HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965-1967 II IJ J'III) IJI: S lJ I) I: I~\" SIJ I~S I~ I: I:IJ I~ I) IIIJIJI( l\';-'lJ~I1'l',! ._-...-c_......"'"'--""......______.~~~........;..'''''__'................~....:.__"........".,.~.................~__ ~_......""~~.~.. .,','_'-'_.::........-. ...-.....~'Iiiiiid~'~.;<,:;~ . CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ~. ,'",..',"."",., ~~~-_.,' . ...'-...... 0"'''''1, ,..-,..-," ," -"~" ,-".,.~. -.' ~ _.'-.-"...,,,.,,.-....."":'Ii.":1;'..it,:,'.,.I'?i~ VDLU YEARS = il GES= ---' - I r ! i - I FIL ED= .- --- ~~'r'~~~"",~' ._....',..,..-....,',.,~. CERTIFICATE OF AUTfJEllTICITY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERMANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET ~iERE ~1ADE AVAILABLE FOR 11ICROFIU1ING BY THE LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH OF THE ARCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTIONS 15.1-g, LI2.1-82, AND 42,1-83 OF THE ~~OF VIRGIN~. THE PURPOSE OF THE. NICROFILt-lING is TO PROVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS. ! I I I , ~i4W 71 w'~&'bJ (L.;,~.I d TE ' - APRIL 2, 1984 . I ~ !f ; 1 1 r j H " it . . ' ~ , AccoUllts- ~-'-u~~, 3,4, 5,6'~,6!._27,_2$ 29, 104 105 106, 107 ,120. 143, 161, 1$2, 3, 2 ~~,_ 4}+3. 464,4~?L_d_'_____.. 0!.43,44, 45, 46, 47, 4$,65, 66, $4, $5,86, 87, $, ,251,270, 292,293,316, 351,361, 384,4 0,42j., , -.,- ------_.._-----_.~. _._, ...............,' ACC_:~~.!lt Insuranc~ 401~~.-?Rof1+9346lJ:' ~~h __L.9d,13..,l~.~>~~~~23_~L25I'u_~16,~98, ?,~3 Apr:Ll, 1965, Meet:Lng -~, t9~~Meet_, _3_?o... __,__,________'__________ 3701 Allefu Edward S. Countz Agent, report fi ed - 9,,3~L.iO, 93,_1l3,.lo26,14~1~_L!~ 431,1+56,470,4~, ,- ,----------, Appalachian Power Company voucher-check 127, 15U;- 174, l.~;-2I9;23(,-'Z57;-'Z5 , etro active to date issued - 9,33,50, 51,93 94, ,299 j2~r;- 324,-371-;391,406;436;--455, -450;470;'471 :::;:a;::;:~::_d!;~:;::;::;~:;~ :; ; ;;~:~e~.~~~:~~~~~~~~~~! ~- 19L.- .. ,---t- Annual Report, 57th, of Virginia Highway Co sion filed -- 10, All~~a~~~nPuii~~ai~~in~~f~~~r~tig;;02; f{llr Pri~po~~ru<:_t.~o~Jl1I1~t.~~et~~r ~~ ,__Not'~!. A.!!PQ:i.nt.l!le.!lL....:r::liC,Ql!IIIlellds._t,Q,memb.ership_o.co lisioD-oLGaDle..and Tn1 "nd..fi:aheries,J~_ Wiley, Jr., - 16, AdmiIl;istra.~ion ()L~1!S.t:Lce, __~El.ncied _G~!le.ra .AEI' ClP!":L!l1;:LCln ..9.!:.di.!.I'i!1l::~,::-, )'..1,..2_8J..l7~~~,_} ~J 35~ 459 A~end:~'I~enel'::al_~PPE~priati~~ _()r<iillan~e - 17,_ $1 19?_,})!+".J,5,~',1.11t'--~~~L?6~,__~~4.13~'lJ_ ~5_,_~ ~L. ::;;nA~n:; =~~:;_::;,e.:::,~. :;~,if ;~ ;~._f.,..n.....'"",?&,,'= "'" --- ~ Audit '_~~tl~ ?!,_~~~~dS fl.f Ro.all~~eu count~ ,- J6~~~'___'____n_ __~________,____, " Authorized to sign, Chairman, Assurance 0 Com iance with Department of Agriculture for Roano e iIDl'tY'~:~ne-sha-re-or--Nat1:on Fo Fund Receipt" for "chmTl:s-aud <oads----J8; n ell. Frank R~.Jll_~beLp'f_.c.Clllllll!~t_e~ton__1ll _e,_r:.e ommendations for adoption of resolution ~ members of General Assembly to co sider enactment of legislation requiring all s rt ___..-!l-nd beer toJ),~JlUt,~.ll. re~ux:n,__dElpo. it bo ~le~!,con.!-.?iners__::_J9, __ ppli!:~tion of _~~~~s_~.' G~~~~11:~orp'ermit ~0_E.. k 5~lobile Homes on property ~ 40, 56, '----'-t Application of Lewis G.Rutrough for perm't to ark two house trailers on property - 40,' 56,1 ,116, ____,________,._u.._ ,.'-- ", ,--,.,- ,.-'---'-----'------:t.--------'-- -,- d 'ournment of _lIl.eeti.!Jg -,l,.!.,_6~,,211, 267, l!$._ __ L3.Q9-,~'--:Lt.3.2~ 360_-,- 361..!...:lll) .!.1.98!.,,4l!o, ~j01.!J:l1~Meetings~ 42,65, 2ll,267, 288,290, 09,351, ~59, 361,382,3$3!398,u,,_,____ dams, Mrs. Loyd, commending Board in mak' g pr v~_vion in Budget for increase in the sal ~chers----m-t_yuS_-a:rea-",l ,---- ,-- -- -------------- ' ppropriation Ordinance 52,102, 207, 243, 263, 84, 304,327,335,420, 438, 459, 477 ._,__,________, _nO' .,_, ____m_ ,_...____,._ ,_,_,,_ _, _"._'u,_,__________,__________LU__ I Assessment of Taxab~!r.op,e,r~y, AP,prOI>.r~~iO-n" 9:'dinanCe, - 52.207,_..EJLZ;5,. 477, __ Administration of ' '~~':.:! _A.!'.!'::.opri<'i~~()t.?!:d a~~~~ 52'_~.!_...397, 127_,- 477.L______ Advancement of Agriculture and Home Econ mics, Appropriation Ordinance - 52, 207, 3:15, 477, .. Audit of Clerk's Office - 54-,372, Audit of Juvenile and~~mes~~_c_J<~~!l.!:~~E__s, _~~z::t ~z:~_Roano~e County Court - 54 325, Annual Bu~~f.Qr,f~.!l~al__y.~r__ell~i.ll.g,June 3QL Application of Robert C. Brammer , permitf ~s::J/~-~:~;~::::~~~~~:~~;~~_;~b~::J~~~~, p'~,ers, Guy M. request Judge to appoint De,ttY pp1ication for purpose of borrowing from iter ,-- " lJistrfct - 60, ' JlJlr.ec:.iation of Dr. Horn's splendid Y'iorktPres certain 50. foot street kn nas 'll~.intment of members of Roanoke County lect pplication of Marvin W. Meade and Geraldihe L. ,. -- withdrawn - 99, I greement contractural between Town of Salem an ".' .. Contractors; ordered filed - lOr' ppoi!l~ment of member of Roanoke County We fare Board - 102, ugust 1965 Meeting - 104, 383, _~ settlll111t>>1.!~fT:r'easurer_ - llO" 111, 389, , udit of Sheriff's Off~c:!-= 112,_27~__,,__ ___un____..'_' 9.P(),_Jl~E1rtIllEl!l~_Q!'..f~b:L!c:,)IlEl:Lfa!e - 54, anted for period of 3 years for trailer ales e!:_for,~!"a:Ll.e!_!l<i1.esu].Cl.1;,~_22L _,_____ ,_ lic Trailer Park - 59, 99 _____. _.__,_n ,_ ___ n'.u"____ n__,___... .__~___._.__ ....._1_ _,__ ___.______ g Warden from list ~ 59, 334, ~pr~A I 11 1'-1'--'- ry Fund for new school building iA_C~y~ ed by member's of B()ard - 61, , Miller Street, &c - 61, ical Examining Board - 82,326, Meade for permit to operate pUblic trail r par 1 and Martin Bz:os-, Board of Supervisors, owners , I ~ jl Ii I i , _As~~sll!.4 YM~~ILIIlll!i~py~S,tate,Corpor n.-ct;.on.statements showing~,ll2-,}9~" ,. ~____, i~:f2;~~~'~::J:~::t ;:f::?~::.::=:,;t:~jour - 119, ------n7;-~------~-------.,-----"'" ..--~-. -( ~'_~"__~m'___'m_'~_~_., - .... '~'., ,~,~-.,-"--~,-~~~-- -,---., :-=::;::~~-:~~:~'~~::;~~o:r:::;1f:o:~t~~~~=;:::;:~i:;S~~i:~'~~~~~~~~~"~~--+~~~~ ~~~;--.".,,~ -.. '~-~~tl,=:'~;;8Jl:~~:::'l~~;:es~;v I :~i' i~~~~i:;.~~~at~~'c:.-~r~~i'~:'C:~::~~r-;~ ~--'-"~-- .__.."n'__'~.,n_._~,_,__, ~u..'~.'_'. g1 ,'",,!pp ..,. ",' d",__.'_~m.m" '... ~,----,r-....,- ._....~___ -- Au~~~~ag~~fg;~cc~;i~~~; . . ~~:1~;i~~t~~~~~~~!J~~~t~~_ i~_:..E'.~~l_ 1:. _~~~.: Anderton, T. V. appointed member of Sal -Roahoke County Civic Center CGIlIIllission - 135 '-~~i~~5~~i-m;Ui .. :lli~!~--~-;.;~;e '.z~:t'~;~a~io~~.at;i;",9'~~_~;~~~~~'S;~~~>'~ ~~.~ ',~f_____ ~.lltOll\Ob~eFl~~1:..LC~ty,--T""11I"anceon - 138, J407:, . . _,.. d'~ " ___ . ~_,_I__,,___ ., ~:::~:::::~c~e~~;::::;:~: so:~:ur ~~J tr/~:::~A:~::::~;~:::,e:~~~!J::~O '~:- --~k~---t-- -.--'-cOUiitY'cri'n:c-Center---~39,. . 't ,.,.. ,n... ..-'-".-- . .. ',,'.'-- .---.-,----- ,-Agreem~:~y~~m~~~e~e;.siJ9~ for eezi~ fioor andrefri~!ra,tionequi:!JII,en~_'_S .,811I,:_. ok,e,__._ Appointment of James A. Newton, to fill ex~ed 1:.erm or Edward B. Lassiter,resigned 140, --~~-------_._._.-.._--_.__.._._._--. -.------- -._-,.- ----.----.....- --- - ,--- . n .. --'.-...- - _'n -.----.-------.---..,- .,--."...-.._--, ~---"""-'-------_.._.--_...,--- --_.---- _.~--~-~ Audit of' Ro~oke _~~un~_SI!l'1i~a~i,011.~u~b~, .i~y jl.l?1_,_4?_6,____n ________'______,____. ___ ::::;~1:.:::~~::-;~~:;o~~;-~::k~r- nC1"1 o.l!_certail1 I?~~~~~_~14,J,Z~,._. ___ ,_,__ ___. ~~~Gj't;L.:tri!W,"'~t::h~~~.W.~~-i..~~~'~~:--- - -~'-':l~..~~=i}i~t'~;i:~~~J~i~Qd:~~~J d~~ttO?e::~~;~~1t~hIi~i~. ,~~!~~ ..~,.~U;J.~ ~~~. ~~.~~~c:...='__ A~dit ..l~f..!'eco!"ds ,C!!'_,~!!~C().~t1n~f!t().aIloke 8.!lS Irr,es~.__~Elt~~sLTr~_s..~~r.".:_.~~2,d,~4.'_. ,., ~__ ____..,____ Accounts and taxes colle~.te~.El1>~~!.n~., tn~_,_.coll~c:t_o.r.':' 19~,_37:~~____'___"__.__.n___.__., ____~. Application to State Corporation Commissi foila Certificate of Public Convenience and eces ity as ,. -Garrier---from---Henry- *.---F~l .-'~r2 ,. _m -- -- .u.'___u___.,__ ---.. ------ - AuthOr1Z1!t,~I!,f~I'..Jl&YJII~t_~f~g state_l"~C 1 HOji pital bills for Ro~oke Co~t)' lt~~re ,B ,~t!., _~}_,.~73 reas ~~:~,~-C~l1~~~;~R~. o~:X:o;~,~,(l"~. em,J,i. .d.i~,'.,iib, ~aran, ce ,lette,r" fr." om, He.yward, ~', Ho:!,:!! _~~~ ent!.,~en 'Se udi1:. of 1:.he Coun1:.y ,~~...!t,~8.l1o~!, prof,e,ssio ! se~ces rend(,lrE!d.!nc~nnecti~ll!.i~_:,~~~.!. _ 1____ 2:?:~~~f:~~~:qE.~tf~:f~::::~~:':.~:. :~: :~'" ,. --.-----. -.--t..-..-- ---. ..'.----.,...,-.-----.,-,-..,-,.,-~, , ser St;ate~.!P~a1sal_~or~.!Iti~J1!"eJlO ._gd"..li:.22ZL~_ .m_ '___m'_,___,___.___ ____ Application of Valley Water C~~~y .~o.r..__a. %"e~4..c:>nC).i'~_i~~_l:"Il~!8.i'C)1",_~~~_lI'at~~_ se ce I 227, Attorney employed for this ~!'d_":C!,-".!'~~ Jl,.~l.lipll~.?1t9J.. '_.,.."...'.~.,' ,.',_,.__.__.,_ Appropriation to the Burrell Memorial Hos tal ~ 246, Annexation suits, Commonweal~'s A1:.t~~; ~;~~t~~--~o'.r~;~~~nt -~~~~k~~~~~;-~-~l~-~ ~8Ti1U - 247.----'.-'~--.~ .r.' .,.,"",.," ,.".., "~-.,-~ ... '--..-~.-...,'--" ,--,--, 'm__.__'____, Aunexa1:.ion, Notice of proceedings - 248" II --_.~--------_.- "'-------...---;-..------. --...'-'-.--..-..-----. ----'------. -- .------._--------.------ =:;.:~::-;; ~~;':,i-;,:;...~,::: -~~.~~l:,m:~.':;:,.:,.,:~l. y,~C,;,:~:~::k:~,~;~ h'f;;;- . PP1.~~::~uC)~;t:~n~ T~4~~~~-COrJlO:ation for t" :tificate of Public Convertienc~ and~~c, ,~~~ a~,~~__,_ pplication of Tennessee Trailways, Inc., .f1or c ' tificate or Public Convenience and Neces ity I S a '.-'c:olllllfon.carriEfr-:;-26,; ,. . " .;" .., . ,,'. . --,~-- ____h,_ Application of Thomas G. Powers for permi~ for ~ilding Hobile Trailer Court - 266, 283, I . A~ic-l~~~f' I~cor~ration or Roanoke counJy SaJ.tation Authority amended in order to spe ify 'urther --,'- ---,- ,pro, jec, tS..,to --l)e'undertaken by the aut. ~ritY1',". and to change the name of said authority -, 26 '''28,9. ,'-'- _ AJlplic~i()n__of E. .R. Jones for permit to k t~ailer on property _ 282, Adoption or certain amendments to Article of :tltcorporatlon of Roanoke County Sani1;ationl Au~hl ~~;y andcharlge of name of Authority, pub ic hearing ~ 289, 304, __ Amendments adoption of c~ain to Articl~or ~cCirporation of Roanoke County Sanitation Auth rity ",...__ and change of name of Authority pub c h~inl!: ~ 289 304 ' - ~c.tion onadoJltion or amendments to Artic s o:r:; IncO'rporadon or Roanoke Coun~y Sanitati n Au] hority I deferred untU adjourned meeting - 2 ,304-, ' ~ .,----- Account, Harry B. Cannaday, claim not allqwed ~! 298, Allocations, Secondary System - 302, I " I ' I " Annexation, opposition by citizens of Oak ;Grove Area - 303, i Aer.ial, ,,~,a,.y Drive i,n Bl,ue R, idge, , Park for rnf'ustrY. resolution providing public hear,ing in 'onne tion . ..~~\;~~;tC::i~~;:,~~~oke Valley De elo,ent Corporation to permanently vacate an . clo e I I Amendments to Zoning Ordinance of Roano e i i' co~ty - 309, !I " I ,~ppoin~additional DeE,uty Dog \-Iardens r to - 315, ,Appoint ,member on committee of Total Ac ion ainst Poverty in Roanoke Valley - 324, ,A,pl?,lication of Utility Services Corpora ion - 325, ,~nnElX~tion, employ Certi1'iedPublic Acc 349, }~{l.E!ication, Dumont Corpq~ation, permiss on f r use ~ract of land for sale:s anddis,pla ofr , mODiIe names - 350, 360,397, Application of Alfred C. Altieri, for peruss on to add trailer spaces in I~arolina Mob le Ho e '" ~!~r~l, - ~~~~!c~~~n for permission to a~d tr' iler spaces in Carolina Mobile Hom~ P;rk -3L ,~80, I A,~~ce ?rJt>an_,of money to Roanoke count' Pu lic Service Authority - 357, ~~~'" m__ __ ,__,_ __!,c~ount of Harry B. Cannaday for Hens in ured or killed by Dogs - 357, _. ...A1!JI.8Xa.tion, opposing petition filed - 35 , Annexation, counsel to take appropriate eans ~ngefr~aji:;~s~~:sBOa?J9goes on reco;d a _.u__.___"_,____.__... Advisory Committee appointed, Consolidat . ~"-_..__._-'-- - o prevent of any area that will deEI'ive ssing regret at illness of .. 360, eement - 399, ount of '1'''__''__'_ .._- ---.----. ....---....- Ad Hoc nominating committee to nominate c ndid tes for membership on local advisory Boa dO,t . ,n COiDmtiility College, member appointed _ 09, r Advisory Board 01' Community College, memb ap inted to Ad Hoc: :1ominating COll\111;tt,eet nomi -ca!id:fdates'formembershipon local bo d - 09' . !pp.!'aldec;i,sion of alUl.lilXation court in ma ter l' HenryA. Davis,Jr. vs. Coun1;1 of.l~Pan~e,_":n Advisory Committee, extension of time in epa ng consolidation agreement be~eenthe C '--Roanoke'and County of Roanoke'" 437, Agreement Consolidation extension or time in -"1;j7;' . .., " . ,nn~tion.,Generalappropriation ordiunce - 43 :, uthorizing the acquiring of certain prope y i '---1;1..1;--' n,.' n A!!i~LF'r~,~.voucl1er-eheck retro-acti et() date - 455, Ar!%,~,.(l,lly,_V~~<:h~-nc~eck i!lsued re~ro-ac iye 0 date-::_456~_ Audit 0 ?~oke ,C,ountY,Public Service Auth~rit~42~'___ . ,____. A intment of member of Roanoke Valley RJgiO Pl~nni~g Commission - 471, Au~t ~i-R~;O~<i.S ~~ Delinquent Tax COllec~or 0 RoanOKe County - 472, ,', ' __,~ on _,_ ndersl)n, Marian E.et al amend County ZO;ng Oinance, ~o permj,t property to be used fo .~ cqui:rUJ;rtg~e~:gaeg;J-g~glJ7~o Bernard C ok e als contract between Boar~ ~~ ~uperviso, ; ;~' ---- --'1roano'ke'C-ountyand The Roanoke Count,.. Publ c Servic-e-Authortty""lj.lIo', ..,- ,..,,'.., cqu1sition and operation of water and S-8W ac lities , temporary loan from Board of Su rvis rs ppala~:i:~.~lj.~k.er Company, contract with anok C~untyBoard of SUJl8rrl~~~ ;~rlding t ;';t- et iglrting-'&e- ... '4/tl, . ". . cIams,_~ard C. voucher~check retro-activ paring between City of ROaIl,oke.anci C(lunt o,t. the Town of Salem, Resolution, Bernard ... - -- -.---.._... ook ate of issuance - 488, - - - -.. ,nn~. Sta~.!!l.t!~,ca.l Report, Roanoke. County e ion Unit rgeg- 490."., __ ,.", .,.,. ... ____ nnual Narrative Report, Extension Unit Pr gram filed - 490, ----"'--t- .._v ~f~~T,~j;~;;:~ ~;~~: _ ~~~~.=;=!- ,..-- =~::::::t:::;:::~:: ~~eaWr'r:Uj~mio;;,;~,.~~~.~v= ,_,,,,,__ _gr!~ent, ~!4se with Roanoke. 'Valley Hocke Clu, Incorpora~ed - 496, .,,' , "__ _Jl.P()~tment of Advisory Committee to Board of 5 ,ervisors and Roanol!:e COWlty Lil>rary Bo d.,,-,,4 I ~dvisory Committee appointed to Board of up sors and Roanoke County ]~ibrary Board - 496., I I I APPRO RIAT,ONS Roanoke Valley Safety Council referred 10 Ordinance 52, 83, 102,134',263.304, I I I Bu et Committee - 10, r--' 81, 92, 93, 109, 112,125, 126,148, 149, 73, 256,.257,276, 238, 299, 322, 32),370, 90, 69. 470, ~~~_L ___ ___'_____.__ ___ ' ~1~il;_9I~ 16';'2 i.A~'4~l:4ioJ,.;'fJ_:.l.74>--J,.gQ,.2 0-,- ...!,ll!, Blue Cross Insurance - 7, 31, 32, 49, 1M, 218, 219,23 , 237 _________-405.429, 4JO...A5. Boone, C. E. Sheriff, office and travel '. ..-. u.' ., ,.. .258 ,n 27'i'; 299, 32 ,...-_.~._-------~_. .--..._-"- -----------~-- --,-----.---.---.- -_.__....~-----+- BOOn!l.~....!~~er!~!:,s.m~2~$-;_l~~;j~!j~ u:Ji ,3i3l,Q4~~-l#;t~: .J.49,J.'l~),8.2~-22 ~ _2;3 _, n'___ ,,~~ne -'.,~... E..~heri;ff, voucher-check ret o-ac . ve :to AatElissu,ed- ~,}},' .3ZJ:,_ .._ ,., ,,_ .,1.- Bids filed for purchase of F~!:El_~~_-:.~,,26 Budge.!.Co",-mittElEl, ,RoaIloke \Talle:rSafety: Coun , . ;o::::p~~:::.~n.!efe~:~: ~:-_ -.~~,~-'.'=~_:E.=~ rty situate on U. S. Route 221, 14, 261 ..__._ ,_ ____._____.____.____.__ _ ..______.._______1 ~~<?n, ..charles_ H~_e:t_al urezoning of Bowman, Fred L. .~eti tionfo.z:..!'Elz~~lI~ _~._,p.!'p . ...J3..Q~d,J"W:~.~EJ'Oin~ec!. ()n_,committee ,1;() re rese Council of Community Services in Econ ~r.@'clJ-, .Cab.eJ.!.La'p1?(),i}l..tlilcl,c:m Cl'nn:n,i,~J;lil ..,1;0._" Valley Council of Community Se .ces' . ~0~~r~~~.'A~~<l~~iM4!l~~'t~~.~Q.~OK P~~,~~~~~Q~i}~r~~t~~'.~6~a~!ln~4~_wi~. -9a1!.<2. e ~dge~L~~~Il~.!<~\~oUJClt! ~_cl:o~1t:~!.,~9~~-:?~6__ le~_~~!...!~~l:e~~~~~_-=-~.!..]. 966.:-1967 -_ .13ird sanc1;~lary edtablishing of public h ari .. Belf~!".d_""-~o~l>' ,est<i.!1.1.i::>hilllj;of ,bi!d.flan t\1<l.r. - 21, _Bo111lcl~~,~S,_,.::lt~g~Li.~_ voti,l!g ,p;oe.cJ!lct . ' ~lington an.d.~?l~~ns Road precincts c Burlington Precint:~~_!1.<?.un~~j,.e~,=,~?L_ _,_,_, _B-E'1i~.<?~ El~ll!le.n~<l.,ry_Scl1oo.1, vot~ngpl ce f Barrett, Brenda. Assistant Home.Demonst 190, 220-;'~yg-;-z,S-;-'277i-'}OO"J'24; ing P!!iCElfl, ,,": .21" ,r, an<!. c:re<l.tillg.I1~ _ pre,cinct..::, ,.22-,_ .. _Bu1-~~n~l?nJrE!c:ill,ct. ::-. 2~, __..____..._ Agent r9Jiort filed - 32 50 a~ ll3 12 J:, '407,"4 ,45b,4'7O';.7i!t9';_-,",-1.....>.. --'- ,-, Bird.,~a_nc~1:l~:ry~. grd,!~llcEldecla,r:ing and setti Beer, soft drinks; committee appointed 0 mak 'oc5ttTes.'or-contatffers. ;';'J9';--." , - _~~~n-,- A!".I1<?!(iA. SUl?eI'~nten<!ent CJf Scho Is r _ Bud~.E!!-.~_PlJbl!C:_~Elar:i_ng ,aci.journeci meeting - 1;.1 _~dget, syn~psis prepared ;.. 42,303 I , Budl!:et~sca.!.n~_1.2.65':l.99tLC.oPY_.QCdet.ail. Bud e~J__nQ.~c:.e_l?f ..EU,!)l!chearing.h!lvillgeen Budget, Annual for Fiscal year ending J e 30 Ued...=._42->--.__, 9-:ve~sEl..i_,~o OIlEl_!l.'ppe&!"J._llg..!~.E..5>.!:_'!~!;~. .lb. 26 1966, of Department of Public Welfare - 54, BraDllll~r, .Ro~,:rt ..c~.l'.El::~~_~_a~tedJ~X:_!le iod f,}ye!l!~~.,~~!"_t!ai~.':E_~~e~ot..-=-??,,-__ Board of Supervisors, contractural agree ent etw"e.ll.I1~!t,e_T~..<?.f_~.al.~1I! ownez:s-,._and_MaI:' COlitracl;ors-oraerea-rUecr-';'lU2 ,...- , . Borrow moneyfoz:..l1Ieet~Ilji..c.a:S.IJ<l.1...'<>I',<l..c.t;.\18 _d,ej: ci.~..!I!..Q~!1~z:.~_Co~ty _ Operat~~!1.~ .,!15, 262_ Borrow sum from ~e Board of Trustees of the , cons~ruCUOn or scliOOIS-;;- UZ;491t,n- .-- Board of Trustees of the Virginia Suppl ent. ~94t--m.'--'_--'----._,.".-" ,.-..-,..- =:;~:i:'~~;;:;;r~=~::;O ~;~~;~.,.': -~~.160:~__~ Baile;~.-~~~~'~o~en C. pas~or-,-~61, ' 'I ,-.---- ----- ______u'm__ ---,- . Bankruptcy deducted from Payroll for Re,se C 'llection and Janitor Services - 173,188, I. . - ..~:::r:, E:::S ~. A:;;:~::::, t:o:::::::r' :0 r: r:;a;:~::b::i:;t:f 0:~~::a:::n~e~7~~ B~i ding --- ,. , Ordinance to assist contractors in d te 'ng depth or seweragElfaCil1ties - l!ll, I' .." ,Board of Trustees of Virgi1~~~pg}menta~ Ret' emen~ SystEllllc agreed to purchase .certain~onds Bonds, purchase of certain by/Trustees 04 Vir nia Supplemental Retirement Systerm - 1 , ,~ell Memorial Hospital Appropriation 0 the ~ ~6, Baasle,.. Thomas H. Jr." et al reques~ au ,rt l' Boardo:f retaiD.f..gg Ben~ Mountain Rural Post i '.Service Route and free local dialing ele ClIt service - 247. I I Bent Mountain r"~idents request support Boa of retaining Rural Postal Service Rout and i ree .,. ,~~~,l:;~~fse:e.~e Ji'e~itfl w1.~ pre enta1;ive. fr.<llll. State.. HiginfllY Dllpartmel1t - 250, Bentz, Ralph E. .!,:,~,~e~t,.;:~,~=e~.~x:g_.- 267, ."_ u ____________. .,.., \., ,_ ~I .~_nia S~!emen~ Retirement!. S tem f r the .!iEl!~~El~.t.~18.~~!:,~r_,c:.onstruct~~~!.. s ools Blue~~~~~;o~~~ir~~i~~o~O:;da~~ ~~~, rirs~f/i~Z~:idl~a~~P:or6t to assist the Comm IIlW_e.li_h!L____'__' .~L~:r~d L., J;1..ev:Q1;El~sting,I"ezo ,ng!f certain_prop~~i' ~384, . . __,_~,,,J.'3~_~po.s,~,taxes, on,.shues of st01n ~ocated 1nRoanoke, C01Ol1ty ~ 287, 348, " _,_B.ob Cut_t~_!'.o~!'i,ac::Llnc...! vouCl1er,-check retr,oi!-activeto date - 299" .. ,." "dU ____'___ --,B1~-~fl!i~~~oi:r~ail~i~~~~~e~~sg~i~~ ti~~i~i~~~~e~~~i~a~:~i~~d i~l~~:n~;~l~n w ~~ A~ i-iic~~;~l1,--, Drive - 308 330, Ii ,.-- '_"'_-,...--..~----_.~-_._~. ___.._n.'___ .-.-.___' _0"'" u. _ .". '. __ .'. ',.___".... _0__ _ ...._...~___._.._~_ ., B~~!ci"l>.fZo~~ Appeals, request to ap int r 314, " __~~1;l'!.e.L!~ll!1C.,~,Opa,lJ). rezoning eW"ta1n~property - 3.31,432, r I, Buz:nette,_~gli8EJ!~~tl.~~J:rd:~, ~quest, Judge Hoback - 334,__ _ ,. ____13.~~dgoes on reco,rd afl expressingfillnrss Of Supervisor Frank R. Angell -.360, _,_B1l~l_E!!,lor'~alclwe~l, discuss1.Dg Roanoke lMetr*politan Area Study Commission - 382,397,+ I Bowman, Carroll M. appoin~ed on advisor; couJittee, consolidation agreement - 399, -'--'-'---.--- --.,..-,--, ._n._n_. "',---"'- -. --- ---. -J" . ~-- -. '_~__' .-_...' '. _ Beckner, VelUe H. voucher~check app'ov'd re~ro-active to date - 430, ~-~-- -_.._-_.._....,._-_._~__. un._ ...... __U' _ _ ..., "___. . _ _ !i __ Beckner, Paul., voucher-check approved r tro-Jctive ~o date ~ 4.30, ='_-'~!~~..!_~c~_~~.,;ou<:~er-check ~;p~ove re~~~-ac~ive to- date - 430, ~~~,__~a""_!()~cl1Ell"":,:~eck_,appr~ved ret o-ac%ive to dat! - 4.30., Bank of, S~lem_L!.o.uch~..c!1_eclc._r~ro-ac:ti e to!!date of issuance _=- _43.0,431, _B)I~-d,.!IaITy F.Sr., de_ceaSed, resolution to b~ prepared and transmitted to family of - ~1.8! 1461,____ Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County a d T.Jn of Salem, extBnsion of time granted MaI!tin others -----Contra-c-cors,-'Thc.-,-for erection of al~foanoke County Civic Center _ 439. ,-, --'~ -.- -- _n -__,__u ~, A,cie_ J., voucher-check retro-act1 e to rate issued - 456, _j _, , _ ,_, __ _,_ ~. Bratt.~~-,-- ~rnes~ !,~_~ ~1Ill1B. ~ re-zoni C+in property _- 4.74" ~ ,__ _ ,_ ,__.u__u__ Bridge on U. S. 221, near State Road 688 wid+nng of - 480, ---------.,-,-'.'-,-- -, , -- t.., "--,,-- Brand!1;~t1;er!._~_~-'_wi<i,eningo~,_bridg' on t S.221, near~~ate li08:d.6~~u:-_~~~" .,., --,....I Boar: o~~~,~~, n, oio~, ~~04:n~.~. ~~j, ng.o,n1;~t~e~:~~v~o,'~!.,:.. !~s~\~,~, '!,~e,---,?~.un, ~y._""u_ Bc?ard_~LSnu~:-~r~_ ~r8IR~oke county~ontr+t with Appalachian Power Company pl"l)vi, street ."..t -.., .i b' ,.ll~ ~~_!i.. ,_!.ou~er-check retro-ac1ive ~~ date of issuance - 4.88, ~'J.l' _.B:u~tL .L_~_~n, re-~oning cer~in toPe1Y - 491, __ ,_ _,u' _u._ :~~. '..i.~f~n~ndum _requ~t .~~~ schoo_1s, _~ tbliC~improveme~ts ~,~95~ ._.~__ '. . d .-:is-, Donald E. of Roanoke Council for entally Retarded Children, request appropriat on f ~ ,..~ 'ot--reerea;tion't'or'lllental:lyretar< ed -c~ildrenor 'the-Roanoke Va'lley"-495,..- "''0 . ":.L..HlIrn.,n, ~~,~,1;()._l'M!ccI!_~ t;~~d 42.~J'_.n '--'___'___,_".,__u'__ n" '~~, If :~..!_~p_~~~~ t~~ar~, ~o~~_t.te :: 4!6 ,_ H u____ Board of Supervisors and Roanoke County L brut Board, appointlllent of Advisory Committe to 496, - -----~.- --,.-------.----. .-. ....,.. - _. '~'__"_'_._. __.____._O__.~._.__._.__.O._.___._.._._____._d...__~ Burto~, A~~~lill.-u~in.t~YJUlqvisClJ:'y.Cllllld.t~e!l.~.o. ~cl,Clf'~U12~~Or~~.<!,~O_~Clk~_~ IUltl. T4br Board - 4;N, Ii . -,---.-----, -.----,.--,-,-"--,,,.,.-- "_., t.. .., ,Ij Ii -TO" r __ :L '.-:~~=I fo -I'u- ,--,._-- I ! ~ .i_ J I I , -1 , , , I I i , i I ! i ~ F ~ " i. f :: I' :i I. i i ! . II ,i 22, JO. County Payroll app!oved - 7, 31, 49, 92, 109, 25, 148,173,188,21a. 236, 256,276,298, 390,405, 47.9, 454,469, 487,: C--~_Pd;,i~{~9~fg*~'~~i~:~~~~i~!l~3-f,~r30i; N7~e 2~~, ~1~; 2~9S;"j1j~12t;;-~f-:-~i: 9(06: 431r!' -~---,--,-------- ,,_., -.,' ,--- --,----_.'--------,-,-----------,._,------,,-,-,_.-,. Cave Spring ~<i:~er(;oJ!lP~y, _vouc~er~c:he,ck retr~c:~iv,L1;Q.gat~J..!l~ue.d_~,_,9>__5),>-_,:J,,5_Q'_,~;L.9 _?11~ 488, ----- -Cul.~~~~~fjJ_~e.;;.,c:f~ldo;~bh;i;j~N k ,1.\ .,,-al:~i:v,~_.~o_dat_~,_i!l!lu.e~t~_9,'J3,J.,21,,_9.3,L.1h~8 ~ s tentative allocation for Interstate -n~t1.'ClfC)t"""Pubttc_'treartng5 ordeI'ed filed COllllllission of Game and Inland Fisheries, vaca oc:c:urLI'e~(lIl~ll1eIl!i_ap~,i~J!l.er:t_~f",F~. WJ.Tey;-W;-;t.ij"membershfp"16, - , COmmitt~~ ~tPI-~e~jC)Ttm~k~~Vh~~r2~ti. ciiP~ ~t~~{?~~}~~~I1:;~~, Ec;.~~mic _9pJl,Q,_ _~!lJ:t , , COJlDD()~e~J,1;h,~1l _ A_tyo;:neY"amendec::l General .r:-iati,().!l_Ordil1ance ":_17,)0l,.,,, .city_ofli~~nolce rezoning of certain prop~ Bellll~e_I. Ni!11nger _E~tate to bed~scusll<.l. wit Clerk 's..Qff_~~~L.!!.Cl<i!loke C.Cl~'t;,~ ~__~c:ilas_e ,~.t:~:r:~Il,El._i,Il__-2_()L_ ____,____________ Caldwell-Sites Company, purchase of safe or u e in Roanoke County Clerk's Off'ice - 20, Changes ~nYoti~~Precin~tBoun<!aI"ies and Voti ,plaC:E;lIl_- 21, Combining precincts and creating new prec.ncts - 22, ~eatingn: p~~Ci~cts and combining prec.nctsll- 22, ..,,-.---- ________. __. . '.," _,_ _. . ._.. _ .,.__' "...... . .__.. _ ... __!' ..._. ._. ___n__ Cave SE!:ing Preci!l,c.!' _!',ede.J.~!!E;l_,b~da.:r:ills nci_J'toV.i.E.ll._V'(),~~I1~__~lilC:ll__-:_~3! _____,_,______,___ ClearbrQ.o~ Px:.~.cj.!l.ct_;:edeJine . boundaries a d PI" yid!!. _V'Clti.Ilg__pla.c:.e..-:-.-_ 22,-,_ ,___,_ ..,_ ___ Change _~e oL~re..c.iIl,~t,,-_~2~ Clearbrook Pl'll~inc~.!-.!>~un~ary: 3_2,'--,___ nm,' Clearbrook E1El!D~!!t..aD',_~,:h()()~ vo~ing place Cave Spring P~eci~ct _h.l:)~.daries -_2~,., Cave ~pr:i.~}I:i.gl:!"Sc::h()ol :voting, place for Collins_,..Jl.!,~,ga~,A~'_J'rayel'" -26, 120, 2 for lll.a!~ook_ ~.!'e,cinc::t. ~~-'-u ave ;~~n~~p~:~~;ct -~ _22,~~.~-~=,=_~~~'_-.=,l~~,-=_ 2, 2 0, 42h____ __.._ . ..._____u_n_____..______.._.____.. .._.___ ._.____... .._ . Chairman authorized to sign Assurance of omrl ance with Department of Agriculturein 0 ---"--Roanc:ike--County to'receive share of latJ.o al Forest Fund receipts for scnools arid Change in pre_sent_ c:.C?.unty__g,EvllI'IlI11l;!n,t__r,eco, .,E!nda. i"o.I1~bJ: mLe~~_~ _ E<!<!L=-~~!__._,__~,_____ deI1 f r . oaJs, " Committee appointed to make rec~mmendatio s re uiring soft drinks and beer to be put in retur --'--aepOsit-15ottIes-6r--contiii"rle'rs- 39', --. - ,,'.. ".,-.-"-,. - 'n..____ ..., -,-..-,---.-,--- .-.,- Clinch ~all~.Q.ll~g~LJo~ntI~soJ"t;..1;J(ln_o _f.ou ~JI:_ Bo~rd -~9f _~~]l~t~.:i._sors and County Schoo.. Boar WJ.se County, VJ.rgJ.nJ.a, relatJ.ve to xpan J.on 0 -~:, ' Cul).en. )1:J.J..is,_E-'_~lic;,aj;i-..Q.!1 _f.~,_.Pgr!l)i,:t__t ., ..Pil.r _.59.JIQ,l<i.J.f!JI,QI!l~_!l.,9!LJ?!'.Q.Qer.:t..L::.Jr9J.._____.___ ~:::~-~~~::~~:U;:n::~~~~::::~~~: ,:~~ ~._~:~~~0~~:::;~:,Q~~~:~~;~ R:n::et~~' ~::::t::~~~t::~~:~e~:::0~~;;~~;~:1,i- ~::; ~~~;n~~,' '~~;!;:~~~~~}:}d~~~~-=- 52 :-;},~84 335, ,- 1+59'.-''477;------ ,no h --- un, HI ...u ..'----- -- ---- --. u----,_.,,__~r___,_ Crime Preven~ion an<!, De~ecti()'!:!.... A!>.pr:~!lr.iaJic:m- _di'!:8nce,_-_1~L 2QZ, JJ5_, 47_7'--____ .. ____ ____'___ Capita~OUt~a!,_A~pz:opri.a.t_ion Ordinance - 52,2 , 335,477,. . . --'.-1..- Count.!_L':~!_,Gen.eral for year 1965 - 53,3 6" n -.,1-,- Clerk's Office, Audit of = 54,372,472, j ~,' Contract of Robert C. Brammer with h & U 1obilelHomes f'or trailer sales lot - 55, I! C,,-l1f~;on and Disbursement of Taxes and ~her evenue, General Appropriation Ordinance, relia, H. J. appeared before Board and diFcuss,d fire protection in Cave Spring Distric Co~ty Administration amendment to General App priation Ordinance - 83, losing County Ofrices in Courthouse Buil 84, 118, 180,249, 267,285,392,475, i i Clerk's Orfice, Circuit Court, Statement Rec ipts and Expenses for year ending Dec. 3}, 196 , filed and ordered to be publish 94, It. I onner, J.E. e~ al granted permission to e th ir property for purpose of storing and r pairi music and amusement machines _ 1. 0, ' ,. , ,--' onner, B. E. & Vivian E. rezoning propertr sit ate on south side of State Secondary Route No.! 720, Order - 101 128, t' . .1 :r Contractural Agreemen~ between Town of Sa em an Board of Superv~sors, owners, and Mart~ Bro~, 'u_ ,- '., , '-C-o~ractors'ordered filed - 102, ' " " Cl~_a~.1lg ,~JCterior.Qf J~Qal),()l<:e _ !l.ounty ,C,Clurt QUs e lQJ , j::,,_ _ I - , i I I C~tl.Tthouse, C1~aning exterior of bUildi~g - i03, L (:~nsr, o~~pur,i!!.:O,'" s:~O,-fJ,2';rr,',uow ~om BOardkTrus.~ tee,' of th.e ,Vi, rv. n,", ", SU,PP1em,e,n"tal.,., ,R.',etirJme,~t;.flSt;_e!ll' ,J~lla~_ 1;0 ap'po~~e!i CODIIIlittee withrek,ese~tat:ive from each.l(agisterial Dis~rict tl) stud, .."...'._, -C~'~'~[~~:{iif f;:;tft{y 0~e~~~;11~ _fg;::~~?~~i~~s:~:~e;";3.4pill~ric:t;fl. ap~ "t;~~1 y,._, .'.____._ ,C;l1apllllIl,W. F'~,. Manager, of the Town ,f saJ.J;un et al authorized to approve c~eord ruas !ss_u,e~J!r,_,. Wells & Meagher, Al'ehitects, in reiVd't-o ~alem-Roanoke County Civic Center ~ 135, ca,~,!fu:, ,-..J~W,' Pr.e,Si, dent" ot.BroOklawn, COol Inc+ suggested consideration of pureha, se,of'," at.er.,s",ys.tem,-",_l.l .C.ob~"J(rs.Lo~requestingdrainput der r!!>ad in regar~,towater backing .1IP -,138,1... ~~~~ee appl)~nted to make study of n ds4 to fire protection ~ 139, I --~:~:~;t{:ciJf~~~1~:~~:~r :::t:. f:;l1;;e:~:E&~~o;o~~~:i~::;a~~~~ e: o=:~___ "SUem..;,lloanoke--CountyCivic Cen~er- 139, ~ ., ""," ' C()ntra~t, . or "purchase agreement signed or freezing floor and refridgeration equipnen ,S em- Roanoke ounty Civi'c"Center ~ 139, ' l:QllllllolMealth!s At't;orney _~alary and expe se a~C01L.'lts filed - 152, 192,431,477.. if .' 19 Commissioner of ~he Revenue salary and pen~e t'ccourt s f11ed - 152, 2, 431, 477, Cook, Bernard, rezoning certain propert - 1~4, 1913, "'. . , ,. ,.. ". . if' Chairman 01' County Citizens Committee f r Cots01idation of Roanok~ Valley, petition f r reerendum I'--.-.-'on' question' or-consolidation on be aU "f entire County - 150, ., , __..Count,y CJ,'t;..ize.!l.l3__CQllII!littee forConsolida ion k ROanoke Yalley,pet:i.ti()n fQZ:,referenci.. En .~~:t!.o.!!..._ n-,QQM.offci~~~g~~~a~~~~0~~6J2~27f;~~1:e~fH ~ l'gr~~fer;MUm~~h'.:~:St;iOn of c()nsolidati()n.ol!,_b. entJ.re County - 15, ,"8Z, ': __C~, lienryE. andEdnaM. rezoning of erta!n property - 156, 195" Carter, T. A. Jr., et als, re-zoning c ainliproperty - 158, 197, ---....,---, -.-- ... - IT'- _Cit;l.~fRoanoke, Water Department, vouc er-c*ck retro-active to date of issuance - 1 --,-2_ , Circui_!_C.c>~,..G~eI'al A.JlpropriatioI1 dina~ce amended - 178, ,459, ,. I Coun~y Court - General Appropriation Or nan~e amended - 178, 304, ______.____._._,~____.__ ._~__.._. .... .... - ___ ,n_ __. . . ~._ _ ClO~ing_~Ul'ltl.Qff!cEl~ .1'01' CJ:.lristmas - eo, 475, c __~~~~s.,__1.<!6J,.~.?~idar ~leo, 475, ~ Committee appointed ~o stUdy feasibi1it~of ~king changes in Building Ordinance to as ist ontrac~ .-----tors-in aetermining depth oi'sewer e f~ilities 181, ' County of Roanoke and James E. Peters, Ireasuil"er, audit of records - 192,494, _._~ --.------.-"--~. ...- --_.. ---", -. . ,l! II c~g~~~t.e of ,~~blic_~.oI1venience and Nefessi~y as a Common Carrier from He~,M~~~e1__1l_.._, 92!...~?~-,__ , I ~;::~~;:~~~~ Q~:~~~a::~:::b~~C v~;t:::iF;:c:: ,~e;;:~-~4~; ~s from, HenryM..,~ie~~.~~ 2 ~~~-'_____ ~:::::::' :/:::=~-~~::::~~:: ::t::t:: "::~::~:~.;~~:':~~'-,.--.. .'-., ________. ___,___,________.n ...._..__. __._'_.__._ n_ ~ ... _.. '. "',_,_______,_,_.,___ ..._ ,_,_ _.'. .__ t. "__ ___.__ _._.____._~_._ __" _____.___..__ Citlm Roanoke VB. County of Roanoke et I als lHe necessary answers regarding ownershi of rtain sewer - Conso ed'at~fOcWO:~-~Wt~-;;;flJiedi~~,r~~P1~ent Of"~t~o~~y ~~'aS;is~ 'C~~~~~al~h' --~~~ ;~~;-.~ -repres-enting-cuuu~y "'--Z11:,' ,., 1';" . '''. .,., .., 'm__.'_'_. ----,.--- Consoli~atio~agr~~e_~E~.r1; fi,l:d b!~aul ~'Ma,tthews, Col111ty, Exectlti:.ve,O~~ceJ:'::' .~~ .L.. " Committee of County Citizens for Consolidation 01' Roanoke Valley pe~ition filed - 227, ..____'____'u_____,_______,__,_.___u", , 'r" ,~., . '"n,.. "'n' .,. ..--'--_.-'__ ._____ =f C_.!lida"""-,,..'all"': -........" - 241- f. . .. . . . - . u .u.. . - ~::;~;!;:;l:;~~:y~~::;::_ :~::~:,:n:~:o::: ::::- ~:::~:e:: _:d =~:: :; ;~~~;~9:1 -t:~~,~~~'S~l~ a.ppo_in~ed to s~udy jail jt'acil~ties and other pllblic building needs, - 2 9,_, "_'._ __.__ Closing of County offices on Saturday - 249, 267, 26;, I ----- ~ ~ M I ' I __ ~ County Offices, clOSing of on Saturday - ~49,2?7, 285, I II CODIIIlittee appointed to study Saturday clo~ing ,r Courthouse - 249, 28;, I ~ Change in publication dates of joint meettng o:f.:: a preresentative of the State Highway Djpar ' nt with this Board - 250, :.' ' I Compensation Board concurs with Board in lj'eques;t for repairs to equipment in Treasurer' Off e - 259, I Concurrence of this Board with Compensation Boa.~d in request for repairs to equipment i J Tre , urer's i Office - 259, I ,: ~ " Continuation of Permit of Ward's Mobile Home Sdes of Roanoke, Inc., - 261, ~ Civic Center, Salem-Roanoke County, lease!and ~e of advertising space on score-board - f61, 'Certif~cate of Publ~C Convenience and Nec,ssit~' as common carrier Wilson Trucking corporrtionl _ 264, CertifJ.cate of Pub1J.c Convenience and Nec~ssity~ as common carrier Tennessee Trailways, Ipc., ' 26;, , I ,Certificate of Public Convenience and Necel3sity'as common carrier Tennessee Trailways, I c. , C,opy of, Nl3Ws..Maga,zine of State Department f Ed!1cation filed - 265, " I! ",", , -~J - r'- -..--,-_~t . }.--- -'26;, , I II! Coul.ter, Murray K. Zoning of certain pro rty - 267, 357, Change of name of said authority, resolu ion 0 amend Article of Incorporation ot R -----saDitatlon'Auth:or1ty-&c - 268, . __~~~~~i9n Proceedings -E. C. Hill - 69, COUl1t!.~ffi.c:!is~()~i!ied of Saturday clos ng - 285, COUJl!ty Sa!es T~, ordinance to impose 10 1 ~ 86, ~_n"".!~~ee,. recollllllended by Mayor of City 0 Roa ke to meet with him at convenience - 2~ '..,,_ 2 S, . ,C!.Ilim, . not allowed Harry B. Cannaday - Cannaday, Claim not allowed - 298, Civil Det:8JU!~,aJlI!1!.encl.m~nt to General App opri ion Ordinance ,::).2~~ Coun~r _Ga:r:.baf;~T!Uck, pur~ase of - 308, Check. County license plates, reques~ to - 31 , . _,~9un~L1.~_c_~~e_~11l.tes. request to check 315 Curry, Rev. Joseph S. (Prayer) - .316, ~.~-_.._-_.." . "-- ..Q.olIII!!i.t~ee" llIember appointed, Total Actio ~~'UJ1~y of Roanoke, main sewer intercepto C~er, Elmer E. and Bessie Sink, rezoni __ ___ __ ____ ..____.__.o...n t Poverty in Roanoke Valley ~ .324, of Town of Salem wastes - 327, ain property - 333,412, 1 I Certified Public Accountants, employed l' r Carolina Mobile Home Park, application 0 ----rn-;..-.350,3S0, .. . 9~e_i!1 mEleting date, notice of - 351, Commissioners to be appointed to rearra e the Magisterial District &c - 356, ---~_. . -....... - . Cannaday, Harry B. Account for hens injur d or killed by Dogs - 357, ation - 349, d C. Altieri for permisdon te> add trail sp es Consol.id~~!I:lI1,pet.!!,i~n fi.J.ed opposing - 58, Cochran, Rev. A. J. Jr., expressed views 7SI-;--m_---- n ..- Col1ectC)~___0!_Il~i119uen.t Taxes & Accounts 5 to consolidation or,anneJCatiO!' to C,:l,t.y_~i.'.It~.()!t. 372 _Clerk_" !:.ef'und~ue from State ancfounty - 79, City of Roanoke determine legal authority to chase independent water systems - 394, Complaints as to conditions of Roanoke Co --cons'trucna:;""397, ' Co~~l~~~io!1 Agre8lllent, ,advisory eommitt gPound and request that I!.ew ,DC)g p()unc! e inted - 399, ~~.....it~~El~advisory appoil!.ted, Consolidat:on A eement - 399, Cundit:f., !l.i,!-Ma,IILE.~'p()intedon advisory, co. tee, cOIlSolidll.'ti()nll.U~em~'t - 3_99,__ __ _,_, ,__,_,_ Carr2JJ",nr-relvin, vouc;her-check retro-acti' e to ate of issuance - 4~6, ,u,_n ,___ C:=:t;~~~~~~~~~~/;::;:::e-p~~:e~r:ep rt filed - 408, Ommi:i~:~~~na~~~i~t:~vi~o~B~a~a ~1 ~~~ mt~6;~e~~~t59~uto nominate candidate ..t'~I", o~~~eg~~i~~~ ~~~~~ail'~;~~~~ t~ci~~~ .:. 40 ~d Hoc nominatingc,ommi tteEl to. nOm1na1;e , ?-n~i,d Compton1_O,' D._~ncl.~~rYuL_il1ian, rezoningcert on I'roperty- 417,4~1, 'I .,._,-. I, Cl~~_!or,~~s killed,~Y dogs - 422, Cows, claim for killed by dogs - 422, I -... --.--. - --- . .--....-.--.. - ... - ~ - J I ~~.;~~eco~{;s~P' R=~:i~\3~, time in~repa Consolidation agreement extension of time Ito c ,- - and Coim~y of Roanoke .;. 437, 1 9itY4~7~oanOke and County of Roanoke ext nsio ,Of time to committee in preparing agreem nt b1 een Coon, Carl C. appointed member of Roanoke Count Electrical Examining Board, to fill un pire term, ~S , .. ook, B~d et als, resolution authoriZirg ~h acquiring of certain property, Town of a1em I Collector bf Delinquent Taxes, general apropro tion ordinance amended to - 459. ounty Clerk and Clerk of Circuit Court OJ:'I the ounty of Roanoke, Audit of - 47Z, I .ounty Extension Program, Annual Plan of lifrk, oanoke County filed - 472, f County Zoning Ordinance, amended, James 'ill. Ell ott, Jr. and Marian E. Anderson, mobileh me s I,' es lo't &c - 473, I C~ty Offices, closing of - 475, I j Cave Spring High School appropriate neces'ary ds for construction or reconstruction f Stal e S~condary; RQute 800 from State Seco darv Route 687 't.o new School - 476, ! -~~~{~~:s:rt~~i:e;:s::~o;;:;:r: ::ie n::::ia~:r:o~l:~ :;7:se,f'or asses ment If , , consolidation agreement between City l' R Ottee in preparing agreement,betwe~ll,Ci y or. Ii I, " Collector of Delinquent Taxes, amended, ener~l Appropriation Ordinance - 479, Ci_~c~~~~. newmUllll1e - 479~, , ~ Ii Cook, Bernard et als, acquisition of lan , co~tract between Board of Supervisors of Ro ---alld-1'he'RoanokeCoun1;yPublic Service Auth~rity approved - 480, _CO~=~i~~tj~~e~Il~:~k;a~~~~~i Pu~ff!~r~:M~~rA~~O~~;El: ~:it~d o~f l~~ Contract between Roanoke County Bca rd of Supe sors and Appalachian ~ower Company pro '----stril8't'lir:?ting;;'!t81,--'.. ... 'I .. . " ," .,.. , . COllll'l()1'!!~~.!I!~_A_tto1"neY' -Sl!~ary,changes - 4~I" '" '..m'___ d,I__C_~~,Hancy c., salary change - 490, i , fI Carter, Eugene L. et al re-zoning certai pro' ty - 492, _____, _C_QII!!I!9.!1W_~:J.th 's4:tt,oJ:'l1ey"instructed to pr e tesolutions for adoption forli:brary. sch ~:::!:.~:-::;:~~ 1 :9~ Su""'''''. ODd Roanok' C"",,!.Libr~ or<. Cundiff, W. E. appointed member of advis co~ttee to Board of Supervisors and Roano e Co ---litb~-~ --4~, ' '~ Ii ~ Ii , Ii ~ ~ ~ i' ,i n ,: I 'I Ii 1 Ii Ii ~ II Ii II for ounty, , ,__1_,_ u,_,_u.___ r -- -- : j; COMMUNICATION~: FILED I 'i Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of *ighWI s, Tentative Allocation for Interstate ,.' , Primary Construction Funds, with nrotice of public hearings - 10, I Copy of letter from Charles H. McKee, Vide-Ma r, Covington, Va., enclosing copy .. ,n' , , '''of vacancy and appointment on the qame Inland Fisheries Commission :.. 20, l!Qt.ice f;rCl!DWil,liaIll C, Young, Clerk, Sta~e Co oration COll1lllission, AI'plica.tion of Cast Water Company for certif'icate unde~ Uti "ty Facili~ies Act of hearing - 20, ,1~t~er from,Yirginia L. Shaw, City Clerkj enc~ sing Resolution of Roano~e City Council to amend City-County sewage treatm nt c tract - 38, ,.L,e.ttner . from Douglas B. Fugate, Commissio er, partme)1t of High,"mys, enclosing S,e,conda .5Y!>. Allocations - 3$, L,et:ter from The, Honorable A. S. Harrison, Jr., acknowledging recei pt of. Board's rt:!solut' <in ,i" 'r'e;'n'.. Appointment of F. Cameron l'1iley J ., t Game Commission - 38, L~j;1;~I''l'~~~m~~~C~~t~:~~n: ~~:egatel in e: P posed revision of Roanoke City-County, Se~ge,. __ ,,_._ Letter from Harold 1. Baumes, Executive ecret ry, Virginia Municipal Lea~e,., acknowled nillg 6"i'-'res6l'utl.on.on'Salesi :indUsie Tax :"113 Letter from James C. Turk, State Senator, ackn wledging receipt of resolution on Sales nd Us ,un' Tax -1.13, Lett~r ,from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk" a,:kn Tax - 113, ,et.ter, ,1'1'011I Willis M. Anderson, represent t:ive in ,the House. of Delegates ,.aCknowledging of resolution on Sales and Use Tax 11) L,ett,er.from Senator William B. Hopkins, a know edging receipt ,of resolution on"Sa1.es an Tax - 113, Letter from Chester F. Phelps , Executive irec 01'1 Commission of Game and,Inland Fisher es." Virginia, enclosing check in the a,lf; unt f ~10.31, the amount due Roanoke County rom t ,.. sales made from Commission-owned la dol i the County during the past fiscal year 113.', ,LJlj;j;eI'.frol!l_Department of Highways I in re: 1m lementingthEl ~lajor Arterial Highway Pl~ ,:_,:1.2 Letter from Mr. C. E. Webber, expressing is a preciation of the Board's support in an ffort ~o obtain an ap!",intment for him on t. e St te Highway Commission - 151, CI"\lIJ"I,n"c::at:i.on from David F. Herbert, Exe tive Direc't:Qr, Roanoke Valley Council of COIDlll nity -- 'Services; Inc., received and ord'lll, d fi ed - 285, ' ' , ,.,.. .!-,El~t8! i'rom,Arthur S. Talmadge, Treasure, SPCt, receiving ~og and then relinquishing tem.~,,'.97L I !-ettElr ~~CA ~467~arren W.Davis, Presid"e , SP A, picking up dogs that had been placed y l()~ 1,_,. R ledging receipt of resolution on Sales nd Us -'1--' - , I I [ . I I I I I I _1,,_ __.w Dog Taxes &c 6, 30, 48,66, 322, 353,365, 88. 1M, 12i.l ~47 k 387, 404. 4 I, "-0, 7J.. 167~ 209, 217,234,.255, 274, 297, 3.2 '1, J,.6b, 485, , " .j ,:z.?fI, 296, .Delinque.ntT!i~escol,le~,tl;ld by Clerk __ 7',1, 4 , 92,109,125,1413,172. 186,216, 236,25 369,390, ,,"05, 429,454,469, 487, Department of Highways, tentative alloca ion --r'Urids.toge'tnerwith -ti6t:ice.of pub'J.i9 he Dividing_12r_~<:~!l<:tS__-. 2?_,.., -- --, 1,-- r Interstate and Rural Primary Construct' on ngs.ririid-';-lO,- _H ,- '-'-''.--' -I D..Elc~ariI1.g and setting aside defined area fn Ca e S..pring Dist.ri.ctas oird, sanctuary- )6 ~~~hii~\~.%~~~~iri~~~i~tj9; app~inted fO Ill<l, e_z:ecornm(;JIldati()os _to be1'llt_il1.rE!~1J!_n--9-!: osit :~~~, C;:~~A~:~::::~:~:~i~:::~~:~~:~t:c~~ ::~r:~:~~~:~~~:::~~;;~A~;~= 40~,-4 ~L_ _._ Dog Operating Fund, protection of livestotk &c ppropriation Ordinance - 52, 477, De~;!l1;_O,f,_~bli_C Welt:llre of Roanoke C unty allIl,uliJ,b:tt<iget f(),r._Fis.c:~l year: ~!lp.i~_,<!~ ~,3.Q, Il~g Ward,ell_lind DeputyDog Warden, request Judg toapjloiIlt __ 59, 315, 334, D~i.l1quent. Tax__Collector, taxes collectE,d l,., 372, PeliRquentRealEsj;ate and Personal Prope y L ts for .the yectr 1964 filed - ll2, _ -- - - D:::-i:~:~;~:~~~P:~~:a ~r:~::~ :1::: in~:::: ~~:~~- at large in _s_ub~i!isi2!1 1xie Caverns, owners and operators of ('P sing granting of permit for proposed rock q. ----'O"perat1on-on-~heE._C_;H1l1propert .. 13 ,_,u, ,---,- ~_'r~qu~8tt,O])e PU.t under road, wate back ngup ~136, ., , I>,~o ,.Ml:s. "-_Milc!re!i A. e~ als, amendment of g eralzoning ordinance &c - 179 L ~39, Denia.1:_of',~Pl'l:l;~_~1.__,of _A:',_!" loic~o;!.um!c r pe .t, t_~.p~~_tr~i.~~_r.~ :_.J:?~~_,__,_______ ecember, 1965, meeting 162, 1966 - 464, --.-.--------...-...-------."--'.'-.--..---. - -_...-. ".- ebt Service - Appropriation Ordinance - 2 - 1 --"["- ..------ - .-- .. . - .__u_ ---~ - --. ~---, '-.-.--------~r-- efending Board~upervl ~s~~~~_Plr'?;ecedi~5--? o~!;,t_Abty~~u-e. Rid~6-&~}0l!!m~()ryoration, -~L~~~_ A~~elC~{~~~~1~re:gbH.:\\~~it;~ ~~~ o~~ ..~~. }';;~:y--283~~_.u_,__, ! of liew~~1.E~un~!!...c_~~,~~!l_~ano i~u~LBentoll,~._Ma~?r of City of Roal1Ok let aney & RObinson, Certified Public Acco tant _.El, k.!t~!.1;~ ._~l!tenti~~_.~~n~~I1~ &c: ,~ ,269,_ er received and filed - 290, _ ..__'_m __ ___ ,__,_ ._._.__~, "__ employed in annexa"ion suits - 349, _ nt Corporation, applica,tion for 12~mis ion 0 use tract of land for sales and displa off -mobile homes - 350,380, 397, 3':16, " , - - ., i~tricts, Magiste~!llJ..,go~~ion,~s _1;o,bEla.E.p,~ n~Eld1;'?x.-.e_-:.a!,l'~ll~El, ..},~~.!..'__'_'m__.______ _ ogs, h~,_~njured._()z:_killed by, accoun1; 0 Ha B. CannadaJr.- 357, Denial of permit of Alfred C.Altieri :",r ermi sion to add trailer spaces - 3S0, -----_.-._~.._---_..._- - ---"'-'. - ----. -..-.-. ---.- ..~ _._.,_._--~-" ...-..,---... ..--.-------.-..-------- .----------~-_._------~ ___ Dog Po~d,_~()~plaints _a.~_t()col1ci.i1;ion.ll an drlil<! es_t_~0z:__11~_1;o..~!._<:01lStz:t:tct~._.._}_91.!.___ ____ Design,,~~~~r_aazi~~e~~ra~or~c~g~,,~~ ~~t co~~ee to nominate candidates for ember hip Do s claim for ~ows kill~~_lJL2"-.A2~,-" ,_,_,_,~____~_=.___' _-'=_:~:_:__=::==._:=:=:+==- -=- Davis, Henry A. Jr. vs. County of Roa~oke 1 decision of annexation court - 436,' I - -,- D:=::,-:i;~::;:~~::~~::~::'-:~p=::j:::;- :::~:s~-~::~- for-c~~~~~~~~~-:~~:~:::--n.- ~--, --,-----'- ----~~~~tt'~-'!7~~iidary.1\6ut'e-goo-1'iromra:t' Secfondary-X-out-e-61!7 to new Cave :>pr'ing--a ~=- ~~lt7:~~::~::~: ::::.:':~ =;::.::~:. R. ~~~, ~:~:a.:\~6, appointed to advisory COmmi1tee t I Board of Supervisors and Roanoke Count\Lib:r_: , I i : I I I I i ' ! ! ; 'I 11 I i I, Electric Developers, Inc., rezoning of c~1 rtai~ property -- 15, 62, Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to set p ap ropriate organization with Roanoke Valle Cou il ----'---'--orC-ommunif.y.-Se:rvices. committee appo nted' - 16, " , ,-, -- , Est~te of Bessie I. Nininger, rezoning 01 cer ain property IS, ,-_._,.'.' ,.. -, " , ,! __~sj;!lb.1i.shing of bird sanctuary pUblic he ring 1_ 21, _~_~~~e.x:I1. Air _L~Ile5, vouch~r-check issued etro active to date - 33, I ,,_ ,~<!dy, Lee B., sundry recommendations to clange present ;o~nty government ~ 39,' {' ,- ,.,l!:Jc:pans_ion__Clf_ Cl~nc,h Valley Go1l7ge, join res lution of County Board of _Supervis.or_.Lan ."County School Board of vlJ.se Count , Vi ginia, relative to - 39, EducatJ.on~J19ses.. &..ch,Qol_Board ",,-,Appr.o riat' IL.Ordin"nce.-- 52,..3:35.-4'17~_ ------.---r--- " _El~~ti~n5, Appro~iation Ordinance - 52, S3,1 4,207,335,471, E1e.ct1"!~~ EXamining Board, appointment l' me ers - 82, 326, Electio!l_Claim~~~., ~~, 90,91,167, ,366, .49,___, ,_________.'__ Exp~~_~1J ',~tllt.ements showing, assessed. val es Ele~rlc Light and Power Corporations, S ---"-'Ci\inm'ssiorC;;,--1.1.2, 391; , E~~~~_, Donald B. re1uestfor contributi n to e by State Corporation COmmission - 112, 391, -.. .. "~'_. -- ... - _. - --- .... - '." .--..--".- ts showing assessed values made by Stat Cor n_ "___ _.".'.___.'. _,_____ urchase uniforms for Sand lot fo()tball".e; ,ol1>:.., Extensiol1_Edu.clij;,i_o.~l leave,~~ward S. Allel1, ountyAg~llt, gI'anj;,ed_ ':' 118, Expense accounts and salary of sundry off ices ,EliI"!.YL AJ..!i!l C,. an~ Rl1~h T. rezoning cer1 ain Hed - 152,192,4:31, operty,,:" 152, Electri~~i~~~~ggi'l~~pose~.adoPtion 0 an rdinance amending the Roanoke E,qu~e!1t and typewriters for use in the oano e County Clerk's Office, purchase of~ ,~l".. . !-t~~!Iley_,in_-!.E!Eres,~Iltil'lg.ll-Il1.<:.C>.Illl.()~!da~, C>..n~, . Phillips- 246, , - 264!.,___ __ ~~ei~h~~' ~~~~~rn~ ,~S~{i~-pommonw Employ'ed~._.!-_t't.o_l"!1E!y. for,:tl1is Board .:-. C Equipllent, F'!1"E!.!I~.ll.!.~E:~.ql1.iJllllent jlurcha e 01' =a~~,-~~-'- Ex8lllptl~...:.!'~I!l~a,x_~~!-.o!1_111J..cl,aslJes of ho lSeho d.j1;c)c)~tl~~_lle1".!~~eff.E!~~s'Cl1"~~~_, ,3Et6J Establishing water system, power of, publ LC he ing to consider adoption of certain ame ent to 1rtrc:lesot'"-Incllrpora~l'01101' Roanoke C unty Sani'tation-Au"ihority -- 2~i--"--------' Ellio~t,_ Wilson M. Jr., Re_sid~J:l~EI1g1nee,r.. c().p_!i~~__~~{!;e~_~~~ol1'!~~:r~telll_!l:C?~~ke C UI1ty Extension ot time to advisory committee i pre orYciinoke aIlal;ne 'CciUftf;yofRoal1.oke" 1437, Extension of ~ime gran~ed Mal.tin Brothers Cont -----cIViC' 'C-eIft;er"; 439; - . E:xteIlSi,On Program, County, Annual Plan of Work lliott, James W. Jr., et al amend County Zoni --mobiIe!iomesales-rot"..;'473 u",__' -,- .U, " ecu~ive S~s.s;~~ e>!~!'~ ,o~Juperyisors - 460 ension Unit, Annual Stat-istical Report f Ro oke County, tiled ~ 490, - ___________________~ _____,_ ____.__,_._._ ._ _________.. ----._'.'-0.. ,.___._._.__ _ .u _,____.___..______ .__.___..~_ ensioD:_ Unit~o~~~__~~'~!l_'_Na.rrative R port filed ,-__~??,_, .. .____u_____._ --l-,- ecut1ve Officer authorized to accept app.icat ons tor director of parks and recreation - 494 Inc., for erection of Salem-Roano e Co ty ing consolidation agreement between th City ....-. - - --_..._._._...,---_...~._-,.,----- 472, ordina,n<:~_~,o . Jlf!I'III~1: J.roJ~,Elrty ..~.<>,_ll.~~l?..El,~ f~~__ ____ ;1 ,I 1 I ,..__'__ _______.J__.__ i , i j i i I I ) ~ ! :1 i Ii ~ I II il !' ~a~,voucher-check retjo-ac ive to date issued - 9, 93,150, 277, 430 ., '.U '1 . __ u"F.ire Hose, purchase of - 10,264, i .._fire,.Equipment Co. of Va." bid for purc~ase 0 Fire Hose filed - 10, 264, Fire Departments of Roanoke County will no 10 ger furnish water to individuals - 39, ........__. _______n_ .___'. '-0 ,- ~ , -0-.-----' 'I - "I", ..", r' " . . . . . . . .. .' 1., ":" ,": Flora, Rev. A. Kyle, prayer - 1, F. 1. C. A. - 7, 8, 31, 32, 49, 50, ro, 81, ..----,-- 236, 23'7;256, 257,~76; 298, 299, 488, Farmers National , 93,109, ll2,125, 126,148, 149,173, 322,323,370,390, 405, 429;454,455,' Fir~..!:!:e!~nt.!~I1,_a_ndExtincti(m! A ppropri t!nn, O~,d!n.~I1c:e ,:""_52_,_ u~3 ,207".. ~3?L~71_L ____u_,_ J'i~~_Prote,c~i,9!l_Cav~ Spring District dis usse . - 6~,_ Fitlll.l.,Alloca.tions for Interstate and Rur Pri ary COnstruction 1965-66 -94,.. Final Budget for Secondary System approv..: - 1 3, 329, ~=:.;~~;:::i:~~r:r. :~t: . o::::~,:;r th~ ;;"%4 - 112, :=~~~~~2:2::;='l: ~::'~:::~~~~lJ:,::,121' le~~" .I.ns~~c.e_ollCo1lD.t:r Automobile - 13 " ire protection in Roanoke County - 139, _....~u__.__. ~.______,_._.__ .. ..-~. ""-,---l-- 'f-- , It-lI1..Jlati!!nal Club_ Week in ,RoanokEI County, PrC)C;:La.mation~ 139, rick Company, purchase agreement or contr ct s ~~_ for !reezi_ng_,!loo~___~ !"~!~!~~a~~l? em-ROafiOJte-coun~y'1:IViCCenter - '1 9; -- ' , reez1~~ nogi~ c~~g~-ij~~n equipment, ~ se agre,ElDl~ntoz: .c~ntz:act _!IJ~~d,-l'a!~~ !o~o e i~zpatrick1 F. Rodney, Chairman c,f countY(Citi ens Committee for Consolidatie,n of Roano e Val ey, r' "",,,...cad- pe (,1 t10n --for ref'erE:ndum on uest on of 'consolidati-on-~ ,behalf, -of entire' ount ncluding the Town of Salem and Vinto, - 1 6, isher_LDr_.,!l.i,chard'ucopyof letter enclos ng d nation toward coliseum constrtLction laid befor :;:~;~~;~~;.:::;::t:o:: Publi'C;O;U..~~ ....~~'lt~ ..~~ O~~ i~~~~~~~$e~~~:"C21-r:P10yedto assist ommo ealth's Att,orney in any consol~d~t.i_oll_~r'~Illl~ it.pa~~lo~'~~'~~;~~?' Committe of ounty Citizens for Consolidation of Roan ke Va_ey___ February Meeti!J.gL!~~L~u,~29, . FICA Contribution Fund - 237, _____.__. __.___ _... .__ . '_ - - I ederal _Pro~L:a_~lUI()k~ .C()UIlty ~c,l1oo~_' .1/il8.r~i 8 appropriated ,trom General Revenue F d t ill&t!o~,;11. ::.2.4.9, u____m__, Federal Programs Funds - 249, itzgerald, James William rezoning certain prop rty - 263, 280, _.__.____._______._m.______'.___ -- ._--, _ -----....--.-..--.- itzgerald, T~!,!Ion~ra.!'1~3~berj;, C_'_.I'r:es_~~_<ij;_ e:t,~1!.~_::_~67~~59! FitZg:~~i~n!1-~~~~8'~:in~:Ei;;~~~io1l;!lM~~u ~:~ e~~~~;~~;:~r~:,~~:i;n~~~;~e,,_Bo~~~ of Su Fit~era,~(:L,8!!.d~mi.~h.".J...~t,o~e~s, voucher- ;eclc etro:acti ve_ t_o d~!-e =__299,-, ..,. _" ,__ ~~;:_-;:;;i:~:~~::~ :~~~::;our et]rez ning certain property 332,381,395, JF~uI"epor1; and itemized expense sheet conrinue , Virginia Division of Forestry - 407, Forest Fire Control in Roa,noke County - 4Qg, .r~cisco, Marvin, voucher-~heck retro-acttve t date - 430, _ _iJ~l,d,.S Bus. Line ,application for Cer1;ificate of [I ublic Convenience and Necessity as a !lC'. Sped 1 or Charter Party operator _ 431, I ~' u' ,- razier, Rev. Cecil, prayer, - 442, 1 ' lowers, Mrs. Dorothy, reward, for intoI'IMtlon 1 ading to arrest and conviction or" perso or pi rsons responsible for the death of - 464, 1 'I . Federal Programs Fund - General Appropria ion rdinance - 477, I , Amended ' Fire Prevention and Extinction, General A~pro ation Ordinance/- 479, ] , ~anciSco, C. A. voucher-check retro-acti~ to 'ate of issuance - 488, I 1 i i I tl I: I . . I :1 I Gobblet..Lpwell M. AssistallLCQ\Ulty Agenti re.P.f' 4.fj.ledS- 9,32,50, 93, ll3, 126,149, 1~4, 19 ,220, . 23S. "58,277, 299, 324, In,J'1J., 407, 4~1, tj:: , 70, 4 9" :::h~' Frances H. Home Demonstr!ltion AgLt, eport filed - 9,32,50, 93,113, 126,149, 2)8, 258,277, 300, 324, 371, 3'11, I .- ~:?-~ ~:- ~ _.-- gr:<lv,e~-Hl.IIIlphr~ys, Inc.,_ bid for purchase of F' e Hose filed - 10,264, Game and Inland Fisheries, commission of vaca cr. to occur, recommends appointment of '--..' 'Wiley, Jr;, t'o'membership - 16, Garbage Disposal amended General ApproprOatio Ordinance - 17, 178,263,459, ..----..--.-.-.-. - ~e_n~!'al gF:.Z"ati.Il~_F~d, operat~on of, Ap opri tion Ordillan~e_ 52, 207, 335..'..4?7"u__.. ,r::elle..r~:i:_County'Levyforyear 1965 - 53, 36, ufJ!nertj8~f5?P4~~:ion Ordinance amended - 1%. 58,..102. 1.34, 178,_24.3, 263, 284, )04" )5, 4.lO, c:l.e_ne!,a:l:.,~.ci., ~e.mpo!:,ary loan to_ Public Bu'1din llond Fund_,- 94" '" _ ~ ___ Gas and Pipe Line Transmission Corporatio ,9 St tements showing assessed values made by tate CorpOration Commission - 112,391, ,-, --[ Gene.!'..1 Rev_enue Fund borrow money for cas al 0 actual deficits in sa~d fund - 115, 262 ,4-21".. _ General County Operations borrow money 1'0 cas a1 or actual deficits in said fund - 1151' 262. 2!~_. Go..~n:-Andrews-~,_ Inc., lowest bid 0 Ins ance ol! Coun~y Automobile F}.eet -138"t07,_. __ Goodwin Insurance &: Realty Co., Inc., bid on i urance of County Automobile Fleet filed - 138 407" CJ!!~lI!J_. !. Fire Chief , Comm1t~ee to st dy n eds as to fire protection - 139, _g~~~,John, Fire Chief, Committee to s udy Gleason, R. E., re-zoning of certain prop y eeds as 'to fire 200. protection - 139, . -,..._--- GUbert, Leonard T. et als application fo '-1Nft "V1'ew-TertiiCe --..'-222, 241. . GrahamL~lI~_~~H... Home D~lIStratio vac tion of portion of' Map of Section No.2, - --. - - - ".. ..-..---..-..--.-..-.... . -....-, -~._._- Game _\,~,~._r~_q,l1e..s,t;_ to appoint four spec al icemen to assist - 242, :=:::~~~:o~:~~:~~~~~:~~~o~ . :~; ~n~'~~fft~"~~~~~nt _ ~49..'_m_-'--_... - Garden,',H, ~_~'~_!-,_,PPO,int,ed_ t,o_ st~dY, saturd,a, y ic,10S0,f Co~~ous_en= ~49, nm ,__ GeneI:l4" Re.v.~e Fund Roanoke County Schoo s t icipation in F_ederal, Pl'ogramsFund, ,app oP1'ia, from - 249, Gi1be~~~!~arik~,deceased, remembered in pr.yer 250, ::'::k~,C::='r:~_:::;,j" ".0......- _ '30. Q~&I!t;stuM~.ion, Statement of Roanoke (;OUr;y S, 001 Board - 432, Garbage dtllll~~' ~?_~tro_l!-~n~and _elimiIlll.t ng l,t.ez:_!"ileci -.463, , verbal repo,rt :,228, reen6ay: !.._~~z:ci,_ ,~~u~h~:-checks retro-ac' ve t date of issuance - 488, '-I I I I r I I [ I I I i I ! I I I i HI [ I '-'1 I I i I I , 1 I I I I I I 11 !I , ~ II II II GENERAL APPROPRIATION ! ;' Administration of Justice, commonwealth.k Att~rney, Public Works, Garbage Disposal - 1 , ! It Protection of Livestock and Fowls, l'laint~nanceil of Buildings and Grounds - 34, , , , , . " , , 'I ), I I' ,I 'I !, 'I C )1 , I , I, " ~ j ~:-C I '[ I i I I ~ II ~ II ii iI ~ II n I' ,I II II JI ~ II / II ~ ~ I, I' " II 'i i: :i 'I Ii :1 :1 , " I " :1 I, :, " -I I I n !) I I I I -1- I" I I I 1 I I II 11 11 :1 'I 'I I' I ,I I I c~. 0----'. c~--_. Hose-,-_F'.~:!:,-J'~~~l1.a..s~ofu- l(), 264, Hugh D. Whitlow Sales &. Service bid for urch se of Fire Hose filed - 10, 264, ._..._.__.._. u_...__ __ _ ._ Harrison, Albertis S. Jr., Governor of V rgin 'to membership on Ccimmissicin of Game. nd I ~_HaI'l.Jlc~iin~il~r~~~~~io.~e;rl~~1;~{ -i~o ~~ici ,}r~is, A. C. appointed on committee to epre Council of Community Services in Eco omic a, recommend appointment of F.Cameron Wi ey, J,., and Fisheri'es ;...;;16; . a~~~~r/~tll~f ()~~~~~i.~ll_w~th Jl,()@~ l<El.L ley_ ent County during organisation with Roan ke Va ley: Opportunity Act of 1964 ;.. 16, . 'u ., 'i'" ..,- .!!,o.<iges" ~ry K. et als re-~oning certain ,..,'._., ._l!i~its~~~~6~~ri?~~i~~:k t~ei~~~ ~}i~ ~:.~~~;m~r~m~9~s_~o.belll<l~e,~~.,.ac_c~s~ road to ]!idden Valley~sta",-es establish.in(!:()f bi ~_s_~ _~~~~_l'u~~~::.~~~~J.ng::.~~~___~~...~__ Jl911il!s_Road~and. Burlington precincts co bini and creating new precinct - 22, ~ollinsRoad Precinct, change of name - !f_i~!-l's or. ROa.n()~e .County, Virginia, re l1ati n of operation of vehicles - 26, !f<!Tt!llan, C;. F. voucher-check issued retro acti e t,,, date - 33, H_oll~!1.d.~,Q,~_}'(~youcher-check issuecl.. retro acti e to date - 33, Harris, A. C. member of committee to make reco endations for adoption of resolution ur&ing., . . "members of General Assembly to consid r e ctment of legislation requiring all soft drink ;md,b!!~~_t,o b!! Pl.lt in return deposit, ottl . or containers, - 39,-- __ ___, House trailers, application of LEMis G. R trou h for permit to park on property - 40, HO!fles L}~obj.,],El' _ appl,icationof Ellis E. Cu lE'n H~son, DOuglas, voucher-check to - 42, . 1 H!!I!<!~:r:flo.n, _Woodrow W., request Judge to a pOJ.n H&!:veY,,_!fCl!"~ce>J,iI'e J~I'()1;e7tion, Cave Spr ng D H,()!:!lBof~.~e~;!l,L. .~up~ez:illtend.e,nt of Roal'oke , Hamlett ,.Ri~Earci}~~__Qollfl_~r1lc:.ti()n,Company, ,Inco Harris, ~~~~-"~~p:~yer_:-~5,2~1,.267, 290,301' 351 Horn, Herman L. commended for untiring ef~orts ._'__~,.,~'_..~.'_...'m"-- ..' I Hatten, Rev. J~_ W._PraY~::,_~84, , -..---....... or permit to par-kon p,roperty - ,49, Dog Warden from trict - 60, list - 59, 334:, untyZcl1()ols~attends lastm.~eting~f~,t~ :~.__. orated, rezoning tract of land - 64, 116 140, ---- .. .----.---........--. -- .-.--... --. -----_.-- ....,._----~..----_.._-_.,--_._--_. -,------ 359,382,398, 441, 4SO, c as Sup_erintende!lt of Schools ~" 83, . _",_ H~is...,_A,~__C~a.pJl.o~nted m~ber of Roanoke Coun WEllfliI'e .Board - 102, Hg~L.E.., C ._A_utl1orj,~y1;o. Lease or purcha~ 1---- I HIl8.X'iJ1g ,b~fore Si;ate, Corporation Commissi Inc. - 131, ~~~'-_~, c. pr<l.E..~~LllPj>l,!.C!l1;io.!lof W~le ,tJ. uJ of southern portion of disregarded 137, ~~e::C ~.9~~:~":'.:~;~11:0:~:t:~:"~b:d; ,. ::: :~~~;~;~:~:,~",:i: Helms, F;~~!~-~~~"~~~~~_~:.I'~~Oni~g ct~<!~ J,rOE.erty :-u~?,2L .___ olidays - J..~~!.. 47~,u__,___._ i ..--.,.--------0 ----r-' Harrison, F. E. , Westview Terrace, sewage fac orry, H;;;~~d H. '~~~~~~;nt, M~n's Gard~n ~lUb -ll:lJlll!l!l"mee-o-r-ull'a:s-t!l'ii'hlchwe- live' l' ~!J>~ns.!',:r:a1;il)l1,Agent"vex:bal report - 26, __.~,,- ,~,I)re~ta V . voucher-check retro-ac he 0 date - 237, f'or 1l,ll.efuse,San<:tu.<iry:- _:L17~_,l'l6L~n. on pplication or Atlantic Greyhound Lines 0 Vir c:~!l~I1.a.~__1;o,_1"e~~9~,!>,f' _a~!>.-r.''!'l31;~z_2 .a.!lI'e_ roi>Cls.Eld r()~k, ,<t~()llerllt;()J1,~.1.~J,. El,El<l:l!ll.stl)!"~El,~:o1;Elct_i()n: l:~'lL______ s_.a~ .,j;o firEl,p.1".2.1;.ecj;!o!1.- .1..3_91.__,_,._ pz:o p_e~ y,-],53 '_J.~ 5, __ ,______,_.,.___ ities committee appointed - 161, _. - n'__'_' l' Roanoke - Letter in re: further i~Jl.rg!_ent n ealth and Welfare Center Boiler Inspectio - 2 6, tcher, Edgar C. Jr., et al re-zoning Of~ert n property - 247,276, art, E. P. appointed to study jail facil ies d other public building needs - 249, .yden, Rylie S. - rezoning of' certain pro erty - 260,279, , E. C. Condemnation proceedings - 26~, I Hill, E. C. voucher-check approved retro-<~ctivelto date or issuance - 277, , ouseho1d goods and personal effects, ord~ce exempting from taxation ~ 266,306, arris, A. C. appointed on committee of To~a1 A tion Against Poverty in Roanoke Valley - 324, eirs of B. L. Radford, re-zoning certain prope ,ty - 334, , 1 .~z:s:ley"Roger, Depu~y, Dog ,warden, request Ju::j. Hoback - .3,34, ' ens illjured or killed by dogs) Account of Ha 3 Cannaday- .357, , . , , r I i I , I I f Hussey, Donald Ward & Mrs. Rose A. petitipn filed opposing annexation or consolidation r 35gj .Hevener,JohnnieG. Extension Agent, Home! Econf,mics. report filed - 371, 391, 407, 431, 456, ,70,489, ,Hall, Cicero Howard, Jr. and Doris Blankepship ~rezoning certain property - 375. 409, ; HO\1S_~.llnd_ Re-~!v:!lopment Authority, actton wftlUUUd - 39g, Huff, Lewis vouchercheck retro-active to ~ate 91' ilssuance - 406, HO~l;; -R~~er L. voucher-check issued ret~o-a~ti1re to date- 456, Hopkins, James Edward and Beulah G. rez04ng c~rtain property - 45g, Highways, Department of request to appropJtiate ~.lda for construction or recol1ll.;;ruction ,f,_S ,toE! _ _ --- -Secondary Route goo from State SeconiUlry R~te 687 to Cave' Spring High School - 476, Higilwa! D~partmen1;' .State, widening Of_br~'dge ~ U. S. 221, near state Road_6gg .., ,4lID..u H~ekey Club, Incorporated, Roanoke Valley easel! Agreement - 496, II j ii I Ii I Ii ;1' II ~ ~ 1 Ii ~ Ii il " , ~ ,I Ii . '" I: J ~ " Ii ~ Ii il f 'I 11 ;, Ii __",..,"u._, -.--,--.<----,- j I I t I I 1 i ! " i: I' "' .___1.,_ ,_".,_'._._, . il II ~ Ii I' I, :~ i I I l- I , i i I , I , \ I I I ; I i I i I , i I -I I: , ._..' .,._ ,J!1cj.uS1;,ri;t.l Acces,s FUIld.S inlprovernents to b mad to access road to Wilson 8cCompallY Building..b part of State Route 709, confltructed with - 19, Intention, ,Notice, of to propose for adopt on r gulation of operation of vehicles on Hi ars of Roanoka County, Virginia - 26, _ Ins,~ance - 49,50, Inspection, Jail - 53,132,191,325,490, "-0. ' ._-, I I Income, ,State Taxes -- 7, g, I , ',' [' ;:.~_'-t~._ ~__ _ . Interstate and Rural Primary constructionjl Fund:, tentative allocation for together with notic of Public hearings filed - 10, 302, I I ~~~, Anita D. et al rezoning of certai pro' rty - 11, Jll,g.__ I I :tnc., chase of - 112, Investment-Membership Shenandoah Valley, '--'~.' .---... .,... Insurance on County Automobile Fleet - 131,407 _, In..9r.!l_~~ J'I1 ~Ulll memberShip to Shenando. h Va Improvement.inappearance of areas in whi h we Men's GardeD. Club of ' Roanoke ordered ; iled Iulpc)se,local CountY' Sales Tax ordinance - 286, ey, Inc., - lSO, ive, letter from Heyward H. Horry, Pres! ent 210, 06, , Imposing taxes on shcaresof stock. in banks loca: InviteiCouncil of Citv. of Roanoke to make know ' n -'-tiUt ~n'-of' -water-witrnnCounty Of' Roanol e an nterceptor line, sewer, of Town of Salem aste ,n~~se_in_~evolving fund in office of Tr asur r d in Roanoke County,ordinange - 287,. 348 its intilntionS concerninll supply anddi 1'1~ disposa~ of sewage rromnC'oun'ty Of'Roano -289, - 328, of Roanoke County - 359, ~eP!!l1dell.t water systems, determine legal auth rity City of Roanoke to purchase - 394. ' 1', "., ndustrial Access Funds improvements to be made 0 access road to serve Virginia Plastic Com ' '''plant ',"' 435, .., , J ' ~V~llI1~S, ~b1icand schools bQ,nd refeJi'end reques~ed - 4~5, , ", '_n .r.stoll.... 11_ 1n,~..~ Hilla ,..'t"' ..,..., t~ - 496'1 M__ II 1 I I i J I t I I 1-- t .---,..--.-.-- ~ ._-~_.-. I, il i Ir ' [---_. I 1/ , I .. I' a Ii I ,I II II I " ~ ,I :1 " Ii 'I il il Ii " " U , " :' II ---'._-- I L~asing of Voting Machines - 25, , I ~em~n, C~e~ter.Ro55 et al rezoning of pa eel Levy, General County, for year 1965 - 53 336, .!o~l1@;, .R~~I'!1 E. request Judge to appoint og W den from list - 59, 334. . f land Route 117 - 33, ),17,. I 202,239,4341 491_, __~j.ter_arr F'11lltt,application for borrowing from or new school building in Cave .Spring D' stric !-_o~'m!eJllp()r~_fx:()m General ~11J!dto Pub llc . )~~ing.Bond Fund :- 94,u _ _ ._ ~!ase ()r_ .purchae;e land or E. C. Hill ror a Re se Sanctuary, Authority to - 117, . 4PQr_>>_a.Y._l2Ps~rYanc_e, . closing _ count;L offi .es~ 11g. LeGrande. Harold E. re-zorUng of certain p oved lot - 129, 194, ---.- _um.._______.__ .---..-- -.-..S-81 . .;;;-- ... .----.---. ---. --- --...--.-.- .u,P' --..- -,.. g~~.__WaJ,ter. M~ap]XI1n,tedm~b~r of /Roan ke C 11!l1;Y Civic Center COIIIIlIiss~on:- 135,. . ast ._ UI1c:l. lane of Route 24 lowered where Mapl ood D be Or inance of Roanoke County, as amended to ate, ope ... t a:'variance-oI'-speciiU-exception'asup ovi Res dences as &c - 179, -Li~1:=eg~~~~~C:t{;ZU~Si3~~ have Lod""'ng Houses amendment of Gener8.l Zoni Art1Cln~"ResiaelitIllD1Str1ctUR;'1-. . __ la1f.L!n _~~~e.ction with the use of R- =~~=::::==:::lf:: ;:.~~ -.i7:;~" - ,,,. Uly, Rev. J. Virgil, Prayer - 229,., . son, Joseph W. et al re-zoning of certain pr perty - 247, 27g, ---- --.-..--.---...-,..--.-...---.. ..m_u. - . . .1. - -. -..-. .-. --- P--. f. ._...m -. l.9~.~"c~.PJa~'lin~COIIlIIIitteeof Roanoke ~al1e Council of CODIIIl11I1ity Service, appropria . ion .' ^ Lease and use of advertising space on scdre-b rd, Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center - 61. Loca!_~~~L~ll;J,~_.,!~_ o_r~_ce __toiD!poa e - 2 6,_ . _Licen:'~_..!>~~~~s'-.9_011!l1;Y_re.9.U~st to check -).315, . Lipes, Walter M.___vou~!t..e.!'::~!1e.c:.~etro-a_ct1v . to at_e...::__.:g3_,__1~J,,_. ________ _u,.__ ___" Loan, request_ for,_!~ok_e.~_o~~I_l'11b~ic S, ~V:~~ Aut!t~~..i~I_<:~.ried()!_~~()_~~~~ElI!~ElEl_ .~~ , .egal aut~ori_!'r.L~__fI1;.~ned, 0.1". City of R ipes, Walter M. appointed to represent Bo ---rOT memoerSli'i'poif'local adviSory boar emon,__E. _ ~!!!~:n.d. ~~. Gracl;!, rez9ning oan, temporary for purpose of operating, --COtifil;'Y"-;;--~'21.--' --- u_ - ..- ()~~,~ss N ..C. C.ounty Clerk and Clerk () oke to purchase. .independent_water--ayst......._... 94,-.- ______.__ rd 0 Ad Hoc Nominating Committee to nominate candi ates of C IlUnuriitYColleglf;.q;O"9-,'---- --- ..-- --.- . --.- -- fql: ta,in,proPerty -4l5,ll,57L_ ....... ...j__.__ in~i~ingand ..establishill!> wat_erusllPpl!.~z:. rCl<:no)t Cir uit Court, Audit of - 472, . _ ._ igh~:~I:I;~r;:iIa~J~g~ .gerai~lI.Jioal1()ke Coun L~~rliu()fSuj)f3rv~sors a!1d!j)P!l.~ac.Jl.~~l'. _!l!:._ Librar e~..!...!.~~o_~ls.~,J)ublic i1nprovement'llon r.eferendum requeflted -'+95. Lights, requesteti._!'.(): tw~_1;O b.e i~tallecl i~~ _tl1~!1.__Hi~fI_S.~~~ClI1___:_4~~_L "._______ ____ Lease Agre~_~1;_1!~~l1_~C)llI:l()ke Y!ll~Elr Hock Clu, In(l()r.~:Z'ated,- 4~L.u_____ . _____,,_ _____ Library Board. Roanoke County, appointmelll of visory committee to Board of Supervisor and ~_.__._'--- 1 -I I II :1 Ii II i I I r---- i I I I I i I I I . Letter from Dana B. Hamel, Director, De rtme -------.--- ----t;oca.rAd1iiso--- 'BOards---409 ,-431 ...- ----- -- ~::; 1E-~~~~:~~t;:~dS~!~~ftig~!i . - s81011 _ 435;--.-------.- '__1_____ Letter from Roanoke Valley Developnent Co pora ion, in re: industrial access road to s -- ---n-ast'1CS--Company -plant - 43;', Letter from Virginia Plastics Company, in re: -. ------U-ompany-prant - 435, .. Letter from Joyce S. Johnson and Alfred L Jo ---YeraaIe -AVenue- ti:)-T~ewood Larie436 Letter from C. E. Webber, Chairman, Advis ry C ttee, in re: consolidation agreement -. - -. or- Roanoke- requesting extension of time - 437,- Letter from J. Robert Taliaferro,Electric 1 In ector, in re: resignation of Clayton G. --.---- and-presenti.ngnameof Carl C. Coo as ... placement on Roan.oke County Erectr1cal'- _____~arg_~__A:t$,_ _ .un' _.. .___.___ '- L~ter_f%;~~es _~'l3eavers ,Execu~ive D reet , R~okeQ_o11!lty Pub:Lic. S~ce_~":tbo:r:'it -'.!~ etter ~..!~!__._P!~et~! Jr., AttoI'lley,re: szoning__~ert~n proper1;:r..,__L~~Ell. i'.~~~ 4 7, etter from Logan G. StClair, and petition sign by sundry r.esidents requesting help in contr lUng g1\1'oage-dumping-alidrestricting'par ng'f junkedVehicl'es- filed..;-46:t,----'- ----.-- '--. Letter ..f!~:~_oanoke__!!-ll_e!.Re~onaln Pla_~l1gg- is_~~on__- 47l, .__n___ ~:::; ;;~;:~;;;:~~~~~~:,~:~:~:o:~:;r:b~ e:-c~~::: ordered .f~l~~ ..~ -~i2,~ ..u. ~~--_=-- Letter_ i'.~.m ~ ~_ T." Lo~, enclosing APPlica1ion Regi~n Properties~ater. CClIIIIl&IlL -_~'. ....... _ J._ ......,. Audi_ O'IPW>l"1 Ao,,,,,," rood - 49.. - -----t I I I ---0"- _,_ ,n, -,-,-' --- -~--".- ~_.. .D LETTERSiFILEJ) I Letter from John L. Walker, Jr., Presid nt, anoke Valley Safety Council with refere . appropriation - 10, I . . Letter from Miss Virginia L. Shaw, City Cler , City of Roanoke, enclosing ResolutJ.on --' -'- ref'erence-to amending contract b twee City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke d ._._wi_thtreatment of c"omestic and c DDner . al wastes - 20, . Letter from Virginia L. Shaw, City Cler ,Ci of Roanoke, enclosing Resolutio? ?f Roa __.u__ Council'decliningtoamend City- ount sewagetreatmentecntract-.by add:lt:lon-,t Letter from Douglas B. Fugate, Commiss oner, Department of Highways, enclosing Secon .- --- --- -Allocations .. 3 g, . Letter from The Honorable A. S. Harriso ----Appointmentof F. Cameron vliley, _._Let.ter fr_omCharle~9. Shelor, Attorney __!-e~~.erJr:olll John R._ Thornton, Jr., Atto , Jr., acknOWledging receipt of Board's Jr., o Game Commission -3$.;-- . . or G rge S. Fisher t/a &c-1l9, resol hester Ross Lemon l'roperty- l~?, -Let.~~r.-fC!~-:W~0~;e~~1,~tat;t.*a~r7 _~~;~e:r'lI.d4r~sedto_~N. Lichtenste n, A :Le~1;~r, Copy of, addressed to Faul B. tth COIIIIlIonwealth's Attorney of Roano .I.e_t.1i..er_tr.ol!LBatn'-U.. __Li_~teQSj;ein.. A1;to ._L.!lt.te%"__1'I'Q.m_nme .~. JoUy. I..ttorneys, to Paul Commission - 13g, Letter from James A. -'Beavers, Executive Dire Le~~~~--~ii~~'~~8~'~sH~: Chairman, Stat -"Boardof SupervisOrs, it, re: pur se. ._____. __9.o~0~.e!l1.t;h., Collllllissioner of th Rev na~~D&~pgi:~r:J~~r:h~~t~---o.f--wg~l..!!.. .c~so o~ey, from_ ~ocky Dale Cl~i.e_sC~()ra1; _ll_n:::"_ , Executive Officer from Edw.H. Richards n, tY':'138, . ... '. .... ..--. Qgethe_r_,,:i,th ..l:o-PY o1're1l9r:t._o1'))r.._~!lA., . _ll~ . . Matthews, . Secret$Ty..J'l~ngand~o. or, RoanOke_County ~an!ta~i?n.~utho~ity, Compensation Board, addressed tc the C fiXing. salary a.nd' expenses of -the- A tt ue, Sheriff and Treasurer - 152, _~.L _L~~ter_.from Bep,t,()110.Dillard, Mayor of City f RoanokerElc~ivedand.filEl~~220.___. _~~~er-~~~~cr~;:t.~\t~ ~::t/~iY~;~~ ~:c~~~~I~;s~~~~~~0:~~03~~~oi__n~~~scuss. ons Letter from Cave Spring Jaycees, in re: e-ap ortionment of Magisterial Districts in R anoke -.---uCount. -:;'-382, .. ". ... -- . .' .... --.- --. --- u.____...._._..__ -------.-.----.-- -----.-- --- Let~!I" fr()mJfeorge W. Dean, State Forest r, continuance of Form 12. and Form 3~~__4() r,.!!.~e!J!o~G~.rg!.W.._Dean, Sta,te_Forest r, s .. ry.of. fisca.:!.. mat.t,EI!,~_~'pen<!eci__:'.AQI!,__ . of. . C()llll!11lIlity C()l:i.ElgEl~' __, !n_ !eL~.I'Jl.Clil1t;~ I1t .E.f er, DupartmentofHighways, in regard to pe eatS-Izi subaIvlslons ;,;-4J2:;---.---- -- ----- --.- _~!.:._ll!t.!t_~~._~~I".!~~~.~~~_~!ZO~_~ t Pl ndustrial access road to serv.!Vir~~IIi~ JOI1ns()Il,J..n,~e: _c~~~. __.e 0 , II I, I I I Miscellaneous deductions fro!ll Jalli.tor' s ur,o 901 .,. ~..l5.,50.!., 809, '493,' ,17(:/J10'., '4112, ' 12~, l26,llf9 17.3... . - 219,236, 237, 257, 270, ,,~8.322.'(IJ, ...u.... 54... 87 ;, -Ivc -c--...---...--~ Membership,. recommend appointment of F. amerln Wiley., Jr., on Commission of Game and .. Fisheries - 16, ------- - --- -. , uMliflQnLW,_ D. permit granteti for providinspa es for:_trailerson property.. of -:19,u Mount Pleasant precinct, delegation from Rive dale Precinct inoppositiont~colD~in~n~. ---- - - precfnct with - 21, .. }f()!1:t,llrey" Precinct , create new precinct t be nown as - 22, ~.!>_ntere~_l'rec:illct . new precinct . -:- 22, ..... _mo. ~unt.a~I1.V!~.Elementarr School.. voting" lace for Monterey PrecillC::_1;. ~2~., nland of sa d _~c~ne~_.~E!~~~n~of Voting -: 25, -.Ma,iTlt.~{J1;3'fJ4;)2~~i.\.W:S and Groundsame dmen. .to General Appropriati9~ O:r:tiinanc:~::}ltL?_~.,u ...J",02.. Matthews, Paul B. member of committee to make ecommendations for adoption of resoluti n urg ng _uu__ mem.oers--ofGeneral Asserilblj to con ideur eI1iictiiient -orlegislatiohHrequir'ingarrs r-tuar ilKs __.__.._ ~~__beer t_Clbe jlllt in return depos t bo tles 0~.collt~iners-_:3.9, Mobile Homes, application of Ellis E. Cu len r permit to park on property - 40, uu __~:rMeeting, Regular, 26, 292, May M~.Elt~~'_A.~~o~~e!i'H 42, :Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, Ap ropr' tion Ordinance - 52,83, 207, 304,327,3 Miscellaneous Operating Functions, Appro riatO n Ordinance - 52, 207,284, 304,327, 335 -.------T>'JD.H---.--.H-. _. H_.... _ ."._ .__ _ ._____,,_,,___ 471, ""7, ~in,"R~tl~~e~l~.- e~g-~tJnd,JZbert R. et we, Miscellaneous Operating Functions, Gene al A 5,47 , 355, 38, zoning of property on Northeast Side of irgi a rop~:i.~ti.on Ordinance amended-":58, 8.3,49; Meade Marvin W. and Geraldine L. Public hear ng to operate public Trailer Park - 59, 9, .,_._~-,..._------- - - -. "....-....., -- _.. "". . . - --.---- ----. ".. -'..._- ',--""'- . .' ..------ ... JIIn"'g" " , . Johnny, HJr.., _request Jlldg~ toap oint Martin, .all~o~I?~_lo!~_,request Judge to ap int Miller Str~~t '.3-ba~ci.o_I!ID~1;. _o_fc:.ertain 50 oot og._Ward.en_from...list.,", 59.33~,.__ og ~~deE.fr._oDl_~i.st :".. 29,3.3Jt.L__. - - -- reet &c - 6l ___.__n._________.__~,_l_._~_..__ _...~ _._.____.."___________~ ......___ _ __._~~b~~ of R~~n~lce C()unty El~ctrical BO.9rc1_~ppoj,J1ted ..-:'.. g2,_. MurphYLJOhn M-"_I!P~1,,!1tmen't.onElectrica nil1g~.;I,J:'li~. !l,2, Machi.~~~cO~~~~~1.~1 :r:,:pairin~ mus.ic and amuS ment ontheir 1ll"C):perty-:- O. L./{~_~ciu . E. -Mart!.~-~~;.;6~'t.~~~~~io~~c~;.d~~~~r~fi ' _~~;a.C::1;ur~J,.. agreemelltu~etwe_en_ ,!,~nof. ~~l_e_~E~ ~11~!"ofRoanoke Coun.y Welfare Board ap oint d - 102, Membershi~]:.!I.v~'!.t.ment_~11'~,,!n4.C!ll.hye.l;r.~ -'-. _l1c.,... :Q1l.1".c:l1a13IU~fu~ll?, _._..___n___.u.n __un __ ~2~?~~~!)Yl,c.Wi~' 39~~~~e"ctr.~ , ~3~ Ot?WfC~? dat_e issued -114,.127'),59,;1_ 4:,.1___ ,~,~::'-:_ _____ Magisterial Districts c,c;l~.ttee ~ b_~_ ap ~t~A_'t.o__~'t.~4Y fea!li!?il~:t;y _an(l.Jl.!lcessitI_J~.L~ 1.1.4.....3 6 _______~ Mat~s ~e ;~:r &~ei~un~ -~~~lttiv~ ,qf!~~e , eat 1al -as~~~~~ ..:0_ cal>JD::~..!'.ec~~.~~~ers a issu uy ..... er,....... ec..s,...... r gar 0 a..em-..oanOAe oun..y ..v..C "en..er _ , Matthews, Paul u~-"_ Countr!'X!ct:ti.!"!._().t'fic:e.., .c~ . _t~~e1;()l5utu!iL~~ci~n~ll_:tofir~.J~rO~c1;_ ~I!._:_ =~;~e~':7 ;:~;::~~~~~~~~~:::j:::t --~~:::7~~~~~L~;~--:::-~c-~-u-n-~; .---____.____.___ __u u__. .__._..u__,_ __ u_ _u_____ .____u___u... _n.. llg" ... na . _.. _ _____179.,__ .Ln_ Matthews, Paul B. appointed to committee 0 st dy feasibility of making changes in Buil ing --ordtnmre'e- 'to' C1snst'--contractor';'in d te ning depth. of - s-ew8rage -facij;itillS--..-~8i,. --- ...-- Minnich,~ev'u_~"--~~_Pra!e! - 1~.2,_ __ __ . _______muu .u.___.__._.._. u. ___.__ . .Mat.t_I;l~.s...J'a.ul_B_..re.,appointedmember of oano e. Valley_ Regional '. Planning._ Commis.sion.u,",_ 209.._ _u___ ~e.~~\:~~-e~nC;~fcilifw~o~~~e::.- ~~~:er orde ed f led in re: rurther iJDprovement in B::Pl'<illlI"_ nceo "a Ma. 1;~._. ews., Paul B. report filed regarding petit on for consolidation agreement - :al2, u'. JlaJ:':tin, "-1'1 K. Assistant Home Demonstratfon A ent, report - 220, 2.38, 258, 277, .300, n h Mercy House, boller inspection - 220, ! ~IlY' John E. and Everett W. rezoning Of' c n property 220, ~e~e, Report from the Virginia Depart ent Health - 239, 4 Maier, A. C. et al request support of ~oa of retaining Bent Mountain Rural Postal Se ice, oute, and free local dial~ telelilone s ce - 247, Morris, Barton W. Jr., Chairman of Long J'!ge lanning Committee of Roanoke Valley Coun~il of COIIIIIIUJli ty Services, appropriation - 2t8, . : Matthews, Paul B. appointed to study jail faci ities and other public building needs - 249, I . I March, 1966, Meeting - 250, I I ~gaz~e, Copy of News of State Departmen~ of ducation filed - 265, ~gpilEl Trailer Court, application of Thom s G. .Powers for permi.l;ror ,bu;J,ding - 266, 28 , " I ~ , I I .. _~~ 1:::::- ';':~'::'~;~;;:.;;;.":';l~:ntw -"" '0 ~. ,roo< of lam ;W , 350, I 'i _Meeti~ date, not~ce of change - 35l, 42:2 439~ U~~tr.~p():Litan_A::ea Stu<!r ColllDlission, RoaM e, d~scusSion - 382, ~ r' -. I' .~tth.!'l'8,Paul~. vC)ucher-check retro-act, e t~! date - 391, I l~d_LiCkCreek... rell._. ef interceptor sewer t Cit. 'Iii of Roanoke's Roanoke River interceptor 1 ne -1.395, MOy~r:.;-,_ Rev. Claren~e_ M. prayer - 399, II 1 - . - -- 1-- tchell, Lee, rezoning certain property.. 4l8,!146l, . - 1- _.- yer, James I. requested authorization of empl >ment of addI tillal Probation OffIcer -14f'.. n ofltlme granted for erectIon of Salem-Roano e Co, ty --- -Cinc c-enhr- - 439 _. ~J-/~{72!'- ..J:l,!<!ge. o~ Juvenile and Dometic_i,e1a. tiO.ns.C.o..urt_.. and. Ro.anoke C~unty C~~~'_ ~uu<:~, cbil1err "'nd~0()l,!s~COJI!III,is819ner of Reven e au horized to have forms printed - 477, ~~~!._!obert voucher-:check retro-active t dat., of issusnce - 488, entally retarded children of Roanoke Vall , a~ropriation made to - 495, - Ma~i~~~~so:te~ -ft~C:~~~~~~i1g- 96d~ect~to ;eport~4!C~Elndatio~,on~_C)- . ----~-- .JLbe Matthews, Paul B. appointed to Paries C tt~e I,L 496, - ---.._----- __uu___ - .-.-- - -- . 1 . ~ ~ Ii ~ . I: .. ..~ I' t j: Ii . r I ~ I, j Mil.l:er' R()yB. prayer - 383, .1-----~~::_~._ . -- L I I i I i i I I I I I I I I , I I I i .. il I, ._-... I' Ii r r :1 r t I: I' I' - :l " I' i ji . -u-l. ---- ----- 'U__I_ -----ur-u- -- ---------------- .. .-- ru- ..-..----.. ___+___u i! !I , ji I' j: I ;: Nininger, Bessie.1, Estate, re-zcming of Icertafli n property - IS, 57, N~~l1c:t:.oss School vot~ng place fc.r Ogden jPreci t ct - 22, New South Salem Elementary School voting Place'ror South Salem #3 Precinct - 22, Notice of intention' to propose fc,r adopti at ion of operation of vehicles on high ays --' RoanokeC-ounty, Virginia -.:6, N5>t_!.ce__giv.ell_thatFire Departments will n er furnish water to individuals - 39, Naschold, Eric T. Jr., appointment on Ele tric Examining Board - 82,326, ---..-.---.----.-.....-- - -- . , Inc, has made application .to State Co n~~;~ie c=t~eK~~~~:t.!:.. ~~;~nd~~i:: a, Proclamation - 139, .. .. ___ rat n ~ 1 , l:.3~!. .~D-.. Notice that Atlantic Greyhound Lill18S of V r . .-' . -COI1Iiaiss10n for aCertifica'te of Pu 1 c .. lI~t.~onwid..e._~ual IrlSura.nce COlllpaillY, bid n lia~0~4:~!?lu~_~eek, ill Roanok., COunty, Vi IIlJWtOZl,.Jam~ A. appoint;ecl to 1"111 unexpir d te on Roanoke County Planni'1g Commission - J.l,.C), otice of intention todiscontinull mainte: ce f one section of R01.lte 118 and one secti .nof. Bot1cen~1'j~iU~~0~~oceed1ngs " 248, otice that Wilson Trucking Corpol~ation mad application for Certi1"icate 01" Public C nve nee .---- . ana.Tecessity'ascommoii . caI'rier - 2 4 ....... . .. . - .... - otice that Tennessee Trailways, iCnc., has mlde application for Certificate of Public Co veni ce ----ancl-Necess:l;ty as common carrier - 5, ews Magazine, copy of State Depal:'tment 0 Educ tion filed - 265, __U"_. ._.._. _ ester, G. R. Jr., Deputy Dog Warden, req st J dge Hoback - 334, ot~c~-~f~~e-in~~eting ~ate - 351,421' 439 ovember, 1966, meeting, 442, ..!"~1,_Cleo Ril~y ~als re-zoning certa pro erty - 475, ____e _(Jf New Civic Center - 479, New Civic Center- Named - 479, -----..--.-."-- . -..---.-.-... .-- ---.-..-.. ----. .- 1iunl87-'..~~._!.__I)~ ,prayer - 462, Narrad!~.!. A~_.!l:eport,u Extens~on Unit rog filed - 490, ewton James A. appointed to Parks C~,. ee - 496, -~----~ ._-,_.~------~_._. ..-.--. -.. .- ..,. '--"'_.--._~'-" ~._.~-----_.._---_.- Ii II ~ . , --. -- t---.. i 'I a I I I I I !I I Ii II I I I Ii !I " iI :\ ~ II I r .\ i I Ii ia, epartment of Highways tentative allOcati~n fori cti funds filed 10, II park two house trailers on his property _I.;:lu_~--~~ ~::~~~:t;:::; :~;:t~'n::~~:n~/;:b:::m :a:: pa:, 5~1~obile Homes on pr~p~~L~4o'~~1-~~ NOTICEiOF PuBLIC HEARINGS I 'I 'I Communication from Commonwealth of Virgi - Interstate and Rural Primary Const Est_",blishingof bird sanctuary - 21, _Application of Lewis G. Rutrough for pe ~O-~-_.--~ .. - .-.-1----- "-.. .....-..---....-.. ---. '.. ,-..~.__._--_. _._"_. -0 --- '_n_ -n --..W Ii II " ~ ! i , I ORD NANCBS General Appropriation -Amended - 17, 34, p8, 1 ,154, 178, 243,263. 284,327,459, Combining voting precincts and c:reating hew p ecincts - 22, _ _~~~~~:~;~ng and. sett~ng aside defined arel in ve Spring District, as bird sanctuary .!~~~i~~_penalties. for operation of vehic es c ntinued - 40, ..!ppx:opriation - 52, 335, 477, _V_a_c:atilll' pc>rtion of Map known as Section 1, S 36, them Hills, - 54, Regulation of Dogs in Subdivisions and p escr ing penalties for its violation. - 136, ----.'...--..- - .~~pos_Eld_adoptioIl_amending the Roanoke C unty Exempting from taxation all classes of h useh - -"'-'-'---""'-- ...~-- ----.. - . -- _~pos~l:()c:a~ ~()u.ntySales Tax . 286, u~~s.tng ta%eson shares of stock in . Zo~ngO:r:<ii.~nc~,Am~lldmllnts to -309, ~V~ca1;i!1g, discontinuing and closing port on 0 Aerial Way Drive in Blue Ridge Park for ndus lectrical Ordinance and amendments ther 0- - .- ......_--.. d . good~ and. personal e~~e~~u::~_~6, 306 ted in Roanoke COUll.ty - 287, 348, _ _____u__+. ! . i I I i :1 I , ft-----___ ~----- --CI Prayer - 1,26, 43. 65.t..8!.t lQI....120,141161 182, 211, 2l2, 229,250, / 351, 359, )61, J"..:,J :3, J9'!t, 399, ~3, ,442,464,400, 482, --J;e~~~:, James E. Treasurer's Report - 7~ 31, 8, 114,lC7,21~,235, 256, 453, 469,486, I I Peters, James E. Treasu~er, voucher-chedk ret -.--. . 324., 371, :391;455, J. I ! 267,270, 288, 2f')0 275, 297, 321, 669,3 I 219,2 7,25 o-active to date issued - 9, 174, .2 '2.!o ':' Purchase of Fire Hose - 10, 264, , ! Parkllr-NiJmno_Supply Company, Inc. bid titled f r purchase of Fire Hose - 10, 264, ! Primary Construction Funds, Department 0 Hig ays, tentative allocation ror Interstat ----. "t-oge"tber with notice or public h arin s - 10, and Pub+ic Works amended General Appropriati n Or . Pe~~u~~t~li for providing spaces for 1rail _~~hase. of Safe for use in Roanoke Coun~y Cl I J'I'e(:il1c~,.. changes in voting boundaries a1d vo I 1'4ces,changes in voting precinct bound ties Providing voting places for certain voti pre Parking lot Windsor Hills Baptist Church I otin Pro!~ct~on of_ Livestock and Fowls, amendmtnt t Penalty imposed for violation ordinance d clar' --- ---" ., Distri ct a.s bird sanctuar'Y -- :3 6 Pe~t application to park_house trailers and ~~b~~~~.~ari~g. on budget adjourned meetin . _.~b_l.:i:.c:).ibrar~,oj)erationof,_ Appropria ion Public Welfare, Appropriation Ordinance 52, inance -17, 58,134,178,244,263,327,420, s on property of W. D. Mason - 19, m. __ k's Orfice - 20, ng J'laces - 21, nd voting -21, incts - 22, place for Windsor Hills #2 Precinct - 2 , General AppropriationOrdina?-ce - 3~!? ' 207, ~.~~,_ g and setting aside defined area in Cave Spri bile Homes on property ~ 40, 56, dinance - 52, 207,335,355, 477, 207,335, 477, Public Healt~,!-_Pl'r,?p.!"~.!'ion.()Z"'!~l1ance - Public Works, Appropriation Ordinance - 5,,1 52, .8 ,20'1,31 ~~_4?J~4.7.7.L__. 7, 335, 355, 459,477, _]!:ot,El~~~ol1_or._Livest()ckand Fowls (See D g Fu d), ApP:r:o~ri_at~o~ OrdiIllln.c.e._~ 52, ~07,3~., 477, Public Welfare, Department of Annual Bud et r Fiscal year ending June 30. 1966 - 54, -~:::~-;~~~e~~~-~ob~rt"~. BraIlll11er for erio of 3 yea;~-for trailer saieslot"": 55,..---- pe~de~i.e; ~~r Ellis E.Cullen to park 50M bile Homes on land": 56,."----. ---- - . _.~- - Public Hea_l_th! _ ~~nera.l.Appropriat;ion Ord~ ance amended" _-! 8,3_04, _. .?arkE!.r-,-_.J~ElsL.,_r~quest J).Idge to appoint Dep!! yJ)()gJl'ardeXl from lisj; - 59..334, _ Phillips, C~~~_,_A~lI.il!.~a,n~. c:o~lo!1W'e..ll.J,,~h 's ~ ~ ClJ;t!ElY.. ... c;:l!ecK :ret~o~al;:.tivl!._ to. _dat..e.pan.bJJ t.Q..- Public _~ildi~_!lo!1!!~l.Ullit..e!llp<lrary l_Clan, rom" eneZ"~l. _F1l!ld. - 94, . __________._ '___"_ P~t. _~~.e~_fClI'_O.._L.n_A..s~uJ:'rytC) _operat ________n.___ _____._ Permi~....,t;0_~~~:ri~~~~9;'.l'railer. ]~1"!<:of rv:i _W. Meade .a~~._ G!~aldine _L~M:.s:d~~ppli_c~~ ~~__ ___ 0.f~__@4~~~;fo~i,~h~~)~t;atjLOns,.St.. emen s showing asses~El~__!a~uell~~~__~y:_~tll~-:_~~~_ t~~~ i Line and Gas Transmission Coz'poratio , St tements showing assessed values made by tate ---Corporat1.on .Comm{ssion -.:: 112; 39 " ~ - - .. n "-'--"'-.-- ~erson."l__~_o.M~y-d~li;!1quentJist f.oJ:" the ye~ 9Ci4fiJ,ed -1+2,_.._ .. __chl!se of_llei1li>tlrship-investment, Shenan ah V ley, Inc., - 112, __c:l:a:ll~ or lease land of E. C. H:l11 for a Refu e Sanctuary, authority to - 117, _ropoped adoption of Roanoke Valley Open s~ace Ian - 118,l59, . _l_an,_ Roanoke Valley Open Space, proposed kdoPt on of - 118,159, _ oposed adoption of ordinance for prOhibiting gs from running at large in subdivision - 11 , ~hibiting dogs from running at large in 1Ubdi .sions, proposed adoption of ordinance - 119, Peters, Howard S. and Hazel A. rezoning o~ tra of land in Cave Spring Y.:agisterial . a' .62 acre tract adjoining Virginia S con Route 907 - 133,202 p',nni1'lg and Zoning, amended General Appr pria on Ordinance - 134, 244,420, Pofr, Clinton, Fire Chief, Committee, to l\tudy eeds as to fire protection - 139, Proclamation - National 4-H Club Week in 4oanokl County, Virp~"", - 139, Purchase agreement or contract to be Signr wit J. H. Pence &: Company for fixed seats Roanoke County Civic Center - 139, _ . i Pence, ~iv'i~~~~~i3~~gn purchase q,r1emen or contract for fixed seats in Salem-R I. " ,. ._1'IIr~e of fixed seats in Salem.-Roanoke icoune! Civic C.enter - 139, Petition for referendum on question of c(nso1~~ation on behalf of entire County filed - l56, 282, ..-........---.--. --" . -. .. . ~arks and Clpen Space Plan as submitted, c oPte~ - 118, 159, Petitions presented by C. H. Lewis concel ng ~bandoned rock quarry - l80, ;.;;.~~~~'e'~ft~~iters an~ eq~pment for/use ~n Roanoke coun~y c{erk's Office - 181, Pl1J.:ch!ise__of certain bonds by Board of Trw~tees ~f Virginia Supplemental Retirement Syste - 1 0, ~~.!'Elrl3'n_Jam~s_ E. Tr.easurer, and County of roanolce, audit of records - 192, 494, ____u PIl~8E-t_()f Salar.ilt!l - 193, I . ~ . rofEl~si.()~__S~~_cell.rendered in connect: onw4h audit of the C.ounty of Roanoke_n:,210, "ol:1c!!DIen,foUJ:'speC:ial to be appointed tc assi.t Game Warden - 242, !'.!i!~_p.s, _C~:lelS B. employed as Attorney or tins Board - 246, ~~~.! ~f~ar~,,!~r.SE~iff's Department H244 286,.. .. _ .._H_U_ .., ~.~'t;er.s~Jam.e.sE. ..Treasurer..., approving reqti st w~th Compensation Board for additional amo t t I repairs to office furniture and equipme, t - 59, . ..- _u_.. _._.u_ P~rmi!..Co!1t.illuation of War.d.'s Mobile l'ome aleslof Roanoke, Inc., - 261, ~ersLTi!.OIIU!~(}.Application for permit f r bU~lding MobilEl Trailerc~urt - 266, 2~3,. - ermit for building Mobile Trailer Court, . 1'1'11 tion for - Thomas G. Powers - 266,283, - .___._._......__. ___.._~.___._..____ .___.______ ._~_ __ - __ .._ __ ...._.... _. ,. ..__.__ __'___.'_.n._' =:J~,. be&c~~tln _~ c~e name d Articles of Incotp oration of Roanoke_.~_ ~!_ ~t._~aJ1ted EoHR. Jones to park two tra lers on property - 282, _~.~;-~~;:..~e-c.t."..~.o.".~:;::.er.eh -:d.l.:.P.-1;gi.OOO :.S~fO::i al:~el.i:=~:.: :7:~:.:.'~~0:f ~.I:::;poration 0 Ro ke County Swtation Authority and to ch e e of Authority;' 289, .. . _~~rs_, Th~l!.G. _&!l.!UieJ,ez:1.loi. rezoning of cert n property - 3gg,372, " chase of County Garbage Truck - 3M, Ii . ____________u____u.. ._______n. _ . . ~.. etitio.!1..!.i~~~!Il_-: "-~ed_~~_~nre-zon ng ~ Ir26, . r:~~~::g~~:~~:.~=~:::f:::: No. t~:ry F~r3e;:,;~:::;5:- ' ~!l!i_c:..~~qou~~t~;l~ploy.ed for anneJCati. 3~9, ." ~!:!!~~u~!JC:.~'t;.i.?!lof_~y.a_rea _'t;!111t will d.priv~ County of taxabl~assets &c - 3~9, ._ _ow~llL~~~._H~. Fl~uet,_I'.~~re.J."_.=_.2.6~, _. ~ e:~, J~es. ~.._Tz:.~ur~_,. ~l settlem nt - ~89, r . I Progress R~port,_ COIDlll~~r .~~rvi_clls Stu y.Eol!#nl.ttee filed - 408, Pi~d_Co~_~~~,_ ~a~~O~c1s'__J?&1:kS-_f ;~raries r~r ~hild;.~n~432, 'u__ ;:;;;._~;~~;::=;: =:~t:.tu::::::::;~~::~~:~~: ....~._- proportiOnate snare ol"'1ocal sales tax evenue _ 459','- . m -- _u_uu -.-.-~-.- ----- :::t~~='B:=:~~~:g:~l:~rOI!lDi~ SiOner()!"ltevenue_ aU1;horized tCl_l1s:!ll__~c)":=!! nted - I " Po~~t~o~ ~f 436~ persons, area annexed to T~ of Salem - 493,. _ P~~._anl! _re~eation,. Executive Officer $hO~Zed to accept applications for direc:tor _!+9.4 " _~'tl~c improvements and schools and libr ies, ~ bond referendum requested - 495, Program of recreation for mentally retard C~ldren of the Roanoke Valley, appropriati n fo I - 495, I ' Parks COIIIIII1t'Ue appointed - 496, I il P~~_LMrs. Bl?che, appointed to adviS~ry crttee to Board of Supervisors and Roano e Co ty .Ii1DrlU'Y-l3Oird 496, I' ' Paxton, WUli&ll J-..~r;, appointed to advi~ory ~ttee to Board of Supervisors and Roan ke C unty I Library Board - 496,\ ii , ., " I n Ii , 1--- PETITIONS FLED F~ed L. Bowman for rezoning of property itua e on U. S. Route :221 - 14, 326, _ .u___u~n__<>..{l~si~i,~n~~granting ofperntit for rovi.ng_ spaces for trailers _on,pz:o}?ez:ty of W. D. .. .:::~():~::~::::i::g::d ~~:' r::::~::~ 1 ~f SI:::~ r:~l~;i'~~ -~:' end of Lemonton Co~~ Subdii~iO-u-,-, --"--,.e-ce:l:ved-and'orderedfiled56, . f.. . .-.,-,---.- .._,________m____u ~:~<>..nsicl.~!::ee_ti.!_.ion ~f' Luj;her J. Martin tweet al .-58, ___. ~~_~~~~1~~_ f.i~ed _in.o"po~!1;ion to D g ~. ~~_ce, in Subdi'lisions:-~36, _,__ __,., .--n--- S~"'l peti,t;i,~ns fil:edfavoring Dog Ordi Su~~ivis!o~ - 136, QMQ~_i!lg _~(!,ll;a~i.o_Il !;9~OAAoke. Qity for _w ter . gh!;~ ,;3rQ9!4aw.n WateI'.\'lorks_<::9Il1Pany_..:'._~, ~etit;.!!>!l fo~_!~f~!:~Ildum._on_ q~ti~no,f_c:oIloJ,~cl. tign_ oIl _~~!f.__oL~~~re__~~lJ.l!.ty_.!g~d.::...! ~c:~~1'L!!J:-'~ Mrs.\f._". et_ ale J,etitio wita~-:_23~L ~ak_~r~ve Area.opposing annexation of ce ain rtions or area - 303, ...t______ 6.~. jJ--~- -. Withdr~wII:.PEl:t,~t.iol1'.:Fre.d L. Bowman, re-zo ng .-.--- -. 326, ion - 358, ____ ___ul". .---- ..'" -......_--,-- '-'---'."-.- Petition filed opposing annexation or -.-...----4..-- .--.... . ..- -,.,-.----- - ---~_..------- I I , I ( . " i jli _ R~~ar meetings fz3 ,26Ii.4i~' 4~, \<?/2'" 12.0 11,.) ~16l' , )8 182, 212, 229, 250,270, 292,316,3 399, Retirement Insurance - 7,.. 31" _]~:.. 1.9, 3,11'j92... .- 237, 256, 257,276, 2'1Ir, ..:99,..]22', J;'::;3' J70, _._?~_4~!i..._ . .. __ . .! Refuse Collection and Jan~tor Servjces ~ ~ 113'; lSS-,21S, 236, 257, -;C{ , 29g, 322, 32' ; ) 10~ 112.., 1~5"",,126......148, 149,173,188,2 8, 2 , 4u5, 4uo,.....'1, 4.]u, 454, 455, 409,4 ;4:87 atd'5;4ig;4&,)f&~?~g1f.' 80, 9)" 109,l_I.1~~ Roanoke Linen Service vOl,lcher-check ret.r. -act ve to date ~slllued - 9,33, 5l, --- n 1~,219, 237, 256, 277, 323, 371 391, 406,430, 455,-1,.70,,,,89, ~''7~:_itn_ 93, 111,.,12 , 150 -.. -". -..-.-. Roanoke Valley Sarety Council Appropriat Roanoke Gas Company voucher-check retro- --------211),"'237,'258;27'7; 299,-}23, 371,,' - --";.:. ~'!.~ (! to date issued - 9, 33,51, 93, 6, --4Je-i-lt-55,-471, -489-,-- -.---------- rerred to Budget Committee - lO, Report_Q.f:_5'Z!;11.~IlI!~.Report of Virgini,a ighw YGQ"'E'il!S_~Qll_ti:l,~(L-_lOL___. ______._____ g~a!. ~~~hg~~~c;f~~dF~~s30~~ntati e al ocation for interstate together with not ce 0 .Rob~son, Graydon N. rezoning or certain prop Recommend appointment of F.Cameron Wiley, Jr., '----r-rsrieifes -- ~ l6 - . . . Roanoke Val13Y Council of Community Servi es t Opportunity Act of 1964, appointmen of ty - 12, o membershi.Jl on Commission or Game and nland organization with Ec omic -------. __._ __ R~~oJc;~~~a~~~i~~ Commission rezoni g of ertain propertyofBes~ie_I.Ni~ngel"_E;~ ..a.~E!_ --II --till 01UlO.!c~. !~~~/~ndfri:n~Jir~f '~fi~~c~~~ ~ ~g~m~~Yeme!lts t.o pe maqe_toac!tEO!~s_:roacl_Q.1I.iJ, oanoke City area not accepted for sewage reat ent - 20, R oke PQW1U_G.J,~k!~LQffic~h purc_hase 0 s Roano~ ~~ty':~c:ho()!:Bt1dget for year 196 -196 Riverdale Precinct delegation in oppositi . f()l"..1.l~E!_~1l-:~.Q..L__ ______...,_____. _________ filed for further study - 20, 285 _m_ ....___ ___ .__ ".___ _____.._____.____L_.__._ omciBing precinct with Mount Pleasant - 1, Recommendation of Roanoke County Electora -'-wh1i:J:iJ.s"to"remairi-asat present - RQ.@Qkl!._C.Qtm~y_~lElc:t<Qrlll B~ard, . recommend which is to remain as at present - ~eg~tip~.bOun~aries and provide voting pI e ation of_Q.perat!~~()f__Y~hicl_e.~_.on Hi ecords of Roanoke County, Annual Audit of ~~,g..~e.<!~:i:~h_~.c:~.p,t~~,n of _~:l:!.:Z:(i~~=__ Pr~i.~~~ adoJlted with exc~ptioll~rll:iv:~:r::~::?-~.!!"ec nct, 22, ways of Roanoke County, Virginia - 26, 40, - 36 326, othgeb..!.._~'Iil_leE...~!1~.~~~a~,_:mp:t.o)'~~._~_o ma e au it of record of Roanoke County - 36,258, i --. -...------------. .---- - . - ___._m._.__._ ---.-. .-----l- rnment made by Lee B.Eddy - 39, / . ecommendations to change in present count ---_..._--._----.-.---_._--- - - .---.-. ..,_.. -_." Recommendations, committee appointed for -t-l-es--and-eont-aiflerS--- -39.--- Rutroug~~i~ G. ...2.PP..1.:i_<eats,p.n f'ol".p~:rl1lit "'.l.ec"rJ.c Roanoke/~teel_~o~~~a~~oll!_ aban~)nment of gov equi drinks and beer to be ~~t in ret rn o_.p_ :k...two_hous.e",txCiiJ.ers---On_ -pr.()per~----J,.O.;- .n street known as Miller Street - 41, Roanoke .j~i6"6_7_ani_ta~!()n Autho:-itxvollch r:-che k iSS1l~c1.!'etro:-~ct~ve ~.. dat~_::-_g.!..1.5.QL _8.9L~ S, Roanoke_Co~~L Buclg~~_L_no~!c.e()fJlu1?!:i:~_!t ?ri!l.ltl'_2!d_26.____ _.___ _________"'_______ __ m!i~~~~~!ng.()f Documents, Appropriation Or~inall e - 52, 20'7' 478,____. .__ :::: ~=:::,;;,:c:::::~:::: ~:: ~::.::;::on.CO:'~.~:'J:.f~:;~3::..:72J~1 -~ 58, Richardson, Harry, request Judge to appo nt D puty Dog Warden from list - 60,.33~,l Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, aban onme t of certain 50 foot street known as Mil er Street - 61, _Re.~ation of Operation of Vehicles on H ghwa s of Roanoke County - 61,., Richard R. Hamlett construction Company, Inc~o porated re-zoning tract of land - 64, 11 ,140. Roanoke County Electrical Examdning Boar , m ers appointed - 82,)26, Reque~~ of O. L. Asburry for permit to o~erate Public Trailer Park - 99, Request of Marvin W. Meade and Geraldine f' Merde ror permit to operate Public Trailer ark Roanoke County Welfare Board member appoifted I 102, Retail Sales and Use Tax petition GenerallAsse bly to enact legislation - 103, R_oano~e_county Courthouse cleaning elCteri r of building- 10), 199, II - , I I I i .OADS il I Ii . Improvements to be made to access road td Wil~pn & Company Building, part o~ State Rout 70~ - 19, ..__ ,,_.__ __.._ _._____"..._..__... _.'.u. n.____ ....'_ ___ __.,_ _ ___ ...-.1. _ .. _. _ . 0' ~._.._.._ .__.. ___'... Abandonm~nt and Closing of Floravista Drive - ib4, ~~a;rman -~~~~o~i~~;;O--~~gn-A~~~~a~c~o; lcomp~l.a~ce wit~ D~p~r~~ent ;~-Agr~cul~U~~ i~-~ der or -------- 'Roano'Ke''Countj-to-rece'lve its sharJ t)r-~tii:)nalFoI'est--;"llnd-receipts-i"or5chool atls'-J8i--- Aba.!lgoIll]!~~'LQf cer.1;~lls_tre_et;kn~n ..as_lIJ,er_~tx:eet~. ~O,lllok_e ..l'~e~tr~c_ ~~:.:lC.o!_Jl.oz:.atio - .!_inal ~!lC>.~!'~C>.'!S__~~!'_~~~El~sta~e an~_RurPri~ary ~onstructi()~ :24, .}2,5,_____ _ m_ ._.__________ Final Budget for Secondary System in Roan ke C~'!1Ilty approved 103,329, ~____. _ ______________'., _'__. .... ._ _ +_ . _. ___Ii '. _. _ __ ._.. ,__. _.. _0___. n.n Secondary System Additions- l13, 221, 238,302, ~24,4og, 472, 489, - _~~~:~~~_~t..~_~~~~~ _:"_131,-239, 02, J:!5, 472, 4~!.~~_n___u__ SectiollS__~.f_Secondary .~outes 6~__~d_..6~5 o__be llb~()n~__:])4L_________._______ __ _ Comtec:!i~1IS u'tobe_llcid.~d to_ SecoIl(iarySyst m - _ 4, . _. . HHH_ ~isc~'t~~ _~8I1aJlc~ _of one section of Rout 1118 and one sectil)nof Route ll7,:-.l41! l..6.<>.L' Notice of Public hearing Int. Route 3l1, -212 Ii. W. Int. Route 61, to provide modern t 0-1 e . bridge to permit trUCKs-reanng''Routet;-o l<jilie--ove-r- R01.l.t-e-s "1:16-and~ll-urto-h - ___ Road~_~p~_~~~.Se~q~~~ystem due t ann.. 'ation byQityo!'lt.o@~lc_e__~_1'Z5L_____ __._______ Discont_i.!ll1.~.~l1t~nc_e_ _<l.I1_ section. of ROll e 1l111nd one llectionC!f Route JJ,7(oldx:o!l.t_~):_!'Z _,.__-'____ Additi~ns_t~_~ec~n~ _~~.~eJII:"l~. 2~-,_ _~4,_~ .______ .._ ____..._______.___ .__ _______ :~':57~~:?~-:-t::~:;~~;~~~~9~.R....,,~ ....-lO,~.~24.-. position_of Old.l.~_catie>.~~__~~_!Ocat~~IO',_8er1~e roadlJ. ..~.c::~I1I1~ct~~~_~8J!I.~8.~_~_C_ _:'_ 2 .!~~~,__ Sect~n_o!_~~1.ng__Ii~~e~6_to be abando ed S em Distl'ict228, _._ _...... . _. ___ Section of" ~ting Rout~__~6_tc)~! .!'ec!8.ll~i~ _as_~~c~_~~~___:'__22~L~al~_E1st~c:.~_ Sections of Secondary Routes 628, 868 ~.60_to .l:I~~an~o~_ed~alem ..P1s~_~__,:, 228,. __ :::::::;_~:;~~:d~~~~:;.. :~~~:..;~~~~~;~~~~;;c::-~~~8~~~~b~~~~~~~~ tri t - 22', - --------.- ~3- "lL!95Q_._ Sel!t:ion._of__0.1d_!l01tjLU7-J'-On~1l ~r~f'llJ:'I'ed j;0 Scon4l117 J~~1;emJ'I1.Ac:c~c!J,,~~~.ec1;io Sectior,l g~M!...._~fC:~;'_1;;s~~~~ia. ~!:i ~~;~~f~t .~2_~~.,. ___ . _____ _______ , Secondary System Additions and changes in r y and Secondary Systems due to Relocatio and COwoL.u..Llou in ROowoke Cuw.L,Y',," 9';- - j .---..- -----. ._h_.___..___ - - -----------...- Section of Secondary Route 663 To be aban oned n accordance with Section 33-76.12, 1950 Code as-8IlI1l11lnfd _ 263;-----.----------. -- ---..------.----.--.-.---------------------- Connection to be added to the Secondary S stem 63, Route 115 ~ Roa~oke ~~~~;-~-~;g-~~c~~~:~~_ i~~~F()~_Of_lett~;-~i!~~--.~~6~~~~---.---- ____ Sundry property ~~ _ ~~ared ;.ntI"egs~::'td 0 ~rdov.emRe~ t_C!Isec.ond.!\I'Y _ ROY.t6i..7__4.5_L~9rl;h 1 J__ _.to_.dJ and R ,., ap~ ...Oll~e ,,<:.1. anu 0 ~ll. eC1 ary oute 530and Route 07 between Col nial Avenue ~ute _, enn Forest Cave Spril1g ist ct - 266, .~lncirz J)1"opertv owners ag.p!!.are_d_J"ec:ute_sti. 'Qak oad be mad~_ avaUa:tlle_ f_or__in.~lus:!..on_ in_S !StQ. ._Sys.t.em_ ~, ~~:~~~t~e~s 7~ppeared and_!'.e ~~ci~tl.1a1;_1!9~d.'Z.~_L~JLCJl,1;_~!fP_LJ;l_i,Ilj;rij:_~J!aLI.~_ b p . Application of Old Heritage CO::J2<l.rat;on_.:" 1!..~$_!iil!~__Rl'.8:~i'!'om___It()~~ .23Q..~() ROll,te__4l (~. ~Established as' public road, Hunting Hill . Dri~e - 303, . Changes in Primary a~_!Z;ei~~~t!~~'~~f=' ~~~ .____u_.~~-:-._-:-~:::--.------.-. --- Sections discontin~~-fr~~'_ _.n ... . r-l n__ _.__ ___________ Sections _trans~~l!~t:..}~5,__._ n.. ___ ..( .. il .... __ ._______n_____.____ !pplicatio~_!or inclusion in Secondary- Jtem 11- 337 '__un .___ _________ . " " County Engineer to view road - 421, il Roanoke Valley Developnent Corpol'ation d Vir~nia Plastics Company, application for i ust ial -- roaa 1;0- be constructed with Industrial ~ccessil Funds - 435, f Change of name of certain road in Wyndulel SubdlLv1sion - 436, jl Pla+ketch and disposition of old locatio*, nellj location and connections - 439, p~~ sketch and disposition of old 10cati4n and,~ new location - 457,) !!aJRlt of road - Route 1719 from Route 116 +rthe~st 0.35 mile - Ponderosa Road - 476, equest for Department of Highways to apprhpria~e necessary funds for construction or re onst' ction . . o~ Stat-e Secolldary R~e 800 from State Secondary Route 6a? to Cave Spring High Sch 01 - 476, i~en1ng of Bridge on U. S. 221, near St,at~ Roac! M8 - 4!lo, ; . Ii I e~nciaryS~tem Addit;ions, Discontinusr.Lce and~bandonment from - Roanoke County -489, . . e Well1:igton Drive assigned to sectic1n f 014 Route 419 between new Route 419 and old , ' \ ~ 1 , ~. t , . I. I . . ____ !tailroa~, s1;atements showing assessed v ues de by?tate Corporation Commission. - 1. , }9!, __~~_E_~t_at;e Del~911ent li~1;1l for . the yo filed - l12, Aef'1.1se.sanc:tu_az:y, auth?rity 1;0 l~ase or !,~~olce__'?'lil~~L9;llen_~~ce Plan, pr()p<l:;ed Jii'!El!:!.~Ild_'l'!"~iler COUrtet aI, pern1i1; to use Representa1;ive f'rom each Magisterial Dis rict -- '-~eC'ess1~-or- -re-defilring Magi-st a1- R~e8t to have eastbound lane l)f RoutE 4 1 -- ~~; :~~'{ ilIildeDwQCxf CiVic lGeag1,\e.. 37, RoCk operation on E. I~. Hill ope -- - --grant1.ng-of" perm1't- f"or -- 137; - - Request tw~~!b~n~__~_~!~d._a.s_th.er_ CI:e_ ~~ .~. e land of E. C. Hill - 117, :-.~.3:?, 15,2,463, nproper!;yas a trailer Court - 119, 27, to be appointed by Chairman to study fea ibil :cts --134;----- hOn _l'!ldwl1ereMaJllewoocl_~v~in.~~l'llects wi_ R~ owneI's and operators of D:l.x~e 9!1!El~__ .~s_ ard - 138, H"_~_~________ ______.n.__~.._ __.___ _,__.__~__._._._____._.._._._.____ --- Refri~J~~;oco~pCmc~~~~~~i1J9:l.0 r,.._ clla,se l!grEll!!ll~~J:'.c;,~~l'~~~ _1!~!.~1'()1'__ - em- . ..._R9_ll!l9kl!CC!u.ntl'l'J"nn:'"g COJIIIIliss:ion,melub r ap inted to fill unexpired 1;erm -140,. Roanoke County Sanitation Autho:rity, aud t of iled - 151, oli~at;ionon behalfof e~tiI'e~()~1;r_.:-_! ~'_______n__. osition to consolidation. of_R()anok~.Vlil~ _L:n... elopmen1; of TAP in Roanoke Valley, nts thereto proposed adoption of &:c - 1 , .--,-..---. ,. ._-" , yment; ..of ;all State:~_l:lillios.Jl;1;!I~Bg!1l :-:_.~~ of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commi sion- Roano~LC.ounty_We!r.~eBoar~uthoriza tio Re-appoin1;ment of Paul B. Matthe~s, as a ----.-'209,------------------.-.- . -- -. Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commisi3i ber re-appointed - 209,471, ~:f~:1l~1lIl1~_pe~it~on filed, on ':jUestiot, _~~Et~().n,-_~r.n~~t;. appeared before Board !ia~()I"d! ~the!M.re-z~ning.cer1;ain Responsibili1;y of Roanoke Count)r to - --rssueu-'" 159, --- . RoanOke County Electrical Ordi~lnce and_ - ._--~-- -.---..--.---- -- --.--.- -.---- .-- ------ Roanoke Coun~y P1l1nni -"'l1:~C)JlIDi~~:l,o!1__r_!JiO~"t; Robertso~__~pr~_l!al S~c:!re~~__f.i!ed Revision ot wa1;er rates applicat:ion of 'I' __________..__._n.____n __._______. ____.._._.__. fil - .2_2.?!._____.. ._____________.________ ...__. __...________ ______ 227 ..______._____..._... _.....,,_...__._.__. ..n...___ ley ter COlllpany for furnishing - 227. _ ..____.._ _...____._ _.__ _'._n.. ___._. .__________.. ..._______.____..__._.... _.__ s F ance8 H. Graham - 22lt, .port, verbal, Home Demonstration Agent, .. --.--.-..--.------..---- ---..-- oyed to represent Roanoke Coun1oy in all ehardaon, Edw. B. CODlllOllllealth's Attorn .--.-- ana-f'U~ure-8DIl'exat1'on--s11it"s 247, __ Roanoke Vall~o~ci~of"_~~~t~S&r'I'i e8, -rj .tj ..~.~~-.~lal?~.Jl~~~ee--~~~opria1;:L Roanoke. countr:>S~~~~pllJ:'tii.~dt:l,on2. ri9Il-- to ,....er ,,~'ograms...... - .., Re esentatiYefr()1II ~.~.~~ElHi~~:LdePa.!'l;~ ~L Request of Treasurer for additional amoun to Roanoke County""p'ourt L!.11dg~I!~:l.Jr!.ed_ of S t.ur~ Roanoke County Juvenile and DOIIlestic Rella ions .- ------_.-.._---.--_._- _c:!().s~ ,:,_~8?.! 3J3 '__.. ____________._ _.. ourt, Judge notified of Saturday clod - 28 .~92. .------------ -..----- - ..-.-.-.---------- .----.- _._n '---1. ---- ~~!~I.C?f_~o..a.11:()k~___a_~ _hi~___~o_11:!.~e~~~.::_~ ._.!._ RecOIIIDIendation 01" committee to meet with oanoke Countr Pls ""i "g~_OJDIl!iss_i()n.recolEme . tiat! n. t.11!it_ ce!:t.ail1_amell.d!J1e':lt.~__ .b~__DlB:.de ._~.o_ Zo ~_ o. , escind,_ac!'ion~.Fred_.L~__!l~I1_property on_w st. si~El__of !lew__I1' S~_~2.3:_-=-.~OO,_______.__ oanoke Valley Development Corporation to ently vacate and close portion of Aerial Way D - Blue R1dge-Pa;r!r"1"or--'Industry,reso ---~,-330i-- .. -.---------------. equest t_o_~:e.~i!!t_!clli.~dof"_~.<>llillg Appeals equest to check county license plates - 3 equest to appoint additional Deputy Dog - 315, n..____._.___~_..__...___ .._.__.____. ,-_. -.----.-.-.----. oanoke County deliver main sewer interce or 1 ne 01" Town of Salem wastes - 328, dford~ 13._!-._H~iJ:'s,. rez_~ning certain pro erty - 334,z.19, ~: 0::=::-::::: =:~ ::" ,::~~:,:.::. ~w '0 .~ournod u ... ll.e,:,~strictinl1: magisterial districts -35 , 3j !iElVolving Fund, increase in - 359, I Region Properties, Inc., rezoning certa:Ln prop ty - 360, 413, . Refund due Clerk from State and County ... ~79' ! C?anoke Metropolitan Area Study Commission - M. Caldwell Butler, - 382,397, oke (Staunton) River, Sta1;e Hi~ay De _~dson!_ Edward H. Attorney, voucher.,ch ~ques~"y_h_a1; ~~ _D~~_Poun~__ bec:o~tructE~d, as to conditions - 397, ive 337, I' I Ro~()~~.Countr_HoUl>.!ng liD.cl_p'~_-DeVelOlJller.l1;' Al1th~rity ~ction\Ol~thhe.ld - 398, . I - ... - Roberts~~__J~es_~._v~u~h:J:'-_checkretJ:'~-a. tive lito date O~issu~nc: - 406, 48~, 1'- - 1!0a!lok!..C_()~~r_F()JCes1; Fi,rec;ontrol - 408, il __ '1 Ronk, C. E., Sarah K. J. M. and Susie H. ezo~g certain property - 417,459, I Rhodes ~~:._T~ ~iaim!~;--~~~-.k_iile~ -'b;d~ '-' ~.~~; ~--- ....~~_~~~ ~~-.~.'- -'-_=__.: '_-'~-~-~--.=:.~=- - r----- , Roanoke CountrCourt ,__!.ouche!".:c:~ec~!"~t!(~- ~1;_i.!' 1;~...c1~!.e__~f_i_s~uan.5l~_~_.~2;L.L_.__._. .'__ anoke County Public Service Authority, A dit f - 456, _ _____.___.,_____.____m.u____.~ __,_.,.__, __ __..'_"U' _ '._ '. _ . _."'__'_'_"_" ecolllllendation, Oak Grove Plaza Section .f'o dev lopnent of recreation purposes - 4153, award fO~-'i'1i"Orma~-i~;:L~~~~-~~--~~~~'. ....~.~t. ;i~~-i~~ of ;;;~;~;-~~;s;~- ;~;;'~;ibl.~- i;;I-------- 't;h of Mrs';-Dorothy Flowers -1+6'4>-'- ---- ----.--- ----- -,,-,,----.-.--.--------------------- -- -----" oano~~_Coun1;y_~.!'l_ic _S~v!~~ .Aut~oritY',. v Uch~IChe.c_~ x:e.1;.ro_:-~1;i:!~_'t;(), ~t_e(),rJ,s__s~~l1~~___ !7.!-'____ ___ Riley, W. E. Jr., &: Elizabeth: et al re-zo ng ,Jl.rtain property - 475. -------------.----.-------- --..- . - ---.'1'----------- -- . -.,,- .,,-.- - .--.-----".-----.- .-.-....------ Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, cont ct loT~th Appalachian Power Company provi.ding f r st eet tipg-- 481. -- -- ---- --.----- -- --I" ----------.---.--.-.--.---------.- --.,,--.------------.-. -- . Repass, Anthony d. voucher-check retro-a.:t ve t date of issuance - 488, .__._"._.______.._______.__.__ .____._.... _w ___ _ __ ..._~__. _.~.__..._. eynol~s,.Mar~!~_!~_.!~u~~~':'checlt retr()- c~iv to ~ateo~_ ~ss~c~_-_ 488, .... ...... Roanoke County Extension Unit, Annual Stllt sti, Report - 490, _ ..__.____ ____._____._~_.._.______.____. __'n_~ .__ _. _._......_..... .. I Region Properties Water Company, ApplicaU n fO" letter filed - 490, ecreation, parks,_.E.x~~~1ve~ffic_e:_ ~~~:o -~.!~~~_~~~~~~-;~i~~;~i~~~~~~di;;~;~~-: -49- ;- .---- ecreation program for mentally retarded c l~ in Roanoke Valley, approiriai;i()I1__i;C!.,:,_ ~~,_ ..,,__.___ obertson, Wi"ialll, representing Roanoke J yce , requesting appropriation for program 0 re at:lon ror lIental1j retarded CI1llC1i'in-orYoaIio1Ce an ---_--495;------ ------- -------------.------ ewes, Willard, re~es~__~r _tw()li~ts to. j)e_. it talled1n,_S~t!1~Hi.J.llJ. S.Elc..1;,i~~~.N~~L ____ Roanoke Valley Hockey Club, Incorporated, Leas~ Agreement - 496, _e ~-, u-. ;....':~~i..T~"~~~~~~~~~Of;.~_.~- ----- l j /I . ~ .. H.____~..~__~_._____________=~_~-" i: Ii .~ il 496, Ii --- r-- . r ,I " ______....['. . _____.__ ._._.,_.____.~___.___.'_._n____.__.__n_.____ -.----------- ----------~--l.. ~ --.-.::-,-~--~~- .-~-~-~.=~~--~~~-==--- - . Ii __ .___.______. ____ _ ___~- _I-.-----~ .. . _uo__ .----.--.---- --.--------------. ---.. r -'T I II ..:t-J i: I ~ .._~.- II ~ - " Ii I'" 11 -_._----~ " ii ii BIG LICK DISTRICT J Ii Abandonment and Closing of.Floravista D~ive ~ 34, ..iamll~ _H~_ Car_pe!.!e.1;__.~ls_ ::- U~al11e~.:oad rom oute 66S_"?.EE - 3 7, , J.. __.Wa~er_Q.ak_ R,oill:l_f.z-om Plantation Road (Rt 601 to Meadowcrest Street - 0.23 mile - 67, -ir--n.-- -w -----.- ~~ten~.B~ll<!._~I'l..ofnltt~ 15()~L:-_0.0E1i1. ..::-_67. ,__~2;'!__ B1ufJ"R~ci_.r..r:2~~.i~e!,d~J.e Roa,dJRt. 80S nwes to _D. E. - _0.10 mile =- 68, __Cr~~tlan_d~!iveJ~tl' r>.f Rt._~34L~ODf E. ._.~._14111i:1~:_ 6~, Unnamed Road from Route 6SS to D.E. - .._~._---_. -~..__.._._. '---_.--,. .-- - -.. ._~.---,. --.---"-'---.- Springbrook Road from 0.02 mile north 0 Gue I sey Lane (Rt. 1493) to D. E. - 0.10 mile - 95, ::::: =::.~~~:'~ ~!~l~~:'~:~~.;;...~:o~;.u:- ::: 21, ;::: ;.~;~;:~~::;:::u:;:=~: =~~u u_ .. ___n S.e.c~!C?!l.lf().3 :- .().~2~.j~gn~served~' new_ ocat~on :-.1!4, _~~!!.1'.i.o!!_.H.o.4 - 0.3~ )fi'J_adcieci .to Secc. an' .tem ~_13It, .__ ._ __. _n_____ .!lltction.1!()._~_- 0.lt5 Mi.,_ added_to ary ystem - 134, -- _ . -.- _ -- 1_ .____ ___ .o.n~1.n!1~~t~"a,,_(t~.Qf one _ s~~ion .0 Rou ~ .l:l:.8,.!1Jl.ti _ ()ne~.!l!l~io.l'l. ~~ ~,!ut.!._ll- L':_!~~t.!60'- S~ct;g~:-i~:05_ Jnges in l~~h_Route lllt _omJ:ntl!.~sec_t1.(ll!..of_R.otltl!_!l7__t_o o...o5_llIj,res _ __ !lect~~ln NOS' _5..~.10~les in lAngth Route 117 rom Intersecti(lnof ne:w 10cat.edR~~el1 _ _t(l_O _~9__ ..... es ou.... - .", I _ H~().!!~l!iJ.~_~b<!,i~~ion,. Sect;iotl 8 - 1 l, Springbrdok Road - from 0.02 mile north f Ro te 1493 to dead end 0.10 Mi. - 19l, .--.-.-.-...--.-.--------... ". - ...---- - - - Ches~.cu~ Mounta.:I"I1~ta.tlll3__Su1:>.~_ivision ::- ~91,__ I Chestnut Mo~~~I'l.IJ.riye =_fr~m_~outel03~ to Oakl~c!..~s't;~t~~t\.bc!i v!s_~on -~~l, ~J,2_:M:I-!.~_so.uth. _()~1.2:M:1-.~_:,_}'21.L____. _.__ m____ Brent C4:<:~e _':". f.~!II_.Clakl~ti . Boulevard to dead Darby Road...!'!Om Co~n~~ ..~veto . R()utej 623 Section 4 of new connection of Route 626 fr . 001, 1'402 0.35 Mi. _-2)&,--- - - Section 5 of new connection of Route 626 --- 001, P-4Q2, 0581:-12g-;070}P:40J.-O~4~.. . S~e~tO&53f~~;J-;;~C12~?i5~'- Section 2 ~~~2~~au~~ Section 3 of old loca~on of Route 62h. 001, P-"402i--OS~l-12 070Ji'-1j;l}:r--o-..1""'" Stonington Road - from Route 1861 (Cle - ----.....-----.-.-...- 0aJ<1and Boulevard .- froll!.V.i~~a_A!~u! t9rl ~~~A!e~~~.J.l~O ~~:...191,______ eIld9 .Q5 .MI,,~:-_~9l,__ 0.18 mile - 2l0, old location to Station 108+45, Project 058l- So- .. . 0' .______._,.._____._____.,__.____.__._,____..__~_________."__ __ , Goodland Avenue - !ro~ St_o!!i_Il~Cl_n__lio.a<!_s. 11.t;!1.. o.'l'J:'evi~:l..a.n R.E~~J)~_1~_1o!i~ Route 115 - Roanoke County, copy of lett r fi ed - 266, fro old location to Station 121+50, Project 0581- So- ----- - S-- ---.-.---- _____on. ___.____.________m________ --- - '0;;; ~e'new connection of Route 626 toStation 129+3 239; ------------ _____.m____ . ----------.----. ~-P n . .-2~fi~~~~j9_?!-~()Ute-- 62~_~0 S~atio_ 107 m tation 91+00 to Station 107+60, Project 541-0 - ,---- 390--.--.-. ------ -- -.--.--.-----.--.-- - ------ - ater venue) southeast 0.09 mile to dead end 0.09 Mi. _._~- -_._~-----_._--~----_..__._,--_..._,--,--_._--- I :'m~5_2L._____ WESTVIEW TERRACE SUBDIVISION ~~CTION 4: :otttla - -'Ilf"rflgifs 6ac:t'~0 ifelill!f Q;'- .-n;.m.;-;.-m.,-----------------.------- Lynn Street - from Tellico Road to dead nd - .07 Mi. - 302, I en. rk (un:na.mearoaa'ot.'r-Route'- -Ta-northeiisterl.y(Ure(:t~on--tolr;"E;---;;-nJ'55' --- Oakland Boulevard (Ext_n..!....P!:)i~11'~~_J,~70L .1".oJnn...g!J.Q.l_~:R.~~c:L_t().Jll";L@.<l,Q_.! V~~,1,!!L:::-_.Q.,~LI&1 _::._3_ Magnolill. Road_ fro~.Eaklll.~~_~~'e_!.a.r~_(It~_ _.?:~Z. .._t_o_ll.'_~~ 0.~~_~.?:~._.:.147,,_____._________._.. ___ Deer Run Drive from Chestnut M01lntain Dr ve t _nl!8_ (Rj; ~._!~_'(4 )() .}2l1li,:i.e_,:~!?-,______________ . Chestnut Mountain Drive - 0.44 mile - 3 , "...-. "'...-------------- -. ."-.--..--.--......-..., -.-- .,.- .-... Ha1cun Drive from Verndale Driv,e to Or! do A Brattonlawn Drive from Richards Ave. (Rt lS2 to D. E. - 0.04 mile - 394, -0-- __~ectionsfof Old Location of Route 617 to be a ndoned in accordance with Section 33-76. 2,1 0_.._ -Code 0 Virginia as Amellded - 457, _~ec~ior1 N()':L:-O.03 .Mi., this section s ved y new location - 457, Jlectio.l1.Jlo. 2 - 0.04 Mi., this llection.s ved y new loce.tion - 457. .!l~~.t10..n__No.3 ~ 0.02 Mi., thisaection s+ved y new location ....457. Se~ti()n of New Location to be Aclded to t,e Sec ndary System - 457, ~ection No.4 - - 0.10 Mi. - 457, I ,I [' I CATA\ BA I Sundry resident appeared and re!'<)rted Road said road - 267, I I , I I 1 I I , j I; DISTRICT i I 78 in bad shape and requested attention be ~.ven to. I' .. I ~ , " --,------ .--.------..----1------- '0. , I I I [I II 1\ ~ " II 11 i! i' :i Ii ~ ~... I ~ II ,/ " 'I CAVE SPRING [DISTRICT Greenview Road from Hollowda1e Drive (Rt glg to D. E. - 0.11 mile - 69, _~~lUI_.Road from Garst Mill Road (Rt. 6 2) t .w:t.llowlawn Street (Rt. 831) - 0.11 mile - 6~ Valley Forge Avenue from Bunker Hill Dri e to Westmoreland Drive - 0.05 mile :- ?O, .j- _j:~~isAY~ll\lefrom BrlUldywine Avenue (Rt 160) to D. E;' -.O.lOmile -: 70, ." _ltlj.Xfen!l.oad from. Southern Hills Drive ( t. J, 56) to RoyR~ad - 0.10mile__~ 71, . Glenbrook Drive from Westhill Drive (Rt. 1699 to D. E. - 0.20 Mile - 71, ---.----- .-.---.- . ....r. - ---- -.--- .~o_o~ood !)rive _from G1enbrook Drive to festh 11 Drive JRt.___169~t 0.06 JD.i~_e -.7~L __!lun~~~ Str.ee~ fr()IDA'Clington Hills _Drie (R . _lM3)to_Woocir!dge Drive - 0.14_1Ili,1.e_- 72,.__ La~el,,()~__D.rive_!"rom_Driftwood Lane to . E. - 0.34:ud.:Le -7~, ..._ __ .__. _____ ______._ _R~.~..Driv~rrom Redbud Road west to Drif . oodLal1e-O..20_IIli,~e-.7~,____ _ m.____J!~bud..Road _from Belford Street (Rt. 13Q ) to _.'"'""L-_____ _~O~.I>I-iv:"j'rl)ID_RegbudRoadeast to D. E: .J_____ ____ _~.<l.<X! LanfJJI'CIm.. Lytha.lnIlI:i'!e (Rt .13+8) t ____ _~~~dge Drive fz.-om Huntwood Street eas 0.2 -71b oyal Oak Drive 0.0.3 mile ..:().1()mi).~_- 74,___ ...... Laurelwood ~r~ve.O.JO mile - .75, mile and west 0.07 mile - 75, _.StEle.pJ.e,c:l1ase__.~ve__!rom Rose1awn ~oad(R . M ) to D. E._- 0.50 mile - 96, Townside.R9./l.g,j"roJll..!l.Q1,1t_e__220 to PaI'liame, :t Ro -.0.08 mile_- 96, Toml~.~rive_fI'()III_i'i:tleva1ElRoag. 1;0 D.E. - o. P~t::L:l..am~1; . Road from 'l'ownside Road to Hi. e St . mile__~._97L et - 0.20 mile - 97, Soutin!~y_~v.ll..J.I."O!llHite Street to D. E. - O. mile - 9~,. Route 1670 from SCL of Roanoke :to SCL of Roan --~..~-- ..--..--- . ".,... --- - - - - ::::. ~::- ~:~~:~~~~~~~::~():;~ R:~:~:~;h Rou~~691.~~0~'~~~;l69; t~' 0.40 ~le Jast" Rout~-16i~-~f:~~ ~lio\1~~i662 . to Route .1690 \0.09 Route 1692-fromRoute 1696 to Rout'~ 16~1 O. Route 1692 - from Route 1691 to 0.04 mil~ no ._________. _. - I. Windsor Lake Subdivision - 191, I Laurelwood Drive - from Drirtwood Lane tol dead end 0.34 Mi. - 19l, Royal Oak Drive = from Redbud Road west tp Dri twood Lane - 0.20 Mi. ll~bu~ Road - from Route 1305 to Royal oat Dri e 0..03 Mi. - 191, DI'ii'twood Lane - from Route l31S to Laure~woodllDrive 0.30. Mi. - 191, Castle Rock Farms Subdivision - 19l, I i' Big Horn Drive - from Merino Dri.ve to pe1~ D1 ive - 0.45 Mi. - 191, Sugar Loaf Fa= Subdivision 191, I I i , " Glenbrook Drive - from Route l699 to dead; end .20 Mi. , ' Brookwood Drive - from Glenbrook Drive to Rout Ht. Vernon Heights Subdivision - 191, uB~!'s-:Avenue ;';' from Route 1 _._Sj;erling.Road from .Parliament Ro'adto Sc, thwa Route 769 from intersection of Route 661 to d ,--,,---,-'-'--~'-'-'--+""'-'.'--'---+" ....- '- ....-- ---... -.-, Route 661 from Route 220. to Route 769 O. 1 Mi Route 661 from Route 769 toRoute 661 O.~ mi. -.-----...-------.--.-------..-... -'-,.-.-"'-- Route 1514 from SCL of Roanoke to 0.07 D ._.____._.__.. ..__."_+ "_U'_". __0____" Route 1646 from Route 220 toRoute 1647 0 20 Ro~te~~~7 - ~()D1__~~;ej.~6;_to Routt) 1646 . ~ .07 Route 1647 from Route 1646 to Route l662 0.11 .