HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-1965 IJ IJ J' III) IJI: 81J I) I: 11\1181) 118 III: I:IJ III) IJlJllle .. l,t'~"H\l.""t(\! ~ ... . .... ... ;.... ~..,'.,"'.~~...,..;,:.....,.!...,'" ,;,,,-,,::~,,,,,,-,,:,,,'~':'--':' . CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT I !VDLU E= l' i _ _ I . ~. . ~~.. v '_', I . o' 0 GES= ~=. \ ..., --' -,- , ! FIL EDI I l l ; , , ! " . I ,.", , . ~ -" ~. ".""-' ._-,_..~-.~,'-':~:~:"~ . . ..-"....-~.....'..,,,,~..~ , . ",'. ,.:,,""" ",-,~-~:",.,,~~ CERTIFICATE OF AUTflEllTICITY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERf1ANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET ~IERE MADE AVAILABLE FOR rllCROFIU1ING BY THE LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH OF THE ARCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AS AUTHOHIZED BY SECTIONS 15.1-8, LI2.1-82, AND 42.1-83 OF THE koPf. OF VIRGINL&. THE PURPOSE OF THE. foIlCROFlU.lING IS TO PROVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS. I I tj,dd II <f~ (i,b,(~~1 D'TE . - APRIL 2, 1984 - , I j I . I i I t ; 1 j , ~-.'f 1 . ~ I . I: i..'C' >. _. '--1 -- 1- ! Amendment to Contract with Roanoke City i~ re:;Sewage and Waste Disposal i Laurel Hills, 8,9,Interim report: 2Q, fate ,nproved : 57, Letter t.o TOIm of v~lem: 61 fart Jef1erson Hills: 117 i ~ ! Ii I I I I I I I Amendment to General Appropriation Ordina~ce: l,37~53, 72,162, 184.~D~ ...a"2338, 369,400, i I ' , , - 1 . . .... ... ........ All... Edword jab;''ff~. '!ff~ l.lif:"'" 6.j. ."1".,, .'09,130.,,,,* '75. 'fP' .., · f', 3lS. 'J8, I.,. I II ~ I ~ ~. Appalachian Power Co., Voucher-checks rettoact :ve to ~te6' 6..26, 27 '~l 65188. 108 ,139~ 1 2-153~ 177,/-I?"~~?-"ic'i:<ql, ,16,33 ,32'''-80; 381,',41 ,424, 425,..53 I I 'I 11 IT _Access road to Associated Transport ,Inc. :! 11, ,! .~ Abandonment of Road: fart of Route 221 - 7, Lelter confirming 52 II I _ .Accei' road to A~rial Services Corp. : 55~ ! I Accounts: 1 - 4,21-25.41-46, 59-64, 82-S~'103-lo7 ,125-129; 147-150. 169, 170, 171,17.2, I '-/'9 /7..~ 1'1'1-, /1.5; ).~c," ~ I, :>-57. -;-;;-1, ....r:--q, ~~/, ~~'>', ':1-313.. "-P'f. :>-f";;J""~308. 309, )l01 311, 312,_ 313,332, 333, 334, 335, 354, 355, 35lP, 357, 358, 359, 372, 373, 374, 375, 37 , 377 403, 405,406, 407, 408,418, 419, 42p, 42~, 422,442, 44:;,-444, 445, 446, .-- .....m.." ..'" ~udit Reports: Juve~ile & Domestic Relattons, [,'28' Sheriff's Office,30, Treasurer's Offi e: 53 ".coustical Cei 1.ings fcr Clerk's Office,Bi!ls to !be Soup-ht : 40,Bid accepted: 58, - . f -' . ... ~~thority to Accept Bid from Plantation Nprse I for Planting at Verare Center : 40 I ngell. Mr. Frank R"New I:>'upervisor from C~ve S ring,Dresent:4l, , erial Services CQrp.a~auest for Access Rdad: 5' urd.: 53, ?2, 75, 400, Ord. : 53 72 403, , , I Superv . sors:1 I i I , .. Almond, D.Henry, Letter offering any assistance!:56, promise to attend meetings of . I' .. . " Administration of Justice,Admendment to Apnrop~iation ; i! ssessment of Taxable Prop. Amendment to XtDr~n~iation hmerican Cyanarllid Co. ,rermit to store ,:,xPJ.os~v~s: 09 j 1 ; ii ! ~ .n,lpropriar.i.on vrdinancelle Jl:I..e ,3,1:;bJ,. :' 73 .ato.&dt03h j f. l' .: ';~. .~ eel 72 403 !iClVanCe,lleut 0 .,gr~cu ture '-- home "'~ollor:'1cs,"Pfropr~at~on .:', , npprecia~ion of ooard's ~ervices .:.xpress~d by ~uage: 76~xpressed by C.B. Webber,S coiston . I H __ I Angell, Frank R. ,Appointed to Sewer COlllTli~tee: ~to UnexDired term en VaHey PlanningCom' s~on I Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, Reaues~ to q/=neral Assembly for: PO, 184, ;z.~~ . I' i I ~ ACcess .u.oad for blue "id;ce rarh.way to be pougil:t: 93, Ii nl \...orf~: ~-_ to ~e vou~ht: 99 Ii A &. U Trailer' "~les, <-oning lor: 70 +-, ..~~C;~_S!?_ r:?_~~ i'o.~ J.~O~~,?..e Va~~~:y ._uev~lopH.c~~~ , .;,;y st,e~s , I I "utilority to \.-ontrol rrivate.."t.er " I huto Graveyaras to oe cie,- 'cued: ,9 :1 " I~I anima.l~J-.:tc. rU:lningCit l::.rge on riiUH'i&YS;: s:>,iJ l' 11 II nir ,,-WlS t.o be in~luued in definition 01 11ire ~rms:99, I hudit of ..o"no,;,e vount)' o,-nil;"tio,l "ut..,ority,l~l, 318, Ayers, Guy M.. Deputy Dog Warden Resolution: ~45; Order Rescinding Appointment: ijAPpropriation for Battle of Hanging Rock Gomme~ration: 142 /jAppropriation: 'quest re Children's Home spciett: 132 !]Abbott Bus Lines, Inc. re Application as dpmmonilcarrier: 133 ~Allstate Insurance Company RE'quest of comj-ty's l~nBurance: 133, 187,301, ~ Aldridge, J. c. reprE'senting Allstate Ins.. Co. lire request of County's Insurance: . . I' i : Access Road,State Rt. 117 & Interst. Rt. ;581. ..ame change: 156 ; 10.. Inc.,Res01ution: 161-2 165-6 ; 133, , i 1 I I , 1$7, I , I I A~8n!ionmentof Road. Richar.d R.. Hamlett 56, 9, II !I :1 'I 1 il " II il II :t :i il :1 ;1 ! ii It ;/ Ii .-..".. - , ! I Adoption of Anti-Rabies Ordinance Requiting Immunization: 162-3-4. I ~ Access Connection. re letter to N. C. LOg+. c4rk: 165 ,[, i . ~Abandonment of Wentworth Road. Petition: ~67; SFe Opposing: 167. I I uAccident Insurance Taxes 5, 26, 27, 50, 51~ 65, [,87, 109, 130, 152, 175,2-8.::;, 337. 361, 3~, ,37:',410. Ii' , 424, I f I I' tt\\uditor Sewage Treatment Fund City of Roan1ke r~port of 177, I h 1 ' 8 ' ~ ,greement with Town of Salem, larger civic !center 1 3, i i~, )jAUdit, Rothgeb, Miller and Brogan, Certif~ed Pu~lic Accountants, employed -- 1$3, i [) ~Anderton, T. V. spoke in behalf of C01iseuf 1$8~ [ ~~" .~'<p<..~> /~'7~ 1ft. H"..3c'i4Ql, 435, : ~ ~.a;..-~_e;;/'d~-_/-~~ ~"", i v' ~A t?C' >4 'JJt' ..J r<;A~.4l:~. (1 A 7(~ ~cp-- ~- I ~:-"...~ n---c. .h~J I ~1rl'- v .#t~y-r-: ~rrt~ ~r....;e<v#L. (,'d. ~"'~ I ~+~1 ~.~./I.i(f--.fi~~ ,,/-.f.//a.~/~ ~<;j 3$1:1 ~C~1~~C7.~.'Irl~~~"._~:J./", ! ,,/'" /i ?' ~4.....~."",,~ \....~~.~.~7LC., 'd-..R}1J-~'~~""'~ I ~~~n~,.tk....-<~~1-~~:l./", : r;~-<:1r;f~~tf~rf"'1~'/'"i s.-(~')./I, I I: ~~~~.~"'h7~ ......(r~ r:fl~....xo._.L.J :z./~ /},I : ~.~-t( ~~T'-<~~C~Y/~. ~~1~ ' /I , ' I I ! .----...~;.? ~.;"~-,. v -,,./ .,./~ I I ~:~<t,~r,-- <4~t7i:2'~~;.1A"f;~Z~~t1~" l~ , # . . il . ' i ~~;; ~~< - ~-v 7/~1 " I ~r_~ '1~A~ ~~- b:r~-4~-4...,,~<.'?to.?--"2/?, I ~~.J("fff4~~-fJ/-+-, /}/~~~~.... -{".,. -:1./7 I ~~r-ifA.~~_71~ 5~ v" .~ ~/~ I' ~~~ Cvt....P?1 t~,..,..".~ '}./I, I ~~. --. -1 ~ C......t.-..-;., t rrNcA-" ~.~ c...r. "" -- ":.. <... ~ ~ ". I t~J.'1..v""~-':"h,).;t- ,e)~r;~e.:-!.../' YL :0-30, 1 1'" . - -- r, ! Y'" I , ~, ~7'-.0 ~ -tt. ~ ~5(", : ~ I ~ ;". "'.A --L4.'p..,."A , >.5<. I I... '1~~;-~~ :. ~ ~1(--L ~ ~-jle.~.c".;, C~ '~3, ~~~~~A;;.rL1;tf;-#:;~~~"i t~~"-'.31 ~1:~J3~~::,~~~:::: "3,. . ',! /"'./ . H. ~- ~.- !!... <"/'.!.oj ~. - - ,i c-."".... -.-<:, ~ ~ ~ -~ -'. , ~ ~ 7. l'<~ J;:7. ..-. Y . I. V'. ~ -:(~ ;1-.., - . ." 7- '17-, , '. ~4'~. .J, ~ /) f-'p. . , rc- ~ v'/ ~ ilAngell, Frank R. Members of Policy Committee appoint.ed -- 301, " ' iiAngell, Frank R. appointed to Dust committee --301. I' : Irppropriation toward Roanoke Valley Board of Shenandoah Valley, Inc., -- 303. ~hh' ,;.~..,' 1 ~ 4~ zt A c-..v-,~ 3D~ ~~~ ~.. "':',.~.. ~ a.."-"'~3oJ. i: Appalachian Power Company. Notice of app1~cation for License Niagara Projects filed -- 3~6, i'Annexation, Edgehill request taken unde.r advisement for assistance in defraying expense of ap, eal.J. ~ ' I 'I for AnneJlltion -- 324, , , l~mendment of contract between City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke, treatment of domest~c an !i cor.unercia1 .:astes -- 343,429,451, , tAdoption of Major Arterial Highway Plan for Roa~oke County -- 349, i; ~Arterial Highway Plan for Roanoke Coun1;y Adoption of -- 349, !IAudit of Records of Delinquent Tax Collect!)r of County of ~~oanoke -- 351, ~Accounts approved, ,voucher checks issued 370, I: 'I'" -- .. -,- I Audit of Records of Roanoke County, Vir~inia:, Air Pollution Control Ordinance -- 371, f393 , i." Allocation for construction of an Indus rial! Access ! Approving allocation for construction ot IndUstrial I , Approving request of Treasurer for all01ance~: 384, Angell, Frank R. re-appointed member of ~oano'ke Valley Regional Planning Coounission 393 'III I ' t I Abbutting Landowners for Abandonment andJ1 closing of certain streets, Roy Drive, Sectioln No.lll . Southern Hills -- 3 7, 40:;40, . Abandonment and closing of certain stree s, a~utting landowners Petition,Roy Drive, Se tion~No. Southern Hills -- 3 7, 40:39,' II Authorization to accept certain sum as s,ttlement of bond upon former delinquent tax c llec~or 400, t i Annexation John W. Hagen appeared and su ested move to avoid by ~ity of Roanoke -- 40 , ] Annexation attorneys instructed to proce d wi~h legal steps to protect interests of Ro noke , County -- 402, d" ! :'<dministration of Justice Appropriation lrdin4nce 403, '" , II 'Annual Statistical Report of County Exten' ion !-,orkers filed -- 411,. :f cknowledging receipt of resolution reco endi~g Charles E. Webber for app01ntment to S at:i' . - -. " - 1l1g1ro<lay Commission -- 411,: . - --- .,,- pp!t~l!t!Q.ll_to State Corpo.r3,!-!?ll COOIllllli.:.Si Tn fO! certific~~_,of P,!b!~';lcZonve~e~,<::e,oa~d_N _~essJtL I as coounon carr1er -- vern1te ra=.'F~rtat10n vompany --.. , I mend Contract between City of Roanoke an Couatl of Roanoke dealing with treatment of omes 'c I - , " and coounercial wastes -- 413, ,u "! 0 -- greement Chairman ar.d Clerk of Board to ign ~etween Town of Salem and Board of Superv sors IOn un_.'. --., '" . u"regard-to plans and specific4tion~ of Salem-Roanoke. County 'Civic Center --- 4.16-," , .- ,I,greement Lea,se Chairman and Clerk to siglj. bet~'een E. C .Hill and wife and Board of SU1rvilil, s II for 57 acres to be used for i'arbage disposal area -- 417, lmerican laFrance Automotive, bid submitt d --1'426, - ...... . , TI ,! I ppropriation to the Burrell Memorial Hospital ,1.,- 426, I Application for purpose of borrowing fro Lit+ary Fund for new school building 427, 428, ~ Adoption ordinance proposed for removal 0 trail;h, garbage, weeds, etc., -- 433, I I I bandonment and closing of certain street 43J, 439, ! ' __..___..__ _____ ..,_..... . . .;l. . ,. _... __. '.-a'_o..._o-.,__t~thori:1;ed Chairman tco SignH agreemen44t9wit1 Val~ey Contractors Corporation ourt ouse --, I' I Annual Plan of Work, County Extension Pr gram 11-- 450, n.. ___,n" '.'Agr~~u~~ur~l'Agent Annual Plan of \'iork Cjiuntyi:ExtenSion Program filed 450, j ~~ti-poverty Program, Community Action P ogra~s of Office of Economic Opportunity under I' Committee appointe -- 4-55, I Appointment of John G. Seibel to f111 un xpir,d term of Archie F. Parrish as a member ~f Roanoke County Sanitation Au hority -- 455. l ,~~'_~_'=.:~:n-_..-_ Additional S_p~cial Policemen to Assist G1me W1"rden request, for 456 , , Ii I f I, --,'" to Jai11__" I ! ~ ~ II 11 :1 . ~ F.' I, '1 _n_t- .. I n 'I !I r " n---- II '~n . 1 1 !, ii '! " J ! , ~t and James E. Peters, Treasurer -- 370, Road to Shell Oil Company 383, D repairs ,I,... -1. ! ul ij ~ 'I j ,; ~. I' ;1 I I I I , i i ,! 1 1 I :1 4 , I i ! 'I '; :i I' 'I c -I 1-' I ,I ,I :i ~ Boone, ij :' C.E.,Sheriffj Office "-nd Travel ExllenS1l Reoort: 6.27,52, ,,6,95, :'09,130,154, l7$'/?J: "~', "''9''. 315, 33g, 360!, 380', 4"10, 424, 4"48, I , -) l75,/t~ "'~~+:10,45" , ) i ~ I, lLlloone ,C.E . Sheriff; R J i' 1 Beane, Mrs. Frances, appears in re: Cave Spring Recreational Park: l5, !I Bids for Acoustical Ceilinp, in Clerk's Office to be sought rr , isidS for Additional ~ars for Sheriff's Off-ice t9 be sought: '1 liBeach Brothers, Bid for Sheriff cars, fil~d: 5~, . ]BOb Cutts Pontiac, Bid for Sheriff cars, riled::, 58 rOard of Sll.pervisors, Additional Approtlriation,,,: 53 JBiennia1 nudget ",stim"tes hled: 76, ApprQved: ,Pi ~Board of Sutlervisors re-or~~nized :78 " ~ hoard oi' "upervisors to meet in Itoom 300; 94 ;, Lblue hidge Parkway, Access reoad to be So~ght je, ~Beavers, James; Report on Roanoke County Sanita.tion AutilllOl'ity: 121 r ' 'l~el1 Memorial Hosp~tal Appropriation r~r: 1~2, 426, I, "o~ler 1tel',ars to JaLL : 110 :', 11 Beach Bros., Bid Accepted re Two D500 Cab and .~hassis: 144 _,tBidS ,Filed re Vinton ,Motor Co., Goodwin Cl;lev. Corp. & Harvest Motors, Inc.: 145 ~Battle of Hanging Rock Commeration, Appropriation of: 142; Ee~utification of: 133 i J~ast2~~ 16',i t~IQe,r 4~ty;\i8?' 27, 52, 06,95, lu9, 130,154, 58, 40 ,Accepted 40 Acceptec: 58 . ~ l' II ., I II II 1 i! i :I :i ,! l' 'I ~ Request: of County ,.... Insurance: 133 ain, ,John of Allstate Insurance Co. re Courthouse Boilei, Inspection of: 154. 426, Baker, Mrs. Phil re dog confinement: 164 , ~B1ue Ridge Parkway, letter re access connection: 165 ~Board of Supervisors, Letter to, re increase in taxes & police protection: 165 I: Board of Supervisors, & State Highway Dept., Jo~nt Meeting: 168, 434, 456, , Methodist ChUrch lBO, a,rd of Missions and Church Extension of ,Roanoke District, re-zoning certain property l~l, . 0 i BI1.~get, synopsis of 184, I tlBudget Synopsis for Fiscal year commenciIlt'\ July..1, 1964, 185, - ~-' ..- i!Bower, J. J. letter received and ordered filed 188, . ~i1~~!~ /91, :.: ".~~~ -i(~ C~c.>.7.A-:-r;...;J~~(.r>- '?> ?-o~ V.~ --4 ~'-;Z;:;- ~/.,%.. ? Y", -r. '1~ "-/D, 4A~-"C~~" ~ C ~-? V:~. A- ,. ~-' 2/7- ~ii~_~..A.h.......:-....4 "'~/,,? (l.~.~~ r- 2-/1: V-i,.-..-fk, .. ~.u' .../~~~~~".d ~~+ I'./)' J / / ~'~~. _. ~ .~<.J e... _' - ~"''',:>'' 3, ." , I ~ /IV:~/, Ir ...... ......,.... ,; -.. Y'- , ~o, ~ /1./?'- '_S-<_-d~---:;. ~ "'-7-',"" "A r -?7i" i)"" r ./> tI . -'" /' " -:-7~"'" .r - ~ - : . . ~ -// .. ~I ~ ~{~,J~-( /~c..r~~ "'7j'; :!Building Committee, Civic Coliseum Center, appointed 302, <;.2. 7 " ' " t.. ~ :\ r'.- l,_,,~ !i ~ J : J i ~ .,Bonds, sale of for erection and equipment .ofa public building -- 303.527 ,1 :iBoard commended in preparing 1963 Annual Report, for Roanoke County -- 306, i-f/:2 ;/~;,~ti (fcL4'~:;; Jot, "Borrow money, negotiate a loan 'or loans, Treasurer -- 317, :Bids on Fire Truck (Pumper) -- 32;,. 384, 426, Burrow, J. W. expresses appreciation for use of space in Court House for state police office -" ,./1 - 303 "fI~~.J37.7,:3So::> ," i!-f,~ .f1,~.~.>-(A4 rjd.2.:. ~~i7' 353, , :i ~ j ~county Payroll Approved j' 5..26,50,65. 86 108." 130, 152, 175./17, ;'/.1,'1-4'''1,314, .3.37,.361J .379 ~,' 410. 423, 448, ' 1 I : Jr C &. P Tel.ephone Co., Voucher-Ch!,!ck Retroactive to Date:6~ 27,51, 65, 88, 108,109, 13~, l52~1153 ~.. 17.7,1'19, ,.#.~,,~O, >'91" 316~1 317, 3.31l, 362, :380,381,411,424, 425, 43f' , I . ill, ., 1 , IChapm.an,c.D. illepol't,Delinouent Taxes Coll.ected:; 6,2$,52, 66, 94,109, 131, 153, 17.6,j1~ ! b>"3-~5.,-__. . ~" . In ,~Cartwril'ht, Russell C.,Temoorary Custodia~ Fort Lewis Fire Station; 7, I~.. "." .!~ ca". S,ti". Re'~"~l P"k, '_m.., , l5. . f \. . " ! Cobbs, Mrs. Lola,appears in re: Cave :;pri~g Reereationa1. Park: 15 I' 'j) ~,ic.o~naV1"ta'1e!'e's'''eCnhatrles Edward, Re-zoning for Corvales.cent Home: 17-18, ,.,1 .j!il---~ ~ c ~'Home,Re-Zon~ng for: 17-18 ~ Cave SP.ring \~ater Co., Voucher-Check retroacthe to Date: 27, 88,152, 338, i JI I' Crippled Children's Hospital, Letter Acknowled~ing Appronriation: 2~ I II . Cars.for Sheriff's Office,Bids for Additional t~ be 3ou~ht: 40. ,accepted:58, : ~ ~Ceiling, Acoustical, for Clerk's Office: ,40, Bid accePteQ:58~47, I ~" ." .Icommonwealth' Attorney, Salary and Expens~ Accol1Ilts Filed : 53/Hearing in're: 53, Cert.if~ed.: 9t )8.1. , 347, I 'I > ICommissioner of Revenue, Salary and Exoen~e Accounts Filed: 5.31 Hearing in re: 53~rtif~ed: 96. 38 I : I II ~C~ai"lIs fcr Election Expenses : 46-49. r rr Ch~i,s~mas Tree Lights, Cost to be paid by lSuperrisors: 57, I ._~I__.'_.'.__ Commercial and Domestic Waste ilate approYEld : !.57, II Canital Outlay,Additional Aopropriation :' 5.,3, 72, 75,184, 403, I L.OUlpansal.ion board L.ert.ifies ;""la1"ies: 96. 381.. ~ Chapman, benj.J:: i,,",.presses Views on ""to tax e~c.: 90 .,J Croc:kett,C. C. ,r.equests "upport for ,'rige "t~bilization hct: 90 -l.~t.te,e.i'or Parks ,anu. ile~r~a;;ion j,equested: .90 ._~..~he~", ;:,.1:.., Ite-:-zomng petl t:l.On: 93.390,; 435,. I . . ' J..,COloni"l Ave. .,.iciening : 93 ! j ,.~ ..G?lllmissioner of rtevenue hequests use of ~oolJl ~07: 94, I, Change in Voting "lace for ."est ",,,lel,1 l'rebinct: 110; Recommendations: 167 .]~5'lllP~nsation to ""ano~:e ~ounty ;"anitation; ,.ut,'~rity Luard ,'.embers: l'J1 ,h.~'!..'~fe.ns";:'i.,on ;:'0 Leb"l "dvisoI's for 1.0".,0"; "ou~ty ""ai1i~,.ti()lI riutr,,,rity: 102 ."Jcol~ani;:,teei'orstudy of :,,,nitc-tio.] Authority 00U&;ht: 100 ~ ConsoliQ"tioll of ,otin,; r'recincts to tJe Shl.cuieq: 122 " ~ ,Chamber of Commerce Name to be changed to, Sa1el1!-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce: " Order, ~Central Park Corporation re/kezoning Property D~nt Road: 141, ::>-06, ~ ~~r : J Commander Drive. N.W../Rezoning Property,' North Side: 140 " :1 ~ Captain's Grove Corp. :t"e ~der Rezoning Commander Dr. ,N.H., North Side: 140, >0-5; ~ Culligan Soft l~ater Service, Voucher Check, Retroactive to Date: 139, :].-70" 338, 380, :: Claims: 125-129; 147-150; 165 II " Ii Children's Home Society, Appropriation Requested Of: 132 \ ' , I, Certificate of Public Convenience re North Lak"s Hater Company, Inc.: 132 ii I !I Common Carrier re Abbott Bus Lines, Inc.: ,133 'I I!costa, Don of Allstate Insur,ance Co. re Request; of County Insurance: 133 " I/catlett. Richard H., Pres. Children's Hom~ soci:fY of Va.- Re Letter to Paul Matthews: 13~ I.., . ! i, Clinics. revaccination of dogs 1n County~ 164:1 I I! , I .1 ,Chz:.~stmas Holiday Glosing urder: 67, 371,: :: Chainn:m of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors" ~ in or R. Keffer appointed: 77,78 Q~opouist,Mrs W.E.,a~pointed to P1annine qommis~ion. 78 I C~:llmnonwealth's Attorney, Request for Assi~tant:;: flO; Granted Reque st: 168, 184, tt.CD , I ---',--" I I r .1 I I r" I I I j J i L I I L I 14q I I ! 142 I ~. 1/ J.__ i i 1,..,.. I' +-- r- [ I II T I, 1__ :i 1 '1 .I ,I i .~" , '. I ' 41~. 425.1 453, i :f : Ii !i ;1 'I I j i :1 I I 'I ( City of Roanoke. City Auditor Sewage Tre~tment Fund. report of -- 177. I: ~Ii Checks payable retro-active to date -- It .1-11- ' ,I ~ ,I City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke treatment of domestic and commercial wastes 178, 1343, 13. 429, :: 451, I" , I , Civic Center, larger than planned. agree~ent with Town of Salem, 182, I ' Ii Council, Town of Salem, letter ci vic cen~er 183, ~ Certified Public Accountants, employed t~ make audit -- 183, n I ' , Compensation Board request for Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney 184. n ! ~' , ~ Cochran, A. J. appeared before Board 187,1 ~ Closing o~iverdale Voting Precinct. 188,j " I ~ Commending Mayor James I. Moyer 188, ! II Co1iseumJ, Mr. Anderton spoke in behalf 18~. ''''0 L-.....L..~,..: ;, 'C-U.., --<--'T-~-?'9. ~'p......, -;... f-.a.... 1~7_ I~ ~-~1-,~.p-y-"k~0,! ~C~-~~",=-/jj, '; :~Y"~r "'::';'-t:{~~ I '':wiI'.:J4_ C~~..,.4.('''f4-_~~'+~-' A~ /'f<t, I il '4 .' .J-'~~ I, ~ ,C-~,{'f. ~f. I/~ /t.~ "00, "~71 ,.iq~, 3 5, 316,347. 368. 371, 383, 415'426.450, " ~ ~~ IJ, ~ ~~ Co. c..-.<.... -""..J...... ~, ~Z/'...LX'"""~ :POQ I - . 71 . I _,.' --771- ,- - .- ~~~<:'1:"j ;(.~-J';'-' ~ ~~~~ A~ ;a.Q~ /I /'- 1""7 /J b' . 11",~;('.:z-.=.e~~-,~ rY/a-/~.<~.~t:-~.-/,...:. ,...~ f~ . . . . . -.' "74,oro e ," F.1f >- .. ~ '" "A ~::. ~ .~.~' '2 /. t"/~a-..~-< /l ("a~a"'r" ../'.",--( -/~ "7I'7-''-'<-nf~.bN' ..... ir.~~ ~"'Jd P?'; i Ii ji " _~.~~4)~~t$c..~~"l}~ ~ff' e/?%, (I.. .~....:. ..?i t ~~.-4c. -IfJ-.....<...n Q,~ ' . ~ ".....v 2....0 ~. " /~ ~.. I ",1 If' /7 ' .. ~!~ 12#~':::::~~1 ~/~ ~ ~""";,h--"~ . v ~r; z,-~. p':a",<. "]./?, 1(f~~ ~J-,---:-~;~"~'j2-~' 7./7, t~ ~1/'-""-1( '~11f'~~~-<C&'':f" 2/7, ~ ~,." ..;-( - ~ /.,,~.--... Y/ f--+ ..?t(~ tfr ~ 1. /1' *~ 1-----14-. T' '.""...( 2/7, ?-"3] . . F'.-..;.J,'..~. .:(....4.. ~......, ~ 1~.tl..L,e, . :.,.:t, ,. "'? --tC~.~ -4~~ff7~ ~~~/? >>~pNG-h:;1~):Le 1r~ ~1! c---- 4-.-;.-( V7- ~./...: "J rC~ ~---.-<; '""" ~ ?4f, ~C~.~., c..~ ..;~ ~ ;~o liC~ q1.'lr,v~1~V:~~~. ~~~O iiI" ~A_"",--X: 1'1)...: ()~ i l;l-~rv"'''- . ",~ C ""'1.-1 ! liC;~~~~ ~'~~~~~"4 l!\~~~~"c~",,; ~~.~ ;r...~ H,i~/~k' v;~-~~,4,'(~.,~ ~,C~~1 ~~/'t1r~~'I~~...~ 1~;lM/'~ ~t;~~~JJ, ~~~1~-f-"':~.:"3, J~~. r~-P~~,'/.. a-~~~Ht i Committee Re Study of County Insurance: i167-~68 Commonwealth, of Virginia, Dept. of Highways Re Allocations: county Insurance: 167-168 Cochran, A. J. Jr., Prayer, 169, 168 I I 1:- "'~ -a.Z 2'71 . I II i I , , , I .1 I I ,(a-.-h --tf... < ~<.J.(< d , ~'w :o-,.~ !~.,.q....."I~," - -( 1 )1(~./- ~F..-(.""'':'''' ~"'7. 369,403, :~J_."'-__'- '~1a.w... ~~r~i(?.........# -- ;-1, ('.-(~~t'r7.<- ''''~~-r-- '"' ~----4-:;~ :;-hJ, ~ff-~(l~~? ',~A_""""""~'-""''''''-<-'T "4_'~,-..~:P,," iC4"V--:t~,~'~~;3D. f; 1~-1~~'"1e- ?-3o, 371, ; ,~~"""r c1.~o.L;.r;~~3 371~ ,1~~/~~~1 3o,~37l, ".. ~ oC.GI1; e.-..~~ ~ ~ ~ S; ~ I~t:i{'~h~~<-- ~5; ~ _____ /l~ _ _,__ .~~ !/~~ 1..-. . ~-C4.~--: ,~_~-y:::<.,~u':!-t.3, . ..,/1f~""~-Z!:~4 .,.. - - .. ~'P~-~d:uL-':' ,--- ,<~-~.,-.---il7-.'~. -"4'~. :r~ ' _ __,_I '.-&:c~.{ <>-' ~~~~ ~ ______ ,~"a.,,_r:,.k <,'e-- ~~ ~ , __ 1t!~'.jJ~~--r ;"-' 3-~? ~ _ ___ _~ -t3v~;-~~'-:'- 'f.~'''''' 5.~ ~I ?-~~ - ~"L_.:;~~~-t"~.~~ Z;~ -;~:{:;;~;, - --- J ..,.4-.Aw-GJ..?"'i ,,-~A~';l. ll+- , o/d/)-:6~A~ ~78.4~ ~ '..\,.. __ ' r~/} ~u- {~v. a.-." ~73, , - - ',~'~(~r:: 'uoV~,a.~{'o-<-'.:>'7~ _____u___ '; -'-r~~d-f-;;-- f ~~~i'" ., ..' ,-, . I ~~...If~/) ~'-. ui""Y-..~~-c;:,-2,,7-?- --$01,302, , appo~~ted -- 302, '1'" . . -.. ..,-. --.- '.., ..----- ',~.."" -"-1 ,~e~El:r:.s_hip _~Il....::...}02, ----.--- -- --.. --4-- b J County Executive Officer dir:.cted to con y aFiPreciation of Board:-- 305, _ ,.: ,,_'.. --..-- ! C~~~n~i~...~~~rd in prepari~g 1963 Annua RepJrt for Roanoke County -- 306, I .-- -, - - , - - , - ~ - , t' .." _~._i~~~~!:~ ~~307. JII.. ~_:~ 7)~4//.-Y?""'<- '...-'- ~f ~;c: A~ 3Dd',' 433, : ,- , _ .~_: ~ounty of ~~anoke and Virginia Divis on f Fo~estry summary of fiscal matters l~tter fled. 15,__ -1~~:Ck tabs and file cabinet allowance fo I cOP~ of letter filed -- 316, t ' Jc~elf, E.W. Special Attorney, resigned + Jl'7l~ ..~, ~. Attorney allPointeki": " _' Cl1ancery suits instituting and eonotlctlngllc -t/317, ~ I?ommittee. Parks and Recreation Program dfsmis~ed with thanks for splendid service ren red~- ..l<:hapman, C. D. Resignation as Collector DFlinq~ent Taxes -- 324, . 'I ~COllector DelinqQent Taxes, resignation -l J24~ [ . f~erryhill Park residents smoke control d1sc'US~ed -- 325 ~ I :! iCJ.ty of Roanoke Water Department voucher-check"retro-actJ.ve to date -- 33S, I ~~ppell/~t ~i Petitioner Agreement sectil! n 2,; Berwick Heights -- 346, 11} [' ompensation Board letter filed stating d y fo~ purpose of fixing salary and expenses - 347~ i I .' ,C)llins, Rev. CarlA., prayer, 354, 417, i i ,; !t I I! ompensat;ionBoar..d.,..c:.PPY IJf lJ!~~J!r_ !lAowi ,ajlp~val of. additional. allowance to cover ov~rdrai}, .." u. . for repairs~o off:ce_ fu4ture &CC~~~Si~~er~f Revenue -- 3M, .,L _._ .. --a-- ~S5 , . ..c.l~_arbrook_~rea... contriHing. dust situati ! Civic Coliseum Center Building Committee I Cha~~~r-- of~~mm~-r~;.. sa1e_~~~~~no.k~..?()~~~ .-.. -'--~- I il il ~ I U ,. !i il ~ . I II I. !i il L II i: ~. .._,.. It.,. ... ,/.,. ..,.,.,- '~'- --- ,.".._.,..,._',.,.._--- ----....., - ~'."--- I " .'-,I~:~ ~ .. I' i ".l=~~-~ .. II, d 'I I' i.1 to l!.eneral Appropriation Ordinance -- 369, " II' " or u~e in -- 370, ii and ~ew Years, 1964-1965 -- 371, II " u ' l County Supplemental Payroll -- 3$0, Ii I ~ :! City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke, ette1 filed sewage treatment request denied -1 3$3'li~50' Compensation Board, copy of letter app ovin3 request of Treasurer for allowance 384, , :i Collector of Delinquent Taxes, Employme of !L- 392, I ' j Closing of certain streets petition of a uttibg landowners for abandonment Resolution oy D~ive, ,.1, Section No.1 Souther Hillt,. s, 397, 434, 439, r, ~ . , :! Chapman, Charles Dalton, former Delinque t T~ Collector, Treasurer authorized to acce t ce ta1n ,I SUID as settlement of ond f- 400, 1 c.ounty Administration General Appropriat on 0. dinance -- 400, 403, II Chairman requested to be relieved of dut es a such -- 401, ~ Chairman elected -- 402, i ~ (iCommonwealth's Attorney et al directed t pre~are resolution thanking Mr. Keffer for is fL~thful II' and efficient services as Chai n -- 402, II I Clerk, et al directed to prepare resolut'on tanking Mr. Keffer for his faithful and e fiC!'e t IT .' services as Chairman -- 4 2, JQQ~~Y of Roanoke, attorneys requested t tak legal steps to protect interest in rece t A adon, " 402 . ~c:~e Prevention and Detection Appropriat'on dinance -- 403, . ~C~unty Administration amendment to Genera Ap 'opriation Ordinance -- 404, ilcoUlltyExtension Workers, Annual Statisti' al Rhort -- 411, ~ertificate of Public Convenience and Nec ssitt as Common carrier, Overnite Transportat on C mpany, T: application to State Corporat on CimmiSSiOn -- 412, JF.o.ve Road - Ferncliff' Avenue Area 17.937 cres/amend contract between City of Roanoke a d Co tyof n' -. Roanoke dealing with treatmen of omestic and commercial wastes -- 413, fhamber of Commerce - Vinton - membership in - 415, fbhamber of Commerce Vinton letter filed - 4151: ' }O~Ptro_ller, Staj;e,i_nadvertently paid for use 4f transcribing equipment through error -t ij I Ii Committee appointed to obtain estimates r pfnting and renovating Court House and Ja'l rc_o~ House committee appointed to obtai est~mates for painting and renovating -- 416 :! County Purchasing Agent to purchase ty riter for use in of'fice of Roanoke County Del nque t Tax :1 Collector -- 416, t ~.I County Purchasing Agent to look into pri es 0 new Electric typewriter for use in Sher~ff's Office-- i' 416, I ~ Chairman of Board authorized to sign sup leme t agreement between TO\~n of Salem and Bo~rd 0 ,: Supervisors in regard to plans nd swecifications of Salem-Roanoke County CiViC ~: ,I Center __ 416, II ;/ - / ij ,: Clerk of Board authorized to sign supple ent agreement between Town of Salem and Boardk of ~ Supervisors in regard to plans nd s~.ecifications of Salam-Roanoke County CiViC Ii " Center -- 416, TI ~ II Civic Center, Salem-Roanoke County, supp ementary agreement between Town of Salem and ard of Supervisors in regard to plans nd s" cifications signed by -- 416, ' , Committee appointed to draw up resolutio Co~~nding W. E. Fitzgerald for excellent wo k do e -- 417 .,e I Chairman of Board authorized to sign lea e a~eement between E. C. Hill and wife and t e Board of Supervisors for 57 acres to be sed ~or garbage disposal -- 417, I q Clerk of Board autnorized to sign lease greement between E. C. Hill and wife and the $oard Ibf Supervisors for 57 acres to be sed tor garllge disposal -- 417, j' ~ Courthouse Boiler Inspection -- 426, ~ * II i F County Recording Tax and transfer fee re d ~f to Thomas E. Strong, Jr., -- 427, I It i I ! f'ro, Literary Fund -- 427, 42$, I! .' i r ' "Crush, Jack, Area Manager appeared in su port jOf request f'or permission to operate tra:iler sales I lot, - 433,} I tl .Craddock, Mrs. D. R. et aI, appeared in ppos~~ion to granting permit to operate trail1r sa~s ! lot - 433, II I " jClosing and abandonment of certain street conltinued to adjourned meeting 434, I ~ :!Continued to adjourned meeting abandonmen anct.:i closing of certain streets 434, ! ~ }court House, Repairing and Painting -- 43r' . ~ :pommittee to repair and paint courthouse tnd j~il authorized to negotiate with local coptrac"or -- 434, ,Contract between the Town of Salem and ROlnOke:, County civic center -- 439, 460, II!! ;Civic Center, contract between the Town 0 Sal~m and Roanoke County -- 439,460, Chairman of' Board authorized to sign agre ment!;lith Valley COntractors Corporation for ~ertajin :, repairs to Jail and Court Hoiise -- 449, i Tr c..... omprehensive plan accomplishment of Roan4ke va.'.:,lley Regional Planning Commission, annual bud~t __ 450, ',changing in Voting Precinct Boundaries an~ Voting Places -- 453, ! ~ ,ClerkS and ~~~afi~r~%IofiefZ~c~~ ~54~ormed ~t PO~lS in Precincts not having voting machin~s ,in~rease. in . fommunity Action, Programs of Of'fice of' Ec nOmi~ 0 ~ommi~tee appointe..L Collector of Delinquent Taxes, amentmen Clerk's Office; purChase of' typewriter Closing of County Offices for Christmas . County School Board, application for loa 1,-- 1- 'I~ j' rescinded -- 459, 460, I o*portu~ity I I i j: I , super~isor I 460, , , I . i Committee appointed to make study of Community Action under Anti-Poverty Program -- ~55, r Contract between TOWn of Salem and Board; of S~pervisors Contract between Town of Salem and Board !of S~pervisors Programs of Office of Economic Construction of Civic Center, Contract II ! , " bet.ween' the , r I I' I Ii " Town of Salem and the Board of h \: ;' ! )1 I , ! i !t ~ I ,... t,t I II Ii ,I I [I I II ~ II I j I i I I i I I I' I , i I ~ I, ~ i! I , 'I I I. ii , ;1 Ii " I! 11 I [I II I i , , ~ ! I ,i I I! I i 'I i I ~ ! i , II ., I Ii !i li JDog Taxes. etc,: II T 4,DelinQuent il ~.L-, .__ ." ~ I - tBe1&a..,~Jl..lt. r.__8 G.:.ll""t.~d 13)1 e.B.ehQ.!""....l\ft~ gae ~~Ra1.QJl , ~~Deep Dell Drainage, ~tatement in re: 7 ., I! Duplicator, Authority to Purchase for Health D!pt.,:14. --- ,----l-~e:~:~.care' p~ogr~.: 19 , letters in reo: lq,~ !i Damage Claim, to County truck, paid: 20, L~tter:, in re: 20 1 Discontinued Roads, See ROADS ~ Dawson, liobert., :ost luc.ster, Voucher :"heck,retro-ac1;ive: SS, 139, :Jol. ~ ~ Dobs t.o be re,,~...r'eci 1;<.; nC've "",vies ~hot.s,; vroioa"ce sQu"ht:120,OrdiBnce: 162-3-4, ~, Dog Warden Deputy Resolution re Guy M. Ayers: L 145; Order Rescinding: 165-6; , 1.Deut Road" _known as Va. Secondary Rt. 623, Rez!:ming of Property South. Side: 141 ~ . . ._Dog COnfinement re Mrs. Phil Baker: 164' ;' I . ' ~,Dog,vaccination of: 164 , -Et:.YDog.Warden' Assistant, Resolution:: 165 l ! Davis, F. A., re letter to Board of Super.visoriJ I . Ii +l>is~()t1tuance of Secondary Systems: 166-167, l ~ Domestic and commercial wastes, trea~ment!of, 9ity of Roanoke and County of Roanoke -~~tJ~~~lS~4~~'1>: ,. ?'1c:?~ 4 ';5',.5,,; - ~7-~ rT~ -~ ~ "'1~A c.~ -&. - ~ Yl fIl, . -~ r;::7...:H.'-o. ~.~ <r ~yr ~ ;z;-;.-. ( '? ~/4 '..--f~ f'"? ~-=4- " - '- r-/ ~L.7-'/4 _ .~Cd-' :-: l.~~ H~, . ~ ~J1~4"~M~ ~~~~- ~ ~rc:- "'''''3, ~II 0, ,'./J X J /1_ _ L ' ~ .' 0 ' ,-.,..,; r T.p~.~ ~,--< ~(~~~~ ;>-->-3- -'-"'f..2-l:L{ /.{ ",..t o-1~~ ?-,,..~ " ... '''''f~~ ..../~ ~-:>-"i,3e>/f, , : . -1~,~~~r~-,tt~'--1~ ~c.,._,,<o./~~ ~~7. ' i , .~-fl'~~ ~-~/'<. -"1 -;.~~ _.r:::;:z~''-/~~~I' 'fd~ ~:6 -T'-..'.~ ,~V~ ~ 77'; II Dust control -- 301, .: u_-V;us~committee appointed 301, '" . "l~~l~nqUent Real Estate and ;~;s~n Property Lists filed -- 315, b~fiCi~ in General Revenue Fund for Genera~ cou~ty Operations, Treasurer -- 317, i . '. !Pelinquent Taxes, Collector resignation -- 324, " ~e~.rle, Mrs. J.Arthur expressed appreciation of Library Board -- 325, ~og Ordinance petition for suitable to be enfor~ed in populated areas of County -- 350, :i :De1inquent Tax Collector Shortage letter filed ~- 351. 1 . :iDe1inquent Tax CoHector Audit of -- 351, . -c --I I...',. -,._- I J , i 42545,64. 86, 129145 15Cl,:172, 360, J77, 37~, 408, 469, ~~2, 446, I I , 31~, i i , I 33~,. q [I 173, /'7.5, /'1 ~ .. '2- ~ ~6o, ~?.s; i' _Taxes Collected by the Clerk:6;27, 5~.66, 337, 361, 379, 409,423, 447, i : 95, 109. 130,153, 175./fJ1, ,..~~ ;!o,1t311t, ; "._~ - 1..-__1.,=- II r L t--- I Ii I 1 i iI , ] I :i "l-....-t 1 ij' , , I ! . " . i il l66J~~.'-~i :- , '1 I I : :1 ; J ..-.. 178. 343"1'429. I . t ~ "f1'; /'7- /3/, /$3.1, /7~".(1J;.- :1 I j a I i! I I' , ,I 0' .. tn--- ! II I ~, L__.__ i :1 T II " 1___ II ~ ]- if ..~ " I' .,L----~' i on additions to Secondary Systems: :1 I " ' ~Dorn, Rev. Hilbert H. prayer -- 372, :,De1inquent Taxes, Employment of Collector -- 392, ilDelinquent Tax Collector, former, Treasurer authorized to accept. certain sum as sett.lement of pond : ( 400, ~Department of Welfare operation Appropriation Ordinance -- 403. ,Dog Operating Fund Appropriation Ordinance, -- 404, " ~Delinquent Tax Collector purchase of new typewr.iter __ 416, ., Dodson, Pence & Coulter, Attorneys, refund of County recording tax and transfer fee to Strong, Jr., 427, . Department of Welfare Budget Estimate yeaJ; ending June .30, 1966 -- 427, " Discontinued portion of Roy Drive and portion of an unnamed street -_ 439, CO T/tomas:l E. , .i I I j 1 ., j '1 1 i + 1- r , , " , f. i: ~ .i ~ I I: , I! ,- I! r I; o' I, ii ti " J I I i I I I I , I r I I I 1-- i I i ; i I I i I I I i I I I 1 I j I 1 I-- II I I :1 I I I 'i , Ii 1: i1 .1 ~ " !I Ii Ii !i Ii II Ii ~ Ii ~ t: I ~ ; ~I Ii ~ Ii tt I' :1 ~ 'I t ii I t Ii . '1 I. ~ I .1 I: ~ " II , i. , ii ,: i: i. h i 'I ' ~.Ed~rds, Rev. Wi~liam.Re~uest for reoairs; ~n r~ad to Eastland Rd.; 2q ..,__,. J:;q)1alization, Board of, Request for Appoi~tmen~ : 30 . __ .,I.EdenCorporation, Request for Re-zoning; :54. P~blic Hearin~ set;54, Final; 111,112 I Account for LA.E.I. C@nference f~r Mr.!: Ta',iaferro: 57 I ' ' ~_ J;:,le,c.t.ion Claims, 46-49, z--!5, ~8", "'11, ,..ra,; 363,[364. 365, 366, l::llison, hey. C.;',. rra.yer: 59 " . ~!f.XP1_c>siVe?, Stora.;e of:b9, ;z./t:J/ ,__._l~~!'l.c:~t.~ve,officez:,_ Paul E... r.'.atthews Re-AnpointEld: 80 ~ Elim~nati~n of Finance Committee discusseqi: FC ~ Tie-brealdng Vote Gast: 89, _, !I "':Lectora1 boarci to "tuciy \"0:1sc1iciatic" of! rrec!ncts: 122; RecOllllllendations: 167 --A,--.,--. ~~ 71~~1~~<>~ J~ _.._ ,." 1f~/fI---<7~ Z./~ ; ,; ._lt~/~-4'" ..<~ G.~IJ:4.-~ ,4~-r$'- -( >rOI-~/7- _ ~::z' ~..1(/, .:;:t::t,: f;:~~--_'(~/7~ . ,17---< /w4 ..,f{'u. __<~J, '.(--"/- f' ~'~f' :J.:>-.G; . . ii:S~ -" ," 4--f/')1< -I' ~ -.c.j~-" -- - >>"'''. 36'. 401. 404. .., -' IJ Ql','l,.'. - "''7A-t~~,~ ;;',30, t~ ~ / 7 d i'" CfIh(/- ~ '" ;4. l.c;... ~7A ~ J ~~< ,,~ ft~,-t....~ ~- 1t .,..t 1, c'# _.~, "-12 /I ' '~ ' , ~41f<~ .........-r~ - ~.~.. '-"'~ "'1..3. Erection and equipment of a public building sa~e of bonds 303,. . -~~~-~30~7' , II ,_~l),erJRev. O.,.D. prayer -- 308, I; i; , ,EXpress appreciation for use of space in 90urt !!house for State Police -- 324. II Edgehill Section request taken under advisemen~i for assistance in defraying expense for iannex -~----.-J'24,- -., " , , ':" ". - .... -' .."..T 1- E;l~_ctri.cal and plumbing contracting busin~ss p~rmission granted G. J. Hopkins, oIn,ncR'O'ut3e4_i,"'19,'..J'-~.-_'J.'-'_'.. .iEwi.ng,. Mrs. Jane M. letter filed in oppos~tion ~o rezoning of certain property 1 ~~1 pense accounts, Compensation &c as fixed' by C~mpensation Board -- 381, ! II ~~!ize..voting population in voting prec~cts:- 392, I .~ _ 'u___ :::::\::r::~~::::: ::d::~::u:~t4:~~s ~92' _1.,. .1~= . , Jt:liucational Purposes Appropriation Ordina~ces + 404, ! i,1 , .,.__lE:xteIlSion Workers, Annual StatisticalRep~rt o~ County -- 411, J u ._l~~!.DJCltesleommittee appointed to obtain fo~ pai~ting and renovating Court House and Jail_~':"-Itl~. lEl~ctrictypewriter prices looked into for use ]in Sheriff's Office -- 416, l 1.1' __~.El1i()tt, Wilson /.1. Jr.. advised Board of ~I. E.~itzgerald 's transfer -- 417,1 t~:~:~;: :::;:~:::;r~:::: :~t:~~:::;t:e:~=:~~~c:::n:~; ::::::2Z;ograms co=ittee apl~nter~:'5-~ ,- - ~EnforCing Fishing Laws, request for three 'addi t~ona1 special policemen to assist Game wa~den }l 45;;" . .,il . .-. . .. t I ! n H :,[' Ii " a ~ " :1 ij I " ~ 1', i ~ " I ,[ 1 " --~ ,'!It .1 .1 11 I I , , l :1 :i 1 ~, i , , I f .t, __._It. it [I " . --'7'-- I II . I q " " 'i r I I i I , I , I i i i 'r- I I ..,.~ '~f: I '1- I I I il L. I. C. A. 5,26.". 65. '". M, il 424, . . ~For.tLewis Fire Station: Temporary Custod~an, 'I 4 Fire Dept. It 7, Resignation of 1Unnix, 7 : . lFitzgerald..w.K. reQuest Statement from Board in re Cordell Drive; 7, ~' Fitzgerald, W.E. Statement in re Drainage; Dee~ Dell, 7 , , I Flora,A.Kyle, Prayer: 1, I, _ __._lj?t()~Machine, Authority to purchase for iHea ',tt. De.:'t.: 14, 'I . I k Frazier, Rev. t'l.C.,Prayer:21. . .[ Filing Cabinets for Treasurer's Office, APthorlty to Purchase: 20, '~"!'QrE;:st; ~-ire (;ontrol Gost;, Voucher-Check: ,67, ~9, ) C.-c:r I ..",~.... '< : I i ~ Fire rrevention and J;;xtinction, "dditionq "l'prOpriatio~n, 75, '-11, 400, I II i i I '! Fairview District Home Board, Appointment, of r.<lnor R. Keffer to represent Sucervisors: rq I . U Finance Committee, Elimination of discus~ed: Sp, Tie breaking Vote (;ast: 89, ~ Fill<incial Assistance to InClustria1 ,-arks !et~ Py board 01 Supervisors Ilecomrnended: 99 i r' r I 1 }'ire .o.rms, '-.edefinition of: \;<;t ! I I~ FranK~in Gounty,petition for hccess hoad! to otue hidge rarkwaY:9$ f .. '.. Fina",cial ::.tatei"ent 01' TreasL<rer t.o ue Pu!.t on p.'fJ.le_1dar .'.ouCh ~a5is: 121 J'ire ,-lubs at ;;ci1001s,Let.ter in r.:;: ~lS, ;, II ' i ~ F,unds, Dog Tax, Not i:o Supplement Game Warden: L 145 1i Federal Aid Secondary Proj ects, Additionai: d~ i Forest Fire Control, Communication re: l5~ !; 1-"'- .. , 'i . Fitzgerald, W. E., re Discussion Conditiorl of R!bads: 168 ischer, ~ude A. re-zoning cert~in proper;ty, l~l, 2. 7:0., I ~. .. ., __['~~s!ter, Mrs. Ralph, petition improvement ~o roa?s 187, I ' J , I 'I JJ:. ~'_'t;-,^~o4e,.. -' '/9, ~fi~I'"'C,+, /1'1, . ~. ~..,~~~. ~, '~/~d'f, , L, j ~ ~ ~~~...~ ~~g6. ~.r.- ~ ~ ~ ~/:ft"""7".s-1/99, ~ _J .'__{~...-<- br~~4-a--.b.-~ _-< t-/i.e. - f._~'7'-'./- -~,'{p.. "',- ~~o::o.r2~lr_ _';:/2.t~j/:;~7J~~ ~ ">0 -Lr~- . )-a..)~ ~~'~. Y""'"'~r ~/~ ~ 1 J~'7'A-<_~~'~a-~~,--'t'~/7- ~. _,~~~l!~ a/~ ~'-,a'-.' ':'~~~~-/cf'~ ,!-LJ~ P~.3, I: . .fq:;.~~~ ;;: :~:~ #:::;r~'-:,~~-#-:;~'- - ~S$, ..'1.' , uf' '.'. '.YJ ~,...~ L ~ - - r7 7;'" ?-~ d . ~, ,I __~~n~~~~ A'~~.-7, 't ~h':?-~"''''''1~1-7~, .. fl.. ~Forestrv, Virginia Divis~on and Roanoke County, summary of fiscal matters -- 315, J IIFile ca~inet and check tabs, allowance for Trea,surer, copy of letter filed -- 316, :I ~Fire Truck Bids on (Pumper) 323, :1 i~edera1 Highway Funds state and local governmen~s eligible to receive -- 341, 'I ' tulleI' Bus Lines, Inc., application for certifiaate of public convenience and necessity ds chakter [I party carrier by motor vehicles for handling passengers on certain routes Notice ~liled ~",:.68, ~Fund Revolving request by Treasurer for i~crea~e -- 368, I'i ij Fire Department, Purchase of Truck for Roanoke !pounty -- 384, I Ii .j i!Fire hydrants installed in Lindenwood.9 )divisi~n -- 399, ! , . :IFow1s and Livestock Protection of Amendment to General Appropriation Ordinance -- 401, rt . . !~ire Prevention and Extinction Appropriation Or~inance -- 403, ;t ~ ,. il . farncliff Avenue Area Cove Road 17.937 acr~s am~nd contract between City of Roanoke and )' of Roanoke dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes __ 413, ! !i " 130,1.5", l7~, /'17, ,..tl, '-It, I i' -7 ,., I 1410,423, r ':. ,:1 . i ,..~.. ...u., iil -...., I! J, Ii I I j I "1..,,._,' , I I T I I I l 337, 361, 36'1, 379,3$0, .1 :1 " " 1\ ' !, i[ -!t... ;1 l il . ~.. I il : .1 County:, : ,I I 'i , ~Fitzgera1d, W. E. transfer -- 417, i' Fitzgerald, W. E. resolution to be drawn commending for excellent work -- 417, ijFish, Restocking trout in streams in ROan+e County -- 434, jFiShing laws, request for three additiona1,spec~al policemen to Assist Game Warden -- 45~, , !i ;'! 11 , 1 I :1 " , 'I 1 ~ f I' I I: f I: ~ t Ii I Ii :: I' " ': ., I' r II ~ t Ii ~ H II II 1- " I " " I' f: ~ 'I I: i r: ij l' i n,Ji Ii ,I TI il ~ " :1 r Ii ~ i' 'I ~ u Ii ,I " " ii I ~ Ii " I' , , " I' I I- I i , '1 I, ., . Ii I , f! I !~ I I :: I .j I, I ,. j . 'I I ;1 1- -0 " I' II ;1 ;l i!Gobble, Lowell Nt.,Ass't. IT' ~ . ~(};,aha!ll, Mrs. II 1 tbubert, Frank, Prayer: 16, 74, 77,3~p, ~ ' ~ G1envar High School, Reouest for land: e" nGarbage Truck, Bids to be secured, : 20,P~rcha~e ~uthorized: 32, Voucher-check issued 5el ,_ .JGa,t:bap.e Colle.ction rteceipts: 52,66,131 . ;, 1 [Garrett, Mrs. Harry L., requested payment ifor dnristmas Tree Li~hts :57 ! 'rod.,,, Chn=", bid ,.< """,m'. em '1'" I" I , !I;::::::, :::::::i::r:::g ~~:::~::~o~:l:~:~.e~:[ :::."~:~::~tion vrai=nce: 72, 75, lS4, i ijvoldste~n, Leonard, ~e-~on~ng ret~t~on Grantee:! 70, I '~Garden tieirs l1.e-L.oning fetition Filed: 71,: Fina~ 137-13~ , 177, :;"'7~ I ." -J .f}l_Qver, ".rs 'J.arge. ,bra petition i'or. ,iei...~erl;,alaries: 123, ! I' i '. I ~Goodwin Chevrolet Corporation, Bid: 145. !. i ' Gibson, Robert L., et ux et aI, Petition ~o Re"Zone Filed: 71, F"nal.135-137 I G~Hfith, Rev. Frederick: 125 i: I General Appropriation Orilin"n('e, Amendmen,t re:l:162, lS4,;-"'?-j ;1.2.7, 271, 33e,369, 400,) Guernsey, Irene F. et al re-zoning cert~n property, lSl, 2.?,.. , ~~~ ?r ~o~ . i;' i _ ~W_~~. ~i"- ~c "--~.0..-t....,~ P~S, IH , '.,. . _ ..~<<-.o<- -t-?~~-/~ (~A~ ~ b..< ~-:t"'/?~773. ! Gills, O. W. et als endorsed plans in con$truc1ion of Ogden Road -- 302. r ~,. G~I!.~~,al R~venue Fund for General County Op'erati~ns, deficit Treasurer -:-- n7, Ht ~ II ~. .t!. Hopkins, Inc., granted permission for co~ucting electrical and plumbing contractipg i,,' t business -- 344, . i . - , 1 Glendy, Dr. Margaret desired to be heard ~n Airl;Pollution Ordinance -- 371, ~ ' ~;ns Falls Insurance Company release from furt~er liability under bond of former Delinq~ent ~r Collector -- 400, : ,: 1 I farbage disposal 57 acres to be used for, C" hair~.'an and Clerk to sign lease agreement between E,: _C. 0'-- ,--, .'Hill and wife and Board of Supervisors -- 417, . . 't . oodwin Chelrolet Corporation purchaseof 3: sedans -- 432, I ._"_ ,--,,--', 0..'. - : ~ . .., rr'-."- I :.'1 -'-----1 ~::~e~~~:;~:::::::~~::~ :;m;:~a::s~:;~~~~t5:~mlOCk Hills, refe~red to Planning col:i~-sa~- -- -- of Roanoke County -- 451,' : i . rr ,---- I G&me Warden request for three additional ~peciajl policemen to assist -- 456, j ~','" '[-'T- ", ~-'l'--"---' j., ,--..lL ,__,n_ ..i,_,_, i~ t County Ap,ent,Report:6,'2e, 33S, 362, 3S0, 411, ~4, 52, 66.95, 109, 130,15il. 449, , 175'/1J: J.il. zt'io, I I . i : 130,154, 17'('/91,1 ~I.__ I :i [ ,,--- :1 4 i l5, , Frances: Home Demonstration A!1ent)' Renort :4!)92S,52,66, 95,109, 1-'10,315, 338, 362, 380, 411, 4;<:4, '..., , ---0 i .~ II !I --I --1- _____1__., _____.______ -- \1 . - ,.,jL, - ,., II . " 'i I 1 II " p ., I' " rr " Ii Ii ii 4 'I U I, ~ il I " 1 I .1 I ! i :1 :1 I .! ,., -hi I." -I I Ii " " 'I " llH~alth Department, Authority to purchase Typewriters: 20 l~ea1th Department Lease & Agreement:38, _ ~elp.Additiona1 for Treasurer's Office, 29~ n ,~Harris, A.C.,Prayer : 39, /8'1, 401,435, JHolderby, Rev.A. Byron, Prayer: 41 f IHa11, La 'Una, Voucher-Check for Extra Hel~ in E~ectrtcac Inspector's Office:51 I Ob~Ck, A.F. Re-zoning petition: 54, Peti~ion fro & Con; 142; Final Order: 143 , en, .JohnW. ,ne~,member of House of Dele~ates~ present at meetin!?: : 56, ! E'Harvest Motors, Bid for Sheriff's cars fi~ed: 5p , I p Illpshire, John H.Corp, Bid for Acoustica~ cei~inp.;s accepted : 58 _ Hosj>ital bills, ';;,,,If",re LfHce Liven ",c.thqri~y ~o pay: 67, ;;1-0",", " I Hinchee, L.1'..& h..D. J he-",-oning i'G.L' ~tora~c of ~xplosives :69 arris, A.C., to replace E.R. Terrell on W~lfarJ Board: 70, re-appointed to Sewer j!@Re!~!~ James C: Jr~,Let.ter in re hradSh~\'l hold; 93 jistorica1 "",rKer for "",ngin;:; hock to ee i'cu.,h~: 118 , ! , :1 ,I :i J I J J i I ) i 1 i I Commit~ee, 79 I J I Hagen, John ~'.., .Letter in re ::"ewer i;.uvhoI'ity: I I 123 ! i , ! ri~ghway lJepartlJent Annual neport: 120 I ;iouse "ill If 360, "esolution to upj.>ose: 100 i I riosjJita1, burrell ,'.emoria1 , "Pl;ro;.>ri&.1;iop l'Or~ 122 I _~~~~e_~il andhefining Co. Re-~oning, Pe~itioh Filed: 113--Fina1 Order: 158.15~ . r ~ Harvest Motors. Inc.. Bid: 145 I " Horn. Dr. Herman L.. Sup't. of Rke. Cty. Schools Re Tour for Supervi.sors: 134 l, __lHe,rsh.ber,ger, Road.. Rezoning.No. Side: Finf. Ord#r-143.144 Ir , ~Humb~e Oil & Refining Co.. Voucher Check R.eto-abtive to Date: 1521 IHi"&~'y"J:!e-1lt._ re_ cQns~ruction of extension~Acce~s Road: 155 1 l!M'_d.Y_Fo~ciJ~pad Re.Rezoning Property of 4.wrend,e W. Weaver.ux: 157 {, lIecjgelawn Gardens Subdivision, Secondary !>ystei Additions: 166 I i Highway. Department of. Re Allocations: 168 ji ~i [,I, - ",_ :Lghway,. State,Dept..6o Board of Supervisors, Joint Meeting: 168 I " Ii I - .. ,." ,.Righway>>epartment. re ,condition certain roadsf 168 I,' "I,: ..-, e_t_t.__Richard, R., ,construction Co. Re Reso111tion Abandonment of Road: 161. [_: _ __,_ "ff'!~' Frank, President-Elect, Vi nton JaYc~.. es. . ~.,ppeared before Board 187, '.,' , rH-- I, ~9."','(!. y '7..::l-,~'~/S'1. , ,I T- . J-.1_~-oi" /J ._'~/' /'1" ]~~_~/7 ~/L.L,:o.~.. -- ,- --'-', ~<.'l-~~rs.- ~ '-{~~ '-1'....~::..-_-~-- .1lC-_t... (""'--TP '\ ~_....-.- 'l--~' rr"' _'-4rLe,.r )~A;,..x...e. -?::..,......1~~ ~/Q, I ~ I .," _' ~'VV~ ? :L/" , t ! J- / -:7.,1/ i Ii .---.-., ...-.--t---- I '. i 1 ph,n-G~~~~/~: 0 ! ,I rr-r.' t',J; . ,14.;)h "t-);J.' ~iYJ4,.:~1;'~ '~( ~....- , ~ ~ ~.... ;A4f<<t ... ~~ "3~3o.5:' 371, , '." V~,9-.f.U~1'''''~~t?~~~~A..... :z.9~ :1 !i Hopkins, G. J. Inc., application for conductin!; electrical and plumbing contracting business '! ITI and permission grant:ed --; 344, i . L Houseman, James E. et a1 petitioner Matter of ~ection 2, Berwick Heights -- 346. I ii I: : ~ Hodges, Mary K./S~n'~y portion of Route 9'n toi:-- 369. Ii Hagen, John W. appeared and moved that Board ~de move to avoid annexation by City f . Ii Hill, E. C. & Flora M. Chairman and Clerk. to sign lease agreement between for 57 acres ii for garbage disposal -- 417, . " I: Hubard, WIn. S. ~~rel for &x proposing to bui~d and operate COmmunity anetenna i Helm, Harvey, voucher-cheek retroactive to dat, -- 435, IIHidden Valley Country Club voucher-check rj'etroa,btive to date -- 4.35, )I - I " r i I ., , of Roanoke I 401. I 'I ! " , 'I io be frsed I I. television i sYjtem. , , Ii Horne j. , I, Harris, , Demonstration agent Annual Plan of \'icirk, County Extension Program -- 450, ! T . I I George R. tract 106.44 Acres, Amend contract between City of Roanoke and County ~f RoJnoke ;i. dealing with treatment of domestic and commercial wastes -- 451, i r :Harr~s, A. C. appointed on committee to make study of Community Action Programs of the Officeiof Economic Opportunity, Anti-Poverty Program -- 455, : C. D. appointed on committee to majke study of Community Action Programs of the Office!Iof Economic Opportunity, Anti-?overty Program -- 455, : 'I W. W. voucher-check issued for reimbursement -- 456, , ; " i' Harmon r' ' I: !i Henderson, I,: n i: , Ii j ,I " 1,- ~ j, , 1-- 1 ~- I -~ Ii 1: .1 f: ~ ~ U 11 ., I' U f: f . " Ii , t I JI "It ! !I ] 1 l- n I' I " , -'--t I I ii I _.._--~ t , I ri , ~-1i-- I II I ---~ I ,. 'I I I, -----~--rr. I " i L , II I Ii i --... " T \ !i I ._~- -. ft I " I' i " , i ~ 1 u , Ii " r I: , ;i ii ,. il , " II ,I ~ i ., ~ ., " " i! ., 'I I, " " " " \. i: , I,. ;i iI <I iJ ;; il : J Jail Physician, Assistant Appointed: 15. Ii. J ."inarik ;'0 ;,ucceed 1......:;u.iley:l::.O Ii 1 Janitor Service, payroll for, See PAYROLL: J Jury Tickets, Voucher-Checks Retroactive to Date: 27,51, !I Juvenile &. Domestic Relations Court Audit. : 2$~ 1-D'1. " ~Jaillnspection, Letter in re: 6$, 110, 154, ":,t...., 381, 450, Ii I 'i Juvenile flnd Lomestic r.elGct;ions Court, I'flrtitibn for r.lOr..; i.ii'fice Jpace: 95, n . i ~"-UliSO~'.JC4..,~r r. ,h~quest to i.;'itien ....OlO~1i~1~ i,ve. f 93 tlJoe Daniel Severt Property Rezoning, Sunny'broo~: 146 ~ ">>2.,.7.t,/. -,;- ~ c" ..Q"6 ..,r: ...4~~ ~ 1''1, ~~-l-_~1, ~-e ~ ~tP-~ ~" .... ;.'~ ~;...., ~~c'ju .....~ ~V; ~ 4.; ~ (}i. r~, C U, 0:--- .. i'iU ""<7, ! ~~"0"'" "L-' -f~C4,~/j~,#-, C.U.~~-'.., ('4 >-"'J, II, II Jamison, E. F. opposed plans in construction qf Ogden Road -- 302, ; ii Johnson, Edgar and Ruby C. public hearing for!permit to operate public trailer park -- 1324,348, ii i I .,,1. Junior .Woman's Club of Salem letter filed supP,Orting smoke.control -- }25,' , : I, I J. C. Wheat & Company, Managers and Assoc;.accE!:pt proposal to purchase said bonds -- 35.311, : 11 Janitors' Payroll -- 362,379,410. 423, 424, 44~, 448, I ; I, I Johnston, Mary H. &. Helen V. et al convey: port~on of Route 927-- 369, i II !I Jail, Committee appointed to obtain esti~tes for painting and renovating 416, I ~ ~ Jones, Mrs. L. R. et al appeared in oppo~itioni,to granting permit to operate trailer , . lot -- 433, ., '1" :- Jail, Repairing and Painting -- 434, i I Joint meeting Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ~ounty and representative from State Hi~aY I ",'.. . . Department -- 434. 456, ! ~ i Judves and Clerks for services p~rformed a. t th~.' Polls in Precincts not having voting ma hinlSt -- =-" . '.. Increase in RemuneratJ.on for -~ 454~' , i Johnson, President Lyndon B. study of communitt. Action Programs of Office of Economic O~portu ity, Anti-Poverty Program committee appoin~ed -- 455, I' i i' J r II .1" i I " I tl' I 'I ; I I I I , i I r , r I t I , i I . c c --I -I , i TI ~ ..~ + -- [ il ~ . ~. ~ L I! II - ~ ~ IT " Ii 1 II ,. , , , ~ " " " I il 4 " 1, I _" ,_.. n._ l-'- I IT J ~ II t ., :i 1 ;\ j , I , i i .i I I 1 i I J I , ,1 i " :1 " , ~ I ~,-_.__.- " 'I ~ j I J 'I ~j i 'I " .1 .! i I 'I :! ,. Ii i: ,I ~ II Loan to Roanoke "ounty Sanitiation Authority, i.'.. Re:oayment Date Extended: 10, tt 'I ~ I I .I! -I.J Law School Assoc, Dues paid: 5, ' , Ii . I' Lee, Burton P. ,Rezoning for Convalescent: Hosp~ta 1,: 17-18, i i, Lee, Robert E.&: Mervin P.,Rezoning ,Petition: "3), , " , Lemon, William N. &: Chester R., Rezoning; fron:i,A-l to 11-2 Approved;34 Landscaping for We1fdre Center, Quotatio6 Acde~~ance Authorized: 40 . ~. '~ t~ I Lindenwood, Vacation urder: 74, 113 il.ipeS, Walter M., Vice-Chairman,Board of) supe~visors: 78, Sewer Committee Member: 7Q, ~ i, I Letters: ~ee ~ubject: II LOg, an, "ancy, letter to l.>c<.rd: 98 !; .~. Lassiter, Edward B.,Appointed to Planning Conrnhssion: 78, I Landford, Stan, representing Clean/ater ,,~e. l'~sidents: 93 : i, ,Life Savinf ar,cihescue, Squad Liability in~uranf.e to be revie,/ed: 99 . . , , J.,eo-al ana r.el<.ted ""I'vices ~ornpensdtio" l~'OI" "banof.e Gounty San. .,uth. 102 ~ , I- I I I, , Landscaping Re Battle of Hanging Rock COm$emor~tion: 133 i I: Logan. N. C., Clerk, Letter to re access cpnnec~ion from William M. Tuc~: 165 Logan. N. C., Clerk, Letter, to re preViOUs.,reso~ution app:~oved: 165 i . center IS3, , I' i ! etter, Council of Town of Salem, civic Charles R. letter filed IS9, a . , !: - 4.(;,".......-c..:. '1 ~ ~ /1. '" I ~~ "i' ~ ~ '~~/'fo, ; , . r - I " ~ _.....r.-..-' rJ. ,..." yo ,: ffi.--._L f~f "..+. Ii ~:I~f.~-,.,-; ~('~q?.,.Xll ~ J :>./~ ~~~r.f7-'U~.-~~1I~~~~-~ )-;1./,,- ,~<-r{...e. ~~~~ 2/-1';1-7",", . J.<.. t"-e!.. , '>??'1'""/ . ~ ;>-;i- D ! ',tJ,:?,~~,id. ~~~:l., ~;'-e~ ~:>':O-~ l " ., r::t?~ ~:O-"T-.3"'4, . ,."1~j1,~~ ,...4;,.) -t ;F,'''~ ~e~.....~ ~l~~"} 'n,r(1e1~ ~J~ ~A--~ -~~ -4 r7r~ .--:"ff4, ~-i c.. ,.t~ Jots ptt, ;'(..1 . 411,: 415J, ,.fJ~a. ~~ ----;" L-~,A'~ ~~Cc- - l' "'~i"; )---.,-C~t!,. ._.-....'c..~ ~t~, t:>~:ffi;;:".de.'. ~A!:..-yP.,"'!' n.~:A~.. ':7.".)~' a. ~ a-,. ""7"- . ~'~.(/}~:l.7S., -ft-, 9- ~ ~~~. ' , I I Lipes, Walter M. appointed to Dust Commit~ee -~.301, ; I I I ease purchase agreement of voting machines orderl9d filed -- 306, j -' _'ri"""'--'f'~~~~~~.r"t !I,'icense or constructed Project No. 2466 known as the Niagara Projects Notice of application r filed 316, ." , tibrary Board appreciation expressed -- 325, , ~ibrary Director introduced -- 325, .' !~eague of Virginia Counties copy of Agenda for Thirtieth Annual Meeting filed -- 347, ~ . . il iiLetter from State Compensation Board stating day for purpose of fixing salary and expenses I' ordered filed -- 347, !:Letter renumbering present route 119 tu 419 filed -- 350, ~eague of Virginia Counties resolution fil~d exirl'reSSing appreciation for gracious recept~on and " hospitality -- 368 ! t " .' I I ',Lipes, Walter M. appointed to Civic Colise).lm Cepter Building Collllllittee 302, I ! , I t I I t I f ! :1 ! I' I , :i ~ 'I " 1 'I I I I " I ~.. ~ , , ~, I I , ~ l-'.~- .t. .~ r ~ 'I II 'r' :1 i 11 I' ., ] ;) :1 I :j :! I: ,I i i' Legal Holidays -- 371, I H i Ii Landowners for Abandonment and closing ot certain streets, petition of abutting, Roy Drive, Section 1 j; Southern Hills -- 397, 'I !i Lindenwood Subdil-ision, installation of fpur fire hydrants -- 399, j ~ Livestock and fowls protection of Amendme~t to ';General Appropriation Ordinance -- 401, 1 ii Lipes, Walter M. elected Chairman of Boar4 -- 4.02, J !iLibrary Public operation Approproation Orqinance -- 403, I II !I Letter from Vinton Chamber of Commerce fil~d --' 415, I II i!Lipes, Walter M. appointed to committee tq obtain estimates for painting and renovating bourt! House ~ and Jail -- 416, .' l. . :!Lipes, Walter M. appointed to committee td draw up resolution commending W. E. Fitzgeralr fori U excellent work done -- 417, " I " ~Lease agreement to be signed by Clerk and iChairman between E. C. Hill and wife and the Board of " Supervisors for 57 acres ito be! used for garbage disposal area -- 417, I 'I i!Literary Fund, application from School Board for the County of Roanoke for loan -- 427, 428, : .. , .. , \ iLee, Bill appearedin support for permission to operate trailer sales lot -- 433, j! n ' .. t ~ipeS, Walter voucher-check retroactive to date :-- 435, I il I " , h I 'I :i , 'I U i! I' ,I ii " 1- 1- I i I j i ~ 1 t I' ,I ~ I, , ~ I II - I' I 11 ~ , , I' i J , ff , I 11 I [ , I ~' ,. 'I I II 1 Ii 1 I , i J # II i ! ii -f " Ii IT t 'i Ii . Ii ;i , " I, 'I 1 I: ': I ,; il I, !: ),i I' il ,I i! II I! I' I' Ii I: ,I Ii , 'I g :1 i " I ii .1 = , :',,'1' :,1' 11 I' ~ M1nn,1x, Vogel L. ,Resignation as F1~e Chief, : 7. L 'I III~ercy House Inc, Resolution in re Rowena Griss6: 31! il " ., , 'I II hooile domes ::ides l.iispLy, .conine. for: 70, II Ii Matthews, Paul B., Re-Anoointed Roanoke C?Unty;, Execut ive Officer: 80, Planning Commissiorl: 7S :1 IT d II Sewer Conrnittee: 79, il ~. ,'.i:mic;;', .,"'-1co;:; L. ,i'rayer: 103 ~~tthews. G.Carl, Apnointed to Planning CO~iSSi!',:on: 7S, ~ 1..J.l1er, "ev. liOY, ['rc..yer: 82 .1 I :i If,.oyer, Jallies l,itequ.ast.s i'arti tian of ::iP"c~ ill "rfice: 95, 1, fi ,'.inarik,ii.J. ,Appointed J"il i-hysician:120~ ' II JrI!oore. M,ke, Letter in re Bradshaw Road: i. 2:3 ~ hr t. Vernon Heights, Re-Zoning Petition: l~O, Final Order: 160-161 I 'I i ,~' Mercy House Boiler, Inspection of: 131 I :, i ssie, G. Edmond, re Letter to James E. p'etersi. Treas. - Feb. '64 Expense Voucher: 133 I I' undy, Robert E. & JE:DIDa L., Order of Rezo~ng ~operty of: 155 i I : I: : [ Moore, Norman R., Attorney, re Petition Order ~ezoning Property West Salem Baptist ch.:1156-7' I Massie, G. Edmond, Letter to'James E. Pet~rs r~ Claims: 165 I I Marshall, F. 0., Letter from re increase ~n tafes & police protection: 165 I;. I Meeting, Joint re Board of Supervisors & RepreS;entative cf State Highway Dept.: 168 ! Miscellaneous Operating Functions re appr9Pria~ionl General Revenue Fund: 162, lS4, ~'" - I 0..27 ~ :z..1~.,; L.O:3, I 1 I ~ethodist Church, Board of Missions and C1ui'ch iExtension re-zoning certain property 1$11 " IHartin, Luther J. et als rezoning certainipro~rty lSl, :349, . , , " I Moyer, Mayor James I, commended, lSS, ! i , I I ,~/.A.f,t....", la.,... '; C"""7~- . ~,;W"", -~~~ lV ..~' i'? r~I, ,,~, ~-- ,.~t:!'~, "",,~ P: .' 1'. I 1tC~1-1~'1.1~/!7!~/~ ~.~. ~.,..<'.-.d -'f' ~/#~. {~;l- "'-~'~~~i [ :1' ..,"_0 r~/J,L?1J.~~~e, ~.: '-/.#~~-_.:""j,. -4-.. L ~e>?'; /" .i 't; P1~,'??" ~ ..,~~~,~ ,,~.~O~~,(/cA"-<-- .~W2-C, . ~~, fr~.x. ~~.I, &- -xJ~, -Il~;.r ~ ~ Cl"/- V 7./"', 1'1 . I~~~, c;,~--~;'~ -fo-~rut.,....u",-&,-/ '3011, I I' .. ~~~<-~(A~'~~~>J'~~:~:2.~.~~'f+.~1 "I"'-~'- ,-r~7iJ,,~....1~~~<~.":.~n~ ........;~~~7-~'7-'7 7~1! ....... ",- ~ "70lf---.' - -...e: _' _~u..J" /1 .:z,./~ i. r .. ~~~~'~L7. 11'......,',.. ;~,p:.,.h~.~....? -,."~~ /J.---..j~~_/. - '''''~ ~ ~;I' -. ~-4~ :o./.e; ~~-fJ~ (J-~c~c~~:>-,.:L, I :, I ~ ~~~d}~'/., ~;~ :>-,3, -*~~ I f .' , ~ t..~, ~ :1'57, : ;, ! ~ , ?.-~17~"l ~~~~t~ ;! ~.,.~~:,..- )~~e"~.""-!-'74.."')'-...;A..~ 'PL-z.6~ il! ~c.,..,..<-l......'.......<--(~H.'- ~. 2.1'.' . :, ~h1~ fi, C~ (;../. '<-...~~:f~.,J -d. ~ -#L. ~ 2.71; :1 11 Mktthews, 'Paul B. appointed to Technical Commiitee -- 301 :i ~Miller, A. F. appeared in interest of controlling dust -- 301, il !!Matthews, Paul B. appointed member of Civic Coliseum Center Buildir~ Committee -- 302, " Ii Membership in the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber 'of Commerce -- 302, I . ijMembershiPs in Vinton Chamber of Commerce .-- 32:3, 415, I!Muse, Leonard G. Attorney, appeared on bel:lalf of Smoke Control __ 325, fa~or Arterial Highway Plan ,.PUbliC hearing -- :326~~49, , Jor Arterial Plan, letter fJ.led acknowle?ging receipt of resolution __ :36S, , o -~ 1,-" I I i I I approving additional! furniture and eqUipmeni II 1 1 ; Miller, Mary K. letter filed in oppositiqn to rezoning certain property on Route 119 --i 37l,j ri Manning, Charles C. Jr., letter filed in opposition to rezoning certain property on ROufe llf -- 371, ii Martin, Calvin J. and Bernice A. letter filed 'in opposition to rezoning certain propertr on Route 119 :i 371" I j ~ Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds -- Appropriation Ordinance -- 403, i 1 n Miscellaneous Operating Functions Amendment to' Appropriation Ordinance -- ',04 I ,I r,'!. r~tthews, Paul B. appointed to committee Ito obtain estimates for painting :nd'renovatink CO~: t House " and Jail -- 416, I Ii r.latthews, Paul B. appointed to committee ,to d?w up resolution commending W. E. Fitzgerrld f! r #1 excellent work done -- 417, ~ Malley, Mrs. Margaret L. Superintandent of Roanoke County Public Welfare, no supplement.l pa' ent I' to be made -- 426, 442, : ' t ! Matthews, Paul B. vouchercheck retroactiv~ to date -- 435, i ~ Musk Thistle requesting co-operation in i~plem~nting program Copy of Resolution filed -i450' ~ Mason, W. D. petition filed, no action ta~en fqr permissilJn to provide s l'aces for trail s -~ 455, Ii Member of Roanoke County Sanitation Authotity ~eSigned and member appointed __ 455, i ~ 1 ,. Ii i Ii TI II !I Ii ~ I' r ,i " .! " I' H U Massie, G. Edmond, :; Chairman, Compensation Board, copy of letter filed allowance to cover overdraft for repairs to office Commissioner of Reven~e -- 368, I I !i ,I I i I I I I '~ ,~ ,I ~ I, -~ ~ II II !I I, " t it :: i: . ii " " ~ ~ I " I' ~ ,[ ~ I it B ,j ,I -- " I I I I ~:. jl'cGregor. h.ob Roy, Letter in re tlradshawi Road!: 123 ; ,. II i , 1. c j ~ I I I' I [i " , i I ;, -0 I r " I. t I. 1 , , I " L i II , , , i: C " ii l; , l ~ I, i: I' I I " 'i ~ I, , :i " , I I , 'I I I '1 i " 'I j -- -.-- il ~ I " ,I ~ 'i ~ :i I ~ :1 I IT ~j I 'j I I ~ I' ,1 I I Ii ~ I' II i , i i I I I 1 i j I I , i I I I I I I I [ I \ i \ , I , I 'I ~ :! i ~, , i I, , " ~ I 'i r ~ I 11 Water Company, Inc. re Certifi~ate of Public Convenience: 132 i elson, Coleman H. , re Petition abandoning Went5rorth Road: 167. If6, ! all1e assigned to Route 1832 from Alpine Road to (Route 768 and Route 768 to D. E. I t!-t4" ," 14....' IJ p. YA-,C."J...?.3, '1---",.., : !' ~~~/ ~)9r.~-n--- ?r-;f.fa. ~~ -d~ ~O-f", . !1..-:( ~~1"-(' ~~,~,~/~',~e--r 7L/7, i'J(-"f /~ ~'... ..'(?I. ,-~ ~ -;t-~,/ ~/7, 1~.. ~4.,1-.: ..~ 4""'-~"~":" ~+- A-' :1.17: . 4~d'J-v -I/.. e., ~,~~ "~~ ~ A--~- -Co' >- '" 3, '7t~.-/~.II/..,4. . '(.4--..., 1" ~~' -k'<: - "':>-3, 7/-'4',4~""'~~""~7r&~~ """f. , 'Nbtice of application for +1cense by APPa~aChia~. Power Company, Niagara Projects filed J~6, "iagara Projects Notice of application fO~.! Lice~se by Appalachian Power Company filed --1316, jl egotiate loan or loans and borrow money, ~reasfrer .- 317, I i otice of intention to discontinue public ~aint~nance on section of State Secondary Rout~ 691, I' , t~ Frillkljn CounW line ,-- l?3,' !: i. :1.1 ~1""'''''.4. r~-t~ ''-~~--7'-f~ .3~~ I ' l .., Nininger, Bessie I. Estate Rezoning certa~n pro~erty -- 339, I ~ from State Corporation Commission that Fbr. ler Bus Line~, Inc., application for cefifiC~te of public convenience and necessity as c~arter party carrier by motor vehicle for hand1~ng passengers on certain routes filed r- 36~, IT . ew Years and Christmas closing of County pfficfs for -- .371, I ~ Corporation Co~~ission fbr ce~tificate of Public Convenience and Neces~ity ar common ~arrier, Ovarnite! Trcmj?ortation Company -- 412, Iii' , II I . I .J~ " II ii ii 'I II orth Lakes i I i I I I Olsen ROad I I I I I I 1 I r: I 1 . -., ~ '. ' '......1 c :: !i I i, " I! " Ii I' t' I! I , :1 " !' , , II , I ~ i I I I - I " , , , ,. " ~ .. , I] ~ II II H Ii ~ I, ~ ! I u I I :/ I, I' I I, :. . - h8, i i r , , I i I I i I i i I I I , I Ii I II , i I I , ~ I j I :1 I II !I :1 ., I I I , u1d Virginia brick Co.,i-etition for lte-L.oning hled:71, 177, "'1~ J i'" ~ ~ak Grove ?ar~nt teacher ~.s:.:)n., l-etitio:1 in re! 'reachers ,:).:.:.l.:J.rie.s /;.-.3 Il,Office Space in Court House, 124, ~20G 1 . 7, !, . i en Space Land re Arthur S. Owens, City M~nageT' Roanoke, Va., Letter: 133 , I: rating Functions re General AppropriatiQn Or4inance Amendment: 162, 184. , ,. Ordinance, Anti-Rabies: 162-3-4, 1, Oakland Estates Subdivision, Secondary Sy~tem ~~ditions: 166 ! (j~J..-- fZ,. <)<:../--..;{-- '~.;....~~~;-!..-~'~,..,~ I <2.~.,.,..~. C:;~j 73 ~03 i71 ~3, I , '7.--'---;---'7) " I , , ~-54:> '-~~7~-<--"(~ ), I 1'~..Ak-. ~....4-'~~,~~r~~~<>~ ~:-'- "/7, I !P-r~:;L ~~/j~-4r1e:~~/~:-j1~!.- -1./(~ ~<..,/.:J./~~~~ ( 2/Z ! ~".ir._<. ~4~~i~4,-/}~~ -;4~ ..:.( 2-/7, I .n J . 1/"AL.. . . I ~ vr.-?>~"""'" "'~./~:).3/: i, I Il""~ y~ -"l~4-C_'(~~<< ~< ;"/7-?-3>; I ;~~.,'-'-- jt~y( /--"''''~"3- y~'~ 'J-1-.E; I z:t,..,. ;ye~ _.../ 7- 2..1,)01{; I I I, I , ?~.. c< -~#.-../~ ;.,t 7 ' t': i ""-'7'- . -----.~~ :--3,7- I Operational and Fiscal Summary for roads fbr f, sca1 year 1963-1964, report filed -- 324[ rcl8rd Hills Drive, reauest to take into ~econ~ary System -- 325, ' : rdinance, Air Pollution Control -- 371, 393, ,I' J I; Old. Virginia Brick Company, request oppor~~t~ito study proposed Air Pollution Control 371, ' \, 10per..tion of Department of Welfare APproP~iatit Ordinance -- 403, ii, '_peration of Public Library Appropriation prdin~nce -- 403, i _ i ove..rnite Transportation Company apPlicati9.n fr~.' StateCorporation Commission for certifirl ate . of Public Convenience and Necess:I;'ty as:: common carrJ.er -- 41::, 'Oren Roanoke Corporation, purchase of trurk fo~ Roanoke County Fire Department -- 425, Ordinance proposed for adoption removal or tra~F' garbage, weeds, etc. __ 433, 456, j I' Ope.rlite trailer sales lot request of Ward :Mobi:!l.e Home Sales, Inc., for pe;: mission -- 43 .1.0 ffice of Economic Opportunity, study of qornmu~t:r Action Programs Under Anti-poverty" .,. Program -- con!inittee appointed -~ 455 t ,.. . J ...1- Ii ill r! j II L I 1 :: I [I ~ I! I: I I! II ~ !) I, II ~ ~ c w a ,/ jl II il i ~ [ il i i j i ! I II I I ! i , TI " II il II ~ 'I il II :1 , .! r: "un I.-i c - I , II II ' I ' : I .i Prayer: 1, 16t' 21..141, 59,74{17,82, 103, 125 ,,147, i 169, I~C. /9/ ;. #o~ ';..s~. :;"57.. 1-p.. 3~:J!) 3d8.332I,1 , 37: ,4u1, 405, 417,435,442, :- 7.,. . Jr' Peters, James E., Treasurer, Report: 5, 26, b4, 1;6,107, 129, 151. 173,174, /"'7 ~6o ~fs. 3 .3,33 , 360, 378, 409,422,447, .:. /, ., I Purchase of Floor l~chine & Duplicator fOlHeal~h Dept.,Authortzed: 14, : , , , ~ Powell,Evelyn F. ,Ass 't.Home Demonstrationi Agen~ Report: 6, 2.8,06, 95,109, 131,154, 175, /'l~ .:J-~/, ""7 II 315,33$,362,3$0, 411,:42.4, 449, I il ! I I I ~ ayroll for Refuse and Janitor service,app~oved!,for payment: l~ t 26,50,65, S6, 108, 13~152' i75, /'j.f, ;o.?1. 314]33'1' 361, 379, I !~ , I ' Plantation Nursery Bid on Landscaping,Autl!ority,' to Accept: 40 I I fublicI,orks, "mendment 1.0 ~.ppropriation I: 72'1,75, 184, :J-""~ :L 2.7, a7'- 33$, 401, Planning and L.oning, 'iillendlilent to "ppropz;iatio!p: 72, 75, 2.71,339, ) I . i ,. I' i II , " reters, J;..mes ",., J.,etter in re Rfhmburseiijel11; i'~r". r ..,Beage: 6$, Re-imbursement for postag1: U, $~ijl.'" Planning Commission ~embership: 7$ I , , rice ;:,tabi1ization "ct, ~upport souGht: YO [' I , , i . arks an" ..ecreation ne.cort by ",ugene ::'. ',,~rt,: 9f hequest for COlJ1wittee: 91 , II r"yment of ,,;..laries 0rdered: 67, 384, 'artition to be built i., J & D R i'or Probation i , #i'f:lce: 95 , ! " il ~ I' , , Probation Ufricer to tet space : 95 , arkw&y, "lue t,idge, hccess ho"d Sought: 9f, 'Le~ters in re: 118 Proposed 1egis1ati:m for General ~.sselJ1bly!: 99,[: Opposition to : 100 Pope, Dr. C.C. appears in re: Rabies ~dinan~e: 120 'I ~Ph!~ician for Jail, Dr. H.J .Minarik,APPoi1ted: t20 jl'r, -eC.ift.' cts', Consolidation of : 122; Recomme~., dAtif"" 167 Petition in re; Teachers Salaries: 123: I' ij P ~ T .A. Petition in re Teachers Salaries: 1123 I; !IPiCk, ~~s. 1.M. ,appears in re: P.T.A. pe~i;iO~! fer teachers S~laries: 123 ~ " Purchase of Two 1964 D500 Cab and Chassis; 14~ Purchase of Two 18 Cu. Yd. Truxmore Parker :Refu~F E.odies: 145 Petition Opposing Rezoning A. F. Hoback pr.oper~: 142 .e,tition Approving Rezoning A. F. Hoback ~roper~y: 142 " eters. James E., r,e Letter from G. Edmond: Masste "f Feb."64 Expense Voucher: 133 . I' ., II ] I I II i 1f , iI I 'I i 1 1. J ,tltl, ~~5, I il i :1 i 1 ! :, . il I olice Officers for County: 144 " Purchase of Shelves for Welfare Dept.: 144 . '. , i! ,. Pyrofax Gas Company, Voucher Check Retro-lIftivei, to Date: 152 eterll, James E., Treasurer, Voucher Check,RetrQ.-active to Date: 152,153'/7"1.#o~";"3ltO, , . , , eJ:.i.tj,Qn..:!.",e_.Robert E. Mundy, ux Propert.Y~_Capta1n'.s Grove Subd.: 155 . i re Trustees of West Salem Baptist, Chur~n: 156,157 ! re Lawrence W. & Frances E. WeaveX' Pro#er.ty on Hardy Ford Road: 157 etition re Hazel Goodman & Lynn G1ynntis Wi11ikms Property, Route 601: 157,158 ~eters, James E., Letter to, re claims from G. ~dmond Massie: 165 l~etition re Abandonment Wentworth Road: 167; sJe Opposing Abandonment: 167, lr;eCinct, /jClOSing of Riverdale Voting 188" !, !!f+ ~.lJ~~ f'~/~ <-~'/7:~ ~(~ "~~~~----7""./"1~~ ~~-..." - "D~ ,I A / ..JJ~'.oJ d'.. ' _ _ J . iJ :, . !lr~~ -I\...-z 7...e'~~<Gt"'J~~"'?r~~ I.. L. ;O~ ~/-<1~ ".J Q, ,~, ~ ~ (fJ~. '!'.:p? ~. "'""7' c?""~ ",/(7 r~9-,~..,{.~.I ~~A U"'Hry74(~1-.", ~~ Y~~~/~~~tz~,:k: 453, l-r~~p1~' (-~~.A! ;. ")./7- . , ., '1 ,; i iI ., i " :1 ~. f < <. :~~lP.~ .t'i.:~~,~'(4fiD"~~~~ ~,a,r'-;,> '~~~-7 r >-(..,vCf+ C~. .,;;.~f . "f~ r:~ ~~~,.,..A P -f:~c ~ ~; ~~:, :{J..G..cJ~ II,. ~.h-~ ~ ~.j?z ... 7"~1', ,.~'./(+.~-/1fl -.../'''4'74',/,1 ~'~>?~ ...."3-J, 2.11, 403, ,-I-.~ { . ,,~-f C1?-"?<.. JrI-.I Z- -;8 ! ' :~"'-<-'l~' C-4~.f;;Lr .-~!Pfr';""~ 1~-+-- c:::-..;..J-;t. yc-f4t.. t~.3,: J:~~,~._~~ ~ ~.x:~ 1/'. ~,J---.I ?-(.3, :,-I~~,-1~~~ -4~-?;'-;' ~(.t'- !1J~"~~~~(I ~t..G; ; f~C'e,{.~4../~~".5. i i:f~1f-----e'lft!~~ ~ 7-~~, ~~ ;t--< ~~( '7-v.,~41'~ ~..'- ~"Z! l'rd- '1~A/,#-"'41A- . ~-Y~~ ?o"Z t~~c.,..../.;o.-";;~~~c....4' -'. F7~ i l:poliCY Committee member of committee appoifted 1rank R. Angell -- 301. ipublic Building, sale of bonds for erectio~ and equipment of -- 303. i, Personal Property Delinqu.mt List filed _J 315, !! t " j: Policy Committee acknowledging appointmenf of rIIember -- 316. !: Peters. James E. Treasurer. letter filed ~l1ow~g purcha:se of equipment 316. i ' ; I:, Phillips, Charles. B. appointed Special Attprney -- 317. :Parks and Recreat~on Program report filed ~- 32S. ~ i ~ ~pumper. Bids on :Fire truck -- 323. I:. ~PubliC hearing to operate public trailer p~rk (~ohnson) -- 324, ~PubliC trailer park pUbli,: hearing (Johnson) --' 324. uPostponement of referendwn on bond issue f~r paroks and libraries requested -- 325, I: llParks and Libraries postpc)nement of referendum on bond is sue r'lquested -- 325, Fltition signed by sundry property owners ~ith r~ference to smoke control -- 325, -~~ i ! I kbUc hearing - Major Arl.11rial Highway Plan -- '326, I f7~A. '~/'j. ~-:-<~1~1A43"'f' 353. I Petition for suitable "Do,!!; Ordinance" to b~ enfo.rced in populated areas of the County --1350. ~peters, James E. TreasurE.r, and Roanoke cornty,.. audit of records -- 370, I' ~Purchase of Typewriter for use in Clerk's 9ffice, Roanoke County -- )70, I' . I . fPiCk, Leonard M. Letter filed in opposition to roezoning certain property on Route 119 -- r371, ! froposed Air Pollution Cotltrol Ordinance -1 3 7l~' I ' " fayrOll, Supplemental Cou:nty -- 380,' I ~Purchase of Truck for Roanoke County Fire Department -- 384. 1;?5, l ~petitioning Governor of 1firginia to appoinf Cha~les E. Webbe~ member of ~tate Highway co~~s,on -- ~etition of Abutting Landowners for the Ab,n~onment and clos~ng of certa~n streets, Reso I t~o i' Roy '. Drive Sectic,n No.1, Southern, H~lls -- 397, : Peters, James E. Treasurer, authorized to ~ccept certain sum as settlement of former Deli~queni Tax t: Collector Bond -- 4,,0, I. i : !:Protection of Livestock and Fowls Amendmem to General Appropriation Ordinance -- 401, I I, I i;Prepare resolution thanking Mr. Keffer for his faithful and efficient services as Chairman --(402, ) . t !!PubliC Library operation Appropriation Ordinance -- 403, i [Public Health Appropriation Ordin:ince -- 403, I I , , I , Public Works AppropriaticlIl Ordinance -- 403. H i. Protection of Livestock and Fowls (see DogFund) 1: ' -- 403, 404, !:Platter, Rev. Fenton prayer -. 405, Ii " , I 6 :: Painting an':;' renovating Court House and Jail, committee appointee' to obtain estimates -- i 41 , , ' I t' , :i Purchase of typewriter :for use in Roanoke .County Delinquent Tax Collector office ,-- 416,; .,1 I' . . ' I :1 Purchasing tf~~t to pur,~hase typewriter fqr use in office of Roanoke County Delinquent T~ CO~lector I I I lu 392, I o J~ ; i "- o --u a I .j Ill" il Roanoke Gas Co. Voucher Check Retroactive: to D~te: 6,27,51, 66, SS, 108.109,139.153, 177~~~;~:1'o. 317. 338,362,380,411, 425,453,: l. I i! r I :1 Roanoke County S~i;ation Authority, Voucher creck Retroactive to date:6, 65, 139, /f9, :31[rt. 381:1, 425, ~ Roanoke Linen Service, Voucher Check Retr~actde t.o date: 6,51, 66jl8 109, 139,152, 177, 9'1; ~i "'" II ~P, 317, 338, 3~, 1+ I' 425,.453,' I ~ 11 . ~ Repayment date for Loan to Roanoke County! danitatJ.on Authority Extended: 10, f!! . ~ ' . . 1 I Recreational Parl{,Cave Spring, 15, vO;;Jnit;tee SbU[ht;.~l. i I , Resolution to Town of Salelll in re \'Ia,ste a*d Seial':E' Disposal: lI"estward Lake Estatles, 10 Ii I Ii f I ji ii I i: i ji I I' I ! r I: ! I r Roanoke County Court, Audit: 28,:Jo1t) "i, ., I Roanoke Valley Develop'Ilent Corp. Letter in ire: ~r,te 709;37.154 I Roanoke Valley ll.p.giOl'lal Planning CornmissJ.~n. Lftttllr in re: ~mployment of Qualified Plan1ers Re.-Assessment: Board of E:'~alization APPo~ntmE.~.1~ li:e"uested: 30 j ,elford, Byron L. Petition for Zoning Sec'll, ~e~/Ood :56, Final Order: 119 Roa10ke Valley Regional Planning & Economlc De :elopment Commission Il.embership Changes: 9 Roanoke County Welfare Board, :3 member li~it: ~8,K1rris apnointed to renlace Terrell: 7~ E!I I Roanoke County Sewer Cormnittee members: 79, : r .Roanoke County Exec~tive Officer,Paul B. Matthews re-appointed: RO I I~ escue iiquadLi"biliLY Insurance LO oe "ev.i,cvied: : 99 tesolutions for Pr'oposed Legislation: 99. i I; owland, J.n..,ll.epr~sent5 (.;ler~\\Tater Hve l~'ei'siden~s in Gomplaint:93 - ". , I. oa~Qlte Ccunty Sanitiation Authority Projepts ptesrented by Beavers: 121 : (, _()~ng!e County Sanitation Aut'tority to us,~1 Sheriff's 1960 Car: 121 ! t ' . , usher. Derwood, Petition to re-zone j'.t. '1ernonI'Heights: }etiti"n for: 110. Final Order: 160 , [ . 161 J !: Resolution from City of Roanoke: 14, ~el1eetiea Pa;FsI1J ~ P~YR91L ~bies Ordinance Proposed: 120 Report of Highway Department Filed: 120, I. I I RObertsoR. A. ~illis. Letter in re: Acces~ Roa~ to Blue Ridge Parkway: 118 : Ii Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, Legal and !:Related Service COIIIpensat.ion: 101 I' Fil$d: 101, 318, ! ,hoanoke (;ounty Sanitation Authority AU>til;, Residents, Additional in Vinton : 122 Reese, Lee It. Petition to he-Zone lJenied,:124 : : I' Resolution in re Dog Warden Deputy: 145 ;:Order Rescinding: 165-6 , Or~r , IRezoning!Re Joe Daniel S.evert-propertycfSllnnybr,ook: 146, :J.~..s: I .' Rezoning. Opposition of A. F. Hoback Prop~rty: 1. llf2 ~Reso1ution re Name Change of Salem-Roanok~ co~ty Cbamber of Commerce: 141, 142 II. O"'~t ~/?-- c;...v Rezoning Order Property North Side COIlllllander Dr... N. W. :., 1'40, 1/"~ I ' ,oanoke County Superintendent, Dr. Herman L. Ho~ Re Tou- of Supervisors: 134 !IRezoning Order Re Robert E. Mundy & Emma L. M~dy Property: 155 ~Recess Lane, New name of Access ~ad: 1~6 ~. Order ~_..J<h-( AJ~.{J.....~ U~ I Rezoning/No. Si~ Rt. 11 & 460 at Inters:~c. State Rt. 112:1) 156, "'08, I Order " Rezonia&mo. Siele Hardy Ford Road: 157 : :: I q et RezQUing Otder REi Route 601 Property of H~e1 GOoClman Wi11iemB. al:: 157.158r-73 i ,/ ~ 'I [. IT I , I I : ~:32_ ! I I r I I I I I ! '. t J J :1 j II II I 'i ;1 " " ~ :1 ji II I, Ii Ii ~ A.bandonment: Part; 221, I' II A.erial Services Corn. ~ ~ Access noad i'orD1uc ldd!;e "ark\~ay ~ c;.o, " II Vacation of ::itreets, r'roposed ~ebis1ation:: \19 ~ ~ ~ bradsbaw tl.oad, Letters in re: 123; CondiJtion ~If ~3 ~68 I Access Road for State Rt. 709: 155 I .. 1 I I Secondary System, Town of Vinton Annexatirn, 11'~, I Name Olsen Road assigned to Route 1832 from Alp~ne Road to Route 768 and Route 768 to Dj E. I I . I Inclusion in Secondary System of certain propel~y, I~~r~..~je ,.i:t .. -f'(,-.. ~~-f1~'L'--'~~. EC~-LJ----~C/.d{y~/5, I; -If 0- ,~ 'I' d.-:<:' a-. .~'" -",.' 7\,"""-<- :;,..~ i : : ~~~~=';:"7,1-~J, 4/~9, , <4r~~-"< q ~~..-......~4...- -;'~7 ,. ~~' -'&:~ "~~ +f< 4, ~,).-A- :1-t:8, '~r,/r '---........./,j ~.....~'_"... 4 ~-.J-('---(?~I(::;.. , - :r/~' ~....- ~Ct.,-~~ --c~A ~ f~!!2.?1, ~1':;f~...:xd'/~~~r ~77,;' . J"~ ~~~ ,-~"-<.. +~-h A~ ".::.: ~~-4<,~TdA~ ",~. ~ ~ _~4. .....,,~ -'-_._' -/ t''''''; €---'- 7-1j I . , II . U"<Q".~I (1:--- H....... .J(~ 1ii~~~~,....1-7i Renumbering of Route 119 Roanoke County and TOlO.p of Saleln -- 306, I " ~a1entine Road extended and surfaced discussed ~- 323, Discontinue pUblic maintenance on Section ~f Stae Secondary Route 691 to Frankl1 C to L' i - .' Notice = 323,' :" n oun y I 1ne " Request for road known as Orcmrd Hills Dr~ve to be takel~ into Secondary System -- 325, ISecondary System request to take Orchard ~ills ':Dri.ve into -- 325 . ~ --- - - d - 1 ~ ' ~~c~ndary System application for Colony L,ne tq be accepted and made part of -- 342, ROADS 7. Part 613: 57 Let~er i!l re 221, ~;2; .art 013: 92' "es01ution reouest for Access Road: 55, inire: 1 , I I I ! i I I I ,'ina1 DudLet for .:>econdary ;,ys1;e;" "PFroveb: 92,1 , I Aciditions to Secondary ::iysteu.: 90, :67,42~, uperationa1 ",ad ?isca1 Summary reI' CeuntYj FL.e~,: petition, lSo, 2-'"7 117 'if' '--"""'-"~ .,~ r.-;. /7~~' "7~~- /<t9, v; /f" , SEction of Secondary Route 927 to be abandbned '"- 345, 1 - &:cUon of New Location to be added to Secpndal:j' System -- 345, llill~ontinuance of public maintenance of P.rt e.l. Section of Route 691, -- 345, Abandonment present grade crossing on Rout~ 753 ~I after completion of Industrial Access 0753-ollo-127-C501' and open to traffic -- 345" .!bandonment from Secondary System -- 367, , : Changes in Primary System -- 367, H Discontinuance of Section, Salem District ,-- ;168, ~ Convey ~rtion of Route 927 to Mary K. H4ges, .~rk H. i9.l\d Helen V. Johnston -- 369, U Secondary System Additions --382,425, i Ii Secondary System - Addition and Abandonmedt -- Roanoke County -- 383, ~ Section of Secondary Route 927 to be transiferred to a :;,~rvice Road -- 3ge, IIRePlace old bridge traffic to be detoured bver Routes 119 and 613 to southern i 399, ' Secondary System Discontinuan,;,e -- 411, , . priject! j ! l ! I I I I I , I I I 1 I , connection I Rout , , I phanges in Secondary and Inters';ate System~ -- 41,9, , ~bandonment of F10ravista Drive., Hemlock H~lls, referred to Planning Commission Ii I II Ii " i I of Roanokle 1 ! I I 9 78, 2.J'O., 688, 1-- I-"_~ 1,-, . . 1- 1 1 COt1 ty -- 451, RiVerdalevo,): Precinct, closing of 188 ~ _ ~ _, ~.~ ~~~-/~--~~/7~ . ~ -,--- ~~ 1"11, ,..57, ,..g", 308, ~32, .l5Jt., 372,405,417,. 442, ~ ,- ,,- ~3j1:g~/ ao, 42;~:!' ~ 7:~c,-ft~ ~7::": /4<t>r/s->';/7';';j~, ~f I -i~:~F~;~'-' J~i::;:-;:~:;,:':';?~ ~;+m I ~~~;t; "' 71-,-, i~ '1~< ,,_....~/~.,. I , ~ e~ ~,/7~j.?1~~'J"-_<:} ;JoO">: .~. __' _'./L~J4~/I,. ,;".'-~ ~~.a/7"" :c=..1 r"l'-"" t-J~..?_ --'-- __: ~~~A.-y~ ~..Ql---., ,JdL~,-{?~~"$. ~~, :J.<>6 _ _ ,:,~~a.J1"1"-g-jJ. -<-~' '~~7-(~r-'<-1.A.<tr"-r""J,.-''Y- ~1r .. ._______+~ ( 7i~~/1-f)~ ~~ +~;~ :z./~ - ,. - - --l.--- " I F+-71,J 11'q?~ ~-.... .t..~ ~ --q:7-~- 6-<><:t,,/.{ ,----.- ----7~'-. ~-- '~~_.F'G' ""'~/.81.t. -9- /r/d: ~~~#".to.-~s..s_~.A_~ ~~ . . -~ ~-<.<? '6.. -I) ~ . ~~- ~- -d- <6,..1.) 9-t:.:t:~ .. +: ~ _J.. , ~t="~ .&, ./~ ,..4,~.,eof~ 117"-~1I7--:'~ __ .:'..~7. _J " ., , ~ Ih .;t'~~e- ~~?, .~ . ' ~ ..,-. ,__ i_ ,_ _-_~~_fn'..'~/ ~), .. ~ ., - -__~ '- --- !_~-,1-#.. ~ 41 ,.-....... t ~ A...~.-' p' J ~/J;. . ". '" ...ul- -. L;(......L C__ C---<>::""-4i:r - ? t-~ r"-,4,.. "'''7- ".~: - ..:--L~4~~/~~ - i ?~/P4'<-r-~ ~/I., ~ 1-I1_~___ _ ."';"'.. /'. .....'-, yy,;1'~ ~ ,.t! -'I'~~~~' /1.(?A.,. ,~~~~L-'T--T' .l ~;o ' , . "ii j ~ ,71. rr d'~ I i! ~ '~'~~'f~~:~/:";'"""':~;P~' A_!. ;".7'( ~_ ~ ~~~~'.~t~~- ~-.v,..,..s I it 1~~~1Y~A~~-I~~)J~/-~~~-3, / l ,11 ~ ',' ~~1/~~v4~?f",.r<<--:O-?-4 I ~ ,i\~ ~ /-#~ lv~ ~ y- P-d I ;) 'f~,~,'1-..~~Y~ ;/;~~ ~".J i 11 . '7/ . ~ ~.L.___' /J l' ! /, ,I t Ii (~~~;t~7~~~~:'~:', ' "x:;~~ ;.~t,~, -_..--._-_....._-------_._-~--_._~-- -'- -- ,,--- - ~ - i I ! Ii I Resolution re Richard R. Hamlett Const. 0., ~nc. I ,. !Rigby, R. M., re adoption of rabies ordin ce:ii 164 Ii i Resolution re assistant to Deputy Dog ~Ia den: U165 , 1 I r oanoke County Insurance, Study of: 167-1 8 (Road) Property. Abandonment: 161-162 'I II " ~ 11 II [ . ~,..- 24,.,. ~ I' I Richardson. Edw. H., Request for Assist:mte I Roanoke County School Budget: 168 , I ~ in: His Ii ,. J: '. affic.: 168, 184, ii icnard R. Hamlett Construction Co. ,Inc. , Resolution Abandonment of Road: 161~162 e~iJ:"ement 5,26,27.50,51,65,87, 1M 130~ 152,175,....1'''7. '337,361,362,379,410, ii oanoke, City of, City Auditor Sewage Tre tmen~ Fund report of 177, . -,' ~ , 'I " e-zoning property Old Virgi~a Brick Com any, ~- 177, ;"1.3, . : e-zoning former l>laude A. ~ propert - 1~1, i 72.- i ... , , -, -, . ,. , I, '~"":~o_~ngproperty~~~~M~~e2~~~~\~~h ~Uj~j~h~o:t4a~; ~8~~r~S 3t9~ ChurchEx1;en~ gn_L_ _ e-zoning property of State Route 119, L. L.R~, et als 182, 348, 370, ush, L. L. et als rezoning certain prc'pe y 1~2, 348, 370 --- ---_.....-~.. -.- ---., .-..---...------.-- ---"-..- . --------- --.-.- .--. .-. -_.-- ...- .~._--..._--_. -- --- .-.-,- I' othgeb, Miller and~ro~~,__ 2.e~ifi.eclJ'~b_ ic.. A~<:Cluntlll1~!.', emp:L~~ll.c!:t;Q.. malt~""udi,,1;__-~.._183 _e..-:z()~~pl'ope:ty North side of Route 61 Sou~hof Starkey, 'I1~~~ie_~. _Kee:l.i~,_1_86!:a:H ~ ecreational area Lindenwood Section, Fra HJt" request, 1!l7, '\ ,~~~~~:~p~ovement, Riverd~le Seeti~n, r quesi, i87, I W~ll~"""*l"I :ElQad~ QOnf9t- w..1tt' 'P'aU~AS (' u t= , i " I; I[ i.~' ~....:. {t"J ~ -;;fr ~v(~_H"~ ~>t, :1~4~~ I ~~"30, :l~"'!I?A- ..~A~ --<11"e-~" , '! 1~~ft.,-~t' ."~~~~0? - ~51'; ~ ~r 7f~..t2-.. ~.5* ~ {l-l~ ,.t~ ' ~ ~~~t ,I 4;..Jd~ -r f~ " IY ~1 ~ l~ f1.-..u..: - ~- II:..;"J -::;. ~-?:;--r-& ~.fi-..., '??/, r (i'J<n - ...../.ft: ~~~1~e..e-IV""'''_V ' t:~~ ~/:z;:t~- Ii A /' ~ i ~'f~./'#~~7~ i==1 ~~~~:; ".~~:; ~~7~ \ \1 . p;;~.. _ J . r..;...-,,- .. ~ < I' I 'I ~"'~ ""'''':# ..J .'!- ~7-t I j ~~~A.-J<,;! ~='::->1" '-: ~~~.d-A<'-~-/! .>".349. I ~~,< ~ 7ff,U~?'" ~ /- ~- J:" 7-17, 349, ~(, / ~~~.-,4 ~(-I~l~;).9~ _ u URoanoke Valley Board .Of Shenandoah Valley In4 appropriation toward -- 303, ._-~~~ ~rltfr- . "1, II . .....-l.i~ t. f?~ 1/ ~l{-"'''o- -: ./~ 3D8, ,_,..u~R~alEstate Delinquent List filed -- 315, 1 ;lervice area, :!Roanoke Gas Company, application setting ormal hearing with State Corporation , ~Report Parks and Recreation Program filed 3~3, ~eSignation of C. D. Chapman, Collector D linq1ent Taxes -- 324, :~equest t~ken under advisement for assist nce ~n defraying expense of an appeal 1" . annexation -- 324. ~ Referendum on bond issue for parks and li rari$, postponement requested -- 325. Ii i Roanoke Electri, c Steel Mill smoke control resi ents of Oherryhill Park assured -- 325. w j;Riley, Bertram H. and Mary C. rezoning c tai! property -- 340, 1 ,. Henry L. _lRe:~~nin& tract of land lying East side S con ry Highway Route 60l,jKeaton property ii liRe-zoning parcel of land front On State R ute 01, Bertram H. Riley property -- 340, ~Re-20ningprOperty on West side of Route o. 1 g Bessie I. Nininger Estate -- 339, ! ~ . :~oanoke Valley Regional Planning Cornmissi n pa,t~c~pating local governments to take joipt ac~ion [-' n(. to receive Federal High..lay Fun~! ~341, 3~ !' 1 ' rO~Oke Ministers' Conference Copy of' 196 ye,bOOk f'iled -- 347, I ~e-zoning property situate on westerly si e Of'~NOrfOlk and Western Railroad continued -r 348 , irobertson. Harold G. Objection to portion of plan which applies to Hawthorne Road 349, Ii ~e-numbering Present Route 119 to 419 -- 50, 1: ! Ii : ~ I Ii )!ie-zoning of R. L. Shartzer property -- 3 1, 3~g, ! ;1 ,', I' , Ii R..esolution addopted by Thirtieth Annual sine'f". Meeting of League of Virginia countiesJexprea. sing 1 appreciation for gracious rece tion nd hospitality extended the League -- 3q8, 1; ':Request by Treasurer for Increase in Rev vin Fund -- 368, I :1 , 1 r ,:Revolving Fund, request f'or increase by teasufer -- 368, I ~ lRoanoke County audit of records and Jamesl E. p~ters, Treasurer -- 370, i Ii ;;Roanoke County Clerk's Office, purchase o~ tyJwriter for use in -- 370, I ~ .~ule, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. letter filed in ipposltion to rezoning certain property on Rou~e 11~ -- ~oanoke Steel Company, re~~t f'or opport .ty~.ito stud,' proposed Air Pollution Control brdin~ince , ' 371, ~ 1 Tli' ~oanoke County Fire Department Purchase 0 tru~k -- 384, 425, ! J .'IRe-Z.oning. certain property, F ii II . L. Bowman - 3', ! W. and Nel ie A Chelf -- 390, 435, i! ]1 I, ~ II u;:;.. e ~ ;)."3. ,,~l;o/.,.t3, ..Ah)u: ~!:..u---;.-- , 'f'$ -/ ~ ~&~ ,I ~,: -.r/~#. ~~-<- 'Z-f ~i , I I ~ -< 2.~+ , ~~7 7.~9 Commisskon3 ! I from Ed~ehil ' 6, . ~ II I. i. I - 340,'385" I.. . I Ii nd Mlkry Elizabeth Radford -- 391, 437, I, h !I Radford, Franklin R. and Mary Elizabeth rezoriing certain property -- 391,437, ! " :' , Roanoke County Electoral Board request 0 st~y andreport on re-organization of pre I ncts, Roanoke Valley Regional Plannin~9~ommis ion Jeappointment of member -- 393, :1 Roy Drive, Petition of Abutting Landown rs fJr abandonment and closing of certain str ets, 1: Resolution -- 397, 439, i IT Resolution to be prepared thanking Mr. effe~ for faithful and efficient services as hail:'n Reco~ing of Documents Appropriation Ord'nan~ -- 403, " , " Resolution expressing appreciation for s rvic~s rendered by Minor R. Keffer -- 412, IT,:, Resolution expressing sorxw at passing 0 Col~nel J. Sinclair Brown -- 412, II Rutrough Road, S. E. - Herbert D. & Ruth Redm~nd Ward 23.005 Acres, amend contract bet een ity of Roanoke and County of Roanok dealing with treatment of domestic and comme cial i ., .... ,.", wastes -- 413, \ '_ .j i I Il_en~vating and painting Court House and 'ail ~ommittee appointed .toobtain est~mates.: _41-.6 i.J-'-- r I I". . Resolution to be drawn commend~ng W. E.P'tzgerald for excellent work done -- 1;17, . II".' 1---, .!ti_cl1ardson'~~~e~dt~~~~~~aii~~:e~;i~ ~~*~~i~;~~_;~rgo~;;t~: ~7 j dr~w _~_J:l_ z:esol~. J.. oonf, -"r'.--. -, 1----- Russell, Lucy Br~'_~~i:i~~~._~~;aJ:lJ>.~eci~tio~_Eor tributes_~~,in,me.D.1~ _ 1____,_______.I,Il.l'_~A(),L Countyliecording Tax_and trans. er ~e to.T!1omas E. _S'trong" Jr., ,":,- 42'(, .., _.,- .f- ~':'~7:::' f::;;7::,: :: r~::=. J::,:,-~_ ~;, ,,8, .u[- n'._u' J ~~:~~lli~'pl"~pertyOfAnita D.Ingram etal -ij4Jl,-" .~' ,__ , , , Re-zoning property of Graydon N. Robllrts n - 431, .. . "1.--- ' ;o~e~SOD,GraYdOn N. rezoning of certai pro+rty -- 431, , IT'--- I ReJllo,val of Trash, Garbage, Weeds, etc. - 433'1456, ~.,_ nnn Req~!st_o!,.\\,ard Mobile Home Sales, Inc", fO:r, *~ss~~1l to ope:rl!.~etra~!e.:r_sl1:les_,l~~ _= 4~3.~_,___ ------'-'1 ~~LMrS.J.,H..~gta~-4~r~~ed in oppos' ion ~~o gr~ti~permit ~oo~rl1:~E! trailer s es r' ., .,_. ' Jtic!n~11!',_ ~.L. i~t e: 4~3 ~ppeared in elp OSitiJ~~m to, grli.Dting pez:mit to operate trailer ~a).~s n_____' Restocking Fish, Roanoke County -- 434, L , I ___ Re~a!ri~ and Painting Court House and Ja 1 --t434, j oanoke County Board of Supervisors joint meeting with representative from ~tate Hi~ar ! _.e.,.'P.l:.. "~. s.,_e~t....~ 'ti...Y~..{._.i~ri:.5i~:n~~gh4;.:; De. pa rtm nt.".iO.intm...~.~t. :l,ng..w. ith. go. ~an.~o_ke C,O,.J.Ul.,.,t..y.. B...oa. .r."ci'O;>fI...l~Jl~. ~1I:.i_ sOli _! R~l!.nok~_ C~Il!!~}'.}3oard of.SIlJlll;-visors, con ac.~ .il'<J.th ~()W.n of Salem_.,<:..J.VJ.c ceD1;~.!: ,-:- ,4:~~L L-- .n> , il I I ~el>~lu1;ion a~~rovings~Pl'le_ment to a:mua bud~t of.R.oanoke Valley Regiona:I.uJ'lanning C9J!l1l!is_s .c:nL , ::::::: ~a~~:~;:::::~~~~::~~::p~::::;:t~~:f:~!~:~::~ ~::~~:::::_~~~~::n~~:~~::~~:~_ n:::P 0 __IRoa""k'C~'7!!;:&~~~;i~:~;b";;;f:.';F Fl""":;'; J),.i ;;; ~;"'~'k -~~b,-;"'i ,~_ ,__ _",___ , Je..c:'<>'J!UIlEl!!da:t.i.c>ns in Changes in Voting prectnct ~oundaries and Votil1g Places -- .4:5.3, ----i t.' uo~n()ke Co:unty ~l;~~~r:: .~._~;d recoInm. enda io.nsf'. changes inv>,ting preCinct.. ..b. ,oundaries. d 11.0 emuneration for Judges and Clerks for se vices performed at the Polls in Precincts not i. ,. voting machines increase in - 454, esignation of Arcfiie F. Parrish as membe of ~oanokeCounty Sanitation Authority &c 45,' ]R~nok~ County Sanitation Authority memb reSj,gned and appointment of member -- 455, ].ReqUest for three additional Special Poli eme~ to Assist Game Warden -- 456, 1 i . 1 i il i 1 il ! j J II 1 I I II Re-zoning certain property Franklin R. .-.-..~. i' .I.j PC o ~ IT I. ,: '1 ., :! ;~ ., :i .: ii !; - l-' o CAVE SPRING DISTRICT Rosecliff Road, from Rt 689 to Rt. 1669, 0.15 mi.: 12 Co' ,- , Shadblow Lane. from SCL cf noenoke to d.e. : 30 Herford Road - from Brahma ad. to Cast'e Rock Rd. : 30 .Shorthorn Drive - from Green Meadow Rd. to d.e. 30 ~akeland Dr. - from 1676 to Ayrshjre Dr. : 30 Castle Rock '~ad - from 702 to Herford Rd. : 30 Stoneybrook Dr. - from 1316 to Castle Rock Rd. ; 30 brahma Road - from 1689 to d.e. : 30 Ayreshire Dr. - from Green Neadow noad to ~akeland Dr. 30 Dover Dr. - from 682 S. to d.e. : 31 Brookwood Dr. - from llq \~ to Westhil1 Drive tP,,";<~-al, Westhi11 Dr. - from Glenbrook Dr. W to Brookwood Dr. : )1 Glenbrook Dr. - from Brookwood Dr. SW to d.e. : 31 Extension of Warwood Dr. - from present end of 1336 W to d.e. 31 Extension of Knowles Dr. - from 1686 E to 61.3 : 3', .. ,Lynn Dell Rd. - from Knowles Dr. S.to d.e. : 31 .. ~~istler Road - from 696 to 6q4 : 31 Creek Drive - from Vfuistler Rd. to Whistler Rd. )2 (;olonial Ave, i1.equest for c.,idening:93 rtosecliff ",oad, 1>.dciition t.o Secondary jystem:96 o ~ a o c i(oute 613, abandol1I,1ent and relocation of parts: 92 ne.., location Route 613, Addition of Sec. 3/from f.oute 615 to Sta. 15t90: 132 new location Route 613, Additi~n of Sec. 4/from Station 171-30 to Staion 22+06.42: 132 Route 613, Abandonment of Sec. 2 old location from Sta. 17-30 to Sta. 22;06.42: 132 Route 613, Abandonment of Sec. 5 old location from Sta. 15-90 easterly to 0.02 mi.: 132 Discontinuance of, Project 0613-080-103, C-SOl, B-603: 166 Route 613,/01d location, Sec. 1, from Rt. 615 west. 0.08 mi. to a point opposite Station 90-1 Petition re Wentworth RoadJ Abandonment of: 167; Petition Opposing Abandonment: 167 ~A~~. '!-4t/67~)6-'Jr"G";- , (---r:4< ';"3::> (p.;".3~ "'".31, i4-,,!,,,,,,,"[fI.,<.,:...~~~d-I!A "./~-IP''''5~- ~3), ~~tc-"/~f~-(~~fimt.-,p."'7~ ~.3~ ~~~~-f-1-f--<-~~tR.tP$~ACP.( 'J.o.3~ ~JI~~~~[f,<.~" ~/lft:P.c. -cP."'J/~ :1-33, ~'.crv<-- -f~~ --I4./1~4 ~ -f-tf-f~-(R.II~ :;.033, ~JL-.,..~f.--A~Q"G~,,-Al7.t.-tP.D7~ ~J"I: j~ ~f-"~~~~j('~f~-(ns-<-~7p?')'a?~S~ ?.3"f, ~~ 1(~ ~ --/~' . !.;;.t~ -:(--'- ~ ~CP. ~ - tP. "t~ >4.!S;" 41"~ ~;j--;... (~c.<~~7~./d- ya.-...." <..~-rR.3~~~ ".3~- ~~~~~Ar:J?(-tp;loo~ "3~ ~~; ...-< 11? '.: ~~ A..-- -f~ tf-r (,75)4 C:;/, .' It? ~~7~ ,,4'9; -(P. 2./~ ~.,.J~~A. ,~~;..-I---~~ ~#)~lJ?,--(J!;O-~~ ~.37 )~~~--fl.-&II'1/~O~- tP.~t.~ ;-s?, ~1(~~-i!~PfA~-~'7~ ~3~ .Ar~ ~~ ~cP./"~4rP.~~ "33; !J~ ~~ ~ /.tlfi~-:( ~- d'27.-d- "sf, ~~~ ~)-f';4~.,-At; 8<70-~<p~~ 7--37, ~~~. . ~.!q~~(p'3"~~7'~ W-v~-f-v~~~~q:c..(P.'2./~ :0<1",;; ~;J-;.r~~~ "!7~U--J~-{P,5-3~ ~'f~ ..Jf~~~'1.~'f.3;)z!;-fl",~~-'-t?~-fP..3'f~ 2.7'~ .J~ -fl-(~~..?i.~~~[f!,.&;~~- 2"""", , / " "j~~~...Jf~~,4~~~ -tR,~7'~ ;l.j<'"; ~~-ru~~fi"'~-Iv-r:I~-d?'?~ ~7'3, ~~-< /,,"'~~f#. /~/t:)A~~.,P.4~ 24"-.3, -/l-.; 1--< -11~-,,,, ,-.e../)'~--<-2-7/ ~ t/-r4-u~~. f1"'"' f!?-l870fi~ {L~D.U~ -"7t: ~~C~L~~ ~~~~ ",.L -1l<~Pl~~ 211, Curtis Avenue from Bunker Hill Drive (Rouce 1602) to Brandywine Avenue (Route 1605) - 0.06 mile -- 300, , Ogden Road, endorsed pans and oppose to construction of said road -- 302, Renumbering of Route 119 Roanoke County and Town of Salem -- 306, Colony Lane (Ext. of Rt. 1642) to Overdale Road - 0.15 mi1e-- 342, 425, Discontinue public maintenance of section of State Secondary Route 691, from 1.9 miles South of Route 690 to Franklin County line, being 0.5 miles in length -- 345, Overdale Road (Extn. of R. 1655) to Colony Lane - 0.05 mile -- 346,425, Pinecrest Drive - from Route 675 to dead end 0.21 Mi., -- 367, Eton Road - from Greenlee Road to Stone cliff Road 0.13 Mi., -- 367 Valley Forge Avenue - from Route 1602 to Route 1616 -- 0.15 Mi., 3~7, Custis Avenue - from Route 1602 to Route 1605 -- 0.06 Mi., 367, Belle Meade Subdivision Sunny Side Drive From present end of Route 1673 to Route 613 0.13 Mi., 382, . Laurel Hills Subdivision Lynnson Drive - From Route 686 to Dead end 0.23 Mi., 382, Oak Grove Farms Subdivision Keithwood Drive From Route 119 to Dead End 0.26 Mi., 382, Bruceton Road - From Route 119 to Keithwood Drive 0.17 Mi., 382, Eton Hill Subdivision Girard Drive - From Route 720 to Hammond Lane 0.30 1~., 382, Hammond Lane - From Girard Drive to Dead End 0.20 Mi., 382, Southwoods Subdivision South Park Circle From Willowlawn Street to Dead End 0.26 Mi., 382,' Willowlawn Street From Route 831 to Halevan Road 0.34 Mi., 382, Southwoods Drive From Willowlawn Street to Willowlawn Street 0.24 Mi., 382, Penn Forest Subdivision Kenwick Trail From Route 687 to Verona Trail 0.53 Mi., 383, Overhill Trail From Route 687 to Kenwick Trail 0.37 Mi., 383, , Hartley Circle From Kenwick Trail to Dead End 0.10 Mi., 383, Verona Trail From Kenwick Trail to Dead _ 0.21 Mi., 383, Castle Rock Farms Subdivision Merino Drive From Castle Rock Road north to Dead End 0.27 Mi., 383, Merino Drive - From Castle Rock Road south 0.05 Mi., to Dead End 0.05 Mi., 383, Little Horn Drive - From Merino Drive west to Dead End 0.22 Mi., 383, Hereford Road - From Big Horn Drive to Castle Rock Road 0.11 Mi., 383, Galloway Drive From Green Meadow Road to Route 702 0.25 Mi., 383, Galloway Circle From Galloway Drive to Dead End 0.07 Mi., 383, Sugar Loaf Estates Subdivision Cantle Lane From Route 1316 to Merino Drive 0.16 Mi., 383, Replace old Bridge on Route 68g and detour over Routes 119 and 613 to southern connection Route Mg -- 399, Green Haven Hills Subdivision -- 425, I I I I I I I BIG cICK DISTRICT Access Road to Associated Trans~ort,Ine. 11 Fernc1iff.Ave. and Routt Road: I) 16 , , Chestnut Mo~~tain Dr. - from 24 to d.e. : 30 Chestnut Mountain Circle - from ChestnutMountain Road to d.e. 30 Belle Ave. - from ECL of Roanoke to d.e. :30 .Extension of /iJa,nor St. - from 1$21. NE to NClrthway Dr. 31 Extension of Northway Dr. - from 1$20 SE to d.e. : 31 Extension of Garst1and Dr. - from present end of 1421 N to Harvest Lane 3' Extension of harvest Lane - from 1497 \~. to Garst 1.and Dr. : 31 Extension of Michael St.- from 1426 N to d.e. : 31 Good1and Dr. - from 1025 h to Goodland Dr. : 31 Arrinr,ton Dr. - frem 1025 W to Goed1and Dr. : 31 Horse Shoe Bend School Rd. - from 617 to d.e.; 31 Aerospace Rd.- from 116 to d.e. :)2 l'airho~e ;-l.oad-.i.rcm Lli.tc.>. i.,.;:.1~ ~t. \'i.O .05 t.o d.e ;68 - rail'l1ope .rl.c~d from ",lack ....a.;~ ., ...... e 0.07 ~;i. to d.e.: ~8 - .olc.Ci'l. ....ar\. ~t. ,1'1'0':.'1 ;l,out.t r~ci.to i~iraope ll.oaQ,Q.05 mi.: b8 .i:1.outc J..Cine- Lro[.'l ,aOl..i.te Ilb n.e. t.o a.e. :68 "erneliff ,",venue _ fro!1l l',oute 0;05 n.~;. to d.e.: b~ Clean;ater i~ve.,Co'rjplG.int in re: 93 "~adowcrest ~treet, 0rlG.ndo nve to Vista: 97 Cooper Street, from Or1anuo i, ve. to Vista: 97 Access ,.oad for blue iiidge fa' kw8.Y: 98 ~ Extension of Clearwater Ave. from Stonington Rd.,So. to dead end: 131 Addition Meadowcrest StreetJ- from Route 1859 South to Vista Avenue: 166 . Cooper Street Addition - from Route 1859 1:0 Vista Avenue: 166 Hedge1awn Avenue Addition - from Route 60il to dead end: 166 Heath Circle Addition - from Hedge1awn AV4!nue north to dead end: 166 Jasmine Circle Addition- from Hedgelawn Avenue north 0.11 mile to dead end: 166 McKinney Street Addition - from Petty Avenue north 0.21 mile to dead end: 166 Oleander Street Addition - from Hedge1awn Avenue north to dead end: 166;, Bandy Road, Route 666, Condition of: 168 Route 658, Dundee Section, Condition of: 168 Route 634 - from Old Corporate limits to 0.10 mile east of Route 1007, 1.25 Mi., 176, Route 651 - from Old Corporate limits to 0.95 mile northeast 0.95 Mi., 176, ~ Route 652 - from Old Corporate limits to Route 24 0.$3 Mi., 176, Route 655 - from Route 24 to Route 1008, 0.53 ~li. , 176, Route 656 - from Route 634 to Route 655, 0.22 Mi.. J 176, Route 662 - from Route 24 to Route 743, 0.14 Mi., 176, c Route 710 - from Old Corporate limits to looping south, 0.57 Mi., 176, Route 719 - from Old Corporate limits to Route $65, 0.49 Mi., 176, Route 743 - from Old Corporate limits to Route $65, 0.50 Mi., 176, Route 764 - from Route 634 to dead end, 0.30 Mi., 176, Route 815 - from Route 655 to Route 719, 0.12 Mi., 176, Route 865 - from Route 24 to Route 7+3, 0.10 Mi., 176, Route 1004 - from Route 655 to Route 1009, 0.15 ~li., 176, Route 1007 - from Route 634 to Route 1009, 0.21 ~li., 176, Route 1008 - from R,'ute 24 to Route 1007, 0.34 Mi., 176, Route 1009 - from Route 1004 to Route 1008, 0.20 Mi., 176, (.f! P4- ) c Route 1023 - from Route 24 to looping northwest 0.38 Mi., 176, Route 1029 - from Old Corporate limits to Route 634, 0.10 ~u., 176, Route 1031 - from Old Corporate limits to Route 652, 0.25 Mi., 176, M. A. Shaw (Unnamed road off Route 658 north to D. E.) petition 10r in~lusion in Secondary ~tem, lSO, '2'f.u""--<:,,,~ ".....-' 1}1 ~r;.58~A r:J.t,- ,,7--( 'J.7", ~~~,/)tk'/".37)fi:J.I~---- ~~,/D/f)- t.P,/5~ ;l-5~ ~C~~J?~~.A?r ~,~,'''-<~-t<;t~ ".5'" ~~~>r.~~ fi",p~ ~-fP""'w 4. ,51 ~~~~~?f~~-(P/'~ ;-51- -~ ~f-u!/~ .e ~ AfP.[-tP.p.5~ 7--5~ IP~ ~,h ~+--.A-cP;~...4--'C(~- cp,z. o~ :>05"':, ~ tl#rC-f-1~1\~fK,t#/).A ~)t;-<-c1'''3~ :.-5~ ~.,~ ~ ~ ~ 1(--=- ~s+A~ r;p,....;... i? of.-.-:4. ~ 7-=>, ..k~~. :"' "/;/1'>>1--; ~;.; "7 -(-<- ?-77 , 4~ - ,\~-~~~,J.-1'f- { , ":J · / - f~, /~~~ 4'~/(~ 1-1:~j-"-7" =i.A. _,-^~,~ '" -_- ?-.{.o /1 ' ~, L / //~,...,.j??'" .P.,.3 ~.~A<-'..d%..&n; ,~..--<-. ';I...,..,e..-~.--<"'"->>7- ...6_ ,4~ /70, 'J. - ~ og'/J-, .,....7,f;""/~~ /p-,.,..,."".<. .~ /P"",~....L-c~ - -,;. ~'.. ;rr- / ' ~.4-/~ /) ~/(n-~""7'.6,.../r-., ~ h<.. ~/-i';"""'--(f ,/~~-.. .,...c;;o /l~___~. ~~. 3 - .~ ';V#b /:J1.~ - ,-/.~..... __/'-~::.__~~ ~,:~ ./ (..- /.; ~ .L ' ~ ,,...,;n, ~_ ' - ./- ~, /---....r~,.-/o..:r- ..:.--;v? _,,-{_./~~.~"-~/ '<;'~---C.l.,r-? '~~~ 4~Ui~~()..P'..-..-&-/'5t';~~?,or..50 .;..Af~5~-too../J ' A~S"-C"'O_ / 11'f C-..!7OI d'~ ~:- "7;)" . ~ ,4~-'f /1~~" -#~ &,5of- .A'f'<ho? ~6~ ,..oo,A-j~:>'"I- -,e. r';"<~ ~51J-.t::30- -f II'/- C.-.5O/_ '''''~''11 'f' , ~. . d~/"~~? ~t,5'f-~~-c'i~or-.:?oto '$~rDO~ ,,;s"'_ogo.I/'t:~_ OI'''.i3~-....jI, .LJ /1 ~'l va~A,"-- ~-'1/1 4~ t.s"I-, -/,-", .../e7-47(./.r-/o~ 6' -~ "7'", -p, r<dJ~.s-r-~ao- -IJ.,_:6... Nj".C-!50/ <P.1J?8~, ;71 p '\"'- ~ if--~"~ f...,..a.. (,0'170 1---= (,/0 -I, 75 ~-?-of? Oakland Boulevard from Verndale Drive south to D. E. - 0.12 mile -- 3,_J, 449, Halcun Drive from Verndale Drive to D. E. - 0.20 mile -- 321, 449, Oakland Boulevard from Verndale Drive north to Elden Avenue - 0.20 mile 322,449, Verndale Drive from Dalton Road to Ha1cum Drive - 0.12 mile 322, 449, Ruritan Road - from Route 609 to Route 6101.'75 Mi., -- 367, I From Route 658 to dead end 0.30 Mi., -- 367, From Route 648 to dead end - 0.10 Mi., -- 367, Langland Drive - from Route 654 to Brookshire Drive 0.08 Mi., 367, Plantation Court Subdivision -- Santee Road From Route 601 to Meadowcrest Street 0.23 Mi., 382, Mecca Gardens Subdivision, Belle Avenue - From Int. Route 1018 to 0.15 Mi., southwest 0.15 Mi., 382, West View Terrace Subdivision, Angus Road From present end of Route 1498 to Tellico Road 0.08 ~a., 382 ~akland Estates Subdivision Vista Avenue From Mayfield Street to Oakland Blvd. 0.15 Mi., 383, Orlando Avenue From Oakland Blvd. to Meadowcrest Street 0.16 Mi., 383 I I I - Capito Street - From Orlando Avenue to Vista Avenue 0.16 Mi., 383, Install warning device at grade crossing of State Route #604 and the N & W Railroad near Bonsack -- 399, Route 691, from 1.90 mile south of Route 690 to the Franklin County Line -- 0.50 Mi., 411, Petty Acres Subdivision -- 449, Abando~ent of Floravista Drive, petition ~erred to Planning Commission of Roanoke County -- 451, II I c , , . CATAlrBA D~STRltT I 1 , . i ! i:sradshc.~; noaa, J..etter in re: J&.mes 1... lJensley,Jr.: 93; Condition of: 168 1 I M. o. Cochran, et als (Unnamed road off Rou,e 311 to the J. C.Medley Boyst Camp, ""L ./J inclusion in Secondau System', 180, GYr~_ cp,L; '\~I?f-#:f'.JJlA~~ ~ q >".,( ..("- --4'~ e~ ->rl-~ ~a-Zr '"'''', ~~ {!--L~-f~t7.3 A~r- ~r.f, "10, Okey-Dolin Road - from Route 311 to J.IL. c,' Medley Boyst Camp 0.20 Mi., -- 367, Moore Road - from Route 173 to dead enc!. -- .30 Mi., -- 367, i I \ I I I I ~ I ! i I ! I .j 1 pe itio for I I c ~ j l J 1 I i I , I -a u, 1 ; l I I I . , t1 I I I ! I 0 ~ 'I j I ~I " 1 :l - - u I' .. c c o SALE).! DI;:iTRICT Otterview Drive, from Laban Rd. (829) to Dallas Rd., 0.15 mi. : 13 Deer Branch Drive, from Laban Road to Dalla.s dead, 0.14 mi. : 12 Unnamed road, State 619, South to d.e. lJ Elimination of Vertical~urve on Rt.642, 19 ImproveSight Distance at Intersection of Rts. 913 & 641 19 West Club Dr. ,from Fore Dr. to Golf Colony Dr. : 30 Stonegate Dr.,from 619,0.58 Mi. : 30 Bartley Dr. from Stonegate Dr. To Stoneg'l.te Dr. 30 First St. - from 311 to Lee St. : 31 Valen':ine Ave. - from M4 to d.e. 31 A'pine Dr. - from 1832 to d.e. : 31 Shirley Road - from U39 to 1140 31 Extension of Harriet1; Ann Dr. fron 1133 n. to BrClshy I1t. Dr. 31 E.1Ctension of fop hI' Dr. - fro'll 1132 n. to Brushy Mt. Dr. : 31 Brushy Mountain Dr. ,. from Pophr Dr. e. to d.e. : 31 Carrolltol'l Ave. - from Poplar Dr. E. to d.e.: 31 Deer Branch Rd. - from 841 to j~el1lory Lane : 31 Antrim St. from 1124 W. to 636 31 Gordon St. -from 1124 \~. to 636 31 Route 619 0.40 mi. t" d.e. : 32 Route 628 to iioute 81 : 32 Murrell Ave. - from '755 W. to d.e. : 32 Ottervie~1 Drive ,,,dned :;0 6econdary "O'steJ:,: 96 Deer ~ranch Drive added to secondary "ystem: 96 ;,ccess noad for hoanc..e Valley Devt.lopment Corp: 91 "econdary "oute 778 i.Ln Interst"-te "oute 81: 91 Crest Hill Drive,frcm ~estward Lakes to Lake Front hd.:ll4 Lake Front Rd. from Crest riill to V.i.: 115 Westward Lakes Dr. ,i'9, Crest Hill Dr.: 115 Four Lane U.S. Rt. 11 W. Corporate Limits Town of Salem to G1envar: 141 Route 1832 from Alpine Road to Route 768, and Route 768 to D. E. name assigned - 178, Olsen Road, name assigned to Route 1832 fr'om Alpine Road to Route 768 and Route 768 to D. E. - 178, Earl Simms {Extension of Route 790 (Upland Drive) to Route 69.),inclusion in Secondary System petition ;d. -'-' ~..:'~'- ~Z:n . "'" f~ r.....' 7{h'. ~"t'I_"... -( dI/Q~ ~0ItJ".- """'7. ~ ~'1~/~"'''f, o;..~J'1 ....7"', ~r <- ~ &~, 1 --4<, 770) A -tk. ~ 7.3 - ~ ~f. 2-7"", J~ ~ ~~~II. ~Cl. [, -@.,'O,?r- /. ~1'1'; it;"'""" ~-r-~~~~(('/./o~ ~'f-7'; .J1~ ~ 1~ ~~< tP./<>~ .,.?-~ ~~~ ~~. ~...e--< &,p..3~~ ?-~-=f @e.". r~ , ~ a:?/2-'~ 2~~ /{~~~~~tf~(-rft. t~9),A~~ ~~7;'1'..A 'l.;'~ 1J.~/~~~~Y-f~{~"'7)A/!~Iu-<-- t/.2-1~ ~<f7, J1~ -,f~ -f-v ~ ;(~ -~ ~CP. {- & /} ,~_,A . z-7't t~~~~, V;-if-l.II'>+)~~~ (-f//.~jly4$~-rRP~~ ~j7/ ~~~~/~C~~@.t-~/.~ 'l.'tt ~1(~~;f-4<.,#-7'!).A- ).e4-o" =f-.-:.-(P.a>.;>~ 2~, ~ ~1---~.ft.o,h&~C~ -tP./'YA"'&' ?-7-5; ,~-(--.~ ~';"'R~'-"( iu.;:-"/o~-Z.70 7..y~ Section of Route 311 to be Discontinued in Accordance with Section 33-76.1, 1950 Code of Virginia as amended, 299 Section No.1 - 0.39 Mi., served by new location - 299 Sections of Secondary Routes 6~5, 828, 6~2, 1107, 1108, 1105, 1103, 6~0, 885, 1113, 830, 856, 897, 7135, 635, 752 and 914 to be-abandoned in accordance with Section 33-76.12, 1950, Code of Virginia, as amended - 299 Section No.2 - 0.13 Mi., to be served by neli location ~- 299, Section No. 3 - 0.27 Mi., to be served by nell location -- 299, Section No.4 - 0.13 Mi., to be served by new location -- 299, Section No. 5 - 0.11 Mi., to be served by new location -- 300, Section No. 6 - 0.12 Mi., to be served by new location -- 300, Section No.7 - 0.11 Mi., to be served by n~, location -- 300, Section No. 8 - 0.03 Mi., to be served by nel~ location -- 300, Section No.9 - 0.16 Mi., to be served by new location -- 300, Section No.lO - 0.11 l~., to be served by nffii location -- 300, Section No.ll - 0.15 Mi., to be served by neli location -- 300, Section No.12 - 0.04 Mi., to be served by neli location -- 300, Section ~o. 13- 0.11 Mi., to be served by nelf location -- 300, Section No. 14- 0.08 Mi., to be served by neli location -- 300, Section No. 15- 0.12 Mi., to be served by nelf location -- 300, Section No. 16- 0.22 Mi., to be served by new location -- 300, Section No. 17- 0.15 Mi., to be served by new location -- 300, Section No. 18- 0.43 Mi., to be served by nelf location -- 300, Connections to be Added to the Secondary System -- 300, Section No. 19 - 0.62 Mi., -- 300, Section No. 20 - 0.15 Mi., -- 300, Section No. 21 - 0.30 Mi., --300, Section No. 22 - 0.15 Mi., -- 300, Section No. 23 - 0.09 Mi., 300, Section No. 24 - 0.05 Mi., 300, . Section No. 25 - 0.12 Mi., -- 300, Section No. 26 - 0.12 Mi., -- 300, , Section No. 27 - 0.31 Mi., -- 300, Section No. 28 - 0.32 Mi. -- 300 Renumbering of R011te 119 ~oanoKe ~ounty and Town of Salem -- 306, Rollingwood Drive from State Rt. 641 SW to Leemount Street - 0.26 mile 318,425. Extn. of Leemount Street (State Rt. 1115) east to D. E. 0.07 mile -- 319. 425. Macon Street from Howard Drive east to Ro11ingwood Drive - 0.09 mile -- 319,425, Heatherwood Lane from Rollingwood Drive NW to D. E. - 0.12 mile -- 320,425, .Section of Secondary Route 927 to be abandoned in accordance with Section 33-76.12 -- 345. Section No. 2 - 0.18 Mi. to be served by new location -- 345 Section of New Location to be added to Second.ary System ~- 345 ,Section No.1 - 0.32 Mi.. new location -- 345. Project 0081-080-101, C~502 on Route 81 and disposition of old location and new location -- 345. Abandon present grade crossing on Route 753 after completion of Industrial Access Project 0753-080- 127-C501 and open to traff'ic -- 345, Industrial Access Road built on Route 753 after completion of Industrial Access Project 0753-080- 127-C501 and open to traffic -- 345, Sections 19 through 28 of new connection of Routes 645. 642, 110S, 640, 1113, 830, 897. 755. 635, and 752 between Station 239+92 and Station 585+00, Project 0081-080-001, P-401 -- 367, Abandonment, Sections 2 throu~ 18 of old location of Routes 645, 828, 642, 1107, 1108, 1105. 1103. 640, 885. 1113, 830, 856. 897, 755. 635, 752 and 914, between Station 239+92 and Station 575+00" Project 0081-080-001, P-401 --- 367, Extension of Route 1404 - from present end of Route 1404 to dead end 3.00 Mi., -- 367, Westward Lake Drive - from Route 643 to Cresthi11 Drive 0.30 Mi. -- 367, Crest Hill Drive - from Westward Lake Drive to Lake Front Road 0.0) Mi., -- 367 Lake Front Road - from Cresthill Drive to dead end 0.05 Mi., -- 367, Pilot Street - from Route 460 north to dead end -- 0.10 Mi., -- 367, Discontinued Sec~ion 1 - Old location of Route 311, from Station 68+00 south of the new location of Interstate Route 81, north 0.39 mile to Station 88+00 north of the new location -- 368, Conveyance of portion of Route 927 to Mary K. Hodges and Mark H. and Helen V. Johnston -- 369, Montclair EstatesSubdivision June Drive From Route 629 to Dead End 0.)0 Mi., )82, Wayburn Drive From June Drive east 0.03 Mi. to dead end 0.03 Mi., 382, Wayburn Drive From June Drive west 0.10 Mi., tn Dead End 0.10 Mi., 382, Byron Circle From June Drive west to Dead End 0.10 Mi., 382, Janda Drive From June Drive southwest 0.12 Mi. to Dead End 0.12 Mi. 3El2, Lonna Drive From Route 629 to Janda Drive O. 07 ~li., 382, Southside Hills Subdivision Ellison Avenue From present end of Route 1124 to Dead End 0.08 Mi.. 382. Deacon Street From Ellison Avenue to Dead End 0.10 Mi., 382. North T,akes Subdivision Northside road From Cruan Lane west 0.15 Mi. to Dead End 0.15 Mi. 383, I North Lake Drive.From Route 117 to Northside Road 0.27 Mi., 383. Section 1 of new Route 927, from Route 11 to old noute 927 west of Route 81, Project 0081-080-101. C-502 -- 383, 0.32 Mi.. Section 2 of old Route 927, from Route 11 to service road of Route 81, Project 0081-080-101. C-502 0.18 Mi.. 383, Section No.3, 0.10 milp.s Section of Secondary Route 927 to be transferred to a service Road __ 398, Rolling Hills Subdivision -- 425, Section 3 of ~he old location of Route 927, fr9m the west ~ntersection of the new location east 0.10 rule to the newly constructed serv~ce road -- 44~, Section transferred from the Secondary System to a service Road of the interstate system as . provided under Section 33-36.6 of the Code of Virginia, 1950 -- 449, I, I I I I' ~.J \'''';l.