HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-1970 IJ () J' I~ I) ()I: SIJ I) I: 1~\"S() '~S I~ I: 1:0 I~ I) tJOI)I( .~ .. . '. " . ......- . ':.' . .. .:. __.c. ',,',...":." ."',,c,.:., :..:.....""..;.'<:",........ ,>"""":""..;-,,,~-,,. ';,. .....'._.~; . CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT fCOUR1. , ..' .., '"", ,I. . . ..,....,.".~ VDLU E=_ --. .....-_..... ~._.- VEARS:1 GES: j FIL ED: - .:~, t'~;: . . "-"" . .. -il'-:_ .....~ ~'-'~-'-'-~':~:;'.,-" . . . ." 1... .". . '..' \..;', . j . ~ ' .,.. .. ~ . . . -- CERTIFICATE OF AUTfiEllTIClTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERt1ANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET ~:ERE ~lADE AVAILABLE FOR f11CROFIUlING BY THE LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH OF THE ARCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTIONS 15.1-8, 112.1-82, AND 42.1-83 OF THE ~~OF VIRGIN~. THE PURPOSE OF THE. MICROFILMING IS TO PROVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS. I I I ' I i i 1 I I , ~""/ l("~ {Z,lJ(/..;?&-1 n' TE APRIL 3 B84 -' . .' I I IAUgust Meetings - 1, ~' Asburry, O. L. 's Junkyard - r'Irs. Dunbar 0 Old Attorney rega ding Apostolou, John L., Attorney appeared to Rezoning of 10.83 Acres owned y Gr and Rte. 716 & to request with Anderson, J. T. appeared to oppose Wallac A. R Cave Spring District on Wester y sid Aliff, ~x. &. Mrs. Calvin appeared to oppo e re Avenue requested by Fralin &. W ldro ACCOUNTS INSURANCE - 12, 44, 74, 95, 125, 1 9, 19 Assessed Value of Public Service corporatfons- Auto~obile Fleet Insurance for Rke. Co. -115 Andrews, Carl M.- Pres. of Goodwin-Andrew -Bry their quotation on liabil ty i Amendment to the Roanoke County Motor Veh cle Annual Budget for Secondary Highway Syste. referred to County Engr. or r Arru~ Wood Country Club,Inc. - Petitioner in R Land lying E. of Ro tt R Arrow Wood Country Club, Inc. - Petitione in on map of Arrow Woo Sub Circuit Court on Pa e 93 untain Rd. advised to see Commonwealth s his matter - 2 . t Petitioner Thomas H. Beasler., Jr. in . er W. Craddock w/frontage on I 419, Ste rnes ve. of petition . ...,", 1 ed rezoning request regarding property i of Rte. 221 - 7 n~~ of 19 acres on southerly side of Colonia 231,260. 288.324,368, 401,430,463, 560 ;,., Statemel~s from State Corporation Commis ion.- 12 , Inc. present & recognized in re to urance for Rke. Co. fleet - 16 'cense Ordinance - 30 sented by Highway Dept. official and iew & report back to Supervisors'- 36 oning request regarding 6.993 Acre Trac of d and S. of Cove. Road -- 40 zoning request regarding certain lots show 'vision of Record in Clerk's office of Plat Book 6 -- 41 Air Pollution Control Ordinance to be dis usse with Mr. Carter Brad~, Air P,)llution L b of. Rke. Co. Health Dep . - Auditor's Report on Collector of Delinque t Ac Air Port Zoning'~equirements - Supervisor mee 'ng with Planning Commission tl) discuss ame - 40 Adding ~~chine, Des~ & Typewriter approve for Bookkeeping Office - 44 Arrow Wood Country Club, withdraws rezoni g pe ition re 6.993 Acres E. of Rou.~t Rd.. &: S ofC ve. Rd. 40 APpropriation Ordinance - 51 Auxiliary police force - two letters rega ding ossible creation of same.- 56 Andrew L8w1s High School Auditorium - Boa d re ssed at Courthouse &: rsconvenued here to hold publiC hearing 0 rez ng of Steele property on Garst Hill Rd. (Century Devel. C rp., etitionerll) .. Allen, .Mr.. Wm.- Resident of Pinevale Rd. pp at public hearing at A.L.H...S. Auditor! to support proposed rezoni of teele Property on Garst Mill Rd.-69 Andrews,Carl M., L. Earl Simms, Sheriff C S.Fo er, Dr. C..P.Pope, D.M.Deshiel,1s,Con A. Anderson, Afioed C'. appointed to Rke.Co.Hi ay Safety Commission ---- 73 . Air Pollution Control Ordinance - Committ e ap inted by Chairman to study revision. of 73 Airport Height Zoning Regulations appli::a le t land within Rke.Co., Request of City. of Rke. referred to Planni~ Commis on - - 73 AudioJlleter approved for Health Dept. - 7 Annual Weights &: Measures Report for 1967 68 0 Va. Dept. of Agriculture 82. Air Pollution Control Ordinance, Committe M. A. Trible from this Committe Arrow Wood Country Club - rezoning reques American Motor Inns, Incorporated petitio Annexation Court ()-Judge)- Mr. A.T.Hud same to reconvene. - 116 Arrow Wood Country Club-. Finar Order on to tudy &: recommend a new ordinance - resi tio &. a Eointment of E~ene F. Br,lJdy - 82 re 7 lots tieferred to 12711/08 for decision -10,5.. for rezoning property on Kingstown Rd., Rte. 626- esto 's Resolution directing Comm. Atty to pe ition of 47 lo"s in Subdivision Blks. 8-14-. 22.&: l2} Advertisement of Salem-Roanoke Valley Ci ic C ter official opening - bill for $684.55 () be looked into by Executive Off'cer report back to Board - 128 Auditor's Report of Rke. Co. Public Servo Auth rity's statement of financial condition as of 6/30/68 and analysis of equi y &: income statements for fiscal year en~ed 6 Additional space for Health &: ~Ielfare Dep rtme ts - reguest fori) . ---r---. same referred to Capital Impr veme ts Comm~ttee fot' study &: report-l41 I Angell, Mr.. Frank - present &: recognized ----- 150 ' Aliff, ~Ir. Calvin - appeared to oppose p titi of Fralin &: Waldron for rezoning 19 ac es on Co1. ]"ve. ----- 155 ! Air Pollution Control Ordinance - Superv sor dy a'.-,ointed to represent Board in meet' ng of representatives of all v~ ley vernments to discuss unity on air pollu ion - 56 Air Pollution - report of Chairman Lee B Edd - 156 Assessor & Appraiser Compensation - 156 Angell, r:.r. Frank & :.fr. Dan K. Cooley (c Compensation ------156 Assistant to County Registrar - Jo Ann Fo ter unty- ppointed Assessor &: State Appraiser, res ecti elyl...:.: i ired full time for period 1/1/69-7/1/69-1 6 Adjourned Meeting of 1/27/69 to continue Activities Report for Common~th's Atty. American LaFrance bids on pumper & tanke Amendment to General Appropriation Ordina g of 1/22/69~---161 968----161 (fir control equip.)