-----.---.-...----.......--.--... ._--..- --_.-- -. Route 1647 from Route 1662 to dead end 0 02 Route 1662 from south of Route 1.647 to Jl ute --.+--------.--". ..-.-.-".---- ._--'..--_.... Route 1662 from Route 1663 to RClute l692 0.06 Route l662 from Route l692 to nClrth of R ute Route 1662 - from north of RoutE' l647 to dead ._______. ._._____. .____....,____. ____..n "._ _ _ _ _ ___ Rout!! 1663 - from Route 1662 to dead end 0.05 ,-um ., __.. :i Drive -0.06 mi.le -_9~, d end 0..10 Mi. - 175, _ .-..----'....- -,-----. .-.. -- .-- - 175, - -- 'f-" <- ..-- - --.--- ---------- l7,5,_ _____ thwell~_~~~O'llI1()lte() .01_~ ~ ,_1.72..__ - l75,__ - 175, .- l75,_ .- 175, - l75, . - 175, __...___~_ __ _+_._w~'" 47 0.11 Mi. - l75, ----r-'- ------t-.--..'...---- nd 0.03 Mi. - 175, '. - 175, e 0.15 Mi. - 175, ...-....,...-..--.-.. f Route 1692 0.06 Mi. - l75, ___ __...+_.._._.u_.____.. ...__,.___....__.. _____..______..._~_ ___"~ R~ute l~9~_o.~()4 Mi.. _-:11.5, _ ._._ ____ ______. Routel692 0.40 Mi. - 175, . - 175, ,---, -- Mi. - 175, _ . _.__ ... _n.~_..+_... . east of Route 1691 - 0.04 Mi. 175, - 191, - 191, 1699 0.0.6 Mi. - 191, i: [i I il I .. ~ Valley Forge Avenue - from Route 1607 to] Route, 1,20 0.05 Mi. - 191, J _ I{olllewood Subdividol1, Section 1 - 191, i l Steeplechase Drive - 1'rom Route 689 to d~ad el;ld 0.50 Mi. - 19l, Jai:r:war Forest Sub_divisic,: - 19l, t,. _ ... __ ,- .~~irway Forest Drive - from Route 685 t,oi Fa~ay Forest Circle .0.3l Mi. - 19l'f___ '___F'..a!JCWayF()r..!l~~ Circle - from Fairway Fe,rbst Dtive to dead end 0.16 Mi. - 191, .. ..-1-. I Section 4 - Section old location to be t~ans1'~red to Secondary System. From Route l44:i to nt. Route 419 __l_.~~.ct~o:~:~i~.c. O.~i~:.n~.l~. ~~~~~~~~o :E~ .~. is...~':''~J=~,'~'':..' :~&~ou~.e 4..l.J) .~._~_. ~~...'~:-___=_. . __~~c~~~l1s-~~~:c:i~6~~d_location to be a ando~ed From Route 1308_to Route 419Lengt~-_ ?__~2. ~'_~~_____ Section 7 - Section old location to be a ando~ed. From Int. Route 1306 to Route 419 Le h 0.12 --.----.---.----M1.--No--Service - 206, ..i! - .. .. . Sections 8 &: 9 - Old location to be tra,n ferrfd to Secondary System. FromRoute 419 to 0.08 . .-- -- Route 1;19 Length -- 0;90 Mi. Sel"'1'1 e - ~ Subdivisions and 3 houses - 206, . . .--- _' S_El.cti9ILlO_ .=__S_eC.ti.on .old..lo_ca.tion to. b~I.. bandclln,ed.. From.. .Old ..Route. 419. to p. 08 Mi.._ S..._ Q d_...Ro 419. Length - 0.08 Mi. No. Servic 206; I ._Section 11. ,,- Section old .location to bE. ransterred to Secondary System. From 0.05 Mi. N....J~ 702 to Int. Old RoutE: 22l Length 0.3~ Mi. Service: 1 Subdivision and 5 houses and .___ ... __.church.., 206;.. ...J. .. ... . I Section l2 - Section old Location to bE' ransterred to Secondary System. From Route 22 to ._" South Route 221. Length - 0.45 Mi"tserv~ce - Village of Cave Spring - 206; . I Section 13 - Section old location to nE' bandon.ed. From Route 221 to 0.10 Mi. S. Rout __nO _ 0_.1.0 Mi. .No Service - 206; ~ _ .. __. ____ Section 20 - Connection to be added to S coda~.System. From Route 419 to Route 1308 S rvic _____no _connecting...Ro.ute..4l9 and Route l3'Og- 2~6, _ _ __ ____ Section 2l - Connection to be added to S cond_ry System. From Route 419 to Route 1'<'57 nd 0 -.. -- Route 419. Length - 0.20 Mi. SeM'i e: Cdlnnecta Route 419 and Route 1657 - 2.06; . . Section 22 - Connection to be added to S condary System. From Route 419 to Route old 4 9. L - -- -- _0..02. ML .samce.: Connects old 419 d lldute. 419 - 206; _ __._ _ _ . ____ Section 23 - Connection to be added to.SecondVr System. Fr~m Old Route 419 to RouU 4 9 Le _ _________0 .02__Mi.Semce.connectsold Rout 4l9liand .Route 4l9,.,. 206, . __Sec~~~g~~iMi:~~::~~_~~~:J~dR~u~~ S 10~~1~y~~:~ ~~m.,.R~~l~221 to Old Route 2 1 Le. _ _!~!:Ona_~lf~IIIt8!ll!!ck'rl"ail to Kend Tr'il - 0.32mile_,,:, 225, _. Kentlancl~~.!.e__~z:'C!l!I "gI.~~~.__Dr:1ve 1;() . E. ~- 0.41 mile - 225, _.Q~f.i_~_aQ!ld~J,'OIIL~O!1pe 1656 to Roy Road 0.1~1m11e - ~38,.--- -~~:~~~~:~ =~:~~~~:~::: :::: ~~~E :~to:'a:u:~8~90.02Mi. _ 238, r I Section 22 - from new Route 419 to old Rpute ~9 0.02 Mi. - 238, ----...---------------.-- -. --- .-- l' T- .. .. -----. Section 23 - frolll old. Route 419 to new R\U te 419 -0.02 Mi. - 238, _~ =~~-;t1~~~~_~-.~IIIR~_~ 2.2lto Old.Rou'~e! 221, JProject 0221~Ogo-102, C-501 - 0.06 ~Ji. 2 9, _ Beacon_1lri!L~_~~t! .l!oo_ tc? KingsWO'3tiJ Driv~ - 0.10 mil~ - .244, 1__~~l1co _Drive _~m .It~e __ 6lt7. to Beacon >>t:t.ve ~ 0.18 mile - 244, I I .. _: ::;:;o~;~;;:~:- ;;, ";1: +::' 1:'~:::;~ mil. north O''"'~'-;;';; :_!. ~ ___ Section ~ - Old location or Route 419, from R<iute 13M south to new Route 419, length .02 le - 259, -- ______m_____________.__.__ '-. --- -- u t c' . ... -- . .__. ._____ . ._____ .._______ Section 7 - Old location 01' Route 419, 1'~om i~'tersection 01' Route 1306 north to new Ro te 4 9, ---- ----lengt1r-o:r.nnile -'259--- '1.~" - .... '. .... .......---.---------- I Section 10 - Old location 01' Route 419, from n,ew GlIlection south of Route 419 to new ect on north --- ---sec~;~~~)t;J(()~""t~{Jli~~;;~h~2.~u:-li2i,21ldm J~ Route 221 to newconnect~o~ 0.~0 ~~e -~- 0;- --t-- --.-.-!tout-e '221; 'length O.l,'t mile -- 260, i ~. - -- -- ------ Section 5 - Old location of Route 419, from RoUte 419 at Station 94+50 south to inters tiod 01' -"OlRlf'1J08, lengtli '0'. 85 mile - "260 't. -+ ----, ------- -- -- - sec~o~~~cfi~nO~~p~~i~;i~~a~io~~~g~~t'l;~h Rg~~~ie a: ~~~~ion 153+00 south tont____' Section ll-Old location of Route 419, trom 0'.05 mile north 01' Route 70Z south to int sec on of -- .---- !. se~;;o~I~;a~~flf~~a~~~~f 0 R~~t~~~l: ~~~~ J~ route 221 at Station 84+00 south to c ec on'-- .- - .. I" . . with Route 221 opposite Station 10~+35, ;length 0.45 mile - 260, . '. Section No.2 - 0.l3 11.1. to be served by lnew ~ocation - 2S3, Section No.1 - 0.11 Mi. - 263, '!; - -. . : I I' Improvement to Secondary Route 745 nor1;h tl..3 mi. to dead end beginning at Route 221 and impr' vement . to State Secondary Route 1530 and ROute 6$1 between Colonial Avenue and Route 419 Pe Forest, 266, , ' : -.-" '1 Old Heritage Corporation - Hunting Hills Road from ROlDl 220 to Route 419 (2.5 m11e) - 2 l, Hunting Hills Drive - 303, I, - - 1 II i _ Algoma Park Subdivision Kingswood Drive - lfrom ~?amlico Drive to dead end. 0.23 Mi. - 324r' I ' , r: Beacon Drive - from Route 800 to Kingsw,001 Driv.;e.. 0.10 Mi. - 324, i ~ Pamlico Drive - from Route 687 to Beaco:n Ilrive '0.18 Mi. - 324, I i Carlton R. Manning (Extn. 01' Route 900 :Ln r sOl.lheaster1Y direction to D. E.) - 337, 355,1 Ii.R()~d Divezo15(Extn. of Route 696 in a outh~asterlY direction to D. E.} - 337, 355,. II I ! I, __' ,. I. I ,- . ~SPRING II .STRI T, continued H:u!lting Hills Drive from Route 2.~0 to D. . - mile - 338, ~~~_Ilz?vefroDl.F'armingtonDrive west (.14 le - 339, .L.!1WB.!18 Drive from Farmington Drive east ,. 0.14 mile - 339, onDri.vefrom LakelandA~renue (R1: 161 LtoJl. E.!"_0.22 mile_.,.340.... C.!!.e SIlz:iIlgLlme frolllFarmington Drive eat - .07 mile :-340, Griffin Road from Southern Hills Drive (Ii . 16 6) to Rt. 891 - 0.1+0 mile - 341, .-- ..-----.. _ -- .--- -..--. Delavan Street from Route 687 to Glenmont Driv - 0.09 mile - 342, -n----- .~i~l'mont D~~e-from Delavan Str:~:~ ::~~ o:~f i: 1342, . ... -j r--------.--- ------- --. ______ _-!.e~!'~rr__Ilr:!_v~.r.rolll D~avaIl Stree1; 0.06 mi e to D. E. _- 343, Gallatin Street from Glenmont D~.ve to D. E. - 0.06 mile - 343, ..-------c Georgetown Road from Colonial AVEmue (Rt. 720) to Greencliff Road-0.20 mile - 376, - -- - ~- .-. greeIl.c:l!ff__.~oa(L!,r-,,~Ge~rget<l\i!l H()~d_ eas1: 0.02 mil.e_~d west 0.04.mi1e - 377,. OJ.,<!..!owneR()ad rrom Georgetown Road east .05 Ie and west 0.l2 mile - 377, _~s~~d~ Ilrive from Georgetown Road north - O. 2 mile -378, Booker Road from Pinkard Avenue (Rt. 677l' to D . - 0.05 mile - 393, Gies~~o~~JE::EtI1._o!,Rt. 1650) east 0.08 mile 393, __.___.._____ ~~E:lii.o!l_of Rout_e9QO.::- fromRol:lte 900 s uthe t to dead end 0.10 Mi. - 409, ~~i()n. of.~outta 696 - from ROl:lte 696 s uth .!!~.tiI1g_~i:I.:Ls__Dz:i.ve - from Route, 419 to II tin Wyndale Subdivision, Ferdale AV8llue, char ---_._-~-_._. - dead end - 0.30 ML - 409, Hills Subdivisiou l.OO Mi. - 409, aIDe to Tanglewood Lane - 436,..___. oned in Accordance with Section 33-76.l2 Code of -.. ....----.- -..- _ -- --- --...---....-- Sections of Old Location of Route679 to 11 Aba VirgInia' as-AmenaeQ;;-'439,- -... .' . .'. ~!'<.tio.!1__!i.2"--~.:._0.17 Mi. served bynew 10c tion ~!!<.1;j,on~_C?_!_ 3__~. Cl..0.9 ~. , _ s e!'Ved by new 1 Section of Old Location of Route 679 to b Dis Code ol'--vIrgiiiia ;S:s-AiiieiicfeCi--439-;-u S~ctiol!. Ho!.1...~. Q.14Mi!,served by new J. cati Sec~io!!!3_Cl.t.! ~_~_~o.cation . to be Added to Secti~I!.1!~._lt_ _-_Q.()9~!_- _ 439, . 439, -439, nt_in~e_d_i_I!_~c:co~..n~e._!i.~_~'~c!,!o_~..3l:'L 'J..!.~ 50 -439, .?ystem : lt39, Se.c:~i()~Ho._L:- O.l~ Mi. - 439, __.________ Sect!.!!.!! H_o-"-~.':"'_().15 Mi.. - 439, Sections 4, 5 and 6 of new locat:i.on of Ro te 6 -'0S79;;.ut!l:I-l23~-U;;'"501-,O.36m. .,472, ... Pinkard Court Subdivision: Booker Road - rom between Route 419 anci___~t.Il.t.io.~~?!O~.!!. Je.c:.t_ ute~7to dead end._ .0.05_~.':-_..!I:Z?-,____ .u_ f Route 679 between Station 65+80 and St tion .C;;;5OJ:; -0~z6Mi~-:'- -rn,-- --. - ------.---- mile west of Delavan Street to 0.08 mil eas Abandonment: Sectibns. 2 and 3 of' old loc tion ana StatIOn: S2'f()(J,-'P'rci.fec:t '0679';'() .;.12 lenmont Subdivision: G1enmont Drive - fz 0.1 uava.i-"St"reet"0-~22l<<~ -489;' .._n efrery Drive_::!roDl_~lll~'VanS~rE,~t to dEl elavan Street - from Route 687 t.o Glenmc, "____________ u.._.___..______.,,_._.__ allatin Street - from Glenmont Ilrive to . end o.()6 Mi. -=_4~, Pl:":1'9()_.()~_ ~~_: 4.~,_ ade d().06~.n_-It~' ott1ngJ>8'" Hills Subdivision: LuwanaDrb- fr m Farmington Drive to 0.14 mile west 0.1 Mi. uwana ~v~-_~~!;m_)'a~~;~o~Dri~et~ o.~~-mj, e_e~s~_().),~~. ~'lt90, ... ....._----n_-~._ __n____ =~_::~g-~::~::~:~ ~::~et:7:~L;~::d;..~:~:~~~4::tiOn ~~+O~, .~Oje~t_ 0679~0 __~1.?3 C~.__ . 501, 0.14 Mi. - 490, t -.~..!l..<:at5g.1~ ~!6IT"-lg~i5iMi.O: ~90;e 6l7, f om S at.ion 21+00 to Station 26+20, p.roject.06~7-0. . ..1.2.8....'-- Section 1, 2 and 3 of old location of Rou e 61 , from Station 21+00 to Station 26+20, jec 0617- - 080~12S, C-501, B-6ll 0.09 Mi. - 490" . .-. '~ngtonDriveassigned to section of 0 d Ro e 419 between new Route 419 and old Rou!l 221 ~. 11-93 -~-_. !;:. '.'-.r t,;.-.' --~":~ ---- SAUM DIS!l'RICT -r I Improvements to be made to acceSf' road tCl Wils n & Company Building, part ofSta.te Route 709 - 19, 74 - 37, 337, ~.._.L.. Moran, et als - Ext~nsion elf Route ~~angonment_of. certain Street kncwn as ~li, Car-~~~._I!()ad.from Route 636 to nEW South ler reet, Roanoke Electric Steel Corporatio. alem lementary School - 0.07 mile - 76, A!ri_~_W.llY Drive (Extn. of Rt. 7C'9) from ese Faizway Forest Circle from Faizwa.y Forest, Driv ....-''--.-.--'' .". . ....." I . Faizway Forest Drive from Route 685 to F,d.rway - -~~~~~~~e_ f:.om Laura Road to Route 62t - 0 Laura Road from El va Road to Arca.dia Drhe - 0 ~rc;~~~-i~~~ ~~'~~a Road to BiltlDorer~riv . ~~ltmoreprive _from Laura Road tel Arcadb jDriV ~ckw!clc__~e.!:rom.!ted Lane (Rt. 605~ to . E. .. R~Boulevard (Extn. of Rt. 1462) 0.10 ~~ Way Drive (Ext~ion of ROllte 709:1 Mi. - 113, .~~_.1S()4 - rrom 0.03 mile west ,of WCL 0 ~c()~t~ue '."l'.!'I!~enan.ce.of one s_ection of. present end of Rou1;e 709 to 0.06 mile e st - Roan ke to N &: W Railroad property 0.10 Mi. - 131, '_._n____"'_.~. ~_..__,.,___.____ ..._ _ .._____ _.__ end of maintenance S. E. 0.06 mile - 7 , to D. E. - 0.16 mile - 77, .. - . -- .... -. orest Circle - 0.3l mile - 77, o mile-78, 3 mile" - 18,__ - 0.14 mile - 79, - 0.16 mile - 79, 0.16 mile:,:_ 00,. o Peters Creek - 99, te 118 and onEl section. o.f.' )~out~ l,l7-:-__ :1:42,.. ~t-.jt~~~~t Ot~~k ~~a~n~~'~~e u~i ~~ c~~; ~;e~f R~~~\~~arJ.~3!io~~~~~2ftn-o~~:~~;;;- e~Ao~_No. 1. 0.05 lIIiles in lengt:!1 Route 1 8 fr ID Intersection of Rou~Ell,l7 toO_._OSmjJ.e ect;ion No.5 - 0.10 miles in len.gth Rou1;e 117 rom Intersection of new located Route 11 to -- '""'~esSoutb: -..177, ... . .. . .. ... . .... . . nn _n .. ..-----. lendale uOdivision, Section 1 - 190, iltmore Il~:!e - from Laura Road '~o Arcadi Dri e 0.l6 Mi. -;1.90, rca4ia~y~::frc~Laura Roadt'J Biltmc)r J?ri'e C).14 ~. :.. 1,20" ura Road.:_f.'!'Om_E.1,v'!~l?arj t~ A!,:cacii.a..pr.i _8.()'_ 3~._:_~29L__H"'________' nte Vista_llllP~!i~io~_": 191, _____. _ ____ . . "_ ..____________.______ ~~~e~~d- from present end of Route l~ 2 to P~ters Creek.?lO Mi_'__:: 19J~......_.__ _ !1dnghaJll _~states S')bd1 vis.ion - 191,_ . . . . . ... . . . ___ ___ _ ._ iCkwick Lane - from Route 705 to dead end 0.16 Mi. - 191, . -----~._---- '~'-' --..-----.- ---'.'" ,--- - ,-- ...-. -._._- -rr--- -U..- ._. ...--- eorgEl_P!:g.ill_~.Emma Sue.I. Pillis Subdivi ion 191, arolyn Road - from Route 636 to South Sal In El mentary School 0.07 Mi. - 19l, -.--.-----". -- .-~.. - .. -...-.. S coe _1l!':!:v~_El~~.!.~L~k,!:Lew!iolil!:_Frank T ~ T Section 1 - Section old location abandon. From __________n ---~reet'.:rIi_rownoZ"-Sa1em -";205; .-... - Section 2 - Section old location to be tr nsfe --o-;Oz-M:r; -N';'-ne~rlocat:toil RoutEf' 41 ;Le" houses - 206, Sec:tTolf-T;;--Sect1orCi:iI<rloc::iit'ioIi --t'o De' .ab-don; From"Route--n:li2-to' 0~1:0-m;N;-R'oute--l~ Length 0.10 Mi. No. Service-206, 'onJ:4-~ectro1lSeconaary !load' tcf'5e a.oa.n-ried;-Yroiif1:nt ~. RouteT31rto-1J~04-Mi~--W; Tn't;- "'- Route l3ll. Length 0 0.014 Mi. No ervi - 206, ec on-n-;;-Sec'tioIi Secondary r'oad . to be acari ned-'-- From Route 41gto-o-;orMi:;-'W;-R6ut" -Ug; . Length - 0.01 Mi. No Service - 20 , S'ectrOn"lO----SectioIi-Secoridari-Road- to be aoari --ned-.-FroiiiIiit... Route .. oId 419 t-60.08. :M1. 'W;--Ii ". Old Route 419. Length - 0.08 Mi. 0 Se ice - 206, ~ectroifT7 -;;-COli1iect1oii"to oe-acided-to'Se oftd-' -- System.' From 1[oute13U.t6 Route 1311 SectionOj:-~i.:~~~~~tg: ~o Q~~:~~i~n~o 1;~e ~ri~R-SY!~~~ rX'~~6Roiiie old 4191:0 -Rout:e 41 0.02 ~ii. Service Connecting old 4l and oute 419; Section 19 - Connection to be added to Se onda . System. From Route 1442 to Route 419 L O.Ol Mi., Service Connect;ing Route 1442 nd Route l4l9 - 206, ntclair Drive from Janda DriVEl to Way11l Dri e - 0.16 Mile - 223, bassy Drive - from Laura Road t.J Route 6 9 o. - -- --~."'--- -_.--_..._-~_. - -. irico, F~~_'r._ et als,Skycoe Drive eastlcf S n'. .-w vernor Drive from Janda Drive to Wayb1 Mi. - 191, --_._--~_. -..- _..~-~- iaw Road - 193, -.---- --- J---- .... ----.---.(- ---_. ~! . ~0_ute_1~'tC)_ SCL _S~8II1.!>e~~--=-_~~~_ ......___ .__ ed to Secondary System. From SeL limits h-;;(J."l]O Mi;-Serv1ci"e-;;--4 'Sulldi'v'is'i'otiir- Driv - 0.14 mile - 223, , ell1co Road from Angus Road to D. E. - 0.~4 mi e - 224, . b [I 7JU1 Street from Teliico Road t(l D. E. 1:>.01' mil~ - 224, ect;io. n of Existing Route 116 tll Be Aband;ed ii accordance with Section 33-76.5, as amended - 228, II ection No. 2 - 0.10 Mi. served bynew 10c ion W 228, ection of Existing Route 116 t() be reclasFifie~ as service road 228, ~~~~~~No. 1 - 0.20 Mi., _228, of Seco~ Roy~es 628, 868, &: 1 to be abandoned in accordance with Section 1950 'COiieof 1~' Dill as. am~nde - 2 8,. . 1950 cfde OJ Va., I II I, II II 3-76.l2, r Ii i I Section Ro. 3 - 0.03 Mi., to be served bJrnew ~ocation - 226, I ,I. . I iI to b~ served bJr new !!location - 228, " to be served blr new !l~'cation - 228, I' _ _fl.ct!~_Jf.o~_l_::.()_~l.5 M!.',~o be servedblr new ~lclcat1oll -228, __S.ct~on._}ll)'_?_:_ 0.2~M1" to be served bt newt1clcation - 228, ~~nn~~t,iC)~_t()~e_~d~ .~~eSecondary,Syst~ -:228,. .. I . ---;:=~:=:: = ~:~; ::: = ;::: I I: - ----..----.----. -- - . - t I _ S.~tlon___~._..l2 .,,:_0..01 ~'!- 228, . j.. ~ I: Section No. 13 - 0..50 Mi., - 228, I ~ I I: .~~C?~io~Ro.14 - 1.10 Mi., -: 228, . I' ~ . .' . .' " _~~~:~~~~;~ _~s:~ ::~~,system to r-~ in Seco~System_&: RenuIlIb~ed_":d~:28__ _S.~l~ 10.1:.5 -_().4:2 .Mi. - 228, I! _. ___I Section ot old Route 117 to be transferr~ to I~econdary System in Accordance with Sect on 3 27, ----- 19S6--eode-ofVirg1121a, as llIII8Dded 1229~ -- . -- ---- S.ction..!C).!_3n-:...Q.30}f1.._~.?-,_ 1 I! -- - -- - -. ------ --,,------ Section 110. 4 - 0.3.5 Xi. 229, 1 ~ ~~~_o!__~Route to be renumbere1- 2f' _ ___ _ --.-- Section Ro-"~::..~.~.5 _J!1._-= 2~9~'H_' j .... .. li___. _____.____._..__ fi 'I .~e~tAo~_!.'L_:_~!'I_~te 1~13__U) l!oute 13.. 0.$ Hi. - 238, ~ II Sect~_~8:__~ml)~d_If:~te_!+l:9_to new.E: ute /f9 0.02 Mi. - 238, I. Section 19 - trom Route 1442 to Route 43'1 0.0lj[ loli. - 238, sect~~n Rl,i:~;-=~~ii~~I~~m~~M~~~~- t:;i[~;;~.~11~~j2~~,~~~~~S-~~f -_~~~-=- ..~~~~. ti~-;-----.-- Section 15. -(Route:L)~L:__~m}lo,p.~e ltJ~ ..~.o.. J.Ol mi:Lew~!ItC)r.~~~.~~.0.()~.~.__:.23, . Section 16 - (Route 1442) - from the inl; ec~lt.')n ot old Route 419 to 0.08 mile west 0 the - 1nteuection'-or--old--Rout~- 419 - 0.0l~ Mi. -il239, ...-. .-.. .. -- --.--- Wayb~_~!!~._~J:1'_ of _~~ll~e_ 1713 ,frODI ntc~air Drive. to D. E. -0.1~1lIi1:.! - 2lt~,_. .__ Section 1 - Old location of Route 419, f m in~ersection Route 11 to S. C. L. Salem, le h .40 ~;;"2,9;-.----.---~---..---n---- --. -. . - -;'. . . -.-. . ------.-..-------...---..-------- .' -- ------.-----.--- ::::~g~ l~--~~f;- ~~ii~~~~-~~-:~~:' ~~: : .;:!::~t~~ ~:4:~i:0 ~~O~:l~~::~:i:; :~~::~~~4: a~i~.. tl1..___._ --.-- ::~S~~~t.~R~:kir~c:;tyi~li:ih4i~1:=::u~:':v~~7~~~: 0:: ..:-~_~_ y" v.L "=,,.. QWl - '" I, r ., Section 1 of new location of Route 683, f*om wqlr, of Roanoke to Station 18+00 0.11 Mi. - 02, . --------- .-.--------.--.--------.-.--.- r' --.lL -- .-- .----._- .-.---,,--.-.---.. .___n_____."________.___._ - Sections 10, 11, 12, 13 and l4 of new co ecti~.s of Routes 628, 626, 768 and 601, betw n R Bot"t;<1w:-l. C'ount.y :line', --Pro;je-ct-008l:- .0<Xl. , P--4-e2 ,-p-...40J'- 1.~99- M:I:. -...-- 302-,------- ....- --- --.------ Section 2 of old location of Route M3, f om R . ,te 11 to Station 13+00 0.13 Mi. - 302, -------------._-.--. -- --------/.-----.--.-- ----.----- ------ .----..-----.--.----- ._--- Sections 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 of old locatie,n of R .<tes 628, 8M and 60l, between Route 116 nd tetourt Sectlo~~t'! 6t~ei~~~~to~o~~g:Of~~:'~.o ~gzi ~~~n~5r;,:ii~~;O~0~-~h~-~~-i~~~~~~ ~-S~ t!on-----. --;2T5(h3'otItb-erlrO;t)5 -m-le-1;o;;he.. nEJW -conn' 'tionopposi'tre--Stau.on-'5'5+'50-..--325.,.-.--.. - --------- ecti~91;50 ~:t;~i;~~~io~~~:Il:J; r '_Se)U'h.o_~ i h~ l181f_l~_c~~ion,. fl"OD1nt~ll.l1~ l~cEl~~_~n ..El _~ta io~_ _.__ I Sections - Old location of Route 117, sc)u~h of lithe n81f location, from Route 118 wester', 0.65 mile - I Secti~n 1 ~ Old Rou~-~"~6- on-~~~north -~~iJe of ~he ~llIfI~t~~~~~t~-;~~~~-g~~~;om~';i~t -~;;o~~~._----- I ~~~tion ';-=-gr~t~~~~i~5~/f:~~~~lr~g; 2~~r~1:~i~~a;~~si::O~t1~f~~e6n~~0'"~~2fh~" ~~;h ..~~~ ~~----.-.- n______.u ---riitatat'eRoute8l,east 0.10 mIle fO Station 56+OQ(Rotite 1l6)oiithesoutnsiaeofH .... . _H . Interstate Route 8l - 325, ij . I' __ !i_l1~lIIIIC, P~ty (Unnamed road off Rout;e III no~'therly to D. E.) - 337, 355, , " FUson Street from Ellison Avenue to D. E.! - 0.1 mile - 344, --_..-_.... ~ :. Ellison Avenue (Extn. of Route 1124) - O.O~ mil~ - 344, , " i i; . Golf Colony Drive from West Club Drive t,o p. E.li- 0.36 mile - 345, I I b I~o.e D%,ivefrom Golf Colony Drive to Weslt Flub ~lrive - 0.07 mile - 345, Poindexter Lane from Route 628 south to D.I E. -,0.2 mile - 346, '. ! i . L. Moran, Jr., (Extn. of Route 774 south to D. E. - 337, 355, I I ' alel?rive from Route 11 to D. E. - 0.24 m~le . ,378, nnamed Road - from Route 116 northeastto dead end 0.35 ~u. - 409, _ .s~~!~c)11_~0. 4_ ~ 0.10 Mi., Section Bo. 5 - 0.0.5 Mi., . . ---. ,-~-'- -_. --. --'-'. . ..-- - .L, 1 I I ension ofRo~.e ?7~ - from Route 774 ISO th to) dead end 0.25 Yd. _ 409, RESOLUTIONS! Participation in Economic Opportunity Ac s of -- -to set -up appropriate organization wi h, c C.Q~;Y&i~~~~~r~~~~c~ti~~~~n~9(:0~tr.~ _. 001 Hl!!"JIWl_!-~ lIo:rn~ unti~i~ efforts to. Coun as Flood plain information studies 1:IY Corps f E 96/~, Roanoke Valley Council of Communit . ittee ap.poin:ted - 16:. .. 1 t' t oard of WIse County, lf1rg1n1a re a 1ve Se Exp ces ~okl!3~yj!cJ!<to.l!l-'_ pa~ic~Pl!.~i()n in Fund to Federal Prog;-ams Fund - 249, Signifying intention of Board of Supervis rs t amend Articles of Incorporated of the R anoke ounty saiUtaUoii-~ lffiiorItyiii"ordEif to 5 pee' fy-rurth-er.prciJectiltc:fbe-under'taK'eih bY _Author:itI.~l14...'l;~_ch~l1@;e_t.he Ilame of,sai Au~ or~tl'':'' 2~8L290, JQ5,_u .........__ _u_u___" Receipt of resolution adopted by Council f Ci of Roanoke read and ordered filed - Wa er Sy tem _~._ _____..____.._ _... .._._.. ... __ _.___ _.___ ..______..____.._.. ____om. .....____.......__..___....____u____ __._.____ Council of City. of Roanoke invited to mak kn n its intentions concerning SUPP],l and d strib tion of wat;er witlttn !iomoke-county--and-d1sp s-sl-- "S1lWB:gErfroDrRuau<>k.. i:CllIIl1;y-...--z8'J,---.--.-. - Proposing_j~in~ dJ.~~:ussi~~..l:l~~~~'~I,1_o!fic_: 8:113 __ ..go~t~_ .oJ__li_C?.a!l~ke...a.nli. pi t:l'~f_~().a.n~ke _m .103 .1 p-~jgr~~n:::;;:~~~ ~~o~~~~~~:! ~_~~~~~~_i~~!~~~~;~:~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~e?tirTu~~~ . ilques'l; _'l;Q~p.Q.!n1;,[D~~ty j)og Ward~ns ~ ~J 5, ___ Petit~~t:'~..!lJlEO_:i:.~ti~ COllll!rl.ssioners t() J~llrrag~~gisterial Il~stricts &:c _ - )~6,____ uperintendent of Schools - 83, ineers in Section 206, Public Law - 20g, I'rogr~,_~s_a.p~~ill~El<I:..J~!'l..(;~!1! _~1!~" ",:~e _ __ nn~~.!9I1..J_c_o_~~.l_ to_ :tll.1cElll.ppropria:te me ns. tp;revell,t ()i' 1l1l..Y ~rea tha.t W.g:l_cle_Px:.j, veC P--.!l!r.. f taxable assets - 359, est State Hi~a,._ De~~eJ1~~o d_El.~! ... _t_e .R.. !I()ke_Ii.~!~_ll.~_f!.o~<!.kEl.J~~~~to!1U!iv~ Re<501ution to be prepared and transmitted to f ily of Harry F. Byrd, Sr., expressing s R~i;~~~!1 ~u~h.~!"i.zi_~ the aC.9u~riD,l?; ofc rtai ]lrope,I'tyin 1;l1e_Townof sal~:.!3~!".l1..8--Z:!!l:!>JI:, ResolUt1~:r -a~~~~-.~~~;~~~~<:o~e~~- eA~~hai;~:U~~~~t~:im~{-i~i:J~i:.r~;: along '1'i~er_.c:r.eek_.::__458L _ m . "... .... ,,__._ _ _ _. __._._______. m___ esolution of ~J!!!,thL1;Q_~~j~J,Yof 1; e_lat _~@atoI'_lI.ar~P'low__Jbrrd.->-SI'u .,,-_4_63.>- ontract between Roanoke County Board or 5 per sors and Appalachian Power Company provi ;-ree1; ligb"i -~1l1";'------- - --- --.-------- ,,----.--- .-------------.--- ____.________m_________.______ rea Annexed' to ~e Town of Salem by order ent ed August l7, 1966, contains a populatio of 9 _5omr-:-m--,--------_.-- _om . . - -- - ----- ----------.- ______.._"m____._._.._______ I I I i i I II II ~ ~ II I, " 1\ II " I' I RE.,ZONING I Property on Virginia Secondary Route #1 _m .----Anita D;IngramandChat'les H. and Dent Road, Virginia Secondary Route #623 of uno - Il," . _ Pr9'p~7:'1;y_s.i~u~~~_inNor1;h~.rIl Mason Cree Sec on,~aleDl Mag;~l!tElria1Distr!~~1...()t:G!"~y n N. Robertson - 12, -::~~::;;;;;;P;;;~;;:;;~e;~;'~;;~t;;: ~~;~~~~i.,'i"_O'L';~H;g>m~to' ~opez:!.I..Qn.~f!..st s~<;e.or_Yi.!:gi!lj.a_ !Iigl!wa Rou l'.~!'.cEl.lnof l~nd o\iIledby ChesterRoss Lern n, e 21, Fred L. Bowman - 14,261, 285,300, 26, State Highway No.' 117, Lots 1 through 4 Blo velopers,- Inc;',.' --15; - -62~-''---------''-'-- .- .,- ry 1<:. ~odges! .1-Iar!< ~:._J()~~()ll_~Il.~!l:Elle}!-" ell,~__().f _BEl.Ss:i.e__I._N~l'!ill._g;Elr_~.:;_t_~~El':-__!~L 5?~___ al - 33,117, ~05,239,4~It,491L.. Pro rt.LO~t N~t~~5~-if.l;-i~-li,!gi.l'lia.. R_ _1:.e_1t9__()f_I,E.t!1~!' ~~..~1:~__El~_~_..and_.!i..oE.El!:~ R Tract of land in the Cave Spring Magister al D strict adjoining the Southern Boundary 1 ne of the .. -- -'-\:1ty'oi"rroanoke~appro.iifuately ;000 rt;"'NorthWest or-Yranklin: ROad-;,;'R:Lclrar-d -;1fi et Construction Company, Incorpora ed - 64, 116 140, _____....~.______.._________._._____. ..._.___..... __________ .. _.__ _'_".".'.' ......_ _ ___...__._.___.uJ.._~_.__._ m... ______.__._______. Certain real estate in Salem Magisterial istr ct, located on south side of State Route No.1 ------- --jUs't".lan'-o:t"-Inte-rseetion'of 01 'Sta eu'Houts-uNo ;--117 -'n.-th' newState-Rout~rNo.'1l7 - Property situate northwes_~n~~~~~e_C_a-v:!.. __of~~~yN . _ _~8:c~son_::: _ ~~~ ';~7. '____ _.____ _ Property situate on south side or State S cond Route No. 720, owned by B. E. Conner Vi ian . . '"'E'~-C-onner-;;-"101;-12ltJ---. . -.-0.-.- .--- -.- -----..---------------. -. Real Estate in Salem Magisterial District, Coo y of Roanbke, State of Virginia, located on ------Soutnna-e-or ~a.te -Rol1te- No; 1 7,J t. eas.t or the Int-ersection-of"01:ct-sta-e-e oute" 117 with New State Rou1~e No. 11 - 1 , ___._______.__.______~.__.. ._~______ _..___ _.~__ . .._.. - .. 0---"'_'---- ,_ __._._ ...____..._____.._________.___....__. ___ .__.~.___.___.. _ _.."__. ct oi' land in the Cave Spring District ______n_. ana 'ooUfided bn- the l'forlehWElsterl west of F::ank!.;Il_.~o.?<!_ ,~_~_l~, . djoi . ng the Southern Boundary line of the Ci y of si'de or OreWash<lraifch~-.appr(jx1mately..l:';OOO- ee't" 'V8d Lot - "Lot No. 3 :Section 2 H. S Turner Subdivision" From Residential "Ii 1" t JIIDltfjile~l'R,.ig-r~r.iient1a1-t'.. -- . t--'COn8truct1on orao.upIex-or -two:-t~m'f''fy dw- upon the ~~_~ld_J;L~~~ancl_-._l~ L~2h____________________________ __ ct of land in_g_~!e~I!tl!!g.Jl!uL~t~~_1Jtrt t-'_~~!!g..JL.62__aq,~~~act.aQ.iQ.Wpg Vi~ _n___ Secondary Route 907 j- Howard S. and azel A. Peters - 133, 202, ~tio~..J?r.-!w. ~llck8oILlMl..t.~!:e-z';). .. l:!t,'___1ll!P.l:'~'!."",9t.ry .9.a~~~__Sol11;J1~__1'_ ._. i~IL~ .__ .7L~cres~~f~i~L._J~r<<r~i~~:tai fit~~ ic1;__jloung~gont~~S~~A_])Y_~Q.l1,l1o~f!....Y~7.' ni~..Q ~ Limits on the East by lrllllvern Hi Is S bdivision on the North by prof:rty now 0 ~YitF. rly ownedJ?y__W_._.W,_Il~eY:~~~~tea.nd em 1:. e_wl:l~~~y.PZ'Q~.~y.._()LR..._.]:_'__~_~a.~()~::::.J,.2 _.._,__ ~~c_~!I_Qf J,~4:!=c:l~1;~n.ing~PProximate y onacI'e of_1lilld,_m(lI'eo! _:l~~.s,_lo_~~.t~_!ll_ l:1.e_?~ ~_ Magtsterial District of Roanoke ount, ~1n5 on the easterly side of Twelve 0 clock Knob _ _._.__.-1l.oad..des~~~<1 as.. Virginia_Stat Rou. e.._ 0..... _94., OWn!l~J!y_C.lar~I1.<:_e_Jl..dm9._,A.gn-e_ 'fay. __ . --~-~~s~~_1~-NO%"til,11sDi-id~-()fU... ~.. R~,~ l! g_~dtl:1~_~a~_t _~~.!.._ot-~he .!!1dustri"al A~<;!s Road ~n a.em ~~~ster a str1ct", ano~ County, owneu uy ~ernaru ~ook - ~54, 1 , e.19~~.!<ai.!L.J.Jl~9.I'_~~e~...9.t..iaJ1c:l :I,yig_~_n _ _])~i.~ ..ill_1;l!f!..:El.~Li.!l!t~g.il;_1;~I'l:.~!~is1;r ,g,1;LR anoke =aybonF~~ir._a~aa~lt!~aeD~ a p r~x155:elY one mile east of the Town of alem, -~-------.__..--._-_.. ----,,- ------" .-----------------..------------.---.----.-- e-zoni"lv. K~~i~g~Q.~~.~~~:-~:~~:b.~ H6~ }~;-cl,~t;.1;h!N-()rth~.e1lt-S()I'ner--().f-La.i,Fh(l~ Roag_ f e-zoning of O. 7528 acre_s._l!lOre..J:I'I'_..1.~~__o~ . ~np._ i.t.11at~d__()n t;h!...~o!1t..h..~!'!l s~~LVi!:~nia State! Route No. 24, apfroxilIlately one- alf Ie East 0'1: tne Town or---V1nton, BIg LICli: D1str ct, owned P.Y Do~ld ll~.n_ ",!lli~ .-jl5.'Z~. 02.,__ ___..__n___ ___ '__ ______. ___________ __ e-zoning of ~rta1n Real Estate in Big L'. k Di trict.~ocated on North~rly side 0 Hersh erger R~ad - ~-; .r....t alldl'rot,;~ feet-west; ir m Air!"'.\, Road, - containing-'r2. . . et s - l58, ,97; ~----- --------- - --- - - - -.- - -. - ---- - -- --------- ------------- -- Re-zoning a tract of land in Ca~e Spring istr ct, on the west aide of Route 419 and th Nort SiQe-orR'ou"'te' 22I, pre'-sently - OWh~OY tne'l-M;llal1f""ora ;-.-~g-;- "19q:-;- -..- .----.-- Pro ertLsituste__ol1EUthe bsoo~hBs_!~e. of _ Ubu . _ R.. 1;e::r ~J-f in_ R~~Olte C()un1:YJ. V~'g!ni~! ~El. J?L W 11iam Watts and za etu .' natts, 68 an anu n.... e - ~ (" i Pro1lerty-on V1,nt!?..~J~o_~~_!I~uth (l,f U.S. 4 ___ Jo.. E._an<LE~~et_~. ~l ': ~i20,___ __c"._ ___ Certain ~:=IMv~:n~~s~:~~ ~~~i:' =: g~e=Jk:i~';;,o6li~heS~~~h:l'~~ Western Railway, on the west by fha and Garrett farms,. containing appr liI8de1ine J1[~ and C. C. thOmas - 2 2, 3 , 381, . . '. Certain wce12f land located in Eig Lic Magi terial Distd.ct on easterly side of U. ' . .. - Route j)'ll and containing 0.7/i.4 a es, reorless, JosephW. Lawson and Edge.. ____.__ _ Jr., owners.- 247,278, [1-- l:J '-ID--- 1', . ___f __ . , . Property on both sides of Virginia State oute. 19 (formerly 119) Northeasterly frolll Ro ,681 - - - - - and Route 706 of Rylie S. Hayden - 260 279,' '.' . ezoning property situate on the north si e of he Service Road parallel to Interstate R ute. approximately 500 feet east of t e Int rsection of said service road with Virgi 'a .. Secondary Route 619, in Salem Ma ister al District, Roanoke County, Virginia, ned James William Fitz~erald - 263, 2 R. ezoni ..ng. of tract of lan. d sa joining southjriYrght of way line of Lee Highway U. S. Rote 11 : ft. easterly from northeasterly c mer f Tract D,Block 1, Hap No.1 SUIDIlIerdean1 11' . Wingfield - 283, 353, ~~~~~ng of 1.2~ acre. tract of land lying on t e Easterly side or u. S. Highway Route N . 460 ownea by Thomas G. and Helen M. P ers 300, 372, . . i ii ii 1i I I' If !I --;~ Tw~-~:~~~~ui~~J!-~~~ti~~t;~~gN~:i~e:. ~~~~5N~~~~~~~~~~;t~1l:~/~~H:-C:iJOt~~J:i ~:~t. e ___..___. SQ.U.J;1t~4..IL<?.t:._Lee ~~aY_L.~a].~_~~_St;~ltial_~l!tr:l. ct, . WaITe!!.. Q... &:. O~... ~~.~01;h_I1._":_ ~);J", _4J.~, 'T Ii North ~~:;g~f R~ ~~~a:~~~irrt.~:Hde~~ ~~dp:;~~~ ~~-~~3;~-JBf~-39~f~--~~.~t !i!l~ ~~~.t.:.ic.~~_ o. 56 acr~, b;~:f-; n~~~~-E-:--~-ri~s~'--~ hl-U:~:~d ;.!ij5~~r 4~~i~l. :P~~E~lLl:ocated__~__*~er..s o~_I{Ud__ Ad 01~!!S_!!.....!! Rout~_i22l,__aJ1ci l.o.ca~!l!!:.:I. . C.<l~l or li~aJ1.0lte,..!I~irS_~fB!__!-_'__~clff3.I'd_::_;~4.LL 9_'--____. RezOni!YL'oo.lt:.~h,t'ee _~t~:I.~Il.llI''';Ie~~~f -ldanb lYiJ1a.e.~llCic~~..~~_!O~~l!:'p?':"1;.__~n _t~~'ii_est rly_ ide of d "tate Aoute ,,0. .. 0 OWIle y A. o......~ - ,'"'" ftezon~o~ie~~n~~J,J~~l~~e pro'p~ be\eenState Secondar7~ou1;~61Jand6~7,R .&i.ol! __ Rezoni:lB~~~~~. sit.~:n~t1;;V~:'tii,!i. a~-fr' 4l9!.. <:or~ez:.~~_R. C_~~~?:l ~Z:.Cl:p_~~r __~os ph _T. RezOni~OP~Y.~itB~~~~_~e....s~Utt~.El~ er_lyside odfUJ:'__S.~ Rct~te l~6B10_:EE::_~!1~~ely 1 mil East 0... Aoano"'e....., ..g .....c'" "..s ..rJ.c .. '" cero owar, .. an "or...s a,U\.g"...u..... na - , , Rezo~-E!'.~PertLl!:I.~.ll:te_~!lV'i.r~nia ~Ii . _ ~1.0. 4l9,_cor:neJ:'_ ~o_ R~~.J~llrrEll}_~~():pe!~r_:-__ ...3.~_ _ Rezoning ~~P~~!.?~_~ort~ side or Routeo. ul? of E. _Marvin LElIlIon.and Mary__Grace~~~n .~~ '._~.~~____ Rezoni of Jl!"~nr~_!1;~J;ed l:Jetw~ell U!.._ . 2~ I ~l1d_ ~_ c:.re~Lab<?l!~-J.!-,..~J,!lLsou11hwes of the City of Roanoke, Virginia, from "B-2 to "M-..." -of Overstreet s ,'.eats, Incorpor ted Rezoni~r~f~Ie~~~U:ffu()~():~rh~7d.fn 0 if~m 'i;t~i6~;11~~~d o~lg:ei~t~~~l~j~s~in1! ;gRoS his wife, and J. M. Ronk and Susie Ro his wife - 417 459, -..--------------.-.,-- ---'----- ----'__ ,',"_ _ "._____.. 0' . ,_ 0_" .J _ _ .,_ __ ~ _ _.__ '..._.".__ Rezon~-~~~-~~Jfai~si~I~t~~~-;if- o~d- ~ka~t\~g~~~?ia;~~J'Cf~~ ~ii}~tig l~ ~ n O. D. Compton, and Mary Lilli.m C'~m ton 1417, 46l, certain pro~rty ~Q~~~~-_~~i~,~~gi~!_~~_~a~_D;s~~~~;~~i~~~~;<:~~~~::;'-8L~~~ _~__I :=~. , Rezoning land_l!.djo~ U:'__~.'.~oute #460. . st of City ,!f ~~oke-=_ ~l.l~li.~'_~~~lil:-__~ _6,_ ________._ Rezoning of ~~ ~::;:--~;J~~-i~~~ve.s--~!tez:ial Di~~r.i~!_,~~_bY:...'!am~ Edw_ d_Ho kina and Property on southerly side of Colonial Av Ernest F. Bratton and Marian B. Bratton - 47 , ezo - -----..... ...-----.-..,-----.-,.-- --_._._._--~._-_.,"----- - ---,-._---- - '- -..-----.---.- .. pertyat northeast corner of Williams,on R,oad and Malv:3l'n Road - Katherine Riley Wi! ~'-' .-_______'u____._. ______ ___ .- __ _ ____ __,,_ ____uno. n ___nO _______ __ I of parcels of land bounded on the nor st by State Route 419, on the Northwest by S ate Route 685 ,Clll"'t1re-Southwllllt-by :1;8-- un-692'1Sugar--I;~}-XOun'ta1lr.Roa~ ar-Pau:t--- . Eller, on the Southeast by lands (If the tees for the Lutheran Church. Missouri Sync by &1Igene~~~, _ ~u__~__~:z, .~--~.J _~~~~. ~~=~=._~~~.-_=~=__=~~=~~=__ II ~ n ~ . il I, ~ " Ii T ,.L- ", l------ ~=-=--~~-=~- .,_1-- ...-~==-===-=~~_= , I' 1--- --~ 'j" ~' ______n___n____ ------ .----- . t-. ... .-.- .' ~ on et als , _ __0'___._._._.__'_ ..___'.____ __. _ _.__... "__.... .'___' __... .__._ ._ _",'_.' !1 " " ,. Ii Ii ii !1 r I_ I I ___In i. j: t , !, " I ROANOKE COUNTY SANITATION AUTHORITY ROANOKE COU Y PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY Instructed to proceed in location of Si~S to treat domestic sewage - 20, Resolution signifying the intention of Bard f Supervisors to amend the Articles of I corpo ation or-"ttreltoanoke -County Sanitation A1Itho ty i-order t'o specify further projectst'O-blr ak __._~~_tl1e Autho.rity and to change the name or s id Authority.- 2M, 2!l9, 290, __ ______ ___no -D. __u__ U -, ---"-'---"'-~- Appearances in favor of adoption of amen ent to Articles of Incorporation of Roanoke Count ~~8-t~i~~i~gtlt!rii~~~~0~~e B!~ii ,ion -Aiithorlty power ot"estaollsMrig-awii- er sy tei: Ltwghtylltat.i"",,"t.smadeby-membersof''Ao rd a: dotheT perta1ningtoresolU1:ionof'Roa keu-C-O ~- Sanitation Authority - 290,304, I I --. --- -. --. -- -- .---. -,,-, -1--.---- ~eqt!ell~ f~rloan not exceeding $25,00 ca ver to adjourned meeting - 33?!.35?,. 3821 Certain sum advanced to - 382, --.-------.--.--,------.- -- Ordinance authority granted right of way hro eJccreek- 'in,cceptabTe-=J95, ...... Tem~!."~rL:I.OE-ll,fl)X:J~lXl!le. .of - ()pe;r:ating, mainaininga.nde61;ablishillg_wa~er .llupplyfo;r:. fu1a.!lo ~___ County - 421 R~ol~.iol1,appiyiIlg to Virginia State Wa er C ntrol Board for approval of treatment of sewag and . --dispOsal of treated effluent in Roane) e'Ri er andualong Tinker Creek - '457, .. --. .. ..... ---- Cont'~h~~Y~p=~l:--f~s()rsl)f.. oen.Q. __C:()!mtZ..~_~~.~lllI,()~~_..c:~!::Y.~ll_:I.~Jl._S_ __..9..8 TemJlClrary loan fi'0IIl Board of Supervisors or a uisi1;ion and operation of water and sew I ..~-:~~ho~m_cm; .. ...... u .... ...... ............. I I !----- and across interceptor sewer and conne .--- ...-....-....--- --_ __ ____ ..'.'_..__.___..n._..._____.______ its I ~ -l:: . 1---. =@} I -i I [ I I ~ II II II !I ii I Ii II I I; ., -- of eats - 139, chas agreement or contract for freezing floo and i t----------- ~-- L_.__n_ __ i I: Sheep Claims &:c - 6, 30, 48,66"88"l08,124~ I -- m -- 1+04,427, 448, 449, 468~ 48;>, ':;''''-?I/.~'__-------_.._--_.. ________.._. .__ _"_,__,.___.__...__ -----.1--- - . -~:a::-.~~c:~~~~;2!ll~i5~,2?~~:.. .~~~.'~i{,.~2 Spaces__~or__~:t:a~_l_~s_~lli':t:o_~~y. of_'~:Y: Maso Safe ~chas~of f.9.!"_us~_l,I1Jto.~ll.Q.lte CO!!. ~_9_ ~anct~..1.._!'!z:!!._~l!tabJ,!~l!inf;_().r .~b1ic_ 1'1 ~l'in South Sal~J~_pre::!:l!c_~~~:!~:!e~_:, 22, South Salem #3 precinct created__.::. 22., ShOlftimers' Studi~v~til!~__p_lace_.fEr_\!inc!. South Salem #2 Precinct boundar', 22, .----~..----. ----------- n old'." - South Salem E~ementary _~ch~~~!!').1;,in~))_~~ South Sale!IL#.J~~cinc~ _ bO~<l~jle~__~2 '_. 7,l67,l8?, 217,234,255, 274,297, 321, 53, 3 j~iilflj,-l#o-/;~j-~i-~~~ i~~-W5-';- 88;21 ,219, , permit granted for providing - 19, ...----- -'-------""'''-- ..- ......-- .--- _..__.,-._-~-.._-_.._--.._- ~"- rk's Office - 20 -_._-----_.._-_._-~_.._---~.--,_.- --- -,---.---- -:_.2.~, n_' _______nn _._._______ _________ l~ #1_~l'e_c!l!c.1;,_:2~L _.______.__ ._______ ___ for South Salem #2 Precinct 22, - --..-.-----.---...-----.-----.----- South SaJ,em. E!.Elll!.entarySc!t..oo1.'llElW, _yotipla _e _f():r_S..<'.u1;1'1~a,1_~1lI ~~__~l'El<:'!~<:'1;, ._.____._ Settin,€;.Jl~i.c!El_~nd.d.Elclaring defined area n Ca e Sprin,g Ilistr:i_ct.lls_1:>.ir:c!._s_~.ll<:!'\1~ry:_)6 Southern Hills , ?,'lap..l<!!~Il,~ "S_!ctio!!_J,_ RJ:.~ vacation_.9LR.or1;j,on_oL.::37->-- ~~ft_.drinks &:_beer, committee appoi~ted t mak bottles or containers - 39, . Schoo:J,_Boa~JLof Wi,~_~_OJ1!lt,YLj()i!lLresolu J9n of Clinch Valley College - 39, -- --- S O!!!'!J!LQ.f b1l.qg@.1<--P;:(!p<\red -..42,_:3P3, Shupe Y~~~_~~!!!!l~_9_om_JlllI1r cOJ:l~!act to. Southern Hills, Map known as Section 1, p rman recommendations to be put in return de sit Lc:;~}I1lt.y_)3_0?.!"c!...Q.f_~t1PElnri~(),!'~_EEl!.ati v~__t" __~~pa Statement of Rfnecei~~~~_~'penlle~_J~I'_~h .YEla_ ed and to ue P1lblJ,sued - 4 y~, Sales, Retail_and Use Tax yet:l.~i<l.ll_~ElIlEl~~As_s ed_b~_~_c_ :I,.~' tly vacating portion of - 54, ending Dec. 31, 1964, of Clerk of Circui Co .---'65.----.--.----.----------------- --.. !'tt~6_ :g2&1;,.le~slat!().~=_!03 L______ __. Star Cit Cleeni ng,~~~r.t.;o..p.!"_o~edwitl c~~_. i,ll.g_~eI'i9r _C?f_!!.~ok_e_ Countl Cour~J.1ous __:_l:. Smith, ReV.!..J:_!_Jf.~~el'_..l()4.L_ . . . --- ---_._---.-- ~~.. - ,. -----.-- ._-_..._~.._.-._. ..--..--.--------,- -----.- - Settl~ent, Treasurer'_!l__~.!'_"~e'.-_llO, 11]", }~! heriff's Office, audi t _.~.r.-=__1!2-, 2!S! atements showing a_sll.~ssed_valll~s_~~e ~1' ~_t~t Corporation Commission.,. 112,391, .----.------.-----.------------- -- .----.------:-- ---- --------i.---. te Corporati_on_Collllll.f,ll11.i9I1,.~~~t~m&nts s owi . ~.s_s(l~s(l~ '\I'~1Jel3~~~b!_-=-~!:~,39~~____ lee ing Car and Steamboat_~_ClI!lpal!!Els_a!l!les.(l~_v 11lfls made by_~t~te._~~r~!"~~~~n.Co~ss~~__ - 1 te~bo~t_]omP9_ni es __ an..d_~leepcaI' __ assesse. valull_IIIll~~!._S.!'ll.~e_ ~oz:~r~1;~~~_~~~~:~~_-= :~2-,- 1, henandoah Valley, Inc., membersh:Lp-il1vest purchase of - l12, 180, ---.-------.--- ... --_.." _..~---- andlot foot ball group request for contri utio to purchase uniforms - 117, -------------- -.'._-. -------. _.~.-...- -_.._.._---~._-- "~-'''-----'-----'--'' ..-----...----..... ----- Sanctuary, authority to lease or purchase land f E. C. Hill for a Refuse - ll7, Subdivisions proposed for. adoption()~d.i_~ c.El._prh!!:>.!t_in~_ do~from.ry~ at large - 11 ,~_ September Mee~ing,_1965, 12~-, .1_?~I?_:.:l~~L __' __n______ _________.________________ well, A. R. a?pli~~~~.!l_to_cr~,~~_~on~ .~:J.~ P.a.r.ld,ng.ntJUL_"'...l30-.-.15l.,-----------n--- __. of fiscal matters, Virgin:La Dbisi~n of Forestry letter filed _ 130 ---.-.----.----.-------t---.-- - -------.----. ~--.-----..-.- -- tate Corporation C~~~-i~~~l:t.~~-2_~~()~d!.i~.El.\~~ Vir~~3~'n~~~_'!I?~~~i~~!.!?:t: erti-lcate o c olIYe.....ence an", ..ocess.....y co on c er - ... '''', . alem-Roanoke C.:un..!1-g.!yic.~~t-erlc-da~thOii: _~ ~_ _'!JlP!'Cl!~_c_h-'-'.lg~ j)!~~._~_;!l.ll~~d_pz..!ell! &____ _~ er, r~ects,..... regllI' to - .;1-" - .' _~~~~k~J:Cly!l.!;y_Ci,-ic Center COIIIItissi n m ers appointed - 135,. .. _ ....__ .__ tat~'FlFaJ'III Mu~1"-3"'8 .4,U40tomobile Insurance Com y, bid filed on insurance of.County Aut_~ le eet - , 7, I _to!t~High1rayD~partment, cabin.'l create ha[Zard water backing up, drain coulcl be put situstions to be taken up with .. 139, . -.~-,. Jol!J!_lf. F~e Qhiel". Committee, to s udy eeds as to fire protection - 139. pradlin, Frank, Fire Chief, :ommittell, t~ stud needs as to fire protection. 139 '---"'--"--. . .---.- ---- .-. "-.. .' er r' .eats, purchase of installed in Salem.Ro ____ ___~~ltoanoke County Civic Center, purchas Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center, sil~ ---- -ref'rigerati"on equ11ii!ent - 139, -- and expense accounts of sundry off es fled - 152, 431, he~!"f',~~_aI7ap.,ci_~~~_acc()untsj:.il~d - 15,l92, 431,477, teel~..J'..!_D.!_et all!...!"~_~oI!!~ ~~~_Pr.o 13!'t~158 ,197, ke C unty Citic Center - 139, Ii Sanitary Land Fill purchasedtrom E. C. &: lora Ik. Hill - 177,.___.1 .~l~~~,"P:;~~~~f - 19~-,~---~f-----~-.~-ri~t-~~-e ~~~wers in the case'-of-~~~--()- y-o- -Roanoke :ew:;~i~::!r~ ~~~;;~J t:~~~: ~~J w~:~::_~'_~~,_~._._._~ _~ "__~=~_ ____ ._.._____ Sheriff's_ De~ent,Jur_~4i'_()1'cars ':'__ ~'2.~',_ ..____._. Salem Moto~~~_'_LM..ct1'9~__~.I! .ShlJriff'~D~~~~nt__:,24J .__ ~k!l.!__l!~lI1'cl W_~_ apJlC!1n~e.d to study jail faCi~ties and other publ~cblLi~~n!e~~.": 49,_ _._____._ aturday ~;'~si~_ o~_ Coun~r_Of1'!_~es _- 24J12 J.. 2_+, 392,_ _ __ ________._____._u__.___ II tate Highwar Department, joi~~~eet.i T1.~_ of Bo_I!cl- ()1'S\l~rvis~r5 ~~.1.'4i'E".!l~!.nta~!!!..!.r_~_ lem-~.Cl.~ok.!_~~un~!_~_i:vi.c_qe_~te~. Commissi n,lliaseandu~e o~ali.vertising space _on_l:Icor. :bo._ core-Bo~~~.alell~::_It.~!l.nok~~o~~!_C~vic?e tEl:r' ,lell.s.e and ll~e_~f_adv_ertising sIJacElo!1_=-_ 61, tate Corporation Commission application f om W son Trucking Corporation for Certificat of Conv=i,,nc,,and-1twees-stty-a:s---a--e-01lmlOn -a:l~r r--"--261+ ;--.----- ------.--.-------.---.. tate Corporation Commission application ~ om T essee Trailways, Inc., for Certificate of 1::onvem:-en-clllU1llNeCllU1t,a:s 'a-CClIiIIIIClnc:ai:-r 'ElI' -' 26;,' ...- --- - ----- --------.- -- --- alem F;re ~~~en~_vou~lI1':~e.ck_aJll'1"()! ~]'! ()::acti v4i'to C!~te_":~77. ____ _ _ ____. .____ ____ elf, Lo~~_~eli~ F~!....Chi_~f,._v~\1<:h~_-ch ck a roved retro:-.a~~ve_to~~~!..~~i~_s~~_El__:.37?, Study of consolidation agreement - 282, Sales Tax, loca1 County ordinaJl,ce to impe e '. - ,,-."..- ---_.._-~. u._...._.__.___..______.____.__._____ _._____._____{ 86, 306, --.... --_.._-_.._--_....~--_.._~_._._----~-._------_.._-_.._--~---- Shar8!_~! st~~~_~~~.loc~~e~ ~nRo~ e ICO ~y.'. imJlCl~~Ile;_.1?~4i's_.C)~di~.c:Il_-_2l!J., Stock, shara of 1n banks located in Roan ke C ty-,~~~_~~axes _:-0~~~~_:_~87!__ Sewage ~is~_sal_.of invi~lt()()UI1cil:_C!tr 0 Roan ke to make kn:own _~~fl_in't~t_i~~__~~J]e__ &c ~~!_____ Statements lllade by members of Board and 0 he:rs pertaining to resolution of Roanoke Coun y Station tty _ 290)--- _n_ --.- -.- .--- .- -' -. .--. --------.----.----- _. ..--- --.------.----- - Secondary System Allocations . 302, I ::.ial ::.:;w -:::'~;~~~:'~ :~:r,~;~~;'~~f~;~;;-ll~;..,;pl~.;: , "-- ::::;=;:.~:::oh:;~;:::;'::,:~:f:o~::.::-c~~=c~;.,;;;;_: ~;: tatement of Roanoke County School Board a to luition Grants - 432, ei:~:~:a C~~;~~::~-~::~~~::oc,~ --i~6~~nt~d~~~:=B~~b~;~~~t~~~~~r~~ nc., pecial Me::i:i~o~~...4~,--.- -.--- .--1--.-~r.-~~--.--.----~~----==:=-----~~~---~~----- S~. Clifford, voucher-check _!ssue<Lrfjt' _()-a~h!~__t_~~~~n::_45PJ__n__n ..________ _.___ ea Tax revenue, Treasurer autho~_~ed .~o dlstj~~u,~_~...J;q,__,..Qml.J!f_13al~!Lancl.T.OlO:l..c e s e - , Ii -, Town of, Treasurer au onzed to di t:rib~te their propOrtionste shaEe of local s es t -----+----- -.-___.,.r.. ._.________. _" _ _______ .___.__. '_'___.~_ _.ll"8l1Oke ValleY Civic Center, name - 79, t ~te 'Highway 'i>eparta':', -~d~n!~_~f~~~~ ~'~i'! E;~~ ;,-~f$~~~~.~----n:;-~;~;~- Roa~-~~8 ..::.+_ ________ :~~::r ,:~A::::~k;ag~~{;-e~bi~~~~~;Pf ;:~: ~~~~q~:i~~otfr~~~!}~~:>--O!-ROT tr ., - .~----.------.-.-- .--'''-- 1-'."" -..- .-.-----.--------..-..---.---.------. "--"-'. ~..--------.--_._-~_. - Swer facilities, acquisition and operat <In Of watE.r J t8lllporary loan .from the Board of Su visors, .1::1;: -;81, .-- ----.-------.~ -- ___om, ---- --- -_ _____ __H__ -___________ ___ ________ St.rHt lighting, contract between Roanok cOJY Board of Supervisors and Appalachian ower OIlpany ~--sr;---'--------- -. ----. - -- , -- --- ---- - ---.---- - --. ~ ------~--- --- -------- Si on _1i~_l'_'__~u.~~':~I:!~ck_retro-~ct ve t c!at:eof i~s~c:,El_ -: 4GG, _q._ __ ____ ____ i _.~1!:!l1;1.stical, . annual report, Roanoke Coun Y , nsion Unit f'iled - 490, i _~~~~"'''_~e.s - COIIIIIIonwealth's Attorney - 4 , Sal8lll,_ _'1'01111 of area annexed to contains pula ion of 4369 persons - 493, Southern Hills Section, request for two 1 ghts!ito be installed - 496, ~~, Mrs. Frank E. appointed to adviSOry co~ttee to Board of Supervisors and Roanoke lcoun Library W8i'd-;' lt96, rr. ~ !! /I Ii I: " I, H I' I! i1 ~e.a_sf-s6~'s Report -7,31,_48,91, _1M, 09, :;)-7~ J! 24, l47,l72,l87, 235,256, 297,369,404, 428,1. 3"'69. Town of Salem voucher-check i~~~ed r~tr -act" --2)1,258,'277, 299,"323, 37l,j'J ,400,40,4 2~-?-!:~_..,_______ n'____ . ~4.~,~j 4~,33, 51, 93, ll4,127,l?9, .7!:t,_ ~-,21 T~~~~~:r_S~!lll.ly Com_p;iIl!'_ Inc., purchaS4 of f re hose all~_bidfiled_~lO,__.___.__ Tenta~~~~~~~~~%~:o{~~e I~ie~ili~ ~~~ ~;l. iU~l'g~~~~ction F:unti!> ,_.Dej:la~men1;_~_ _Hi Tro~1!vafmUCo&icffP6~ng~~~~'";~~6 0 i;e ~6~6:c cg~~~~~~g~6rg~ti,19~to~i6:~h .O_@_Q _,:'_~:rr~l.;tL~__q, a'pp<lin~ed oncol!llllitt_e. to.r 'Pr~s.!lIlt _C9.UI:I:tYduring.or,ganizatio.lLwith. Q Valley Council of Community Servic in conomic Opportunity Act of 1964 - 16, - _____._.________._n___ .--....-- ----- --.- --- -- t-. - - ----. :~:l::~~:~~:o~~::~~o: ::VidL11~ spres or o~ .pr_o!l8_r1;1:_of_ W~ D.: _~son_.:19, ___ -;railer ~n....j>ar~!Il~,l?toLw:!n~s()rHills~~Pti t Chur~~:votingpla.ce~~~__W!:Il~~()!_!1!!~_s. 3__!re Tra!1~r.2~'-JIQt1.s.-e.-".a.EPli..ca.tion.for:.. permij; to paon.prol'erty - 40, 99,_1()2, 1~6, 265L~5 '-. II Tar~!l.'..!!e.v, E,. N ~ _I'ray-er - 43, . . .T~_Levy fC?r_ year 1965 -53, j Tinnell ~_ Cla~()~._G_~__ap~!.ntll1ent _o.n_Elec.trlical T~es collected by Delinquent Tax Collec - 83, 327, '!'ylerL ~l!s.!!..I!._'J-'axtls_ collected byl?elil!9 'r~por~nL.oan_i:roDl G(lneral Fund to. Publi Col!(lctor -:24, l22! ding Bond.FUlld - 94, Town of Salem, contractural Agreement bet een --- ----.CoritraC1;ors;--orde:red . filed - 10 , Tax, Retail Salell.l!ll<!_tTll..El'_ !l8~~ tiol! O.eile.r 1 Ass '!I~ll'to. e~c1;,_~~is_!~t..~~Il_::._1.~3_,___._. _._ reasurer's 81UJ11!l1 s_~~~em.tln~_:-_l:l:O, l:!l, 89,__. _____________ ______un___.__.______________.__ ard of S~pex:visors 'owllex-s _ ~nd!il<lJ::,!;iIl B s. Telephone and Telegraph Companies, Statem nts s owi~ assessed values made by State Cor rati .. COllllll1ss1.on---nz;3'91,-- ---. -.--- --- _n____.._____ ----. -- -- ----- ._._________________"'u --- railer Court permit to use certain prope y fo use of - George S. Fisher, t/a &c - 119 127, ______"...,_______", ..__.__. -- ,_ - m._ ,._. ._ ,__. _ '._.0" ____ _'~_.___ _ ----.-.-------.----..------.--------..--.----l------ __ -8-' I'"~ .~.- ~;, . rail~_Lcr~t!..J~~!tiIl.g_!lj.1;IlS'_ ..llpp~icat;io. of. A .. R~S_EII!~1l=_13<>.L:l,?_~,___ .______.________n__ rustee~.L~rd 01', Vir~ni8"._S~p.Pl~m~nWr ~1;.!l:" ....e.!!.1:.. _~1;.~n1"~l:"_~~15.!l.. ~f.J!!l..J:To!~!Il;_.mon fo :::~~~~~!:~~;~~::::~. :~i~t~o :~K:~~~rs~~~~t~~-~~--.~~=~~~~~~~ ~~~ 11~IJI.I~~oIl'_ ?ox~e__\\,~ rezoni~ of c.ertain pro erty - 152, otal Action Against Poverty in the Roanok Val ey, Incorporated, responsibility of Roan ke Co t~rograii11Tevelopmerit"vouclier;:;-cneck Tssti a'~--l59'; ..------ ....__n_ n .---".----.- --- ---- AP vo~~~~~hf~l#~~~~~:r-e-::rElE;pOnSibi i:t.L f__J.i()IlIl()k~COUIl.tY!1;()Pr:O&I"am~JElye~_oIJllle~t in th ewriters and e~:pment fOr use_.i_n_R_()~oEl.~() ~L~_J..~:~_~s_n~~~ic..e,_~urc:~~~.:_~!..:__l:~l_,. 0lIIaS L Ma.de!.~! M. ~ ~.___~~.r.e~()~ of_ .~_I!.~~~Y: -:..2~2,~_~~,-3_g~'____n______ Terrell, Edwin~.!lppoint~~() s~tl~Lja~l.!llc~ i!.ie~_~d~t~!1"_!'11~~i~_~~ldi~...~~eds ~ 49, Treasurer, ::p=a;~~~~~d;;:~~9-;'I"~~g. _~e_s_fQL~gg!1;"i.!1!1.!l!_Ji!l!9_~1;.1:;9_..Q.<?Y~.r_rep.~irs 0 o~ ce Tenn~~=~n T~:;~~~111-~ ~g~'~Pl?li..cation! r _~_E~.i:f~:a~e_ o!~~.!'~~..c_9_()I11Tel1ience _ and Ne_e: s:.~.!~~ ;~~:~' c=u:.~~;~::;;~rt~~;~::-~:co- ~~~~'[~~7;~;.~~_~~:~~~2~~~:~L~;;,.==~ ____ Tie Vote existing Rezoning Fred L. Bowma pro erty - 284, ::u,i,~= ~:;::~:f~ !~ ~~...;~..~~,~, -==.= Taxes, imposing on sta res of stock in b,IkS 1 cated in Roanoke County ordi n..nce -287" 8, Total Action Against Poverty in Roanoke '{aIle , member appointed - 324, 1 I T_Olm of Salem main sewer interceptor lin~ wast s - 328, n l- Trailer spaces, addition in Carolina Mobile Ho e Park, 35Q, 380, Treasurer of Roanoke County, increase in kevo1 ing Fund - 359, Taylor, D. Moss Estate, rezoning propertY!betw en State Secondary Route 613 and 687 - 390, Trailer spaces, permit denied - 380, i I I I I I ' Tempo~~t;0~n4~~~ purpose of operating, I aint ining, and establishing water supply forfRoano~e Tu!1;,i~.n G_rap,1;sin.R.~oke County, Stateme t of Roanoke County School ll<lard - 432, II ~~e1~, _ ~l~~~_~. !_es~gneciu as Illemberof~oan*e County Electrical ExamininguBoard _ 4 8, I i, i Town of Salem and Board of Supervisors or Roa~oke County extension of time granted Ma lin B thers C.....traetors-, --Ine.,- for erection of Sa 811l-Rl,anOke County- Civic C~'ter - 439-, .--.----''--- Treatment or sewage and disposal of trea ed e tf'luent in Roanoke River and along Ttllker , applied --,.OVli"gi.ii'ill~at"e-Water -C-ontrol Board" for pproval or .. 1+57, . - -- _m -. . --- -----".-.--- _!~-e~~~~~L;~~~surer lluthorized to ..tri, te their_ proportionate sha!e_ of local 13 _ "e~ _t Town of Vinton, Treasurer authorized to stri~ute their proportionate share of loc:al s es ax revenue-~~;------" .- --,,------ --...- . - ---------"-. -... . ----. .--...... --- - ___m____._.__ ---.--,,--. --.- .----.- TQITJ~:!-J.LEdw:l,n_Q.:r::e-ajlp():l,Il~ed memller-at-aw.o! Roanoke Valley RegiQ.1'I!ll P.:L<!J1niM_ C,collDllis 1_QP-__ 47:!-.L_.______ ;~:i~-;:~~;~;:/~d~:~~ :tt:i1n::O~fr:4;:-6C9:::::l:;'~~:t::::~::~~;:z -:0 have ;~fgM~~~t::~:11Jxed. contains t" persons - 493,-.-------.- --~===.---.-------- .1_____._____ m__' --_===_____ . ~ I' II l. ~ I! ~ II , -I-- I !l l [ ~ Ii II Ii t. r .~ ---- .--.-----.. - --- --- -. . ~. 1 _____m' "I 1. - ~.. Ii ---I .."1'. ...j ---- ~ I. ~ " -- --t r .~ I II I ---- --.---.-----1 ., , il " r II Ii , Ii !I , ;1 ~ . i TREATMENT OF DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL S~NAGE - CONTRACT WITH ROANOKE CITY Letter from Miss Virginia L. Shaw, City lerk, City of Roanoke, Va., enclosing Resolutibn de -'ing request to further amend contrac bet en City of Roanoke and County of Roanoke ~ 20- JiQ&o!1o,ke County .Sanitation AuthQrity inst. ctetoproceed .in ::'ocation of sit_es .totreat _dome sewage - 20, in- 1 t r=--= i j 1 ! ( ~ t~ -- I'j.EASUR Borrow money for the purpose . -General County Operations of meet~.ng ':jlsual or actual deficits - 421, I in General Revenue i i FU1d for I OF ROANOKE COUNTY ~ ~011o ~~,1t6$, ~,ltk lt$$ ,16~:l%;. 1#1;. W. H. I i Taxes 7,.8,31, 32, 49, 50, eo, gl,l 2..J 237.256, 257,276, 29S, 299, 2.:, , ./'-i J, ~ _._Wells, &: !o!llag:~~f*f,e1.bs6',4~~?f1CCh ro-active to date issued - 9, l1~,l,;!,?, _~itl!'W,Hugh.D.Sa1es& Service, bid fa Pur hase..of Fire Hose filed - 10,. Walker, John L. Jr., President, Roanoke alle Sarety Council with rererence to a_pprop ill:t~o ____ ._.n_. '-'oraared filed 10, . . . ... ~-~~----- -- n _Wiley, F. Cameron, Jr6., recommend appoin ment of to membership on Commission of Game a Fisheries - 1 , :-f------. -~----- Wilson & Company Building improvements t, be -----n-7<Y9 ":-19; . -.. -. . - - ___n_ Wi!!l!~(l!:.La!c.~'_Il:;;t.ab!-~~l1ing(lr biz:~ sanct ary_ . W.estchester establishing of bird sanctua. pu Y~!tche~ter_~~~e~~ll:bHsh~n~ _()~ bird s nctu Windsor Hills precinct divided - 22, --..---- _n ..... &#2 __!i:n~or. Hi~~s.pX:Elcinct #1/ crellted - 22, Windsor Hills #1 Precinct boundaries - 2 __~___._______"'u _..___..,'.__,__,__. _ _~~licllear~~~ - 21, Inl nd de to~_qcessro~clto-' .beillg;yart of Sta e Rou e blic.?~arillg ~ 21, _ Wind.:;;~!_lIil!s_#~!z:.ecinct boun.ti~1:'i.es .:-.2 ...Wincl.sor Hills Baptist Church parking lot voti g place for Windsor Hills #2 Prec.inct _ Woodland Hills Corporation, petition of and _ ~ners for vacation of portion of Map kn --- - Sectlo-ilI;Southern'Hills-- 37,5, t - . . - Wise Countr School Board joint resolutio of unty Board of Supervisors, relative to - ---- --.-of -C-lrnch--Va11ey College -:;9, - - -- -- - . . ._ifat..~,-F.ire Depar:t!l1e,llts of Roanoke Count ~Iil no longer furnis\1 to indivi<:lua.lS.-_39_,- Welfare, Department_tlf ,.op~ati_on ~_ A ppro:ria.t__ __n__Q.z:d~~Ec.e_ -:: __2~._2.27-,..l.~_2.Ll.l-77.L_.___. ____Un. Welfare, Departm':llt;_~~. Pl:ll>l_ic-,-- Annual Bu g;et .z:_!_il;,c:<i.1:_XElaz:.Ellld~ng.J'\Il1El.}.c>!_~_??6._::..~~, Whitlock, K!lnnetll request_~ll.'!.ge._~oaJ>l'oi. ~_De _tLDo!>_War~I1..!:~~ list_-:.~9~______ Welfare Board, Roanoke County member app inte - 102, ..____~_.___.n.____.______ __._...__" , _' _ .. , .._.... ____ __ 2, n as _~~ 0.11__ Wate)~~z:.l'Orations! St~!~~I!t;S s,11,tlWiD.€>. a~'sesse _ v~~~_~_lIIlI.ci!b~~~~t_eCo.!])~:r:.a.t;i~_l!..Q~~~ ~~n. Wells-:-al~~riJl~~~i;s-ti~~~g~~~;i~ Ij~-;. P~Q~_~..c~!! oJ:'!l..El1".~!!.~!!!!ll!!!ibY_~~_.J:'Jlg JU;9_ _ " t~_~>>~-'1!ILJh'llo.~'Jl'!@__C_O~ In!b.s.llggest. dco.~g~~~j,01l~h!!l1!!I'c!l,IlIl!!__9f,:,,1,38__L _.____ .. __..___ Whitfield.,.~~ __'l'hOlll8~re9Ues~ .for two ca. ins e _DlOVi!<l _a~_.t~i!l .crea~El_.a _haz,ard.".'_13g!.___ ~~~~_~~~i_"'gtlp in. the road on Route 722 reg: estford'J:'a.in to be put uncieJ:'%,olld~13e " er---,-~ne. C~~~e!!L1!9 .Il~1l41._n(;El!1s9~ {, J:'~__P!"o.~~ct:i,C!.n ~_:U9L _.___.______.______ Willi,8IIIl>,l!9~4AlIEl,ll_%'(;_-z9ning c~tain rQpey - _l5.7..... 2,93, ,-___ Watts, Will~_~d El!za~t~~.re:~clnin,g_cEl~ ;~_1?!:~p.e~:r_:_.l:?~, _.____________ Weaver~i~~__!."_~PREll!z:eclnil1_opRosi:tion t _~a_!~.oF Jle:t"lll:it for t~ailerp~k:~~_...}~O, Wellare Bo~! Roanoke....Eo~~x '__lll1thori.zat on f palDlent _ of_ all ~tlit!:-lo_c~~~sy_itll:~_bi_ l~._- W~er!.. Nan_<l!_W, .~~uche::.:~c~=-c_~.::~tro-acti e to ate of iss~l1.~e_: _211. _______________. Wa~er a~ce_'__~~lJ_~~!~1l._51LY~l~ W:atll _l:.()I!I _z...fC!.J:'~_..l"!!~_S~_OE_()f_i_1!SJ:'ll.t.~_!ClJ:' ... Witt William H. voucher-check appro,'ed r tro- ctive ~o date - 237, ~-__________ __,,___un___ . _____ _ ___ __.. _.._ ____m_____._._____ ._.__. ___ Webber, C. E. ap~ll.d to ~tu~ Sa_~urdaylclo.! ._of Co~hous.e -2~9,_~g5,____ Ward's Mobile Home Sales of Roanoke, Inc,! Con inuation of Permit - 26l, Wilson Trucking Corporation. application or C tificate of Public Convenience and Nece sity --- -common-ca-rr:tel'. ~ 264, ',. ----- Webber, C. E. report on Saturday closing 267 285, Whitmore, L. M. present at meeting - 267,[ Wingfield, Warren or. r6zoning. of cer1;ain rope Water Svstem! power of establishing, pubJ. - ~o lrtic es or Incorporation of Roanc Willis. Emma, rezoning certain "property.. '.-0. .___n ,. -~- ... -.-- ing to consider adoJl1;ion of .J;ertaln ame ty Sanitation Authority - 2<>7, 74, Wilkinson. S. E. Heirs tract, United Stat, Forest - 327, Wastes, County of Roanoke, main sewer into ce Water sys~em. determine legal authority 0 Cit Webber, Charles E. appointed on advisory ommi Mrs. Mae Whitfield,/President SUIJrlse Civic and Co uni ----.---- childreji-inP:l.nkardC urt area - 2 m .Jith~a'!LJl!1;!~~I!_f~!'..!'llllo~cllr~illj 9'pe .- .._". dme:l.ts of additional land to Jefferson Na ionl1 or line of Town of Salem - 32g, of Roanoke to purchase independent -39 , tee. consolidation agreement - 399. Club. playgrounds, parks .and libraries for . E._Marvin temonandMary Grace Lemon 457, , I 'If:~::~~on.~t~eJ:"~e R11~!. .et _ala. re-zoJng C~r1;ainproPerty - 4.75. _Wi~~~u():' b:-:t.dge on U. S. 221, near Sta e ROftd 68g - 480, Water and sewer facilities, temporary loa fro! Board of Supervisors for acquisition an -~--';;4-gr--." ..... .... t - .. . .. '. .!~lso~ !.~c:.~ng. Com}la_ny-,_vou.c~ez::c~eck re r()-aj:tive to date of issusnce - 488, Waldron, Elbert, appointed to Parks Colllllli tee ,4.96, ---- --- --- .-- - --- - I I -- - -- - ---- ~ . ~ -.-l ~ ~ . ~ I' II " 01' tion of J . ~ II IT I r' I I I f I \i ~ r ,I I! ~ ~ n - ~ Ii -i , ~ ] ..J.. ] " J Ii Ii +:- ;i L j i 1. ii I! II II I; ;: :1 .1- --- '~-l--.- I I Zoning Appeals Board, request to appoi t - 14, _~q~ing. Ordinance of Roanoke County, am ndme 5 to - 309, ~___u~ ~ ..-J l------ n ------- __:d___ -f.-- -------~--.~l---.--- -. , I ZlDNING !' I' Amendment or General ordinance of Roanok~ Co . .Dis1;rict. R-l, 1;0 permit. a variance 0 spe with the use or R-l residences as Lo ging Yi as amended to date~ Article 4, Resid ntial a exception as proviaed by law, in co ec ouses - l79,309, z~~ of property on the west ~~~~ of certain_property of Murray K. Amendments to Zoning Ordinance of ROanok . Route 221 - Fred 1. Bowman - 261, - 267, y - 309,473, 1 Court House Salem, Virginia April 19, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Hlirris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. A. Kyle !lora, Pastor of the West Salem Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia. offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The follOWing claims against thp County were this day pr~sented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 19185 Roanoke County School Board, County owned vehicles serviced at School Board Garage $ 1,482.43 n 19l86 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for various vehicles 50.80 n 19187 Braulin &: Company" Inc., Compound for washing Police cars and Garbage Trucks 122.51 o u ~ o 8 5J n 19188 W. B. Clements, Inc., Repair and Parts and Parts for Stock 19189 Harvest Motors, Inc.. Parts for Police and Garbage Trucks 19190 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline, Oil and Parts 1919l Miller Tire Servi.ce, Tires 19192 Salem Auto Parts, Parts 19193 Salem Motors~ Inc., Repairs and Parts Police Car 19194 Salem Car Wash Co., Wash Jobs on Police Cars and Engineer's Car . 19l95 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs on Police car 19l96 Vinton Motor Co., Repair and Parts for Police Car 1 New Garbage Truck 19197 Auto Springs &: Bearing Co., Parts 19198 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Janitor supplies - Ft. Lewis Fire Station, repairs Garbage Truck 19199 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for distribution 19200 T. R. Leslie Service Sta<;ion, Gasoline and Wash Job on Fire Equipment - Clearbrook 1920l Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline - Mount Pleasant Fire Equipment 19202 Salem Oil Company, Gasoline, Oil, for Ft. Lewis Fire Tr1.lck, Fuel for Fire Station and Oil for Garbage Lot 19203 Wilson's Esso &: Grocery Co., Gasoline used Cave Spring Rescue Squad Equipment 19204 WOody's Auto Parts, Inc., Parts 19205 Texaco, Inc., Gasclline used in Engineer's Car 19206 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts and Oil for Tractor 19207 Beach Brothers, Repair and Parts 1920g General Auto Parts, Parts Garbage Trucks 19209 Glenvar Texaco Station, Oil 19210 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts n n " n - .. n n " " " " n n n n " n n n II II II 79.11 35.86 10.77 283.65 125.72 l5.50 10.00 2.25 5,806.92 46.49 14.62 363.80 43.47 )6.11 102.37 29.g2 78.9l 5.62 50.14 5.02 41.32 .60 62.l4 2 No. 19211 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts and brake fl",-:.d n 19212 International Harvester Co., Parts, Garbage Trucks n 19213 Richard's Auto f~ignment, Repairs n 19214 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts n 19215 Salem Glass Co., Parts n 19216 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs, Parts and Oil . for Tractor and Repairing Garbage Collection Tubs n 19217 Yates &:We11s Garage, Repairs, parts, oil &:c 19218 American Auto Supply, Inc., Parts for Stock 19219 Void 19220 Stan's Auto Parts, Parts for distribution 19221 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Distribution at County Garage 19222 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil ror distribution at County Garage and Hollins Fire Station 19223 Diesel Injection Sales Co., Parts for Truck 19224 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repair and Parts - Police Cars n n n n n n n n 19225 Salem Office Supply Co.. Office supplies 19226 Addressograph-~tigraph Corp., Office supplies Commissioner of Revenue n n 19227 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Treasurer 19228 Treasurer of Virginia, Or!':tce supplies 19229 International Business Machine, Office supplies and Maintenance Contract on office equipment for Treasurer and Commonwealth's Attorney 19230 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine for Treasurer's Office ' n n n n 19231 Dooley Printing Co., Offic.! supplies 19232 Fielding L. Logan, Inc., Plremium on Bond for employee in Office of Collector of Delinquent Accounts n n $ 95.18 93.96 7.00 8.75 9.39 I 126.4.5 9.0l 19.02 9.46 I 117.50 1,588.98 1.38 33.65 24.09 l7.88 2,000.00 5.00 76.84. I 39.00 233.85 54.00 19233 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage used in mailing Delinquent Tax Notices 100.00 19234 Roanoke County Court, Warrants and Court Cost in collect- ing Delinquent Tangible Personal Property Taxes 227.00 n n 19235 Void 19236 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Office of Collector of Delinquent Accounts 25.00 n n 19237 Roberts &: Son, Inc., 1 Dozen Pens 19238 Perma-Stamp Distributors, Inc., Office supplies - Clerk 1 Rubber Stamp 19239 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books-Clerk 19240 Xerox Corporation, Repairs to office equipment, office supplies and record paper ' 19241 Furman Whitescarver, Sr., First halr year dues, Roanoke County Law Library Association, Judge F. L. HobaCk, Judge J. I. Moyer, Commonwealth's Attorney, E. H. Richardson . 19242 Michie Company, Law Book, Judge F. L. Hoback 19243 Acme Typewriter Co., Repairing typewriter for Commonwealth's Attorney, Office supplies repairs to V~meograph Machine n n n n n n 4.44 I l4.90 481. 93 2,509.85 I 150.00 39.00 21.55 o 'I i -.J '1 U o r11'. L" ;';" ~ No. 19244 Marvin C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's March Traveling Expense $ 19245 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's March Traveling Expense 19246 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse Probation Officer's March Traveling Expense 19247 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse Probation Officer's March Traveling Expense 28.84 44.73 " 32.69 " 96.76 " " 19248 Va. Office Machine &: Equipment Co., Maintenance service on Office Equipment for 1 year &: new Equipment; Office of Juvenile &: Domestic Relations Court Office of County Sheriff 1 New Typewriter 19249 Nash Jewelry &: Loan Co., 4 Badges for Probation Officer 352.25 17.40 " " 19250 H. L. Carner, Installing 1 new Mail Box damaged by Fire Truck 115 15.00 19251 Airport Hardware, Repair Material - Hollins Fire Station 13.47 19252 Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service, Chemicals for Fire Extinguisher at Hollins Station #5 6.50 19253 J. W. Griggs, Reimburse dinner meeting of County fire Chiefs 15.15 " 19254 Fuel Oil &: Equipment Co., Heating, Fuel Oil for Courthouse and Hollins Fire Station 433.59 I " " " " 19255 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Heating Fuel for Catawba Fire Station 52.32 " 19256 Jefferson Electric Co., Replaced wire to fire station alarm 20.44 " 19257 Void " 19258 Van Wood Oil Corporation, Fuel for Cave Spring Rescue Squad 19259 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Coroner case, test determination Alcohol 19260 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on Surety Bond for Special County Policeman 19261 Lewis-Gale Hospital, Blood test determination for Alcohol 25.00 5.00 23.88 " 25.00 " " " 19262 Void " 19263 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Blood Alcohol Determination test & Lunacy cases 30.00 " 19264 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance March 159.50 " 19265 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail PhysiCian Salary, Blood Test Determination, Alcohol, Lunacy Cases 195.00 " 19266 State Office Supply Co., Office supplies Sheriff's Of rice 15.55 " 19267 Owen Plumbing Co., Repair work at Jail and Courthouse _ Street signs 192M H. M. Wood Plumbing & Heating, Jail Repairs Plumbing 19269 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Professional services rendered 4 prisoners and Jailer 19270 Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical Repairs to Jail 19271 American Bakeries Co., Food Jail 19272 C. C. Bova & Company, Food, Jail 19273 Foutz Sausage Co., Food, Jail 19274 C. B. Halsey Co., Janitor supplies & Food - Jail 19275 Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel - Jail 19276 Layman Candy Co., Razor Blades 19277 Murrell's Finer Foods, F'ood - Jail 20.00 54.44 64.26 9.00 43.20 98.61 64.00 11.48 137.34 " 367.52 16.25 " " " " " " " " " 4 19297 Technical Reproduction Co., Record paper, office supplies, repairing Blue Print Machine 149.79- 19298 Times-World Corporation, 11lblishing Meetings or Zoning Board and Publishing changing of Voting Precincts 34.00 19299 Allstate Insurance Co., Liability Insurance Premium on Garbage Truck No. 19278 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry - Jail $ 19279 Powell's Pharmacy, Medical Supplis, Jail 19280 L. H. Parke Corporation, Food and Janitor supplies 1928l Sanfax Corporation, Janitor Supplies 19282 W. T. ~erson, Food - Jail 19283 Clearbrook Lion's Club, March Rent 19281,. W. W. Garman, March Rent - Mount Pleasant Fire Station 19285 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, March Rent - Cave Spring Fire Station 19286 University of Va. Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 19287 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 19288 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 19289 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 19290 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 19291 Fairview Home, County's share of expense maintaining home for aged at Dublin 19292 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Blood Test Alcohol 19293 Dr. Richard G. Faw, Lunac~' Cases 19291,. Gochenour &: Baugess, Lunacy cases 19295 Charles E. Mills, III, Lunacy Cases 19296 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Renewal Premium on Surety Bond for Electrical &: Plumbing Inspector n n n n " n " " " - " n n " n " " " " " " " n 19300 E. C. Hill, Rent on Garbage Dump 19301 Jack Rasnic, Refund Garbage Collection Fee 19302 Economy Plumbing &: Heating Co., Refund Plumbing Permit 19303 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 19301,. Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street lighting 19305 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 19306 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies 19307 McClung Lumber Co., lOQ# sand for Cuspidors 19308 Salem Farm Supply Co., Maintenance of Grounds Fertilizer, &:c 19309 The Selig Co., Janitor supplies 19310 Clayton Tinnell, Electrical Repair work on heating system in Court House . " . n n II n n n n n n n 1931l Wilson Trucking Co. ,FREIGHT on Chairs from Penitentiary Industrial Dept. 19312 Williams Supply, Inc., Light Tubes . 19313 Mason H. Littreal, Refund Electrical Permit 1931l,. B. C. Hartman, Refund Electrical Permit 19315 Janet L. Ballentine, Deputy Registrar in Vinton 19350 Sunnyside Awning &: Tent Co., 1 Flag - Courthouse n n n n n 55.36 27.00 215.56 54.93 32.70 60.00 60.00 I 60.00 1,.30.65 224.55 26.50 905.60 329.72 I 17.73 10.00 90.00 20.00 50.00 7.50 I 51.00 50.00 2.25 12.00 67.10 792.33 35.46 53.05 .75 7.57 32.67 I 135.l0 14.75 15.91,. .50 1,..00 11,..55 18.70 I No. 19351 T. E. Burke, April Rent, Civilian Defense Office $ 60.00 " 19352 Treasurer of Virginia, 7 new radios 1,465.00 " 193.53 Gallant Incorporated, Repairs to Photostatic Machine, Engineer's Office 74.9l " 19354 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. New Furniture for office or Jkdge of Circuit Court l08.80 - I " 19355 Town of Vinton, New: fire hydrants installed l,635.29 , i " 19356 Hugh D. lfuitlow Sales Company, New fire equipment l35 . 89 " 19357 Robert Dawson, 'Postmaster, Postage for distribution 40.00 " 19358 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty cash fund 40.49 ., " 19359 R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimb~se traveling expense 47.67 , ...J " 19360 Barney E. Craddock, Expenses in connection with instructing radiological mOnitoring, Civil Defense Class 20.00 " 19361 Richard L. Tisinger, Expenses in connection with instruct- ing Radiological Monitoring Civil Defense Class 20.00 o o ~." tJ " " 19362 19363 1936; Booker Helm, Janitor services " C. B. Sixbey, Refund Garbage Collection fee C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone service f()r Bent Mountain Fire Station 193!t3 Woodhaven Press, 6 M Tax Notices for Treasurer 19384 Double Envelope Co., office supplies 19385 C. W.Warthen Co., Receipt books and envelopes 19386 Dictaphone Corporation, Maintenance on Court Reporting Machines " " " " " " 19387 Monroe, Inc., Maintenance contract on office equipment County Court Office, Engineer's Office 19388 Everette E. Fry, Reimburse difrerence in cost between party line and private line installed in his .home at request of Judge F. L. Hoback 19389 Goodwin Chevrolet Co., 3 new Police Cars 19390 Salem Motors, ~nc., 3 new Police Cars 1939l C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone service for Cave Spring Fire Station " " " " " 19392 Void 19393 Allstate Insurance Co., Liability Insurance on Vinton Fire Truck " " 19394 19395 19396 Hunt &: Moore, Lunacy Commission Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy commissions State Department of Health, County's appropriation for support of local Health Department Times-World Corporation, Publishing Notice of meeting of Zoning Board . Brown Hardware Co., Hardware &:c Power Transmission Corporation, Part for Truck Goodwin-Andrews Ins. Co., Additional Premium on Insurance covering Voting Machines " " " 19397 " 19398 19399 19400 " " " 30.00 25.00 24.05 45.50 40.57 141. 99 . l30.00 46.00 18.18 6,l50.79 6,128.40 25.90 51.00 10.00 30.00 10,766.00 6.00 21.38 1.69 42.00 19401 Booker Helm, Labor making cabinet ror County Court, repair- ing file table in Welfare Department and repairing door at Library 35.00 19402 George M. Kanode, Refinishing 10 office chairs 50.00 19403 Blain Supply Co., Jani~or supplies 13.00 " No. 1.9404 J. P. Stevens, Repairing Lawn Mower n 19405 Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage n 19406 Valley Contractors Corporation, Repairing and Remodeling Jail and Jailor's quarters Nina Powell, extra help in Registrars office Jacqueline A. Hudson, extr,!l, help in Election office Void Thelma H. Beamer, extra help in Engineer's Office Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Additional funds James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets n 19407 . n 19408 n 19409 n 19410 n 19417 n 1941g IN HE: DOG TAlES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: ---_.- -,_. $ 5.35 3.90 1,770.69 224.9l 63.55 I 63.55 2,390.93 90.64 I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl therewith, to-wit: No. 19365 Automotive Paint &: Supply Co., Material used in Fisherman's program .$ 4.84 n 19366 Void 19367 Acme Printers, Inc., Posted signs 19366 Bob's Market, Wearing apparel for Dog Wardens, food &:c 19369 Void 19370 Roanoke County School Board, Dog Truck serrlced, repairs 19371 Dooley Printing Co., Record Books for Clinics 19372 Fort Dodge Laboratories, Vaccine, Medical supplies 19373 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Material for Fisherman's Program 19374 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline for Dog Truck 19375 McClung Lumber Co., Lumber for Fisherman's Program 19376 Powell Pharmacy, Medical supplies 19377 J. C. Richardson, Purchase of 25 Coons 19376 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maint.enance, Dog Truck 19379 Salem Farm Supply Co., Food for Dogs 19380 W. L. Turner, Livestock, claim 19361 Mrs. Judson Tribbett, livestock claim 19382 Charles Huffman, Emptying garbage containers 1941l Samuel W. Ar.lold, Special County Policeman 19412 Ernest Robertson, Special County Policeman 19413 Clarence M. Shupe, Special County Policeman 19414 Clarence Jobe, 1 lot quails 19415 Jean Long, 7 1/2 hours typing for Dog Warden n " . " . " - 11 n .. " . .. " n 11 .. .. .. .. .. . n .. .. .. .. 19416 Palmer Chemical &: Equipment Co., Medical supplies 33.00 34.04 6.00 47.50 146.75 24.76 12.87 34.00 l2.14 l50.00 7.50 35.70 25.00 25.00 112.98 33.50 33.50 33.50 50.00 10.g4 67.68 I I I . t. .. ", I .f. . ~ 7 JAMES E. P1!."TERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: "April 19, 1965 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ,l -.J At the close of business March 31, 1965, there was to the credit of the followin : J General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund School Co~~truction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund F. 1. C. A. V. S. R. S. Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Public Building Debt Fund - Available Cash pererred Credit Account Scholarship Fund $ 503,754.92 16,912.09 42.93 206,207.55 13,097.05 11,014.18 943.21 13,957.50 7,5l0.00 8.61 1~,310.~ $ 78 ,741. Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $2,000,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Bank of Salem - Testbook Farmers National Bank Paying Agt. for School Debt Service Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account $ 1,500.00 301,371.77 451,883.45 4,320.9l 13,097.05 2,611.12 11,957.50 $ 788,741.80 J Certificates of DepOsit (School Building) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank $ 300,000.00 600,000.00 150,000.00 $ 1,050,000.00 Public Building; Bond Account Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 240,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 $ 490,000.00 Certificates of DepOsit (SavinEs) Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County" Said report is received and ordered filed. $ 600,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 $ 700,000.00 -, J IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: ~ L1J The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $2,892.90 on account 01' delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of March, 1965, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said checking amounting to $2,748.25 net. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of April, 1965 , be approved in the am~unt of $12,735.82 from which the sum of $398.98 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1,072.65 total W. H. Taxes, $l56.48 total State Income and $319.61 total Retirement Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $10,788.10. '~,li' c.,~~. c...~ ~ 'f''J~.tl.5 8 ~~,6 ~-It t;, &.,. ~ 4'- ~~.'.!T ~~,A t. ~ - i.i1 ~,.., ~ Jf.').S.(,S Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning Mar. 5, Ending Mar. 18, 1965, be approved in the amount of $4,517.60 from which $163.75 total F. I. C. A Taxes; $284.70 total W. H. Taxes; $34.20 total State Income; and $51.75 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $3,983.20; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning Mar. 19, Ending Apr. 1, be approved in the amount of $4,491.54 from which $l62.82 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $277.30 total W. H. Taxes; $33.71 , total State Income, $63.50 total Retirement Insurance; $51. 75 total Blue Cross Insurance and $l8.00 total Accident Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,884.46; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period begjnn;ng April 2, Ending April 15, 1965, be approved in the amount of $4,762.03 from which $172.61 total F. I. c. A. Taxes; $320.40 total W. H. Taxes; $40.20 total State Income and $51. 75 total Blue Cross IIU!:lI'ance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,l77.07. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Kef'f'er, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning Mar. 16, Ending Mar. 3J, 1965, be approved in the amount of $ll13.70 from which $40.38 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $91.10 total W. H. Taxes; $15.61 total State Income; $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $10.00 Miscellaneous are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $942.61; And the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning April 1, Ending April 15, 1965 , be approved in the amount of $l,.Ol2.66 from which $36.71 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $78.50 total W. H. Taxes; $ll.96 total State Income; $19.67 total Retirement Insurance; $3.00 total Accident Insurance and $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $848.82. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of March, 1965; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, Summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of March, 1965; 9 EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, report ~or the month of March, 1965; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month o~ March, 1965; FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report ~or the month of March, 1965. o ..., I .J On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the followingvoucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: IIl9045 in the amount o~ $58.55 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins, Catawba and Bent Mountain Fire Stations; # 19100 in the amount o~ $752.27 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service for County Offices, Fire Stations, &c; II 19101 in the amount of $11.44 made payable to Cave Spring Water Company, for service at Cave Spring Fire Station ~or period January 27, 1965 _ March 2 1965; II 19111 in the amount of $45.25 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service at Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Stations and Transmitter on Brushy Mountain; 1119115 in the amount of $250.00 made payable to C. E. Boone, Sheriff, for advanc traveling expenses to Birmingham, Alabama, to get a prisoner; '..,,&.< r ?' . ~,~ - "7. ~ IJJ- #."...'5 ..., i I -! 111912.3 in the amount of $1.3,000.00 made payable to Wells & Meagher, Architects for County's part of Architectural Drawings and Specifications for Salem- Roanoke County Civic Center; II 19124 in the amount of $7,510.00 made payable to Farmers National BaniI: for interest on coupons for Public Building Bonds; II 19125 in the amount o~ $687.08 made payable to Town o~ Salem for light and water service for Jail, Courthouse, Health and Welrare Center, Street Lighting, Riverland Court, and cost or'sewage treatment for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivision; II 19126 in the amount of $46.60 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service at Hollins Fire Station; II 19127 in the amount of $24.59 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service at Dog Wardens Home; If 19128 in the amount or $41.09 made payable to Appalachian Power Company ~or current used at Dog Pound; 1/ 19129 in the amount of $.3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service ror towel service in Court House for the month of March; # 19165 in the amount of $126.65 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, for reimbursing postage for mailing garbage accounts for the quarter ending March 31, 1965; II 19l66 in the amount of $180.21 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel used in Jail, Home Demonstration kitchen, Cave Spring Fire Station and HlIiLth and Welfare C'lnter; 1/ 19169 in the amount of $39.65 made payable to C & P Telephone Company ror service at C1earbrook Fire Station; # 19170 in the amount of $12.57 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Mount Pleasant Fire Station; 1119172 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Company for rent on Softner used at Hollins Fire Station; IIl9l73 in the amount of $ll.25 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Cave Spring Fire Station; # 19174 in the amount of $38.40 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for . telephone service at Mount Pleasant Fire Station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes o M1 [j Nays: None 10 ~~r t". &.,., ~ ?- .- A 1/.,__ 7#1"'-- "I-?_I.f , ~~.~ ..fJ~ 'f{ '.~1f Jf'-" -t.5 IN RE: PURCHASE OF FIRE HOSE On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Executive Officer be authorized to accept the low bid of Tidewater Supply Company, Inc., for 1500 feet-2 1/2 inch hose at $1.02 per foot and 600 feet-l 1/2 inch hose at 69~ per foot making a total of $l944.00 for use on the Vinton Fire Truck. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I The following bids were this day ordered filed: Tidewater Supply Company, Inc. Parker-Nimmo Supply Company, Inc. American Lafrance Graves-Humphreys, Inc. Fire Equipment Co. of Va. Hugh D. Mlitlow Sales &: Service I IN RE: ROANOKE VALLEY SAFETY COUNCIL APPROPRIATION On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the request of the Roanoke Valley Safety Council that. this Board M appropriate the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for their services be referred to the Budget Committee of Roanoke County. Adopted bythe following recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Letter dated March l8, 1965, addressed to Mr. Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County, Roanoke County Court House, Salem, Virginia, from John L. Walker, Jr., President, Roanoke Valley Safety Council ordered filed. Report of the 57th Annual Report of the Virginia Highway Commission for the period July l, 1963 , through June 30, 1964 , this day received and ordered filed. I Communication from the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways Tentative Allocation for Interstate and Rural Primary Construction Funds _ Fiscal Year 1965-66, together with a notice or public he2xings to be held on the tentative allocations, giving the time and place the various districts will be heard, was this day submitted to the Board and ordered filed. I 11 IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 11118 AND DENT ROAD, VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE .#62') . of ANITA D. INGRAM AND CHARLES H. BURTON f FINAL ORDER J , classified as "B-2" which petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board on the 15th day of February, 1965, and by Order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting on the 2')rd day of March, 1965, after due advertisement and after hearing evidence touch ing on the merits of said Petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said Petition from "R-l" to "B-2"; and v1 -&- 'r. ~- r.tf'.;l. ?;;J..---r,4'f, ~ , ~ ~t ~-fl~-pL ,.f~ ~ 4-" 'J..I.5' o At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Court House on April 19, 1965: lIHEREAS, Anita D. Ingram and Charles H. Burton did petition this Board requesting that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said Petition, now classified as nR_l" be ] liHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order, entered on the 15th day of February, 1965 as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a pUblic hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Count.y Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virgini..~; and 1fHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of .this Board to be held on the 19th day of April, 1965 at 2:30 p. m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advertised the same by nOtice duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virgfni for two insertions on the 31st day of March, 1965 and on the 7th day of April, 1965, as required by said Order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after nci;ice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid, and ~S, this Board after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance, should be amended as requested in said Petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE,' BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 19th day of April, 1965, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to o rJ classify the property described in said Petition as "B_2" property in order that said property may be used to erect a Barn Theater or Dinner Theater and develope the entire acreage of ground for recreational and amusement purposes. The property hereby classified as "B_2" is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the intersection of the Southerly side of Dent Road with Old Virginia State Route #117, now Virginia State Route #U8; thence with the southerly side of Dent Road in a generally northeast and southeast direction 697 ft., more or less to a point; thence with a new line through the lands of Anita D. Ingram and Charles H. Burton, S. 500 W. 560 ft. to Virginia State Route #118; thence with the northeasterly side of Virginia State Route #118 460 ft. to the place of BEGINNING, containing approximately four acres at the southeast corner of Dent Road and Old Virginia State Route 1/117, now Virginia State Route Hll8, as will be seen by reference to plat attached hereto and made a part hereof. THERE IS EXCEPTED THEREFROM, however, a triangular strip conveyed to the City of Roanoke, Virginia, by The First National Exchange Bank of Roanoke, Virginia, Executor and Trustee under the will of William J. Nelson, recorded in Deed Book 594, page 385, in the Clerk'3 Office of the Circuit Court for the County or Roanoke, Virginia. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to A. T. Loyd, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None IN HE: REZOlITNG OF PROPERTY SITUATE m THE NORTHERN MASON CREEK SECTION, SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF GRAYDON N. ROBERTSON f FINAL ORDER ... " WHEREAS, Graydon Ii. Robertson did, on the 15th day of February, 1965, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain real estate owned by the said Graydon N. Robertson and situate in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, said parcel of land being more particularly described in said petition, and hereinafter more fully described, and now classified as WRESIDENTIAL R-l" to be rezoned and reclassified as "AGRICULTURAL A-l", in order that Slid property may be used to park and use a "mobile Home" or "house trailer" thereon; and, - WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. did, by a resolution adopted at the regular meeting or said Board of Supervisors, held on the 15th day of February, 1965, refer said petition and proposal to so amend said County Zoning Ordinance to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, I I I I I 13 o Virginia, as required by said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virginia, for a recommhdation of said Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia;and, VREREAS, the said Planning Commission of said County did, by a resolution adopted at its regular meeting held on the 23rd day of March, 1965, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance s!J.ould be amended so as to change or reclassify said property from its present classification of "RESIDENTIAL R-l" to "AGRICULTURAL A-I", as required in said petition; and, ~, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received a copy or the Order and Resolution adopted by sciid County Planning Commission recommending that said C~unty Zoning Ordinance be so amended; and, VHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its , resolution adopted on the 15th day of February, 1965, as aforesaid, order the said Clerk of said Board or Supervisors, 'upon receipt ~f said recommendation from said P18nn;~ COmmission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, VREREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on this the 19th day of April, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., as the day and time for a pUblic hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, o ~ and of general circulation in the County oJ: Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions o on the 31st day of March, 1965 , and on the 7th day of April, 1965, as required by said order of this Board or February 15, 1965, and as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code or' Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment tol said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly published, as aforesaid; and, ~S, this Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, at this regular meeting of said Board held on this the 19th day of April, 1965, that the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, and the same is, hereby amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from its present classification of "RESIDENTIAL R-l" to "AGRICULTURAL A-I", in ord.er that said property may be used ~' ~"...- ,.. --:.:. 14 ~~~~ ~..,...A ~ f-- ~ ~c~ +_,... /.45 6 to park and use a "mobile home" or "house trailer" thereon as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "RESIDENTIAL R-l" to "AGRICULTURAL A-I" is situate in the Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the line of Byrd Garst Be W. H. Blankenship, which point is II. 38 degs. E. 18 links and N. 20 degs. 28' 'W. 22l feet from a 'White Oak &: Black Gum, common to W. H. Blankenship, Byrd Garst &: others; thence along the line of Byrd Garst, N. 20 degs. 2g' W. 267.40 feet to a stake near an apple tree; thence leaving the line of Byrd Garst, S. g6 degs. 40' W. 90 feet to a stake in a hollow; thence still down the hollow, S. 76 dugs. .30' W. 51 feet to a stake near three small pines; thence still down the hollow, S. 58 degs. 10' W. 109 feet to a stake; thence to the foot of the hollow, S. 31 degs. .30' 'W. 35 feet to a point of a large rock; thence around .the foot of the hill, as it meanders, S. 21 degs. 15' E. 173 feet to a stake; thence S. 41 degs. 02' E. 13.3.0 feet to a stake; thence S. 54 degs. 52' E. 104 feet to a Walnut Stump at the foot of another hollow; thence up the hollow, N. 38 degs. 18' E. 101.50 feet to an Ash Stump;thence N. 31 degs. 0.3' E. 61 feet to stake; thence N. 8 degs. 28' E. 44.80 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 2.10 acres. AND rr IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board I I forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commission, and a copy to DeTWood H.Rusher, Attorney. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the recorded vote was a follows, to-wit: I Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. AngEill, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None A petition signed by sundry land owners in the Northern Mason Creek Section, Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Va., situate adjoining and in the immediate vicinity of the Graydon N. Robertson 2.l0 acres consenting to and approving the rezoning by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, of the Graydon N. Robertson parcel near them to "Agricultural A_I" so that said tract may be used for parking and using for house trailer on his property, received and ordered filed. IN RE: t'~uTlON OF FRED L. BOWMAN FOR RE- ZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE OJ~ U. S. ROtl'l'E 221 I I . FINAL ORDER VHEREAS Fred L. Bowman did duly file his petition to change the classification of certain property ~~ed by him and situate on both sides of new U. S. Route 221, just south of its intersection with State Route 419, in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS by order of this Board, entered at its regular meeting on December 21, 1964, the proposed amendment was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with Section 15-847 of the Official Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and, I o lmEREAS the Planning Commission of Roanoke County has certified to this Board a copy of the resolution duly adopted by the Commission which said resolution recommends that all of said property lying West of new Route 221 and the property lying on the East side of said Highway for a depth of 250 feet, be reclassified from R-l to B-1; and, 'WHEREAS, a public hearing was this day had on the proposed amendment, after notice thereof was duly published in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper published in Roanoke City, under dates of March 31, 1965 and April 7, 1965, as required by Section 15-846' of the said Code of Virginia, and duly certified by Shields Johnson, publisher of said paper; and this Board having duly considered the same, it is accordingly hereby ORDERED that the County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, amended to reclassify the above described property to Business B-l. It is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commission and to any other party in interest desiring a copy thereof. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None r, I :..J J RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED (IN THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE HIGHWAY' NO. 117, BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE NORTH LINE OF VIRGINIA STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117; ON THE EAST BY NORTH LAKE DRIVE; ON THE NORTH BY WADE S'rREET AND NORTH LAKE DRIVE: ON THE WEST BY THE PROPERTY OF MARY J. KEFFER: AND WHICH INCLUDES LOTS 1 THROUGH 4, BLOCK 2, ACCORDING TO THE REVISED MAP OF SECTION NO. l, NORTH LAKES ORDER I ~ J THIS DAY came Electric Developers, Incorporated, by counsel, and asked leave to file its Petition relative to the rezoning of the property described therein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the said Petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the zoning ordinance as requested in said Petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Ik>ard shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at its next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk, by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith referred by said Clerk of this Board, to ~. I~~: L 15 .~~ '\I.:).o.~5 16 Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission o~ Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Ke~fer, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None I It appearing that a vacancy "hall occur in the near future on the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, and appointments to this Commission are made by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Vu'ginia; BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that it recommends to the Honorable Albertis S. Ha.-rison, Jr., Governor of the CODIIII.onwealth of Virginia, the appointment of F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., a resident of Salem, Virginia, to membership on the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries in accordance with Section 29-3, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this recommendation is a result of the high este'em held by this Board for the ab:llity, in~egrity, and qualifications of F. CametI"on \'iley, Jr., which would make him a most valuable and reliable member of said Commission, and his 9ppointm'~nt would bene~it all citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia. BE IT RESOLVED that a true COP)' of this resolution be mailed or delivered to t;he Honorable Albertis S. Harrison, Jr., Governor of the Commonweai t~ of Virginia, for his consideration. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I The following resolution was this day offered for adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors desires to indicate its positive support for, interest, in, and desire to participate in the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, and that said Board hereby requests the Roanoke Valley Council o~ Commurdty Services to proceed to set up the appropriate organization to implemerlt its program to the best advantage of this geographical area, with the Roc,noke Valley Council of Colimn1nity Services appointing a temporary chairman untU the organization itself elects its own chairman. Further that this Board ~lssures the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services of its interest and continued cooperation in this project, and the willingness of Roanoke County' to participate ~inancially and pay its pro rata share of expenses, which during the organizational period should be per capita based on the 1960 U. S. census, and thereafter to pay its pro rata I I o share o~ expenses.basedon the County's participation in the various approved' projects. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED t.hat Arthur G. Trout, C. D. Harmon, F. W. Bond, Edwin G. Terrell, E. Cabell Brand, and A. C. Harris be appointed as a six-man committee to represent the County during the organization period, with A. C. Harris, a member of' the Board of' Supervisors of Roanoke County, and Arthur G. Trout, a member of the Roanoke County School Board, being hereby designated as o~~icial delegates to represent the County permanently on the Board of the final organization to be set up. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commit.tee be instructed to meet jointly with the Roanoke Valley Councilor Community Services, and with the appropriate committee o~ Roanoke Cit:, and/or Botetourt County, and proceed with all due haste to participate and cooperate with the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services to set up the appropriate organization to implement this area's participation in the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, attempting to get at least t.his organizational expense appropriated in funds already allocated by the Federal Government for the ~iscal year ending June .30, 1965. On mot.ion or Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, the foregoing resolution was adopted by the ~ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, Minor R.Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None '1 I - J On motion o~ Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 15, 1964, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective April 19, 1965: 5 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney: An additional appropriation of $2,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund ror the ~iscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose all hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLIC WORKS -j j 10c -.Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $.30,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R.Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None t 18 ""A~ ~~~._.; ~..ft.J- 1'-'::, #--. t.-. Ji-')...1.5 I~~. 4- -(J.-t- Il 4,fJk.. -#'-' ~ t- ,. ....(,5 , ..' Ja \ '~' . . '. ,'( 1 Ill, . ", IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SITUATE ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF LEE HIGHWAY, (U. S. HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 11), WEST OF THE TOWN OF SALEM, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, DESCRIBED AS "BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY INTERSTATE ROUTE NO..8l; BOUNDED ON THE EAST AND WEST BY PROPERTY OF MARY K. HODGES, MARK H. JOHNSTON, AND HELEN V. JOHNSTON, AND BEING A PART OF LOT 1,. BLOCK A, SECTION ONE, MAP OF GLENVAR HEIGHTS, CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 13 ACRES, AS SHOWN ON PLAT ATTACHED HERETO. I ORDER I This day convened at 2:00, P. M. a regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. 'Whereupon, Ernest W. Ballou, attorney for Mary K. Hodges, Mark H. Johnston, and Helen V. Jo~~ton, appeared before the Board and asked leave to file a petition on behalf of Mary K. Hodges, Mark H. Johnston, and Helen V. Johnston, the fee simple owners of a certain tract of land sought to be rezoned, said petition requesting that the tract of land~erein described be rezoned from "Business District B-1 Local" to "Business District B-2 General" use as defined I - - - - in the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted April 18, 1960, as amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that said rezoning petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Cr mission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with the applicable statutes and ordinance in such cases made and provided. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVl'.;D AND ORDERED, that a certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell of Cave Spring Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: RE-ZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE U8 OF BESSIE I. NININGER ESTATE: I Pursuant to notice of a public hearing to be held this day at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the proposed re-zoning of the property of Bessie I. Nininger, deceased, located on Route 118, (Airport Road) Big Lick District, Robert Clyde Nininger, one of the heirs of the said Bessie I. Nininger, deceased, this day appeared before the Board, the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission denying said re-zoning, having heretofore been filed in this matter; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this matter be returned to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, with the understanding that said I J Commission take up said maUer with the City or Roanoke, and report back to this Board at its earliest convenience. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervis,~rs Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: PERMIT GRANTED FOR PROVIDING SPACES FOR TRAILERS ON PROPERTY OF W. D. MASON J W. G. Creasy, !ttorney, and W. D. Mason, this day appeared before the Board, in re: granting of a permit to W. D. Mason to provide spaces for eighte (l8) trailerson the property of the said W. D. Mason, located in Big Lick District in Roanoke County, petition for said permit having been continued from the March Meeting. 1965, of this Board, to this date; also came William H. Goad and James C. Custer, and presented a petition signed by sundry property owners of said area in opposition to the granting of said permit; whic petition is ordered filed; After a discussion of said matter, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the permit requested for the eighteen r18) trailers be issued to the said W. D. Mason. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Not Voting: Supervisor Walter M. Lipes j ~ . ..j --' WHEREAS the Roanoke Valley Development Corpcration has made application to this Board of Supervisors for improvements to be made to the access road to the Wilson &: Company Building, this road being a part of State Route 709; and ~, this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of the Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Funds; * note below to be inserted here NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, data on right-of-way needs, and other information to the Highway Commission on the construction of an extension to the existing Industrial Access Road, designated as Rt. 709 for construction with the recommendation that it be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angel~.., seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and ~.. 1_'.;" >4 Minor R. Keffer Nays: None * this"Board guaranteeing to the Department of Highways that the necessary rig~t of way be made available to the Department, this Board further guarante s that any utility adjustments necessary will be made at no cost to the Department or Highways; (5. "1-~ -5 -~t./.- ."-'" r;...,/ 'I -f-k-.c.'/:J Q>~~".... ) 3 ~'-<-<..- ."..<.C. z( ~"L 71 '-1...urA-,.=- :,".. 7" I. b- 19 ~ ,CP- ~~f~ .f/... .,."".U ""~/.1.5 20 , . ..:~. Ii at. &.,. ~ t,,7i . ,l- - J~ JI. ".."IF .-----. Letter dated March 25, 1965, addressed to Miss Nancy C. Logan, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, rrom Miss Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, City of Roanoke, Va., enclosing copy of Resolution #1634g, dated March 22, 1965, declining, for the time being, a request to further amend the contract of September 28, 1954, between the City of Roanoke and the County of Roanoke, dealing with the treatment of domestic and commercial wastes, received and ordered filed. I It appearing to the Board that it has been over one and one-half years, and a little less than two years, since any area in Roanoke County has been accepted by the City of Roanoke for sewage treatment, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors this daJr instructs the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority to proceed immediately in the location of sites to treat domestic sewage, in the interest of the growth of Roanoke County. _________-- On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN HE: PURCHASE OF SA.""E FOR USE IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE: I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase one No. 5017-B Safe inside dimensions 50n h x 20;n w x 19-1/4n d., Herring-Hall- Marvin Safe, through Caldwell-Sites Company, Roanoke, Va., at a price of $719.95, as set forth in said bid, for use in the Roanoke County Clerk's Office. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Z.anor R. Kefrer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOL BUDGET FOR YEAR 1965-1966: I Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of Schools in Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board the Roanoke County School Budget for the year 1965-l96 , which budget is received and order~d filed for further study by this Board. I The following communications were this day laid before the Board: Copy of letter from Charles H. McKee, Vice-Mayor, Covington, Virginia, together with copy of resolution in re: Resolution of vacancy and appointment on the Game &: Inland Fisheries Commission .Notice from William C. Young, Clerk, State Corporation COmmission, in re: App11cation of Castle Rock Water Company, Incorporated, for certificate under Utility Facilities Act of hearing on March 22, 1965, in the Court Room of the Commission, Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia. o WHEREAS all the land owners in Belford Woods, Windsor Lake, Westchester, Westchester Court, Hidden Valley Estates, and adjoining areas have requested the Board of Supervisors to: establish a bird sanctuary pursuant to Chapter 303 of the Acts of General Assembly of 1954; NOW, THEREFORE, Irlotice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors will hold a publiC hearing at 2:00 p. m. at its regular meeting to be held May l7, 1965, in Roanoke County at the Courthouse of said County on the request of the property owners in Belford Woods, Windsor Lake, Westchester, Westchester Court, Hidden Valley :~states, and adjoining areas for the establishing or a bird sanctuary. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harri , 1 i ~ and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes 'Nays: None Mr. Walter M. Lipes, Chairman of this Board, this day stated at the meeting of the Board that aft,er a careful consideration of a balanced Roanoke County School Budget, as well as a General County Budget, Roanoke County sees no necessity for imposing a vendor's tax at this time. ., IN RE: CHANGES IN VOTING PRECINCT BOUNDARIES AND VOTING PLACES: o Pursuant to notice of a public hearing that this Board at 2 o'clock P. M., at this meeting, would consider the recommendations of the Roanoke County Electoral Board as to changes in voting precinct boundaries and voting places as set forth in ~aid notice, Miller E. Petty, Chairman of said Board, appeared, and also came a delegation from the Riverdale Precinct in opposition to the cOmbining of said precinct with Mount Pleasant precinct; there being no other appearance for or against the recommendations of the said Electoral Board; After a lengthy discussion of the proposed change in the Riverdale Precinct, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the recommendations of the Roanoke County Electoral Board as to changes in the voting precinct boundaries and voting places, be adopted, with the exception of Riverdale Precinct, which is to remain &s it is at present. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Kerfer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~.:~,;. i",i'f- n- 21 ~ ; ~~1i -fJ-.L .(J. ,&.;.~ #-~~.~ ,-:- -.:~ I~~.J~ 1f.~ 'A{, .I~. &.,., m-r I , <r..~4- . t."~ /''I'~# <<it" -.i'--t~ 4~'~;:'~,4 'J..'~~. ;1~.Y", If. 'n. /,5 22 The following ordinance was this day offered for adoption, in re: (1) Combine Burlington and Hollins Road precincts and create a new precinct to be known as Monterey precinct by dividing the combined Hollins Road and Burlington precincts along Plantation Road and providing for a voting place t,herefor. (.~) Divide South Salem #2 precinct and create South Salem #3 precinct and providEl for a voting place therefor. That portion contained within the corporat limits of the Town of Salem to be known as South Salem #2 precinct. (3) Divide Windsor Hills precinct and create Windsor Hills precincts #1 and 1/2 and provide for voting places therefor. That portion north of Grandin Road E:ctn. to be designated as Windsor Hills #1 precinct and that portion south of Gralldin Road Extn. to be designated as Windsor Hills #2 precinct. (.j.) Redefine the boundaries of Cave Spring precinct and provide for a voting place therefor. (5) Redefine the boundaries of Ogden precinct and provide for a voting place 'therefor. (6) Redefine the boundaries of Clearbrook precinct and provide for a voting place therefor. (7) Ch,"gillg the name of the Hollins Road precinct .to that of Monterey precin,ct. The area ~nd voting place of said precinct as hereinbelow described. 