- 'I~ I.,..J .0 o c II I i I I; Sheep Claims Etc., 3~t,5~8~:$toi~l2~~9Z:45~O-15r 172,173'11~ It~ HI, :J.~~ "S'S; 313, . .' ! I Sewage Disposal, See ~mendments to Contl.'act .,ith City of Roanoke I I. I Smiley, Dr. I Stephenson, Russell B. Jr. ,Appointed Assi~tantlJai'l. Physician l5 i/alter G., Bridge Named: 37,' j' i. J: i (' Sheriff's Office,Additional Cars to be B~d ~O, Bid of Vinton Motor Co. Accepsed: 58 I 31+7, 381, Sheriff, Salary and Expense Account Filed:"53'/ Hearing in re: 53 Salem Motors' Bid for Cars for Sheriff Fi~~d:5~ , Stone, George h.,uxet aI, retition to nEizone f.'iled: 6$, Final 134-135 ~aunders. uscar ~uward,ux et al.: retitiqn to ~e- ~one r'iled: 71, Final 135-137 3'1 . I, Special Meeting:' 77,100, "~3. ;.:5"5., s".i. 3<;2,459, 4 ' , 1 IT 'Sewer Committee for Roanoke county,Member~hiP:~' 'Snead, S.C.Jr., expressesgood wishes and ~omme~s Board for past year: ~1 Steele, T.D., Appointed member of PlanninJ COm~~ssion:78, I '! /J<<..~t.ft,., I~, A4,.,." t,. /0 ! I': Supervisors, :tlOara of, ",eetine; place changed: i94, .:iheriif's uffice, rtequest fo Tape hecorde~: 9$ ~ · Ii herif~'... "f:;.ice Salary and O:xpemse Certif~ed: $6 Smiley, Family of Dr. Russell Sr. ,Letter i of aipreciation to :120, Sager, 1'lere1 S., Letter in re :Access hC.ad!: 11SI'1 Spigg1e, lllrS. l-Ioyer, Sheep C1aim:121, i II Scho1~enry, Petition to re-~one 276.41.. C~tawb~ Dist.: 116 , Shelves for Roanoke County Welfare Dept.: : 144 ! Order i r Sunnybrook Rezoning', Il!tition by Joe Danie;l Sevwrt: 146, ~/.5; Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of commerc~,iReso~ution re name change: 141,142 , ~ State Corporation Commission re Abbott Bu~ Linl~' Inc. as Common Carrier, IJ~ , I I tate. Forester of Virginia, Voucher Check:; 154 ~ '. Shaw, Virginia L., City Clerk, Letter fro~ re ~~eviouse resolution approved:16S, .2- '7';' ,I SecOlldary System, Discontinuance of: 166-t67, ~' II ! . School, Budget for Roanoke County: 168 ~ " econdary S-,stem, Joint Meeting re: 168 f tate Income Taxes - 5, 26, 27, 50, 51, 65/, 87,POS, 130, 152, I .... u , u , 379 380,410, 423 42+, Ii I econdary System, Roaas dropped from, town: of Vinton, 176, - ~-_. - . ft. , ewage Treatment Fund, City Auditor, City ~f RoinOke -- 177, , , tate Route 119, L. L. Rush et als, re-zoning certain property - lS2, - I ; It , alem, Town of, agreement with Count] of Rpanok~, larger civic center 182, Salem, Town of, letter to Council, civic cinter~-- l!l), Synopsis of Budget prepare 184, : 11 Synopsis, Budget for Fiscal year commenci~ Jul~ 1, 1964, 1!l5, jt Street signs, Frank Hurt, request, 1&7, Ii ~tate Highway Department, Mr. B~erts req~st r~ferred to l8S, ii ./'" 1. 'lJ _ -J ,? n;.' , , r.........'../'l~',-Yr,... I...=.,p...... "'-J ~ /17, ~..~ t;~,*~~'a-A~'?t";.. ~-!;:::,,~"', ;>-"~ I~ C~,4-~~~l!~o~;.t.'f ~"hA. ~ :ri~, -I2L (;J(~~ ~ V1~~' +~ Yj ;,,'1- ~9.N~1../,p" 'i ~, ~Yi. t-. y~ ~~ j2...;~-r 7./ '/ 386, ~,'r tp_.d-t.- ~r '1~' >i~.... ../__-V~/.:--; Sheriff Office Audit: 30, r , ' 175, 19~ ~/, .l-rf'f, 337, 36h., i 'i" i JS1, il 36t 377.. :1 ij I ~ ~ :1 ~ ij ! I 1 ~ ' " 36~, I' ;l ! , i 1 , ! I II ,! ;i I ., " .j '! II . .' il ,,~ ~ 1-(L,~L&r... ~<.. '?1.~~ c:.,.;..~ J '~-~,/.r""'/"-- . '~ ,I Jli" "/J --., ,,-., /~ .QyJ ,..,.~-----., .,./~ :;7- , /' I ~~ "/~'P'<< ~;r"I.~ .-:.~;.../ ~:~ .,.dJ;....-::v~.7"'/. 2/;P"4 . i,.I~.-/~ ~4o,~/,'e - - <6' "<-':r~1r--< ,./~ . Kr....~~~~-~ ,e,.~.,,~~~~'l ~/~:d~ ( ~/7, ~ 1{...;.d.~/j~,~r,A...'4i4;)7'. ~ ~~",.", ~ cf4 t- A_ v~.-c.- :l'/.s; "t"l; 3~3, ,. ~~A~ %PA< -:'-:/10/' ~ ,/.~< s,<..J~;Jo~, ~~~J...; -4~-<..-(.?()~.~A.< .~,. "'./"'''"3, V.-r4..,4#14~~,/:- ~J."t ,~~ z-~-5; 1yI~.d-d-J..,. ..,a ~-< "-{ ft,.< ,..<- r r;,,~ 1~~ ~. :P".G; ~ ~ {!-<J'v'--fr {f~1;Ccd~-'7"~ i- ~ ;'~t ~I/''''<Y~~ ~y~-' ../. r)4f"l q.... '! f----< ~r "~'"""r~ ~..?, I~ (!.~'f:;.t;, .. ~d .J....<1:-_~.......i~- L-,~~.,)I.'f; -& OJ....... f.. :;.3.0 I ,...,. Pt. J i ~ i'oJ-&.. ~ 'l...~....~ - _0''/ ~....J~, ,.' - ...... ? ~o rr;-f ~ ,v - g -:I 1: ,. ~ ~ 1~{Pdct~c.."f ~~u ~t-. /- <~<?''''/t~,.,."~.-,, /l~;;'U-; , ~~~c~t:::~r;tJ:2:Z;~~ I. I . ,.d~ "7". !:, ~ 'A' I . .....' A A " - J ~7" . #r' II ,..,. . .- ~ , ; 4. Q1.-1-1-4~ /). 78>3og, 433.; .~ . ;J,.cP. C~;/-4" '),trKJ fA-,t;~L ~, ?-73, '"',A '-(#J~'-~r.'../? 7t, i : . ~1 ;J7<' . -v" 1-1~ i " i Co'l __~C~ - ~-. +~~?7~ ~ ' ?<~~~b./ ~Z-7P, ! '. I."<~ -A~q 1{~~ c::.?~7 ~y~(:..,~~ I--/~ "77, ~salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce. ~embe:ship in -- 302. ,- ~ale of bonds for erection and equipment o.t a public building -- 303 . ! .- ~-~ r- "7-'6 - ,,-Joj i ! . --, ~1JDllI\ary of fiscal matters between county of Roanoke and Virginia Division of Forestry Ittteri _~serv~.ce arefit'f~l&~tion of Roanoke Gas cO~.'. pany..,formal hearing with State corporation'corisS~On. , ,IISpec_J.a1 Attorney. E. W. Chelf. resignation; -- 317. t I!Surface. of Valentine Ro~d and extension Ofi&C d~scussed -~ 323. II J St_ate_P_olice express appreciation for use pfspa~e for offJ.ce -- 324. Sinoice Control. Cherryhill Park residents as~ured ;something will be done '-'" 325. l I Sundry property owners appeared with reference ~~ smoke control -- 325. II , -St;a.tEl and local governments eligible to r~ceive Fed.eral Highway Funds -- 341, I Salary and expense accounts of various of~ices filed -- 347, I (d.) 1 tShartzer, R. L. rezoning of certain prope~y --,351.388. . ~:State Corporation Commission notice filed,: Fuller Bus Lines application for certificate 6f puclic I convenience of public convenience and necessity as charter party carrier by motor tehJ.c]e I for handling passengers on certain routes -- 308, I .1 ~.i.Sprinkle, Mrs. Eunice M. account approved,' voucher-check issued for copy of transcript, fOmlt~ of I: of Va. vs. Albert J. Russo -- 310, : 1 ;,Supplemental County Payroll -- 380, ! . !. i [sewage treatment amendment by addition of tract. of land 383. : I; ! I~alaries, payment of -- 384, I 1 . 1 I State Highway Commis~on petitioning Governor of virginia to appoint Charles E. Webber asl a metber t of -- 392, : i 'I ~Sewage backflows letter filed -- 393, . , . ~outhern Hills No.1 Roy Drive, Petition o~ abutting landown8S for abandonment and closin~ of lertain II streets Resolution -- 397, I :i School Board Appropriation ordinance __ 404, . . :.'1 Ii Statist:cal Report~ A~ual County E~~ensiqn Wo~kers -- 411, i I, State HJ.ghway comm~stsJ.ontatCknowledgJ.ng receipt of resolution recommending Charles E. web1ber I appoJ.n men 0 -- 411, ! i , ~ , " I I., 1- I I il 177, 1'1~ ~t~ ~'11, i ]1 I ~. , I . I ] I i: I I !' i Town of Sa1e~,Voucher checks Retroactive to date: 6,26.51.65, $8, 10$.139.152, n ' I' il 316.317. 33g, 362,3g0, 411,425, 453, ! t Town of Salem, petitioned to accept waste' etc, I,: Westward Lake Estates, 9.' 0, i I i Texas Hollow, drai~age problem,: 19, , ~ ;:Typew;rit~rsJor H~iI.l~h Dep~: lAuthqrity to purch~se: 20, r . Treasurer's Office, Additional Help: 29, ;: I l' Tre~surer's Office, Authority to purchaseiFili~~ Cabinets and Index 29 Truck ,Garbage , Purchase Authorized: 32, v~ucheJ-check issued:51, ruck Equipment Corp. Voucher-check : 51 i T I r a1iaferro,J.R., expense for I.A.E.I. Conferenc$: 57, r " i i ing, Letty L.M.. Request for Reccommendttiont 57, Texaco, i-etition for ne-<.oning: '71, Finall135-!37 , I: , I I : ,I Terrell, Edwin G.,replaced on Welfare Board byl:Harris:79,Member-at-lar~eValley .)Z-~:'-{.S' t-"~ c:!--:e. r.. <r t"'t I' Tie-Breaker .A.~J!e::'l.-et.d. eO ~VvL.c ~~L. .ej r I: ! ,. Tape Mcorder hec,uelsted by Sheriff's uff*e: 9~, , " 'I' ea u ' ffo" , . i ~I' , 3 ill r s rer s U J.ce \..ompensat1on "no c,xpen;se Ac ount Gertified: 96, 347, , , .1 Turk, James C.,Letter in re Access hoad: 1118 !I Tuck, William N.,Letter in re Access hoa4: 1l~ Teachers tialari.es, Petition in re: 123' Ii Treasurer Authorized to prepare Financial stagement on Calendar monthbasi$: 121 Truck Equipment Corp. re Two 18 Cu.Yd. Trbxmorb Parker Refuse Bodies: 145 , ou; of Schools Re Invitation to Superviso~s byi, Dr. Herman 1,. Horn, 134 , f Trustees of West Salem Baptist Church Re ~ezontng: 156-7 ~D'p' f' " Tuck, Wil1iamJ~' Letter in re Access conner::tionr. 165 ,Town of ~inton, Town Streets, Secondary Srstem~ - 176, Treatment of Domestic and commercial wastes,City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke , 451, : I! , Town of Salem, agreement with County of R~anok~i' larger Civic Center -:i.g2, i tr Town of Salem, letter to Council, civic center I~- 193, , ,. ~ ., '1_"o~~ i~A /. .., ~J_ ,. :"'.....7~i " '.' .:. <. /o~ r---, . -:.:r" ~ . , c:.+.-p 0 7, )~ fA4<. ~~~~ --:.-. ( )...y L/)~.6, ,...~ 5..... t ~ ~'f!. /09, I ~_- r ~ A1c--L:e';p..,.._~ ""'1,; z. ~7~ 1~d__",v ::L~./~. :..&./A ~o/ ~:" i r"" - ;rl. . r ~ t t _/J ~, (!~A. ")y~ ~.w/.". , C:, ~7.S :"#',,zrpb .'-..~ 7)~ :7--"'~ ~",- c- C~~../.->-~ 14~' , ;;"/", '1_____.-L, f/'/L..JJo.', (1._.1 ' rr~~~ /3'. ~__~/'-f-I.J.. '-~ ~,.:z. ~ !I~.-f' 4...1~rp~J"~.-.J"'~!' i I! ~r?"~" '.~~~1~~~~;~f-~ : I~~--f" '7 -:f,.,o,../;;~ C~~ '~." .!_.4~~7'f.,{)-<..~.o.! '/'""-; ~o ;t'~-:?~ '-:--LeA "4*Z'" ...4..-#;-~ 'Vi'" I. 71_,,-_ _ I If... .. I' r r;, 1:/ . c:~ ~ C-'!'-<'>ft/" '~. ",-,.. ~.. vt-(.....J.L c: ~ C(2~ ~~ z..3~ I Ii ~~ /(4*C-~f~~~;}-" _"h~~ f--'--4_J"/~. -- t-/l~-t2'__. ~+".=f :1 !1;1,., - "'I ' ~ 4 ,"'- ~ /p. r" .~ ~ ;..$';' , II ,?e. 1''' . - r ~ -r k-. o' ~5~, ! ~~4a "... c~-f~ 1-f'Jt;, ! il1,/ L~.//1' . i r-e-u/~'-"'~ l~....,(.r-~ ~~?-<j>3, Technical Committee, Paul B. Matthews, a~POin : d member -_ 301 10, '] ! I I !/ I , ] i i I , II I Temporary Chairman of Board: 77, I I I Planningl79, ! i ~,?, o I I I 17g, J~3' 41~'429~ . I I-- I. "ij '-" , ~ ./.3/, /.$~'/7i ./'f~ 1r6':a.- II uO o ~ " ~ Technical Committee acknowledging appoin~ment of member -- 316, ~ Treasurer, letter filed for allowance fo~ purc?ase of equipment ~ Treasurer of Virginia voucher-checks retro-active to date -- 316, Ii Treasurer negotiate loan or loans and borrow money as needed -- 317, '] ~ I - ITrailer Park PubliC permit ~@ operate Joh1son -~ Treasurer request for increase in Revolving Fund I 'i I 316, I I I ~aliaferro, J. Robert account approved and' voucher-check' issued expenses to Electrical dode School -- 370,' I 'Treasurer, Audit of James E. Peters, and R~cord~ of Roanoke County, -- 370, ~ypewriter purchase of for use in Clerk's Offic~, Roanoke County -- 370, I il"T~ru' VC~Pur"'Cha- :e" OO"l-f' for Roanoke ' I' ~ ~ County Fire:De~ment -- 384,425, ~ Treasurer approving request for allowance!from,compensation BOard 384, i ~TYler, Nash R. employment of Collector of ,Delinquent Taxes -- 392, I I'Treasurer authorized to accept certain s~ as sbttlement of bond upon former Delinquent tax Collector -- 400, i, . . iTurner, Mrs. r.iary l~. inadvertently paid b~ Compt.roller through error for use of transcr~r~ng quipment 415, , iTranSCribing equipment for use of inadvert~ntly: paid by Comptroller through error -- 415 , iTreasurer of Virginia voucher-check issued: for ~efund for use of transcribing equipment t- 41', Typewriter purchase of for use in office of Roa!oke County Delinquent Tax Collector -- 416' , I h~ypewriter prices looked into for purchaseiof for use in Sheriff's Office -- 416, ~own of Salem and Board of Supervisors supplementary agreement in regard to plans and spJcifi tions of r Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center +- 41$, 1 : ~ransfer fee and recording tax refund of tt ThOmas E. Strong, Jr., -- 427, j ~rash, Garbage, Weeds, etc. removal of -- t33, 426, Trailer Sales Lot, request of Ward Mobile [Home ~ales, Inc., for permission to operate -- 433" I , Trout, Restocking streams in Roanoke Coun~y -- ~34, ~own of Salem, contract with Board of supe~iso~s of Roanoke County civic center -- 439, 460, ; , IT'railers, no action taken, petition of l'i. ~. Mason filed 455, I ~ errell, Edwin G. appointed on committee tQ make study of Community Action Programs of O~fice I l' II ~ Economic Opportunity under Anti-Poverty Program -- 455, I ~ trout, Arthur G. appointed on committee to imake ~study of Community Action Programs of Offlice d " Economic OppOrtunity under Anti-Povertv Prog,ram -- 455, -, own of Salem, cont;ract tletween Board of S1j.pervisors h rescin-ded -- 459, , 1 - I I 324, 348, -- J6S, , i 1- lu I I n I II r I 1-- i I r , I , , ,. I u ; I II I II I ~ , , I Ii j II r , Ii l! " I. " I, Ii ;i Ii I' " " ,I Ii I i " Iii 121, 139;147-1r,154r9~, I ~ I ;, ! il I . I ;1 .1 I I' . , ! Vinton Motor Company, B\d: 145 for Fen. 64 . I Voucher, Expense/re letter from G. Edmond !Mass~~ to James E. Peters, Treas.: 133 i I ! Virginia, Dept. of Highways re Approval o~ Fun~ 1964-65 Primary Construction Budget: 111 Virginia, State Forester of Re Voucher Che~k: 154 I i:' I : I I I' I ' I Vinton, Town of, Town Streets, Secondary!Syst~!n' 176, I : Voting, Riverdale Precinct, closing of 18~, 1,': I U:'~11:. d-(.:< ~~../- -/' 7-q~rLr (l~ :I./~ I Zr.4-j. n.;~.':<' .(.~"..--< '1 .;./~ I, zr~ ~,. .:~~..-:-~ ..' ~JO' 453, 1rL.-:. /1_ :,..., '" j! , / <~/' : " L.R'.-, _'~ yr--g.. -P;.f.#-~~,,,.4..m'~J~,.?- 'i~ ~,,.- - !- ~:;.3... f gr~/L j~2-~~ l I, i . . f'.-.{~r--....:- )?'<=j ..k~7A......&' ~ ~ ~ iI-.~ ,i u..'~--..Jf!/.-?;.I(]""" -.:R ~.....;.r--~ ~1 (!..t:.:.~- .~.<<--~ 'J..d ~ ~, '"_, ~~ _ ~ ; I, ..L d I '_ - 1'.-?'. ~ ....--~ ~~.rr....,.;n - " -<--r~"'" ~e.,---< I" '- -? ~ 77,. j .~,~r~~..(~,,/ 4~?-7~, i' ! oting machines agreement for lease purcha~e or~ered filed -- 306, , . ~ irginia Department of Agriculture Divisio,i, of Jegu1atOry Ii l Vinton Chamber of Commerce five membershi;s __ b23, 415, Services, report filed 315, jl . Vacation of that portion of Map of Sectio~ 2, trwiCk Heights -- 346, U:, ' Voucher-checks issued for accounts approved -- 370, II . oting precincts Roanoke County Electoral 'Boardlrequested to study and report -- 392, ~ . . I ~ I Voucher-Checks, iPEr~v:~./e~5~:rt~,e 3tsb ,d~Jlfl. ,E~I1, ;.~.,6~jf,-t~3~1, SS ,108, , i Virginia (State) Department of Virginia Division of Forestry, Heal~h;Lea~e & A~reemen~: JP, , I Letter in reo Fiscal mrtters for . I' ].062-63 -- 315, Commission Membership: 79 I Valley, Roanoke, Regional Planning & ~conomic IDevelopment . " IIVice-Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Su~ervi~ors: 78 Voting Precinct Changes, West ::Jalem: 110 I I, Vinton, hesidents added by annexation: 12~ Lopf. of hesol~tion: 122 . . V.A.L.e. study Sanitation ana Water Autho~itie~:lOO --I Vaccination of Dogs: 164 --, i .J Vice-Chairman elected -- 402, I r --, 415, I 'i or; tran~cribing , , t:J inton Chamber of Commerce letter filed i~oucher-check issued for refuna for use ~inton Motor Company bid filed -- 432, n facated portion of Roy Drive and portion of an -.,..nn:amed street -- 439, talley Contractors Corporation authorized phairman to sign agreement with -- 449, i irginia State Chamber of Commerce, Virein~a Co~gressional Dinner letter filed 450, I. irginia congressional Dinner, Virginia State C~amber of Corr~erce letter filed 450, foting Precinct Boundaries and Places, ch~ges rn -- 453, il,Voting machines precincts not having, increase ,'in remuneration for judges and clerks fo~ i services performed at polls ~n precinct~ -- 454, I ,Voucher-check issued to W. W. Henderson, for re~mbursement -- 456, equipment -- 415, o ;i ~ ~ ~ II Ii I I I I I :1 I .1 I I I I I I , l II :1 u' W H Taxes : 5,16, 20, 50, 65, 87,108'1.$?" I i I' I " 175,l,f7 ,.t.1 :J.~"; 337,361, I' I , I' I " , i' 362, 379, i I. 380,410; 423,t24, I :' , ,I , u. I ' , I I I I I .-' ),' I; Welfare Department, Authority to purchase! Floof, Machinel 14, Duplicator: 14, I r Whitfield, Mrs. Ethel Vae, a?pointed to C~ve S~ring Recreationa' Park Committee: 15 .' " Welfare Dep't., Authority to Accept bid on Lan4~c~?ing : 40 Waiver of Notice of Special ~eeting : 39. l!' . , ..elfare i.Jep"rtz;;eilt .....thorize(1 l.o r"y .iosj.>~ tal,' ills: 67, Welfare Board, 3 member limit: 78, riarris:rePl~ces Terrell: 79 ! )1 : I. Webber,C.E.,Commends Board for past year fnd o~fers any help needed for '64: 81 V.irt,_ ;:,ugene S. ,itequest for CO":r.littee fot j(ecf,' ation and Parks: 91 'hitescarver, F.b" Checks, for ~ega1 and ~e1ate~ Services to h.C.S.A.:102 10 ; i 'est SaJ.em ,Voting change: 1 . Ii I, Wickline, W. T., Police Officers for County: 1;t.44 Welfare Dept., Roanoke County, Shelves fO~: lJ~ W~ter System establishment of & certifica~e of jpublic convenience: 132 : I Woods Bros. Coffee Co. Building, Re improVemen~ to Access Rd.: 154,155 I I: Williams, Hazel Goodman & Lynn Glynntis, irope,ty of, Rezoning Petition: Weaver, Lawrence W. & Frances E., re rezo*ing ~etition: 157, '"1~ Wastes, treatment of domestic and commerct,al, l,ity of Roanoke and County'of Roanoke, Wentworth Road, closing, confer with Planning . oIllDlission further 188, /06 , ) 7 / ~f---, ~ ..1>' -tv ,.- - -" .. (. .~ h,6, .4~~7d?L-I ~'1 t:-.Y"" ~~~7_/"~ .;ot', I eLj't.-4.- ~-;t2._~. ~~~~~~..:I~..2{~o/~:>-O?, 3sp., ~~;1. ~1J.-!-"'.'~~~~0-----"".1 ,./?, " ~...-?'.:r. c../~ c.....-.......'f'A. ~7....... . ~L :Ji./~ " / : Ii- ,,~.,/~~ :.;'-' s:.(-,:,oa. '-'77 1<q;t IP-I'~,a. ---< :1-/?, ,.e.'~, )Y~"1V-& ":,~n"~~~'r"""'< "':0-3, . 1:~;:::~~~~ d~ C,f.~J7<//~ ,,'~".p ~ (~~ -tfG'.-.:-- .7'~ ~{!~~-""" -~~~A"'-~7~ :----r- - - ;IT -- 11 Winstead, Glen C. barricade on corbieshawiRoad~-- 303, We~"g:~ts and Measures Annual Report, Vir gi~ia Defartment of Agriculture filed -- 315, " irt, E. S. Jr., Chairman Roanoke County P~rk C!mmittee, Parks and Recreation Program --1323, ' ilmont Westwood area residents appeared g;tving[!5UPport for smoke control -- 325, 1 eat, J. C. &. Company, Managers and Assoc~, ac~ept proposal to purchase said bonds 3~3'1 ebber, Charles E. petitioning Governor of!Virg~nia, to appoint him as a member of the s,at~" i lOOsor Htmapr~8m~€s~~llafiz~9~dting popjuatiJn -- 392, I 1 , II I n Warning device requested to install at grade c~ossing of State Route #604 and N &. W Rai1road J"I.I near Bonsack -- 399, , i~ I Welfare Department operation Appropriati~n Or~nance -- 403, i ~! I Webber, Charles E. acknowledging receiPt', of r~solution recommending for appointment to I . State. Highway C9J.lU1lj.s~ion -.;: 411, ' Ward, H7rbert D. and Kutn"Re'dmond ;<).00; ,acres/I' Rutrough Road, S. E. ament contract beteert C1ty of Roanoke and County of Roanqke d~ing with treatment of domestic and comm ci"a! wastes -- 41.3,' Wells &. Meagher, Architects, supplementary agr~ement between Town of Salem and Board ofl Supervisors in regard to plans and specitications of Salem-Roanoke County Civic : Center -. 416, ' i: ' '; I, 157,158,173 I 171, I 1-; I I i , , : .....J II L I . 11 "-1 rd ...., o " , ." ,"'c ',~ , II WDBJ, WSLS, WLVA - TV proposing to build and orrate Welfare, Department of Budget Estimate, year ending Weeds, Trash, Garbage, etc. removal of -- 433 1~56 'I' , Ward Mobile Home Sales, Inc., request for pe .: sion " commu!lity antenna television system 426,,1 June 30, 1966 -. 427, to operate Trailer Sales Lot _. -n J !.., .- nl ~ I, If._..a.~ Q,$/- ~~I""(,__4_J/.(!" ~44 /$,........: .'y ,.1_M~ I ,-- --, ~ -I{ . I ;r (j' I I , ' 'I r I i I ,; " " , il ~ i " , , I: I; I' " " I' " 'I Ii I: 11 " i' I' II I' f II r II , i: I' ,I Ii !j II Ii II i, i: Ii , ~ ii I' I .~ , " " II ii " 'I ;j I, II Ii " f I i, I " " " " 1 . - ~ ' ,I I, ~ ij I I, U 'I Ii Ii !! ~ " i ;'p~ :1 I ~ . I I , I I , I I I i I I, ij U [I , I i If I i I I ! ! , ~ ! I ~ ~, II i !I it ! , , I , I ~ ;\ I ~l 'I I :J I j Court House Salem, Virginia September 16, 1963 The Board of Supervisors' of RO'Uloke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Teri:'ell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice Chairman, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. A. Kyle Flora, pastor of West Salem Baptist Church, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. o o The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively charge- able to-wit: c o o No. 1179l " 11792 11793 11794 11795' 11796 11797 11798 11799 11800 1180l 11802 11803 11804 11805 11806 11807 11808 11809 11810 11811 U8l2 11813 11814 11815 11816 11817 11818 11819 11820 11821 11822 " " " " n " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. ff " " " " " " II County School Board of R. C. ,maintenance of County owned vehicles for August $ 1,128.70 W. B. Clements Inc., parts for vehicles 302.84 Salem Auto Parts, parts for County vehicles Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline Harvest Motors, parts Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, repairs,parts etc. Motor Parts Supply Co., parts Standard Parts Corp. parts for police & garbage trks Summerdean Esso Station, repair parts ~tc. Vinton Motor Co., parts, r~airs to vehicles Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., parts Salem Oil Co., gasoline for fire trucks &C. Baker Brothers, repairs and parts for C.S.fire truck Goodyear Service Stores, parts Clearbrook"Truck Glenvar Texaco Station, gas, parts and was jobs &C. T. R. Leslie Service Scation, 'gasoline and oil &C. Mt. Pleasant Garage, repair, parts,wash & oil, &C. Magic City Motor Corp., 'parts for fire truck &C. VOID Pure Oil Co., gasoline for C.S.Rescue Squad VOID Oren Roanoke Corp., fire hose and repair work Continental Credit-Card Corp., gas pur. for Engr. Texaco Inc., gasoline pur. for Engr. car Salem MOtors Inc., repairs and parts Insp. car Beach Brothers Motor Co., parts 6304 truck Bemiss Equipment Co., parts for garbage tractor VOID Goodwin Chevrolet Co., parts for 5803 Miller Tire Service, repair and parts garbage trks W. C. MaXey, installing master clutch in tractor Shackleford-Cox Truck & Mchy., parts for garb. trk. 183.17 27.30 18.77 11.20 20.85 52.46 l5.l9 86.29 106.79 84.67 32.30 2l8.52 13.24 30.94 43.0l 79.69 lO.n 138.87 3.80 4.28 38.29 55.88 7.45 .5l 32.15 : 25.00 79.62 2 No. " " " " " " .. " " " .. " " " " " ;, " " " " " .. " " " " .. " " " .. " .. " .. " .. " " " " 11823 11824 11825 11826 11827 11828 11829 11830 1183l 11832 11833 11834 11835 11836 11837 11838 11839 11840 1184l 11842 11843 11844 11845 11846 11847 11848 11849 11850 11851 11852 11853 11854 11855 11856 11857 11858 11859 11860 11861 11862 11863 11864 11865 11866 11867 11868 11869 " " .. " Southwest Motor Parts Corp., parts for garb trk. Dickerson GMC Inc., parts for garbage truck M & S Machine Shop, repair and puts for garb trks Diesel Injection Sales Co., .. " " " Auto Parts Inc. parts for garb.trks. and stock Garland Oil Co., oil for distr. at Hollins Auto Spring & Bearing Co., oil for distr. at Co.gar. Pure Oil Co., gasoline and oil pur. for distr. &e. Richard's Auto Alignment, parts for police car Doyle's Radiator Service, parts for garb. truck Va. State Chamber of Commerce, subscription etc. Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Co., serviC2 maintenance &e. Goodwin,,k.drews,Bryant Ins. Co., premium on insur.&e. IBM Corporation, office supp1. and maintenance &e. Acme Printers, Inc.', bookbinding & office supplies Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Monroe Business Machine Co., rental fee on moh. &e. Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Double Ellve1opeCo., office sup.- envelopes for Treas. Burroughs Corporation, ribbon for adding moh. Treas. Merchants Industries Inc., off. supp1. Treas. off. James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimb. Jury tickets &e. State Treasurer, expo incurred in connec. with audit American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper Underwood Corporation, maintenance agreement &e. Va. Clerk's Assoc., subscr. to Code of Va. 9 vols. Everette Waddey Co., record books for Clerk RIm C. W. Warthen Co. office supplies, receipt books Bank of Salem, rent on night deposit bag &e. Robert Dawson, P.M. postage for juvenile court off. Barbara S. Cundiff, reimb. Aug. trav. expo Charles L. Breeden, Jr., reimb. Aug. trav. expo Marvin G.Hlndrick, Jr. reimb. Aug. trav. expo James M. Bryant, reimb. Aug. trav. expo Custom Seat Cover Shop, seat covers for police car Railway Express Agency, expo on apparel Sher, Offi. Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance Aug. Auto Spring & Bearing Co., fuses and batteries American Chemical Co., janito~ supplies Deluxe Laundry Co., laundry for jail Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, food for jail C. B. Halsey Co., food and tissue for jail W. T. Rierson, food for jail Monarch Finer Foods, food etc. for jail Rainbo Bread Co. food for jail S & W Pharmacy Co., medical supplies- jail $ 7.16 16.59 987.85 34.22 39.03 3l.l3 67.91 l,600.73 37.35 22.56 200.00 26l.72 6,792.48 160.00 l54.SO 64.18 45.00 83.56 3.75 1.60 10.70 54.93 395.33 l6.l8 18.50 lO.OO 159.l8 137.l0 6.00 65.00 2.52 37.03 29.05 17.68 16.50 3.65 58.15 24.12 30.44 34.08 26.10 135.69 139.50 24.90 146.14 55.61 19.87 I I I I I o o " " o " " " " " " " " " " " " '~ " " " " o " " " " " If " " " " No. 11870 11871 " " 11872 11873 11874 11875 11876 11877 11878 11879 11880 11881 11882 11883 11884 11885 11886 11887 11888 11889 11890 11891 11892 11893 11894 11895 11896 11897 11898 11899 11900 11901 11902 11903 11904 11956 11957 11958 11959 11960 119bl 11962 11963 11964 11965 11966 11967 " " " " .. .. " .. .. n n h' " .. " " General Motor Lines, frt. on fire equipment Culligan Soft Water Service, rental fee for water , softener for Hollins F ire Sta~ Salem Glass Corp., repair material Clearbrook Lion's Club, Aug. rent on Fire Sta. w. W. Garman, Aug. rent on Mt. Pleasant" .. J. W.Griggs & W. H. Witt, Aug. rent on B.S. Fire Sta. Crippled Children's Hospital, contribution Dr. S. D. Carey, ~unacy cases Dr. F. S. Cruser, lunacy cases Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy cases George S\llDIIIE!rs. lunacy case Charles G. Shelor, lunacy case Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., blood alcohol test Alex A. Waldrop, Jr., lunacy cases State Dept. of Health, Co. approp. for local Dept. AIIlsterdam Pen Corp. pencils for Engr. offic!!. Techincal Reproduction & Sup.Co., office suppl. Roanoke Valley Reg. Plan. & E.D.Com., Co. approp. George Bennett, refund garbage collec. fee N. H. r~sell, refUnd garb. collec. fee J. Crognale, " " " " McClung Lumber Company, lumber Shockley's Tractor Servo Co., barrels for garb.co1. Madge Twine, Oitober rent- county dump Appalachian Power Co., current used in st. lighting Brown Hardware Co., janitor suppl. and hardware Charles J. Krebs Co., repairs to ceiling in C.H. Owen Plumbing Co., repair to C.B. & inst. air condo Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies- Economy Plbg. & Heati1lg Co., ref. plbg. permit Oak Grove Pharmacy, office supp1. for C.W.C.P. Winston S. Sharpley, architect Health & Welf.Bldg. Wilson Trucking Co. frt. on furn." " " Penitentiary Indus.Dept. "" " " Booker T. Helm, labor making bookcases & fixing cab!. Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Com.of Rev. Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Pitney-Bowes Inc. rental fee on Postage Machine Michie Company, law books- Judge F.L.Hoback Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel for Hollins fire sta. 3 5.67 4.00 9.65 60.00 60.00 60.00 200.00 50.00 60.00 20.00 10.00 lO.OO 10.00 20.00 8,562. 07 26.56 1.40 1,349.6l 4.50 4.50 6.00 1.25 8.00 50.00 703.64 10.54 10.00 1,316.40 54.75 9.00 15.00 245.00 3.00 22.50 20.00 , 500.00 9.06 31.80 11.50 42.61 VOID VOID C & P Telephone Co., tel. servo for Bent Mt. Fire sta.&C 224.96 Dr. S. D. Carey, lunacy cases etc. Roanoke Memorial Hospital, bills for welfare Lewis-Gale Hospital," " " " Cleo 01:l.ver, extra office aast. Pub. Wks Office &C. 32.50 2,476.80 823.67 39.02 If If If " " " " " If " If No. 11968 11969 11970 11971 1~.972 11973 11974 11975 11976 11977 11978 11979 11980 11987 11988 VOID H. C. Cundiff, ref. garb. collec. fee R. C. Pittman, reimb. for trav. exp.&c. Easter Supply Co., pencils for distr. to var. off. Caldwell-Sites Co., If n " " " " Robert Dawson, P.M., postage for distrib. " " J. W. Griggs, reimb. expo Fire Chief's Dinner Mtg. Emory P. Hollins, poles for street signs L. Kenneth Whitlock, extra help in Engr. office Steven Anderson, extra help in Real Est Asses. Off. Roanoke County Revolving Fund, reimb. Petty Cash Fund Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for De1.Tax Off. Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., lunacy case BobM.e Envelope Co., envelopes for County Clerk Benjamin E. Chapman, Attorney, lunacy case IN RE:' DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS ETC. " " " ..~.~~ 5.00 34.30 5.00 12.23 45.00 l2.05 67.50 118.17 244.72 24.50 35.00 lO.OO 86.69 10.00 I I The following claims against the County were this day presented and approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. " " " " " " " " II II II, II II II 11905 11906 11907 11908 11909 11910 11911 11912 11913 11914 11915 11916 1198l 11982 11983 Bob's Market, dog food and bulbs Fort Lewis Hardware Co., tables used at dog clinics County School Board of R.C. ,maintenance dog truck Goochri.n.-.Andrews, Bryant Ins. Co. premo on ins. dog trk Goodyear Service Stores, tires for dog truck Humble Oil & Refining Co., gas and oil for cbg trk Owen Plumbing Co., repairs to Dog Pound Radio CODIIIunications Co., radio maintenance dog trk Salem Hardware Co., ammunition Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for dog truck Summerdean Esso Station, repairs and parts dog truck Salem Farm Supply Co., food, disinfectant & batteries Bob's Market, dog food Easter Supply Co., pencils for use in dog clinics Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimb. travel expo 29.40 26.87 51.40 47.30 56.80 8.44 31. 35 l5.00 7.35 60.67 3.65 43.40 1.39 .83 48.09 I I I 5 James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted the following report: "Salem, Virginia ,September 16, 1963 o To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business September 14, 1963, there was to the credit of the 0 General Revenue Fund $ 25,804.17 Dog Fund lO,936.38 Salem District Road Debt Fund 71.93 School Construction Fund 23,182.99 School Debt Retirement Fund 4,36l.48 School Textbook Fund 2,957.99 F. I. C. A. 7,430.45 V. S. R. S. 642.17 Defe=ed Credit Account 206.l4 $ 75,593.70 o Certificates of Deposit: Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank $750,000.00 l,8l4,1l7.8l 750,000.00 $ 3,3l4,1l7.8l Respectfully submitted JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer" Said report is received and ordered filed. o On Motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the t month of September, 1963, be approved ill the amount of $13,547.50, from which the sum of $369.8l total F.I.C.A. taxes; $1,452.65 total W. H. Taxes; $l59.40 total State Income Taxes, and $257.89 Retirement are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $11,307.75. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. c,..I&....;. tA.L to 1AA. ,C;. .~ cP~ tf{'rtfr..'!> B Nays: None. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher- checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: a. 111720 in the amount of $17.50 made payable to the University elf Virginia Law School Association for membership dues for Hon. F. L. Hoback c,t...:...t..e. 1; 11-, Co, ~ ~~ "I7'11.:J 6 -'~... b. 11172l in the amount of $631.35 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at various County offices; in the amount of $l6. 50 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; in the amount of $lO.2l made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at dog pound; c. #11728 d. #11779 e. 111780 in the amount of $38.50 made payable to Applachian Power Company for current used at transmitter station and Fort Lewis Fire House; f. 111781 in the amount of $39.60 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Hollins Fire House; in the amount of $631. 74 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service at Courthouse; in the amount of $9.00 made payable to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for sewer service at Hollins Fire House; in the amount of $24.69 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel at Cave Spring Fire House, County j ail and home demonstration kitchen; in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service during August; in the amount of $55.63 made payable to C & P Telephone Com- pany for service at Clearbrook Fire House; Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors !,lincr R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. g. #11782 h. #11783 i. #11788 j. 111789 k. #11790 Bays : None. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to tie Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $1,323.53 on account of deJ,inquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of August~ 1963, less commissions, and turned ov~~ to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $l,257.35 net. l)-t.t~~ -;,'!iif~ The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of August, 1963; "'t C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of August. 1963; -EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of August, 1963; LOWELL H. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of August,l963; MRS. FRANCES GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of August, 1963; EVELYN F. PCMELL, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of August, 1963; IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECfOR: C. D. Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day submitted a report of monthly collections showing ~ollertions for each month and total to date for fiscal year 1963-64, as follows: Collections for month of July 1963, $3,421.03 Collections for month of August 1963, 2.058.13 making a total of $5.479.l6 which report is received and ordered filed. I I I I I i ~ -.. ~-*""'~.~-- I , '.-J ] ~ ~ 0 'I ~ I I I 8 ~ ,', 'I II II ,I I! II ii ,I Ii Ii II II " I' il " !I 'I Letter dated August l5, 1963, signed by Vogel L. Minnix, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, submitting his resignation as Fire Chief of the Roanoke County Fire Department #7, effective August 31, 1963, received and ordered filed. A written statement signed by W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Vir- ginia Department of Highways, in re: Drainage- Deep Dell Subdivision, was this day submitted to the Board and ordered and filed. W. E. FITZGERALD, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, this day appeared before the Board, and asked for a statement of the other members of the Board as to the statements made by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, of Salem District, at the August, 1963 meeting of this Board, in regard to paving and gutters on Cordell Drive, he was advised that any statements made by Mr. Moulse at that time did not represent any official action of this Board. IN RE: APPOIN'l'MENT OF TEMPORARY CUSTODIAN AT FORT LEWIS FIRE STATION: Upon the recOllllllendation of Rev. Prince Thornton, Jr., and on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the services of Russell C. Cartwright be retained on a tem- porary basis as custodian, and to take care of the telephone service at the Fort Lewis Fire Station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None WHEREAS: The Resident Engineer for the Department of Highways has appeared before the Board and presented a plan sketch dated July 10, 1963, showing Project 0620-C, Route 221 (Old Route 205) in Roanoke County and the disposition of the old location. WHEREAS: This Board approves and concurs in the recOllllllendations of the Department of Highways as follows: Section of Old Location of Route 22l Old Route 205 To Be A an one ccor ce tn ect on - . Co 0 Virl1;inia. As Amended - Section No.1 - 0.35 Mi., this ~ection served by new location. And be it ordered that duly certified copies of this resolution be trans- mitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: 7 ~ c:W. t ~O.~~~ ~~ ~'b- 6 . , ,~ R ~ ~ _$.&....... '('....1/1 vf b.3 ~~ rt:; ~ r- ~ 10 Co ' ~~~ . WcU...J;" V(~,~ ~~ ~ijcW- 10 c.. ,t;_. cp~' "Ifi1i>-:' I I I II II I 8 ~ ~111p ~Jp .,. ~~ to '(M-q~ ~. s~ (\.r . ~ ,....., ~'(' 41'11 (" 3 'Et,U' ~1111r." Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Te=ell. Nays: None. This day appeared Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of Schools for the County, and presented to the Board an excerpt of the minutes of the regular meeting of the County School Board held September lO, 1963, a copy of which is filed with the records of this meeting, which minutes disclose that the County School Board of Roanoke County requests the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County to donate a tract of land to be cut from the Old County Poor House Farm, adjoining the present Glenvar Elementary School property on the north side thereof, containing 32.71 acres, as shown on map made by T. P. Parker, S.C.E., dated August 3l, 1963, copy of which map is likewise filed with the Clerk of this Board. Dr. Horn further explained that the School Board needed additional land for the proposed new High School to be erected adjoining the Glenvar Elementary School, and that the School Board would pay all necessary costs for the transfer of said 32.7l acre tract, including just compensation to Edw. H. Richardson,.Esquire, Attorney for the Board of Supervisors, and to Benj. E. Chapman, Esquire, Attorney for the School Board, and 011 motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it was unanimously resolved that the County Board of Supervisors donate said tract of 32.71 acres to the County School Board for school purposes, and that Hr. Richardson and Hr. Chapman proceed ~ prepare the necessary papers to obtain approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and if such approval is granted, that the deed of conveyance be prepared and executed by the Chairman and Clerk of this Board. On recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Te=ell. I I I Nays: None. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and cOlllllErcial wastes, by emergency resolution, to the follo~ing extent only, viz: I BEGINNING at a point on the south right-of-way of Grandin Road Ext. (State Secondary Route 686), said point being lo- cated 300 feet, more or less, westerly from the intersection of Grandin Road Ext. and Sugar Loaf Mountain Road and said point being the northeast corner of the James L. Thompson 2.0 acre tract as recorded in Deed Book 56l, Page l62, in the Clerk's Office for'the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence leaving Route 686 and with the boundary of the Thompson tract S. 5 deg. 47' W., 263.0 feet, and D. 46 deg. 41' W., 3l2,3 feet to a point and said point being a joint corner of the aforesaid Thompson tract and Laurel Hills Subdivision, said subdivision being recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 143, of the records of the aforesaid Clerk's Office; thence leaving the ThOl'1pson tract and with the bomldary of Lot 6, Laurel Hills St'lbdivision, S. 46 deg. 41' W., l49.33 feet, and '.: I J o o o rn,';- [J N. 10 deg. 27' W., 655.43 feet to a point on the south right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 686; thence with the south right-of-way line of the aforesaid Route 686 in an easterly direction an arc distance of 281.76 feet to the northeast comer of the aforesaid Lot 6 and being the north- west- comer of the aforesaid Thompson 2.0 acre tract;tbence leaving the said:Lot 6 and with the south right-of-way line of Route 686, being the north boundary of the Thompson tract, S. 72 deg. 56' E., 208.5 feet to the point of BEGINNmG and being a boundary description of the Thompson 2.0 acre tract and Lot 6, Laurel Hills Subdivision, a total of 4.5:1:: acres in all, located on Grandin Road Ext., west of Sugar Loaf Mountain Road. _ and that said areas be added to, and included in" said contract to the full ex- tent as if said areas were therein set out in extension. (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid ares shall be delivered by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such points as are approved by the City's Director of Public Works, or the City Engineer, and that requisite measuring,meters be installed at such points ~ II I: ,I ~ II Ii ~ II " I' lj II II 'I I, Ii " I' !i ~ il Ii II I , - of delivery by the County, if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph "c" hereof. (C) . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke that in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any and all of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City asslllDing the obligation of sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systems constructed, or hereafter constructed, in said areas hereinabove identi- fied, with funds supplied by developers" or instituti,ons, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to the Authority, or with contracts providing for reimbursement from connection fees, in whole or in part, and not built by the Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, will become the property of the City without any payment to said Authority therefor, but subject to the rights of such developers and institutions to reimbursement in whole or in part, as provided for in their respective contracts with the said Authority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove identified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be. and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforesaid contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. BE IT RESOLVED: By the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the Council for the Town of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver to the main sewer interceptor line of the Town of Salem 10 ~~f'..w. ~Q., "I1111'? -tb cW.. 1; ~\\~lo:!l 'Wastes originating within the following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows,to-wi WES'lWARD LAKE ESTATESSUBDIVISIml, ETC: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Little Bear Run Creek, said point being the southwest corner of Westward Lake Estates Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 87, in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence with a line up Little Bear Creek 500 feet, more or less, to a point and said point being the northwest corner of the subdivision; thence with the north boundary of Westward Lake Estates Subdivision, leaving Little Bear Run Creek, N. 58 deg. 02' E., 1931.9 feet to the north corner of the aforesaid sub- division; thence leaving the aforesaid subdivision boundary and continuing with a line NQ. 58 deg. 02' E., crossing the center line of State Secondary Route 643 at 220 feet, more or less, to a point 300 feet, more or less; northeast of the center line of the aforesaid Route 643, in all a total distance of 520 feet, more or less; thence with a line parallel to and 300 f~'t east of the aforesaid center line of Route 643 in a ,southerly direction 4, 700 feet, more or less, to a point on the north right-of-way line of U. S. Interstate Route 81; thence with the north ~-tight-of-way line of Route 81, 300 feet, more or less, to the aforesaid center line of Route 643;thence with the center line of Route 643 in a northerly direction 300 feet, more or less, to a point; thence with a 1ine,leaving the aforesaid center line and parallel to and 300 feet north of the north right-of-way line of Route 81, 300 feet, more or less, to a point on the east boundary of the Mattie W. Black- well tract as recorded in Deed Book 77, page 248; thence with a line 300 feet west of and parallel to the aforesaid center line of Route 643 in a northerly direction 2,350 feet, more or less, to a point located 300 feet West of the aforesaid center line of Route 643 and l50 feet south of the center line of Westward Lake Drive; thence with a line l50 feet south of and wallel to Westward Lake Drive, 2,400 feet, more or less, to a point in the center of the aforesaid tittle Bear Run Creek thence with the center line of the said creek upstream 50 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary desctiption of an area including Westward Lake Estate Subdi- vision and a portion of the properties of James D. Hawks, A. C. Paisley, W. R. Young, S. D. Maxey, F. Cordy Maxey, Howard D. Ulrey, W. C. Moran and others totaling l03.5 acres, more or less. I I I \ and that said wastes be accepted by the Town of Salem for transmission to the interceptor of the City of Roanoke, and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke, dated December 19, 1955. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council for the Town of Salem is hereby requested to request the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant and treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, under date of October l6, 1953. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Super- visor A. C. Ha=is. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Te=e1l. Nays: None. I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supe rvisor re- A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the/payment date for the temporary loan of $70,000 to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, authorized by resolution of this Board on July 15, 1963, be extended to January l, 1964. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. and Edwin G. Terrell. None. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse o Whereas, ASsociated Transport, Inc., has made application to this Board of Supervisors for the construction of an access road from the existing Hersh- berger Road to a plat site to be acquired by Associated Transport, Inc., located in Roanoke County, Virginia, near the easterly end of the east-west runway at Woodrum Airport, and on which site Associated Transport, Inc., intends to erect a trucking terminal and maintenance facility; and Whereas, this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chap- ter 161 of the Acts of General AsSembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Fund; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, date on right-of-way needs, and other information to the Highway CoIIImission on the construction of an access road in Roanoke County Virginia, leading from Hershberger Road to a point near the easterly terminus of the east-west runway at Woodrum Airport at which Associated Transport, Inc., intends to erect a. trucking terminal and maintenance facility and to approve said road for construction with the recolllllendation that it be constructed o o with Industrial Access Funds. On motion of Supervisor A. C. 'Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. l'errell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the General Appr~priation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows, to become effective September l6, 1963: 18- MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS: An additional appropriation of $24,568.35 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the ,fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated, Capital Outlay: An additional appropriation of $43,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 19- a Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, and Edwin G. Terrell. A. C. Harris, a , ~ ~ II II J BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Ii II ~ ~ 'I ORDER . Nays: None. THE PUBLIC AND THE Sl'ATE HIGHWAY CCIlKISSION OF VIRGINIA. ) ) ) ~ ) VB , This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, 11 ,~ u, r.:- ~'~~W;rr ~~~~ copies del to Treas. Co. Bookkeeper I: Co Ex.Officer I: copy mailed to Dr.Herman Horn,Supt. Roa. Co. Schools , SalemI Va. 9/18/03 4 copies this order del to Co Ex.Officer for del. to i Res.Engr.Dept. II~mm " I , I 12 and upon the application for Rosecliff Road from Rt. 689 to Rt. 1669 - O.lS mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easement and a SO-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Layman Lawn #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book S, Page 67 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way frOlll the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. Nai. THEREFau:. BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Rosecliff Road frOlll Rt. 689 to Rt. l669 - O.lS mile, and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke COunt Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Aye.: Idwin G. Terrell, Minor R. ICeffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Nays: None. , \ It cOpies del to Co.Ex. " Officer for del. to Res. BDgr. Dept. ~r ) ~ ) THE PUBLIC AND THE STATE HIGHWAY ) CCHlISSIm OF VIRGINIA. ) BOARD OF SUPERVISORS amER vs This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Deer Branch Drive from Laban Road (Rt. 849) to Dallas Road - 0.14 mile to be accllpted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a SO-foot right of "."'... way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Otterview Gardens, which map is recorded in Plat Book S, Page 52, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFau:, BE rT ORDERED that said road known as Deer Branch Drive from Laban Road (Rt. 849) to Dallas Road - 0.14 mile, and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: Narle. I I II ,- I I I I I 13 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ) ) vs ) ) THE PUBLIC AND THE STATE HIGHWAY ) C<IlMISSIW OF VIRGINIA. ) ORDZR "" copies this order del to Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res.EDgr. Da,pt. 9/18/63 J This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Otterview Drive from Laban Road (Rt. 849) to Dallas Road - o.lS mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a SO-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Otterview Gardens, which map is recorded in Plat Book S, Page S2, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property J owners is necessary. right for drainage. NOl, THEREFam, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Otterview Drive The Board hereby guarantees aaid right of way and from Laban Road (Rt. 849) to Dallas Road - O.lS mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby estab1ilished as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System "f Highways in I Roanoke County. D Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. o On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the request of the property owners on an unnamed road- State Route 619, South to dead end, be accepted as an addition to the Secondary System of Highways under the conditions stated. Said petition ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, Minor K. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Copy this resolution aJKl pe.1l.del. to Co.Ex. Officer ' 9/18/63 Nays: None. n," tJ ~. Sums. & copy & 2 copies this reso1uti del to Sb1'f. 9/19/63 Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engi- , neer, view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences ~.# that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such road shall be a, s+ @~ as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part there- I' 'l JI1b3 II " On Application of the below-named petitioner: City of Roanoke~ Virginia for Ferncliff Avenue and Routt Road. who this day filed his petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of State of, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that nc/road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of 14 ~.~, ~t~b~ ~ &...e. r. C.~~. ~-1'" "I\\~l.~ any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said road should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. He shall also assess and report what I damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said road. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and he. 'hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these proceedings. The summons shall be directed, I - executed, and returned as pro~~ss or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Higgway Depart- ment of Virginia having sUfervis10n of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order, certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued, On Motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I Letter dated September 5, 1963, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, addressed to Mr. Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, enclosing copy of Resolution No. l5386, of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Va., adopted the 3rd day of September, 1963, received and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris. it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to pur- chase one Mercury Heavy Duty Floor Machine M-17 at a price of two hundred, nine dollars and fifty cents $(209.50), as per specifications submitted, from the American Chemical Company, and that supplies' and materials for janitor for use at the Roanoke County Health and Welfare Building be pur- chased by said County Purchasing Agent, as specified, from Graves- Humphreys, Inc., at a price of one hundred, one dollars and sixty-three cents ($101.63). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to.purchase from the Acme Typewriter Company one Model 320 Gestetner Duplicator at a price of four hundred and seventy do11ars($470.00) for use in the Roanoke County Health Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. n ;_J ''''' On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that Dr. Russell Smiley, Jr., be, and he hereby is, appointed Assistant Jail physician of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. u D On motion of Supervisor Edwin G. Terrell, seconded' by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that Mrs. Ethel Mae Whitfield, President of the Sun- rise Civic and Community Club, resident of the Pinkard Court area of Roanoke County, be appointed a member of the Coumittee composed of Dr. Herman L. Horn, Chairman, Ra:ymond Isley, and the members of this Board appointed at the June meeting, 1963, of this Board, for the purposes set forth in said order, in regard to the recreational park in Cave Spring District. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Edwin G. Terrell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. None. Nays: Mrs. Frances Beane, Mrs. Lola Cobbs and Rev. R. M. Isley appeared before the Board regarding the recreational park in the Cave Spring District. II o ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Saturday, September 28, 1963 I at ten o'clock A. M. j 'I I II II ~ t- - . II i " rr II I m Carman - J;cL~ 15 ~~ ~~. ., r ( ~'"~ e..J.... dd k Co~~~u..J /rrr . tJ.J.. 'f,- ~~-- yt 4ru- "I/11"~ II II II " Ii 16 ~, r Cc. ,~ ~ ''ti'l'' 3 s- c:4.....:. u_Wt Co '~'lT"' ~~t: r~~ Court House Salem, Virginia September 28, 1963 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof pursuant to adjournment on ~eptember l6, 1963. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice Chairman, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a I prayer. 1 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse and Janitor Service, for period beginning September l, 1963, ending September 15, 1963; be approved in the amount of $4,004.00,from which the sum of $l45.l3 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $300.60 total W. H. Taxes; $24.21 total State Income Taxes; $44.80 total B. C. Insurance; $36.00 total accident insurance; and $82.l4 total retirement, are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,042.24. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mculse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I This day appeared the County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following roads and the locations thereof and to make reports thereon, to-wit: 1. Routt Road. 2. FerncUff Avenue. whereupon,on motion of Supervisor A~ C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, said Engineer's reports are approved. And it is further ordered that said roads, as listed above, be, and they are hereby, established as public roads, to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenaIl,ce of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vo:~: Ayes: A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. 1 I' Nays: None. 17 J IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANORE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF ) ~ ) ~ BURTON P. LEE and CHARLES EIMARD CARTER ) FINAL ORDER J WHEREAS, Burton P. Lee and Charles Edward Carter did, on the 15th day of July, 1963, petition the Board of Supervi~ors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend t~e General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real property owned by Town Side Corporation but under option to purchase by the Petitioners, situate in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, said parcel of land being mere particularly described in said petition, and hereinafter more fully described, and n'ow classified as "Residential R-2", be reclassified and rezoned as "Agd.cultural A-l", so as to provide that said property may be used for a regular nursing home for the aged and infirmed and convalescent under the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did, by a resolution adopted at the regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors, held on the 15th day of July, 1963, refer said petition and proposal to so amend said County Zoning Ordinance to the Hanning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, as required by said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virgtnia, for a recommendation of said Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the said Planning commission of said County did, by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting held on the 29th day of August. 1963, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change or'reclassify said property from its present classification of ''RESIDENTUL R-2" to "AGRICULTURAL A-l".as required in said petition; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors og said County has received by a copy of the Order and Resolution adopted/said County Planning Commission recom- , mending that said Ccunty Zoning Ordinance be so amended; and, WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors of said County, did by itssesolu- tion adopted on the 15th day of July, 1963, as aforesaid, order the said Clerk I v-f,! '-.3 o o o of said Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning CommiSSion, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and 'I ~ to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said I County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of I, II II 'I Ii 'I " II I, 11 Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the adjourned meeting of this Board to be held on this the 28th day of September, 1963, at lO:OO o'clock A.M., l' aa the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said Count. Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in ,I The Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke and of general II I, 18 . circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia for two insertions on the l4th day of September, 1963, and on the 2lst day of September, 1963, as required by said order of this Board of July 15, 1963, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said recOllllllet1dation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touch- ing the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as re- quested in said petition. Nal, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVIS<RS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, at this adjourned meeting said said Board held on this the 2Sth day of September, 1963, that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property described 1n said petition from its present classi fication of ''RESIDENTIAL R-2" to "AGRICULTURAL A-l", in order that said property may be used for a regular nursing home for the aged and infirmed and convalescent as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from ''RESIDENTIAL R-2" to "AGRICULTURAL A-I" is situate approximately 200 feet Northwesterly from, the intersection of U. S. Route 220 and Virginia State Route 119, in ~he Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: ~GINNING at a point corner to the J. w. Smith property, (see Deed Book 2Sl, page 353), which said point of bbginning is N. 53 degs. 09' W. along the northerly line of the said Smith property l44 ft. from the Westerly line of U. S. Rt. 220; thence along and with the line of Smith property, S. 36 degs. 36' W. 3lS.l0 feet to a corner to the J. M. Graham property (see Deed Book 435, paie 6; thence ale>ng and with said line of Graham, N. 53 degs. 09 W. S.50 feet toa point; thence with the line of said J. M. Graham property and also the line of Josephine Thomas property, S. 36 degs. 51' W. 20S.90 feet to a point; thence with a new division line through the lands of the Town Side Corporation N. 27 degs. 42' 50" W. 41S.2l feet to a point; thence N. 57 degs. 46' E. 170.43 feet to a point; thence N. 66 degs. 16' E. 50.lS feet to a point;thence N. 72 degs. 51' E. l73.54 feet to a point; thence S. 54 degs. 16' 40" E. 197.27 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and contain- ing 3.l95 acres, more or less. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commission, and two copies to Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Burton P. Lee and Charles Edward Carter. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the recorded I I I I I vote was as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. Nays: None, J On motion duly made and seconded, the Department of Highways is hereby requested to include in the final 1963-64 Budget an amount sufficient to elimi- nate a vertical curve on State Secondary Rt. 642 west of the intersection of same with State Secondary Rt. 640; also, to improve the sight distance to the West at the intersection of State Secondary Rts. 913 and 64l. The property owners affected have agreed to make the necessary right of way available. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Mou1se and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. J W. ALLEN KEY, owner and operator of a small business west of Salem, off Lee-Hy next to Texas Hollow, this day appeared before the Board, and objected to the drainage of water on his property, and urged the Board to remedy the situation. After lengthy discussion of the matter, the Board advised Mr. Key that this Board has no control over the situation of which he complains. ~ IN RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF DENTAL ClutE PROGRAM IN ROANOKE COUNTY: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se, it is ordered that the matter of establishing a dental care program in Roanoke County, be deferred until the next Budget Session. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. o The following communications in connection with the establishing of a dental care program in Roanoke County, were this day received and ordered filed: Card dated Sept. 24, 1963 from Mrs. Billy E. Lantz, Member and Officer P.T.A. East Vinton Elementary School,2623 Pinecrest Drive, Vinton, Va. Letter dated Sept. 25, 1963, from Mrs. Elsie Vaughan, Chairman, Health & Safety Committee of the East Vinton Elementary School P.T.A. from Mrs. Edith H. Starkey, RSW Case Wprker Supervisor and R. Franklin Hough, Jr, Chairman Board of Public Welfare, Roanoke County. J. from Dorothea/Downing, Secretary, Public Atfairs Department, Salem Woman's Club. Letter dated Sept. 25, 1963, o Letter dated Sept. 25, 1963, Letter dated Sept. 27, 1963, from Dr. C. P. Pope, Director Roanoke County Health Department. Letter dated Sept. 23, 1963, signed by E. K. Adams, D.D.S. and G. S. Tate, Jr., D.D.S. Letter dated Sept. 20, 19'53, from Naoma D. Hubbard, R. N. Vinton Community Health Association, Inc. 19 ~i;;c. , '4.~~ 4- 'fj r:.- tt..Q..+' ~,~r ~)~~ 1~1/~ ~ 20 On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be, and he hereby is authorized to endorse draft #107076- l06 J, dated September l6, 1963, signed by Lewis D. Thompson, Claim Representative, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, payable to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and Salem Motors, Inc., for damage sustained by a 1960 Ford Sedan, License 1921-6l9, owned by Roanoke County and operated by Leonard W. Nowlin, which vehicle was damaged in an accident with J. Dennis Norman, on August l, 1963, and further that said draft be delivered to Salem Motors, Inc.' Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I I Letter dated September 16, 1963, from Lewis D. Thompson, Claim Repre- sentative, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, addressed to Roanoke County Engineer's Office, received and ordered filed. . ~ .t.L ' C. 'PAM.. o....r- '1'JP IN RE: PURCHASE OF THREE I.B.M. TYPEWRITERS FOR USE IN HEALTH DEPARTMENT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to pur- chase three I.B.M. Typewriters, 13 inch carriage, as per specifications sub- mitted, at a price of Four Hundred and Fourteen Dollars ($4l4.00) each, for use in the Health Department of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: . Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. I Nays: None. ;i:.~. .~t. ,ijl/E.3 .; IN RE: BIDS ON GARBAGE TRUCK.: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be requested to secure bids on one truck chassis and garbage collection body. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I Ordered that the Board be adj ourned until the third Monday in October at two o'clock P.M. .' ---;;J M.r"'- ~ ~ I a rman o 21 Court House Salem, Virginia October 2l, 1963 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell,Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice Chairman, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris. Before the Ill! eting was called to order the Rev. W. C. Frazier, Edu- cational Director, Salem Baptist Church, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes fur- nished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respec- tively chargeable to-wit: o No. l2l45 .. l2l46 12147 l2l48 l2l49 l21S0 l21Sl l2lS2 l2lS3 l2lS4 l2lS5 l2lSf 12157 l21S8 l2l59 l2l60 l2l6l l2l62 l2l63 l2l64 l2l6S l2l66 l2l67 .. ~ .. .. .. o " " " " .. " " " " .. " " J " " II " .. tJ/:'" I ~ ' ie .. l2l68 .. l2l69 12170 l2l71 12172 12173 .. .. II .. .. 12174 $ 90.3l 58.14 2l6.3l 3.75 J. P. Bell Company, 1 Supervisor Record Book Salem Office Sup?ly Co., office supplies Merchants Industries, Inc., envelopes for Comr.Rev. Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., stamps for R.E.Asses.Off. VOID Acme Printers, Inc," book binding & off. supp1. Doyle's Radiator Service, repairs to vehicles Underwood Corporation, cleaning & repairing eqpt. 348.90 19.75 11.40 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., 2 rolls for Postage Meter l.60 Roanoke County Court, warrants col.del.per prop. 6.2S Robert Dawson, P.M., postage for del. tax col.off. 4S.00 Double Envelope Corp. env. for del.tax col. off. l3.S2 C, W. Warthen Company, record book for R.K.B. Clerk, 62.S0 Underwood Corporation, maintenance off. mch. Clerk 109.74 Panama Beaver Co., off. suppl. for R.K.B. Clerk 108.77 Builders Mart, 1 step ladder for Clerk's 'office 8.87 American Photocvpy Equipment Co. record paper 32.43 Robert Dawson, P.M., postage for R.C.Ct. off. 3S.00 Norman Moore, Judge, reimb. trav. expo Sept. Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., reimb. Sept. trav. expo 11. 76 18.69 3S.49 l8.l3 .. " II " Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Barbara S. Cundiff, reimb. P.O. II " " City Treasurer, Roanoke City, room and board for children at Detention Home 84.00 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co., batteries for Sheriff's Department Lewis-Gale Hospital, blood alcohol test Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance Sept. Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner Case 7.82 5.00 lS2.l8 lS.OO VOID Dr. R. B. Smiley, coroner,blood tests & lunacy etc. 3l5.00 and jail physician Salary Aug-Sep. Brown Hardware Co., utensils for jail,janitor sup1. 19.76 22 i I ~ ~ No. l2175 " 12176 12177 l2178 l2179 l2l80 12181 12182 12183 12184 l2l85 12186 l2l87 " " " " " " " " " " " " l2l88 12189 l2l90 " " " l219l " l2l92 l2l93 12194 " " " 12195 12196 " " l2l97 l2l98 " " l2l99 l2200 l220l 12202 12203 l2204 1&205 12206 12207 12208 12209 l2210 l2211 l22l2 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 12213 l22l4 l22l5 l2216 " " " American Bakeries Co. > food for jail- American Chemical Co., towels for jail lie jani.sup1. Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail- Frigid-Freeze Frozen Foods, food for jail- C. B. Halsey lie Co., food for jail- Monarch Finer Foods, Peacock Salem Laundry Co.- laundry for jail Powell' s ~harmacy Co., medical supplies for jail $ 42.93 101.53 28.35 111.16 114.95 l58.79 32.38 8.65 2.03 26.l0 10.90 2.04 I I S &: W Pharmacy Co., " " II II W. T. Rierson, food for jail Vinton Hardware Co., 1 cast iron skillet for jail Virginia Foods, Inc., food for jail Williams Supply Co., supplies for C.S. Fire Sta. and new Fort LewIs Fire Station- 2l.l9 VOID Natural Gas Distributors, fuel for Hollins Fire Sta. l7.70 Gordon & Bill's American Station, gas and oil for Clearbrook truck 56.47 Culligan Soft Water Service, rental fee on water softener for Hollins Fire Station- 4.00 J. W. Griggs, reimb. dinner meeting of Fire Chiefs 19.20 W. W. Garman, Sept. rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Sta. 60.00 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, Sept. rent on Cave Spring Fire Station I 60.00 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Sept. rent on Fire Station Burrell Memorail Hospital, state & local hospital bills for Welfare- 60.00 " " " " 61.23 701. 76 " Roanoke ~emorial Hospital, Fairv1ew Home, county's share of expo maintaining home for aged at Dublin- 23.28 20.00 20.00 50.00 40.00 20.00 60.00 35.00 30.00 30.00 I Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., lunacy cases- Kime & Jolly, Attys., lunacy cases- Keith K. Hunt, lunacy cases- Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy cases- Dr. Esther C. Brown, lunacy cases- Dr. H. J. Minarik, lunacy cases- Dr. S. D. Carey, lunacy cases- Dr. F. S. Cruser, lunacy cases- Furman Whitescarver, Jr., p lunacy cases- Easter Supply Co., office supplies McCormick Office Supply Co., office supplies Times-World Corporation, publishing meeting Zoning Bd. Madge Twine, November rent on garbage dump County School Board of R.C. reimb. done done at Mt. Vernon School by County's garbage truck- Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Applachian Power Co., current used in street lighting Mrs. Maude Poff, deputy registrar-servo in con. Election Times-Register Co., publishing notice of closing of Registration books- l.l5 .78 5.00 50.00 I 20.09 445.89 703.39 11.75 10.94 i I IJ I I I IJ J J Gl u II " " No. l22l7 II 12218 12219 12220 l2221 ' l2222 l2223 l2224 12225 12226 l2227 12228 12229 l2230 II II II " " " II " II II II II II 1223l II l2232 12233 l2234 II II II 12235 l2236 l2237 l2238 12239 l2240 l224l l2242 II II II II " " II II 12243 II l2244 l2245 l2246 12247 12248 12249 l2250 II II II II II II II l225l l2252 l2253 12254 l2255 l2256 12257 l225S l2259 II II II II II Mrs. Janet L. Ballentine, dep. regis. work in connec. with e1ection~ $ White Spot Supply Inc., disinf. for Courthouse Salem Hardware Co., maintenance of grounds Owen Plumbing Co., repairs to Courthouse- Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies- Dillard Paper Co., janitor supplies- Bush Electric Co., elec. repair work, Clk's office Booker T. Helm, labor Co. H & W center & Treas. off. Va. Paper & Chemical Co., material for program ' Hajoca Corporation, posts for St. signs State Board of Education, chg. on surp.goods C.D. Winston S. Sharpley, work done in connec. H & W. Bldg. Pinnell's Inc., equipment for Health Dept. Cates Bldg. Specialties,Inc., material for new Fort Lewis Fire Station- Penitentiary Industrial Dept., furn. for Health & Welfare Building Robert Dawson, P.M., postage for distr. to offices Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, reimb. petty cash fund Dictaphone Corporation, records for dictaphone for Circuit Court Office- West Publishing Co., 1963 Va. & West Va. Cumulative etc. Penitentiary Industrial Dept., towels for jail- Beach Brothers, parts for 5002 Salem Fire Truck Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., fire hose and repairs etc. Charles G. Shelor, 1unacycases- , Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., part for garb.truck etc. Builders Mart, repair material for Courthouse- Mrs. Virginia K. Rierson, dep. regis. servo in connec. with election- R. C. Pittman, reimburse Co-ordinator of Civil Defense trav. expo for period Sept16-thru Oct.l5- Blue Ridge Gardens, shrubbery for Library.. Graybar Electric Co., e1ec. material for new Fire Sta. J. H. Pence Co., material for new Health Dept. Plastic Sign Sales, signs for health dept. Preiser Scientific, Inc., equipment for Health Dept. Warehouse Sa1es,Co., 1 refrigerator for Co.Health Dept. James E. Peters, Treas. reimb. postage for mailing gar- bage bil1s- Andrew Lewis Phillips 66, repairs and wash jobs - Automotive Paint & Supply Co. parts for police car- VOID 33.45 30.19 1.20 11. 60 71.44 l3.22 11.60 32.50 49.95 93.35 140.40 245.00 34.65 ~7.62 374.55 50.00 95.99 25.00 1.00 25.53 23.40 332.70 20.00 52.71 l6.0S 24.20 36.47 63.50 12.75 57.80 20.70 93.47 2l6.00 275.17 l1. 50 11.41 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., cparts for C.S. truck etc. 353.21 Auto Parts, Inc., brake fluid and grease etc. 50.59 Bemiss Equipment Corp., parts, oil and ~rease for tractor 93.5 Bramb1eton Gulf Service Station, gas, parts and wash jobs 54.08 County School Board of R.C., maintenance of Co. fleet 80l.95 Custom Seat Cover Shop, seat covers for police covers 37.00 I I No. l226G " 12281 l2262 l2263 l2264 l2265 l2266 12267 l2268 l2269 l2270 l2271 l2272 12273 12274 l2275 l2276 12277 l2278 12279 12280 l228l l2282 12283. 12284 12285 12286 12287 l2288 l2289 12308 l2309 l23l0 l231l l23l2 12313 l23l4 12315 12316 l23l7 l23l8 12319 l2320 1232l l2322 l2323 12324 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " n " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " - ._ _ n___ Dickerson GMC Inc., parts for garbage truck Diesel Injection Sales Co., parts for 530l Gooclwin-Chevrolet Co., parts for Truck 5803 Goodyear Service Store, parts for tires for stock Gibson's Radiator Shop, repairs to truck radiators VOID $ 21.9 25.34 10.95 290.64 16.00 I Harvest Motoiis, parts for police and garbage cars Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline T. R. Leslie Service Station, gasoline & oil for fire trk Magic City Motor Co., parts M & S ~lachine Shop, repair and parts garbage trucks Miller Tire Service, tires for stock Motor Parts Supply Co., Rarts VOID 35.45 57.74 l17.73 l62.39 325.5l 557.67 451. 32 I Poff's Garage, repairs and parts Bent Mt. Fire Truck Pure Oil Company, gasoline and oil for distr. Pure Oll Company, gasoline for Cave Spg.Rescue Sqd. Richard's Auto Alignu~nts, repairs to police cars Roanoke Auto Spring Works, repairs and parts on garb.trk Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, seat cover for police car Salem Motors Inc., parts 5905 Summerdean Esso Station, repair and parts etc. Schneider Oil Co., repairs to 6103 police car Shackleford-Cox Truck & Machinery Co., parts for garb trk Schockley's Tractor Service Co.. repair, parts for cars Standard Parts Cocporation, parts Texaco, Inc., gas and oil for Engineer's car Tidewater Supply Company, Vinton Motor ~o., repairs and parts Yates & Wells Garag~ repairs and parts police car James E. Peters, Treas. reimb. jury tickets Paul B. Matthews, reimb. trav. expo meeting Norfolk Addresso-graph Multigraph C~rp., 3 typewriter ribbons Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies C. W. Warthen Co. ,office' supplies and record books G. H. Parent Co., office supplies- Clerk Cott Company, office supplies International Business Machine Corp., office supplies Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, seat cover for police car E. E. Fry, Deputy Sheriff, reimb. trav. expo etc. R. L. Watkins, Deputy Sheriff, reimb. trav. expo etc. Pyrofax Gas Corporation, fuel for Bent Mt. Fire Sta. Dr. S. D. Carey, lunacy cases C & P Telephone Co" servo for C.S.Fire House & Bent Mt. Overton I s Esso Servicenter, wash j cjlbs on Insp. car Kenneth Whitlock, extra off. asst. Engineer's office Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 204.95 l, 320.57 15.80 29.55 19.15 8.50 .27 24.43 1.50 68.75 90.83 173.l9 40.00 17.22 95.20 11.30 187.25 85.60 9.15 82.71 690.22 3.20 lO.35 2.85 8.50, 19.13 1.25 42.75 45.00 47.801 4.0fl! I 83.6 I I I 25 No. l2325 Dorothy Hudson, extra off. asst. ~iaeer's office $ 161.43 " 12326 Diesel Injection Sales Co., parts for garbage trucks 22.16 " 12327 Mrs. Madelin S. Crawford, servo in connec.with Election 22.l0 " l2328 Williams Supply Co., light tubs for Ct.House etc. 71.07 0 " 12329 Hajoca Corporation, posts for street signs l6.9l " l2330 Salem Camera Company, films 3.40 " 12331 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., Il flags for Courthouse 31. 79 " 12332 Motorola Corporation, new radios 710.00 " 12333 Wilson Trucking Corp., !reight on furn. for H & W.Bldg. 10.87 0 " l2334 McCormick Office Supply Co., legal pads 13.23 " 12336 Steve Anderson, extra help in Assessor's office l3.18 " 12337 Internation Business Machine Co., 3 elec. typewriters 1, 242.00 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS ETC. The following claims against the County were this day presented and approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. " o II II II o E1 I II 12290 12291 12292 l2293 l2294 l2295 12296 12297 l2298 l2299 12300 l230l 12302 12303 12304 12305 l2306 12307 12335 II " " II " " " " " " " " " American Chemical Co., disinfectant for Pound County School Board of R.C. repairs to dog truck Gordon & Bill's American Station, fan belt for Warden Gibson Radiator Shop, repairs to radiator on dog trk. Harvest Motors.. parts for dog truck Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline for dog truck Jean Long, clerical work at dog clinics etc. Esther Long, clericd work at dog clinics etc. Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimb. trav. expo etc. Motor Parts Supply Co., parts for dog truck Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance Sept. Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food and misc. items Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies for clinics VOID Summerdean Esso Station, flash light batteries Star Animal Hospital, rabies vaccine for clinics State Dept. of Health, rabies vaccine Vinton Hardware Co., wearing apparel for Dog Wardens Treasurer of Virginia, dog tags 58.40 27.00 2.75 8.00 l4.63 4.73 25.00 25.00 38.50 3.2l 15.00 23.38 5.65 l.20 l6.88 l4.50 6,00 6.00 26 - -- __ _ .___._,_____. .n n ,__. + _ .,'_. _. _.,.+. JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted the following report: " Salem, Virginia October 21, 1963 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County At the close of business October 19,1963, there was to the credit of the I General Revenue Fund $ l47,053.l4 10,l79.28 71. 93 62,083.24 4,361.48 51,894.95 11.lS 2l5.89 I Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Rretirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account Total Certificates of Deposit: Bank of lialem Farmers National Mt. Trust Bank $ 750,000.00 1,564,117.81 750.000.00 $ 3,064,117.8l Respectfully submitted, JAMES E. PETERS Treasurer " I' " Said report is received and ordered filed. 'U On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the mouth of October, 1963, be approved in the amount of $l3,786.50, from which the sum of $308.03 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $l,537.45 total W. H. Taxes; $165.80 total State Income Taxes; and $248.25 Retirement are to be deducted. leaving a net payroll of $11,526.97. Adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Rarris, G. Hampton MOulse and Edwin G. Terrell. I 1'. C6. f"" C. ' It.. q>~ '1"1 po Nays: None. I ~u... U-'~. -~.tt ((~ 11 'Jr1 ,.) On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: a. #l2045 in the amount of $37.58 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at the Bent Mountain and Hollins Fire Houses; b. #12093 in the amount of $55l.l4 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service for the Courthouse; -" ._'_____n__ c . #l2094 in the amount of $662.36 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at County Offices and fire houses; in the amount of $9.l4 made payable to the Cave Spring Water Company for service at the Cave Spring Fire House during July, August and September. in the amount of $l6.50 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at the Dog Warden's home; , d. 112095 o e. 112096 f. Il2l00 in the amount of $21. 83 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel at the County jail, home demonstration kitchen, and Cave Spring Fire House; in the amount of $66.75 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Houses; in the amount of $9.50 made payable to Appalachian Power Com- pany for current used at the dog pound; in the amount of $187.25 payable to James'E. Peters, Treasurer, reimbursement for jury tickets; g. #l2l0l o h. 112102 i. 112308 Adopted by the following reiorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MOulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. -0 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning September l6, 1963, ending September 30, 1963, be approved in the amount of $4,305.47, from which $l56.08 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; #354.90 total W. H. Taxes; $30.96 total State Income Taxes, and $56.00 total insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,707.53; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning October l, 1963, ending October 15, 1963, be approved in the amount of $3,868.09, from which $l40.2l total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $281.52 total W. H. Taxes; $23.43 total State Income Taxes; $50.40 total Insurance; $36.00 total Acct. Ins. and $82.14 Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,254.39. Adopted by the following recovded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton MOulse and EdwinG. Terrell. o Nays: None. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK. rA 'U The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. Peters, Treasurer, for $2,817.90, on account of de~idquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of September, 1963, less commmssions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2,677.00 net. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expneses for the month of September, 1963; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County j ail for the month of September, 1963; ~ c,,~ <tC~ @~ ,+1'3 ~Pi _, 7":;~ EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of September, 1963; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of September, 1963; · MRS. FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of Sepoember, 1963; EVELYN F. PCMELL, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent. for the month of September, 1963; I IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DEQINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR : .1 C. D. CHAPMAN. Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day submitted a report of his monthly collections showing collections for each month and total to date- Fiscal year 1963-1964. Taxes: Collections for month of July, 1963 Collections for month of August, 1963, Collections for month of September, 1963, $3,421.03 $2,058.13 $1,288.18 Total $6,767.34 Garba,p;e: Collections for quarter ending September 30,l963, 938.25 Grand Total $7,705.59 which report is received and ordered filed. I IN RE: AUDIT OF NORMAN R. MOORE, JUDGE OF THE JUVENILE AND DOmSTIC RELATIONS COURT AND ROANOKE COUNTY COURT: The Auditor of Public Accounts of V~rginia this day s~bmitted to the Board a report on audit of NORMAN R. MOORE, Judge of the Juvenile and Domes- tic Relations Court, ~~d Roanoke County Court, for the fiscal year ended June 30,l963, which report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated Septe:nber 23, 1963, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, ordered filed. I The following communications were this day laid befpre the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated September 15, 1963, from George W. Dean, State Forester, submitting a summary of fiscal matters, expended under Section lO-46 of the Code, between Roanoke County and the Virginia Division of Forestry for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1962, and ending June 30~ 1963; I Letter dated Se~tember 19, 1963, from Frances W. Dodd, Treasurer, Crippled Children's Hospital, acknowledging receipt of the $200.00 appro- priation to the said Hospital by this Board. J Copy of letter dated September 27, 1963, addressed to JAMES E. PETERS, \ Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation BOard, approving the request of said Treasurer for an allowance of Three Hundred Sixty Nine Dollars and eighty-two cents ($369.82) to cover costs of two filing cabinets and sixtten ~dex, subject to the concurrence of this Board, was this day laid before the Board. Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board concurs in said request for the purchase of said equlpment. J Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. o REV. WILLIAM EIMAF.DS, Pastor of Riverdale Baptist Church of Roanoke County, on behalf of himself and other citizens of said area, appeared before the ~ard, and inquired of the Board if there is a possibility of any work being done on road leading from the City of Roanoke limits to Eastland Road, in Roanoke County. After a discussion of the matter, the Board advised Mr. Edwards that this Board had no funds for such purposes. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, who was present at the meeting, stated that he knew of no funds available at this time for work on said road, but that said request would be given consideration in next year's budget. Letter dated September l8, 1963, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, addressed to Roy K. Brown, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, en- closing an interim report of a Committee from Council City of Roanoke, in re: amendment to contract between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dated September 28, 1954, by adding thereto a 37.09 acre tract of land located on the east side of Virginia Route 116 north of Virginia Route 625, and the l2.1S acre tract of land owned by J. Meade Harris located adjacent to the south- west corporate limits of the City of Roanoke and north of U. S. Route 220, received and ordered filed. o On Motion of Supvrvisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the approval of the State Compensation Board for an additional allowance of Four Hundred, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($402.50), for extra help in the office of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, making a total allowance for the year 1963 of Twenty-nine Hundred, Two Dollars and fifty cents (2902.S0) for extra help in said office. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes:Supervisors A.C.Harris,G.Hampton Moulse,Edwin G. Terrell and Minor . Keffer. Navs: None Copy of letter dated October la, 1963, from G. Edmond ~~sie, Chair- man, State Compensation Board, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, approving an additional allowance of $402.S0 for extra help in Treas- urer's office, making total authorized allowance for 1963 $2,902.S0, received and ordered filed. 29 ~M- 7i~.C, ~~r Co ' Ci.r ~t1.3 ~Uf, 4~'~- '7rij(Pttw 16-/-,.'1 '3 IN RE: AUDIT OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board a report of audit of C. E. BOONE, Sheriff of the Counl:y of Roanoke, Vir- ginia, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1963, said report is received and ordered filed. I Letter dated October l4, 1963, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEK ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated September l7, 1963, addressed to the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, Deputy Comnissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective July l, 1963. ADDITIOOS CHESTNUT MOUNTAIN ESTATES SUBDIVISIOO: LENGTH Chestnut Mountain Drive - from Route 24 to a dead end. 1.0 Mi. Chestnut Mountain Circle - from Chestnut Mountain Road to a dead end. was this day received and ordered filed. O.lO Mi. I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEK ADDITIONS - ROAN On: COUNTY Letter dated September 19, 1963, addressed to the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, from F. A. Davis, Deputy COllllIIissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective July l, 1963. SUBDIVISIOO ADDITIOOS LENGTH (Resolution of July 15, 1963) COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES SUBDIVISIOO: West Club Drive - from Fore Drive to Golf Colony Drive. MECCA GARDENS SUBDIVISIOO: Belle Avenue - from ECL of Roanoke to dead end. 0.20 Mi. 0.10 Mi. I 0.58 Mi. O.lO Mi. 0.07 Mi. I STONEGATE SUBDIVISIOO: Stonegate Drive - from Route 619 to Stonegate Drive. Bartley Drive - from Stonegate Drive to Stonegate Drive. EDGEHILL SUBDIVISIOO: Shadblow Lane - from SCL of Roanoke to dead end. CASTLE ROCK FARMS SUBDIVISION: Herford Road - from Brahma Road to Castle Rock Road. Shorthorn Drive - from Green Meadow Road to dead end. Lakeland Drive - from Route 1676 to Ayrshire Drive. Castle Rock Road - from Route 702 to Herford Road. Stoneybrook D1ive- from Route l3l6 to Castle Rock Road. Brahma Road - from Route l689 to dead end. Ayrshire Drive - frOm Green Meadow Road to Lakeland Drive. . O.lO Mi. 0.04 Mi. 0.11 Mi. 0.35 Mi. 0.20 Mi. O.lO Mi. 0.07 Mi. B & 0 LAND C(!oIpANY SUBDIVISION: J First Street - from Route 3ll to Lee Street. Valentine Avenue - from Route 684 to dead end. Alpine Road - from Route l832 to dead end. Shirley Road - from Route ll39 to Route ll40. (Resolution of June 17, 1963) NaiTH HILLS SUBDIVISION: 0.13 Mi. 0.13 Mi. 0.30 Mi. O.lO Mi. J extension of Manor Street - from Route 1824 northeast to Northway Drive. Extension of Northway Drive - fromRoute l820 southeast to dead end. O.lO Mi. 0.17 Mi. HEMLOCK HILLS SUBDIVISION: Extension of Garstland Drive - from present end of Route 1421 north to Harvest Lane. Extension of Harvest Lane - from Route l497 west to Garstland Drive. Extension of Michael Street - from Route l426 north to dead end. 0.06 Mi. 0.11 Mi. (Resolution of June 28, 1963) MIDDLETON GARDENS SUBDIVISION: o Extension of Harriett Ann Drive - from Route 1133 north to Brushy Mountain Drive. Extension of Poplar Drive - from Route 1132 north to Brushy Mountain Drive. Brushy Mountain Drive - from Poplar Drive east to dead end. Carroll ton Avenue- from Poplar Drive east to dead end. 0.09 Mi. O.lS Mi. 0.19 Mi. 0.19 Mi. ARLmGTON COURT SUBDIVISION: Goodland Drive - from Route l02S west to Goodland Drive. Arrington Drive - from Route l02S west to Goodland Drive. WINDSai PARK SUBDIVISION. 0.07 Mi. O.lS Mi. Dover Drive - from Route 682 south to dead end. 0.08 Mi. SUGAR LOAF FARMS SUBDIVISION: Brookwood, Drive - from Route 119 west to Westhill Drive. 0.44 Mi. 0.20 Mi. 0.11 Mi. Westhill Drive - from Glenbrook Drive west to Brookwood Drive. Glenbrook Drive - from Brookwood Drive southwest to dead end. TINKER KNOLL SUBDIVISION: o Deer Branch Road - from Route 841 north to Memory Lane. SOUTHSIDE HILLS SUBDIVISION~ 0.24 Mi. Antrim Street- from Route 1124 west to Route 636. Gordon Street - from Route 1124 west to Route 636. 0.20 Mi. O.lS Mi. ~ (Resolution of May 2l, 1962) HIDDEN VALLEY COURT SUBDIVISION: Extension of Warwood Drive - from present end of Route 1336 west to dead end. 0.l4 Mi. LYNN DELL ESTATES SUBDIVISION: Extension of Knowles Drive - from Route l686 east to Route 6l3. Lynn Dell Road - from Knowles Drive south to dead end. 0~20Mi. O.lS Mi. RURAL ADDITIONS (Resolution of July lS, 1963) Horse Shoe Bend School Road - from Route 617 to dead end. Whistler Road - from Route 696 to Route 694. 0.30 Mi. 1.0J Mi. o ($2761.06) and from Truck Equipment Corporation one eighteen (l8) cubic yard Truxmore pakker refuse collection body, new and of the latest design, painted one color, mounted on chassis of 102" minimum cab-to-axle dimension, including body lights and reflectors to meet State of Virginia inspection laws, complete and ready for operation, F.O.B. Salem, Va., at a figure of Forty-one Hundred, ninety-five dollars ($4195.00), according to proposal filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. J Nays: None. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON WEST SIDE OF : VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 119, AND EAST OF PROPOSED RELOCATED ROUTE : 119, cAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. : of . ORDER . ROBERT E. LEE and . . MERVIN P. LEE : o This day came Robert E. Lee and Mervin P. Lee and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. o N~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ~ The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, towit: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. 33 ~ cL.2. r;~' P"pO/.AA.. c.r-. I ~.r"3J " :3 ,0.:";' '_",' 34 ~~ ~,~~ c. .~r~ c-'..,.~ '1M, to'p -,;U . ~ ~,... /0-r"1'3 .--"-':""~~.,,-..,...:-."_.._,-. IN RE: REZONING OF, APPROXIMATELY 2.049 ACRES OF LAND SITUATED BETWEEN OLD HIGHWAY # 117 AND NEW HIGHWAY I 117 ,HERE- INAFrER MGU: ~Y DESCRIBED, OWNED BY WILLIAM N. LEMCli AND CHESTER ROSS LEMCli. * * * * * * * * * * * FINAL ORDER I At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held at the Courthouse on October 21, 1963. WHEREAS, Chlster Ross Lemon et also did petition this Board and request the County Zoning Ordinance be &mended so as to provide t~at certain property described in said petition, now classified as Agricultural (A-l) property, be re-classified as Industrial ~-2) property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, by resolution adopted at its meeting the 26th day of September, 1963, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition that said County Zoning Ordinance be &mended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition to Industrial ~-2); and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County directed by its order, entered on the 19th day of August, 1963, that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of the recommendations from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible meet- ing of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on October 21, 1963, at 2:30 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposal to &mend said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two (2) insertions on the 2nd day of October, 1963, and the 9th day of Octo- ber, 1963, as required by the order of this Board, and in accord with the pro- visions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, by the Board after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board, after giving due consideration to said petition and to said recommendations of the Planning Commission as herein evidenced touching on the merits of said proposed &mendment to the County Zoning, Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be &mended as requested in said petition and as recommended in the report 0; said Planning Commission; NOW THEREFORE be it resolved and ordered that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held on the 21st day of October, 1963, that the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the s&me is hereby &mended so as to classify the property described in said petition as Industrial ~-2') property in order that said property may be used to erect a commercial dwelling I c I I J 'i ,j ~ [ , i ; I I , I -.I 0 . '1 :1 5; ':J 0 1."1 ". f1 :,' .'<."" . ' , i J.eP. i~;. ,~~~ I ,i tc...cn.-.. ~ " I bf"/~ 3. 35 thereon in keeping with the proposals presented to this Board. The property hereby classi~ied as Industrial ~-2) is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete Highway monument at Corner No. 1 of a point of tangent on the south- easterly side of the present location of Virginia Highway Rt. No. 117 (130 ft. wide); thence with the southeasterly side of Virginia Highway Rt. No. 117 being 43 ft. easterly from and parallel with the centerline of the east bound lane, N. 55 deg.Ol' E. l50.00 ft. to an iron pin at Corner No.2; thence leaving Va. Hwy. Rt. No. 117 and with a new line through the propert~ of Chester Ross Lemon et al, S. 34 deg. 59 E. 272.32 ft. to an iron pin at Corner No. 3 on the northerly side of the old location of Va. Hwy. Rt. No. 117 (60 ft. wide); thence with the same, S. 70 deg. 03' 05" W. 101.90 ft. to an iron pin at Corner No.4; thence S. 78 deg. 14' 33" W. 56.l4 ft. to an iron pin at Corner No. 5; thence S. 83 deg. 19' 02" W. 205.80 ft. to an iron pin at Corner No.6: thence S. 81 deg. 47' 48". w. crossing Bushong Branch at about 50 ft., in all 349.94 ft. to Corner No.7 at the horth- erly side of old location of Va. Highway Rt. No. ll7 and the present location of Va. Hwy. Rt. No. 117 - from Corner No. 7 an iron pin bears S. 81 deg. 47' 48" W. 1. 71 ft; thence with the southeasterly right-of-way line of the pre- sent location of Va. Hwy. Rt. No. 117 with a curved line to the left whose radius is 3884.72 ft. and whose chord is N. 58 deg. 40' E. 494.6l ft., the arc length of 494.95 ft. to Corner No. l, the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 2.049 acres, more or,less, and being a portion of the proper- ty conveyed to Chester Ross Lemon et al and a portion of the property previously conveyed by deeds of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 467, page 570 and Deed Book 566, page l26. This conveyance is made subject to a construction and maintenance easement along the southeasterly side of the present location of Va. Highway Rt. No. 117 as shown on Sheet 9 of 76 sheets, Virginia Department of Highways Plan Project No. Ol17-080-002-C-l and being shown on plat prepared by C. B. Malcolm & Son, Engineers, dated October 10, 1963, which is made a part of this description and recorded herewith. It is further resolved and ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this resolution to Hampton W. Thomas, attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. HaUlpton Moulse and seconded by Supervisor A. C. ~is, and on recorded vote of the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. IN RE: PETITION : : ORDER OF : : REZONING OF PROPERTY IN LEE R. REESE . SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, . : ROANOI<E COUNTY, VIRGINIA. This day E. lv. Chelf, Attorney for Lee R. Reese appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a Petition on behalf of said party, relative to rezoning a certain lot or parcel or real estate on the south side of Roanoke River, in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, , Virginia, more fully described in Paragraph No. 1 of said Petition, and which said property was heretofore conveyed to the Petitioner and Henry V. Staley from Dorothy Gittens Hancock, et als, etc., by Deed dated the lOth day of August, 1960, and of record in the Clerk's Office,of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 648, at page 22S, the one-half un- divided interest of the said Henry V. Staley having thereaf~er been conveyed to the Petitioner from Henry V. Staley, et ux, by Deed dated the 1st day of February, 1961, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 6S8, at page 66, and which said petition contains, among other things, the following allegations~- (1) That the Petitioner, Lee R. Reese is the fee simple owner of said lot or parcel of land described in Paragraph No. 1 of said Petition. (2) That said property described in said Petition is now classi- fied under the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as "Agriculture-Aii-l property" and that he desires to have said property rezoned from "Agri- culture-A-l" to "Business-B-2". I I And it appears to this Board that the use of said property situate in Salem Magisterial. District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and the property set forth in the petition filed herein, might be beneficial to the County, at large, and in the vicinity in question, in particular. NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED:- That at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 21st day of October, 1963, the Petition of the said Lee R. Reese be, and the same is hereby filed; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the proposal to amend said zoning ordinance so as to change the classification of said property requested to be rezone in said Petition from its present classification of "Agriculture-A-l" to "Business-B-2" as defined in said County Zoning Ordi- nance, be, and the same is HEREBY REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for recOIlllllendations in accordance with the pro- visions of Sec. lS-847 of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said Planning Com- mission shall report Its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by Statute; that upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of Sec. lS-846 of the Code of Virginia~ and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That one certified copy of these Resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, together with a copy of the Petition of Lee R. Reese. The above Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit:- Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. I I I Nays: None. 'J.J. ~;:~'I ' ao, t;.-N't.... "'0., ~, ~' ~~ it. Jf6'r1l ~./: O <?"s;i.-a ~I")~'.- , I.I"'-..J'~. o -!>...~~ 1i.c..P. -h> (!." i.t 6 '/'F- .,1>11...../43- o o 81..___,.. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows, to become effec- tive October 2l, 1963: l3 - ELECTIms: An additional appropriation of $3,407.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. CAPITAL OUTlAY: An additional appropriation of $289.77 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as herein- above indicated. 19 - Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. WHEREAS the late Walter G. Stephenson, founder of the Roanoke Valley Development Corporation, did contribute his time and resources toward the in- dustrial development of the Roanoke Valley and to those who would benefit; and WHEREAS this Board deems it most proper, in order to pay tribute to one who has given so much toward the development of his conmunity, to name the bridge serving the Blue Ridge Park for Industry in his honor, Nail, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, pursuant to Section l5-777.l of the 1950 Code of Virginia authorizing governing bodies of counties to name streets, roads, and bridges, this Board hereby names the bridge over the Nor- folk and Western Railway entering the Blue Ridge Park for Industry the ''Walter G. Stephenson Bridge", and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commonwealth of Virginia Deputment of Highways install a plaque in conformity with the text of this Resolution. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. Letter dated September 26, 1963, addressed to Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Roanoke Valley Develop- ment Corporation, signed by Gordon C. ,nllis, President, enclosing copy of letter dated September l2, 1963, addressed to Mr. Gordon C. Willis, President, Roanoke Valley Development Corporation from C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Department of Highways, in re: Route 709 - Roanoke County, Project 0709-080- lO~, C50l, B609, received and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer. seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, this Board hereby concurs in a resolution by the Board ,~ ~Ur ~ ~ i; @.fj, ~ of Directors of the Mercy House, Inc., adopted on October l4, 1963, with refer- ence to the nursing care needs of Miss Rowena Grisso in that appropriate legis- lation be enacted by the Virginia General Assembly in order that Miss Grisso could be transferred to a State institution for proper nursing and medical care. I Adopted by the following ~ecorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. I Copy of Resolution of Mercy House, Inc., Board of Directors, dated October l4, 1963, in re: Rowena Grisso case, received and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be, and he hereby is, authorized to sign in quadruplicate, on behalf of this Board, a lease and agreement dated the 1st day of November, 1963, between the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Virginia State Depart- ment of Health leasing lot at the southeast corner of College Avenue and Third Street. Salem, Virginia, together with building thereon known as 510 S. College Avenue, excluding however, the south side of the building, which will be occupied by the Welfare Department, upon the terms and conditions set forth in said lease and agreement, at a rental of five hundred dol1ars($500.00) per month, payable monthly at the end of each month. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I Ordered that the Board be adjourned untH the third Monday in November at two o'clock P. M. I I '. ~~ \fJ~ a~ 39 Court House, Salem, Va , October 28, 1963 J A special Meeting 01' the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the tollowing call: Salem, Virginia October 28, 196) We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke Co ty, Virginia, do hereby waive the notice of a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held in the Board of Supervisors' Meeting Room in the Co t- house Building of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, at 1:00 p. m. on October 28, 196), for the following purpose: ' 1. To pass a resolution requesting the Judge of the Circuit Court to appoint a Board of Equalization to r~iew the values placed upon real estate in Roanoke County for the year 196~. 2. To discuss any other matters that the Board might unanimously agree upon. o Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman Cave Spring Magisterial District Minor R. Keffer Catawba Magisterial District A. C. Harris, Big Lick Magisterial District o G. Hampton Moulse Salem Magisterial District Edw. H. Richardson Commonwealth's Attorney, Roanoke Roanoke County, Virginia All members of the Board and the Commonwealthjs Attorney of Roanoke County being present. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor A. C. Harris offered a prayer. o Whereas Miller E. Petty, heretofore appointed by the Circuit Court of RoanokeCounty, Virginia, to make a general reassessment of the real estate of Roanoke County for the year 1964, will complete the General Reassessment of real estate in Roanoke County prior to the fifteenth day of December, 1963: and Whereas it is the sense of this Board that a Board of Equalization should be apFinted to review the values placed upon real estate in Roanoke County for t e 71;; ~-f., ~ 'tt/r1l,j m,'.,: 'r: .' " year 196~j NOW, Thriltt.l'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, on motion of Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and he is hereby, requested to appoint a Board of Equalization to review the values placed upon real estate ~ in Roanoke County by Miller E. Petty, heretofore appointed, for the year 1964, pursuant to the provisions of Section 58-898 of the Code of Virginia. for 1950. Adopted by the follo~ recorded vote: Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays" None. 40 ~u 10 tt,,~,w.., ~ '~1"'i/p ~t, ~-r 1~?4J fb3 ~ut.- ~.,p~. ~-t' ,tl'1{b3 IN RE: ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS - IN CLERK'S OFFICE: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Pur- chasing Agent be authorized to secure bids for installation of acoustical ceilings in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and report to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. I I Nays: None. IN RE: LANDSCAPING AT THE ROANOKE COUNTY WE1'.FARE CENTEl: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. J~ffel:, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be autho- rized to accept the low quotation of one hundred and fifty dollars ($l50.00) of Plantation Nursery for landscaping at the Roanoke County Welfare Center. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, G. Hampton Moulse, Edwin G. Terrell., and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. I IN RE: BIDS ON CARS FOR SHERIFF'S OFFICE: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A.C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to request bids on six (6) additional cars for use in the Sheriff's Depart- ment of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. I Nays: None. I Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in November, at two o'clock P.M. , , o o ~ o a 41 Court House Salem, Virginia November l8, 1963 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, A~ C. Harris and G. Hampton Moulse. Absent: Minor R. Keffer, Vice Chairman. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. A. Byron Holderby, pastor of St. John's Lutheran Church of Roanoke County, offered a prayer. Mr. Frank R. Angell, newly elected Supervisor of Cave Spring District, who was present at the meeting, was ~Iej,comed by the Chairman. The minutes of the last regular anclcadjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having l.'ead the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by the voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable to-wit: No. l2628 Roy M. Kinsey, work done in connection with November 5, Election l2629 filler E. Petty, work done in connection with November 5 Election II " l2630 John C. Gleason, services rendered in connection with November 5 Election l263l Mamie L. Waldron, Deputy Registrart-Nov.5 Election " , " " " l2632 12633 II " Mrs. Laura S. Wagner, Roanoke Mills, Inc., preparing voting list " " 12634 Samuel Moore, janitor service Back Creek School for Poage Mill Precinct-Election Day l2635 Vogel Minnix, janitor service Clearbrook Scool, for Red Hill Precinct- Election Day l2636 John McPherson, janitor service Catawba School for Catawba Precinct- Election Day l2637 Terry Reynolds, janitor service at Co~ehurst School for Peters Creek Precinct Election Day 12638 J. C. Hale, janitor service at Mason's Cove School for Mason's Cove Precinct-Election Day l2639 Ervin C. Board- janitor service at Oak Grove School for Oak Grove precinct- Election Day 12640 Theodore M, Johnston- janitor service at Ogden School- for ogden Precinct-Election Day l264l John L. Flinchum- janitor service at So, Salem School- for So. Salem Precinct#2-Elec.Day " IJ " " II IJ " " Morrell Burton, janitor service at Burlington School for Burlington Precinct-Election Day Riner Lawrence, janitor service at West Salem School for West Salem Precinct-Elec. Day Claude A. Newman, room rent, Hollins Road Precinct Election Day, Nov. 5, 1963 l2645 Nicks Furniture Co., room rent- East Vinton Precinct for 1961,1962,1963- l2642 II 12643 .' II l2644 II II 12646 F. J. Zimmerman, room rent Medley Precinct, Big Lick District, Election Day, Nov. 5 12647 R. S. Teel, room rent Bonsack Precinct, Elec. Day l2648 Hart Motor Co., room rent Election Day-So.Salem #1 Precinct- " II r $ 230.75 95.30 176.80 21.05 22.45 l60.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5,00 15.00 105.00 lO.OO lO.OO 7.50 '.;"'. :":-/".'1 42 No. " " " " II " " " II " " " " II " " " " " " " " " " " " II " " " " " " " " II II " II II " II " l2649 l2650 l265l l2652 12653 l2654 12655 12656 12657 12658 l2659 12660 l266l l2662 l2663 12664 l2665 l2666 12667 12668 l2669 12670 12671 12672 l2673 12674 l2675 l2676 12677 l2678 l2679 l2680 l2681 12682 12683 12684 12685 12686 12687 12688 l2689 l2690 l269l l2692 ~~r.::.__ County School Board of R. C.,maintenance Co. Vehicles Motor Parts Supply Co., parts for vehicles Gibson's Radiator Shop, repairs to vehicles Auto Spring & Bearing Co., fuses and cushion Auto Spring & Bearing Co., parts for vehicles Andrew Lewis Phillips, wash jobs and labor Goodwin-Andrews Insurance Co., add1.prem.auto. ins. Harvest Motors, Inc., auto. parts Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline Miller Tire Service, tires for police cars Old Dominion Auto Parts, parts for ,Po1i:cecar Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for vehicles Richard's Auto Alignment, parts 6295 Standard Parts Corporation, parts for vehicles Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for County Vehicles SU1IIlIlerdean Esso Station, wash, repair and parts Yates & Wells. ,Garage, repair and parts police car Antrim Motors, parts for C. S. Fire Truck G1envar Texaco Station, gasoline for Ft.Lewis Fire Truck Shackleford-Cox Truck Co., parts for vehicles T. R. Leslie Service Station, gasoline & oil for Fire Trk. Mount pleasant Grocery, gasoline for Mt.Pleasant" " Pure Oil Co., gas for C. S. Rescue Squad~ Poff's Garage, work on Bent Mt. Fire Truck VOID Southeastern Radio Supply Co., parts C. S. Fire Truck American Auto Supply Co., parts garbage truck Beach Brothers, repair and parts Bemiss Equipment Corp" parts and oil for tractor Diesel Injection Sales & Service, parts for garbage truck Dickerson GMC, Inc., parts for garbage trucks M & S Machine Shop, repair and parts Magic City Motor Corp., parts 5302 Garbage truck Shelton's Garage, repairs and parts garbage truck Shepherd Auto Supply Co., parts for garbage truck etc. Truck Sales, Inc., parts for 5304 Vinton Motor Co., repairs and parts Fulton White Truck Co., parts Pure Oil Co., gasoline and oil for distribution etc. General Auto Parts, batteries for stock W. B. Clements, Inc., fluid for distrib,at stock room Goodyear Service Stores, tires for stock Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Times-Horld Corporation, publishing Schedule of Board of Equalization etc- ._._____~_--~ _~.~_.o:_:",_..-:~,.~r::_:::.:"~ $ 1,059.80 5Q8~19 28.00 45.l8 58.30 8.50 21.20 39.36 11.53 179.29 l60.00 l39.68 12.00 472 .42 72.93 20.40 18.84 3.56 5.35 88.23 35.74 34.24 9.97 l79.39 I I I 7.95 4.05 27.46 35.83 7.08 l7.99 326.63 117.37 14.59 28.13 3.20 22.75 37.80 1,734.16 94.86 22.45 60.52 159.86 I I 281.00 -..-" No. " " " J " " " " '0 I ~ f , ' I I " " " " " II II " II " " " '0 II " " " II " II II " " " .0 " II " " a " II " " " " II " 12693 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies etc. 43 $ 18.82 l2694 Times-Register Co. publishing list del. taxes 1961 l,478.40 12695 Acme Printers, Inc. book binding and office supplies 149.05 l2696 WilsCn Trucking Co., freight collect on furn.for Treas. 4,49 l2697 Pitney-Bowes,Inc., rental on postgage machine & repairs l2698 James E. Peters, Treasurer, share of trav. expo etc. 12699 Dooley Printing Co., office supplies l2700 Woodhaven Press, office supplies etc. l270l Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Del.Tax.Off. 12702 Dooley Printing Co., letter heads for Del.Tax Off. l2703 Double Envelope Co., office supplies & env. etc. l2704 American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper l2705 Everette Waddey Co., record book for Clerk etc 12706 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Clerk's office l2707 Acme Typewriter Co., maintenance agreement, etc. l2708 Thomas A. Edison Industries, recording tape for CIA 12709 City of Roanoke, room and board for children etc. l27l0 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Juvenile & Domestic Rel. Ct. office l271l Charles L. Breeden, Jr" reimburse Probation Officer's October trav. expo l27l2 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., reimburse Probation Officer's October trav. expo 12713 R. F. Hyatt, reimburse Probation Officer's October travel expense l2714 Barbara S. Cundiff, reimburse Probation Officer's October travel expense Cecil Wingo, 1 day Special Police Duty Dr. R. B. Smiley, blood tests, Coroner & Lunacy CS$es Dr. S. D. carey, tests for drunk drivers,lunacy cases ,etc Railway Express Agency, express collect on supplies etc. Chapman-Taney Ins.Inc.; premo on Surety Bond etc. Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance October 12715 12716 l2717 12718 l2719 l2720 l272l John B Stetson Co., wearing apparel for Sheriff, etc. 12722 Bush Electric Co., repairs to jail and courthouse l2723 Culligan Soft Water Service, rent on water softener etc. 12724 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Oct. rent C.S.Fire House l2725 W. W. Garman, Oct. rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Sta. 62.35 12.25 26.75 63.95 40.00 31.3l 33.07 75.00 110.10 8.58 570.00 l3.50 22.00 65.00 22.47 25.48 32.55 34.79 lO.OO 90.00 67.'50 , 3.40 10.00 47.50 24.98 42.45 4.00 60.00 60.00 12726 l2727 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Oct. rent on Clearbrook Fire Sta 60.00 Owen Plumbing Co., repair work at Hollins Fire Sta.etc. l83.83 12728 J. W. Griggs, reimburse dinner expo meeting Fire Chiefs 12729 Williams Supply Co., light tubes and material etc. 12730 Pyrofax Gas Corp., heating fuel for Rent Mt.Fire House l273l Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel oil for Hollins Fire Sta. and Courthouse- l2732 Sam's Inc., wearing apparel for,' Hollins Fire Chief 12733 Fort Lewis Rescue Squad, contribution to F.L.R.S. l2734 Gill Memorial Hospital, State local hospital bills for Welfare Depa:;:tment l2735 Jefferson Hospital, " " " " 17.05 92.26 19.00 448.74 46.35 200.00 l30.00 139.92 . ,\-~, . 44 _!!!!'!!!'!rm..._~.~ _~_.-_- - "0...0;.' ......" ...,.~_,~., ".",~'_"'W"":"....-<_.,."_.._~..."._.,.,. .. ,---""'-'-- ---. - - .. . .._-_.--,.....""....,._..:~..'~:"'.. No. l2736 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local hospital bills for Welfare department $ 288.96 '" " " " " " " " " " " " " II " " II " II II " " II II " II " II " l2737 Lewis-Gale Hospital, l2738 Uinversity of Virginia, II n n l2739 Keith K. Hunt, Attorney's fee for com.proc.Jas.Cash 12740 Dr. Esthe~ C. Brown, lunacy commission l274l Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy commissions l2742 Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy commissions 12743 State Department of Health, appro. for support of local Health Dept. for 3 mos. 8,562.07 l2744 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant Inc. premo on Notary Bond etc. 10.00 12745 McCormick Office Supply Co., office supplies l.13 12746 I.B.M.Machine Corporation, ribbons & IBM trans.mch.etc. 482.50 12747 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 10l.33 12748 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., repairs to garbage barrels 44.00 l2749 Dorothy Hudson', extra. office asst. for Engineer's off. 176.25 l2750 Madge Twine, rent on garbage dump for Dec. 50.00 l275l F. Kimball Brown & Mrs. Oscar Boyer, ref. garb.col.fee 7.00 l2752 D. G. Sutphin, refund garb. collec. fee 2.25 l2753 Appalachian Electric Power Co., current used in st.lts. 703.39 " II' " " " II " " " " " II " " II II II II II " " l2754 Booker T. Helm, labor in Clerk's office & Assess. Off. 12755 McClung Lumber Co., material for repair work l2756 Carl R. Brightwell, elec. work & repairs Ct House l2757 Builders Mart, material for repair work on bldgs. l2758 l2759 l2760 l276l 12762 12763 12764 l2765 l2766 l2767 l2768 l2769 Brown Hardware Co., janitor supplies and hardware Barnett Coal.1Co. heating fuel for County Off. Bldg. Dillard Paper Co., janitor supplies Akers Transfer & Storage, labor, moving egpt from County Office Building Marvin L. Nelson, refund Wilson Electric Co., refund permit for elec.water htr. W. B. Wooten, 3rd. refund furnace permit Mason H. Littreal, refund overcharge on Job 6856 Roanoke Printing Co., office supplies League of Va. Counties, membership dues Younger Park Building, Nov. rent on off. space,C.D. off. 690.82 l,209.83 10.00 lO.OO 20.00 30.00 I I 28.50 47.16 25.04 30.68 24.25 l5.50 20.64 I 68.00 8.00 .50 .50 .40 l5.00 925.39 60.00 I Penitentiary Industrial Dept., furniture Welfare Bldg. etc. l6l.95 " II II l2770 Plantation Nurseries, shrubbery for Health & Welfare bldg l50.00 l277l Preiser Scientific,Inc., eqpt. for new Health Dept. 24.55 l2772 Harris Dental Co., eqpt. for new Health Dept. 4, 925.66 l2773 Powers de Anderson, Inc., II 12774 Baptist Book Store, ept." l2775 Graves-Humihries Hardware Co., janitor supplies etc. " " " 12776 American Chemical Co., 1 floor machine & Janitor eqpt. 12777 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., new furn. for Health B1dg 12778 Oren Roanoke Corporation, booster tank l2779 Royal McBee Corporation, new off. furn. for Juvenile Ct, 12780 Robert Dawson, P.M., postage for distribution l,307.80 19.00 88.65 l77 .31 648.50 770.00 222.65 50.00 I No. o o " '0 " " " " " " " " " " " " o " " " " " " " " " IN RE: " l278l 12782 l2783 l2784 12785 12786 l2787 12788 l2789 12790 1279l l2792 l2793 12794 12795 l2796 l2807 l2808 12809 Mary E. Hicks, entra work as Clerk of Elec.Bd. Brown Hardware Ce., utensils and Mise. for'Jail DeLuxe Laundry & Cleaners, laundry for jail Diamond Paper Co., janitor supplies- Jail Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail Frigid Freeze Frozen Foods, food for jail VOID W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel for Jail C. B. Halsey Co., food for jail and cleaning material Rainbo Bread Co., food for jail Monarch Finer Foods, food and janitor supplies for jail Peacock-Salem Laundry, laundry for jail W. T. Rierson, food for jail S & W Pharmacy, medical supplies for jail Sanfax Corporation, janitor supplies Dame Roofing Co., work done at transmitter station Rothgeb, Miller & Brogan, auditing Roanoke Co.a/cs etc. Andrew Lewis Phillips 66, wash job on Com.of Rev.car A. E. McNeil, serving on Equalization Board l28l0 John H. Moseley, serving on Equalization Board $ 50.00 .94 43.08 19.0l 32.85 111. 48 " " " " " " " Ii " " " " " " " " " l2811 l28l2 12813 l28l4 l2815 12816 l28l7 l28l8 l28l9 12820 12821 12822 12823 l2824 12825 1282.6 l2827 l2828 12829 " " " " Wiley G.ivens, Harold LeGrande, Isabel S. Green, Secretary to " " " " " " 32.00 l3'.69 49.78 117.86 7.87 37.50 7.10 120.45 3.00 5,250.00 1.50 l32.52 l37.56 127.4l l26.41 46.29 36.50 6.00 3.75 85.65 24.25 20.00 gasoline & oil for Mt. Pleasant Truck 47.77 Caldwell-Sites Co., ogfice supplies & equipment 74.0l Times World Corporation, pub. meeting of Planning Bd. 8.00 Mrs. A. B. Harris, servies as Dep. Registrar-Nov.5 20.00 Treasurer of Virginia,emp. contrib. to Va. Sup Retirement 5,683.48 Paul B. Matthews, reimb. expo attending Highway Confer. 38.75 Woods, Rogers, Muse & Walker, atty's fee Re. Annexation l,222.90 R. C. Pittman, reimb. Co-ordinator D. D. trav. expo 4l.30 Goomiin Chevrolet Corp., 1 new garbage truck 2,768.56 Lawrence Transfer & Storage Corp., moving funr etc. 40.00 2,566.72 4,195.00 The following claims against the County were this day presented,approved and ordered to be paid by Voucher-checks out of the funds respectively charge- Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Burroughs Corporation, 1 ribbon for adding machine Double Envelope Co., envelopes for Treasurer Roanoke County Revolving Fund, reimburse Petty Cash Fund C & P Telephone Co., tel. service for Bent Mt.Fire Sta. Dr. H. J. Minarik, lunacy cases Bill & Gordon's American Station, l2830 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare 12831 Truxmore TP Parker Equipment Co., 1 new garbage trucl. DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &C. 46 able therewith, to-wit: No. 12797 Cyrus E. McNeill, fowl claim $ l26.00 .. l2798 Bob's Market, wearing apparel for Dog Warden, etc. 30.9l .. 12799 School Board of Co. of Roanoke, repair on Dog Truck S.OO " l2800 Gibson's Radiator Shop, repairs to Radiator " " 8.00 1" .. l280l VOID " l2802 Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline for dog truck lO.79 " l2803 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimb. trav. expo to Md. etc. 39.80 .. l2804 Radio Communications Co., Oct. maintenance radio dog tk. lS.OO I " 12805 Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food and light cord 31.23 .' " 12806 Roanoke Valley Vet. Assoc., vaccinated 35S dogs l77.50 The following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioner of the Primary Election for their services in conducting the Primary Election held on the Sth day of November, 1963, in Roanoke County, out of the General County Fund, to-wit: CATAWBA No. l2Sl0 Doris Shelor, Clerk and Returns $ 20.70 .. 12Sll R. D. Morehead, Judge lS.OO .. 12512 .I. w. Hylton, Judge 15.00 I " l2Sl3 C. C. Carroll, Judge lS.OO .. l25l4 Everette Sirry, Clerk lS.OO MASOO VALLEY No. l25lS Anna C. Stultz, Judge and Returns 20.70 " l2Sl6 John R, Cameron, Judge lS.OO " l2517 Henry B. Pratt, Judge lS.OO .. l2Sl8 Clara L. Blevins, Clerk lS.00 .. l2Sl9 Graham G. Smith, Clerk l5.00 WEST SALEM No. l2S20 Doris R. Richardson, Judge and Returns 20.00 I I .. l252l Thelma M. McGhee, Judge 15.00 .. l2522 Mary Sue H. Spickard, Judge 15.00 .. l2S23 Lorraine C. Ptacek, Clerk lS.OO " l2S24 Peggy W. Spruhan, Clerk 15.00 GLENVAR I No. l2525 Mrs. ;.. R. Young, Judge and Returns 20.70 .. l2526 Lida B. Robertson, Judge l5.00 " 12527 R. D, Rettinger, Judge lS.00 " 12528 Mrs. R. L. Hash, Clerk lS.OO " l2529 Edith B. Taylor, Clerk lS.OO - -.-..-.- NORTH SALEM No. 12530 Mrs. Thelma Coffman, Judge and Returns :r l253l John J. Sheahan, Commissioner :r 12532 William M. Clem, Judge " l2533 Mrs. Dewey C. Brown, Judge " l2534 Mrs. Della B. Turbyfill, Clerk " l2535 Mrs. Julia S. Cross, Clerk $ 20.00 l5.00 l5.00 15.00 l5.00 l5.00 o SO. SALEM 111 ] No. 12536 M. Agnes Wolfe, Judge and Returns 20.00 " l2537 Mrs. Gay A. Scott, Judge l5.00 " l2538 Mrs. Ethel T. Clark, Judge l5.00 . " 12539 Lucille H. Hurt, Clerk l5.00 " l2540 Thomas S. Marsha~l, Clerk l5.00 SO. SALEM 112 No. 12541 Mrs. Marguerite Hash, Clerk and Returns 20.00 " 12542 Mrs. Edna Brown, Judge l5.00 " 12543 Mrs. Margaret B. Poff, Judge l5.00 " 12544 Mrs. Frances Carroll, Judge l5.00 " 12545 Miss Constance Edwards, Clerk l5.00 - 0 PETERS CREEK No. l2546 Sarah M. Whitmire, Judge and Returns 20.4,2 " l2547 G. H. Kelch, Judge 15.00 " l2548 Willie N. McDaniel, Judge 15.00 " 12549 Ruth C. Sears, Clerk l5.00 " 12550 Mary S. Stanley, Clerk 15.00 BURLINGTON No. l255l Corrine M. Murray, Judge and Returns 21.40 " l2552 Rosaline S. Lucas, Judge l5.00 n 12553 Owen R. Gordh, Judge 15.00 0 " 12554 Mary D. Duffy, Clerk 15.00 " 12555 Georgine H. Boxley, Clerk l5.00 48. No. l2563 Gloria A. Kelley, Judge l2564 Ruby L. Obenchain, Clerk 12565, Ers: C. A. Gaabo, Clerk $ , 15.00 15.00 15.00 " n WEST VINTON I No. l2566 Paul Foutz, Judge and Returns 21.40 " 12567 Robert L, Watson, Judge and COlllmissioner 31.40 " l2568 Mrs. O. W. Cox, Judge l5.00 " l2569 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk 15.00 I " 12570 Alice R. Bragg, Clerk 15.00 HOLLINS ROAD No. l?91 Vi1:ginia M. Howlett, Judge and Returns 21.12 " 12572 G, C. Holland, Judge 15.00 " l2573 Ruth R. McCutchen, Judge 15.00 " l2574 Eva W. DeWitt, Clerk l5.00 " l2575 Edith D. Darter, Clerk l5.00 MEDLEY No. 12576 Mrs. Lena Zimmerman, Judge and Returns 20.56, " l25n Frank J. Zimmerman, Judge 15.00 " l2578 VOID I " 12579 C. H. Garst, Judge l5.00 " 12580 Mrs. Rhea C. Garst, Clerk l5.00 " l258l Jessie U. Linder, Clerk l5.00 HOUNT PLEASANT No. l2582 Mrs. Laura S. Wagner, Clerk and Returns 21.40 " l2583 Nary P. Simmons, Judge l5.00 " l2584 J. F. St. Clair, Judge l5.00 " l2585 Wade W. Garman, Judge l5.00 " 12586 C. C. Burdette, Clerk l5.00 BONSACK I No. l2587 IIOID " l2588 Mason L. Cook, Judge l5.00 " 12589 Russell J. Foutz, Judge 15.00 " 12590 J. Norris Crumpacker, Clerk l5.00 I " l259l Margaret T. Rumbley, Clerk 15.00 " l2627 Myrtle A. Bonsack, Judge ann Returns 21.40 RED HILL No. l2592 Mrs. J. H. Johnson, Jr.. Judge and Returns 21.40, j " 12593 Miis. A. B. Harris, Judge l5.00 " l2594 Mrs. Doris D. Wickline, Judge 15.00 " 12595 }lrs. Ruth E. Brooks , Clerk 15.00 " l2596 Margaret M. Calhoun, Clerk 15.0 49 -, POAGE MILL No. l2S97 I. C. Rierson, Juc!ge and Returns $ 21.40 " l2598 O. F. Martin, Judge lS.OO .' " l2599 K. K. Mills, Judge 15.00 0 " 12600 Josephine P. Willett, Clerk lS.OO " 12601 Mary P. Gregson, Clerk lS.00 BENT MOUNTAIN No. l2602 Mrs. ~~ude Poff, Judge and Returns 21.40 ] " l2603 Ada M. Thompson, Judge lS.OO " 12604 W. B. Coles, Judge lS.OO II l2605 B. W. Angle, Clerk l5.00 II l2606 Beulah L. Collier, Clerk l5.00 CAVE SPRING No. l2607 H. S. Turner, Commissioner, Judge and Returns 3S.84 II l2608 Harold S. Henry, Judge l5.00 II 12609 Mrs. Chris H, Jamison, Jr., Judge lS.OO " l26l0 Mrs. Virginia E. Bailey, Clerk lS.OO " l26ll Mrs. Margaret P. Thomas, Clerk l5.00 ~ 0G1lEN No. l26l2 Roscoe E. Brown, Judge and Returns 21.40 " l2613 H. D. Pickett, Judge lS.OO " l26l4 Helen L. Pickett, Judge lS.OO " l26l5 Pearl E. Carner, Clerk lS.OO " l26l6 Virginia M. Hunter, Clerk l5.00 RIVERDALE No. l26l7 Dcllie S. Mitchell, Clerk and Returns 21.40 " 12618 M=ie V. Waldron, Judge l5.00 II l26l9 Opal Chambers, Judge lS.OO II 12620 Lucy B. Chisom, Judge 15.00 0 II l262l Mrs. J. C. Tabor, Clerk l5.00 OAK GROVE No. l2622 J. A. Lipps. Judge and Returns 20.28 II l2623 C. C. Beard, Judge l5.00 ~ " 12624 D. E. Middleton, Judge l5.00 " l262S Holland E. Persinger, Clerk lS.OO II 12626 Ernestine P. G.aham, Clerk lS.00 ~ tW.-r. ~.c., ~ 1/ I :1-1b 3 ~ c1Aj. -tJ... ' Co ' ~" Co:~~~ 1I/~1.~ -I JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted the following report: "Salem, Virginia November l8, 1963 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County At the close of business November 16, 1963, there was to the credit of the I General Revenue Fund $ 360,745.l7 Dog Fuud 9,673.65 Salem District Road Debt Fund 71.93 School Debt Retirement Fund 4,361.48 School Textbook Fund ' 77,925.61 F. I. C. A. 2,838.04 V. S. R. S. .04 Deferred Credit Account 3l1.54 $ 455,927.46 I Certificates of Deposit: Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 750,000.00 l,494,1l7.81 750,000.00 I Respectfully submitted JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer" Said report is received and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll for the month of November, 1963, be approved in the amount of $l4,Ol2.50; from which the sum of $270.56 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $l528.35 total W. H. Taxes; $165.80 total State Income Taxes and $256.76 total retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $ll,79l.03. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning October l6, 1963, ending October 31, 1963, be approved in the amount of $3,774.68, from which $136.80 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $284.00 total W. H. Taxes; $21.82 State Income Taxes; $44.80 total B. C. Insurance; $5.85 total Retirement; and $74.66 total Income Tax Internal Revenue, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,206.75; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning November 1, 1963, ending November 15, 1963, be approved I in the amount of $4,3l3.77, from which $l56.36 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $370.70 total W. H. Taxes; $3n.80 total State Income Taxes; $33.00 total Accident Insur- ance; $44.80 total B. C. Insurance; and $74.71 Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,603.40. J o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: #l2397 in the amount of $563.03 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at various offices; #l2400 in the amount of $2l.25 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at fire stations; #l2403 in the amount of $15.60 made payable to Mrs. La'Una Ann Hall, extra help in Electrical Inspector's office for a day and a half; #12453 in the amount of $541.42 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service at the Courthouse; Il2455 in the amount of $27.10 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at Hollins Fire Station. 112456 in the amount of $16.50 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at the Dog Warden's Home; . Il2458 ' in the amount of $353.28 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, to re-imburse him for jury tickets; Il2459 in the amount of $71.88 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel at the County jail, home demon- stration kitchen; and Cave Spring Fire Station and for heating the Health and Welfare Center Building; i. 1112460 in the amount of $47.23 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current at the transmitter on Sh.J'coe Drive and at the Fort Lewis Fire Station; j. Il246l in the amount of $lO.50 made payable to th~ Appalachian Power Company for current at the dog pound. a. b. c. d. e. 0 f. g. h. k. l I ,10 1. Il2463 in the amount of $39.65 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at the Clearbrook Fire Station; 112469 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service at the Courthouse in October, 1963. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. ~' ~. . , IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK. The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $1,312.75, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said elerk for the month of October, 1963, less commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,274.11 net. I 51 ~~ ~,~Lft ~Co,~ (j}~ ")~'3 53 o IN RE: AUDIT OF ROTHGEB, MILLER AND BROGAN - COUNTY OF ROANOKE AND JAMES E. PETERS, TREASURER. An undated letter, addressed to ,the BClard of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, from J, Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, accepting copies of report on audit of Rothgeb, Miller and Brogan, of the records of the County of Roanoke and James D. Peters, Treasurer, received and ordered filed. o On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse. seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the salary and e~?ense accounts of the Common- wealth's Attorney, Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue and Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Bo.ard, be received and filed, no action being takenvthereon. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors, G. Hampton Moulse, A. C.' Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. ~~ 10~. :i>taz:~ m"tB'll. U~Y' II I U/'~ Notice of hearing given by the State Compensation Board for the purpose of fixing the salary and expense accounts of the Attorney for the Commonwealth, COIIIll1issioner 0::: the Revenue ar.Ld Sheriff of Roanoke County for the calendar year 1964, received and ordered filed. On motion of SuperJisor G. Hampton Mllulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ord:lnance of Roanoke County, adopted June 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, ;~ended as follows to become effec- tive November 18, 1963: S - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Sa - Circuit Court: An additional appropriation of $200.00 is hereby made from the General Revenu,e Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. o - 2 ASSESSMEN OF TAXABLE PROPERTY: ~ 2c - Assessing and Appraising: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. CAPITAL OUTLAY: An additional appropriation of $40,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for tbe function or purpose as herein- above indicated. 19 - la - BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: An additional appropriation of $3,500.00 is hereby made from the GenE!ral Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following rec:orded vote: Ayes: G. Hampton Moulse, A" C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None: 54 ~~r. Q(>WL e, t,~c. {jlfo..- ~, 1I1~'3 y~lf ~ eLL- t C?C)(.w_J~ . ~~c, ~~~,~ " ))..763 ~ IN RE: REZONING OF 3.008 ACRES SITUATED SOUTH OF STATE ROUTE #ll7 and WEST OF U.S. ROUTE #11 ) ) ) ) ) ~ I of ORDER EDEN CORPORATION This day came Eden Corporation by Coul1:sel, and requested leave to file the petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. Now, therefore, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and the same is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby re- ferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as re- quired by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. And the above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Super- visor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G.' Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I I IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE NORTH ) SIDE OF HERSHBERGER ROAD ) OF ~ A. F. HOBACK ) I !lBQ~B: This day came A. F. Hoback, by Counsel, and asked leave to file his petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to I amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. 55 J AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as re- quired by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance ,dth the pro- visions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT Fl::THER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. J The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. o WHEREAS, Aerial Services Corporation has made application to this Board for the construction of an access road from property it intends to purchase southwest of Rt. 220 at the end of Secondary Route 675, for the con- struction of a heliport; and WHEREAS, this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opiniou that the site and ~ndutry qualify, under Chapter l6l of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Fund; o NOIv, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be re- quested to furnish estimates of cost, data 00 the right-of-way needs, and other information to the Highway Commission on the construction of an access road in Roanoke County, Virginia, from the end of Secondary Route 675, to the property of Aerial Services Corporation, upon which said corporation intends to erect a heliport, and to approve said road for construction with the recommendation that it be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. I G. , On motion of Sllpervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Hampton Moulse, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. ~ Nays: None. Letter dated November ll, 1963, from Aerial Services Corporation addressed : to Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, in re: access road from Route 220 at the I ~ end of Secondary Route 675 ordered filed. 56 S1f: ~:(O, kJ=c.. llJ~ , -.' -.-.-... _.--..--- IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY DESIGNATED AS PRELIMINARY PLAN SECTION 1 OF MAYEWOOD ) ) ~ ) ) ) ) ) ) I OF .Q~]n;~ B. L. RADFORD AND ETHEL M. RADFORD This day came B. L. Radford and Ethel M. Radford, by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. I' Nm, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke CoUnty, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as re- quired by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. I The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Mou1se, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I JOHN W. HAGEN, newly elected member of the House of Delegates from the Floater District, consisting of Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke Counties, this day appeared before the Board and assured the Board that he, or Mr. D. Henry Almond, newly elected member of the House of Delegates fro-w. Roanoke County, would attend all meetings of the Board of Supervisors and offer any assistance each might be able to render the Boara. I A communication dated November 13, 1963, acdressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, signed by John W. Hagen, Delegate-elect, Floater District, and D. Henry Almond, Delegate-elect from Roanoke County, was this day submitted to the Board, and after a lengthy discussion, no action being taken thereon, on motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Super- visor A. C. Harris, and carried, said communication was ordered filed. o At the request of Mrs. Harry L. Garrett,President,and representative of Salem Woman's Club, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that this Board defray the cost, not exceeding th~ sum of One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO), of installing Christmas Tree lights on tree on the Courthouse lawn. Copies of this order to be certified to Hrs. Harry,' L. Garrett, and to the County Executive Officer. o IN RE: DISCONTINUANCE OF MAINTENANCE OF ONE SECTION OF ROUTE 613: o Pursuant to Section 33-76.7, 1950 Code of Virginia, and upon the recom- mendation of W. E. Fitzgerald, Representative of the Virginia Department of Highways, and on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that notice of intention to discontinue maintenance of one Section of Route 6l3, shown as Section No.1, and specifically located as Section No. 1 - 0.08 miles in length, from intersection of Route 615 to 0.08 miles west, and notice of said public hearing to be held at the next regular meeting of this Board at the Courthouse thereof, on December l6th, 1963, at which time any persons desiring information or explanation as to the discontinuance of maintenance on said section, will have an opportlunity to be heard. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board post a notice of said hearing at the front door of the Court House of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the rate of $35.l0 PMG, for the treatment of commercial and domestic wastes by the City of Roanoke for the county of Roanoke, as set forth in letter dated November 8, 1963, from J. Robert Thomas, City Auditor, for a five year period, beginning October 16, 1963, be and the same is hereby approved. Letter from J, Robert Thomas ordered filed. a Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. 9 Miss Letty L. M. Tuning, resident of 234 Braxton Avenue, Salem, Va., formerly employed as a maid at the Roanoke County Welfare Offices in the HcClung Building, this day appeared befo~e the Board and stated that the position she had occupied there had been terruinated, and a janitor had been employed in her place at the new Welfare Center, and requested a letter of recommendation from this Board as to her employment by the Roanoke County Welfare Board. She was advised that this Board had no authority to comply with her request, and suggested that she take the matter up with Dr. C. P. Pope, Director Roanoke County Health and Welfare Center,for his consideration. 57 ~,~ ,CPJnrd r " ~ .)1 f. ~~ , ~,.,.~.t..,. (M..., ~t..,. 't I~~'" htr ~dJJ- r.:.w,z:..~ ~~Lv $()~. ,~Y'- " J;;;Jh~ ~l?'~ It...Ut- ."t~ ,~... ~ d...O- r G .4-,-@ ~ 1l/~6~ 58 ~uj; ~ UfM.\..~-r I'I~"?:> ~ eM. t. cWMt\.'0\' 11\-vfP' ~ctwl r; . 0" t" Co. ~ @~ 11111,3 IN RE: PURCHASE OF CARS FOR USE IN THE SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept the low bid of Vinton Motor Company of Eleven Thousand, Nine H~~dred, Sixty-four Dollars and ninety-six cents ($11,964.96) for six 1964 Ford Custom 4Dr. Sedans, equipped as per specifications submitted, for use in the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I I The bids submitted by the following companies were received and ordered filed: BEACH BROTHERS MOTORS, INC. SALEM ~lOTORS, INC. HARVEST MOTORS, INC. GOOIliVIN CHEVROLET CORPORATION BOB CurTS PONTIAC, INC. IN RE: ACCOUSTlCAL TILE CEILINGS - Clerk's Office: I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept the bid of John H. Hampshire, Inc., at a figure of Six Hundred and Fourteen Dollars ($6l4.00) for installing acoustical tile ceilings in the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. IN RE: PAYMENT OF GARBAGE TRUCK: On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check in the amount of Four Thousand, One Hundred and Ninety-five dollars ($4,l95.00) be issued to Truck Equipment Corporation for garbage collection truck hereto- fore purchased from said Corporation pursuant to authorization of this Board at its October Meeting, 1963. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, G, Hampton Noulse and Edwin G. Terrell. I I Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, seconded by Super- viscr A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the expense account of J. R. Taliaferro, County Electrical Inspector, for expenses incurred in attending conferences of I.A.E.I. in Norfolk and in Roanoke, be allowed in the ~ount of fifty-one dollars and thirty-three cents ($5l.33). Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors G. Hampton Moulse, A. C. Harris and Edwin G, Terrell. Nays: None. o o Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in December, 1963. , f1 '1 v LA: Chairman '0 Court House Salem, Virginia. December 16, 1963 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Edwin G. Terrell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice Chairman, and A. C. Harris. Absent: G. Hampton Moulse. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev, C. 1,. Ellison, Pastor of calvary M. E. Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were 'approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. o The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively charge- able to-wit: No. 12960 Andrew Lewis Phillips "66" Station, repair & parts etc. $ 10.10 " 12961 County School Board of R.C., maintenance Co. vehicles 916.05 @ " l2962 Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline on courtesy card 23.92 rr 12963 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, covering chairs for Sheriff 6.00 " 12964 Radio COrnL Jnications Co" radio maintenance 31. 50 " 12965 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for vehicles & stock 59.41 " 12966 Salem Motors Inc" parts for police car 2.97 " 12967 Sumrnerdean Esso Station, parts and wash jobs etc, 6.30 " l2968 Southwest Motor Parts, parts for police car 22,90 " l2969 Richard's Auto Alignment, labor on police car 4.95 " 12970 Motor Parts Supply Co" parts 361.45 591 --,....,....,... " II No. 12971 12972 l2973 12974 12975 12976 12977 12978 l2979 l2980 l2981 12982 12983 l2984 12985 l2986 12987 12988 l2989 12990 12991 l2992 12993 12994 II " " " " II " " " II " " " II " " " " " " " " II II 12995 " 12996 12997 12998 l2999 13000 1300l l3002 13003 l3004 13005 13006 13007 13008 13009 13010 13011 13012 l30lB " II II Ii II " " " " " " " " II II " " II ~gic City Motor Corporation, parts for police cars Custom Seat Cover Shop, parts for police car Harvest Motor Co., parts for vehicles Salem Glass Co" glass installed in police & garb.vehic. Auto Spring & Bearing Co" parts etc. Shepherds Auto Supply Co" parts and wash jobs Salem Oil Co., fuel for Ft. Lewis fire house & tractor T. R. Leslie Service Station, gasoline Fulton White Truck Co., parts for 5103 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, parts for 5601 Pure Oil Co., gasoline for Cave Spring Rescue Squad Texaco, Inc., gasoline for Engineer's car Truck Sales, Inc" parts for 5501 Shackleford-Cox TrucJ, Vo" part;s for 5610 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., repair and parts etc. M & S Machine Shop, parts for vehicles T.E. Gardner Co" repairing siding on home of C.R.Dooley Doyle's, Inc., parts for garbage truck Dickerson GMC Inc., parts for garbage truck Beach Brothers, repair and parts 5304 Auto Parts, Inc., Rarts for truck 5305 Bemiss Equipment Co., parts, repairs and fuel etc. Pure Oil Co., gasoline for distribution at Co, garage etc, Miller T re Service, parts for vehicles and stock , Auto Spring & Bearing Co" oil for distribution etc. Goodyear Service Stores, tires for stock VOID W. B. Clements, Inc" parts for distribution etc. American Auto Supply Co., fluid for distribution Brambleton Gulf Station, gas, oil, wash jobs etc. Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies for var, off. Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., 1 stamp for Assessing Office Dooley Printing Co" book binding and office supplies Wilson Trucking Co., frt, on furn. for Treas. office Internation Business }~chine Co" maintenance contract etc G. R. Parent Co" office supplies for Clerk Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postgge for Rcanoke Co.Ct. Treasurer, City of Roanoke, room & board for children etc. }~rvin C. Hendrick, Jr., reimb, Nov. trav. expense Charles L. Breeden, Jr., reimb. Nov. trav. expense R, F. Hyatt, reim, trav, e::pense etc. Barbara I, Cundiff, reimb, tray. expense etc. Russell B. Smiley, M. D., jail physician sal,Oct & Nov etc. l30l4 American Bakeries Co., food for jail 13015 Brown Hardware Co" janitor supplies etc. 13016 Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail l3017 C. B. Halsey Co" food for jail " $ 40.90 14.95 47.75 23.06 l4.33 69.42 112.24 24.02 3.64 7.80 33.36 5.20 lO.OO 21. 71 14.00 180.06 25.00 7.75 9.l5 39.14 2.40 594.85 1,272.22 19.46 67.9l 68.84 I I I 76.14 22,53 39.64 17.75 6.00 162.92 8.88 151,70 9.35 35.00 126,00 38.92 36.54 20.02 73.20 340.00 41.63 21. 36 21.15 102.73 I I o j .~ o ~ . No. 13018 13019 13020 13021 l3022 13023 13024 l3025 l3026 13027 l3028 l3029 13030 13031 . 13032 13033 13034 13035 13036 13037 13038 l3039 13040 13041 l3042 13043 l3044 l3045 13046 13047 13048 l3049 13050 13051 13052 13053 13054 13055 13056 l3057 13058 13059 13060 13061 13062 13063 13064 l3065 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " II " It II " It " " " " " " " " " " " " II " " " Murrell's Finer Foods, food for jail W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel for jail \ Monarch Finer Foods, food etc. for jail VOID Powell's Pharmacy, medical supplies for jail VOID Peacock-Salem Laundry, laundry for jail W. T. Rierson, food for jail Salem Hardware Co., utensils for jail S & W Pharmacy Co., medical supplies for jail Humble Oil & Refining Co., fuel for Catawba Fire Sta. Graybar Electric Co., supplies for Hollins Fire Sta, Culligan Soft Water Service, rental fee on softener etc. Clearbrook Lion's Club, Nov, rent on Clearbrook fire house W. W. Garman, Nov. rent on Mt, Pleasant Fire Sta. J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Nov. rent on Cave Spring etc. J. W. Griggs, reimb. exp, of dinner meeting Fire Chiefs William H. Witt, relief Fire Chief, vacation C.S.Fire Chf. Bent Mt. Volunteer Firemen, 1963-1964 contr. to Vol.F. Catawba Volunter Firemen, " It II " " " Cave Spring Volunteer Firemen " It" JI JI JI Clearbrook Volunter Firemen JI " " " " " Fort Lewis Volunteer Firemen, II JI II JI II II Hollins Volunteer Firemen, " JI JI II " JI Mt. Pleasant Volunteer F.cremen II II JI II II Town of Vinton, II " II " II " VOID ~~nor R. Keffer, servo on Fairview Home Board etc. Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy case Dr. S. D. Carey, " " Dr. Geo. E. Walker, ]~nacy case Dr. James E. Patterson," " J. Aubrey Matthews, atty's fee lunacy case etc. Edward W. Gamble, 3rd, M.D., lunacy commission etc. James K, Morrow, M. D. "" T. Rodman Laymon, atty's fee lunacy commission International Assoc. of Elec.lnspectors, membership dues Va. Building Officials Conference,membershtp dues etc. Overton's Esso Servicenter, wash job on Insp. car McCormick Office Supply Co., office supplies etc. VOID Acme Typewriter Co., 1 ribbon for Royal typewriter Chamber of Commerce, 2- 1964 membership dues Caldwell-Sites Co., office and janitor supplies etc. 11alcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., 12 Roanoke Co. maps T. D. Steele, travel expense etc. R.C.Planning Com. Edward B. Lassiter, travel expo etc. R. C. Planning Com. G. Carl Matthews, travel expo etc, R.C.Planning Com. 61 $ 113.46 64.00 113.49 2.95 37.82' l1.40 1.39 7.64 6.22 4,75 4.00 60.00 60,00 60.00 13.35 250.00 290.00 290.00 460.00 460.00 460.00 460.00 460.00 400.00 l04.00 lO.OO 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 lO.OO lO.OO 5.00 2.00 4.37 2.50 60.00 469.09 6.00 150.00 l50.00 150.00 ,6'2 13066 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies etc. 13067 RGckTcale Quarries Corp., stone for garbage dump l3068 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant Inc., premo ins. for tractor II 13069 VOID 13070 Madge Twine, Jan. 1964 rent on garbage dump 13071 Appalachian Power Co., current used in street lighting 13072 E. S. Honaker, reimb. trav. expense etc. 13073 Goldie R. Griggs, services rendered as Dep. Reg, C.S. l3074 White Spot Supply Co., janitor supplies 13075 Owen Plumbing Co., repairs to Courthouse 13076 McClung Lumber Co" repair material Courthouse No. II II II II II II " " II II 13077 II 13078 13079 13080 13081 13082 13083 13084 13085 l3086 13087 13088 II II II II " II II " " " II Killinger's Linoleum & carpet Co" replacing old floor in . Clerk's Office Booker T. Helm, labor, sanding floor & laying tile etc. Dillard Paper Co., janitor supplies Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies Builders Mart, repair material Carl R. Brightwell, repair elec. work at Courthouse American Chemical Co" janitor supplies Parker-Nimmo Supply Co. street signs Lee Hartman & Sons, lamp for projector Bent Mt. FirSt Aid Crew, 1963-1964 contribution~ Clearbrook First Aid Crew, Hollins First Aid Crew, " II II II II " II II " 13089 Mt. Pleasant First Aid Crew, " l3C90 Town of Salem,Roy Strickler,Treas. " II II II " II l309l Town of Vinton, 13092 ,Meador & Co., making keys for 2 file locks etc. l3093 U. S. Civil Defense Council, active membership fee for 2 l3094 Younger Park Building, Inc., Dec. rent, 36D Younger Park 13095 Cates Building Specialties, Inc. material for new Ft.L.Sta, 13096 City of Roanoke Water Dept., new fire hydrants in Co. 13097 Harris Dental Co.lnc., dental equipment for Health Dept. 13098 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., equipment- scale for Health Dept. " " " " II II " 13099 13100 " Preiser Scientific, Inc., equipment for new" " Ports-Display, Inc., supplies for new Health Center " 13102 13101 Morton Marks and Sons, equipment for new Health Dept. Selig Co" new equipment for Health Dept, " II l3103 Town of Salem, curb, gutter and sidewalk at new H.C. If 13104 VOID If l3l05 13106 13107 13108 " " II If 13109 " 13110 " 13111 13112 " Warehouse Sales Co, Inc., supplies for new Ft, Lewis Sta. Watts and Breakell, re: sidewalks County Library Hugh D. "fuitlow Sales Co" new fire hose C.S.Sta. Robert DaHson, Postmaster, postage for DeLTa" Co1.0ff. Roanoke County Court, warrants for co1, del,P.P.Taxes Roanoke County Court, " " II Garb.Co1.fees If Roanoke Mel'llorial H'Jsfcital, State Local Helfare University of Va, Hospital, State-Local " bills " l2.75 96.09 106.25 50.00 703.39 79.10 56.40 41.88 18.75 1.86 I I 79,05 35,50 5.49, 120.15 2.40 393.50 41. 79 98.04 6.35 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.0 I 200.0 2.5 9.0 60.00 l47.35 4l1.5 64.8 33.0 12.3 26.1' 9,574,60 73.26 300,00 I I 93.52 145.00 87.02 35,00 6.251 i 37,5d , I l,754.4 , 163.9 -0 o o o n,. L:J l3l79 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., rental fee on P03tage Mch.for Treas. 13180 Acme Printers, Inc., 13181 Roanoke Vounty Revolving Fund, reimb. Petty Cash Fund l3l84 Dr., R. B. Smiley, coroner, lunacy cases etc, l3l85 J. p, Tailoring Co" uniforms for Sheriff's Dept.. 13186 Salem Oil Co., gas, oil etc. Fort Lewis Fire truck etc. l3l87 Appalachian Power Co., current used at C. S. Fire Station 13188 Pyrofax Gas Co" fuel for Bent Mt. Fire Station l3l89 Natural Gas Distributors, fuel for Hollins Fire Sta. 13190 C & P Telephone Co., telephone servie Bent Mt. Fire Sta. 13l9l E. G. Terrell, services as member R.C.Board of Pub.Wel. 13192 Charles G. Shelor, lunacy cases etc. l3l93 Fred S, Cruser, M. D., lunacy cases l3l94 Friden, Inc., maintenance agreemen~,on Adding Mch.in P.W.O. 13195 American Society of Planning Officials, membership dues etc. 13196 L. J. Marshall, refund fix for Jan. Feb. & Mch 1964 etc. 13198 Dorothy Hudson, extra office asst.Garbage Dept. 13199 Addressograph"Multigraph Corp., office supplies l3200 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel for Courthouse 13201 Jarrett ElectricCo, , refund elec, permit etc. 13202 Salem Camera Shop, pictures for magazine 13203 Eugene S, Wirt, Jr., reimburse eypenses in re C.W. C. 13204 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., rubber stamp, C. D.Office l3205 Earl Staggs, expense Shelter ~gr.Course, C.D.Program 13206 R. C. Pittman, Co-ordinator Civil Defense, reimb. trav exp l3207 Graves Humphreys Hdw Co., janitor supplies for Health Dept. 13208 Audio Fidelity Corp., tape recorded for Health Dept. 13209 Morton Marks & Sons, making curtains for new Health Center 13210 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., new furn. for Welfare Offices and Treas. office l321l Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for distr. to var. off. 13212 Diamond paper Co., janitor supplies 132l~ H. W. Starkey, services as member of Finance Com. 1321S Salem Office Supply Co., furn. for new Helfare Center No. 13113 13171 13172 13173 l3174 13175 l3176 13177 l3178 II II " " " " " " " " " " 13182 13183 " " " " " " II n II II " II II II " 13197 " " II " " " " " " II " II II " " II II II Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Helfare bills A. E. McNeil, serving on Equalization Board etc. II " II John H. ~loseley, Harold LeGrande, Wiley P. Givens, Isabel S. Green, Steve A. Anderson, office assistant re: Assessment " " " II " " " II II II " Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Charles Ballentine, office supplies VOID VOID VOID 13216 Acme Printers, Inc., 500 "Open House" invitations etc. 63 $ 371. 98 433.69 403.32 390.82 392.32 l52.47 41. 92 14,24 l04.30 21.60 59.50 57.50 75.00 l,l48.00 95.66 11. 66 33.25 8.60 23.90 50.00 20.00 20.001 30.001 , lS.OO 4.50 64.52 3.43 399,75 6.00 3.00 54.60 2.21 20.00 99.92 8.70 159.50 85.Sl 249.5 50.0C 19.0 50.00 85.4 25.00 No. 13217 13218 II IN RE: ~lrs. Margaret Nalley, reimb. Supt. of PUD.Welf. etc. Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Com. of Rev. DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &C. fnd 62.56 190.00 I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively ,charge- therewith, to-wit: No. 13114 II 1311S II l3116 II l3117 II 13118 II l3119 " l3120 " 13121 II 13122 II l3l23 " l32l3 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Wonder wash for dog truck Cooper Veterinary Hospital, doctor's fee County of Roanoke- School Board, repairing heater dog trk Fort Lewis Hardware Co., bulbs for dog pound Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline for dog truck Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance Nov. Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food, wearing apprel & misc. Sam's Inr.., wearing apparel for dog warden Tarpley's Marine Center, rope Clyde M, Wigginton, Material and labor inst, bars etc. Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimb. trav. expo to Md. etc. 2.82 I 5.00 4.00 l2.lS 8.99 15.00 24.9S 38.75 4.50 46,49 38.60 I the following report: James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted IISalem, Virginia December 16, 1963 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the cl03e of Dusiness December 14, 1963, there was to the credit of the General Revenue Fund $l,300,07S.66 8,998.20 71. 93 182,017.28 6,274.81 12,884,1l; 5,51S.22 .04 74.83 $1,515,912.13 Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F.LC.A. V. S. R. S. Deferred Credit Account Respectfully submitted 3M-reS E. PETERS, Treasurerll Said report is received and ordered filed. I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of December, 1963, be approved in the amount of $13,l42.66, from which the sum of $244.12 total F. I. C. A. taxes, $1,400.15 total W. H. taxes; $l53.25 total State Income Taxes and $256.76 total retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $ll,088.38. Adopted by thc following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell, Nays: None. o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning November l6, 1963, ending November 30, 1963, be approved in the amount of of $3,761.97, from which $136.35 total F. 1. C. A. Taxes; $288.10 total iv. H. Taxes; $21.04 total State Income Taxes; $44.80 total B. C. Insurance; are to be deducted, leaving a net ! payroll of $3,271.68; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning December l, 1963, ending December 15, 1963, be approved in the amount of $4,206.90, from which $152.54 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $344.40 total W. H. Taxes; $27,23 total State Income Taxes; $33.00 total Accident Insurance; $44.80 total B. C. Insurance; and $84,12 Retirement, are to be deducted,leaving a net payroll of $3,520.81, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and E~in G.Terrell. Nays: None. o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to"ldt: a. #12897 in the amount of $639,33 made payable to C & P. Telephone Company for service at County offices; b. #12898 in the amount of $39,25 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire House; c. #12947 in the amount of $476.16 made payable to the TOWll of Salem for light and water service for the Courthouse; ~ #12948 in the amount of $9,00 made payable to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for sewer service charge at Hollins Fire House; #12949 in the amount of $29,90 made payable to C & F Telephone Company for service at Hollins Fire House, d. e, f. #l2950 in the amount of $193.19 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service for the Health and Welfare Center; g, #l295l in the amount of $22.80 Dade payable to C & F Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's House; h. #l2952 in the amount of #26,92 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at dog pound; 65 ~ut Sc ,B,..t ""y-C, t . 1'1lrt: ~m- tt~C, 1-t' ,~ 'J.j' \11..3 ~rtJ- fi~'C, ~tP O_I'~r..3 IN RE: PAYMENT OF SALARIES: On Motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary checks for all county employees be approved for payment as of December 20, 1963. o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. o IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY WELFARE BOARD AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF ALL STATE-LOCAL HOSPITAL BILLS EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 3l, 1963. On lllOtion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that this Board approves the payment of all State-Local Hospital Bills incurred by the Roanoke County Welf~~e Board through December 31, 1963. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. TerrelL Nays: None. a IN RE: FOREST FIRE CONTROL IN RoANOKE COUNTY: Communication dated November 18, 1963, addressed to Clerk of the Court, Roanoke County, from Geo. W. Dean, State Forester, Virginia Division of Forestry, submitting an itemized account verified by affidavit, representing the sum charged to Roanoke County, under the terms of Section lO-46 for forest fire control services from Jane lO-Oct.3l, 1963, amounting to a total of $549.34, was this day presented to the Board, and ordered filed. [J Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a voucher-check for five hundred, forty-nine dollars and thirty-four cents ($ 549.34},be issued to the State Forester of Virginia, in payment of said account. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell, ~ Nays: None. On the motion of Supervisor Minor R, Keffer, seconded by Super- . visor A. C. Harris, upon the approval of the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, it is ordered that all County offices may be closed on Tuesday, December 24, 1963, said day being hereby established as a general holiday for the employees of this County. Copy of this order to be delivered to Judge F. L. Hoback, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None 6ir ~~t. L.C, 1.,. {p &ti: : a.~~ '>1/~I.:? CS:~T ~"~ W~-r. ~,M. Y'~' "4-~ 1~'~"3 ~~ cW.. i, ~.c.,~ ....C,cz.,..@~ 1~I~b~ c.t, ~ 16 ~,t, I~'i .,/ "3 6a IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated November l, 1963, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr., Director, Division of Corrections, addressed to Board of Supervisors County of Roanoke, and to Charlie E. Boone, Sheritf, County of Roanoke, together with report of inspection if the Roanoke County jail, dated October 22, 1963, received and ordered filed. Copy of letter dated November 18, 1963, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, in regard to claim made for re-imbursement for mileage on his personal car, received and ordered filed. I Copy of letter dated December 3, 1963, addressed to William J. Paxton, Jr., Town Clerk, Salem, Virginia, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, enclosing copy of resolution No. 15504 adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke on December 2, 1963, amending contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, dated October l6, 1963, dealing with treatment of domestic and com- mercial wastes, by adding thereto a 2.2 acre tract of land located on both sides of U. S. Routes 11 and 460 immediately adjacent to the eastern corporate limits of the Town of Salem, received and ordered filed. I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated December 4, 1963, addressed to the Board of Supe~visors of Roanoke County, fron F. A. Davis, Acting Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective July l, 1963: ADDITIONS LONE OAK SUBDIVISION: LENGTH: I Fairhope Road - from Black Oak Street west 0,05 :nile to dead end and from Black Oak Street east 0.07 mile to dead end. Black Oak Street - from Routt Road to Fairhope Road, was this day received and ordered filed, 0.12 Mi. 0.05 Mi." IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - Roanoke County: Letter dated December 4, 1963, addressed to th~ Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from F, A. Davis, Acting Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary Syste~ of Roanoke County. effective November 1, 1963: ADDITIONS Routt Lane - from Route ll6 northeast to dead end. LENGTH: 0.20 Mi. I Ferncliff Avenue - from Route 625 northwest to dead end. 0,50 Mi." was this day received and ordered filed, :i1~ .- ~ cW.:r. ~~'. pi'~I.~ IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE ) CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ) ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ) ) ~ ) ) GEORGE A. STONE AND RUBY E. STONE ) I RESOLUTION AND ORDER This day came George A. Stone, in person, before this Board and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said George A. Stone and Ruby E. Stone relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. ....:,;'.. ~_ ......-..._.4 ,..,..,..L .._' ~'_ ....._. ...,....._,,_~,.;.~...g>...""'~"".:->~ t.':;~~~-';"':":~.-:: .........~....-,..-..;:l~ o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that: at -this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this l6th day of December, 1963, said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE;) AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that the said Clerk shall give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of 10 this Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith certified by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B, Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. a l~, L, M, Hinchee and R. D. Hinchee made application'to the Roanoke County Planning CommiSSion, pursuant to Section ll-4 of the Zoning Ordi- nance of Roanoke County, for use of their property, located north east of Hin- chee's Store building at Hanging Rock, for the storage of high explosives, to be occupied by the American Cyanamid Company; and I~S the property is now proFerly zoned for Agricultural A-l use, with no provision for the said area to be used for the storage of high explosives; and D WHEREAS the Planning Commission, after due consideration thereof, recommended to this Board that permission be granted to L. M. Hinchee and R. D. Hinchee for the use of their property for the storage of high explosives, to be occupied by the American Cyanamid Company; NOH, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Board of Supervisors grant per- mission to the petitioners and to che American Cyanamid Company for a period of ten years for the use of the said property as requested, with the following re- strictions: (1) That the magazines be constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the standards and specifications of the institute of the "69- ~~ cldI1t. q>~ 6. ?h~ T3~ 'l~ +0 ~~ '1'1b:?J 70 ~. 1'Y\~ Co \ C?~ :'1'1 b~ ~ makers of explosives, which standatds and specifications are utilized by manu- facturers of explosives for the storage of the same uniformly throughout the United States of America. (2) In the event future development of the area should result in occupied buildings being erected closer than 1,340 feet from either of said magazines, the same would automatically be removed. I (3) All dry brush, trash, or combustible materials be kept cleaned I away from said magazines to a minimum distance of fifty feet and that appropriate warning signs be erected on and in the vicinity of said magazines. (4) Said magazines be securely locked at all times when the same I are not being used by authorized personnel. (5) Representatives of the &~erican Cyanamid Company and the pe- titioners cooperate with the District Forester in maintain:!,ng' the area'iniques-. tion in a safe condition to the best of their ability, keeping iu wind the dan- ger of forest fires in the area. (6) Said magazines be separated by a distance of not less than the minimum required by the standardsand specifications of the institute of the makers of explosives hereinbefore referred to, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R, Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I WHEREAS Leonard Goldstein made application to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, pursuant to Section 11-4 of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, for use of his property, located at Edgewood, as a mobile home sales display area to be occupied by A & U. Trailer Sales; and WHEREAS the property is now properly zoned for Business B-2 use, with no provision for the said area to be used as a trailer sales lot; and w~ the PLanning Commission, after due consideration thereof, recommendedto this Board that permission be granted Leonard Goldstein for the use of his property as a mobile home sales display area to be occupied by A & U Trailer Sales; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the Board of Supervisors grant permission to the petitioner for a period of 3 years for the use of his property as requested with the following restrictions; (1) no trailers to be occupied as residences; (2) all setback lines to be maintained as they apply in Business B-2 areas; and (3) permission is nontransferrable, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G.Terrell. I I Nays: N(ne, 71 o IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON NORTH SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11 (LEE HIGHWAY) WEST OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OF OLD VIRGINIA BRICK CCJrolPANY, : INCORPORATED, AND HEIRS OF HENRY R. GARDEN, DECEASED. ~!.!!E;! t&r ~ &....t t ~~~. ~ 'Y- ~c. ' (M...~ 'rfl~'S [) This day came Old Virginia Brick Company, Incorporated, Henry R. Garden, Jr., Grace G. Hooker, Marian G. Coey and Dorothy G, Moushegian, by counsel and r~uqested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property de- scribed in said petition, which request is granted and said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend a the Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, then upon the receipt of the same the saie Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to I Paul B. }latthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia I The above =esolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Minor R, Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. NAYS: None. I IN RE: REZONING OF THO TRACTS OF LAND LYING ON AND BOUNDED BY ACCESS ROAD TO INTERSTATE HIGHlvAY NO. 81 AND VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 619 IN SALEM NAGISTERIAL DISTRICT IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OONED BY OSCAR EWARD SAUNDERS AND ELIZABETH FRANCES SAUNDERS, HUSBAND AND HlFE, AND ROBERT L. GIBSON AND DOROTHY L. GIBSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND OPTIONED TO TEXACO, INC. 5 ) ) ) ) , ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER ~rt: ~,~t ~~ 8. rnt~C ' q au. en... ' 1 '>+ '1'~ a ", U This day came Texaco, Inc, by Counsel and requested leave to file its Petition relative to rezoning property described in said Petition. ,ffiEREFORE, BE IT RES0LVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid Petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend I the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a 72 recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as re- quired by the Code of Virginia, that upon the r~ceipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice there- by of be given/the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of I the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Va. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Va. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Super- visor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a re- corded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, and Edwin G. Terrell. Nays: None. I ~u ~~o~.. ~,~~ ~it t:~ ~'( , ,Yf'~P On Motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effec- tive December 16, 1963: 2 - ASSESSMENT OF TAXABLE PROPERTY: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated, I 5 - ADMINISTRATIOI>, OF JUSTICE Sa - Circuit CQurt: An additional appropriation of $500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated, 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION: An additional appropriation of $4,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or pur- pose as hereinabove indicated. 10- PUBLIC WORKS lOb - Planning and Zoning: ~,additiona1 appropriation of $100,00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated, I lOc - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $12,000,00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year'ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 11 - ADVANCEMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND HOI>IE ECONOMICS: An additional appropriation of $100.00 is hereby made from the General Reve., nue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 19- CAPITAL OUTLAY: An additional appropr.iation of $3,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the Fisc~l year endin3 June 30, 1964, for the function or Furpose as herein- above indicated, Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, }unor R, Keffer and Edwin G. Terrel. Nays: !':(ne. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE I tt~f ~ ~1i-r; ~,#-.e~ ~,/ln.c ' S~~~ ~"(- 1rflrfb3 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Vir- ginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1964, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board o o For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: 1 County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording of Documents S - Administration of Justice Sa - Circuit Court Sb - County Court Sc - Commonwealth's Attorney Se - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Confinementand care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare 8a - Board of Public Welfa~e 8e - Institutional Care 8h - Lunacy Commission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c -Garbage Disposal lOe - Contractual Services II - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics l2 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (see Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions l8a - Annexation l8b - Civil Defense 19 - Capital Outlay o For educational purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school pur- , poses, shifting and transferring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of this Board l7a - Administration l7b - Instruction 17c - Coordinated Activities l7d - Auxiliary Agencies l7e - Housing l7f - Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service Capital Outlay Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the Dog Laws, to be transferred to the Dog Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors 343,780.00 24,909.00 5,301.00 25,957.50 15,027.00 4,657.50 7,655.00 5,517.00 S17,50 3,63S.00 15,872.00 36,683.50 9,726.00 20,820.00 150.00 18,2S0.00 l,6S0.00 l7,l74.l5 16,852.50 2,420.00 52,365.00 5,000,00 6,050.00 13,427.50 24,S68.35 2,500.00 2,68S.00 20,000.00 3l,069.00 l,88S,303.60 1,850.00 152,452.00 231,304.50 l4,530,OO 20,000.00 245,974.06 1,876,922.02 S,l62.5SS.68 8,477.50 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, autho- rized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropria- tions made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Appropriation Ordinance. A Copy of this ApproF~iation Ordinance is 74 ordered to be certified to James E, Peters, Treasurer ~f Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconJed by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R, Keffer, A. C. Harris and Edwin G. Terrell. I Nays: None. I Ordered that the Board be adjourned until Monday, December 23, 1963, at Eleven Thirty A.M. 4t~~r'/~~ / y,.i::: airman Courthouse Salem, Virginia December 23, 1963 I, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House pursuant to adjournment on December 16, 1963. Present: Edwin G. Ter- rell, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice Chairman, G. Hampton Moulse and A. C. Harris . Before the meeting was called to order Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. ~ ~'{u:L.. '(Do- '1"''!lfr..3 IN RE: VacatiIut, ) that portion or Map ) No.4, Lindenwood ) showing a public ) Utility easement on ) the north side of a ) triangle lot adj oining) Lot 13, Block 7, Map ~ No.4, Lindenwood, Roanoke County.) ORDER I At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cou~ty, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on December 23, 1963, WHEREAS, Henry L. Wright and Thomas M. Datnall, proceeding under Para- graph (b) of Section l5,967.17 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, petitioned this Board to vacate that portion of a l~p which shows a public utility ease- ment l2 feet wide which is 4 feet wide on the south side of the north line of I a triangle lot adjoining Lot l3, in Block 7, Map No.4, of Lindenwood, and if a feet wide on the north side of the north line of said Lot, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on November la, 1963, and BHEREAS, a public notice was advertised, in accordance with Section l5.961.4 of said Code, in the "Roanoke World News", a newspaper having general 75 o circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, once a week for two successive weeks: to-wit: On December 2nd and 9th, 1963, said notice specifing the time and place of hearing and containing a reference to the place within the County where a copy of Map No.4, Lindenwood and the ordinance or order could be seen, and stating that all parties in interest and citizens may appear on the above date and be heard on ..:he question, and o WHEREAS, the said public hearing was this date had on the said p~tition by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid, at which hearing all parties in interest and citizens were afforded an opportunity to be heard on the question, and WHEREAS, from all of the foregoing, the Board considers that no incon- venience will result to any individual or to the public from vacating, that portion of said Map. No.4 Lindenwood, showing the public utility easement, as applied for by said petitioners, and that accordingly said portion of said Map should be permanently vacated. NCM THEREl!(IU:, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 23rd day of December, 1963, that that portion of said Map. No.4, of Lindenwood, showing the public utility easement above mentioned and described in said petition be vacated. '0 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and llU>ERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to be delivered to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, in order that the Clerk of said Court may make proper notationtCl!. said Map No.4, Lindenwood, upon which said easement is shown. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Hartis, and seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Mouls'e, 'and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: ADS: A. C. Harris, G. Hampton Moulse, Minor R. Keffer and Edwin G. Terrell. !inS: None. a On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor G. Hampton Moulse, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effect- ive December 23, 1963: S - AmINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Sa - Circuit Court: An additional appropriation of $9l.6l hereby is made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION: An additional appropriation of $l,421.86 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. d..d m 10 - PUBLIC WORKS lOb - Planning and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $78.0S is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY: An additional appropriation of $642.33 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fisca1 year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Court House Salem, Virginia January 2, 1964 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held this day at the Court House, pursuant to the following call: o January 2, 1964 We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ~1d the Commo~Nealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby waive the notice of a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors' to be held in the Board of Supervisors' Meeting Room in the Courthouse Building of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, at 2:00 P.M. on January 2, 1964, for the following purposes: 1. Organizational meeting of the incoming Board of Supervisors. 2. Appoint Planning Commission melI\bers, 3. Adopt resolution limiting Welfare Board to three members, one to be a member of the Board of Supervisors. 4. Adopt a resolution recommending to the Judge of Circuit Court that a member of the Board of Supervisors be appointed a member of the Welfare Board. In a 5. Appoint a member of the Board of Supervisors as a representative of the Board on the Fairview District Home Board. 6. Appoint Sewer Committee. i. Appoint Member-at-Large on Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission. 18. Appoint a member of the Board of Supervisors to the Roanoke Valley-Regional Planning Commission to complete the one-year une~ired term of Mr. Edwin G, Terrell. 9. Appoint Executive Officer of Roanoke County. lO. Any other business on which the Board may unanimously agree. 11. Resolution eliminating Finance Committee pursuant to Section 58-940 of the Code of Virginia. 12. Resolution requesting Roanoke County's representatives in the General Assembly to secure legislation in re Assistant Common- wealth's Attorney. a Minor R. Keffer Catawba Magisterial District A. C. Harris Big Lick Magisterial District Walter M, Lipes Salem Magisterial District 'rank R. Angell Cave Spring Magisterial District Edward H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia. (J Present: Minor R, Keffer, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell, who were duly elected Supervisor of their respective Districts at the election held on November 5, 1963, and who have duly qualified by executing the bonds and taking the oaths of office prescribed by law, and Edw. H. Richard- son, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. On motion,chily seconded and carried, it is ordered that Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Supervisors for the term ending December 3l, 1963, be, and'he hereby is, elected temporary Chairman of the meeting. 78 ~ ~~~ z . ')a..A ~ ,. cr, '/'1' '\ Walter M. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor!Lipes, Minor R, KE'ffer was nominated Chairman of the Board. There being no further nominations, Minor R. Keffer was elected Chairman of the Board by the following recorded vc'te: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, "'rank R. Angell and Walter M Lipes. Nays: None. Not Voting: Minor R. Keffer 1 On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, Walter M Lipes was nominated as Vice-Chairman of the Board. There being no further nominations, Walter M Lipes was elected Vice-Chairman of the Board by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None. I' Not Voting: Walter M. L ipes IN RE: PLANNING ClHiISSION On motion of Supervisor Frank R, Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. , , Harris, it is ordered that Pa.,ul B.\ Matthews, County Executive Officer, Edward B. Lassiter, Big Lick Magisterial District, T, D. Steele, Catawba Magisterial District, G. carl Matthews, Salem Ma6isterial District, and Mrs. W. E. Cron- t quist, cave Spring Magisterial District, be, and they hereby are, appointed .~ members of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a term of four years it// /\"// , ~. =l. Ao.....- n.~.&.... ...- , ;ttr:1.. '/'I't ,. 'J \ ~ ),:'; 1 from .January l, 1964.. Adopted the following recorded vote: Ayes: Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Pursuant to Section 63-52, Cumulative Supplement, Code of Virginia, 1958, on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the members of the Roanoke County Welfare Board be limited to three members, one of whom shall be a member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in accordance with Section 63-54, Code of Vir- ginia, 1950, Copies of this Order to be certified to Judge F. L. Hoback, and Mrs, Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent of the Roanoke County Welfare Department. by Adoptedlthe following recorded vote: Ayes: Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R, Keffer. Nays: None. 1 I On motion of Supervisor Walter M, Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank o '0 ! o o /~~ . ---- - -..- -.".-.-' R. Angell, it is recommended to the Judge of the Circuic Court of Roanoke County th~t A. C. Harris of this Board, be appointed a member of the Roanoke County Welfare Board in the place of Edwin G. Terrell, who is no longer a member of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Copies of this Order to be certified to Judge F. L. Hoback, and Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent of the Roanoke County Welfare Department, Adppted by the fcllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. Not Voting: Minor R. Keffer. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that Minor R, Keffer be appointed as a representative of this Board on the Fairview District Home Board, to be compensated at ,an. annual rate of One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.OO), plus mileage for transportation. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None Not Voting: Minor R. Keffer. IN RE: MEMBERS OF SEWER CGlMITTEE OF ROANOKE COUNTY: On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M Lipes, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, and Supervisor A. C. Harris be re-appointed, and that Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, and Frank R. Angell be, and they are hereby, appointed members of the Sewer Committee of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperVisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, l~alter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. ' Nays: None. IN RE: MEMBER OF THE 'ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING AND- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT--COMMISSION: On {notion of Supervisor Walter M, Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that Edwin G. Terrell be appointed a Member-at-Large on the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission for a three-year term beginning January l, 1964. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None. On lDOtion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seccnded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that Supervisor Frank R. Angell be appointed a member of theRoanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission to complete the one-year, un- expired term of Mr. Edwin G. Terrell. 79 ~- -'~~ '-." ._-- -. L~ ....t. , - //'/' " c..,.~fo ,.,.,..,:..... fl, :.... .. uP.4f ~ I -& &.I!..t.:;.. ~ J/~.I''''''' . ~f.~ to .... -w, .;& - t f4-l~ II' "' ,. ~"z. ~. '"......<If M.~ 1-' - , ~ ~1t ~. ~. 1/"fJlt 80 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Nays: None. Not Voting: Frank R. Angell. J On motion of Supervisor Frank R, Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews be, and he hereby is, reappointed as County Executive Officer of Roanoke County to serve at the pleasure of the Board. I I ~ ..... .... e-.l (b - - ..",... ,( .j.,\,- '1'/' ... Adopt~d by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M Lipes and Minor R, Keffer. I Nays: None. IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT COOIOOWEALTH I S ATrORNEY FeR ROANOKE COUNTY. Upon motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Representatives of Roanoke County in the General Assembly of Virginia of 1964, be and they are hereby requested on behalf of this Board to proceed forthwith to have passed by said General Assembly an Emergency Act authorizing the appointment of an Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney for Roanoke County, said appointment to be made subject to the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and of the Compensation Board of the Commonwealth of Virginia, as required by law. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board forth~~th trans- I mit a certified copy of this resolution to the Honorable James C. Turk, State Senator representing the 21st Senatorial District of Virginia, the Honorable D. Henry Almond, representing the County of Roanoke in the House of Delegates of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the Honorable John W. Hagen, representing the Floater District of which Roanoke County is a part. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, ~ C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. I~ Nays: None. IN RE: FINANCE COMMI'lTEE: I A motion by Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Frank R. Angell, was made to eliminate the Finance Committee of the County of Roanoke as such, and that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County handle the finances. After discussion of this matter, and upon a recorded vote, a tie existing, at the suggestion of Mr. Edw. H. Richardson, Attorney for this Board, Mr. R. S. Kime, the duly appoin~ed tie-breaker, was called, whereupon official action on the motion is continued until the ne~:t regular meeting of this Board on January 20, 1964. o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following check be approved, retro-active as to da,te of issuance, to-wit: a. #l3371 in the amount of $300.00, made payable to James E. , Peters, Treasurer, reimbursing him for postage used in mailing garbage statements for quarter ending December 31, 1963. o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Mr. S. C. Snead, Jr., Vice President of the Farmers National Bank of Salem, appeared before the Board and express his good wishes to the new members and commended the Board of Supervisors for their work during the past year. o Mr. C. E. Webber, President of the Farmers National Bank' of Salem, this day appeared before the Board, and congratulated the new Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, and the new Vice-Chairman, Walter M. Lipes, on their selection as such, expressed his appreciation as a citizen and in his business capacity, of the services rendered by the members of the Board of Supervisors in the past and assured the Board of his willingness to be of help in every possible way in the future. o IN RE: BIENNIAL BUDGET ESTIMATES -DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. Cl On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Biennial Budget Estimates for fiscal years ending June 30, 1965 and June 30, 1966, submitted to the Board and filed at the regular meeting of the Board on December 18, 1963. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried, it was approved as submitted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. ORDERED that the Board be adjourn d until the 1964 at 2 o'clock P. M. ....-:y..-. -~ ~.~--...-.... - . Court House Salem, Virginia January 20, 1964 County School Board of R. C., Dee .maintenance Co. vehic. Auto Spring II: Bearing Co., parts for Co. vehicles Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Sta., repair,parts etc.Co.Veh. Brodie Thompson Tire Co., repairs on police car If. B. Clements,Inc. repair and parts for Police car Gibson's Radiator Shop, repairs on Co. vehiclesc Harvest Motors Co., parts Magic City ~mtor Corpo., parts for Co. vehicles Humble Oil II: Refining Co., gas purchased on courtesy card Miller Tire Service, tires Motor Parts Supply Co., parts for vehicles Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for Co. vehic. II: stock Standard Parts Corp., parts for vehicles Auto Parts, Inc., parts for fire trucks Bill's Amoco Station, gas and oil for Clearbrook F.Trk Goodyear Service Stores, tires for Co. vehicles T. R. Leslie Service Sta., gas and oil fire equipment Mount Pleasant Garage, repairs, parts oil etc.fire trk. Pure Oil Co., gas and oil Cave Spg. Rescue Squad Shepherds Auto Supply Co., parts for Co. vehicles Richard's Auto Alignment Co., repairs Engineer's car Texaco Inc., gasoline for Co.Engr. car West End American Station, gasoline for Ft. Lewis fire tk. Auto Spring II: Bearing Co., parts garbage truck American Auto Supply Co.Inc., parts for garb.trk. etc. Automotive Paint II: Supply Co., parts for n n n The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day in Room,l07 of the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. On motion duly made and seconded, '-the mEi~ting' was ad.;'ourned to the County Court Room 300 in the co~otf:'\e heW.then on~t.hilr date._, Present: Minor R. Keff;er, Chairman, Walter R. Lipes, Vice Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. Roy Miller, Pastor of The Church of Christ, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member having read the copy of said minutes fur- nished him by the Clerk. I I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respective- ly chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 13446 n 13447 n 13448 tt 13449 . tt 13450 . tt 13451 tt 13452 tt 13453 tt l3454 tt 13455 tt 13456 " 13457 It 13458 tt 13459 n 13460 It 13461 It 13462 tt 13463 It 13464 tt 13465 tt 13466 n 13467 tt 13468 tt 13469 tt l3470 tt l3471 tt 13472 tt 13472 ~emiss Equipment Co., parts and oil for tractor Beach Brothers, repair and parts for Truck 6304 $ 731.10 23.73 10.30 1.50 22.06 21.00 38.60 ll2 . 83 26.66 194.43 472.12 160.50 120.56 34.59 23.18 585.94 32.07 24.55 38.58 16.73 4.50 4.01 1.55 13.94 25.78 7.91 I I I 71.23 66.66 - Q No: 13474 " 13475 " 13476 " 13477 " 1347S " 13479 " 13480 " 134S1 " 13482 " 134S3 " 134S4 " l34S5 " 134S6 " 13487 " 134M " 134S9 " 13490 " 13491 " 13492 .. 13493 " 13494 " 13495 - " 13496 " 13497 " 1349S " 13499 " 13500 .. 13501 " 13502 It 13503 " 13504 It 13505 It 13506 " 13507 .. 1350S .. 13509 " 13510 " 13511 " 13512 " 13513 " 13514 I" 13515 ~" 13516 , " 13517 " 1351S ", i35i9 o -0 a a '.--.--.---.-- --.., , Custom Seat Cover Shop, parts for trucks etc. Diesel Injection Sales Co., parts for garb.trk. VOID M &. S Machine Shop, repairs on garb trks., repairs etc. Maryland Metals Inc., parts for garbage truck 6304 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., repairs, parts etc.garb trks Shackleford-Cox Truck Co., parts for garbage trucks Truck Sales, Inc., parts for truck 5610 Truck Equipment Corp., parts for truck 5503 Fulton White Truck Co.Inc., part for extra car 5803 Pure Oil Co., gas and oil for distr. at Co.garage etc. Spangler's Used Parts, parts for 5902 extra car Vinton Motor Co., repairs and parts for var. vehicles Chapman-Taney Ins. Inc. premiums on bonds etc. Technical Reproduction &. Supply Co., office supplies Robert Dawson, Postmaster , postage for Com.of Rev. Acme Printers, Inc., book binding &. office supplies etc. Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies for var.offices National Cash Register Co., main. agreement on mch.C.R. Dooley Printing Co., 10m envelopes C. of R. office Times it'orld Corporation, publishing meeting Zoning Bd. Fielding L. Logan, Inc., premiums on bonds etc. Woodhaven Press, 1961 tax tickets for Treas. Office James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimb. Co. sh4,re of trav.etc I.B.M. Corporation, typewrite:..' ribbons for Treas. Office Roanoke County Court, warrants rej col.DelinquentTaxes etc Roanoke County Court, " " " " "" Robert Dawson, P.M., postage for Del. Tax Col.offive Railway Express Agency, freight on office sup. for Clerk Easter Supply Co., office supplies for Clerk's Office C. W. Warthen Co., record paper for Clk Circuit Court I.B.M.Corp., maintenance agreement off.eqpt. Clk's Off. VOID James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimburse jury tickets Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies for var. offices Monroe Business Machine, main. agreement on Monroe calcu. Barbara S. Cundiff, reimburse Probation Off.Dec.1963 tray. Charles L. Breeden, Jr., reimb. Dec.1963 tra~. exp/ VOID Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., reimb. Dec. trav. expo R. F. Hyatt , reimb. Dec. trav. expo Va. Office Machine &: Equipment Co., main.contr.off eqpt etc. City Treasurer, room and board for children at City Deten. Dr. S. D. Carey, drunk driving,coroner and lunacy cases etc. Dr. John O. Hurt, coroner cases Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., salary Dec. jail physician etc. -------..".--." $ 22.5 13.31 117.60 52.00 57.00 27.21 20.00 5.30 2S6.S8 l,407.S6 35.00 117.54 3,321.65 4S.00 750.00 80.90 251.76 425.00 95.55 82.75 2,502.00 17.50 12.50 5.70 6.25 6.25 40.00 2.94 8.50 43.96 35.00 110.68 165.8l 22.00 17.08 47.S5 27.65 2~:S7 17.25 l2S.00 82.50 45.00 135.00 -- ; George F. Cake Co., .finger print supplies for Sheri.ff Ralph H. Dean, office supplies Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry- jail Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail C. B. Halsey Co.Inc., food and janitor supplies- jail W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel for county jail Dr. Hugh E. Lee, dental services rendered prisoner Dr. H. J. Minarik, attending prisoner and lunacy cases Murrell's Finer Foods, food for jail Monarch Finer Foods, food, medical supl. etc. for jail and janitor supl.for Courthouse Salem Paint Co., paint OWen Plumbing Co., repairs to jail, Fort Lewis Fire Sta. Courthouse , Health Center & Co.Linbrary 192.55 " 13532 Powell's Pharmacy, medical supplies- jail 5.45 " 13533 W. T. Rierson, food for jail 25.50 " 13534 Sanfax'Corporation, janitor supplies for jail 120.45 , " 13535 Rainbo Bread Co., food for jail 45.54 " 13536 S & W Pharmacy Co., medical supplies .for jail 10.g5 " 13537 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Dec. rent on Cave Spg.Fire Sta. 60.00 " l353g W. W. Garman, Dec. rent on Me. Pleasant Fire Station 60.00 .___*~~;~____G~igaR_i.~_Wa~8P_S8PVi88T_F8R~_.R_wa~8F-8e~8R8F-8'..--------S.gg ", 13539 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Dec. rent Clearbrook Fire station 60.00 " 13540 Airport Hardware Co., door lock for Hollins Fire Sta. etc. 16.62 " 13541 Culligan Soft Water' Service, rent on water softener e.,c. g.OO " 13542 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., .fuses Ft. Lewis Fire Station .70 " 13543 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel for Hollins Fire Sta. etc. 516.19 " 13544 Natural Gas Distributors, Inc. fuel for Hollins Fire Sta. g.60 " 13545 Humble Oil & Refining Co., fuel Catawba Fire Station 6.91 " 13546 Pyrofax Gas Corp., fuel for Bent Mt. Fire Station 76.00 " 13547 Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance Dec. 1963 44.30 " 1354g Fairview Home, county's pro-rata share expo Home,Dublin 44.33 " 13549 Derwood H. Rusber, lunacy case, 10.00 " 13550 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy cases 30.00 " 13551 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., lunacy cases 20.00 " 13552 Charles G. Shelor, lunacy cases 30.00 " 13553 International City Mgrs. Assoc., Associate Membership etc. 27.50 " 13554 I.B.M.Corporation, rental fee on elec.typewriter etc. 25.00 " 13555 Sunnyside Awning & Tent Co., canvas for Garbage Dept. 2.00 " 13556 Harry H. Richardson, Jr., picking up garb; missed etc. 5.00 " 13557 Madge Twine, February 1964 rent on garbage dump 50.00 . " 1355g Applachian Powet Co., current used in street lighting 703.39 " 13559 Carl R. Brightwell, elec. work at Courthouse 29.60 " 13560 Brown Hardware Co., hardware etc. 13.91 " 13561 Dillard Paper Co., janitor supplies Courthouse 12.62 " 13562 H. R. Johnson Co., window shade .for Com.Atty. Office 2.59 " 13563 John H. Hampshire, Inc., installing accous.tile Clerk's Off 614.00 84 No. 13520 " 13521 " 13522 " 13523 " 13524 " 13525 " 13526 " 13627 " 1352g " 13529 " 13530 13531 " 5.03 47.75 36.96 23.40 62.63 64.00 4.00 50.00 111.66 I I 170.19 17.55 I I I at:- ..) .'---.-----.---- -,-~---_._... ..,-. ---- ~ Salem Glass Co., glass $ Salelll Fann Supply Corp., rock salt Plastic Sign Sales, plastic sign for Engr.Offi &: Co.Ct. VOID Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies Courthouse 'Williams Supply Co., light tubes for Courthouse Dominion Elevator Co.Inc., service on C.H. elevator Arthur F. Dobie, refund elec. permit- Cave Spring~Rescue Squad, 1963-64 contr. to C.S.L.S.C. Salem Camera Shop, photos McClung Lumber Co., lumber for storage lot General Fire Extinguisher Corp., fire ext. for Mr. Fox Woods, Rogers, Muse &: Walker, services Vinton v.Co.of RIte Akers Transfer &: Storage Co., handling &: storage frt.C.D. T. E. Burke, ReaJ.tor, Jan. rent on office space C.D.Office Booker T. Heihm, labor performed in placing C.D.Supl. R. C. Pittman, reimb. trav. expo Hugh D. Whitlow Sales &: Serv.. fire hose Cole, Harding &: James, 1 Bates numbering machine for C.of R. Baptist Book Store, supplies for new Health Center Gallant Incorporated, office machine for Health Dept. VOID Motorola C &: E. Inc., new radios for Fire Depts. Oren Roanoke Corporation, fire hose Warehouse Sales Co., asphalt tile for new Ft. Lewis F.S. Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Juvenile &: Dom.Off. Wiley Givens, serving on Equalization Board Dec. 1963 Harold LeGrande, serving on n n n n A. E. McNeil, . n n n n n n . John H. Moseley, n n n n n n ~ - - - .. .. Isabel Green, office asst. Equalization Ed. for Dec.1963 Margaret Anne Green, off. asst. n n n n n L. Kenneth Whitlock, extra help in Engr's Office etc. Burroughs Corporation, 1 sig. plate for signing checks Roanoke County Revolving Fund, reimb. Petty Cash Fund Xerox Corporation, office supplies &: record paper etc. Salem Oil Co., Summerdean Esso Station, parts, repairs etc. C &: P Telephone Co., tel. service. Appalachian Power Co., current used at Fire stations Dr. Richard Gordon Faw , lunacy case VOID State Department of HeaJ.th, Co's appro. for HeaJ.th Dept. Times World Corporation, publishing meeting Zoning Board White Spot Supply,Inc., janitor supplies City of Roanoke Water Dept., rent on fire hydrants in Co. 37.80 5.00 29.90 ",.25 4.g.63 74.00 1.50 200.00 60.00 23.4.0 4.7.5g g49.oo 56.25 60.00 36.00 42 .14. 76.42 52.73 16.95 305.55 2,995.00 24..02 24.77 35.00 127.4.1 202.42 204.77 215.54 124.29 91.05 226.57 21.00 33.22 1561. 90 203.57 21.00 4g.05 11l.Ol 10.00 8,562.07 9.00 28.70 2,884..11 . ' ~ . .. , '" '-- . , ' , , And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning December 23, 1903, and ending December 31, 1903, be approved in the amount of $2,74-9.20, from which $99.05 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $310.90 total W. H. Taxes; $31.01 total State Income Taxes; and $50.4-0 total Insurance, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $2,257.24-; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning January 1, 1904, and ending January 15, 1904, be approved C. in the amount of $,*,,824.30, from which $174.85 total F.I.A. taxes; $444.20 total W. H. Taxes; $38.54 total State Income Taxes; $4-4.80 total Insurance; $32.82 1902 State mncome Tax; and $84-.12 total. Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net Payroll of $3,974.97. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On motion duly seconded, it is ordered that the following checks be approved, retro-activw to date of issuance, to-wit: a. 113319 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company in the amount of $~4-8.01 for service at various offices. 113320 made payable to Robert Dawson, Postmaster, in the amount 01' $'00.00 for postage 1'or the County Treasurer. 113j21 made payable to C & P Telephone Company in the amount of $38.2~ for service at fire stations. 113304 made payable to Robert Dawson, Postmaster, in the amount of $~7.80 for postage used by the Equalization Board. 113370 made payable to the Town of SaJ.em in the amount of $740.02 for light and water service. 113371 made payable to James E. Peters, County Treasurer, in the amount of $300.00 to reimburse him for postage used to mail garbage bills. 113372 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company in the amount of $27.85 for service at Dog Warden's home. /113373 made payable to the .. & P Telephone Company in the amount of $51.63 for service at the Civil Defense office and at Hollins ,fire house. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. /113374 made payable to Appalachian Power Company in the amount of $39.35 for current used at the Jog pound. j. /113375 made payable to Appalachian Power Company in the amount of $8.32 for current used at the transmitter station. i. k. /113390 made payable to the Cave Spring Water Company ill the amount of $8.25 for water used at the Cave Spring Fire House. #13391 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company :l.n the amount of $226.22 for fuel at the County jail, home demonstration kitchen, Health and Welfare Center, and Cave Spring Fire House. #13392 made payable to C & P Telephone CompaBy in the amount of $77.55 for service at Clearbrook and Mt. Pleasant Fire Houses. /113393 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service in the amount of $3.40 for towel service at the Courthouse. /113394 made payable to Appalachian Power Company in the amount of $47.70 for cUXrent used at the Fort Lewis Fire House. 1. m. n. o. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A..C .Harris .1'!alter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and )o!inorR. Keffer. I I I I I o o o o ~;=. . -. - A letter dated January 17, 1964., from Mr. R. S. Kime tie-breaker for the COlmty ~f Roanoke, addressed to Mr. Minor R. Keffer, Chai:.man of the ~d of Superns?rs of Roanoke County, casting his vote against the proposed ordinance to abol1sh the Finanee Committee of this Board this matter having been referred to the official tie-breaker on January 2 i964. was this day presented and read by Mr. Kime, and same was ordered filed. ' IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON WES'l' SIDE OF VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 119, AND ElST OF PlWPOSED RELOCATED ROUTE 119, CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF ROBERT E. LEE AND MERVIN P. LEE . . . . FINAL ORDER . . : 1iHEFlUS, Robert E. Lee and Mervin P. Lee petitioned this Board and requested '~hat 'the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and be reclassified, as "Reside:ntial R-211 property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting - - of this Bo.ard on October 21, 1963 and by order entered on that day was re- ferred to the Planning Co.mm1ssion of Roanoke County for recolDllendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and liHERElS, the said Planning CommiSSion by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 26th day of November, 1963, after heallil1g evidence touch- ing on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition from "Residential R-llt property to"Resi- dential R_21t; property; and - llHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 21st day of October, 1963, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon the receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Com- mission forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Coun'ty Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and llHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting for this Board to be hald on January 20, 1964, at 2:30 P.M., as the date and time for public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke Times, a new.paper having a general circulaticlll in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on December 31, 1963 and January 7, 1964, as required by said order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and ~~EAS, said public hearing was this date had on 'the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof duly published, as aforesaid; and "JHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordi- nance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as re~ommended by said Planning Commission; and 89 ...._".._-,~ p-1J!~d-J;" ?'!