HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961-1963 . II IJ J' Illl (]I: Sill) I: II\flSIJ ItS III: I:IJ III) IIIJIJI(, t "r:I'::,~,~ .~~~~, - -..---,. --------------.--------~-.-,-- --.'-_-o_o......"~~~o_,__"..__...". -,- .....'___._. .-"'''-.-.~'-.-.--'~,.-c=>_~~..,_.w,_..._.".,_,,,.,,.,._..,._...,..,,__ ''''',." . CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT , t~~ta:::'~t:. ,:~5"':i' ,:;',1:-':;- '.: ~_." ',. . .~.~_, .,.,,--. .0"'."'."." -. :.~. , '", " , .' " :; ....'" . , . < . :t'!, :0.-...-..____ ___ ." ,"""':"',vn~' . . <, ~.~ " """""'>r'1':"-~ - "j. . . . I , . " . . . . ~ : " 1 ____. CERTIFI CATE OF AUTl/EUTI CITY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERr1ANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS CFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET \'IERE ~lADE AVAILABLE FOR 11ICROFILi-1ING BY THE LOCAL HECORDS BRANCH OF THE ARCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AS AUTHOR I ZED BY SECT! ONS 15.1-8, 112.1-82, AND 42,1-83 OF THE CODLQE.j!j.RGl.!ifA. THE PURPOSE OF THE. t'IICROFIUmJG IS TO PROVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS. j I I I i I I ~id,,/ l( (/&~ rkd; (LJ42'! D\ TE --- APRIL 2, 1984 l . i j ~ I I I :...1' Accounts -- 1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 23, 24,: 25, 41, 42, 43, 4lf, 59, 60, 61, 62, 71, 72, 7~,74,75, 86, 87; 8889102,103,10/. 1105116,117,118,119,151152,153,154. 155,/!,;; 1.89, !l . 322 3/90, 19i, 1~2, 206, 207, 2b8j 2b9, 210,229,. 230, 231, 232,243,,258,259,:;60~261~t.&2___, ~85'309, -, 6,339-343,359,- 363,377-322 p04-i:307,435-43t', 413.. 464 _ 467 i ,i -~. ~i-" .. ---..-..-- ~----._.__.._---.._. . -- -.1 --- ': .1 ,:n_ .. '-_'.__. _ .._ ,i .. Appalachian. Power. Company voucher-check I retrb-active to date __ 6, 30, 46, 76, 90, 1071121, :! 212,._. _____j~~7-'f3~~,:F5:3!>4, 364,365, 3e3.~pecial ~93 ,399.L42, 469 ..... ......I-.!i Allen, Edward S.CountyAgentreport --i6, 3~,46, 64, 91,107,121, 157,193, 2l2,24~,26?_{~9_4.__.. l ~I~.~~==~-".'j~------ ....-- r13, :28, 345,365.381, 39$,442.4701_1: g ~"':-'-~'~~neral Appropriation 0 d" I nli 15 36 93 ll1 139, /i3, /fLJ:'<13, .346, C6"5n..-~--_- .. '--"---. _._.u.n.u.. en en r 1nanj:e , ' , '.' r,- f ,4Cl4, "'''u' !L14, Ii I .i . +_u. .-_. --_..,____ ________'+ .______.____ _. _____...u_. - - _______ _.._.. _. _. "I..--._.._-_.~:t ___",~_.'__',_, _u_._____ ...__1. Annexation. Town of Vinton petition oppolsing .filed. -- 16, . u . ... m -.-. ..-I..-..-..-L.... ..._. -I-.___~..l_ Audit _ of ~ormant R'3MOO~~~, _ Judge_ of .Juv'flile ~and Domestic Relations Court and Roanoke [County __'__' I ',our -,. 'I ' _..n____ '_._ u.i __ Andrews, Thomas. J. Ellen. F. William L. iJr. James B. II, rezoning certain property. n133, 5~,__.u_ il Amendment of contract, City: of Roanoke f"'ith County of Roanoke transportation and tre"tment'i --.------~r..Area certa~::m::~ec~~~:~~t83di~~4~f3~oat~k4~:h 4JoOdn":; of Ro~oke transport~tio~ an; trea~:en~ .- '-'-"---r- of' sewage -'-- 35, _. , ;: . -. - .- ;!...-- -----_....___L_ Audit of Records of.. Roanoke.. County and ~ames! E. Peters, Treasurer 38, /"1-"1, 3l3, ..... ! .-........i.-.---- ,i I : I ___..__..'.1- Annexation, ,opposition .to by _ Town ofYirjton_f.iled -- 40,_......__.___.. .__.__......_.__.._.._._..j..._....._:__..__ .) ! : ,j , Allowance covering overd1:aft Treasurer ,..- 47, :: - ----------.:.- - - . .. _, _'_ ." .u..._.._ _._._.____....____.__.______._.___.._.___.._.__________._(__,_.__.___~_.___.__ __._..__~____il_ Aerospace .Research.. Corporation, propose~ Indf.'",sstrial Access Road from .Rt. ..116.. to prope!rty .Of.' _ the~.. 'I' &c communication -- ?3, .~ I I ..___._.__.~-Allthorizat:ion..for .payment_of .state.and~ocal~ hospital.bills .as ..of.. certain date..-- _54,[39$,1........_.. '. " - 18 .______._!_Appropriation.Ordinance. --.57, 93, 139, 1165,1.97, 41 (~.4 lilt .' ____.._____~: __ Appalachian Power Company Chairman of ~ard authorized to sign _.____J_Appreciation.expressed to.Board-- 58,_,___..~__. .. Ii ~I_"~=~==i=~::::i::~:~:v::~ :::-~:;~~::~ ~~-.~~~~~- Ai~ 'I Allowances fixed for County offi.cers --167 :i ____.___________..__01__ I ' __ 'I Enactment of amendment to annexation st~tute8 resolution ---~'-----'J - Amendment - to .. Annexatio~ s ~atutes enactm~nt of resolution -------_..._---~- - '! Annexation amendment to statutes ~nactment: of resolution 67, ---------L Annexation _Town. of _Vinton ..v. _ County Of! Roan<;ke, _ attorneys . emPloy~~'==;;=~~~~_=~~'.I___J_ _...____..__LAmenCiment of.Contract. betwee~_ C6it9y Qf ,Rci.aJ!.?skE!. ,a6ngd.cou6nty .of Roanoke.dealing. with. treatment ;bf._._..._ I waste , 23c.,..,; v~ '" '" , 47 , ,I :. Amendment of .ewer contract between Roanoke City and Roanoke County letter filed -- 69, 335470 - ..._..__ - .._ _....._ ..._ - n_ .... _ ~ _ _.. _ __, _ _ __ ._ . ... .__~. ___ ._ ,I Annexation proposed laws James C. Turk Jxpressing appreciation letter f~led -- 77, ! 'I -.-----i-.-.- . -... -... ... .... .. -- - - .!.;.. ... ...~ "-';""-----r---' ______._____._: _ Archie's _letter filed enclosing peti tio~.. -- _79,________._.__.._.__..__._..___._ :__;_____ " I i' +~...___..._..___. L Acceptance. of. Gaymol Drive ...:.~_.9l 'u.__.,...____.~___..._._ . ._....._ __.___.________.___........______.__.__.._.._. i' ;1 Annexation amendment General Appropriadon Ordinance -- 93,224, 238, 31:3 i ': _~~'-+-'---+-~-':","'-' _... - n_ _ . __ _ .____._n__ ,___________+._____ I- ,i AIlgell, Frank R. & Louise R. rezoning c~tain property -- 9/f, /'I~ I - .. _=~=~~r Amend~n;. hours .. f~r ~ sale .. a~d ..c~nsumPti~ndf. bee;. &c.. in . Roa~oke _ cou~:;_ ;~~:d-=-~~~~~-,~~.~]'" --.- ,! Amending Section 1-22, Article 1, Defini~ionsi of Zoning Ordi.nance -- 109,139, I ______ ---~- - - - ._ - ; ________n__._.._______..__ .._.. _.__...._._._____._. 'I Appreciation expressed of Board of efforcs of Roanoke City-County. Civil War Commission -- 110, ..---~-_..~~-~--.r -. -- . - 1 :; - 1-" 1..._.. m.._._.__1.Assign numbers. to. Wyndale Avenue &c. n l;LO ,_~.. _ _. .... .._ !......._: =_ _'__ __..1. APpalachian~~1~~. ~~miflY' Modification .. o~ . con~ract between Roanoke.. County Board of Supiervisors ;1 ' i 11 _..---...n..---.:~~~j...~~~l"yL "':,.~ -r- r~. 4 ~A'~ ~~ ..//S; ___ m_ ..___J. Audit: of Clerk's Office -- 122, 443 ! ' .--__-'1 Air Conditioning Unit. in Clerk's Office,;purchase of -- 143, _...____....._._..___L Air Conditioning .unit request for Sheriff's Office -- 145, 44'" -------.---~"'1~.)...-'-~ /',tt,;K-;.., 200,413,491, : ----- ---- -~~~-<jft'~ a. .h C/..r) 1'~7' ~ .. J~='~" '. -- _.____._~~r. ~'~7,,;; .~;;~cf'";~ ~~~ '~7 ...-.~- __.__:~'~.J ....~__ . v_u.._(,.~]...~<..-e.C/~~~/y.~...-..-..m-...-..... i ~__~'!'"~.'J._tJ_9-''''' ~~..,.. ( I""-_H~::L",,-'Z,?.ta-~ If3, 275 , -..-----.--..-.--- --....-.-.-- . -.-------. -........---.- ....-..------ I supplemental.to.contraFt &c i " -- ---- --.-~'+_. .-.--. ---- .-.--.--.-,-------+- ---~ , ----.. -.-..---. i' . ~~~~ -;n~ ~~~~~~~~t..:-::-..64 ,'" .-..-----,--- 1:--- . -..... - ,--- '1-- - ..._.. H.'_. .._._._. ._.._.....J. ._._.~.,._.___ I Ii . ._ L ......_ .; __...__ .. I , 67, 67, :1 i :! , Ii . I I! a~ ./14-' d~~ "-~ "1.1: cu......; -- ~A"~~~A.~ ~....,~._ .~; / "~<<- , ~A~2,::!:-~'d.h~ ~-p; ~~. _nr' - -, i II Ud'Jr-_, -~ '1 k........ 1 "1 /iI'-1'-L h' 1 1.1 ' ," ma ng u a~ 1:1 to op~rate motor ve J.C ,~ &c " Amendment of <lrdinance be proposed for ad ptio~/while under influence of alcehol &c 187; ,: Alcohol &c amended ordinance making it un~awfu; to operate metor vehicle &c while under I the influence . of -- 187, I Ii I :i _._... ~uditor of Public Accounts -- 194, Repert - 297 ' " ~"Appointment of. Members of Roanoke countYj Elechical Examining Board 197, ii :i Additional projects undertakn by Roanoke Counc.y San~tion Authority 200, 235, 329-305 , I) il :1 Amendment to Section 3 of Dog Ordinance 'otic~ -- 204, 'I _. ._. ': Annual settlement filed, Treasurer of Ro ::Amount of License Ordinance Providing for 'Audit of Sheriff -- 234, 443, I' oke ,county -- 219, Regulatien of Dogs 11 il -'-1-- ----, .. -- 220, __"" :.Appropriation, acknowledging receipt for frippled Children I s Hospital -- 235, .'American Oil Company,rezoning Vinyard tra~t271:I, ~'--~Automob'ile Trailer o-cdinance, amendment t~ -J 272 '1 I Ii '. Andrew Lewis Place, Rezoning ---273 349 i " H Airview Court, Was,e Disposal Amendmt. ~78 Approval I ~ ' .:' lppropriatiop from General Fund f-or Welfare etc 295,296 ___ ~.~ppropriatien _Ordinance.-. amellldment ~300 ~347,371, l14 " ____,,:!. Amendment te' Agr~ement witll the -Reahoke :Vjne;:~~ional Planning !:om.--314 __.__:Assessment ~llle,.lIlil1er E. Petty ~19 IJ~sistant (Otto B.W.Praher) 3::3 Ii .__Authority" to sign .contract on Health & Lelfa~e Center 322 I h . ;1t"thorl ty . to borrow fnnds, 335 ,419, 446 f463 ~ 464 475 II II __._1.Amendment.to.Ord1nance.1n re;_unauthoriz d us,e of Sewer lines "etc. 337..338 _. ___. :.Automobl.le for.Sherlffls office :336,Fid f~1~d3"3-Q. ____.J Andrew Lewis Place, letter from Civic r,e4",ue 11 349 ,i I II ____m: Appropriation request for Children I s Heme! ;:;oci.ety- 367, ___jr.mendment.to Swilllll1ing Fool Ordinance - 317 'i Advertising on County - Property- 366 __J. Adding Machine Overdraft Approved - 366: _ I !I_ ii I, il il II -.1: Ac'd 'n1. I i I il -. i ---. ~._..J." I Ii t ~- I I I J ii /. 0'.____. r-.---- I Ii .~ i f- .:' Ehen s e3 47,401" --'- ---.- __h. i'. Ii "Ii-- I II I ,i - -. !I " -- ~ --.-".. _ -- -- ,,-----.------ l~t~ ~'--:-':~=I'= i Ii I Ii I !I ]"" 11 .- 1 , I I I I ' I ;.~, ': . I I I ! I I II -i_ F :1 ""!. " " Ii 330 'i II 3$5 ,406+407,422-444, 440 - 460 il 84 Ii -n ____Austin, ~I.J., .re-zoning petition denied, 01 ii .: __ _.~PPointment of Electrical Examining Eeard 1400 ~ j . ___ _~ppropr~4t~on reQues~e~ ;er Cave Spring: " cr~~~ion Park, 409 ____~ppropription for Pureha~e and expense of ~choQl P~ses 411 _____.__._:~llocations fo:- Interstate 81 & Primary System ~ . L'9tt.er in re: 1.03 I Ii Ii ;,.irConditioner Units for T:-e3.surer '.s Off'rice. UG , 462, :' ~-=~_C~nditiol1er Unit for Cemmis~icner of _ -evejue O'--fice 44Q. 462 .)Allowancefor Special County Ofnoer fl'ltr.. rized : 450 I Ii : Ayers, Guy, Letter to C.e.Boone in re retarement of : 472 I . ___.__,,'Agre"ment. Memorandum of in re Opelll-Space: !.and: 477 .1 ,is8essed value of Rail "oads ete in Va., laeoo~ from State Coroerat'en "ommission ::Amcs, 5j-,,", , ",,,.,fd'-[ r-"c l'h,d, Clt"o. b,.cc!j ) 1-11- I I I ! ~ i ___"Additions toSe,zondary. System-366 . .___.! Abandenment ef Roatis-371 ,385 i" __._J _ Allec9.t:;.ens to County secondary System II .__ii,.___.._... L I' 'I L ii 'I Ii Ii Ii il :i I, " " --'1'- . -.-- - --1-' :--:_,,- -.-. 472i , --,.--... ,..-..--- ,I II Boone, C. E. 'I I :i Ii Sheriff. office anQ travel expens~€ -- 6, 30. 46. 64, 77. 9l, 212. 240~67. 29'+, 3l3' 3"..3415. 365.3t!4, 3'18,442,470 , I , 107.121,157, 193, .1 Boone, C. E. Sheriff, f~r'y statement efcfrfgJner days3.sgr~,ed in Jail -- 6. 30, 46,' 64. 77, 91,107. .157,193,-212; 24. 294~!3'" .<145,365,3P4,J08,44<>. 470' ',' - I , ,; - - - ---T --- ,,----- -- _ ----1 I II , I -- - L Boiler,County Court House, Inspection ~f -- 16. 268, ~:~--:_--___ ____1.. Brandon Construction Company rezoning c~rtai~ property -- 14, -T~ ____1__Burke, T. E. Rezoning of certain properfY --t16. _1_ 'i Beavers, James A. petition requesting e~tension of Barnett Rc,ad -- 20. I :1 Barnett Road, petition requesting exten~ion bf -- 20, 1-----] -- Bradsha~, Bet~y Tom Andrews et als rezo~ing ~ertain pr-operty -- 33, 55, ----------1- Bartley, Ilr. ca~itt K. et~~- (~ynn-Dell[Esta~es) 12.66 A~~es amend contr~~-~-~i-t~ of Rp~~~~~-:"'~~~-- --- - -.~ - - County of Roanoke trails port at ion and treatment of sewage -- 35, !" - ----------L- Biennial_ Budget Estimates _ Department ofl Publ~c _W~lfare Roanoke County, _Virginia _ -- _ 38t _______1'__ ___.__ i! Barnett Road to connect with State Rout~ 111418 offer to purchase portion of property of Ge~rge D. ~~_==~=-==J__B;ue _ Ridg;a~b:~c~i~SiS ~ sani~ari:-~~:~~:~ w~th. Catawba. sanitar~:m--=--~~~- .. --J--~.---:! '-__________t.Beer._and/or _wine _ sale _ and. consumption o~ _ res~lution &c __-_-_ ;'8, .100, _uu____ ___"m__._ _______1_ ' .1 ; < I ': Belle Haven, private water system trouble -- 182, : --------------~- Blue Ridge P~rk for Indust~y abandoning jand 610si~~-~f-~rade crossin~--~--.:-=--i.l.i.------i--- .---.,- ---- _.__.u_m_..nw__ ----..- .----- -. "-1--- - -" 'i i ii ___"_Beer/wine_copy_of.order_prescribing hours not;hesold filed --_111, _________ '1 __m_______ ____ _ _-1_ Bowles, _ W. _ D. Grandview Heights Riverda~b CiJj.c Club obj ecticns & requests &c __________________t Beach Brothers. Motors, Inc . and Oren Ro~oke ~orporation estimates filed -- 1l3, ---w--J-~--1.I;(~ -;(~~i~ .//1'-, _159,. -------------------------/---"-- _1________~I.-1J-4'.j'~ v-t~.~_r'f'7< :,.;..,4~/ //.5; -------------- .-- T-- _____________Bryant,Rev.James_prayer-.:_115, : 1_______________ . _n -L_-.~....___ J_ B,ureau of Laboratories, State Departmenb of !lealth, report filed -- 121, I II r Budget synopsis to be prepared -- l23 I bl" d 403-401. I --.. - ---------~-BrOgan, C. P. &-Lena A. rezoning-cert:i~IPUpro1~:'ty -- 137. 150, - - "-r-" ______________ L, Brookside _ Golf Course _ and Driving Range action requested in regard to. uncontrolled .fJ.rod l:f;ghts--,_ "I 142, T " i 'I ____ __________ ~-Budg.et _ detailed _ prepared _ for fiscal pllinning _and _informati VB purpos~s for year _1962- 963 _:,____ ___________ ..-:i _~ t"..n ~ ___.I g 1___ __ I Ii f=~ed_'16c, 1.04,--_ _____. un...! --..1:-----__ _______ ___ j JJJ,L__.__(f)2.c.~___J 8/_______ _ !___~n____ --------------------------------1..----"- :1 Bowman, Fred L. & Kathryn H. rezoning of certain property onBrambletonAvenue or U. S. 1221 -'~ 220, __ ___..__.m_"..__~.. _____ _ __ ,______ . __ _ 1_ _ _., -'.------- -. - - -, '-'-'...-.- ---- --.-. ill I -------1- Bor~ow for deficit in General Revenue F~d for General. County .operations -_ ~_221, 222. 1335_, ~446__ ______.______!__Bids for County Fire Truck filed -- 242.: _______u_______ ____________.____.___!___.._.______ I _______.: Bedget,JinalLfer Secondary-System ---2?4 -1________ i __ llroeklawn .Haste _ Disposal Amendmt. 278, 331 -- I __-------~Bend _ Issue. .Bank Service _ o:2fer 297 I :i Bend Issue Election for Scheel 304 113. _ I .336._: _ .... I --.-.t-- ! ----..---- .-----.-! I! Bon", Additional fo;:" Treasurer 304 _____ _~_ '___._H _ __'______ _ i ' _I _;Bro\'m. Cel.J.Sinc1air, ,-isH to 304 ! Bowers. R.W. Bid for Health Center 305 .________ _ N ________"___ -------..---.-- : BOiler.. Mercy House Tnspectieil 345 ..-.----- - I J Brooklswn Subdiv. request for Sewer lines 350 j Bond_Issue,Special meeting 352, 374 ! Bond,Ferm cf 354,Interest ceupon ftlrm,3~5,Notice of Sale.356 J Bond Issue: List ef Bidders 375 ----~.--- " ______ _ J Bank of Salem,Bond Bid 375 .____~_Budget_f'or_,.;jecond~ry ;;)yste~ ;.~7, .__.__..1_ Behen....: leyd andRuby _;;;. ,Rezoning__3SS ,.ftnal' Orde;-,. 477 _____ Burrow Pit permit to Cardinal Cor5tructio~ Ce. 3P9 a i .i ,I il ,I 'I ._;; I I L 'I County Payroll __ 5, 29,45, 63,76, 364 ,3il3 .399,441, I I I 90,1120, ;156, 193, ! 1 211, 233. i 266,293 ,311,3:7,14'11 I /- -- 6,30,46, 64, 16,90, j , I ! I C & p_Telephone Company voucher-check a~proved retro-active to date , 107 267" I' , 121, 2l2, 234, ,*2.32[7,344, }64,365, 383,3"9,442. Cave Spring Water Company voucher-c~ec~ ap~;oved retro-active to date -- I Ii !I 6,)1_: ,364, .1_ ,,_,....., ..._ I I 199,216, 235,3R'7, 403'.1,._.._., =1 I' II Communications -- 7, 115,40,47, 53,69,100,101,144,194, -.:.j---- ...-". I :1 I Ii i __._____..!I_Garter, Charles Edw;:rd,. petition.and Or~er fop Re-Zeningfer Convalescent Home_..444._! il C01lllllOnwealth' s AttorneySalary and Expe~se Account filed no action taken 15, ::l.. ,\-3 I _ _n_____ _un:! _._ Commissioner of Revenue Salary and Expebse Account filed no action taken 15, .2..':' 3.1. i I :: ( ___n___ ____L.capital Outlay General Appropriation ~dinaI1Ce _ amended -- 15, _ 70, 139, 164, . .. i II ; I I ~_. _' --u=~-_-~_-_:ll =-- ~~:~::'~:::k:.~:~a~8:3~:::~n~:;F:::'::~~:3;::,:,p~".,,= ~d ~~~;::~;n;l..~.~.~. I sewage -- 35, , /i?7, , . . !' " -----------1- Cherryhill Park, Section. 3 amend contr t _ Ci"ty _ of _ Roanoke. w~th _ County of Roanoke traI\sport~tl.on_ :1 and treatment of sewage -- 35, i " ! ,: _____:_castle_RockFarms (169.7 Acres, more 0'1 less) amend contract City_ofRoanoke_with_C09nty_o:!c__ I' -Roanoke transportation and tre"ltment of sewage -- 35, :' ___ ______.____ __..____ Crossroads. Mall, 25.00 Acres Skyway De~elop~nt Corp. amend contract City.of Roanoke: IwithCounty_ " of Roanoke transportation and treatment of sewage -- 3S, ' I' __n_____~ _Carr, _George _D._offer_ to_purchase_portipn o( property refused _-_-_39,__ ._________________1 ___:1____.__ , : I ~ I Comr1aint of property owners north of ~tate Rt. 628, Kingstown Road in vicinity of rock qU~trry ___nn_____._.__~--- and asphalt mixing plant lettet filed -- 40,. .,. -- .' I - ~ --- . _________i__Contribution _ for. Children's. Home SOcie*y of~Virginia _letter filed -- _.40, _ 367, _ ______ i...----!! ____ ____ I I i, II . .______ ___ ] _ County _ employees payment of salaries --; _ 50, ~ --. --..- --.-- ----..-------.-----r----., _____ Chairman of Board authorized to sign instrument vacating plat &c 53, 1;1 I ." _..__.__.....,._1 __ __J___CountY. Purchasing Agent authorized to purchase IBM equipment -- 54, _ __ . ______ i--..--!! _______ ; i I, I :: :1 Chairman of Board authorized to si.gn supplemental to contract. with Appal...chian :~owe~. Company_ --....------J-- former -&c - 58,' . I - .. . -. ~ _I____~ _ Cundiff,_ W ._E../Chairman. of _Board. ",xpressed _!IlPpreciation_ to Beard.. -- _58, .~._____.___l__.__u_!__.___ __________1__C01liIlA,_Rev.GarlA._prayer .-- 59, i.__ _: ______ ____ ._________.__.___________ ________I_______iL....___ , I -- I Creation of new position Secretary-Deputy Sheriff's Office -- 65, . i ---1-- ~ .-------! ------'. .--,.-.-.--- , ~ ' II ___________...__J__Compensation Board .fixing allowances of Cou~ty offices -- _ 67, j 1'1, _______._____; _. ___.. .:____...__ 'I I I; I .1 )_COmmiSsf.oner of the Revenue fixing of e'lpens~_accounts and salary -- .67, 31'1 _ __I ;! .----- ___________L C,01lllllOnwealth 's.. Attorney _ fixing. of _ expen!1e ~cc;ount. and salary. -- ..67, :'.1 q_..______..._____ ,___.___ ~_______ ___.__J.. Closing_ proposed Hollins _ Passenger . Stat~on. -~; _ 68, _. ______________ ___.________.___ i ____.___:_______ ____._ -.----L Clerk I s _ Office _ recommended changes in -..: 68, ~______ ___ _ _ . _______..__ .-..----i.-------L-.-- _ :1 I i: i _-----.l_Changes_r~cptllll1ended_in_C~k' s .Office _ --. :68, __:_.____________._______________________:__..__~---- ______ _.1_ Contribution to Res<;ue __ Squads _ -- _ 69 L.._ _ ___.___._ _____.____ _____________________.___. j __._,__ :; : :. __.______ ____~ _ City__ of _Roanoke. and Counf:y.of Roanc,ke a"!endiT!g .centract treatmlmt of .waste _ -- _ 69,/-I'-1'! 2H, 1:328--_ I ; , ' 'I ______________~._ Catawba Sanitarium cembining_ with_Blue _R;idge _Tuberculosis Sanitadnn -- 69,... -------- i ______:. ______ .___.....__J_ Chapman,_ C. __D. _Delinquent _Tax_ Collector .coll~~tedtwice on1958 _personalproperty.tax in __93~___.___ =1~__.________Lcarroll, __Robert T._refundof1958 persoqal~r_operty.tax collected twice_ -- __ 93,__.._. 1._.__li .____________..1 _ Cook Heirs _ rezoning. certain_proper::y --194,/1<:; ______ __ ...___ ___.______ _____n.___. !__._.. .___________.____.1.. Chamber of _Commerce. Report of Committee Jon Improvement of State Tax Structure filed - 100, i i! Civil War Centennial Commission letter filed .~- 100, - . - __1'--- _un -- i _City._o~_R~ano~~_~n~ Town of Sa.lem amending co.ntract resolution filed ,I Clerk amended General Appropriation Ordinance -- Ill, -- .- -- ----..--- -- . :i Civil Defense -- General Appropriation Ordinance amended -- 111275, 108, .._'---' ------ -..----.---<. .. .,.- i! Contract Modification bet1l<'een Roanoke c6untyil Board of Supervisors and Appalachian Power Co:: ---- -:;- filed -- III :'i . i :i Council City of Roanoke 'letter written to terminate Roanoke County Sanitation Authority -- [112, -..----,-, OJ' . - : '\ : I : County Purchasing Agent authorized to purchase One Dodge 1962 Model c900 Cab Forwa.rd and -.m----T ~ Chassis -- IJ3, ~ et,1",L d. ' .__.-p---'-e ~~;>U~d -,",,"- -rr ,,!,/i;~(:?~ -, ..~<-/ 1/5; , ! Clerk 's Office, Audit of -- 122, U,3, ! ' ._______ - .! i I" II _._ ___ _ ._______ .. Commonweal th of Virginia __ approval of saJ.e of: certain property by Mercy House, Inc. --! l42,.: Commonwealth cf Virginia seeking to acquire certain p'roperty in cennection with Interstate Route -- . ---- - 81 -- 143, --- -- I - . Clerk's Office, purchase of Air CO'CIditicning!IUnit -- 143, I;' Secondary S stem .Budget, Copy filed -- 144, 3 i'7 , c~mmonwealth of Virginia, (~ ~"","..( /1'<1, Commonwoa1th of Virginia purchase of t ac~ ~c for Limited ACC~~~t~i~Wa! -.pfEj of 1 S i - Gen-ral Appropriation Ordinance amendment 164 Contractua erv ces ~ I ,. I I. ,I I Ii I I Cherry Hill Park policing of certain aria -- '194, Covey, Mr. Marshall G. appointment member of Roanoke County Electrical Exam~n~ng Beard ... Craun, Harold W. et al operatin~~nd maiptain,ing sewer system &c -- 201, "('__:-r ~.....;e~, I ~ I. ')....0'> -l- .:i~~ ~,~ v..^~../ . " _a."......{~/j .,Chapman, C. D. Collector of Delinquent! tes a~mual report -- 213, ., Commissioner of Revenue maintenance agree ent bn Addressograph-Multigraph machine and .. office furniture and equipment &c -- 216, _~ Clerk's .office, purchase of twctables fori use fin vault -- 227, "Cook, Bernard, resigned member of Roanekell Coun~y W<1fa:.:e Board appreciation _-_- 228, II ____.'!Crippled _ Children: s Hospital, letter file~ ack~owledging re<;eipt of appropriation -- II ____j~O~~~y _~i~~orian appointment of -- 238, I ~ " , II ,:Confederate Army and Union Army forces s~te at Hanging Rock -- 238, _.m_. ... I II H Combination Pumper for County Fire Truck i- ~ 242" 'I II .__: Control..Committee 249" ',Chapman, Benj. E., Attorney(for residents Moun~ Pleasant Section Gale Cyphers Farm) -.-.......... .. I .. __..__ !i Children' s Hem~, Society of Virginia, reqtlest ~or appropriation 268 367, _..._' . _c.~p, T1;ai1er'_..AIr1e~dment to ord~nance 1272 ~ ' 'I Circuit Court, Additional Apporpriation-. 27511 ---- -- " ;' Crestwood Park, Waste Dispeal ----278, ;; 9 Ii t----------- '; --.-.~"'----."- 'I _._.. .._:: Caldwell,J.walker, Bid on Health Center 305 County Tax Levy for year 1962 - 166 I C~,~:'rr' I ~ I ~,~~I( /8 I !) --' -_.::Compenea.tion BOIlrd, Allowance fer Prem! urn .patawba Distric~ Voting plac~ change 336 Cain'S Store aba~doned for voting place 0 :: County Administration, Amendment -to Gen ,; Chapman-IUce,peti tion for re-zoning Ii ~ II 313, i! Glenvar Precinct 336 11 npropriat1on 346 49, Denied - 373 " ._Comfort, Jill' presents fpcts on'llater 5i uo.tion, 373 Committee of V.hole Appointed tv Study';! ~omprehensive Study of Water Resources,R Clerk's Office tepurchase new Typewrite I' ter 1 373 j sclu1:1on in rp.: 366 II =37~ jl 72 Ii I' :1 _Chase 1-13.nhattan Bank, .Bid cn Bonds - 3751 ., Ohemical.Bahk New Yerk Trust CO'&Asscts~' Bid ~n Bends - 375 'i I, .1 Cox,..GHbert, Repert en Flood eentrol Da,.s 381 I 'I II 1.___... Conselidated County f-lembership in Va. Le1gue ..: 387 ! I I! Comprehensive SewerSystem,Letter in re: 334" I: , Chamber 6f Gemrnerce letter in re: Refusa~ to ~pplY for Federal Funds 385 :;' Cave Spring \~ater Co. ,Letter in re: form1tien iiof \"hter Survey Co!!:mittee 385 , 'i Camp:~ell,Carl E., Appear in re: Water Syslt~!l1 ail; Belle Haven 31'l:5 , - . I: ~'cardinal Construction Bompany Application for IBurrow Pit 389 ,: Cave Sprinr Recreation Park, Ce'll"littee tJ stvi;y,4Cn ;, CO.ve .sprinG ~€,zoni:1g for Cb:n!'l'lr:ity liosp:l.t;ai: 411 I , Gh,a!:lberof commerce, Va. State, Repo:'t Fqed. 403 Ii ~ertificate ef_Public Convenience, Gmoryi~. ?~nnlp.ton .Cell'~itteeto Study Denat;ons for Parks - Caldwell-Sites 403 462 Co. Bid on Office Equipment Filed .-. i :: i " (..:L~(,ll~~ _)l'~f (F(,.4'lk I II p~,-sfl"\I'\€..l~ (+1~ II , . /" I ' C .._~:.L.Ln~\/..?.il.._,- If) ~,' emt~lc,~_~j _ h~ t~ ~ C I ear b r ell I::.. Fl re.. SiC! + ~ CO r0 , C- k31\.r~ ~ sin U2J,-- ,- I i I i , i 25tl., I I 197, Ii i i ! r:Ep~ir~ . to II I. !'- I! 'i I~ . i! , , 'i . it -- --'1 -- ... I: I I I I -" II ji, II --'"... il .-;: 'I I' ." II II II ii 'j - ;i Ii " ;'- ii .11 j ,i !i ._.1 '0_'____ " !, ;1 1=' ..--1- U'''___'I__ . .------, .-.- "--~..I..:~ --1- , i I I . Dog Taxes &c -- 4,25,44,62,75, 89, 10~, 106,119, 120,155,/1'3. 192,210,211,232, '1289.:326,343,363,3$2,410,,414,43[,468, : 1 f ..u.J. Dog account Thomas L. Green, not a11owe~ 4, .. J Delinquent Taxes collected by Clerk -- '... 30:,46, 63, 77, 90, 107, 121,157, 193, : 24e, 267~943l~,32S,345, ..>65, 3$1., 400, 442,470. ....~ ......u_.__.__..u. _ ..... .. _n.. - .. ' um.....j ._DeanL George _W.State_Forester, Forest fire. control activities letter filed -- 8, :) Ii. 239 !..1?,~l~6, ...._._;..Deficit.in.GeneralCountyFund for Gene~alCounty Operations.-- 17,- '...u _ _ :i Department of Public Welfare, Roanoke county; Biennial Budget Estimates -- 38, --1' , , I Division of Markets -- 47, I i: . i .... ....~]_ Dictatin~ Machine IBM p~rc~:~~ of &c 154, I--J--.-..- '_ H___._U_ :1_ Dog Law;; _ appropriation. ordinance -- 58, In I! H' H' .U . . L_..__ ,; .____.._. I ~ 1 I I 'I __ _.__._.__\_Deputy-Secretary.creation.of_new positi9n_She.riff's_Office-- 65, .. ___ _.....__.....j.____!,___.._.__. ,I Dogs, proposed adoption ordinance to pr~ide :regu1ations of days &c -- 78, I:: -.----.HU-..T.. . I - 1"-";--'''-'- :1 Deed ordered destroyed -- 82, I r I ,I . --..---.-------- i-----. ..- . .-- --- ----.----- --.------~- r --..,.-..- ~ ..----..--"-. ---. .---~._--- .-. - .-._,._..__._.._-_._..~ ----1 m_no. ..- '; ,_.~--_.,- ___._.___Lr>epaEl:1IleIlt _ of_ Public.Welfare _ BuJget _ Exhi~its _~lled.:.:.. 83, ---.---.-------.-.----______..____1...___1__._ _.._____ _.___JDog .ordinance _ --95,220, __.___._______ i __.. . _______ _.. ....._ ----____.._._l_mm L_..__.. ! , ____.._m____LDefinitions _ consider_amending. Section .1~22. . A:rtic1e _1, Zoning Ordinance .:::~_109, I , , , il . I I =~=~==.-===t:::e ~~:::r~l;::~e~:~:~ C::~:::::d~:n:r:J::: i;~:;t::::::~ ~:t p::;:s~~ -~!+~~3 '..._~~---.--_.I.._~~-._" .....____ ,: 1 ' I :, _ ..______ .---.--.t Dog Warden resolution. to. appoint. 144,;.410,'. .._ .__.____.__1 I, -- - -- :1 I , ! ______._...____._._._. ~_ Deputy Dogll'arden resolution to appoint In 144,.1.10. I ----..------~-zp:u:~~o~,.. ...(~~~,..~.t ( ~;r-.~~- /hj,d7, :r .m__~_~... ..- . --. r 1";-.-.-----.-..: ...--c---...---.-..---..-..---.-.-.--.-.....-..--.-..--...-..------.---,-. 1---------~d'~.1-f'~. ..?1#f~ 4"/"....--t-~ ~ /S'''f; ---------------------:;- =-~-~~IS;~:f~~:::~~!;~~:,;::~~:12,-== .1--+-- --------..-----r Delinquent- re~l 'estat~ list &c James E. ~ete~' filed ~- 220, - .....--.------.-. 1 ---'---"rDefic1t in General Revenue Fund for Geneka1 J,unty Operati.ons -- 221, 222, 1.10,1.46,- ii __~.___._..~___~~______________~_.____~_ __________~______________.__ ____1._______ ~___, _..._ _'____ ___ ..___________.______ ._______ _ .__._..__..._._._._~__~___...__._.,_ I ' i II I I , I' ________ _ __~. _Delinquent taxes credited to General_ Rev~nue _fund _:_-__ 238 '. ..---.-----. ---.----. ..--..-....-.---. '1' .__..J___ ;. . , Ii ________.____J.Ilavenport,_J._R.jPresident .ogden Hills. qivic ~League) _._ 253,_..._. ..______.... _.1____.:'_____ 'I I I , :, Dog Tax 7und to pay fer Rabies Vacc '.,1e. 301 I, I II -.---.-y--..-.--.. _ . _ .....- _. . ..; --:'~"'''-------'--'-'''--'''----''---'''----'------''-'---'''I----:-.-- ________--.lJ)()g_s_, _Gonfinernent_cf,../cemp1aint _ andprep'osed tordinanc€_302 , Adoption. of_316,31?, --L---.-':--- il 1 I i Ii n.____.___.__ --~waon,-Robert ,~tmaster,. Vouc"'er-check retrOllctive .to date3l2 ..-.......-. ......-.-..----.... ;.--.-.,....---.-, m_ ____.__L Dog_ Fund-_ to_pay /Dog _ T'3.2;S _ and. Record. Eoo~s - _ 3.65 __.___ __.__ _ .._~__ __n._____.___._ i-.m-+--.-.-- , I ' I __ .._..____ _.~ Dayis, F.A. _.,Letter filed __366 __.____...__ _ i.n__nL ......__.___ .______.____; __m__'...__.__ __1---.-. _~Donations fer Parks in County, Cemmitte'9 !APPCinted te Study. 372..-.. .__.__.__1 ___...._______ " , I _____.______2_ Dedge..D600 _2tTen_Truck __ bid accepted-37o __.. ~____... .. d ___ ._.._..____1 Drainage Pipes to be insta lled by State Hignwar Dept - 472 i 233,262,:263 -I'" -. ---.- 212, 24',), I i ., 475 i I .__:..':'elinquent Taxes C:ollected , by C.D.Chaoman , i 470 I --"-- ~ .---.--.-- - ___.___i._.___.__. u --- ----- -~ ~ --' -' .- -- -j---- ._.__.__________________.____. _.__________._..._____. .. - ... ___ ..... -'-"0-"". , - I -", 'I.. i ,I :1 ,I , . I .1 1 I __ J _ Expense - Salary Accounts filed no action taken -- 15, I Ii. i , i' transpori:ation ...m _._. " :r I 1 ' 1 Employees salaried County approved forpayme?t -- 39, Ii Establishing Joint regional Juvenile and Domestic Relations Ceurt for Roanoke Area .u_______ " -- i .. lEd i 1 !i .._ _____ ___l_._ ucat onapurposes _appropriation ordip..nce: -- 57, 165, IV-f-, _. _____j _._ Expense Accounts allowances fixed for c,?unt/officers -- 67, i : _.__. ___-i_ Express ing _thanks to (;~=i; ~ i~~o:~ ~r:ilan Rfanoke City- County Ci vB War Centennial :- .__._ " __ _.__ __._ .. ___.....___ J.. Exhibits _ of Departmerlt of Public.. Welfare _Budget filed --..83,. . ..__ .. i -.1...____..____1_ Es timate~ . Of: Bea:h Brothers Motors, _: Inc l' and i:oren . ~oanoke Corporatien filed . 113, .... .1-.. - ___. j: _._ -----m-J-t~~~~{~---... c:;,,,,,, lot', ''--"< /8'3,197, 1....._..____ _.__.._________....l Ele~tr1cal_ {~amining Board. Roanoke ._CountjY, ap;!?ointment _ of. members. -- 197, 1.00...._. I I, :1 Election of of:Cicers League of Virginia 'Couniies 227, ....--.--1"----'1'-..-.---- -------------:j---- : I' --.--.-------~~.._-"---.----.-.-,_.- _...._--,.~-_._---~ -~~._.t'._,-,----, ...__.______________l.Expens'!_Accounts__ of_theComlth 's Atty. _ freasf', Sheriff_ & .commissioner Revenue_...__.:::53 ,i..303 i----- .__.___.____ __I.Ele.ctrical-Ordinance---273 -' 274 ______.____ ,_____,1 __...__ _m _.__.___.m.___"'_ ..i---.---!,-..-- i . I ! _on_ ___._____+Expense,Additional.fer .Assess:nent_ 372,4~ 1;. . .......-..-.--.--.. --'- -- -'- . [-----.+------- n__.__ _:1 Ease:nent, Sewp.r Line for li3.,State Police i Denartment: 415 ! ___.___=~~-=~_~1_~a~teir_S~~P1Y_C~. Bid on-Offi~~~~~i~~~n~ -i-er ~7e1far~"Center Fuedn-46i-----.-r ______...._____..______.__ j __.._~_~_.____.._._ u._...._.._.__ . ._..._.__u.. _____.___ Election claims -- 25, 26, 27, 28,263,264,265,26&'289,290,291,292,1.:"'-440 - I" Edgehi1l Estates, Section 4 amend contract City of Roanoke with County of Roanoke and treatment of sewage --' 35,' . -. ; . .' Elections General Appropriation'Ordinan~e amendment to -- 37, 275. I Department of! Public Welfare Roanoke Ceunty, Virginia -- .)(jl, , i --; 39, ,. i Estimates Biennial Budget , i f. ,[ _........_... .__. _ __..._ J ____.. j I ~~I.-'~-~~==]=~=~==-~=~~~~ =~~=-~-~~-=~- ...-- -- -~~- ~-! ,I I __ _____~, .1____.__ _ ___~~ _ _ ________._~ i , -_"0'_"---'- ! I nf ! --------.-i .. ._._____._______i.~___...__._:.____o_ ____1_ -----..--- I :i " --.-.----..---. - - -- .---.. --- --_.- -~_._- - .-.-- ---- - ----.---.-.- , , ! i I; ...--.-- _.___n. -..- --.-,-..-- - 1 ---.-- :.- .----- I -... .--. - ~--. --.-- - ~.-.--1 i' ._" ---..--.-. ------.- --.-_..- .-- ~-~-- :i ______~_..L I , ----..--~-~--~----------- t -..---.----, .'----- -------------.---.-------------..--.-.-, - .----- .--.---.-..--.-.-..---.- ~ ----.-. -- .,.--.- .-----..,. ----....- :1 i I ____ I _~ ___ . .___4 __.___..~. __. 'I 1_-------. ----.-. .- __-.----.---..1 --.. . I ___._.u.______~___ _ ____ -_ ...- _..___.__ -.--.---.-... ---_...~ - ---.. _:1=-:.- ---.-..---- LLi< 'I:' ~ ~r- ' '-..;1 F. I. C. A. 120, 193, 211, 233, 2 247, 363 ,383,3G9, I i 442,469, I , " II 5, 29,45, 63,76, 90, l06, I I I I I -. I -.;.:' I , , .,: " I i I I,' -.1 I I " . IT "I , , . I 1 I , i il_ II ii 1- :1 Fairvi.ew Home audit of -- 64, _--_-_~_~ ~ ~ Fort _ Lewis _ Li~e Savinga~~~irs t Aid _. _ . :1 I _ _____ L FortLewis Lions Club slupportf~01rdProPo8s3led ..ire and First;' -.- 'luilding in Fort Lewis SeCt:Lm1 i etter 1. e __ , -I" ______.LFort Lewis Section _proposed Fire _ and Fi~st Aid building _ -- 83, 102, 1___ ____n_______ ___,j _Fire _ and First Aid building support .for !prop6,sed in Fort Lewis Section 83, 102, 1_____ I I '. __ __ ___ ____.__. Fe.:!.rhope Subdivision Sections 3 and 4, w~ 1. brubb, and th rs _ I ___ ,I City of Roanoke an~ County of Roano~e ~reat~~matnliotn~st<J.et!iftat i ' _____________1________.______________ m___._cOllDDercia1 wastes_-,_83,j -- -- '.- -- ..___1______;;_-'. ---1__________1 Fore, _ Tom _ et _ al5 _ opposed the abandoning Jf po;tion _ of. Route 612 as . part _ of Secondary _ sts tem ;102:'- il I II ! Ii ____. ______ ______lForeLG.__S._reported as to progress tqbb~ai!l ~ fire station in the Fort Lewis area...... 102,__:1________. _____________J Files _purchas_ed approving_ request _ for Tr~asur~l:Roanoke _ Ceunty_~_-_ 109,______ ____ __________ _ _ ! ____J_____. , . . II Flood lights action taken in regard to unbont~b11ed &c n 142, I . ___m_______~~~~~~ ~~ A-~<.=--J;;;,:~~~.~- a," ~& -:~=-=~~:-~:~ :~~~-~~~--1~~,--~~~~- '!Fairhope Subdivision, Sections 3 and 4, wL L. Grubb and others operating and maintaining sewer -----------,~ . - - -system &c -- 200 - ; -; ---------- --- ------------------------- -----.,--- 'IFairview Home letter requesting confi~d.on of financial transactions 235, II --------.----------jFire tru~k purchase of letter filed 24L 32~ ------.--..-..,.----,-..- "I ~. ______ _________ijnre _Truck County purchase_of _ -: 24l, 329! . :1 ! ________..___jFerguson,_D.L.l\~aste_Disposa1 Amendmt. ?78 329 II Fralin, J .R.lli: Son, Bid on Health Center, 305 ----_.~-~_._--.. - .[Frye Building Co. Bid on Health Center 1305 ._---_.._j---------~--"--_._--- ----_._----~-----~-- ".-, ".-'--- 'I I :IPbre,Geo. W. ActiBe- Fire Chief _ ___________~_l'orest_Fire_r:ontrol,_ACCO\)nt l' Voucher 329 " I 'iFraher, Otto C. W , Assistant to real ,.:stete Assessor; 333 -'I - ,! FOP'!' LEWlS Fire house,new votinp place summary jof I _Final_Budget for.Secondary.System submi~ted : I Crdw, t.o Board -- 38, " II , '-1: :1 , !' i Fo::est Fire Control activities, and not statement of costs -- 8, , ,.. Inc., report on activities filed -- 64, ~I--- I' , 320 336 II -oj, I I .. '- j I j ;j ~: '1 , "j ~ l~rtLewis Fire Bept., reCCl'::-;encat1ons :':00 , forms: _ Bone .Form _ 354, ___ Interest Coupons 355, I ________ __1. P1cra,A.Ky1e ,_prayer- 359______ _____2Jruit &Vegetable..Display,_),ernit to Rob~rt B. ~iileJ1 - )67 ____.J._"J::-st _Nt 1. Sity _ Bank, _Bid _ on _Bonds _ - -3':'5 -1.- _~_____. __ ____ il First !.Tt 1. Exchange Bank of "13.. Bid on Bbnds - 375 -.-1 ---- ___________1 First NationalExchange Bank of Va._ . I ______.. ______ ._Flocd _Central. DallIs, Progress Repert- _____________~Fore,I'rs._J:"l.e c._p3.~""ent fer pbene -~I_ 'i ~ ra zier, _ rtev. '.;. C. Prayer 393 I ,Leti;er in re:_Investment .01' Proceeds of Bond Issu " 3<:'4:__ , 387 --- : ~ns'tJerinQ:' ~ 4'::0 _ '_._.~'_~_."'__4__" I ]1 ___4j __ I , 'i 1----. --- 4': , , ---..--...- .. ,') 'j. _..__.-,,--~-_.- : -.'f" I Ii "~. <'I" . -, . --..--" ,: I :1 :, Green, Thomas L. account not all',wed -- 4, 1) Gobble, Lowell M. Assistant County b~ent3ljjEP()rt -~ 6, 30, 46, 64, 91, 240,267,294,313, ,) 8 i 'i:365, 3~4, 3'18" 442,470 , 107,121, 157', 193, 212, I I I , General Appropriation Ordinance amendme~t -- IS, 36,93, Ill, 16~, /f3,/~~ 197, :1, 345 391, 404, i ' .I General County Fund for General County Operations deficit -- 17,239, Garst, Dr. James C. et al (Lynn Dell Estates) 12.66 Acres amend contract City of Roanoke w~th County of Roanoke transportation: and treatm,ent of sewage -- 35, '.. Glenn Cove Subdivision (25 Acres, more or less) amend contract City of Roanoke with cpunty i of Roanoke transportation and treatment of sewage -- 35, Gilbert,. Frank prayer -- 41,71, 86,/S'~206,229, 377, Greenland Development Corporation rezoning certain property -- 52, _; __ General Operating .Fundoperationapprop'riati,on ordinance -- 57, 165 . .; ________. ... L_General_Revenue Fund trans fer from appiopril!tion ordinance -- 58, 1f'7",._n, J_ Garst, Miller C. and Harold W. Craun prpperties, area 3, amendment to contract City qf : Roanoke andCounty of Roanoke treatment of domestic and comm.ercial wastes 84', __ .n_._____. ___:__GaymolDrive,_Accepta.nce of-- 91,.' 'mn __ . I I I: II _. _ n_ ________ _n _~ __ Golf Putting Course miniature permiss io~ to _ opera~e - - _112 ,_______n__n____.__ _______ ____n__! ________~ _____ __ Ii Gilbert, Leonard T. & Warren W. permission to operate miniature Golf Putting Company ~- 112, . . _nh__L~Grandview Heig~ts'_ R~verda1e _ ~iV~C Club _ ~epresentative objE<ctions & requests &c -- 113~~.__L ._!.Garbage Disposal_ amendD1~nt__to_ General Appropriation Ordinance_-- 139, /,r~ 275, .347- . ,_____.J _ L Greenland Development Corporation petit~on for rezoning certain property -- 141, 158,) :1 Green Valley area letter pertaining to installation of sanitary sewers -- 144, . .1-- ~ _ _ , _ 224,1238,275 I -- -~ ---I Graves,_George W.&.WilliaIlA. Graves, r~zonj,!1g prop. in C. S.Dist~ ._J General. County Levy for year 196.2 - 166 !, 1?6::!_ -- 417 I ~. t'; . ___________ .__~.Gree~c. and Hazel A. _ Greer, husband! and ~fe, rezoning prop. in r., S. Dist,. -I-----------~ :::fith, ~~~'~~i:k~ '~r~;e~~ -~=- ~~9l-~3-5'~ _n --.--- --.... - _u_n___u______ - ---------1 - - -- I ..--..-----. .n._____ n. _JGrubb"w. L. et al operating and maintaining sewer system &,: 200, ._________,,__l Garst, Miller C. et al operating and mai~taill~ng sewer system &c.-- 201, i ! " General Revenue Fund for General County Oper.a,tions, deficit -- 221, 222,239, 335 ,I General County Or erations , deficit -- 221,2U; 41" 446 47' ,"_________n...____,. _ _ ______ ____ _ .,' .._u'___n_. · II General Revenue Fund transfer deferred d'edit I'account -- 227" _______u~_._______ I ' :! General Revenue Fund all delinquenc taxes credit to -- 238, -- --_._- - ----"._.-----.--- OJ - ; .. .1_._____________._+Greer, w. c. & Hazel D. re-zoning cer:tai~ prop,erty -=~ 241, _349 denieg 374._________ !._______________._JGarden_City CivicC1ub_JPetition prflsented_ t,'.: BOClrd) _ 251, '__u.__ I _____ _u__~Garden _ Park Development Gorp. (Peti tiol) p~esented to Board J 251, ,;;:.L______________u___ --~. Greenland --- Development - Corp, Amendrr,Emt -t~ contrac t. with 'one' Ci ty' of Roanoke' for set./age d5_s2gf,'al---- ., 'I 33<: , ~ p =_I~~-:.:==j:;::::: 1~::1e:;e;:a::'c:~':::r:t:j6to b)-ro~ 33:~410, 446, ~,75 _____.______u_~ Garret'G ,R-bert_ &. .Sons. & Assets. , Bid on J~ond<, ~375 ._________________ __J.G'l.rbage_uiSpOSal,_Land Lease,-387-.- I il I .1 Graharn,I'~rs.Frances H.,. Appointed Ho'ne, Demonstntion "gent, 3e6 I Glenvar School,reauest for adjacent 18ndl 41U !--- i . .;Gr'3ho"'l, j':rs. ;;r~nces H., Rerort: 442, 470: ! 162' 240. 241, II 1'1' I " 16' ;1 9 ________.j __'_Un II Ii ---.-----....---.--.---. .~: I_~_:----- .. -, ~.. i .1 Hatton, Rev. J. W. Prayer -- 1, i 4 ! Hambrick, Joseph T. & Dorothy J. rezoning certain property -- 13, , Holland, Ida Mae Andrews et als rezoning certain property -- 33, 55, ., i .1 -- '1-- j Holidays -- 50, 303, Hearing time and place operation of motor vehicles transportation of household goods between points in Virginia &c commwlicaticn -- 53, Hospital Bills State and Local authnization for payment as of certain dat,~ -- 54, IS!? ,295 I! . rI " I .4 i Hoback,.F. L. Judge, expressed appreciation 'to Board -- 58, Hollins Passenger Station proposed clos,ing of-- 68, Hanging Rock community petit;,on signed by slndry residents &c -- 70, J._Hawkins, Alvin D. & Corinne W. re:>:oning certllin property -- 94, l23, ! Health and Welfare Center proposed plans 101, "i' i . ----j..J.I~C:<:C.-4- //'1'; 200, .. .: , 1 ..." _ _ ' , ~~.a'-~< ;,... ,..,c/i~--4~~A 1 , ______________ __Highway Week declared _n 138, !! -~. ~ ~" 71,.,( .. s...///.5 , ____________J_ Henderson... R. .R. _letter _in regard tc, employment as Deputy Sheriff -- 144,. -___________..L__.. __. __ "'_ J_ HOl~ins.coll1e area sidewalk requeHed! 1~.5, ___. _ __ ~~Glv... pi- ,_ .9r1. __I g ,_ _ I ----------L~~. . ~-""-<.....e .o__Lrj t~_,,-,- /f'-t: . ----~.~, ~-- I ~ --- __~.I ~. ~-?'c-./7~ ~ q-"7":~t..z,.,<> ~ ~- /Yi';- I ( I II ,,___u__uJHi'nson, Ann, resignation of -- 228, I ,i 'i Historian, County appointment of -- B8,I ....---- ..---- " _. . , ,I Hanging Rock, COIlDnemorat'e the engagell1ent! of ./- .. . I --..____~-HighWay.Needs Report. --268 _________1 Horn,_Dr._Hermani..,. expresses appre(:iation tCI Board.. 295.... ;1 ' " . . . ! 'I ____.___,__Highway~, OperatJ.onaL and .1'J.scal Report_ 297-; , I' __:I Health and \,effare Center, Seale<ipJ:o[osals to'!be advErti~ed for 303 I " ...___J Health andWelfare. Center _Bids ,opened and rejected 305 \ .. - - :i He1m,Steven , shove,l1nll snow, VoucheI' check, l'etro-active to date 312 _1.._____........ ...--.....-..01.- ..-I....... -- ".--- I i .! ,-~ I l__~ i , 1- - 238, ]I I i ... . - -- i----.------ Confederate Army and Union Army forces -- . !: I ___._____...1 Hershberger .Road.. '!raffia Control. ..321 ,I ------.1Hea1th-&il.elfare .Center,' Specia1.meet:,Jlg to aceept bid on 321-- i ! _____iHuf'fman_property.in,luded in waste dillPOSlll project 331 ~ ' ___....:;Barl'1s_prope!.ty .incl1llded _in_waste d:sposa1pro!ject .332.__ I ; . ______._________iBearing _on_Rai1way..E.xpress_A-"er:cyWaynosbot-o_ _.. Poanoke - Routn 333-334 ._____"._.____n .!Bidden Velle" request for sewe~e Install~t1on '350 , , I ....i'.~- I i J_ ______. _..___.__. ~ri3.lsey, Stuart.&:: Co. Inc, Bldon Bonds .._...lHarris, H.H- , Letl;er from J84 ~~I.._~:-'_~- ;iHarris Dental Co.,Inc.,Bid on Dental 375, I ~quipment for Welf3.re Center I 461 I ~-- ---- , ---1--'~-----" I Ii j ,-- ,I ! I Ii - --I- I ;: ) il .--~----.-..-.T-- ! .-- i ,-- ------ I ml_' I . I ~ I I 'I 1 Kidder,Peabody & Co. Assoc. I -~ I i I I prqpert)1 1 34, 47, Keenan, Clarence R. rezoning certain on behalf of i &c , , , Bi~ on Bonds Kim., R. S., Atty. for and 163 ;1"'5 ----. --f1 i -4.------- I I J- I 1 -I I I ,-----_.__._~.- I -''1 ---- i --.- --.. ~ ----_.~--- - -- -. - --.. I I I ______u.__j. I . I I I i I ---I I ,I .~-~- -~~ --: ] -~=~~-~~-' J I ----I I -...--.------ -~ _..~_. ------_.- i -------_.._~-----------_.- ---I---------t---------------------.----- . -- .._-------~-_._. --~-------~------_._._-~...~.. :1 i -I .__!.u...___ -- -'. -,~~~ - ----. --- ... .---.-...---..- ._----_.~ --, ! __._______._.____~_._.~ ..__.__________.__u._ -~----~-----1--~--~~------ -.-- -.--. .".--- 1 - ---_.._~------- ~ ...--. .-,----.- -----"---- i -------.----1------------.. , -..----~:t -.---~---.-- ! :--1-: __._________..__.__... ______...___._u _1_- ;1 __L__ I' I !. ;' __ :i. ..- or' 'I J.. Ii ,I I I! ,I :1 I Loch Haven Road resi~en~ oppositio~ to {uar:Yi'toperanons and asphalt paving material - i.1 manu ac ure carr e on n v~c n Y -- . , Lynn Dell Estates 12.66 Acres et al amend contract City of Roanoke with County of '_ :1 transportation andtreatmknt of sewage .-- 35, j Lindenwood area, opposing annexation by Town of Vinton petitions filed -- 40, il Langley & McDonald, Engineers authorized to prepare future land use map for Roanoke County. ~8, --------]. Land use map authorized to prepare 68:, . .._--_._-~ - - __ _. L Letters filed 68,.69, /1"-1, 216,47c t ___.J LunacY"CommissionameIlded general APpro~riation Ordinance -~ 111, 139,164 =~___._ _____L Letter written to terminate Roanoke couI1;~Y Sa:dtation Authority -- 112, ____.___.__:I.~,;u. ~- ~- ~ ~14-/~"1, /7".s: 181, /f'~, 198, ___..____lLevyJ~ax) for.year1962-.166 , for li6J-[417 . -...----------.Iq'''''<" .~. -:..:w. ~~......e.. ~~i~ - /1'1'- _~__________.._L_Lemon,_w. Clayton property communicatiotn ~99_._.J hI ;1 Light to heavy industry opposition to rezoning of 28.60 acres tract communication -- 199, Ii _ n_______J . I I Law enforcement in Roanoke County n 21(>, i: _ _______.___.____.___,j ._..__,____~__.__._.____...._.____._____________ n' ___ ~. ...__ j _____ M" I ' ___. _____ ---1-- League _ of _Virginia _ Counties, _ increase c1ntribution _or 11 i I !i __ __ __ __ ,,__ . ~ _ L onberger, Lewis. __Bid on .Health Center ,305 __ ____UH__ _.H' ___u..__.... , _______._________ _______n_________._J,,_I.emonton _et_a2._:menc1 contr9.ct_~ity of Rbanoke with Co'"nty_of Roanoke transportation and__.____..____ , treatment of sews"e 331,350 ' ---------------------,,--------------. ---- ------.------ ---I" - __HI _______.._u_LLee,__Dr..Hugh,_Check for Dentalservice.jl:;64 i..' '1'_ " , I' .u._ ______._:! ___ League _ of _Virginia. Counties, Conso1,id qtect: CountY If'embership, ; P7 .. .. ..1___" ___________________ L Land.. Lease.. for. Garbage Dis?csa 1, 387 I ! ~ Loan to R03.noke County :oanit'ltion Allthotity Al'~,hori zed : 445 j . __"_m___._~_.____".__.;!_ j . 1 !, ': Lemon, "illiam N. et als, rezoning ..l,7'3 '111}' i :1 -----~-------. rl------~.---"----~.-_.__._.--.--. -'~ . - -----.... l' ~ -.- -.--..--'.. -..,,--,... --.--. -..-.-.-...-,------"..~..~....~---.-.__.-._.-.--- .....--.-.-.! .---.-.- ~i --~-.- , ' ' I I, - --I-------.---i-L:;:n/~~ and or~er for ~e-ZOnini: for ~i~:ta~;~;.~.-.~---T.i..--- ---- - __l-t.-~1.~{.t r - . .~~y/-1)~ :.;.f~-~-- --------:.1--- i " 1-- .... jj -- ~--- -i I I 1--- i . u "-1---"-'.'-'--.- Im---....------- I I Roanpke I :1 I il !t -".'! du~s _~~u~~~~-~; c~~~~~~~-~~;26~ I- . ._. ___.~_._~__~_____________.________._ J --....-.-.---..-.--.-.-.----.--.1--.-...- - -'---." .--...- 'I .-..-"..---.-., :t.-..n _ ____ ._______________ ..1___._____ :i :1 :1 'I .... ..--------.--.--- ......__._-~---- --.-.------...-..- , ii _______________1.__.______________________ ,,-. ----.. ____u.... :1 ----..... ---~_._._..---_..-._--_.._-_.._~- .---.-----. :1 ..--,----.--...--------.--.. ----------- -- , l! ,-,,-" .----.-.-.---.--.---.----~t ..-~...----.. .-..--..-.--- ! ___________..__ ......_+_____., _h___._.._ __n__.__+ .._..._.__.... i " r -I------_u----.-i ______n________ _u_ - ----- --- l---- - -- --.-------- -.-.----- '": '"._---,,------- , i - -- --. t __~___ .___.-.___._~.____ ._._. M .._ ______._________.._ I- i :-I--~. ._---~_. ., I l__ I Miller, Rubinette, Home Demonstration Agen~ report -- 6, 30,46,64, 91,107, 121, 157 240,267,295, "l~' . 345365 ;"4, - , t' 3;6 3Q.s 142 0.) .;;1,328:,.., ,_0 rte~51gr.a J.on- l., 0 ~ ~ , I i ~4030, _"--~., 64, 9~,EJO~~Hl'65_ Q67f~~, 313'328 . 3$6, 3QE, 442 i Demonstration ~~t Report -- : . ~1, 19Q, 212, " , , : '''' ;;. , t' I' ,) .: "i-, .;.~e s 1 ana 1. on - 1'~' II . ~, Massie, Sherrill V. Assistant Home , __J~~i;;e-~, Rev. Roy B. Prayer -- 21, . i " I I, q Moore, Norman R. Judge Juvenile and Domestic~'Relations Court and Roanoke County --1- '30r 268 . . I ,___Morris, Margaret.J. et als rezoning cerl:a1n property -- 33, 55, ,-- _.u.J__MelodyAcres Subdivision Section 1 (15.~4 Ac~es) amend contract City of Roanoke with County of i Roanoke tre.nsportation and treatment of set,age -- 35, ; 'C. H__J."-- Miscellaneous. Operating. Funct1.2' 07n5s Genedll appropriation ordl.n~nce amendment to - - 37" 70, 93, 224 ,I 23&, I . ., . H_ __. _j _ Maps showing. Final Secondary Budget PriIbary !lIld Secondary Highway Systems n filed --\38, 3r4, ____. I Markets, Division of -- 47, 296 I I Ii .--_._._.__.,-_.-..._..-t-._~ .- .___.___..___.._._....0___._. ' ,----- 1'- ... _,_.__._n..._.___. .._--,- ,..._.__."__n_.___ ---.-.---- t ..-.---.--.;:--.---.--- 'I Map, land use authorized to prepare 68, ! Ii ---or MattheWS-:--;~:~-B .~~unty Executive Of Hfer ~. - ~~tho~i~~~- to -~~~~-~~~~~en~ed- c~~~~~ ..~~ '~l~;k;-~------ , . -Office __ 68" . :'. __n__ _" _.-_. ___ __~ _ Moore, John E. Cha~~~ R~~n~~~ City-copnty. Civil War .Centennial Co.mmiss.ion _~oard E!XPieS~i;g_____ u__u__u____._L.MoomawLGladies_M.-accept:ance of Gaymol!Drive -- 91, u. _ ___ I ______..!u.______ :1 Modification of. contract between Roanok~ COtillty Board of Supervisors and Appalachian PO'INer I,CO. ".. -- ----.!- . filed n 111, i. [ " _____LMiniatureGOlfPutting Course permissioi to.operate --112,. . ... I.... ,: J _ Maintenance. of Buildings and Grounds Gerjeral ~Appropriation .ordinance amendment 139i 16J../8'3 u..J_ Matthews, _ Paul B. authorized to contact bffic;ials in regard to uncontrolled flood Hg~ts. --142, 'I I " I ________.._i MercyHouse,_ 1m:., _ approval of sale of c~rta~ property_to. Commonwealth of Virginia -"1142, ._..lMaP__Tentative_secondary,Budget,&ccoPiesl filed -- 144,384, _ li_ , , ".1.MountyernonHeights Area operating and tpaina.!ning sewersyst8n: &c 202, I. J Medical Examiner's fee Increase in -- 21~, I .jMartin,_Charles, voucher-check retro-act:l:ve to painting Sheriff's Office -- 234, I j I ~_Martin Bros. Contractors, Bid on Health:Center 305 i A'e!'@il.irft License Forms ! II ___' ___.____~__ J _ . 313_ _ L ________u_______._J. Ma~n _Vll_lleyprecinct _voting place chan~e _ 336. _._u" _ _____.J!l!ason.cove School. new. voU:!!, plslIe 336! ____ .___________._ L!linniCk ,_"lalcolm __ offers. prayer __ 322 __ !. ___ ___.._..__~J~Me.rCy _ House, _ Boiler Inspec tlon .345 ______ :_________ .________________~uMi1ey,Robert B. ,Permit__to Display Fruit !etc. ~367 I I I' : ________ ____~_________~_ Mobile. Homes, 'liard's Per.nit. : __ .____ ~ 367 ,1.45 -446 " I _u:__!lcer,1bers:~ip_in_Lesglle of. V". Cot'nties, f.l'sC',.,"tiC'r in re Consolidsted Counties - 32,7 I! u . I:, ~_I.t\lrphy,_John.:.',.. - .3.ppcintr.::ent ~.l'3rr.ber of :no'ke "ft I -... -.---. '! i I , , ! i Co.,rt[ Audit of.,-- --~ -.1----.- - _.~.._--_...~--. I ---.-..j- -'-- ~~_.--.. _....,---,.~,- i ___ ....1 i . -, ! --I' ~~I- .___ ________..____.~ ;"arsh. _:tobert_t . ,<Tr. _, letter. to . "chaol C,ffici.a Is .; 411 " i ____________ __lMortonMarks &. Sons, Inc.. Bids on Office! Equipment Filed 462 'I ' ~ ).!innix, U .L., resignation as Fire Chief '. Clea.rbrook 472 __'1' .. -. ,I Mayflower Hills Civic League, recuest for alt.ernate meetings at night ,Bd.of Super's 472 _ _ __.._____: Memorandum of Ag~e~: lr.~-space Lands, .)77 .' .. -jM~ f-</f7f""*'V~'l',(~ Z.:.6} 1~~~ I '\ :. ! ,I . ";o.~liSctJ;'iC3.1..-_~xamining Soarrl - 40C -- -.~ :1-------" i[ '1 " .. ...._...t...__._.,-~-- , .. 'I McGuire, Peggy, Voucher Check for Extra I ! Juvenile Court 463 Help in I " I J. -R :1 i J ,1 I ,!--. ..- I ...1 I " " I --.. , i! J ---- - --.---- . -! :: i , .--.---.....-.- ----~._-~_..... -.----.----. 'I .__mn_____ ..---r-----.-------- .--.. __'1 h__nu_..__~ J I __._ ________.. .01 I i 1___ I , I .. --- --_.- 'I -...--....-.---. -_.~-_...---- , ...-------------- I-~=-- 01,,--' -I -" II I , I: Peters, James E. voucher-check approved ,retro-active to date -- 6, 76, 106, I Poff, c. O. Jr. rezoning certain property -- 18, , I ' ' ..~ Public Welfare General Appropriation Ordr,"nailCe amendment to -- 36, /!l3,. ! Public Welfare Department of Biennial Budget Estimates -- 38, J Peters, James_E. Treasurer, Records of R~anoke County audit of -- 38,313, 1 Purchase of cars for use in Sheriff's De~artment -- 39, e3'6, !petitions signed by property owners in Li~denwood are opposing ____..un 'r filed -- 40 'I' .'1 ._ __JPayment .of Salaries -~ 50, _, _ _ ~. !proposed Industrial Access Road from Rt. a.16to property of the Aerospace .---..---------J. - I: __________:I~U~~iC___ Library operation of appropriationl ordi~ance -~ 57, 165, /i'-I; :~osition creation of Secretary-Deputy Sheriff's Office -- .65, -------..-..-------] ." i .~.. U -...- __________:iProposed closing Hollins. Passe~3er _ Statiof .. -::_ 68, ..___._____.._________________ __ ___.______ , ~etition filed sundry resident of Hanging I Rock: community -- 70, U'uU ___ .._u________..____ .. I , I ._____ .u.u...froposed .ordinance Ptrovl iding for regulati~n of l days for licensing dogs &c -- 78, H e a , i' ____J payne,_T. Stuart/deed _ordered destroyedr 82;: ___ j Private water syst~_t:o~b_le in certain ~reas "in County ._______1Public.Welfare BudgetExhibits filed n ~3, ... i ,Iplunkett, H. F. etc Area amendment to conltrace' City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke ereatment ... ------------.t . ... of domestic and comme~cial" wastes -- 83, 332 . :!porterfield, T. C. and B. W. Jr., amendmeflt to cntract City of Roanoke and County of .- -u.-----..-----rr - treatment of domestic: and commercial wastes -- 84, Ii 1 ! ______._m____._____~ersonal propertytax.refund n. 93,.. I': . .... - r _.._I...____________~PUbliC _Welfare. Statistics, .filed -- 100, i ____ _u____.___fetitionRidgewoodPark requesting control of water right filed -- 101, 1 flaruling Commission consider amending Section 1-22, Article 1, Definitions of the --.-...-- ----.:i 109, I Permission to operate miniature Golf Putting Course -- 112, ------ ------ .-.--:1 Petty Acres, petition requesting action ~akeni:in regard to uncontrolled flood , , , .____......_______.2 Purchase.ofAirConditioning Unitin cle*k's ()ffice --143, __._...___________.! Powell, . JOhll G. _appointment as deputy ja~lOr ..1..etter. n .144, , I! Planning Commission Roanoke County, travelling expenses of Ilembers, 157 - .,._._--~-_.._._..~~_._.,., ' ~ _______H__u__~__f~...J.<~~~~~4 ~c:;~..IY3. ___.______i~....kc'!...~~u;~.-~~.../y7J-- ---"" ..... _________J~/1r~~.~--Id'''I-, 198,[ ._ __.._.____':.f'~,~~ ..~ r ~'J"/~".(~.,"'..t-. f~ Ii'-'/' .__________~Policing of certain areas inRoanoke COUnty --: 194, ,I d ': ! :1 Prayer n 1,21, 41,59,71,86,102,//"1", 115,1>-r/"lf'; 1 Peters, James E. Treasurer's Report -- ~, 29,' 45.. 62, :293,311, 326,343.363,3$2,39$, 441, 46!! !,' , , , II I, I' 46 189,200,206, 229,285, 306322,~3~'2;7/' 75, 89,120,156, 192 211,233,247,266 , < J' -tit -b annexation by Town ofV~nton I t ii .. .... commun:l:catiort Research Corp .i/ -- 53, I .. L .-- I , ..\ 82, 373, , I .------,-.,<- I --"..----;' -....- ---- Ii , " '\' ..;. Ii! I 1..--.......------.- - I , _.n' " , " Roanoke;i I " ..------.. ; . _j_.._.___n i i I Zoning .. !i ..._u_._ lights .&? I I iI i! 142;:' i ......-. ! 197, I 27?:, - 347: II ='1 I . . - _m"_____ ,;Plunkett, _H. F. Area 1 operating andmain~aining sewer system &c -- 200, ____n_______.__.forterfield, T. C.&B. W. Jr., operating !and n,aintaining sewer system &c -- 201, _ -!-. ____...__ _____ .~.a-;.. ~., . /- .....4::. ~ ..; ~~ ~ <<-if!. /n "'- ",-, ,__k....~~ ~~ ~ L. _____jpeters, James E. Treasurer of County of Roanoke annual settlement -- 219, 471 .(peters, James E. delinquent real estate list &c filed -- 220, 472, _________ ~ Purchase of two tables for vault in Clerk's Office -- 227, 'I Peters, James E. employment in Treasurer's Office -- 227, . I[ Purchase of new fire truck letter filed 241, not reco~mended 329 .~Purchase of County Fire Truck -- 241, Purchase i ' of Combination Pumper for County Fire. Truck -- 242, Purchase of Reproduction Machine for Use in County Offices 242, Purchase of Lots lthrough 7 ,Saler., Imp. !eo.-~ 275 . i Parris, A.L.Company, 8id on Health Center 305 Premium Allowance on Bonds 313 I ! t f ,. ~ , t , ! t , I f ----.;; P~~-~~to display fruits and vegetao' es, ~-- - jf: ~._w_ PI. etty,Mil1er E .,SBlary and "Expense Acpt. fbr Assessing 319 ,372, Plsn of WDrk for'63.164 Colint,. Af!ent "iHome i:De"'onstration Arrent 328 I t I ' Public Hearin~ on Railway Express prop~sed R~ute 333 i I: Pine Acres ,Area arr,er,c:llent to contract !WHh ::City tlf Roanoke, Va. 332 , Planninl' and Zonin!l, Addlt'nl Appropriation 347 . . I [ sev.isf'€ lines. Public hearing on further projects in 350 j) ;: :! '---------1-' '.'-'-...-..-..--.,. _.- 'I ], Phelps, Fenn " Philadelphia & Co. Bid.on Bonds Natl.Bank &c. Bid - 375 on Bonds 37~ ~ f - ..... 1- ~. 367 ii ~ Tower - 388 I .---: Powell,lHss Evelyn, "'ppointed Assistant Home Lemonstrat on Agent, 3$6 Ii Public_Hearing on Appropriations for Sta e Highways 390 " ~~~lic Hearing on Pendleton Bus Lines 'j 403 Ii _..1 Penrileton, _ Emory ~'. t/a/ Pendleton Bus I. 'nes, :1 a;:opliC'lti()O'} for he'lrine- 403 Preliminary Parks and Open Space Plan forlcoun~Y.A?prOVed; 4~7 ...._____,Police.Offi,cer,Special for County, Apr;roterij J~50 i ii Powell. ;.!iss. Evelyn, Ass '..t Home Demonstration Ahnt Re?ort. I Ii . --I" 'i Parrish, Archie F., Appoir.ted t.o. RO'lnoke I Co \ln~y Sa'1itati on ~uthcrity j 419 Post Office Box Rent, Voucher.Check ,ret~oacdve, 414.. , " Powers & Anderson Bid On Surgical EquipllI,nt Filed 462 ! .. . , 1 " .____...lipope,_Dr. C,P. Authorized to Purchalle Del'\tal Equipment 461 " I II ___: Pope,_Dr. C.P. _ Authorized_ to. Purchase _Ref1rigerj;ltor 461 Ii ,Pedigo, Bruce Jackson, Rezoning 473 Ii : Purchase of,-,Laild:' forc-l~adio Communication 443, 470 I ~j , Ii II Ii , " i! q " -,. , ii II Ii " if " ". !! [' ,I '" .11 ii -1- ~ j:-- Ii " !i II --_oj!.. .__..:Parks and Open-.;pace, letter in re 471. , i ._1._ I in , '- (j , I ! I i "\- " i,( II (\ ---------. -1'-- .c_,,____ .._ " Ii " " I I I j ., i! ~I il I~-~ h " -1-- ."'-' . ."...~ :l , I ! Quarrying operations and asphalt paving Faterial manufacture carried on in vicinity o~ Loch, Haven Road investigation -- l6" ; " _n" '; 'I I , 1 j I -uN ----.'-.-----., .--- ---- --------- ., :i I I I --'----"j i i , , .___._________R _____..____.,____. r I ..;. i .1-.... q._~-,-! --1------- -- -- " 'I ---J-- _____.__._._.' _1__ ii , :1 t $-'" :<In - t.'i' \\\; -I .;; " i,l I ____1__ , , I .~ , '1, /i: ~: II ,. II I , ,. i , , i I I .1 __.1 I: il ._-,----_.' - ,I _J ii .., I ..1-- I -1----- i i 1____ ....--"--.. Ridgewood Park, policing of area -- I i I I I 194~ , Roanoke County Electrical Examining Boa~d appointment of members -- 197, i RecoIlllllendations of said Committee cOIlllllunication -.. 199, , Resolution adopted by Council of City of Roanoke rescinding resolutior. communication 199', Route #681, widening of - Jefferson Hills-Ogden Hills area -- 215, ;! Railroad &c State Corporation Commission statements assessed values 216, ;"'00 Roanoke County Sanitation Authority sewage collection and treatment in certain areas 222, Roanoke County, Virginia Division of FoJestry', summary of fiscal matters letter filed !-- 235, Roanoke County Sanitation Authority addi~ional projects for purpose of operating and maintaini:~g . sewer system &i::: -- 235, 254, I: ,Ii,' Reproduction Machine for Use in County dffice~ purchase of -- 242, 1 ~ 1 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commiss~on C~ntrol Committee, Roanoke Valley Regiona! Major Arterial Plan 1 249,!! Roanoke Valley Regional Major Arterial P~an II 249,. :Re-zoning of Lots 3-A Sec. .6, Map Mt. ve~on ~gts. property of Fred L. Bowman et al Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance' i Ii 251, _=-'~':~Re-ZOningOf 10tsl through 7, both Inc. Blk.h2, Map -~~~: .2, Southern Gra~es, et al 252; I "- .- 1- 'I Roanoke County be. requested the Judge of the Circuit Court to enter an to acquire a~ditj.onal land. 256, " II: 'I Roanoke County bond issue 256, I :: Roanoke County Re~oanl Plann1nf' Cornmlss~on, Amencments to Al!reement - 314,315329. ------~ -- ~ - I:: ._______..cRa11way _Express .Co. proposed .route._ Wayn:esbo~ _ Roanoke, hear!n!, elate 332 _ 333. '1 .____':Ret1l'ement Plan_proposed, letter_filed 33 meetJng date'set346 !.etter.frorn-C.B.Covlno-ton if ________:Re-zon1nl!__ of Lots ..60. through 70 Andrew_Le is Place 34q Denied: 373. " II ______.'Re-ZOn1nP"_ofLots onSlL side.of'_~20 348 penied : 374... -4 " 2:49, I I . I , Hills property_ cf Ger,og'! W. i II i - order perm:l tti~ the~___ I , I I I ....1. r' - - _______~oanoke. ~otJnty Sani Hation Author:! ty ssked to install lInes Cave Sp. D:!st. 350 ______~.~e~~~_e~en~_Plan,Special meeting to consi~er 3$2 Actuarial Study ordered 358 .___._._.:Radio~ommunications Tower. Land pClrchase 1- 3'1), 409 ;: I '.Rardin, E.L., Petition to Rezone - 391 ! "'un '1 RecordKeeping Revision St'ldied - 3~5_ i ,,-zoning land on.noute 221 in_na~e Of.Bo~on F.esolution ;tequirinp: Sewer Connections ~89 , : I, Lichardso'lLi:dw._H.,py fcrexamhinp:~itle ,.to 13nd 400 , T.ecre8tion P~rk in Cave ';l'ring requested I 4()0~ ______2.Rezoning_,iJruce Jackson Pedigo, 1;;.J.Au5t~n. Ah.n D. Ingr'lm ,"01-1.0 . 473 , i .--.-.-------t.--. i I , ! :i !! " I! 347-- l' ,I --r Ii i ! ,Resolut;~m I -;i :! .' 'I h 405 -------1-- ____""___'0" ___ 'I -bEl!! Fin'll I! Order 477 :1 " ";1----' it i) h : _._____..l.Rezoning,_ COrr'_'1luni ty Hospi tal ,Boxwood , 41r-412: ii Roanoke Valley 2egional Planning Co,", Exec,-,tiv'O CO".. rr:inutes,403 ---_.._.. .. - , ,. , , , lte>-zoning, Burton P. Lee and Chrles ::;dw4rd Carter 41,4 !i rtoancke County 3.~nitition Au~hcrity, .l.'e .Jcrary LC3n Authorized: 4f.t:" 1~50. '; 1 , Reouest froC' SherHf for additionc_l pe'srel :, 450 Relief Intercepter Sewer Construction ; 416 ~ I .' Refrigerator Purchase for Health & Welfare Center 461 " " , I: II ...1:.. " H;' , I: , Roanoke Surgical Supply Inc. Bid on Equipment!: for Welfare Center Fi 'ed 462 'I Rezoning Will~am N. Lemon 474 7 i] I; 1.~,~)~W~'1/~ l/J4, 1~/~, (~~ 3/~ , ' _1_. . -- , .' \0 ,i I , _:1 Regular Meeting -- 1,59, 71 'change of IJcatioil 302 ; Refuse Collection and Janitor Service -~ ?, 29,45,63,76, 1267,293,29.:,,311,312,327, 344, 367, 3 ~'3, 3'19/,..1" ,469, -.-., . - ----. '.- ----_.~-- -. .-. + ,I Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commis~ion .- ---..--- --..-..- - -. ___.__ ___. J Roal1.okE! _county School Bd. Realty Transfer---275 90, 106, 120, 1.56, , , 193,211, i , , I date 233,~66 voucher-,check approved retro-activll to -- 6, : Roanoke Gas Company voucher-check approved retro-active to date --.6,30, 46, 64, 76,107, __u__ -----.1267 ,3l2, 327, 344 ,3~5 ,_3$3, 3')0, 442, 469 i ____m____ _,_______________p_____q ____pu .__ ________._,_ '! Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission letter file d -- 7, .---.--.-,'.--- - ..) u_ .! __ Resolutions ~- 13, 67, 78, 110,144,227 ,! 234, 238, 2f,u, 297, I . . ______.:. Resoluticns on Water Reso'Jrces 345 ! _______l._Re-zoning -- 13, 14,16,lS,33, 34,47,149, 52, 55:, 66, 94,1/~ 123, 136, 137, 141,~,,>,,~ /~K,I!'Y ! JSTi,I~O,JH, /{.Cj, ;gf,;f;i; !195, '196,213,220, 240,_241,271, 273'_275,276,277; 300 ----------r-.------------- 349,376,400-403' 444-4Lo.473, 474, 477 i ,! __.__..___._._.__.___w._.__~.~ ____._____._____._~, _.__ .. -,,_ __ __.'. -__ - . _ ___..__.__ j -, -. t-..__.~-~._~, ." ----.-------------:1-- Rose', Leslie. C. _ & Rebecca C. _ et als ___ rez~ning'! certain. property _ --.13 ,__ _._______ _ [1.__ ' 'I ' ,; _._______ __n___~___ Re<: Lass ifyingcertain property -- 13, ,___ :__.____ .______. ______. __.___ P_______.______.P.__. _.______.______--1 __Re_~sse~~~e~~~~~_~~~~E~t~te :~_=:~__32p, _: ____________. .________ _f_'=:i-_=-:= !i I ! ' 'I Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance investigation of violation Loch Haven Road residents .- 16~ --------.-.-------.-r-- Roanoke 'Linen ;ervice voucher-check appi-ovediret;o-active ~o date -- 30, 46', 64'.76, 9'0,: , ~07 ~.:~;~,__ -------------.----.t.- 312,383,442 .: ~ 1 '! Roanoke County Court et al Audit of -- 30, " i . --...---.. -. --.-- I ,--,_..._- ...._-.--. .--.. -~.~ ..~..- '--.,.. --ft I .._~.,_._.. -'_,.__ 249,329, Vinton 328. I.CS , 476, i , Res .Olution: 384.--- , " , Ii -8 --, ...__l_Records_ofRo~~c:~e_~~lJntY..a~_d_!~es_~. ~eters.' Treasurer, Audit of_~- _38,_ d____.u I il Roanoke Memorial Hospital voucher-checklissued for State and Local Hospitalization -- i38, .._.~___.....__ _ .. __ _.,~..n_.__ ..".;....____n__.____ ,..._ _ .._ __.._..._____..."__.____._._....__. \.._.... 'I Regular monthly salary checks for all s~laried County employees approved for payment J-39 ---r~:c;-~~~~~;and -aSPhalt mixing plant, colnplath~ of pr;perty mmers north of ~tate Rt. ;628, --'--"---~,---'--" .... -KingstoWn Road vicinity of letter[ filed -- 40, - '. ,. --. ,I Resolution of Roanoke County Sanitation Authority filed -- 36, . .. I -.....------~_.-._- . - .. ~ - - .:.. ~ .-..-~--.-.--.--.-...-..._--.'--i ;1 [ I. I ___LRo.anoke _ County _ Welfare Board authorizatign .fo:r _payment _of all State. and LocalHospital: bill~ as I of certain date -- 54, ISo, , ____.._________:_ Report. of_ audit_of. Fairview Home,_ -- 64,[ 268,~_____.___ _ __._.__________n_____:l Report on <,ctivities _ of Fort Lewis Life. ~aving and First Aid Crew, Inc. ,I Repairs to office furniture and equipmen~ Sheriff's office -- 66, -------_1- .' - . . ... .. . , " i Referendum to be initiated enactment of ~en~ent to annexation statutes resol~tion -- 67, . ~--,,~_._.-._-" - 64, "--)'---"'. ! ________.________JRescue Squads _ contribution:=:..69, _____.___n'. 'd__ _._________._______ _ .._ _ '! Roanoke County Operational Survival Plan!resolution rescinded -- 70, ~~_=:=~-~=~=]Roa~~~_~~~~~y - C~vil_ Defense Emerge~cy _9J~r~:~ona~___1'1<lI1__~~~lution.res=~~~~:d--=~_?~ '_ _1___________ .LR.l!Solution _ concerning _Ltreatmenftilcodnt7r7act2~b4etw,:en the _ City.. of _ Roanoke _ and _County. of _Roa~,oke. "I etter e , ll, 328 ! '. _________.~__~_~__m _ _ ___.______.________ _._. ._____ . .________..-...____________... _ n______ ____._.___.._. u.._ : ________________..1 Resolution recommending sale and consump~ion ~f wine and/or beer -- 78,. ____ ____________J ____ :[Roanoke Valley Motel_Association1etter ~iled ~enclosing -- 79, _________.___.__.. -:I-=~-=_iRoanoke County Farm.five acre tract.deed .orde~ed destroyed -- 82, d__..__..______11 ..___________u__.~Ridgewood Heights private water system trouble.-_~_82,_________._ ___________._____..______. ,i Roanoke Gas Company copy of application for amended and New Certificates under Utility I _____________n___mnu._ ---- Facilities Act, Case No. 1'0342 &c filed -- 83, ..- IRoanoke County Sanitation Authority voucher-check approved, retro~active to date of issuance'90, ----.--. --~ . personal .. 234, _ u__. . ~Refund of/property tax -- 93,. Ridgewood Park requesting relief from control of water rights petition filed I 101, " ...___ ~Roanoke County Health r'':!partment semi-annual report filed -- 107, " _ .Resolution amending contract between City, of Roanoke and Town of Salem filed -- 108, !Roanoke City-County Civil War Commission Board 'des ires to express appreciation -- 110, , Roanoke COllOty Sanitation Authority terminate letter l<1Citten -- 112, ;i- . - -:. -:-~ t ~,~.d-4 /15; ~ I travelling ~___________Roanoke County Planning COlllll1ission,/expenses of members, 157 .r 1-~'-'--1~i~'\I~$~JgLn. ._______ : ~. . .. . ..... _ .. ...--------ntrr~-~'-~-e:.-~.i ~-If'f-------.----. ..------ '~oanoke co_uI1.~n_~elllth and Welfar~ Center,! appl~cation aPl'rov~d communication : (.- /;I.-=- "// " :0'-- Marson Road - From Route 11-220 north tp dead end 0.l5 Mi. -- 7, i , Lindenwood Subdivision Number 9 additiohs to Secondary System approved -- 7, I .. 1 Woodmere Drive From Route 754 northea~t, 0,.13 mile to Landfair Drive 0.13 mi. I: Landfair Drive - From Woodmere Drive soptheast 0.13 ruile to dead end 0.13 Mi. -- 7, .j_u.Brookshi~e Drive - From Woodmere Drive.~outh~ast, 0.15 mile .to.dead end 0.13 Mi. , I ) Old Fincast1eTurnpike From Route 605 nprth :to Roanoke. Botetourt County Line 0.30 Mi.! -- 8; I i .,,____'1..Dillard Court Subdivision additions to ~econdarySystem approved -- 8, J Vernda1e Drive from Orlando Avenue to ~. E. ~ 0.25 mile -- 9,65, , i ..orlando Aven,uefromFlorist Road (Rt.6~3>,to D. E. - 0.35 mile.-- 9,65, , ...... _ n_" _ Tampe Drive from Verndale Drive to Orlando Avenue - 0.20 mile -- lO, 65, ~ ii __, __m_________.._Return_Roadfrom Orlando Avenue to Daytpua Road - 0,15 mile 10,65, 1'1 .. I, mm.!__ Daytona Road from Verndale Drive to Return Roadl - 0.15 mile __.,___________unn_L_Harvest Lane from Route 1495 west to dead end 0.20 ~U. -- 31, , I ! i Ii i i :1 BIG LICK DISTRICT Old Dominion Court Subdivision additions to Secondary System approved -- 7, I 7,: I i 7' . , -till. - J' 11,65, Westside Boulevard from Harvest Lane south to dead end 0.09 Mi. -- 31, i _~____~__'_ _______._~__..__..,____..___! ___..__.. __.n_~___' i ' __n___ __________.L_~amrockStreetfrom.present end of Rou~e.14.94 _to Harvest . Lane 0.08.Mi. -- ,,31, .._______In ,i State Secondary Route 616' between State! Secondary R"ute 115 (Hollins Road) and State 'secondary _____n_________,__ -Route 605-(Old Mountain Road change orname--- 33, --' i'" --- __ ______________uL_Carlos Drive change of_name_u .33'__n" ! _ ._~___ ..._ "n !. _.___n__________. ___1___countY_SChOOl,BoardUnnamed road from Spate !l-t. 613 to State Rt. 907-- 37,..1 _________ ___..._Vista Heights Subdivision ---77, i Mayfield Street from Orlando Aven:Je --.-.-------1"- . I Endicott Street from Orlando Avenue .(Ro~te I (Ro~te 1859) 1859) south to Vista Avenue 0.20 Mi. i 7"l - ',' ! I' - -~! - --+.-.... -- ;1 1 south to Vista Avenue 0.20 Mi. --J~,. , 0.12 Mi. -- 77;,___ I Ii ".. ---------l--r---.- __._____________._.'__SectionNo..3_-_0.23 Mi., one.house n.,80, __."._m _____L_sectj.,ns of New Location tD be Added to, the "Secondary System n 80, ______.,._____ __.__.i._Section No._8.- O.49Mi., new location i-- 80, __.______,,_.2 Section No. 9__-__0.11_ Mi. , new location _~,:_ 80 '~___________n_____ _____.._________ !i . 1 Section No._10 - 0.21 11i., new location;.-- _80,_____.___._. ---- _n"_ -----1"- , :1 Section No. 11 - O.16..Mi., new location; -- 80, ....".._u__._. -- ------- - -- ----~ -Section No. 12 - 0.16 Mi., new location ~y--___-u-~-~~~'!-~Section No.13- 0.28 Mi., new locatio~ . ________,,_____,__Sections of Old Location to Remain in S,econdary System -- 80, 80, .SO, Section No.1 - 0.10 Mi., four houses , 80,_ 1 Secti,on No. 6 - 0.30 Mi., four houses 80, 1---- Section No. 7 - 0.10 Mi., one house.n 80, ~. Route 654, From Route 24 to Route 634 -:- 81,'. Route 601, From Route II to Route 623 (Plantation Road) -- 81, , , Sections of Old Location of Route 116 to be abandoned -- 8l, Section No.1 - 0.034 Mi., this section' served by new location Section No.2 - 0.106 Mi., this section served by new location Sections of Old Location to be discontinued -- 81, 81, 81, Section No. 3 0.130 Mi., this section' served by new location -- 81, Section No.4 0.094 Mi., this sectio~ served by new location -- 81, Section No.5 - 0.107 Mi., this section served by new location -- 81, Project 0634-080-110' C-501 1.41 Mi. -- 93, Addition l~ of new location o~ 15/00 I' !i II , II I ii ;( ., Sections 2, 4 & 5 of old location of Roufe 634, between Section 72140 and Station 114,140 Project 0634-080-110 C-501 aha donment to secondary system -- 93, j, I: Old location of Route 634, Project 0634- 80-110, C-501, Section 3 from Station 78,100 east 0;23 mile to Station 89,100 0.23 Mi. Diseontinuance -- lOS, . , '; Section 1 - Old location of Route 116, locatea on the south side of the new location, from Station 555,100 west 0.034 milelto Station 555,180 Abandoned -- 108, ; Section 2 - Old location of Route 116, located on the south side of the new location, from Station " . 223/10 wes t 0.106 mile: to Statkn 220120 Abandoned - - 108, .: Section 3 - Old location of Route 116, located on the south side of the new location, from Station jj - 617120 west 0.130 miletto station 622,150 Discontinued -- 108, .:: Section 4 - Old location of Route 116, 1 cate4 of! the north side of the new location, from Station , 623/50 west 0.094 mile to Stat~on 627/00 Discontinued -- 108, .J Section 5 - Old location of Route 116, licate~ on the south side o~ the new location, from S,tation ; 629/20 west 0.107 mile to Station 632,140 discontl.nued -- 108, ' ',Route 612, from a point 0.20 mile south of Roanoke 690 south to a point 0.50 mile north of Franklin : . County Line 1.10 Mi. -~ 122; . :I Langland Dr. from BrookShire Dr. east 0.25 mde to Daladier Dr. -- 131,270 II ., . 'I Ii ' : Trevilian Rd. froll' 0.03 mile west of Clearwater Ave. east to 0.03 mile east of Glldland Ave." (0.18 mile) -- 131 I i' . ,I Goodland Ave. from Stonington Rd. sou~h qo' Tr~vilian Rd. -- 132, ii :1 Stonington Rd. from Clearwater Ave. soutJeast 10.09 mile to D. E. -- 132, .---.iExtn. of Clearwater Ave. (Rt. 1861) from [stonington Rd. south 0.16 mile to D. E. -- 133, I :. : I' ! J Daladier Dr. from Landfair Dr, east 0,13 !mile [to Langland Dr. -- 133, 270 Ii I Ii 1i r-----:Dr. Frank M. Johnson_(Unnamed_road from ~lant~\:ion Road (Rt.601) toD. E.)_--136, 168.__ ;. !iinn. Harvest.'.Lane ~6t~. Route 1497) frolllFairhope Rd. (St.Rt. 1496) east 0~19 1IIi. to D1 ~~! 'Extn. Barrington.Rd.. (St. Rt. 84.7) 0.11 D11. scil1th to D. E.. 17:< 270 171 , . . .J _______!AppletonRd..eaet froll Fairhope Rd.. (St.1 Rt.4.96) 0.18. lIli. to D. E. -_172._1 ,I ________.:!Extn. Landfair Dr. (Rt.l027}trolll Daladie' Dr.ll south 0.07 lIli. to Langland Dr. _ 177 2J'p~ i! " , . .. I' Ii ________iz..ndfair:Qr.troll DawnridgeDr.. south O. ~.~ to Woodmere Dr. _ 178, ,27Q , II 11- " . . I' _____n_.::Extn.Woodmere Dr..JRt. 1026). troll Landt r Dr. east O.v. 1IIi. to intersection._ I ')' , of De onsh:ire Dr. (Rt. 101.2) and Palisades Dr. (Rt., 1013 - 178 ______.._.~San.'a.AnitaTerrace_trOIl Fenwick Dr. sout O.2il, mi. to D. E._and tro!l Fenwick Dr. nortll. I. , 005 m.i. to D. E. - 179,~'11 I' _______jSierra.Dr. .troll.Fenwick Dr.south.0.19 1IIi~ to ~. E.. and trc,m Fenwick Dr. nCl'tb 0.06 mi.: to::________._n_______. ,: ~. DI;. E. - 179,2711 ' __._____~Extn. _Of_Fenwick Dr. J Rt.l:!47) _ west 0.1 mi..~to Santa Anita Terrace _ - 180,274. _ -------I.----.'d---------I-- ._____.H..U..MartinJunnamedroad from Yellow Morntaij Road (Rt. 668) to D. F.._O.IO mile -- 20f' Ii ,,_._.________ ._ 'Abandonment of Discontinued Road through orQper.ty of Bush Valley Swim Club, Incorporate~, lod~ted on ------ . State Secondary Route No. fi34, -- 213, ! ' ________.Lake 5trett from Highland Avenue (Rt. 6181' to D. E. - 0.10 mile -- 217,271 . . Ii ,Columbia Street from ECL Roanoke to Lela treet (rt. 1596) - 0.06 mile -- 217, 2J1. " :Vnnamed Road from Route 605 to Read prope ty -~ 225, ,Unnamed Road from Route 668 t;- D~ E. -- 226, ii :--- [i . ,Extn, of Keffield Street (Rt. 1834) n~rthlo.13i'mile to Biscayne Road 236, 365, '1' I ~, ____Biscayne Road from Keffield Street east ojos m~le to D. E. -- 237,365, . i , I' ____{rutchfield Street.. from Fair Oaks Road NE 10.1 1ile to D. E. -- 237, : --- ----~Morrison St. -from Rte.. 652 toECL Vinton 10.30 :lni. u-270 i::~:: :.::,<~ ::~ 10::':0 ::::J ~:r::::onm:: ":'_:::' '1013- 270 i.----. El<tn of Lela Street fnm Rte. 1596 to RtJ 1581 O.!LO mi. 271 ,.______:'.!:xtn._or Garstland ;)rive 4C6 I II t--~~----; :::: - :;:::::::y ~::~ ve 40~06407 I ii ~ \ :i Ij __.. _..Extnof Mal'.or."t. 40'1-P: nl_' ,.-. --. 1--- ii - [I , ,. .I~- " 'i mu.-.-.ExtnofJ.:ichael .:.t.. 40e 1_- __..____,_.~ Black. Oak St. 45~ . r " .:. BelleA'reolJ€ 45~ ._ ~ Cr.estnut j.;ount::.in Drive. 452 " ~ ._____.n~":h6str.ut i':o".4rJt~i~ Circle LJ.53 ;. !;; " .i F9.irhope rto9.d, 452 ..... - } ._. ~H~dg-p.'!.?.....'!"l .~V('"!. L.22 C1ni>v Roae I?:? ,. . '_._ _:He-.th ':ircle 4='3 b~~i H~.~ 0r:ve 473 ._Ji:sn:ine (;}:xcle L24_.. .. ,. ji i I BIG LICK DI"BIST (Conti D1led ) I I 1 .: S01,;th PacHic Drive from Olney 'ld ); '" 6 0$ mi to 0 '" , 24 "Go:;ldl3.nd Drive. f:':'om Arrington ~r~v~'~:'.'fo.c~ ~i't'O~~~'''425 ..' Arrington Dri ve ~roM :.:e. CCil "t. r r~e, 102,511';1, ta.l Gcod ~3.nd. Drive 42; ij ....1 . "". .. (n. 11 . t _::.....€'1:1"'VleW .i.JrJ.ve .:.xtp"'!S}f"'lT'i ilte. ,C'", ,;). ..1 Inl:. to 'vlalrccrne b.'Jf;. 42.; II ': B13"'dforc Drive .f'rorr ~~earvie1-; Dr. ,Ee..] c ..;}j~lbr)u:'ne 426 i: I 11 :: Chircorne A"". fr0~ El.andford I:. 0.26 ~cl J..d 427 I 1 Jinell'cur'1e Ave. from B13ndford Dr. '... O.l~ to :j!.:. 4::~; E. 0.0) :.11. to J.2:. 1.20 n.__.101e3.Dder Cih?:!:p frem l:iedgel~"D '\'!e. ,;. O,~5 j':ii~ to D.-:. 120 ~Elandford Ave. from CleBrview Dr. W. 0.13 mi. ~o D'E' 420 " !! 1'- n OilcY-inner St. forr.: Petty Ave. K. 0.21 mil" to GtE' 1,20 1 ! --- --- .. - ---. ------- ! F , I: i-n----..----- ----- 1 , , l__ ___ ~~M , .. .. .. I' 1= '. -, i- i-- '..j " 1- .1 ~ I < I .'{'.t ~. ;<~ .- 'l;,.~ I I ___I un'' --- -. --- I I :' I' ~ , ~ Brambleton Court Subdivision . - II . Ii ~ . t CAVE SPRING DISTRICT , i , additionsi to , S~condary System approved -- 7, . Harris Street - From Route 1620 north to Ro~te 1622 0.06 Mi. -~ 7, 1 additionsl to S~condary System approved 7, I , " 'I 'I Warwood Drive - From Sugar Loaf Mounta~n Rojid (Route 692) west to dead end 0.10 Hi. -- 7, Barnhill.Lane From Route 671 to 0.12[milejsoutheast to dead end 0.12 Mi. -- 8, 'I # Anteitam Drive from Westmoreland Drive; (Rt'~,:1!682) to D. E. - 0.06 mile -- 12,65, :1.. ! Cantle Lane from Pelham Drive north O'f mil~ to dead end 0.10 Mi. -- 3l, :1 ~ I 'I g Pelham Drive from Stoneybrook Drive weft 0.; mile to dead end -.40 Mi. 3l, i '[ Sorrel. Lane from end of Route 1325 easf 0.l3 mile to Stoneybrook Drive 01.13 Mi. n, 'i , , Brookfield.Drive from present end ofR~utet328 east 0.06 mile to Stoneybrook DriveIO.06,!Mi.--31, Stoneybrook Drive from present end of ~oute11316 southwest to dead end 0.20 mil -- 31, 11,1,271 Sorrel Lane from Stoneybrook Drive southeast 0.07 mile to dead end 0.07 Mi. n 31, :j I j mile Green Meadow Road (Extn. Rt. 1653) to >>. E. ',- 0.40/-- 50, 78, i ; Brahms Road from Green Meadow Road to .erefqre Road 0.45 mile --5l, 78, Longhorn Road from Rt. 702 to D. E. - q.18 ~ile -- 51, 78, Belford Street from Rt. 1318 to Rt. 1305 - 0.45 mile -- 52, 78, 1 J Section 3 -- 77, 1 -; end oflRoute l328 west to dead end 0.10 Mi. -- 77, i Hidden Valley Court Number F i [ 1 , , 1 I t I , , i f . 1 Secondary Route 612, from 0.20 Mi. N. of the Int. of Route 690 to 0.50 Mi. S. Franklin CQunty ""'" . Line a distance of 1.1Q miles abandon of -- 79, I ii I Ro'ute 681, from Int. Rte. 720 to Int. Rte. :n9, reconstruction! including new bridgEj ovetj : ... . N & WRy. at Ogdert. Lel'\gth 1.00 Mi., -- 8 , I' 1 i Route613, Bridge and Approaches over ~ack qreek (Near Starkey) -- 81, J. I Sections of Old Location of Route 682 ~o be "Abcmdoned -- 92, i :i , I 'i ::::~:: :::_~ ~~:~: :~:::~: ::::~:: :::::!db~yn::w~::::~::n-~_9:;, J J~ ~ ! I :1 , Section No. 4 - 0.04 Mi. this section served by new location -- 92, I I t.. , . '1 ; ~ Section of Old Location of Route 682 t~ be discontinued n 92, .1: j LSection No. 2 - 0.10 Mi. one house -- ~2, J I ' 'I l Sections of New Location to be added t~ Sec~ndary System -- 92, -- I,: Section No.6 - 0.165 Mi., new 10cati1n -- 192, 1,.. ! Section No.7, 8 & 9, 0.47 Mi. new location '-- 92, 1 ! Connections to be added to Secondary sJ.stem~-- 92,J ~i Section No. 10 - 0.01 Mi., new location 9.2, " ,I j Section No. 11 - 0.02 Mi., new location ~2, J.. !" I I Section of Old Location to remain in S~condciry System -- 92, :! ~ ill Section No.2 - 0.30 Mi., five houses ~- 92, , Secondary Route 612, from 0.20 Mi. N. of the Int. of Route 690, to 0.50 Mi. S. Franklin County Line, a distance of 1.10 mileis disi:ontinue amended -- 101, '1 Opposition as to abandoning of that po~tion .of Route 612 -- 102, I I, 1 Sections 6 through 9 of new location o~ Rout~ 682, between Station. 43/50 and StatioJ 7'8/6~, " 0.635 mile Addition u 109, i 1 , : ... Sections lO.!lIld 11 of new connection of; Rout~ 818,0.03 mile Project 1380-11-13 .665!"i. \09, ; Sections 1, 3 and 4 of old location of Route 682, between Stetion 43/50 and Station 73ir55i ; . Project 1380-11-13 0.32 Mi. -'- 109, ! Name assigned to portion of Wyndale AVePue b!'!tween State Secondary Pt. 1321 (Ferdalei Avenpe) and I: State Secondary Rt. 925 (Wyndale Avenue): Steele Road 110, I' ~Old location of Route 682, Project 1380~11-1~, Section 5, from Station 73/55 north 0~10 mile to i. Station 78/60 discontinuances -- l22 j ~Winifred Dr. from Overbrook Dr. south 0.15 m~ie to D. E. 125, 270 I ~Extn. of Warwood Dr. (St, Rt. 1336) wes~ O.l~ mile to D. E. -- 125, i r Overbrook Dr. from Grandin Rd.Extn. (Rt: 686~ south 0.20 mile to D. E. -- 126, I I ,: ~ Extn. of Pelham Dr. (St. Rt. 1338) west,O.27Jmile to D. E. -- 126, 270 ~ Dorset Dr. from Pelham Dr. west 0.02 mile to D. E. -- 127'270 . , < l : Lynn Dell Rd. from Knowles Dr. south 0.15 mite to D. E. -- 127, [Extn. of Knowles Dr. (St. Rt. 1686) from Sharolyn Dr. east 0.20 mile to St:. Rt. 613 ! Sharmar Rd. from Lofton Rd. north 0.21 rile ~o D. E. --128, 270 iHi11andale Dr. from Hollowdale Dr. east: 0.20!mile to D. E. -- 129, t i 1 . . Hidden_Valley HomesSubdivison, Brookfield Drive .~ from present " j I J ;i .J ,i 128, I , i 1 j SJo.LEM DISTRICT i i Andrew Lewis Place Subdivision Number 2 additions to Secondary System approved -- 7, I Evelyn Avenue - From present end of Rou~e 1104 north to dead end 0.07 Mi. -- 7, jGrandview Gardens Subdivision additions ~o Secondary System approved -- 7, I Southview Drive - From interstate Route ,81 north to Shelor Avenul~ 0.10 Mi. -- 7, Cherryhill Park Subdivision Number 3 additions to Secondary Syst,~ approved -- 8, 'i , J. Frances Drive - From %resent end of Rout,e 1507 to Cherryhill Road -.45 Mi. "- 8, ~:" , , " Nancy Circle - From Nancy Drive to dead ~nd -.04 Mi. -- 8, Nancy Drive -.From Frances Drive to Cherryhill Road 0.10 Mi. -- 8, Cherryhill Road - From present end of Route 1502 southeast to Frances Drive 0.10 Mi. ! Cherryhill Circle - From Cherryhill Roae!; east' to dead end - 0.10 Mi. -- 8, 'I I I . ____;.Northside High School Road From Route IIp northwest to theSchoc,l 0.25 Mi. . ..__ ____._ . Unnamed Road - From Route 11-460 south c~ dead end -0.10 Mi. -- 8, 8, .. 8, --c ______________1. George_W. _Wilkerson,. .( Tilmon T. Tuttle, et .Cloyd Street from Ellison Avenue to Rt. ~36 - 0.15 Mile -- l~ 77, i Ellison Avenue from Stevens Street (Rt. 1126), to Cloyd Street - 0.20 mile -- 12,77, ._____..____m.__.... ' -. .; . i et als - anunnamee!;road fromRt.601.north to_Interstate_Rt._81;-- , als - an unnamed road 0.3 mile west of Rt. 642 to D. E. -- 17 ' . '___'H " [I .17 :______.___ 'I Barnett Road extension of -- 20, -----.--------.--."---.,-. -- 1 t-... :I Norwood Sec. 4 Subdivision extension of llarnett Road -- 20, .___________._.__n__.__...... -I :i Narcissus Street from Poplar Drive east to dead end 0.20 Mi. -- 31, --.---..--4 ______.J Azalea Street from Poplar Drive east to aead ~nd 0.20 Mi. -- 31, i Poplar Drive from NCL of Salem to Narcissus Street 0.14 Mi. -- 31, .d.___.._..,_ j , I , \i Harriett Ann. Drive _ from NCL of Salem to ~ead ~nd 0.12 Mi. -- 31, _____-~=~JRenfro Boulevard from Pilot Street Route! 1474' to Overbrcok Street ;1 I _________J_Roberta Lane -_from Route 116 northeast to dead end 0.15 Mi. --31,. ii ,j '.'--'.- -1---- _ .m_ .A.road extended from. the present end Sewell Road from Route 622 southeast to Moore Road 0.30 Hi. -- 1 I McDaniel Drive from Gene Stre"~ to D. E.10.06_mile -- 31, 65, Gene Street from Ellen Drive to D. E. 0,12 Mile -- 32, 65, 0.07 Mi. -- 31,._ ' i ._.. "_ ,_"__'__ .. - .._ ._.________..__u.. j , i of Route. 603.. 0.10 mile south to dead end C .10. Mi;" 31, ~l, :1 i i Lewis Avenue (State Secondary Rt. 1106) b. etween Hawley Drive (State Secondary R~. 1105)., andL__ .' - 'McDaniel Ddve (State Secondary Rt. 1101) change of name Fort Avenue -- 32,; ____ J Fort Avenue change of name -- 32'..1 ' _.__._..! :,..______ i An unnamed road from Rt. 601 North to the R/w10f Interstate Rt, 81 (0.20 MLj 52,! _._ f H ___./. , i \ i _______.____._: Souths ide _ Hills Subdivision, Section 1 -~ 77,:. ._________.:FroI!:.Route_601north to right.ofway of Inter~tate Route 81 0.20 ML ..!State Route 790, access road to Sea1test Corporation -- 79, ...iRoute 612, .Bridge and Approaches over Roanoke .River -- 81, 78, ---I -1- , ._ ::Abandoning and closing of existing grade ~rossing on Route 709 and Route 757 111, .! Lawndale Avenue from Burma Road to Turner Roa..! 134, ._:~~sq_Street from St. Rt. 311 west 0,12.mile to, D. E. -- 134? 270 __ ~TullYDr. fromSt. Rt. 116 north 0.38 mile to D. E. -- 135,270 . y , ~Neil Dr. from Tully Dr. north 0.30 mile to Tully Dr. -- 135,270 _~Roy Minnix (E"tn. of Rt. 693) -- l36, ..:B. I. Gimbert, et als (Unnamed road from Rt. 642 to D. E.) -- 136, 169, 173,270, Masters Circle from Showalter Road soutb 0/07 to D E - - ---.., , :Extn.Sigmon Rd. (St. Rt. 1449) NW 0.25 mile to Showalter Rd. - 173' 270 ,Showalter Road from Northwood Dr.NW 0.31 mile to Barnett Rd. - 174,270 ,Barnett Rd. from Showalter Rd. south 0.20:1l1le~to Northwood Dr. - 174,270 Martindale Ave. from Belle Haven Rd. (St. :Rt. 1832) SW 0.1 mile to D. E. -- If,S, Hountainview.Drive - fro,", InterstGte Route 31 to Shelor Ave. 0.13 mL - 270 .La,mdale Lve. fro", Route 097 to 0.12 Hi. east - 270 'Lawndale Ave., fro1jl O.l2 mL east of Route 897 to Route 755,0.11 mL 270 Route 628 from 117 ,Funds for purbhas~ of ~1Fht of way etc, 317 ji "Shirley Road, from Skyv1ew Road to d,e. (11125') :1 I il ~ Extension of Skycoe Dri ve ( 1125) 31~ 3~6 "II, 'i ' , , I ' , ., Eddielf Road (State' Route 1123) 3l834-R' 3661 Brushy Mountain Drive named 334; 4J'l " 317,366, ': Shirley ':,j. i,59 ----.--.Murrell. Ave. 459------- '~;est Club Drive 460 ---'::Antrim Street 430 - m___ --- "" . .' D' 4'0 ; arrl.ett .'1.nn =-'l.ve ..I --_._.~. .- " Carrollton Ave 431 --.Poplar Drive-4h ..----- i: Deer Br'lnch :;,oad 432 '-'j Gordon St.- - 433' " Valentine Ave. 433 i I I I I I' .'Petition of Dillardet.als, Brushy Mt. Drive, tiled 348 _I~o~:e 628 'lO~t~_~pen to public. 319 ~ , ~ I Improverr.ents requestedto R01!tc jll from Ir.c.L~f to Interst'lte it $1 Du'll Land. Route for Route 11.,fr~m ~Icl of '("'lle,~ to Glenvar,request " ',Vlest Club Drive 0.40 rr.i.from Up1ar,d Dr. t Forle Dr. 3$5 IiFore Drive From'liest Club Dr. to Links Mar. r Dr. 3115 :1 Golf Colony Dr. from Fore Dr. to Links Aa~or Or. 3 g 5 -. - . _.~-.- "Links Manor Dr. from Fore Dr. to Golf C01~ny Dr, 3P5 ._________~Links M3.nor Dr. from 'ore Dr._~o__d.e...... 3i$5,,!i li!tddition tc 612, Sec.4 of new Location 315 II ill\ddition to 639; Sec 5 of new Loc'l.tion 0 630 ~ 3P5 Ii Abando!"rr.ent cr...~~~ 2, Ro~te6~_2 e 3$5 ~ . ~ II il , II Oak Drive, Vacation Instrument 347 -'j I' d I I- I , I, I Ii 390 I !I , - 3"0 I , I , I I , I ----I :i Oak Road widening request 336 ._.u..._ ~Starvlew Drive. 348_ --1- F"- , ,I :: Abandonme!1t :>1' Sec. 2 of Route 630 ; 3115 , 1 , I I , , I I I il _._._.~. ii " I: .... ~ Ii J II --':1 !! , Ii ..----..--.; - II :1 ~...__.._- " --- .-----.1- ...--.-- ..--. _.1_ -- ~ Ii , 1-- i I , i -.'; ,~:err.ory L3.ne ;;;xoen5ion 434 _____no"~ J.lpine Road 457-. _..... Stoneg~te Jrive 45~ _,,_ Eartley ;:)~i'!e_45~._ il First 3tr:"€t :3.t C. Land Cc. 460 , --- ----1 :1 . .;1 .-~_~__ _____:DeepDell, Burma & Kisko''oads; ~ drainage pipes to be furnished by State Hi~hway 472 I i i I I , I I r I . _ t. I 1-= -I:: , j : ! i :1 Sheep Claims &c 4, 25, 44, 62, 75, 8t,105' 106,119, 120, /S~, 192, 210, 211, 232, 289, 326, 343 363 3P2 307 414, 43~ 468 I i .1 ' , - , ,;' , , I ' I i !i Summary of for~st fire control activities and not statement of costs -- 8, 't"" ! ------J... Souths ide Hills rezoning certain proper~y u ~ 14, . ,i State Secondary Rt. 638 rezoning certai~ property - - - -. -- - r- Salary and Expense Accounts filed no acbion taken m._ ----1-- t :1 I I! _~.;___Sheriff_Salary.andExpense Account.filep no action. taken -~ 15,;z.S3 _ __._.:., il State Compensation Board, Notice of he~ing for purpose of fixing salary and expenseJ filed --15 ....-.----___._.... _.., I - - r-' ~ I I . I' _ _____u_ k6~~~~'32tfan3sg09rt$~n.and treatment, ami' end contract City of Roanoke with Cou:tlty.()fu~p_an_()~.~~___~5 , , J I ' ! Skyway Development Corp. 25.00 Acres Cr6ssroads Mall amend contract City of Roanoke with Cdunty ____u..".________.u_..., .--"- --of Roanoke transportation and trli!atment'of"sewage-u 35, .... : .. - ----- ---- I Stone, Julia B. Estate (43.4 Acres more!or less) amend contract City of Roanoke with County of "--Jil' ..........----1"- -Roanoke transportation and treatment of sewage -- 35, .' - l' ;:. .-- .-l_.:---------~- Secondary _ System,_ Final_Budget _ submitte4 u-~_38,. 274'__nn.u__.__~.__._u_w.. _.__________ ..___...:: '-n__ --~~=~~~-=-=i~ ::::~:~: ~~~:~~:::tP:::::::~ o:s ~;::~:j:-::~~:_~~..;:~an~e _~o~rd_ --. ~6, ______ _______~__~_( _~.__--;:~~~.~_ :1 I I i' ________~__LSalaries, _payment _ of .~- _50, ____________1______ : _____~____n_____~_______. ___.________l _.____J.___~ , ' . I ________.___l_sunset _Heights '. Section .1, _ Chairman. of ~oard lauthorized. to.. signinstrumentvacating_~_L 53, .L.__n__ __.___________1.. Secretary-Deputy _ Sheriff~ s _Office creat~on _ o~. new _pOSition -- 65, _.__________. ___. u__.____J____~ __ _~ ___________l__Sher:l.ff~s _ Office creation new position ~ecret.ary-Deputy_~.:.65'____m_____.__ _________......._ L....J___ _____ _ _ ____.._.__.L Sheriff's _ Office letter _ approving overd~aft ~epairs _to office .furniture and equipment i -- _ 66.1. ______U'_U_ I ' I I' '! Scholz, Henry Jr. rezoning of certain property -- 66, /-;tf ' : ----_._--_.__._-_.._._---~- - .' ,. - ,.--- " j--+.----.....--. ________~____~ _ Sherif~, _ fixing. of salary and expense. a~count:. -~ 67, ~ /, m___'.'_ ____n._.___n___..1 __ State. School funds ..Copy of. resolution. filed ~- 69,___.____.. n ' I' 11 _______--1_State"Highway_ CommissionAnnual_Report.. f;iled::-- 69, _._____.__. _ .___~_._________n_ ,.______.._______ ii', --tit _______J_ Sewage _ treatment _ contract_between City _ apd Co~ntyresolutionletter filedn 77 ,_____. ,.______.......______ ~ i! Sale and consumption of wine and/or beer, &c -- 78, - .~---i------------ - .-----.---- .. - . i --'---'--'--.---+--- ------------...'- j State Highway Department Joint meeting with Board of Supervisors u 80, ...-.-.--__.__.. - .- - I il Summerdean private water system trouble -- 82; -'-'-'-'-~--------- -- ,- i State Tax Structure communication filed -- 199, ______._.._. - I ____________ __.1. Sharpley, Winston S.. Ar:.c~itec t, _ propl ,~d! Heal ~h and We~!_a:~_~:nte~ pla-,,-~_ :i State Department of Health Report of filed uii 107, j I 2f3 ,262, 263 I I .i! 14, 15, 303 J~ , , I- I ..1__0.~, __om! !i State CompensatioTl Board approving reque~t of Treasurer files _.___.___..______..____ . ---'~ "'-1.' - ------. I Steele Road portion name assigned to -- pO, i 109, I i ' -.------------- ---I' --.------:---.-.- , " !o '1 Sealtest Company abandoning and closing ~xisting grade crossing &c 111, --------ruc=.-;~... ..- . - 25~.' - T----.-. ___. ____ --.----~ -/"1-"'=-r - . . 11'1-,.. . -----------~ ' ------- .-.-----.- . --.---------- .-----. .--- _____________ls.ewer inter eptor line Town.~!__~alem_ wastes _ &c_122 ';70 _____ i , :1 I 'ISynopsis of Budget to be prepared -- 123,' --.u -~~=--=--~-} sc~olz, Hen~y, Jr., p~tition for r:~=nj.ng'~-~~t~~n p~=~erty - ~n~4I, ..----- __ __ _.~____~Stop_light letter_requesting.at intersection of Cove Road.and Harshberger Road 'Sheriff's Office, request for Air Conditi~ning:Unit --.145, .1,4" --.-----.-.-----~--.1 '.- - . '... I ___________33idewalk rcquestedin Hollins College are* --_l45, 390, _ '._' --f&.-------::~~-Li~~~, ~..'X zt= t.~;~It.-c- _1Ii__...___~_.h.~..-tf'~ <~-W~.-?4 f1- ,I 'e , " _________. JState Compensation Board, receipts.. and eXl'ense~ published u 193,. _ _ _ " _ ._________~Statement of receipts and expenses published -~ 193, _ ______n_ jState_Gorpora~ion Commission statement as~essed values of Railroad &c ~- 216, I , . --- --- -.-------------i---.------ .._..__~____ __ I .~_._ I ...!-------- i --I -----. n 144 I . .' '1"'---. ! II .IIT .______._i~-=wag~. collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County . _____.______ .Stump, Helen Brooks employment in Treasurer's Office -- 227, ______.____. ~heriff' sAudi t - - 234, L/,3, __ n._ ______.sununary. of fiscal matters '. between Roanok~. County and Virginia. Division of Forestry u ;1:35, 222,253,371, n__..______________~choOlS . Study_Committee, .presenting !I COpy , Your Schools.- Roanoke -County--- -Facts-III- 2:40" I' ., :[ ,I Town of .[ I I i Salem voucher-check approved retr03-gct!~e to date 234,267'3-1~327,344, 4, ), 309,'.42, ......, ! ' 6, 29, 46,64, 76,90, 107, 121, 460, Treasurer, Salary and Expense Account filed no action taken IS,).S? . Town of Vinton petition opposing_annexat~on filed -- 16, Transportation and treatment of sewage, amendment of contract with County of Roanoke ::rom C!ty .... . of Roanoke -- '3S; :. I ____~_______LTreasurer of Roanoke County , off:l.cial bohd le,tter filed-- 40, .. i :1 Transfer of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity &c commnnication 53, I J~ .~-! . ,,_.________ ____Trallscriber IBM__purchase. of&c --.54, Treasurer fixing of salary and expense account -- 67,3/q I __________~:._~:-~: Town of Vinton v. County of Roanoke at~o~ey employed to assist in Annexation -- 68, ! _.____._____1_Transportation. and.. treatment of..wastes. r~solu~ion _letter. filed -- 68, ... _1 ___ _ , -I: _._______J.Treatment of waste~;~dfrt C~~2~3%~,between ~ity_ of Roanoke and County of Roanok,~ .--.r9, _ 8~,I+'~ ,I I Tubercular patients treatment of combining Blue Ridge Tuberculosis Sanitarium and Catawba --- .. - -.- ----. - Sanitarium -- 69, ; ; ____.___.______JTurk, James _ C. _expressing appreciationproposl!d annexation laws letter _ filed_ -- 77, .m__ ,! i II ,I Thornhill, Glenn O. et al deed ordered destroyed -- 82, -----------1-Than~ exp~esse~- to - JO~ ~. Moore Chai~n of i RO~llo~e C~ t;~~::~~~---~.~~~-;:---;~r -~e~~el~ni~i i ~~_:x:~!Si.~~- --------.---~ Tantat~ve Alloca~io~s for 8~~terstate and Iprim~ry construct~on fil~d -- 101, 1- ----- ---.-----~~_. --. i - - . - - ------- - .~---; ____ ._. ____m___i Treasurer. of _ Virginia voucher-check retr9-active to date n 107, .___________________".___ _________.._______! ,[ Treatment of domestic and commercial wast!es amending contract between City of Roanoke .ind -----------..---- 'Town of Salem resolutionfil:ed -~'l08 . '. I ._____.,,_ ___J Treasurer. Roanoke County. allowance for. tJo metal files _ -- .109, .. i.---..-----.- ,!Terminate Roanoke County Sanitation Authority letter written -- 112, i . -- -----------.-- . - - . .--- ------ ---- ---'1- -,' - . . hown of Salem sewer interceptor line wastes --' 122,370, --------u---iiTreVilian, Patricia I. et al rezoning cerbain ~roperty -----------1--- '''--- --- - . - - - ____..m. ._. . 1 ~ . ---. _-pt_____.______fTaxLevy_tor olear 1962_ - 166 ,for 1063 r.1:, ______.____.j:r~4._t.-'f'n ,.__,8/ I ._________u___J ~...-~.f:.<<-<'--"-1..~~~ /r1'" ;1 i1 ' ..___H._n__-'!Tinnell..Mr._Clayton G.appointment of m~mber~of Roanoke County Electrical Examining __JTinker Knoll Subdivision, Section 2 operating [and maintaining sewer system &c. -- 202, '! Treasurer of Roanoke County, annual -~_._-----~----~ - - .~ :! Transfer deferred credit account to --.---1 I I ,.. .~-...-----.. "-'J 136, 195, i ----.---...---.--.----.~_.~. "-'-'-'-"1 --- ---- --- ----------.-----. .---.----- -...--1 , , _._~_....._.-I 1-.- . "4CO-- B<;>ard sett~emen~.:::_ 219, 471 general revenue fund -- 227, _._.....1__..___.._....____.._._.._ ;iTables purchase of for use in vault in Clerk's' Office -- 227, --------.-------:j Treasu-rer's Office- employemen~ of __Z-27f-.f----m ....____.. ~ duO' .____" ___ ________ '--'--'---~---"---"-" .._.~._---~--~-_...._._--_._._- -..-- --- m._____ jTrailer __Court _ (peU tion presented) o . ____________1 Trailer - Ordinance - amendment -- 272 - ,I Technical Inatitute, Roanoke- 273 2 5 ~ '___ _ .__________________ _. _._________ _ .______________., .______.. ________ 'I ____ ._________~.Turner.J.M.Co.-Bid on. Health Center II 'i Ed _. _________________Traff1c_Control. ._at Hershber"er . . I ___________:._'lhornton_>-Hev "..Pyolnce,_ peti tlon on .______._..__~Trailer, rezonin~ for; 36$ 30L.... 3g 1 .beha}f'. I , of. Ft,-Lewls Fire_Station ZeO..._ '(1-- ,\ __m..: -Tro.Uer, V~cation Sales Lot - 3<:)1 " ._u___: ..Twi:1e,.....,.dge & Charles,property leased I for"Listed 377 I -! ---- I i I ________.____ ~ _ Truck. purc' ase .a'clthori zed 376 Bids for Garbage Dispos~1-3~7 I I Tuttle,_Tilmon,!..and.bcu~ht for' R8.dio Cor.r!UniC:2~~j_C!1S TO''ler - 388 TO\'msend, 1':.C., A~!"oint!l:!?nt to Rnqn'Jke C~:";'!"1T,Y!~S9.ni.tqtioP. !~~<T_n0r~ty "erl'"orary L03.n to ~1nitio.tion ':'u.,hori ty A;.!' orill:ed: :,45 : ~~~.? Tarpley's Bid on Air Conditioners for Treasurer's and other Offices 463 I ._j , , '1 Utility Facilities Act, Case No. 10342 amended &c -- 83, :1 fill I , :1 , ~ , - IN :1 'j _I - ---. I .1 , , 'I [=:-~~~~~----~--=L~=_-=::==-:'_:_==:----~-='=-- .-..- - -----. ; I 'I f~-~-~~~---: ---~- ~ :-==~:~:._~---~----- - . f----- - ~ :1 r--'- -..-...--. -.---.j _______n____ ~ "I ,I f :-- ci~==::-:=-:=-'1..--=----=~~---==:----~:--- r--- . .r"--------.---.----- ~.. J __________. L . __________.......n_ .__~______.____ .___.____n__._.___.___. _',. . -- --- 'i" ---..------. 'I ----.---.+- - --------------.-.----- -- -_.----- - -_._~-_.-._.- -~...- ..--. - ~---,.._._-_.- --.-----.-'"-.- .-- I.' _II.. . .. ,:._______ n...... .. . . .~ .__ ______..Mn___._ ____..__._.'._______.___~___._._...._____ copy of application of Roanoke Gas Company for , I , I Ii i' I Ii' I' ., 1 i I I Ii .:1.._... '1 , I 1 , 1- I" i I :1 :1 :i Voucher-checks approved retro-active 1 212,234, 24S, 267,294'312, " ;1 i " I I 121--,156,157, i I i I tol datel:of 327, 469 , issuance -- 6,29, 46, 64,76, 107, Virginia State Chamber of Commerce lett~r filed -- 7, i control activities -- 8, ! Voucher-check returned, Forest Fire ,I ,j .!- Vacation instruments 15, 34'7 --~ JI._ , 16, 38, i.- t t 68 :1 _ .11'_____"__7'__' 53, ~ .-.. ~ I I' " i1 ---------.------1- __.u .. --.---- letter filed 235, i 'I I i "Virginia. Highway Dept Report filed 328 , Voting plaoe ohan~es,letter filed: 336 - 337 _ Vint~n ,letter from,' anprovin" sr.Jen"":ents to Hilke Valley Plannin" COr:1m. 347 Voters,Lea"ue of IYor.Jen. ""'he 'Roanove ValleJ"l A Handbook for Citizens 347 - --.--------.. -----.-.-..-. _... ..----- ..._..~ ---. -.----..-------------.1 ___ Vir~inia_State Vireini:l. St'l.te Voucher-check Chamcer of Commeroe R~p,rt F~ led 403 Police Department, Sow~r E~sement : 4t5 extra He'.p an Juvenil~ Ct. 463 , ,__._.___'. __.~._.__.______.___,_____________._...__' - -------.-- . -.-- ._---'- - - -- .-.. - t :1 : __.______"_ Voucher-Check. For Delivering Voting Booths_463 - -..-- -- ----------". I. I' ___._________._ 1 - _._- 't -~-,..---,--- -.----- --. -- -...--.. ._.~_._- -------- - .-. .---.--- ---~,-,- ,-.- -- ------- -- _.-.."~-~--_.- ----_.._-,_._-_.~.---_._----.-. --u --t ..--. ---~----.. ------- --~ -..---------- -tJ i , :: W. H. Taxes n 5, 29, 45,63, 76, 90,106, 120,193, 211, 233, ZT;7, 'I Welfare, Department of Public Roanoke coJnty Biennial Budget Estimates -- 38, . ' i : I it Wagner, Thomas E. & Laura S. rezoning certain property -- 49, 196, 275, 276,277 ,i Welf=~e, Department of operation appropriation ordinance 57,165, --..j - . . ,I Wiley, F. C. Jr., Postmaster, voucher-check retro-active to date -- 64, "--'1-' t : i ! . .!Woods, Rogers, Muse.& Walker, Attorneys, iemp19yed to assist in Annexation suit -- 68, I Wastes, transportation and treatment of letter filed -- 68, .. 1" i .!Wine and/or beer resolution sale and consumption of &c -- 78, , _ _::water system trouble private in certain ~reas in County -- 82, IWater rights control of Ridgewood Park Water Company, filed -- 101, "- .--~.._--, , __un_ JW!"ight, _ Rev. C. K. prayer n 102, ,,_r'.________n_.lwynda1e Avenue portion changed to Steele Road -- 110, i'~1 2 J~......~. "Wine/beer copy of order prescribing hours! not be sold filed -- 111, ___..'_._ _.. - .. .. 0'... ,_, _ I _. J I Wagner, Thomas E. & Laura S. petition fori rezoning certain property -- 141, 181, ------=-=-=~~~rt~i,.~J::.. -r'H~~' #;t-k ~'/a1~ ~- t+'~--/~~~~~- --------.------.. r-- --.--~-- --.--.--.--'.-.-.. -----.- - ! ...--. ~ - .-.,,- -- --.--- -."-'--', ....... .--.-,-.-, ..__._._-_..~._. .....----.-- f:Widening of Route 681 Jefferson Hills-Ogden Hills area n 215, '!Wirt, Eugene S. Jr. appointed County Historian -- 238, J----.-. .-'-------~'T - - - . .. , .- __.______________._lWestchester,waste_Disposal A-nendmt.-- 278, 330 ~ ______un._____n.__l"v=ere_collrt,l-laste. Disposal Amendm't 27~ ~30 I . : i ___n________._____ J'Waldron Or . Waldron ,. Bid on Health Cehter! 31)5 :.' I I _.__i: Watts_andBreakell ,Bid on Health Cente*. 305 .' i _.__ ______~Wa~esboro-to. Roanoke-Route,._proposed- by !RailwayExpress -Co. _ 333--.---.. _______n_____.________.____, --C" ---.--------..1. ~da1e. _Water.Co._De1inquent Taxes .suit .!338J. - '! 'I n I' _ ______. .____:,___Water_Resources.Comm1ttee u"tudy ;3415,j4t. ;; i _______..mu_.__n__~_WsLtts.&Ereakell-?syment on Health" Welfs'!'e--B1dl" 344 M__m___.____.Lilhit10w'n GeneD. ,Appointed to i(o;moke G~unty (J'mit8.tion i\uthority : P'1. 'I Warehouse Sales Company, Inc. Bids on Refrigerator and Clock for Health Center 461 , : ;, .. .-..--..1.-.---.--....- ,i Ii . H_..!L_.._____ i I upecia1 heeting to accept Bid .321 .j. _______ _n_____ J _Welfare _ Department. ;"qu ipment. ,I " , Purchases Authorized , . 461 - - - -----.....------- -j--.-------- ---..--.---. -------.--...- I , .,.,___.,____ --..---,i-.- ii '..-'-;i-- _..___.__._~._.___'_ ..u_ .. ____..__ 0'_ __._.___~.__.__.__,____.,..__..__.__ I .----_...-.-.- ,- --... ..._._.~--. =-w " ,I '! -..--.---. tL .-----..-.-.. .: ., i I Your Schools - Roanoke County - Facts III presentation of -- 240, I . Yates, J. E1gar, appoi~ted to Electri~~]! Ex~~j~~ Ecard 400 ! Young, Edwin M., letter in re RO'ke Co . :San. Auth. bonds 472 /--~ '.... I', I ~- -t- ! ...--...-:! I -.j ~ 1M , , .___., ,; _ _~___ .u._..___.. ._..._ I." " !I 't-- :1 I --.-... -'-.-.----.,. ._._-_.._------~._- ,I i , , i I ..-.-.- -.......- ~ --.-.,-. Ii ....-- '. -----. i ~;';~:=:=~:'.!i ~~~--_~_~:~u:- --- -,,------- --. ~ 11 "'" --------- " , .-:(-- :i ., n ....i.. ! .._-_._-_._-_...~.._-- or _-_'0 --.-.. ... , ____.__,__.___~__ ___. ~__'.._,._ .__m_______,_~___ i , , . - -_._-----~.~_..-------------_.- .------.--.------- ,j [I __:. U _u~:::-_-==_~- :~_.---- =0 _~- I , i i I I Zoning Ordinance investigation of violations! Loch Haven Road Residents -- 16, ZoniJg certain Bessie I. Nininger property -~ 91, I " Zoning Ordinance consider amending Section 1-22, Article 1, Definitions -- 109, 139, ". 1 'I Zonine- and Planninf' Adi'i t~onal Appropd/l tions 347 --r' J~~ i . ., ! _ Zoning fer Vegetable ann Fruit Displays, : _Zoning - 3.1 q5 A. Cave 3pring from R-2 ,to I 36S Zoning for Trailer Sales :'36$ Ap,r. A-~for vonv~1escentHome 444 .-c-- ,i 'I .1_.. 'i i -. - ~- I _u_ _._.__....__ __ J _.._._ :i 'I _"n ,; ___'_ r I I i 'I :j._-. 'I ______..___________________, ,__.___. ____. ..____._n____.._..__,_.__.__.__.. I _m__.___________ j____________..___._._____________.~.___._m__________ _n_____ ____m__ __n_ __ II~__ __ !i .-.----_.~.. -- .-- .--.- .--. -------,--~---_...._~----_._._._. 'I _ ~_____.. m i I i .;- II , ..i.._______. , I I I "-- I I I I _.___.1. il _____...___._.._ _--n.---4 ___'_'___'_ . __.__.._.__..___________._.____U'_n'_. .....- ::q . II ___ 1---------------- n __"m______._. .__. __u___________.__._______. _ ~ .___ ________.. __ } .._. __._____ .u ___ ____ _____ _______ 1__.__ I 'l .! --- -- _..._- .. _____________ _"n , 1"1 -I I. I I - ;. - I""; , , ' ~ :1 .1._.__._. , ii -,,-'-'-'."--.' ---- _._-lj._._._-,._-_._.._~~-- Ii , " ~ I y I 1 -----------.---.-..-.--.-.-- -_.._.---------,._.._-~----------- . Court House Salem, Virginia October 16, 1961 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Cou=t House y thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. W. Hatton, Pastor of the Fort Lewis Baptist Church, Sale~, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. " The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 03939 Acme Printers, Inc." Book Binding and office supplies $ 229.25 II 03940 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 37.76 03941 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental fee on Postage Machine 31.14 03942 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Post Office Box Rent 2.25 03943 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 912.25 II II II II 03944 Roanoke county Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash fund 44.23 II 03945 Roanoke County Court, 25 warrants 6.25 II 03946 Roanoke County Court, 25 Warrants 03947 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postage 03948 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 03949 Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co., Maps - Zoning 03950 Void 6.25 28.00 5.96 l6.50 II II II II II 03951 Panama-Beaver of Maryland, Office supplies 03952 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 03953 Underwood Corporation, Ma~ntenance agreement 03954 C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies 19.60 2.65 74.40 81. 74 747.00 37.00 27.00 6.00 24.00 20.00 II II II " 03955 Xerox Corporation, Record paper for Photostatic Machine 03956 Michie Company, Law Books 03957 West Publishing Co., Law Books 03958 Bank of Salem, Rent on Night Deposit Bag 03959 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster Postage for County Court 03960 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children 03961 Void II II " II II II II 03962 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expenses 03963 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expenses 03964 Everette G. Holstein, Reimburse Traveling Expenses 42.29 60.61 57.54 32.24 75.00 175.47 405.00 51.40 49.88 II II II 03965 Esso St&,dard Oil Co., Gas, Oil &c 03966 DonQld S. Lavigne, Inc., Wearing Apparel Sheriff's 03967 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for County Vehicles 03968 Miller Tire Service, Tires purchased for vehicles 03969 Radio Communications, Radio Maintenance 03970 John B. Stetson Company, Wearing Apparel Sheriff II II II II II " 03971 Southwest Motor Parts, Parts for County Vehicles 96.81 2 03996 Owen Plumbing Co., Parts for fire truck 18.35 03997 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Parts ~or #5101 Truck 7.82 03998 M & S Machine Co., Parts for Truck 1.10 03999 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House 8.85 No. 03972 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries for Sheriff II 03973 H. M. Wood Plumbing ~ Heating Co., Repairs to County Jail " 03974 American Bakeries Co., Food fo" Prisoners 03975 American Chemical Co., Janitor Supplies 03976 Clover Creamery Co., Food for Prisoners 03977 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 03978 Green Market, Food fer Prisoners 03979 Monarch Finer Foods, Food, Janitor supplies &c 03980 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry 03981 S & W Pharmacy Co., Medical supplies 03982 Salem Glass Co., Replacement Glass for Jail 03983 Salem Office Supply Co., 1 set casters 03984 Valleydale Packers, Food for County Jail 03985 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners 03986 Arrow Hardware Paint Co., Hardware &c 03987 Auto Service Station, Gas and Oil 03988 Brambleton Gulf Service, Gasoline and Kerosene 03989 Culligan Soft Water Company, Rental Fee on Water Softn.' 03990 W. W. Garman, September Rent on Fire House 03991 Clearbrook Lio~'s Club, Sept. rent on Fire House 03992 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, September rent on Fire House 03993 Hardie Engineering Co., Parts for Fire Truck 03994 Harvest Motors, County vehicles Parts 03995 Mount Pleasant Garage, Parts and Repairs Fire Trucks II II II " " II II " II II II II " " " " " " II II II " " " " $ 6.12 13.50 64.78 52.47 14.56 42.30 122.94 197,89 43.88 19.45 5.00 I I 4.02' 50.97 122.26 1.27 33.78 29.29 4.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 5.00 28.72 27.55 I " 04000 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Wash material for trucks and Brake fluid for Distribution 56.64 04001 C & P Telephon" Co., Telephone service for County Fire Houses 58.79 04002 Steel Service Warehouse, Parts for Fire Truck 32.41 04003 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts and Chemicals 278.19 04004 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare Dep.2,325.26 " " " II II " 04005 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 04006 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supp1es 04007 Times-Register Co., Advertising 04008 David Dick & Harry A. Wall, Maps for Subdivisions 04009 Addressograph Multigraph Corp., Office supplies 04010 Salem Oil Co., Fuel Oil for Tractor II " " II " " 04011 Shackelford-Cox Truck Co., Parts for Garbage T.uck 04012 Vinton Motor Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 04013 Roanoke County Court, Warrants " " I 246.50 49.42 30.62 4.50 I. 1.55 18.02 2.76 14.00 37.50 II 04014 Pure Oil Co., Gas and Oil Hollins Fire Station and County Garage Distribution 1,123.62 " 04015 Appalachian Power Co., Current II 04016 Technical Reproduction Go., Voting Maps 569.47 10.60 I I I y y 3 _ . n_ ~__. . .