'Ihis Board and the Roanoke County Electoral Board are of the opinion that it is for the best interests and convenience of the voters of Roanoke County to create new precincts, to redefine the boundari~s of certain precincts, to change the voting places of certain precincts, an~ to change the name of a certai,n precinct, as hereinafter set forth, to-wit: H>NTEF:EY PRECINCT BEGIN!UNG at the intersection of Plantation Road (Route 601) and U. S. Route 11 (Lee Highway); thence with Route 11 (Lee Highway) in a northeasterly direction to a point in the Roanoke County-Botetourt County line; thence with the Roanoke County-Botetourt County line in a southeasterly direction to a point on the top or Re;ild Mountain; thence leavi~g the Roanoke County-Botetourt County line and with 'the boundary line between Bonsack ,Precinct and the old Hollins Road Precinct in a southerly direction to Route 460 (Lynchburg-Salem Turnpike); thence with same in a southeasterly direction to the ECL of Roanoke City; thence with the EeL of Roanoke City in a north, northwesterly direction to Plantation Road (Route 601); thence with Plantation Road (Route 60l) in a northerly direction to Route 11 (Lee Highway), the place of BEGINNING. The voting place will be at Mountain View Elementary School for this precinct. I I I I BURLINGTON PRECINCT BEGINNING at a point at NCL of Roanoke City and Airport Road (Route 118); thence with Airport Road (Route 118), the dividing line heretofore established between the Eurlington and Medley Precincts, in a northerly direction to Route 117 (Pete,rs Creek Road); thence with Route 117 (Peters Creek Road), the boundary line between the Salem Magisterial District and the Big Lick Magisterial District in a northeasterly direction to the intersection of U. S. Route 11 (Lee Highway) and Route 117 (Peters Creek Road); thence with Route II (Lee Highway) in a I 23 J northeasterly direction to Route 601 (Planatation Road), the division line between Burlington and Monterey Precincts; thence with Route 601 (Plantation Road) in a southerly direction to the NCL of Roanoke City; thence with same in a westerly direction to the place of BEGINNING. The voting place will be at Burlington Elementary School for this precinct. CLEARBROOK mECINCT l BEGINNING at the SCL of Roanoke Cit~' at the division line between Cave Spring Magisterial District and the Big Li(:k Magisterial District; thence with the Magisterial District boundar)' line in a southeasterly direction to Crowell Gap on the line between Roanoke C:ounty and Franklin County; thence with same in a southwesterly direction to Murray Knob; thence in a northwesterly direction to. a point where Route 613 crosses the Roanoke County-Franklin County line; thence with Route 613 in a northerly direction to the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence with the Blue Ridge Parkway in a northeasterly direction to Route 220 (Franklin Road); thence with Route 220 (Frankl~n Road) in a northwesterly direction to the SCL of Roanoke City; thence with the SeL of Roanoke City to the place of BEGINNING. The voting place will be at the Clarbrook Elementary School for this precinct. " , ~ SPRING PRECINCT BEGINNING at the intersection of Route 687 and Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road); thence with Route 687 in an easterly direction to Route 419 at Atkins Store; thence with Route 419 in a northeasterly direction to Route 220 (Franklin Road); thence with Route 220 (Franklin Road) in a southerly direction to the Blue Ridge Parkway; thence with same in a southerly direction to Route 688; thence with Route 688 in a northwesterly direction to Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road); thence with same in a northeasterly direction on Route 745; thence with Route 745 in a northeasterly direction to Route 690; thence with Route 690 in a northerly direction to the intersection of Route 689; thence with Route 689 in a northwesterly direction to the intersection of Route 692; thence leaving Route 689 and Route 692 and running in an easterly dir.'ection to the intersection of Route 22l (Bent MOUlltain Road) and old Virginia Route 119; thence with Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road) in a southerly direction to Route 687, the place of BEGINNING. The voting place will be Cave Spring High School for this precinct. I IJ OGDEN PRECINCT J BEGINNING at a point on the SCL of Roanoke City on the north side of Route 220 (Franklin Road); thence with the north side of Route 220 (Franklin Road) in a southerly direction to Virginia Route 419; thence with same in a westerly direction to Route 687; thence with Route .687 to Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road); thence with Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road) in a northerly direction to the intersection of same with old Virginia Route 119; thence contining with Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road) in a northasterly direction to the SCL of Roanoke City; thence with the SCL of Roanoke City to Route 220 (Franklin Road), the place or BEGINNING. The voting place will be the Northcross School for this precinct. I 24 WINDSOR HILLS Ii1. PRECINCT ~ BEGINNING on Grandin Road Extn. (Route 686) at the WCL of Roanoke City; thence with Grandin Road Extn. (Route 686) in a westerly direction to Virginia Route 419; thence with Route 419 in a northeasterly direction to Barnhardt Creek, the boundary line between Cave Spring Magisterial District and Salem Magisterial District; thence with the said Magisterial District boundary line in an easterly direction to the WCL of Roanoke City; thence with the WCL of Roanoke City in a southerly direction to Grandin Road Extn. (Route 686), the place of BEGINNING. The voting place will be at the Showtimers' Studio for this precinct I WINDSOR HILLS IB. PRECINCT BEGINNING at a point on Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue) at the SCL of Roanoke City; thence with Route 221 (Brambleton Avenue) in a southwesterly direction to Virginia Route 419; thence with new Route 419 in a north, northwesterly directio to Route 686 (Grandin Road Extn.)j thence with Route 686 (Grandin Road Extn.) in an easterly direction to the WCL of' Roanoke City; thence with the WCL of Roanoke City in a southerly direction to the place of BEGINNING. The voting place will be in a trailer on the parking lot or the Windsor Hills Baptist Church for this precinct. I .Q!! GROVE PRECINCT BEGINNING at a point in Virginia Route 419 at Barnhardt Creek, the boundary line between the Salem Magisterial District and the Cave Spring Magisterial District; thence with said Magisterial District boundary line in a southerly direction to Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road); thence with Route 221 (Bent Mountain Road) in a southerly direction to the intersection of same with old Virginia Route 119; thence with a new line in a westerly direction to the intersection of Route 689 and Route 692; thence with a line in a northwesterly direction to Barnhardt Creek the boundary line between the Salem Magisterial District and the Cave Spring Magisterial District; thence with same as it meanders to Virginia Route 419, the place of' BEGINNING. The voting place will be at the Oak Grove Elementary School for this precinct. I SOUTH SALEM IB. PRECINCT BEGINNING on the EeL of' the Town of Salem on Route 11 (Apperson Drive) at Keagy Road; thence with the corporate limit of the Town of Salem in a westerly directio to Roanoke River; thence with Roanoke River in an easterly direction to Route 11 (Apperson Drive) near the Appalachian Hancock Substation; thence with Route II (Apperson Drive) in an easterly direction to the place of BEGINNING. The voting place will be at the old South Salem Elementary School for this precinct. I I SOUTH SALEM ID.. PRECINCT BEGINNING at a poir.t on Roanoke River and Duiguid Lane; thence with Roanoke River in an easterly direction to the corporate limit of. ~he Town of Salem; thence with the corporate limit of the Town of Salem in a south, southeasterly 25 I c...J direction to Route 11 (Lee Highway); thence with Route 11 (Lee Highway) in an easterly direction to the WCL of Roanoke City at Mud Lick Creek; thence with the division line of the Salem Magisterial District and the Cave Spring Magisterial District in a south, southwesterly direction following along Barnhardt Creek to a point north of Twelve O'Clock Knob; thence with a line in a northwesterly direction to Route 737; thence with Route 737 toRoute 639; thence with Route 639 to Duiguid Lane; thence with same in a northerly direction to Roanoke River, the place of BF.GINNING. The voting place will be at the new South Salem Elementary School for this precinct. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be, and she is hereby, directed to forthwith post a certified copy of this resolution at the front door of the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that said Cler deliver to the Sheriff of Roanoke County certified copies of this resolution to be posted at each of the voting places effected by the above changes, to-wit: (1) Hollins Road precinct at H. T. Lucas Store; (2) new Monterey precinct at the Mountain View Elementary School; (3) Burlington precinct at the Burlington Elementary School; (4) Ogdan precinct at the old Ogden precinct voting place, Ogden Elementary School, and at the new Ogden precinct voting place, Northcross School; (5) Windsor Hills #1 precinct at the Showtimers' Studio; (6) Windsor Hills #2 precinct on the lot of the Windsor Hills Baptist Church; (7) Oak Grove precinct at the Oak Grove Elementary School; (8) South Salem #2 precinct at the old South Salem Elementary School; (9) new South Salem #3 precinct at the new South Salem Elementaz;r School; (10) Clearbrook precinct at the Clearbrook Elementary School; and (11) Cave Spring precinct at the Cave Spring High School. Said Sheriff is ',rdered to make his return showing said po stings of these notices to the Clerk of this Board; and the Commonwealth's Attorney or Roanoke County is hereby dire,:ted, after said notices have been posted for thirty days, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 5, Title 24 of the 1950 Code of Virginia as amended to date, to file, on behalf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, a petition requesting the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, to enter an order making the changes above set forth. On motion of Supervisor A. C.Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and adopted by the f'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I ..J ~ ....) -, j ~.t "'. ~;:~ IN RE: LEASING OF VOTING MACHINES: On motion of Supervisor Frank R.Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. to the leasing of seventeen (17) additional voting machines be adopted. Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keff'er and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J 26 IN RE: REGULATION OF THE OPERATION OF VEHICLES ON THE HIGHWAYS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ~ ,...A.:. & ~ '1'J, 4.".~ pL.1f "/,"'.1.5 On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that an ordinanpe be proposed for adoption at the at 2 p. m. regular meeting of this Board on May 17, 1965,1of the intention of the Board to pass an ordinance, pursuant to Section 46.1-1$0 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to provide for the regulation of the operation of vehicles on the highways of Roanoke County, Virginia, and to provide penalties for violations thereof. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish once a week for two (2) successive weeks, commencing April 28, 1965, in the World News, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the above ordinance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in May, 1965. ~~. I Court House Salem, Virginia May 17, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Co~thouse thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Walter M. Lipes, President, ~unor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. Carl A. Collins, Pastor of the i Tabernacle Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the I Clerk. The follOwing claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by vouch~r-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 19540 County School Board of Roanoke Co., County cars serviced at School Board Garage " 19541 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Police and Garbage trucks 19542 W. B. Clements, Inc., Invoices per statement 19543 Miller Tire Service, Tires 19544 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts 19545 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline Purchased 19546 Salem Car Wash Co., Cars washed 19547 Brambleton Gulf Service, Gas, Oil and Wash 19548 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline and Oil $ l,285.6S 100.31 50.05 125.26 23.08 26.06 I " " " " " 21.;':5 " 52.14 63.36 " o -, _J o ~';.'.~: 1.:-1'. ~". No. 27 19549 Salem Oil Company, Gasoline and Oil for Ft. Lewis Fire Truck and oil for Garbage Lot $ 81.30 II 19550 Salem American Service Station, Gasoline for Ft. Lewis Fire Truck 3.60 II 19551 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Repairs, Gas, Oil and wash jobs 19570 Woody's Auto Parts, Invoices 21.05 19571 Yates &; Wells Garage Co., Repairs, Parts and Oil 22.03 19572 Garland Oil Co., Oil for Distribution at Hollins Fire Station 16.87 19573 Pure Oil Company, Gasoline and Oil purchased for distribu- tion 1,784.72 II 19552 19553 19554 19555 19556 19557 19558 19559 19560 19561 19562 19563 19564 19565 19566 19567 19568 19569 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II Standard Parts Corp. Parts, Salem Truck Summerdean Esso Station, Parts and wash job Overton's ESS0 Servicenter, Wash Job Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Parts, Oil &c , Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Parts and Oil for Tractor Brulin &; Company, Material for Cleaning Garbage Trucks Biesel Injection Sales Co., Repair and Parts Garbage Trucks Dickerson GMC, Inc., Parts Fluid Controls Corporation, Straighten and install strip General Auto Parts, Parts Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs Garbage Trucks International Harvester Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks Magic City Motor Co., Parts Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts Richard's Auto Alignment, Parts and Repairs Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts Shockley's Tractor Service, Repairs, Parts and repairs to Garbage Collection Tubs II 19574 M &; W Machine Co., Repairing Garbage Trucks 19575 Times-Register Co., Publish~ ordinance for removal of trash &c 19576 J.. P. Bell Company, Record Book for Supervisors, Index sheets II II II 19577 19578 19579 19580 19581 1951l2 1951l3 1951l4 19585 19586 19587 19589 19590 II II II II " " II II " II It " City Publishing Company, Cross Reference Directory Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies for offices Meador & Company Lock Co., Changing Safe combination &c Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Office supplies Roanoke County Court, Recovered warrants & costs Salem Farm Supply Co., Wire and pit ch corks American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record paper Dooley Printing Co., Office supplies Double Envelope Co., Envelopes, Clerk Circuit Court Everette Waddey Company, Record book Underwood Corporation, 12 months contract on office machine rtlchie Company, Law Book City Treasurer, Roanoke City, Room & Board, City's Detention Home 33.02 23.40 8.40 2.00 351.21 24.89 66.l5 65.84 .83 32.50 n8.l0 24.00 27.26 30.43 127.93 3.98 7.44 71. 41 168.50 71. 98 60.87 5.46 2".14 136.32 19.50 1.60 68.50 11.48 42.50 68.80 95.22 100.18 24.00 18.00 82.00 I No. 19591 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile &. Domestic Relations Court 19592 Jefferson Surgical Clinic, Medical Examination 19593 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation Orficer's April Traveling Exp.ense ' 19594 Barbara S.Cundiff) Reimburse Probation Officer's hpril Traveling Expense 19595 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse Probation Officer's April Traveling Expense n n n n n 19596 Void $ 45.00 13.00 Auto Spri!lf: &. Bearing Co., Invoices Dr. Esther C. Brown, Blood Test-Determination Alcohol Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Coroner cases 43.54 116.24 I 82.73 19597 ~~in C. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's April Traveling Expense 1959$ Allstate Insurance Co., Premium on Car Liability Insurance n n n 19599 19600 19601 19602 19603 119.7$ 441.00 24.47 5.00 60.00 I Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Medical Exa.~ner cases, Lunacy cases 120.00 Radio Communications Co., Radio ~~intenance - April Sherirf's Department, County Policemen and Fire Department .225.10 n 19604 State Office Supply Co., Of rice supplies-Sheriff's Office 3.00 n 19605 Va. Office Machine &. Equipment Co., Office supplies for Sheriff's Office 111.35 19606 Owen Plumbing Comp~ny, Jail Repairs, &.C 19607 Farmer's National Bank, Checks for C. E. Boone') Sheriff 19608 Siem Glass Co., Repairs to Jail 19609 Clyde M. Wigginton, Welding Bars in Jail Windows 19610 Carl R.Brightwell) Repairs to Jail Furnace 19611 Dr. H. J. Minarik, April Jail Physician's Salary 19612 Powell Pharmacy, Inc., Medical supples 19613 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry Jail 19614 Hester Coal Corporation, :leating Fuel _Jail 19615 American Chemical Co., Janitor Supplies, Jail 19616 C. C. Bova &. Company, Food, Jail 19617 Foutz Pure Pork Sausage Co., Food, Jail 19618 C. B. Halsey Co., Food, &.C Jail 19619 Mick-or-r~ck Stores Co., Food, Jail 19620 Murrell's Finer Foods, Food, Jail 19621 W. T. Rierson Store, Food, Jail 19622 L. H. Parke,Food, Jail 19623 Raineo Bread Co., Food, Jail n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n II II II II n II II 19624 19625 19626 19627 1962$ 19629 19630 19631 19632 n II II n n n n II Salem Hardware Co., Utensils for Jail Dr. C. R. Woodford, Dental Services Ciarbrook Lion's Club, April Rent W. 111. Garman, April Rent J. W. Griggs &. W. H. Witt, April Rent J. W. Griggs, Reimburse dinner meeting Humble Oil &. Refining Co., Fuel Catawba Fire Station 127.57 7.16 14.70 5.00 37.40 100.00 30.73 44.76 32.00 24.50 9.75 40.50 92.41 5.54 104.45 22.50 163.41 52.65 1.50 12.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 14.25 57.37 I I I n 19633 Hunt &. Moore, Lunacy Case Fairview Home, County's share of expense Roy C~ Kinsey Sign Co., Use or Crane at Hollins Fire Station 40.00 41.$5 10.00 J ...., J 1 I ~ -, .:.J ~.:l.. ,. ; ;,l" 19656 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 19722 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Welfare Expenses 19723 Dr. John O. Hurt, Medical Examiner's Investigation 19724 Allstate Insurance Co., Premium on Liability Insurance 19725 E. D. Francisco, Deputy Sheriff, ~eimburse Traveling Expense 19726 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Police, Fire &c 19727 Richard Gordon Faw, M. D. Emergency Visit to Jail 19728 Bill's Amoco Station, Gasoline and Oil 19729 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 19730 Appalachian P~1er Co., Current used at Catawba and Bent Z.:ountain Fire Stations No. 19634 19635 19636 19637 19638 19639 19640 19641 19642 19643 19644 19645 19646 19647 19648 1964Q 19650 19651 19652 19653 19654 19655 n n n n n n n II II II n II n n II n n n " n n " n " " n n " " n n n 19731 19732 19733 19734 " n n " 19735 19736 19737 197.38 n n n " 19739 19740 n ~~tin, Hopkins & Lemon, Lunacy cases Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy cases Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies Caldwel1-Zites Co., office supplies E. C. Hill, June Rent on Garbage Lot Francis A. Canino, Refund Garbage Collection Fee James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse postage Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies Brown Hard'lare Co., Hardware, &c Salem Paint Co., Paint for marking parking lot C. R. Brightwell, Electrical work on Flood Lights White Cpot Supply Co., Janitor supplies Treasurer of Virginia, Employer's contribution, Retirement Parker-Nimmo Co., Street Signs Charles L. Ray, Jr., Refund Electrical permit Technical Reproduction & Supply Co., Repair equipment Times-World Corporation, Publishing Notices Vinton M~r Co., Fire Equipment The Fechheiner Br')s., 1'learing apparel &c Everette Waddey, Record Book Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased by Fort Lewis Rescue Squad Gochenour & 3augess, Attorneys, Lunacy commissions Hunt & Noore, Attorneys, Lunacy commissions Dr. F. D. McKenney, Jr., Lunacy commissions Times-World Corporation, Publishing meeting of Zoning Board Keyes-Davis Company, Identification tags for Garbage Cans Nina P~lell, Extra help in R~strar's office 29 $ 20.C'0 l,.0.00 8.35 14.71 50.00 4.00 91. 76 792.33 22.20 12.67 16.00 47.80 84.64 7266.87 193.96 7.50 5.00 15.00 88.20 722.40 lOO.lO 30.65 100.00 7,498.97 15.00 239.20 2.25 43.15 $.00 30.80 24.05 21. 55 S73.25 243.45 611.28 4.76 30.00 20.00 10.00 11.00 111. 23 162.15 IN RJ,: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CL.I1.IJ.rs &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and "rdered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 19657 ~~rion C. Sumner, Fm1l claim II 19659 Blain Supply Co., 1 case Halt Dog Repellent II 19658 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., i'londer wash II 19660 Caldwell-Sites Co., Pencils used at Dog Clinics II 19661 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on Bonds for Special Policemen 19662 Roanoke County School Board, Repairs to 2 dog trucks 19663 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Service call 19664 Dooley Printing Co., 10 record books for Dog Warden 19665 John W. Eshelman & Sons, Dog Food 19666 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., ~uscellaneous items for.Dog Pound 19667 Humble Oil & Refi"'.ing Co., Gasoline purchased 1966$ Lawrence Supply Co., ~uscellaneous equipment 19669 Radio Communications Co., Radio ~~intenance 19670 Owen Plumbing Co., ~lork at Dog Pound 19671 Russell Uniform Co., 3 coat badges 19672 Sal~n Animal Hospital, Dog Dip 19673 Salem Hardware Co., Ammunition and ~earing Apparel 19754 Ralph E. Long, Reimburse traveling expense 19755 Esther Long, Clerical Assistance 19756 Jean Long, Clerical Work 19757 Cecil Hartman, Clerical Assistance, Dog Clinics 1975$ Lenna Hartman, Clerical Assistance, Dog Clinics 19759 Ernest Robertson, Special Policeman during Fishing season 19760 Samuel U. Arnold, Special Policeman during Fishing Season 19761 Clarence M. Shupe, Special Policeman during Fishing Season 19762 "II. J. Austin, I'lork at Dog Pound No. 19741 19742 19743 19744 19745 19746 19747 II II II II II II II 19748 19749 19750 19751 19752 II II II II II 19753 19763 II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II " II II II " Thelma H. Beamer, Extra help in Registrar's Office $ Jacqueline Hudson, Extra help in Registrar's Office l'1illiams Supply Co., Light tubes Booker T. Helm, Work at Health and Welfare Center Town or Salem, Current used at County Garage W. W. Henderson, Reimburse expense to Richmond Economy Plumbing & Heating Co., Refund Duplicate Plumbing Permit R. C. Pittman, Co-Ordinator, Reimburse mileage Lawrence L. ~~rtin, Erecting Street Signs John B. Stetson Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff's Dept. REA Express Co., Freight collect on Wearing Apparel Hennis Freight Lines, Inc., Freight Collected on Wearing Apparel Or en Roanoke Corporat~on, Repairing Booster Tank James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets 39.40 9.40 51. 98 42.50 3.42 15.00 I 13.50 46.76 6.00 90.00 4.75 I 6.36 47.10 18.22 $ 5.00 16.68 2.82 .88 I 30.00 24.50 15.00 19.50 4.50 $.29 26.06 l2.M 7.50 12.65 $.86 4.00 12.05 7$.60 2$.00 2$.00 14.00 2$.00 $3.50 $3.50 83.50 22.00 I I JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke COWlty this day submitted the following report: relay 17, 1965 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ] At the close of business April 30, 1965, there was to the credit of the following. General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund Scholarship Fund F.I.C.A. V. S. R. S. Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account $ 349,985.73 l7 ,088.73 42.93 94,479.73 4,587.23 15,333.63 3,967..36 1,173.08 957.50 2.~7 $ 487,618. 9 ] Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,950,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrm~ $855,000.00 Bank of Salem - Textbook Farmers National Bank Paying Agt. School Debt Service Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account :I; 1,500.00 101,973.62 363,189.01 12,800.00 4,587.2.3 2,611.l2 957.50 :jl 487,618.89 Certificates or Deposit (School Building) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank $ 200,000.00 600,000.00 1 0 QQQTQO 950,000.00 ] Public Building Bank Account Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem ~lountain Trust Bank $ 240,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 $ 490,000.00 Certificates of Deposit (Savings) Bank of Salem l.lountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ 600,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 $ 700,000.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County Said report is received and ordered filed. --, j IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: ~I ~-.1 ~ The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, ror $2,072.17 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month or April, 1965, less co~~ission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check ~ounting to $1,968.56 net. On motic.l, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of May, 1965, be approved in the amount of $12,735.82 from which the sum of $39$.9$ total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1,072.65 total W. H. Taxes, $156.4$ total State Income, $319.61 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $10,774.10. 32 u.~ S1'1 I !,' ~v -I C. ....c,.~ ~,- &Il~":' '-~I~I ~~- . - . -. -' - - - . ~!- Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors l/;inor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and "Ialter M. Lipes Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for RefUse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning April 16, Ending April 29, 1965, be approved in the amount of $4,893.98 from which $177.60 total F. I. C. A Taxes; $336.10 total W. H. Taxes and $42.64 total State Income are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $4,342.64; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning April 30, Ending May 13, 1965, be approved in the amount of $4,873.03 from which $176.64 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, $323.90 total W. H. Taxes; $41.34 total State Income; $51.75 total Blue Cross Insurance, $63.50 total Retirement Insurance and $18.00 total Ac:c~_dent Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,197.90. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I-linor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter 1(. Lipes Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period b~nning April 16, Ending April 30, 1965, be approved in the amount of $995.92 from which $36.10 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $75.70 total Ii. H. Taxes, $11.50 total State Income; $14.00 to~al Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $$5$.62; And the Janitor's Fayroll for period beginning ~~y l, 1965, Ending V~y 15, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,025.3$ from which $37.1g.total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $7$.50 total W. H. Taxes, $12.07 total State Income, $19.67 total Retirement Insurance, $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $3.00 Accident Insurance, are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $$60.96. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and i'l'alter H. Lipes Nays: None I I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: -'I c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses ror the month of April, 1965; c. E. BOOI'IE, Sheriff, summary of prisoner days served in the Roanoke County Jail for the month of April, 1965; EDWARD s. ALLEN, County Agent, report ror the month of April, 1965; LOWELL 1-1. GOBBLE, Assistant Canty Agent, report for the month of April, 1965; FRANCES H. GRAHA!!, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of April, 1965 BRENDA MRRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of April, 1965 ~\ ~r J.4.fi ~e-f"-G, This day came Chester Ross Lemon et al by counsel and asked leave to file f~~ ~ their petition relativEl to the rezoning of a parcel or land fronting approximately st,Cf j6J- 300 feet on new State Highway No. 117, and specifically described in said petitio J On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: # 19419 in the amount of $2,250.00 made payable to C. F. Hartman for two second- hand trucks to be used for garbage collection; # 19420 in the amount of $679.76 made payable to C & P Telephone Compan;r for County Office:;, Fire Stations &c; I] # 19476 in the amount of $100.00 made payable to C. E. Boone, Sheriff for advance traveling expenses to Fort Wayne, Indiana, to get prisoner; # 19477 in the amount of $52.60 made payable to Eastern Air Lines, for round-trip ticket for B. K. Muse to Akron-Canton, Ohio, to attend school on how to operate Voting Y~chine5; # 19478 in the amount of $108.35 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for Sheriff's Office, Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations and Transmitter on Brushy Mountain; # 19479 in the amount or $l5.85 made payable to C. R. Holland for Refund of 1962 Delinquent Personal Property Taxes plus interest - Duplicate Assessment; # 19529 in the amount of $764.45 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service for County Jail, Courthouse, Health & Welfare Center, Street Lighting at Riverland Court and sewage treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivision; # 19530 in the amount of $26.14 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for Dog Warden's Home; ~ # 19531 in the amount of $37.54 made payable to Appalachian Pmter Company for current used a.t Dog Pound; # 19533 in the amount of $9.98 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Skycoe Drive Transmitter Station; # 19534 in the amount of $83.25 made ?ay~ble to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Stations; # 19536 in the amount of $33.11 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company, Cooking Fuel for Jail, Home Demonstration kitch~n and Fuel for Cave Spring Fire Station; # 19537 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Service for ~~y Rent on Water Softner, Hollins Fire Station, # 19538 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service, Towel Service, Courthouse; # 19539 in the amount of $103.12 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company, Fuel for Health and Welfare Center; Adopted by the following r~corded vote: Ayes: Supervisors V-inor H. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A.C. Harris and Walter ~l. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: REZONING OF A PARCEL OF LAND BETI'lEEN THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF OLD STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117 AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF l~; STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117, AND O\'lNED BY CHESTER ROSS LElclON, ET AL ORDER .~ ~ I ~. ~ Nffi1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED A~rn ORDERED that at its regular meeting or the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the prC)Vi5ions of Section 15.1-453 of the 1953 Code of Virginia, as amended. 33 ~v rrt.-.. c. ~ ~q/ (S"' 34 ~. -J.J-' ~{~'. '1'~.fr CP~ ~''''/bS- ,Mt ~t. ~k .k-~G. a.....C1t><<- 1'Q I ~!> MID BE IT FURTHER P.ESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the laws of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED A~~ ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, ~linor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and ....lalter !,1. Lipes Nays;: None I I On motion of Supervisor !canor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance or Roanoke County, adopted June 15, 1964, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective May 17, 1965: 12 - PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK AND FOi~S: An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year er.ding June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 14 - NAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: An additional appropriation of $3,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter ~1. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: ABAlfDONI1El'lT AND CLOSING OF FLORA1!ISTA DRIVE AS SH~lN ON I~P OF SECTION NO. 5, HE1-~OCK HILLS WHICH r.:Ap IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 5, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA I FINAL ORDER I At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Court House on ~arch 15, 1965: ~mEREAS, Wiley M. Garst did petition this Board requesting the abandonment and closing of Floravista Drive as shown on l!.ap of Section No. 5, Hew~ock H~lls, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, page 5, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia; which petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board on the 15th day of I.larch, 1965, and by Order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code or Virginia, and I 35 ~mEREAS, said Pl~lning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting on the 23rd day of ~ar~h, 1965, after due advertisement and after hearing evidence touch o ing on the merits of said Petition, recommended to this Board that Floravi5ta Drivll as shown on Map of Section No.5, Hemlock Hills, which map is recorded in Plat Book 4, page 5, in the Clerk's Ofrice of the Circuit Court ror the County of Roanoke, Virginia, be abandoned and closed, and WHEREAS, The Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order entered on the 15th da:r of ~~rch, 1965, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation rrom the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by pUblication in accordance with the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 17th day of ~~y, 1965, at 2:30 p. m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid abandonment and closing of Floravista Drive, as shown on Map of Section No.5, Hemlock Hills, which map is recorded as aforesaid, and advertised the same b~ notice duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspape having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on the 28th day of April, 1965, and on the 5th day of May, 1965, as required by said Order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed abandonment and closing of Floravi5ta Drive, as shown on Map of Section No. 5, Hemlock Hills, which map is recorded as aforesaid, after notice thereof was duly published, ~s aforesaid, and ~~S, this Bard after giving careful consideration to said Petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed abandonment and closing of Floravista Drive, as shown on ~~p of Section No.5, Hemlock Hills, which map is recorded as aforesaid, J J J being of the opinion that said abandonment and closing should be done as recommended by said Planning Commission. N~d, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting or the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 17th day of May, 1965, the said abandonment and closing of Floravista Drive as shown on ~~p or Section No.5, Hemlock Hills, which map is recorSed in Plat Book 4, page 5, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, be and the same is hereby discontinued and closed. I" ....f,,'. . ,\1' (1- ,'~(.{ (.' ~ ":,. '.....-- IT IS FURTHER P~SOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith "r: " ~,.-, i'C, , '..~ j .: ~Ii. ' certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to A.. T. Loyd, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor l~nor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and "'alter M. Lipes Nays: None 36 c.!.. u h p~ -r~- ~~ .)JJ1/'~' " ~ tHl. .. #.. , I-e. ",~ - \ .-"1'''. ~ The follo\:ing ordinance was proposed for adoption, notice of the intention of this Board to propose same for adoption having bean duly published as required by law: An ordinance declaring and setting aside a defined area in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, County of Roanoke, Virginia, as a bird sanctuary and imposing a penalty for its violation. I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, as follows: 1. The area defined as follows: BEGINNING on Grandin Road Extn. CRt. 686) at the west boundary line of Westchester #1; thence with Grandin Road Extn. CRt. 686) in a westerly direction to Rt. 419; thence with same in a northerly direction to the north property line of the new Oak Grove Church of the Brethren property; thence with said Church property line in an easterly direction to the outside boundary line of Hidden Valley Estates Section 2, as ~orded in Plat Book 3, page 242; thence with same north to a point in the Oak Grove Farms Subdivision south property line; thence with same east to the property of W. K. Coffman and D. ~I. Shober; thence with the south property line of same east to the west property line of the Windsor Lakes Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 4, page 91; thence with same to the Rru line of the A. E. P. Co.; thence with same south to the west boundary line of i~estchester #1 and #2; thence with same to the place of BEGINNING, I shall be set aside and declared as a Wild Bird Sanctuary; and to shoot at, trap, kill, and destroy shall be prohibited. 2. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that suitable markers, approved by the Executive Officer and County Engineer, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, may be erected on the roads entering the Sanctuary, indicating that the area has been so set aside and declared. I 3. Any violation of this ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and be punishable by a fine of not less than $10.00 nor more than $300.00 ror each offense. 4. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance be, and the same is to become, effective on and after July 1, 1965, until otherwise provided by law. 5. BE IT FURTHER OlcDAINED that the Clerk of this Board be, and she is hereby, directed to caU5'~ a copy of this ordinance to be published once a week for the next two consecutive weeks in the Times Register, a newspaper published and having a general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia. I On motion of Supervisor Frank rr. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, ~linor R. Keffer and Walter r.1. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: ANNUAl AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY On motion of Supervisor l~nor R. Keffer, secondea by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ordered that the firm of Rothgeb, ~liller and Brogan, Certified Public Accountants, be employed to make an audit of the records and accounts of the County of Roanoke for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, and to submit same to the State Auditor of Public Accounts for approval. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes; Sunervisors rlinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Vial ter rl. Li oes Nays: None IN RE: PETITION OF LAND OWNER FOR THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF Tm: MAP KNOWN AS SECTION 1, SOUTHERN HILLS, DATED AUGUST 2, 1947, AND RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 16. ] ~mEREAS, it appearing to the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that 1'loodland Hills Corporation has this day filed with said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, a petition requesting the vacation of a portion of the map known as Section 1, Southern Hills, which said portion of said map is therein more particularly described; and ~EREAS, pursuant to Section 15.1-482, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, it is necessary that a public hearing be held to consider the issues raised by said petition, and that notice of said public hearing be given pursuant to Section l5.l-43l, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, it is therefore; ORDERED that the petitioner, or someone for it, cause a notice of publiC hearing to be published once a week for two successive weeks in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia the last publication of which shall appear not more than 10 nor less than 5 days prior to the date of said public hearing. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, 1I'..inor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None -, ..J 1 - On application of the below-named petitioners: (1) James H. Carper, et als - Unnamed road from ROkte 66$ to DE (2) R. L. Moran, et als - Extension of Route 774. l -"J who this day filed their petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered th.,t Paul B. l,latthews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part ~hereof will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or land shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent or the owners thereof; and the said County Engin~er shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road will be or such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said road should be opened andkept in order by the persons for whose convenience it is desired. ~ He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report wi"h a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith i5sne process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be 37 .-1 - -.) ~ J"..e. ~ 4J--~ ~ 13 "- .s 0" L ' ,. : <.-G-,' ,'K.- - s~t:! V'~ fk dd ~4f ~1~'s - ~ I 38 directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor l-linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harri , and adopted by the following recorded vote. Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipesz Nays;: None I I The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated April 21, 1965, addressed to lliss Nancy C. Logan, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Salem, Virginia from Virgini~ L. Silaw, City Clerk, City or Roanoke, Virginia, enclosing Resolution of Roanoke City Council declining to amend the City-County sew~ge treatment contract by the addition thereto of a 106.44-acrl, tract or land northeast of Salem; Letter dated April 20, 1965, addressed to Boards of Supervisors of All Counties in the Secondary System, from Douglas B. Fugate, Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, enclosing Secondary System I Allocations, July 1, 1965- June 30, 1966; Letter dated April 21, 1965, addressed to The Honorable N. C. Logan, ~lerk of the Circuit Court, :..oar.o1<e County, Salem, V'irginia, from The Honorable A. S. Harrison, Jr., Governor of the State of Virginia, acknowledging receipt of the Board's resolution in re: Appointment of F. Cameron Wiley, Jr., to the Game Commission. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be, and he is hereby authorized to sign A5s"~ance of Compliance with the Department of Agriculture Regulation Under Title VI of The Civil Rights Acts of 1964, in order for Roanoke County to receive its share of 25% of National Forest Fund receipts for schools and roads, based on National Forest acreage in Roanoke County. Adopted by the rollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. An.;ell, Minor R.Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None .1 I Letter dated April 29, 1965, addressed to Chairman, Board of Supervisors, from Sidney C. Day, Jr.) Comptroller, ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, ~~. it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board endorse the resolution of the County ~~ c~ Board of Supervisors and County School Board of Wise County, Virginia, relative r.~. ~_ w. ~. ___....:z.'f?> ~1J~(.r o Lee B. Eddy, a resident of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and made sundry recommendations as to change in the present county govern- ment, and advocated the adoption of a vendor's tax in Roanoke County; After a discussion of the matter, the Chairman of the Board stated that it is always ready to make a study of the needs of ROanoke County, and thanked ~~. Eddy for his letter and comprehensive recommendations this day filed. o On motion of Supervisor ~linor R.Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that a committee composed of Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, and County Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews, recommendations to this Board at its next regular meeting, as to the adoption of a resolution urging the members or the General Assembly to consider the enactment of permissible legislation requiring all soft drinks and beer to be put in return deposit bottles or containers, thereby reducing the number of bottles and beer cans currently littering the highways in large quartities. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, Walter M. Lipes, A.C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None j Resolution or the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, adopted at the April 15, 1965, meeting of said Board; in re: legislation requiring all soft drinks and beer to be put in return deposit bottles and containers, ordered riled. IN RE: JOINT RESOLUTION OF COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF WISE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, RELATIVE TO EXPANSION OF CLINCH VALLEY COLLEGE: to the expansion of Clinch Valley College into a Four Year Liberal Arts Co- Educational College with special en~hasis toward the training of men for the J. Teaching Profession. Adopted by the followi~g recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None '~t f" ~~. Copy of resolution of said Wise County School Board and Board of Supervisors of Wise County, Virginia, ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that notice be given to the general public that the Fire Departments of Roanoke County, wil:L no longer furnish water to individuals after sixty days notice by the Fire Departments of Roanoke County. 39 . 4,t.,. ~ 47f. '?'S, ~ ",L. -f ... ~,... .c.'t! Ci.C.. I. I~...&.< 4-fJ"""f: .~ . J ...... . -....~" \",1.1 "- :.t 40 ~lJ. "e. ."t. &~1 i-r'ur.- ~ ~J,q/~J.' '7t.~.. ~ I;;- ~~~ r~,..ft .4 ~~;t,~ I .6-.,~_ ,5" I ~.4c;~ ~ G.4~ 1~,w( ~ ..j~ ..~.. s- ,~.I.b ~.' Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A.C. Harris, 'Walter M. Lipes and ~linor R. Keffer Nays: None On the motion of Supervisor l~nor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor " I A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on the 21st day of June, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., on the application of Lewis G. Rutrough for a permit to park two house trailers on his property located at the end of State Route #733, off Wildwood Road, said notice to be published in the Times-Register on the 2nd day of June, 1965, and on the 9th day of June, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and 'Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I On the motion of Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supevisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on the 21st day of June, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., on the application of Ellis E. Cullen, 3810 Darlington Road, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia, for a permit to park 50 Mobile Homes on a tract of land owned by him in Roanoke County, located at the end of Alexandria Drive at the end of the Lemonton Court Subdivision, as set forth in his application; said notice to be published in the Times-Register on the 2nd day of June, 1965, and on the 9th day of June, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and '\'lalter ~l. Lipes Nays: None I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the proposal for the adoption of an ordinance pursuant to Section 46.1-180 of the 1950 Code or Virginia as amended, to provide for the regulation of the operation of vehicles on the highways of Roanoke County, Virginia, and to provide penalties for violations thereof, be and the Same is hereby continued from this date as advertised, to the next regular meeting of this Board to be held on June 21, 1965, at two o'clock P. M. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to again publish once a week for two (2) successive weeks commencing June 1, 1965, in the World-News, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, Virginia, notice or the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the above ordinance. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, l[;inor R. Keffer and 'Ualter J.l. Lipes Nays: None I I Mr. Arnold A. Burton, Superintendent and Mr. Con A. Davis, Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board and were recognized by' ~~. Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, of this Board. o IN RE: ABANDOi'll"iEN't' OF' A CERTAIN 50-FOOT STREET KNOI'lN AS MILLER S'7.RE~T, RUNNING IN A NORTH-SOUTH DIRECTION F~O~[ THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY TO THE SOUTHERN BOL'l'IIiARY OF THE PROPERTY OWNED BY ROANOKE ELEC'Il'IC STEEL CORPORATION IN THE COUNTY OF ROANO;~, VIRGINIA ORDER I IJ This day came Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, by counsel, and asked leave to file its petition relative to the abandonment of a portion of Miller Street in Roanoke County, Virginia, and more particularly described in said petition. NO\~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, a~d the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk shall post notice of ~ the said petition to clbandon the said portion of Miller Street in accordance with the terms of Sect;ion 33-76.8, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and further publish said notice in at least two issues of a newspaper r.aving general circulation in Roanoke County and also give such notice to the State Highway Commission. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and A. C. Harris Nays: None Q On motion of Supervisor l>linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that this Board adjourn until 4:30 p. m. on Wednesday, May 26, 1965, to fix cL date for holding a public hearing on the 1965-66 budget and to authorize publication of a s~op5is. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervi50r~ 1linor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None [1....' ~ ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until Wednesday, the 26th day of May, 1965, at 4:30 o'clock P. M. 41 c-{...,~ ~f,_ eM q.,.~~ ~. ~.,. I , ~#",~"4 r . l~c::t V-C#-f~' . r~.;;' e-dU U fi <sfjf. ~Jt~, ~'l'll""'" r. sr~Al..~ ~.1.~r f;!ft-;.. ~~y. 05141.:" 42 Court House Salem, Virginia May 26, 19155 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House pursuant to adjournment. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, and A. C. Harris. Absent: Frank R. Angell. Also present: Edw. H. Richardson, COllllllonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke CGunty. I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Ra-'"l'is, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and he is, hereby authorized and directed to prepare a synopsis of the budget for the County of' Roanoke, Virginia, for the fiscal year collllliencing July 1, 1965, and publish same for infol'lllative and fiscal planning purposes oDl.y, said budget synopsis to be published in the Times-Register and The Vinton ioIessenger, newspapers of general circulation in Roanoke County, on June 10th, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Harris, and Walter M. Lipes !(ays : None I IN RE: BUDGET ROANOKE COUNTY, vIRGINIA, FISCAL !EAR 1965-1966: A copy of the deta:Lled Budget of Roanoke County, Virginia, for fiscal year 1965-1966 prepared for fiscal planning and informative purposes, received and ordered filed. I ~-< .t ~ ~..,f, ..("."'-. ~ .5'. "".'$ On IDOtion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued to Robert C. Dawson, Postmaster, for one hundred and twenty dollars ($120.00) for postage for use in the Roanoke County Registrar's Office. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keff'er, and Walter M. L1pes. Nays: None I .... ,..~t , . . ~ 1;,1f. ~ Co. ~ ' $'''7. I.$' On the motion of' ~lupervisor A. C. Harri-s, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered 1;hat a voucher-check f'or three dollars ($3.00) be issued to Douglas Harrison fOl~ m~ring grass at the He;!l.lth and Welfare Center or Roanoke County. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Kef'f'er and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None . ... . .I c On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Kef'f'er, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ordered that tbe Chairman of this Board execute on behalf of the Board, tbe contract between Sbppe Voting Machine Company and the County of Roanoke, and that tbe seal of said Board be attached and attested by N. C. Logan, its Clerk, f'or leasing seventeen (17) voting machines at a figure of one hundred dollars ($100.00) each for a period of one (1) year. Adopted by the following recorded VOU: Ayes: Supervisor's Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Na~ a : None J ] ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in June, 1965. ~fJSA ~~ Court House Salem, Virginia June 21, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R Keffer, Vice-ChaiI'lllan, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. E. N. Tarpley, Retired Methodist Minister, offered a prayer. The minutes of' the last regular and adjourne(i meetings were approved as spread, each ~ember of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The f'ollowing claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 19942 County School Board, County owned vehicles serviced at School Board Garage - May J " J ~'~ <. r,;, '-:' n 19943 Harvest Motors, Parts for Vehiclefl 19944 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts 19945 Richard's Auto Alignment, Repairs to Cars 19946 Salem Car Wash Co., Washing Cars 19947 Andrew Lewis Phillips Station, Servicing Police Cars 19948 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Car Parts and batteries for Sherif'f"s 19949 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchased 19950 W. B. Clements, Parts 19951 Doyle's, Inc., Repairs Police Car 19952 General Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles and stock 19953 Magic City Motor Co., Parts 19954 Salem Auto Parts, Parts 19955 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs and parts 19956 Salem Glass COl'poration, Parts Police car n .. .. n n .. .. .. .. .. .. n n $ 978.08 10.80 140.85 61. 61 l2.50 7..30 8.13 67.74 82.64 4.00 43..3.3 46.74 396.25 2.40 2.00 II II II II II II If II If If II No. 19957 19958 II II 19959 19960 II II 19961 19962 19963 II II If' 19961t 19965 19966 19967 19968 19969 19970 19971 19972 19973 19971t 19975 19976 19977 19978 19979 19980 19981 19982 19983 II n n II II II II II n n II n II II n n II II II II 19984 II 19985 19986 19987 19988 19989 19990 1999l n n n II 19992 19993 19994 19995 19996 19997 19998 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and parts $ Blue Ridge Motors, Repairs Mt. Pleasant Rescue Squad Truck Bramb1eton Gulf Service, Gasoline, C. S. Fire Truck T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline and Jil Clearbrook Rescue Squad Poff's Garage,Maintenance Bent Mountain Fire Truck Salem Oil Co., Fuel for Ft. Lewis Fire Station &:c Town of Salem, Maintenance of Roanoke County Fire Truck housed in Salem Station lfui....ing Oil Company, Cleaning material for trucks Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Repairs and Parts Texaco, Inc., Repairs Auto ?arts, Inc., Parts Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Parts Shelton's Garage, Repairs to Equipment for 'Washing Trucks Beach Brothers, Repair Parts and Oil Garbage Trucks Bemiss Equ.ipment Co., Repairs, Parts and Oil Tractor Fluid Controls Corporation, Rebuilding Truck Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to tractor &:c Goodwin Chevrolet Co., Parts, Garbage M &: S Machine Shop, Repairs and Parts Garbage Trucks Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs, parts &c Stan's Automotive Hardware Co., Parts WOOdy's Auto Parts, Parts garbage trucks Pure Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil Goodyear Service Stores, Stock ror Distributicn Miller Tire SerVice, Tires for distribution at County Garage Vinton Messenger, Publishing Budget Synopsis for fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965, ending June 30, 1966 . Acme Typewriter Co., Office supplies and repairs &:c Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies &: Furniture Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies Addressograph-Multigraph Co., Office supplies, Dooley Printing Co., Book Binding and Office supplies Hill Directory Co., 6 New City Directories I. B. M. Corporation, Maintenance for 1 year on Office eqllipment Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 89.02 20.25 l4.24 1t0.49 98.54 111. 20 I 643.96 1.60 l5.l9 .75 18.08 9.l8 3.50 28.42 79.52 l23 . 70 S2.65 14.84 67.28 28.81 45.15 l,034.37 30.60 44.54 1,436.44 283.00 I I 437.84 81. 20 98.65 922.76 267.28 10.18 330.20 234.00 I 73.77 122.78 I Acme Visible Records, Inc., 1965 Tax Tickets for Treasuret2,6l9.00 Acme Printers, Inc., Binding 2 Books for Treasurer Burroughs Corporation, Ribbon for Check Writer Roanoke Stamp &: Seal Co., Of rice supplies Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Meter Machine Robert Dawson, Postmaster, 5 Rolls 100-5~ Stamps 19999 N. C. Logan, Clerk, Recording fee for 25 Abstracts 20000 Roanoke CClunty Court, Collecting Delinquent accounts 2,074. '15 6.00 .90 100.00 25.00 25.00 180.00 -., I i ..J I -.J = = 45 $ 52.38 4.52 12.60 46.90 63.50 lO.OO 33.00 244.86 20.00 48.00 146.21 ft 20013 Thomas A. Edison Industries, Recording Tape for Commonwealth's Attorney 34.001 j -1 d m ~I iD ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft No. 200l!ll Double Emrelope Co., Envelopes for Clerk, Circuit Court 20002 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies, CIE~k, Circuit Court 20003 Perma-StaDlp Distributors, Inc., Rubber Stamp 20004 C. -W. War1;hen Co., Record Paper 20005 Everette ~(adde,y Co., Recorc1 Book 20006 Robert Da~rson, Postmaster, Postage for Judge Hoback 20007 American Bar Association, Membership dlues, Judge Hoback 20008 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Universitlr of Va. Law School Assoc., Sustaining Membership dues for 1965-66 - Judge HClback 200~0 Michie Company, Law books for Judge Hoback and Judge Moyer 20009 ft ft 20011 Void ft 20012 Goodwin Insura.nce Company, Premium on Liability Car Insurance for Judge Hoback ft 20014 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children at City's Detention Home in Roanoke 20015 Dr. John O. Hurt, Psychriatric Examination 20016 Va. Oouncil of Juvenile Court Judges, Membership dues for Judge Moyer 20017 MarvinC. Hendrick, Jr., Reimburse Ma:r Traveling Expenses 20018 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse May Traveling Expenses 20019 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse May Traveling Expenses 20020 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse May Traveling Expenses ft ft ft n ft ft 68.00 30.00 2.50 12.95 21. 84 33.04 27.79 20021 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Blood Test for Alcohol & Lunacy Commissions 75.00 20022 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Medical Fees, Blood Test, Lunacy Commissions 75.00 ft ft ft 20023 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Blood test, Alcohol, Lunacy Commitment 40.00 20024 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Medical Examiner cases 45.00 n n 20025 G. A. Thompson, Office supplies 20026 Trans port Clearings of the Carolinas, Inc., Freight on Wearing apparel 20027 Va. Office Machine Company, Maintenance Contract on office Adding Machine 20028 National Police Chiefs &: Sheriffs, 1965 National Directory of Law 20029 Brown Hardware Co., Coat Hangers for Jail &c 20030 Goodwin=Andrews Insurance Co., Premium on Fire Insurance County Jail &:c ft ft ft ft n n 20031 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Services rendered Jail Physician P. Swartz Jr. &: Company, Repairs to Equipment n 20032 20033 American Bakeries Co., Food - Jail 20034 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies f.or Jail and Courthous~.57 Wm. n " 20035 Bemiss Electric Distributing Co., Light Bulbs for Jail 20036 C. C. Bova &: Co., Food, Jail 20037 C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Janitor supplies 20038 Murrell's Finer Foods, Food, Jail 20039 Mick-or-Mack Stores Co., Food, Jail 20040 L. H. Parke Co., Food and Soap Jail 20041 W. T. Rierson, Food, Jail 20042 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry, Jail 12.25 6.36 27.90 6.50 13.64 880.00 100.00 1.00 39.78 6.67 3.75 ll8.2l 95.51 2.15 73.88 35.40 U.74 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " No. 20043 Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical Supplies, Jail " 20044 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, May and June Rent, Cave Spring Fire Station Garman, May and June Rent, Mount Pleasant Fire Station 20046 Clearbrook Lion's Club, May and June Rent - Clearbrook Fire Station " 20045 w. W. " " 20047 J. W. Griggs, Reimburse Dinner meeting expenses of County Fire Chiefs. 20048 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Fuel - ~atawba Fire Station " " 20049 20050 20051 20052 20053 20054 20055 20056 Virginia Armatulr-e Co., Repairs to equipment &c Franklin Hough, Services on Welfare Board A. C. Harris, S'9rvices on Welf'are Board Frederick GrirUth, Services on Welfare Board Minor R. Kef'fer, Services on Welf'are Board,'&: expense of pri'rately owned car $ 5.44 120.00 120.00 l20.00 I 32.83 19.71 Void Graves-HumphreY:3 Hardware Co., Repairs to equipment 5.44 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., Use of' Crane at Hollins Fire StatiodzO.OO " " " " " " " " 20057 Void 20058 Derwood H. Rush'~r, Attorney, Inebricy Hearing &: Lunacy H'~aring 20059 Jean Long, Extrl~ of'f'ice assistant in Engineer's Orfice 20060 State Off'ice Supply Co., Maintenance contract on office equipment 20061 Malcolm Blueprint Supply Co., Maps 20062 Times-World Corporation, Publishingmeetings of Zoning Board &c 20063 Appalachian Power Company, Cu.."'rent used in Street and installing new lights 20064 Brulin &: Company, Discount not allowed 20065 E. C. Hill, July Rent on Garbage Dump 20066 Lawrence Supply Co., Supplies for Garbage Dump and Garbage Truck 20067 Salem Hardware Co., Equipment for Garbage trucks and 1 can oil " " " " " " " " " " 20068 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage used in mailing garbage bills &:c 20069 City Publishing Co., 1 cross reference Directory 20070 Shoup Voting Machine Co., 1 set of Voting Machine tools &:c 20071 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies and towels 20072 Certified Electric Division, Light tubes 20073 Owen Plumbj,ng Co., Remodel work at County Jail 20074 Salem Paint. Co., 1 Paint Brush 20075 The Selig Co., Janitor supplies 20076 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 20077 Standard &lsiness Forms DiVision, Freight charges on Auto tag receipt books 2007$ Gallant, Inc., Office supplies 20079 Milliken Company, Welding material ror County Garage 20080 T. E. Burke, Realtor, May and June Rent, Civil Defense Off'ice 20081 Rusco Window Co., New Venetian Blinds ror County Jail 20082 Tidewater Supply Co., New Fire Hose, Town of: Vinton &:c I 388.20 100.00 100.00 100.00 l04.00 20.00 112.48 35.00 4.14 I 67.50 843.14 .67 50.00 17.56 6.20 687.70 22.14 40.81 78.30 36.00 1,495.69 3.30 19.60 11.68 I I 6.36 22.08 8.50 120.00 119.56 1,914.32 No. 20083 Penitentiary Industrial Dept., 1 Utility Table $ 99.00 n 20084 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 100.00 n 20085 Frank R. Angell, Reimburse Expense of Dinner Meeting 15.00 n 20086 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse Luncheon Expenses 7.45 n 20087 Void J o j Q:. I.... \. ~r.~ .' :':'.{ 20121 R. L. Watl~ins, Deputy Sheriff, Reimburse Traveling Expense 33.92 20122 Robert D~~son, Postmaster, Postage for Sheriff 75.00 20123 C &: P Tel<ephone Co., Telephone service for Bent Mountain Fir,e Station and Cave Spring Fire Station n 20088 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash 20089 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 20090 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 20091 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 20092 Medical College of Virginia, State-Local Hospital Bills 20093 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills 20094 Universitl' or Virginia, State-Local Hospital Bills 20095 N. C. Log~lIl, Clerk, Certifying Poll Tax Lis~ 20096 Eugene S. Honaker, II, Relief Fire Chief at Hollins Station 20108 Mrs. N_na S. Powell, Extra-Office of Registrar 20109 Betty R. l~cKenney, Extra work for Electoral Board 20110 Jacqueline A. Hudson, Extra work Registrar's Office 20111 Marlene Ann Griggs, Extra work Engineer's Office 20112 Theda Petitt, Extra Registrar's Office 20113 Thelma H. Beamer, Extra-Registrar's Office 20114 Brenda G. Henderson, Extra-Engineer's Office 20115 Robert Dal~son, Postmaster, Quarterly Box Rent 20116 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 20117 G. H. Par'~nt Co., office supplies 20118 C. W. War1~hen Co., Record Book and Paper 20119 Robert D~~son, Postmaster, Post Office Box Rent 20120 Roanoke Stamp II: Seal Company, Rubber Stamp n n n n n n n n " n n " n n " " " " n " n n " " n 20124 Roanoke C,). Sanitation Authority, Sewage treatment cost for Cave Spring Fire Station 20125 J. W. Griggs, :Re1Jnburse Expense of dinner meeting 20126 Mount Pleasant Garage, Repairs and Parts, Mount Pleasant and Virr~on Fire Trucks n n n 20127 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 20128 Times-'1Torld Corporation, Publishing Meeting of Zoning Board n " 20129 International Harvester Co., Parts 20130 Yates & Wells Garage, Parts, &:c 20131 F. L. Ayers, S,ervices rendered as Deputy Registrar " " n 50.29 159.00 l,l97.60 243.45 664.63 354.24 746.46 298.10 260.35 l75.33 165.28 94.78 41.24 5.06 75.39 81. 85 3.00 30.43 7.74 98.38 27.80 8.40 52.50 9.00 18.00 53.65 15.51 6.00 .1S 385.95 10.00 20132 Mrs. La~r A. 1Naldron, Services rendered as Deputy RegiSrar 10.00 " 20133 Mrs. Maud,e L. Poff, Services as Deputlr Registrar 20134 Shoup Voting Machine Corporation 20135 Blain Supply C,)., Janitor supplies net 20136 Void " " n 11.30 1,700.00 51.00 47 ~ .,n . !- No. 20137 Booker T. Helm, Extra Janitor Services $ 49.00 n 20138 R. C. Pittan, Co-Ordinator, Reimburse traveling expense 47.81 n 20139 Dominion Elevator Co., Repairs to Elevator 972.00 " 20140 Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage and In- stalling new: Fire Hydrants 1,043.54 I " 20141' Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs 89.07 " 20146 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital 1,244.30 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &:c: I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectivel~ chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 20097 Bob's Market, Dog Food, Wearing Apparel &c " 20098 County School Board, Maintenance of Dog Truck " 20099 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical Supplies and Disinfectants $ 76.46 4.00 49.00 " 20100 20l0l 20102 20103 20104 20105 I Farmers Exchange Mills, Dog Food Fort Dodge 'Laboratories, Medical supplies Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance . Salem Animal Hospital, Dog Dip - Disinfectants Sam's, Inc., Wearing Apparel for Dog Wardens State Department of Health, Medical supplies " 9.20 145.77 7.50 4.00 110.25 l4.00 4.00 " " " " 20106 Tarpley's Marine Center, 100 feet rope for Dog Warden 20107 Turner Drug Company, Inc., Medical supplies ror Dog Clinics 10.53 1.3.58 58.50 58.50 58.50 " " 20142 Keyes-Davis Company, 200 Dog ~~ense Tags 20143 Samuel W. Arnold, June SalarY Special County Policeman 20144 Ernest Robertson, June Salary Special County Policeman 20145 Clarence~. Shupe, June Salary Special County Policeman tI " " t JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: I TO TIlE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: "June 2l, 1965 At the close of business May 31, 1965, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt FUlld School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash F. I. C. A. V. S. R. S. Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account $ 541,318.03 l6,OOl. 78 42.9.3 409,388.27 4,103.90 5,002.96 301.89 6,207.50 2.48 $ 982,369.74 I 49 " Financial Statement o Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,800,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $l,723,OOO.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Bank of Salem -Te...ct;book Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Service Farmers National Bank Public Bldg. Bond Account $ 1,500.00 419,891.92 4S5,053.89 63,001.41 4,103.90 2,611.12 6,207.50 $982,369.74 !""'! I ~ Certificates of DepOsit (School Buildinl!:) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank $100,000.00 300,000.00 o 000.00 450,000.00 Certificates of DepOsit (Public Buildinl!: Bond Account) Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $240,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 $490,000.00 Certificates of Deposit (Savinl!:s) Bank of Salem First National Exchange Bank $325,000.00 50,000.00 $375,000.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." I~ I I I ! i ! Said report is received and ordered filed. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $2,517.52 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of May, 1965, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $2,391.65 net. J On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of June, 1965, be approved in the amount of $12,617.26 from which t.he sum of $394.6S total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1,OSO.25 total W. H. Taxes, $154.99 total State Income, $306.11 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $10,667.23. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~.':. t", f On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the PayrOll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning May 14, Ending May 27, 1965, be approved in theamount of $4,930.26 from which $178.76 total F. I. C. A. Taxt.s; $326.40 total W. H. Taxes, $42.23 total State Income and $51.75 total Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,331.12; /'.. / . ~j; C'~: fQ., QjHr~ '!,>J/ts- 50 ~~ 16"~ e.,~ <rC: ~ U (O~ 'f'l-?> I\'~- ~.-K';-':: 11 'J L.". . ,. ~. ..~.t6 ~h rr.!rr J~' ';Z.~ (O~ b/",'!>/~ $; , And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning ~lay 28, Ending June 10, 1965, be approved in the amount of.$5,67$.51 from which $205.89 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $463.10 total W. H. Taxes, $66.,32 total State Income; $51.75 total Insu:ance, $6,3.50 total Retirement Insurance; $l5.00 total Accident Insurance and $45.00 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted iBdng a net payroll of $4,767.95. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SuperY~sors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning May l6, Ending May ,31, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,007.00 from which $.36.51 total F. 1. C. A. Taxes; $77.l0 total "!l. H. Taxes; $11.84 total State Income; $13.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $867.63; And the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning June 1, Ending June 15, 1965, be approved in the acount of $1,070.66 from which $38.81 total F. 1. C. A. Taxes; $87.50 total W. H. Taxes; $1,3.0.3 total State Income; and $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance, ae to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $917..32. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Kerfer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of May, 1965; c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail for the month of May, 1965; EDWARII s. ALLEN, County Agent, report for the month of May, 1965; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of May, 1965; FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month or May, 1965; BRENDA SARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of May, 1965. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: # 19766 in the amount of $2,580.67 made payable to Valley Contractors Corporatio for remodeling and repairs to County Jail; # 19767 in the amount of $704.55 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for service for Courthouse, Fire Stations &c; # 19877 in the amount of $142.79 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service for Sheriff's Office, Transmitter on Brushy Mountain, Mount Pleasant, Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations; # 19878 in the amount of $34.96 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire Station; I I I I I 51 -, J II 19879 in the amount or $20.62 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Dog Pound; II 198eo in the amount of $8l2.35 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service for Courthouse, Jail and Health and Welfare Center, street lighting at Riverland Court and sewage trea'tment cost for Hidden Valley' Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivision; II 1988l in the amount of $19.10 made payable to C. &: P. Telephone Companyfor service for Dog Warden's home; II 19882 in the amount of $4.3.60 made payable to C &. P Telephone Company ror service for Hollins Fire Station; II 198&.3 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service for Courthouse; II 19885 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to C~lligan Soft Water Service for rent on water sOftner, Holli~~ Fire Station; II 19886 in the amount of $87.69 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel for Jail and Home DlItlnstration kitchen, Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and WeUar.a Center; II 19887 in the amount of l~12.69 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Mount Pleasant Fire Station; II 19888 in the amount of $39.65 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company ror service, Clerkbrook Fire Station; II 19925 in the amount of $8.36 made payable to Cave Spring Water Company, for service for Cave Spring Fire Station; 1 19926 in the amount of $9.00 made payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Authorit for sewage treatment cost for Hollins Fire Station; II 19927 in the amount of $40.65 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station; 119928 in the amount of $9.00 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Cave Spring Fire Station; # 19941 in the amount of $4,.312.70made payable to Valley Contractors Corporation for remodeling and repairs to County Jail. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Min(ll' R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J ~ j -, ;. I ~ Notice of Public Hearing having been advertised in the Times-Register and the Vinton Messenger, newspapers published in the County of RoanOKe on June 10, 1965, and June 9, 1965, respectively, as required by Section 15-577, Code of Virginia, was held this day at 2 :00 o'clock P. M., all persons interested were given an opportunity ~o speak for or against the Roanoke County Budget for informative and fiscal planning purposes only for the year commencing July 1, 196 , and no oneappearing, said budget is ordered filed. ~ Mrs. Loyd Adams, representing the League of Women Voters of the Roanoke Area, this day appeared before the Board and commended the Board on its action in making provision in the 1965-1966 County Budget, for increase in the salaries of teachers in this area. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31, 1965, ror the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board 52 ~~ 1i~,~ ~ .7tl~ ~~< ~c:lc-t- :r. ~'"~. Co' ,...0 'if. ~}t1b ~' APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order or the Board of Supervisors as rollows: 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court 5b - County Court 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile and.Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare 8a - Board of Public Welfare 8e - Institutional Care 8h - Lunacy Commission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning lOc - Garbage Dis~osal 10e - Contractual Services 11:- Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics l2 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (See Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14 - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions l8a - Annexation l8b - Civil Defense 19 - Capital Outlay Debt Service For educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, f~r public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of this Board l7a - Administration l7b - Instruction 17c - Coordinated Activities 17d - Auxiliary Agencies 17e - Housing 17f - Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service Capital Outlay Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the dog laws, to be transferred to the Dog Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board or Supervisors I $ 371,832.50 40,799.00 I 8,175.00 16,200.00 l7,302.00 5,280.00 8,255.00 6,567.50 512.50 5,500.00 18,815.00 44,204.50 9,901.00 29,232.50 150.00 18,575.00 1,650.00 24,91,.3.83 17,322.50 3,041.50 77,785.00 5,000.00 6,550.00 8,332.50 13,965.00 1,.7,727.67 760.00 276,760.00 20,250.00 $l,105,389.50 I I $ 34,114.00 2,375,199.36 1,850.00 174,426.00 275,358.57 17,057.50 34,750.00 333,324.81 1.532.394.10 ~5,8&3,S63.~ I $ 8,950.00 53 ] BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriation made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Appropriation Ordinance. A copy of this Appropriation Ordinance is ordered '~o be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of 1 -l Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None IN RE: GENERAL COUNTY !,EVY FOR YEAR 196.5: .., J BE IT RESOLVED and ordered by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, th,at there be, and is, hereby levied, for the year 1965, a tax of$2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable real estate located in this County, and that there be, and is, hereby levied, for the year 1965, a tax of $2.25 per one hundred dollars of assessed valuation on all taxable tangible personal property, including the property separately classified by Sections 58-g29.2; 58-g29.3; 58-831.1 and 58-83l.2, in the Code of Virginia of 1950,as amended to date, located in this County on January l, 19 the respective levies hereby ordered, being also applicable to the real estate and tangible personal property, including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-831.1 and 58-831.2 in the Code or Virginia, c..fut~ ~,j.J.:rn~ -r a..<f c.rw.... ' ,t<- ~, ~J.J. ~~r ~.te...-. 6/,.3!'$,- 'I I .J 1950, as amended to date, of public service corporations based upon the assessme thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission, and duly certified. IT IS FVRTHER ORDERED that such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supervisors of this County, shall be used to defray the County charges and expenses and all necessary charges incident to or arising from the execution of the lawful authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County. On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Superviso:rs Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A.C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ 2J IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION Letter dated June 9, 1965, from W. F. Smyth, Jr., Director, Division of Corrections addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Salem, Virginia and Mr. Charles E. Boone, Sherirr, County 0f. Roanoke, Salem, Virginia, together with report of the inspection of the Roanoke County Jail dated May 26, 1965, received and ordered filed. 54 l':b ot.t to n \b!.~- ~ ,odi, ~~-'/ ~. 'f'Y~ (,!,. IN RE: AUDIT OF CLERK'S OFFICE: The Auditor of Public Accounts this day submitted to the Board the report of Miss N.C. Logan, County Clerk and Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the calendar year 1964, which report is received and , I ordered filed. Letter dated May 28, 1965, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. IN RE: AUDIT OF JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT and ROANOKE COUNTY COURT: I The Auditor of Public Accounts this day submitted to the Board the report of James 1. Moyer, Judge of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court and Roanoke County Court, for the period January 1, 1964 through June 30, 1964, which report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated May 10, 1965, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. The Annual Budget for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1966, of the Department of Public Welfare of Roanoke County was this day received and ordered filed. -I AN ORDINANCE permanently vacating a portion of the Map known as Section l, Southern Hills, dated August 2, 1947, and recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 16, which said portion of said Map is more particularly shown thereon as Lots 2l, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 of Block 3, according to said Map. ~RAS, Woodland Hills Corporation has heretofore filed a petition before the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, in accordance with law, requesting the Board to permanently vacate a certain portion of the Map of Southern Hills, Section 1, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 3, page 16, which said portion of said map is hereinarter more particularly described; and WHEREAS, at regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the l7th day of May, 1965, at 2:00 P. M. in the courtroom of t Roanoke County Court, at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, the said Board did order that notice of a public hearing upon the issues raised by the said Woodland Hills Corporation's petition be advertised once a week for two successive weeks in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having a general circulation I I in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, pursuant to the mandate of Sections l5.l - 431 and 15.1 - 482, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and, WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the said petitioner has caused to be advertised notice of the public hearing heretofore ordered by the said Board at its regular meeting of 55 J. May 17th, 1965, as aforesaid in accordance with Sections 15.1 - 431 and 15.1 482, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, all of which will more fully appear from a publisher's certificate filed with the papers in this matter; and, ~, at a regular meetinf of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 21st day of June, 1965: at 2:00 P. M. in the courtroom of the Roanoke County Court at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, a public hearing was had, pursuant to requisite notice, at which hearing the issues raised by the petition heretofore filed herein were fully considered, and the petitioner having agreed to bear and defray the expenses incidental to the matters raised by its petition. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that that certain portion of Section 1, Southern Hills located in Cave Spring Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, which sai.d portion of said Map is more particularly described as; LOTS 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31, Block 3, according to the Map of Section I, Southern Hills, dated August 2, 1947, and recorded September 20, 1947, in Plat Book 3, page 16 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and the same hereby is, permanently vacated, the County of Roanoke, however, reserving unto itself, an easement for any water, sewer or other public utility line or lines, if any, now existing therein and the right of ingress and egress for the maintenance and repair of same. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the County Manager and/or the County Engineer of the County of Roanoke be, and he hereby is, directed to mark npermanently Vacated" that portion of that certain Map, hereinabove described, on all maps and plats on file in the office of the County Manager and/or the County Engineer, on which sa:ld maps and plats the hereinabove described portion of Section 1, Southern HUls is shown, referring to the book and page of Ordinances and Resolutions of the Board wherein this Ordinance shall be spread. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that a copy of this ordinance be forthwith :returned to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of ROanoke County, Virginia, in crder that the said Clerk may enter upon any maps or plats of record in her said office the words "Permanently Vacated" as to that portion of Section I, Southern Hills, hereinabove more particularly described, making reference thereon to the book and page wherein this ordinance may be found. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following r.ecorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o , -.J J ~ IN RE: APPLICATION OF ROBERT C. BRANMER Pursuant to notice of a public hearing set for this date at 2:30 o'clock P. M., W. B. Hopkins, Attorney, on behalf of the applicant, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board to re-consider the recommendation of ~t:[ Pla.u. Ch.... r rIi:~ 03j/'r 56 ..t ',I L- " " ../ ~ 'f~> ..,J /I,',J ,r'l . '.L.f.)O / e:f1-M.~ -f~1!. ~.4. . i.. >(,.'5 the Roanoke County Planning Commission in denying the said Robert C. Brammer a permit to use a porti,on of his property located at the intersection of Routes 116 and 117, for a trailer sales lot to be occupied by A & U Mobile Homes, and to permit the said Robert C. Brammer to enter into a contract with the A & U Mobile Homes f"r a period of three 0) years; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a permit be granted to the said Robert C. Brammer to lease said land for a period of three (3) years, as specified in the application of the said Robert C. Brammer heretofore submitted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, and Walter M. Lipes,under protest. Nays: Supervisor Frank R. Angell. I I IN RE: APPLICATION OF LE.lITS G. RUTROUGH FOR PERMIT TO PARK TRAILERS ON HIS PROPERTY: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered. that the public hearing set for this day at 2;30 o'clock P. M. on the application of Lewis G. Rutrough for a permit to park two trailers on his property located. a"J the end of Route 733 off Wildwood Road, be continued. to July 19, 1965, the next regular meeting of this Board. Adopted bythe following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: APPLICATION OF ELLIS E. CULLEN: Pursuant to notice of a public hearing set for this date at 2:30 o'clock P. M. W. G. Creasy, Attorney, Davis Stephenson, and H. B. Fitzgerald, Jr., this day appeared before the Board. in opposition to the granting of a permit to Ellis E. ,Cullen, applicant, to park fifty (50) Mobile Homes on his land, located at the end of Alexandria Drive at the end of the Lemonton Court SUdivision; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that said. permit be denied. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R.Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Sundry petitions signed by residents of said section of Roanoke County received and ordered filed. I IN RE: Rezoning property on the west side of Airpo~ Road, known as Virginia Route llS of I FINAL ORDER J Pence W. Nininger, RobertC. Nininger, James A. Nininger, and Clay D. Nininger, sole heirs of Bessie I. Nininger, de- ceased, by counsel ] At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on June 21, 1965, WHEREAS Pence W. Nin:;'nger, Robert C. Nininger, James A. Nininger, and Clay D. Nininger, sole '.Iairs of Bessie I. Nininger, deceased, did, b Y counsel, petition this Board and requested that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that certain property describe~ in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business B-2 property and, by order entered on that date, was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendatio in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and ~ the Planning COmmission, by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 26th day of May, 1965, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said ZOning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended as requested in said petition; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its ord.er entered on the 19th day of October, 1964, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zonil'~ Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on June 21, 1965, at 2:30 p. m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and advertise the same by a notice duly published in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS said public hearing was had this date on the said proposed amendment the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County by this Board. after notice thereof duly published as aforesaid; and ..., I ~ to was -:J J and WHEREAS this Board, arter giving careful consideration to said petition to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, being of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should. bla amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held on June 21, 1965, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as Business B-1 property. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County. ~)7 ~~.......'.I..c. " ~.~..t.. i'~~ ~~V-"'" ". ..~-- (,tr 58 The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted a~ follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON NORTHEAST SIDE OF VIRGINIA ROUTE 419 of I LUTHER J. MARTIN ET UX and ROBERT R. MARTIN et UX Pursuant to notice of public hearing set for this date at 2:30 o'clock P. M. T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney, a~peared before the Board in behalf of L. J. Martin et ux and Robert R. Ma;:tin et ux, propert)}bwners, for the proposed rezoning of a six acre tract of land situated on Route 419 at its intersection with Grandin Road Extension said tract of land fronting approximately 550 feet along Virginia Route 419 and extending along Grandin Road Extension approxiD~tely 600 feet from Residential R-I to Business B-1; also came Leonard Peck, representi Oak Grove Civic League, C. C. Manning, R. E. Nunnally, Mrs. J. A. Lovington, H. T. Sibley, Mrs. Joe Moffett, H. Samuel Spradlin, Tom Johnson, Mrs. Robert Hope, Yilliam Gold, Mrs. A. H. Shackleford and Jack Brewer,' residents of said area, in opposition to said. rezoning; After a lengthy discussion of the matter, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered. that said petition be referred back to the Roanoke County Planning Commission to re-consider said petition, and to report to this Board within the next sixty (60) days. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: Frank R. Angell I On motion of Supervisors A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 15, 1964, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective June 21, 1965: I 3 - COLLECTION AND DISBURSEMENT OF TAXES AND OTHER REVENUE 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes: An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated.. 5 - ADMINISTRATION OF .rosTICE 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney: An additional appropriation of $2,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 9 - PUBLIC HEALTH An additional appropriation of $10.00 is hereby mad.e from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - PUBLIC WORKS 10c - Garbage. Disposal: An additional appropriation of $20,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal, year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. :1 I ' I '.....J 12 - PROTEcTION OF LIVESTOCK AND FOWLS An additional appropriation of$1,5CO.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 14 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS An additional appropriation.of $3,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove ind.icated. IS - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R.Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ -.J On motion of Supervisor A.C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on July 19, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the request of Marvin W. Meade and Geraldine L. Meade, for a permit to operate a public Trailer Park on a tract of land located off of State Route 641 and being 1.2 miles off of U. S. Rt. 11. Notice of Public Hearing to be published in The Roanoke World-News on June 30, 1965 and July 7, 1965. Ad~pted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None .., I .J On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, second.ed by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on July 19, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the request of O. L. ASburry, for a 'permit to operate a public Trailer Park at 4804 Old Nt. Road, Roanoke, Virginia. Notice of Public Hearing to be published in The Roanoke-World News on June 30, 1965 and July 7, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Ifdnor R. Keffer Nays: None U' .' '. . Upon the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris the following resolution was adopted.: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires, under the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 29-184.3 that the enforcement of the dog laws in said County be vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden and the Board of Supervisors does hereby request the judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a Dog Warden and a Deputy Dog Warden to assist the Dog Warden in the dog inspection activities in dog law enforcement, from the following list, to-wit: 59 ~;;r: ~~ ~' t. ...,p: 1.5 7 .~ ~ 1"""'~ .,'y.~.". l.r'~ .".,....._~.i'_ , . ~~.A -jJ.-.<. , ~ 1 U. ."- .,..,.. ).,...i';.~' ~.J-"_'_~. , - \.~,,"~ . ~, '..7 60 c..".,~. .,A f/#-.:Ji. -I..:J.i-u J,.'>3.'5 d DOG WARDEN Ralph E. Long Woodrow W" Henderson Johnny Morgan, Jr. Rudolph M. Martin DEPUTY ;QQQ, WARDEN Guy M. Ayers James 1. Parker Kenneth Whitlock Harry Richardson And it is further ordered that after the appointment of said Dog'Warden and Deputy Dog Warden by the Judge of the Circuit Court pursuant to said section, the Treasurer of Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog .tax funds to the State Treasury and ,that the said County, after said appointments, shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden, and. the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered forthwith to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I H.J. Crelia, on behalf of J. E. Parcell and Horace Harvey, in person, this day appeared before the Board to discuss the recent fire at the home of Horace Harvey on Route 7, Roanoke, and stated that fire protection in the Cave Spring District lias inadequate, and requested. the Board to furnish better protection in said section. Said request was taken under consideratio I ~S, The School Board for the County of Roanoke, on the 8th day of June, 1965, presented to this Board or Council, an application addressed to the State Board of Education of Virginia for the purpose of borrowing from the Literary Fund $650,000.00 for the new school building (or for add.ing to or improving the present school building) at Cave Spring District to be paid in 25 annual installments, and the interest thereon at 3 per cent paid annually. RESOLVED, That the application of the County School Board to the State Board of Education of Virginia for a loan of $650,000.00 from the Literary Fund is hereby approved, and authority is hereby granted the said County School Board to borrow the said amount for the purpose set out in said application. The Board. of Supervisors for said County will each year during the life of this loan, at thetime they fix the regular levies, fix a rate of levy for schools or make a cash appropriation sufficient for operation expenses and to pay this loan in annual installments and the interest thereon, as required by law regulating loans from the Literary Fund. I I On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ] Dr. Herman L. Horn, Superintendent of Roanoke ~ounty Schools, this day appeared before the Board, and stated that this would be the last time he would attend a meeting of this Board, as his resignation as such Superintendent would. be effective July 1st, 1965, and expressed. his appreciation of the co- operation he had received from this Board during his tenure as Superintendent of Schools of Roanoke County; lfilereupon, the members of the E.>ard expressed to Dr. Horn their appreciatio of the splendid work he had done while in Roanoke County, and wished him every /' success in his new poSition. IN RE: ABANDONMENT OF A CERTAIN 50-FOOT STREET KNOWN AS MILLER STREET, RUNNING IN A NORTH-SOUTH DIRECTION FROM THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY TO THE SOUTHERN I BOUNDARY OF THE PROPERTY OWNED BY ROANOKE ELECTRIC STEEL CORPORATION IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ORDER - , -J WHEREAS, Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, by coUnsel, has heretofore filed its petition before the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia in accordance with law requesting the Board to permanently vacate, abandon and discontinue the above-described certain portion of a 50-foot street, and due notice of the filing of the said petition was given to the public as required by law; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the prayers of said petition, and Par. 33-76.8, Code of Virginia (1953 Replacement Volume), the Board, at its regular meeting on May 17, 1965, considered the abandonment of that certain portion of the above-described street, and thereafter notices of the said petition were properly posted and said notice was published in at least two issues of a newspaper haVing general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, and also such notice was given to the State Highway Commission; and t~AS, there have been no objections to the said closing or requests for a public hearing within thirty days after the notice was posted and published; and J r:J QJ.. WHEREAS, from all of the foregoing the Board consid.ers that no inconvenience will result to any individual or to the pUblic from permanently vacating, discon- tinuing and closing said portion of the 50-foot street, and that accordingly, sai portion of said street should be permanently closed. THEREFORE, it is ADJUDGED, ORDERED and DECREED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that a certain portion of Miller Street in the County of Roanoke, Virginia described as fOllows, to-wit: Cory.. ......<.4- . >-7.-.- <~ 7.~~~ .~ . ~-----_... '- I 62 That portion of a certain 50-foot street known as Miller Street, running in a north-south direction from the northern boundary to the southern boundary of the property owned by Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, be, and it is hereby, permanently vacated, discontinued and closed; and that all right, title and interest of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and the State of Virginia, and of the }lUblic in and to the same be, and it is hereby released insofar as the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is empowered so to do. I BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the County Engineer be, and he hereby is, directed to mark "permanently vacated" on the said portion of said street On all maps and plats on file in his office on which said street is show-, referring to the book and page of the Order Book of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County wherein this order is spread. BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the Secretary of this Board deliver to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County a certified copy of this order and that the Clerk of said Court shall make proper notation on all maps or plats of record in her office upon which are shown said portion of the said street, as provided by law, and record the same in the deed book in her office, indexing the same in the name of the County of Roanoke, Virginia as grantor and in the name of Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation as grantee. The above order was ad.opted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I I Ayes: Supervisors Minor II. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I ~~,..-6 I fJ.,.:t 11. 6.1(~ i?~<c_" C-: ~ " . 'k~ J'~", r f , ~/f.~. i.~.~ /,_~~-.t.b- RE: ALL THAT CERTAIN UNPLATTED TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE HIGHWAY, ROUTE NO. ll7, BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MARY J. 1\2'~'~, BOUNDED ON THE. NORTH BY BLOCK 2, ACCORDING TO THE REVISED MAP OF SECTION NO.1, NORTH LAKES, BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY A PORTION OF NORTH LAKE DRIVE - OWNED BY ELECTRIC DEVELOPERS, INCORPORATED. I FINAL ORDER WHEREAS Electric Developers, Incorporated, did petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, requesting that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that the property described in said Petition now classified as "A Residence Property" be classified as "Business B-1 I - Property", which Petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board on the I - 19th day of April, 1965, and by an Order entered by said. Board on that Day, said Petition was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS at a hearing before said Planning Commission held on the 23rd day . of May, 1965, after due advertisement, Electric Developers, Incorporated, moved said Planning Commission to permit it to file an Amended Petition requesting that the property above referred to in the caption hereof be rezoned rather than the property described in said original Petition, which was filed before this Board o on the said 19th day of April, 1965, the said Amended Petition describing the same property as set forth in the original Petition filed herewith, with the exception of Lots 1 throu~ 4, Block 2, according to the Revised Map of Section No.1, North Lakes, and the said Planning Commission, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said Amended Petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said Amended Petition from "A Residence Property" to "Business B-1 Property" as classified in the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, o . Virginia; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by it's Order entered on April 19, 1965, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the said Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of the Board, and give notice thereof, by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors to be held on the 21st day of June, 1965,at 2:30 o'clock P. M., as the date and t~me for a public hea.-ing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice duly published in The Roanoke World News, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, by two insertions, one on the 2nd. day of June, 1965, and the other on the 9th day of June, 1965, in compliance with said Order of this Board,and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the tlode of Virginia; and VHEREAS said public hearing was this day had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance of this County, after said notice thereof was duly published; and VHEREAS this Board, after giving careful consideration to said Amended Petition and to said recommendation of the said Planning COmmission, and having heard evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, and being of the opinion that the said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended. as requested in said Amended Petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this the 21st day of June, 1965, the said. County Zoning Ordinance be, and. the same is hereby, amend.ed. so as to classify the property described in said Amended Petition as "Business B-1 Property" in order that said property may be used in the future for all such purposes as said classification would. permit. The property hereby classified as "Business B-1 Property" is more fully described as follows, to-wit: o o ~' .., ;~." . ;:i All that certain unplatted tract or parcel of land lying on the Northerly side of Virginia State Highway, Route No. II?, bounded on the West by the property owned by Mary J. Keffer, bounded on the North by Block 2, according to the Revised V~p of Section No.1, North Lakes, and bounded on the East by a portion of North Lakes Drive, and Which is' all of the property described in said original Petition, with the exception of said Lots 1 through 4, Block 2, according to the Revised Map of Section NO.1, North Lakes. ~ IN RE: " . I""'''" ..:...,,:'~:~. j7.,r. ~ ......~%'H ~ ,." .,rIle -( -t __~'lv ~~~ ,',-, " ,.:~,,1" , /"-- '. ...,- -~;;;.,.. ..,.,~' . #'-1" 64 "- IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to W. a.Creasy, Attorney for the petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. K~ffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I REGULATION OF THE OPERATION OF VEHICLES ON THE HIGHWAYS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the proposal for the adoption of an ordinance pursuant to Section 46.1-180 Code of Virginia as amend.ed, to provid.e for the regulation of the operation of vehicles on the highways of Roanoke County, Virginia, and to provide penalties for violations thereof, be and the same is continued from this date to the regular August meeting of this Board to be held. on August 16th, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ADJOINING THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, APPROxnolATELY 1,000 FT. NORTHWEST OF FRANKLIN ROAD I ORDER THIS DAY came Richard R. Hamlett Construction Company, Incorporated, by counsel, and requested leave to file its petition relative to rezoning property described. in said petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and the same is hereby' filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board. shall forthwith set the same down for pUblic hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virgini I I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and. ord.er be forthwith delivered by' said Clerk of this Board to Paul B Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolutions and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ord.ered that this Board be adjourned until Tuesday, June 29, 1965, at 4:00 o\:1.ock P. ~!. ~~ The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court o House pursuant .to adjournment. Court House Salem, Virgini June 29, 1965 Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Absent: Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman. ~ Before the meeting was called to order Mr. A. C. Harris, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read. the copy of said. minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The follOwing claims against the County were this day presented, approved an ordered to be paid by voucher,.checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 20241 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service for Offices, Fire Stations &c 20242 Times Register Co., Publishing Meetings of Zoning Board &c 20243 Burroughs Corporation, Office supplies ~0244 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental Fee on Postage Machine 20245 Va. Office Machines & Equipment Co., Maintenance for 1 year period - Office equipment 20246 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 20247 Roberts & Sons, Inc., 24 pens - office supplies 20248 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record Paper, Clerk 20249 Dictaphone Corporation, Office supplies 20250 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund 20251 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey card 20252 Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing Apparel for Deputy Sheriff " o " " " " rim...' l:JJ " " " " " " $ 720.26 158.80 3.20 39.00 33.05 )3.22 11. 98 45.68 4.00 14.65 23.85 469.00 " .. "", " ..... < '.' .." t . ~ ,,~II': , , No. 20253 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Post Office Box Rent for Sheriff's Office :$ 9.00 " 20254 Jefferson Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Wel- fare 1,247.50 " 20255 Roanoke Memori&l Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 325.62 " 20256 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Wel- fare 459.85 291. 50 3.30 10.00 5.00 6.00 ,28.13 150.00 n 20264 G. Carl Matthews, Compensation for serving on Roanoke County Planning Commission 150.00 " 20257 Gill Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfar~ 20258 Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, Finger Print Supplies for Sheriff's Department 20259 Hunt & Moore, Attorneys, Commission hearing 20260 Va. Citizens Planning Association, Annual Membership dues for Paul B. ~'atthews 20261 Times-World Corporation, Publishing meeting of Zoning Board 20262 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office supplies 20263 Edward B. Lassiter, Compensation for serving on Roanoke County Planning Commission 150.00 " 20266 Mrs. W. E. Cronquist, Compensation for serving on Roanoke CC\lUlty Planning Commission 150.00 " " n " " " " 20265 T. D. Steele, Compensation for s~rving on Roanoke County Planning Commission 4.41 3.50 15.00 n 20270 Pure Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil purchased for distribution at County Garage and Hollins Fire Station 1,071.31 " 20267M & S Machine Shop, Parts for Truck 20268 Shelton's Garage, Repairing Water pump used in washing Garbage Trucks 20269 Mrs. Mabel S. Doran, Services as Deputy Registrar " 20271 Easter Supply Co., 1 lot shelving for book cases installed in Law Library 335.00 No. 20278 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline and Oil purchased for Dog Truck " 20272 Appalachian Power Co., New Facilities installed of County Street lights in accordance with agreement 342.40 " 20273 20274 Void Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., New fire hose for Fort Lewis Fire Station 141.40 2.74.56 50.00 50.00 " 20300 Underwood Corporation, 1 new adding Machine for Engineer's Office 122.60 The following claim against the County was this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-check out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit.: " n " " 20275 Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts for stock 20276 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution to various offices " " 20276 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution to various offices IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: $ 21. 26 I I 1 I I. 4 copies del. to Paul B. Matthews fo del. to Res. Engine State Hi~ay Dept. 7/2/65 b. copies del. to , Paul B. Matthews C Executive Officer for del. to Res. Engineer, Dept. of Highway's 772/65 I I I I _ ", :':" I" ~. , ,,\ . " 4 copies del. . to Paul B. Matthews, Co. Engr. for del. to Res. Engr. Dept of Hwys. 7/2/65 4 copies del. to Paul B. Matthews, Co. Engr. for del. to Res. Engr. Dept of Hwys. 7/2/65 Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia J This matter came on this day to' be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Arcadia Drive from Laura Road to Biltmore Drive - 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known :] way as Glendale #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 14 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property ownersis necess The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Arcadia Drive from Laura Road to Biltmore Drive - 0.14 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None ~ Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia o This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Biltmore Drive from Laura Road to Arcadia Drive - 0.16 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map knO\fl1 as Glendale #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 14 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Biltmore Drive from Laura Road to Arcadia Drive - 0.16 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch g accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None 79 !. copies del. to Paul B. Matthews, Co. Ex. Off. 7/2/65 to Res. Engr. by Dept. of Hwys Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia oc~~sB~ei; thews, This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and ~; ~i.Oi~ upon the application for Pickwick Lane from Red Lane (Rt. 605) to D. E. - 0.16 :;i. ~!jwys mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. 7/2/65 I It appearing to the Board. that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Buckingham Estates, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 19 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and. that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necess The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Pickwick Lane from Red Lane (Rt. 605) to D. E. _ 0.16 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None I I This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof and to make a report thereon, to-wit: UNNAMED ROAD FROM ROUTE 688 to D. E. whereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, said Engineer's report is approved. 5 copies de And it is hereby ordered that said road, as described briefly above be, and to Paul B. Matthews, it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Co. Ex. Off. Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guarantee 7/2/65 ing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnish d to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the ~upervision and maintenance of State Secondary roads in Roanoke Countv. Adopted by the following recordedvote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I Copies del. to Treasurer Bookkeeper and Paul B. Matthews 7/2/65 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Gollectio and Janitor Services for period beginning June II, Ending June 24, 1965, be approved. in the amount of $5,426.3S from which $196.72 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; Blue Cross $415.50 total W. H. Taxes; $56.12 total State Income, $51.75 total/Insurance and $45.00 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,661.29. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ~Ayes: 'Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning June 16, Ending June 30, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,149.42 from which $41.66 total F. I. C. A. Taxes, $87.60 total w.n. T~~es, $12.94 total State Income, $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $993.22. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R.Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 1 ~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered. that the follOWing voucher-check be approved retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: # 20,148 in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), made payabl,= to Charles Phillips, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney for traveling expense for Extradition hearing on Clarence Price. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ W On motion of ,Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a voucher-check be issued tuRobert Dawson, Postmaster for Nine Dollars ($9.00) for Post Office Box Rent for Commissioner of Rev,enue for the period of July 1, 1965, through June 30, 1966. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY OF ROANOKE, STATE OF VIRGINIA, ,LOCATED ON THE SOUTH, SIDE OF STATE ROUTE NO. 117, JUST EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF OLD STATE ROUTE NO. ll7 WITH NEW STATE ROUTE NO. 117 ORDER I ~.~.' (U This day convened. at 4:00 P. M. an'ad.journed meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, whereupon leave was asked to file the petition of William Kenney requesting that a parcel of land located on the southerly side of new State Route No. 117 in the Salem Magisterial Distri.ct, in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, containing 1.491 acres, be rezoned from Agricultural A-I classification to Light Industrial M-l classification, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, as amended, and the pertinent statute of the Commonwealth of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting of the said Board of Supervisors the said petition be, and the same is, hereby filed. 81 Copies del. to Treasurer Bookeeper and Paul B. Matthews 7/2/65 Copies del. to Treasurer Bookko,eper and. Paul B. Matthews 7/2/65 COpiel3 del. to Tr,aasurer, Bookk,aeper, and. 1"a.l.Il B. MatthelfS 7/2/65 Copy this order &:. petition !del. t,o Paul B. Matt.hews, Secy. Roke. Co. Planning Commission 6/30/65 Copy this order mailed to Tom Stock- ton Fox, Atty Roanoke, Va. I 7/2/65 82 3 copies thi order del. t J. R. Taliaf Roanoke Co. . Elec10rical IDaP4!ctor 7/2/65 ~~....#A. . ~~ -fI'r ~ 7-~-1.5 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the said petition be, and the , , same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-492 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that when f'sid Planning Commission I . - . . shall have received th~ said petition, considered the same and reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt thereof, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing at a regular, special or adjourned meeting of this Board and which shall occur subsequent to the publication of notice, as required by law, and the said Clerk shall cause said notice to be published. AND BE IT ,.wcl'tU:,1l. RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a certified copy of this I , -, ord.er be forthwith delivered. by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of said Planning Commission. The above resolution and order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell of the Cave Spring Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris of the Big Lick Magisterial District, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A.C. Harris and. Walter M. Lipes Nays: None The following communication was this day laid before the Board;and ordered filed.: . Letter dated. May 25, 1965, ad.dressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, Court House, Salem, Virginia, from John W. Hagen, Delegate, In Re: Proposed revision of Roanoke City - County Sewag~,Treatment,Contract I IN RE: APPOIlmml'l' OF MEMBERS OF ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL. EXAMINING BOARD Pursuant to Section 37.1.2 of the Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance adopted by this Board on September 19, 1960, on motion duly seconded, it is ordered that the follOwing named persons be appointed to constitute the Roanoke County Electrical Examining Board. to serve without compensation on said Board in conjunction with J. R. Taliaferro, Electrical Inspector of Roanoke 0, County for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1965 and ending June 30, 1966. Group No. 1 Electrical Utility Member Mr. J. Edgar Yates 515 Tennessee Street Salem, Virginia 389=4191 I I Group No. 2 Roanoke County Master Electrician Mr. John M. Murphy Suncrest Drive Route 8 Roanoke, Virginia 342-7083 83 Group No. 3 County Journeyman Electrician Mr. Clayton G. Tinnell Route 5, Box 84 Roanoke, Virginia 345-0431 J Group No. 4 Mr. Eric T. Naschold, Jr. 3233 Brandywine Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia 774-3478 On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, second.ed. by Supervisor Frank R. Angel adopted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J The following resolution was this day offered for ad.option: VHEREAS, Herman L. Horn has served as Superintendent of Public Schools for Roanoke County, Virginia, for ten years with visible distinction and dignity; and WHEREAS he has proven himself to be a man of prophetic vision, abundant knowledge and deep compassion, and has faithfully and loyally served the citizens of Roanoke County; and ~as, through his untiring efforts this county now has a school system of which all of us can be rightfully proud. and which will result in immesaurable benefits to our area for years to come; NOW, 'l'HEREF0RE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY VIRGINIA, that this Board. doth unanimously salute Herman L. Horn for his many services to this collllllW1ity and doth express their sincere gratitUde for his unswerving devotion to his official duties and his enduring contributions to our youth and our collllllW1ity. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and. Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 15, 1964, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective June 29, 1965: 1 - COUNTY ADMINISTRATION: An additional appropriation of $1;4.12 is hereby made from the/General Revenue Fund. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the fUnction or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ,; - ADMINISTRATION OF JUl'lTICE Sa - Circuit Court: An additional appropriation of $159.16 is hereby made from the General Re~enue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 196;, for the fUnction or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 7 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION: An additional appropriation of $1,921.06 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 13 - ELECTIONS: An additional appropriation of $487.02 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the fUnction or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Copies del. to Treasurer Bookkeeper and Paul B. Matthews 7/2/6; o 84 Copy d.el. to Judge F. L. .Hoback , 6/30765 14 - MAIN'l'ENAlfCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: An additional appropriation of $828.75 is hereby.made from,the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING RHCTIONS: An additional appropriation of $2,281.83 is hereby mad.efrom the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - I - Adopted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Augell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN HE: CLOSING COUNTY OFFICES IN COURTHOUSE BUILDING: I On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, second.ed by Supervisor A. C. Harris, with the approval of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, it is ordered that all County Offices in the Courthouse building be closed on Saturday, July 3rd, 1965, in addition to Monday, July 5th, 1965, in observance of Independence Day. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Hays: None ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in July, 1965. ~~ I ,I Court House Salem, Virginia July 19, 1965 The Board. of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. W. Hatten, Pastor of the Fort Lewis Baptist Church offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read. the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered. to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: I I No. ??oo16 County School Board, County Vehicles serviced $ 829.61 " ??oo17 Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to vehicles 16.00 n 000018 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts 277.76 " 000019 W. B. Clements Co., Repairs and. Parts 52.25 " 000020 Harvest Motors, Parts 14.10 n 000021 Salem Car Wash Co., Wash Jobs on Vehicles 26.25 n 000022 Lucky's Mobile Communications, Repairs to Police Car 2.00 o J j o ~:>: I. ,. " No. 000023 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts " 000024 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Vehicles and Stock " ??oo25 'Williams Auto Alignment Co., Repairs 000026 Salem Motors Co., Repairs and Oil change, 000027 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline purchased for Clearbrook Fire Equipment 000028 Salem Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil Purchased for Ft. Lewis Fire equipment and. oil for Garbage Dump " " n " 000029 Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Maintenance, Cave Spring . Rescue Squad Truck, Gas, Oil, Parts &c 000030 Automotive Paint & Supply Co., Parts ??oo31 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repairs and wash jobs ??oo32 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts n n " " 000033 ??oo34 ??oo35 ??oo36 ??oo37 ??oo38 000039 Dickerson GMC, Inc., Parts Fluid Controls Corp., Repairs to Truck General Auto Parts, Parts International Harvester Co., Parts Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts Southwest Motor Parts Corp., Parts, Truck Shockley's Tractor Trailor Co., Repairing Garbage . Collection Tubs and Repairs &c Standard Parts Corporation, Parts Yates & Wells Garage, Repair, parts and Oil " n " .' " n n " ??oo40 ??oo41 ??oo42 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Equipment for use in shop & Parts for distribution " " " ??oo43 000044 000046 Gulf Oil Products, Oil Drums and Gasoline & Oil Pure Oil Co., Gasoline purchased Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Disburs~ents " " " 0000~7 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 000048 Addressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies and Identification tags for garbage cans 000060 Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies 000061 BurrOughs Caporation, mechanical contracts on office equipment 000062 National Cash Register Co., Office supplies 000063 Dooley Printing Co., office supplies & book binding 000064 Double Envelope Co., Envelopes - Treasurer 000065 Merchants Association, Membership dues 000066 American Photocopy Equipment Co., repairs to office equipment 000067 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 000068 C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies 000069 Xerox Corporation, supplies 000070 Treasurer of Virginia, pro-rata share of salary of Judge of Circuit Court 000071 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children at City Detention Home " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 85 :$ 8.40 76.89 2.00 6.95 43.97 95.56 58.85 40.78 5.50 70.32 3.16 37.70 14.45 45.34 40. 8<) 3.66 173.50 36.14 9.29 23.63 624.97 694.99 7,685.30 32.39 76.49 89.54 108.08 4.20 102.10 243.66 5.00 2.50 26.58 8'{.57 45.90 2,913.66 20.00 000072 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 45.00 000073 Charles R. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse July traveling expense 23.SQ 000074 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse June traveling expense 20.51 " Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy Commission American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies and repairs to floor machine ??oo86 C. C. Bova &: Company, Food, Jail ??oo69 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry Jail ??oo90 Eagle Stores Co., Curtains for Jail 000091 Gill Memorial Hospital, Doctor's fee for prisoner 000092 C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Janitor supplies 000099 W. T. Rierson Co., Food, Jail 000100 Stull Refrigeration Sales Co., Repairs to Jail Refrigerator 000101 Airport Hardware Co., Hardware, Hollins Fire Station 000102 Void 000103 Void. 000104 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Lunacy Commission 000105 Dr. Keith K. Hunt, Jr., Lunacy commissions 000106 Dr. John S. Jeremiah, lunacy commission 000107 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies 000106 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street Lighting 000109 Times-World Corporation, Publishing meetings of Public Hearings on Zoning 000110 Leece McBride, Refund, Garbage Collection fee 000111 Keyes-David Company, Id.entification tags for garbage cans 000112 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage used in Meter Machine No. 000075 000076 n n ??oo77 000076 000079 ??oo80 000061 ??oo62 ??oo63 000064 ??oo65 ??oo86 ??oo67 n n n n " n " " n n n n n n n n ??oo93 ??oo94 ??oo95 ??oo96 ??oo97 000098 n n n n n n " n " n n " n n n n n " n n 000113 000114 000115 000116 n n n " 000117 000118 " Barbara S. Cundiff, reimburse June traveling expense Transport cTc Clearings of the Carolinas, Inc., Freight on wearing apparel Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service, Chemicals for Fire Extinguisher 2.00 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 286.63 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Medical Examiner 60.00 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Blood test 5.00 Dr. G. W. Fralin, Blood. test 5.00 , Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Flash light batteries 6.12 Owen Plumbing Co., Repair work in Jail, Courthouse, &c 346.09 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail Physician Salary, Lunacy Commissions 165.00 Void Layman Cand.y Co., Razor blades Littlejohn Printing Co., office supplies Murrell's Finer Foods, Food, Jail L. H. Parke Co., Food, Jail Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical supplies Rainbo Bread Co., Food, Jail Wilson Trucking Co., Freight Truck parts Payne Data Processing Service, Prepairing voting list Builders Mart, Repair Material Diamond Glass Corporation, Glass replaced in Health Depart- ment window J. H. Tingler, Labor on Trees in Courtyard Rusco Window Co., Service on Venetian Blinds $ 17.22 6.36 I I 10.00 39.84 6.25 39.36 3.56 6.00 165.93 ll.46 25.00 132.16 140.45 39.45 57.47 33.00 2l. 50 2.50 I 10.00 30.00 10.00 176.40 806.50 I 22.00 l.50 37.34 u 133.20 3.10 203.40 14.47 32.67 20.00 5.61 J ] j J .~,." 'I u.. 000251 Jacqueline A. Hudson, Extra office assistant, Registrar's Oft'ice . 189.68 000252 Betty R. McKenney, Extra office assistant, Electoral Board 204.91 000253 Marlene Ann Griggs, Extra office assistant, Delinquent Tax office &c No. 000119 Salem Farm Supply Co., Repairs to Lawn Mower &c n 000120 Salem Paint Co., Paint n 000121 Goodwin-Andrews Insurance Co., Premium on Workman's Compensation Insurance 000122 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Fire equipment Net 000123 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone Service, Mount Pleasant Fire Station 000124 Brown Hardware Co., Material used in Remodeling Jail,&c 000125; Acme Typewriter Co., office supplies 000126 Va. Office Machine Company, office supplies 000127 Powell's Pharmacy, Films, Sheriff 000128 John B. Stetson Company, Wearing apparel 000129 Railway Express Co., Express on Wearing Apparel 000130 Foutz Sausage Co., Food., Jail 000131 Fairview Home, County's share of expense 000137 Roy M. Kinsey, Member Electoral Board 000138 Miller E. Petty, Member Electoral Board. 000139 John C. Gleason, Member Electoral Board 000140 Nick's Furniture Co., Room Rent 000141 Vernon Crumpacker, Room Rent 000142 O. W. Yates, Room Rent 000143 Windsor Hills Baptist Church, Parking Lot Rent 000144 Walter Campbell, Janitor services 000145 Hiawathia Logan, Janitor services 000146 Richard Mosley, Janitor services 000147 Melvin Good.win, Janitor services 000148 Claude V. Reese, Janitor services 000149 Marshall Jackson, Janitor services 000150 Morrell Burton, Jal1itor services 000151 Buck Jarvis, Janitor services 000152 Sam Moore, Janitor services 000153 Dan Phelps, Janitor services 000154 J. D. Obrien, Janitor services 000155 Ervin C. Board, Janitor services 000156 Francis Willis, Janitor services 000157 Alfred Lewis Payne, Janitor services 000158 Wilbur J. Hardy, Janitor Services 000159 John McPherson, Janitor services 000160 Otis Hopkins, Janitor Services 000250 Brenda G. Henderson, Extra office assistant, Garbage Department n n n n n n n n n n . ... n n a n n n a n n n n " n n n n n a a n n n n n a " " n 000254 Booker T. Helm, extra Janitor service . 137 $ 5.25 1.15 4,302.94 11,512.91 40'.65 26.59 22.00 1.70 2.65 97.04 4.50 94.16 37.90 205.50 202.60 200.80 15.00 12.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 7.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 170.16 142.75 30.00 88 No. 000255 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse luncheon meeting " 000256 Salem Office supply Co., office supplies n 000257 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse BoOkkeeper's Petty cash fund 000258 Nash Tyler, Collector of Delinquent Accounts, Reimburse warrants 000259 Roanoke County Court, Warrants and Court Costs 000260 Xerox Corporation, Record paper 000261 Furman Whitescarver, Sr., 1/2 year dues, Roanoke County Law Library Association 000262 West Publishing Co., Law books 000263 Dictaphone Corporation, Maintenance contract 000264 I. B. M. Corporation , Typewriting ribbons 000265 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 000266 Appalachian Power Co., Current 000267 Dr. Keith K. Hunt, Jr., Lunacy commission 000268 Burroughs Corporation, 6 thousand checks for Bookkeeping Office 000269 R. C. Bradley, Payment for Miscellaneous items 000270 Mrs. Janet L. Ballantine, Deputy Registrar 000271 N. C. Logan, Clerk, July 13, 1965, Election 000272 Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage 000273 Malcolm Blue Print Co., Road Maps 000274 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for distribution 000277 Billy K. Muse, 85 hours setting up voting machines 00027a Showtimers, Inc., Room Rent 000279 Hunton, Williams, Gay, Powell & Gibson, Attorneys, legal Advice, Consolidation of Roanoke Valley $ 9.45 27.64 n n n a n n n n a a n n a n n n a n a n 36.36 a.co 76.50 769.23 I 225.00 30.00 33.00 23.40 52.05 15.64 10.00 I 323.ll 28.98 12.20 50.00 2.9a 4.74 100.00 212.50 10.00 I 793 .79 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &0: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargecble therewith, to-wit: No. 000132 Roanoke County School Board, Maintenance Dog Truck $ 7.00 n 000133 Lawrence Supply Company, supplies for Dog Pound 2.93 n 000134 Owen Plumbing Company, material for dog Pound 2.70 " 000135 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 7.50 " 000136 Salem Animal Hospital, Disinfectant, Dog Pound 4.00 n 000275 Farmers Exchange Mills, Dog Food 27.60 n 000276 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Premium on Bonds 20.00 I I The following claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioners of the Primary Election for their services in conducting the Primary Election held on the 13th d.ay of July, 1965, in Roanoke County out of the General County Fund, to-wit: . ..-. 89 . ~ __ .__u_ __.n --..-.--- ~ ------- I I CATAWBA 000161 Judge and Returns $ 20.70 I No. Doris Shelor, i I 000162 R. D. Morehead, Judge 15.00 I n n 000163 Grace Morehead, Judge 15.00 I ] MASON VALLEY I ". 000164 Anna C.Stultz, Judge and Returns 20.70 n 000165 Mrs. Harry Wooten, Judge 15.00 n 000166 John R. Cameron, Judge 15.00 NORTH SALEM /II -, n 000167 Thelma H. Beamer, Judge and Returns 20.00 .J 000168' Chrystella M. Meador, Judge 15.00 n - 15.00 n 000169 Iris Webber Brightwell, Judge NORTH SALEM #2 n 000170 Mrs. D. C. Brown, Judge and Returns 20.00 n 000171 William Clem, Judge and Commissioner 30.00 - n 000172 William B. Ford, Judge 15.00 EAST SALEM n 000173 Waunita L. Bowman, Judge and Returns 20.00 n 000174 Mrs. Robert L. Rudolph, Clerk 15.00 n 000175 Mrs. Richard A. Hall, Clerk 15.00 WEST SALEM ,., n 000176 Mrs. Carlos A. Perez, Judge and Returns 20.00 ..J " 000177 Mrs. Robert A. Ptacek, Judge 15.00 n 000178 Peggy liT. Spruhan, Judge 15.00 SOUTH SALEM III n 000179 Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Judge and Returns 20.00 n 000180 Mrs. Joe Spencer, Judge 15.00 n 000181 Fred Hock, Clerk 15.00 SOUTH SALEM 112 n OOOlSZ Mrs. Mildred Cockerham, Judge and Returns 20.00 n 000183 Mrs. W. O. Hylton, JUdge 15.00 " 000184 Mrs. James B. Beach, Judge 15.00 SOUTH SALEM #3 n 000185 Mrs. c. T. Stafford, Judge and Returns 20.00 D .' " 000186 Mrs. Charles w. Bratton, Judge 15.00 " 000187 Mrs. R. O. Garman, Judge 15.00 GLENVAR " 000188 Mrs. w. R. Young, Judge, Returns and Commissioner 35.70 ~ " n 000189 ManleyW. Tobey, JUdge .~.;, 15.00 ..~ n 000190 Mrs. Frank P. Nelson, Jlige 15.00 PETERS CREEK n 000191 Mrs. J. M. ~, Judge and Returns 20.42 n 000192 Josephine Keith, Judge 15.00 " 000193 Mrs. Frances S. Womack, Judge 15.00 90 BOTETOURT SPRINGS No. 000194 Mary Lou K. Spradlin, Judge and Returns R 000195 Ada P. English, Judge n 000196 Lois K. Starr, Clerk CONEHURST $ 22.24 15.00 15.00 R 000197 Void 000198 Sarah M. Whitmire, Judge and Returns 000199 G. H. Kelch, Judge 000200 Ruth C. Sears, Judge EAST VINTON 000201 Otho J. Stiff, Judge and Returns 000202 Janet L. Ballentine, Commissioner 000203 Margaret M.Lucas, Judge 000204 Constance Upson, Clerk WEST VINTON 21. 40 16.40 15.00 15.00 I n 20.84 15.00 15.00 I n n n " n R n 000205 Paul W. Foutz, Judge and Returns 000206 Robert L. Watson, Jr., Judge and Commissioner 000207 Edythe S. Watson, Clerk BONSACK 000208 Myrtle A. Bonsack, Judge and. Returns 000209 Russell J. Foutz, Judge 000210 Mason L. Cook, Judge MOUNT PLEASANT 21.40 31.40 15.00 n n n 21. 40 15.00 15.00 . R , n n 000211 Laura S .Wagner, Judge and Returns 000212 Mrs. Mary P. Simmons, Judge 000213 Mrs. Ethel M. Barlow, Judge RIVERDALE 21.68 15.00 15.00 I n R n 000214 Dollie S. Mitchell, Judge and Returns 000215 Mamie L. Waldron, Judge 000216 Lucy B. Chisom, Judge MONTEREY 000217 Mrs. Edith D. Darter, Clerk and Returns 000218 G. C. Holland, Judge 000219 Corrine Murray, Judge MEDLEY 2l.40 15.00 15.00 n " n 21.40 15.00 15.00 R n n 000220 Mrs. Lena B. Zillll!lerman, Judge and Returns 000221 Elaine Miley, Judge 000222 F. J. Zimmerman, Judge BURLINGTON 20.56 15.00 15.00 I " n n I 000223 Georgine H. Boxley, Judge and Returns 000224 Virginia M. Meador, Judge 000225 Ruth B. Painter, Judge CLEARBROOK 000226 Margaret CalhOun, Clerk and Returns 000227 ws. A. B. Harris, Judge 000228' .W. T. Wickline, Judge " 21.40 15.00 15.00 n " 21.68 15.00 15.00 n R POAGES MILL No. 000229 I. C. Rierson, Judge and Returns $ 21.40 n 000230 o. F. Martin, Judge 15.00 n 000231 D. R. Willett, Judge 15.00 CAVE SPRING 0 n 000232 H. S. Turner, Judge, Returns & Commissioner 35.84 n 000233 Roscoe E. Brown, Judge 15.00 n 000234 Mrs. c. H. Jamison, Judge 15.00 BENT MOUNTAIN 1 n 000235 Maude L. Poff, Judge and Returns 21.40 ...J n 000236 W. B. Coles, Judge 15.00 n 000237 Beulah L. Collier, Clerk 15.00 OGDEN n 00023 a Hazel F. StClair, Judge and. Returns 21.40 n 000239 Katherine M. Minahan, Judge 15.00 n 000240 Alice Womack, Judge 15.00 OAK GROVE n 000241 Jesse A. Lipps, Judge and Returns 20.28 n 000242 Audrey G. Slovensky, Clerk 15.00 WINDSOR HILLS #1 n 000243 R. L. Barnett, Judge and Returns 20.70 .~ n 000244 Clytie O. McCoy, Judge 15.00 n 000245 Frances M. Smith, Jud.ge 15.00 n 000246 Marion A. Crump, Judge 15.00 WINDSOR HILLS #2 n 000247 James DeVaughn, Judge and Returns 20.70 n ooo24a Pauline S. Booth, Judge 15.00 n 000249 Nancy w. Schwallenberg, Judge 15.00 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: July 19, 1965 o To the Board. of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close 01' business June 30, 1965, there was to the cred.it of the following: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash $ 150,063.03 Dog Fund - Available Cash 15,180.67 Salem District Road Debt Fund 42.93 School Construction Fund - Available Cash 23a,754.05 School Textbook Fund - Available Cash 4,02a.21 F. I. C. A. 12,008.52 ~ V. S. R. S. 1,134.73 6,207.50 2.48 $427,422.12 Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account 911 i 92 Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,800,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Bank of Salem - Textbook Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Service Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account $ 1,500.00 89,871. 84 260,705.38 63,001.41 I 3,524.87 2,611.12 6,207.50 $427,422.!i I Certificates of DellOsit (School Buildin.e;) Bank of Salem Fanaers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank $100,000.00 300,000.00 50,000.00 $450,000.00 Certificates of DellOs!t (Public Buildin.e; Bond Account) Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $240,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 $490,000.00 Certificates of Deposit (Savin.e;s) Bank of Salem First National Exchange Bank $325,000.00 50,000.00 $375,000.00 I Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer. Said report is received and ordered filed. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer., for $10,113.96 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of June, 1965, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $9,608.26 net. Copies del t Treas. ,Co- bookkeeper &! Co Ex Office 7/21/65 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of July, 1965, be approved in the amount of $12,814.18 from which the SUDI of $364.11 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1,099.55 total W. H. Taxes, $162.58 total State Income, $325.42 total Retirement Insurance and $28.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $10,834.52. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Kef'fer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes I I Nays: None Copies del in the amount of $200.00 made payable to Farmers National Bank for payment to Treas. of. coupons on Building Bonds; Cp Bookkeepe &. G6.Ex. in the amount of $948.13 made payable to Town of Salem for light, water and Officer sewage service for various County offices and sundry subdivisions; 7/21/65 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel servi e for month of July in Courthouse; in the amount of $108.53 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for fuel for Jail, Cave Spring Fire Station, Home Demonstration Kitchen and Health and Welfare Center; o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collec- tion and Janitor Services for p~riod beginning June 25, Ending July 8, 1965, be approved in. the amount of $5,729.51 from which $207.74 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $457.40 total W. H. Taxes, $62.89 total State Income, $49.00 total Blue Cross Insurance, $63.50 total Retirement, $15.00 total Accid.ent Insurance and $45.00 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,828.98. Adopted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walte M. Lipes Nays: None o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning July 1, Ending July 15, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1376.12 from which $49.89 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $123.70 total W. H. Taxes; $18.89 total State Income; $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $20.12 total Retirement are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1149.52. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None j The following reports were this day laid. before the Board and orderecl filed. : c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of June, 1965; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served. in the County Jail for the month of June, 1965; EI11iARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, report for the month of June, 1965; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of June, 1965; FRANCES H. GRJJiA1o', Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of June, 1965; BRENDA J. BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of June, 1965. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks ~ U be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: II 3, 115, m." rJ # 6, # 7, I} 8, in the amount of $89.82 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for curren used at Fort Lewis Fire Station #9 and transmitter on Brushy Mountain; II 9, in the amount ?f $136.80 ~de payable to C & P Telephone Company, for telephone serV1ce for Hol11ns and Clearbrook Fire Stations and Transmitter Stat10n; #10, in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Service for July rent on Water Softner for Hollins Fire Station; 93 Copies del to Treas. Co-bookkeep- er & Co Ex Officer 7/21/65 Copies del Treas. Co. Bookkeeper &. Co Ex Officer 7/21/65 Del to Co Bqok~eeper 7/21/05 94 # ll, in the amount of $31.27 made payable to C & P Telephone Company, for telephone service for Dog Warden's Home; in the amount of $16.36 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Dog Pound; in the' amount of $3,587.25 made payable to Valley Contractor's Corporation for remodeling and repairing County Jail, Jailor's Quarters and Courthouse. Adopted by the following record.ed vote: . Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 1/ 12, /I 15, I IN RE: TAXES COLLECTED BY DELINQUENT TAX COLLECTOR: Nash R. Tyler, Collector of Delinquent &R4 Personal Property Taxes and. Garbage Accounts'of Roanoke County, this day submitted his report showing collections of $22,069.85 during the period December 1st, 1964, through June 30th,. 1965, which report is received and ordered filed. I IN RE: 1965-66 FINAL ALLOCATIONS FOR INTERSTATE AND RURAL PRIMARY CONSTRUCTION: Letter dated June ll, 1965, addressed to Board of Supervisors from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner & Chief Engineer, Department of Highways, enclosing two copies of final allocations of Interstate and rural Primary construction funds for the fiscal year 1965-66 as approved by the Highway Commission at its meeting on June 10, 1965, received and ordered filed. I ~t~ ~~ 7(.,.,/'5 The State Compensation Board having filed its Statement of Receipts and Expenses for the year ending December 31, 1964, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County required by Section 14.1-158, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. to be furnished Boards of Supervisors of Counties with this Board, the same is ordered to be publiShed as required by law once a week for two weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in Roanoke County; Said statement and letter dated July 2, 1965, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from the Honorable G. Edmond Massie, Chairman of the State Compensation Board ordered filed. I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Treasurer of Roanoke County be, and he hereby is authorized to make a temporary loan from the General Fund to the Public Building Bond Fund in the amount of $10,000.00 for the purpose of meeting certain expenditures incurred by the architect due and payable from the Public Bui~jing Bond Fund. Adopted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I 1'i ' C. ' .J..L ~ C. '~OfiE 1/"'11.$4 4 copies this resolution del to Co.Ex.Office for del to Res. Engr. Dept. Highways 7/21/65 4 copies this resolution del to Co.Ex.Officer for del to Res. Engr.Dept.High- wavs - 7/21/65 I I I I Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia o This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Renfro Boulevard (Extn. of Rt. 1462) 0.10 mile to Peters Creek to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of Sta1.e ~ U Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 40-foot right of way for said roadhas heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Monte Vista, which map is recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 373 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virg:Lnia, and. that by reason of the recordation of said map .no repo!'t from a Board o:r Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said rightof way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Renfro Boulevard (Extn. of Rt. 1462) 0.10 mile to Peters Creek and which is shown on a certi!lin sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Ad.opted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Li,pes, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None IN RE: REQUEST OF O. L. ASBURRY FOF~ PERMIT TO OPERATE PUBLIC TRAILER PARK: 10. I Pursuant to notice of public hearing to be held this d.ay at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the application of O. L. Af,burry for a permit to park trailers on his property at 4804 Old Mountain Road, N. E., Roanoke, Virginia, O. L. Asburry appeared in person, and came also Charles E. Mills, III, Attorney, and a group of interested citizens, in oppositic.n to the granting of said permit; After a lengthy discussion of the matter, on the motion of Supervisor A.. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered. that a permi1~ to park trailers on the land owned by the said O. L. Asburry be, and the same, is hereby denied. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~ IN HE: REQUEST OF MARVIN W. MEADE AND GERALDINE L. MEADE ' FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE PUBLIC' TRAILER PARK Purs~t to notice of public hearing to be held this day at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the application of Marvin W. Meade and Geraldine L. Meade for a permit to operate public trailer park on their land off State Rute 641, and being 1.2 ~:39 ...+ 42,To C. 'it' ~~t, ~,.,~ ~~ 11;;.'/'~ - :rt6q' d-..e..'" ~ '~<Nf' '1/7'1/ ,!, cit!~~ c. ,.,. ,CD ~ 1/,,1 ('.l.- mile off U. S. Route 11, Benj. E. Chapman, Attorney for petitioners, Marvin W. Meade and Geraldine L. Meade, and Marvin W. Meade in person, appeared before the Board., and came also Jim ~.artin, Leonard Grausam, Horace Fralin, on behalf of Wiley N. Jackson, Lonza L. Rush, Betty Martin, Lawrence Jefferson, Margaret Johnson, Mrs. Blankenship, L. A. Early, Dorothy Rose and Mrs. Dulcie Morgan, and other interested parties in opposition to the granting of said permit After a lengthy discussion of the matter, Banj. E. Chapman, Attorney for the petitioners, requested that the application of the said Marvin W. Meade and Gerald.ine L. Mead.e, be withdrawn, whereupon, on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request t<) withdraw said application, be, and the same is hereby granted. Ad.opted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I WHEREAS O. L. King and. J. E. Conner made application to the Roanoke County Pla~ning Commission, pursuant to Section ll-4 of the Zoning Ordinance of R06moke County, for use of their property located on Virginia Route 117, being Lots 9 and 10, map of Dillard Court, for the purpose of storing and repairing music and amusement machines; and WHEREAS the property is now zoned. for Business B-1 use, with no provision for the said area to be used for storing and repairing music and amusement machines; and ~S the Planning Commission, after due consideration thereof, recollUDended to this Board that permission be granted. to O. L. King and J. E. Conner for the use of their property as requested; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that this Board grant permission to O. L. King and J. E. Conner for the use of their property on Lots 9 and 10, map of Dillard Court, for the purpose of storing and repairing music and. amusement machines. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harm, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE NORTHWEST OF DIXIE CAVERNS, SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF WILEY N. JACKSON I RESOLUTION AND ORDER I This d.ay Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Wiley N. Jackson, appeared before this Board and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Wiley N. Jackson relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 19th day of July, 1965, said. petition be, and the same is hereby filed. 101 = o AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to ame:l.d said County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition and said petition, be, and the same are hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recoDDDendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commission shall report its recoDDDendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the said County Zoning Ordinance and the 90de of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or speci~w. meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by said. Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED t.hat one certified copy of thi,s Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith certified. by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. Matthews, Secrdary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minc)r R. Keffer, and sElllnded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: NODe J j RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF STATE SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 720, IN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY B. E. CONNER AND VIVIAN E. CONNER I ORDER J This day came B. E. Conner and Vivian E. Conner, by counsel, and requel~ted leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and. said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded, and. carried it is hereby ORDERED that sdd proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred. to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia for a recommendation, in accordance with the proviSions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same d.own for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by'the Clerk by Fublication, in accordance with the provisions of said Code. opy petition copy this rder del. to ec. Roe. Co. lan. Com. 7/21/65 ~'.:'.' ~r' .'''1: ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this reso~lution and order be forthwith delivered by said Cle:rk to Paul B. MatthE!ws, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, 'firginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: 102 Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A.C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes None IN RE: APPLICATION OF LEWIS G. RUTROUGH FOR PERMIT TO PARK TRAILERS ON HIS PROPERTY: On motio~ of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the public hearing set for hearing on the 21st day of June, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., on the application of Lewis G. Rutrough for a permit to park two trailers on his property located at the end of Route 733, off Wildwood Road, and on said date continued to July 19, 1965, the next regular July, 1965, meeting of this Board, for good cause shown, said application is continued to the regular August, 1965, meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded',vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I A Contractural Agreement dated July 16, 1965, between the Town of Salem, a muniCipal corporation, and the Boa.rd of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, owners, and Martin Bros., Contractors, Inc., Contractor, for construction of the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center, received. and ord.ered filed. I IN RE: APPOINTMEN'l' OF MEMBER OF ROANOKE COUNTY WELFARE BOARD: Copy this or r 'del. to Judg F.L.Hoback 7/19/65 &, copy maile to Mrs.Mar L. Malley, S Roa. Co. Wel Dept. Salem, 7/20/65 On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, secondedby Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is recommended to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County that A. C. Harris of this Board, be re-appointed a member of the Roanoke County t tWelfare Board for a term of three (3) years beginning July 19, 1965. e Copies of this Order to be certified to Judge F. L. Hoback and Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Superintendent of the Roanoke County Welfare Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and. A. C. Harris Nays: None I Copies del. to Treas. Co. Bookkeeper & Co. Ex.Offic 7/20/65 On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June l~, 1964, be, and. the same is hereby, amended as follows to effective retroactive to June 30, 1965: 14 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND CROUNDS I An additional appropriation of $156.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R.Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes None opies oVa. nicipal eague, eague of Va. os. Hon.John . Hagen , Hon. . Henry lmond, Ron. James C.Turk, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on.William .Hopkins , on. M. aldwell ler, Hon. illis M. nderson, obert Morri- on, City gar, ynchburg, Va. own Clerk, inton, Va. irginia L. haw, City lerk, Roanok General Assembly, to the Virginia Municipal League, and to the League of Virginia a. & copy e1. to Clerk own of Salem 7/21/6; WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that a nRetail Sales and Use Taxn should be authorized to be levie,i not only by cities and incorporated towns, but also by counties should the governing bodies thereof, in their discretion, deem it in the best interests of their o citizens to levy such a tax; 1 ..... Virginia, that the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia be, and it is hereby, respectfully petitioned to enact such legislation as is required to enable all of the political subdivisions, including the counties of this Commonwealth, to enact a local nRetail Sales and Use Taxn should the local governing bodies deem it appropriate or necessary to enact such a tax; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Clerk of this Board forthwith forward certified copies of this Resolution to t!1e representatives of this area in the Counties. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and. adopted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes.. Nays: None ~ RE: ROANOKE COUNTY COURTHOUSE - SALEM, VIRGINIA On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, second.ed by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Valley Contractors Corporation be authorized to proceed with the Star City Cleaning Company to clean the exterior portion of the Court House Building at a price of Five Thousand and Ten Dollars ($5,010.00), as per communication dated July 19, 1965, addressed to Kinsey, Motley Be Shane, Architects, from the Valley Contractors Corporation, this day received and ordered filed. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o Mr. Wilson M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, submitted to the Board a copy of a Final Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year 1965-66. Upon consideration thereof, on motion duly seconded. and carried is approved by the following record.ed votes: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Halter M. Lipes Nays: None flU"'" I, . , Maps 1965-1966 showing map & supplement A of Roanoke County Primary and Secondary Highway Systems and copy of maintenance, Maintenance Replacement and. Construction Budget Secondary System ordered filed. 103 opy mailed o Kinsey, otley Be bane, rchitects alem, Va. 7/21/65 5 copies mailed to Wilson M. Elliott, Jr. Res. Engr. State Highwa Dept. Salem, Va. 7/20/65 10.4 """""""'b ...Boord b. .dj~" ""''' bh'~Zb' ".,. 0004.50 Harvest Motors, Parts for various vehicles 0004.51 Void 000452 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for cars and distribution 000453 Auto Spring at Bearing Co., Car Parts and Flashers for Sheriff's Department 0004.54. HUlllble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey Card 000472 Dickerson GMC, Inc., Parts 000473 Diesel Injection Sales Co., Parts Garbage Trucks 000474 International Harvester Co., Parts Truck n . It It It II It 000455 000456 000457 000458 000459 QooJ,.60 0004.61 000462 000463 000464 Court House Salem, Virginia August 16, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County DIet this day at 'the Courthouse thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Walter K. Lipes, Chairman, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. E. W. Smith, Pastor of the Wayside Presbyterian Church offered. a prayer. The lIIinu1;es of the last regular meeting were approved as spread., each member of the Board. having read the copy of said minutes fUrnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented., approved and orciereci to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Bo. 0004.49 County School Board, County cars serviced at School Board Garage , n It . n . n n . n " n II II n 000465 n 0004.66 0004.67 " n It 000468 0004.69 000470 000471 " n n n - " n It Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gasoline Mount Pleasant Fire EquilBllent Salem Oil COr:lpany, Gasoline and Oil for Ft. Lewis Fire Truck, Washing material for Garbage Trucks, Oil tor Garbage Lot 116.22 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts, Vinton Fire Truck 32.71 Miller Tire Service, Repairs and Parts for Distribution Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts Goodwin-Chevrolet Corporation, Parts and. Repairs Salem Car Wash Co., County Vehicles Washed Summerdean Esso Station, Parts and Oil Brambleton Gulf Service, Maintenance Fire Truck Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to Salem Fire Truck '1'. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline, Oil and parts - Wilson's Esso & Grocery, Gasoline for Cave Spring Rescue Squad trucks Auto Parts, Inc., Parts, Truck Beach Brothers, Parts and. Repairs, Truck Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts Garbage Truck Bemiss EquilBllent Co., Oil for Tractor I I i 773.63 35.75 '*8.20 I 25.41 37.59 43. SO 22.51 154.81 164.69 13.75 3.05 20.52 8.00 74.13 I 50.16 38.06 2.35 15.34 76.60 16.28 32.79 18.63 110.87 I J ] :-'l I --! , " - .n J ~ tlJ No. 000475 Kem Manufacturing Corporation, Wash material for Garbage Trucks and Sprayer " 000476 000477 000478 000479 000480 000481 000482 Leach Company, Parts, Tractor M &: S Machine Shop, Repairs and Parts, Garbage Trucks Richard's Auto AligIllllent, Repairs, Truck n - " $ 155.43 297.52 456.27 12.63 " Roanoke luto Spring Works, Repairs and Parts Garbage Trucks 134.86 000504 Dictaphone Corporation, Maintenance contract on Office equipment 73 . 83 000505 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling Expense 28.91 000506 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse Probation Officers Traveling Expenses 10.22 I 000507 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse Probation Officer's traVeling Expense 26.39 n Salem Glass Co., Repairs and Parts, Garbage Trucks Standard. Parts Corp. Parts, Truck ShOckley's Tractor Service, Repairs, Parts, ~ash Jobs and Repairing Garbage Collection tubs 000483 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks and distribution - n n " n ooo4114 Yates &: Yells Garage, Repair and. Parts Garbage Trucks 000485 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., Fire equipment ooo4116 Oren Roanoke Corporation, lrire Equipment ooo4117 t/'. B. Clements, Inc., Invoices 000488 Pure Oil Co., Oil for Distribution at County Garage 000489 Gulf Oil Products Co., Gasoline purchased for Distribution at County Garage and Hollins Fire Station 000490 Burroughs Corpo:oation, Office suppl:1,es 000491 Void 000492 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 000493 Perma-Stamp Distributors, 2 Rubber Stamps 000494 Charles Ballentine, Office supplies 000495 Fielding L. Logan, Inc., PremiUIII on Surety Bond 000496 Double Envelope Co., Envelopes for Collector of Delinquent Accounts 000497 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 000498 PAnAmA-Beaver Co., Office supplies 000499 Times-Register Company, Publishing Statement of Receipts and Expenses 000500 Underwood Corporation, Maintenance agreement on office equipment 000501 C. W. Warthen Co., Record Books, Clerk 000502 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record paper 000503 State Treasurer, Share of expenses for audit 01' accounts and records " n - " - n . " n - n n - " n n " - " n " - " n n n n n n 000508 Dr. Fred. S. Cruser, Blood test, Alcohol :Qetermination 000509 Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., Blood test, Committment 000510 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Coroner examinations, Lunacy 0005ll Radio Collllll11llications Co., Radio Maintenance 000512 Littlejohn Printing Co., Office supplies 000513 Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, Finger Print supplies 000514 BrOllIl Hardware Co., Supplies for Jail, Hardware, Janitor supplies and supplies for Electoral Board n n n - n n n 19.28 17.76 266.57 61.18 135.58 349.30 134.00 50. III 123.20 94Z.211 1.60 132.70 7.50 23.03 54.00 70.86 14.80 21.07 27.00 40.50 440.00 105.1ll 358.59 10.00 30.00 75.00 296.27 15.50 3.08 29.70 106 No. 000515 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs, to Jail, Courthouse &c 000,16 American Bakeries Co., Food., Jail 000517 Foutz Sausage Co., Food, Jail 000518 C. B. Halsey Co., Jani.or supplies and food, Jail 000,19 Layman Candy Co., Razor Blades, Jail 000,20 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail physician salary 000,21 L. H. Parke Co., Food, Jail 000,22 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry, Jail 000523 Murrell's Finer Food.s, Food, Jail 000524- Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical supplies, Jail and Courthouse 000,25 'W. T. Rierson, Food, Jail - 000,26 Sanfax Corporation, Janitor supplies 000,27 Airport Hardware Co., supplies for Hollins Fire Station 000,28 Ft. Lewis Hardware Co., Su.pplies for Fire station 000,29 Fuel Oil & Equipllent Co., Repairs to Hollins Furnace &:c 000530 Caldwell-Sites COIIIpany, Janitor supplies, office supplies &c 000,31 Air Products &: Chemicals Co., Chemicals Cave Spring Fire Station Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Yelfar9 ooo53g University of Virginia Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills . for 'Welfare, 1,201.11 Derwood H.Rusher, COllIIIIitmeut 10.00 Richard Gordon Faw, M. D., Lunacy 20.00 Dr. Keith K. Hunt, Jr., Lunacy Cases, Blood test 25.00 Hunt & Moore, Attorneys, Lunacy Collllllission 20.00 Charles Mills, III, Lunacy cases 40.00 " " " " . " - n " - " n . " " . n . " - n - n " n 000532 000,33 000,34 000535 000536 000537 . " . " - " . " " " " 000539 000540 000,41 000542 000,43 000,44 000,4, 000546 n . " . " " " . " n n 000,47 ooo,4g 000,49 000550 " n n " 000551 000552 n n 000553 n 000554- 000555 000556 000557 000558 . " . n . n - n Kime &: Jolly, Lunacy Ac:me Printers, Inc., Office supplies J. Robert Taliaferro, Reimburse Electrical Inspector's Expens e E. C. Hill, July and August Rent on Garbage Dump Robert L. Pugh, Refund Garbage Collection Fee Thomas Brothers, 'Work on road leading to Garbage Dump Technical Reproduction & Supply, Record Maps and office supplies Times-World. Corporation, Publ:f,shing Meeting of Zoning Board James B. O'Brien, Additional pay for Janitor services Election Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street, new street lights installed 1,132.41 Rodgers Clock Service, 1/2 cost of repairs to Tower Clock 37.50 Salem Hardware Co., Flood. Lamp 4.,9 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies and towels 58.251 Dictaphone Corporation, 1 New Dictaphone 600.00 Va. Office Machine & Equipment co., 1 New Remington Typewriter414.00 Clearbrook Lion,t,s Club, Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station 'W. Y. J. 'W. Garman, Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station Griggs & W. H. Witt, Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station, Fairview Home, share of Expense $ 642.13 61.31 63.40 160.55 ll.48 100.00 94-.90 67.68 137.13 7.89 37.20 41.33 5.09 12.42 57.06 83.4-9 I I 3.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 44.76 ,6g.o, I 647.15 20.00 77.00 29.16 300.00 4...00 45.22 I 47.70 I 11.00 7.00 o J J J ~" '",. .: : ~ lJJ 000603 C & P Telephone Co-, Telephone Service at Bent Mountain Fire Station 23.90 000604 Culligan Soft 'Water Service, Rent on 'Water Softner Hollins Fire Station !To. 000559 Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs 000560 Graves Humphreys Hardware, Equipment for use in Shop 000561 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse BoOkkeeper's Petty Cash Fund ' 000562 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 000588 International Business r~chine Co., Maintenance contract 000589 K. Ann Griggs, Extn office assistant 000590 Brenda G. Henderson, Extra - Engineer's Office 000591 Jacqueline A. Hudson, Extra - Registrar's Office 000592 Betty R. McKennel, Work for Electoral Board. 000593 Cl1i'ford Stuart, Extira - Janitor Service 000594 Rothgeb Miller &:. Brogan, Partial billing 000595 ACIlIe Printers, Inc., Book Binding 000596 Roanoke County Court, Warrants and. Court Costs 000597 Robert Dawson, P. M. Postage for office of Collector of Delinquent Accounts 000598 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury Tickets 000599 Dr. John O. Hurt, Medical Examiners Investigations 000600 Lucky's Mobile CollllllUlli.cations, Radio Maintenance 000601 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Reimburse 1:xpenses of Dinner Meeting County Fire Chiefs ' 000602 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring fire Station n " " n - n . " n . n . " . n . n . " n n n n n n n n " 000605 900606 000607 000608 000609 oor.610 000611 . Furman Whitescarver, Jr., Lunacy commissions George H. Altice, Jr., Compensation for answering telephone Void I. B. M. Corporation, Typewriting ribbons for Public Works . n Poff's Garage, Maintenance Bent Mountain Fire Truck Mrs. Helen Garrett, Compensation for answering telephone Goch3l1our &:. Baugess, Lunacy commissions . n " n " n n 000612 Technical Reproduction &:. Supply Co., Maps-Subdivisions 000613 Times-World Corporation, Publishing meetings of Zoning Board 000614 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage used for July Garbage Bills 000615 Booker T. Helm, Extra Janitor work Health &:. Welfare Canter 000616 Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage 000617 Gallant, Inc., Repairs to Office Equipment 000618 Void 000619 Nash Tyler, COllector, Reimburse Filing fee 000620 Texaco, Inc., Gasoline for Engineer's Car . " n n - n n n . n . n . n 000621 Void . n 000622 Valley Contractors Corporation, Remodeling &:.C $ 160.89 9.7.9 96.62 45.00 154.90 37.73 161.18 189.91 203 .24 88.56 2,500.00 114.00 301.50 25.00 136.46 15.00 8.20 15.00 9.94 1,..00 150.64 16.00 30.00 20.00 14.92 12.60 3.29 7.00 99.11 42.50 2.75 8.25 7.25 4.71,. 2,013.78 I 108 IN RE: DOG TAlES, SHEEP CLADlS &c The following claims against the County were this day p~~sented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 000574 American Chemical Co., DisiBi"ectants, Dog Pound $ 122.51 n 000575 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Material for washing Dog Truck 2.82 " 000576 Blain Supply' Co., Disinfectant 107.68 . " 000577 Bob's Market, Dog Food 17.20 . " 000578 R. C.School Board, Repairs to Dog Truck 5.50 " 000579 H. L. Conner, Repairs to equirment 4.00 - " 000580 Humble Oil & Refining :0., Gasoline purchased for dog trnck 14.52 n 000581 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Wearing apparel and. Miscellaneous items 1.77 " 000582 Radio Colllllll1Z1ications Co., Radio Maintenance Dog Truck 7.50 . " 000583 Roanoke Valley Veterinary Assoc. Doctor's fee 362.50 . " 900584 Salem Anim,l Hospital, Disinfectant.. Dog Pound 4.00 . Salem Hardware Co., Ammunition and. oth~ supplies n 000585 7.60 , - n 000586 Salem Farm Supply Co., Dog Food 29.55 . " 000587 Tarpley's Marine Center, Rope used. at Dog Pound 4.00 JANES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: . nAugust 14, 1965 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business July 31, 1965, there was to the cred.it of the followi General Revenue Fund .. Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction .. Available Cash School Textbook Fund F. I. C. A. V. S. R. S. Pdiic Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account Operation Head Start .. Available Cash Financial Statement Treasurer t s 'Working Fund Bank of Salem ' Escrow $1,800,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Bank of Salem .. Textbook Fund Farmers National Bank - Textbook Fund Farmers National Bank .. Paying Agent School Debt Service Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account Farmers National Bank .. Operation Head Start Certificates of DepOsit (School Buildi~) Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Certificates of DepOsit )Public Buildi~ Bond Account) Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 216,263.31 14,600.82 42.93 353,795.50 14,242.75 3,709.28 1,196.73 6,207.50 4.98 44.510.31 ~ 054,574.U 1,500.00 60,774.78 461,726.24 63,001.41 4,028.21 10,214.54 2,611.12 6,207.50 44.510.3]. ~ 054,574.11 $ 100,000.00 100,000.00 ~0.000.00 ljl 2 0,000.00 $ 240,000.00 150,000.00 100.000.00 $ 490,000.00 I I I I I :l . I .-1 ] o ,r .'- ~i<_i:-, :.. \ ,. ~ ...... , o ~ Certificates of Deposit (Savings) Bank of Salem First National Exchange Bank $ 325,000.00 50,000.00 ~ 375,000.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer." Said report is ,received and'ordered ~iled. II RE: DELINQtlE!l'l' T~ COLLECTED BY CLERK The 'Ci~k this day delivered to the B~ard the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $1,384.58 on account of ~elinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of July, 1965, less commission, and. turned. over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $1,315.35 net.' .- On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of August, be approved in the amount of $13,214.18 frOlll which the SUIII of $378.61 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $1,133.65 total W. H. Taxes; $166.59 total State Income, $338.92 total Retirement Insurance, and $28.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $ll,l68.41. Adopted ~ the following recorded vote: Supervisors Hinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and. Walter M. Lipes Nays: None .:, On IllOtion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period. beginning July 9, Endi~g July 22, 1965 be approved in the amount of' $5,545.66 from which $200.99 total F. I. C. A. Taxes $4J.1.40 total W. H. Taxes, $52.42 total State Income Taxes; $4-9.60 total Blue Cross Insurance and $45.00 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaVing a net payroll of $4,786.85. And the PayrOll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period be~nning July 23, Ending August 5, 1965, be approved in the amount of $5,256.38 from which $190.55 total F. I. C.A. Tax, $393.40 total W. H. Taxes, $52.03 total State IncOlls taxes; $49.00 total Blue Cross Insurance, $63.50 total Retirement, $15.00 total Accident Insurance and $45.00 Miscellaneous are to be ded.ucted leavi a net payroll of $4,447.90. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter H. Lipes Nays: None 109 'd-eA ).- I ,'71v.:/ >4 .~~ .' f-~.~.s" ~~,A ,;" ;J,.,.- ,.. c:., 71"JI-r ,_ ~,4-~ 8-'r-~ !it:fj;,;JIi":.' K,. .,_Cf'.~ ~:,''''.'d . .' .. ~"':.. ;.:. i'" - . -,-:-.------.~---.- ---'-......_-~ . , ., .. 'I :1 ,. . o : "$chool Bond AccounlO 1 ':;'~,: :';",,' . c:I '.'Farmers National Bank - Certificate of Deposit , :, ~8ank of Salem - Certificate of Deposit '''" .lIountain Trust Bank - Certificate of Deposit , '&hool Bldg. Bonds - Investment - Certificate of j. .. Deposit (i l..J .; ~kcountability to: ~wealth of Vir~inia .}:,.~. ;~.~ ountv of Roanok~. Vir~inia ,', Jeferred Credit ACcount ~eral Revenue Fund - Available Cash )ublic Bldg. Bond Account - Available Cash ":'..I.C.A. , 'l.S.R.S. nag Tax Fund - Available Cash ~Salem District Road Debt Fund - Available Cash . School Construction Fund - Available Cash :,6chool Textbook Fund - Available Cash :~nvestment Certificate of Deposit - Savings .. ", ',0 o ,: ,total Accountabilitv June 30. 1965 ':'llash in Office .:,";; Treasurer's Working Fund , Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Bank of Salem-Textbook Fund Mountain Trust Bank Bank of Salem - Savings Ac:count First National Exchange - Savings Account Farmers National - Public Bldg. Bond Account Farmers National - Paying Agent for Bonds Bank of Salem - State Account ..'" . . " '. l, '. " ~ ' -, , , , i ' p~ ,;:- :~ "}, ;;.,. o i.- '--:-;:.-. ,:,,- I L: ';';::::::':)i.~ rn :';, :;'; Dr. Cr. $300,000.00 $ 100,000.00 50;000.00 450,000.00 $450,000.00 $450,000.00 91,772.23 2,48 150,063.03 6,207.50 12,008.52 1,13Li,.73 15,1801.67 42.93 238,75L:, .05 4,028.21 175,000.00 10,934.02 1,500.00 260,705.38 79,742.61 3,524.87 63,001.41 125,000.00 50,000.00 6,207.50 2,611.12 90,967.44 $694,194.35 $694,1941 .35 '. 1": " t.:,.._,. :'~" r' 'lII' . ~ '. t ~' ;.:" . I: : I- f ~ . j it:- . ...... < ii' ~ if ~ ' r f' f t i: . , ~ :.' Upon consideration whereof on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, .econd.ed by Supervisor A. C. Harris, said settlement is received and ordered filed. . <, ~' .. 0','" . ~ '-,,' 111 . -'. .-'.-'. .~. . , ' , '-. '.'.. ii, . ,. ;' ~ 112 <: ~ : .-.-' L , -~.W t,;.;J,i"- e.. ,-...1 J J7 ~L)6'-- Go. 7'7-~ t;,. &or. 'lr' !-I?-i.5' ..... ,. :t .-. , tn.,. ',,;4e, ~ t;, ;1-." - - t.. '-t1-- ~,~,~ f. Nf' i..5 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period begjnning July 16, Ending ~ruly 31, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,546.78 from which $56.08 total F. I. C. A. Tax, $14.6.6V total W. H. Tax, $22.16 total State Income tax, $ll,.OO total Blue Cross Insurance and $25.00 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,282.94-; And the Janitor's Payroll fOlo period beginning August 1, Ending August 15, 1965, be approved in the amount or $1425.91 from which $51.68 total F. I. C. A. Tax, $127.60 total W. H. Tax, 18.32 total State Income, $24..84 total 'Retirement Insurance, and. $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving 6< net payroll of $1,189.47. Adopted by the following rec,orded vote: Ayes: M. Lipes Nays: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. J.ngell and Walter Hone IN BE: AUDIT OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Board a report of the Audit of C.E. Boone, Sheriff of Roanoke County, Virginia, for ./.' , the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964. Said. report is received. and ordered fUed.. . Letter dated July 30, 1965, from J.Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ord.ered fUed. IN BE: S'rATEMEl'l'l'S SHOWING ASSESSED VALUES MADE BY STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION The State Corporation Commission this day submitted statements of Assessed Values of Railroad, Express, Sleeping Car and. Steamboat Companies, Telephone and Telegraph Companies and Electric Light and Power Corporations, Gas and Pipe Line Transmission Corporations and Water Corporations in the CODmlOnweal of Virginia and. the State Taxes l'.xtend.ed for the year 1965, which statements were received and ordered filed. IN BE: FILING OF DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY LISTS FOR THE YEAR 1964. . James E. Peters, County Treuurer, this day submitted to the Board his Delinquent Real Estate List for the year 1964, and his Delinquent Personal Property List for the year 1964, which lists, on motion, duly seconded. and carried, are ordered filed. IN RE: SHENANDOAH VALLEY, INC., MEMBERSHIP-INVESTMENT On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that a voucher-check for One Hundre Dollars ($100.00) be issued to 1;he Shenandoah Valley, Inc., for purchase of a membership-investment for one y'3aI'. Ad.opted. by the following rl3corded. vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A.C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None .'~ . .' . " '. .. .... t (. , .... " . . . :,~-'-:-:I ''': : /. , ...., -. ... . .... '.' I I I I I .....-- J IN BE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated. July 14, 1965, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, frOlll J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, R.'l.chmond, Virginia, apprOving the following addition to the Secondary Systellj:>1' Roanoke County effective July 14, 1965: ADDITION LENGTH Aerial Way Drive (Extension of Route 709) - from present end of Route 709 to 0.06 mile east 0.06 Mi. was this day received. and ord.ered filed. , .... '!.'he following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated July 22, 1965, addressed to Mr. N. C. Logan, Clerk, Board of Supervisors of'Roanoke County, Court House, Salem, Virginia, from Harold I. Baumes, Executive Secretary, 'Virginia Municipal League, acknowledging receipt 01' resolution on Sales and Use tax; Letter dated July 22, 1965, ad.dressed. to Miss Nancy C. Logan, Clerk, Board 01' Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from James C. Turk, State Senator, acknowledging receipt of resolution on Sales and Use fax; Letter dated August 4, 1965, addressed to Miss Nancy C. Logan, Clerk, ,Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, acknowledging receipt of resolution on Sales and Use Tax;. Letter dated. July 23, 1965, ad.dressed. to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Roanoke County Court House, Salem, Virginia, from Willis M. Anderson, representative in the House of Delegates, acknowledging receipt of resolution on Sales and Use Tax; Letter dated July 27, 1965. addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisor from Senator WUliam B. Hopld,ns, acknowledging receipt of resolution on Sales and Use Tax; Letter dated August 6, 1965, adi'essed to Mr. N. C. Logan, Salem, Virginia, from Chester F. Phelps, Executive Director, Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries, Hichmond, Virginia, enclosing check in the amount of $10.31, the amount due Roanoke County from timber salesmad.e from Commission-owned land.s in the County during the past fiscal year. ~ '\. o The following reports ware this day laid. before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the month of July, 1965; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail for the month of July, 1965; . EI1ltJRD S. ALLEN, County Agent, report for the month of July, 1965; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant COlmty Agent, report for the month of July, 196~; FRARCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of July, 1965; BRENDA BlllRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of July 1965. rp WJ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved., retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: 12, in the amount of $10,000,,00 mad.e payable to Wells &: Meagher, Architects, in re: Architect's fee Salem-Roanoke County CiVic Center; 1372, in the amount of $701.l,.o, made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for telephone service for offices and others; 11373, in the amount of $35.23, made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Hollins Fire Station; 1:1.3 - '~,&- . (l,U7- _ -,J c..1f,.J~y...~ c.,~~ g. ''7- If..s- 114 ~~11 p~' c-... ... ~$i;~ V~ gf,1bS' 1375, in the amount of $53.58, made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for telephone service for transmitter control on Brushy Mountain, Holllns and. Clearbrook Fire Sations; . 1376, in the amount of $55.a5, malle payable to C &: P Telephone Company for telephone service. for Sheriff's Office; 1436, in the 8lDOunt of $316.81 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, for reimbursement for Jury tickl!ts; 1437, in the amount of $21.63, made payable to C & P Telephone Company, for telephone service. for Log Wlu-dents Home; 143S, in the amount of $3.40, made payable to Roanoke Linen Service, for July towel Service in Courthouse; . 1439, in the amount of $12.96,mad.,a payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used. at Dog Pound; 1440, in the amount of $90.00 mad'B payable to C &: P Telephone Company for telephone service for Clearlbrook and. Hollins Fire Stations; 1441., in the 8lDOunt of $87.54, made payable to Roanoke Gas Company, for cooking fuel for County Jail, Home Demonstration kitchen, Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and. Welfare Cenhr; #442, in the amount or $949.06 _ie payable to Town of Salem for light and. water service for Jail,. Courthouse, Health.and. Welfare Center, and Street lighting for Riverland Cour~ and sewage treatment cost for Hidden Valley; 1444, in the amount of $16,S".6" lllade payable to Martin Brothers, Coll'tractors, for first payment on Roanoke County-Salem Civil Center; 1446, in the amowrt of $16.29, lllade payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Mount Pleasant Fire Station; 144a, in the amount of $40.65, made payable to C & P Telephone Company, for telephone service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station. Adopt~d by the following recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Hays: None I I I IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN THE SALEIUU,GISTRRTAl. DISTRICT, COUNTY OF ROABOKE, STATE OF VIRGINIA, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF STATE ROUTE NO. 117, JUST EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF OLD S'l'ATE ROtlTENO. 117 'WITH m.y STATE ROUTE NO. 117 I RESOLUTION AND ORDER ~lUS WUliam Kenney has heretofore fUed. his petition to amend the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described in said petition from Agricultural District A-I to Industrial District M-l; ~Rl!'l by order ell'tered at its meeting on June 29, 1965, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County referred the matter to the Plan~ing Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendations; llllRRRAS the Planning Commission at a d.uly ad.journed. meeting ~eld on July 21, 1965, after legal and timely advertisement of same, fully considered the petition and reported. to this Board by resolution its recommendation that the tract in question be rezoned from Agricultural District A-I to Industrial District M-1; 'WfI'RRRAR the matter was set for public hearing at the Board '8 regular meeting on August 16, 1965, and it further appears from the certificate of the publisher Times-World Corporation that notice of the public hearing to be held on August 16, 1965, was duly published in accordance with law; I I o 'WIfJO:IlRA!'I a public hearing was duly held on August 16, 1965, ,and a 1'ull opportunity was accorded. all interested parties to express their views concerning the proposal; ~~4S at the conclusion of the public hearing and after 1'ull consideration , , of the matter, the Board is of the opinion that the change in classification would prOlllOte the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and 1fR"RR'Ii:4!': ell requirements of law have been complied with and the property should be rezoned as recomended by the Planning Collllllission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED em <mDERED that the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County, Virginia;' as amend~d, be, ~d they hereby are, further amended to reclasSify and rezone from Agricultural District A-I to Industrial District M-1 that certain tract now owned by petitioner which fronts approximately 200 feet on the southeasterly side of ne--; State Highway No. 117 beginning at a point 604.68 feet northeast of the intersection of the northerly right of way of old State Highway No. 117 and the southeasterli side of new Stat .J.ghway No. 117, which contains approximately l.491 acres, and which extends to the northerly right of way line of old State Highway No. 117, which has been recolllmend.ed for such rezoning by the Roanoke County Planning Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be spread , " on the official record.s of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board and that . the Clerk further furnish a ,certified copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Collllllission of Roanoke County, Virginia, who ishereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that additional certified copies be sent to counsel for petitioner herein. The above resolution and order was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board this day held on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District, and seconded. by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes; Superviso:o:-.. A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: Hone o o o llhereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County OperatiOns, and ,i.t is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said fund, and. to thereby create a debt in ant.icipation of the revenue of said County; and llhereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15.1-545 and 15.1-546 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date to borrow not earlier than February 1st of any year a BUIll of money Dot to exceed one-fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said. County for the year 1965, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annUIII, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1965, and. p;\..' lW Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not earlier than August 25, 1965, and not exceeciing a total amount of $200,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NOW, 'l'HEREF0RE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THIS Board do negotiate a loan, or loans and borrow as needed, not earlier than July 25, 1965, and not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 from such Banks or Institutions of this State as are willing to make the loan or loans at a rate of interest not exceeciing six per cent per annum, on demand; which said maturity date or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1965, said .loan or loans to be evidenced. by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Walter M. L1pes, Chairman, or Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, whose signatures shall be duly attested by N. C. Logan, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Banking Institutions, as the Bank making the loan '2&Y direct, and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this board. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the foregoing resolution is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Bays: None I I I IN BE: APPLICATION OF LEWIS G. RtlTROUGH FOR PERMIT TO PARK 'l'Il_TT,'RJtS ON HIS PROPERTY: . The application of Lewis G. Rutrough for a permit to park two trailers on his property located at the end. of Route 733, off Wildwood Road, set for a publiC hearing on the 21st day of June, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. on said date continued to July 19, 1965, the regular July, 1965, meeting of this Board; and on said latter continued to the regular August, 1965, meeting of this Board, again came on for consideration; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a permit for parking two trailers on his property located at the end of Route 733, oft Wildwood Road., be granted to: the said. Lewis G. Rutrough. Ad.opted. by the following recorded. vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I I IN BE: REZONING OF TRACT OF IJ.ND IN TIlE CAVE SPRING DISTRICT ADJOINING TIlE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, AND BOUNDED ON THE NORTHWESTERLY SIDE OF ORE WASH BRANCH, APPROXIMATELY 1,000 FEET NORTHWEST OF FRANKLIN ROAD. Pursuant to advertisement for a public hearing on this date at 2:30 o'clock P. M., Claude D. Carter, Attorney for Richard R. Hamlett Construction Company, Inc., this day appeared before the Board, and for reasons assigned by said applicant, on motion duly second.ed and carried, it is ordered that 117 said request be granted and that the rezoning of the above property be continued to the next meeting of this Boar~. J Douald B. Eckert, of the Cave Spring District, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the Board to contribute to the purchase of uniforms for boys from eight to ten years of age in the eighty-five pound sand lot football group, in the Cave Spring area of Roanoke County; Upon consid.eration whereof, the Board. ad.vised Mr. Eckert that this Board has no funds with which to contribute for such purposes. o IN RE: llEZONING OF A PARCEL OF LAND BETWEEN THE NORT~Y RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF OLD STATE HIGHWAY NO, 117 AND THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NEW STATE HIGHWAY NO. ll7 AND. OIfflEDBY CHESTER ROSS LEloKlN ET At: J Pursuant to notice of public hearing to be held at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on th application of the said Chester Ross Lemon et al for rezoning the above property, and the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, heretofore filed, not s;',eing fit to recomend the rezoning of said propert,", this matter came before the Board; whereupon John H. Thornton, Jr., Attorney, fo petitioners, submitted, in writing, a request to withdraw said petition; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by SupeJ."visor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request to withdraw said petition in this proceeding be and the same is hereby granted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, 1. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell an~l Walter M. Lipes: Nays: None Letter dated August 4, 1965, addressed to Miss N. C. Logan, Clerk, from John H. Thornton, Jr., A'ttorney, is ordered filed. IN RE: Al11'HORITY TO LEASE OR PlJRCHASE LAND OF E. C. HILL FOR A REFUSE SANCTUARY: . J On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C.. Harris it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, and Walter M. Lipe Chairman of this Board, be authoriz~d to lease or purchase the land of E. C. Hill in the Big Hill Section of Roanoke County for a refuse sanctuary. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and: ~..""; _'i'. .... " Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 118 4etr ,..,(d "" -1'4-11-, ~ r' , ;r::;. t.!7' , . ./ '/ IN HE: CLOSING COUNTY OFFICES On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded. by Supervisor A. C. Harris, upon the approval of the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, it is ordered that all County offices may be closed on Saturday, September 4th, 1965, in addition to Monday, September 6th, 1965, in observance of Labor Day, said day being hereby established as a general holiday for the employees of this County. Copy of this order to be delivered to Judge F. L. Hoback. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None A communication dated August 2, 1965, addresaed to Walter M. Lipes, Chai Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Edward S. Allen, County Agent, requesting the Board to grant him Extension Educational leave as County Agent from November 13, 1965, untU June 10, 1966, in order to enable him to ent,er V. P. I. to complete his Master's Degree in Extension Education. . On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the request of the said Edward S.Allen ,~or a leave of absence, as outlined in his letter, be and is hereby granted.. The Board extends its best wishes to him in his work. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and. Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN HE: PROPOSED ADOPTION OF ROANOKE VALLEY OPEN SPACE PLAN: On the motion of Supervisor Frank R.Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ord.ered that this Board hold a publidflearing on the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Collllllission, at the October 18, 1965, meeting of this Board, at 2 o'clock P. M. for the proposed adoption of the Park and (JIpen Space Plan as submitted by Marcou, O'Leary and Associates of Washington, D. C. And the Clerk of this Board is ordered to publish_ once a week for t,wo News successive weeks in the ROaDoke World;oJ a newspaper published in the City oi' Roan~.oanoke County, Virginia,notice of the intention of this Board to propose for adoption the Park and Open Space Plan. Adopted. by the following record.ed vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None , I I I I I Roanoke Valley Open Space Program, prepared. for the Roanoke Valley Regional P18~~i~g Commission by Marcou, O'Leary and Associates, P18~ning Consultants, Washington, D. C., 1965, received and. ordered filed. o On the motion of Supervisor Frank R.Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that at the next re~ar meeting of this Board to be held at the Courthouse in the County of Roanoke, on the third. fioor of the Roanoke County C<l111't House Building, in Salem, Va., on :,he 20th day of September, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. M., there will be proposed for adoption an ordinance prohibiting dogs from running at large in subdivisions in Roanoke County, and prescribing penalties for its violation. And the Clerk of this Board. is ordered to publish once a week for two o , ~ , successive weeks in '!'he ROanoke "imes, a neWspapel' of general' circulation in theCQuh~,'of-R6anok~, Virginia,nol;ice of the intention of this Board to adopt the said ordinance above referred to. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, secondedby Supervisor FraDk R. Angell, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on September 20th, 1965, at 2 o'clock P.M. on the application of George S.Fisher, 'trading as Riverland Trailer Court in Roanoke County, Virginia, by Charles G.Shelor, his attorney, for a permit to use the following described property as a trailer Court: Being parcel No. 2 and 3 as shown on a map of survey of B. B. Byrd property situate in the Town of Salem, Virginia, on the south side of the Roanoke River, said survey made by W. I. McGhee, CPE, dated November 3, 1958, in Deed Book 006, page 425 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, reference to which is had for more complete description; as set forth in his application; said notice to be published in the Roanoke World-News on the 1st day of September, 1965, and. on the geh day of September, 1965. o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffe", Frank R. Yalter M. Lipes Nays: None Angell, A. C. Ilarris and " ~" ~:. ~ \:' Letter dated August 11, 1965, signed by Charles G. Shelor, Attorney for George S. Fisher, t/a Riverland Trailer Court, addressed to Paul Matthews, Executive Officer of Roanoke County, ordered. filed. ORDRllED that the Board. be adjourned until the third Monday in September, 1965. ~~~~t) 119 ~ ~rr d.R-1; ~, ~ ~~,~~ .' --"~- tA'G._ '-"- ,LL .r;;'.:.) " ~ 1 Ct""t.-"-- " ')" r"+' .__ '~'''cu..(,..''''''~ .', (' L-.- C-~\ 'V>l,. V. cL...iL G, . h f ;~/ r:'f-(",t- '...~ ~..~'- .. gli'1lb~- 120 Court Hous e Salem, Virginia September 20, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Supervisors Walter 14. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Pastor, Tabernacle BaptistChurch, Salem, Virginia, Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Carl Collins/offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread., each membe of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl therewith, to-wit: No. 000$12 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Vehicles and stock n 000$13 Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts I I $ 7$ . 98 $.29 " 000$14 Roanoke County School Board, County Vehicles serviced at School Board Garage 677.70 000$15 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Wash Police Car 000816 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts 000$17 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline and Oil 000$18 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts 000819 Salem Motors Co., Parts and oil n n n n If " " 000820 Void 000$21 Roanoke Seat Cover Co., Parts 000$22 Allstate Insurance Co., Premium on Liability Insurance 000$23 Bill's Amoco Station, Gasoline and Oil 000824 Bob & Jim's Service Center, Gasoline 000825 W. B. Clements, Inc., Repair and Parts 000826 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts " " " " n II 000$27 00082$ 000829 000830 000831 000832 000833 000834 000835 000836 " n " n n n " " n " 000837 000838 000$39 If " " 000840 000841 000842 000843 0001144 000$45 000$46 " II n " rr rr . . Goodyear Service Stores, Tires purchased T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline Noland Company, Parts, C. S. Fire House Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repair and Parts Roanoke Auto Spring works, Repairs to Fire Trucks Salem Oil Company, Gasoline, Oil and Oil for Garbage Lot Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts for Fire Trucks Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repair and Parts Vinton l~otor Co., Repair and Parts Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., Gasoline for C. S.Rescue Squad Automotive Paint & Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Truck Bob Cutts Pontiac Inc., Repairs &c Engineer's Car Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Batteries, Hose Nozzle for washing trucks and parts Bemiss Equipment Co., Oil and Parts Tractor Doyle's, Inc., Repairs Garbage Truck International Harvester Co., Parts, Trucks M & S 1~chine Co., Repairs to Garbage Trucks ~wtor Parts Supply Co., Parts Richard's Auto Alignment, Repairs to Garbage Truck Standard Parts Corporation, Parts 1.75 15.42 45.19 48.67 6.70 16.50 19.90 20.75 12.56 35.84 3.9S 750.39 56.79 5.64 32.85 66.74 97.01 29.04 700.94 24.62 I I 16.S3 10.78 27.80 I 38.33 16.19 10.00 8.20 310.89 210.76 12.63 2Q31 No. 000847 Steel Service Warehouse, Parts " 000848 Woody's Auto Parts, Parts n 000849 Yates & Wells Ga~age, Repairs and parts " 000850 Goodwin-Chevrolet Co., Repair and Parts " 000851 Motorist Parad.ise Texaco Repairs to Police Car " 000852 Salem Car Wash Co., Cars washed n 000853 r~ller Tire Service, Tires " 000854 Roanoke Co~ty Revolving Fund, Reimburse - Petty Cash Fund o o J o ?r1 ..... 000855 Void 000856 Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, Subscription for Commonwealth Magazine 000857 Acme Typewriter Co., Office supplies 000858 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 000859 Dooley Printing Co., Book binding and. office supplies 000860 Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 000861 James E. Peters, Treasurer, 1/2 expenses for L. G. O. C. meeting 000862 J. Luck Richardson, Commissioner of Revenue, 1/2 expense for L. G. O. C. meeting 000863 Acme Printers, Inc., Book binding and. office supplies 000864 I. 13. M. l,!achine Corporation, Rental on Typewriters for Treasurer's Office and Electoral Board ~lichie Company, Law books Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Examined for JUllenile Court City of Roanoke, Room and Board for children detained at City's Detention Home Charles L. Breeden, Jr., After hours duty, July and August, Juvenile Court 000877 Robert F. Hyatt, After hours work, July, Juvenile Court 000878 Barbara S.Cundiff, After hours duty, August, Juvenile Court n " n " n 11 It 11 " It n 000865 11 000866 000867 000868 000869 000870 " " n It " 000871 000872 " It 000873 000874 000875 " It " 000876 11 " Roanoke County Court, Warrants collecting delinquent accounts C. W. Warthen Co., Record paper Panama-Beaver of ~!aryland, office supplies Underwood Corporation, r,laintenance on office equipment Xerox Corporation, Record paper Dictaphone Corporation, Dictabelt records to be used in Circuit Court James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse - Jury Tickets Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Roanoke County Court 000879 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court 000880 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse, Amount travel for Probation Officer 11 11 11 000881 000882 000883 00088L,. 11 " " " 000885 000886 n Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse August traveling expense Frank L. Tignor, Reimburse, August traveling expense Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse August traveling expense Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Medical examiner fees, blood test, lunacy hearings Radio Communications Co., Radio~laintenance August Lucky's Mobile Communications, Radio Repairs 121 $ 17.52 11. 95 140.19 43.59 1.50 13.75 122.50 52.31 200.00 3.00 27.95 391.15 ll8.12 ll.OO 36.25 70.70 50.00 317.00 25.58 22.93 18.50 769.23 22.50 87.22 25.00 18.00 10.00 182.00 70.00 30.00 10.00 45.00 61.36 13.86 22.47 57.68 160.00 189.59 12.30 000887 Dr. John O. Hurt, Blood Test-Alcohol Determination 000888 Littlejohn Printing Co., office supplies 000889 C. C. Bova Company, Food, Jail 000890 Brown Hardware Company, Janitor supplies &c 000891 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry, Jail 000892 Foutz Sausage Co., Food, Jail 000893 C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Janitor supplies 000894 Layman Candy Co., Razor Blades 000895 Dr. W. C. Jones, Dental services rendered prisoners 000896 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail physician salary 000897 Murrell's Finer Foods, Food, Jail 000898 Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Repairs to Jail, Count), Library &c 000899 Powell Pharmacy Co., l-iedical supplies 000900 L. H. Parke, Food, Janitor supplies &c 000901 Rainbo Bread Co., Food, Jail 000902 W. T. Rierson, Food, Jail 000903 Salem Farm Supply Co., Disinfectant and Sprayer 000904 Saunders & Cecil, Bedding, Jail 000905 WIn. P. Swartz, Jr. & Co., 2 doz Teaspoons County Jail 000906 J. W. Griggs, Reimburse-Expense of Dinnermeeting 000907 Bush Electric Co., Electrical repairs to County Library &c 000908 Brambleton Court Hardware, Brush Paint &c 000909 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner No. n n n n " n n n " n n n n n n n n n II n II n n 000910 Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel Hollins Fire Station $ 5.00 39.50 4.00 25.85 54.24 85.40 157.51 11.48 15.00 125.00 133.69 I I 861.18 32.37 160.51 8l.49 59.10 2.37 64.50 1.80 15.00 18.25 1.34 4.00 S.60 I II 000911 Graves~Humphreys Hardware, Repair X.~terial for Catawba Fire House 121.67 " 000912 J. W. Griggs & W. H. 1>litt, August Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station 60.00 n 000913 000914 000915 000916 000917 0009lS n " " n n " 000919 000920 000921 000922 000923 000924 000925 n n n n " " " 000926 000927 000928 " " " Clearbrook Lion's Club, August Rent, Clearbrook Fire Station60.00 W. W. Garman, August Rent, I40unt Pleasant Fire Station 60 .00 Fairview Home, County's share of expense for home Void Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State, Local Hospital Bills Roanoke Memorial Rehabilitation, State, Local Hospital Bills Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy cases Dr. R. G. Faw, Lunacy cases Hunt & l>loore, Attorneys, Lunacy cases Derwood H. Rusher, Lunacy cases Arthur E. Koch, III, Lunacy cases State Department of Health, County's share for support Local Health Department Monroe International, Ribbon for adding machine Technical Reproduction, Drafting supplies &c " 000930 E.C. Hill, September Rent on Garbage Dump Times-World Corporation, Publishing notice of Zoning Board meeting 10.00 000929 T. R. Leslie, Contractor, Rent on Equipment used at Dump 33.50 628.29 8S4.26 10.00 90.00 30.00 50.00 20.00 10.00 I I of 12,471.93 J..50 If::.41 2,240.00 150.00 J ;-, I I - ~ ..J J I~ U " , 000934 Mrs. D~ley Brown, Compensation ror correcting addresses and purging names for voting records 67.00 000935 ~~s. Ada P. English, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging names for voting records 35.10 000936 ~~s. Emily Holdren, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging names for voting records 000937 Mrs. Hampton Lucas, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging names for voting records 5.80 000938 ~~s. Thelma McGhee, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging names for voting record.s 46.60 000939 l~s. Lester Mitchell, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging names for voting record.s 1.60 000940 l~s. 14arie Young, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging names for voting records 6.60 000941 ~~s. Frank Zimmerman, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging names for voting records 6.10 No. 000931 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for ~~iling Garbage Notices n 000932 Appalachian Pmier Co., Current used in Street Lighting 000933 }~s. Thelma Beamer, Compensation for correcting addresses and purging name from voting records It n n It n n n n It n 000942 American Auto Supply Co., Weather Strip Adhesive 000943 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies 000944 Dillard Paper Company, Tissue, &c 000945 Certified Electric Division, Light tubes 000946 Handi-Clean Products, Disinfectants 000947 Goodwin-Andrews, Bryant Insurance, Premium on Insurance 00094$ Meador & Company, 3 keys made for file lock 000949 McClung Lumber Co., repair lumber 000950 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Janitor supplies 000951 Salem Hardware Co., 1 hose coupling 000952 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 000953 Williams Supply Co., light tubes 000954 Penitentiary Industrial Dept. Auto tags It It tr n n n It n n It tr n n 000955 Treasurer of Virginia, Employers Contribution for Retire- ment 7,)09.5$ It 000956 Gallant Incorporated, Paper for Photostatic machine 000957 Economy Plumbing Co., RefUnd Plumbing Permit 000958 W. Carter Bradley, Reimburse expensese in Chicago 000959 State Board of Education, Carrying charge on property 000960 Easter Supply Co., Check Asorter used in Inspection records It n tr n n 000961 000962 000963 000964 n Kinsey, Notley & Shane, Architectural services rend.ered Beane's Electric Service, Wired Air-Conditioning equipment Carl R. Brightwell, Repairs to Air Conditioner &c Valley Contractors C,rporation, Installing new partition in Health Department 000965 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution It It n tr 001014 Jacqueline A. Hudson, Extra, Registrar's office 001015 Brenda G. Henderson, Extra, Engineer's O;fice 001016 Clifford Stuart, Extra Janitor service 001017 Appalachian Power co., Current used at Catawba and Bent Mountain Fir& Stations 001018 Roanoke Co. Sanitation Authority, S~age treatment cost for Hollins Fire Station n n It tr $ 4.00 825.14 26.50 21. 70 5.57 28.35 25.$5 43.76 96.00 27.00 1.70 14.55 5.20 .50 41.57 42.09 63.00 26.55 6.00 167.32 4$.30 13.75 472.50 19.78 375.50 :193.42 50.00 41.95 IS3.93 89.52 10.80 9.00 I I I 124 n No. 001019 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service 001020 Graybar Electric Co., Batteries for Fire Station 001021 Mount Pleasant Garage, Repairs and Parts 001022 Burroughs Corporation, Office supplies 001023 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, Annual Appropriation 001024 Bemiss Equipment Co., 1 new Tractor shovel 001025 Gimbert & Gimbert, Contractors, Work done at County dump 001026 Billy G. Pickle, Refund Advance Garbage fee n n It n It It $ 2J.90 8.13 159.12 1.3.65 4,955.61 14,000.00 106.25 2.25 I 001027 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse, Postage used in Mail- ing Garbage Bills 91.2S Booker T. Helm, Extra Janitor service 55.00 n It 001028 n 001029 n 001030 It 001031 n 001032 n 001033 ~ 001034 n 001035: n 001037 n 001038 n 001040 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies Williams Supply Company, light tubes Brand & Edmonds Associates, Industrial Promotion Rusco Window Co., Storm Door Underwood Corporation, .Difference in Exchange Gulf Oil Co., Gasoline and Oil Void Roanoke Co. Board of Public ~lelfare, Welfare Expenses Betty R. McKenney, Extra Office Assistant I 13.00 42.92 S.69 1,793.09 76.00 . 122.60 1,694.50 2,69S.94 274.78 I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLADIS &c: The following claims against the County were this day ~resented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: V. G. Conner, livestock claim Roanoke County School Board, ~~intenance on Dog Truck Farmer's Exchange ~lills, Dog Food Lawrence Supply Co., Hose and Batteries Magic City Motor Co., Parts, Dog Truck Dooley Printing Co., Record books Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts, Dog Truck Radio Communications Co., Radio Naintenance August Salem Hardware Co., Wearing Apparel and Ammunition Times-World Corporation, Publishing proposed adoption of Dog Ordinance n 001036 Guy Ayers, Assisting Dog Warden No. 001004 n 001005 n 001006 n 001007 n OOlOOS n 001009 n 001010 n 001011 n 001012 n 001013 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: nSeptember IS, ly65 To the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: At the close of business August .31, 1965, there was to the credit of the following: r1 :..J General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash F. I. C. A. V. S. R. S. Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account Operation Head Start - Available Cash $ 224, 9~.3. $5 13,769.5$ ~,2.93 ;92,346.$0 $,427.78 4,233.$0 8$.9$ 139,532.50 4.9$ 28,;~$.51 $ 811,7 9.77 Financial Statement :""" . I - Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,$00,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $$55,000.00 Farmers National Bank Farmers National Bank Farmers National Bank Farmers National Bank 6;,001.41 $,427.78 2,6ll.12 1;9,532.50 2$,;~8.57 $ 811,7 9.77 $ 1,500.00 90,774.7$ 507,543.61 - Textbook Fund - Paying Agent School Debt Service - Public Building Bond Account - Operation Head Start Certificates of Deposit (School Building) Farmers National Bank Certificates of Deposit (Public Building Bond Account) Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 $350,000.00 ] Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer Roanoke County" Said report is received and ordered filed. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $635.5; on account .of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of August, 1965, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $603.75 net. o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of September, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1;,249.19 fronl which the sum of $;79.$9 total F. I. C. A. taxes; $1,1;7.55 total W. H. Taxes; $167.31 total State Income, and $34$.;7 total Retirement Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $11,216.07. Adopted by the following I ecorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and l-linor R. Keffer Nays: None n.'<.. u On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning $/6/65, Ending $/19/65, be approved in the amount of $5,399.9$ from which $195.75 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $414.10 total W. H. Taxes; $55.76 total State Income Taxes; $42.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $70.00 total ~tiscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,622.37; 125 lr:;:f'~ ~ ~,,4. I ,~~ 1.7.4{-'.f?- ~#-,f ~,I1~ ,.. J" -,- :r..",A). ~ c..,~ ~ j'[.1'''::;' 126 4H~' t. c., ~ ~,r-- Co.&..,.. ~ ~ ~;1~ ;c, 1.~J-~!:? And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning August 20, Ending September 2, 1965, be approved in the amount of $5,692.39 from which $206.34 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $441.70 total W. H. Taxes; $58.27 total State Income; $49.00 total Blue Cross Insurancl~, $63.50 total Retirement; $96.21 total Miscellaneous and $15.00 total Accident Insuranc are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,762.37; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services: for period beginning Sept. 3, Ending Sept. 16, 1965, be approved in the amount of $5,499.06 frODl which $199.30 total F. I. C. A. TB):es; $424.40 total W. H. Taxes; $60.71 total State Income Taxes; $49.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $55.00 total ~tiscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,710.65. I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning August 16, Ending August 31, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,699.50 froDl which $61.62 total F. I. C. A. Tax; $160.30 total W. H. Tax; $22.01 total State Income; and $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to b deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,441.57; And the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning Sept. 1, Ending Sept. 15, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,120~63 from which $31.85 total F. I. C. A Tax; $a4.00 total W. H. Tax; $12.33 total State Income; $24.84 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $953.61. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and lfdnor R. Keffer Nays: None I The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: I C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for "he month of August, 1965; c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail for the month of August, 1965; ~!ARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, report for the month of August, 1965; LOWELL 1-1. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of August, 1965; FRANCES H. GRAHAJI, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of August, 196 BRENDA BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of August, 1965 I 127 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: #716, in the amount of $100.00 made payable to Billy H. Feury, ing expense to Washington Naval Yards, Washington, D. C. trucks to be used for Civil Defense; in the amount of $738.07 made payable to C & P Telephone Company, for telephone service for County Offic~ Fire Stations &c; in the amount of $87.40 made payable to C & P Telephone Company, for tele- phone service for County Court office, Clearbrook and Hollins Fire ~tations and Transmitter Control System; for advance travel- to pick up two o #717, #720, o #735, in the amount of $13.29 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Skycoe Drive Transmitter; #744, in the amount of $30.39 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for tele- phone service for Dog Warden's Home; #745, in the amount of $13.27, made payable to Appalachian PoWer Company for curre t used at Dog Pound; #746, in the amount of $35.84, made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Fort Lewis Fire Station; #74g, in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service for Courthouse; ~ .- #749, in the amount of $993.83 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service for Jail, Courthou&e, Health and Welfare Center, street lighting for Riverland Court and sewage treatment cost for Orchard Heights and Hidden Valley Country Club; #750, in the amount of $48.60 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephon service for Hollins Fire Station; u #792, in the amount of $432.50 made payable to Wells & Meagher, Architects, 1/2 cost of Architectural Supervision of the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center for the period July 16 - Sept. 1, 1965; #793, in the amount of $15,696.45 made payable to Martin Brothers, Contractors, second payment on construction of Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center for the period August 1, 1965 through September 1, 1965; #796, in the amount of $32.11 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company, for cooking fue used at Jail, Cave Spring Fire Sta~ion; Home Demonstraction kitchen and Health and Welfare Center; #797, in the amount of $41.90 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephon service for C1earbrook Fire :tation; #799, in the amount of $40.65 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephon service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Ninor R Keffer Nays: None Q IN RE: APPLICATION OF GEORGE ..;, FISHER, t/a RIVERLAND TRAILER COURT FOR PEm-lIT TO USE PROPERTY ON SOUTHSIDE OF ROANOKE RIVER ADJOINING RIVERLAND TRAILER COURT AS A TRAILER COURT. ~'I ,-,'":' ,'i'. Pursuant to notice of a public hearing set for this date at 2:00 o'clock P. M., C~arles G. Shelor, Attorney for George S. Fisher, t/a Riverland Trailer Court, for a permit to use property on Souths ide of Roanoke River, adjoining River1and Trailer Court, as a Trailer Court, this day appeared before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor ~tinor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a permit be granted the said George S. Fisher, t/a Riverland Trailer Court, to extend his operation as a trailer co~n the property described in said application. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, ~tinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M Lipes Nays: NOEl 128 J~.;4. i~r ~ ~- ~ I':..f7. 'I. .... pl'" ~",.. ~~M, ~ ~ 1,"f-~P IN HE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF STATE SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 720, IN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY B. E. CONNER AND VIVIAN F. CONNER I FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board. of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held. on the 20th day of September, 1965; WHEREAS, B. E. Conner and Vivian F. Conner petitioned this Board and r~quest d that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provid.e that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business B-2, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on July 19, '1965 and by order entered on that day was referred to'the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for reco~dation in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting, held on the 24th day of August, 1965, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Boad that said County Zoning Ordinan e be amended so as to change the classification of a portion of the property described in said petition from Residence R-l to Business B-1 and. the remaining portion from Residence R-l to Business B-2; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 19th day of July, 1965, as aforesaid, direct the Clerk of this Board, upon the receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board held. on September 20, 1955. as the time and date for a public hearing on thl:l aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and a,dvertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspape~ having a general circulati~n in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on August 31 and September 7, 1965, as provided by said order of this Board and ~ in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said. publichearing was this date had on said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommend.ation and after hearing evidence touchiu6 on the merits of said proposed. amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that the said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; and I I I I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of September, 1965, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition from Residence R-l to Business B-1 and Business B-2 in order that said property might be more fully and reasonably used for the actual purposes for which the same is now used, the said prop~rty being classified as Business B-1 is more particularly described as follows: 129 .. o BEGINNING at a poiht in the South right of way line of State Secondary Route No. 720 marking the North- east corner of the propertyof B. E. Conner and Vivian F. Conner where the same adjoins the Trent property; thence leaving said point of beginning and running South 530 12' East with the South right of way line of said Secondary Route, 90 reet to a point; thence with a new line through and across the property or B. E. and Vivian F. Conner in a southerly direction and parallel to the East property line of their said property, South 300 15' East, 108 feet to a point; thence North 530 12' . East, 90 feet to a point in the East property line of said parties; thence with said East property line, North 300 15' West, 168 feet, more or less, to the place of BEGINNING. It is further ORDERED that the property being classified as Business B-2 is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point marking the Southeast corner of the intersection of Routes 720 and 1632, being the Northwest corner of the property of B. E. Conner and Vivian F. Conner; thence with the East right or way line of Secondary Route No. 1632, South 310 00' East, 168 feet to a point; thence with a new line through and across the said. Conner property parallel to the South right of way line of State Secondary Route No. 720, North 530 12' East approximately 189 feet to a point marking the Southwest .comer of the property hereinbefore described to be reclassified as Business B-1; thence with the western line of said aforedescribed property in a Northwesterly direction, 168 feet, more or less, to a point in the South right of way line of said Secondary Route No. 720marking the Northwest corner of the sai~ property so rezoned to Business B-1; thencewith the Southright of way line of State Secondary Route No. 720, South 530 12' West, 189 feet, more or less, to the place of BEGINNING o ~ .J BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this res.;lution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Kime and Jolly, Attorneys for petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank la. Angell. and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on the recorded vote the Supervisrs voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter ~f. Lipes Nays: None J IN RE: THE PETITION OF HAROLD E. LeGRANDE FOR 'REZONING OF AN UNIMPROVED LOT -"LOT NO. 3, SECTION 2, H. S. TURNER SUBDIVISION"- FROM RESIDENTIAL "R-I" TO "R-2" 2'iULTIPLE DWELLING RESIDENTIAL TO PElU,IIT -CONSTRUCTION OF A DUPLEX OR Tl'IO-FA1>IILY DWELLING UPON THE LOT I ORDER I~~ Ir~""'.""'f"~ /~~~ -f!.-(' ~ ' ~~Jf:r [;1.". [iJ This day came HAROLD E. LeGRANDE, by Counsel, and presenteli to the Board and asked leave to file his Petition relative to rezoning the property described. in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on the 20th day of September, 1965, that said Petition of Harold E. LeGrande be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the proposal to amend the County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the sams is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its SUd~, recommendation and report in accordance with the provision of the County ZOl11ng Ordinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended. 130 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that when said Planning Commission shall report its findings and recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as provided. by law in such matters, that upon the receipt of the same the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the matter down for a public tearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board, and that notice thereof be given by the Clerk by newspaper publication in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and general Statutes in such cases made and provided. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED A~ID ORDERED, that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order, together with a copy of said Petition filed herein, b~ forthwith transmitted and delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. ~~tthews, Esquire, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The foregoing resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor ~unor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on recorded vote of the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors ~unor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and A. C. Harris I I Nays: None IN RE: APPLICATION OF A. R. SEWELL TO CREATE TWO TRAILER PARKING SITES I ~U- -rr C. 4." / <;P~ f< ~ '-f{r.'" On the motion of Supervisor V~nor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on the 18th day of October, 1965, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. on the application of A. R. Sewell, Route 4, Salem, Virginia, for a permit to create two trailer parking sites on a tract of land owned by him in Roanoke County located two and one-half miles west of Pratts Store, on Bradshaw Road, State Secondary Route #622, as set forth in his application; said notice to be published in paper of general circulation in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors l~nor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter I-i. Lipes Nays: None I A letter dated September 1, 1905, from George W. Dean, State Forester, submitting a summary of fiscal matters, expended under Section 10-46 of the Code of Virginia bet.ween the County of Roanoke and the Virgir~a Division of Forestry for the fiscal year i.Jeginni.ng July 1, 1964, ending June 30, 1965, was this day received and ordered filed. I Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia o This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Westside Boulevard from Hershbergr Road (Rt. 625) to connect Route l4S0 - O.lS mile to, be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore 1aen dedicated by virtue of a certain deed and plat known as R. W. Jennings property, which deed and plat is recorded in Deed Book 523, Pages 363 & 366 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said deed no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property o\~ers is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Westside Boulevard from Hershberger Road (Rt. 625) to connect Route 1480 - 0.1$ mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the sam~ is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted. by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None o o IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTE1,! - ABAlmONMENT - ROANOKE COUNTY: Letter dated August 23, 1965, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from J. E. HarwOOd, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following abandonment from the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective August 23, 1965; ABARDONr.!ENT LENGTH o Route 1504 - from 0.03 mile west of WCL of Roanoke to N & W. Railroad property was this day received and ordered filed. 0.10 l-li. IA.' U Notice addressed to the Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, Virginia, that Atlantic Greyhound Lines of Virginia, Inc., has made application t the State Corporation Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a common carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of passengers, their baggage and mail, newspapers and express on the following route or routes: 1. Between the junctiO;l of Interstate $1 and U. S. Highway 11, east of Bristol, Virginia, and the junction of U. S. 11 with Vir~inia Secondary Highway 611, west of Abingdon, Virginia. Cliashington Cow1ty}~ 2. Between the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate $1 at rtt. Carmel, Virginia, and the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate $1 at Fort Chi swell , Virginia. (Smyth and Wythe Counties). 132 36-r~/' <t.I.. 7~ .::~1 .A' I~~, 1 )J-. z,;- I q.~'f' ",Ii' Between Newbern, Virginia and. the junction of Interstate 81 with U. S. Highway II approximately two miles east of Christiansburg, Virginia. (Pulaski and Montgomery Counties). Between the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate 81 west of Salem, Virginia, and the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate Sl, South of Buchanan, Virginia. (Roanoke and Botetourt Counties). Between the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate 81 sout~lest of Natural Bridge, Virginia, and the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Inter- state Sl approximately five miles south of Lexington, Virginia at Fancy Hill. (Botetourt and Rockbridge Counties) Between the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate Highway Sl, approximately four miles north of Harrisonburg, Virginia and the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate Sl at New l-larket, Virginia. (Rickingham and Shenandoah Counties). Between the junction of U. S. Highway 11 and Interstate 81 approximately three miles north of Strasburg and junction Interstate Sl with U. S. 11 north of Winchester, Virginia. (Frederick County) stating that a hearing before th~ State Corporation Commission on said 3. 4. 5. I 6. I 7. application will be held at the Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia, on October 18, 1965, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. received and ordered filed. IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION Letter dated September 1, 1965, from W. K. Cunningham, Jr., Director, Division of Corrections addressed to the Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Salem, Virginia, and Mr. Charles E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, Salem, Virginia, together with the report of the Inspection of the Roanoke County Jail dated August 25, 1965, received and ordered filed. I ~~S, the School Board of Roanoke County desires to borrow the' sum of $800,000 from the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supple~ental Retirement System for the purpose and in the manner set forth in the following resolution, adopted by said School Board on September 14th, 1965: 1~~S the School Board of Roanoke County desires to make a contract with the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for a loan of $800,000 for the purpose of borrowing money for school construction within Roanoke County, as authorized by Chapter 46 of "..he Acts of 1955 of Virginia; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Roanoke County as follows: (1) The School Board has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to construct the new Cave Spring High School building on a parcel of land located on Route 800 in Roanoke County and to acquire additional land for school purposes in the Vinton area in Roanoke County, Virginia a~d to acquire furnishings and equipment suitable for such new building, and that it will be necessary to expend for such purposes not less than $800,000. (2) The School Board desires to borrow said sum from the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Reti~ement System for said purpose, pursuant to Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1959 of Virginia. In the event that the Board of Supervisors ~proves this resolution, the School Board shall endeavor to negotiate an agreement with the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System for the borrowing of such sum. (3) The Clerk of the School Board is hereby directed to submit a copy of this resolution, certified by him to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for its approval or rejection. ~S, the Board of Supervisors has received a copy of said resolution duly certified by the Clerk of the School Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that said resolution be and the same hereby is approved. I I 133 On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter ~i. Lipes Nays: None o o Resolution from the minutes of the regular meeting of the Roanoke County School Board held on September 14, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. and copy of letter dated September 9, 1965, addressed to ~~. Arnold Burton, Superintendent of Schools for Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from Reed, Hoyt, Washburn & McCarthy, Attorneys, New York, New York, were this day received and ordered filed. IN RE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND IN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, BEING A .62 ACRE TRACT ADJOINING VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 907 I ORDER a THIS DAY came Howard S. Peters and Hazel A. Peters, husband and wife, by counsel, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning property described in said petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED t~at the aforesaid petition be'and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend. the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning o Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when sa~d Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virgini and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOL~D A~~ ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginh. The above resolutions and order were abpted on motion of Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R.Ke~fer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M Lipes Nays: None ~ vlliEREAS: Representative for the Department of Highways appeared before the Board and presented a plan sketch dated June 1$, 1965 showing Projects 0581-080- 001, P-402 and 05$1-12$-070, P-401, P-403, on Route 5$l in Roanoke County and the disposition of the old location, new location Qnd connections. "'c ",-,..~ "",,'.1' ~ ff 1f..~ -n, . 'T~~ '1' ;JJ.-;- 'r' :~"f-~S 134 I/I'~ ~- ~ -fJ~'1!, ' 1:" ~ q;:.;..- q. '#'1-.5 /~1J'~ ~~ 4.~, fll'<- /' ~'-" ~ t.D ,-- . . ... l' .'1.1# !? W1WREAS: This Board ap?roves and concurs in the recommendations of the Department of Highways as follows: Sections of Secondary Routes 626 and 625 To Be Abandoned in Accordance With Section 33-76.12, 1950 Code of Virginia, As Amended Section No. 1 - 0.15 NL, to be served by new location. Section No. 2 - 0.20 lolL, to be served by new location. Section No. 3 -0.32Mi., to be served by new location. Connections To Be Added To The Secondary System Section No. 4 - 0..35 Mi. Section No. 5 - 0.45 Y.i. I I And be it ordered that duly certified copies of this resolution be trans- mitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregOing was adopted on motion of ll,inor R. Keffer, Supervisor, Seconded by A. C. Harris, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors ~unor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a representative from each of the four l~gisterial Districts be appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, as a Committee to study the feasibility and necessity of re-defining the Magisterial Districts of Roanoke County, Virginia, said Committee to report its findings and conclusions to this Board at its regular meeting to be held at a future date. I Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 21, 1965, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective September 20, 1965: 10 - Public Works lOb - Planning and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $3,041.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I I Adopted by the following, recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, ~unor R. Keffer and '~alter M. Lipes Nays: None o o o o B On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, it is ordereu that Paul B. ~~tthews, County Executive Officer, and W. Frank Chapman, Manager of the Town of Salem, be, and are hereby, authorized to approve change orders as issued by Wells & Meagher, Architects, in regard to the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center in an amount not to exceed $5,000.00 after approval.of the Salem- Roanoke County Civic Center Building Con~ittee. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. None On motion of Frank R. Angell, seconded by A. C. Harris, members of the Board. of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Walter M. Lipes is hereby appointed a member of the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center Commission to repre:,ent this Board for a term to expire December 31, 1967; and T. V. Anderton is hereby appointed as a member of the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center Co~Lssion for a term of four years beginning September 20, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ An Ordinance to Provide for the Regulation of Dogs in the SubdiviSions of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and Prescribing Penalties for Its Violation. l~~ the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and more especially under the provision of Section 29-194, Code of Virginia, as amended to date, has the power to adopt such ordinances, regulations, or other measures as may reasonably be deemed necessary to regulate and control the running at large onto the property of others and to provide penalties for violations of any such ordinances; and WHEREAS this Board deems it necessary, in order to regulate and control the ruIming at large of dogs onto the property of others,that an ordinance be adopted prohibiting same and fixing punishment for violations of said ordinance; and WHEREAS notice of intention to adopt such ordinance was published once a week for two successive weeks, namely August 31, 1965, and September 7, 1965, in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke and having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Section 1. Definitions: The following words and phrases, when used in this ordinance, have their respective meanings set out opposite them: a. Subdivision: Any tract or parcel of land divided into three or more lots or parcels, containing 3/4 of an acre or less, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or development, which has been mapped or platted and recorded in the Circuit Court for Roanoke County.. ,V:~ 151;'(JZ4-~ -1(...., -;f~ "i--.....1.5 ",p.'" I'''''''' '~,~ ,~j~'C \. ," l'~~ ..,(.:',', ~. , ,. .... i-"" '\~ . . , b. Owner: Includes any person having a right of property ill a dog; and a Person who keeps or harbors a dog or has it in his care, or who acts as his custodian; and any person who permits a dog to remain on or about any prer~ses occupied by him. c. Official: Includes the Executive Officer of Roanoke County, the Commonwealth's Attorney and the Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney for the County of Roanoke, the Sheriff of Roanoke County and his deputies, the Dog Warden and any deputy dog warjen of Roanoke County. Section ll. It shall be unlawful for any owner to permit his dog to go upon the subdivision premises of another and cause any disturbance or do any damage on said. premises of another after the owner has once been advised b~ the aggrieved party or an official, that his dog heretofore has caused a disturbance or done damage on the aggrieved party's subdivision property. Section !1!."Penalty: Any person found guilty of violating any provision of this ordinance shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars for each such violation. Offenses committed on separate days shall be d ed to be separate offenses for the purpose of this ordinance. Section!y. Constitutionality: If any part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance should, for any reason, be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not, effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance which shall rema in force and effect as if such ordinance had been adopted with the unconstitutio I I or invalid part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence clause, or I phrase thereof eliminated; and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby declares that it would have passed an~ adopted this ordinance and each part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irNspective of the fact that anyone or more part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase would have been declared unconstitutional or invalid. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that this ordinance shall be in force and effect on and after December 1, 1965. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the foregoing ordinance is adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, ~linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None I ~~s. Nora S. Jones, Cresthill, r:rrs. W. J. Lee, Cresthill, and ~~s. Hubert Simmons appeared before the Board in opposition to proposed dog ordinance. Sundry petitions filed in opposition thereto. Mrs. Robert S. Templeton/H. B. Switzer, J. E. Bratton, Vinton, and E. ii. Johnson, Castle Rock Farms and 1~s, E. E. Cooper, 4959 B~ler Road, S. ~. appeared before the Board and urged the adoption of proposed dog ordinance. Sundry petitions filed favoring ordinance. I 137 IN RE: LINDENi'lO'OD CIVIC LEAGUE: o Copy of letter dated September 16, 1965, addressed to ~~. C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia, from the Lindenwood Civic League in re: request to have eastbound lane of Route 24 lowered where YJ8.plewood Drive intersects l~ith Route 24, was this day laid before the Board; On motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be instructed to communicate with the State Highway Department in regard to the above request. o IN RE: APFLICATION 'OF WILEY N. JACKSON AS TO RE-ZONING OF APPROrnrJATELY 9 ACRES 'OF SOUTHERN PORTION 'OF THE E. C. HILL PROPERTY: !-'l U R. S. Kime, Attorney, this day appeared and requested the Board to dis- regard the application of Wiley N. Jackson to have approximately ~ acres of southern portion of the E. C. Hill property in Salem District re-zoned from A-I to M-2 Classification, having ascertained since said application was filed that said property had already been rezoned as M-2, and requested that said applicati n be withdrawn, which request is granted. On the motion of Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None o IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE N'ORTHWEST OF DIXIE CAVERNS, SALEr,! MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: This d.ay came Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney, for Wiley N. Jackson, for rezoning of property situate northwest of Dixie Caverns, Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, who filed his petition with this Board on July 19, 1965, and on said date referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and requested the Boad to be allowed to withdraw said petition and order. Upon consideration whereof on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconde by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request be granted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter 1>1. Lipes Nays: None ~ Robert S. Guerrant, Attorney for S. A. Trompter and Herman Tro~pter, and the said S. A. Trompeter and Herman Trompeter, owners and operators of Dixie Caverns, in person, this day appeared before the Board, and opposed the granting of a permit for a proposed rock quarrying operation on the E. C. Hill property, west and north of Dixie Caverns. After a length~y discussion on the matter this Board takes no action on said request. 138 The following communications were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: Letter dated Sept. 15, 1965, addressed to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from Barry N. Lichtenstein, Attorney, in re: proposed quarry site of Wiley Jackson on E. C. Hill property near State Road 778 at Dixie Caverns, Virginia; Letter dated September 15, 1965, addressed to Barry N. Lichtenstein, Attorney, from Rocky Dale Quarries Corporation; Copy of letter dated l'lB.rch 14, 1960, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer, Roanoke County, from Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County; Letter dated September 4, 1965, addressed to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from Barry N. Lichtenstein, Attorney, together with copy of report of Dr. Gooch; Letter dated Sept. 8, 1965, from Kime & Jolly, Attys., addressed to Paul B. VlB.tthews, Secretary, Planning and Zoning Commission. ! I This day came J. W. Cates, President of Brooklawn Co., Inc., and suggested to the Board that Roanoke County consider the purchase of the water system of said Company. No action was taken by the Board on said suggestion. Letter dated Sept. 9, 1965 addressed to Board of Supervisors from Brooklawn Water Co., Inc., received and ordered filed. J~A<., ..A f/~~ ~,~ I ,~,Ad. ~ ~, -fl. 1c..n,44., A ,. ;1-'~ '. - ~. r . '''- 1CtJ..f!1,;..... ~ c... 4 --1. J ..... .:Z r-< - ~. ~# Ii'~~ I ".'I-'l--I,g- I I I , I I INSURANCE ON' COUNTY AUTOr4JBILE FLEET: I On the motion of Supervisor ~tinor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered ~hat "he bid of Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc., for Liability and. Physical Damage Coverage for automobile fleet, as per schedule furnished by Roanoke County, of Ten Thousand, Six Hundred Fifty-one Dollars and TWenty-one cents ($10,651.21) be accepted. It is anticipatedthat a ten per cent (10%) dividend will be refunded at the end of the anniversary policy year, and that it is the opinion of this Board that this is the lowest bid submitted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~tinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None The following bids on in~urance of County Automobile Fleet were this day received and ordered filed: State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Natiorn1ide Mutual Insurance Company Allstate Insurance Company Goodwin Insurance & Realty Co., Inc., I I Y~s. Thomas Whitfield, President of the Sunrise Civic League, and a resident of Route 5, Pinkard Court this day ~ppeared before the Soard and requested that the two cabins located at the intersection of 1656 and 722, East of Route 220, be moved as they create a hazard; she further stated she understands neither cabin is occupied nor in any condition to be occupied; -- _.- - o and also appeared this day before the Board l~s. Lola Cobb in regard to water b~cking up in the road on Route 722, and asked if a drain could be put under said road; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that Paul B. l~tth~IS, County Executive Officer, take up both situation with the State Highway Department, and see if anything can be done to relieve the conditions above stated. J IN RE: FIRE PROTECTION IN ROANOKE COUNTY: Copy of a letter dated September 20, 1965, addressed to Hon. Walter M. Lipes, Chail~, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Supervisor Frank R. Angell, of Cave Spring District, recommending that a committee be formed, with the cooperation of the fire underwriters association, to make a careful study of the needs of Roanoke County, as to fire protection in his, as well as all other areas of Roanoke County; Whereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor J ~unor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a Committee composed of Paul B. l~tthews, County Executive Officer, Fire Chiefs E. S. Honaker, J. W. Griggs, Robert A. McNeal, Eugene Wagner, John W. Smith, Clinton POff, Clay Hall, Frank Spradlin and John Garrett, of Roanoke County, be directed to make a study of the needs of Roanoke County as to fire protection, and report back to this Board as speedily as possible. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, l!,inor R. Keffer, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None o IN RE: PROCLAHATIOI! - NA'rIONAL 4-H CLUB WEEK IN ROANOKE COUNl'Y, VIRGINIA L. N. Gobble, Acting County Agent, this day appeared before the Board, and introduced ~uss Charlotte Hall, President of the County Council of Roanoke County 4-H Clubs, and l!,iss Y~ry Joe Sherrard, Chairman of the National 4-H Week, and requested that in recognition of the fine achievements of 4-H members and their families, that the week beginning September 25, to October 2, 1965, be proclaimed as National 4-H Club Week in Roanoke County, Virginia. tJ Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly s~conded and carried, it is ordered that Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Roanoke COlli:GY Board of Supervisors, issue a proclamation declaring the week beginning September 25, 1965, to: October 2, 1965, as National 4-H Club Week, which was accordingly done. On motion of Frank R. Angell, seconded by A. C. Harris, members of the Board Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COUnty, it is ordered that the Chairman of this sign a purchase agreement or contract with J.H. Pence & Company for /',,' :~/_~ ~ -.eo~. -l/-r' Jf.~ '&..r~ -. "i-~""W#" approximately 4,044 fixed seats (#10 floor plastic stadium chairs) at ~15.$$ each installed in the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center according to terms agreed on by the Building Committee; and 140 .~A'" ...... 1~P:1fi !r;t! ~ II/- e.~ I "f. ,,3.{,.5' I I I Be it further ordered that the Chairman of this Board sign a purchase agreement or contract ~ith Frick Company for $159,000.00 for the freezing floor and refridgeration equipment for use in the Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center according to terms and conditions approved by the Building Committee. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, ~tlnor R. Keffer and Walter ~f. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: APPOIN'nlENT OF JA~lES A. NEWTON, TO FILL UNEXPIRED TER1<1 OF EDVIARD B. LASSITER, RESIGNED: I On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, it is ordered that James A. Newton be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Edward B. Lassiter resigned on the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Adopted by the following recorded vote; Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, }tinor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LA~ll IN THE CAVE SPRING ~~GISTERIAL DISTRICT ADJOINI~G THE SOUTHERN BOUNDARY LINE OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE, APPROXIMATELY 1,000 FT. NORTHWEST OF FRANKLIN ROAD I FINAL ORDER I At a meetir~ of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on September 20, 1965. WHEREAS, Richard R. Hamlett Construction Company, Incorporated petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Residential R-2n property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on June 21, 1965, and by order entered on that day, was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 21st day of July, 1965, after giving public notice, and afte~ hearing evidenc~ touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be amended 50 as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Residential R-21l property; and ",llEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun~y did b~' i'';5 order entered on the 21st d~ of June, 1965, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of I I this Board, upon the receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and o lni&REAS, th~ Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on August 16, 1965, at 2:30 p. m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke Times newspaper on August 2, 1965, and August 9, 1965, which paper has general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, all of which as is required by said order of this Board, and in accordance "lith the provisions of the said Count Zoning Ordinance (1960), and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) by this Board, after notice J thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and 1~S, the Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), deferred its opinion until this date for further consideration and after having deferred action on said petition to this date, is now of tee opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of September, 1965, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), be and the same is CJ , hereby amended as to classify the property described in said petition as nResidential R-2" property in order that said property and building "hat may be hereafter erected thereon may be used for Residential R-2n purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance (IS-SO). , The property hereby classified as "Residential R-2" property is more , particularly described as follows, to-wit: PARCEL #1 o BEGINNING at a point in the center line of a 50 ft. width roadway right of way, said point being the southwesterly corner of the 4.39 acre tract pre- viously conveyed to B. P. Clay from C. C. Clay of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke in Deed Book 427, page 325; thence leaving the place of BEGINNING and continuing along the center line of said roadway right of way, S. 44" 21' W., 47$.46 ft. to a point in the center line of said road; thence leaving said road and with a new division line through the property of C. C. Clay, N. 39" 30' W. passing the side of said road at 25.14 ft., in all a total distance of 617 ft. more or less, to a point on the westerly side of Ore Wash Branch, and on the line of the property of Craighead, formerly V. I. C. & C. Co. property known as the Garrett Tract; thence down said branch mostly along the center line of same, the following six courses and distances; N. 2" 26' W. 116.5 ft. to a point; N. 13" 30' E. 149 ft. to a point; thence N. 70 12' E. 50.5 ft. to a point; thence N. 22" 42' E. 92 ft. to a point; thence Ii. 290 40' E. 43 ft. to a point; thence N. 70 14' W. 57.4 ft. to a point in the center of said branch; thence leaving said branch and with the westerly line of the 4.39 acre tract previously conveyed to B. P. Clay, S. 45" 39' E. $95.5 ft. to a point in the center line of the aforesaid roadway right of way being the place of BEGINNING and containing a gross area of 7.74 acres, more or less, deducting from same 0.27 acre, more or less, co~tained in one-half of said roadway right of way leav~ng a net area of 7.47 acres, more or less. ~'.. /,:'" "~ I I 142 PARCEL iJ.2 BEGINNING at a point in the center of a 50 it. wide road, said point being on the northwesterly boundary line of Tract No. 4 conveyed by Joseph Wheeler Clay to H. L. Roberts and said beginning point being the extreme southerly corner of that certain 6.9 acre tract retained by Ruth Lee C. Fewox, known as Tract nJ_Bnj thence leaving the above described heginning point, and along the center of the aforesaid road and with the northwesterly line of said H. L. Roberts Tract, S. 440 21' W., 195.5 ft. to a point; thence with a new division line through and across the original 20.39 acre tract of Calhoun C. Clay, known as Tract No.6, N. 450 39' W. 895.5 ft., more or less, to a point in the center of Ore Wash Branch; thence do~;n the center of said branch, the following four courses and distances; N. 70 14' W. 57.1 ft.; N. 150 35' W. 66 ft.; N. 700 40' E. 43 ft.; N. 160 26' E. 100 ft. to a point on the.southwesterly line of ,the aforesaid 6.9 acre tract of Ruth Lee C. Fewox; thence with her line, S. 450 39' E. 1026 ft. to the place of BEGINNING, and containing a gross area of 4.39 acres, which includes 0.11 acre embracad within the northwesterly one-half of the aforesaid 50 ft. ~1ide ro.,d, leaving a net area exclusive of road of 4.2$ acres. The property hereby conveyed constitutes the northeas1;erly portion of Tract No.6 partitioned to Calhoun C. Clay as shown on map showing partial survey property of ASCAL CO. INC. made by C. B. ~lalcolm, S. C. E., and David Dick, Surveyor, dated January 10, 1942, and revised March 24, 1943, the property hereby conveyed being shownon the original tracing of said map by note dated Nov. 15, 1949. BEING the same property conveyed to Richard R. Hamlptt Construction Company, Incorporated by J. Meade Harris, et ux, by deed dated December 12, 1963, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Cir~uit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Boo~ 731, page 68. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND OP~ERED that the Clerk of this Board shall I I forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to ~~tin, Hopkins and Lemon, Attorneys for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion. of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the record vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell. A. C. Harris, Waltar M. Lipes and lUnor R. Keffer Nays;: None I I:.~~~~':~~, ~/1; ~r~~ ::;'J(-U- ~ ('. - ~7f. - A; 'C~ , q. 2-r. 1.5 i On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board be directed to post notice of the intention of this Board at the October Meeting, 1965, o~ said Board to discontinue maintenance of one section of Route 118 and one section of Route 117, shown as Section No. 1 and Section 110. 5 onplan titled Changes in PrimarY' and Secondary Systems Due to Relocation and Construction on Route 117, Project 0117-080-002, C-l in accordance with Sections 33-76.1 and 2, 1950 Code of Virginia, as Amended. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, A. C. harris and lolinor R. Keffer Nays: None I I nRl)F.Rl:]) that the Board be adjounred untU the third Monday in October, 1965. t~ Court House Salem, Virginia October la, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court- house thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, and. Frank R. Angell. Absent:Super- visor A. C. Harris. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor Frank R. Angell of Roanoke County offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each lJIember of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. o r"'"l J The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid, by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: owned No. 001166 Roanoke County School Board, County/vehicles serviced at School Board Garage $ a7~.5a o :1 u o n 001167 00116a 001169 001170 001171 001172 001173 001174 001175 001176 001177 001178 001179 OOll80 001181 001182 001183 001184 001185 0011a6 001187 OOllM 001189 001190 001191 OOll92 001193 001194 001195 n n n n ,n n n n n n n . n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n Salem Car Wash Company, County vehicles washed Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repairs and parts Beach Brothers, repairs and. parts Doyle's Inc., repairs to vehicles Harvest Motors CO'1 parts for vehicles &. stock d Humble ail &. Refin1ng Co. gas pur. on courtesy car Richard's Auto Alignment, repairs Motor Parts Supply Co., parts VOID Salem Auto Par1;s, parts Vinton Motor Co., parts and repairs police cars Brambleton Gulf Service, repairs, gas, parts &C. T. R Leslie Service Station, gas and oil C.S.Rescue Salem Oil Company, gas and oil for Ft.Lewis &c/ Goodyear Service Stores, parts and tires for stock Shepherds Auto Supply Co., parts Truck Sales, Inc., parts 5307 Truck Wilson's Esso & Grocery Co., gas for C.S.Rescue Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., parts Vinton fire truck Automotive Paint & Supply Co., parts Miller Tire Service, tires Yates &. Wells Garage, repair, parts and oil Antrim Notors, Inc., parts Automotive Machine Shop, parts Baker Equipment Engineering Co., paI-ts garbage Trk Bemiss Equipment Co., partc and oil VOID Dickerson m~ Inc., parts International Harvester Co., parts 27.50 4.35 58.16 36.00 42.)2 15.51 10.45 438.85 117.33 7.80 77.11 52.12 91. 78 692.00 35.08 1.13 15.30 71.48 13.46 283 . 95 252.51 13.20 51. 97 63.92 23.85 2.21 20.42 Ii I 144 No. 001196 001197 001198 001199 001200 001201 001202 001203 001204 001205 001206 001207 0012M 001209 001210 001211 001212 . 001213 001214 001215 001216 001217 001218 001219 001220 001221 001222 88H~ n " n n n " n " " n n n n n n n n n n n - " n . n n " n If n n 001225 001226 001227 001228 001229 001230 001231 001232 001233 001234 001235 001236 001237 001238 001239 001240 001241 001242 n II " n " n n . n n , n n " n n " n n M & S Machine Shop, repair and parts Magic City Motor Co., parts Price Filler Machine & Mf't.Co., repairs Southwest Motor Parts, parts Standard Parts Corporation, parts for truck & stock ShOCkley's Tractor Service, repairs, parts, gas &C. Goodwin Chevrolet Co., parts Maxey Seat Cover C'3I1ter, repairs Tire Repair Supply Ile:uvice, parts Auto Spring & Bearing Co., parts for stock &: Oil &:C. Auto Parts, Inc., parts for stock Gulf Oil Products Co., gas and oil for distr. &C. 'Walter M. Lipes, reimburs. expenses &c. Minor R. Keffer, reimburs. expenses &C. Paul B. Matthews, reimburs. expenses &c. Virginia Assoc. of Counties, expenses &C. Addressograph-Mul1;igraph Corp., service under agreement &c Dooley Printing Co., book binding and tax notices &C. (Merchants Industries, Inc.) VOID Merchants Industries, Inc. , office supplies &:C. Radio CollllllUnications Co., radio maintenance Sept. VOID Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies International Business Machine Corp., ribbon & mainte. Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan Ins.Co., premo auto ins. Pitney-Bowes, Inc., rantal fee on postage mch. Va Office Mchs & Eqpt.Co, ribbon, cover etc. Burrouibs Corporation, ribbon for adding mch.Treas.off. Amstera:am Pen Co:rp., pen-pencils for Treas. National CaSh Rei!;J.ster Co., office supplies Treas. Underwood Corfl,' ,::naintenance office machines &c. C. W. Warthen Co., receipts books for Clerk West Publishing Co., law books for Judge Hoback Acme Business Machines, renewal mainte. service VOID Robert F. Hyatt, Probation Offr. compensation &c. Barbara S. CundUf, Probation Offr. n n City of Roanoke, room and board for children &c. Charles L. Breeden, Jr., reimb. Sept. trav expo R. F. Hyatt, reimb. Sept. travel expo L. L. Tignor, reimb. Sept. travel expo Barbara S. Cundiff, reimb. Sept. travlel expo Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., batteries for Sheriff &c. Salem Camera Shop, finger print Bupplies for Sheri:ff Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., pre!JI. on surety bonds &c. Dr. Fred S. CrtlSer, lunacy cases Dr. John O. Hurt, medical investigation &c. $ 395.40.; l.99 65.50 567.20 232.29 625.08 9.86 14.95 22.19 182.96 17.64 1,869.18 47.84- 47.84 125.01 48.00 291.84 44.60 I I 215.95 223.56 149.81 77.30 10,091.78 39,00 4.80 6.00 18.07 3.19 86.00 98.85 35.00 35.00 I 30.00 20.00 66.00 28.911 27.02 40.25 49.42 12.24 11.65 42.00 25.00 15.00 I I o o ~ .- J rJ tiJ No. 001243 001244 001245 001246 001247 001248 001249 001250 001251 002252 001253 001254 001255 001256 001257 001258 001259 001260 001261 001262 001263 001264 001265 001266 001267 001268 001269 001270 001271 001272 001273 001274 001275 001276 001277 001278 001279 001280 001281 001282 001283 001284 001285 001286 001287 001288 001289 n n n n n n n ' n - n " n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n " n n " n n n " n n n n n n n n n Dr. R. B' Smiley', Jr., medical examiner cases American Bakerie,s Co., food for jail American Chemical Co., janitor supplies- jail Bemis Electric Dist. Co., light tubes for jail Carl R. Brightwell, elec.repairs to jail stoker VOID Blain Supply Co., janitor supplies &c. Brown Hardware Co., n n n Deluxe Laundry Co., laundry- jail C. B. Halsey Co., food and janitor supplies- jail Dr. fl. J. Minarik, salary & lunacy cases &c. Murrell's Finer Food.s... food for jail L. H. Parke, food. and. janitor supplies Peacock-Salem Laundry, laundry - jail Powell Pharmacy Co., medical supplies- jail W. T. Rierson, food for jail Stull Refrigerat~'r Sales Co., repairs to refrig.-jail Air Products & Chemicals, chemicals Ft.Lewis Fire Dept. E. C. Hill, Nov. rent on garbage lot Lawrence's Market;, janitor supplies Ft. Lewis Fire Sta Lightweight Block Co., repair material-" " n - , Owen Plumbing Co.., :t'epairs to Ft. Lewis Fire Sta. Graybar Electric Co., light tubes for Hollins Sta. W. W. Garman, Sept. rent Mt. Pleasant Fire Sta. Clearbrook Lion's Club, Sept.rent C1earbrook Fire Sta. J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Sept. rent-C S Fire Ste. Esther C. Brown, M.D., lunacy case Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Applachian Power Co., current used in Street lighting 4c Fairview Home, county's share expo home for aged Dublin "Zoning Bulletin, subscription- 1 yr. Times-World Corp., publishing notice for Zoning Bd.&c. Times-Register Co., n n closing liegis.Books Payne Data Processing Service, listing Bond. refer. Shoup Voting Mach. Corp., rental on voting machines 1-1rs. Maude Poff, compensation for serrlce.Dep. Reg. Janet L. Ballantine, n n .. " " F.L.Ayers, n n n n n C Mrs. Laura S. Wagner," n n n n Salem Paint Co., paint 'White Spot Supply Co., disinfectant Jefferson Electric Co., repairs to percolator &C. Vinton Motor Co., compensation for selling license pl.&c w. Carter Bradley, re:1mb. -exp.tri'p.Air Pollution Cont. Williams Supply Co., 1 light fixture Star City Steam Cleaning Co., for clening CH &c. Roanoke County Revolving Fund, reim'b. petty cash fund :145 $ 45.00 I 64.02 68.43 6.67 49.37 88.34 36.37 10.80 15l.13 180.00 136.46 138.04 43.76 32.09 36.00 42.90 1.50 150.00 un 61. 20 592.48 8.05 60.00 60.00 60.00 10.00 1.74 940.35 7.24 15.00 12.00 12.80 41.10 2,333.00 10.70 15.30 10.00 22.45 4.89 30.20 146 No. - n - " . " . n - n - .. n n n - n n n n n n - n n n - n n n n n n n n n n n n n 001290 001356 001357 001358 001359 001360 001361 001362 001363 001364 001365 001366 001367 001;368 001369 001370 001371 001372 001373 001374 001375 001376 001377 001378 001379 00:1.380 001381 001382 001383 001384 001385 001386 001387 001388 001389 001390 001391 001392 001393 001394 001395 001396 001397 001398 001399 001400 - n - " .. n n " n n - n - n n n .. n Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for distr. $ Roanoke County Board! of Public Welfare- disbursements Betty H. Martin, extra help in Com.Atty. office Jean Long, It n n It n - - - - Brenda G. Henderson, extra Public Works Engr.Office Betty R. McKinney, extra Electoral Board office VOID Thelma H. Beamer, extra help- Registrar's office Booker T. Helm, Janitor services Health & Welf. Center Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Comr. of Rev. Adclressograph-Multigraph Corp., office supplies Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Roberts & Sons, Inc., pens Roanoke County Court, col. d.elinquent accts. C. W. Warthen Co., record book-Clerk-& deed books James E. Peters, Treas., reimburse Jury tickets Wallace O. Deyerle, J. P., warrants under Rke Co. Ordi. Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies Chapman-Taney Insurance, premo Bond. for Co. policeman Williams Auto Alignment, repairs to Police car I.B.M.Corporation, office supplies Co. Sheriff J. C. Penny Co., wearing apparel Sheriff" Dept. Everett E. Fry, reimb. diff. in cost phone line Dr. W. C. Jones, dental serviclls jail Lewis-Gale Hospital, services for Prisoner Gay Foutz Sausage Co., food- jail Roanoke Memorial Hospital, state-local Welfare bills Franklin Memorial Hc,spital, " n n n - , Lewis-Gale Hospital, n n n - - - Roanoke Surgical Supply Co., repairing sterilizer &c. C & P Telephone Co., service Mt. Pleasant & Bent Mt. &c. J. W. triggls, reimb. expo Dinner meeting Co.Fire Chiefs Bill's Amoco Station. gas and oil Clearbrook Fire Dept. Williams Supply Co. I 2 lamps for Hollins Fire Station Fielding L. Logan,Inc., premo on surety bond &..c. Frank R. Angell, reimb. expo meeting Va. L. of Counties Paul B. Matthews, reimb. expo n Bd. of S. & Sani.Author. Times-World Corp. publishing meeting Zoning Board James E. Peters, Tr~as. reimb. postage- garbage bills Earl Grogan, refund advance payment Garbage collec. B. S. Randolph, refund advance payment Garbage collec. W. P. Stewart, " n II n II Mrs. Horace L. Stacy, n n n " II L. W. Wiseman, It n n II n Acme Printers, Inc. office supplies for Electoral Bd. Mabel S. Doran, compensation for servo Dep. Regis. n 100.00 ,9,027.74 77.79 41.70 157.72 163.84 I 83.76 19.27 190.00 18.63 38.47 12.00 223.25 442.85 198.18 226.00 164-.27 24.00 6.00 6.75 24.00 I I 2. I 18. I 2.251 6.00 1.50 4.5 27.1 10.Oq 148 tLJ... .c. , ... Financial Statement Treasurer's Woeking Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,800,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,723,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Farmers National Bank -Textbook Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School DebtServ. Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond. Account Farmers National Bank - Operation Head Start Account $ 1,500.00 $ 6O,774.7S 218,458.78 63,001.41 12,843.49 2,611.12 106,547.90 27,715.89 $ 493,453.37 Certificates of DePOsit(Public Buildi~ Bond. Account) Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 $ 350,000.00 Respectfully submitted JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer Roanoke County" Said report is received and ordered filed.. IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK The Clerk this day d.elivered to the Board the receipt of JAMES E. PETARS, Treasurer, for $1,400.66, in account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of September, 1965, less commissions, and turned over to said. Treasurer, said check amounting to $1,330.63. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County payroll for the month of October, 1965, be approved in the amount of Thirteen Thousand, Six Hundred, forty-four dollars and nineteen cents ($13,644.19) from which the sum of $394.23 total F.I.C.A. taxes; $1,167.45 total W. H. Taxes; $171.60 total State Income Taxes and. $361.21 total Retirement Insurance are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $ll,549.70. Ad.opted by the following recorded. vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. Ii On motion, duly seconied, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection for period beginning September 17, 1965, ending September 30, 1965, be approved in the amount of $5,396.32, from which $195.63 total F.I.C.A. Taxes; $411.60 total W. H. Taxes; $56.72 total State Income Taxes; and $7.00 total B. C. insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,725.37; I I I I I ~ ,.,J And.the Payroll for Refuse Collection for period beginning October 1, 1965, ending October 14, 1965, be approved in the amount of $5,411.00, from which $196. total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $404.19 total W. H. Taxes; $58.42 total State Income Taxes; $49.00 total B. C. insurance; $15.00 total ACC Insurance; $63.50'total Retirement Insurance; $40.00 total for Uniforms; and $45.00 total Miscellaneous Taxes; are to be ded.ucted leaving a net payroll of $4,539.74. J Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. :J On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning September 16, 1965, ending September 30, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,148.03, frolll which $28.47 total F.. I. C. A. Taxes; $80.00 total W. H. Taxes; $12.54 total State Income Taxes and $14.00 total Blue Cross, aretto be deducted leaving a net payroll of $1,013.02; And the Janitor's payroll for period beginning October 1, 1965, ending October 15, 1965, be approved in the amount of $1,215.74, from which $33.16 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $86.60 total W. H. Taxes; $13.95 total State Income Taxes; $24.84 total Retirement Insurance; 114.00 total B. C., $7.44 Ul1i ted Fund; Uniforms $1.60, total miscellaneous taxes, are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,034.15. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered J fUed.: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, SUMMARY STATEMENT of Prisoner days served in the County jail for the month of September,1965. rm.~ LJ EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, report for the month of September,1965. LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of September, 1965. FRANCES H. GRAHAH, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of September, 1965. BRENDA BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of September, 1965. 1.49 t..:):" , .w- /i ,rt ,l,"",. ~' Q -4- ~ '1(~r GIS' 'l" IIrfl ?,~ 150 On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: 11039 #1093 #1095 #10~6 11097 #lll3 11117 11118 11153 #ll54 #1155 #1156 #1l57 Ill58 #1159 #1160 #n61 #1162 111164 Sept.21,1965 $1,000.00, payable to Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage for Treasurer for mailing Tax.notices. Sept. 24,1965 $1,100.63, payab~e to Valley Contractors Corporation, Remodeling and repairs to jail and Courthouse, Certifi- cate 1}6 Sept.27, 1965 $9.00, payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, Sewer for Cave Spring Fire Station, quarter ending December 31, 1965 Sept. 27,1965 $35.02, payable to Appalachian Power Company, current used. at Hollins Fire Station Sept. 27,1965 $675.93, payable to C & P Telephone Co., telephone ser- vice for offices, fire stations, etc. Sept. 29,1965 $47.00, payable to C & P Telephone Company, telephone service for Clear~rook and Hollins Fire Stations and transmitter control. Oct. 1, 1965 $912.69, payable to Town of Salem, light and tiater ser- vice for jail, Courthouse, Health and Welfare Center, street lighting at Riverland Trailer Court and sewa&e treatment cost for Orchard Heights and Hidd.en Valley Country Club. $32,650.00, payable to Farmer's National Bank, payment of Public Building Bonds and interest (Public' Building Debt Service) $58.20, payable to C & P Telephone Company, telephone service for Sheriff's Office. $3.72, payable to Town of Salem, current used at County garage on Alabama Street. $8.42, payable to Cave Spring Water Company, water ser- vice for Cave Spring Fire Station. $12.75, payable to Appalachian Power Company, current used at Dog Pound (Dog Fund) $18.75, payable to C & P Telephone Company, telephone service for Dog Ward.en's Home (Dog Fund) $48.10, payable to C & P Telephone Company, telephone service for Hollins Fire Station. $41.90, payable to C & P Telephone Company, service for Clearbrook Fire Station. $3.40, payable to Roanoke Linen Service, towel service Courthouse, month of September. $31.47, payable to Roanoke Gas Company, cooking fuel for jail, Home Demonstx'ation kitchen, fuel for Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and Welfare Center. $13,632.75, payable to Martin Brothers, Contrac~ors, 1/2 cost of construction of Salem-Roanoke County ~vic Center, Certificate #3. $17.03, payable to Appalachian Power Company, current used at Mount Pleasant F.ire Station. Oct. 1, 1965 Oct. 1, 1965 Oct. 1, 1965 Oct. 3, 1965 Oct. 4, 1965 Oct. 4, 1965 Oct. 6, 1965 Oct. 6, 1965 Oct. 8, 1965 Oct. 8, 1965 Oct. 9, 1965 Oct. 11,1965 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. IN RE: BOILER INSPECTION: A communication dated September 24, 1965, from H. E. Belcher, Chief Inspecto~ of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance CompIDly" as to the condition of the Pacific F. B. Boiler No. HSB-23026, which had been inspected internally and externally, located in the Boiler Room - Basement - County Court- I I I I I --- - ~ -<>-_. _.~- 152 ~~~ -rl~ ~o.t>-' '*~ (h (i) 10 ~11- 11'7'7 u~-r- ~a""6'"lf ~.~ ..~c,w; ~~ d.J. ~$ a..h . aJt( '01, , I ~~. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the salary and expense accounts of the Common- wealth's Attorney, Treasurer, Commissioner of the Revenue and the Sheriff of Roanoke County, this d.ay submitted to the Board be filed- no action being tak.en thereon. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. L:l.pes. Nays: None. I Letter dated September 20, 1965, addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors from G, Edmond ?>lassie, Chairman, State Compensation Board, notifying this Board that the State Compensation Board will meet on October 4, 1965, at 9 o'clock A. M. on that day in the State Capitol, Senate Committee Room #3, Richmond, Virginia, for the purpose of fixing the salary and expenses of the Attorney for the Commonwealth, Commissioner of the Revenue, Sheriff a.nd Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the calendar year 1966, received and ordered filed. IN HE: ) ) REZONING OF 2.73 ACRES OF LAND IN 1 THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY ROANOKE, ) VIRGIm CITY LIMITS, ON THE EAST ) BY MlLVERN HILLS SUBDIVISION ON ) THE NORTH BY PROPERTY NOW OR FOR- 1 MERLY OWNED BY W. W. BOILE'I';,"ESTATE ) AND ON THE WEST BY PROPERTY OF R. E. ) GLEASON. ) " I Q~I!.~~ , THIS day came Roxie 1'1. Thompson, M. Frank Martin, Kathleen T. Mal"tin, Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early, by counsel, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning property described in said petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and. the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby re- ferred to the Planning Commission of the Count.y of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accord.ance with the provision of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning C:ommis- sion shall report its recommendat.ion to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that ~pon the receipt of the same, t.he said ClerJ. of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by pUblication in accordance wi~h t.he provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that on certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary pf the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. I I i, ... ~ . , . ,I' . . .' ' "!... 0: '... .' I :L53 - J The above resolutions and order were adoptert on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and seconded. by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Frank R. Angell, lolinor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. o IN RE: ) ) Rezoning of those two parcels of land ) containing approximately one (1) acre ) of land, more or less, located in the ) Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke ) County, Virginia, :!lying on the easterly ) side of Twelve O'clock Knob Road, des- ) ignated as Virginia State Route No. 694, ) and being ~ll1ed by Clarence B. Hale and ) Agnes Fay Hale, husband and wife, as ) tenants by the entireti.es. ) ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER / ~fi; t': 1; ~' ~ C, r-r-. C-;:;1; ~~ cg~.,,-.~ lI'ly,..f ~ s:t_~Y' wfwft.4- This day came O. Dalton Baugess, Attorney, who requested. leave to file a petition on ba~lf of Clarence B. Hale and Agnes Fay Hale, relative to amending the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, to the end and purpose that the approxi- mate one (1) acre tract, located on the easterly side of Twelve O'Clock Knob Road, designated as Virginia State Route No. 694, and owned by the hereinabove named persons, be rezoned from nAgricultural A-In to nResidential District R-2", ~ - which leave is hereby granted and said petition is accordingly filed. And this Board having duly considered the same and concluded that the rezoning of said property, so that it might be used for the purposes as designate under the present Zoning Ordinance as nResidential R-2" may be beneficial to the County at large, therefore: BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, so as to change the classi- fication of said property requested to be zoned in said petition so that it might be used for "multi-dwellingn purposes and classifying the same as "Residential J -' - R_2n as defined in the Cou~ty Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is, hereby re- ferred to the pl8nn1ng Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for recom- mendation in accordance with the provision of Section 15. 1-493 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this as required by statute, and upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk of said Commission, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first per- missible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-431 of said Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthew , Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, together with the copy of the petition of the said ~ll1ers of said property. The above resolutions were adopted. on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on recorded votv the vote was as follO\~s: ~ Ayes: Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and. Walter M.Li Nays: !lone. 154 ~u To c..~ ~t" ~- ~u trb. tt~ 0~, 1'tJ.f~"~. i I !l~ j.. 1bJ. r. I ~c... , . c".... j I~~H' On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that a pUblic hearing be held on the 15th day of Novem- ber, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock P. 1.1., on the application of A. K. McCollum, per a permit to park one trailer located on the North side of Service Road off of U. S. Interstate 81, and to park another trailer located on the South side of said Service Road, of his property, as set forth in his written application, by Furman ~tescarver, Jr" his attorney this day filed; said notice to be pub- lished in a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Roanoke on the 26th day of October, 1965, and on the 2nd day of November, 1965. I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank B. Angell and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor }anor R. Keffer, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 21, 1965, be; and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective October 18, 1965: 13- ELECTIONS: An additional appropriation of $8,332.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M.Lipes. Nays: None. RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE : ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 AND THE EAST SIDE OF : THE INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD, IN SALEl-f MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, : ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY BERNARD COOK gRDER ----- II ~ Ii This day came Bernard Cook, by counsel, and requested leave to file his petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the prOvisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the pro- visions of the 1950 60de of Virginia. I I o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M.Lipes. NAYS: None. o IN RE: Rezoning of that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in the Bj.g Lick Magisteri,u District, Roanoke County, Virginia, on, Virginia State Route 24 approximately one (1) mile east of the Town of Vinton, Virginia end being owned by Frank A. Helms and Mildred D. Helms, as tenants by the entireties with the right of survivorship. ) J ) l ) J RESOLUTION Am! ORDER o This day came W. B. Gochenour, Attorney who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of Frank A. Helms and Mildred n. Helr:s, relative to amend- ing the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, to the end and purpose that the lot or parcel of land lying and being in the Big Lick Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, on Virginia State Route 24, approximately one (1) mile east of the Town of Vinton, Virginia, and owned by the hereinabove named persons, be rezoned from "Residence R-l" to "Business B-1", which leave is hereby granted - and said petition is accordingly filed. And this Board having duly considered the same and concluded that the rezoning of said property, so that it might be used for the purposes as desig- nated under the present Zoning Ordinance as "Business B_1", may be beneficial o . to the County at large; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal ~o0amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, so as to change the classification of said property requested to be zoned ill said petition so that it might be used for business purposes and classifying the same as "Business B-1 as defined in the County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the Coun~y of Roanoke, Virginia, for recommenda- tion in accordance with the provision of Section 15.1-493 of the 19~iO Code of Virginia, as amended; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Boa,rd as required bJr statute, and upon receipt of said recommendation shall forth~ith set the same down for publiC hearing at the first permissible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by Publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-431 of said Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of these resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matth Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, together with the copy of the petition of the said owners of said property. ~....... UJ :l55 ~~e ft~tc ~~ (p.fJ~ fCb!A.~--- a.a::;-' k 'rr.f> .~ ~~4b~ . ~tr: r.~. C .\l.u.. ,-+ . Jo ~ '.n 1::t ~~ Wf'1/{"!'" The above resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on recorded vote the vote was as follows: Ayes: Frank R. Angell, Minor R, Keffer and Walter J.f. Lipes. Nays: None. I F. Rodney Fitzpatrick, Chairman of the County Citizens Committee for Consolidation of the Roanoke Valley, this day appeared before the Board and presented a petition for referendum on the question of consolidation on behalf of the entire Oounty, including the Towns of Salem and Vinton, with the City of Roanoke, Va. in accordance with Title 15.1, Chapter 26, Article 4, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; "Whereupon, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Super- visor Frank R. Angell, said petition is received and ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors l-!inor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and 'Walter M. Lipes. NAYS: None. I G. '8. Kelch and Ernest Robertson, citizens of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, in opposition to consolidation of the Roanoke I Valley. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON NORTH SIDE ) OF HERSHBERGER. ROAD AT THE ) NORTHWEST CORNER OF FAIRliOPE ROAD ) ) of ) ) HENRY E. CRUM and EDNA M. CRUM ) Q!U~!~ THIS DAY came Henry E. Crum and Edna l-I. Crum, by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezo'u.ng of the property described therein. I NO\\', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby re- ferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke Coun~y, Virginia, for a recommenda- tion in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Com- mission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisiOns of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ArID ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forth~,ith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul r' B. 1.:atthe"ls, Secretary of the Planning Cor.1~ission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor , . Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor Ilinor R. Keffer, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Frank R. Angell, Ilinor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. NA YS: None j,.... . , '" IN RE: Rezonin& of 0.752$ acres ) more or less of land situated ) on the southern side of Vir- ) ginia State Route No. 24, ) approximately one-half mile ) East of the Tmln of Vinton, ) Big Lick I.!agisterial District, ) ROanoke County, Virginia, owned ) by DONALD ALLEN \'IILLIAIlS I Qf1Q~R This day came DONALD ALLEN WILLIAIlS, by Counsel, and requested leave to file the petition relative to rezoning the property described in said peti- tion. - NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, ,- and the same is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby' re- ferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when seid Planning Commis- sion shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk pf this Board shall forth~lith set the same down for a public hearing at the next per- missible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forth~lith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. I.latthevls, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Va. And the above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Super- visor I:.inor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and on a record- , j i . , ... il . . , , -.J ed vote, the SupervisorG voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: ;.linor R. Keffer, Frank B. Angel:!, and \'ialter I.I. Lipes. NAYS: l!one rt:- ~~~ ~~2.-.. ~. ~ c. .\)~o-<<- tAw. . I~;)-ib.> l.58 ~JL'- A.J. r. ~. ~ .C .\tl~ ~TX ~'Y\'I 10 j. ~b- ~ql(,;,' ~~ ~ 1:- ~._ ..... iD ;(Jv' .c;, '9,eu.. ~ i 0/'""0 ii.s.' , IN RE: REZOtlIlJG OF CERTAIll REAL ESTATE IN THE BIG LICK "~GISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUIITY, VIRGIIITA, LOCATED on THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF HERSHBERGER ROAD, 34.69 FEET AIID 704.24 FEET ~IESTERLY FRer.! AIRPORT ROAD, COIITAINI!!C 12.756 ACRES ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER This day convened a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, ~hereupon leave was asked to file the petition of T. D. Steele, Anita~. Steele, T. A. Carter, Jr., and Jeanette W. Carter, re- questing that a parcel of land located on the Northerly side of Hershberger Road in the Big Lick ~~gisterial District, County of Roanoke, State of Virginia, containing 12.756 acres, be rezone from Agricultural A-l classification to Business B-2 classification, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, as amended, and the pertinent statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting of the said Board of Supervisors the said petition be, and the same is, hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AIID ORDERED, that the said petition be, and the same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its reco~~endation in accordance with the provisions of Section l5.l-492 of the Code of Virginia, as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AIID ORDERED that, when said Planning COQ- mission shall have received the said petition, considered the same, and reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt thereof, the said Clerk of this Board shall forth~lith set this request for rezoning for public hearing at a regular, special or adjourned meeting of this Board and which shall occur subsequent to the publication of notice as required by law, and the said Clerk shall cause said notice to be published. AIID BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a certified copy of this order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. 1~tthews, Secretary of the said Planning Commission. The above resolution and order was adopted on the motion of Super- visor l.anor R. Keffer of the Catm'iba I,~gisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell of the Cave Spring "~gisterial District, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follo~s: AYES: Ianor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Halter I:. Lips. r:..\Ys: r:one ~ RE: P.EZONIllG A TRACT OF LA:lO IN CAVE SPRIlfG 1,:AGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOY.E COUNTY, VIRCIlIIA, on THE 1'lEST SIDE OF ROUTE 419 AIID THE I!ORTH\'lEST SIDE OF ROUTE 221, PRESEHTLY 011i'!ED BY ETHEL H. RADFORD. Q li lL!H:. This day came Ethel cr. Radford, by counsel, and requested leave to file her petition relative to rezoning the ~Toperty described in said petition, vhich request is granted and said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AIlO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AIJD ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zonin~ Ordin~nce, as requested in said petition be, and the 33cre i3 hereby I I I I I o referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommenda- tion, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginoa, then upon the receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shal:j. forthwith set the same down for a public heari at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting and hearing shall be given by the said Clerk by publication, in accord- ance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified cOPJ' of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of ROanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frahk R. Angell, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. NAYS: None J ~ A letter dated October 8, 1965, from Bristow Hardin, Jr., B:~ecutive Director, TAP, in Roanoke Valley, addressed to Paul B. Matthews, Execlltive Officer Roanoke County, in re: responsibility of Roanoke County to Program De'7elopment of TAP in the Roanoke Valley, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a voucher check for two thousand, four hundred, dghty-one dollars and fifty-six cents ($2,4.gJ..56) Roanoke County's share of said Program to this date, as per statement filed, be issued to Total Action Against Poverty in the Roanoke Valley, Incorporated, pay- able out of the General County ~~d. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, }anor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None J .' Pursuant to notice of public hearing to be held on this date at 2 o'clo P.M., on the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission for the proposed adoption of the Parks and Open Space Plan as submitted by Marcou,O'leary and Associates, planning consultants, Washington, D. C.; on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the Roanoke Valley Parks and Open Space Plan as submitted, be, and the same is hereby adopted. o Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M.Li!)es. NAYS: None 159 ~R.R.. ~.'~~. ~~ 'f e../."'1 'Lt... 10 cY.<;... ~~ ~.:~ 1~.r~'I!p - ,~..,. ."-<..~ if...... .(,zr~ I~"~'j. Iff. ,.:24. _., ~~ "t-;5-~6 160 ~ ct..e..ta C. .7...,. (p~ .~ "J;t!' ~- IN RE: DISCONTINUANCE OF MAINTEl~NCE OF ONE SECTION OF ROUTE 118 and ONE SECTION OF ROUTE 117: At the request of Leo Farriz, of the State Hi~IWay Department, the notice of the intention of this Board at the October Meeting, 1965, of said Board, to discontinue maintenance of one Section of Route 118, and one Section of Route 117, as shown on Section #1 and Section #5, on plan titled Changes in Primary and Secondary Systems, on motion. duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that action on said intention to discontinue maintenance on said Routes, is continued to the November Meeting, 1965, of this Board. I I A communication dated October 6, 1965, addressed to N. C. Logan, Clerk, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Department of Highways, enclosing notice of public hearing in re: Int. Route 311 0-212 Hi. W. Int. Route 81, to be held November 10, 1965, at 10:00 A.M. in the District Office Auditorium in Salem, Virginia. Said construction would provide a modern two-lane bridge to permit trucks leaving Route 61 to come over Routes 116 and 311 into the heart of Salem, was this day laid before the Board. I A group of citizens of the Brooklawn area of Roanoke County this day appeared before the Board opposing annexation to Roanoke City for water rights or any other reason, and presented their petition, which petition is ordered filed; Also came J. W. Cates, President and owner of Brooklawn Wat 'Works Company, Inc., serving said area, and in writing stated his position in the matter, which communication was received and ordered filed. No action was taken on either of said petitions. Mrs. Gladys Webber, A. M. Waldron and Carl Webber appeared before the Board in opposition to annexation by the City of Roanoke. I IN RE: PROPOSED ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE; AND AMENDMENTS THERETO: On moticn of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that this Board hold a public hearing on November 15th, 1965, at its regular November, 1965. Meeting at 2 o'clock P. M. on the proposed adoption of an ordinance amending th.e Roanoke County Electrical Ordinance adopte May 16, 1938, and amendments thereto by the adoption of the 1965 National Elec- trical Code. I And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be pub- lished once a week for two successive weeks, commencing October 26, 1965, in The Roanoke World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, 161 Virginia, notice of intention of this Board to propose for adoption of the above ordinance and amendments. o o Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nay: None ORDERED THAT THE BOARD BE ADJOURNED UNTIL THE THIRD MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1965. \ jQ~.~ Chairman d Court House Salem, Virginia November 15, 1965 The Board o~pervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. Rolen C. Bailey, Pastor of the Cave Spring Baptist Church offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. ~ The following claims against the County were this d~y presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: Roy M. Kinsey, Secretary Electoral Board, November Election $ Miller E. Petty, Chairman Electoral Board, November Election o No. 001688 " 001689 " 001690 " 001691 - " 001692 " 001693 " 001694 " 001695 , " 001696 " 001697 " 001698 " 001699 " 001700 " 001701 " 001702 " 001703 " 001704 g 196.0 180.0 John C. Gleason, Work done for November Election Mrs. Clayton Poff, Compensation for purging registration lists Mrs. Goldie Griggs, Compensation for purging registration lists Mrs. Laura Wagner, Compensation for purging registration lists N. C. Logan, Clerk, Compensation November Election Vernon Crumpacker, Room Rent November Election Nick's Furniture Co., Room Rent November Election Showtimers Studio, Rent on Studio. November Election O. W. Yates. Room Rent, November Election Ward Mobile Homes, Use of Trailer Primary and General Elections James B. Obrien, Janitor service, November Election C. E. Lugar. Janitor service, November Election Ervin C. Board, Janitor service, November Election Morrell Burton, Janitor, November Election Walter Campbell, Janitor service, November Election 171;.0 43.5 32.8 5.00 No. 001705 John Dixon, Janitor Service, November Election n 001706 Melvin Goodwin, Janitor, November Election n 001707 Wilbur Hardy, Janitor Services, November Election " 001708 Armond Hodges, Janitor, November Election 001709 Edward Howell, Janitor Service, November Election 5.00 001710 Marshall Jackson, Janitor Services, November Election 5.00 001711 Willie Lavinder, Jan:l.tor Services, November Election 5.00 001712 Samuel Moore, Janitor services, November Election 5.00 001713 John McPherson, Janitor services, November Election 5.00 001714 Willie Saunders, Janitor services, November Election 5.00 Billy K. Muse, Compensation for setting up voting Machines November Election 320.00 001719 Payne Data Processing Service, Preparing and Printing Voting Lists 001720 Acme Business Machines, 1 quire stencils used by Electoral &ard . 001721 Virginia K. Rierson, Deputy Registrar November Election,'_" 001722 Mrs. Doris Wickline, Compensation for Purging Registratio~ Lists 001723 County School &ard, County Vehicles serviced at School &ard Garage 001724 Richard's Auto Alignment, Repairs to Vehicles 001725 Beach Brothers, Repair and Parts for Police Cars and Garbage Trucks Huiuble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchased Magic City Motor Co., Parts Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts Salem Car Wash Co., Cars washed Shockley's Tractor Service, Repairs and parts to Garbage Collection tubs 001731 Vinton J<lotor Co., Repairs and Parts Police cars and trucks n " n n " n " 001715 001716 001717 001716 " n " n n n n n " - " " 001726 001727 001728 001729 001730 " " " - " " " 001732 001733 001734 " n Edward Wingo, Janitor services, November Election Francis Willis, Janitor services, November Election Windsor Hills Baptist Church, Rent, November Election Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs, Oil and Wash Job Salem Motors, Inc., Repairs and Oil for Police car $ 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 I 5.00 5.00 10.00 I g7.00 3.65 .:'~~Ji.5 13.90 719.36 13.64 I 10.48 38.25 100 . 94 232.29 20.00 361.27 11.63 6.20 5.35 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Fire Turck and Distribu- tion 170.36 001735 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline, Clearbrook Rescue Squad Truck 001736 Salem Oil Company, Ga:J, Oil and heating fuel Ft. Lewis Fire Station, Oil for Garbage Lot and Oil for Distribution at County Garage 001737 Salem Auto f~~~s, Parts for vehicles and stock 001738 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts Clearbrook Fire Truck 001739 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts 001740 Wilson's Esso &:Grocery Co., Gasoline for Cave Spring Rescue . Squad 001741 Texaco, Inc., Gasoline purchased, Engineer's Car 001742 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Parts for Garbage Truck and Anti Freeze for Distribution at County Garage 001743 Automotive Machine Shop, Parts for Truck n n " " n n " " " I 52. 53w 357.85 366.97 4.00 47.39 I 20.64 11.49 225.45 36.26 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Olivetti Underwood Corporation, 2 Adding Machine Ribbons James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Post Office Box Rent Acme Printers, Inc., Book Binding Treasurer Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rent on Postage Machine American Photocopy Equipment Co., Repairs to Photocopy Machine . Dooley Pr:bting Co., Office supplies, &:c C. W. Warthen Co., Office supplies Void Xerox Corporation, Record paper for Clerk 769.23 o o. 001744 Automotive Paint &; Supply Co., Parts Truck " 001745 Baker Equipuent Engineering Co., Parts for Trucks " 001746 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts for Tractor " 001747 Doyle's Radiator Service " 001748 General Auto Parts, Parts " 001749 Hennis Freight Lines, Inc., Freight on Truck Parts " 001750 Harvest Motor, Inc., Parts " 001751 Southwest Motor Parts Co., Parts truck 001752 Roanoke Auto Spring Wo~ks, Parts Garbage Truck 001753 Yates &: Wells Garage, Repair, parts and Oil Garbage Equip- ment 001754 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for Stock 001755 Tire Repair Supply Service, Parts for stock " J " " - .. " 001756 - " 001757 " 001758 - " 001759 - " 001760 ~ ,,:..,-.GO~S1: . .-.: - . Ii .~. -~ 001.762 " 001763 " 001764 Truck Equipment Corporation, Parts Gulf Oil Products, Gasoline purchased for Distribution Miller Tire Service, Tires ~ " 001765 " 001766 " 001767 " 001768 " 001769 $ 6.73 845.19 24.06 15.50 9.67 6.53 26.26 74.61 .:1.15 4/,,3.67 81.20 22.19 12.67 1,593.15 329.43 58.16 2.70 3.00 10.00 65.00 9.70 158.50 225.13 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 45.00 " . 001770 City of Roanoke, Ro?m and Board for Children detained at City's Detention Home " 001771 Va. Office Machines &: Equipuent Co., One years' service on Office Equipment for Juvenile &: Domestic Relations Court Office 001772. Dr.R. E. Paine, Jr., Blood Test 001773 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Medical Examiners fee 001774 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Car Parts and Flares for Sheriff's Department 001775 Custom Seat Cover Shop, Parts 001776 Chapuan-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on Bond County Police- man 001777 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance October 001778 Russell Uniform Co., Coat Badges for Sheriff's Department 001779 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Repairs and Air Conditioner Repairs 001780 Blain Supply Co., Janitor Supplies 001781 Dr. H. J. Minarik, October Jail PhYSician Salary 001782 Brooks-Byrd Pharmacy, Inc., Medical Supplies 001783 Deluxe Laundry 00., Laundry-Jail 001784 C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Janitor supplies County Jail 001785 Hester Coal Co., Fuel for Heating Jail " " " o n " " fFl Q'J - " " n - " " " - " " 128.00 17.2.5 5.00 15.00 ,38.05 30.95 20.00 209.58 8.68 188.52 45.55 100.00 7.50 43.20 130.26 32.00 163 ~ 164 No. 001786 Laylllal1 Candy Co., Razor Blades for Prisoners " 001787 Mick-or-Mack Stores, Food, Jail 00178g Murrell's Finer Foods, Food, Jail 001789 L. H. Parke, Food, Jail 001790 Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical Supplies, Jail 001791 V. T. Rierson, Food, Jail 001792 Saunders & Cecil, Bedding, Jail 001793 SalvageWarehouse, FOOd, Jail 001794 Clearbrook Lion's Club, October Rent, Clearbrook Fire Station 001795 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, October Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station $ 11. 48 3.42 98.79 116.17 16.23 .36.00 130.00 84.55 I - n , " " n - " . " n " 60.00 I 60.00 " 001796 w. W. Garman, October Rent Mount Pleasant Fire Station 60.00 n 001797 Airport Hardware Co., Paint, &c Hollins Fire Station 3.15 n 001798 Fort Lewis Volunteer Firemen, 1965-1966 Contribution to Volunteer Firemen 460.00 n 001799 Clearbrook Volunteer Firemen, 1965-1966 Contribution to Volunteer Firemen 460.00 n 001800 Cave Spring Volunteer Firemen, 1965~1966 Contribution to Volunteer Firemen 460.00 n 001801 Bent MoL'ntain Volunteer Firemen, 1965-1966 Contribution to Volunteer Firemen 460.00 " 001802 Mount Pleasant Volunteer Firemen, 1965-1966 Contribution to Volunteer Firemen 460.00 " 001803 Catawba Volunteer Firemen, 1965-1966 Contribution to Volunteer Firemen 260.00 I n 001804 Cancel 001805 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating Fuel for Hollins Fire Statton 30.96 " 001806 Volunteer Firemen-Town of Salem, 1965-1966 Contribution to Town of Salem Volu'1teer Firemen 400.00 n 001807 Salem Rescue Squad, 1965-1966 Contribution to SalemRescue Squad 200.00 n 001808 Town of Vinton, 1965-1966 Contributions to Vinton Volun- teer Firemen and Rescue Squad 600.00 n n , n " '. " n " n " " 001809 Fort Lewis Hardware r;o., Supplies for Ft. Lewis Fire Department and Garbage Department n 001810 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance October Fort Lewis Rescue Squad Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., Paint, C. S. Fire Department Langhorne Pharmacy, Medical Supplies for Ft. Lewis Fire Department Natural Gas Distributors, Fuel for Hollins Fire Station Sam's, Inc., Wearing apparel " 001811 001812 n n 001813 001814 001815 n 8.28 10.50 7.23 8.25 8.95 15.90 I State Forester of Virginia, County's share of expenses in controlling forest fires in the State 471.84 001817 Fairview Home, County's share of Expense in maintaining Home ,for the aged at Dublin, Va. 001818 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for the support of local Health Department 12,471.91 Caldwell-Sites Company, Office supplies 4.23 I. B. M. Corporation, 6 T. W. Ribbons for Public Works 12.60 001816 Dr. Richard G. Faw, Lunacy commission 001819 001820 50.00 I 26.80 001821 Va. Section, International City Managers, Membershio dues for year 1966 . 10.00 001822 Times-World Corporation, Publishing Notice of Ordinance and Hearing 13.00 o ri U ~ i I - J ~.:. t.J Va. Office Machines &. Equipment Co., Maintenance contract for 3 years on Remington Of.t'ice Equipment $ 99.61 001824 Paul B.Matthews, Reimburse Executive Officer Dinner meeting No. 001gz3 " " 001825 E. C. Hill, December Rent on County Garbage Lot 001826 Hammond Printing Co., Garbage bills 001827 Appalachian Power Company, Current used in Street Lighting 001828 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware, &.C " " " " 001829 ' Void " 001830 Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry, Janitor supplies 001831 White Spot Supply Co., Janitor supplies 001832 The Selig Company, Compo'~d used in Cleaning sterilizers 001833 Salem Camera Shop, Photo Finishing 001834 Fort Lewis Rescue Squad, 1965-1966 Contribution to Ft. Lewis Rescue Squad 001835 Clearbrook Rescue Squad, 1965-1966 Contribution to Clear- . brook Rescue Squad 001836 Bent Mountain Rescue Squad, 1965-1966 Contribution to Bent Mountain Rescue Squad 001837 Cave Spring Rescue Squad, 1965-1966 Contribution to Cave Spring Rescue Squad 001838 Mount Pleasant Rescue Squad, 1965-1966 Contribution to Mount Pleasant Rescue Squad . 001839 Hollins Volunteer Firemen, 1965-1966 Contribution to Hollins Firemen and Rescue Squad - " - " tf . If " II If " " If 001840 Void 001841 Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street Signs 001842 E. F. Milton, Refund Electrical Permit 001843 D. R. Myers, Mowing three lots in Plantation Court 001844 Callant, Inc., Paper for Photocopy Machine 001845 Nelson-Roanoke Corporation, Iiew Fence 001846 Builders Mart, lTable used in County Court Office 001847 McClung Lumber Company, Lumber for Storage Building 001848 C. R. Brightwell, Contractor, Installing new light fi.x';ure 001849 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 001850 Certified Electric Division, Light Tubes for Courthouse 001907 Loy E. Self, Relief Fire Chief at Hollins Station 001908 Brenda G. Henderson, Extra help Engineer's Office 001909 Betty R. McKenney, work for Electoral Board If If - " - " If If II If " " " " " " 001910 Void - " 001911 Thelma H. Beamer, Extra help Registrar's Office 001912 Jean Long, Extra he1.p Registrar's Office 001913 Booker T. Helm, Jan.Ltor services 001914 Clifford Stuart, extra Janitor Services 001915 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 001916 International Business Machine Co., 1 years' contract on }!aintenance of office equipment 001917 Times Register Co., Publishing list of 1963 delinquent real estate taxes OOl918 Roanoke County RevolVing Fund, Reimburse BooJdeeper:s Petty Cash .. - " " If " - " " II " 165 43.35 150.00 522.87 824.67 13.07 17.07 12.42 24.00 1.84 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 660.00 51.55 7.00 18.00 41.95 35.28 6.00 16.29 100.60 100.00 43.76 120.75 164.89 246.26 109.59 105.76 28.91 6$.30 17.23 161.43 1,557.50 23.97 001919 Roanoke County Court, Warrants and Fees collecting delinquent Accounts 245.00 166 No. 001920 American Photocopy Equipment Co., Record paper for Clerk's Office . $ 40.57 " 001.921. N. C. Logan, C1.erk, Reimburse 1 T. "W. Ribbon 001922 G. H. Parent Co., Office supplies 001923 Edward H. Richardson, Reimburse Expenses for trip to Richmond and Virginia Beacn 001924 Robert F. Hyatt, After hours duty, October 001.925 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., after house duty, October 001926 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling expense 001927 Robert F. Hyatt, reimburse probation Officer's traveling expenses, October 001928 Frank L. Tignor, Reimburse probation Officer's October Traveling expenses 001929 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse Probation Officer's October Traveling Expense 001930 Roanoke Seat Cover Shop, h.epairs to police car 001931 Cha~-Taney Insurance C9mpany, Premium on Bond for Special Policeman 001932 Dr. llilert E. Paine, Jr., Blood test Lunacy commission 001933 Sirchie Finger Print Laboratories, finger print supplies 001934 Charles E. Greer, D. S. Reimburse Uniform repairs 001935 Shepherd's Leather &: Saddle Shop, Repairing Holster 001936 Foutz Sausage Company, Food, Jail 001937 Rainbo Bread Co.. Food, Jail 001938 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Bent Mountain and Catawlba Fire Stations 001939 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Station 001940 J. W. Griggs, Reimburse Expenses of dinner meeting 001941 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline used, Mount Pleasant Fire Equipment 001942 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Hardware &:c, Fort Lewis Fire Station 001943 C &: P Telephone Co., Te1.ephone service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station " n " " " " n " n n IJ IJ - n IJ n n . " " " - " " n n 001944 Fuel Oil &: equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse " 001945 Mount Pleasant Garage, Parts, Oil &:c 001946 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Tool boxes - n . " 001.947 001948 Lewis-Gale Hospit~al, Sta.te-local Welfare bills Gill Memorial Hospital, State-local Welfare bills " n 001949 Roanoke Memoria1. Hospital, State-local Welfare bills " 001950 001951 001952 M. E. Hanger, City Sergeant, Commitment "fees Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on 3 ctns. Code Books - " - " 1.35 8.95 73.10 20.00 10.00 I 60.02 26.25 I 59.83 17.15 147.00 20.00 15.00 5.76 1.50 4.55 46.64 63.66 I 11.50 25.50 17.00 53.23 10.13 40.65 416.62 95.00 90.00 397. gg 56.00 279.24 37.25 5.67 I I National Fire Protection Association, 150 electrical Nat,ional Code Books 1.20.00 " 001953 Acme Printers, Inc., office supplies 001954 Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies 001955 Times-World Corporation, publishing notice of Illeeting of Zoning Board 001956 Rucker H. Howell, Refund Garbage collection fees n - " " 170.90 15.17 2.2.00 2.25 No. 001957 Hector Medina, Refund Garbage Collection Fee $ " 00195g Texas Refinery Corporation, Parts for Truck " 001959 International Harvester Co., Parts for Truck . " 001960 Void . " 001961 Baker Equipmen-:; Engineering Co., Parts for Trucks and stock " 001962 Fluid Controls Corporation, Rebuilt Commercial Shearing Hydraulic Pump " 001963 Parker-Nimmo Sl:lpply Co., Equipment to be used on Garbage Trucks 001964 Salem Glass Corporation, Repair and Parts, Truck 001965 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 001966 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Premium on Fire Insurance Property 001967 Void 001968 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies 001969 Town of Salem, Current used at County Gerage 001970 U. S. Civil Defense Council, Membership dues 001971 B. E. Peters, 1 Truck Bed for Garbage Truck, 001972 K. W. Lawrence, Installing stoop to office door at Fort Lewis Fire Station 00197g Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, NovembeJ:' Expenses IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved, and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: County School Board, Repairs and Parts for Dog Trucks $ 15.25 Farmers Exchange Mills, Dog Food 45.60 Gibson Radiator Shop, Repairs to Dog Truck 8.00 Keyes-Davis Company, Dog Tags 226.73 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance October dog truck J ] " " - " . " . " . " - " . " . " " " r""'I J No. 001851 " 001852 - " 001g53 . " 001854 - " 001855 " 001856 " 001857 " 00197.3 " 001974 . " 001975 " 001976 . " 001977 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for Dog Truck Times-World Corporation, Publishing Proposed Dog Ordinance James L. Parker, assisting dog warden Guy Ayers, Assisting Dog Warden W. E. Lee, Fowl claim Acme Printers, Office supplies Graves-Humphreys Hardware, Golden Powerlets 167 .3.00 82.00 44.84 206.24 105.50 8.28 9.39 9.3.65 6.3.75 23.90 3.65 9.50 25.00 60.70 2,694.59 7.50 "- 3.30 17.00 161.33 96.37 12.00 3.00 1..33 The folloWing claims are made to the Judges, Clerks and Commissioners of the General Election for their services in conducting the General Election held on the 2nd day of November, 1965, in Roanoke County, out of the General County Fund, to-Wit: CATAWBA No. No. 001542 R. D. Morehead, Judge and Returns " 001543 J. W. Hylton, Judge - " 001544 DorisB. Shelor, Judge - II 001545 l!.Terette Sirry, Cle,rk " 001546 Grace Morehead, C1ETk MASON VALLEY " 001547 Mrs. Harry Wooten, Clerk and Returns - " 001548 John R. Cameron, Judge " 001549 Clara L. Blevins, Judge - " 001550 Eli Blevins, Jr., C:lerk - " 001551 Anna C. Stultz, Judge NORTH SALEM NUMBER ONE $ -20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I 20.70 15.00 15.()0 15.00 15.00 I " 001552 Mrs. Thelma H. Beamer, Judge, Returns and Commissioner - " 001553 Mrs. R. C. Coffman., Judge - " 001554 Iris W. Brightwell, Judge - " 001555 Barbara J. Olson, Clerk " 001556 Chrystella M. Meador, Clerk NORTH SALEl4 NUMBER TWO 35.00 15.00 15.100 15.'00 15.00 001557 Phyllis E. Garrett, Clerk and Returns 001558 Mrs. Evelyn Matthews, Judge 001559 Mrs. D. C. Brown, Judge 001560 Eleanor H. Booze, Judge 001561 Celia W. Eunson, Clerk EAST SALEM " 001562 Rodney P. Price, Judge and Returns . " 001563 Virginia T. Rudolph, Judge - " 001564 Waunitz L. Bowman, Judge " 001565 Betty A. Peery, Clerk " 001566 Mrs. Richard A. Hall, Clerk WEST SALEM 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I " . " . " - " . " 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.,00 " 001567 Mrs. Carlos A. Perez, Clerk and Returns 001568 Mrs. Robert A. Ptacek, Judge 001569 Mrs. Peggy Spruhan, Judge 001570 Mrs. William N. Lemon, Judge 001571 Mrs. Thelma M. McGhee, Clerk SOUTH SALEM NUMBER ONE 001572 Mrs. J. H. Wolfe, Judge and Returns 001573 Mrs. Joe Spencer, Judge 001574 Julius F. Prufer, Judge 001575 Mrs. Henry Metzler, Clerk 001576 Mrs. Fred S. Hock, Clerk I . " 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I . II . " - " " 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 . " . " II . " o o ~ o @ 171 (;LEARBRooK No. 001647 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Judge and Returns n 001648 Void - " 001649 Mrs. Doris D. Wickline, Judge n 0016so Mrs. Barbara S. Boone, Clerk - n 0016S1 Margaret M. Calhoun, Clerk . n 001687 Mrs. Ruth E. Brooks, Judge POAGES MILL $ 21.68 1S.00 lS.OO lS.OO 1S.00 n 001652 I. C.Rierson, Judge and Returns - " 001653 o. F. Martin, Judge n 0016S4 K.:::. Mills, Judge n 0016SS R. A. Henry, Jr., Clerk . n 0016S6 D. R. Willett, Clerk CAVE SPRING 21.40 1S.00 15.00 lS.OO lS.OO n 001657 H. S. Turner, Judge, Returns and Commissioner . n 001656 C. C. Beard" Judge n 0016S9 Mrs. Chris H. Jamison, Jr., Judge . n 001660 Y~s. L. E. Kelley, Clerk - n 001661 Mrs. Price G. Barbour, Clerk BENT MOUNTAIN 35.84 lS.OO lS.00 15.00 lS.OO n 001662 Maude L. Poff, Judge and Returns 001663 W. B. Coles, Judge 001664 Mrs. N. C. Thompllon, Judge 00166S Beulah L. Collier, Clerk 001666 B. W. Angle, Cler.k OGDEN 001667 Mrs. Marie Rich81"dson, Judge and Returns 001668 Hazel F. StClair, Judge 001669 Harold S. Henry, Judge 001670 Marion I. Leff1e:l", Clerk 001671 Katherine M. Minahan, Clerk OAK GROVE 001672 J. A. Lipps, Judge and Returns 001673 John R. McNaugher, Judge 001674 Samuel R. Pritchard, Jr., Judge 001675 Ida S. Arthur, Clerk 001676 Mary Lou Brickette, Clerk WIN$OR HILLS NUMBER ONE 001677 R. L. Barnett, J'udge and Returns 001678 William E. Cronquist, Judge 001679 N. C. Cassell, Jr., Judge 001680 Helen Reid, Clez~ 001681 Jean D. Pritchard, Clerk 20.70 lS.OO 15.00 15.00 15.00 . n 21.40 lS.OO lS.OO lS.OO 15.00 - n - n n " 21. 40 lS.00 1S.00 lS.OO 15.00 n . " " - " " 20.28 lS.OO 15.00 1S.00 1S.00 n . " - n . " " - It . " n " No. 001682 " 00168) - " 001684 . " 001685 . " 0016S6 WINDSOR HILLS NUMBER TWO James DeVaughn, Judge and Returns Nancy W. Schwallenberg, Judge Anita G. Caldwell, Judge Louise D. Otey, Clerk Elizabeth B. Chilman, Clerk $ 20.70 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 I JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: "November 13, 1965 I TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business October 31, 1965, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund - Available Cash School.Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund.- Available Cash F. I. C. A. V. S. R. S. Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account Operation Head start = Availab'le Cash $ 495,640.39 12,207.87 42.93 102,111.62 20,267.65 132.62 87.86 92,666.53 17.72 2~'g~.10 ~ 74, .29 Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,750,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $2,173,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Textbe,ok Fund Farmers National Bank Paying A.gent School Debt Service Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Operat,ion Head Start $ 1,500.00 60,774.78 482,353.70 63,001.41 20,267.65 2,611.12 92,666.53 25 2J,5.10 l!l748,690.29 I Certificates of DepOsit (Publi,c Building Bond Account)O Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County" Sid report is received and ordered filed. $ 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 l!l 350,000.00 I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $2,24.5.51 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of October, 1965, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $2,133.23 net. I J On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of November, 1965, be approved in the amount of $13,804.19 frolll which the sum of $345.11 totaJ. F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1,158.45 totaJ. W.n. Taxes; $171.90 totaJ. State Income, $370.21 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 totaJ. Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $11,744.52. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning October 15, Ending October 28, 1965, be approved in the amount of $5,263.38 from which $179.42 totaJ. F. I. c. A. Taxes; $405.90 totaJ. w. H. Taxes; $55.00 totaJ. State Income; $63.00 total . , Blue Cross Insurance, $110.40 Uniforms and $75.00 Bankruptcy are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,374.66; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning October 29, Ending November 11, 1965, be approved in the amOtillt of $5,338.01 from which $152.91 totaJ. F. I. C. A. Taxes; $398.89 total W.};~. Taxes; $53.15 total State Income; $56.00 totaJ. Blue Cross Insurance; $15.00 tClltai Accident Insurance; $6.3 . 50 totaJ. Retirement Insurance; $96.00 Uniforms and $75.00 Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,427.56. Adopted by the following re.:orded vote: Ayes: Supervisors lfdnor R. Keffer, A.C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None /Ill I - 173 ~,u.( ~ ~ . , . . 4..71 c..~~ II., ". 'S" ~/ ,,;.4< ~ ~'/ t; ~....J.~." r- e.. &.,.. tp-:.. /1-,'. '$ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for periOd beginning 10-16-65, Ending 10-31-65, be approved in th~ amount of $1204.58 . ~ ~ from which $32.25 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $88.70 totaJ. W. H. Taxes; $13.53 total ~'~...,.. State Income; $28.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $7.44 United Fund and $4.80 .,..4. ~ ~ Uniforms are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $1,038.86. IN".'S- And the Janitor's Payroll for periOd beginning Nov. 1, ~rii~g Nov. 15, 1965, be approved in the amount of $925.58 from which $23.25 totaJ. F. I. C. A. Taxes; $60.50 total W. H. Taxes; $9.60 total State Income; $7.00 totaJ. Insurance, $24.84 totaJ. Retirement Insurance; $3.20 totaJ. Uniforms and $7.44 United Fund are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $789.75. Adopted by the following reco~ded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, WaJ.ter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None o o The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: 174 I i ~-:4>~:J /1-,,_ ,.,r I~~.fi I t~~ I ..G..&r.r ! II-'t.. " C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the months of September and October, 1965; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail for the month of October, 1965; . EIl'6'ARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, report for the month of October, 1965; LO"JELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of October, 1965; FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of October,1965; BRENDA J. BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month IJf October, 1965. I , On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-chflc:k:s be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: I IluJ.6, in the 8lIIount of $161.88 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer,for reimbursing Jury Tickets; in the amount of $146.30, made payable to Brand &: Edmonds, Associates,. for 1/2 cost Industrial Promotion; in the amount of $706.62, made payable to C. &: P Telephone Company, for telephone service for County Offices, &:c; in the amount of $248.62 made payable to Wells &: Meagher, Architects, for 1/2 cost of Architectural Supervisision, Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center, for the period September 1, 1965 - October 1, 1965, and Reproduction of drawings from June 25, to October 1, 1965; 11521 in the amount of $47.00made'payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for telephone service for Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Stations and Transmitter Control; 11417, 11472, 11473, 11529 in the amount of $13.6;1 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for curren used at Transmitter Station on Skycoe Drive; 11530 in the amount of $863.27 made payable to Town of Salem, for current used at . County Jail, Cow:'thouse, Health &: Welfare Center, current used in Street Lighting at Riverland Court and Sewage Treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights; 11531 in the amount of $37.81 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for curren used at Fort Lewis Fire Station; 11532 in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service, for October Towel Service used in Courthouse; . 11533 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Service for rent on Water Softner used in Hollins Fire Station; 11534 in the amount of $146.31 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for telephone service used in Sheriff's Office, Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations; 11535 in the amount of $11.02 made payable to Appalachian PoWer Company for curren used at Dog Pound; 11536 in the amount of $21.40 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for tdephon service used in Dog Warden's home; 11537 in the amount of $42.74 made payable to the City of Roanoke, Water Departmen , for fire service rental on two hydrants from October 14, 1965 to Janusry 1, 1966; 111539 in the 8lIIount of $94.07 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel used in Jail and Home Demonstration kitchen and fuel used in Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and Welfare Center; #1540 in the amount of $15,490.80 made payable to }!artin Brothers Contractors for 1/2 cost of Certificate #4 for Construction of Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors l-!inor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Frank R. Angell Nays: None I I I 175 The f'oliowing letter was this day laid before the Board and ordel'ed spread and filed: "Department of Highways _Richmond, Va. 23219 October 21, 1965 Secondary System City of Roanoke Annexation - Roanoke County Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Salem, Virginia Gentlemen: The following roads, formerly a part of' the Secondary System of Roanoke County, are being dropped from the Secondary system of Highways due to annexation by the City of Roanoke, effective January 1, 1965, and in the future will be maintained by the City of Roanoke. o n u DROPPED DUE TO ANNEXATION: , ..J Route 769 - from intersection of Route 661 to dead end. Route 661 - from Route 220 to Route 769 Route 661 - from Route 769 to Route 661 Route 1514 - from SCL of Roanoke to 0.07 mile southwest of Roanoke Route 1646 - from Route 220 to Route 1647 Route 1647 - from Route 1662 to Route 1646 Route 1647 - from Route 1646 to Route 1662 Route 1647 - from Route 1662 to dead end Route 1662 - from south of Route 1647 to Route 1663 Routel662 - from Route 1663 to Route 1692 Route 1662 - from Route 1692 to north of Route 1647 Route 1662 - from north of Route 1647 to dead end Route 166,3 - from Route 1662 to dead end Route 1670 - from SCL of Roanoke to SCL of Roanoke Route 1690 - from Route 1692 to 0.06 Mile south of Route 1692 Route 1691 - from 0.04 mile west of Route 1692 to Route 1692 Route 1691 - from Route 1692 to 040 mile east of Route 1692 Route 1692 - from Route 1662 to Route 1690 Route 1692 - from Route 1696 to Route 1691 Route 1692 - from Route 1691 to 0.04 mile northeast of Route 1691 o TOTAL MILEAGE ~ Sincerely, J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner." LENGTH 0.1.0 Mi. O.ll Mi. 0'40 Mi. 9.07 Mi. 020 Mi. 0.07 Mi. O.li Mi. 0.02 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.06 Mi. O.li Mi- 0.03 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.15 Yd. 0.06 Mi. 0.01;. Mi. 0,40 Mi. 0.09 Mi. 0.08 Mi. 0.04 Mi. 2.25 Mi. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer . . . . '~,4~.A the folloWJ.ng Ordinance, as amended, was thJ.s day offered for adoption, notice of .-;'. (J.. . intention to amend and change partially and re-adopt having heretof'ore been . published as required by law; 176 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that pursuant to laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and especially to se(,tion 15-8 and Section 54-145.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date, an Ordinance for the regulation c'f Electrical Installations in Roanoke County, heretofore adopted on May 16, 1938, and amended, changed and re-adopted September 19, 1960, and amended, c;aanged partially, and re-adopted on the 19th day of November, 1962, be amended, changed partially, and be re-adopted as follows: Paragraph 36.1.2 (A) be deleted and re-adopted to read as follows: THE 1965 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, also known as the National Fire Protectio Association No. 70. Paragraph 36.1.3 be deleted and re-adopted as follows: Three copies of THE 1965 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE and three copies of the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE H43, PART 2 have been and now are filed in the office of the Clerk of Roanoke County, Virginia, and are obtainable at the office of the County Clerk during regular business hours and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as tully as if stated out in length herein and from the date on which this Ordinance shall take effect the provisions thereof shall apply to and govern electrical work as defined in this Ordinance. I I EFFECTIVE DATE Paragraph 38.2.1 be delected and re-adopted to read as follows: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after 12: 01 A. M., December 31, 1965. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to Cause this Ordinance to be published for two successive weeks in the TIMES-REGISTER, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor. A. C. Harris, seCOnded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A.C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None I afr:" ...,.. I/-/(,../' "' This day came Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, and reported to the Board that E. C. and Flora M. Hill, had offered, to sell a tract of land on State Secondary Route 778 containing 57 acres, more or less, as shown on map made by said County Engineer, dated November 15, 1965, at a price ~f Seventy-one Hundred Dollars ($7,100.00); And the Board being of the opinion that said tract of land is a necessary site for a sanitary land fill. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the offer of the said Hills be accepted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I t; ",- '.~ .. I - ..". ..".,G I 177 !l ...J ~ the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to purchase a site for a Sanitary Land Fill, at the purchase price of $7,100.00 a certain tract of land containing 57 acres, more or less, belonging to E. C. and Flora M. Hill, and being more fully described in a map and description made by Paul B. Matthews, Engineer, November 15, 1965; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under the provisions of Section 15.1-2$5 of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County be requested to appoint a competent and discreet Attorney at Law to examine the title to said real estate, and be IT FURTHER RESOLVED that un the prOvisions of Section 15.1-286 of the said Code, the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County be required to approve the ::l.eed to said real estate when same is prepared, and further that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of th County, when title to said property has been examined and deed for same has been approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney. And the Clerk or this Court is ORDERED to forthwith deliver a copy of this Resolution to the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and to EcI.w. H. Richardson, AttoI"ney for the Commonwealth of Roanoke County. Adopted by the followinl~ recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None '~.A o /I.,t..I.,5 lj l.J WEREAS, this Board being advised by Representatives of the Virginia Department of Highways that they should discontinue maintenance on the section of Route 118 and one section of Route 117 (old route), as shown Section 1 and Section 5 on the plan titled changes in Primary and Secondary Systems due to relocation and construction or Route 117, Project 0117-080-002, C-1, with descriptions as noted hereafter; Section No. 1 - 0.05 miles in length Route 118 from Intersection of Route 117 to 0.05 miles south. 1/'/"-'5 n U / Section No.5 - 0.10 miles in length Route 117 from Intersection of new c;; r 1;>/ located Route 117 to 0.10 miles South. This discontinuance is due to re- location of said routes by re-construction and currently afrords no public service to the traveling public or adjacent landowners. WEREAS, in accordance with Sections 33-76.1 and 2, 1950 Code of Virginia amended, did on September 20, 1965 instruct the Clerk of Boarc1 to post notice of it's intention to discontinue these sections. ~S, this Board having been advised that this notice was posted and advertised in accordance with Section 33-76.1 and 2. THEREFORE, be it resolved, this Board has discontinued these sections in accordance with Section 33-76.1 and 2. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None @ 178 l~~~ tt.. ~ 4.. k fir: ,,,II II-I . On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June .21, 1965, be, and the same is he!'eby, amended as follows to become effective November 15, 1965: 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court: An additional appropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby made trom the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 5b - County Court: An additional appropriation of $500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 9 - 'Public Health: An additional appropriation of $500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31, 1965, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 10 - Public Works 10c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $20,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending December 31, 1965, for the function ~r purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Kef'fer, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and A. C. Harris Nays: None I I BE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11, IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY WILLIAM WATTS AND ELIZABETH B. WA.TTS, HUSBAND AND-WIFE This day came William Watts and Elizabeth B. Watts, by counsel, and requeste A ORDER I leave to file their petition relative-to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the Same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roano County for a recommendation, in accordance with the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommend,'tion to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board,notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the Statutes of this State in such cases made and provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Har:zls, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A.C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I 1,79 IN RE: AMENDMENT OF GENERAL ZONING ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY, AS AMENDED TO DATE, ARTICLE 4, RESIDEllTIAL DISTRICT R-l, TO PERMIT A . VARIANCE OR SPECIAL EXCEPTION AS fROVIDED BY LAW, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF R-1RESIDENCES AS LODGING HOUSES. r --- ~ ...,,4 OF MR. &: MRS. W. A. McKINNEY MR. &: MRS. EUGENE MALHERBE MRS. MILDRED A. DE MAIO This day came Mr. &: Mrs. W. A. McKinney, Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Malherbe, and I QIlQ!Il J Mrs. Mildred A. De Maio, by counsel, and requested leave to file their pe,tition relative to the amendment of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virg:l.nia, Article 4, as amended to date, and more specifically set forth in ~~..;~ ~~.N4 ~-I~ .~~ II-I/.. I. d' u said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of ROanoke County, Virgir.ia, the said petition 1;,e, and the Same i!J'hereby ORDERED filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the General Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same i.s hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County,,,Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND OJlDEFRD that when said Planning Commi.ssion shall report its Recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as made and provided by Law, that upon receiptof same, the said Clerk shall forthwith set the same down for a publiC hearing at the next permissible regular or spelcial meeting of this Board, as made and provided by law, and thatnotice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication as made and provided by law. AND IT BE FURTHER. RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this RESOLUTION and ORDER be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. THE ABOVE RESOLUTION AND ORDER were adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J o [J IN RE: APPLICATION OF A. K. McCOLLUM FOR A PERMIT TO PARK ONE TRAILER LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF SERVICE ROAD OFF' OF U. S. I1"TERSTATE 81,AND TO PARK ANOTHER TRAILER LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF SAID SERVICE ROAD, ON HIS PROPERTY, AS SET FORTH IN SAID APPLICATION Pursuant to notice of public hearing set for this date at 2 o'clock P. M., on the application of A. K. McCollum for a permit to park one trailer located on the North side of Service Road off of U. S.Interstate 81, and to park another trailer located on the south side of said Service Road, on his property, the said A. K. McCollum this day appeared before the Board in person; Upon consideration of said application, on motion of Supervisor A. c. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the permits requested be denied. 180 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes .. Nays: None ~. . .,;. ~.,;4 f ~').~ 'fJ.-i-t //"1-' .b James E. Weaver, and sundry other citizens of the Glenvar Heights Subd:l.visio , this day appeared before the Board in opposition to the granting of said permits, and filed a petition signed by sundry property owners in said section reque~ting that said permits be denied. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the petitions presented by C. H. Lewis concerning an abandoned rock quarry located between Virginia State Route 628 and Inter State Route 81 in Roanoke County, be officially accepted at the December 20. 1965, meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors; and also that Mr. Lewis be permitted to retain possession of the petitions until that date in order that copies may be presented to the members of the Roanoke County Board of Zoning Appeals. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors V'lnor R.Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and W;!llter M. Lipes Nays: None A letter dated November 3, 1965, addressed to Walter Lipes, ,Chairman, Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Robert Sterrett, Executive Director, Shenancl.oah Valley, Inc., in re: increase in annual membership from Roanoke County to said organization, wall this day presented to the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that Roanoke County's membership in said organization be increased from one hundred dollars ($100.00) to two hundred dollars ($200.00) for the year 1965-1966. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and lilinor R. Keffer . Nays: None IN RE: CLOSING COUNTY OFFICES FOR CHRISTMAS On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frawt R. Angell, upon the approval of the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circui.t. Court of Roanoke County, it is ordered that all County Offices in the Courthe.nse Building may be closed at Noon, Friday, December 24, 1965, and on Monday, December 27, 1965, in addition to Christmas Day, December 25, 1965, and New Year's Day, January 1, 1966, which are legal holidays. Copy of this order to be delivered to the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge. Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I I I I 181 o F. E. Harrison, owner of subdivision known as "Westview Terrace, in RO;aIloke County, this day appeared before the Board concerning the lack of depth to the sewage facilities in his subdivision. Upon consideration of said request, on motion, duly seconded, a Committee consisting of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, James A. Beavers, Roanoke County Sanitation Officer, and Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, was ap?ointed to study the feasibility of making any changes in the Building Ordinance of Roano e County to assist contractors in determining the depth of sewerage facilities to proposed building lots. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 1 ...J W. M. ELLIOTT, JR., Resident Engineer, Departm...!t of Highways, this clay submitted to the Board a report of Operational and Fiscal Summary for Roanoke County, covering the fiscal year 1964-1965, which report is received and ordered filed. j Copy of letter from Dr. Richard Fisher, addressed to W. Frank Chapman, Town Manager, Salem, Virginia, enclosing a donation toward the coliseum construction in Salem, was this day laid before the Board; Upon consideration whereof, on motion, duly seconded and carried, the Clerk of this Board is directed to advise Dr. Fisher of this Board's appreciation of his donation, as well as the interest manifested by him in the affairs of' Salem and Roanoke County. u ~ ('~--- . .;I't a..: J~ /I. It. i..$' J IN RE: PURCHASE OF TYPEWRITERS AND EQUIPMENT FOR USE IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE: On motion of Supervisor Frank R Angell, seconded by Sup~rvisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to purchase two (2) Underwood Scriptor Electric Typewriters Model 16" and desk and chair for use in the Roanoke County Clerk's Off!. ce., as per bids submitted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A.C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None t..1, '-,&..( (; .4 -A-:!/_. ~ 7'i1 rill T 4.. ~. "7< 11-18'.'5 8'1 ~ ORDERED that the Board be adjounred until the third Monday in December, 1965. ;N~~i~~ 182 Court House Salem, Virginia December 20, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House thereof in regular DlZithly session. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R Kef'fer, Vice-Chairman and A. C. Harris. Absent: Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. M. L. Minnich, Pastor, College Lutheran Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copyof said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. oo21Bl Roanoke County School Board, County Vehicles serviced at School Board Garage $ 797.17 " 0021112 Yates &: Wells Garage, County Cars serviced at Garage 51l~.41 n 0021ltJ Harvest Motors, Inc., Parts for County Vehicles 39.34 0021B4 Goodwin-Chevrolet Co., Repairs and Parts County Vehicles 49.17 002185 HUlllble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchased on Courtsey Card 23.93 002186 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Vehicles and Stock 886.16 0021lt7 Salem Auto Parts, Parts for vehicles and Distribution 283.57 002188 Salem Car Wash Co., Vehicles washed 25.00 002189 Salem Motors, Repdr and Parts 13.13 n - " n . n . n " " 002190 Vinton Motor Co., Repair and Parts Police Vehicle 5.30 " 002191 Brambleton Gulf Service Station, Gasoline, Parts and oil trucks 59.26 " 002192 Wilson's Esso &: Grocery Co., Gasoline and Oil for Cave Spring Rescue Squad 002193 Automotive Machine Shop, Parts for truck 002194 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Parts for truck 43.97 3.20 .96 " n - " 002195 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline and Oil Clearbrook Rescue Squad 60.80 n 002196 Poff's Garage, Maintenance of Bent Mountain Fire Truck and Fuel for Building 002197 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repairs to Hollins Truck 002198 Salem Oil Company, Gasoline, Oil 002199 Richard's Auto Alignment Co., Repairs to Fire Truck 002200 Texaco, Inc., Gasoline for Engineer's Car 002201 Auto Parts, Inc.,Parts and Anti Freeze for Distribution 002202 Diamond Chevrolet Co., Parts for Vehicle 002203 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts and Oil for Tractor 002204 W. B.Clements, Inc., Repairs 002205 Dickerson GMC Inc., Parts for Truck 002206 M &: S Machine Shop, Repairs and Parts, Truck 002207 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Repair and Parts 002208 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Garbage Trucks 002209 Salem Glass Co., Repair and Parts 002210 ShOCkley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs and Parts for , Garbage Trucks and repairs to Garbage Collection tubs 212.24 n 86.64 31.50 93.39 3.00 4.83 30.78 8.55 16.17 9.08 376.47 " " . " " " " " ", n " 54.00 130.28 67.94 51. 96 " . " - n I I I - I I J J ~ I - J B' .;:: le_o ~ - : No. 002211 Southwest Motor Parts Corporation, Parts for Garbage ~ Trucks op 87.30 21.30 2.48 175.00 " 002212 Woodson Pontiac, Parts for Engineer's Car - " Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for Car Harris Truck Parts, Parts for truck Gulf Oil Corporation, Gasoline and Oil purchased for distribution at County Garage and Hollins Fire Station 002216 Va. Association of Counties, Membership dues. 0 002213 002214 002215 'It -" 1,584,.46 60.00 19.85 115.93 343 .50 ." ." 002217 Salelll Office Supply Co., Office supplies 002218 Charles Ballentine, Envelopes for Treasurer 0" " 002219 002220 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Additional Premium on Bond Fielding L. Logan, Inc., Share of Additional PremiUlll on Bond Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Parts for Postage Machine R. L. Paxton Printing Co., 6,000 sets partial payment forms ." " 002221 002222 002223 193.50 1.85 6t.40 " - " James E. Peters, Treasurer, Expenses of Private owned o Car used for County business 25".00 o " 002224 Dooley Printing Co., Office supplies 4'i'. 90 - " 002225 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Office of Collector of Delinquent Accounts 2~;.00 " 002226 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Postage for meter machine for Mailing Delinquent Tax Notices 100.00 " 002227 Rothgeb, Miller & Brogan, CPA, Services renderedoin connection with Audit 600.00 " 002228 American Photocopy Equiplllent Co~, Record paper for office & Clerk of Circuit Court 66.14 002229 Double Envelope Co., Envelopes for office, Clerk; 50.27 " " " oo2?J0 C. W. Warthen Company, record books 002231 Xerox Corporation, office supplies and record paper 002232 Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Medical Examiner Fees, Lunacy Coll1M1ssions, Blood Tests 002233 Littlejohn Printing Co., office supplies 002234 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail Physician, Blood Test &c 602235 Cecil Wingo, Services of Special County Policeman 002236 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Sheriff's Office 002237 Radio Communicat,ions Co., Radio Maintenan"e 002238 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office supplies 100.00 186.76 65.66 453.19 887.00 " " 150.00 25.00 130.00 . " . " "1).00 . " . " " - " 002239 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for Children Detained at City's Detention home 238.00 002240 Barbara S. Cundiff, Compensation for After-Hour. Duty 10.00 002241 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Compensation for After-Hour .Duty 20.00 002242 Robert F. Hyatt, Compensatiou for After-Hour Duty 20.00 002243 Frank L. Tignor, Compensation for After-Hour Duty 10.00 002244 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Novelllber Traveling F~pense 002245 F. L. Tignor, Reimburse Probation Officer's November traveling expense " . " " " " 32.34 " 23.45 " 002246 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse Probation Officer's NoveIllber traveling expense 25.34 - " 002247 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse Probation Officer's Novelllber traveling expense 73.91 002248 Owen Plumbing & Heating Co., Repairs to Jail and Courthouse 44.85 002249 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies for Jail 103.65 " " 183 I 'I I I 184 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy hearing 40.00 Dr. R. G. Faw, Lunacy commissio~ 20.00 J. W.Griggs &; W. H. Witt, November rent on Cave Spring Fire . . Station 601.00 002267 Clearbrook Lion's Club, November Rent, Clearbrook Fire Station No. 002250 002251 002252 002253 002254 002255 002256 002257 002258 002259 002260 002261 002262 002263 002264 002265 002266 . Hester Coal Company, Heating Fuel for Jail " Murrellt s Finer foods, Food, .Jail Peacock-Salem Laundry Co., Laundry-Jail Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical Supplies W. T. Rierson, Food, Jail Salvate Warehouse, Food, Jail L. H. Parke Company, Food, Jail Sanfu Corporation, Janitor supplies Void Fairview Home, County's share of expense Home' for the aged 6.04 American Bakeries Company, Food, Jail C. C.Bova &; Company, Food, Jail Foutz Sausage Company, Food, Jail C. B. Halsey Co., Food, Jail 002268 w. w. Garman, November rent - Mount Pleasant Fire Station 002269 Fuel Oil &; Equipnent Co., Heating fuel for Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse . $ 52.58 2.25 44.52 88.69 64.00 80.94 41.80 20.76 41.40 137.54 94.84 56.48 I I 002270 J. Y. Griggs, Reimburse-Expenses of Fire Chief dinner meeting 002271 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Janitor supplies 002272 Roanoke Ready Mix Concrete Co., Repair material Ft. Lewis . Fire Station . 002273 Graves-Humphreys Hardware Co., supplies for tire stations 002274 Void 002275 E. S. HOnaker, Reimburse traveling expense &:c 002276 Gochenour &; Baugess, Lunacy commission 002277 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy Commissions 002278 M. E. Hanger, City Sergeant, Reimburse Commitment fees, Physicians, Attorney &; Court Costs 002279 Friden, Inc., Maintenance contract for 1 year on office equipnent 002280 Acme Business Machine Co., stencils for Public works " It - It " It It It " - " - " - " - It " - " . " - It It It .. .. It " .. . " . " " - .. . .. " .. 60.00 6C) .00 431,.82 I 21.00 19.29 19.:30 63.94 63.50 10.00 410.00 94.50 30.00 8.50 I - " 002281 International Assoc. of Electrical Inspectors, Membership dues 10.00 " 002282 International Business Machine Co., Office supplies and . Rent on office equipment for Electoral Board 5'3.44 002283 Va. BuJdir.g Officials Conference, Membership dues 5.00 002284 Technical Reproduction&: Supply Co., Office supplies and maps 4.85 002285 Times-World Corporation, Publishing meetings of Zoning Board 40.00 002286 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street lighting and installing new street lights 911.15 002287 Mrs. Mamie L. Waldron, Services rendered as Deputy Registrar 10.70 002288 Mrs. A. B. Harris, Services rendered as Deputy Registrar 20.00 " " " - " " - " I J ..., I I ..... .., I ..... J Q;'1 Qj " " - " - " " No. 002289 Lightw,eight Block Co., Material for Garbage Lot " 002290 Parker-Nimmo Co., supplies for Garbage Dept. and Street Signs , 002291 Sunnyside Awning Be Tent Co., Tarpaulins.. for Garbage Department If. " 002292 00229.3 002294 Brown Hardware Co., Hardware Bec Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies Carl R. Brightwell, Electrical work in Clerk's Office and COlDmissioner of Revenue ' . Dillard Paper C,)", Janitor supplies G. J. Hopkins, Repairs at Health Department McClung lumber Co., Material for repairs Williams Supply Co., Light tubes " " " 002295 002296 002297 002298 " " - " " 002299 White Spot Supply' Co., Janitor supplies - If. 002300 Dewitt Chemical Co., Janitor supplies - If. 002.301 Mason Littreal, Refund Electrical Permits &c - If. 002302 Treasurer of Vil:'ginia, Employer's Contributions " 002.30.3 TOIm of Salem, Current used at County Garage - " 002304 Howard W. StarkEIY, Compensation, County Finance Board . ". 002.305 Gentry Studio, PlJi,otographs of Health Department . " 002.306 Kaye, Berry &: Dail, Tabulating work in conjunction with . ConscUdation study " - " 002)07 002.3M Salem-Roanoke COWlty Chamber of Commerce, 1966 Annual dues fOlr entire Board ltllO.00 2.~.20 ~ Salem Camera Shop, Photo Finishing ". 002,309 Transport cTc ClelU"ings or the Carolinas, Inc., Freight on Machinery Parts " 002310 Va. Association of Counties, Membership dues ill Va. Association of Counties " 002.311 Chemical Rubber Company, 1 Mango Gauge for measuring Air Polution 002,312 Reserach Appliance Company, Smoke Control Equipment 002.31.3 Marvin Francisco, Final check, payment back salary 002.314 Salem Paint Co., F'ainting porch ceiling Labor and jl!raterial 002315 Town of Salem, Installing New Fire Hydrants 002.316 Robert Dawson, Postmas't;er, Postage for Distribution 002317 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile Be Domestic Relations Court . 002318 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse BOOkkeeper's Petty Cash fund 002,319 H. L. Ronk &: Son, Material and labor on making card files . 002320 Virginia K. Rierson, Services as Deputy Registrar 002384 Void 002385 Robert C. Fitzgerald, Attorney, Retainers fee, Annexation " - " - " " - " IT IT " " IT . " 002386 Void 002388 Miller Tire Service, Tires & Rubes 002.389 Goodyear Service Stores, Tires 002390 Shepherds Auto Supply Co., Parts 002)91 Texaco, Inc., Gasoline purchased for Engineer's car $ 8.96 1;5.01 15.00 6.29 .33.05 151.15 10.99 45.12 14..33 29.40 12.42 23.47 ).00 7,571.12 4.11 65.00 12.00 :L25.00 6.53 92;..39 25.50 960..30 40.)8 32.50 447.05 100.00 50.00 54.16 254.30 10.00 750.00 278.02 382.94 2.52 3.79 No. 002392 Truck Equipment Corporation, Parts n 002393 002394 002395 002396 002397 002398 Beach Brothers Motors I Parts Betty R. McKinney, Extra office help Betty R. McKinney, Extra help Electoral Board Jean Long, Extra help, Erlg:ineer's Office " Thelma Beamer, Extra help, Registrar's Office Brenda G. Henderson, Extra help, Engineer's office . n . n . " . " - " . " 002399 Booker T. Helm, Extra Janitor services 002400 Clifford Stuart, Extra Janitor services 002401 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse, Expense of Supervisors 002402 Dooley Printing Co., office supplies 002403 Acme Printers, Inc., 3,000 Envelopes for Treasurer 002404 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental Fee on Postage Machine 002405 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 002406 Burroughs Corporation, 5 boxes carbon paper 002407 Roanoke County Court, Court costs and fees 002408 C. W. 'Warthen Co., office supplies, Clerk's Office - " - n . " - n " n - n . n n . n 002409 Void . n 002410 C & P Telephone Company, telephone service 002411 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy commissions 002412 Goldie R.Griggs, Services, Deputy Registrar 002413 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills oo24l4 University of Virginia, State-Local Hospital bUls 002415 Medical College of Virginia, State-LocaJ. Hospital bills 002416 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-LocaJ. HospitaJ. bills 002417 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Postage for . Mailing November Garbage Bills 002418 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for mailing Garbage bills - n If - n - n - n . If - " " $ 607.10 13.32 129.50 165.07 40.44 117.92 199.09 53.00 71.42 7.50 174.10 31.60 39.00 42.44 17.50 194.00 30.78 I I 30.60 10.00 37.70 227.,36 644.91 921.30 1,186.77 I 89.24 8.00 n 002419 Treasurer of Virginia, Administrative expenses for Virginia Supplemental Retirement 179.65 002428 T. D. Steele, Compensation for serving as Chairman of .' Roanoke County Planning Board 150.00 002429 Rothgeb, Miller & Brogan, CPAServices rendered in connec- tion with annual audit of Treasurer 80c 5,500.00 " 002420 SaJ.em-Roanoke County Civic Center 002421 General Metal Works, Air Polution equipment for Welfare Department 002422 Olivetti Underwood Corporation, 2 new typewriters 002423 Lightweight Block Company, cinder blocks, Fire Dept. 002424. Walters Printing Company, office supplies 002425 G~ Carl Matthews, Compensation for serving on Roanoke County Planning Board 002426 Mrs. W. E.Cronquist, Compensation for serving on . ROanoke County Planning Board 002427 James A. Newton, Compensation for serving on Roanoke . County Planning Board n If n . " . " " " " " 5,000.00 198.86 632.50 210.82 582.41 I 150.00 150.00 75.00 I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The . following claims ag~inst the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: 0 No. 002321 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Tools and wonder'Mash $ l4.80! n 002322 Cooper Veterinary Hospital, Medical supplies 12.00 . 18.20 n 002323 Farmers Exchange Mills, Dog food - n 002324 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Hardware and Bulbs 5.24 n 002325 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchased for Dog ,.., Truck 1.50 J n 002326 Lawrence Supply Co., Wearing apparel and miscellaneous items for Dog Pound 16.97 n 002327 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 7.50 . 002328 Salem Anime1 Hospital, Autopsy on Cat 5.00! - " 002329 State Department of Health, Rabies Treatment 14.00 n 002430 Guy Ayers, Assisting Dog Warden 8t.-.33 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: December 20, 1965 .~ TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the clos~ of busine~s Nov~ber 30., 1965, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund - Available Cash .School.Construction Fund ~ Available Cash School TeY.tbook Fund.- Available Cash F. I. C. A. ~blic.Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account Operation Head Start - Available Cash $ 877,672.12 11,487.71 42.93 161,672.89 21,403.63 3,812.39 82,659.13 46.00 10*.94 $ 1,158,90 .74 Financial Statement $ n ~ Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,750,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $2,973,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escr9W $855,000.00 Farmers National Bank - TeY.tbook Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Service 2,611.12 Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account 82,659.13 Farmers National Bank - Operation Head Start 10~.~t ~ 1,158,90 . 1,500.00 60,774.78 926,846.73 63,001.41 21,403.63 ~.. '..'~'. ,....:. Certificates of Deposit - Public Building Bond A"count Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank 100,000.00 150,000.00 100.000.00 350,000.00 $ ~ Respectfully ~ubmitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County Said report is received and ordered filed. 187 ~ 188 1'~.7>"-'5 (',;~ ,'.;,d. 4..74 ~.f' :- ~ ~ 4~ n. ,.,,-r...s- ~"...,...'-. .;- 1 4.-IJ ~~~ f~. I~,"'..(,$ IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clrk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $1,543.52 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of November, 1965, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to ,$1,466.34 net. I " On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of December, 1965, be approved in the amount of $13,664.43 from which the sum of $288.12 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $1,146.35 total W. H. Taxes; . $17.90 total State Income, $370.21 total Retirement Insurance and $28.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $11,621.6S. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payrollfor Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning November 12, Ending November 25, 1965, be approved in the amount of $5,420.40 from which $144.48 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $410.00 total w. H. Taxes; $53.86 total State Income; $56.00 total Blue Cross Insurance, $S9.60 Uniforms and $75.00 Bankruptcy are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,591.46; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Srvices for period beginning 11-26-65, Ending 12-9-65, be approved in the amount of $6,533.50 from which $158.SJ total F. I. C. A. taxes; $535.68 total W. H. T~es; $82.13 total State Income; $77.00 total Biue Cross Insurance, $15':00 total Accident Insurance; $63.50 total Retirement Insurance, $75.00 Miscellaneous and $96.00 Uniforms are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $5,430.36. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None .' I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beg;nning Nov. 16, Ending Nov. 30, 1965, be approved in the amount of $920.00 from which $23.25 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $59.10 total W. H. Taxes; $9.37 total State Income; $21.00 total Blue Cross Insurance, and $4.80 UniforulS are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $802.48; And the Janitor's Payroll for period beg~nning 12-1-65, Ending 12-15-65, be approved in the amount of $1,191.56 frolllW'hich $23.25 total F. I. C. A. TaxE1s, $ftl.30 total W. H. Taxes; $13.19 total State IIIDm~; $28.00 total Blue Cross insurance; $24.S4 total Retirement Insurance, and $3.20 total Uniforms are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $1011.78. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: /11984, in the amount of $5,536.85 made payable to Valley Contractors Corporation for plastering, roof repairs and cleaning Courthouse; /12040, in the amount of $39.26 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Hollins Fire Station, and Trailer used in Voting Precinct at Windsor Hills; /12041, in the amount of $727.67 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for telephone service used in County Offices, Fire Stations &:c; /12064, in the amount of $110.50 made payable to C. M. Lemaster, Clerk, Roanoke City Court, for warrants and fee in collecting Delinquent Accounts; 12104, in the amount of $69.80 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for telephone service used in Sheriff's Office and Transmitter Control; /12106, in the amount of $47.00 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for Telephone service for Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations and Transmitt ] . 12108, j in the amount of $770.44 made payable to Town of Salem, for light and water service for Jail, Courthouse, Health and 'Welfare Center, Street Lighting for Riverland Court, and Sewage Treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivision; it:. the amount of $11.47 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, curren used at Dog Pound; in the alllount of $21.33 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for telephone service for Dog Warden's Home; in the amount of $669.42 made payable to Wells and Meagher, Architects" for 1/2 cost of Architectural Supervision of Salem-Roanoke County Civic: Center from Octoberl, to December 1, 1965; in the amount of $32,127.75 made payable to Martin Brothers Contractorel, 1/2 cost of Certificate No. 5 for Construction of Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center; 12116, in the amount of $91.60 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for Telephone Service for Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations; 12117, in the amount of $134.82 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration Kitchen, Fuel for Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and Welfare Center.; 1211S, in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Company, for rent on Water Softner for Hollins Fire Station; #2110, #2112, #2114, 12115, . 12163, in the amount of $lS.OO made payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Authori for sewage treatment cost for Hollins and Cave Spring Fire Stations fo%' quarter ending March 31, 1965;. /2119, in the amount ot $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service, for towel service for Courthouse; #2120, in the amount of $589.63, made payable to Valley Contractors Corporation, for Certificate No. 8 Remodeling Jail and Courthouse repairs; 12121, in the amollnt of $14.90 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Mount Pleasant Fire Station; 12164, in the amount of $23.50 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Cave Spring Fire Station; /12165, in the amount of $40.65 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for telephone service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station; 12179, in the amount of $25.30 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for telephone service for Bent Mountain Fire Station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and 'Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ] r:1 WJ The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, office and travel expenses for the Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days Jail for the month of November, 1965; . month of November, 1965 j I served in the County ~..4< I t ~. 11. . I 189 .tf '(!,.~J_}_, .)J~< .'4~ ;~. "a~_~ , 190 ~- j~ -3 ~ ~- _ '- I :.&Ct~ #-J~~ J.L.,.;c',p. R/-i,I~ I f EDWARD S. ALLEN, County Agent, report for the month of November, 1965; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of November', 1965 FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of November, 1965; - BRENDA J. BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the mont.h of November, 1965.. I lmEREAS, the County-School Board has agreed to sell to the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System, and the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System has agreed to pur~:hase, pursuant to the prOvisions of Chapter 46 of the Acts of 1959 of Virginia, $600,000 School Bonds of Roanoke County for the price of par and accrued 1nteres , and I ~RI~, the County School Board and said Board of Trustees have agreed that said bonds shall be issued in coupon form without provision for regi!ltrat:Lo and shall be payable, both as to principal and interest, at the First and Merchants National Bank, in the City of Richmond, Virginia, or, at the op1;ion of the holder thereof, at The Farmers National Bank, in the Town of Salem" Virginia, and that the bonds shall consist of eight hundred bonds of the dennmi"ation of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 800, inclusive, in the orlier of their maturity, dated December 1, 1965, bearing interest at the rate or 33ft!/> per annum, payable semi-annually on June land December 1 and matw:-ing in annual installments on December 1 in each year as follows: $40,000 in each of the yeas 1966 to 1995, inclusive, and WEREAS, the County School Board has requested that the Board of Supervisor of Roanoke County approve the terms of said agreement and the Board of Supervisors is satisfied that the said agreement should be approved; NOW, 'l'HEREFORE , BE I'l' RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that sa:td agreement made by the County School Board with the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Supplemental Retirement System be and the same hereby is approveli. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, secondeti lly Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY Letters dated November 18, November 22, November 23 and December g, 1965, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke Coun1;y, effective July 1, 1965: ADDITIONS GLENDALE SUBDIVISION . SECTION 1: Biltmore Drive - from Laura Road to Arcadia Drive I LENGTH Arcadia Drive - from Laura Road to Biltmore Drive 0.16 Mlt. 0.14 Mi. Laura Road - from Elva Road to Arcadia Drive 0.23 M:L. o ,.., L i...J ~ o 1:31 Embassy Drive - from Laura Road to Route 629 WINDSOR LAKE SUBDMSION: 0.20 Mi,. .. Laurelwood Drive - from Driftwood Lane to dead end Royal Oak Drive - from Redbud Road west to Driftwood Lane Re4bud Road . from Route 1.305 to Royal Oak Drive Driftwood Lane - from Route 1318 to Laurelwood Drive HEMLOCK HILLS SUBDIVISION. SECTION 8 Spr1ngbrook Road - from 0.02 mile north of Route 149.3 to dead end 0.10 Mi. CHESTNUT MOUNTAIN ESTATES SUBDmSION 0.34 Mi. 0.20 ML 0.03 Mi. 0.30 ~a. Chestn1rt; Mountain Drive - from Route 10.3.3 to 0.15 mile south CASTLE ROCK FARMS SUBDIVISION 0.15 Mi. Big Horn Drive - from Merino Drive to Pelham Drive onT.nil) ESTATES SUBDIVISION 0.45 1<11. Oakland Boulevard - from Vista Avenue to Orlando Avenue 0.20 )Iii. 0.05 Mi. Brent C~e - from Oakland Boulevard to dead end MONTE VISTA SUBDIVISION Renfro Boulevard - frOlll present end of Route 1462 to Peters Creek 0.10 )11. SUGAR LOAF FARMS SUBDMSION G1enbrook Drive - from Route 1699 to dead end Brookwood Drive - from Glenbrook Drive to Route 1699 0.20 ~a. 0.06 lti.. M'l'. VERNON HEIGHTS SUBDMSION Custis Avenue - from Route 1605 to dead end Valley Forge Avenue - from Route 1607 to Route 1520 HOMEWOOD SUBDIVISION. SECTION 1 Steeplechase Drive - from Route 689 to dead end 0.10 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.50 Mi. BUCKINGHAM ESTATES SUBDIVISION Pickwick Lane - from Route 705 to dead end FAIRWAY FOREST SUBDIVISION 0.16 Mi. Fairway Forest Drive - from Route 685 to Fairway Forest Circle Fairway Forest Circle - from Fairway Forest Drive to dead end GEORGE PILLIS & EMMA SUE I. PILLIS SUBDIVISION Carolyn Road' - from Route 636 to South Salem Elementary School were this day received and ordered filed. 0.31 Mi. 0.16 Mi. u . 0.07 Mi. IN RE: JAIL INSPECTION Letter dated December 8, 1965, from W. K. Cunningham, Jr., Director Division of Corrections, addressed to Board ~f Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Salem, Virginia, and Mr. Charles E. Boone, Sheriff, County of Roanoke, Salem, Virginia, together with report of the inspection of the Roanoke County Jail dated December 1, 1965, received and ordered filed. -_.~_._.---...,------. - 192 IN BE: AUDIT OF BECORDS OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE AND JAMES E. PETERS, TREASURER On IIIOtion, duly seconded and carried, it is ordered that the report of Rothgeb, Miller to Brogan, Certified Public Accountants, on audit of the accounts and records of the County of Roanoke and James E. Peters, Treasurer, for ~he fiscal year ended June 30, 1965, be, and the same is hereby received and ordered filed. Letter dated November 30, 1965, addressed to Board of Supervisors, County of Roanoke, Salem, Virginia, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public Accounts, received and ordered filed. IN BE: TAXES AND ACCOUNTS COLLECTED BY DELINQtJE!lT TAX COLLECTOR: , Nash.R. Tyler, Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts this day submitted a report of his first twelve months as Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Accoun~s - December 1, 1964 through November 30, 1965. Collections Made Personal Property Taxes and Interest Delinquent Garbage Accounts . Judgments and Other Accounts Court Costs Recovered $ 30,528.23 8,442.32 2,150.94 1.30~.60 '$ 42,42 .09 Total which report is received and ordered filed. Ntice addressed to Mr. Walter Lipps, Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, that Henry M. Fields, has made application to the State Corporation Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a Common Carrier by motor vehicle for the handling of Passengers on the following route or routes: Between Roanoke and Irving, Virginia, via old U. S. H. 460, serving Bonsack, thence over S. H. 738, serving Webster, back to U. S. H. 460 and thence U. S. H. 460 to junction with S. H. 695, serving Blue Ridge and Villamont and over S. H. 695 and 770, serving Montvale, thence to Irving via U. S. H. 460 and return over same route; stating that hp-aring before State Corporation Commission on said application will be held at Richmond, Virginia, on January 26, 1966, at 10;00 0 'clock A. M., received and ordered filed. IN BE: COMPENSATION OF COloMlNWEALTH'S ATTORNEY TREASURER . SHERIFF C014MISSIONER OF REVENUE, AND EXPENSE ACCOUNTS The Compensation Board of the State of Virginia, having certified to this Board that it had tentatively fixed the following allowances to the Commonwealth's Attorney, Treasurer, Sheriff and Commissioner of Revenue of Roanoke County for the year beginning January 1, 1966, to-wit: C()M!t)NWEAL'l'H'S ATTORNEY 10,500.00 Expense account as shown on said allowance 11 00.00 $ 22,000.00 TREASURER Expense account as shown on said allowance $ 9,450.00 46.597.00 $ 56,047.00 I I I I I o n iJ o o 8 ~ SHERIFF Expense }.ccount as shown on said allowance $ 9,080.00 105.175.00 $ 114,255.00 COMMISSIONER OF REVENUE Expense Account as shown on said allowance $ 9,860.00 53.235.00 $ 63,095.00 Upon consideration whereof, on the motion, duly seconded, said allowance as tentatively fixed by the State Compensation Board, are ..approved, and the County's share of said salaries and expenses are allowed, payable monthly, as per voucher checks returned and approved. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Irarris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None ' .. IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY "WELFARE BOARD AUTHORIZATION FOR PADIENT OF ALL STATE-LOCAL HOSPITAL BILLS EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 31, 1965 On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that this Board approve the payment of all State-Local Hospital Bills incurred by the Roanoke County Welfare Board through December 31, 1965. Adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: PAYMENT OF SALARIES: On motion, duly s~ccnded, it is ordered that the regular monthly salary checks for all county employees be approved for payment as of December 20, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None On application of the below-named petitioner: Frank 1'. Tirico, et als CSkycoe Drive east of Skyview Road) who this day - filed their petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanok,~ County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground an<i report .to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such road shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof will, in such case, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said road should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said road. 193 q .~ 4.~~ ',- '~q J} ~ ~_ . . 77rv r F ~ - -I .' f' .~~ ,......Of'""$" ,,,,.,,.J,.!;t' 194 ~~. IJ,< -. ,~ -;. ~ .' "-_ I 9r ~ 111 -. -Vr7"~ ~~ a~.,..J4. r..., ,/-a. '''f.~JiT . . 1llI_"" ,I ~ ~,#.. ~ ~)it. ~~~ I~.-a'f'~ And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginiaas a defendant to these road proceedings. The S1.aons shall be directed, exented, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harr and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I IN RE: REZONING A TRACT OF LAND IN CAVE SPRING' MAGISTERIAL. DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIllGINIA, ON.THE"WEST SIDE OF MUTE 419 I AND THE NORTHWEST. SIDE OF ROUTE 221, PRESENTLY OWNED BY ETHEL M. RADFORD , . , Pursuant to notice of Public Hearing to be held on this date, the Roanoke County Planning Commission having heretofore filed its recommendation herein, this matter again came before the Board and after a lengthy discussion by certain residents of said area, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and said request is denied. Adopted by the f'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A.C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Petition signed by Mrs. E. E. Wilbourne and sundry residents of Crestwood Park, received and ordered filed. IN RE: THE PE'l'MON OF HAROLD E. LeGRANDE FOR REZONING OF AN tmIMPROVED wr "LOT NO.3, . SECTION 2, H. S. TURNER SUBDIVISION"-FROM RESIDENTIAL "R-l" TO "R-2" MULTIPLE IMELLING RESIDENTIAL TO PERMIT CONSTRUCTION OF A DUPLEX OR TWO,.FAMILY DWELLING UPON. THE wr. I I Pursuant to notice of Public Hearing to be held on this date, H. E. Le- Grande urging the re-zoning of said property, appeared, the Roanoke County Planning Commission having heretofore filed its recommendation herein, this matter again came before the Board; Whereupon on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Kef'fer, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning COmmission and said ~uestis denied. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON NORTH SIDE OF HERSHBERGER ROAD AT THE NORTHWEST . CORNER OF FAIRHOPE ROAD OF HEWtY E. CRUM AND EDNA M. CRUM Pursuant to notice of Public Hearing to be held on this date, Henry E. Crum, I ~ J one of the petitioners, urging the rezoning of said property, appeaed, the Roanoke County Planning Commission having hereto filed its recommendation herein, this matter again came before the Board; Whereupon on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A.C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board concurs in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and said request is denied. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supel1ll.sors Minor R. Keffer, A. c. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ IN RE: REZONING OF THOSE TWO PARCELS OF LAND CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY ONE (1) ACRE OF LAND, }I)RE CR LESS, LOCATED IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT. OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGDIIA, LYING. ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF TWELVE 0 'CLOCK KNOW ROAD, DES~ IGNATED AS VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE NO. 694., AND BEING OWNED. BY CLARENCE B. HALE AND AGNES FAY HALE, HUSBlND AND WIFE,. AS TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES. . I FINAL ORDER tA-i~ u . 'to (f).~~-T f~~,""""1 't' ft~. e.... C .~.-- ~ ! '......ry'h~- 1 ;.....J The property of: Clarence B. Hale and Agnes Fay Hale. WHEREAS, Clarence B. Hale and Agnes Fay Hale, by their attorney, did on October 18, 1965, petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the County Zoning Ordinances so as to provide that certain property described in said petition, now classified as "Agricultural A-l" be reclassified and rezoned as nResidential R~2"; and, J - - ~S, as required by the Code of Virginia and more especially as required by Section 15.1-431 aft& Seeti~a 15.1 4.Jl and Section 15.1-493 of said Code, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and said Code of Virginia, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, did hold a public hearing on the aforesaid matter on the 23d of November, 1965, and di~, by a resolutio~ adopted at said meeting, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County ZOning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of two (2) tracts of land from "Agricultural A-l" to "Residential R-2"; and, ~".'. '-' f' I j. - . - . liHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said County did, by its resolution, adopted on the lSth day of October, 1965, order the Clerk of this Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning CO;;mU.ssion, to forthwith set, down for a public hearing at a regular meoting of said Board of Supervisors to be held on December 20, 1965, and to give notice thereof, through publiCation, in accordance with the provisiOll of said County ZOning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, and, liHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on December 20, 1965,at 2:00 o'clock P. M., as the date and time for -- a public hearing on the proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise the same by notice thereof, duly published in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper published in and having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions as required by and in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, as amended 1;0 date; and, 'WID:REAS, said public hearing was this day had and on said proposed amendment 1;0 said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after full and complete notice thereof was duly publishe-d as aforesaid; and, 'WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said I*ition and to. the recommendation of said planning Commission and being advised 1;hat the property owners are in agreement with said Pl"nning Commission in rezoning the property described in the petition herein referred to from "Agricultural A-1ft - - to "Residential R-2", and the Board having heard evidence touching the merits o.f I I - . said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and being o.f the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as recommended by said P]"nning Commission as heretofore requested by the petitioners: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, tha1; at this regular meeting o.f the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, virginia, held on this 20th day of December, 1965, the said County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke Co.unty be, and 1;he same is hereby amended so as to change'the classifica1;ion of the hereinaft~r described 'two trac1;s of land from ftAgricultural A-1ft to "ResidenUal R-2ft in I - -. - order that; said property and the building that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for multi-dwelling purposes ("Residential R-2ft) as defined in said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby reclassified and rezoned as "Residential R-2ft is more particularly described as follows: PARCEL NO.2 BEGINNING at a point on the line of the Albert T. Sisk property, said beginning point being S. 100 55',W. 92.5 feet from Twelve O'Clock Knob Road; thence.N. >8~ 24' E. 162.5 feet to an iron stob driven in the ground on the line of the George E. Carter property; thence S. 540 16' E. 165.6 feet to an iron on the line of the Earl Sims property (formerly Diamond Orchard' Company); thence along and with the Sims line S. 120 25' W. 212 feet, more or less, to an iron stob; thenoeN. 430 12' W. 250 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and being all of Parcel No.2. PARCEL No. 3 I BEGINNING at a point on the Albert T. Sisk line which is also the common corner to, Parcel No.2 conveyed unto Clarence S. Hale, et ux, running N. 100 55' W. 92.5 fee1; 1;0 a poin1; on 1;he eas1; side of S1;a1;e Route No. 694, commonly known as Twelve o'clock Knob Road; thence along and with said road, N. 51" '45' E.. 102.0 feet to a point on said road; thence along and with the George B. Carter line S. 510 3StE. 40.5 feet to an iron on the line common 1;0 Parcel.No. 2 conveyed unto the said Clarence B. Hale, et ux; thence along and with said line N. 380 24' E. 190.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and beingall.of Parcel No.3. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board :Ls I to forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and a copy thereof to O. Dalton Baugess, At1;orney for the petitioners, Clarence B. Hale and Agens Fay Hale. Ii ;..J The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of Catawba Magisterial District, and seconded by Super'lisor A. C. Harris of Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY,. VIRGINIA, LOCATED aIr THE NORTHERLY SIDE. OF HERSHBERGER ROAD. 34-.69 FEET AND 704.24 FEET WESTERLY FRCThI AmPORT ROAD, CONTAINING 12.756 ACRES I RESOLUTION AND ORDER /IIf ~ ifliEREAS, T. D. Steele, Anita M. Steele, T. A. Carter, Jr., and Jeanette W. Carter have heretofore filed their petition to amend the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in the Big Lick Magisterial District, of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described in the said petition, from Agricultural District A-l to Business District B-2; WHEREAS, by order entered at its regular meeting on October 18, 1965, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County referred the llB tter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendations; and 'WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at a regular meeting held on November 2,3, 1965, after legal and timely advertisement of the same, .fully considered the petition, and reported to this Board by resolution its recommendation that the tract in question be rezoned from Agricultural District A-l to Business District B-2; and WHEREAS, the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's regular II meeting on December 20, 1965, and it further appears from the c~tificate of the~ publisher, Times-Worls Corporation, that notice of the publichearing to be held on December 20, 1965, was fully published in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, a publiC hearing was duly held on December 20, 1965, and a full opportunity was accorded all interested parties to express their views concerni the proposed rezoning; and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the public hearing, and after full considerat on J of the matter, the Board is of the opinion that the change in classification would promote the public interest, the prosperity and welfare of the citizens of " Roanoke ounty; and WHEREAS, all requirements of law have been complied with and the propert}" should be rezoned as recommended by the Pl~nning Commission. NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, as amj;!nded, be, and they are hereby further amended to reclassif and rezone from Agricultural District A-l to Business District B-2 that certain tract now owned by the petitioners and more particularly described as follows: o BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of the 50-foot \1idth right-of-way of Hershberger Road, said point being the southerly corner of Skyway Shopping Center, Inc., property, and being 704-.24 feet westerly as measured along the northerly sideof Hershberger Road from the first angle point in samd westerly from Airport Road; thence with the northerly side of Hershberger Road (50 feet wide), and with a curved line to 197 9'-'k~ .!f:~.:t.- ~ R1.... -y-- 'f'" ~~ -r; ~c.- ~(l..<<...u-.. \'1'VI/'~""" I Ii 198 I 1 i c.{....<.. ~ r. , ~...~. 'f~~_~ c., ~CX"'- c,...... I -.\1'5' the left whose radius is 2839.79 feet and whose chord is ~. 730 09' ~2" W. 118.33 feet, and the arc length of 11~.36 feet to Corner 2; thence continuing with the same, S. 740 21' 20" W. 581.64 feet to Corner 3; thence with two new lines through the property of the Andrews Estate, N. 270 09' 34" w. 786.71 teet to Corner 4; thence N. 550 55' 10" E. 570.0 feet to Corner 5 on the southwesterly line of the Skyway Shopping Center, Inc. property; thence with the same, S. 340 04' 50" E. 1000.0 fett to Corner 1; the place of BEGINNING, con- taining 12.756 acres, more or less; and as shown by plat made by C. B. Malcolm and Son, Virginia State Certified Engineers, dated September 29, 1965, a copy of which is attached to the said petition of T. D. Steele, et al., which has been recommended for such rezoning by the Roanoke County Planning Commission. I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be spread on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County I by the Clerk of this Board, and that the said Clerk further furnish a certified i copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein, and that additional certified copies of this resolution and order be sent to counsel for the petitioners herein. The above resolution and order was adopted at a regular meting of this Board this day held, on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris of the Big Lick Magisterial District and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of the Catawba Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: I AYES: A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. LipeG NAYS: NONE IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 AND THE EAST SIDE OF THE INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD IN SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY BERNARD COOK FINAL ORDER At a meting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of December, 1965; WHEREAS, Bernard Cook petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property de- scribed in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business B-2 and certain other property, likewise described in said petition, be rezoned and reclassified as Industrial M-l, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on October 18, 1965 and by order entered that day was referred to the Planning I I Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the proVisions of the 1950 code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting, held on November 23, 1965, after hearing evidence touching on the, merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of a portion of the property described in said petition from Agricultural A-l to Business B-2 and 1~39 o the remaining po~ion from Agricultural A-l to Industrial M-l; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 18th day of October, 1965, direct the Clerk of this Board, upon the receipt of said recommendation, to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this BOard held on December 20, 1965, as the time and date for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by two insertions on November 30, 1965 and December 7, 1965, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordance with said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and o j WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on said proposed amendment; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of December, 1965, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclaSSify the property described in said petition from Agri- cultural A-l to Business B-2 as to Parcel A, and from Agricultural A-l to Industrial M-l, as to Parcel B, in order that said property might be more fully and reasonably used, the said property being classified as Business B-2 is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the North right of way line of U.S.Route 11, marking the Northeast Corner of said Route 11 and the Industrial Access Road; thence leaving said beginning point and with the easterly line of said In- dustrial Access Road, North 820 14' 20" West, 43.99 feet to a point, marked by an iron pin; thence continuing with said Industrial Access Road, North 220 2' 24" West, 183 feet to a point; thenc~ with a new line through and across the property of rern&rd Cook, North 770 21' 52" East, 300.79 feet to a point in the West property line of the property of Frank R. Ang!i!l1, marked by an iron pin; thence with the line of Frank R. Angell and the line of Humble Oil Company, South 90 46' 4" East, 200 feet to a pipe with lead center in the North right of way line of U. S. Route 11; thence with the same, South 8.30 .38' 56" West, 19.65 feet to a :~ight of way monument; thence continuing with the North r:lght of way line of said U. S. Route 11, on a curve, having a chord distance of 199.18 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 1.238 acres, more or less; and the said property being classified as Industrial Ill-l is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the East right of way line of the. Industrial Access Road marking the Northwest corner of Parcel A, hereinbefore described; thence in a north- erly direction with the East line of said Industrial Access Road approximately 500 feet, more or less, to a point in the South right of way line of the Virginian o rTI WI 200 ~1i ~ C:;r \I'CX-~ ~~~ Y" ~ ^J,.t/(,l. ,.,-, ' Railway; thence with the South right of way line of the Virginian Railway approximately 240 feet to a pOint in the West line of the Angell property; thence in a Southerly direction with said Angell property approximately 400 ft. more or less, to the northeast corner of Parcel A, de- scribed above; thence with the North line of Parcel A, South 770 21' 52" West, 300.79 feet to the place of BE- GINNING, and containing approximately 2.7 acres. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to Kime &: Jolly, Attorneys for petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I I AYES: Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes NAYS: None IN RE: REZONING OF 2.73 ACRES OF LAND IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY ROANOKE, VIRGINIA CITY LDlITS, ON THE EAST BY JlALVERN HILLS SUBDIVISION, ON THE NORTH BY PROPERTY NOW OR FORMERLY OWHED BY W. W. BOXLEY ESTATE AND ON THE WEST BY PROPERTY OF R. E. GLEASON FINAL ORDER : I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on December 20, 1965. WHEREAS, Roxie E. Thompson, M. Frank Martin, Kathleen T. Martin, Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to provide that certai property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Residential R-2" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on October 18, 1965, and by order entered on that day, was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 23rd day of November, 1965, after giving publiC notice, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be amended so as to change the classii'ication of the property described in the petition to "Residential R-2" property; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order , entered on the 18th day of October, 1965, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of II this Board, upon the receipt of said recollIDlendation from the Planning Commission" I forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notic~ thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on December 20, 1965, at 2:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zc~ing Ordinanc (1960), and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke Times J newspaper on November 30, 1965, and December 7, 1965, which paper has general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, all of which is as required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance *(1960) by this Board, after notice ther - of was duly pUblished as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, the Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning COmmission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), is now of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. 1 1 ....I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of Decembe 1965, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), be and the S8IIIe is hereby amended as to classify the property described in said petition as "Residential R-2" property in order that said property and building that may be hereafter erected thereon may be used for "Residential R-2" purposes as defined by said County .., 'J Zoning Ordinance (1960). The property hereby classified as "Residential R-2" property is IIIOre --- o particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point marked by an iron pipe at a corner common to property of Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early and property of R. E. Gleason on the property line of property now or formerly owned by W. W. Boxley's Estate; thence N. 520 55' E. 113.0 Ft. along the property line dividing property of Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early and property now or formerly owned by W. W. Boxley's Estate to a point; thence S. 2$0 27' E. 387.41 ft. along the property line dividing property of Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early and the westerly boundary of Malvern Hills Subdivision to a point on said line at a corner common to property of said Alvin C. Early an Ruth T. Early; thence S. 280 27' E. 320.3 ft. along the property line dividing property of M. Frank Martin and Kathleen T. Martin and the said westerly boundary line of said Malvern Hills Subdivision to a point; thence S. 520 30' W. along the property line of M. Frank Martin and Kathleen T. Martin and the northerly City Limits of Roanoke, Virginia, a distance of 106.0 ft. and continuing along the same course along the property line of Roxie Thompson and the northerly City Limits of Roanoke, Virginia, a distance of 105.0 ft., in all a total distance of 211.0 ft. to a point; thence N. 280 20' E. 403.3 ft. along the property line of R. E. Gleason to a corner common to property of said R. E. Gleason and property of Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early; thence N. 610 4-0' E. 101.7 ft. along the property line dividing ?roperty of said R. E. Gleason and said Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early to a corner common to said Gleason and Earlys; thence N. 280 20' E. 320.2 ft. along the aforesaid property line to the point of BEGINNING, and having a composite acreage of 2.73 acres, more or less. . ' pl U IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that' the Clerk of this Board shall forthwish furnish certified copies of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and to l~rtin, Hopkins and LelllOn, Attorneys for the Petitioners. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on the record vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None II 202 ~~i/t4 rf, ~, 11~ 1/' ':t!t.<< . ~ pi t. j... 17c. iJ........ e,.,.... 14/./~j IN RE: REZONINGOF TIlACT OF LAND IN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, BEING A .62 ACRE TIlACT ADJOINING VIRGINIl;BEcONDARY ROUTE 907 At a meeting of the Board'of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on December 20, 1965. 'WHEREAS, Howard S. Peters and Hazel A. Peters petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to PDvide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Residential R-2" property, which petition was filed at a - - regular meeting of this Board on September 20, 1965, and by order entered on that day, was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, I FINAL ORDER I I VHEREAS, said Pl~nning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 26th day of October, 1965, after giving public notice, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Residential R-2" property; and, ~lUS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 20th day of September, 1965, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon the N:eipt of said recommendation from the Planning Comulissio , forthwith set the same down for a publiC hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, 'WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on December 20, 1965, at 2:30 p. m. as the date and time f.)r a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke World-News on November 30, 1965, and December 7, 1965, which paper has general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, all of which is required by said orderof this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), and the Code of Virginia; and, imEREAS, said public hearing was this datehad on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) by this Board, after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, lffiEREAS, the Bo<<d, after giving careful consideration to said petition and t said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and ~~ter hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), is of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (196 ), should be amended as request~d in said petition, and as recommended by said PlAnning Commission, I I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of December, 196 , the said County Zoning Ordinance (1960), be and the same is hereby amended as to classify tbe property described in said petition as "Residential R-2" property - . in order that said property and building that may be hereafter erected thereon may be used for Residential R-2 purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance (1960). 203 The proprty hereby classified as "Residential R-2" property is more o - particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a ~int on the East side of Virginia Secondary Route #907, corner to the' property of Mrs. John R. Pugh and the property of Elbert L. Blankenship, et UX; thence with the East side of the road, S. 190 OO'E. .30.0 feet to an iroD; thence with the line of Tract B (remaining property of Elbert L. Blankenship, et we) N. 470 15' E. 15.0 feet to an iron; thence S. 750 4..3' E. 276.7 feet to an iron; thence with the west side of the .30 foot roadway, N. 70 19' E. 100.0 feet to an iron, corner to the property .formerly owned by the Cave Spring Lions Club; thence with the line of said property S. 870 44' W. 90.6 feet to an iron; thence N. 1.20 35' W. 134..6 f'eet to an iron, corner to the property of Mrs. John R. Pugh; thence with the line of the Pugh proprty S. 470 15' W. 162.0 feet to the beginning and containing 0.62 acres; and, Ij .J BEING Tract A, according to a certain map of the property of' Elbert L. Blankenship, et we, dated October 30, 1956, made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., a copy of which is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke ~ounty, Virginia, in Deed Book 567, page 98. BEING the same property conveyed to Howard S. Peters and Hazel A. Peters, husband and wife, by deed dated December 17, 1964,of record in the aforesaid Clerk's Off'ice. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of' this Board shall J , . forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Martin, Hopkins and Lemon, Attorneys f'or the Petitioners. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on the record vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: Nae IN RE: REZONING OF 0.7528 acres more or less of land situated on the southern side of Virginia State Route No. 24, approximately one-half mile East of the Town of Vinton, Big Lick Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, owned by DONALD ALLEN WILLIAMS At a meeting of the Board of' Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the CoUrthouse on December 20, 1965. . . .{ ~",.JJ... d d.-. J. II~~' u,..; 'tJ........v ctM '.~. {; ,;k~ f.tt. C. ~. C-. 1;1/';'1/6'- I FINAL ORDER J iffiEREAS, DONALD ALLEN 'WILLIAMS petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified from INDUSTRIAL M-l to BUSINESS B-2 property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on October 18, 1965, and by order entered on October 18, 1965, was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the prOvisions of the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 23rd day of November, 1965, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to BUSINESS B-2 property, and, ::'1 SJ \ 204 1mEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke did, by its order entered on the 18th day of October, 1965, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning O:t'~nance and the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on December 20, 1965, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. as the date an"" I . . time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and advel;'tised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke-Wor1d-News, a newspaper having general circulation in the Co~ty: of Roanoke,Virginia, for two insertions on November 30, 1965. and December 7, 1965, as required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with t.he provisiOns of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, and 1fflEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition, and to said recommendation of the Planning COmmission, and after hearing evidenc touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as reoommended by said Planning Commission. Hat, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 20th day of December, 1965, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classifY the property described in said petition as BUSINESS B-2 property in order that said property and. the buildings that may hereafter be erected thereon may be used for BUSINESS B-2 purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby classified as BUSINESS B-2 property is more particularl described as follows I to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lYing and being in the Big Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin at the northeast corner of the Raymond L. Finch 0.684 acre tract where it intersects the southside of Va. Route No. 24, thence N. 76 deg. 00' E. 100 feet to a point in same; thence leaving Va. Route No. 24, S. 14 deg. 00' E. 342.S8 feet, more or less, to the center of a sewer easement; thence N. 87 deg. 20' W. 104.38 feet to a point, it being the southeast corner of the said Finch tract; thence N. 14 deg. 00' W. 312.94 feet to the place of BEGINNING; containing 0.7528 acres more or less. I I I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of ROanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Charles D. Carrington, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Suprvisor A. C. Harris, and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None I o IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN SALEM ~fAGlSTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, LOCATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDEOF STATE ROUTE NO. 117, EAST OF. THE INTER.- . SECTION OF OLD STATE ROUTE NO. 117 WITR NEW STATE ROUTE NO.. 117 This day convened at 2:00 P. M. a regular meeting of the Board of I ORDER ( ':tiJ 'U. tP:~. .~.tm. 14~11{;'- '1 ..J Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, whereupon leave was askEi:i to file the petition of Chester Ross Lemon, 1alliam N. Lemon, Helen Lemon Davis and Ruth Lemon Bergeron, requesting that a parcel of' land located on the northerly side of' new State Route No. 117, east of the intersection thereof with old State ,., Route No. 117 and of the property of Robert L. Hawkins, in the Salem Magisterial . . p District, County of Roanoke, Virginia, be rezoned from Agricultural A-l classification to Light Industrial M-l classification, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, as amended, and the pertinent statutes of the CommoIIWealth of Virginia. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting of the said Board of' Supervisors of' Roanoke County the said petition be, and the same is hereby, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the said petition be, and is hereby, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, f'or its recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-492 of the Code of virginia, as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that when the said Pla....ing Commission shall have received the said petition, considered the same, and reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt thereof, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set this request for rezoning for public hearing at a regular, special or adjourned meeting of this Board and which shall occur subsequent to the publication of notice, as required by law, and the said Clerk shall cause the said notice to be published. AND BE ITFURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a certified copy of this order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the said Planning Commission. The above resolution and order was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of the Catawba Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris'. of the Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C.. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 1 -oJ 'i ~ ~..'..- ,,', i ~ . Whereas, this Board being advised by Representatives of the Virginia Department of Highways that they should abandon certain sections of Old Route 419 as shown below and in the plan entitled "Changes in Primary and Secondary System Due to Relocation and Construction of Route 119, Projects 119-l29-10l, C501; 0119-080-102, C502; 0221-080-102, C501." Section 1 - Section old location abandon. FromInt. Route 11 to SCL Salem Length - 0.40 Mi. To become street in Town of Salem. ~~~ "...a.Zh t; 7lJ. Ut...ttJ ~"'1!" . .'!r' ./~.,.,. 4t. I"';J,)J~.' 206 Section 2 - Section old location to be tra~ferred to Secondary System. From SCL limits Salem to 0.02 Mi. N. new location Route 419. Length - 0.90 Mi. Service - 4~subdivisions and 10 houses. Section 3 - Section old location to be abandon. From Route 1442 to 0.10 Mi. N. Route 1442. Length - 0.10 Mi. No Service. Section 4 - Section old location to be transferred to Secondary System. From Route 1442 to Int. Route 419. Length - 0'.20 Mi. Service: 3 houses I' -.'. . - Section old location to be transferred to Secondary System. From Route 419 to Int. Route 1308 Length - 0.85 Mi. Service: 2 subdivisions and 7 houses Section 6 - Section old location to be abandoned From Route 1308 to Route 419 Length - 0.02 Mi. No Service Section 7 - Section old location to be abandoned. From Int. Route 1306 to Route 419 Length - 0.12 Mi. No Service I Section 5 Section 8 &: 9 - Old location to be transferred to Secondary System. From Route 419 to 0.08 Mi. N. Route 419 Length - 0.90 Mi. Service - 2 Subdivisions and 3 houses. Section 10 - Section old location to be abandoned. From Old Route 419 to 0.08 Mi. S. Old Route 419. Length - 0.08 Mi. No Service Section 11 - Section old location to be transferred to Secondary System. From 0.05 Mi. N. Route 702 to Int. Old Route 221 Length - 0.30 Mi. Service: 1 Subdivision and 5 houses and 1. church Section 12 - Section old Location to be transferred to Secondary System. From Route 221 to 0.10 Mi. South Route 221. Length - 0.45 Mi. Service - Village of Cave Spring" Section 13 - Section old location to be abandoned. From Route 221 to 0.10 Mi. S. Route 221 Length - 0.10 Mi. No Service Section 14 - Section Secondary Road to be abandoned. From Int. Route 1311 to 0.04 Mi. W. Int. Route 1311. Length - 0.04 Mi. No Service Section 15 - Section Secondary road to be abandoned. From Route 419 to 0.01 Mi. W.Route 419. Length - 0.01 Mi. No Service Section 16 - Section Secondary Road to be abandoned. From Int. Route old 419 to 0.08 Mi. W. Int. Old Route 419. Length. 0.08 Mi. No Service Section 17 - Connection to be added to Secondary System. From Route 1313 to Route 1311 Length - 0.05 Mi. Service - Connections to Secondary Roads. Section 18 - Connection to be added to Secondary System. From Route old 419 to Route 419 Length - 0.02 Mi. Service Connecting old 419 and Route 419 Section 19 - Connection to be added to Secondary System. From Route 1442 to Route 419 Length - 0.01 Mi., Service Connecting Route 1442 aud Route 1419 Section 20 - Connection to be added to Secondary System. From Route 419 tc Route 1308 Service connecting Route 419 and Route 1308 Section 21 - Connection to be added to Secondary System. From R9ute 419 '1;0 Route 1657 and old Route 419. Length - 0.20 Mi. Service: Connects Route 419 and Route 1657. , Section 22 - Connection to be added to Seccndary System. From Route 419 to Route old 419. Length - 0.02 Mi. Service: Connects old 419 and Route 419. Section 23 - Connection to be added to Secondary System. From Old Route 419 to Route 419 Length - 0.02 Mi. Service connects old Route 419 and Route 419 I I Section 24 - Connection to be added to Secondary System. From Route 221 to Old Route 221 Length - 0.06 Mi., Service connects Route 221 and old Route 221. lmEREAS, in accordance with Sections 33-76.5 and 33-76.12, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. Therefore, be it resolved, this Board request that the foregoing be dispose of in accordnce with the location and design sketch dated November 10, 1965 for projects: 'I' 0119-129-101, C501 0119-080-102, C501 0119-080-102, C502 0221-080-102, C501 2~07 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None J APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE J BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue fund for the period ending June 30, 1966, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board . ..u. Ir ~ ~-:Jk;JI"" .~~ I'S '~if'~; 371,832.50 For the operation of the public library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended by the Library Board For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors as follows: 40,799.00 ~ ..J 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 3 - Collection and Disburs~ent of Taxes and Other Revenue 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording of Documents 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court. 5b - County Court 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile and. Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime .Preventlon and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Conrin~ent and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 8 - Public Welfare 8a - Board of Public Welfare 8e - Institutional Care 8h - Lunacy Commission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public Works lOa - Engineering Department lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c - Garbage Disposal 10e - Contractual Services 11 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 12 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (See Dog Fund) 13 - Elections - ll,. - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 18 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 18a - Annexation 180 - Civil Defense 19 - Cali;al Outlay Debt Service 8,175.00 16,200.00 17,302.00 5,280.00 8,255.00 5,567.50 12.50 5,500.00 18,815.00 44,204.50 9,901.00 29,232.50 150.00 18,575.00 1,650.00 24,443.83 17,322.50 appropriated 57,785.00 5,000.00 6,550.00 , appropriated 13,965.00 47,727.67 760.00 276,760.00 0~0,2~0.~0 1, 2,0 5. 0 o For educational purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transf'erring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of this Board 17a- Administration 17b- Instruction 17c- Coordinated Activities 17d- Auxiliary Agencies 17e- Housing 17f -Fixed Charges Scholarship Grants Debt Service $ Capital Outlay Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund 34,114.00 2,375,199.36 1,850.00 174,426.00 275,358.58 17,057.50 34,750.00 333,324.82 1.532.394.10 $ 5,850,489.86 r.1 lJ 208 For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the dog laws, to be transferred to the Dog Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors $ 8,950.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he herebyis, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies become avaUable sums equal to, but not in excess ^f, the appropriation made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Appropriation Ordinance. A copy of this Ordinance is ordered to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and adopted by the following, recorded vote to become effective December 20, 1965 Ayes: supervisors Minor R. Keff'er, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I The following resolution was this day presented to the Board: ~, the general authority for flood plain information studies by the Corps of Engineers in Section 206, Public Law 86-645 (approved 14 July 1960) which reads (in part): Sec. 206(a) That, in recognition of the increasing use and development of the flood plains of the rivers of the United States and of the need for informa- tion on flood hazards to serve as a guide to such development, and as a basis for avdding future hazards by regulation of' use by States and municipalities, the Secretary of the Army, through the Chief of Engineers, Department of the Army, is hereby authorized to compile and disseminate information on floods and flood damages, including identification of areas subject to inundation by floods of various mA~itudes end frequencies, and general criteria for guidance in the use of flood plain areas; and to provide engineering advice to local interests for their use in planning to ameliorate the flood hazard: Provided, that the necess surveys and studies will be made and such information and advice will be provided for specific localities only upon the requestof a State or a responsible local governmental agency and upon approval by the Chief of Engineers; and VHEREAS, the major objectives of these studies and technical advice are: a. To compile in a useful form and disseminate to State and local governmelI agencies, information on floods and potential flood hazards, inCluding identifi- cation of areas subject to inundation by floods of various magnitudes and frequencies; I I I b. To encourage optimum use of the Nation s river valleys by providing to " State and local governmental agencies a factual basis for: (1) Reducing future flood damages and hazards through carefully considered and well-planned local regulations and use of the flood plains; . (2) Planning such advance protection as may be economically justUieu for prospective land uses that could not be undertaken without protection; 0) Preserving adequa'te floodway and channel rights-of-way and channel clearances. I o c. To provide publicly available information for the guidance of private citizens and interests on use of the flood plains; 4. To reduce future expenditues for Federal projects to protect development which, in the absence of the program, would have taken place, or for alleviation of flood problems arising :from improper flood plain development; and ~S, the responsibilities of the local governments are as follows: (l) The applicant will publicize the information report in the community and area concerned, and make copies available for use or inspection by responsibl interested parties and individuals. (2) Zoning and other regulatory, development and the planning agencies, and public information media, will be provided with the flood plain information for their guidance and appropriate action. (3) Survey markers, monuments, etc., established in any Federal surveys undertaken for Sec. 206 sudies, or in regular surveys in the area concerned, will be preserved and safeguarded. BE IT THREREFORE RESOLVED THAT authority be delegated to the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission to intitiate action requesting the Corps of Engineer to complete fiood plain information studies pertaining to the James and Roanoke Rivers and their t.ributaries within the geographic boundaries of t.he region; i.e. Botetourt and Roanoke Counties and the City of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisors A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walt.er M. Lipes. Nays: None ..., J o Let.ter dated October 26, 1965, from Robert M. Shannon, Jr., Director, Roanoke Valley Planning Commission, Roanoke, Virginia, addressed to Mr. Paul B. Matt.hews, County Executive Officer, P. O. Box 42, Salem, Virginia, received and ordered filed. IN RE: ACCOUNTS PAYABLE OUT OF DOG TAX FUND: o On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the following claims, payable out of the dog tax tuI~ of Roanoke County, be allowed, to~wit: ~'" 1.:. I' Mrs. LOUIN C. GARMAN, for two lambs killed by dogs at $21.00 each W. L. TURNER, for heifer killed by dogs (8 months old) Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None $ 42,,00 $ 65,,00 IN RE: RE-APPOINTMENT OF PAUL B. MATTHEWS, AS A MEMBER OF THE ROANOKE VAlLEY REGIONAL PLANNING COMMISSION: 209 ~4 ~t1. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. HarriS,t ' /~. it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews be re-appointe'" a member of the Roanoke . .~ ,,:<.aJf.~- Valley Regional Planning Commission for a three (3) year term, beginning January 1, 1966 and expiring December 31, 1965. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. "'effer A CHi Nays: None "', . . arr s and Walter M. Lipes 21Q .._.J.,.....I....:~ .' ,.., 0' . "'/ ..J--'"( .. ,.; tcj . - " 7J/~' ..a~-~7J . bil>. -1'~ ./..~"'-. 'G' ./ ./~... \'1 t._~ "..'>' I ~p.,~ Muu' c,. J2 d_..OJ Z4:~ /~~;.'(iJ- ./ C'....AJ LJ. ~ , ~ C. t#. ~~PI Z ~,c, . ~..v. ,,,{/.z, / ,r Letter dated November 20, 1965, addressed to Board or Commissioners ,Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from Heyward H. Horry, President, Men's Garden Club of Roanoke, Roanoke, Virginia, in re: further improvement in appearance of areas in which we live, was this day received and ordered filed. ~ereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that said request be referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for study and report to this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, l.[inor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I IN RE: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION "WITH AUDIT OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE: On the moti~n of Supervisor MinorR.- Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the sum of Fifty-five Hundred Dollars ($5500.00), balance due, be paid to Rothgeb, Miller &: Brogan, Certified Public Accounts, for the audit of the accounts ending June 30, 1965, ~~ for ended June 30, 1965. ... and records of Roanoke County for the fiscal year e professional services rendered during the year Ad~ed by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Board of Supervisors va. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Darby Road from Co,lIIlIander Drive to Route 623 - 0.18 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Central Park, which map is recorded i.n Plat Book 6, Page 27 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, . I and that by reason of the recordation of' said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting propertl' owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Darby Road from Commander Drive to Route 623 - 0.18 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: S~pervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Kefrer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o I 211 - ORDERED that the Board be adjounred until, Tuesday, December 28, 1965, at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Z>>SAc~~ o o Court House Salem, Virginia December 28, 1965 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House pursuant to adjournment. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman and A. C. Harris. Absent: Frank R. Angell. Also present: Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, of Roanoke County. Before the meeting was called to order A. C. Harris offered a praYel'. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that counsel for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count file the necessary answers in the case of the City of Roanoke vs. County of Roanoke, et als, regarding the ownership of certain sewer lines in Roanoke Count Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None I~~~ ~-<,...~ f::L .~- .) -'"-. - ,4 _.-.,.,..s o On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor, A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Robert C. Fitzgerald, attorney, of Fairfax, Virginia, be employed to assist the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County in representing the County in any consolidation or annexation proceedings nl>W pending in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, or in any consolidation or annexation proceedings hereafter filed in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorcl.ed vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipel; Nays: None o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following vouch~r-checks be approved, retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: I 2109, in the amount of $138.75, made payable to Nancy -'Ii. Wimmer, for extra office work for Judge F. L. Hoback 12475, in the amount of $75.00 made payable to Nancy W. Wimmer, for extra office work for Judge F. L.Hoback # 2476, in the amount of $673.73 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for telephone servi,ce for County offices, Fire Stations &:c. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: S\lpervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ' ,~~~.zf .4:/~ c.11"!;~ . )..-.--- /...."'lr.l..t:r fj U i I I , ! i . 1~ 13 ~,' <-'--. I 4- t,to-. /t. 1-4",,' -"- -~ t-:- -.(' ~>-3. .1..5 Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer of Roanoke County, this day submitted to the Board his report regarding the petition for a consolidation agreement heretofore filed with this Board on October 18, 1965, by F. Rodney Fitzpatrick, Attorney for petitioners, and cne of the petitioners, the said report showing as follows: (ll 19 persons signed the petition more than once; (2 4)1 persons signing the petition were not registered in Roanoke County; () 245 persons signed the petition whose poll taxes were not properly paid and with said report submitted a list showing the names and addreSBs of the signe s of said petition - those who signed twice; those who were not registered voters, and those whose poll taxes were not paid; as shown above; Whereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, said report and list are ordered filed; And it being shown to the Board that there is a total of twenty-two hundred and eighty-six (2286) names signed to the petition for consolidation, but that when those who signed twice, those not registered, and those whose poll taxes were not paid, are taken away from above number there remains a total of only fifteen hundred and ninety-one (1591) qualified voters of said County signing the aforesaid petition, and that pursuant to Section 15.1-1132, of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, a total of niateen hundred and fifty-three (1953) qualified voters' signatures are required for this Board to be required to attemp to perfect a consolidation agreement, as requested in said petition; It is therefore further ordered that counsel for this Board take the necessary steps to have the Judge of the-Circuit Court of Roanoke County determin whether or not the required number of qualified voters have signed said petition, and whether or not, this Board should be required to attempt to perfect a consolidation agreement with the City of Roancke. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I I ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in January, 1966. {f)5n~.~ CHAIRMAN I Court House Salem, Virginia January 17, 1966 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereof in regular monthly session. Present: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Rev. Carl A. Collins, Pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. I The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable thereWth, to-wit: o o 002562 Salem Auto Parts, Parts 002563 Salem Car lTash Co., Wash Jobs on County vehicles 002564 Harvest Motors Co., Parts 002565 Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline and Oil 002566 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts 002567 Miller Tire Service, Parts for vehicles and stock 002568 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for vehicles and stock 002569 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts 002570 Richard's Auto Alignment, Repairs wheel alignment 002571 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs and Oil on Police Cars No. II, II " " " II II " " " 002572 Void ~ J rt:1 ~ II ". 002573 Vinton Motor Co., Repairs and Parts 002574 County School Board.. County Cars serviced 002590 Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts 002591 Void 002592 Bemiss Equipment Co., Parts and Oil for Tractor 002593 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for truck and batteries 002594 Dickerson GMC Inc., Parts for truck 002595 Doyle's, Inc., Repairs to Garbage equipment 002596 Harris Truck Parts, Parts " ", 002575 002576 002577 002578 002579 002580 ", ". " " " " g02581 II 002582 002583 " " 002584 002585 0025g6 002587 002588 002589 " " " " " " " " " " " " Automotive Machine Shop, Parts' Bob and Jim's Service Center, Gasoline and Oil Bill's Amoco Station, Gas and Oil, Clearbrook truck' Brambleton Gulf Service Station, Parts, gas, oil and wash Goodyear Service Store,.Tires T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline and Oil, Clearbrook Fire Equipment Salem Oil Company, Heat~ng fuel for Ft. Lewis Fire Station Gas and oil for trucks and oil for Garbage Lot Southwest Motor Parts, Parts for vehicles Wilson's Esso & Gro~ery Co., Gasoline purchased for Cave Spring Rescue Squad Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Part for Engineer's Car Antrim Motors, Parts American Auto Supply Co., Parts Beach Brothers, Parts, Dodge Truck Automotive Paint & Supply Co., Parts Auto Parts, Inc., Parts $ 67.10 25.00 12.12 32.63 107.83 1,237.15 2Cl2.46 46.36 8.25 7.65 551.01 1,060.35 3.14 31.09 10.45 35.31 688.60 39.46 160.57 58.82 5.60 11.04 . .40 9.25 .60 53.32 15.54 105.15 16.07 306.55 70.11 18.00 155.00 " 002597 Void 002598 International Harvester Co., Parts for trucks and emergency equipment for starting cars 34.25 " 002599 M & S }~chine Shop, Repair and parts Garbage trucks 002600 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for trucks and stock 002601 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs, parts and Re- pairs to Garbage collection tubs " " 212.55 147.22 259.79 213 . ~. 214 002611 The Blue Book, off~ supplies '002612 National Cash Register Company, I~inunance on office equipment Pitney Bowes, Inc., office supplies Dictaphone Corporation, Maintenance agreement on office equipment 002622 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for County Court 002623 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flashlight batteries, flares and Parts for car 002624 Fechheimer Bros Co., Wearing apparel for Sheriffs 002625 Transport CTC Clearings of the Carolinas, Freight on Wearing apparel 002626 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Coroner's Investigation 002627 Brown Hardware Co., Utensils, etc. Jail &c 002628 Dr. H. J. r.anarik, Jail Physician, lunacy commissions 002629 Owen Plumbing Co., Repairs to County Jail 002630 Deluxe Laundry Co., Launcl.i'y Jail 002631 C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Janitor supplies, Jail 002632 Hester Coal Company, Fuel, Jail 002633 Layman Candy Co., Razor blades prisoners 002634 L. H. Parke, Food and Janitor supplies for jail 002635 Rainbo Bread Co., Food, Jail 002636 W. T. Rierson, Food, Jail .002637 Salvage Warehouse, Food, Jail 002638 Sanfax Corporation, Janitor supplies 002639 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Stati"n 002640 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station 002641 vi. vi. Garman, Rent on Mount Pleasant Fire Station No. 002602 002603 002604 " " II 002605 002606 002607 002608 002609 002610 " " " " II " " " 002613 002614 002615 002616 002617 002618 002619 002620 002621 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " n II " " " " Yates & Wells Garage, Repair, parts, oil and wash jobs Goodwin-Chevrolet Co., Parts Garland Oil Company, Oil for distribution, Hollins Fire Station Texas Refinery Co., Seals to beput on tubeless tires Void Void Vinton Chamber of Commerce, Membership dues Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Premium on Bond for sundry officers . Hammond's Printing Works, Office supp~ies Va. Office Machine & Equipment Co., office supplies Salem Office Supply co., office supplies Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies and books G. H. Parent Co., office supplies American Photocopy Equipment Co., record paper C. W. Warthen Co., office supplies and record books $ 158.74 1.17 27.15 175.00 I 125.00 192.89 167.00 12.00 I 488.76 2.20 23.50 1.70 37.47 93.53 13.50 98.03 592.05 104.00 I 25.00 Z8.38 1,433.80 6.36 15.00 51. 77 IlvO.OO 38.50 39.84 103.56 32.00 11.48 142.18 58.61 42.90 67.10 79.83 36.00 60.00 60.00 I I .-' No. 002642 J. W. Griggs & W. H. Witt, Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station $ 60.00 o :,' , , '-.J ] o ~ W " 002643 Dame Roofing Company, repairing roof leaks, Ft. Lewis Fire Station 002644 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rent on Water Softner, Hollins Fire Station " " 002645 Fyr-Fyter Sales & Service, Chemicals for fire extinguishers refill - Fire Station #5 Hollins 002646 Fairview Home, Share of expense at Fairview Home 002647 Lawrence Supply Co., Hardware used at County Farm 002648 E. D. Sprowl & Co., Material used at County Farm 002649 Koppers Company, Inc., ~~terial used at County Farm 002650 Gochenour & Baugess, Lunacy Commissions 002651 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Lunacy commissions 002652 Dr. R. G. Faw, Lunacy commissions 002653 Roanoke Book & Stationery Co., Record Book 002654 International City ~~nager's Assoc., Membership dues 002655 Burroughs Corporation, office supplies 002656 Technical Reproduction & Supply, office supplies 002657 American Society of Planning Officials, Membership dues 002658 Addressograph Multigraph Corp., office supplies 002659 Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street lighting 002660 Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel, Courthouse 002661 Salem Paint Co., Paint 002662 Salem Farm Supply Co., Fertilizer for Court Yard 002663 McClung Lumber Co., Repair ~~terial OC2664 G. J. Hopkins, Inc., Repairs, Health Department 002665 Carl R. Brightwell, Repairing lights in Vault room 002666 Blain Supply Co., Janitor supplies 002667 White Spot Supply Co., janitor supplies 002668 Builders ~~rt, Shelving for Storage Room 002669 Radio Supply Co., Radio tubes 002670 Bell Aire Lawn & Garden Center, Artificial shrubery for Health Department 002671 }~lcolm Blue Print & SUPluy Co., Roanoke County Maps 002672 Walters Printing Co., 1000 I~ps to be used for Civil Defense 002673 Research Appliance Co., Air Polution equipment 002674 Harris Office Furniture Co., 1 Desk and Chair 002675 General Metal Works, Air Polution Equipment 002676 Acme Printers, Inc., Book binding 002677 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 002678 ~mrrell's Finer FOOds, Food, Jail 002685 Valley Contractors, Remodelinb Jail and Courthouse Per Contract 002697 Gulf Oil Prahcts, Gasoline distribution at County Garage and Hollins Fire Station .. " " r. " " " " n " " " " " " " " " " " " " n " " " " If " " If " If If If " 002698 Betty R. McKenney, Extra-office of Delinquent Tax Collector " 002699 Cynthia C. Stump, extra office of Delinquent Tax Collector 25.60 4.00 6.50 26.80 6.80 89.25 73.95 20.00 40.00 50.00 6.90 30.00 7.75 20.85 15.00 27.55 834.09 390.65 4.40 7.40 11. 96 437.45 25.96 48.00 30.20 6.97 9.01 59.00 4.50 14.32 l8.89 112.40 96.36 10.00 60.00 72.32 31.09 1,969.93 36.51 6.76 216 No. 002700 Loy E. Self, Extra - Relief Fire Chief Hollins Station $ 47.90 " 002701 Brenda,G. Henderson, Extra Engineer's Office 55.83 " 002702 Clifford Stuart, Extra, Janitor services 002703 Booker Helm, Extra Janitor services 002704 Booker T. Helm, Compensation for removal of snow 002705 Charles 1. Breeden, Jr., After Hour duty 002706 Robert F. Hyatt, Probation Officer, after hour duty 002707 Frank L. Tignor, Probation Officer, afterhour duty 70.91 33.53 6.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 I " " " " , " " " 002708 Void 002709 Roanoke ~ounty Revolving Fund, Reimburse petty cash fund 12.96 gg2710 James E. Peters, Treasurer, postage for memter machine 100.00 " " " 002711 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 002712 Roanoke County Court, warrants & court costs 002713 Robert Dawson, P. M. Rstage for office of Collector of Delinquent accounts I 64.79 19/'.75 2;..00 ~;.22 25c~.43 3'i'.98 26~,.00 211.77 5,'.04 30.17 53.57 I " " " 002714 Void 002715 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 002716 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Jury tickets 002717 I. B. M. Corporation, 1~intenance on office equipment 002718 City of Roanoke, Room and Board fer children at City's detention home l~i.OO 6.36 " 002725 Foutz Sausage Company, food, Jail 46.95 " 002726 C & P Telephone Co., Telephone service for Mount Pleasant and Bent Nountain Fire Stations 6~;. 25 " " " " " 002719 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Traveling expense 002720 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse Traveling expense 002721 Robert F. Hyatt, reimburse traveling expense 002722 Frank L. Tignor, reimburse traveling expense 002723 Dr. John O. Hurt, Coroner investigation 002724 Hennis Freight Lines, Freight collect on Wearing apparel " " " " " " 002727 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at, Bent Mt. and Catawba Fire Stations g0272S Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Fuel for Hollins Fire Station 002729 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Heating fuel Bent Mountain Fire Station 002730 Lightweight Block Company, repair material 002731 Roanoke Ready 1tlx Concrete, ~~terial for Ft. Lewis Fire Station " " " " 11.23 46.92 21.25 40.01 17.00 I " 002732 Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, Dues, Regional and Planning Commission 4,955.61 002736 International Harvester Co., Parts for truck 3.l5 002737 Radio Con~unications Co., Radio Communications service on Radio for Garbage truck 8.90 002738 Leach Company, Parts 52.72 002739 Blain Supply Company, Inc., Janitor supplies and towels 77.74 " 002733 Mount Pleasant Grocery, Gas, Oil &c, Mount Pleasant Truck 002734 Keyes-Davis Company, Tags for Garbage Cans 00273, Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy case It It " " " It 36.97 36.90 10.00 I " No. 002740 Caldwell-Sites Co., Office furniture and towels 002741 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies 002742 Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce, annual dinner meeting tickets 002743 Accounting Supplies & Systems, Inc., office supplies 002744 Town of Salem, currentused at County Garage 002745 w. Carter Bradley, Reimburse expenses incurred in Roanoke County Air Pollution Program " " J IT " " 002746 002747 " ., .J II 002748 002751 " Harris Office Furniture Co., 1 office Desk ~~17 :$ 300.10 22.77 45.00 7.75 3.76 64.51 59.50 Peoples Radio &T. V. Supply Co., Equipment for Air Polution Program 30.00 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Expenses Research Appliance Company, equipment for Air polution program30.42 12,094.59 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP :LA.HlS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to Ge paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 002679 " 002680 " 002681 ~ " 002682 , IT . 002683 II 002684 IT 002749 n 002750 County School Board, repairs to dog trucks Farmers Exchange rulls, Dog Food Lawrence Supply Co., wearing apparel for dog warden &c Motor Parts Supply Co., truc, parts ~len PlUmbing Co., repairs to pump at Dog Pound Radio Con~unications Co., Radio ~hintenance Jean LOnG, Extra, Clerical work filing dog tickets Guy Ayers, Extra, Assistant Dog Warden $ 19.00 18.45 20.02 24.09 43.90 7.50 16.7$ 117.65 JAI'!ES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County, this day submitted the following report: January 17, 1966 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business December )1, 1965, there ~laS to the credit of 1;he following: o General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash F.LC.A. Retirement Fund Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account Operation Head Start - Available Cash $ 739,278.5;, 11,290.7:5 42.93 )7, gg3 .10 20,224.3;' 6,959.47 64.91 49,861.96 58.67 20.00 $805,CS4.oj' B Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Sale!:! Escrow $1,750,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $2,973,000.00 !I.ountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Service Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Operation Head Start to 1,500.00 oj> 60,774.7;~ 717,691.0;. 1) ,001. 41 20,224.3;' 2,611.12 49,861. 96 20.00 ::p 865,684.63 218 ~~~ ~: ~f. 12:_ I-~ a, ",. ~dd I . tJ.tf",.~ ttl! ~' - , 1-11.tt C~rtificates of Deposit - Public Building Bond Account Farmers National Bank .Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 $ 350,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Savings Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ 530,000.00 500,000.00 200,000.00 100,000.00 $1,330,000.00 I Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, ::'reasurer, Roanoke County Said report is received and ordered filed. I IN RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $980.19 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of December, 1965, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $931.18 net. On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of January, 1966, be approved in the amount of $13,561.39 from which the sum of $503.51 total F. I. c. A. Taxes; $1,133.25 total 1'i. H. Taxes; $172.03 total State Income, $369.53 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 total B~le Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $11,369.07. Adopted by the following recorder vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Collectioll On motion, duly seconded, it is orderod that the Payroll for Refuse/and Janitor Services for period beginning 12/10/65, Ending 12/23/65, be approv'~d in the amount of $5,487.77 from which $125.13 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $429.90 total w. H. Taxes; $57.32 total State Income; $63.00 total Blue Cross Insurance, $86.40 Uniforms; and $76.00 Miscellaneous are to be deduct~;d leaving a net payroll of $4,651.02; I And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning 12/24/65, Ending 1/6/66, be approved in the amount of $6,674.97 from which $280.37 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $589.70 total W. H. Taxes; $82.47 total State Income; $63.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $15.00 total Accident Insurance; $63.50 total Retirement Insurance; $89.60 Uniforms and $75.00 Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $5,416.33. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris ~lnj Walter I.I. Lipes Nays: None I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for, period beginning 12/16/65, Ending l2/3l/65, be approved in the amount of $525.00 from which $19.04 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $19.70 total W. H. Taxes;$3.67 total State Income; $7.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $11.25 Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $464.34; And the Extra Janitor's Payroll for period beginning 12/16/65, Ending 12/31/65 be approved in the amount of $759.56 from which $4.21 total F. T. C. A. Taxes; $78.80 total W. H. Taxes; $12.20 total State Income; $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $3.20 Uniforms are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of ., >.J ] $647.15; And the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning Jan. 1, 1966, Ending Jan. 15, 1966, be approved inthe amount of $1,234.34 from which $51.85 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $79.70 total W. H. Taxes; $11.74 total State Income; :$21.00 Total Blue Cross Insurance, $37.22 total Jetirement; $1.60 total Uniforms and $11.25 total ~ascellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $1,019.98. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None i ! 219 .~1?7 4. i5n'~/."r- I'I,,/_? t On motion, duly seconded, it is ordred that the following voucher-checks be approved retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: No. 2484 in the amount of $13.65, made payable to Appalachian Power C()mpany for current used at Skycoe Drive Transmitter; No. 2485 in the amount of $47.00, made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service used at Hollins Fire Station, Clearbrook Fire Station and Transmitter on Brushy Mantain; No. 2493 in the amount of $16.98, made payable to Appe,lachian Powel~ C'JlJ!pany for current used at Dog Pound; No. 2495 in the amount of $77.04, made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer for reimbursement of Jury Tickets; No. 2506 in the amount of $S.25, made payable to Cave Spring '.'Iater Company for water used at Cave Spring Fire Station from October 27 - D<.cember 30, 1 65; :t=: 4- . ~ I/Y:7 . -rl~/Lr l'lf- /. 6 No. 2507 in the amount of $101.69, made payable to C &:. P Telephone Company for telephone service for Juvenile & Domestic Relat:ons Court; No. 2508 in the amount of $42.55, made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Fire Station #9, Fort Lewis;; J No. 2509 in the amount of $722.45 made payable to Town of Salem, for light and water service for Jail, Courthouse, Health and Welfare Center, and sewage treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivision; in the amount of $1,300.00 made payable to Robert Dawson, Postmaster fo postage for Commissioner of Revenue; in the amount of $3.40 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service for Courthouse for the month of december, 1965; in the amount of $~10 made payable to C & P Telephone Company for telephone service for Hollins Fire Station; in the amount of $41.79 made payable to C &:. P Telephone Company for telephone service for Dog Warden's Home; in the amount of $41. 90 made payable to C &:. P Telephone CiJmpany for I: Clearbrook Fire Station; in the amount of $146.44 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel for Jail and Home Demonstration kitchen and fuel for Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and Welfare Center; No. 2510 0 No. 2511 No. 2512 No. 2513 No. 2555 No. 2557 220 ~.A a.~~ I-/<j.b no. 2558 in the amount of $461.00 made payable to i'lells & Meagher, Archit.ects, for Architectural Supervision December 1, 1965, January l, 1966 on Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center; in the amant of $33,779.40 made payable to Martin, Brothers, Contractors, for construction of Salem-Roanoke County Civic Cent.er, Certificate #6 for the period December 1, 1965 - January l, 1966. Adopted by the following recorded vote: No. 2561 I Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, ~anor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes - Nays: None The foll~ reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of December, 1965; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of office and travel expenses for the month of December, 1965; . - LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of December, 1965; FRnlCES s. GRAHA1~, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of December, 1965; BRENDA J. BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of December, 1965; MARY K. MARTIN, Assistant Home. Demonstration Agent, report for the month of December, 1965. I IN RE: BOILER INSPECTION: A communication dated January 6, 1966, from H. E. Belcher, Chief Inspector, of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the conditio of the Kewanee F. B. Boiler No. HSB-85051, which has been inspected externally while filled and idle, located in the Boiler House - Mercy House, N. Side of- I U. S. Route 11, 3 ~ales W. of Salem, Virginia, advising that no conditions were observed that require consideration at this time, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY on VINTON ROAD SOUTH OF U. S. 460 of I ORDER JOHN E. MURRAY and EVERETT W. IlURRAY I Co' This day came John E. Murray and Everett W. Murray by counsel and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property described therein. N~;, THEP~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of SupelTisors of Roanoke County, tbe said petition be and the same here is filed. I AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby r,.ferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a reconunendati')n in accordance with the provisions of the Code of virginia. ,~21 .., J .-..J AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same dmin for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B '- o I~tthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor ~tinor R. Keffer, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors liiinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and 1'falter ~I. Lipes Nays: None ~ IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEI.! ADDITIONS - ROf,NOKE COUNTY Letter dated January 12, 1966, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following add:it.ions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective July 1, 1965: ADDITIONS: LENGTH (Resolution dated June 29, 1965) Monterey Road {Extension of Route 150S-from present end of Route 1508 to 0.05 mile northeast 0.05 ~. Halevan Road - from Garst ~till Road (Route 682) to Willowlawn Street (Route 831). (Resolution dated September 20, 1965) Westside Boulevard - from Hershberger Road (Route 625) to Route 1480. 0.11 ~. 0.18 Mi. was this day received and ordered filed. o This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof and to make a report thereon, to-wit; : SKYCOE DRIVE EAST OF SKYVIE\1 DRI'JE - 0.3 liiile. o whereupon, on motion of Supervisor I'linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris said Engineer's report is approved. And it is hereby ord~red that said road, as described briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as ~ public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke Canty, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary roads in Roanoke County. I-Ir.,,:. [222 I I ! 1 , i , 1 , I , i I~~ ~A~. \i'__.a, /~, ,4-. I /- IIf-it I I i I j ij c.L~ ~ ~~~ ,.,~~ ~ -r. (?~ ~ . ~ ~,\~ 'I "1 'l.!- Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors ~anor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None IN RE: REZQrU11G OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SALEH MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE. COUNTY, VIRGINIA, NEAR GLENVAR, VIRGINIA, SITUATE ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ROAIWKE RIVER, BOUNDED AS. FOLLO'WS: ON THE NORTH AIID EAST BY ROANOKE RIVER, ON THE SOUTH BY NORFOLK &. 'WESTERN RAILiiAY (FORNEP.LY VIRGINIAN RAILWAY), AND ON THE WEST BY THE CHAPNAN AND GARRE'fT FAlU'IS, CONTAINING APPROXD/1ATELY TWENTY-THREE (23) ACRES, ALL AS SHOWn IN RED ON THE PLAT ATTACHED HERETO. I ORDER This day convened at 2 :00, P. I~., a regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. ~fuereupon, Ernest W. Ballou, attorney for Madeline M. Thomas and C.C. Thomas, appeared before the Board and asked leave to file a petition on be,half of }~deline M. Thomas and C. C. Thomas, the fee simple owners of a certair.. tract of land sought to be rezoned, said petition requesting that the tract of land therein described be rezoned from "Industrial M-2" use to "AgricultlU'e A...l" use as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted April l€~, 1960 as amended. NOW, THEREF'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, t ha t said rezoning petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with the applicable statutes and ordinances in such cases made and provided. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that a certified COpy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk oi this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The 'above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris of Big Lick ~~gisterial District and seconded by Supervisor Frank It. Angell of Cave Spring ~~gist~rial District, and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors A.C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and 14inor R. Keffer Nays: None IN RE: ~PPLICATION OF LEONARD T. GILBERT, LOUISE C. GILBERT, l1AP..F.EN W. GILBERT AIID HASSlE D. GILBERT FOR VACATION I OF PORTION OF J.LU OF SECTION NO.2, l'IEST VIEW TERRACE This day came Leonard T. Gilbert, Louise C. Gilbert, Warren W. Gilbert and Hassie D. Gilbert by Benj. E. Chapman, their Attorney, and submitted written application, pursuant to Section 15.l-482(b) of the Code of Virginia that that portion of the Sub-division of land kno,'/n as "Section No.2, i'lest Vi,~w Terrace", as sho,'/n on !:laP thereof prepared by C. B. I.~lcolm and Son, Stat,~ Certified Engineer, dated September 28, 1959, and recorded in the Clerk's: I I I I I for Nontclair Drive from Janda Drive to Wayburn Dri'l/'e - 0.16 1f47-~. A- .f:....'i~/- . ft-(-< .~f 1...,.t6 ..., ,J Office of the Circuit Court for the County of noanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of January, 1960, and spread of record in Plat Book 4, page 44, of the records of said Clerk's Office, which lies West of the West boundary line of Angu.s Road as shown on said Sub-division map, be vacated; and, On motion of Supervisor ~linor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board give notice as reqared by Section 15.1-341 of the Code of Virginia, by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having general circulati n in Roanoke County, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virgi.nia, will, at 3 o'clock P. M. on Monday, February 21, 1966, that being the regular meeting day of said Board, will consider for adoption an ordinance vacating that portion of "Section No.2, West View Terrace", which lies Ivest of the West boundary line of Angus Road, and that at the time and place of consideration of said proposed ordinance all persons affected may appear and present their views. On a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors l~nor R. Keffer, A.C. Harris, Frank R. Angell andlNalter M Lipes Nays: None ] Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER . I , ~ The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain mQ,p kno~Tn as ~!ontclair Estate 112, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 80 of the J records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, that and/by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting propertyowners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFOP~, BE IT ORDERED that said road kno~~ as Montclair Drive from Janda Drive to Wayburn Drive - 0.16 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same i~ hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Cou.nty. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Ualter I:'. Lipes, lclinor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell9.nd A. C. Harris Nays: None ~ Board of Supervisors vs. . I ORD<:R The Public and the State High~lay Conunission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the a~plication for Governor Drive from Janda Drive to Wayburn Drive - 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State HigJ~~ays. 223 'f~.A#< -f ~~.1l-: ....4 (~ ~[),~ ftJ~ /'IT-b6 224 I I I Iu<; A...;lA"d I.- -r , . t. ~. fir';' .,td .At f~ ~~I'I ~~ I.,t-I.t It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map kn~ln as Montclair Estates #2, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 80 of the record of the Cler!: I s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, ancl that . by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Vi~lers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property Olmers j.s necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. N~fl, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Governor Drive from Janda Drive to Wayburn Drive - 0.14 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as' a public: road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Count,y. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, ~anor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None I I Board of Supervisors vs. f ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Tellico Road from Angus Road to D. E. - 0.14 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State' Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by, virtue of a certain map known as Westview Terrace #4, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 37 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, V~rgini , and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of' Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property' owner is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE: IT ORDERED that said road known as Tellico Road frclm Angus Road to D. E. - 0.14 mile and which is shown oil. a certain sketch accompany ing this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, l~nor R. Keffer, A, C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None I I I Board of Supervisors vs. I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Lynn Street from Tellico Ro'ad to D. E.-0.07 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. r o. ' ' " It appearing to the Board that drainage easemen~s and a 50-ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map knmin as 11estview Terrace #4, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 37 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Beard of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owner is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for draina e. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Lynn Street from Tellico Road to D. E. - 0.07 mile and which is shown ona certain sketch accompany ing this order, be, and the same is hereby established 'as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors 1'lalter 1.j. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell Nays: None . J Board of Supervisors vs J ORDER ~. The Public and the State High~lay Commission of Virginia ' This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Verona Trail from Kenwick Trail to Kenwick Trail - 0.32 to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highwa)'l> It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road hasheretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Penn Forest, which map is recorded i.n Plat Book 5, page 82 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property Grlners is necessary. The board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said roadcknown as:: Verona Trail from II J Kenwick Trail to Kenwick Trail - 0.32 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompan7ing this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road tobecome a part of the State Secondary System of Highway., in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Aye,?: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, i'lalter H. Lipes, J.linor R. Keffer aad A. C. HarriQ Nays: None ~. Board of Supervisors vs I ORDER The Public and the State High'iay Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Kentland DrIve from Willowlawn Drive to D. E. - 0.41 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Syste~ of State Highways. Hd'-t: G 226 c..t..~ It; lYr~~ cut, $Uw.\ ~~ t / I 'I II.. r.. ~~ ~ # li.1 11 ~ Co .~Y.w....~. III ~ I~I. . . It appearing to the Board that dranage easements and a 50-ft. right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Windsor Woods #1, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6. Page 25. of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Vi.'ginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road kn~ln as Kentland Drive from I Willowlawn Drive to D. E. - 0.41 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorjed vote: Ayes: Supervi50rs Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer and A. C. Harris Nays: None I IN RE: PROPOSED AMEND1'iENT TO ROANOKE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE TO F.EZONE PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ROUTE 11, IN ROANOKE COUNTY, I VIRGINIA, OI'INED BY iIILLIAJ.i WATTS AND ELIZABETH B. 1'iATTS This day came W. H. Jolly, Attorney for petitioners pursuant to notice of public hearing set for this date for the re-zoning of the propertyof the said William Watts and Elizabeth B. Watts, situate on the south side of U. S. Route 11, in Roanoke County, from B-1 to B-2, for operation of a restaurant with facilities for dancing; and requested the Board to be allowed to withdraw said petition; Upon consideration whereof, on motion wf Supervisor ~tinor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said request be, and the same is hereby granted. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON NORTHEAST SIDE OF VIRGINIA ROUTE 419 OF LuTHER J. HARTIN, ET UX I AND ROBERT R. MARTIN, ET ALS I T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for petitioners, Luther J. lfoartin et ux et als, this day again appeared before the Board and urged the rezoning and reclassifying of certain property situate in Cave Spring District of Roapoke County, from Residential R-l to Busines~ B-1 and from Residential R-l to Business B-2. respectively, Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor ~anor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harr;s, it isordered that T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the petitioners, be given an opportunity to again appear before the Roanoke County Planning Commission in regard to this matter and that action on above petition be continued to the February Meeting, 1966, of this Board for final disposition thereon. I J 1 ....J Ll o o , 227 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Not Voting: Supervisor Frank R. Angell Nays: None Report dated January 17, 1966, of the Roanoke County Planning Commission signed by Paul B. ~~tthews, Executive Officer, and reports of Robertson Appraisal Service dated January 17, 1966, and William M. Hall, Appraiser State Appraisal Corporation, dated January 17, 1966, received and ordered filed. . t_ F. Rodney Fitzpatrick, Attorney, for the Committee of County Citizens for Consolidation of Roanoke Valley, this day again appeared before the Board, and requested that the Board accept an addendum of six hundred (600) names to the petition filed October 18, 1965, with this Board; Upon consideration whereof, onmotion of Supervisor l~nor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that said petition be accepted as a new petition, and in no way considered a part of the original petition filed October 18, 1965, with this Board, or to be added to or considered therewith. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors }anor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN RE: APPLICATION OF VALLEY WATER COMPANY FOR A REVISION OF ITS RATES FOR FURNISHING WATER SERVICE: This day there was laid before this Board by the Clerk of the State Corporation Commission the application of Valley Water Company, for a re';rision of its rates for furnishing water services; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the State Corpor,~tion Commission, at Richmond, Virginia, be advised that it is the opinion of '~his Board that there is no need for any revision or change in said water rates and that this Board is opposed to any change or revision in said rates. It is further ordered that since the 21st day of February, 1966, is the next regular meeting date of this Board of Supervisors, that the State Corporation Commission be requested to set another date for the hearing of the application of the Valley Water Company for revision of said rates; and the Clerk of this Board is instructed to forward a certified copy of this resolution to the State Corporation Commission, and to request that a different date than February 21st, 1966, be set for the hearing on this application. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, ~anor R. Keffer and ~lal ter ~1. Lipes Nays: None ~A<.A ~. .7~.~ ,-I";.b t, 228 ~~ss Frances H. Graham, Home Demonstration Agent of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and made a verbal report of the activities of her Department, and extended to the Board an invitation to visit any of the Home Demonstration Clubs in Roanoke County, which report and invitation were received by the Board with thanks. I WHEREAS: Representative for the Department of Highways appeared before the Board and presented a plan sketch dated October 29, 1965, showing Project 0081-080-001, P-~02, P-~03 on Route 81 in Roanoke County and the disposition of I the old location, new location, service roads and connections. ~~S: This Board approves and concurs in the recommendations of the Department of Highways as follows: Section of Existing Route 116 to Be Abandoned in Accordance With Section 33-76.5, 1950 Code of Virginia, as Amended Section No.2 - 0.10 ~tl., served by new location. Section of Existing Route 116 to Be Reclassified As Service Road Section No.1 - 0.20 ~ti., Sections of Secondary Routes 628, 868, & 601 To Be Abandoned in Accordance 11ith Section 33-76.12, 1950 Code of Virginia, as Amended Section No. 3 - 0.03 !>Ii., to be served by new location. ,- "t.t,(, Section No. 4 - 0.10 Mi., to be served by new location. Section No. 5 - 0.05 lid., to be served by new location. I Section No. 7 - 0.15 lU., to be served by location. . netoJ' Section Uo. 9 - 0.25 Iii., to be served by new location. Connections To Be Added To The Secondary Svstem Section No. 10 - 0.03 Mi. Section No. 11 - 0.35 J.li. Section No. 12 - 0.01 l.ti. Section No. 13 - 0.50 tH. Section No. l~ - 1.10 IU. Sections of Existing Secondarv System To Remain in Secondary System ~; ltenumbered Section No. 6 - 0.10 IU. Section No. 15 - 0.42 ~H. And be it ordered that three duly certified copies of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on motion of Itlnor R. Keffer, Supervisor, Seconde by A. C. Harris, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors l.linor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter }l. Lipe!> Nays: None I I r:~29 ,.. "WHEREAs: Representative for the Department of Highways appeared before the Board and presented a plan sketch dated Y~y 17, 1965, showing Project Ol17- 080=002, C-l on Route 117 in Roanoke County and the disposition of the old location, new location, service roads and connecticns. r-, J J~'~ .:o<.~&~~ ~ J:,..rr~. Department of Highways as follows: ~ Section of Old Route 117 To Be Transferred To Secondary Svstem In Accordance ~.. u" With Section 33-27, 1950 Code of Virginia. as Amended ~ .' /~ I-Ail'"'''' WHEP.EAS: This Board approves and CO!'lcurs in the recommendations of the o Section No. 3 - 0.30 ~a. Section No. 4 - 0.35 ~a. Section of Primary Route To Be Renumbered Section No. 2 - 0.25 Mi. And be it ordered that three duly certified copies of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on motion of }anor R. Keffer Supervisor, Seconded by A. C. Harris and on recorded vote theSupervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors l'dnor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter ~l. Lipes Nays: None \ ~ ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until the third Monday in February, 1966 ~Jr Court House Salem, Virginia February 21, 1966 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereof' in rem;lar monthly session. Present: Wa1.ter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. J.' i . - Before the meeting was called to order Rev. J. Virgil Lilly, Pastor of the First Christian Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The minutes of the last regular meeting were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes tUrnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively cbairgeable therewith, to-wit: No.' 002945 County School Board, County cars serviced $ 1,044.10 " 002946 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Installing chains on Police Cars 5.00 o Ll " 002947 002948 002949 002950 002951 002952 Bobb Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Repairs to Car Bob & Jim's Service Center, Gasoline and oil Police Cars Edgewood American Service Station, Wrecker service Doyle's Service Station, Repairing Radiators on police cars Harvest Motors, Parts Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gasoline purchased on trips 35.00 13.92 5.00 3.75 26.93 " " " " " 23.92 230 No. 002953 Motorist Paradise Texaco, Installing chains on Police Cars " 002954 Motor Parts Supply Company, Parts for Vehicles and stock Salem Car Wash Company, Wash jobs on County Cars Salem Auto Parts, Car parts Summerdean Esso Station, Installing Chains and Parts for Police Cars 002958 Vinton Motor Company, Installing Chains, parts 80c Keller Poole's Brambleton Pure Service Center, Gas, Parts and installing chains 106.55 002962 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline and Oil for Clear- brook First Aid Truck n 002955 002956 002957 " n " n 002959 002960 002961 - " n n " 002963 002964 002965 002966 " " n " 002967 oo296S 002969 002970 002971 " - " n " Beach Brothers Motors, Parts Diamond Chevrolet Corporation, Parts, Catawba Fire Truck Miller Tire Service, Tires for Vehicles and Stock Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repair parts for Fire Trucks Salem Motors, Inc., Parts Salem Oil Company, Gas and Oil for Ft. Lewis Fire Tr-l1ck, Heating Fuel for Ft. Lewis Fire Station Oil for Garbage Lot, Oil for Distribu- tion at County Garage Southwest Motor Parts Corporation, Parts Tidewater Supply Company, Parts for trucks Truck Sales, Inc., Parts-Salem Fire Truck Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., Parts Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts Truck $ 3.50 157.56 16.25 26729 25.15 15.60 6.94 7.91 I I 60.95 181.29 46.70 4.28 418.12 4.03 22.98 95.64 235.44 24.:48 1 n 002972 Bemiss Equipment Company, Parts 21.17 002973 Transport CTC Clearings of the Carolinas, Freight on parts shipped for Garbage Truck 7.21 002974 Dickerson GMC. Inc., Discount not allowed on January Check 002975 Fulton Motor Company, Parts for Garbage Truck 002976 Harris Truck Parts, Parts for Truck 002977 International Harvester Company, Parts for Garbage Trucks 002978 M & S Machine Shop, Labor on Garbage Trucks 002979 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts for truck 002983 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Parts 002984 Salem Glass Company, Repair and Parts Garbage Trucks 002985 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts 002986 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs and parts for . Trucks and Repairing Garbage Collection Tubs: 002987 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs, Parts and Grease Jobs 002988 Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Distribution 002989 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts for Stock 002990 GOOdyear Service Store, Tires for Distribution 002991 Gulf Oil Corporation, Gasoline and Oil purchased for Distribution n n " " " " " " n " " n " " " " n 002992 M. G. Gunter, Parts 002993 Thelma H. Beamer, Extra-office services " 1.44 1.58 5.00 83.25 44.53 66.82 172.25 23.51 113.70 I 51.02 77S:.45 33.91 15.90 159'.10 I 1,603.62 24.00 8.39 231 95.80 I 76.06., 64.88. 8.39 14.9.3 Loy E. Self, Extra-Relie.f' Fire Chief, Hollins Station Cli.f'ford Stuart, Extra-Janitor services Booker T. Helm, Extra Janitor services Roanoke Stamp &. Sal Co., Office supplies Addressograph Multigraph Corp., office supplies Burroughs Corporation, Adding Machine Ribbon &.C. 3M Business Products Sales, Inc., Office supplies for Commissioner of Revenue and Treasurer 003001 National Market Reports, Inc., office supplies 00.3046 Salem I:lfiice Supply Co., Office supplies 003047 Acme Printers, Inc., Book binding and Office supplies 003048 Commonwealth of Virginia, Office supplies 003049 Void 003050 Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies 003051 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse, Post Office Box Rent 003052 National Cash Register Co., Maintenance agreement for one year on Cash Registers 002994 $ No. 002995 002996 " " 002997 002998 002999 " " o " 5.7~ 003000 If 26.55 40.20 115.93 " " r-, ..J " 85.50 3.00 " " If 46.99 6.00 " If 117.12 30.25 100.00 If 003053 003054 003055 003056 Woodhaven Press, Tax tickets for Treasurer Roanoke County Court, Warrants and Court Costs If " Void I. B. M. Corporation, Carbon Paper for Office of Collector of Delinquent Accounts and Public Works office Roberts &. Sons, Inc., office supplies Copy-Craft, Inc., office supplies Panama-Beaver Company, office supplies G. H. Parent Company, office supplies REA Express Co., Express on office supplies Dictaphone Corporation, Dictabelts for use in Circuit Court If 17.50 23.95 32.10 59.01 10.29 3.85 25.00 " 003057 003058 003059 003060 003061 003062 003063 ~ ~ If - If " If " If Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 60.00 003064 Frank L. Tignor, After-Hour duty Probation Officer 003065 Barbara S. Cundiff, After-Hour duty Probation Officer 003066 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., REli.mburse Probation Officer's Traveling expense 003067 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling Expense 003068 F. L. Tignor, Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling Expense If 10.00 10.00 If " 21.13 " 24.70 " o 30.86 003069 If Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse Probation Officer's Tra.,eling Expense . I. B. M.Corporation, Maintenance Agreement Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Flash Light batteries &.C Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Medical Examiner Investigations Dr. John O. Hurt, Medical Examination Investigations 21.07 42.48 28.27 .30.00 45.00 " 003070 003071 003072 00.3073 003074 003075 003076 003077 003078 003079 " ',,"'1 ~;.. ",.' ~ . '~:, ~. : I ""I ;'1 ~ ;~ If " .. Fyr-Fyter Sales &; Service, Chemicals 7.50 Russell Uniform Co., Coat Badges for Sheriff's Department 13.07 Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing Apparel for Sheriff's Department228.81 Radio COmmunications Company, Radio Maintenance 203.89 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Medical Examiner and L;macy Commissions35.00 Brown Hardware Company, Janitor supplies and l'lis cellaneous items 15.96 n, " " " " 232 No. 003080 American Chemical Co.. Janitor supplies for County Jail " 003081 American Bakeries Co., Food, Jail If 003082 Bemiss Electric Distributing Corp.. Light tubes for Jail " 003083 C.R. Brightwell, Repairing to . Court house Electrical work ~ 003084 Foutz Sausage Co., Food, Jail n 003085 C. B. Halsey Co., Food, Jail If 003086 Hester Coal Company, .Fuel, Heating Jail If 003087 Dr. W. C. Jones, Dental services , If 003088 Murrell's Finer Foods, Food, Jail If 003089 L. H. Parke, Food &:c for County Jail " 003090 Void " 003091 Pea.::ock~Salem Laundry, Laundry, iJail 003092 Powell Pharmacy, Medical supplies for Jail &:c If , " 003093 Void n 003094 003095 903096 00.3097 003098 00,3099 Owen Plumbing Co., Plumbing Repairs Jail &:c W. T. Rierson, Food, Jail Salvage Warehouse, Food, Jail Roanoke Iron &: Bridge Works, Repairing lock in door " n " $ .30.59 32.19 14.14 66.13 29.35 72.71 96.00 10.00 71. 51 98.05 37.24 15.43 98.19 27.90 16.90 16.13 n Dr. H. J. Minarik, Jail physician's salary, Lunacy CommissionsiL25.00 J. 'W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, January Rent Cave Spring Fire Station Fuel Oil &: Equipment Co., Fuel for Courthouse, Hollins Fire Station and Repairs to furnace at Ho1lind Station 485.57 Hollins Hardware Co., Salt, for melting ice at Hollins Station 5.00 J. 'W. Griggs, Reimburse Fire Chief Griggs for Dinner meeting of County Fire Chiefs 16.00 003107 Meador Insurance Agency, Premium on Insurance Coverage for Volunteer Firemen 003111 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 710.50 003112 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 558.48 003113 Roanoke Memorial Rehabilitation Center, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 003117 State Department of Health, County's share of expense for support of Local Health Department 12,471.91 003118 Georgine H. Boxley, Reimburse, cost of 1 envelope sealer 1.70 n " OQ3100 Clearbrook Lion's Club, January Rent on Clearbrook Fire Station .. 003101 003102 003103 003104 Y. W. Garman, January Rent Mount Pleasant Fire Station Brambleton Court Hardware, Pain't\for Cave Spring Fire Station Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Janitor supplies &:c " , r1 rt' If 003105 003106 " If If 003108 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Station 003109 Clayton G. Tinnell, Electrical repairs to Courthouse &:c 003110 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State~Local Hospital Bills for Welfare If " .. ., Z I' 1:..- <.1... .- '.J 1.'1' , t ;-,j ';;;'1 ., ~1 ,.j 'A J . , .:J - .. n ... 003114 Shenandoah Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare 003115 Minor R. )teffer, Compensation, Fairview HOllie Board 003116 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy Commission .. " ". " 60.00 60.00 60.00 11.95 46.29 586.50 70.00j 46.48 162.89 232.70 328.77 104.00 10.00 I I I I 1 No. 003119 Layman Candy Company, 6 dozen Lindy Pens " 003120 Robert Flint, Laborer o J -J J -, j ~ f': ;. I. i" " 003121 N. C. Logan, Clerk, Frances Fitzgerald, qualifying, as Notary Public " 003122 " 003123 003124 n n 003125 n 00.3126 " 00.3127 003128 " " " n n " 003133 003134 003135 003136 " " n " n " " " r. n Fielding L. Logan, Inc., Premium on Bond for Frances ,Fitzgerald J. R. Taliaferro, Reimburse Electrical Inspector Times-World Corporation, Publishtg Notices of Zoning BOard meeting 2:33 i J.7.64 J.O.43 5.00 10.00 135.87 6.00 James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimbursement of Po~tage used in mailing garbage bills 320.91 Parker-Nimmo Supply Co., Street signs and shop and garbage ~ruck supplies McClung Lumber Company, Rope ror Garbage truck . Chester W. Wilson, Refund garbage collection fee Salem Paint Company, Labor and' material at Courthouse J. P. Turner &: Brothers, removing snow from Courthouse &:c Williams Supply Co., Light tubes Walter M. Lipes, reimburse expenses to Richmond Represent- ing Roanoke County' at Inauguration of the Governor " I 003144 G. E. Whitmore, enlgargementof Picture of Roy K. Brown, former Clerk of Circuit Court 003129 Blain Supply Company, Janitor supplies Courthouse 80c 003130 Dominion Elevator Company, Service on Elevator 003131 T. O. Richardson, Removing snow from Courthouse Parking Lot 80c 003132 Salem Farm Supply Co., Rock salt for Melting snow 003137 Dixie Appliance Company, tape for recorder used at a meeting of the Oak Grove Civic League 003138 Mason H. Littreal, Refund electrical permits 003139 A. F. Dobie, Refund Electrical permit 003140 Roy C. Kinsey Sign Co., decorating Christmas Tree 003141 Fitzgerald and Smith, attorney's fee, Compensation for Consultation and Transportation 003142 Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on Auto License Plates 003143 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses for self and Mr. Lipes while attending meeting in Richnmond, Va. " " 003145 Void 003146 Air Products and Chemicals, First Aid Equipment for Courthouse 003147 Appalachian Power Company, current used in street lighting and installing new lights 949.24 003148 Builders Mart, Metal Shelving for Building 6.97 003149 Void " n " n 104.93 1.97 .75 246.75 IIJ7.00 55.00 9.70 113.27 36.00 49.60 77.39 6.27 1.00 2.00 129.40 18,3.70 52.44 48.85 6.00 181.35 003150 Roanoke Mattress Company, 1 Foam mattress for First Aid Bed in Courthouse 26.50 003151 }ane Safety Appliance Company, Air Polution Equipment 003152 Roanoke Surgical Supply Co., Air Polution Equipment 003153 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Distribution 003154 Hammod Printing Co., office supplies &:c " " " " II 29.40 5.18 100.00 70.83 003155 C & P Telephone Co., service for Bent ~fuuntain Fire Station 24.50 ......... ... No. 003156 003157 003158 003159 003160 003161 003177 " " " n " - " " 003178 003179 003180 - n " " 003181 n 003182 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire Station $ Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage J. H. Pollard, Compensation for Selecting jurors 'William H. i'litt, Compensation for selecting Jurors Charles L. Engers, Compensation for selecting Jurors Lawrence Suppl*o., Hardware &.C Ft. Lewis Fire Station Virginia Association of Counties, Membership dues in NACO 1966 7.95 4.43 50.00 50.00 50.00 26.13 I 60.00 26.58 103.03 I Addressograph Multigraph Co., Orfice supplies Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies James E. Peters, Treasurer, Postage for meter machine in Treasurer's office 100.00 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper's Petty Cash Fund . Furman 'Whitescarver, Sr., 1/2 year dues for Membership in Roanoke County Law Library 81.27 150,00 " 003183 C &. P Telephone Co., Telephone service for Cave Spring Fire Station 28.70 " 003184 Graves Humphreys Hardware Co., Wearing apparel for Volunteer Firemen at Cave Spring Stations Boots 16.90 n 003185 003186 003187 003188 n n n n 003189 n 003190 003191 003198 003199 003200 " n " " Fairv1ew Home, County's share of expense at Fairview Home Mrs. Grace M. Parkinson, Compensation Deputy Registrar Acme Business Machines, 6 tubes of black ink 26.80 17.35 16.80 Wilson Trucking Co., Freight on Springs from Baker Equipment Co. 3..10 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse expenses for self and Mr. Keffer attending meeting in Richmond 7.27 Virginia Association of Counties, for Legislative AssistancEt'JOO..OO Olivetti Underwood Corporation, 1 new Adding machine 328.. 70 Dooley Printing Co., office supplies for Treasurer &c 158.35 Void I Penitentiary Industrial Department, office chair a:' .County Auto License Plates 2,534.75 n 003201 Roanoke County Board of Public 'Welfare, Medical Assistant ror Wel..:'are Department 2,745.22 n 003202 Association of Judges of the County and Municipal Court of Virginia, Annual dues for 1966 10.00 I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &.c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: No. 003162 Guy Ayers, Assisting Dog Warden $ 117.65 I n 003163 Auto Spring &. Bearing Co., Flash Light batteries 2.47 " 003164 County School Board, Truck parts and repairs 19.80 " 003165 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., Wearing Apparel and Miscellaneous items 17.17 " 003166 Void " 003167 Goodyear Service Stores, Truck parts 62.80 " 003168 Earl Johnso~ Co., 5 1/2 dozen rabbits purchased by Coon Hunters 50.00 No. ~ i t -- It It " It 003169 003170 00.3171 Nelson-Roanoke Corporation, Scoop for Dog Pound $ Obenchain's Texaco Co., Repair and Parts for Dog Truck Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance for January 235 5.68 22.04 8.70 392.00 48.00 9.64 68.37 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the followi report: " " 003172 Void It Roanoke Valley Veterinary Assoc., Professional Services rendered at Dog Clinics 00.3174 Valley ,Animal Hospital, Medical supplies and Doctor's Fees ] TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of b~iness January 31, 1966, there was to the credit of the following: 003173 It " 003175 Salem Auto Parts, Parts 1'or Dog Truck 00.3176 Turner Drug Company, Medical supplies for Dog Clinics 003192 Esther Long, Clerk, Clerical work at Dog Clinic 00.319.3 Jean Long, Clerical work at Dog Clinic 003194 Lenna Hartman, Clerical work at Dog Clinic 003195 Gaynor HOdges, Clerical work at DOg Clinic 003196 Rudolph Martin, Clerical work at Dog Clinic 00.3197 Mary Spangler, Clerical work at Dog Clinic " It " " February 21, 1966 General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash F. I. C. A.. Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Operation Head Start - Available Cash School Debt Retirement Fund Public Building Debt Fund Deferred Credit Account o $ 473,759.89 12,8~.5.78 42.93 1,258.39 .61 15,621. 56 ,!O.OO 4,.3,!O.79 . 160.00 82.16 $ 508,112.73 $ 1,500.00 60,7'74.78 411,455.80 13,001.41 l,258.39 4,320.79 15,621. 56 20.00 160.00 $ 508,112.73 o Certificates of Deposit - Public Buildi~ Bond Account Farmers National Bank Bank or Salem Mountain Trust Bank Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,750,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $2,773,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying Agt. School Bond Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Farmers National Bank - Operation Head Start Farmers National Bank - Paying Agt. Public Building $ 100,000.00 150,0130.00 100.6130.00 .$ 3.50,0130.00 Certificates 01' Deposit (Savi~s) Farmers National Bank Bank or Salem Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank .$ 5.30,0130.00 500,000.00 200, 01~0. 00 100,000.00 ~1,3.30,000.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County Said report is received and ordered filed. II IN' RE: DELINQUEN'l" TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt o~ James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $1,848.57 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk, for the month of January, 1966, less commission, and turned over to said Treasurer said checking amounting to $1,756.14 net. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of February, 1966, be approved in the amount of $13,639.19 from which the sum of $506.78 total F. I. C. A. tax; $1,175.35 total W. H. Taxes; $181,,11 total State Income; $369.53 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 total Blue Crclss Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $11,392.42. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I r On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning Jan. 7, 1966, Ending Jan. 20, 1966, be approved in the amount of $5,000.77 from which $210.05 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $370,20 total W. H. Taxes; $45.98 total State Income; $6;1.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $89.60 Uniforms; and $75.00 Miscellaneous are t,> be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,146.94; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning 1/21/66, Ending 2/3/66, be approved in the amount of $4,982.33 from which $209.29 total F. I. C. A. Taxes;$381.8O total W. H. Taxes; $50.03 total State Income; $63.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $15.00 total Accident Inswrance: $63.50 total Retirement Insurance; $86.40 Uniforms and $75.00 Miscellaneous are to be deducted leavinga net payroll of $4,038.31; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning Feb. 4, 1966, Ending Feb. 17, 1966, be approved in the amount of $5,243.08 from which $220.25 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $372.60 total W. H. Taxes; $45.42 total State Income; $56.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $86.40 Uniforms and $146.98,Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,315.43. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter Lipes . Nays: None I I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning 1/15/66, Ending 1/31/66, be approved in the amount of $1,169.80 from which $49.15 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $86.90 total W. H. Taxes; $13.63 total State Income; $21.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $11.25 Miscellaneous are to be deducted; leaving a net payroll of $987.S7; I 237 J And the Janitor's Payroll for period :',eginning Feb. l, Ending Feb. 15, 1966, be approved in the amount of $1,236.62 from which $51.95 total F. I. C. A. TlUtes; $95.70 total 'W. H. TlUtes; $15.75 total State Income; $21.00 total Blue Cross Insurance, $37.22 total Retirement and $11.25 Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $1,003. 75 . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and 1ialter M. Lipes Nays: None If I - On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: No. 2848 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Servic1a, rental fee on Water Softner for Hollins Fire Station; No. 2849 in the amount of $41.43 made payable to Appalachian Power Company for current used at Hollins Fire Station; No. 2852 in the amount of $771.09 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for services for County Offices, Fire houses &:c; No. 2850 in the amount of $123.03 made payable to Loretta V. Haskins, Clerk- Stenographer in Juvenile &: Domestic Relations Court, Salary from JanUa 19 - 31 inclusive; No. 2854 in the amount of $147.92 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasur,er, fo reimbursing Jury Tickets; No. 2855 in the amount of $100.00 made payable to William H. Witt, Contrib:ttion for Relief Fire Chief at Cave Spring Fire Station for the year 1965, No. 2873 in the amount of $47.00 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service at Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Stations and Transmitter on Brushy Mountain; No. 2875 in the amount of $17.40 made payable to AppalaChian Power Company for current used at Dog Pound; ~u.. t;~C. ~ I - J No. 2S76 in the amount of $22.45 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service used at Dog Warden's home; No. 2877 in the amount of $699.96 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water at Courthouse, Jail, Health and Welfare Center, street lighting at Riverland Court, and Sewage Treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivision; No. 2878 in the amount of $218.11 made payable to FICA Contribution Fund, for January, 1966, salaries for Employees in Office of Clerk of Circuit Court; No. 2923 in the amount of $48.10 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, for service at Hollins Fire Station; No. 2925 in the amount of $14,571.75 made payable to Martin Brothers Constructio Company for 1/2 cost of Construction of Salem-Roanoke County Civic Cente for the period January 1, 1966 - February 1, 1966; No. 2926 in the amount of $172.00 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooking fuel for Jail, Home Demonstration kitchen, fuel for Cave Spring Fire Station and Hath and Welfare Center; 2927 in the amount of $27.80 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Cave Spring and Mount Pleasant Fire Stations; 2928 in the amount of $3.50 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service for towel service for Courthouse for the month of January, 1966; 2929 111 . the amount of $41. 90 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service for Clearbrook Fire Station; 2931 in the amount of $156.28 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, for reimbursing Jury Tickets; No. 2932 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft Water Service for I rent on Water Softner at Hollins Fire Station for the month of February 1'1 1%6; , I No. D No. No. No. 238 . I No. 2933 in the amount of $41.15 made payable tqC & P Telephone Company, for . service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None I ~~fr c".u. O~J')/'L The following reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail during the month of January, 1966; C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of office and travel expenses for the month of January, 1966; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report ~or the month of January, 1966; FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of January, 19 BRENn! J. BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of January, 1966; W.RY K. MARTIN, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of January, 1966. I IN RE: BOILER INSPECTION A co....."nication dated January 24, 1966, from H. E.Belcher, Chief Inspector, of The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, as to the condition of the Nat'l.- U.S.F. B. Boiler No. P-2902, which has 'been inspected externally while in service, located in the Mech. Room - Health and Welfare Center, 518 S. College Ave. Salem, Virginia, advising that no conditions were observed that require consideration at this time, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed. I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS AND ABANDONMENTS _ ROANOKE COUNTY Letters dated January 12, 1966, January 20, 1966 and February 3, 1966, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective July 1, 1965, January 20, 1966 and February 3, 1966, respectively: ADDI'rIONS Griffin Road from Route 1656 to Roy Road Section 4 of new connection of Route 626, from old location to Station 108+45, Project 0581-080-001,P402 Section 5 of new connection of Route 626, from old location to Station 121+50, Project 0581-080-001 , P-402, 0581-128,070,P-401 Section 17 - from Route 1313 to Route 1311 Section 18 - from old Route 419 to new Route 419 Section 19 - from Route 1442 to Route 419 Section 20 - from Route 419 to Route 1308 Section 21 - from Route 419 to Route 1657 and old Route 419 Section 22 - from new Route 419 to old Route 419 - from old Route 419 to !lew Route 419 I LENGTH 0.10 mile I 0.35 Mi. 0.45 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.02 Mi. 0.01 Mi. 0.01 Mi. 0.02 Mi. 0.02 Mi. 2"')9 !,.) .'_______.....,_._. ._.._.....n......__.__...._ Section 24 - from Route 221 to old Route 221, Project 022l-0P.0-102, C-501 0.06 Mi. ~ ABANDONMEm'S J Section 1 of old location of Route 626, from the new connection of Route 626 to Station 129+30, Project 0581-080-001,P-402 Section 2 of old location of Route 626, from the new connection of Route 626 to Station 107+60, Project 0581-080-001,P-402; 0581-12$- 070,P-401 0.,20 Mi. 0.15 Mi. ] Section 3 of old location of Route 625, from Station 91+00 to Station 107+60, Project 0581-080-001, P-402; 0581-128-070, P-40l 0.32 Mi. Section 14 - (Route 1313) - from intersection of Route 1.311 to 0.04 mile west of'the intersection of Route 1311, Project 0119-080-102, C-501,C-502 0.04 Mi.! Section 15 - (Route 1314) - from Route 419 to 0.01 mile west of Route 4190.01 Mi. Section 16 - (Route 1442) - from the intersection of old Route 419 to 0.08 mile west of the intersection of old Route 419 0.08 Mi. were this day received and ordered filed. : A report from the Virginia Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Records and Health Statistics, Richmond, Virginia, dated February 1, 1966, on persons in Virginia eligible for Medicare, WaS this day received and ordered filed. ,I IN RE: Petition of Mr. &: Mrs. W. A. McKinney, Mr. &: Mrs. Eugene Malherbe and Mrs. Mildred A. DeMaio, requesting an amendment or special exception to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County to permit lodging houses in Residential R-I Districts (Jefferson Hills) Pursuant to notice of Public Hearing to be held on this date, the Roanoke County PlAnnin.g Commission having heretofore filed its recommendation herein, this matter again came before the Board, and after a lengthy discussion by certain residents of said area, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the request this day made of the petitioners, by Alex N. Apostolou, their Attorney, to withdraw the petition heretofae filed in this matter be and the same is hereby granted. , ~~ -' ,.attJ~t;- ~.L.t. ,. ......~. :~c.. fo- C~. ;..j '>'3/ " -i n j Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None i71 [j IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN REAL ESTATE IN THE SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY OF ROANOKE, STATE OF VIRGINIA, LOCATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF STATE ROUTE NO. 117, EAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF OLD STATE ROUTE NO. 117 WITH NEW STATE ROUTE NO. 117 I RESOLUTION AND ORDER ~ ~~ . . ". ''lI\lMR.I. ti ,'P.~ t2Jl.'f' ,. ~~.rl . (tt..ro.. c.. ~ en.... ~JI~C. WHEREAS, Chester Ross Lemon, William N. Lemon, Helen Lemon Davis and Ruth Lemon Bergeron have heretofore filed their petition to amend the Zoning Orc~nance of Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in the Salem Magisterial District, Co~ty of Roanoke, State of Virginia, and described in the said petition, from Agricultural District A-l to Light Industrial District M-l and 24Q ~S, by order entered at its regular meeting on December 20, 1965, the Board of SUplrvisors of Roanoke County referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendation; and WEREAS, the Planning Commission, at a regular meeting held on January 25, 1966, after legal and timely advertisement of the same, fully considered the petition, and reported to this Board its recommendation that the tract of land in question be rezoned from Agricultural District A~l to Light Industrial District M-l; and WEREAS, the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's regular meeting on February 21, 1966, and it further appears from the certificate of the publisher, Times-World Corporation, that notice of the public hearing to be held on February 21, 1966, was fully published in accordance with law; and ~R&!l, a pUblic hearing was duly held on February 21, 1966, and a full 9Pportunity was accorded all interested parties to express their views concerning the proposed rezoning; and lJHER.EAS, at the conclusion of the public hearing, and after full consideration of the matter, the Board is of the opinion that the change in classification would promote the public interests, the prCllperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and "WIlEREAS, all requirements of law have been complied with and the property should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission. NOW., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinances of RoanOe County, as amended, be', and they are, further amended to reclassify and rezone. from Agricultural District A-l to Light Industrial District M-l that certain tract of land now owned by the petitioners and more particularly described as follows: Being the northwesterly portion of the original 33.5 acre parcel of land owned by the petitioners, originally lying on the northerly side of old State Route No. 117, the said property now being that portion thereof fronting 800 feet on the northerly side of new State Route No. 117, east of the property of Il.obert L. Hawkins and extending back and northerly approximatEly 260 feet, which has been recommended for such rezoning by the Roanoke County Planning Commission. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution be spread upon the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board, and that the said Clerk shall furnish a certif.ied copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning COmmissiOll of Roanoke County, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke Conty to reflect the rezoning ordered herein, and that additional certified copi5 of this resolution and order be sent to counsel for the petitioners. The above resolution and order was adopted at a regular meeting of this Board this day held on the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer of the Catawba Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris of the Big Lick Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as foll~'s: I I 1 I . I - Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. KeKer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J WHEREAS, Leonard T. Gilbert, Louise C. Gilbert, Warren W. Gilbert and Hassie D. Gilbert did on the l~th day of January, 1966, pursuant to Section 15.1-482(b) of the Code of Virginia, file their written application with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Conty, Virginia, for the adoption of an Ordinance vacating that portion of the sub-division of land, known as "Section No.2, West View Terrace," as shown on map thereof prepared by C. B. Malcolm and Son, State Certified Envneer, dated September 28, 1959, and duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the COl1ty of Roanoke, Virginia, on the 28th day of January, 1960, and spread of record in Plat Book 4. at page 44, of the records of said Clerk's Office, as lies West of the West boundary line of A:ngus Road. as shown on said Sub-division Map; and, VHEREAS, at the meeting of said Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the 17th day of January, 1966, said Board of Supervisors, being the governing body of the County in which the property shown on said plat of Secltion 2 of West View Terr/ilCe, did adopt an Ordinance directing and ordering the Clerk of said ~ard of Supervisors to give notice, as required by Section 15.1-341 of the Code of Virginia, by publication once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke Canty, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, would, at 3 o'clclck P. M. on Monday, February 21, 1966, that being the regular meeting day of said Board consider for adoption an ordinance vacating that portion of Section Nc~. 2, West View Terrace, which lies West of the West boundary line of Angus Road, and that at the time and place of consideration- of said ordinance all persons affected may appear and pJ!Sent their views; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did cause to be published once a week for two consecutive weeks on Feb. 7 and Feb. 14, 1966, in the World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice that said Board of Supervisors would at 3 0' clock P. M., Monday, February 21, 1966, tIlt being the regular meeting day of said Board, consider for adoption an ordinance vacating that portion of Section No. 2 of West View Terrace which lies West of the West boundary line of Angus Road, and at said time and place of consideration of said proposed ordinance all persons affected might appear and ~resent their views; and, 'WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did, at its regular meeting held on Monday, February 21, 1966, call up for consideration and adoption an ordinance vacating that portion of Section No.2, West View Terrace, which lies West of the West boundary line of Angus Road and did at the said tine and place invite all persons affected to present their views. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of ~anor R. Keffer, Supervisor of Catawba Magisterial District, seconded by Frank R. Angell, Supervisor of/:;Ave Spring Magisterial District, and on application of Leonard T. Gilbert, Louise C. Gilbert, Warren W. Gilbert and Hassie D. Gilbert, be it ORDAINED by the -!bard of SupEtrvisor - j J J !.'1 ~ 241 I J':t'7. "" J i., . ./J 4- t;. -jJA-. t:....J ")..').'t-LI. ~ 242 . rii&&.. t. ' 1.'.~ ~'Y~ J Lf.. ~ ~__.A /0. ~.~J" }g ~ 4&r.~ , I 'r. " -l> '. .-(.... k' ~.~.~ 1t <t.~. c.. ~_.Ccw.. -;J.~I <.' of Roanoke County, Virginia, that that portion, of Section No.2 of West View Terrace, a sub-division of property situate in Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, as shown on map of said Sub-division, duly recorded. in the Clerk',s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virgil1:1a, on the 28th day of January, 1960, and spread of record in Plat Book 4, at lla€;e 44, of the records of said Clerk's Office, which lies West of the West boundary line of Angus Road, be, and the same is hereby vacated. AND BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED AND ORDERED that a certified COpy of this Ordinance of Vacation, certified by the Clerk of this Board, be recorded in l;he Clerk:s Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as provided for in Section 15.1-482 (b) of the Code, and the Clerk of the Cu'cu:tt Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, shall write in plain legible l~~ters across that part of the plat of Section No.2, West View Terrace, the word "VACATED", and said Clerk shall also make a reference on' said plat to the volume and page in which this ordinance is recorded. The foregoing Ordinance was adopted on the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris anel Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None I I On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke Coun'cy, Virginia, be, and he hereby is, requested to appoint four special policemen to assist the Game Warden of Roanoke County in enforcing the fishing laws in the County of Roanoke during the months of April, May, and June, 1966, three of the special policemen appointed to be paid a salary of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month each and in addition thereto the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) each per month for transportation, the fourth special policeman appointed to serve without compensation or transportation expenses. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I HE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON NORTHEAST SIDE OF VmGINIA ROUTE 419 OF LUTHER J. MARTIN, ET !IX, AND ROBERT R. MARTIN, ET ALS. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Luther J. ~!artin and Robert R. Martin, et als, be allowed to withdraw their petitions in the above-described matter pur..uant to a letter dated February 15, 1966, from T. L. Plunkett, Attorney; And it is further ordered that the letter from T. L. Plunkett dated February 15, 1966, be filed and made a part of the peti;;ion of Luther J. Martin and Robert R. Martin, et also Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I 243 J IN RE: CONSOLIDATION OF VALLEY GOVERNMENTS On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell of Cave Spring District, the follOWing resolution was offered for adoption: Whereas the Committee for Consolidation of Roanoke County has presented two petitions to the Board of Supervisors which contained a total of 2,786 signatures One (the original) contained 2,286 signatures, out of which a special committee appointed by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County declared 1,926 to be valid, leaving a deficit of only 27 necessary to comply with the law which would force the Supervisors to enter into discussions with the City of Roanoke regarding consolidation, and Whereas the second petition contained 500 names was presented to the Board of Supervisors at it's regular meeting on January 17, 1966,the validity of. said signatures not yet determined but is in the hands of the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County who will give a ruling whether these can be added to the original petition, and Whereas it is obvious to the Board that the Committee for Consolidat.:,on can obtain on one petition the required number of valid signatures, namely 1,953, by preparing new petitions and circulating them with some degree of effort, untimat presenting them within a short time again in accordance with provisions of the statutes of Virginia regarding Consolidation proceedings, and Whereas recognition is acknowledged of the inevitable receipt of a new petition which would force the Supervisors to comply with same or have a commission appointed by the Court if they failed to act within six months, said commission not representing the elected officials of Roanoke County, and Whereas much publicity has been given regarding consolidation of the Valley Governments because of the activity of proponents, and none actually given of a factual nature of the advantages or disadvantages of consolidation, and Whereas, it is the opinion of the Board of Supervisors that yielding to the wishes of the petitioners on consolidation, regardless of the question of its' legality as presented, it is much more desirable to voluntarily enter into discussions with the City Council of the City of Roanoke, such procedure creating initially an atomsphere of good will, understanding of mutual problems and in general generate a spirit of harmony in the Valley, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to notify the City of Roanoke i'ormally of this action; to arr<Q;e for a suitable meeting place for the start of the study; to provide for all facilities of the press, radio, television and other news media; and to provide copies of this resolution to the officials of the Town of Salem, Town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke. There being no second to said motion the same is declared lost. ] ~ n .~ G On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 21, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective February C. Harris, ' ~&..1t. .c. . ~r 9-r I~~ ~".}J " 1965, be, 21, 1966: 244 10 - PUBLIC WORKS i I I i I I I 14 cppies tohis order del 'to Co Ex. Officer - 3 'to be del 'to lea. Engr. Dep.'t. High_ 2723/66 lOb - Pla'll'ing and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $6,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1966, for the function or purpose as~ereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C" Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I Boat!. of Supervisors vs I ORDER. I The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Beacon Drive from Route 800 to Kingswood Drive - 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Algoma Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 28 of the . records of the Clerk,S Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and 'that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Beacon Drive from Route 800 to Kingswood Drive - 0.10 mile BAd which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: I Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes Nays: None :finor R. Keffer and vs. I ORDER I 4 copies thi order del to Co Ex.Office :3 to be del to Res.Engr. D~'t.Highwa 2/23/66 Board of Supevisors The Public: and the Stat;e Highwa; Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Pamlico Drive from Route 6S7- to Beacon Drive _ O.lS mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofqre been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Algoma Park, which map is .recorded in Plat Book 6, Page zS of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, and th.3.t by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property OIIBrS is necessaI1". The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. I o NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as PaJIllico Drive from Route 687 to Beacon Drive - 0.18 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same i~ereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays;: None J Board o$upervisors I ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia J This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Kingswood Drive from PaJIllico Drive to D. E. - 0.23 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Algoma Park, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 28 of the records of I the Clerk..s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, V1rginia, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Boa.rd of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary The Board hereb~antees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Kingswood Drive from Pamlico Drive to D. E. ~ 0.23 mile and which is shown o~ certain sketCh accompany this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None Board of Supervisors i"""t j vs I ORDER The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia . ~ This matter Came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Wayburn Drive, Extn. of Route 1713, from Montclair Drive to D. E. - 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road has heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Montclair Estates #2, which map is recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 80 of the records of the, Clerk 's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Yirginia, an that by reason of the ~ordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, no consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessaljf The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. 245 i copies this order del to Co. Ex. Officer 3 to be del. to Res.Engr. De;t. Highways 2/23/66 4 copies this order del to Co.Ex.Officer 3 to be del to Res.Engr. Dept.H:lghways 2/23/66 246 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Wayburn..Driye{'Extn. of Route 1713, from Montclair Drive to D. E. - 0.10 mile and which is i;lhewn'on-:a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby est~blishod"a~ a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways_ in',.,. I Roanoke County. \.\ Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Nays: None ;I-' I Upon motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Charles B. Phillips be and he is hereby employed as Attorney for this Board to collect taxes and levies on real estate by suit, when such real estate heretofore or hereafter purchased in the name of the Commonwealt~ bV the Treasurer of Roanoke County is not redeemed by the previous owner, his heirs or assigns, or by someone having the right to charge the same with a debt, within three years from the date of such purchase, for which services as such Attorney, the said Charles B. Phillips shall be paid a fee as fixed by the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, provided, however, if suit be instituted and taxes paid before completion of said suit, the fee for same shall be the payment of costs of said suit, and a fee of 10% of the amount collected. If no suit has been instituted, the fee for same shall be 5% of the amount collected, if notice has been given to the present owner that suit is contemplated. It is fUrther ordered that the said Attorney give bond in the amount of $15,000.00 with corporate surety to be approved by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, to be conditioned upon the lawful accounting of all funds which may come into his hands as such Attorney, as set forth in Section 58-1102 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date. The premium on said bond to be paid out of the local treasury. It is further ordered that said Attorney is hereby authorized, in his dis- cretion, to file a bill in Equity for the sale of any such real estate that is now or may hereafter be purchased for the Commonwealth by the Treasurer of Roanoke County, which said real estate has not been redeemed by the previous I I owner, his heirs or assigns, or some person having the right to debt. charge it with a I I Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: APPROPRIATION TO THE BURRELL MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Letter dated February 11, 1966, from (V~s.) N. C. Bolden, addressed to Department of Public Welfare and The Board of Supervisors, Salem, Virgini., plaining Burrell Memorial's request for the payment of Five Hundred Dollar~ ($500.00) for the care to Indigent Patients at Burrell Memorial Hospital from . , . "! , , " .' ~r' .. . . 247 ] JaDII&r.y~, l.965, ..through December 31, 1965, waji this day~aid b,efore the Board ami..ordered filed: Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconde by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that. no act.ion be taken bytjlis, Board 0 -;; '>Rid account but that same be, referred to the Roanoke County Welfare Department. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I-tinor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, i'ank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes:"' Nays: None J l~ iI;: u7 ~a. ()1M.. c,..... ... ~,. ~CL ro: ~ ~'f' ~Hr" j WHEREAS, Joseph W. Lawson and Edgar C. Hatcher, Jr., owners of a certain par of land located in the Big Lick Magisterial District fronting 152.23 feet on the easterly side of U. S. Highway Route #11 and containing 0.744 acres, more or less, have petitioned the Board of Supervisors to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance to change the classification of said parcel from Business District B-1 to Business District B-2; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this matter be and the same hereby is referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission which is hereby directed to report to this Board its recommendations concerning said petition. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J A. C. Maier and Thomas H. Beasley, Jr., residents of the Bent Mountain Secti of Roanoke County, this day appeared before the Board, and requested the support of the Board in their campaign as to the possibility of retaining the Bent Mountain Rural Postal Service Route, said Route having been consolida.ted with Copper Hill, in Floyqt:ounty; and further requested the support of the Board in assisting the Bent Mountain residents in getting free local dialing telephone service to all points in the Roanoke County area; Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the members of this Board support the citizens of the Bent Mountain area in Roanoke ~ounty in their - request for a rural mail route out of Bent Mountain Post Office, and also any help that the Board can give in obtaining free local dialing telephone service to all points in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None G On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, be employed to represent Roanoke County in all pending and future annexation suits and in the case of the City of Roanoke against Roanoke County and the Roanoke 248 1'-.._ . '''... /;. -ryn 1?~~71 91: ~. ~ ...~.~., Co. ;.~r J ~.1$......" ,. c..4.~ ~.......,' County Sanitation Authority, pending in the Law and Chancery COu;ot.-o.f aoal1ok~' ',', City, and any petitions for consolidation of the Governments of the. Roanoke '." Valley. ')~ ,.r: :': Adopted by the following recorded vote: 'C"l.' -- .:.f Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell am:l:WaiI.'t-.er M. Lipes Nays: None I Letter dated February 21, 1966, addressed to the Board of Supervisor'l of Roanoke County, from Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney, receivad and ordered filed. I IN RE: NOTICE OF ANNEXATION PROCEEDINGS: Notice of Town of Salem for annexation of certain territory lying in Roanoke County, and immediately adjacent to the northern, western and southern corporate limits of the Town of Salem, received and ordered filed. IN RE: "WATER STUDY COMM1:n:u;: Winton W. Shelor, Chairman of Committee heretofore appointed by this Board, to study ways and means for a safe and adequate water supply, for citizens 1:1 Roanoke County this day filed the report of said Committee. I Barton W. Morris, Jr., Chairman of the Long Range Planning Committee of the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services, this day appeared before the Board, and advised the Board that a study of the services now being offered, and future needs in the fields of health, welfare and education by said Council, was now being made, and requested the Board to make an appropriation of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), the County's share, based on population, of said study; Thereupon, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that this Board appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00), as requested, to the Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services in order that the County might participate in the Valley Wide Services, as to the needs and social problems of Roanoke County. Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays.: None I I IN RE: PURCHASE OF CARS FOR SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept th low bid of Vinton Motors Company of Eleven Thousand, Five Hundred, Twenty-eight Dollars and Ten Cents ($11,528.10) for six (6) 1966 Ford Custom 2 Dr. Sedans, 119" W. B., equipped as per specifications submitted, for use in the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County. 249 Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o The bids submitted by the following companies were received and ordered filed: Goodwin-Chevrolet Corpor~tion Salem Motors, Inc., Vinton Motor Company J On motion of Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, at the request of the Department of Welf'are and Institutions, it is ordered that the following committee be appointed to study the jail facilities and other public building needs of' Roanoke County, and to report back to this Board at such time as they deem advisable their findings therein, to-wit: Howard W. Starkey R. S. Kime Paul B. Matthews Minor R. Keffer E. P. Hart Shirley Crowder Edwin G. Terrell Adopted by the f'ollowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Walter M. Lipes, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Minor R. Keffer Nays: NODe '""1 --' IN RE: SATURDAY CLOSING OF COUNTY OFFICES: On the motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, .seconded by Supervisol~ A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board appoint a Committee composed of C. E. Webber, T. R. McDonald and H. R. Garden to study the Saturclay closing of the Courthouse, and to report its findings back for action at the March 21st, 1966, Meeting of this Board. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors I'unor R. Walter M. Lipes Nays: None Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and -., J t o WHEREAS, at the request of the Roanoke County School Board, and in accordance with a resolution adopted by them at their regular meeting held on February a, 1966, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED 1;;hat this Board gives approval to the Roanoke CO\iUllty Schools' participation in the Federal Programs as follows: Funds shall be appropriated from the General Revenue Fund to a Federal Programs Fund as needed, not to exceed $75,000.00 at any given time, the Genera:.. Revenu,e Fund to be fully reimbursed as Federal reimbursement is received on the f'ollowing programs which are now being administered: Vocational Work Program _ $6,00Cl.OO; Title I - $231,397.20; Title II - $25,000.00. On motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None Excerpt from the minutes of the regular meeting of the Roanoke County School Board held on February 8, 1966, this day received and ordered filed. I IN RE: ELEMENTARY SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT (Public Law 89-10) ALLOTTED ROANOKE COUNTY List of projects to be undertaken this day received and ordered filed. I it~ . ;AJ.~r4,. ..-4; .,..,.... . $~~.~I( ~ -# '" ( .' I?~ .~.,~, r .,. ." " "'"- -- - ~ rv~ IN RE: JOINT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF . ROANOKE COUNTY AND REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, and L. G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, this day appeared before the Board and requested that the Board have the notice as provided by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942, of the joint meeting with said Board and a representative from the Department of Highways in charge of Secondary System of Roads. in Roanoke County for the year 1966-1967, to be held at the March Meeting, 1966, of this Board printed in the local paper the weeks of March 3, and March 10. 4C-r Iv' ___ 2 - ~as.~" ~'. ~~. "'t Cot. CD ~I 'fJ~L ORDERED that the Board be adjourned until 1966. I Court House Salem, Virgi,nia }!arch 21, 1966 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the CourthOUSE' thereot" in regular monthly session. Present : Walter M. Lipes, ChaiZ'lllall' ~llor R Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Dr. Carl A. Collins, Pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer in which he ramambered the late FRANK GILBERT, former Clerk of the Roanoke County Court, for his fa1thful and untiring services to this community. Thereupon on motion of Supervisor Fr~ R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, :It is ordered that the resolution of this Board entered at the February meeting, 1966, setting forth the dates and publication in which the notice of the joint meeting of a representative of the State Highway Department with this Board would be held, be changed from March 3 and March 10 in The Times Register to March 5 and March 12 in The Roanoke World-News. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter Lipes Nays: None I I . .,' . ....- .._~-. -.- ~ . The minutes of the las1; regular meeting, with the above exception, were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copy of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl therewith, to-wit: No. 003356 County School Board, County vehicles serviced a1; "- School Board Garage ~ o o o o ~ " 003357 003358 Harvest Motors Co., Parts &c Doyle's Inc. Radiator Service, Repairs on Police cars and Garbage Trucks Heinlein Seat Cover Shop, Repairs to seat on car Magic City Motor Co., Parts Humble Oil & Refining Co., Gas and Oil purchased for Police Car and Hollins Ambulance " 003362 Motorist Paradise Texaco, Parts, Repairs &:c " 003363 Summerdean Esso Station, Tire repairs on Police cars " 003364 Salem Auto Parts, Parts &c - " 003365 Salem' Car Wash Co., Police Cars washed " 003366 Vinton Motor Company, Repairs, Oil,. wash jobs &:c " 003367 Yates & Wells Garage, Repairs, Parts, &c " 003366 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts - · 003369 Bob & Jim's Service Center, Gas, Oil, Parts &c " 003370 Brambleton Gulf Service Station, Gas, Oil &:c , tr 003371 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts &e · 003372 Keller Poole's Brambleton Station, Gas, Oil & Repairs " 003373 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline for Clearbrook Rescue Squad Equipment " 00337~ Salem Motors, Inc., Parts for Hollins Fire Department Equipment " 003375 Salem Oil Company, Heating, Fuel for Ft. Lewis Fire Station &:c " " 003359 003360 003361 - " - . " 003376 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Repairs to Vinton Fire Trucks " 003377 Shepherd's Auto Supply Co., Parts 003376 Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Parts 003379 Beach Bro1;hers, Inc., Parts &c 003380 Bemiss Equipment Corporation, Parts and Oil for Tractor 003381 Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Repairs, Parts, Oil &c 003382 International Harvester Co., Parts f'or Garbage Trucks 003383 Miller Tire Service, Tires for garbage trucks &:c 003364 Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for Garbage Trucks &c 003365 Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Garbage trucks &c 003386 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Repair and Parts 003387 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repairs to Garbage Truck &c 003386 Transport CTC Clearings of the Carolinas, Freight on parts 003369 AutolllOtive Paint &: Supply Co., Paint for Car 003390 American Auto Supply Co., Parts 003391 Fulton ~te Truck Company, Parts for Repairing Snow Plough and other cars - " " - " " - " " " " " " " " " " 540.32 125.13 12.75 10.00 50.77 24.60 5.50 5.50 251.45 21.25 15.75 36:.>.03 157.56 44.23 79.01 38.51 60.66 68.65 11.95 211.34 67.19 185.24 67.66 2.93 44.11 34.46 64.25 364.16 212.33 170..93 60.87 53.50 7.21 6.60 47.42 55.78 No. 003392 003393 003394 003395 .. n " " 003396 003397 003398 003399 , " .. n. ". n 003400 " 003401 003402 003403 003404 - n - " . n n 003405 " 003406 003407 003406 003409 If. ". - n n " " , n - n " n n n n n .. " " " " 003425 003426 003427 003428 If " " Auto Parts, Inc., Parts $ Baker Equipment Engineering Co., Parts for stock net Dixie l/heel Company, Parts for distribution Gulf Oil Corporation,' Gasoline purchased for Distribu- tion Tire Repair Supply Service, Parts for Distribution 4.00 127.55 42.85 1,516.67 11.86 I Salem Office Supply Co., Office supplies 49.49 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance February,1966 188.90 Burroughs Corporation, Maintenance contract 011I Check Writer for Treasurer's Office Monroe International Inc., Maintenance on Office equipment- various offices Underwood Corporation, Maintenance on Offic~quipment National Cash Register Co., office supplies Woodhaven Press, Office supplies Tax Notices Dooley Printing Co., office supplies for Collector of Delinquent Taxes Robert Dawson, Postmaster; Postage for Office of Collector of Delinquent Accounts J. P. Bell Company, Deed Book sheets for Clerk's Office Easter Supply Co., office supplies G. H. Parent Company, office supplies Clerk of Court Times-Register Co., Subscription to Times Register 28.00 ~)7.94 I 003410 Underwood Corporation, Maintenance contract on office Machine for Clerk 003411 C. W. Warthen Company, Record Books 003412 Xerox Corporation, Record Books and office supplies 003413 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for County Court 003414 Void 003415 City Treasurer, Room and Board for. Children detained at City's Detention Home 003416 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Compensation for After- Hour Duty 003417 Robert F. Hyatt, Compensation for After-Hour Duty 003416 Frank L. Tignor, Compensation for After-Hour Duty 003419 C. L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse Probation Officer's Traveling Expense 003420 Barbara S. Cundiff, Reimburse Probation Officer's Car Expense 003421 Robert F. Hyatt, Reimburse Probation Officer's Car Expense 003422 Frank L. Tignor, Reimburse Probation Officer's Car Expense 003423 Dr. Esther C. Brown, Blood test Alcohol Determination & Lunacy commissions 003421+ Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Medical examiner fee, blood test Alcohol Determination, Lunacy Commissions 247.13 3.19 36.75 2,023.76 25.00 10.57 21.61 60.92 4.50 81.70 91.61 812.30 25.00 I 68.00 10.00 10.00 30.00 24.85 26.28 I 26.81 31.01 25.00 I 75.00 Chapman-Taney Insurance Co., Bond for County Policeman 19.00 The Fechheimer Bros. Co., Wearing apparel 87.50 Owen Plumbing Company, Repairs to Jail and other building~08.10 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies &c 59.40 o n u ~ u o No. 003429 Dr. H. J. Minarik, Compensation, Jail Physician Salary $ 003430 Deluxe Laundry Co., Laundry -. Jail 003431 Dewitt Chemical Company, Janitor supplies 003432 Foutz Sausage Company, Food, Jail 003433 C. B. !falsey Co., Food and Janitor supplies 003434 Hester Coal Company, Fuel for Heating Jail 003435 Layman Candy Company, Razor Blades for Jail 003436 MUrrell's Finer Foods, Food, Jail 003437 L. H. Parke Corporation, Food and Janitor supplies 003438 Void 003439 Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical supplies 003440 Rainbo Bread Co., Food 003441 Ray's Meat Market, Food, Jail 003442 'Ii. T. Rierson, Food 003443 Salvage Warehouse, Food 003444 Saunders &: Cecil, Towels and Dish Cloths 003445 Jack Wright Barber &: Beauty Shop, 1 pro Clippers 003446 Humble Oil &: Refining Company, Fuel for Catawba Fire Station 003447 Air Products and Chemical Co., Air Pak Refill 003448 Clearbrook Lion's Club, Rent on Fire Station 003449 J. Y. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station 003450 W. Y. Garman, RElnt on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 003451 Fuel Oil &: Equipment Co., Fuel oil for Hollins Fire Station and Courthouse 253 100.00 27.30 44.55 42.45 98.69 32.00 7.00 7.17 94.85 23.54 43.40 54.63 45.30 96.69 10.00 21.35 13.66 3.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 436.27 16.00 11. 79 16.00 56.el8 14.55 513.16 852.60 256.0:, n 003460 Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Department 1,000.61 o 003461 Burrell Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Department 698.10 003462 Dr. G. Wayne Fra-in, Blood test for Alcohol Determination 5.()0 003463 W. B. Gochenour, Attorney, Lunacy and Inebriecy Commissions 20.00 003464 Void 003465 Charles E. Mills, III, Lunacy commissions 30.00 003466 Dr. Robert E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy commissions 20.00 003467 Dr. R. B. Smiley, Jr., Lunacy Commission 10.00 003468 3M Business Products Sales, Inc., Repairing Equipment used at County Health Department 8.:50 n If If If n If - If If If If If If If If n n If - If - If " - If - If If 003452 Fyr-Fyter Sales &: Service, Chemicals for Fire Extinguishers 003453 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., supplies for Fort Lewis Fire Station 003454 J. W. Griggs, Fire Chier, Reimburse Expense or Dinner Meeting of County Fire . Chiefs 003455 Pyrofax Gas Corporation, Fuel for Bent Mountain Fire Station 003456 Roanoke Ready Mix Concrete Co., Concrete for Fire Station . 119 - n If n If n 003457 State Forester or Virginia, County's share of expense in _. controlling Forest Fires in Virginia 003458 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Department Q 003459 Shenandoah Hospital, Inc., State-Local Hospital Bills for Welfare Department If If n : n If - If If " " " 254 No. 003469 Caldwell-Sites Company, office supplies " 003470 Fielding L. Logan, Inc., Premium on NotiU1y Public Bond for Frances Fitzgerald 003471 Roanoke Book &: Stationery Co., Record paper 003472 Roanoke Stamp &: Seal Co., 1 Rubber stamp 003473 Technical Reproduction &: Supply Co., office supplies 003474 Addressograph-Multigrap~orp., office supplies 003475 Times-World Corporation, Publishing meeting of Zoning Board Appalachian Power Co., Current used in Street lighting Payne Data Processing Service, Voting record cards Blain Supply Company, Inc., Janitor supplies Brown Hardware Company, Janitor supplies &:c Dillard Paper Company, Tissue Graybar Electric Company, Air Polution equipment McClung Lumber Company, 1 Lock for County Court Office Meador &: Company, Repairing and Replacing new lock Peacock-Salem Laundry, Janitor supplies Ken Platt. Clothir.g Co., Wearing apparel Rusco Window Company, cord for Venetian blinds Salem Farm Supply Company, Paint and Ice Rid for walks Salem Paint Company, Supplies for Painting Courthouse Moore Business Forms, Inc., Receipt. books ". If n - n n n 003476 003477 003478 003479 003480 003481 003482 003483 003484 003485 003486 003487 003488 003489 003490 003491 003492 003493 003503 If n n " " If " " - If . , If - It - n - It - " - It - It " If 003541 003542 003543 003544 003545 003546 003547 003548 003549 003550 003551 003552 003553 003554 003555 003556 003557 If If It " " " - " " " - n If If If - " If n Parker-Nimmo Co., St.reet signs Charles Ray, Jr., Refund Electrical Permit State Board of Education, Surplus Goods for Civil Defense Thayer Morris, 1 Siren for Police Car Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Welfare Disburse- llIents 8,989.86 Mrs. Lula O. Crawford, Extra-Commonwealth's Attorney 92.65 Thelma Beamer, Extra-Collector of Delinquent Accounts 41.35 Booker T. Helm, Extra Janitor services 62.75 Cljfl'rod St.uart, extra Janitor services 66.43 James E. Woods, Extra Janitor Services 31.37 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 37.36 Roanoke County Court, liarrant~nd Court Costs 20.00 G. H. Parent Co., office supplies 4.72 C. W. Warthen Company, book binding and record paper 62.11 International Business Machine Co., Carbon paper .66 . Air Products Company, Refill Air Pax ;.00 Void $ 642.76 10.00 4.20 .90 10.64 5.55 I 9.00 924.21 80.40 46.25 I 11.1;: 5.69 54.76 26.06 9.50 14.00 5.99 2.01 21.46 6.44 205.28 81. 92 1.50 26.00 10.00 I I I C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone service 28.15 Appalachian PoWer Co., Current used at Catawba Fire Station 3.00 Fluid Controls Corporation, Repair and Parts 82.00 Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, Sewer service 9.00 Town of Vinton, Tire chains and adjusters 86.56 No. 003558 Shepherd's Citations, Subscription for Judge Hoback " 003559 Walters Printing Co., Engraved letter heads and envelopes o ~ u o Treasurer of Virginia-V. S. R. S. Employer's Contribution due system 7,721.48 003571 W. Carter Bradley, Reimburse expenses while attending Air Pollution Control meeting 003572 Jarrett Electric Co., Refund Electrical Permit 003573 Times-World Corporation, Publication of joint meeting with State Highway Department 003574 Appalachian Power Co., new street lights 903575 Walter M. Lipes, reimburse expenses, Richmond meeting 003576 Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse bOOkkeeper's Petty Cash.fund 003577 Webb Office Supply Co., office supplies Treasurer 003585 Roanoke County Board of . Public Welfare, expenses " 00,3560 003561 003562 003563 003564 003565 003566 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy commission Kime &: Jolly, Attorneys, Lunacy commission Texaco Co., Gasoline purchased Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Repairs to Eng:lneer's car M &: S Machine Shop, repairs to Garbage trucks E. C. Hill, Rent on Sanitary Land Fill James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimburse postage used in Meter machine and wrecker Blain Supply Co., Towels and tissue DeWitt Chemical Company, Janitor supplies Void 1)55 (". $ ,30.00 12g.50 10.00 10.00 4.75 381.00 74.11 1,500.00 149.62 36.70 24.50 23.20 7.00 6.00 76.50 25.49 31.32 5.25 4,745.74 IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl therewith, to-wit: o o 003494 Mrs. R. J. Edney, Fowl claim 003495 American Chemical Company, disinfectants &:c 003496 Fort Lewis Hardware Co., 2 bags lime for dog pound 003497 Goodyear Service Stores, tube for Dog Truck 003498 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchased 003499 Owen Plumbing Co., Labor at Dog Pound 003500 Radio Communications Co., Radio Maintenance 003501 Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies 003502 State Department of Health, Rabies vaccine 00357g Ernest Robertson, Special County Policeman 003579 Leonard A. Wright, Special County Policeman 003580 Paul E. Jenkins, Special County Policeman 003581 Guy Ayers, Assistant to Dog Warden 003582 Fielding Logan Insurance Co., Premium on Bond 003583 Acme Printers Co., 75 signs &:c 003584 J. C. Richardson, purchase of 25 Coons " - " It . It If It ". 003567 003568 003569 003570 " If - " If " - n n If - " " - n No. It n n If - If - It It " - " " If " It " It $ 14.00 162.84 1.98 2.25 1.60 11. 50 7.50 3.97 28.00 37.50 37.50 37.50 117.65 40.00 34.50 150.00 256 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day sublllitted the follOWing report: TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business February 28, 1966, there was to the credit of the following : General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund School.Construction ~ Ava,j~able Cash School '1'ext.book Fund F. I. C. A. Retirement Fund - Available Cash Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash Operation Head Start Deferred Credit Account Public Building Debt Fund - Available Cash $ 346,940.44 . 16,146.71 42.93 66,589.76 787 .64 5,338.19 67.16 1,049.81 20.00 83.29 160.00 4; 437,225.93 1 'I Financial Statement Treasurer's 'Working Fund Bank of SalEllll Escrow $l,750,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $2,173,300.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying Agt. School Bond Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Farmers National Bank - Operation Head Start Farmers National Bank - Paying Agt. Public Bldg. Debt $ 1,500.00. 10,774.78 405,611. 50 13,001.41 787.64 4,320.79 l,049.81 20.00 160.00 ~ 437,225.93 Certificates of Deposit - Public Buildi~ Bond Account Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 100,000.00 150,000.00 100.000.00 ~ 350,000.00 I Certificates of Deposit - Savi~s Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ 450,000.00 550,000.00 200,000.00 100.000.00 $~3PO ,000 .00 Respectfully sublllitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County Said report is received and ordered filed. IN. RE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day delivered to the Board the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $1,4~.63 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of February, 1966 , less co~ssion, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $1,415.15 net. I tj ~pL.~ ~. ~ _I/. ,--/ ~;J-.- .' t.. &.t. f)r- 3;>5."~ On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of March, 1966, be approved in the amount of $13,604.19 from which the sum of $505.31 total F. I. c. A. Tax; $1,170.75 total 'W. H. Taxes; $180.30 total State Income; $367.95 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deduct&d~. leaving a net payroll of $11,365.88. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None 1 !1 ~~.J ri iJ ~ o Q On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning Feb. 18, 1966, Ending Mar. 3, 1966, be approved in the amount of $5,682.22 from which $23g.67 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $475.60 total W. H. Taxes; $65.97 total State Income; $63.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $6.00 .total Accident Insurance; $43.61 total Retirement; $73.60 total Uniforms; and $130.g3 t.otal Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,.584.94; And the Payroll for Refuse Collection and Janitor Services for period beginning March 4, 1966, Ending March 17, 1966, be approved in the amount of $4,820.g3; from which $202.49 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $374.10 total W. H. Taxes; $46.41 total State Income; $56.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $67.20 . . total Uniforms; and $76.78 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $3,997.90. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walte M. Lipes Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning Feb. 16, 1966, Ending Feb. 28, 1966, be approved in the amount of $1,139.48 from which $47.87 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $82.90 total W. H Taxes; $12.91 total State Income; $21.00 total Blue Cross Insurance and $11.25 total Miscellaneous are to. be dedu~ted, leaving a net payr~ll of $963.55; And the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning March 1, 1966, Ending March 15, 1966, be approved in the amount of $1,292.00 from which $54.27 total F. I. C. A. Taxes; $105.30 total W. H. Taxes; $18.57 total State Income; $23.75 total Blue Cross Insurance, $37.22 total Retirement and $11.25 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $1,041.64. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None . On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher- checks be approved retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: No. 3257 in the amount of $5g3.66 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, service for offices, fire stations &:c; in the amount or $134.55 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, service for Sheriff's Office and Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court ; No. 3272 in the amount of $95.10 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, service for Clearbrook and Hollins Fire Stations and Transmitter on Skycoe Drive; No. 3324 in the amount of $57.97 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, current used at Fort Lewis Fire Station and Transmitter on Skycoe Drive; No. 3323 No. 3325 in the amount of $39.98 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, current used at Dog Pound; No. 3326 in the amount of $26.03 made payable to C &: P TElephone Company, service for Dog Warden's Home; 257 ~~ :11:. I . .-/1. ,J .. -- . . .r;,.,~ ~. ..~-~, "I'"""".",.,.-~..A . 7!- 1..1,- P .- . - . &,.. ~ 3-:>:,-C{. ./' . &dd ,>< . j ,V-I'_ ./).h;;J, r~ 1 _ ,..._ . r/....." . - .r;.",~ ;-..~-(., Illl~~' ._~f'Yi"1. ~..c.~ . ~c. ~(b~ ~}"3"l'U in the amount of $868.21 made payable to Town of Salem, light and water service for Jail, Courthouse, Health and Welfare Center, Street lighting at Riverland Court, Sewage treatment cost for Hidden Valley Country Club and Orchard Heights Subdivision; in the amount or $174.58 made payable to James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimbursing money paid those serving on Jury; in the amount of $317.50 made payable to Wells & Meagher, Architects, l/2 cost of Architectural supervision of Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center, January and February, 1966; ill the amount or $6,234.75 made payable to Martin Brothers, Contractor 1/2 cost o.f Construction Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center for the period February 1, 1955 through .March 1, 1960; in the amount of $9.00 made payable to Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, Sewage Treatment cost for quarter ending June 30, 1966, Hollins Fire Station #5; in the amount of $3.50 made payable to Roanoke Linen Service, towel. service for Courthouse, February, 1966; in the amount or $5,000.00 made payable to City of Roanoke Water Department, fire hydrant rental on 50 hydrants January 1, 1966 to January 1, 1967; in the amount of $41.90 made payable to C & P Telephone Company, telephone service for Clearbrook Fire Station; in the amount of $44.60 made payable to C &. P Telephone Company, service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station; in the amount of $l75.81 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company, cooking fuel for Jail, Home Demonstration kitchen, fuel for Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and Welfare Center; in the amount gf $4.00 Diade payable to Culligan Soft Water Service, rent on Water ortner for Hollins Fire Station March, 1966; in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Town of Salem, current used at County Garage; No. 3353 in the amount of $24.50 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company, telephone service for Bent Mountain Fire Station; No. 3354 in the amount of $14.11 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, current used at Bent Mountain Fire Station. No. 3329 No. 3328 No. 3332 No. 3333 No. 3334 No. 3335 No. 3336 No. 3337 No. 3348 No. 3349 No. 3350 No. 3351 I I I Adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None The follOWing reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed: C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served in the County Ja during the month of February, 1906; c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of office and travel expenses for the month of February, 1966; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Assistant County Agent, report for the month of February, 1966; FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of February, 1966; . BRENDA J. BARRETT, Assistant Home Demonstration. Agent, report for the month of February, 1966;. MARY X. MARTIN, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of February, 1966. I I IN BE: ANNUAL AUDIT OF RECORDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ordered that the firm or Rothgeb, Miller and Brogan, Certiried Public Accountants, be employed tomake an audit of the records and accounts of the 259 o County of Roanoke for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1966, and to submit same to the State Auditor of Public Accounts for approval. Atiopted by the following recordeti vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None J Copy of letter dated February 23, 1966, addressed to Mr. James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, CompanBation BOard, Richmond, Virginia, approving the request of said Treasurer for an additional $241.12 to cover repairs to office furniture and equipment (including service contracts) subject to the concurrence of this Board was this day laiti before the Board j Upon consideration whereof on motion duly seconded, it is ordered that this Board concurs in said request for ,the repairs ~ to said equipment. On the motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris. adopt~KLby the following recortied vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Yalter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None ~.4<~ fi ;;.. .-.- &,~~() 4>. ~ 0-:"'- .3 -~.3...t.i.. ~ Letter dated February 23, 1966, addressed to James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County, from G. Edmond Massie, Chairman, State Compensation Board receiVed and ordered fUed. IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS AND CHANGES IN PRDrARY AND SECONDARY. SYSTE1IJS . DUE TO RELO CATION Aim CONSTRUCTION - ROANOKE COUNTY - Letters dateti Februaryl7, 1966, anti February 21, 1966, addressed to the Board of Supervisors 01' Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia; approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective February 17, 1966; and changeEAn primary and secondary systems due to relocation .and construction as follows, to-wit: o ADDITIONS SUMMERDEAN GARDENS NO.2 SUBDIVISION: Stonington Road - from Route 1861 (Clearwater Avenue) southeast 0.09 mile to dead end. LENGTH 0.09 Mi. G'I tJ Goodland Avenue - from Stonington Road south to TreviUan Road 0.12 Mi. SECTIONS ABANDONED AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-76.5 of THE 1950 CODE OF VIRGINIA Section 1 - Old location 01' Route 419, from intersection Route 11 to S. C. L. Salem, length 0.40 mile. Section 3 - Old location of Route 419, from Route 1442 to 0.10 mile north of Route 1442, length 0.10 mile. Section 6 - Old location of Route 419, from Route 1308 south to new Route 419, length 0.02 mile. Section 7 - Old location of Route 419, from intersection of Route 1306 north to new Route 419, length 0.12 mile. Section 10 - Old location of Route 419, from new connection south of Route 419 to new connection north of Route 419, length 0.08 mile. 260 ~..J..; ~ -fl--{ ~ -A" h. :toN. ~ -#->- f),-u. 3-7'-- t.~ ~~~. 4 C..4. ~ r~. .-A- ,.. ....JI".... :t'~.J 3-';J.t, ~ Section 13 - Old location of Route 221, from new Route 221 to new connection 0.1 mile north of Route 221, length 0.10 mile. SECTIONS TRANSFERRED TO THE SECONDARY SYSTEM AS PROVIDED UNDER SECTION 33-27 OF THE 1950..CODE OF. VIRGINIA: . Section 2 - Old location of Route 419, from S. C. L. Salem to new connection opposite Station 79+10, length 0.90 mile. Section 4 - Old location of Route 419, from Route 1442 southwest to intersection Route 419 at Station 92+00, length 0.20 Iidle. Section 5 - Old location of Route 419, from Route 419 at Station 94+50 south to intersection of Route 1?08, length 0.85 mile. Sections 8 &: 9 - Old location of Route 419, from Route 419 at Station 153+00 south to new connection opposite Station 188+00, length 0.90 mile. Section 11 - Old location of Route 419, from 0.05 mile north of Route 702 south to intersection of old Route 221, length 0.30 mile. Section 12 - Old location of Route 221, from new Route 221 at Station 84+00 sout to connection with Route 221 opposite Station 105+35, length 0.45 mile. I I were this day received and ordered filed. m RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON BOTH SIDES OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE 419 (FORMERLY 119) NORTHElSTERLY FROM ROUTE 681 AND. ROUTE . 706 . OF I ORDER RILIE S. HAYDEN . . This day came Rylie S. Hayden by Couusel and asked leave to file his petition relative to the rezoning of his property therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ol'dinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby reirTed to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the proviSions of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT iUl'C.rHm RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the said Planning Commission shall I . .. report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that this matter be set down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board on April 18, 1966, and that notices thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this ~oard to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a record vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I 261 - I ,j IN BE: CONTINUATION OF PERMIT OF WARD'S MOBILE HOME SALES OF . ROANOKE, J;NC..._ Whereas, o~ the writte~ request of Ward's Mobile Home Sales of Roanoke, Inc., '~,. .4<..4- by English Showalter, its counsel, for adcontinuation of a permit heretofore ..J.t. I!;' issued to said Corporation by this Board on July 15, 1963 , for a period of twenty- four months, to use the Old Gun Club Property on the South side of U. S. Route 460 west of the Roanoke-Salam Plaza, as a sales and display office for a three (3) year period enqing May 3l, 1969; said communication ordered filed; Upon consideration whereof, on 1II0tion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Walter M. Lipes, it is ordered that a permit be granted at the location specified for a sales and display office, to the said Ward's Mobile Home Sales of RoanOke, Inc., for a two (2) year period ending May 31, 1968. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Walter M. Lipes, a. C. HaITis and Frank R Angell Nays: None o j It appearing to the Board that certain persons, firms, or corporations have shown an interest in leasing and using advertising space on the score-board to be purchased at a cost of approximately Twenty-four Thousand ($24,000.00) Dollars, and to be installed in the arena portion of the Civic Center now being constructed Upon motion duly made by Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the Board authorizes and empowers the Salam-Roanoke Count Civic Center Commission to negotiate with any person, firm, or corporation the terms for the lease and use of advertising space on said score-board, for not to exceed a period of ten (10) years, with the right to renew upon agreeable terms, and to contract in writing in such respect with any such person, firm, or corporation. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o IN BE: Zoning of property on the west side of new U. S. Route 221 of I ORDER Fred L. Bowman -;b-<. (vf....; dd..A ",,=-.-I-~ {!t...... c-v. '7-;...." This day came Fred L. Bowman, by Counsel, and requests leave to file his petition relative to zoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the of ~oanoke County, Virginia. the said petition be, and the ~~ same is hereby filed. d.J.. 't Cc. ~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning , CO rt1..<.U 1>- ordi~ce as ~eq~ested in said petition ~e, ~d the same is hereby referred to the ~. Planning C01lllllJ.ssJ.on of Roanoke County, VJ.rgim.a, for a recommendatioln in Z. J .;l-Y ! {, ~ Board of ~upervisors accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. 262 ~~ ~~.~c;,.t. I~ . 3-'~.t(. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, all required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permiSSible regular meeting of this Board on April 18, 1966, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication. in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I Whereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, there is now a deficit in the General Revenue Fund for General County Operations, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual deficits in said fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said county; and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by Section 15.1-545 and 15.546 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date to borrow I not earlier than February 1st, of any year a sum of money not to exceed one- fourth of the amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1966, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annlll!l, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1966, and Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not earlier than March 22, 1966, and not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set out; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THIS Board do negotiate a loan, or loans and borrow as needed, not earlier than March 22, 1966, and not exceeding a total amount of $200,000,00 from such Banks or Institutions of this State as are will- ing to make the loan or loans at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per 9>:1"""", on demand; which said maturity date or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1966, said loan or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, or Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, whose signatures shall be duly attested by N. C. Logan, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and at such Bank or Benki>:1g Institutions, as the Bank making the loan may direct, and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this Board. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C.Harris, the foregoing resolution is adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: I I ~ w J ~ I - o 9 , Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter . M. Lipes Nays: None ~F..S: Representative for the Department of Highways appeared before the Board and prel!ented a plan sketch dated March 21, 1966 showing Route 683, Budget Item 3304, in Roanoke County and the disposition of the old location and connection. VHEREAS: This Board approves and concurs in the recommendations of the Department of Highways as follows: Section of Second Route 68 To Be AD doned in Accordance With Section . 2 Code 0 r nia s ended Section No.2 = 0.13 Mi., to be served by new location. Connection To Be Added To The Secondary Svstem Section No. 1 - 0.11 Mi. And be it ordered that three duly certified copies of this resolution be transmitted by the Clerk of this Board to W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. The foregoing was adopted on :notion of Minor R. Keffer, Supervisor, Seconded by Frank R. Angell, and on recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter K. Lipes Hays: None On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 21, 1965, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective March 21, 1966: 10 - PUBLIC WORKS 10c - Garbage disposal: An additional appropriation 01: $47,166.78 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1966, for the function or purpose as .hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE NORTH SIDE OF THE SERVICE ROAD PARALLEL TO INTERSTATE ROUTE 81, APPROXIMATELY 500 FEET EAST. OF THE INTER- SECTION OF SAID SERVICE ROAD WITH VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 619, IN SALEM MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY iTAMESWILLIA~-: FITZGERALD .... This day came James William Fit2gerald, by counsel, and requested leave to 1:ile his petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which I ORDER request is granted and said petition is hereby 1:iled. On motion duly made, seconded, and unanimously carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a 263 4:t p-< r t? . ,,.~.../"'~ .A 4-c-. f-,. ~.~ t.- ' .-d. ~,~ ...,,- 264 recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set th same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeti of this Board, to-wit: April 18, 1966, notice of which shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this I . . . . resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to. Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the PlAnning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. . The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer anct seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and on the recorded vote, the supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Hays: Hone I li c.. ....CO.~ . ~t:fL' IN RE: PURCHASE OF FIRE HOSE AND EQUIPMEN'l' On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the County Purchasing Agent be authorized to accept the low bid of Tidewater Supply C'jmpany, Inc. of eighteen hundred and ten dollars ($1810.00) for fire hose and equipment, as per specifications submitted, . for use in Roanoke County Fire Departments. Adoptec1 by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and A. C. Harris NaYs: None I The bids submitted by the following companies were received and ordered filed: Fire Equipment Company of Virginia Hugh D. Whitlow Sales &: Service Parker-Nimmo Supply Company, Inc. American Lafrance Graves-Humphreys, Inc. Notice addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Va., that the Wilson Trucking Corporation has made application to the State Corporation Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a common carrier by motor vehicle on the following route or routes: 1. Between the Virgirda-West Virginia State line north of Winchester and and the junction of Inters-..ate Highway 81 with U. S. Highway 11 south of Mt. Crawford via Interstate Highway 81. 2. Between the junction of Interstate Highway 81 with U. S. Highway 11 near Steeles Tavern and Salem via Interstate Highway 81. 3. Between the junction Interstate Highway 64 with Virginia Highways 143 and 168 in Newport News and the junction Interstate Highway 64 with Virginia Highway 16S,near Camp Peary via Interstat~ Highway 64. 4. Between the Junction Virginia Highway 33 with U. S. Highway 60 near Bottoms Bridge and Richmond via Virginia Highway 33 and Interstate 64. I I 1 ...... 5. Between the Junction Interstate Highway 64 with Laburnum Avenue (Virginia Secondary Highway 672) and Richmond via Laburnum Avenue. Serving all. interchange and access routes between the above routes and applicant's presently authC)rized routes; stating that a hearing before the State Corporatic.n Commission on said application will be held at Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia, April 12, 1966, at 10 o'clock A. M. received and ordered fUed. ~ ....J Notice addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Va., that Tennessee Trailways, Inc., has made application to the State Corporation Commission for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity afl a common carrier by motor vehicle for the handling or Passengers on the followl. route or routes: ~ Between Bristol, Virginia, and Roanoke, Virginia, in both directions via Interstate Highway 81 and Interstate 581, from Bristol, Virginia, over Interstat 81 to its junction with Interstate 5Sl, thence over Interstate 581 to Roanoke, Virginia, including the temporary use of U. S.Route 11 between Dixie Caverns, Virginia (Jet. U. S. 11 and Interstate 81) and the junction of U. S.Route 11 and Interstate Highway 81 near Christiansburg, serving all access and interchange points and inclUding service from the junction of Interstate 81 and Virginia Route 8 over Virginia Route 8 to and from Christians burg , Virginia. Stating that a hearing before the State Corporation Commission on said application will be held at Blanton Building, Richmond, Virginia, AprU 26, 1966, at 10:00 o'clock A. M., received and ordered filed. Copy of News Magazine of the State Department of Educ,ation - Public Educa1;io in Virginia - No.4, Winter 1966, received and ordered fil.ed. o Letter dated March 21, 1966, from E. R. Jones, requesting permission to place a second trailer on his property situate on Secondary Route 694, Cave Spring gistrict, was this day laid befC)re the Board: On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on the 18th day of April, 1966, at 2:30 o'clock P. M. on the written application of the said E. R. Jones for a permit to place a second trailer on his property facing Route 694. as stated in said application. Said notice to be published in the Roanoke .World- News on the 29th day of March, 1966, and on the 5th day of April, 1966. Said application ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A.C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ 265 ~fi' 4t .~.A ~~ r.~ ~ r~!' 