of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of S\.-pervisors of Roanoke County, by E. G. Terrell, whose signatu shall be duly attested by Roy K. Brown', Clerk, and shall become due and payable, to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct. It is certified that all temporary loans for all previous years have been = paid. ~ On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 229 Mr. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, submitted to the Board a copy of a Final Budget for the Secondary Sys tem in Roanoke County, ~ ~ r; for year, 1960-61. ~,.....u.. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried is approved ~ %. by the following recorded vote: $~~ Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and I Uj/~'O Edwin G. Terrell nays: None Copy of Budget and Map showing 1960-61 Final Secondary Budget filed. ~ r:I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system or systems, pipe lines, and other properties and facilities incidentia1 thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.l to Section 15-764.32, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: 3~ eLL' -r.-8 ~a., ',.... ,~~. ()...~ Ia-/I r4 '0 230 ~ .._-~ . BEGINNING at a point on the' west boundary of the Glenvar Elementary School 28.489 acre tract at the northwest corner of the 12.21 acre. tract described in the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors resolution ';If July 20, 1959, to the Town of Salem and the City of Roanoke requesting that the 12.21 .acre tract be included in the County-Town and Town-City contracts for sewage treatment; thence wits the west boundary of the aforesaid 28.489 acre shool tract, N. 40 04' W., 757.4 feet to the northwest corner of the 28.489 acre tract; thence with a line leaving the School Board tract If'd with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County land, N. 40 04' W., 2,400.0 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the Board of Supervisors tract; thence ~th the north boundary of the Board of Supervisors tract N. 50 00' E., more or less, 200.0 feet, more or less, to the south boundary of Westward Lake Estates Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 87, of the records of the Clerk's :)ffice for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the south boundary of the aforesaid Westward Lake Estates Subdivision, S. 45000' W., 198.0 feet, more or less, to the center of Little Bear Run Creek; thence with the outside boundary of the Westward Lake Estates Subdivision up Little Bear Run Creek 500 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with the north boundary of Westward Lake Estates Subdivision, l2aving Little Bear Run Creek, N. 58002' E., 1,93l.9 feet crossing Big Bear Run Creek' to the north conler of the aforesaid subdivision; thence with a line continuing N. 580 02' E., crossing the center line of State Secondary Route 1643 at 220 feet, more or less, to a point 300 feet, more or less, northeast of the east right-of-way line of the afolCesaid Route fi643, in all a total distance of 550 feet, more or less; thence with a line parallel to and 300 feet east of the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route #643 through the properties of Howard D. Ulrey, F. Cordy Maxey, S. D. Maxey, W. R. Young, A. C. Paisley, James D. Hawks, and others, in a southerly direction, 4,400 feet, more or less, to a point on the south boundary of the James D. Hawks 3.00acre tract; thence with the south boundary of the Hawks tract, N. 65 00' E., more or less, 400 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the R. L. Gunter 5.38 acre tract; thence with a line lsaviIlg the Hawks boundary and with the Gunter east boundary, S. 21 30' E., more or less, crossing the north right-of-way line of the proposed Interstate Route fi81 at 350 iet, more or less, and the south right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route fi8l at 670 feet, more or less, in all a total distance of 700 feet, more or less to the southeast corner of the Gunter tract and being the northeast corner of the 5.00 acre tract purchased by Glen O. Thornhill and T. Stuart Payne from the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the deed of which is not recorded as of this date; thence with the east boundary of the Thornhill- payne 5.00 acre tract, S 36003' E., 246.29 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 536 57' 18" W., 430 feet, more or less, to a point 300 feet east of the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route fi643; thence with a new line from the south boundary of the Thornhill-Payne 5.00 acre tract, through the Board of Supervisors property, parallel to and 300 feet east of the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route fi643, 250.0 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with ansther new line through the Board of Supervisors property S. 67 30' W., crossing the center line of the aforesaid Route 1643 at 320 feet, in all a total distance of 1,600 feet, more or less, to the center line of State Secondary Rouse #645; thence with the center line of the said Route fi645, N. 21 53' W., 600 feet, more or less, to a point on the boundary of the aforesaid 12.2l acre Count~ School Board tract; thence with the l2.21 acre tract boundary N. 69 10' 30" E., 181.2 feet to the southeast corner of the aforesaid l2.2l acre sract; thence continuing with the east boundary of that tract N. 26 34' W., 600.0 feet to a point on the east boundary of that tract; thence with the north boundary of the lZ.2l acre tract S. 63026' W., 860 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of the 297 acre, more or less, area shown on a plat under date of September l5, 1960, to accompany a resolution of the Board of Supervisors to the Town of Salem and the City of Roanoke requesting that the 297 acre, more or less, area be included in the County-Town anc Town-City Sewage Treatment Contracts of December 19, 1955 and October 16, 1953. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the. Courthouse Building in Salem, Virginia, on the 21st day of November, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m., of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services, and any other persons in interest, will be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the I proposed services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia 'j I at its discretion, may call for a referendum on the q\lStion inabove set forth,! I I I I I as prescribed in the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. c BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause d~e notice of this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virghlia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency ishereby declared to exist and these resolutions shallbe in full force and effect from and after their passage. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None o On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance 1960, be, and the same is hereby amended as November 1, 1960: of Roanoke County, adopted on June follows to become effective FUNCTION: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object 14 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS 215-a - Repairs to Courthouse: An additional appropriation of $25,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 3l, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. o 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 601 - Improvement to Buildings (Courthouse): An additional appropriation of $25,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Dr. C. P. Pope, County Health Commissioner, Dr. Marin B. Marx, State Health Department Veterinian, Mrs. P. T. Goad, W. L. Hamberger, Henry Glasgow, Jr., and Mrs. Dorothy G. Moushegian, citizens of Roanoke County this day appeared before the Board and urged the Board to adopt an ordinance for compulsory rabies vaccination of dogs in Roanoke County, which request was taken under consideratior, o Letter dated October 12, 1960, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from the Roanoke Kennel Club, in re: putting back into effect the compulsory vaccination for dogs in Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. o Copy of letter dated October 7, 1960, from the Industrial Commission of Virginia, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County advising that a hearing will be had in the Circuit Court Room, Municipal Building, Roanoke, Virginia, on claim No. 521-798, re: Haden H. Niday V. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, on October 28, 1960, at 1:30 P. M., was this day laid before the . Board and ordered filed. 231 20,ttfL ~H:T Cl>~ '1/1"''' ~. . . - IN RE: PROPOSED Rt-ZONING OF LOTS IN RICHARISHEIGHTS: Pursuant to continuance by this Board at its October Meeting, 1960, Robert Wi Spessard, Counsel for Raymond R. Richards, in the matter of the re-zoning of the property of the said Raymond R. Richards, again appeared before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered the finding of tl.e ..,anoke County Planning Commission as to Lots 1-2-3- & 4, of Section 2, Map of Richards Heights, property of the said Raymond R. Richards, in Cave Spring District, be sustained; and that the said property be not re-zoned. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None l... ~.c~-r On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton , rc'. Moulse, it is ordered that an appropriation of one hundred, fifty-eight dollars 'St- ~ 1"./ and fifty cents ($158.50) be made by this Board to reimburse the Roanoke County I lVI/if 6D I Sanitation Authority for its payment to the Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation i for a modification of a model 1900 addressograph for use of the Commissioner of I I Revenue of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None c..L.:...L.e. 1t~. e" ~. ;'~~I ltt;""-........,t .~I 't"-J . I r-J /q /, 6 . Copy of letter dated October 6, 1960, addressed to James E. Peters, i Treasurer of Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman State Compensation i Board, approving the request of said Treasurer, subject tc the concurrence by i this Board for employment of extra help in his office for a period of thirty (30) 1 days, at a cost of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), was this day laid before the ~ Bo~; j Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconde: by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said allowance for extra help ,\ :1 'I in the Treasurer's Office, be approved by this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin' G. Terrell and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in November, 1960.\ / /b P, A ~ ~'~/~J"tid/.airman = I I I I I 233 Court House Salem, Virginia November 21, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Absent: Minor R. Keffer. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. Virgil Lilly, Pastor of the South Salem Christian Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. " U c ---- .===,-- The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeab therewith, to-wit: o o o " 00546 League of Virginia Counties, Urban County Contribution &c $ 1,284. 00547 Alexander Grant & Company, Examining Records and preparing report for fiscal year ended June 30, 1960 $ 2,400. No. " 00548 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 00549 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance of County owned Vehicles 00550 Acme Printers Co., Book Binding and Office supplies 0055l Treasurer of Virginia, office supplies for Treasurer 00552 Star City Office Equipment Co., Repairing Typewriter 00553 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., office supplies &c 00554 Fielding L. Logan, Inc., Additional increase in Treasurer'e Bond 00555 Burroughs Corporation, .lechanical services on Adding Machine 00556 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., 2 Rubber stamps 00557 Roanoke County Court, 40 cases Oiarrants) 00558 Clerk of Municipal Court, Garnishments 00559 Easter Supply Company, office supplies 00560 G. H. Parent Company, office supplies 00561 Everette Waddey Company, Record books 00562 C. W. Warthen Company, Record Books and office supplies 00563 Haloid Xerox Inc. Record Paper 00564 Wilson Trucking Co., freight on Furniture 00565 University of Minnesota Press, Law books 00566 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court II " " " " " " " " II " " " " .. " II II II 0056- Michie Company, Law books for Judge Hoback 00568 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children 00569 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense 00570 Everett G. Holstein, Reimburse Traveling Expense 00571 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense 00572 Shenandoah Auto Parts, Parts for Police Car 00573 Salem Motors, Parts for Police Car II " " " .. II 45.1 479.2 230.00 62.89 53.20 47.84 40.00 6.38 " 00574 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Salary Oct, Coroner Cases 160.00 00575 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund " .. 00576 Harvest Motors, Inc., Repair and Parts for County Vehicles 68.80 42.37 " II " II ---- --- No. 00577 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline County vehicles II 00578 Custom Seat Cover Shop, Seat covers 00579 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Car Parts, Police Vehicles &c 00580 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts and Batceries 0058l Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for cars 00582 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel for County Jail 00583 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 00584 Virgini.. Foods, Food for Prisoners 00585 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 00586 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 00587 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies 00588 Peacock-Salem Laundry,Laundry for Prisoners 00589 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Medical supplies 00590 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 00591 H. R. Johnson Company, I Dinette table for County Jail 00592 Hecht's Bakery, Food for Prisoners 00593 American Bakeries Co., Food for Prisoners " II II " " " " " " " " " " " " " 1- _ $ 57.95 16.50 79.18 14.48 60.36 32.00 57.20 167.58 34.74 15.60 I I 10.64 l ~ I l I 46.91 233.46 18l.72 34.50 83.31 3.40 00594 Bush Electric Company, Electrical work at Hollins Fire Station 250.1 00599 Radio Communications Co., Service Logs and repairing Radios 102.33 00600 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline purchased for C. S. Resque Squad 1.56 0060l Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Repairs to building and Fuel 97.90 00602 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repairs and Parts 116.78 " 00595 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Zerex for Hollins Fire Station 00596 Summerdean Esso Station, Parts for Police Car 00597 S lem Paint Co., Paint for Hollins Fire Station 00598 Sterling Siren Fire Alarm Co. Inc. Replacing equipment, Hollins Fire Station " " II " " " " " 00603 00604 Miller Tire Service, Tires &c Nelson Hardware Co., Material for Bent Mountain Fire Station 43.15 00609 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 57.6Z 00610 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental fee on water softner 4.00 006ll C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service 30.25 00612 Clearbrook First Aid & ~esque Squad, Gasoline l8.90 00613 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for support 7,047.50 00614 Fairview Home, County's expense 15.96 " II 00605 Gatewood Engineering & Supply Co., Fire Chief's badges 00606 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, October Rent 00607 W. W. Garman, October Rent 00608 Clearbrook Lion's Club, October Rent " " " " " " " " " " 00615 Magic City Motor Corp. Parts for County Vehicles " 24.70 2.25 75.42 20.49 I 379.25 36.05 60.00 60.00 60.00 I 39.0l I 00616 Goodwin-Andrews, Inc., Additional premium on Garbage Trucks &c 112.40 00617 Howell's Auto Parts, Inc., Parts Garbage Truck 00618 Void 00619 Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co., office supplies 00620 Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies 175.00 .94 3lS.92 ~ = I .. it ~ -- No. 00621 R. W. Bowles, assisting in Electrical and Plumbing Inspections 00622 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance agreement 00623 Yates & Wells Garage, Repair and Parts Garbage truck 00624 Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Parts for Garbage Trucks 00625 Standard Parts Corp., Parts for gar~age truck 00626 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., Canvas Cover 00627 Salem R~diator Service, Repairs &c 00628 Keller Machine Company, Repair and Parts &c 00629 Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 00630 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., 12-Square tubs 00631 Dickerson GMC Inc. Parts for Garbage Truck 00632 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies 00633 Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Repairs and Oil for Tractor 00634 Technical Reproduction Supply, Office supplies and Map 00635 Acme Typewriter Co., Office supplies 00636 Times-Register Co., Advertising 00637 Mrs. Laura S. Wagner, Services as Deputy Registrar 00638 Janet L. Ballentine, Deputy Registrar 00639 Salem Hardware Co., Hardware 00640 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 00641 peacock-Salem Laundry, Janitor supplies 00642 Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Plumbing at Courthouse 00643 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for Courthouse 00644 Meador & Company, Making keys and changing locks 00645 Brown Hardware Company, Hardware 00646 Void 00647 Shenandoah Company, 30 copies Audit 00648 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Auto Tags 00649 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline for distribution 00650 State Board of Education, Carrying charge on acquisition cost &c 00651 State Board of Education, Surplus Material Civil Defense 00652 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Truck 00653 Underwood Corporation, 2 New Electric Typewriters 00654 Booker T. Helm, Labor and Material for table 00655 Eubank, Caldwell & Associates, Architectural Services 00656 Concrete Ready Mixed Corp., Material Catawba Fire Station 00657 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for distribution 00658 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Stamps for distribution 00659 Salem Oil Co., Oil for Tractor 00793 Miller E. Petty, Services on Electoral Board 00794 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Services on Electoral Board 00795 John C. Gleason, Services on Electoral Board 00796 I~in Board, Janitor Services, Election Day 00797 Morrell Burton, Janitor Services, Election Day 00798 John L. Flinchum, Janitor Services, Election Day 00799 Theodore M. Johnston, Janitor services, Election Day " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " rr " " " " II " " " " " II II " " II " " " " II rr " " II II " II II II $ 111.00 44.50 38.59 10.87 19.97 1.60 10.00 346.96 3.72 38.34 14.53 88.23 20.73 26.10 98.51 8.75 27.15 64.60 3.40 3.25 12.22 631.17 l6.73 9.60 16.82 141. 75 89.85 918.21 8.34 45.96 30.82 821.50 25.00 354.24 146.95 257.08 68.00 89.62 55.00 327.85 62.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 ="", . I 23R No. 00800 John McPherson, Janitor Services, Election Day $ 5.00 00801 Everette Martin, Janitor Services, Election Day 5.00 00802 Samuel Moore, Janitor Services, Election Day 5.00 00803 Irvin Woods, Janitor Services, Election Day 5.00 00804 Mack H. Wright, Janitor Services, Election Day 5.00 00805 J. C. Blankenship, Room Rent Election Day 20.00 00806 Hart Motor Co., Room Rent, Election Day 7'.-jO 00807 R. S. Teel, Room Rent, Election Day 7.50 00808 Frank J. Zinii:!erman, Room Rent, Election Day 7.50 00809 Dan D. Clifton, Room Rent, Election Day 15.00 00810 Builders Mart, Locks for Ballot Boxes 18.96 00811 Paul Foutz, Reimburse 1 20 gallon garbage Can, Ballot Box 1.50 00812 FICA Contribution Fund, Employer's matching salary 73.97 00813 Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, Garnishments deducted &c 64.02 00814 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Co. Engineer &c 164.75 00815 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 14.85 00816 Acme Printers, Inc., Book Binding for Treasurer 27.00 00817 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office supplies 43.35 00818 Chapman Insurance Agency, Additional Premium 140.54 00819 Times-Register Company, Publishing delinquent taxes 1,227.50 00820 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 149.80 00821 Haloid Xerox, Inc., office supplies 44.55 00822 Treasurer of Virginia, Pro rate share of salary increase &c 1,OlO.66 00823 City Treasurer, Room and Board for Children 190.00 00824 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance service 35.00 00825 R. L. Watkins, Deputy Sheriff, Reimburse Traveling Expense 6.10 00826 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Police Car 3.89 00827 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles 164.97 00828 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Bedding and Towels 187.20 00829 Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing apparel for Fire Chiefs 522.50 00830 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flash light batteries 6.12 00831 Martin Brothers Contractors, Repairs to Hollins Fire House 231.96 00832 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service, Bent Mountain Fire Station 34.35 00333 Appalachian Power Ce., Current used at Hollins Fire Station 25.81 00834 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital bills 1,365.00 00835 Jefferson Hospital, State-local Hospital bills 331.50 00836 Lewis-Gele Hospital, State local Hospital bills 292.50 00837 University of Virginia, State local Hospital bills l75.50 00838 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy hearing 10.00 00839 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy hearing 20.00 00840 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy hearing 10.00 0084l Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy hearing 20.00 00842 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy lO.OO 00843 I. L. Swain, Labor on Garbage Truck 12.00 00844 Lewis Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 82.07 I " " " " " I " " " " I " " " " " " " " " " " " I " " " " " " " " " " " " I " " " " " " " " " " " _.~-==-=-",,"L~-----. No. 00845 Cordy Maxey, Garbage collection 00846 Virginia K. Rierson, Deputy Registra. 00847 Martha H. Matthews, extra work on Election 00848 FuelOIL & Equipment Co., Fuel for Heating Courthouse 00849 American Chemical Co., Janitor Supplies for Courthouse 00850 Morris-Elam Company, Refund, Water heater &c 00851 Town of Salem, Annual Contribution to Life Saving Crew II " II " a II " 237 --;-5~.0~T-- . 29.10 l30.l5 4l2.75 28.46 .50 100.00 II 00852 Town of Vinton, Annual Contribution to Life Saving Crew 100.00 00853 Langley & McDonald, Engineers, Engineering services &c 2,970.07 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Bob's Market, dog food and batteries Brown Hardware Co., Bulbs for heating dog pound Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Powell Pharmacy, Medical supplies Radio Communicati.:l'1s, October Radio Maintenance Rcmoke County School Board, repairs to Dog Truck Salem Farm Supply Co., Wearing apparel Dr. R. B. Smiley, Rabies treatment Void II ~ " 00854 Kime & Jolly, Attorney's fee annexation 00855 Dulaney & Robinson, Accountants, annexation 00856 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's fee aIlIlexation 00857 Underwood Corporation, 1 used typewriter 00858 James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimburse jury tickets 00859 J. R. Taliaferro, Reimburse traveling expense 00863 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, request for additional funds " " " " " " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: ~ No. 00660 " 00661 " 00662 " 00663 " 00664 " 00665 n 00666 " 00667 II 00668 653.63 3,776.86 2,005.94 17.50 354.91 115.97 3,288.00 $ 19.40 36.00 7.96 18.60 15.00 2.00 62.35 50.00 " 00669 Salem Hardware Co., Miscellaneous items 6.95 " 00670 State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine 23.40 ~ " 00860 Ralph Long, Refund traveling expense 76.60 " 00861 Ezra Martin, Fowl claim 6.00 " 00862 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Dog Truck 1.46 c The following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioners of the General Election for their services in conducting the General Election held on the 8th day of November, 1960, in Roanoke County payable out of the General County Fund, to-wit: CATAWBA PRECINCT No. 00671 J. W. Hylton, Judge and Returns $ 21.40 II 00672 C. c. Carroll, Judge 15.00 " 00673 R. D. Morehead, Judge " 00674 Doris Shelor, Clerk " 00675 Everette Sirry, Clerk 238 No. MASON VALLEY PRECINCT 00676 F. J. Callaham, Judge and Returns 00677 Henry B. Pratt, Judge 00678 John W. Barton, Judge 00679 Graham G. Smith, Clerk 00680 Joseph M. Frith, Clerk WEST SALEM PRECINCT $ 20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 0068l Hilda D. Miller, Judge, Returns and Commissioner 00682 Joseph S. Morrison, Judge 00683 Mary Sue H. Spickard, Judge 00684 Miss Margie A. Mills, Clerk 00685 Mrs. Thelma M. McGhee, Clerk GLENVAR PRECINCT 00686 Mrs. W. R. Young, Sr., Judge and Returns 00687 E. D. Rettinger, Judge 00688 Mrs. Evelyn B. Saul, Judge 00689 Mrs. Lucile H. Freese, Clerk 00690 Manley W. Tobey, Clerk NORTH SALEM PRECINCT 35.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " .. " 00691 Richard F. Burke, Judge and Returns 00692 John J. Sheahan, Judge 00693 W. B. Littrell, Judge and COIIIIIlissioner 00694 Winnie L. Brown, Clerk & Commissioner 00695 Mrs. Evelyn K Matthews, Clerk 00696 Thelma Coffman, Clerk soum SALEM tJ1 PRECINCT 20.00 15.00 30.00 30.0Op 15.00 15.00 " " " " " " 00697 W. Harvey Woods, Judge, Returns and Commissioner 00698 Reid H. Duncan, Judge 00699 Alberta M. Shufflebarger, Judge 00700 Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Clerk 00701 Mrs. Mary J. Miller, Clerk 00702 Dorothy Melton, Clerk soum SALEM #2 PRECINCT 35.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 II II " " " II 00703 George M. Akers, Judge and Returns 00704 Z. L. Burson, Judge 00705 H. C. Painter, Judge 00706 G. D. Helton, Judge 00707 Mrs. Edna Brown, Clerk 00708 Mrs. Edna Sowers, Clerk PETERS CREEK PRECINCT 20.00 15.00 l5.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " II II 00709 Sarah M. Whitmire, Judge and Returns 00710 Mrs. Willie N. McDaniel, Judge 00711 G. H. Kelch, Judge 00712 Ruth C. Sears, Clerk 00713 Mary S. Stanley, Clerk 00714 Hazel H. Gearhart, Clerk 20.42 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " II II " II = I I I I I r;I a I ~ ~ - - ---- .'~ No. BURLINGTON PRECINCT 00715 Della B. Murray, Judge and Returns 00716 Reba E, Irons, Judge 00717 Mary D. Duffy, Judge 00718 Hill Bower, Clerk 00719 Rosalie S. Lucas, Clerk EAST VINTON PRECINCT $ 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ." " " " " 21.40 15.00 " 00720 Paul W. Foutz, Judge and Returns. 00721 Roy W. Thrasher, Judge 00722 Marie B. Powell, Judge 00723 Louie W. Harper, Clerk 00724 Phyllis Thomas, Clerk 00725 Emily D. Holdren, Clerk BOTETOURT SPRINGS PRECINCT 00726 R. L. Walrond, Judge, Returns and COIlIIIissioner 00727 R. B. Obenchain, Judge 00728 Void 00729 Donnie E. Vest, Judge 00730 Sherman C. Shaw, Clerk 00731 Ruby L. Obenchain, Clerk WEST VINTON PRECINCT 15.00 15.00 15.00 " ":.5.00 " 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " $ 37.80 15.00 " " " " " " 21. 40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " 00732 Robert L. Watson, Jr.. Judge and Returns. 00733 Edward E. Anderson, Judge 00734 Alice R. Bragg, Judge 00735 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk 00736 Dessie Smelser, Clerk HOLLINS ROAD PRECINCT 00737 G. Curtis Holland, Clerk and Returns 00738 Mrs. Ada L. Moore, Judge 00739 Iva A. Lucas, Judge 00740 Mrs. Lois E. Burnette, Judge 0074l Mrs. Virginia M. Howlett, Clerk MEDLEY PRECINCT 21.12 15.00 15.00 15.00 l5.00 " " " " " It " " " 20.56 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " 00742 Lenz B. Zimmerman, Judge and Returns 00743 Clarence H. Garst, Judge 00744 F. J. Zimmerman, Judge 00745 Jessie U. Linder, Clerk 00746 Mrs. Rhea C. Garst, Clerk MOUNT PLEASANT PRECINCT 00747 Wade W. Garman, Judge and Returns 00748 D. E. Richardson, Judge 00749 Alpha o. Eastwood, Judge 00750 Laura S. Wagner, Clerk 0075l Pearl A. Rakes, Clerk 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " II " 11 II " a = a ~ ~ ~ OAK GROVE PRECINCT No. 00788 Ernestine P. Graham, Clerk and Returns " 00789 J. A. Lipps, Judge " 00790 S. R. Pritchard, Jr., Judge " 00791 Carl W. Gordon, Judge " 00792 Earline T. Porterfield, Clerk $ 20.28 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia November 21, 1960 I , , To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business November 19, 1960, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (Janie B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (James E. Peters) $ 474,651. 90 417 .65 291.81 932.76 30,640.92 1,617.62 422.61 .36 ~ 508.975.63 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of November, 1960, be app;:oved in the amount of $8.568.29, from which the sum of $164.33 total F. I. C. A. and $803.80 total W. H. Taxes is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,600.16. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period from October 16, 1960, ending October 31, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,449.94, from which $73.52 total F. I. C. A.; $79.40 total W. H. Taxes and $42.75 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,190.25; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period November l, 1960, e,,-di~ November 15, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,525.59, from which $75.79 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $86.70 total W.H. Taxes and $23.75 insurance, is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,275.33. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin b, ~errell, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None 241 'cL.P.r. .c.. ,W, ... c s;. ~~ If r>->-/4o .u.r- ~.<W.. . .. ~ s;. -~~ IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY OFIRENE F. GUERNSEY AND ANNETrE F. QUISENBERRY AT THE INTERSECTION OF ROUTE NO. 117 (PETERS CREEK ROAD) AND DEER BRANCH ROAD IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA l ORDER a This day came Irene F. Guernsey and Annette F. Quisenbeny, by their Attorney, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NCW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this 21st day of November, 1960, the said petition be, and the same is hereby ORDERED filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the' same is hereby refe=ed to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning CommiSSion shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, 2S required by the Code of Virgi~ia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular 0: special meeting of this Board,and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A, C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes; Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hamp:::on Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None c c a IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE WEST SIDE OF GOODWIN AVENUE, IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF NORA K. ClARK AND SALVATORE GIARIZIO l FINAL ORDER o WHEREAS, Nora K. Clark and Salvatore Giarizio did, on the 22n d day of August, 1960, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinanc~ of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real property owned by the said Nora K. Clark and Salvatore Giarizio and situate on the West side of Goodwin Avenue, in the Salem Magisterial District, and more particularly described in said petition, and hereinafter more fully described, and now classified as "residence property" be reclassified and rezoned as "Business B-I", so as to provide that said property and buildings thereon or which may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for general grocery store business and other related purposes;, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did, by a resolution adopted at the regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors, held ~:.Er ~.l..t. r (p~ B. 'Yh..al.......... ~, t<..-.. c (it..... . ~. 1/ I" '7'0 2.~ tU.. f;- ~;J.. . ozf:j ~ c..j..., ~ r.- ~~ R-. c . (f~-. en... 11/'''"16,; 244 - ~ ~ -~=='="" on the 22nd day of August, 1960, refer said petition and proposal to so amend said County Zoning Ordinance to the Planning 'Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, as required by said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virginia, for a recommendation of said Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission of said County did, by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting held on the 20th day of September, 1960, recommend' to the Board of Supervisors of said Courity that said County Zoning Ordinance shou'd be amended so as to change or reclassify said property from its present classifi- I cation of "residence property" to "Business B-l", as required in said petition; , and, I I WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received a copy of ~ Order and Resolution adopted by said County Planning Commission recommending that said County Zoning Ordinance be so amended; and, WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its resolution, adopted on the 22nd day of August, 1960, as aforesaid, order the said Clerk of kaid Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning' Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, I WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on this the 2lst day of November, 1960, at 3 o'clock P. M., as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in The Times-Register, a newspaper published in 'the County of Roanoke and of general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 20th day of October, 1960, and 27th day of October, 1960, as required by said order of this Board of August 22, 1960, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration tosaid petition and to ! said recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching I r i the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of I the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in i said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. i \ NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ~ ~ ROANOKE comITY, VIRGINIA, at this regular meeting of said Boardheld on this ~ r the 21st day of November, 1960, that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from its present classification of "residence property" to "Business B-I", in order that said I I property and the buildings thereon, or that might be hereafter erected thereon, may be used for general grocery store business and related purposes as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. 24!3 - ~ The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "residence property" to "Business B-1" is situate on the West side of Goodwin Avenue, in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, said tract or parcel of land being the same property conveyed to the said Nora K. Clark and Salvatore Giarizio, by deed dated December 30, 1959, and of record in Deed Book 663, page 270 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County , Virginia, said tract or parcel of land being described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Goodwin Avenue approximately 900 feet north of the corporate luDits of the Town of Salem, which said point of beginning is the common corner of the Asa Jackson heirs property with the Dixie Farms; thence with the line of the Dixie Farm, N. 87 degs. 20* W. l78.l feet to a point; thence further with the line of the Dixie Farm, N. 36 degs. 46. W. 45.0 feet to a point on the southerly line of Pitizer (Terrill) Street; thence along and with the southerly line of Pitizer (Terrill) Street, N. 73 degs. 53' E. 181.6 feet to a point on the westerly line of Goodwin Avenue; thence along and with the westerly line of Goodwin Avenue, S. 17 degs. 24' E. 99.34 feet to the place of BEGINNING, said description being in accordnce with a Map of Asa Jackson Estate made by W. 1. McGhee, Certified professional Engineer, dated December, 1959. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith a a certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commission, and a copy to Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Nora K. Clark and Salvatore Giarizio. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None t1 Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 17th day of October, 1960, designating November 21, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. as the time and the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a public hearing on the aforesaid resolution of October 17, 1960, signifying the intention of the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to speci further projects in the nature of sewage col.lection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said -resolution, ?ursuant to the provisio s of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code I of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had to Section 15-764. concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Te;:rell Absent: None The Chairman opened the meeting stating its general purposes, and after reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published in the Roanoke ''World-News'', and also a reading of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general discussion of the subject. The Board hearing no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, on the motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the following resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote: c I I WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held October 17, 1960, a resiution was unanimously passed by recorded vote of said Board signifying its intention to specify further proj ects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended, and particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifying of further projects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was duly published in the Roanoke ''World-News,'' a newspaper published in and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and said publication having been had on November 1, 1960. WHEREAS the said Public Hearing was duly held on November 21, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock p. m. at the time amplace as set forth in the said notice and resolution; and, WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its actfl.on at its regular meeting of October 17, 1960, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution signifying its intention to specify further proj ects to be : imdertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority with the purpose of acquiring, financing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a ewer system or systems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental I thereto for the primary purpose of furnishing sanit~;' sewer facilities to reside~ces and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its Charter and by the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and being Sections l5-764.l to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the additional projects I, consisting of furnishing said services in each and all of those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolution passed by the Boar~ I. I I I I ~ =:==. - - -- a of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its regular meeting held on October 17, 1960, rererence is hereby specifically had to said resolution and the metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Supervisors' Record Book 16, Page 229. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None a IN RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VA., FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1960 a On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the report of Alexander Grant & Company, Auditors, of audit and accounts of records of Roanoke County, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1960, be and the same is, hereby received and ordered filed. Letter dated October 25, 1960, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Va., from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, accepting the audit of the accounts and records of the County of Roanoke and James E. Peters, Treasurer, by Alexander Grant & Company, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1960, ordered filed. IN RE: SECONDARY sYSTEM ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated October 17, 1960, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, froT'" F. A. Divis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following addition to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective October 17, 1960: Addition Length FAIRHOPE SUBDIVISION Fairhope Road - From Route 1497 to Route 883 0.07 mi. :.0 was this day received and ordered filed. The following communication was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: c Copy of letter dated October 20, 1960, addressed to wm. J. Paxton, Jr., Clerk, Town of Salem, from J. Robert 'J:homas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va. enclosing copy of resolution #14208, in re: amending contract of October 16, 1953, between the City of Roanoke, and Town of Salem dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes. Letter dated November 21, 1960, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, from W. Frank Chapman, Sr. Manager Town of Salem, in re: action taken by Town Council on resolution of 248 L.~.~ ~ijf-; l- e~)~ ~ " 1"1"11 ~~.! 17.y.~ ' tcL.L-to ,~~j',! t~ I i I I " " ~ l I' , t i: " ~ ~ , " ---===-- ---r Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County requesting Town of Salem to receive sewage from an area west of the Mercy House and north of Rt. 11 west. tetter dated November 14, 1960, addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, attention Mr. Hampton G. Mowles, from ~henandoah Valley Beagle Club, Inc., in re: opposition to compulsory rabies vaccination of dogs in Roanoke County, by said Club. I Copy of letter dated November 16, 1960, addressed to Mr. A. C. Harris, from the Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation, in re: purchase of Addressograph , I Tax Billing equipment. WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 62l from Route 115 to Route 605 did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, th' governing body in any cO,imty map, by resolution duly acl"pted, give names to stree roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. Such names sha take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conform! to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making referen to property abutting thereon; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 621 from Route 115 to Route 605: BEAUMONT ROAD. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 626 from Route 117 to Rout3 628 did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and 1 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section l5-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, th' governing body in any county may, by resolutin duly adopted, give names to streets!l , roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. Such names shal ! take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conformi to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making rererenc I to property abutting thereon; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 626 from Route l17 to Route 628: THIRLANE. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: SUj,.'rvisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None - Ii 111 .' .. . ., 1 " 5 copies del to Co. Ex. Offic(jr for del to Res. Engr.Dept"nighways 11/22/60 5 copies del to Co. Ex. Officer for del to Res. Engr. Dept.High- ways 11/22/60 - 5 copies del to Co.Ex.Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 11/22/ 5 copies del to Co. Ex.Officer for del. to Res.Engr. Dep.t.Highways 11722/60 I I I I I I I' a c ~ I, Ii- Board of Supervisors Ii " 1! II II II Ii .I 'I II !I I I x ORDER VB The Public and the State Highway COIIIIIi.ssion of Virginia This matter came on t~.is day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Brymoor Road from Deyerle Road (:Rt,686) to D. E. 0.16 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Brymoor Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 42 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and"that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOTJ the abutting property owners is necessar The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road k nown as Brymoor Road from Deyerle Road (Rt. 686) to D. E. -- 0.16 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a publi road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County . Adopted by the following recorded: vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None IN RE: APPOIN'D!ENT OF MEMBER OF ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD: Pursuant to Section 37.1.1 and of the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance, adopted by this Board on September 19, 1960, on motion of SupervisorA. C. Harris seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse it is ordered that-the following II named persons be appointed to constitute the Roanoke County Electrical Examining Ii I( I I I i ! Board, to serve without compensation, on said Board in conjunction with J. R. Taliaferro, Electrical Inspector of Roanoke County, for a term beginning November 21, 1960, and ending June 30, 1961, to-wit: GROUP NO. 1 Electrical Utility Member Marshall G. Covey ; , GROUP NO.2 I Roanoke County Master Electrician I I i I , I I Ii I! r II -I I I A. Jackson Newcomb, Jr. GROUP NO.3 Roanoke County Journeyman Electrician Clayton G. Tinnell Eric T. Naschold, Jr. GROUP NO. 4 Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None L~tter dated November 17, 1960, addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Edwin G. Te=ell, Chairman, from J. R. Taliaferro, Electrical Inspector, Roanoke County, submitting list of persons qualified to serve on the Roanoke County Electrical Examining Board, received and ordered filed. 