-, '* I., , ~&-. l#'fr-'1 90 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of January, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as WResi- dential R-2" property in order that a duplex or two-family dwelling m,;;,y be erected upon the property hereinafter described: BBJINNING at Corner 1 in the centerline of Virginis Highway Route 119, formerly known as Salem and Franklin Turnpike; thence with the north line of the Oak Grove Church of the Brethren property, N. 870 26' w. paMing an iron pin on west side of road at 15 ft. and passing a marked chestnut on line at 294.09 ft., in all a total. distance of 302.09 ft. to an old iron pin at Corner 2; thence with the west line of Church property, S. 20 34' W. passing an old iron pin on line at 147.75 ft., in all 156.85 ft. to Corner 3 in the roadway leading to J. A. Long property; thence with the north line of the property of O. H. McBride, et ux, and along to aforesaid roadway to Long property N. 840 00' W. l5.02 ft. to Corner 4 on the easterly side of the 110 ft. Width, proposed relocated right of way of Virginia Highway Route 119; thence with the same and with the westerly side of a varying width maintenance and construction high- way easement as shown on Plat Sheet: 8 of 23, Virginia Project 0119- 080-102,C-501 bearing revised data of May 9, 1963, the following three lines, and with a curved line to the right whose radius is 1602.02 ft., and whose chord is I. 140 3l' 55" W., 68.44 ft., the arc length of 68.44 ft. to a point of-tangent-at 5; thence He. 130 18' 30" W. 257.90 ft. to a point of curve at 6; thence with a curved-line to the right whose radius is 1432.39, crossing an elec- tric line at about 120 ft., the chord bearing being H. 70 38' 14" v. 293.09 ft~, the arc length of 283.55 ft. to Corner 7; thence - leaying the southerly side of the proposed relocated 110 ft. width right of way of Virginia Highway Route 119 and with the south line or the Leslie A. Kimble property, and crossing the maintenance and construction easement, S. 7r 20' 20" E., passing a fence post on line at 123.13 ft., in all 144.63 ft. to Corner S in the centerline of Vilginia Route 119; thence with the same and with a curved line to the left the following four chords: S. 160 45' 20" W., 31.92 ft. to corner 9; thence S. 30 l7' 20" E. 45.79 ft. 'to corner 10; thence S. 330 02' 50" E. 44.43 ft. ,to Corner 11; thence S. 460 52'30" E. 47.41 ft. to a_point of tangent at Corner 12; thence continuing with the center line of Route 119, S. 520 23' ~" E. 223.67 ft. to a point of curve at Corner 13; thenced with a curved line to the right the following three chords; S. 490 09'00" ft. to Corner 14; t~ence S. 310 48' 40" E. 56.77 ft. to Corner lS; thence S. 20 19' 10" v. 59.45 ft. to Corner 1, the place of BEGINNING, containing,an area_ of 2.366 acres, more or less. ' ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to !lime and Jolly, Attorneys for the petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: .lYES: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer, and A. C. Harris. I I I I NAYS: None. This day appeared before the Board Mr. B~,j. E. Chapman, a citizen of the Town of Salem, and expressed his views pertaining to automobile tax, the County Re-Assessment, and the elimination of the tax on household goods. Also wishing this Board every success during its tenure in office. I / ! I This day appeared Mr. C. C. Crockett, a citizen of the County of Roanoke, requesting the support of this Board regarding the price stabli- zation act. o This day appeared Eugene S. Wirt and reported to the Board as ~o ~he condi~ion or ~he recrea~ional parks in ~he County, sta~ing that the Oak Grove Park has been comple~ed at no cos~ to the County, and under Section 15-697 through Section 15-700, Code of Virginia as amended, the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County may appoint a Committee for Recreation and Parks, or may appoint a Committee upon the presentation of a petition signed by at least 10% of the voters of Roanoke County requesting same. Mr. Wirt also suggested or recommended that this Board give consideration to having a supervisor active - , in Roanoke County during the 1961,. season. No motion was taken on this matter at this time. o o 1mEREAS, representatives or the Virginia Department of Highways having acquainted this Board with certain details pertinent to the design and construc~ion of Interstate Route Sl, Pro~,-.;t OOSl-OIlo-lOl, G 301 (PE-l0l) in Roanoke Coun~y. WHEREAS, ~his Board having been advised ~hat the present design calls ror readjus~ents in the termini of Secondary Route 77S. WHEREAS, portions of this secondary route will have to be relocated as a service road, as shown on Sheets 11 &. 12 or the plans of the above noted project; these plans being on file in the Virginia Department of Highways Office in Richmond, Virginia.. THEREFORE, be it resolved that this Board concurs in the Virginia Department of Highway's plans as they affect Secondary Rt. 77S in accordance with details shown on Sheets 11 &. 12 of the plans for interstate Project 0081-080-101, G 301 (PE-101). The foregoing was adopted on motion of Super- visor 1lTal~er x. Lipes, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. NAYS: None. o 'fHEREAS, The Roanoke Valley Development Corporation has made applica- tion to this Board of Supervisors for improvements to be made to the access road to their Shell Building, this road being a part of State Route 709; and 'WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Fund; NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cos~, data on right-of-way needs, and other informa~ion to the Highway Commission on ~he cons~ruction of an extension ~o the existing Indus~rial Access Road, designated as Rt. 709 for construction with the recom- mendation that it be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. I On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the following recorded vote: 91 5"0/,.;.... r-6~ :._A~ itf.~ ~,~,~ ;'/~.2'i> /." &14. ~ ;j~"'1 .j-~ ~~ :.J-G 1?(~--4J ~~~, r/~~ 4,~,# //1I-p4y 93 a A letter dated , from James C. Hensley, Jr. to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, regarding the hazardous conditions on the Bradshaw Road, was this day laid before the Board, and on motion of Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Frank R. Angell, said letter is referred to the State Highway Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None a A report to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on the Operational and Fiscal Summary for Roanoke County, covering fiscal year 1963, by Mr. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Department,was this day laid before the Board . ' Said report is received and ordered filed. Mr. Stan Landford and Mr. J. R. Rowland, representing the residents of Clearwater Ave., Summerdean Gardens, Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and complained of conditions of said road, and Jll8.de the request that said road be taken lhu,:the Secondary System of the State Highway Department. This matter is hereby referred to Mr. Edw. H. Richardson, COllllDOnwealthts Attorney, and Mr. Paul Matthews, County Executive Officer. o IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ROANOKE RIVER OWNED BY LEE R. REESE. a This day came E. W. Chelf, Attorney for the Petitioner in in the above styled matter, on the hearing for said request for re-zoning County and the recommendation of ehe Roanoke/Planning Commission; Whereupon 011 motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded matter be continued by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that this/~'tl:--eonctI!'S-.!..fH;be ,until the February meeting of this Board. ~~~_ .:tb&-J'~-Co>rmd ~,,~~ ~_Jl.oanoke-~.,-.and-.t.bat;...t.he ~-of- .&ei4- -pe'li!.<<~ ,"-.foOl'- ~-ng- -of- -66:i4- .pr.opert;.y-.be-.deni.ed-. ~-con&i~~-of-"ofIK)Q~.c,..&a""'.ClbeU.....~ 1'<<'"~~-pet-i~.,_J:<<,"1J:"~of)!'I!l;i.ilt-pM'tlli-tr--oo-~..-!'eEit&m"-ent ~~~1'!'Ope!'t.T- he!-ei-n-,. 05:S- -eofltA:f~ ~~- ~ ~-el'- o!Il6etA.il@-oOt'--t.bio/il Bo... d ':1:11'""61:.. "'". f. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. 9 Nays: None This day appeared Edgar F. Jamison on behalf of a group of citizens on State Route 681 (Colonial AVenue) and presented a petition signed by the residents, requesting the State Highway Department to widen Colonial Avenue, East of Ogden Road to Starkey Road seconded by On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and/Supervisor A, C. Harris, this matter is hereby referred to Mr. Paul B. Matthews, County Execu- tive Officer and Mr. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Highway Depart- manto Adopted by the following recorded vote: Aye.: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. I Nays: None At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, duly held on January 20, 1964, the following resolution was adopted. I On motion duly made and seconded, it is ordered that until further notice the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County will be held in the Roanoke County Court Room (Room 300) on the third floor of the Roanoke County Courthouse. It is fUrther ordered that thi~ notice'se published for two successive weeks in the Times Register, a newspaper having general circula- tion in the County of Roanoke, and that a copy of this notice be posted at the front door of the Court House and at the old meeting room of said BClard VRoom 107) on the first floor of said Court House. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and seconded by Super- visor Frank R. Angell, same was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. I Nays: None This day appeared J. Luck Richardson" Commissioner of Revenue of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, requesting that he be allowed to use Room 107 on the first floor of the Courthouse. Upon consideration whereof, on motion duly made by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is hereby ordered that the Chairman of this Board appoint a Committee to study the space needs of the Commissioner of Revenue and Treasurer, and report to this Board. The Chairman hereby appoints Supervisor Walter M. Lipes and Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, as a committee for the purpose as set forth herein. I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C. D. CHAPMAN, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke Count'y, o u ~ a ~ Deer Branch Drive - from Route 849 to 0.12 mile south- east to dead.end. 0.12 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ) ) VS. ) ) THE PUBLIC AIm THE STATE HIGHWAY ) CO*ISSION OF VIRGINIA. ) ORDER This IIlatter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Meadowcrest Street from OrlandDAvenue (Route 1959) to Vista Avenue - 0.16 Mi., to be accepted and IIlade a part of the Secondary SysteDl of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easem,ents and a 50 ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain IIlap known as Oakland Estates, which IIlap is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 58, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and that by reason of the recordation of said IIlap no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abut1;ing property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drain- age. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Meadowcrest Street from Orlando Avenue (Route 1859) to Vista Avenue - 0.16 Mi., and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby estab- lished as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of High- ways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. II n BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ) ) VS. ) )) THE PUBLIC AND THE STATE HIGHWAY ) COMMISSION OF VIRGINIA. } ORDER This IIlatter came on: this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Cooper Street from Orlando Avenue (Route 1859) to Vista Avenue - 0.17 mile, to be accepted and IIlade a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easemt!nts and a 50. ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain IIlaP known as Oakland Estates, which IIlaP is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 58 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, 97 ....._--,_.,~.- "/ ..<,( f . db.~ 4- ~.tW- Jl;:.6. di/A,. .~~ J/~Y 98 / ~ tJ,R$ e.f.~ . ,f f~~1J'lt, t.iP. f~ .1)//. 1~~1 ;:'!l~~ //:Hftt and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT ORDERED that said road known as Cooper Street from Orlando Avenue (Route 1859) to Vista Avenue - 0.17 mile, and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. I I On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent ,be authorized to purchase one tape recordec at a cost of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for use in the Sheriff's Office of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisore Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Ket"fer and A. C. Harris. I Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County hereby concurs in a reso- lution adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Franklin County, Virginia, on January 13, 1964, requesting an access road onto the Blue Ridge Parkway at Virginia Primary Route 116 south of Roanoke. low, therefore, be it resolved that a copy of this resolution be sent to Conrad L. Wirth, Director, National Park Service, Senator Harry F. EyEd, Senator A. Willis Robertson, Congressman 'WIn. M. Tuck, Congressman Richard H. Poff, State Senator James C. Turk; 'Delegate Nathan B. Hutcherson, Jr., Roanoke Chamber of Commerce and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. I I Nays: None. There was this day laid before the Board, and read by the Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, a note from Miss Nancy C. Logan, Clerk of this Board, and same is received and ordered filed. ___.' ___'~V _,_..,..-.-- ._.,._....._,-~ 99 __u_ .. __ It being brought to the attention of this Board that the Life Saving: and First Aid Squad is not covered adequately by liability insurance, on recom- mendation and motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Superrisor Walter M. Lipes, it is hereby ordered that the County Executive Officer investi- gate the possibility of the County carrying insurance on the Life Saving and First Aid Squad. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. o IN RE: RESOLUTION FOR PROPOSED LEGISLATION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. +-~ ?/;~"...., ~..c,,,, ~f61 o The Board of Supervisors, at their regular meeting held January 20, 1964, agreed that the following legislation is needed for more efficient operation of the County government: 1. Authority to control private water systems (not incorporated as public service corporation) to insure continuous operation. Also, the authorit to review the rates. The necessary amendments might possibly be made in Arti- cle 7, Title 15.1 to be effective July 1, 1904. 2. Automobile graveyardS. Amend Title 33-279.3 to allow counties to define automobile graveyards. Should you.'findtthat;-there,:would be State-wide OPPOSition to this, then we would like it to be a local bill. As you know, under the present statutes, a person can have five junked cars before he is considered to be operating an automobile graveyard. This simply means that a person can wreck or junk four cars per day and be within the provisions of the law. 3. Amend Title 15.1-518 to define fire arms to include air- and gas- operated fire arms. The Board is of the opinion that fire arms using com- pressed air or gas are too dangerous to be used in urban areas. . 4. Amend Title 15.1-512. After the words "running at large", add the following: "in certain defined areas and upon the publiC highways.". a . 5. Vacation of l!Itreets. The reason for this is since the construc- tion of Interstate Route 81, certain streets have been terminated and can no longer be extended. It is now desirable that these dead-end streets be closed; and, in so doing, a portion of the land will revert to the adjacent property owners thereby giving a part of the original land owner's property to another owner who had not contributed any to the Opening of the ,street. What we are actually trying to say is that in the closing of any street the land should revert to the original owner or to his assignees. - 6. Allow counties to financially assist in the development of indus- trial parks and sites. At the present time no provision is made for a county to actually participate in the encouraging of industries to locate in the county. If it is found that there would be State-wide opposition to this, then we would like a local bill. ,- [j On motion made and seconded, it is hereby ordered th~t copies of this resolution be forwarded to Mr. John W. Hagen, Mr. D. Henry Almond and Mr. James C. Turk, State Capitol, Richmond, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. None. Nays: ORDERED THAT THE BOARD BE ADJOURNED UNTIL THE THIRD MONDA.Y IN FEBRUARY, 1964. !IL.:~z-:Y ;f/~v . <:- ' Ch Salem, Virginia Court House February 10, 1964 A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held this day at the Court House pursuant to the following call: "Salem, Virginia -February 10, 1964 I We, the undersigned, being all of the member.s of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby waive the notice of a Special, Meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held in the Board of Supervisors' Room (County Courtroom), in the Court House Building of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, at 2:30 P.M. on February 10, 1964, for the following purposes: 1. To ~)nsider House Bill No. 366 which is to come before Committee at the General Assembly at 2:00 P.M. on February 13, 1964; I 2. To consider any other business upon which The Board may unanimously agree. Minor R. Keffer, Chairman Catawba District Walter M. Lipes, Vice Chairman Salem District. Albert C. Harris Big Lick District Frank R. Angell Cave Spring District Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Va. n Present: Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter M. Lipes, Vice Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. 1 Upon motion made by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Super- visor A. C. Harris, it is resolved that this Board oppose House Bill #366 in its entirety, which is to come before the Committee at the General Assembly, at 2:00 P. M. February 13, 1964, and it is ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to each member of the Counties, Cities and Towns Committee of the House of Delegates, and also to Hon. John W. Hagen, Hon. D. Henry Almond, and Hon. James C. Turk. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None. I I. Upon motion made by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Super- visor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that a letter be written to Hon. D. Henry Almond, Roanoke County Delegate, asking that he propose to 'the Governor that the V. A. L. C. Committee be appointed by the Governor, to make a complete study of Sanitation and Water Authorities throughout the State of Virginia, and to report its findings at the 1966 Legislature. It is further ordered ....-'.--..".... -.--.-., 101 .. ...__...._._n __ that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Hon. John W, Hagen, Hon. D. Henry Almond, and Hon. James, C. Turk. a Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. a On motion made and duly seconded, copies of ,the audits of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, for period beginning May 20, 1955, through June 30, 1963, were ordered received and filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors f.linor R. Keffer, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None. a Copy of the following letter from Anderson & Reed, Certified Public Accountants, addressed to the Board of Directors, Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, was this day laid before the Board. n Roanoke, Virginia. February 10, 1964. Gentlemen: At your request, we have tabulated below the expenditures for compensation of Board Members for the fiscal years ended November 30, 1961, November 30, 1962, and the short period December 31, 196~ to June 30, 1963: Year Year 12-1-62 11-30-61 11-30-62 to 6-30-63 o M. C. Townsend $ 240.00 $ 240.00 $ 200.00 R. F. Childres, Jr. 240.00 240.00 180.00 Archie F. Parrish 240.00 240.00 160.00 Joe C. Thomas 240.00 240.00 160.00 Gene D. 'Whitlow 240.00 240.00 160.00 .$1,200.00 ~ 1,200.00 $ 860.00 ---------- -------------- ------------- .~ I Yours very t,ruly, ANDERSON & REED By Hayden Q. Anderson " After the readingof the above letter, motion was made by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, that the said report , 1 of salaries be received and ordered filed. ,I II r i Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter r~. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. Copy of the following letter from Anderson & Reed, Certified Public Accountants, addressed to the Board of Directors, RO<U:toke County Sanitation Authority, was this day laid before the Board. "Roanoke, Virginia .February 10, 1964 I "Gentlemen: At your request, we have tabulated below,the expenditures for leg'u. and related services for the fiscal years ended November 30, 1961, November 30, 1962, and the short period December 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963. This summary is based on our regular audit for these periods. Year 11-30-61 Year 11-30-62 12-1-62 to 6-30-63 I Paid to For Furman B. Whitescarver Furman B. 1ihitescarver Reed, Hoyt, Washburn & McCarthy- ,: Deduct: Reimbursement from realtor re: prior years costs "Legal " "Annexation" $ 600.00 3750.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 700.00 823.25 Legal 150.00 =---- (140.00) Total J4.350.00 ~1.2l0.oo jl.523.25 ----------- ----------- --------- Travel 13.08 81.28 92.67 --------- ------------- ---------- Furman B. 1fi1i.tescarver We have not audited the transactions of the Authority since June 30, 1963, but a review of the recorded cash disbursements for the period July 1, 1963 to January 31, 1964, shows seven (7) checks for $100.00 each and one for $26.40 to Furman B. 1fi1i.tescarver, total $726.40. In none of the periods under review did we find any checks to Furman B. 'Whitescarver, Jr. I Yours very truly ANDERSON & REED By Hayden Q. Anderson " After the reading of the above letter, Supervisor Walter M. Lipes laid before the Board the following information, which was not includod in the above report. Effective as of June 30, 1963, the compensation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Roanoke Sanitation Authority was raised to $50.00 per month; the compensation of the Vice Chairman was raised to $40.00 per month; and the compensation for Mr. Parrish, Mr. Thomas and Mr. 'Whitlow, the other members of the Board, was increased to $30.00 per month, as approved at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on May 20, 1963. The Board is receiving the above compensation at the present time. 'Whereupon motion was made by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, that the above letter be ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None. I I ORDERED THAT THE BoARD BE ADJOURNED UNTIL THE THIRD MONDAY IN FEBRUARY, 1964. , o I o _ _.____ .~ ,,_'~_'_-'_'';:';'''''~.J'':"!,~''';'~:;''~''~ The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respective- ly chargeable to-wit: Court HOuse Salem, Virginia Feb. 17, 1964 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Minor R. Keffer, Chairma:J, Walter M Lipes, Vice Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. M. L. Minnick, pas~or of Uollege-Lutheran Church, Salem~ Virginia, offered a prayer. regular an... The minutes of the /called meetingswere approved as spread, each mem- ber of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. ,II o a B ; I I II ~ " No. 13749 II 13750 13751 13752 13753 13754 13755 13756 13757 13758 13759 13760 13761 13762 13763 " II " " II II " " II II " II " 13764 13765 13766 13767 13768 13769 13770 13771 13772 13773 13774 II " " " .. II II " " " " 13775 13776 13777 13778 II " r: " 13779 13780 County School Board of R. C. maintenance of Co. owned vehicles $ 1,235.44 Andrew Lewis Phillips "66", repairs, parts etc. 16.75 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., batteries for Sheriff 19.83 Brambleton Gulf Service Station, parts,gas etc. 49.68 Doyles, Inc. repairs to vehicles 20.00 Harvest Motors, Inc., parts for vehicles 76.79 Bumble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline Magic City Motor Corp. parts etc. Motor P~rts Supply Co., parts for Co. vehicles 13.36 98.93 1,248. 79 Salem Auto parts,Inc. parts for Co.vehicles 314.78 Standard Parts Corp., parts for Co. vehicles 35.78 Salem Motors Co., parts for Police Car 5902 2.03 VAS-CO Auto Parts Inc., parts for truck 5305 2.48 Firestone Stores, parts for Hollins fire truck 35.92 T. R. Leslie Service Station, gas and oil for Clear- brook fire truck 41.40 Poff's Garage, rep~irs, parts, gas, oil etc. 122.58 Mount Pleasant Grocery-gas for Mt. Pleasant trk 38.70 Pure Oil Company, gas and oil for Cave Spring RS 41.82 W. B. Clements, Inc., parts for engineer's car Bemi~s Equipment Corp. parts & oil for tractor Custom Seat Cover Shop, parts for 5301 Dickerson GMC, Inc., parts for garbage truck Diesel Injection Sales Co., parts for garb. trk. M & S Machine Shop, repairs and parts garb. trks. Old Virginia Brick Co., brick for garbage dump Shockley's Tractor Service Co., repair, parts for garb. truck and rep. to barrels Summerdean Esso Station, repair, parts etc.Hollins Shackleford-Cox Truck & Mch. Co., parts VOID Shepherd's Auto Supply, parts for truck 5501 'Truck Sales, Inc., parts for garbage trucks Yates & Wells Garage, repairs and parts for trks 1.84 25.63 12.95 11.10 37.42 38.71 52.00 48.8'; 17.25 42.92 4.70 164.00 323.64 No. 13781 13782 13783 13784 13785 13786 13787 13788 13789 13790 13791 13792 13793 13794 13795 13796 13797 13798 13799 13800 13801 13802 13803 13804 13805 13806 13807 13808 13809 13810 13811 .13812 13313 13814 13815 13816 13817 13818 13819 13820 13821 13822 13823 13824 13825 13826 13827 II " " II II II II II II II II II II II II " " " " II II II II II II II II II 1l II II II II II II " " " 1l II II " II II II II American Auto Supply Co., parts for distr.at Co.gar. $ Miller Tire Service, tires for distr. at Co. gar. Goodyear Service Stores, tires pur. for distr. etc. Pune Oil Co., gas and oil for distr. at Co. gar. etc. Auto Spring & Bearing Co. oil etc. Co. g'~rage Vinton Motor Co., repairs and parts for police cars Burroughs Corporation, 1 sign. place for check writer Times-Register Co., publ. change of Super.meeting place Official Mobile Home Market Report,2 copies Jan/64 issue VOID Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., rec,ord books etc. Salem Office Supply Co., off. supl. for var. offices Acme Printers, Inc., binding 6 small books for Treas. R. L. Paxton Printing Co., office supplies Robert Dawson, postmaster, postage for Del.Tax Col.off. Roanoke County Court, warrants re; col. del. taxes etc. Roanoke County Court, " " II 1l " United States Pencil Co., office supplies-Clerk C. W. Warthen Co., record books and paper for Clk.off. Bill Sowers Co., record books for Clk. Circ. Ct. Bu=oughs Corporation, mech. s,erv. as per agreement etc. caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies etc. W. Francis Binford, Sec.y-Treas. annual dues for 1964 City of Roanoke, room and board for children etc. Charles L B~eeden, Jr., reimb. probation off.Jan.trav. Barbara Sue Cundiff, reimb. Jan. trav. e^~. Prob.Offr. R. F. Hyatt, reimb. Jan. trav. expo for Prob. Offr. Dr. John 0 Hurt, coroner case Chapman-Taney Ins. Inc., premo on surety bond etc. Richard's Auto Alignment Co., parts for police car 5905 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., coroner cases Sirchie Finger Print Lab. finer print supplies etc. Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance Jan. Salem Glass Company, glass American Chemical Co., janitor supplies co.jail & C.H. Monarch Finer Foods, food, medical supplies etc. for jail Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail American Bakeries Co., food for jail Dr. Esther C. Brown, prof. servo rend. Prisoners etc. De1u::e Laundry Co., laundry for jail C. B. Halsey Co., food for jail W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel for County jail Murrell's Finer Foods, food for jail Peacock Salem Laundry Co., laundry for jail W. T. Rierson, food for jail Sanfax Corporation, janitor supplies f,or jail Vinton Hardware Co., skillet for jail 30.00 124.26 197.37 1,574.38 152.43 " 24.26 21.00 11.40 10.00 I I 27.15 363.45 9.00 73.20 65.00 6.25 6.25 15.49 521. 04 333.50 19.75 9..98 10.00 20.00 37.47 17.57 44.03 15.00 10.00 4.95 30.00 1.39 101. 89 31. 55 62.81 72.24 27.45 32.37 18.00 I 7.'12 I I I 142.24 96.00 79.07 31..52 25.50 42.3 :J J a o ~ No. 13828 II 13829 13830 13831 13832 13833 13834 13835 13836 13837 13838 13839 13840 13841 13842 13843 13844 13845 13846 13847 13848 13849 13850 13851 13852 13853 13854 13855 13856 13857 13858 13859 13860 13861 13862 13863 13864 13865 13866 13867 13868 13869 13870 13871 13872 13873 13874 II II II II II II II II II " " II II II II " 11 II II 11 II 11 II II II II II " II II II II II II " II " II 11 II " II 1I Owen Plumbing Co., repairs to C.H. etc. Humble Oil & Refining Co., fuel for C tawba F.S. Culligan Soft Water Service, rental fee on softener etc. R. I. Agee, stone placed in front of Bent Mt. F.S. J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Jan. Rent on Cave Spring FS W. W. Garman, Jan. rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Sta. Clearbrook Lion's Club, Jan. rent on Clearbrook F.S. Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel for Hollins Fire Sta.etc Wallace O. Deyerle, J.P., warrants issued Dr. S. D. Carey, lunacy commitment etc. Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy cases Dr. Richard Gordon Faw, lunacy cases Hunt and Moore, lunacy case Dr. H. J. Minarik, lunacy cases Derwood H. Rusher, lunacy & com. proceedings Charles G. Shelor, lunacy case VOID Dooley Printing Ce., office supplies Pub. Wks Bielding L Logan, Inc., premi. on bonds etc. International Business Machine Co., rental fee etc. Malcolm Blueprint & Supply Co., maps Rockydale Quarries Corp., stone for garbage lot Madge Twine, March rent on garbage dump Franklin P. Pulley,3rd. Trus. garb. col. bills Jamed E. Peters, Tceas. reimb. postage for garb.bills Harry R. Richardson, Jr., picking up garbage etc. Edward Simmons, hauling 11 loads of back filling etc. Appalachian Power Co., ~treet lighting in county Carl L. Brightwell, elec. work etc. Builders Mart, repair material Bush Electric Co., elec. work in Engr. off. Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies Brown Hardware Co., janitor supplies etc. Salem Farm Supply Co., rock salt L. H. Sal~er Paving Co., cleaning snow from Co. parking Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., putting christmas lights etc. Charles B..llentine, motor vehicle license forms Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., street signs Fort Lewis Hardware Co., material for Fort Lewis F.S. Paul B. M tthews, reimb. trav. expo 2 trips to Richmond Fat Hooker, Photography, one photo.reprint for Judge H. Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., reimb. Prob.Offr.Jan. travel Mrs. La'Una A. Hall, extra off. asst. for Inspector Booker T. Helm, repai..,.ing and refin. desk etc. John Helm, extra janitor services Harvey Helm, extra janitor services State Board of Education, surplus goods for C.D. 105 $' 84.58 39.30 4.00 42.90 60.00 60.00 60.00 401.35 78.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 10.00 20.00 2J.OC 10.00 94.37 20.00 48.08 2.75 28.43 50.00 77.22 107.46 20.00 44.00 1,946.42 125.48 4.68 11.00 7.48 21. 52 2.50 10.00 100.00 182.65 79.94 132.98 38.00 1.25 59.78 109.07 60.00 36.19 44.27 5.30 II II II II rr " II " " II " rr rr " " rr rr rr " rr rr rr rr rr " " II No. 13875 13876 13877 13878 13879 13880 13881 13882 13883 13884 13935 13936 13937 13938 13939 13940 13941 13942 13943 13944 13945 13946 13947 13948 13949 13950 13951 13952 13953 13954 13955 13956 13957 13958 13959 13960 13961 13962 13963 13964 13965 VOID Earl Staggs, expo instructing Shelter 21anager's C. R. C. Pittman, Co-ordinator, reimb. mileage,labor etc. Easter Supply Co., 1 Judges Chair for Judge Moyer Hugh'D. Whitlow Sales & Service, fire hose for Catawba Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for distr. etc. Roanoke County R~volving Fund, reimb. petty cash fund Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-local hosp. bills Jefferson Hospital, II II II II Lewis-Gale Hospital, " II II " Betty Lou Hudson, extra help in Engineer's office L Kenneth Whitlock,:r II II II II Paul B. Matthews, reimb. expense during trip to R. Edward H. Richardson, reimb. trip to Richmond etc. Salem Office Supply Co., office supl. for var. offs. Dooley Printing Co., office supl. for Treas. & CIA Woodhaven Press, office supplies- tax notices James E. Peters, Treas. reimb. jury tickets Dictaphone Corporation, maintenance on off.mch etc. Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., blood alcohol tests E. E. Fry, Deputy Sheriff, instal. chains- police car Dr. S. D. Carey, coroner cases and lunacy cases J. C. Penny Co. Inc., wearing apparel for Sher. & Dep. West Salem Body Shop, repairs to 1964 Ford police car C & P Telephone Co., tel. servo Bent Mt. Fire Sta. Appalachian Power Co., current for Cave Spring Fire Sta. Henry L Keaton, Relief Fire Chief Hollins Fire Sta. Natural Gas Distributors, fuel for Hollins Fire Sta. Southern Oxygen Co., chemicals for Cave Spring Fire Sta. Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy cases E. W. Chelf, Attorney, lunacy cases Fairview Home, county's share of expo home at Dublin Dr. Richard Gordon Faw, lunacycases Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies and equipment Double Envelope Co., office supplies for Public Wks Addressograph-Multigraph Co., office supplies for garb. American Chemical Co., janitor supplies Town of Salem, current used at County garage Malcolm Blue Print & Supply Co., maps for roads Treasurer of Virginia, employer contrib. due etc. G. H. Parent Co., office supplies N.C.L. Clerk $ 20.00 185.22 338.20 195.93 75.00 69.95 1,052.64 116.60 584.54 7.84 56.56 13.15 30.88 4.5.24 37.00 12.30 192.99 37.00 25.00 1.00 80.JO 60.00 118.00 24.55 11. 69 167.47 8.60 5.00 20.00 20.00 17.59 30.00 427.79 57.12 19.97 24.35 1.00 11. 36 6,323.73 4.61 I I I I I II II II II II II II II II " " II " IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS ETC. The following claims against the County were this day presented and approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 13885 Mrs. G. R. Harris, fowl claim for 8 chickens etc. 8.00 I II 13886 VOID -, '.-. - o a i , ! i I I 0 ~ ~ ] I ~' rn ' ::-.. j il I I ~ ~ II I No. n n n n 13887 II 13888 13889 13890 13891 13892 13893 13894 13966 13967 13968 13969 County School Board of R. C., Jan. maintenance on dog truck 6005- Fort Lewis Hardware Co., hose for dog pound-' Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline for dog truck Radio Communications Co., January radio maintenance Sam's Inc., wearing apparel for dog warden Salem Office Supply, office supplies and record book Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food and shovel ,Bob's ~larket,dog and cat food Earl Johnson & Company, rabbits to be used for tr. dogs Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimb. trav. expo to Maryland James E. Peters, Tceas. reimb. cert. mail to Richmond $ 107 T 12.00 6.88 11. J4 15.00 29.33 7.20 37.75 23.65 48.00 37.50 1.00 20.00 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted. the following report: n n n n n II Mrs. Moyer Spigle, 1 sheep killed by dogs n Salem, Virginia February 17, 1964 To The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at the close of business February 15, 1964, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund Scholarship Grant Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. V. S.R. S. Deferred Credit Account $ 888,632.63 15,394.99 71. 93 .99,202.65 15.84 6,274.81 15,469.43 3,384.65 .04 65.16 $ 1,028,512.13 Cash: Financial Statement: In Office $ 1,000.00 157,227.89 Bank of Salem Escrow $1,536,200.00 (Bank of Va.) Farmers National Bank Escrow $2,245,000.00 (First & Merch) 201,492.44 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $852,000.00 (1st Natl Exchg.) Textbook- Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank- Paying Agt. for School Bond Debt Service Farmers National Bank (Savings) B~nk of ~alem (Savings) 524.91 15,469.43 2,797.46 550,000.00 100,000.00 $1, 028,512.13 Certificates of Deposit (School Building) Bank of Salem 750,000.00 Farmers National B~nk 1,175,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank 450,000.00 First National ExchangE Bank 100,000.00 $2,475,000.00 Respectfully submitted JAMES E. PETERS, Tceasurer II Said report is received and ordered filed. 108 ~cU. r. ~c..~. tt~. '1" I)/, '-I- c..f....:-tU.. 7i b. ~.W .,.c..'4(jJ~ ~ "'/""1 ~rkJ. .,.,&.-.Q. ~ "/).1/,- 'I- , '/ . , T' ~- -_._-_._" -.- On motion made by Supervisor Walter M Lipes, seconded by Super- visor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of Eebruary. 1964, be approved in the amount of $11,119.1'7, from which the sum of $343.12 total F. I.C. A. Taxes; '$1,148.85 total W. H. Taxes; $121.85 total State Income Taxes; and $264.72 total retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $9,240.63. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. I Nays: None. I On Motion made by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Super- visor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the pa>Toll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning January 16, 1964, ending January 31, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,856.47, from which $176.07 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $431.40 total W. H. Taxes; $35.34 total State Income taxes; $39.20 and $3.00 total Accident Insurance; total B. C. Insurance;l are to be deducted, leaving ~et payroll of $4,171.46; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning February 1, 1964, ending February 15, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,010.95, from which $145.41 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $231.30 total W. H. T~t~i ~~2C~~ ~g~al State Income taxes; $33.00 total Accident Insurance; $39.20;/$84.12 total Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,455.33. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. I Nays: None. On motion made by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the following checks be approve retroactive to date of issuance, to-wit: I a. ~13684 in the amount of $546.81 made payable to the C & P Telephone Co. for service at various County offices. ~13685 in the amount of $44.80 made payable to the Appalachian Power Co. for current used at the Hollins Fire House. b. c. n3686 in the amount of $38.25 made payable to the C & P Telephone Co. I for service at fire departments. d. #13687 in the amount of $43.50 made payable to the Appalachian Power Co. for current used at the dog pound. e. 113741 in the amount of $21.90 made payable to the C & P Telephone Co. for services at the Dog<l warden's home. f. #13742 in the amount of $725.52 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service. g. 113744 in the amount of $228.33 made payable to the Roan~ke Gas for fuel at the County jail, home demonstration k~tchen, and Welfar~ Center, and Cave Spring Fire House. Company Health 109 I ! I h. 1113745 , I I i i. 1113746 r I i 10 , , ... --- -- -- ---- in the amount of $66.75 made payable to the C & PTelephone Company for service at the Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Houses. in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. a IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERIC The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $2,595.33, on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of January, 1964, less commission and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2,465.56 net. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: -. C. E. BOONE. Sheriff, Office and Travel e,....penses for the month of January,1964. C. E. BOONE. Sheriff, SUlIIIIl8ry of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of January, 1964; E~ARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of January 1964; LCMELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of January, 1964; MRS. FRANCES GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of January, 1964; EVELYN F. P~LL, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of January, 1964; j)....e.1>~. ~~ a IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C. D. Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day submitted a report of his monthly collections, showing collections for each month and total to date- Fiscal Year 1963-1964; OJ TAXES: Collections for month of July, 1963---------------..-----$ 3,421.03 Collections for month of August, 1963-n---------------- 2,058.13 Collections for 'month of September, 1963---------------- 1,288.18 Collections for month of October, 1963------------------ 1,401.72 Collections for month of November, 1963----------------- 1.238.65 Collections for month of December, 1963----------------- 973.17 Collections for month of January, 1964-..---------------- 1,900.73 I!I." U Total $12,281.61 GARBAGE: Collections Collections Collections for for for quarter ending Sept. 30,1963------------$ 938.25 quarter ending December 31, 1963-------- 2,097.15 month of January, 1954,------------------ 269.25 . Total $ 3,304.65 Grand Total $15.586.26 whfch report is received and ordered filed. 110 .~.~.~ .r~ I- <(:;,) .. w-r- ~~....~ ~r ra... ,P"-r ~ . '1..- "~..R..- "1/~c.<f ~v:-~ ~...~ ~ tW... r. <?~ f>. 'Yl\~ ~ e.... c. . "- c-.. >1 '>'I~-4 . . .... ,'''t f. . ~, ~' IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION Letter dated February 3, 1964 from H. E. Belcher, Chief Inspector, of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition of the National F. B. Boiler No. P-2902 recently installed at the Roanoke County Jail located at 510 South College Avenue, Salem, Virginia and advising of the necessary repairs to be made to same, was this day made before the Board and or!iered filed. I IN RE: CHANGING THE VOTING PLACE OF tlEST SALEM PRECINCT FRCH THE ROANOI<E COUNTY WEST SALEK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TO THE ELECTRIC PLANT BUILDING OF THE TOON OF SALEM, AT 736 WEST MAIN STREET. SALEM, VIRGINIA. This Board, and the Roanoke County Electoral Board, being of the opinion that it is for the best interests and convenience of the voters of Roanoke County to change the voting place of West Salem Precinct now located at the Roanoke County West Salem Elementary Scnool to the Electric Plant Build- ing of the Town of Salem, at 736 West Main Street, Salem, Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to forthwith post a certified copy of this resolution at the front door of the Court House of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, and that said Clerk deliver to the Sheriff of Roanoke County certified copies of this resolution to be posted at the Roanoke County West Salem Elementary School, and also at the Electric Plant Building of the Town of Salem, at 736 West Main Street, Salem, Virginia, and said Sheriff is ordered to make his return showing said postings to the Clerk 01 this Board; and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County is hereby instructed after said notices have been posted for thirty (30) days, in accordance with Chapter 5, Title 24 of the 1950 Code of I I , , Virginia, as amended, to file on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, a petition requesting the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to enter an order, making the changes at>ove set forth. Adopted by the following record~d vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M Lipes, A. C. Harris, F~ank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. IN RE: REZONING OF LOT 14, BLOCK 1, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF MT. VERNON HEIGHTS, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF DERWooD H. RUSHER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I RESOLUTION AND ORDER This day Derwood H. Rusher, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file his petition relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. Na~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 17th day of February, 1964, said petition be. and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to I amend ~aid County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said 111 --- .- - - . ,.~.--.__. ---. ~-.-'-'- - ---.'.- a petition, be, and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recollllIlendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT when the said Planning Commission shall report is recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, that upon the re- ceipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forth- with certified by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia.' The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Super- visor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor A.' C. Harris, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes aud Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. o a IN RE: REZONING OF 3.008 ACRES SITUATED ) SOUTH OF STATE ROUTE fl1l7 AND ) WEST OF U. S. ROUTE fill. ) of ~ ) EDEN CORPORATION ) FINAL ORDER c At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held at the Court House on February 17, 1964: WHEREAS, Eden Corporation did petition this Board and requested the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said Petition, now classified as "Residential A-l"property, be classified as "Residential A-2"property, which petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board on the 18th day of November, 1963, and by Order entered on that day was referred to th~ Pla~,ing Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and WHEREfl.S, said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting on the 2nd day of January, 1964, after hearing' evidence touching on the merits of said Petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property describe in the Petition to Reside~tial A-2 property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order, entered on the 18th day of November, 1963 as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by ~ ~10~ a.~_ .,"~ ~~f," 1: . .-r.~~ (il:.v- '-I" I) &.,. a publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of 112 Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 20th day of January, 1964, at 2:30 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 27th day of January, 1964, and on the 3rd day of February, 1964, as required by said Order of this Board, and in accord- ance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Vir- ginia, and I WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on said proposed I - amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid, and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to said recommendation of the Planning CommiSSion, and hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance, should be amended as requested in said Petition, and as recommended by said Planning Com- mission. NCM, TIiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 17th day of February, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as Residen- tial A-2 property in order that said property may be used to give more grounds for apartment buildings erected on the grounds adjoining said property. The property hereby classified as Residential A-2 is more par- ticularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a trit: Ie hickory, said Hickory marking the common corner between the land of Anita Durham Ingram and Charles H. Burton and the land of the Eden Corporation, said Hickory also being on the line of the Dillard Farm Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 2, page 106, in the Clerk's Office of the Cir- cuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia; and thence with the line of the said Dillard Farm, N. 57 deg.22' E. 114.48 ft. to an iron pin; thence with a new division line through the land of the Eden Corporation S. 61 deg. 46' E. 1099.78 ft. to an iron pin on the line of Hazel Mae Edmondson; thence with the line of the said Edmond- son S. 36 deg.20' W. 200.91 ft. to an existing iron pin, said iron pin marking the common corner to the land of the said Anita Durham Ingram and Charles H. Burton and the land of Eden Corporation; thence with the line of the said Ingram and Burton N. 46 deg. 51' W. 384.60 ft. and N. 61 deg. 46' W. 755.60 ft. to the place of BEGINNING, containing 3.008 acres. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board .forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to A. T. Loyd, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion of Super- visor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. I I I . .'.-..~'. ---. _..--. ..~.- IN RE: VACATING THAT PORTION OF ) MAP NO.4, LINDENWOOD SHOWING ) A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT ON ) THE NORTH SIDE OF A TRIANGLE ) LOT ADJOINING LOT 13, BLOCK 7, ) MAP NO.4, LINDENWOOD, ROANOKE ) COUNTY ) .Q~'!!!~ o At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on February 17, 1964. WHEREAS, Henry L. Wright and Thomas M. Darnall, proceeding under Paragraph (b) of Section 15.967.17 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, petitioned this Board to vacate a portion of a map known as Map No. 4 of Lindenwood; and WHEREAS, Public notice was advertised in accordan~e with the require- ments of the law in such cases made and provided and a public hearing was held thereon at which all parties in 'interest and citizens were given an opportunity to be heard on the question; and WHEREAS, on the 23rd day of December, 1963, a public hearing was held by the Board of Supervisors on the petition pursuant to said notice after which hearing this Board entered an order vacating a portion of said Map No.4 of Lindenwood; and WHEREAS, a question has arisen as to the sufficiency of the description of that portion of Map No. 4 of Lindenwood contained in the order of this Board of December 23, 1963; and WHEREAS, the description contained in the public notices were adequate and' the consideration of this Board was directed to the correct portion of said a a Map. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held on the 17th day of Feb- ruary, 1964, that that portion of Map No. 4 of Lindenwood which shows a public utility easement 15 feet wide which is 7 feet wide on the south side of the north line of a triangle lot adjoining Lot 13, Block 7, Map No.4 of Lindenwood and 8 feet wide on the north side of the north line of said lot be vacated. c IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to be delivered to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in order that the Clerk of said Court may make proper notation on Map No.4 of Lindenwood upon which said portion of the ~p and easement is shown. The foregoing resolution and order was adopted on the motion of Super- visor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on the re- corded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: to-wit: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. ~..'.' lJ NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF ROUTE. 601 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) .Q~Q!~ of HUMBLE OIL & REFINING COMPANY leave This day came Humble Oil & Refining Company, by Counsel, and asked to file its petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein '1;J...t.... 10 ~B ~ ~~~~ 2-/'1-11 b<+ ~~ :-1: e. . (J~<t- & ?--/?-I/ ,~ ~.ur. Th'.~ )../~ vfr.,'f Copy of pet. copy this order del to Paul B. Mat- thews, Se~. Roa. Co. Plan C9lIl.2/2l/64 ' 113 114 4 copies del to Co.Execut' Officer for del to Res. Engr. Dept. Highwa.rs 2/21/04 described. NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby re- ferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommen- dation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commis- sion shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set thesame down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vir- ginia. I I The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I AYES: Supervisors Walter M Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ~ ) ) ) ) ORDER vs. THE PUBLIC AND THE STATE HIGH- l WAY C<M1ISSION OF VIRGINIA. This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for C~est Hill Drive from Westward Lakes Drive to Lake Front Road 0.03 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a cer- tain map known as vlestward Lcke Estates, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, page 87 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Cl:est Hi.ll Drive from Westward Lakes Drive to Lake Front Road 0.03 mile, and whtch is shown on a certain sketch accompanying tllis order, be, and the same is hereby ;1 1 ----.. ~ established,as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorcEd vote: AYES: Supervisors 1~dlter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, F.ank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. o NAYS: None. o BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ) ) VS ) ) THE PUBLIC AND THE STATE HIGH-) WAY CCllMISSION OF VIRGINIA. ) ORDER c This matter ca~e on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon t~e application for Lake Front Read from Cresthill Drive to D. E. 0.05 Mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-ft. right of way for said r9ad has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Westward Lakes Estates, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 87, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Lake Front Rc;>id from Cresthill Drive-'To'D. E. 0.05 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Fr~~k R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. a " U ) ) ) ) PUBLIC AND THE STATE HIGH-) COMMISSION OF VIRGINIA. ) ORDER BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I~ ~ ! Ii i' Ii Highways. " ~ of way for said road has heretofore beEn dedicated by virtue of a certai~ map ~ known as Hestward Lal,es Estates, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3; Page 87 Ii vs This matter cane on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for 1~estward Lakes Drive from Route 643 to Cresthill Drive 0.30 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secoadary System of State It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-ft. right of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, 115 4 copies this order del to Co Ex.Officer for del to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 2/21/64 4 copies this order del to o.Ex.Officer or del to es. Engr. Dep.t. Highways 2/21/64 ~.."..-.- ,,,~.:~~~~-::!: ~. _.r..~..,...~.~. 116 Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as lvestward Lakes Drive from Route 643 to Cresthill Drive 0.30 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. Copy this IN RE: order & copy pet. del to Paul B.Matth s Sec. Roa.Co. an Com. 2/21/64 REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE ) WESTERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE ) HIGHWAY ROUTE 311 IN CATAWBA MAGIS- ) TERIAL DISTRICT. ) ORDER This day came Henry Scholz and requested leave to file his petition, requesting the rezoning of his property described therein, and briefly referred to herein as a tract containing 276.4 acres, situated in Catawba Magisterial District in Roanoke County. It, is ordered that said petition be, and the same hereby is filed. Be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roan9ke County, as requested in said petition, be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County,' Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and the County Zoning Ordinance. Be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission shall reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Boa~d, as ~~quired by the Code of Virginia, upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the County Zoning Ordinance. Be it f~rther resolved and ordered that a certified copy of this reso- lution and order be delivered forthwith by said Clerk to Paul B. }~tthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor F::ank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted, as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors F~ank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and ~alter M Lipes. NAYS: None. I I I I I 0, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by emer- gency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: BEGINNING at an iron on the'northeasterly side of Dogwood Lane at the extreme southerly corner of Lot 21, Section 2, Map of Jefferson Hills which map is of record in P.B.3, page 211, Clerk's Office, Circuit Court, Roanoke County, Virginia; thence with the northeasterly side of Dogwood Lane S. 30 deg. 41' E. 118.52 feet to an angle point; thence S. 46 deg. 26' E. 213.13 feet to a point; thence S. 20 deg. 49' W. 54.22 feet to a point; thence with a new division line through the E. F. Jamison property S. 63 deg. 01' E. 390.0 feet to an iron on the west side of N & W. Railwai property; thence with the west line of same N. 43 deg. 34 E. 177.25 feet; thence No. 42 deg. 20' E. 350.0 feet; thence N. 33 deg. 26' E. 272.39 feet; thence N. 22 deg. 28' E. 225.0 feet; thence N. 15 deg. 35' E. 506.95 feet to an iron; thence with the line of the property formerly owned by R. R. Wilson ( D.B. 118, . page 165) N. 61 deg. 45' W. 208.0 feet to a point; '~~~~ *~thence N. 23 deg. 49' w. 121.43 feet to a point; thence N. 69 deg. 45' E. 30.0 feet to a point; thence N 82 deg.10' E. 201.5 feet; thence S. 54 deg. 30' E. 72.0 feet to an iron on the west side of N. & W. Railway property; thence with the same aL. 16 deg. 01' E. 219.6 feet to a point; thence N. 16 deg. 10' E.137.7 feet to an iron; thence with the line of the Roanoke Tech- nical Institute property N. 46 deg. 36' W. 466.24 feet to an iron; thence with the easterly side of Dogwood Lane S. 21 deg. 15' W. 191.6 feet to a point; thence wLth the arc of a circle to the left whose radius is 142.61 feet, an arc distance of 57.87 feet; thence still with Dogwood Lane S. 2 deg. 00' E. 309.05 feet to a point; thence crossing Dogwood Lane and with a new line through the E. F. Jamison property S. 81 deg. 05' W. 273.47 feet to an iron; thence N. 16 deg. 42' W. 107.9 feet to an iron; thence N. 49 deg. 40' E. 77.04 feet to an old iron; thence with the line of A. Alma Hutts property N. 9 deg. 15' W. 166.62 feet to an iron; thence with the easterly line of Section 2, Map of Jefferson Hills subdivision S. 45 deg. 43' W. 144.0 feet; thence N. 23 deg. 03' W. 131.31 feet; thence S. 72 deg. 00' W. 321.25 feet; thence S. 2 deg. 31' W. 570.03 feet; thence S. 5 deg. 39' W. 127.24 feet; thence S. 13 deg. 37' W. 612 feet; thence S. 59 deg. 19' W. 124.48 feet to the place of BEGINNING; and, containing 37.00 acres and as shown on map made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E. dated Januarv 11, 1964 and attached hereto and to which map reference is had; and that said areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extension. a o a (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such points as are approved by the City's Director of Public Works, or the City Engineer, and that requisite measuring meters be installed at such points of delivery by the County if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph "c" hereof. (C) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke that in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any and all of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City asslJl!ling the obligation of sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexation Court, or the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systems constructed, or hereafter constrtcted, in said areas hereinabove identified, with funds supplied by developers, or institutions, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to the Authority, e or with contracts providing for reimbursement from connection fees, in whole 117 t-~,;"Lt: ~p.J r'" '*-, ')k..)p <n1~ r.- C14 cP.uL ~.'r1" ~r ~~r. ~Q.~ 'J-/'Ylf (, <i- -.,-.'. or in part, and not built by the Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, will become the property of the City without any payment to said Authority therefor, but subject to the rights of such developers and institutions to reimbursement in whole or in part, as pro- vided for in their respective contracts with the said Authority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove identified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove re- quested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and provisions of the aforesaid contract of September 28, 1954. An energency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. I, I Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors ~alter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. NAYS: None. The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. I Letter dated February 8, 1964 addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from B. M. Hawes, Secretary of Roanoke County Volunteer Fire Department #3 (Cave Spring District) on requesting that a fire plug be in- stalled at all schools located in said district. Letter dated January 30, 1964 addressed to N. C. Logan, Clerk of County Board of Supervisors from William M. Tuck, acknowledging copy of reso- lution adopted by this Board in reference to au access road to the Blue Ridge Parkway in the vicinity of Roanoke, Virginia. Letter dated January 31, 196# addressed to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from James C. Turk, acknowledging copy of resolution adopted by this Board requesting an access road onto the Blue Ridge Parkway at Virginia Primary Route 116, South of Roanoke. Letter dated January 30, 1964 addressed to James F. Tobey, Deputy Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, enclosing a copy of letter of Merel S. Sager, Acting Assistant Director, U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, from A. l~illis Robertson acknowledging copy of resolution of this Board requesting access road cnto the Blue Ridge Parkway at Virginia Route 116, South of Roanoke, I Letter dated February 8, 1964 from Charles E. Keeney addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in re Roanoke County Samitation Authority. I Copy of letter dated January 27, 1964 addressed to Honorable John Hagen, House of Delegates, from the Roanoke County Civil War Commission re- questing his influence in getting a bill passed to get a state historical marker which depicted the Battle of Hanging Rock, whibh took place June 22, 1864. "'I ~ "1 "~l .; i..,':j M '.1 U , i , I J J o / a f INRE, ) ) ~ ) ) RADFORD ) ,REZONING OF PROPERTY DESIGNATED . ON PRELIMINARY PLAN OF SECTION 1 OF MAYEWOOD FINAL ORDER OF B. L. RADFORD AND ETHEL M. I held at the Courthouse on February 17, 1964. WHEREAS, B. L.~adford and Ethel M Radford petitioned At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described i,n said Petition be rezoned and reclassified as residential R-2 property which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 18th day of November, 1963, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia;and WHEREAS, the planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 2nd day of January, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordi- nance (1960) be amended as requested in said Petition; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order entered on the 18th day of November, 1963, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Co~.ission forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the C1etk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 17th clay of February, 1964, at ~:30 P.M. as the date I and time for a public hearing on t~e aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke I County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by publications as required by " the Order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and ~~S, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence ~ touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance ~ (1960) being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended I I II iI Ii II il II " !I ii !! as requested in said Petition and as recommended by said Planning Comnission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDER that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on February 17, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as Residential R-2 property, The property classified as Residential R-2 property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: property sho~~ on the Preliminary Plan of Section 1 of Mayewood, made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., October 22, 1963, filed with the II Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on November 18, 1963. I, " 119 . Copy del to Paul B.Matth 6,~;iRoa.Co. Plan Com &: copy mailed to T.L.Plunkett. Jr. ,Atty Roanoke, Va. 2/21/64 120 ~r. 3ft \ 1".'" \ ,\, ~ v.i \;;j) ":-;.. ... .,\.~ ~u 1'i L. c. t~tt;. J. j,. J ) l. If , \ ~ \...L-,..,ol.J \./ ' --' ...--- IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr Attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by SuperYisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. I NAYS: None. I On the motion of Supervisor, Walter M. Lipes, and seconded by Super- visor, A. C. Harris, it is ordered that notice of intention of this Board to propose for adoption at the April 1964 meeting of this Board to be held April 20, 1964, a rabies ordinance requiring that all dogs in Roanoke County over the age of six (6) months be vaccinated with rabies vaccine and make provision for clinics to vaccinate said dogs and fixing fees to be charged for said ser- vice. And provide penalties for failure to comply with said ordinance. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two successive weeks, beginning April 2, 1964, in the Times- Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County the notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the above ordinance. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Dr. C. P. Pope, Director Roanoke County Welfare and Health Center, and Mrs. P. T. Goad, representing the Roanoke Kennel Club, appeared bffore the Board in favor of the above resolution. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that Dr. Harry J. Minarik be employed as jail physician of Roanoke County at a salary of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) per month, effective March 1, 1964. And the Clerk of this Board, is directed to send a note to the family of Dr. Russell B. Smiley, Sr., expressing the appreciation of this Board, for his long and faithful service to Roanoke County as jail physician. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. A..gell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. 1 1 Nays: None. Copy of the 56th Annual Report of the Highway Commission to the Governor of Virginia for period July 1, 1962 to June 30, 1963, received and ordered filed. --- ._---- -'--~ .'"-~ --" IN RE: ACCOUNT OF MRS. MOYER SPIGGLE. o On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a voucher check for Twenty Dollars ($20.00) payable out of the district fund be issued to Mrs. Moyer Spiggle for one (1) sheep killed by dogs. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. " ..I On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Treasurer of Roanoke County be authorized to prepare his financial statement on a calendar-~nth basis. Adopted by the following ~ecorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. D I ~ visor A. C. Harris, communication dated February 14, 1964, addressed to Board of I' , t On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Ange1.l, and seconded by Super- Supervisors of Roanoke County from James A. Beavers, Executive Secretary of Roanoke County Sanitation Authority advising the Board as to the status of present Authority construction projects was received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. o On motion of Supervisor Walter M, Lipes, and seconded by Super- visor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority be authorized to use one of the 1960 police cars formerly in the use of the Sheriff of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. o WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton, Virginia, instituted an annexation suit against the County of Roanoke for the annexing of certain territory ad- jacent to the Town of Vinton, Virginia; and WHEREAS the said suit has been successfully concluded and effective 121 ~ eLl. 'fj ~c" ~ 1" c.,~ ~ ~/vJ/' (j. ~Mll ~c. ~ r/"'1!6<f ~cL.1- r r3. .~ ,(p~ .,. to ~P-- e. $a- ~~ ~/""Ib<f- c...f.4~ "I)h $.C, ~,~ , $\o::G- ~ r.G~G!-q, ~IS.- yo... ?-j,..I) I. oJ.. 122 'p~ur. ~c.~ G1\tft <t c.. ~* ~~r. ~~~' ~ ~. c..'i,.~ . ,-/,-.,r:; as of December 31, 1963, the Town of Vinton by decree of said Annexation Court was given 2.10 square miles; and WHEREAS a house to house canvass has been made in the annexed area and it has been definitely determined that 1499 residents reside in the annexed area; and, I WHEREAS it is necessary to certify to the Office of the Comptroller of the State of Virginia the number of additional citizens embraced within the corporate limits of the Town of Vinton, Virginia; NOW, THEREOFRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it has been definitely deter- mined that 1499 persons resided in the area annexed by the Town of Vinton as of December 31, 1963, and that said county is true and correct in every re- spect; and I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be mailed to Mr. Sidney C. Day, Jr., Comptroller for the State of Virginia, P O. Box 6-N, Richmond, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Copy of resolution of the Council of the Town of Vinton of February 18, 1964, in re: territory and number of citizens annexed to said town as of December 31, 1963, received and ordered filed. I IN RE: APPROPRIATION TO THE BURRELL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Letter dated January 23, 1964, from Henry J. Whyte, Administrator of The Burrell Memorial Hospital, addressed to Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, requesting the Board to appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to said hospital, for the purposes outlined in said letter, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of SUpervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M Lipes, it is ordered that this Board appro- priate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to The Burrell Memorial Hos- pital, as requested, payable out of any County funds available. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the Electoral Board of Roanoke County be authorized to make a study of the different precincts in Roanoke County, and make recommendations as to the consolidation of said precincts where deemed o ',- J o a rill U 123 - ...~.-----~._.. necessary; and that the County Executive Officer make recommendations as to the employment of a permanent Registrar for said County; said recommendations to be made to this Board at the March Meeting, 1964, of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. c. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that this Board go on record approving the bill of Delegate D. Henry Almond; and that: an amendment be made to said bill, if the Sewer Authority does not already have, the power to invest funds on hand, on short term interest rates, that said additional powers be given them; and further that the members of the Roanoke County Sanitary Authority be bonded. declared lost. There being no second, said motion is C. C. Crockett appeared before in re: Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. IN llli: PETITION OF P.T.A. OAK GROVE SCHOOL: L. M. Pick, resident of Oak Grove Section, Roanoke County, on behalf of P. T. A. of Oak Grove School, this day appeared before the Bo~=c, and submitted a written request strongly recommending that steps be taken to bring the salaries of Roanoke County teachers up closer to the National stan- dards . Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said communi- cation be received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. I I I , Mrs. Marge Glover and Mrs. L M. Pick, members of the PTA Board of said Oak Grove School, were present at the meeting. A communication dated January 24, 1964, from the Honorable John w. Hagen, Delegate, Roanoke, Botetourt and Craig Counties, ~garding his stand against the County Sewer Authority, in General, and its Bond Issue in Particu- lar, was this day reccived by the Board and ordered filed. I I I ~ !I I! 'I I. i il ii , " ,. " Ii ~ " I A cOlmlunication signed by Mike Moore and Rob Roy McGregor, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, in reference to the poor condition of Bradshaw Road, north of Salem, off 311 Highway, and re- questing that measures be taken to improve said situation, stating that it is highly dangerous to personal safety, was this day laid before the Board; I 124 Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request be referre to the State Highway Department for its consideration. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that it is the sense of this Board that any occupant of the Court:House Building, either in an elected or appointed capacity, using office space in said build- ing, from which a private law practice is conducted, be required to vacate same as promptly as possible thereby giving place to much needed space in the Court House Building; thereupon, the Chairman of the Board, requested the Commonwealth's Attorney to give a legal opinion as to what officers should be supplied with offices in the Court House Building; whereupon the Common- wealth's Attorney, after looking up the law, read to the Board Section 15-689, Code of Virginia, as amended to date, as follows: "Providing offices for various officers, judges etc-- The Board of Supervisors of each County or the council of each City shall, if there be offices in the Courthouses of the respective counties and cities available for'such purposes, provide offices for the treasurer, Cowmonwealth's Attorney, Sheriff, Commissioner of the,Revenue, Commissioner of Accounts and'division superintendent of schools for such county or city. And The Board of Supervisors of any county or the council of any city, may, if there be offices in their respective courthouses available for such purposes, provide offices for the judge of any court sitting in the county or city, and any judge of the Supreme Court of Appeals lIDO may reside in the county or city, and if such offices are not available in the courthouse, they may be' provided by the Board of Supervisors or council, if they deem it proper, elsewhere than in the courthouse of the county or city." Whereupon, there being no second to said motion, the same is de- clared lost. .' Mrs. Kay Greene of 3922 Chesterton Street, S. W., Roanoke, appeared before the Board in support of Supervisor Frank R. Angell's motion. ~i. ~....~ ~ !1~'l'<J. IN RE: RE-ZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ROANOKE RIVER O~mED BY LEE R. REESE: This day came again E. W. Chelf, Attorney for petitioner in the above styled matter, pursuant to continuance from the Janu~ry Meeting, .1964, of this Board; Whereupon, on motion of Supervisor Walter ~1. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that this Board concUrs in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and said request is denied. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Walter M. Minor R. Keffer. None. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Ordered that the Board be adjourned until 'hi: - I I I I' I n "__ 125 Court House Salem, Virginia March 16, 1964 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present; Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter M. Lipes, V:ce Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. Frederick Griffith, Rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes fur- nished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable to-wit: o o a . '0 " fl... U I " II " ~ " ~ " II " ,I ii " " II" II " ~ I' ~ " " No. 14093 14094 14095 14096 14097 14098 14099 14100 14101 14102 14103 14104 14105 1/+106 14107 14108 14109 14110 14111 14112 14113 14114 14115 14116 14117 14118 14119 14120 14121 14122 14123 14124 " " " II II II " " II " " II II " " " " " Roanoke County School Board, Feb. maintenance Co. Salem Motors, Ine, parts for 5901 Andrew Lewis Phillips "66", repair, parts etc. VOID Beach Service Cen: er, repair, parts, wash jobs etc. Custom Seat Cover Shop, seat covers for 2 police cars Harvest Motors, Inc., parts for county vehicles Salem ~uto Parts, Inc., parts etc. Summerdean Esso Station, repair, parts etc. Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance etc. Vinton Motor Co., repair, parts, oil etc. Williams Auto Alignment Co., repairs 6206 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., repairs to 6102 Beach Bros. Motors, Inc., parts Sale, Fire truck Gibson Radiator Shop, repairs Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline purchased etc. Magic Ccty Motor Corp., parts Motor Parts Supply Co., parts for Co. vehicles etc. Pure Oil Company, gasoline & oil C.S.Rescue Squad Salem Oil Co., fuel oil for Ft. Lewis Fire Sta. etc. Salem Glass Co., glass for Salem Fire Truck Shepherds Auto S~oply Co., chemicals and parts Oren Roanoke Corpor~tion, parts 'Salem Fire truck Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., inv. 1047,1052 Auto Parts, Inc., parta Bemiss. Equipment Co., parts for tractor VOID Doyle's Inc., parts for garbage truck Dickerson GMC Inc., parts for garbage truck 5305 Diesel Injection Sales &8ervice, parts for tractor Goodwin-Chevrolet Co., repair and parts for Co. vehie. M & S Machine Shop, repair and parts garbage trucks vehicles- $ 867.40 4.46 12.00 .' 10.65 25.90 29.28 100.96 9.50 2;273.50 52.10 6.00 1.00 2.22 18.00 21. 74 16.48 ,611.04 48.93 250.06 5.59 65.28 63.00 81.39 42.15 13.00 9.50 5.70 9.12 9.04 56.00 126 No. " " n n " " " " " n " n n n " n " n n " n n n n " n n " n n " n " " " " " n " " n " " " 14125 14126 14127 14128 14129 14130 14131 14132 14133 14134 14135 14136 14137 14138 14139 14140 14141 14142 14143 14144 14145 14146 14147 14148 14149 14150 14151 14152 14153 14154 14155 14156 14157 14158 14159 14160 14161 14162 14163 14164 14165 14166 14167 14168 14169 14170 " Miller Tire Service, tires Shackleford-Cox Truck Co., parts for 5610 Truck Sales, Inc., repair and parts 5304 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., oil and grease for stock Howell's Auto Parts, Inc., parts for 5803 Pure Oil Company, gas and oil for distribution etc. Standard Parts Corporation, parts for spare car American Auto Supply Co., batteries for distrib. Eugene Ma1herbe, stationert for Board of Sup. W. B. Clements, Inc. stock Goodyear Service Stores, tubes for stock Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies etc. Burroughs Corporation, office supplies etc. National Market Reports, Inc., 12 assess. books-C of R. Underwood Corporation, maintenance on office eqpt. Acme Printers, Inc., office supp1ies- Treas. Robert Dawson, P. M., postage for Treas. Littlejohn Printing Co., office sup. for Treas. etc. Pitney-Bowes, Inc., office supl. etc. Nancy C. Logan, Clerk, recording 15902 tracts etc. Robert Dawson, P. M , postage for Del. Tax.Co1.off. Dooley Printing ~o., office supplies etc. International Buainess Mch. Co., ribbons & rental fee Underwood Corporation, maintenance on off. mch. C. W. Warthen co., receipt books for Clerk Xerox COrf~ration, parts for Photostatic MCh. Caldwell-Sites Co., office sup. var. off. Curtis G. Dobbins, coverage trans. iEBm for Judge H. VOID Gentry Studio, framing for Judge Hoback Thomas A. Edison Indusctie~,l battery for off. mch. Robert Dawson, P. M. post~e for Juvenile Ct.off. Marvin C Hendrick, Jr., reimb. Feb. trav. expo Charles L Breeden, Jr., reim. Feb. trav. expo Barbara S. Cundiff, reimb. Feb. trav. expo R. F. Hyatt, reimb. Feb. trav. expo City T~easurer-City of Roanoke, room & board for chi1. Chapman-Taney Ins. Co., premo on bond for spec.Po1.0ff. Carl R. Brightwell, electrical work Brown Hardware Co., hardware etc., VOID VOID Dr. S. D. Carey, jail visits & blood test Burrell Memorial Hospital, emer. room treatment etc. DeLuxe Laundry Ce., laundry for jail Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail $ 341.19 82.16 313.05 120.84 15.00 1,338.40 131.81 87.60 168.75 36.40 49.80 86.05 21.60 44.60 43.00 55.25 1,000.00 26.50 1.60 150.20 40.00 99.81 64.00 43.00 61.45 30.10 164.70 3.08 I 1 1 5.50 2.60 45.00 30.74 39.52 17.92 34.72 130.00 10.00 99.14 7.46 I I 17.00 5.70 35.76 29.25 ---..---" No. 14171 14172 14173 14174 14175 14176 14177 14178 14179 14180 14181 14182 14183 14184 14185 14186 14187 14188 14189 14190 14191 14192 14193 14194 14195 14196 14197 14198 14199 II TI I II " o " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " a " " " " " TI " " 14200 " 14201 o I I Ii I , I I I I i I I Ii I 14211 14212 14213 14214 14215 14216 14217 " 14202 14203 14204 14205 14206 14207 14208 14209 " II It II II " " 14210 " I " I' .I Ii I, II i1 " " ,1 II ,I " " , " " It It It " Dr. G. Wayne Fralin, services attending prisoners Dr. Hugh Lee, dental services to prisoner W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel for county jail C. B. Ha1seyCo., food for jail Peters Creek Pharmacy Co., medical supplies Monarch Finer Foods, food etc. jail Murre 11' s Finer Foods, food for jail W. T. Rierson, food for jail Rainbo Bread Co., food for jail Dr. Russell B. Smiley, Jr., jail physician VOID S & l-1 Pharmacy, 'Iledica1 supplies for jail Wm. P. Swartz Jr. &, Co., utensils- jail C1earbrook Lion's Club, Feb. rent on C1earbrook F.H. W. W. Garman, Feb. rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Sta. VOID J. W. Grigg~ & W. H. Witt, Feb. rent on C.S.F re Sta. Airport Hardware Co., supplies for Hollins Fire Dept. Fort Lewis Lumber Co., supplies for Ft. Lewis F.Sta. City of Roanoke Water Dept., rental fee on water hydro 'Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., heating fuel for Hollins etc. H. L. Keaton, relief fire chief at Ho11i,ns station Meador Insurance Agency, premo on ins. :,:'or Vol. Firemen Owen Plumbing Co., plumbing repairs Van Wood Oil Co., fuel for C. S. Rescue Squad Bldg. Fairview Home, County's share of exp. home at Dublin Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy cases Dr. H. J. Minarik, lunacy cases Kime & Jolly, Attys., lunacy cases Dr. Richard G. Faw, lunacy cases Hunt and Moore, lunacy cases McCormick Office Supply Co., 2 pens Technical Reproduction Co., blue print supplies Times-World Corporation, publish. meeting of Zoning Bd. Gertrude Hills, refund garbage col. fee Madge Twine, April rent on garbage lot James E.Peters, Treasurer VOID Mason H. Littrea1. refund electrical permit Addressograph-Multigraph Co., cards- garbage Hamoond's lrinting & L,tho Works, office supplies Shbck1ey's Tractor Service Co., repairing garb.bar. VOID Appalachian Power Co., street lighting Mary E. Hicks, reimb. for postage-mailing absentee bal. Bartlett Tree Expert, labor cutting do,m trees etc. Certified Electric Division, traffic signal lamps C.H. ~_.- $ 16.00 8.00 64.00 149.50 5.20 109.65 103.47 27.60 52.13 150.00 5.66 5.40 60.00 60.00 60.00 9.54 5.85 1,239.03 457.00 126.51 586.50 138.72 41.48 14.14 20.00 10.00 20.00 40.00 30.00 .98 6.70 11. 00 3.00 50.00 115.40 1.00 3.60 425.41 96{"00 5.71 7.75 65.00 17.9 No. 14218 14219 14220 14221 14222 14223 14224 14225 14226 14227 14228 14229 14280 14281 14282 14283 14284 14285 14286 14287 14288 14289 14290 14291 14292 ' 14293 14294 14295 14296 14297 14298 14299 " " " II " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 111300 " 14301 14302 14303 14304 14305 14306 14307 14308 14309 14310 14311 14312 14313 14314 " " " " " " .. " " " " " .,- - Booker T. Helm, for cleaning at Health & We1.etc. Dillard Paper Co., janitor supplies etc. MCClung Lumber Co., repair material Fielding 1. Logan, Inc., premo on boiler ins." peacock-Salem Laundry, 1aundry- janitor supplies White Spot Supply Inc., janitor su~p1ies etc. Williams Supply Co., light tubes for C. H. Selig Co., Inc., supplies for Health Center Tidewater Supply Co., 2 Sirenes Acme Typewriter Co., repairs, cleaning etc., Johnston-Vest Electric Co., refund elec. permit Humble Oil & Refining Co., fuel for Catawba Fire Sta. Frank R. Angell, reimb. expo tp Richmond-RCSA- VOID Salem Office Supply Co., office supp1ie s 9.54 Woodhaven Press, 2M tax notices- Treasurer 17.50 International Business Machine Co., 1 yr. main. etc. 35.00 Roanoke County Revolving Fund- reimb.petty cash fund 15.66 James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimburse jury tickets 208.85 Shepherd's Citations, law books for Judge Hoback 30.00 Micnie Company, law books for Judge Hoback 25.50 Dr. John O. Hurt, coroner cases 30.00 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., coroner cases 135.00 J. W. Griggs, reimb. dinner meeting exp.pf R.C.F.C. 21.85 T. R. Leslie Service Station, gas and oil for C1earbrook 25.08 Appalachian Power Co., current used at Fire Sta. 34.56 C & P Telephone Co., tel. service Co. fire stations 62.30 Salem Oil Co., fuel for Ft. Lewis Fire station 111.27 Burrell Memoria1"Hospita1, hospital bills for welfare 102.05 Lewis-Gale Hospital, hospital bills for welfare 265.70 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, hospital bills for we1f. 1,530.36 Jefferson Hospital, hospital bills for welfare 1,026.08 Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy cases 20.00 Dr. S. D. Carey, lunacy cases 47.50 Caldwell Sites Co., office supplies 44.72 Dooley Printing Co., office sugp1ies etc. 1,227.75 L. Kenneth l{hitlock, extra help in Engr. office 40.48 Times-World Corporation, pub1. meeting of Zoning Bd. :9;00 Salem Paint Co., paint 3.40 H. R. Johnson Co., one window shade 2.99 Booker T. Helm, repairing and refin. desk for Moyer 25.00 Town of Salem, current used at County Garage 1.50 lime & Jolly, Attorneys, fee in Anne::. servo 775.00 Graybar Electric Co., lanterns for fire dept. 12.54 R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, reimb. trav. expo 48.40 Gallant, Incorporated, 1 new photo copy machine 339.35 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for distrib. 35.00 $ 20.00 24.50 .50 100.00 4.52 26.04 22.19 31. 98 140.14 345.10 4.50 35.91 47.45 I . I I I -_. "":',- ~---_.. --.-.- ... DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAD-IS ETC. The following claims again~t the County were this day presented and approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of funds respectively IN RE: chargeable therewith, to-wit: I 0 I No. 14230 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, servo call- medical supl. $ 53.00 I " 14231 School Board, County of Roanoke, repairs and parts etc. 57.20 I I " 14232 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., supplies for Dog Pound 2.47 I I " 14233 Humble Oil ~ Refi~ing Co., gasoline for dog truck 13.22 I " 14234 Motor Parts Supply Co., parts for dog truck 201. 81 0 " 14235 Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance etc. 15.00 " 14236 Salem Auto Parts, parts for dog truck 6.25 I " 14315 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimb. trav. expo etc. 37.50 Cl .0 . ~.. U JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted the. }o11owing ,repor,t: _ .To, The Bpll~d ()f Supervisors of Roanoke County at the close of business February 29, 1964, therewas to the credit of the following: General Revenue FUnd Dog FUnd 'Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund 'Scholarship "Grant Fund School Debt Retirement Fund S'chcioT Textbook FuIid F. I. C. A. '/.'"S. R. S. Deferred Credit Account $678,942.04 71. 93 ~Ol. 771.10 15.84 6,274.81 16,562.24 3,442.06 , .04 64.16 ~823 , 715 .11 ,I ,I II II ~ !' Financial Statement $ 1,000.00 124,568.95 Cash: In Office Bank of Salem Escrow $1,536,200.00 (Bank of Va.) II J ~ Ii il " I' ~ I II I I ,I II II I' ,I II :: , i! II il " " Ii ,- II " 11 I' ,I 11 I Farmers National Bank Escrow $2,245,000.00 (First & Merchants) Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $852,000.00 ,Textbook - Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank- Paying Agt for School Bond Debt Service Farmers National Bank (Savings) . Bank of Salem (Savings) 228,261.55 524.91 16,562.24 2,797.46 350,000.00 100.000.00 ~823 , 715 . 11 Certificates, of Deposit (School Building) Bank of Salem $ 750,000.00 Farmers National Bank 1,175,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank ~50,000.00 First National Exchange Bank 100,000.00 $2,475,000.00 Respectfully submitted JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, Roanoke County Said report is received and ordered filed. 130 T~ -r.~ .c.. ~ .31' ~~ <.l- . ute .c.~. . ..c;.~. ....'"....:~.,.".. ,'\ "" '. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of March, 1964, be approved in the amount of $11,079.17, from which the sum of $341.67 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $911.15 total W. H. taxes; $128.82 total State Income Taxes, and $264.72 total Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $9,432.81. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes,Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. I , On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning February 16, 1964, ending February 29, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,042.96, from which $146.57 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $304.10 total W. H. Taxes; $21.37 total State Income Taxes; and $39.20 total insurance Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,531.72; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning March 1, 1964, ending Marc~ 15, 1964, be approved in the amount of $3,543.55, from which $128.43 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $163.40 total W. H. Taxes; $15.29 total State Income Taxes; $39.20 total insurance Taxes; $30.00 total Accident Insurance Taxes, and $84.12 total Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,083.11. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. 1 IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERIC The Clerk this day delivered to the Bo~rd the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $1,617.76 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of February, 1964, less commissions and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,536.87 net. 1 The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of February, 1964; Sheriff, Summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of February, 1964; EUnARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of February, 1964; C. E. BOONE, LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of Fe1:iruary, 1964; \ MRS. FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month '. of February, 1964; 132 ,"' ~/ )k.-.1~ !J. y~ Pst>. (~ S-Scf (l..it~ ~ --{"!oJ 1'1 I' ~ IN RE: SECWDARY SYSTEM ADDITlOOS - ROANOKE COUN'lY: Letter dated March 2, 1964, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of High- ways, approving the following additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective March 2, 1964: 1 ADDITICIIS. LENGTH. Section 3 of new location of Route 613, from Route 615 to Station 151-90, Project 06l3-080-l03,C-56l, B-603 0.11 mi. Section 4 of new locaticlln.. of Route 613, from Station 17-130 to Station 22f06.42, Project 0613-080-103, C-50l,B-603 0.09 mi. ABANDOmfENTS: I Section 2 of old location of Route 613, from Station l7~30 to Station 22i06.42, Project 0613-080-103, C-50l, B-603 0.095 mi. Section 5 of old location of Route 613,' from Station 15+90 easterly 0.02 mile, Project 0613-080-103, C-50l, B-603 was this day received and ordered filed. 0.02 mi. Letter dated February 24, 1964, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from Richard H. Catlett, President, Children's Home Society of Virginia, requesting an appropriation toward work of said Society for the year 1964, received and said request referred to the Budget Committee. I Letter dated February 26, 1964, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Execu- tive Officer, Roanoke County, from Richard H. Catlett, President, Children's Home Society of Virginia, received and ordered filed. / IN RE: APPLICATICII NORTH LAKES WATER COMF.'\NY, INC. FOR CERTIFICATE UNDER UTILITY FACILITIES ACT: Application of North Lakes l~ater ComplUlY, Inc., for a certificate of public convenience and necessity for the establishing of a water system con- sisting of wells, the necessary pipes, conduits, mains, pumping stations and other facilities, to serve more than three connections in the County of Roanoke State of Virginia, in an area in the Northwest part of the County Northerly of Virginia State Route #117, known as the '~ller C. Garst and H. W. Craun Farm" and the farm formerly known as "Bessie l~agner Property", whi.::h said property is near the Garst-Craun Farm, and easterly of Virginia Secondary Route 1629, said system is to serve approximately three hun~ed (300) .::usto- mers, and notice instituting proceeding and setting for formal hearing &c, to be held in the Court Room of the State Corporation Commission, Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. on March 16, 1964, received and ordered filed. I I I I I I Ie m -_. o a u 133 Notice addressed to Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, that Abbott Bus Lines, Inc., has made application to the State Corporation Com- mission fqr a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a Common Carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of passengers, their baggage, mail, newspapers and express between Roanoke and Rocl<y Mount, Virginia, over U. S. Highway 220, via Boone's Mill; Restriction: Limited to one road trip daily. Conditions: Certificate not subject to lease or transfer. And application is also made to engage in transportation in interstate and foreign commerce within the limits of any intrastate authority granted under this application, stating that hearing before State Corporation Commission on said application will be held at the Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia, on April 7, 1964, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. received and ordered filed. Copy of letter dated March 10, 1964, from Arthur S. Owens, City Manager, Roanoke, Virginia, addressed to Housing and Home Finance Agency, Urban Renewal Administration, I-I'ashington, D.C. 20410, Attention Mr. Howard J.Wharton, Urban Renewal Commissioner: Re: Open Space Land Program No. Va.OS-7, received and ordered filed. Copy of letter dated February 28, 1964, addres3ed to James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, in re: February 1964 E:~ense Voucher of said Treasurer, received and ordered filed. I I JOHN BAIN, of All State Insurance Company, a corporate citizen of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested that All- State Insurance Company be given at least one hundred and eighty thousand dollars ($180,000.00) of the County's insurance, stating that his Company i, I' I !I II I, ii, i' , ! I II II !, copld not participate in any premium paid for County insurance through the insurance broker of record of Roanoke County; Upon consideration whereof, it is ordered that said requested be considered by this Board and report on said matter at a future meeting of this Board. Don Costa and J. C. Aldridge, representatives of All State Insurance Company, were present, and, recognized by the Board. Mrs. Farris, appeared before the Board in the interest of beautifying the landscape, for the Roanoke City-County Civil I-I'ar Centennial Commiss~on, commeraiing the Battle of Hanging Rock on June 21, 1964, and estab- lishing a Museum in that area of the County. No action was taken on said rl~quest. 134 sr ~~ $.c.. ~~. Q\(XJL .~ . 'II~"~ Dr, Herman L. Horn, Su?erintendent of Roanoke County Schools, this day appeared before the Board, and extended an invitation to the Board of Super- visors to make a tour of the Roanoke County Schools on Wednesday, March 18th, 1964. A schedul~ of school tours was delivered to each member of the Board. I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATED ON ROUTE 221 AT BENT MOUNTAIN IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF GEORGE A. STONE AND RUBY E. STONE FINAL ORDER I : WHEREAS George A. Stone and Ruby E. Stone petitioned this Board and re- quested that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business B-2 property which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 16th day of December, 1963, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Roanoke County Planning Collllli.ssion for recommendation in accord- ance with the provisions or the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 28th day of January, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended as requested in said petition; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order entered on the 16th day of December, 1963, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regu- lar or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the Code of ,Virginia; and 1 WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this .Board to be held on the 16th day of March, 1964, at 2:30 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Zoning Ordi- nance and advertised same by publications as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- ment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County by this Board after notice there- of was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Com- ! I 1 mission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on March 16,1964, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby, amended o so as to classify the property described in said petition as Business B-2 property The property classified as Business B-2 property is more particularly described in the petition filed with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the 16th day of December, 1963. IT IS FURTHER::m:SOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- with certify-a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and to the petitioners. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and adopted by the following recorded vote: J AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. \ NAYS: None. :' V IN RE: , I ) ) ~ ) ~ ) ~ ) FINAL ORDER REZOOING OF TWO TRACTS OF LAND LYING 00 AND BOUNDED BY ACCESS ROAD TO INTERSTATE HIGHWA,( NO. 81 AND VIRGnUA SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 619 IN SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ~D BY OSCAR EU;~ARD SAUNDERS AND ELIZABETH FRANCES SAUNDERS, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND ROBERT L. GIBSON AND DOROTHY L. GIBSOO, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AND OPTIONED TO TEXACO, INC. e At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on March 16, 1964. WHEREAS, Texaco, Inc. petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business District B-2" property, which petition was fi.led at a regular meeting of this Board on December 16, 1963, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meet- ing held on the 28th day of January, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Business District B-2" property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 16th day of December, 1963, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of II this Board, upon the receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, Ii forthwith set the same doW11 for a public hearing at the next permissible regular I or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accord ance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, j d 1 f Ii WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Boar did set the regu ar meeting 0 this il I! Board to be held on March 16, 1964, at 2:00 P.M., as the date and time for a " ~ public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinanc " !i (1960), and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke-World Ii i! News on February 25, 1964, and March 3, 1964, which paper'has general circulation !i in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, all of which as required by said order of a o 135 ,~J..)... 11 ~e. .f-. ~c.. V?feu.... (A...... .". ~~ fllJ..$"'C, flL'(" o.a;.:..::r;;;... ~RLC.$ Ru- , Y'"" I -'lIe J' 't .... _.,"'_". ""._'_,_"_...._~....,..~.__."""'......~~:'r.~___,_~ 136 / " \;' this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance (1960), and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) by this Board, afte~ notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and after hear- ing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960), being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 16th day of March, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as "Business District B-2" property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for "Business District B-2" purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance (1960). Toe property hereby classified as "Business District B-2" "roperty is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: I 1 PARCEL I. 1 BEGINNING at an iron pin\ which iron is the southwest corner of the original two acre tract as shown on the map made by C. B. Malcolm of record i~ the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 324, page 564, and on the easterly right- Of-way line of Virginia Secondary Route No. 619; being 0.3 miles north of U. S. Route No. 11; thence with the easterly right-of-way line of said Virginia Secondary Route No. 619, N. 28 deg. 16' W. 105 feet to the ACTUAL POINT OF BEGINNING, which point is an iron pin on the easterly right-of-way line of said Route No. 619;thence continuing with said easterli right-of-way line of Route No. 619, N. 28 deg. 16 W. 105 feet to an iron ~n'the intersection of the easterly line of said Route No. 619 and the southerly line of a new public roadway; thence leaving said Route No. 619 and with the southerly line of said new roadway, N. 81 deg. 21' E. 9&.35 feet to a monument on the westerly side of that certain Access Road to Interstate Highway Route No. 81; thence with the westerly side of said Access Road, S. 49 deg. 51' E. 73.25 feet to an iron,; thence continuing with said Access Road, S. 49 deg. 51' E. 58.20 feet to a monument; thence still with said Access Road, 1.47 feet to a point on line of lands of Robert L. Gibson and Dorothy L. Gibson; thence with said Gibson line, S. 81 deg. 21' W. passing an old iron at 38.9 feet, in all a total distance of 149.7 feet, to an old iron on the easterly side of said Route No. 619, the AcrJAL PLACE OF BEGINNING, and being a part of the same property which was conveyed to Oscar Edward Saunders and Elizabeth Frances Saunders, husband and wife, by Lucy E. Davis, widow, by deed dated February 22, 1955, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 523, page 148, and a portion thereof being the same property conveyed to Oscar alid Saunders and Elizabeth Frances Saunders., husband lwife, by William Henry Sweeney and Addie Estner Sweeney, his wife, by deed dated September 17, 1962, of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 700, page 586. I I PARCEL II. BEGINNING at an iron pin on the easterly side of Virginia Secondary Route No. 619 (Horner Road), said beginning point being the southwesterly outside boundary of that certain original 40.25 acre tract of C. C. Damron, said beginning point being a northwest corner in the property formerly owned by B. W. Logan; thence leaving the described beginning point along tha easterly side of Virginia a Secondary Route No. 619, N. '28 deg. 16' W. 105 feet to a point on the fine of the property of Oscar Edward Saunders and Elizabeth Frances Saunders; thetlce leaving said Route No. 619 and with the southerly line of the Saunders' property, N. 81 deg. 21' E.149.7 feet to a monument on the westerly side of that certain Access Road to Interstate Highway Route No. 81; thence with the westerly side of said Access Road, S. 52 deg. 27' E. 137.04 feet to a point; thence leaving said Access Road, S. 81 deg. 21' W. 209.3 feet to the Place of BEGINNING and being a part of the same prClperty which was conveyed to Robert L. Gibson and Dorothy L. Gibson, husband and wife, by deed dated June 1, 1956, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court oj: Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 553, page 336. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and ~~der to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Hazle- grove, Shackelford and Carr, Attorneys for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded 'by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to~wit: u AYES: A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. IN RE: . REZOOING PROPERTY ON NORTH SIDE' OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11 (LEE : HIGHWAY) WEST OF THE TOON OF SALEM', ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OF OLD. : VIRGINIA BRICK COMPANY, INCORPORATED, AND HEIRS OF HENRY R. GARDEN,DECEASED FINAL ORDER c '.0 At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vir- ginia held on the 16th day of March, 1964; WHEREAS, 0; d Virginia Brick Company, Incorpo:rated, Henry R. Garden, Jr., Grace G. Hooker, Marion G. Coey and Dorothy G. Mou,shegian petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to pro- vide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and be re- classified as "Business B_1" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on December 16, 1963, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 28th day of January, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition from "Agricultural Dis,trict A-l" to "Business Dis- trict B-1" property; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 16th day ot December, 1963, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon the receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission forthwith set the 'same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by B publication in accordanc~ with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of 137 -"~-, -. rmui ~~. <m~ ~ te-.. (; . ~ .c..... . -f; .aav $aef.(-- y- 3/Jr}''f Virginia; and .iHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting for this Board to be held on March 16, 1964, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said , County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the'Roanoke Times, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Romloke, Virginia, for two insertions on February 25, 1964 and March 3, 1964, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof duly published, as aforesaid; and 1 1 WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearin evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission; and Nay, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 16th day of March, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition as "Business B-1" property in order that said property might be IIIOre fully and completely used L, conjunction with other adjoining property to the south, owned by the same petitioners and presently zoned "Business B-1", the said property being classified as "Business B-1" is IIIOre particularly described as follows: 1 BEGINNING at a point in the South line of the 3.188 acre tract conveyed by Old Virginia Brick Company, Inc. to Middleton Gardens, Inc., recor- ded in Deed Book 729, at page 466, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, which beginning point is 250 feet North of the North line of U. S. Highway Route 11, and also South 56 deg. 09' West, 166.55 feet from the centerline of State Secondary Route 641 (sometimes referred to as the Texas Hollow Road); thence South 56 deg. 09' West, running parallel with and 250 feet North of the North line of U. S. Highway Route 11, 890.55 feet to an iron; thence with the line of the 17.987 acre tract conveyed by Henry R. Garden, Jr., et al to Middleton Gardens, Inc., recorded in Deed Book 729, at page 454, the following eight courses and distances; North 20 deg. 36' West, 49.66 feet to an iron; North 26 deg. 19' West, 160.81 feet to an iron; North 19 deg. 12' West, 178.85 feet to an iron: North 25 deg. 56' East,138.00 feet to an iron; North 66 de9. 29' East, 244.23 feet to an iron; South 88 deg. 04 East, 210.00 feet to an iron; South 58 deg.04' East, 75.00 feet to an iron and South 69 deg. 06' East, 100.00 feet to an iton, crossing the division line between the ~~o tracts acquired by Middleton Gardens, Inc. from Henry R. Garden, Jr.et al, and Old Virginia Brick Company, Inc. at 71.60 feet; thence with the .line of the 3.188 acre tract conveyed by Old Virginia Brick Companr, Inc. to Middletpn Gar- dens, Inc., South 81 deg. 04 East, 120.00 feet to an iron; thence North 71 deg. 41' East, 47.00 feet to an iron; thenc~ South 46 deg. 04' East, 101.07 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 6.298 acres, in accordance with a survey and plat of the H. R. Garden and Old Virginia Brick Company, Inc., properties (North of U. S. Highway 11), made by David Dick and Harry A. Wall, Civil Engi- eers and Surveyors, August 22, 1963, a map of which survey is attached to the petition filed with the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County. 1 I ._._........_* .~*-...'-'''-- BE IT FURTHER RESOl.VED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to Rime and Jolly, attorneys for the petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. J J NAYS: None. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: made payable to the C & P Telephone Company in the amount of $790.70 for service at various County offices. made payable to the Appalachian Power Company in the amount of $46.62 for current used at the dog pound. made payable to the Appalachian Power Company in the amount of $46.84 for current used at the Fort Lewis Fire House. made payable to the Town of, Salem in the amount of $773.35 for light and water at the Courthouse, jail, and Health and Welfare Center. a. #14068 b. #14081 c. #14082 ~, d. #14083 e. #14084 ~ f. #14085 g. #14086 h. #14087 i. #14088 j. #14089 k. #14092 1. tI14141 a 9 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company in the amount of $65.35 for service at fire houses. made nayable to the C & P Te2ephone Company in the amount of $20.50 for service at Dog Warden's home. made payable to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority in the amount of $9.00 for sewer service at Hollins Fire House. made payable to Roanoke Linen Service in the amount of $3.40 for towel service at the Courthouse. made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company in the amount of $222.55 for cooking fuel at the County jail and home demon- stration kitchen and for heating fuel at the Cave Spring Fire House and the Health and Welfare Center. made payable to Culligan Soft Water Service in the amount of $4.00 for rental of a water softener at the Hollins Fire House. made payable to the C & P Telephone Company in the amount of $39.65 for service at the Clearbrook Fire House. made payable to Robert Dawson, Postmaster, in the amount of $1,000.00 for postage for the County Treasurer. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. ~ipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. NAYS: None. , WHEREAS: A review of proposed future Federal Aid Secondary Projects in Roanoke County had indicated to this Board the need for establishing additional projects. WHEREAS: After discussion with representatives of the State Highway Department, interested citizens and this Board, it is hereby ordered that the Highway Department be requested to add the following projects to the list of Federal Aid Secondary Projects previously requested: Route 623 from NeL Rcanoke to Int. Route 115 Route 628 from Int. Route 626 to Int. Route 116 Route 622 from Int. Route 864 to 4.5 miles West :1 " II II " II i 139 -~.- ~J.,d -1-1> ~, e... ~t.p.+..t- . a... &.4-- ~fr. ~uf, ~6 1"YI~ e.. ~'co~c., ~~ 7t~~:,P1 t:)f')~~ $o..e.......-.. "(" ~ )I"J / 6..1. 140 ~t: ~~. ~.~~ ~~ q-n~ 11"' u~ "1 q l~u. liaEREAS: Other projects previously requested are to retain their present priority and these additional projects are to follow those previously requested. The present priority list of Federal Aid Secondary Projects in Roanoke County will be programmed as follows: 1. 2. Route 601, from Route 11 to Route 623 (Plantation Road) Route 681, from Int. Route 720 to Int. Route 119, reconstruction including new structure over N & WRy. Length 1. 00 Mi. Route 623 from NCL Roanoke to Int. Route 115. Route 628 from Int. Route 626 to Int. Route 116 Route 622 from Int. Route 864 to 4.5 Miles ',o/es t 3. 4. 5. On the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, ,seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes; Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and ~tlnor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF C<!1MANDER DRIVE, N. W. OF CAPTAIN"S GROVE CORPORATION ) ) ) )~ ~ .Q ~ lL~. ~ This day came Captain's Grove Corporation, by Counsel, and asked leave to file its petition relative to the rezoning of the property. therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is tereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that 'l'lhen said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, ~nd seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and ~~nor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. I I I. ~ I I o o c c (] IN RE: ) ) ) ) ) ~ ) ) :.Q~~~~ REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF DENT ROAD, I<NOWN AS VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 623 OF CENTRAL PARK CORPORATION This day came Central Park Corporation, by Counsel, and asked leave to file its petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. NOO, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation ,to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of i the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order we~e adopted on motion of Supervisor and on a recorded 'I Frank R. Angell, and seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes II ~ Ii ,I vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. , i , I ~ II I' I 11 I~ NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, be requested to approve funds in their 1964-65 Primary Construc- tion Budget in an amount sufficient to four-lane U. S. Route 11 from the west corporate limits of the Town of Salem to Glenvar. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer NAYS: None Ii ;j " II 'I (, WHEREAS the membership of the Salem Ch~~ber of Commerce, at Annual Meeting held February 13, 1964, approved and amendment to their their con- 141 - ' f:~~ \fa..-e- ~. Th~ ~r2-C ' ! ~)()U.<.. en.... " crl..t p..t,..~ ~). ~~ :3/, q 16 U. (;(-l.....,t.,..t 1; ~dk. ~, CO ~CO~,.. ~ji TO 1l'.z.,~ R... ,~.... ~~~ 1> I, <) I b ... 142 ~u-r. ~~l!J, ""~, ~.Ci..f<P~ l' 't~ ~",i,..L \t; ~ _<<-n.. t.l.~ \~ ~\ \'11',-1' ,.~ "tlI~r. tt..~~ . cL,..;.- .~-c. CcA~ ~ ~~_~"3~- ~ 4.fo..". ~'U1; .~.U- ....G. ~11it: stitution calling for the name of the Salem Chamber of Commerce to be changed, to be that of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; and WHEREAS the Salem Chamber of Commerce has changed its name to the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board take official recog- nition of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce and requests all commer- cial, industrial, and covic organizations and the citizens of Roanoke County to recognize the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce and to give their support to its programs of work and industrial development. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. 1 1 NAYS: None. WHEREAS John E. Moore, General Chairman of the Roanoke City-County Civil War Centennial Commission, this day appeared before the Board and requested an appropriation of a sum not to exceed $500.00 to be used in defraying expenses of commerating the Battle of Hanging Rock on June 21, 1964, said battle having been fought on June 21, 1864; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED that an appropriation of $500.00 be made to Mrs. Roy L. Hash, Treasurer of the Roanoke City-County Civil War Cen- tennial Commission to be used for the purpose heretofore stated. On motion of Supervi~or Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Barris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: 1 AYES: Frank R. Angell, A. C. Barris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. George Jones, a citizen of the City of Roanoke, near the property requested to be rezoned, this day presented to the Board a petition signed by sundry residents of the City, opposing the re-zoning of the A. F~ Hoback property on the North side of Hershberger Road in Roanoke County for "Business B-2", for reasons set forth ~n said petition. After a lengthy discussion of the matter, said petition was ordered filed. C. D. KOontz and William W. Traylor, also citizens of the City of Roanoke, near the property to be re-zoned, also appeared in opposition to said rezoning. I I A petition signed by Robert L. Hartman and sundry other property owners of Roanoke County, stating they had no objection to the rezoning of the A. F. Hoback property in Roanoke County for Business B-2, was received by the Board and ordered filed. o a c a flllI., ~ IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE NORTH SIDE OF HERSHBERGER ROAD ) ~ ) ) ) FINAL ORDER OF A. F. HOBACK At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on March 16, 1964. WHEREAS, A. F. Hoback petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said Petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business B-2" property and by Order entered on that date was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resplution adopted at its meeting held on the 28th day of January, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended as requested in said Petition; and WHEREAS. the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order entered on the 18th day of November, 1963, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning COLmdssion forthwith set the same down for a public heariug at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accord- ance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on March 16, 1964, at 2:30 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) and advertised the same by a notice duly published in accordance \~th the pro- visions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to I said Petition! I i I i and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as re- quested in said Petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOO, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on March 16, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as "Business B-2" property. I I II ~ ~ I The property hereby classified as "Business B-2" property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point where the property line of Ernest R. and Mary C. Conner intersects with the right of way line of Hershberger Road and running along said right of way line in a northeasterly direction a distance of approximately 220 feet to a point; thence, perpendicular to this right of way line running in a northwesterly direction at a distance of 143 {.J,,~ J..".R.. 1: ~R--G, rflU<- ~ r ~,~ }.0X; .'31, q I ~ ~ 144 cA.. ~ to ~.~~G~ ~\ \q\l.c.l- 16~~ (p~ ' , I,., 11ou- approximately 125 feet to a point;thence running parallel to said Hershberger Road right of way line in a southwesterly direction a distance of approxi- mately 220 feet to a point on the property line of Ernest R. and Mary C. Conner; thence following this property line a distance of approximately 125 feet in a southeasterly direction to the point of BEGINNING. This property being in Roanoke County, Virginia, and being known as a portion of the A. F. Hoback prop( 'ty. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning COIIIIlission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett,Jr. Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None W. T. Wickline, resident of Clearbrook Section of Roanoke County, and owner of Parkway Motel, this day appeared before the Board and and suggested that the increase taxes in the valuation of property in Roanoke County, due to the re-assessment of property this year, shpuld be used to hire and train suf- ficient police officers to investigate crime and render other services to the citizens of Roanoke County; Upon consideration whereof, it is ordered that said matter be re- ferred to the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, for investigation and report. On the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be authorized to purchase shelves for the Roanoke County Welfare Department at a cost of approximately Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor l~alter M Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be authorized to purchase two (2) 1964 D500 Cab and chassis at a net price of Five Thousand, Three Hundred Ninety Dollars and thirty cents ($5,390.30) from Beach Brothers Motors, Inc., f.o.b. Salem, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I I I. I 1 o a .0 a tJ AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. The following were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Vinton Motor Company Goodwin Chevrolet Corporation Harvest Motors, Inc. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be authorized to purchase two (2) eighteen (18) cubic yard Truxmore Parker refuse collection bodies, new and of the latest designed, painted one color, mounted on truck chassis of 102" minimum cab-to-axle dimension, including body lights and reflectors to meet State of Virginia inspection laws, complete and ready for operation, from Truck Equipment Corporation, F.O.B. Salem, Vir- ginia, at a price of eight thousand, three hundred, ninety dollars ($8,390.00). Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: Nene . Upon motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the f~llowing resolution was offered for adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires under the provisions of the Code of Virginia 1960, Cumulative Supple- ment 1962, page 348 (Section 29-184.3) that the enforcement of the dog laws be I vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden, and said Board of Supervisors, 'I II I deeming it necessary, does hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint GUY M. AYERS a Deputy Dog Warden to assist the Dog Warder. in the dog inspection activities in dog law enforcement in Roanoke County. And it is further ordered that after the appointment of said Deputy Dog Warden, by the Judge of the Circuit Court, that pursuant to said Section, the Treasurer of Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax funds to the State Treasury, and that the said County, after said appointment, shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virg~nia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. 145 ~ eU.. fj ~ ~~(p~ 311'} If. <J. ~Ll/l ):U ,t ~/ ICJj, Yo 146 ~~ ~~ct f'et..t. t?J. 'nI~ ~~c. fib.... ~ . ~r. k~. !~iL 'ti-<- ~II' J' <J. IN RE; REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OFF U. S. ROUTE NO. 11 , LOT 12, BLOCK 6, MAP OF SUNNYBROOK ORDER THIS Day came Joe Daniel Severt, by counsel, and requested leave to file a Petition relative to rezoning the property described more fully in said Petition. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of its Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the said Petition be, and the same is hereby, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the zoning as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby, delivered to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the Ordinances of said County and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this B9ard shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk, by publication in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia, and any Ordinances of the County. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of the Board, to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, on DlOtion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervis.:>r Frank R. Angell. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. 1 I ORDERED THAT THE BOARD BE ADJOURNED UNTIL THE THIRD M~Y IN APRIL,1964 I ~ (i?,~/' 1.nor ~ e , ell 1. I 10 o ,0 ..13 147 Court House Salem, Va. April 20,1964, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Minor R. Keffer, Chairman" Walter M. Lipes, Vice chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. S. M. Iglehart, Pastor of Cave Spring Methodist Church, Roanoke County, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. . The following claims against the County were this d4y presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable thereWith, to-wit: No. 14492 14493 14494 14495 14496 14497 14498 14499 14500 14501 14502 14503 14504 14505 14506 14507 14508 14509 14510 14511 14512 14513 14514 14515 14516 14517 " n n n " n n n n " n " n n n rr n n n n n n n " " " 14518 " 14519 14520 14521 19522 14523 14524 " n " " " County School Board of R. C., March maintenance Co. vehicles Auto Spring and Bearing Co., supplies for Sheriff Harvest Motors, parts for Co. vehicles Humble Oil & Refining Co., gas and oil Richards Auto Alignment, parts for police cars Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for vehicles VOID Vinton Motor Co., repair and parts for vehicles Bill's Amoco Station, p~rts, gas and oil Clearbrook T. R. Leslie Service Station, gas and oil etc. " Orem Roanoke Corporation, parts for C.S.Rescue Sq.Tr. " " Pure Oil Co., gas, oil, wash jobs C.S. Mount Pleasant Grocery Mount Pleasant Garage , repair and parts Fire Tr. Shockley's Tractor Service Co., repair and parts etc. Salem Oil Co., gas for Ft. Lewis fire truck etc. Yates & Wells Garage, repairs to garbage truck Hugh D. lfhitlow Sales ~ Service, parts for Co. trucks Texaco, Inc., gas purchased by Engineer Auto Spring & Bearing Co., material for washing cars Baker Equipment Engineering Co., parts for garbage tr. Beach Brothers, repair, parts and wash jobs Bemiss Equipment Corp., parts and oil for tractor VO'lD Custom Seat Cover Shop, repairing 2 garb. trucks Diesel Injection Sales Co., repair and parts garb.tr. Gibson Radiator Shop, repairs 5302 garbage truck Bru:in & Company, Inc. , material for cleaning trucks Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, repairs, parts etc. VOID Miller Tire Service, repairs and tires for stock M & S Machine Shop, repair and parts for vehicles Magic City Motor Corp., parts for garbage trucks $ 648.90 2.30 43.19 40.54 12.90 92.40 " 44.50 44.21 47.23 34.92 44.61 32.93 619.68 91.10 54.40 6.00 104.04 4.43 85.63 17.75 27.26 18.19 34.50 106.15 8.00 122.51 13.05 289.40 328.27 150.42 " No. 14525 14526 14527 14528 14529 14530 14531 14532 14533 14534 14535 14536 14537 14538 14539 " " " fI fI " " " " " " " fI " fI Parts Motor/Supply Co., parts Standard Parts Corporation, parts for distr. etc. Truck Sales, Inc., parts for garbage truck VAS-CO Auto Parts, Inc., parts for 5503 Garland Oil Co., oil for Hollins Fire Sta, Pure Oil Co., gas and oil for Hollins & Co.Garage W. B. Clements, Inc., American Auto Supply Co., parts for distr.Co.garage Shepherds Auto Supply Co., parts etc. Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies for var.off. Roanoke County Revolving Fund, reimb.petty cash Littlejohn Printing Co., office supplies for T~eas. Burroughs Corporation, office supplies for Treas. VOID 14540 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., rent on postage machine for Treas. Acme Printers, Inc., book binding etc. 14549 Xerox Corporation, record books for Clerk & off.sup. 14550 Dictaphone Corporation, maintenance cont.Judge Hoback 14551 Michie Company, law books and subscriptions 14452 National Council of Juvenile Court Judges,1964 dues 14553 Dr. S. D. Carey, serv.at Jail,blood test,1unacy etc. 14554 Hennis Freight Lines, Inc., frt. on office supplies 14555 Roanoke City, room & board for children at Deten.Home " 14541 14542 14543 14544 14545 14546 14547 14548 " fI " fI fI " " " " " " " " " " 14556 14557 14558 14559 II II fI fI Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Robert Dawson Postmaster, postage for Del.Tax ColOff. International Buainess Machine Co., rent on off. eqpt. American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper for Clk. C. W. Warthen Co., record books and office supplies J. P. Bell Co., office supplies for Clerk G. H. Parent Co., office supplies for clerk VOID Dictaphone Corp. office supplied for R.C.Clerk off. Gallant Incorporated, office supplies for Juvenile Ct. Martin, Hopkins & Lemon, atty. fee as guardian etc. Va. Office Machines & Equipment Co., main. on off. eqpt. Juvenile Court " 14560 VOID " 14561 R. F. Wyatt, reimb. Frob. Off. March travel expo Barbara Sue Cundiff, reimb. Prob/Off.March travel expo 14567 John O. Hurt, M. D. coroner's investigation etc. 14568 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., coroner and lunacy cases 14569 E. E. Fry, Deputy Sheriff, reimb. dif. in tfl.line 14570 Sam's Inc., wearing apparel for Sheriff's office " 14562 14563 14564 14565 14566 " " fI " " fI " " " " " Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr. Chapman-Taney Ins.Co. premo on bonds for Co.pol.cffrs. Mrs. Ralph H. Dean, repairing uniforms for Sher. Off. II II " " " $ 73.89 14.40 37.53 5.20 17.04 I 1,497187 28.22 13.63 22.04 251.43 93.08 20.50 6.00 I 42.00 39.00 415.01 65.00 50.00 95.40 162.52 2.79 35.35 1 772.29 130.00 48.00 10.00 82.50 5.86 5t..OO 2.28 66.98 20.00 I 17.25 36.33 44.10 32.55 51. 94 20.00 5.00 15.00 55.00 18.18 I 47.76 No. II II I I In I,l..,; I I , I , I I II II II " " II D II II II " " II II II " II " " o " " " " " " " " " " " II D II II " II " M U II " " j' I. II " II " " II " 14571 Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance 14572 Dr. Harry J. Minarik, jail calls & lunacy cases 14573 American Bakeries Co., food for jail 14574 Brown Hardware Co., jail supplies & janitor supl. 14575 Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail 14576 W. R. Hester Coal Co., fuel for county jail 14577 C. B. Halsey Co., food and cleaning supl. for jail 14578 Monarch Finer Foods, food, cleaning sup1. etc. " 14579 VOID 14580 Murrell's Finer Foods, food for jail 14581 peacock-Salem Laundry, laundry for jail 14582 Powell Pharmacy Co., medical supplies for jail 14583 wi T. Rierson, fodd for jail 14584 S & W Pharmacy Co., medical supplies for jail 14585 W. W. Garman, March ren~ on Mt. Pleasant fire sta. 14586 Clearbrook Lion's Club, March rent on Clearbrook F.S. 14587 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, March rent on C.S.fire sta. 14588 ,Airport Hardware Co., supplies for Hollins fire sta. 14589 City of Roanoke,Water Dept., rental fee on hydrants 14590 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel for Hollins fire sta. 14591 J. W. Griggs, reimb. dinner meetings of fire chiefs 14592 Culligan Soft Water Service, rental fee on softener 14593 Pyrofax Gas Corp., fuel for Bent Mt. Fire Sta. 14594. Natural Gas Distributors, fuel for Hollins Fire Sta. 14595 J. Aubrey Matthews, atty. fee lunacy case 14596 Dr. George E. Walker, lunacy fee 14597 Dr. James E. Patterson, lunacy case 14598 Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy case 14599 VOID 14600, Kichard A. Faw, M.D. lunacy cases 14601 Hunt and Moore, lunacy cases 14602 Derwood H. Rusher, lunacy case 14603 Charles G. Shelor, lunacy cases 14604 Fairview Home, county's share expo in home for aged 14605 Burrell Memorial Hospital, state-local welfare bills 14606 Roanoke Memorial Hospital," II " " 14607 Jefferson Hospital, """" 14608 University of Va. Hospital," II II " 14609 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 14610 McGraw-Hill Book Co., subscr. Natl. Etec. Code 14611 Times-World Corp., publishing meeting of Zoning Board 14612 R. L. Thomas, refund garbage collection fee 14613 James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimb. post. for garb. bills 14614 Madge Twine, May rent on garbage lot 14615 Wilson Trucking Corp. frt. on truck parts 14616 14617 Appalachian Power Co., current used in street 19t. Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., office supplies etc. $ 90.09 130.00' 52.05 29.43 40.50 64.00 125.37 133.13 110.38 57.70 .59 39.90 3.18 60.00 60.00 60.00 1.98 230.98 58.97 20.35 4.00 42.66 8.60 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 50.00 10.00 40.00 26.41 551. 07 1,073.28 769.56 67.34 1.50 12.79 10.00 1.50 111.96 50.00 3.10 705.01 1.56 DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS ETC. The following claims against the County were this day presented and approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 14642 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., material fo. washing dog tr. " 14643 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., parts for dog truck " 14644 County of Roanoke School Board " 14645 Farmer's Exchange Mills, doog food and rat poison No. 14618 14619 14620 14621 14622 14623 14624 14625 14626 14627 14628 14629 14630 14631 14632 14633 14634 14635 14636 14637 14638 14639 14640 14641 14658 14659 14660 14661 14662 14663 14464 14665 14666 14667 14668 14669 14670 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " , IN RE: H.L. Ronk & Sons, making partitions in J & D R.Ct.off. $ American Chemical Co., janitor supplies Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies Rodgers Clock Service, repairing clock on C.H. Salem Farm Supply Co., seed, fertilizer etc. Salem Paint Co., repair material and misc. items C.H. l~ite Spot Supply Co., janitor supplies Williams Supply Co., light tubes Booker Helm, extra labor to Welfare & Health Center Fielding L. Logan, Inc., premo on =ire ins. etc. Robert H. Layman, refund elec. permit Richard Beane, "" " VOID Gentry Studios, folder for pictures & glass prints Penitentiary Industrial Dept., Roanoke Co. auto tags Maxine Sink, extra help in Engineer's office R. C. Pittman, reimb. Co-or.Civil Defense,travel Tounger Park Building, Inc., rent for off. space C.D. James I. Moyer, Judge, 1 Verifax Copying Machine Fort Lewis Hardware Co., material for new F.S.Ft.Lewis McClung Lumber Co., lumber for Health & Welfare,bldg. Motorola Communications Co., new radios Easter Supply Co., drawing pencils for var. off. Robert Dawson, P. M. posttage for distribution to off. I Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Goodwin-Andrews Insurance Co., premo on surety bond Underwood Corporation, maintenance ontr.off. eqpt. VOID C & P Relephone Co.. tel. ser. for Cave Spring F.S. Monroe Calculating Co.. maintenance contr.off. mch; L. Kenneth Whitlock, extra help in Engr. office. Times-World Corp., publishing notice meeting Plan. Bd. Steel Service Warehouse Inc., parts for garbage truck J. P. Stevens, repairing lawn mower Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., fire hose for Clearbrook ~.S. Beach Bros. Motor Co., 2 new garbage trucks Pure Oil Co ., gas, oil etc. Cave Spring Res. Sqd. 313.55 52.24 33.39 41.50 22.65 6.51 130.18 8.35 20.00 8.42 .50. 2.00 I I 16.95 2,399.25 76.01 83.85 180.00 50.00 9.62 101.24 839.00 20.00 75.00 11. 59 35.00 17.58 I 23.90 24.00 53.67 ~3.00 153.94 6.00 362.60 5,440.30 33.93 I I 7.43 29.64 21. 40 72.00 152 ~L c.(W. it rCo.~ ~~ t/~}I.'I- ~rU trL c... Ul.J... q- ~~~~r a~ 'frr& JI.\f- '"~.~ ~~~" / On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll for the month of April, 1964, be approved in the amount of $11,062.51, from which the sum of $341.06 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $932.95 total W. H. Taxes; $128.51 total State Income Taxes, and $271.47 total Insurance, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $9,388.52. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor A, C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning March 16, 1964, ending March 31, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,382.71, from which $158.57 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $263.90 total W. H. Taxes; $29.31 total State Income Taxes; and $50.40 total Insurance Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,880.23; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning April 1, 1964, ending April 15, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,214.53, from which $152.78 total F.I.C.A. taxes; $233.90 total W. H. Taxes; $23.82 total State Income Taxes; $44.80 total Insurance Taxes; $36.00 total Accident insurance Taxes, and $84.12 total Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,639.11. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. / On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: a. #14367 in the amount of $43.98 made payable to Humble Oil and Refining Company for fuel at Catawba Fire House. b. #14368 in the amount of $44.50 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire House. c. #14369 in the amount of $600.84 made payable to the C & P Tele- phone Company for service at various county offices. d. #14371 in the amount of $91.62 made payable to Pyrofax Gas Company for fuel at Bent Mountain Fire House. I e. 114374 in the amount of $8.25 made pqyable to the Cave Spring Water Compaay for water used at the Cave Spring Fire House from January 27, 1964, through March 24, 1964. in the amount of $38.25 made payable to the C & P Tele- phone Company for service. in the amount of $783.64 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water service. in the amount of $208.71 made paYcbl~ to James E. Peters, Treasurer, to reimbuDse him for jury tickets. f. #14375 / g. #14431 / h. #14432 I i. fi14433 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for March towel service at the Courthouse. 'I...... I 1 1 1 .1 153 _ _~ ._U..._..._ j. 114434 I k. 114435 / l. 114436 0 m. 114438 / a o I . I , , I ;j a , t! in the_-Clmount of $91.25 made payable to H. L. Keaton, Relief Fire Chief at Hollins. 73 hours at $1.25 per hour. in the amount of $38.30 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at the dog pound. . in the amount of $17.15 made payable to the C '" P Tele- phone Company for service at the Dog Warden's House. in the amount of $211.71 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at the County jail, Cave Spring Fire House, Home demonstration kitchen, and at the Health and Welfare Center. n. 114439 in the amount of $66.75 made payable to the C '" P Tele- phone Company for service at the Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Houses. o. #14440 in the amount of $118.90 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, to reimburse him for jury tickets. p. #14443 in the amount of $12.42 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at the Mount Pleasant Fire House. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. ' IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, for $1,313.27 on account of , delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of March, 1964, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,247.61 net. IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED} BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C. D. Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day submitted a report of his monthly collections, showing collections for each month and total to date- Fiscal Year 1963-1964: TAXES Collections for month of July, 1963------------------$ Collections for mo~th of August, 1963---------------- Collections for month of September, 1963------------- Collections for month of October, 1963--------------- Collections for month of November, 1963-------------- Collections for ~onth of December, 1963-------------- Collections for month of January, 1964--------------- Collections for month of February, 1964-------------- Collections for month of March, 1964----------------- 3,421.03 2,058.13 1,288.18 1,401. 72 1,238.65 973.17 1,900.73 1,045.27 2,308.43 Total $15, 635.31 Garbage Collections for quarter ending September 30,1963-----$ Collections for quarter ending December 31, 1963----- Collections for month of January, 1964--------------- Collections for month of February, 1964-------------- Collections for month of March, 1964----------------- 938.25 2,097.15 269.25 193.00 291.50 Total 3,789.15 Grand Total $ 19,424.46 which report is received and ordered filed. 154 ~JJ, -Ii . c... ... .. ..Co.~ o~ .., / 7''!Jjr..<4- , I t...t7 e.A .. .-i~. ~ , !. :,/- (,'f C ~.O~t'l; /01J; ~ t....: 1- ~'.u. 1< Pll B 'Yh.ct:tt- Co'~T- ~f'}3/b<} The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of March,1964; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of March, 1964; EDWARD s. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of March, 1964 LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of March, 1964; / MRS. FRANCES H. GRAlWl, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of March,1964; EVELYN F. POWELL, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of March, 1964; 1 I, IN RE: INSPECTION OF COURTHOUSE BOILER Report dated March 19, 1964, of H. E. Belcher, Chief Inspector of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition of the National- U S F B Boiler No. P-2902, located Mach. Room, 518 South College Avenue, Salem, Virginia, advising that the recommendations contained in a previous report had had attention, and that no other conditions were observed that required consideration at this time, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION: Letter dated March 27, 1964, from W. Frank Smyth, Jr. Director Division of Corrections, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and to Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff of Roanoke County, together with report of the inspection of the Roanoke County jail, dated March 11, 1964, received and ordered filed. ' 1 IN RE: FOREST FIRE CONTROL IN ROANOKE COUNTY: Communication dated ~~ch 3, 1964, addressed to the Clerk of the Court of Roanoke County, from George W. Dean, State Forester, Virginia Division of Forestry, submitting an itemized account verffied by affidavit, repre- senting the sum charged to Roanoke County under the terms of Section 10-46 for forest fire control service from July 1, 1963 - February 28; 1964, amount- ing to Four Hundred, thirty-five dollars and sixty-six cents ($435.66), was this day J?resented to the Board, and ordered filed. Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that a voucher-check for Four Hundred, thirty-five dollars and sixty-six cents ($435.66) be issued to the State Forester of Virginia in payment of said account. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: I Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. WHEREAS the Roanoke Valley Development Corporation has made appli- cation to this Board 'of Supervisors for improvements to be made to the access road to Woods Bros. Coffee Co. Building, this road being a part of State Route 709; and 1 ~~S this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Funds; o o (j a (j / NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be re- quested to furnish estimates of cost, date on right-of-way needs, and other information to the Highway Commission on the construction of an extension to the existing Industrial Access Road, designated as Rt. 709 for construction with the recommendation that it be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. Nays: None. IN RE: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) i ORDER REZOOING OF TRACT OF LAND LYING ON THE WEST SIDE OF WILLIAMSON ROAD LOCATED 693.24 FEET SOUTH OF SECOODARY HIGHWAY 623 IN CAPTAIN'S GROVE SUBDIVISlOO IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OWNED BY ROBERT E. MUNDY AND EMMA L. MUNDY . THIS DAY Came Robert E. Mundy and Emma L. Mundy, bu Counsel, and requested leave to file their Petition relative to rezoning property described in said Petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid Petition be and the same is hereby filed. A..lID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said Petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified:.copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order ~re adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. NAYS: None. 155 ~1t.; ~q-~ p.:r- . d.,.LT.'" k~. fC t:. tj,,3}''''' 156 S-f-:. cl..l.1t;- ~~. ~ ~.~~ 't ty?> Jr.Cf ~ftr :11 cW.1I ~L ~~c. ~QA. ~ iff 'Y3 J' q.. WHEREAS the property owners on the access road which was constructed on the northeast corner of the traffic interchange of State Route 117 and Inter- state Route 581 and which joins State Route 117 opposite State Route 626 did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and ~q, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns. such names to take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Secti~n 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NCM. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the name of RECESS LANE be assigne to the access road which was constructed on the northeast corner of the traffic I 1 interchange of State Route 117 and Interstate Route 581 and which joins State Route 117 opposite St&te Route 626. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell. and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. NAYS: None. IN THE MATTER. OF REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE 00 THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 & 460 AT THE INTERSECnOO OF STATE ROUTE 112 IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY I ) ) ~ ) ) ~ TRUSTEES OF WEST SALEM BAnISH CHURCH ) ) .Q!U!~! OF This day Noryra,n R. Moore, Attorney for the West Salem Baptist Church, appeared before this Board and asked leave to file a petition on behalf of West Salem Baptist Church by its Trustees, requesting that a certain tract or parcel of land described in said petition be rezoned from B-1 zoning to B-2 zoning. I. NCM. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at this regular meeting of' the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 20th day of April, 1964, that said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. and be it further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said petition be referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for consideration and report of its recommenda- tion to the Clerk of this Board, that upon receipt of the same, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same for a report at the next permissible meeting of ttis Board, and that notice thereof be given by the Clerk through publication in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and be it further RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy of this order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B.Matthews, I Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes of the Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Frank R. Angell. o AYES: Halter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. NAYS: None. o IN RE: REZooING OF APPROXII-lATELY ) em: ACRE OF LAND SITUATED ) ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE ) HARDY FORD ROAD, OIVNED BY ) LAWRENCE W. WEAVER AND ) FRANCES E. WEAVER ) ORDER I This day came Lawrence W. Weaver and Frances E. Weaver by Counsel, and requested leave to file the petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. Now, therefore, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend The Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for ~ recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said ,Planning Commission shall report its'recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that i notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ,0 And the above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Super- visor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on a re- corded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: c AYES: A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. NAYS: None. IN RE: REZooING OF TRACT OF LAND LYING 00 THE ~'EST SIDE OF RELOCATED VIRGINIA SECONDARY HIGHI-1AY ROUTE NO. 601, SOUTH OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 81 NEAR HOLLINS IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VT..RGINIA, CJl.lNED BY HAZEL GOOmiAN IHLLIAMS AND LYNN lU..YNNTIS WILLIAMS ~ ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER THIS DAY came Hazel Goodman Williams and Lynn Glynntis Williams, by 157 p,p~~ 'f/'Y3J&cf. counsel, and requested leave to file their Petition relative to rezoning proper- ty described in said Petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the afor~said Petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the 1 Zoning Ordinance as requested in said Petition be, and the same is hereby re- ferred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke. Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Super- visor Walter M. Lipes and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit; AYES: Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell. I NAYS: None. I IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE ) WEST SIDE OF ROUTE 601 ) ) OF ) FINAL ORDER ) HUMBLE OIL & REFINING ~ CQfPANY At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vir- ginia, held at the Courthouse on April 20, 1964. WHEREAS. Humble Oil & Refining Company petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business B' , property, which petition was filed at a regu- lar meeting of this Board on the 17th day of February, 1964, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommen&~tion in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; I 1 and, WHEREAS. the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 24th day of March, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning 10 a ~ a rJ , 159 I Ordinance (1960) be amended as requested in said petition; and, 1~, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 17th day of February, 1964, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accord ance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 24th day of March, 1964, at 2:30 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by publications as required by the order of this Board and i~ accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforeaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said peti- tion and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on April 20, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as Business B-2 property. The property classified as Business B-2 property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Route 601 50 feet southerly from the intersection of the westerly line of Route 601 with the boundary line between the property of Williams and Stewart; thence with said right-of-way line, S. 18 deg. 7' 40" E. 103.4 feet to a point; thence still with Route 60l,-S. 18 deg. 45' 20" E. 99.79 feet to a point; thence still with Route 601 S. 26 deg. ,34' 30" E. 47.24 feet to a point; thence S. 68 deli' 56' 50" W. 150 feet to a point; thence N. 19 deg. 58 W. 250 feet to a point; thence N. 68 deg. 56' E. 150 feet to the Place of BEGINNING; and, BEING particularly described by deed in Deed Book 699, page 207. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the record vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, 1.alter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. 160 ~u ~8. iI\~ $~ f(... Co (Ytf4- CA.... tJ?'?>)~'l- IN RE: REZONING OF LOT 14, BLOCK 1, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF MT. VERNON HEIGHTS, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA. OF DERWOOD H. RUSHER ) ) ) ) ) ) S FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, Derwood H. Rusher did, on the 17th day of February, 1964, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real property owned by the said Derwood H. Rusher and situate in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, and being all of Lot 14, Block 1, according to the map of Mt. Vernon Heights, and now classified as "Residential R-I" to be rezoned and reclassified as "Residential R-2", in order that said property may be used for building a duplex dwelling house; and, WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did by resolution adopted at the regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors, held on the 17th day of February, 1964, refer said petition and proposal to so amend said County zoning Ordinance to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, as required by said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virginia, for a recommendation of said Planning Co:mnission in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission of said County did, by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting held on the 24th day of March, 1964, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County tl:~t said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change o~ reclassify said property from its present classification of "Residential R-I" to "Residential R-2", as required in said petition; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received a copy of the Order and Resolution adopted by said County Planning Commission recommending that said County Zoning Ordinance be so amended; and, WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its resolution adopted on the 17th day of February, 1964, as aforeaaid, order the said Clerk of said Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recom- mendation from said Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the adjourned meet- ing of this Board to be held on this the 20th day of April, 1964, at 3:00 o'clock P.M., as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amend- ment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke and of general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 6th day of April, 1964, and on the 13th day of April,1964, , as required by said order of this Board of February 17, 1964, and as required 1 1 \ I I I o by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, .~, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amend- ment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, i~REAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County 70ning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition. o NCM. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY. VIRGINIA, at this adjourned meeting of said Board held on this the 20th day of April, 1964, that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from its present classification of "Residential R-l" to "Residential R-2", in order that said property may be used for building a duplex dwelling house as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "Residential R-l" to "Residential R-2" is situate in the Cave Spring Magi!:terial District, Roanoke County. Virginia, said parcel of land being described as follows, to-wit: '! BEING all of LOT FOURTEEN (14), BLOCK OOE (1), according ~o the Map of Mt. Vernon Heights, situate in the Cave Spring Magis~erial District, Roanoke County, Virginia. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County Planning commission, and a copy to Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Super- visor A. C. Harris, and seconded ~y Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the recorded vote was as follows, to-wit: AYES: A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer. and Walter M. Lipes. NAYS: None. a / IN RE: PROPOSED ABAND~nmT OF A * CERTAIN ROAD SITUATED UPON * PROPERTY OllliED BY RICHARD * R. HAMLETT CONSTRUCTION ,~ COMPANY. INCORPORATED. * RESOLUTION c This day came Richard R. Hamlett Construction Company, Incorporated, by its counsel, and, pursuant to Petition heretofo~'e filed, re quested that all proper proceedings be had and notices given under,~ 33-76.13 through 33-76.24, Code of Virginia (1950) as amended to the end that a certain unopened road, in the petition described, be permanently closed and abandoned by the County of Roanoke. AND IT APPEARING to the Board that petitions and reasonably accurate plats have been filed as required by~ 33-76.15 of the Virginia Code (1950) as 161 I L~~ ~~~'( i ij)fo.-.,tfu:t;or- Itr:!:.t- 'f /'-3) , <t 162 W . d..l. tr / .c.W. Co. G..t. ~ r ~~ tra-.~:t ~/~ ~.ij' ~Q..,.. y- of I 'Y~/'" ~ i/"'/~cL amended, and that public notice should be given oI the Board's intent to con- sidex' the abandonment of the said road; NO/I THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, pur- suant to the provisions of sec. 33-76.15 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, notice be given of this Board's intent, upon June 15, 1964, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. while sitting in regular session, to consider the abandonment . of of that certain unopened road which appears on a plat/record in Deed Book 333 at page 84 in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia and which said unopened road is northeast of U. S. Route #220 extending appro~imately 699 feet from the Roanoke City South Corporate line on a bearing of South 44 deg. 30' West. On motion, duly seconded, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minr R. Keffer. NAYS: None. I 1 ~ On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County,adopted June 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effec- tive April 20, 1964: 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS: An additional appropria- tion of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: 1 AYES: Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. NAYS: None. The following ordinance was this day offered for adoption: AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNam AS ANT:'.:-RABIES ORDINANCE FOR THE PURPOSE OF REQUIRING THE lMMUNIZATIOt\ OF DOGS AGAINST RABIES AND ESTABLISHING THE PROCEDURE, RULES, AND REGULATIONS RELATIVE THERETO. WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke C<..unty, Virginia, has authority under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and more especially under the provisions of Section 29-195 and Section 29-196, to adopt such ordi- na~ces, regulations, or other measures as may reasonably be deemed necessary to prevent the spread, within its boundaries, of the disease of rabies and to prescribe punishment for violations of said ordinances; and WHEREAS notice of intention to adopt such regulations was published once a week for two successive weeks, namely~il 2, 1964, and April 9,1964, in the Times-Register, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Roanoke, by which all persons affected by such regul~tions were notified to appear on April 20, 1964, at 3:00 P.M. in the Roanoke County Board of Super-' visors' Meeting Room at the Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, to present their views with respect thereto; and 1 I 163 - NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: n ~ Section I: It shall be unlawful for any person, fire or corporation to own, keep, hold, or harbor any dog over the age of six months within Roanoke County unless said dog shall have been va~cinated with a modified live virus (Flury strain) rabies vaccine approved by the Virginia State Department of Health within a period of thirty-six months. Section II: Any person, firm, or corporation transporting a dog six months of age or over into Roanoke County from some other jurisdiction shall be required to conform with the above regulation \iithin thirty days after bringing said dog into said County. Section III: (a) At the time of vaccination, a certificate of inoculation setting forth the type of vaccine used shall be issued to the dog owner. A copy of the vaccination certificate shall be sent at once to the Health Department of Roanoke County and kept on file where duplicate copies may be obtained by the dog's owner upon payment of a fee of $0.25. (b) Any dog found in Roanoke County not vaccinated and identified as described in the above provision shall be impounded by the Dog Warden or his Deputies, and such dogs shall be held for a period of seven days. The dog may be returned to its owner upon proof of ownership, vaccination of the dog, payment of the cost of impounding the dog at the rate of $0.50 per day, and payment of any fine assessed under the provisions of this ordinance. (c) At the expiration of the seven~day period, any dog not so claimed by its owner may be disposed of by giving it into the possession pf any person willing to pay the cost of impounding, vaccination, and license; or, it not so disposed of, it shall be killed in a hUwaDe manner by the im- pounding officer or other designated official. Section IV: In order to effectuate these provisions, any person, firm, or corporation making application for a dog license shall be required to present to the official who issues such licenses a certificate of rabies o o vaccination, properly executed and signed by a licensed veterinarian, certi- fying that the dog has been vaccinated in accordance with the provisions set forth in Section I. The certificate must show the date of inoculatiqn, a brief description of the dog, sex and breed, and the owner thereof. The a certificate must be presented before the license is issued and must certify . ' l I that the dog has been properly vaccinated within twenty-four months with modified, live virus (Flury strain) rabies vaccine. When the dog license has been issued, the certificate of vaccination shall be so marked and re- turned to the dog's owner. Section Y: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County may provide for clinics for the vaccination of dogs under the supervision of the Dog Warden or his Deputies and the Roanoke County Health Director and fix fees to be charged for said services. Section VI: .'!hen, in the judgment of the Roanoke County Health Director, an emergency shall be deemed to exist in Roanoke County or any section thereof due to a widespread rabies epidemic, for the protection of the public health, the Health Director may declare a quarantine in Roanoke County or such section thereof as may be affected and restrict all dogs to 164 (cr." ~7C' ( \ .... ct:-.o:a.) (~t.., ) (pfa.,t.~ ~f.'q", c.L...:. ~ f;- e., J.f.~~ ,~~~ sf'" J;.q. the owners' premises and/or to the immediate custody of a responsible person for the duration of such emergency as it is set forth. Section VII: Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or presenting a certificate of vaccination for ,a dog other than that for which it was issued shall, upon conviction tru:reof, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00. Section VIII: This ordinance shall be in effect on and after November 1st, 1964. The invalidity of any section or provision of this ordinance shall not invalidate any other section or provision thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to cause a copy of this ordinance to be published once a week for the next two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. I 1 Communications dated March 31, 1964, from Mrs. B. M. Rigby, Secretary Roanoke Kennel Club, enclosing resolution, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer; and to Ralph E. Long, County Dog Warden, en- closing resolution, and from James G. Snead, M. D. Chairman Executive Council Roanoke Academy of Medicine, addressed to Minor R. Keffer, Chai~ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, dated March 11, 1964, in re: adoption of rabies ordinance requiring all dogs in Roanoke County, be vaccinated, received and ordered filed. 1 ! Mrs. Phil Baker, of Bent Mountain, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board to pass an ordinance requiring all dog owners to keep their dogs confined except during hunting season, or on a leash. No action was taken on said request. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, second,~d by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the Dog Warden of Roanoke County be authorized and empowered to set up rabies clinics at ~arious locations in Roanoke County, for the vaccination of dogs with a modified, live virus, (Flury s train) rabies vaccine, approved by the Virgini,a State Department of Health, and to advertise the holding of said clinics, beginning May 1st, I 1964. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, ~inor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. NAYS: None. The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I i I I I I I ! i , i 10 i I :- i j I iD I / Copy of letter dated April 1, 1964, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, in,re: claim for $11.62 for 4 Acco Binders; and copy of letter dated April 1, 1964, addr~ssed to James E. Peters. Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie. Chairman, State Compensation Board. in re: claim for $31.36 for files; Letter dated April 2, 1964, addressed to N. C. Log~n, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Congressman William M. Tuck, in re: request for access connection between Blue Ridge Par~~ay and Virginia Primary Route 116, together with copy of letter from J. E. N. Jenson, Assistant Director, Blue Ridge Parkway. Letter dated April 1, 1964, addressed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, from F. o. Marshall, in re: increase in taxes and police protection. Letter dated April 9, 1964, addressed to Nancy C. Logan, Clerk of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, en- closing copy of report of a committee in connection with the request of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the contract between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dated September 28, 1954, dealing with treatment of d~estic wastes, be amended by adding thereto a 37-acre tract of land adj acent to Section 2-, Jefferson Hills, and the Roanoke Teduiical Institute, in the vicinity of Dogwood Lane, advising that this area was in- cluded in a previous Resolution approved by the Council of the City of Roanoke and no further action was necessary. Copy of said report and copy of reso- lution #14984 of the Council of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, ordered filed. a On motion of Supervis~r Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the following resolution was this day offered for adoption: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires under the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1960, Cumulative Supplemen 1962, page 348 (Section 29.184.3) that the enforcement of the dog laws be vested in a Dog Warden &.d Deputy Dog Warden, and said Board deeming it necessary, hereby requests the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint an additional Deputy Dog Warden to assist the Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden, in the dog inspection activities in the dog law enforcement in Roanoke County, from the following list; Deputy Dog Harden Guy M. Ayers W. W. Henderson ~U1i ... :fl f. . ~ 'fj-v 16 '+ C. Ford Candler a And the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: 3upervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris. e NAYS: None. IN RE: ORDER RESCINDING APPOINTMENT OF GUY M. AYERS, DEPUTY DOG WARDEN IN ROANOKE COUNTY: On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by ~upervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the resolution of this Board adopted at the , March meeting, 1964, in re: appointment of Guy M. Ayers, a Deputy Dog Warder. ( ._, ,.,.,.~.~._~h_"""' ".. .'. - --.. to assist in the dog inspection activities in Roanoke County, be, and the same is, hereby rescinded. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. I: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - Roanoke County: Letter dated April 14, 1964, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of High- ways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective February 1, 1964: IN RE: I- ADDITIONS HEDGElAWN GARDENS SUBDIVISION: LENGTH Hedgelawn Avenue - from Route 601 to dead end. Heath Circle - from Hedgelawn Avenue north to dead end. Jasmine Circle - from Hedgelawn Avenue north 0.11 mile to dead end. 0.38 Mi. 0.08 Mi. 0.11 Mi. McKinney Street - from Petty Avenue north 0.21 mile to dead end. 0.21 Mi. Oleander Circle - from Hedgelawn Avenue north to dead end. 0.15 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM -ADDITIONS ROANOKE COUNTY: ~ Letter dated April 14, 1964, addressed to the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective March 1, 1964: ADDITIONS OAKLAND ESTATES SUBDIVISION: LENGTH Meadowcrest Street - from Route 1859 south to Vista Avenue. Cooper Street - from Route 1859 to Vista Avenue. was this day received and ordered filed. 0.16 Mi. 0.17 Mi. I SECONDARY SYSTEM - Discontinuance -Roanoke County: Letter dated March 26, 1964, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of High- ways, pursuant to resolution of this Board on January 20, 1964, the following section of road is hereby discontinued as a part of the Secondary System of Roanoke County, and confirmed by the Highway Commission at its meeting on March 19, 1964. IN RE: I DISCONTINUANCE LENGTH. Old Location of Route 613, Section 1, from Route 615 westerly 0.08 mile to a point opposite Station - 90 Project 0613-080-103, C-50l, B-603 0.08 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. ~ o .0' o o e " IN RE: Abandonment of WENTIlORTH ROAD from the east line of Lot 14, Block 2, according to the map 'of City View Heights Addition No.3, to the end of said Lots at Dr.Steele's Property as shown on the map of City View Heights Addition, Section No.3, of record in tne Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book 3, pages 22 and 82, on and through the property of Coleman H. Nelson. I 'rhis day came Coleman H. Nelson by his attorney and tendered a petition for the abandonment and closing of Wentworth Road from the east line of Lot 14, Block 2 to the east line of Lot 19, Block 2, according to the map of City View Heights Addition, Section 3, found of recor.d in Plat Book 3, pages 22 and 82 of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia; t~ereupon, Mrs. Ralph E. Booth, Mrs. W. L. Smith, John H. Weeks, Joseph W. Wilson, Mrs. A. H. Shackelford, and Harry Cregger appeared in person, and filed a petition opposing the closing of Wentworth Road as re- quested in the petition of the said Coleman H. Nelson; and on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, secondeded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that said petition be referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a study and recommendation to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. / NAYS: None. IN RE: RECCMlENDATIONS OF THE ELECTORAL BOARD .OF ROANOKE AS TO CERTAIN PRECINCTS Sec. IN ROANOKE COUNTY. I The Committee heretofore appointed at the February 1964 meeting of this Board, to make recommendations in re: proposed changes in boundary lines of certain precincts; appoIntment of a full-time General Registrar, and the use of voting machines at large prcincts on a trial basis, this day submitted in writing their recommendations to this Board as to the proposed changes in boundary lines &c of certain precincts in Roanoke County, and verbally reported as to the recommendations of said Committee as to appoint- ment of full time general registrar, and use of voting machines; thereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M.Lipes, and carried, it is ordered that said recommendations be taken under considera- tion until the next meeting of this Board. IN RE: COUNTY INSURANCE: On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a Committee composed of Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of Schools, and the School Insurance Committee, Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Offic~r, Supervisors A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell be appointed to make a study of the overall insurance in Roanoke County. 167 ~ cmaJJ- ~ ci .'1- f..t~ ~ ~)<'-r J...Lb f2.-. c. fJfcx.a. .~ 'fj1''O/b<J. ~ J...R.:t C<; U~ Cb~ ~11 1Jr . ~ -r-: 'r.~ IAtV\~ ~ 'fIr!) f.1J. , . 168 Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. NAYS: None. ~.u.t ~.4(/)~_ ., t. o;;:JiI.i ~"?;/~'4- Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, this day appeared the Board, and requested authority to employ some one to assist him office in the absence of Mrs. Willie D. Cook, his secretary, absent illness; before in his due to Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request be fZ'anted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: 'None. IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS BUDGET FOR YEAR 1964-1965: Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of Schools in Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the Roanoke County Schools Budget for year 1964-1965, which budget is received and ordered filed for further study by this Board. / Communication from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways, of 1964-1965 Tentative Allocations for Interstate and Rural Primary Construction, together with a notice of public hearings to be held on the tentative allocations, giving the time and place the various districts will be heard, was this day submitted to the Board and ordered filed. IN RE: JOINT MEETING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE ST,.rE HIGH'.-1AY DEPARTMENT: o Pursuant to notice required by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942, w. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, on behalf of the State Highway Department, this day appeared before the Board and discussed with the Board highway matters regarding the Secondary System of Roads in Roanoke County for the year 1964-1965. \ The following groups appeared before the Board, and discussed the condition of the below named roads with this Board and W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, State Department of Highways, pursuant to notice required by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942, and set for this day: BRADSHA1, ROAD - Route 622 - Mrs. J. C. Keith, Mrs. James C.Hensley, Jack Ferguson, ltr. & Mrs. Thomas N. Houston and C. H. Furrow. ROUTE 658 - Dundee Section - ~tr. & Mrs. F. W. Bond, ~~. & Mrs. C. R. Holland, Mrs. George T. Allen, ~trs. Lewis Chambers, Y~s. Larry A. Waldron and Mrs. L. W. llhorley; F. H. Payne and Hunter H. George. I 'I I, I, BANDY ROAD - ROUTE 666 - Calvin Maack, George E. Payne and Allen B. Hart. would be }tr. Fitzgerald assured the groups that the conditions complained of taken care of if, and when, funds were available for such purposes. ORDERED THAT THE BOARD BE ADJOURNED U TIL THE THIRD MO A Y IN MAY, 1964. if / , I 1 1 1 169 Court House Salem, Virginia May 18, 1964 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular IIlOtlthly session. Present: Minor R. Keffer, ehairman, Walter M. Lipes, Vice Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. A. J. Cochran, Jr., Pastor of the Peaks View Christian Church, Beftord, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board ha,,"in& read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 14792 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts for Count}" vehicles II 14793 County School Board of R. C., maintenace Co.vehic. II 14794 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., parts for vehicles II 14795 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, parts,repairs etc. II 14796 Baker Equipment Engr.Co., parts for police car 5609 " 14797 W. B. Clements, Inc., repair and parts for vehicles II 14798 Custom Seat Cover Shop, repairs to police cars etc. II 14799 Doyles, Inc., repairs to Police Car 6002 Co. 14800 Harvest Motors, f1m. parts for County vehicles 14801 Humble 011& Refining Co., gasoline pur. on card 14802 Miller Tire Service, tires for police cars etc. 14803 MOtor Parts Supply Co., parts etc. for vehicles 14804 Richards Auto Alignment, repairs to police cars 14805 Standard Parts Corp.parts for police cars etc. 14806 Vinton Motor Co., repairs and parts on vehicles 14807 Brambleton Gulf Service Sta., gas, parts, oil etc. 14808 T. R. Leslie Servo Sta., gas, parts and oil etc. 14809 MOunt Pleasant Grocery Co., gas Mt. Pleasant F.D. 14810 Oren Roanoke Corp., parts for Cave Spg. fire trks. 14811 Auto S!,ring & Bearing Co., parts fo::' garbage trks. 14812 Beach Bros., MOtors, Inc., repairs and parts 6304 14813 Brulin & Company, cleaning compound for garb.trks. 14814 Bemiss Equipment Co., parts and 011 for tractor 14815 Crenshaw Corp., parts for 5609 14816 Dickerson GMC Inc., parts for 5305 14817 Goodwin Chevrolet Co., repairs to 6401 14818 M & ~ Machine Shop, parts for 5304 14819 Salem Glass Co., pa:ts for garbage truck 14820 Shockley I S Tractor Serv. Co., repair, parts garb trks 14821 Shackelford COx Truck Co., parts for garb. trk. 14822 Steel Service Warehouse, parts for 5304 14823 VOID 14824 Truck Sales Co., parts for garb. trks. o o ~ o .rJ II II II II II II II II .. II II " " " II II II " " " " II " II " $ 137.81 700.80 46.72 12.50 9.10 101.26 58.70 5.00 37.87 43.81 490.27 214.49 36.98 192.17 38.09 47.68 36.39 28.88 111.17 37.84 10.61 122.51 25.71 37.28 53.22 2.25 25.68 4.32 146. 90 8.39 10.11 39.56 170 No. " " .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " " .. " .. .. " .. " " .. " .. .. 14825 14826 14827 1482.8 14829 14830 14831 14832 14833 14834 14835 14836 14837 14838 14839 14840 14841 14842 14843 14344 14845 14846 14847 14848 14849 14850 14851 14852 14853 14854 14855 14856 14857 14858 14859 14860 14861 14862 14863 14864 14865 14866 14867 14868 14869 14870 14871 " " Pure Oil Co., gas and oil pur. for distr. Truxmore TP Parker Truck Equip,.Co. 2 new garbtrks Goodyear Service Stores, tires pur. for distr. Paul B. Matthews, reimburse tray. expo Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies for var.off. Acme Visible Records, Inc." off. suppl.Com. of Rev. City Publishing Co.,Cross Ref.Direc.Comr. & Treas. Addressograph-Mu1tigraph Corp., office supplies International Business Machine Co.,'rent on typewriter Dooley Printing Co., office supplies Acme Printers, office supplies for Treas. & Elec.Bd. CoDmonwealth of Va., office supplies- Treasurer Woodhaven Press, office supplies - Treasurer Roanoke County Court, warrants col. del. prop. taxes Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Del.Tax.Col. Double Envelope Co." envelopes for Del.Tax Col.off. Underwood Corporation, maintenance serv.on off. eqpt. G. H. Parent Co., office supplies, Cler~'s off. Burroughs Corporation, ,office supplies for Clerk's off. American Photocopy Eqpt. Co.z record paper for Clerk J. P. Bell Company, record books for C1k Clr. Ct. The Michie Co., law books for Judge Hoback Robert Dawson,Postmaster, postage for Juvenile (:1:. City Treasurer, Roanoke City, room & board etc. Charles L. Breeden, Jr., reimb. April tray expo Barbara S. Cundiff, reimb. tray. expo April, R. F. Hyatt, reimb. April tray. expo Prob.Offr. Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., coronor cases & blood alco.tests Dr. S. D. Carey, blood tests and lunacy cases Dr. Richard G. Faw,blood tests and lunacy cases Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy cases and blood tests etc. Dr. John O. Hurt, coroner cases Radio Communications Co., radio maintence April American Chemical Co., cleaning supplies etc. C. C, Bova & Co., food for jail City Publishing Co., Cross Ref. Direc. for Sheriff Dame Roofing Co., repairs to leaks in j ail roof DeLuxe Laundry, laundry for jail Foutz Sausage Co., food for jail C. B. Halsey Co., food and cleaning suppl. for jail Hester Coal Co., fuel for jail Dr. H. J. Minarik,~. jail physician April & lunacy cases Layman Candy Co., razor blades for prisonera Monarch Finer Foods, food, cleaning supplies etc. Murre 11' s Finer Foods, food for jail Owen Plumbing Co., repairs to jail and C. H. Powell's Pharmacy, medical supplies for jail $ 1,743.20 8,390.00 427:89 41. 95 48.51 37.50 20.14 2.60 533.12 183.68 56.00 6.00 28.85 6.25 75.00 66.20 24.00 13.50 3.15 6.00 185.61 35.00 65.00 84.00 33.88 29.73 51.24 40.00 50.00 45.00 25.00 45.00 72.50 18.79 4.15 20.14 19.80 J 46.08 39.60 I 191. 95 32.00 120.00 10.30 137.93 119.52 75.;5 I. I I 1 1 11.10 c II" II ,a ~ ~ ~ I " I " I No. 14872 14873 14874 14875 14876 14877 14878 14879 14880 14881 14882 14883 14884 14885 14886 14887 14888 14889 14890 14891 14892 14893 14894 14895 14896 14897 14898 14899 14900 14901 14902 14903 14904 14905 14906 14907 14908 14909 14910 14911 14912 14913 14914 14915 14916 14917 14918 II II " II II II II II " II " " " " " II " " II II " II II II " " II II II II II II " " " " " " II II 171 Rainbo Bread Co., food for jail W. T. Riei:sorl. food for jail S & W Pharmacy Co., medical supplies for jail Van Wood Oil Corp., fuel Cave Spring Rescue Squad Pyrofax Gas Co., fuel Bent Mountain fire station H. L. Keaton, relief Fire Chief Hollins Apr.l-May8- C & P Telephone Co., tel. ~erv. for Mt. Pleasant etc. Graybar Electric Co., supplies for Hollins Fire Sta. Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., fuel Hollins Fire Sta. $ 54.37 33.60 2.50 35.97 9.00 57.82 62.20 9.19 20.75 4.00 3.10 60.00 60.00 60.00 979.44 1,674.84 106.28 culligan Soft Water Service, rental fee on softener etc. Fort Lewis Hardware Co. ,supplies for Ft. Kewis Fire Sta. W. W. Garman, .4.pril rent on Mt. Pleasant Fire Station J. W. Griggs and W. H. Witt, Apr. rent on Cave Spg.F.S. Clearbrook Lion's Club, April rent on Clearbrook F.S. Jefferson Hospital, hospital bills for Welfare Dept. Roanoke-Memorial Hospital, bills for Welfare Dept. Lewis-Gale Hospital, hospital bills for Welfare vom < Dr. G. Wayne Fralin, blood tests 10.00 Dr. Max E. Bertholf, lunacy case 10.00 G. O. Clemens, lunacy case 10.00 Det'WOod H. Rusher, lunacy case 10.00 Hunt and Moore, Attorneys, lunacy cases 40.00 Gochenour & Baugess, lunacy c~se 10.00 State Department of Health, County's appro.Local H.D. 8562.09 Goodwin-Andrews Insurance Co., premo on Surety Bd.etc 7.50 Tech6ical Reproduction & Supply Co. blue print suppl. 15.30 Madge Twine, June rent on garbage lot 50.00 James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimb. postage etc. 98.35 J. J. Bower, Inc., refund garbage col. fee 30.00 Salem Farm Supply Co., misc. item for garb. col. 16.29 Appalachian Power Co., street lighting 1,432.01 Times-World'Corp. publishing'mtg. of Planning Bd. 7.00 Town of Salem, 1/2 cost repairing walk Main St. 139.30 Caldwell-Sites Co., bldg. suppl., janitor suppl. etc. 516.46 Booker Helm, extra labor at Welfare & Health Center etc. 160.00 Cates Building Specialties, 1 track for garage door 8.00 Carl R. Brightwell, replacing !tarter he~ters etc. 10.00 Salem Paint Co., brush 1.95 Salem Hardware Co., 4 cans motor oil 6. 1 new lawn mower 71.15 McClung Lumber Co., lumber for repairs 62.49 H. R. Jotmson Co., 2 shades 6.38 Dillard paper Company, janitor supplies ..___' 30.39 Brown Hardware Co., janitor supplies & misc. for C.H. 13.45 Roanoke Valley Safety Council, membership dues May 64-65 100.00 I Treasurer of Virginia, emp. contr. due'V.S.R.S.for quar.6,262.79 Vinton Motor Co., expense selling Co.Auto license etc. 562.80 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., 1 lot Athletic Eqpt. County School Bd. of Roanoke Co., exp.picking up Co. license tags 14921 Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 14922 R. C. P~ttman,Co-Ordinator, reimb. trav. in C.D.car 14923 Earl Staggs, expo involved instr.Shelter Mgr. course 14924 Younger Park Building Inc., May rent for C.D.office 14925 Harris Office Furn. Co., 1 new oak table for Judge Moyer 14926 Bass Sales company, new office equipment for Engr. 14927 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for distr~b. 14928 McCormick Office Supply Co., 6 doz. pads for distrib. 14929 Mrs. Janet L. Ballantine, servo rendered as Dep.Regis. 14945- 14988- Garbage checks 14989 VOID 14990 Hill Directory Co., 6 City Directory 268.00 14991 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 10.05 14992 C. W. Warthen Co., record books for Clerk 480.35 14993 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., reimb. trav. expo April 55.78 14994 SUlllllerdean Esso Station, eepairs, wash jobs, etc. 27.75 14995 ~~_W~_6~i~s;_e~~eat_~8es_at_Beat_HtT_~eataWBa_F~S~ VOID 14996 J. W. Griggs, reimb. expense dinner meetings Fire Chiefs 18.40 14997 Appalachian Power Co., current used at Bent Mt.&: Catawba 25.95 14998 Salem Oil Co., fuel etc. Ft. Lewis Fire Sta.&: land fill 141.97 14999 Mt. Pleasant Garage, repairs and parts Vinton fire trk. 63.65 15000 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Com. incr. appro. etc. 1,803.00 15001 Kime &: Jolly, Attorneys, expo incurred trip to Richmond 192.25 15002 Maxine Sink, extra off. asst. in Engr. off. etc. 124.22 15003 Nash Tyler Tree Service, trimming trees in Ct. Yard 75.00 15004 Town of Salem, current used at County Garage 1.50 15005 League of Va. Counties, membership dues NACO 1964 70.00 15006 Town of Salem, cost of instal. of 5 fire hydrants etc. 1,969.2 15007 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, reimb. petty cash fund 41.4 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS E'rC. The following claims against the County were this day presented and approved and ordered to be paid by voucher checks ou~ of funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 14930 Guy Ayers, assisting dog warden Apr.20 to May 18,1964 W. B. Clements, Inc., parts for dog truck Chapman-Taney Ins. Co. premo on surety bond for Asst. Dog Warden- 172 No. 14919 14920 II " " " II " II rr II II .. II .. .. .. II 1I II .. II II .. II II II II " .. II " II 14931 " 14932 II 14933 " 14934 .. 14935 II 14936 " 14937 II 14938 Dooley Printing Co., office supplies Fort Lewis Hardware Co., wearing <appar.el Fort Dodge Laboratories, medical supp1., rabies vaccine Harvest Motors, Inc., parts for dog truck Humble Oil &: Refining Co., gas and oil fo trans. dogs Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance for dog trk $ 92.50 31.02 21.60 37.87 20.00 60.00 59.50 36.90 25.00 17.70 45.35 I I I I 96.38 1.53 1 10.00 47.50 3.78 84.971 8.66 13.11 15.00 - ..~- .....,....'.',...~... 173, - - ------ - - .. ---_.- . ._ ~ _._... om_ ..___.~_. ... No. 14939 McKesson Robbins Drug Co., medical supplies for rabies $ 11.27 " 14940 Salem Auto Parts, Inc. parts for dog truck 4.32 " 14941 Salem Farm Supply Co., dog food 39.00 " 14942 Salem Hardware Co., misc. i tema for clog pound 7.50 0 " 14943 Salem Office Supply Co., office suppl. ier clog clinics 1.76 " 14944 Times Register Co., publishing rabies ordinances 62.72 " 15008 Brammer's MObile, repairing tire on d~g truck 1.50 " 15009 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, reimb. trav.exp. to 'Md. 38.60 [J JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: "Salem, Virginia May 18, 1964 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOXE COUNTY At the close of business April 30, 1964, there was to the credit of the '0 following: General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F.I.C.A. V.S.R.S. Deferred Credit Account Literary Fund (School Construction) $ 636,376.17 16,450.97 71.93 91,234.89 6,274.81 2,258.67 : .05 .04 61.75 175,000.00 $ 927.605.78 Financial Statement Cash: In Office 1,000.00 c Bank of Salem ' 286,753.13 Escrow $1,500,000.00 (Bank of Virginia) Farmers National Bank 248.218.11 Escrow $2,045,000.00 (First & Merchants) Mountain Trust Bank 11,578.41 Escrow $852,000.00 (First National Exchange) Textbook - Bank of Salem 2,258.67 Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent for School Bond Debt Service 2,797.46 Farmers National Bank (Savings) 200.000.00 * Bank of Salem Literary Fund -School Construction Certificate of Deposit 175.000.00 $ 927,605.78 1] Certificates of Deposit (School BuildinR) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ 750,000.00 1,000,000.00 450.000.00 100 000.00 ~2,306,ouo.oo * Included in General Revenue Total Respectfully submitted. JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer, Roanoke County" 174 TREASURER OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA Summary of Revenues Collected From 4-1-64 to REVENUE FRill LOCAL SOURCES Taxes - Current Taxes - Delinquent- Tress. Chapman Taxes -Land Redemption Transfer and Recording Fees Fines and Costs Co.....oAWealth's Atty. and Sheriff's Fees Board and Lodging of Prisoners Garbage Collection Fees ' County Licenses (Merchants') Electrical and Plumbing Inspection Fees and Code Books Auto Tags Recordation Tax (Deeds) Dog Tag Sales, etc. Interest on Cert. of Deposit Miscellaneous REVENUE FROf THE COlKCtiWEALTH -- Capitation Tax Returned ABC Profits and Wine Tax Office Expense- Treasurer Board and Lodging of Prisoners Hill-Burton (Health & Welfare) TOTALs 4-30-64 Amount Coll. Total to Date Budp;et Estimate 2,713,475.00 26,883.08 4,208.05 2,308.43 1,247.61 208.80 434.00 Excess Clerk's Fees and Motor Vehicle Tax 2,700.00 Public Assistance 528,924.00 Hospital Funds 18,000.00 Jail Physician's Salary 800.00 Police cars 9,500.00 Salary, Travel -Juvenile Court 14,400.00 F.l.C.A. Refund 2,800.00 Office Expense -COllIIIlissioner of the Revenue 59,600.00 -0- 2,000.00 4,600.00 2,100.00 1,800.00 116,000.00 82,000.00 226.07 191.65 13,107.93 10,956.48 14,000.00 1,392.50 56,000.00 43,313.75 24,000.00 2,614.59 15,300.00 788.25 60,000.00 4,277.09 various mos. 850.00 1,092.66 9,700.00 127,500.00 39,474t98 876.89 100.01 1,247.16 1,700.00 3,900.00 7,000.00 35,000.00 74.00 693.54 610.29 3,913,649.00 said report is received and ordered filed. 2,641,539.24 96,443.04 15,635.31 13,893.24 1,863.00 6,526.83 1 I 2,052.56 1,446.65 121,451.51 83,197.30 15,400.60 59,599.75 25,052.48 15,394.25 56,674.15 , 2,988.52 10,888.50 133,504.17 I 4,042.84 369,565.47 13,357.35 633.32 10,823.69 1,977 .64 1,654.19 2,695.70 4,228.24 60,'914.00 I 1 -~- -.- o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll for the month of May, 1964, be approved in the amount of $11,212.51, from which the sum of $346.50 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $961.75 total W. H. Taxes; $129.99 total State Income Taxes, and $272.45 total Insurance, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $9,501.82. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. c On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seco>lded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beg1nning April 16, ending April 30, 1964, he approved in the amount 0 $4,266.61, from which $154.66 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $252.60 total W. H. Taxes; $26.86 total State Income Taxes; and $44.80 total Insurance Taxes are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,787.69; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning May 1, ending May 15, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,635~29, from which $169.05 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $282.30 total W. H. Taxes; $31.72 total State Income Taxes; $44.80 total Insurance Taxes; $30.00 total Accident Insurance Taxes, and $84.12 total Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,993.30. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. a DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK. The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, County Treasurer, for $2,572.50 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1964, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $2,443.87 net. IN RE: a The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. C. E. BOCIlE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of April,1964; C. E. BOCIlE, Sheriff, stmmary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail for the month of April 1964; ElJIARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of April, 1964; LCJIELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of April, 1964; MRS. FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of April,1964; EVELYN F. PlYELL, Asst. Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of April,1964; 175 e..,,. t:-~ ~ ,z. - , --; 1.,. -?1. ..~, ~~~ ..5- ~/.l.r I (' "-;"rd. ;- ~ 4, 1$_./1 J"- t" 4...,.~ ..tr- '2./. I."c /~~. 4- ~.i1~ .7". 7-/-.'1' 176 IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DEI.INQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C. .D. Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County, this day submitted a report of his monthly collections, showing collections for each month and total to date- Fiscal Year, 1963-1964. TAXES Collections for month of July, 1963-------------------------$ 3,421.03 Collections for month of August, 1963----------------------- 2,058.13 Collections for month of September, 1963-------------------- 1,288.18 Collections for month of October, 1963---------------------- 1,401.72 Collections for month of November, 1963--------------------- 1,238.65 Collections for month of December, 1963--------------------- 973.17 COllections for month of January, 1964---------------------- 1,900.73 Collections for month of February 1964--------------------- 1,045.27 COllections for month of March, 1964------------------------ 2,308.43 Collections for month of April, 1964------------------------ 1,832.91 Total $17,468.22 Garb~e Collections for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1963---------------$ 938.25 COllections for quarter ending December 31,1963------------- 2,097.15 COllections for month of January, 1964---------------------- 269.25 COllections for month of February, 1964--------------------- 193.00 -COllections for month of March, 1964------------------------ 291.50 COllections for month of April" 1964------------------------ 483.00 Total $ 4,272.15 Grand Total $21,740.37 Which report is received and ordered filed. SECCImARY SYSTEM TOWN OF VINTm ANNEXATlm- ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated April 22, 1964, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COunty from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways dropping from the Secondary System due to annexation by the Town of Vinton and henceforth will be maintained as Town Streets by the Town of Vinton; IN 0: LENGTH DROPPED DUE TO ANNEXATIm Route 634 - from Old Corporate limits to 0.10 mile e.ast of Route 1007. Route 651 - from Old Corporate limits to O. ~5 mile north- east. 1.25 Mi. 0.95 Mi. 0.83 Mi. 0.53 Mi. 0.22 Mi. 0.14 Mi. 0.57 Mi. 0.49 Mi. 0.50 Mi. 0.30 Mi. 0.12 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.15 Mi. 0.21 Mi. 0.43 Mi. 0.20 Mi. 0.38 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.25 Mi. Route 652 - from Old Corporate limits to Route 24. Route 655 - from Route 24 to Route 1008. Route 656 - from Route 634 to Route 655. Route 662 - from Route 24 to ,Route 743. from Old Corporate limits to looping south. 710 - 719- Route Route from Old Corporate limits to Route 865. 865. Route 743 - from Old Corporate limits to Route Route 764 - from Route 634 to dead end. Route 815 - from Route 655 to Route 719. Route 865 - from Route 24 to Route 743. Route 1004 - from Route 655 to Route 1009. Route 1007 -from Route 634 to Route 1009. Route 1008 - from Route 24 to Route 1007. Route 1009 - from Route 1004 90 Route 1008. Route 1023 - from Route 24 to looping northwest. Route 1029 - from Old Corporate limits to Route 634. Route 1031- from Old Corporate limits to Route 652. was this day received and ordered filed. 1 1 I I I -J Report from the office of the City of Roanoke, Office of the City Auditor on Sewage Treatment Fund for month of March, 1964, received and ordered filed. On DIOtion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: No. 14728 in the amount of $698.00 made payable to the C & P Tele- phone Company for service at various County offices; " 14773 in the amotJnt of $58.92 made payable to the Appalachian 0 Power Company for current used at the Fort Lewis Fire House and at the transmitter on Skycoe Drive. n 14774 in the amount of $38.25 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at the Hollins, Salem and Clearbrook Fire Houses; " 14776 in the amount of $41.82 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at the dog pound. " 14784 in the amount of $778.71 made payable to the Town of Salem for electricity and wate~ service. " 14785 in the amount of $25. 90 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at the Dog Warden's home. " 14787 in the amount of $66.75 made payable to the C & P Telephone Company for service at the Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Houses. o J a ,I ,I ~'j' ~', ~j ~ Ii " 14788 in the amount of $180.49 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at the County jail, home demonstration kitchen, Cave Spring Fire House, and the Health and Welfare Center. in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service at the Courthouse. " 14790 Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. RE: REZmING PROPERTY m NORTH SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11 (LEE HIGHWAY) WEST OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OF OLD VIRGINIA BRICK CGfi'ANY, INCORPORATED, AND HEIRS OF HENRY R. GARDEN, DECEASED. . . . . : . . . . O!D!R . . 177 ('~~A; ~~ -r1~ f I~'" r ~~&!f. ..5- ,.1- "1' This day came old Virginia Brick Company, Incorporated, Henry R. Garden,Jr. ~':::!.,'/;"i,j Grace G. Hooker, Marian G. Coey and Dorothy G. Moushegian, by counsel, and re- f'-/-t! quested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described ?:.M""~ ;,),1.-, in said petition, which request is granted and said petition be, and the same '1,J.., C-fZ-'- is tlereby filed. c.-. II I t AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendatjon to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, then upon the receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the said Clerk b:/ publication, .f. ...,.I.'f 178 5~,,;W ~ -1-'71. G:,~~ 5- '/-~of I~~. Cf-'. 6. . .,......;'t).. ~-"' /;aq..-:(~ , ;V:-; ('~ ~-(,. 't/-. y, ?-I--t 'r .d . ~._._...~_..,.,-_. in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Coumission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. 1 I WHEREAS the property owners on Route 1832 from Alpine Road to Route 768 and on Route 768 to D. E. did request this Board to name the afore- said road; and' WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, out side the corporate l1m1ts of towns, such names to take precedence over any other designation except those primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to the property abutting thereon: I NOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the name OLSEN ROAD be assigned to Route 1832 from Alpine Road to Route 768 and Route 768 to D. E. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and adop1=ed by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the Council for the City of Roanoke, be and it is hereby requested to amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, by emer- gency resolution, to the following extent only, viz: TRACT A BEGINNING at an iron pin marked BLD Rl on the West side of U. S. Route 220 in Roanoke County, Va.; thence S 200 deg. 29' W 1284.30 feet to an old iron pipe; thence S 2 deg. 28' W 123.60 feet to an iron pin marked VLD 12 witnessed by 8 inch black oak and 12 inch spanish oak; thence S 38 deg. 45' E 384.90 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R 3 witnessed by two 15 inch spanish oaks; thence S 70 deg. 21' E 421.06 feet to Blue Ridge Parkway Bonument No. 346; thence with Blue Ridge Parkway line S 24 ~g. 54' W 149.68 feet to Blue Ridge Parkway Monument'No. 345; thence S 22 deg. 01' W 400.79 feet to Blue Ridge Parkway Monument No. 344; thence S 88 deg. 56' W 1494.34 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R4 witnessed by 10 inch black oak and 12 inchwhite oak; thence S 41 deg. 39' W 634.17 feet to Blue Ridge Parkway Monument No. 342; thence S 26 deg. 08' W 1029.25 feet to Blue Ridge I I . I . :179 n .." Parkway Monument No. 34lA; thence leaving said parkway N 52 deg. 10' W.98.84 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R5 in a rock pile witness by 10 inch pine and 12 inch black oak; ~hence N 13 deg. 47' W 3619.11 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R6 witnessed by 8 inch pine and 6 inch pine; thence N 52 deg. 48' E 211.40 feet to an iron pfn marked VLD R7 in Appalachian Power Co's. easement witnessed by 18 inch black oak and 8 inch white oak; thence N 24 deg. 04' W 1319.16 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R8 witnessed by 10 inch double red oak and 18 ,inch double black oak; thence N 12 deg. 10' W 180.94 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R9 witnessed by two 8 inch white oaks; thence S 38 deg. 21' W 705.00 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R 10 witnessed by 6 inch double black oak and 8 inch pine; thence N 14 deg. 19' W 748.00 feet to an iron pin marked V'LD R 11 witnessed by 6 inch Spanish oak and 4 inch Spanish oak; thence N 58 deg. 46' E 2043.00 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R 12 on the north side of an old road witnessed by 6 inch white oak and 12 inch double white oak' thence N 80 deg. 43' E 126.00 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R 13 on north side of an old road witnessed by 10 inch pine and 6 inch double oak; thence N 64 deg. 57' E 98.00 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R 14 on on the west side of U. S. Route 220; thence south along said road to cOllllllOt1 corner of T. M. Thomas to an iron pin marked VLD R 15; thence leaving highway S. 31 deg. 14' E 781.90 feet to an old iron pipe; thence N 84 deg. 30' E 346.80 feet to an old iron pipe; thence N 52 deg. 26' E 16.90 feet to an iron pin marked VLD R16 on west side of U.S. Route 220; thence along said Highway S. 42 deg. 34' E 368.03 feet to the point of BEGINNING, containing 303.87 acres, more or less, and being shown by that plat dated May 15, 1964, prepared for this resolution and being attached hereto and made a part hereof; and that s~id areas be added to, and included in, said contract to the full extent as if said areas were therein set out in extension. J C1 (A) That acceptable wastes originating within the aforesaid areas shall be delivered by the County, to the City's sanitary sewer system at such points as are approved by the City's Director of Public Works, or the City Engi- neer, and that requisite measuring meters be installed at such points of delivery by the County if required by the City. (B) That in all other respects said contract shall remain in full force and effect, save and except as modified by paragraph "c" hereof. (C) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That this Board doth hereby assure the City of Roanoke t~t in the event of an annexation to the City of Roanoke of any and all of the said areas hereinabove identified, and the City assuming the obligation of sewering therein by virtue of an order or decree of an Annexa- tion Court, or the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia, the sewerage systems constructed, or hereafter constructed, in said areas hereinabove identified, with funds supplied by developers, or institutions, and conveyed to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, without charge to tl18 Authority, or with contracts providing for reimbursement from connection fees, in whole or in part, and not built by the Authority with its funds, nor by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, will become the property of the City without any payment to said Authority therefor, but subject to the rightll of such developers and insti- tutions to reimbursement in whole or in part, as provided for in their respec- tive contracts with the said Authority. However, this applies only to the areas hereinabove identified. (D) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That, immediately upon passage, by the Council of the City of Roanoke, of the emergency resolution hereinabove requested, the County of Roanoke shall be, and remain bound by the provisions thereof, as fully and to the same extent, as said County is now bound by other terms and o ~,: U 180 "t --." % ~~~~ -- ~~..;~. ~~ off- /1- "'1 " j <-/ "~.A- ~.4.~ ..!Y. .../-"'of -II ,.~,-_. - provisions of the aforesaid contract of September 28, 1954. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after passage thereof. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. N!lYs : None. 1 I On application of the below-named petitioners: M. o. Cochran, et als (Unnamed road off Route 311 to the J. C.Medley Boys' Camp _. Earl SiDas (Extension of ~oute 790 (Upland Drive) to Route 693. M. A. Shaw 'Wnnamed road off Route 658 north to D. E.) who this day filed their petitions for inclusicn in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is order that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public, if such roads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also aScertain and report to this Board whether the said roads will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the persons or persons for whose convenience they are desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany this report with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases EKCept that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construc- tion of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to ,said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. 1 I 1 Nays: None. ) IN RE: ZOOING OF Ff1U!ER MAUDE A. ~ FISCHER PROPERTY m THE NORTH- WEST SIDE OF VIRGINIA ROUTE 117 WEST OF ITS INTERSEClIm WITH U.S. ) ROUTE 11 ~ ORDER o THIS DAY was received a petition from Irene F. Guernsey and Annette F. Quisenberry. sole heirs at law of Maude A. Fischer. deceased. for the re- zoning from Business District B-1 to Business District B-2, a tract of land containing approximately 5.9 acres on the northwest side of Virginia Route 117 in the vicinity of its intersection with U. S. Route n. In accordance with Section 15-964.7 of the Code of Virginia and the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County, it is hereby ORDERED that the said petition be, and it hereby is. referred to the Planning CommiSSion of Roanoke County for its report and recOlllllet1dation. o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes. Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Kafer. Nays: None. o IN RE: REZmING OF PROPERTY m THE NORTHEASTERLY SIDE OF ROUTE NO. 119 OF THE BOARD OF MlSSImS AND CHURCH EXTENSIm OF THE ROANOKE DISTRICl, VIRGINIA CmFERENCE. METHODIST CHURCH. INC.. LUTHER J. MARTIN AND WIFE AND ROBERT R. MARTIN AND WIFE. ) (lU)ER ) ) o This day came file Board of Missions and Church Extension of the Roanoke District, Virginia Conference, Methodist Church. Inc. , l:.uther J. Martin and Etta M. Martin, his wife, Robert R. Martin and Dorothy W. Martin, his wife, by Counsel. and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of ;"be property therein described. Nai. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board. as required by the Code of Virginia. that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of~this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this [l resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews. Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. 181 ~~.,;. ~~ ''t. flA c,..v. , 5'''''-'t /~....~ 10 ). 'I, ..,g. ~n ". IC.,~~~7 -I ,-f'tf.~ ,~, 4.1Jt-. c-... ff.?/-t.'f 182 The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. , Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. I IN RE: REZmING OF PROPERTY ) OF STATE ROOTE 119 ~ OF ) .Q!~!R ) L. L. RUSH, ET ALS ~ 1 This day came L. L. Rush, et als, by Counsel and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. N01, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND CIUlERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said'Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. 1 The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. I 1 WHEREAS, it is the opinion of this Board llpat it would be advan- tageous for the Town of Salem, Town of Vinton and County of Roanoke, to erect an adequate civic center on the land purchased by the ,Town of Salem, and that it would be to the best advantage of all of Roanoke County, including said towns, that a larga:' center than that planned by the Town of Salem be erected, and that in order to accomplish this it would be necessary that the Board of o a ! a Q -_.._-- - Supervisors of Roanoke County enter into an agreement with the Town of Salem to lend financial assistance to said Town in order that a larger center might be constructed for the benefit of the entire County, including said towns; NOll, THEREFORE, upon motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the following letter be signed by the Chairman of this Board and by the Clerk of this Board forthwith trans- mitted to the Council of the Town of Salem. "Salem, Virginia May 18, 1964 The Council of the Town of Salem, Virginia. Gentlemen: "- If it has become apparent to the Council of the Town of Salem that a satis- factory and workable arrangement cannot be entered into between the governing bodies of the various political units of the County of Roanoke, City of Roanoke and the County of Botetourt then, in order that an adequate structure, in the nature of a civic center that would serve the needs and purposes of the people of the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, and the Town of Vinton can become a reality, we are ready to lend our financial assistance in the construction of such a facility upon the property the Town of Salem has acquired at the inter- section of Texas Street and the Boulevard. It is our considered opinion that the location selected by the Town is suitable frOlll every standpoint for such a center. We understand that an enlarged structur can be built for an additional $500,000 of capital outlay, ,With the foregoing in mind, we propose to the TOwn of Salem that we will,without delay, initiate the necessary legal procedures to make available the amount of $500,000 with which to increase the size of the coliseum portion of the center. It is our belief that this can be done without any tax increase on our part. ._.1 Our proposal is conditioned upon the following: 1. That the Town will hold in abeyance its working plans and specifi- cations until such time as we will have available the necessary funds for such a joint undertaking, but not later than October 1, 1964. 