------162 , --------- 167 letter suggesting 3/12/69 at 2:00 P. samA--------l82 s. ~naron Webster & A.T.Huddleston,C ttee------ 178' .. . AIIDUal Secondary Road Hearing - Dept. of ADaen, Wm. G. , John Lampros, Irad Lower, . to Constitutional Reviaon( ~lit Abandonment of Route 650 ------ 188 Amendment to the Motor Vehicle License Ord ce of Roanoke County - 189 Amendment to General Appropriation Or ----- 195. 288. . Annual public hearing on matters perta" g 0 road work in Secondary System- joint of Highway Dept. officials Supe isors --------- 199 .._~~erican Motor Inns, ~ncorporated - (Pe itio ers) - Final Order rezoning property on Road, Rte. 626 -------- 203, 04 &.1 05 . Alllendments to Zoning Ordinance related 0 He t Regulations in arE&. around Woodrum Ai .. Appalachian Power Co., a.pplication ror ial access i'unds for road to new Funk, S W. of Salem -------- 219 . Adjourned Meeting of 4/1/69 (from 3/26/~9) m ting--,..- 233 Appraised value (40% of) - be used as blsis r assessed values for ad valorem tax p ------ 228 ., April Meetings - 233, 236, 254 ..Air Pollution Control Ordinance - Notic of I te~tion to adopt new ordinance & ,public on same-------245 &; 246 Pol ution Control Board) fOlWarded copy of Con rol Ordinance &: Notice of Intention to ppro al by 5/8/69--------246 nce- -248 Arey, Richard W. (Exec. Sec'y - State A" proposed new Air Polluti adopt same w/request for ,lmendment to General Appropriation Ordi eari I , ~I~ ..Alleghany Co. Board of Supervisors resol tion favoring inclusion in Planning Dist.#5-- 59 .Allocations for Secondary System ,for 196 -197 --- letter from Va. Dept. of Highways-- 59 Allocation of $1000 for Sheriff's Dept. or p umbing fixtures &; improvements to Jail-- 59 Acorn Constr. Co.'s bid on construction 0 Vin on Branch Library---------263 Amendment to the Roanoke County MOtor Veh cle arking Ordinance -------268 Air Pollution Control - Adoption of New 0 dina ce &. repeal of existing one------269 Arey, Mr. Richard W., Executive Secretary of S ate Air Pollution Control BOard - pres en ~270' for public hearing on adopt on 0 New Rke. Co. Air Pollution Control Ord.' Amendment to Consolidation Agreement for . (employment of) ~Qdit:ors..ROthgeb. Miller & Brogan/- 1968 onso idation of County of Roanoke and Town of vint 303 69 re ords - 278 .Abandonment & Reconveyance of Drainage e Roanoke Across property of Ba Amman, William G.- appeared inquiring as .. .. .., "datIon pian - 292 ~J,locations (tentative) - for .int,erstate Air ,Conditioner for Clerk's Office - appro ~.daJnl;, ,Miss Betty - copy of correspondenc to granted by Central Park Corp. to Co. 0 Ward ----------279 actions of the County reo proposed.consi~, ry Construction-..-....285 --- 293 r re: Recreation Board------298 ~~dments ,to ,the MO~or Vehicle License 0 dina ce of Roanoke Co. -------- 314 ~endment to General Appropriation Ordina ce - --------318 ~nnual Report- comments of Lee B. Eddy - ---318 dams, Miss Betty's resignation from Rec' . Bd. accepted with regrets -------320 djourned meeting of 6/18/69 to r:onsider Assis~ant Commonwealth's Attofney - Supe~ bringing/Up to $9500 a . Appropriation Ordinance adopted 6/18/69-- __. . dams , Miss Betty's letter of resignation , ___.. Annual (45th) Report of Va. State Chamber or C ..Assistant County Engineer - Maurice L. .bandonment of iceboxes &. other types of such an ordinance in code of Co. 69-7 isor nual Budget ---------328 approve paying $1000 of his ------------328 &. 329 -----331 323 annual sal erce---------)2) -- 359 ing devices - Comm. Att'y reques~ inclus on 0 ces being prepared by Michie Co. =------ ---3 5 . Asburry, O. L.- application to renew lice Amendment of sewage treatment contract- 1 tter receipt of Bd. of Supervisors res luti Air Pollution.Control Ordinance: letter d ted approving Co.'s ordinance- ---- .Ad8!lls.,Bet1;y- copy of letter to her from hai from Bd. of Recreation --- 371 irport Zoning restrictions - letter from ppal acknowledging same ------ 37 I Attorneys appointed to institute Chancery Suit collect delinquent real esta e t djustments &; Appeals Board - appointment 3nno endment to Gen. Appropriation Ordinance car of Co. Engr. on $18,202Misce~~aneo Advertising for bids on additions to the ~ealt time being---- ---3 operation of automobile graveyard - 36 &: 37 ated 6/26/69 from City of Rke. acknowle i~ in re same--------371 20/69 from State Air Pollution Control oard ----371 . of Ed. of Supervisors re: resignation le ter.l chian Power Co. &. Chairman of Bd. of Sup 1S rs r what ever. means they deem advisable t S due on certain real estate--378,379,3 0 ced by Chairman of Board of Supervisors 382 383 ied over to 8/13/69 meeting pending repo t s Operating Expenses item-------383 & Welfare Center Building ~ continued fo I II . Beasley, Thomas H., Jr. - permitted to W~~hdra' rezoning petition regarding propertU j [10.33 Acr~s) ned Grover W. Craddock with frontage on th Westerly s~de a Rte. 419 &: east~ly side of Stearnes Ave. & Rte. 716 ---- 1 . Butler, Caldwell, Atty. for Wallace A. Re d in equesting ~ezo.ning of property an west ide of U. S.'221'in;Cave Spring District 8 Butler, Caldwell, Atty. for petitioner Fr'lin Waldron, Inc. requesting rezoning of 19 Acres on sou herl side of Colonial Avenue (2 parcels of 1 nd)-- Byrd, ~~. Stanford - opposed to rezoning eque of Fralin &. Waldron, Inc. regarding 19 acres on south side f Co nial Avenue - 3 Bradbury, ~~. - opposed to requested rezo ing Fralin &. Waldron, Inc. regarding 19 ac es on south side pf Col nial venue -- 8 BLUE CROSS INSURANCE - 12, 26, 44, 04,74, 5, 1 3, 125,135, 149, 1M, 198,215, 231, 250, 60,. 