__. _" -- .__. -------------..-------..----.-----------------..--.---- No. 04017 F. L. Ayers, Services as Deputy Registrar 04018 Mrs. Maude Poff, Services as Deputy Registrar 04019 Progressive Products Corp.Repairing Air Circulation 04020 Meador & Co., Keys for Courthouse 04021 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 04022 White Spot Supp+y Co., Disinfectants 04023 Williams Supply Co., Light tubes and starters 04024 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Repair Material for Treasurer's Office " " " " II " " " 04025 Mrs. Janet L. Ballentine, Services as Deputy Registra~ 04026 Bush Electric Co, Repairing Electric Wiring 04027 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies 04028 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 04029 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing Leaks in Roof 04030 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on Fire Insurance 04031 Hajoca Corporation, Street signs 04032 parker-Nimmo Co., Street signs 04033 Salem Camera Shop, 1 Film 04034 Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on Furniture 04035 Radio Supply Co., Repairs to E~uipment 04036 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Auto Tags II " " " " " " " " " " $ 10.00. 11. 05 25.25 1.00 3.25 30.19 144.29 15.74 13.85 7.40 2.78 13.22 15.75 2,565.00 43.l2: 135.55 2.14 7.76 4.55 5.75 " 04037 Addressograph-Multigraph Co., 1 New Addressograph Machin,e 5,520.91 04038 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Stock 21.00 " " 04039 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 04088 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies " 56.00 11.56 " 04090 Void 04089 Everette E. Fry, Reimburse Deputy Sheriff's Telephone Expense 30.18 " " 04091 Roanoke County Law Library Assoc. Membership dues 04092 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk Driving & Lunacy 04093 Dr. John Q. Hurt, Coroner Investigation 04094 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs and Wash and Parts Ol,095 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts fo't' County Vehicles " " " " " 04096 Void . 75.00 35.00 10.00 11. 55 55.28 04097 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician, Lunacy H~arings, Coroner Cases 210.00 04098 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service 19.40 " " " 04099 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire House 04100 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Oil for Hollins Fire House 04101 Keith K. Hunt, Attorney, Lunacy Hearing 04102 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy Hearing 04103 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy Hearing 04104 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Lunacy Hearings 04105 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy Hearing 04106 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy Hearing 04107 Robert S. Guerrant, Atty. Lunacy Hearing 04108 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office help " " " " " " " " " 04109 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Luncheon Meeting 04110 Eudora Judd, Extra office assistant " 62.06 8.85 10.00 20.00 70.00 60.00 40.00 40.0) 10.00 8.5.76 4.10 81. 58 4 No. 04111 " 04112 " 04113 " 04114 " 04115 " 04116 " 04117 " 04118 Addres~ograph-Multigraph Corp., Identification tags Standard Parts Corp., Parts for Garbage Truck Emory P. Hollins, Erected and Painted Ten Street signs Radio Supply Company, Repairing Radio Booker T. He1m, Making new table and shelving Caldwell-Sites Co., 1 new Cabinet & office supplies Void Smith-Moore Body Co., Making and installing skinting on Tank Truck .----- --- $ 28.00 11.71 25.00 9.89 34.00 I 205.08 252.00 I v IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: ~ut. c.. ~. <c.. '4~ '1111"1 04049 Richmond Veterinary Supply Co., Rabies Vaccine for Clinics136.00 04050 Star Animal Hospital, Professional Services 04051 Salem Hardware Co., Material for Dog Pound &c 04052 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 04053 Esther Long, Assiting &t 5 Clinics 04054 Jean Long, Assisting at 5 Dog Clinics 04055 Lenna Hartman, Assisting at 5 Dog Clinics 04056 J. P. Conner, Livestock claim 04057 Nelson Alls, Livestock Claim No. 04040 Bob's Market, Wearing Apparel for Dog Warden " 04041 Charlottesville Motors, Parts for Dog Truck 04042 County School Board of R. C. Sept. Maintenance 04043 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 04044 Check R Board, Dog Food 04045 Fort Lewis Hardware Ce., Material for Dog Pound 04046 Lawrence I s Market, Wearing apparel, dog food &c 04047 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense 04048 Powell's Pharmacy, Medical supplies " " " " " " " " " " " " " rr " " rr 04058 W. T. Slu~her, Fowl claim 04119 McKesson & Robbins Drug Co., Rabies Vaccine 04120 Salem Radiator Service Repairing Dog Truck 04121 State Health Department, Rabies Vaccine rr " " $ 2.37 32.00 l5.70 2.12 39.20 28.75 18.99 44.65 6.98 I 380.00 9.75 8.l,9 25.00 25.00 25.00 63.00 25.00 8.50 20.70 I 6.50 15.60 I An accourt in the sum of Twenty-nine Dollars ($29.00) of Thomas L. Green, for Twenty-seven (27) chickens killed by dogs was this day submitted to the Board, said claim not having been approved by the Dog Warden of Roanoke County, on motion, duly seconded and carried, is not allowed. " 5 --.----__________.____~____________.._ _.____..__ ._.__..._______._ .~4_+__._.__________~___.._._..__~_..,___.__,_ I I I y y .. JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "~alem, Virginia October 16, 1961 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business October 14, 1961, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund $ 15,043.98 Library Fund 18.40 Dog Fund 1,123.48 Salem District Road Debt Fund 71.93 School Construction Fund 20,593.67 School Debt Retirement Fund 2,768.49 School Textbook Fund 13,749.90 F. 1. C. A. 3.04 Deferred Credit Account (J. B. McNeal) 422.61 Deferred Credit Account (J. E. . Peters) 317.14 ~ 54, 112. 64 Certificates of Deposit: Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank $175,000.00 175,000.00 ~350,OOO.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed, .. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James :,. Peters, County Treasurer, for $1,796.13, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of September, 1961, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,706.32 net. ... On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of October, 1961, be approved in the amount of $9,731.44 from which the sum of $210.58 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, and the sum of $958.65 total W. H. Taxes are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $8,562.21. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Mou1se. Nays: None .... On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period September 16, 1961, ending September 30, 1961, be approved in the amount of $3,199.74 from which $96.00 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $214.20 total W. H. Taxes ~d $33.60 insurance is to deducted, leaving anet payroll of $2,855.94; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period October 1, 1961, ending October 15, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,937.05, from which $88.13 total F. I. C. A. T~{es; $157.60 total W. H. Taxes and $33.60 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,657.72. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None ~ cI.d t . .c..~?"L r c.. ~.~ '1117/"1 'tt J....L ,. .C,.~t ...c., 7.r ~~' ,d 11 If. f be '/ 6 . .:LL r. ~c..~' *c..~ 11111(,1 ... U Fe.. B...,t -; ~lof.;I~1 .. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #3889 in the amount of $525.93 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at County offices; Voucher-check #3890 in the amount of $12.91 made payable to James E. Peters for one-half his expenses. ~urred during attendance of Treasurers Meeting; Voucher-check #3929 in the amount of $l,l65.00 made payable to Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission for County's contribution to operational expenses of that Commission; I Voucher-check #3930 in the amount of $575.60 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service; Vouchar-check #3931 in the amount of $8.42 made payable to Cave Spring Water Company for water used at Cave Spring; Fire House; Voucher-check #3932 in the amount of $18.10 made payable to C 0: P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's Home; I Voucher-check #3933 in the amount of $8.18 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Dog Pound; Voucher-check #3934 in the amount of $43.95 made payable to C & P Telephone.Company for service at Hollins Fire Station and for Ft. Lewis Life Saving Crew; Voucher-check #3935 in the'amount'of $47.16 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Mt. Pleasant and Hollins Fire Stations; Voucher-check #3936 in the amount of $23.34 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel used at County Jail, Home Demonstration Kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #3938 in the amount of $151.32 made payable to James E. Peters to re-imburse his office for postage used in mailing garbage bills. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of September, 1961; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month or September, 1961; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent for the month of September, 1961; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of September, 1961; ROBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of September, 1961; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of September, 1961. I I ... IN RE: INSPECTION OF COUNTY COURT HOUSE BOILER: Report dated September 21, 1961, of C. O. Maxey, Inspector The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition of boiler located in County Court House North East Corner Main Street and College Avenue, Salem, Virginia, advising that no conditions were observed that required attention at this time, received and ordered filed. 7 . ----. -~_.- - - ....- -----------------.-------- v IN RE: JAIL INSPECTIOO: ~ Letter dated September 28, 1961, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr., Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, and to Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of Roanoke County jail dated September 20, 1961, received and ordered filed. v The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: N Letter dated September 25, 1961, with enclosures, from Clem D. Johnston, President, Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke Count)', welcoming Roanoke County as a new member into the organization; Letter dated October 6, 1961, from C. P. Osborne, Executive Secretary, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, acknowledging check in the sum of One Thousand, One Hundred Sixty-five Dollars ($1,165.00) covering Roanoke County's contribution to the operational expenses of the RoaI~ke Valley Regional Planning Commission. I V' The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Department of Highways Richmond 19, Virginia September 13, 1961 Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: As requested in resolutions by your Board on the dates following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke approved, effective September 1, 1961. as indicated below, the County are hereby ADDITIONS ANDREW LEWIS PlACE SUBDIVISION NUMBER 2: LENGTH y (Resolution: February 20, 1961) Evelyn Avenue - From present end of Route ll04 north to dead end. GRANDVIEW GARDENS SUBDIVISION:' (ReSOlution: May 15, 1961) 0.07 Mi. Southview Drive - From interstate Route 81 north to Shelor Avenue 0.10 Mi. OLD DOMINION COURT SUBDIVISION: . (Resolution: June 19, 1961) Marson Road - From Route 11-220 north to dead end. 0.15 Mi. Y BRAMBLETON COURT SUBDIVISION: (June 19, 1961) Harris Street - From Route 1620 north to Route 1622. 0.06 Hi. LINDENWOOD SUBDIVISION NUMBER 9: (Resolution: June 19, ~96l) Woodmere drive - From Route 754 northeast, 0.13 mile to Landfair Drive. 0.13 ~[i. Landfair Drive - From Woodmere Drive southeast, 0.l3 mile to dead end O. 13 ~[i. Brookshire Drive - From Woodmere Drive southeast, 0.15 mile to dead end. O. 15 ~Ji. HIDDEN VALLEY COURT NUMBER 1: (Resolution: June 19, 1961) Warwood Drive - From Sugar Loaf Mountain Road (Route 692) westto dead end. 0.10 Mi. -.-.--.--=.,-.--,...~._._-.-.__.;-;---._-~_._-- ----- -----. CHERRYHILl. PARK SUBDIVISION NUMBER 3: (Resolution: June 19, 1961 Frances Drive - From present end of Route 1507 to Cherryhill Road. Nancy Circle - From Nancy Drive to dead end. Nancy Drive - From Frances Drive to Cherryhill Road. Cherryhill Road - From present end of Route 1502 southeasto Frances Drive. 0.45 Mi. 0.04 Mi. 0.18 Mi. Cherryhill Circle - From Cherryhill Road east to dead end. RURAL ADDITIONS: (Resolution: June 19, 1961) 0.10 Mi. 0.10 Mi. I Old Fincastle Turnpike - From Route 605 north to Roanoke - Botetourt County Line 0.30 Mi. Barnhill Lane - From Route 671 to 0.12 mile southeast to dead end. Roberta Lane - From Route 783 to 0.20 mile east. 0.12 Mi. 0.20 Mi. I Northside High School Road - From Route 117 northwest to the School 0.25 Mi. RURAL ADDITION: (Resolution: June 30, 1961) Unnamed Road - From Route 11-460 south to dead end 0.10 Mi. DILLARD COURT SUBDIVISION: (Resolution: June 30, 1961) South Drive - From Route 117 south to East Drive. 0.06 Mi. 0.10 Mi. East Drive - From South Drive west to West Street Sincerely, F. A.Davis, Deputy Commissioner ... 'Ut, eD .~.H I 111 r. } A letter dated September 25, 1961, from George W. Dean, State Fo~ester, Department of Conservation and Economic Development, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, advising that the statement sent this Board under date of September 1, 1961, was a summary of forest fire control activities in Roanoke County for period of July 1, 1960, thru June 30, 1961 and not a statement of costs chargeable to Roanoke County, as construed by this Board, and further advising that Roanoke County had already paid all of the official statements presented to it for said period, and returned said voucher-check issued by thL Board at its September Mee::ing, 1961, for the sum of Nine Hundred and eighty-five Dollars ($985.00); I Whereupon, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that said check for above amount issued by this Board on September 18, 1961, be cancelled. I Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. Nays: None I v Letter from George W. Dean, State Forester, ordered filed, I I y y u WHEREAS Joseph T. Hamrick, Dorothy J. Hamrick, Leslie C. Rose and Rebecca C.;' ~ Rose have heretofore filed their petition to amend the zoning ordinances of :~~ I:~, R.YI\ r-')r ~~i~~ WHEREAS the Board at its meeting on September 18, 1961, referred the matter .:!,~t:-[ to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendation; .~ ~ WHEREAS the Planning Commission at a meeting held September 26, 1961, fUlly' Iv) 171' I .. .... ." -~. -.- ---~-- . " IN RE: REZONING 168 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SITUATE APPROXIMATELY ONE-QUARTER MILE EAST OF STATE ROUTE 116 L~ BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT X RESOLIITION AND ORDER Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in Roanoke County, Virginia, described in paragraph (1) of said petition, containing 168 Acres, more or less, from Agricultural A-I District to Industrial M-2 District; considered the petition and reported to this Board its recommendation that the tract in question be rezoned entirely from Agricultural A-I District to Industrial M-2 District; WHEREAS the matter was set for a public hearing at the Board's meeting on October 16, 1961; WHEREAS it appears from the certificate of the publisher, Times-World Corporation that notice of the public hearing to be held to consider this matter on October 16, 1961, was duly published in accordance with law; WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held on this October 16, 1961 and a full opportunity was accorded to all interested parties to express their views concern- ing the proposal; , WHEREAS at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full consideration' of the matter, this Board is of the opinion that the change and classification recommended by the Planning Commission would promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS all the requirements of law have been complied with the property should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County adopted April 18, 1960, as amended, be and they hereby are further amended to reclassify and rezone from Agricultural A-I District M-2 District that certain tract of land containing 168 Acres, more or less, situate approximately one-quarter mile east of State Route 116 in the Big Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, the same being in the Back Creek section of Roanoke County near the Franklin County line, which has been recommended for such rezoning by the Roanoke County Pl~lning Commission and which is outlined gr~phically by a map attached to the petition previously referred to and incorporated by reference hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be spread on the ofiicial records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish certified copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all re official zoning maps of Roanoke County to refle(:t the/zoning ordered herein and that additional certified copies be sent to the counsel for the petitions herein. 13 14 -_.c,.....,~-'-:-c~....,..~....,.-. .,...--.-,.--.-.,----:~---o-..~."_'~-_-_"...,.==-.,_- "--- --.---._" ---'---'- "... -- .,'.. -~---,-- ----. ---.--..- --......-. ..- - ,-,.-.-ccc---,."_.----.------.. _....,--- .. .. .."'....._.... .n. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of the Supervisor A. C. Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse of Salem Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I Letter from Woods, Rogers, Muse and walker dated October 11, 1961, ordered filed. I " IN RE: ~cUt lC'~C. f~1711.1 1. Rezoning of a 21. 79-acre tract owned by Brandon Construction Company and known as Souths ide Hills 2. Rezoning of a tract of l~d bounded by State Secondary Routes 638 and 639 x FINAL oo.DER WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors, at its regular meeting held July 17, 1961", requested a recommendation in the reclassification from Agricultural A-I to Residential R-l the following-described areas: 1. Containing 21. 79 acres owned by Brandon Construction Company and known as Souths ide Hills. 2. Bounded on the south by State Secondary Rt. 638, on the north by State Secondary Rt. 639, on the west by State Secondary Rt. 639, and on the east by State Secondary Rt. 638; and WHEREAS the Flanning Commission, at a regular meeting held August 29, 1961, fully considered the request and reported to this Board its recommendations that the two tracts requested be rezoned from Agricultural A-I to Residential R-l; and. WHEREAS the matter was set for a public hearing at this Board's meeting on October 16, 1961; and WHEREAS it appears,. from the certificate of the publishers of the Times- Register, that notice. of the public hearing to be hel~ to consider this matter on October 16, 1961, was duly published as required by law; and WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held on this matter on October 16, 1961, and full opportunity was given to all interested p"-ties to express their views concerning these proposals; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion. of the public hearing and after full consideration of the matter, this Board is of the opinion that the change in classification would promote the public interest and the prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS all of the requirements of law have been complied with and the property should.be rezoned as recommended by the Planring Commission; NCM, THEREFoo.E, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted April 18, 1960, as amended, be, and it is hereby, amended to reclassify and rezone from Agricultural A-l to Residential R-l those certain two tracts of land as heretofore described which have been recommended for I I I such rezoning by the Roanoke County Planning Commission. ft ~ I y I (! ~ r' , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be spread on the o1licial records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Plamling COIIllIlissic,n of Roanoke County, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ,... On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the Salary mid Expense Accounts of the Commonwealth's Attorney, Treasurer, COmmissioner of Revenue and Sheriff of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board be filed, no action being taken thereon. Adopted by the following recorded ~te: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampson Moulse. Nays: None " Notice of hearing given by the State Compensation Board for the purpose of fixing the salary and expenses of th~ Attorney for the Commonwealth, Commissioner of the Revenue, Sheriff and Treasurer of Roanoke County for the calendar year 1962, received and ordered filed. .... On motion of Supervisor Minor R.Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, ': the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 19, 1961, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective October 16, 1961: 19 CAPITAL OtrrLAy An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending Decembe= 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Ha~ton lbulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None " UI RE: VACATING A PORTION OF A CERTAIN DRAINAGE AND SEWER EASEMENT THROUGH LOT 22, BLOCK 3, ACCaWING TO THE MAP OF VISTA HEIGHTS x ORDER This day came Oakland Estates, Incorporated, and asked leave to file a petition seeking the approval of the vacation of a portion o~ a certain sewer and drainage easement along the southerly side of Lot 23, Block 3, according to the Map of Vista Heights, which petition is ORDERED filed. 15 ,_._-,-,--"...~-,-,. ~)-"..A' ~ } , c..J.., ""'~ r. ~ ~-~ct=- ,~. i~rt::t:-- ~~. ~~,I'l ~1/7JI.I . J.JL-/; .c. . 8J.. c.~ 17/'1 ('~~ ..~~ . -0), ~, ~ <, '9J..~~~ /17. '7- ~" 16 ~",,_-:-:-:--"-"'-::--_--:-"""==-:-:;----C=~_O-:O-"-~-'~ -,---=_,,-- -. ,"-.:"_-="~=_-~':"'-'-';='-"'-"_-- ,u~. -:="'--=:-C. _.,- ?, ~' ;,.t~,. ~ \. ' ~-~--=O-::",*""""'~.~';'-'~':O''::=-;--.-.~ -''C---''''''' .--..:- ._- _-:-C~".' .._;.., ..- ._.:-;,.,....-.,.~-..,- .-~,-_--:.-.~..;~-:-_:o It appearing to this Board that the request of the petitioner is reasonable, that vacating and closing the northerly one foot of the.aforesaid drainage and sewer easement will not destroy or abridge any of the rights or privileges of the property owners within the bounds of the area of land shown on the recorded map of Vista Heights. or of any person, firm or corporation specifically designated as the beneficiary of such easement on such plat or to whom the benefits thereof have been granted by writing duly of record, it is accordingly ORDERED that that certain instrument executed bv Oakland Estates, Incorporated, et als, under date of September 21, 1961, vacating, discontinuing and closing the northerly I one foot of the aforesaid sewer and drainage easement be, and the same is hereby I approved by this Board as provided by Section 15-766.3 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended to date. On the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris. seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None ... A petition signed by two hundred and fifty or more citizens of Roanoke County, residing in the area proposed to be annexed by the Town of Vinton, opposing annexation to the said Town, and requesting this Board to take action in opposition to said annexation, received and ordered filed. I ... A communication, with detailed report attached, from W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, of Operational and Fiscal Summary for Roanoke County Covering Fiscal Year 1960-61, received and ordered filed. A delegation consisting of A. M. Evans, Joseph Millward, E. R. Sweeney, Mrs. Cline Mundy, Percy Petit, Shirley Oliver, and other residents from Loch Haven Road, Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board in opposition to the quarrying operations and asphalt paving material manufacture carried on in that vicinity; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that Paul B. ~~tthews, County Executive Officer, be.requested to investigate any violations of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, and report to this Board at its next meeting. I I ... IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROtITE 11 WEST OF STATE RourE 601 OF T. E. BURKE: The recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commissiondated September 22, 1961, in the above matter, was this day presented to the Board and ordered filed. .... On the application of the below-named petitioners: 1. George W. Wilkerson, et als - an unnmaed road from Rt. 601 north to Interstate Rt. 81 2. Tilmon T. Tuttle, et als - en unnamed road 0.3 mile west of Rt. 642 to D. E. n who this day filed their petitions for inclusion inthe Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, , S~"'"--('r view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences that 4/~ -4. . , , ~~ will result as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall be as ~~~. proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, ~ ~tf. n will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road or roads .will be of such mere private convenience as to make it prop'~r /"- 17. 'I I!J i that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience they are desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that'the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, ~r ~~ JlI1-I!"I ': executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order cel:tified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor G. fiampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None w .... WHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General County Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary.to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and Whereas' the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15-250 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, to borrow not earlier than June 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced 3~"o/ 9 ~. u /""'7' t..( by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1961, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1961; and, 18 .___.._______,____u_. ..... __ _.._~. _._.+__.__~____._... ._n.n.__..._ '. _ ___ ~___,_.,,_,_U..._. ___.. ____ . '...__.' .. __"'.__... , '. ~_~~~c~.-.,..,. ..,..,....,....,...,........--=-::= ~..,..".---=-O-_c.,.-.-----,-O-,O-...,-..,-_.~-=-._~,..,,..,.....,.~..,..,...____...,..,~.-o-_..,..._~..,_.,,.._..-..,".,...,~.,.-..,_,_.,,._--_-,_."c:-...,.,-.,.~- - ..-.--.--.-::;--c...,-.--~--......,._;_:,..__...-_-- _.____.._._._,...~___ Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed; not exceeding a total amount of $50,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $50,000.00 from such Bank of Institution of this State as is willing to make the loan, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, for a period not exceeding forty-five (45) days from the date of said loan; which said maturity date of said loan shall occur not later than December 15, 1961, said loan to be evidenced by the negotiable of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: I I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by E. G. Terrell, whose signature shall be duly attested by Roy K. Brown, Clerk, and shall become due md payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at mat~rity without further order by this Board. It is certified that all temporary loans for all previous years have been paid. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris adopted by the following recorded vote: , Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I i , i , , i , 1..;0. '....--'.~_A I' 0, Ia'.~...r~ j ~ ~ Jt Ie- .. ._ t -": i~..J...,~~ ~.~~a.: i~C~ ... IN RE: REZONING OJ? PROPERTY SITUATED IN THE OGDEN SECTION, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF l FINAL ORDER /.:>. '7. (" C. O. POFF, JR. WHEREAS, C. O. Poff, Jr. did, on the 17th day of July, 1961, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real property owned by the said C. O. Poff, Jr. and situate in the Ogden Section onthe Southerly side of State Secondary Route 800, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and more particularly described in said petition, and now classified as "residence property" be reclassi- fied and rezoned as "Industrial M-2", so as to provide that said property and buildings thereon or which may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for a small foundry business; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did, by a resolution adopted at the regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors, held on the 17th day of July, 1961, refer said petition and proposal to so am~nd said County Zoning ordinance to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, as required by said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virginia, for a recommendation of said Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia; and, I I 19 ___u.', __ _.,...-_..__.~ .'-~. - --- -----.----------.-----"--.---- .'" ----- .-."".. "-,,--- -_._~-----~------_._.------------,--_.._,_.__.,---=--,...-.,-.- " WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission of said County did, by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting held on the 29th day of August, 1961, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoniqg Ordinance should be amended so as to change or reclassify said property from its present classification of "residence property" to "Industrial M-2", as r,~quired in said - " petition; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received a copy of the Order and Resolution adopted by said County Planning Commission recommending that said County Zoning Ordinance be so amended; and, WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its resolution adopted on the 17th day of July, 1961, as aforesaid, order. the said Clerk of the said Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or. special. meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions ,of said Count)' Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 16th day of October, 1961, at 3 o'clock P. M., as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in The Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in the ~ity of Roanoke and of general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 30th day of September, 1961, and 1st day of October, 1961, as required by said order of this Board of July 17, 1961, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Vi,rginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was that day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board has' given careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching the' merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. . N~J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, at this regular meeting of said Board held on this the 16th day of October, 1961, that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roan"ke County, Virginia, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from its present classification of "residence property" to "Industrial M-2", in order that said property and the buildings thereon, or that might be hereafter erected thereon, may be used for a small foundry business. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "residence property" to "Industrial M-2" is situate in the Ogden Section on the Southerly side of State Secondary Route 800, in the Cave Spring Magisterial Distrlct, Roanoke County, Virginia, said tract or parcel of land is described as follows, to-wit: a y y 20 . --.., _._---_..-~-_._-------------'~--- ',-"" __.~_ __._.._u_..' ... _. _,_ .___ ...... ..___ ........_. _._ ---_.~-----------_._.._--- ....,.._.._n__n.u .._,.._ .. _ .______..0' _____ _n. __._.,._.__ _____ ~ _ ______ ,_____________________...__"____. __.__..___________.~....,._______,_.~,.-_.."..._-..=-_C"..,-c:,.....:_=...,.-.._C-,,~_~,-'Oc-=_._ - -. BEGINNING at a point on the division line between Tracts I-D and 2-d of the W. F. Monday survey, S. 12 degs. 35' W. 176.5 feet from the center line of State Secondary Route 800; thence S. 12 degs. 35' W. 100 feet to a hub corner; thence N. 84 degs. 35" W. 150 feet to a point; thence with a new line N. 12 degs. 35' E. 100 feet to a point; thence with a new line S. 84 degs. 34' E. l50 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 15,000 square feet; and BEING a portion of the same property conveyed unto c. O. Poff, Jr. by deed dated July 30, 1947, from Theodore William Spradlin and Runella Maw Spradlin, husband and wife, and of record in Deed Book 364, page 298 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forth- I with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commission, and a copy to Derwood H. Rusher, attorney for C. O. Poff, Jr. I The foregoing Resolution and Order was 'adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell'and A. C. Harris Nays: None r This day James A. B!avers, a property owner in Norwood, Sec. L.., Subdivision, ~ur. : ~ ~~ coit,.: 11'1/1,/ presented to the Board a petition from property owners of the Norwood and Norwood Forest areas, requesting that the Board take any and all necessary action to insure the extension of Barnett Road (State Secondary Route 11418) frclm its present north dead end, through the property of George D. Carr, to Barnett Road (State Secondary Route 11479) in Norwood, Sec. 4, which petition was ordered filed; I Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor G.Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, negotiate with George D. Carr, property owner, and if unable to arrive at a fair price, to make the owner a firm offer in a sum not to exceed the appraised value of said property as set by competent realtors, for the right-of-way referred to in this petition, the costs of such right of way having been guaranteed, and to report his findings to this Board at its next meeting. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I ORDERED that the Board be adj uurned until the third Monday in November, 1961. ~~~ 'ff :] p-uA Chairman I R , I y I 21 .. h__ ,_,_,~~_,_'__...,.-._.'___~'__ _.________.____~__.._______.__._._._________'__ Court House Salem, Virginia November 20, 1961 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House .. thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Absent: Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Roy B. Miller, Pastor of the West Main Street Church of Christ, Salem, Virginia, offered d prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of t'::' funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: .. No. 04252 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets $ 230.46 II 04370 Harry Richardson, Jr., Moving Voting booths to and from West Salem School 5.00 II 04371 Floyd B. Jarvis, Janitor services, Clearbrook School, Election 04372 Theodore Johnston, Janitor's services Ogden School, Election 5.00 5.00 II II 04373 J. M. Flinchum, Janitor Services South Salem School, Election 5.00 II 04374 Riner Lawrence, Janitor Services, West Salem School, Election 5.00 5.00 II 04375 Mack Wright, Janitor Services, Conehurst School, Election II 04376 M. A. Burton, Janitor Services, Burlington School, Election 5.00 II 04377 Samuel Moore, Janitor Services Back Creek School, Election 5.00 II 04378 Irvin T. Woods, Janitor Services Bent Mountain School, Election 5.00 II 04379 Ervin Board, Janitor Services Oak Grove school, Election 5.00 04380 J. H. McPherson, Janitor Services Catawba School, Election 5.00 04381 R. S. Teel, Room Rent Election Bonsack 7.50 04382 Bob's Market, Room Rent Election Glenvar 7.50 04383 Lucas Grocery Co., Room Rent Election Hollins Road 15.00 04384 F. J. Zimmerman, Room Rent Election Medley 7.50 04385 F. T. Yates, Room Rent July and November Elections Riverdale II II II II II II 20.00 II 04386 Hart Motor Co., Room Rent South Salem #1 Election 04387 Mrs. M. A. Bain, Room Rent Election Mason Valley 04388 John C. Gleason, Services rendered during Election 04389 Joseph R. Hardison, Services rendered November election 04390 Miller E. Petty, Services rendered November Election 7.50 15.00 97.00 238.00 97.00 II II II II II 04391 Mrs. Mabel Doran, Services rendered sitting and registering voters Cave Spring 10.00 II 04392 Roanoke Mills, Inc. , Preparing Voting List 99.10 04393 Virginia K. Rierson, Registered and transferred voters Poages Mill 2.10 04394 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 154.69 04395 Pitney-Bowes, Inc. , Rental fee on Postage Machine 60.50 04396 Times-Register Co., Publishing Delinquent Tax List 1,450.00 II II II II 22 ---::------~"""-~.,_:_-c.--.__:.-.:~_~,..,,~..,_-.,.-.-~.,., _,_n___._~.._..,_."~""-::-;--__''''.;--:''''-''''_'.___'-C-:''''''''''''--_-::--'",,"__''''---- - --. .--~_-".,...-_-.-."7'--.=_- '....,....,.._.;_..... -"".....,.,c,. 0.,-- .=-:":.~,o,=,.- . ...----...",.,.....--....- .-- ,.,--""-'---,"",-"-'.'- No. 04397 Acme Printers Co., Office supplies II 04398 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash 04399 Double Envelope Co., Envelopes for DeLinquent Tax Collector II $ 13.90 86.02 20.97 04400 Star City Office Equipment Co., Repairs to Office equip- ment 22.75 04401 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Maintenance of County (MEa Vehicles 727.75 II II II 04402 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 04403 J. P. Bell Company, Sheets for Rccord Books 04404 C. W. Warthen Company, Record Books 04405 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies II II II II 04406 04407 West Publishing Co., Law Books International Business Machine Corp., Maintenance service on Typewriters &c II 2.91 5.38 87.18 16.95 32.00 515.00 04408 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 24.00 04409 City Treasurer, Room and Board for Children in Detention Home 100.00 II II II 04410 Acme Typewriter Co., Rental Fee on IBM Electric 044ll Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Traveling Expense 04412 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Traveling Expense 04413 E~ette G. Holstein, Traveling Expense 04414 Norman R. Moore, Judge, Traveling Expense 04415 Salem Radiator Service, Repairs to County Vehicles 04416 Auto Parts Inc., Parts for Police cars and C. S. Fire Truck II II " " II II II 04417 Beach Bros. Esso Servicenter, Wash jobs 04418 Town and Campus Men's Shop, Wearing apparel Sheriffs II 12.00 38.76 45.70 54.74 28.40 27.00 56.39 2.50 13.69 II 04419 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Vehicles and Anti Freeze for Stock 255.96 04421 SUIIIIlerdean Esso Station, Gas, Wash, repairs and parts 23.65 04422 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for County Vehicles 6.58 04423 Dr. R. B, Smiley, Jail Physician, Coroner cases, Lunacy hearings 210.00 04424 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Cases, Examination at Juvenile Home, Drunk Drivers 155.00 II 04420 John B. Stetson Co., Wearing apparel for Sheriff's II II " " " 04425 Radio Communications, Radio Maintenance 04426 Auto Parts, Parts for County Vehicles 04427 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Vehicles 04428 Salem Glass Corporation, Repair material for Jail 04429 Dame Roofing Co., Furnace Repairs County Jail 04430 Carl R. Brighcwell, Electrical Work at Jail 04431 Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on Towels for Jail 04432 irginia Foods, Inc., Food and Janitor Supplies 04433 Valleydale Packers, Food for Jail 04434 Mo~ch Finer Foods, Disinfectant and food for Jail 04435 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 04436 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies " II II II II II II II II II " II 04437 Deluxe Laundry & Cleaners, Laundry 04438 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Roanoke Co. Jail " 12.10 30.00 57.54 38.26 5.00 17.00 13.49 3.00 175.37 12.51 139.71 133.38 76.72 98.04 44.10 I I I I I " n a ~ 14.' III 23 - ----- -------- --.-------- - --- -------- --------- -. --. ------ No. 04439 Clover Creaml~ry Co., Food for Jail $ 1,~.56 " 04440 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies 04441 W R Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Jail 04442 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Towels for Jail 04443 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased 04444 Esso Standard Oil Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire House 04445 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire House 7.31 32.00 63.60 16.52 48.84 19.03 " " " " " " 04446 Void " 04447 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, October Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 60.00 60.00 " 04448 Clearbrook Lion's Club, October Rent on Fire House 04449 W. W. Garman, October Rent on Fire House " " 04450 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental Fee on Water Softner Hollins Fire House 4.00 04451 Auto Service Station, Gasoline for Clearbrook Fire Truck 31.11 04452 Goodyear Service Store, Tires for Vehicles and for Stock 845.02 " " " 04453 04454 04455 04456 04457 04458 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline for C. S. Ambulance 2.45 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Catawba Fire Truck 50.29 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries 6.12 Stan's Auto Parts, Parts for Fire Truck 89.30 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for C. S. Fire House 11.99 Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co., Batteries for C. S. Fire House 3.27 " " " " " " 04459 C and P. Telephone Co., Telephone Service 04460 Pyrofax Gas Corp., Fuel for Bent Mount, >in Fire House 04461 Southwest Motor ~ts, Parts for C. S. Fire Truck 04462 University of Va. Hospital, Hospial Bills 04463 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 04464 Jefferson Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 04465 Medical College of Va. Hospital Bills for Welfare 65.80 44.08 .60 468.35 345.10 782.60 443.70 " " " " " " " 04466 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 1,714.52 04467 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy Case 10.00 04468 Robert E. Paine, M. D. Lunacy Case 10.00 04469 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lum..:y Case 15.00 04470 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy 10.00 " " " " " " 04471 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy Cases 04472 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy Cases 04473 Dr. Fred Cruser, Lunacy Cases 04474 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for support of local Health Dept. 04475 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased by Engineer 04476 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 7,262.75 3.49 65.25 20.00 50.00 30.00 " " " " " 04477 Miller Tire Servic~, Tires for Garoage Truck l6.20 04478 Bemiss Equipment Co., Tractor Parts 64.06 04486 County School Board of Roanoke Co., Liability Insurance garbage trucks 236.36 04479 Addressograph-Multigraph Corporation, office supplies 46.16 04480 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs to Garbage Truck 15.74 II " " " " 04481 M & S Machine Shop, Repairs and Parts Truck 30.20 14.85 " 04482 Salem Farm Supply Co., Misc. Supplies &c 24 _ :.C7-' * .'''-c:::-::-.--,....~.=~._:'C'""::.-:~:-.,..-: :-_0'_.::-:--'---- No. 04483 " 04484 " 04485 " 04487 " 04488 " 04489 " 04490 " 04491 " 04492 " 04493 " 0~.94 " 04495 " 04496 " 04497 " 04498 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " . .... ,_----,----,--, --~"...,,--.--_:_ .:.~~=__:_:=-:-.~.=_O_=c_:''o~ _..,..,...--~. ,-=-~ '"" 0-':; ~:--:--'----:".--;;-:-"""'- "_-.- ---....,....,--,.-.....,.-:-';"...-::.'=~-,...,,-. c-,."... ,,-;:.~.-.~ ,."",,,":.o:=".,.~...,.,'=:_~..,=_~,,, Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Garbage Tractor RBnoke Auto Spring Works, Parts and Repairs Standard Parts Corporation, Parts J. Preston Stone, Refund Garbage Fee Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Parts for Garbage Trucks $ 25.10 88.73 45.50 5.25 21. 77 I Appalachian Power Co., Current used for Street Lightingl,033.l2 Malcolm Blueprint Co., Maps Subdivisions and Zoning Maps McClung Lumber Co., Repair Material Fort Lewis Lumber Co., Repair Material Brown Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies and Hardware &c Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County Office Building White Spot Supply Co., Janitor Supplies Williams Supply Co., Light fixtures 6.17 4.44 3.11 27.32 I 60.18 9.75 3.07 3.00 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse Pure Oil Company, Gasoline purchased for Distribution to vehicles 1,144.74 " 04531 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses League of Va. 04532 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 04499 Bush Electric Co., Electrical wor~ at County Library 04500 Hajoca Corporation, Invoices 04501 Parker-Nimmo Supply, invoice 04502 Mrs. Robert Hall, Refund Electrical Permit 04503 J. L. Hartman, Refund Plumbing Permit 04504 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Additional Auto Tags 04505 Salem Camera Shop, Photographic Supplies for Engineer 04506 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's fee 04507 Safety Motor Corporation, 1/2 expenses Annexation case 04508 Kjme and Jolly, Attorneys, September and October Expenses400.00 04509 State Board of Education, Surplus Goods for Civil Defense 5.50 04510 Radio Supply Co., Repairs to Equipment 2.40 04511 State Board of Education, Surplus Goods Civil Defense 3.41 04512 Mrs. Mary M. Turner, Dictaphontl Recorder 100.00 04513 wm. P. Swartz, Jr. & Co., Insulated water containers and filler 45.92 04514 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Distribution 211.80 04515 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postmaster Postage 04516 Dictaphone Corp., Re~airs 04529 Hotel Roanoke, Expenses League of Virginia Counties 04530 Void " 7.00 86.24 41. 88 4.50 9.50 90.00 4.09 471. 32 56..25 I 60.00 37.00 104.30 .1 126.35 300.80 " 04533 C W. Warthen Co., Records books and office supplies 521.50 04534 State Forester of Va. Expenses incurred for forest fire 164.40 I " 04535 William Witt, Relief Fire Chief Cave Spring " 100.00 04536 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Hollins and Catawba Fire Houses 39.87 04537 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline Purchased for Cave Spring Resque Squad 04538 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk drivers test 04539 Charles G. Shelor, Commitment " " " 3.29 25.00 10.00 .- -- +------._- _.-~+_.-- ----.----- No. 04540 Void I I I 04541 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 04542 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 04543 Earl Helms, Refund Garbage Fee 04544 Dudor8 Judd, Extra office'assistant 04545 Mabel Martin, Refund Garbage Fee 04546 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Traveling Expense If If If ff If If 25 ..n., ---.-..,------- $ 41.60 11.06 4.50 87.38 4.50 5.65 If 045S2 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 94563 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, Welfare expenses ff 94547 Madeline B. Edwards, Services rendered at Deputy Registrar20.35 04548 Mrs. Edith L. Harris, Sitting to register qualified voters20.00 No, 04517 If 04518 ff 04519 " 04520 If 04521 " 04522 " Oi.523 ff 04524 If 04525 If 04526 ff 04527 If 04528 If 04559 " 04560 " 04561 Acme Printers, office supplies Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts for Dog Truck Check R Board, Dog Food School Board, Repairs to Dog Truck Esso Standard Oil Company, Gasoline Fort Lewis Hardware Co., supplies for Dog Warden Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for Dog Truck Void Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Sam's, Inc., Waring apparel Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Dog Truck Salem Hardware Co., Waring apparel and Tools Ralph Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense Virginia Foods, Dog Food W. H. Starkey, Livestock claim 04549 Star Specialty Sales, Gifts for League of Va. Counties 04550 E. P. Hollins, Street signs 04551 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires purchased for Stock 04552 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., Street Signs 04553 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses Highway Conference 78.00 32.50 45.44 6.60 36.87 04554 WooJs, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Services rendered Annexation450.00 04555 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for Civil Defense 15.00 04556 R. C. Pittman, ~eimburse Car Mileage 66.74 0455; Charles J. Krebs Company, Acoustical Tile 148.00 04558 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 34.25 " " ff " ff ff ff " " " :r 2,051.70 2,6.28.84 . IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day ~sented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: " $ 3.00 31. 52 9.80 75.00 1::.48 2.00 28.62 Y. - 7.50 60.15 l5.46 19.60 83.05 6.13 L17,00 ~ The following claims are mace to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioner of the General Election for their services in conducting the General Election held on the 7th day of November, 1961, in Roanoke County, out of the 0neral County Fund, to-wit: 26 -------.--_.-_-- -.---..-.---....,-,-- ..- u.._,_ ... ,.a.. .__..,__. _"_'" __U.. ----.----- -------------- - - . - - .._ ~ .u._ _ .______ .. ...._ _ n, _ .._ .. --------.-------...----------.-------- . - - , . CATAWBA No. 04253 c. C. Carroll, Commissioner, Judge and Returns " 04254 J. W. Hylton, Judge 04255 R. D. MOrehead, Judge 04256 Doris Shelor, Clerk 04257 Everette Sirry, Clerk MASON VALLEY 04258 H. B. Pratt, Ju~ and Returns 04259 J. M. Frith, Judge 04260 W. B. Smith, Judge 04261 Mary L. Carter, Clerk 04262 Graham G. Smith, Clerk WEST SALEM " " II " " " " " " 04263 Thelma M. McGhee, Judge and Returns 04264 Xie Yates, Judge 04265 Peggy Spruhan, Judge 04266 Doris Ri~hardson, Clerk 04267 Christine Bruce, Clerk GLENVAR 04268 Marie P. Young, Judge and Returns 04269 E. D. Rettinger, Judge 04270 Evelyn B. Saul, Clerk 04271 Manley W. Tobey, Clerk 04272 K. A. Holtz, Judge NORTH SALEM II " " " " " " " II II 04273 R. F. Burke, Judge, Returns and Commissioner 04274 Winnie L. Brown, Clerk 04275 John J. Sheahan, Judge 04276 W. B. Littrell, Judge 04277 Della B. Turbyfill, Clerk SOUTH SALEM NUMBER ONE " II II " " 04278 Reid H. Duncan, Judge, Returns and Commissioner " 04279 Gay A. Scott, Judge 04280 Alberta M. Shufflebarger, Judge 04281 Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Clerk 04282 Mary S. Miller, Clerk SOlITH SALEM NUMBER TWO II " " " 04283 George W. Minnis, Judge and Returns 04284 Emory M. Smith, Judge 04285 Mildred D. Whitley, Judge 04286 Harriett Martin, Clerk 04287 Helen Duffy, Clerk PETERS CREEK " " " II 04288 G. H. Kelch, Judge 04289 Willie N. McDaniel, Judge 04290 Mrs. Sarah Whitmire, Judge, Returns II 04291 Ruth C. Sears, Clerk II 04292 Mary S. Stanley, Clerk " II " $ 36.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 I 15.00 20.70 15.00 15.00 I 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 l5.00 15.00 15.00 20.79 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I 35.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 15.00 15.00 I 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I 15.00 15.00 20.42: 15.00 15.00 ,~_:. ....__..., ._ __~_.__. "'___...m._ ~ __._......... _ "._ ..._ '._'_'. ._,.____...~.._.._._'''_"_____. ~---- --- ---------- --------------_._._----_._--_.---~--~--_._---_.~ ----- ----------- ---- N ~ I y I .. JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia November 20, 1961 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the~lose of business November 18, 1961, there was to the credit of the Gener&l' Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (J. B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters) $ 403,485.98 432.31 71. 93 3,34,1.39 10,254.33 1,880.44 422.61 388.86 $ 420,277.85 Certificates of Deposit: Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem $ 100,000.00 ~ 100,000.00 $ 200,OOO.CO Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. . On motio " duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the '~4 f.- month of November, 1961, be approved in the amount of $9,731.44 from which the. ~;~- sum of $191.38 total F. 1. C. A. Taxes, and the sum of $958.65 Total W. H. ;,~ ~ Taxes are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $8,581.41. "/~1/~1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris and G. Hamptcn Moulse. Nays: None .. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period October 15, 1961, ending October 31, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,780.71 from which $83.49 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $132.50 total W. H. Taxes and $33.60 insuranc'", and $40.21 garnishments are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,490.91; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period November 1, 1961, ending November 15, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,895.24, from which $86.86 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $135.55 total W. H. ~ oW!.. ;. -k.-.... c.,. .~ /I J )-1 /10 I Taxes, $33.60 insurance, and $40.18 garnishments are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,585.50. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None .. On motiou, d~ly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks ~ ~ ,..-t-,r---'--' . be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: ~~~ ' Voucher-check #4208 in the amount of $482.80 made payable to Town of Salem GI ~,0 ~ for light and water service; J II :l- 1/ 6 I 30 ~.~~c.. .w~ .......r ")..,),, .__._ ._____... ____ _._______ __" .____~.___._._.._____ __..._._____~_u_.____._._. _ _,' ____ ..__._._u_____._. ___.__~_~____.___.__ ._u. ___._...._...... _ ________.. ..__......._.._... _ '. ___u._ .... . B'.'" . .-.. - ......--.- Voucher-check #4209 in the amount of $561.28 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service; Voucher-check #4212' in the amount of $5.59 made payable to Appalachian Power Company forcurrent used at dog pound; Voucher-cl.eck #4213 in the amount of $20.10 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Dog Warden's Home; Voucher-check #4216 in the amount of $28.43 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at Cave Spring Fire House and County jail and Home Demonstration kitchen; Voucher-check #4217 in the amount of $54.79 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service at Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Houses; Voucher-check #4218 in the amount of $3.25 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service for October, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None .. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer, for $1,811.12, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of October, 1961, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,720.55 net. .. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of October, 1961; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of October, 1961; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of October, 1961; LQWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the mon th of October, 1961; RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of October, 1961j SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assist,~t Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of October, 1961; .. IN RE: AUDIT OF NORMAN R. MOORE, JUDGE OF THE JUVENILE AND OCOO:STIC RELATIONS COURT AND ROANOKE COUNTY COURT: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board a report of audit of Norman R. Moore, Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, and Roanoke County Court, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1961, which report was ordered filed. Letter dated October 18, 1961, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. .. The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I I I I I 31 .' . ---- . -. ............. .,' -, . -- . ." ... ,-_.. 0_0 __ .__..____._,,_.___._~___~._._.__~_____.__._..___...__.,. _._~_~___.._. _.. ..._n_...._ --... ..,-..-.-...........- -----,---,----.-_..._-_.----,-~------_._---,------'----_.__._,.._._-----.-.-..,-..---- ---.-._-_._---~--------.-,.,-----~~.-,-~--,.-. Department of Highways Richmond 19, Va. October 31, 1961 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County ., Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: R As requested in resolution by your Board on the dates as indicated below, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective October 31, 1961. R ADDITIONS (Resolution of September 18, 1961) Harvest Lane - from Route 1495 west to dead end. LENGTH 0.20 Mi. 0.09 Hi. Wests ide Boulevard - from Harvest Lane south to dead end Shamrock Street - from present end of Route 1494 to Harvest Lane 0.08 Mi. Cantle Lane - from Pelham Drive north -0.1 mile to dead end. 0.10 Mi. Pelham Drive - from Stoneybrook Drive west 0.4 mile to dead end 0.40 Mi. Sorrel Lane - from end of Route 1325 east 0.13 mile to Stoneybrook Drive 0.13 Mi. Brookfield Drive - from present end of Route 1328 east 0.06 mile to Stoneybrook Drive 0.06 Mi. Stoneybrook Drive - from present end of Route 1316 southwest to dead end 0.20 Mi. Sorrel Lane - from Stoneybrook Drive southeast 0.07 mile to dead end 0.07 Mi. (Resolution of July 17,1961) 0.20 Mi. a. Narcissus Street - from Poplar Drive east to dead end Azalea Street - from Poplar Drive east to dead end Poplar Drive - from NCL of Salem tc Narcissus Street Harriett Ann Drive - from NCL of Salem to dead end (Resolution of August 21, 1961) Old N & W R/R Catawba Branch Line - from Route 740 north to dead end 0.15 Mi. 0.20 Mi. 0.14 Mi. 0.12 Mi. Renfro Boulevard - from Pilot Street (Route l474) to Overbrook Street 0.07 Mi. Roberta Lane - from Route 116 northeast to dead end 0.15 Mi. A road extended from the present end of Route 603, 0.10 mile south to dead end 0.10 Mi. Sewell Road- from Route 622 southeast to Moore Road 0.30 Hi. Sincerely, F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner ~ .. Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER a The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for McDaniel Drive from Gene Street to D. E. - 0.06 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Andrew Lewis Place #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 69 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting pro~erty owners is necessary_ The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and rifht for dRdnage. 32 - --~_._- ... --.----.-..~-.- .__ ._.. u__.__. . ..__ __ -"'---~_'~--:---C-~~--- ----=--_:::_.--~-_;.-,_..,_~-_cc-_- =--~..- ~--.--..,--..-~. ... 'P-- NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as McDaniel Drive from Gene Street to D. E. - 0.06 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. None '~&'" ~.~~z'- ..A y~ ~ ~.7~ 11- 'Z. ,-6, Board of Supervisors I vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Gene Street from Ellen Drive to D. E. - 0.12 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Andrew Lewis Place #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 69 of the records of the C~k's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners I is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Gene Street fr".~ Ellen Drive to D. E. - 0.12 mile and which is shownon a certain sketch accompany- ing this order, be, and the same is he.eby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulsem Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. Nays: None :2r~~ & r WHEREAS the property owners on Lewis Avenue (State Secondary Rt. 1106) ,~~~::~ between Hawley Drive (State Seco~d~ry Rt. 1105) and McDaniel Drive (State [y~ ;J ~ '4"","" Secondary Rt. 1101) did request this Board to change the name of the aforesaid . /r 'Z.I'~I street, Map of Andrew Lewis Place, to Fort Avenue because there exists in the Town of Salem a Lewis Avenue; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to I I streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such names to take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Rt. 1106 between Hawley Drive (State Secondary Rt. 1105) and McDaniel Drive (State Secondary Rt. 1101): FORT AVENUE. " n a y ~. 33 - --------.---.-- _..________..._.___.....,___.._..,...,.--::-----c-'. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisol' A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris None r WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 616 between State Secondary Route 115 (Hollins Road) and State Secondary Route Road) did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and .5 ~'..,.u.e d- 605 (Old Mountain a t....,Cf2,j,;f ,,:, ~~.A ~ ~ r-?/"" ( '1 / J~ z.._ , .... ,.11 II. :z.,. "I WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the goberning body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such names to take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigned to State Secondary Route 616 between State Secondary Route 115 (Hollins Road) and State Secondary Route 605 (Old Mountain Road): CARLOS DRIVE. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moul$e, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .... IN RE: Rezoning of that certain parcel of land containing approximately 212.4 acres, located in the Big Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, lying on the northerly side of Hershberger Road and on the easterly side of State Secondary Route No. 626, and being owned by Anna A. Jarrett, Emma A. Clement, RESOLUfION AND Thomas J. Andrews, William A. Jarrett, Margaret J. ORDER Morris, Irla Mae Andrews Holland, Betty Tom Andrews Bradshaw, and Ellen F. Andrews, widow of William L. Andrews, deceased, and Ellen F. Andrews, William L. Andrews, Jr., and James B. Andrews, II, Trustees of the estate of William L. Andrews, deceased. :~ _/, -wr'7~A . · 'o/S ~~ ~ ~....,.....L7f ~A '1:: ~, ~ 1I_'2../.~/ This day came W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of Anna A. Jarrett, Emma A. Clement, Thomas J. Andrews, William A. Jarrett, Margaret J. Morris, Ida Mae Andrews Holland, Betty Tom Andrews Bradshaw, and Ellen F. Andrews, widow of William L. Andrews, Jr., and James B. Andrews, II, Trustees of the estae of William ~. Andrews, deceased, relative to amending the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, to the end and purpose that the approximately 212.4 acre tact, located on northerly side of Hershberger Road and on the easterly side of State Secondary Route No. 626 and adjacent to the Roanoke City Municipal Airport and owned or controlled by the hereinabove named parties, locat.ed in the Big Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, be rezoned from "Agricultural A-l" to "Business District B-2", which leave is granted and this petition is accordingly filed. And this Board having duly considered same and concluded that the rezoning of said property, so that it might be used for the purposes as designated under the present Zoning Ordinances as "Business District B-2" may be beneficial to the County ar lage; therefore: BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that th,~ proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinances of the County of Roanoke, so as to change the 34 ~.:-::-::'~'_'-'-'__"'.'=.'" ~.~__--:-___'_~'. .m____ _ ,,'--__.._~ "::-'"0.' ~__._ -- - ---.. -- ---_ =::-~=,"",",.~..,._",,,:;::--,~-",,-,-,_~..:-:-;-,..,...,.-~,~_,........--,........_,...,...-.:;-_-,-_;,.-----,.....-..,..-'::":-..-c-.;-:-,=.-.,..,.-.---:-c-_--::-~-.- I i I i M~'~r ~~.~6 -I~ -d/?1~ '4. ;f'--. ~. tk-. ~. /I' ']./-1./ ---. ----_.....--- --- ----- ... -" .mn U _..m ,_'_'" ..... _.... .,._______... "_"_'__' _ ,-'-,-,',-- 0" ~... --. -.,-...--... __ _. n' ___.,._ _._~_, __~_.___. ...._____ ____. _.,_.. ... _, '0 ... _,_".__._ _~..__.u._ ..0.....__,...... classification of said property requested to be zoned in said petition so that it might be used for business purposes and classifying the same as "Business District B-2" as defined in the County Zoning Ordinances be, and the same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by statute, and upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk of said Commission, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-846 of said Code; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, together with the copy of the petition of the said owners or parties controlling said property. The above resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on recorded vote the vote was as follows: I I Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None I r IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, Roanoke Councy, Virginia of RESOLUTION AND ORDER x CLARENCE R. KEENAN This day Derwood :l. Rusher, Attorney for Clarence R. Keenan, appeared before this Board and req~ested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Clarence R. Keenan ~elative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 20th day of November, 1961, said petition, be, and the same is hereby filed. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition, be, and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESGLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the said County Zoning Ordinanceand the Code of Virginia, that upon the ,:eceipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a I public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of 'I:his Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. . u_. ___________._4 ~ ~ I y - 35 _. .. n____~_ _ _. _ .__. ---~---~-_._----_.----_._.._---- -. __ ____ ..._ - __ ~ ______." . .n ._. . . "'_ ______.__-----,---,_.___...C-._.____...,..-,--.....,...____ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ANlJ UKlJEKED that: one cerdfied copy of t:his Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be f~rthwith certified by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse ~nd Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, has adopted resolutions requesting the City of Roanoke to amend its contract with the County of Roanoke, dated September .28, 1954, with reference to transportation and treatment of sewage, said resolut::.ons and proposed areas being identified as follows: AREA BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RECORD DATE RESOLUl'ION PASSED BOOK PAGE BY BOARD OF SUPERVIOORS Cherryhill Park, Section 3 25.00 Acres - Skyway Development Corp. (Crossroads Mall) Dr. cavitt K. Bartley & Dr. James C. Garst (Lynn Dell Estates) 12.66 Acres 16 24 February 15, 1960' 16 38 March 21, 1960 " 48 April 18, 1960" 16 Melody Acres Subdivision, Section 1 (15.14 Acres) Glen Cove Subdivision (25 Acres, more or less) 16 107 June 20, 1960 v 16 142 July 18, 1960' Julia B. Stone Estate (43.4 Acres, more or less) 16 Castle Rock Farms (169.7 Acres, more or less) 295 January 16,1961/ 295 306 January 16, 1961'- February 20, 1961-' 16 Edgehill Estates, Section 4 and, 16 WHEREAS the requests made in said resolutions have not, as yet, been approved and the said contract has not been so amended; and, WHEREAS the City of Roanoke, by official communication to the Chairman of this Board, under date of October 3, 1960, in the last paragraph thereof, did set forth that the City would promptly authorize the inclusion of said areas in said contract upon the County making certain assurances, as in saidlast paragraph set out; and, WHEREAS a final judicial determination of the issues involved, as is suggested in said ofiicial communication, is not anticipated in the near future, and may not be had at all; and, WHEREAS the public heath, welfare, and the economic development of both Roanoke City and Roanoke County require that the present impasse between the Roanoke City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, and the/County Sanitation Authority, with reference to amendments to said contract, be resolved without further delay, by compromise, to the end that said areas be included in said contract; and, 1z~~ ;A~. 71.2 .-'~ r~. .,f ~~~1 ~'; /1.2.c:>~J.1 >. 36 .------- --~._-_.... ,-_._'--- ---.--.- ==-=_-;=-;_"""=.=o~_~-"",_::",,~_-==,~,",,,,'O.--=-:..,.,.-_-.~-_~c,..._-~=-~,.....,":"-,-:,,,,,---O-_~_-'.,,"-;'-.--_'''''''::-:".'''--_:.;'''O-.-_''''-.''''-:'''- - -;-,-..~-, '.0. ...- ..-.-.------..-----,.-,.--- ...- . .--- ..". ;--1 , -, I , 1 v On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. __ !~~~~~Harris, the General APpropriatio~ Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on ~'i;~~tF'~ June 19, 1961, be, and the same ~s hereby, amended as follows, to become <:r /I. ,.,.(,/ effective November 20, 1961: fl ~. i 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE ..:) ")1 ~.~~. ,..#,~ , ' r~ ...; ~~\' : '.+"; ~L' '--:'.! ~' ~kl ad ~ I'LA.. ~. f> :m.:.:r...,........ ~~' ' 17 ~ Y l,r~r.1 . WHEREAS the purport of this resolution has been considered by the members of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, at an official meeting thereof, on Novemar 17, 1961, and has been officially approved by that body by resiution entered in its Minute Book; NOW, THEREFORE, considering the premises, this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke that in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any or all of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City assuming the obligation of sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewage systems constructed, or hereafter constructed, in said areas hereinabove identified, with funds supplied by developers, or institutions, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to the Authority, or with contracts providing for reimbursement from connection fees, in whole or in part, and not built by the Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, will become the property of the City, without any payment to said Authority therefor, but subject to the rights of such developers and institutions to reimbursement in whole or in part, as provided for in their respective contracts wi~h the said Authority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove identified. Nothing herein contained shall otherwise affect in any way the annexation case between the City of Roanoke, the County of Roanoke and the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, now pending in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. However, neither Roanoke County, nor the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority waive the benefit of any provision of the statutes of Virginia in any case hereafter brought, save and except as hereinabove set out. I I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of this Board be.and is hereby directed to forthwith forward to the Clerk of the Council of the City of Roanoke an attested copy of this resolution. An emergency is hereby declared to ~ist, and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after pa,ssage thereof. 'Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Nays: None I C"py of resolution dated November 17, 1961, of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority received and ordered filed. I 8h - Lunacy Commission - An additional appropriation of $150.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ft I I y w 37 13 - ELECTIONS - An additional approprIation of $100.00 ~s hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS , 18a - Annexation - An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 is hereby! made from the Gen~ral Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18b - Civil Defense- An additional appropriation of $500.00 is hereby: made from the General Revenue Fund for the quarter ending December 31, 1961, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell None ... On the application of the below-named petitioners: Sugar Loaf Company, Limited, et als - Fire Trail from State Rt. 622 in a southerly direction to Mountain Brook Orchard Road. County School Board - Unnamed road from State Rt. 613 to State Rt. 907. who this day filed their petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public if roads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said road should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience they are desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and 1/- ~.-"I accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said road. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supe"visor A. C. H,.rris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell None 38 ._~._."_.. ,..-. - ...--- _"""_,_"-_,,,-,,~,,---,,,,_"-'-'.._- --_.._-_.._.~---_. . _. ___ ....._ _".. .....".__. ". __n' _._...,~,. __ ;:~_""'c="C",:-,:"",",==,:"",,,,,=_,,,,~_~,-_,,,,---:-_--:-::,:",:".,._-.-=_=-~-..:-_,......:.,: "-:-~.,,,-o-~,c-,..-_--~.-.__-,. - -.-__,....--_.._._~- ~.",:,-,-,-,_".,:"_.c-.-.",.. -.-; .~. .... .--.. -..- ==_=:-==-"=",~""~"",,,,,--....:---::,'~_-;;,-::-,,,,,,,-;--,=:,,,,'~,,,,=-.,,-,;:-~~c-=,.;_-==.-::-:.--:'O,.--c""=",-,"",-_"",-~_".c-,.,:"-:-,~.,..,,,=::-'c-'-':----c-..,~::-_~=..-:-._':':=-::"','::----.""-. -_._-~ -.".,,'-...- ,'-'-"-. _.,n __'._,'''-'-''''__'_' . n_ .._..---..-- ____~._.._._..".. ""-''',__ .__..___:'._..______ _. - .__ ... - .. .n....... ,. __.____. ...___~___. __.....__..."_..__ ..~.__.,...._ " IN RE: BIENNIAL BUDGET ESTIMATES - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA "'_ . A J- "'CIf'h.....,...-~ t,C".- . "7'1. ~1'4'r . .-#-.~system in Roanoke County, for year 1961-62. ~;?~ Upon consideration thereof, on motion r....&- j/.v r C-. .~. ~ 4/7 approved by the following recorded votes: ~ ;.~_.'&.. I. '-f- ".;(~ ~ ,(-,. .).A~ .(1--- 4~Y"'" /1'2./.~/ /1- 2/.1./ .. C't~ 'A;d.d. A ~ c;,-4_P~-, r C.4.tJ?~<:.;- Fr. ",. t" '-, On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Biennial Budget Estimates for fiscal years ending June 30, 1963 and June 30, 1965, this day submitted by the Department of Public Welfare of Roanoke County be filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I ~ IN RE: AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VA., AND JAMES E. PETERS, TREASURER I On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the report of Alexander Grant & Company, Auditors, of audit and accounts of records of Roanoke County, and James E. Peters, Treasurer, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1961, be, and the same is, hereby received and ordered filed. Letter dated November G, 1961, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Va., from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, accepting the audit of the accounts and records of the County of Roanoke and James E. Peters, Treasurer, by Alexander Grant & Company, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1961, ordered filed. . ~I. Wilson M. Elliott, Jr., Assistant Resident Engineer, State Highway De- I partment, submitted to the Board a copy of a Final Budget for the Secondary duly seconded and carried is Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell None Maps 1961-62 showing Final Secondary Budget Primary and Secondary Highway Systems, and copy of Maintenance, Maintenance replacement and Construction Budget Secondary System ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for Two Thousand, fifty-one dollars and seventy cents ($2,051.70) be issued to the Roanoke Memorial ~ospital for State and Local Hospitalization pursuant to account submitted this day by the Roanoke County Welfare Department, for the I month of November, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SJpervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell I Nays: None " " a y w 39 ___.c...c'----"'----.-'="-...._..;.~..;.._..".._ '_~_' .~_.~.. __ ..._.. --.---~-_.._._---_._--------~._-_._----~----- .-- ----~ - ~ IN RE: PURCHASE OF CARS FOR USE IN SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept the low bid of Vinton Motor Company of $9,994.90, for five 1962 Ford Galaxie Mainliner Tudor Sedans, equipped as per specifications, for use in the Sheriff's Office. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None The Bids submitted by the following companies were received and ordered filed: Salem Motors, Inc. Goodwin Chevrolet Corporation Beach Brothers Motors, Inc. Harvest Motors, Inc. " On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary checks for all salaried County employees for the month of November, 1961, be approved for payment as of November 22, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None " IN RE: ESTABLISHING A JOINT REGIONAL JUVENILE AND DOlESTIC RElATIONS COURT FOR THE ROANOKE AREA: A letter dated October 24, 1961, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, City of'Roanoke, enclosing copy of a directive from the City Council dated October 17, and copy of letter dated October 10, 1961, from James W. Flippen, Judge of Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, City of Roanoke, Va., addressed to members of City Council, Roanoke, Virginia, received and ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board advise Mr. Owens that under the existing law, there are too many uncertainties for any locality to give the mAtter of forming a Regional Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court, serious consideration at this time, that this Board has been advised that an effort will be made at the coming session of the General Assembly causing certain amendments to be made in the law, and if these efforts are successful, this Board will be glad to consider the matter further at that time; and further to assure Mr. Owens of this Board's desire to co-operate with the City of Roanoke in any way that will further the interest of government in the Roanoke Valley. " Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, pursuant to resolution of this Board of October 16, 1961, has made an offer to purchase a portion of the property of George D. Carr for the purpose of extending Barnett Road to connect with State Route #1418, which offer has been refused by Mr. Carr, and has recommended that no further action be taken at this time to acquire a. right-of- /1-'2./_~J r.:a-~ -r-- .4 ~a 71~r t2C..".~ II. ",.tl 41 _~. __. _. _ _ .__._._.- _-.-._ _.__-_~ ..: _ _______. __-c-'- ..-_._u.:.-:: ...:-.u____.__ -----.--- ---~-------_._---------~-- Court House Salem, Virginia December 18, 1961 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. r Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. I I " I y I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 04693 League of Virginia Counties, Expenses incurred during a meeting at Hotel Roanoke $ 81.00 II 04694 F. C. Wiley, Jr. Postmaster, Postage for Commissioner of Revenue 450.00 04695 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 54.45 04696 Fielding L. Logan, Inc., County's share of premium on Bond for Treasurer 122.61 II II II 04697 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on Bond for Employees Treasurer's office and Treasurer 272.61 II 04698 Southwest Motor Parts Corvo Parts for Delinquent Tax Collector scar 39.48 04699 F. C. Wiley, Postmaster, Postage for Delinquent Tax Collector 28.00 II n 04700 Roanoke County Court, Warrants, Collecting delinquent taxes 6.25 04701 Roanoke County Court, Warrants, collecting delinquent taxes 6.25 04702 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County owned vehicles 758.20 II II n 04703 Everette Waddey Company, Record books 368.50 04704 C. W. Warthen Company, Records Books and office supplies 114.81 04705 Underwood Corporation, Ribbon for Typewriter 2.55 04706 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 9.02 04707 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 8.41 II II II n II II 04708 American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper 04709 Xerox Corporation, record paper and office supplies 04710 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets and Postage 04711 Dictaphone Corporation, office supples for County Court 04712 F. C. Wiley, Jr. Postmaster, Postage for County Court 04713 Charles L. Breeden, Jr. Reimburse Probation Office's Traveling expense 45.66 81. 90 772.00 II II 187.72 20.58 24.00 n II II 04714 E~ette G. Holstein, Reimburse Probation officer's trave'ing expense 74.48 04715 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation officer's traveling expense 84.73 II II 04716 Beach Brothers Motor Co" Parts for Police. Car 04717 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs and Wash Jobs 04718 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline 04719 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc., Wearing Apparel Sheriff's 3.00 7.25 18.94 20.75 67.17 II II II II 04720 Ate'to Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for County Vehicles Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and parts for Vehicles Salem Auto Parts, Parts for County Vehicles Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for Vehicles 23.85 37.78 59.62 n 04721 II 04722 04723 II 42 ~~"""""';cC::-,_~.,c,"'-"''''-_'~'''_''-__'-'-_C'_O.,.:-~-'.-- "-- ~__., -c:'C-,. -'__ _ _ =~~_.=-,=""'_,",~_~"'~"",.,..---:-,..,.--.",":--'-~. :..---,--.,--c--"-..........."..---__-.,'~---...,,..,,__,_~-,..,-.--- ,1 , , , , i . ! i ..~ ! . .-no - ---,~.",...'.---=_.~.~.,..--,.,..,.~-=-,"'-..,..,.._~_. '-. No. 04724 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician Salary, Coroner cases Lunacy Hearings " 04725 Roanoke Iron & Bridge Works, Repairs to County Jail 04726 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for County Jail 04727 Frigid-Freeze Frozen Foods, Food for County Jail 04728 Dr. S. D. Carey, Attending prisoner and Lunacy Cases 04729 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry Jail 04730 Deluxe Laundry & Cleaners, Laundry Jail 04731 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Prisoners 04732 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 04733 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Janitor Supplies Jail 04734 Clover Creamery Co., Food for Jail 04735 W. R. Heser Coal Co., Fuel for Jail 04736 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 04737 DeWitt Supply Co., janitor supplies 04738 West Salem Body Shop, Repairs C. S. Fire Truck 04739 Williams Supply Co., Supplies for Fire Station 04740 Void " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 04741 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., parts for Vehicles 04742 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Fire Station 04743 Roanoke Co. Sanitation Authority, sewage treatment 04744 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, Chemicals and Purts 04745 E. S. Honaker, Reimburse traveling expense 04746 Goodwin-Williams Chevrolet Co., Parts for Fire Truck " " " " " " $ 140.00 50.10 54.45 10.23 60.50 46.38 9.96 173.50 29.89 195.28 14.56 32.00 121.49 37.57 10.00 8.38 I I 267.72 39.99 9.00 341.44 35.80 34.52 I 04747 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel oil for Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse 458.63 " 04748 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental fee on Water Softner 04749 Bramb1eton Gulf Service, Gas and Oil " " 4.00 34.14 " 04750 Auto Service Station, Gas purchased for Fire Trucks 29.72 04751 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 78.54 " 04752 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Rent on Clearbrook Fire House 04753 W. W. Garman, November Rent Mount Pleasant Fire Station " " 60.00 60.00 04754 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, November Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station 60.00 " 04755 Salem Radiator Service, Repairs to Fire Trucks and other vehicles " 04756 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 04757 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare Dept,2,012.62 271.l5 " " 04758 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 04759 University of Virginia Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 493.00 I " " 04760 Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 04761 Wallace O. Deyerle, Warrants 04762 Dr. W. M. McKinney, Doctor's fee Commitment 04763 Herbert A. Pickford, Attorney's fee Commitment 04764 John M. Hamlet, Jr. Special Judge's fee Commitment 04765 Dr. F. E. Dreifuss, Doctor's fee Commitment 04766 International Business Machine Co., Typewriting ribbons " " " " " " " 04767 04768 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for County vehicles Auto Parts, Inc., Parts " 33.00 71. 55 I 221.85 50.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 14.00 6.25 14.41 ~ ~ I y a ---"- - -_._--------------~_. " 04781 State Board of Education, Surplus Goods for Civil Defense 11.46 04782 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 577.27 04783 Mrs. Laura S. Wagner, Services as Registrar for Mount Pleasant Precinct 21.05 04798 Stone Printing Co., Reproducing and binding 30 copies of Auditor's report 267.00 04799 U. S. Civil Defense Council Active MemberSip dues 8.51 04800 Acme Printers, Inc., 100 emergency operational Plan Stickers 4.00 04804 Pure Oil Company, Gas and Oil for Distribution 1,225.47 04805 Donald J. Bean, 1 Victor Adding Machine 100.00 04806 Goodyear Service Store, Tires purchased for Distribution 236.52 04807 Miller Tire Service, Tires purchased for Stock distribution 25.17 No. 04769 Caldweli-~ites Co., Office supplies " 04770 Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., Maps and office supplies 04771 Sal~ Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 04772 Shelton's Garage, Repairing Water pump 04773 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Garbage trucks 04774 Mrs. Claudia Martin, Refund Garb~ fee 04775 GoOdwin-Andrews-Bryant, Inc., Fire, Theft & Vandalism Insurance on Tractor II " II II II. II 04776 Roanoke County Court, 10 cases collecting Garbage bills 04777 Betty J. Hartman, extra in addition to regular salary, extra help in Garbage dept. 04778 Mary E. Hicks, Extra in addition to regular salary, Elections, registering &c 04779 Times-World Corporation, Publishing mating of Planning & Zoning committee 04780 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps II II II II II II II II 04784 Mrs. Larry Waldron, Services as Registrar 04785 Mr. Frank Ayers, Services as Deputy Registrar 04786 Mrs. Virginia Rierson, Services as Deputy Registrar 04787 Goldie R. Griggs, Services as Depcty Registrar 04788 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 04789 Rusco Window Co. of Roanoke, Va. Repairing 6 Venetian Blinds II II II II II II 04790 Salem Hardware Co., Supplies for Courthouse 04791 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for Repairs 04792 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., 2 signs for Circuit Court Room 04793 Booker Helm, Labor and material on Courthouse repairs II II " II 04794 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies &c 04795 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for CQunty Office Bldg. 04796 Bush Electric Co., Electrical work Courthouse 04797 Builders Mart, Repair Material " II " II II II II 04801 Caldwell-Sites Company, Repairs to equipment 04802 Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs 04803 Garland Oil Company, Oil purchased for distribution II II " II II II II 04808 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for di~tribution 04809 Adams Construction Co., Paving at Fire Station 04810 Bent Mountain Volunteer Fire Dept. Contribution 04811 Mt. Pleasant Volunteer Fire Dept. Contribution " " 43 $ 3.21 1.20 24.96 11. 52 13.33 2.25 106.25 37.50 60.00 69.00 2.50 58.51 11.40 20.35 20.00 30.85 49.07 17.40 lQ.60 174.64 30.00 29.00 l8.00 60.00 59.35 1.38 6.75 88..28 15.72 36.00 212.27 260.00 460.00 44 --~--- --- -----~--- -------- -~-- - -~--- -- -.... - ----.. - - .____"_n_ __,.______.___~_..-..-,--- . -. - - . - . - - - - ..- .'- ..___ ._-,.,.:--..,-....,-,.---". .c-.."..:~,-",-C"...:-._-...,-;-_o.,~_ . ..._---., --.----.-. .---.----.-' ...- '._-- --.-.- .... -- .-. -,---- No. 04812 Clearbrook Volunteer Fire Dept. 1960-1961 Contribution $ II 04813 Cave Spring Volunteer Fire Dept. 1960-1961 Contribution 04814 Hollins Volunteer Firemen, 1960-1961 Contribution 04815 Catawba Volunteer Firemen, 1960-1961 Contribution 04816 Salem Rescue Squad, 1969~1961 Contribution 04827 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 04828 Pitney Bowes, Inc., Rental fee on Postage Machine 460.00 460.00 460.00 260.00 100. 00 7.02 39.00 18.95 20.00 92.00 43.30 15.00 lO.OO 20.00 10.00 10.00 104.00 1,750.00 73.79 13.04 31. 50 3.46 37.50 60.00 48.23 44.66 l59.42 60.00 r IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAms &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, co-wit: II II II " " " " II 04829 Void " 04830 Southwest Motor Parts, Parts for Delinquent Tax Collector's Car " 04831 Michie Company, Law books for County Court 04832 City Auditor's Office, Room and Board for Children 04833 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service 04834 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy fee, Blood test for Alcohol 04835 Starmount Clinic, Lunacy hearing 04836 Frank D. McKenney, Jr., MK Lunacy cases 04837 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy case 04838 Dr. Est.her C. Brown, Lunacy hearing 04839 Minor R. Keffer, Services on Fairview Home 04840 Vinton Motor Co., 1 new Ford 04841 Eudora JuJd, Extra work in Garbage dept. 04842 Caldwell-Sites CO., 1 new Card File, 1 scale 04843 Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co., Maps 04844 Addressograph Multigraph Corp., Identification tags for Garbag~ cans 04845 Rodgers Clock Service, Repairing Tower Clock " " " " " II " " " " " " " " II 04846 04847 04848 04850 Chamber of Commerce, 1962 dues State Board of Education, Invoices R. C. Pittman, Reimburse Trav~ling Expense Goodwin Insurance & Realty Co., Premium on Judge Hoback's automobile " " " " 04851 H. W. Starkey, Services on Finance Committee No. 04817 Check-R-Board, Dog food " 04818 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 04819 .County School Board of R. C. Maintenance Dog Truck 04820 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas and Repairs 04821 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc., Premium on Bond 04822 Salem Hardware C"., wearing apparel Dog Warden 04823 Va. State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine 04824 J. M. La~an, Livestock claim 04825 Mrs. H. L. Stump, fowl claim " " " " " II " 04826 04849 E. B. Webster, Fowl claim Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense $ 49.00 3.00 12.85 6.46 5.00 4.50 l5.60 22.00 6.50 9.00 37.40 __._______.._ _-.__n___ ...... .-.--,-----.....-. I I I I I 45 .. . ..- .- ~ ...--. -.-.-.--.... ------~_._-_.~------------"---::...,... ~ JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the follolr.tng report: "Salem, Virginia .December 18, 1961 " To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business December 16, 1961, there was to the credit of the n General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement School Textbook Fund F. I, C. A. Deferred Credit Account (J. B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters) $ 977 ,116 . 17 274.23 71. 93 5,225.01 12,520.95 2,365.81 422.61 124.62 ~ 998,121. 33 Certificates of Deposit: Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem $100,000.00 $100,000.00 ~200,OOO.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. .. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of December, l~l, be appro-m in the amount of $9,343.45 from which the sum of $175.23 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and the sum of $888.85 total W. H. a Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $8,279.37. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . On moticiO, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning November 16, 1961, ending November 30, 1961, be approved in the amount of $2,950.39, from which $88.53 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, $151.40 total W. H. Taxes, insurance $33.60, and $40.18, garnishment proceedings are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,636.68; y And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning December 1, 1961, ending December 15, 1961, be approved in the amount of $3,017.55, from which $90.55 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $163.90 total W. H. Taxes; and $33.60 insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of a $2,729.50. Adopted by the following recorded yote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell ... Nays: None ~ct...R.1; ; . c. .~.'-- , rU '7.,<~ ..I~I"I/1.1 ......~c.'jJ- '. ti;i q-G,. '7~,t;t: 46 . '"'___~""_'_________.__'_'__ ________ _ n__ - ,.-., -- -- _.- -_._--~_.--_._--- .--. -----. ._~~------------- ------ ,---_.-----~.~._._-------~-.-._._.--- , __ ' ",____ __" - - __ ___ - _." d. _ , '. ,._ ,,_ , , , "".. .. .__. ",,_ r ur. ~. ~.~ <0 '>1''1' ' r c.&.....:. M ~ ,.. '\:l..c- ,c., . ~:' '''''''1 J I.,: IJ,.A. roc.. ~- ~ ~'''''.J~I _____,....__...._u -...--.-,-....-.. --- ~ ---_. -_.---,- -_.._-~-- - ' ,,- . ---.--.-----" .__.,---'--_._'~---- .. ._n _n_. '_', ....nn , , .... ...._......_ ... ____ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #4658 in the amount of $39.01 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel. used at jail, home demonstration kitchen, and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #4659 in the amount of $3.25 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service for November, 1961; Voucher-check #4660 in the amount of $11.12 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at dog pound; Voucher-check #4661 in the amount of $22,99 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's Home; , Voucher~check #4662 in the amount of $498.40 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service; Voucher-check #4663 in the amount of $377.74 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service for county offices. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the account of H. W. Starkey, for services as Citizen Member of the Roanoke County Finance Board, for period January 1, 1961, thru December 31, 1961, in the amount of sixty dollars ($60.00) be approved, as this day submitted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None .. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer, for $1,189.51, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of November, 1961, less commissions, and turned over to the said Treasurer, said check amount to $1,130.03 net. .. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of November, 1961; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of November, 1961; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for November, 1961; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for November, 1961; RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for November, 1961; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for November, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MoOse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I I I I. ...,d("..........~_.~. _.. _, _n._. _,. . n_ _." _._._______.__.. ------------ .-.-- . -.- . .-- ---~ . ---. -.....----.----.-.. ..--- -----_._--------.~--_.-------------_._--'---,..-- --_.",,'---,..-..,...,..-'-.- ,., ~ r IN RE: DIVISION OF MARKETS - Report: A communication dated November 29, 1961, from Division of Markets, signed by J. F. Lyles, Field Supervisor, Weights and Measures Section, addressed to W. E. Cundiff, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, submitting a report on the test of weighing and measuring devices recently completed in Roanoke County, was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed. ~ Copy of letter dated December 8, 1961, from the Chairman of the State Compensation Board addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, approving an allowance covering an overdraft in the month of November, 1961, for $36.90 for telephone and repairs, was this day submitted to the B,oard; and ordered filed. f' h. ~ IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF CLARENCE R. KEENAN FINAL ORDER x WHEREAS, Clarence R. Keenan, did, on the 20th day of November, 1961, petition I!' ... :.j~~j;- !:~~~. " 'YVlnn:t:;::. !:k:~fl-~ r owned by Ralph A. Glasgow and Pal Finance Corporation, of which your Petitioner .",~~ is the holder of an ~ion to purchase the said property, situate in the Cave~. r~ Spring Magisterial District, and being all of Lots Twenty-Two and Twenty-three, '~/ : I~I"!,./ Section Eight, according to the Map of Mount Vernon Heights, and more the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real property now u particularly described in said petition, and now classified as "residence property" be reclassified and rezoned as "Business B-2", so as to provide that said property and buildings thereon or which may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for a pump and tank business; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did, by a resolution adopted at the regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors, held on the 20th day of November, 1961, refer said petition and proposal to so amend said County Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Commission of Ramoke County, Virginia, as required by said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virginia, for a recommendation of said Planning Commission in accordance with ~ the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission of said County did by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting held on the 28th day of November, 1961, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change or reclassify said property from its present classification of "residence property" to "Business B-2", as required ill said petition; and, 47 48 r~":':C' -:,:_'-'"-- ::-=-:."~ - -,--- '-:=---:"':.-:.":.::'---.--~.~.~. ___,c::...___-----'--.:,-'-.~-.---~ .....:::----~ I WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received: a copy of the Order and Resolution adopted by said County Planning Commission recommending that said County Zoning Ordinance be so amended; and, WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its resolution adopted on the 20th day of November, 1961, as aforesaid, order the said Clerk of the said Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning Commision, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of said Boal~d of Suprvisors, and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 18th day of December, 1961, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in The Roanoke TLmes, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke and of general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 30th day of November, 1961, and 3rd day of December, 1961, as required by said order of this Board of November 20, 1961, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was that day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this ooard, after said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Banning Commission. NeM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND OR.DERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNT'l, VIRGINIA, at this regular meeting of said Board held on this the 18th day of December, 1961, that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to .:hange the classification of the property described in said petition from its :present classification of "residence property" to "Business-B-2", in order that said property and the buildings thereon, or that might be hereafter erected thereon, may be used for a pump and tank business. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "residence property" to "Business B-2" is situate in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, said lots or parcels of land is described as follows, TO-wit: BEING all of Lots Twenty-two (22) and twenty-three (23), Section Eight (8), as known, shown and indicated on the Map of Mount Vernon Heights, which said map is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2, Page 67. Lot 23, Section 8, Mount Vernon Heights being conveyed unto Ralph A. Glasgow by deed from Charles E. Stewart and Fl~rence M. Stewart, husband and wife, dated July 23, 1955 and of record in Deed Book 534, page 398 of the aforesaid Clerk's Office. I I I I I __'-..:.-o.,.'~-._-__..__.. __ " = ~ .. u a 49 Lot 22, Section 3, Mount Veruo Heights being conveyed unto Pal Finance Corporation by deed from Roy E. Call and Sarah Frances Call, husband and wife, dated November 19, 1957 ~d of record in Deed Book 585, Page 382 of the aforesaid Clerk's Office. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commission, and a copy to Derwood H. Rusher, attorney for Clarence R. Keenan. The foregoing Resol~tion and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE EAST SIDE OF RELOCATED VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUl'E 1116 AT MOUNT PLEASANT, IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF THOMAS E. WAGNER AND LAURA S. WAGNER RESOLUTION AND ORDER ,~~ '1l1t.- ~ f" ~ ".5: e-c., , r c..- ~ . : I~Jr"lI'( l This day Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Thomas E. Wagner and Laura S. Wagner, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Thomas E. Wagner and Laura S. Wagner relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this l8th day of December, 1961, said petition be, and the same ishereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend sdd County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition, be, and :' the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith certi- fiecl by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Ord~r was adopted on motion of Supervisors G. Ha~pton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 50 ._----~.- .....-.--.-- -----~---_. -- - ._- ---- ,..- ~,~@ o+~l' I , , i ir r.v ... t. I"" ..., ,,'1 4 copies this order ' del to Co ' Ex Officer for del to Res. Engr. : D8p.t,Highways 12119/61 ,~ . -,...-,...-------~-----------_._-_.~..~----_._.~._----- _. .. - - __.______._.__ ___. ...' - ....'..0 __.. __. .._".._ ".-.-----'----.------.... ---,._---- ..------.----.--. -~--------_.._- --- - . ___n' ....,. .. __... ".._ ... _.._ __ ... ,- ....,...._....._... -. .'..'-",-,. . IN RE: PAYMENT OF SALARIES: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary checks for all county employees be approved for pyment as of December 22, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Te~ll, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I Pursuant to Section 17-41, sub-section 14, Code of V:rginia, 1960, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board hereby declares Saturday, December 23, 1961, as a legal holiday for all County employees, said action subject to the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I " ~ Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia I This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Green Meadow Road (Extn. Rt. 1653) to D. E. - 0.40 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot risht of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Castle Rock Farms, which map is recorded inPlat Book 4, Page 85 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Boan hereby guarantees said right of way and right for dRanage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Green Meadow Road (Extn. Rt. 1653) to D. E. - 0.40 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. I I Nays: None n n c w ~ .,-.-- ._----- , 51 .-.. ------- ---------------------~-~~--- .. Board of Supervisors 'i 4 copies this 'order del to ii Co Ex Officer Ii for del to ii Res. Engr. ,: Dept. Highways ; 12i'l9/61 :i !I vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Brahma Road from Green Meadow Road to Herefore Road - 0.45 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Castle Rock Farms, which map is recorded inPlat Book 4, Page 85 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent ro donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Boardhereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Brahma Road from Green Meadow Road to Hereford Road - 0.45 mile and which is shown on a cerltain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby estanished as a public road to becom~ a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None ... Board of Supervisors i: ii 4 copies this " order del to :; Co Ex Officer :; for del to Res 'I Engr. Dept. , Hig;hways 12(19/61 vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Longhorn Road from Rt. 702 to D. E. - 0.18 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Castle Rock Farms, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 85 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is ~ec~ssary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Longhorn Road from Rt. 720 to D. E. - 0.18 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None 52 ~ '"::, ..~""----:-"-;-:::=.--- c,.--:---,-,-~"""""''''_.'''':_ - ."'--:-::. "''''.--- .. -,. --_..'. -C-";-.C:.:-'7:-C:::"-:'_~_''':'''''''-_-:--C'~.;_='O~'''-'''-''C.::c.~_,'_- .-_ ~_. . u___. __ __ _ __ -.----::-:;'C~--:,..,...,..,...'''"....,.-.--~_-''"'_.-,..,.__:_~~..,.~,.C~. ~,,,,,,,,,,,,~=-""""',~-:o':::'--_O___-_:---'C'. -='- ~ _.--.,- -,0----,-,.--=" - "'-. --C,_.. ,. "'.-:"""+~C _''':-::::-:;-'~-=:''':'--'~~':'=-:-:':..-.,",-"-:::-=, ~...,..",..,.c:-=~~,",",.....,.,..,-,...,.,....~..,..----...,.---=,...--,..-:-c-_~_.. .. 4 copies this ol;der del to" Co Ex.Ot't'icer tor del to Res. Engr. Dep.t. Highways 1.2719/61 Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Belford Street from Rt. l318 to Rt. 1305 - 0.45 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easments and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Belford Woods, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4 - 3 , Page 82 - 7 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. . The Boardhereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Belford Street from Rt. 1318 to Rt. 1305 - 0.45 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompany- ing .this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. I I Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I .. This day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the 4 copies this following road and the location thereof, to-wit: order and 4 copies County Engineer's AN UNNAMED ROAD FROM RT. 601 NORTH TO THE R/W OF INTERSTATE RT. 81 (0.20 MI:) report del to Paul B. Matthews appeared before this Board to make his report; whereupon, on motion duly seconded '0. Ex.Officer for del. to and carried, said Engineer's report is approved. Res. Engineer Dep.t. Highways And it is further ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, 12719/61 ' be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of theState Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following re,eorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None Copy of petition & copy this order del to Sec. Roa. Plan COil. 12/19/61 I I " IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF ROUTE 11 AND ABNEY ROAD OF GREENlAND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, ET ALS x ORDER This day came Greenland Development Corporation, ~ als, by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property described therein. ~ n c ~ ~ 53 --.. ~-~--_..