1:L I~ Co ~ ~~ IN RE: APPLICATION OF THOMAS G. POWERS FOR PERMIT FOR BUILDIllG MOBILE. TRAILER. .COORT: On motion 01' Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a public hearing be held on the 18th day of April, 1966, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., on the written application of Thomas G. Powers for a building permit for a mobile trailer court. on his property next to and adjoining a now existing trailer park, The Carolina Mobile 'frailer Park, located at the end of County Route #610 on a tract of land consisting of seven acres. Said notice to be published in the Roanoke World-News, on the 29th day of March, 1966, and on the 5th day of April, 1966. Said application ordered filed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. ttarris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes . Nays: None I I IN RE: JOIllT MEETING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY AND A REPRESENTATIVE FROM THE STATE HIGHWAY. DEPARTMENT: Pursuant to notice required by Chapter 266;ict~ of 1942, published in the Roanoke-World News of March 5 and March l2, 1966, W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, and L. G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, on behalf of the State Highway Department this day appeared before the Board and discussed with the Board highway matters regarding the Secondary Systam of Roads in Roanoke County, for the year 1966-1967. I . IN RE: ROUTE 115 - ROANOKE COUNTY. Copy of letter dated February 28, 1966, from. C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Department of Highways, addressed to Hunter H. Akers, and letter dated March e, addressed to Paul Matthews, Executive Officer. of Roanoke County from .' Hunter H. Akers, received and ordered filed. Pursuant to notice of public learing of Joint Meeting of a representative of the State Highway Department and the Board of Supervisors advertised for this date, the following persons appeared: Y. M. Grisso and Mrs. W. L. Bradford this day appeared before the Board in regard to improvement to Secondary Route 745 north 1.3 mi. to dead end, beginningat Route 221. W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer Department of Highways stated that a member of his department, who attended the neighborhood meeting to discuss the condition of said road, had not turned in his report as .t the road's condition. No action was taken on said request at this time. I I Phillip H. Elliott this day appeared before the ~oard and requested improvament to State Secondary Route 1530 and Route 687 bei.-ween Colonial Avenue and Route 4l9, Penn Forest; no action was taken on said request at this time. 267 D Mrs. Larry Garven and Mrs. C. E. Leonard, residents of Oak Road, Roanoke County, this day appeared be1'ore the Board and requested that said road be made available for inclusion in the Secondary Road System of Roanoke County. The petitioners were advised that said request would be looked into. No actiotL however was taken on the matter at this time. o J. N. Layman, Frith and Shelor, of Catawba District, appeared be1'ore the Board and reported that Road 785 in said District was in bad shape, and requested that some attention be given said road. W. M. Elliott, Jr., Resident Engineer, Department of Highways, assured the petitioners that somethicg , would be done to at least improve the maintenance of said road, as soon as possible. C. E. Webber, Chai~ 01' the Committee appointed by this Board at its February Meeting, 1966, to make recommendations as to the Saturday Closing of the Roanoke County Courthouse, this day appeared and advised the Board that lis Committee was making a survey in regard to said situation, and that its recommendations would be submitted to the Board at its April, 1966, meeting. n :...J ORDF.RRTI that the Board be adjourned until Monday, April 11, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. ~C~U) o Court House Salem, Virginia April 11, 1966 . The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House pursuant to adjournment. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, lfdnor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Mr. A. C. Harris, oi'i'ered,a prayer. The minutes or the last reg'..llar meeting were approved as spread, each member 01' the Board having read the copy of said min~tes furnished him by the Clerk. ~ The Honorable Robert C. Fitzgerald of Fairfax, Virginia, was present at the meeting of this Board. Mr. Ralph E. Bentz of Cave Spring District and Mr. L. M. Whitmore 01' the Town of Salem were also present at the meeting 01' this Board. WHEREAS, Murray K. Coulter, owner of land situate in the County of Roanoke as more fully described in his petition filed this date, has petitioned the Board 01' Supervisors to amend the Roanoke County Zoning ordinance to change the classification of said parcels from Agricultural A-l to Industrial M-l. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this matter be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission which is hereby directed to. _ .~~r. ~.....t;.., ~. 1-II-t~ 268 1- ~Q '7{,:6:i- ~.~./6" {1 6+- flJ7 ~,M-. ~ ~-II-t' report to this Board its recommendations concerning said petition. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, s~conded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the follOWing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minol' R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I On motion of Supervisor. Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harri it is ordered that Robert C. Fitzgerald of Fairfax be employed to assist the Commonwealth's Attorney in defending the Board of Supervisors, the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and/or the Roanoke County Board of Zoning Appeals in pro- ceedings now pending in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and brought by Blue Ridge Stone Corporation, et als; And the Commonwealth's Attorney and Mr. Fitzgerald are further ordered to take whatever action necessary to protect the County's interest in this matter. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Minor R. Keffer Nays: None I RESOLUTION SIGNIFYING THE INTENTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COlmTY VIRGINIA, TO ANElID TIlE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE ROANOKE COlmTY SANITATION AU'l'HORITY IN OODER TO SPECIFY FURTHER PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE AUTHORITY AND TO CHANGE THE NAME OF SAID AUTHORITY I Be it RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: SECTION I: It is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority in order to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Authority and to change the name of said Authority. SECTION II: The proposed amendments to the said Articles'of Incorporation are as follows: 1. Amend Section (l) of the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority to read: "(1) The name of the Authority shall be 'Roanoke County Public Service Authority' and the address of its principal office shall be Salem, Virginia." 2. Amend Section (3) of the said Articles of Incorporation by adding to the end thereof the following: "In addition to the purposes hereinabove set forth, the Authority shall have as its purpose and is hereby authorized to acquire, construct, operate and maintain a water system for the supply and distribution of water in the County of Roanoke, Virginia,n and the Counties adjacent thereto. SECTION III: The Articles of Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority necessary to effect the amendments set forth in Section II of this Resolution shall be executed on behalf of Roanoke County by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the I I 269 J official seal of the said Board of Supervisors shall be affixed thereto and attested by the Clerk of said Board of Supervisors and said officers are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all things necessary and appropriate to effect such amendments of the Articles of Incorporation of the said Authority. SECTION IV: A public hearing will be held on this Resolution at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on April 25th, 1966, at the Court House, Salem, Virginia, in the usual plac of meeting of the Board of Supervisors. SECTION V: The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of the public hearing, together with a copy of this Resolution to be published once in the Times-Register and The Roanoke World-News, newspapers of general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia. Said publication to be at least ten (10) days prior to the date fixed for the hearing. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter Lipes Nays: None J .., i -.J On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that Mr. Joe McDoJlald or ?of.r. William OVerman, of the Engineering Firm of Langley',l McDonald and Overman, of Virginia Beach, be requested to appear before this Board at the public hearing amending the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, to be held by this Board on April 25th, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None ~ <-,' j~" f1~ 71. Jf.-I,-t.1. ] This day came Charles B. Phillips, Assi~tant Commonwealth's Attorney, and Paul B. Matthews, Roanoke County Executive Officer, and reported that an offer made pursuant to authority heretofore given by this Board has been made to E. C. Hill for the purchase of a tract of land in Salem ~~gisterial District containing 57 acres, more or less (actually containing 60 acres, more or less) and an easement for ingress and egress to and from said land, and that the said E. C. Hill has refused said offer and that this Board being of the opinion that said land is immediately needed and necessary to be used for a Land Fill for the disposal of garbage and trash for the County of Roanoke, and that same should be acquired by condemnation proceedings. Thereupon on motion of Supervisor r~nor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ORDERED that Edw. H. Richardson, Commonwealth's Attorney and Charles B. Phillips, Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney be, and they hereby are appointed agents and attorneys of this Board for the purpose of bringing a condemnation suit against C. E. Hill and any others having any interest in said land for the purpose of acquiring said land for the purposes '~.&.( A '(...(" -;{ '1-..(... -'I.n_~t:. VI.... ~ 210 set forth above, and it is further ordered that a check in the sum or $5,600.00 be issued payable to N. C. Logan, Clerk, so that the County may enter into and take possession of said land immediately. Adopted by the roll owing recorded vote: . Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Kefrer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I It is ordered that the Board be adjourned until the third ~funday in April, ;fb. ~, ,~ Chairman I 1966. Court House Salem,. Virg1JJ4a April 18, 1966 The Board ot Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse thereot in regular monthly session. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, M:l.nor R. Ketfer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Frank R. Angell. BeEore the meeting was called -to. order Rev. Ralph 'W. Inight, Pastor 0-1' the Bethel Baptist Church, Salem, Virginia, offered a prayer. The m1nutes of the last adjourned meeting were approTed as spread, 8llLch mClllb_f the Board having read the copy of said lIlinutes .f'urn1shecl him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County were this day presented, approvecl aDd ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectiTaly c:h.1U'geablL therewith, to-wit: I No. 003723 Salem Car Wash Company, County vehicles washecl $ 27.50 " 003724 Andrew Lewis Phillips 66 Station, Repair and Parts . Police Car 2.1S; " 003725 W. B. Clements, Inc., Parts, &:c for Police cars and s'tock 141.6~, If 003726 County School Board, County Owned Vehicles serviced at School Board Garage 977.29 " 003727 Miller Tire Service, Tires purchased for vehicles and stock 125.20 " 003728 Salem Motors, mc., Repairs aDd Parts 19.09 - n 003729 Salem Texaco Service Center, Gasoline aDd Parts Police Cars 21.7'7 - " 003730 Summerdean Esso Station, Repairs to tires and t'hainR 4.0t) - " 003731 Williams Allto Alignment, Wheel balance 7.51~ - " 003732 Bob &: Jim's Service Center, Gasoline oil aDd Parts Clearbrcl,ok Fire Truck 21. 4.1 " 003733 . Custom Seat Cover Shop, Parts and repairs 22.50 - .7g " 903734 Goodwin Chevrolet Co., Parts Salem truck If 003735 Keller Poole's Brambleton Service Station, Gasoline, Parts llIld Repairs 29.32 " 003736 T. R. Leslie Service Station, Parts, Gasoline and Oil 100.4.6 I I ., L(- ~. ' ~'>.~... .;: I. .'............ fF' ~"'f- ~ .~ <N' .~;.:'~1 ,~; 1 :J rr l I - o o o International Harvester CO., Parts for Snow Plough Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Stock Gulf OU Corporation, Gasoline and Oil - purchased for dis- tribution 1,,966.52 1T0. 003737 Mount Pleasant Grocery Co., Gasoline purchased for Mount Pleasant Fire Truck $ If 003738 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts 003739 Salem Oil Company. Gas, OU &:c 003740 Shockley's Tractor Service, Repairs, Parts &:c 003741 Fulton White Truck Co., Parts for Repairing Vehicles 003742 Truck Sales, Inc., Parts 003743 Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., Parts for Salem Fire Truck 003744 Humble OU &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchaSed tor Hollins Rescue Squad Truck &c 003745 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Parts 003746 Beach Brothers, Parts for Garbage equipment 003747 B8III1ss Equipment Co., Parts and Oil for Tractor 003744 Doyle's Badiator Service, Radiator re~s 003749 Harvest Hators, Inc., Parts tor Garbage Truck 003750 Magic City Motor Corporation, Parts tor Garbage Trucks 003751 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Repairs and Parts 'tor Garbage Trucks 271 51.36 56.67 615.59 124.20 522.66 18.30 26.43 10.22 14.20 12.98 2g.73 8.00 2.2~, 242.45 150.56 1,084.3j~ 234.60 296.01 9.0iQ 2g4.07 235.~.o 1.9,5 43.23 39.00 1.15 22.70 44.00 491.59 10.00 30.0Op 20.65 40.67 24.04 44.31 64.00 10.00 17.25 " 003777 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage tor Juvenile and Domes1#ic Relations Court . 45.00 - " - n " " - " . " n " . " . " - If . " - If " 003752 003753 003754 003755 003756 Yates &: Wells Garage, County Vehicles serviced Goodyear Service Stores, Tires - n - If - If n If Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts for County vehicles Salem Oftice Supply Co., Office supplies Webb Otfice Machine Co., office supplies International Bnsiness Machine Co., Maintenance on ottice equipment &:c 003761 Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Rental fee on Postage Machine 003762 Roanoke Stamp &: Seal Company, office supplies 003763 Woodhaven Press, Oftice suppl:18 003764 Void 003765 Void 003766 Ropho Sales, Inc., Copy Paper tor Clerk's Office 003767 C. W. Warthen Company, oftice supplies and record books 003764 Barbara S. Cundiff, After-hour duty 003769 F. L. Tignor, Arter-hour Duty 003770 Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Reimburse March car expense 003771 Barbara Cundiff, Reimburse March Car expense 003772 R. F. Hyatt, Reimburse March car expense 003773 F. L. Tignor, Reimburse March car expense 003774 City of Roanoke, Room and Board tor Children detained at City's Detention Home 003775 National Council ot Juvenile Court Judges, 1966 Membership dues " 003757 003758 003759 003760 - n " n If " n - " - " - n - " - n " - If - n - " - " If " 003776 Va. Office Machines &: Equipment Co., 1 year's maintenance on typewriter . 272 --. ..- --- ...--.--..-.. - No. 003778 G. Wayne Fralin, JI. D. Blood test-Alcohol Determination $ 5.00 If 003779 Radio Co",,,,..ni cations Co., Radio Ma.intenanc~. 29O.7e - " 003780 Brown Hardware Co., Janitor supplies for Jail &c 43.31 - " 003781 Owen PIUlllbing Co., Repairs to Courthouse &:c 132.25 - " 003782 American Bakeries Co., Food - Jail 46.77 I - - " 003783 C. C. Bova & C~pany, Food - Jail 2.75 - n 003784 Deluxe Laundry Co., Food - Jail 5.74 - - II 003785 C. B. Halsey Co., Food and Janitor supplies Jail 150.90 - " 003766 Foutz Sausage Co., Food 58.15 - - I If 003787 Hester Coal Co., Heatji.ng Fuel for Jail 64.00 - - " 003786 MLck-or-Mack Stores, l/ood, Jail 2.22 - " 003789 LaJall Canliy Co., RaZOI' Blades, Jail 11.46 - - " 003790 Peacock-Sal8111 Laundry,. Laundry , Jail 35.77 - " 003791 Powell Pharmacy, Medical supplies 2.31 - " 003792 llay'a Meat Market, Food, Jail 82.64 - n 003793 Rierson's Store, Food, Jail 45.00 - " 003794 L. H. Parke, Janitor supplies & food, Jail 148.15 - " 003795 Salvage Warehouse, Food - Jail 102.60 - . " 003796 Appalachian Power Co., Current used at Cave Spring 11re Station . 12.19 " 003797 C & P Telephone Co., ~re1ephone service for Mount Pleasant Fire Station 41.06 " 003798 Culligan Soft Water Service, Rental on Water Sortner 4.00 I " 003799 Caldwell-Sites Co., Of-fice supplies 93.84 - " 003600 Pyrotu Gas Corporatif)n, Fuel ~or Bent Hountain Fire Station 35.00 n 003801 Clearbrook Lion's Club, March rent on Clearbrook Fire Station 60.00 " 003802 J. W. Griggs & W. H. 1fitt, March Rent on Cave Spring Fire Station 60.00 n 003803 W. W. Garman, March R"nt on Mount Pleasant Fire Station 60.00 - n 00380'" Fort Lewis Hardware C,)., supplies for Fire Station #9 6.15 - " 003805 Earl Wood Printing Co., 4,000 telephone stickers 47.50 " 0031106 Valleydale Packers, Heat purchased for tire fighters 22.79 - " 003807 Fairview HOlle, County's share of Expense of Fairview Home for the aged. 31.65 " 003808 Jefferson Hospital, S.~ate-Local Hospital bills 695.52 - - 539.98 I " 003809 Lewis-Gale Hospital, ;State-Local Hospital bUls - " 003810 Dr. Esther C. Brown, :Lunacy Commissions 20.00 - " 003811 Gochenour & Baugess, :Lunacy commission 11').00 " 003812 Hunt and Hoore, Lunac-y Commissions 40.00 - " 003813 Iime & Jolly, Attorneys, Lunacy cOllllllission 10.00 I - " 003814 Dr. Harry J. MLnarik, Lunacy commissions 50.00 " 003815 Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., lunacy commissions 20.00 - . If 003816 Dr. Charles H. Peterson, Jr., Lunacy commissions 20.00 - " 003817 Charles G. Shelor, Lunacy collllll1ssion lO.OO - " 003818 GoCMlwin-Andrews-BrylUl., premium on surety bond 10.00 - ",.10 " 003819 Elgin School Supply Co., office supplies - Times-World Corporati.on, " 003820 Publishing notices of rezoned property 46.00 o ~ : I \-1 n .J " " " . n o - n - " . n - n o . If . n - n If " - n n n lIro. 003821 n 003822 . n 003 !t23 " 003824 - n 003825 . " 003!t26 . " 003827 . n 003828 " 003829 . n 003630 - n 003631 - n 003632 - " 003633 Appalachian Power Co., Current used. in Street Lighting &:c Dooley Printing Co., oj~f:l.ce supplies Graves-Humphreys Hardwlare Co., Equipment to be used for . . Collect1Dg garbage nomas Brothers, Labor, work at New County dUJllp 273 $ 972.17 37.35 ".40 lIt9.89 JlIIIIes E. 18ters, TreasliU'er,Postage to be used. on meter machine20.00 American Chemical Co., Janitor supplies Blain Supply Co., Jani.tor supplies and towels Dame Roof'ing Co., Repairs to Clock Tower Fuel 011 &: Equipment Co., Fuel for Courthouse Sal_ Paint Co., Paint Yestron Corporation, light tubes Addressograph-Multigraph Co., Ribbon f'or of'fice machine Dictaphone Corporation., Kaintenance on two Dictaphones to be used. by Circuit Court 00363,. 3M Business Products Sales, Inc., Papter to be used. on Photostatic Machine " n 003635 003836 - " n 003637 " OO383!t 003839 OO3!t40 003841 003842 003lt43 003844 003845 003846 003847 003910 oo3911 003912 003913 00391,. 003915 003916 003917 003918 003919 003920 003921 003922 003923 003924 . " . " - " - n - " - " - " - " Xerox CorporatioD, office supplies Payne Data Processing Service, Inc., Listing &: Producting Special Report in Annexation 1..,gley, McDonald &: O1i'erman, Consult1Dg -;:"p"eer's Services in connect~.on with Pl''lni!lg and studies includ- ing mapping, land use, assessed values, conferencee~, &c Annexation l1r Products and Chemj.cals, Air Po1ution Equipment Mine Safety Appliance Co., Air Miton equipment Research Appliance Comlpany, Air Polution equipment Phipps &: Bird, Inc., Air Poil.1ition equipment E. H. Sargent &: Company, New Air Polution equipment Scientific Glass Appal:atus Co., New Air Po1ution equipment Rusco Window Co., 3 nliilW Venetian Blinds Shoup Voting Hachine 1:0., New voting machine parts Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Petty Cash Fund .. Robert Dallson, Postma:ster, Postage for Distribution JlIIIIe5 E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse money paid jurors Betty McKenney, work for Electoral Board Thelma H. Beamer, Extra Registrar's office .. Mary B. Marye, Extra -Commonwealth's Attorney Nancy C. Camper, April Salary Loy E. Selt, Relief Fire Chief Clifford Stuart, Extr'a Janitor Booker T. 'Helm, Ja!1:l.t.or services I. B. M. Corporation, 3 T. W. ribbons Burroughs Corporation, Ribbon for Adding machine R. L. Paxton Printing Co., office supplies Roanoke County Court Ii' Warrants and Court costs Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies C. W. Warthen Co., r"cord books and office supplies Monroe International Corporation, 1 year's maintenance on Adding Machine 27.03 30.95 29.50 390.65 1.95 27.70 3.35 131.00 18.40 7.77 35.00 6,289.16 6.06 49.00 54.70 ll.62 73.80 41.44 "8.00 20.7!t 27.04 25.00 238.50 13.70! 64.7,. 151.32 269.26 95.80 72.22 52.69 6.75 6.00 20.8, 20.00 15.76 162.23 22.00 27A No. 003925 City Treasurer, Room a: Board for children detained at City's Detention home $ l2~.00 tI. 003926 E. E. Fry, lleputy Sheriff, to reimburse difference in cost between party line and private line in his home . 23.66 If 003927 C &. P Telephone Co., Telephone service for Bent 1~tU1tain Fire Station 23.90 003928 J. W. Griggs, Reimburse expense of' dinner meeting of County . Fire Chief's 15.50 003929 State Department of Health, County's appropriation for . support of local Health Department 003930 Fuel Oil &. Equipllent Co., Jl'uel f'or Heating Hollins Fire - _ Station.. - 003931 Poff"s Garage, Maintenance of Bent Mountain Fire Truck &.C 003932 Gochenour &. Baugess, Lunacy commissioJIB 003933 IiIIIe a: Jolly, Attorneys, Lunacy commissions 003934 Paul B. Matthews, Reiml:,urse Expenses of' P1enn111g COJDIIIission 003935 Times-World CorporatioI:., Pubiishing notices of Zoning Board~ meeting 003936 O. E. Craft, Retand Garbage collection f'ee 003937 James E. Peters, Treasllrer, Postage used in '.ll8ter machine oo393B Dodson Brothers, Terminate insulation Spot Ti'eatment for Termites ... tI .. .. " - " " - . If. . .. .. If 003939 oo391t.O 003941 003942 oo39~3 003944 003945 E1pin Supply Co., Janitor supplies American Chemical Co. , Janitor suppUes 3 M Business Products Sales, Inc., Office supplies Town of' Salem, Current used at County Garage Parker-liilllmo Supply Co., Street signs Texaco, Inc., Gasoline purchased on courtsey card Edward H. Richardson, Compensation re: Legal services in c:onsolidation Appalachian Power Co., installing new street lights &:c Stephenson &. Aldridge, Inc., Floor lamp - Fischer &: Porter Company, Air Polution equipment Penitentiary Industrial Dept. 1 chair for County Jail Dr. Fred S. Cruser, Medical Examiner's fee Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Expenditures f'or Welfare. I 12 ,lt71. 91 ~6.50 345.16 50.00 I .. - " - .. If - " - If tI 003946 0039~7 003948 003949 003950 003951 20.00 15.45 17.00 1.50 109.84 75.00 20.50 22.1B 27.17 2.07 68.90 3.03 I .. - tI " tI - " 100.00 1:23.40 62.50 112.51 42.10 15.00 4,728.99 I i I III BE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLlOO &:c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeabl therewith, to-wit: No. 0038~8 Tarpley's Marine Center, Rope to be used on Dog Truck $ tI 003g~9 003850 003851 003852 003853 003854 . .. - If tI n tI Harvest Motors, Inc., Part for dog truck Radio CO",,",1n1 cations Co., Radio Maintenance on Dog Truck Fort Lewis Rardware Co., 1 Hose Nozzle - Lawrence Supply Co., tfearing Apparel for Dog Warden &:c Farmer's Exchange Mills, Dog and Cat Food and Bird Seed Auto Spring. &: Bearing Co., Wonder wash tor Dog Truck 6.00 I -, 71 ~:. . 7.50 .62 4.40 65.00 .z.82 275 .~. .._.~.,-- ... -.,--..'-.--.-",,-- No. 003855 Chaplllan-i"aney InsuranC(1 co., Premium on Bond $ 20.00 If 003856 Paul B. Matthews, Reimburse payments to workers hired to clelUL along river banks 40.001 " 003857 County School Board Gal'age, Labor on Dog Truck 3.00 - " 003858 Palmer Chemical to Equipment Co., Medical supplies for 0 . Dog clinics 19.60 n 003859 Roanoke County Volunteer Fire Dept. Reimburse 2 gold filled badges. 20.05 " 003860 Valley Animal Hospital" Professional services Rabies Clinic 20.00 - " 003861 James n. Eversole, fowl claim 10.00 n If 003952 M. S. Thomas, livestock claim 40.00 W " 003953 Guy Ayers, Assisting dog warden 117.65 . " 003954- Paul JAnldns, compensation for Special Policeman 150.00 " 003955 Ernest Robertson, Coapensation t'or Special Policeman 150.00 - . - II 003956 Leonard A. Wright, Compensation, Special Policeman 150.00 - Poff's Garage, Gasoline for Dog Truck " 003957 1.84- - If 003958 Oren Roanoke Corporation, Making canpartment box with partition &:c 90.63 JIJIKS B. PE'l'ERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report : TO 'l'HB BOI.BD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: J At the close oi' business March 31, 1966, there was to the credit oi' the following: Operation Head Start $ 20.00 General Re1'enue.Fund - Available Cash 436,559.91 Dog Fund - bailable Cash l6,4-03.29 Sala DS.atnct Road Debt Fund 42.9;;; Schoo1.CODStruction Fund - bailabl.! Cash 88,476.64 School Textbook Fund - - Available Calsh 2,406.88 F. I. C. A. .lO,397.51 Jtetiraent Fund 67.16 Public Building Bond Account - Available Cash 45,126.73 Operation Head Start 160.00 Fecleral Program fUnd. - Available Ca:sh 5,173.901 Deferred Credit Account R.48 , 005,5 .43 F1n.n~ia1 Stataent Treasurer's Working Fund $ 1,500.00 Bank of Salem . lO,774-.78 Escrow $1,650,000.00 Farmers National Bank 519,499.94 0 Escrow $1,973,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank l5,935.41 Escrow $855,OOO~00 Farmers National Bank - i"extbook 2,406.88 laraers National Bank - Paying Agt. School Bond Service 4,320.79 Farmers National Bank - Public Buil<ti.ng Bond 45,726.73 larmers.1ational Bank - Operation H'lSad Start 20.00 Farmers Iational Bank - Federal PrOi!~am Fund 5,173.90 la%'lllers National Bank - Paying Agt. Public Building Debt 160.00 0 ~ 005,518.43 Certificates of Deposit (Public Build1nv Bond Account) Farmers National Bank $ 100,000.00 Bank of Salem 150,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank 100.000.00 $ 350,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Savinvs Farmers National Bank $ 300,000.00 Bank of Salem 550,000.00 Mountain Trust Balik 50,000.00 First National Exchange Bank ~ 100,000.00 1,000,000.00 Respectfully submitted, Jpes E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County Said report is rece! ved and or4ered f 276 ~Jj.. ~~~.. ...(1.<4 t/'Y l/~ ~eVtt ~.c.. ~ ~4" t\'1llb _ ~,M..t; ~C.~' U-c,. p.. 'l.r.&~ 'f/",'I" ~IJL Ilf IlB: DELIBQUDT 'rUES COLLEC'rED BY '=LERK: 1he . Clerk this day delivered. to the. &ard the receipt of James B. Peters, freasurer, tor $2,036.42 on account of delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk tor the _nth of Jfarch, 1966, less cOllllll1ssio.n, and turned oyer to said Treasurer said check amountiJIg to $1,934.60 net. I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the County Payroll tor the _nth ot April, 1966, be approved in tne amount ot $14,004.19 Erom which the 811111 of $522.ll total. F. I. C. A. Tax; $1,189.35 total W. H. 1'&%; $182.33 total State Income; $376.95 total retirement Insurance and $14.00 total Blue Cross . . Insurance are to be deducted; 1eavi11l!:\1 net payroll ot $11,719.45. Adopted by the following recorded yote: ; Ayes: Supervisors FrlUlk R. ~ell, Minor R.Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter . L1~ Hays;: lone I On lIlotion, duly seconded, it is (ilrcllered that the Payroll tor Refuse Collectioll aDd Janitor Services for period begi....i..g 3-1$-66, R..tlil1g 3-31-66, be approved in the amount of $5,055.66 1'I'om which $212.33 total F. I. C. A. 'fax; $427.40 total w. H. 'fax; $55.96 total State Income; $63.00 total Blue Cros8 Insurance; $6.00 total Accident Insurance; $43.61 total Retir_ant; $67.20 total Uniforms; and $57.50 total Miscellaneous ar~ to be deducted leaviJIg a net payroll of $4,122.67; ADd the Payroll for Refuse Collel:tion and Janitor Services tor period be~...."",g 4/1/66, R..tlil1g 4/14/66, ble approved in the amount of $5,423.44; ErCllll which $227.44 total F. I. C. A. Tax; $457.40 total Y. H. Tax; $59.l!O total Sta1;e Incoae; $63.00 total Blue Cross Insurance; $64.00 total Uniforms; $57.50 total X18!=.udeoUS are to be d.educted lflaV".J.ng a net payroll of $4,494.34. : Adopted by the tollowing recoI.'ded vote: Ayes: Supervisors FrlUlk R. Allge.ll, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and 'falter M. Lipe8 . Hays : - !'lone I On aotion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for perioci bep....ing March 15, 1966, Ending Jrarch 31, 1966, be approved in the amount of $1,278.98 !rom which $53.72 total F. I. C. A. Tax; $ll0.20 totalW. H. 'l'a:E; $18~25 total State Income; $23.75 1;ot~ Blue Cross InsUrance and $11.25 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted, :Lell,ving a net pari-oll ot $1,061.81; And the Janitor's Payroll tor pElriod bepnning 4-1-66, Ending 4-15-66 be approved in the amount 01' $1,236.2<<) from which $51.93 total F. I. C. A. Tax; $97~60 total Y. H. Tax; $16.25 total State Income; $23.75 total Blue Cross Insurance; $37.22 total Retirement; $3.20 t~tal Uniforms and $ll.25 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted l,aadng a net payroll 01' $995.00. Adopted by the following reco:rdltC vote: . .yes: Supervisors FranIC R. Angell, Minor R-. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes - Hays: None I .1 o On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checka be approved retro-ac:tive to date of :Lssuance, to-wit: No. 3640 in the amount ot $.21.9i~ Jude payable to Sal81/1 Fire D~partment, tood, drinks &c tor Fire Fighters on night of )larch 23, 1966; Ro. 3643 in the amount of $817..J8 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company,. service for County off:Lces &:c; Ro. 3644 in the amount of $42.45 :lIIB.de payable to Appalachian Power Company, currant used at Hollins :Fire Station; . Ro. 3656 in the amount of $100.00 made payable to Loy E. Self, Relief Firll Chief at Hollins Station, Feb. 22 - )larch- 21, 1966; . Ro. 3657 in the amount of $47.00 :lIIade payable to C &: P Telephone COlllpany, serrice for 'lraDSlllitte:r Control, Hollins and Clearbrook Fire Sta1;ioiul; No. 3707 in the amount of $8.42 made payable to Cave Spring Water -COIII~y, nter used at Cave Spring Fire Station tor period January .26-Jrarch 28, 1966; Ro. 3708 in the amount of $3.50 lllade payable to Roanoke Linen Service, towel service Jlarch 1966 tor Courthouse; - 10. 3709 in the amount of $40.74 lllade payable to Appalachian Power Company, current used at Dog Pound; Ro. 3710 in the 8llount of $33~15 lllade payable to C &: P Telephone COlllpany, telephone service. for Dog Warden's home; Ro. 3711 in the amount ot $48.10 lllade paY~ble to C &: P Telephone COlIIpany, telephone service. for Hollina Fire Station; Ro. 3712 in the amount of $7,275.00 made payable to Farmers Rational Bank, interest on Public Building bonds; 10.3713 in the amount of $716.90 made payable to Town of Sal_ for light and water service, for Jail, Courthouse, Health and Weltare Center, Street lighting at Riverland Court and sewage treatlllent cost for Hidden Vall Country Club and Orchard. Heights Subdivision; 110. 3m in the amount ot $500.0C1 made payable to James E. Peters, 'lreasurer, postage to be used in fr'easurerts office; . .. Ro. 3717 in the amount of $176.3e made payable to Roanoke Gas Company, for coolcing f'I1el tor Jail, Home Demonstration kitchen, f'I1el for Cave Spring Fire Station and Health. 8Il Welfare Center; Ro. 3718 in the amount of $4J..9O made payable to C &: P Telephone COIIlpany, tor service tor Clearbrook Fire Station; Ro. 3719 in the amount of $23.27 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Mount Pleasant Fire Station; o ., ~ Ro. 3720 in the amount of $5PQO.OCI lllade payable to E. C. Hlll for 60 acrllS of land purchased for Garbas;e lot; 3721 in the 8IIlOunt of $553.50 made payable to Wells and Xeagher, Architects tor 1/2 cost of Architect,ural SUpervision. of Sal8l/l-Roanoke County Civic Center for )larch, 1966; 3722 in the amount of $44,527.50 lllade payable to Martin Brothers Contractors, tor 1/2 cost of Construction Salem-Roanoke County Civic Center, for period March l-April 1, ],966, ,Certificate No.9. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. AILgell, Minor R. Ketfer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Rays;: None Ro. No. J ~. ^.....:.. ..~ .. , 2'77 ~ut -t.J,C. ~ fl'V1 / ~6 The following reports were tbj"s day laid before the Board and ordered filed: c. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary sta'~ElII1ent of Prisoner Days served in the County Jail~. Co e-J,. during the IlIonth of March, 1966; / o.J '" C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statlllllent of office and travel expenses for t.he month of ~~ch, 1966; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Extension Agen-t, report for the month of March, 1966; - ' FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstratiion Agent, report for the month ,of March, 1966; BRENDA J. BARRETT, Assistant Home. ])emonstration Agent, report tor the month of March, 1966;. . . MARY K. MARTIN, Aesistant Home DBllIc)nstration Agent, report for the month of March, 1966.. . 278 I~~. ft" -rW-1l -12- , c"...,.a- l' ';~ i' -..:~ 1$ e,u i'~.~ ~-?-I-t(, . IN RE: AUDI'f' OF SllERIFF'S OFFICE: The Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia this day submitted to the Boarci a report of the Audit of C.. E. BOONE, Sheriff of Roanoke County, Virginia, for the fiscal year ending June 30, i965. Said report is received and ordered filed. Letter dated March 31, 1966, from J. Gordon Bennett, Auditor of Public - Accounts, received and ordered filed., IN RE: REZORml OF A CERTAIN PARCEl. OF LAND LYING Oll THE EAST SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE III IN ROAllOEE. COUNTY.. VIllGIlIIA, ABOUT 500 FEET MEra OF. m. ROANOKE I PINAL ORDER CIT! . CCIlPaW'E 1.Dm'S. OWNED lflI JOSEPH 11. _ :I.4WON AIIlD 1i:])t'~ C. HATCHER, .la.. . . .. __u . . . . WH';"o;lS; Joseph Y.Lawson and Edgar C. Hatcher, Jr., have heretofore fUed a petition to amend the zoning ordinaMes of R~anoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in the Big :Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County and more particularly described in sdd petition from Business District B-1 to Business District B-2; and WHKN'RJS, by order entered at the regular meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Sup.rnisors held on February 21, 1966, this matter was referred to the Roanoke County p1..nniYlg Commission for its report and recOllUllendations; and 1fJlSllJIS, the p1..nniYlg Collllllission at its regular Ileeting on Karch 22, 1966, atter legal and tillely advertisemenl< of the same, tully considered said petition and reported to this Board its recommendation that the parcel in question be resoned from Business District B-1 to Business. District B-2; and -' - . . - . ~lUS, the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's regular . . Ileeting on April 18, 1966, and it flurther appears from the certificate of publication of the Tilles-World Corporation that notice of said public hearing to be held on April 18, 1966, was dllily published in accordance with law; and 1fRRRllJIS, a public.hearing was held on April 18, 1966, and a 1'ull opportunity was accorded all intere~lted parties to express their views concerning said rezoniDg; and YRKRlUS, at the conclusion of said public hearing and after full consideration of said report, the Board is of the opinion that said change would promote the best interests and genet'al welfare of all the citizens of Roanoke County; and "fIR1l3?ll:1S, all requirements of lu" have been complied with and the proPErty should be rezoned as recommended by the PJanning Collllllission; and !fOIl, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDJmED that the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County be, and they are her,~by, am~ded to reclassify and rezone from Business District B-1 to Business District B-2 that certain tract now owned by the petitioners and more particularly described as follows: BmINNIm at a point on the easterly side of U. S. Highway Route No. 11, &t the N. W. corner of that certain 0.459 acre parcel conveyed to Ralph K. Bowles and Elizabeth T. Bowles, by Gronr G.. !ralin and Ollie E. Fralin, Ms wife, said begin"li"lg .point being 460.0 ft. northEll."ly as measured alODg the easterly side of U. S. Highway Routa No. 11, from the N. W. corner of the. Roanoke Coca-Cola Bottling Yorks property, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, in Deed Book 522, page 91; thence with said Bowles line - I I I I I r 279 M iJ s. 740 43' E. 200.69 ft. to a point on the line of the property sold to C. F. Kefau.., by G. G. Fralin and wife, in Deed Book 745, page 7.l; thence with the said line of Kefauver N. 110 05' E. 174.36 ft. to a point; thence If. 810 05' W. 200 tt. 1;0 a point on the easterly side of 11. .S. Highway Route No. 11; thence with the said Himway, the follOWing courses and distances: S. 80 ll'tW. 2.83 ft. to ~:'tnt; S. 90 39' W. 100 ft. to a point; S. 140 30' W. 49.4 ft. to the place of BEGINNING; which has been recommended for such rezoning by the pI,nni 1'\g of Roanoke County; BE IT FURTHER OPtlll:Flrn that 1:his resolution and order be spread on the ~ .J . . - .. otticial records of the Board of 511pervisors of Roanoke County bjr the Clerk of this Board and that said Clerk further furnish a certified co~ of this resolution and order to Paul B. llfatthews, Secretary of the Pla,.ning Commission of Roanoke County, who is directeti hereby to change all official zoning ms.ps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning herein and that additional certifilld copies of this resolution and order be sent to counsel for petitioners herein. The ahove resolution and order was adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors this day held. on motion of Supervisor Ml.nor R. Ketter Qf the Catawba Xagisterial District and seco.\2ded by - Supervisor A. C. Harris of the Big Lick Magisterial District and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors votiLng as follows: Ayes : Nays: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Al1ge1l and Walter M. Lipes None 1'-\ I , I -.J IN BE: llEZONIBG OF PROYJSl(fi ON BOTH SIDES OF VIRGINIA STATER01I'1'E 419 (FOIOO:RLY 119) NORTHEASTERLY. FROM ROUTE 681 AND. ROU'l'E 7'06 . OF I Fnw.. ORDER RYLIE S. HAYDEN At a meeting of the Board or Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the CourthOlll e on AprU l8, 1966. ~RIS, Rylie S. Hayden pet:l.tione<< this Board and requested that the County Zoing Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property ,:iescribe in said. petition be rezoned and rElclassified in part as "Bnsiness B-2" an:i in I ~-r.dd, t; ~7J. .#~ ~.~. .,.. . _. - part as "Residential R-2n, which !)etition was filed at the regular meeting of this B~*n the 21st day of Mar-:h, 1966, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Pl,nning Commisslion of Roanoke County for recommendation ill. accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, ~RIS, said PIQnning Commission, by a resolution adopted at a meeticg held on the 12th day of Aprii, 1966, after notice as provided by statute, and after hearing evidence touching OIL the merits of said petition, recommended, to this Board that said County Z0n11lg Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification ot the property dElE,cribed in the petition as requested; and, lFRRR~S, the Board of Super:1tiLsors did by its Order entered on the 21st day of March, 1966, as afor~sai~l, set this matter down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of thie, Board on AprU 18, 1966, and further directed that notices thereof be given b". publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code 01' 1Tirginia; and, /1-1./-, t ] W.... I. i ~. 280 I~ ,Z; v.,;. ~. . ~ ~~ 17l~.t;J A,J:-, J/w If-;)'J-t/. lfRR,nuS, notice of th1s meeting t<as been duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having ~nerllcirculation in the' County of Roanoke, Virginia, for twe insertions on March 30 and Apl'il 5, 1966, as required by said or~er of this Board and in accordance with the provision of the County ZoniDg Ordinance and the Code of Virpl'lia; and, WARRIi:AS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendmen to the County ZoDiDg Ordinance by this oard, after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, WARR1l:'S, this Board, after giv~; care1'ul consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of.the P1Al'Il'Iing Commission of Roanoke County as aforesaid and atter hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendments to the County Zoning Ordil'lAl'ICe, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance shou14l be I11118ndlidas requested in said petition and as recommended by said p'~nning Commission. NOW, 'rHERBFORE, BE IT RESOLVED A!lD (lU)ERBJ) that at this meeting of the Beard of Supernsors ~f Ro~ks County, -Vtrg1nia;heid on thelSth day of April, 1966, the - said County Zoning Ord:l nAl'ICe be aIld the same is hereby amended so as to classity the property described as Tract A of 30.51 acres on the northwesterl)' side of Route 419 as -Business B-2" property and that the property described in .. . said petition as Tract D of 16.64 acrus on the southeasterly side of Route 419 be classif'ied as "Residential R-2- prc)perty. I I - - The property hereby classified all "Business B-2" property is described as I - .- Tract A of 30.51 acres on the nollllwes1.erly side of Route 419 in Roanoke Count)", Virginia, as IIlOre particularly shown ()n the plat filed with the petition here:l.ll, and the property hereby reclassified liS "Residential R-2" is described as Tract D - - of 16.64 acres on the southeasterly.s:Lde of Route 419 in Roanoke County, Virginia, as shown on the plat filed with the p,atition herein. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERJ::D that the Clerk of this Board forthwith . . . certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the PlAl'Ining Commission of Roanoke County, Virgini,a, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Allgell, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I Ayes : Nays: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and JUnor R. lefter None IN BE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUA.'rE ON 'rHE NORTH SIDE OF THE SERVICE ROAD PIll Al.T.RT. TO IN'l'ERSTATE ROUTE.81,.. .. APPROXDI. TELY 500 FE'!' EAST OF THE. INTERSECTION OF SAID SERVICE ROAD WITH VIRGINIA. SECONDARY ROUTE 619, '- I FINAL ORDER IN. SALEM MAGIS'l'ERIAL DISTRIC'r, ROANOKE. COUNTY. VIRGDIIA, OWNED BY JAMES WILLIAM FITZGERALD -, -. At a meeting of the Board of ~ltpeTrlsorsOf Roanoke County, Virginia, helli at the 18th day of April, 1966; WHEREAS, James William Fitzgerald petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business B-2 from I 2Bl ,.., I ;...,j Residential R-l, which petition lI'as fUed at a regular meeting of this Board on March 21, 1966 and by order entered that day was referred to the PlAnning Commis on ot Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisious of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, ~RAS, the said Pl~nning Commission by a resolution adopted at a m~eting held on April 12, 1966, after hearing evide"ce touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from Residential R-l to Bufliness B-2; and, lIBERElS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its orda;r entered on the 21st day 01' March, 1966, direct the Clerk of this Board to forthwith set the s8llle down for a public hearing at the next regular meet;l.Dg of this Board and r;lve notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, WRW'RAS, the Clerk of this Eoerd did set the regular meeting of this BOard, held on AprU 18, 1966, for a public hearing on the aforesad proposed amendment to said County Zoning Or,~inance aJIIl1 advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspe,per having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by two insertions on March 29, 1966, and April 5, 1966, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordance with said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, ~'RAS, said public hearing ..Ias this day had on said proposed amendment; n ..... ~ ....J and, o lfHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said f,etition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND amERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors. of Roanoke. 8ounty, 1r1i-g1nia; - heid on the 18th day of April, 1966, the said 'county Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition from Residential R-1 to Business B-2, said property being so classified as Business B-2 being more particularly described as !ollows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in '~he North right or way line of Interstate Route 81, designated as Station 379+97 on the right of way maps of the Department of Highways of the Commonwealth of Virginia, .which beginning point marks a .common corner between the property of the said James William Fitzgerald and the property of William A. Buck, .Jr.; thence with the Buck line, North 70 55' West, 500 feet to a point; thence with two new liAes through and across the property of the said James William Fitzgetald, North 720 30' East, 500 feet to a point and South 70 20' East, 515 feet, more or less, to a point in the said North right of way line, U. S. Route 81; thence with said right of way line, South 840 13' East, 225 feet, more or less, to a point at Station 372+70,. according to said Highway maps and plans and thence continuing with said right or way line South 650 50' West, 275 feet, more or less, to the place of BEGINNING . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shal.1 B . . forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary oi' the Pla:nning Commission of Roanoke Cotl11ty, Virginia, and a copy to Kime &: Jolly, Attorneys for petitioner. f 282' ,. The foregoing resolution was ado:pted on motion of Supervieor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. ,=. Harris and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R-. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and 'Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I C4-, u II R.~~, ~ ' t/~'J~6 'fh1s day came again F. Rodney Fitzpatrick, Attorney for petitioners, pursuant to Section 15.1-1131, Code of Virginia 1950, as amended, and requested that he be permitted to file with this Board a petition for a study 01 the cODSolidation agre8lllent on behalf ot the entire County of Roanoke, including 1ehe Towns of Sal8111 and Vinton, with the City of Roanoke, Virginia, stating that said pe-tition contained 2763 signatures, and that this Board petition the Judge of the Circuit Court or Roanoke County for a referendum on the question of the consolidation agre8lllent; Supervisor Frank R. Angell presented to the Board a collllllUnication dated Aprll18, 1966, in support ot said petition urging that said study be made, which coaaunication is ordered tiled. I C. A. Graham, B. T. Kirkwood, Ru.pert Hase, Harvey Brown and Ira Scott, residents ot Roanoke County, appeared in opposition to said study ot the consolidation agrelllllant including the Towns of Salam and 'linton, and Roanoke C~y with the City of Roanoke. lIhereupon, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor .1. C. Barris, it is ordered that said petition be ordered filed. Adopted by the tollowing recordEld vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. ADgell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes !!lays : Rone I IIi BE: APPLICATION OF 11:. R. JONES FOR PERMIT !O PARK TRAILER ON HIS PROPERTY Pursuant to notice ot public hearing set for this date at 2:30 o'clock F. M. E. R. JOlES, tor a permit to park WI) !2) trailers on his property located Olll Stete Secondary Route 694 in the Cav., Spring Magisterial District this day appeared before the Board. Upon consideration whereof, on IBotion of Supervisor Frank R. ADgell, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keff,ar, it is ordered that a permit be granted the said E. R. JOlES to park two (2) trailers on his property located on State Secondary Route 694 in the Cave Spri:ag Magisterial District as set forth in his appl1catioa.. . Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, Minor R. Keffer, A. C.Barris and I I Walter K. Lipes !!lays : Hone . 21:33 J IN lUU APPLICATION OF THOMA.S G. PlJliERS FOR PERMIT FOR BUILDIlIl Jl)BILE 'l'RAILElt. .COl1RT: . On motion of Supervisor FraDk R.Aniell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ordered that the request of THOMAS G. POWERS for a perm1t for a mobile trailer court on his property next .~o and adjoln1Dg a now existing trailer park, The Carolina MobUe 'fraUer Park, l'~cated at the end of County Route 1610 for a tract of land consisting of seven (7) acres be denied. Adopted by the following recorcled vote: ~ ~ Ayes: Nays: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter H. Lipes and Hinor R. Keffer None Clem D. Jolmston, Thos. H. BEIIlsley, Jr., Dr. _ Hahlin, _ Brown, propert . . owners and Clarence King, represeILting 1300 1l8llbers of the Blue Hills Golf Course, appeared before the Board in oppodtion to the issuance of a permit for mobUe trailer Court at .the location set forth in the application of Tholllas G. Powers. IN HE: REZOBIJIG OF tRACT OF LAND IN THE BIG LICK MlGIS'rERIAL DIS'rRIC'r ADJOI!lING THE. -. SOUTHERLY RIGR'r OF WAY .LDE. 01 THE LEE HIGHWAY (U.S. Route.1'lO.lLl) 1135.65-F'f. BAS'l'ERLy. FROM THE NUlcrllU.')TERLY CORllER OF fRAC'r "D", BLOCK 1, XAP.NI).. 1, SUJ04BIlWEAN I ORDER J THIS DAY came Warren T. Wingfield, by counsel, and requested leave to fUe ," . his petition relative to resolling property described in said petition. 1fREREFtEE, BE I'1' RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and the saae is hereby fUed. AID BE rr FURTHER RESOLVED AN]) ORDERED that the proposal to amend the . .. .. Zoning Ord.iDance as requested in s~J.id petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the PlAnning Collllllission of the I:ounty of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recollilllendatio in accordance with the provisions I~f the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning ~inance. AND BE I'1' FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said PIAnni"g Commission J . .. . . . . shall report its recOllllllendatlon to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virgj '11 a , that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at. the n~erm1ssible regular or special meeting of this !,!oard and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accor'dance with the prOVisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zo~: Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE I'1' FURTHER RESOLVED .l!lD atDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and Order be forthwith deli~ered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Plannillg Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolutions and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. c. Harris and seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-uit: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Har:ris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~.. '.....' i' 284 ~M- r. c.w- .{l..fa,.t- 'Il1 ..,I), J\"'" C1<1 kL t. ~[<'Sl~-" ~~tt On IIIOtion ot Supervisor A. C. ~(lrr1s, seconded by SupervisorzMinor R. Kl3Efer the General Appropriat.ion Ordinance ot Roanoke County, adopt.ed June 21, 1965, be, and the same is hereby, 8IIIended as follows .to become effect.ive April 18, 1966: 3 - COLI.mTION AND DISBlIRSEMEN'l' OF TAXES AND OTHER llEVENUE . .. 3a - Collector of Delinquent Ta,,:lIs: An additional appropriation of $2,5'00.00 is hereby made from t.he Genllral Revenue Fund for t..he period ..nlli ng June 30, 1966, for the fUnction (,r purpose as -hereinabove indicated. 5 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5b - Count.y Court: An additional appropriation of $100.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue FlllIui for the period ending June 30, 1966, for the fUnction or purpose as llereinaboveindicated. . 18 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATIOO FU~K:TIONS 18a - Annexat.ion: An additiond appropriation of $15,000.00 is hereby.made from t.he General Revenue Ftllld for the period. endiTlg June 30, 1906, for the fUnction or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recore,ad vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. BarriE", Jllinor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I IIi BE: REZOllIllJ OF PROr__J:~tl THE l,1i:S'l' SIDE OF REW U. S. ROOTE 221: PROPEli~1Y OF FRED. L. BOIMlH: Pursuant to notice of public hE1llring to be held this day on the applicat.ion of Fred L. Bowman for the rezoning BtI1d reclassifying of his property on the west side of new U. S. Route 221, to "InG\l1str~al M-l", and the .t'ecommendation of the I - . - Roanoke County Pbnni'1g Commission c\I3nying said rezoning, but. recommending that a use permit. should be grant.ed to th'! said Fred L. Bowman provided for in Section 11-4 of the Zoning OrdinAnce of Roanl)ke County, for t.he const.ruction and operation of the Cave Spring "nimlOl Hospital to be built\by Dr. Fred Johnson, accord1Dg to plans submitted and f.ill3d herewith; the petitioner, Fred L. Bcnirman, by 'l'illey &: Pedigo, his att.orneys appeared, thereupon, J. alenwood StrickleI', attorney for sundry property owners, Marshall Mundy attorney for Byron Pet.t.)" and wife; Nelson Craighead, Sec:retlU~.1, Cave Spring Methodist Church, and Rupert Base, appeared in opposition to the granting of said permit, stating that the property involved was in a resident.Ji.;u area only; lihereupon, on consideration thQ:reof, on motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it. is ordered that the recommezuiatio of the Roanoke County PJE'nning Commbsion for a use permit be, and the same is hereby denied. Upon a recorded vote, t.he follo~ing Supervisors voted: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell and A. C. Harris Nays: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer and Walter. M. Lipes I I And a tie vote existing, R. S.Kime, the duly appointed tie breaker of the Board, was'f1otified, wbreupon official action on said mot.ion is continued until the next regular meet.ing of t.his BO;lrd on May 16th, 1966. ~~85 IN RE: ROANOKE COl1N'I.'Y SCHOOL BUDG~r FOR THE YEAR 1966-1967: o - . Dr. Arnold L. Burton, Superint"ndent of Schools in Roanoke County, this day sub/llitted to the Board the Roanoke ,=ounty School Budget for the year 1966.1967, which budget is received and ordered filed for study by this Board. Also present were Arthur G. Trout, Chairman, and Lester M. ifhitlllore, of the Roanoke County School !3oard. ,..., J A co..",nnication dated April l, 1966, addressed to Miss N. C. Logan, County Clerk, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from David F. Herbert, - - Executive Director, ~oanoke Valley Council of CollllllUIlity Services, Inc., received and ordered filed. II RE: SATURDAY CLOSING OF cClum OFFICES: C. E. Webber, Chairman of' the Committee appointed by this Board at i1ts March 21st, 1966, meeting, to stud:r the Saturday closing of the Courthouse, this day appeared before the Board and :reco_ended the closing of the Clerk's Office each beginning both inclusive oD/Saturclay,/May 2t, 1966, through Saturday, September 3, 1966,/on motion of Sup8rv1sor A. C. Harris, seconded .by Supervisor Kinor R. Keffer, it is Ordered - . . that this Board approve the cl.osing of the Clerk'S Office of the Circuit Court . each beginning . of Roanoke County on/Saturday,!&y 28, 1966, through Saturday, September 3, 1966, both inclusive, and therefore, the Judge of the Circuit; Court of ROaLilke County be requested under the provisions of Section 17-41 (5) to authorize the Clerk -.; - of saiel office to close the OffiCE' on the above named Saturdays. And the Clerk of this Board 1.s Ordered to deliver a certified copy of this Resolution to the Honorable 11'. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. 'C. Hard.s, Minor R. Keffer, Prank R. Angell and Walter K. Lipes Nays: None J ( ~ On 1II0tion of Supervisor Frank: R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris J' CoU!\ty . C>1~ it is ordered that the Clerk of this Board .. notify other I officers and the Judge J,.1j.1;D. of the Roanoke County Court and Judge. of the Roanoke County Juvenile and Domestic ~. <r t. Relations Court of the Saturday clOsing of the Clerk's Office of Roanoke County . a.,.. . both inclusive ~... for the period beginning May 28, 1966, thru September 3, 1966. /And the Clerk of - ~ this Board is directed to certify' a copy of this resolution to said officers. ~ ~~G i 1~1/66 Adopted by the following recc.rded vote: Ayes: Angell, A. C. Harris, Walter M. Lipes and Supervisors Frank R. Minor R. Keffer Nays: None 286 ~~~ ~~~1i~_ ttr~. Ii4f I~~ c...h.w. -r. c.\;. @~ r-ur. ~, ~uf. ~ ~ (p~ rUt. ffr~~, ~~~ n~ 11{'~L I On motion of Supervisor Minor R. K,~ffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. ADgell, it is ordered that a voucher-ch.ack for Twelve ThouSand, One Hundred, Seventeen Dollars and Nine Cents ($12,117.09) be issued to Vinton Motor Compan,y .' . -. \ for six (6) 1966 Ford CUstom 2 Door SedJans. for use in the Sheriff's DepartllleJllt - . of llC?anoke County. Adopted by the following recorded 'vote: I : Ayes: SUpervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, Walter M. Lipes and 1. C. Harris Hays: Hone . . On Motion of SUpervisor .H1nor R. X:effer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, it is ordered that the followb.g ordinance be propOsed for ad~ption at the regular Kay lReeting of this Board t,o\lle held Kay 16, 1.966, at 2:00 P. N.; \~i)I '. "AN ORD1BA.NCE" I - - An ortlh"'''ce exempting from taxatj.on all those classes of household goods and personal effects as defined and se1. forth in Section 58-829.1 Code of Virginia as amended to date. Tha.t for the year beginning January 1, 1966. and endir'.g on December 31, 1966 and each year ther~er while this ordinance is in effect, that there be \:. exempted from taxation all those class." of household goods and of personal , effects as are defined and set forth ~~ Section 58-829.1 Code of Virginia as aaeDliecl to date. And since this publication fs by title, an informative summary of said proposed ordinance, notice is hereby given that a copy of the full text of the ordin,"ce is on file in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office of Roanoke County, ,. I Virginia. And the Clerk of this BOard is or'dered to have published notic~ of this proposal to offer said ordinance for li,doption and an informa1oive "'a~ of said ordinance publish~nce a week f(lr two successive weeks bevnning April 28th 1966, in the Times Register, a newspaper published in Jloanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 Code of 1rirginia 1950 as amended to (..,Ite. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: SUpervisors Minor R. Keff1ilr, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Hays: Bone I On motion of Supervisor Frank R. ADgoll, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ordered that the following ordinance be proposed for adoption at the regular May meeting of this Board to be held on May 16, 1966, at 2:00 P. M. nAN ORIIINANCEn I , - An ordinance to impose a local County Sales Tax in Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Chapter 8.1, Title 58 of the Code of Virginia (Chapter 151, Acts of Assembly of 1966) at the rate of one per cent to provide revenue for the General Fund of Roanoke County; such tax to be added to the rate of the State o Sales Tax imposed by Chapter 8.1, ,!'itle 58 of the Code of VirginiliL, and to be subject to all the provisions of Chapter 8.1, Title 58 of the Code of Virginia, all the amendments thereto, and the rules and regulations publishf:d with respect thereto. Be it ordained, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County', Virginia, as follows: Section 1. General Retail Sales Tax for the County of Roanoke, Pursu.-ant to Title 58, Chapter 8.1, Section 58-441-49 of the Code of Virg,.,ia, a local I~eneral retail sales tax at the rate oi' one per cent to provide revenue for the General PaJIIi for the County of Roanoke, is l1ereby levied. Said tax shall be added to the rate of the State sales tax imposed by Chapter 8.1, Title 58 of the Code of. Virginia. It shall be subject to aU provisions of Chapter S.l of Title Sit of 'the Cocle of Virginia, all the amend:lIents thereto, and the rules and regalat,ions published witJ1 respect thereto. Section 2. Administration and Collection. Pursuant to Title 58, Chapter 8. Section 5S-441.49 of the Code of Vi:rginia, the local general retail sales tax levied pursuant to this Orrlin..nce shall be administered and collected by the State fax COlIIIIIission of the COlllllonwl3alth of Virginia in the same manner, subject to the same penalties as provided f()r the State sales tax, with th(; adjustments required by Section 58-441.50 and 51!-441.51. Section 3. Effective Date of 1;his Ordinance. Effective date of tllis Orrlin';;nce shall be the 1st day of Sllptember, 1966. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County shall forthwith forward to the Statil fax Commission of the COIIIIIIonwealth of Virginia, a certif'ied copy of this Ordinance, so that it will be - received within five days a:1~er its adoption. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to have published pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the Code of 1i'irginia as amended to date once a week fm:' two successive weeks, notice of thie, proposal together with a copy of said proposed Ordinance in the Times Reg:i,ster, a newspaper published in Roanoke County Virginia bepnning April 28th, 1966. Adopted by the following record.ed vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Antell, A. c. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays : ~one J ~ J g On motion ot Supervisor A. C. Barris, seco:l1ded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell it is. ordered that the follOWing ord.inance be proposed for adoption at the regal June meeting of this Board to be held June 20, 1966, at 2:00 P. M. "AN ClRDlNANCEIf Imposing taxes on share~. of stock in-banks located in Roanoke County, Vir and o~side the corporate limits of ,Slny town in Roanoke County, Virginia, aIld imposing taxes on shares of stock of any branch and branches of any bank located in Roanoke County, Virginia, outside the corporate limits of any incorporated town in Roanoke County, Virginia, th'3 principal office of which bank is located in another city,town on. county ot ';he COlllllonwealth of Virginia, for the support of the Government of Roanoke County. " !0"-1~-< 1:-'::/:,7>-_ r ~'1' ~~ 11 'f/~1.r. CtJh J..! r. b,.~ ~ i ,,"0) ~ ~ 288 J:" t, ". 1 .H . I :' 14, I),d-- . ':l--'~ }..~J ,;6'::::in-.-I~e. .~~ t;~.~ f' ".,.Ltt !-, 1. That for the year beg'nni1\!!: on the 1st day of January, 1967, and An~ing on the 31st day of December, 1967, and each year thereafter while this ordinance is in eff'ect, there shall be a tax upon all shares of stock of each bank located. in the County of Roanoke, outside the corporate llmits of any incorporated town in Roanoke County of 80:' of the State of' Virginia rate of taxation on each $loo.OO of' the tax.!lble value of such stock; 2. That for the year beg'nni,,!!: on the 1st day of' January, 1967, and ending on the 31st day of Dec4lllber, 1967, ,md each year thereafter while this orc11nance is in ef'fect, there shall be a tax 'Ilpon all shares of stock of any branch ,or branches of any bank in the County .:>f Roanoke, located outside the corporate limi of any incorporated town in this CO'lU1ty, whose principal/office is located. in any incorporated town, city or county i:Q the State of Virginia, of 8Ol' of the State of Virg1l'i, rate of' taxation ell, eac.b. $100.00 of the taxable value of such ,stock, on such proportion of the taxable v.uue of the shares of stock in such bank as deposits through such branch or bra:o.ches, located in this County, bear to .the total deposits of' the bank as of the beginning of the Tax year. . And the Clerk of this Board ill ordered to have published, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of' the Code of' Vir.ginia as amended to date, once a week f'or four success1ve weeks notice ot this proposal, together with a copy of said proposed Ordinnce in the Times-Register', a :o.ewspaper published in the County of'Roanoke beg1nning AprU 28th, 1966; And said Clerk is fUrther ordered to publish same at the front door of the Roanoke County Court House and to have the Sheriff of this County publish copies of same each Post.Office 1n Roa.noke County, by posting a certified copy at each of said Post Offices. Adopted. by the following r'ecorded. vote: Ayes: Superv1sors A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell, Kinor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Rays;: l'fone I. 1 I ORDERED that the Board be adjoum~d untU Monday, AprU 25, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P. K. if1~~~ I' 1 Court House Salem, Virginia April 25, 1966 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House pursuant to adjournment. Present: Walter K. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and Fra.nk R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor Frank R. Angell offered a prayer . I , ~.... _.~ ----- -.. - .-- . -..-.. ] The Chairman announced tha1; 1;he hour had arrived for the public hearing, pursuant to n01;ice, to consider the adoption of certain amendmen1;s 1;0 th,~ Articles of IncorporaUon of the Jloanoke County Sanitation Authority in order to give the Sanitation Authority power of establishing a water system and to change the name of the Authority. The Chairman invited all those present to cODle forward and speak to the mat1;er. The following spoke in favor of the adopbion. of the amen~ents: Tom Wickline Ralph Bentz E. M. Sink Jack SheJ~ood Jim Newland Richard Hudnell Millard Souers, Executive Director Salem-Roanoke County ~ber of Comerce David LOlfe John Hagtln Wallace l:ates Walter M,:Carty C. C. Crt)ckett Charles J~. Kinney Thomas H.. Beasley, Jr. F. E. Harrison No one appeared OJ) spoke in opposition to the adoption of the amen~ents. After all m~ers of the Boal~d spoke in favor of the adoption of the amendments, the Chairman announcetl receipt of a resolution adopted by the Council of the City of Roanoke, V:Lrginia, and had the said resolution dated AprU 22, 1966, read; said resolu1;ion ordered filed. ~ A.-t the suggestion of the Cha:lrlIIan and on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Ieffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County invite the Council of the City of Roanoke to make known its intentions at or before the adjourned meetillg of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on May 2, 1966, at 2:00 P. M. EDS'1', concerning th" supply and distribution of water wUhln the County of Roanoke and the disposa:l of sewage from the County of Roanoke. BE IT FtlRTllER RESOLVED that lmtil said adjourned meeting, action on the adoption of the amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Roan01ce County Sanitation Authority be deferred. The Clerk is hereby directed to have delivered certified copies of '~his resolution to the Honorable Mayor of the City of Roanoke, City Manager, ;!l copy to each member of the City Council and five copies to the City Clerk. Adopted by the followilll!: rec'l)rded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor P.. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell lLud Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ., -1 ~ i..,I o r:1 LJ ORDERED that the Board be ad,lourned until the 2nd day of May, 1966, at 2:00 P. M. ol~~~ CHAIRMA .-il-I_li Court House Salem,. Virginia May 2, 1966 The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court House pursuant to adjournment. Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris and prauk R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order Supervisor A. C. Harris offered a prayer. Letter dated April 29, 1966, addressed to Honorable Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from Benton O. Dillard, Mayor of the City of Roanoke, received and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Minor F:. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris it is ordered that the Committee recommended by the Mayor of the City of Roanoke will meet with him at his convenience, and upon the date set by him and his committee to discuss the matters contained in his letter of April 29th, 1966. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, 1!'rank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes. Nays: None Lenghty statements were made by. each member of the Board of Supervisors and William Overman of the Engineering Firm of Langley, McDonald and Overman, Winton Shelor, F. E. Harrison, J. W. Cates "and others pertaining to the resolution signifying the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority in order to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Authority and to change the name of said authority. The following resolution was offered for adoption: RESOLUTION SIGNIFYING THE INTENTION OF THE BOARD OF Sul-=VISORS OF ROANOKE COtmrY, . VIllGINIA.. TO A:MEND THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY SARITA'I.'ION AtlTHORI'I.'Y IN ORDER TO SPECIFY FURTHER PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE AUTHORITY AND TO CHANGE THE NAME OF SAID AUTHORITY. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: SECTION I: It is the intention of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the ArUcles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority in order to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Authority and to change the name of said Authority. SECTION II: The proposed amendments to the said Articles of Incorporation are as follows: 1. Amend Section (1) of the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority to read: "(1) The name of the Authority shall be - 'Roanoke County Public Service Authority' and the address of its principal office shall be Salem, Virginia.n 2. Amend Section (3) of the said Articles of Incorporation by adding to the end thereof the following: nln addition to the purposes hereinabove set I I I I I 2!J1 o forth, the Authority shall have as its purpose and 15 hereby authoriz~d to acquire, construct, operate and maintain a water system ror the supply and distribution of water in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and the counties adjacent thereto." SECTION III: The Articles of Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of' the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority necessary to effect the amendments set forth in Section II of this Resolution shall be executed on behalf of Roanoke County by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the . official seal of the said Board of Supervisors shall be affixed thereto and attested by the Clerk of said BoaX'd or Supervisors and said officers are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all things necessary and appropriate to effect such amendments of the Articles of Incoporation of the said Authority. SECTION IV: A public hearing: will be held on this Resolution at 2:00 o'clock P. M. on May 16, 1966, at the Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, in the usual place of meeting of the Board of Supervisors.. SECTION V: The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized and directed to cause a notice of the public hearing, together with a copy of this Resolution to be published once ill. the 'rimes-Register, a newspaper of general c1rculation in Roanoke County, Vu'ginia. Said publication to be at least ten (10) da7s prior to the date fixed for the hearing. On motion of Supervisor Minor' R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o j o On application of the below-named petitioner: Old Heritage Corporation - H\~ting Hills Road from Route 220 to ,~. RClute 419 (2.5 mile) who this day filed their petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that would result all well to individuals as to the public if such road shall be as proposed and espElcially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cllse, have to be taken, and that no road or lanrling shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shal1 also ascertain and report to this Board whethe the said road will be of such mer.~ private convenience as to make it proper that said road should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said road. And it is further ordered trult the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue ~rocess to summon the State Highway Commissioner (Ir,) r .~~ ..---L ~ 5-'2,-LC-. .~.4- 7t ~.4-~ r ~ 292 7?~.-M- 1J~A f[~~ -krr r# 61. 5-3- of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Rng~neer of the State Highway Department of Virgini~aving supervisi~n of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor Frank R. Angell, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I I On motion of Supervisor A. Co Harris, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that a public hearing be set for 8:30 A. M. on May 27, 1966, on the recommendation of the Roanoke County Pla""ing Commission that certain amendments be made to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County adopted AprillS, 1960, and that notice or lsaid public hearing be published, pursuant to Section 15.1-431 of the Code of \rirginia, on May 6 and May 13, 1966, in the Roanoke World. News. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Hards, Minor R. Keffer, Ft'ank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I ORDERED that the Board be adJourned until the third Monday in May, being May 16, 1966. ~~ Court House Salem, Virginia May 16, 1906 The Board of Supervisors of R06.noke County met this day at the Courthouse I thereof in regular monthly session. Keffer, Vice-Chairman, A. C. Harris Present: Walter M. Lipes, Chairman, Minor R and Frank R. Angell. Before the meeting was called to order the Rev. R. W. Vanderberry, Administrator of the Roanoke Methodist Home, Incorporated, offered a p':"'lyer. The minutes of the last regular and adjourned meetings were approved as spread, each member of the Board having read the copies of said minutes furnished him by the Clerk. The following claims against the County werQthis day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively chargeable therewith, to-wit: I No. 004097 County School Board, County Vehicles serviced during April $ 358.40 17.50 28.23 4.00 lS3 .54 .70 l8.97 Salem Motors, Count)' owned Vehicles washed Auto Spring &: Bearing Co., Parts for cars and batteries Doyle's, Inc., Repalrs to Police car Goodyear Service Stores, Tires for Vehicles and Stock Harvest Motors, Part tor Police Car Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Gasoline purchased-trips Magic City Motor Co., Parts for Police Cars and Garbage Trucks Motor Parts Supply Co., Parts Summerdean Esso StaUon, Repairs and Parts Police Cars Vinton Motor Co., RI3pairs to Police cars Yates &: Wells Garagl3, Repairs, parts &:c Blue Ridge Motors, lnc., Repair and Parts Fire Truck Brambleton Auto Service, Rlpirs and inspection Brambleton Gulf Service Station, Gas, Parts, Oil and Wash, C. S. Fire equipment 004.098 004099 004100 004101 004102 004103 004104 " " n o " n " , " 71. 50 26.30 3.90 22.10 1,986.20 22.70 2.00 o 004105 004106 004107 004108 004109 004110 004111 " " " - n n - " - " 72.82 Keller Poole's Brambleton Service Center, Gasoline and Oil C. S. Rescue Squad Truck 29.81 004112 " 3.35 R. A. Lester &: Son, Parts C. S. Fire Truck Mount Pleasant Garage, Repairs and Parts, Mt. Pleasant Fire Truck Salem Oil Company, Gasoline, Oil and Heating Fuel Bemiss Equipment Co., Maintenance of Tractor Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., Parts, Engineer's Car Diesel Injection Sales Co., Parts for truck 004113 oo4ll4 n " 25.25 203.92 23.84 6.12 51.11 oo4ll5 004116 004117 004118 n l - " n n - " 004119 Kem Manufacturing Corporation, Material used in 'lfashing . Garbage trucks 004120 Miller Tire Service" Tires for garbage trucks and stock 004121 Roanoke Auto Spring Works, Repairs to truck 004122 Salem Auto Parts, Inc., Parts for Garbage trucks 004123 Shockley's Tractor Service Co., Repair and Parts Garbage T~lCks and repairs to Garbage collection T1.1bs 176.96 243.44 75.50 107.06 " " " - " 004124. Standard Parts Corporation, Parts for Garbage Truck 004125 Void 004126 Dickerson GMC Inc. I Parts 004127 Gulf Oil Products, Gasoline and Oil purchased for distribu- tion 2,023.0 004128 W. B. Clements, InCl., Parts and cleaning fiuid for distri- bution n - n J " n " 004129 Void 004130 Salem Office Suppl~r Co., office supplies 00413l Hill Directory Company, 6 City Directories 004132 City Publishing Co., 3 Cross Reference Directories " Q .n n " Webb Equipment Co., Office supplies Acme Printers, Inc., Binding 4 books Dooley Printing Co., Office supplies N. C. Logan, Clerk, recording 1392 tracts of delinquent land 004137 Underwood Corporation, Maintenance Contract 004133 004134 004135 004136 n " " n n 294 No. 004138 G. H. Parent Co., offico supplies $ 004139 Ropho Sales, Inc., 1 yellI"S contract for Maintenance 004140 C. W. Warthen Co., recoJ'd books 004141 The Picture Center, fraDung Judicial conference picture OJ4142 Robert Dawson, Postmastor, postage for Roanoke County Court 004143 Nash Jewelry &: Loan Co., 2 Badges for Probation officers 004144 F. L. Tignor, Compensati.on for After-..Hour duty 004145 Charles L. Breeden, Compensation for After-Hour duty 004146 R. F. Hyatt, Compensatic)n for After-Hour Duty 004147 Dr. F. S. Cruser, Coronllr investigations 004148 Easter Supply Co., office supplies 004149 Charles L. Breeden, Jr." reimburse April Car Expense 004150 F. L.Tignor, Reimburse llpril Car Expense 004151 R. F. Hyatt, Reimburse l'robation officer's April ,Car expense 004152 Barbara Cundiff, Reimburse April Car Expense 004153 Radio Communications Co"' Radio Maintenance 004154 John B. Stetson Co., Wearing Apparel 004155 Void 004156 Void 004157 Owen P1umbi~ Co., Repaj'.rs to Jail &:c 004158 Brown Hardware Co., EquJi.pment for Jail and Courthouse 004159 J. G. Powell, Night Jailor, reimburse office sUPPAies 004160 Foutz Saus!lge Co., Food Jail 004161 C. B. Halsey Co., Food .Tail 004162 Hester Coal Co., Heating Fuel for Jail 004163 Mick-or-Mack Stores, FOI)d, Jail 004164 L. H. Parke Food Corpora.tion, FOOd and Jailitor supplies 004165 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Laundry - Jail 004166 Powell Pharmacy Co., Medical supplies - Jail 004167 Rainbo Bread Co., Food, Jail 004168 Ray's Meat Market, Food, Jail 004169 W. T. Rierson, Food, Ja:il 004170 Saunders &: Cecil, Towels for Jail 004171 Salvage Warehouse, Food, Jail 004172 Airport Hardware, Light fixture and flood lights 004173 Custom Seat Cover Shop, 1 tarpalion for fire truck 004174 Fyr-Fyter Sales &: Service, Refill of chemicals 904175 J. W. Griggs &: W. H. Witt, April Rent 004176 Clearbrook Lion's Club, April Rent 004177 W. W. Garman, April Rent 004178 Graves Humphreys ~ardware', Wearing apparel 004179 Hollins Hardware Company, Enamel for Hollins Station 004180 J. W. Jamison, Stone for Fire Department 115 004181 Humble Oil &: Refining Co., Fuel for Catawba Fire Station 004182 Salem Fire Department, RElimburse expense of dinner meeting " " " " n n " - " " n " n - n n " " " " n n , n " " , " n " n n " " " n ." n , n .n " " n .n " " - n n 25.10 85.00 157.20 5.40 25.00 lO.82 40.00 40.00 30.00 105 .00 4.95 30.37 41.65 36.02 23.11 177.69 24.20 I I 406.39 17.82 2.00 46.61 61. 82 32.00 9.23 94.60 38.08 2.85 65.42 88.27 45.00 36.00 87.89 3.65 6.50 14.50 60.00 60.00 60.00 79.51 4.56 36.64 9.81 62.47 I I I rj I . hoi ii L.J ~ . , -1 r u ill 004193 Addressograph-Mult1graph Corp., Frames and Plates for Garbage 27.48 004194 Keyes-Davis Company, ld,entification tags 18.38 004195 Appalachian Power Co., Gurrent used in Street Lighting 934.02 004196 Moore Business Forms, Listing Registered Voters l40.70 004197 Blain Supply Co., Janitor cleaning supplies and towels !l6.65 004198 Carl R. Brightwell, Repair Electrical work 96.08 004199 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Welfare expense 9,073.70 004200 Dillard Paper Co., Janitor supplies 30.03 004201 Graybar Electric Co., Light tubes 10.88 004202 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Premium on Fire Insurance 865.00 004203 G. J. Hopkins, Inc., RE'pairs to Welfare Building 100.16 004204 McClung Lumber Co., Repair Material 6.40 004205 Peacock-Salem Laundry, Janitor supplies 4.32 004206 Salem Hardware Co., ~:upplies for Courthouse 1.20 004207 Skyline Lumber Company, Furnishing and installing new door 369.00 004208 White Spot Supply Co. , Janitor supplies 41.88 004209 Williams Supply Co., Light tubes for Courthouse 33.21 004210 Acme Business Machines, Repairs to Mimeograph Machine 7.82 004211 Xerox Corporation, Office supplies for Photostatic ]l!achine 777.00 004212 Times Register Co., Publishing notice of meeting, Roanoke County Sanitation Authority 004213 N. C. Logan, Clerk, Reimburse Postage for mailing Annexation files to Judges 004214 Ace Glass, Inc., Air Po:.ution Equipment 004215 Air Products and Che;llicals, Inc., Air Polution equipment 004216 Bemiss Electric Dist:ributing Corporation, 2 clocks 004217 /Builders Mart, 1 new Sweeper 004218 Electronic Service Associates, Inc., 3 new sirenes No. 004183 004184 004185 004186 004187 004188 004189 004190 004191 Lewis-Gale Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills $ Roanoke Memorial Hospital, State-Local Hospital bills Dr. Esther C. Brown, Lunacy Commission Gochenour &: Baugess, Lunacy Commission Leon R. Kytchen, Lunacy commission Dr. H. J. Minarik, Lunacy commissions Dr. R. E. Paine, Jr., Lunacy Commissions Caldwell-Sites Co., office supplies and files Monroe Corporation, 1 year's maintenance on office equip- ment If n " " n n " " " 004192 Times-World Corporation, Publishing meetings of Zoning Board &:c " " n , " " " " n , n . .. " n n n " , " , n " " " " " .. n . " " n 004219 Swimoquip, Inc., Air Polution equipment 004220 H. R. Johnson Company, 2 door shades 004221 Newberrys Company, 1 la:np 004222 Motorola Communications, 3 new radios for Police cars 004223 Stephenson &: Aldridge, Inc., new carpet and draperies 004224 Town of Vinton, Installing fire hydrant 004225 Salem Farm Supply CCI., 10 lbs. grasi: seed , n n - n . n n n 2:35 710.50 2,373.54 , 10.00 10.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 91.19 24.00 38.50 47.20 6.00 52.82 1.50 38.16 39.95 216.00 27.95 9.00 4.59 1,594.15 723.00 293.54 8.50 296 .... 004310 M &: S Machine Shop, Repairs to Garbage trucks 004311 James E. Peters, Treasurer, reimburse money paid jurors &c 004312 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, 2 rolls .postage stamps 004313 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, postage fer Electoral Board 004314 Roanoke Linen Service, Towel service 004315 Williams Supply Co., Electrical Part, Air Conditioner 004316 E. S.Stacy Tree Service, topping trees 004317 Peoples Radio &: T. V. Supply Co., Radio equipment 004318 Town of Salem, Current used at County Garage 004319 Acme Business Machine, 10 quires, Stencils 004320 Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage 004321 City of Roanoke, Room and Board for children 004326 Roanoke County Board of Public Welfare, Expenses No. 004284 004285 004286 004287 004288 004289 004290 004291 004292 004293 004294 Loy E. Self, Relie.t' Fire Chief Betty R. McKenney, Work for Electoral Board Thelma H. Beamer, Work in Registrar's Office Clifford Stuart, Extra Janitor Booker T. Helm, Extra-Janitor service Addressograph-MUltigraph Co., office supplies Salem Office Supply Co., office supplies Webb Furniture Co., office supplies Roanoke County Revolving Fund, Reimburse Bookkeeper James E. Peters, Treasurer, Reimburse Freight on Auto Tags Robert Dawson, Postmaster, Postage for Collector of Delinquent Accounts Roanoke County Court, Warrant and Court Costs Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Withdrawing of Blood Sample MOtorist Paradise Texaco, Parts and Oil for Police car I. B. M. Corporation, Office supplies &:c R. V. Adams, Signs, Letters for 2 fire trucks J. W. Griggs, Reimburse expenses of dinner T. R. Leslie Service Station, Gasoline C &: P Telephone Co., Telephone service Fuel Oil & Equipment Co., Heating Fuel Hugh D. Whitlow Sales Co., Fire equipment Appalachian Power Company. current used at Fire Stations Fairview Home, Share of Expense Void Green Test Cabinet Co., Material for eye testing Times-World Corporation, Publishing meetings of Zoning Board $ I n " " n " " n " " .. n 004295 004296 004297 004298 004299 004300 004301 004302 004303 004304 004305 004306 004307 004308 004309 9.5.80 80.47 107.03 70.76 71. 85 30.60 22.84 3.48 80.08 5.60 I I , " " " " " - " n " If " , n n " " " - n " n " n " - If " " " , " . " 25.00 63.75 5.00 4.70 459.37 18.00 15.00 40.68 65.10 18.94 370.38 18.76 33.30 I 83.00 13.00 Ilt.83- 248.02 10.00 10.00 3.50 1.58 110.00 I 6.49 3.61 34.00 100.00 90.00 1,714.74 I IN RE: DOG TAXES, SHEEP CLAIMS &c: The following claims against the County were this day presented, approved and ordered to be paid by voucher-checks out of the funds respectively Chargeable therewith, to-wit: 297 _.._..,_...--.-u._." ___...._....._u No. 004226 Auto Spring & Bearing Co., Flashlight batteries $ 1.65 " 004227 Farmers Exchange Mills, Dog food )7.20 " 004228 Graves_Humphreys Harcr.rare, Ammunition for Dog Wardens 1.34 " 004229 Fort Dodge Laboratories, rabies vaccine 145.77 - n n 004230 Fort Lewis Hardware Cc.mpany, Hose nozzle for Dog PClund 2.01 " 004231 Owen Plumbing Co., im;talling water Pump &:c l67.75 '"'" n 004232 Radio Communications Go., Radio Maintenance Dog Truck 7.50 " 004233 Russell Uniform Company, Coat Badges 3.44 n 004234 Salem Office Supply Cc.., office supplies .77 ~ . , " 004235 State Department of HElalth, Rabies serum J 32.50 - n 004322 William B. Burnette, Assistant Dog Warden 58.92 " 004323 Guy Ayers, Assistant !log Warden 119.75 It 004324 Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan Premium on bonds 20.00 .. 004325 Sam's, Inc., Wearing I_pparel 28.88 JAMES E. PETERS, Treasurer of Roanoke County this day submitted the following report: nMay 16, 1966 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROAlIOKE COUNTY: At the close of business April 30, 1966, there was to the credit of the following j General Revenue Fund .. Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Salem District Road Debt Fund School Construction Fund .. Available Cash School Textbook Fund- Available Cash F.I.C.A. Retirement Fund Public Building Bond Account Operation Head Start Federal Programs Fund Deferred Credit Account $ 368,957.47 . 17,017.18 42.93 41,156.24 1,387 .23 5,051.78 1,425.27 25,645.73 20.00 7,858.15 70.~0 $ 408,032. 8 Financial Statement J Treasurer's Working Fund Bank of Salem Escrow $1,650,000.00 Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,973,000.00 Mountain Trust Bank Escrow $855,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying Agt. School Bond Service A/C Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Farmers Natio~l Bank - Operation Bead Start Farmers National Bank - Federal Pr,ograms Fund Farmers National Bank .. Paying Agt. Public Duilding Debt $ 1,500.00 10,774.78 390,453.79 26,512.41 l,387.23 4,320.79 25,645.73 20.00 7,858.15 160.00 $ 408,032.88 ~ Certificates of Deposit - Public ~~1ding Bond Account Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank $ 100,000.00 150,000.00 100,000.00 ~ 350,000.00 Certificates of Deposit .. Savings Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ 300,000.00 450,000.00 50,000.00 100.000.00 $ 900,000.00 Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters, Treasurer, Roanoke County" Said report is received and ordered filed. 298 ~,~ c,. :r; ..9.''( .~~ ~A<.~ c;-~ fJ1.. 1-?~ ') -.., ('", -!F-,i"t.~ ~4 ~ 4. r:f.. -/J~.,--'-/ - , 7-- ( ..7=;(." I i~~.A tJ ~. @. flrr/~ m BE: DELINQUENT TAXES COLLECTED BY CLERK: The Clerk this day deliver~d.to the B~ard the receipt of James E. Peters, Treasurer, for $2,037.29 on account o:r delinquent taxes collected by said Clerk for the month of April, 1966, less cOIlunission, and turned over to said Treasurer said check amounting to $1,935.42 net. An account in the amount of $102.00 this day submitted by Harry B. Cannaday, to this Board for payment o.r Sixty-eight chicken hens at $1.50 each, killed by dogs, not being approved by the Dog Warden; On motion duly seconded and carded, it is ordered that said claim be not allowed. On motion, duly seconded,it is ordered that the County Payroll for the month of May, 1966, be approved in the amount of $l4,004.19 from which the sum of $522.06 total F. I. C. A. Tax; $1,270.90 total W. H. Tax; $182.33 total State Income; $376.95 total Retirement Insurance and $14.00 total Blue Cross Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $11,637.95. Adopted by, the follOwing recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C.Harris and Walter M Lipes Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Payroll for Refuse Collectio and Janitor Services for period begiDning 4-15-66, Ending 4-28-66 be approved in the amount of $5,828.06 from which $244.8l total F. I. C. A. Tax; $478.60 total w. H. Tax; $69.73 total State Income; $49,00 total Blue Cross Insurance, $60.80 Uniforms and $77.50 total Miscellanec,us are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,847.62; And the Payroll for Refuse Colle!ction and Janitor Services for period beginning 4-29-66, Ending 5-12-66 be approved in the amount of $5,592.13 from which $234.87 total F. I. C. A. Taxi $451.70 total W. H. Tax; $64.64 total State Income; $77.00 total Blue Cros~; Insurance; $27.00 total Accident Insurance; $43.61 total Retirement; $64.00 Unifc,rms and $57.50 total Miscellaneous are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $4,571.81. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Hax'ris and Walter Lipes Nays: None On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the Janitor's Payroll for the period beginning April 15, 1966, End:Lng April 30, 1966, be approved in the amount of $l,221.32 from which $51.30 totall~. I. C. A. Tax; $101.80 total W. H. Tax; $16.04 total State Income; $23. 75 to.~al Blue Cross Insurance and $3.20 Uniforms are to be deducted, leaving a net paJroll of $l,025.23; And the Janitor's Payroll for period beginning 5/1/66, Ending 5/15/66 be ". . I I I I I ~ ~ i ,.... approved in the amount of $1,169.:!4 from which $49.l2 total F. I. C. A. Tax; 41S3.60 total W. H. Tax; $13.71 to1;al State Income; $23.75 total Blue Cross Insurance; $37.22 total Retiremen'; and $3.20 Uniforms are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $958.64. Adopted by the following reci)rded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None ~ I .....I On motion, duly seconded, it is ordered that the following voucher-checks be approved retro-active to date of issuance, to-wit: No. 4019 in the amount of $g47.S8, made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for County offices, fire stations &:c; No. 4020 in the amount of $47.00, made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service at Hollins &. Clearbrook Fire Stations and transmitter on Brushy Mountain; No. 4021 in the amount of $273.70, made payable to Fitzgerald and Smith, Attorneys, in re: Annexation - Transportation, meal&.. consultation and preparation of reports, &:c.; No. 408l in the amount of $l,375.00 made payable to Bob Cutts Pontiac, Inc., for 1 new Pontiac for Engineer; No. 40S2 in the amount of $770,C'5 made payable to Town of Salem for light and water service for Jail'l<Courthouse, Health and Welfar,e Centgr, street lighting for Riverland ~ourt, sewage treatment for Or~hard eights and Hidden Valley Countf'y Club; . 4085 in the amount of $42.03 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Fort LElWis Fire Station; 4086 in the amount of $44.29 made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used at Dog Potmd; 401tl in the amount of $48.10 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service at Hollins Fire Station; 4088 in the amount of $26.81 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service for Dog Wardenl's Home; 4089 in the amount of$13.1~j made payable to Appalachian Power Company, for current used on Skycoe Drive Transmitter; 409l in the amount of $41. 90 made payable to C &: P Telephone Company for service for Clearbrook Fire Station; 4092 in the amount of $140.12 made payable to Roanoke Gas Company for cooki fuel for Jail, and Hom,~ Demonstration Kitchen, fuel for Cave Spring Fire Station and Health and Welfare Center; No. 4093 in the amount of $4.00 made payable to Culligan Soft .Water Service; rental fee on water softner for Hollins Fire Station; No. 4095 in the amount of $l8,l74.60 made payable to Martin BI'others Contractors, 1/2 cost I)f construction of Salem-Roanol:e County Civic Center-10th payment fo:r period April 1, 1966 - May 1, 1966. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None No. j No. No. No. No. No. No. o o The follOWing reports were this day laid before the Board and ordered filed C. E. BOONE, Sheriff, summary statement of Prisoner Days served. in the County Jail during the month. of April, 1966; C. E. BOONE, Sherirf, summary statement of office and travel expenses for the month of April, 1966; LOWELL M. GOBBLE, Extension Agent, report for the month of April, 1966; 299 /I .:;,--/?-c.C ~~~e, 0n-l- . .__ [- '(11/" 300 ~ J.J-. r; .~c,. a.c<- G-- . rJI1~~ C~.l~,,", . <r ," I ci- . 1-0-,~L-~ ~' c.6..v .' C'_.. Y'" (;U.C . Vt'W 5 \ \~h~ , FRANCES H. GRAHAM, Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of April, 1966; BRENDA J. BARRETT, Assistant Home I}emonstration Agent, report for the month of April, 1966; MARY K. MARTIN, Assistant Home Demonstration Agent, report for the month of April . 1966. I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF NEW U. S. 221 OF FRED L. EOWMAN: On the motion of Supervisor M:l.nor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, it is ordered that the action taken at the April 18th, 1966, meeting I - of this l;loard regarding the property of Fred L. Bowman on the west side of t.'lW U. S. Route 221, be rescinded. Adopted by the following recol'"ded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Ke.ffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and.Walte M. Lipes . Nays: None ~S Fred L. Bowman petitioned this Board on March 21, 1966, for rezoning of a tract of land on the west side of new U.S. Route. 221 to be used by Dr. Fred Johnson who desired to erect an ~Unal hospital thereon; and "WHEREAS, by order entered on Ifarch 21, 1966, the said petition was referred to the Roanoke County Planning COlllltission for a recommendation; and ~ the Planning Commission, after public hearing held April 12, 1966, recommended to this Board that the property not be rezoned from Business B-1 to Industrial M-l, but, in lieu thereof, that a permit for a nonconforming use be granted, pursuant to Section 11~4 of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County; and I ~s it has been brought to the attention of this ~oard that a question arises as to whether such procedure is proper, this ibard is now of the opinion that the matter should be re-referr'ed to the Planning Commission for a de1ni.te recommendation; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor A. C. Harris, seconde~y Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, it is ordered that the JS;ition of Fred L. Bowman - requesting rezoning of property on the west side of new Route 221 from Business B-1 to Industrial M-l be referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors A. C. Harr:is, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walte M. Lipes Nays: None I I IN RE: REZONING OF 1. 21 ACRE TRAC'!, OF LAND LYING ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF UNITED STATES HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 460, BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY THOMAS G. POWERS AND HELEN M. POWERS l ORDER This day callie Thomas G. Powers and Helen M. Powers, by counsel, and request leave to file their petition relati.,.e to rezoning property described in said petition. n t.... .., I ;..J , -.. o o , ~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning COmmiSSiOll of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with .~he provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AN:O ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the re:eipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall :forthwith set the same down :for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special mee.~ing of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be :forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Ke:f:fer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None IN HE: REZONING OF TWO PARCELS OF LAND LYING ON THE NORTHEAST AND NORTHWEST CORNERS OF INTERSEC- TION OF DlTERSTATE 81 AND ROUTE 647, CON- TAINING 1.19 ACRES AND S.55 ACRES, OWNED BY EMMA. WILLIS I ORDER This day came Emma Willis, by' counsel, and requested leave to file the Petition relative to rezoning the property described in the said Petition being property located near Dixie Caverrls on the new Interstate 81 Interchange. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVEII AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said Petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED Aim ORDERED that the proposal to amend the zoning ordinance as requested in 1;he said Petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the Planning Commission shall report its recommendation t,) the Clerk of this ~oard as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. 301 tt.' Lt.- t~. " IJ ~ . /U4..."W. t. ~ i, ~L~ rt.,.C .., ('. ',~ I ( LA""'". \: ,(,...(..4.. )-1lb/(,G , ' I 302 AND IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith del:l.vered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul Matthews, Secretary of the Planning C':lmmission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order W':lre adopted on motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer and seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, and on a recorded vote, the SUpervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keff'ilr, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None I IN RE: 1966-67 TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS FOR INTERSTATE AND RURAL PRIMARY CONSTRUGTION Letter dated April 25, 1966, add:l'essed to the Board of Supervisors from J. E Harwood, Deputy Commissioner and Chief Engineer, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, enclosing copies (If the tentative allocations of Interstate and Rural Primary Construction funds .i:or the fiscal year 1966-1967 as approved by, the Highway Commission at its mee.~ing on April 21, 1966, together with a notice of public hearings to be held on the tentative allocations giving the time and place the various districts will he held was this day submitted to the Board and ordered filed. I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ALLOCATIONS I Letter dated April 21, 1966, addl~essed to Boards of Supervisors of All Counties in the Secondary System from Douglas B. Fugate, Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, encl',sing Secondary System Allocations July 1, 1966 - June 30, 1967 was this day received and ordered filed. IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM - ROANOKE COUNTY ADDITIONS AND ABANDONlIlENTS Letters dated April 19, 1966, April 28, 1966 , and May 4, 1966, addressed to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke CO.lUlty, Salem, Virginia, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following additions to and abandonments from the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective, April 19, 1966, April 28, 1966, and May 4, 1966, respectively: ADDITION Section 1 of new location of Route 683, from WCL of Roanoke to Station 18+00. LENGTH I 0.11 Mi. WESTVIEW'TERRACE SUBDIVISION. SECTI011~: Tellico Road - from Angus Road to dead end. Lynn Street - from Tellico Road to de'ad end. Sections 10 ~ ll, 12, 13 and 14 of nEll,f connections of Rutes 628, 626, 7~8 and 60l, between Route l16 and Botetourt County line, Project 0081-080=001,P-~.02, P-403. ABANDONMENT Section 2 of old location of Route 6~3, from Route 11 to Station 18-+{)0 Sections 3, 4, 5, 7 and 9 of old location of Routes 628, 86a and 601, between Route 116 and B,:)tetourt County line, Project 0081-080-001, P-402,P-40J were this day received and ordered f:Lled. 0.14 Mi. 0.07 Mi. I 1.99 Mi. 0.13 Mi. 0.58 Mi. 303 ] Letter dated May 4, 1966, addre:lsed to Miss N. C. Logan, Clerk, Roanoke Coun y, Board of Supervisors, Salem, Virginia, from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, City of Roanoke, Virginia, enclosing resolution proposing joint discussions between officials of the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke with reference to certain matters of public concern was this day received and ordered filed. ...., J IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY NEAR GlENVAR, BOUNDED ON THE NORTH AND EAST BY RO.urOKE RIVER, . ON THE SOUTH BY N &: 1Y RAILWAY, AND ON THE WEST BY THE CHAPMAN AND GABRETT F'ARMS, CONTAINING APPROXIMlTEL1 23 ACRES AND ClWNED BY MADELINE M. THOMAS AND C. C. THOMAS. Ernest W. Ballou, Attorney, fo)' Madeline M. Thomas and C. C. Thomas, this day appeared before the Board, and requested that hearing on this matter be continued to the June Meeting, 1966, of this Board. On motion of Supervisor Minor n. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, adopted by the following re':orded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Ke.rter, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None .. J Ernest W. Ballou, Attorney, this day appeared before the Board, and submitted to .the Board a petition on behalf of certain citizens of the Oak Grove Area of Roanoke County and requested the Board of Supervisors to oppose annexation of certain portions of said area as shown in red on the map attached to said petition, which petition WelS received and ordered filed. On motion of Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris ~. ".. -6< ~ it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and he hereby ~-It. .:?7~ c;,.,;,. ~ is, authorized and directed to prepare a synopsis of the budget for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the fisc.a1 year commencing July 1, 1966, and publish .!:/-./(..~, o same for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, said budget synopsis to b published in the Times-Register and The Vinton Messenger, newspapers of general circulation in Roanoke County, on June 9, 1966. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. tipes Nays: None B This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board I to view the following road and thEl location thereof and to make a report thereon:- ,"" 'J -",..-,...' HUNTING HILLS DRIVE, whereup6h, 011 motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded d"",.~Z":;:, _'5, I ?,;,; '-I~~ ..g~ R-'l'1 r: . ~:i!!:::7t of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the right for drainage; '/r:---. ;, :7--;.3-tt. by Supervisor Minor R. Ke:rfer, said Engineer's report is approved. And it is hereby ordered tha.e said road be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways 304 I I I ! , i , I I I I I II~/ .~.~ Co.. 7'$ i ~~';jl- ..5- / r-il. -r- ~c. And it is further ordered that ,a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Ang!~ll, Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris and Walter M. Lipes nays: None On motion of Supervisor A. C. H,!lITis, seconded by Supervisor Minor R. Keffer, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 21, 1965, be,and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective May 16, 1966: 5 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 5b - County Court: An addi,tional appropriation of $200.00 is hereby ~e from the General. Revenue Fund for the period ending olftne 30, 1966, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 5c - Commonwealth's Attorne:\,: An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 is .hereby made from the General Revenue Fund . for the period ending ,;rune 30, 1966, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 9 - PUBLIC HEALTH An additional appropri;iltion of $500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue FU:lld for the period ending June 30, 1966, for the function or pU:l~pose as hereinabove indicated. 14 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS ANI) GROUNDS An additional appropri,ltion of $3,000.00 is breby made from the General Revenue FU.~ld f'or the period ending June 30, 1969, fC)r the function or pU:l~pose as hereinabove indicated. 18 - NISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNGTIONS An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made f'rom the General Reverole Fund for the period ending June 30, 1966, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. lSb - Civil Defense: An add:ltional appropriation of $100.00 is hereby made from the G,meral Revenue Fund f'or the period ending June 30, 1966, :ror the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: Supervisors A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes None The Chairman announced that the hour had arrived for the Public Hearing, pursuant to notice, for the adoption of certain amendments to the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County "anitation Authority in order to give the Sanitation Authority power of establlshing a water system and to change the name of the Authority. The Chairman invited all those present to come forward and speak to the matter. The follow Lng spoke in fa-,or of the adoption of the amendments: Benj. E. Chapman, Attorney Millard B. Sours, as Executive Director, Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce, in person, and who filed communication in writing of' said Chamber of Commerce. No one appeaTed or spoke in opposition to the adoption of the amendments. I I I I I 305 Whereupon, the following resolution was adopted: n ...., ~:>LUTION WHEREAS, a public hearing, notice of which was duly published, was duly held pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act (Chapter 28, title 15.1, eode of Virginia, 1950, as amended), at 2:00 0'c10ck P. M., on May 16th, 1966, at the Cc,urt House, Salem, Virginia, on the Resolution which was adopted on MaJc 2nd, 1966, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, signifying its intention to amend the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke CountJ,' Sanitation Authority, for the purposes set forth in said Resolution; and, WHEREAS, on or before the day of the pUblic hearing the Board of Supervisors' caused to be filed with the State C:orporation COmmission. Articles of Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority, together with proof of publication of the notice stating when and for what purpose the public hearing would bu held; and, WllEREAS, at the public hearing no substantial opposition of prospective users of the proposed services of said Authority was presented and no petition calling for a referendum has been nled with the ~oard of Supervisors; and WEREAS, the Board of Supervi!lors is of the opinion that the Articles of IncorPoration of the Roanoke Countl' Sanitation Authorit.y should be amended as set forth in the above mentioned Resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, Be it RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: SECTION I: A certified copy (If the proceedings of the public hearing mentioned in the foregoing preamblll signed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors with the a!'icial seal affixed thereto and attested by the Clerk of said Board shall be filed with the State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia. SECTION II: The State Corporation Commission be and hereby is requested to file the Articles of Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation hereinabove mentioned and to issue an amended ()ertificate of Incorporation or an Amended Charter reflecting such amendments. SECTION ill: A certified copy of this Resolution signe~y the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors with the l)fficial seal of said Board affixed thereto and adopted by the Clerk of said Ei.)ard shall be filed with the State Corporation Commission. On motion of Supervisor Frank R. Angell, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Supervisors Frank R. Angell, A. C. Harris, Minor R. Keffer and Walter M. Lipes Nays: None o . ~ o o WHEREAS at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on April:~8, 1966, a resolution was duly adopted that at the regular May meeting of said Board to be held at the Courthouse on May l6, 1966, at 2:00 o'clock P. M. there be proposed for adoption: ~u1; G.~ ~, I I 306 '''--'-'~''-. - ..1 An Ordinance Exempting from TaJe,sltion all those Classes of Household goods and Personal effects as defined and $et-forth in Section 58-829.1 Code of Virginia as amended to date; and, lIHEREAS notice of the proposed ,!Ldoption and an informative summary of proposed' ordinance has been published once a week for two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper publLshed in Roanoke County, Virginia, on April 28, 1966 and May 5, 1966, and'ilHEREAS all the pre-adoption statutory requirements have been met. The following Ordinance was this date proposed for adoption: I AN ORDINANCE I AN ORDINANCE Exempting from Tax,ation all those Classes of Household goods and Personal effects as defined and ,3et-forth in Section 58-829.1 Code of Virginia as amended to date. BE IT ORDAINED by the ~oard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows: That for the year beginnin!~ January 1, 1966 and ending on December 31, 1966, and each year thereafter while this Ordinance is in effect, that there be exempted from taxation all those classes of household goods and of personal effects as are defined and set-forth in Section 58-829.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended to date, which household ,goods and personal effect are as follows: Bicycles. Household and kitchen furniture, including gold and silver plates, plated ware, watches and clocks, sewing machines, refrigerators, automatic refrigerating machinery of any type, vacuum cleaners and other household machinery, books, firearms and weapons of all kinds. Pianos, organs, phonographs and record players, and records to_ be used therewith and all other musical instruments of whatever kind, radio and television instruments and equipment. Oil paintings, pictures, statutory, curios, articles of virtue and works of art. Diamonds, cameos and other precious stones and all precious metals used as ornaments or jewell'Y. Sproting and photographic equipment. Clothing and objects of apparel. All other tangible personal property used by an individual or a family or household incident to maintaining an abode. The classification above set forth shall apply only to such property owned and used by an individual or by a fa.mily or household incident to maintaining an abode. (1) (2) (3) I (4) (5) (61 (7 (8 It is further Ordered that the Clerk of this ~oard is hereby instructed to cause a copy of this Ordinance to bE' published in full, once a week for two successive weeks in the Times-Register, a newspaper published in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, beginning May 19th, 1966. On motion of Supervisor Minor Fl. Keffer, seconded by Supervisor A. C. Harris, the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Nays: ---- c.L~~ 1! ~.li T- ~~ I Supervisors Minor R. Keffer, A. C. Harris, Frank R. Angell and Walter M. Lipes None I WHEREAS at the regular April meeting of