324, 353, 368, 38 , 40 41~ 430 438, 463, 523, 547, 560 574 Brizendine, Charles A. requests Board to dopt ard~nanc~ re installation of Pbrtaole to lets t construction sites - 16 Building Code Committee- Chrm. authorize to ppoint same to stUdy &: make recommendati ns. to' Board' - 16 I Blue Ridge Park for Industry - complaint re lice surveilance, litter, cleaning stre ..",l~L. Butler, Caldwell- Attorney appeared to re Board to adopt resolution stating intent of Rke. to use if denate & a cepted, certain land for park purposes'- 19 30wers, R. W., Home Builders Assec., Mr. Ben nes, Assist. City Atty. Rke., and~k. W. Assist. Planning Directo. for ke. City appeared re Rke. City's Land S Ordinance - 35 Bookmebile - request of Library Board of Trus~es regarding purchasing of samepy-pass " Bends {$5,OOO,OOOJ to. be seld in one offe ing Parks & Reoreation, Schools & Library.Bo Bm~ers, R. N., Richard F. Guerrant, Edwi G. F ye, Paul B. l~tthews &: Joseph C. Thomas (Chrm ). appointed to Committee to Stujy & j~ke Recommendations Re General Buildi Co e for Rke. Co. --- 38 Building Code Committee - Appointments - 33 Building Code Committee - Instructions 3 & 39 I I Burton, Arnold, Paul ~~tth~IS, Ja~es E. appointed to Committee to. Bookkeeper's request fJr desk, typ~~rite Brammer, Robert C. &. Barbara T. - grante eters Billy K. I.!use & Charles H. Osterhoudt,( Stud Semi-Annual Real Estate Tax Billing-39 & ad ing machine approved by Board --44 perm t to use land for mobile homes. sales. lot '. Schc 1 system present & recognized re school 1 ap ropriation of future school budgets - 50 r Rk . Co. approved - 55 f $5 000,000 Bonds of Rke. Co. - 57,58,59,60 legal opinion on the $5,000,000 Bonds 0 .Bonds, Resolu~ion providing for Bonds, Resolutien Freviding for Burton, Arnold &: Bayes Wilson of Rke. Co. reselution requesting ann Budget for Secondary System of Highways f hrm. (A. & $1 Rke BILLS - approved fo.r payment out ef Gene d - 66, 96,1J.4,126, 135,148, 1M. 162,..1 7,21,.230 BILLS 24~ 26D. 288. 299. 323" ,400 418 ~ 430, 574 - appro ed f'or payment out of D'og 00,95,11.>, 125,135,148, 168,162, 197, 14,23 __.__ 24~ 260. 288. 299. 323, 3 5 400 430 BILLS - approved for payment retro- cdv to d ~e oi'41l}"Vcient'- ~~ 9~113,126, 135, 148. , 19 230, 250, 2 . 2 e. 300, 324, 357, 363, 385, 40i, 418. 43G 5 3, 57 Butler, M. Caldwell. Atty. representing Cent Devel. Corp. in re rezoriing Steele. . Property on Garst Mill d.. 9 Bradley, ..carter. .j Pearson. H.Clydej Le B. dy. Dr. C.P.Pope, Raymond R. Robr~,P ul..1l. Matthews, Milton A. Tri ley pointed to committee to study revision f Air Pollution Control 0 . e 73 I Bruce, Emma appeared representing Roanoke Co. rea Council to support request of MeUss Mea asking Supervisors to fix up ld A andoned Road - 77 Bolling, E. C. appeared to opposed requE: of red &: Wanday Cassity for trai!erpermit.. 8 Butler, Caldwell Attorney - representing PEDS tion group regarding request of Fred & tl da. Cassity for trailer permit - 78 Burnette, Mr. &: Mrs. H.J. - appeared to pose request of Fred &: Wanda Cassity for trai er p I Breeden, Charles - Chief Probation Offic with Judge J. 1. Moyer re rai es f Building Code for Rke. County, Committee to r Brady, Eugene F., Vice.President of Prod committee to study &: make recommend replace M.A.Tribley who resigned ) Bids on Bonds - Special Meeting to recei e, c nsider &: make decision as to acceptance f $5,000,000 Bonds - 101 Bids on $5,000,000 Bonds (SChools, Park Bonds - ($5,000,000) A resolution awardi e. Co. Juvenile &: DomesticRelationsC urt a Probation Officers - 82 port recommendations at 11/27/68 lIleeting - 82 , Rke. Elec. Steel Corp.- appointed to re a new Air Pollution Control Ordinanc --- 82 ard' (to I PIa grounds and Libraries l - A list of 10 bi s- 1 g s e - 107, 108, 109 &: 110 gad ption of ~A.R~solution Awarding $5,000,0 0 - ---- 110 . Off cer) request for 3 reserved parking spac s re ee - 128. . . .. col r advertJ.sement re CJ.v~c Center opelU.ng, wh~c Co. Paul Mat thews to check on this &: report - 12 b. G V.W. Truck - 129 Bonds -($5,000~000) A resolution ratifyi Bonds oz' Roanoke County, Vi rgjni a " Breeden, Chas. L., Jr.'s (Chief Probatio to reactivated P~rking Lot Commit Bill in the amount of $684.55 for cost 0 bill to be shared by Salem &: Rke. Bids on 4500 lb. G.V.W. Pickup &. 25,000 Bradley, Mr. W. C. to be requested to at request before State Air Poll end earing in Richmond of N &: W Railroad's tion Control Board re burnhg weeds &. accumula ed trash on Railroad right of way - 136 Bids on 2 Refuse Trucks &: 1 Pickup Truc Building Code - Notice of Intention to be known as "The Rke. Co.. Code Ordinance rred .Breeke, Reverend W. Carrell, .offered i ecat. en - 143 .Branstetter, Darrell F. (CerresPonding See'.. fer Rke. Co. PTAs) repert& request~ . ard'.~ . endersement .of creatien 0 COL nity Recreation Councils te work with & under Parks &. Recreati<'ll Depar~nt ' Rke. Co. - 152 ._.~tler, M. Calq.well, Atty. fer Fralin Wal ran appeared re their .petition for rezon 0&..1 acres on Col. Ave. -----1 5 Byrd, Mr. Standferd appeared to oppose Fet~ ien .of Fralin &. Waldron for rezoning 19 eras. n Building CedeCCO~iii~1fice:::I51ft5h9 ~ . I .._..e.uildingCede C.ommitteeautherized te emai in effect to develep plans fer adminis.tring. &. enfercing newlyadepted nui ding Code Ordinance ----- 159 Branstetter, Darrell F.- endersed ade ion f Building Cede Ordinance~---15g , Bids en MOunt Pleasant &. ;~sens Cove blic service buildings referred te Cap. Impre .emen s . . Cemm. fer study ----- 161 .....Bids.enpumper & tanker (fire centrel quip ) - lew bids .of Oren Rke. CorE. accepte~ en ~. ----162 ture ownership .of Ce.'s library sheuldV nton Branch Library in Tewn .of Vinten- what .of f .. Change her present status?--- 164 _ ..Br.eadwater, If,r. Earl - present &. receg ized ----164 Proposed ..._ ..Biela oD/Publ1cSatetyBuild1Dgs in Me. PIEl&santareaa - 171 __ __...~e. .Mr. .Richard A.