2. That the details of a proper contract between the Town and Roanoke County be negotiated dealing with the use and control of the center. Yours very truly The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors By Minor R. Keffer, Chairman" Adopted by ~he following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On Motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the firm of Rothgeb, Miller and Brogan, Certified Public Accountants, be employed to make an audit of the records and accounts of the County of Roanoke for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964,and to submit same to the State Auditor of Public Accounts for approval. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. 1.83 t:A- Y ~ ~f'..4.-! J ~ ..4 If-rPd 'M_~ ~J" . ..~ ~aq .q. -f-.f tf. ~ c,. ~ 91. ..7-: 7.'.'+< 184 " L/ L.. .lft'or" ,~." .jJ,-/ ~ 4.~~ 5.".hf I~ ".4 ) .. ",,,' )~ 0" I ~~ zi I(~A~ t. 1/-/'1" I~- /. ~ --, T4.fr~ , . ~.. A-- r...., Il~ :.tIP. 4,..,. 1/71 "...J!_~V;; -~~30" ../ .r ~/_..1f " J~" ~;~t~. ~.',..A. -_L #. ~, 7\-"1 /- ,," J-/7'/''1 rr ~~b. -,,_-/ ~. ~~' i,.r. tJ-h, ..:7-".;;'t On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted Jone 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective May 18, 1964: 10 - PUBLIC W<lUG 10c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $15,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - HISCEUANEOUS OPERATING FllNCTIOiS: An additional appropriation of $10,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the foncti~,or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 19 - CAPITAL OUTLAY: An additional appropriation of $10,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiseal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. Upon the motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Super- visor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Compensation Board of the COIIIIlOn- wealth of Virginia be requested to permit Edw. H. Richardson, COIIIIII011wealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, to appoint an Assistant Commonwealth I s Attorney of Roanoke County, and that the said Compensation Board be requested to fix the salary of said Assistant pursuant to the provisions of Section 14-66 of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date. It is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be forthwith forwarded to said Compensation Board at Richmond, Virginia, by the Clerk of this Board. 1 Adopted upon the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None. 1 On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to prepare a synopsis of the budget for the County of 3.oanoke, Virginia, for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1964, and to publish same for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, said budget synopsis to b~ published in the Times-Register, a newspaper of general circulation in Roanoke County, on June 4th, 1964. 1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. -.- ----1 J i i i 10 c a m COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Budget Synopsis for the Fiscal Year Commencing July 1, 1964 This budget synopsis is prepared and published for informative and fiscal planning purposes only. The inclusion in the budget of any items does not constitute an obligation or cOllll1itment on the part of the Board of Super- visors of this County to appropriate any funds for that item or purpose. The budget has been prepared on the basis of the estimates and requests submitted to the Board of Supervisors by the several officers and department heads of this County. There is no allocation or designation of any funds of tilts County for any purpose until there has been an appropriation for that purpose by the Board of Supervisors. A hearing will be held by the Board of Super- visors on the budget for informative purposes at the Courthouse on the 15th of June, 1964. at 2 P.M. at which time any citizen of this County shall have the right to attend and state his views. The budget is for informative and fiscal planning purposes and will not be approved. adopted, or ratified by the Board of Supervisors. COOTEKPLATED EXPENDITURES General Fund Administration Commissioner of the Revenue Treasurer Collector of Delinquent Taxes Clerk Circuit Court County Court c.,........nwealth's Attorney Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Policing and Investigating Confinement and Care of Prisoners Fire Prevention and Extinction Board of Public Welfare , Institutional Care Lunacy COIIII1ission Public Health Public Works Planning and Zoning Garbage and Refuse Removal Contractual Services Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics Elections Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds MIscellaneous Operating Functions Civil Defense Capital Outlay Items Totals 12.750.00 31,490.00 33,189.00 10,310.00 15.635.00 11.395.00 1.035.00 7,455.00 34,950.00 76.519.00 19.797.00 44.545.00 300.00 38,750.00 3.300.00 43.064.00 35.575.00 6.508.00 135.595.00 20.000.00 13.100.00 12.565.00 28.370.00 87,384.00 6.145.00 51.100.00 780,826.00 For educational purposes. there are estimated to be 18.367 children in this County between the ages of six and twenty years. The expected average cost per-child to this County (exclusive of State and Federal funds) to assist these children to obtain an education is $134.35 for a total sum for educational purposes of 2,467.532.68 For educational purposes. there are estimated to be 18.367 children in this County between the ages of six and twenty years. The expected average amount per child to be received from the State to assist these children to obtain an education is $139.81 for a total sum for educational purposes of 2,568,062.00 For educational purposes. there are estimated to be 18.367 children in this County between the ages of six and twenty years. The expected average amount per child to be received from the Federal government and other funds to assist these children to obtain an education is $7.09 for a total sum for educat10nal purposes of 130,095.00 186 School Capital Outlay,' School Debt Service Total General Fund Library Fund Virginia Public Assistance Fund Total Contemplated Expenditures 3,538,032.83 659.931.88 10,144,480.39 62,832.00 691.560.00 10,898,872.39 I REVENUE ESTDlATES Source Balance, 8eginniT1g of FiFcal Year State and Local Sources Virginia Public Assistance Fund State-Local Hospitalization' State Aid - Education Federal Aid - Education Other Revenue - Education State and Federal Aid - Library Transfer from Dog Fund Taxes - AdValorem ItE'lllS Totals : 2,193.771.61 1 2,007,248.11 564,749.00 18,000.00 2,568,062.00 129,595.00 95,025.00 16,681.00 3.305.740.67 10,898,872.39 Total B!venue Estimates CCtiTEMPLATED EXPENDITURES - DOG FUND Protection of Livestock and Fowls )IIi~i"".... Legal Balance Transfer to the General Fund Total Dog Fund 17,180.00 250.00 17,430.00 REVENUE ESTIMATES - DOG FUND Balance, Beginning Fiscal Year Dog Tag Sales Other Revenue 430.00 14,000.00 3,000.00 Total Dog, Fund TAX LEVY: General County Levy: Two Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents: ($2.25) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) assessed valuation on all classes ,of property subject to local taxation. 17,430.00 I A Copy of the contemplated budget is on file in the Cler~:s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for inspection by the public. The Board of Supervisors may at this time fix and order the tax levy on all 281 estate, tangible personal property, and real and tangible peaonal property of Public Service Corporation or may adjourn to meet and fix such tax levy not later than the 30th day of June, 1964. IN RE: REZmING PROPERTY m THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 615 SOUTH OF STARKEY IN !HE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT 1 of .QR~ER WILLIE J. KEELING .5-1- /- "f This day came Willie J. Keeling by Counsel, and asked leave to file his petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. NCIl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of S'Jpervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby, refe=ed to the Planning COIDllIissionof Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recOlllllleudation in accordance with the ptO,vislons of the Code of Virginia. I 187 ----. o AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that wheu said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the "'~r. Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secreta~y of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. o The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris. On a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. NAYS: None. a Rev. A. .1. Cochran this day appeared before the Board and spoke against the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority and for the Auditorium-Coliseum. j i I I I , I I Mr. Frank Hurt, President-Elect of the Vinton Jaycees, this day appeared before the Board requesting the Board to obtain suitable property for a recreational area in the Lindenwood Section and to also erect street signs. Mr. Hurt was informed that the County could not buy land for this purpose. Mr. Paul B. Matthews informed Mr. Hurt that street signs were on order and would be erected immediately upon receipt of said signs. 1 a ..j , ' " 0 Mrs. Ralph Fisher, representative of the Grand View Heights Civic Club, this day appeared before the Board and preseuted a petition signed by sundry property owners requesting improvement to roads in the Riverdale Section. Mrs. Fisher was informed that this petition would be filed and referred to the State Highway Depart:1llent. Mr. Jim Aldridge, representative from Allstate Insurance Company this day appeared before the Board in regard to Allstate Insurance Company securing a part of the County's insurance. Mr. Aldridge was informed that further study would be made by the Insurance Committee. A report from the Insurance Committee II was received and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor 188 '~~ ~ 1? II ~ ,;/- ",' ~t.~ ..:r- .... 1- ~ ~;;~. ~~~~J .... ~ .. ........... J - 4.q.lI-- f- ;1~ '1 I~.A/. Q- -1-,4 1;6..." it: S}f. 5- ;'1. J.f Frank R. Angell,it is ordered that this Board c!onfel" with the Planning Commission further with reference to the closing of Wentworth Road. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer I Nays: None. The recommendation of the Planning Commission... de~ but o7dered filed. A letter dated April 15, 1964, from J. J. Bower was this day received and ordered filed. On mption of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that'Mr. Bower's request be referred to the State Highway Department for consideration. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. I The Clerk of this Board is requested to answer Mr. Bower's letter giving him this information. I IN RE: CLOSING OF R1VERDALE VarING PRECINCT: On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the closing of Riverdale Voting Precinct be held over until the next meeting of this Board and that each member of this Board be furnished with a map showing the voting precincts. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that this Board go on record commending Mayor James 1. Moyer for his wonderful contribution for leadership in the Roanoke Valley. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Eipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer. 1 Nays: None. J Mr. T. V. Anderton, President, Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Com- merce this day appeared before the Board and stated that he thought the Coliseum proposition was a wonderful proposal and a great step forward in the progress of the entire valley, and offered any help that the Chamber of Commerce might render. Mr. Millard B. Souers, Executive Secretary of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce, was also present and backed Mr. Anderton in his statement. o u Letter dated May 5, 1964, addressed to Mr. Minor R. Keffer,Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Court House, Salem, Virginia, from Charles R. Lemon, received and ordered filed. amERED that the Board be adjourned until Wednesday, May 27, 1964, at 7:00 o'clock P. K. IILr~d?.q,A/ I Court House Salem, Virginia May 27, 1964 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House, pursuant to adjournment on May 18, 1964. Present: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter M. Lipes, Vice- Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor A. C. Harris offered a prayer. The Chairman, Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, recognized two former Chairmen of this Board, Mr. Howard W. Starkey and Mr. Edwin G. Terrell. tJ Whereas J. M. Harris &: Company, Inc. IIlade application to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, pursuant to Section 1],4 of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, for use of their property, located in the Jamison Industrial Park at Hollins, for formulating chemicals, and WHEREAS the property is now properly zoned for Industrial M-l use, with no provision for the said area to be used for formulating chemicals, and VHEREAS the Planning Commission, after due consideration thereof, recommended to this Board that permission be granted J. M" Harris &: Company, Inc. for the use of their property as requested; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board of Supervisors ~ant permission to J. M. Harris &: Company, Inc. for the use of their property for a formulating chemicals. 189 ~....r..<.' -,#~ -rl. ~4. ~c., j1./---. C--. 5...,,-,"f 190 1~-6 ,- .,~. . ~~"'" ~.~ ?If~ ~L -: 4. ~ $,$'. '1' 10i- #(.,,4 J,~..7~ . t..--~f'I PI. b ~-;j >e~ .,.1 Co. ~ ~,1~1 . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer None On the motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that a letter dated May 26, 1964, addressed to Mr. Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Court House, Salem, Virginia, from Mayor James 1. Moyer of the Town of Salem, statiDg that the financial assistance of this Board in the construction of a civic center on the Salem site, at Texas Street and Boulevard-Roanoke, is acceptable, is hereby ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None IN RE: COLISEUM On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Commonwealth's Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper resolution and initiate the necessary legal procedure in which to ask the Judge of the Circuit Court to set a date for a referendum for a coliseum in the amount of $500,000.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ;1 IN RE: LIBRARY, PARKS AND RECREATION On the motion of Supervisors A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the Commonwealth's Attorney be instructed to prepare the proper resolution and initiate the necessary legal procedure in which to ask the Judge of the Circuit Court to set a date for a referendum for a Library, Parks and Recreation, in the amount of $500,000.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in June, 1964. #I-;-M 11;;11#'/ CII' ~ I I I I; I o o ~ a ~. M '.,1 tJ t '" t.; ~: li i) ~ 1t:: \ 191 Court House Salem, Virginia June 15, 1964 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Supervisors Minor-R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Wayne Barber, Youth Pastor of the Cave Spring Baptist Church, Roanoke County, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to.wit: No. 15140 Roanoke County School Board, May Maintenance of County owned Vehicles $ 602.50 " 15141 Salem Auto Parts, Inc. Parts 15142 Doyles, Inc., Repairs to Police Car 6103 15143 Harvest Motors, Parts 15144 Standard Parts Corp. Parts 15145 Williams Auto Alignment, Repairs 15146 W. B. Clements, lnc., Parts and Repairs 15147 Auto Spring 6< Bearing Co., Parts, etc. 15148 Goodyear Service Store, Parts and Tires 15149 Goodwin-Chevrolet Corp. Repairs and Parts 15150 Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to truck 5605 15151 Miller Tire Service, Tires 15152 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline for Cave Spring Rescue Squad 15153 Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Land Fill and Gas for Ft. Lewis Fire Truck rr " II II II II " II II rr II II II 15154 Salem Glass Co., Parts 15155 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts 15156 West End American Station, Gasoline for Ft. Lewis Fire Truck II II II '- 15157 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts Vinton Truck 15158 Overton's Esso Servicenter, Inspector's Car washed 15159 Diesel Injection Sales & Service, Parts for Trucks 15160 Beach Brothers, Repairs and Parts Trucks 15161 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repairs, Parts and Wash Job 15162 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts 15163 Town of Salem, Maintenance of County owned Fire Truck housed in Salem Station from July 1, 1963 to June 30, 1964; Gasoline and ~ Premilllll on Insurance Policy for Firemen rr rr II II II II rr 15164 American Auto Supply Co., Parts for 5609 15165 M 6< S Machine Shop, Repairs and Parts Trucks I rr 119.73 2.50 5.45 14.40 7.50 41. 51 90.99 835.90 16.69 8.00 1,243.85 15.76 95.53 7.88 34.49 1.86 11.35 2.00 34.45 3.35 13.35 239.35 551.65 14.87 208.63 192 " 15171 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline, Oil and Grease for distribution at County Garage and Hollins Fire Station 1,747.99 15172 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gas and Oil, Clearbrook Rescue Squad No. 15166 Stan's Auto Parts, Parts " 15167 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs, Parts and Repairs to Collection Tubs " 15168 Void " 15169 Truck Sales, Inc., Parts 15170 Void " " " " 15173 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets 15174 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts 15175 Dooley Printing Co., Office Supplies 15176 Bee LOx Mfg. Co., Office supplies 15177 Salem Office Supply Co, Office supplies " " " " " $ 75.95 64.35 4n50 35.52 42.42 4.12 104.95 54.36 16.06 " 15178 R. L. Paxton Printing Co., Office supplies for Treasurer 40.47 15179 Void 15186 Monroe Business Machine, Maintenance agreement on ofEce Machine for County Court Office 1 year April 10; 1964 - April 10, 1965 22.00 15187 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children detained in the City's Detention Home 15189 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse May Traveling Expense Probation Officer 36.14 15190 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse May Traveling Expense Probation a:ficer 15192 Dr. S. D. Carey, Blood Tests for Drunk Drivers 10.00 15193 Criminal Research Products, Inc., Finger Print supplies 38.17 15194 Dr. R. G. Faw, Blood Tests Alcohol, Lunacy Case 15.00 15195 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail Physician Salary,May Blood Test Lum:y Case 115.00 15198 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Coroner Cases, Lunacy Commissions 50.00 15199 John B. Stetson Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff's Dept. 80.00 15200 American Bakeries Co., Food - Jail 39.76 15201 C. C. Bova & Co., Food - Jail 3.00 " 15180 G. H. Parent Co., Office Supplies 15181 Va. Office Machine Co., Repairs to Office Equipment Treasurer's Office " " 15182 Everette Waddey Co., Record Book for Clerk - Will Book 15183 C. W. Warthen Co., Office supplies 15184 American Bar Association, Membership dues Judge F. L. Hoback 15185 Roanoke County Law Library Assoc. Membership dues fa: % year Judges F. L. Hoback, James Moyer " " " " " " 15188 R. F. Hyatt, Reimburse May Traveling Expense Probation Officer " " " 15191 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries for Sherif~'s Office " " " " " 15196 Railway Express Co., Freight charges on Wearing Apparel 15197 Radio Communications Co., May - Radie Maintenance " " " " " 4.52 8.56 63.50 323.14 33.00 100.00 72.00 85.23 37.03 6.12 4.50 37.50 I I I I I o o c a ~ 15213 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, May and June Rent - Cave Spring Fire Station 120.00 15214 C1earbrook Lion I s Club, May and June Rent - C1earbrook Fire Stations 120.00 15215 AutOlllOtive Paint & Supply Co., Paint for Glenvar Fire Station 48.60 15216 Airport Hardware Co., Supplies for Hollins Fire Station 9.97 15217 Culligan Soft Water Co., Water Softner - Hollins Fire Station No. 15202 Foutz Sausage Co., Food - Jail " 15203 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant, Inc., Premium on Insurance Jail &c 15204 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry - Jail 15205 C. B. Halsey Co., Food - Jail 15206 Littlejohn Printing Co., Office supplies - Jail 15207 Monarch Finer Foods, Food - Jail 15208 Void 15209 Murrell's Finer Foods, Food,- Jail 15210 W. T. Rierson, Food - Jail 15211 S & W Pharmacy, Medical supplies Jail 15212 W. >? Garman, May and June Rent - Mount Pleasant Fire Station n " n n II " n n " " " " " II " 15218 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel Hollins Fire Station 15219 J. W. Griggs, Reimburse Expense of Dinner meeting for Fire Chiefs " " 193 $ 25.65 698.16 37.40 76.14 59.50 81.07 78.84 19.50 2.03 120.00 4.00 17.37 16.40 " 15220 Ft. Lewis Har~,ar~ Co., Supplies - Ft. Lewis Fire Station 4.77 15221 Va. Armature Co., Repairing Motor for Hollins Fire Station " 15222 Van Wood Oil Corporation, Fuel for Cave Spring Rescue Squad " 15223 Void 15224 Williams Supply Co., Lantern and Batteries for C. S. Fire Dept. 15225 Franklin Hough, Services on Welfare Board 15226 Rev. Frederick Griffith, Services on Welfare Board 15227 A. C. Harris, Services on Welfare Board 15228 Minor R. Keffer, Services on Fairview Home Board & Expense 15229 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy Commissions 15230 Kime & Jolly, Lunacy Commissions 15231 Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy Commission 15232 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies for Public Works 15233 Technical Reproduction Co., Record paper and Office supplies 15234 Times-World Corp., Publishing meetings of Zoning Board and publishing notice of closing of Registration Books " " " " " " " " " " " " 28.30 13.32 16.48 100.00 100.00 50.00 104.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 33.78 10.00 42.00 " 15235 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 729.99 15236 Addressograph-Multigraph Co., office supplies 17.87 II 15237 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts 15238 Madge Twine, July Rent on Garbage Dump 15239 Virginia Flint, Refund Garbage Collection Fee II II 15.39 50.00 4.50 I II II II 15253 Younger Park Building, June Rent for office in Younger Park Building - Civil Defense Office 60.00 15254 John W. Poling, Drilling water well at No. 5 Fire Station at HolLins Miller & Brogan, Partial billing for profess- ional services rendered in connection with audit for the year ended June 30, 1964 1,500.00 15282 Addressograph-Multigraph Co., Office supplies for Commissioner 1 Ribbon Coupon Book 30.60 15283 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental Fee on Postage Machine for Treastrer's Office 39.00 15284 Acme Printers Co., Office supplies and Record books 1,287.30 15285 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 11.97 15286 Roanoke Co. Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund No. 15240 Arthur D. Hale, Refund Garbage Collection Fee " 15241 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage for mailing garbage bills for month ending May 30, 1964 15242 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 15243 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies Health & Welfare Building 15244 Bush Electric Co., Electrical Work and Hanging Fixtures in Courthouse " II " II 15245 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies and Hardware 15246 Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical work at Courthouse 15247 MCClung Lumber Co., Lumber and sand for Cuspidors 15248 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing work at Courthouse 15249 Thomas Brothers, 51 loads of dirt and bulldozing and grading courtyard 15250 White Spot Supply'Co., Janitor supplies 15251 Cates Building Specialities, Reinforcing Bars to be used at County Garage 15252 Dobie Electric Co., Repairs to damage done by Garbage Truck at Mount Pleasant " " II " II n " " " " 15255 Valley Contractors Corp., Installing CUrbs, Concrete Walk and steps at Courthouse 15256 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Chief Probation Officer's May Traveling Expense " " 15281 Rothgeb, " " " " " " 15287 Michie Company, Law Books for Judge Hoback 15288 Robert Dawson, P. M., Post Office Box for Judge F. L. Hoback and Public Works 15289 Copy-Craft, Inc., Office supplies 15290 Thomas A. Edison Industries, Maintenance on Recorder for Commonwealth's Attorney 15291 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries ,for Flash Lights 15292 Appalachian Power Company, Current used at C. S. Fire Station " " " " " " 15293 Cave Spring Water Co., Water used at Cave Spring Fire ~ Station 15294 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service Fire Stations " " $ 4.50 89.46 44.25 25.50 I 131.25 13.36 451.61 9.23 200.68 I 167.50 44.55 2.65 7.50 800.00 671. 98 47.39 I ! 14.10 30.00 21.00 12.10 I 32.00 6.12 11.08 I 8.25 61. 95 15295 Gochenour & Baugess, Lunacy Commissions 10.00 15296 Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy cases 15.00 15297 University of Va. Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for We lfare 324.44 15298 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 1,548.00 o J 15299 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills for Welfare $ 15300 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills for We lfare 15301 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills for Welfare 15302 Texaco, Inc., Gasoline for Engineer's Car No. " " " I 195 367.38 478.26 41.28 4.02 " 15303 State Office Supply Co., Maintenance on Royal Typewriter for Public Works Office . 35.00 15304 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies and equipment 153,05 Kenneth Whitlock, Extra help in Engineer's Office 15306 Times-World Corp., Publishig notice of meeting of Zoning Board 15307 James Glenn, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 15308 Mrs. Janet Ballantine, Services as Deputy Registrar 15309 Void 15310 Booker Helm, Extra work around the Courthouse 15311 C. R. Brightwell, Electrical repairs-at Courthouse 15312 Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage 15313 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant, Ins., Premium on Workman's Compensation Insurance 15314 R. C. Pittman, Reimburse Traveling Expense " " " " " " " " " " " " 15315 Void o 15316 Dr. S. D. Carey, Coroner, Drunk Driving, Lunacy 15317 Robert Dawson, P. M. Postage 15364 Maxine Sink, Extra Help in Engineer's Office 15365 H. L. lIlaton, Extra Help at Hollins Fire Station " " " " 483.45 98.99 15.00 4.50 13.50 33.00 76.30 1.50 3,248.68 42.98 55.00 100.00 158. 92 36.14 " 15370 Roanoke Co. Board of Public Welfare, June DisbursementslO,451.78 15371 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Delinquent Tax Collector's Office .. . 50.00 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLADIS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented and approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Void o o No. 15257 " 15258 " 15259 " 15260 " 15261 " 15262 " 15263 " 15264 " 15265 " 15266 Mrs. Edith Palmer, Fowl claim Esther Long, Work at Clinics Jean Long, Working during Dog Clinics Tommy R. M. Brooks, Working at Dog Clinic James Burnap, Working at Dog Clinic 15.00 30.00 30.00 5.00 5.00 Roy Nester, Working at Dog Clinic 5.00 Guy Ayers, Extra help for Dog Warden 96.38 Roanoke County School Board, Repairing Dog Truck 3.00 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts and material for washing dog truck 13.63 196 No. 15267 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant, Inc., Premium on Bonds for Dog Warden and Assistant Dog Wardens $ 20.00 3.00 12.59 " 15268 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 15269 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gas and Oil for Dog Truck 15270 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Miscellaneous items for Dog Pound 15271 Fort Dodge Laboratories, Medical supplies for Dog Clinics 15272 Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical supplies 15273 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Dog Truck I " " 1.66 " " 84.97 12.50 5.91 for Clinics 33.90 51. 62 I " " Roanoke Surgical Supply Co., Medical Supplies Sam's, Inc., Wearing Apparel for Dog Warden 15274 15275 " " " 15276 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food 15277 Salem Hardware Co., Wearing Apparel for Dog Warden 15278 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 15279 Tarpley's Marine Center, Rope 15280 vold 79.00 6.49 2.65 8.00 " " " " 76.25 8.00 6.00 " 15318 Ralph Long, Reimburse traveling expense 15368 Mrs. G. R. Harris, Fowl claim 15369 Steve T. Wood, Sr. Fowl claim " IN RE: CLOSING OF WENTWORTH ROAD: I On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by ~~pervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the resolution of tbis Board adopted at the May meeting 1964 in re: Closing of Wentworth Road, be and the same is hereby rescinded. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None IN RE: CLOSING OF WENTWORTH ROAD COLEMAN H. NELSm, PETITImER: On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that tbis Board concurs in the recODmendations of the Roanoke County Planning Commission with reference to the request of Coleman H. Nelson, Petitioner, as set forth in said petition as to the vacating, discontinuing, or closing any portion of Wentworth Road as laid out on the map cf City View Heights Section 3, as found in Plat Book 3~ Pages 22 and 82, of record in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia; and said request is hereby denied, and the recollllllE!mation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission is ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: "June 15, 1964 o To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business May 31, 1964, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. V. S. R. S. Deferred Credit Account Literary Fund (School Construction) $ 423,607.13 16,477.40 71. 93 34,251.68 6,274.81 5,748.16 3,392.72 40.86 60.55 175,000.00 $ 1)1)4,8U4.14 o I Financial Statement Cash: In Office Bank of Salem - Escrow $1,500,000.00 Farmers. National Bank Escrow $1,743,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $852,000.00 Textbook - Bank of Salem Farmers NatiOI!al Bank-Paying Agent for School Bond Debt Service Farmers National Bank (Savings) Bank of Salem Literary Fund - School Construc- tion Certificate of Deposit 175,000.00 $ 664,804.14 $ 1,000.00 I 25,306.63 243,239.98 11,711. 91 5,748.16 2,797.46 200,000.00 * Certificates of Deposit (School Building) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ 750,000.00 1,000,000.00 450,000.00 100,000.00 $ 2,300,OOU.UU * Included in General Revenue Total Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County' I I , i I I I I I 10 Said report is received and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of June, 1964, be approved in the amount of $11,212.51, from litich the sum of $339.24 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $946.25 total W. H. Taxes; $127.03 total State Income Taxes and $262.32 Total Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $9,537.67. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer ~ Nays: None 197 i /\ t~. \ '-; 'U-r. .c, ~'.~:ttf ~~'4 198 ~u -tJI-.. . C. . ~ · cP . r j e.. 6 ft/ t OJ."l- fl /:., i __ i$!X .,_' __ -.._..,""",__...~~._ '..__"' ..,_..:..~_:...~..=::c::::f'>".,,~,~,::.'~;':'~ . On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning May 16, ending May 30, 1964, be approved in the amount of $3,754.18, from which $136.06 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $176.20 total w. H. taxes; $16.03 total State Income Taxes and $44.80 total Insurance Taxes are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,381.09; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginni~g June 1, ending June 15, 1964 be approved in the amount of $4,180.08, from which $151.53 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $223.70 total W. H. Taxes; $22.38 total State Income Taxes; $44.80 total Insurance Taxes; $30.00 total Accident Insurance; and $84.12 total Retirement, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,623.55. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt (;f James E. Peters Treasurer, for $1,758.61 onaccount of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of May, 1964, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,670.68 net. I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: -'> C. E. BOOlE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of May, . - 1964; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of May, 1964; ElJlARD s. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of May, 1964; LOIELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of May, 1964; MRS. FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of May, 1964; EVELYN F. PaJELL, Assistant Home Demotlstration Agellt, for the month of May, 1964. I ~t.~ Mqr: IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C. D. Chapman, Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County this day submitted a report of his monthly collections showing collections for each month and total to date -- Fiscal Year - 1963-1964: I TAXES Collectionsfor month of July, 1963 Collections for month of August, 1963 Collections for month of September, 1963 Collections for month of October, 1963 Collections for month of November, 1963 Collections for month of December, 1963 $ 3,421.03 2,058.13 1,288.18 1,401. 72 1,238.65 973.17 Collections for month of January, 1964 Collections for month of February, 1964 Collections for month of March, 1964 Collections for month of April, 1964 Collections for month of May, 1964 Total 1,900.73 1,045.27 2,308.43 1,832.91 4,422.11 $ 21,890.33 o GARBAGE Collections for quarter ending September 30, 1964 Collections for quarter ending December 31, 1963 CollectSons for month of January, 1964 Collections for month of February, 1964 Collections for month of March, 1964 Collections for month of April, 1964 Collections for month of May, 1964 $ 938.25 2,097.15 269.15 193.00 291.50 483.00 659.65 $ 4,931.80 $ 26,021.13 Total o Grand Total which report is received and ordered filed. ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: #15065 in the amount of $709.56 made payable to the C. & P. Telephone Company for services at various County offices; #15066 in the amount of $40.59 made payable to the Appalachian PowerCompany for current used at the Hollins Fire Station; #15128 in the amount of $37.23 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at the dog pound; #15130 in the amount of $858.59 made payable to the Town of Salem for water and electricity at the Courthouse; 115131 in the amount of $132.58 made payable to James E. peters, Treasurer, to reimburse him for jury tickets; 115132 in the amoum: of $9.00 made payable to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for sewage treatment at Hollins Fire Station; 115133 in the amount of $21. 50 made payable to the C & P TelephOtE Company for service at the Dog Warden's home; 115134 in the amount of $9i1.85 made payable to the C & P TelephOIl! Company for service at the fire stations; 115135 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to the Roanoke Linen Service for towels in May for the Courthouse; #15136 in the amount of $500.00 made payable to Civil War Centennial, c/o Mrs. Rou Hash, for a Civil War Centennial program; #15137 in the amount of $85.29 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at the County jail, home demonstration kitchen, Cave Spring Fire Station, and the Health and Welfare Center; #15138 in the, amount of $45.00 made payable to the C !it P Telephone Company for underbilling of local service on 389-9301 (Treasurer) #15139 in the amount of $13.26 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company .for current used at the Mount Pleasant Fire Station; a o #15173 in the amount of $42.42 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, to reimburse him for jury tickets. IN RE: 1964-65 FINAL ALLOCATIOOS FOR INTERSTATE AND RURAL PRIMARY CmSTRUCTIW Letter dated June 1, 1964, addressed to Board of Supervisors from F. A. Davis, Deputy Commissioner !it Chief Engineer, Department of Highways, enclosing two copies of final allocations of Interstate and rural Primary construction 199 I , ,.-~ tJ1..<4 . tU- X.C. ~ t, /17/10'-1 -200 - '_.~'~." -- funds for the fiscal year 1964-1965, as approved by the Highway COmmission at its meeting on May 29, 1964, received and ordered filed. ~ The following communications were ,this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I . Letter dated May 20, 1964, addressed to Board of Supervisors" Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from Oak Grove Parent-Teacher Association, cOllllllE!nding the Board's proposed contribution to the Town of Salem for a civic center; Letter dated Ma.y 27, 1964, addressed to Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from Oak Grove Parent-Teacher Association, recoamending that no action be taken in the matter of a contribution to the Town of Salem for a civic center until tIE Valley Study COmmissiiln has made its report; Letter dated June 2, 1964, addressed to Roanoke Qlunty Board of Supervisors, Salem, virgir..ia, from Eastman F. Speed asking that the County contribute to the City of Roar.oke for the building of an auditorium-coliseum to be built within the City of Roanoke; Letter dated June 3, 1964, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, from Beirne B.. Carter, President, Carter Machinery Company, Inc., Salem, Virginia, stating his views on the consolida- tion of Roanoke Valley governments; Letter dated May 29, 1964, addressed to Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from William K. Coles, Executive Secretary, Roanoke Valley Home Builders Association, in re: civic center and auditorium in Salem; Lete= dated May 26, 1964, addressed to Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Earl R. Johnston, President, Salem Junior Chamber of COIlIIIerce, Inc., in re: cOlllllunity center. I The following letter was this day laid before the Board ordered spread and filed: I "Department of Highways Richmond, Va. May 29, 1964 Route 1889 - Roanoke County . Proj ect l889-080-l24-C501 Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia .Re: Gentlemen: Industrial Access- Associated Transport, Inc. , The Highway Commission at its meeting on May 14 approved the allocation of $65,000 for the construction of an access road from Route 625 (Hershberger Road) to the facilities of Associated Transport, Incorporated in Roanoke County. At the present time our Mr. O. J. Hurt is working with the City of Roanoke and Associated Transport to see that necessary rights of way are dedicated for this project. Upon advice from Mr. Hurt as to the dedication of the necessary right of way, an authorization of funds will be provided and work will be put under way at the earliest possible date. I Very truly yours, C. F. Kellam District Engineer." 1- Copy of letter dated May 28, 1964, addressed to Mr. Edward H. Richardson, Attorney for the commonwealth, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia,:from G. .Edmond Massie, Chairman, Compensation Board, Richmond, Virginia, approving the employment of an Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney and setting the maximum salary for same was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. The follO".n.ng resolution was received from the Roanoke County School Board '1- + "WHEREAS, there are insufficient funds in the Textbook Fund to pay for 'Yl1~ -r;- books .already received and to pay the salaries of regular and temporary employees 1J--I'.~' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County be requested to transfer the sum of $24,000.00 from the School Construction Fund to the Textbook Fund as a temporary transfer, to be repaid by November 1, 1964." AND WHEREAS, this resolution involves only a temporary transfer of funds from the Construction Fund to the Textbook Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisor authorizes the transfer of the sum of $24,000.00 from the School Construction Fund to the Text Book Fund as a temporary transfer, to be repaid November 1, 1964. --- .0 o On II1Otion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, se.conded by Supervisor A. C. Harris the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angeli and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the proposal to provide parks and recreational facilities in Roanoke County be referred to ~he Parks Committee, heretofore appointed, with the request that they furnish to this Board a recOllllllE!ndation on the need for parks ad recreational facilities by September 21, 1964, as proposed by Supervisor A. C. Harris of the Big Lick Magisterial District. And be it further ordered that the Parks Committee consult with the Roanoke County Planning OoDmission and with the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission in regard to the proposed sites and the facilities to be provided. . . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o It is ordered that the Resolution adopted by this Board at its adjourned meeting held on the 27th day of May, 1964, requesting the Commonwealth' Attorney to prepare the necessary resolutions requesting the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to fix a date for a referendum on a bond issue to provide funds through the sale of bonds for the improvements to the County library facilities and to provide parks and recreational areas in Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby, rescinded. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o 201' ~~~~ 14-(Jt.tP~ ~. $~Y- 'o/I7/~'I- ~ eL.e. t;$.- ~:c .f~CUl.' ~~. ~'4~ 'Y'::' hlt?/' <t. 202 ~.~. 1: It;!::)-. El ~ AY'" ,. .~ C. i.c>O(,.. yo- 6717!""- ~,~ . ~~.A ~ ~. ;!. T~.~ t-/~-.f- c;c,... l~<'~ A Ih-: ::k~. ... '..7-<. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the proposal to provide additional library facilities for Roanoke County be referred to the Roanoke County Library Board with the request that if they be willing they make a study of the library needs of the County, as proposed by Supervisor A. C. Harris of the Big Lick Magisterial District, and submit to this Board a report of their recommendations on the library needs of Roanoke County by September 21, 1964. And be it further ordered that the Library Board give consideration to the State requirements and determine if State and Federal funds may be secured .for the building or buildings needed and, if so, determine the amount of funds available. 1 1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: A~es: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 28, 1963, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective June 15, 1964: 3 - COLLECTIm AND DISBURSMENT OF TAXES An additional appropriation of $3,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 7 - FIRE PREVENTIm AND EXTINCTIm An additional appropriation of $4,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10. -PUBLIC WORKS lOb-PlAnning and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $100.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 14 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS An additional appropriation of $300.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 -MISCELLANEOUS ,OPERATING RJNCTImS An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Notice of public hearing, having been advertised in The Times Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke, on June 4, 1964, as required by Section 15-577, Code of Virginia, was held this day at 2:00 o'clock P. M.; all persons interested were. given an opportunity to speak for or against the Roanoke County Budget, for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, for the year cOllllllE!ncing July 1, 1964, and no one appearing, said budget is ordered I. filed. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virgini , that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund .,.-....~. ;;~.:Jf~ for the period ending December 31, 1964, for the functions or purposes indicated: ~~ "'t-. "c-':' ~.. of .... ~ . 11,..'~~.- 4. t... 4?~ J.-IJ.~ ---- APPROPRIATIm ORDINANCE o For the operation of the Department Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and exp~ded by the Welfare Board For operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board 'J For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors, as follows: 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 3a - Collec:or of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court 5b - County Court 5c - COuo4OtIWl!alth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare 8a - Board of Public Welfare 8e - Institutional Care 8h - Lunacy Commission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c - Garbage Disposal lOe - Contractual Services 11 -Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (see Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions l8a - Annexation 18b - Civil Defense 19 - Captal Outlay c I j 0 For Educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of this Board l7a - Administration l7b - Instruction l7c - Coordinated Activities l7d - Auxiliary Agencies 17e - Housing 17f - Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service Capital Outlay Total Appropriations from the General Revenue Fund For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the dog laws, to be transferred to the Dog Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors 346,905.00 31,416.00 6,375.00 l5,7~5.00 16,594.50 5,155.00 7,817.50 5,697.50 517.50 3,727.50 17,475.00 38,259.50 9,898.50 22,272.50 150.00 18,250.00 1,650.00 21,532.00 17,787.50 3,254.00 67,797.50 10,000.00 6,550.00 6,282.50 14,185.00 41,192.00 2,500.00 3,072.50 25,550.00 33,839.00 2,067,446.03 . 1,850.00 159,872.43 240,348.50 16,685.18 39,000.00 329,965.94 1.792,820.11 5.449.436.19 8,715.00 203,' i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and ~e hereby is, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time 204 Copy mailed t Bon. C.H. Morrisett, State Tax Comr. Richmo Va., &. copies del to Treas &: Comr. of Revenue 6/17/64 as monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriation made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Appropriation Ordinance. A copy of this Appropriation Ordi~e is ordered to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer. Nays: None I I IN RE: GENERAL COUNTY LEVY FOR YEAR 1964: BE IT RESOLVED and ordered by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that there be, and is, hereby levied, for the year 1964, a tax of $2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate located in this County, and that there be, and is, hereby levied, for the year 1964, a tax of $2.25 per one hundlB:l dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable tangible personal property, including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-831.1 and 58-831.2, in the Code . of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, located in this County on January 1, 1964, the respective levies hereby ordered, being also applicable to the real estate and tangible personal property, including tne property '. I separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-831.1 and 58-831.2 in the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date, of public service corporations based upon the assessment thereof fixed by the State Corporation COIIIIIlission, and duly certified. IT IS FURTHER amERED that such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of this County, shall be used to defray the County charges and expenses and all necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution of the lawful authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County. On the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: APPOIN'IMENT OF MEMBERS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL EXAMINING BOARD: Pursuant to Section 37.1.2 of the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance adopted by this Board on September 19, 1960, on motion duly seconded, it is ordered that the following named persons be appointed to constitute the Roanoke County Electrical Examining Board to serve without compensation on said Board in conjunction with J. R. Taliaferro, Electrical Inspector of Roanoke County for a term beginning July 1, 1964 and ending June 30, 1965. I 205 - - --. - - - "- -. . --. ,'~-'-"- . .... ~'-- - .-.-- -~ --- _. .-.- Group No. 1 Electrical Utility Member Mr. J. Edgar Yates 515 Tennessee Street Salem, Va. 009-2411 o Group No. 2 Roanoke County Master Electrician Mr. John M. Murphy Suncrest Drive, Route 8 Roanoke, Virginia DI2-7083 J i' Group No. 3 County Journeyman Electrician Mr. Clayton G. Tinnell Route 5, Box 84 Roanoke, Virginia DI5-043l Group No. 4 Mr. Eric T. Naschold, Jr. 3233 Brandywine Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 774-3478 On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Hards, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None c IN RE: REZOOING PROPERTY m THE NORTH SItE OF COOIANDER nnVE, N. W. OF CAl"l'AIN'S GROVE CORPORATIW ) ) ~ } ) FINAL ORDER o At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on June 15, 1964, WHEREAS, Captain's Grove Corporation petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said Petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Residential R-2" property and by Order entered on that date was referred to the Planning C01IIlIission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Planning CommissiiOn by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 28th day of April, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on themerits of said petition recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended as requested in said Petition; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order entered on the 16th day of March, 1964, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon receipt of said recOIIIIIIE!ndation from the Planning Commission forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special me~ting of this Board &ld give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and ~ __u._:"'_'_"'_'~''''''_~.--'''''''''_':' ~._.~ '''::'""'','_''''''.:'':':::::~<_''~_~_ ___ 206 WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on June 15, 1964, at 2:30 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) and advertised the same by a notice duly published in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said P€tition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on June 15, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as ''Residential R-2" property. The property hereby classified as "Residential R-2" property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: All of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8~ 9. 10. and 11, inclusive, Block 1. according to the Map of Captain's Grove Corporation, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, in Plat Book 4, page 6, and being on the north side of Commander Drive, N. W., west of u. S. Route 11. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall I I I forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Richard T. Edwards, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I ..2-"~ 7b:Ju. To . R..-rli~';r:k ~ (c.J(;....:<" v-~~ 1i'""~.~ ~. P~cu..(k. t, to/Ge.} IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF DENT ROAD, mOON AS VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 623 OF CENTRAL PARK CORPORATION ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on June 15, 1964, WHEREAS, Central Park Corporation petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning .Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to 207 c provide that certain property described in said Petition be rezoned and reclassified as ''Residential R-2" property and by Order entered on that date was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 28th day of April, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended as requested in said Petition; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order entered on the 16th day of March, 1964, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication 1 in accordance ~th the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regula r meeting of this Board to be held on June 15, 1964, at 2:30 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) and advertised the same by a notice duly published in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to said recolllllendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said PEtition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NCM, THEREFORE, B~ IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on June 15, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as ''Residential R-2" property. The property hereby classified as "Residential R-2" property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at corner No. 11 at the Northeast corner of the 2.339 acre tract conveyed by Captain's Grove Corporation to Central Park Corporation, of record in Deed Book 722, page 334, which point of beginning is N. 640 40' W. 202.26 feet from the Westerly line of Route 11; thence continuing along Dent Road and with the Southerly bine thereof, the follo~ng courses and distances:o N. 64 54' W. 56.61 feet N'050 22' W. 140.48 feet, NO 54 10' W. 130.54 feet, No 64 27' W. 92.13 feet, N'040 31' w. 130.46 feet, No 48 55' W. 390.48 feet, N. 68 11' W. 69.82 feet, N. 78 20' W. 50.06 feet; thence leaving Dent Road and with a new line through the propert~ of Central Park Corporation crossing carvins Creek, S. 1 39' E. 623.46 feet to a point on the Northerly line of Block 1, Captain's Grove Corporation; thence along the Northerly line of Block 1 of captain's Grove Corvoration, the following courses ana distances; S. 680 17 E. 140.05 f8et to a point, S. 79 27~' E. 149 fest to a point, S. 85 1~' E. 350 feet to a point, S. 69 40' E. 220 feet, more or less, to a point on the outside line of the Central Park Corporation property; thence with the same N. 00 30' W. 180.81 feet to the Place of Beginning, as shown by a plat prepared for Central Park Corporation by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., dated March 2, 1964; and o a c ~.., U 208 ~{ 'Th~.~'f I'....L. ~ 1\ ~JR-c. f)~lW-- ~. (., / I c" f c,;cJ- BEING a portion of the same property convered to Central Park Corporation by two deeds from Captain s Grove Corporation, the first dated June 1, 1959,and of record in Deed Book 619, page 477, and the second deed dated July 11, 1963, and of record in Deed Book 722, page 334. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Richard T. Edwards, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and on the record vote" the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: IN THE MAnER OF REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 & 460 at the intersection OF STATE ROUTE 112 IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY , ) ) ~ ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER OF TRUSTEES OF WEST SALEM BAPTIST CHURCH WHEREAS, the Trustees of West Salem Baptist Church petitioned the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, requesting that certain property in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, therein described berezoned and reclassified from B-1 to B-2; and WHEREAS, thepetition was duly referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County after due advertisemen , considered the petition at a meeting held on the 26th day of May, 1964, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the petition, the Planning Commission recommended to the Board of Supervisors that said property be rezoned and reclassified from B-1 to B-2; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 15th day of June, 1964, at 3:00 o'clock p. m., as the day and time for public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof, duly published in the Roanoke Times and World News, a newspaper publiShed and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, on May 27, 1964, June 3, 1964 and June 10, 1964, and further as required by, and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, said public baring was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, and after full and complete notice thereof was duly published as aforeSl!.d; and tJHEREA$, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of said Planning Commission, and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance[ this Board is of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as I requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission: r- --. I I I I i 'I II '. I o , . ._. __.__, ..._" ____ ___u - o NOll, THEREFau:, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this 15th day of June, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia be, and the same is hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property described in Paragraph No. 1 of said petition, from its classification of B-1 to B-2, as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from B-1 to B-2 is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake on North side of U. S. Route 11 at S. E. corner of Lail property; thence N. 8 deg. 21' W. 378.9 ft. to a point; thence S. 84 deg. 24' W. 152.3 ft. to an iron; thence N. 12 dey. 36' W. 38.8 ft. to a stake; thence N. 82 dey' 45 E. 347.7 ft. to a stake; thence S. 9 deg. 11 E. 421.8 feet to a stake on North side of U. S. 11; thence with North line of same S. 82 deg. 44' W. 192.4 ft. to place of Beginning, containing 2 acres, more or less, and being according to a plat made by T. P. Parker, September 15; 1950 and recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 446, at page 223; and being the same property conveyed to the Trustees of West Salem Baptist Church by deed from Roanoke Baptist Missionary and Social Union, Incorporated, dated July l., 1961, and of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 669, at page 539. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board do a forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Roanoke CoUnty Planning COIIIIIIission and a copy thereof to Norman R. Moore, Attorney for the 'll:'ustees of West Salem Baptist Church. The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes of Salem Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, of Cave Spring Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wi t : Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None IN RE: AUDIT OF NORMAN R. MOORE, JUDGE OF THE JUVENILE AND DalESTIC RELATIOOS COURT AND ROANOKE COUNTY COURT: a The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board a report of the Audit of Norman R. Moore, Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations C~t and Roanoke County Court for the period July 1, 1963, through December 31, 1963, which report is received and ordered filed. ~ IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY WELFARE BOARD AUTHORIZATIOO FOR PAYMENT OF ALL STATE AND LOCAL HOSPITAL BILLS AS OF JUNE 30, 1964: On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the Roanoke County Welfare Board be, and it is hereby authorized to pay alstate and local bills incurred by said Welfare Board as of June 30, 1964. Adopted )y the following recorded vote: Ayes: ~..pervisors A.C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor. R. Keffer Nays: None 209 ~.~ /J-w 0~ V<r c&-i. t C<~- ~rc. ~.a~ ~/l7/bC+ 210 ~d.l 11 ~.~ L. CPty r' ~ 1./'1 J"u. c..h ~ 1; ~.~{~ ~1I.11.<f .~ .,"",'~ .~'.~".:~'<' :".'::..-"":.>:......,,...."'''''''"''......'......,........'...'"'.'.'. ~.~::..;,.".<-- . On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, the appointment of the following persons as members of the Roanoke County Board of Zoning Appeals is hereby made effective June 15, 1964; Frank W. Martin and Mrs. Roberta A. Cronquist to serve terms of one year; W. E. Cundiff and Carl M. Andrews to serve terms of two years; and R. A. Pilow to serve a term of three years, Mrs. Roberta A. Cronquist being a representative of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Adopted by the following recorded vote Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I WHEREAS, E. C. Hill and Flora M. Hill, his wife, and Tread Corporation made application to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, pursuant to Section 11-4 of the zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, for use of their property, located two miles northwest of Dixie Caverns~ in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Vb:g1nia, for the storage of high explosives, to be occupied by Tread Corporation and Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc., of Wilmington, Delaware; and WHEREAS, the property is now properly zoned for Agricultural A-I use, with no provision for the said area to be used for the storage of high explosives; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, after due consideration thereof, recOlllllll!nded to this Board that permission be granted to E. C. Hill and Flora M. Hill, his wife, and lread Corporation for the use of their property for the storage of high eA~losives, to be occupied by Tread Corporation and Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc., of Wilmington, Delaware, as aforesaid; NOll, THEREFORE, On motion of Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Board of Supervisors grant permission to the petitioners and to Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc., of Wilmington, Delaware, for the use of the said property as requested, with the following restrictions: (1) That the two magazines and the building in question be constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with the standards and specifications of the Institute of the Makers of Explosives, which standards and specifica- tions are utilized by manufacturers of explosives for the storage of the same uniformly throughout the United States of America. (2) All clearances be in compliance with the American Table of Distances for Storage of Explosives as revised and approved by the Institute of Makers of Explosives. (3) All dry brush, trash, or combustible materials be kept cleaned I away from said magazines to a minimum distance of fifty feet and that I appropriate warning signs be erected on and in the vicinity of said magazines I ! I I I and buildings. 211 ..- . -~,- - - -- '___'7 . o (4) Said magazines and building be securely locked at all times when the same are not being used by authorized personnel; (5) Representatives of Tread Corporation and Atlas Chemical Industries, Inc. cooperate with the District Forester in maintaining the area in question in a safe condition to the best of their ability, keeping in mind the danger of forest fires in the area. (6) Said magazines and building be separated by a distance of not less than the minimum required by the standards and specifications of the Institute of the Makers of Explosives hereinbefore referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None '. J . c Upon the motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the following resolution was adopted. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires, under the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 29-184. that the enforcement of the dog laws in said County be vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warde~ and said Board of Supervisors does hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke COlmty to appoint a Dog Warden and "0 Deputy Dog Wardens to assist the Dog Warden in the dog inspection activities in dog law enforcement, from the following list, to-wit: eft kR. 1;" ~-<.-ft. ~ bl/1/&tt- 'Co ~ OJ~ ~.t. "'/17/6 'f a DOG WARDEN Ralph E. Long Johnny Morgan, Jr. Rudolph M. Martin DEPUTY DOG WARDEN W. W. Henderson Guy M. Ayers J. Lewis Parker And it is further ordered that after the appointment of said Dog Warden and Deputy Dog WardeDli by the Judge of the Circuit Court, that pursuant to said section, the Treasurer of Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax funds to the State Treasury, and that the said County, after said appointments, shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ 212 :t~<r. ~.~G,. ft,., CAw- . "') 11/" of ft1 U 1D fk~. ~h ~ '(00 pU ~.~>t , r 1'1 ( , <..J. IN RE: REZmING OF APPROXIMATELY 1.876 ACRES ) OF LAND SITUATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER ) OF ROUTES 460 and 653, OWNED BY GEORGE H. ) SEIBEL ) ORDER This day came George H. Seibel, by Counsel, and requested leave to file the petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recOllllllE!ndation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one ~ertified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. And the above resolution and order 'iere adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I 1 I. IN RE: REZooING PROPERTY 00 THE EAST SIDE OF PLANTATION ROt..D (ROUTE 601) OF J. RANDOLPH FLORA ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER ) ) I WHEREAS J. Randolph Flora did petition the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County so as to provide that certain real property owned by the said J. Randolph Flora and situate in the Big Lick Magisterial District and now classified as Residential R-l might be rezoned and reclassified as Residential R-2 in order that said property might be used for building a duplex dwelling house; and WHEREAS the said Planning Commission of said County did, by a resolutibn adopted at its regular meeting held on the 28th day of April, 1964, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change or reclassify scLid property from its present classification of Residential R-l to Rtn.dential R-2 as required in said I petition; and 213 - o WHEREAS the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received a copy of the Recommendation adopted by said County Planning Commission recommending that said Zoning Ordinance be so amended; and WHEREAS the said Clerk of said Bc.ard of Supervisors, upon receipt of said Recommendation from said Planning Conmdssion,set the same down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors and gaye notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on this, the 15th da)' of June, 1964, at 3:00 p. m. as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and did advertiE the same by notice thereof duly published in The Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke and of general circula tion in the County of Roanoke, for two insertions on the 26th day of May, 1964, and on the 2nd day of June, 1964, as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and the Code of , . J c Virginia; and WHEREAS said public hearing was l:his day had on said proposed amendment , to said Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said Zoning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition; a NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at this regular meeting of said Board held on this, the 15th day of June, 1964, that the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to change the classificati of the property described in said petition from its present classification of Residential R-l to Residential R-2 in order that said property may be used for building a duplex dwelling house as defined in said Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from Residential R-l to Residential R-2 is situate in the Big Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County, said parcel of land being described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Plantation Road Virginia Secondary Highway 601 (15.00 feet from the center), said beginning point being the southwesterly corner of the Tombstone Cemetery; thence leaving Plantation Road and with the southerly line of Tombstone Cemetery N. 640 14' E. 27U.00 feet to a point; thence leaving the Cemetery and with three new division lines through the Flora property S. 30 2~' W. 255.66 feet to a point on the northerly line of a proposed 50-foot street, thence with said line with a curved line to the left whose radius is 630.00 feet and whose chord bearing i , ; , i ! , ,. o 214 ;r J!r 'th ~.t. ~ 1; ~f. Orr~ p!y.. ~,Z~ ~~~ "/11/r. cf and distance is S. 870 01' W. 180.07 feet, an arc distance of 180.70 feet to a point; thence S. 780 48' W. 25.00 feet to a point on the outside boundary line of the Flora property and on the easterly side of Plantation Road (15.00 feet from the center); thence with said line N. 110 21' W. 152.00 feet to the point of Beginning and containing 1.039 acre. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission and a copy to .T. Randolph Flora, On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 1 1 IN RE: REZOOING OF A RECTANGULAR PARCEL OF LAND IlE'l'WEEN THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF- WAYlJ,.INE OF OLD STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117 AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NEW STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117, AND CMtED BY CHESTER ROSS LEMOO ET AL ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER This day came Chester Ross Lemon ell: al by counsel and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of 3.33 acres, more or less, fronting on old State Highway No. 117 and on new State Highway No. 117, and specifically described in said petition. NClil, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15-964.7 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORtIERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice tle::eof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the pro,~sions of the laws of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, S~cretary of the Plazming Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. I 1 I The above resolution and order wel~e adopted on motion of Supervisor I Walter M. Lipes and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on a recorded I vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I I I I i Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and o WHEREAS Shell Oil Company has made application to this Board for an access road to their plant, this road to be off Route 119 near Starkey, Virginia; and WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the industrial Access Fund; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, date on right-of-way needs, and other information to the Highway Commission on the construction of this proposed road with its recommendation that it be constructed with Industrial Access o Funds. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell secotded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o IN RE: REZOOING LOT 12, BLOCK 6, MAP OF SUNNYBROOK PROPERTY OF JOE DANIEL SEVERT FINAL ORDER ) ) ) ) ~ WHEREAS Joe Daniel Severt did petition the Board of Supervisors on March 16, 1964, for rezoning from Residential R-l to Residential R-2 the above-captioned property; and WHEREAS this Board entered an order on the 16th day of March, 1964, referring the matter to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for a recOllllllE!ndation as required by the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission, after due notice, held a public hearing on the proposed rezoning on April 28, 1964, and filed with the Clerk of this Board their recollllllE!ndation; and o WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board advertised for public hearing the proposed rezoning as required by statute, this Board, after due consideration thereof, and on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris seconded by Supervisor Fran R. Angell, concurs in the recommendation of the Planning Commission in denying the request of Joe Daniel Severt for rezoning of Lot 12, Block 6, Map of Sunnybrook from Residential R-l to ReSidential R-2. And it is further ordered that a copy of the recommendation of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County be filed Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Har.ris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter }1. Lipes Nays: None m'. , ., ~/}\1~ TI,~ lZ. 1~_IcL.-,cuK ~.~..- {' ~ tf.J- tI"' ;; f'R...- C . ~ ~(tt" (Aw.,. c.. (11,,(<> <j... ~M- 1tit- G. ~~ ~ fl~'b4- ~~. .;I; 4.4r- ~ .....,l~..I& .P .~ /' .~ - '- Go .I. '7;:;;ri .. h.~-tr~. :;''' I~. ",,-.u.t< -"~. IY,: /''''1- ~'f On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for Fifty Dollars ($50.00) be issued to Robert C. Dawson, Postmaster, for postage for use in the office of the Delinquent Tax Collector of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 1 On motion, duly seconded, it is orde:~ed that the following claims for fowls killed by dogs be not approved in the smounts submitted, but that voucher-checks be issued in the amounts as follows: I To Mrs. G. R. Harris for turkey kill.!d by dogs To Steve T. Wood, Sr., for chickens ldlled by dogs Adopted by the following recorded vo\:e: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None $ 8.00 6.00 ~ On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and they are, hereby appointed members of the Study Committee of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission for the purpose of studying water resources in the Roanoke Valley. Adopted by the following recorded vot,e: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, ~.inor R. Keffer and Frank R. Ange 11 Nays: None 1 M. E. Petty, John C. Gleason and ROY)l. Kinsey, members of the Roanoke County Electoral Board, this day appeared before the Board, and, on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipe~, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the reccnmnendations of said Electoral Board, heretofore filec\, be approved, as submitted, with the understanditg that there be no change in the Riverdale and Hollins Road Precincts; that this Board will provide a full time registrar, and office space for the Electoral Board. And further that the Roanoke County Electoral Board be, and it hereby is, authorized to rent thirteen (13) voting machines at a price not to exceed one hundred and fifty dollars ($150.00) per lIIlchine. for a period of one (1) year. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and I A. C. Harris Nays: None I I IN RE: CHANGES IN BOUNDARIES &c OF VOTING PRECINCTS: o On motion of Supervisor. A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, the following changes are made in the boundaries of certain voting precincts, change of voting places in certain precincts and change of name of one precinct, as follows: '0 ~ SALEK PRECINCT Subdivided by a line running generally N. & S. commencing in the south at the intersection of Main Street and Market Street thence running in a northerly direc tion to Hawthorne Road, wes t on Hawthorne Road to Red Lane, north on Red Lane to Virginia Route 705, north on Virginia Route 705 and 795 extended to the caawba-Salem District boundary line. The portion to the east of this line to be known as North Salem Precinct Number 1, with the voting place located at the Roanoke County Court House. The portion to the west of this line to be known as North Salem Precinct Number 2, with the voting place at Academy Street Schoo!. PETERS CREEK PRECINCT c Subdivided by a line running generally E.. & W. Starting at the intersection of the west boundary with the Salem Town. limit and fOllowing same in a southeasterly direction to the intersection of Virginia Route 631 (Cove Road) thence along A:lute 631 to the intersecti.on of the existing east boundary. The portiOD to the north of this line tel be known as Peters Creek Precinct with the voting place at Southview ElemE'ntary SchooL The area to the south of this line to bE, known as Conehurst Precinct with the voting place at Conehurst Elementar)' School. MEDLEY PRECINCT Voting place to be changed to Fleming IUgh Schoo!. CAVE SPRING PRECINCT Relocate western boundary, Q line starting at the intersection of Roanoke City Limits and United States Route 221, thence generally southwest along Route 221 to its intersect with Virginia Route 688. Voting place to be relocated to Cave Spring High School. OAK GROVE PRECINCT a To be subdivided by a line running in a southeasterly direction starting in th northwest at the intersection of the existing precinct boundary and State Rout 119, thence in a soutmasterly direction along 119 to United States Route 221. The area northeast of this line to be known as Windsor Hills Precinct, with the voting place at the old Oak Grove Church of The Brethren. The area southwest of this line to be laln,)'U as Oak Grove Precinct with the voting place at Oak Grove Elementary School. SOUTH SALEK PRECINCT N,!JMBER 1 To be subdivided as follows: On the N. by the Salem-Lynchburg Turnpike, On the west by Electric Road to its int4!rsection with United States 11, thence east to Roanoke City Limits, thence north along City Limit line to Salem-Lynchburg Turnpike. Area above described to be known as East; Salem Precinct, with voting place at East Salem Elementary School. 217 +u;; f-/.MJ .)J- . ~ . 0!111 Cc.~0U~ . . b jl'i5{ (. 'f SOUTH SALEM PRECINCT NUMBER 1 To be that area of the old precinct remaining after the removal of the area described for E. Salem Precinct. The voting place to be relocated to Andre'w Lewis High School. SOUTH SALEM PRECINCT NUMBER 2 I To be that area of the old precinct remaining after the removal of the area described for East Salem Precinct. No change in voting place. RED HILL PRECINCT Change name o~ Ked Hill to Cle~rbrook Precinct - area remains same. And Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, is instructed to take the proper steps according to law to have said changes made Adopted by the following recorded ve,te: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 1 R. Franklin Hough, Jr., 1?resident, ~lDd Jean D. Pritchard, Executive Director, of the Roanoke Valley Mental HE!alth Association, this day appeared before the Board and requested the Board to appropriate about three hundred and sixty dollars ($360.00), per year, pllyable to the Guidance Center, to assist the Roanoke Valley Mental Health Association's program of aftercare for patients from Roanoke County, on furlough or returned from the Mental Hospital, was taken under advisement by :~his Board until the next regular, or adjourned meeting of this Board. CODIllunication dated June 1, 1964, a,ddressed to Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, I Roanoke County Board of Supervisors orde:red filed. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that all matters to be brought before the Board of Supervisors of Rdnoke County shall be in the hands of the County Executive Officer of Roanoke County by noon on Wednesday before the regular meeting of this Board on the third Monday of each month. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Supervisor Walter M. Lipes this da}' submitted to the Board the following report: I June 4, 1964 Council of the City of Roanoke Board of Supervisors of the County Board of Supervisors of the County Council of the Town of Salem Council of the Town of Vinton of Roanoke of Botetourt Gentlemen: , I. il Your committee appointed for the purpose of investigating and recommend- I ing to you sites for and the means of pl~oviding a coliseum and auditorium for 219 J the entire valley has met regularly, viewed suggested sites, and discussed ways of j oint financing of such facilities. After weeks of study and delibertaion, we submit for your consideration the following recOllllllE!ndations Which are unanimously agreed to by the members of the committee: (1) There is no necessity for having a joint coliseum-auditorium togdher at one site. In fact, there are, in the opinion of the committee, valid reasons for separating these twO functions. (2) A coliseum for the entire valley should be built on the. "Salem Site'\ for the following reasons: (a) The site is of ample size for such a structure and bas been offered J at no cost. (b) There is ample space for more than adequate parking facilities. (c) The Town of Salem is already obligated eo build a Community Center on this site by its Bond Issue Ordinance and now has the funds available for this purpose. (3) An auditorium for the entire valley should be built on the "COIlmOnwealtb Site" for the following relll>Ds: (a) The site is of ample size for an auditorium and accompanying parking facilities. (b) This site is near to hotels, motels and restaurants which are much more of a necessity to an auditorium than to a coliseum. (4) Both the valleywide coliseum and the valleywide auditorium should be operated and maintained by all the political subdivisions in the valley on a contract basis subject to G referendum where required. (5) That the City of Roanoke shall initiate a bond referendum for the construction of an auditorium and exhibit hall on the "Commonwealth Site" a in the City of Roanoke. (6) That the Town of Salem, the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke shall proceed with a referendum for the construction of a coliseum in the Town of Salem. (7) That both referendums shall be held on the same date prior to October 1, i964. It is also the unanimous recommendation of this committee that immediate action should be taken by tbe governing bodies in relation to these recommendations so that the air may be cleared and the matter settled. Respectfully submitted, Stuart B. Carter, Chairman Leonard v. Hale, Jr., Sec. Jack K. Dame James E. Jones Walter M. Lipes On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that this Board of Supervisors concurs in the report of the Auditorium and Coliseum Committee as above presented. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ,I o On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Committee be commended for the excellent work that it has done in providing a worksble solution for the construction and building of an auditorium and coliseum in the Roanoke Valley. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I The following gentlemen appeared before the Board: A. J. Cochran in opposition of location of auditorium and Col:lleum in Roanoke City; Uri D. Smith in support of application of Tread Corporation; J. B. Ross in behalf of the Parks and Library needs in the county and approved resolution presented by Supervisor A. C. Harris. I Mn2lllm that the Board be adjourned until Monday, June 29, 1964, at 3:30 o'clock P. M. It~<'/ I Court House Salem, Virgi,nia June 29, 1964- The Board 0:C Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House, pursuant to adjournment on June 15, 1964. Present: Su.pervisors Minor R. Keffel", Chairman, Walter M. Lipas, Vice- Chail1ll8D, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor Walter M. Lipes o:Cfered a prayer. ne following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, t 0'-1f1t : I No. 15434 Robert Dawson, P. M., Post Office Box Rent - Commissioner of Revenue's Office, for 1 year beg:1.nning I July 1, 1964- 9.00 " 15435 C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone Service 662.22 I . 15436 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 42.53 " 15437 Robert Dawson, Post.master, Post Office Box Rent 2.25 . 15438 Double Envelope Corporation, Envelopes for Clerk of Court 24.86 . 15439 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies Clerk's Office 2.57 . 15440 Woodhaven Press Co., Tax Tickets for Treasurer 38.05 . 15441 International Business Machine, Rental Fee on Typewriter, Delinquent Tax Collector 25.00 . 15442 American Photocopy, Record Paper for Clerk of Court 21.25 10 o c o m No. 15443 15444 15445 15446 15447 1544t 15449 15450 15451 15452 15453 ,'., .'.. ,_. .' -.-..........,..." .' ,:"~;?,~ :,.,""~.:-"':.,..... "., Dictaphone Corporation, Maintenance on Dictaphone West Publishing Co., Law Books for Judge Hoback Humble Oil & Refining Co;, Gasoline purchased Shockley'S Tractor Service Co., Repairs and Parts Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant Insurance, Premium on Insurance Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station Pure Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil C. S. Rescue Squad Truck Hunt and Moore, Lunacy Cases Caldwell-Sites Co., Office s'llpplies and Equipment Parker-!i'immo Co., Rope Clamp,s Roanoke Auto Spring Works, R,spairs and Parts for Garbage trucks R. W. Harper, Refund Garbage Collection Fee Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., Office supplies International Harvester Co., Parts 5609 Garbage Truck Bemiss Equ!pment Co., Labor and Parts Tractor Technical Reproduction & Sup]~ly Co., Maps Maude L. Poff, Services rend.sred Deputy Registrar Mabel S. Doran, Services rendered Deputy Registrar Builders Mart, Material for floors E. L. Moses, Landscaping and seeding lawn Williams Supply Co., Light tubes Salem Glass Corporation, glass for desk top, Clerk'S Office Goodwin-Chevrolet Co.., Valve Gaskets for extra car Pure Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil purchased, County Garage and Hollins Fir.e Station J. Luck Richardson, CollllDissioner of Revenue, Extra help It 15"'72 C & P Telephone Company, Telephone service, Fire Stations $ 33.00 28.00 17.03 25.56 44.10 17.70 34.75 30.00 6.79 3.07 35.53 8.55 5.03 12.98 123.24 5.02 16.30 12.45 12.84 50.00 50.78 5.36 2.16 1,290.11 87.64 2,325.00 163.87 15.83 44.75 10.00 5.02 23.59 51.60 46.48 38.15 48.30 26.46 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c:: The following claims against the County were this day presented and approv and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeab therewith, to-wit: No. 15467 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gas and Oil purchased for Dog Truck Acme Visible Records, Inc. Personal Property tax tickets Auto Spring & Bearing 'Co., Flahsers for Sheriff's Department and Oil for distribution at County garage 15"'71 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Skycoe Drive Transmit ter ' 15473 Void 15474 George Summers, Lunacy COllllDillsions 15475 Zoning Maps, Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., 15476 Harvest Motors, Parts for Garbage Trucks 15477 Parker-Nimmo Co., Street Signs 15478 M. C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburlle June Traveling Expense 15479 R. F. Hyatt, Reimburse June j~raveling Expense 15480 Charles Breeden, Jr., ReimbUI'se June Traveling Expense 15481 Barbara Cundiff, Reimburse J\me Traveling Expense It It It It It It It It It It It 15454 15455 15456 15457 15458 15459 15460 15461 15462 15463 15464 15465 15466 It It It It It It It It It It It It " 154M 15469 15470 " It It " It " It It " " It It $ 8.12 222 J~"&'< "" Ii--, 'J, ~ ~.3.. I...,. ~~t; '&...tL~t..; ~k ~iE'~ ~ . r;- c . ~.tP~... W"~. IDy- 'r3-r}..~ IN RE: DIXIE CAVERNS I Q.R~!R This day came bd'ore the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, 'at its duly held meell.ng on June 29, 1964, at 3:30 o'clock P. M., S. Albert ~peter who presented a petition signed by residents of Roanoke County, Virginia, living in the area around and about Dixie Caverns, pursuant to which the following resolution was duly made, seconded and passed by this ~ard . WHEREAS, Dixie Caverns is a well knc>wn natural phenomenon, which has been ~ landmark in Roanoke County and as such a point or geographical reference for many years, known and recognized by both non-residents and residents alike; am I I WHEREAS, a community has developed clS a result or 1l1umerous persons lIaving settled around and about Dixie Caverns; and WHEREAS, the new road known as Inte]~state $1 is scheduled to have an interchange in this area; and WHEREAS, the petition thus presented to this Board has been signed by a iaajority of the residents in said area and they therein request that this Board declare this locality as a communit.y to be hencefcrth known as DiXie Caverns. Virginia: NOW, TIIE1lEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the vicinity and neighborhood located in Roanoke County, Virginia, around and .about. Dixie Caverns, approximately six idles west of Salem, Virginia, be, and the same hereby is declared tobe henceforth known as Dixie Caverns, Virginia'. The area which shall be known and designated as Dixie Caverns, Virginia, ~s as follows: All that certain area designated in red pencil crayon on the Map or Roanoke County, Virgin1a, dated January 1. 1964, by c. B. Malcolm & Son, .virginia State Certified Engineers, 1ihich was submitted this date with the petition or the said residents whose holl,es are in said area; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this ElOard of Supervjlsors make an official .request of the Commissioner, COllllllonwealih of Virginia Department of Highways, to officially recognize the said area aI'ound and about Dixie Caverns by 'the description, Dixie Caverns, Virginia., and to show the same as such upon 'the regular official highway map of the Virginia Deparl~ent of Highways. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by A. C. Harris, adopte 'by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes" A. C.Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer . Nays: None I I I S. Albert Trompeter and Barry N. L:lchtenstein, Attorney, on behalf of residents of Roanoke County in the DiXie Caverns area appeared before the Board, in support of ahove resolution. Petition and Map concerning said request ordered filed. Letter dated June 19, 1964. addr4ssed to Board of Supervisors from Barry N. Lichtenstein, Attorney, ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harri , o it is ORDERED that the resolution adopted by this Board on June 15, 1964, creating new voting precincts and changing the boundaries of certain voting precincts in Roanoke County, be and the same is hereby rescinded, due to the .fact that in the aforesaid resolution the exact boundaries of said new voting precincts were not fully set forth and de:scribed, and it is the desire that a new resolution be adopted, setting forth :said boundaries in deta:!.1. Adopted by the following recorded VO'~e: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Ke.ffer Nays: None rJ The .following ordinance was this day offered for adoption: IN BE: ~ 1: Dividing North Salem Voting Preclnct into two precincts, to be known as North Salem Precinct No.1 and North Suem Precinct No.2, setting boundaries and providing voting places therefor. 2: Dividing Peters Creek Precinct ~nto 10.0 precincts, one to be known as Peters .Creek Precinct, and the other 10'0 be known as Conehurst Precinct, setting boundaries and providing voting places there.for. ): Forming a new voting precinct to be known as East Salem Voting Precinct, out of portions of South Salem '~oting Precinct No. 1 and South Salem Voting Precinct No.2, setting bo'mdaries, and providing voting place therefor. 4: Redefining boundaries of South Salem Precinct No.1, and changing the voting places thereo.f from Hart Motor Company on East Main Street to .lndrew Lewis Iligh School on South College Avenue. 5: Redefining the boundaries of Sou:~h Salem Precinct No.2, the voting place to remain at South Salem Elementary School. 6: Forming a new voting precinct, 10'0 be known as Windsor Hills Precinct, out of portions of Cave Spring Voting Precinct and Oak Grove Voting Precinct, setting the boundaries, and providing a voting place therefor. 7: Redefining the boundaries of Oak Grove Voting Precinct, the voting place thereof to remain at Oak Grove Elementary School. S: Redefining the boundaries of Cave Spring Voting Precinct, and changing the voting p!iice thereof from the Cave Spring FireHouse to the Cave Spring High SchoQ.l. 9: Changing the voting place of Medley Voting Precinct from Zimmerman's Store to William Fleming High School. 10: Changing the name of Red Hill Voting Precinct to that o.f Clearbrook Voting Precinct, the area and voting place of said precinct to remain the same. tJ This Board, and the Roanoke County Electoral Board, being of the opinion that it is for the best interests and convenience of the voters of Roanoke County to create new precincts, to redefine the boundaries of certain precincts, to change the voting places of certain precincts, and change the name of a certain precinct, as hereinafter set forth, to-wit: NORTH SALEM i! PRECINCT BEGINNING at the intersection of Main Street and Market Street; thence with the west side of Market Street in a northerly direction to Hawthorn Road; thence with Hawthorn Road west to Red Lane; thence with Red Lane north to State Secondary Route 705; thence with Route 705 to its intersection with State Secondary Route 733; thence in a northerly direction along a stream to a point in the Salem-Catawba Magisterial District boundary line; thence in an easterly direction to Masons Creek; thence with Masons Creek as it meanders in a southerly direction to the Salem-Lyt:lchburg Turnpike; thence with the Salem-Lynchburg Turnpike in a northwesterly direction to East Main Street in ~ 223 . ~LUr ~ c.~~ cr~~ -r..- . ~a. t~. .. --r ~~~ '.;,':''':.~,'-;;':'-( ~ --4:;;;..-.;.-:"'-...t ,..-,.,,'..L! , -'r1' -"-1' ." ;.,- /,,_4,... ....~,,'1'/ ,. "" .. ,'" _':-:'-1,.J;~'''':''('''- ( "'" r;' '.:.. .('~~. ,<;1',,-("', . 1</,...._. -l:. _.r',-.:-,'"'7 :~fr#t .~~31 I '" 'f ~~ ~~' Salem; thence with East Main Street in a westerly direction to Market Street, the place of BEGrNNING and being the easterly portion of the original North Salem Precinct. The voting place for this precinct will be the Courthouse. NORTH SALEM ~ PRECINCT BEGINNING at the intersection of MaiEl Street and Market Street; thence with the west side of Market Street in a :Elortherly direction to Hawthorn Road; thence with Hawthorn Road west to Red Lan.e; thence with Red Lane north to State Secondary Route 705; thence with Route 70,5 to its intersection with State Secondary Route 733; thence in a northerl;, direct-ion along a stream to a point in the Salem-Catawba Magisterial District boundary line; thence with the Magisterial District boundary line in a westerly direction to a point near the head waters of Drr Branch; thence with Dr:r Branch in So southerly direction to West Main Street in Salem; thence with Main Street in an easterly direction to Market S1;reet, the place of BEGINNING IIJld being. the westerly part of the original North Salem Precinct. The voting place for this precinct will be the Academy Street School. CONEHURST PRECINCT BEGINNDfG at. a point on the Salem-Lynchburg Turnpike at Masons Creek; thence with Masons Creek as it meanders ill a northerly direction to a point on the north corporate line of the Town of' Salem; thence with the north corporate line of the Town of Salem in an easterly direction to State Secondary Route 629 (Green Ridge Road).; thence with Green Ridge Road in an easterly direction to Peters Creek Road (Virginia E~ute 117); thence with Peters Creek Road in a southerly direction to the Salea~Big Lick Magisterial District boundary line; thence with same to a point on the Hershberger Road and the corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with the north and west corporate line of the City of Roanoke to a point on the Salem-Lynchburg Turnpike; thence with same in a westerly direction to the place of BEGINNING and being the southerly portion of the original Peters Creek Precinct. The voting place for this precinct will be the Conehurst School. PETF.Il!'l CREEK PRECINCT BEGINNING at a point in Masons Creek at ths north corporate line of the Town of Salem; thence with Masons Creek as it meanders in a northerly direction to the Salem-Catawba Magisterial District boundary line; thence with same in an easterly direction to a point north of the Loch Haven Country Club; thence with a line in a southerly direction to a point on the Fire Trail; thence with the Fire Trail and private roads in a southerly direction, crossing Interstate Route al, to State Secondary Route 940; th,mce with Route 940 in a southerly direction to Kingstown Road (State Secondal:Y Route 62a); thence with Kingstown Road in a westerly direction to State Secondary Route 626; thence with same in a southerly direction to Virginia Route 117 (Peters Creek Road); thence with Peters Creek Road in a soutb.festerly direction to Cove Road (Virginia Route 1l6l; thence with Cove Road in a westerly direction to State Secondary Route 629 (Green Ridge Road); thence wi&h same to the north corporate line of ths Town of Salem; thence with the north corporate line of the Town of Salem in a westerly direction to the place of BEGINNIUG and being the northerly portion of the original Peters Creek Precinct. The voting place for this precinct will be the Southview School. I I I I I .~T.M EAST sAi..EM PRECINCT BEGINNING at the Salem-Lynchburn Turnpike where Masons Creek Crosses; thence with the Turnpie in an easterly direction to t he west corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence nth the corporat.e line of the City of Roanoke and in a o southerly direction to U. S. Route 11 (Lee Highi'lay); thence nth Lee Highway in a westerly direct.ion to Electric Road; thenc~with Electric Road in a northerly direction to the place or BEGINNING and being part of the original South Salem 11 and t.he South Salem #2 Precincts. The voting place for this precinct will be the East Salem Elementary School. SOUTH SALEM Ii PRECINCT BEGINNING at a point on West Main Street at Dr}" Branch; thence with Main Street in an easterly direction to the Salem-Lynchburg Turnpie; thence with same in an easterly direction to Electric Road; thence with Electric Road in a southerly direction to Apperson Drive; thence nth Apperson Drive west to the a c Roanoke River; thence with the Roanoke River in a westerly direction to Dry Branch; thence with Dry Branch ina northerly direction to Main Street, the place of BEGINNING and being the westerly portion of the original South Salem #1 Precinct. The voting place for this precinct will be the Andrew Lewis High School. SOUTH SALEM i3. PRECINCT BEGINNING at a point on U. S. Route 11 at Mud Lick Road at the west corporat line of. the City of Roanoke; thence with the Salem-Cave Spring Magisterial District boundary line (generally along Mud Lick Road) to a point near the intersection of Deyerle Road and ~lud Lick Road; thence continuing with the Magisterial District line in a westerly direction to State Secondary Route 8S9 and Barnhart Creek; thence with Barnhart Creek in a westerly direction to a point near State Secondary Route 746; thence in a northerly direction to State Secondary Route 737; thence nth Route 737 to State Secondary Route 639; thence with Route 639 to Duiguid Lane; thence with Duiguid Lane to the Roanoke River; thence with the Roanoke River east to U. S. Route 11 (Apperson Drive); thence i with Apperson Drive to the place or BEGINNING and being part .of the original Sout Salem 112 Precinc~. The voting place for this precinct will be the South Salem Elementary School. c WINDSOR HILLS PRECINCT BEGINNING at the intersection of Virginia Routes 221 and 119; thence with Route 119 in a northerly direction to Barnhart Creek and the Salem-Cave Spring Magisterial District boundary line;thence with said Magisterial District boundary line in an easterly direction to the west corporate limit of the City of Roanoke; thence with the west corporate line or the City of Roanoke in a southerly direction to Virginia Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue); thence with Brambleton Avenue to the place of BEGINNING and being part ;)f the original Oak Grove and Cave Spring Precincts. The voting place for thi:.' precinct will be the Showt:imers' Studio. o Q![ GROVE .PRECINCT BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of Virginia Routes 221 and 119 I (McVitty Road); thence in a southwesterly direction to State Secondary Route 690; thence with Route 690 in a northerly direction to State Secondary Route 692; I thence con'tinuing in a nor'therly direc1;ion 'to 'the Salem-Cave Spring Mag1S'terial Dis'tric't boundary line a't Barnhart; Creek; thence wi'th Barnhart. Creek in an eas'terly direcUon 1;0 Virginia Rout;e 119 (lI,:cVi't'ty Road]; 'thence wi'th McVi1;'ty Road in a sou'therly direc1;ion 'to 'the place of BEGINNING and being 'the wes'terly p of 'the original Oak Grove Precinc't. The vc,'ting place for 'this precinc't will be 'the Oak GroTe Elemen'tary School. Q!!! SPRING PRECINCT BEGINNING a't the south corporate line of the City of Roanoke at Murray Run; thence with Murray Run in a southwesterly direction to the Norfolk and Western Railroad; 'thence follOwing same in a sou'therly direction to State Secondary Route 613; thence with Route 613 south 'to State Secondary Route 688; thence with Route 688 in a nort;hwesterly direction to Virginia Route 221; thence wi'th Route 221 in a nort;heasterly direction to the corporate line of the City of Roanoke; thence with same to Murray Run, the place o~ BEGINNING, and being t~e southerly portion of the original Cave Spring Precinct. The voUng place fer this precinc't 'to be changed from the Cave Spring'Fire House 'to the Cave Spring High School. . . . . . . MEDLEY PRECINCT Changing the voting place of ~~dley Vc~ing Precinct from Zimme~'s Store to William Flemming High School. un mk PRECINCT Changing the name of Red Hill Vo'ting F'recinc't to tbat of Clearbrook Voting Precinc't, the area and voting place of said precinct to remain the same. N(]rI, TIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'that 'the Clerk of 'this Board be and she is hereby direc'ted 'to forthwith post a certified copy of this resolution at the front door of the Cour't House of Roanoke County, Virginia, and 'tha't said Clerk deliver to the Sheriff of Roanoke County certified copies of this resolution to be posted at each of the votingplaces af~ected by the above changes, to-wit: a't 'the present voting place in the Court Heuse of North Salem No.1; at 'the new voting place of North Salem No.2, Acad.emy S'tree't School; at Pe'ters Creek Precinct at Southview School; Conehurst Pre,cinct at Conehurst School; South Salem Precil1ct No. 1 at Hart Motor Company and a't Andrew Lewis High Schoolj East Salem Precinct a't East Salem ElementlU'y School; South Salem Precinct No. 2 at South Salem Elementary School; Windsor Hills Precinct at Showtimers' Studio; Oak Grove Precinc't at Oak Grove Elementary School; Cave Spring Precinct at Cave ~ave Spr~qg High School' Spring Fire House; {!'Iedley Freclnc1! at Z1mme'rman's Store and William Fleming High School; Red Hill Precinct a't Clearbrook Elementary School; and said Sheriff is ordered 1;0 make his return showing said postings of 'these notices 'to 'the Clerk of this Board; and the Commonwealth'fl A'ttorney of Roanoke Coun'ty is hereby direc'ted, af'ter said notices have been post;ed for 30 days, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5 TiUe 24 of the, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, to file, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, a pe1;i1;ion requesting the Circuit, Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, to enter an order making the changes above set forth. On the motion of Supervisor Frank R.Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded l'ote: Ayes: Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R.Keffer and Wal'ter lo1. Lipes Nays: None . I I I I I o On mo~ion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, ~m General Appropria~ion Ordinance of Roanoke County, adop~ed June 28, 1963, be, and ~he same is hereby, amended as follows ~o become effec~ive June 29, 1964: 3 ... COLLECTION AND DISBURSEMENT (E TAXES An addi~ionalappropria~ion of $1,167.71 is hereby made from ~he General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for ~he func~ion or purpose as hereiruibove indicated. a 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION An addi~ional appropriation of tl,3112.96 is hereby made from ~he General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8 - PUBLJC WELFARE 8e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of 44,473.49 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLlC WCRKS 10c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropria~ion of i292.90 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indica~ed. 13 .