--- -----.----.-------.--- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above rllsolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisors A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and on a recorded vote, the' Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. It is ordered that the following communications be filed: Letter dated November 15, 1961, addressed to The Honorable Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Department of Highways, in re: proposed Industrial Access Road from Rt. 116 to property of the Aerospace Research Corporation; Re: Transfer of Certificate of Convenience and Necessity No. HG-193 authorizing operation of motor vehicles in the transportation of household goods between points in Virginia from Gilbert-Johnson Moving Corporation to George L. DeHaven - time and place ofhearing 10:00 A. M. on January 15, 1962, in the Court room of the State ~orporation Commission in Blanton Building in the City of Richmond, Virginia. .. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to sign and execute an instrument vacating Plat of Section 1, Sunset Heights, property of C. W. Graham, et ux, and recorded in Plat Book 3, at page 288: of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Courtof Roanoke County, Va. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 54 =:~.,._o--=-..",,_:, ,-"..,-~--,,--::_~_c,,-=-:'''-C:--_-_-_~_C:''-.'..:O-_-_'-_' .'. ._._. __ -- - ..-- ______ U'___'__~__. _ _____~_..,_-'''-,.,....,-.-- - - -- ..._..__.__ __n_.______.,.._ - ... -.. . ~ On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton i~~~' Moulse, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to i~. ~~~urchase one IBM Dictating Machine and one IBM Transcriber at a total cost of ~. ,<'<_ '4e,.'; seven hundred and sixty-five dollars ($765.00), for use in the Roanoke County . ~. "r~ Department of Public Welfare. '~2'/1-~1 Copy of letter dated November 4, 1961, addressed to Mr. Edwin Terrell, from Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Sqt., received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None i ~ , !""I-~..,"I_~~ 1,,',,.....~.G,i .... -+ I A ." I~'''? I~ '1 i~. ~...p:/d".4 ~~.4.~ ! . /:l"f.!" I I ROANOKE COUNTY WELFARE BOARD AUTHORIZATIW FOR PAYMENT OF ALL STATE AND LOCAL HOSPITAL BILLS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1961 On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Welfare Board be, and it is, hereby authorized to pay all State and Local Hospital Bills incurr.ed by said Welfare Board as of December 31, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None I This day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof, to-wit: FIRE TRAIL FROM RT. 622 SOUTH 0.65 MI. TO MOUNTAINBROOK ORCHARD ROAD appeared before this Board to make his report; whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, said Engineer's report is approved. And it is further ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to beame a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is furthr ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None I I ~ n = u ~ 55 -,---...--.--... "--.-., ~--~..........,....--,,---.,...-~~,---~- . IN RE: REZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 212.4 ACRES, LOCATED IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COtlN'lY, VIRGINIA, LYING ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF HERSHBERGER ROAD AND ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF STATE SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 626, AND BEING WNED BY ANNA A. JARRETT, EMMA A. X CLEMENT, THOMAS J. ANDREWS, WILLIlIM A. JARRETT, MARGARET J. MORRIS, IDA MAE ANDREWS HOLLAND, BETTY TOM ANDRE'NS BRADSHAW, AND ELLEN F. ANDREWS, WIDOW' OF Wlu..!AM L. ANDREWS, DECEASED, AND ELLEN F. ANDREWS, WILLIlIM L. AND~S, JR., AND JAMES B. ANDREWS, II, TRUSTEES OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIlIM L. ANDREWS, DECEASED. FINAL ORDER The property of: Anna A. Jarrett, et also WHEREAS, Anna A. Jarrett, et als, by their attorney, did on the 20th day , of November, 1961, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ~~~~ " Virginia, to amend the County Zoning Ordinances so as to provide that certain ~~ ~ reclassified and rezoned as "Business DistriC't B-2"; and, WHEREAS, as required by the Code of Virginia of 1950, and more '::? .d . ./ ~ : (Co - -~--1:... ~~~ CO......, r ifj ~7? especially,,$'~ . property described in SAid petition, now classified as "Agricultural A-l" be as required by Article 2, Chapter 24, Title 15, of said Code, for a recommendation ,../~.~/ in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, did hold a public hearing on the aforesaid matter at its regular meeting held on the 28th day of Nov~ber, 1961, and did, by a resolution adopted at said meeting, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of a portion of said property as "Business District B-2" and that the remaining portion of said property be reclassified as "Industrial M-l'" and, WHEREAS, the Board of Super\~sors of said County did, by its resolution, adopted on the 20th day of Nov~ber, 1961, order the Clerk of this Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning Commission,: to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at a regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held on December 18, 1961, and to give noti,ce thereof, through publication, in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on December 18, 1961, at 3:00 o'clock P. M., as the date and time for a public hearing on the proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof, duly published in The Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in and having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions as required by and in accordance with, the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposeQ amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after full and complete notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration of said petition and to the recommendation of said Planning Commission and being advised that the property owners are in agreement with said Planning Commission inrezoning a portion of I'aid 2l2.4 acre tract of land to "Business District B-2" and the ; / / 56 -- _.__._---------,---,--~--,-----"~ .. .-,.--... - --. .--... . .... - . - . .'.. .. - .-,. -- -- - -_.-.~.,.,... 0...'---0=""..-0.7.- -'-~_=----_._--=.:_:'..,.-.--~"C---c--.-,-,-..-__:__-.,.-,.-...~. remaining portion to "Industrial District M-l", and the Board having heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as recommended by said Planning Commission and as agreed to by said property OWl ers ; I NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this 18th day of December, 1961, the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, be, and the same is hereby amended so as to change the classification of the hereinafter described property, it being a portion of the 212.4 acre tract as described in the petition, from "Agricultural A-l" to "Business District B-2" in order that said property and buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for "Business District B-2" purposes as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance, and that the remaining portion of said property described in said petition, to-wit: 149.4 acres, more or less, be changed and reclassified from "Agricultural A-I" to "Industrial District M-l" in order that said property, and buildings that may hereafter be erected on that portion may be used for "Industrial M-l" purposes as defined in said Cou nty Zoning Ordinance.. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned as "Business District B-2" is more particularly described as follows: I BEGINNING at a point on the division line between tracts lA as shown on the map of Greendale Farms of record in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County in Deed Book 532, page 17, 400 feet north of the north right-of-way line of Hershberger Road (State Secondary Rt. 625); thence with a line in a westerly direction parallel to Hershberger Road 1200 feet, more or less, to a point 400 feet north of the intersection of Hrshberger Road and Interstate Rt. 581; thence with a line 400 feet northeasterly of and parallel td the right-of-way line of Interstate Rt. 581, 2300 feet, more or less, to a point in the line tract 3, map of Greendale Farms; thence with south line of tract 3, S. 38 degs. IS' W. 400 feet to the east side of State Secondary Route 626; thence partly with the east side, and partly with center of same, S. 38 degs. east 1870 feet, more or less, to the northerly line of Hershberger Road (State Secondary Rt. 625); thence with same in aneasterly direction 2800 feet, more or less, to the division between tract 1 and tract lA as shown on themap of Greendale Farms; thence with said division line in a northerly direction 400 feet, more or less, to point of BEGINNING~ containing 63 acres, more or less. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned as "Industrial District M-l" property is described as follows: Tract I-A, Tract 2, Tract 3, and Tract 4, according to map of Greendale Farms made by C. B. Malcolm, S. C. E., dated February 20, 1935, a copy of which is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 532, on Page 17-, reference to which is hereby specifically had. There is however, specifically excepted from the land herein classified as "Industrial District M-l", the 63 acres, more or less, hereinabove reclassified and rezoned as "Business District B-2" property. I I I The above reclassification and rezoning is made subject to all legal restrictions, reservations or conditions as set up by the Federal Aviation Agency, or any other Federal Agency empowered to impose restrictions concerning a,ir navigation. " ~ c ~ ~ -"- -.- --- .--....-.. ____n ____ AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board is to forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and a copy thereof to W. B. GOchenour, Attorney for Anna A. Jarrett, et also The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C.Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse of Salem Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board $ For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Jusl:ice Sa - Circuit Court 5b - County Court 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare 8a - Board of Public Welfare 8e - Institutional Care 8h - Lunacy Commission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c - Garbage Disposal 10e - Contractual Services 11 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (see Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14 - ~intenance of Buildings and Grounds 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 18a - Annexation 18b - Civil Defense 19 - Capital Outlay For Educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of this Board 234,253.00 18,040.00 4,213.50 12,610.00 12,484.50 4,570.50 5,657.50 4,445.00 497.50 3,445.00 9,650.00 33,565.50 9,188.50 18,287.50 150.00 18,250.00 680.00 . 14,588.00 16,260.00 2,232.00 38,472.50 3,750.00 5,112.50 2,807.50 10,815.00 33,765.00 500.00 650.00 57 t.,-;, - ~,j- t:/fZ..; #.--'.~ ",I ~ >.0,.-. '71t ,. -:.0,< ' ~~~ d. ->>..~ ~....; ; t ~ '-'1-. .71. ~ - ,..... ) ~. 4~'V1; ~. 'r k/ '~fi ~4 T~.~~ /I}J. '''f~ C; I 58 I t.,,===-"'.......:-~=.~"'=---="""=,c,:":-, - ..---- --------.. _ _,::--==-=-"..,...,..,.c-"..-,-~....".--,.-~-,o_-_""_"'C--::-~_-"'--c,~_-"""""_"'-'~'-:'_~+-'_"--0---"'--- ._____..__.__.'__ .__n___' ____......,..__._~ ..' "0 ". _ ._.."_....._..... ..'.. 17a Administration 17b - Instruction 17c - Coordinated Activities 17d - Auxiliary Agencies 17e - Housing 17f Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service Capital Outlay Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the Dog Laws, to be transferred to the Dog Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors 24,995.00 1,478,358.00 500.00 135,908.60 187,138.18 12,877.00 18,750.00 191,933.82 ---118,739.66 $ 3,295,972.26 $ 7,375.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized to. transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriations made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered hy this appropriation ordinance. A copy of this appropriation ordinance is ordered to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke Couny. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampton Moulse Neys : None . On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized to sign a supplemental to the original contract with the Appalachian Power Company for approximately thirty 7,000 lumen street lights to be installed in the Blue Ridge Park for Industry at a rate of $4.25 per month per light. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 1.54./~~!. ..of c. 4. o/r- I ,2.. '1./', , I I I I I i i I , i ! or The Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and W. E. Cundiff, a former Chairman of this Board, this day appeared cmd expressed their sincere appreciation of the splendid services rendered by this Board in the handling of the affairs of Roanoke O:>unty during the year 1961, and each extended his good wishes to the Board for the year 1962. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in January, 1962. . 1.v1MJ.i.- Chairman I I I I I Court House Salem, Virginia January 15, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Ed'~il~ G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Carl A. Collins, Pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. Tl,e following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: League of Virginia Counties, Membership dues, County Contribution $ 1,300.45 Acme Printers Co., office supplies 101.35 . It .. = .. No. 04950 " 04951 " 04952 " 04953 " 04954 " 04955 " 04956 C II 04957 II 04958 " 04959 II 04960 II 04961 II 04962 II 04963 59 - -....- ".- .. - ~"- -----,-----.-..--c--.-~----~-------------~-.------ Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Pr~ium on Bond for Commissioner of Revenue 10.50 R. L. Paxton Printing Co., office supplies 95.35 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 95.80 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets and P. O. Box Rent 139.13 F. C. Wiley, Jr. Postmaster, Postage for Delinquent Tax Collector 16.00 Beach Bros. Esso Servicenter, Wash Jobs on Delinquent Tax Collector's Car 2.25 .38 27,17 90.69 Beach Brothers Motor Co., Parts International Business Machine Co., office supplies Everette Waddey Company, Record.books Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 36.45 10.00 Michie Company, Law books Association of Judges of County & Municipal Courts of Virginia 10.00 04964 F. C. Wiley, Jr. Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile & Dom,estic Relations Court 24.00 04965 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense Probation Officer 49.28 " " " 04966 Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk driving & Lunacy cases 55.00 04967 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 4.01 u " It 04968 Fechheimer Brothers Co., tearing apparel for Sheriff's :Dept.l,098.80 04969 Frith's Auto Sales & Service, Parts for Police Cars 04970 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Auto Parts and Batteries 04971 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for County Vehicles 04972 Salem Radiator Service, Parts for Police Car 04973 Shackelford Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts for Police Car ll. 95 21. 07 18.46 3.00 8.49, " " = " " " " " 04974 Void 04975 Summerdean Esso Station, Maintenance County Vehicles 04976 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician Salary & Coroner cases Lunacy Commissions 04977 Salem Auto Parts, Maintenance of County owned vehicles " " 28.13 200.00 184.07 60 ~ '---~'-'----'--'- .~-_._-,'-..-- -- '.- _.... __ . __.. __u... _...._._._.___________ . ______ !'o~~~~.::-:-""'-:--"='- -',",,~-:~-'...,.--,-,--_~_ ,...,--...,.- - ",'--,--,-,..-.~c-_, _-.,-.-,~--_..".. - ..,.-.-..,..-'....,...-:~---.-::'----._:__.-_-,--- No. 04978 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance " 04979 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for County Vehicles 04980 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Jail " " - 04981 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 04982 Carl R. Brightwell, Jail Repairs 04983 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Jail 04984 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry for Jail 04985 American Bakeries Co., Food for Jail 04986 Clover Creamery Co., Food for Jail l: " " 11 " $ 42.50 619.09 53.55 39.85 67.25 96.00 58.92 68.28 14.56 I " 04987 Monarch Finer Foods, Food, Janitor supplies and light bulbs for Jail l87.00 I " 04988 Salem Farm Supply Co., Garbage Cans for Jail 04989 Valleydale Packers, Food for Jail 04990 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Jail 04991 C1earbrook Lion's Club, December rent on Clearbrook Fire House " " 11 " 04992 W. W. Garman, Decembar rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House 04993 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, December Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 11 11 04994 Cave Spring Water Co., Water Service for C. S. Fire House ", 04995 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental Fee on Water Softner Hollins Fire House 6.50 36.29 206.88 60.00 60.00 60.00 8.42 4.00 ", 04996 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire House and Courthouse 450.19 I 11 04997 Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service, Chemicals and Repairs 24.60 04998 Arrow Hardware Paint Co., Supplies Hollins Fire Dept. 5.00 05014 Vinton Motor Co., 1 New 1962 Ford for County Inspector 1,998.98 05015 Edward B. Lassiter, Services to County as Chairman of Planning Commission 90.00 05016 William H. Witt, Services to County as member of Planning Commission 90.00 05017 T. D. Steele, Service to County as Vice-Chairman of Planning Commission 90.00 11 " 04999 Auto Service Station, Gasoline Clearbrook Fire Truck 05000 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for C. S. Fire House 05001 Mt. Pleasant Garage, Parts, gas &c 05002 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline and Oil 05003 Miller Tire Service, Parts for Bent Mountain Fire Truck 05004 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for Salem Truck 05005 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Bent Mt. Fire House 05006 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Fire Trucks 05007 Poff's Garage, Maintenance Bent Mountain Fire Trucks 05008 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts Co. Vehicles 05009 Fairview Home, County's share of expense for Maintaining Home for the aged at Dublin 05010 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy Cases 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 " " 11 " 11 05011 Dr. A. J. Rus30, Commission, Lunacy 05012 International City Manager's Assoc. Membership dues for year beginning Jan. 1, 1962 05013 Southeastern Radio Supply Co., Repairs to Radios 11 11 If " 11 " " 20.05 28.02 67.60 35.79 161. 88 15.18 76.00 748.88 238.07 38.50 I 19.90 30.00 60.00 25.75 2.28 I 05018 G. Carl Matthews, Services to County as member of Planning Commission 90.00 --- - - - -..-, - -".. .__._--~-----._- -----.. --- . " c c u = 05019 No~1 American Society of Planning Officials, Membership dues for Paul B. Matthews 05020 " .1 Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co., Maps 05021 " /. Void " 61 .-,-----..-----"- ..- ---.. -.." 15.00 14.75 05022 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, share of expense covering aerial photography and mapping program under the 701 Federal Project, Urban Planning Grant 2,197.00 " 05023 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. Identification tags &c 05024 Sidney's, Inc., Refund Garbage Fee 05025 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for Tractor " II " 13.04 " 13.00 8.25 " 05026 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Tubs for Garbage Collection 20.33 05027 Void 05045 Parker-Nimmo Co., Street signs 91.53 05046 Caldwell-Sites Co., Repair parts for office equipment 47.90 05047 Powell's Pharmacy, Tools and Flash Light for County Inspec- ~r l.~ 05048 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline purchased for Distribution to County Vehicles 986.98 " 05028 M & S Machine Shop, Parts II 05029 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage for mailing Garbage Bills 05030 Program Press, Inc.,.office supplies 0503l Roanoke Printing Co., office supplies 05032 Standard Parts Corp., Parts 05033 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks 05034 Yates & Wells Garage, Parts 05035 White Spot Supply Co., Disinfectant and Janitor supplies 05036 Appalachiaa Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 05037 American Floor Covering Co., Floor COVEring Courthouse 05038 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and Light switch 05039 Barnett Coal & Oil Co., Fuel for County Office Bldg. 05040 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse Furnace 05041 Salem Hardware Co., Sash Cord and Tape 05042 Salem Glass Co., Glass top for desk 05043 Nelson Hardware Co., Bulbs for Courthouse 05044 Davies-Young Soap Co., Janitor supplies " " " " " " II II " " " II " " " " " II II. II 05049 Radio Supply Company, Repair material for Radio 05050 State Board of Education, Surplus Goods for Civil Defense program " " 11. 02 158.76 88.00 11.53 29.10 91. 85 20.00 132.46 673.l6 4.20 1.88 60.00 43.94 9.50 12.08 5.03 59.35 2.97 20.71 05051 International Business Machine Co., 1 New D~ctating Machine for Welfare Depar.tment 765.00 05052 National Cash Register Co., New Equipment for Commissioner of Revenue's Office 386.40 " " " 05053 Motorola Communications Co., New Radios 650.00 05054 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for distribution 05060 DeWitt Supply Co., Janitor supplies 05098 Void 05099 Cuunty School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County Vehicles 650.80 " " " 44.00 20.79 62 -.-,' -.--""-"--~,~-" -"-~..~-- ..._.. ------.- No. 05100 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies ,.--,,,--_':-:---c-~_,,,,,--_-__+',-:-:o-:O ""-c."-=-:- ~'--"""",-",,-.'- ,..--;0- -"~-- ;-;-''''.-- .,....-..,.+.".~'_.-.-,---_._._,---_- -.,..,..- 41.50 05105 C & P Telephone Company, Telephone service for Fire house 49.15 05106 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 47.38 05107 Void " 05101 City of Roanoke, Treasurer, Room and Board for children City's Detention Home 05102 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation officer's Traveling expense 05103 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner investigations 05104 Void $ 10.00 56.70 20.00 I 4.00 I 10.00 468.35 205.14 4.27 79.93 1.60 31. 35 7.65 32.13 I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and oraered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: . " " " " " " " 05108 Humble Oil & Refining Co" Fuel oil Catawba Fire Station 05109 W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, Committment 05110 University of Virginia Hospital, Hospital bills Welfare 05111 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 05112 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 05113 Eudora Judd, extra office assistant $ 19.77 40.23 3.25 19.60 10.55 3.85 50.52 1.00 15.00 13.50 4.60 55.05 I I " " " " " " 05114 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., Parts for Tarpaulin 05115 Void . JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: " " 05116 Lewis Helm, Extra Janitor's service 05117 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense 05118 R. C. Pittman, Reimburse Co Ordinator Traveling expense "Salem, Virginia January 15, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business January 13, 1962, there was to the credit of the " " No. 05055 Void " 05056 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Dog Pound 05057 Auto Parts Inc., Parts for Dog Truck 05058 Brown Hardware Company, Cleaning Kit 05059 Check-R-Board, Dog Food 05061 Esso Standard Oil, Gasoline Purchased on Courtsy Card 05062 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Miscellaneous items 05063 Goodyear Service Store, Tires for Dog Truck 05064 Mount Pleasant Garage, Repairing tire on Dog Truck 05065 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Dog Truck 05066 Salem Hardware Co., Wearing apparel for Dog Warden 05067 Virginia Foods, Lye 05119 County School Board of R. C. Repair and Parts " " " " " " " " It " " 64 ".-~----._- -.--..--.--..--".-.. ...- _~_". ..~. .. ~_____.. ,_,_______,__ '.0- .-.,-"..-- ..-.- - "--'--'" .-.'---' .--- ... -,-------~_.- ._. ____.. - - - ". '" - .__d. _.. --- ------,.---_._._..~--_._,-_.__.__.-----------,._---------....--- ".------ -.-._- - "..--....--.-.---- - ..--.-....-....--..-.. "'-..----'.' ,. .._..._._n_-'. .,' ___d_ _ '_ ... _ __ ,______ _...., _ n_.. .. _ .. _.. . " On motion, dulyseconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Voucher-check #4928 in the amount of $519.50 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at County offices; Voucher-check #4940 in the amount of $500.00 made payable to F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, for postage for Commissioner of the Revenue's office; ~.J.. t. c... U ~ 1/,,),>- Voucher-check #4942 in the amount of $19.15 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check #4943 in the amount of $477.40 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service; Voucher-check #4944 in the amount of $50.08 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at home demonstration kitchen, jail and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #4945 in the amount of $3.25 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service; Voucher-check #4946 in the amount of $54.79 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Houses. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of December;' 1961; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail during the month of December, 1961; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of December, 1961; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of December , 1961; .' RUBlNETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of December, 1961; WHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of December, 1961; . Report made by John Garnett Walker, Certified Public Accountant, Marion, Virginia, of audit of FAIRVIEW HOME, Dublin, Virginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1961, received and ordered filed. . Report dated December 14, 1961 addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chclirman, of John A. Garrett, Secretary, on activities of Fort Lewis Life Saving and First Aid Crew, Inc., received and ordered filed. " The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Department of Highways Richmond 19, Va. December 28, 1961 Secondary System Additions Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: I I I I I ~ ~ c u o 65 ----p------~-___~__~____ ________ ___________ ___M As requested in resolution additions to the Secondary December 1, 1961. by your Board on November 20, 1961, the following System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective ADDITIONS LENGTH 0.12 Mi. Gene Street - from Ellen Drive (Route 1103) east to dead end. McDaniel Drive - from Gene Street north to dead end. Sincerely, F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner" 0.06 Mi. r The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: "Department of Highways .Richmond 19, Va. December 27, 1961 Secondary System Additions -- Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: As requested in resolution by your Board on December 16, 1961, .additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby effective December 1, 1961. the following approved, ADDITIONS LENGTH Orlando Avenue - From Florist Road (Route 623) easterly to Dead End. 0.35 Mi. Verndale Drive - From Orlando Avenue to Dead End Tampa Drive - From Verndale Drive to Orlando Avenue Return Road - From Orlando Avenue to Daytona Road 0.25 Mi. 0.20 Mi. 0.15 Mi. Daytona Road - From Verndale Drive to Return Road 0.15 Mi. Anteitam Drive - From Westmoreland Drive (Route 682) northwesterly to Dead End 0.06 Mi. Sincerely, F. A. Davis, Deputy Commis sioner" r IN RE: SECRETARY-DEPUTY In Sheriff's Office: Letter dated December 28, 1961, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, approving the creation of a new position of Secretary-Deputy at an annual rate of $3,120.00 for the office of the Sheriff of Roanoke County, and the elimination of authorization for the employment of two part-time deputies, received and ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the action of the Compensation Board in this matter. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None c4... 'II,a:~. I ;. \j; ~ cu.. .....L ~~.:... ~~N-- ~~~ ,W~ I~- "'-. ~c,/....:. t4t-+'v....u. C. .WL,L ...c. .~.' .~ (1l~ '/n/,,.... 66 .. . _.._-'.-....._-_..-.---.--_...----_.-.- .. .. ,..-... - .--- -.........-- ." ..- .___ .--.'0 __.._ _. .",...--,..=-.~,""......,.,~=:- -_~~_=__:_=__,..--.""'""~_o..,.~_c__-_,_-_.,._--.,.-:-:.....,,_, .- -- ".-- .-. -.,...-.,.--=-.-..,.. _ ~..,...--.. 'cc.,....=--c_-_-,.-o.._--c.,.-~ ~ ""- --0 -_'"'C'::_=-_~ _-.~-.:-_;-.., -.---- ~~O.l,f I'"i dJ.P .(l)5L-.. '4 . $-", . fl..- ' ~6.~~Y~. C~14. '~.~ '. 'ko~.".J . t~~. . 3 <f" (!) I \'" .w... to. . . Co. (b~ I ,/ 11 !,,'!. I I i ~..i., i ~'&. I"'fl'\~ I' 14.~C.. (i> ~""'- ~ . ! I J 11 J f.l.. .._______._, ,_,'_'W __ _ __,,__ __.,."_,__._ ___ _.. __ ____.____ ..._ n"_ _. _ __ _ __ ._. _... ,.__ ._.. n_____ ...0' ........._.........u.... . Copy of letter dated December 28, 1961, addressed to C. E. Boone, Sheriff of Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, approving overdraft in the November, 1961, expense voucher, for repairs to office furniture and equipment, (including service contracts) in said Sheriff's Office, received and ordered filed. I . On motion of Supervisor Minor R, Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Edwin G. Terrell be, and he hereby is, re-appointed a member of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, AS a representative, from this Board, for a period of three (3) years, said term expiring December 31, 1964. Letter dated December 18, 1961, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from C. P. Osborne, Executive Secretary, of said Commi~on, received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampson Moulse Nays: None I .. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON STATE ROUTE 119 OF ORDER I x HENRY SCHOLZ, JR. This day came Henry Scholz, Jr., by Counsel and asked leave to file his petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virgin~a, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDEREDthat one certified copy of this I I resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. '. _. '-- - ...- - --- -~- --- 67 . - ------ .. -.- - . --,. - ---...,..........,-..----.--.----.----------.-.---.---------.-.- . . ... RESOLlTrION c..,L..;. WHEREAS, the threat of annexation continues to pose a serious problem for :"'~2i' . ~ . """"'- .It Virginia Counties, and ~ _ s.,.~(l....;t t"" Tt )h.,... w....... f!- . etc., and ~- WHEREAS, both the merger and consolidation statutes now in effect require ~~ ~~Y' '117;"... ~ The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. IN RE: C<llPENSATION OF COUNTY TREASURER COOIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE COMMOOWEALTH'S ATTORNEY, and .SHERIFF, and Expense Accounts. The Compensation Board of the State of Virginia having certified to this Board that it had tentatively fixed the following allowances to the County Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Sheriff c of Roanoke County, for the year beginning January 1, 1962, to-wit: TREASURER : Expense Account as shown on said allowance $ 8,000.00 37,669.00 $45,669.00 COOIISSIONER OF THE REVENUE Expense Account as shown on said Allowance $ 8,500.00 50,895.80 $59,395.80 COOIONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY Expense Account as shown on said allowance $ 9,250.00 3,930.00 $13,180.00 c $ 7,750.00 68,649.50 SHERIFF Expense Account as shown on said allowance $76,399.50 Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, said allowances as tentatively fixed by the State Compensation Board, are approved, and the County's share of said salaries and expenses are allowed, payable monthly, as per voucher-checks returned and approved. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G., Hampton Moulse Nays: None .. ~ WHEREAS, Virginia Counties are unable to obtain fiscal stability for planning and providing public improvements for schools, sanitary facilities, ~ a referendum of the voters in the affected jurisdictions, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby urges the enactment of an amendment to the annexation statutes providing for a referendum to be initiated by 20% of the voters of either the city or area proposed to be annexed, the majority vote of which referendum shall determine whether the annexation is to be permitted or not. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell ..~.".v,.Qfl ,11 ~'_ U','. ~ .~~ .tf.-t: ,j~w;. e..J..~ 'f'- 1//7/ '-J- 68 _~_____..,_..__....."_"______'_ "_'--_-0'-"_' __.______,. .. __.0_ __ .__ .... 0" _ __..... .._... . ..... .",_.. .. __. _ ... _H,__._ .__ __,.,._,...__...__,U.._ 0'__ _..._.. ......__...._ _ '____n_ ,. ",.. _._ .___.. _..... ..__.._._.___ _'__.___,W__._____.___ _ _,_._____n_____,__u__.. ~. _._._~__ '.0- ____,. _'_' ..._.__....,...._...____..__UU._.___ __ ,,_..n_'__"_._.d _______.__,,___,... _.- -. ""_". - .-.---- .-........ .-..'- Uil" ~\e~ II f1Jf. '"- . ~: ~{1b-- ~~~ ;~. . s 1;fy- 'H~~ . '\~. \( 1//1(.,)... ~ Mr. W. O. Tracy, Superintendent, Shenandoah Division, Norfolk & Western Railway Company, this d,ay appeared before the Board in regard to the proposed closing of the Hollins Passenger Station; and requested the Board of Supervisors to adopt a resolution not opposing the closing of the station at Hollins, and make the Roanoke Station the controlling station for the Hollins area; Upon consideration whereof, on m~tion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. HaDis, it is ordered that this Board go on record as opposing the closing of the Hollins station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. fiampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Abstaining from voting: Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the firm of Langley & McDonald, Engineers, of Norfolk, Va., be authorized to prepare a future land use map for Roanoke County at a cost not to exceed Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None On the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ora~red that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be authorized to haoTe made the recommended changes in the Clerk's Office at a cost of approximately Twenty-five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the firm of Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorneys, be employed to assist the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County in the annexation suit of the Town of Vinton v. County of Roanoke, now pending in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer. A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None Letter directed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, dated December 19, 1961, from the Clerk of the City of Roanoke, together with copy of a proposed resolution, regarding transportation and treatment of wastes originating in the County, received and orde~ed filed. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to forward a copy of this resolution to the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia. .. ....._~. ~..'-'-_,,_,~,,_,._,_, __,' .._.___... .0. ........... I I I I I -~ - ~- - -- -. . - ~------ ~ iii I~I ~ I i IiII!!I ~ c --. ~ --- ---------------------------- .... On motion of Supervisor G. Ha"pton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board, in addition to supplying county Rescue Squads with car insurance, gasoline, oil and licenses, also contribute to each squad the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per year. Those squads activated as of January I, 1962, to receive one-half of the above sum for the remainder of this year. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . Letter dated December 20, 1961, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, enclosing copy of resolution No. 14659 of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Va., dated the ISth day of December, 1961, regarding amending the contract between the City of Roanoke anc County of Roanoke dealing with the treatment of waste in certain specified areas, received and ordered filed. .. The following communications were this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed: Letter dated Dec. IS, 1961, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Va., in re: amendment to sewer contract between Roanoke City and Roanoke County, and copy of letter dated Dec. 22, 1961, addressed to Council City of Roanoke, from Edw. H. Richardson, Comlth's Attorney of Roanoke County; Copy of letter dated November 11, 1961, addressed to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority; copy of letter dated November 9, 1961, addressed to Dale Myers, Attorney, from Norman S. Elliott, Counsel, State Corporation Commission; copy of letter dated December 30, 1961, addressed to Anderson & Reed, Certified Accountants, from J. Carl POindexter, and copy of letter dated December 20, 1961, addressed to Ancerson & Reed, Certified Public Accounts, from Dale Myers, Copy of resolution from Franklin Cou nty Board of Supervisors, Rocky Mount, Va., dated December IS, 1961, in re: state school funds; Letter dated January 10, 1962, from Donald S. Knight, Director of Public Information, Departmen~ of Highways, enclosing 2 copies of the 54th Annual Report of the State Highway Commission for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1961. .. WHEREAS the Legislative Study Group is recommending to the Virginia General Assembly and the Virginia Department of Health the combining of 'the Blue Ridge Tuberculosis Sanitarium with the facilities of the Catawba Sanitarium in order to provide proper and more economical treatment of tubercular patients; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Super- visor G. Hampton Moulse, this Board hereby concurs in the recommendations of ,the Legislative Study Group and requests the representatives in the General Assembly of the several counties and cities of the Commonwealth to support legislation combining the Blue Ridge Sanitanum with the facilities of the Catawba SanitaDUm in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None 69 otu", r i , 3 ;' .'. ". ~~~'Q~- ,~ ~$.Yt"Y... ~ Co .5y. (]i~ '"(,'7/ &;>-. 70 .--- """-=-=~'-'~=-_~--:-__-:=~"''''''':'':~''-:::-;'_'''''''',~-,-",~.__~_'___-:''-=-O-__'''__-;--:----:'''''.:'""-,,-=::-;-;-..---:- ;;lA.t. c. .r c.'it@ 1/11)':;' ~tU.~ . C. ~Q~ .. '1'1 Jr.~ I , I , I ~ c4...;.. C . I~.,.~ . i~ '. 111'7/"~ . I ____.__u____ ._.. .__.__. ~._..._._ ...__....._._.... _mn - -. ,.. - . On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordiaance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 19, 1961, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective January IS, 1962: 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS 18b - Civil Defense: An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 ishereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962; for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue F~d for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I On motion duly made and seconded, it is ordered that the resolution of this Board adopted April 23, 1960, adopting the Roanoke County Operational Survival Plan be, and the same is hereby, rescinded; and Be it further ordered that the Roanoke County Civil Defense Emergency Operational Plan, as prepared within the limits of the Virginia Civil Defense Act, be, and the same is hereby, adopted for Roanoke County and the Towns of Salem and Vinton. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse, Edwin G.Ter~ell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I Mrs. Joyce Ferris this day appeared before the Board and presented a petition signed by sundry residents or property owners, living in the Hanging Rock community of Roanoke County, petitioning this Board to request the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, to improve that section of Virginia Route 311 from the north corporate limit of the Town of Salem to Interstate Route 81 so as to provide a safer and more desirable highway to connect the Town of Salem and the northwestern part of Roanoke County; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and ca~ried, it is ordered that said petition be ordered filed, and said petition referred to W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways. I I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned u til the third Monday in February, 1962. Chairman " " I ~ u 71 .. - , . ,-. _ ..._. .___ n. _. .. _... ----.----..----.----.----------.----... ",,"-------- Court House Salem, Virginia February 19, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House,: thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer.:, " The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-check out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 05265 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for County Vehicles 120.39 05266 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance service on IBM Machines 53.96 05267 C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies and Record Books 135.86 05268 Goodwin Insurance & Realty Co., Premium on Fire, Lightning office equipment &c 11.45 05269 Powell's Pharmacy Co., office supplies 3.40 05270 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage, Roanoke , County Court 24.00 05271 Remington Rand, Maintenance Service on Typewriter 17.25 05272 City Treasurer, Room and Board for children, City's Detention Home 92.00 " No. 05255 Double Envelope Co., Envelopes for Supervisors and Public Works $ Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies National Market Report, Inc., office supplies " 05256 05257 " " 05258 National Association of County Officials, Subscription of Magazine and Membership Dues 05259 Recording & Statistical Corp. 2'copies Jan 1962 official Mobile Home Market Report 05260 Burroughs Corporation, I Ribbon & Maintenance on machine 05261 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies and Book binding 05262 E. W. Chelf, Attorney's fee Collecting Delinquent Taxes 05263 Woodhaven Press, Tax notices 05264 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash Fund " " II " " " " " " " " " " " " 05273 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Travel Probation Ofiicer 05274 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Travel Expense probation Officer 05275 Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner cases 05276 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts, Batteries &c 05277 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on Bond for Special Police Officer " " II " " 05278 Summerdean Esso Station, Repair, Parts, Oil & Wash Jobs &c 05279 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician, Coroner Cases, Lunacy Commissions " II 05280 Harvest Motors, Parts for Vehicles 05281 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Vehicles 05282 Vinton Motor Co., Parts, &c 05283 Frith's Auto Sales & Service, Parts 05284 Miller Tire Service, Tires 05285 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance " II II II " 61. 21 66.25 44.60 40.00 10.00 9.05 35.00 152.61 14.25 86.37 62.42 64.78 20.00 240.99 5.00 15.65 200.00 42.39 53.21 134.07 4.50 311. 73 147.78 72 ~.~.-:-:-:-:"~~-z,....-,..,-_~,-,-~-",~:;..,..~; _":;"~=-.."..-'_ ~.,,:;-~-'--'.-;O;-o- -. -"-'---";-""--""'.';"'-'..~_ .,' ...... 10"....,..--=-:-....,,-._-...= -.,.~-.,...- ".-.c--:- '''''_~''--'.'''''::',......~_-.:--_"",-o-_=-o-u ~~":c~"~;'.c"'--;"-'-_--;-_-'-.-..-;-:-:;-_"-'.-:-.~:-",-- _-:-_-~-..,...,.-;-:-.."':c-,,-.:-...,-:-...;.-.. ..- .-,-..---. .._.. __ ~._ ____ __.,._ _0'0 _'.. ... _d... ._ ",,"'.' _. No. 05286 Roanoke Iron & Bridge Works, Repairing lock on control Cabinet Jail $ 18.38 64.00 48.41 15.68 8.81 46.35 14.00 I II 05287 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County Jail 05288 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry Jail 05289 Clover Creamery Co., Food Jail 05290 Diamond Paper Co., Janitor supplies Jail 05291 Foutz Sausage Co., Food Jail 05292 Dr. W. C. Jones, Professional services Prisoners II II II " II II 05293 Void II 303.64 I 05294 Green Market, Food Jail II 05295 American chemical Co., Janitor supplies Jail and Courthouse 60.19 II 21.44 239.86 145.13 25.92 " 05296 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Jail 0529; Virginia Foods, Food for Jail 05298 Monarch Finer Foods, Food Jail 05299 Valleydale Packers, Food Jail II " II 05300 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Oil Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse 863.34 05301 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent Water Softner Hollins Fire House II 4.00 " 05302 Auto Chemical Distributors, Car Brush Hollins Fire Dept. 05303 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, Parts for Bent Mountain Fire Truck 10.00 " 37.14 II 05304 Auto Service Station, Gasoline and Oil Clear brook Truck and Ambulance 28.76 I " 05305 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline County Vehicles 10.60 05306 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, January Rent Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 " II 05307 W. W. Garman, January Rent Mount Pleasant Fire House 60.00 05308 Clearbrook Lion's Club, January Rent Clearbrook Fire House 60.00 05309 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage Delinquent Tax Collector's Office 36.00 II II II 13.14 05310 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber II 05311 Brambleton Gulf Service, Parts, gas and wash jobs 13.01 05312 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs Courthouse, Bent Mt. Fire House 33.50 05313 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire House 8.60 0531~ Pyrofax Gas Corp. Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire House 47.50 05315 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts County Vehicles 162.46 I II II II II II 05316 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles 05317 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles 05318 M & S Machine Shop, Repair and Parts Catawba Fire Truck 58.96 19.64 23.12 " II II 05319 State Forester, County's pro rata share forest fire control 277.25 05320 Void I 05321 Keith K. Hunt, Attorney's fee Lunacy case 10.00 05322 Dr. Fred Cruser, Lunacy hearings 20.00 05323 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy cases 30.00 05324 Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney'fee Commitment proceedings 10.00 05325 Robert E. Paine, Jr. M. D. Commitment 10.00 05326 State Department of Health, County appropriation, local Health Department 7,262.75 II II " " II II " II 05327 International Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors, Membership Dues 10.00 n " = u ~ 73 _. __ ...n ____________________~_._______:_:o__,..--------.--~ 05345 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware, Janitor supplies 8.50 05346 Barnett Coal Company, Fuel for County Office Building 63.36 05347 Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., Colored slides and Therometer 35.75 No. 05328 Fielding L. Logan Inc. Premium on Surety Bond Frances Fitzgerald, Bookkeeper $ " 05329 Virginia Bu ilding Officials Conference, Renewal of Active Membership dues 05330 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office supplies 05331 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 05332 Times-World Corp. Publishing Zoning Ordinance 05333 Magic City Motor Corp., Parts for County Vehicles 05334 William Griffin, Refund Garbage Fee 05335 Goodyear Service Stores, Parts and Tubes for Stock 05336 Richard Ellis, Refund Garbage Fee 05337 Void " " " " " " " " " 05338 W. B. Clements, Inc., Car Parts and Stock 05339 Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Parts for Vehicles 05340 Baker Equipment Engineering Co., I Gear 05341 Shackelford Cox Truck & Machinery Co., Parts for Garbage Truck " " " II 05342 Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Parts for Tractor 05343 Appalachian Power Co., Current Street Lighting 05344 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies " " " " " " 05348 Salem Glass Co., Glass 05349 H. M. Wood Plumbing Co., Repairs to Plumbing Courthouse 05350 Williams Supply Co., Light tubes 05351 Stanford & Inge, Metal 05352 Southeastern Radio Supply Co., Parts for Radio 05353 Salem Farm Supply Co., Rock Salt and Posts Parking Lot 05354 John L. Cantrell, Refund Electrical Permit 05355 Acme Typewriter Co., Repairing Gestetner Memograph Machine " " " " " " II " 10.00 5.00 105.81 3.00 3.50 17.04 3.00 33.26 25.00 64.31 4.75 14.04 34.67 21.02 596.67 13.22 7.86 8.50 58.15 2.50 2.43 6.49 2.00 43.50 " 05356 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline Hollins State and County Garagel,258.00 9.00' 05366 Barney E. Craddock, Reimburse cost of Student Travel to Civil Def~ilse Training Center 48.64 05367 Radio Supply, Repairs to Radio 6.96 05368 State Board of Education, Carrying charge on surplus goods 26.76 05369 Underwood Corporation, 1 new adding Machine 295.00 05370 Charles J. Krebs Co., Installing Acoustical tile Judge Hoback's office and Conference Room 225.00 " 05357 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., I dozen maps 05358 Standard Forms Inc. 20,000 Roanoke County Motor Vehicle License Plates " 05359 Parker-Nimmo, Street Signs 05360 Treasurer of Virginia, Notary Fee Frances Fitzgerald 05361 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co. I Flag 05362 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Attorney's Fee Annexation 05363 State Board of Education, Suplus good Civil Defense 05364 R. C. Pittman, Traveling expense 05365 Richard L. Tisinger, Reimburse Expense Student Travel to Civil Defense Training Center " " II " " " " " " " " 159.20 5.85 5.00 21. 36 300.00 9.91 71. 51 48.64 74 F-"""="':=-~-"-'-""=--=::-":'::c:.-'-.-=,::,,,::--_"- ..-- -- .' - .-- . --..-.---.---- ___,_._.u_. "'-'-'--'---' t-"."...,~..,...-==-:c-:-."",,,,,_,::-c..,;c;-;-.""~'''''-'''--,-:--,-:O-';;'-:-'-''-''''''''''''''~--_'~'''''-'-'-'---'--_~_.-...~-.-..,-.._-_._.-_-=.-.--",....,....._.-:--,..". No. 05371 Nelson Hardware Co., 6 Waste Baskets " 05372 Void " 05373 Auto Parts Inc. Anti Freeze purchased for Stock 05374 Burroughs Corporation, 100 rolls Adding Machine Tape 05375 F. C. Wiley, Jr. Postmaster, Postage for Distribution " " $ 7.35 96.31 15.00 36.00 It 05385 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 736.05 I 05407 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 2,163.72 05408 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare It 05386 Void It 05387 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Repairs to office equipment 05388 C. W. Warthen Company, Record Paper for Clerk's Office 05389 Void 05390 Panama-Beaver of Maryland, office supplies 05391 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 05392 Kee Lox Manufacturing Co., office supplies 05396 Void " It " " It II It 05397 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant Ins. Co., Additional Insurance on Liability Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Salem Radiator Service, Parts for County Vehicles Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner cases II 05398 II 05399 II 05400 " 05401 " 05402 " 05403 " 05404 " 05405 " 05406 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Cases Rainbo Bread Co., Food Jail Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel Bent Mountain Fire House FuelOIL & Equipment Co., Fuel Hollins Fire House C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service County Fire House appalachian Power Co., CurrenC used at Cave Spring Fire Station " . " 05409 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare " 05410 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare " 05411 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy cases 05412 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy cases 05413 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Lunacy cases 05414 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Lunacy cases 05415 L. K. Whitlock, Extra Help Engineer's Office 05416 J. R. Taliaferro, Reimburse Traveling Expense 05417 Caldwell-Sites Co., Supplies 05418 Eudora Judd, Extra Help in Engineer's office 05419 Progress Press, office supplies 05420 Salem Farm Supply Co., Garbage Can for Collection 05421 Booker Helm, Labor and material for construction of table, Welfare Department 05422 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Expenses to Richmond 05423 George C. Meador, Refund Plumbing Permit 05424 American Oil Co., Oil purchased for Distribution 05425 L. K. Whitlock, Reimburse Traveling Expense 05426 State Board of Education, Surplus goods Civil Defense " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 5.05 30.63 19.70 I 2.50 8.93 315.43 6.31 13.50 20.00 20.00 62.27 21.85 44.50 I 43.30 12.69 197.20 468.35 693.16 40.00 10.00 40.00 40.00 307.79 30.85 14.68 84.07 47.00 3.15 I I 20.00 132.45 3.00 148.50 9.44 20.75 75 ----------.-.',-----,-----------.---------.-"----.--------._.-.._-,.-.. - - --- No. 05430 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, Request for additional Welfare funds &c $ 2,340.07 ~ . IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: the following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewit~, to-wit: No. 05~!6 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Material for Washing Dog Truck 3.51 " 05377 Check R Board, Dog Food 05378 Brown Hardware Co., Hose for Dog Pound 05379 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 05380 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Hose 05381 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairing Pump 05382 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 49.00 4.95 15.21 2.25 7.96 15.00 24.45 ll.l? ... t:, " " " " .. " 05383 Salem Hardware Co., Ammunition heat lamp Brush 05384 Salem Auto Parts, Auto Parts " " 05393 Void 05394 Void 05395 Void " " " 05427 County School Board of R. C. Parts for Dog Truck 12.00 " 05428 Ralph Long, Reimburse Traveling Expense 43.95 . " 05429 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant Ins. Co., Additional Premium on IIIii Liability Fire and TheftInsurance 5.35 '" JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia .February 19, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business, February 17, 1962, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund $ 832,632.04 Dog Fund 8,327.26 Salem District Road Debt Fund 7l. 93 Schocl Debt Retirement 5,283.78 School Textbook Fund 6,667.29 W F. 1. C. A. 2,433.88 Deferred Credit Account ~J . B. McNeal) 422.61 Deferred Credit Account J. E. Peters) lOO.48 $ 855,939.27 Certificates of Deposit (Liberary Loan) Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.OO ~ Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. 76 __._____. __.,_d_ ___. _.__~. .._._ ~ --- --- ~---;:.---::-o---_-~----:_=-o...-- _"'"C"""C:......,... :-c:=;::.---=- _.:.,~_'. ------_...__._-._~._--------- '- _._-~-- ,.-_.---._-, - --.. ~J.J..~ ~. ~~. rCo. Go,. ~ '1af"y . ~ . eLL. ~ ~ 't.: . c..~ rc..~ Q. ~'l- ~u HiP- re... ~\ti' ~~'V On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of February, 1962, be approved in the amount of $9,510.51 fro~ which the sum of $248.54 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, and the sum of $924.85 total W. H. Taxss are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $8,337.12. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning January 16, 1962, ending January 31, 1962, be aFproved in the amount of $3,161.91, from which $98.92 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $l75.20 total W. H. Taxes and $33.60 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,854.29; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for pe'riod February I, 1962, ending February IS, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,105.96, fro, which $97 .08 total F. 1. C. A. Taxes; $163.20 totalW. H. Taxes and $33.60 insurance is to be deducted, laving a net payroll of $2,812.08. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I I " On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: Check #5123 in the amount of $548.24 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at County offices; Check #5122 in the amount of $23.52 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current at Catawba and Bent Mountain Fire Stations; Check #5214 in the amount of $464.12 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service; Check #5215 in the amOlmt of $27.61 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at dog pound; Check #S216 in the amount of $20.10 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; Check #52l7 in the amount of $66.55 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at jail, home demonstration kitchen and Cave Spring Fire Station; Check ~5218 in the amount of $3.25 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service at Courthouse; I Check #5219 in the amount of $47.10 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current at Hollins Fire Station; Check #5220 in the amount of $57.09 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations; Check #5252 in the amount of $37.52 made payable to James E. Peters, Tmasurer, re-imbursing him for jury tickets and registered mail. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None 77 "-- -- --,-.-.-----. ------_._---,,--------,--.._--_._----.--_._-<;.~----.._-,--~,.....--,--. ~ " IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for $1,786.41, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of January, 1962, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,697.09 net. . The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ord,ered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of January, 1962;i " C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in Roanoke County jail for the month of January, 1962; ~~i~~ .. The following communications were this day laidbefore the Board and ordered filed: c Letter dated January 23, 1962, from J. Robert Thomas, City Clerk, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, in re: resolution Board of Supervisors Dec. 19, 1961, concerning sewage treatment contract between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke; Letter dated January 24, 1962, from D. B. Fuga,te, Assistant Chief Engineer, Department of Highways, addressed to N. C. Logan, Dep41ty Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in re: Route 311 - Roanoke County, requesting improvement of Route 311 from Salem to Interstate Route 81, and assuriq: the members of Board of Supervisors that their request will be brought to the attention of the Highway Commission when Primary System allocations are under consideration for the year 1962-63. Letter dated January 25, 1962, from State Senator James C. Turk, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, expressing his appreciation of the copy sent him of the resolution of this Board concerning proposed annexation laws; and assuring the Board of Supervisors that every annexation proposal will receive his serious study and thought. " IN RE: SECamARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated January 12, 1962, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F. A.Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective January I, 1962: ~ ADDITIONS SOUT1ffiIDE HILLS SUBDIVISION. SECTION I: (Resolution of October 16, 1961) Cloyd Street - from Ellison Avenue west to Route 636 Ellison Avenue - from Stevens Street (Route 1126) south to Cloyd Street LENGTH a.l:; Mi. 0.20 Mi. ~ VISTA HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION: (Resolution of June 19, 1961) Mayfield Street - from Orlando Avenue (Route 1859) south to Vista Avenue 0.20 Mi. Endicott Street - from Orlando Avenue (Route 1859) south to Vista Avenue 0.20 Mi. Vista Avenue - from Mayfield Street east to Plantation Road, (Route 601) 0.12 Mi. HIDDEN VALLEY HCMES SUBDIVISION. SECTION 3: (Resolution of June 19, 1961) Brookfield Drive - from present end of Route 1328 west to dead end. a. 10Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. ' 78 ~u 1; L.e,.L.. ~"1')- c4, tM...L.c.. I It 'I ~..;...;.. ~ ~- ~... .. i... Lt.-...t. 't ~-fh- , - ----...--.. ,---- ...~._--.._._.__.,.~ -,--- '--- _..,----, .--.----.--..--....-,.. .---- ... -.- -. - -.-. , IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated January 29, 1962, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective January I, 1962: I ADDITIONS LENGTH 0.45 Mi. 0.20 Mi. Belford Street - From Route l318 east to Route 1305 From Route 601 north to right of way of Inters~ate Route 81 Fire Trail - From Route 622 southwest to Mountainbrook Orchard Road 0.65 Mi. Brahma ROad - From Green Meadow Road to Hereford Road Longhorn Road - From Route 702 southwest to dead end I 0.45 Mi. 0.18 Mi. Green Meadow Road - From present end of Route 1653 west to dead end 0.40 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. . On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisors A. C. Harris, it is ordered that at the next regular meeting of this Board to be held at the Court House of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the 19th day of March, 1962, at 3 o'clock P. M. there be proposed for adoption "An ordinance to provide for the regulation of days in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, providing for the licensing of such dogs, providing that licensed dogs and dogs under four months of age shall be deemed personal property, providing for the disposition of dogs killing and injuring livestock and poultry, and prescribing penalties for violations of said ordinance." I And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two successive weeks, beginning February 22, 1962, in thll Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, the above notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the above refund to ordinance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . A RESOLUTION recommending to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board an amendment to said Board's regulations relating to the sale and consumption of wine and/or beer, and/or beverages in the County of Roanoke. I WHEREAS, the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has heretofore, pursuant to authority vested in said Board by general law, prescribed by regulation, subject to numerous local exceptions not applicable to the County of Roanoke, certain hours during which persons licensed to sell wine and/or beer, and/or beverages shall refrain from selling the same, licensees in the County of Roanoke being, at present, prohibited from selling the same, or permitting the consumption of s~le, upon the licensed premises during the hours between 11:00 p. m. E. S. T., and 6:00 a. m., E. S. T., of the next ensuing day; and WHEREAS, this Board is of opinion that said Board's regulations in the I premises should be amended to the extent hereinafter indicated. c ~ , . I '!!!If I"'" I : - I" ! , I.; o THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that said Board doth recommend to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board that said Board's regulations relating to the sale and consumption of wine and/or beer, and/or beverages in the County of Roanoke be amended so as to permit such sale and consumption upon licensed premises in the County of Roanoke other than during the hours between 12:00 o'clock, midnight, E. S. T. and 6/00 o'clock a. m., E. S. T. next ensuing. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk forthwith transmit to the chairman of the aforesaid Board an attested copy of this resolution. On motion, duly seconded and carried, the above resolution is adopted. v Letter dated February IS, 1962, addressed to Board of Supervisors from Roanoke Valley Motel Association by W. T. Wickline, PreSident, enclosing petition , signed by members of Roanoke Valley Motel Association requesting approval by this Board of said petition, and letter dated February 16, 1962, addressed to Board of Supervisors from Archie's received and ordered filed. .. At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held this 19th day of February, 1962, it was duly moved and seconded that: WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board that Secondary Route 612, from 0.20 Mi. N. of the Int. of Route 699 to 0.50 Mi. S. Franklin County Line, a distance of 1.IO miles, serves no public necessity and is no longer necessary for the uses of the Secondary System of State Highways. N<M, THEREF~, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Clerk of the Board be directed to post and publish notice of the Board's intention to abandon the section of Route 612 as aforesaid, pursuant to Section 33-76.8 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. Motion carried. .. WHEREAS The Seal test Corporation has made application to this Board of Supervisors for improvements to be made to the access road to their plant, this road being a part of State Route 709; and WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Fund; N<M, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thE Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, date on rightO-of-way needs, and other information to the Highway Commission on the construction of ~ structure over N & W Railway and improvements of Route 709, and approve said bri~ge and road for construction with the recommendation that they be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 79 . ~~ tb. rrL.. ~ t- Co -s.. "It-- ,~~~ &...e..;.- , ~~~.( ~.tlh 1;-k r.~ . ct...l to Co. ~ ~~h fl(~.q..~ ~1~ '1~,- 80 I di;uto 7h~. ~:t~ , IN RE: JOINT MEETING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REPRESENTATIVE FRCM THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT: Pursuant to notice required by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942, W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, on behalf of the State Highway Department, this day appeared before the Board, and discussed with the Board highway matters regarding the Secondary System in Roanoke County for the year 1962-1963; Letter from W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, dated January 24, 1962, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, and copy of letter dated January 24, 1962, from W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Depart:I!!ent of Highways, addressed to Salem Times-Register, received and ordered filed. I I . Thomas H. Beasley, Jr., on behalf of property owners bordering on Manning Road, this day presented a petition requesting improvement and maintenance of said road, which petition is received and ordered filed; Upon consideration of said petition, same is referred to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, for investigation and report. WHEREAS: Representative for the Department of Highways had appeared before the Board andpresented plan sketch dated November 28, 1961 showing Project 0634-080-110, C-SOI on Route 634 in Roanoke County and the disposition of the I old location, new location and connections. WHEREAS: This Board approves and a:ncurs in the recommendations of the Department of Highways as follows: Sections of Old Location of Route 634 to be Abandoned in Accordance With Section 33-76.12. 1950 Code of Virginia. as Amended Section No.2 - 0.16 Mi., this section served by new location. Section No.4 0.17 Mi., this seetin served by new location. Section No.5 - 0.17 Mi., this section served by new location. Section of Old Location of Route 634 to be Discontinued in Accordance With Sect10n 33-76.7, 1950 Code of V1rgin1a. as Amended Section No.3 - 0.23 Mi., one house. Sections of New Location to be Added to the Secondary S~~ Section No.8 - 0.49 Mi., new location. I Section No.9 - 0.11 Mi., new location. Section No. 10 - 0.21 Mi., new location. Section No. II - O.16 Mi., new laation. Section No. 12 - 0.16 Mi., new location. Section No. 13 - 0.28 Mi., new location. Sections of Old Location to Remain in Secondary System Section No. I - O.IO Mi., four houses. I Section No.6 - 0.30 Mi., four houses Section No. 7 - 0.10 Mi. one house. And be it ordered that duly certified copies of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. 81 .. __ ~ .__.___ ________ '.___ __.__."" _.0'. __ ---"'.'-. ----------_._---~-_._--_._._-_._~- -----~------_._._----_.._._-----_. The foregoing was adopted on motion of A. C. Harris, Supervisor, seconded by Minor R. Keffer, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None " ~ WHEREAS: A review of proposed future Federal Aid Secondary Projects in Roanoke County had indicated to this Board the need for establishing an ~ ,I additional project. WHEREAS: After discussion with representatives of the State Highway Department, interested citizens and this Board it hereby ordered that the Highway Department be requested to add the following project to the list of Federal Aid Secondary Projects previously requested: Route 681, from Int. Rte. 720 to Int. Rte. 119, reconstruction, including new bridge over N & W. Ry. at Ogden. Length 1.00 Mi. WHEREAS: Other projects previously requested are to retain their present priority and this additional project is to follow those previously requested tr~ present priority list of Federal Aid Secondary Projects in Roanoke County will ~ progrmmned as follows:' 1. Route 612, Bridge and Approaches over Roanoke River 2. Route 613, Bridge and Approaches over Back Creek, (Near Starkey) 3. Route 654, From Route 24 to Route 634 4. Route 601, From Route II to Route 623 (Plantation Road) 5. Route 681, From Int. Rte. 720 to Int. Rte. 119, reconstruction including new structure over N & W. Ry. Length 1.00 Mi. s~ i:cL.Llt"a. ~ ..lP~ r J.J.. ~. ~ .C: _... I~~' '. ) I i ~/ ' ,..- E c Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ WHEREAS: The Resident Engineer for the Department of Highways has appeared S before the Board and presented a plan sketch dated November 27, 1961 showing :....,'..~~~~ ~ '.)~. Project 0116-080-001, C-501 on Route 116 in Roanoke County and the disposition .~ of the old location, new location and connections. WHEREAS: This Board approves and concurs in the recommendations of the "t- I ~ d.L. Department of Highways as follows: : ~ . 7..f.. <ll ~ ~n1bV-- Sections of Old Location of Route 116 Accordance With Section 33-76.5a 1950 As Amende to Be Abandoned in Code of Virginia ~ = Section No. I - 0.034 Mi., this section served by new location. Section No.2 - 0.106 Mi., this section served by new location. Sections of Old Location To Be Discontinued in Accordance With Sect10n 33-76.1, 19~0 Code ot Virginia, as Amended Seetin No.3 - 0.130 Mi., this section served by new location. Section No.4 - 0.094 Mi., this section served by new location. Section No.5 - 0.107 Mi., this section served by new location. And be it ordered that duly certified copies of this resolution be trans- mitted by the Clerk of this Board to iv. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. I 82 I I I l:-"."".-.,.-,;---:-:::O-..,.,.....,.-,-~.=,,~ .----"O-;-o-.-,,~,._~ --0- --.-c ,-,,-0-- -c,- ---- ._-.""~-:o-:---:.,"'"----- t=-~--'-=.=,'=:c=.:;._ '",:':;,"'''''''''0---'-;;''''=''-.',.-0-',::-,."",;" '''--'-''.'~-_,,"':'' . _'U___ c~#j; ~.i+. u,,- /" -, .i Cn..ut; ~ . I ~~O/p_.. , I I I i I (Jc.Lutr I ~a..1'~ . I.~ I C. .~cp~ I k'ft t.~~ ~ "1 &~ I , [ The foregoing was adopted on motion of A. C. Harris, Supervisor, seconded by Minor.R. Keffer, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ This day came the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, and showed unto the Board that a deed dated June I, 1960, whereby the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Va., conveyed a certain five (5) acre tract of the Roanoke County Farm unto Glenn O. Thornhill and T. Stuart Payne, was delivered to him to be given unto the said Thornhill and Payne upon the payment of the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), and showed that said sum had not been paid, and requested permission of this Board to destroy said deed since the purchasers had not complied with the terms of said deed; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded'and carried, the request of the said Edward H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, be granted, and said deed ordered destroyed. ~ Dr. C. P. Pope, of the Roanoke County Health Department, this day reported to the Board that the private water systems in Belle Haven, Summerdean and Ridgewood Heights had given trouble, and residents in said areas had been without water; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that said request be referred to Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, for investigation and report as to whether. ~r not an ordinance remedying this situation can be legally passed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: Non::: .. WHEREAS, Mr. John E. Moore was heretofore appointed Chairman of the Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial COmm5sion for the purpose of publicizing and promoting the observance of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the War Between the States, and; WHEREAS, Mr. Moore has contributed many hours to this undertaking, and has obtained excellent publicity for said project; NOW, THEREFORE, this Board wishes to go on record as expressing its thanks to Mr. Moore for. his splendid and effective work. Copy of this resolution to be forwarded to Mr. Moore. - _.__ .._.__.__.... .._no _ _"____.d ,,'_u _ ..._._ '0__'_0 I I I I I n n c ~ ~ 83 b ~ .'. _ _d". .._.u n ._._------------~--~-,-_._-~- Exhibits of Department of Public Welfare Budget for year ending June 30, 1963, received and ordered filed. .. Letter dated January 26, 1962, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Roy H. Downey, President, Fort Lewis Lions Club, re-affirming the Club's support for the proposed Fire and First Aid building in the Fort Lewis Section of Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. '" Letter dated February 5, 1962, addressed to Mr. Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, from John C. Parrot, President, Roanoke Gas Company, enclosing copy of application of Roanoke Gas Company for amended and New Certificates under Utility Facilities Act, Case No. 10342, and marked copy of the County highway map showing the present and proposed service area circled by a red line, received and ordered filed. ,. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cOl1lll1ercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: AREA I-H. F. Plunkett, Etc.: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center lines of Route 116 (Cove Road) and Route 629 (Green Ridge Road); thence with the center line of said Cove Road N. 47 00' W., 2200 feet to a point in the center line of said road; thence with a line leaving said Cove Road S. 370 30' W., 1842 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 280 30' E., 1138.74 feet to the northeast corner of the J. Frank Smith 13.0 acre tract and being the southeast corner of the Lottie S. Gaines II acre tract, as recorded in Deed Book 98, Page 37, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoks County; thence with the north line of the J. Frank Smith tract S. 63 50' W., 668.78 feet to the northwest corner of the said Smith tract; thence with the west boundary of the Smith tract and being the east boundary of thS Charlie Hardt tract, as recorded in Deed Book 478, Page 206, S. 26 10' E., 400.7 feet to the southeast corner of the Hardt tract and being the northeast corner of Tract 4, Tinsley Addition, as recorded in Deed Book 314, Page 415; thence with the east boundary of the aforesaid Tract 4, S. 14o 08' E., 389.19 feet to the southeast corner of Tract 4, being the southwest corner of the aforesaid J. Frank Smith tract, and being on the line of the J. C. Anderson property as recorded in Deed Book 251, Page 436; thence with the north line of Anderson and the south line of the J. Frank Smith tract N. 750 57' E., 751.90 feet to a point on the west boundary of the H. F. Plunkett tract, as recorded in Deed Book 314, Page 595; thence with the west boundary of the Plunkett tract and the east boundary of the Anderson tract S. 280 30' E., 122 feet to a goint; thence continuing with the Plunkett and Anderson lines S. 47 30' E., 322 feet to the center line of the aforesaid Green Ridge Road; thence with the center line of the aforesaig Green Ridge Road the Oollowing bearings and distances: N.41 00' E., 792 feet, N. 15 00' E., 405 feet, N. 240 30' E., 859 feet, and N. 520 00' E., 579 feet to the point of beginning and being a boundary description of the H. F. Plunkett property, totaling ll~ acres, and the J. Frank Smith Esate, totaling 13.0 acres. AREA 2 - Fairhope Subdivision, Sections 3 and 4, W. L. Grubb, and others: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center lines of Route 116 (Cove Road) and Route 847 (Barrington ROad); thence with the center line of the aforesaid Barrington Road S. 14 14' W., 785 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the center lines of the aforesaid Barrington Road and Appleton Avenue; thence continuing with the center line of the said Barrington Road S. 50 45' W., 565 feet, " ~eJ.1:U1; :~.u.:..~t. '~~~ t!.. "!~~-~f.) ~ ~I''' ~ ' p ,.,,, ""...... 6"- -<7~' 7~ P'~ :r~ r.3 ~s ...,.~c ~ t,r.4: ...." ;._3--~"" 84 more or less, to the northwest corner of the W. L. Grubb property as recorded in Deed Book 182, Page 376, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the west boundary of the Grubb tract and being the east boundary of the Stanley R. Davis property, S. 5045' W., 924 feet to the center line of Route 625 (Hershberger Road); thence with the center line of Hershberger Road in an easterly direction 2160 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the center lines of Hershberger Road and Cove Road; thence with the center line of Cove Road in a northwesterly direction 2700 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of the properties of S. R. Davis and Ruby M. Davis, Miller C. Garst and Bertha W. Garst, C. W. Emory and Pauline Emory, W. T. Plunkett and Beulah H. Plunkett, W. M. Bryant and Mary C. Bryant, W. E. Hale and Bettie D. Hale, W. L. Grubb, J. C. Bussey, and others, and totaling 50 acres, more or less. AREA 3 - Miller C. Garst and Harold W. Craun Properties: BEGINNING at a point N. 18000' W., 1181.0 feet from the north right-of-way line of Virginia Route 117 (Peters Creek Road) and said point being the northwest corner of the W. G. Hall property; thence with a line N. 56000' E., 177.8 feet to a point on the W. G. Hall north boundary and being the southwest corner of the C. A. Wright property; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Hall prgperty and with the west boundary of the Wright property, N. 35 25' W., 1454.0 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of the C. A. Wright property and the southwest corner of the B. A. Piner p~operty; thence with the west boundary of the Piner property N. 35 25' W., 812.5 feet to a point; thence with a line leaving the Piner boundary and making a division in the M. C. Garst and Harold W. Craun properties as recorded in Deed Book 30, Page 91, Deed Book 117, Page 476, and Deed Book 258, Page 439, of the records of the Clerk's Office for She Circuit Court of Roanoke County, S. 560 11' W., 177.9 feet; S. 21 52' W., 1025.5 feet; and S. 780 19' W., 1303.5 feet to a point on the F. L. Hatcher, Sr., Estate's east boundary, as recorded in Deed Book 345, Page 339, of the aforesaid Clerk's Office; thence with tke eaat lines of the Hatcher Estate and the Bessie Wagner property S. 38 31' E., 1857 feet to a point and said point being the northeast corner of the afo=esaid Wagner property and the northwest corner of the F. L. Hatcher propertr as recorded in Deed Book 237, Page 275, of the aforesaid Clerk s Offisei thence with the east line of the F. L. Hatcher property S. 39 45' E., 330.5 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of the Frank L. and Mary J. Keffer 14.17 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 405, Page 300; thence with the north . bOUndary of the Keffer tract and the boundary of the Southview sewage treatment are~ as described in the resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Rsanoke County to the City of Roanoke dated October 15, 1957, N. 61 30' E., l182.6 feet to the northeast corner of the af~rementioned Keffer tract; thence with a new line through the Garst-Craun property N. 47 30' E., 770 feet, more or less, to a point on the east side of a private road, being a common corner between the properties of W. G. Hall and Garst- Craun, and the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of a 100.68 acre portion of the lIS acre Miller C. Garst and Harold 'W. Craun tract as recorded in Deed Book 258, Page 439, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. AREA 4 - T. C. and B. W. Porterfield, Jr.,: BEGINNING at a point on the east right-of-way line of Route 666 (Bandy Road) at the eastoCorvorate Limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with a line N. 75 IS E., 215 feet to a point on the said City of Roanoke Corporation line6 thence with a line and leaving the City Corporation linS' S. 35 00' E., 1321 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 20 00' W., 561 feet to a point; thence with a Aine N. 800 00' W., 314 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 53 30' W., 462 feet to a point on the aforesaid east right-bf-way line of Bandy Road 2100 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of the T. C. and B. W. Porterfield, Jr., 35.72 acre, more or less, tract as recorded in Deed Book 589, Page 402, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. AREA 5 - J. N. and Stella Vest Properties: BEGINNING at a point on the north right-of-way line of Route 720 (Colonial Avenue), 2600 feet, more or less, east of the intersection of Colonial Avenu5 and U. S. Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue); thence with a line N. 27 36' W., l221 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of the H. W. James 9.12 acre tract; thence with a line N. 73029' W., 438 feet to a point and said point being the northeast corner of the Sallie T. Fralin 11.62 acre tract;o thence partly with the east boundary of the Fralin tract, S. 0 02' W., 1199.8 feet to a point; thence with line s through Tract #4 and a portion of Tract #3 of the L. L. Greenwood Estate Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 71, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, N. 73000' E., 394.6 I I I I I 85 ,,-._-- ".~------_._-.,..---~~-_.._~-----------"._._~----,._.__._.,...-.-- .. I hI feet andS270 36' E., 395.6 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Colouial Avenue; thence with the north right- of-way line of the aforesaid Colonial Avenue N. 620 24' E., 481.5 feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the J. N. and Stella Vest properties, totaling 17.44 acres and being all of Tract 2 and a part of Tract 3 and Tract 4, L. L. Greenwood Estate Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 71, of the aforesaid Clerk's Office. AREA 6 - Tinker Knoll Subdivision, Section 2: 8.512 acres as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 10, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County.. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full ~ extent as if said a~eas were therein set out in extension. (A) That ac(;eptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such points as are approved by the City's Director of Public Works or, the City Engineer, and that requisite measuring meters be installed at such points of deliveryby the County, if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph "c" hereof. (C) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke that in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any or all of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City assuming the obligation of awering therein by' virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or the ~ i - Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systems constructed, l)r hereafter constructed, in said areas hereinabove identified, with funds supplied by developers, or institutions, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to the Authority, or with contracts providing for re- imbursement from connectionfees, in whole or in part, and not built by the Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, will become the property of the City without any payment to said Authority therefor, but subject to the rights of such developers and institutions to reimbursement in whole or in part, as provided for in their respective contracts with the said Aut.hority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove idencified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, innnediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the I'" of Roanoke shall remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully -, County be, and W and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions L1 of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned un~1:l ,hiod Mondoy in ,"ooh, 1962. I ~.....:.. fjJ A./l."L .<...IJ.--S;hairman 86 Court House Salem, Virginia March 19, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this my at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. - Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread", each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-check out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: _ No. 05558 Underwood Corporatior., Maintenance agreement .:or I year on Typewriters for Commissioner of Revenue and County Clerk's Offices 05559 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 05560 Kee Lox Manufacturing Co., office supplies 05561 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. office supplies 05562 Acme Printers, Inc., Book Binding and office supplies 115.65 05563 Woodhaven Press, office supplies for Treasurer 36.80 05564 Burroughs Corporation, Ribbon for Treasurer's adding machine 2.90 05565 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse postage and Jury tickets77.00 " " " " " " " " 05566 " 05567 " 05568 " 05569 05570 05571 05572 (,5573 " " " " " (15574 " (J5575 Recording 1642 tracts of land sold by Treasurer for year 1959 at 10C per tract, recording Clerk Fees F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for delinquent tax collector's office Roy K. Brown, Clerk, County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County owned Vehicles February 1962 Xerox Corporation, Record paper and office supplies G. H. Parent Company, office supplies Double Envelope Corporation, office supplies J. P. Bell Company, office supplies American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record paper Shepard's Citations, law books Gentry Studio, Framing I I $ 74.40 27.87 35.49 2.60 164 . 20 I 20.00 842.85 791. 55 41. 76 53.41 1.53 42.50 30.00 2.85 " 05576 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, postage for Juenile & Domestic Relations Court 24.00 I " 05577 City Auditor, Roanoke City, Room and Board for Children Detailed at the City's Detention Home 58.00 05578 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse traveling expense 05579 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr. Reimburse traveling expense 05580 James M. Bryant, reimburse traveling expense 05581 Williams Auto Alignment, Repair and Parts for Police Car 05582 Vinton Motor Co. Repair and Parts for Police Vehicles " " " " " " 05583 Taylors Auto Parts, Parts for Police Car 05584 J. P. Tailoring Co., Wearing apparel for Sheriff's Office " 41.25 66.33 39.25 102.89 49.27 2.90 101. 00 I 05585 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for County owned vehicles 293.54 05586 Dr. R. B. Smiley, jail physician, coroner cases, test for alcohol, lunacy hearing 185.00 " " :0 05587 Summerdean Esso Station, Maintenance County Vehicles 11.35 87 - --- - _.__.__.._-~--_.. - -- . --,-------------------_._--~-,------_...,--_._--_._...,..-- --- No. 05588 Salem Auto Parts, Inc. Maintenance of County Owned vehicles $ 134.89 ~ ~ c u a 05600 Valleydale Packers, Food for Prisoners 23.03 05601 Culligan Soft Water Co., Rental fee on Water Softner Hollins Fire House 4.00 05602 Green Market, Food for Prisoners 99.3l 05603 Deluxe Laundry & Cleaners, Laundry County Jail 34.44 05604 Clover Creamery Co., Food for County Jail 13.44 05605 S & W Pharmacy Co., Medical supplies for Jail 14.65 05606 American Chemical Co., Towels for Jail 49.50 05607 Foutz Sausage Company, Food for County Jail 38.25 05608 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare " 05589 Rutrough-Mack, Inc., Wrecker service for Police Car 05590 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 05591 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for Police Car 05592 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for County Vehicles 05593 Dr. S. D. Careym Lunacy and Coroner 05594 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Repairs to Vehicles 05595 Magic City Motor Co., Parts for Police cars 05596 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Physician's fee examination of prisoner " " " " " " " " 05597 H. M. Woods Plumbing Co., repairing stoker in Jail 05598 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and other items for Jail 05599 Virginia Foods Co., Food and Disinfectant for Jail " " " " " " " " " " " " 05609 Jefferson Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 05610 Williams Supply Co., light tubes Hollins Fire Station 05611 Salem Radiator Service, Repairs to 4701 Fire Truck 05612 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire House 05613 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Fuel Oil for Catawba Fire House " " " " " 12.50 73.43 6.86 17.22 50.00 9.79 6.86 5.00 14.50 187.11 132.08 234.48 268.32 7.29 7.00 39.90 45.75 05614 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel oil for Hollins Fire House and Courthouse 448.81 05615 Frantz Supply Co., Fire Supplies for Salem Station 15.85 05616 Auto Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Clearbrook Fire Truck 32.25 05617 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, Parts for County Fire Trucks 99.48 05624 Parker-Nimmo Co., Parts for Garbage Truck 2.94 05625 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for Garbage Trucks 18.80 05626 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires 273.68 05627 H. C. Baker Sales Co., Parts for Garbage truck 14.58 05628 Auto Spring & Baring Co., Parts for Tractor 2.29- 05629 Appalachian Power Co., Current for Street Lighting Installa- tion of Street Lights _ 696.77 05630 Salem Farm Supply Co. rock salt, seed &c for yard 10.55 " " " " 05618 Dr. Earl R. Johnson, Jc., Lunacy case 05619 Dr. H. J. ;:inarik, Lunacy case " " 05620 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy case 05621 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 05622 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 05623 Shackelford Cox Trucking Co., Parts for Garbage Truck " " " " " " " " " " 10.00 10.OO 10.OC 34.12 15.52 29.09 88 .--.' ----,.._~- ..._-'-~-"'----- --~ .. _.__ u___. ..."0_" 05639 Hajoca Corporation, Steel Pipe for signs 50.71 05640 Graybar Electric Co. ,Light tubes for County Library 29.64 05641 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. County Auto License 1,963.50 05642 Economy Plumbing Co., Refund Plumbing Permit &c 9.50 05643 Acme Typewriter Co., 24 tubes black ink for Memograph Machine 57.60 05644 James W. Griggs, Jury commissioners 50.00 05645 Hildrey H. pollard, Jury Commissioner 50.00 05646 Thomas R. McDonald, Jury Commissioner 50.00 05647 Void 05674 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Bent Mountain Fire House 34.68 05675 Clearbrook Lion's Club, February Rent on Clearbrook Fire House ___ __~.~._.. __. ,_, ___.___..___ __._ _~_ _... .. __ '_'n_.n._ __ _ _. '0', ___,__ ___ . .u. _ ._. ___ ._, ..... ',' -. -. .. -. . - ..-- No. 05631 Salem Paint Co., Paint " 05632 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse furnace 05633 H. R. Johnson Company, 3 shades and pulls 05634 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware, &c 05635 Barnett Coal Company, Fuel for County office building 05636 Booker Helm, Rp.pairing and Refinishing Desk and chair Welfare Department 05637 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, services rendered in connection with annexation Town of Vinton v. County of Roanoke 05638 Pure Oil Company, gasoline and oil purchased for distribution at County Garage and Hollins Fire Station " " fl " " " " " " " " II " II II II 05663 Addressograph-Multigraph Co., office supplies 05664 Void " " 05665 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental Fee on Postage Machine " Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Roanoke Co., Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty case fund Remington Rand, repairs to office equipment Southwest Motor Parts Co., Parts for Police Car " 05666 05667 " 05668 05569 " " 05670 Miller Tire Service, Parts for Police Car 05671 Rainbo Bread Co., Food for Jail 05672 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Heating Jail 05673 Meador Insurance Agency, Insurance on Volunteer Fireman " fl " " " $ 2.4(\ 71.00 7.7i 10.89 60.75 25.00 I 399.00 1,650.62 I 20.54 39.00 13.56 I 35.95 7.72 9.00 5.33 43.95 64.00 510.00 60.00 I It 05676 J. W. Griggs & W.H. Witt, February Rent on C. S. Fire House 60.00 " 05677 W. W. Garman, February Rent on Mountain Pleasant Fire House 60.00 05680 Eudora Judd, Extra office assistant in Engineer's office71.47 05681 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State local Hospital bills for Welfare " 05678 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra help Public Works office 05679 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased for C. S. Resque Squad " II " 234.39 I 3.10 345.10 89 __,",---__.,_._ __ .__ . ""0 "_... __. ---------~____;_:.--.-----_,___----------------__.,._o--.---.--..-_..,.........,....-.,.-_..__..,._-~~.,.,.__.,...,... ~ ,. f" No. 05682 Dame Roofin3 Co., Repair to furnace " Co-Ordinator of Civil Defense, Reimburse Car expense Feb. l6 through March l5, 1962, and Membership dues in C. D. Assoc. 05683 R. C. Pittman, " 05684 Emory Holland, Erecting and Painting Street sign posts 05685 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense to Richmond 05686 Richard L. Tisinger, Reimburse traveling expense 05687 Barney E. Craddock, Reiruburse traveling expense 05688 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage purchased for dis- tribution to various offices " " " " " 05690 Jane Higgs, office assistant in Delinquent Tax Collector's office . IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAms &c: $ 3.00 37.67 42.00 10.75 20.00 20.00 52.00 88.06 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: " C " " " " " " " " ~ No. 05648 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of Dog Truck II 05649 Check-R-Board, Dog Food $ 21. 50 39.20 " 05650 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on courtsey card for Dog Truck 12.32 05651 Fort Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co., Rope 2.70 "Salem, Virginia March 19, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business, March 17, 1962, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund. Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (J. u. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters) $ 749,720.77 8,882.88 71. 93 5,483.50 6,337.20 4,792.16 422.61 101. 35 $ 775,812.40 05652 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance on Dog Truck 15.00 05653 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Inc., Parts for Dog Truck 6.50 05654 Sam's Inc., Wearing Apparel for Dog Warden 27.80 05655 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 4.99 05656 State Department of Health, Rabies vaccine for Health Dept. 7.80 05657 Times-Register Co., Publication 26.25 05658 Treasurer of Virginia, Receipt books 373.20 05659 Louin Garman, livestock claim 22.00 05660 O. T. Bower, Livestock claim 175.00 " 05661 John Hutchens, fowl claim 05662 Hayden Niday, fowl claim 05689 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimburse traveling expense 10.00 12.00 80.60 v JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: ~ " " (Literary Loan) $100,000.00 $100,000.00 Respectfully submitted, . .lames. E. Peters Treasurer" Sa~d report approved and ordered filed. ' Certificates of Deposit Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem 90 _~__.__'_""",'_ - _..__^_ no'. .__.' .____,.__~___.___~_. ~_. ___ 0"-.- . _ '0____ __._. _ _n'_ .'_,' ____ ..... . . '. _. __... - __ _ ~ur;v . Co . b..l. ~G. <it . ~[1-I~ ~.LJ- 1; tL. 0,. r G'ij. "1 ?-I/l.'- On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of March, 1962, be approved in the amount of $9.286.45 from which the sum of $241.53 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, and the sum of $895.25 total W. H. Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $8,149.67. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris ar~ G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I r. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning February 16, 1962, ending February 28, 1962, be approved in the amount of $2,961.81, from which $92.59 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $142.20 total W. H. Taxes and $33.60 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,693.42; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period March I, 1962, ending March IS, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,172.02, from which $99.15 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $158.60 total W. H. Taxes; and $67.20 insurance is to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,847.07. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton !'.culse Nays: None I On ~otion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance: I Check #5479 in the amount of $550.10 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for services in County offices; Check #5515 in the amount of $527.87 reade payable to Town of Salem for light and ~.,ater service; Check #5519 in tha amount of $3.25 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service; Check #5520 in the amount of $54.79 made payable to C & p Telephone Company for service at Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Houses; Check #5521 in the amount of $16.50 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; Check #5522 in the amount of $45.40 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at dog pound; Check #5523 in the amount of $9.00 made payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for sewage treatment at Hollins Fire House. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris Nays: None I I _ IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JA}ffiS E. PETERS, treasurer of Roanoke County, for $2,322.79, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of February, 1962, less cOllll!lissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2,206.65 net. ':"'.-:;-.,.-..----------.-. 91 .. .-...._'"-- .. ._..________".. _... . ,__.n. --_~ .__..u_._____ ~_________________~______________.__r.__--.---.--"'--.~. ~ The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of February, 1962; ~ C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in Roanoke County j ail for the month of February, 1962; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, monthly report for February, 1962; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, monthly report for February, 1962; RUBlNETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for February, 1962; ~..t. toe. '!>J"'I ,.,.... SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, monthly report for February, 1962; ~ I",. ~ IN RE: ACCEPTANCE OF GAYMOL DRIVE x ORDER This day came Gladies M. Moomaw by Counsel and tendered to this Board a plan profile for Gaymol Drive from Camille Avenue to Stonewall Road in Roanoke County, Virginia, made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., January 29, 1962, establishing a maximum grade of 13.3% per cent for said Gaymol Drive, which plan of profile was approved by Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of Roanoke County Planning Commission on February 1, 1962, and it appearing to the Board that by deed of dedication dated December 20, 1961, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said Gladies M. Moomaw did dedicate as a Public thorough- ~~ cut; ~. .JJ?IJ~'V" , i .... fare Gaymol Drive as shown on a plat attached to said deed of dedication; and, WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that it is the best interest of the County of Roanoke to accept the dedication of said Gaymol Drive as established by said deed of dedication; and, r- u It is accordingly ordered by this Board that said deed of dedication and the dedication therein affected be and the same is hereby accepted as a public thoroughfare in Roanoke County and this Board does' hereby approve and establish a grade for said Gaymol Drive accordingly to the plan ot profile dated January 29, 1962, showing a maximum of 13.3% per cent. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton ~roulse, and seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: 3lpervisors G.Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None F' W ~ IN RE: ZONING OF THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF THE BESSIE I. NININGER PROPERTY ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE NO. 118 OWNED BY J. A. NININGER, P. W. NININGER, CLAY D. NININGER, AND R. C. NININGER x CRDER This day came J. A. Nininger, et als, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred' to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a 92 ~cr ~~ ,,-; $~ .3/4".y ._---_._--~---- ---_.--, -.-- -- -----. --. -.. . ---- - . recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, anc that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I . WHEREAS: Representative for the Department of Highways has appeared before :' the Board and presented plan sketch dated Decem~ 7, 1961 showing Project 1380-11, on Route 682 in Roanoke County and the disposition of the old location, new location and connections. I WHEREAS: This Board approves and concurs in the recommendations of the Department of Highways as follows: Sections of Old Location of Route 682 to be Abandoned in Accordance With Section 33-76.12, 1950 Code of Virginia, as Amended Section No. 1 - 0.17 Mi., this section served by new location. Section No. 3 - 0.11 Mi. , this section served by new location. Section No. 4 - 0.04 Mi., this section served by new location. Section of Old Location of Route 682 to be Discontinued in Accordance With Section 33-76.7, 1950 Code of Virginia, as Amended Section No.5 - 0.10 Mi., one house Sections of New Location to be Added to the Secondary System Section No.6 - 0.165 Mi., new location Section No.7, 8 & 9 - 0.47 Mi., new location CONNECTIONS to be Added to the Secondary System Section No. 10 - 0.01 Mi., new location Section No. 11 - 0.02 Mi., new location Section of Old Location to Remain in Secondary System Section No.2 - 0.30 Mi., five houses. And be it ordered that duly certified copies of this resolution be trans- mitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on Motion of Minor R. Keffer, Supervisor, Seconded by G. Hampton Moulse, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I . . ...-- -. ~'.'--"'- - .----. .----- ,. k. ~ r! ~ ~ c 93 '___'__~_"_ _..n ",~._,,----------+----,-,------'---'------'----.-.~--.,..,..,.. - ~ .. . --. - ,. - -. -- - " C. D. CHAPMAN, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day reported' to the Board that he had collected from Robert T. Carroll, the sum of seven dollars and eighty-one cents ($7.81) on account of his 1958 personal property taxes twice, due to the fact that said items were reported by said Tax Collector on the monthly reports of May, 1961 and June, 1961, to the Treasurer of Roanoke County; and requested that above sum be refunded to Mr. Carroll; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for the sum of seven dollars and eighty-one cents ($7.81) erroneously collected twice by said Delinquent Tax Collector for the 1958 personal property taxes, as set out above, be issued to the said Robert T. Carroll in payment of said amount. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ... IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated February 28, 1962, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr., Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, and to Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of i. i: inspection of Roanoke County j ail dated February 2l, 1962, received and ordered !' filed. ... IN RE: ADDITION AND ABANDONMENT SECONDARY SYSTEM =..- ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated March 8, 1962, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis~ Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving following addition to, and abandonment from the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective March 8, 1962; to-wit: ADDITION LENGTH Sections 8 through 13 of new location of Route 634, between Station 15/00 and Station 129/40; Project 0634-080-110, C-501 1.41 Mi. ABANDONMENT Sections 2, 4, & 5 of old location of Route 634, between Section 72/40 and Station 114/40; Project 0634-080-110, C-501 was this day received and ordered filed. 0.50 Mi. " On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the Gene=al Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 19, 1961, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows, to become effective March 19, 1962. 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPEFATING Frn.CTIONS 18a - Annexation: An additional appropriation of $300.00 is hereby ~ade from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None :1 ilt~r-~' :i.i~.IT"C'~ :CP~. i :3/'Y)(.'- :1 \ c..&.~ cU- /. 'U4......R-i. c.. w ,.. Co.~ ~ :Jl.IJh..... 94 r'=C".-::-:.,-:.:"......~':'C.. ~~_-.'.~ ".,-:.co - . _ ____. j,o::="""".,..;.,.,.,...=.,..,..,,,.,=;,-,~---; -,~~,-"- - -_,...-'.-.,.....,~--".:' :----o......,.,_-,,-.,-;--'~.-.'""'_.,__:_,-. '--.-.,'-" ..- i ! c.i., C t<L,. .!c.~' ~ !(Y. b. i lJr~. I >/,.,/,,... I I I ;1 ~t~" iJr ~ :[ ~ . . ;1 ~.c.. a.c... j~. ;! ~1""1 r.?- .1 i i ;] 1 ;1 ~ ;1 ._-,---,_._----_.__._,~- .-- - ----- '" "- -. .