- grantee! speci permit 10.0 aperateseU-service car.wash 72.. .....Ba1ldiDg Code C~ttee report re pectar appUcanes--- 172 Biel .of Vintan Mo~r C.o. appr.oved .on Tru' k far Recreation Dept.. ---- 171 . .~cla .ot Internati.onal Harvester Ca.., ~ch s. Motars.. Dickerson OlE, Good1dD. Ch Carp., Harvest Itltars, &: Vintan tar n Dump Truck far Recreatian Dept.-- 176 ..BotetalU't Ca.. Town .of Vintan, Cities .of Re eke &: Sal_ invitee! by Resalutian el. (throvgb Regi.onal Planning CelDlll1 81an) t.o participate in prapesed independent . ti.on .of .:Lan4fill sites in Raanek Vall y ---------- 179 . ... .Boswell,Jahn - Reaolut:l.on.ol C:lt1 .of ted 1/13/69 regard1nghia appointlll8l1t CaZlScl1claticn Study Cammittee --- ---- 1$0 . Barbery.. PaUl, .Attarney. - appearedre sale .of lcts lardel1l1quent taxes an latsJ,!1.C Salem, farmerly in Raanak,e C ty ----- l!l7 ._~1.t~.Reverend W.9~()1l appainted a Re ianal Mental Health Services .Boardala.with. Wm. R. HU1. Dr. Jahn O. H ,& s. W. Canrad Stane ------- 193 .._~~er &As~~~~a~es'. propoSald tbe uBpda e..Co ty's Zening Ordinance & Map & Subdi.vilsi2e -5. __ re6.....atl.ens accepte yoar co re uested te prepare centract accordillg y- ._.._Bonsack Precinct Vating Place - ciJang 1'ro Teel' s Stare to Bonsack Call1lllunity Cant -21-5-, &. 216 . ... Bid .opening prac.tices- Chairman t() wr te R creatian Directer &. inferm him of cance of Superviscrs in t is regard ------- 217 . .J:l.easley... ~amas appearedJ::egarding re est f Smith-Moore Body, Inc. 's application I r. Industrial Access Funds tc clX end G anby St. &: Mary Linday Ave. in Statesma & ta. advise llaard 1.,e w d d nate.r/w------. 220 . . '.. Burt~n, .Arnald ($~pt~ ..01' .Rke. Ca. Publ c Sc aels) appeared re Schaal Board's resalut on. requestillg Supervisars to ask irc t Court ta .order election an Schaal Bond ($15,800,OOO.OO}------234 _. _..)~u1.1diQgDe.Plir.tment - Aliministrative . ut;~n o~:dP(:'~i~~1.~:-~~:~kng..cade.C.aDlllli..ttee'.,... .... .....~lin. Rabbi Donald L. appointed 10.0 ill. expired term .of .Wm...R..Hill (resigned) an Region.d M ntal ealth Services Board--------243 . .. Balzer &: ASllaciat.esp"'nni"lg .&: 1ion~ evi - s1;atus rltllOrt by Ca. . Engr.---244 . . Balzer & Assac1ates contract-upaat1ng ~ ty P ann1ng Zon1hg Orainance - 244 Illult..Crass &, Blue S~ield Insural1Cll... eques .of Canstitutianal OffiCers .fer.Bo;l,rd. .1:.... . . pay same referred ta Yarger &: A sad es fer use in study .of persannel plan f . . Rke. Ca, --...-----2~;1 Belle Haven Rd. residents' complai.nt . Davidsen Water Co. &. Baard's actian-25 Brammer, J. W. (representillg East End Bapti t Church) appeared te.appose re~oninga property en S. side of Rte. 60 &. . .of Mecca St., belanging ta Fred L. &. Virginia H. Davis--------255 Burnette, Rev. (East End Baptist Ghur h) ap eared ta q>pase rezonillg property an .S. side .of Rte. 460 & E. of Mecia St. belongillg to Fred L. & Virginia H. DaviF ----------255 I Berlin, Rabbi Donald R. - letter .ca s e fr m Chairman .of Beard confirming his appointment ta Regianal Menta Heal h Services Board ------259 Bids, list .01', an censtructian of Vin an B nch Library &. Board's decisian---263 B. F. Parrett Canstructian Ce.'s bid n Vi ,on Branch Library Censtructian; recamm acceptance by Library Board r salu an and Supervisers actian an s~e---263 Battle, Mr. Fred - employee .of theCo~issi ner of the Revenue, eppased te ~ hr. i1m n Ceurthause parking lot ------269 .. Bradley, Carter -Rke. Ce., Health Dep rtme ,Air Pollution.Lab - present fer publi hearing en adoptien .of New ke. C . Air Pellutian Contrel Ord.----270 Budget, Synapsis - for fiscal year co enc pare same - 304 7/1/69. directing PauL ~. ~atthews to re- Building Inspect.or - Harold A. 1)ick,erson emp1 yed - 304 Budget (Rev:i,sed), 1968-69-Roanoke COI~nty ubli' Library - 277 ~t1;lding Office to purchase necessary lings. I " Burke, T. E. - resignation f~.om Roanoke county Recreatian Board - 278 " aard of Supervisors Official statement e: 9Pnsolidati.on Agreement - 276 ~i il Ma b inery Co., Inc. and Rish Equipment Co. e: ~actor er cision for 48 brs. - 284 W Co., Inc. & Rish Equipment Ca. bids - reo T act~ er ecision f.or 48 hrs. - 284 ,,: rac r to be used at landfill - 301 I 'I I I' Bonnie-She.ory Water Ca. - letter from P bliC,i Service Autherity to City Manager .of satem--ts5 Belle Haven Water Ce. - copy .of letter to FIrman Whitescarver frem Cemm. Att'y-----~85 o 0 I fram Recreatian Board 'I Burke, T. E. - Cepy .of letter accept~n w~t regrets h~s res~gnat~en/-----29S , Bill far ~ the cost .of cancrete pathwat at ~alem-Rke. Valley Civic Center, payment efer1ed--299 !! Authority Belle Haven Water Co. - Reselutien fret Pub~ic Service/requesting lead .of $11,600 t 'I BeUe Haven Water Co. _ Board agrees t lea~ $11,600 te Public Service Authority te purctase,..300.. Bemiss Equipment Co. 's bid on tracter fer Jandfill) accepted------30l . ! Ii Bu~ks, Sinclair's applicatien ta opera e 20~space trailer park - DENIED--------314 ~ Burton, Arnold &. Bayes Wilsen vf Rke. o. Pfblic Schoel System appear to barrow Dlen y to'l finance pur hasel .of Hellins preperty fer scheel site (Ni ing . Balzer &. Assaciates - status repert b~CO' 'Engr. an pragress .of their work------- 16 Bateman, Flerence D.'s petitien to re .one and in Cave Spring Dist. franting 300.5 ' en! Cal. Ave. &. 410' en Manna sas rive frem R-l ta B-3 -----------319 Building Cede Cammittee dissalved & lei ter f appreciation. te each member ta be se t-- 321 Bill far ~ the cost of cancrete pathway at S lem-Rke. Valley Civic Center" approved f r pa,l Budget for 1969-70 fiscal year - publi hea~ng en same------32S &. 