1+ copies del to Co Ex Officer for i del to Res. I' Engr. Dept. H1ghwa.l! 11122/bO I I II I I I I I I ;.\ Copy del to J .R.1'lll1aEe I: copies maileli to IIl11l1ball'S appollllted I as per wi thin I order I 11/22/60 I i i ! I , il ! i II :1 :1 'I Ii :1 II I I 'I I , , I 254 , " Copi.. del If to 'l'Naa. ' Co BookIt..pe~ I: Co Ix. 11 otticer Ii 11/22/60 !i " II " :; I' I' II Copy del to T.LPIUDke~~. Jr.. A~~y 1,11/22/60 I I I -----.,.-- -----.---.- ..~-.._._-,".~-,-_._~---"";"';"'-"..;' II 11 Ii Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on I June 20, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effectivei On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton November 1, 1960: FIlNCTIm: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE Be - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 13 - ELECTImS An additional appropriation of $300.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I " " 'I il Ii 'I !I II I: ii 11 I , 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 601 - Improvement to Buildings (Courthouse): An additional appropriation of $25,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter endi December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinaP~ve indicated. 20 - DEBT SERVICE 803 - Interest on Temporary Loans: An lidditional approprication of $2,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 22 - SALEM DISTRICT ROAD DEBT FUND Road Material: An additional appropriation of $339.81 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None i I Ii ! ~ ~ Ir Ii I A RESOLUTIm concerning the installation of sewage facilities in certain real estate situate in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. WHEREAS, the owner and developer of the Spring Valley Highlands Subdivision, situated in Roanoke County and hereinafter described by metes and bounds has discussed with this Board the necessity for proper .sewage facilities in said area and it is impracticdfor this Board or the Roanoke Count.y Sanitation Authority to sewer,the area; and WHEREAS, it has been made known unto, this Board that the City of Roanoke has sewage facilities in the vicinity of said real estate and, accordingly, may economically sewer said area; and WHEREAS, there is presently pending anannexation suit instituted by the City of Roanoke against the County of Roanoke involving Spring Valley Highlands I P il I, " I, I' " I I' " il , i " I' and other properties in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, it is not the cisire of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the development of Spring Valley Highlands be delayed by reason of said annexation proceeding or by reason of the fact that it is pesently impractical for this Board or the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority to sewer the area; and I II " " :i ii il " " , :: WHEREAS, the aforesaid owner and developer has requested this Board to adopt I: " this resolution. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that, under the existing circumstances, if the City of Roanoke ii desires to service said area by transporting through its lines sewage originating il " 'I in said area and treating the same at its sewage treatment plant upon such terms Ii Ii 'i i' ,i ii a ~ a c ,.., ' ~ i I I r !I 'I~OPY pet;. I; I copy chis rder del 'to I aul B.Kat-1o ec.Rea Co. I lan Com I 11/22/60 This day, Keith K. Hunt, Attorney for Roy L. Tolbert and ~ P. Tolbert, I husband and wife, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a Petitiqp Ii ,I I and conditions as said City shall require of the owner and developer and, also, upon such terms and conditions as said City shall, from time to time, require of residents of the area desiring sewerage service, the County of Roanoke will not interpose any objection thereto. The area involved being situate in Roanoke County and' described as follows, to-wit: II Ii Ii i I BEGINNING at Corner No. 1 at thenortheastrlymose corner of the Map of Section No. 1 of Clearview Heights of record in the Clerkls Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, Page 175; thence S. 88 degs. 44' W. 322.66 feet to 2; thence N. 72 degs. 12' W. 2l7.79 feet to 3; th~nce S. 80 degs. 30' E. 15.82 feet to 4; thence N. 8degs. 16' W. 120.0 feet, N. 0 degs. 55'.30" E. 187.24 feet, N. 35 degs. 28' 30" w. 120.0 feet to 7; thence N. 56 degs. 39' 50" E. 536.84 feet and N. 70 degs. 9', 30" E. 399.71 feet to Corner 9 on the line of the property of .Howard D. Peters; thence S. 25 degs. 30' E. 408.02 feet to Corner 10' thence N. 39 degs. 20' 20" E. 85.28 feet to Corner 11; thence S. 41 degs. 16' E. 5l8,.76 feet to Corner 12; thence S. 69 degs. 11' 30" w. 182.92 feet to Corner 13; thence S. 75 degs. 30' W. 273.15 feet to 14; thence N. 17 degs. 48' W. 48.01 feet to 15; thence S. 81 degs. 44' W. 199.99 feet to 16; thence S. 73 degs. 44' 20" W.149.47 feet to the place of BEGINNING; and BEING more particularly shown on the Map of Spri~ Valley H1ghlands made by C. B. Malcolm and Son, S. C. E's., September 21, 1960. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: PETITION REZONING OF PROPERTY IN BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ON U. S. RT. 11 OF l ROY L. TOLBERT and ORMA P. TOLBERT, Husband and Wife on behalf of said parties, requesting the rezoning of a certain tract or parcel of land more fully described in Paragraph No. I of said Petition, and said Petition contains, among other things, the following allegations: (1) That the Petitioners are husband and wife, and own the real estate described in Paragraph No.1 of said Petition as tenants by the entirety with II Ii If i I !I !I II !I :1 and not detrimental to other land owners in the community, and that the petitioner.i desire to have said property rezoned from "Business District" to "Light Industry"J il I " That at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanole County, il Virginia, held this 21st day of Nove mber, 1960, the Petition of the said Roy L. 'I " :i " the common law right of survivorship; said property having been conveyed to the Petitio"~.8 by deed dated July ll, 1960 and of record in the Clerk's Office of the '::ircuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 647, page 17. (2) That said property described in said petition is now classified under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County as "Business District" but that the rezoning of said property to '~ight Industry" would be proper in all respects NOll THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: Tolbert and Orma P. Tolbert, be, and the same is hereby filed; and il h ~ I. I !I Cop)" pet I: i' COp)" this II 0l'Cler del to" Paul B. 1'1, Ma!thewll i See.Boa 60 II: P~ Cola. I 11/22/60 " ,I ~I !i i~ ii Ii I' Ij' !I Ii I' I! t! I' , I' " il , :1 Ii Ii i( ii " (: !: " ~ ~ I: I , , , II Ii II II I I ~ 'I I I ! ------------------11----- , , I ! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said proposal to amend said Zoning Ordinance so as to change the II I il I I il I I i the same down for public hearing at the first permissible regular or special I; , I meeting of thiS Board, and that notice thereof be ,given by said Clerk by publica- ! classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said Petition, be, and the same is HEREBY REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, fer recOllllllendations' in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and the provisions of Section l5-847 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND, ORDERED: That the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by Statute, recommendations by said Clerk of this Board, and that upon receipt of said said Clerk ,shall fOt'thwith set 'I il I. II II Ii ~ II Ii ,I II ~ I I I , Ii , I tion, in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and of Section 15-846 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That one certified copy of these Resolutions be forthwith delivered b y said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a copy of the Petition filed herein. The above Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and E~ G, Terrell Hays: None IN RE: REZONING OF'1'HAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 77.914 ACRES, LOCATED IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COl.lNTY, VIRGINIA, I RESOLtlTION AND A').JACENT TO THE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT OF ROANOKE CITY ORDER AND OWNED BY ROANOKE ORCHARD C<I1PANY, INC. . . . .' . This day came W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc. relative to amending the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, to the end and purpose that the "." approximately 77.914 acre tract, located adjacent to the Roanoke City Municipal Airport and owned by Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc., located in the Big Lick Ii Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, be rezoned from "Agricultural !I if A-l" to "Industrial M-l", which leave is granted and this petition is accordingly ii filed. [I And this Board having duly considered same and concluded that the rezoning of said property, so that it might be used for the purpose as designated under 'I the present Zoning Ordinances as "Industrial M-I" may be beneficial to the County Ii at large; therefore; BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the il ,I Zoning Ordinances of the County of Roanoke, so as to change the classification Ii of said property requested to be zoned in said petition so that it might beused for light industrial purposes and classifying the same as "Industrial M-l" as defined in the County Zoning Ordinances be, and the same is, herehy referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and, ii 11 I I I I I a a a ,.~ tJ c I I report its recommendations to the Clerk of, this Board as required by statute, and i i upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk of said COIlIIlission, the Clerk I i I i i i : i I' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these II , I resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this' Board to Paul B. Matthewsl Secretary of 'the Planning i::cmimisSion of Roanoke' County, together with the, copy I of the petition of the said Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc. I The above resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse'l I I, and seconded by Supez:visor A. C. Harris and on rec9rded vote the vote was as I follows: [ Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 1, I' II :; 1: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that said Planning Commission shall i: r I; " " jl Ii ii , :i I: i, :1 11 Ii of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-846 of said Code; and, IN RE: PURCHASE OF CARS FOR USE IN SHERIFF'S OFFICE: 257 On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hsmpton Mouls '~U ~ it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept the low (p~ ill !n,~ Ce.P~~1 11/",...1, , / 0 bid of the Vinton Motor Company of Five Thousand, Nine hundred and Nine Dollars ,i and Eighty-five Cents ($5,909.85) for three 1961 Fairlane Fords, 4 door Sedans, Ii Ii I, I, I, Ii I " II II Ii II " :: Ii I' " I! , h ~ 1! Ii " 'I I; Ii Ii Ii I' I ~ I! " equipped as per specifications, for use in the Sheriff's Office. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hsmpton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None The bids submitted for three 1961 Fairlane Fords, 4 door sedans by each of following companies were received and order.ed filed: Harvest Motors, Inc. Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Corp. Beach Brothers Motors, Inc. Salem Motors, Inc. JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County,thil day appeared before the Board and requested that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized, subject to participation in the cost of same by the State of Virginia, the following equipment for use in his office: 2 12988 Steelmaster Check and Voucher filed at $172.75 Less '7. $ 345.50 52.00 $ 293.50 43.60 $ 337.10 8 Sets Oxford Files 149M40 at $6.70 Less '7. $ 53.60 10.00 i! I, ,: I II Ii Ii seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the above purchase is authorized, subject " Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor G. Hsmpton Moulse, to the participation of the State of Virginia in the cost of said equipment. I th I, II Ij I, II II ! I ; ; i I I !'~A~1r the! t.L ~~ !,k.ou " I, Ifl('-<c-l i 1/ /,.;..{ 60 I ~ a a c ~ ~ I' 'i I, 'i i! No. 00944 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for CODIIIIissioner of Revenue " 00945 Town of Salem, Light and water arvice 00946 Roanoke Gas Company, Fuel for Cooking Jail &c 00947 Void " " " 00948 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Fire Stations 00949 Bent Mountain Volunteer Firemen, 1969-1961 Contribution 00950 Mount Pleasant Volunteer Firemen, 1960-196l Contribution 00951 Clearbrook Volunteer Fire Dept. 1960-l96l Contribution 00952 Cave Spring Volunteer Firemen, 1960-1961 Contribution 00953 Vinton Volunteer Firemen, 1969-l96l Contribution 00954 Catawba Volunteer Firemen, 1960-l96l Contribution 00955 Hollins Volunteer Firemen, 1960-1961 Contribution 00956 Madeline B. Edwards, Services as Deputy Registrar 00958 E. S. Honaker, Services as Deputy Registrar 00959 Mrs. Pat Doran, Services as Deputy Registrar " ii I' ,I Ii Ii ;1 " II II ii ,I !! !: I' !i " r: i i I Ii I' " I' Ii Ii I: I! I' r r II Ii !I II Ii Ii ~ " Ii I: " " " " " " " " " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: $ 450.00 439.00 42.78 76.55 260.00 460.00 ,I 460.00 I I 460.00 I I 460.00 I I 260.00 q60.00 I 26.30 , i , I 63.40 I I 13.50 I I i I The following claim against the County was this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl therewith, to-wit: $ l4.65 ,I II II On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harri~, ~ J.J... the General Appr~iation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, ! To 1l.-. .c. I ~ .(Df-tft<r IJ~~ II 'I I, No. 00957 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Dog Warden be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows effective December 6, 1960: i: i, 'I Ii Ii I' 11 [I II I: I: Ii I' I II Ii 11 I, " I: j: if Ii I; " FUNCTION: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object COUNTY AmlINISTRATION la - Board of Supervisors: An additional appropriation of $1,200.00 is her~t made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending Dee er 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 4 - RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 3l, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 5 - AmlINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court: An additional appropriation of $2,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 7 - FIJIE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION 1!!I' An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for ii the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. II 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, III 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. i I 10 - PUBLIC WORKS il lOa - Engineering: An additional appropriation of $l,OOO.OO is hereby made II from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960~ for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. II 260 i , f I I I 'f~ It:; l~i, ~T Yo I ~ J; J..J.. ! 10 --r~ '\- ' ~~<~ ; 6.tk~ Ii .,.~ ~jl 1~1/&O 1 , It I I I I , ~ I I; Ii II Ji 13 - ELECTlmS An additional appropriation of $2,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 20 - DEBT SERVICE 802 - Redemption of Temporary Loan: An additional appropriation of $98,583.32 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, th I I Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do delivel to the main sewer interceptor of the Town of Salem wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of I Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on south right of way line of proposed Interstate Route 81 at the intersection of same with the proposed east right of way line of Virginia Secondary Route 643; thence with the proposes south right of way line of Interstate Route 81, N. 53 57' 18" E., 572.5 feet to a point; thence continuing with the P50posed south right of way line of Interstate 81, N. 67 02' E., 161.0 feet to a point; thence leaving Interstate Route 81, and withonew lines, the following courses and 81stances: S. 36 03' E., 246.29 feet to a point; S. 53 57' 18" W., 829.4 feet to the proposed east right of way lise of Virginia Secondary Route 643; thence with same N. 16 36' 30" W., 300.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 5.00 acres, as shown by plat made by Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, May 23, 1960, a copy of which is attached hereto. and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. I' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council of the Town of Salem is hereby Ii requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic I wastes originating within the fforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the sa::oe, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 1963. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None Copy of letter dated November 28, 1960, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, , State Compensation Board, addressed to Jsmes E. Peters,Treasurer, Roanoke County;! approving allowance of $337.10 to cover cost of two file cabinets and eight sets ,: !! of files for use in Treasurer's office was this day laid before the Board and ,I ordered filed. This Board at its meeting on November 21, 1960, approved said purchase, subject to concurrence of the Compensation Board. li- '[ I I I' Ii :1 I ! I I I I , I I I i I I i I II II ,I !, " :I Ii ii I )j h 'I :, !i !I 'I CI ~ I a m 'I 'I II I' I I , IN RE: ADDRESSOGRAPH TAX BILLING EQUIPMENT: ! On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keff~r, seconded by Supe~-visor G. Hampton I ! Moulse, it is ordered that no action be t.aken at this time on the purchase of an: I , I il II II I Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and I I I I~~~ I~'r I~"'~~ I tht>~ o. " 71 , ~'~-"(~ .~ j ~t:l::"~ . (l~ H( , I~~':" IU~tt.,. , \f.... I 1'-'11/100 , seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the accounts for the ! I month of July, 1960, in the amount of $253.75, and for the month of August, 1960' , II 11 II :1 'I II " " II 1i I :i 'I Copy of letter dated November 23, 1960, from the State Compensation Board, Ii 'I addressed to C. E. Boone, Sheriff of Roanoke County, approving the request of th~ ..e.~ Sheriff for an allowance of seventy-five dollars ($75.00) per month for the h.':"~. months of November and December, 1960, for part-time clerical help in said OffiC~,~ - <hi, day 1o1d be"', 'ho _d; 1't~1:~ Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded ~I.vo - .' by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the i~~'" 'i 12/? I" a- I' Ii I, i! i ~ ; Copy of this order to be forwarded to the State Compensation Board. ;;. i~ Addressograph Tax Billing Machine for Lse in the offices of the Commissioner of Revenue and Treasurer of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. A. C. Harris Nays: None :; !) I, 'I " , I: ... " ii , i MRS. CATHERINE R. CLARK this day submitted to the Board the following accounts: For the month of July, 1960 $ 253.75 $ 235.00 $ 236.25 $ 168.75 $ 893.75, For the month of August, 1960 For the month of September, 1960 and For the month of October, 1960 :, !; Ii I! I Ii 'I h il I, p A total of for services rendered by her for the four months period, in the office of the Sheriff of Roanoke County; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, I: I: :Ln the amount of $235.00, making a total of $488.75 only be approved by this Board subject to the approval of the State Compensation Board; it being shown to the Board that Mrs. Clark was the od1 part-time deputy working as bookkeeper during the months of July and August, 1960, in the Sheriff's Office. And it is further ordered that the accounts submitted for the months of September and October, 1960, be disapproved as there was a full time deputy employed as a bookkeeper in said office for those months. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and , .. , E request of the said Sheriff for above allowance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A., C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None Edwin G. Terrell and 261 --.-..........-..--.-.-,""'--. ................" 1262 ~ . Ii I ~ ,i ,I :1 ii Ii ,I Ii II \! .iI iI I: !: ,I il II II I' ii Ii Ii I' ~ 1 I i II 'I II I Ii ,I II 11 ~ t II I I' ,I I' rJ 'I II Ii II I' ,I II " Ii it II 'I /, II Ii ,- Ii I' I' II 'I 'I " Ii Ii I' I! Ii ~ Ii II I " II " ORDERED that the Board be adj ourned until the third Monday in December, .q~ d:JVIMM- . Chairman Court House Salem, Virginia December 19, 1960 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. ?>I. L. Minnick, Pastor of the College Lutheran Olurch, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 00988 National bssociation of County Officials, subscription to County Officer magazine &c $ 12.00 " 00989 Acme Typewriter Co., 1 Gestefax Assessors Office 00990 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 00991 American Photocopy Equip. Co., Record paper 00992 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Certifying Poll tax list 3.00 11. 36 21.25 160.00 " " .. .. 00993 Roanoke County School, November Maintenance County Owned Vehicles 479.40 12.50 431.60 3.50 " 00994 Roanoke County Court, 50: cases collecting del. taxes 00995 C. W. Warthen Company, Record Books 00996 G. H. Parent Company, Office supplies 00997 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 6.3ii .. .. .. .. 00998 Burroughs Corporation, Ribbon for Adding Machine 1.40 00999 Double Envelope Corporation, Envelopes for County Clerk 24.63 01000 West Publishing Co., Law books 28.00 01001 Michie Company, Law books 3.00 01002 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for County Court 24.00 Ol003 Remington Rand, Maintenance agreement &c 17 .25 01004 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse November Traveling Expense 34.30 01005 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse traveling Expense 43.73 01006 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse Nov. Traveling Expense 59.64 01007 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for Co. Vehicles l09.99 .. .. .. .. .. " .. II .. .. 01008 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline 01009 Eubank, Caldwell & Associates, Architectural Services OlOlO Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts &c 01011 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Medical Examination 01012 Void 01013 Void 14.39 36l.87 14.11 8.00 " " .. .. " Ii II 1960~ I, I I I ) I I I I' :1 I' I Ii II II I I I I 'I I, I' ,I I, II " II :! :1 ii ,I :1 II iI :j II Ii II i! :1 Ii I I a \1 " I, i: I: a i, :1 II " I! I: II ,I iJ 11 Ii i' I! II Ii 'I " il 'I II fi II I Ii ,! Ii ,I II 1, 'I I: Ii I' ,\ II Ii . Ii " , ;! ii I' i1 II I! 1\ II ,I I' " " 1: i; a a No. 01014 Transport Clearings of the Carolinas, Freight on Wearing Apparel. Sheriff's Department 01015 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for County Vehicles 01016 Salem Motors, Parts for Vehicles 01017 John B. Stetson Company, Wearing apparel Sheriff's Dept. $ 5.50 153.75 2.48 73.32 It 01018 Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff's Dept. 1,071.00 01024 DeWitt Supply :::0., Janitor supplies 37.62 01025 Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on Bedding and Towels for Jail 3.52 01026 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Jail 6.57 01027 Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Repair work 4.75 01028 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County Jail 32.00 01029 Salem Creamery Co.. Food for Prisoners 15.60 II Ol054 Fairview Home, Expense of inmates at home for aged 01055 International Business Machine Co., Typewriting ribbons 01056 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. co., Bond - Ann Hinson &c 01057 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased on Courtsey Card It It It II 01019 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Medical supplies 01020 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food, medical supplies &c 01021 Valleydale Packers, Food for prisoners 01022 Salem Hardware Co., Coffee Boiler, Teas spoons &c 01023 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies for County Jail 181.30 242.88 64.40 28.33 30.24 53.54 52.48 80.97 34.02 II Sanfax Corporation, Janitor _ supplies: Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, Parts and fire equipment &c 279.29 II 222.00 5.90 33.00 82.65 20.37 82.13 8.60 3.00 15.l2 II 01045 W. W. Garman, November Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 01044 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, November Rent on C. S. Fire House 60.00 60.00 01046 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Ncvember Rent on Clearbrook Fire House60.00 43.81 II Ol048 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Equipment 4.00 01049 Clearbrook First Aid & Rescue Squad, Amount due on last month I s bill .90 91. 82 29.11 39.36 II 01053 Arrow Hardware Paint & Feed Co., Paint for Hollins Fire House 5.27 It II II II " " " .. " II It 01030 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 01031 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry County Jail 01032 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners I, Ii II I' I, i' II i ,I [I Ii I 1 , " " II 01033 01034 " 01035 State Forester, County's pro rata share of expense in controlling forest fires in Va. 01036 Salem Paint Co., Paint for Hollins Fire Station 01037 Radio COlDIlIunications Co., Radio Mail.tena.1ce 01038 Pyrofax Gas Corp., Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Station 01039 Nelson Hardware Co., Material o.c 01040 Oren Roanoke Corp., Parts and Equipment Ol04l Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 01042 Miller Tire Service, Parts Clearbrook Fire Truck Ol043 Garland Oil Co., Oil Hollins Fire Truck II It II II It " II II II " II 01047 Fuel Oil & EqUipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire House " II 01050 Clements Motor Supplies, Parts for County Vehicles 01051 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts &c 01052 Brambleton Gulf Service, Gas and Oil for Fire Truck " " 1.48 l4.00 114.54 5.05 I i I II , I , I I i II I II I II ,I I , I I i i I II II :1 11 il 'I II il 'I il il I' ,I " I !i ,I " 'I !, i: '1' , 'I II 'I 11 :/ :, I ~ II II II II II II II II .I Ji Ii II II ~ II I I' ~ ji ,[ II ~ i !I II II II , I 'I I' ,I il Ii Ii I: Ii II I' , " 'I II Ii Ii I' .I [I H j: ,I I' ,I !i 01088 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. 1961 Roanoke County License Plates l,806.00 01089 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Distribution 180.00 01090 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 100.00 01091 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 68.05 No. 01058 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps 01059 Paul Williams, Refund Garbage Collection 01060 Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Mirror for Garbage 0106l Salem Radiator Service, Repairs and Parts 01062 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks 01063 Shackelford Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts Garbage Truck 01064 Summerdean Esso Station, Parts, Oil and anti Freeze 01065 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts for Garbage Truck 01066 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Labor on Tractor 01067 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for Tractor 01068 Addressograph - Multigraph Corp., Identification tags 01069 Roanoke Mills, Inc., Office supplies 01070 Goldie R. Griggs, Services as Deputy Registrar 01071 Brown Hardware Co., Supplies lor Electoral Board &c 0107~ White Spot Supply Co., Repairs to Equipment & Disinfectant " " " II " II " II " II II II " " " 01073 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service 01074 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry, Janitor supplies 01075 Owen Plumbing & Heating, Plumbing repairs to Courthouse 01076 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies &c 01077 Void " " " " II 01078 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel fo= County Office Bldg. Ol079 McClung Lumber Co., Material for Bent Mountain Fire House 01080 Wilson Trucking Corporation, Freight on Auto Tags 01081 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office supplies Ol082 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline purchased for Distribution 01083 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Attorney Fee legal services for Sept. & November 01084 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's fee Annexation 01085 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Civil Defense Jeep 01086 Radio Supply Co., Repair parts for Radio 01087 Services E uipment Co., Surplus Goods " " II II II " II II II " " " " 01101 Rockydale Quarries Corp., Road Stone 01144 G. H. Parent Company, office supplies 01145 Haloid Co., Repair parts for Photostatic Machine 01146 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental fee on Postage Machine II " II $ 5.82 9.60 4.00 48.00 25.94 18.48 7.75 5.45 2.47 251.15 26.95 327.50 83.00 50.78 17.02 3.25 11.37 27.74 13.51 52.20 7.35 56.00 12.38 822.75 830.39 985.70 2.64 105.62 106.00 65.03 5.83 .70 39.00 01147 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 5.16 01148 Furman Whitescarver, 1/2 year dues Roanoke Co. Law Library 75.00 " " II 01149 Auto Sp~-ng & Bearing Co., Flash Light batteries &c 01150 Harvest Motors, Parts for Police Car 01151 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts for Vehicles 01152 Remington Rand, Repairs to Dalton Adding Machine " II II II 01153 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk Drivers &c II Pure Oil Co., Gas, Oil &c " 3.06 4.13 61. 00 8.75 86.00 9.32 I I " Ii II I' Ii ,I I II II ,I II II I. Ii I! If il L I , i i 1 I I , i: I: I I: Ii I I I I If !! No. 01156 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 11. 56 il ii I i' I I I , II The following claims against the County were this day presesented, approved, II 'I and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively ch~.geable !I :1 , " :i 17.69 :1 73.44 II I I: 5.00i 14.49! ': ,i ~ IN RE: I '. I I! Ii :i II " :i " il :1 !I ~I :: a II It II )' u II ! ~ a I! :j I, ,1 Ii i, I, " Ii n ! ~ " ., ,. " ~ i I, ~ :; I Ii " " II Ii Ii Ii II I, " II II I Ii It 'i I, Ii i\ II I! 1: 11 :1 I' " II i II c c 01163 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 1,092.00 01164 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 156.00 01165 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Lunacy Hearings 20.00 01166 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy Hearings 50.00 01167 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 230.50 01168 Commonwealth of Virginia, Zoning Maps 23.88 II 01157 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel Catawba Fire House 01158 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy hearing 01159 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy hearings 01160 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline MOunt Pleasant Fire Truck II 01161 Children's Home Society of Va., 1960-1961 Contribution to Children's Home 01162 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital for Welfare II II II II II II II " 01169 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps for Subdivisions 01170 Salem Oil Co., Fuel oil for Tractor 01171 Mrs. Ethel OSborne, Services rendered Election Day 01172 Teel's Store, Room Rent Election Day 01173 Fielding L. Logan, Premium on Boiler Ol174 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating Fuel for Courthouse 01175 Horton A. Hall, Rebate for purchase of Roanoke County Tags 01176 H. W. Starkey, Service on Finance Committee 01177 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Traveling Expense to Richmond Ol178 Roanoke Printing Co., Office supplies 01179 Dulaney & Robinson, Attorney's fee in Annexation 01180 Radio Supply Co., Parts for Civil Defense Radio 0118l Rutrough Motors, Repairs to Civil Defense Truck 01182 Caldwell-Sites Co., Files for Treasurer's Office II " II II " II II II II II II II II II 01189 Norman R. Moore, Judge, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &0: therewith, to-wit: No. 01092 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Dog Truck II 01093 Fechheimer Bros Co., Wearing apparel II 01094 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on Bond Assistant Dog Warden II 01095 Roanoke Co. Health Dept., Rabies Treatment II 01096 Radio Communications Co., November Radio Maintenance 01097 Roanoke County School Board, MaintenancE Dog Truck 01098 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food 01099 Sam's, Inc., Wearing Apparel 01100 Salem Hardware Co., Wearing apparel o.c II II it II $ 20.60 4.00 20.00 30.00 41. 86 200.00 351.00 lO.l1 18.92 6.00 lO.OO 201.00 4l2.75 3.00 60.00 4.40 11.43 5l2.85 11.82 20.00 329.81 $ l5.00 10.50 35.50 38.70 4.85 I, II Ii Ii II ~ [I ,I I' II I II II ;1 Ii Ii II 'I II 'I Ii " Ii [I II " :1 '-------------.--------p- :i , ;1 $ 79.37 I " , No. 01183 James Parker, Assisting Dog Warden .. 01184 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling Expense to Maryland 46.45 :1 01185 State Department of Health, Medical supplies 7.80 ii ii I' 01186 " J. M. Layman, Livestock claim 200.00 " ,I I' ,I 01187 Mrs. R. L. Hatcher, Fowl claim 6.00 II !: I .. .. II JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day submitted to the Board '_:'1e following report: "Salem, Virginia December 19, 1960 I To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business December 17, 1960, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account Deferred Credit Account $ l,120,578.l5 396.13 291. 8!! 1,116.77 11,681.19 3,294.96 422.61 256.50 1,138,038.12 (iJanie B. McNeal) (James E. Peters) $ Respectfully submitted, J&nes E. Peters, Treasurer .~I Said report approved and,ox-dered filed. I Ii Ii On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for th(" '~h . c. ,U'I month of December, 1960, be approved in the amount of $8,568.6l, from which ...c.L-I $ $ "T I' the sum of 160.80 total F. I. C. A. and 804.60 total W. H. Taxes are to be II ,,'/~D " deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,603.21. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Iii Hampton Moulse Nays: None lj " i! Ii ii, cloL'" Ii Co 'wJ " rC. ~ ~. U._,J Ii I~ ~~t:~ II 1: " :1 I: II I, II On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse I I I I " :1 II , II I, II ,i il :1 II II And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period from !, 'I December I; 1960, ending December l5, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,523.08~ " " from which $75.70 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $91. 20 total W. H. Taxes and $28.50' COllection and Janitor Service from November 16, 1960, ending November 30, 1960, be approved in the amount of $2,648.37, from which $79.44 total F. I. C. A.; I $102.l0total W. H. Taxes and $33.25 insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,433.58; I insurance, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,327.68. Adopted by the following recorded vote: li I' I' l! Ii ~lampton Moulse Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Nays: None c a ~ -c c C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of November, 1960 I C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, sUlllll8ry statement of prisoner days served in Roanoke County I ~j;c..U- .Jail for the month of November, 1960 I -r I-;"'/).I/,~ I i SHERRILL MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for November, , 1960 ~ IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of .JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $2,082.95, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of November, 1960, less commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,978.80 net. 'I ,... The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: i: Ii Ii Ii I II I: Ii ,I " Ii I' II ~ IN RE: I, II Ii II I' il i: I, i: Ii " ,I I, l' EDltlARD s. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for the month of November, 1960 LtWELL N. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for November, 1960 RUBINETTE MIU.ER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for November, 1960 .JAIL DlSPECTION: I Letter dated November 17, 1960, from W. Frank Smyth, .Jr., Director, Division i of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke and to C. E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County.Jail dated November 2, 1960, received and ordered filed. j ~ " I I' ~ 1 Ii 'I I, Ii " 1; Ii I 1 I, II I ordered filed: I Copy of letter dated Dec. 14, 1960, addressed to .J. Robert Thomas, City i Clerk, Roanoke, Va., from William .J. Paxton, .Jr., Town Clerk, Salem, Va. and I' copy of resolution Council Town of Salem, dated Dec. 12, 1960, in re: contract ! between Town of Salem and City of Roanoke, dated October l6, 1953, allowing Town of Salem to accept sewage wastes in designated areas west of the western corporat limits of the Town of Salem. ! I I I i The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ~ if i' 'I I " " ]I II ;;. !: Copy of letter dated Dec. 6, 1960, addressed to .J. Luck Richardson, .Jr., COIIIIIissioner of Revenue, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, and copy of letter dated Dec. 12, 1960, addressed to Miss Caroline L. Biesen, Executive Secretary, State Compensation Board, from.J. Luck Richardson, .Jr., Comr. of Revenue, in re: additional allowance for 1960 for stationery, office supplies, Printing and Binding. I, Notice of hearing on December 20th, 1960, at 10 o'cloc, A. M. before the II State Corporation Ccmmission, Blanton Building, Richmond, Va., on the application II of Merchants Delivery Service of Roanoke, for a Certificate of Public Convenience 'I and Necessity as a Common Carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of property i on the following route or routes: Transportation of property between Roanoke, " Virginia, and points within seven and one-half C7-i) miles of the corporate limits I of Roanoke. i Letter dated December 8, 1960, from H. Merrill Pasco, President Children's Home Society of Virginia, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County, in re: contribution from Board of Supervisors to said Society. i: !: I I, d i! II ,I i II 'I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary ,i checks for all county employees be approved for payment as of December, 19, 1960. 'i :1 :1 'I II ii <r IN RE: ,I PAYMENT OF SALARIES: II ;1 /67 c c I c o " ii iY , A communication dated December 12, 1960, from J. G. Blount, Jr., Director.ofl Administration and Finance advising this Board that salary of the Division Ii Superintendent of Schools of Roanoke County, based on the 1960 census was $4,520.00; 60% payable by the State, $2,712.00 and 40% locality's share of basic salary $1,808.00, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. :I' IN RE: I RELEASE OF SEEPAGE RESTRICTION ON LOrS FOUR & FIVE, MAP COVEHAVEN COURT, SECTION 2. , 'I II I Ii I! II :1 I, 'I II II :j II il il I [ ; On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman of this Board be authorized to sign on behalf of this Board, a vacation instrument dated 19th day of December, 1960, between William D. Layman, et als, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, approving and consenting to the vacation of the seepage area restricti.on on Lots 4 & 5, Map of Covehaven Court, Section 2, said map recorded in Plat Book 3, Pa~e 309, of the records of the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County. ir , , I I ! I I I II 'i Ii r !I II II Ii" i' ! i II I, ii II " ii ii I' i! 'I I: II Il.- Ii I' Ii II A communicatiou from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, Commonwealth of Virginia, addressed to the governing body of the County of Roanoke, pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-13.35 of the Code of Virginia, certifying that the population of the County of Roanoke as shown and established by the 1960 United States Census and as furnished to him by the Department of Commerce of the United States Government, is $61,693, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that voucher-check 4939 in the amount of $546.11 made payable. to the C & P Telephone Company, for telephone service in County Offices, be approved, retro-active to date of issuance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer,' A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows effective December 19, 1960: FUNCTION: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION An additional appropriation of $4,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. . 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS An additional appropriation of $4,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I I Original Vaca I tion Instru- , ment to I Arthur E.Sm:l.t , Atty. Roanoke I Va. iDee. II I I I I i I , I I 1 i I I I I !~tW.. h II .c.~. i r c.~ i (0 . I 1~"1/60 I I , Ii II !I ii :i H 'I il Ii ~ .w.. t.> il~cw. il4WrP' !11~)'l/b(J :1 I " I I I Ii II I ~ ~ II " 'I II I, II II ~~.i ~ c. r 6'~a- f-- ~ ,I 1f~.g. ~'I ~~'D i ~ I' II II I l8li - ANNEXATION An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SIpervisors Minor R. Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None IN RE: REZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 77. 914 ACRES, LOCATED IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ADJACENT TO THE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT OF ROANOKE CITY, AND CMlED BY ROANOKE ORCHARD COMPANY, INC. X FINAL ORDER i Ii II il II I' I' " i' Ii Ii I' 'I I I The property' of: Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc. WHEREAS, Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc., by its attorney, did on the 2lst day of November, 1960, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the County Zoning Ordinance so as to provide that certain property described in said petition, now classified as "Agricultural A-l" be reclassified and rezoned as "Industrial M-l"; and, WHEREAS, as required by the Code of Virginia of 1950, and more especially as :.required by Article II, Chapter 24, Title l5, of said Code, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of'said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia, the Plant,ing Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, did. hold a public hearing on the aforesaid matter at its regular meeting held on November 22, 1960, and did, by a resolution adopted at said meeting, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of said property from its present classification of "Agricultural A-l" to "Industrial M-l"; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said County did,by its resolution, adopted on the 21st day of November., 1960, order the Clerk of its Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at a regular meeting of said BOard of Supervisors to be held on December 19, 1960, and to give notice thereof, through publication, in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on Dec~nber 19, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock P. M., as the day and time for a public hearing on the proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof, duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper published in and having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions, as required by, and in accordance with, ~he provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and in the Code of Virginia of 1950. as amended to date;, and, WHEREAS. said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after full and complete notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, I I I I. II I I I I a a i:' . :1 ;i ,} a 11 r; !: " :1 'i 'I ,I I' I: II 1: I I I: II a a 271 Ii II I: I WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to :1 the recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching th' I I I I II I II . r ,} " merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should beamended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; N<M, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this the 19th day of December, 1960, the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, =d the same is hereby amended, so as to change the classification I of the hereinafter described property from "Agricultural A-l" to "Industrial M-l,,1 I in order that said property, and buildings that may hereafter be erected thereou, may be used for "Industrial M-l" purposes, as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezon:ad as "Industrial M-l" property ii Ii is more particularly described as follows: i: " il BEGINNING at a stake on the Patrick line, thence a new Ii line S. 86 degs. 10 mins. W. 4041.9 feet to the middle 'i of the Frantz lane; thence with the Frantz Lane S. 25 degs. 29 mins. E. 1143.75 ft. to the corner of the land of said J. B. Andrews; thence with the line leaving the road, S. 87 degs. 6 mins. E. 3497 ft. to a post; thence N. 1 deg. 29 mins. E. passing the corner to the Patrick corner at 824 ft. and with same in all, 1484 ft. to the place of Beginning, and being the southern part of a tract of land known as "Waverly", and containing 108.309 acres as shown by survey made by Robert E. McGhee, S. R. C. on the 18th day of June, 1919, and being the same property conveyed to Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc., by Albert A. Cannaday and wife by deed dated November l, 1919, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 100, page 318. There is excepted from the foregoing described parcel of land the following three tracts or parcels of land containing in the aggregate approximately 30.395 acres: (I) The 1.865 acre tract of land conveyed by Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc., to the City of Roanoke, by deed dated April 15, 1948, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerks Office in Deed Book 390 at page 290. (2)' The 4.97 acre tract of land conveyed by Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc., to the City of Roanoke by deed dated September 19, 1944, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 316, page 75. (3) The 23.56 acre tract of land conveyed by Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc., to the City of Roanoke by deed dated October 28, 1940, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 279, Page 465. Reference is hereby specifically made to the foregoing Deed Books and Pages for a more particular description of the three parcels of land herein excepted from this zoning action. I I I L I I I I i I i i i I I' ,I II II !I II 'I ! AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board do forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and a copy thereof to W. B. Gochenour, Attorney for Roanoke Orchard Company, Inc. The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor M:i:lor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, of Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None " 'I '} II ,I ii I I I i ! I I, , I i I I I j \ 272 ! ~ tieL t;" lore-. c:;.. I a......