- ~ IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LEE HIGHWAY, (U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11), WEST OF THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, KNOWN AS LOTS 1 AND S, OF THE I. G. CLARK MAP AND THAT PART OF THE "COOK HEIRS: LAND WHICH ABUTS ON U. S. ROUTE 11 (LEE HIGHWAY) AND EXTENDS NORTHERLY TOWARD THE VIRGINIAN RAILWAY APPROXIMATELY In FEET TO A LINE WHICH BEGINS AT THE COMMON CORNER OF LOTS 1 AND 6 OF THE I. G. CLARK MAP, AND RUNS THENCE S. 840 40 I W., ISO FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE ANGELL PROPERTY (COOK HEIRS LAND), SAID LAND BEING SHOWN AS PARCEL A ON THE PLAT ATTACHED HERETO. X ORDER This day convened at 2:00 o'clock P. M., a regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Whereupon, Ernest W. Ballou, attorney for Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell, appeared before the Board and asked leave to file a petition on behalf of Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell, the fee simple owners of a certain tract of land: sought to be re-zoned, said petition requesting that the tract of land therein described be re-zoned from "Industrial District M-I" to "Business District B-2 (General)" use as defined in the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County, adopted April 18, 1960, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular monthly meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 19th day of March, 1962, at the Courthouse thereof, that the re-zoning petition of Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell be, and the same hereby is, filed; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that said re-zoning petition be, and the samehereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendations in accordance with the applicable statutes and ordinances in such cases m~de and provided. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse of Salem Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors G.Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris &~d Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: REZONING OF THREE ACRES OF GROUND ON CARVINS. CREEK IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NORTH OF HERSHBERGER ROAD of ALVIN D. HA~fKINS and CORINNE W. HAWKINS I ORDER This day came Alvin D. Hawkins and Corinne W.Hawkins, by Counsel, and requested leave to file the petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. Now, therefore , be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. ...- ._--~_._---_._--- .,.__....n ,_. .. _____"0 I I I I I 95 ~ And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to .. 1~1 Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. .... Ii II h !; " Ii " " I, Ii ... And the above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse aJld Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE REGULATION OF DOGS IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATION t~ :: 3-'41- 6r BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit: Section I. Authority for Dog Warden. - In accordance with Sections 29-184.2 and l5-S of the 1950 Code of Virginia, there is hereby created the position of Dog Warden and deputy dog wardens, and provisions made for the licensiI.g and regulation of dogs in this County. The duties of the Dog Warden shall be those provided for in Sections 29-184.2 and such other duties as may be provided for by the Board of Supervisors. LJ Section 2. Definitions Generally. - For the purpose of this ordinance, and unless otherwise required by the context: (a) "Livestock" includes cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and enclosed domesti- cated rabbits or hares. o (b) "Poultry" includes all domestic fowl and game birds raised in captivity. (c) "~" and "owner" includes any person having a right of property in a dog; any person who keeps or harbors a dog or has it in his care, or who acts as its custodian; and any person who permits a dog to remain on or about any premises occupied by him. (d) "Kennel" means an enclosure wherein dogs are kept and from which they cannot escape. (e) "Dog Warden" means any dog warden and any deputy dog wardens, appointed under this ordinance and in accordance with Sections 29-l84.2 of the 1950 Code. 96 i I I , k~c~'_~~~-~-_~-c--,~--:-_- -,--" ,___..", _""-_"':-:-"'-=-~_""""";-"""-"_C;:;:""'---=::".,.-..,. "'-,",C-;'O-~-- -.- (f) "Other Officer" includes all other persons employed or elected by the people of Virginia or by any municipality, county or incorporated town thereof whose duty it is to preserve the peace, to make arrest, or to enforce the law. (g) "Treasurer" includes the treasurer of this county or other officer designated by law to collect taxes in this county. Section 3. Amount of License. - It shall be unlawful for any person to own a dog four months old or over in this county unless such dog is licensed, as required by the provisions of this ordinance. Dog licenses shall run by the calendar, namely, from January I to December 31, inclusive, and the license tax , shall be payable at the office of the treasurer and shall be as follows: Male. - For a male dog, $1.00. Unsexed Female. - For an unsexed (successfully spayed) female dog" $1.00. Female. - For a female dog, $3.00 Kennel, for twenty dogs. - For a kennel of twenty dogs, $15.00. Kennel, for fifty dogs. - For a kennel of fifty dogs, $25.00. Section 4. When License Tax Payable. - The license tax on dogs shall be due and payable as follows: (a) On or before January I and not later than January 31 of each year, the owner of any dog four months old or older shall pay a license tax as prescribed in the preceding section. (b) If a dog shall become four months of age or if a dog over four months of age unlicensed by this county shall come into the possession of any person in this county between January I and October 31 of any year, a license tax for the current calendar year shall be paid forthwith by the owner. (c) If a dog shall become four months of age or if a dog over four months of age unlicensed by this county shall come into the possession of auy person in this county between November 1 and December 31 of any year, the license tax for the succeeding calendar year shall be paid forthwith by the owner and such license shall protect the dog from the date of payment of the license tax. Section 5. Payment of License Tax Subsequent to Summons. - Payment of the license tax subsequent to a summons to appear before the judge of the county court or other court for failure to do so within the time required shall not operate to relEve such owner from the penalties provided. Section 6. The Effect of a Dog not Wearing Collar as Evidence. - tmy dog not wearing a collar bearing a license tag of the proper calendar year shall prima facie be deemed to be unlicensed, aud in any proceedings under this ordinance the burden of proof of the fact that the dog has been licensed, or is otherwise not required to bear a tag at the time, shall be on the owner of I I I I the dog. Section 7. How to Obtain License. - Any resident of this county may obtain I a dog license by making oral or written application to the treasurer, accompanied by the amount of the license tax. The treasurer shall have authority to license only dogs of resident owners or custodians who reside within the boundary limits of this county and may require information to this effect of any applicant. Upon receipt of proper application, (note: Add, "and certificate of vaccination," if applicable) the treasurer shall issue a license receipt for the amount on which he shall record the name and address of the owner or custodian, the dat,e of 97 -- - .. ._-------~-_._,_._~ --------- r: payment, the year for which issued, the serial number of the tag, whether male, unsexed female, female or kennel, and deliver the metal license tags or plates herein provided for. Section 8. What Dog Licenses Shall Consist Of. - A dog license shall consist of a license receipt and a metal tag in the style and desi~l adopted by the Virginia Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries. The tag shall be stamped or otherwise permanently marked to show the sex of dog, the calendar year for which issued and bear a serial number. The license tag for a kennel shall show the number of dogs authorized to be kept under such license and have attached thereto a metal identification plate for each of such dogs, numbered to correspond,with the serial number of the license tag. Section 9. Duplicate License Tags. -- If the dog license shall become lost, ,I destroyed, or stolen, the owner or custodian shall at once apply to the treasurer who issued the same for a duplicate license tag, presenting the original license receipt. Upon affadavit of the owner or custodian before the treasurer that the original license tag has been lost, destroyed, 0- stolen, he shall issue a duplicate license tag which the owner or custodian shall immediately affix to the collar of the dog. The treasurer shall endorse the number of the duplicate and the date issued on the face of the original license receipt. The feE' for a duplicate tag shall be twenty-five cents. Section 10. Displaying Receipts: Dogs to Tags. - Dog license receipts shall be carefully preserved by the licensees and exhibited promptly on request for inspection by any dog warden or other officer. Dog license tags shall be securely fastened to a substantial collar by the owner or custodian and ~rorn by such dog, and it shall be unlawful for the owner to permit any lice~sed dog four months old or over to run or roam at large at any time without a license tag, except that when engaged in lawful hunting, in the open season and accompanied by the owner or custodian, the collar and tag may be temporarily ~ ~ .; removed. u Section II. Regulating Kennel Dogs. - The owner of a kennel shall Becurely fasten the license tag to the kennel enclosure in full view and keep one of the identification plates provided therewith attachec to the collar of each dog authorized to be kept enclosed in the kennel. Any identification plates not so in use must be kept by the owner or custodian and promptly shown to any dog warden or other officer upon request. A kennel dog shall not be permitted to stray beyond the limits of the enclosure but this shall not prohibit removing dogs therefrom temporarily while - under the control of the owner or custodian for the purpose of exercising, hunting, breeding, trial, or show. A kennel shall not be operated in such manner as to defraud the county of the license tax applying to dogs which cannot be legally covered thereunder or to in any manner violate -other provisions of this ordinance. Section 12. Lic~..sed Dogs Deemed Personal Property. - All dogs in this county which are licensed, and all dogs under four months of age, whether licensed or not, shall be deemedpersonal property and may be the subject of larceny and malicious or unlawful trespass, and the ow~ers thereof may maintain any action for the killing of any su~h dogs, or injury thereto, or unlawful detention or use thereof as in the case of other personal property. It shall be ~ unlawful for any person except the owner or his authorized agent to administer poison to any such dog or to expose poison where it may be taken by any such dog, or to injure, disfigure, disable, or kill any dog except as otherwise provided in this ordinance. The owner of any dog which is injured or killed I 98 contrary to the provisions of this ordinance by any person shall be entitled to recover the value thereof or the damage done thereto in an appropriate action at law from such person. A dog warden or other officer finding a stolen dog, or a dog held or detained contrary to law, shall have authority to seize and hold such dog pending action before the county or other court. If no such action is instituted within five days the dog warden or other officer shall deliver the dog to its owner. The presence of a dog on the premises of a person other than its legal owner shall raise no presumption of theft against the owner of such premises, but it shall be hi.s duty to notify the dog warden and the dog warden shall take such dog in charge and notify its legal owner to remove hi~. The legal owner of the dog shall pay a reasonable charge for the keep of such dog while in the possession of the dog warden. Section 13. Dogs Killing or Injuring Sheep or Other Livestock or Po~ltry. It shall be the duty of any dog warden who may find a dog in the act of killing, injuring, worrying, or chasing sheep, or killing or injuring other livestock, to kill such dog forthwith whether such dog bears a tag or not, or any person finding a dog committing any of the dep~edations mentioned in this sectio~, shall have the right to kill such dog on sight. The Board of Supervisors, the county court, or any other court shall have the power to order the dog warden or other officer to kill any dog known to be a confirmed poultry killer, and any dog killing fowls for the third time shall be considered a confirmed poultry killer. Any dog warden or other person who has reason to believe that any dog is killing livestock or committing any of the depredations mentioned in this section, shall apply to a justice of the peace of the county, who shall issue a warrant requiring the owner or custodian, if known, to appear before the judge of the county court at the time and place named therein, at which time evidence shall be hea~d, and if it shall appear that such a dog is a livestock killer, or has committed any of the depredations mentioned in this section, the dog shall be ordered killed immediately, which the dog warden, or other officer designated by the judge of the county court to act,shall do. Section 14. Killing Unlicensed Dogs. - It shall be the duty of the dog warden to kill any dog of unknown ownership found running at large on which license has not been paid; after same has been held for seven days, provided, that the dog warden may deliver such dog to any person in this county who will pay the required license fee on such dog, with the understanding that should the legal owner thereafter claim the dog and prove his ownership, he may recover such dog by paying to the person to whom it was delivered by the dog warden, th~ amount of the license fee paid by him and a reasonable charge for the keep of the dog while in his possession. Any person, dog warden, orother officer killing a I I I I dog under this chapter shall burn or bury the same. 99 - "..------------- Section 15. Disposal of Dead Dogs. - The owner of any dog which has diecl from disease or other cause shall forthwith cremate or bury the same. If he fails to do so, the judge of the county court, after notice to such owner, shall order such dead dog to be creamted or buried by such person as he may designate ~ and shall require the owner to pay the person so designated not exceeding the sum of $2.50, free from all encumberances in favor of sue" owner. If the owner of any dead dog is not known, such person shall be entitled to recover the sum from the dog fund. Section 16. Other Unlawful Acts. - The following shall be deemed unlawful = and enforced by proceedings before a judge of the county court in like manner and with like right of appeal as if such violations were misdemeanors. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $300 or imprisoned for not more than thirty days in the county jail, or both. (I) Diseased Dog. - For the owner of any dog with a contagious or infectious disease to permit such dog to stray from his premises, if such disease is known ii to the owner. (2) Female Dog in Season. - For the owner of any female dog to permit such dog to stray from his premises while such dog is known to such owner to be in season. c (3) Removing Collar and Tag. - For any person, except the owner or custodian, to remove a legally acquired license tag from a dog. (4) Concealing a Dog. - For any person to conceal or harbor any dog on which the license tax has not been paid, or to conceal a mac dog to keep the same from being killed. Section 17. penalties for Violation of the Dog Ordinance. - Any person who shall make a false statement in order to secure a dog license to which he is not ~ entitled, shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $10.00. Any person convicted of failure to pay the license tax prior to February I of any year, or as otherwise provided in this ordinance, on any dog owned by him, shall be fined not less than the amount of the license tax required by law to be paid on such dog, nor more than $10.00, and shall be required to obtain proper license forthwith, and unless the fine and license tax is immediately paid, the county court shall order the dog killed by the dog warden or some other officer, but the killing of such dog shall not relieve its owner of the payment of the fine and license tax already due. If a dog be found running and roaming at large at any time of the year in violation of Sections 10 and II of this ordinance, its owner shall pay a fine of not less than $2.50, for the first offense, and $5.00 for each offense thereafter, and, if it is a kennel dog, the license may be revoked if the law appears to the trial court to have been violated by reason of carelessness or negligence on the part of the owner, who shall thereupon be required to secure individual license on each dog. Any other violations of this ordinance for which specific penalty is not provided, shall be~unishabl~y a fine of not more than $300 or by imprisonment of not more than thirty days in the county jail, either or both, and shall be enforced by proceedings before a judge of the.. county court in like manner and with like right of appeal as if such violations a were misdemeanors. 100 . _. ----.- ____"...-.........,.,.,...I.~............-.--,...,...,-..,'~_.. -- ---~._,- - -.---,- --------.------..------..- "-..-" _.- --_.~-- __ 'n _. ,. _ "._ _... __.. ,,____ __ '_ ......_..... .. ___ ..__ .._ __ ..____.__..._. s~~ . tU- r.~ 3f~";L .. (U. 3-:L:l- r- ~- z.q - I",,>..). / All fines collected from any person for violating any provision of this ordinance, upon conviction thereof, shall be credited to the general fund of the County and deposited by the County Treasurer in the same manner as that prescribed for other county monies. Section lB. Separability of 1?rovisions. It is the intention of the, Board of Supervisors that each separate provision of this ordinance shall be deemed independent of all other provisions herein, and it is further the intention of the Board of Supervisors that if any provision of this ordinance be declared invalid, all other provisions thereof remain valid and enforceable. Be it further ordained that this ordinance shall be in force and effect on and after April IS, 1962. And be it further ordained that the Clerk of this Board be and he hereby is directed to prepare a summary of this ordinance and cause said summary to be published once a week for the next two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a. newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia, and having general circulation in said C~unty. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the foregoing ordinance is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I " The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I Commonwealth of Virginia - Public Welfare Statistics, Department of Welfare and Institutions - December, 1961 Letter dated February 20, 1962, from Clem D. Johnston, PresfEnt, Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, transmitting Report of Chamber's Committee on Im- provement of the State Tax Structure; Letter dated February 21, 1962, from Robert L. Garian, Assistant Secretary Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, acknowledging resolution of this Board adopted on February 19, 1962, and advising that said resolution will be presented to the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board at an early date, and that this Board will thereafter be advised of said Board's decision thereon. . In re: amending hours for sale and consumption of beer &c in Roanoke County. Notice to the Public that a hearing on the request of Board of Supervisors of Roanol<e County that regulations be amended so as to permit sale and consumption of wine &c upon licensed premises in Roanoke County during certain hours will be. conducted by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board at its offices, Seventh Floor, Virginia ABC Building, 205 North Fourth Street, Richmond, Virginia, on April 3, 1962, at 2:00 P. M., at which time an opportunity will be afforded all interested parties to be heard and to submit objections, amendments, evidence and arguments, was this day laid before the BoaU and ordered filed. Letter dated February 16, 1962, from John E. Moore, General Chairman, Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission, giving the Board a summary of the main activities consummated since his appointment as Chairman of said Commission; enclosing copy of letter dated January 29, 1962, addressed to him as General Chairman, Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission, from James J. Geary, Executive Director, Virginia Civil War Commission, and letter from Mr. Moore dated February 26, 1962, addressed to the Board or Supervisors I I of Roanoke County, expressing his appreciation for the resolution of this Board, and commending the gentlemen named in his communication for the splendid assistance r:: ., I... . I -! 1"'--; . i ~ 0"', , I "'1 rendered the Commission, and advising the Board that cercificates will be mailed to it for the sigr~ture of the Board listing the persons who aided in promoting the work of said commission. . A communication dated March IS, 1962, from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, showing Tentative Allocations for Interstate and Primary Construction 1962-63, as approved by the Highway Commission at its meeting on March IS, 1962, received and ordered filed. r Letter dated March 16, 1962, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engineer, Department of Highways, addressed to Board of Supervisors received aad ordered filed. ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board, Edwin G. Terrell, be, and he hereby is, authorized to enter into an agreement on behalf of this Board with Winston S. Sharpley, Architect, for architectural work in connection with the preparing of plans for a proposed Health and Welfare Center. A Copy of said agreement to be filed with the minutes of this meeting when same has been executed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supprvisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G.Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None r Petition of property owners in Ridgewood Park requesting relief from control of the water rights of Ridgewood Park Water Company, T. D. Steele, Manager, and requesting the Town of Salem to assume control of said rights, received, and ordered filed and said petition ordered referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County for his opinion. r WHEREAS, Secondary Route 612, from 0.20 Mi. N. of the Int. of Route 690 to 0.50 Mi. S. Franklin County Line, a distance of 1.10 miles, appears to serve no public necessity and should be discontinued as a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the State Highway Commission be requested to take the necessary action to discontinue the said portion of Route 612 as a part of the Secondary System of State Highways as provided in Section 33-76.7 of the Code of Virginia of 19S0, as amended. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse 101 ~ ~Lt:::....& ~. ~ !t:]~~~. i~t.m; ! ~h-i~};.:., ::f...l.-L.... ...::....... r.:..~h..-( I." : I '2.J~ n ~(.....~- ;.;r~,_. 1'-:..........~.-<:".(.........'<s.:".....<(_J." : ":1/-, .(1." "';>1 ." " I,; .._ ___---... __.h" "_' 5 copies maile to W. E. Fitzgerald Res. Engr. Dept.Highways Salem, Va. 3/21/62 102 4 Tom Fore, C. P. Stump and Gardner this day appeared before the Board and opposed the abandoning of that portion of Route 612 as a part of the Secondary System of State Highways, notice of a public hearing on said project having been published for this date. Petition of E. C. Fralin in opposition to said abandonment filed. G. W. Fore this day appeared before the Board and made a report as to the progress of his Committee to obtain a fire station in the Fort Lewis area of Roanoke County. I I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned " third Monday in April, 1962. ,-,...:. (jJ~~ CHAIRMAN / Court House Salem, Virginia April 16, 1962 . The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman and G. Hampton Moulse. Absent: A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was ~alled to order Rev. C. K. Wright, Pastor of the Second Four-Square Gospel Church of Roanoke, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the I . Clerk. .. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 05791 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies $ 37.57 197.64 II 05792 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles II 05793 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage for mailing Garbage bills &c 05794 Woodhaven Press, Tax Notices for Treasurer 05795 Burroughs Corporation, Maintenance service on Check Writer &c 26.00 28.00 60.35 25.43 422.75 I 213.37 42.25 II I II " 05796 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for Delinquent Tax 05797 Woodhaven Press, Tax tickets for Delinquent Taxes 05798 Double Envelope Co., Office supplies 05799 C. W. Warthen Company, Record books " " " " 05800 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 574.95 " 05801 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 7.11 05802 Burroughs Corporation, Ribbon for Adding Machine 1.40 05803 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for County Co. Court: 24.00 05804 Charles L. Breeden, Reimburse traveling expense 39.52 " " II ~ ft'I l~~ - - ~ a No. 05805 Marvin Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling Expenses " 05806 James M. Bryant, Reimburse traveling expenses 05807 Williams Auto Alignment Co., Parts for County Vehicles 05808 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts Co. Vehicles 05809 Virginia Glass & Mirror Shop, Parts for Police Car 05810 Trans-American Panama Hat Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff and Deputies " " " " 103 $ 43.05 43.82 8.50 17 .83 2.75 72.00 " 05811 Town & Campus Men's Shop, Wearing Apparel for Sheriff and Deputies 17.10 " 05812 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician, Lunacy &c 05813 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs and Parts for County Vehic les " " 05814 05815 05816 Sargent-Sowell Inc. Finger Print Kit C. A. Richards, Signs for Police Cars Police & Sheriff's Association, 1962 Official guide and directory Nielsen-Rionda, Inc., Badges for Sheriff's Dept. Overton's Esso Servicenter, Wash Job on Car Harvest Motors, Parts for County Vehicles Fulton White Truck Company, Parts for Car Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on Surety Bond " " " 05817 05818 05819 05820 05821 " " " " " 05822 W. B. Clements, Inc., Repairs and Parts County Vehicles 05823 Blue Ridge Motors, Inc., Parts for Police Car 05824 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for vehicles 'and stock 05825 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries for Sheriff's Dept. 05826 C. E. Boone, Sheriff, Reimburse food for prisoners 05827 Valleydale Packers, food fpr prisoners 05828 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry - Jail 05829 S & W Pharmacy, Supplies for Jail 05830 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Cases 05831 Green ~arket, Food for Jail 05832 Brown Hardware Co., Jail supplies 05833 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County Jail 05834 American Bakeries Company, Laundry Jail 05835 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Prisoners 05836 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry - Jail 05837 Clover Creamery Co., Food for Jail 05838 Monarch Finer Foods, F~~d and supplies for Jail 05839 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant, Inc., Premium on Surety Bond " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 05840 H. M. Wood Plumbing Co., Repairs to Jail 05841 Virginia Foods, Food and Janitor supplies 05842 Salem Hardware Co., Utensils, &c 05843 Leonard Smith Sheet Metal Co., Repairs to Jail 05844 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse 05845 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Co. Vehicles 05846 Southern Oxygen Co., Oxygen for C. S. Fire Dept. 05847 Radio Cc.~unications Co., Radio Maintenance " " " " " " " " 05848 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire House 230.00 38.65 50.98 40.00 5.40 10.04 1.2, 17.62 2.50 5.00 40.69 .80 175.71 6.l2 21.04 28.58 18.12 1. 73 7.50 62.11 .75 64.00 54.65 48.60 29.73 14.56 150.98 75.00 6.00 122.39 31. 99 98.00 65.16 32.94 2.00 106 .67 8.60 104 1':"=-.""""-::c""::-.,,,,'-o-":"'~--;-,""""",,",'--.--".cc-;c""-."':-"_-c':"_-.-_- ...c_c-,;..::-:C'.. ~"-=-_.,,-_-_'::-,c"'c:.:...,=="""''''''.=-_--:'-_-.-_._-_--,''-,---,--:;=o.:..--;,.:o-...',""'-'-;e--.,o'"""'...o"-o-.--:-::-::-,.. _____..... __~."'n'____.,._. .--"', ..-.-, No. 05849 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline purchased for Nt. Pleasant Fire Truck " 05850 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Hollins Fire House 05851 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas purchased on Courtsey Card 05852 Cave Spring Water Company, Water used at C. S. Fire House 0~853 Culligan Soft Water Co., Rent on Water Softner for Hollins Fire House " " " " 05854 Auto Service Station, Gasoline 05855 Clearbrook Lion's Club, March Rent on Clearbrook Fire House " " 05856 W. W. Garman, March Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House 05857 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, March Rent C. S. Fire House 05858 Mt. Pleasant Garage, Parts for Mount Pleasant Garage 05859 Fairview Home, County's share of Expense in maintaining home for the aged at Dublin 05860 Dr. J. S. Jeremiah, Lunacy hearing 05861 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy Hearing 05862 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy cases " " " " " " " 05863 Void 05864 Void " " 05865 Richard E.Lewis, Attorney, Lunacy case 05866 Easter Supply Co., Office supplies 05867 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps " " " $ 33.51 40.72 30.58 8.42 4.00 31.49 I 60.00 60.00 60.00 29.35 I 5.34 10.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 1.05 46.50 " 05868 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 77 .02 05869 Shackelford-Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts for Garbage Truck 2.10 I 05873 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 43.88 05874 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires purchased for Co. Vehicles 409.77 05875 Dickerson GMC Inc. Parts for Garbage Truck 3.19 05876 Diesel Injection Sales & S~rvice, Parts Garbage truck 2.04 05877 James Bryant, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 2.25 05878 Amos Bryant, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 3.00 05879 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for Tractor 20.81 " 05870 Miller Tire Service, Tires 05871 Magic City Motor Co., Tires 05872 M & W Machine Shop, Repairs and Parts Garbage Truck " " " " " " " " " " 05880 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in street lighting 05881 Salem Glass Co., Glass 05882 Salem Farm Supply Company, Rock Salt 05883 McClung Lumber Co., Repair material for furniture 05884 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies &c " " " " 185.56 108.68 14.38 650.43 5.11 4.75 10.98 l1.15 I " 05885 Winston S. Sharpley, Architect's fee Health & Welfare Center 1,500.00 I " 05886 Wilson Trucking Co. Freight on License Auto Plates 05887 Roanoke Printing Co., Office supplies 05888 Bob Cutts Pontiac, Parts for 5803 05889 Acme typewriter Co., office supplies 05890 American Oil Co., Oil purchased for distribution 05891 Pure Oil Co., Gas and Oil purchased for distribution " " " " " " 05892 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Labor on Truck 50.85 5.98 .83 34.60 29.70 958.36 7.00 -. -- .-~.. - . . ------. _..~-_._- 105 -- .-----.-.--.. - - -.- - ..-. .~_..__._---------'._----- No. 05893 Norfolk & Western Railway Co., Space in former Va. Freight and Passenger station building $ 7.00 ~ " = u ~ 05896 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for distribution to various offices 40.00 05940 Dr. Robert S. Smith, Lunacy hearing and mileage 11.75 05941 League of Virginia Counties, Contribution 500.00 05942 R. L Paxton Printing Co., office supplies 28.45 05943 International Business Machine Co., Maintenance agreement 35.00 05944 Jane Higgs, Extra help in Delinquent Tax Collector's Office 05945 Bill Sowers and Co., Binding and repairing books in Clerk's Office 998.70 05946 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies &c 1,008.66 05947 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 5l.35 " 05894 Nelson Hardware Co., 6 waste baskets for courthouse 05895 Motorola Co., Radio " " " " " " " " " " " 7.34 282.00 167.35 05948 Remington Rand, Maintenance agreement on machine in Juvenile Court office 17.25 05949 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner cases 20.00 05950 Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., Blood Alcohol Test 5.00 05951 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy hearing 10.00 05952 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Services for County Fire Stations 61.05 " " " " " 05953 Archie L. Gordon, Lettering Gold leaf on Catawba Fire Truck " 05954 E. W. Chelf, Attorney, Lunacy cases 05955 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy hearings 05956 Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 05957 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 05958 University of Virginia, Hospital Bills for Welfare 05959 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 05960 Keith K.. Hunt, Attorney, Lunacy hearings 05961 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 05962 Kenneth Whitlock, Extra help Engineer's office " " " " " " " " " 05963 Void 05964 E~dora Judd, Extra help Engineer's Office 05965 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 05966 Lewis Helm, Extra Janitor services 05967 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expense &c 05968 Barney E. Craddock, Reimburse Traveling Expense 05969 Richard L. Tisinger, Reimburse Traveling Expense 05970 R. C. Pitbpan, Reimburse traveling expense 05971 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for Civil Defense " " " " " " " " " 25.00 20.00 35.00 98.60 123.25 369.75 1,172.40 30.00 3.40 141.15 71. 96 32.17 31. 35 31.15 20.00 20.00 35.14 15.00 05975 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, Additional Expense for Welfare Dept. 2,461.42 " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out.of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 106 r=-=:~-;:,----e'~---- ~-,,"_',,--_,"_- --.'-.-.....;.-_''... .:..:.- _ .,_. __ .___....__--,~-=-~'"'cc~=:.-_.,... ''"-.,.-=-.---_-,._--,'---.,..,.-~:_- "'~""_-.,...,...__,.___c.-__'"..,._:__-,--~',,..~.-.'_.,.'""-.-_-,.._..,- 1'\ C4.....:. U 1; .. "L.j..c.. . ~ ff (11"1--- . No. 05897 Bob's Market, Dog food and wearing apparel " 05898 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of Dog 05899 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gasoline purchased on courtsey card for Dog Truck 05900 Farmer's Exchange Mills, Dog Food 05901 Graves-Humphreys Hdw. Co., Paint - Dog Pound Maintenance 05902 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Dog Truck 05903 C. A. Richards, 6 signs Dog Warden's Truck 05904 Salem Hardware Co., Shells 05905 Salem Office Supply Co., Record books for Dog Warden 05906 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Dog Truck 05907 Times-Register Co., Publishing Dog Licensing Regulations 05972 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse Traveling expense 05973 McKesson & Ribbons Drug Co., Rabies Vaccine 05974 State Department of Health, Rabies vaaine . ..._" ___.n_._._____.___ . .U"_",._____.._,..,.,..____ ___. $ II. 95 13.50 " " " II " " " " " " " " "Salem, Virginia April 14, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business April 14, 1962, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retire~ent School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters) Deferred Credit Account (J. B. McNeal) $ 673,248.78 8,311.80 71. 93 184,487.44 5,483.50 5.23 7,144.06 102.18 422.6l $ 879,277.53 12.92 l6.30 19.12 16.75 12.00 1. 70 2.38 10.25 23.75 39.75 13.66 210.60 I I JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of April, 1962, be approved in the amount of $9,286.45 fro~ which the sum of $241.53 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, and the sum of $895.25. Total. W.H. Taxes are to be deducted leavinga net payroll of $8,l49.67. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: I Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and G. Hampton Moulse. None I u c.. t ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period March l6, 1962, ending March 31, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,204.20, from which $100.46, total F. I. C. A. G.~cp 'f/(11(p~ ... Taxes; $152.70 total W. H. Taxes; $44.80 insurance, and $27.50 garnishments are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,878.74; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period April I, 1962, ending April 15, 19~, be approved in the amount of $3,310.82, 107 . -.-.. ~~- .--- -.--.-. - - .-- ----------_.._-----,-,--.--,--- from which $103.48 total F. !. C. A. Taxes; $158.80 total W. H. Taxes; $44.80 insurance and $58.44 garnishments are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,945.30. n Adopted by the following recoried vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None = ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be ~pproved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: Voucher-check #5739 in the amount of $43.73 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire House; .fu' " ~ +- :i .C~ .- c. '4-. @ftJ '1/'7/'>- ~ Voucher-check 15742 in the amount of $526.47 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at County offices; Voucher-check #5779 in the amount of $3.00 made payable to Treasurer of Virginia for additional dog tags; Voucher-check 15785 in the amount of $44.62 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at County jail, home demonstration kitchen, and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #5787 in the amount of $55.74 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Houses; Voucher-check #5788 in the amount of $44.20 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Dog Pound; Voucher-check #5789 in the amount of $19.30 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden 1 s home; Voucher-check 15790 in the amount of $505.02 made payable to Town of Salem for light, water, and sewage treatment services; Voucher-check 15794 in the amount of $3.25 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and G.H~on Moulse. Nays: None . IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer, for $2,931.48, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of March, 1962, less commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2,784.91 net. ~ . The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of March, 1962; ~ C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of March, 1962; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of March, 1962; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of March, 1962; RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of March, 1962; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of March, 1962; 4..L;r.. c.M :. T 'f1'?1 ,'- RFORT OF STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Bureau of Laboratories, in re: rabid cat; SEtH-ANNUAL REPORT ROANOKE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT - July 1, 1961 - December 31, 1961. 108 --.-,----_.. ------.---......------. _..._ """_'H ._.. .,_._ __. ___ ._. F-:-O.,....,,:--...=~O:---"-.,....:.,,- -.-,-.""'"...::-~:=-=-=:-~:-:;-:-"'-"--~~.-=:,.--:-.~-:--,;-'--,..~~,..."..,',-.,....-~~.-:..,.-: --,- ..._.-..-.-.------" .. ".--..--.-,-.. - . -. -."...,.-- ---- -- ... - - . Copy of resolution No. 14762 dated April 19, 1962, of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, in re: amending contract of October 16, 1953, between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, together with copy of letter dated April 10, 1962, addressed to William J. Paxton, Jr., Town C~erk, Salem, Va., from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, received and ordered filed. The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: "Department of Highways .Richmond 19, Va. March 19, 1962 Secondary System Discontinuance -- Roanoke County . Board of SlOpervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: As requested in resolution by your Board on February 19, 1962, the following section of road is hereby discontinued as a part of the Secondary System of Roanoke County. This action was confirmed by the Highway Commission at its meeting on March IS, 1962. DISCCNTINUANCE LENGTH Old location of Route 634, Project 0634-080-lI0,C-501, Section 3 from Station 78/00 east 0.23 ;:oHe to Station 89/00. 0.23 Hi. Sincerely, F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner." The following letter was this day laid before the Board, and ordered filed: "Department of Highways Richmond 19, Va. March 20, 1962 Rte. 116 - Proj. 0116-080-001, C-501, B-60l Roanoke County - Changes in Primary System . Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: In accordance with a resolution by your Board on February 19, 1962, changes in the Primary System made necessary by relocation and construction on Route 116 in Roanoke County were confirmed by the Highway Commission on March IS, 1962, as shown on the attached sketch, described as follows: SECTIONS ABANDONED AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-76.5 OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA: Section I - Old location of Route 116, located on the south side of the new location, from Statioll 555 / 00 west 0.034 mile to Station 555 / 80. Section 2 - Old location of Route 116, located on the south side.of the new location, from Station 223 / 10 west 0.106 mile to Station 220 / 20. SECTIONS DISCONTINUED AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-76.1 OF THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA: Section 3 Old location of Route l16, located on the south side of the new location, from Station 617 / 20 west 0.130 mile to Station 622 / 50. Section 4 - Old location of Route lIe, located on the north side of the new location, from Station 623 / 50 west 0.094 mile to Station 627 / 00. Section 5 - Old location of Route 116, located on the south side of the new location, from Station 629 f 20 west 0.107 mile to Scation 632 / 40. Sincerely yours, F. A. Davis, Chief Engineer." I: I I I I ~ = ~ '- I"! ~ tJ 109 - --'.-.-_.-----,--.,...- - -_.~. ...' --. .-- .----.....__._-- -_.._-------_._~-- - ~ _.. .__. -_~_ _"_ - _..n_ _., __ . --~------~_.--------_._-- . . . . .. . - .... .... The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: "Department of Highways .Richmond 19; Va. April 3, 1962 Additional andABandonment Secondary System - Roanoke County .. Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Glmtlemen: As requested in resolution by your Board on March 19, 1962, the following addition to and abandonment from the Secondary system of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective April 3, 1962. Addition Len~th Sections 6 through 9 of new location of Route 682, between Station 43 f 50 and Station 78 f 60, 0.635 mile; also Sections 10 and 11 of new connection of Route 818,0.03 mile; Project 1380-11-13 ABANDONMENT .665 Mi. Sections 1,3 and 4 of old location of Route 682, between Station 43 f 50 and Station 73 f 55; P,:oject 1380-ll-13 Sincerely, 0.32 Mi. F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner." .. ',: Copy of letter dated April 5. 1962, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer, , Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, approving the request of the said Treasurer, for allowance for two metal files at one hundred, sixty-eight dollars ($168.00), and sixteen sets guides at seventy-six dollars and eighty cents ($76.80), subject to the concurrence of this Board, was this day laid before the Board; and ordered filed, this Board having heretofore approved the purchase of said equipment. . On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. .. (-'t-<-j U t ~~C. Virginia, consider amending Section 1-22, Article I, Definitions, of the Zoning O~ r fa.<-<- C'\A.<.- Ordinance of Roanoke County adopted by this Board on April l8, 1960, by deleting, ( I '+ 1'7 (,)... afterthe words "Dwelling, Single-Family," the following: "A building having a, Keffer, it is ordered that the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, single front entrance within which provision may be made for not more than two (2) family units" and by adding, after the words "Dwelling, Sa.ngle-Family," the following: "A building arranged or designed to be occupied by one (1) family, the structure having only one (1) dwelling unit." And it is further ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, upon receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice of said pUblic hearing shall be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the said Code of Virginia. 110 --._-------------. . -- .-- -- -..---. _=-,-~.~'"'.,...::o.__==_-.,,-.=__--,-_~..,""'.'_'-_=. ..,--:--;-.,--_~,..,.___-=_..,,-_..,.,.,,-_,_,-_ -_-:- -----.."..-.-;,....., -"-,- _ -."'-" ,""_""=0- ~.'t' 4(.'7/(,')/ . ~~.. Ii ~..JJ.. c,....... 3oo7U~: ~.~"*~ ~~ unertaking needs the support of the community in general that such a project may ~L T.....M"""'live long after the five years of the cOnmlemoration of the War Rtween the States' 'k~ 'f/,'k~- ,,-~ ci:tt-~ <i:.r(o~ ,,"!n/boy And be it further ordered that a certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . The following resolution was this day offered for adoption: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roaroke County desires to go on record expressing its appreciation of the efforts of the Roanoke City-County Civil War Commission in the many projects said Commission is undertaking, to bring to this area a realization of the commemoration of the War Between the States; and WHEREAS, this Board calls on all citizens of Roanoke County to co-operate in these activities, particularly the formation of a Museum at Salem, which has passed - a heritage for our children and their children. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ~ WHEREAS, in order to properly assign numbers fo Wyndale Avenue as shown on the second revised map of Wyndale, recorded :In Plat Book 3 on page 293, it is necessary to rename that portion of Wyndale Avenue between State Secondary Rt. 132l (Ferdale Avenue) and State Secondary Rt. 925 (Wynedale Avenue); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginiaas amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such names to take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 or the Code of Virginia, and to be employed in making reference to pr~perty abutting thEreon; NOW, THEREFORE, B~ IT RESOLVED that the following name be assigneG to that portion of Wyndale Avenue between State Secondary Rt. 1321 (Ferdale Avenue) and State Secondary Rt. 925 (Wyndale Avenue): STEELE ROAD. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell None _.__.._,-~---_._.... __.____ u._ _.._ I I I I I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton, h .. e:. U 1. Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 19,~ ~. ~r Q, ,~0~ t/17 / b --- . - .'." ~ -..--. --.._- ...._--_._~+._--_.- ..-.- -. . -.." ---._. . -- ..-_... -.-----.-.----.---- . 1961, April be, and the same is hereby amended as follows, to become effective 16, 1962: ~ 8h - Lunacy Commission: An additional appropriation of $500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ~ 4a - Clerk: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18b - Civil Defense: An additional appropriation of $750.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held this 16day of April, 1962, it was duly moved and seconed that: WHEREAS, this Board has requested the Virginia Department of Highways to allocate Industrial Access Funds for the construction of a road to serve the it , ! .... new Sealtest Company, Blue Ridge Park for Industry, Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, this proposed road is to provide a gradeseparation over the Norfolk & Western Tracks (formerly Virginian Railroad); and WHEREAS, the repr@sentatives of the Virginia Department of Highways have advised this Board that plans are being prepared for this proposed road and are to include a grade separation over the Norfolk and Western Tracks; and WHEREAS, this Board has been appraised of the advisability of closing the existing grade crossing now on Route 709 and Route 757 in Roanoke County. NOW, 1'HElU:FORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That this Board concurs and further resolves to agree to take steps to the abandoning and closing of the existing grade crossing on Route 709 and Route 757 immediately upon the completion of the construction of the new facilities to serve the Blue Ridge Park for Industry, and ~re specifically the Sealtest Company and its opening for traffic. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Mino. R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ji",' u 1'-', U ~ Modification of contract between Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and Appalachian Power Company dated October 31, 1960, ordered filed. .. Copy of an order No. A-I03 adopting New Section 5.45 of the regulations of the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board prescribing the hours during which wine and/or beer, and/or beverages, shall not be sold or consumed upon licenses premises in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, received and ordered filed. 111 i:~ 0<S0~ 4-/17/(,:;.- ~~'IIul, c.:.-t.! ",<i.J2J. ~.~. .c.. () .Y'".aJf. w." . bJ~"'" '1/'1/" ;. 112 ~ ~~ ~J(1 ,,'-. "-.-'--.. ._~-- ----_._.,~.__.- ... ,'_, _,"n,_,_______,_. '_-o--',c---o ,-"'---"=C-_-----'. ----...~.--._-- ._.... - - ...._......_ _'_......... "-0--- "------.--.,. ,'-',-" .....n.....__..'" " On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board address and sign the following letter to be forwarded to the Honorable Council of the City of Roanoke: April 16, 1962 To The Honorable Councii of the City of Roanoke Roanoke, Virginia Gentlemen: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at its regular meeting of April 16, 1962, directed me to write you a letter, previously approved by said Board, answering your letter of December 19, 1961, which letter is as follows: said In your/letter of December 19, 1961, you requested that our Board adopt a resolution which you had prepared, of which you enclosed a copy, and which would authorize the City of Roanoke to contract directly with the residents, occupants, owners and developers of the County real estate situate either within or outside of resolution areas. This we cannot do except in isolated cases. Our Board has a continuing duty to exercise its governmental powers for the use and benefit of its own people. It cannot contract away this governmental jurisdiction which the citizens of Roanoke County expect the Board to exercise. As to your suggestion that the Board of Supervisors termi~ate the services of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, you are informed that this Board is satisfied with the services which have been rendered, and are being rendered, by the Authority, and do not desire to terminate the same. Also, this Board is advised that it has no legal right to terminate the Authority at this time. In this connection your attention is called to the fact that the Authority has various and sundry contracts and other obligations outstanding, including a bond issue which has a final maturity date of 1995. The benefits accruing from the contract between the City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke of September 2S, 1954, as augmented by the services of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, have resulted in enormous benefits, and has been a major factor in promoting the health, welfare and economic development of the entire Roanoke Valley. Among other things, millins of dollars have been spent, and are being spent, in construction costs, which inure to the benefit of all of us. We sincerely believe that a continuance of the aforesaid contract, with the intent thereof so ably expressed in its preamble, would result in added benefits to our Valley for years to come. On our part, we are ready, willing ~nd able to carry out the full purposes and intent of the contract, and sincerely trust that your body will do likewise, and without any undue delay, accede to the request for amendments which have been requested from time to time, and are now before you for your consideration. The resolutions which are before you were intended to be in full compliance with the requirements as set forth in your letter to our Board under date of December IS, 1961. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell None " IN RE: PERMISSION TO OPERATE MINIATURE GOLF PUTTING COURSE: This day came Leonard T. Gilbert and Warren W. Gilbert, and submitted in writing their request for permission to operate a Minature Golf Putting Course of the carpet design to be located on the east side of State Route 117, Parcel B of Revised Map of Westview'Terrace, as recorded in Roanoke Co~nty Plat Book #4, Page 10, and presently zoned B2, which request is ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that said request be granted, and that the opening hour on week days be at the discretion of the operators and the closing hour be 12 mid-night, Sunday hours to be from 1:00 o'clock P. M. until 12 mid-night. :..--".-",o....c_~'",.._.:':::".:::-""_...,,="'.,"":- I I I I I ~-;"::;"""'"~ --- _.-~..._._- - ~..__..__..-~~-- 113 __,__...... _.___..__ _ ...~ .... ._n___ _._._-~-----------~-- Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ . W. D. BOWLES, a representative of the Grandview Heights (Riverdale) Civic ~ Avenue and Eastland Road, Eastland Road and Highland Avenue, and Highland ~Mt;- automobiles in said cowmunity; requesting that the road in that vicinity be hard ~~~.. surfaced or black topped; and requesting that lights be installed at Highland .c.. 5;- (i) ~ : '1/'1,2- Club, this day appeared before the Board objecting to the burning of old Avenue and Bluff Street; at which time it was explained to him by the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County that there is a County ordinance prohibiting burning of automobiles or other trash that cause personal loss or discomfort to any person, and that any person so aggrieved by same has the right to have a warrant issued and the defendant brought into Court; as to the streets - they have been listed with the State Highway Department for the coming year; and as to the lights Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer is :: directed to look at the location where lights are requested, and see if same can be installed at a reasonable price. " On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. " d h h . h . d .! ~ ~.l f; Keffer, it is ordere that t e County Pure as~ng Agent be aut or~ze to purcnase ~~ one Dodge 1962 Model C900 Cab Forward and Chassis, according to specifications I~.C. ~p- ~ '. ......... .CA;\ ! '1//1"2-- submitted to this Board at a price of Fifty-One Hundred, and Fifty-five ,q III Dollars ($5155.00), from Beach Brothers Motors, Inc., and one 750 GPM Triple Combination Pumper to be placed upon Chassis supplied by Roanoke County from Oren Roanoke Corporation at a price of eleven thousand, one hundred eighty-seven dollars and twenty-one cents ($ll,187.21). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ~ ~ Estimates of Beach Brothers Motors, Inc., and Oren Roanoke Corporation ordered filed. ~ ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1962. Chairman 114 :: .,..".---,-~-~:....,...... -= -'-::"',.-- .,.- "'"" " - :c:..-;;,---. =c::- -.= Court House Salem, Virginia April 30, 1962 v A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, was held this day at the Courthouse, pursuant to the following call: Salem, Virginia April 30, 1962 We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, do hereby waive the notice of a Special meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held in the Board of Supervisors' Room in the Courthouse Building of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, at 7:00 p. m. on April 30, 1962, for the following purposes: I. To consider the petition of T. Martin Bush for re- zoning of a tract of land on the south side of Rt. 24, between the Dixie Drive-In Theater and State Secondary Rt. 654. I I 2. To consider any other business on which the Board may unanimously agree. Albert C. Harris Big Lick Magisterial District Edwin G. Terrell Cave Spring Magisterial District Minor R. Keffer Catawba Magisterial District G. Hampton Moulse Salem Magisterial District Edw. H. Richardson Commonwealth's Attorney Roanoke County, Virginia All members of the Board and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County being present. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor A. C. Harris offered a I . prayer. , IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON STATE ROUTE NO. 24 OF l ORDER I ~ . ..".,h. . : I'dd..j~ t i 11~ 1i IJr - y~ ,-) ;',4-. i7.-;. C; : i~ (~ petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. ,,', .5-1-/'''' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its special meeting , , f.i , i ~. I - I ;.1 ~', i ! ~ . : . , '. , . , ~ .1 ;;1 :1 .", f:1 "'1 .' ?I ~l'l '.'<1 ;'1 :11 '1:1 :,1 '. T. MARTIN BUSH This day came T. Martin Bush, by Counsel and asked leave to file his I of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the I Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next n fill t", F' .. u o 115 ..- . ..---_. ---..., -- ---------- permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Miner R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None " On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor }llinor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a voucher-check for twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500.00) be issued to Bill Sowers and Company for repairs to the records on file in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None t~~.A ~C . c c...... d>.?~~ .' 5.,-~z., " On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be, and he hereby is, authorized to make application to the U. S. Department of Health, Educ!lt'.on and Welfare, Public Health Service, for funds to be used in constructing a Health Center in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until 1962. / Court House Salem, Virginia May 21, 1962 " The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. " Keffer, Vice-Chairman and G. H~pton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. James Bryant, Brethren M:lnister offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clel:k. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 116 - -" ._--_.__.".~~---_._--_.__.,~-_. ~--_.~...._...,....-...~~- - _..___ ...._ w..__.... _ ____._n_ ... ". _, '.._.__ ____.._n .. .. . ._. . No. 06101 National Cash Register Co., Parts for office equipment $ 14.80 " 06102 County School Board of R. C., Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 639.35 " 06103 Void " 06104 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies 06105 City Publishing Co., 2 cross reference directories 06106 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 06107 Woodhaven Press, Office supplies 06108 Woodhaven Press, office supplies 06109 F. C. Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage 06110 International Business Machine Co., office supplies 06111 G. H. ~ent Co., office supplies 06112 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books for Clerk 76.55 40.10 418.15 38.10 31.95 60.00 31. 52 22.87 121. 54 " I " " " " I " " " " 06113 Underwood Corporation, Maintenance service on office machine 24.00 06114 Xerox Corporation, Repai.rs to equipment and Record paper 821.80 06115 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Treasurer for Jury Tickets 11.68 " " " 06116 Michie Company, Law Books 20.00 06117 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children Detention home 44.00 06118 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 24.00 " " " 06119 National Council of Juvenile Ct. Judges, 1962 Dues to National Council 5.00 " I " 06120 State Office Supply Co., Maintenance agreement on Typewriters35.00 06121 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation officer traveling expense 33.57 06122 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation officer's Traveling expense " 41.09 " 06123 James M. Bryant, Reimburse April Traveling Expense 06124 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner cases 06125 Oberton's Service Center, Wash jobs on Vehicles 06126 Auto Parts, Spray Gun for Garbage Dept and Parts for Car 68.60 10.00 2.50 60.57 " " " " 06127 Auto Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Clearbrook Fire Dept. 26.63 " 06128 Void " 06129 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Tubes 06130 Harvest Motors Co., Parts for Vehicles 06131 Magic City Motor Co., Parts for Vehicles 06132 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Police Cars 06133 Star City Office Equipment Co., Adjusting ribbon &c " 06134 Void 2.53 19.86 670.97 5.00 13.75 " I " " " " 06135 ~r. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician salary &c 06136 Vinton Motor Company, Repairs and Parts 300.00 12.76 I " " 06137 Surnmerdean Esso Service Station, Mairltenance County Vehicles 33.50 " 06138 Salem Auto Parts, Auto Parts 06139 Williams Auto Alignment, Invoice 06140 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 06141 Hecht's Bakery Inc., Food for Prisoners 06142 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 158.41 4.50 64.65 63.51 125.21 " " " " " 06143 Void " 06144 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food, Janitor supplies &c 96.75 _""_~__'___ ______..__.u__....___._._.. ..______ -- - . - ~ .. .. -...---- -. - ... ---- -. . - -- '" -.- .-.-- --~-- .--.- - -... ~ ,. l:, ~ I"! I , ~ IH I I u 117 a _'---__ ,c___",.~,-__, .. ______~..__..c_:cc-_:.'-';___._."".."._.--. _ -._ .._ n__ ------,--~--~._~-;""-: -,...-----...,..-.--.-------.-.-::-. No. 06145 Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, Food for Prisoners " 06146 C. E. Boone, Sheriff, Reimburse Food for Prisoners 06147 W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for County Jail 06148 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Jail 06149 Green Market, Food for County Jail 06150 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Jail 06151 Clover Creamery Co., Food for County Jail 06152 Deluxe Laundry & Cleaners, Laundry - Jail 06153 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies' " " " " " " " " " 06154 06155 Dr. S. D. Carey, Jail visits, Lunacy American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies for Jail and Courthouse 51.25 " 06156 Roanoke Printing Co., office supplies 06157 W. W. Garman, April Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House If .. 06158 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, April Rent on C. S. Fire House 06159 Clearbrook Lion's Club, April Rent on Clearbrook House 06160 BrambletonGulf Service, Gas and Oil 06161 E~so Standard Oil Co., Gas purchased for Hollins Vehicle 06162 Automotive Machine Shop, Parts 06163 Pyrofax Gas Co., Fuel Bent MountainFire House 06164 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental fee on Water Softner 06165 HUmble Oil & Refining Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire House 06166 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Hollins Fire Truck 06167 Auto Spri~ & Bearing Co., Oil, Parts, &c 06168 National Fire Protection Assoc., Subscription 06169 Pure Oil Co., Gasline Purchased C. S. Res~ue Squad 06170 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Fire Truck 06171 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Hollins Fire Truck 06172 State Forester, County's Expense incurred for forest fire control .. .. " .. .. .. If If .. " If If If " .. 06173 Wallace O. Deyerle, Warrants 06174 Dr. Freeman W. Jenerette, Lunacy case 06175 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy Case, Jail visits .. .. .. 06176 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy 06177 Dr. Thomas H. Jennings, Lunacy Case 06178 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy case 06179 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Lunacy 06180 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy 06181 W. B. Gochenour, Commission 06182 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy case 06183 James C. McIvor, Lunacy 06184 George S. Fultz, Jr., Lunacy cases 06185 James Asa Shield, Lunacy case .. .. .. .. .. .. If If .. .. 06186 Void If 06187 Harry N. Phillip, Jr., Lunacy case 06188 Wilbur H. Ryland, Lunacy case 06189 State Department of Health, County's appropriation .. .. " 06190 Kee Lox Mfg. Co., Carbon Paper .. 06191 Void ~ 42.13 47.02 32.00 6.70 13.68 44.10 3.36 57.12 18.02 27.50 65.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 40.16 15.28 20.86 28.50 4.00 30.15 9.93 54.48 4.89 1.40 17.43 22.46 327.35 64.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 70.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.CO 10.00 7,262.75 6.23 118 __. _.._, __ __ .__ __...~u -- .... . ..-----_.. -- _u _. ~~=-:".-..",~...""~ ~--- ~O-;.-.,'-....~...,_"'-,.,-_.c,.._-:-. ---;c-. -....,..".,=:;.- .~-_-,--~_,-_""..."....., '.---~ " No. 06192 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 06193 Monroe Business Machine, Maintenance service on Adding Machine " C6194 " 06195 " 06196 " 06197 " 06198 " 06199 " 06200 " 06201 " 06202 " 06203 " 06204 " 06205 " 06206 " 06207 II 06208 " 06209 " 06210 II 06211 " 06212 II 06213 " 06214 " 06215 " 06216 " 06217 " 06218 " 06219 II 06220 " 06221 II 06222 II 06223 II 06224 " 06225 " 06226 " 06227 II 06228 Times-Register Co., Advertising Elections Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Zoning Maps Times-World Corp., Advertising Shackelford-Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for Tractor Standard Parts Corporation, Parts Sunnyside Awning 6< Tent Co., I truck cover Salem Oil Co., Fuel Oil for Tractor $ 156.55 24.00 10.63 2.06 31.00 7.35 277 .60 22.01 2.00 21. 53 I I Yates and Wells Garage, Repair and Parts 27.42 Goodyear Service Stores, Parts and Tires 136.65 Miller Tire Service, Tires 154.49 Richmond Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Fire Truck 33.89 Janet L. Ballentine, Services as Registrar 15.60 Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Certifying Poll Tax list 236. 91 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 635.20 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Repairs to Jail and Courthouse 42.50 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 19.10 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel - Courthouse 399.75 Void Meador 6< Company, Keys .70 I Progressive Products Co., Repairs to Air Conditioning 11.25 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies &c 12.16 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 85.63 Hugh E. Anderson, Refund Electrical permit 2.00 Everette E. Fry, Reimburse difference in cost between a party line and private line 18.18 Garland Oil Co., Oil purchased for Distribution at Holli~s Fire Station 22.27 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for Map records 6.35 Roanoke Photo Finishing Co., Adapter for Camera 1.95 Roanoke Valley Safety Council Membership dues 100.00 Shelton's Garage, Rope for Lawn Mower .83 Wilson Trucking '~o., Auto Tage Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs Penitentiary Industrial Dept., County Fire Dept. Tags & Automobile License Plates Gasoline and Oil purchased for Distri- bution at Hollins Fire Station and County Garage Treasurer, N & W Railway Co., Rental fee on space at Station Pure Oil Company, II 06230 06229 R. C. Pittman, Reimburse Car Expense J. G. Blount, Jr., Director State Board of Education, surplus goods purchased for Civil Defense " " 06231 Void 06232 Thoma~ A. Edison Industries, Equipment for Commonwealth's Attorney 06233 General Fire Extinguisher Co., Fire Extinguisher II II " 06234 Void 3.00 49.5l I 36.30 1,124.83 I 7.00 38.79 10.00 528.20 46.10 119 -_._-_._--------...,..,-~ . --. .. .... No. 06235 F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., P. M. Postage for Distributionto various offices $ 100.00 = c c ~ c , 06245 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Premium on Surety Bonds 5.00 06261 F. C. Wiley, Jr., ?ostmaster, Postage for Clerk of Court for Mailing Supervisor Checks 20.00 06262 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 15.02 06263 Kee Lox Mfg. Co., Carbon Paper 47.08 II 06236 The Clifton Shirt Co., Wearing Apparel Sheriff's Office 06237 Everette Waddey Co., Record Books Clerk 128.91 127.94 29.15 23.00 508.04 18l.05 42.28 121. 08 517.65 543.l5 9.95 16.47 206.79 8.00 21. 67 67.62 23.90 3.00 33.84 6.02 5.74 272.31 95.22 4.00 22.80 51. 93 58.70 1,150.00 2,500.00 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: II " 06238 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 06239 American Bar Association, Membership dues 06240 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 06241 LewiS-Gale Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 06242 Floyd County Clinic, Hospital Bills for Welfare 06243 Burrell Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 06244 University of Va. Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare " " " " " " " " II " " 06264 Vinton Motor Co., For selling Auto Tags 06265 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Traveling expense 06266 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., Office supplies 06267 F. J&le Higgs, Extra office assistant 06268 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Seat Covers for Police Car 06269 Clifton Shirt Co., Wearing Apparel 06270 Williams Supply Co., lamps &c 06271 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Cave Spring Fire Station " " " II " " " " 06272 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Catawba Fire House 06273 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 06274 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline and Oil purchased C. S. Rescue Squad 06275 Diesel Injection Sales Co., Hose for Tractor 06276 Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 06277 Eudora Judd, E^tra office assistant 06278 Paul B. Matthews, Expense during trip to Richmond 06279 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 06280 Power Equipment Co., Repairs and Parts 06281 American Oil Co., oil purchased for distribution 06282 Dictaphone Corporation, Dictaphone 06283 C. W. Warthen Co., Work in Clerk's Vault Roller &c " " " " " " " " " " " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: No. 06246 Jean Long, Clerk - Dog Clinic " 06247 Void " 06248 Es ther Long, Clerk - Dog Clinic " 06249 Lenna Hartman, Clerk Dog Clinic " 06250 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense $ 25.00 25.00 20.00 40.52 . .w.t. ~~t ,e, ~ ~~ <:.1),3) (.1.- 4, 17 ~. -t-~.~ ~f;J, , - -.--- -... .-.-------, - ..- - --------~--_._-._. No. 06251, Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies $ '~2.50 " 06252 County School Board of R. C. Repair and Parts for Dog Truck 7.90 18.91. 8.71 " 06253 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas and Oil Dog Truck 06254 Jennings Hardware Co., Waring Apparel for Dog Warden " " Palmer Chemical & Equipment Co., Medical supplies for Clinic215.03 I 06255 06256 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 15.00 48.10 100.00 " " 06257 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog food and Waring apparel 06258 J. C. Richardson, Stocking raccoons 06259 Star Animal Hospital, Veterinary services for spring Rabies clinics 06260 Sam's, Inc., wearing apparel for Dog Wardens 06261 Mrs. H. M. Meador, 5 chickens killed by dogs 06285 Baptist Childrens Home, Livestock claim 424.00 5.96 5.00 50.00 " " I " " " , JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of ~oanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem, Virginia May 21, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business May 19, 1962, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account (J. M. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account (J. E. Peters) $ 651,838.19 8,518.41 71. 93 177,029.87 5,483.50 1,277.02 2,330.53 422.61 89.94 $84T,062.00 I Respectfully submitted, J. E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report approved and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that theCounty Payroll for the month of May, 1962, be approved in the amount of $8,971.45, from which the sum of $231.69 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, and the sum of $878.35 total W. H. Taxes, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $7,861.41. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period April 16, 1962, ending April 30, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,113.55, from which $97.32 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, $149.70 total W. H. Taxes, $44.80 insurance, and $27.50 garnishments, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,794.23; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period May I, 1962, ending May 15, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,337.90, from which $104.34 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, $200.60 Total W. H. Taxes; $44.80 ~ ~ ~ iN ~ u .'~ur ,tL.c.~. C & P TelePhone.. {~.. C. : CL</J.G~ S1). 3/ r.,.,. insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,988.16. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None f On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: Voucher-check ~6021 in the amount of $556.22 made payable to Company for service at County offices; Voucher-check ~6059 in the amount of $516.99 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water ser~e; Vcucher-check #6060 in the amount of $16.50 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check ~606l in the affiount of $39.51 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current at dog pound; Voucher-check ~6065 in the amo,mt of $36.84 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at jail, home demonstration kitchen, and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #6066 in the amount of $54.79 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Hollins and Clear brook Fire House; Voucher-check ~6067 in the amount of $3.25 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service; Voucher-check ~6098 in the amount of $53.65 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Bent Mountain and Mt. Pleasant Fire Houses. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None . IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, County Treasurer, for $1,588.51, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1962, less commissions, and t:~rned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,509.08 net. . The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of April, 1962; c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County j ail for the month of April, 1962; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of April, 1962; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of April, 1962; RUBINETTE MIL~~, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of April, 1962; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of April, 1962; BUREAU OF LABORATORIES, STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, in re: report on Cat's Head - Positive for rabies. 121 ~~r~.W- 'T '1',,3)'>- 122 -_._-- -~ ---. ~,.,-.:;~.,--:c-=-"...",,,....-,-...,-:.,=.-:_,'=.+_~__n+-.~,_-:;,,.;-_",,='-."""'-.--'-,_'-0---.=---:-:0-.--" __ - .--- . , _ erL.:.- .u. t. -r~ G f:>aR-..... . I~.t:: ~~ t1r~1 ~ ~ tj ~ ..;0.., -n The following letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: "Department of Highways Richmond l~, Va. April 20, 1962 Secondary System Discontinuances-- Roanoke County I . Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: As requested in resolution by your Board on March of roads are hereby discontinued as a part of the County. This action was confirmed by the Highway April 19, 1962. DISCONTINUANCES 19, 1962, the following sections Secondary System of Roanoke Commission at its meeting on I LENGTH Old location of Route 682, Project 1380-11-13, Section 5,. from Station 73155 north 0.10 mile to Station 78160. Route 6l2, from a point 0.20 mile south of Route 690 south to a point 0.50 mile north of Franklin County Line 0.10 Mi. 1.10 Mi. Sincerely, F. A. Davis, Deputy Connnissioner." ~ H. H. Harris, Commissioner, Department of Highways, this day submitted to the Board a copy of the Secondary Roads Allocation to counties in the eight highway districts for the fiscal year July I, 1962 to June 30, 1963. Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, is approved by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None Copy of said allocation and letter dated April 18, 1962, of H. H. Harris, Commissioner, Department of Highways, ordered filed. I . IN RE: AUDIT OF CLERK'S OFFICE: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board the report on audit of ROY K. BROWN, County Clerk, and Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the calendar year 1961, which report is received and ordered filed. I Letter dated May 15, 1962, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts received and ordered filed. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor line of the Town of Salem wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: All of Lots 14-A, 15, 16 and the west one-half of Lot 17, Brook Haven Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 54, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; and, being the properties of L. Elwood Norris and J. Howard Graham and C. E. and Virginia E. Brown, located adjacent to the north corporate limits of the Town of Salem. I ~ " c ~ .= 123 - -- -- - ......-. ---.--_._._-.-.. -" -----------_._----~_.- --------~---_..--------------_._.--_.._._--_._-"<::'" and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHEP. RESOLVED: That the Council for the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treat-' ment plant and treat the same, pursuant to theprovisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October 16, 1953. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None , On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare a synopsis of the B~dget for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the fiscal year commencing July l, 1962, and to publish same for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, said Budget synopsis to be published in the Times Register, a newspaper of general circulation in Roanoke County, on May 31, 1962. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ~ IN RE: REZONING OF THREE ACRES OF GROUND ON CARVINS ;REEK IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA NORTH OF HERSHBERGER ROAD of x FINAL ORDER ALVIN D. HAWKINS and CORINNE w. HAWKINS At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Court House on May 21, 1962. WHEREAS, Alvin D. Hawkins and Corinne W.Hawkins did petition this Board and requested the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said Petition, now classified as "A Residence Property", be classified as "Agricultural A_I" property, which petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board on the 19th day of March, 1962, and by Order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia;. and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting on the 24th day of April, 1962, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said Petition,recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the Petition to Agricultural A-I property; and ~1i:. O..-L"t.Co" .~cp~ .1>-3/6 ~ ~u t.- ~'~6' . "/':1-1' 2- r ~~T ':f>~.~c.. f~a.u.. ~ ~11-3/6 ~ 124 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order, entered on the 19th day of March, 1962, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Boarci, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 2lst day of May, 1962, at 2:30 P. M. as the date and time for a pUblic hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 30th day of April, 1962 and on the lst day of May, 1962, as required by said Order of this Boarl, and in accordance with the I I provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid, and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and hearing evic~nce touch- ing on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance, should be amend.ed as requested in said Petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. I NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 2lst day of May, 1962, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as Agricultural A-I property, in order that said property may be used for a public swimming pool. The property hereby classified as Agricultural A-I property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at an iron pin on the southeasterly side of a 50 ft. road, N. 41046' 40" E., 186 ft. from a point in the curve of Hershberger Road, being cgrner to Eric R. and Ruth C. Lee property; thence N. 56 03' 20" E. 240.7 ft. to an iron pin at 2; thence N. 28g 22' 20"E. 278.25 ft. to an iron pin at 3; thence N. 87 17' EO.170.4 ft. to a point near Carvins Creek at 4; thence S. 7 30' E. 190.4 ft. to a point at 5; thence S. 360 46' W. 252 ft. to a point at 6; thence S. 540 44' W. 245.72 ft. to a point at 7; thence N. 540 40' W. 233.95 ft. to the place of BEGI~~ING, containing approximately three acres, as shown by a plat attached to and made a part of the petition herein. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to A. T. Loyd, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on the recorded vote I I the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None C~ :~ ~ :'.:;~. " ie_ ':c ',-,c'..:..x. J:~!':ce":" :"~c;' j-?: :0 ::~S. ~;::!:... Je~):~.::: ;:;:'.'.':~y= 5,<:3/t..:: ~ CO~le3 ce~:~f~e >:. ~l?J. ::0 ~~C. .2;X. C:"f:.~e~ :~C"" j2:. J.es. .:.r;g::";"'. J2;.:. hlg~~~yS 5!23;~2 I I I ('C~; i8.3 C:2":'"':, ,19_. ~C ~C. t.X. ;f::C'3:" fo:- ~!e: :'0 .8S. ~r,~r. Je;.):.~ :i~~:''''GYS )/.~3~"(.= I 4 ec-:-:,:es C8!"'., ~ del. ~c :c. 3x. C:.....f:~.?,... :.."c :ie2 :-.':;5. .........,. :2:)": ;~:. ;:::-;.',,;'::: 5 5 :);' I l~C.: >.:s ~;c:::'. If: .:::d. ",(I :";u. .::~~{. i',:..:::, d';;.L t.o ~.::3. :":",;0: r :J;J,;" . -" ,~) / ,,:tf. . ('"" .'.,; '..:> )/ .. .. . , c ; e :::; '" , ,i de - t 0 '':']r~~~f10d Co. t..x. Off~cer for d~l ~o :t'35. Z:-~,S;~'.i.J':::J:'. ~. ~ [1;{'''o',',:;':;5 5/ .2.3i'62 .. " 4 CC~j:.es j'2: ~_O ::::~:. ~c. :.x. ',; Or." ":'.l.-":' ':>~:-- [07" ~~l :~cs. ~r::-:~~. J,~::,. -' ;;~:...;:,y.::; 5i"~3/:. co;..:: 2::; ('37"7':'::: '- ie=- to '-,O..:!.X. Uff: ';3;' fe'..... '.i~} ~."S. "n~r 0 . _ ::.L,. :;.<~:. ~!:~h',.;r;;:rs 5//;/ I I 135 --------- 'H .... . __...._ ~ Board of Supervisors vs x ORDER 4 copies certified & de to Co. Ex. or~ ficer for del 'to Res. Engr. Dept.Highways 5/23/62 The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia .~ ~ This matter ,came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Tully Dr. from St. Rt. 116 north 0.38 mile to D. E. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of " 'Jay for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Glen Cove, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 4 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of. Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Tully Dr. from St. Rt. 116 north 0.38 mile to D. E. and which is shownon a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Tr.rrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None r: i . - vs x ORDER 4 copies cer- tified &. del t !Co. Ex.Officer ,for del to Res. Engr. De pt. Highways 5/23/62 I( Board of Supervisors The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and ".. I.: upon the application for Neil Dr. from Tully Dr. north 0.30 mile to Tully Dr. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Glen Cove, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 4 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that: by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board h~reby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Neil Dr. from Tully Dr. north 0.30 mile to Tully Dr. am which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public rond to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke ~ County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None 136 ~__.__ ',____ ___.___.__..__'_U'_~~_"_~_.. __.._n ____ ,_"._n _.__.____ .___._ .." '. ._ .. .... ".... ._. ., ._.__ ..____ ._ _. 0'_- ..,__ _ _ __ ...... ..' .-.--..-.-..... -.--...-.----...-..-.-- ._', ,_ _ ..' u ..__'.'_' ._. ~-_=_.-_,oo.......,.,_::o-::-,..._,o-.=~=_="=~'..,._~,"_'""""=-,-_.,.,,;e_..,_:__~.~~.,::c_,-...::_~-_,_......":o;--,-~-:';.,..-=...,.-:-~--,..,.~;_-._::___=:"...,,;""-.....,...,--..,.o.-"".cc_-..,,,~:...,._.--cc i I :~-<cj;;u.rj; ~ , I !\..- ' i \.l!.Vo I ! ct..e. -r.-S'4r .' ! S-!n).~/r.?- r. I ti1 'u tli I . \D : , . 'Yn~, ' ~'N ~1~~!' ~ ~Ii ~ .' ~ ~~. 1x... k c.. . G~C<M- ~ S1 n ),,~ On application of the below-named petitioners: 1. J. M. Frith (N & W right-of-way from Rt. 864 to Rt. 864) 2. Dr. Frank M. Johnson (Unn3lIled road from Plantation Road (Rt. (01) to D. E.) 3. Roy Minnix (Extn. of Rt. 693) 4. W. E. Easter, et als (Easter Road. from Rt. 688 to D. E.) 5. Roanoke County School Board (Extn. of Rt. 907 to Rt. 613) 6. B. I. Gimbert, et als (Unnamed road from Rt. 642 to D. E.) who this day filed their petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer,' view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall. be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and that the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or I I persons for whose convenience they are gsired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby I is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of th9s order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROlITE #11, BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY COOPANY RIGHT-OF-WAY: THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE BEING APPROXIMATELY 889 FEET WEST OF THE PROPERTY LINE OF SALEM BRICK COOPANY, INCORPORATED: THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE BEING APPROXIMATELY 200 FEET EAST OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE #760, ROANOKE COIDffY, VIRGINIA This day came Doris T. Inge, J. W. Inge, III, and patricia I. Trevilian, by I x ORDER counsel,and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property described therein. :II , h, ... I :. t"'f - 1<'1 W o 137 - ~_ ___._ _. ___ ...._ __n_ . ... - .---. -._._------~~----- NOO, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at: it:s regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the zoning, ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendationin accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at its next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk, by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of .' Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith referred by said Clerk of this Board, to Paul. B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: PETITION OF C. P. BROGAN and LENA A. BROGAN, HUSBAND AND WIFE ~ ORDER I REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF COVE ROAD (VA. STATE SECONDARY HIGHWAY 11116) 4M W This day E. W. Chelf, Attorney for C. P. Brogan and Lena A. Brogan, appear~di t2t.1~ before this Board and requested leave to file a Petition on behalf of said,. rL.e. t: b- parties, relative to rezoning a certain lot or parcel of real es tate, more ': ~ c.. (Jl1- . ~)~~ , fully described in Paragraph No. I of said Petition, and which said parcel of real estate is situate on the southerly side of Cove Road (Va. State Secondary Highway #116) , and which said lot or parcel of land is a part of the same real estate conveyed to said Lena A. Brogan from C. F. Webster, by Deed dated the 9th day of October, 1935, and of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 234, at page 81, and thereafter conveyed from Lena A. Brogan and C.' P. Brogan to C. P. Brogan and Lena A. Brogan, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties retaining the right of survivorship, by Deed dated the 7th day of June, 1961, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 667, at page 362, and which said petition contains, among other things, the following allegations: (I) That the Petitioners, C. P. Brogan and Lena A. Brogan, husband and wife, are the fee simple owners of said lot or parcel of land described in Paragraph No. 1 of said Petition, holding title to same as tenants by the entireties, retaining the right of survivorship, as at common lw. 138 . - - ___..._ _"0-.'- ..___ __. .....___. ~._ _ . ,_.. .___._.__..._..'.._.. . u.,...... ..' ~__.,_.__~___ __ ___.________.'._ n ,+_________ .' - __...___. ... .~_ "",__, -".n. __ _.. .__ " _ ,. ,--,,","' ."'- .~':.-:'''''''_ ~... -_',-'-' _ ._.c:-_-.;; ~ :-_-: ~__:...,_::_:::.~_- _ ~.-_...,""='=_=_::_:_:.,.., -:C=:-_",--='O (2) That said property described in said Petition is now classified under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as "Residence-R-l property" and that they desire to have said property rezoned from "Residence-R-I" to "Agriculture- A-I Property." And it appears to this Board that the use of said property situate in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and the property set forth in the Petition filed herein, might be beneficial to the County, at large, and in the vicinity in question, in particular. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 2lst day of May, 1962, the petition of the said C. P. Brogan and Lena A. Brogan be, and the same is hereby filed; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the proposal to amend said zoning ordinance so as to change the classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said petition from its present classification as "Residence-R-I Property"to "Agriculture-A-l Property" as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance, be, and the same is HBEBY REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Sec. IS-847 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: that the said Planning Commission shall report Its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by Statute; that upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. IS-846 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That one certified copy of these Resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a copy of the P tition of C. P. Brogan and Lena A. Brogan. The above Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on recorded vote, the Supervisors I I voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I v WHEREAS His Excellency, Governor Albertis S. Hartson, Jr., did, on April 26, 1962, declare the week of May 20 through May 26, 1962, as Highway Week in Virginia for the purpose of publicizing the highway building program of the Commonwealth of Virginia and thereby advance public awareness and understanding I of this program and its objectives; and WHEREAS this highway program has reached record proportions and is deemed necessary to provide Virginia citizens and visitors the safest and best transpor- tation available; and WHEREAS THE NEED FOR SUCH A PROGRAM OF CONSTRUCTION, IMPROVENENTS, AND maintenance has not received the public attention it deserves and requires if citizen support of the Department's goals is to be achieved and sustained; and ,. h, WHERE..o\S observance of Highway Week in Virginia during May 20 through May 26,' 1962, affords an opportunity to coincide activity with National Highway 'neek, with the support of the Congress of the United States and the President; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board fully endorse& the action of .. I . , t~ the Governor and urges personnel of the Highway Department and Roanoke County citizens to observe and recognize Highway Week in Virginia, May 20 through 26, 1962, through appropriate proceedings and ceremonies. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ", On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G.Hampton Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 1961, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective May 21, 1962, I"""! Lunacy Commission: An additional appropriation of $200.00 is made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $10,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the functtn or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8h - hereby June 30, , ~ j ..... 14 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds: An additional appropriation of $200.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 19 - Capital OUtlay: An additional appropriation of $5,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None v IN RE: AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY ADOPTED APRIL 18, 1960. !~I W WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at its regular meeting held April 16, 1962, requested the Planning Commission of Roanoke County to consider amending Section 1-22, Article 1, Definitions, of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted by this Board on April 18, 1960, by deleting, after the words "Dwelling, Single-Family" the following: "A building having a single front entrance within which provision may be made for not more than tw~ (2) family units" and by adding in lieu thereof, after the words "Dwelling, Single- Family" the following: "A building arranged or designed to be occupied by one (I) family, the structure having only one (1) dwelling unit," and made a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS the said Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at a regular meeting held the 24th day of April, 1962, after hearing evidence touching on ~ the merits of the proposed amendment, recommended to this Board that said 139 'c,J...:. &..Q -t 19, t'L C WI (' / '. '--0 '11- " r:'" '3 .:, ~cUr j-- ~ c. ,J;~k' s.lnjc,2-. 140 l~--"":::-:----'''-'-''~~~-'--'''''-'~-''''_''-~':-------"c':;-''---'--'''-::''''C'''''''''~..-,.....,-..-:,-.-.- "'..-.- --"---'--'~ .-'-;---"--"0 -- - - --.--.-- 1'"=".-=-.==--- -.,.:.,._"'"-_-....==--.-=:.,.,..o";:-=--""----,-...,.-"-""::--.=.""=-=_"""-::o-:-..:.:-=-_.~:=..::;_,_.'0"'"'''''''''' -':.~"'_O~ "cc;' '-".,:c-- ~::.:-_o. ~ :-_- .,..-=-.- ---~._. __".-:.,~_.-=..,.....::;-:" 0..,..,....,..,;..--... Section 1-22, Article I, Definitions, of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be redefined by deleting, after the words "Dwelling, Single-Family" the following: "A building having a single front entrance within which provision may be made for not more than two (2) family units" and by adding in lieu thereof, after the words "Dwelling, Single-Family," the following: "A building' arranged or designed to be occupied by one (I) family, the structure having only one (I) dwelling unit;" and WHEREAS this Board did, by its order entered on the 16th day of April, 1962, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS the Clrk of this Board did set the regular meeting of thi.s Board to' be held May 21, 1962, at 3:00 p. m. as the date and time for a public hearing on :' the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Section 1-22, Article 1, Definitions, of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and advertised same by a notice duly I I published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on April 29 and May 1, 1962, as required by said order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS this Board, after giving careful consideration to said recommndation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the proposed amendment of Section 1-22, Article 1, Definitions, of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, is of the opinion that said Section 1-22, Article I, Definitions, of the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County should be amended as recommended by said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 21st day of May, 1962, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby,amended by deleting, after the words "Dwelling Single-Family" in Section 1-22, Article I, Definitions, the following: itA building having a single front entrance within which provision may be made for not more than two (2) family units" and by adding in lieu thereof, after the words "Dwelling, Single-Family" the following: "A building arranged or designed to be occupi.ed by one (I) family, the structure having only one (I) dwelling unit." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall I I I forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that all copies of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted April IS, 1960, be marked as follows: "Section 1--22, Article I, Definitions - Amended May 21,1962." !iii ! . i "I ,.. \~t ~ ~ J ..~, I : , I I..J 1'"1 l.J 141 .- -..- ---. -_. _._--_._--_...-._-~_._.._-_._--------'---'-----.,-~._-_.._----..-.-.,.--~~ On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G'. Hampton Moulse and E~~in G. Terrell Nays: . None v T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for Henry Scholz, Jr., this day appeared before the Board, and the written report of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County recommending that the request of the said petitioner for re2Dning of his property situated on the west side of Route 119 at Oak Grove, be denied, having this day been submitted to the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that said recommendation of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County be filed, and that the Clerk of this Board be directed to set the same down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board; and that notice thereof be given by the Clerk of this Board by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and,' A. C.Harris Nays: None v T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney, for Greenland Development Corporation, et als, this day appeared before the Board, and the written report of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County recommending that the request of the said petitioners for rezoning of their property situated on southeast corner of Rt. II and Abney Road, be denied, having this day been submitted to the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that said recommendation of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County be filed, and that the Clerk of this Board be directed to set the same down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board; and that notice thereof be given by the Clerk of this Board by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None v Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney, for Thomas E. Wagner and Laura S. Wagner, this day appeared before the Beard, and the written report of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County recommending that the request of the said petitioners for rezoning their property situated on the east sid~ of Rt. 116 at Mount Pleasant, be denied, having this day been submitted to the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that said recommendation of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County be filed, and that the clerkof this Board be directed to set the same down for a public hearing at the next regular .....~.~~ ;~~~r , S1,,31 b }- ~t. ~6 : !'1,"3)P-' ~ ThcJ.J- JJ- .~ 'P..0.t~ S1?-3/ {, .,/ 142 t-~-_o''-";"'."",.o'''''''',,"'=-'"'-- ~=-:_~,_'~':;:-' ",-':-'-".7C." :,-..-. -'~'.-c.: --.' ,"'. ~ ~:==:-~.o"",---oc~-___==,_-o-_-o~~--'--C,-_-,...,~.-"-_,,,",,......,..,.,.,...-..,,,.-_.,-~.-::--,.oc-,.,_-'O,.,_- -.""~--.-_"'-'-_=.-'- c..t u J;- ~ ~~cp~. sf~/ (.'2- meeting of this Board; and that notice thereof be given by the Clerk of this Board by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I " J. E. Newman, on behalf of himself, and other citizens of Petty Acres, this day submitted to the Board a petition requesting that some action be taken in re~ gard to the uncontrolled flood lights on the Brookside Golf Course and Driving Range located in said area, which petition and letter are ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and carried, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, be authorized to contact the officials of the Brookside Golf Course and Driving Range, and advise said parties that he is there at the request of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to assist in any way possible to eliminate the undesirable condition created by the Flood Lights on the Golf Course and Driving Range above referred to. I ... This day, R. S. Kime, of the law firm of Kime and Jolly, Attorneys, acting for and on behalf of the Commonwealth of Virginia, came before this Board asking:. its approval of the sale, by Mercy House, Inc., to the Commonwealth of Virginia,' at the agreed upon consideration of $360.00, as evidenced by Common~ealth of Virginia General Warrant No. 9011S9, dated April 2S, 1961, in the amount of $360.00, payable to Mercy House, Inc., of a certain lot or parcel of land, I situate in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows: Being as shown on Sheet SB of the plans for Route Sl, State Highway Project 008l-0S0-00l, R/w-201, and lying on the West (left) side of and adjacent to the center of Route 642, from the lands of the party of the first part at approximate centerline Station Sf 00 (beginning of connection), to a pointopposite approximate center- line Station lo/ss, and containing O.IS acre, more or less, of which 0.09 acre is included in the existing right of way and 0.09 acre, more or less, is additional land; and being a part of the same land acquired by the party of the first part Q1ercy House, Incorporated), by deed recorded in Deed Book S13, page 241, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County. I For a more p~rticular description of the land conveyed, reference is made to photo copy of said Sheet SB, showing outlined thereon in red the said land, which photo copy is recorded in the State Highway Plat Book. Which tract or parcel of land the Commonwealth of Virginia is desirous of purchasing from the Mercy House, Inc. for use in connection with Interstate Route Sl, State Highway Project 0081-080-001, R/w- 201, and which comes out of a tract of land conveyed to Mercy House, Inc. by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by deed recorded in Deed Book S13, page 241, which deed provides that Mercy House, Inc. may sell any part of such lands only with the approval of the said Board and the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. I 143 " ---.----- .---_.-- - -- -- -- "--- .------.--.. --- r: And this Board having duly considered the terms of the proposed sale and the purposes and uses for which said land is to be put, and being of the opinion that the agreed upon consideration is a fai.r and ad.zquate one, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that said sale by Mercy House, Inc. to the Commonwealth of Virginia be, a~d the same is hereby approved, subject to the further approval of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Mercy House, Inc. is authorized to prepare and present to the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, the necessary petition praying that the sale of the above described property to the Commonwealth '.1f Virginia be ratified, approved and confirmed. ~ AND IT IS STILL FURTHER ORDERED that if and when said sale is so ratified, approved and confirmed, the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to execute, on behalf of the Board, a good and sufficient; deed, conveying to the Commonwealth of Virginia the hereinbefore described property, with Special Warranty of Title, and the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to affix to said deed the seal of this Board and attest the same. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hmnpton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris Nays: None ~ .. .. R. S. Kime, Attorney, this day app~ared before the Board, and offered a resolution to be adopted by the Board of Supervisors in re: Sale to the Commonwealth of Virginia of a tract of land of 11.6 acres, more or less, which 1.7 acres are included in the existing rights of way, and 9.9 acres is additional land, which property the Commonwealth of Virginia is seeking to acquire in connection with the construction of Interstate Route 81, through the property owned by the County of Roanoke, west of the Town of Salem; Following a discussion of the matter, the question of adopting the resolution is continued for further study, particularly in regard to drainage problems . u ~ IN RE: PURCHASE OF AIR CONDITIONING UNIT IN CLERK'S OFFICE: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. ~ Harris, it is ordered that Paul B.Matthews, County Executive Officer, be authorized to purchase one 15,000 B T U air Conditioner at a price of Three Hundred and Nine Dollars ($309.00) from Owen Plumbing & Heating Company for use in the Clerk's Ofice of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None The bids of Holdren's, Inc., and Owen Plumbing & Heating on Air Conditioning Unit ordered filed. 144 :"::c==-=""=:_""""",,,,O=,,"_",,"--_~-_--'-'_-CC-:-:-'-:':::'';:-..,.-_'~';-_:;"_' ,.~~~-.,:o,.-",,-.~-o:-., ""_~-- -'-:".~.::=-:--::_.. ."-.-~-:"-"'_:":,""C. l.:=~._..... ._,.._':_~==.:_"""'::-Oc"~~-=-=-'_ --=.---"'.....,...,,--,--o-,o_.:~_c-=--_--:=,....--_~-.--"c_::.~ -.--=~.:-:::.=-:-:::.-=~--.._=-="'=- , I I i i I I I ( i lliJ;-...... I ~' I . , i ~-r P ) b Y -------.--'....--.--.- - - __. - ___.__ ___. _.. .d' v The following communicatins were this day laid before the Board and ordered' filed: Jr., addressed to Mr. pertaining to Copy of letter dated April 27, 1962, from Hal Jones, Beavers, Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, in re: installation of sanitary sewers in the Green Valley area; Copy of letter dated May 2, 1962, addressed to C. E. Boone, Sheriff, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, in re: employment of R. R. Henderson, former Special County Policemml, as Deputy Sheriff at an annual rate of $3,900.00 effective May I, 1962; I Copy of letter dated May 17, 1962, addressed to C. E. Boone, Sheriff, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, in re: appointment of John G. Powell to succeed E. B.Obenchain, Sr., as deputy jailor, at an annual rate of $3,480.00 effective May IS, 1962; Letter dated April 20, 1962 addressed to from D. M. Parrish, and letter dated May 19th, 1962, addressed to Mr. Edwin G. Terrell, from G. G. Board, requesting an ordinance to prevent dogs that are nuisances from running at large with or without tags; Copy of letter dated April 30, 1962, addressed to Mr. C. F. Kellam, Salem District Highway Engineer, Stat~ H'ghway Department, from W. R. Mays, President Northwest Civic League, Roanoke, Virginia, requesting a stop light at the intersection of Cove Road and Harshberger Road. I " Copy of Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, Maintenance Division, Secondary System, Budget, for period from July 1, 1962, to June30, 1963, was this day received and ordered filed. y Copies of Map dated January 1, '1961, showing 1962-63, Tentative Secondary Budget, Primary and Secondary Highway Systems, Roanoke County, and Supplement Roanoke County Primary and Secondary Highway Systems received and ordered filed. I Upon the motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires, under the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1960, Cumulative Supplement, page 261 (Section 29-184.3) that the enforcement of the dog laws in said County be vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden, and said Board of Supervisors does hereby request the Judge of the Circcit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a Dog Warden an~ a Deputy Dog Warden to assist the Dog Warden in the dog inspection ac- tivities in dog law enforcement, from the following list, to-wit: I DOG WARDEN Ralph E. Long W. W. Henderson C. Ford Candler I DEPUTY DOG WARDEN Lewis Parker Harry Richardson, Jr. W. W. Henderson And it is further ordered that after the appointment of said Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden, by the Judge of the Circuit Court, that pursuant to said Section, the Treasurer of Rcanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax funds to the State Treasury, and that the said County, after said appointments, shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified 146 ..