- ELECTIONS An additional appropria~ion of $1.,250.46 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964; for the func~ion or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 14 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GroUNDS An additional appropriation of $522.90 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for ~m fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the func~ion or purpose as hereir18.bove indicated. 16 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS In additional appropriation of $J~,8411.35 is hereby made from ~he General Revenue Fund for the fisc:al year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabo're iridicated. Adopted by ~he follOwing recorded v01;e: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Fr~lk R.Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o On application of ~he below-named petitioner: Thomas Perdue - Unnamed Road from Rt. 64.8 wes~ 0.10 mile ~o D. E. who ~his day filed his pe~ition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highway . I I I JO ;j -.. in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Mat~hews, Coun~y Engineer, view the ground and repor~ to this Board the convenience and ~he inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such road shall be as proposed, and especially whet her any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof will, in such cases, have to be taken, all.d that no road or lane shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the COn!lent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertair, and report to this Board whether the said road will be of such mere private cc,nvenience as to make it proper that said road should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. He shall also assess and report wha1; damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said road. And it is further ordered that the C;lerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process ;~ summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be direct-ed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases '227 ~~ .~. ~Co .~ O~ ~X r,- tJ-r. ~. t. .~ ~-( " J~' If S"-<coW.r " ).. . a:: ~~ 7/~~ ;~~ "11)',. . ~ 4J. r. ~c." tt~~ '-/~'''' "--"f -.. except that it may be served upon the Dist.rict Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said s.ummons or process to said State Highway Commissi')n to be served as aloresaid.- And these road proceedings are contillued. On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Li:pes, seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Walter M. Lipes, fl.. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Mino R. Keffer Nays: None This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view"the following roads and the locat.ions thereof and to I18ke reports thereon, to-wit: 1. Okey-Dolin Road off Rt. 311 to t,he J. L. C. Medley Boys' Camp. 2. Extension of Route 1401t. 3. Upland >>riTe (Extn. of Rt. 790) to Rt. 693. It. Moore Road "from Route m to D. E. 5. Unnamed road orf Rt. 658 north 1;0 D. E. Whereupon, on motion of SUpervisor l~rank R. Angell, seconded by SUpervisor A. C. Barris, said Engineer's reports arl, approved. And it is hereby ordered that said :roads, as described briefly above, be, " and they are hereby, established as publiC roads to become a part of the State Secondary S}rstem of Highways ol Roanoke County, the Board of SUpervisors guaranteeing the right lor drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R.Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays : None IN RE: PURCHASE OF TRUCK FOR DOG WARDEN: On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by SUpervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept the low bid of Vinton Motor Company of two thousand, thirty-three dollars and seventy-four cents ($2033.74) for one 1964 Ford Pickup Flareside 114" wheel - baee truck, equipped as per specificiations, for use of the Dog Warden of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded 1I0te: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I I 'I- O' On motion or Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board instru~t the Commonwealthts Attorney to ask for a ruling from the Honorable Robert Y. Button, Attorney General of Virginia, . on Section 15-689 of the Code or Virginia, 1950, as amended to date, and that the COIIIIIIODwealthts Attorney be specifically required to give a written opinion as to the use of spaces wi thin the Court House building for the Commissioner of Accounts, and the right of said Commissioner of Account"in addition to his duties as such Commissioner, to practi~e law in said office. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer liays: None a IN RE: PURCHASE OF VALIDATING CASH REGISTERS FOR USE IN TREASURERtS CFFICE: c On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase four (4) Validating Cash Registers fo~ use in the Treasurerts Office, from the National Cash Register Company, Model 21-406-S at jlOgO.OO each, less discount 5~3~3~, at a net figure of $3,g6l.44. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R.Keffer and A. C.Harris Nays: None c The State Compensation Board, having filed its statement of receipts and expenses for the year ending DecEIlIber 31, 1963, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, required by Section 14-l5g, Code of Virginia, 1950, to be furnished Boards of Supervisors of Counties, with this Board, the same is ordered to be published, as required by law, once a week for two weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said statement and letter dated June 26th, 1964, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from the Honorable G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, ordered filed. IN RE: ORDINANCE DOG LICENSES: .~ U On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that an ordinance be proposed for adoption at the regular August meeting, 1964, of this Board of the intention of this Board to pass an ordinance to provide a method of obtaining dog licenses and tags of a type to be described by said ordinance; to provide a method of keeping lists; keeping accounts, and how reports are to be made, and how unused tags are to be disposed f, 229 ~U-h ~ ~. cax:: , 1~6+ ~ J..J.Ji .c,. ttt;- b /J..-f" <.L ~;tt::; ~ ~T~. t.~ ("/~U. .~ J.,.L r. ~ 230 ~lJ- "~t'" ~~~ 1i~' ~ t ~.~ stl-e. ~.Y- fo 1~~lJ. ~ ~t,..- v--. ~~ '-1?r1..... ~~fi 'tn.ur-- ().. ~a . '-Itq:lf" ~ "it j;" lna.at;. e.. ~~~ ~t '/'111/ "If ~- ~",.. ..-.:. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish once a week for two (2) successive weeks, commencing July 30, 1904, in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the above ordinance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the resolution adopted by this ,Board at its meeting on June 15, 1964, transferring from the School Construction Fund the sum of Twenty-foUJ' Thousand Dollars (t24,OOO.OO) to t~ School Text Book Fund be, and the same is, hereby rescinded; and that a copy of this order be delivered to the TreasUJ'er of Roanoke County and to the Superintendent of Schools of ~anoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vot,e: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nay~ None On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Paul R. Thomson be, and he hereby is, a ppointed for a four (4) yea:/' term on the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, to succeed R. Fred Childers, Jr. Adopted by the following recorded vot.e: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C.Harris, Minor R.Keffer and Walter M. Lipes lfays:- None On motion of Supervisor Walter M. LiJ?es, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Joe C. T~omas be re-appointed for a four (4) year term, as a member of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority. Adopted by the following recorded vo'~e: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C.Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Frank . Angell , Nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by SUpervisor Walter ~I. Lipes, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be requested to express to Mr. R. Fred Childers, Jr., the appreciation of this Board for the valuable services rendered by him as a member of the Roanoke Co~ty Sanitation Authority. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None IN RE: CLOSING OF CLERK'S OFFICE AND ALl, COUNTY OFFICES ON JULY 3RD, 1964. On the motion of Supervisor Walter I>I. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank Angell, it is ordered that this Board ree:ommends to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County the Closing of the Clerk's Office and all other County Offices on Friday, July 3rd, 1964. Adopted by the following recorded ve,te: Ayes: Supervisors Walter i';. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris_ Nays: None I. I . I I I :..., 4 ~opies del to Co. LX. Officer for 1elivery to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 7/1164 4 copies del to Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 7/1/64 4 copies del to Co. Ex. Officer for del to Res. Engr. Dept. Highway.. 7/1/64 4 copies del. to Co.Ex.Office for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 7/1/64 I 1 '.:# 4 copies del. to Co. Ex. Officer fo'- del. to Res. Engr. Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 4 conies del. to Vo. Ex. Officer fa del. to Res. Engr. Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 4 Co. copies del.tp Ex. Officer for del. to Res Engr. Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 4 copies del. to Co; Ex. Officer for de!. to Res. Engr. Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 I 4 copies .de1. to Co. Ex. Officer for de!. to Res. Engr. Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 4 copies del. to to. Ex. Officer for del. to Res. E~z:. Dept;'of Highways 7/1/64 I I I I 4 copies del. to Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 4 copies de!. to. Co. Ex. Office. for deL to Res. Engr. Dept. of Highways , 7/1/64 4 copies del. t Co. Ex. Officer for de 1. to Res. Engr. Dept of Highways 7/1/64 4 copies del. to Co. Ex. Officer for .de1. to Res. Engr. Department of Highways 7/1/64 I I I I 4 copies de 1. t Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 7/1/64 I I 4 copies del. Co. Ex. Officer for de 1. to Res. Engr Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 I I :,'i;f~:~':;:~~\> 4 copies del. Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept of Highways , 7/1/64 4 copies del. to Co. Ex. Officer for de 1. to Res. Engr. Dept of Highways 7/1/64 4 copies del. to. Co. Ex. Officer for de 1. to Res Engr. Dept. of Highways 7/1/64 4 copies del. to Co. Ex. Officer for del. -to Res. Engr. Dept of Highways 7/1/64 I I I I I - 4 copies Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res Engr. Dept of Highways 771/64 4 copies del. t Co. Ex. Officer for del. to Res. Engr. Dept. of Highways. 7/1/64 ~~~~2!l~:7::~~::~,,:.ii:~;~,~:' <. \'.. ' :.:;:.,.. .$M.It'Q, ." .,~. ......, "".....f.. I I I 254 ~. ut ~..)\\. {tilMl-. ~ ~. 7N~4 The matter to be considered at this special meeting will be the adoption of a resolution requesting the Judge of the Circuit Court to fix the date for a referendum on the issuance of $500,000.00 in general obligation bonds to be used in the financing of a coliseum in Salem, Virginia, Roanoke County, Virginia. The undersigned further ask that you.issue, immediately on receipt of this request, the notice in writing or in the alternative have such notice served by the Sheriff of Roanoke County upon the members of this Board in further pursuance of Section 15.1-53$ Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. Very truly yours, Ninor It. Keffer, Chairmar. Walter M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman Present: Supervisors :Minor R. Keffer, CI lirman, Walter M. Lipes, Vice- Chairman, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Commonwealth's Attorney Edw. H. Richardson. Before the meeting was called to order ~~. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the Council of the Town of Salem have agreed to jointly construct a pUblic building containing a coliseum and meeting halls, to be located in Salem, Virginia, and ~S, the Town of Salem has available for such purpose the sum of $750,000, and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems it advisable that the sum of $500,000 shall be raised for such purpose by contracting a debt and by issuing general obligation bonds of the County to finance a portion of th cost of the erection and equipment of such public building and said Board of Supervisors desires to request the Circuit Court of said County to make an order as . areinafter set forth: NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: (1) The Board of supervisors of Roanclke County hereby determines that it is advisable to contract a debt in the amount of $500,000 and to issue general obligation bonds of Roanoke County of the ag~egate maximum of $500,000, pursuant to the provi~ions of the Public Finance Act of 1958 of Virginia, to finance a portion of the cost of the erection and equipment of a public I building containing a coliseum and meeting halls on a plot of land acquired for ,i II I i II I I I, II II !I " II I i I such purpose containing approximately 74 acres fronting on Boulevard Roanoke in the Town of Salem in the County of Roanoke. (2) The Circuit Court of Roanoke County is hereby requested to make an order requiring the Judg~s of Election=on the day fixed by the order, to open a poll and take the senSE; of the qualified voters of the County on the question of contracting such debt and issuing such bonds. (3 ) The vote at said election shall be taken by the use of paper ballots in the form prescribed by law. (4) The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution ar.d to present it to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. .I I I I I I o n LJ o a o 255 On motion or Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the foregoing resolution is adopted by the following ~orded vote: I I R. I I I II Ayes: Keffer Nays: Supervisors Walter r~. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Ninor None Messrs. Clay Ferguson and Kenneth E. 'I'rabue this day appeared berore the Board and desired to know whether the money. from the bond issue should be given to Salem or the Roanoke City project, and if the voters had a choice in the matter. Thereupon, the Attorney for the Commonwealth, being requested to rule upon the matter, stated that the County could not enter into a contract with the City of Roanoke on the same basis as it could with the Town of Salem. I , On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, all members of the Board and the Commonwealth's Attorney being present and agreeing thereto, it is ordered that the minutes of the adjourned meeting of this Board, held on June29th, 1964, be corrected to show that the voting place of the Cave Spring Precinct to be at the Cave Spring High School, and not at the Cave Spring Fire House, as set forth in said order. Adopted by the following recorde~ vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter l~. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~~~ ~ fr."1 Y11. s.h, :pah-<-.. '("- 1/1//~.j. c.,..L cJ...LtI . C"l~ @ . ""I"/~ ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in July, 1964. I II .1 !$~+uj1;~", i ! Ii II II " I' il r II Ii I' ,I II H II !I I, I' " ,I I' ,I I' ,I II q II " " ri i; I' ! Court House Salem.. ~irginia July 13;. 1964 A Special Xeeting of the Board of Supervisors was held this day at the Courthouse pursuant to the following call: "Salem. Virginia .July 13. 1964 We. the Wldersigned. being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COWlty, Virginia. and the CO.mDnwsalth's Attorney of Roanoke.CoWlty. Virginia. do hereby waive ,the notice of 'a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held in the Board of Supervisors' Meeting Room (COWlty Courtroom) in the Courthouse Builcling , s~,RoallOke9C9Wltv atheSalem1 Virginia, at 4:30 p.' m. on ~y ~j, ~ 64. f"or t . fol Owing purposes:. (1) Authorize the Treasurer of Roanoke COWlty to make a temporary loan. 256 X1nor R. Kerter, Chairman Ca~awba Magi8~erial Di8~ric~ Wal~er M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman Salem Magis~erial Dis~rf~~ A. C. Harris Big Lick Magis~erial Dis~ric~ Frank R. Angell, Cave SpriUl; Magis~erial Dis~ric~ Edw. H. Richardson, COlllllOnweal~h's A~~l)rney of Roanoke Ccunty,. Virginia Present: Supervisors Minor R. Kef tel', ChairlllaJ1, Wal~er K. Lipes, Vice-Chairman A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell end Commonwealth's Attorney Edw. H. Richardson. Before the l118eting was called to order Mr. Frank R. Angell, Supervisor from Cave Spring Hagis~erial District, offered a prayer. Whereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roenoke County, there is now a deficit in Ule General ReTenue Fund for General County Operations, and it is, theretore, necessary to borrow IIOney for ~he purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipa~ion of Ule revenue of said County; and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke CoUDty is au~horilled by Sections 15.1-545 end 15.l~5~6 of ~he Code of Virginia, 1950, aa amended to date to borrow not earlier than February 1st of uy year a SUIII of 1I0ney not to exceed one-fourth of the amoUDt ~f IllOney produced by the county Ie.". laid in said Coun~y for the year 1964, a~ a ra~e of interest not exceeding six per cwnt per 8"nntII, to be repaid no~ later than December 15, 196~, and Wgereas U is necessary at this tille for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, no~ exceedi~g a total uIoUDt of 150,000.00 for. the purpose hereinbefore set out; NOW, THBIlEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED tha~ ~his Board do negoti~te a loan, or loans and borrow. as nneeded, not exceeding a I total ~1int of 150,000.00 from such Banks or InsUtutions of ~his Sta~e as are II willing to l118ke Ule loan or loans at a rate of in~€\rest not exceeding six per ce~~ ; I I I per annUlI, on de"""d; 1ihich said maturity da~e or dates of said loans shall occur not later ~hu December 1;, 1964, said Iou or 10us ~o be evidenced by ~he negotiable no~e or no~es of this Board of Supervisors, ud ~he same shall be executed as follows: ! I I , II , I I, Ii :1 I, " I, I II " :i ii " ORDERED tha~ the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in July, 196~. :i I, ;J#~~~r1i fff/A/ if The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, or Walter K. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, whose signature shall be duly attested by K. C. Logan, Clerk, ud shall become due and payable to, ud at such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank making ~he lou may direct, ud it is ordered that said loan be repaid at ma~urity without further order by this board. On motion of Supervisors A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, the foregoing resolution is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and X1nor R. Keffer Nays: None I 1 , 1 I I 'I ,J ,-, . , ...J .I II I' I o I I I I , II Ii 'I I I I I' ,I Ii I, II Ii " II II II II ;i I' II ~i 'i Ii " Ii ii i I ,I I :1 'I !I 'I 'I !, il I ~ " II Ii I' t II I' I I, Ii 'I Ii I ~ I I I I 257 ~ . Court House Salem, Virginia July 20, 1964 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, WaIte M.' Lipes, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R.Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. C. H. Mitchell, Pastor of the Mountain Pass Baptist Church, Roanoke County, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular, adjourned and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read thecopy of said minutes furnished hila by the Clerk. The follQi'ing claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 15611 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts for Delinquent Tax Collector's Car t 1.53 " 15612 Andrew Lewis Phillips Station, Wash jobs on Police Cars 6.00 91.00 W. B. Clements Inc. Repairs and Parts County School Board of R. C. Maintenance of County Owned Vehicles 849.90 30.00 " 15613 15614 Heinlein Seat Cover Shop, Parts for Police Cars Miller Tire Service, Repairs, Parts &c and Tires for Stock 620.14 3.40 9.90 " " ' 15615 15616 Motorist ParadiseTexaco, Parts and Oil for Police Cars Richard's Aut 0 Alignment, Repairs Standard Parts Corp. Parts fc,r Police cars and Garbage Trucks 39.60 9.95 1$.3 . 03 40.08 8.60 3.04 36.43 31.88 32.75 289.96 II " . 15617 15618 15619 Summeerdean Esso Station, Pal~ts, Oil, Wash jobs &c Salem Auto Parts, Parts for 'Tehicles Vinton Motor Co., Repair, pal~ts and ftsh jobs Automotive Paint Co., Repairs Glenvar Fire Truck Automotive Parts Supply Co., Parts Sale Fire Truck Bill's Amoco Station, Gas, Oil and Wash Jobs Bramb1eton Gulf Service Station, Gas, Oil Parts &e T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline and Oil Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts, &c Salem Oil Co., Gas and Oil, I't. Lewis Fire Truck and Fuel for Garbage Lot Overton'& Esso Servicenter, l{ash job on Inspector's Car Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts and Oil for Tractor Diesel Injection Sales Co., Parts for Tractor General Auto Parts, Parts for Garbage Truck, Batteries and Parts 1'0]' Distribution at County Garage Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs Garbage Truck Harris Used Auto.Parts, Parts for Garbage Trucks Magic City Motor Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks M & S Machine Shop, Repair and parts Garbage Trucks Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Repairs to Garbage Trucks 148.51 2.00 92.29 .99 563.15 8.00 42.50 2.52 43.08 13.96 " ' " " 15620 15621 15622 15623 15624 15625 15626 15627 15628 15629 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs and Parts for Trucks and repairs to Garbage Collection. Equipment. 61.25 " 15640 Void " " " II " " " " " " 15630 15631 15632 15633 " " II " 15634 15635 15636 15637 15638 15639 " " II It II 258 Salem Glass Corporation, Parts for extra Vehicle $ Yates & Wells Garage, Repair and Parts Extra Vehicle Times-Register Co., Publishing Budget Synopsis Burroughs Corporation, Maintenance for 1 year on Office Equipment &c Jamont Press, Office supplies Littlejohn Printing Co., Offic'~ supplies Va. Office Machine & Equipment Co., Maintenance on Offi ce Eq,llipment Dooley Printing Co., Office supplies Roanoke Merchants Association, Membership dues beginning July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965, Delinouent Tax Collector . 15650 International Business Machine Co., Rental fee on IBM Electric Typewriter 15651 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies 15652 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Office supplies -Clerk 15653 J. P. Bell Co., Record Book - Clerk 15654 Xerox Corporation, Office supplies No. 15641 15642 15643 15644 It It It It 15645 15646 15647 " " It 15646 15649 It " It " " It It 15655 15656 15657 " " Michie Company, Law Books for Judge Hoback 1.80 59.97 58.75 lOS.95 63.00 19.00 1 44.74 50.85 I 5.00 25.00 31,.00 6.00 38.07 31.46 40.00 Treasurer of Virginia, Part of the salary of Judge HOback2,913.66 City of Roanoke, Room and boax'd for children detained at City's Detention Home It 15658 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies for Jail Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy Case Culligan Soft Water Co., July Rental Fee on Water softner Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service, Chemicals for refilling Fire Extinguishers Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Paint Appalachian Power Co~, Current used at Bent Mountain C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service Bent Mountain J. ''Ii. Griggs, Reimburse Expe,nse of dinner meeting of Fire Chiefs 15681 Moulse-Cunningham Paving Co., Patching Roadway to Hollins Fire Station 1i5 It 15659 15660 " It 15661 15662 15663 15664 15665 15666 15667 15668 15669 15670 15671 15672 15673 It It It It It It It It It It " " It 15674 15675 15676 It, ", " 15677 15678 15679 15680 " " " " C. C. Bova & Co., Food - Jail Brown Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail and Courthouse Supplies Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry - Jail Foutz Sausage Co., Food - Jail C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Cl,=aning Supplies for Jail Monarch Finer Foods, Food - J,9.il Murrell'S Finer Foods, Food - Jail Rainbo Bread Co., Food - Jail W. T. Rierson, Food - Jail Sanfax Corporation, Janitor Supplies - Jail S & W. Pharmacy, Medical Supplies - Jail J. P. Tailoring Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff'S Dept. Vinton Hardware Co., Utensils - Jail Virginia Foods, Inc., Food - Jail Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail Physician Salary - June Lunacy Cases 46.00 35.94 6.75 I 17.97 41.16 25.65 92.21 76.12 82.75 ,7.67 20.10 52.46 4.24 1,365.85 22.30 I 49.25 i I il II II :1 I I I I II II ii 'I 25.00 II 130.00 10.00 I 4.00 8.75 3.82 9.00 23.90 18.85 -, . i , , I.....) '1 , ~ ~ ..J J ." B ~ :1 I I ~ ~ I Ii t! I I !I Ii II II II I I I .1 ~ 'I " ! II Ii Ii II II I, " I' II .I II II 'I Ii i! " II II 'I I' II Ii II Ii II II :1 II " ii Ii II 'I " " !I " II " No. 15682 Mount Pleasant Life Saving Crew, Contribution to Life Saving Crew $ " 15M3 15684 15685 15686 l5M7 " " " " " 15M8 15689 15690 15691 " " " " 15692 15693 15694 15695 15696 15697 " " " " " " 15698 15699 15700 " " " 15701 15702 " " 15703 " " " " " " " 15721 15722 15723 15724 " " " " 15725 15726 15727 " " " 15728 15729 " " 15730 157.31 " Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Coroner Cases, Lunacy Cases Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 259 200.00 253.45 50.00 174.65 717.15 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Com. Contribution - July 1, I 1964, through June 30, 1965 3,302.86 ij Harold L. Umberger, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 2.25 Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Parts, for Extra car .70 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office sup.plies and Equipment 70.24 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Re,imburse Postage used in mailing Garbage Bills; for month June, 1964 116.92 Double Envelope Company, Envelopes for Treasurerts Office ,Void Dr. S. D. Carey, Jail Visit, Lunacy Cases 50.00 279.20 69.80 9.15 60.00 40.00 31.50 6.50 ij ! 1,209.25 1.50 80.00 28.00 7.00 31.08 60.00 7.77 80.00 12.92 249.49 37.50 'Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 45.00 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service C. S. Fire Station Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Catawba Fire Station Dial!lond Chevrolet Corporation, Repairs and Parts Cave Spring First Aid Cr.ew Galen Plunkett, Extra Help in Engineerts Office J.R.Taliaferro, Inspector, Reimburse Expenses while attending a meeting of IAEI Code School Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies-Electoral Board . Rusco Window Co., Service on 2 Venetian Blinds 15732 Morris 'Elam, Refund Electrical Permit 15733 Times-World Corporation, Publishing notices of Zoning Board meeting Madge Twine, August Rent on GlI,rbage N. C. Logan, Clerk, Certifying Poll Tax list Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies Rusco Window Co., Repairs to 6 Venetian Blinds Dominion Elevator,at Courthouseservice on Elevator Booker T. Helm, Extra work at Civil Defense Office and Library G. J. Hopkins, Inc., Work at Health and Welfare Center Meador & Co., Opening file cabinet and making keys Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse Material for Street Signs &c Town of Salem, Current used ai:; County Garage Nancy Logan, Clerk, Recording 16 right of way deeds A. L. Hall Garage, Repairing 1954 Buick damaged by Garbage , Truck 15704 Jarrett Electric Co., Refund Electrical Permit 15705 R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimburse cost of operating . privately owne,;i Automobile 15706 Younger Park Building, July Rent - Office space for Civil Defense Office 15707 J. J.Newberry, 1 Table for use in Treasurer's Office 1570a !tobert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for distribution 15720 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies " " 23.90 3.00 75.90 I 197.97 ,I 70.47 17.15 I 3.72 [ I 1.00 I II II 25.00 I I IN BE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAms &'c The following claims agaiIist the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeab thereWith, to-wit;: II 15712 County School Board, June Maintenance of Dog Truck 15713 Farmer's Exchange Mills, Dog Food 15714 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant, Ins., Premium on SUrety Bond for Assistant Dog llarden Guy M. Ayers * 5.00 84.89 96.38 24.30 18.00 1 No. 15709 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Doctors fee II 15710 American Chemical Co., Disinfectant for Dog Pound ". 15711 Guy Ayers, Assisting Dog Warden ". 10.00 I II ~ 15715 Palmer Chemical &, Equipment Co., Medical supplies 42.95 ~ 15716 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for June ,1964 15.00 ~ 15717 Roanoke Valley Veterinary Medical Assoc., Vaccinating 949 dogs 15718 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Dog Truck 15719 E. S. Wade, Fowl claim 472.50 2.51 6.00 II II James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: "July 20, 1964 . To the Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business June 30, 1964, there was to the credit of the followin . ,. 1 , General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. V. S. R. S. Deferred Credit Account Literary Fund (School Construction) $ 169,947.34 15,863.38 71.93 135,958.36 6,274.81 7,234.12 6,845.41 .04 . .107.50 175.000.00 t 517,087.89 Financial Statement Cash: In Office Bank of Salem Escrow $1,;00,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,743,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $852,000.00 Textbook - Bank of Salem $ 1,000.00 82,6OS.25 36,736.15 1l,711.91 I 7,234.12 Farmers National Bank Paying Agent for School Bond Debt .Service 2,797.46 * Total Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Said report is received and ordered filed. Roanoke II I i II I i ! i I I II II II count~1 1 Farmers National Bank (Savings) Bank of Salem Literary Fund - School Const. Certificate of deposit 200,000.00 * i7,.000.66 , 51 ,087.89 Certificate of Deposit (School BUilding) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain. Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 . 450,000.00 100.000.00 ~,u,u,uuu.uu Included in Genetal Revenue - ! I ..... l . -- J J n G 261 ~ I I: :1 II ,I I: I: II ~ " I I II II ,. I' .1 I I I' ~ ! ~ I I I I IN BE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $646.73 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of June, 1964, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer, said check amounting to $614.39 net. . On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of July, 1964, be approved in the amount of $12,167.48, frolll which the sum of $346.96 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; ~1,04l.25 total W. H. Taxes, $143.43 total State Income Taxes and $309.47 total Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $10,326.37. Adopted by t~ following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer ,Nays: None ~J..J- r; ) ,c..~- . q- c. ~cP~ 11y1~lf On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lip it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning June 16, ending June 30, 1964, be approved in the aJIIount of $4,355.12, from which $157.89 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $262.00 total W. H. Taxes; $28.24 total State Income Taxes and $44.80 total Insurance Taxes are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,862.19; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for the period beginning July 1, 1964, ending July 15, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,209.74, from which $152.59 total F. 1.. C. A. taxes; $227.30 total W. H. Taxes; $24.19 total State Income Taxes; $27.00 total Accident Insurance, $44.80 total Insurance Taxes and $78.27 total Retirement, are to be deducted., leaving a net payroll of $3,655.59. Adopted by the following recorded velte: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None , ~tU.t c.M- ,...c,. ~.->~ 1J"'lfr. II- Ii I' ,I " I! i' !I I' I !I 'I 'j II 'I 'I I, II Ii 'I I, Ii r I. I' ,I I II ii I I' Ii ,I q ~ 'I I, Ii II " !I The following ;eports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of June, 1964; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of June, 1964; EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the m,)nth of June, 1964; I MRS. FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstrati,)n Agent, for the month of June, 1964; I, " il il ~ II LOl'/ELL 1ol. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent" for the month of June, 1964; ~Y~LYN F. POW~L, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of June, . 1964. 262 IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C.. D. clia~, De1inqu~nt Tax Collector of Roanoke County this day submitt a report of his monthly collections showing collections for each month and total to date -- Fiscal Year - 1963-1964: TAXES Collections for month of July, 1963 Collectionsfor month of August, 1963 Collections for month of September, 1963 Collections for month of October, 1963 Collections for month of November, 1963 Collections for month of December, 1963 Collections for month of January, 1964 Collections for month of February, 1904 Collections for month of March, 1964 Collections for month of April, 1964 Collections for month of May, 1964' Collections for month of June, 1964 $ 3,421.03 2,058.13 1,288.18 1,401.72 1,238.65 973.17 1,900.73 1,045.27 2,308.43 1,832.91 4,422.11 10.030.69 $ 31,921.02 Total GARBAGE Collections for quarter ending September 30, 1963 Collections for quarter ending December 31, 1964 Collections for month of January, 1964 Collections for month of February., 1964 Collections for month of March, 1964 Collections for month of April, 1964 Collections for month of May, 1961f . Collections for month of June, 1964 $ 938.25 2,097.15 269.15 193.00 291.50 483.00 .659.65 742.25 $ 5,674.05 $ 36,794.07 Total Grand Total which report is received and ordered filed. J....L .t. . Co~<P 71"'1"~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: #15547 in the amount of $6.80 made pa3table to Robert Dawson, Postmaster for box rent for one year for the County Electoral Board; #15548 in the amount of ~18.29 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used.at the Dog Pound; .- " ~. r: ~ #15550 in the amount of$964.10 made payablE! to the.Town of Salem for electricity and water at. the Courthouse, Jail and the Health and Welfare Center; I I #15551 in the amount of $18.30 made payablE' to the C &: P Telephone Company for [' service at the Dog Warden'S home; #15552 in the amount of $37.47 made payable to the Appaachian Power Company for Ii current used at the Fort Lewis F'ire Station; #15553 in the amount of $72.46 made payabl(l to James E. Peters, Treasurer, to ~ reimburse ~1m for jury tickets; #15557 in the amount of $104.90 made payable to the C &: P Telephone Company for Ii service at tbe fire stations; I #15558 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service; #15559 in the amount of $87.35 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company f or fuel at the County Jail, Home Demonstration Kitchen, Cave Spring Fire Station and the Health. and Weli'a e Cente!:'. i I i !I II ii Iii Letter dated June 11, 1964, from ~. Frank smyth, Jr., Director, Division of Corrections addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Salem, . II Virginia, and Mr. Charlie E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, Salem, Virgin:ra 11 together with report of the inspection of the Roanoke County Jail dated ii June 2, 1964, received and ordered filed. IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION I 1 1- 1 I r'"'I ! :.-4 n . - ..., J o 0.. I I 263 ~ I; II 'I I, II , IN RE: AUDIT OF CLERK'S CFFICE The Auditor of Public Accounts of Vi,rginia this da,y submitted to the Board the report on audit of Roy K. Brown, County Clerk and Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the calendar year 1963 which report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated June 15, 1964, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts received and ordered filed. IN RE: ANNUAL REPORT ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION I i ~ II I , C. P. Osborne, Secretary-Treasurer, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, this day submitted to the Board the Annual Report 1963-1964 of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commissic>D which report is received and ordered filed. IN RE: ALLOWANCE FORPURCHASE OF FOUR VALIDATING CASH REGISTERS Letter dated July9, 1964, addressed to Mr. James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, Executive Secretary, Compensation Board, Richmond, 1'irginia, approving the request of said Treasurer for net allowance of ~3 ,861.00 to cover net cost of four validating cash registers subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed, this Board having heretofo e approved the purchase of said equipment. II ~ " II '[ II ~ II I I , I . ~ II r I' II II II II I Ii ,I " II ,. ;j , !i The Annual Budget for fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, of the Department of Public Welfare.of Roanoke County received and ordered filed. I i I I rW- f; , -c..W. ~:Co.~ '~~r I~ , ('1h:1t.<I- I. I . ~ ,I IN RE: REFUND TO \'lILLIAM V. COLEMAN OF 1961 PERSON:AL PROPERTY TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C. D. Chapman, Collector of Delinquent Taxes of Roanoke County, this day reported to the Board that on ~:ay 15, 1964, \'lILLIAM V. COLEY,AN paid to him for the year 1961 personal property taxes ass'~ssed against the said Coleman in Catawba District in tl:e sum of $5.58, including penalties and interest; and further reported to the Board that the said William V. Coleman had also paid his 1961 personal property taxes in the amount of $6.49, assessed in Salem District, to the Treasurer of Roanoke COID1ty on March 4, 1964, as shoWn by Bill #7709, thereby had paid said taxes ~~icej Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a refund of five dollars and fifty-eight cents ($5.58) for the year 1961 assessed in Catawba I il ~ " 'I " II h " " I' " ,I , !! II I I 'i Ii I I District, paid as above set out by the said William V. Coleman to the of Delinquent Taxes, be made to the said '\1illiam V. Coleman. Collector il II 'I I, 264 ~u .Co -r~' e: I~f~' ') /,1 ~ v to Adop~ed by ~he following recorded vo~e: Minor Ayes: Supervisors Wal~er M. R. Keffer, NaY8: None Lipes, A.C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Le~~er da~ed June 17, 1964, addressed ~o the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun~y, from C. D. Chapman, Collec~or of Delinquen~ Taxes, ordered filed. I IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC LmRARY I Le~~er da~ed July 7, 1964, signed by Mrs. Blanche B. Pedneau, Librarian, on behalf of ~he Board of Trus~ees of ~he Roanoke Coun~y Public Library, reques~1ng that a balance of eight hundred, forty-seven dollars and fifty-seven cen~s ($847.57) remaining in the Library Fund Account at the end of the fiscal year 1963-64, be carried over ~o ~he Library Fund Accoun~, for ~he fiSCal year 1964-65; Upon consideration whereof, on mo~ion of Supervisor A.C.Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, i~ is ordered ~hat said request be granted and that the balance of eigh~ hundred for~y-seven dollars and fif~y-seven cen~s ($847.57) be carried over ~o ~he Library Fund Acccun~ for ~he year 1964-65. Adopted by ~he following recorded v.o~e: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Val ter M. Lipes Nays: None I Le~ter dated July 7, 1964, from Mrs. Blanche B.Pedneau, addressed to ~he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County 0 rdered filed. WHEREAS Shell Oil Company has made applica~ion ~o ~his Board for an access road to their plant, this road ~o be off Route 119 near S~arkey, Virgini . and WHEREAS this Board, after evalua~1ng the information submi~ted in said application, is of ~he opinion ~ha~ ~he s1~e and indus~ry qualify, under Chap~er 161 of ~he Acts of General Assembly, ~o be served by a road cons~ructe with funds ob~ained from the Indus~rial Access Fund, ~his Board guaran~eeing ~o ~he Departmen~ of Highways ~ha~ ~he Dl!Cessary righ~ of way be made aVa1labl~1 to ~he Departmen~, this Board fur~her guaran~ees ~ha~ any u~ili~y adjus~ments I necessary will be made at no cost ~o ~he Departmen~ of Highways; I,ll NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~ha1; ~he Highway Department be reques~ed . . I ~o furnish es~ima~es of cos~, da~a on righ~-of-way needs, and o~her ini'orma~io~ I I Ii :1 i ! , II ii I I to the Highway Commission on ~he cons~ru.:tion of ~h1s proposed road w1~h i~s recommendation ~ha~ it be cons~ructed with Indus~rial Access Funds. On mo~ion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor \'lal~er M. Lipes, adop~ed by ~he following recorded vo~e: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. ,mgell, Walter M. Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 1~pes, A.C.Harris and ! II II I " ._-.- ----~.-. ----+---_. ----- -..--"-"."---, ..--.-- ---_.._,~._-_. -------' -------_. Letter dated July 16, 1964, from C. L. Towers, Jr., Vice-President, Southern Marketing Region, Shell Oil Company, addressed t.o Mr. Paul Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, confirming the Company's guarantee of the right of way for the access road to the Company's new plant off Route 119 at Starkey, received and ordered filed. '''''''I i ...-i II ~ II I ,l I ! I - II ! I' i Ii ,I l I I IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ) STATE SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 619, KNOWN ) AS THE ASH BOTTOO ROAD, SAW! MAGISTERIAL ) DISTRICT. ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BELONG- ) ING TO HARRY M. STATON AND FRANCES H. STATON ) Q~~~! This day came Harry M. Staton and Frances H. Staton and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petitio NOW, THE:REFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND OODERED that at its regular meeting of the Board or SUpervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoni Ordinance, as re<;.uested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred t the Planning COIIIIIIission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHE:R REroLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission ~ " . shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this ,"1 ..J , I I I I I, II 'I I I :1 II II II II I: Ii r '. Ii II II H II II :! ~~S it is the stated policy of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to develop and provide parks and open spaces for the people of Roanoke County. WHE:REAS the City of RoaMke is planning to develop a community park along Peters Creek, at the boundary line between Roanoke County and the City of . .. . resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of.this~oard to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke' County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter 11. Lipes, and seconded by Supervisor' A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit:' Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays.: None Q Roanoke. i'fHEREAS a need for parks and open space in this general area has been identified in the land use plan prepared by the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission. 265 ;x~~. . t; re- .~ . ~ow. ~ 7/Y1 / b 4- I~ ~ . c..I;" n-u, 17/~31'u I I ! i , , , i, II Ii 266 WHEREAS the Roanoke County Parks Cornm:lttee has reviewed the proposed development. Of Strauss Park and has found it consistent With the policies and standards outlined in the land development plana. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervis support and encourage the development of a ':ommunity park to be known as Straus Park along Peters Creek, as being in keeping with the region's long range development plan and as a means to satisfy ~he recreational needs of the people in the Roanoke Valley. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I Map and letter dated July 6, 1964, from Department of City Planning, signed by Werner K.Sensbach, Director, addressed to Eugene S. ~"irt, Jr., received and ordered filed. WHEREAS: Representative ror the Department of Highways has appeared before the Board and presented plan sketch dated May 21, 1964 showing Project 0654-080-114, C-50l, on Route 654 in Roanoke County and the disposition of the o~i location and new location. WHEREAS: This Board approves and cor.;curs in the recommendations of the Department or Highways as follows: Seetions.of Old Location.of Route 64 to.bAbandoned 1n.Accordance teet on. e 0 ma as Amended I Section No.1 - 0.23 Mi., this section served by new location. Section No.2 - 0.08 Mi., this section served by new location. Sections of New Location to be Added to the Secondary System Section No.3 - 0.22 I~., new location. Section No. 4 - 0.07 11"11., new locati,)n. And be it ordered that duly certified copies of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to IN'. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on motion of A. C. Harris SUpervisor, Seconded by Walter M. Lipes and on recorded vote tb~ Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, i'lalterM. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I ~ Yrf1~f. S~. ~.ct; ~y! 71-y,l~u. I BE IT RES:>LVED that the Council of the City of Roanoke be requested to remove a certain blockade as established on Corbieshaw Road on the City-County I, II I, :1 II II I I Line. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C.Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Vdnor R. Kerrer Nays: None ~ II II I: 'I 'I I. II I II I ...,J I l II I ,..".; II I , !I I, " I' ~ J o I YlI'. ii. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engi.neer, State Highway Department, submitt d "3 ~. I . +- . 1,1 II (L" .,.. II ~ 41 J.J.d II.to..e.l. Y" II ;!).1 (, It Letter and petition addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors Roanoke County Court House, Salem, Virginia, in re: Petition for Removal of Blockade on Corbieshaw St. S. W. Roanoke City, Va.; received and ordered filed. I I ~ II II The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated July 10, 1964,from A. T. Loyd addressed to 14r. Minor Keffer, Chairman of the Board of Su,pervisors, c/o Miss Nancy Logan, Clerk, Court House, Salem, Virgin:la, enclosing copy of an order in which Penn Fcrest Water Corporation is applying for a certificate of necessity to furnish water to the Penn Forest Subdivision; Copy of letter dated July 10, 1964, from G. Edmorxl Massie, Chairman Compensation Board, Richmond, Virgin:la, a ddressed to Mr. James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, Salem, Virgin:la, in regard to June, 1964, expense voucher from tke Treasurer; Letter dated July 10, 1964, from Ed,win B. Horner, Jr., addressed to Board of Supervisors of ~oanoke County, Roanoke County, Virginia, Salem, Virgin:la: in re: $500,000 Roanoke County, Virginia, Colise1llll Bonds; Letter dated June lS, 1964 from Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, addressed to District Engineers, in re: Administrative Procedures Necessary to . Carry Out t.he Provisions of the Industrial Access Law (Section 33-136.1 of the Codel and the Highway Commission's Policy Adopted on May 14, 1964 within the Provisions of the above- . noted law; Letter dated July S, 1964, from J. E. Harwood, Director Programming and Planning, Department of Highwa)'s, Richmond, .Virginia, addressed to Mr. N. C. Logan, Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, salem, Virginia, in re: Dixie Caverns; Letter dated June 17, 1964, addressed to Mr. Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, County Office Building, 311 East Main Street, Salem, Virgin:la, from Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce, in re: commending the Board for their action in renting thirteen voting machines tel be used in the County; Copy of letter dated July 16, 1964" addressed to The Bond Buyer, 67 Pearl Street,New York, N. Y. from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, in re: r~questing date of referendum for auditorium-coliseum; Copy of Resolution from Vinton Chamber of Commerce, Inc., in re: Not in favor of construction of a Colise1llll in the Town of Salem. I 'I il II II Ii II ~ I: i( 'I II Ii !i' :1 a l! il Ii Letter dated July 13,1964, addressed to Honorable Edw. H.Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke Count)" Salem, Virginia, from Robert Y. Button, Attorney General, in regard to office space in the Courthouse was this day received and ordered filed. :1 I! Ii il Ii, . !i " " I, :: " ii Ii 'I I' I' I II if I I, .1 II ;( " " " ~etter dated July 17, 1964, addressed to each member of the Board of Supervisors, from Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, of Roanoke County in regard to the passing of his opinion as to space available in the Court House was this day received and ordered filed. to the Board a copy of a Final Budget County, for year 1964-65. 267 I I II II I II I 268 ~it- '7f1-'/l.tJ. ~it~ 1/~111.<f Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded and carried is approved by the following recorded votes: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None Maps 1964-65 showing Final Secondary Budget Primary and Secondary Highway System and copy of Maintenance, Maintenance replacement and Construction Budget secondary System ordered filed. 1 Whereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or II actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in antiCipation of the revenue of said County; and llhereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15.1-545 and 15 .1-546 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date to borrow not earlier than February 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County f.or the year 1964, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1964, and Whereas it .is necessary at this time for the Board of SUpervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NO"il, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, or loans and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 from such Banks or Institutions of this State as are willing to make the loan or loans at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, on demsnd;which said maturity date or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1964, said loan or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of ~upervi60rs, and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by 1fdnor R. Keffer, Chairman, or Walter M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, whose signature shall be duly attested by N. C. Logan, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institutions, as the Ban.k making the loan may direct, and it is oI"dered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this Board. I I . I I I 'I I I , i I i h. I \'lIGREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, 10 ere J.S now i a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County Oper-ations, and it is1' therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or i actual) deficits in said fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation i[ ~ On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor ~;alter 111. Lipes, the foregoing resolution is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Stlpervisors A. C. Harris, '.ialtcr M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None . - I ('j ,J ~ ! L..I o " J o. 269 ~ i) 'I I. II Ii il Ii ,I j' 'j Ii I! Ii II II 'I II Ii .I il II ,I Ii I' i i I II of the revenue of said County; and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15.1-545 and 15.1-546 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date to borrow not earlier than February 1st, of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1964, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1964, and Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke C01;1I1ty to borrow as needed, not learlier than August 7, 1964, and not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NfJIi, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THIS Board do negotiate a loan, or loans and borrow as needed, n~ earlier than August 7, 1964, and not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 from such Banks or Institutions of this State as are willing to make the loan or loans at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, on demand; which said maturity date or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1964, said loan or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follcws: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, or Walter M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, whose signatures shall be duly attested by N. C. Logan, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institutions, as the Bank making the loan may direct, and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this Board. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the foregoiIig resolution is adopted by the following recor.ded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R.Angell, A. C.Harris, Walter M. Liper and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I II II II I' 11 " 'I ii ~ il II I, il II Ii [I l! " il :1 ;i " " I' il 11 " ii ;i .bo '011""'", re,o""'" ... re,.',,' fr= 'bo _ok. C~" S,h~l BOOrd~ . "WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Board at its meeting of June 9 ~~ t. passed a resolution requesting uhe temporary transfer of $24,000.00 f~om the ~(1 Construction Fund to the Textbook Fund, because the Textbook Fund does not ~ ~ r have sufficient money at this time to pay for books already received and ~, ~,-~~ to pay the salaries of regular and temporary employees, and ~;~ WHEREAS, money will be available in the Textbook Fund from rental fees / / 7 "I 6 oL in October, '1964, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors at its meeting of June 15 approved this transfer, and WHEREAS, the Commonwealth Attorney of Roanoke County and the auditors , ., for the Board of Supervisors have since ruled that money cannot be transferred from the Construction Fund to the Textbook Fund, i I I, hereby rescinds the resolution of June 9, and I, . I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County be il ' I requested to transfer the sum of ~30,000.OO from the General County Fund Ii J to the Textbook Fund as a temporary transfer, to be repaid by November 1, 1964. I No\-j, TIlEIGFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County School Board 270 ~-+cU-.fi Co '4.G~ ~Ur. ~~~ \~'YI\<'''''' ~ ejt .~ Q~_\+ 1'0 t: cW. If J);..t ~ ~~fii1~ AND WHEREAS, this resolution involves only a temporary transfer of funds from the General County Fund to the Textbook Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors authorizes the transfer of the sum of $30,000.00 from the General County Fund to the Textbook Fund as a temporary transfer, to be repaid by November 1. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Bays: None On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the resolution adopted by this Board on June 29, 1964, establishing five roads as public roads to be part of the Secondary Syste of Highways in Roanoke County be, and is hereby, rescinded. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C.Harris, Frank R.Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None This day appee,red the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the follOlling roads and the locations thereof and to make reports thereon, to-wit: ~ 1. Okey-Dolin Road off Rt. 311 to the J. L. C. Medley Boys' Camp. 0.20 mile. "2. Extension of Route 1404. 3 miles. ~3. Upland Drive (Extn. of Rt. 790) to Rt. 693. 0.40 mile. ~4. Moore Road from Route 873 to D. E. 0.30 mile. ,,5. Unnamed road off Rt. 658 north to D. E. 0.20 mile. "'6. Unnamed road from Rt. 648 west to D. E. 0.10 mile. whereupon, on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C Harris, said Engineer's reports are approved. And it is hereby ordered that said roads, as described briefly above, be, and they are hereby, established as public roads to become a part of the II State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the rights of way as follows: (1) Okey-Dolin Road - 40 - foot; (2) Extension of Rt. 1404 - 40-foot; (3) Upland Drive - 50-foot; (4) Moore Road - 50-foot; (5) Unnamed road off Rt. 658 - 40-foot; (6) Unnamed road off Rt. 648 - 40-foot; together with such additional widths as may be necessary for the extension and maintenance of road slopes and/or ditches and all necessary drainage facilities. And it is further ordered that a certified copy of t his resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department, having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter Jii. Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and I I I 1 I I , I , ji il II 11 r I ;1 I , Ii II ji I, II i I :J !-, i ;.j o o 0, j II ~ il II ;1 Ii I ~ I ; II II I! il !, I I, Ii il II II r WHEREAS the property owners on Route 687 from Colonial Avenue to Starkey Road (Route 119) did request this Board to name the aforesaid road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15 -777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, the governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys trerein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such names to take precedence over any other design.tion except those primary highway conforming to Section ;3;3-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; Nml, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the name PENN FOREST BOULEVARD be assigned to Route 687 from Colonial Avenue to 3tarkey Road (Route 119). On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C.Harris, ~lalter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 15, 1964, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective July 20, 1964: 10 - PUBLIC WORKS 10e - Planning and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, Frank R.Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None , I " II ~ !I I, I, " Ii ii " v il On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 28, 196;3, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective June ;30 1964: .3 - COLLECTION AND DrSBURSEl~NT OF TAXES An additional.appropriation of ~244.14 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June .30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION ' An additional appropriation of $61.04 is hereby made from the General I Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June ;30, 1964" for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 8 - PUBLIC WELFARE i Be - Institution~l Care: An additional appropriation of $2,192.09 is hereby Ii made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLE WORKS 'I' 10c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $5,720.25 is hereby I made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964" for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ii II 13 - ELECTIONS II An additional appropriation of ~41.54 is hereby made from the General II Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June ;30, 1964, for the function I or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I I i :1 I[ II I 14 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROONDS An additional appropri~tion.of $1,199.86 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fisfal year ending June ;30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 271 -~ &<1tij;r- .... .,-A.d, A -fP~ ~... - t. _J "'~ ?-~/.t:'f" ~ tl.L fi -tt.... ,~, c.,.., CPft:1: I" [2, ~ d.J-r. e.W. . rC. ~ v- ~~ rr C ~~ 1/"I/bU 272 ~u/l ~~c. \r~ClP- ~ ' '/I w. f('r),. r r&~ 7/ y, J b <I- .~.....~- IS - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS An additional appropriation of $1,063.47 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, FrankR. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays; None I IN RE: REZONING OF FORMER MAUDE A. FISCHER PROPERTY ON THE NORTHWEST SIDE CF VlRGINIA ROUTE 117 WEST OF rrs INTERSECTION WITH U. S. ROUTE 11 ) ) ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER ) I WHEREAS Irene F. Guernsey and Annette F. Quisenberry, sole heirs at law of Maude A. Fischer, deceased, have heretofore filed their petition to amend the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in Roanoke County, Virginia, described in said petition, fromBusiness District B-1 to Business District B-2; WHEREAS the Board at its meeting on May IS, 1964, referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendation; WHEREAS the Plannir.u Commission at a meeting held June 23. 1964, after legal and timely advertisement of same, fully considered the petition and reported to this Board by resolution itsrecommendation that the tract in question be rezoned from Business District 8-1 to Business District B-2; WHEREAS the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's regular meeting on July 20. 1964, and it further appears from the certificate of the publishe:i' Times-World Corporation that notice of the public hearing to be held on July 20, 1964, was duly published in accordance with law; WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held on July 20, 1964, and a full opportunity was accorded all interested parties to express their views concerning the proposal; WHEREAS at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full consideration of the matter, this Board is of the opinion that the change in classification would promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of I the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS all requirements of law have been complied with and the property should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; I il NO\'T, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI;VED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinances of I Roanoke County, as amended, be 'and they hereby are further amended to Iii I reclass~fyand rezone from Business District B-1 to Business District B-2 that cez:tain tract situate on the Northwest side of Virginia Route 117, West II I, of its intersection with U. S. Route 11, now owned by petitioners and frontingll 550 feet more or less on Route 117 to a depth of 400 feet, which has been I ! I, " i ! i spread on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County /, 'I 'I II ! recommerided for such rezoning by the Roanoke County Planning Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be by the Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the '"'"'I . I -J .., I ....l ~ r-l L.J O. i' 273 .____..__.__u_.. ___,'~"____. .__.______.__" _"_ __ ___ . 0'___ _ _~___. __'__ _____. __.__'....___ .._ -.--__________________________.___ ..___ _.. >__ n___+_ ______...___~______ ...._".._...__.. _ ._.",__ ______._._____________...___._.~______.______ ~ Ii ,I Ii ~ I. ii II II I I ,I II I! ri Ii Ii Ii II t II " ., Ii i' I Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that additional certified copies be sent to counsel for petitioners herein. The above resolution and arder was adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter Lipes of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C.Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None IN RE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND LYING ON THE WEST SIDE OF RELOCATED VIRGINIA SECONDARY HIGHWAY ROUTE 10. 601, SOUTH fE INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. el NEAR HOLLINS IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, Qt/NED BY HAZEL GOOD~1AN WlLLIMlS AND LYNN GLYNN7IS WILLIAMS ) ) ) FINAL ORDER I ) Ii I 1 II I' ., II I' ., " 'I II At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on July 20, 1964. WHEREAS, Hazel Goodman Williams and Lynn Glynntis Williams petitioned , [i " I' " ii - this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business District B-2" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on April 20, 1964, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Collllllission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance wit~ the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting hel on the 26th day of May, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of II II I! It iI Ii II '\ Ii :1 I' i, " I< 'I i! " II 'i H li'* the County Zoning Ordinance and the Cod e of Virginia j and, )/ said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Business District B-2" property; and, \'lIlEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entere on the 20th day of April, 1964, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Boar upon the receipt of ~aid recommendation f rom the Planning Commission, forthwith I set the same doWll for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or speci meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on July 20, 1964, at 2:00 p. m., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to Ordinance (1960), and advertised the same by a notice said County Zoning duly published in the Roanoke Times on June 30, 1964, and July 7, 1964, which paper has general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virglnia, all of which a s required by order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance (1960), and the Code of Virginia; and, ~t:~ Ip~.~ ~ )1--.'$. ,C. , ~ ~.PL 't- 7 II" I~u i I I i I ,,~ :1 II II ,. il \) I WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960), being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinanc (1960), should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of July, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as (Business District B-2" property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for "Business District B_2" purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance (1960). The property hereby classified as "Business District B-2" property is more particularly described as follOWS, to-wit: 1 1 BEGINNING at an iron stake on the westerly right-of- way of the new location of Virginia Secondary Highway #601 55.0 feet from the centerline of said highway at Station 22 + 00 and 254.16 feet southerly from the intersection of said right-of-way line with the boundary line between the property of Hazel Goodman Williams and Lynn Glynntis Williams and the property of Esso Standard Division of Humble Oil and Refining Company; thence leaving said right-of-way line and running five new division lines through the property of said Hazel Goodman Williams and Lynn Glynntis Williams, S. 680 56' 50" W. 86.35 feetto an iron stake; thence N. 619 43' )O~ W. 42.31 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 500 05\ 40~ W. 128.93 feet to an iron stake; thence N. 190 58' W.-58.19 feet to an iron stake 50.01 feet southerly from the southwest corner of the property between said Hazel Goodman Williams and Lynn Glynntis Williams and Esso Standard Division of Humble Oil and Refining Company; thence N. 680 56' 50" E. 155.78 feet to an iron stake on the westerly right-of-way line of the new location of Secondary Highway 1}601, 50.23 feet southerly from the southeast corner of the property betweel'l Hazel Goodman Williams and Lynn Glynntis Williams and Esso Standard Division of Humble Oil and Refining Company; thence with the westerly right-of-way line of said Secondary Highway #601 S. 260 34' 30" E. 203.93 feet to the point of Beginning, . contaiuing 27,826 square feet, and being a portion of the property of Hazel Goodman Williams,and Lynn Glynntis Williams, situated north of Hollins in Roanoke County, Virginia, a s shown on map made by David Dick and Harry A. Wall, Civil ; Engineers and Surveyors, dated April 8, 1964. ' II IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall II -.forthwith certify a copy of this R~s"l~tion and Order to the Secretary of the i ![ 'I I, " ::1 Supervisor A. c. II on the record vote, II !I II " 'I II I 1 Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Hazlegrove, Shackelford and Carr, Attorneys for the Petitioners. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and I the Supervisors voted as follows.,> to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ] ,l ..... I ! , ~ I (I II I II ~ ~ ~ ;i !I ., I' [i J il I' :1 ~ II II ,. 11 Ii " Ii 0 II ii I il ~ II I I I Board of Supervisors I ORDER vs Ths Public and ths state Highway Colllll\ission of Virgin:la This matter came on this day to be heard upon ths proceedings herein, and upon ths application for Langland Drive from Route 654 to Brookshire Drive - O.Og mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easelllents and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue or a certain deed of 'record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and t~at by reason of the recordation of said deed no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hsreby guarantees said right of way and right for dainage. NOW, THERj;;FORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Langland Drive from . . Route 654 to Brookshire Drive - 0.08 mile and which is shown on a certain sketc accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. ],ipes Nays: None .. Board of Supervisors vs 1 ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This IIll.tter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Pilot Street from Route 460 to Edgelawn Avenue - 0.12 ~le to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain deeds of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roano~e County, Virginia and that by reason of the recordation of said deeds no report from a Boaril.~.of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from ths abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE TI' ORDERED that said road known as Pilot Street from Route 460 to Edgelawn Avenue - 0.12 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same ishereby established as a public road to become a part of the state Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, Frank R. Angell, Vdnor R. Keffer and Walterl M. Lipes ' II Nays: None [ 5 copies del to Co. ~.Officer for del to Res.Engr. Dept.Highways 7721/64 15<. 5 copies del to Co Ex.Officer for del to Res.Engr. Dept.Highways 7721/64 ..::..7 276 5 copies del to Co.Ex. Officer for del. to Res.Engr. DeIlt.Highway 7721/64 Copies del to Treas. Co.Bookkeepe & Co.Ex. Officer 7/21/64 Board of Supervisors vs I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Eton Road from Greenlee Road (Rt. 899) to Stonecliff Road _ 0.13 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain deed of record in too Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said deed no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFOBE, BE IT ORDEBED that said road known as Eton Road from Green- lee Road (Rt. 899) to Stone cliff Road - 0.13 mile and which is shown on a certa sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a publjc road to become a part of the State Secondary System Of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Walter M. Nays : Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Lipes . None i'iHE:REAS this Board has appropriated the sum of $1,500.00 annually for each of the four members of the Board of Supervisors as their salary and expenses for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965; Nal, 'l'llEREFOBE, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the salaries and expenses of the members of too Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County be fixed at $1,500.00 each for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C.Harris and f.1inor R. Keffer. flot Voting: Supervisor Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I I II I A. L. Faller, A. B. Harris, W. T.1;/ickline and J. S. Brooks, Jr., this day II II II II II II 'I I, ij II " I' ,I II " II (I :1 appeared before the Board and objected to the dust nuisance from plant mix companies and quarries in the Clearbrook Section of Roanoke County; Upon consideration whereof, on motiondof Supervisor Walter K. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Paul B. f.w.tthews, County Executive Officer, be requested to investigate said complaint and work with the operators of such c'mpanies inan effort to eliminate the dust from such operations. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C.Harris, Minor R. Keffer Nays:- None Frank R. Angell and I 1 1 I I i I , il I I I i I I ] ] ~ o o ----_._._---~ -.--.-.-..----.. -. --..---" ~ I I' II II II II I IN HE: CLOSING OF ROAD - WILLIANSBURG MANOR This day came Richard R. Hamlett Construction Company, by counsel, and by letter dated June 15, 1964, addressed to Paul B.Matthews, Executive Officer, County of Roanoke from Apostolou, Place &. Thomas, Attorneys, asking permission to withdraw a petition heretofore filed with this Board for the closing of a certain road on property being subdivided, known as Williamsburg Manor, off Route 220, in Roanoke County. Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A.C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that said request be granted, and that no further action be taken in the closing of said road. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C.Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None i I, II I, II II II .1 " I' 11 ,I " I 'I :1 Ii ~ Ii Ii 'I I, II IN HE: CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT AS TO RENTAL AND PURCHASE OF VOTING MACHINES: This day Henry C. Bost, representing Shoup Voting Machine Corporation, appeared before the Board and presented a contract or agreement whereby Roanoke Count.}" was permitted to rent thirteen (13) Shoup Voting Machines - Virginia Model - six column-forty bank, manually operated, for a period of one year, at a rental price of $150.00 per machine for each machine, payable September 30th, 1964, said machines to be delivered to Roanoke County at the cost of said Shoup Voting Machine Corporation, with the County given the option to purchase said machines at the end of said year at a price of $1563.00 each per machine, plus transportation costs; with the $150.00 first year rental fee being applied to the purchase price of $1563.00. If the County exercises the option to purchase said machines, it is to pay an additional ~150.00 per machine, together with transportation charges on the 30th day of September, 1965, and $150.00 per year for each machine thereafter for a period.of eight (8) years; and the County further agrees topay interest at four per cent (4%) said interest to begin September 30th, 1965, If the County does not exercise the option to purchase machines, to return same to the Shoup Vot.ing Machine Corporation, at Canton, Ohio, with transportation charges pre-p.aid. In said contract or agreement, said Corporation to guarantee said machines for a period of five (5J years, and to instruct the proper officials in the use of same, as set forth in said agreement. Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R.Angell, it is ordered that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County enter into said contract and agreement, dated July 20th, 1964, and the Chairman of this Board is authorized and empowered to sign said contract or agreement on behalf of this Board, and the Clerk of this Board is authorized to attach and attest the seal of this Board to said I, Ii Ii 'I [I ii H II Ii I: il. II II :1 II II " " !r ii .I !I I: II Ii p II ~ " contract or agreement. 277 ~fI ~ ~ 7!)..3Jt.~ i I I I II II 'I I I ; 278 . ~~.A ~. ') C~ 7. ~~- 'If" (N. ~u:u;; ~p '1/1''1>11.<1- to '#..A ~ ~1f. ~ ;:,. ~..... a.:- ~.r~ 1- ~... ''t Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Sqlervisors Walter 1.j. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None ~ Supervisor Frank R. Angell, of Cave Spring District, t his day moved the Board to request the Commissioner of Accounts of Roanoke County to vacate the offices occupied by him in the Court House Building, to make room for needed facilities, being the Electoral Board of Roanoke County and the Civil Defense Offices, for which this Board is now paying rent outside of the Court House, and that said Commissioner give to this Board reasonable assurances that he will vacate said offices wi thin a reasonable length of time; There being no second to said motion, the same is declared lost. 1 1 On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the COllllllonwealth's Attorney, and the Clerk of tbis Board be directed to determine ;/hether the salary of the Clerk of this Board can be set at twenty-three hundred and fifty dollars ($2350.00) per year, without being included in exless fees paid by the office of the Clerk of this Board, and Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and report to the next meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded .vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Ydnor R. Keffer Nays: None 1 On the motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the following accounts this day submitted to the Board, compensationfor serving on the Roanoke County Planning Commission for the period 1/1/64 through 6/30/64 at $25.00 per month, be approved for payment, and voucher-checks issued to the below named members of said Planning commission, to-wit: EDWARD B. LASSITER T. D. STEELE $ 150.00 1 150.00 150.00 Roanoke CO'.lIlty Library Board of Trustees, in re: Roanoke County, advising this Board that a report I I I I I II II II II needs of library service in !I of a study of same by said :1 )1 i ! I I G. C.~ ~~TT~wS J.a3. w. E.CRONC;;UIST Adopted by the following recorded vote: 150.00 Ayes: Supervisors ';-ia1ter ],1. I-linor R. Keffer Nays: None Lipes, A. C.Harris, Frank R. Angell and A letter dated June 27, 1964, addressed to Mr. M. R. Keffer, Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from Mrs. J. Arthur Deyer1e, Chairman, Library Board will be made by september 21, 1964, that a complete report by said Library Board, cannot be made by said date, but as comprehensive a report as possible will be made by September 21, 1964. Said letter ordered filed. 279 ----------.--.--.-..---.--~--- ----.--------------...--._ .'.'.___ --_ .,._.___ ____nO _'___.__._.__n_____..___ ..._ ___......_._.___.__._._.____.__ ___ . --- -------.----.---------. - .-- - --.-- ----- --.-------------'--.------..-----.--.----.---- iJ ~ I' 'I II II " II '[ I, /' ,I !I I' ,I II II Ii ,[ " II 'I II Ii Ii il II II Ii I , I, ,I Ii FINAL ORDER IN RE: REZONING CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ROUTE 615 IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OF WILLIE J. KEELING ) l ) J ) n r , , -- WHEREAS Willie J. Keeling petitioned the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, requesting that certain property in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, therein described, be rezoned and reclassified from Agricultural A-I to Industrial M-2; and WHEREAS the petition was duly referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, after due advertisement considered the petition at a meeting held on the 23rd day of June, 1964, and after .hearing evidence touching on the merits of the petition, the Planning Commission recommended to the Board or Supervisors that said property be rezoned and reclassified from Agricultural A-l to Industrial M-2j and \'lHEREAS the Clerk or this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 20th day of July, 1964, at 2:30 p. m. as the day and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment 'to said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County an~ did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published , in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper published and having general circulation in ,i , o the County of Roanoke, Virginia, on June 29, 1964, and July 6, 1964, and further as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS said public hearing was this dayhad on said proposed amendment to said Zoning .Ordinance of Roanoke County by this Board, and after full and complete notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and WHEREAS this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and I I 'I II Ii r :1 il I: ii II II ,I I, :1 :r I' I' :~ !~ I, Ii ~ I' :! i! ii " " " !i :1 ;l II I' the reco~endation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching the merits of &aid proposed amendment to said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke county! this Board is of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as I I I requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RZSOLV:::D AND ORDEbll that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this 20th day of July, 1964, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petitionfrom its present classification of Agricultural A-l to Industrial M-2 as defined in said Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from Agricultural A-I to Industrial ~2 is more particularly described as follows: Parcel No., 1 BEGINNING at a stake "a" on the east line of the railroad right of way; thence along the east line of the said right of way N. 190 west 335 feet to a point in the hollow at "2" corner on liRe of W. H. Nelson land; thence with the line _ of his land N. 720 .15' W. 449 feet to a point in the hollow at "3"; thence S.-730 .3Q' E. 445.5 feet to a double white oak stumo.at "4" corner to Kelans land; thence with Kelans land S. Ib w. 75.9 feet to a. white oak at "5"; thence. with the west line.of the property conveyed to P. C. Peters by E. R. King an approximate bearing of S. 90 E. 300 feet, more or less, to corner No. 11; thence N. 679 45' W. 492 feet to a black rail at corner No. 12; thence S. 670.::. 36$ feet to the place of BEGINNING, and being the same real.estate conveyed by o o :1 ii I iI ~ " " 'I :! S"~ U'r. 'k-- R-- c; , ~fM4.~ 7!~'f/1.<I- I !r I, II " " " :1 II :1 II I I ~ I 280 I{; H. B. Hendrick and Molly J. Hendrick, his wife, to Willie J. Keeling, lying and being in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia. Parcel No. 2 BEGINNING at a white oak -1- (the old corner No.5) corner to the Kelan land; thence south 740 E. 462 feet to a gum on branch at -2-; thence crossing the braach south 610 10' east 330 feet to a small white pine south ;10 10' east 132 feet to a stake between two chestnut oaks at -4-; thence south ;1010' east of a marked chestnut oak at -5-; a.distance of 264 feet; thence south 590 10' east 239.2 feet to a chestnut at -6-; thence south 379 10' east le9.7 feet to a point in a hollow three feet south of two gums at -7-; bnce down the hollow eoo 50' east lel.5 feet to a point in the branch at -$-; thence-down the branch south 140 12' east 66 feet to a point at -9-; thence leaving the Branch and with the line of the Poteet land, south 520, west 462 feet to a stake between a pine stump and a black oak stump at -10-; thence south 790 west 1$1.; feet to a stake at -ll~; thence north 490 west 1,110 feet to -12-; thence north 550 west 172.5 feet to a-stake at -13-; thence north 70 50' (scaleline) W. 300 feet to the place of Beginning as shown by -sketch which is copied from a plat by poague on December le, 1923, but not of record, the stations or points being remembered to fit the above description, the property containing fifteen acres more or less, and being the same property described in Deed Book 239 at page 431 and Deed Book 258 at page 217, and deed in Deed Book 127,pages e through 11 and mesne conveyances of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, to which reference is made. Description obtained from deed from Lena W. Peters and her husband to N. B. Hendrick. And being the real estate standing in the name of W. J. Keeling conveyed to him on the 6th day of April, 1964. Adjoining the estate of Walter Keeling, deceased. And it is further resolved and ordered that the Clerk of this Board do forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as fOliows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C.Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in August, 1964. #to ~ II !I f ! i Ii Court House Salem, Virgini August 17, 196 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse I II ~ I I , I I i , , I, II thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. Virgil Lilly, Pastor of the South Salem Christian Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayvr. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each , member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes .furnished him by the I Clerk. II il The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, II voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeab I I I I I O. , No. 15868 II 15869 II 15870 II 15871 II 15872 II 15873 II 15874 II 15875 II 15876 II 15877 II 15878 II 15879 II 15800 II 15881 " 15882 " 15883 II 15884 II 15885 II" 15886 " 15887 II 15888 II 15889 II 15890 II 15891 II 15892 " 15893 II 15894 II 15895 " 15896 II. 15897 " 15898 II 15899 " 15900 II 15901 " 15902 II 15903 II 15904 II 15905 II 15906 II 15907 " 15908 a 15909 II 15910 a 15911 II 15912 o Cj o o . ------ ---~-- --"--- 281 ~-- ---- -.-------- -~---_.- -------~--~~----- Clearbrook 34.84 83.73 6.46 304.29 ll..45 County School Board of R. C. July Maintenance Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts on Police Vehicles Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Wash. jobs on Police Cars Salem Auto Parts, Inc., P~ts for Vehic1esand Stock Pure Oil Co.. Gas and Oil for Cave Spring Rescue Squad Truck Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts for H111ins truck~ Beach Brothers, Repairs and Parts T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline Purchased for REscue Squad Salem Oil Co., Gas and Oil forFt. Lewis Fire Truck Harvest MOtors, Inc., Parts MOtor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles ~ Summerdean Esso Station, Parts, gas, 011 and Wash Jobs Void International Harvester Co., Parts Magic City Motor Corporation. Parts Truck Shockley'S Tractor Service Co., Repairs, &c to Tractor and . repairing Garbage Collection Tubs Salem Glass Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks Standard Parts Corp,Parts Va. Metal Mfg. Co., Parts Yates a: Yells Garage Inc., Repair. parts &c Pure Oil Co., Gasoline and oil purchased for distribution Goodyear Service Stores, Tires purchased for distribution Milliken Co., Parts M & S Machine Shop Inc., Repairs and Parts Garbage Trucks Times-Register Co., Advertising International Business Machine Co., Office supplies &c Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies &c ACllle Printers, Inc., Book Binding Treasurer Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Treasurer National Cash Register Co., Office supplies Treasurer Woodhaven Press, Tax Tickets Treasurer Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Delinquent Tax Collector Underwood Corporation, Maintenance agreement Xerox Corporation, Record Paper and office supplies University of Va.Law SChool, Membership Dues West Publishing Co., Law books Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Roanoke County Court Robert Dawson, Postmaster. Postage for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse July Travely Expense Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse July Traveling Expense Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse July Traveling Expense Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse July Traveling Expense Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries for Sheriff & Deputies Dr. S. D. Carey, Drunk Driving Examination Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Bond on County Policeman $ 849.91 . .32.25 7.50 56.72 25.50 4.14 34.45 12.98 6.79 . 682.65 13.19 133.83 4.51 21.97 1,855.04 258.98 19.00 75.38 71.67 142.57 183.75 14.00 2,000.00 2.50 10.50 35.00 83.50 760.04 17.50 28.00 25.00 60.00 52.57 41.09 19.83 47.53 6.12 5.00 10.00 282 No. 15913 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for Police Car and Stock . w 15914 Railway Express Agency, Freight on Wearing Apparel w 15915 Fyr-Fyter Sales &: Service, Parts for Police Car &: Chemicals w 15916 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline and Oil and parts w 15917 Standard Business Forms~vision, office supplies w 15918 Dr. J. o. Hurt, Coroner Case w 15920 John B. Stetson Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff's Dept. 12 Hats .. 15921 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., ~fedical Examiner Case &: Lunacy Case 15922 Dr. Richard G. Faw, Blook Alcohol &: Lunacy Cases 15923 American Bakeries Co., Food - Jail 15924 C. C. Bova &: Co., Food-Jail 15925 Void 15926 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry Jail 15927 C. B. Halsey Co., Food Jail 15928 Layman Candy Co., Razor blades Jail 15929 Littlejohn Printing Co., Office supplies Jail 15930 Dr. H. J. Minarik, July Jail Physician &: Lunacy Cases 15931 Monarch Finer Foods, Food and Light Bulbs 15932 MUrrell's Finer Foods, Food Jail It .. It .. " .. .. .. .. " .. 37.96 4.90 11.45 37.02 100.24 15.00 I 145.50 25.00 75.00 49.70 3.50 I 7.92 81.50 10.30 12.00 150.00 35.67 102.44 " 15933 Owen P1wabing &. Heating Co., Repairs to Jail, Courthouse &: Street Signs 616.80 C1earbrook Lion'S Club, July Rent on C1earbrook Fire Station 60.00 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, July Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station " 15934 15935 15936 15937 15938 15939 15940 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry Jail W. T. Rierson, Food Jai~ S &: W Pharmacy Co., Medical Supplies Jail Virginia Foods, Inc., Food and Janitor supplies Jail W. W. Gal'lllaD, July Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station " " " . " " " .. 15941 Airport Hardware Co., Hose ijo11ins Fire Dept. 15942 Diesel Injection Sales &: Service Co., Parts for Vehicles 15943 J. W. Griggs, Reimburse Expense of Dinner Meeting of Fire . Chiefs . " " " 15944 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel June and July Hollins Fire Station " 15945 West End American Service Station, Fuel for water Pump Ft. Lewis Fire Station 15946 C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone Service Mount Pleasant Fire Station " .. 15947 15948 15949 15950 Williams Supply Co., Light tubes for Building FairView Home, County's share of expense Home for the aged rr 41.06 21.00 5.71 118.79 60.00 I 60.00 4.49 8.58 16.00 17.70 I. 1.85 37.90 15.39 19.n I rr Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital for Welf'area,04l.44 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-local Hospital Bills for Welfare " " 15951 Dr. G. Wayne Fralin, Blood Test Alcohol 15952 Hunt and Moore, Lunacy Case 15953 Martin, Hopkins &: Lemon, Attorney's fee It It 61.23 5.00 10.00 40.00 o o j o o 1595~ Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy cases 15955 George S~r, Lunacy Case 15956 Acme Printers, Inc., Office supplies 15957 Malcolm Blueprint &: Supply Co., 3 Maps for Public Works 15958 Technical Reproduction &: Supply Co., Maps &: Sugiies 15959 City of Roanoke Water Dept. Rental Fee on 2 Fire Hydrants 15960 Appalachian Power Co" Current used in Street Lighting 15961 Lacy Wilburn, Refund Accident Inauranee 15962 L. L. Thompson, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 15963 Addressograph-Multigraph Co., Identification tags for Garbage Cans 38.05 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Garbage Cans 5.85 Shelton's Garage, Repairing Water Pump 7.45 Madge Twine, September rent on Garbage Lot 50.00 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 57.:33 Bemiss Equipment Co., Repair to Tractor 37.31 Booker Helm, Refinishing and installing top of desk . Extra labor &:c No. " " .. .. .. " " .. " .. 15964 15965 15966 15967 15968 15969 " " .. " " .. 15970 15971 15972 15973 15974 15975 15976 15977 15978 15979 15980 159 81 15982 15983 15984 15985 15986 15987 15988 15989 15990 15991 it it " Ii " Ii .. .. .. .. .. II II " .. ... " .. .. II II " 15992 15993 15994 15995 II " " Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies and disinfectant Brown Hardware .Go., Janitor supplies and Hardware Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Repair work Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Janitor supplies &:c Certified Electric DiVision, Light Tubes for Courthouse Dillard Paper Co., Towels and tissue G. J. Hopkins, Inc., Opening clogged sewer line McClung Lumber Co., Repair material Salem Paint Co., Paint Void J. P. Stevens, Repairing Lawn Mower Richard A. Beane, Refund Electrical permit Mason H. Littreal, Refund Electrical permits Robert H. Layman, Refund Electrical permit Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., 2 Signs Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street Signs W. B. Wootton, 3rd, Refund Electrical Permit Younger Park Building, Inc., August Rent on office space Harris Dental Company, Inc., 1 Mayo stand &: freight Builders Mart, 1 folding table State Office Supply Co., 2 Waste Baskets Shoup Voting Machine Corporation, 1st Payment on Voting lIlachines Warehouse Sales Co., 1 Refrigerator Welfare Department Robert D~wson, Postlllaster, Postage for distribution White Foundry Co., Material Void 283 $ 20.00 10.00 21.60 2.25 15.28 88.23 735.07 3.00 4.50 63.00 34.25 12.36 338.51 16.10 37.52 37.32 16.25 1.20 23.21 6.25 7.50 20.00 6.50 13.40 448.26 .50 60.00 44.40 7.99 3.96 1,950.00 137.00 100.00 29.00 284 No. 16122 Akers Transfer & Storage Co., Moving Voting Booths n 16123 Acme Printers, Inc., 27,000 official ballots 150 Notifications to M)rk at polls n 16124 Void 16125 N~cy C. Logan, Clerk, work done by Clerk Election 16126 F. L. Ayers, Services Deputy Registrar 16127 Mrs. Maude Poff, Services as Deputy Registrar 16128 Mrs. A. b. Harris, Services as Deputy Registrar 16129 Void 16130 Mabel S. Doran, Services as Deputy Registrar 16131 Edward Wingo, Janitor services Election 16132 Samuel Moore, Janitor Services Election 16133 John McPherson, Janitor services Election 16134 Emory Smith, Janitor Services Election 16135 J. C. Hale, Janitor Services, Election 16136 Ervin C. Board, Janitor Services, Election 16137 Theodore M. Johnston, Janitor Services, Election 16138 John L. Flinchum, Janitor services Election 16139 Morrell Burton. Janitor Services Election 16140 F. J. Zimmerman, Rent for Election 16141 V. K. Crumpacker, Rent for Election 16142 C. A. Newman. Rent for Election 16143 Hart Motor Co., Rent for Election 16144 Miller E. Petty. Services, Electoral Board 16145 John C. Gleason, Service, Electoral Board 16146 Roy M. Kinsey, Services, Electoral Board 16191 American Pktocopy Equipment Co., Record paper 16192 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies: 16193 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., Rubber stamps 16194 City of RoanOke, Room and Board for Children 16195 Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to Vehicles 16196 Foutz Sausage Co., Food County Jail 16197 Brambleton Court Hardware, Paint brushes 16198 C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone service 15199 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring Fire Station 16200 Poff's Garage, Gas, Parts, &:c 16201 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for support of LocalHealth Department 16202 Galen Plunkett, Extra help in Engineer's Office 16203 Void 16204 Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., 1 New Pontiac 16205 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage 16206 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse payment to Laborers 16207 Maxine Sink, Extra help in Engineer'S office n n n n n " n " " " " " " " " " It " It " It " " It " " " n " n " It It It It " " .. " $ 20.00 . 155.50 50.00 20.00 11.75 20.35 I 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 7.50 115.00 170.00 336.58 75.00 19.95 13.78 170.00 13.00 32.50 4.25 24.45 I I 9.20 103.09 I 10,766.00 224.77 I 1,915.35 93.62 4.00 97.43 o o u o Q 285 No. 1620$ Janet L. Ballentine, Services as Registrar $ n 16209 Rusco Window Co., Repairs to Venetian Blind n 16210 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor Supplies n 16211 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies ~ 16212 Virginia Foods, Inc., Janitor supplies ; 16213 Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage n 16214 Kime & Jolly, Attorneys, Attorney's fee in Annexation n 16215 Salem Camera Shop, 1 Poleroid Film n 16216 Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on Furniture n 16217 Void "n 1621$ R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimburse work & Traveling expense . 16219 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., 1 Federal Siren " 16220 C. W. Warthen Co., Book binding and record book 20.$5 .96 56.22 46.56 ;.64 1.50 2,107.22 2.40 3.10 46.9$ $1.27 33.96 " III HE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c The follOwing claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered tobe paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 15996 Guy Ayers, Extra help assisting dog warden * 96.3$ . 15997 Ralph Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense .3$.40 . 1599$ County School Board, Road Service $.00 . 15999 Salem Hardware Co., Ammunition 6.70 " 16000 Salem Farm Supply co., Dog Food &c 39.20 . 16001 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 7.50 n 16002 Roanokd Surgical Supply Co., Medical supplies 11.47 · 16003 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Supplies for Dog Pound 6.3$ n 16004 Dooley Printing Co., 100 window signs 21.$0 n 1600; Salem Animal Hospital, Euthanasia and Disposal Boarding care 13.50 . 16006 Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline purchased for Dog Truck 16.60 n 16221 James L. Parker, assisting dog warden 112.36 n 16222 Vinton Motor Co., 1 new Ford Truck dog warden 2,046.94 " The following claims are made to the Judges, Clarks and Commissioners of the Special Election for their services in conducting the SpeCial Election held on the 4th day of August, 1964, in Roanoke County, out of the General County Fund, to-wit: CATAWBA No. 16007 J. W. Hylton, Judge and returns n 1600$ Void n 16009 C. C. Carroll, Judge n 16010 R. D. Morehead, Judge . 16011 Doris Shelor, Clerk " 16012 Everett Sirry, Clerk $ 20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 ~ I ~.J ~ , ...,J o o o It It It It It -----_.-- ------, -----,--~------_.._----_.__. --'--'-~'--'----~---,---~--'---"", EAST VINTON No. 16052 Emily D. Holdren, Judge and Returns It 16053 Janet L. Ballentine, Judge and Commissioner It 16054. o. J. Stiff', Judge It 16055 Helen M. Hale, Clerk It 16056 Constance Upson, Clerk BOTETOURT SPRINGS . 21.4.0 31.4.0 15.00 15.00 15.00 It 16057 R. L. Walrond, Judge, Returns and Commissioner 16058 Gloria A. Kelley, Judge 16059 Violet R. Moomaw, Judge 16060 Mary L. K. Spradlin, Clerk 16061 Ada P. English, Clerk WEST VINTON 16062 Mrs. Alice R. Gragg, Judge and Returns 16063 Okey Cox, Judge 16064. Robert L. Watson, Jr., Judge and Commissioner 16065 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk 16066 Louie W. Harper, Clerk HOLLINS ROAD 21.4.0 15.00 31.4.0 15.00 15.00 It 37.24- 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 It " It .. " It .. It " 16067 Mrs. Va. M. Howlett, Judge and Returns 16068 Edith D. Darter, Judge 16069 G. C. Holland, Judge 16070 Eva W. DeWitt, Clerk 16071 Dorothy F. Rowland, Clerk MEDLEY 21.12 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 It " " It It 16072 Lena B. Zimmerman, Judge and Returns 16073 Frank J. Zimmerman, Judge 16074. Rhea C. Garst, Judge 16075 Jessie U. Linder, Clerk 16076 Eula C. Caldwell, Clerk MOUNT PLEASANT 20.56 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 It It It It It 16077 Wade W. Garman, Judge and Returns 16078 J. F. StClair, Judge 16079 Mrs. Mary Simmons, Judge 16080 Laura S. Wagner, Clerk 16081 Pearl A' Rakes, Clerk BONSACK 16082 Edward R. Rumbley, Jr., Clerk and Returns 16083 Russell J. Foutz, Judge 16084 Margaret T. Rumbley, Judge 1608.5 Mason L. Cook, Judge 16086 Frank L. Ayers, Clerk RED HILL 16087 W. '1'. Wickline, Judge and Returns 16088 Mrs. Ruth E. Brooks, Judge 16089 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Judge 16090 Mrs. Barbara S. Boone, Clerk 16091 Margaret M. Calhoun, Clerk 21.4.0 1.5.00 15.00 1.5.00 1.5.00 It. 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 It It, It It 21.4.0 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 It It " " 287 ... i 288 , I I I l____. -~--.--,--- r-- C'~_"-",",~'_ ..:;.;o.c~ .'._. ___ I i I - -, ...... POAGES MILL No. 16092 I. C. Rierson, Judge and Returns n 16093 O. F. Martin, Judge n 16094 K. K. Mills, Judge n 16095 David R. Willett, Clerk n 16096 Josephine P. Wi11ett,Clerk BEliT MOUNTAIN $ 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 1 15.00 n 16097 Mrs. Maude L. Poff, Judge and Returns n 16098 W. B. Coles, Judge " 16099 Mrs. N. C. Thompson, Judge " 16100 B. W. Angle, Clerk " 16101 Beulah L. Collier, Clerk CAVE SPRING " 16102 H. S. Turner, Judge, Returns and Commissioner 16103 Mrs. C. H. Jamison, Judge 16104 Louise D. Otey, Judge 16105 Ruby C. Kelley, Clerk 16106 Iris W. Barbour, Clerk OGDEN 35.84 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " " " " " 16107 Roscoe E. Brown, Judge and Returns " 16108 Mrs. Helen L. Pickett, Judge " 16109 H. D. Pickett, Judge " 16110 Pearl Garner, Clerk " 16111 Va. Hunter, Clerk 21.40 15.00 1 15.00 15.00 15.00 " RIVERDALE 16112 Dolly S. Mitchell, Clerk 16113 Mamie L. Waldron, Judge 16114 Opal ltChambers, Judge 16115 Lucy B. Chisom, Judge 16116 Alice Tabor, Clerk OAK GROVE 16117 J. A. Lipps, Judge and Returns 16118 D. E. Middleton, Judge 16119 Pauline S. Booth, Clerk 16120 Ernestine P. Graham, Clerk 16121 C. C. Beard, Judge 20.28 15.00 15.00 1 15.00 15.00 I " 21.40 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 " n " " " " " n ~ JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: "August 17, 1964 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business July 31, 1964, there was to the creid of the following: n ,-.J n . ....; ~ J I@... I.. I:: General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. V.S.R.S. Deferred Credit Account 9,840.66 14,389.60 71.93 180,002.35 6,274.81 34,285.03 147.63 44,68 111.00 f 225,264.37 $ Financial Statement Cash: In Office Bank of Salem Escrow $1,500,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $852,000.00 Textbook - Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Paying Agt. for School Debt Ser. $ 1,000.00 80,378.83 106,091.14 711.91 34,285.03 2.797.46 J 225,264.37 ., Certificates of Deposit (School Building) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank $., 500,000.00 1~000,000.00 100.000.00 $1,800,000.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County" Said report is received and ordered filed. " IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTEDbi CLERK: The Clerk this, day delivered to the Boerd the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $1,248.81 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of July, 1964, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $1,186.37 net. 289 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordred that the County Payroll for the month ~~.-4'" ~c.~ of August, 1964, be approved in the amount of $12,409.15, from which the sum r c:.. ~~ of $355.71 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1,045.75 total W. H. Taxes, $144.56 total ?- f.~'-':?, State Income Taxes and $295.42 total Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net ~yroll of $10,567.71. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None .. r On the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning July 16 ending July 31, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4646.39, from which $168.46 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $299.70 total W. H. Taxes; $32.81 total State Income Taxes and $39.20 totalInsurance are to be deduced leaving a net payroll of $4,106.22; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning August 1 Ending Aug. 15, 1964, be approved in the amount of ~4,832.23, from which $175.21 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $325.00 total W. H. Taxes~ $38.90 total State Accidenl; Income Taxes, $39.20 total Insurance; $21.00 total/Insurance_ and $78.27 total Retirement are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,131.27. ~.-4' If- ~~. -4. r<:".I:.r~ (' \" ~ ,;. - '6. '>-I-"t '. t- "'-.f" I i " '~~..-A. ~ ,-r;...#.,-. ..t..4.~. t- "JJ. ~'1 l }... t' .0 .... ( .~ J '<\' Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Wal_r M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of July, 1%4; ----"I c. E. BOOJiE. SHERIFF, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of July, 1964; 1 " EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of July, 1964; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of July, 1964; FRAHCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of July, 1964; EYELYN F. POWELL, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of July, 1964. I . IN RE: TAlES COLLECTED BY DELINQUElI'l"l'AX COLLECTOR: C. D. Chapman, Deiinqu~ntTaX.Collect"r of Roanoke County this day submitted a report of his monthly collections showing collection for eacp month: and total to date -- Fiscal Year - 1964-1965: TAXES Collections for month of July, 1964 t 2.