~ I i ~I :>-t~t" , _),,"0 i .~ ! I~) >1 /(.0 i , I II II II i 'I Ii ij II I, Ii fi " ~ " Ii it !I J, \~ ii !) ii Ii I! ~U~ ,.~ eo. ii ~rli c.~~~I! 1~,.tJc.O !i I: I! i i i I I I II be issued, payable to C. E. Boone, Sheriff, successor to H. W. Clark, resigned. II i I II II 'I II I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the expense accounts of the Sheriff's Office for the month of September, 1960, in the sum of $47.44; and for the month of October, 1960, in the amount of $8l.17, covering stationery, &c, radio maintenance, telephone and telegraph, postage and P. O. Box rent, be approved by this Board, and a voucher-check in the sum of $128.61 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: 'Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and On motion of Supervisors A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that action in the matter of the re-zoning of property of ThOlJ!8S E. Short and Ruth P. Short classified as Residence propez:ty be z:e- classified and re-zoned &s Business B-1, be deferred until ,the next meeting of this Board, on January 16, 1961, at 3 o'clock P. N. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None A petition dated October 20, 1960, addressed to Roanoke County Planning Commission signed by property owners inthe BrooklawnSubdivision opposing the rezoning of any lots in said section from'resiaential to business, and also opp the rezoning of three lots at the intersection of Route 117 and 628 from residential to business, was this day filed before the Board. I II II E. M Sink, Paul J. Woods, Mrs. E. L. Williams, Mrs. J. W. Michael, Jr., I N. W. Caudell, Mrs. Bruce Boardman, Mrs. L. E. Myche'sky and Mrs. W. B. Tyree I appeared before the Board and opposed the 're-zoning of the Thomas E. Short and I Ruth P. Short property as set forth in petition filed by the said Thomas E. I I 'I Ii II r ,I I il I II ii I iI " !i II H 11 " Ii ;) Short and Ruth P. Short. On motion of Supervisor A; C. Harris, seconded by SuPervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the Treasurer of Roanoke County be authorized to deposit in the two local banks from the General County Fund the sum of Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.) on Certificates of Deposit, a part of said sum for a period of ninety (90) days, and the remainder for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None ing I' I I 1 I 5 cot:>ies del t( Co. Ex. Officer for del to 9-es. ~~gr. Dept.High- ways 12./21/60 5 cc;.;ies del to Co. ~x. Office~ fo del. to Ras.Eng~. De;)t.High,,'avs 12121/60 . I I I I a '= ~ 1:3 c il I i :15 copies this .~rder del to. ICo Ex Officer I or del to :/Res.Rngr. I~ep.t . Highways ![1-2720/6O II II II " II I i i 1 II known as Lynn Haven Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 23 of ~ the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virgini , that I and/by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, Board of Supervisors I i il I I t ORDER vs The Public and the State Highways Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the upon the application for Lynn Haven Drive from Rt. 652 proceedings herein, and to Lynn Haven Circle 0.1 mile .to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage.; N<M, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Lynn Haven Drive i from Rt. 652 to Lynn Haven Circle -- 0.1 mile and which is shown on a certain II I I I I sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None , t I II II I! II Ii Ii II II I, fi Ii II 11 II ,i " :: I II H Ii I: " ji , i! Board of Supervisors x vs ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Lynn Haven Circle from Lynn Haven Drive to Lynn Haven .,- 0.28 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way ! , I! !I II of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court: of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that' :( fl consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary~ :! for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Lynn Haven Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Boolf; 4, Page 23 of the records reason of the recordation of said map no report from a board of Viewers, nor The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NCM, THEREFORE, BE. IT ORDERED that said road known as Lynn Haven Circle from Lynn Haven Drive to Lynn Haven Drive -- 0.28 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in :i Roanoke County. I' " ii I, I; II 277 5 copies del to Co Ex I Officer for del to Res. Engr.Dept. ,I H1ghwa,Y.s i 12120/60 i I Dr' e I II , ~ ,5 copies dell ,1;0 Co Ex otti ~ r tor del. 1;0 Res. Engr. I Dep'1;. HighwaY1 12720/60 . I I, I' r Ii II 'I II II II ~ I, I, Ii 1 I ii II I! 'I ~~t,- ~ f\ !I' . --.1' ~~'~I ~. '. 1,1 . :1 I ~'/'o :i 'i Ii " ii :i c..t..,~sU- 1; r ~ PI- c.... ;, !If Y" '''':1.1' (.0 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors I vs 1 ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Tomaranne Drive from Larson Lane to D. E. -.. 0.20 mile I ! to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. I It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50 ft. right of way I for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as I II Melody kres, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 55 of the records of ' the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by I reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor II of way . .from the abutting property owners is I guarantees said r 19ht of way and right for drainage.1 consent or donation of right necessary. The board hereby NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Tomaranne Drive from Larson Lane to D. E. -- 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public I I Ii Ii II ~ II II !I !, it 'I !1 Ii II II on the southerly side of Rt. 117 at Southview School, property of L. S. Mitchell II II II 'I 'I I, !! ii II Ii ,I ,I i! " 'I II 11 road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Hampton Moulse Nays: None Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. On moti,,!', duly made and seconded, the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the request for re-zoning of a 3.7 Acre tract of land situated and C. J. Guilliams, from Residential Rl to Business-2 use, having been denied, the action of said Planning Commission is concurred in by this Board. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris Nays: None G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and I On motion, duly made and seconded, the recommendation by the Planning Commission that the request for re-zoning of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Map of James W. Bushong property of William L. Bowyer, Residential R-l to Business B-2 use, having been denied, the action of said Planning Commission is concurred in by this Board. Adopted by the following recordedvote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampson Moulse Nays: None il~~ ;',.I:..-~ 11D~ r il~k'. 1~.ClZtj ! l~l"/r,O :1 ~/ I , II "Industrial M-l", property, which Petition was filed at a regular meeting of this I , I Board on November 21, 1960, and by order entered on that day was referred to the i , Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recOllDDendation in accordance with the JI 'I " 'I ',,'I WHEREAS, said Plauning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held 'I II :1 II :1 !! -r-- lj... On motion, made and seconded, the recommendation of the Planning Commission that the request for re-zoning of property on the northerly side of Rt. 117 at the intersection of sa'Jle with State Secondary Rt. 842 (Deer Branch Roadl property of Irene F. Guernsey and Annette F. Quisenberry, from Business B-1 to c Business B-2 use, ha'ling been denied, the action of said Planning Commission is concurred in b~' this Board.' Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays; None a ,I '~ IN RE: 'I I I I i i , I I I I , , I I 1 1 I " , i , :1 I ROY L. TOLBERT AND ORMA P. TOLBERT REZONING OF LOTS 7, 8 AND PART 6 OF THE EDD SHARPE MAP LOCATED IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISmICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF x FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at:the Courthouse on December 19, 1960. WHEREAS, Roy L. Tolbert and Orma P. Tolbert, petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as ~ provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, on the 22nd day of November, 1960, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said Petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the Petition to "Industrial M-l"; and a WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered; on the 2lst day of November, 1960, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Boa~~ 'I 'I il " " " Ii ,[ 'i 'I I. I !) upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the rEgular meeting of this Board to be held on December 19, 1960, at 3:00 o'clock P. m., as the date and time o for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on December 1 and December 3, 1960, as required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment:: " ,I to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, -... 27'9 ': i Ii ;t. 4t To- ,i~.P__c, II P~a... <'........... :!/~/;)..' J I. 0 ,i 't- c..4.. +- il~~', I~~?:aa;- i! '7-f~"/'o --,,- ,..-,~._....~... ',"'-,","~'.- . 280 " I' Ii Ii I! 'I II I' ,I ~ II :i ;r-" ~ u..o :t /_ I, c:t...t I ' ~ .~ .(PJrf~ Ii ~ d..L r,. ii ~ .h.. l\ "1 ), & ~ I wJ#b ....,."...A lI, f " l~vJ"'I/'D i, '1 II \\ Ii " ~-' t,~}:' ~:I '-"~l ~ " 1': j I:,i :'~,',:! , /,1 '~i --~-----~-- --.-- -- -- - ~-----, -~_,_,~-----~--'"-----'----'-'-'---"-'--". -_.---~_.__.,---~-------------~------_._--- to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence I ,I touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance,ij il Ii II u n ~l" !I I 'I II ~ ~ II ,I i I i ~ WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said Petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NeM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 19th day of December, 1960, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as "Business property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for "Industrial M-l" purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby rezoned to "Industrial M-l" property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lots 7 and 8 and theSoutherly 10 feet of Lot 6 of the Edd Sharpe, et als Subdivision as shown by a plat dated July 8, 1960 and attached to the deed of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 647 page l7, as described in a Petition filed before the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on November 21, 1960. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and ORDER to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Keith K. Hunt, Attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of A. C. Harris and seconded by G. Hampton Moulse, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted ,I II I' !I (1 II On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harrisjl it is hereby ordered that the resolution of this Board adopted at its regular 1 meeting held on November 2l, 1960, requesting that Springlawn Avenue, map of I I i as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None A. C. aarris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Springlawn, be made a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County be rescinded. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Hampton Moulse Nays: None Minor k. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and G. I, ~: [, Ii,( t On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, 'i ii , , it is ordered that action in the matter of the rezoning of p;:operty of Irene F. Guernsey and Annette F. Quisenberry from Busi,:"'ess B-l to Business B-2 use, be deferred until the next meeting of this Board u~ January 16, 1961, at 3 o'clock P. M. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I Ji II I' II II il II " I I c = I ~ .. Messrs. H. W. Starkey and W. E. Cundiff, former members and Chairmen of this Board, this day appeared and expressed their sincere appreciation of the splendid services rendered Roanoke County by the present Board, and extended their good Wishes to the Board for the year 1961. Mr. Starkey stated to the board, that because of illness, Col. J. Sinclair 'i I, i ~ Ii " II Ii II ii I[ 'I II II II I I , , I Brown, whose custom for many years has been to attend the last meeting of the year of .- ~ Board, was prevented from being present at this time, but was sure the Board had his good wishes for the coming year. Mr. Terrell. Chairman of the Board, stated that Judge Hoback, who was Iv lding Court in Roanoke, had asked him to advise the Board of his on behalf of all County affairs, of their efforts./and to extend his bestwishes for the New Year. appreciation ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Saturday, December 31, 1960, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Chairman I I' ,I II 'I 'r I :1 'I :1 :r iI " r ,I :i ,I " :i :1 .i Court House Salem, Virginia December 31, 1960 I ,_!!te _ Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the i , Court House thereof at 9:00 A. M. pursuant to adjournment from.December 19, 1960.1 , I Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer. A. C. Harris and G. I I Hampton Moulse. I BeDr~ the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, , , and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl, , therewith, to-wit: No. 01236 Town of Salem, Light and Wlter service $ 418.15 100.00 28.76 23.90 II 01237 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician 01238 Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel C. S. Fire House 01239 C & P Telephone Co.. Telephone Service, C. S. Fire House " " " 01240 " 01241 " 01242 ~ " 01243 " 01244 " 01246 Roanoke Memorial Hospital. State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare 253.50 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills 604.50 University of Virginia, State-Local Hospital Bills 1,950.00 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 292.50 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 643.50 ;1 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, Expenditures for Welfare26.480.~~ ,I :1 " :' V IN RE: DOG TAXES. SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by therewith, to-wit: voucher-check out of the funds respectively chargeable, , II . Ju2. r T~fl. ~..il Co.,~~ rc..~ a>~ 1~~JI(.o I I i Ii ,I ,I " 'I I' " ~i I' Ii ,! I: II I' .1 " " II ~ Ii Mil ii -176 Ii IU j' Q. 01- Co.U' COtf.CU 1?-/3i/{,,0 No. 01245 _'~hian 'O.o<~o.. ~~, fur Dog :.-- - -$S1'02f i' , On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. HarriS, I' the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20. 1960, be. and the same is hereby amended as following effective December 3l, 1960: $ 100,005.25 I 8,623.25 I 2,269.25 5,802.50 5,958.75 2,l76.50 2,107.00 2,370.00 248.75 l,655.00 3,712.50 l6,137.25 4,8l1. 75 FUNCTION: GENERAL GOVERNMENT Activity and Object 10 - PUBLIC WORKS 10c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $100.00 is heieby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 11 - ADVANCEMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND HlIm ECONOMICS An additional appropriation of $15.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the functi or purpose as hereinabove indicated. DEPAR1MENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE An additional appropriation of $3,791.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1960, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell . Nays: None !. ii 'I ~ Letter dated December 30, 1960, addressed to Mr. Edwin G. Terrell, from Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent, Roanoke County Public Welfare Board received and ordered filed. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the Quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board For the operation of the Public Library to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board For the operation of general County agencies and services to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors as follows: I-County Administration 2-Assessment of Taxable Property 3-Collectionand Disbursement of Taxes and other Revenue 3a- Delinquent Tax Collector 4-Recording of Documents 5-Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court 5b-County Court 5c-Commonwealth's Attorney 5e-Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6-Crime Prevention and Detection 6a-Policing and Investigation 6c-Confinement and Care of Prisoners I i I II I , I, I I I II I I , II .. ,.,......;:..~".~.:-... 284 1 II !I Ii ~ :1 I; r II ,/ II Ii ,I Ii ,I il II t ,I 11 a II 1 I, ~ n Ii 'I I, [' I) '. !i II ~ !t j. fr ,f ~ ~ I~ ii !; r ~ Ii " I' Ii )i i! !i ;: " Ii ;! Ii Court House Salem, Virginia January 16, 1961 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman. Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Fenton Platter, Pastor of the Green Hill Church of the Brethren offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread. each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 01279 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for COIIIllIi.ssioner of Revenue $ 500.00 " 01280 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 34.31 " Ol281 Chapman Insurance Agency, Premium on Bond for COIIIllIi.ssioner 0:::: Revenue and blanket Policy for Deputy ITeasurers 152.88 " " 01282 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies 01283 R. L. Paxton Printing Co., office supplies 01284 Roanoke County Court. Warrants, Collecting Delinquent Taxes 12.50 lO1.54 4.67 6.71 16.00 37.00 24.00 78.20 22.74 " " 01285 C. W. Warthen Company. Record books 01286 International Business Machine Co., office supplies 01287 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies and equipment " " " 01288 Michie Company. Law books 01289 Dictaphone Corporation, Maintt<nance service 01290 G. A. Scruggs. Postmaster, Postage " " " 01291 City of Roanoke, City Treasurer, Room and Board for' Children Detention Home 142.00 " " 01292 Vinton Motor Co., 3 new Police cars 01293 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling expense 68.92 5,909.85 " 01294 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse traveling expense 46.48 01295 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner cases, Test for Alcohol. Lunary 205.00 01296 Void " " " " 01297 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Car parts and supplies 01298 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Maintenance County Vehicles 01299 Southwest Motor Parts Corp. Parts for Police Vehicles Ol300 Russell Uniform Co., Coat Badges 0130l Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 01302 Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner Investigations: 01303 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline Purchased on Trips 01304 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner cases, Drunk Driving Tests and Lunacy cases l20.00 8.41 135.01 174.04 5.58 7.40 132.50 20.00 85.50 " II " II " " " 01305 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flash light batteries and parts Ol306 Arrow Hardware Paint & Feed Co., Bulbs for Hollins Fire House 3.65 II 1 il Ii I ~i ,. " I , I II I' ,I !I ~ 'I II I[ II II I 1 I ~ II " I I I I , 'I I, !I I, !I II II I' ,I ,. ,j Ii !i ii Ii 'I 1 I, II Ii 'I 11 " II " " I I c a a c c i: 11 Ii Ii f I , " 'I I 01337 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 5.19 01338 Fielding L. Logan, Insurance, Premium on Surety Bond 10.00 Ol339 American Society of Planning Officials, ASPO Membership 15.00 01340 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts for Garbage Trucks 9.00 0134l Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Parts for Garbage and Civil Defense Trucks 19.80 No. Ol307 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repairs and Parts " 01308 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel 01309 Green Market, Food for Prisoners Ol310 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies' 0131l Dickerson G. M. C. Inc., Parts for Garbage Truck 01312 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 01313 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and disinfectant 01314 Sanfax Corporation. Janitor supplies 01315 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies 01316 Deluxe Laundry & Dry Cleaners. Laundry Jail 01317 Garst Poultry Farm, Food for prisoners 01318 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 01319 Void " " .. " " " " " " " " " 01320 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Parts Fire Trucks 01321 Nelson Hardware Co., Misc. Items and Paint 01322 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating fuel ~. 01323 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, December Rent on Fire House Ol324 W. W. Garman, December Rent on Fire House Ol325 Clearbrook Lion's Club, December Rent on Fire Station " " " " " " 01326 Culligan Soft Water Co., Rent on Equipment 01327 Cave Spring Water Co., Water Service Fire House 01328 Auto Service Station, Gas and Oil Fire Truck 01329 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy Hearing 01330 Harlin Perrine, Lunacy Heari~s Ol331 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy Hearing 01332 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr . ''llacy Hearing 01333 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy Head-,/> 01334 International City Managers ASSOC. Associate Membership Dues " " " " " " " " " 01335 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on trip 01336 Clements Motor Supplies, Parts Car " " " " " " " 01342 James E. Peters. Treasurer, Post~ for mailing garbage bills " 01343 Magic City Motor Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks Ol344 Yates & Wells Garage. Inc., R.epair and Parts, garbage truck " " 01345 Miller Tire Service, Parts for Garbage Trucks Ol346 Keller Machine Co., Parts for Tractor " " 01347 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for tractor 01348 Auto Parts, Inc., ~arts for Garbage Truck " $ 9.00 96.00 156.77 94.69 8.93 25.34 129.75 40.19 19.55 47.52 lO.45 54.12 89.42 31. 96 449.45 60.00 60.00 60.00 4.00 13.70 17.85 lO.OO 30.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 24.50 9.41 1.35 l35.8l 8.94 24.09 107.04 5.95 17.92 6.65 Ol349 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Identification tags for Garbage cans and new cabinet for records 127.16 01350 Barnett Coal Co.. Heating Fuel for County Office Bldg. 53.25 " " , " :J II Ii I ,I " ii :i II ,I Ii " II II II il 'I I; ., " !I :1 I I ! i II I i I i I I r I II i ,I I !i i il -r I I i ,I II I, Ii II II " II il " Ii r: I' .' I' I II 11 Ii ~ 'I I! ~ '1 II I i I i ! I I I I I No. Ol351 Bush Electric Co., Checking and repairing short in wiring $ 01352 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware &c 01353 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 01354 Salem Farm Supply Co., Rock Salt 01355 Salem Hardware Co., Keys 01356 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Work done at Courthouse and County Office Building 01357 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 01358 McClung Lumber Co., Repair Lumber 01359 Williams Supply Co., Bulbs for County Library 01360 National Plumbing Co., Refund duplicate plumbing Permit 0136l Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Road Maps 01362 Gentry Studios, Photos of Court room 01363 David Dick & Harry A. Wall, Prints of Roads in County 01364 Graybar Electric Co., Lamps for County Library 01365 Chamber of Commerce, 1961 Dues 2 memberships 01366 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline purchased for distribution 01367 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Legal se~es Annexation suit 01368 Dulaney & Robinson, Accountants, Professional Services Annexation Suit " " " " " " " " " II " " " " " " " " I I 16.50 1 II I i ,I I il I' Ii II 3.08 55.94 4.20 17.50 3.25 2.40 29.57 6.50 1.50 12.20 6.75 l8.82 60.00 885.03 523.00 576.52 01369 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney Fee Annexation Suit 753.52 8.70 " 01370 U. S. Civil Defense Council Membership dues 1961 01371 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Repairs for Willys Jeep 01372 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Civil defense truck 01373 Everette Waddey Co., storage cabinet Ol374 Eubank, Caldwell & Associates, Architectural services Courthouse " " " " " 01375 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Stock Ol376 B. F. Goodrich Stores, Tires for Stock Ol377 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance of vehicles Ol378 G. A. Scruggs, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution Ol385 Catherine R. Clark, County's share of salary 01386 FICA Contribution Fund, FICA deducted from salary of Catherine C. Clark office assistant Sheriff I s Office and Employer.' s matching 01387 Harvest Motors, Parts for County vehicles 01388 Southwest Motor Parts Co., Parts for vehicle 01389 Recording & Statistical Corp., office supplies 01390 National Cash Register Co., Maintenance agreement 01391 Fielding L. Logan, Insurance, Premium on Bond 01392 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 01393 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 01394 Caldwell Sites Co., office supplies 01395 Dictaphone COL~oration, office supplies Ol396 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 01397 Michie Company, law books 01398 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 01399 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food, Janitor supplies &c 01400 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for cars and stock " " " " " " II " " " II II " " " " II " " " 01401 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts and Chemicals 12.00 I I , , II II II ! !, II , , I I I I , I I II !I II " II II II Ii 'I II il :1 " Ii ,I I' ,I 24.58 74.00 164.77 136.46 140.67 532.70 28.00 l48.25 29.32 7.57 2.52 6.00 386.40 5.00 49.82 lO.20 5.85 15.43 46.l7 16.00 39.20 162.90 16.07 .35 I I I I I c c c a o " i: Ii II Ii il i, I, I! ,j " Ii :1 ;1 , ;r il Ii .1 II I I i , " Ii ,! " 'I !I II II II Ii " 'I I, Ii Ii Ii 'I !, II " II " ii ~ " " " " " " No. 01402 Auto Parts,Kits and Bulbs Ol403 4uto Spring & Bearing Co. .YQm 01404 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flashers 01405 The Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased Fire Truck 01406 C & P Telephone Co., telephone service 01407 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Bent Mountain Fire house 287. $ 'I I !i !! Ii I' 'I 'I I, ii " iI I' I! II Ii II Ii II II il il Ii :i II II I II I I I i I " " " " " " 01408 Graybar Electric Co., batteries &c 01409 Lewis K. Whitlock, Extra help in Engineer's office 01410 Salem Radiator Shop, Repairs to Garbage truck 01411 Serve Yourself Gas Station, Refund Garbage collection 01412 Salem Oil Co., Gasoline for tractor Ol413 Woodrow W. Henderson, Sr., Reimburse traveling expense 01414 Beach Service Center, Anti Freeze 01415 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for Tractor 01416 Mrs. Goldie Griggs, 23 Absentee ballot applications, Ol417 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County office Bldg. 01418 Williams Supply Co., fuses 01419 Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Co., Parts 01420 Radio Supply Co., Ampheral 17.27 38.34 4.58 49.65 19.06 8.97 133.53 7.00 22.50 22.65 28.40 2.55 13.23 8.05 54.64 1.37 11.34 4.62 0142l Green Market, Food for Prisoners l64.97 01422 Roanoke Co. Sanitation Authority, Sewer Installation for Hollins Fire station &c 393.00 No. Ol379 Bob's Market, Dog food " II " " " " II " " II " " 01423 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Police car 01431 Woodhaven Press, supplement to Electrical Code 01432 Emory P. Hollins, Erecting Street signs 01433 Cordy Maxey, Garbage collection 01380 Roanoke County Schools, Maintenance of Dog Truck 01381 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on trip 01382 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog food and Bird seed 01383 Salem Hal"dware Co., Flash light batteries Ol384 Salem Moto~s, Parts for dog truck 01424 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Dog Truck 01425 Harvest Motors, Parts for Dog truck 01426 Ralph E. Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense 01427 D. J. Stevens, Fowl claim 01428 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 01429 Earl Wood Printing Co., lOO posters 8.13 20.00 57.50 90.00 i I I II IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: II The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, :1 , and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable II therewith, to-wit: II $ 4.25 6.00 8.56 21.30 2.00 12.50 27.46 2.40 47'.09 ji I: .! Ii I: " " it " i; tI " if " " " II tI " " " " " 0.00 8.08 23.85 CI c c il~~ "~~~./ to Kenneth Whitlock for:~ G' ~ '--r ICD~ ;"I~", i ~ i I, I I I I , I C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of December, 1960;1 I C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, sUllllllary statement of prisoner days served in Roanoke Count ~11~ jail for the month of December, 1960; I . I '11f/'" EDW'ARD s. ALlEN, County Agent, monthly report for December, 1960; : =;~ :::: :~s::~:::~:::~t~0:~:1:e::::r:o:o:e:~~:r:9:~~0; ~ I I I i' I II il il " I' I I " I II I it I + ,I " I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the followi.ng voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #1217 in the amount of $97.13 made payable work in Engineer's office; Voucher-check #12l9 in the amount of $482.l7 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service in County offices; Voucher-check #1250 in the amount of $l4.50 ma~e payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone ser~tce at Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check #1251 in the amount of $53.23 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Stations; Voucher-check #1252 in the amount of for cooking fuel kitchen; . i $25.42 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company i for County j ail and home demons tration I i , )! I Voucher-check ~1422 in the amount of $393.00 made payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, sewer service and connection costs Quarter ending December 31, 1960. Adopted by the followin~'recorded.vote: Ayes: Supervisors Hampton Moulse Nays: None Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffe;: and G. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: '1 I I i j I SHERRILL MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for December, 1960; RALPH E. LONG, Dog Warden, Annual report for year ending December 31, 1960; DEPARDIENT OF WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS, year ended June 30, 1960. d 'I I ;l; 'I Copy of F~!ty-third Report of the StateHighway Commission to the Governor of Virginia for the fiscal year July 1, 1959 - June 30, 1960, received and ordered filed. .. .( I i ,I I, " '1 " :; :1 " :: IN RE: DIVISION OF MARKETS - REPORT. ir' Ii A communication dated December 20, 1960, from Division of Markets, signed by J. F. Lyles, Field Supervisor, Weights and Measures Section, add1:e:;sed to II :i W. E. Cundiff, Chairman, Roanoke County, Board of Supervisors, submitting a i[ I report on the test of weighing and measuring devices recently completed in :: Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. ii 'I Ii I. il Copy of letter dated January 9, 1961, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairmaf Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, signed by Mrs. Margaret R. Svoboda, District'! Agent, and J. B. Flora, District Agent, enclosing Budget Request from the Virginia Agricultural Extension Service fot the year 1961-1962, received and referred to the Budget Commission. 289 .~"'-'~~- 290 . 1'\olACCo. ~~i . l~ " er4.,..C.! ti .(;;C' i' ):-'~ t' ~ . ~~'! ,f'v'll f Ii II II II ,I !i Ii :; I' r Ii ;I d 'I I, !: " " I, " I' i; i " ! ~ :i " .' Ii " " ~ 'I I' ~12??1' i' o(t' ;, , :1 The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated December 29, 1960, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from James A. Beavers, Executive Director, Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, advising the Board that the Sanitation Authority had delivered checks payable to said Board totaling $5,635.28, the amount paid out by the Board of Supervisors in assuming operating costs of the Authority during the years 1955, 1956, 1957, and part of 1958; Letter:dated December 12, 1960, addressed to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority signed by J. W. vBehl and sundry other citizens of Roanoke County, I I 11 Letter from John Moore, copy of communications sent' to Ministers, Rabbis, 'I and Priests, from Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission, and copy Civil War Centennial Proclamation by the President of the United States of 1 America. I II II I. I I I Communication dated December 30, 1961, from Department of Purchases & Supply, Commonwealth of Virginia, to State Departments, Institutions &C. Copy of letter dated December 22, 1960, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman State Compensation Board, addressed to J. Luck Richardson, Commissioner of Revenue, Roanoke County, requesting additional allowances of $50.00 for telephon'l and telegraph (tax excluded) and of $80.00 for stationery, office supplies, II printing (forms and letters) and binding for the remainder of the calendar year I I, I I 1960, were approved by said Compensation Board subject to concurrence by this Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervi20r A. C. Harris the above allowances in the amounts set forth above are appruved by this Board. Adopted by the following recoraed vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: VACATION OF UNNAMED ALLEY WITHIN SECTION FIVE (5) OF PINKARD- COURT, SITUATE IN CAVE SPRING I RESOLUTION AND ORDER MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT This day appeared Benj. E. Chapman, Attorney for The County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, which School Board owns all the lots situate within Section Five (5) of Pinkard Court, as shown on plat and map of said Pinkard Court Subdivision spread of record in Plat Book 1, at page 363, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and the said Benj. E. Chapma'l, Attorney for '..said School Board, advised The Board of Supervisors that the School Board intends to construct and maintain an Elementary School Building on said Pinkard Court property, and that said school building would be situate partly upon an unnamed alley extending thru Section Five (5) of Pinkard Court, and the said Attorney for said School Board presented to The Board of Supervisors a petition on behalf of said School Board to vacate, discontinue and close said unnamed Alley situate within Section Five (5) of Pinkard Court. And upon motion of said Attorney said Petition is accordingly filed. And upon consideration of said Petition and evidence heard orally by the Board, the '1 I I I ii :i ,. I' " , I ;1 " ;1 " I! :i I a a a c ~ 291 :1 (i i ,. , ,. I I' I I, I ! , il 'I il 'I II [I il il owners. ' IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke :1 I I I situate within Section Five (5) of Pinkard Court, as shown on the recorded map I of Pinkard Court Subdivision, spread of record in Plat Book 1, at page 363, of i the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of the County of ROanOke~ Virginia; and it is still further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Chairman of this I Board and the Clerk of this Bo~d, and each member of this Board of Supervisors, be, I I , i i I I i i I I I The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisors i I G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vot, I I , Board being of the opinion that the vacation of said alley as .desired by said School Board, and as set forth in said Vacation Instr~t, does not and would not destroy or abridge any of the rights and privileges of any other property County, Virginia, does hereby approve the vacation of said unnamed alley, and they are hereby requested and authorized to execute in the name of The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, said Vacation Instrument, dated the 3rd day of January, 1961, this day presented to the Board for its consideration,Whereby said unnamed alley within Section Five (5) of Pinkard Court is vacated. i I I' I I, I! I the Supervisors VQted as follows: Ayes: Sl1pervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None G. Hampton MouI~e, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and I I I I I [, ... I' I' I I: I: i' i: I, IN RE: REZONING 5.18 ACRES, i10I~ OR LESS, SITUATE ON U. S. HIGHWAY 1221 AND STATE ROUTE 1687 X RESOLUTION AND ORDER I u'f ~c.. petition to amend the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County by reclassifying Duo- c.... _ ,. certain property situate in Roanoke County, Virginia, described in paragraph (l)!~ ~cUQ-.t- of said petition, containing 5.18 acres more or less, from ReSidential R-l . 17i~IU~ ~ I . M,. District to Business B-1 District; ! ~~ WHEREAS the Board at its meeting on August 22, 1960, referred the matter ! 'I' if" , to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recOllllllendations; !i . WHEREAS the Planning Commission at a meeting held September 20, 1960, fully 11 considered the petition and reported to this Board its recOllllllendation that the il il 'i i, if " II II !i WHEREAS it appears from the certificate of the publisher, Times-World ~! :i Corporation, that notice of the public hearing to be held to consider this matte~ 'I :1 " , I il ., ! WHEREAS Robert A. Lester and Virginia Lester have heretofore filed their tract in question be partially rezoned. from Residential R-l District to Business B-l District; WHEREAS the matter was set for a public hearing at the Board's meeting on January 16, 1961; on January 16, 1961, was duly published in accordance with law; WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held on this January 16, 1961, and a full opportunity was accorded to all interested parties to express their views concerning the proposal; WHEREAS at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full consideratio~ " '! of the matter, this Board is of the opinion that the change in classification recOllllllElnded>by the Planning Commission would promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County, and t " ;:. !I ! it-it4! I~! I c.. <DsL. ii I~~~ Ii RlPT~ b~ : ~ . R-.'t ,.. .:(..e Ii 10@ 6. Ii d :, :..0..... 1\ ~ I' II Ii II Ii :1 I' ,I II Ii 11 I' I: " I II I --------~----~.__..._--_.._._--------~--~~------_.- I ,! I II II II 'I II I i I WHEREAS all the requirements of law have been complied with and the property should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED that the zoningordinances of Roanoke County Adopted April 18, 1960, as amended, be and they hereby are further amended to reclassify and rezone from Residential R-l District to Business B-r District that portion of a certain tract of land containing 5.18 acres, more or less, situate on U. S. Highway #221 and State Route #687 in Roanoke County, Virginia, which has been recommended for such r'ezoning by the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and which is outlined graphically by boundary "Alternate No.2" sketched on a plat dated July 1960, a copy of which is attached to the Recommendation of the Planning Commission and incorporated I by reference hereto. , , I i' !I I, ~ i II ~ I i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that this resolution and order be sprea~ on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the I Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this I resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to c~e all official, zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that additional certified copies be sent to counsel for the petitioner herein. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of catawba Magisterial District, and nconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris vf Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: I Ayes: Supervisors Ui~or R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Ed~ G. Terrell Nays: None Rupert Rase, L. C. Leffler and E. E. Poff this day appeared before the Board in opposition to rezoning of the 5.18 acre tract property of Robert A. Lester and Virginia Lester. II I I I I II II II ii " jl II il seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the said FRANK R. U ANGELL be, and he hereby is, re-appointed to succeed himself, as a member of the!1 II II " II 'I !I " " II It having been called to the attention of this Board that the term of FRANK R. ANGELL, as a member of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission expired on December 31, 1960; Upon consideration whereof, ;on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission as a I. member of the citizenry at large, for a term of three years, as set out in memorandum agreement adopted by this Board on December 19, 1955. Adopted by'the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell'and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I 'I Letter dated January 4, 196a., addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from C. P. Osbo;:ne, Executive-Secretary, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission, in re: re-appoin~ent Frank R. Angell on said Commission, received and ordered filed. c a " c c LJ i~?f !Ir~. tU. f" lif~B. !I~ot..~ the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and !j~ C. II (}I..{au Ca-.... Ii '1'7/' f ii II " il II I, II Ii 'I I II , I I i I I 1 I I II I The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor I ,I Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote~ I , , WHEREAS: The Resident Engineer for the Department of Highways has appeared 1.1 ~~. l~' T' before the Board and presented a plan sketch dated September 16, 1960 showing !~'.L'- Project 0116-080-001, C-2 on Route 116 in Roanoke County and the disposition of .!!"II',~'<;'~.1:"'_ the old location, new location and connections.. .~.~__... WHEREAS: This Board approves and concurs in the recommendations of the 'i!"~ ca-h~. r Department of Highways as follows: ~U' ,.... Ilh-toOl...... !IC.~ :! '{It 1':- " ~ ; 'I " I! Ii IN RE: ZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF MILLER STREET OF B. L. RADFORD ORDER x This day came B. L. Radford, by Counsel, and requests leave to file his petition relative to zoning the property described in said petition. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petl. tion be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE. IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning' Commission shall. report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular ot special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Ii I' I ! resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board'to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: &lpervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ I I i I 1 , i i i I JL . T" I Section of Old Location of Route 116 To Be Transferred From The Primary System to the Secondary System in Accordance With Section 33-27, Code of Virginia, As Amended Sections No.2, 3, 4 and 5 - 1.l5 Mi., serves one school, four stores, two churchs and 20 houses. Section of Secondary Route 809 To Be Abandoned In Accordance With Section 33-76.l2, 1950 Code of Virginia, As Amended Section No.6 - 0.07 Mi., this section served by new location. Section of Old Location of Route 116 To Be Discontinued In Accordance With Section 33-76.1, 1950 Code of Virginia, As . Amended Section No.1 - 0.18 Mi. Connection To Be Added To The Secondary System Section No.7 - O.ll Mi., served by new location i :1 l; :! " :i :i 294 :! Ii ,: I) ~u~li o G~ C5 r .=rn~jj - (). lP.M-\.- II ~~r ' 1i "'1~1 4 ') ;J II Ii ,I Ii I: I: " " II And be it ordered that three duly certified copies of thi~ resolu~~:=----~ be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident II Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on mot.ion of A. C. Harrit;, Supervisor, Seconded by Minor R. ~ffer, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisor.s A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G., Hampton. Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I Ii !i 'I I, I, ii ~ Ii ( ,[ II ii Ii :1 ~ ,I " II I, II II Ii !I II Ii il " ii I: r ,I II I " ii II :1 Ii .1 Ii " " I' I' J! I, 'I I, Ii ii II " .. I! jj " II I On motion o.f Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. I Harris, it is. ordered that no further action be taken on the petition of Irene ! F. Guernsey and Annette F. Quisenberry as to the re-zoning of their property at the intersection of Route #ll7 (Peter's Creek Road and Deer Creek Branch Road) in Roanoke County, which property it; now z'oned as Business B~ 1. and that it shall remain as such. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: i II II Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C'Harris,. Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor-A~ C. Harris, it is ordered that action on the petition of T. E. Short and Ruth P. Short for re-zoning of p'roperty from residential to Business B-1 be deferred until further recommendation of the Planning Commission has been presented to this Board, prior to its February Meeting, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I I II /' I ! I i I I I, II il 'I I, Supervisors, from Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Williams, in re: re-zoning of a portion ofl land in Brooklawn Subdivision owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shortt, ordered filed. . , , I: Ii il I, 'I I, ~ II Moulse, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, Purchasing Agent of Roanoke County, Ii . . be, and he hereby is, authorized to substitute floor covering in lieu of other ii " ii Ii Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Letter dated December 20, 1960, addressed to Roanoke County Board of On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton I floor finish specified in the alteration contract in Rooms 301-302 and303 of the Court House Buildin~. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None a a ~ c c ,: I' Ii I: IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS ROAN()KE COUNTY Letter dated January 13, 1961, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Conmdssioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective January I, 1961: Additions RIDGEWOOD PARK SUBDIVISION: Resolution November 2l, 1960 Eugene Drive' - From present end of Route 1484 to Dead End Atwater Street - From FA:lgene Drive to Desi Road Desi Road - FrOlll Atwater Street to East 0.06 mile and West 0.09 Mi. BRYHDOR PARK SUBDIVISION: Resolution November 21, 1960 Brymoor Road - From Route 684 to Dead End SUNNYBROOK SUBDIVISION: Resolution February 21, 1955 Chester Drive - From Route 1803 to Dead End. SPRINGLAWN SUBDIVISION: Resolution July 18, 1960 Springlawn Avenue - From Route 613 South to Dead End. BELLE AIR CIRCLE SUBDIVISION: Resolution November 21, 1960 Belle Air Circle - From Route 11 to Route 859 . MILLER STREET - Resolution June 30, 1955 From W. C. L. of Roanoke to N & W property was this day received and ordered filed. Lenl!;th I Ii Ii I' 0.10 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.15 Mi. I: I' , I[ !t Ii Ii Ii .I II Ii Ii ': Ii I I , I i r '1 I, II II ,. ~ II I' I: I: Ii 'I Ii Ii ,I !: Ii II ,I I' ,I I: II ,I ii " " ,: ,. !: I( I Ii l- i: 0.16 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.20 Mi. 0.25 Mi. 0.13 Mi. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City.of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cOllllllercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: 1. JULIA B. STONE ESTATE, 43.4 ACRES, MORE OR LESS: BEGINNING at a planted stone on the east edge of Plantation Road (Route 601) in Bowman's line and a Borner to tract 13; thence with line of said tract #3, N. 89 00' W., l041.0 feet to a planted.stone, another corser to tract 13; thence with another line of said tract S. 1 18' E. f 361.8 feet to a cedar stump on the south bank of Carvin s Creek, a corner to Nelms; thence with his line and with the meanderingoof the creek to its south b~, the following courses:o S. 46 15' E., 137.6 feet; S. 30 45' E"0370.0 feet; S. 5 50' E"o220.0 feet to a cucumber trse; S. 41 00' W. 300.0 fees; S. 52 00' W., 205.0 feet; S. 59 OO'W., 270.0 feet; S. 14 50' W., 160.0 feet to a white oak on the south side of Hershberger Road (Route 625) at the west end of an iron bridge over Carvin's Creek; thence continuing with the south line of said creek S. 10000' E., 120.0 fest; S. 69000' E., 167.0 feet; N. 57000' E., 20.0 fest; N. 87 00' E., 216.0 feet; S. 66030' E.,-686.0 feet; S. 79 30' E., 140.0 feet to the southeast corner of an old spring house; thence crossing the aforementioned creek and continuing thereafter to the point of intersection of the north right-of-way line of Hershbergsr Road and the east right-of-way line of Plantation Road, N. 21 00' E., 150.0 feet, more or less; thence continuing with the east right-of-way line of the said Plantation Road 1,750.0 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, containing 43.4 acres, more or less, and being the Julia B. Stone Estate, now the properties of Samuel B. Stone, Wiley O. Cook, Roseland S. Obenshain, and heirs of Julia.B. Stone. . 11. CASTLE ROCK FARMS, 169.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS: " ,. ': !, 11 I: Ii ': II I I BEGINNING at an iron pin located on the north side of Virginia State Secondary Route 1702 and said pin being located at the southwest corner of the W. B. Shepard property; thence leaving the road and with the line between the Bernice B. Cook and W. B. She?ard property N. 320 17' E., 306.l feet to an iron in the fence on line of Henry J. Jamison property; thence with the line of same N. 42045' W., ll5 feet, more or less, to a cedar; thence 295 j .2.~~tf"'oi : 1I1,J..(. 1;" ,.. II~.W il~ciL i~.Y- !It:~ ii .0. e. ,..... '[I/J'6ji./ I I il I, , I I I i , :1 I , :, 296 I 'I II 'I I' ,I II ~ I' ~ ~ I' ~ ,I Ii ii I I /, !l :1 II I' Ii :1 " I' Ii i Ii Ii Ii II II I II I, ~ II Ii Ii !! Ii ii II I' Ii 11 I; i " Ii ,. r " " ~5I~~O f~~~ ~~, a2ii~i~~~~~h;~;-~~g~~~;~~-~~-~~:~;~~~i~b;'------------.T---- Jr., Bror>erty N. 22 00' W., 145.8 feet to a point;othence II N. 76 30' W., 1055.3 feet to a poigt; thence N. 70 00' W., 810.5 !eet .to a point6 thence N. 60 00' W.,334.6 Ieet to ~ a point; thence N. 26 00' W., 510.2 feet to an irog; thence 'I' with the line of Hidden Valley Corp property S. 31 30' W., I 831.6 feet to a point; thence S. 620 00' E'a 92.4 feet to a ! point; thence with Rosa B. JOBes line S. 51 50' E., 15.1.8 : feet to a point; thence S. 17 45' E.,795.9 feet to a point; I thence with the line of ROSe B. Jones and also partly with , C. E. Minnix property S. 49 00' W., 1386.0 feet to an btonj I thence with the line of C. E. Minnix 8 acre tract S. 18 15, I E., 398.0 feet to a point in Route 1692, corner to N. R. Wertz property; thence with the line of Wertz property aloI}& the road S. 790 00' E., 156.0 feet to a point. thence S. 54 30' E., 220.7 feet to a point; thence S. 88" 50' E'.,308.7 feet to 'a stone; thence leaYbng the road S. 16040' E., 185.5 feet to'a stone; thence S. 9 00' E., 479.0 feet to a point; thence leaving the line of N. R. We~t~ property and with the outside line of Cook property S. 74 30' E., 453.0 feet tooa point; thence I with the line of Ezra E. Wertz prgperty N. 54 30' E., 528.8 I feet to a black oak; thenge N. 67 15' E., l403.3 feet to a corner post; thence N. 44 10' E., 900.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the l;outhsiae of the aforesaid Route 1702; thence I crossing Route 11702, N. 7 00' E., 40.3 feet to a point on the north side of Route 1702; thence with the north side of Roate I #702 and with' the line of the W. B. Shepardoproverty N. 74 40' W., 200.0 feet to a point; thence N. 65 46 W., laO.O II feet to a point; thence continuing wit~the road N. 58 50' ! w., 250.0 feet to a point; thence N. 67 54' w., 100.0 feet II to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary description :1 of a 169.7 acre portion of the 250 acres, more or less, I transferrec to John A. SIovensky by Bernice Burns Cook, as recorded in Deed Book 633, Page 132, of the records of the Clerk:s Offi(;e for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. , and thatsaid areas be added to, and included in, SlI.d contract to the full I extent as if said areas were therein set out in extension; (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid a;:el!'l shall b I to the City's sanitary sewer system at such point as II I I I I II I, II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of delivered, by the County, is approved by the City's Director of .Public Works or the City Engineer and the requisite measuring meter installed at said point of delivery, by the County; (D) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the I II II 'I I, II , shall be in II '. Ii Ii County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the prodsions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, al; said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions full force and effect from and after passage thereof, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I' ! I " ,. r APPROPRIATIOO ORDINANCE c..2'U ~~ ~Mr @~ l' (~Jf.1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the following appropriation is het'eby made from the General Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the Dog Laws to be transferred to the Dog Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors $ 2.577.50 I I I I c c c a c 297 , 'I I: i: , Ii I' " I: Ii II 'I Ii II II I I :! I BE IT F'u'RTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized I !I :1 to transfer to the Dog Fund from the General Fund, from time to time as monies :! become available, sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriation made to' this Fund from the General Fund for the period covered by this appropriation ordinance. A copy of this appropriation ordinance is ordered to be certified E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. " !I to James i: .I if I: :; II I Ii Ii " II II II II ! c..Ia.o ~ " I' ^-fJ.. . J:~;~I' ~~.. I . I I , On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Copy of resolution of December 13, 1960, of the Roanoke County School Board requesting the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to petition the State Highway Department to take the hard surface road built by the School Board from Route 117 to the beginning of the parking area at Northside High School into the Secondary Highway System, received and ordered filed; no action on said request to be taken until the February Meeting, 1961 of this Board, resolution to be prepared by Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer. II Ii ,I II II II ,. Ii Ii Ii ,. Ii I, ii I: I' I: " II I! I Ii Dr. Herman L. Hom, Supt. Roanoke County Schools, extended an invitation to the Board to an open house at the Northside High School Building from one to five, or seven to nine, on Monday, January 23, 1961, and stated that the Board would later receive written invitations to visit schools in Salem and Vinton on the dates designated in said invitations. , II II I, :1 ;i 196Jl " ., Chairman il :1 II :1 'I :1 " ~ i " :1 ORDERED that the Board be adj ourned unti third Monday in February, .:; j Court House Salem, Virginia February 20, 1961 , " " !\ The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. Carl Collins, Pastor, Tabernacle Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. ii The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member:i " of the Board having react the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. :i The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively therewith, to-wit: chargeable ,: " :1 :1 ..'.:".. t II II 'I " II II I, " II , II Ii ~ I. i' Ii r II ,i !I ~ I! I " I' II II i , I i ,. I ! Ii ., II :, ij ,I " ii II II i! ~ " " " , I, II ,I ,. " If " I' !! ,>...-.- -.....,.-.....-..-.-.--. ~ No. 01552 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 01553 United States Pencil Co., office supplies 01554 National Market Reports, office supplies 01555 Harvest Motors, Parts for County Vehicles 01556 Burroughs Corporation, office supplies, 01557 Roanoke Co. School Board, Maintenance County Vehicles 01558 Acme Printers Co., Book Binding and office supplies 01559 Roanoke County Court, 50 cases, warrants Collecting Del. Personal property taxes Ol560 G. A. Scruggs, P. M., Postage for Delinquent Tax Collector " " " " " " " " " $ 38.83 8.00 45.00 23.78 1.45 747.90 75.00 II I I I I l2.50 30.00 I 01561 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash 77.70 " 01562 c. W. Warthen Co., record books and office supplies 01563 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies " " 60.80 45.90 01564 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance agreement service to IBM' 35.00 " VLJOS Haloid Xerox, Inc., record paper 747.00 " 01566 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 01567 Burroughs Corporation, Mechanical services 01568 American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper 01569 J. R; Hardison,' service as Jury Commissioner 01570 John H. Moseley, services as Jury COIIIIlIi.ssioner 01571 James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimburse certified Mail and Jury tickets 01572 G. A. Scruggs, P. M. Postage, Roanoke County Court . - .. . .'. I .. .. 01573 Marvin C. HendriCk, Jr., Reimburse January traveling . .. . Expense Probation Officer 01574 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse t~aveling expense .. .. " " " " " " " 8.82 18.70 21.25 40.00 40.00 261.47 24.00 I 49.07 49.56 01575 Charles'L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse January Traveling Expense 34.02 181.00 " 01576 Howell's Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Vehicles 01577 City Treasurer, Room and Board for children detained at detention home " " 01578 Vinton Motor Co., Parts and oil for Police Car 01579 Void " " 12.00 5.60 01580 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician salary, drunk driving and Coroner cases 165.00 " 01581 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts for Police Car 01582 Radio Communications Co., Radio maintenance 01J83 Seat Cover Center, Repairing Front seat cover 01584 Harvest Motors, Parts for Police Cars 01585 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil County Vehicles " " " " " 2.07 25.50 14.95 5.90 21.52 I " Ol586 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner cases 60.00 01587 Chapman Insurance Agency, Premium on Surety Bond for Special Policeman 5.00 I " 01588 Beach Bros. Esso Servicenter, Wash Jobs 01589 Auto Parts, 15 Can openers for each Police car carrying case of oil " .: 01590 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts, Oil, Fuses and starting fluids " 01591 Auto Service Station, Gas, ~~l and Wash jobs 01592 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repairs, parts wash jobs 12.00 " 3.75 8.25 20.l6 82.69 = a I a c I' 11 I II I I I [, Ii I ! i i 'i Ii I! I I I , II ! I ~ I 1 I I I I ; II I: Ii I I; " I' 'I I ii " i' " , II No. 01593 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat covers 01594 tl. M. Wood Plumbing & Heating, Repairs to County Jail 01595 Virginia Foods, Food and Janitor supplies for Jail 01596 Owen Plumbing Co., Jail Repairs and Street signs 01597 Monarch Finer Foods, Food, Janitor supplies &c 01598 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel County Jail 01599 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 01600 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies 01601 Sheldon D. Carey, Attending prisoner 01602 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies for Jail 01603 Salem Hardware Co., 1 G. E. C.m Opener for Jail 01604 American Bakeries Co., Food for Prisoners " " " " " " " " " " " " 01605 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry for Jail 01606 Hecht's Bakery, food for Prisoners 01607 Green ~~ket, Food for Prisoners 01608 Standard Parts Corp., Parts for Salem Fire Truck 01609 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles 01610 Roanoke Co. Sanitation Authority, Sewage Treatment cost for Hollins Fire House " " " " " " 01611 Poff's Garage, Gas, Oil, wash jobs &c 01612 Pyrofax Gas Corp., Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Station 01613 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House " " .. 01614 01615 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Clearbrook Lion's Club, January Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station " " 01616 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, January Rent on C. S. Fire House 01617 W. W. Garman, January Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House 01618 Clearbrook First Aid Crew, Gas, Oil and Wash job " .. " $ 65.00 12.50 ., 237.39 ,I Ii I' II II Ii .' , 488.56 l65.65 64.00 15.60 7.14 5.00 9.85 24.95 74.40 46.35 80.36 137.46 29.08 107.40 9.00 86.47 146.30 8.60 4.00 i i ,I I , I I I :1 :1 II !I , 60.00 60.00 60.00 20.64 01619 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating Oil for Hollins Station and Courthouse 915.50 " 01620 Mt. Pleasant Garage, Parts for Mount Pleasant Fire Truck " 01621 01622 Minor R. Keffer, Services on Fairview Home Board Fairv1ew Home, County's share of expense in maintaining home for the aged Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearing State Department of Health, County's appropriation for of local Health Department " " 01623 01624 support 7,047.50 " " 01625 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies for Public Works 01626 Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, 2 vents glass for 1953 ford Garbage Truck 01627 Automotive Paint & Supply Co., Parts Ol628 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts for County Vehicles 01629 " " " 30.85 104.00 I I I :1 II I, II I' :1 II il II il :1 i 'I 'I 'I Ij ,I " " 10.00 24.50 3.50 12.50 99.03 " International Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors, 1961 Active Membership dues for James Robert TaliaferroIO.OO " 01630 Void " 01631 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 01632 BUilding, Plumbing & Electrical Official's Conference of Va., Renewal of Regular membership " Ol633 Baptist Children's Home Press, office supplies " 01634 G. Carl Matthews, services on R. C. Planning commission 71. 51 5.00 6.00 90.00 .90 I I II ,I i, j! Ii I ,! II ~ II " r II Jl " ii Ii '1 II ~ II r ~ ~ ,I Ii tl 'I I' II II II II Ii I 01635 Edward B. Lassiter, Expenses as Chairman of R. C. Planning Com:nis s ion $ 90 . 00 01636 T. D. Steele, Expenses as member of R. C. planning Com:nission No. It " 01637 William H. Witt, Expenses as member of R. C. Planning COIIIlI1is s ion " 01638 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps 01639 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs to Garbage Truck 01640 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 01641 Salem Radiator Service, Repa.irs to Garbage Trucks 01642 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Garbage Truck 01643 Municipal Sales Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks 01644 Cordy Maxey, Garbage Collection by Contract 01645 Miller Tire Service, Parts for Garbage Truck and Stock 01646 Keller Machine Co., Repairs and Parts for Vehicles " " " It It " " " 90.00 90.00 12.12 48.00 46.60 9.00 37.78 257.40 180.00 47.21 205.33 " 01648 Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co., Tubs for Garbage collection 01647 General Welding & Machine Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 9.50 117.77 01649 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for Garbage Truck 10.57 01650 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., Canvas cover for Garbage truck 3.00 01651 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies for Garbage Dept. 15.91 01660 Bush Electric Co., Repairing Broken wires in Clerk's Office 36.75 01661 Barnett Coal Company, Fuel for County Office 58.50 01662 Nelson Hardware Co., Janitor supplies 52.12 01666 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for distribution, County Vehicles 990.22 01667 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's fee 2,30l.19 01668 Langley and McDonald, Engineers, Services rendered, Consulting Engineers 1,922.35 Ol669 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Attorney's fee in connection Annexation suit 975.00 Ol670 State Board of Education, Charges on surplus goods &c 5.95 01671 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for vehicle 71.32 01672 Williams Supply Co., Material for Alterations Courthouse 1.98 " " It " " 01652 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor sUPPles 01653 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 01654 Caldwell-Sites Company, Janitor supplies 01655 Salem Hardware Co., keys and picture hangers 01656 Salem Farm Supply Co., Rock Salt for Melting Snow 01657 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 01658 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies &c Ol659 Meador & Company, 4 keys for Sheriff's office " " " " " " " " " " " Ol663 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., 1 Flag Ol664 Carl R. Brightwell, Refund- overcharge on Building PeDdt 01665 Freeland Business Forms Co., office supplies " It " " " It " It " 74.35 14.85 14.45 1.33 11.25 3.25 32.13 1.35 14.50 1.00 l52.06 It 01673 Southern Refrigerator Corp., Supplies for alterations to Courthouse 11. 48 It 01674 WIll. P. Swartz, Jr., & Co., Ash trays 01675 Rusco Window Company of Roanoke, Venetian blinds 01676 H.L. Ronk & Son, New Walnut furniture for Courts " " .78 322.40 2,l51.00 I I !' I ! I, II 11 II II II II 'I II II I II I I I I I a c ~ c c I I I I; I I I! I I I II i I i I II Ii i p I Ii r ,., t: II I: i: Ii " .' No. 01677 Radio Supply Co., Plugs and Jacks new addition 01678 People's Radio & T. V. Supply Co., Materials for New Alterations " .. 01679 Dictaphone Corporation, Microphone cable &c 01680 Lee Hartman & Sons Sound Equip:aent, Labor and service in- stalling microphone .. $ 9.96 2.64 58.40 9.55 .. 01681 Chelf-Smith Fuel Oil Co., 1 B 162 International Garbage Truck 2,608.21 01716 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 136.50 01717 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills 273.00 01718 Lewis-Gale Hospitai, State-local Hospital bills 156.00 01719 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital bills 390.00 01720 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistance 277.68 01721 Roanoke County Court, Coat cost for Refuse Collection Accounts 41. 25 01722 Fort Lewis Hdw. & Lumber Co., 2 Shovels for Garbage Trucks 7.74 01723 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Yellow tabs Garbage files 1.87 01724 Municipal Sales Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 25.25 01725 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts for Garbage trucks 43.58 Ol726 Salem Office Supply Co., Chair Casters 12.04 01727 T. O. Richardson, Removing Snow from Parking lot 10.00 01728 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Richmond trip expenses 7.70 01729 Gentry's Studio, Mats for Pictures in Hall Gallery 12.50 01730 Pure Oil Company, Oil and Gas purchased for Distribution 311.24 0173l State Board of Education, Surplus goods purchased for Civil Defense 59.43 .. 01682 Bradford & Company, 1 Coat Rack 01683 J. H. Pence Company, Furniture for New Court rooms 01684 American Oil Co., 108 Quarts Oil for distribution at County Garage 01685 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Stock 01686 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Distribution at Co. Garage 01687 Foutz Sausage Company, Food for Jail 01688 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 01689 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Bent Mountain 01104 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies for various offices .. .. " " .. .. If .. " 01705 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 01706 Haloid Xerox, Inc., Office supplies 01707 Kee Lox Mfg. Co., Office supplies 01708 Easter Supply Co., office supplies Ol709 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Fee Mary Turner, Notary Public 01710 Salem Creamery Co., Food for County Jail 01711 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for vehicles AND Flash Light batteries 01712 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire House Ol713 John W. Poling, Labor on Hollins Fire Station 01714 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Salem Fire Truck Ol715 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills " If " .. " " " .. If II If " " If II' " If " " II " If II " II II " 01732 H. L. Ronk, 1 table for Circuit Court room 38.14 5,265.48 46.44 132.22 115.36 50.60 44.43 19.55 24.02 2.73 44.55 5.43 1.25 2.50 15.60 10.11 96.90 65.00 22.88 370.50 55.00 30:1. :1 I, )1 " 302 No. 01733 Bradford & Company, 2 Ceramic Sand urns $ 17.34 " 01734 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Merchandise purchased for stock (Distribution to various vehicles) 8.94 " 01735 G. A. Scruggs, P. M. Postage for Distribution to various offices 48.00 i Ii ,I ~ II :, II I: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I i I ] I I i I II ~ ~ I ~ II I, i II ~ II Ii ~ !I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 01690 II 01691 II 01692 II 01693 II 01694 " 01695 " 01696 " 01697 " 01698 " 01699 " Ol700 " 01701 " 01702 " 01703 " 01736 " 01737 i Ii " ~ ~ I ,I I I ! Bob's Market, Dog Food $ 8.50 53.30 13.04 1.80 28.00 2.25 10.15 .75 Bush Electric Co., Installing heavier service Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased Fort Lewis Hardware Co., 1 Lock for Dog Pound Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Signs for Dog Pound McClung Lumber Co., Lumber used to catch dogs Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance Dog Truck James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Insured mail Radio Communications cO., Radio maintenance for Dog Truck 15.00 Salem Farm Supply Co., Wearing Apparel, dog food, and Bird S~d ~.~ I I 11.01 3.30 I 60.00 56.00 55.90 I, 97.98 I' I I I ! Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Part for Dog Truck Vinton Motor Co., Parts for Dog Truck B. F. Webb, Livestock claim Wigginton Welding Co., 1 steel gate for Dog Pound Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense Owen Plumbing Co., Labor on Dog Pound ~ 'I ~; JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia February 20, 1961 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business February l8, 1961, there was to the credit General Ib7enue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account Deferred Credit Account W. R. S. D. $ 941,372.28 6,943.67 226.78 8,330.64 33,229.46 1,424.45 13,569.08 6,972.67 423.92 355.80 200.00 $1,013,048. 75 of the i i I' I 'I ii I Ii il :! (Janie B. McNeal) (J. E. Peters) Res'.ectfully submitted, Said report approved and ordered filed. James E. Peters, Treasurer." I I . I I ... i! if On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of February, 1961, be approved in the amount of $8,603.29, from which the sum of $213.35 total F. I. C. A. and $786.20 total W.H. Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,603.78. Adopted by the'following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None = ~ On motion, duly 8IlC:onded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service from January l6, 1961, ending January 31, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,471.17, from which $74.16 total F. I. C. A., $69.90 total W. H. and $33.25 insurance and $47.75 Court Order are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,246.11; And the payroll for Re~use Collection and Janitor Service for period from February 1, 1961, ending February 15, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,747.57, from which $82.40 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $l02.50 total W.H. Taxes $38.00 insurance and $23.87 Court Order, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,500.80. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None a '" in the amount of $53.72 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel at County jail, Cave Spring Fire Station and Home Demonstration Kitchen; ~ Voucher-check #1520 in the amount of $50.00 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Catawba and Hollins Fire Stations; Voucher-check #1524 in the amount of $25.82 made payable to Town of Salem for water service at County Office Building; c i .1 I Voucher-check #1525 in the amount of $29.73 made payable to C & P Telephone i Company for telephone service at Mount Pleasant Fire Station~ I I I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None '.1 ~ cW.ir :It.!.. Co ~~r i~~~61 ~&J... ..!;.~i.I~' ta- C', i Co c..,. . i i 1--/ ,,'"'; (., " " ; I , , I i i I i I I I I , I I , , 304 Ii ,I 'I ~ II II " ~ .I ~ II II !I Ii " Ii Ii II 'I I. I' ,j ~ ji .' i1 Ii I: :i " " !: !i 'I 'I ~ uti! .C.y~ .tC~ Ii "i~ r -',-,.'--,~.. . ..-- --_._-------~~--~-------~..._- ~-..--.._._---_. ._._-~----- --+--- t Ii II ~ II II I, i' 1; II I: Ii Ii IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated February 6, 1961, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective February l, 1961: Additions , Lenl1;th GREENWOOD FOREST SUBDIVISION: Forester Road - From Wedgewood Road (Rt. 1623) to Wedgewood Road 0.20 Mi. MELODY ACRES SUBDIVISON: Larson Lane - From Route 682 to Tomaranne Drive Harmony Road - From Larson Lane to Dead End. Tomaranne Drive - From Larson Lane to Dead End. 0.18 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.20 Mi. I I II Ii I I' , I I I , I I I I I I I was this day received and ordered filed. II ,I ~ ~ 1 II ~ [I I i Copy of letter dated Janua-ry 25, 1961, addressed to WIn. J. Paxton, Jr., Town Clerk, Town of Salem, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, Roanoke, Va., enclosing copy of resolution /114307, Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, of January 23rd, 1961, in re: amending contract of October 16, 1953, between City of Roanoke and Town of Salem dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. IN RE: ADDITION AND ABANDONMENT - SECONDARY SYSTEM - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated February 10, 1961, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following addition and abandonment from the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective February 10, 1961: Addition Lenl1;th Section 7 of New Connection of Route 809, from Old Route 116 to Route 809, opposite Station716f80, Project Oll6- 080-001, C-2 Abandonment Section 6 of Old location of Route 809, from Old Route 116 westerly to the New Connection, opposite Station 176180, Project 0116-080-001, C-2. was this day received and ordered filed. 0.11 Mi. 0.07 Mi. IN RE: PURCHASE OF TRUCK Foo. REFUSE COLLECTION WORK: On motion of Supervisor'G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept the low bid of Chelf-Smith Fuel Oil Co., Inc., of twenty-six hunared, eight dollars and twenty-one cents ($2608.2l) for one two ton International Truck equipped as per specifications set forth in bid of said Company of January 25, 1961, for refuse collection work in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I I I t II . i I iEolcL ; . if Cl'. i i ...,.~ II 'hi co..e.Jl tt Ii ~II ~~II 'lJ."ilol i( r-\ i II I' i I I i I II Ii i! ,i BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke. County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: EOOEHILL ESTATES, SECTION 4: BEGINNING at the common easterly corner of Lot Nos. 25 and 24, Section B, Edgehill.Map of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the Cointy of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book I, Page 340; thence leaving the northeast corner of Lot 25, and with the northerlll line of the property of Woodland Hills Corporation, N. 66 09' E., 977.39 feet to Corner 2 at the southeast corner of Tract B, Prospect Valley; thence with the west line of ths remaining undeveloped land of C. W. Francis, et als, S. 24 05' 30" E., 70~.5 feet to Corner 3; thence continuing with the same, S. 24 07' 10" E., 251.92 feet to Corner 4; thence continuing with the same and with the westerly line of Lots Nos. 1 and 2, Block M, Prospect Hills Map, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Hustings Court bor the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in Map Book 1, Page 46, S. 23 59' 20" E., 317.52 feet to Corner A; thence with three newolines 1:1 the right-of-way of Roy Drive (being vacatsd) S. 56 53' 10" W., 425.30 feet to Corner B; thsn..:e S. 52 38' 50" W., 517.50 feet to Corner C; thence S. 65 37' 30" w., 256.06 feet to Corner 8, which is on the line produced northerly across Roy Drive of Lot Nos. 31 and 32, Block 3, Section 1, Southern Hills, as shown on Map of Section No.1, Southern Hills of record in aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 3, Page 161' thence with the northerly side of Roy Drive, S. 54047 40" W., 25.0 feet to Corner 9; thence with a line in the center line of the 50 ft. width right-of-way of the unnamedostreet p,rojecting northerly from Roy Drive (being vacated), N. 35 12' 20 r W., 200.0 feet to Corner 10 at the norther!y terminus of sbtd unnamed street; thence with the same, S. 54 47' 40" W., 25.0 feet to Corner 11 on the easterly line of Lot 1, ~10ck l, Section 1" Southern Hills; thence with the same N. 35 12' 20" W., 65.0 feet to Corner 12 at the southeasterly corner of the property of E. L. Craigeeadj thence with the easterly line of the Craighead property, N. 10 04. 10" W., 436.54 feet to Corner 13 at the southeast corner of the property of Edgehill Estates, Inc.; thence with She easterly line of the EdgehiII Estates, Inc. property, N. 10 12' 20" W., 546.3 feet to Corner 14 at the southeast .' corner of I;Ot 28, Section B, Edgehill Map; th~e with the east line of Lot Nos. 28, 27, 26 and 25, N. 10 11' W., 273.15 feet to Corner 1, .the place of BEGINNING containing 36.457 acres, more or less, and being a northerly portion of the property conveyed to Woodland Hills Corporation by deed of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 649, Page 305, and being shown in detail on plat prepared by C. B. Malcolm and Son, Engineers, dated February 6, 1961, which is made a part of this description. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full I ,I 'I II I' II Ii II II I' I: Ii extent as if said areas were therein set out in extension. (A} That a<<2ptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered, by the County, to the City's Sanitary sewer system at such point as is approved by the City's Director of Public Works or the City Engineer and I, II ,I ii I' ,I II ,. " Ii 'I ii !i " :1 " 1/ Ii , " Ii ! the requisite measuring meter installed at said.point of delivery, by the County; (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the CounciL of theCity of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound byother terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. f I I i 'I II II i I I I I II t I I I I I a a :i " :1 :i " " a II il :! ~ 'I I, " " Ii Ii :1 Ii ;1 I ~ ,; .1 'I , " 'I ;1 'I 'I 'I " ;' :1 a c I ! BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supa:visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ! ~ ~..' 1; That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virgini~,r~ the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects ! 'hI~T.- 4e: ~~ ~"1r.1 Adopted by the following. recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ ,. , I Copy of letter dated February 9, 1961, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, approving the request of said Treasurer, subject to the concurrence of this Board, for an allowance of one hundred, forty-two dollars and thirty- eight cents ($142.38) to cover premi~ on official bonds, burglary and other insurance, for the calendar year 1961, was this day laid before the Board, Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. HamptOll Moulse, it is ordered that this Board approves the allowance of one hundred, forty-two dollars and thirty-eight cents ($142.38) to cover above items, for the calendar year 1961, itbeing shown to the Beard that the above request was not included in the salary and expense account submitted by the Treasurer of Roanoke County for. the year 1961. Copy of this resolution to be forwarded to State Compensation Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the p~~ose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines, and other properties and facilities incidential thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32 Ii inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional project~ consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: 1. JULIA B. STOOE ESTATE, 43-4 aCRES, MORE OR LESS: BEGINNING at a planted stone on the east edge of Plantation Road (Route 601) in Bowman's line and a 80rner to tract #3; thence with line of said tract #3, N. 89 00' W., 1041. 0 feet to a plantec ~tone, another co:aer to tract #3; thence with another line ~f said tract S. 1 l8' E., 361.8 feet to a cedar stump on the south bank of Carvin's Creek, a corner to Nelms; thence with his line and with the meandering Sf the creek to its south bank, the following courses6 S. 46 15' E., 137.6 feet; S. 3004;' E., 360.0 feet; S. 5 50' E., 22g.0 feet to a cucumber tree; ~. 4l 00' W., 300.0 feet; ~. 52 00' W., 205.0 feet; S. 59 00' W., 270.0 feet, S. l4 50' W., 160.0 feet to a white oak on the south side of Hershberger Road (Route 625) at the west end of an iron bridge over Carvin's Crsek; thence continuing with the south line of said creek, S. 10 00' E., 120.0 fest; S. 690 00' E., 167.0 feSti W. 570 00' E., 20.0 fest. W. 87 00' E., 216.0 feet; S. 66 v~O E., 686.0 feet; S. 79 10 E., 140.0 feet to the southeast corner of an old spring house; thence crossing the aforeaanuioned creek and continuing thereafter to the point of intersection of the north right-of-way line of Hershberger ~oad and the east right-of-way line of Plantation Road, N 21 00' E., l50.0 feet, more or less; thence continuing with the east right- of-way line of the said PlantationRoad 1,750.0 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, containing 43.4 acres, more 307 'I 'I " :I~~l'~ iitT1 ~.~ !I}'))"'... \. cL... l~~~..- "Or~ " i --.t.''1 I y... .,.- I rJ....er I 1 I ICo.~o 1'1>16>1 ! I I";).r- i~~ , I I , I' I I I I II I , , I i i I or less, and being the Julia B. Stone Estate, now the properties of Samuel B. Stone, Wiley O. Cook, Roseland S. Obenshain, and heirs of Julia B. Stone. II. CASTLE ROCK FARMS, 169.7 ACRES, MORE OR LESS: BEGINNING at an iron pin located on the north side of Virginia State Secondary Route #702 and said pin being located at the southwest corner of the W. B. Shepard property; thence leaving the road and with the line between the Bernice B. Cook and W. B. Shepard property N. 320 17' E., 306.1 feet to an iron in the fence on line of HenryoJ. Jamison property; thence with the line of same N. 420 45' W., 115 feet, more or less, to a cedar; thence N. 11 00' E., 297.0 feet to a point; thence N. 49000' E., 151.6 feet to a locust; thence with~he line of J. .T. Engleby, Jr. pro~erty N. 22000' W., 145.8 feet to a point~ thence N. 760 30 W. 1,055.3 feet ,to a poinb; . thence N. 70 ' 00' W., 810.5 feet to a point. thence N. 60 00' W., 334.6 feet to'a point; 'thence N. 26P" OO"W.; 5l0.2 feet to an irsn; thence with the line of Hidden Valley Corp. pro~erty S. 3l 30' W., 831.6 feet to' a point'; thence S...620 OQ.. E., 32.4 feet to a point; thence with Rosa B. J08es line S. 51 50' E., 151.8 feet to a point; thence S. 17 45' E., 795.9 feet to a point; thence with the line of RosS B. Jones and also partly with C. E. Minnix property'S. 49 00' W., 1,386.0 feet to an iron;othence with the line of C. E. Minnix 8 acre tract S. 18 15'E., 398.0 feet to a point in acute #692, corner to N. H. Wertz propert~; thence with the line of Wertz property alogg the road S. 79 00' E., l56.0 feet to a' pobnt; thence S. 54 30' E., 220.7 feet to. a point; thence S. 88 50' E., 308.7 feet'to a stone; 'thence Iea~ng the'road S'. l60 40' E., 185.5 feet to a stone; thence S. 9 00' E., 479.0 feet to a point; thence leaving the line of N. H. wer~z property and with the outside line of Cook property S. 74 30' E., 453.0 feet to 8 point; thence with the line of Ezra E. Wertz property N. 54 30' E., 528.8 feet to a black oak; thence O. N. 670 15' E., 1,403.3 feet to a corner post; thence N. 44 . 10' E., 900.0 feet, more or less, to a point on the souths ide of tge aforesaid Route #702; thence crossing Route #702, N 7 00' E., 40.3 feet to a point on the north side of Route #702; thence with the north side of Routs #702 and with the line of the W. B. Shepard prOBerti' N. 74 40' W., 200.0 feet to a point; thence N. 65 46 W., 150.00feet to a point; thence continuing with the road N. 58 50' W., 250.0 feet to a point; thence N. 670 54' W., 100.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary descllption of a 169.7 acre portion of the 250 acres, more or less, transferred to John A. Slovensky by Bernice Burns Cook, as recorded in Deed Book 683, Page l32, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. III. EDGEHILL EST~, SECTION 4: BEGINNING at the common easterly corner of Lot Nos. 25 and 24, Section B, Edg~hill Map of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuic Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book 1, Page 340;' thence 'leaving the northeast corner of Lot 25, and with the northerly line of the property of Woodland Hills Corporation, N. 660 09' E., 977.39 feet to Corner 2 at the southeast corner of Tract B, Prospect VaIleyl thence 'with the west line of the remaining undeveloped land of C. W. Francis, et als, S. 24005' 30" E., 709.5 feet to Corner 3; thence continuing with the same, S. 240 07' 10" E., 251. 92 feet to Corner 4; thence continuing with the same and with the westerly line of Lot Nos. 1 and 2, Blk. M. Prospect Hills Map, of record in the Clerk's.Office of the Hustings Court fOb the City of Roanoke, Virgit'.ia, in Map Book 1, Page 46, S. 23 59' 20" E., 317.52 feet to Corner A; thence with three new l~nes in the right-of-way of Roy Drive (being vacateg) S. 56 53' 10" W., 425.30 feet to Corner B; thence S. 52 38 ' 50" W., 517.50 feet to Corner C; thence S. 65037' 30" w. 256.06 feet to Corner 8, which is on the line produced northerly across Roy Drive of LQt Nos. 3l and 32, Block 3, Section 1', Southern Hills,"as shown on Map of Section No.1, Southern Hills of record in aforesaid Clerk's Office in Plat Book 3, Page 16; tnence with the northerly side of Roy Drive, S. 540 47' 40" W., 25.0 feet to Corner 9; thence with a line in the center line of the 50 ft; width right-of-way of the unnamed street grojecting northerly from Roy Drive (being vacated), N. 35 12' 20" W., 200.0 feet to Corner 10 at the northerl~ terminus of said unnamed street; thence with the same, S. 54 47' 40" W.', 25.0 feet to Corner 11 on the easterly line of Lot l, Block 11 Section 1, Southern Hills; thence with the same, N. 350 12 20" W., 65.0 feet to Corner 12 at the southeasterly corner of the property of E. L. Craighead; then8e with the easterly line of the Craighead property, N. 10 04' 10" W., 436.54 feet to Corner 13 at the southeast corner of the property of Edgehill Estates, Inc.; thence with theoeasterlx line of the Edgehill Estates, Inc. property, N. 10 12' 20 I W., 546.3 feet to Corner 14 at the southeast corner of Lot 28, Section B, Edgehill Map; thence with the east line of Lot Nos. 28, 27, 26, and 25, N. 100 ll' -Ii ,I Ii I I I I I ~ II Ii 1\ II ~ , II II il i Ii iJ Ii Ii Ii to i. :1 1: :' I I I ~ II II I. II 'I :, II ~ I, II II II :1 " ., " II !I I Ii :i , " II " " II Ii " II Ii " :1 'I I Ii ii ., il " I !I " II I 'I C !I 'I ,I I' ,I :, II I a I '1 I il ~ c c 309 W., 273.15 feet to Corner 1, the place of BEGINNING containing 36.457 acres; more or less, and being a northerly portion of the property conveyed to Woodland Hills Corporation by deed of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 649, Page 305. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and ishereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse Building in Salem, Virginia, on the 20th day of March, 1961, at 3:00 o'clock be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the Ii I, " 'i I, II ii Ii II " F i II I, i: proposed ;! at its p. m., of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at which t~e and place all proRpective users of the proposed services, and any other persons in interest, will be given an opportunity to services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vi "l,inia, II :1 II I , i I 'I :1 " ~ ,I I ! v i :! discretion, may call for a referendum on the question inabove set forth, as prescribed in the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resiutions shall be in full force and effect from and after their passage. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 605 and Virginia Route 115 from Route 11 north to the Old Fincastle Turnpike near Bellview School did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section l5-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolutionduly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. i , 'I !I Ii 'I primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia and shall ii II I il i I Such names ahll take precedence over any other designation except those be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 605 and Virginia Route 115 from Route II north to the Old Fincastle Turnpike near Bellview School: SHADWELL DRIVE. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None " I' ;1 ii i'rt%U7; 'I . f. 'a!ifr.t 'iit~,~.u- ,. r :1 " :1 '11-1" I I I ... i! WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 689 from Route 221 to Route 692 did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section l5-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names 310 I i I I! I Ii il II Ii Ii II ,I !I ~ Ii it r r-~u ~ 10 c.IJG.,., ~tH ~t; !i . '~""', . I 'i 1-; " I I' II II II Ii Ii Ii il Ii " II il " ,:,. .s~ ii cL.t,. ~.~ I! ~~r ~ u -r..,.~ ~ II ~II II 'I Ii il Ii il j.1 I' " it " , :' i: " " ;! to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. Such names shall take precedence over a.~y other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-l2 of the Code of Virginia, ani shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 689 from Route 221 to Route 692: ROSELAWN ROAD. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G." Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 'I I II I' I I II I , I I ,/ " I I " I[ !, WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 692 from Route 685 to Route 689 did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, be resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. Such names shall take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFau:, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 692 from Route 685 to Route 689: SUGAR LOAF MOUNTAIN ROAD. . I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and II ~ ~ I I I Ayes: Supervisors Minor Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None II 'I II Ii II II WHEREAS, pursuant to Section l5-777.l of the Code of Virginia as amended, III the governing body in any county map, by resolution duly adopted, give names II to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. I! II Such names shall take precedence over any other designation except those II " primary highways conforming to Section 33-l2 of the Code of Virginia and shall :1 i! " ii " ,i :1 :: I' ! WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 692 from Route 689 to Route 221 did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and I be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to I State Secondary Route 692 from Route 689 to Route 221: MOUNT CHESTNUT ROAD. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None a ,; " a ii " I' I, " , I: Ii I II I' " II 'I " ! I I ~ II I I I ~ , , , il I! II II II II , I ! I ,I I' , 'I I' C , " il , " '! :i Ii " ., c I from Virginia Rt. :1 ~~ tlJ. ~ the aforesaid road; Ii ~ ~ [p~ jl.:ir rkJ.. r.- ilt:' r', the g=~ :::u::t~: :::::;m:;~7::':e::l:::0:o::l:fa::::::a;e::::d, i' ~1'~ Ii I' ,I .. , WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Rt. 628 117 west to Virginia Rt. 116 did request this Board to name and to street~, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of .towns. I: l! and shall! !' Such names shall take precedence over an~' other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFau:, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Rt. 628 from Virginia Rt. 117 west to Virginia Rt. 116: LOCH HAVEN ROAD. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None Board' of Supervisors , 'vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway COIIlIIIission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proc;eedings l;1er~in, and upon the application for Evelyn Avenue, Extn. of Rt.. 1104, 7 0.07 mi:!.e to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements.. and a. 50 foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue.pf a certain map known as Andrew Lewis Place Annex {}2, which map is reco.rded in Plat Book 4, Page 61 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit ~ourt of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said IIl8P ,no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right I: of way and right for drainage. I: NOW, THEREFau:, BE IT CRDERED that said road known as Evelyn Avenue, I Extn. of Rt. 1104, - 0.07 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompany- " i ing this order be, and the same ishereby established as a public road to i become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R.Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I. I I: I: I' I' I: Ii " I " I. 311 { 312 = ~.~I 1l;: ("" I elL-Jli! P~B" ! ~CI *rf~'I! i' II ~ Ii 'I I, 'I I , II I I, II I , I , I Ii \ II I[ '[ I, ,: Ii II Ii ,I jl 'I ~ " 'i Ii ,. II i; IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 JUST NORTH OF THE CITY LIMITS OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA This day came J. M. Turner, Gardner A. Mundy and Joe L. Hill by counsel x ORDER and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property to be described in'said petition. NO~, THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 20th day of February, 1961, said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend said zoning ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition be, and they hereby are, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia and of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by Code of Virginia that, upon receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shal forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice of said public hearin be given by said Clerk by publication in aceordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered, with copy of said petition, by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted unanimously in favor of this order. Ayes: !bpervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mculs,e and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I I j) ~ IN RE: ZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE SOurHERLY SIDE " OF MlUER STREET OF B. L. RADFORD: Dr. patricia Gathe;:cole, J. J. Nemeth, and Franklin R. Hoke, and sundry other residents of Cherry Hill Section of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and opposed the Ee-zoning of the property on the southerly side of Miller Street of B. L. Radford; After a discussion of the matter, at the suggestion of T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for B. L. Radford, and on the motion of Supervisor G:Hampton - Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this matter be continued until the March, 1961 Meeting of this Board, to be held on March 1961, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. Adopted by the following recorded vote:~ Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell nays: None c..L.:.~ "1i t...... II c.~l ~Co .~ <Dtf' ~ i~c.1 i I ! II II i I I , I Letter dated January 30, 1961, addressed to the County of Roanoke Board of Supervisors, from Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission, by J, E. Moore, General Chairman, ordered filed. I I II I i I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County adopted on June 20, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follow&, to become effective March 1, 1961: 8 - PUBLIC WeLFARE 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $2,600.00 is hereby made from the. General. Revenue Fund for the '!uarter ending March 3l, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicate 18-' MIScELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTICNS lSa- Annexation: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby mad"e from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I II ~ I 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ t 'I II 1 ~ " " I Gordon Willis, President of the Roanoke Valley Development Corporation, W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, and J. R. . .'. - . '.' -. .. Hildebrand, of the firm o'f Hayes, Seay, Mattern &'Mattern, Architects, were presenl: at the meeting of the Board. Mr. Willis advised the Board of the purchase of sixty-four acres of land in Roanoke County for the uses of the Blue Rid8e Industrial Park, and urged that the application of the Roanoke Valley Development Corporation for improvements, from Industrial Access Funds, to the road to said plant, said road being a part of State Route 709, be given f.avorable consideration by this Board. I WHEREAS, Roanoke Valley Development Corporation has made application to Board fOr improvements to be made to the access road to their plant, this road being a part of State Route 709, and WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under I II :1 th! I' II il '1 , " if ii I Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructe~ :: "i.th funds obtained from the Industrial Access Funds; If !i iI NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested II !i to furnish estimates of cost, data on right-of-way needs, and other informationl II to the Highway Commission on the construction of a structure over N & W ii " I Railway and improvements of Route 709, and approve said bridge and road for construction with its recommendation that they be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, and Edwin G. Terrell ---Na s: No I ~ = I ~ CI 315 -~ . I: ~ Mrs. Paul Erdman, Representative of. the Crippled Children's Hospital, this " i: ".'1 day appeared before the Board, and requested that an appropriation of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for year 1960 be made to the Crippled Children I s ,i Hospital; whereupon she was advised that an appropriation of Two Hundred Dollars il ($200.00) made by this Board for the year 1960 had been paid to the Virginia Children's Home Soeiety, and that her request for an appropriation would be I' ,. I ;. i :i :1 :1 II I, \I ;1 " II !i " " II , f! :' Ii ii 'I WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 605 from NCL City of Ii S-~ Roanoke to _Shadwell Drive did request this Board to name the' aforesaid road; GIld I!d.d.k-~ WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, t ; ~ ',~, governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to i ~tt1;:r streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the cClrporate limits.of towns. Such II ~,4, I;1CIIIIeS shall take precedence over any otj:ler. designation except thos.e prit1lary 'I ~/~~ highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the -COde ,of Virginia and shall be ,I 'J;.1J.3 (" I employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; ~ ~,;.,.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Il-';~~ Secondary Route 605 from NCL City of Roanoke to Shadwell Drive: OlD MOUNTAIN ,~ "("'- !I 5/'-1/(,1 II II II Ii " il i~ i II li,~ I! d..&R..tr. ~4f i~~ II~~ ie.. >J., ,. This Board and the Roanoke County Electoral Board being of the opinion that ii ?-/1.3 /, 1 I: it is for the best interests and convenience of the voters of Roanoke County " taken under advisement; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that said request be taken under advisement, and when a decision has been reach in this matter, the action of the Board will be cOllllllunicated to her. I r I: I' )i !' i Ii I: I [' , I, I ROAD. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer. Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell ~ I, (1) IN RE: CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES OF EAST VINTON PRECINCT AND OF WEST VINTON PRECINCT IN BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RESOLUTION CHANGING VOTING PRECINCTS AND VOTING PLACESX (2) CHANGING THE VOTING PLACE OF EAST VINTON PRECINCT IN BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT x (3) CHANGING THE VOTING PLACE OF WEST SALEM PRECINCT IN SALEM MAGIStERIAL DISTRICT that the following changes be made: 1: That since there is a much greater number of voters in East Vinton than in West Vinton Precinct, that the boundaries of said Precincts be changed ii " " ii :i I' ii II 'point in the center of State Route 24 where the west line of the Town of Vinton Ii :i as follows: That the present line between said Precincts be changed to begin at a adjoins the east line of the City of Roanoke, and continue with the center line of said Route 24 to the Bedford County line, and that all of those voters residing to the south and east of said line, who now vote " in West Vinton Precinct,i II be transferred to the East Vinton Precinct; and that all voters now residing north and west of said line who now vote in East Vinton Precinct, shall be transferred to West Vinton Precinct. , ~-_. ~.- ~ 'I Ii Ii II II II Ii i' ~ I I I I I -~--------_._,-~-~------_._-"t:--_. -~ Vinton remain in the Vinton II I 2: That the r~esent voting place of West Municipal Building oa at present; and that the voting place of East Vinton Precinct be changed from 118 Pollard Street to Nick's Furniture and Appliance Store at Lee Avenue and Maple Street in the ToWn of Vinton. 3: That the voting place of West Salem Precinct in the Town of Salem, Salem Magisterial District, be changed from the Water Works BuildiIf; on West Main Street to the West Salem Elementary School on North Bruffy .Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to forthwith ?ost a certified copy of this resolution at the front door of the Court House of this County, and that the Clerk deliver to the Sheriff of Roanoke County certified copies of this resolution, to be posted at each of the voting places or precincts affected by the above changes, to-wit, at the present East Vinton Precinct, located at 118 Pollard Street, Vinton, Virginia; at Nick's Furniture and Appliance Store at the corner of Lee .\venue and Maple Street; at the Municipal Building of the Town of Vinton; at the Salem Water Works on West Main Street in Salem, Virginia, and at the West Salem Elementary School on North Bruffy Street in the Town of Salem, and said Sheriff is ORDERED to make his return showing said postings to the Clerk'of this Bpard; and the CowwOawealth's Attorney of Roanoke County is 'hereby instructed, after notice has been duly posted for Thirty (30) days as hereinabove provided for, in accordance with Chapter 5 of Title 24 of I:he'1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to file on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, a petition requesting the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to enter an order, making the changes above set forth. The above Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Hays: None ~ II II II II Ii ,! I' Ii Ii II Ii I I' ~ II I' Ij " ii Ii ;1 11 , !l I' li h " I ,I ii " " it I' - <M< ~ _d b. adjo-o ~:d :;r::.:: I I II I Ii I' II " !I :1 " I' II 11 ii II Ii " " ii Court House Salem, Virginia March 20, 1961 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. r Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. Wilson Crady, Pastor of the West Salem Baptist. Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member 'I of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-check out of the funds respectively chargeable I I I I I c c a c c , i II ! I I , , , , Ij Ii ,I Ii Ii I , , I I i Ii Ii Ii I i , II Ii II " 11 I I' r Ii I ii ! Ii I; I: r " I; I' I, :: II I~ I: 01867 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling expense 55.37 01868 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse Probation Officer's Travel- ing Expense 65.65 01869 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling Expense 01870 City Treasurer, City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children detained at Detention Home 174.00 01871 Dr. Russell B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Coroner Cases and Lunacy Cases No. 01855 Underwood Corporation, repairs to office equipment " 01856 Hill Directory Co., City Directories 01857 Acme Printers, Inc., Book Binding and office supplies 01858 Wood haven Press, office supplies 01859 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Recording delinquent land " " " " 01860 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund Maxey /Seat Cover Center, Seat Cover for Delinquent Tax Collector's Car 01862 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance County Owned Vehicles " 01861 " " 01863 C. W. Warthen Co., Book binding and office supplies 01864 G. H. Parent Company, office supplies 01865 Haloid Xerox, Inc., Repair Equipment 01866 W. Francis Bindfiard, Secty & Treas. Association of Judges of Co. & Municipal Courts of Va., Annual dues for 1961 " " " " " ",n " " " 01872 Salem Auto Parts, Car Parts 01873 Summerdean Esso Station, Parts, Repairs &c 01874 C. A. Richards, Signs for Sheriff and Deputies cars 01875 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 01876 Roanoke Paint & Glass Co., Materials fo;: Zoning 01877 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased Ol878 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Vehicles 01879 Acto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Vehicles 01880 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk Driving Examination 01881 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Test for Alcohol 01882 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 01883 Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical repairs 01884 Roanoke Iron & Bridge Works, Repairs to County Jail 01885 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners 01886 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 01887 Deluxe Laundry & Dry Cleaners, Laundry for Jail 01888 Salem Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 01889 DeWitt Supply Co., Janitor supplies for Jail 01890 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 01891 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 01892 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Heating County Jail 01893 Salem Hardware Co., Material for repairs &c 01894 Virginia Armature Co., Repairing Motor for Hollins Fire House " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " $ 74.40 234.00 63.55 84.80 221.80 63.87 14.95 811. 58 236.67 4.80 111.l5 lO.OO 40.25 180.00 64.77 34.50 73.50 37.50 2.25 22.42 13.35 14.07 15.00 5.00 165.12 14.92 15.79 63.70 61.50 48.00 14.40 26.28 153.36 4.18 64.00 39.20 88.60 , 11 !: 'II i , 'I il II I, I' :1 I I I i I , I I I i I , II I' II I I I i I I No. f " ; I " I " I " il " , !i n Ii !! " il 1 " I I " I " II " ~ i! .. I, II " , i " I ~: " ij Ii If ~ II " Ii " " ~ I: " ~ " I' " " " ii " I! ---.-----.--.--.-------.----.........; --;,.. Ol934 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Identification tags for cans IJ.70 Ol935 H. M. Wood Plumbing Co., Checking Furnace 8.00 01936 Salem Hardware Co., 7 special keys 2.30 Ol937 Salem Farm Supply Co., Fertilizer for Courtyard and Rock Salt 12.40 01895 01896 Virginia Division of Forestry, County's share of expense Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles " 01897 Clearbrook First Aid & Rescue Squad, Parts and gas for Fire Truck 01898 Roanoke Co. Sanitation Authority, Sewer service 01899 Pyrofax Gas Corp., Fuel for Fire Station 01900 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 01901 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Use of crane to remove sirene 01902 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 01903 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 01904 W. W. Garman, Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House 01905 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire House 01906 Ferrell Insurance Agency, Premium on Workman's Compensation 01907 W. B. Clements, Repair and Parts Hollins Fire Truck &c 01908 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner 01909 Bush Electric Co., Electrical work at Hollins Fire Station 01910 Arrow Hardware Paint & Feed, Janitor supplies and Hardware 01911 Brambleton Gulf Service Station, Gas, Oil and Wash Jobs 01912 St. Phillip Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 01913 Jefferson Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfar~ 01914 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 01915 Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 01916 Medical College of Va., Hospital Bills for Welfare 01917 Burrell Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 01918 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Court appointed attorney on Lunacy COIlIIIissions 01919 Benjamin E. Chapman, Servi~g as Attorney on Commitment Commission 01920 Harlin Perrine, Court appointed attorney 01921 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy Hearing 01922 Robert E. Paine, M. D. Lunacy Hearing 01923 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy hearing 01924 William W. Berry, Lunacy Hearing 01925 Williams Auto Alignment, Parts 01926 J. L. Hartman, Refund Plumbing Permit 01927 G. D. Bell, Refund Furnace Price 01928 Bemiss Equipment Co., Fuel for Tractor 01929 Rockydale Quarries Corporation, Work on Garbage Lot 01930 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts for Vehicle 01931 H. L. Flannagan, Hauling stone for storage lot and Garbage Disposal 01932 Ralph Deacon, Repairs to Lawn tractor 01933 American Oil Co., Oil for Garbage Trucks " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. " " " " 01938 Roanoke Linen Service, towel service $ 520.85 11.84 48.88 9.00 , 60.8011 8.601 40.00 60.00 60.00 I I 60.0011 84.361 510.00 11.1211 4.001 108. 5~0 5.52 33.3 58.5~1 643.5~ 975.0~ 19.5 40.0 10.OQ 10.0~1 20,0~1 10.09 20.00 II lO.OO, II 4.59 12.0q .5dl ,: I' 43.12 il :i 109.28 ii I' 2.10 :1 'I j, :: I I I I 78.40 3.50 58.32 I 3.25 a = a c o II No. I I i I , I: I Ii 1 I: , I: I I: i! ,i I' I: j, !: i Ii i: ! ! I' I: I' .' " 01939 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse 01940 Meador & Company, l5 keys 01941 McClung Lumber Co., Repairs to chair and sand for urns .. " $ 7.25 4.50 6.47 01942 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Additional Insurance on Courthouse 3,366.00 " 01943 Davies-Young Soap Co., Janitor supplies 01944 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies, Hardware &c 01945 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 01946 Void " .. " " 01947 Salem Paint Co., Paint &c and repairs 01948 Shenandoah Valley, Inc., Membership investment 01949 Parker-Nimmo, Parts &c 01950 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for distribution 01951 Lowe's of Roanoke, Inc., Fence for County Farm 01952 Koppers Company, Fence for County Farm 01953 Garrett's Esso Servicenter, Repairs 01954 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supPies 01955 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Supplies for Photostatic 01956 Automotive Paint & Supply Co., Parts 01957 Technical Reproduction Co., Map for Annexation 01958 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps for Annexation' 01959 Baptist Children's Home Press, Office supplies Annexation 01960 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Services rendered 01961 Marcus A. Bieler, Services as Court Reporter .. " " " .. .. " .. " " " " " .. .. 43.98 50.79 61. 71 27.95 50.00 271.81 979.70 17.60 30.70 1.50 l5.09 22.25 9.00 92.45 9.05 24.00 3,699.33 125.10 01962 Langley and McDonald, Engineers, Services rendered as Con- sulting Engineers in Annexation Court 3,113.09 " 01963 W. E. Robertson Co., Painting New Addition to Courthouse 01964 H. R. Johnson Co., 2 duplex shades and accessories 01965 Clayton G. Tinnell, Wiring new addition &c 01966 Motor Parts Supply Co., Stock for Distribution 01967 Miller Tire Service, Tires for distribution 01968 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postage for Distribution 01969 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Distribution 01970 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets &c 01971 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 01972 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental fee on Postage Machine 01973 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service Fire Station 01974 Harvest Motors Co., Parts 01975 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., Office supplies 01989 H. L. Flar~agah, Labor, Hauling Stone 01990 Void .. " " " " " " " " " " .. .. " " 0199l Rockydale Quarries Corp., Road stone 01992 Burroughs Corporation, Service agreement on machine 01993 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies " .. " 01994 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, collection delinquent taxes suit 01995 G. H Parent Co., office supplies Ol996 United States Pencil Co., 4 doz. pencils 01997 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postage for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court " " " 716.00 6.58 642.85 30.50 157.20 24.00 57.84 172.06 42.59 39.00 19.40 26.78 2.11 24.00 30.00 20.00 9.04 l25.82 4.55 15.49 24.00 I I q ,I ,I :j il i 'I ,I il ., " II 'I 'I I' :1 !I 'I i Ii :j II I i ! i' II ,I I' " ,I 'I Ii Ii ii I; " [i i I 'I I I II II II ~ Ii ii I, II ~ Ii " 'I ,. I! " II I II I' ,I Ii :1 II II II I, ~ II II " " ;' " ,/ Ii r 02017 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning &Y Economic Dev. Commission Aerial F~otograph and mapping program 2,197.00 02018 Kime & Jolly,Attorneys, Attorney's fee in annexation suit 2,716.48 02019 J. H. Pence Co., Appraisal of School Equipment 1,364.35 No. 01998 Dr. A. J. Russo, Blood test and Lunacy hearings 01999 Void ---r---'~=~~--' $ 35.00 II ,I I 4.75 II 3.75 I 109.95 II I I 7.50 I 39.08' I' 43.70 i 2.35 I i 249.96 II 4.00 711.66 I 6.19 III 86.30 I 13.51 Ii 104.70 145.56 15.99 1.18 15.00 3,857.41 93.12 I I II II II Ii I I 1 i I , ! 2,118.00 I, I, i! 'I I 'I I, II !! ., 49.54 9,000.00 454.50 5.75 20.00 103.05 I I I I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: II II The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, !I and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeableil " " therewith, to-wit:: " " 02000 Beach Bros. Esso Servicenter, Wash jobs 02001 Auto Service Station, Wash jobs 02002 George Fore, Salary ,for County Policeman 02003 Virginia Foods, Food for Prisoners 02004 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Prisoners 02005 Howell's Auto Parts, Refund Credit Memorandum 02006 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Fire stations 02007 Pyrofax Gas Co., Fuel for Fire Station 02008 Pure Oil Co., Gas for Life Saving Crew 02009 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Assistant in Public Works Office 02010 Auto Sales & Service, Parts 02011 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repairs and Parts 02012 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Repair parts 02013 Williams Supply Co., Supplies for alterations 02014 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 02015 Killinger's Linoleum & Carpet Co., Floor covering &c 02016 Paul B.Matthews, Reimburse Va. Record " " " " " " " " " " " " " n " .. .. .. " " 02020 Acme Printers Co., office supplies 02021 Dulaney & Robinson, Accountant's fee Annexation 02022 Martha H. Matthews, extra office assisant 02023 State Board of Education, Surplus goods for Civil Defense Program 02024 Martin Brothers, Contractors, Alterations to Courthouse 02025 International Business Machine Co., 1 New Electric Typewriter 02026 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense 02027 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Test for Alcohol 02031 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare 02032 Marcus A. Bieler, Services as Court Reporter Annexation " " " " " II " " " No. 01976 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Wax and Wonder Wash " 01977 Bob's Market, 1 case Cat Food 01978 Brown Hardware Co., 1 Box shells Ol979 Charlie Moore, Laborer Dog Pound 01980 Check-R-Board, Dog Food 01981 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 01982 Roanoke County School Board, Repairs, Parts and Wash job 01983 McKesson & Robbins, Rabies Vaccine " " " .. " .. $ 4.29 7.00 .88 8.00 39.20 l6.95 28.75 13.52 I a c o rn U JAMES E. PEn..~, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the I I II~tt IIJ:.~ Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor i ~/~I/"I I I I same is, hereby approved, and said Treasurer is directed to notify all Banks in f this locality that all checks issued by his office will carry the above netlitiOnJ1 I, il !l 'I Ii !I I! ii :1 II :! Sam's, Inc., Wearing apparel Salem Hardware Co., Hardware for Dog Pound Salem Fa~m Supply Co., Bird Seed SUDmerdean Esso Station, Repairs to Dog Truck Treasurer of Virginia, 1961 Dog Tage and receipt books Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Earl Wood Printing Co., 25 signs, Rabies $ 27.90 1.25 4.85 1.25 396.80 94.60 .78 16.85 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia March 20, 1961 , I. I I I I I I I ) I :1 ~ To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business March 18, 1961, there was to the credit of the $ 634,708.61 7,749.46 226.78 28,851. 70 1,472.51 15,419.99 3,968.34 422.61 354.10 200.00 ~ 693,374.10 Respectfully submitted, General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt ReUirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Acc'ount (J. B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters) W. R. S. D. J. E. Peters, ,Treasurer.~ Said report approved and ordered filed. I II I i I Board, and requested that he be authorized by this Board to have printed or stamped upon all checks issued by his office, the following notation: "Void after Sixty Days. '" A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request of said Treasurer be, and the Ii " ,/ I, i! " 1\ " ., ,. I. i' i' l! " r I ~ ! Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Keff,er, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $1110.54, on account of delinquent taxes1 collected by said Clerk for the month of February, 1961, less commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1055.01 net. i; I II i: i' Ii j: Ii I I I 321 i I :1 i II !I II I. I I I i II I "~ji . c.., ri c.,~~ II ,/,.J}f.J ! I ~ ~ tU tIll ttc, I ~ 3J,.'/tt II I ~ II- fit tU t11 , UEfc., Q..t.11 ....c. ~,i ~Ii 3 '>-1}1.1 II 11 ~ ~ Ii Ii Ii Ii .' 'i Ii Ii 'i I, I' " ii , !i i: ,;i . ~ "I I, ~ ~ J .ii.: ~ ~ ~ il._ I I: '~-t;"{?.,~:! . ~ 3 }"1~/li On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of March, 1961, be approved in the amount of $8,603.29, from which the SUIII of $213.35 total F. 1. C. A. and $786.20 tetal W. H. Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,603.74. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None 'I I. I II II II !I !I I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service from February 16, 1961, ending February 28, 1961, be approved in the amcunt of $2,496.86, frOlll which $74.86 total F. 1. C. A.; $77.70 w. H. Taxes; Insurance $33.25, and $23.88 Court order are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,287.17; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period from March 1, 1961, endiDg March 15, 1961, be approved ,in the amount of $2,506.45, from which $75.21 F. I. C. A.; $80.20 W. H. Taxes; and Insurance $33.25 are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,317.79. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I I On lIIOtion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance; Voucher-check #1822 in the amount of $l5.50 made payable to C & P Telephone Co. for telephone service at Dog Warden's Home; Voucher-check 11823 in the amount of $74.40 made payable to Appalachian POWel" Company for current used at dog pound; Voucher-check #1826 l II I I I i in the amount of $70.46 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel for County jail, home demonstration kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #1824 in the amount of $49.30 made payable to C & P telephone Company for telephone service at Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Stations; Voucher-check #1825 in the amount of $521. 32 made payable to Town of Salem for light, water and sewage service; Voucher-check #l827 in the amount of $28.58 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Clearbrook Fire Station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. I Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None 'I 11 ;i II 11 I, The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed:l: " C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of February, 1961;11 il c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in Roanoke CountYii Jail for the month of February, 1961; Ii I EDii'ARD S. AlLEN, County Agent, monthly report for February, 1961; LOiIELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for February, 1961; a a ~ c ~ 323 Ii " /, I I, I: r I I: !I I' II I I. Ii I: Ii A.Linwood Holton, Attorney, for J. M Turner, Gardner A. Mundy and Joe L. II J..J. Hill, petitioners for rezoning of a parcel of land located on the westerly side ~ eo, h !~ :y u ~p:~::t:e~:;ej ::: ::::, O~:h:e:::~t~:::t o:h:h;e::::o:f h:::::;e this Ii W-~ ~ referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke Co'.mty, which ordinarily would ha I .3 J-V16' come up for hearing at this meeting of the Board, be continued to the April ROBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for February, 1961; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for February, 1961. Meeting, 1961, of this Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C.Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the above request is granted; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R.. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell . Nays: None I: Ii I: I' I ;! i I I I I IN RE: JOINT MEETING BOARD OF SUPERVISI:RS AND REPRESENTATIVE FRCH THE SlATE HIGHWAY DEPAR'lMENT: Pursuant to notice required by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942, W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, on behalf of the State Highway Department, this day appeared before the Board, and discussed with the Board highway matters regarding the Secondary System in Roanoke County for the year 1961-1962. 1 I: I' Ii II ii " I, 1 I: I' The following communication was this day laid before the Board and ordered I 11 I i I I I ! Letter from w. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, dated Feb. 27, 1961, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, received and ordered filed. r I. I I I I I I I filed: Notice of hearing on March 21, 1961, at 10 o'clock A. M. before the State SpEporation Commission, Blanton Bldg. Richmond, Va., on the application of Railway Express Agency, Incorporated, under Sec. 56-287.1 of the Code of Va., 1950, for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a restricted commott carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of property on the following proposed Route - between Roanoke,Va.,andTheVirginia.North Carolina State Line; i , I , I I return over Va. Highway 697 to junction U. S. Highway 220, thence U. S. Highway \" , , i I i: I I I! I I: I" ! From Roanoke, Va., over U. S. Highway 220 to Boones Mill; thence U. S. Highway 220 to junction with Va. Highway 697, thence Va. Highway 697 to Wirtz, 220 to Rocky Mount, thence Va. Highway 40::;- to Ferrum, thence Va. Highway 40 to i. I. junction Va. Highway 767, thence Va. Highway 767 to junction Va. Highway 606, i . , thence Va. Highway 606 to Henry, thence Va. 606 to Junction Va. Highway 605, thenFe I Va. Highway 605 to junction U. S.Highway 220, thence U. S.Highway 220 to junction Va. Highway 57, thence Va. Highway 57 to Bassett, Va., Return over Va. Highway 57 to junction U. S. Highway 220, thence Va. H!8hway 57 to Fieldale, return over Va. Highway 57 to junction U. S. Highway 220, thence U. S.Highway 324 1, r ~ UL. [I em cUt; ,I ~ct.LG!-~; !1 ,. 'I 3/" 'f r,/ ~ Ii I' ii I' II Ii ~ II .I! Ii I, i, " Ii I! I I. .[ ~ ~ j: .j..l.:. ~,.e:; OJ. f.",~, Ii II I, Ii ~ II I I I I ,I II I ! 220 to Martinsvi1Ie, thence U. S. Highway 220 to Ridgeway, thence U. S. Highway 220 to North Carolina State line. Return over U. S.Highway 220. except fromintersection U. S. Highway 220 and Va. Highway 57 to Bassett and return. No service will be furnished on return movement at Ridgeway, Fieldale, Henry, Ferrum, Wirtz and Boones Mill. I CoDmunication dated March 17, 1961, from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, showing Tentative Interstate and Primary Allocations 1961-!i2, approved by the Highway Commission at its meeting of March 16, 1961, to Counties, res:eived and ordered filed. Letter dated March 17, 1961, from Donald S. Knight, Director of Public Information, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, ordered filed. I ,I II II t Letter dated March 3; 1961, frODi W. E; Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, I' Department of Highways, in re: right of way - Secondary System, addressed ~ Ii to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, enclosing copy of resolution passed by I' ~ the Highway Commission at its meeting on February 16, 1961, whereby a minimum 40 ft. right of way is being required state-wide on all secondary roads where any improvement is being considered, except in extenuating O'ircumstances, and after December 31, 1961, all roads accepted in the Secondary System shall have a minimum 40 ft. right of way, except in extenuating circumstances, I II i 'I I received and ordered filed. IN RE: CHILDREN'S H~ SOCIETY OF VIRGINIA: 'I I Letter dated March 2, 1961, from H. Merrill Pasco, PreSident, Children's Home Society of Virginia, addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, in re: appropriation for work in said Society for year 1961, received and i I I , I I , I I, I I, Ii 'I I, " Ii ,I " II II II ,I !I iI i: Ii I' Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, h~ld on the 20th day of February, 1961'il Ii designating March 20, 1961, at 3:00 ':'0 ' clock p. m. as the time and the place fori! I a public hearing on the aforesaid resolution of. February 20, 1961, signifying t~ intention of the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to i; on. motion, duly seconded and carried, is referred to the Budget Committee. IN RE: ROANOKE CITY-COUNTY CIVIL WAR CENTENNIAL C<H1ISSION: I Letter dated March 8, 1961, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, from Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission, signed by John E.Moore, General Chairman, enclosing information as to Formation of Civil War Round Table Roanoke City and County, received and ordered filed. I Pursuant to a resolution adopted,at a regular meeting of the Board of specify further projects in the nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant to c c c c o the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had, to Section 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Absent: None I: [ i I I I i The Chairman opened the meeting, stating its general purposes, and after reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published in the Roanoke "World-News", and certified by the publisher, and also a reading [' of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a, general dis-I! cuss ion of the subject. The Board hearing no objection by prospective users of the I: proposed services to be rendered, ap motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and II!,. seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer,the following resolutions were adopted by I I: unanimous recorded vote. WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held February 20, 1961, a resolution was unanimously passed by recorded! vote of said Board, signifying its intention to specify further prcj ects to be undertaken by the Roanoke CoUnty Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisions: i of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended, and particular I , jl I I I , i ! i I I I I I 'I said publication having been had on March 6, 1961; and, II WHEREAS the said public hearing was duly held on March 20, 1961, at 3:00 I' , : o clock p. m. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and I: resolution; and, i WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of RoanoJ Ii County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, substantiat or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard; I: I, 1 I' I, I' , I. Ii I' reference being had to Section l5-764.9 with reference to specifying of further proj ects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was duly published in the Roanoke "World-News", a newspaper published in and having general circulation in the Town of Salem, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and in Roanoke County, I , ,: j! I ! i I I I I I: " ii " E [, Ii I: II " I: I' I, ,. Ii NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no substantial opposition to the additional pro~ects, as set forth in the said resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at seid meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section l5-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of S1pervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its regular meeting of February 20, 1961, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution II " signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects Ii 326 ., " ii Ii II ~r <Mi~ Ii ~~~ :31~r{bl ii 'I Ii I' " I: I' I: " ,. ~ [I ~ i! i' 'I !' ~<t"i.:.. 'n\ ,. 'I ~Ci.!.: . ,I " 3/~1' I 'i , ~ " ,. I~ l~ ii il ii " I' II Ii ,I II il , ! i I II II !I :i 1) Ii ~ II " I I -----_.__.._-_...----_.._--------~---_.-------_._-- ~ to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, with the purpose of acqutring, financing, ,construction, operating and maintaining a sewer. system, or sys~ems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto fOr the primary purpose of furnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County, Virginia, and for ths purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its Charter and by the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and being Sections 15-764.1 to l5-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, the additional projects consisting o~ furnishing said services in each and all of those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors.of Roanoke COQIlty, Virginia, at its regular meeting held February 20, 1961, reference is hereby specifically . had to said resolution and the metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and ~~ich said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Superviso1;'s Record Book 16, Page 307.. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I WHEREAS, this Board having been appraised. of, the Virginia Department of HLghways plans to delete the structures separating the Roano~~ Spur and Secondary Rou1;e 628, North of Roanoke, which is a part of Interstate Project 0081-080-001 RW-202. I WHEREAS, this Board having given this matter serious consideration and study. I Nal, THEREFORE, BE IT lU:SOLVED that this Board cannot ,and will not concur ill with any plans in conjunction with the construction of Interstate Roijte 81 I il II II :1 " il Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. .C. Harris, Minor R.Keffer and Edwin G. !i " ;i Roanoke Spur.which will close Route 628. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board recommends that the pl~ 628, North of. Salem. include structures to separate ,the Roanoke Spur and Route I Adopted by the following recorded.vote:. Ayes: Terrell Nays: None IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE. SOUTHERLY SIDE OF MIlLER S'mEET OF B. L. RADFORD I x ORDER This day came B. L. Radford and requested that he be permitted to withdraw without prejudice his petition filed in this matter requesting the rezoning of the property on Miller Street in Roanoke County, Virginia. I I necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. i I I !' accompanying this order, be, and the same' is hereby established as a public road I II II II !I ii " II Ii II " il On IIIOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded b:r Supervisor A. c. Harris ,I, !' the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, 'I I copies del be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective March 1, 1961:,11 to Treas., i, Co.Bookkeeper 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE II &: Co. Ex. 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $24.51 is hereby made!11 Officer from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for I 3/22/61 the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ;, ji , II c Whereupon, leave is granted by this Board to B. L. Radford to withdraw his said petition, and this matter is ac~ordingly dismissed without prejudice. The foregoing order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer,' and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None c ~ RE: I, I. Ii i' REZONING REQUEST OF B. L. RADFORD: Letter dated March 16, 196I, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for B. L Radford, received and ordered filed. I ~ Board of Supervisors I. Ii r I x ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia c This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Orchard Street from Rt. 830. south to.D. E. -- 0.06 mile to be accepted and made apart of the Secondary System, .of State Highways.. It appearing to the Board that drainage ~~sements ~d a 50-foot. right of way far said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known Westbrook, which map is recorded in Plat BOO~ 3, Page 63 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit' Court of Roanoke County, 'Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said Ul8.p no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is I I , f I , NOll, THEREFau:, BE IT ORDERED that said road, known as Orchard Street from Rt. 830 south to D. E. -- 0.06 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the foIlow1,ng recorded vote: c Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and c , .. , , 10 - PUBLIC WORKS An additional appropriation of $600.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 3l; 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 327 i I 5 copies I this order del. to Co. Ex. Officer I for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways s 3/22/61. , 328 Copies this order del to '!'reas. Co. Bookkeeper &: i Co. Ix. ottic1r . 3/22/61 I I I ! ! i I I II I 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTlOOS An additional appropriation of $4,000.00 is hereby made from the. General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 3l, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18a - Annexation: An additional appropriation of $l2,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ~ 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY An additional appropriation of $1,722.48 is hereby made from the Genera Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and II Edwin G. Terrell , Nays: None I' I t ~ , APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the follOwing appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance F'md and expended by the Welfare Board II tI $ 100,005.25 ~ ~ II ,I 'I II Ii " " I' II ~ 'I " II ~ I: " " ii I; For tl":e operation of the Public ..."rary to be tra.lSferred to the Library Fund an~ '!xpended b) the Library 'Board For the operation of' general County agencies and services to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors as follows: 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and 'other 'Revenue ' 3a.- Delinquent Tax Collector 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Co~rt 5b - County Court 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigation 6c - Confineme-ut and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare 8a - Board of Public Welfare 8e - Institutional Care 8h - Lunacy Commission 9 Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c - Garbage Disposal 10e - Contractual Services 11 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (See Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14. Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds lr: - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 18a - Annexation !.3 --Capital Outlay For Educational Purposes to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of.the School Boar:d, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies'from 'one item or purpose to another without further consent of this Board 17a - Administration 17b - Instruction 17c - Coordinated Activities 17d - Auxiliary Agencies 17e - Housing 11,712.50 665,003.71 3l2.50 68,342.50 92,225.54 8,623.25' I I 2,269.25 II 5,802.50 5,958.75 Ii 2,176.50 I 2,107.00 I 2,370.00 " 248.75 II 1,655.00 I , 3,712.50 1 I 16,137.25 il 4,811.75 8,672.50 II 75.00 " 350.00 !I 502.50 Ii 7,072.50 'I il I, 7,015.00 'I 856.25 I, " 17,665.00 11 1,875.00 , 2,450.00 ,I ii 2,028.75 Ii Ii 5,708.25 " ., 6,250.00 I, l,OOO.OO I I a a a a o ~u" 1"YYl~t- ~-msr~ ' ~~~ April 18, 1960, by adding the words "golf courses and golf driving ranges" ~* ~", following the word "parks" in Article 3, Argirulture District A-I, Section 3-1-3. I~ And it is further ordered that when said Planning COI:',;o;dssion shall report its ~I 1./ ! .3 'Y 61 recOlDlDendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia, I upon receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same II I I ! Ii I , I: It I [: I' I 17f - Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service 6,427.50 6,250.00 116,102.39 409,912.60 $ l,593.687.74 Capital Outlay Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the Dog Laws to be transferred to the Dog Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized $ 2,577.50 to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as I' I monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the approprications I , I I I I I I I. i made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Ii :1 'I 'I appropriation ordinance. be certified to James E. A copy of this appropriation ordinance is ordered to Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C.Hsrris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Keffer, A. C.Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and ; i Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. 1 Edwin G. Terrell I I; Nays: None I' 1 l II I, Ii I' , I I: I " I Ii I Ii i' ,I Ii I. I; I " i' I, i On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Planning COIIIlIIission of Roanoke County consider amending the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County adopted by this Board on down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice of said public hearing be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer Nays: None G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and i i i of IN RE: STATE- LOCAL HOSPITALIZATION On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that State-Local Hospital investigations and authorizations be made by the Board of Public Welfare through the Superintendent of the Department of Public Welfare of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C.Harris Nays: None Edwin G. Terrell and i ! I' I , , ii II I I I I I I I' II il i~Jdr.- , iiC.'~CD~ r I~~~ ilf~c', T :1$~Y- I '/-1" [I I 330 ii 1,- i! H " I: ii J! lj , t.,-i~...;4 ;4- ," -1 -'~_. rJ~ 'r.... /,...... r If: :, ~.-t - /~ II ., ~~,- ~, 3- ~/- ~, , Ii !! 'I ~ I ,. I; II ~ II 'I II Ii I' Ii r I. II i! ~ " I 'I Ii i ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until ~he third.Monday in April, 1961. i 1t;A~'f(~~~1 ' ';;" I , II II II I Court House Salem, Virginia March 31, 1961 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following call: I March 31, 1961 We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby waive the notice of a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held in the Board of Supervisors I Meeting Room in the, Courthouse Building of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, at 11:45 a. m. on March 31, 1961, for the following purpose: 1. To make a supplemental appropriation for the quarter ending March 3l, 196I. I I Edwin G. Terrell (Chairman) Cave Spring Magisterial District A. C. Harris Big\Lick Magisterial District G. Hampton Moulse Salem Magisterial District Minor R. Keffer Catawba Magisterial District I I Edw. H. Richardsol1 II Commonwealth I s Attorney of Roanoke ' County, Virginia I Present: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse, and Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke II ,I II I' 'I II II On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by 'Supervisor A. C. Harris, II the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960,11 be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective March 31, 19~1: II Ii Ii i~ " County. Before the meeting was. called to order, Frank Gilbeu; offered a prayer. I 5 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court: An additional appropriation of $408.74 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. .. PUBLIC WORKS Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $900.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, fOf the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I' I 10 - 10c 11 - ADVANCEMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND HCME ECOOGtICS An additional appropriation of $78.01 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ~ c a a c a 331 12 - PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND FlM.S (DOG FUND) 'I An additional appropriation of $405.3l is hereby made .from the General! Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 31, 1961, for the function or: purpose as hereinabove indicated. ' 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTlOOS An additional appropriation of $475.00 is hereby made from ~he General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending March 3l, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinebove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 'I I I I I I I I I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in April, 1961. il ;i , I ,I ;1 '1 ~ I ., :1 I, I' I :j II I I I :1 I t 'i 'I !, " 'I I I I I , I tZ1Z J/~ " h . // .' ,I / -_'1./1--1, :1 //1. 1~,,~p.-ehairman:l Court House Salem, Virginia April 17, 1961 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House Vice-Chairman thereof in monthly session. Present: Minor R. Keffer,1 A. C. Harris and G. I I Superintendent Of, :1 Hampton Moulse. Absent: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. Herman L. Horn, Schools of Roanoke County, offered a prayer. spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes The minutes of the last regular al,d special meetings Nere approved as furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-check out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 02151 Salem Offic~ Supply Co., office supplies 02152 Times-Register Co., office supplies, Stationery 02153 Remington Rand, 1 coupon book, Typewriting Ribbons 02154 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies 02155 International Business Machine Co., Repairing typewriter 02156 Roanoke County Court, Warrent cost 02157 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on Bond 02158 Southeast Binding & Plat Service, record books and office supplies 02159 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 02160 Void " .. " .. " " " " " " 02161 Coronet Carbon & Ribbon Co., Erasers 02162 J. P. Bell Co., Record Books 02163 Everette Waddey Co., Record Books 02164 Shepard's Citations, Law books 02165 Michie Company, Law Books " " " .. " $ 44.59. 75.00 8.05 113.45 8.70 22.50 75.00 257.90 1.67 2.79 59.74 188.l2 30.00 12.00 02166 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Box Rent & Jury Tickets 62.89 " II 02167 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 7.23 02168 F. cameron Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for County Court 24.00 " City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children 1332 -p____________ __,_____._._w_____._____________.____.____,. Ii No. 02170 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Tr..veling Expenses $ 41.37 Ii , " 02171 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse Probation Officers Travel- II ing expenses 40.88 II 02172 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty cash 87.02 II l26.24 II I 20.00 II 175.93 II 8.001 28.15 II I 13.76 I 5.00 II 6.25 I 24.39 I , , I! il ., I' Ii Ii Ii Ii Ii 'I II II 1 i II .I ~ " Ii H " " I' I: I! ~ " 11 I: " I; ,I 'I i' " Ii ;, Ii ij II " 'i " " 02173 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles " 02174 Lucky's Radio & T. V. Service, Repairs to Sirene Circuit Board If Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriffs 02175 02176 Frith's Auto Sales & Service, Repairs and Police Cars " " 02177 ESSO Standard Oil Co., Gasoline " 02178 W. B. Clements, Inc., Repairs, Parts &c " Chapman Insurance Agency, Premium on Bond 02179 If Beach Bros. Esso ServJ.center, Wash jobs 02180 " Auto Service Station, Gas, oil and parts 02181 02182 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance If " 02183 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance of County owned Vehicles If 02184 Salem Creamery Co., food for prisoners 02185 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry, Jail 02186 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and cleaning supplies, Jail 02187 Green Market, Food for prisoners 02188 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 02189 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies 02190 Deluxe Laundry & Cleaners, Laundry, jail 02191 American Bakeries Co., food for prisoners 02192 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 02193 Virginia Foods Company, food, cleaning supplies &c 02194 Valleydale Pack~rs, Food for prisoners 02195 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Cases n n " If If " " If " " " " Dr. R. B. Smiley, jail physician salary, coroner, alcohol, Lunacy hearings Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Co., Pa4ts for C. S. Fire Truck Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental fee on Water Softner Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts, Fire truck Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., parts 02196 " 02197 02198 02199 02200 " " " " 0220l Void " 02202 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 02203 Jefferson Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 02204 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 02205 Burrell Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare ('~ JU Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy hearing 02207 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy fee 02208 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy hearings 02209 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Hearing 02210 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy hearings 0221l W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy hearing 02212 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps for Inspector 02213 Friden, Inc., Rental Fee on Adding Machine 02214 Acme Typewriter Co., Correction Fluid 02215 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies " " " n .. n n If If " If n I I 49.43 619.35 17.30 55.38 223.10 I ii 166.89 63.36 9.85 16.44 74.07 41.2:' 206.71 31.84 I 30.00 !, 'I I' I I' il I' il !i II II iJ i! ;1 II " " Ii n j! l85.00 10.77 4.00 39.70 87.76 I 253.50 195.00 1,150.5') 195.00 lO.OO 10.00 60.00 30.00 20.00 30.00 2.00 17.50 I 1.40 97.70 a c a c o ---- II II 'I !I 'I I , 'I I i 'I 'I I, I 'I I 'I :1 :1 :1 'I J No. 02216 Times-World Corp., Advertising Zoning and Planning 02217 Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts, Garbage truck 02218 Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Parts, Garbage truck 02219 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs to Garbage Truck 02220 Cordy Maxey, Garbage Collection 0222l Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Repairs, garbage 02222 Shackelford Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts, truck 02223 Salem Oil Co., Fuel oil for Tractor 02224 Salem Radiator Service, Parts, Police Car 02225 Standard Parts Corp. Parts, Garbage 02226 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage, Garbage 02227 Keller Machine Co., Repairs and Parts for Tractor 02228 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts 02229 Howell'is Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Truck 02230 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Repair ~~d Parts for Tractor " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 02231 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for Tractor 02232 Baptist lbildren's Home Press, Office supplies &c 02233 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks 02234 Aut" Springs, Inc., Parts 02235 Automotive Paint & Supply Co., Parts 02236 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Tags for Garbage cans 02237 Stork Diaper Service, Janitor supplies 02238 Salem Farm Supply Co., Maintenance, Grounds &c 02239 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 02240 OWen Plumbing Co., St. signs and plumbing repairs 02241 Gentry Studio, framing pictures 02242 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Oil 02243 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and Hardware &c 02244 Barnett Coal Co., Rating Fuel for County Office Building 02245 Salem Paint Co., Paint-Buildings 02246 Salem Hardware Co., Misc. items 02247 Virginia Foods, Inc., Janitor supplies 02248 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 02249 Virginia Paper & Chemical Co., County share of expense, Civil War Centennial promotion 02250 B. C. Hartman, Refund Furnace permit &c 0225l Booker Helm, Labor, making table 02252 E. S. Honaker, Reimburse traveling expenses 02253 Mason Littreal, Refund price of furnace 02254 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts for car 02255 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on distribution 02256 Crott's Garage, Polish for ~indshield 02257 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for furniture and repairs 02258 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense to Norfolk " " " " " " " " II " II " " " II " " " II " II " " " II II II II $ l4.00 20.46 9.89 18.00 40.00 64.24 72.45 31. 85 20.00 8.54 l42.44 27.95 9.63 20.00 78.03 2.70 74.00 21. 34 19.70 19.55 .98 2.00 5.00 3.25 238.24 5.50 412.75 13.77 31.00 22.92 1.99 21.22 6.98 71.38 1.00 25.00 15.80 .50 17.55 563.87 3.00 22.75 23.00 " 02259 State Beard of Education, C3rrying charge on surplus goods 101.90 02260 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Distribution 3l6.42 " 0226l Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Furniture 115.55 il if " 'I " ii " II : ~ 'Ii , I " i! :! i: 'I 'I I, " , " 'I " 'I " :1 II il ,I " !I i II [ ! j ,I II I! I] II 'I I, " " ji ,I Ii I' i' II ,I Ii II ~ I: Ii ,I ,I Ii :i I! " Ii ji !j Ii n ~ ,I F " I I I ,I ,j II II Ii ,j i ! ;1 II ,. I' II " II il " II I: , II II II Ii i: " ., Ii ~ No. 02262 02263 ._---- --------_._----------------------~ Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Distribution $ 221.72 II . State Office Supply, 6 dozen Brown Wallace Pencils 6.00 I , I] 14.74 ! 38.73 I 71.321 2,626.271, I' 2,325.00 Ii 67.0011 02308 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Refund Overpayment of Excess Clerk's fees 35.05 ii II 66.13 Ii 32.00 il .1 35.00 i' " " 02264 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 02265 Pyrofax Gas Co., Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire House 02278 Rockydale Quarries Corp., Stone for Roads 02279 League of Virginia Counties, Membership dues 02280 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance Agreement 02281 Burroughs Corporation, Offi~e supplies 02282 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 02283 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Pos tmas ter, Pcs tage 02284 Roanoke County Court, Warrants 02285 Roanoke County Court, Warrants 02286 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Repairs and parts for Vehicles 02287 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs to Police Car 02288 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Drunk Driving Examination 02289 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Heating Jail 02290 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Prisoners 02291 Salem Hardware Co., Paint, etc. Jail 02292 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire House 02293 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service 02294 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel Catawba Fire Station 02295 Void 6.85 57.00 ' I'! 9.26 70.00 I 54.00 I II 6.00 II r 53.35 ,I 28.00 I I 6.25 ' 6.25 II 77.3911 II 3.00 ,I 10.00 II 64.00 I I 16.09 8.90 58.14 I 19.40 II 36.721 ~ I 45.53 II lO.OO II Ii !I ~i I I I " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 02296 Southwest Motor Parts, Parts, C. S. Fire Truck I 3,387.00 II 'I I, 277.27 Ii " " iI :1 I " 02297 Void IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable, therewith, to-wit: " 02298 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy Hearing " 02299 Void 02300 Void " " 02301 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for Garbage Truck " 02302 Steven Helm, Extra Janitor Services " 02303 Plastic Sign Sales, Signs for Offices &c " 02304 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's Fee Annexation " Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Attorney's fee, Annexation 02305 " 02306 Emory P. Hollins, Installing Street Signs " " 02309 Parker-Nimmo, Street Signs " 02310 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage " 02312 J. Roy Hensley, Purging Vinton Election Rolls " 02313 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, April Supplement, Medical Vendor - Hospital 02314 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra Office Assistant " ~ c ~ c o i: ;i"..~tt!_ in the amount of $43.55 made payable to Appalachian I 1'- Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire Station; ',~ '1' """, in the amount of $495.49 made payable to C & P Telephonel 'f II 0~ Company for services in County offices; , ~ " Ii ,i $ 13.33 39.20 l3.00 8.00 38.82 l1. 30 3.00 7.50 96.00 l5.00 9.05 1.00 41.60 No. 02266 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Dog Truck 02267 Check-R-Board, Dog Food 02268 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance Dog Truck 02269 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 02270 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas and other supplies Dog Truck 02271 B. F. Goodrich Stores, Tires for Dog Truck 02272 C. E. Patrick, Fowl claim 02273 Powell's Pharmacy, Medical supplies 02274 J. C. Richardson, Purchase of 16 Raccoons 02275 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance dog truck 02276 Salem Hardware Co., Mdse. 02277 State Office Supply Co., Pencils for Dog Clinics 02311 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense If If " " n " " " " " )1 ,I " ,I II ,I I r Mr. W. H. Gentry, a citizen of Roanoke County, was present, as an observer, " " at the meeting of this Board, and stated, as a county resident, he desired to express his appreciation of the co-operation he had always received from this Board, and other County officials, and to cOllllllend the Board of Supervisors fer its excellent handling of the affairs of Roanoke County. ii II J t 'I 'I I II :1 I 'I " :1 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia April 17, 1961 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business April 15, 1961, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund $ 842,466.33 Dog Fund 7,457.03 Salem District Road Debt Fund 166.78 Education Fund 3,457.15 School ConstructiOn Fund 120,439.03 School Debt Retirement Fund 1,576.10 School Textbook Fund 14,399.37 F. 1. C. A. 6,074.72 Deferred Credit Account (J. B. McNeal~ 422.6l Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters 344.20 W. R. S. D. 200.00 $ 997.003.32 :i ~ i Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. :i .. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro~active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #2081 Voucher-check #2082 Voucher-check #2119 in the amount of $506.l6 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service; Voucher-check #2120 in the amount of $l6.60 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; 11 I , jl , ! , i: i' Ii , " I: I~ Ii I i' " j , I 336 t . u ~ II Ii Ii II 11 II r I: I! r, 11 I, I' II il .' 10 Co, rCo~ 4>~ tl ' rtf & I i I " j~~-/" -I in the amount of $49.65 made payable to C & P Telephone I Company for service at Cave Spring and Hollins Fire Stations ;11 in the amount of $51.l6 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company I for cooking fuel for County jail, home demonstration mitchen and heating Cave Spring Fire Station; Voucher-check #2123 in the amount of $29.04 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Cave Spring Fire Station; Voucher-check #2121 Voucher-check #2122 I Adopted by the following recorded vote: A~s: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service from March l6, 1961, ending March 31, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,463.53, from which $74.30 total F. I. C. A. $82.60 total W. H., $33.25 insurance and $30.17 Court order are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,243.21; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period April 1 1961, ending April 15, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,581.50 from which $77.49 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $99.30 total W. H. Taxes, and $33.25 insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,371.46. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of April, 1961, be approved in the amount of $8,807.30, from which the sum of $219.50 total F. I. C. A. and $807.30 total W. H. Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,780.50. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I I II I' !I I ! IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $2,733.53, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of March, 1961, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2,596.85 net. I i~ .' ~ , ~ Ii " The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered I filed: :! " C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of March, 196~; i! iI C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in Roanoke " County jail for the month of March, 1961; EIAlARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for March, 1961; LWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for March, 1961; ROBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for March, 1961; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for March, 1961. ~ ii IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated March 20, 1961, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr., Director, Division i' Ii of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, and to Ii I: Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County Jail dated March 14, 1961, received and ordered filed. a .. IN RE: INSPECTlOO OF MERCY HOUSE BOILER: I' ~ Report dated February 20, 1961, of H. E. Belcher, Chief Inspector, of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition of the Hot Water Hgt. Boiler No.1, HSB-85051, located in New Boiler House, at Mercy House, Nls of u. S. ffill, 3 mi., west of Salem, Virginia, advising that no conditions were observed that required consideration at this time, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. " " ! ii Ii " " i' , i! ,"" IN RE: ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM - Roanoke County: I, Letter dated Marcn 28, 1961, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of '~ '. i: " I: .' I' II II I' I Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the follOwing additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective March 29, 1961: ADDITIONS SUMHERDEAN GARDENS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution -- November 21, 1960) LENGTH Austin Avenue - From Clearwater Avenue West Clearwater Avenue - From Route l816 South to Dead End ARLINGTON HILLS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution -- December 19. 1960) Arlington Hills Drive - From Route 221 southeast to Dead End Sharolyn Drive - From Spencer Drive southeast to Dead End. Spencer Drive - From Arlington Hills Drive to Sharolyn Drive Knowles Drive - From Arlington Hills Drive to Sharolyn Drive WEST SUMMIT HIU.5 SUBDIVISION: (Resolution -- December 21, 1959) Summit Lane ~ From Route l423 srutheast to Dead End. Westdale Road - ~~om Glenn Ridge Road southwest to Summit Lane LYNN HAVEN HILLS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution -- December 19, 1960) Lynn Haven Drive - From Route 652 northerly to Lynn Haven Circle Lynn Haven Circle - From Lyuu Haven Drive and extending in a loop for 0.28 mile back to Lynn Haven Drive. 0.05, Mi. 0.l2 Mi. 0.28 Mi. 0.23 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.l7 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.28 Mi. a WINDSOR HILLS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution -- December 19, 1960) Circle Drive - From Windsor Road (Routes 684 & 671) northeast to D. E. 0.20 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. c '" The following letter was this day laid before the Board: "Department of Highways Richmond 19, Va. March 24, 1961 Rte. 116 - Proj. Ol16-080-001, C2 Roanoke County - Changes in Primary and Secondary Systems Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: In accordance with a resolution by your Board on January 16, 1961, changes in the Primary and Secondary Systems made necessary by i I Ii Ii I: Ii I' Ii II II f.?.: Ii p I :~ II ..s I: I: Ii '5.. I~ it '? ,I. i' I , i if ~ I . ! ( $ 338 17J.... .: 'I I I 1 I 1 I I' I i I " " I! relocation and construction on Route ll6 in Roanoke County were confirmed by the Highway Commission on March 16, 1961, as shown on the attached sketch, described as follows: SECTION DISCONTINUED AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-76.l OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA: Section 1 - Old location of Route 116, on the west side of the new location, from Station 651 / 70 north 0.18 mile to Station 658 / 20. SECTIONS TRANSFERRED TO THE SElDlDARY SYSTEM AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-27 OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA: I " II II II I: ii Ii I' Ii iI Ii II '[ I I Ii ~ I ~ II II ~ I' I ~ ~ I' ~ ~ Sections - 2, 3, & 4 Old location of Route ll6 on the east side of the new location, from Station 660 / 50 north 1.l5 miles to Station 719 / 00. Sincerely yours, F. A. Davis, Chief Engineer" Dr. H. L. Horn, Superintendent of Schools of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the Roanoke County School Board Budget for 1961-62, and copy of Alternate Budget Roanoke County Schools for 1961-62, which budgets are ordered filed for study by this Board. I I I I I Board and ordere~ I , The following cOllllllunications were this day laid before the filed: Letter dated March 21, 1961, addressed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, from William H. Gentry, Chairman, of The Andrew Lewis COIlIIIIunity League, in re: sl:reet lights, signs, bearing name "Andrew Lewis Place", name signs for streets and speed signs; ,I II Ii II I' I II III Salem Chamber of Commerce, with petition attached, and letter of John w. Hodges, 'I addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, with petition attached, in re: II :j No action Ii Ii 'I II il II il i! " REsolution of the Roanoke County Planning Commission requesting that action ii I( be deferred on the petition of J. M. Turner et als, for rezoning of property Copy of letter dated March 24, 1961, addressed to William H. Gentry, Chairman, The Andrew Lewis COIlIIIIunity League, from Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County. IN RE: CHANGE TO DAY LIGHT SAVING TIME: Copy of resolution ~f Salem Merchants' Committee, copy of resolution Change to Day Light Saving Time were this day laid before the Board. was taken on said resolutions or letter. i: " . II !! " " I: " ii II " " , " I' I: !: situate on the westerly side of U. S. Route 11 just north of the City limits of Roanoke, Va., in Big Lick Magisterial District, was this day laid before the Board, and ord~red filed. No action, as requested, taken thereon. ii ~ IN RE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADOPTED APRIL l8, 1960 WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at its regular meeting held March 20, 1961, requested the Planning Commission of Roanoke County to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County adopted by this Board I I I I I a a a a c I' I: I' II " J , , I! , :i :1 Ordinance , I , I I I on April 18, 1960, by adding the words "golf courses and golf driving ranges" following the word "parks" in Article 3, Agricultural A-I District, Section if I. 3-1-3 and,make a recommendation in accordance with provisions of the Zoning and the Code of Virginia; and ii I, " " i; WHEREAS the said Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at a regular i. I: 1; " 'I I' " " 'I I: , Ii i] meeting held the 28th day of March, 1961, after hearing evidence touching upon the merits of the said petition, recommended to this Board that said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be ammended so as to add the words "golf courses and golf driving ranges" followir.g the word "parks" in Article 3, Agricultural A-l District, Section 3-1-3; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, on the 20th day of March, 1961, as aforesaid, order that the by its order entered; , Clerk of this Board, '! " ii , 'I '; I set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special I I in accordance wi th tljt.e I, 'I " t WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board II to be held April 17, 1961, ~t 3:00 p. m. as the date and time for a public hearinf on the aforesaid proposed amendment ,to said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County II and advertised same by a notice duly published in the World News and Roanoke Ii I Times, newspapers having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, II for two insertions on April and April 2. 1961, as required by said order of this II II I, County and the Code of Virginia; and [I WHEREAS said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment I to the.. Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County by this Board after notice thereof was I I duly published as aforesaid; and I WHEREAS this Board, after giving careful consideration to said recommendati, of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of II said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, is of the II opinion that said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County should be amended as II recommended by said Planning Commission; I' N(M, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Boardll of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ,Virginia, held on the 17th day of April, 1961, il II I' I[ II courses and golf driving ranges" following the word "parks" in the said section. II.[II~, , b. ~.-r+-1i- . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall f-! ~ " ~ forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the 'd. /?J.t\..C". li.''i'm;'~~ li':;/I~u . II " :1 " I' 'I II I' il II II " i; ;! upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, to forthwith , '1 !I ;' I ,. 'I " " '! meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication Zoning Ordinance an~ the Code of Virginia; and " 'I II ;1 i! " , ! I 'I " :1 I, ii il II I) " , II " !I :1 :1 ij I: II II " II ;, 'i Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby, amended the by adding to Article 3, Agricultural A-I District, Section 3-l-3/words "golf Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that all copies of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted April 18, 1960, be marked as follows : "Amended April l7, 1961, by adding after the word "parks" the words "golf courses and golf driving ranges" in Article 3, Agricultural A-I District, Section 3-1-3." Ii 'I ,I " Ii ;u:' 'I W/A<O'~-", Ii 1; 1\, ii r~ 'I , . '" \; ! ~n a. <- r I~ I' i.'-~t. ;' !(jl,~. !I ;~1f" C. ' '.1 I (Pi a.c.- Crv... 'I Ii tll~'" ' ii Ii ,I II Ii [ I, I, !: " r " ,. II II I' II ~ II II I II At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held II II WHEREAS John LaRicos et als petitioned the Planning Commission and requeste4 il that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain propertW " , dt:scribed in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Agricultural A-l 'I On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Super.visor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. None IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF ROUTE 11 OF I FINAL aU>ER HARVEY T. HALL ESTATE at the Courthouse on April 17, 1961. j, Ii 'I I, II " Ii I, I, 11 ,I I; ii I' ,! II " II II " I' I' :1 ; ~ property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission on February 21, 1961; and WHEREAS said Planning Commission, by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on ~he 28th day of March, 1961, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to Agricultural A-l; and WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning CommiSSion, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and gave notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and , il I hearing on theaforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and I I advertised the same by a notice duly published in the World News and The Roanoke I I' ,I Times, newspapers having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, II [II for two insertions on April 1 and April 2, 1961, as required in accordance with II ji 'I II 11 amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was il I, II il WHEREAS this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petitionand WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on April 17, 1961, at 3:00 p. m. as the date and time for a public the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed duly published as aforesaid; and to said recommendation of the Planning CommiSSion, and after hearing evidence , " . , touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance '11 . il being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance shodd be amended as Ii " requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; 'i NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 17th day of Ap~il, 1961, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the properties described in said petition as Agricultural A-l I I I I I a 'a ~ t2 a 341 I: r I: /' I, I: [' I I, !: i ,. I Ii Ii Ii jl property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erectecl "'lereon may be used for Agricultural A-l purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby classified as Agricultural A-l property is more rorticularly described as follows, to-wit: BEING Lots 1 through lO and one-half of Lot 11, Block 9; and Lots 7 through 13, Block 8 of said map; and also in- cluding Lots 7 through lO, Block 1; and Lots 3 through 6 and Lots 9 through 12, Block 4, according to the map of the Harvey T. Hall Estate dated August 8, 1955, by David Dick, S. C. E. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall I forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the I, Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Alex N. Apostolou' i Attorney for the petitioner. 'I The foregoing resolution was ac19pted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, II seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote, the I I I Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I IN RE: VACATING A PORTION OF A TEN Four PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ON LOT 3, BLOCK "P" ACCORDING TO PlAT OF PROSPECT HILLS, BLOCKS "0" AND "P" x ORDER i Ii I' I: Ii II J, I " I, I " i ,. I' I I [. , I I I I' This day came Peakwood Corporation and asked leave to file a petition seeking the approval of the vacation of the west four feet of a ten foot public utility easement along the east line of Lot 3, Block "P", according to the Plat of Prospect Hills, Blocks "0" and "p", recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 183, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, which petition is ORDERED filed. It appearing to the Board that the request of the petitioner is reasonable" that vacating and closing of the west four feet of the aforesaid ten foot I Ik ~Jj I I I public utility easement will not destroy or abridge any of the rights or privileges of the property owners within the bounds of the area of land shown on the aforesaid plat of Prospect Hills Blocks "0" and "p", or of any person, firm or corporationspecifically designated as the beneficiary of such easement on such plat or to whom th~ benefits thereof have been granted by writing duly recorded, it is accordingly ORDERED that said certain instrument executed by Peakwood Corporation, et als, under date of April ll, 1961, vacating, dis- continuing and closing the west four feet of the aforesaid ten foot pUblic utility easement be and the same is hereby approved by the Board as provided by Section 15-766.3 of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date, and it is further ORDERED that the change i n the dividing line between Lots 3 and 4, Block "P", of the aforesaid plat of Prospect Hills, Blocks "0" and "p" by moving the same eastward four feet and relocating the aforesaid easement so that the~ame will be ten feet west of the new lot line and six feet east of the new lot line, a total of sixteen fc~t, and the establishing of a public utility easement at the northwest corner of new Lot 4 ten feet by twelve feet as.: : shown on plat attached to the petition be hereby ratified, confirmed and approveq. I 34? '3~ V' tt: ~.;f; iJI'1/'1 , 1 i 1 tur.-l,'. . ,~_i: 'l"'Co c;,.. : ~/'~~' ;! -[ " ,. :l Ayes: Nays: II II I ,. I I I il II I Fulwiler Road from Rt. 622 north to D'l' ~ Barnhill Lane from Rt. 671 to D. E. [~~, Mill Creek Road from Rt. 22l south to I ~,> D. E. Ii Hazel Drive from Rt. 687 to Cave Spring Methodist Church Board-Northside High School Road from Rt. . ~/:e-, 117 north to school I On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors C. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris 'and Minor R. Keffer None I On the application of the below-named petitioners: 1. . J. T. Engleby, Jr. et als - 2. W. Fishwick et als - 3. William J. Poff et als - I I I! I! ,I I' II I I I I , I I I 4. 5. Roanoke County School J. H. Grubb et als - who was this day filed their petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, i tis ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public if sucmroads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part there f, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience they are desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a I plat or diagram of said roads. 1 And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby I is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissione~ 1'1 of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The sUlllll10ns shall be I II directed, executed, and returned as process or a SUlllll10ns may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of tre State Highway !, 'I Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of I, !, I' highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of ,! ii i, this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said sUlllll1On~i " ;1 or process to said State Highway COlIIIJlissioner to be served as aforesaid. !i :! ;1 And these road proceedings are continued. Ii On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Ha=is and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None I I I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20:, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective April ~" 1961: c c ~ c o ~ I: , I, I ii " i: " I: I' I ~ I! Ii 'I ! 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $l,500.00 is hereby'i made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961j for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated.i Ii Adopted by the following recorded vote: II Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Ii Ii r I' I. I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G.Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at its next regular meeting to be held on the l5th day of May, 1961, in its meeting room in the Courthouse building at 3 :00 0 I clock P. M., will propose for adopt:ion an ordinance to be known as the "Swimming Pool Ordinance" to provide for the regulations relating to the design, construction, alteration and maintenance of sanitation and safety features applying to the use and operation of all constructed swimming pools, with the exception of (a) swimming pools maintained by an individual solely for the use of his family and friends, (b) single occupant tanks or showers used exclusively for therapeutic purposes; to provide for requirement of permits and licenses for constructed swimming pools; to provide for the administration and enforcement thereof; and to provide a penalty for violations thereof and repeal all ordinances in conflict therewith. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two successive weeks, beginning April 18, 1961, in the Times- Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke, Va., notice of intention of this Bosrd to propose for adoptio~ the ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: I i I I l.- I I :1 II &~~ ! II). V/t~hairman:i ',' ,I il :1 ii !i I :i I[ I, :J :j 'I i 'I ;1 Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1961. CO":'!" House Sa, e-c , Virginia May ~, 1961 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following call: Salem, Virginia April 29, 1961 Mr. Roy K. Brown Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia Dear Mr. Brown: Please call a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-243 of the Code of Virginia as amended. Please call this meeting for Thursday, May 4, 1961, at 4:45 p. m. The purpose of the meeting will be to consider the following matters: 'i q i ,I I ;I.~ '~ 'fJ'1" 344 " " II II I' Ii .1 ii II Ii ii .i a Ii ii r I " Ii Ii II II I I: County. Ii II l- II !i prayer. Ii ii ~ ~ " ~~4 WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the New York, Chicago and St. Louis ~~~ , . i..L ~ . ~"f Railroad Company be merged into Norfolk and Western Railway Company and that .4~ \Jt - 'Norfolk and Western Railway Company lease the lines and prouerty of Wabash .:u....'" i~d.C. .'" , . ,'''''::;j Railroad Company; and t"..."., Ii WHEREAS, a strong and efficient railroad system is essential to the . ~~ I ,~~ industrial and economic progress of Roanoke County; and II ~:::':;;..:~, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the !I ~~CZli't proposed merger and lease would create a stronger transportation system and insurt -1.>.17 ..~ I' to the benefit of the citizens of this area by providing more efficient and I 4--<~...k, ~ I a. ......"'- ~ "economical transportation which will stimulate industrial development, and ...1.:L..- . i' ~..:H. -I'q J . will be in the public interest; and -e;.~ fI-'1 l-V ~~~~, WHEREAS, applications have been filed with the Interstate Commerce Commissio ~o. ~ in FinanCe Docket Nos. 21510 to 2l5l4, both inclusive, for authority to carry outl 4~ -. 4- t~.. I /f ' ~. c....J the proposed unification. ' . C~ i ! :U~Cl?d NClJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: I: '(("'}};,~" f That the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the I! ..~ do ~ -#,proposed merger of Norfolk and Western Railway Company and The New Ybrk, Chicago ~II . .t.'~ OI~ 91~ {} ., 'Ii and St. Louis Railroad Company and the lease of Wabash Railroad Company by Norfol 'T.,~~fJ#'-, Ct'~.r ~r.... I ~v. .. ~II and Western Railway Company and requests that the Interstate COlllllerce commissioni! 1 Jrv ~tt".. J-r;;t favorably on the applications in Finance Docket Nos. 21510 to 2l5l4, both ii . - II \i ~.!J. '.;t., i' inclusive; . Ii " i! Ii Ii ,i II [i ii COlllllerce Commission; and 1. To consider r:s-~:~~~ons--apprOVingt=--:~~~er o-::or:olk------l and Western Railroad with the New York-Chicago and St. i Louis Railroad Company and lease of the .Wabash Railroad 'I by the Norfolk and Western Railway Company. I'I Any other lIB tters which the board may unanimously agree upon. 2. Very truly yours, I Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman Board of Supervisors A. C. Harris, Member Board of Supervisors Big Lick District Present: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and I G. Hampton Moulse, and Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorne~- of Roanoke Before the meeting was called to order, Supervisor A. C. Harris offered a I I That the Clerk of the Board of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is I instructed to send a copy of this resolution to the Secretary of the Interstate That the Clerk of the Board of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is instructed to send copies of this resolution to the Governor, each memb~r of the Virginia congressional delegation and the Virginia State Corporation COlllllission. On motion duly made and seconded the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: U I' Ii C I, I ,. [i ~ [ i 1 a ~ ~ I: I , , i I ! I , I I , , il i , 345 Ales: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moclse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I !I 11 II II '1 " II I; " ,. , " Ii H I " , 'I I: Ordered that the Board be adj ourned unt third Monday in May, 1961. , J j~hairman Court House Salem, Virginia May l5, 1961 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. Melvin Trower, Pastor of Central Methodist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. I , I spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished II him by the Clerk. Ii ,I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, I ! I , , The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 02398 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies $ 80.69 2.85 753.60 I 36.10 Ii " 02399 Burroughs Corporation, Adding Machine ribbons 02400 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County owned vehicles 02401 City Publishing Co., Cross reference directories 02402 Void II II II II 226.15 572.66 32.00 787.00 II 02403 Acme Printers Inc., office supplies 02404 C. W. Warthen Co., Record books and office supplies 02405 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage 02406 Everette Waddey Co., Record books II II " 02407 International Business Mch. Co., Ribbons for Machine 4.67 02408 Void II " 02409 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record Paper 58.75 02410 Haloid Xerox, Inc., Record Paper 747.00 02411 Furman Whitescarver, l/2 year dues Law Library Association 75.00 02412 The Michie Company, Law books 19.50 02413 Wallace O. Deyerle, Warrants issued 34.00 " II " II " 02414 Remington Rand, Maintenance service on Typewriter 02415 City of Roanoke, City Treasurer, Room and Board Children Detentiol, Home 02416 Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, Re~urse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash fund l7.25 II l30.00 " II 02417 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Refund April Traveling Expense 82.16 55.63 " 02418 Charles L Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation traveling expense 85.29 " 02419 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 4.40 I II II " i i I Ii , 02456 Garland Oil Company, Oil for Fire Trucks 22.68 02457 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, March and April Rent on C. S. Fire House 120.00 02458 W. W. Garman, March and April Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 120.00 No. 02420 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs and Parts for Co. Behicles " 02421 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage 02422 Dr. S. D. Carey, Examination of Drunk Drivers 02423 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for County Vehicles 02424 Salem Motors, Parts and aepairs 02425 Salem Radiator Service, Parts for Police Car 02426 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs to Tire 02427 Frank D. McKenney, M. D. Lunacy hearings & Inebriate 02428 Harvest Motors, Parts for County Vehicles 02429 Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Co., Parts for Police Car and Fire Truck " " " " " " .. .. " 02430 c. E. Boone, Sheriff, Reimburse Sheriff for purchase of Holster, belt and handcuff case 02431 Auto Parts, Parts 02432 Salem 011 Co., Fuel oil for Tractor 02433 H. M. Wood Plumbing Co., Repairs to Plumbing 02434 Russell B. Smiley, M. D. Jail physician Salary & Lunacy Hearing 02435 Monarch Finer Foods, Food end Janitor supplies for Jail 02436 Green Hill, Inc., Food for Jail 02437 Green Market, Food for Jail 02438 Sanfax Corporation, Janitor supplies for Jail 02439 Hecht's Bakery, Food for Jail 02440 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 02441 Salem Farm Supply Co., Rat Poison for Jail 02442 Salem Creamery Co., Food for County jail 02443 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County office Bldg. 02444 Void " " " " " .. " " " " " " " " " 02445 Salem Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail and supplies 02446 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry 02447 Valleydale Packers, Food for County Jail 02448 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Jail 02449 Southwest Motor Parts, Parts for C. S. Fire Truck 02450 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for C. S. and Clearbrook Fire Houses 02451 Auto Service Station, Gasoline for Clearbrook Fire Truck 02452 Poff's Garage, Repairs toTRuck, parts, gasoline and material for repairing station 02453 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner for Hollins Fire Station 02454 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline 02455 Gatewood Engineering & Supply Co., Insignias for Uniforms " " " .. " " " " " " " " " $ 21.00 24.00 15.00 36.87 43.2l 33.31 1.50 50.00 19.04 11. 