__.'... ---.--- ___n_. ..._ a.__ _...=.:::-~.=~~-_."'~"..,.__=._-'::,",__ ,-::-~,;:=~_,:, c;-:;:..::,C;;: -.' --o;o-_.,...----c,--,-..='""""_,-,-_...,....".~- .:=.~_-.= _.,_._~~_._.____ ._~_, ..m._.._' ___., ___.__._. __.__~_ ._....__...... - _______.. - __u .. _ ..... _.... ~;4L.""G- ~>f. -t1"ftJ ~ -frr- ~ r ;;: ..f/~-t1 . Xff::?~ ~ . ~(!~ j>-.<>/'. t'Y ... _'_'_"__'__'_ ~_~_._....__.'n__~__. --_.. - - .-,,'-.--- - ........ -.- Court House Salem, Virginia May 26, 1962 . The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county met this day at the Court House thereof at 9:00 o'clock A. M. pursuant to adjournment from May 21, 1962. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, " A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. A. C. Harris offered a prayer. IN RE: REZONING OF "CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LEE HIGffi1AY (U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11), WEST OF THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, KNOWN GENERALLY AS LOTS I, AND 5, OF THE 1. G. CLARK MAP AND 2.008 ACRES OF THE "COOK HEIRS" LAND, BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY LEE HIGHWAY, ON THE EAST BY MURRAY ROAD AND OTHER LAND OF THE 1. G. CLARK MAP, ON THE NORTH BY THE MAIN LINE AND RIGHT OF WAY OF THE NORFOLK & WESTERN (FORMERLY VIRGINIAN) RAIWAY. RESOLUTION I AND ORDER This day convened at 9:00 o'clock A. M. in the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, an adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on a request to re-zone certain real property, situate in Salem Magisterial District in Roanoke County, Virginia, on the north side of Lee Highway, (U. S. Highway Route No. 11)', west of the city limits of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, known generally as Lots 1 and 5, of the 1. G. Clark Map and 2.008 acres of the "Cook Heirs" land, bounded on the south by Lee Highway, on the east by Murray Road and other land of the I. G. Clark Map, and on the north by the main line and right-of-way of the Norfolk & Western (formerly Virginian) Railway. The land so described is owned by Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell, husband and wife, and is shown on Plat of Survey filed with the petition herein. WHEREAS, on March 19, 1962, the petition of Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell, husband and wife, was filed at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to Sections 15-846 and 15-847, Code of Virginia, as amended, to re-zone said land by amending the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted April 18, 1960; as amended; and WHEREAS, by resolution adopted March 19, 1962, the ~e-zoning petition of Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendations in accordance with Section 15-847 of the Code of Virginia (1950); and WiiEREAS, upon receipt of a certified copy of the resolution and order of this Board, the Plunning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, at a meeting held on April 24, J.962 , made an inspection of the above described land and fully investigated the merits of the request for re-zoning said property from Industrial District M-I to Business District B-2, and was of the opinion that a change of classification of said prqErty, as recommended i n said resolution, would be beneficial to Roanoke County at large, in that it would provide necessary and exceptionally desirable business development property, that the change of classification, as therein recommended, would promote the public interest, properity and ~fare of Roanoke County; the Planning Commission did ...__........_,-., .--_._._-~,._- ....'_n____......_ "____.___ I I I I I -147 ...._- -...,-.--.....- ,.... -.---- .--. ..- -- ---- ,.-----.-----. 0-__-._-,.-.,.--...---..,. ,. . ----~--~.- by resolution unanimously adopted at its meeting on April 24, 1962, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that all of the property petitioned to be rezoned and other property of the petitioners as hereinafter described, be rezoned from Industrial District M-I to Business District B-2; III i', and jIIIiiI hi WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did issue notice by publication, as required by Sections IS-846 and IS-847 of the Coue of Virginia, of the public hearing on the proposed amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance by legal advertisement which appeared in The Roa~oke Times, a newspaper having a general circulation in Roanoke County, and the Roanoke-World News, a newspaper having a general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, the publisher's certificate tbreof having been filed with the Clerk of this Board, the notice stating fully the time, place, and purpose of the public hearing and the place at which the text and map of the rezoning petition, certified by the Planning Commission. might be examined; and WHEREAS, more than fifteen (IS) days expired from the second publication of the above-described notice to May 26, 1962, the date of this public hearing; and WHEREAS, on May 26, 1962, commencing at 9:00 o'clock, A. M., in the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, there was condutted by this Board - a public hearing on said mquest of Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell; and WHEREAS, at said public hBring there was a full and complete discussion. of the merits of the proposal, the proposed use of the property, and full opportunity afforded all interested parties to express their views concerning this proposal; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the said public hearing and after full consideration of this Board it was unanimously agreed that the requested change in classification, as hereinafter set forth, will promote the public interest, prosperity, and we]Bre of the citizens of Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved at this regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors that the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, adopted April 18, 1960, as amended, be further amended to re-classify and re- zone the property as follows: Certain property in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, situate on the north side of Lee Highway (U. S.Highway Route No. II), west of the city limits of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, known generally as Lots 1 and 5, of the I. G. Clark Map and 2.008 acres of the "Cook Heirs" land, bounded on the south by Lee Highway, on the east by Murray Road and other land of the I. G. Clark map, on the north by the main line and right-of-way of the Norfolk & Western (formerly Virginian) Railway. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that this resol~tion and order be spread on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanokz County, Virginia, by the Clerk of this Board, and that the Clerk forthwith forward certified copies of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission, and to Frank R. Angell and Louise R. Angell, the petitioners herein, and Paul B. Matthews is directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the re-zoning ordered herein. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervi50r G. r-! ! ~ tJ' .. I c Hampton Mculse of Salem Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: 148 ~== :_~'.- .'-:-=-;:-_~-",'--::'.'-, .,.....~,..."...-----:"C-._,.,....,"'. 'C:-,,""",.~--"'-"':---'.'- -~--C;-.~',-:C:.-;'.-~-- ....---. ---....--- " ...... .. ----=-==--==.,."""'-:~_-=_"'-_'_:__-__:_==_:_,_:=._.=.._-.,...=".."__,.......,.,,.."'c~..=_:"-,..,.=::"~-_~:~_;"' ::-:::-~--::O-=--'-::'-'::-_:':::---~"'---,""='_'" --=.-_-;.c.-_-_-,::",--,c.-:'. ..-=:;":- ~;4'~ ~ A "-f1.-e -ri.~...A L -- /h-. -t~ cZ, ~(~ o. "". '- ,. ~~~ ,..~ ~'1f! ~ ')?-f' 7'J. . ~4k.. -1--. C;. ~ ~ ~_1-"t.y Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ' , IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON STATE ROUTE 119 of ORDER I x HENRY SCHOLZ, JR. This day came Henry Scholtz, Jr., by Counsel and asked leave to withdraw a certain petition which he filed with this Board on January IS, 1962, relative to rezoning of property on State Route #119, consisting of 1.47 acres, ~ad it appearing to the Board at its meeting held on May 21, 1962, the aforesaid matter was set down for a public hearing at the regular June meeting of this Board. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the petitioner be permitted to withdraw his aforesaid petition, and b~ it further resolved and ordered that the order of this Board of May 21, 1962, relative to the advertising of a public hearing in connection with the subject matlr be, and the same is hereby rescinded. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, r.. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I I .. IN RE: 28.60 ACRES, BEING TRACT NO.3 OF THE MAGGIE PATRICK "Wo'/ER" LANDS OF W. ClAYTON LEMON x .Q~QE;.~ This day came W. Clayton Lemon by Counsel and requested leave to file his petition relative to rezoning the property described therein. NOW, THBEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ANn ORDERED that at this SPECIAL meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 26th day of May, 1962, the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, ~.d the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as Equired by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of ti.is Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the Cl.erk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia I I and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy cf this resolutionand order be fo"thwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia 149 .'- '...., .--,.- _..~_._.__.__.- .- -,---.'-._- ._-_._,-_._---~-_._---". '.- ._- ....-..- ..... _.., ..'. - . ,_ ..."n' -,-'---'_.~--,.. ----.-.. -. .-~- ..... .-'-~----'--"--,, ';.:o'=~"'::::_,.~'"",:,_~-.'_" The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Nays: A. C. Harris, Hinor R. Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Ter.:eU' None ~ .. IN RE: COUNTY AUDIT: .- h. Moulse, it is ordered that the firm of Alexander Grant & Company, Certified Public Accounts, be employed to audit the records of Roanoke County for the On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton ~~A .~-t'7'J.~ fiSc~I~. $.. ~ ,p-. :;l<...G.,.. year ending June 30, 1962, at a cost not to exceed the sum of Forty-eight Hundred Dollars ($4800.00). Letter dated May 24, 1962, from said Company ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. Letters of Anderson & Reed, and Andrews, Burkett & Company, Certified Public Accountants, received and ordered filed. ,.. lIII .. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the 1,'1, ir~ ,"!'';'''4;;; .\:.-.,( ....?-~...; :. "f1()1 , "r". ~/Z. .~ Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by ~ ~ emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: : ~~.~ ~ r BEGINNING at a point on the west right-of-way line of Route 221 (Brambleton ':J Avenue) at its intersectin with the south Corporate Limits of the City of I ~ Roanoke; thence with the aforesaid right-of-way line 1,630 feet, more or I. a. less, in a southerly direction to the southwest corner of Brambleton Court ~ Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 122 of the records of the . . Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the i,/I'tj'i, 0..-' west boundary of the aforesaid Brambleton Court and leaving the west right- of-way line of Brambletgn Avenue, N. 33043' W., 186.36 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 2 II' E., 669.68 feet to the southeast corner of Brambleton Court, Section 2, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 228; thence' with a line leaving Brambleton Court and with the south boundaries of Brambleton Court, Section 2, She following bearings and dbstances: N. 87049' W., 664.22 feet, N. 2 II' E., 172.86 feet, N. 87 49' W'6 227.0 feet, S. 570 53' W., 60.53 feet; N. 87049' W., 295.29 feet, N. 1 06' E., 455.03 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of Brambleton Court, Section 2, and the northeast corner of Berwick Heights Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 200, and a point on the south boundary of Melody Acres as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 55; thence with the south boundarz of Melody Acres and being the north boundary of Berwick Heights, S. 89 57' W., 877.l1 feet to a point on the east right- of-way line of Route 682 (Garst Mill Road); thence with the east right- of way line of Garst Mill Road 3,200 feet, more or less, in a sOlJtherly direction to the point of intersection of the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Garst Mill Road and the west right-of-way line of Brambleton Avenue; thence continuing with the west right-of-way line of Brambleton Avenue in a southerly direction to the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and Cave SprineR~Qd (Route 119); thence with a line crossing Route 221 at right angles to the alignment of the west right-of-way line of Route 221, 360 feet, more or less, to a point 300 feet east of the east right- of-way line of Route 221; thence with a line parallel to Route 221 and 300 feet in distane from the afore~aid east right-of-way line of Route 221 in a southerly direction 1,750 feet, more or less, to the north right-of-way line of Route 687; thence with the north right-of-way line of Route 687 (Colonial Avenue), 1,500 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Route 720; thence with the north right- of-way line of Route 720 (Colonial Avenuel 318 feet, more or less, to a point On the said north right-of-way line of Route 720; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Colonial Avenue N. 270 36' W., 395.6 feet to a contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the f1 I ! :.Ii 150 -----_..--------... . - ,.-- -..--- _..~.~,-~- ...' __..... ~_.. __ 0_.. _._... _ ."... ....._ . .... -~.,_..,-_.. -.- --- -..-,-----.-.-----.- ,- .,.---.- ... ..-.....- ......-...---.. __.___________.. .__,.____._____.. ...______,_ _. _..__.__._._._,,_____.___.'.n____.. .. _____ ___. '.. __.._.. ".. __.______.._...... ._.'., __ '. _._______.__.____ u_ __.'0____. ...n '. _,.,..____. ...~_..__._ point; thence with a line S. 730 00' W., 394.6 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 0002' E., 1,199.8 feet, partly with the east boundary of the Sally T. Fralin 11.62 acre tract, to a point and said point be~ng the northeast corner of the Fralin tract; thence with a line S. 73 29' E., 438 feet to a point and said point being the norEhwest corner of the H. W. James 9.12 acre tract; chence with a line S. 27 36' E., 1,221 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of Route 720; thence continuing with the aforesaid north right-of-way line of Route 720, 5,100 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of Castle Hill Development, Section 2, as recorded in Plat Book 3. Page 31; and intersection with the east right-of-way line of Poplar Drive (Route 1604); thence N. 34000' W., 570 feet, more or less, with theeast right-of-way line to the south corner of Block I, Castle Hill Development, Sectton 3, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 115; theBce with the south boundary of Castle Hill Development, Section 3, N. 24 08' E., 1,854.85 feet to a point and said point being the northeast corner of said Castle Hill Development, Section 3; thence continuing N. 24008' E., 50 feet, more or less, with the east boundary of the M. I. Keffer property as recorded in Deed Book 530, Page 364, to the southeast corner of Greenwood Forest Subdivision, Section 3, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51; thence with the south and west boundaries of the aforesaid Greenwood Forest, Section 3, the following bearings and diatances: N. 640 33' 30" Wo' 200 feet, S. 250 26' 30" w., 90.26 feet, N. 75 23' W., &54.5 feet, N. 0 Ol' E., 3'65 feet, N. 220 13' E., 532.84 feet, S. 45 25' E., 86.25 feet, N. 49 05' E., l45.63 feet to a point on the west right-of-way line of Wedgewood Road (Route 1623); thence with the west right-of-way line of Wedgewood Road 470 feet, more o. less, to the point of intersection of the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Wedgewood Road and the south right-of-way line of Brambleton Avsnuej thence with the south right-of-way line of Brambleton Avenue, N. 51 12 E., 50.40 feet to the southeast corner of the intersection of Brambleton Avenue andoWedfewood Road; thence with a line crossing Brambleton Avenue, N. 38 48 W., 60 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that area including Berwick Heights Subdivision, H. S. Turner Subdivision, Mount Vernon Heights Sub- division, Castle Hill Subdivision, and the Mount Vernon School Property of the County School Board of Roanoke County, in all a total of 532, more or less, acres. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full I I extent , ! , I bedelivered by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such points as j . , , as if said areas wer~ therein set out in extension. (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall I are approved by the City's Director of Public Works or, the City Engineer, and that requisite measuring meters be installed at such points of delivery, by the County, if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph "c" hereof. (C) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City , of! i Roanoke that in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any or all i of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City assuming the obligation of' sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systems constructed, or hereafter constructed, in said areas hereinabove identified, with funds supplied by developers, or institutions, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to the Authority, or with contracts providing for reimbursement from connection fees, in whole or in part, and not built by the Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, will become the property of the City without any payment to the said I , Authority therefor, but subject to the rights of such developers and institutions to reimbursement in whole or in part, as provided for in their respective contracts with the said Authority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove I identified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by theprovisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. ;. -- .:,_:. ~-.. --. 151 . .- -- -.-" .--..-- --.'- -,.-.-------. ---..- .--. .-' -,-_._~.~--- -.. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in .full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None ~ ORDERED that the Board be ~ I the third Monday in June, 1962. ': ;I~ !j ~~CZ~ ChaJ.rman Court House. SalUl. Virginia. June 18, 1962. The Board ot Superrtsors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereot in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairaan, Minor R. Ketter, Vice-Chai1'lll8Il. A. C. Harris and G. HUlptou Moulse. Befor. the .....ting was call.d to ord.r R'T. H~ Warke Curry. Pastor of the i: Trinity Hethodist Church, Roanok., Virginia, offered a prayer. '!'h. II1nute8 ot the last regular and adjoUl'Ded ...tings were approved as spread, each ...ber ot the Board harlng read the copy of 8aid IIinutes furnished hill.by the Clerk. pq .. The tollowing claiDlS against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, towit: I~~ U No. . 06384 . . 06385 . . 06386 . 06387 . . 06348 . 06389 . 06390 . . 06391 . 06392 . 06393 . 06391t . 06395 o Roanoke County Revolrlng Fund, re-imburselllent . . Petty Cash Fund Times Register Co., Publishing County Budget . 1962-1963 . County School Board ot R. C., D1Sintenance Co. vehicles Sale.. Office Supply Co..pany, offices supplies tor various offices 67.53 53.75 761.40 87.35 VOID '" . . Hill Directory Company, 6 copies City Directory, VOID Salem Auto Parts, maintenance of County owned vehicles, 77.73 (May) 246..00 Yates & Wells Garage, repairs and parts County owned 21.95 vehicles Robert Dawson, Postmaster. Posta~ for County Treasurer '" James E. Peters. 2,000.00 Robert Dawson, Postmaster. postage for delinguent ~. tax collector's office 20.00 Woodhaven Press. stationery - Delinquent.Tax 132.l0 Collector and Electrical Permits tor . . Public Works Oftice. . .06396 Harvest Motors, parts tor County owned vehicles, llt.lt3 . 06397 Esso Standard Oil Co., gasoline purchased on 9.02 Courtesy Card . .06398 Overton'S Esso Servicenter, wash job on 5903 1.25 . 06399 Magic City Motor Corporation, parts tor County owned 120.93 vehicles . 06400 Furman ~itescarver, Roanoke County Law Library 75.00 . Asso. dues tor Judge F.L.Hoback and Judge Norman Moore, 1/2 year 152 __ ~-O-.".-OC~"""""--'-=---~--:'---::'~;.""-_.""".-;- ,.......,-;--,:..---,."_--~_-:._----.-.---. "-'''''-.''": . F="'-' '''--~'''--=,.,.-",-~=.=___,=. -'-:0-:=-=-=-"" -.-=.-""-,-;-_"=-~-.,,", ;-"'",-===~=;""".~~_';.' -_:-_~_-"_-.::.--o= .c -00'-,.--=-=-.-:-.-0,-,-'''''''''- _-~;'-C-'"'.. C'.-.?-' I j I , Ho. 06401 w 06lt02 w 06lt03 . 06ltOIt '1. 06lt05 ,w 06lt06 , ' :i" 06lt07 . 06lt08 w 06lt09 ;~ " 06ltlO ;: . 06ltll 'w 06lt12 , . 061.13 ::. 061.14 ' . 06415 . 06lt16 . 061.17 . 06l.18 '. 06519 . 06l.20 . 06l.21 ,. 061.22 . 06423 ;. 06424 w 06425 , . 06lt26 . 061.27 . 06l.28 . 06429 . 06l.30 . 06l.3l . 06l.32 . 06lt33 . 06It31t . 064.35 . 06lt36 , . 06lt37 w 06lt38 ... "_'__".._ n__.._.___.'.____.. - ----.-.........-....-------,..,. W. w. Garman, May and June Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire House 120.00 Clearbrook L10n's ClUb! Paul. A. Hartlalln, Treasurer May and June Rent on C earbrook '1re House J. W. Griggs & W. H. W1tt, May and June Rent on Cave Spring, Fire House . Michie COlllp8ny, Law books tor Judge F. L. Hoback, Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Po!tage tor Roanoke County Court ottice, City Auditor. Roanoke City, roo. and board tor children,at City Detent10n Home James K. Bryant, re-1IlIburs8laent traveling expenses May - Probation Oftleer Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., re-imburs8IRent traveling , , " expenses - Chisi' Probation Officer (May) .. Charles L. Breeden,-Jr., re-1mburs8llent traveling " expenses - May, Probation Officer Auto Spring & Bear1ng Co., supplies for wsshing cars & batteries Auto Parts, parts tor vehicles Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, repairs and parts Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner Investigatiol18, Virginia May Pentecost Dr. R. B. Smiley, Coroner & Lunacy Cases McClung'Lumber Co, Repair Material' Mo~ch, Finer 'oods, &od for Priaoners (Oven PIWlbj,ng Com~ ' ( Repair work on jail ' (Stull Refrigeration Sales Co.) " Dpair to J"ail Refrigerator ) Yirdn1a Foods Inc.) Faoll tor prisoners ) C. E. Boone Sheritt ) ReiJlblU'se i'ood tor prisoners ) Frigid Fre8se Frosen FOOds, Food for Prisoners , -, '.' .. W. T. Rierson S!ore, Food tor prisoners Fouts Sausage C~mpany, Food for prisoners Rainbow Market, Food for Prisoners AmericanCh8lll1cal Co. Diiiinfectant for Jail Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry Prisoners Deluxe Laundry'& Cleaners, Laundry -- Prisoners , Arrow Hardware Co. Supplies Hollins Fire House Antrim Motors Inc., Parts for 5002 Truck Void Malcolll Blue Print Supply, Maps Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House , Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Kouse , Town ot Sal_, MainteD8nce of Fire Truck housed in Town of .al_ Station July 1, 1961 June 30, 1962 ' Sal8111 Radiator Sel'Y1ce, Parts tor Hollins Fire Truck Standard Parts Corporation * 19.50 24.00 122.00 610.75 31.99 65.89 8.910 52.1t3 13.30 10.00 190.00 5.1t0 99.09 .131.21 12.00 140.92 1.85 96.1t6 18.00 37.80 3.13 95.29 33.28 8.100 1.47 11.21 I I I 120.00 120.00 I 8.62 8.85 28.50 519.70 7.00 57.68 I c4r!1B.t"d Cook, Service on Welfare Board, fiscal year ending June 30, 1962 " 100.00 Edwin G. Terrell, Sel'Y1ce on Welfare Board for fiscal year ending June 30, 1962 ' 100.00 154 .- .------ -- ~---~- -- .- -- _._-~.. "----,.---.--.- ~ - -.-,..-""-----,-",--,------ ._'.- -. -,-- ----'..... -..-. '.._- -. ....... . ~ -......... ...--. .. . .. ...' ... -- - .- ._.. _....___.______.n........ mo' . _.__~__ ,,__._.__ ___nO __. "'._'___ . ___._.__ ____._____ .'.._.,__ ,..n._ .,_"."0 ___ ___. ._. __. ..._ _0" __ _. n_'_ __n'__"__ _._.._.._ ...._....._ -..---...--.....--'------- --- ..--.......-..-.--... No. Q6478 American Oil Company, Oil Purchased for Distribution at Co. Garage 'tI .. 06479 06480 06481 06482 06483 06484 Treasurer, N & W Railway Co. Rent on Space :Void'" - :", :'., ___.' American La France, Fire Hose ... -.,.---.. .-..-------.."--.---- __ m. W _ ',_'._on,.__ 0' .._,___.. . -'- -"",, ....-.... ----- ...--...--.----....---. .. ---'-.".'----' .-.--.-- --"'----.--- ---- ~ 89.10 7.00 1,949.22 69.00 37.65 I , :" .. . " . '. 06485 06486 General Fire Extinguisher Co. Fire Hose Nelson Hardware Co. Electric Fans 35.00 99.95 I " .. If 06487 0648S 06489 06490 06491 06492 06493 06494 06495 06496 06497 Internatfonal Business Machine Co. Maintenance,Agreement on IBM Typewriter for July 1, 1956 - JUly 1, 1963 Acme Printers Co., Office Supplies and Book Binding ~. B. Clements, Inc., Repairs and Parts Salem Fire-Truck and parts far distribution Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs to Police Car 6001 SUmmerdean Esso Station, Repairs, Parts Etc. Police'Car, Fire Truck Void Add~ssograph Multigraph Corpo. Office Supplies . Void Pitney-Bowes Inc. Rental fee on Postage Machine for Tre~s. Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Cases Radio CODllllUnications Co. Radio Maintenance for Police Cars Brown Hardware Co. Electric Heater for Co. Court and Hdw. 1l.l7 6.00 21.95 3.45 39.00 20.00 22.50 30.04 8.53 20.62 ..I . . .. If " . .. If :. Cave Spring Water Co., Water Service for Cave Spring Fire .. louse- Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring and Mt. Ple~sant Fire Houses . 0649S Brambleton Gulf Service, Gasoline purchased for C.S. Fire Truck 7.24 ... .06499 Void .." 06501 R. C. Pittman, Reimburse traveling expenses Co-Ordinator of Civil Defense , " 06502 State Office Supply Co., Repairs to Royas Typewriter used in office of Civil Defense . .06503 Richard L. Tisinger, Reimburse Traveling Expense Re: Civil Defense Program , " 06504 Barney E. Craddock, Reimburse Traveling' Expense Re: Civil Defense Program Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Police Car 6204 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy Case - Alcohol Test Auto Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Clearbrook Fire Truck Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant,Inc. Premium on Bond for P. B. Matthews and Premium on Workman's Compensation Ins._ . .. 06556 J~es E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse J~y Tickets and postage '. .. 06505 06506 06507 " '. .. 06555 06557 " 06558 06559 06560 06561 06562 06563 06564 Q6565 06566 " .. II . " " " " Jane Higgs, Extra Office Assistant in Delinquent Tax Collector's Office Everette Waddey Company, Record Books Clerk(Will Book 17) Xerox Corporation, Office Supplies, Clerk. City Treasurer, Room and Board for Children at Detention Home Void Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing Apparel Sheriff'S Office Williams Auto Alignment, Labor on Police Car 283 Void Void Rainbo Bread Co. Food for Prisoners 55.72 31.25 40.00 40.00 2.50 20.00 29.34 I 2,!l05.l9 2l2.S3 160.46 61.37 57.10 92.00 I :36l.55 6.00 65.66 r ~n 06563 Robert Dawson1 Postmaster, Postage for Distribution i! ' to various ofl'ices ' !i. 06564 Dr. S. D. Carey, Commitment Cases I: 1'- 06565 G. Carl'Matthews, Expense Member of R. C. Planning Comm. i- 06566 T. D. Steele, Expense Member of R. C. Planning Commission i. 6 .. Ii 0 507 Edward B. Lassiter, Expense Member of R.C. Planning Comm. i* 06566 ~~I~iam H.' Witt . l i. 06569 /Expense as Dllmber of R.C. Planning Commission l5.00 i. 06590 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, Expense of Welfare 3,848.06 · 06591 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 2,227.55 · 06592 University of Virginia Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 2,ll9.90 'l. .t IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: Ii The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved I' and ordered to be paid by Voucher-Checks out of the funds respectively chargeable i! therewit.h, to-wit: 'I I' No. 06500 Ralph Long, Reimburse Traveling expenses Transporting dogs to ii . Maryland May 23,24,25. (Junior Richardson &: Ralph Long) 52.35 , i, · 0650/l Robert Duncan, 7 Chickens &: 4 Ducks killed by Dogs 7.50 , ii. 06509 E. W. Kingery, 4 Hens killed by Dogs 4.00 i, Ii" 06510 . Mrs. A. L. Markham, 5 Laying Hens Killed by Dogs 5.00 " "- 06511 Thomas A. Weeks, 85 (4 week old) Chickens killed by dogs 42.50 i" 06512 County School Board of R.C. Maintenance of Dog Truck 16.85 ,i - 06513 Esso Standard Oil Co. Gasoline purchase on Courtesy Card' 6.69 ii I! It 06514 Farmer's Exchange Mills, Dog Food 36.00 i iilt 06515 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Tape and Rope for Dog Pound :3.87 :;11 06516 OWen Plumbing Co., Labor at Dog Pound '7.52 "" 06517 Goodwin ADdrews-Bryimt L'1s. bo. 5.00 0651/l 06519 06520 06521 " No. ~ .. , I I"'. I: il " " " I, , i' " I' " il :i It !i !' i ;i It ji 1: · !; lit I 'I !I. i, il ii- " iI- ti .. i --' !~W~ i i ~ i. 0 ;. i" 1'. ill " 06567 0656/l 06569 06570 06571 06572 06573 06574 06575 " " " . It " 06576 06577 0657/l 06579 065/l0 065/l1 065/l2 ._~.'-C.--'-_.''''':_'=' ~C-~._;-. ~-_.c...''''''~._'-'''~'... =. ";',-'-'_-~-O;.__.--'-__._ Fyr-Fyter Sales &: Service, Chemicals, Etc. 33./l5 C &: P Telephone Co. Telephone Cave Spring Fire Houses Void Service for Bent Mt. &: 43.30 Standard Parts Corpo., Parts Cave Spring Fire Truck Waddell Hospital, Inc. Hospital Bills for Welfare Void 44.92 37.00 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy Case Murray A. Foster, Lunacy Commission Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse iJinner Meeting, Expense for Planning Commission June 4, 1962 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra Help in Engineer's Office 190 Hours @ l.75 per hour . Eudora Judd, Extra Office Asst. in Engineer's Office 107 Hours @ 1.00 per hwr . Roanoke Mills, Inc. Listing town elections May 25, 1962 Booler T. Helm, Repairing Chair and making table for Juvenile Court Office. White Spot Supply Co., Janitor Supplies, lO.OO IO.OO 18.95 272.31 /l4.56 l07.l0 42.50 30.19 50.71 Hajoca Corporation, Caldwell Sites Co., Clerk's Office Steel pipe for Street signs 1 Olive Green File Cabinet for l84.50 l6.00 40.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Radio Communications Co. Radio Maintenance Dog Truck 33.00 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food 17.30 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Dog Truck 4.3/l Sal_ Office Supply Co.. Office Supplies 4.32 155 .._---~..,,....... 156 ,~"""",":':--__"""'''''-'-__'---'-':_'_'''''_''''~''_'''''~_____'._.,.._..,.___. ..>_____"u___ _ .~= ~'==~~, ".~~~~.=~ ~-c. '=, ~-,:' '~_O". JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following rePort: -salemi Virginia, .June 8, 1962. To the Board of SuperYisors of R8coke County: At the close of business June 16, i962, there was General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem Disteict Road Debt Fund School.Construction Fund School Debt Retirement School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account ( J. B. McNeal) Deferred Credit Account IJ. E. Peters), I to the credit of the $561,121.17 , 6,878.05 71.93 131,204.54 . 5,483.50 3,01S.23 4,644.S9 422.61 9S.30 '712,943.22 I Respecttully submitted, , James E. Peters, Treasurer.- Said report is approved and ordered filed. "- Copies del to On .otion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the Trus., Co. ' Bookkeeper 5: month, of June, 1962, be approved in the amount of *8,996.45, from which the SWR CO. Ex.Otficer 6/20/62 of $232.48 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and the SWR of $873.05 total'W.'H. Taxes, are 'I to be'deducted, luYing' a net payroll ot *7 ,S90.92~ i .~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperYisors Edwin G. Terrell, JI1nor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: Hone. I , ICopies del. to' iTreas.,Cc.Book- ikeeper 5: Co Ex. ,Officer ; 6/20/62 Copies del to Treas. Co.Book- llllsper 5: 60. Ex.Officer 6/20/62 I "- On motion. duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse iJollection and Janitor Service for period May 16. 1962. ending May 31, 1962, be approved in the .-aunt of *3.836.aIt. from which *119.91 total F.I. C. A. Taxes; $212.90 . total w. H. Taxes, and *44.80 :lnaurance is to be deducted. leaYing a net payroll of *3,459.23: And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period June 1, 1962, ending June 15, 1962. be approved in thlll amount of $4..003.68, from which $125.12 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $218.10 total W. H. Taxes and *44.80 insurance, are to bededucted~ leaving ~ net payroll of $3.615.66. Adoptllld by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell. JI1nor R. Ketter. A. C. Harris and G. Hempton Moulse. I I Hays: lone. J On IIOtion, duly seconded. it is ordered t~at the following voucher-checks be approved. retro-active to date of issuance. towit: Voucher-cheek #6365 in the amount of *37.80 made payable to Appalachian , Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire House; Voucher-check #6366 in the amount of *513.67 made payable to C & P Telephone Compauy for service at County Offices; Voucher-check #6372 in the amount of $28.49 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at dog pound; ...-....-...'."....-,. ..----.-'"--...---.---..---- _._~. - ......n . .-'_~ ___. .'. .-.---......-. --~---- -~,~.. - "-. _. -_._,---~..- .'-'- ..... -'-~--------------~-.- /7- i'l " Ii I' 1; Voucher-check #6373 in the amount ot $16.50 made payable to C 4: P Te~ephone . . Company tor sernce at Dog Wardlln's ho.e; , Voucher-check #6376 in the amount of $23.3~ mad. payab1. to Roanoke Sas . Company for fuel at home demonstration kitchen, jail , and Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #6377 in the amount of ..3.25 _de payable to Roanoke linen , ,Service for towel service; , Voucher-check /16378 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft _ Water Service for rental of water softner at Hollins .' Fire Houae; Voucher-check #6379 in the &lIlOunt of $9.00 ude payable to Roanoke County , ,. Sanitation Authority for sewage treatment at Hollins Fire , . Station; , Voucher-check #6380 in the amount of $529.42 _de payable to Town ot Sal~ __ ,for light, water and sewage service; , Voucher-check /16381 in the 8.lllount of $17.15 _de payable to Appalachian ,,' Power Company for, current used at Bent Mountain Fire Ilouse; _ Voucher-check #6383 in the 8.lllount of $54.79 ude payable to C 4: P Telephone .. . Collpany for service at Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Houes; ~ c Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. letter, A. C. Harris and G. HaIIIpton Moulse. . lays: lone. " On action of Supervisor Minor R. Ketfer, seconded by Supervisor G. H_pton Maulse. it is ordered that the following accounts this day subllitted to the Board. for traveling expeJ1lles of m8lllbers of the Roanok. County Planning Co.maaion. be approved for paylllent, towit: n - G. Carl Matthews $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 'Co pie., del.. -i~o Treali. Co. 'Bookkeeper 4: Co Ex Otfic~r 6/20/62 )1 , I! 'I 1: if I: i' ! il. ( . Ii T. D. Steele idwardB. Lassiter . - Willi.. H. Witt Adopted by the tollow.l.ng recorded vote: Ayes: Supernsors Minor R. Keffer, G. H8.lllpton Moulse. Edw.l.n G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. ll\Ys~ )lone. " t:l II RE: DELINQUENT TAIES COLLECTED By. Clerk:. Cl 'l'he Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAKES E. PETERS, Treasurer~ for $2.642.77. on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the 1I0nth of May, 1962. less collllll1ss1ons, and turned over to said Treasurer. said check amounting to $2.510.63 net. ~ 'l'he follOwing reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff. office and travel expenses for the month 01' May, 1962; , C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, SWlllll81'Yot prilloner days served in the Roanoke Count.y Del to CQ BQ9k jail tor the month of Kay. 1962; keeper O/~O/02 EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, tor 1;11e mont.h of May, 1962; LOWELL H. GOBBLE. Assistant. County Agent, for the month of Kay. 1962; RuBIJlETTE MILLER, Home D8IIIonstration Agent, for the acnth or Kay, 1962; SHERRILL V. HASSIE, Asl!1stant HOllie Demonst.ration Agent, for the month of Kay, 1962. 158 .____.__ ~__.,_____..~._._, ___~_.._ "'__'___~~ .~._.____u_.__. __ .,__u_.____... - - . ,_" . ._. _n_' ._ _'.._n_._._ n_ nn" ._._ ........_. "",__.__, '. ...:0:."-"",".::.,=-=-==,,,,=_...,.;.-=--=-;.- '_0.==-="-""--"""-.'''".0'''''...0.''.00..:0.::...''-'-==-,,:-..:=-_''-'-_''--' -":'" .;.c_.;.~ _ _ __~,_.::_.=-."'''-...-'''~..~c''~_-,,_ ~J..1. t n 'i II RE: ROANOKE COUITY WELFARE BOARD . C . ~'.' , , , , AT1THORIZA'nOR, FOR. PADlBBT OF r C:.; ALL STATE,.LOCAL HOSPITAL BILLS ~. !.-/u;J..i BFFECTIVE JUliE .30, 1962: . ,'- c.-e... ~.k On IIOUon of SuperTisor' A. c.' Barrie, seconded by Supervisor G. Hopton , ~ ~ .')'}j. e. JIoulae, i ~ is ordered 'that this Board approves ~he payment of all State-Local Hos- i, ~ir:~ pital bills incurred by the Roanoke County Weltare Board through June .30, 1962. ~~_ ~ Adopted by the following recorded yote: ~'7.- : Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Ketfer and , I Edwin G. Terrell. Rays: lione. I I ~ IJi RE: REZORIIiG PROPERTY AT THE SOu'fl1W1ST,.CORHER OF. ROm 11 AID, ABUY ROAD. . of GREIILAID DEViLOPKEIT CORPORATION, et, also . ' , - , . ' , .. " ) ~ l ) l Final Order. Copy 'this order del to e,~.RCl', Co. Plan. COil. At a geeting ot the Board ot Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held I: copy ..iled h C h J 8 1 6 to T. L.Plunket!; t e ourt ouse on une 1, 9 2. Jr.~ Atty. WRRRRl~ Greeniand Deye10nment Corporation et als, petitioned this Board Rke Va. ' .- , 6/20/62' and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be ..ended so as to proYide that certain property described in said petition be resoned and reclassified as -Baainaas B-I-, which petition was by this Board referred to the Plamling COSII1saion' o~ Roanoke County for recollllllendation in accordance with the provisions I of the Code of Virginia; and, WRRR~4~, ~he PlaDDing ComMission of Roanoke County by a resolution adopted on Hay'29, '1962, atter hearing evidence touching'on the lIerits ot said pe~ition, rec.o_ended to this Board that the Count.y 10ning Ordinance be lilIIended so as to change t~e classification of the said property to -Business B-2-; and WRmRlS, the Board of Supervisors did by order ent.ered on Kay 21, 1962, order" that the Clerk of this Board set tile request down for a public hearing on June 18, 1962, and giye notice tJlereof by publication in aC'cordance with the requirements ot the County Zoning Ordinance 8.:ld the Code of Virginia; and WHER~l~, the Clerk of this Board did give notice by adl'8rtiseDlent published in the Roanoke World Newa, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by two insertions on the 29th and 31st days ot May, 1962, as required by the order of this Board, and in accordance with the proYisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, of the hearing at 2:30 P.M. on June 18, 1962, on this peti~ion; and WHER~A~. said hearing was this date had on the said proposed lilIIendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, atter notice thereof was duly published, as as atoresaid; and WHRF~A~, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the recOGllendation of the County Plamling Commission, and atter hearing evidence touching on the lIerits of said proposed oendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be lilIIended as requested by said petition, and as recommended by the County Planning Commission. lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AID ORDERED that at this lIeeting of the .Board of Su~r~isors otRoanok~ c~unty, Virginia, held on 'the 19th day of June, I I I 159 . ",' .....d _ ._. -_..,-~.- _ _..._ 'O.....__U_ ".....-.-'..-. 1962, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby ...&ded 30 as to classify the'prop;rty described in said petition as DBusiness B-2D property. .' . The property hereby classified a3 DBusiness B-2D is .ore particularly described as that property s1t!1&te at the southwest corner of U. S. Route 11 and Abney . It ;, Ii Road fronting 200.06 teet on u. S. Route 11 and 145.75 feet on Abney Road. " ii 'I Ii ii It ia further resolved and ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioner. ~ The foregoing resolution wss adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, " II Ii " Ii and seconded by SuperYisor G. Hampton Maulse, and on the recorded vote, the [I .I Ii I' :' Ii jj " '1 SuperYilOrs voted as follows, towit: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Hays: Bone. I C IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY , OB S'1'ATE RT., 24 ' ' of ' , T. HARTIN BUSH ) ) ) ) Final Order. Copy del to "Q R C ' :j wee. oa 0" i: Plan Com &: held) copy mailed to 'i Thos. M. Dar Ii Atty., 'i Vinton, Va. : 6/20/02 At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, c ii Ii at the Courthouse on June 18, 1962. Ii il :' WllERlW~ T. Martin Bush did petition this Board and requested the Zoning Ordinance 'or Roanoke County be amended so as to proYide that certain property described in said petition, now classified as Business B-1, be classit1ed as Industrial M-l, which petition was filed at a Special Meeting of this Board on the ~ 30th day of Aprll, 1962, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WFRRKAS said P18nning Commission, by resolution adopted at a Special Meeting on the 15th day of May, 1962, after hearing evidence touching on the " merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to change the classification of tbe property described in the petition to Industrial 14-1 property; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order entered on tbe 30th day of April, 1962, as aforesaid, order that tbe Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwitb set the same down for a public bearing at the next peradssible regular or special .eating of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 18th day of June, 1962, at 3:00 p. m. as the date and tt.e for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke Times and the Roanoke World News, newspapers having general circula- tion in tbe City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions (on the 26th day of May, 1962, and on the 27th day of May, 1962), as required by said c 160 --------.-.-----. --_..~-_._-- - -.- ',' ..-.--' ---_.-,-.-.- _..:=_,---- =c:-".~"'".:;,=~"',-_"'o=_"'_o==-- :::.---=,_-.;,c----...~..,_.,...,.,..__:_:_' -_,_-'--~-..._..-~-.,., '-:-." ."- I 2 copies del . to E.W. CHELF, : Atty., '" copy . . del. to Sec. 'Roa. Co.Plan Coa. I 6/20/62 ~-- ...._._- ---- - -- -- -._~- order of this Board and in accordance with the pronsions of the Zoning Ordinance' of Roanoke County and the Code of Virginia; and ~~I~ said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County by this Board after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS this Board, after ginng careful consideration to said petition and to said' reco_enciation of . the Planning Collllll1ss1on and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County should be amended as requested.in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; BOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of SupernsorsofRoanoke ccunty,-Virg1nia~heid on the 18th day of June, 1962, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, be, and the same is hereby. aaended 80 as to classify the property described in said petition as Industrial M-l property. The property hereby classified as Industrial M-l property is more' particularly described as follows. towit: A tract of land lying on the south side of Stat9 Rt. 24 and bounded on the east by the west line of the Dixie Drive-In Theater. on the south by a creek, and on the west by State Rt. 651.. I I lit' IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this 'resolution and'o~er to the Secretary of the Planning Collllll1s8ion of Roanoke County. Virginia. and a copy to T. M. Darnall, attorney for the petitioner~ On motion of Supernsor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Houlee and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperviaDrs A. C. Harris. G. Hampton Houlse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Kef'f'er~ I lays: lone. J C Iii RE: REZOIIIG OF PROPERTY ON TIlE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF COVE ROAD (Va. STATE SECOIiDARY HIGHWAY HO. 116) OF c. P. BROGAN AND LENA A. BROGAH Husband and wite. ) ) ) ) Final Order. ) I WHEREAS, C. P. Brogan and Lena A. Brogan, husband and wife. did.on the 21st day 'of May, 1962, petition the Board ot Supervisors or Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Comin1ssion of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County. Virginia, so as to pronde that cer'tain property described in said petition, and more fully hereinafter described, and DOW classified as eResidence-R-l Property. be re-zoned and reclassified a8 .Agricul~ure-A-l Property.; and WHEREAS. The Board of Supervisors of said County, did by a resolution adopted on the 21st day of May. 1962. refer said Petition and Proposal to Amend said Zoning Ordinance to the Planning COJllIllission of Roanoke County. Virginia, as required by said Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, for a recommendatio:[1 in I - -,. --._-----.. _~_._ ,_ ._____... - _u.- ~ i ' I,,; "'"" i f I'.'" -'\ I;At i } , I -.l /4 I; ! ~ .--.. -.- ------ -------..--" -" -'. , ' .- -. --.--.. -.....- .. ---. -~- - -. "-- "-.-----.--.---- ..."-- -..-----.-"-..-'------ Jl Ii " 'i accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, ii \fIlRI124S, said Plann1n..Commission did by a resolution adopted at its meeting :i il ..." I, held on.the 29th day of May, .1962, recommend.to the Board of Supervisors of said ! County, that aaid County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change the classification of ~he hereinafter describad property of the petitioners, from its present classification of .Residence-R-l Property. to .Agriculture-A-l Property.,i as requested in said petition; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its resolution ~ adopted on the 218~ day of May, 1962, as &toresaid, order <;he Clerk of said !i ii II 'I II Ii rl II ii il Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down tor a public hearing, at the next regular aeeting or apecial lIeeting of aaid Board of Supel'Tlsora, and to gl ve notice thereof by publication, in accordance with the providons of sald County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and .i lfIlP21!'l, The Clerk of this Board did fix the Regular Meeting of this Board, II to be helci' on the l$th day of J~e, 1962, at 2:45 o'clock P.M., as the day' and r .' i, tille for a public hearing on said proposed aaendlllent to said County Zoning ,I I' I' I' II ~: Ii i! " r ~ ~ Ii r Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the Roanoke World-Re.., a newspaper publisbed and having general circulation in the County or Roanoke, Virginia, by one insertion in said newspaper on the 18t day of June, 1962, and by another insertion in said newspaper on the 2nd day of June, 1962, as requested by said order of this Board of May 21, 1962, and as required by and in accordanl.le with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the i: n ~ Code of Virginia, the last of sdd publications being atle&lt fifteen (15) days Ii I' Ii before tile day set for said hearing, all of which is as shown by a Certificate of the Editor of said ne1l8paper, filed with the papers herein; and WlmR21S, this Board has given careful consideration to said Petition and to '! I I: said recolllllenriations of said Planning Colllll1ssion, an9. has heard evidence touching I: j: Ii F I; /: Ii ;, jl I: on the aerits of said proposed uendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this ': Board being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be lIIIIended as requ..ted in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: I: That a~ - tMs Replar Keeting ~t the &ard' of Supervisors of Roanoke County, I I, Virginia, held on this the 18th day of J~e, 1962, the said County Zoning Ordinance , ' I' i: of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and tile sllllle is hereby amended so as to change the I: classitication of tile property of tha Petitioners from "Residence-R-l Property. , ;' to "Agricu1ture-A-l Property. in order 'that said property and the buildings that , - - Ii ..y hereatter be'ereeted thereon may be used for "Agriculture-A-l P~rpo8es"a8 " ii defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. I: I' The property hereby re-classitied and re-zoned trom "Residence-R-l Property. to .Agrir.ulture-A-l Property. is more particularly described as follows:- - All of that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in , Sal.. Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as foll01l8, towit: BEOlG known and designated as Lot Ho. 5 and a portion of Lot Ho. 6, as shown ,on the Map of the C. F. Webster property, prepared by C. B. Malcolm S. C. E., dated October 4, 1935, and being also designated as Lots#l to 19, both inclusive on tbe westerly side of a proposed 40 foot street and Lots 11 to 16 both inclusive on tbe easterly side of said proposed 40 foot street 161 162 ~~~ e~. 'mil t 11::7"_ ~ ~c... lY~OY.- ~ b/~'''' i I ! I t i ; I I . ..1 ;.[ ~ I , i ~' ,.1 . :: i ~;l :\ 2,,1 >.,/. .~ ~"'. ' <"'1 . . ","- ~j ~~,i ... .r{~l :5.,,"; ~,-:-:- I ,~~-..I "1:'.,. ..'~_-,," ,.-:----:.,..- ','''"'C,'''':.""", . 'c:'"'-".'- ~.,._:___n_'_:~'~_""""_,,,._"'''''''._ , _.n.._....__._.u.. _...._...d' _,._ ..- "--"--.'--"-"" .' __ ',_,___..." .. _ n . --.------- ..-......-- ---... .....~--_...__._----_..- . --"".-.. -.....-..-. .---.. --.--......--.--. as shown by a Map showing Pre'i.ifta~ Lo~ Layou~ Proposed Trailer Court property of C. F. Brogan, s1tua~e ~1IO 1II11ea nol"th of Roanoke Ci~y L1m1~' Roanoke Ccunty, Virginia, made by J. A. Brogan,C. L. S. May 25, 1961, and also beiftg a part of ~he same property here~ofore conTeyed ~o Lena A. Brogan from C. F. webs~eri e~c., e~ als, by deed da~ed Oc~ober 9 1935, and of record in the C erk's Office of the Circu1~ Court or Roanoke County, Virginia, in deed book 234, at page al, which said property was ~hereaf~er conveyed froll Lena A. Brogan and C. P. Brogan w C. P. Brogan and Lena A. Brogan husband and wife, as ~enan~s by ~he en~ire~ies re~aining ~he righ~ of survivorship, bJ deed da~ed June 7L 1961, and of record in ~he aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 66'(, a~ page 362. . AllD, IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AIlD ORDERED: Th8t the'Clark'of this Boardfor~hwi~h 'cer~ify a copy of ~hese ud order w ~heSecre~ary of the Roanoke Coun~y . Plua1ng Commission, copies ~hereof ~o'E. w. Chelf, A~~orney for ~he Pe~i~ioner.' , j I ! ! l I i , , l ; , 1 ! i j I resolu~ions , i , , 1 and ~1IO The Foregoing Resolution and Order was adop~ed on the JIIOtion of Supervisor i , G. Hampton Koube, of Salea Magis~erial Dis~rict, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. ! Keffer, of Ca~awba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vo~e, ~he Superrl.sors TO~ed as follows; ~owi t: ~ Ayes: G. HUlp~on Houlee, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. lays: lone. ; I I I 1 I j 1 i t ! j , I I j i \ l ~ J (:, II RE: ) } J ) } Order, Rezoning of Property in Cave Spring Magis~erial Distric~ Roanoke Coun~y, Virginia. PETITIOI OF GEORGE W . GRAVES and WILLIAM A. GRAVES This day E. W. Chelf, Attorney for George W. Graves and Willi811 A. Graves, appeared before ~his'Board and reques~ed leave ~ file a pe~ition on behalf of said parties, rela~ive ~o rezoning certain lo~s or parcels of real es~a~e, more fully described in Paragraph No. 1 of said Petition, and which said parcels of real estate are situate in Cave Spring Magisterial Dis~rict, Roaccke Coun~y, Virginia, and which said peti~ion con~ains, among o~her ~h1Dga, the follOwing allegations:- (l) Tha~ ~he peti~ioners, Geroge W. Graves and Wlll1811 A. Graves are purchaaing the hereinbefore described real es~a~e fro. Giles Real~y Company on a con~rac~. (2) Tha~ said proper~y described in said pe~i~ion is now classified under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as "Residence-R-l Proper~y" and tha~ they, desire to have said property rezoned from "Residence-R-I" ~o "Business-B-l Proper~y". And it appears to this Board ~ha~ ~he use of said property situa~e in Cave Spring Magisterial Dis~rict, Roanoke Coun~y, Virginia, for "Business-B-l use,\ as aet forth in the petition riled herein, might be beneficial ~o the Coun~y, a~ large, and in ~he rlcini~y in quea~ion, in particular HOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. AliD ORDERED:- Tha~ a~ ~his regular .ee~ing of ~he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held ~his la~h day of June, 1962, the peti~ion of the said George W. Gravea and Willi811 A. Graves. be. and the same i8 hereby filed; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: Tha~ ~he proposal ~o Ulend said zoning ordinance so as to change the classification of said property reques~ed ~o be rezoned in said petition from its presen~ classifica~ion of "Residence-R-l I I I I c c /~ .. ~ c .'~~ -- -----.p-~-~...--.,..-,-." ~---_.---~--- Property. to .Business-B-l Property. as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance, , . be, and the saae ,is hereby referred to the Planning Colllllliae1on of Roanoke County, Virgiaia, tor reco..endations in accordance with the pr07isiona of Sec. 15-847 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTIIKR RESOLVED AIiD ORDERED: That the said Planning Colllll1ssion shall report'its ~ec~..endationa'to theClerk'of.this Board, as required by Statute; that upon receipt of said recoamendations by said Clerk, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith eat the salle down for public' hearing at the first pe~ssible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by {:ublication, in accordance with the prod8ions of Sec. lS-a~ of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER REsOLVED 'AID ORDERED: That one certified Copy of these rasolution~ be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. . MattheWII, Secretary of the PlallJ11ng CoIlllliSSion of Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a copy of the 'petition of George W. GravIS and William A. Graves. The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Kefter, and seconded by SuperTisor A. C. HarriS, and on recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, towit: Ayes: Min~~ R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Maulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Hays: Hone. , .C I) " ,I .. j: 'I " 'I This day, R. S. Kime, of the law fiI'lll of Kime and Jolly, Attorneys, acting for and on behalf of the ComROnwealth of Virginia, tendered to this Board Commonwealth of Virginia General'Warrant No.g42449, dated March 8, 1961, in the amount of Twe!TlThousand, Four Hundred Sixty (12,460.00) dollars, payable to the . . . Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, which warrant represents the considera- tion for a certain lot or parcel of land situate in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as followa: Being as shown on Sheets numbered 6 and 7 of the plans for Route 81, State Highway Project 0081-080-001, RjW-201, and lying on both sides of the, survey centerline and adjacent to the center of Route 82a, from the lands of ala M. Crouse and the lands of R. R. Wiamer at approximate sllM'e,. centerline Station 253/50 (being the center of Route 645), to approximate Station 268/45; thence lying on the south (right) side of said centerline and adjacent to the present Route 828, from the last said Station 'to a point opposite approximate survey centerline Station 273100, the lands of R. L. Gunter, including the connection with Route 643, and containing 11.6 acres, more or less, land of which 1.7 acres are included in the existing right of way and 9.9 acres, more or less, are additional land; and being a part of the same land acquired by the grantor from R. W. Kime, Special Commissioner, by deed dated December 16, 1906, and recorded in Deed Book 36, page 548, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said County. For a more particular description of the land conveyed, reference is made to photo copy of said Sheets numbered 6 and 7, showing outlined in red the land conveyed in fee simple, which photo copy is recorded in State Highway Plat Book No.5, pages . AND FURTIIKR WITNESSETH: THAT WHEREAS, all or part of said Route 81 has been designated as a Limited Access Highway, in accordance with the provisions of .Article 3, Chapter 1, Title 33, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, for the aforesaid consideration, the grantor doth also hereby grant and convey unto the grantee, with Special Warranty, any and all easements or access, light or air incident to the lands of the grantor abutting upon said Limited Access Highway, and / or upon any of its ramps, loops or connections at and with intersecting highways, the line or lines along which 163 copy del. to Edw.H. Richardson, Comlth.Atty. 6/20/62 ""' --".---"'-'-"~'-- . .------- .~-- _. _. 0... -- .-.-..-..,.--.---,---- .... .-,',..--.'" -'-~ _.~_.._- ~._. said eaSeB8nts herein conveyed lie,'being described as follows: Fro. a point on the proposed Borth liaited access line opposite apP'l:l''r1..te serTice road centerline Station 10180, the lands of R. R. Wi_er; thence along said 11a1ted access line to a point opposite approximate relocated Route 828 centerline Station 17115, the lands of Hanley W. Tobey. Also trolll a point on the proposed South right of way and l1m1ted access line opposite approximate north bound lane centerline Station 254115, the lands of Ola M. Crouse; thence along said right of way and l1a1ted access line to a point opposite approx1aate Station 266107; thence fro. opposite approxilllate Station 267130, to a point opposite approximate northbound lane centerline Station 275124, and shown in blue on said photo copies. .' And this Board having duly considered said offer and the purposes and '1 , uses for which said land is to be put, and being of the opinion that the offer is: I I a fair and adequate one, on BIOti;>n of Supervisor G. HaIIIpton Moulse, and I seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said offer of thl~ COlllllOnwealthof Virginia be, and the same is, hereby accepted, subject tl) the approval ot the Circwl.t Court of Roanoke County,V1rginia. AID !T IS 1URTHER ORDERED that the attorney for the COllllllOnwealth, Edward H. Richardson, be, 'and hi is~ he~eby ordered and directed to prepare and present to the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, a petition on behalf of this Board, praying that the sale of the. above described property to the Commonwealth be ratified, approved and confirmed. AID IT IS STILL FURTHER ORDERED that if and when said sale is so ratified, . . approved and confirmed, the Chairman of this Board is hereby authorized, ampowered aDd directed to execute,9n behalf of the Board. a good and sufficient deed. conveying to the COlllmonwealth of Virginia the hereinbefore described property, with Special Warranty of Title, and the Clerk of the Board is hereby authorized. ; ampowered and directed to' affix to said deed the seal of this Board and attest the same. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Aye.: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulae. A. C. Harris, Hinor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Bays: Bone. ~~ ~ Copies del to On IIIOtion ot Supervisor Hinor R. Kefter. seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris.' Treas. Co. , Bookkeeper, the General Appropriation Ordinance ot Roanoke County. adopted on June 19. 1961. ; Co Ex Officer. & copy uiled. be, and the s..e is hereby. amended as followa.'to become effective June 18. 1962: to Dr. H.L.Horn, Supt. Roe. Co. - 8h - Lunacy Commission: In additional appropriation of t250~00 Schools. Salem. is hereby IlIade f!';;,iIt the General Re....nue Fund tor the Fiscal Va. Year ending JUDe 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as 6/20/62 hereinabove indicated. .10e-- Contractual SerYices: An additional appropriation of .200.00 is hereby made from the Veneral Revenue Fund for the Fiscal Yaar ending June 30. 1962.. for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. . 14 - Haintenance: An additional appropriation of t2,ooo.00 is hereb:r . III&de from the General Revenue Fund .for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1962. for the function or purpose hereinabove indicat~d. .19 - Capital Outlay: An additional appropriation of t8.OOO.00 is hereby III&de from the General Revenue Fund for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as 'hereinabove indicated. . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Hinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris. G. Hampton Maulse and Edwin G. Terrell.. Hays: None. I I " = c I~. W a 165 i , ___,r..'.._ _~__..__ .".._.._.'....0 _.._.__....~.__ . '0"'_ --~--_._._---- Notice of public hearing, having been advertised, this day at 3 O'clock P. M.~ all persons interested were given an opportunity to speak for or againSt the Roanoke County Budget, for infoI'lll8tive and fiscal planning purposes only" tor, the year cOlllDlencing July 1, 1962, and no one appearing, said l:ludget is ordered filed. v c APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board 'of SuperTisorS of the County ot Roanoke, . - - - . Virginia,'that'the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period .tnding December 31, 1962, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Wallare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public AssistancI Fund and expen",ed by th(t Welfare Board 259.016.50 For the 'operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board " ,. For the operation of general County agencies and slrTices, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: ' 1 - County Administration 2 - Assesemant of Taxable Property 3.- Collection and, Disbursement of Taxes and other revenue 18,612.50 4,213.50 13,344.50 13,984.50 4,52S.00 7,207.50 5,055.00 472.50 3,615.00 12,187.00 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording ot Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court, 5b County Clerk 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction S - Public Welfare Sa - Board of Public Welfare Se - Institutional Care Sh - Lunacy Commission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c - Garbage Disposal 10e - Contractual Services 11 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (see Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14 - Maintenance ot Buildings and Grounds lS - Miscellaneous Operating Functions lSa - Annexation lSb- Civil Defense 19 - Capital Outlay For Educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the, limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies from one item or p1Il'pose to another without further consent of this Board 31,516.50 9,S66.00 19,455.00 150.00 20,536.00 1,505.00 15,278.50 15,710.00 ' 2,SOl.00 47,570.00 5,000.00 5,480.00 4,027.00 12,740.00 25,943.50 2,120.00 132,600.00 Copies del to Co. Treas. Co.Bookkeeper .& Co. Ex. Officer, & copy mailed t Dr. H. L.Horn Supt. Roa. Co. Schools Salem, Va. 6/20/62 .166 _ .==-."'-=-~=.__-_"-'_:'"' ~=-c,-.-'..--:C.;;:.---.=-;:"':"-_c:."';C"'"7 _-,.,.,...,.,.....c-: .__.~:..~..-_ ::-OC=""",,-' 17a. - Administration 17b - Instruction 17c-- Coordinated Activities 17d - Auxiliary Agencies 17e - Housing 17f - Fixed charges Scholarship Grants Debt SeM'ice Capital Outlay Total Appropriation. trom General Revenue Fund 28.094.00 1.701.593.77 1.000.00 145.327.84 199.885.40 14.180.00 20.000.00 199.443.44 446.626.00 . 3.450.685.95 I For the protection of livestock and fowls and the entorc..ent of the Dog Laws. to be transferred to the Dog Fund and. expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors 7.565.00 I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Treasurer be. and he hereby is. authorized to transfer 'to'other'tuRds 'from' the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies beco.e available sums equal to. but not in excess of. the appropriations ..de to these funds fro. the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by thia appropriation ordinance. A copy ot this appropriation ordinance is ordered to be certified to J..es E. Peters. Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion ot SupeM'isor Minor R. Ketfer. seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris. and adopted by the tollowing recorded 'JOte: Ayes: Supervisors MinorR. Keffer. A. C. Harris. Edwin G. Terrell and G., Hampton MOulse. ' lays: lone. I v A copy of the detailed budget prepared tor fiscal planning and intorlut1ve purposes for the year 1962-63 filed. ./~ II RE: GEJiiIl AT. COORTY LEVY FOR, YEAR 1962. Copy _iled to Hon. C.H. BE IT'RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Morrisett, State " "".' , Tax..~~lIl1'd.V' Roanoke.V1rgiiua. that there be. and is, hereby levied. for the year 1962. a ,Ric......n . a. , '& eOTPies d~lc., tax 'or .2~25 per one hundred dollars. of assessed valuation on all taxable ,to reas. ~ 01ll1'.) feof Rev.Roa. real estate located in this County, and that there be. and is. hereby levied, for I o. 16/20/62 the year 1962. a tax of $2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed nluation I , , on lill taxable tangible personal property. including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-831.1 and 58.831.2. in the I Code of Virginia ot 1950, as amended to date. located in this County on January 1. 1962. the respective levies hereby ordered being also applicable to the real estate and, tangible personal property, including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-831.1 and 58-831.2 in the Code of Virginia. 1950. as amended to date. of public service corporations based upon the assessment thereof tixed by the State Corporation Commission. and ,duly certified. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that such taxes. when and it appropriated by the I , . Board of Supervisors of this County. shall be used to defray the County charges and expenses and all necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution ~ ,. 1'1 ~ 1 ~ \at I'~ .. D , " :1 I, II " I! ii h i, " " it .; 0 " !: 'I Ii I' II i: , Ii ;! v II [! " il " " " n " iI ii ., , " " Ii " I; " ii 'I Ii " ., I' , of ~he lawful au~hori~y of ~he Board of Supervisors of ~his Coun~y. Adop~ed by ~he following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Hays: Hone. 167 'I I, I This day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view', 4 copies this :1 order c!t 4 the following road and the location thereof, tom t: MILL CID:EK ROAD FROM RT. 711' copies i: Engineer's TO D. E., appeared before this Board to make his report; whereupon, on motion 'i report del to " Co Ex.Officer duly made and seconded, said Engineer's report is approved. ii 3 to be del It is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above be, and it is'; toItl.~j;H.Engr. ii Dept. ighway hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary 6/20/62 System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to tile District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the aupervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervis~rs A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and z,tinor R. Keffer. lays: None. v , , This day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location'thereof, to-wit: EITN. OF RT. 907 to RT. 613, appeared before this Board to make his report; whereupon, on motion duly made and seconded, said Engineer'S report is approv~d. It is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary Sys~em of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage. And it 1s further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be fUrnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Hays: None. " , " Ii I, ~! " 4 copies this order c!t 4 copies Engi- neer's repol't del to Co. Ex Officer 3 to be del. toIl 1. s,1;,. Engr. Dept. Highways 6/20/02 This day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view 4 copies this order c!t 4- cop the following road and the location thereof, towit: OLD N c!t W R'W FROM RT. 864 copies Eng'~' report del to TO RT. 864 NEAR OLD CATAWBA STATION, appeared before this Board to make his repcrt; Co Ex. , ,Officer 3eto whereupon, on motion duly made and seconded, said Engineer'S report is approved. b~ del to D;l,:;,1<Engr. Dept. Highway 6/20/62 " - --~-- --- ~---.~_..- -,- -. ,:c-:,=~-:.",,,,,,,,'_-C'-,_~,_-- o'.~~_-~'~_ ;__. '___n __ n_ It is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it 18 hereby. established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary \ System of Highways in Rea noke County, the Board of SUpervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote; Ayes; SUpervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell' Nays: None. I I " v 4 copies order This day ~he County Engineer, heretofore appoin~ed by this Board to view I: 4 copies the following road and the location thereof, to-wit: UNNAMED ROAD FROM Enfr's report g;f1::;~~/;X' PLANTATIOH ROAD (RT. 601) TO D. E., appeared before this Board to make his de . to D:tst Ingr. Dept. report; 'whereupon, on motion duly made and seconded, said Engineer's report i& Hi,hwa.lS 6 20/62 approved. It is ordered,that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it ia hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the, State S~condary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of SUpervisors guaranteeing the righ~ for drainage. o v I And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors"A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. ./ " 4 copies this This day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view order I: 4 copies Engr's'd 1 the following road and the location thereof, to-wit: EASTER ROAD FROM RT. 688 report e to _ _ ~of' Ixd.Of1ficer ALONG THE NORTH R/W LINE OF BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY TO W. E. EASTER PROPERTY, appeared "ill~r e. to " , Hi&h..~r. Dept. before this Board to make his report; whereupon, on motion-duly made and seconded, 6/20/62 said Engineer-s report is approved. I It is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of SUpervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage. ruid it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary rtoads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton MOulse. I Nays: None. ,,"1'I__-.~..,_ 169 THIS day the County Engineer, the following road and the location heretofore appointed by thia Board to ~iew _._.__.._.._.__,._._n._" ._--r-..,.-.-....,---...,--.-,- 1\ it 4 copies ~his II order c!t 4 HAZEL DRIVE FROM RT. 687 TO :: COpi98 report '1:1 Engineer del whereupon, on motion !to Co Ex. i! Officer3for idel. to Uiat. i!Engr. Dept. :: Highways !: 6/20/62 ;1 it !i , '1 " thereof, towit: VEST DRIVE, appeared before this Board to make his report; = duly made and seconded, said Engineer's report is approved. It is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become,a part of the State Secondary c Sys~e. of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Koads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None. ,/ c , ~ Ii on motion duly made and seconded, said Engineer's report is approved. ;i Ii 1'4 copies ~his i!order & 4 :: copies report ,I Engr. del to [I Co Ex.Officer !13 ~o be del. I' to ll.istEngr. [ Dept. Hi.shways n is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above,be, and it ii 6/10/t>2 is hereby, established ae a public road to become a part of the State Secondary :1 System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of SUpervisors guaranteeing the :1 ~ ! r' This day the County ~gin~,r, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof, towit: UNNAMED ROAD FROM RT. 642 WEST TO D. E., appeared before this Board to make his report; whereupon, right for drainage. And tt is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervisiQn and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. ~ .J < IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE WEST SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 220, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. OF W. C. GREER AND HAZEL A. GREER, husband and wife. }O RDER. } ) ) l ) Copy pet c!t copy this order del to Sel:.Roa.Co. Plan COlD. 6/20/62 c This day came Benj. E. Chapman, Attorney for W. C. Greer and Hazel A. Greer, husband and wife, and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of his' said clients relative ~o rezoning of certain property situate on the west side of U. S. Highway Route No. 220, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and fully described in said petition. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV..,;D AND ORDEID:D that at this regular meeting , ' of the Board of Supervisors of Roa~oke County, Virginia, held this 18th day of June, 1962, that said petition be, and the same is, hereby filed. [170 I i ~:o:~.:;:;;~":;c-=~- ~,~::-:;;_=--_:. -::_-::~~;:;"- ~_=-_,,-_;;~:..-=:_~~o~__ :: --:- I ' I 4 copies cerUtied c!t del. eo Co. b.Officer for del to R,s. Engr. Dlp't.Highways 6720/62 . -.--.~'-':-'- '. . .-..'...-.,- .,.-.--.,----------- ...-.--. ---...-.......-....----.--.-.......-... AND BElT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said - - . . . Zoning Ordinance of RQAn~~. Coua~y as reques~ed in said Petition and said petition, be, and they are, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roancke County,'Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the , ' provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; AND BE IT lIURTHER RESOLVED' AND ORDERED that when and if the said PlanningCo~issi~nof' Roanoic.County shall' ~aport its recommendation. to ~he Clerk of this Board, '. as required by said Zoning Ordinance and by ~he Code of Virginia, that upo~-~eceipt of aaBe the said Clerk of this Board shall fonhwith set the S8IIIe down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of thia Board, and that aaid Clel"k of this Board shall giye nc~ice thereof by publication in acc~rdance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia penaining thereto. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ABD ORDERED tha~ one certified copy of this order be forthw1th'deiivered'by the Clerk of ~his Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Comaission of Roancke County, Virginia. The aboYe resolution and order were adopted on mo~ion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton MOulse, and on a recorded i' yote the Supervisors yoted as followa: Ayes: Jlinor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. I I lays: Hone. I ~ c Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) Order. Y. The Public and the S"te Highway Comads~ion of Virginia. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon ~~e application for Hillbrook Dr. from Cresthill Dr. (Rt. 1658) 0.38 mile to Cresthill Dr. (Rt. 1658) to be accepted and made a part. of the Secondary SystUl of State Highways. I~ appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for aaid road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Cresthill #4, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, page 28, of the records of ~he Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no repon from a Board of Vie~ers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property I I owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. lOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Hillbrook Dr. from Cresthill Dr.' (Rt~ 1658) 0.38 mile to Cresthill Dr. (Rt. 1658) and which is shown on a cenain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary Systam of Highways in Roancke Coun~y. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell,Minor R.Keffer, A.C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Hays: Bone I t . r: rl 4 copies certified & del. to Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highwavs. 6-20-62 copies certified & del. to Co. Ex. Orficer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept.of Highways 6-20-62 4 copies certifi & del. to Co. Ex. Officer for del Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 6-20-62 .. 4 copies certifie & delivered Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 6-20-62 I I I I I " 4 copies certifi &. del. to Co. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 6-20-62 4 copies certifi &. del. to Co. Ex. Officer for del. Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 6-20-62 I I I I ~ - c ~ w i:~t 0...- , c......... f.. / J- 'V10- c.4... ~: € ,I ',,, &. .'),f. , .L- ',(JJ s~ L.,..a seconded ,:~ta. y--. the ., r. f'Z- '1 r. '- ~.. ,- -_.---._-~.. - ----.;--------.-- .,. IN RE: REZONING OF PROFE RTY OF THOMAS E. c!t LAURA G. WAGNER, SITUATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF ROUTE 116, AT MOUNT PLEASANT: This day came Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney, for the petitioners, and C. H. Osterhoudt, Attorney for sundry citizens of said area in opposit:cn to the rezoning of said property set forth above; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, by SUpervisor Minor R. Ke~~er, it is ordered that this Board concurs in reco_endat10n of ~he Planning Commission ot: Roanoke County, and it is ordered that no change be mad. in the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County at ~his time. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpernsors A. C, Harris, Minor R. K.ffer, and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: S\lpervisor G. IIll.mpton Moulse. Petitions for rezoning and petitions opposing rezoning of the above described property received and ordered filed. ~ IN RE: LAND USE OF 28.60 ACRES BEING TRACT NO. 3 OF THE MAGGIE PATRICK DOWER LANDS of W. CLAYTON LEMON. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) This day came T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for W. Clayton Lemon, owner of 28.60 acres, being Tract No. 3 of the Maggie Patrick Dower Lands, for the resoning or said tract, and came also E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., Attorney for sundry property owners in said area in opposition to said rezoningj Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Kefiar, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that before making a final decision on the rezoning of said tract, a commitment must be made tha-' an access road would be provided from Hershberger Road at its intersection with Route 581 to the proposed site within a period of one year. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. Mrs. ___ Waid, Bart Galbraith, Charlie Blair, L. M. Hairfield, J. W. Cates, MUrray K. Coulter, Milton Riley, Oscar Blake, Joe Nackley and L. M. Taylor in opposi~ion to rezoning of above property, and Clay Nininger and Donald Dobbs for rezoning, this day appeared before the Board. Ordered that the Board be 10 o'clock A. M. adjourned ~until, Saturday, June 30, 1962, at , / ',' /" '~.:" ::f)~ Chairman' 181 ..r;b ~~ ~ ~ O<.u. c..- "/)."147- .~ :~~E. , /....1'?- 182 Court House Salem, Virginia June 30, 1962 ~ The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof at 10:00 o'clock A. M. pucsuant to adjournment from June 18, 1962. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. ~ Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. The following 'claims against the County were this day presented, approved, " I and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 06687 Roanoke County RevdVing Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund $ 44.00 ,II 06688 .C & P Telephone Co., ,Telephone service 06689 Everette Waddey Co., Record paper 06690 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Post Office Box Rent for Treasurer's Office July 1, 1962 through June 30, 1963 06691 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 06692 Commonwealth of Va. office supplies 06693 State Treasurer, Expenses incurred in connection with audit 06694 John B. Stetson Co., Wearing apparel 06695 Harvest Motors, Parts vehicles II II II II II II II II 06696 Void 06697 Town of Salem, Light and Water and Sewage Treatment 06698 Auto Spring and Bearing Co., Flash Light batteries 06699 Magic City Motor, Car Parts 06700 Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner Investigation 06701 Powell's Pharmacy, Film 06702 Miller Tire Service, Parts Hollins Truck 06703 Esso Standard Oil Co., Gas and Oil 06704 H. M. Smith Pump Service, Repairs to Equipment 06705 McIlhany Equipment Co., Repairs C. S. Fire Truck 06706 Williams Supply Co., Battery C. S. Fire Dept. II II II II II " II II II II " 06707 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire Station " 06708 The Pure Oil Co., Gas and Oil 06709 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps 06710 Kime & Jdly, Attorneys, Lunacy Case 06711 Void II II II " 06712 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy Cases " 06714 Void II 06715 Acme Printers Co., Office supplies 06716 William H. Witt, Traveling expense Planning Commission 06717 G. Carl Matthews, Traveling Expense Planning Commission 06718 T. D. Steele, Traveling Expense Planning Commission 06719 Edward B. Lassiter, Traveling expense Planning Commission 06720 Times-World Corp. Publishing meeting of Planning Board " " II II II II 06721 Standard Parts Corp. Parts 06722 Progressive Products Co., Repairs to Equipment II I 501. 81 274.66 9.00 13.36 3.00 356.85 12.74 28.81 573.81 6.12 52.56 10.00 1.65 3.07 20.50 11. 30 37.39 1.79 8.85 5.64 6.89 I 10.00 I 70.00 153.20 I 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 5.00 13.46 27.00 184 i::-::-_."._--,:"..,."."..~ -_,;:_." 0-:-'---".- ,---',.~-- -....:-......-...,,--.., d '-- C'--:-- ~,=~:-.".~.=.~...,.,-~..::-..,_~'-....,_.-:-..::...,.-,.....,......".-'c-:--;----c - --:_-.,....~-- i I I i i~-""d, A June ! ~ ~, -4~~.,' July ;~Q" ~~ 1'1~,' .,..~- i.. 4-,H, (~ !&,4~ .,d~ JI',t/ 1-"'~Y On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. , Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on 19, 1961, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows, to become effective 1, 1962: For educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board: 17b - Instruction: An additional appropriation of $622,396.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board: An additional appropriation of $1,917 .17 is hereby made from the Glmeral Revenue Fund for th~ function or purpose as hereinabove 'indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mculse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . The Annual Budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, of the Department of Public Welfare of Roanoke County, received and ordered filed. , IN RE: LAND USE OF 28.60 ACRES BEING TRACT NO.3 OF THE MAGGIE PATRICK DOWER LANDS of x I to' '~'"'''' 4<-* W. CLAYTON LEMON .' r l~, ~~ This day T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for W. Clayton Lemon, and Douglas ~ ~ r ~ Dobbs again appeared before the Board, and urged that the Board make a final G,~r:I~ decision as to the rezoning of the 28.60 acres, being tract No.3 of the ~~~ Maggie Patrick Dower lands owned by W. Clayton Lemon, and E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., -~~ 7, ~..Y Attorney for sundry property owners in said area in opposition to the rezoning of the said tract again appeared before the Board; And after an extended discussion of the matter, upon consideration thereof, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a final decision in this matter be continued to the July Meeting, 1962, of this Board, or to a called meeting of the Board prior to the regular July Meeting, 1962, in order that the petitioner may submit assurances satisfactory to the Board t~ the right of way for an access road from f~rshberger Road at its intersection with Route 581 to the proposed site will be available. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None , Sundry petitions for rezoning and against rezoning of the above tract were received by the Board, and ordered filed. ~ Mrs. ___ Reynolds, W. Richard Lavinder, Elmer Holda~ay) Joe Nackley, and Mrs. Gilbert Hodges in opposition to rezoning of above property, and Kenneth Taylor, President, Old Dominion Candies, Inc., and R. C. Ingram for rezoning, this day appeared before the Board. .- ------"-_. .----....---- -_..,,---,.... -- ..'..,.--.--.-.-....--..-.,---. -'. .---........--.-.-...-... --.- I I I I I 'C :C G u c 187 .__ _.'".. __._m ---.-------- " On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that at an adjourned meeting of this Board to be held at the Courthouse of this County on the 21st day of July, 1962, ~t 10:00 o'clock! , A. M., an amended ordinance be proposed for adoption amending and re-adopting an ordinance heretofore adopted by this Board on the 16th day of June, 1941, prohibiting and making it unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle, engine or train in Roanoke County while under the influence of alcohol, brandy, rum, whiskey, gin, wine, beer, Lager beer, ale, Porter, Stout, or any other liquid, beverage, or article containing alcohol, or under the :1 influence of any other self-administered intoxicant or drug of whatscever nature,! , ~~',;- '~ , 7- 'J..t:v and to prescribe fines and other punishment for violations thereof. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish once a week for th" next two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the 1rown of I' il II Salem, Roanoke County, Va., notice of the intention of this Board to amend and re-adopt the ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and ,i A. C. Harris Nays: None . This day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the .If ~ <=4-t' 9 following road and the location thereof, to-wit: BARN HILL LANE FRCM RT. 1337 '~A ~ ~ TO RT. 684 - 0.10 MILE, appeared before this Board to make his report; whereupon,,:~~ ~At' on motion duly made and seco~ded, said Engineer's report is approved. A-, ~;~" ~ /"-'"J -,- It is ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is ~ /,. r3--~ hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the Stat~ Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by .the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None y BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealin g with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at a point on the east Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke in the center line of Vinton Road, 360.0 feet, more or less, south of the center line of U. S. Route 460 (Orange Avenue); thence with a line leaving the said Corporate Limits and with the north boundary of a sub- division of the properties of C. A. Plasters and W. C. JOhnson, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 97, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, to the center line of Mecca Street, in all a total distance of 3,062.01 feet; thence with the center line of Mecca Street, S. 200 33' E., 191.54 feet, more or less, ~~A'- ..~~~ ?J{~.A'~ ,~ ;f'--': v"-' ~ 1~,.",JJ.h""'.,.. 188 -~_._-_..._-_._.~-----_._--'-~---------_._~-- "------- ..- -...-- ,--- .-. ---- .. --- '._'n __ __ ____ ......_ '_ __. , "0"" . __, .....n.... _ U _ _. .. ._. _. _ ._ F"""-=":'~_~_'~_~'-:"""""""-:;:--'~""'-;'=''''"----o''C:.-."c-~_=''-=-_,,:-o-'''''''---_-._-C;~. '_'__~' '--e-",;:--,."",' __--.e'," ..-_- ""_-'___~="'=O':":"__-:-'_==~ .-'.-' ----.---.----. ... .'H___U_.._.__ to a point opposite the northwest corner of Block 4, Vinyard Gardens Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 191; thence with aoline leaving the said center line of Mecca Street, N. 62 36' E., 25 feet, more or less, to the afore- said northwest corner of Block 4, Vinyard Gardens Subdivision; thence with the north boundary line of Block 4, N. 620 36' E., 1,120.5 feet to the northeast corner of Block 4; thence with the east boungary of Block 4 and Block 3, Vinyard Gardens Subdivision, S. 17 14' E., 767.45 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of Block 3 on the north right-of-way line of Richard Avenue; thense with the north right-of-way line of Richard Avenue N. 63 06' E., 25 feet, more or less, to the east right-of-way line of Jack Street;othence with the east right-of-way line of Jack Street S. 22 11" E., 80 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Vinyard Gardens Annex Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 206; thencs with the north boundary of Vinyard Gardens Annex N. 55 37' E., 538.7 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 10, Vinyard Gardens Annex; thegce with the east boundary of the aforesaid Lot 10, S. 34 23' E., 454.76 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of Harwood Drive; thence continuing S. 340 23' E., and crossing Harwood Drive to the north side of King Avenue, in all a total distance of 650 feet, more or less; thence with the north right-of-way line of ~ng Avenue the following bearings and dbstances: S. 46 03' W., 62.0 feet, more or less; S. 56 16' W., 142.01 feet; and S. 60026' W., 630.97 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Blk. 13, Idlewild Park Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 258; thence continuing with the aforesaid north right-of-way line of King Avenue S. 79020' W., 693.0 feet to the south- west corner of the aforesaid Lot 4; thence contiguin? with the north right-of-way line of King Avenue S. 54 20 W., 509.6 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the north right-of-way line of King Avenue and the aforesaid east Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the aforesaid Corporation line in a northerly direction 590 feet, more or less, to the north boundary line of Mecca Gardens Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58; thence continuing with the aforesaid Corporation Line and the south boundary line of Vinyard Gardens Subdivision 2,275.0 feet, more or less, to a point 225.0 feet, more or less, from the center line of the aforesaid Vinton Road; thence continuing with the aforesaid Corporation Line, 1,375 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of an area of 149.72 acres, more or less, located to the east of the City of Roanoke and north of the Town of Vinton and including all of or portions of the C. A. Plasters and W. C. Johnson Subdivision, Arrington Court Subdivision, Vinyard Gardens Subdivision, Vinyard Gardens Annex Subdivision, and Idlewild Park Subdivision. I I I and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extension. (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such points as are approved by the City's Director of Public Works or, the City Engineer, and that requisite measuring meters be installed at such points of delivery, by the County, if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph "c" hereof. (C) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke that in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any or all of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City assuming the obligation of sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systems constructed, or hereafter constructed, in said areas hereinabove identified, with funds I I supplied by developers, or institutions, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to the Authority, or with contract providing for reimbursement from connection fees, in whole or in part, and not built by the Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, will become the pr~perty of the City without any payment to said Authority therefor, but subject to the rights of such developers and ir.stitutions ~ III , h, ~ ~ ~ to reimbursement in whole or in part, as provided for in their respective contracts with the said Authority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove identified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforementioned contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: A. C.Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. None ORDERED that the Board be adj ourned un the third Monday in July, 1962. &J~". Chairman " Court House Salem, Virginia June 16, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Frederick Griffith, Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minute~ of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished . him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 06772 League of Va. Counties, Membership dues in NACO for 1962 $ 70.00 " 06773 Burroughs Corporation, Mechanical services on office equip. 137.20 " 06774 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 06775 Jane Higgs, Extra office assistant 06776 University of Va. Law School Assoc. 1962-1963 Membership dues 29.36 83.67 " " 17.50 " 06777 Void " 06778 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets and Postage for Mailing Garbage bills 06779 Michie Company, Law books for Judges Hoback and Moore 06780 Dictaphone Corporation, Maintenance service on Dictaphone 06781 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 24.00 " 274.80 44.00 52.00 " II 189 '..;, _4..,1 r ....,."..."'..-..v- 190 _.__._~---_..._..-~-~ ----.. -- -.- - --. ---..... .. .....-.... "-'. .---... -- No. 06782 Judge Norman Moore, Reimburse Traveling Expense " 06783 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse June Traveling 06784 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse June Traveling 06785 James M. Bryant, Reimburse June Tr,aveling 06786 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Co. Vehicles 06787 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for County Vehicles 06788 Salem Radiator Service, Parts C. S. Fire Truck " " " " " " 06789 Void " 06790 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service Mount Pleasant Fire Station " 06791 W. B. Clements, Inc., Repair and Parts Hollins Truck 06792 Arrow Hardware Company, Supplies for Hollins Fire Station 06793 Starmount Clinic, Sanity Hearing 06794 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy Hearing 06795 Dr. Silas R. Beatty, Lunacy Hearing 06796 Dr. Daniel D. Chiles, Lunacy Hearing 06797 R. I. Brown, Attorney, Lunacy Case 06798 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Lunacy cases 06799 Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash 06800 William Auto Alignment, Parts for Police Car " " " " " " " " " " 06801 Vinton Motor Co., Repair and Parts for Police Cars 06802 Summerdean Esso Station, Repair, Parts &c 06803 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 06804 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Case 06805 Auto Service Station, Gasoline and Parts 06806 Auto Parts, Parts for Police Car 06807 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Salary Jail physician, Lunacy cases and coroner cases " " " " " " " 06808 Roanoke Gas Co., Cooking fuel 06809 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Jail and Co. Library 06810 American Bakeries Co., Food for Jail 06811 Brown Hardware Co., Equipment for Courthouse and coffee maker for Jail " " " " 06812 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry Jail 06813 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Jail " " 06814 Void " 06815 Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, Food-Jail 06816 Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, Finger Print Material " " 06817 Mick-or-Mack Stores Co., Food for Jail 06818 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and cleaning supplies for Jail 06819 W. T. Rierson Store, Food for Jail 06820 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food for Jail 06821 Sanfax Corporation, Janitor supplies for Jail 06822 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Jail 06823 Overton Esso Servicenter, Wash Job 06824 Magic City Motor Co., Parts for Engineer's Car 06825 International Business Machine Co., Carbon Paper " " " " " " " " " 06826 Void $ 151.73 42.44 53.13 45.01 40.18 50.39 9.00 I 34.25 3.98 7.73 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 67.85 6.00 20.84 44.40 40.90 10.00 43.50 36.26 I I 195.00 21.24 308.03 57.36 7.84 43.56 31.50 I 81.54 5.20 7.56 137.26 18.00 131. 21 49.11 9.23 2.00 3.69 1. 95 I .-- -*-----------------~ --- -----.----.--.---- ~ 1'1 ~ ,., ~ ~ ~ :( ii ., 'I !i ., Ii Ij !i 191 No. 06827 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Com. DELETED " 06828 Yates & Wells Garage Co., Repairs to County Vehicl,es $ 7.00 06829 Shackleford-Cox Truck & Machinery Co., Parts for Garbage .. Truck .70 " " 06830 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 21.46 06831 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Garbage Truck 4.72 06832 Goodyear Service Store, Tires for Truck &c 313.24 " " " 06833 Wilson's Paint & Body Shop, Repairing Truck 06834 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 06835 Salem Paint Co., Paint 06836 General Welding & Machine Co., Repairing Lawn Mower 06837 Blain Supply Company, Inc., Janitor supplies 06838 Bush Electric Company, Electrical work 06839 Dominion Elevator Co., Repairing Elevator 06840 West Salem Body Shop, Repairs and Parts 06841 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Road Map 60c 06842 Emory Hollins, erecting and painting street signs and Posts 25.00 668.12 2.44 1.50 36.90 4.75 40.00 174.25 12.50 " II " " " " " " " 17.50 67.91 3.16 " 06843 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., drum of oil 06844 Auto Spring & Bearing Co.,Dayton Belts 06845 N & W Railway Co., Rental of Space in Old VGN Freight & Pass Station Building 7.00 " " " 06846 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for making table Welfare Office 1.60 06847 Woodhaven Press, office supplies &c 23.95 06848 Merchant's Association, Subscription to Merchants Bulletin 5.00 06862 Times Register Co., Board of Supervisors publishing notice of Drunk Driving 15.00 06863 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County owned Vehicles 602.50 II " " " " 06864 Remington Rand, Serviced Electl'ic Adding Machine 31. 95 06865 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 8.31 06866 C. W. Warthen Co., Ledger sheets and office supplies 114.46 06867 Treasurer of Virginia, County's part of salary of Judge 2,816.54 06868 Dr. S. D. Carey, Examination of Drunk Driver 5.00 06869 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Bond for Special Policeman 10.00 06870 Void " " " " " II " 1.05 17.09 35.46 29.30 " 06871 Harvest Motors Inc., Parts for Police Car 06872 Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, Finger Print Material 06873 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 06874 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline purchased " " " 06875 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 19.40 06876 Pure Oil Company, Gasolin~ purchased for Cave Spring Rescue Squad 7.55 " " 06877 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra Help in Engineer's Office 217.50 41.01 13.10 6.80 " 06878 J. R. Taliaferro, Inspector, Reimburse expenses II 06879 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 06880 Mary E. Hicks, Reimburse payment for box rent " 192 -----.--- .._- .- -.. --.------. ..-.------ __ ._._ ~._. _.. ...... . _" '" ___ .,,_ _. u__ _ __ __________.._____....__.n __ _'_d_ .U_ _ 'P __.___ . --=c:=----=:-:::c--=--- -;:::--.-..:-~_= =-- -':;-. _.:-::,:: =="_-.=-_"""" -- No. 06881 " 06882 " 06883 " 06885 " 06886 " 06889 " 06890 " 06891 " 06892 " 06893 Salem Paint Co., Paint for Engineer's Office Lewis Helm, Extra Janitor Services Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on Auto Tags Penitentiary Industrial Dept., Additional License Tags R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimburse Traveling Expense Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses to NACO Convention Edwin G. Terrell, Expenses during NACO Convention A. C. Harris, Reimburse expenses to NACO Convention Void $ 16.75 39.24 4.31 131.25 31.44 201. 75 202.74 153.65 I Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, July Disbursements 1,957.18 I No. 06849 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Dog Pound " " " I! " " " " II II II I! I! II . IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP ClAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presnted, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 06850 Brown Hardware Co., Hose Coupling for Dog Pound 06851 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 06852 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies for Dog Clinics 06853 Farmer's Exchange Mills, Dog Food 06854 Harvest Motors, Part for Dog Truck 06855 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance on Dog Truck 15.00 06856 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Dog Truck 17.18 06857 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food 8.65 06858 Void 06859 Salem Office Supply ~o., Record Book for Dog Warden 06860 Salem Auto Parts Inc., Parts for Dog Truck 06861 A. E. McNeil, Livestock claim 06884 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse transporting dogs to Maryland $ 20.46 .45 II 06888 Palmer Chemical & Equipment Co., Medical supplies 16.50 5.00 40.00 6.79 I 2.45 11. 90 45.00 37.40 06887 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance County Dog Truck 44.80 27.49 I . JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: Salem, Virginia July 16, 1962 I To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business July 14, 1962, there was to the credit of the $ 403,201.19 6,927.04 71. 93 94,894.59 5,483.50 987.29 7.68 422.61 99.06 $ 512,094.89 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer.1! Said report approved and ordered filed. General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account Deferred Credit Account (J. B. McNeal) (J. E. Peters) ~UT.: .,~.c.,~L ~q-c." !l~~ &~.( leaving' 1/, if I..~ III lrl ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Counry Payroll for the month of July, 1962, be approved in the amount of $9,774.79, from which the sum of $236.48 total F. I. C. A. Taxes and the sum of $976.45 total W. H. Taxes, are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $8,561.86. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None .. l:!lt On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse . Collection and Janitor Service for period June 16, 1962, ending June 30, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,856.71, from which $120.52 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $223.20 total W. H. Taxes and $44.80 insurance is to be deducted, a net payroll of $3,468.19; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period July 1, 1962, ending July 15, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,845..34, from which $120.19 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $242.30 total W. H. Taxes, and $44.80 insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,438.05. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None ~ i ! - ... The State Compensation Board, having filed its statement of receipts and expenses for the year ending December 31, 1961, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, required by Section 14-158, Code of Virginia, 1950, to be furnished Boards of Supervisors of Counties, with this Board, the same is ,:1 ordered to be published, as required by law, once a week for two weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County; Said statement and letter dated June 13, 1962, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from Honorable G. Edmond Massie, Chairman of State Compensation Board, ordered filed. 1,..1 i i ~ .. IN HE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $1,037.76, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of June, 1962, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $985.87. ''''1 i' , I..l 193 --~ ._-,._---~-~~_.. "-------- :~LJ- .~bL~ '<r G, ~ CD&{,......I '1//1"'" ..i.V.:1J 1t:::. ~ :~:p~ ....47;- D ' T~_ ""1vL .,1/ t8fr.:J... The following reports are this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of June, 1962; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke county'~~ i.~,~.- jail for the month of June, 1902;01/1'11.;" E~lARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of June, 1902; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of June, 1962; RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of JWle, 1962; . 194 l_-o:;'.~='=_::;~-_"""""'""~"""""'~""" '_-::-:-=-""'::"'_-=-:::""""""~:"""--_-'~:"_ _ --;C."":~U'" ----c-- p-"::~__=;:-_-o-.;;.:'".='''':-~-;;-:_-::"'':..-''':7_-:--'-"",=_-~-;:::=:-::-_~'''''~''"''--';-'::7:'_-::"'=-.'-'.-,."'---" _.u..____ __.__._._~_ __.__ _. ___._ ..___" ,__._,._. '._.n SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of June, 1962; AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS of Commonwealth of Virginia on comparative cost of Local Government year ended June 30, 1961. , IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: I Letter dated June 8, '1962, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr. Director Division of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, and to Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of the County of Roanoke jail dated May 22, 1962, received and ordered filed. I v The following communications were this day laid before the Soard and ordered filed: Letter dated July 3, 1962, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, enclosing copy of Resolution No. 14852, dated the 2nd day of July, 1962, amending contract between Roanoke County and City of Roanoke, dated September 28, 1954, dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes. Letter dated July 2, 1962, from Robert D. Ham, Director, Bureau of Medical and Nursing Facilities, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke, re: Roanoke County Health and Welfare Center, Salem, Virginia, Project No. Va-148 Part 1 of Application, has been reviewed and approved by the State Department of Health and by Public Health Service. A telegram from Congressman Richard H. Poff, stating that the application of the Roanoke County Board of Super.visors, for funds for construction of Roanoke County 'Health and Welfare Center under provisions of Hill-Burton Act, had received favorable cO'1Sideration, and that a confirming letter from the Department will be sent the Board within the next few days. I .. This day Robert M. Bostian appeared before the Board on behalf of Ridgewood Park and Cherry Hill Park Civic Leagues, and read copy of letter to be forwarded co Hon. G. Edmond Massie, Chairman State Compensation Board, in regard to policing of said areas in Roanoke County, and advised the Board that a copy of letter sent to Mr. Massie would be forwarded to the Chairman of the Board of Super'isors of Roanoke County. Dr. Patricia M. Gathercole an officer of the Cherry Hill Civic League, also appeared before the Board in reference to the request of the Civic Leagues of Ridgewood Park and Cherry Hill Park. I I r- I'" ~ , ,'" ~ - 1".1 i ~ !.j ~ - ._- . __.