329 I Burks, Martin P. - letter frem Chairman Of~': ard to same acknowledging receipt .of iJarua iaD reg?;rding N &. W passenge ser ice change ---------3.23 t Bateman, Rebert S. - denied special use pe lOt ta reapen Starkey Speedway as autama Ole rcewaY~3 Bahan, Bruce E., et als - petitioners r~queS~ing inclusian in Secondary System, unna ed read south off Rte. 1112, which turn~ east .off Rte. 705, 0.2 mi. ta D. E. -- 36 Brushy Mauntain Landfill - letter &. re luti~n dated 7/1/69 frem City .of Roanake -- - 37 Brand, E. Cabell's appeintment to TAP ~oard~ef Directars - letter frem TAP Director e.s BUlding Cade Cammittee members- letter,lte sime from Chairman .of Bd. of Supervisors appreciation fer their serv~ces-l---- 37l Brushy Mountain Landfill - Resolutien t Ci]Y .of Rke. dated 6/16/69--- 371 j Beavers, Mr. James A. - copy .of letter .0 s. e re his appaintment ta James River Ba'n f. Advisary Committee frem Chai:tn .01 Beard &. enclosing all correspondence r ceiv en this matter ------ 371 ' I, Beavers, Mr. James A. - copy of letter rem hairman .of Bd. .of Supervisors ta Dept. .of t Conservation & Ecenomic Devele~men~ dated 7/7/69 advising them .of his appe' tme te James River Basin Advi6ery Cemmijlttee - 371 I I Beavers, Mr. James A.'s appeintment te l'ameJ River Basin Advisery Cemmittee - lette (ced~) ... dated 6/23/69 te Mr. Beavers f~em ~ept. .of Censervation & Economic Develepment f" 71 Baard .of Adjustments and Appeals- appeirtme~s annaunced by Chairman .of Board of sutrvi rs-J82 Brand, E. Cabell- re-appeintment te TAP Bear' .of Directors------386 II Beavers, James's report re: first cOlllll1i tee eeting al James River Basin Advisary carutt.~. e-)88 .. Beavers, James's July 1969 activities r port! far Public .erviee Autharity -----388 I ~. ... BUl from Rathgeb, Miller &. Sells in th 8IllJ'Tlt .of $4000 appreved I.or payment ------ 89 II Bill tram Ra'thgeb, Hiller &: Sells- Ca. ne;r:f; letter explaining the $4000----399 . ~ Bill from Fitzgerald&: Smith in 8Illaunt a ,6,\846.93 appraved far payment-----389 Ii Bill from Daniel A. Rab:ln~an in 8Illount tf $5(~ 750.00 appraved far pay!:lent-------389 !II I )>ubl1c hearing r Bradl,y, Carter al Air Pallutian Lab re ues~1ld 10.0 attend/& make statemellt an behalf. pf C Y re: applicat:lan .of N &: W. Rai. way Co.ltor variance from State Baud Rul. 41.on , .open burn:lng "-----------3901 ~ I i Business License Ord:lnance - Notice .of Inte*-ian ta Adapt Amendm8l1ts ta s8llle------)9~, 3~. 3t3 &:_ I '! 394 I " . Branch &: Assac1ates, Inc. & T. R. Leslie, petitianers iln rezaning request re propert.y )! situate an east side .of Rte. 1.19 (~'tarkey Raad)-------398 r ii Brushy Itlunt,p.n Landfill - applicatian" lof R~e. City .of special use pendt &: pUblic 4eari~ betare Bel. .of Supervisars I&: PUnning C.ommission sef: far 9/9/69 at Civiq Center-402 Bent Me. Past Office - dedicatian ol ni an, - iilvitatian of Pastlllaster & Chairman'lf 11 re peply 10.0 same -------3 9 !, ~ ;, Building Cade.Board .of Adjustments & A peal,. - appointments by Chairman and his let ers ~c .0 appa~ntees------------3S2 & 3 9 ,: I" B~ge an Rte 743 - praposed abandonment of same-----~----41l I I t HI]. . I II ! :1 Bids received on paving Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic c~.,.nter lot & driveways and acceptance of low bid ~ubm;t1ed by Sawyer PaVing Co. ------------------.-~14 ~ . I II F,ird, Mrs. Jennings T.ls letter forwarding pet1tions~ifro:ll Rke. Valley supporting state effort for St,teMyii! Mus:um l'f Science a d History System (letter of 8/13/69 to Hon. Wm. F. Pa~kerso~, Jr., Chalrman of State M seum ~f Science Study COl1IlI., Richmond, Va.}----n.-4l$ :' IliIttle, Fred (Deputy in COIIIt"s;ioner of Revenu 's Ot!:. & recently appointed License Insptr.) appearel re: :, working with Buildiro9 Inspector's Offi e to ee that contra.~tors are. properly hcensed befo jssu~ng permlts to buid ------ 423 I . Bids fram Bemiss Equipnent Corp., Carte t.o be used at landfi~l - de Bemiss Equipment Corp., Carter Machine ta be used at landfill - de , Bemiss Equipnent Corp. bid accepted on ~ I I I .1 I I. i 0+ j 4 JBui1ding Inspector's Office & Commissioner of t~e Rev~nue's License Inspector's work to be coordinate~ ;: : 1 : ~ to. see that Contractors arelproperly licensed before being issued building permitS. J . . Executive Officer to work o~t thi* procedure------..----------------423.. I. " : :' I !iBudget for 1969-70 Secondary System approved by iBoard~-..,.----425 ! :: ! ii I 1\ ' '; I ;1 Brushy Ht. landfill-public hearing postponed oniapPli~ation of Rk~. City to operate same -------426 I i! Bill for cleaning & repairing venetian blinds ih court. house ----------------430 i II . I :1 i jBurton, Arnald appeared re: Schaol Board's resalutionjreQJesting sale of $7,900,000 School Bonds--431i ~BUilding Inspector, Harold A. Dicl:erson - preseht & ~COgni:ed--------------434 i :) 1 Ii t ~ BILLS Approved for Payment (Current)--437, 448, Ii 523, ~.':537, 548, ;160. I n I il i ~ BJLLS Apllroved for Payment (Retro-active to dat~ of ,suance of checks}-437, 448, 52~ 537. 548. 560. . ij Boxley Road Drainage condition - Petition receired & iriled ---------437 i . ~ Bateman, Flor.en~e D.'s pe. tition for rezoning orl,certii'in parcel of land 1Yin..9.' on North side of Col. Avb. II S.W., ln Ro~noke Co~nty, Va. and front~ng 3 .5? feet on Col. Ave. & 300 Ft. on Hanassas Dri~e..s.. . U pub1ichearlng contlnued ta 10/22/69 tard. etlng------------442 . . ; .. ~ Berlin, Donald L. (Rabbi), Mrs. Laddie FisnerMrs.l.i.w. Conrad Stone present & recognized (interested in I il . .. having By-Laws approved for Rke. 'Va 11 fo1en~a 1 Heal th-Menta 1 Retardation Servf ces Board -~-4;;444 .. ~..BY~L.aw. S1'or.Rk.e. Valley Mental Health-HentCll ~'tardaf..ion service.s B.oard approved with lnodif..ication-~II-<<.5_. .~".Bea. sley, E.~wal"l1 O. & Wife - petitioners reques~ing +. .oning of Property on Rte. 311 Catawba Rd. near I Mountain Pass Baptist Church ----- '44~' I ' Business License Inspector s request for r'eimbtrs t of mileage expenses --------463 . .I ~. ~~ill for-farestfirecontrol in Rke. Co. approted aJ, presented (Va. Div. of Forestry) in amount of $[ 3..:;~463... Ii e 0 1 n s at . s t me------ ------ ji ...Ilcl!tley ~~:rl~?