28 20.00 8.00 51. 60 16.00 140.00 174.30 17.08 116.79 33.02 76.54 36.96 7.36 14.40 32.00 48.00 66.17 44.67 13.41 2.38 50.85 l2.68 150.80 4.00 24.32 13.44 " 02459 Clearbrook Lion's Club, March and April Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 120.00 " 02460 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Fire Trucks 02461 Clearbrook Resque Squad, Parts, Gas and Oil " 8.88 23.23 I I I II 'I II i II I, I I ~ ~ a a ~ I II I II , I I I I I I I I I II Ii It I I I I I I: I I I I II II I; I' Ii Ii " " 'I I I: Ii I: " No. 02462 Cave Spring Water Co., Water Service for C. S. Fire House 02463 Brambleton Gulf Service, Gas, Oil &c 02464 Va. Metal Manufacturing Co., Contribution to Mercy House &c 02465 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital bills 02466 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills 02467 Burrell Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills 02468 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy fee 02469 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy & Inebrieate 02470 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy case 02471 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for support of local Health Dept. 02472 Friden, Inc., Rental Fee on Adding Machine for Public Works Office " " " " " " " " " " " 02473 Monroe Calculating Machine Co., Maintenance agreement on Adding Machine 02474 Star City OfficeEQu1pment Co., Maintenance agreement on . Typewriter 02475 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on Surety Bond 02476 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps for Zoning 02477 Times-Register Co., Publishing Zoning Ordinances 02478 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 02479 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs and Parts for Garbage Trucks 02480 Builders Mart, 1 Garbage Can 02481 Shackelford-Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts for Garbage Truck 02482 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Garbage Trucks 02483 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 02484 Sampson Paint Mfg. Co., ,Paint for trucks 02485 Robert J. Schneider, Refund Garbage Fee 02486 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Inc., Parts for Vehicles 02487 Miller Tire Service, Parts for Garbage Truck 02488 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts for Garbage Trucks 02489 Keller Machine Company, Repairs and Parts for Garbage Truck 02490 Goodyear Service Stores, Parts for Garbage Truck 02491 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for Garbage Trucks 02492 Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts for Garbage 02493 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Identification Plates for Garbage cans Office supplies 02494 Appalachian Power Co., Cuxent used for County street lights 02495 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware &c 02496 White Spot Supply, Inc., Janitor supplies 02497 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 02498 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber 02499 Mill End Fabric Center 12, Repair material for chair 02500 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County Office building 02501 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 02502 Roanoke Valley Safety Council, Contribution Safety Council 02503 Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs 02504 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse dinner meeting 02505 Emory P. Hollins, Work on street sign 02506 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline and oil " " .. " " " " " .. " " .. .. .. .. " " .. .. .. " .. " " " .. " " " " .. " .. $ !i " ii 11. 28 :i 34.67 :1 'i 40.98 'I I 19.50 II .1 234.00,1 526.50 'i ii 10.00 'I , 30.00i Ii 10.00 I I i 1 7,047.50 I , 17.50 24.00 i 35.00 5.00 10.87 21. 25 61.63 46.41 2.88 16.24 5.53 236.70 19.00 8.55 14.84 l60.20 , I 21. 76 I 33.6811 37.33 I! 42.5511 17.10 Ii 89.961, I' 345. 94 ,I ,. I, 13.75 ! i, I 90.681 3.25 i I 34.891 2.77 I. I' 30.00 i , 39.2l i 100.00 Ii 20.551 , I 6.00 i I 7.75 : i l,Ol2.2l Ii I' I 348 J No. " " " II II " " II " II II II " " " " II I " II " " ! II " " ~ II ~ .. ! " ~ " ~ " ~ :: ii , Ii t1 ~ ij It II .. ~i II Ii " II .: II Ii Ii II n " Ii Ii " !i Ii " I~ II Ii " II Ii Ii " ., ~ IN RE: Ii 02507 State Board of Education, Surplus goods for Civil Defense $ 02508 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. New furniture 02509 Eubank Caldwell & Associates, Architectural services 02510 Nelson Hardware Co., 1 new fan 02511 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts 02512 American Oil Co., Oil for Distribution 02513 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., P. M. Postage for Distribution 02514 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 02515 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House .. 02516 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 02517 Double Envelope Co., 5,000 envelopes 02518 Void 02519 Automotive Paint & Supply Co., Paint for all Garbage trucks 02520 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts 02521 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Courthouse 02522 Steven Helm Extra Janitor 02523 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Repair and Material 02524 Dictaphone Corporation, 1 Dictaphone transcriber 02539 Rockydale Quarries Corporation, Stone for Roads 02562 American Photocopy Equipment Co., office supplies 02563 Everette G. Holstein, Traveling expenses 02564 Dr. s. D. Carey, Coroner Investigations 02565 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Drunk driving test, lunacy hearings 02566 Void 02567 Railway Express Agency, express collect 02568 Trans-American Panama Hat Co., Hats for Sheriff's Dept. 02569 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc., Wearing apparel 02570 Virginia Foods, Inc., food and other supplies 02571 SUIlInerdean Esso Station, Parts and Wash jobs 02572 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Bent Mountain Fire Station 02573 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Bent Mountain Fire Station 02574 L. Kenneth Whitlock, extra office help Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Repair and Parts for Tractor 02575 02576 Williams Supply Co., light tubes for Courthouse 02577 Edwin G. Terrell, Reimburse annexation expenses 46. I 02578 Langley & McDonald, Engineering services in annexation pro- ceedings 02579 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense 02580 Wm. P. Swartz, Jr. & Company, 1 Sand Urn 02581 W. A. Conner, 1 days salary for Night Jailor DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: 15.1 8.8 I I 29.7~ 47.8~ ".,~ 8.6~ 4l2.dl 33.0J I 8.76 250.001 35.5~ i 6.00 60.56 40.00 40.00 I 3.39 78.0011 18.75 272.061 17,65 22.55 19.651 I 262.041 110.401 1 16.811 80.0011 I' 5,498.92!! I 5.251! 13.201i I 9.341/ ~ " '1 II II " Ij " " ii " " I I The following claims against the Co~~ty were this day presented, approved, therewith, to-wit: Ii " II and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively'chargeable I' II II i: Ii Board the following report: II I: !l i: ,. ,i H 11 'I ~ i i: I: !I II il ,I II 'I II II II ., II il I' i! ., " 'I II +- IN RE: 'i II 'I The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the ii 'I I. I! Ii Jj II I, turned over to the said Treasurer, said check amounting to $3,262.0l net. II II :\ No. , Ii ;1 II = :1 II i: i' Ii :: Ii It Ii Ii " I: , " a , I: , " I I. " " I :i " I, " ! " I' I " I, , I, " n 1 Ii " ii , r I' " !i ., ... I ~ ~ o ~ 92525 Builders Mart, 2 folding tables " 02526 Appalachien Power Co., current used at Dog Pound 02527 Bob'd Market, Wearing apparel, dog food 02528 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas and Oil for Dog Truck 02529 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of Dog Truck 02530 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 02531 Check-R-Board, Dog Food 02532 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for Dog Trucks 02533 Salem Office Supply Co., Key tags, &c 02534 James B. Ferguson, Livestock claim 02535 Esther Long, 4 days working at Dog Clinic 02536 Leana Hartman, 4 days working at Dog clinic 02537 Mary Spangler, 4 days at clinic 02538 Charles Moore, Laborer at Dog Pound 02582 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 02583 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense 02584 Charles Moore, Laborer at Dog Pound JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the "Salem, Virginia May 15, 1961 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business May l3, 1961, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund Education Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account Deferred Credit Account W. R. S. D. $ 680,718.78 7,986.39 157.45 53,599.04 27,430.98 1,900.60 l4,819.73 2,025.12 422.61 313.22 200.00 $ 789,573.92 (.1. B. McNeal) (J. E. Peters.) Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: $ 23.90 84.89 13.63 20.28 'I 25.80 i I 3.00 , " I 39.20 , " I 15.00 5.91 30.00 20.00 ,) 20.00 I 20.00 i 3.88 I 'I 2.82 I 89.44 ' 9.701 I 'I , i I , (I il II !, " I. 'I [I I' .1 il Collectio~1 II > C. ;1 ..,.. \1 c, ~(p II 1t"/'" I ! I " , receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $3,433.70, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1961, less commissions, and On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse ,i ., ii II the amount of $2,537.00 from which $76.15 total F. 'I liW, $2,325.00; . JJ...r and Janitor Senrice from April l6, 1961, ending April 30, 1961, be approved in H. Taxes; insurance $33.25, are to be deducted, le&lIing a net payroll of I. C. A. Tax; $102.60 total 350 I I II II ,I II I ,I Ii l I, ~ttf. I , . I . . (!.' ~ ~'I 1'lofr.l : Ii I' II ,I l .1 ~~; c..l..:.,J..,t ti t..- .c., I W' @~ I ~II.J(.' II r II " il i ! And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period May 1, II II Ii II 1961, ending May 15, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,605.58, from which $78.17, total F. I. C. A. Taxes, $lll.60 total W. H. Taxes, and $33.25 insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,382.56. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: none On motion, duly seconded, it is ordere:.i that the County Payroll for the month of April, 1961, be approved in the amount of $8.882.30 from which the sum of $221.75 total F. I. C. A. taxes and $807.30 total W. H. Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,853.25. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None II The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of April, 1961; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, slIlllllllrY statement of Prisoner Days served in Roanoke County jail for month of April, 1961; EWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthlyreport for April, 1961; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for April, 1961; ROBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for April, 1961; SHERRILL MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for April, 1961; On motion, duly ~econded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: Voucher-check #2393 in the amount of $44.18 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel for home demonstration kitchen, jail and Cave Spring Fire Station; i ,I ,. !l Voucher-check #2396 in the amount of $14.50 made payable to C & P Telephone II ,! :1 'I 'i ii il I, II :: !I " Voucher-check 112395 in the amount of ~508.86 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service; Company for telephone service at Dog Warden's home; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I 366 ~~ ~.b.~ . ttJ. ;;- ! 6Joc....e. ~ . !l ~~JI ~~II s-JI r. J ~ I ii :i Letter dated May 8, 1961, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, from Congreeman Richard H. Poff, Representative from the 6th District, in the Congress of the United States; Letter dated May 8, 1961, addressed to Honorable Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from Robert B. McNeil, Legislative Assistant to Senator A. Willis Robertson. Letter dated May ll, 1961, addressed to Honorable Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from Harry F. Byrd, United States Senator, enclosing copy of letter dated May 4, 1961, addressed to him from Everett Hutchinson, Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission, received and ordered filed. ii II 11 II II r IN RE: I, I !! REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE NORTHEASTERLY OF KENMORE AVENUE, 300 FEET NORTHWESTERLY FROM U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 221 OF .QR]L~! 1 D. L. FERGUSON This day came D. L. Ferguson, by Counsel, and requested leave to file his petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NCIl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I ., I :J II II II Ii II II Ii [I !I [, II , I I 1 , I Ii I' I Ii I Ii I II I II II II II I I I = c I ~ ~ --,t- ,;. At the March Meeting, 1961, of this Board, at the request of A. Linwood II Holton, Attorney, for J. M. Turner, Gardner A. Mundy and Joe L. Hill, petitioners!1 I' I' for reclassifying and rezoning of a certain parcel of land located on the westerlf 'I side of U. S. Route 11, just north of the City Limits of Roanoke County from Ii " I; Business B-1 to Business B-2 District, said petition having been referred to the Ii iJ il Planning Commission of Roanoke County at the February Meeting, 1961, of this Board, , action on said petition of said property owners was continued until such time as the Planning Comoission of Roanoke County could conduct a public hearing and make its recommendations to this Board, and said Commission having this day filed its recommendation with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County not to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County to reclassify the property described in said petition. Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C.Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the recommendation of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and that the said petition requesting rezoning of the property described therein be denied. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ !' I I i I ! Board of Supervisors x ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the applic ation for Southview Drive from Interstate Route 8l to Shelor Avenue - 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Grandview Gardens, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 75 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from che abuttiI1~ property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NCll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Southview Drive from Interstate Route 81 to Shelor Avenue - O.lO mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None I 'I :, I; ii " II I! Ii II II I iI II II !I " II I i, il Ii Ii Ii I' ,I II~ ii~~dAL i:r.C..~ Ilt~:.n ii~~~ :1' I' I; I] ! II ,I :1 i: ~" , ,g~.t.L I, : t~.~'~~ ii . t;; ....... 11''' ii .~ ie.,.. ....~,~.!f . ) ~ i . r(. Jr., ,i . , I ;rr-et.ff i ro~'~i ,J....L ~ : '~.n : ~.~ ~ 11} (,; I i , Board of Supervisors ---- -- -~---._.--_.---lt-'- Ii II II ! vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Mountainview Drive from Interstate Route 8l to Shelor Avenue - 0.13 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Grandview Gardens, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 75 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, I I Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a property owners is necessary. right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE II I III The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and II I' II I' II il I, II I! II \1 Ii !I Ii II II Ii I Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting IT ORDERED that said road known as Mountainview Drive from Interstate Route 8l to Shelo"r Avenue - 0.l3 mile and whi~h is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public rad to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris Nays: None G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and " Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Shelor Avenue from Hawley Drive (Rt. ll05) to Southview Drive - 0.07 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appea.ing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Grandview Gardens, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 75 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owner~ 1 I, is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Shelor Avenue from Hawley Drive (Rt. Il05) to Southview Drive - 0.07 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying tilis order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. a = = ~ a I I Ii I' ,I !i :j II II~~- ~.C?l.(., ~- to"";; I ' and U. S. Route 221, and that the said A. B. Jones and Mamie Jones desire to vacate said county road, and the said attorney thereupon presented to this Board il Ii :1 'I II I, 'I I, il Board being of the opinion that such vacation of the aforementioned county road, II' as shown on said ~ and as desired by the aforesaid parties, and as set forth inl said Vacation Instrument, dated May l5, 1961, would not, and does not breach II .'i " ij L I' I I' II r II II II Ii II Ii I! :1 " Ii as set fortti; ,. " in said Vacation Instrument, and this day presented to this Board for examination Ii " Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris Nays: None G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and Ii i I: i>' IN RE: ii I: 'i VACATION OF A COUNTY ROAD, SITUATE OF THE A. B. JONES FROPERTY, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA RESOLUTION AND ORDER This day appeared Charles G. Shelor Attorney for A. B. Jones and Mamie Jones, the owners of certain real property, abutting and adjoining a certain county road as shown onthe map known as a Survey for Ellis L. Wrig'lt made by C. B. Malcolm and dated February 23, 1934. i '. I' And the said Charles G. Shelor, Attorney for A. B. Jones and Mamie Jones advised this Board that the said A. B. Jones and Mamie Jones are the owners of all the property abutting on that certain thirty foot width strip of certain county road as lies between State Secondary Route 692, as shown on said map, for its consideration a written Vacation Instrument dated the l5th day of May, 1961, executed by the said parties so requesting said road to be vacated, and requested that this Board take appropriate action relative to vacating the aforementioned county road. [ I ! i , II ! And upon evidence presented and heard orally by this Board, and the or destroy any right or privilege of other property owners, and that the vacation of the aforesaid county road, so ~esired by said parties will not Ii onconvenience the public as that portion of said road is not now used by the I: I. II Ii I: i! I I I: I' i 1 r ii Ii I " i: t , !: public and has not been used by the public in over 25 years, all of which is more particularly set forth in said Vacation InSll1Jment, dated May l5, 196~, and this day presented to this Board for examination and consideration; NOW, THEREFORE, Upon consideration of all of which, it is HEREBY RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THIS BOARD, That this Board , that portion of said county road as requested by the aforesaid party, does hereby approve the vacation of as aforesaid. ii I, By this Board, that the Chairman of this Board :1 ii 'I !' II II AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: and the Clerk of this Board, and each member of this Board be, and they are dated Vacation Instrument/May 15, hereby authorizedl and requested to execute said 1961, i: consideration, as aforesaid, whereby the said i: ii I, and presented to this Board for its i , parties mentioned above does vacate that portion of said county road, which said ii i! Vacation Instrument and this Resolution and Order are entered into and adopted pursuant to the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended to date. These resolutions and Order were adopted on motion of Supervisor G.Hampton Moulse seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: ,i Ii II !I " II , I' I' II ,I I , , 370 ~ Ii ~utrii U.c...~-I, ttTC, i: l.,. ~ " ,. ,: I sf'1 I.. :; . ~ Se..- h\- 1; )t.t 'i ~~wi I $J...- '\{ I: I ~~UT.l.,l I" II\~ ".. \1.6' UI " I :i i !.1'1/" ! :.,: 1:.1 /1~~. ~ \ t. IMIi .~ ~.~. 1: ... ~':':~..' .1 J....t. 1.- . C. cp~ .!.t!'? J~I _.-._-------_.._-~-,~-. --, .~ . ..... -,. _ ~_"______....__.__~__n._~___._ . '. ._._._._.._+_...,__.____.___ .. .___'__,"_"'_____ .... .~._.-__ .-__ ..--..----. ...... -- ----~--....._.-,--.._--~..._____. 'I II " II I: ii ;1 j; i, Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell A. C.Harris Nays: None :/ , ., andi; II I; I' , I' ! i' i i, " I , I' I' ~ I ii On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris~ I, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, :' be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective May 15, 1961:i! 4 - RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS I, An additional appropriation of $700.00 is hereby made from the General I' Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or I' purpose as hereinabove indicated. ii 8 PUBLIC WELFARE Ii 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 is hereby : made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961'1' for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. II 18 - MISCELLANEOUS An additional appropriation of $l,OOO.OO is hereby made from the General! Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or ~:::,' purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18a- Annexation: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for I,:, the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I I 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY An additional appropriation of $6,000.00 is hereby made fromthe General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Whereas: A review of proposed future Federal Aid Projects in Roanoke County has indicated to this Board a need for revision. WHEREAS: This review has been made with the advice and assistance of representatives of the Department of Highways, therefore, be it resolved that resolution by this Board of February 16, 1959 be rescinded and be it fu~ther ordered that future priorities of Federal Aid Proj ects be programmed as follows: 1. Route 612, Bridge and Approaches over Roanoke River 2. Route 6l3, Bridge and Approaches over Back Creek, (Near Starkey) 3. Rout4 654, From Route 24 to Route 634 4. Route 60l, From Route II to Route 623 (Plantation Road) , Be it further resolved and ordered the following proposed Federal Aid Projects be dropped: 1. Route 681, Bridge and Approaches over N & W Railroad, (Near Ogden) 2. Route 681, From Route 720 to Route 119 (Reconstruction) 3. Route 604, From Botetourt County Line to Route 460. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I WHEREAS, His Excellency, Governor J. Lindsay Almond, Jr., did on April 19, 1961 declare the week of May 2l as Highway Week in Virginia for the purpose of publicizing the highway building program of the Commonwealth of Virginia and thereby advance public awareness and understanding of this program and its objectives, and = = a Ii II If~' roadway from the intersection with U. S. Route 220, south of Roanoke, to the I^' ~ juncture point on U. S. Route 460, east of Roanoke; and l)r~.~. ~ WHEREAS the plans for this section of the parkway will include an interchangJ .~~~v at State Route 24, east of Vinton, making this interchange one of the mose II l' II 5 '.'7Jr., accessible points for parkway travelers ~each Roanoke; and I, Ii ,I tremendous recreational area which will be developed on Smith MOlJntain Lake which ii'l will be impounded by a dam now under construction; and I II NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Counqy I, I, Ii ii Ii WHEREAS, this highway program has reached record proportions and is deemed necessary to provide Virginia citizens and visitors the safest and best transportation available, and WHEREAS, the need for such a program of construction , improvements and maintenance has not received the public attention it deserves and requires if citizen support of the Department's goals is to be achieved and sustained, and i' i r I ,. !; i 1: WHEREAS, observance of Highway Week in Virginia during May 2l-27 affords an opportunity to coincide activity with National Highway Week, with the support of the Congress of the United States and the President. Nal, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board fully endorses the action of the govti!rnor and urges personnel of the Highway Department and Roanoke County citizens to observe and recognize Highway Week in Virginia, May 21-27, through,appropriate proceedings and ceremonies. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None WHEREAS the Blue Ridge Parkway has planned to construct a segment of its WHEREAS State Route 24 will be one of the ..lost direct highways to the WHEREAS additional traffic would be created on State Route 24 due to the construction of the new Roanoke Country Club beyond Stewartsville,Virginia; respectfully requests the Virginia State Highway Commission to appropriate necessary funds to study the ned of reconstructing State Highway 24 from Vinton to such point near the Bedford County line as may best be suited to handle the anticipated increased traffic and also to project traffic studies towards the end that a more direct road for State Route 24 be found to connect Vinton with the down-town Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, G. Hampton Moulse,Minor R.Keffe~d Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I ~ On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris, it is ordered that the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, consider amending Section 3-1-4, Article 3, \gricultural District A-l of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted by this Board on April 18, 1960, to read as follows: "Community operated playgrounds, parks, and similar recreational including non-profit little theatre operations." ----rr-- I !I " I' II 'I I' ., " II 371 i II ., I' I' I !I I I I , Ii I' :! II II Ii II I. i:~ ~~ 1- I d.d.. nad.. ~~"n1ti , ~o-..~ Sf.,J,. e.l., u r- ;, .c.Sj.~~r' I~~~.' li~' ,I .( - \A' I V.I.::r;;: \ r ,'..1 I. I :: r.-')). ~ ' WJr ~j g, 4- R.L yr- " 117/' r .....-...-.......... ,. " :i !1 !i I il il !! !i :1 'I I, " Ii I! il I. iI !1 il " il Ii ii II \1 And it is further ordered that the Planning Commission of Roanoke County consider re-~oning from Residential Rl to Agricultural A-l, the property lying in Roanoke County and belonging to The Showtimers, Incorporated, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Virginia Route No. 119 at the northeast corner of the property owned by the Trustees of the Oak Grove Church of the Brethren and being also corner to H. W. Long propeoty; thence with the center of Virginia Route No. lI9 S. 21 50' w. 169.4 feet to a point; thence with the line of Otis H. McBride pro~erty along the centsr of a private road leading to Long s property N. 82 40' W. passing an iron at 8.2 feet, another i~on at 133.2 feet, in all 252.l feet to a point; thence with the line of the said H. W. Long property N 50 43' E. passing an iron on side of road at 9.1 feet, in all l56.7 feet to an iron; thence with another line of Long property S. 84005' E., passing a marked 24- chestnut oak at 8 feet, ~ iron at 264.6 feet, in all 299.0 feet to the place of beginning and containing 1.00 acres, more or less, and being more particularly shown on plat made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., dated March 3l, 1961; and BEING the same property conv~yed to The Showtimers, Inc- orporated, by deed from Horace C. Spangler, T. A. Sowder and W. H. Broyles, Trustees of Oak Grove Church of the Brethren, dated April 7, 1961, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on April 10, 1961. And it is further ordered that when said Planning Commission shall repoLt its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, upon receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice of said public hearing shall be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the said Code of Virginia. And be it further ordered that a certified copy of this Resolution and I I I Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the I' ii 'i II Ii Ii ,. " II II " Ii Ii II WHEREAS the S:,dth Mountain Dam, now under construction, will obviously draw II " li Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and many new developments to the area; and 1 WHEREAS the project affects some five counties beyond the jurisdiction of the Roanoke County Planning Commission; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that three-man committee to be composed of A. C. Harris, representing the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County; W. H. Witt, representing the Roanoke County Planning Commission; and Warren B. Huddleston, a citizen at large, be, and is hereby, appointed to meet with a similar committee from the counties of Bedford, Campbell, Franklin, and Pittsylvania to study the advisability of forming a Regional Planning COmmission to encourage the sound and orderly development of the Roanoke River Basin, and more particularly, the Smith Mountain Dam area. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G.Hampton Moulse, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None 1 c c a ~ ~ , Court House -----Iii Salem, Virginia I June 19, 1961 Ii The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House ii Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. !; I' II Ii Rector of II I. il :i I. member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Ii '1 Clerk. II I , The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, il II and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively II II chargeable therewith, to-wit: II No. 02706 Salem Office Supply Co., supplies $ 69.95 'I II II II II II I , II i 'I I il I, H II j, i I' .. r j, , .. I' , , , i , Ie I< Ii Ii !: .. I: ., i I Ii " Ii !i Ii t, Ii li I; il " if II I; " Ii I: II II i: I; " i I: Ii I: I; I' thereof in monthly session. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton rlculse. St. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Frederick Griffith, Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each " 02707 Xee Lox Manufacturing Co., office supplies 58.28 " 02708 Pitney-BoweS, Inc., Rental fee on Postage Machine 35.82 " 02709 Vinton Motor Co., Selling Auto Tags for Vinton 498.30 14.60 " International Business Machine, Maintenance agreement 02710 02711 02712 " Easter Supply Co., office supplies 13.53 Burroughs Corporation, office supplies 4.35 134.20 " " Woodhaven Press, office supplies 02713 02714 Star City Office Equipment Co., Repairing typewriter 33.15 " " 02715 Standard Forms, Inc., office supplies 155.56 " Double Envelope Corporation, office supplies F. Cameron Wiley, Jr. Postmaster', Postage for Delinquent Tax Collector 49.90 02716 " 02717 28.00 " 02718 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County Owned vehicles 738.82 .. C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books for Clerk's Office Void 230.50 " 02719 02720 " w_,~I Everette Waddey Co., Record Books for Clerk's Office 02722 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 02723 Xerox Corporation, Repair parts Photostatic Machine 104.84 22.28 8.80 265.88 24.00 " " " 02724 02725 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage " 02726 City of Roanoke, City Auditor, Room and board for at detention home children 82.00 40.88 " Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 02727 " 02728 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse May 1aveling expense 52.~9 02729 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse May traveling expense 66.25 02730 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for County Vehicles 108.38 02731 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician, Coroner 195.00 02732 SUIlJIIIerdean Esso Station, Parts and wash 8.64 " " " " " 02733 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 02734 Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner cases 02735 Harvest Motors, Parts for Police Vehicles 02736 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Police cars 22.50 50.00 4.60 2.50 " " " " " 02737 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Fuses and car parts 02738 Salem Motors, Repairs to Police Car 2.70 31.23 No. 02739 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Prisoners " 02740 Powell Pharmacy, Medical supplies 02741 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 02742 DeWitt Supply Co., Janitor supplies 02743 VaDeydale Packers, Food for prisoners 02744 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry for County Jail 02745 Sanfax Corporation, Janitor supplies " " " " " $ 57.18 39.94 38.72 18.71 18.83 48.20 12.72 I " 02746 02747 02748 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies 12.44 Salem Bardware Co., Supplies for County Jail 73.70 Fort Lewis Bardware & Lumber Co., Contribution to Mercy House 50.79 " " I " 02749 02750 02751 02752 Arrow Bardware Paint Co., Supplies for Hollins Fire House 3.31 Town of Salem, Expense of Roanoke County Fire Truck 408.40 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for County Vehicles 395.40 Roanoke Co. Sanitation Authority, Sewerage charge for Hollins Fire Station 9.00 " " " " '"~ 02753 02754 Southern Oxygen Co., Chemicals Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for C1earbrook Fire Truck 32.92 02757 W. W. Garman, May and June rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House 120.00 02758 C1earbrook Lion's Club, May and June Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 120.00 02759 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, May and June Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 120.00 02760 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey Card 43.10 02761 Clearbrook Rescue Squad, Gasoline purchased for Clearbrook Fire Truck 10.70 02762 Culligan Soft Water Co., Rent on Water Softner at Hollins Fire Station 4.00 02763 Auto Service Station, Gas and Wash jobs for Clearbrook Fire Truck 8.20 n 02755 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House 02756 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for C. S. Fire Truck " " " " " " " " " 02764 Bernard Cook, Services on Welfare Board 02765 Edwin G. Ter1~ell, Services on Welfare Board 02766 Franklin Hough, Services on Welfare Board 02767 Minor R. Keffer, Services on Fairview Board 02768 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy hearing 02769 Dr. II. J. Minarik, Lunacy cases 02770 Keith K. lIunt, Attorney, Lunacycases 02771 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy cases 02772 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigations 02773 Barlin Perrine, Atty. Lunacy hearing 02774 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Attorney's Fee Lunacy COIIIIlission 02775 Esther C. Brown, Lunacy commission 02776 Fairview Home, County's share of expense Dublin home 02777 Times-Register Co., Publication Zoning & Swimming Pools Ordinances " " " " " " " " " n " " " " 02778 Progress Press, office supplies 02779 Friden, Inc., Rental fee on Adding Machine " " 1.50 8.60 17.04 I 100.00 100.00 100.00 104.00 20.00 20.00 40.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 15.15 I 1 38.75 112.00 l7.50 " 02780 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies 151.55 02781 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., truck and cleaning = I I ~ ~ i ! Ii ii i /, Ii r Ii I: I: Ii If I: I: I' ,I I 02787 Miller Tire Service, Repairs, Flat Tire 381.54 02788 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for garbage trucks 16.37 02789 Keller Machine Co., Repairs andParts Garbage 70.55 02790 Barris Used Auto Parts, Parts for Garbage 10.00 No. 02782 Void " 02783 Yates &. Wells Garage, Repairs to Garbage Truck $ 02784 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for garbage truck 02785 Salem Oil Company, Fuel for Tractor 02786 Steel Service, Inc., Parts for Garbage truck " " " " " " " " 02791 Custom Seat Cover Shop, Cover for truck 02792 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for Garbage Truck 02793 Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts 02794 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Garbage Truck 02795 Bemiss Equipment Co., Repair and Parts for Tractor 02796 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply, Maps 02797 Appalachian Power Co., Lighting County Streets 02798 Mrs. Larry Waldron, Services as registrar 02799 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 02800 Maude L. Poff, Registering and transferr1.<1g qualified voters " " " " " " " .. " .. 02801 Janet L. Ballantine, Registering and transferring qualified voters " 4.00 79.03 22.26" 25.96 14.95 5.27 18.96 15.58 1,469.73 10.25 380.75 5.60 245.68 14.55 14.55 02802 Williams Supply Co., Light tubes andequipment for install- ing air conditionitg in Clerk's Office 65.40 " 02803 ll. M. Wood PIlllDbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse 02804 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 02805 Salem Paint Co., Paint 02806 Void 02807 Salem Hardware Co., Oil for Lawn Mower 02808 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 02809 Void 02810 Meador &. Co., Duplicate keys 02811 Davies Young Soap Co., Janitor supplies 02812 Booker Helm, Repairing and Table Public Works office 02813 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware 02814 Void " " " " " " " .. " " " " 02815 James Stokes, Refund Fixture permits 02816 Void " .. 02817 02818 02819 Hajoca Corporation, Material for Street signs Beach Brothers Motors, Parts for Extra car 9.00 41.78 3.42 .60 3.25 1.35 43.89 24.00 12.12 8.50 " Pure Oil Company, Gasoline purchased for distribution 1,110.75 .. " 02820 American Oil Co., Oil purchased for distribution 02821 Acme Typewriter Co., Stencils and folders 02822 Humphreys & Webber Drug Co., Medical supplies .. " " 8.62 .75 104.76 42.25 130.92 02823 State Board of Education, surplus goods for Civil Defense Program 44.01 02824 Dulaney & Robinson, Services and expense for March and April 1961, Annexation Suit 3,801.56 " " 02825 McClung Lum"er Co., Lumber " 15.43 02826 Bush Electric Co., Installing Air ConditiOning Equipment 120.80 , Ii II II , I I I I Ii 'I , ,I " II II II II 'I II II I I I I I I I' II Ii II it II Ii " I, :i !I " ,. I' d " Ii " ii :! II :, " " i: i ~ " Ii " Ii .' i: 'I :: " 378 , ., ,. " ., h ii " I: [! II Ii II Ii I' ,. 1: i; !; " I ,I I, :' 02859 Dr. S. D. Carey, Attending prisoner at County Jail 11.00 02860 City Treasurer. City of Roanoke, Room and Board 84.00 02861 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co.. Fuel oil for Hollins Fire StationSO.27 02866 Roanoke Memorial Hospital. State Local Hospital Bills 02867 Gill Memorial Bospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 02868 L. Kenneth Whitlock. Extra office assistant 02869 F. L. Ayers, Registering qualified voters and transferring voters 10.00 No. 02827 Underwood Corporation, 1 new Adding Machine " 02828 Tidewater Supply Co.. Fire hose for Clearbrook Station 02829 Penitentiary Industrial Dept.. Furniture for County Court Offices 02830 United States Pencil Co., office supplies 02831 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy commitment 02832 Municipal Sales Co.. Parts for Garbage Truck 02833 Vinton Motor Co.. Parts for Police Vehicles 02834 General Welding & Machine Co., Repairing Lawn Mower 02835 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Police Car 02836 Void 02837 C & P Telepr~ne Co., Telephone Service 02838 Gray Sizemore. Refund Garbage Fee 02839 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 02852 Dictaphone Corporation. Used Microphone for County Court 02853 Atlantic Business Forms, Tax billing for Treasurer 02854 Salem Office Supply Co.. office supplies 02855 Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, Reimburse petty cash 02856 Railway Express Co.. Express on Wearing Apparel 0285V Frith's Auto Sales & Service, Repairing Police Car 02858 Green Market. Food for Prisoners " " " " " " .. " .. " " " " .. " .. .. " " " " " 02862 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire House 02863 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires 02864 Burrell Memorial Hospital. State Local l!ospital bills 02865 Jefferson BospitaI, State-Local BospitaI Bills " " .. " .. " " " 02870 Times-Register CO.. Publishing closing of Registration Books for Primary Election 02871 Mabel S. Doran. Registering voters for Primary Election 02872 Bemis Electric Distributing Corp., Plugs and cords for building 02873 Paul B. Matthews, Reilllburse City Manager's Luncheon 02874 Salem Farm Supply Co., Gladiola Bulbs and Fertilizer 02875 Emory P. Hollins, Installing Street signs and Painting Street signs 02876 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postage for Distribution 02877 Goodyear Service Stores. Tires to be placed in stock 02881 Salem Glass Co., Glass top for desk 02882 E. E. Fry, Deputy Sheriff, Reilllburse traveling expense 02883 J. R. Taliaferro, Reilllburse inspector's expense 02884 Poff's Garage, Gas. &c 02886 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare. Medical Vendor " . " " " " " " " " " " $ 295.00 281.50 41.60 11.50 10.00 71.30 7.93 6.50 3.25 19.40 3.00 110.14 20.00 239.82 2.55 79.67 4.42 4.50 112.67 16.76 37.62 156.00 565.50 136.50 58.50 234.75 15.00 10.00 10.42 12.50 4.45 40.00 60.00 51. 92 6.72 3.75 11.20 86.53 4,360.20 1 I I il II I I II r Ii Ii I' I !! d Ii I! ~ Ii i' , Ii " ij I: , a I: I' I: I I' I' I' I ~ o , - , . . ~ . . ~-- . IN IE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively ); l I! chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 02840 Bob's Market, Cat Food $ 7.00 " 02841 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 6.00 " 02842 County School Board of R. C. Mainteuanc:e of Dog Truck 98.80 " 02843 Check-R-Board, Dog Food 39.20 " 02844 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas and Tire for Dog Truck 31.86 " 02845 llarvest Motors, Parts for Dog Truck 10.85 " 02846 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Dog Truck 13.80 " 02841 Salem Motors, Repairs to Dog Truck 1.35 " 02848 Radio Coamunications Co., Radio Maintenance for Dog TrucksI5.00 .. 02849 Sam's, Inc., Wearing apparel for Dog Wardens 65.61 " 02850 Salem Jlardware Co., 1 Sprayer for Dog Pound 11.95 II 02851 Star Ani.....l Hospital, Doctor's services Rabies Clinic 141.50 " 02818 Salem lladware Co., Light bulbs for Dog Pound 6.84 " 02819 Ralph E. Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense 85.50 " 02880 J. W. Hylton, Livestock claim 10.00 .. 02885 Clarence Minnix, Livestock claim 10.00 JAMES E. PETERS, 'treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia ,June 19, 1961 RollDOke County Financial report to the Board of Supervisors: I, I , , I I 1 I: I I, , I ~ I' ,: i. )1 I, I I I I I, I $ 1,000.00 121,298.26 144,120.69 . 524.91 13,900.11 263.82 150,000.00 150,000.00 $581,107.79 Respectfully submitted, Cash: In Office Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank Textbook Fund (Bank of Salem) Farmers National Bank - Paying Agy. for School Bond Debt Ser. Bank of Salem (Savings) Farmers National Bank (Savings) James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of June, 1961, be approved in the amount of $8.882.30 from which the sum of $221.15 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and $811.30 total W. H. Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,843.25. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I' II I' !I I I I, Ii " II II I II il II ., II Ii Ii II If II i i II II Ii II II II " 'i Ii ,tty. , lwu.~; ~ I, OD~. l!~!~" I' II " Ii 380 1 tADli ~'I I, 11 .!! c.~ ~~-. c,.~f'i @~ "1i-1" , ~Lt. tr -t... c.. . 'tf!t I r I c..<i,. ~ I '/~t.1 ! I __ ._____-.-11....__.__.. : ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service from May 16, 1961, ending May 31, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,665.47, from which $79.96 total F. I. C. A. Taxes;, and $118.60 total W. H. Taxes;/$33.25 insurance are to be deducted, laving a new payroll of $2,433.66; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period June 1, 1961, ending June 15, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,881.47 i: .. 'I il :i 'I II II :1 :1 !I II :1 II ,I II ,I II 'I On motion, duly nconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks II II il Voucher-check #2588 in the'amount of $37.62 made payable to the Appa1achi+ Power Company for current at Hollins Fire Station; Ii Voucher-check #2589 in the amount of $504.58 made payable to the C & P tll Telephone Company for service at various County Offic I ; Voucher-check #2672 in the amount of $2,299.29 made payable to Goodwin- Ii Andrews Insurance for renewal of fire insurance on II buildings; !: Voucher-check #2673 in the amount of $512.78 made payable to Town of Sal~ fer light and water service; II Voucher-check 1.1.674 in the amount of $35.06 made payable to Roanoke Gas II Company for fuel at jail, home demonstration kitchen ,i and Cave Spritlg Fire Station; Ii Voucher-check #2675 in the amount of $44.35 made payable to the ApPalaChi+ Power Company for current at Mt. Pleasant and Bent 'I Mountain Fire Stations; I Voucher-check #2676 in the amount of $34.78 made payable to the Appalachi+ Power Company for current used at dog pound; II Ii Voucher-check #2677 in the amount of $25.77 made payable to the C & P Ii Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's Home; ,I II Voucher-check #2678 in the amount of $86.49 made payable to the C & P Ii Telephone Company for telephone service; :1 from which $86.44 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $139.00 total W. H. Taxes, and $33.25 insurance, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,622.78. Adopted by the following reco:>rded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Keffer, A. C. Barris, G. Hampton Moulse and be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None r IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: , Ii The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Ii Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $:1,311.56, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of May, 1961, less commissions, and turned over to the said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,245.98 net. ., The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of May, 1961; I I I I I n ,j i. II I. e .. a ~ a 381 ;:~...e.T. c.. I b/",' J" I, , ii I' I " C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, sllllllIlarY statement of Prisoner Days served in Roanoke County Jail for month of May, 1961; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for May, 1961; LoWEU. M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for May, 1961; RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for May, 1961; SHERILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for May, 1961; DEPARnmN'l' OF WELFARE AND INSTITllTIWS, Annual Report 1959-1960 COtfONllEALTH OF VIRGINIA, Public Welfare Statistics, Department of welfare!: and Institutions, Average Monthly Payments for Recipients ,i of Public Assistance during the month of March for the !; Perios 1951-1961. !' A communication dated Kay 25-26, 1961, from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, Interstate and Primary Construction Funds - Fiscal year 1961-62, received and ordered filed. Letter dated May 29, 1961, from Donald S. Knight, Director of Public Information, Department of Highways, received and ordered filed. I, , ... I, I, IN RE: AUDIT OF CLERK I S OFFICE: ii " ii I' II II I, 'I I' The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board the report of audit of ROY K. BROWN, County Clerk and Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the calendar year 1960, which report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated June 13, 1961, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. -~ i Ii I: It Ii i! :i " !ii ii !!~::pC 1i4..,' ii Gt..t;: II 'I d....1. t;- II~ Ii I' ,! '" / ~ I 1(. I, I; I' 'I , 1 I: i: " " :i ~ r The State Compensation Board, having filed its statement of receipts and expenses for the year ending December 31, 1960, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, required by Section 14-158, Code of Virginia, 1950, to be furnished Boards of Supervisors of Counties, with this Board, the same is ordered to be published, as required by law, once a week for two (2) weeks in the TimeS-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said statement and letter dated June 15, 1961, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, from Honorable G. Edmond Massie, Chairman!1 of State Compensation Board, ordered filed. ~ The following cOllllllunications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated June 1, 1961, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, signed by E. B. Lassiter, Chairman, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, in re: accomplishments of the Commission before the inception of the H H F A 701 Project; Copy of letter May 31, 1961, addressed to Mr. R.J. Killer, from A. H. Paessler, Executive Secretary, State Water Control.Board, in re: the State Water Control Board's approval of plans and specifications for sewage treatment facilities to serve Section 4 of North Ardmore Subdivision; 382 fuL'i 2:~i )\~~;I 1./).. \ r c. j' ~~l az.t ;ii~~o I '.~~'( .1 ~ /~" .1 ~ Letter dated June 8, 1961, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from H. H. Harris, Commissioner, Department of Highways, expressing the appreciation of the Department of Highways for doclllllent of Board of Supervisors in observance of Highway Week in Virginia; r Letter dated May 15, 1961. addressed to Mr. Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, from the Honorable W. Pat Jennings, Representative from 9th i i: Congressional District, in the Congress of the United States, in re: appreciatfon j' of a copy of the Resolution of this Board on proposed merger of Norfolk & i~ Western Railway with other railroads; ,.- munication dated May 26, 1961, addressed to Clerk of Board of Supervisors from W. B. Speck, Field Secretary, League of Virginia Counties, enclosing resolution adopted by the Henry County Board of Supervisors the use of convict labor on Virginia Highways. concerning 'I " " i' !:i 'If Clarence Minnix this dsy appeared before the Board and submitted a claim for one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125.00) for one milk goat killed by dogs; !i Ii II I' II I' II !I !I 'I I: " Ii " II ii Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that said claim be not allowed in the amount submitted, but that a voucher-check for ten dollars ($10.00), the assessed value of said goat, be issued to Clarence Minnix, payable out of the dog tax fund, in payment of said claim. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Halllpton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None " J. Luck Richardson, Jr., Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested that he be permitted to purchase addressograph equipment for use in his office at a figure not to exceed ninety-three hundred dollars ($9300.00); Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor G. Halllpton Mou1se, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase the addressograph equipment requested for use in the office of the said Commissioner of the Revenue at a cost not to exceed ninety-three hundred dollars ($9300.00), subject to the concurrence of the State Compensation Board, said equipment to be paid for July 1st, 1962. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Mou1se. A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Abstaining from voting: Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. I I I I I .. This day the County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following roads and the locations thereof, to-wit: n (1) m (4) Old Fincastle Turnpike from Rt. 605 to Botetourt County line - 0.30 mile Barnhill Lane from Rt. 671 to D. E. - 0.12 mile Unnamed road beginning on Rt. 783 and extending in an easterly direction 0.20 mile Northside lligh School Road from Rt. 117 north to the School - 0.25 mile Whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, said Engineer's reports are approved. . And it is further ordered that said roads as described briefly above, be, and they are, hereby established as public roads, to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following rec~rded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I i. Notice of Public Hearing, having been duly advertised, this day at 3 0 clock P. M., all persons interested were given an opportunity to speak for or against 'i the Roanoke County Budget, for informative and fiscal planning purposes for the I year commencing July l, 1961, and no oneappearing, said budget was ordered file~, i: !: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending September 30, 1961, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board n " ~ APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE a u For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board For the operation of geueral County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and other Revenue 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court 5b - County Court 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare 8a - Board of Public Welfare 8e - Institutional Care 8h - Lunacy Commission - 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c - Garbage Disposal 10e - Contractual Services II - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protectio,l of Livestock and Fowls (see Dog Fund) 13 - Elections :w. - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds o $ ll7,126.50 9~020.00 2,106.75 6,305.00 6,992.25 2,2:JS.2S 2,828.75 2,472.50 248.75 1,722.50 5,325.00 16,782.75 4,594.25 9,143.75 75.00 9,125.00 565.00 7,294.00 8,130.00 1,406.75 19,986.25 1,875.00 2,656.25 1,953.75 5,407.50 391 L~ ...e-~. i~f~~ ct..L f;Ir G " ~a~ r- /,.-rf' I :~ i! "'u~.I.J i tD ~. )J..f. "...I.~ 1,.}t:tI"UA., i!e...C. 'd. .~!'P o.e-~; '. C~- ,: ~. I 1.[....'7" 392 " ~~t. tJ,U. 'c.~. . 'Yn~ ~\"-'t n~ '(" ~. J..J.. ,.... , To ,...... b '(-vII' , 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 18a - Annexation l8b - Civil Defense 19 - Capital Outlay For Educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of this Board 17a - Administ15~ion 17b - Instructi~u 17c - Coordinated Activities 17d - Auxiliary Agencies 17e - Housing 17f - Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service Capital Outlay Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund 16,882.50 750.00 2,825.00 For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the Dog Laws, to be transferred to the Dog Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors $ 3,687.50 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriations made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this appropriation ordinance. A copy of this appropriation ordinance is to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton ordered; :i I , , I . Mou1se, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None A copy of the detailed budget prepared for fiscal planning and informative purposes for the fiscal year 1961-1962 filed. IN RE: GENERAL COUNTY LEVY FOR YEAR 1961. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that there be, and is, hereby levied, for the year 1961, a tax of $2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate located in this County, and that there be, an:i is, hereby levied, for the . year 1961, a tax of $2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable tangible personal property, including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2 and 58-829.3 of the Code of Virginia, located in this County on January l, 1961, the respective levies hereby ordered being also applicable to the real estate and tangible personal property, including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2 and 58-829.3 of the Code of Virginia, of public service corporations, based upon the assessment thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission, andduly certified. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of this County, shall be used to defray the County charges and expenses and all necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution of the lawful authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris and G.Hampton Moulse Nays: None I I -~-~---_._~-------------_.~--~---- - .------.----.- '"--------- --- ------- '" IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE NORTHEASTERLY OF KENMCIU: AVENUE, 300 FEET NORTHWESTERLY FROM U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 221 OF FINAL ORDER D. L. FERGUSON " At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on June 19, 1961. WHEREAS, D. L. Ferguson petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business B-1" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of n this Board on May 15, 1961, and by order entered on that day was referred to the: Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recODDIIendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and, WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 23rd day of May, 1961, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recoumended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Business B-1" property, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 15th day of May, 1961, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recODDllendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular', or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board, to be held on June 19, 1961, at 2:00 P. M., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance a = i (1960), and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke-World i: News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia,!: for two insertions on May 27, and June 3, 1961, as required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance! (1960), and the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendme~t to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid, and, WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to 9~id petition and to sai,d recoumendation of the Planning CODDIIission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance' (1960), being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), should be. amended as requested in said petition, and as recODDllended by said Planning Commission. lit W NOW, THEREFCIU:, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this mee~ing of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 19th day of June, 1961, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as "Business B-1" property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for "Business B-1" purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance (1960). ~ ,u<..4 :..,tJ~ ?f. '~l~"'~~ _.~.~ &,. ... 1.&, The property hereby classified as "Business B-1" property is more particularly described as follows. to-wit: That certain parcel of land situate 300 feet north- westerly from U. S. Highway No. 221 extending from the northeasterly side of Kenmore Avenue in a northeasterly direction to the northwesterly boundary line of the property of D. L. Ferguson as is shown on a Map made by C. B. Malcolm and Son, April 5, 1960, filed with the petition of D. L. Ferguson to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 15, 1961. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall I forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolutiouwas adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on the recorded vote,: I I the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None " IN RE: REZONING OF THE PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NlltTB SIDE OF ROUTE 11 WESTERLY FR<H RWl'E 601 4t7 ~'''-''~ ~~.~&.. '/--171. .rL -aJ ...- . ~ . This day came T. E. Burke, by Counsel, and requested leave to file his ~ ~.-< a. ~~ 7r~ petition relative to rezoning the property described insaid petition. t. ,.,./., NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of OF .Q...R_D_E_R T. E. BURKE I the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning COIIIIIission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recOllllllendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that 11l'0n the recept of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adoptedon motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors G.Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I .--wII. 395 ----- - --- -- --~---~--~-------- " IN RE: COUNTY AUDIT: . I. , c..L~:., U h On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton ,t1I::, c. ' Mou1se, it is ordered that the firm of Alexander Grant & Company, Certified Public: ~ ~ Accountants, be employed to audit the records of Roanoke County for the fiscal ~ c:z.. cP ~ year ending June 30, 1961, at a cost not to exceed $4,000.00. ~ /v//~I Letter dated June 13, 1961, from said Company ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, b. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None ,. I I " The following cODDllunications this day submitted to the Board are ordered filed: Letter dated May 23, 1961, from A. L. Knighton of Anderson, Burkett & Company, Certified Public Accountants; and ,: I: Letter dated May 23, 1961, from Anderson & Reed, Certified Public Accountants; I .. Copy of letter dated May 24, 1961, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State c ~ ::::~: To . t:&:L approving, subject to the concurrence of this Board, the promotion of C. S. Wingo~ ~ -tr-, - rr~~ Deputy Sheriff frOlll an annual rate of $3600.00 to an annual rate of $3840.00, i' ~ Y' effective June 1, 1961; I::rtl' ~/ , ~~- Upon consideration whereof on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded::, by Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the i: / ).', ! G I action of the State Compensation Board in approving the promotion of the said C. S. Wingo, Deputy Sheriff of Roanoke County, from an annual rate of $3600.00 to an annual rate of $3840.00, effective June 1, 1961, be, and the same is hereby" , Compensation Board, addressed to C. E. Boone, Sheriff of Roanoke County, approved by this Board. Adopted by the fol~owing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and : A. C. Harris Nays: None .. Letter dated June 15, 1961, addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors:, from J. Carl Poindexter, in re: Sewer Authority, received and ordered filed. I . U .. Pursuant to Section 17-41, sub-section 14, Code of Virginia, 1960, on motio~, ~ duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board hereby declares Monday, July 3, 1961:..~~,4 as a legal holiday for all County employees, said action subject to the approval ~). 7'f. ;.I.;&...-(' of the Judge of the Circu it Court of Roanoke County, Va. /,. ~ ,.~, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Mou1se, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer o nays: None I~~.,A: r 9,A~ .. ~. --I. tv. /,. ,.... "I r~~ ~k Co ~ a~ f&.j?-II b I Lt~ u.lt. T~ ~ $oh-. r ':.ct ~ ~. b /... 1161 WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by order entered on the 16th day of September, 1929, (see Supervisors' Order Book 6, page 254) established a forty-foot public road between the properties of Mary E. Coulter and Jacob Patrick Heirs, said road extending from Route 118 to the then Cannady Farm (now Municipal Airport), said road was to be constructed and maintained at no cost to the County; and, WHEREAS the Appalachian Electric Power Company now desires to construct a 7.2 K V overhead powerline along the south side of said road for a distance of 603 feet and requests this Board for permission for such construction; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the Appalachian Electric Power Company is hereby granted permission, insofar as this Board has authority to do so, to construct the said power line as proposed, provided that the said construction is approved by the Federal Aviation Agency or any other agency controlling construction in or ne.u: airports. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton MOu1se, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I ~ BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council. for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor line of the Town of Salem wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial ' District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the joint boundary line between the G1envar Elementary School property of the County School Board of Roanoke County and the property of C. M. Eskey, as recorded in Deed Book 453, Page 434 in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, said point being 300 feet north of the north right-Of-way line of the proposed service road (State Secondary Route 828) for U. S. Interstate Route 81; thence with a line parallel to and 300 feet northerly from the aforesaid north right-of-way line of the service road, passing through the aforementioned E&l;ey property, the Manley W. Tobey property as recorded in Deed Book 247, Page 153, the Mattie W. Blackwell property as recorded in Deed Book 77, Page 248, and the John M. McFalls property as recorded in Deed Book 578, Page 539, to a point on the west right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 643, in all a total distance of 1250 feet, more or less; thence with the west right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 643, 310 feet, more or less, in a southerly direction to the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid service road; thence with the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid service road 1175 feet, more or less, in a southwesterly direction to the southwest corner of the aforesaid Eskey property; thence with the joint boundaries of the Glenvar Elementary School property and the Eskey property 300 feet, more or less, in a northerly direction to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 8.26 acre area described in the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Resolution of June 19, 1961. and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Sciem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council for the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council fer the City of Roanoke to accept domestic I I I .. i. ... ,. = It U ~ wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 1953. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris , Aclopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOlJ'l'H SIDE OF U. S. ROl1l'E 24 .JUST EAST OF THE TOIm LIMITS OF VINTON, VIRGINIA, IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA .Q!U!!! .~~.~ ~,..e,fi ~. J-, 4 "~~ 7(-~. ,~ .~. ..,." This day came Bruce Jackson Pedigo, by Counsel, and requested leave to file his petition relative to rezoning the property to be described in said petition. NOll, THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 19th day of June, 1961, said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend said zoning ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by Code of Virginia that, upon receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board Shall ' "'.""""'t~ ~-4' -r$ --- forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissab1e regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice of said public hearing be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered \;nat one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered, with copy of said petition, by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke Co..nty, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted unanimously infavor of this order. ... On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. ~;;.;~ Harris, it is ordered that the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, ~--t-lf./Ir-/""'" consider re-zoning from Business B-1 to Business B-2, that certain tract of /i-. ~ a.. -#-- t- land lying in Roanoke County and belonging to Oak Grove Plaza Corporation, I.. ..'_ " more particularly described as follows: 398 The parcel of land containing 0.448 acres more or less, located at the intersection of Virginia Highway Number 686 and Virginia Highway Number 119 and frouting 118.40 feet on Route Number 686 and 149.99 feet on Route Number ll9, and being more particularly shown by plat attached to the petition of said Oak Grove Plaza Corporation. And it is further ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its recOlllllendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, upon receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the s_ down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and the notice of said public hearing shall be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the said Code of Virginia. And be it further ordered tiE a certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Mou1se, A. c. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I ., IN RE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADOPTED APRIL 18, 1960, AND RE-ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPER'lY WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at it's regular meeting i! " I held May 15, 196J, requested the Planning Commission of Roanoke County to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on April 18, 1960, by adding the words "non profit little theatre operations. following the words "recreational facilities" in Article 3, Agricultural A-l District, Section 3-1-4 and further requested the~ Planning Commission to consider re-zoning a tract or parcel of land situated at the intersection of Routes 119 and 685, being the property formerly owned by the Oak Grove Church of the Breathern, now the property of Showt:1mers, Incorporated, and to make a recoDDllendation in accordance with the provisions of the Zoni~ Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS the said Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at a regular meeting held on the 23rd day of May, 1961, recommended to this Board that said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to add the words "Non profit little theatre operations. following the words "recreational facilities" in Article 3, Agricultural A-l District, Section 3-1-4 and that the Board re-zone the said tract or parcel of land described in the Petition from Residential R-1 to Agricultural A-IJ and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order entered on the 15th day of May, 1961, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and I I . i I WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on June 19, 1961, at 3:30 p. m. as the date and time for public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the proposed re-zoning and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the World News and Roanoke Times, newspapers having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on May 27 and May 28, 1961, as required by said order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS said public hearing was this day had on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the proposed re-zoning by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS this Boad, after giving careful consideration to said recommendatio~ of the PIAnni~g Commission and after hearing evidence touching onthe merits of said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke 'County and the proposed re-zoning, is of the opinion thatsaid Zoning Ordinance should be amended as recommended by said Planning Commission and that the property described in the Petition filed herein shoUH be re-zoned as recommended by said P1ann:l.ng Commisl.on; NOll, THEREFlltE, BE IT RESOLVED AND lltDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 19th day of June, 1961. the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding to Article 3, Agricultural A-l, District, Section 3-1-4 the words "non profit little theatre operation" follomg the words "recreational facilities". .. 'I = 1-' .. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the tract of land lying and being in Roanoke County, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Virginia Route No. 119 at the northeast corner of the property owned by the Trustees of the Oak Grove Church of the Breathern and being also corner to H. W. Long property; thence with the center of Virginia Route No. 119 S. 210 50' W. 169.4 feet to a point; thence with the line of Otis H. McBride propertr along the centes of a private road leading to Long s property N. 82 40' W. passing an iron at 8/2 feet, another iron at 133.2 feet, in all 252.1 feet to a point; t~nce with the line of the said H. W. Long property, N. 5 43' E. passing an iron on side of road at 9.1 feet, in all 156.7 feet to en iron; thence with another line of Long property S. 84 05' E., passing a marked 248 chestnut oak at 8 feet, an i::'on at 264.6 feet, in all 299.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING and containing 1. 00 acres, moreor less, and being more particularly shown on plat made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E. dated March 31, 196~; and BEING the same property conveyed to The Showt1mers, Incorporated, by deed from Horace C. Spangler, T. A. Sowder and W. H. Broyles, Trustees of Oak Grove Church of the Breathern, dated April 7, 1961, and recorded in the C~k's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on April 10, 1961. Be and the same hereby is rezoned from Residential R-l zoning to Agricultural A-1 zoning. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that all copies of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted April 18, 1960, be marked as follows: c 400 ~~~ 9-! ;1. ?{. IJ~ t.. ').,.&., ., ~ ~:Ad fi . , . J .~ , .l-V' . lA. 7'1r- , .C.4-.~r : 3 t..r-;~t, :t,.~ ; ~. ...,./,/ "Amended June 17, 1961, by adding the words I non profit little theatre operations' following the words 'recreational facilities' in Article 3, Agricultural A-1 District Section 3-1-4; and to change the zoning map of Roanoke County to reflect the re-zoning of the above described property. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Hards, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I ., Upon the motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se seconded by Supervisor A. c.: Harris, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires, under the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1960, Cumulative Supplement, page 260 (Section 29-184.2) that the enforcement of the dog laws in said County be vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden, and said Board of Supervisors does hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a Dog Warden, and one or more Dog Wardens to assist the Dog Warden in the dog inspection activities in dog law enforcement, and It is further ordered that after the appointment of said Dog Warden and Assistant, by the Judge of the Circuit Court, that pursuant to said Section, the Treasurer of Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax funds to the State Treasury, and that the said County, after said appointments, shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I Whereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General County Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15-250 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, to borrow not earlier than June 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1961, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1961; and Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $50,000.00 for the purposes hereinbefore set out; I I N<JJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, and borrow as needed, not exceeing a total amount of $50,000.00 from such Bank of ~ Institution of this State as is willing to make the loan, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, for a period not exceeding five (5) days from the date of said loan; which said maturity date of said loan shall occur not later than December 15, 1961, said loan to be evidenced by the negotiable note of this Board of SlJPervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by E. G. Terrell, whose signature shall be duly attested by Roy K. Brown, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this board. It is certified that all temporary loans for all previous years have been n paid. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MOu1se and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None = " IN RE: APPLICATION TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN AND ABOUT THE CLOSING OF A CERTAIN PORTION OF ROSE AVENUE AND ALSO A CERTAIN ROUNDED CORNER LOCATED AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CCIlNER OF LOr SEVEN (7), SECTIm THREE (3), AS SHam ON THE MAP OF EPPERLY COURT. WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN MAP 2, PAGE 304. C. H. Epperly Order Discontinuing a Certain Portion of Rose Avenue and also a certain rounded corner as v. X identified above. The Public 111 ~ It having been called to the attention vf this Board that a typographical error exists in the resolution under the above caption, passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its December Meeting, ::'948, being December 20, 1948, spread in Supervisors' Order Book 11, at page 296, in that the map of Epperly Court was inadvertently referred to as being recorded in Map Book 2, page 304, when in fact said map is recorded in Map Book 2, page 204; And it further appearing, that pursuant to said resolution, theproper entry has been made on said Map Book 2, at page 204, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the action of the Clerk in so doing is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed, and said C~k is directed to make reference on original resolution to the Supervisors' Book and page on which this resolution is spread. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell c Nays: None 401 .. - 4:f. ----- ..~~ ~ 402 3~,' ........_...6., ~ ~C4K., ';;..(.....,~~~ I-' or ~..a( 15 ~.4. ~ J,. .,.,-{" s~ .4J~ ~,.~ ~Ji:. .~.~. ~tt;~ I ~ ~.c.. ~~ b 1>-1 Jb I On motion duly seconded and carried, it is requested that State Secondary Route 601, from Route II to Route 623 (Plantation Road), be induded in the Secondary Federal Aid Highway system. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I ., WHEREAS the property owners on l)tate Secondary Route 850 north off Route 117 to D. E. did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such names to take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 850 north off Route 117 to D. E.: NORTBRIOOE DRIVE. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. c. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I " On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective June 19, 1961: 4 - RECaIDING OF DOCUMENTS 4a - Clerk: An additional appropriation of $513.15 is hereby made from the General Revlllue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 5 - AlJlINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court: An addttiona1 appropriation of $1,200.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $2l5.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLIC WORKS lOc - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $2,293.11 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 18 - MISCEu.ANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS An additional appropriation of $1,635.87 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18a - AnnexatiOlii:. An additional appropriation of $1,602.12 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY An additional appropriation of $1,468.25 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 19~1, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I DOG FUND An-additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ~ LIBRARY FUND An additional appropriation of $1,587.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ '" A cOlllllunication from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, Maintenance Division, Secondary System, Maintenance, Maintenance Replacement and Construction Budget July 1, 1961, to June 30, 1962, together with Roanoke County Map showing 1961-62 Tentative Secondary Budget, received and ordered filed. ORDERED that the Board be adj ourned until Friday, June 30, 1961, at 7 :00 o'clock P. M. ~{1~ Chairman = Court House Salem, Virginia June 30, 1961 '" The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, met this day at the Court House thereof at 7:00 o'clock P. M. pursuant to adjournment from June 19, 1961. ~ Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. A. C. Harris offered a prayer. The foll",...:ing claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable '" therewith, to-wit: U No. 02975 Salem Office Supply Co., office supvlies for Commissioner of Revenue s Office $ 4.54 " 02976 International Business Machine Co., service agreement on IBM Electric & equipment 35.00 " 02977 Burroughs Corporation, office supplies &c 157.65 0 " 02978 Kee Lox Mfg. Co., Record paper 23.67 " 02979 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies &c 1,640.85 " 02980 Southeastern Radio Supply Co., Batteries for flashlights 3.12 " 02981 SUlllllerdean Esso Station, Maintenance County Owned vehicles 9.50 " 02982 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc., Wearing apparel, Sheriff's office 459.35 " 02983 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Police Car 2.50 " 02984 Beach Bros. Esso Servicenter, Maintenance Co. Vehicles 10.50 " 02985 H. M. Wood Plumbing Co., Repairs to Co. Jail 13.00 " 02986 Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel for C. S. Fire House 4.81 No. 02987 " 02988 02989 02990 02991 02992 02993 02994 02995 02996 02997 02998 02999 03000 " " " " " " " " " " " " " 03001 " 03002 " 03003 " 03004 03005 03006 03007 03008 " " " " " 03009 03010 03011 03012 03013 03014 " " " " " " 03015 03016 11 " 03017 03018 03019 03020 03021 " " " " " " " " " " " 03032 Pure Oil Co., Gas purchased for C. S. Rescue Squad $ 2.54 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire House 17.70 Magic City Motor Corp. Parts for Vehicles 18.29 Fechheimer Bros., Wearing Apparel for Firemen 49.50 Cave Spring Water Company, Water used at C. S. Fire House 5.50 Brambleton Gulf Service, Maintenance C. S. Fire Truck University of Virginia, Hospital Bills for Welfare Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare Jefferson Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare Board of Public Welfare, Monthly expenses Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare Keith K. Hunt, Committment proceedings 24.57 1,599.00 1,918.80 331.50 6,135.09 78.00 312.00 20.00 I I William H. Witt, Traveling expense incurred during duties as a member of the R. C. Planning Commission 90.00 G. Carl Matthews, Traveling expense incurred during duties as a member of the R. C. Planning Commission T. D. Steele, Traveling expense incurred during duties as a member of the R. C. Planning Commission Edward B. Lassiter, Traveling expense incurred during duties as Chairman of R. C. Planning Commission 90.00 90.00 90.CO M & S Machine Shop, Repair and Parts 89.75 Harvest Motors Co., Parts for Garbage Vehicles 3.28 Diesel Injection Sales Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 15.19 Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 302.66 Appalachian Power Co., Cost covering installing Power Lines for St. Lights 40.00 Mrs. L. A. Waldron, Registering and transferring voters Williams Supply Co., Starter and Lamps Jefferson Electric Co., Repairing Electric Fan Salem Paint Co., 1 New Step Ladder Dillard Paper Co., Janitor Supplies Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for distribution to various vehicles Pollard Construction Co., 1 Test Kit for Health Dept. I 10.70 19.12 3.75 4.69 36.91 735.06 15.95 J. B. Moore, Refund Fee for Electrical Master Examination that was not used 10.00 Hajoca Corp., Pipe for St. Signs 36.63 I Goodwin Chevrolet Co., Parts for Vehicle Graves Humphreys Rdw. Co., 1 new lawn mower Miller Tire Service, Re Caps for Distribution .78 42.38 32.85 I Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty cash fund 30.00 03026 C & P Telephone Co., telephone Service 468.27 03027 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 39.00 03028 Jefferson Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 39.00 03029 Board of Public Welfare, July disbursements 22,401.54 "03030 Farmers National Bank, Interest on Williamson Road Bonds 200.00 03031 Wade Journell, Painting Courthouse 19.40 Robert A. McNeal, Fire Chief, Reimburse payment of registration fee to Arson School for two County Deputies$20.00 iL.~ c. .~. CPff"-' 1/1//'I on motion duly seconded , r IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds I:"espectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: ~ No. 03022 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Crawford Cushion $ 2.46 " 03023 Esso Standal:"d Oil Co., Gaspurchased for Dog Truck 16.99 " 03024 State Dept. of Health, Rabies Vaccine 7.80 " 03025 Williams Supply Co., Lamps 14.49 = .. This day the County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following roads and the locations thereof, to-wit: An unnamed road from Route II south to D. E. - 0.10 mile appeared before this Board to make his rfOrt; whereupon, and carried, said Engineer's report is approved. And it is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and I it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER The PuMc and the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia ~ This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for South Drive from Route 117 to East Drive - 0.06 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Dillard Court, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 169 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting pl:"operty owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as South Drive from Route ll7 to East Drive - 0.06 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch c accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. S c..J.-..;... ..~~ ot.1.. -r.- c, . ~ ~!t:: H. . ~ 'to (2.... ~ . 7'f~1'" 406 tt.. . 41;" .C.~ ~e... ~~ I} s1" Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None . Board of Supervisors VB x ORDER The Public and the State Highway CoIIIllission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for East Drive from South Drive to West Street - 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Dillard Court, which map is recorded in :>lat Book 2, Page 169, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary'.. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as East Drive from South Drive to West Drive - 0.10 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a publiC road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MOulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton MOulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 20, 1960, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective June 30, 1961; 4 - RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS 4a - Clerk: An additional appropriation of $177 .8Sis hereby made frOlJl the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 5 - AlJfINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court: Ail additional appropriation of $148.40 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $4,317.22 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLIC waucs lOa - Engineering Department: An additional appropriation of $2,646.95 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - MISCELLAt."EOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS An a~ditional appropriation of $746.72 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending June 30, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I I I I I " = a y ~ On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton ~ ~o:~ ", -r. lJ-... ~ ~t Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on ~. ~.....;,... be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effecti~.~ ~ '('l.... ',LLr .cW. ..,.c. ~ s1' I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MOu1se, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ., June 20, 1960, July 1, 1961: For Educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and Expended only on order of the School Board: l7b - Instruction: An additional appropriation of $400,000.00 ia hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the fo~lowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris J1nd Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: APPOItmmNT OF MEMBERS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD: Pursuant to Section 37.1.1 and of the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance, adopted by this Board on September 19, 1960, on motion made and seconded, it is ordered that the following named persons be appointed to constitute the Roanoke County Electrical Examining Board, to serve without compensation, on said Board in conjunction with J. R. Taliaferro, Electrical Inspector of Roanoke County, for a term beginning July 1, 1961, and ending June 30, 1962, to-wit: GROUP No. 1 Electrical Utility Member Mr. Marshall G. Covey GROUP NO.2 Roanoke County Master Electrician GRC'JP NO.3 Roanoke County Journeyman Electrician Mr. A. Jackson Newcomb, Jr. Mr. Clayton G. Tinnell GROUP NO.4 Mr. Eric T. Nascho1d, Jr. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MOulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Naye : None ;, The Annual Budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, of the Department of Pu".a....c Welfare of Roanoke County received and ordered filed. r On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase a Burroughs Check Signer f