___._. ..._..____.~________..._ _ "___.. n___ --------~--- Ii r' IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE ifFll, BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAIUVAY CCJ1PANY RIGHT- OF-WAY: THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE BEING - APPROXIMATELY 889 FEET WEST OF THE PROPERTY LINE OF SALEM BRICK COMPANY, INCORPORATED; THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE BEING APPROXIMATELY 200 FEET EAST OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE {f760, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA FINAL ORDER WHEREAS Doris T. Inge, J. Wo Inge, III, and patricia I. Trevillian, did on the 21st day of May, 1962, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of said County so as to provide that the property described in the caption hereof now classified as Industrial District M-2, be reclassified and rezoned as Business District B-2 General. WHEREAS and as required by the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and in accordance with the provisions of Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, this matter was on May 21, 1962, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vir- ginia, for its recommendation, and said Planning Commission having viewed the said property and having heard evidence on behalf of the petitioners, an d considering the effect on the welfare and prosperity of Roanoke County, did on the 4th day of June, 1962, by unan~~us vote, recommend tothis Board that the ~oanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of said property from its present classification of Industrial District M-2, to Business District B-2 General. WHEREAS this Board of Supervisors did, by Resolution adopted on May 21, 1962, order the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said Planning Commissioner's report, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the first permissable regular or special meeting of this Board, and to give notice thereof through publication, in accordance with the provisions of said county Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950,as amended; and WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 16th day of July, 1962, at 2:30 o'clock Po Mo, as the date and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance; and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the Times Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions, the first on June 21, 1962, and the second on June 28, 1962, as required by order of this Board, and as required by law, and in compliance with the provisions of said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, after a full and complete notice thereof duly published; and WHEREAS this Board has given careful consi,ieration to said Petition and to the recommendation of said Planning Commission, and has heard evidence touch- ing the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said Petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission; and 195 i! ~ l><.~ T-1r,~,~"l cu:tt (2L yo-' '.- ~ct...e.. r.- i. ~ ,0 R-....... c,. .(.)~CUL ,~ ' 7JI<tf~7- 196 -------- ----- -~---=---- --------- -------- -------------~- ---:;.- ~ ," ~~i 1~b} ~, 1/ I~'b;l- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FF.SOLVED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 16th day of July, 1962, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is hereby amended, so as to change the classification of that certain tract or parcel of land, situated West of the Town of Salem, RoandE County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: The Westerly 150 feet x 150 feet of property located on the Southerly side of U. S. Route #11, bounded on the South by the Norfolk & Western Right-of-Way; the Easterly boundary line being approximately 889 feet West of the property line of Salem Brick Company, Incorporated; the Westerly boundary line being approxi- mately 200 feet East of Virginia State Route #760, Roanoke County, Virginia, fronting 150 feeton U. S. Route #11, and extending in a Sout~erly direction between parallel lines 150 feet, from Industrial Classification M-2, to Business District B-2 General, in order that the said property and buildings that may hereafter be p-rected thereon may be used for Business B-2 as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. And it is further Resolved and Ordered that the Clerk of this Board do forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and a copy to William G. Creasy, Attorney for Petitioners. The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulf:e of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris of Btg Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Nays: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. None IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE EAST SIDE OF RELOCATED VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE #116 AT MOUNT PLEASANT, IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF THQ,lAS E. WAGNER AND LAURA S. WAGNER X RESOLUTION AND ORDER This day Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Thomas E. Wagner and Laura S. Wagner, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Thomas E. Wagner and Laura S. Wagner relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Bo~rd of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 16th day of July, 1962, said petitOn be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said, County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition, be, and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same donw for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that _w____... ...._. - -...---.-- ._.._~----_._. I I I I I ,.. ~ ., ~- -- - ''''-'------ r-, l~ ~ I 1 .. t! o ---- .'~,,-,----------_.._- --. notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith certified by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. Katthews, Secretary of the Planning COlIllIlission of Roanoke County, Virginb. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Nays: A. C.Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell) None 197 On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on June 19, 1961 ,[ ~ J...L be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective June 30, 19;~;~~ 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION: An additional appropriation of $54.79 ,! .,. C. ~ ' is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending Q>tN' June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. '.' .A , '; 1 !'ir/61- 10 - PUBLIC WORKS, I lOa- Engineering: An additional appropriation of $41.00 is hereby made from' the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None .. ". IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD: Pursuant to Section 37.1.1 and of the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance, adopted by this Board on September 19, 1960, on motion made and seconded, it is ordered that the following named persons be appointed to constitute the Roanoke County Electrical Examining Board, to serve without compensation, on said Board in conjunction with J. R. Taliaferro, Electrical Inspector of Roanoke County, for a term beginning July 1, 1962, and ending June 30, 1963, to-wit: GROUP NO. 1 Electrical Utility Member Mr. Marshall G. Covey, 1233 Hamilton Ave., S. W. Roanoke, Virginia DI 2-8214. GROUP NO. 2 Roanoke County Master Electrician Mr. A. Jackson Newcomb, Jr., 3228 Pasley Ave. S. W. Roanoke, Virginia DI 5-0654. GROUP NO. 3 Roanoke County Journeyman Electrician Mr. Clayton G. Tinnell, Route 5, Box 84, Roanoke, Virginia DI 5-0431. GROUP NO. 4 Mr. Eric Nascho1d, Jr. 3233 Brandywine Ave. Roanoke, Virginia DI 3-1715. On motion, duly seconded and carried, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton ~IDu1se and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None ...' ,~~f; ,J-f " ... ti~j,R .~ ,~~ ..'~_~_7 ~:-rr ~[~ , 7)lijl..:I-. 198 ~"':"---"~~~"''-'''-'''--;-",''''':--,"" """,-'--:""':":-. lO='"O"",,=,==--,~=-=,="=C::=-:-,~''''''-'C'~'-~~-_ ""'_'=CO-7-"CC'C:=""~:"-;'=-:"--'."=';-:;C"-- ._-_"':_.'_.~:''''''''''''."c:''':;_''-.- ~t::~ qr~~, ;.~~~ ~~~, ~y- . 1) I ~(';L y IN RE: 28.60 ACRES, BEING TRACT NO.3 OF THE MAGGIE PATRICK D~R LANDS OF FINAL ORDER x l~. CLAYTON LEMON At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on July 16, 1962. WHEREAS, W. Clayton Lemon petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Industrial District M-2 Property", which petition was filed at the special meeting of this Board on May 26, 1962, and by Order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Planning Commission, by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on May 29, 1962, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that sal. d County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Industrial District M-2 Property"; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order, entered on May 26, 1962, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Boarc, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and ~~, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held, on June 18, 1962, at 2:30 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by a nc:tice duly published in the Roanoke-World News and The Roanoke Times, newspapers having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 26th and 27th days of May, 1962, as required by said Order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, lrrlEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS said hearing was continued from time to time until July 16, 1962; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and baring evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amenced as requested in said petition, and as recommended bi said Planning Commission . NW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 16th day of July, 1962, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition and as described in the said recommendation of the County Planning Commission as "Industrial District M-2 ..... .....---,-....-. --..-----...-- -'-,,--- .---."'--'-.'. -,..-.--- I I I I I 199 ~ ~ --- -- - - ---- --------~- ~._-------_.__.~_._.._---------- Property", provided so much of said property as is not used by Associated .. i I,', Transport, Inc., be re-classified as Industrial M-l. Toe property hereby classified as "Industrial District M-2 Property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: The property proposed to be reclassified and rezoned as hereinabove provided is more particularly described as the property of W. Clayton Lemon consisting of 28.60 acres, being Tract No.3 of the Maggie Patrick Dower land. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning ~ , , t"'l Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., Attorney, for sundry property owners, and Joe Nackley, in person, appeared before the Board in opposition to the re-zoning of the above tract. ~ : ! - r The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: j: Letter dated June 28, 1962, addressed to the Council of the City of Roanoke;, from W. Clayton Lemon, in re: property of W. Clayton Lemon; Letter dated July 10, 1962, addressed to Clayton Lemon, from Associated Transport, Inc., in re: property of W. Clayton Lemon; Letter dated July 13, 1962, addressed to B. H. Merritt, Associated Transport, Inc., from W. Clayton Lemon, re in: property of W. Clayton Lemon; Copy of letter dated April 23, 1962, addressed to the City Council, Roanoke, Virginia, from the Committee heretofore appointed, in re: recommendations of said Committee; I~~ i I U Copy of resolution No. 14772, adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 23rd day of April, 1962,rescinding resolution No. 14740 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on the 12th day of March, 1962; 1~1 :d U Copy of letter dated June 22, 1962, addressed to the Council of the City of Roanoke, from E. Griffith Dodson, Jr., Attorney, in re: in opposition to rezoning of 28.60 ~cre tract from light to heavy industry. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Saturday, July 21, 1962, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. m ?JiD-'-~ ([2.~ Chairman 200 ,. 3c..,-;;4f..4 , 9-,c;, ~,--./ 7. :>3. t." , ~1?A--' .-.-" .I -"'..7 ~ . -----, Iir /{ r p-' '" ~,.(q,,- . ../ 7, .~.,.,. Court House Salem, Virginia July 21, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof at 10:00 o'clock A. M. pursuant to adjournment from July 16, 1962. Present: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C.Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Absent: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman I . Before themeeting was called to order Mr. A. C. Harris offered a prayer. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines and other I , properties and facilities incidental thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: AREA 1 - H. F. PLUNKETT, Etc.: . BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center lines of Route 116 (Cove Road) ~~d Route 629 {Green R&dge Road); thence with the center line of said Cove Road N. 47 00' W., 2200 feet to a point in the center line af said road; thence with a line leaving said Cove Road S 37 30' W., 1842 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 286 30' E., 1138.74 feet to the northeast corner of the J. Frank Smith 13.0 acre tract and being the southeast corner of the Lottie S. Gaines 11 acre tract, as recorded in Deed Book 98, Page 37, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke Counsy; thence with the north line of the J. Frank Smith tract S. 63 50' W., 668.78 feet to the northwest corner of the said Smith tract; thence with the west boundary of the Smith tract and being the east boundary of the CharAie Hardt tract, as recorded in Deed Book 478, Page 206, S. 26 10' E., 400.7 feet to the southeast corner of the Hardt tract and being the northeast corner of Tract 4, Tinsley Addition, as recorded in Deed Book 314, Page 415; thence with the east boundary of the aforesaid Tract 4, S. 140 08' E., 389.19 feet to the ~outheast corner of Tract 4, being the southwest corner of the aforesaid J. Frank Smith tract, and being on the line of the J. C. Anderson property as recorded in Deed Book 251, Page 436; thence with the north line 06Anderson and the south line of the J. Frank Smith tract N. 75 57' E., 751.9 feet to a point on the west boundary of the H. F. Plunkett tract, as recorded in Deed Book 314, Page 595; thence with the west boundary of the Plunkett tract and the east boundary of the Anderson tract S. 280 30' E., 122 feet to a point; thence continu- ing with the Plunkett and Anderson lines S. 470 30' E., 322 feet to the center line of the aforesaid Green Ridge Road; . thence with the center line of the aforesaidoGreen Ridge Road the fallowing bearings and dissances: N._41 DO'E. 792 fees; N. 15 00' E., 405 feet; N. 24 30' E., 8,9 feet; and N. 52 00' E., 579 feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the H. F. Plunkett property, totaling 115 acres, and the J. Frank Smith Estate, totaling 13.0 acres. AREA 2 - Fairhope Subdivision, Sections 3 and 4, W. L. Grubb, and others: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center lines of Route 116 (Cove Road) and Route 847 (Barrington Road); tgence with the center line of the aforesaid Barrington Road S. 14 14' W., 785 feet, more or less, to the point of intersecticn of the center lines of the aforesaid Barrington Road and Appleton Avenue; thence continuing with the center line of the said Barrington Road S. 50 45' W., 565 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the W. L. Grubb property as recorded in Deed Book 182, Page 376, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the west boundary of the Grubb tract ang being the east boundary of the Stanley R. Davis property, S. 5 45' W., 924 feet to the center line of Route 625 (Hershberger Road); thence with the center line of Hershberger Road in an easterly direction 2160 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the center lines of Hershberger Road and Cove Road; thence with the center line of Cove Road in a nortbesterly direction 2700 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and I I I ~ /II "1 n ..J ,J.>"t : i ...J I i: I . 'i - --.- - ..-, . n_ ..____ '_ ___ _ _ _._ .. ': ~ 201 being a boundary description of the properties of S. R. Davis and Ruby M. Davis, Mi'ler C. Garst and Bertha W. Garst, C. W. Emory and Pauline Emory, W. T. Plunkett and Beulah H. Plunkett, W. M. Bryant and Mary C. Bryant, W. E. Hale and Bettie D. Hale, W. L. Grubb, J. C. Bussey, and others, and totaling 50 acres, more or less. AREA 3 - Miller C. Garst and Harold W. Craun Properties: BEGINNING at a point N. 18000' W., 1181.0 feet from the north right-of-way line of Virginia Route 117 (Peters Creek Road) and said point being the northwestocorner of the W. G. Hall property; thence with a line N. 56 00' E., 177.8 feet to a point on the W. G. Hall north boundary and being the southwest corner of the C. A. Wright property; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Hall prosertr and with the west boundary of the Wright property, N. 35 25 W., 1454.0 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of the C. A. Wright property and the southwest corner of the B. A. Piner property; thence with the west boundary of the Piner property N. 350 25' W., 812.5 feet to a point; thence with a line leaving the Piner boundary and making a division in the M. C. Garst and Harold W. Craun properties as recorded in Deed Book 30, Page 91, Deed Book 117, Page 476, and Deed Book 258, Page 439, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the C~rcuit Court of Roanoke County, S. 560 11 W., 177.9 feet; S. 21 52' W., 1025.5 feet; and S. 780 19' W., 1303.5 feet to a point on the F. L. Hatcher, Sr. Estate's east boundary, as recorded in Deed Book 345, Page 339, of the aforesaid Clerk's Office; thence with the east linea of the Hatcher Estate and the Bessie Wagner property S. 38 31' E., 1857 feet to a point and said point being the northeast corner of the aforesaid Wagner property and the northwest corner of the F. L. Hatcher property as recorded in Deed Book 237, Page 275, of the aforesaid Clerk's Office; thence with the east line of the F. L. Hatcher property S. 39045' E., 330.5 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of the Frank L and Mary J. Keffer 14,17 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 405, Page 300; thence with the north boundary of the Keffer tract and the boundary of the Southview sewage treatment areaas described in the resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to the City of Roanoke dated October 15, 1957, N. 610 30' E., 1182.6 feet to the northeast corner of the aforementioned Keffer tract; thence with a new line through the Garst-Craun property N. 47030' E., 770 feet, more or less, to a point on the east side of a private road, being a common corner between the properties of W. G. Hall and Garst- Craun, and the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of a 100.68 acre portion of the 115 acre Miller C. Garst and Harold W. Craun tract as recorded in Deed Book 258, Page 439, in the aforesaid Clerk's Office. AREA 4 - T. C. and B. W. Porterfield, Jr.: BEGINNING at a point on the east right-of-way line of Route 666 (Bandy Road) at the eastoCo~orate Limits of the City of Roanoke; thence wi"h a line N. 75 15 E., 215 feet to a point on the said City of Roanoke Corporation line; thence with a line and leaving the City Corporation Line S. 35000' E., 1321 feet to a point; thence wbth a line S. 20000' W., 561 feet to a point; thence wite a line N. 80 00' W., 314 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 53 30' W., 462 feet to a point on the aforesaid east right-ofway line of Bandy Road; thence with the east right-of-way line of Bandy Road 2100 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of the T. C. and B. W. Porterfield, Jr., 35.72 acre, more or less, tract as recorded in Deed Book 589, Page 402, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. AREA 5 - J. N. and Stella Vest Properties: BEGINNING at a point on the north right-of-way line of Route 720 (Colonial Avenue), 2600 feet, more or less, east of the intersection of Colonial Avenu8 and U. S. Route 221 (Bramble ton Avenue); thence with a line N. 27 36' W., 1221 feet to a point and said point being the northwest coreer of the H. W. James 9.12 acre tract; thence with a line N. 73 29' W., 438 feet to a point and said point being the northeast corner of the Sallie T. Fralin 11.62 acre traco; thencepartly with the east boundary of the Fralin tract, S. 0 02' W., 1199.8 feet to a point; thence with lines through Tract #4 and a portion of Tract #3 of the L. L. Greenwood Estate Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 71, of the~cords of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Ranoke County, N. 73000' E., 394.6 feet and S. 270 36' E., 395.6 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Colonial Avenue; thence with the northoright-of-way line of the aforesaid Colonial Avenue N. 62 24' E., 481.5 feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the J. N. and Stella Vest properties, totaling 17.44 acres and being all of Tract 2 and a part of Tract 3 and Tract 4, L. L. Greenwood Estate Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page7l, of the aforesaid Clerk's Office. 202 , ~_-:,=o=-:"""---:~,,,,=-""'_--'-'--'~~,~"O'C_""""'=''''',----'~;--:-'----:''-.---'-::--'-_C_-~ - --. ...---- t:---=-~-=-:..."""'':.:--''''':_~ -=-":'"",."~~--,,"=--=-. =""::';..,.:0==-'..=.";::::._ =-'~'..==-:.:,_---,------; :...,._-.:;~';.;.-""..-_-c.,,::"_o__.......,.,=:,,-_;:;-,_.,.....:;:;~: ~ " 0'__- ____ ____.__ ..... __,______ ____._ ..._. __ .._..___.__ _._.u'_____ AREA 6 - Tinker Knoll Subdivison, Section 2: 8.512 acres as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 10, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. AREA 7 - Mount Vernon Heights Area: BEGINNING at a point on the west right-of-way line of Route 221 (Bramble ton Avenue) at its intersection with the south Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke; tmnce with the aforesaid right-of way line, 1,630 feet, more or less, in a southerly direction to the southwest corner of Brambleton Court Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 122 of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the west boundary of the aforesaid Brambleton Court ang leaving the west right-of-way line of Brambleton AveBue, N. 33 43' W., 186.36 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 2 11' E., 669.68 feet to the southeast corner of Brambleton Court, Section 2, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 228; thence with a line leaving Brambleton Court and with the south boundaries of Brambleton Court Section 2, the following bearings and distances: N. 87649' W., 664.22 feet; N. 20 11' E., 172.88 feet; N. 87049' W., 227.9 feet; S. 570 53' W., 60.53 feet; N. 87 49' W., 295.29 feet; N. 1 06' E., 455.03 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corner of Brambleton Court, Section 2, and the northeast corner of Berwick Heights Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 200, and a point on the south boundary of Melody Acres as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 55; thence with the south boundary of MSlod~ Acres and being the north boundary of Berwick Heights, S. 89 57 W., 877.11 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of Route 682 (Garst Mill Road); thence with the east right-of-~ay line of Garst Mill Road 3,200 feet, more or less, in a southerly direction to the point of intersection of the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Garst Mill Road and the west right-of-way line of Brambleton Avenue; thence continuing with the west right-of-way line of Brambleton Avenue in a southerly direction to the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and Cave Spring Road (Route 119); thence with a line crossing Route 221 at right angles to the alignment of the west right-of-way line of Route 221, 360 feet, more or less, to a point 300 feet east of the east right-of-way line of Route 221; thence with a line parallel to Route 221 and 300 feet in distance from the aforesaid east right-of-way line of Route 221 in a southerly direction 1,750 feet, more or less, to the north right-of-way line of Route 687; thence with the north right-of-way line of Route 687' (Colonial Avenue), 1,500 feet, more or less, to its intersection with the north right-of-way line of Route 720; thence with the north right-of-way line of Route 720 (Colonial Avenue) 318 feet, more or less, to a point on the said north right-of-way line of Route0720j thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Colonial AveBue N. 27 36 W., 395.6 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 73 00' W., 394.6 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 00 02' E., 1,199.8 feet, partly with the east boundary of the Sally T. Fralin 11.62 acre tract, to a point and said point beigg the northeast corner of the Fralin tract; thence with a line S. i3 29' E., 438 feet to a point and said point being the northwest corneO of the H. W. James 9.12 acres tract; thence with a line S. 27 36' E., 1,221 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of Route 720; thence continuing with the aforesaid north right-of-way line of Route 720, 5,100 feet, more or less, to the southeastcorner of Castle Hill Development, Section 2, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 31; and intersection with the east right-of-way line of Poplar Drive (Route 1604); thence N. 340 00' W., 570 feet, more or less, with the east right- of-way line to the south corner of Block 1, Castle Hill Development, Section 3, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 115; thence with the south boundary of Castle Hill Development, Section 3, N. 240 08' E., 1,854.85 feet to a point and said point being the northeast corner of said Castle Hill Development, Section 3; thence continuing N. 240 08' E., 50 feet, more or less, with the east boundary of the M. I. Keffer property as recorded in Deed Book 530, Page 364, to the southeast corner of Greenwood Forest Subdivision, Section 3, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51; thence with the south and west boundaries of the aforesaid Greenwood Forest, Section 3, the following bearings and distances: N. 640 33' 30" W., 200 feet; S. 250 26' 3D" W., 90.260feet; N. 75023' W., 454.5 geetj N. 0001' E., 375 fees; N. 22 13' E., 532.84 feet; S. 45 25 E., 86.25 feet; N. 49 OS' E., 145.63 feet to a point on the west right-of-way line of Wedgewood Road (Route 1623); thence with the west right-of-way line of Wedgewood Road 470 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Wedgewood Road and the south right-of-way line of Brambleton Avenue; thence with the south right-of-way line of Brambleton Avenue, N. 510 12' E., 50.40 feet to the southeast corner of the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and Wedgewood Road; thence with a line crossing Brambleton Avenue, N. 38048' W., 60 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that area including Berwick Heights Subdivision, H. S. Turner Subdivision, Mount Vernon Heights Subdivision, Castle Hill Subdivisions, and the Mount Vernon School Property of the County School Board of Roanoke County, in all a total of 532, more or less, acres. I I I I I . AREA 8 - Vinyard Gardens, Etc.: BEGINNING at a point on the east Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke in the center line of Vinton Road, 360.0 feet, more or less, south of the center line of U. S. Route 460 (Orange Avenue); thence with a line leaving the said Corporate Limits and with the north boundary of a subdivision of the properties of C. A. Plasters and W. C. Johnson, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 97, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuic Court of Roanoke County, to the center line of Mecca Street, in all a total distance of 3,062.01 feet; thence with the center line of Mecca Street S. 200 33' E., 191.54 feet, more or less, to a point opposite the northwest corner of Block 4, Vinyard Gardens Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 191; thenc5 with a line leaving the said center line of Mecca Street, N. 62 36' E., 25 feet, more or less, to the aforesaid northwest corner of Block 4, Vinyard Gardens Subdivbsion; thence with the north boundary line of Block 4, N. 62 36' E., 1,120.5 feet to the northeast corner of Block 4; thence with the east bounda6Y of Block 4 and Block 3, Vinyard Gardens Subdivison, S. 17 14' E., 767.45 feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of Block 3 on the north right-of-way line of Richard Avenue6 thence with the north right-of-way line of Richard Avenue N. 63 06' E., 25 feet, more or less, to the east right-of-way line of Jack Strees; thence with the east right-of-way line of Jack Street S. 22 11' E., 80 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of Vinyard Gardens Annex Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 206; thence with the north lDundary of Vinyard Gardens Annx N. 550 37' E., 538.7 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 10, Vinyard Gardens Annex; thence with the east boundary of the aforesdd Lot 10, S. 340 23' E., 454.76 feet to a point on theonorth right-of-way line of Harwood Drive; thence continuing S. 34 23' E., and crossing Harwood Drive to the north side of King Avenue, in all a total distance of 650 feet, more or less; thence with the north right-of- way line of King Avenue the following bearings and distances: S. 46003' W., 62.0 feet, more or less; S. 56 16' W., 142.01 feet; and S. 60026' W., 630.97 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Blk. 13, Idlewild Park Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 258; thence continuing with the aforesaid north right-of-way line of King Avenue S. 79020 W., 693.0 feet to the southwest corner of the aforesaid Lot 4; thence continuing wit~ the north right-of-way line of King Avenue S. 540 20' W., 509.6 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the north right-of-way line of King Avenue and the aforesaid east Corporate Limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the aforesaid Corporation line in a northerly direction 590 feet, more or less, to the north boundary line of Mecca Gardens Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 58; thence continuing with the aforesaid Corporation Line and the south boundary of Vinyard Gardens Subdivision 2,275.0 feet, more or less, to a point 225.0 feet, more or less, from the center line of the aforesaid Vinton Road; thence continuing with the aforesaid Corporation Line, 1,375 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING, and being a boundary description of an area of 149.72 acres, more or less, located to the east of the City of Roanoke and north of the Town ~f Vinton and including all of or portions of the Vinyard Gardens Subdivision, C. A. Plasters and W. C. Johnson Subdivision, A~rington Court Subdivision, Vinyard Gardens Annex Subdivision, and Idlewild Park Subdivision. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Roo~ in the Courthouse Building in Salem, Virginia, on the 20th day of August, 1962, at 3:00 o'clock p. m., of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services, and any other persons in interest, will.be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial opposition by the prospective users of the proposed services be heard, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its discretion, may call for a referendum on the question inabove set forth, . , , I::; . I . i~ l=- i ! - I";"" , I , . W o as prescribed in the aforesaid VU',;inia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of this public hearirg to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginjea Water and Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall. be in full force and effect from and after their passage. On motion of Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R.Keffer Nays: None 203 ~~,.4.. ~-tf~,z/- ...I ~.~ 7.' J.b'" , I I I , iI?~p/.A I~~ 1 1. .. J'/''''' _ _ __-=_-.,=co'-=.-=_ ~'-_'-;;;;==-_"", ::'_-"';;O--;:C_ _ -_~- ---;: = =-_--_--~- - ._____m_..___..__..__ _ ____, .__,n.'___'_._.d .. On application of the below-named petitioner: H. U. Martin (unnamed road from Yellow Mountain Road (Rt. 668) to D. E. 0.10 mile) who this day filed his petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it iS,ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garder" orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken, ant, that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road or roads will be of such mere I I private convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience they are desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner- of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I .. On mJtion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that at the next regular meeting of this Board to be held at the Court House of this County on the 20th day of August, 1962, an amendment to Section 3 of an Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of Dogs in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and prescribing penalties for its Violation, I heretofore adopted by this Board on the 19th day of March, 1962, be proposed for adoption prescribing the amount of licenses and at which time each dog must be licensed, and to prescribe fines and other punishment for violations thereof. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish once a week for the next two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, Va., notice of the intention of this Board to amend Section 3 of said ordinance above referred to. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer None h !: n .. I"" ! 1 .. n ~ 205 , The following ordinance amending and re-adopting an Ordinance heretofore adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Va., on the 16th day of June, 1941, notice of intention to propose the same for adoption having hereto- fore been published as required by law. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING AND MAKING IT UNlAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO DRIVE OR OPERATE ANY AUTGlOBILE OR OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE, CAR, TRUCK, ENGINE OR TRAIN WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, BRANDY, RUM, WHISKEY, GIN, WINE, BEER, lAGER BEER, ALE, PORTER, STOUT, OR ANY OTHER LIQUID BEVERAGE OR ARTICLE CONTAINIOO ALCOHOL, OR WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY NARCOTIC DRUG, OR ANY OTHER SEl.F-AI>>1INISTERED INTOXICANTS OR DRUG OF WHATSOEVER NATURE, AND TO PRESCRIBE FINES AND OTHER PUNISHMENT FOR VIOlATIONS THEREOF: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISO:~S AS FOLLCMS: 1: It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any automobile or other motor vehicle, car, truck, engine or train while under the influence of alcohol, brandy, rum, whiskey, gin, wine, beer, lager beer, ale, porter, stout, or any other liquid beverage or article containing alcohol, or I' ......t. . pr1d, /; ~ " '7, ,.3.1.". while under the influence of any narcotic drug or any other self-administered intoxicants or drug of whatsoever nature. 2: Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished for a first offense by a fine of not less than $200.00 nor more than $1,000.00, or by confinement in jail for not less than one month nor more than six months, either or both, in the discretion of the jury, or the Court trying the case without a jury. Any person convicted within any period of ten years of a second or other subsequent offense under this ordinance, or convicted of a first offense under this ordinance after having been convicted within any period of ten years prior to said conviction under this ordinance of an offense under the provisions of Section 18.1-54 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to dcte, (former:Section 18-75 of the Code of Virginia), the ordinance of any county, city or town in this State, or the laws of any other State sub- stantially similar to the provisions of Sections 18.1-54 through 18.1-57 of the Code of Virginia, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $200.00 nor more than $1,000.00, and by confinement in jail for not less than one month nor more than one year. 3: The judgment of conviction or finding of not innocent in the case of a juvenile, if for a first offense under this ordinance, shall of itself operate to deprive the person so convicted or found of the right to drive or operate such automobile or other motor vehicle, car, truck, enginer, or train in this state for a period of one year from the date of said ju~ent; and if for a second or other subsequent offense under this ordinance, or if convicted of a first offense under this ordinance after having been convicted within any period of ten years prior to said conviction under this ordinance of an offense under the provisions of Section 18.1-54 of the Code of Virginia as amended to date (former Section 18-75 of the Code of Virginia), or the ordinance of any county, city or town in this state, or the laws of any other state sub~tantially similar to the provisions of Sections 18.1-54 through Section 18.1-57 of the Code of Vtginia, such judgment of conviction shall of, itself operate to deprive the person so convicted or found of the right to operate any such automobile or other motor vehicle, car, truck, enginer, or train in this state for a period of three years from the dat~ of the second or subsequent conviction or finding of not innocent. I i 206 I I I ~~------------ '-~------ ---- '-- ,-, r =..==:~,o...,~..,....-,,-~-=:::",= =_-...'=...='=._~_-_-cc . .-=-......:O:.~,=---:- _-_~_",=-""'C.'''_:''-:-='' -.. 0 --C'_...,,,,,,,,-'-;,' c: ,,...,.-----,-__ ~ -..,.CO -:-:.--. ;;:-.'.-"~ _..,-:" -~".7'---- 4: The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and the Clerk of the County Court of Roanoke County, and the Clerm of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court of Roanoke County shall within thirty days after the final conviction of any person in his Court under this ordinance, report the facts thereof, the name, Post Office address, and street address of such person, to- gether with the license number of the vehicle operated by such person to the Director of the Division of Motor Vehicles at Richmond, Virginia. 5: This ordinance shall become effective on and after August 10, 1962. I All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Be it further ordained that the Clerk of this Board be and he hereby is instructed and directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be published once a week for two successive weeks, on July 26, 1962, and on August 2, 1962, in the Times Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton, Moules, the foregoing ordinance was adopted as read by the following recorded I vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in August, I 1962. /1/ ~J /;;-, r iJ/V /,///;;;f1 '- / // Chairman 1/" C -<.: Court House Salem,Virginia August 20, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: EdWin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. r Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert, Salem, Virginia offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each ~ember of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. r The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: NoJ)7036 Times-Register Co. Publishing County Budget $ 105.00 " 07037Double Envelopes Co. Window Envelopes for Mailing Sup- ervisors Checks 31.90 "0703S Acme Printers Co. Book Binding &. Office Supplies 69.45 "07039 Void "07040 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 739.S5 "07041 Salem Auto Parts, Inc. Parts for County Vehicles 126.24 "07042 Salem Office Supply Co. Office Supplies for Verious Offices. 63.99 n 07043 Pitney-Bowes Inc., Meter tape for Trea's. Postage Machine. 1.60 I I r: ,. ht ~ ~ , II :, :i !I n " , n I" U a i; n C. W. Warthen Co., Binding Land Book $ Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Delinquent Tax C Collector's Office Xerox Corporation, Record Paper for Clerk's Office Caldwell-Si~es Co. Office Supplies & Janotir Supplies Michie Co., Law Books for Judge Hoback Robert Dawson, Postmas~r, Postage for County Court City Treasurer-Roanoke City, Room & Board for Children detained at the City's Detention Home James M. Bryant, Reimburse Traveling Expense Probation Officer-July Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Traveling Expense-July Probation Officer Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse July Traveling , expense for Probation Officer, Williams Auto Alignment Co. Parts for 6002 Police Car Vinton Motor Co. Repair & Parts 5902 Police Car Summerdean Esso Station, Parts and grease jobs on Co. Vehicles Salem Motors, Repair and parts for Police Car 6204 Dr. A. J. Russo, Examination of Drunk Drivers John B. Stetson Co. , Weaving'App8rel for Sheriff and Deputies Star City Office Equipment Co., Repairing Royal Typewriter for Sheriff's Office Dr. R. B. Smiley, Alcolhol Test. Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, Frances Fitzgerald Bookkeeper Harvest Motors, Parts for Vehicles Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk Driving tests Walter Wade Obenchain Treating Prisoner 'at Jail Delmus Da1phin Sumpter Chapman-Taney Ins. Co~, Premium on Bond for Special Policeman-Ralph Victor Iddings Auto Spring & Bearing Co. Part Garbage Truck 5301 Flash Light Batteries Owen Plumbing Co., Repair work & Air Conditioning Equipment H. M. Wood Plumbing Co. Repairs to Jail S & W Pharmacy Co., Medical Supplies for jail Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry for Jail Courthouse (Janitor Supplies) Wm. P. Swartz, Jr c!t Co. Cups for Jail Virginia Foods, Inc. Foods, Medical Supplies, etc. Jail Void W. T. Rierson Store , Food for Prisoners 60 doz Eggs @ 35~ Doz. 07075 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for ~risoners 07076 Frigid-Freeze Frozen Foods, Food for Jail 07077 Hecht's Bakery, Food for Prisoners 07078 Monarch Finer Foods, Food for Prisoners 07079 Salem Radiator Service, Repairs to Co. Vehicles 07080 Radio Cummunications Co. Radio Maintenance 07081 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire House 07082 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Parts for Fire Trucks 07083 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gas, Oil & Parts 07084 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Oil purchased for H6110ns Vehicle 07085 Grover Products Co. ijx Parts Bent Mt. Truck 07086 Fulton White Truck Co. Inc. Parts for Fire Truck 5103 07087 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co. Fuel for Hollins Fire House 07088 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner No. 07044 07045 n II 07046 07047 07048 07049 07050 tI n ., . n n 07051 n 07052 n 070;3 " 07054 07055 07056 " n n 07057 07058 07059 n n n 07060 n 07061 07062 n n 07063 07064 n 07065 n 07066 n 07067 07068 07069 07070 n n n 07071 07072 07073 07074 n n n n n n n n n n n n u n n n -;;:_--'._"---_._..~;:..-_..:._.-- ,--'--.;.----.'---- . 207 24.23 40.00 766.55 110.69 30.00 24.00 56.00 45.78 73.06 31.71 6.00 46.53 52.30 34..37 115.00 95.90 6.15 160.00 93.33 22.71 17.50 10.00 6.30 448.45 27.00 13.00 33.31 32.40 140.24 21.00 29.70 75.94 47.53 87.37 22.00 42.27 8.85 28.50 23.67 8.34 86.49 7.68 33.68 4.00 No. 07039 " 07090 07091 07092 " " " 07093 " 07094 07095 07096 " " " 07097 07098 07099 " " " 07100 07101 07102 07103 07104 07105 07106 07107 07108 " " " " " " " " " 07109 07110 07111 07112 " " " " 07113 " 07114 " 07115 " 07116 07117 07118 07119 07120 07121 07122 07123 07124 " " " " " " " " " 07125 07126 07127 07128 " " " --.--- ..~..- -----..--- - _.._----_._---~._---_..- ----- ....-. ----..-.... - ____ - _____..u.'. _. ""__.. '. ._ '.' Brarnbleton Gulf Service,Gas and Oil fer C.S.Trucks $ Baker Brothers, Inc., Parts for C. S. Trucks Brambleton Auto SErvice,Parts for C.S. Fire Truck Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Salem Truck Arrow Hardware Paint E Feed Co. ,Supplies for Hollins Clearbrook Lion's Club, July rent Clearbrook Fire House ~]. H. Garman, July rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire House J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, July Rent on Cave Spring Fire House Noland Company, Pump for Mercy House R. L, Obenchain, Drilling Well at Mercy House Fairview Horne, County' share of expense of Home for the aged at Dublin Void Void Burrell Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare Furman Whitescarver, Jr. Lunacy Case Charles G. Shelor, Derwood H. Rusher, Void Lunacy Cases Lunacy Cases Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr. Lunacy Cases Kime and Jolly, Attorneys, Lunacy Cases Attorney's Fee Re: Annexation Keith K. Hunt, Attorney, W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy Hearings Lunacy Case Dr. Fred Cruser Lunacy Cases Times-World Corporation, Publishing Meeting of Zoning Board Paul B. Matthews, Traveling Expense to Richmond Re: Civil Defense Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, Contributing to the operati~g ex~ penses of the Regional Commission for the fiscal year July 1,1962 throubh June 30, 1963 Yates and Wells Garage Co.,~epairs and Parts for Garbage Trucks Shepherd's ~uto Supply Co., Parts for garbage Trucks Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor Shackleford Cox Truck & Mch., Parts for Truck,540l Salem Glass Co":poration, Reparis and Parts for Garbage Tr. Void Spangler's Garage, Pa:-ts for 130r, Garbage Truck 15.88 14.89 5.00 6.19 3.02 I 60.00 60.00 60.00 297.75 934.00 I 12.97 262.34 20.00 20.00 20.00 60.00 995.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 I 6.00 33.00 1,165.00 402.90 {,6.76 21. 76 I 4l,6 . 0.1 .'i3.55 2.00 I Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Parts etc. 1301 Garbage Tr. 19.00 Roanoke Auto Sprins 'Jorks, Parts for garbage trucks 138,09 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Truck 5306 and Brake Fluid for Stock Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Truck Inv. Magic City Kotor Corp., Parts for Garbage Trucks Goodyear Service Stores, Parts for Garbage Trucks and ti::es foc- atock Harris Used Auto Parts, Parts for Gal-bage T1:ucks 35.6l," 19.93 l,64.27 372.32 75.00 ~ 1 . H ... ! ~ 1<:<1 1""1 I ! - 1"\ W ~ W . -.-.. ..... -_.-----~-_.- No. 07129 Goodwin Chevrolet Corporation, Parts 5803 $ 2.00 " 07130 Diamond Chevrolet Co:~poration, Parts for garbage Truck 5803 26.34 " 07131 Diesel Injection Sales Co., Parts for garbage truck and tractor 24.42 " 07132 Custom Seat & Cover Shop, Repairs to 5305 07133 E. J. Brumfield, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 10.00 " 3.00 " 07134 Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Corp., Plates for garoage cans and Addressograph Machine 4,875.21 " 07135 Auto Spring & Bea~ing Co., Parts 1;,8.13 " 07136 Applachian Power Co. , Street lighting 668.44 " 130 copies of Voting List 07137 Stone Printing Co., 1,638.20 .90 " 07138 Salem Hardware Co., 3 cans of oil " 07139 Salem P~int Co., Paint for Courthouse 84.20 07140 Void " 07141 Mc~1un~ Lumber Co., Lumber for courthouse repairs 07142 Easter Supply Co., Cover for chair in Treasurer's office 07143 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor aupplies 07144 Dame Roofing Co., Repairing leaks in Courthouse 07145 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware & Misc. items for Courthouse .85 4.20 " " 14.8l, " 11.00 12.51 .. " 07146 Void " 07147 Blain Supply Co. Janitor Supplies 07148 American Chemical Co., Janitor Supplies 5.14 13.61 " " 07149 Void " 07150 Bush Electric Co., Labor on air conditioning & building 77 .80 " 07151 Acme Typewriter Co., Office supplies & Gestetner Stencils 40.23 07152 Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Addl. premium on Workman's Compensation In. at Audit " 821. 85 " 07153 Parker-Nimmo ~upply Co., Street signs and fire hose 1,744.78 " 07154 Pure Oil Co., Gas and oil purchased for distribution at Hollins station and County Garage 1,222.17 " 07155 1,00ds, Rogers, Muse & Walker, Services rendered for July, 1962, Re; Annexation City of Roanoke 1,950.00 " 07156 N. & W Railway Co., Rent on space at Freight Station 7.00 " 07157 Void 07158 Void " " Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., Lanterns for firemen 31.16 07159 07160 Lightweight Block Co., Material for Fire House at Ft.LewiJ1,351.17 \. " " 07161 Dr. Preston H. Givens, 1 Motorola Base and Mobile Radio Unit SOO.OO " 07162 John 1-1. Hancock, Jr, Inc., Haterial fo'~ Ft, Lewis Fire Station 1,110.42 " 07163 Fort Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co., Lumber- Ft. Lewis Fire Station 127.92 32.81 " 07164 Castle Sands Co., Mate::ia1 for Ft, Lel'lis fL~e station " 07165 Cates Building Specialties, Material for Ft. Lewis Fire Station 17'3.75 " 07166 Motorola Communications Co., 1 complete Radio Com- munication Set- 286.00 " 07167 Miller T'_;:e Service, Tires fo" distdbution to va::-ious ',ehiels 52. SO " 07168 Goodyear Service Sto;:es, Tires purchased for distribution to Co. vehicles 18.72 " 07169 H. B. Clements, Inc., Batteries and parts for dist"ibut~on 120.24 209 210 ~""'~""""C':""C"_"""""""""=-""'--'.~_-.""-"'~:--'-",,,,,"--,,--'...,....,...,.: . _~___, __-_--'_,,_-.'~-- .._ _" _u...n. _"__ b,=-....:;..-==:::=-.:..-.:....,==-..::..::::=-"'--=--.:...~:-.~=-=-..-.,;: o_.~':-=-=-=-~...,....._-:;;-'C ",=-,',,::::::c,="=,. =_:.., . . ---. "'--'----_':'" ._-"'___c.:_-..~:,,"_- -- , " " IN RE: No. 07170 Robert Dawson, Postmaster $ 100.00 18.48 140.00 I' " 07189 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies for various offices 77 .10 42.50 38.00 200.00 23.90 %2.37 I " 07190 Void 148.14 2.97 30.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 07201 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., 07202, Dr.S. D Carey, 07203 Keith K, Hunt, Lunacy Case 07204 L. Kenneth Hhitlock, Extra Office Asst. in Public Horks Off.26S.92 able therewith, to-wit: No. 07171 Auto Sprin~ & Bearing Co., Cbshion for dog truck " 07172 Bob's Narket, Dog Food 11 07191 International Business Machine$, Maintenance on I~l Typewriters in Commissioner of Revenue's Office and Public Works Office 80.12 I II 07192 Merchants Industries, Inc., Envelopes for Treasurer 07193 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record Paper for Clerk 272.80 31.18 4.00 6.91 ll3.:n L,.02 810.10 17.1.5 41. 60 20.73 30.00 I II II 07194 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for children detained at the City's Detention Home in Roanoke 07195 Crippled Children's Hospital, Contribution to Children's Hospital The follmdng clailCls against the county were this day presented,app::oved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds I'espectively c:,arge- II II 07196 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for C.S. Fire Sta. 07197 Roanoke Memo.~'ial Hospital, Hospital bills for Welfare 07198 Goom~in InsuI'ance & Realty Co., Premium on Liability Ins. for automobile owned by Judge F. L. Hoback, 1 year from June 2,1962 07199 Pure Oil Co., Gas purchased for Cave Spring Rescue Squad 07200 W. B. Gochenour, Court Appointed Attorney Re: Lunacy II " 11 11 " Lunacy Case " Lunacy Case 11 " 07205 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Labor and parts on tractor 11 Roy K Bro,~, Clerk, Certifying Poll Tax List for 1959-1960-1961 07206 11 ,07207 White Supply Co., Janitor Supplies 07208 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, Repairing Seat Cover Car 5604 11 II Office Supplies (cimeogI'aph Paper) 07209 Caldwell-Sites Co. II 07210 R. C. Pittman, Co-oI'dinator, Reimburse Trav. Exp.to Hash. II 07211 State Board of Education, Surplus for Civil Def. Program II 07212 Cates Building Specialties,Inc. Material for new Ft. Lewis Fire Station 11 07213 Panarra-Beaver Co., Offices Supplies II 07214 Ralph Long, Reimburse Tra\'. Exp. to Maryland transpor- ting dogs to Nedical College II 07215 C. E. Boone, Sheriff, Reimburse T':aveling Expense 11 07216 Mrs. Louin Gai~n, Livestock clain DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIXS &s: II 07173 Cooper Veterinao:y Hospital, Nedical Supplies 07174 FarIL1erts E::change Hills, Dog Food 07175 Harvest Motors Co. , Parts foe: Dog Truck 071n County School Bd. of n C. , Pa,:ts for c1o~ t.:ucl: ,.. 11 11 11 " 07177 Humble Oil & ;CoHnL'!::; Co., Gasoline pu-:cI'!ased on cou':tesy card fa:: dog t~:uck I 3.38 2.00 10.00 33.(,0 !:.20 ?l: .00 G.3L:. --..,-, ....-.-----..- .. ..- -'--- ~~-_.- - - --..- ._ '.. ____ _ n .._ .. ..U -_._.-.~--- -----_.-_._----~-_._._._-- ---.- ...-.------- __.__..;.,,0.0.;_--'-___."-_.._._._ No. 07178 HcKessoJ'1, Rc"bins D::ug Co., Hedical supplies fOr" dog clinics $ 13.40 11 07179 Sales Hotors, Repairs to Do~ Truck No. 6005 1.80 - 1~1 11 07180 (8ai:mcxil!UtnxRlIX:ts;;xRlIX:tsxfl1x}::lmgxfxllI,kx) Void 11 07181 Salem HardHare Co. , Flashlight and batteries 6.45 11 07182 Radio Communications Co. , Haintenance to Radio on dog truck 15.00 " 07183 Steel Service lJarehouse, Naterial foo' Do,~ Pound 15.71 " 0'184 Times-Register Ci.... , Advertising- notice of meeting 10.00 " 07185 VinUm Hard,~are Co. , Dog chains 1.30 11 07186 Herbert Fisher, Fm'71 Claim 11. 00 11 07187 Salem Auto Parts, Inc. , Parts for dog truck 12.28 !IiilI , . Ie' JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer af Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the fOlloHing report: Salem, Virginia Aug. 20, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business August 13, 1962, thel:e ,qas to the credit of the ~,it .. Deg Fund $175,141.20 6,215.13 General Revenue Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund 71.93 School Construction Fund 63,882.12 School Debt Retirement 5 ,L:,33. 50 School Te::tbook Fund 2,199.33 F. 1. C. A. 2,t;.43.3l Deferred Credit Accoun:: ( J. B. IlcNeal) Deferred Credit Account ( J. E.pete::s) t:22.6l 108.60 $255,90.73 Raspectfull)' submitted James E. Peters, Treasure;:tl Said report approved and ordered filed. ~ v On motion, duly seconded, it is oY.'dered that the Count~- Pa~r.~oll fOi4 the Copies del to Treas.,Co. Bookkeeper &: Co Ex Officer 8/22/62 month of August, 1%2, be app::oved in the U1C:ount of $9999.79, f::oI:l ,~hich the sum of $238.83 total F. 1. C. I,. ta}:es and the Sum of $1007.15 total H. H. Taxes, al~ to 3e deducted leaving a net pay'~oll of $8753,81. Adopted oythe folloHin:; recorded vote: c Ayes: Supe....visers Hiner R. Keffe;~, A. C. HJ.~';.-=is, G. Hanpto;'l Houlse a;'ld Ed,,7in G. Te::::ell, None N"ys: .. On notion, duly seconded, it is o::de;:ed that the paye'oll for ;o,efuse col- lection and Janitor Se::vice fo;: pe::iod July 16, 1962, end in:; July 31, 1962, be Copies del to Treas. Co. Bookkeeper &: Co-Ex. Office 8/22/62. approved in the amount of $3,779.55, f::oro ""ic11 $113.12 total F.Le.A. Ta::es; $21t,.30 total ~,;. H. Ta>:es, and $t,t".80 insurance a;:e to be deducted, lea'iin:; a net payroll of $3,402.33; .i.'.,...~;....,..~.....,....____~. __ __._______ __._ 213 .. C. D. CHUo/JAN, Collector of Delinquent Ta::es of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board his report for the fjsc~l year ending June 30, 1962, of total collections, includin3 penalties and interest, as folloHs: fill , . I~' Totd Collecti.ons Total Collections Grand Total (Taxes) (Garbage Accounts) $24,477.76 3,842.06 $28,319.82 $,8901. :52 Total Expenses Recovered Harrant Court Cost Fees Net Expenses and 67.25 $ 8834.07 (ost (percentage-wise) 31. 1";' - , I t~, which report is received and ordered filed. '" IN RE: ABANDQN;,[ENT OF DISCONTINUED ) ROAD THROUGH PROPERTY OF BUSH ) VALLEY mITM CLUB, INCORPORATED, ) LOCATED ON STATE SECONDA,"~Y ) ROUTE NO. 634 ) :ORDER: ~.,~ . .~ : y-. : 17-//, 2-- ' This da:1 came Bush Valley SHim Club, Incorporated, by its Attorney, and tendered a p'ltition for the abandonment of a discontinued road through 6.268 acres of land owned by it on State Secondary Route No. 63l" "hich petition is hereby ORDE~~D filed. f~ iiHEREAS, State Secondary Route No. 634, which was also kno,yn as Blue Ridge Church Road, has been altered and relocated and a neH road, which is State Secon- dary Route NJ, 63~, as now located serving the same citizens as the old road, has been constructe1 in lieu of the old road and approved-by this Board of t: l~ (0" ~ - Supervisors; and l'mEP~S, the said old road was discontinued by the State Highway Commis- sion on March 15, 1962, pursuant to Section 33-76.7 of the Coci~ of Virginia (1950) Nrn., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the said discontinued road be and the same is hereby abandoned insofar as it is embraced ,,,ith the boundary of the 6.268 acre tract of land acqui,:ed by Bush Valley SHim Club, Incorporated, from T. Martin Bush and Susie Scruggs Bush, his wife, by deed dated July 24,1962, and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, '(. : J_ 1t.t ~ 'Yn~ Virginia, on July 30, 1962. ~ .~- ~ : J ..J The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a ,:ecorded vote, the Super- visors voted as follm,s, to-Hit: f""l . , , ...... Ayes: A. C. Harris, Hinor R.Keffer, G. Haropton Houlse and Ed",in G. Terrell. Nays: None. .. IN RE: r.EZONmG OF 28.955 ACEE TeACT ) OF L.A.N) ON THE EAST SIDE OF ) VIRGINIA HIGHHAY ROUTES NOS. ) (Olf and GOS IN :l.CANOKE COUNTY, ) VIRGINIA. ) OF '~~ ~~~ 'h.- ' sf" 1'').. CTI.DE?. S. S. VINYARD AND !rPJ:IE : 7. VINYARD. 214 ~--"""~.=-c:-:-=:-.,-,:;--=--",,"c.c-:-:::-:=,~c;-- -- -=..,.--,-'--:::.---,-"..,. "-:.,.':C--~..-:c,---- .,' -..----=-.,_-~-.-_. ---~:__"'- ..... b=-.==~=-",-"",,~_-=-_ -'-....,.,.-_=---'~-'-~.~,-=-,...,-_,.,_...."'C""_-......+O=""-'=_~-"'"_-_~_... :::-.::.,;.= ~"'7~'--'~"'::.::~~ ~.~ _',,..,...,-..~=. ,.-~~._,.,. This day ca:ne S. S. Vinya":d and Mamie H. Vinyard :oy Cou;1sel and requested leave to file their Petition relati"le to rezoning property descrihed in said Petition. "nffiREF(~E, BE IT RESOLVED f~D ORDERED that the aforeaaiJ Petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Plannin1:; COJ:lhiission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance "'ith the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that "hen said Planning Commission shall repo':'t: its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virg;inia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forth"'ith set the same dO'<I1 for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that Ilotice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of -I Virginia ane. of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT one certified copy of this resolution cnd order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to PAUL B. MAT1HE,rS, Secretary of the Planning Comnission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The abcve resolution and ordel: were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor E. Hampton ~wulse, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follo,;s, to wit: Ayes: P". C. Harris, G. Hampton Houlse, Ed"7in G. Terrell and Hinol' R. Keffer.: I Nays: None. " BE IT R1:S0LVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the :t e.~ rJ;;: ~ ~~ of September 23, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the Ccunty of Roanoke, 'tMi:~J)1iii...~ d~aiing with the treatment of domestic and corrnnerical wastes, by eme:'gency ""^fl"'" .~ \ r S~resolutio~, to the following extent only, viz: tt~ ~ BEGINNIllG at the point of intersection of the center lines of State tJ..L /. Secondal:y Routes ;:'637 and %13, 375 feet, more or less, easterly f,-"o:,' the [., $a-u, interseetion of the center lines aforesaid Route if~87 and U. S. Route {,!221; . -t-' thence with the center line of the aforesaid route it613 in a southerly ~~ direction 6,300 feet, more or less, to a point and said point being the 11 approximate highest point on Route 't613 bet>7een Cave Springoand Starkey; '\' p- thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Route ,%13 , No 16 00' E., 7900 feet, more or less to a point on the center line of the Norfolk and ,"estern Railway Company's "1inston-Salem Division right-of-way; thence with the center line of the aforesaid Hinston-Salem Division ri.ght-of-way in a no;.-therly and easterl:r direction 10,560 feet, more or less, to the Southwest Corporation Limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the said City Corporation Line in a no:.-thwesterly direction, 1,130 feet, more or less, to the center line of Rcutl: 1t720 ( Colonial Avenue) ; thence with the center line of Colonial Avenue in a loutherly and westerly direction 5,200 feet, more or less, to a point; thence leaving Colonial Avenue and continuing with the aforesaid Corpora':ion line in a northerly and westerly direction, 1,250 feet, more or less, t'J a point on the southeast boundary of Greem,ood Fo:.-est Subdivision, Sectioli 2, as recorded in Plat Book 2" Page 175, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the southwe'5t boundary of the aforresaid Greenwood Forest Subdivision, Section 2, S 24' 50' ,';" 370.0 feet to a point; thence with the eastern boundary of Gree'lwood Forest Subdivision! Section 3, as ;.-ecorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51, of the aforesaid Clerk s Office, the following bearings and distanc,es: S ~l,o, 18' H., 446.16 feet ~ S. 150 11' 30" "1., 38.72 feet to the southeast corner of the aforesaid Greenwood Forest Subdivision, Section 3; thence '~ith the west boundary of the Herbert Sears property as recorded in Deed Book 302, page 82, and being the east boundary of Block 1, Castle Hill Development, Section 3, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 115, S. 240 08' H. Council for the City of Roanoke,' be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract I I ~ c !!It ~ I,:' U o 215 1,904.85 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the aforesaid block I, Castle Hill Development, Section 3; taence with the east ~ight-of-way line of Poplar Drive (Route if1604) N. 34 00' IV., 595 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the aforesaid east right-of-way line of Poplar Drive and the center line of Colonial Avenue and ~eing the south- east corner of Castle Hill Development,Section 2, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 31; thence with the center line of the aforesaid Colonial Avenue, 6,900 feet, more or less to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 1300 ac~e area, more or less', including the following subdivisions: Belle Meade, Ingleside, Grcen Valley, Green Haven Hills, Jefferson Park, Jefferson Hills, and Ogden Hills. and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full ex- tent as if said areas were therein set out in extension. (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be deliverec by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such points as are apprcved by the City's Director of Public Works or, the City Engineer, and that requisite measuring meters be installed at such points of delivery, by the County,if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph "c" hereof. (C) E,E IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke that in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any or all of the said are~s hereinavove identified, and the City assuming the obli- gation of sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or tr,e Supreme Court of ,Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systetlS con- structed, OI' hereafter constructed, in said areas he~einablve identified, with funds supplied by developers, or institutions, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation l~thority, without charge to the Authorit~" or with contracts pro- viding for reimbursement fron connection fees, in whole or in part, and not built by the' Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of '?-oanoke County, Viq;inia, willbecome the property of the City without any payment to s'aid Authori,ty therefor, but subj ect to the ~ights of such develope~s ancl insti- tutions to I'eimbursement in ~,hole or in part, as provided for in their respec- tive contrae:ts with the said Autho~-ity, Howeve-::, this applies only to the areas hereinabove identified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Coun- cil of the City of Roanoke" of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County elf Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the p~ovis ions thereof, as fully and to the same eJ:tent, as said County if nm, bound by othe~ te~T.lS and provisions of the afore-mentioned conCact of Septenber 28, 1951". An emergency is hereby declared to eJ:ist 2nd these !'esolution shall be i,n , full force ,md effect fron and aftec passage the~eof. Adopted by the follm,ing reco;:-ded vote: - Ayes: Edwin G. Te'~~ell, Hinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Houlse. Nays: !lone. .. T. S. Fe", Attorney fe" Edge::- F, Jamison, this day appeaLed before the Beard and sllbmitted a petition signed ;'y sund'7 p.:ope::ty mmers in the Jeffe.-son Hills-' Cgd€n Hills area, ::equestino:; the Board to take sone action as to widen- ing of Route ~':~68l, and East of O.sden Road f-,_.orn 3t2~:,key Road to Colonial Avenue, whi.ch petition is ordered filed, and !-k. Fox advised that Route }C31 is 216 .' ~ ~.~~:::"..-:-:~.".._-=-===""",,:,":,-,.._~.. '~'-=-;'; -"",~-=::--~,'.,'-. '.7_~."'--""-"',-:-C_:,"'. .-----. "-=""~"'="':'=,=="'=-c~.~'::-.'='=_='=,.=:o.--C:_-:;';"'--:",,"-_,,"=-""-;";... I , ,i~ I~~t 'I ~. tiJ-:u ~ ~l '6t:-~t~ , '..I~R...P...,.1. , 11. 'f' ' : 'I cW.t 'c.,~ \Ie. ~~ f~ ~ 1-,) " '- ,;1 II , - ~';l L <' " ~ ~l ~j -- ,._._-~-_._- _._--." --."- ."...-.--..- ^---..--- ----'._-..... .-..--.~-_._._. scheduled as a Federal 'Aid Project. ~ ~ communicati?n, dated,July 16, 1962, signed by Ridgewood Park Civic League DY R. .M. Bost~an, Pr:s~dent, and Cherry Hill Park Civic League, by I. W. Ch~ff~n, Presl.dent, l.n re: 1m. enfo'cement in Roanoke County was this day lal.d before the Board and ordered filed. A me~orandum dated July 13, 1962, from the office of th.e Chief Medical EX~l.ner,.to Fiscal Dire~tor or Clerk or Board of Supervisors, in re: Inc.ease l.n Medical E:cam:J.ner's fee to$1.5.00, received and orde;: filed. I . ~ THE STATE CORPORATION C~lMISSION OF VIRGINIA this day submitted state- ments assessed values of Railroad, Express, Sleeping Car and Stea~~oat Com- panies, Telephone and Telegraph Companies, Electric Light and Po,ver Corpora- tions, Gas and Pipe Line T:ansmission Corporat*ons and Water Corporations in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the State Taxes extended thereon for the year 1962, which statements were ordered filed. I ~ The following letter was this day laid before the Board: and ordered spread and filed: " CONHOm-!EALTH OF VIRGINIA Department of Highways P.ichmond,19, Va. July 24, 1962 I Route 709 Project 0709-080-120, C501, B602- Roznoke County Mr. Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Salem, Virginia. Dear Mr. Terrell: totaling Park for I am pleased to advise that we have received authorization $144,511.27 to cover the work on the entrance to the Blue Ridge Industry and will be set up as an Industrial Acess Project. Just aa soon as plan can be drawn for the bridge, we will probably put this project under contract and build as rapidly as possible. You',s very t;,uly C. F. Kellam District Engineer." . Copy of letter dated August 9, 1962, addressed to J, Luck Richa~dson, Jr" Commissioner of the Revenue of Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chaic-nan, I, r State Compensation Board, was this day laid before the Board; and orde~ed filed; Upon consideration ",hereof, on motion of. Supervisor A. C. Ha,,~'is, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is o:cdered that this Board concurs in the approval of the State Compensation Board, subject to the concurrence of this Board, ,:,in the request of the said J Luck Richardson, Jr., COlTII'lissioner of the Re','enue of Roanol~e County, fo-, an allC\'lance of T\-1O Hund;,ed, SiJ:ty-One Dollars and seventy-two cents ($261.72) to cover maintenance agceement for one year, I OctoLe'C 1, 1962, through September 30, 1963, on Add~'essograph-Hultig"aph machine making a total authorized allowance for 19E2 fOe repairs in the Commissioner of Revenue's office to office furniture and equipment (including contracts) $G31.72. Ayes: Supervisors A.C.Harris, Ninor R. Keffei',G. Hampton Moulse and Ed\'1in G.Te-:rell Nays: None 219 , ~ "_".'.-'C.-.'-...-.' "__ :;.:,,,....;.... :_. .-__._______~-___'~_____ .'_~ . _~...__ ---~-----'-_.,-_._--- --......-.- ..,,...,~,.---..,.--....,,.,....,-~+.,..,...""'"": r J~ms E. PETERS, Tceasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day suo- ;i r';,I:,t.ell his. ~nnua1 settlement .f<<r the, year, e'1dix:g,June ,30, .1962, ,..as fo1~o:1S: <:; ,~, ;,."..~\:; ~~j~ __'5. ..,-, '....:-fr~,~e+;::~__ :.,.. )......... ~ . ...:....""_$~ ~~ ."""'.1<!~ '/~.r. r-~~. ~-;.'-.,.;.~ .. k~"'~;' _ ~ ~~-~~~:..-."?C'" ,; '~Jjyh'k....,.,......, -. ~-~........ ---.",...., , __, ' ~ ;.." . :" 0;:, - V..' ' ,,,", ~, "o.-',<~;:-;:y.,:,~::--:::-~:'",":,,:,;:, ~.-~ ,-.', --:......,,::"',.../; ": ,. . .~ . ~i"" ~ . '" ~ ...-.:- ........),1 ,., :t -"- . '. -.~~~..- ..1::'()/rb.. . 0," ': r.-~'tt~~'~~l~~.>>t:~,.. , ." ","""",.po",,,,,- ,.;''',,~..?!~ ;_..,:;<:;?<t""-~;;' ~"'<'''' ", '....,:,:" ..(o.......'};>o~".w;O~,,:...:.:: ,'Zli;i":"-~'~it;'f{~ ..,.--- ,lj' ,. .-'''- ......,,~'" "\UI..~_\~ .'I01:j:)....')." ....mpbt.1 .al't~~~.~,,"~ ~j Lt~' Z/AA.. ~ }~":.o,,",''':,s COu.rt~:'VlSOllS ,jk : d~ J ~ c!, tllJLQc1~,~~;: k: -_ ~D(; '" [r", - -, -- = -- ~ - ' /-" '---.~..~.l~~ " :..... "-~-l;~~- I \ ~~~~v~ ,~:4~j')~r ~~fa 9~,~~,.17'1- Ch~?;~ t!~:.,j.?f.a. ' ! 1:;1-,1 U it .. ' J.;iL~ ~':;-.l 100000 .. .":;~~..L.,J ~,<-<I : " 1~'l,J,..yy+ ., '" :;~ );aL....t 4-L (,t/~(f) l.f"o 0 0 0'00 ._ ;J--:L/4~ " !:: 3</"1>1'0 4..J.l /,J...!-v (,J~ :. dJ'9;<1~; rL; L.e , ' ,'7JJ~__ t??k.:I 4"..,L '. _"^_;~.;,,,7L ,,~d,J.(~~o) " ~~ 1t~?i,~~~'! . t;JJ:jJ~J J~ tj4 ~tl/" /d-c. '1.. .1, J~ /1~d~ H o/t- ~,J.~ I'No i .' "'Ie. Co ~ l'lIe ~~) , ,'1c ~ J~ m! ' ~ iL,.....-7....../.: d;,cddL. &J ;~,:: ,1L.%.4J~/?t'-~I!:,.. .. " "'," .,..., ",g. ~ (j J~ If I; ~ }~J ~ fL",. It.. ~ Ll. ~ It~(;. ~ ~ .' , ,.Ii ~ t", ~ 19'o..{~ (f::) ~JL..... to. ,,e.. 'It- tJ.J<<-/-W 114 1- ~ t:L4 :Ja-/ .:;J~tZ tJ_""t./-J.....lu../... "h' ",. , . ,d!.;:r Ja+':; ,,-,/ - d;;Jdt.. cfa..i- '~J- t4'/.;...; J!!lJ ddl7v-/- a:J.u. tV ~ fr tlM ~ IfJ-'1 - IL..;L. la.,/ AcI--i. ~t-~ :f........,/. d2..J-/t t!~ ,/L ft. (l~ ~ 19J~7-leLt (1~1u,~L....l.,t , deLt dII ~_ ao.<~h. {/""L ,,& ~t- ~ Jaf..<c/ I f.rf daLt d.// ~ Je.L.i c1.wiLL J___L, n -1- - - I: ."....""~'.. 'l:,'7"~:-{~" . '~'Ii" .,.,~ '~- ::,~'~-f 'I'.;:",:'.... ""."..;l'. I$.,~ 4!. ~~.~ ,h:litlf:,.:,~ ;,1- - #' ~~,,;Ij ~~:~L~ r"'#'.~~..; ";:.';'.':. .;:;;' '~'" I ~~~; ~:'i:~ Gi .' ~;"")1 ~>")!;' ",'i"',~ ~f.' J "'r:'?-."...;; f'~'i.r<"~ fj!t;,cJ~ .I"lj.. "g' ~ , l~~" ;~~~ ft''''''''''.'. ~ l'(~ ! _{4;~ : r ,~:f"';~' . ~b:;~ t't! ','''1' tJ; . _ _ ".- ~ 'l"';~";.'~ }:,:,:.r"",~:,: , .~ :,{ , .""ot. ,'j . ,'"" ~':;, .;,~ <'" ~i .", :"'i~ "of- 1" ;~'" ~,~~l ~, ''':' ,:\" ..t" , I.~:-::: ,,'.,-:. ~~., !..,.1?' fl\ t." G"'.... !:.-{' f-*~' " I',,~.' J. ' ., ,.....d~O.,., .00" II >-0./3" J~J-."; 11: """<:I~" pC. ''1'111. .J...';' t 1 " >-eO i ,''''' t:;' ,~?;~j lof.J"1f1" (, ; .177,'7, 1.3"0"""- .J. 73, r:;;'.! ", 1,. ., . ,~' ~.~ l-~. . c ! ,(,6. hry37 j3' , .Iof.I"71-7'"6,,. 17 7 (,7 131<:1& "':;- -/73 i , , - .......,.".-.... cr. ~ '-' .....' I~.~ 'l: II ". ~~:. l' 71 yy,...~.. ....... ~ (, f..; 1"'1, 11'1, . ....\.. ,',".-:,.-.11, ,.~~ -,:.~ l'...'.'.'..;. .:.:~7.-'::~ . .., - .. .:~ N,. . '~".'. . -'<,\;., . <. ','""." : ,~:f:~.! l.i~i~ ".,"l.l ii.:t.'_~.". , "<1 ","':~ ~.".','::: ~"."'" ~~,~~. .<;~ ~::~r~ ~ ~. > .. ". N " ", II' .i....o.J ,..i- ,"" "'off'$4'O 0"" I n..f .5 c = . I _ ,.. ., ~, ~ J :-~ l~'; ',. ' , .' "j,i0 ; "~~"17' .' ;,~~,~.,.~.=Jt!..~~~~..-;;;;.~.;;......'~~.l ........M..' -~..", ''" ~...- ~.." i:m'c6nSfdtta't'tcm reor;"'ecr v,r, r-- ,'. .......,.,_.".....,... settlement is received, and ordered filed. ,220 I=..:....'--;.._~;......;.;;"........;..;~-='~..-:.;_-_~,=-:O,'--~-=-~_'-=.c;..-:--:..=:;."""o;...~,c_--,-._"'-'--.-.-.~..~.. Copy pet. c!t copy this order del. to Paul B. Matthews, Sec. Roa Co Planning Com.. 8/23/62 ' ',. .' , " ... .... ~ ct..Qt.~ ~'+11.'": . r JAMES E. PETERS, County Treasure~, this day submitted his delinquent real "estate -list'for year 1961;and'his ~mitted 'delinquent: -reil!'estate! list for year..;: 1960, and his delinquent personal property list for year 1961, \~hich lists, on motion, duly seconded and carried, are o;:dered filed. y FRED L. BOm,lAN and KATHRYN H. BmJl'lAN ) ) ~ ) ) ) ) ) D E R - -- IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON BRAMBLETON AVENUE OR U. S. 221 OF OR This day came Fred L. Bowman and Kathryn H. Bo~~an by counsel and asked leave to file their petition relating to the property the;:ein described. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its special meet- ing of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and t~e same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. ' AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED A.~ ORDERED .that when said Plannjeng Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, .,lS re- quired by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the -,- next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board, and that notice thereof; be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED PRD ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Va: The above resolution ~nd order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded , by Supervisor Minor R. Keffel', and on a recorded vote' " , ~,r the Supervisors voted as follCl']s, tc-wit: Ayes: A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Edwin G. Terrell and G. Hampton Houlse. Nays: ..one. .I The following o::.-dinance amending section 3 of an Ordinance :leretofore adopted by this Board on the 19th day of March, 1962, notice of intention to propose the same for adoption having heretofore been published 3:3 ..-ecjui'.-ed by law. An o-~dinance amendin3 Section 3, "Anount of Licensetl, of (J.n Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of Dogs in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and ',- Prcescribing, Fines ,and Other Punishment for Violation thereof:' BE IT Or..DAINED by the Boa'.-d of Supec'visors of Roanoke County, Vi:'-,ginia, as follows, to-wit: Section 3. Ar.,ount of License. It shall be unlawful. foc' any Fe::.-son to CIoffi a dog si:{ r,lonths old 0:::' ove:- in this County unless such dog is licensed, as required by the provisions of this O'.-dinance. Dog licenses shall run :.Jy the .:1" '" ~ I . ~ .,' I , I . . . .', ',; . j .' -, l " " ~ , ,. : ~.. "'~' : ~", , f ~. , ~; .. . ,.Jf I <t~ , '-1- l , :~ " ,> ,. .. "'.-' ,;' 'r.. ',' I I 221 ._......__.____ __.~..__m._ _._.._. _ ,,,... ,_"'_N__._m'.._'_~m_ -----.----.-- -- - . .. ,.. - . I I Ii calendar, namely, from January 1 to DecernbeI" 31, inclusive, and the license tax i " ': shall be payable at the office of the Treasure:- and shall. be as follo"s: Male- doe a male dog - $1.00 ,. trl Female - for a female dog, sexed or unsexed - $2.00 Kennel, for twenty dogs- for a kennel of t"enty dogs - $15.00. Kennel, for fifty dogs - for a kennel of fifty dogs - $25.00. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this amendment to said Ordinance shall,be in force and effect on and after the 31st day of October, 1962. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is directed to prepare a summary of this Ordinance and cause said sunmary to be ~ published once a week for the next t,,,o successive ",eeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia;-and having general circulation in said County. On motion of Supervisor Hinor R Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G Hampton Moulse, the foregoing Ordinance is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, and Edwin G.Terrell. Nays: None. ~ ,.. . . .. ~ 1iHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said Countyl and 1~ereas the Boaxd of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15-250 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, to borrow not earlier than June 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1962, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 10,1962; Copies del to Treas.,Co. Bookkeeper & Co Ex.Or.fic 8/23/62 and 1~ereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke u County to borrow as needed, not exceedin~ a total amount of $50,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thi3 Board do negotiate a lean, and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $50,000.00 from sueh Bank or Institution of this State as is willing to make the loan, at a rate not exceed- ing six per cent per annum, on demand; ",hich said maturity date of said loan shall occur not later than December 1', 1962, said loan to be evidenced by the ~ negotiable _ of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be e,:ecuted as follmvs: The Board of Supervisoi.:s of Roanoke County, ::'y E. G. Te'::.:el1, whose signa- ture shall be duly attested by Roy K. Brmm, Cle;:k and shall be come due <,nd payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity "ithout further order by this Board. It is certified that all tempo;:ary loans for all previous years have been paid. 222 ----------....._-- ---.- .._------ -_.._--------~--,..._--..._-. ---- ~__.____.+___.____.____..,__.____~.._.+._ '----_-0 _"_________ _ '.__..___. ___________.__.. .~_______., "_"'",_" __. .. n' . __ _ ...... _ _ ___ __ .,__,_. '. .. ........ _ ...__. __..._. __n__ .u_ _____ '__._ _...__.__.__.__.______..._.___..__ ----...-."----'-,.--- _..-._._--_.._-~.. ..,-,..--.--..-- ----,._----_._~ .._-- Copies del to Treas.. Co. Bookkeeper & Co Ex Officer 8/23/62 I I J j I ;J 2 copies : 'ertified & .. : del to Jas. A. .I Beavers, ~ 8/23/62 ~ ;1 .. On mot5.on of Supel:visor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Hinor R. Keffer, ~dopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, Hinor n.Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None ., lfHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roancxe County, there is now a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to bOrJ'ow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County;and l'fuereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Sec- tion 15-250 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, to borrow not earlier than June 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy 1aid'in said County for th€ year 1962, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per centum per annum, to be repair not later than December 15, 1962,;and 1-fuereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supel:visors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $100,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NO,', THEREFOrrE, BE IT RESOL\~D t~Qt this Board do negotiate a loan, and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $100,000.00 from such Bank or Institution of this State as is ~7i11ing to make the loan, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, on demand, which said maturity date of said loan shall 0ccur not later than December 15, 1952, said loan to be evidenced by the negotiable shall be executed as follows: of this Board of Supervisors, and the same The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by E. G. Terrell, whose signa- ture shall be duly attested by Roy K. Brown, Clerk, and shall become Que and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is o;,de,ed that said loan be repaid at maturity ,dthout further order by this Boaled. It is certified that all temporary loans for all previous years have been paid. On motion of Supervisol- A. C, Han'is, seconded by Supel-visor, Hino:: R. Keffer, adopted by the follo~ling ,_'ecorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, Mino': n.. Keffer, G. Hampton !10u1se and Edwin G. Terrell. N.:;ys: None Pu;:suant to a resolution adopted at a special meetin,C; of the Boaled of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virc;inia, held on the 21st day of July, 19C2, desi:;nating August 20, 1962, at 3:00 o'clock p.m. as the time and place fo'.- a public hearing cn the afol-esaid :cesolution of July 21, 1962, signifyin,g the intention of the said BoaL-d of Supec-viso',s of ~.oanol,e County, Virginia, to specify fu,:theo- pc-oj ects in the natu',e of se',18:;e collection and tleeatr,'ent in certain areas of Roanoke County, tiS set forth i:1. said l"esolutiol1, pu:~st1Qnt I I I I I 223 "_._ H. _U_______._____ to the provisions of the Virginia \';atec' and Se17e~' Authorities Act, being Chapte'c 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 concerning the specifyinG of further projects to be under- taken by thz Authority. c Present: Ed17in G. Terrell, ~linor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Absent: None The Chairman opened the neeting, stating its general purpose, and after ~eading by the Clerk of the Board cf the Notice of Public Hearing, as published ,= in the Roanoke 1~'lorld-;le17s", and ce!'tified by the publisher, and also a !'eading of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general discussion of the subject. The Board hearing no obj ection by prospective use':s of the proposed services to be rendered, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Superviso!' A. C. Hacris, the following resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote. ,rnEREAS at a special meeting of the Board of Superviso!'s of Roanoke County, Virginia, held July 21, 1962, a !'esolution Has unanimously passed by ;:-eco:-ded vote of said Board, signifyin:; its intention to specify fu::the:: P:i:'oj ects to be unde::taken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the p!'ovisions of the Virginia ,:ater and Se,'lel' Authorities Act, as arc,ended, and pa::ticula;: reference being had to Section 15-764.9 ".ith ::eference ~o spec Hying ~ I.i of further p;:ojects; and 1mEREAS the said l:esolution tCGethe:: Hith a NotiCE: of Public Heal'ing, ,.as duly published in the Roanoke "T':o::lci-ilews", a newspape'c published in and ~aving general circulation in the To~vn of Salem, Vi~3inia, whe~e the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its p,:incipal office, and in Roanoke County, said publication having been had on August 3, 1962; and, HHEREAS the said public hearing Has duly held on August 20, 1962, at 3:00 o'clock P.M. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resolution; and 1'/HEREAS in the judgnent of the mem"eL"S of the Boa;:d of Supel'visors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, substantial or othel~.ise, by prospective users of the proposed services "as heard; ~ NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That tI1e Board of Supe::viso~'s of Roanol,e County, Virginia, doth here':1y officially evidence its deterr.1in<ltion that ~ no substantial opposition to the additional projects, <lS set forth in the said ::esclution, by prospective use~'s cf the proposed se;:',-ices Has hea::d at said meeting, and this Boa':d doth so ce::tify~ <lnd mffiREAS no petition l1<lS been filed :)y qualified voters Hith the Board of Supervisors of Rcanoke County, Virginia, <It the Fublic Hear1n6,calling for a l"efel'endum as autI10::ized in Section lS-76~,. 7 of the Code cf VL:ginia of 19';0, as amended, and a refe:'endurr. is the,:efooce neither ;:equired no:' necessary; NO~\ THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Boa;:d of Supe::- visors of Roanoke County., Vi:::;in5.a, coth hc::eby ~:'atify and confi:-D. its action at its special r::eeting of July 21, 1962, by a--1optin3 :JY 1:ecoj:-ded vote the ~,--eso- lution signifying its intention ':0 specify fu:.the-L.~ p~_-ojects to J€ unde:.-to,ken by the Roanoke County Sanitatio~ Aut,'c~ity, and doth further specify <lddi:ional the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Vir- ginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor ~onsent or donation of right of way from the abutting property h owners is necessary. The l\oard hereby guarantees said right of '~ay and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road knovm as Extn. Lela Str"et (Rt. 1596) to Palmer Avenue (Rt. 1';81) - 0.10 mile and "Ihich is shmvn on a ~ ht certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Edl~in G. Terrell, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer. , Nays: None. ~ This day the County Engineer, herefofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof, to-wit: EXTN. OF ROUTE 870, 0.05 MILE TO D. E. (CAVE SPRING DISTRICT), appeared ~ .. before this Board to make his report; whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, said Enfineer's report is approved. And it is further ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaran- teeing the right fcr drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be .. furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highl~ay Department having the supervision and m~intenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the fo11o",ing ,:eco;:ded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Em~in G. Terrell, Minor R, Keffer and G. Hampton }mulse and A. C. Harris. Nays: None 1.0\ , r i..- ~ THIS DAY the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to vie", the follo",ing road and the location thereof, to-wit: UNNANED ROAD FROH ROUTE 605 TO 'CEAD pr,OPERTY (BIG LICK DISTRICT) ,appeared before this Board to make his report; ",hereupon, on Dotion duly seconded and o carried, aaid Enginee,'s repo,:t is approved. And it is further ordered that the said road, as decribed briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of High",ays in Roanoke County, the Boa':d of Supervis01:s ,juaran- teeing the right fer d~ainage; And it is further" ordered that a certified copy of this 1:esolution be fu':- . nished to the District Enginee1: of the State Hi,c;h"IClY Department having the supe;:- vision and maintenance of State Seconda~"y r,oads in "oanoke County. il,doPJ:ed by the follC1';ing ):eco,:ded vote: Ayes: Supe1:-viso3:s A. c. Ha~_~~~~is, Ed'i-lin G. Te:-:~:el1, r.'1ino1:. E. l(effe~: and G. Hmcpton !-louise. None 225 4 copies this order &; '+ cop ies report Co Engr. del to Co.Engr. for del to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways g/23/62 4 copies this prder &; I" copies report Co Engr. del to Co Engr for del to : Res.Engr. Dept. Highways 8/23/62 226 _...__.._..___. ....___~__ _ _ _ .__ _~_._ __ ___ __ n_ ____..'uh._ - ____.._~ ____.._______._.___u_ __._ .~_~ _ _ _ __ .'_,____ ..._ ,__.___".. . . ~ This Day the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view 4 copies this order the follmving Load and location thereof, to-wit: ;~~~t cg~~es UNNAMED ROAD FRON ROUTE 668 TO D. E. (BIG LICK DIST:\ICT), appeared hefore Engr. del to Co.Engr. for, this Board to ~ake his repert; whereupon, on motion duly seconded and carried, del. to Res. Engr. Dept. said Engineer's report is approved. HiEhways 8/2J/62 And it is further ordered that the said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Boar.d of Supervisors guaran- Copy mailed to W. B. Speck, Sec. League Va Counties, Charlottes- ville, Va. Aug. 21/62 il ~i ::1 :1 :'1 'I ,,~ *1. :'1 ,) ~ s') 'I .)i'j r .,' "I f~ t)! " 1<1 '.,l'j ~:;.j k,j teeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be fur- nished to the District Engineer of the StatL Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Edwin G, Terrell, ~linor R. Keffer and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None ~ On Motion, duly seconded and carried, the following resolution was this day offered for adoption: \.ffiEREAS in 1945 it was found necessary to increase the contribution Or dues of the member counties to support the activities of the League of Virginia Counties; and \rnch~AS since 1945 the membership dues in the League of Virginia counties have ',een paid on the basis of one cent per capita for each member county based on su:h county's current census population up to a ceiling of $300.00; and \.ffiEREAS the expenditures of the Le~gue of Virginia Counties have increased during the 17 years since 1945 both from expanded operations and from the effect of inflation; and \.ffiEREAS in 1959 a number of the larger counties agreed among themsel \res to support on a voluntary basis the League's expanded activities and made contributions to assist in the opeJ:ation of an expanded program; and \.ffiEREAS it is necessa',y to place the operations and program of the League of Virginia counties on a fiscally sound and equitably shared basis; Nrn" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that this Board petition the Recording Secretary of the League of Virginia Counties to circulate to all members, not less than thirty days before the 1962 Annual Meeting of said League, a proposal to amend Article It (a) of the By-Laws of the League of Virginia Counties as follows: Delete all of Article II (a) of the By-Laws which reads; "Annual membership dues of a county shall be one per cent per capita, the maximum amount in any case not exceeding three hundred dollars. A county's population shall be deter- mined by the last p~eceding United States Census.a Substituting therefor the following as Article II (a) of the By-Laws; "The annual membership dues of a county shall be one and one-half cents (l~~) per. capita. The population of a county shall be dete;cmined by the last preceding United States Decennial Ce,'sus." .. . --.--..........-.-----.--- ._........__m_..__......._.. _...._,_.__ I I I I I ,. on Motion, duly seconded and carried, the follcHing resoluticn Has this da:/ offered for adoption: \~REAS it would appear desirable that the neHly elected officers of the League of Virginia Counties assume their respective offices as soon as possible after the League's Annual Meeting. NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke h County, Virginia, petition the Recording Secretary of the League of Virginia .. h. Counties to circulate to all members not less than thirty days before the 1962 Annual Meeting of said League a proposal to amend Article IV (c) of the Constitution of the League of Virginia Counties as folloHs: Delete all of Article IV (c) of the Constitution of the League of Virginia Counties Hhich reads; "The officers elected at the Annual Meeting shall aSSL~e office as of the first day of December following their election and shall hold office until their successors are elected." Substituting therefor the follm,ing; "The officers elected at the Annual Meeting shall be installed and assume office as of the date of their installation at the Annual Meeting, and they shall hold office until their successors are elec- ted and installed." ... On Motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Treasu::er of Roanoke County be authorized to transfe,: the defen-ed credit account of forme;: Treasurer, Janie B Mc~eal, in the amount of Four Hundred, twenty-two c dollars and Sixty-one cents ($422.61) to the general revenue fund. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffe.:, and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None .. On Motion, of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampt6n Moulse, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to pur- chase two tables - one with a rack at a cost of Twelve Hundred, Five Dollars ~ and Five cents ($1205.05) and one without racY. at a cost of Six Hundred, Ninety-eight Dollars and Fifty Cents ($698.50) for use in the vault of the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supecvisors A. C. ,!arris, G. Hampton Moulse, Mino;: R. Ketfe:: and Edwin G. Terrell. a N&ys: None .. Copy of letter dated August 9, 1962, f:.:or" G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Boa':d, add.:essed to James E. Fete::s, T'easu':e': of r,oanol<e County, approving the emplcyment in said Treasm:e::' s Office of Helen B:ccl:s Stump, Cle-,:k, at an annual rate cf Tl'lree Thousand, Five Hundred and Fo::ty Dollars ($3,5l,O.00), effective August 1, 1962, Hith the unde~~standin~; tl1:lt no inc-:.:ease Hill ~)€ -,:equested fo~~ he~ in 19E 3, to fill ::l1e vdcanc;7 occas Lcned by the resignaticn of Ann Hinscn, subject to the concu':-:ence cf the Boa"d of 227 Copy maned to w. a.Speck, "Sec. League ,Va. Counties 'Charlottesvill 'Va.. 8/21/62 Copies del to Treas.,Co. Bookkeeper and Co Ex Officer 8/23/62 Copies del to Co.Ex Officer, Treas &. Co Book- kee'per J 8/23/b2 Copies del to Treas. Co. Bookkeeper ~?2~76~fpcer copy mailed . to CRm.State Comp\'!nsation H~~F;gond Va 8/22/62 r ;228 I I I ! ~_:;';~~~~~~~:.-=-~"~":_ ~~-~:::==-~~~-::: ~~~~~--:;~~.-~-;;~_~.:-_~-~~~. ,~_~.~___~:._~___:n-~~: ~~'~.;-~~~~',"~~._:~.~.'~ ~~..,-_~~c:.o-_~_ '''-'.'. ...---.--...--.-..----..--- ._.~ .. .--- -_. -.~._,_..-_._._._.. --- ~-.--- Supe,."viso;cs 0:E Roanoke County, was this day laid befo'."e the Boa'."d; Upon consideration whe,."eof, on motion of Supe,."viso:.- A. C. Ha:.-ris, seconded by Supe;:"visor Minai....R. Keffer, it is orde-red that this Board concu:cs in the action of the said Compensation Boa:.-d in approving the employment of Helen Brooks Stump in the Treasurer's Office of Roanoke County, replacing Ann Hinson, I at an annual rate of compensation of Thl."ee Thousand, Five Hundred and Forty Dollars ($3,540.00), effective AU;LSt 1, 1962 with the understanding that no increase will be ""equested fOl' he,." in the year 1963. Copy of this resolution to be fonvarded to the Chairman of the State Compensation Board and to the Treasurer of Roanoke County. Adopted by the vollowing recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G, Hampton Moulse, and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: Hone. .. Copy of letter dated August 3, 1962, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Bpard, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer of ~oanoke County, in re; resignation of Ann Hinson, effective July 31, 1962, and replacement by employment of Helen Brooks Stump, effective .h.'lgUSt 1, 1962, received and ordered filed. Copies mailed~ On Motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Bernard Cook, resigned, to Bernard Cook, Route #4 a member since 1938, and Chairman for the past fi,'e years, of the Roanoke Roanoke,Va. and to l'lI's. County Helfare Board, be assu;ced of the appreciation of this Board for his Margaret L. Malley,supt. faithful and outstanding services on said Welfare Board, Mr, Cook having the Roa.Co.Welfare Board,Salem, distinction of always being on time and present at every meeting of the Wel- Va. 8/23/62 fa.."e Board during the time he se','ved on said Board; and further of his un- failing interest in all affairs of Roanoke Countyl and that this Board extends I to him its good wishes in his retirement. It is fm-ther ordered that a copy of this resolution be fo,cwarded to Mr. Cook, and a copy to Mrs. Mar:>a;cet L, Halley, Superintendent, Roanoke County Helfare Board. Adopted by the following l."ecorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Ter~ell, Minor P. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None I ORDERED that the Boa:-c1 be adj ouC'ned until the third Monday in September, 1962. IC~~) , 0\/ >.,...-Gr:-LQJ--- ) I .y,~vc-dA ChahTJan ____ __0___'" __-______ _____.~___O:_n._o_O ---------- 229 Court House Salem, Virginia September 17, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in r~gular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, , Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. ~ Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the ~ Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: ~ . No. 07323 Everette Waddey Co., Office supplies " 07324 J. Luck Richardson, Jr. Reimburse Traveling Expenses attending LGOC Conference 07325 Standard Forms, Inc., Office supplies 07326 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage and Jury Tickets " " " 07327 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 07328 Double Envelope Co., Window envelopes 07329 Burroughs Corporation, office supplies 07330 C. W. Warthen Co., Record books for Clerk 07331 Xerox,Corporation, record paper and parts for machine 07332 Panama-Beaver Co., office supplies 07333 International Business Machine Co., Typewriter ribbons 07334 J. P. Bell Company, record books fer Clerk " " " r'! , . - " " " " $ 58.71 32.75 57.02 128.76 22.43 37.30 1.55 448.78 762.20 5.33 4.66 27.98 " 07335 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 24.00 " 07336 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse August Traveling Expense Probation Officer 07337 James M. Bryant, Reimburse August Traveling Expense Probation Officer " " 07338 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse August Traveling Expense Probation Officer 07339 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts Vehicles 07340 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs to Police Car 07341 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs and Parts Co. Vehicles 07342 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles 07343 Void " " " u " " " 07344 Magic City Motor Co., Parts for 502 Police 07345 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts Co. Vehicles 07346 Donald S. Lavigne, Inc., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff's Department " c " " 07347 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner Cases 07348 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance August 07349 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66, Parts for Police Car 07350 Rainbo Bread Co., Food - County Jail 07351 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Jail &c 07352 Foutz Sausage Co., Food for Jail 07353 Littlejohn Printing Co., 5,000 4x6 cards for Sheriff's Office " " " " " " 28.17 35.07 70.97 39.17 3.00 19.55 215.43 .67 20.12 25.85 75.00 77.48 1.60 67.79 58.50 39.29 25.00 230 i , , I I I , , ~"::'''''''''''''''''--'"""",,,,;''~.,.-.::.....,,--o.._-,,-_==:~.,.-..,---_-=._.,.. C-.-:-~_ -.-.",,,:...,-_-=-:-:-...,_:--~.~...,..-,..--:- 0" ,...--,';,-0-,-:-" ---;~"""-.-' __ ~~=;';O:;'-"'''"-=-'''''' .=::_c:..;..;;;"~c:.-,.=,-,.;._::..-=,,,,-=,".=,--,=---::,,===,.-,_,,-,-~o.:...-=..,-,. .--'-""~="~.::"_;' '__c=",.'_-,-C-",",.,~,,-;_-.-'_'".'.~=_=,"-_'c""""-=-.'-=--~,-. - __._u_ ___._ _'_'__,.___.' '" ___. 'd' No. 07354 Wm. P. Swartz, Jr. & Co., 2 doz. Teaspoons for Jail " 07355 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry - Jail 07356 W. T. Rierson Store, Food for Jail 07357 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies Jail 07358 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 07359 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food and Disinfectants for Jail 07360 Yates & Wells Garage, Labor on Cave Spring Fire Truck 07361 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles 07362 Void " " " " " " " " 07363 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Tags for Ft. Lewis Rescue Squad $ 1.80 58.17 21.00 1.37 73.76 198.84 2.00 36.20 I 6.87 I " 07364 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gas and Oil for C1earbrook Fire Truck 17.08 " 07365 Goodyear Service Stores, Repairs and Parts for Vehicles and Tires for Distribution 225.03 07366 Fulton White Truck Company, Parts for truck 23.12 07367 Bramb1eton Court Hardware, Paint 4.91 07369 W. W. Garman, Rent, Mount Pleasant Fire Station 60.00 07370 Clearbrook Lion's Club, August rent on C1earbrook Fire Truck 60.00 07371 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, August rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 " " " 07368 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts for Hollins Jeep " " " " 07372 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 07373 Void " " 07374 Gill Memorial Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 07375 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Hospital Bills for Welfare 07376 Charles G. Shelor, Commitment Harry Lester Boone 07377 Derwood H. Rusher, Commitment, Albert Wilson Bishop Dorothy Marie Miller 07378 Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy Hearings 07379 Keith K. Hunt, Attorney, Lunacy Hearings 07380 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy case 07381 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy hearing 07382 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy hearing 07383 City of Staunton, Lunacy fee for commitment 07384 State Department of Health, Appropriation for support of Local Health Department 07385 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 07386 Times-Register Co., Advertising 07387 Times-World Corporation, Advertising 07388 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Truck " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Taylor's Auto Parts, Parts for Garbage Truck " 07389 07390 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs and Parts for Garbage Trucks 70.85 07391 Shackelford-Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts for Garbage Trucks 159.74 07392 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for Garbage Truck 6.20 07393 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor 22.64 07394 Progress Press, Office supplies 44.50 07395 Miller Tire Service, Parts for Garbage Truck 5.08 07396 Addressograph-Multigraph Co., Identification tags for Garbage Cans 2.81 " " " " " " 2.23 1,384.83 221. 85 52.36 10.00 I 20.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 43.30 7,614.25 7.79 61. 25 13.00 18.34 3.12 I I~ No. 07397 R. G. Kerner, Rent on County Dump ~ !II It I ~ ; , - 1'\ ..., , , , .. .u 07413 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline and Oil purchased for distri- but~on 1,394.45 07414 Woods, Rogers, Muse & \/alker, Attorney's fees Annexation 759.58 07415 N & W Railway Co., Rental Fee for space in Old Virginian Station 07418 Williams Supply Co., Material for New Fire House Ft. Lewis 199.16 07419 Oren Roanoke Corporation, 1 new pumper tank &c 11,187.21 07420 Lightweight Block Co., Material for New Fire Station Fort Lewis 122.22 " 07398 Bemiss Equipment Co., Part for tractor 07399 Void " " 07400 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 07401 Lee Hartman & Sons Sound Equipment, Repairs to Equipment 07402 Salem Hardware Co. Janitor Supplies 07403 McClung Lumber Co., Sand for Hall stands 07404 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 07405 Dowdy Electric Co., Blades for Fan 07406 Brown Hardware Company, Janitor supplies &c 07407 Barnett Coal Co., Fuel for County Office Building 07408 State Department of Health, 100 Copies of State Plumbing Code " " " " " " " " " 07409 Killinger's Linoleum & Carpet Co., Linoleum for County Library 07410 Booker T. Helm, Removing Tile, patching floors &c 07411 Wilson Electric Company, Refund Electrical Permit &c 07412 Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, Membership dues " " " " " " " 07416 Void " 07417 Boyle Swecker Tire Co., Tires for Civil Defense Car " " " $ 652.00 1.86 672,]1 12.70 .60 .75 5.94 7.50 15.00 58.00 65.00 65.70 25.50 .50 200.00 7.00 31.16 07421 Fort Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co., Material for new Fire House at Ft. Lewis 210.00 07422 Cates Building Specialities, Material for New Fire House at Fort Lewis 60.00 " " " 07423 Void " 07424 Concrete Ready Mix Corporation,Material for new Fire House at Fort Lewis 266.20 " 07425 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for Distribution 07426 Blue Ridge Building Supply Co., Material for Ft. Lewis Fire Station " " 07427 Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, Food for Jail 07428 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail physician, coroner cases, lunacy cases, " " 07429 Roanoke Gas Co., Fuel for Home Demonstration Kitchen " 07430 Void " 07431 Joseph R. Hardison, Service on Electoral Board " 07432 Void " 07479 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse traveling expe~se 07480 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 07481 Ev~rette Waddey Co., Personal property tax tickets " " " 07482 Void " 07483 Roanoke County Court, Warrants collecting taxes " 07484 07485 Roanoke County Court, warrants, collecting taxes G H. Parent, office supplies " 50.34 183.16 114.27 215.00 4.44 210.00 63.00 219.50 2,070.60 6.25 6.25 19.67 231 --'--- ",,,.--"- -" .... ..--.---, -..----.-.--- '232 ~-_ 0'" --o~."-~,,"'~"=~-'-"-:-'_~'''---~------'--'--'-:--''-------_. . +----.. -.- .-. .. ,.-.,-- ....-,-.--:0----- 0'".---------- uu______..', -.---..-,---...-. - ..-.--.--~-- .. ..- .._.--..-- =.~ _____ _=___..---.:..0:..;....:...=...:.;.0= _:c=-,;",;;;,--==-'_","=c"'_C::C~::'--_ ',~-,- _ =-_~"'-".'"'' ,.= ,,_ .0" '~_"=-.'--=:-_ '"'--_':':'''--''-;-:~_'_~'''..'''''._. ":"';' __-.;o.C C"C:::' .":";~._-_;__'_~'_--=;"";:"':-'.-;C,"C-.C-_'._'-~::"",=,"~__"_-,,-=._' . _'_'~..'__';_.,,-,,--_'_' . No. 07486 Panama-Beaver Co., office supplies " 07487 C. W. Warthen Co., Receipt books for Clerk 07488 Dictaphone Corp., Maintenance agreement on Dictaphone 07489 Argonant Books, Inc., Law Books 07490 E. G. Bateman, Deputy Sheriff, Reimburse 1 fan belt 07491 County School Board of R. C. Maintenance 07492 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Medical supplies for Jail 07493 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, telephone service 07494 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., Tarpaulins for Fire Truck 07495 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline purchased 07496 State Forester, County's share of expense forest fire 07497 L. Kenneth Whitlock, Extra office assistant 07498 Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps 07499 Salem Farm Supply Co., 2 spay bombs $ 11. 47 :~31. 74 31. 00 4.45 2.70 656.05 154.35 65.15 2.50 22.65 248.10 238.82 52.11 2.38 36.06 " " . " " " " " " " " II II 07500 Harvey Helm, extra janitor services 07501 Williams Supply Co., Material for Courthouse and Ft. Lewis Fire House 20.42 59.68 2.25 35.21 25.00 1.50 225.00 11. 00 30.00 II 07510 R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimburse traveling expense 37.17 07511 Roanoke Ready Mix Concrete Co., Material for Fire House Glenvar 147.67 No. 07433 Salem Farm Supply Co., Cleaning suppies &c 07434 Salem Hardware Co., Ammunition &c " II 07502 Rusco Window Co. of Roanoke, 4 venetian blinds 07503 Salem Camera Shop, Polaroid Films 07504 parker-Nimmo Co., Street Signs 07505 Emory Hollins, erecting and painting street poles 07506 Treasurer of Virginia, 2 large County Maps 07507 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, services rendered for month of August, annexation II 07512 Beach Brothers Motors, 1 new Dodge Fire Truck 4,9:!5.00 07513 Cates Building Specialities, material for Fire House Glenvar 601. 