~:g~i;;/~~~~o~1:~~~ f~t~i (~:~ '. };~~e~~~~~p~~n::)!.;!~~-:~~~~~46~f Board~a 'I'. ,Bull1ngtan. Fred - requested tract .of and ,n Rte. !.19 all be zaned B-2--..----467j ,. ...--.--.1' Ilradley,.Raber~ - s).1Q;ested that that ~ecti n .of the proposed Zening Orrl:lnJlnce haVr'.": to da with width of tawn ha,es all-d which limits said tawn houses ta 16' dth ..., be changed (sl,lggested letti thetl., market - what yau can getl.oan for,etc. . . .. . Ii set the limit) ------467 ,1 , ij Bateman, Flarence D.'s request to rezone prQperty en corner .of Col. Ave. &. ManassasDr... ... !, withdrawn------------/,.69 Ii I' ! BusinessLicense urainance Amended ---1--- ,73-514 . ii Business License Inspector's mileage ~o da~e & future transportatien - recommendation a ~.. .. .. . Property Camm1ttee-----------~70 'i . . ... ,I .~llatt1e. Fred- mileage expenses incurr~d inH.wark as Business License Inspector thru~ ... ,I 10/7;2/69 lrecommendatien .of Pl!oper~y Comm~ttee &. actian .of Baardl---470 &. 23 i 1l0lling, Rabert at Pure Oil Ca. appea~edre: rezen1ng of.Flarence Bateman praperty- 69 II I ~, . - I ~ Broake, Rev. W. Carrall appeared re: 4entat Health Services Budget fer 1971 &. 1972i 471 II . !I I .~:' Berlin, Rabbi. Danald L. appeared re: ~ntar Health Services Budge far 1971 & 1972-t71 Bawers & Finney Canstructian Corp. 'a fetit~an ta amend Y~p of Sec. NQ. 3, Croftan ~f. i record in Plat Boclk 7 at Page i 31 in Clerk .of Circuit Caurt' s Office & further j requesting that certain realty dascribed in Petition be vacated by Caunty-~18 II ' .. ' I " I ~ Battle, Fred C. IS mileag.e expense cl.af-m appreved fC?r paym~nt (for use .of personal,.... ii car fram 8/ZS/69 10.0 9/30/69 in war~ as BusJ.ness LJ.cense Inspectar}--523 i ~ Battle, Fred C. iBllSINBS8dLICENSE INf,!'ll:CTOO) ta use Call1ll. of the. Revenue's. automobUe.. ,. from IP/22/69 to January 1970, in hfs werk as License Inspector}----i70 i Business License Ordinance - Notice 9'f Intjentian to Amend - 391 & 52S : " ~ Bankers Trust awarded sale .of $7,900~OOO ~Cha.ol Bond Series 1969A----------538 ! Bu.sinee8 License Inapectar re1lllbursecj. far~travel expenses lram 9/30 - 10/22/69---~3lS B:ldeon canatruction al Harth cauntylLib~ry & awarding al cantract-------535 .!. Biela,&cantracts an lencing & paving :t~s caurts _____u____ 5J5 & 536 ' , , , I ~ j B:ldak cantractan *7,900,000 Schaol jBond, Series 1969A--------- 538 & 539 , :, II I ;jBus1nesaLicense Ordinance - letter fraDl Tim,s Warld Carp. .re publ1catian .of same-53~ .. i I': JBrushy Mt. landfill site & Dixies Caverqs landfill site- Raanake City's resalut:lan : 'i #1$934 relating ta garb~e dispasal facil:ltiest. etc.--------532 ! :Beasley, Edward O. &. Pearl S., PetJ.tien~rs- a,ezaning of ~raperty,Situate an the ~st . side .of Virginia State Secenclary Highway No. 311, knawn as Catawba Rd.-FJ.nal ORDER----------------511 I :: I :!Bowers &. Finney Constr. C.orp., petitioners r.questing amendment .of the map .of Sectian Na. 3 Craftan .of Recerd in Plat Bae~ 7 at page 31 in the .office .of the Clerk .of the Circuit Caurt of Rke. Co. -FINAL ORDER--------..--552 1 'j ! ~ ! "Boges~, Stephen B. &. Charles,R. Lemen, Curti, L. Lemen- declaratary judgc,ent braUght:by ! same re: Rke. Ca. Zening Ordin4nce-~-----------557 ilaates, Harold H. 's petition for special;use ~rmit ta .operate nursery. ki.ndergartenl~and/ r i' claycare center might be operated' on a, tract of land owned,by HrS. Ma~ E. In. .. I ii located at iD~sectian Rte. 4191' E~eridge Road- no act1an taken, 572 , 5821 ! i!Bank .of Salem, Acc.ounts of Jas. E. Pete,s. T~eas. of Rke. Co. rec.onci1ed' name of s~id I . , accounts changed ta Kathryn F. Gllrst,:j Treas. of. Rke. Co. ------------587 , 58'8 I I :' ., " J n :! 'I ~ I ~ II ~ ! I , I .1.... ""--, 1- ...1.. . .....1-. ..-.__. -_.~ -1-- ..1- .. '. --- I- Craddack, Grover W. - mmer of certain la d pe rezaning (10.83 Acres) sit ated side of Stearnes Ave. &. Va. Rte itielled by Thamas H. Beasley, Jr. fer an westerly side .of Rte. 419 and easterly 716 - .Pet:i:tian WITHDUWN - 1 Changes in Veting Precin~t BJundaries &. V ting Places - 2, 3, &. 4 C. F. Kefauver &. R. W. Bowen Genstr. Cer dra~1 rezoning petition relating to thei land an nerth ~ide .of Rte. - 4 yraighead, Nelsan- representing Cave Spr- ic League - appeared te appo~erezoning preperty in Cave Spring D- an westerly side .of Rte. 22l - 7 Cast of \~ater Facilities Survey fer Dund d Court, Southern Hills, etc. - 11 COUr.'TY PAYROLL APPROVED- 12, 26. 44, 64, 7 ,95, 113,125.1.34, 148, 16$ 182, 198. 215,23 ,25.0. 300, 324, 358, 36$ 3$5 4Q1j, 419 430438 463 522, 53.? 51.7, 560 71 Chairman authorized te select delegatien .0 ge to.N"Y. te 13dncr~tta~ney re Bond Issue '& with expenses autherized f r pa ent - 12 Cammittee of the Whale - 1.3 Committae of the Whele dissolved &. Beard esum s in .open sessien - 14 Caunty gevernment, optianal forms- discu sed Geo. R.. Long, Exec. Direc1;er of Va. As. ec. .0 . Ceunties - 17 Crippled Children's Hospital in Rlchmend - Bea d authorizes sending $200 te same in answer to J.lrH. Wm. i1. Ber eley' letter .of 8/11/6$ - 19 . Calenial Avenue - written rEi,pert en traf ic ce ditiens by Highway Department - 25 c Ceurtheuse Parking - 30 Cemmittee te Study &. l-lake li.ecemmendatie s Re: Cemmittee te Study Semi-Annual Real Esta e T appointl:lents &. his nnou Chamber of Cemmerce -IVirgirda State)- ard r Chamber .of Cemmerce - (Rke. Valley) - Be I General Building Cede fer fUte. Ce. - APP~intm to Same --- 3$ Billing - Chairman autharized to make ed c:hoices - ;9 news membersh~p - 42 lies for 5 memberships in ameunt .of $250 - 42 CripFled Children's Hospital in Richmand - ac _ewledges receipt ef.County's cantributi .of. Crystal