~+.0, 2, .0 I Total GARBAGE Collections for month of July, 1964 t 293.00 29.3.00 Total Grand Total t 2,800.07 which report is received and ordered filed. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: #15735 in the amount of $618.95 made payable to the C Be P Telephone Company for service at various offices; #15736 in the amount of t.39.92 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire Station; #15802 in the amount of ~60.6.3 made payable to Elizabeth Chisholm for extra help in the Plumbing and Electrical Inspector's Office while secretary on vacation; #1580.3 in the amount of $44.75 made payable to the C Be P Telephone Company for service at Salem, Clearbrook, and Hollins Fire Stations; #15859 in the amount of $.34.9.3 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at the jail, home demonstration kitchen, Cave Spring Fire House and the Bealth and Welfare Center; #15860 in the amount of $.3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service at the Courthouse; #15861 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Service for August rent on water softner at Hollins Fire Station; . #15862 in the amount of $13.89 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at Mount Pleasant Fire Station; #15863 in the amount of $111.70 made payable to C Be P Telephone Company for service at Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations; I I . :~~ ~.. . I" .": ~'.t::,. j ] J ~ '-":," '.'::~."1i" .'l.' '...... . '. '.'.'~ . ,> ','"> , ," ",. ;&or J o #15864 in the amount of $21.40 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; . . ,. -'~' . . . . . ," . ~ ~ #15865 in the amount of $15.82 made payable to the Appalachian Power Company for current used at the dog pound; . #15866 in the amount of $913.66 made payable to the Town of Salem for: (1) light and water service at the jail, Health and Welfare Center and the Courthouse; (2) street lighting at River1and Road; (3) sewage treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and the Orchard heights Subdivision " The follOwing collllll11nications were tp.1s day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated July 30, 1964, from J. E. Harwood, Director Programming and Planning Department of Highways addressed to Mr. N. C. Logan, . Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, advising that the name "Dixie Caverns" will be stlown on the next map printed by the Depart- ment (1965); . 1964, from C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Department of Highways,- addressed to Mr. Paul Matthewe, Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, in re: Renumbering of aoute 119 Roanoke County and Town of Salem; Letter dated August 5, Letter dated August 5, from Clyde A. Bracey, Jr., Anderson &: Strudwick, Richmond, Virginia, addressed to County Manager of Roanoke County, Virginia, Salem, Virginia, requesting information about the '500,000.00 sale of bonds; i' 1964, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, addressed to Miss Nancy C. Logan, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Salem, Virginia, in re: resolution requesting barricade across Corbieshaw Road be removed, filed; Letter dated JulY 29, 1964, Copy of letter dated from K. M. Wilkinson, Assiatant Traffic and Planning:, Engineer, Department of Highways, addressed to Mr. . Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, Salem, Virginia, ; in re: Roanoke Valley Regional Transportation Study; July 29, 1964, from C. E. Webber congratulating the Town of Salem and this Boar!i on their progress to provide a Roanoke Valley Civic Center. Letter dated July 22, 1964, v IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM: ADDITION AND ABANDONMENTS ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated August 11, 1964, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from F..A. DaVis, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, approving the follOwing additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective August 11, 1964! h.. -.. ADDITIONS Se~tion 3 of new location of Route 654, from Station 40150 to Station 52100, Project 0654-0$0-1[4,C50l . Section 4 of new location of Route 654, from Station 66100 to Route 24, Project 0654-080-114,C-501 ABANDONMENTS Section 1 of old location of Route 654, from Station 40150 to Station 52100, Project 0654-C~O-114,C-50l Section 2'of old location of Route 654, from Station 66100 to Route 24, Project 0654-0$O-114,C-50l :.ENGTH 0.22 Mi. 0.07 Mi. 0.2.3 Mi. 0.08 Mi. was this day received and ordered 1led. " .. 292 i k"""'L'",> ">:_~ , 01 i ~r--_H- ~~~~' , i 1 , i I i I -_..._---~_._---,- .. -~- ._--~---, .._.. .. . n_.~.__.._ .__...___. -------~- JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day submitted his annual settlement for the year ending June 30, 1964, as follows: il'~~~'-':I't-#I\.~.;..~~"",:;ll, '-">:' :,,,,.'!;:...,.y~~'~' :-, -"" ~~~~,,:~,k',r. ~,'.a!iO\~~~.{Zi..~,':i~..~:,;i".. ;ok-- '-"~";f~' . . <. P":';'ftr<-:'J;:>::1-~', " . ' .' d7f/.~-iE/d ~~~~T~_" ," ...'. : 1j ~=I!=~~-'==r.'-'. 'j~~.JUfi~7w- " li----:r- ------t----- . Ii , ' ~ ::~ __.-___+ '" 1 ' I t~. 1 Ii [) /1- .' )~, / I.. ./,,:, J \Y.J., 3" I~---VV- , 'I 'J' lTJ! I I : I I ~J) . II , i! ! ! I rtr.. ~ Y i' -4- I I IIJl/I~, H.i' 1 I! I I ,I 2 'A. " I~. If. I ' ,I' i I' 1 i II I 'I II I II, I' ) :! iJ I Jld41"1"",, 'i 1 il I I 4 , ~ _. '1:)1- fJ 1..)..1' <..Ii 1[1 1.,I.1/I.I.(1'1! II i I I II I: 4 I 5 I j I If '" '" u r i ~ . f Vol I I! ' ; i, . ..~ 1/' A' ~ I ii' ,I ,21 i- II I I I 6 i - ..! ~~ ~ - ...."h" iJ!1 I I I I 9 ' I II Ii! I; .~ ' I.JJ ~J :~ I ~ I i~ ..I "'~ d Ii ii, , ,]1 , , 7 I ! I I' II Iii' Ii. I 1 ~ ~ Ii I I I i 0 h lJ)J iJ''-'. II 1/11"1 h:.i AI'IJ i 7.,lG,!I! I I I i ll' -;-1 t:6 J:l .J 1'1' 11'1 I J I! i I I IJ, ~,ii I I ~ II: !, I I 11 ~2 tr't; ,.t!,,- II ! i : U II I I ill! 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'i- r-..,-' ... ....d'..+nc-r-,.t;..,-.,;>joln"j;;-:-'l.u..-H . I. ., 't. '.. d ~qr.' ~'I1~.J ,.. I . -,-L-j~-'--i' I: i ,,;8i1J1/LJ" L 1 I iii' ~"....-. ,; I! II ! ,! i:i. Ii ill!i.1 il Ilill:..J--1L i:.I!'j~!iflil -n."'i.'ih.'l.".,' 10" :::;;',.,.:' I, ,. i .. . -- ,." .;. --,,--bl.... r+r~:-:-=-Il''--'':'''''' .~-' --." ""'.'. .,,'. ...~. . ... II ".,"."Ji[' '.1..... - '; ''- . , , .".:i;<;O~~IMl.IJ.",:,.. Upon consideration whereof on motion, duly seconded and carried, said settlement is received and ordered filed. ~~I . I ~, 'L- .., ~ I i I 2/J I I 1 292 , j I I k,c,~":" "" , '" I .' ........,-~ . ,~~~~" i --.-~-~~~i~-~-:~T-~:~AN. C&d:fL___.___ JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of the County of Roanoke, this day submitted his annual settlement for the year ending June 30, 1964, as follows: 1 - ~..... ...... t"t-'lo' .J>;'!!". ~:-.41"'~ - 710, 1 =='"= ==--=:.= ==::-==-":::=.--=--= - --===-..c'-=-==--~r =--====--0-:"= =.==:- I' .. = il == =o_.~==,~~~=,. .~~'f".-~~ 0 =--- .'I.--~~ ~ r= ==~~..-'I = ~~r------ - Ii -- ._~u --'7- - -- - ---t- --- ------4-. -+ +. ~~'----+-----r- -.---.ir--.--- --t-._~---;-- It 11--' ,i I ,/J,!J, . ~ '$ # il I..J 1_L4-tl':l~':: -r;l Tn I ~-lTItm=1i :-r ~~n rrrTl -t-. : A: I I I? F ;Zf_-~- '~ ! JA. 1 l~Li ..1--P~ ol~~4-W-L I:! iTTTf I L. ; .:a.~ l:n I ',l' I ,~I_~ -11~ ',...:.11 T -LL~JJli"l. i .Ll.l..wJ Ii : II i i I!l 4 ,", I " ~ i A " Vj 1- i-'lJ0. _ ,,,"' ~ _R 't1~r.r.d::tl: U III Ii ITTTI ,T 4 \ 11"-) 'Iii Wi ~ ~ ~~ '.~!.tyli,14/L," 1~11! 1/1"I"i~j"!..,,I~ I i I i I! I!! TI I I, I ^ j ,Yi ~ tt'll :.6?~l Jtl.l/:. ~.(j,~j~4~ji ! Iii Iii. II ,J"IJrJ~dJo"il i I! 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Upon consideration whereof on motion, duly seconded and carried, said settlement is received and ordered filed. 1 1 1 I I' n '.... o o o o 293 ,I The State Corporation Commission this day submitted statements of assessed values of Railroad, Express, Sleeping Car and Steamboat Companies; Telephone and Telegraph Companies; and Electric Light and Power Corporations, Gas and Pipe Line Transmission Corporations and Water Corporations :I,n the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the State Taxes extended thereon for the year 1964, Which statements were received and ordered filed. " IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON NORTH SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11 (LEE HIGHWAY) WEST OF !IE TOWN OF SALEM, ROANOKE COUN~Y. VIRGINIA, OF OLD VIRGINIA BRICK COMPANY, INCORPORATED, AND HEIRS OF HENRY i GARDEN, DECEASED ' I, FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held , ;t;t~.~ on the 17th day of August, 1964; .~ r ,..-1.., lr/HEREAS, Old Virginia Brick Company, Incorporated, Henry R. Garden, Jr., d..L t. ~.L:.. Grace G. HOOker, Marion G. Coey and Dorothy G. Moushegian petitioned this ,'R-r.... c .f~"",- Board and relluested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended' so as to provide: Cc <rll ~,~ that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and be reclassified as "Business ' B-2" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on May 18, 1964 and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHBEAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution addp~ed,at a meeting held on the 21st day of July, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition from "Business Distrtt B-1" to "Business District B-2" property; - - lr/HEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of noanoke County did by its order en'tered on the 18th day of May, 1964, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon the' receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting for this Board to be held on August 17, 1964, at 2:30 o'clock p. m., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke Times; a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on July 27, 1964 and August 3, 1964, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the CountyZoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and w~EREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof duly published, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and after to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and/hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being -~. .,!'-.~,.,..,.,..._._~-,---,- -,'- . 294 of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said P1Enning Commission; and NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of SuperVisors of R9anoke County, Virginia, held on the 17th day of August, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition as "Business B_2" property in order that said property might be more fully and reasonably used in view of the indUB~al and commercial development of surrounding properties, the said property being classified as "Business B-2" is more particularly described as follows: BEGINh~NG at a point in the center of State Secondary Route No. 641 at its intersection with the North line of U. S. Highway Route No. 11 (Lee Highway); thence with the North line of U. S. Highway Route 11, South 560 09' West 366.77 feet to a, point; thence continuing with the North line of Route 11, South 560 09' West 983.06 feet to a concrete iron monument; thence continuing with the North line of Route 11 along a curve a chord bearing and distance of South 5~ 59' West 194.98 feet to a point; thence leaving Route 11, North 14 21' West 258.63 feet to a point; thence with the line of the 17.987 acre tract conveyed by Henry R. Garden, Jr.,et al to Middleton Gardens, Inc., recorded in Ded,Book 729, at 0 page 454, the following courses and distances: North 20 36' West 49.66 feet to a gOint; North 260 19' West 160.81 feet to a point; North 19 12' West 178.85 feet to a point; North 250 56' East 138.00 feet to a point; North 660 29' East 244.23 feet to a point; South 880 04' East 210.00 ' feet to a point; South 580 04' East 75.00 feet to a point and South 69006' East lOO.oo'feet to a point, crossing the division line between the tract acquired by Middleton Gardens, Inc. from Henry R. Garden, Jr., et al, and the tract acquired by Middleton Gardens, ,Inc. from Old Virgin:la Brick CODlpany, Incorporated, recorded in Deed Book 729, page 466; thence with the line of the 3.188 acre tract conveyed by Old Virginia Brick Company, Incorporated to Middleton Gardens, InCa' South 810 94' East 120.00 feet to a point; thence North 71 ~l' East 47.00 feet to a point; thence South 460 04' East 101.07 feet to a point; thence North 560 09' East, ,166.55 feet to a point in the center of Virginia State Secondary Route 641; ,thence with the center of Virginia State Secondary Route 641, South 260 51' East 251.88 feet to the BEGINNING and containing 14.996 acres, in accordance wih a survey and plat of the H. R. Garden and Old Virginia Brick Company, Incorporated, properties (North of U. S. Highway 11), made by David Dick and Harry A. Wall, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, August 22, 1963, a map of ~ich survey is attahed to this petition. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall I I I forthwith certify a copy of thisresolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to Kime and Jolly, attorneys for the petitioners. The ~regoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. 1ipes, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell Nays: None I I " v , ;. . -6 IN RE: ,;,y-.../, ~ " q..,~..;(.::v~~ . '}...H.-K'.,.",.~,~ , .-.?1 "'7 /' -"r-'....)~, v- ~~. ~.. b-t" REZONING OF A RECTANGULAR PARCEL OF LAND BETWEEN THE NORTH EARLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF OLD STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117 AND, THE SOUTHEASTERLY I RESOLUTION AND ORDER RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NEW STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117, AND OWNED BY CHESTER ROSS LEMON ET AL. WHEREAS Chester Ross Lemon, William N. Lemon, Helen Lemon Davis and Ruth Lemon Bergeron, and their respective spouses, have heretofore filed their 295 ,., , petition to amend the zonir.g ordinances of Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described in said petition from Agricultural District A-l to Industrial District M-l; WHBEAS by order entered at its meeting on June 15, 1964, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendations; lr/HEREAS the Planning Commission at a duly adjourned meeting held on July 21, 1964, after legal and tmely advertisement of same, fully considered the petition and reported to this Board by ~esolution its recommendation that the tract in question be rezoned from AgriCUltural District A-l to Industrial District M-l; WIIEREAS the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's regular meeting on August 17, 1964, and it ~her appears from the certificate of the publisher Times-World Corporation that notice of the publiC hearing to be held on August 17, 1964, was duly published in accordance 1Id.th law; lr/HEREAS a public Baring was duly held on August 17, 1964; and a full opportunity was accorded all interested parties to express their views concerning proposal; WHEREAS at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full consideration of the matter, the Board is of the opinion that the change in classification would promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS all requirements of law have been complied with and the property should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND BDERED that the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County, Virginia, as amended, be, and they hereby are, further amended to reclassify and rezone from Agricultural District A-l to Industrial District M-l that certain tract now owned by petitioners which fronts approximately 400 feet on the southeasterly side of new State Highway No. 117 beginning at a point 1004.68 feet northeast of the intersection of the northerly right of way of old State Highway No. 117 and the southeasterly side of new State Highway NO. 117, which contains approximately 3.319 acres, and which extends to the northerly right-of-way line of old State Highway No. 117, which has been recommended for such rez oning by the Roanoke County Planning CommiSSion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be ~ , 1-<1 i.... , - o o spread on the offical records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that additional certified copiesz be sent to counsel for petitioners herein. The above resolution and order was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board this day held on motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell of Cave Spring Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 296 i 1t:-4 c..rt,..~'l$ I - ~ ~ ' : ;l,?:>1,~~ i ~ i /....,~,.,..-(~'" 1~~-4.~ ,< ~ I p..''i. t.'f I I I I I I I i I i I I i I I i , I i , I t'l ~: j :~,,,.j -f~ -~~~;.\ >'1-~ .I IN RE: REZONING OF APPROXIMATELY BE ACRE OF LAND SrrUATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OFTHE HARDY FORD 1 FINAL ORDER ROAD, OWNED BY LAWRENCE W. WEAVER AND FRANCES E. WEAVER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on August 17, 1964. WHEREAS, LAYtlENCE W. WEAVER and FRANCES E. WEAVER, petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Agriculture A-1ft property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on April 20, 1964, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code i Virginia, and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 26th day of May, 1964, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Agriculture' A-In property, and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order entered on the 20th day of April, 1964, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of' Virginia, and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on August17, 1964, at 2:30 P. M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke-Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the Cour.tj' of Roanoke, Virginia, for two as insertions on July 27, 1964, and August 3, 1964,/required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendationk>f the Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of' said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance sh-:.uld be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. I I I I NOW, THBEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of SuperVisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 17th day of' August, 1964, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as "Agricultural A-l" property in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for ftAgric~ltural A-l" purposes as defined by said ,,~ I County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby classified as "Agricultural A_1ft property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: ~ , ; i-""~ - ! ~ ~ o o THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND 200' x 200' situated in the southeast corner of the 5.04 acre ,tract owned by Petitioners, and lying on the north side of the Hardy Ford Road, as shown on plat attached to the Petition. IT IS FURTIIR RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall . forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Thomas M. Darnall, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 297 REZONING PROPERTY ON NORTH SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11 (LEE HIQHWAY)WEST OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BELONGING TO WILLIAM S. RUSSELL AND LUCY, B. RUSSELL, HIS WIFE This day came William S. Russell and Lucy B. Russell, his wife, by ~~,. .-<-~, '" I~fi >>t'" .,../."" ~ " 4J.r/ t" g ,p ".J. J l~~ counse , f. ..,.t:'f J RE: ORDER I and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition, which request is granted and said petition be, and the SalDe is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the . " Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be and the same is hereby Beferred to thePlanning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, then upon the receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of Which meeting shall be given by the said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this , ' , resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor ~alter M. Lipes and seconded by Supervisv A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILlWAIllWINSTON":SALEM DIVISION). IN ,TRE.CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGI~A" " ' , ' ' This day came The County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, by Benj. I ORDER E. Chapman, its Attorney, and requested leave to file its Petition, with all ~ ~cI..t to ~l2. ,~,cl.-rt- ~. Ctlt.t ~ cW- 11 1>-;'r-' R-... c:, ,Pfa.c.... ~>11.~ 298 I ~---_.. I-==~-~- i i ! J I ~~' ,f, /L.e. fJ. '4,a '/e"t ~) " ' .j<~;4L,1li~ ~ E:J:rr ". ir'.....y ~ ;Y., f.'2-/-''f- ~~"'-"""-'--._-r:"~ , Exhibits thereto attahed, relative to the rezoning of a certain tract or parcel of land containing 37.06 acres, situate in the Cave Spring Magisterial District and more fully described in said Petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of SuperVisors of Roanlre County, Virginia, that said Petition with the Exhibits thereto attached be, and the same is, hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend Raid County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said Petition, be, and the same is, hereby referred to The Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said Zoning Ordinance and the provisions of the Code of Virginia applicable thereto. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permiSSible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning ColDDIissien of Roamke County, Virginia, which property requested to be rezoned from its present classUicatioll, of Industrial District M-l to Agriculture Distric~ A-l is described as follows: BEGINHING at a point on the North side of theNOrfolk and Western right-of-way (Winston-Salem Division), said point of Beginning marked by a concrete monument, corner to Virginia Prestressed Concrete Corporation property; thence from said point of BEGINHING and along with said railroad right~of-way line, a ,curved line to the left, the chord of which is S. 29 degs. 05' 300 W. a distance of 206.62 feet to a point on same; thence continuing along and with said railroad right-of-way line, a curve to the left, the chord of which is S. 20 degs. 40' 45" W. a distance of 257 feet to a point on same; thence continuing along and with the North line of said rail- road right-of-way, passing over and under the Appalachian Power Company easement, in all S. 17 degs. 26' 45" w. 970.24 fiet to a point on same, marked by an iron; thence leaving said railroad right-of-way, a new division line, N. 37 degs. 08' W. 1911.53 feet to a point marked by an iron; thence another new division line N. 59 degs. 06' E. 1000 feet to a point, marked by an iron; thence S. 48 degs. 22' E. 1040 feet to the place of BEGINNING~ containing,37.06 acres, according to survey and plat, made by T. P. Parker, State Certified Engineer, dated June 6, 1964. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote the SuperVisors voted as follcws: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes nays: None I I I I I This day appeared the County Engineer heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof and to make report thereon, to-wit; Ruritan Club Road from aoute 609 to Route 610 - 1.75 mile. whereupo~ on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, said Engineer's report is approved. I"'I! , , ,"'..; 11II\ t '.... ., ...,j '4 J J of Highways appeared before the /~dU, a 1964 showing Project 0081-080- !-./'1'!?r-i7'/'" 4 4J{J d,~. disposition of the old location,,,. ;~ tI~.';- Mr"~' 7.J2<# l' ~~ ~.1-"'f And it is further ordered that said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ WHEREAS Virginia Prestressed Concrete Corporation has made application to this Board for an access road to their plant, this road to be off Route 119 near Starkey, Virginia; and WHEREAS this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served,by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Fund, this Board guaranteeing to the Department of Highways that the necessary right of way be made available to the Department, this Board further guarantees that any utility adjustments necessary will be made at no cost to the Department of Highways; NOW, THEREFORE, BE I~SOLVED that the Highway Department be requested tol furnish estimates of cost, data on right-of-way needs, and other information to the Highway CoDllll:!.ssion on the construction of this proposed road with its recommendation that it be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, adopted by the following recorded: vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None II WHEREAS: Representative for the Department Board and presented a plan sketch dated April 3, 001, P-40l on Route 81 in Roanoke County and the new location, service roads and connections. WHEREAS: This Board approves and concurs in the recommendationsof the Department of Highways as follows: Section of Route 311 to be Discontinued in Accordance with Section ~76.1. 19;0 code of Vir~inia. As Amended Section No.1 - 0.39 Mi., served by new location. Sections of Secondary Routes 645 $28 642 1107 1108 1105 110 640, 885 1113 8 c 8 6 697 7 Z an to e a an one in Accordance wit Section . 2 Code 0 Vir im.a as ended Section No. 2 - 0.13 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 3 - 0.27 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 4 - 0.13 Mi., to be served by new location. 299 ~r; (L,~1" ~..ft" '.k.t t.-v S~ y-- '1''1 I /,LJ <1" 1~~&-jJ-, 1J.~-~ ) f. ~,. t"", 300 Section No. 5 - 0.11 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 6 - 0.12 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 7 - 0.11 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 8 - 0.03 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 9 - 0.16 Mi., to be served by new location. I Section No. 10 - 0.11 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 11 - 0.15 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 12 - 0.04 Mi., to be arved by new location. Section No. 13 - 0.11 Mi., to be served by new location. Section rio. 14 - 0.08 Mi., to be served by new location. I Section No. 15 - 0.12 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 16 - 0.22 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 17 - 0.15 Mi. , to be served by new location. Section No. 18 - 0.43 Mi., to be served by new location. Connections to be Added to the Secondary System Section No. 19 - 0.62 Mi., Section No. 20 - 0.15 Mi. Section No. 21 - 0.30 Mi. Section No. 22 - 0.15 Mi. Section No. 23 - 0.09 Mi. Section No. 24 - 0.05 Mi. Section No. 25 - 0.12 Mi. Section No. 26- 0.12 Mi. Section No. 27 - 0.31 Mi. Section No. 28 - 0.32 Mi. I And be it ordered that duly certified copies of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to W.E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on motion of A. C. Harris, Supervisor, seconded by Frank R. A.~ell, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ Board of Supervisors I vs I ORDER 1f~~,;>6 -(J~-riq~,fC ~, &;., <.Pf' 1. ?o,. "f- The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, an upon the application for Curtis Avenue from Bunker Hill Drive (Route 1602) to Brandywine AvelDle (Route 1605) - 0.06 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of waY for said road has heretofore been dedicated by Vi:rtue of a certain map known as Mount Vernon Hts. Survey #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 67 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting I r-, I~~ ~ f l~ ~ , I ~ p.troll J J 301 ------.-----..--------.--.- -- ----.+.--_..- . .. . property owners is necessary. The Board herehy guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, T"dEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Custis Avenue from Bunker Hill Drive (Route 1602) to Brandywine Avenue (Route 1605) - 0.06 mile. and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supsvisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None v On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. I~A-( -64 -I)""", __L _,_ t? "I_J - -" Lipes, it is orde.'ed that Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer of Roanoke County, I~/' ~.'-.. be appointed to the Technical Committee to represent Roanoke County in the ~ '>?1,~ '-"-'1! r' -Jl':- .. continuing planning process of the Major Arterial Highway Plan - Roanoke Valley ~~, Regional Area Transportation Study. ~~~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: 'l.'J./.''f Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell Nays: None " /~~ (fr On motion of Supervisors A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. J~.-- '-. G.~of. Lipes, it is ordered that Mr. Frank R. Angell, member of the Board of superVisors",~..< .. I~ of RoaMe County, be appointed to the Policy Committee to represent Roanoke · ',-:J"_' . .. ,j', '>h, .:u~ ~ County in establishing policy and procedure for the continuing planning process ~< fU~<<-1 of the Major Arterial Highway Plan - Roanoke Valley Regional Area Transportation ~~Lf~ r Study. f. .,. ,,,. r V~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Superv:lsors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell }lays: None v ~)7" 4'~.<'-~ ~~:;"4 ~,~/~ 1'... A. F. Miller, who appeared before this Board at the July Meeting, 1964, requesting the Board to aid the citizens of the Clerbrook area of Roanoke County, in controlling the dust situation arising from excessive dust from quarries operating in said section, again this day appeared before the Board, and submitted several petitions signed by sundry citizens of said section, and urged the Board to take some action to relieve said community of the dust situation created by the S. R. Draper Paving Company; Virginia PaVing Company, Inc., and Rockydale Quarries, Inc.; thereupon, the County Executive Officer, appointed at the July Meeting, 1964, of this Board, to iD~estigate said situation, this day reported tothe Board that an ordinance was now being drafted to ? "'/~':'r- relieve said conditiohs; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a Ccmmittee composed of Supervisors Frank R. Angell and We.l<:er M. Lipes, be :t~ff appo~nted to work with the Committee of the citizens of the Clearbrook area in solving said problem. idopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I . _ Wright, _ Haskins, Mrs. _ Keffer, and Howard StClair appeared before the Board and urged that some action be taken as to the dust situation complained of in the Clearbrook area of Roanoke County. I . On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that a committee composed of Supervisors Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer and Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and they are hereby appointed a building committee with authority to act, to work with the Committee from the Council of the 1'own of Salem on the Civic Coliseum Center in said Town. Adopted~ by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. HarriS, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I . IN HE: MEMBERSHIP IN THE SALEM-ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: On motion of SuperVisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by SuperVisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Roanoke County take ten (lO) memberships in the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of gommerce at the sum of Thirty Dollars ($30.00) each. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Waler M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None " O. W. GILLS, and a group of citizens of the Winding Way Road Section of Roanoke County, tlis day appea>ed before the Board,' and endorsed the plans set up by the State Highway Department in the construction of Ogden Road; E. F. Jamison, a resident of the County, appeared before the Board in OPPOSition to the construction of said road as planned, and after having__heard W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, in reference to said plans; And upon consideration whereof, this Board feels that the situation if one over which it has no control, as said road has already been recommended and approved for Secondary Federal Aid by a previous Board. I I Communications submitted by E.F. Jamison to the Board in support of his opposition to the location of the Ogden Road, received and ordered filed. 303 / __ _.__.____~~__.__. _h__ .. _ u_ ..__ uu.___. { IN RE: BARRICADE ON CORBIESHAW ROAD: n (.J Glen C. Winstead and sundry other citizens of said area, this day again appeared before the Board in reference to the barricade across Corbieshaw Road, S. W., at the west corporate limits of the City of Roanoke, said request is referred to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer. ./ IN RE: APPROPRIATION TOWARD ROANOKmALLEY BOARD OF SHENANDOAH VALLEY, INC.: On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that this Board donate the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($lOO.eo) toward the Roanoke Valley Board of Shenandoah Valley, Inc., toward the ~tf~ ~.~ ~1.1' lJ. n ht work of said organization. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors a. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer and Frank R. Angell Nays: None " Letter addressed to Minor R. Keffer, dated July 22, 1964, from Fred W. Walker, Director of Sales, Hotel Roanoke and Motor Inn, received and ordered filed. Answer of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, addressed to Mr. Fred W. Walker, Director of Sales, Hotel Roanoke and Motor Inn received and ordered filed. ~ U { IN RE: SALE OF BONDS FOR ERECTION AND EQUIPMENT OF A PIIBLC BUILDING: o On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, be, and he hereby is, directed to proceed with the necessary steps to comply with the order of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, to sell said bonds by obtaining a rating from Moody's & Standard & Poor's, and take and make such further arrangements as may be necessary for the sale of said bonds; and WHEREAS, by order entered August 10, 1964, by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, it was determined that a majority of the qualified voters voting in said election were in favor of, and approved, the issuance of bonds in the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (i500,OOO.OO) and the JUdge of said Court did authorize the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to proceed to carry out the wishes. of the voters of said County, and to issue and sell said bonds. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperYisors Frank R. Angell, A.C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o Copy of order entered August 10, 1964, by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, in re: an election to determine \~ether the qualified voters of Roanoke County shall approve the issuance of bonds for the erection and equipment of a publiC building was this day received and ordered filed. 304 The following ordinance was this day proposed for adoption: An OrdinaneeProviding a Method of Obtaining Dog, Licenses, Describing Type of Tag, Method of Keeping List and Accounts; How Reports are to be Made; and How Unsold Tags are to be Disposed of: lr/HEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pursuant to Section 29-184.2 of the Code of Virginia, did, by ordinance adopted March 19, 1962, and amended August 20, 1962, create the positions of Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Wardens and made provisions for licensing and regulating of dogs in Roanoke County; and lr/HEREAS, pursuant to Section 29-20a.l of the Code of Virginia, any county which has assumed responsibility of enforcing the dog laws under Section 29-1S4.2 of the Code of Virginia may, by ordinance, provide a method of obtaining dog licenses, describe the type of tags to be issued, the method of keeping lists and accounts. and how reports are to be made and unsold tags disposed of; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of SuperVisors of Roanoke County as foliows, to-wit: Section 1. How to Obtain License Any resident of this County may obtain a dog license by making oral or written application, accompanied by the amount of the license tax. to the Treasurer of this County. The Treasurer shall have I I authority to license only dogs of resident owners or custodians who reside within the boundary limits of this County and may require information to this effect of any applicant. Upon receipt of proper application and certificate of vaccination (against rabies), the Treasurer shall issue a license receipt upon Wich he shall record the name and address of the owner or custodian~ the date of payment; the year for which issued; the serial number of the tag; Whether male, female, or kennel tag; and deliver the Metal license tags or plates herein provided for. Section 2. What Dog Licenses Shall Consist of. (a) A dog license shall consist of a license receipt and a tag made of twenty-gauge metal or other suitable material in a rectangular shape i inch in width and 2 inches in length with 1/8 inch hole at each end.. (b) Tag to be stamped or dD.erwise permanently marked, sbowing::"Roanoke County, Va." "Dog Tag;" sex of dog, the calendar year for which tag is issued; and serial number. I (c) License tag for a kennel shal consist of a license receipt and a tag made of twenty-gauge metal or other suitable material 2i inches in diameter, stamped or otherwise permanently marked, showing "Roanoke County, Va." "Kennel Tag;" calendar year for which tag is issued; number of dogs; and serial number. Section 3. Listing of Tags A list of all dog licenses and kennel licenses sold shall be made in triplicate, consecutively numbered, and showing to whom issued; residence address; magisterial district; tag number; year ending; day, month, and year issued; signature of Treasurer, original copy to be delivered to dog owner, second copy to be retained by Treasurer; third copy to be delivered to the Dog Warden. I I Section 4. Revenues and Reports (a) Revenue collected from the sale of all dog licenses shall be deposited by the Treasurer to the credit of "Dog Fund" and reports m~de to the Board of 305 _ -~ ------..-........-.---..--. .-.-. - ~ , , , ;-J Supervisors on the number of dog licenses, duplicate dog licenses, kennel licenses, and duplicate kennel licenses sold, and the amount of revenue dreived from sale of same at the end of each celandar year. (b) Any excess revenues in the "uog Fund" may be transfet'red to the "General Fund" by order of the Board of Supervisors. Section 5. Disposition of Unsold Tags ITnsold tags for the preceding calendar year shall be disposed of by the Treasurer after verification by a certified public accountant employed by the Board of Super/tsors to audit the records and accounts of the County for the fiscal year next ending. Section 6. Other Ordinances An ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on March 19, 1962, and amended August 20, 1962, entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the Regulation of Dogs in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and Prescribing Penalties for Its Violation" shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7. Separability of Provisions It is the intention of the Board of Supervisors that each separate provision of this ordinance shall be deemed independent of all other provisions herein, and it is further the intention of the Board of Supervisors that if any provision of this ordinanca be declared invalid, all other provismns there of remain valid and enforceable. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be in force and effect on and after November '1st, 1964. Notice of intention published as required by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby ~~ c:J.....R...ti~' is, directed to prepare a summary of this ordinance and cause sai4 summary to 9If~J~ (,u be published once a week for the next two successive weeks in the Times-Register. !'i k~ a newspaper published in the Town of Salem, Roanoke County. Virginia, and $.,~ 11 .... :l.~' having general circulation in said County. iq~.... - On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ .J ~ W J " On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that all County offices in the Court House Building be closed on Saturday, September 5th, 1964, in addition to the Labor Day Holiday, SUbject to the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o ., On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that th3 County Executive Officer, be directed to convey the appreciation of this Board to the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce; and to Brand. Edmonds and Wreden, for their efforts in support of the referendum for the issuance of bonds in connection with the Coliseum-Center at Salem. 306 'r..r,~ t.-fl.-...-.<. ~,""a'T' u'(,;.~ 1... I~/' '....... .~, ;t.I(~t'.r ',t:fl-'r. ~ ~'7'~ A~.~ t. ?-,.~~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None '" Letter dated July 17, 1964, from J. C. Cowman, Jr., Burlington Industries, Inc., addressed to Mr. Albert C. Harris, Roanoke County, Board of Supervisors, commending the Board and associates for the good job done in preparing the 1963 Annual Report for Roanoke County. and to again express the appreciation of his company for the many acts of friendship and loyalty shown it by the citizens of Roanoke County. Letter ordered filed. I I .. Executed Agreement for the lease-purchase of Voting Machines dated the 20th day of July, 1964, between The Shoup Voting Machine Corporation. and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, received and ordered filed. .. IN RE: RENUMBERING OF ROUTE 119 ROANOKE COUNTY AND TOWN OF SALEH ' On motion, duly made and seconded, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the request of C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Department of Highways, in re-numbering Route 119 from Route 220 South of Roanoke to Route 11 at Salem to Route 419, instead of Route 119, as at present designated. I Ordered that the Board be adjourned until the 9th day of September, 1964, at 11:30 A. M. ~. ~ff 'j'. A~ ~ , , C IRMAN Court House Salem, Virginia September 9, 1964 The Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County lIet this day at the Court Bouse, pursuant to adjournment. on August 17, 1964. Present: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter K. L1pes, Vice- . Chairman and Frank R. Angell. Absent: SuperVisor A. C. Harris. ~ Before the meeting was called to order Mr. Frank Gilbert offered a prayer. ... I I " The follOWing claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-W1t; No. 16353 " 16354 " 16357 . 16358 Galen Plunkett, Extra Help in Engineering Office Charles Martin, Painting Hollins Fire Station Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Sheri.t'.t"s Office C. E. Boone, Sheriff, Reimburse postage 'for Sheriff'S Office ' $ 170.6, 230.00 50.00 10.80 _,_,,," ,.,.' ,....5...-,~....._~_ 307 '" ,.., : t t-J to the Sheriff for office expenses. JIr. Boone stated that during the month of July 1964 he had expended from personal fUnds the sum of $198.36 for official office expenses, as supported by the bills hereto attached. On August 25, 1964, the Commonwealth of Virginia reimburse~ Roanoke County for its ehare of the Sheriff's Office Expense'in the aJIIOunt of $132.23. This C. E. BOONE, Sheriff of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the "~~, ~ ;l.--' "'~ ~ Board and advised the Board of the change in the State Law covering re-imbursement . I~~ 4- t., 71. I~dd. ~ ~ 4&Y~ "l-I"'-&.-f- ~ , , , , check was delivered to the Treasurer of Roanoke County to be credited to the General Revenue fund. It 1s hereby requested that the original bill for the IIIOnth of July 1964 originally subllitted by Jfr. Boone for peyaent at the August 17, 1964 mee~, be cancelled; and that a check in the lIlIlOunt of One Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars w t and Thirty-Eight Cents ($198.38) be drawn payable to JIr. C. E. Boone, reimbursing h:l.III for expenditures I18de by him from personal funds in July 1964 for official offiC8 expenses. Upon consideration whereof, 9Il motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Spervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that said bill originally " , , I ' ....J - submitted, be cancelled, and that a voucher-check in the lIlIlOunt ot One Hundred, Ninety-eight Dollars and Thirty-eight cents ($198.38) be I18de payable to C. E. , - Boone for expenses of his office paid by h:l.III personally during the month ot July, 1961.. Adopted bythe following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R;' Kefter. Jlaya: Hone " I~~, J. --;J--e. ~ ~,'*~ Roanoke County be accepted in accordance with "Invitation to Bid dated August 18, <(-1"'1 1964." Total annual premium tor liability insurance of $6,997.00 plus $2,170.00, On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the bid of Allstate Insurance Company for automobile liability insurance and comprehensive coverage on the automobile fleet of o premium for collprehensive coverage based on actual cash value of vehicles, for a total premium of $9,167.00 according to invitation to bid submitted. And be it fUrther ordered that an alternate bi~or comprehensive coverage based on the stated value of vehicles be accepted in the amount of $1,691.00 in lieu of the $2,170.00 bid for comprehensive coverage on actual cash value of vehicles, thereby making a total premium for liability and comprehensive coverage of $8,686.00. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperVisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Hays: NODe o 308 i ! i F~--: _:.- -- " I/~~'; " ; 1.., "-r ~ I '/~~q 4_-15~ I~-t: ~,::t--- , 'i-II- ~f- On IIOtion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded. by SuperTisor Frank R. - - Aagell, it is ordered. that the salary of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County be increased from seyenteen hundred. and seventy d.ollars ($1770.00) per year to twenty-three hundred and fifty dollars ($23S0.00), erfectiYe as or July 1st, 1964. Ad.opted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Prank R. Angell and Hinor a Keffer liays: Hone I 1964. ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in Sept8lllber, I $.'~' , _~AC, - - ".,../" Court House Salem, Virginia September 21, 1964 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. " Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. O. D. Eller, Pastor of the " I Oak Grove Brethren Church, Roanoke County, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 16410 County School Board of Roanoke Co., County vehicles serviced at School Board Garage .. n 16411 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repairs, Parts and wash jobs - Police Cars 16412 Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Oil for 6410 Police car 16413 General Welding & Machine Co., Parts 6206 Police Car 16414 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for Police and GarbageTrucks 16415 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles 16416 Richard's Auto Alignment, Parts for Police Cars 16417 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles 16418 S'~erdean Esso Station, Wash Jobs, parts for Police and Fire Equipment 16419 Vinton Motor Co., Repair and parts for Police and Fire Equipment 16420 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline purchased 16421 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gas' 3nd Oil purchased for Clearbrook Rescue Squad n " 11 n " " " " " n $ 865.80 13.86 2.20 11.50 64.72 178.86 9.90 97.20 I I 62.20 13.80 16.32 30.35 - .--------,. - - _.-------,-~_.---_.._-----_._- 99.80 $ 16422 Magic city Motor Corporation, Repair and Parts 16423 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gas, Oil etc. for Mount Pleasant Fire Equipment Pure Oil Co., Parts, gasoline, Oil and Wash jobs Salem Oil Company, Gasoline purchased Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts Beach Brothers, Adjust brakes on 6408 Bemiss Equipment Corporation. Repair andParts Garbage Brulin & Company, Cleaning fluid for Garbage Trucks Diesel Injection Sales Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks Dickerson GMC Inc., Parts for Garbage Trucks General Auto Parts, Parts for Garbage M & S Machine Shop, Repairs to Garbage Trucks Moore Tire Co., Parts for 6305 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts for 5907 Truck No. r., 40.02 50.40 113.87 36.16 2.50 483.37 58.66 84.17 18.78 17.76 29.20 160.12 6.37 103.68 44.76 92.32 15.61 " 16424 " 16425 " 16426 rr 16427 " 16428 rr 16429 " 16430 It 16431 It 16432 It 16433 It 16434 rr 16435 It 16436 " 16437 It 16438 It 16439 It 16440 It 16441 It 16442 " 16443 It 16444 It 16445 It 16446 It 16447 " 16448 " 16449 " 16450 rr 16451 " 16452 " 16453 n 16454 It 16455 It 16456 It 16457 "It 16458 It 16459 n . .] ..., , 0,--1 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repair, Parts, Oil etc. Shackelford-Cox Truck & Machinery, Parts Shelton-Witt Equipment Corp., Repairs Yates & Wells Garage, Repair, parts wash jobs &c Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Oil for distribution at County garage and Parts for Stock Auto P~rts, Inc., Parts 5610 Truck Pure Oil C~mpany, Gasoline and Oil for Distribution Standard Parts Corporation, Parts 5803 143.78 5.34 1,510.17 l4.l21t "1 , i ...J Miller Tire Service,Tires for Stock 81.64 American Auto Supply Co., Break Fluid for Distribution 43.78 Maryland Metals, Inc., Chains for Stock 87.95 Goodwin-Chevrolet Co., Repairs to 6401 and repairs to wreck 56.75 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Stock 199.68 21.97 33.58 Salem Glass Co., Glass replaced in garbage trucks W. B. Clements, Inc., Repair and Parts Frank R. Angell, Reimburse expenses for NACO annual Convention 193.18 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses for meeting in Charlottesville and Library Luncheon Noray Corporation, 1 Rubber Sta~p for Supervisors Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies Dooley Printing Co., Book Binding for Commissioner, Office supplies &c J. Luck Richardson, Jr., Share 1/2 of expenses for attending meeting in Charlottesville Acme Printers, Inc., Book Binding for Treasurer Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Parts on Postage Machine & Rental Fee James E. Peters, Treasurer, Share 1/2 expenses for meeting in Charlottesville 16460 State Treasurer, Share of expenses for audit 16461 Evere~te \'[addeyCo., Record Books 16462 C. W.Warthen Co., Record Books 55.65 9.50 61.39 '"1 J 120.40 35.25 24.00 40.85 J 11.00 q,54.26 148.50 422.85 It " It 310 . No. 16463 16464 " " 16465 " 16466 16467 16468 16469 16470 16471 " " " " " " 16472 " 16473 " 16474 16475 16476 16477 16478 16479 16480 16481 16482 16483 16484 16485 16486 "7 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Underwood Corporation, Maintenance contract for 1 year United States Pencil Co., Office supplies G. H. Parent Co., office supplies Easter Supply Co., office supplies American Photocopy Equipment Co., office supplies Furman 'Whitescarver, Sr., Dues Rc::nc!~e Co. Law Library Gentry Studio, Framing Photos Michie Coqany, Law books American Bar Cent,e;', 1 copy of Juvenile Court Judges Directory and Manual Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court $ 18.50 16.30 10.29 22.59 6.00 I 100.00 2.05 75.00 3.75 I 45.00 City Treasurer, Room and board for children detained at the City's Detention Home 96.00 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse August Traveling expense 49.28 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse August traveling expense 73.82 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse August Traveling Expense 18.69 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse August Traveling Expense 51.38 Washington Law Book Co., Law Books for Commonwealth's Atty. 17.50 Dr. John O. Hurt, Medical Examiner's Investigation 15.00 Dr. Richard G. Faw, Blood Alcohol Test, Lunacy Case 25.00 Dr. S. D. Carey, Examination for Drunk Drivers; Lunacy Cases 135.00 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Blood Test for Alcohol, Lunacy Case 25.00 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries for Flash Lights 6.12 Radio Communications Co., Radio JI'.aintenance for Sheriff 48.61 Brown Hardware Co., Repair material, Hardware Janitor Supplies 14.58 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to Jail, Health Department and Courthouse I 24.20 4.00 100.00 48.48 94.89 76.08 107.09 11.16 39.00 56.30 2.65 97.40 7.98 2.40 117.50 8.81 I I 16487 Void 16488 Dr. Hugh Lee, Dental Services 16489 Dr. n. J. Minarik, AugustSAlary 16490 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry, Jail 16491 C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Janitor Supplies for Jail 16492 Monarch Finer Foods, Food, &c Jail 16493 Murrell's Finer Foods, Food Jail 16494 Powell Pharmacy Co., Finger Print supplies; Medical supplies 16495 W. T. Rierson, Food Jail 16496 Rainbo Bread Co., Bread 16497 Vinton Hardware Co., 1 Percolater Jail 16498 Virginia Foods, Inc., Food &c 16499 State Office Supply Co., Office supplies 16500 Roanoke Stamp & Seal Co., Office supplies 16501 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Sheriff 16502 Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, Finger Print Supplies 16503 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, August Rent on Cave Spring Fire House " 16504 Clearbrook Lion's Club, August Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station 60.00 60.00 No. 16505 W. W. Garman, August rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station $ 60.00 ., "I ,J .., ! J o " " " " " " " " 16506 16507 16508 16509 16510 16511 " " " " " " 16512 16513 16514 " " " 16515 16516 10517 16518 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 16533 16534 16535 " " Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner Salem Paint Co., Paint, Hollins Fire Station Courthouse McClung Lumber Co., Cement Fire House Airport Hardware Co., Hardware J. W. Griggs, Reimburse Expense of Luncheon meeting Brand, Edmons &. Wreden, 1/2 cost of expenses for Advertising Promotion for Valley Civic Center Southern Oxygen Co., Chemicals Cave Spring Fire Station LeWis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills for Welfare Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare C &; P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Sheriff's Office Criminal Research Products, Inc., Finger Print supplies 4.00 116.15 4.75 1.65 18.20 901.57 1.50 27.05 1,S:n.84 548.90 79.90 41.29 Crippled Children's Hospital, Contribution to Children's Home 200.00 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., 1 Garbage Can Madge Twine, October Rent on Garbage Dump 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 11.48 19.00 5.67 76.89 7.00 60.00 7.35 93.32 2.92 50.00 Appalachian Power Co., New facilities necessary for install- ation County Street Lights &Curent 2,065.74 " 16536 l>lamie L. Waldron, Services as Deputy Registrar 165j7 J. W. Griggs, Services rend~red as Deputy Registrar 10519 Starmount Clinic, Lunacy case 10520 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Lunacy Case 16521 Hunt &; Moore, Lunacy Case 16522 Charles E. Mills, III, Lunacy Case 16523 Void 16524 Dr. Robert Paine, Jr., Lunacy Cases 16525 Technical Reproduction &; Supply Co., Engineering Supplies 16526 Royal McBee Corporation, Typewriting Ribbons for Public Works 10527 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryant Insurance, Adding 1964 Pontiac to Fleet Insurance Policy 16528 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 16529 Times-World Corporation, Publishing Meeting of Zoning Board 16530 Thomas Brothers, Inc., Shovel Dozer covering County Dump 165jl S &; W Pharmacy, Medical Supplies 16532 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage used in mailing Garbage bills Jacqueline Hudson, Extra Help in Registrar's Office Williams Supply Co., light tubes Booker Helm, making table and Platform Painting &.C Builders Mart, Material for repairing desk Carl R. Brightwell, Repairing Air Condition, and Electric Fan Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies Roanoke Paint & Glass Co., Mallrial for framing pictures William Paxton, Artwork on portrait photos of Judge Keister and two former Judges 16546 Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street Signs " " 16538 16539 16540 16541 16542 16543 16544 16545 " 20.70 32.40 136.19 8.35 58.00 15.52 29.68 40.75 16.00 45.00 112 .94 312 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " No. 16547 Cave Spring Rescue Squad, County's annual contribution 16548 Charles Ballentine.,Motor Vehicle License forms 16549 Bryan Beard, 1 enl@rgement of Portraits 16550 Gallant Incorporated, Paper for Photostatic Machine 16551 Treasurer of Virginia, Employer'S Contributions due the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System $ 200.001 , 61.891 50.00 ! 104.00 · 6,444.74 I " " " " " 16552 Void 16553 Mrs. J. Arthur Deyerle, Reimburse Expenses Board of Library Trustees 16554 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., New office furniture 16555 Younger Park Building, Inc., September Rent 16556 R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimburse travelingexpense Expenses for Convention in Bristol, Va. 16557 Va. Office Machine & Equipment Co., 1 New Electric Typewriter 16558 Rusco Window Co., 3 Vertical Blinds 16559 Motorola Communications Co., New Radio 16560 Robert Dawson, Postmaster. Postage for Distribution 16561 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash Fund 16579 Georgine Boxley, Extra office assistant in Registrar'S Office 16580 Letitia E. Lunsford, Extra office assistant in Registrar's Office 16581 Kenneth Whitlock, Extra Office assistant in Engineer's Office 16582 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp. serVice under Preventive Maintenance agreement 84.04 . 82.15 60.00 I " " " " n " " " " n " n " " 16583 Void 16584 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 16585 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 16586 Xerox Corporation, Record paper and office supplies 16587 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books 16588 Void 16589 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., 49 Fuses Flares 16590 Dr. S. D. Carey. Blood Test Lunacy cases 16591 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on bond for Special County Policeman 101.36 335.00 180.00 580.00 85.00 23.83 80.66 33.71 119.54 I " " 16592 16593 16594 John B. Stetson Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff's Dept. Salem Motors, Repair and Parts County Police Car Appalachian Power Co., Current ueed at Bent Mountain Fire Station and Catawba Station C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Cave Spring Fire Station Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station Pure Oil Co., Gasoline and Part, C. S. Rescue Squad Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy case Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies and furniture Superior Upholstering Co., Upholstering two office chairs C. R. Brightwell, Electrical work in Treasurer's office 261.72 74.72 3.27 756.56 162.23 24.49 22.50 10.00 50.16 66.82 I 16595 16596 16597 16598 16599 16600 16601 23.61 23.90 8.85 35.29 10.00 I 170.2.3 24.00 16.79 " " 16602 Economy Plumbing Company, Refund Plumbing permt B. L. Radford 10.00 200.00 16603 Va. State Chamber of Commerce, Subscription 313 - --- ..- - --~ -.-------. . ..- ---.-----...---'-+--.---c"...."...~--........,..,..,..,.__ -...".-~-:~.,.._~. No. 16604 Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs 6 85.03 .. 16605 International Business Machine Co., 1 new IBm Typewriter 441.00 It 16606 Allstate Insurance Co., Liability Insurance on County , Owned Vehicles 8,065.60 " 16elD Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Disbursementsz for n September 4,081.56 , <..J " 16607 Allstate Insurance Co., Liability Insurance on two Dog Trucks 222.67 " 16608 Times-Register Co., Publishing Legal Notice Dog Ordinance 7.60 " ~ i ".,J .I' IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAD'lS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 16562 " 16563 " 16564 " 16565 " 16566 " 16567 II 16568 I' i: . " 16569 I' l II II 16570 , -- II 16571 " 16572 n 16573 " 16574 " 16575 " 16576 II 16577 n 16578 n 16609 J , Frank E. Mills, Fowl claim Guy Ayers, Assisting Dog Warden Brown Hardware Co., Hardware Dog Pound .$ 7.00 96.38 1.40 Void County school Board, Repairs and Parts for Dog Trucks 195.33 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies dog Dog Pound 5~.00 Dodson Brothers Ex~erminating Co., Fly Bomb 7.50 John W. Eshelman & Sons, Dog Food 2.40 Fort Dodge Laboratories, Rabies Vaccine 499.80 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Dog Truck 6l.l8 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gas and Oil for Dog Truck ).61 Motor Parts Supply Co.; Parts and soap for washing dog truck 8.09 Radio Communications Co., Inc., Radio Maintenance for Dog Trucks 15.00 Sam's, Inc., Wearing apparel for Dog Wardens 20.81 Salem Hardware Co., Wearing apparel and miscellaneous items 15.80 Steel Service Warehouse, Inc., Parts for Dog Truck 107.50 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Dog Truck 13.85 Ralph E. Long, Dog Warden, Reimburse traveling expense 74.00 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the follOwing report: J "September 21, 1964 To the Board of Supervi30rs of Roanoke County: At the close of business August 31, 1964, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund Dog Fund Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund School Debt Retirement Fund School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. V. S. R. S. Deferred Credit Account Literary Fund (School Construction) .$ 22,383.94 12,330.19 42.93 367,925.99 6,274.81 16,730.36 3,703.62 250.84 34.47 175.000.00 $ 604,677.15 314 c... r"/ ,/d, '" ., 7-' "r.J~' '/"" ~'''''ff a.,~,~ '7.'3.'f-~'" ~,p-e, ~., z.'~~ .. c.,f:.r.I9~ r-?Jf.t.f Financial Statement Cash: In Office Bank of Salem Escrow $1,500,000.00 $ 1,000.00 406,078.15 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $852,000.00 Textbook - Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Paying Agent for School Debt Ser. 2,359.27 711.91 16,730.36 I 2,797.46 Bank of Salem Literary Fund - School Canst. Certificate of Deposit 175.000.00 604,677.15 I $ Certificates of Deposit (School Building) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank $ 500,000.00 800,000.00 300.000.00 $ 1,600,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County" Said report is received and ordered filed. if IN HE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer. for $2,317.04 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of August, 1964, less commissions, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $2,201.19 net. I On motion, duly seconded it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of September, 1964. be approved in the amount of $12,013.49, from which the sum of $330.66 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1.022.35 total W. H. Taxes; $142.27 total State Income Taxes and$296.74 total Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $10,221.47. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning Aug. 16. Ending Aug. 31, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4,169.95. from which $151.15 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $231.20 total W. H. Taxes;$26.04 total State Income Taxes, and $39.20 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,722.36; And the payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Service for period beginning Sept. 1, Ending September 15, 1964, be approved in the amount of $4.726.16, fromwhich $171.32 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $304.00 total W. H. Taxes; $35.57 total State Income Taxes;$39.20 total Blue Cross Insurance, $21.00 total Accident Insurance and $78.27 total Retirement are to be deductedleaving a I net payroll of $4.076.$0. ..---------. ....---- -----_.._-~-- ,..-.-,-.-,.-------,.--,.-- -"'.--.---' -..-:.-_._---~---:------:-:-:---_._--.,.~..,.-:---,-..,..--._.-:-._--:-_.,...,....,-,...,...,.---....-:: Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ti i \...4 " The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of August, 1964; Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County jail? d~ ~ a.: for the month of August, 1964; --/f...pJ..>-.... ALLEN, County Agent, for the month of August, 1964; 'f. 'Z'f. ~/" C. E. ., , :-J EDWARD S. LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, for the month of August, 1964; FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of August, 1964; EVELYN F. POWELL, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, for the month of August, 1964. " IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: C. D. CHAPMAN, Delin'iuent Tax Collector of Roanoke County this day submitted a report of his monthly collections showing collection for each month and total to date - Fiscal Yeark 1964-1965. TAXES J Collections for month of July, 1964 Collections for month of August, 1964 Total $ 2,507.07 ~ ~ GA..lUlAGE Collections for month of July, 1964 Collections for month of August, 1964 Total $ 293.00 699.05 ~ 992.05 $ 6,333.66 Grand Total which report is received and ordered filed. '" IN RE: VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DIVISION OF REGULATORY SERVICES J The ..[eights and Measures Annual Report 1963-1964, James F. Lyles, Supervisor, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. ,/' JAMES E. PETERS, County Treasurer, this day submitted to the Board his Delinquent Real Estate List for year 1963 and his Delinquent Personal Property List for year 1963 which lists, on motion duly seconded and carried are ordered filed. 01:' . ' I' ~ The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated September 1, 1964, from George W. Dean, State Forester, submitting a summary of fiscal m~tters~, expended under Section 10-46 ~ Copy of letter dated August 21, 1964, addressed to James E. Peters, J~ . ~~t..'-rl~easurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation , 11'. ~A ".... Board, approving the request of said Treasurer for an allowance of Two Hundred ~ ~~" and Six Dollars and Fifty-eight Cents ($206.58) to cover net cost of file Ic..~~' .-;...;. -'2, -~- _ _; .--~ ~- cabinet and check tabs, subject to the concurrence of this Board was this .J f ~~ "i. ...'1....,. 316 ~~,4- ~, C::, ~~/./, ~c., &t,~ 1'~'f.'''l' of the Code between Roanoke Co~ty and the Virginia Division of Forestry for the!' fiscal year beginning July 1, 1963 and ending June 30, 1964; Copies of letters dated August 24, 1964, from K. M. Wilkinson, Assistant Traffic; and Planning Engineer of the State Department of Highways, addressed to Frank R. . Angell and Paul B. P~tthews acknowledging their appointments to the Policy : Committee and the Technical Committee, respectively, on the Major Arterial Plan for the Roanoke Valley area. I " Letter dated August 21, 1964, from John C. Parrott, President, Roanoke Gas Company, Roanoke, Virginia, addressed to Mr. Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, enclosing attested copy of order of the State Corporation Commission setting a formal hearing at 10:00 A. M. on September 8, 1964, at Richmond, Virginia, on application of Roanoke Gas Company to revise its service area as prescribed under the Utilities Facilities Act and also enclosing a marked copy of the county highway map showing present and proposed service area was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. I ~ Notice of application for License by Appalachian Power Company, for a license for constructed Project No. 2466, known as the Niagara Projects was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. I day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board concurs in said request for the purchase of said equipment. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R.Keffer, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and A. C. Harris . Nays: None " On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: #16279 in the amount of $627.04 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at various offices; #16281 In the amount of $15.52 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at transmitter station on Little Brushy Mountain; #16282 in the amount of $76.80 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at several County fire stations; #16288 in the amount of $15.25 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Dog Pound; #16289 in the amount of $37.19 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Fort Lewis Fire Station; #16332 in the amount of $3.00 made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia for dog tags; #16342 in the amount of $858.82 made payable to the Town of Salem for light and water at County Jail, Courthouse and the Health and Welfare Center and for sewage treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivisi'") n; I I 317 .., #16343 in the amount 01'$18.90 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Warden's home; #16344 in the amount of $9.00 made payable to the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for sewage treatment cost at the Hollins Fire Station; 1116347 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service at Courthouse in August; #16348 in the amount of $83.25 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Stations; #16350 in the amount of $34.95 made payable to the Roanoke Gas Company for fuel at County Jail, Home Demonstration Kitchen, Cave Spring Fire House, and at Health and ~Telfare Center; #16361 in the amount of $37.90 made payable toC & P Telephone Company for service at Mount Pleasant Fire Station; #16362 in the amount 01"$1.50 made payable to the Town of Salem for current used at County garage. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R.Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R.Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 1 ,.,.f 1...4 ~ , n~ RE: E. W. CHELF, SPECIAL ATTORNEY E. W. CHELF, Special Attorney, heretofore employed by this Board for the purpose of instituting and conducting Chancery Suits to enforce liens of the County upon delinquent real estate this day, in writing, SUbmitted his resignation as such Special Attorney which resignation is ordered filed. Thereupon on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that CHARLES B. PHILLIPS be and he hereby is employed by this Board for the purpose of instituting and conducting Chancery Suits to enforce liens of the County upon delinquent real estate in said County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None , A. -L.. '/lX~, -:", ~ ~~ , q.?S.(.,/, .-"'..... I .J , WHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County there is now a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15.1-545 and 15.1-546 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date to borrow not earlier than February 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money proaced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1964, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1964, and ] Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not earlier than September 25, 1964, and not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; 318 ---.,-------.- . ,___.0.._ I , 1 ! ! I . ! 5C.......;~i.JI' , , 4. "'" !P1'J:- ! ';.?'f-''f l I . i i I I I I I I , , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THIS Board do negotiate a loan or loans 1 and borrow as needed, not earlier than September 25, 1964, and not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 from such Banks or Institutions of this State as are' willing to make the loan or loans at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, on demand; which said maturity date or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1964, said loan or ' loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Minor R. Keffer.., Chairman, or Walter M. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, whose signatures shall be duly attested by N. C. Logan, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institutions, as the Bank making the loan may direct, and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this Board. Onmotion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harri~, the foregoing resolution is adoptedby the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors .Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that a copy of the Audit of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority for period ending June 30, this day received befiled. Letter dated Sept. 21, 1964, addressed to Miss Nancy Logan, County Clerk, 1964; I . , I Circuit Court of Roanoke County, from James A. Beavers, Executive Director Roanoke County Sanitation Authority ordered filed. Board of Supervisors' vs I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Rollingwood Drive from State Rt. 641 SW to Leemount Street _ 0.26 mile to be accepted and made apart of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known, as Rolling Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 18 of the records of the Clerk!s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that, by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Ro11ingwood Drive State from/Rt. 641 ffi~ to Leemount Street - 0.26 mile and which is shown on a cer'tain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is .her eby established a~ - public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in I I Roanoke County. 319 Adopted by the following recorded vote: AJ'es: Supervisors Walter M. Lip9s, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o . Board of Supervisors vs I ORDER .5~ . ";,-4<:: >t dr . 4~~ "1' "''i'~ f- The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia n I . ....J This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Extn. of Leemount Street (State Rt. 1115) east to D. E. ' 0.07 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Rolling Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 18 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Extn. of Leemount Street (State Rt. 1115) east to D. E. - 0.07 mile and which is shown on a certain r--, , U sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: lIone ./ Board of Supervisors vs I ORDER o The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia _'7~~ t# c., &,. ~ q_?.".~i'- 0... , This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Macon Street from Howard Drive east to ROllingwood Drive - 0.09 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Rolling Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 18 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. I 320 I ~:::-=__:.....--:::-:-_~._ _._ __m_. i I I I I 1 ! I I , I i , I ! I ! l Ip~.,l 4L:;,~~ ''''- '1-'2-"'-" ~".:"'--'-"'--."^'-~'_.' . Nml, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Macon Street from Howard Drive east to Rollingwood Drive - 0.090mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Count~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Minor R. Keffer Nays; : None Board of Supervisors vs I ORDER ! I I I I I I , i , The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Heatherwood Lane from Rollingwood Drive NW to D. E. _ 0.12 mile to be accerted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Rolling Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 18 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, . I I , ! I i ! i , ; ( ~ and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board ; hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Heatherwood Lane from Rollingwood Drive NW to D. E. - 0.12 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, . Adopted by the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer' Nays: None ~ ! Board of Supervisors ~ " /... --", .!:7~~"'! Co, &,. ~ c/.1.."f.'r vs 1 ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Oakland Boulevard from Verndale Drive south to D. E. - 0.12 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Petty Acres #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 77 of the I I I I I Ii ,,J J J o. o 321 ---------------- . "'- - .~.,_:"",,___._.._.__,u__.._ records of theClerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of saie map no, report froma Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, TH=~'Oim, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Oakland Boulevard from Verndale Drive south to D. E. .,0.12 mile and which is shown on a certain , sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None " Board of Supervisors vs I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia '\ &- ' ' '''''4''.~ = f ' ~,~~~ :: "','1-'i.~'f ,\ This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Halcun Drive from Verndale Drive to D. E. - 0.20 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Bo~rd that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Petty Acres #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 77 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent ordonation of right of way from the abutting property owners \ \ is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road mown as Halcun Drive from Verndale Drive to D. E. - 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 322 k__--~m--u-- ~~;.=-.O-'=-- i , ~ I i .!7~~L ! -iO~' t:... /')-r I 1. ?-",-1.1 1 , I i I I , ! ! , , j \ I ! ~ , ' , , i 3/'~v/d" i : -/ ' I i /,s c., b..r qr- I i -1, ..".0.,. i 1 Board of Supervisors vs I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein. and upon the application for Oakland Boulevard from Verndale Drive north to Elden ~ Avenue _ 0.20 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Petty Acres #1 and #3, which map is recorded in Plat Book 3' - 5. Pages 255 - 77 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Oakland Boulevard from Verndale Drive north toElden Avenue - 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to becomea part of the State Secondary System of Highwvs in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell. Minor R. Keffer and "lalter M. Lipes Nays: None I I I Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the applicationfor Verndale Drive from Dalton Road to Halcum Drive - 0.12 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Sun Valley - Petty Acres #3. which map is recorded in Plat Book 4 - 5. Page 63 - 77 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Verndale Drive from Dalton Road to Halcun Drive - 0.12 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch I I accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter 14. Lipes Nays: None 323 ~ ---~~~otion of s~~-er~~~~~- A.-~~-~a~~~s~~~On~~~bY SU~:~i:or W:lter M. LiPes~~~, 4~r it is ordered that the County subscribe to five memberships, at $20.00 each, in r'~.,~:~~ the Vinton Chamber of Commerce. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, 11alter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays;: None ~ ~ E. S.Wirt, Jr., Chairman of the Roanoke County Park Committee, in re: ~ Parks and Recreation Program, in Roanoke County this day submitted a report as .-J heretofore requested by this Board, which report was received and ordered riled; and the Committee dismissed with thanks for the splendid services rendered by it. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None ~ Leonard Marrazzo, on behalf of the residents of Valentine Road, this day appeared before the Board, and requested that Valentine Road be extended from Ballard Hills Subdivision through the Broughman property to connect with Valentine Avenue in the Mark W. Grimm Heirs' Subdivision, and that a suitable surface be placed upon said road. W. E. Fitzgerald, Resident Engineer, Depart- " ment or Highways, was present at the meeting and discussed the situation with the Board and the petitioners. Noaction was taken on said request. ~ ... On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board be directed to post notice of the intention of this Board nt the October Meeting, 1964, of said Board, to discontinue public maintenance on that section of State Secondary Route 691 from 1.9 miles South of Route 690 to the Franklin County line, and being 1.5 mile in length, in accordance with Section 33-76.7 of the 1950 Code or J Virginia as amended. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. F~ell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o ." IN RE: BIDS ON FIRE TRUCK (Pumper ): Upon the recommendation of the Roanoke County Fire Chiers' Board, and on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be authorized to secure bids on a fire truck (pumper) to be located in the Vinton Fire House. . ..~: '1-~""'" - ,f-X. C; , i'-- ~~ ~-~ '"J'/ /1 .-.....".; :t:I,...cc.7 !;....;. . .,../~ 1"'A.;~.,. /'-J.. /J "~.J ::-..r-r7" ~ ..~. ~~~~ ~(!&I , '1_......{,'f' '~..u, i;- tt~~ 1- ...,.,"" I spirit of co-operation I i ., IN RE: 1 i , ! ! t , I I I I 1 1 ~ A 77~4, On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. " I ' ; ~ ~~~~~ Angell, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on October 19, 1964, at -1'''3'~'t! 3:00 p. m. on the request of Edgar and Ruby C. Johnson for a permit. to operate , , , i a public trailer park on a 6.7-acre tract of land west of Glenvar on U. S. ','" , Route 11, notice of public hearing to'be published in The Roanoke Times on , i , i 324 I I i ! ; i I , I ! I I t i > I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Letter dated September 9, 1964, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from the Roanoke Coun~y Fire Chiefs' 'Board, received and ordered ~ I filed. W. E. FITZGERALD, Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, this day submitted to the Board for its information the Operational and Fiscal Summary' for roads in Roanoke County covering the fiscal year 1963-1964, which report is ordered filed. I l . I I i I 1 , Letter dated September 11, 1964, addressed to Mr. Minor R. Keffer, Chairman, and Members of the Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, from J. W. Burrow, Captain Commander, Division VI, Department of State Police, expressing his appreciation for the use of space in the Roanoke County Court House for the Area drice for his Department for the past three years, and for the wonderful shown his Department, was received and ordered filed. RESIGNATION OF C. D. CHAPMAN, COLLECTOR DELINQUENT TAXES: I A communication addressed to Minor R. Keffer, Chairma~, Board of Supervisors, dated August 26, 1964, from C. D. Chapman, tendering his resignation as Collector of Delinquent Taxes of Roanoke County, effective August 26, 1964, was received and ordered filed. I September 29, 1964. and October 6, 1964. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I .. ARTHUR E. SlilITH, Attorney, on behalf of a group of residents of tLeEdgehill Section of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the assistant of this Bo&rd in defraying the expense of an appeal from the decision of the recent Three Judge Annexation Court of Roanoke County, which request was taken under advisement. , . "j.,> (I " 'I , i -J o n w .1..- '.~""''''__'' 325 ',-.,.-_._-;,-~_...- "=,'0'"._ " Walter W. Wood, Attorney, on behalf of L. F. Hubbard, and requested the Board to take into the Secondary Systemof roads in Roanoke County, a portion of the present existing road known az Orchard Hills Drive, approximately three hundred feet in length, beginning with the L. F. Hubbard line, and ex~ending to Lee Hi road, which request, is referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney. " Mrs. J. Arthur Deyerle, Chairman of the Roanoke County Library Board, this ~r~'''' e-..,. day appeared before the Board ~~ after introducing to the Board Mr. Harold Krau,;.. ~ C) 4~ the new library director, and/E. B. Broadwater, a member of the Library Board, .[f~,/.. . ~, ,.<, d:7./~ expressed the appreciation of the Library Board for the splendid co-operation '~~. ~~ given said Board by the Board of Supervisors, and requested a postponement of [' 4,,>-4.-(,<f the referendum on the $500,000.00 bond issue for parks and libraries in ' Roanoke County until March, of next year, instead of on November 3. 1964, as unofficially set, in order that the new director may become more familiar with Roanoke County and problems that will present themselves, and to prepare and present the library, program as it should be presented. " Leonard G. Muse, Attorney, on behalf of Roanoke Electric Steel Mill this day appeared before the Board, and assured the residents of Cherryhill Park, that the matter of smoke control will be discussed with an expert and that something will be done about it as soon as possible. The residents of Cherryhill,: Park were requested to keep in touch with Mr. Muse in regard to this matter. r Mrs. William Wing, on behalf of residents of Cherryhill Park, this day presented a petition signed by sundry property owners in said area requesting that something be done to enforce the smoke-control ordinance in Roanoke County; that the smoke from the Roanoke Electric Steel Mill was damaging the health and property of the citizens of said section, which petition was ordered filed. No action was taken thereon. ./ Mrs. Robert Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. McDowell and ~xs. P. J. Esperti were also present in behalf of the Smoke Control. " James McCann, on behalf of the Wilmont Westwood area, this day appeared before the Board, giving the Cherryhill Park area their support in the Smoke Control. .' A letter from the Junior Woman's Club of~alem, signed by ~xs. Glenn E. Oakes, President, supporting a program to study sources of and methods to control air pollution and legislation to curb this health program and urging this Board to pass a more effective smoke control and air pollution ordinance was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. f' -.-------.--- --~.- -,---.------. ------ n J -, ~ .J -.., J o 327 ~-_.-.-..-..,..__--..,..- '-'--.'---,,'--e-"C ,/ '" WHEREAS, a majority of the qualified voters of Roanoke County voting at a special election duly called and held on August 4, 1964, were in favor of the contracting of debt and the issuance of bonds of said County of the aggregate principal amount of $500,000 for the purposes hereinafter set forth, and an order was duly entered on August 10, 1964, in the Circuit Court of said County authorizing the Board of Supervisors of said County to proceed to carry out the wishes of the voters of said County; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to make provision for the issuance' cf said bonds; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as follows: (1) Roanoke County shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $500,00 pursuant to the provisions of the Public Finance Act of 1958 (chapter 5 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950) and in accordance with the proposition approving the issuance of said bonds adopted by a majority of the qualified voters of said County at said election held on August 4, 1964. The moneys raised by the issuance of said bonds shall be used to finance a portion of, the cost of the erection and equipment of a public building containing a coliseum and meeting halls. (2) Said bonds shall be designated "Public Building Bonds" and shall be numbered from one upwards in the order of their maturity, and shall be dated October 1, 1964, and shall be payable in annual installments on October 1 in each year as follows: $25,000 in each of the years 1965 to 1984, inclusive. Each of said bonds shall bear interest at the rate or rates which shall not exceed six per centum (~) per annum, and such interest shall be payable semi-annually on April 1 and October 1. Said bonds shall be coupon bonds payable to bearer and shall be of the denomination of $1,000 each or $5,000 each as shall be determined by the Board of Supervisors after said bonds are sold at public sale. (3) Both principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at the principal office of The Farmers National Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, or at the option of the holder, at the principal office of the The First City National Bank in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. (4) Said bonds and the interest coupons representing the interest payable thereon shall bein substanthlly the following form: ; (Form of Bond) No. No. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COg,rONWEALTH OF VffiGINlA ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC BUILDING BOND * , .. $ ROANOKE COUNTY (herein referred to as "CountyW), a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received promises to pay to the be"rer of this bond the sum of THOUSAND DOLLARS ($ ) 1 t , I l i ! I ! ! ! I ! I ! i i I on October 1, 19__, and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the rate of ___ per centum (---.%) per annum, payable semi- annually on April 1 and October 1 in each year, upon presentation and suprender of the coupons therefor attached hereto, as they severally mature. Both principal of and interest on the bond are payable at the principal office of The Farmers National Bank of Salem, Salem, Virginia, or at the option ot: the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank, in the Borough of lI.anluttan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. This bond is one of an issue of bonds of like date and tenor, except as to maturity and rate of interest and number, and is issued pursuant to the provisions of the Public Finance Act of 1958 (Chapter 5 of Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950) to finance a portion of the c cst of the erection and equipment of a public building containing a coliseum and meeting halls. The contracting of the debt evidenced by this bond have been approved by a majority of the qualified voters of the County voting a t a special election duly called and held on August 4, 1964. I I . It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution or statutes of the Co~~onwealth of Virginia to exis~, be performed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have' been performed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond together with' all other indebtedness of the County, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by the Constitution or statutes of said Commonwealth. The faith and credit of the County are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond in accordance with its I terms. IN WI'lNESS W1SREOF, the Board of Supervisrs of the County has caused this bond- to be signed by its Chairman and to be attested by its Clerk, and the _1 of the County to be hereunto affixed. and the interest coupons hereto annexed to be authenticated with the facsimile signatures of said Chainnan and Clerk, and this bond to be dated October 1, 1964. ~linor R. Keffer, Chairman of Board of Supervisors I Attest: N. C. Logan, Clerk of Board of Supervisors (Form of Interest Coupon) No. *___ April On the 1st day of October, 19___ ROANOEE COUNTY. a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia, will pay to bearer I DOLLARS ($ ) at the principal office of , Salem, Virginia, or, at the option of the holder, at the principal office of , in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency 329 of the United States of America which is then legal tender for the payment of publte and private debts, l-eing the interest then due on its Public Building Bond, dated October 1, 1964, No. ___' Ii I ~~f ~tinor R. Keffer, Chairman of Board of Supervi sors N. C. Logan, Clerk of Board of Supervisors The Ch&.irman and Clerk of the Board of Supervisors are hereby authorized (5) ~ I 1 .."J and directed to cause 'Said bonds to be prepared and to execute said bonds in accordance" with their terms. Upon motion of Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor Frank R . Angell, the foregoing resolution is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None Absent: Supervisor A. C. Harris ~ .J ~ WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to make provision for the sale of the $500,000 Public Building Bonds of the County of Roanoke which are to be issued pursuant to the proposition approving the issuance of said bonds adopted at the special election duly called and held in said County of Roanoke on August 4, 1964; Na-l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Ro:;.noke as follows: (1) Sealed proposals for the purchase of said bonds shall be received pursuant to and in accordance with the following Notice of Sale: NOTICE OF SALE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, YmGIN:JA 4500,000 PUBLIC BUILDING BONDS o The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke' County, in the Con~onwealth of Virginia, will receive sealed propaals for the purchase of the bonds of said County hereinafter described, until 12 o'clock noon. (Eastern Standard Time) on October 28, 1964, at the office of the State Commission on Local Debt, Room 228, Finance Building, Capitol Square, Ric~~ond, Virginia. At such time and place the sealed proposals roceived will be publicly opened by the State Corrmission on Local Debt. The bonds consist of ~500,OOO Public Building Bonds dated October 1, 1964 and payable in annual installments on October 1 in each year as follows, viz: $25,000 in each of the years 1965 to 1984, inclusive. The bonds will be of the denomination of ~l,OOO or $5,000 each at the option of the successful bidder, said , option to be exercised by notice in writing or by telegram delivered to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia,1dthin 48 hours after the award of said bonds to such successful bidder. Interest is payable semi- annually on April 1 and October 1. The bonds are coupon bonds without privilege of registration. The bonds are payable at the principal office of The Farmers National Bank of Salem, salem, Virginia, or at the option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank, in the Borough of ~~nhattan, City and State of New York. o ~-r-.."'~--"'.;-.., I 330 i I ~~~~-- i I . . I The bonds are J.ssued to finance a portion of the cost of the erection and I equipment of a public building containing a coliseum and meeting halls. ) Bidders are invited to name the rate or fates of interest which the bonds i are to bear, which rate or rates must be a multiple or multiples of one-tenth I or one-eighth of one per centum. No more than two rates may be named for the bonds. All bonds maturing on the samedate must bear interest at the same rate. Each rate of interest named must be for ccnsecutive maturities and cannot be repeated. No rate may exceed six per centum per annum. Eachproposal submitted must offer a price which is not less than par and accrued interest. Unless all proposals are rejected the bonds will be awarded to the bidder whose proposal results in the lowest net interest cost to the County determined , by compu:ting the aggregate amount of interest payable on the bonds from their i date to their respective maturities and deducting from such aggregate amount the! ! premium offered, if any. In addition to the price bid the purchaser must pay i I accrued interest from thedate of the bonds to the date of payment of the ' purchase price. No bid for less than all of the bonds offered will be entertained. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals. i Each proposal must be unconditional and must be accompanied by a certified or I j bank cashier'S or bank treasurer's check or checks for $10,000, drawn upon an l , i incorporated bank or trust company and payable to the County to secure the i County against any loss resulting from failure of the bidder to comply with the ; terms of his proposal. The check or checks of the bidder whose proposal is accepted will be deposited by the County and credited to tr~ purchase price and no interest will be allowed thereon. The proceeds of such check or checks I I , will be retained by the County as liquidated damages in case the bidder fails to! accept delivery of and pay for the bonds. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will b. returned upon the award of the b~nds. The bonds will be delivered to the purchaser in Richmond, Virginia, or in New York City, at the option of :the purchaser, on the 18th day of November, 1964, or as soon thereafter as possible. The County will furnish without cost to the purchaser, at the time the bonds are delivered, (1) the opinion of Messrs. Reed, Hoyt, Washburn & McCarthy, of New York City, that the bonds are valid and legally binding obl~ations of the County and that the County is authorized and rC'iuired by law to levy on all real property taxable by the County such ad valorem ta.'Ces as may be necessary to pay the bonds and the interest thereon without liI:l:l.tation as to rate or amount, and (2) certificates in form satisfactory to said attorneys evidencing the proper execution and delivery of the bonds and receipt of payment thereof, and (3) a certificate, dated as of the date of delivery of the bonds, and signed by the officers who ,signed the bonds, stating that no litigation is then pending or, to the knowledge of suchofficers, threatened to restrain or enjoin the issuance or delivery of the bonds or the levy or collection of taxes to pay the bonds or the interest thereon, or questioning the validity of the statutes or the proceedings under which the bonds are issued, and that neither the corporate existance or boundaries of the County, nor the title of any of the said officers to their respective offices, is beine conte.'ted. I I I I I 332 Court Heuse Salem, Virgj.nia October 19,1964 r ! . i , r , The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court- house thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Ninor R. Keffer, Chairman, Walter K. Lipes, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the neeting was called to order the Rev. R. W. Knight, Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Saler.;, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings wer~ approved as spread, each member of t~e Board havinb read the copy of said minutes fur- nished him by the Clerk. The following claims acainst the County were this day presented, .approved, andordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable there~ith, to-wit: Roanoke County School Board, service Count:.. vehicles $ ggg.47 Radio Communications Co., radio maintenance 165.55 i'C-otor Parts Supply Co., parts for various Co. vehicles 168.53 Standard Parts Corp., parts for various vehicles etc. 200.17 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., parts 34.95 Andrew La,is Phillips 66 Station, gas, repairs etc. 24.45 W. B. Clements, Inc., repairs to police cars, etc. 104.09 Doyle'S Inc., repairs to Police car 4.50 Harvest Motors, Inc., parts for police cars 5.81 I I i . , , i I i .. I Fulton iihite Truck Co., repairs to 6103 Humble Oil & Refining Co., gasoline on Courtesy Card l,li.ller Tire Service, tire for police cars etc 3.00 6.85 70.34 131.61 5.15 32.55 33.35 12.51 83.07 2.00 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., parts SUMmerdean Esso Station, repairs and oil Vinton Motor, Co., repairs and parts police cars Brambleton Gulf Service Station, gas and wash jobs T. R. Leslie Service Station, @as Clearbrook R.S. Salem Oil Company, gas & oil for Ft.1ewis fir~ trk.etc Overton's Esso Servicenter, washjob on Insp. car Texaco, Inc., gasoline purchased for Engr. car Auto Chemical Distr., cleaning supplies for garb. trks American Auto Supply, Inc., parts- garbage eqpt. 3.53 3.25 71.31 I VOID Bemiss Equi -',ent Corp., parts and oil Beach Brothers, repairs, parts, oil, wash jobs etc. Dickerson ~lC Inc., parts- 5309 Gibson Radiator Shop, repairs Goodyear service Stores, tires for garbage trucks M & S Machine Shop, repair and parts garb. eqpt. Roanoke Auto Spring'lIorks, parts for garb. eqpt. shackleford-Cox Truck & Mch. Co., parts 5609 26.96 I 402.31 15.01 21.50 245.00 36.91 45.57 22.2g - , ! I '..-. :-_~-C'C"'---""""-"".-'-''O--'-_-'--'~''-' . i: No. 16766 " \! ~! ". 16767 n. 16768 n. 16769 n. 16710 II. 16771 ". 16772 II, 16773 It, 16774 n, 16775 n. 16776 n. 16777 n. 1677. n . 16779 It. 16780 n . 16781 n. ,16782 ", 16783 ". 16784 n. 16785 ", 16786 II' 16787 n' 1678e n' 16789 n' 16790 ". 16791 II. 16792 n. 16793 ", 16794 II' 16795 II' 16796' ", 16797 II' 16798 II' , 16799 n' 16/l00 rt 16801 ". . 16802 n' 16803 . II 16/l04 " . l6/l05 " . 16806 " 16$07 " 16$08 n 16$09 " 16810 n 16811 '! 16812 ~ t ,- ~ I -i "'1 J IJ 333 --". -> -,-------~-_.__.._--_...__._-, ---- --'.---- ........__...--..n.. Shockley's Tractor Service Co., repairs, parts etc. Seling Company, Inc. , material for washing garb.trks Truck Sales, Inc., parts for garbage truck 5609 Yates & Well Garage, repairs, parts etc.garb.eqpt. Pure Oil,Ccmpany, gas and oil for distr. at Hollins-, Auto Spring & Bear:ing Co., anti-freeze for. distr. Phyllis Sutphin, work dor.e in con. with Del.1ax Col. Dooley Printing Co., office supplies salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Acme Printers, Inc. book binding and office supple Burroughs Corp., ribbon for addiJrg mch.Treas.office Goonwin-Andrews-Bryan, premo on ~5000 surety bond etc International ~lsiness ~achine Co., rental fee etc Va. ,Office Machine Co., wQrk on Adding mch. etc. Noray Corp., rubber stamp N.,C. Logan, Clerk -Underwood Corp., maintenance agreement .on mchs. etc. United States Pencil Co., _office supplies Clerk's off. t~r~it Corp. f record paper and office supplies Clerk Robert Dawson, P.M. postage for Roanoke Co. Ct. office Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., reimburse Se~t. travel Charles L. Breeden, Jr., reimb. Sept. travel expo Robert Hyatt, reimburse Sept. travel expo Barbara So Cundiff, reimburse Sept. travel B. T. Crump Company, holsters, handcuffs Sheriff Dept. Raih:ay Express Agency, express on wearing apparel etc. John B. Stetson Co., wearinG apparel for 3heriff Dept. Sirchie Finger Print Lab., finger print supl. n salem Camera Shop, flash lig~t bulbs for $~~r,ttf n n Va. Assoc. of Chiefs of Poli~e, office supples Sheriff American Bakeries Co., fo od for' jail American Chemical Co., disinfectant for jail C. C. Bova Company, food for jail Brown Hardware Co., hardware etc. C. R~ Brightwell; elec. work at jail and C.H. DeLuxe Laundry Co., laundry for jail C. B. Halsey Co., foodand cleaning suppl. for jail Layman Candy Company) razor blades for prisoners Littlejohn Printing Co., office supplies Sheriff Dr.. H. J. Minarik, j~il physiCian salary Sept. Monarch Finer Foods, food for jail Murrell's Finer Foons, food for jail Owen Plumbing Co., plumbing repairs jail & CourtHouse Peacock-Salem Laundry, laundry for jail etc. Powell Pharm:,cy Co., medical s1.tppl. for ja,il and C.H. W. T. Rierson, fcod for jail Virginia Foods, food etf. for jail Clearbrook Lion's Club, Sept. rent on Fire Station , 79.06 16.50 225.00 9.01 '1,490.67 9$.78 120.93 375.73 93.87 45.25 6.00 20.00 25.00 8.56 19.55 86.00 16.30 756.56 25.00 35.07 53.55 37.03 27.51 55.82 4.45 47.95 16.38 10.50 21.75 39.98 47.02 6.50 16.74 104.60 13.08 131.75 11.48 52.25 100.00 63.15 92.9$ 4$.38 41.97 21.11 25.80 72.13 60.00 334 ." No. lM13 J. :J. Griggs and, W. p.. ;,itt, Sept. rent on C.5.Fire Sta. 16814 W. W. Garman, Sept. rent on,Mt. Pleasant Fire Sta. 16815 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., suppl. for Ft. Lewis Fire Sta 16816 Fuel Oil & Eauipment Co., fuel for Hollins Fire Sta.etc .16817 Fairview Home, Co's share of exp.main.home Dublin,Va 16818 Dr. H. J. Minarik, lunacy case 16819 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, lunacy cases 16820 Dr. Esther C. Brown, lunacy.case 16821 George Summers, lunacy case 16822 Caldwell-Sites Co., office su?plies 16823 Roanoke.Stamp & Seal Co., repairing seal 16824 Technical Reproduction Co., maps and blue print supl. 16825 Times-World Corp., publishing Zoning Bd..eetings etc. 16826 Salen: Farm Supply Co., pitch fork for garb. trks. 16827 Panama-Beaver Co., office supplies-.Clerk 16828 ,James B~ Peters, Treas. reimb. for postage etc. 16829 Appalachian Power Co., .current used in st. lighting 16830 F. L. Ayers, servo rendered as Dep. ,Registrar etc. 16831 Mrs. Janet L. Ballantine, s~ry. as Dep. Registrar 16832 ~4bel ~. Doran, servo r~ndered as Dep~ Registrar 16833 Mrs. A. B. HarriS, serv, rendered as Dep. Registrar 16834 Virginia K. RiersQn, servo as Dep. Registrar 16835 Maude L. Pbff, servo render~d as Dep. Registrar 16836 Roanoke r~lls, Inc., preparing voting list etc. 16837 Times-Register Co., publ list of all Dep. Regis. 16838 Blain Supply Co., janitor s~pplies Certified . 16839 / ~lectr1c Division