60 II " 07435 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance " II " " " " 07508 Jill Hurt, Typing services 07509 Miss Anita Long, Typing and stenographic work 862.39 21. 60 " 07521 Goodwin, Andrews & Bryant Ins. Co., Premium on Liability &c Policy 3,796.77 " 07436 Roanoke Surgical Supply Co., Medi~al supplies 07437 Times-Register Co., Publishing Meeting dogs " " " II 07514 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, new Fire Truck 07515 Pitney Bowes, Inc., Rental fee on Postage Machine 2.62 7.50 The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: " " 07523 Miller E. Petty, Reimburse Certified Mail 07524 Erskin Brown, Cleaning Library " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: II " 07438 State Department of Health, rabies vaccine 71. 05 7.56 15.00 26.28 30.00 241.80 ,.1 I I I I 234 -------_._-_._-~-~._..__._- .,------~----~.- ---- _ .. _ _ _.. _ __... _.. . n.__n _ .__" '..d'__ .. .... -..-".....---.-.------ -'-~ --"--'-.- ___.__ _.__, '_'" _.. . ._,_._n____. ..__ _.. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: TO (fi, r c.. ,11..t CD ~~ '1lf~r.1-. Voucher-check #7218 in the amount of $16.00 made payaRe to Charles Martin for painting Sheriff's Office; Voucher-check #7305 in the amount of $518.58 made payable to C & p Telephone Company for service at County offices; Voucher-check #7311 in the amount of $607.45 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service; Voucher-check #7312 in the amount of $9.00 made payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for sewage treatment at Hollins Fir.' House; Voucher-check #7313 in the amount of $29.05 made payable to C & P Tdephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; Voucher-check #7314 in the amount of $25.75 made payable to C & P T,elephone Company for service at Hollins Fire House. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: supervisas Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None IN RE: SHERIFF'S AUDIT: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board a report of audit of C. E. BOONE, Sheriff of the County of Roanoke, for the period November 1, 1960, thru June 30, 1961, said audit ordered filed. Letter dated August 17, 1962, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. ~ Letters dated September 6, 1962, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, addressed tc Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors enclosing Resolution No. 14925, amending contract of September 28, 1954, between City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wates, by adding thereto approximatcly 532 acres of land southwest of the City of Roa~oke, in Roanoke County located on both sides of Brambleton Avenue (U. S. Route 221) between Garst Mill Road and Colonial Avenue from the city limits to the intersection of Brambleton Avenue and Cave Spring Road (Va. Route 119), which resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at its meeting on Tuesday, September 4, 1962, and also enclosing Resolution No. 14926 amending the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by adding thereto 149.72 acres of land located south of Orange Avenue (U. S. Route 460) east of Vinton Road, N. E., north of King Avenue, N. E. and west of Virginia Route 653, which resolution was adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke at its meeting on Tuesday, September 4, 1962, were received and ordered filed. I I I I I c ~ ~ - u a ~ The following communicationswere this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated August 15, 1962, from George W. Dean, State Forester, submitting a summary of fiscal matters, expended under Section 10-46 of the Code, between Roanoke County and the Virginia Division of Forestry for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1961, and ending June 30, 1962; Lettt!r dated August 22, 1962, from Frances W. Dodd, Treasurer, Crippled Children's Hospital, acknowledging receipt of ;;he $200.00 appropriation to the Hospital by this Board; Letter dated August 27, 1962, from Thomas Talton, Superintendent Fairview Home, addressed to Clerk of the Court, Roanoke County, requesting confirmation of the financial transactions of this Board with the Fairview Home for the year ended June 30, 1962. ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: That it is the intention of the BoarJ of Super.visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the governingbody of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by the Virginia! Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-764.1 to Section 15-764.32, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects consiting of furnishing said services in the following additional area: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center lines of State Secondary Routes #687 and #613, 375 feet, more or less, easterly from the intersection of the center lines of the aforesaid Route #681 and U. S. Route #221; thence with the center line of the aforesaid Route #613 in a southerly direction 6,300 feet, more or less, to a point and said point being the approximate highest point on Route #613 between Cave Spring and Starkey; thenceowith a line leaving the aforesaid Route #613, N. 56 00' E., 7,900 feet, more or less to a point on the center line of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company's Winston-Salem Division right-of-way; thence with the center line of the aforesaid Winston-Salem Division right-of-way in a northerly and easterly direction 10,560 feet, more or less, to the southwest Corporation Limits of the City of Roanoke; thence with the said City Corporation Line in a northwesterly direction, 1,130 feet, more or less, to the center line of Route #720 (Colonial Avenue); thence with the center line of Colonial Avenue in a southerly and westerly direction 5,200 feet, more or less, to a point; thence leaving Colonial Avenue and continuing with the aforesaid Corporation Line in a northerly and westerly direction, 1,250 feet, more or less, to a point on the southeast' boundary of Greenwood Forest Subdivision, Section 2, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 175, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with the southwest boundary of the aforesaid Greenwood Forest Subdivision, Section 2, S. 24 50' W., 370.0 feet to a point; thence with the eastern boundary of Greenwood Forest Subdivision, Section 3, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 51, of the aforesaid Clerk~s Office, the following beaoings and distances; S.24 18' W., 446.16 feet; S. 15 ll' 30" W., 38.72 feet to the southeast corner of the aforesaid Green- wood Forest Subdivision, Section 3; thence with the west boundary of the Herbert Sears property as recorded in Deed Book 302, page 82, and being the east boundary of Block 1, Castle Hill Development, Sec5ion 3, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 115, S. 24 08' W., 1,094.85 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the aforesaid Block 1, Castle Hill Develop~ent, Section 3; thence with the east right-of-way line of poplar Drive (Route #1604) N. 34 00' W., 595 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the aforesaid east right-of-way line of Poplar Drive and the center line of Colonial Avenue and being the southeast corner of Castle Hill Development, Section 2, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 31; thence with the center line of the aforesaid Colonial Avenue, 6,900 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING and 235 't~d '.;...L It> 'i ..~ : ~ ) '1p- ~_. -~-._. 236 -'---~-------------------'----~------' --'-~'-- _.~._. .._. ._._..__.._ ..._ _. .._n. d. .." _ _ '. n._. _ _.. m.._.' ...._._ n.. .__. _.. _.__ . . --- -~-- -.-....----.-..-.-- -~- -- -- . ~ - .- __--=:==_,=;::~_.,_.-=~=-_"=c=____:__=_~-.=_;;,,_:c_~=__::__::..::_.___=."''''_=,-_;_:_::.:::---'--=.-=C----::="'~_~_..-_ - -_"'--"~~ __ __ _~_ _ ___ being a boundary description of that 1300 acres, more or less, including the following subdivisions: Belle Meade, Ingleside, Green Valley, Green Haven Hills, Jefferson Park, Jefferson Hillsand Ogden Hills. ~E IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by this Board to be held in the Board of Supervisors Room in the Courthouse Building in Salem, Virginia, on the 15th day of October, 1962, at 3:00 o'clock p. m., of that day for the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at which time and place all prospective users of the proposed services, and any other persons in interest, will be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial Opposition by the prospective users of the proposed services' be heard, the Board of ~upervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its discretion, may call for a referendum on the question hereinabove set forth, as prescribed in the aforesaid Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due noticeof this public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water and SewerAuthorities Act. I I An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutionsshall be in full force and effect from and after their passage. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton' Moulse, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I r Board of Supervisors 4 copies del vs to Ce. Ex. Offic-l Ifor del to '~he Public and the State Res. Engr. Commision of Virginia Dep.t. Highways 9718/62 1 ORDER Highway This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceeoings herein, and upon the application for Extn. of Keffield Street (Rt. 1834) north 0.13 mile to Biscayne Road to beaccepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Ardmore #4, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 3 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way irom the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. Na.l, THEREFORE, BE IT CRDERED that said road known as Extn. of Keffield Street (Rt. 1834) north 0.13 mile to Biscayne Road and which is shown on a I I certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorde,' vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None '"~'-''''''' - _.._---,-...- --.--....------ -------- 237 . Board of Supervisors ~ ~ M .. . ~ c vS x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and 4 copies del to Co E.'!:. Officer for del to Res. Engr. D'!pt. Highways 9/18/62 upon the application for Biscayne Road from Keffield Street east 0.08 mile to D. E. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Ardmore #4, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 3 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordatio~ of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of ~ight of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Biscayne Road from Keffield Street east 0.08 mile to D. E. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Board of Supervisors 4 copies del to Co Ex Officer for del. to Res.Engr. Dept.tlighways 9/18/62 vs x ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Crutchfield Street from Fair Oaks Road NE 0.1 mile to D. E. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as North Ardmore #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 39 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report froma Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. N<M, THEREFORE, BE n' ORDERED that said road known as Crutchfield Street from Fair Oaks Road NE 0.1 mile to D. E. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke CJunty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 238 ____________ ,'._..____.__________ ~ _ _ ___ _ ~___--._.____,__. _____....______.__._____.n _ _. - __.__..__ - _.. _.... - - - ..-__ . - __ .~_. __ '_ . ,,_.. - _. "... '. . - 0- .. _ _ . _ _ __.. ',. _ _n ..--.....--..-..---. -... -..,'-." .---- ... -- ._-'0-... __ _. __..___.._~.,____,__,.._ __ _,_.'.__"nu __ . t:_.--O:.--'=---:=:':..~~.=_-c:_o:..~_=:__."'. .:.;.:...-"=-....","'--o-=-=-=.:.:..==..c=:..-_-.~:..=-;~-_,._._.o,,_:..o:;;-.;=.:.-_:-.:.--'cc.._-.:-':="-:;' ;._c..,,,c"---'-:-.-""-.....o:~-=-"",..,,-....:.:=..'"-:-"-'",_~:.,..o;"";:-:-_=..::,,,-.-::.-_=_..:_.-_ , Copies del to Treas. Co. Book- keeper, & Co. Ex.)the Officer & copy mailed to Dr. H. L. Horn, Supt. Roanoke County Schools Salem, Va. 9/18762 . Copies del to Treas. Co Ex. Officer & 60. BookkeeDer 9/18/62 5 copies mailed to J. E. Moore Chairman Roanoke City- County Civil War Commission Roanoke} 1'a. 9/18/b2 ~~. f..,W~ ttf'2~' i:Jt~tu,:..r ~U, ~c.,~ ji~ to ~~. e.L; I ~cJ( ~~ 'YrGVv~ a~ 4 hl\.).. ----... ..._--, --- ....--..... -.-.,--.'.- ... ,-- ..-----...----..... ----,-,---~- On motion of Supervi,sor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is hereby ordered that the Treasurer of Roanoke County, effective July 1, 1962, credit to the General Revenue Fund all delinquent taxes received from the Clerk of the Circuit Court and from the Collector of Delinquent Taxes of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, adopted on I June 19, 1962, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS 18a- Annexation - An additional appropriation of $2,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1962, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None i WHEREAS the General Chairman of the Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission requested that a County Historian be appointed to prepare a history of Roanoke County and its participation in the War Between the States; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that Eugene S. Wirt, Jr. be, and he is hereby, appointed County Historian for Roanoke County, Virginia, to prepare the history of the participation of Roanoke County in the War Between the States. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None A Resolution relating to the proposed establishment of an appropriate National Historic Site, park, or monument to commemorate the engagement of Confederate Army and Union Army forces at Hanging Rock in Roanoke County. WHEREAS, in the course of the War Between the States, in the month of June, 1864, an engagement of some importance in this section of the State occurred at Hanging Rock in Roanoke County, between Confederate Army forces commanded by General McCausland and Union Army forces commanded by General Averill; and WHEREAS the Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission has proposed that the National Park Service, having authority in the premises, be requeste~ to commemorate the ' time and site of the aforesaid engagement by some appropriate I I act, establishing at Hanging Roc', a National Historic Site, a National Battlefield Site, or an appropriate monument or park, in which proposal this Board concurs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that said Board en-dJrses and supports the proposal that the National Park Service _ __. _____n_____.___ __.__ ._____.____ --.------------.-- ------. -- ------------. ~ i ~ 1-1 ~ i i 'n ~ , 1 - I"", U o be requested to establish at Hanging Rock in Roanoke County an appropriate National Historic Site, park, or monument to commemroate the engagement of Confederate and Union Army forces at said location which occurred ciuring the month of June, 1864. On motion of Su?ervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None y Whereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15-250 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, to borrcw not earlier than June 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy lai~ in said County for the year 1962, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1962; and Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 from such Bank of Institution of this State as is willing to make the loan, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, on demand; which said maturity date of said loan shall occur not later than D,ecember 15, 1962, said loan to be evidenced by the negotiable of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall ' be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by E. G. Terrell, whose signature shall be duly attested by Ray K. Brown, Clerk and shall become due and payable to, andas such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this Board. It is certified that all temporary loans for all previous years have been paid. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, adopted by trefollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 239 2 copies del to Treas. &: copy to Co. Ex.Office &. Co BookkeeJl er 9/18/62 240 _....___._._.__.._..,.._.,--.'...---..------.",.---...".,._-_'_. __._,.'. __._,....,....._.___M_ .__ - ... . .'.. _ _ _=_-.,.......,..,-'C~_-=,--_-~"',...:,.. --_-.;....,..==-~~.--::_--..,-..,........,._- ."..-......,.._-_:-.-..,..--.--..,----..,.-....".-.~...,..,......,..,...-'-:,..,.-:- _...:::c=-=-~~~_-_-=.==-,=_.~;,..:=""'~o::.~.,.;o..;..=~""_..:...- _ ,:":'~'.'---""_C,,"_;..,-,,- -"'-'.cC-.,,:~.,...::.,,-:::_.-..: ';"'';:C.-=,='C;-..:-_'',''''"'.,,"-=, ':..--::=.0.'.__ C". _.~ __0"'.'. _ J}f:t~,~~ '~rf(,"Y " , \ ~,t:g ~a->~' c" ' ~/f'f't " -v _ c..l...:. V-.t . ~ \l;>.m,;rtt:;. c."WlD~,.. ti 'iJ..:r",J'~ ~ cut,... ~ ----.--, -.. ....-.. ....,....., ...-.-'-.- ...,.- ......'. -. ..----.---.-----.--....-- , IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $820.62, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of August, 1962, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $779.59 net. I '" The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of August, 1962; I C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of August, 1962; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent for the month of August, 1962; LQWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of August, 1962; RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of August, 1962; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Hon.e Demonstration Agent, for the month of August, 1962; ... Mrs. Mary Steinhardt, Chairman, Schools Study Committee, Mrs. Homer Stokes, Chairmau of County P. T. A. Council, and Mr. F. G. Stevenson of the Schools Committee, in charge of distributing booklets, this day appeared before the Board, and presented the Board with a copy of "Your Schools - Roanoke County - Facts III", which was received and ordered fUed. Mr. Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, commended the Committee on their I achievement in getting out such a splendid and informative booklet, and expressed the Board's appreciation for the copies delivered to the Board. . IN RE: REZONING OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 7, BOTH INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 12, MAP OF SECTION 2, OF SOUTHERN HILLS - PROPERTY OF GEORGE W. GRAVES AND WILLIAM A. GRAVES: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the recommendation of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, this day filed in this matter, and that the request of said petitioners for re-zoning of said property be denied. Resolution signed by sundry property owners in said area received and ordered I filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I Dr. He~an L. Horn, Superintendent Roanoke County Schools this day appeared before the Board, and submitted a resolution dated Septe~ber 11, 1962, of the County School Board of Roanoke County, requesting that this Board request the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to order an election upon the question of, ~~t- ~, 1h~ ~1I~C. ~~,~, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the petition in this I'M 11:, J 6 Y case be referred back to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for a re-hearing' C_~,' 0,'1 \\ ____.____...".. _"__..___n ..._..__ _.. ___ ~_____ ~~____________ _____ _ ..._ _.____..___.____ ..n.. contracting a debt in the amount of Three Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (3,500,000.00) to finance the cost of school improvements in Roanoke ~ County, including purchase of sites for school buildings, or additions to school buildings, construction of school buildings, or additicns to school buildings, and furnishing or equipping all school buildings or additions to school buildings; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that action on said resolution be taken under advisement in order that a study be made of the = needs of said School Board of Roanoke County. Resolution of the Roanoke County School Board ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None ... IN RE: RE-ZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROUl'E 220, NEAR FRANKLIN COUNTY LINE. The recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, having been this day filed before this Board, in the re-zoning of the property of W. C. Greer and Hazel D. Greer, husband and wife, on the west side of Route 220 near the Franklin County line, on the motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, ,.. I ; .. on said petition, if the said Planning Commission be so advised. Resolution dated September 17, 1962, signed by sundry property owners in said area, received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None . Letter dated August 29, 1962, addressed to Roanoke County Board of !~, w Supervisors from G. L. Gearhart, Town Manager, Vinton, in re: purchase of new fire truck by Roanoke County, to be housed at the Vinton Fire House and to serve the Town of Vinton and the County area east of Vinton, received, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, said request is referred to Fire Chiefs Association of Roanoke County for its recommendation. a '" IN RE: PURCHASE OF COUNTY FIRE TRUCK: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent of Roanoke County be authorized to accept the low bid of Beach Bros. Motors, Inc., for one Dodge 1962 model C900 Cab forward chassis a price of forty-nine hundred and twenty-five dollars ($4925.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ,Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None 241 ----..".....-.-. Ith~~ k cU jf-" .~~ ~c'-r - "I ) ,q ) ~.... ~."..n" I To ~ Vi. , ~. "J,,:t -r;~~ ~ )1'l}'1/ ~t:t; ~'TfJ~ 242 ~:-~,.--.."....,..,-::-~.--............,...,.......-~,-=~---_.c--_..,..--:-..--.,..... "-===-...."...~-.::=-.,-=-"....::...-:; """",:;:-.C"'~':';:'~=-_'-:"'~C;-_;;"_,-=.C ,,-,~-.~..;= ... _._ .. _._ ~~k 'I I i/."(;.;l Co, J:.~.c. , -~r 'fJ 1<1!bY' ~~t1 Q~~, /Y\~: \ti~, 'I \ I" ) (, ./ ~~-r ~'F(q / " 7 -'. . . _.. ,__.'_.._u _.__.' _ _ - _. .____.__..._... ..n._. ..... The following bids for County Fire Truck were this day ordered filed: Goodwin Chevrolet Corporation Shackelford-Cox Truck & Machinery Co. Vinton Motor Company ~ I IN RE: PURCHASE OF Ca1BINATION PUMPER FOR COUNTY FIRE TRUCK On motion, duly seconded it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent accept the bid of Oren Roanoke Corporation for one 750 GPM Triple Combination Pumper according to proposal filed herein at eleven thousand seven hundred, I thirty-seven dollars and sixty-five cents ($11,737.65.) Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse Nays: None . IN RE: RE-ZONING OF LarS 1 THROUGH 7, BOTH INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 12, MAP OF SECTION 2, SOUTHERN HILLS - PROPERTY OF GEORGE W. GRAVES AND WILLIAM A. GRAVES: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris, it is ordered that the resolution of this Board concurring in the recommendation in this matter of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, this day filed/be rescinded, in order that the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County may have an opportunity to view the property and take official action thereon at the October Meeting, 1962, of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and.', Edwin G. Terrell Nays: None I . IN RE: PURCHASE OF REPRODUCTION MACHINE FOR USE IN COUNTY OFFICES. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase a reproduction machine for use in the County offices. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I ORDERED that the Board be the third Monday in October, 1962. I !!J~ CHAIRMAN ...-. ---~._.. ...-.._.-- _.. ._--- .-._._---~._--- "i,__~___.___.___..~_ Court House Salem, Virginia October 15, 1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Carl A. Collins, Jr., Pastor of Tabernacle Baptist Church offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the BO:lrd having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. ~ i c, I!f . The following claims against the County were this day presented, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively ,i chargeable therewith, towit: {NO. 07629 Caldwell Sites Co., Office Supplies '. II 07630 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Office Supplies Maintenance agreement for 1 yea~ Oct. 1, to Oct. 1, 1963 Merchants Industries Co. 15,000 fraykraft envelopes Acme Printers Co., Book Binding & Office Supplies Salem Office Supply Co., Office Supplies Burroughs Corporation, Office Supplies Star City Printing Co., 2'Try~~.f~~J~4...Assessment Slips James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Traveling Expense County School Board of R. C. Maintenance Co. Vehicles Sept. Salem Auto Parts, Parts American Photocopy Equipment Co. Record paper-Clerk G. H. Parent Co., Office Supplies Underwood Corporation, Repairs to Office Equipment JjiI I'" ,~ i ~ .. ~ = II 07631 07632 07633 07634 07635 07636 07637 0763!l 07639 07640 07641 07642- 07643 07644 07645 07646 lit " !! " . II 'II :: tt 1 II II I, i; " .: 'II II ;: n .11 . . II II II 07647 07648 Q7649 076,50 07651 07652 07653 07654 07655 07656 07657 07658 07659 07660 07661 07662 07663 07664 II ,II II " II II " II II II II II II II II " " 'II 07665 Void C. W. Warthen Co. Record Book-Clerk Acme Typewriter Co. Stencils for Re-Assessment Easter Supply Cot, Office Supplies, Judge Hoback City Auditor-Roanoke City, Room & Board for Children detained at the City's Detention Home Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Chief Probation Officer James M. Bryant, Reimburse Traveling Expense Sept. Probation Officer. Co., Parts & Oil for Garage Co., Parts and Batteries Auto Spring & Bearing Spring & Bearing Auto Void J. W. Grim, Deputy Sheriff, Reimburse Alterations Harvest Motors, Parts for repairing Vehicles Magic City Motor Corp. Parts Radio Communications Co. Radio Maintenance SUllDDerdean Esso Station, Parts-repaj,rs-grease jobs on Co. Vehicles Shackleford-Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts Vinton Motor Co., Parts fpr Co. Cars Williams Auto Alignment, Parts Brown Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies, etc. Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing repairs Auto Parts, Inc., Parts and Grease Salem Glass Co., Repairs Parts and etc. Garland Oil Company , Parts & Oil for Distribution at Hollins Station. Arrow Hardware Paint Feed Co., Supplies for Hollins Fire House on Uniforms approved, $ 187.12 275.23 135.51 461.35 170.48 6.00 24.00 1!l.25 515.95 86.0!l 24.55 4.65 15.00 63.27 41. 00 11.91 42.00 36.79 44.03 ll6.80 7.04 24.00 21.50 54.77 47.50 2!l.57 48.!l7 48.72 4.50 40.53 373.04 45.24 91. 95 16.05 5.$5 244 -~==-"'~=::"---=""";:"-=~"--''''''''''-''''''''-'''-~':--'''-''''''.-~-.:--'---;-;-:---'''''''''''''''''-- ."'-~""--":"";'~=";O..=_-::'''''-':'''=-~---==.;-=-....=o...=---'-''''''~~.:'=O,='=':'''''''''-==-_''':Z..:=c,-_.'.;-==",-;__; .,~ 07677 The Pu~e Oil Co., Gasoline for C. S. Rescue Squad 6.66 07678 Fairview Hom~, Expense of inmates at Fai~view Home-Dublin 15.12 07679 Lewis Gale Hospital, hospital bills for Welfare 497.42 07680 Roanoke Memorail Rehab. Cente;:, hospital bills for Helfare 602,10 07681 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, hospital bills for [-i'elfa',:e 2,127.28 07682 University of Virginia, hospital bills for Welfa"e 29';,80 07683 Burrell Memodal Hospital, hospital bills for Welfa,:e 682,42 07684 W. B. Gochenour , Lunacy hearing for Roy Harrison Blackwell 10.00 07685 Drs. Thurman & Thurman, Lunacy hea"ing M1.'s. Imogene Hubbard 10.00 07686 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy Hea,:ing for various patients ';5,00 No, 07666 " 07667 " 07668 07669 07670 07671 07672 07673 07674 07675 07676 II " II II " " " II II " " II II " II ',11 ,,, ,.11 J" 07687 " 07688 07689 07690 07691 II " " " 07692 07693 07694 07695 07696 07696 07698 " " " " " " " 07699 07700 07701 07702 07703 07704 " " II " " " 01705 01706 07707 " II " 01708 07709 07710 " " -.'---._-.----- ..........--.-.-- . .", '-::':~""-'''''"":;'-:'''':'':O-'-' _:..''-':~:-'-.=-.._..:;;_,:...'~;. J. W. G.:iggs & W, H. Witt, Sept,;:ent on C.S.Fi::e House $ 60.00 W. W. Garman, Sept, ~ent on Mr. Pleasant Fi~e Station 60,00 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Sept. rent on Clea-'b.:ook FL:e Sta. 60,00 Culligan SoftHater Service, Rent on water softener Hollins F.H. 4.00 Gibson's Radiator Shop,Repairs to fire truck 5607,Catawba G,'o\'er Products Co, Parts Fire Trucks Hollins", Bent Mtn 8,00 ]20,00 65.91 8,38 24,73 I Humble Oil", Refining Co. Gasoline Jimmy's Service Center, Gasoline for fire trucks T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline and Oil N~tural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 17.70 Railway Express Agency, express on parts fo:: Hollins fire truck S, 93 I McClung Lumber Ce.,stakes for surveying and lumber fOT repair work in Courthouse 20.26 79.17 I Double Em-elope Co. ,10,000 envelopes fOl' Public Horks Office Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., Maps 15.39 Times World Corporation, Publishing Zoning Meeting 23.00 Shockley's Tractor Se"vice Co., repairs and parts for garbage trucks 48.71 Bemiss Equipment Co. repairs, parts and "ent on tracto': 6,512, ~3 W. B. Clements, Inc. Repairs austom Seat Cover Shop, repairs to 5303 truck Dickerson GMC Inc., parts 1. sO 16,00 58.5'; 6.34 6.00 Goodwin Che\~olet r.o" parts 5305 Truck Paul B, Matthews, reimburse t"aveling expo to Charlotte, N.C. James E. Peters, T easurer, "eimbu'.'se postao-e for mailing garbage b',Jls l78.4l, 41. 72 17,80 21.12 I Poanoke Auto Spring Horks, pacts for gacbage t"ucks S,lem Oil Co., fuel fo:,' t::actor Shephecds Auto Supply Co" parts for garbage truck Richard Hade, refund garbage collection fee Automotive Machine Shop, parts for garbage tcuck 1.2<; I 310.20 Wilson's Paint & Body Shop, parts for garbage truck <;';03 190.00 Yates", \'Jells Ga--age, pacts 48<;, L,4 Applachian Powe': Co., cun'ent used in street lighting 673,79 Mary E. Hicks, reimburse payment of Electoral Boa,:ds post office box i'ent fo;, qr. end,Dec.31/62 1. 70 Times Register Co. Ad\'€"ti,sing, Closing of Registration books 10,(3 Janet L, Ballentine, Services as assistant Regis.of Vinton 20,<;0 Arne,'ican Chemical Co., Janito.: Supplies 29.6<; No. 07711 " 07712 i; " 07713 " 07714 " 07715 ~ " 07716 " 07717 " 07718 Bush Electrical Co. Electrical repairs Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies Dillard Paper Co., Dixie cups- courthouse Roanoke Linen Service, towel service Sept. Salem Paint Co., paint for painting Parking lot Salem Hardware Co., courthouse supplies Parker Nimmo Supply Co., street signs Pure Oil Co., gasoline for distribution at Hollins Fire Station and County Garage 245 $ 408,00: 26.31 18.41 3.25 15.19 1.55 120.54 1,075.76, 56.37 88.30 272.25 2,095.60 " 07719 Parker Nimmo Co. street signs r- II 07720 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., Chairs for Co. Library '~I " 07721 W. E. Robertson Co., Labor and paint on Co. Libnry " 07722 H. L. Ronk & Son, contract price for cabinet work etc. " 07723 Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., developer and Blue Ray printer- office sup. " 07724 " 07725 " 07726 I, " " 07727 r " 07728 " 07729 " 07730 .. ! ~ " 07731 11M " 07732 11 07733 " 07734 " 07735 " 07736 " 07737 " 07738 " H ., 07785 W " 07786 " 07787 Rusco Window Company, Venetian Blinds for Co. 'Library Mason H. Littreal, Refund electrical permit #9721 etc. National Fire Protection Assoc. 200 National Elec.Code Books Void 268.20' , i 59.681 ': 2.00 160.00 N. W & Railway Co., rental fee for space on Old Va. Frt and Pass. station Bldg. 7.00 Blue R1dge Bldg. & Sup; Co., material for Fire Rouse Ft.Lewis 44.97' Crotts Sheet Metal Co. putting roof on new Fort Lewis F.R. 396.50 Concrete Ready Mixed Corp. material for new Fire Sta.D at Fort Lewis 514.48 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Robert Dawson, Postmaster,postage for Delinquent Tax Col. Underwood Corporation, maintenance agreement on office macho n 077g8 American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper n 07789 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, reimburse petty cash fund n 07790 James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimburse jury tickets N 07791 Bank of Salem, rent on night deposit Bag No. 82 from June 1,1962 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Roanoke County Ct. Cates Building Specialties, material for fire sta.Ft.Lewis 794.44 Cunningham Core Drilling & Grouting Co., test drilling for foundation for Health & Welfare Bldg. on College Ave. 266.25 Lightweight Block Co., material for fire sta. Fort Lewis 83.93 Rockydale Quarries Corp., material for new fire station at Fort Lewis 64.26 Williams Supply Co. material for new Ft. Lewis fire sta. 318.92 Acme Printers Co., book binding for Treasurer 41.50 Virginia Office Machine & Equipment Vo., repairs to office machine Treasurer's office 8.56; 07739 Shockley's TLactor Service Co., garbage container repaired and trucks u " 07792 " 07793 II 07794 " 07795 " 07796 " 07797 Norman Moore, Judge, reimburse traveling expo for attending a Judge's Convention in Fredericksburg Charles L Breeden, Jr., reimburse traveling expo Pro.Offr. Void Oaldwell Sites Co., office supplies Goodyear Service Stores, tires pur. for vehicles and stock 151.40' 9.58 24.00 74.40 75.00 84.65 40.22 6.00 24.00 57.52 30.72 21. 38 185.20 246 ---'-~--------=--:--~~-'---'-:-'-'-:---"""""""'-'-~'--O -,."'.-,.,....,..-.'.___~._._...._u-,._.__,__._:_,._._.,.,. _'.,._',_._____"" ____~,.--. - ---=-=-"-------=.=---::--=..--- =-...::._~""'::o:.-___-__;..-c:::__-_ :;;: - -_=:..-_~ .;:-__-_ ..::._=.._~,=:;_-_-'_-_.:.-.........~...,..~_.,.-"'"'_..c.,,:.o'_....:;:_._=c-_- No. 07798 C & P Telephone Co. Telephone service fpr Bent Mt. Fire Sta $ 07799 Appalachian Power Co., current used at C. S. Fire House 07800' Miller Tire Service , repairs and parts 07801 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. ,tags for Ft. Lewis Fire Dept. /I /I /I " 07802 07803 Technical Reproduction & Supply Co. Maps L. Kenneth Whitlock, extra off. asst. in Engineer's office /I /I 07804 Standard Parts Corp., parts for 5401 07805 Addressograph-Multigraph Co. Office supplies It It 07806 07807 N & S Body Shop, Parts for 2606 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., equipment for collecting garbage 3.16 It " 07808 Everette E. Fry, Deputy Sheriff, dif. in telephone lines 07809 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., blood test for dnunk driving,Jas. Hensley It It 07810 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66, parts for 6101 07811 Dr. S. D. Carey, drunk driving test,Mrs.Hazel A. Primka 07812 Dr. Russell B. Smiley, Jail physician Salary Sept. 07813 Keith K. Hunt, Lunacy cases, Fuller and Johnston 07814 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy Hearings, Flowers and Wilson 07815 W. B. Gochenour, Lunacy Hearing, Robert Price Foutz 07816 Virginia Foods, food, janitor supplies and jail bulbs 07817 Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, food for Jail 07818 Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail 07819 American Bakeries Co., food for jail 07820 Monarch Finer Foods, food for jail 07821 W. T. Rierston Store, food for jail 07822 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry for jail 07823 W. t. Hester Coal Co.- fuel- jail (Beating) /I /I " " It It It It It It It /I It It 07824 07825 07826 07827 Salem Hardware Co., rat traps, garbage cans etc. It S & W Pharmacy Co. , medical supplies- jail Salem Hardware Co., roaster- repairing can opener It It F. L. Ayers, services as Deputy Registrar It. 07828 Mrs. Mabel S. Doran, services as Deputy Registrar 07829 Booker T. Helm, repairing chair in Juvenile Ct. and labor and materials off.Com. Atty. 07830 WhiteSpot Supply Co. Janitor Supplies 07831 Dillard Paper Co. Janitor supplies 07832 Emory HOllins, erecting and painting street sign poles 07833 R. C. Pittman, reimburse traveling expo Co-ordinator C.D. 07834 W. H. Lucadoo, refund plumbing permit 3401 07835 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., materials for new fire house Ft.L. It " It It It " It It 07836 Robert Dawson, Postmaster ,postage for dist.to various off. -.._'____n _'_'__'_ .'"_._0 .. _..._..,.___.._.___._____ .... .. ....-.. .--.....- .... .. .. ...--- ----....- --'- ',-,,-,,_:,,,:,:,;,;,O";"'-"',,",,,:..::-;"'--'":_._-'-;:'';'''~::_::=''''';;-;';.~",,;;,:-::o;"-_ 19.40 7 .40 6.01 6.81 9.00. 249.58 2.43 25.36 ' I 193.27 18.18 I 5.00 5.35 10.00 245.00 20.00 20.00 10.00, 162.14 139.70 32.85 74.58 151.07 39.60 31.83 32.00 6.04 10.31 10.45 10.00 11.75 I 20.00 34.35 13.21 25.00 35.77 6.00 27.72 72.00 I I I ~~~~"--;~~_C__" f I ~ t-- IN RE: ___ ____ n_ ~ -_._----~-._-_.,. ----. DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAlMS &c: 247 The following claims against the County ;/Ere this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively charge- I ~ ''''I able therewith, to-wit: ,. No. 07740 " 07741 " 07742 " 07743 " 07744 " 07745 " 07746 .. 07747 " 07748 " 07749 " 07750 " 07837 " 07838 ; ~ I"" . II Acme Printers, Inc., Record books and office supplies Bob's Market, Dog food and wearing apparel County School Board of R.C. repairs and parts for dog truck Goodyear Service Stores, tires dog truck Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline - dog truck Radio Communications Co., Radio maintenance- Sept.dog truck Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food and spray cans Sam's Inc., wearing apparel Dog Wardens Jean Long, working at Dog Clinics Lenna Hartman, working at dog clinics Esther Long, working at dog clinics Ralph Long, Dog Warden Farmers Exchange Mills 14.00 13.07 7.60 52.70 10.18 15.00 37.58 87.55 20.0:1 5.00 25.00 76.00 25.60 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: n 1M "Salem, Virginia ,October 15, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business October 13, 1962, there was to the credit of the u General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account $ 159,584.82 5,087.97 71. 93 5,483.50 30,384.85 7,117.90 97.86 ~ 207,828.83 Respectfully submitted Said report approved and ordered filed. James E. Peters, Treasurer." , On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of October, 1962, be approved in the amount of $9,999.79 from which the "sum of $215.03 total F.LC.A. taxes and the sum of $1,007.15 total W.H.taxes, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $8,777.61. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor. R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Houlse c and Edwin G. Terrell. . Nays: None ~_r., r4R_/. L (' '(.J, r. I" ~ _ .~.\..)....:y'~~ ~(-tl.~. U IT I . v <'---!cU-1 i;-f, I I, : "'I"v On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse col- 248 , ~~'-..~...,..-.-'-c-:-o-.~-:7~--'~~-~-"""-~''''''-''-'''''''-~-'-'''-'_~7'.-_-,-".-:;:--C-.,-~:-:--"C....,...,,,. --"=-.-.....,.,-,-_. -"----"0 ..,.,-... _.:-:;-....,...-.,.--~. -_..,- . .... _n_. ..._._.-.__.,______._____ ...-....-..........-..--,-- --- .- i=-:~.....".....-="'--::.:...,-:..' .o::..__...::."'"~""=~.=~~ __':"-';"'-'--_ .,..-"-,"-.::-;;-:..;;:-.=:.~.:_"'''"'=='-~,_=:-_C.'''-'-'-,..:=...-_-=-.- ;=0=' 'O_..::..~-=-.-..,.. :c..;;.~c.-,_"""."-'oo'."-'".,__o._-_-__:_-.....:_.."'::..: ,: .'_~"" _~.__c.C..:o":-.;.C-;.;-".-.- __'_ C:..O- ! 1 ~ct.X- . ,. -t.....-.~ ~, r c,,~cP ' 1~Jf.,I~y ~&.J- tI~. C;, .~. 1~lb/'y' I , i i ~~~~. 1'~"-~ ] j j I , lection and Janitor Service for period September 15, 1962, ending September 30, 1962, be approved in the amount of $3,908.14, from which $122.14 Total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $223.20 total W. H. Taxes; $44.80 insurance and $53.21 gar- nishment deductions, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,464.79; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period October 1, 1962, ending October 15, 1962, be approved,in the amount of $3,809.47, from which $119.03 total F.r. C.A. Taxes; $218.80 total W.H. Taxes, and $39.20 insurance, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,432.44. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. I Nays: None . On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance. to-wit: Voucher-check # 7310 in the amount of $400.00 made payable to Lula U. Swedberg, Administratrix of the Estate of Admiral Dewey E. Swedberg, for a second-hand truck; Voucher-check # 7577 in the amount of $529.27 made payable to C & P. Telephone Company for service to various County Offices Voucher-check # 7620 in the amount of $593.96 made payable to Town of Salem for light, water and sewage service; Voucher-check # 7623 in the amount of $18.50 made payable to C & P. Tele- phone Company for service at Dog Warden's Home Voucher-check # 7625 in the amount of $32.09 made payable to C & P. Tele- phone Company for telephone connection between air- port and Hollins Fire House Adopyed by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and I" Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. ~ IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS Treasurer, for $1,256.09, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of September, 1962, less commissions, and tunned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,193.29 net. I The following reports were this day laid before the Board, and ordered I, filed. C. E. BOONE, SHERIFF, office and travel expenses for the month of September, 1962. C. E. BOONE, SHERIFF, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of September, 1962; Ern~ARD S. ALLEN, County Agent for the month of September, 1962. LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent for the month of September,1962. RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstrati6n Agent, for the month of September 1962 SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent for the month of September, 1962. 249 _. n..w....._______._ ._ .------- ..-- -----. .----.- .-........--....--... ....-. - -.----- ------,.--,------....,--.,.....,...,--~--,.---- . - . - , IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: ~ Letter dated September 20, 1962, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr., Director, Divis- ion of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, and to Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspec- tion of the Roanoke County jail dated September 6, 1962, received and ordered filed. ~ Copy of letter dated October 10, 1962, addressed to, William J. Paxton, Jr., Town Clerk, Salem, Va. from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, Roanoke, enclosing copy of resolution No. 14969, dated October 8th, 1962, amending the Contract between the City of Roanoke and Town of Salem, dated October 16, 1953, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes. ~ IN RE: ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION - CONTROL COMMITTEE, ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL MAJOR ARTERIAL PLAN: On Motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. " Harris, it is ordered that Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell be appointed as the representative of this Board on the Control Committee, Roanoke Valley Regional Maj or Arterial Plan. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G . Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. ~ ... Nays: None. . Letter dated September 18, 1960, from Edward B. Lassiter, Chairman, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning COllllIlission, addressed to E. G. Terrell, Chair- man, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors received and ordered filed. · IN RE: REZONING OF LOT 3-A, SECTION 6, ) ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF MT. ) VERNON HEIGHTS PROPERTY. ) ) of ) ) FRED L. BOWMAN AND KATHRYN H. ) BOWMAN. ) FINAL ORDER !~, w At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on October 15, 1962, WHEREAS, Fred L Bowman and Kathryn H. Bowman petitioned this Board and re- quested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that cer- tain property described in said petition be rezoned as "Industrial M-l", which petition was by this Board referred to the Planning COllllIlission of Roanoke County c for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County by a resolution adopted on September 20, 1962, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recollllIlended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the said property to "Industrial M-l"; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did by order entered on September 20,1962, order that the Clerk of this Board set the request down for a public hearing on ,~~<rna:06.1 ,i-" ~i ~ ::~~' '~-L~~......., (' r> r(: "~,~ (i~~/.,' ~.1 'rJ t1 "' S{~ J iu'i' j....(;~L~ '\ . <:" IA-. ~'~~-.p'fI' r~?J Y":' I':';""';' I b / to ").- c4-, d..L t ~cL. ~, m~ ~~c" eL~.- '..~ I'rl\{~~f6 ,'~ '{'- t "1"""'" "1"1- ",,:;'rj-, Q~ of, V"- l"--~ " I ~t, ~ / t., J-.. I 250 I I I I I F:" ~:~=..-,.=.,.-:;~~~:~~.,.~- ~--:~"'~~~:~-==--~=~ -::~-'~~=:.~~-:~~~::;~~;:~~= :~:~~-~~.,--:-~- ~~::::'::;=-~.,~::;';,;::~~=::;~ o.~~:~~_~-"-~~~-~=:~ ~;_~~:~=-:~~o-.__:~~~:,-CC~ -:~.-:~~ -~-:~':;:::_~2-:;=-;.:~~~~=~,"_:'.~~'~~-:-~- -~-_._~ ~-:,,,,~,,,',C"C=-,--,:-_-,c:=,..~ I ~~~.Q.Q Tt~,. ,)-k" 'H_ f,~,~~ ~.~) (, 'G ~,,~, ~ \6.".".-./ '- g.;.a.Q.u. '-,"" , .- r , C-{J~/r" I October 15, 1962, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the requirements of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did give notice by advertisement published in The Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by two insertions on the 24th day of September and the 1st day of October, 1962, as required by the order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, of the hearing at 2:00 P.M. on October 15, 1962, on this petition: and, WHEREAS, said hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly pub- lished, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of the County Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested by said petition, ana as recommended by the County Planning: Commission. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board L of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 15th day of October, 1962, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property in said petition as "Industrial M-l" property. The property her6by classified as "Industrial M-l" is more particularly described as Lot 3-A, Section 6, according to the Map of Mt. Vernon Heights, which said map is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 2 , page 77. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning I I I Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Charles D. Fox, Jr., attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A.C.Harris, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G.Terrel1 NAYS: None. I . ~iHEREAS the County School Board of Roanoke County has this day submitted a resolution stating that, in the opinion of said Board, it is necessary to make school improvements set out in said resolution, and to expend therefor the sum of $3,500.00, in addition to other monies available to finance the erection and equipment of schools, and additions to schools, and, where neces- sary, the acquisition of land therefor, and in said resolution requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, if it shall determine it to be advis- able to contract said debt by the issuance of general obligation bonds, to re- quest the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to require the Judges of Election on the day fixe~ by ah order of said Court, to open a poll and take the sense of the qualified voters of the County on the question of contracting aaid debt, and issuance of said bonds; and I 251 ._-~_._.--.-_._.-.. -....--...--......- ------.-...- .~_.. .-.---- -~.__._~.- -"_-=-"':c"=~-'_-:-::-_:..:":::;"C-_""""'-~:.."'''''''''-:-:C=~'''-''''''':'-=::-;-'='''''''-__ !III 1"1 .. It 1 ~ r ~ t ~ i .' , t J w a ----.,-...,,..,.....,-,.,.,..-:-- -.-. WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Board of Supervisors that said debt should be contracted, and said general obligation bonds be issued, and that an election should be held on or about December 4th, 1962, if that date be approved by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, to determine the sense of the qualified voters of said County upon the question of contracting said debt and issuing said bonds; N~, THEREFORE, this Board assures the County School Board of Roan~ke Count:y that it will at the proper time request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roa- noke County to enter an order, requiring the Judges of Election on the date fixed by the order to open a poll, and take the sense of the qualified voters of said County on the question of said election and the issuance of said bonds.: Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None. ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE ~ On motion of Supervisor of G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that there be proposed for adoption at its regular meeting of this Board, to be held November 19, 1962, in its meeting room at the Court- house of Roanoke County, at 2:30 P.M., pursuance to Acts of Assembly 1960 Cumu- lative Supplement Chapter Title 54, Chapter 7, Code of Virginia, 1950, Section 54T145.2 (as amended by Acts of General Assembly, 1958) and Chapter 1, Title 15-8 an ordinance amending and changing partially Sections 36.1.2. and 36.1.3 of the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance adopted May 16, 1938, and amended, changed, and re-adopted September 21, 1960, and adopting as a part of the Roanoke County" Electrical Ordinance, the 1962 National Electrical Code, also known as NFPA Ne. 70, adcpted May 1962, and ASA Cl. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks, commencing October 18th, 1962, in the Times Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of intention of this Board to propose adoption of the above ordinance, and amend- II! (,). ments. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Mou1se, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. . Benjamin E. Chapman, Attorney, for residents of the Mount Pleasant Sec- tion, Roanoke County, near the lands known as Gale Cyphers Farm, now owned by the Garden Park Development Corporation; Mr. Vernon Garnand, President of the Garden City Civic Club, and Mr. Frank Gee, one of the residents closest to said Development, this day appeared before the Board and presented a petition registering their disapproval and opposition to the issuing of a permit for a trailer court in said area, and requesting rezoning of the said Gale Cyphers ],.:.rm from AgrkultJural A-l to Residential R-l, which petition was received 252 Fe :.';;",~,:::-= ~;,;" -"~;;-~:';-,,:~=e;::~;;=C;C;:::=';:;-:::~-;'C:;:;::':;;:: I ; and ordered filed. i i f ~ '1'11"'2- On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ord~red that there be proposedfor adoption at the regular meeting of this Board to be held November 19, 1962, in its meeting room at the Courthouse of Roanoke County at 3:00 P.M., an amendment to Section 2, Paragraph B of the Trailer Court Ordinance of Roanoke Couaty adopted February 18, 1957, by adding, after the words "any site, lot, field, or tract of land", the words "approved by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County". I I And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for (2) successive weeks, commencing October 18th, 1962, in the Times Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption an amendment to the Trailer Court Ordinance of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, and Edwin G. Terrell. . IN RE: RE-ZONING OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 7, BOTH INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 12, MAP OF SECTION 2, SOUTHERN HILLS- PROPERTY OF GEORGE W. GRAVES AND WILLIAM A. GRAVES: I This day came again George W. Graves, one of the owners of Lots 1 through 7, both inclusive, Block 12, Map of Section 2, Southern Hills, in person, and by E. W. Chelf, his attorney, pursuant to order of this Board entered on Sep- tember 17, 1962, rescinding a resolution entered on above date, concurring in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, in order that the members of this Board might have an opportunity to view the property and take official action thereon at the Octob~r Meeting, 1962, of this Board; And after hearing the views of persons for and against the re-zoning of said property, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the recommendation of the Roan9ke County Planning Commission denying a change of the classification of the said property from Residential R-I to Business B-2, and it is so ordered. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. I I Nays: None Edgar Thomas, W. C. Reed, Mrs. Walter F. Cobbs, Estelle Cummings, and Rev. Elder J. L. Manning, this day appeared before the Board and filed their petitions addressed to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, in opposition to the re-zoning of Lots I through 7, both inclusive, Block 12, Map of Section 2, Southern Hills, property of George~, Graves and William W. Graves'. Mrs. Johnson and George W. Graves appeared before the Board in favor of 253 the re-zoning of above described property. . On Motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, j~~:Q ~ it is ordered that the salary and expense accounts of the Commonwealth's Attorney, :~ Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue and Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day \~~- submitted to the Board, be filed, no action being taken thereon. _i ~, ~~o1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: ~~ ~\q ~ fl",/I,)- G Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse """l I t and Edwin G. Terrell. ,.... Nays: None. . J. R. Davenport, President of Ogden Hills Civic League, this day submitted to the Board petitions signed by seventy-three (73) persons, representing tqirty- n~ne (39) of the forty-two (42) home owners in the Ogden Hills area, requesting the Board of Supervisors not to specify for sanitation authority jurisdiction the area in which said petitioners live, said petitions are ordered filed. James A. Dunham was also present at said meeting. j Elbert H. Waldron, Lonza L. Rush and Herbert Sears appeared in support of, and recommended that the areas specified in the resolution of this Board at the September 17, 1962, meeting of the Board, be included in the jurisdiction of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. . Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a spe~ial llieeting of the Board of Super- " visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 17th day of September, 1962, de- signating October 15, 1962 at 3:00 o'clock P.M. as the time and in the Board ':L~ 'cWlI T.- iC ! 11/7/1,'2.-- of Supervisors Room of Roanoke County, Virginia, as the place for a public hear- ing on the aforedaid resolution of September 17, 1962, signifying the intention i......J i I .., of the said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify further projects in the nature of sewage collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said resolution, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, being Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular reference being had to Secrion 15-764.9 concerning the specifying of further projects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. o Absent: None. . The Chairman opened the meeting, stating its general purposes, and after reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published in the Roanoke "World-News", and certified by the publisher, and also a reading of said resolution proposed to be adopted, the Chairman called for a general discussion of the subject. The Board hearing no objection by prospective users of the proposed services to be rendered, except as hereinafter set out, on motion .,._.;;..,,,.....~ ',' of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the follcwing resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote. WHEREAS, at a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held September 17, 1962, a resclution was unanimously passed by recorded vote of said Board, signifying its intention to specify further pro- jects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, as amended, and particular reference being had to Section 15-764.9 with reference to specifying I of further projects; and, I WHEREAS, the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was duly published in the Roanoke "World-News", a newspaper published in and having general circulation in the Town of Salem, Virginia, where the said Roanoke County Sanitation Authority has its principal office, and in Roanoke 1 County, said publication having been had on October 1, 1962; and, ,i ,I WHEREAS, the said public hearing was duly held on October 15, 1962, at 3:00 ,I I , o'clock P.M. at the time and place as set forth in the said notice and resolu- i tion; and, WHEREAS, in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, no opposition, substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard, save and except as to residents of so much of the area which is known as Ogden Hills Subdivision, hereinafter described by metes and boun~s; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no I substantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said resolution, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at said meeting, save as aforesaid, and this Board doth so certify; and, WHEREAS, no petition has been filed by qualified voters with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section 15-764.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required or necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its special meeting of September 17, 1962, by adopting by recorded vote the reso- lution signifying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, and doth further specify additional projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, with the I purpose of acquiring, financing, construction, operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe-lines and other properties and facilities inci- dental thereto for the primary purpose of furnishing sewer facilities to resi- dences and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority by its charter and by the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act, Chapter 22.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and being Sevtions 15-764.1 to 15-764.39 of said Code of Virginia, I the additional proj ects consisting of furnishing said servi,ces in each and all of those areas set out and described by metes and bounds in the aforesaid 255 n resolution passed by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at its special meeting held September 17, 1962, excepting however, the area known as Ogden Hills, hereinafter described, reference being hereby specifically had to said resolution and the metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Supervisors Record Book 17, page 235. = In the judgment of this Board, substantial opposition by prospective users of the proposed service was heard from persons purporting to represent the area known as Ogden Hills Subdivision, and this Board, after due considera- tion, determined to eliminate the said area; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That so much of the area as is encompassed within the metes and bounds description in the above-mentioned resolution dated September 17, 1962, which is known as the Ogden Hills Subdivision, be, and is hereby eliminated from this specification of further projects, said property so eliminated being described by metes and bounds, as follows, to-wit: :...... U BEGINNING at a point in the center line of Colonial Avenue (State Secondary Route #720), 2900 feet, mcre or less, west of the intersection of the center lines of Colonial Avenue and Winding Way Road (State Secondary Route #867); thence with the out- side boundaries of Ogden Hills Subdivision, unrecorded, S. 32 deg. 00' W. 1,413 ft. to a point on the said boundary, being the north boundary of the Edgar F. Jamison 46.98 acre tract; thence continuing with the Ogden Hills boundary and the aforesaid Jamison tract, S. 83 deg. 17' W. 695.01 ft. to a point and said point being a corner of the Edgar F. Jamison 24.75 acre tract and the southeast corner of the Herbert Sears 2.549 acre tract; thence continuing with the Ogden Hills boundary and the east boundary of the Sears tract N. 51 deg. la' ft. W. 298.0 ft., to the south right- of-way line of Colonial Avenue; thence continuing N. 51 deg. la' W. 25.0 ft. to a point on the center line of Colonial Avenue; thence with the center line of Colonial Avenue the following courses and distances; N. 32 deg. 12' E. 927.0 ft. N. 50 deg. 07' E. 165.0 ft.; N. 61 deg. 50' E. 185.0 ft.' N. 80 deg. 10' E. 368.0 ft; S. 85 deg. 26' E. 266.0 ft.; N. 83 deg. 32 E. 243.0 ft.~and N. 54 deg. 10 E' .. 50.0 ft. to the place of BEGINNING, and being a ooundary description of the 24.27 acre, more or less, tract subdivided as Ogden-Hills and as yet unrecorded. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: o Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Ordered that the Board be adjourned until November 8, 1962 at 2 P.M. o .~dJ~~ C a:Lrman 256 .. ----" ---.-.- ----"~--- -.- --,--_.. "'-' .,_. _. ..."._ '-0- ,_',' _ .,_,___. m '_~'" _+ _ _____............_______+_.___.__._._.... _.___0.... .,_____.______ __ .," _. __ ___ dO... . __ .. __.U._.._. .__.... _ __. U. .. n,___ _.n' l:=_~."'_-,~,=-_~-o-"':-: =~""'"==O___:,-,-_'~...,;_7:__=_"-=_:_-.-:-:".:;::___~_.,.,_-:::_'--.-.,.,.... .,--:--.-,-. -0+,,.....,=-: ___-':.=~~,=_::=.-===_=+-...,..=~..o=-:~-:;-_'OC.=.,,...~~.=..._=:;-_~~=._.."'.:.c:o..__=__.___~"""'""_-"-.::._._:-o__~"_-.:=.. ilu-t , iJ, i . ~L~~ I~ '~~ I I ! i~e 11tro-, q -)9& y j ~cl.LT ~'j lt1~ "If'- .......4-~ ' ~ '.~......;m :, :t.e. r:, ,+ , , NIII.q_I'1/'Y --.....- -,.".+.. __.____ __.__ _..u.,_____ _____._. n, _n_ '_..0_ .0.....__...... +~ -"'--'.,..-"""'. ~.__.._---. . Court House Salem, Virginia. November 8,1962 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof at 2:00 o'clock P.M. pursuant to adjournment from October 15, 1962. I Present: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Vice Chairman A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Absent: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor A. C. Harris offered a prayer. On Motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors plans to build a Health and Welfare Center; and I WHEREAS the School Board of Roanoke County has a site lying adjacent to College Avenue and Third Street which is suitable for said building; and WHEREAS the School Board of Roanoke County is willing, as shown by Resolution adopted by it on October 25, 1962, to convey said site, consisting of all of Lots One (1) through Seven (7), Section Eighteen (18), according to Salem Improvement Company map of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 1, page 22~, to the Board of Supervisors as a building site for said building; I NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the COlIlIllonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County be requested to petition the Judge of the Circuit Court of said County to enter an order permitting them to acquire this land, as set forth above; AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a certified copy of this Order be submitted to the said Judge with said petition. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None ~ llHEREAS, the COLnty School Board of Roanoke County has, by resolution, requested the Board of Supervisors to determine that it is advisable to con- tract a debt and issue bonds of Roanoke County in the principal amount of $3,500,000 for the purpose hereinafter set forth and to request the Circuit Court of said County to make an order as hereinafter set forth: I NCM,TIlEREFORE, I BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows; (1) The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby determines that it is advisable to contract a debt in the amount of $3,500,000 and to issue general obligation bonds of Roanoke County of the aggregate maximum amount of $3,500,000, pursuant to the provisions of the Public Finance Act of 1953 of Virginia, to finance the erection and equipment of the following school buildings and addi~ions and, where necessary, the acquisition of land therefor: 258 "- .:-._.._-+_._._---~~----_._- -'---- . .,. . _.. ... . __ - .om __ ___ _. ..._.__._ __ .~,_..__...m.._' ._____._. _.__. __._.__~ -.~.----_._-- ..._--------------_.,-----~.- .-- ....,..-::..c,.--.-.,,". :=--",--'--.'" --. --....-,-"-~..-.-.""'-,=.:.....,-..~,..,.=~._:_:_ .""'''0 -.:.._;......;.:.,=..;;~.="::.:o'=::..,="='''''':::.=.c_..,==_,,.,.,, '. .... -----,._---~.. ----.-.-.- -... . -..,-.--..-.---- --.-.------.-.--.---.-"- ... -- -. -. .------ "'-- ---... ,_. -- -.. ----- _n . _n __ ..... 'n . --.-.'- .-. ---.-_.-._- --0 "",.-:;='=:'...,-=-:-::--=-.;;.:-=":""_::""':':=""".~_="""'C--=~"-O,,:;;",-,--~=:--==:Z--=:Z-_~::,_-~.=-':-;-"';; :-'.'~"'; Court House, Salem, Virginia. November 19, 1962. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Frederick Griffith, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. I . . The minutes of the last regular and specia meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished I him by the Clerk. No. 07972 07973 07974 07975 07976 07977 .' 07978 07979 079eo 07981 Salem Office Supply Co., Office Supplies Underwood Corporation Office Supplies $ 114.23 1.50 60.50 1.50 17.15 127.94 18.50 25.00 75.00 I It It It II II It II II " " 07982 Pitney-Bowes Inc. Rental Fee on Postage Machin6 251.34 2.60 37.00 " 07985 Void II' ' 07986 City Treasurer, Roanoke, Room and Bca rd for Children at City Detention Home 108.00 II 07987 James M. Bryant, Reimburse Probation Officer's Oct. Travel 53.06 . 07988 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr. Reimburse Probation Officer's October Travel 44.10 " 07989 Charles L. Breeden, Jr. Reimburse Probation Officer'S October Travel 66.11 07990 Virginia Office 14achine & Equipment, Maintenance Agreement Office Equipment 07991 Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, Finger Print Material Sheriff's Dept 07992 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician Salary, October 07993 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician Sala~J 07994 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Police Cars 07995 Dr. Hobert E. Paine, Jr., Alcohol Blood Test 07996 Littlejohn Printing Co., Office Supplies 07997 Dr. S. D. Carey, Lunacy Cases and Coroner 07998 Auto Spring & Bearing Co. Batteries and Fuses 07999 Roanoke Iron & Bridge Works, Repairs to Jail Locks 08000 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Jail 08001 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Cleaning Supplies - Jail 08002 Fridgid- Freeze Frozen Foods, Food - Jail " 0798) 07984 . " II II " " " II " II " " " II Acme Printers, Inc., Book Binding Treasurer's Office Panama-Beaver Co. Ribbons, Roy K. Brown, Clerk of Court Everette-Waddey Co., Record Book - Clark of Court Underwood Corporation, Maintenance Contract, Clerk's Office Void Xerox Corporation, Record Paper, Photostatic Machine Furlllan Whitescarver, Last half dues-.licanoke Co. Law Librljry Association ' James E. Peters, Treas. Reimburse Jury Tickets, Circuit Court Thomas A. Edison Industries, Battery for Tape Recorder Dictaphone Corporation, Maintenance contract on Office Equipment, County Court 17.25 4.17 I 195.00 5.00 22.50 5.00 21.50 50.00 19.8$ 14.23 213.50 151.64 129.02 I _n_________._ ___._____.. --- ----.-- -- ------.- -- ~ ~:>. 08003 n 08004- " 08005 if 08006 n 08007 n ogooa n 08009 n 08010 ,n 08011 piI "1 n 080!:! n 08013 n 08014 " 08015 n 08016 n 08017 11 08018 Ii 0$019 if 08020 n 0$021 n 08022 Ii 08023 n 08024 ! 08025 08026 "5 ,08027 oec28 08029 , 08030 08031 08032 08033 08034 08035 08036 08037 n !i II " n n Ii n , n it n " n n n 08038 08039 0804.0 08041 0804.2 08043 ,.:r. i ~ ~ n n n n n o n 08044 n 08046- 08046 08047 n " Roanoke Stamp ~frr~6 Sapf>lieg,B~1fei~t~'sR8fil~~:' Va. Foutz Sausage C~odd~r#JAi~ox 128, Roanoke, Va. S c!t 11' Pharmacy Co., Salem, Va. Medical Supplies-Jail W. T. Rierson, RFD #7, Box 189 Food-Jail Deluxe Laundry c!t Cleaners, 3308Wmscn. Rd. Laundry-Jail Rettinger Mercantile Co. Food-Jail Hecht's Bakers Co., Food for Jail Virginia Foods, Cleaning Supplies &: Medical Supplies-Jail Natural Gas Distributors, Ql~.Vr~.' Fuel Oil for Hollins S~ation Fuel Oil c!t Equip~ent Co. Fuel for Hollins fire Station Culligan Soft Water Service, Hollii1s Water Softner Clearbrook Lion's Club Rent Oct. Clearbrook Fire House W. W. Garman, Rent Mt. Pleasant Fire House J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, Oct. rent C. S. Fire House Fairview Home, Share expense at Home for the aged Dr. A. J.-Russo, Lunacy Cases Derwtlod H. Rusher, Lunacy Claudine Meadows Claytor Dr. Frank McKinney,-Jr., Lunacy Cases Keith K. Hun~ Lunacy 'Cases Dr. Fred Cruser Lunacy Cases Furman Whitescarvwr Lunacy Case State Department of Health, Approriation for Support of local Health Dept. International Business Machine Co. Ribbons Public Works Acme Typewriter Co. Office SoppliesPublic Works Void J. R. Taliaferro, Reimburse Inspector Times-Register Co.; Publish1Dg Zoning Board Meeting Times-World Corporation Advertising Zoning W. W. Henderson Reimburse traveling expense ~p Charlotte, Caldwell-Sites Co. Office Supplies Addressograpb-Multigraph Co. Plates for garbage Void Appalachian Power Co. Current used in St.Lighting Roanoke Linen Service Janitor supplies-' Booker T. Helm Making &: installing shelf case in Treas. office. Brown Hardware Co. Janitor, supplies &: Building supplies Builders Mart Material for Building shelves in Treas. Office American Chemical Co. Janitor Supplies Salem Paint Co. Paint for making park~ lot tubes Williams Supply Co. Material for New Fire Sta. &: Lights / J. E. Lynch, Treas. Cave Spring Life Saving Crew Contribution C S Life saving Crew. Roy M. Strickler, Treas. Contribution to Town of Salem Salem Life Saving Crew., Morris Cundiff, Treas. Contribution Life saving crew. Otis Shilling, Captain Clearbrook Life Saving Crew George W. Fore, Contribution Ft. Lewis Life Saving Crew 259 $ 14.00 33.30 1.35 38.90 36.53 5.30 73.05 136.82 8.60 447.t6 4.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 42.42 30.00 10.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 7,614.25 7.50 7.50 78.17 13.85 12.00 N. C.4.20 65.58 7.48 1,395,29 3.25 12.50 8.36 11.74 24.35 10.44 100.87 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 260 I , b. ._._~::-=-'-:""""""~'-....o:,-,_--,,.. ::-C=",,~'C''';-- .----,..-~._:.,~----.c._=__::_:_:~ c;-:-....--..- '...".....,--", =-'-_~""-:='.-"'_O-"'''-- ~,-'~-.-:- ~,,--'--"C".-..--'C- -'-,",:_ .--: .--. .-- ""-.,_c.,.,-,.. -c-,. -.-:-""'-'.0-' -~~:~_;c'"- ~~=.". ",,,,,,",,,,,,",==.=-=,,,,::",-,-'C==-;o-..,.=.===-=~,= =-.",",=,;;,_~_,="'c.~_-"",_:,,',:-_-_='''..;...o=,,~-:''~-,~-'-;c:''--o.~-=-::.-.,.=_.-;'~-:"'_""_' :-.=.:-_~-=O-=_._ -- - - - - _'.'-~-.--'-_-=-C:'-'.-_ -.. _".;.oc:o.'" :.=._.._--=.. .i" :a ,n ,n in :it n . . ,n n n Ii n n a No. 08048 08049 08050 08051 08052 08053 08054 08055 08056 08057 08058 08059 08060 08061 08062 08063 08064 08065 08066 08067 08068 08069 08070 08071 08072 08073 08074 08075 08076 08077 08078 08079 08080 08081 08082 080$3 08084 08085 n n n a n a n n a a a a a n 'n n n n n a n n Ii a a a n n 08086 08087 08088 08089 08090 08091 08092 08093 Ii n 223.07 49.89 5.00 124.59 County vehicles 17.33 car Clearbrook Rescue 14.47 17.75 4l.ll 6.63 30.32 32.10 432.90 12$.09 C3.65 Kenneth Morrison, Treasurer Mt. Pleasant Life Saving Crew C. Wesley Myers, Treas., Hollins vl~-.~~-.Life Saving Crew N c!t W. Railway Co~ Rent on space in old Vgn. Frt. Sta. Bldg. Roanoke Concrete Products Co. Material for New Fire Station Truck Quality Equipment & Supply Co. 1 New International Garbage/ T. P. Parker, Survey'c!t Maps 'for New Health & WElfare Bldg. Fort Lewis Hardware Co. Material for New FireHouse Cates BUilding Specialities Fort Lewis Fire StaSta. Fort Lewis Concrete Ready Mixed Corporation Material for New Fire / Blue Ridge Building & Supply Co. Material for new Fire Sta. Tidewater Supply Co. Material for New Fire Sta. Paul B. Matthews Reimburse Traveling Expenses Void Pyrofax Gas Corporation Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Sta~ Humble Oil c!t Refining Co~ Fuel for Catawba Fire Station Void Certified Electric Division Ligh~ Bulbs-Courthouse Jobe Flor.ist 2 wreaths for memorial day services East Hill Hajoca Corporation Street Sign material R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator Reimburse Traveling expense Void C & P Telephone Co. Tel. Service Mt. Pleasant & Bent Mt. - Fire Stations Burrell Memorial Hospital Bills for Welfare Roanoke Memorial Hospital n n n University of Va. Hospital Bills for Welfare Lewis-Gale Hospital a a a Roanoke ~emorial-Rehabilation Center Bill for W lfare ~ Lewis-Gale Hospital a a n Ii Jefferson Hospital n n County School Board of R. C. Maintenance,Co. Cars Vinton Motor Co. Repairs & parts for police cars (County) West Salem Body Shop Repair & parts Police Car j!Iix 5906 Shockley's Tractor Service Co. Car reapir & Equipment Auto Pans Inc. Parts for County Cars Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station Repairs & Wash jobs Harvest-Motors Parts for County Vehicles Summerdean Esso Station Parts, reapirs etc. T. R. Leslie Service Station Gas for Police Squad Humble Oil & Refining Co. Gasoline Shepherd's Auto Supply Co. Anti Freeze & parts ~~e Oil Co. Gasoline Oren Roanoke Corporation Parts for Vinton Fire Mt. Pleasant Grocery Co. Gasoline Goodyear Service Store, Tires Poff's Garage Parts for Bent Mt. Fire Truck Mount Pleasant Garage Repair parts Oil & G~ease Truck ".- ..-----. -. -,. -- ',' ,-.--- ._,-~--_._--_..._--'--_."-'--'--"-" - - ,-, -.. -.- .' .... ". ..-,- .... ,"'" ,..,..,-.,....-.. ..--..-- $ 200.00 200.00 7.00 105.84 1,400.00 80.00 113.89 31.63 20.70 260.40 605.91 113.80 I I 22.80 13.64 11.36 20.00 1,752.77 63.56 66.00 20.41 2,Q87.28 773.99 942.48 321.12 1,280.14 333.76 682.60 76.39 21.00 I I I ~ c No. 0$094 08095 08099 08097 0809$ 08099 08100 0$101 08102 08103 08104 08105 1810~ 08107 08108 08109 08110 H. C. Baker Sales Co., Parts for Fire Truck Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts Catawba Fire Truck Brambleton Gulf Service, Gas, Oil, Parts Firestone Stores, Parts for Fire Truck; Catawba Roanoke Auto 5pring Works, Part for Hollins Truck Superior Body & render Co., Repairs to Inspector's Car ~ Magic City Motor Corpo., Parts for Garbage Trucks Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for Garbage Tractor Parker-Nimmo Co., Parts P8Wep-;PaRemi8&i8&-QePPey~-PaP~&-~8P-QaPBage-~~.k Voi~ Salem Glass Co., Glass for Garbage Void M c!t S Machine Shop, Repair and Parts Garbage Truck Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts and Oil for Tractor Steel Service, Parts 5609 Miller Tire Service, Tires for Garbage Auto Spring c!t Bearing Co., Parts and Oil. for distribution at Ccunty Garbage Pure Oil. Co., Gasoline & Oil for disturbution at Hollins Station and Co. Garage Power Transmission Corpo., Parts for Garbage Truck 261 ...- .......- ----.----.----- $ 14.58 12.44 42.92 7.30 9.19 282.50 26.14 5.35 15.26 l:3..~ 14.89 50.28 12\,05 23.$0 236.96 $8.91 1,,321.6'9 1$.08 II Og239 Maude L. Poff, Services as Registrar Bent Mountain " 08240 Mrs. lI.amie V. Waldron, Services, Registrar, Mount Pleasant .. 08241 Mary E. Hicks, Reimburse Mailing absentee ballots c " " " " " It It It It It II ". ", " It .. It 08111 15.25 10.7C 10.g8 " Og242 Harry Richardson, Jr., Carrying voting booths to and from West Salem School Election day. 5.00 It 08243 Riner Lawrence, Janitor Service West Salem School Election Day 5.00 .. 08244 J. U. Flinchum, General Fund 5.00 " 08245 Mack Wright, Janitor Services Conehurst School Election Day 5.00 ", 08246 H. A. Burton, Janitor Services Burlington School Election Day 5.00 ", 08247 Emory M. Smith, Janitor Services Clearbrook School ~lection Day. 5.00 ", 08248 Samuel Moore, Janitor services Back Creek Sdlool Election Day 5.00 u " 08112 08249 Walter L. Conner, Janitor Services Election Day at Bent Mountain School 08250 Theodore Johnston, Janitor services Election Day Ogden School 5.00 5.00 " 08251 Ervin Board, Janitor Services Election day, Oak Grove School 5.00 " 08252 J. H. McPherson, Janitor Services, Catawba School, Election Day 5.00 c 08253 Hart Motor Co., Hoom Rent Election Day, So Salem #1 08254 Bob's Market, Room Rent Glenvar Precinct 08255 R. S. Teel, Room Rent Election Day Bonsack Precinct 08256 F. T. Yates, Room Rent Election Day Riveraale Precinct 08257 c. A. Newman, Room Rent Hollins Road Precinct 08258 F. J. Zimmerman, rtoom Rent Medley Precinct 08259 Pratt's Store, Room Rent Mason Valley Precinct 08260 Acme Printers Inc., Office Supplies, Trans. Voter Sheet and Land Summons Sheets (Clerk) 08261 Official Mobile Home Market Report " " II " " " " " " " " 7.50 7.50 12.00 10.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 31.80 10.00 262 _ ___.. _... ,_____ _ ...______.____....__._,._.... n___'_ ._. _n ..__ _'0 _ _ _,__...._... . ..... ~ -- ---- - --- - --- --- ~- - _ _ _m._~__ ~_____. '_____ " No. ,08262 Salem Office Supply Co., Office Supplies ,08263 International Business Machine CO'1 Maintenance for 1 year, Office Equip~ent 08264 Times-Register Co., Publishing Delinquent Tax List 08265 United States Pencil Co. Office ~lpplies 08266 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books for Clerk 08267 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office Supplies 08268 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Vehicles 02869 Appalachian Power Co., Current Cat~awba Fire House 08270 Madeline E. Crawford, Registering and transferring voters Catawba District Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline purcha~ed Hollins Fire Tr. Oren ~oanoke Corporation, Repair and parts for Co. Vehicles E. W. Chelf, Attorney Appointed, Re: Lunacy Cases S~andard Parts Corpo., Parts for County Vehicles Shackleford-Cox Truck c!t Machinery, Parts for Garbage Truck Kenneth Whitlock, Extra Help in Engineer's Office Mrs. Edith Harris, Registering voters Mary E. Hicks, Going to Glenvar and Academy St. Schools, after hours, to register persons for voting 08279 Betty J. Hartman, Going to East Salem School, South Salem, Glenvar and Academy St. Schools afLerwork hours to register persons for voting " " " " " " " " oa271 " 08272 " 08273 " 08274 ":, , ,08275 " 08276 " oa277 ,,, 08278 " 08280 Roanoke Mills, Inc., Preparing voting list 08281 Easter Supply Co., Material for Civil War Centennial " " $ 24.90 114.50 1,220.00 8.00 422.75 79.11 237.51 3.00 I 21.75 5.50 58.33 30.00 90.66 47.65 283.07 12.45 I 5.00 10.00 ll7.50 4.40 I " '08284 FICA Contribution Fund, Employer's Matching FICA for employees in Office, Clerk of Circuit Couxt 84.72 " 08285 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, November Expenses 3,406.58 John C. Gleason, Services rendered in connection with Nov. 6, Election Miller E. Petty, Services rendered in connection with Nov. 6, Election 08288 Roy M. Kinsey, Expenses in connection with Nov. 6, Election .'.~ " 08286 " 08287 " 125.00 145.00 145.00 " 08290 Edward H. Richardson, Attorney's Fee, Examining Title Property Health and Welfare Building 150.00 IN HE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAnriS c!tc; The following claims against the County were this day presented, appr~ved and ordered to be paid by Voucher-Checks out of the funds respectively chargeable I therewith, to-wit: No. '08113 Samuel David Fralin, Fowl Claim $ 2.50 " '08ll4 Guy M. Ayers, Fowl Claill' 4.00 " 08115 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Rabies Clinics, Vac. Dogs 136.01 I " '08ll6 Humble Oil c!t Refining Co. 13.64 n '08117 Radio Communications Co., Radio !/.aintenance Dog Truck 31. 55 It 08118 Salem Hardware Co., Batteries 1.20 It '08119 Dog Food, Disinfectant and rope 23.55 " '08120 Salem Office Supply Co., Office Supplies .83 It 08121 State Department of Health, Rabies Vaccine used for Robert Lee Foster, by Dr. J.C.Darden 7.80 'r" i.i 263 __ ._":."'':''-':''.:''-_~.__='=:=-':'''':'':'''c:;:-,_'-'-'-=..:o.-o-.:..,",OO-'-'C'.: N9. 08282 Ralph Long, Reimburse Traveling Expense to Maryland Transporting Dogs 08283 Earl Wood Printing Co., Complaint Sheets 08289 Sam Vineyard, Fowl Claim 48.90 14.95 23.50 $ No. " h ~ The following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioner of the General Election for their services in conducting the General Election held on the 6th day of November 1962, in Roanoke County, out of the General Co'~ty Fund, towit: CATAWBA No. 08122 R. D. Morehead, Judge and Returns 20.70 " 08123 C. C. Carroll Judge 15.00 " 08124 J. W. Hylton, Judge 15.00 " 08125 Doris Martin Shelor, Clerk 15.00 " 08126 Everette Sirry, Clerk 15.00 MASON VALLEY " 08127 08128 08129 08130 08131 08132 08133 08134 08135 08136 H. B. Pratt, Judge and Returns John R. Cameron, Judge Mary L. Carter, Judge Lois E. Barton, Clerk Graham G. Smith Clerk , WEST SALEM PRECINCT Thelma M. McGhee, Returns and Judge Mary Sue Hurt Spickard, Judge 20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " " Iia W. Yates, Judge Margie A. Mills , Clerk Peggy W. Spruhan, Clerk GLENVAR " 08137 Mrs. William R. Young, Judge and Returns " 08138 Manley W. Tobey, Judge " 08139 E. D. Rettinger, Judge " 08140 Evelyn B. Saul, Clerk " 08141 LenaB. Hash, Clerk " " " 20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ~ NORTH SALEM " 08142 John J. Sheahan, Judge and Returns " 08143 W. B. Littrell, Judge and Commissioner " 08144 Winnie L. Brown, Judge and Commissioner " 08145 Mrs. Carl Matthews, Clerk " 08146 Mrs. T. M. Turbyfill, Clerk SOUTH SAlliM #1 20.00 30.00 30.00 15.00 15.00 c II 08147 Reid H. Duncan, Judge, Returns and Commissioner II 08148 Gay A. Scott, Judge " 08149 Dorothy R. Melton, Judge " 08150 Mrs. A. F. Miller, Clerk " 08151 Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Clerk 35.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 264 .. -,,--._- .....-..---.....--. - --.. - --,- no'" .'._ - ........ _.__....___.__._-oC-__.___._._+.__ --~.....- '-- ---- ---.- - -- - _.__.___u. ,_._ '.. __.. . ,_. "__ __ __ ... "__ .___.._ n.____ "0. ._ __=~_=-..::c.-_==~',~""""'~_=C=~=~._-C",,,,,,,,,-"'--=~=-;';--"':"''''''-='''''''-:C-_ -=--:0-,-';-; -"-"""'_."",-''-~ ~'_C'_',_ No. 08152 It 08153 It 08154 It 0$155 It 08156 It 08157 It 08158 It 08159 It 08160 It 08161 It 08162 0$163 08164 011165 OS166 It It It It -" 08167 " 08168 It OS169 " 0$170 .. 08171 It 08172 It OS173 " 0$174 It 08175 It 08176 " 08177 " "'-C_--::-."'.-_.'"=O~.~~'" ....._.__. .... '0- SOUTH SAu:M #2 Mrs. Edna Brown, Judge and'Returns Lena Sowers, Judge Beulah L. Newman, Judge Marg,' ~t B. Poff, Clerk Marguerite H. Hash, Clerk PJ;TERS CREEK Hazel H. Gearhart, Judge and Returns Gladys E. Keister, Judge Mrs. R. J. Reynolds, Judge Vivian Burcum, Clerk Mrs. Roy Painter, Clerk BURLINGTON Mrs. Uella B. Murray, Judge and returns Harriett H. Fillinger, Judge Rosalie S. Lucas, Judge Void Georgine R. Boxley, Clerk Mary D. Duffy, Clerk EAST WINTON Emily D. Holdren, Clerk and Returns Janet L. Ballentine, Judge Ph~llis R. Thomas, Judge Edith P. Irby, Clerk o. J. Stiff, Judge BOT~TOU~T SPRINGS R. L. Walc.ron, Judge and Commissioner Roy B. Obenchain, Judge Margaret Camper, Judge Inez R. Gaabo, Clerk Ruby L. Obenchain, Clerk WEST VINTON It OS17S Paul W. Foutz, Judge and Returns It 08179 Alice R. Bragg, Judge " 081S0 Void " 08181 Robert L. Watson, Jr., Judge and Commissioner " 08182 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk " 08183 Dessie M. Smelser, Clerk , " OS184 " OS185 " 08186 " 08187 .. OalSS HOLLINS ROAD Curtis Holland, Judge and Returns Eva W. DeWitt, Judge Virginia M. Howlett, Judge Frances S. Mullen, Clerk Edith D. Darter, Clerk. ..----- --_.. - -......-.---.---- - - ..______ ______ ..___ ____ n,.__"._ $ 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I 15.00 20.42 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 2i. 40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 .' 21.40 15.00 15.00 I 15.00 15.00 37.80 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 21.40 15.00 31.40 I 15.00 15.00 21.12 I 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 265 .._pO ____.__ -- --.- -"." - ---.- ----_._-- --_._._~ " .- -= - - --.. .',-- - __._ ___.__________._____________>_..._u__..__. _._~_.___~_______~ _-,-..,"..__..,~:,.___,.___,_--:"-- MEDLEY No. 08189 Lena Zimmerman, Judge and returns, Medley " " 08190 Frsnk J. Zimmerman, Judge II 08191 c. H. Garst, Judge " 08192 Rhea C. Garst, Clerk . 08193 Jessie N. Linder, Clerk . , " ,.. MOUNT PLEASANT " 08194 Laura S. Wagner, Clerk and returns Mount Pleasant I'. " 08195 J. S. St Clair, Judge " 08196 Mary P. Simmons, Judge i " 08197 Wade W. Garman, Judge " 08198 Pearl A. Rakes, Clerk -, f!!' ~ ,: " I! , " u " , n ," ~ $ 20.56 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " BONSACK 08199 Mrs--"Myrt1e A. Bonsack, Judge and returns 08200 Mason L. Cook, Judge 08201 Russell J. Foutz, 08202 Margaret -T. Rumbley, Clerk 08203 W. P. Catron, Clerk 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 II " " " " " RED HILL 0820~ Margaret Calhoun, Clerk and returns Red Hill OS205 Mrs. Ellen Stover, Judge 08206 Mrs. Doris Wickline, Judge 08207 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Judge 08208 Mrs. Ruth E. Brooks, Judge PO AGES MILL 08209 I. C. Rierson, Judge and returns Poages Mill 08210 R. A. Henry, Jr., Judge 08211 O. F. Martin, Judge 08212 Mary P. Gregson, Clerk 08213 David R. Willet, Clerk 21.~0 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 n 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 II " . . " " " " BENT MOUNTAIN 08214 Maude L. Poff, Judge and returns Bent Mountain - 08215 B. W. Angle, Judge 08216 W. B. Coles, Judge 08217 Beulah S. Collier, Clerk 0821$ Ada M. Thompson, Clerk 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " II " CAVE SPRING 08219 Henry S. Turner, Judge and returns and Commissioner 08220 Harold S. Henry, Judge 08221 Carolyn T. ~amison, Judge 08222 Virginia E. Bailey, Clerk 08223 Margaret P. Thomas, Clerk OGDEN 08224 Roscoe E. Brown, Judge and returns 08225 Helen L. Pickett,'Judge 08226 H. D. Pickett, Judge 08227 Mrs. Pearl E. Garner, Clerk 08228 Virginia M. Hunter, Clerk 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 II 35.S4 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 266 ~-~ -----....-...-- ~---_. - --~._- -- ------ ..------ - ...--- .... --.,. ------ . -. -,. ---.-..---.- .._------- -- ..-._,',----- ~.._--- --~...,_._.-._-----,- _'0."_.'-". __,,___. - .'. ..- -- I I I I 11i~e ' i~r i Co.~ ~~ I 'q;'I<-... I i I i I ,I ~Co. ~ /II ,. 'll."l-. Rn'ERDALE No. 08229 Mary C. Clemmer, Judge and 'returns $ 21.40 " _ 08230 Mamie V. Waldron, Judge 15.00 " OS231 Opal Chambers, Judge 15.00 " OS232 Dollie S. Mitchell, Judge 15.00 " 08233 Mrs. J. C. Tabor, Clerk 15.00 I h OAK GROVE " OS234 J. A. Lipps, Judge and returns Oak Grove 20.28 " - OS235 S. R. Pritchard, Jr., Judge 15.00 " 06236 c. C. Beard, Judge 15.00 I " 06237 Ernestine P. Graham, Clerk 15.00 " 06238 Earline Porterfield, Clerk 15.00 JAlmS E. PETERS, Treasurer of RoanokeCounty, this day submitted to the Board the following report" Salem, Virginia November 19, 1962 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business November 17, 1962, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund $363,369.23 4,502.68 71. 93 5,483.50 12,168.22 2,057.92 186.04 $387,839.52 I F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll for the month of November, 1962, be approved in the amount of $9,999.79 from which the sum of $205.70 total F. I. C. A. taxes and the sum of $1,007.15 total W. H. Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $8,786.94. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. ,.'; Nays: None. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period October 16, 1962, ending October 31, 1962, be approved in the amount of $4,068.76, from which $127.13 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $256.00 total W. H. Taxes, and $50.40 insurance, are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,635.23: And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period November 1, 1962, ending November 15, 1962, be approved in the amount of I 267 .. .---_.-.._--_._--~-_.- .-- --.---..------- ._~.__._.... --.--- .- . -. --'---'--'-- ~ .' c ~ I .' .. - I.~ W c -~ -~-----,------- i4,094.53, from which $127.93 total F. I. C. A. ~axes;t281.30, total W. H. Taxes and $50.40 insurance, are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,634.90. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. On motion, duly seconded, it is o~dered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, towit: Voucher-check #7885 in the amount of $541.14 made payable to C & p Telephone Company for service at various County offices; Voucher-check #7931 in the amount of $547.29 made paya~le to Town of Salem for light and water service; Voucher-check #7932 in the amount of $49.91 made payable to C & p Telephone Company for service at fire stations; Voucher-check #7933 in the amount of $4.64 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Cave Spring Fire House; Voucher-check #793~ in the amount of $12.07 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for curr"nt used at dog pound; Voucher-check #7935 in the amount of $16.50 made payable to C. & P. Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's borne; Voucher-check #7936 in the amount of $26.31 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at jail,bome demonstration kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House. Adopted by tbe following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. IN HE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLUCTED BY CIJ>RK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $2,080.91, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the mont~ of October, 1962, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,976.87 net. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. B. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of October 1962; C. E. BOO~, Sheriff, Summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of October, 1962. EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent for the month of October, 1962; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assist~~t County Agent for the month of October, 1962; RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent for the month of October, 1962; SHERRILL V. MASSI]';, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent for the month of October, 1962; $Jt! -p-,c.. w- ,"\"IJ~"- ~, . ""';--:o-.=-:-_..,.,."..-;""_--=~-=c:.~ -.c. ~.u - - - --- . - -------. The tol10wing letter was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: "Department of Highways .Richlllond 19. Va. October 19. 1962. Secondary System Additions Roanoke County. ~ Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Sal8ll. Virginia. Gent1Sl11en: ~.. . r ..- As requested in resolution by your Board on the dates as indicated below. the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, errective October 1, 1962. ~ LENGTH. ADDITIONS. (Resolution of June 30, 1962) ,Barn Hill Lane - from Route 1337 to Route 686 (Resolution of June lS~ 1962) 'Easter Road - from Route 6S8 to dead end ' 0.24 lIli. 0.10 mi. Sincerely, F. A. DaviS, Deputy Commissioner." ~ !:II The following letter ~s this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: "Department of Highways _Richmond 19, Va. October 24. 1962. Secondary System Additions Roanoke County. ' Board ot SuperVisors of Roanoke County sa1a. Virginia. aentl.en: As requested in resolutions of your Board on the dates as indicated below, the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County are hereby approved, effective October 1, 1962. ADDITIONS. (Resolution of August 20, 1962) . . LENGTH. 0.40 11I1. 0.05 1Ili. u From Route 605 southeast to dead end "Extension of Route S70 - from present end of Route 870 to dead end (Resolution of June 18, 1962) Froll present end ot ROl.\te 907 southeast to Route 613 ; Mill Creek Road - from Route 711 southwest to dead end . . 1.25 11I1. 0.65 mi. 0.25 mi. 0.28 11I1. 0.10 mi. 0.20 11I1. c . 91d Ii &: W R/W - from Route S64 east 0.65 mile to Route $64 Hazel Drive ~ from Route 6S7 north to Vest Drive From Route 642 west to dead end Fro.. Plantation Road (Route 601) northeast to dead end Sincerely, F. A. Davis. Deputy COlllllissioner." 269 , i 270 I , I L=~",o=,~,,~,~=,~,=~=~,=~~==~~ """,~ ,,- ". ,..~,_.--.-,....,... - ~~' r===-===-~~~=-,,",,:-=C==4;"O,,",-=.-.o==-.=~~--=.c'=--=~c::- --"~._=-=:.:;..O'"_,""C.",,,__:,-c:-c=_._:..., ,=-:::.~.~~~:.~_..-=:____ =:'~,~:,-,,,,., ~_-."...:-_-;-....,..;.o-:=~::-o=,,,,,,~~'.~,:;;,"::-;,,,,,:.:;,,,,,:,:;~_::,-,-=:-,,"-",,"_",...,.,.." The following 1et.t.er was this day laid before t.he Board and ordered filed: WDepart.lllut of Highways Jlicbllond 19, Va. October 25, 1962. Secondary Syst.em Addit.ions Roanoke County. Board ot Supervisors of Roanoke Count.y. Salea, Virginia. Gentlellen: As request.ed in resolut.ions by your Board on t.he dates as indicated below, the tol10wing additions to the Secondary Syst.em ot Roanoke Count.y are hereby approved. eftect.i"e October 1. 1962. I ADJ)ITIOIS. (Resolution of May 15. 1961) -MOuntsindlll' Drive, - troll Interstate Route 81 to Shelor A"enlu! (Resolution of June 19, 1961) ~Morrison Street - froll Route 652 t.o EeL Vinton (Resolution of A~.t 21, 1961) ,Pilot Boulevard - froll Rout.e 1631 to dead end (Resoluti~n of May 21, 1962) : _ Langland Dri.... - troll Route 1028 east t.o Daladier Drive vl!aladier Drive - froll Route 1027 t.o Langland. Drive , ' ;Tu1ly Drive,. - trom Route 116 north to dead end .Heil Dri!_ - from TUlly Drive north to Tully Drive ",Easy Street - froll Route 311 west t.o dead end ,Hillanda1e Drive - frOlll Hollowda1e Drive east t.o dead end 'Sharaar Road - fro. Loft.on Road north t.o dead end -Extension of Overbrook Dri"e - from Route 832 east to Rout.e 61)6 . Winifred Dri,.e - from Overbrook Drive sout.h to dead end. ,Ext.enaionof Pelhu Drive - from Route 1338 west to dead end "Dorset DriYe :.. trom Pelh8111 Drive west to dead end 'Cantle Lane - from Stoneybrook Drive west to Pelham Drive ,PCl-e1 Drive - froa'St.oneybrook Drive west t.o dead end cLawndale Avenue - from Rout.e 897 to 0.1.2 mile east of Route 897 vLawndal:-e Avenue - trOll 0.12 mile east of Route 897 to Rout.e 755 (Resol~t.icaot June 18, 1962) " Alton Road - from Darwin Road west. to dead end ~o8Wort.h Drive - from Darwin Road nort.hwest. to dead end .Bosworth Drive - from Darwin Road southeast to dead end .Darwin Road '- from Heatherton Road east to dead end , . . LEJ/GTH. I 0.13 mi 0.30 mi. . 0.04 1IIi. 0.25 1IIi. 0.13 mi. 0.38 11I1. 0.30 11I1. 0.12 11I1. I 0.20 11I1. 0.21 IIi. 0.20 11I1. 0.15 11I1. 0.29 1lIi. 0.02 111. 0.25 11I1. 0.10 9i. 0.12 11I1. 0.11 11I1. 0.06 1lIi. 0.04 11I1. 0.40 11I1. I 0.21 1lIi. ~anclf'a~r Drive, - from Dawnridge Drive sout.h t.o Woodmen Drive cWoodmere Drive - from Route 1026 east t.o intersection 01' Route , 10l~ and Route 1013 LLandfair Drive - from Rou1;e 1027 t.o Langland Drive "Extension of Barrington Road - from Rout.e 847 south to dead end " Extension of Harvest Lane - from Route 1496 east to dead end 0.17 lIIi. 0.14 mi. I 0.07 mi. 0.11 mi. /App1et.on Road - from Route 1496 to dead end. /Shol<<llter Road - from Northwood Drive nort.hwest to Barnet.t Road _ Barnett Road - from Showalter Road south to Northwood Drive -Mast.ers Circle - from Showalter Road 80uth to dead end 0.19 11I1. 0.18 11I1. 0.31 mi. 0.20 mi. 0.07 mi. 272 i I I b- ".=~~~,::,:::.~,,",=--=~:;:~~~:;,~c,_ _:::;-:':::-:,~_~~'=;:-~~_::,~:"=-,-.'~:-~_~, ':;;.~.:;:,:.:..:.:;~ ~---;:;. :;';.c:";";::.;'~c:~. -;.- ~ _._,':"':": '_'_-:::~:~. ,c-~_ ~'::::;.:, Ht+~ IIr~,,>.. .~U ~~, ~br f/ljf,__ ~,~ a~ III 'Vlj (, v '_'_.: -:;- _-:: ._.: _;...;.~ _ 0 _ _ 'c-', ~'.-' '-.," ~,~_ ~--'.-:-"~~""';.,::::-::,::,~_~-:.-~,:::=.:..~.".;_."....:,':=""'...:- , AX ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County February 18, 1957, Defining and Regulating Trailers, Trailer Coaches, Camp Automobiles, and Automobile Trailer Camps, Trailer Courts, Camp Si~e. and Camp Grounds and Providing Penalties for Violations thereof, Notice of Intention to Amend .aid Ordinance Having heretofore been published as required by law. WHEREAS, in the JudgIDent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, it is deeaed necessary in order to promote and preserve the peace, I . . comtOrt, good order, health, morals, and welfare of the citizens of said County . " that trailers, trailer coaches, camp automobiles, automobile trailer camps, . . trailer courts, camp sites, and camp grounds be defined, regulated, and controlled, NOW, 'l'IIEREPORE, B~ IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, I - . . - , Virginia, that the herein-above described ordinance be amended a8 follows, towit: TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: Section 2 - paragraph B. A "trailer park- .hall mean any site, lot field, , " or tract of land designated by the Board of Supervisor. of Roanoke County upon which is located two or more trailer. as defined in Section 2 A or the location of any .uch trailers. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this Ordinance be, and the same i8 , lllade is held out for:: :i i; I; , . effective on the 7th day of December, 1962. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that certified copies of this ordinance be . furniehed' to the Comin1ssio~er ot the Revenue, the Judge of the Roanoke County . . Court, and the Sheriff of this County and that complaints for any violation covered by this ordinance be prosecuted under the terms of this ordinance and : that all fines and all licenses imposed hereunder shall be collected and paid to the , I , credit of the General Fund of this County. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby, dil.,cted to cause a copy of thi. ordinance to be published in two consecutive weekly issues of the Times-Register, a newspaper published in this County, as 'provided by law. The foregoing ordinance was adopted as read by the following recorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton HOu1se, Minor R.teffer, and Edwin G. Terrell. ~ liays: None. WHEREAS the property owners on State Secondary Route 1630, from Route 221 to D. E. at the Greenwood property. did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and I WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia. as amended. the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, g1 ve naJDSS to streets, roads and alleys "therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such names to take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making I raterence to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following name be aSsigned to State Secondary Route 1630, from Route 221 to D. E. at the Greenwood property: CAVE SPRING LANE. On .motion of SnnarviAor Minor R.. KArfer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton and acfoptecroy tne T<1J..1owrng recordea: vo~e: ~e.:Minor R.Keffer,G.Hampton Mou1se,A.C.Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. llllya: Bone , Moulse ~ = c !,:';"t LJ o ____"___.___n.u__. -_..~.._-~------ -.-.-.- Communication dated October 22, 1962, addressed to Roan~ke County, signed by Murray A. Stoller, Mayor, City of Roanoke, in re: Roanoke 'l'echnical Institute, re~eived and ordered filed. IN RE: REZONING OF LOTS 60 THRU 70, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK SEVJ!:N, AN})!U.'W LEWIS PLACE, in THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) ) ) ) ) . ) ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER .. ~-tt:. ~, mt; t{.f. to itC"t:C. -, i " I,'l b;l.. This day Derwood H~ Rusher, Attorney for Chapman-Rice, Inc., appeared before! ~~ this Board and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Chapman :1 cJ..J..R... 1; 1:>--' :'~. Er:- :i~ IIJ'<t/"~ OF CHAPMAN-RICE, INC. Rice, Inc. relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 19th day of November, 1962, said petiticn be, and the same is hereby filed. ~ ; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the ..roposal to amend said County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition, be, and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board,: and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with. the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith certi-- fied by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. V~tthews, Secretary of the planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to wit: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the following Ordinance, as amended, was this day offered for ::k.~: I';;)~ adoption, notice of intention to amend and change partially and re-adopt having heretofore been published, as required by law; 274 . .-...--.',-....-. -----_.:-----~._----_.- ...... .... ._ .. _., _,._. _........_....n._ ,.. --===_-C;C~'~'"'"'-'~_..==--:::"-'_-7..~-"";=-;:::-_"'=_~'~'=.=_~'=--"':'~-=-_":';:'::-.".:-_-..:;-,......:"-'c.,-.=-.=.~."",,;..:..:=:; :::"-.;.:..;', ~_-:-..:.;:......c__::~-;,; ";...-::.-=-_:.:;"O';~..'='':'''-'.~''::_~.:''-..- --::. .c=...~, .-.-.----- -----".- -,----" --'"..-. --- -~ - .-- -.~- ,..-"--_.,,,---_..- - - ....- ---.. .---.-.,......-..- ~ BE IT ORDAIN~D by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, 'that pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virgini~ and especially to Section 15-8 and Section 54-145.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950,'as amended to-date, an Ordinance for the Regulation' of Electrical Installations in Roanoke County, heretofore adopted on May 16, 1938, and amended, changed and re-adopted September 19, 1960, be amended, c~ged partially, ~d re-~opted as follows: Paragraph 36.1.2 (A) regarding Electrical Standards be amended and exceptions -3-,-4,-5-,-8-,-9-,-10-,-11-,12-,-13-, be deleted in their entirety and Paragraph 36.1.2 (A) changed to read as follows: 36.1.2 (A) THE 1962 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, also known as NATIONAL FmE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION STANDARD No. 70 adopted May,1962, ahd ASA Cl, with the following i changes and exceptions, -2-,-2-,-,6-,-7-: In Section 36.1.3 the date "1959" following the fourth word "Toew and before the word ItNationallt be deleted, and the phrase ~in wreferred to in Section 36.1.3" be inserted in the first sentence following the title "National Electrical Code", and before- the I I. "" " word "and". iFFECTIVJ;; DATE Section 38.2.1 be deleted in it's entirety and reworded as follows: This Ordinanc. as amended, changed partially, and re-adopted, shall be in full force and effect on and after 12:01 A. M. December 31, 1962. I EXISTING ORDINANCES Section 38.3.1 The Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance adopted May 16, 1938, and ~ended and re-adopted September 19, 1960, and other ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. BE IT FURTHER ORDAIN.i>D That the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is, directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be published in two weekly issues of the Times-Register, a newspaper published in this County, as provided bylaw. The foregoing ordinance was adopted as read by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. ,Nays: None. Mr. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, submitted to the Board a copy of a Final Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year 1962-63. I Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried is approved by the following recorded'vote: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. Copy of Fi~al Budget, dated October 24, 1962, Department of Highways, ~~intenance Division, Secondary System, July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, and map of Primary and Secondary Highw?y Systems, dated J~nuary 1 1961 in Roanoke County, showing 1962-63 Secondary Budget, received and orJered tiled. .-.. -------------. .--- ----~--- -~-------- , ~ ~ ~ I t ... 1:"1 U c On BOtion of Supervisor Minor R. Ketfer. seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County. adopted June 19. 1962, be. and the _e is hereby. uended as tollows, to become e1'fective Novelllber 19. 1962: 5 - ADMIXISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5a -, Circuit Court -An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby ..de froll the General Revenue Fund tor the fiscal year ending June 30. 1963, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLIC WORKS. 10c - Garbage Disposal - An additional appropriation ot $10,000.00 is hereby ..de from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June .30. 196.3. for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. . 13 - Elections - An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 is hereby made froll the General Revenue Fund tor the tiscal year ending June 30, 1963. for .the function or ,purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - MISCELLAllEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS. . 18b -Cirt1, Defense -. An additional appropriation of $500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the folloWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. KtIf'fer. A. C. Harris. G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell. Baya: None. IN RE: PURCHASE OF LOTS 1 THROUGH 7. . .,. SEC'l'IOIr ~~LACCORDING.TO THE MAP or. 'l'HE . SAJ.J5ft . IMPROVEMENT COJolP ANY. This day Edw" H. Richardson, COmlllOnwea1th' a Attorney of Roanoke County. submitted to the Board a decree of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County,entered on IIove.ber 13, 1962. authorizing and empowering the County School Board of Roanoke County to convey. and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke authorized and "powlred to accept a deed giving said Board.of Supervisors title to Lots 1 through 7, Section 18, according to the map of the Salem Improvement Company. at a price of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000.00) cash; On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County ExecutivI Officlr, till said deed in the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County for recordation, and that a voucher-check for thirty-five thousand dollars ($35.000.00) in payment for said lots be issued to the County School Board of Roanoke County. Letter froll Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, ordered filed. Adopted by the folloWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R..Ketter, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and EdWin G. Terrell. Nays: Ilone. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE EAST ) SIDE OF .RE1OCAT1i:D VIRGINIA HIGHWAY,ROUTE ) #116 AT MOUNT PLEASANT. IN THS IlIG L1CK ) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. ) OF ,. ) THOMAS 'E. ' WAGHERAND LAURA S. WAGNER. ) Final Order. 1r/HEREAS, Thomas E. Wagner and Laura S. Wagner did, on the 16th day of July, 1962. petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the 275 !J.{::,t 'it 0~r Co, , "' l-I ) " ~r.- ~;C<c ~ C-r ~' cU.... V~ )t- ,~- II J'}.'JI.