TO\'ier Cerp., Petiti.oners in requ sted ezoning .of twe tracts of land .a.djaining S. .Ce p. limits of Rke. ---- 64 Cave.Spring Jaycees' .offer te donate 1.1 A.1a d te Rke.Ce. fer public use taken under dvis. Claims appreved fer payment & charged ta ener Fund 66 Claims appreved fer payment &. charged to eg F ..approyed t Checks/~ever~ng bills pai~retro-active t ctat Colonial Ave. speed limits - letter from ~s. Century Devel. Carp., Peti tianer in reza ng a Ceaper, Ernest- Bower Drive appeared ta .0 pose Committee ta study revision .of Caunty's A r Po ta make appoi~tments & his anna C.onsal1datian .of the parts .of Rke. Ca. wi h an petitianing Governar te caus 10.0 which wauld allow same 74 Comm. Atty &. Co. Engr. appeinted 10.0 draft r~sa tien autharizing appointing a Callecter of D quent Real Estate axes ---- SO Callecting Delinquent Real Estate Taxes - Repo t filed by Nash Tyler, James Peters &. El Stokes --- So Committee to study &. r~cammend a new Air ollu ian Cantrol Ordinance - reSignation .of M A.Tr appeintment .of Eugene F. B ady 82 Certificate .of Public Cenvenience &. Neces ity - State Carp. Comm. advised that Fields is applying f r s - 95 Committee of the Whde - Resalved &. Dissel ed - 99 Clesing of Clerk's Office , 9$, l29 Cansalidatian- Board approves the Public to supervise its printing Capital Improvements Cammittee Chrm. Chas as Criminal Law Reporter - Camm. Atty. autho Campbell ,.S .L.personnel .of Governer' s H" ghway re lecal highway safety co issiQ Capital Imprevements Cer.mittee - Repart 5 &." I Capital Imprevements Cemmittee autherize te c implement the construction progr County Vehicles Replacement Schedule, Rec I Capital ImpraveDlents Call1lllittee 10.0 study Cave Spring Liana Club - Rke. Co. Recreat an farthwith with this Cl b - Cassity, Fred &: Wanda's request far trail p Cassity, Fred &. Wanda's request fer trail.r Cansalidation - A Resalutian 10.0 HaId Publ_. c Me I Chapnan, Mr. Ben, Atty. appeared represen ing Arraw Weod Subdivision. -105 Safety Divisien appeared to answer quest ans organization - 52 ntinue working with community graups to . outlined in committee report - 5.3 &. 54 tiens .of Cap. Improvements oomm. - 53 &. 54 .of issuance - 66 gr. Highway Dept. - 65 Steele Property en Garst Mill Rd.-Final Order ezaning Steele Preperty an Garst M:lll R .-.69 utian Cantral Ordinance-Chairman empow ced chaices - 73 .one .or mare cities .or towna - A Resalu e submitted ta Gen.ASBmbly legislation , '. f Health Dept. &. Welfare Dept. lar addi ard directed 10.0 execute lease lar recrea 75 10 set ler publ1c hearing 1l/13/M- .76 -10 denied - 7$ -- 79 Lin ant cencerning this matter &. autharizes ec. IIic. tributien - 100 1 pro 9cts terhaudt reported on Masons Cove &. Mt.P easan I · r pragress - 100 o subscribe 10.0 this magazine - 101 . S. Shepherd opposillg rezening .of 47 10 s in j ! I Carter, Claude, Atty. - appeared represen ing rrow Weed Cauntry Club's request 10.0 I'ezo e 47 lots in Subdivision l05 :l I , Certificate alPublic Canvenience & N,:essi y, applicatien of Overnite Transporta- tian , State Corp. Comm. netici - 1 2 Cable Televisien - ll4 ..C.()lIl!IIanwealth Atty. 10.0 study matter of able elevisien Be report to Beard 114 ._Civic.. Center,. Salem-Rke. Valley - Reso tien cantract between Town .of Salem. Call1Dlittee .of tllfe' wh~~J~ke-sN;ed Be Di solv - 117 2 County Engineer autharized ta sign opt"anst buy land for/park sites(east .of Vinton in Mount Pleasant) and library s te en 8te. 117 N. eppasite Burlingtan ..... .. SchaaL - 11.7, 11$, 119 I . Carter, Claude Atty. for Arrow Wood c~ntry Club in rezoning request re 47 lats in Arrow.Weed Subdivisien - l22 Chapnan, Ben, Attarney for those eppos"ng A .ow Woed's requested rezaning .of 47 lots in subdivision (representing L. S. Shep eni&. family - 122 Callection .of Delinquent Real Estate T es James Peters &:. Nash Tyler appeared re . ...Collection .al Delinquent Real Estate T Clerk instructed te censult State Audit r e.f . ..1.... Public Acceunts &. repert his re dations en handling these funds. 12~ . .Cable Television - legal .opinion e.xpec ed f em Atty. Gen. en Ceunty's position - 125 he ._.._. ....C.ivic Center official epening- bill in eun .of $6$4.55 fer celor advertisement re ding same te be checked inte by Pa Mat ews Be report back te Board - 129 .___ .__~m:1stmas Heliday JChristmas Ev.ellay) 2/24 $ - l29 Commonwealth's Atty. &. Executive Offic cantact Highway Dept. re taking Oak Rd. nta ... - .. Mental. Secondary System - 133 .- . Community/Health Services Board - I~. in Huff te be invited 10.0 1/8/69 meeting .0 dis uss. sam - 13 _.~hairman for 1969 - election .of Charle H. sterheudt - l37 Carter, Claude appeared representillg W stev r Development Corp. regarding rezoning 0 . 14 Acres N. .of N sid .of Shehandeah Ave. W. of Rke.City limit - 13 CrYstal Tower Cerp., Petiti.oner- Baard appr ves their requested rezening .of 2 tracts el.. land censisting of 12.13 Acre Be 3.30 Acres adjoining southerly cerpor te line .of City .of Rke. and lyin West of Rte. 220 - 137 __ ....._..Cary Hall Machinery Co.'s .bid of $15, 0 en 2 1969 Fcrd Cab &: Chassis with 20 Cu.Yd.. Pak,.1 r.. Refuse Bodies, accepted --- 1 1 ...._.GQ!lIIllnJit.y mentalhea.l:th services lJoard-thai an autherized ta meet with ether geverni g_or cials te ~eintly appeint this ~eard - 144 CansalidatienStudy Cemmittee to pres eft me thly reperts to Supervisors ---- 151 Commnnity.Recreation Cauncils - reportlef rrell F. Branstetter (Cerrespending Sec' . of ke. PTAs) &. Board's subseque t en ersement of this program - 152 ._..._....Carter, Claude- Harold Wray &: Richarii Ilamle appear re rezorung petitian .of Galden rk Cerp. ------ 155 J ._ .._.Capital ImproveI:Jents Cernmittee repert ,---15 . ._....Compensation for Asse~sor and Appr:;.iser --- 6 ... J:a()ley, Mr. Dan K. (State Appraiser) Be .lr. F ank Angell (Ceunty-appeinted Assesser) C mpen tien -----156 _..