~ ' ._~~---~. -. 276 .=-_~'~~-':-'~.-------:-----O-;-._-;'_=.".'~""""--~_"" .,....--::"-.,,--;C::':".-.~..,...--:---;", '~""~'.--~-; -;-.'-;",-""""~"'.-'.='--_-;-:-.'-"o'-,-----:-'" ..::.--...,.. .,-- ~ ""'-'-'---"'-'~----'- ----.-.... --- .. - -- _.. -'..'..'- -.- -..--'.--.--..-. ---'--'--.---~"-------- ,-. . --.. ---- . -".---. -- ---.....--- -...-...--...--..-....--.-. ___ --'-~__=____=_"'"_==_--c=~_=_;._.::c'_'",.....---==_=oo=_-=-_'"""'.,.~=";.=__:=~,.=_~=__~_'___:__c~_..,.='_'_..,= "._-_....,...::.-.-,~o";.""'"'---,-:=--_-:__~-:::,-._''';c:;-='""".::--''--:=,-c-;..-_:-..,,,: 00_;",,,,," PlAnning Commission of Roanoke County. Virginia. to amend the General Zoning -- Ordiuance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to pl'(,.ride that certain real property owned by the 'said Thomas E. Wagner and Laura S.Wagner and situate on the east side ot relocated Virginia Highway Rott~e #116 at Mount P~easant, in the Big Lick Magisterial District, and ~re particularly described in said petition. and hereinafter lDOre fully described. and now class1gied as -Agricultural A-1" be -- -- reclassified and rezoned as "Business B-2", so as to provide tl~t said property and buildiIltis thereon or which may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for general autolllObi1erepair garage business; and WHBREAS,the Board ot Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. did. by a resolution a.dopted at the. regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors. held on the 16th day of July, 1962.refer said petition and proposal to so amend said County Zoning Ordillllnce to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County. Virginia, as I required by said Zbning Ordillllnce and as required by the Code of Virginia. for a recommendation of said Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of said Co~ty Zoning Ordinance and'said Code of'Virginia; and WHEREAS. the said Planning Commission of said County did, by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting held on the 23rd day of October, 1962. recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance should not be amended so as to change or reclassify said property frOm its present classitication of "Agricultural A-i- to -BUSiness B-2-, as required in said petition; and WHEREAS. the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received a copy lOt the Order and Resolution adopted by said County Planning Commission recommending that said' County Zoning Ordinance not be so amended; and, WHEREAS. the said Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its resolution adopted' on the 16th day of July. 1962. as aforesaid. order the said C1ei!'k of said Board ot Supervisors. upon receipt of said recollll1lendation from said Planning Commission. to forthwith set the same down tor a public hearing at the next . peraiss1b1e regular or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and te give notice thereot by publication in accDrdance with the provisiDns Df said Ceunty Zoning Ordiuance and in accordance with the provisions ot the Code ot Virginia; and ~F.A~. the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this BDard to be , held en this t~e 19th day ot November. 1962, at 3:15 o'clOCk P. M., as the day and , . . tille ter a public hearing on said proposed amendment te said County Zoning . Ordinance and did advertise tpe.s&me by notice t~ereof duly published in The Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in the City of Reanoke and of general circula- . tion in the County of Roanoke. Virginia. for two insertions on the 30th day of October, 1962, and 6th day lOt November, 1962. as required by said order of this Beard of July 16. 1962, and as required by. and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS. said public hearing was this day had en said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordiuance by this Board. after said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said r~eemmendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching the merits of said prDposed amendment te said Ceunty Zoning Ordinance and is ef the I I I I I 277 opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as re~lested in said petition; petition; c NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVllD AND ORDEltED BY THE BOARD OF SUP),;RVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, at this regular meeting of said Board held on this the 19th day of November, 1962, that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is, he~eby amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from its present classification of "Agricultural A-I" to ItBusiness B-2, in order that said property and the buildings thereon, or that might be hereafter erected thereon"may be used for general automobile repair garage business as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "Agricultural A-I" to "Business B-2" is situate on the East side of relocated Virginia Highway Route #116 at Mount Pleasant, in the Big Lick ~~gisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, said tract or ~arcel of land being described as follows, to-wit: STARTING at a point on the easterly side of relocated Virginia Highway Route 116, 80 ft. wide, at the southwest corner of the C. L. Overstreet property; thence leaving relocated Virginia Highway Route 116 and with the southerly line of the C. L. Overstreet property, N. c ~ r . .. 83 degs. 150 ft. to a point the true place of BEGINNING; thence con- tinuing with the southerly line of C. L. Overstreet and G. C. Foley property, N. 83 degs. 00' E. 226.50 ft.; thence leaving the Foley property and with the westerly line of the property of Mount Pleasant Methodist Church Trustees of record in the Clerk's Office of the ~ Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book'509, page 25, S. 13 degs. 39' E., 125.85 ft. to a point; thence leaving the property of the Mount Pleasant Methodist Church Trustees, and with a new line through the property of the A. ~. Johnson Estate, S. 83 degs. 00' W., 245.71 ft. to a point; thence with a new division line through the Thomas E. t'lagner and Laura S. i'lagner property, N. 4 degs. 52' 30" W., 125.09 ft. to the place of BEGINNING: AND BEING a portion of the same property conveyed unto Thomas E. Wagner a~d Laura S. Wagner, husband and wife, by deed dated September 7, 1961, from Lewis E. Johnson, et a1, and of record i::! Deed Book 677" page 262 of the aforesaid Clerk's Office. AND IT IS FURTHER llliSOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forth- a with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commission, and a copr to Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Thomas E. Wagner and, Laura S. Wagner. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the recorded vote was as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and ~~nor R. Keffer. Nays: None. =-....,..~..,..,,...-,---'"=--:-,,-,.-...,,,.._"'-.-._.--,:-c-_'-=-_.. -- - ~-------- co..-o..-- .--- _---- ---- ------ --- - ~_=___.,.__~.,......__:=.~,:=.=.':..,..=:-.~.=__:_.==___'::___:_.:"",....7_-~"".'.""';;...;=,=:......,...._ ,-:-~ ,C"O.-.=.~.=~. ,.-.~~___-.-:,.,:"" -'-~=,"",,"::'~C.;""'--,.,..; I , i I I '"~ i ~....tL t. hl~ ~y- ;!!~ ~~.,. I~.~~ I 1111-1) ,-y-- I and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent , ! 278 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by emer- gency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: I 1. Crestwood Park, D. L. Ferguson lands, etc, (See attacbed description) 2. Westchester, Airview Court, Wynmere Court, etc. (See attached description) 3., Brooklawn, Lemonton, Wm. G. Creasy lands, etc. (See attached description) , I as if said areas were therein set out in extension. (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County, to the City'S sanitary sewer system at such points as are approved by the City'S Director of Public Works, or the City Engineer, and that requisite measuring meters be installed at such points of delivery, by the County, if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph ~C" hereof. (C) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke that in the eVE,nt of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any or all of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City assuming the obligation or sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systems con- structed, or hereafter constructed, in said areas hereinabove identified, with funds aupp1ied by developers, or institutions and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to the Authority, or with contracts providing for reimbursement from connection fees, in whole or in part, and not built by the I Authority with its funds,nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Vir~inia, will become the property of the City without any payment to said Authority therefor, but subject to the rights of such developers and institutions to reimbursement in whole or in part, as provided for'in their respective contracts with the said Authority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove identified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon ~assage, by the Cotmcil of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the Rounty of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforesaid contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions sha,ll be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I I Ayes: Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and ,G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None. Ordered that the BOARD be 1962. ~ c adjourned until the third Monday in December, G- '4~ C1JV\A'~ CHAIRMAN Court House Salen:, Virginia December 17, 1962 The Board.of Supervisors of Roanoke County wet this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly sessio;'1. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, rlinor ~. Keffer, Vice-Cnai~iaan, A. C. Harris and G. Hamptou.Moulse. Before the meetin6 ~'7as called to order Hr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. The rr.inutes of the last regular meetin:; were approved as spread, each me~ber of the Board having read the :opy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented,approved, -' and ;;rdered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively charge- 'I Csee Pages Ii able therewith, to-~'7it: ".292 & 293 :; *tlos. 08520 to 08543 inc1. :1 No. 08544 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., parts for garbage truck $ 27.50 u II 08545 II 08546 1I 08547 II 08548 II 08549 II 08550 II 08551 II 08552 II OS5.33 II 08554 " 08555 " 08556 II 08557 " 08558 " 08559 " 05560 " 08561 , 08562 " 08563 11 03564 .. 08565 " 08566 " 08567 11 0:;568 ~ Auto Parts, Inc., parts for garba3€ truck Automotive Paint & Supply Co. ,parts for garbage trk Bemiss Equipment Co., parts for tractor County School Board of R.C.,maintenance Co.vehicles Diesel Injection Sales Co.,parts for 5302 garbage Carl Dooley, parts for car 5401 JiD:ilY'S Service Station,sas and oil for fire trucks T.R.Leslie Service St., gas and oil Clearbrook vehic. Fulton ,rnite Truck Co., parts for Police vehicls Goodyear Service Stores,parts for garbage truck Har"Jest Notors, Inc., parts for police cars Hunble O~l & Refining Co., gasoline pur. courtesy cd Harris [sed Auto parts, parts for 5609 :sarb. truck Cary Hall Hachinery Co. ,parts for garbage truel: l'ld.gic City i,lotor Co., parts for police & .:;a.::o. trks Miller Tire Service, parts for fire and garb.trks Motor Parts Supply Co., pert: for garb.trk.5609 Nelson Hardware Co,) parts for sar0age truck Pure Oil Co., 6asoline fOe C. 3. Rescue Squad Sale2 Oil Co., gasoline for tractor Sh~pherd's ~uto Supply Co., parts for gar~.trk 5609 Salell:l{ac1iatcr Service) repai~~s to 5609 gaTDa.;e tl.~k. Shackleforcl Co:~ Tr. & Uchy. pa::ts for ;:;.s.r~). tr!<s. Salei.:1 Sl.s.ss Co.) repail..s a:td parts garbage t:d.::s" 47.04 34.73 303.68 662.15 2.99 25.50 L,1. 06 15.';6 5.00 217.67 L"O. 6 7 39.70 10.00 257.94 15.62 59.83 56.08 3.56 5.S9 153.14 15.93 10.00 58.56 43.50 286 ~",--=o=-":,o,=~"",;:-;-"""--.-,,,,-""",,,-;-.o-::-'..=o.-O:-;'."";'-. ,C:" c~-:C~_7"'--';-:-'" :-.'c:o----c'-'-' 0"_" . - - .... _.... __ ,_ . ___.... _._ ~:-:=='="""-=--~"'====-=-_'._".;:-_='==;;:-==---='~~-- "..-:OC:C= ,-,-,~'''''-':'_c",,'"";--:'"o..''''-=o_~_' =_=',,,_._~"':-C~-=c:c-=,,-,,,-- ./ No. II II II II II II " II II " II " II " " " " " II " II II " II " II II II II II II " I. " II II " II " " " II " 08569 08570 03571 " II 03572 " 08573 03574 08575 08576 08577 08578 08579 08580 08581 03582 08583 08584 08585 08586 08587 08588 08589 08590 08591 08592 08593 08594 08595 08596 08597 08598 08599 08600 08601 08602 08603 08604 08605 08606 88607 08603 08609 08610 08611 08612 03613 OC6Il, 08615 -.-----.---..--. .-....-- -~.._------ SUh~€rd€an Esso Station, repairs ahd grease Police v€h. Shockley's Tractor & 8ervmce 00., repairs and parts Standard Perts Corp., parts for garb. trk, 5609 Vinton }rotor Co., repairs and parts lVilson"s Esso & Grocery, gas9line for 5605' lvillia~s Auto AlignLienr, parts and repairs police cars True!, Sales, Inc., parts for garbage truck Robert C. Dawson,Postmaster,posrage Comr.of Rev. Addressograph-Nultigraph Corp. office supplies Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Postmaster, Salem, Va. postage for Del.Tax.Collr. Roanoke County Court, warrants Re col. del Per.Prop. Roanoke County Court, G. H. Parent Co., office supplies II II " " !I " Delu):e Laune:-y & Dry Cleaners, laundry for jail C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies Roy K.Brown,Clerk Hichie Company, law books for Judge F.L.Hoback West Publishing Co., law books Eor Judge F.L.Hoback Robert DaHson, Postmaster, postage for Roanoke C.Ct. Charles E. Breeden, Jr., Nov. travel for Probation Offr. }larvin C. Hedrick, Jr., Nov. travel for Chief Prob.Off. James M. Bryant, Nov. travel Prcbation Officer VOID Radio Ccr~uunications Co., radio maintenance Dr. S. D. Carey, coroner and lunacy cases Dr. F. S. Cruser, lunacy cases and blood test Dr. R. B. S~iley, Jail Physician salary, etc. Nov. Dame Roofing Co., roof repairs to Jail etc. Monarch Finer Foods, food and disinfectant for jail Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, food for jail Virginia Foods, food and medical supplies for jail peacock-Salem Laundry, laundry for jail S & W Pharmacy Co., medical supplies for jail Rainbo Bread Co., food for jail W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel- jail Foutz Sausage Co., food- jail Pyrofax Gas Corp., fuel for Bent Nt. Fire House V H. Garraan, Rent Nov. !.;t, Pleasant Fire Station J. H. GriSgs & H. H. \':itt, l;ov. rent C.S.F',re House Cleal:'o-:cook' Lion' 5 Club, No',y. ::ent Clearbrool:. Fire H. Fuel Oil & EquipDent Co., fuel for Hollins Fire Sra. Culligan Soft Hater Service, rC2i.1t on 'Hater softener Beach B:.~os. Eotors, pal-ts for 5002 truck Arro't'l Hard':1a:i...e paiat Co. ,pai:1t etc. Hollins Fire;: House VOID -.'."-"'-.,' ------- -----.---.--.--"..- ...-.....-- ...-.---.----------.--...---- ~,._._._--- 9.75 07.91 ll:..26 123.37 2.98 16.00 10.00 450.00 .7'2 81.3L;. 35.00 6.25 6.25 3.05 6.48 102.75 52.50 34.00 24.00 61. 50 51. 24 34.64 36.15 35.00 40.00 175.00 16.00 160.l:,4 128.3L:. 102.78 29.9C 23.0l:, 58.53 64..00 38.70 26.60 60.00 60.00 60.00 33.19 4.00 2.37 6.10 LevJis D. Clarl" T,-eas. " " to Vo1.Nt.Pleasant F.S. H. 1I. Hitt, Treas.,l962-63 Contribution to Vo1.C.S.Fire 3t.L6C.OC 460.00 I I I I- I .' No. 03759 " 08760 " 08761 fill It 289 Ha::-::y R. Iticllarcison, Jr., setting up voting booths $ 5.00 Hinston S. Sharpley ,ArcI1itects, bal. on plans m,,, bId::; 500.00 Ro<:noke Co. Board of Public Felfa;:e, ",-'p. Dec. 3,117.40 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CUII1S ETC. The following clains against the County were this day presented,approved and ordered to be paid by Voucher-checks out of the funds respectively charge- able therewith, to-wit: ,. h1 No. 08750 " 08751 " 08673 " 08674 " 08675 fI 08676 " 08677 fI 08678 " 08679 " 08680 If 08681 I; I !I If 08682 :1 "" I.. Good't-lin-anOret'lS Ins. Co., pre~1. on surety Doad J.L.P. 10.00 Salem Hard,:are Co., misc. items for Dog ,'larden 16.60 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Raoies Clinics 6.00 VOID County School Board of R.C., repairs and grease job on dOb truck 3.50 Hur.ble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline for dog truck 22.15 Lawrence's Harket, dog food 6.19 VOID Radio COITm1unications Co.,~adio ~aintenance for dog trk 15.CO 8.CO 17.50 4.00 Dr. A. J. Russo, rabies treatment Eugene Grubb Salem Fan, Supply Co., dog food Salem Animal Hospital, autopsy e~am. of dog ,.' The following clai~ are made to the Judses, Clerks and Cor~issioner of the General Election for their services i!1 conducting the General Election held Fund, to-"it: on the 4th day cf December, 1962, in Roanoke County, out of the General County No. 08404 If 08405 " 08406 " 08407 " a3l~02 f"~ I ~ .. If 08409 " 03410 ~ " 08411 " 08412 ., OOIi-13 " OC414 tl 02l:-15 " 03L:16 " OSt! 17 " 08413 CATAUBA Eve~ett€ Sirry, Clerk and Returns 20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 J. V Hylton, Juc:~e R.. D. Nore;1ead, Juc1;e C. C. Ca::rcll, JuclJ€ Doris Shelor, Clerk 15.00 ;'If.So:! VALLEY I-Ienzy E. r::.s.tt, Jr. J~.d:;~ a::d l~eturi.1S 20.78 ;'la;:y L. C.::.?:ter , Jl'!d..;e John n Ca.:~:crO~1 , Judge ." Lois E Da1..4tca, CIerI: G1..4 a~~al":", ~ Si~:.it~l, Clcrl~ u. 15.00 15.00 15.0C 15.00 ~'~ST SALEL l.~ary Sue rL S:)ic:l:::arc, Jc<"::;c:: .s.~1c1 ~;.etu:c-..:s 20.00 VOID veID ::ia ~7. Yates, JUd.;E 1:; f~n - .10...... Pe.=;sy \~. S~~:".u:1an, Cle:.::: 15.00 290 C:C::-='"='-='=~'-~"-""'''''-",,--''''~; -.=,.-=-,,",'_~_-_-c.-.=..o.c"O_-=--=---O--O'.""---'--~.=_-' __.._._.____.___._.~~__._.__.______ _.._.+__'._ _._~,___.. .._._"n... ---,----------,'p. --- -.- - -- . ,-,.. .-.-., --. -- -..-------- ...____ .. .u. _ _____._______ _.'_____ .__ ----+-------. ".----' .'.. --_._. -._--- --..'. "0. OGL:l9 I! 08519 II 03420 II 08421 :r 03422 II 08423 II 08424 LO~Tai!.1e V. Ptacci.:, Cler!~ IS.ao Tl1eh:1a l'l. llcGl1c€, 15.00 Jucl"'€ " GLEllV A,.'{ Hrs. "7il1ia.:1 I~. Young, Jud:.;e a.:::1d Returns Hrs. "Hari.y 1-1. Ro;:,ertson, Jud::;e Hanley cl. Tobey, Judge Mrs. J. H. Rettinger, Clerk Hrs. Roy L. Hash, Cle::1: !!=x;:xxQiil..25xxxx&%R>UID:r::;H;; II 03425 II 08426 " 08l:27 II 08428 II 08429 II 031,30 II 08431 II 08432 " 08l,33 II 0843l, u 08435 II 08436 " 08L;.37 " 0843:3 " 08439 I! o 84",O " 0340 I! 08442 NORTH SALEH Eleano~ H. Booze, Clerk and Returns v]innie L. Dro\~1) Jud~e and C02missioner John J. Sheahan, Jud~e uild Concissioner Thelwa A. Cofn~~n, Jud~e Julia Cross, Clerk SOUTH SALEH .}l Hrs. J. H. i.'Jolfe, Jl1o:;e and Cmm::-:.issione:c Dorothy lL l.reIten, JUdGE Lucile H. Hurt, Cle;:l, Gay A. Scott, Cl€~k SCUTH SALEH #2 Harsuerite H. Hash, Jud~e aucl Returns Edna BrCHiJ., Jud;;c; Len~ 3o-':'.~e::G, Jud.;€. l':Ci.r;:;arct B. Pc.ff, Cler:.:: PETErrJ C[(EEK Hrs. Sa::ar. l'l. ~rnitC'.irc, Jud:;e a~'_1c.~ P~eturns 20.42 ~1illie :li. I-:cDaniel, Ju(;e: 15.00 G. II. l:c lcl1, Ci..e:..-k 15.00 15.00 Rut(l C. Sea::s, Clerk Hary '-'. St,mley, Clel":; ::;:::: :::: :::,;iliiK4:i::::::: :}l:.:s;.;: ;Delia " 08443 " O(j4l:.l;. " 08445 " 08g46 " 38 l;.L, 7 " O:;L~LrC " o Cl;.l;_ S' 1I :] :l~50 " OCl~5l , OJl;.52 15.00 BURLIl;CTC:l Hrs. Della B. l'Iurray 21.I:J l~osalie .s. Lucas, Jud,;c 15 .O~' Ha~ri€tt H. Filliu~er, JUdJE 15.00 15.00 l1a:;,::l D. Duffy, Cle::-l: Geor;;L:e :1. Eo;~lcy, 15.00 :::JeST VIl;To:J 0.3. Sti2::, Juu...;t.' a.~~d l~eturri.S 21JO P~lY 11 is T:10:.:.:18, Jud~;(; 15.00 J.'':'. .i.:.. ::.:::.:-:ey, Jucl2,(.. IS.CO Edit~ I::1y, Cle1:1~ 15.0;j Constance UFson, CIL~l: 15.00 ..- -.. ---,,-,--------------- _. .___ ~ __ n,_ __ __.___ ,a I I 1;;0. 08453 " 03454 " 03455 ~ " " 03456 " 08457 :r 08453 " 08459 C II 03460 " OS461 , " 03L,62 " 08463 " 08464 " 08465 II OSL,66 " OS!,67 ~ " OS473 " 03474. ,. 03475 " 08l,7G II 03477 " 08473 " 08479, " 08l,SO " 0::;481 II 08/;.32 .. OS~S3 II 08484 " 0,~lj-85 " O.J'i-G6 " 08487 " 03488 ~ 291 , - ---.---_._----- BOTETCur..T SFlUUGS IL L ~-laL:ol1cl, Jud(3e ilnc: .~etui'l1S 37.80 i'Iai..~ga:..~et Cw-.-.per, Judge 15.00 It. B. Obei.1Chain) JUUSC: 15.00 15.00 Glo:cia A. Kelley, CleLl: Ruby L vocncha.in, Clci"k 15.CO Hi::ST VIl1TClI Pau 1 H. FoutZ:Rol Judge ';::i.1Q P-.ctm:ns 21.!:0 r..o~)ert L. T'Jatsol1, Judge and CO;:1f:1issioner 31'<:0 Alice R. Bragg, Jud3c 15.00 Edythe S. ~'7atson, Cler:.: 15.00 Hrs. Louise H. aarpe,:, C1e,-!: 15.00 HOLLINS ROAD Ruth R. HcCutchen, Jud:;e and H..€tc.cns 21.12 G. C. Holland, Jud~e 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 Virginia H. HmoJlett, Judge Edith D. Dartel", C1er!: Frances S. J,:u11en J'ffiDLEY Le~1e. B. ZiEy..erman, Juc.,3e and Returi.1s 20.56 F. J. Zi1.1lilerT.1aa, Judge 15.00 15.00 C. H. Garst, Judge Jessie U. Linder, Cle;:!; 15.00 i 15.00 Eula C. Ccc1dt,7C 11, C1er:: J!OlP.lT PLEASANT Laura s. Ea:;nel.~, Clei.~~( and Returns 21. l)O : Hade H. Ga'"TOan, Judc;e 15.00 ~~~y P. Si~7lons, Jud~e 15.00 15.00 15.00 J. F. St. Clair, Judge Pea:.~l A. Ra',es, Clel.-k JO,'ISACK liyrtle A.. DO:1sack, Jud3e ailei r~c~urns 21.l:0 15.00 R. J. Foutz, Jud~e HUSOi..l L Cool:, Jud.:;e 15.00 J. . Ho~:cis C::unpac ker, Clel:lc 15.00 w. P. Catron, Clerk P.ED HILL }~s. A. B. Harris, Jud~e and Rctu~ns 15.00 21. ',0 !.frs. Doris D. Hickline, Jud.:;e 15.CO VOID Hl~S. J. H. Jol1usoi1, Jl~., JU0.3C: 15.00 ~1J:s. RUt~1 E. Bro01(5, Cle::l.. 15.00 15.00 i'lal~garet i.i. Calhoun _, Cle:d~ ._.~"""_='-.-=-_--==--,_.-,,-._-,-,-.~=-o..:::. ____c.:_--... -, J.,o. " " " = " " " " " = " " " " " " " / 08527 08528 08529 08530 08531 08532 08533 08534 08535 08536 08537 08538 08539 08540 08541 08543 08543 293 - -----.--.-"---'. ---. '--'-' -..-."-'- Ervin Beard, Janitor Oak Grove School Election Day 5.00 5.00 M. A. 0urton, Janitor Burlington Sen. " " VOID Walter L. Conner, Janitor Bent Nt. Seh. " 5.00 " VOID J. M. Flinchum, Janitor So. Salew Seh. 5.00 5.00 Theodore Johnston, Janitor G6den Seh, " " Riner La\rrence, Janitor West Salem Sch. " 5.00 " " 5.00 J. H. HePherson, Janitor Catawba Seh. Samuel Hoore, Janitor Services,Back Creek Sch. " 5.00 5.00 5.00 Emory}l. Smith, Janitor Clearbrook Sch. Elec. " Jack Wright, 3anitor Conehurst School " Roy M. Kinsey, services in connection with Dec. 4 Elec. 161.00 Miller E. Petty, Jehn C. Gleason, " " II 11 95.00 " " " " " " 125.00 n " " " I1rs. Virginia K. Rierson, services as Dep. Reg. PoagE Hill 11. 05 Roanoke Mills, Inc., listin6 ~ualified voters 86.80 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: = "Salem, Virginia .December 17, 1962 i To The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business December 15, 1962, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Sale,,! District Road Debt School Debt Retirement Fund School Te"tbook Fund F. 1. C. A. Deferred Credit Account $ 974,842.47 4,540.54 71. 93 5,433.50 13 ,219.36 3,991. 62 137.27 $1,002,336.69 Respectfully submitted James E. Peters~ TreasurEr " Said report approved and ordered filed. ~ .. 'cM-1; CoW. .,-c, ~ On Notion, duly seconded, it is ord€rec1 that the County payroll for " the month of December, 1962, ~e approv~d in the awount of $10,000.13 from ~1 ~ ,.,hich the sum of $193.52 total F.LC.A. ta"es and tete SUrJ of $1,007.15 total H. H. Taxes are to be deducted, leavin6 a net payToll of $G,799.l,G. rHI'1 fb. I Adopted by the follo.',in.:; recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors HL10" R. Keffer, P.. C. Han-is, G. Hampton Nays: Houlse am: Edwin G. Terrell. None ~ J.4t-, ~,c..~ .....c. ,Ii.,. (D~ ..I~lqh: , On Notion, duly seco1..1clcd, it is ol~del~ed that the payroll ror :.J.efuse collection and Janitor Service for p~riod ;';o\-eabe'L 16, 1962, endL1C'; l:ovel.l- ber 30, 1962, be approved in the "'"ount of $4,073.73, from ",hich $127.33 ,.,.~..-- 294 " ,.- ~-,---.-_.~ -. ..-----..-- -- -- . ~.. ._-_....~._.~- - .__.~ --~.._.._- -.. .-- -- -----"--- ---- -.-- - - _......._. - - "d. _ .__ _ ~_.. n. _ _.. ._.... _ . _.._.. . _ total F. 1. C. A. Ta::es; $282.00 total H. il. Taxes, B. C. $50.40, a:od $36.00 i~suran~e, are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,573.05; And the payc-oll for I:efuse Collection an," Janitor Service for period Decembec- 1, 1962, e"din,;; Dece~;l;'er 15, 1962, lJe approved in the amount of $3,587.12, from ,,,hich $112.11 total F.1.C.A. Taxes; $227.50 total H.H.Taxes; B.C. $50.40 and $31.00 insurance, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll I of $3,116.11. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ,'lcnor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Ha'ilpton Houlse and EdHin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I u1: I .Co ,e,J. r G. Cil~ ''1'''' f, l.- On Notion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the follm.ling vouche!:- checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-"it: Voucher-check #8386 in the amount of $24.00 made payable to Robert Dawson, Postmaster, for postage Juv€nil and Domestic Relations Cou:rt; Voucher-check #8392 in the amount of $555.52 made payable to C ~ P Telephone Company for service at various County offices. Voucher-check #8393 in the amount of $16.50 Iuade payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Civil Defense office; Voucher-check #8396 in the a~ount of $27.10 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Hollins Fire Station~ Voucher-check #8397 in the amount of $16.50 made payable to C ~ P Telephone Company fo~ service at Dog Warden's home; I Voucher-check #8399 in the 8ffilOunt of $26.71 made payable to Appal~chian Powe~ Company for current used at dog POU~ld.; Voucher-check iff8400 in the amount of $36.09 made payable to Appalacl.ian Power Company for cu~rent used at Hollins Fire Seation; Vouche;:-check ff840l in the amount of $524.10 made payable to TOt.,.., "f Salem for lig'lt and ",ater service at Courthouse!. Voucher-check #8403 in the amount of $57.06 made payable to Roa~oke Gas Company for fuel at County jail, home demonstration kitchen, and Cave Spring fire station; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supe;:';isors Hinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. HaE,pton Hculse and Ed",in G. Te;:;:ell. ~:ays: None. IU RE: DELINQUENT TAY~S .COLLECTED BY CLERK: I The Clerk this day delivered to the Boa~d the receipt of JP'}IES E. PETERS, Treasurec-, for $2,006.66, on account of delinquent ta::es collected over tc said T::-easurer, saicl check al'.1ountii.l:; to $1,906.33 TIet. I by said Clerk for tl1€ I:lCntll of Nove.:aber, 1962, less cOil!Iilissions, ene turned The fol1o~.'ing rEports 'I;.;r€lOe this c.ay laid before the Board anc: ordered filed: / C. ~ t.,c.. U<* c. ~1'11'tj'... E. I3001~E, Sheriff, offiCE; .s.::.o travel e:.pc~1ses for the raontil of ~.7over,"!.bc:.:, 19G2; E. BOOi,:E, 3heriff, Surrr:Jar" of Drisoi.le~ days served in ti.le ::'oelloi~e County j ail f~r th~ r:lol.1th of iIovf.:i"r:oer, 1962; / EIY.'7ARD S. ALLEN, County A:;e~t, fo...- the r::O'~1t~!. of Eover.;:)~~., 1962; .~ LOHELL H. GOBBLE, !:.ssistant County A2;€l1t, for the t:lOnt~i. of :'1oven'0c::, 1962; 297 P.DDITION LENGTH Fror.l Route 663 to dead end.. a.lONi. SL.1cezely /s/ F. A. Davis, Deputy Cor,1!ilissioner ~ /: IN RE: AUDIT OF ALEXk~DER GRANT AND CONPANY -COUNTY OF ROANOKE AND JANES E. PETERS, TREASURER. = Letter dated Deceober 13, 1962, addressed to the Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, f~oo J. Gordon Bennett, Auditoc of Public Accounts, accept- ing copies of report on auc1it of Ale"ander G.ant and Coupany, of the records of the County of Rcanoke and Jwoes E. Peters, Treasure~, received and ordered filed. IN RE: OPERATIO"AL AND FISCAL SUMMARY FOR ROANOKE COUNTY COVERING FISCA~ i~~ 1961-62: w. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Departoent of Highways, this day suboitted to the Board a report of O~erational and Fiscal SuaToary for Roanoke County covering fiscal year 1961-62, dealing with Net Funds Available for distribution, a$ noted in the Final Budget for Roanoke County; said report was received, and oruer€d filed. Letter dated Deceuoer 14, 1962, addressed to Roy K Bro~~, Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from Hilliaro J. B.':anseom, Vice-President, The First National Exchange Bank of R~anoke, offering the services of said Ban~ in connection with Roanoke County's fortIlcoming $3-!; million school bond issue, received and ordered filed. ~ .. , IfHEREAS, there has been no General Assessment of Real Estate in Roanoke (.- '~u ~ -tl J) ~+-" l-.l \,\ ! l >- \ I County since the year 1957; and WHEREAS, this Board deems it advisable that a General Reassessoent of "'''I Real Estate be made during the year 1963; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, BE IT RESOLVED that there be a General Reassess- ~~ 7~ ment of Real Estate in Roanoke County during the year 1963 for the year 1964. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tlle Judge of the Circuit Ccurt of Roanoke County, VL:ginia, pursuant to SeetiOlos 58-787 and 5G-7f,9 of the Code of Virginia, be requested to e:esignate for the purpose of ma!dng such General ~eassessment, such person O~ persons as, i~ the opinion or said Court, may be ~ necessary for the purpose of ma.king such general Reassessment, and Hhose COQ- pensation shall be fi::ed by this Board as provided in Code Section 58- 788; AND FURTHER, that inasmuch as this Board ilas requested tile Departlaent of Ta::ation to rendel:' advisory aid a.ld assistancE in making such GClleral Re- c assessnent, which has been 3ranted, and it appea~ing that oniliy one person will be requied to perforn the duties pro'JidecL for in s<:id Code Sections 58-737 and 58-739, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Joare: l.-ccwmend to tile Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanol:::e COUGty, Vir;;inia, that only one such person 2JE appoint- ce. Adoptee: by ti1e follol/in;; recorded \ote: Ayes: A. C. Hal~ris) Hinai: R. KeffEr, G. Hamptorl l'I,"ulse and Ed\.lil1 G. Te,:,:ell. i';~ys : NOTI€ 298 -----------------."--------.. -- __ ___. - ___ P.', .. _' _._ __u___ _=-~=_"'"~"":~_="'.:.:=:__=_..=~:=.:-:..~_=.::...:.:_=..~..,._ =.--:-~ "._=,_-~.=,:;;__.,_.;...:.~__=_;_=__ ,::';:':-;.0. c.r... U- ~~ ':, a..l~O'- ' )...W~ ; ~~f.~ ct;"" ':it- '(' '"ilqJ~y . ,I ; i ;1 ., I ;1 ':1 :.1 "1 : I ',1 ~ I ';~-l fj J: ~ 1 -~~ ~,I "I -, ~j ~1j' ., .!;:-: :~ '.. - -.- .' - -- ,-..---...--.-- .._- -.._----+---------------- --. BE IT RESOLVED by t'1C Board of Supe::dsoc's of Roanol;c County, that thE Couilcil for the City of Roa:loke, ~)e and it is hel4eby requested to arr,er'-, the contra~t of Septewbe:: 28, ::'95<" betHeEi1 the City of Roanoke and thc C:C1nty of Roanoke, dealing \'lith the treatf."~ent of dOILlestic and cO"UlIl1ercial \,;as tes, by I eLler,;ency resolutiou, to the iol1o't}ing e:::tEnt only, viz: A.~EA NO.1: P~operties of John ~;. Jdoison, O. H. Huffillan, and others. BEGli~lIljG at the point uf iiltersection of t~c west right-of- .way line of State ScconGary Route 601 and the south right-of-way line of State Secondary Route 1804 and 8eing the north corner of the Double Realty Corporat~on 11.330 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 616, paga 92, of the records of the Clerl;'s Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke Coun~y; thence wit~ the notth line of the Double Realty cor~o- ratiLn la~J S.45 des. 13' ',., 900 feet, wore or less, to a point On the aforesaid sout:1 right-of-way line of Route 1304 opposite the south corner of Walro~d Court Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 2, page 178; thence lea~inJ the aforesaid south right-of-way line of Route 1804, N. 44 deg. 47' W., 50 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 1804 and jeing the south corner of the aforesaid, Halrond Court; thence \vi tl1 a line leaviu0 Route 1304 and Hit:1 the boun- dary of Walrond Cou::t, the folloHing iJearings and distances: N. 36 deg. 55' W., 457.0 feet; U. 15 deg. 55' E., 70.7 feet; N.73 deg. 05' H., 60.5 feet' /.:. 23 deg. 30' 1-1.,536.5 feet tc a point and said point being the northwest corner of ~Tal~oncl Cou~t; tn~nce continuing ,.,ith the nOl'th ;)oundary of ,'1ahond Court N. 53 deg. 47' E., <:-58.0 feet, more or less, to a point O~ the aforesaid north bouudary, 600 feet, "Oore or less, l:res-~ of thE: \VEst ri;:;ht-of-\'Jay line of the aforesaid Route 601; thence with a line 600 feet Hest of and parallel to the proposed relocated Route Gal access road to Interstate Route 81, 2,000 feet, more or les~;, in a nort'1erly and westerly direction to a point on the south right..of-..,ay line of Interstate Route 8l~ thence ,.lith the south right-of-way line of Route 81 in an east€rl~r direction, crossing t:l€ center line cf the aforesaid proposed relocated Route 601 access road at 625 feet, more or less, in all a total distance of 2,440 feet, more or less, to the center line of Carvins Creek; thense leaving the afore- said south right-of-Hay line 0= Route 81 and Hith the center line of Carvins C':eek as it .:!eande::s in a southerly direction 2,600 feet, mo,~e or less, to a point on t"e boundary of the O. H. Huff,:1an 4.3.96 acc'c tract as recorded in Deed Book 123, Page 528, and "uei,n::; a mutual propci:'- ty corner of tCle Hollins College Corporation land and t'le lands of 0.1-1. Huffrrlan; t~ence l~aving Ca~vins C~eek and with the ~oundari€s of the aforesaid HuffrCLan L~8. 96 ac-;.~e tract the follo\'lin3 oearin~s and distances: s. 3 deg. 25' E., 135 feet, narc or less; S. 66 de.;_ 15 E., 910 feet, more or less; N. 3L:. cic::;_ la' H., 181.5 feet;S67 deg. 20' H., 301.0 feet to a poir:.t located n. 22 de:;. \-J., 154..2 feet fro'.l the center line of the O. H. Ruffr.lai1 farr.. .:oad; the::ce ,'lit;1 a line S. 76 de,;. <.c5' H., . partly t!crough the t!uffUlan tract and partly through the lands of John \1. Ja~ison ~a recorded in Deed Book 564, Page 108, crossing the Hufnaan- Jamisca 1;oundary at. LJ.OO feet, r:~O:Le or less, in all a total distance of 1,360 f"et, more ur less, to the point of BEGUmn:G, and bein:s a boun- dary descriptio:L of a 130.11 acres, r"o'-e or less, area including the propertjes of O. H. Huffma:l, Joh~ ~'J. J21::.isoa, Hali40nd Court Subdivision, and others as sho\'ro. on t~:€ plat dated December 14, 1962, and acCO::,1- parrying this 0ESC~ipcion. I I " AREA NO.2; P::ope:.:ties of Gc:eenl<md Development Corpo~-atio", Pine ./'..c::-es Su~)division, F:eQ L Harris, Jai.;:<;;s C. Plur:kc.tt,-... Jr., an0 Otl1C:cs. :SEGINlTIEG at a point Oil. the .oest :'-isht-of-uay of State Second.~ ary K9ute 613 anc said poi~t Dei~d the east corner of Lynn Dell Estates Subdi~ision, Section 1, as ~ecordcd in Plat Book 4, rage 66, of the ::ecords of the: C1e"-"k's Office fo::- 1.~1.€ Circui-:: Cou::i..: of ~:..oarroi-~e County; thence \'lit:1 the afo::esaid ~'.Test ::ight-(.'f-lvay line of ~oute 613 in a Southe~1y and €aste~ly directio~ 2,800 feet, more or less, to a point and said POi:1t >/ein:; the southeast COl~ner of Caroljll. Heights Su".Jciivision as :Leco"-4decl in Plat Bool~ 3, Pa3€ 287; t:.:ence l€a\~ins Route 613 ~.]ith the south ::,ounda-;:y of Cs-i:clTa Hci.;hts Succ.1ivision and being t~le :.lorth boun- dary of a 100 foot \Jio.c Appalachian Elect:Lic PO\'7e~ C04":.r-any righi:-of-'t'7ay, s. 75 de:;. 22' ~'7., 348.t:. fC12t to the South\'lest corner of Car01~_ Hei:jhts Su~di~../isio:.....; thence lC2avi!'l.':; Ca.rolY~l Heishts Subdivision ;Joundary .s.ULl Uit:1 the south cou...1G.a:LY of thE l-:a:;..';- J471:1 Ric1:;e\,:ay 5.36 acre '':l~act as recorded in Deed 3001: 591, pa~e IGl:., :.;. 72 deg. 30' ,-7., 7::,:; feet to " r:oi:1t on the ~'~illia~: H. Cu;:~.nill:;~:.a,~'., Hci:'4s, 2L;-.63 acre t~act ~oundD.::y; t'llencE Hit:l a line leavin:; the ::ici.;et.?ay tract an(~ i',Tit~J. t}:c r:orth ~OlliJ.- clary of the Cunni:1~~12.I:1 tract N. 53 dE;;. 11' i.i., 1,300 feet, :J.ore 0:: less, to t:1e r::utual property cOl~ile~:' of t:'":.E: Annie V. Slone 0.30 acre tract, thE Jlli".:es O. Plunl(ett, J::., 6.23 acrE tract as i...~CCO~clEd in Deec 300k 596, pa:;e 13L:., the:: F~'ed L. Ha::ris 15.32 acre t::act a:ld tile G'c-ecu. lai-~d Develocwcnt CorDoration t::.:::.c'c as rEcorded in Dl2ccl 3oo~-: 576, paJe 557; ti.1Ence lEa~.~1:.1'; tl-:c CUll.ninghrtn t-;:act ooundary ancl \.;-it:l the :.~o:.~tl1. lill( of che Ail.~1ie v. Slone 2.30 acre tract s. 72 c~e0.' ~~., GIC feet, nore or less, to a poi:1t 0-;.1 tLIC north :.:i:;ht-of-F2Y li71e of State Scco:.1.(:al~Y ?.out€ 119; thenCE: ~.;it~:. the 110r~:1 :ci.;hi:-of-"\:ay line of the sai6. :~OUl:e 119 i:"!. 2. norti.'1erl:,- and U€stc::ly clii:"c:ction 2,100 feE:t, [,ore or less, to the.: ;:oi-.-:.t I I -., _.~' "------_.._---,--- -,.--~,,-~.,.__......_,. ---~---~.. 299 --.---.-.----..-- - -..~ -'._-~'-- - ---------..---------- _.... --... .., - ~ of intersection of the north ri;ht-of-.,.ray line of Route 119 and the east right-of-....Jay liile of U. S. Route 221~ the:~_ce \.;ith the east ri0ht- of-way line of U. S. Route 221; in a northerly direccion 650 feet, more or less, to a point on the said cast ri;;ht-of-way line of Route 221 and said point "0eing the "\:VEst corner of Arlington Hills Subdivision, of record in Plat Book 3, page 231; thence leaving Route 221 and "ith the boundary of the said Arlin;;ton HiEs Suodivision, the fOllo",in; bearings and distance: S. i:.l deg. 45' E., 311.4. feet; S. 51 de;;. 29' .r::. 333.55 feet; S. 46 de;;. 59' E., 724.7 feet; and S. 29 deg, 43' E. 683.30 feet to a point and said point oein;; the east corner of the said Arlington Hills Suodivision and being a point on the boundary of Ly~n Dell Estates Subdivision, Section 2, of record in Piat Book 5, Page 3; thence leavin3 the boundary of i:..rlington Hills Suoclivision a:1d \.lith the ooui1dary of the 'I said Lynn Dell Estates, Section 2, S. i:.G deg. 22' E., 304 feet, more or less, to the south corner of the said L~1n Dell Estat~s, Section 2; thence with the southeast boundary of Lynn Dell Estate. Subdivision, Section 2, N. 43 de;;. 01' E., 476.50feet to the east corner of L~1n Dell Estates, Section 2, and beiuS the south corner of Lynn Dell Estates Subdivision, Section 1, as hertinabcive referred to; thence ",ith the souL, boundary of Lyc1n Dell Estates, Section 1, N. 43 de;;. 01' E., 144.91 feet to the point of BEGI1~lING and being a boundary description of that 123.57 ac;__es, more or less, area including t"e propel-ty of G'eenland Developr:J.ent Corporation, Fred L. Harris, C. A. Arthur, Ji'lmes O.Plunl:ett, Jr., Pine Acres Suoclivision, and others as shovm O~ the plat dated D€cem~er 14, 1962, and accompanying this description. ~ and that said areas be ack".ed to, and included in, said contract to the full e::- tent as if said areas H€::'€ thezein set o....rt ill e::tensioi1. (A) That acceptable 'i'lastes ori~h1atil1g 'i'lithin'the afc:::esaid areas shall :::e delivered by the County, to the C::ty's senit.8.:':y se,v€r S~lste;:.-: at such points as at'€ approved 'Jy thC2 City's Directcr of Puolic Eorks, or ble C~~t~" Zl:_,;ineel~, and that requisite ~:easu:.:tng r.-!etc.:i..~S oe i.lst211ed at such pOi:'1ts of c.clivery, by the County, if reql1i::..~ed ::'y the City. ot:--...er (B) That 1.1 all/res!,ects said cor.t,-"i'lct ~,hall rercah1 il1 full force aIld ,. I .. Effect, save and exce~t.;:s :-,:.oC:ifi.el~ 'jy pa}..c.":;1."ar'lh Ilel! hereof. "C) BE IT Fln'..THl::R P..ESCVTED: T:"J.,s,t ti...is Boa::..~cl dOt:1 ~l~i...e-::'y .:.ssure thE City of ~,:.oanoke that i;.-:. the c;.-,;cnt of a~"1 2.n::'c:~G.tiC:'1 to t:1e City of r:.ca:"lol~e of any Ci.~ all of the saici cr€2.S ::e:ceil-:.abo;:c :i_clcl1tificd, and the City assuTJing the o~)ligation of seHerin::; therein by virtue of an o::..~der or decree of an Ar:.u.e::ation Court, 0:: the Suprer:.e: Ccu::t of .t\ppeals of Yirsinia, the sC":'le!"a~€ systeGs con- structed, or here4fte~ co~st~ccte~, in said a~Eas he~eina~lv( i~Entifi€d, with fUi:lds supplied ~y ccveloj;c:.:::s, ol.~ i::1stitL.:tj.oi1s, a::.i.cl cOi.L'eyed to tile ::o.:l:....ol.~€ Count)~' 3anitatioi.1 Aut~:.ority, ~7itL:OUt ':;:1.s.~.;e to l::-~c b.utho::-it;-, or \'7it>. ~c':.lt::ac i:s p~c- ~,:iC:iJ.l~ fo;: 14ei2burs€~,l€rl-:: f::o::, cO:.T:.1ectic:.:. fees, i~l ~-,Tl:olc or in pa::t, .:J.:.:.cl :.:.ot oull t. ;:.y ti.:.e t...uthority qit>. its fu:::.G.s, :.i.Cl. :JY t~1~ COlLlty SC:1.col ;]oa:.:c~ cE ~~oa:"1c::e 8CU:"1ty, Vir.::;ini&, ~.:i.ll ~ic:::;m::c t:1C I':::opc,:~y of t~-:.'.: City \;ithcut 2.::y l:a:,:-:;1.€~'"':.'l: to u said .?ut:''..O:cit~~ t~1E1:c2c~_., ~)~t su~jEct 'i::o t~:.c 1.:i2;:1~S of su::h .':;'c,.<.lopE::s c~;.d :i"~.2- stituior:.s to l~€iLGlJrSei.:E:;.t i:: F:1clL o:.~ i-.l P'::1."t; cJ.S pl"O'.':i.(~C(~ .1:0:." i-_'~ i.::1E.ir l.~C' SFC2cti-.:c ccnti.~acts \'..ii:~: l:~le saic: AUt~10:..~L..:).. Eo~.'e\/~:...-, 'i:::lis 2~!:)1:i.cs o~::.ly to t:1C ~r€~s ~e~ci~aJo\e iG<22ti2icc. o CD) BE!T FlP,TH2:--. :~E~OUri:"J: T:l2.L:, L.j..~eC:ic.::cly UFO:: r':'3S':'.-:';<:) ~;.y t::e :oul1cil of t~le Cit~- o~ ~:O&:.....o::e) of the C.1C::'S€":.1CY ~c(;scllJtioi.: ~"l.E:~:ci::.-:.a~.~o.",.e i..~C- CJ.ues ::ec:, t:le .::ounty of ~:O&i.1ol:(2 5:1a11 ~)C, i.l::C:. ::€:;'-_:.~L: ~JOU:'1(:: :):' -i::-~c pl.:O'. is iO,-lS tli.E:rcof, as fully ahd to tl:c S.2.1 -;c c::t12:i.t, ':'8 sai('~ SCllZ:ty is :':.0';'; JCu;,:c2 ~.:'~- ot:lC:': t€r:-.!S ,9,;.-),(.. j,:i.-ovis:i.o::s of the c.:eo;.:cs&ic: co:::.::....:.c;,: c:E S€pt.c.;~;c:.: 2C) 1~'5L;.. i.\:~1. E..,1e:c.;ency is ',1.(.:~c1)~~ c'ccla:::ec ~o (::~-is:': ~'.1('::' 'c'LKSC ::(:5011..1::io'.:.-:.5 sl-lall ~j(2 ii.1 full forCE .:.~(: c52c::.t 2:':0:".: 2.~1.d .::.1:tc:: ~,).:iSSQ~;C ::~I.Er(;of. Acopted 0:' tll~ iolloFL1:; :'~(;col:c1c(~ \-c::c: I~yes: G. a2.i::ptc-~1 ~'~ol..~lsE, :~C:.';7i~:. G. Tc::~_:'_:cll, Ei"l....o..: T) F_cff:e~: 21."1.( AeC. Harris Nays: None Jt~.- ~ eLL 11, () r.i 1l"c:u.L. (6. .. "fhan:t:::' 1- k: C. . ~ru.. ' '71,,,/,').. , I ~cW.{;.. I U.c,.\h..L I a~',- i~~~ ;~~ Co.::\~ Y \~\q\\,").., - .. ,-..".. ~.:" ."::,"'-'''''-'- c' '.:-'--'''''=- '.~ -=c-: -:- -:';:- "'--".-.""_' ~ _'" ~ ,,,-,,--.::0 '_ ::--~- -_~ .,...:-,- ~_'_ -:; _ ,_c-;:.-"'-"-.. _ ::-'"--=---:=c:-~..=""'--c=_-:","'=...:,., ~'''~_~_-_C:'=.=-:::;'::- ...,._-_-~.._ "'1- n,; 3.E: O~DER Rezoning of certain prope~ty situate in Salem M_gisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia on New' U. S. :\.oute .;;11. In c"e: petition of TI. J. I.ustin This day Cai;-;€ FtJrma~l ~.Jhitescarve!", l~ttorney fo:" ~'7. J. AustLl) ,.f,10 requested leave to file a petition on :,ehalf of the said H. J. AUPcin, relative to anending the Zoning Ordinance of ~oanoke to the end and purpose that a certain t~act of Jznci situat~ adJ~cent to Sce~e~y Court on Bi6 Hill in rroanoke County, Virginia De classified and zOued as B-2, '~1ich leaVE is granted and this petition is accordingly filed. P~d this Board havinG duly considered the same and concluded that the rezoning of the said property may oe oeneficial to the County at larGe, therefore resolves as follm'7s: BE IT RESOLVED IJW ORDERED tl:at the proposal to ,",,,end the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, so as to chan~e the classification of said p~op€rty requested to O€ r~zonecl i~ said petition fro~ B-1 to B-2) OE and the s~e is hereby referred to the Plannin3 COallitission of t~e Couilty of Roanoke~ Virginia for recc~~cndation; ane, BE IT FURTHErr P~SCLVED F2rn ORDERED that said Planning C08- mission shall report its reco"~lendation to t~c Clerk of this Board, as required, and upon receipt of said reco"nTIendatio~ 'JY said Clerk, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same dO'~1 for puolic hearinG at the fi"st per- missa~le, regular or public weeti~~ of t~is Roard, and that notice thereof be given 'by said Clerk by puolication in a ne~.;spapeJ:' havin;; senei:"al circulation in the County of Roa~oke; and, BE IT FU;~THER RESOLVED AND ORDERED tilat one certified copy of these resolutions be fortht.,i.th ".~livered oy said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. 1'Iatth€\.JS, Secretar-y of the P~_ajJnin6 Cor:rrnission of Roanoke Count:r, tosetl1€r with one copy of the petitiocl to the said ,'J. J j.,ustin. Th" above ;:esolutions "ere adopted on the f.lotion of Supervise;: G. Haupton l-:ioulse, and seconded ~y Supervisoi~ Hinoj~ r:. Keffcl~] and on recorded vote the vote Has a folloHs: Ayes: G. HaEpton Houlse, Hinor R. Keffer, Ed,.,b G. Terrell aC1d A. C. BatTis Nays: ,'lone On motion of Super"v'isor Hinor R. Keffer, seco~cleci by Supe:c,,:isoL" A. C. Harris, the Ge~era1 App~op~iation C~dina~cE of :~oanoke County, adopted Ju~e 19, 1962, be, and thE s&~e is hereby, ffiJendcd as foJlows, to 0€COUC effective DecemDer 17, 1962: 3 - Collection an(~ DisburS€E1ent of T.:-.::es and Ot~1cr r"e'..'cnue- i\n acdi- tional a.pnropriation of $600. CO is hereby :;:-~1adE fro~.~ the Gene:i:al Re",;enuc Fund fo:c t:1C fi~cal year cnC:in:; JU:l:'€ 30, 1963, for the fQl1ctioTI or ~'l1j"roscs as hereinaoo--.e indicated. I I I I I u"'-':"...:....--'-.~._--.:-."'"""-----:..:::-. ---_.-------.._.._--..--~_. - -~---_._-----~---_.~_._. 5 - Administration of Justice 5a- Circui~ Court - An additional appropriation of $300.00 hereoy made from tne Ge~eral Revenue Fuud for the fiscal year er.di~s June 30,1963, for the function or purpose as herei~aucv2 indicated. 10 - 101'.- ft 10c- 13 - N IS - lCa- Public Harks R~gineering Department - An additional appropriation of $500,00 is nereby made frOTIl the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year endin3 June 30, 1963, for the ~unction or purpose as hereina00ve indicated. Harbage Disposal - An additional appropriation of $7,000.00 is here0Y made froc the General Revenue Fund for the fis~al year ending June 30, 1963, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Elections - An additional appropriation of $2,800.00 is hereby made fron the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year endin3 June 30, 1963, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Miscellal1eous Ccerating Functions Annexation- A.~ additional apprppriation of $200.00 is hereby made from thE General Revel1ue Fund for fhe fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the follouing recorded VOtL: Ayes: Hinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. HaL'.pton Houlse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None HHEREAS the property ouners on an unnaned road fron State Secondary Route 619 (1<il&o1ood Road) to Skycoe Drive, did request tllis Board to n<L-ne the aforesaid road; and ~ffiEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, c the governing body in any county may, 0Y resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads ai.1d alleys the1.'ein, outside the corporate liu.its of t01ms, SUCi1 na."ll€s to take precedence OVEi' aI1Y ether C:esi.:;natioi:! e::cept those prii-:i.ary high1vays conformin.; to Sectio:l 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall :J€ cG~:,loyed in r:.1al:ing reference to propei:.ty abuttin;; t~1ere0I1; Na..,r, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the folloHin:; -;:1a.-:e be assi;,p1ed to an u:a.'l.."'1&:J.ed ,:'"oad Erom State Seco:1dai:y Route 619 (~'JildHood) to Sl~ycoE Dri.v'e: SKYCOE DRIVE. On notion of Supervisor G. H~lptou Mouls€, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, a:'ld adopted ~,y the follo1.;ri'-10 ~ecorcicci vote: Ayes: G. Hai"ilpton Houlse, A. C. Harris, Nii.1or IL Keffer and Ecl".!in G. Terrell. Nz.ys: None p, ld .' Cl: f.lotiol1, duly seco~1dE:c., it is oL'Qe::cec1 thQt a "louc~--:.e:'4-ci.lccl,: fC}.4 a 'Fifteen Dollars earl si::ty ce::'1ts ($.15.60), yaya'ule out of the Dog Ta:: Fund, 0ill t~lis cay na.vT:lent or . , SUD- 'J€ issued to t~lE: State DE:pa:ct::::,cl1~ of Heal t:1 il.1 1:1itted t(l the Boare for !"3bies '\.:ac~L1e :Cor US<2 i':""l iloanokc COUl.1ty. Adopted i)y the l:olloui:l[; reco~ccd ....atE: Ayes: Supe::"4viscrs 1.i.L.lo:: R. r:effer, A. C. Ea14i4is, G. HacFtc::::. 1-1ouls€ is.:1C Ed~'7in G. Te:::'4cll. ~\;....ys : :~onc 301 '~ rL.€... ~~ ..c, .fir CD~ ,. f~ 1'1 J ~ -V ~ M.. to: ~c, u- 1f.<..,./tP-r V" C, "ir~~ ";-11'171>"1- _ ..,.---.-r'.--.---- '.'.'- ~-~_.~ ._.... 303 -. -..- .._--. ---_. --.-- -'-'-"----'-- ..-- . ..-.- .--...---...--.....-........ ...-- -..-. -..--..".... ...______________~ ~___~________..._...n ~ violation, which ordinance was adopted by this Board on Monday, March 19, 1962, And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish once a week for two successive weeks in the Times-Hegistered, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, Va., notice of the intention of this Board to amend (sub-section b) of Section 16, of said ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. .c Nays: No~e. I , On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, upon the approval of Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, it is ordered that all County Offices may be closed c+ d.1. 1;" ,~ " .j. on Saturday, December 22, and Monday, December 24, 1962. Said days being herebyii established as ge~eral holid~ys.for the employees of this County. Copy of this order to be delivered to Judge F. L. Hoback. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor H. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. /1/qJ47- .~ .. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. c..t. 'mo:.;..L Harris, it is ordered that the salary and expense account of the Commonwealth's ~~~ Att.orney, Treasurer, ColIIDIissioner of the Revenue and Sheriff of Roanoke County, ~... t.entat.ively fixed by t.he Stat.e Compensation Board for t.he calendar year beginning fID Wi _ }\ January I, 1963, t.his day submitted to the Board, be filed, no action being takenU~I'j'i 1~11,~ t.hereon. Adopted by the following recorded vote: A~es: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. ~ On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor ~ ,.C~U t A. C. Harris, it. is ordered that. the Chairman of this Board be, and he hereby , @~ ~. is, aut.horized and empowered to make proper advertisement asking for sealed1n~ ~ ~CD~ proposals for the construction of the Health and Welfare Center in Roanoke County, I \ITt n,. u ., in accordance wit.h the plans and specifications prepared by Winston S. Sharpley, ~. Q t. rd~ I~I~~:'- Architect; said sealed proposals to be opened at an adjourned meeting of this Board to be held in the Roanoke County Court Room on the Third Floor of the Court House Building of Roanoke County, in salem, Virginia, at 4:00 o'clock P. M. January 16, 1963. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and 308 -.------- --'-'---"---~ -...--.--....--,..---- ._____~~.. _ ..._. .._......._.___...__.__ ..________.._. . .".--_-::.,...:.,---,c;--_.~,,_'CO- ~,,-_.,~-,,:""-.,,_::-,.=~;"'.:::_.:.~.:-.- --.--_..., ._.-.~. ---....-,.'.---...-.". n_ ..__ ._ ,. _ .. ..". ,,_.._... No. 09024 09025 Hatcher Trucking Co., frt. colon clothing Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance for police cars for December Auto Spring & Bearing Co., flash light bate teries for Sheriff's Dept. ~,d jail bulbs Dr. R. B. Smiley, jail physician salary-December and coroner cases. H. M. Wood Plumbing Co., repairs to Jail American Bakeries Co., food for Jail Brown Hardware Co., janitor supplies ,hardware etc VO:tD Carl R. Brightwell, repairs, elec.work at Jail DeLuxe Laundry Co., laundry- Jail Foutz Sausage Co., food- Jail Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, food - Jail W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel for heating Jail Littlejohn Printing Co., office supplies Monarch Finer Foods, food and janitor suppl. S &: W Pharmacy, medical supp1. for Jail W. T. Rierson, food for Jail Virginia Foods, food, medical &: cleaning supp1. Culligan Soft Water Service, rent on water soft- ener, Hollins Fire Statio. Fyr-Fyter Sales &: Service, chemicals Bent Mt. F.S. Natural Gas Distributors, fuel for Hollins station Pyrofax Gas Co., heating fuel Ben~ Mt. Fire Sta. W. W. Garman, Dec. rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire H. J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, Dec. rent on Cave . Spring Fire Station- Clearbrook Lion's Club, Dec. rent for C1earbrook fire house - Diesel Injection Sales &: ~ervice, parts for 6002 garbage truck - VOID University of Va. Hospital- hosp. bills -Welfare Lewis-Gale Hospital, hosp. bills for Welfare Dr. F. S. Cruser, lunacy case- Shufflebarger Dr. Harry J. Minarik, 1unacy'case- Aliff Frank D. McKenney,Jr. M.D. Lunacy cases. Mitchell and'Largen Derwood H. ~usher, Lunacy- Robinson Acme Printers, Inc. for message pads-Public Wks 5.86 22.50 14.19 I " " 09026 145.00 118.45 49.74 18.69 I " 09027 7.70 26.28 29.70 137.33 96.00 36.75 140.36 11. 66 28.50 61. 73 4.00 6.50 8.85 80.75 60.00 I " 09028 09029 09030 09031 09032 09033 09034 09035 09036 09037 09038 09039 09040 09041 09042 60.00 60.00 5.94 657.25 549.78 10.00 10.00 20.00 10.00 25.75 I I " " " " " " " " " II II II " " " 09043 090lj4 09045 09046 09047 Dickerson GMC, Inc., parts for garbage truck Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies and furniture 1,930.95 92.13 "09060 VOID II II " II II 09048 IBM Machine Corp., carbon paper for Public Works "09062 VOID " 090.49 " 09050 09051 09052 09053 09054 09055 09056 09057 09058 " II " " " " " II " 09059 " 09061 " 09063 " 09064 14.95 City Managers' Asso., membership dues- 1963- Paul B. Matthews . 27.00 Municipal Forma &: System Co., off. suppl.Garb.Dept 109.93 ";_-__';-:.:::::"C_-'-_~-=~:-=.o--:.',,-"-=__'"'~--'" . - -- - --- --. ~ ~ = ~ ~ No. 09065 09066 0.9067 0.9068 " " n " 09069 09070 " " 09071 09072 09073 " " " Q9074 09075 " " 09076 " 09077 09078 " " 09079 09080 09081 09082 09083 09084 .. " " " " " 09085 09086 09087 09088 09089 09090 09091 09092 09093 .09094 .09095 " " " " " u . " " " " " 09096 .09097 . 09098 09099 II " " " 09100 " 09101 09102 09113 .09114 09115 " " " " Peerless Publishing Co., office supplies Progress Press, office suppl. payroll sheets etc. . E~ster Supply Co., office supplies and furniture American Society of Planning Officials, member- ship dues for year 1963- Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., cards- garbage Booker T. Helm, labor in making box files for Treas. and Engr's office - Powell's Pharmacy- Medical Supplies James E. Peters, Treas. postage for garbage bills Roanoke County Court, warrants re; collecting of garbage bills - Shackleford-Cox Truck Co., parts for garbage trks Willett Esso Truck Terminal, wrecker service - pulling garbage truck out of snow bank - Appalachian Power Co:, current used in street .. lighting - Barnett Coal Co., 'fuel for Co. office Bldg. Bush Electric Co., repairs to Courthouse - checking heat in County Ct. room - Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies Dominion Elevator Co.lnc" repairs to elevator - Dillard Paper Co., janitor supplies Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel for Courthouse Owen Plumbing Co., plumb~ng repairs Salem Farm & Supply Co" repairs - material- salt & fertilizer-maintenance of grounds American Chemical Co., disinfectant- U anitor sup) Fort Lewis Lumber Co., lumber Hajoca Corporation, pipe for street signs .. Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., street signs - VOID Salem Camera Shop - films Pure Oil Co., gasoline for distribution - N & W Railway Co., rent on space Vgn Frt Sta. R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, 'trav exp & postage VOID Cates Building Specialities,Inc., material for new Fire House - Graves Humphreys Hdw. Co.; fire hose Gunters Auto Repair Shop, material for new F.H. K. W. Lawrence- labor on new fire house Times-World Corp., publish notice of bids for new building - Hugh D. Whitlow Sales & Service, new fire hose and chemicals - Battery Sales Co., parties for stock Appalachian Power Co., current used at Catawba Blue Ridge Stone Corp., material for new fire sta. Cary Hall Machinery Co., parts for garbage truck Humble Oil & Refinin~ Co., gas and oil- 309 6.50 45.00 98.50 15.00 1.44 3.00 1.85 J.88.l6 48.75 448.60 60.00 680.76 60.00 5.50 19.85 60.00 14.99 399.75 75.23 20.04 32.62 4.11 8.45 63.24 3.40 1,107.40 7.00 38.87 10.47 2,028.60 26.70 352.82 18.00 177.21 80.45 3.00 369.61 62.47 53.12 .._--~----_.._._._----- ..-...._....... .. .,'::,c~_-:--,-:.""_._;:c--:-"--:-,"'''':_":"":"= - ...-'o-'c-_~_::::'n-..--__--=~-"- - No. 09116 " 09117 09118 09119 09120 " " " " 09121 09122 09123 09124 09125 09126 09127 09128 09129 . ....__.n.______. _._"____._" _._.. _______. ... ___ .'_.n -_._...._."--_.._~ .. ----- -- .-.- ..-.- _.'_.U'_..__...___.__U_ _~,. ,.. Goodyear Service Stores, repair, parts and tires - Oren Roanoke Corp., parts Salem fire truck Parker-Nimno Supply Co., parts for 5107 Jeep, C.S. Roanoke Auto Spring Works, parts for Inspr. Car Shockley's Tractor Service, repairs and parts for garbage trucks - VOID Salem Oil Co., fuel purchased for tractor - Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, reimb. Petty Cash Fd. Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 378.99 5.00 1.26 9.45 I 26.56 83.80 96.53 17.86 I " " " " " " " " " 09130 09131 09132 09133 09134 09135 09136 09137 09138 Technical Reproduction & Sup.Co. off. suppl. re-asses. 20.61 Caldwell Si~es Co., off:l:ce supplies 19.44 Burroughs Corporation, maintenance on office eqpt. 19.75 Railway Express Agency, frt. on off. suppl. Clerk - 3.48 IBM International Business Mch.Co., maintenance agree- . ment se~ice on Elec. typewriter-'.Clerk's off. <05.00 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies- Clerk West Publishing Co., law books for Judge Hoback Michie Company, law books for Judge Hoback Jr. Frank D. McKenney,/M. Do alcohol test- Reynolds Dr. R. B. Smiley, alcohol .test cases Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., alcohol test cases Fuel Oil a Equipment Co., fuel for Hollins fire house Humble Oil & Refining Co.; fuel for Catawba " " Va State Dept. of Health, appro. for support local Health Dept. Kenneth Whitlock, extra off'. asst. Engr' s office Fairview Home, County pro-rata share of expense in Dublin Home for the aged. Roanoke Printing Co., office supplies Rodgers Clock Service, repairs and parts on Clock VOID Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, atty. fee, travel etc. re.annexation Kime & Jolly, Atys., fees, travel etc. " " U. S. Civil Defense Council, membership dues for Paul B. Matthews - State Board of Education, carrying chg. on surplus Blue Ridge Stone Corp., stone for new fire house Winston S. Sharpley, architect's fee for new . . Health and Welfare Building - Williams Supply Co., material for new fire' station - 13.41' 34.00 49.50 5.00 30.00 10.00 41.34 50.21 I " " " " " " " " " 09139 09140 7,614.25 265.52 215.45 5.93 86.00 2,115.06 1,905.62 8.70 3.42 405.12 I " " 09141 09~42 09~43 09~44 09145 09146 4;.376.17 49.63 I " " " " " " 09147 09148 09149 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAlMS ETC. . The following cla:i:ms aga1nst the County were this day presented,approved and ordered to be paid by Voucher-checks out of the funds respectively charge- able therewith, to-wit: " " " 09150 No. 09103 09104 " " 09105 American Chemical Co., Cunningham's Garage, repair, parts and grease - dog truck County School Board of R .C., work on dog truck at County garage - 96.72 88.01 13.10 No. 09106 Harvest Motors, part for dog truck 1.54 or 09101 Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline for dog trk 11.64 or 09108 Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance-dog trk 15.00 II 09109 Salem Farm Supply Co" .dQog food, wearing apparel etc 44.65 ~ or 09110 Times Register Co., publishing dog ordinance 7,40. or 09111 Salem Hardware Co., lamps etc. dog pound 9.75 or 09112 Salem Auto parts, parts for dog truck 2.88 II 09151 Appalachian Power Co., curremt used at dog pound 38.70 1: II 09152 R~.lph Long, Dog Warden, r~~b, ~rav.exp. to Md. trans. dogs to Medical College - 34.40 c' JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted to the Board the following report: or Salem, Virginia January 21,1963 To The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business January 19, 1963, there was to the credit of General Revenue Fund $1,282,122.09 5,522.97 71. 93 5,483.50 11,713.33 6,253.34 238.19 $1,312,005.35 Respectfully submitted ,. .. Dog Fund Salem District.Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account James E. Peters, Treasurer. " Said report is received and ordered filed. u On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of January, 1963, be approved in the amount of $12,319.19, frOm which the sum of $318.58 total F. I. C. A. taxes, $1,204.35 W. H. Taxes, and $129.31 State Income Taxes, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of ~ $10,601.49. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: . Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse and Janitor Service for period December 17, 1962, ending December 21,1963, be approved in the amount of $2,244.09, from which $70.15 total F. I. C. A. taxes and $153.00 total W. H. Taxes, are to He deducted, leaving a net pay- 311 ~ cL.Lr. tJL...c,. '~r .. ~''i.r . . 'Iy~ ~5f *L o,.~ T C:~ '0-- CD~ 'Ji:3Ji.,3 312 ~::--.:.,..,;-~.-"'''"'':'''''" - - ~.____._ _n .__"_ _ ____ ... ....____.. _..__..,._. _n. ._un ,__ ...__... .... _ . . _ .. _ __._ ___. .~.----- ----.----. ----------.--... --"---'.~- .--- '_'_'-0 _._.____..__...___,_,.___,__.. . ..._____ ___.,. .'_ ___~..--__ roll.of $2,020.94; .And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period December 23, 1962, ending December 31, 1962, be approved in the amount of $2,583.50, from which $80.75 total F.I.C.A. taxes; $141.60 total W. H. taxes, B. C. $50.40, and $10.12 on garnishments, are.to be deducted, leaving a net I payroll of $2,300.63; 'I' . And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period January I, 1963, ending January 15, 1963, .be approved in the amount of $4,488.67, from which $162.06 F.I;C.A.taxes; $301.50 total W. H. Taxes; State Income $27.98; insurance $36.00 and B. C. $50.40, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,910.73. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: #8850, in the amount of $486.50 made payable to Robert Dawson, Post- master, for Treasurer's postage; I .. #8885 in the amount of $12.00 made payable to Steven Helm for. I .....c, . shoveling snow; I (1)~' #8897' in' the amount of $500.00 made payable to Robert Dawson,Post- 1'/).3/(.3 master, for Commissioner of the Revenue's postage; I ' I .#8904' in' the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service I for December towel service; I I i , #8905 in the amount of $8.25 made payable to Cave Spring Water Co. for water at Cave Spring Fire House; . #8906 in the amount of $16.34 made payable to Appalachian Power Co. for current used at Mt.Pleasant and -Ft. Lewis Fire Houses; #8907 in the amount of $66.50 made payable to C & P. Telephone Co. for service at Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Houses; . #8908 in the amount of $16.50 made payable to C & P Telephone Co. for service at Dog Warden's home; . #8909 in the amount of $465.66 made pa?::able to the Town of Salem I for lig t and water service at the Courthouse. - #8910 in the amount of $50.75 made payable to Roanoke Gas Co. for fuel at County jail, home demonstra- tion kitchen, and Cave Spring Fire House; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G.Hampton Moulse. Nays: None. I .IN RE: DEL~~~ TAXES COLLE BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $1,415.95, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of December, 1962, less; commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,345.15 net. ~ = c I~' iii ~ 313 ... .--.------------.-- I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: 'c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of December, 1962; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of December, 1962; EIMARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of December, 1962; ,LaIEU. M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of December, 1962; RUBINETrE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of December, 1962; SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of December, 1962; IN RE: JAn. INSPECTION: Letter dated December 10, 1962, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr., Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke, and to Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection of the Roanoke County j ail dated November 26, 1962, received and ordered filed. IN RE: AUDIT OF REC<lUlS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VA., AND JAMES E. PETERS, . TREASURER. . On motion, duly secOdded and carried, it is ordered that the report of ALEXANDER GRANT & COU'ANY, Auditors, of audit .md accounts of records of ROANOKE COUNTY, and James E. Peters, Treasurer, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1962, be, and the same is, hereby received and ordered filed. . Copy of letter dated December 19, 1962, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman State Compensation Board, subject to the concurrence of this Roard, approvw an allowance of one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) for premium on oHicial bonds, bur- glary, and other insurance for the calendar year 1963, was this day laid be- fore the Board, and ordered filed, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, 'it is ordered that this Board concurs in said request. Copy of letter dated January 4, 1963, addresse~l~c~~k Richard- son, Jr., COIIIDissioner of Revenue, in Re: Roanoke Caunty/LlcElIlse Forms, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, received and ordered filed. / On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 19, 1962, be, and the sam~ ls hereby, amended as follows, to become effective. lS- Miscellculeous Operating Functions lSa- Annexation - An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indi- cated. County Library - An additional appropriation of $3,437.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, for the function or purpose as herein- above indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Q..L 1; Co .~ ~J!CL~ a,~(p~ y ~.r. _ S~_ .. " ,~ J""'" ~ c...L:..cL1-. A'ffr~~: ~C. ,~@~~ ;.. c....j...:, "'" o....LL Nl~.)l-.t .~~ ~ c, S~ ~ ~ '-('" 1)-;'3)1,3 314 rc--=-=.' ~-""~ '~""'.~.-.-::-:-"'" '-,""- '-'=--.."":-:-:.-- -~""'--C-;:='_-_~. '-"':-,::..~..--',-- ":,-"":: - -...... ...._.._.,..._~~--,.- .__._-~-- ._.... ....-....._...___...-n ..._._ r:-=.====-=-=::--=-;--_-~_~",.=-c,o=c:;_,__==-.::'~._=., '.=---=-_=-C== --:- ,....-==..-:-,-:-_-':=:--'-~-;..;.- ~h i~~ 'It-.J.' .y , ;~l4t' V- .~~1- uc.. 'f ~' ,~-~..,,~ i 1.uX,.. 'f- ~ I ~l' , IT~ . fii~~~':d.,.. 0tA.<- . c.,........ c~T~ ~..RL't: I/~ ~ Jr. 3 . A resolution approving and agreeing to certain proposed amendments to the Memorandtlll1 of Agreement establishing the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Com- mission heretofore approved by resolution and appointing an additional repre- sentative from the County.:from ~~e citizenry at large as required by such amendment. I WHEREAS it has been recommended by the members of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission that the governing bodies of the participating political subdivisions approve and agree to an amendment of section 3 and section 4 of the Memorandum of Agreement heretofore approved by and agreed to by said governing bodies, as said proposed amendments are hereinafter set out in full. THEREFCIU:, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that said governing body does hereby agree that, upon similar approval and agreement by the governing bodies of all of the other participating political subdivisions represented by the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, section3 and section 4 of the Memorandum of Agreement providing for the estab- lishment of said Commission, heretofore approved by this governing body by its resolution adopted on the 19th day of December, 1955, be amended so as to provide as follows: SECTICfi 1. MEMBERSHIP. The Regi~al Commission shall consist of four representatives from each of the political subdivisions wishing to cooperate and participate in the establishment and operaytonof a Regional Commission, one from the governing body, one from the membership of the legally appointed Planning Commission, and two. from the citizenry at large. (This shall be interpreted to permit the appointment to this position of a member of the Board of Supervisors or Council, or an administrative officer of the County, City, or Town, if desired.) : In the event any member of the Commission shall cease to be a member of the local governing body or the local. Planning Commission which he represents, or, in the case of members from the citizenry at large, should cease to be a resident of the political subdivision from which he was appointed, he shall cease to be a member of the Regional Commission. The appropriate governing body shall', within thirty days, make an appointment to succeed him for his unexpired term. All members of the Regional Commission shall serve as such without com- pensation. I I I SECTICfi !. TERM OF OFFICE. Except as herein provided, each member shall serve for a term of three years or until his successor shall have been appointed;provided that the terms of the representatives from the local Planning Commissions shall expire on December 31, 1962; the terms of the representatives of the local governing bodies shall expire December 31,1964; the term of one of the members appointed from the citizenry at large shall expire December 31, 1963,. and the term of the other shall expire December 31, 1965; thereafter, each appointment shall I be made for a term of th.~ee years. BE LT FUKl~; RESOLVED that, agreeable to sections 3 and 4 of the aforesaid ~ ~ 1111 ~ I ~ .. u t:J Memorandum of Agreement, as amended, Edward B. Lassiter is hereby appointed from the citizenry at large of the County of Roanoke as the second of the County8. such re~reseutatives, for a term to commence upon,this appointment and ~o expire December 31, 1965; and Paul.B.Matthews', member of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, is hereby appointed for a'term of three years, . said term to expire December 31, 1965. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board do forthwith transmit an attested copy of this resolution to the clerks of the governing bodies of all other participating political subdivisions represented upon the aforesaid Commission and to the Executive Secretary of the Roanoke Valley Regional Plan- ning Commission. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. v The following communications were this day laid before the Board: Copy of letter dated January 11, 1963 from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk and copy of Resolution #15076 of the Council of the City of Roanoke, in re proposed amendments Memorandum of Agreement, establishing Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission. ,Copy of letter dated December 27, 1962 from C. P. Osborne, Executive Secretary, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission , addressed to EdwiR G. Terrell, Chairman, in re appointment of additional member at large, from each five political subdivisions. . Copy of letter dated January 17, 1963 from C. P. Osborne, Executive Secretary, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, addressed to Roy K., Brown, Clerk, in re amendment in Memorandum of Agreement of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission. . Copy of letter dated January 2, 1963 from H. G. Blundon, Acting Secondary Roads Engineer, in re policy of Industrial Access Funds, together with copy of resolution of the Department of Highways. \. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that there be proposed for adoption at the next regular meeting of this Board to be held at.the Court House in the County Court Room on' the third floor of the Roanoke County Court House Building, in Salem, Vir- ginia, on the 18th day of February, 1963, at 3:00 o'clock P.M., there be pro- posed for adoption an amendment to Section One (1) of an "Ordinance Prohibit- ing the Unauthorized Use of, or Interference with any Sewer Lines or Related 315 ~ ~ '),1b Structures, of any Water Main, Water Line or Related Structure, or any Drain or Drainage System, except upon conditions herein after set forth, and Pre- scribing Fines and other punishment for Violations thereof", adopted by this Board at an adjourned meeting of said Board on March 2, 1956, by changing Section One (1) of said ordinance to read as follows: "(l) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to injure, break, connect to or remove, or cause or procure any other person, firm or corporation to injure, break, cOnnect to or remove, any portion of any sewer line, manhole, 1ampho1e, flush tank, testing or metering station, or related structure or any water main, water line, water meter, or related structure or any drain, or drainage system or related structure without first having ob- tained.the expressed permission from the owner or owners thereof, or of the authority, board, commission, company or other agency having control thereof." . And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks, commencing January 24, 1963, in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption an amendment to said ordi- nance of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following record~d vote. Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Minor R. Keffer. Nay. : None. I I I I . The following ordinance amending Section 16 of an ordinance heretofore adopted by this board on the 19th day of March, 1962, notice of intention to propose the same for adoption having heretofore been published as required by law. An Ordinance amending Section 16, Subsection B. "Confinement of Dog Under Certain Conditions", of an Ordinance Providing for the Regulation of Dogs in the Coun';y of Roanoke, Virginia, and Prescribing fines and Other Punishment for Violation Thereof: BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit: Section 16, Subsection B. "Confinement of Dogs Under Certain Conditions." Every female dog suspected of being in season shall be confined to a building or structure properly enclosed so as to obscure said female dog from public view while said female dog is known to be in season. AND BE IT FURTHER ClUlAINED THAT the structure or building in which any dog or dogs are confined and the lot, compound or enclosure in which they are penned, shall be kept in such sanitary condition as not to cause offensive odors or to attract flies or other insects. I I BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this amendment to said Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after the 15th day of February, 1963. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and he hereby is, directed to prepare a summary of this Ordinance and cause said summary III I. fill i~. ~ ! - . .: I I . I , , ! ! IH ;,. I ~ .1.* It: I.. 317 :.. ,-;;~_-__::: .:;;::_. . ... - -_ --c. ...-.-,'""--"::.-. __ .. ._ _ .- --- -___.__._._____________.____.__.________c-___._____~___._-~-----,-,----- to be published once a week for the next two successive weeks in the Times- Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia, and having general circulation in said County. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the foregoing amendment is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On motion duly seconded and carried, the Roanoke County Board of Super- visors recommends that in view of a construction allocation being made for Route 628, from Route 117 to 0.6 miles North of Route 117, which is not a part of regular Roanoke County secondary funds, that the necessary funds for the purchase of' right of way and engineering, estimated to cost $15,000.00, be appropriated from regular secondary funds from Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nap: None. , ) ~ ) THE PUBLIC AND THE STATE .HIGIlIlAY ) COIMISSION OF VIRGINIA ) BOARD OF SUPERVISm5 vs ORDER .. . This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Shirley Road from Skyview Road (State Rt. 1123) SW 0.15 mile to D. E. to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road. has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as High View Acres /fl, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 239 of the records of the Clerk's Offic~ of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from. the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NClil THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Shirley Roala from Skyview Road (State Rt. 1123) SW 0.15 mile to D. E., and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County Adopted by the following recorded vote: : i c.{......:.. '. ~~ -r. ,"'L~ <<.,. . . .', ~....u-~ :~~~. ,j,.> J"~ i'fj~ : ot...e. 1;- tt"r ~.~~ :.~ . ,/ '1-3 )(,3 0-,.,'-.-.""-='::;"". -. ~ ",."", 'o-c,'--~~~' ,..,..,..,-..,-~ ....,..--::.".....=...,--""-,..,...,~.,,---..- '''''--': ....,-,.-.-~.,- ~ --'..-'." .--,...----,. -, ..,. -,._._-~-~--- - -----~.. '---'--'--'.'-'-.- . ,__...______ ...____.._. ._._._...__n___.._.._ ._. __._ _.__n_n. _._ .--....-.-----..---- .__.._u...__... ..,,-.-.- . .--" ......-.-.....,-...----.-.--.. ... .___0.... _u_..._. to this Board by Winston S. Sharply, Architect: And it is further ordered that Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman of this Board, and Roy K. Brown, Clerk of this Board, be, and they are, hereby autho- rized to sign the contract with Watts and Breakell, Inc. when presented by Winston S. Sharply, Architect; And it is further ordered that the bid, together with bond submitted by Watts and Breakell, Inc., be filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwi:> G. Terrell. I I Nays: None. ORDERED that the Board be adj ourned until the third Monday in February, 1963. a: ~s. .IL~A-L C a1.rman Court. House Salelll,' Virginia February 18, 1963 I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in II\Onthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R.' Keffer, Vice-Chairman and G. HlIIIpton Moulse and A. C. Hards. Before the lIeetmg was called to ordor the Rev. M. L. Minnick, Pastor of the College Lutheran Church, Sa18ll, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as read, each 111811ber of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished hill by the Clerk. The following cla1m8 against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable, to-wit: I. i i I I I' i I I .'" i . I No. 09266 D 00267 D 09266 09269 09270 ~ n n 09271 09272 09273 0927"- 09275 09276 n n n Ii . n 09277 n 09266 County School Board of R8~0~:n~8'vfft~Ugance of Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Wash Job car 6206 Police Void Auto Parts, Inc.. Parts for Fire Truck &: Police Cars $ 1,071.20 I 1.50 26.47 , Auto Spring and Bearing Co., 1"-20 W. Main St., Parts for Police Car 5906 General Auto Parts, Parts for Police Vehicles . Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for Police and Garbage Trucks H\lJlble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline MagiC City Motor Corporation, Parts for County Vehicles Miller Tire Service, Tires for Vehicles S_erdean Esso Station, Repairs., Oil, Wash. et!:. Count7 Police Cars and Fire Trucks. Salem Radiator Inc., Radiator Repairs to Police Cars 5901 Vinton Motor Co., Vinton, Va., Rtpairs, Parts and Wash Jobs. 9.7"- 16.6,,- ,,-.66 10.59 60.00 363.61 I 50.56 "-.00 186.14 i No, 09279 Yates & Wells Garage, Repair and Parts for Co. Vehicles " 09280 Void r.: = ~ .. ~ .~ " 09281 Gordon's & Bill's American Station, Repairs & Gasoline . Clearbrook Fire Truck " 09282 09283 09284 09285 09286 09287 09288 09289 09290 09291 09292 " " " " " " " " " " T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline, Oil & Fluid Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles Pure Oil Company, Gasoline and Oil C. S. Resque Squad Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts Truck Sales Inc., Parts for Vehicles Void Hugh'D. Whitlow Sales & Service, .Chemicals & 1 New Fire Truck Salem Motors, Straighten, paint and parts for Car Auto Spring & Bearing Co. Parts and oil for Co. Garage Battery Sales Co., Parts for Tractor . Beamiss, Equipment Corporation, Fuel for Tractor " 09293 Dickerson GMC Inc. Parts for 5305 Truck n 09294 09295 09296 09297 09298 09299 09300 09301 09302 09303 09304 n n " n n n " n " n " 09305 09306 09307 09308 09309 09310 09311 09312 " " " " " " n. " 09313 09314 09315 09316 " " " " 09317 09318 " " 09311 " 09320 09321 " Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for Garbag7 Truck Doyle's Inc., Labor on Garbage Truck. 6007 M & S Machine Shop, Parts for Garbage Truck Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Tractor Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs & Parts to Garbage Trucks Pal Supply Corporation, Parts for Car that was sold. Gas.& Oil, for distribution at Co. Garage & Hollins Fire Station Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for distribution St~~dard Parts Corporation, Parts for distribution Quality Equipment & Supply' Co. 1 used Garbage Truck National Market Reports, Inc." Books used in car valuations for tax purposes Salem Office Supply Co., Office'supplies Burroughs Corporation, Office Supplies Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for delinquent tax Double Envelope Co., Office supplies for delinquent tax American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record Paper Photostatic l;!achine Everette Waddey Co., Record Book for Clerk's Offic~ C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books for Clerk's Office' Xerox Corporation, Parts for Photostatic ~!achine, supplies and paper G. H. Parent Co., Office Supplies Association of Judges of County & Municipal Courts of Va. Annua 1 Dues Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Roanoke Co. Court Office City Treasurer, City of Roanoke, Room & Board for children detained at the City Detention Home James M. Bryant, Reimburse Travel for Probation Officer Charles L. Breeden, Jr. Reimburse Probation Officer's January Traveling Expense l~rvin C. Hendricks, Jr. Reimburse Chief Probation Officer's Jan uary Trave.l ing ExplElr.se Sircnie Finger Prir.t Laboratories, Finger Prin~ Supplies Chapman-Tar.ey Ins. Co. Premium on Surety Bonds for Co. Policeman $ 191.53 12;75 25;74 19.01 8.88 25.72 630.04 '.1,072.93 32.50 90.87 37.50 8.68 8.40 15.67 13.50 5.49 25.74 748.84 10.00 1,582.07 68.28 43.20 1,100.00 44,,60 111.24 25.75 30.00 66-.64 81.00 94-.0$ 206.54 52$.50 19.61 10.00 35.00 62.00 71..6l 45 .07 54,.53 2.34 20.00 323 - -. ..- _ d _ . __. 324 ~~:-:. ~~,'~-."",-".-' ~==:-~_-=~:::----.-.-.:::--""- .-,..,.7",-,-,,_,::-;:, '-----'-' --'---"-.~-_.._"-_,_--_"- - '~=~__""","___'''===_'''''-=-'__'~":-~.-'-",-,'''_---==-=-='_=--=__- -,"._-_._=,-"=,,,,:.~-,-',='O;;.-:~;~'-_:~-: .,., .;7-'~';-'- -~-- -.,'=..~---" .==...'::. .:=".-:-::~ '-".:::."""- Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr. Blood Test for Alcolhol Roano~e Co. Revqlving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty (Frances Fltzgera1d) Cash Fund . Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jail Physician Salary, Jan. Blood Test alcohol, Coroner - Lunacy Acme Printers, Inc. Office Supplies Deluxe Laundry Co; Laundry - Jail Foutz Sausage Co. Food - Jail Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, Food - Jail, W. R. Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Jail Mick or Mack Stores Co. Food for Jail Monarch Finer Foods, Food, Janitor Supplies Peacock-3alem Laundry, Laundry'- Jail $ 22.50 10.00 76.15 No. No; 09322 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Jan. No. 09334 W. T. Rierson, Food - Prisoners No; 09335 S. & W. Pha!To~cy, Medical Supplies for jail No; 09336 Virginia Foods, Food for Prisoners No; 09337 H. M. Woods Plumbing Co., Repair Plumbing at Jail No; 09338 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service For 2 fire houses No; 09339 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Jan Rent onClearbrook fire house No; 09340 W. W. Garman, January Rent Mount Pleasant.Fire House I 190.00 4.00 7.68 31.95 98.84 96.00 3.38 190.46 31.79 41.40 15.21 7.87 11$.45 56.90 I No. 09323 09324 09325 60.00 60.00 No; 09341 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt; Jan. Rent on Cave Spring Fire House 60.00 No; 09342 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Equipment 4.00 No; 09343 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor Supplies, Hardware, etc. 13.24 No; 09344 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel - Hollins Fire Station 8.85 No. 09345 Meador Insurance Agency, Premium on Workman's Compsentation Ins. Volunteer Fireman 510.00 No, 09346 Pyrofax Gas Co. Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire House 66.50 No. 09347 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station &c 1,000.36 No. 09348 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office Supplies, Furniture 2$4.00 No. No; 09326 09327 09328 09329 09330 09331 09332 09333 No; No; No; No. No. No; No; I No. 09349 Fairview Home, County's share of expense in maintaining home for the aged at Dublin, Va. No.. 09350 Dr. A. J. Russo, Lunacy Case No.. 09351 Dr. Frank D. McKenney, Jr. Lunacy Hearings No. 09352 W..B. Gochenour, Lunacy Case He. 09353 09354 No. No. 09355 09356 09357 09358 09359 09360 09361 09362 09363 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.. No. 09364 09365 09366 No. No. 30.05 10.00 40.00 10.00 1.40 1- Monroe Corporation, Ribbon for ~~chine Va. Building Officials Conference, Renewal of regular member- ship dues for 1963 Y~lcolm Blueprint & Supply Co. ~2pS Times World Corporation, Publication - Zoning loleeting Parker-Nimmo Co. Parts for Garbage Truck & St. signs. Appalachian Power Co. Street Lighting American Chemical Co., Janitor Supplies Roy M. Caldwell, Painting First Floor Hall J. L. Dillon, Painting First Fl~or Hall in Court HOUS'3 C. S. Caldwell, Painting first floor hall in Court House Booker T. Helm, Installing Linoleum, shelving & adjusting brackets, "~king shelf for Clerk's Office C. R. Hale, Repairing Door Stop 'McClung Lumber Co. Lumber for ~epairs Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Repairs to Courthouse 5.00 3.75 6.00 29.$0 680.76 35.46 9$.1$ 38.7$ 99.00 I 52.50 7.50 9.64 59.34 ~ = M 11II " I'.'. . ~q U No. 09361 09368 09369 09370 09371 09372 09373 09374 09315 09316 " " " " " " " " " " 09377 09378 09379 " " " 09380 09381 09382 " " " 09383 09384 09385 09386 " " " 09387 " 09388 09389 09390 09391 09441". 09443 09444 09445 09447 09448 09449 " " " " " " " " " " " 09450 09451 09452 09453 09454 09455 09456 09451 09458 09459 09460 " " " " " " " " " " Salem Farm Supply Co., Maintenance of Grounds Roanok~ Linen Service, Towel Service for Ct.House VOID Salem Paint Co., paint for Home Dem. Kitchen Superior Upholstering Co., uphol. office chairs Barnett Coal Co., fuel for County Office building Nelson Hardware Co. Janitor Supplies Gentry Studio, photos of So. Salem School & fire truck Salem Camera Shop, Photo finishing-annual report Salem Publishing Co., publishing sewer lines or related structures, etc. 325 ..-.. ---.---.--. -*-'---,- . . . $ 2.50 6,80 46.79 60.00 60.00 23.40 9.00 10.50 14.80 Powell's Pharmacy, Medical supplies 2.40 Wilson Trucking Co., frt. col. on Auto License Plates ~52.66 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., 19,650 Roanoke County License Plates for 1963 2,063.25 R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimbur. Trav. Exp. 47.21 N & W Railway Co., Rent on space at Pass. Station 7.00 American Floor Covering Co., covering for cabinets in Home Demonstration Kitchen 48.06 Blue Ridge Building Supply Co., material for new station 6.00 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., material for new fire house 2.87 Oren Roanoke Corporation, 1 new fire truck Robert Dawson, P.M., postage to be disttibuted to vatious offices 11,137.65 75.00 Minor R. Keffer,Services on Fairview Home Board and ttav. expo July 1 to Dec. 31,1962- 104.00 Burrell Memorial Hospital, hospital bills for welfare 551.07 Jefferson Hospital, hospital bills for welfare 214.56 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, hospital bills for welfare 1,214.98 Lewis Gale Hospital, hospital bills for welfare 963.66 Dickerson GMC, Inc. disc. not allowed on Inv.Nov.29/62 1.88 " " :1 II J. H. Pollard, Jury Comr. Selecting jurors for 1963-64 50.00 Charles L. Engers, Jury Comr. William H. Witt, Jury Comr. Roanoke Auto Spring Works, parts for garbage trucks " " " " " 11 Shackleford-Cox Truck & Mchy., parts for garbage trucks Salem Auto Parts, Inc., p~ts for police, Fire and Gar- bage Trucks Fruehauf Distributing Co., parts for 5304 Garbage Trk. Malcolm Blueprint Suppl~Co., Maps for re-assessment Burroughs Corporation, ribbons for office machines Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 50.00 50.00 39.14 16.67 180.73 2,17 4.80 3,20 84.88 Xerox Corporation, parts for photostatic machine 63.00 Hecht's Bakery, food for jail 59.15 Burrell Memorial Hospital, hospital bills for welfare 346.97 William H. Witt, travelling expense-member Planning Bd. 90.00 G. Carl Matthews' , Traveling expense-member Planning Bd. 90.00 T. D. Steele, Traveling Expense- member Planning Board 90.00 Edward B. Lassiter, Traveling Expense,member Plan. Bd. 90.00 """"'.'~rl ,.___. 326 -- ---..--~.,-- .-...,-..' ""-",-,~-.._~...,.......,~"~..,~,,...., .-....,...,...~ t::"=,.._-c=:".~=.,.=,,-""=,=_,:_= .___._____..____ _ .__..,__u.._. ~_______...._.~_ .___._. ..._._.u_.. .~_. ........ .....-...-. ". ..- - " .... . .- . . .. -....- . ........-.. .~_.... .._-~.._-_....._--.._-- ____. ...__. .. ...._ _-.u..._...__.__.....___._ ..----.....---.----.. . . ..... ... . No. 09[.61 Acme Printers, Inc. Office supplies $ 32.50 " 09462 Kenn~th Whitlock, Extra help in Engineer's Office 309.04 " 09463 James Finney, Extra Janitor Services Feb 1-15 16.87 " 09464 Anita Long, Steno. work, Roanoke Co.Civil War Cent. 35.00 " 09465 parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs 148.14 I " 09466 Emory P. Hollins, Driving & pain~ing l7St.Sign Poles 42.50 " 09469 IBM International Business ~achines, carbon paper & rib- bons for Public Wks 36.25 " 09470 Standard Business Forms, Vehicle License Forms 193.54 I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS ETC. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by Voucher-checks out of the funds respectively No. chargeable therewith, to-wit: " " " " " " " " " " " " " 09392 09393 09394 09395 09396 09397 09398 09399 09400 09401 09402 09446 09467 09468 Auto Parts Inc., parts for dog truck Bob's Market, dog food Brown Hardware Co., Hardware etc. 28.91 16.58 .75 24.00 10.50 2,80 1.01 I 15.00 46.50 20.35 County School Board of R.C., repairs to dog truck Doyle's Auto Radiator Service, repairs to dog truck Ft Lewis Hardware & Lumber Co., ammunition Harvest Motors, parts for dog truck Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance dog truck Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food Salem Publishing Co., publication-dog ordinance VOID M. S. Thomas, Livestock claim Ralph Long, Warden, reimb. trav. expo to Maryland Salem Auto Parts, parts for dog truck 25.00 71.44 5,78 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the following report: "Salem,Virginia .February 18, 1963 I To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business February 16, 1963, there was to the credit of the I $1,182,130.72 14,998.01 71. 93 5,483.50 11,156.95 3 , 141. 20 225.28 $ 1,217,207.59 General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Debt Retirement Fund F.I.C.A. School Textbook Fund Deferred Credit Account ~ c c H U tJ ~ Janitor Service for period JanuarY 16, 1963, ending January 31, 1963, be approved 1~' . ~ in the amount of $4,148.34, from which $149.74 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; '$25'8.90 C;.~(f5 total W. H. Taxes; $23.65 total State Income Taxes, and $50.40 total insurance, , rf"v({,3 Respectfully Submitted James E. Peters, Treasurer" Said report is received and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the mouth of February, 1963, be approved in the amount of $13,499.79, from which the sum of $418.46 total F,I. C. A. Taxes; $1,377.75 W, H. Taxes, and $148.50 State Income Taxes, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $11,555.08, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. { On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for R~fuse and are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,665.65; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period February 1, 1963, ending February 15, 1963, be approved in the amount of $3,628.87, from which $131.57 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $193.00 total W. H. Taxes; $17.81 State Income Taxes, $50.40 insurance, and $51.00 Accident Ins. Acct. are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,185.09. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Hqrris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: , #9255 in the amount of $591.67 made payable to C & P. Telephone Company for service in County Offices; #9256 in the amount of $60.78 payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at County jail, home demonstration kitchen and Cave Spring Fire House. #9257 in the amount of $486.91 made payable to Town of Salem for light, water, and sewage treatment service for Courthouse. #9258 in the amount of $45.82 made payable to Appalachian Power .' Company for current used at Hollins Fire Station. #9259 in the amount of $25.55 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's Hous~. #9260 in the amount of $42.72 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at dog pound. 327 i7~t.&,L ~~~ m~ ;;1crr/b3 , .~~ ,.v -I,'~ C..~ U (' ( <r CD' 4 r:: I I . , ,.../"'/~<.-L-l 7 I ..' i ..~ I ") ~ '~3 328 - ____________~.._._._ _.___..,____.._____._____ ._u ______ _.. ___,"__"", .. ___ - _n_ ......._.. _._ ,..___ .._ .. _. __ __._.________ ___ ___._.__u..__~_ __ ___.. _ ____ __,___ "0 _______._.,. __ ,.._________.. ,____... .u.,___ ______.____'_____ ".....______ '________.__._._. . .. ... -~ -- ----.- --..-- ,. .-..' --.".-'.-- ,.--" -,......_- ----- _.~.__._.__._...._---_.. - -- .------'.....- ,__._.___.__._.._ _ _.._.._ ..n_n_" _____ .__,_.. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G.Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of .TAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $1,632.51, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of January, 1963, less commissions, and turned over to .to. said Treasurer, said check amounting/$1,550.88 net. I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. '.' C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expense for the month of January, 1963; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner: days served in the Roanoke -County jail for the month of January, 1963; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of January, 1963; . LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month o~ January,1963l RUBINETTE MILLER, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of January, 1963; . SHERRILL V. MASSIE, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of January, .1963; I b...if.C.. MLy :J,-i ..0 ! b:> \" IN RE: PLAN OF WORK - FISCAL YEAR 1963-64 Roanoke County - County Agent and Assistant, and Home Demonstration Agent, and Assistant. Plan of Work - fiscal year'1963-l964 Roanoke County - County Agent and Assistant and Home Demonstration Agent and Assistant, was this day submitted to the Board and ordered filed. The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated January 23, 1963, addressed to,the Clerk of the Court from H. H. Harris, Commissioner, Department of Highways, enclosing two copies of the 55th Annual Report of the Virginia Highway Commission for the fiscal year ende4 June 30, 1962; Letter dated January 24, 1963, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, enclosing copy of Resolution No. 15089, adopted January 21, 1963 by Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, amending contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with' treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by adding thereto l32-acre tract of land in the vicinity of Virginia Route 119 and U. S. Route 221 near Cave Spring; a 1300 acre tract of land in the vicinity of Virginia Route 685 and U. S. Route 11 at the southeast corporate limits of the Town of Salem; and 241- acre tract of land adjacent to the Dwight Hills Subdivision in the vicinity Virginia Route 117. Letter dated January 24, 1963, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, enclosing copy of Resolution No. 15090, Council City of Roanoke, Virginia, adopted January 21, 1963, amending contract of Se?tember 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by adding thereto a 180.11 acre tract of land west of Hollins College and south of Interstate Route 81; and a 123.57 acre tract of land east of U. S. Route 221 between Virginia Route 119 and Virginia Route 613. I I ,. hi ~ f!' .. ~ ~ ...- --~--'------'_._..__. .....- . . --.....,...-------- .. Letter dated January 30, 1963, from William J. Paxton, Town Clerk, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Romloke County Board of Supervisors, enclosing copy of resolution adopted by the Council of the Town of Salem on January 28, 1963, agreeing to and approving the amendments to Sections 3 and 4 of the Memorandum Agreement providing fo~ the establishment of the Roanoke Valley Regional Commission. J IN RE: FOREST FIRE CONTROL IN ROANOKE COUNTY: Communication dated February 5, 1963, addressed to Clerk of the Court Roanoke County, from Geo. W. Dean, State Forester, Virginia Division of Forestry, submitting an itemized account verified by affidavit, representing the sum charged to Roanoke County under terms of Section 10-46 for forest fire control service from Sept. l2-Dec.12, 1962, amounting to a total of $632.35, was this day presented to the Board, and ordered filed. Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Mino~ R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that a voucher- check for six hundred, thirty-two dollars and thirty-five cents ($632.35) be issued to the State Forester of Virginia, in payment of said account. Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. j Letter dated January 31, 1963, fro~ J. W. Griggs, Chairman Roanoke County Fire Chief's Board, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Super- visors, in re: Purchase of new Fire Truck to be housed at Vinton and manned by the members of the Vinton Volunteer Fire Department, stating that his Board does not recommend that a new Fire Truck be furnished said Fire Department at this time, received and ordered filed. BE IT RESOLVED by the Boa~d of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia; That it is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vir- ginia, the governing body of Roanoke County, Virginia, ~o specify additional projects to be undertaken by.the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for the purpose of operating and maintaining a sewer system, or systems, pipe lines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto, for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Sanitation'Authority by the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Section 15-7641) to Section l5~764.32, inclusive, of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended), the additional projects consisting of furnishing said services in the following additional areas: AREA 1 - CRESTWOOD PARK, D. L. FERGUSON LAND, ETC. (132 Acres, more or less): BEGINNING at the point of inte~section of the center lines of State Secondary Route 119 Q1cVitty Road) and U. S. Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue~ near Cave Spring; thence with the cente~ line of Brambleton Avenue 4n a northerly and easterly direction 3,000 feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the center lines of Brambleton Avenue and State Secondary Route 682 (Garst Mill Road); thence in a northerly direction with the aforesaid center line of Garst Mill Road 1,150 feet, more or less, to a point opposite the 329 . eLL 'lice C. ~ ~ 1/163 330 _~-::-~:=c-:-,----c,,..-,,-_-_,-'-.,",,-_ -,._._= ....,---".c,--,--"....,.,c;=,.--, southeast corner of B W S Farms, Inc. lands as recorded in Deed Book 679, Page 479, of the records of the' Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid west right-of-way line of Garst Mill Road and following the south bounday of the B W S Farms, Inc. land as follows: S. 8l~ 07' W. 385 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with a line S. 19-30' W., 270.2 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 80-30' W., 9.2 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 78~15' W., 165 feet to a point and being a j oint corner of the B W S Farms, Inc. land and the lands owned G. G. Fralin, C. F. Kefauver, Sr., C. Cecil Flora, and Carl B. Flora and partially subdivided as Cresthill, Sections 3 and 4; thence with the Fralin, Kefauver, etc., lands as follows: S 42~56' W., 1,070 feet, more or less, to a point on the southeast corner of the Fralin, Kefauver, etc. landsi thence continuing with the Fralin, Kefauver, etc. lands, N. 81D55 W., 512.2 feet to a point; thence with a line in a northwesterly direction through the Sallie W. Reid and Mary Youmans land of record: in Deed Book 293, Page 451, 780 feet, more or less, to a point in the center of Mud Lick Creek; thence with a line N. 68DOO' W., 1,421 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 119 (McVitty Road); thence with the.aforesaid east right-of-way line of Route 119, 3,700 feet, more or less, in a southerly and easterly direction to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundavY description of an area including Crestwood Park Subdivision and the lands of De Lois Ferguson, L. L. Rush, Sallie W. Reid, Mary Youmans, S. G. Lazarus and others and totaling 132 acres, more or less. I I AREA 2- WESTCHESTER, AIRVIEW COURT, WYNMERE COURT ETC. (1,300 Acres, . more or less): BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the center line of State Secondary Route 685 (Keagy Road) and the south right-of-way line of U. S. Route 11 (Lee Highway) at the southeast corporate limits of the Town of Salem; thence with' the center line of the aforesaid Route 685 in a southerly and westerly direction, 6,000 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the center lines of the aforesaid Route' 685 and Route 119 (mCvitty Road); thence continuing with the aforesaid Route 685 to a point 500 feet westerly from the aforesaid intersection of the center lines of Route 685 and Route 119; thence leaving the center line of Route 685 and with a line parallel to and 500 feet westerly from the aforesaid Route 119, 6,600 feet, more or less, to a point on the northwest boundary of the Oak Grove Elementary School property of the County School Board of Roanoke County of record in Deed Book 559, Page 119, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence witil the School property boundary N. 37030' E., 22 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with a line No. 87~37' E., 130.4 feet to a point; thence with a line No. 4~38' E., 84.1 feet to a point; thence with a line N. 87D 23' E., 264 feet to a point on the west right-of-way line of the aforesaid route 119; thence wi"h the aforesaid west right-of-way of the aforesaid Route 119, the following courses and distances: S. 52052' E., 91.74 feet; S. 48059' E., 282.2 feet; and S. 69007' E., 255.75 feet to the southeast corner of the aforesaid Oak Grove School property; thence crossing Route 686 (Grandin Road Ext.) (50 feet wide) and continuing with the aforesaid W~l~ right-of-way line of Route 119 in a southerly and easterly direction 2,040 feet, more or less, to a point on said right-of-way line opposite the point of intersection of the west right- of-way line of Route 119 and the extended center line of Route1306 (Etheridge Road); thence leaving the aforesaid point of intersection of the west right-of-way line of Route 119 and the extended center line of. Btheridge Road and with the center line of Etheridge Road in City View Heights Addition, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 82, N. 85004' E., 1502 feet, more or less, to a point on the east boundary of said City View Heights Addition and being a point on the west boundary of the B W S Farms, Inc. land as recorded in Deed Book 679, Page 479; thence with the B W S Farms, Inc. boundary as follows: N. 4 () 45' W. & 29Cl.35 feet; N. 78038' E., 1,151 feet' N. 39DOO' W., 197 feet; N. 8501' E., 404.7 feet, more or less; N. 8449' E., 500 feet, more or less; and N. 16D58 , W., 700 feet, more or less, to a point on the south right- of-way line of Route 686 (Grandin Road Ext.); thence with the south right-of-way line, N. 77D46 , E., 90 feet; N. 86Dll' E., 76.1 feet, and N. 84023' E., 74 feet, more or less, to a point on the south right-of-way line of Route 686 opposite the point of intersection of the center lines of Route 686 and Route 683 (Mud Lick Road); thence with a line No. OOD, 25 feet to the aforesaid point of intersection of the center lines of Route 683 and Route 686; thence with the center line of Route 683 in a northerly and easterly direction 6,960 feet, more or less, to a point on the boundary of the Resolution Area No. 5 for sewage treat- ment as recorded in Board of Supervisors Order Book No. 13, page 225, and the resolution of the City Council for .the City of Roanoke dated May 2, 1955; thence with the south boundary of the said resolution area 2,640 feet in a westerly direction, 350 feet south of and parallel to the center line of tne aforewentioned Route '11 (Lee Highway) to a point; thence with a line N. 00 , 700 feet, more or less, crossing the center line of the aforesaid Route 11 at 350 feet, to a point; thence wihh a line 350 feet north of and parallel to the aforesaid center line of Lee Highway 220 feet, more or less, to a point on the center line of State Secondary Route 709 (Murray Road); thence with the center line of Route 709 in a northerly and easterly direction 185 feet, more or less, to a point on the north right-of-way of the Norfolk and Western Railway Com- pany's right-of-way (formerly the Virginian Railway Company); thence leaving the center line of Route 709 and with the aforesaid north I I I 331 = right-of-way line of the Norfolk and Western Railway right-of-way in a northerly and westerly direction 900 feet, more or less, to the southwest corner of the 11.37 acre tract of the Roanoke Valley Development Corporation, as recorded in Deed Book 698, Page 368; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Norfolk and Western Railway north right-of-way line N. 10029' W., 1,140.77 feet to the northwest corner of the aforesaid 11.38 acre tract and being in the approximate center of Roanoke River; thence leaving the aforesaid 11.38 acre tract and with the center line of Roanoke River 1,100 feet, more or less, to a point on the east corporation line of the Townof Salem, thence with the Town of Salem corporation line in a northerly, westerly, and southerly direction to the north right-of-way line of the aforementioned Route 11; thence continuing with the corporation line and. the north right-of-way line of Route 11 in a westerly direction 1,055.89 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid north right-of-way line &id continuing with the corporation line S. 67P58' W., 146.30 feet to the point of BBGINNING and being a boundary description of an area of. 1,300 acres, more or less, including Westchester, Airview Court, Hidden Valley Estates, Wyndale, Wynmere Court, Medmont Lake, and Crestmoor subdivisions and other, ~ c AREA 3 - BROOKLAWN, LEMONTON SUBDIVISIONS, LANDS OF CHESTER ROSS LEMON, ETC.; BEGINNING at a point and said point being the southwest corner of Dwight Hills Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 5, of the records of the Cle