__Ghllirmanempowered te appaint committee to s dy Constitutional Revisiens------164 &: ~eca endatian Capital.Improvements COIIIIIlitteltreport/a pub c safety buildings far Masans Cave &: Nt. Pleasant Areas as to acce tanc .of bids,etc.- 171 Cato. Mr. - ap~ed respecial-use p 10 a pl1cant, Richard A. Beane - 172 . tor Clerk's Ollic:e Capy1ng "'chin~ Praperty Call1llittee's.r CODIII .Civic center COIIIIIIiss:lan (Salem-Rke. Va ....Conner....Geerge B., Lawrence L. l>lartin, nance Employees fer .of Parks & Recrea'n. give salary increa es-15 ....Catr.on,...Carl!L. and Gene. Grubb ..Cammenwealth's Attorney's report .of Ac s for 196$-----161 . . . ..Can.tractubetweenCity .of Salem & Rke. o. f I Incarceratien .of City prisaners in Co. IJail Sheriff &. Ca. Engr. te recommetd re sed fere ef-------l62 _.....Cl.e.z:k. requests 4 filing cabinets, 1. typ writ - 1 copy machine & Gen. Index. to Marri ge Register - (cabinets appreved, athe requests referred te Preperty Cemm. for .--.Chairman ~}u1f6a~l~~=~~tl~;'pp~i~tl, ~epe ty COIlli.'l.- 163 ....Co.. E:ngr. &. EJcec. Officer, Clerk of Be rd & ire-Chairman appeinted to Preperty Cemm.- 63 .. Chairman's (Beard of Supervisors) repa of ctivities fer peried 1/$-1/17/69-- 163 -.1... c.r.w. Ca., Inc. Petit1aners request:l Chairman al Board .of Supervisars' repo datian " Board's approval - 172 rmand Sanders.on appointed --~-- 175 ng tract .of land just E. .of Vintan an R .24-. ctiv1ties far periad 1/17 thru 2/7/69- 1 8 . .1.... Const1tutianal Revisian Study COIIIIIIittee appo tments canfirmed--------- 178 C.adilicatien .of Caunty Ordinanc8s,canti uing - but na cempletian date given by Michie Ca.-l 9 COIIIIIunity Mental Health Services Board- Resa tian .of City aE RIce. dated 1/20/69----- 180 ..C.9nsal1liation Stuely Call1llittee- Resoluti n al ity oE RIce. dated 1/13/69 re: appointlll tof Jahn Boswell ---------- 1$0 Committee at the whale - resalved & d1 alv ---____ 180 ... Cale, William A. Assist. Paster .of Sal Pre byterian Church afleree! prayer - 187 _..J:;9N~OLIllA'1'.IgIL~ ResalutionapPI'oving in prin iple prapased enabl1ng legislatian ___ r- ---' o c a I ~ . . . . . , Canstitutian revisian Study Call1llittee's Rep+t adapted --- 190 ill. Cansti tutian Revisian Study; Call1lli ttee, ~ett+ fram Chairman A. T . Huddleston t.a SUP8rvtsar" regard,-. the report ----- 191 I i: Cit.y al Salem Deeds recarded in Raanake Caun,j;y Clerk's .office al Circuit Caurt ---- '91 .. Ii I I Cable Televisi.on FranchisE!S - Att.arney ene~l's negative Report with regard 10.0 a ca~ty tranting. . same ----~- lQl Cocl1ficatian .of Caunty Ordinances - Ca onw+lth's Attarney reports they are camplet d &: !ready 0 .. fer proaf readi -+ 192 , Ii Civic Center (Salemo.Raancke Valley) Bu1 ding) Defects listed in Manager Jack K. D8IlIe's J.et~ .of . 2/11/69.,.------- 192 ji i! ... Cast. at Operatian &: RIce. Ca. Jail on P san,. Day Basis ------ 193 II. Crestmare Drive &: Keagy Road - Trash a umu+t.ion - let.ter dated 1/30/69 from resid nts ," Board's-. /~ / actian ------1195 Chairman Osterhaudt. 's Writ'ten Report I 21 - 21 69 ----- 196 ,I Civic Center (Salem-Rlc~. '~alley:> COJllilli ii.en ~.i.- appointment. .of Charles H. Osterhaudt Ir 5L~r. term begJ.nn:LII$ 9721/6$ - ----.j-- 210 I Caunty Engineer appointed newer ot tw rurcU roads in Hallins area requested by Theedore R. S~ith &. William adl4r for inclusion in secondary system .of "ghw s-- 212 Cantract with Yarger &: Asseciates, Inc for~cdevelopment of persennel &: pay plan fer Ca. i Chai authorized to execute same --- 212 Chairman Osterhaudt's wri<;ten 1..eport f r 2/f2- 3/7/69 ------ 2l!.. .!. , Caunty's Zaning Ordinance &: Map &. Subd visi' n Regulations - praposal .of Balzer & As ociafes.te . update s e - --- 215 I' Call1lllittee. of the Whele,.E:eselved &. Di:s e.lve ---- 2l6, 250+- Chairman 10.0 determine fI'c,m Va. State D pt. ' Taxatien whether Persanal propertYTTicfts. &: Persanal PreF'~'lrty Beek may e pr pared by autematic datapracessing equi ent ch is not under direct cantrol .0 CO:}SSioner .of Revenue I. .... Conselidatien- meeting wit,h H. H. Pevle , N I W President ta discuss same ____ 21$ i I, ColU'ts - letter trem Chairman .of Board .0 C1ty of Salem regarding their using same-- 218 I Civic Cencer (Salem-RIte. Valley) - lett r fri m Chairman .of Board regarding meeting Tewn of Salem officials with C1 ic enter Cammission ----- 21$ Cranwell, C. Richard (Att,'y) appeared t re esent Frederick W. Finney, etal :i.n rez request re ~,~: acres knawn i. ] cks 1 &: 2, Map .of North SUIIIIIlit Hills &. ran ng 655' an EdgE!1awn Ave. 221 Coulter, !ofurray K. &. Mary Anne Ceulter- petifiens in request.ed rezoning .of 7.729 A. and t intersection of Airport Rd &: S ate Highway Rte. 1$$9 --------224 ... . .Calllllitt.ee .of the Whale, RE.solved &. Diss Ived ---- 231, 261 &: 262 Ii Oivic Center (Salem-Rke. V'alley) - Chaifr.an autharized ta appoint cammittee to- Dleet cammittee to. discuss problfl~S rp same------ 231 Caaley, Dan K. &: ,Jacab M. Harman - incr ase~ expense allowan:1," in work .of appraisi_. -2 I' I ' Cape, Hubert, emplayed as assistant 10.0 issesj!oor -----229 I ,I 1 Commissianer .of Revenue - capy .of sala 0 &. i. xpense allowaMe requests far fiscal yr 6/30 70 as s'ubmitted to Co pens tian Baard ------229 Cammonwealth's Att'r - copy of salary exp.nse requests for fiscal yr ending 6/30/ 0 as sub- mitted to CeDlpeLsa ion $oard------229 Ce. Engr. & Camm. Att'yappointed 10.0 s rve_w/Jeseph C. Thomas an commit.tee to discu s Ci ic. Center problems w/ Salem s Cerjjinittee------23~ I Cranwell. Richard, - appl~:.ntment as At rne~ fer Town at VJ.nton announced---239 ..,... 1 I t' &. i~ C.F. w. Ca., Inc. - Final Order appra :Lng lequested rezoning .of land E. .of Vintan ~n Rt . 2l.-0!J. . Cranwell, C. Richard, Att'y f.or C. F. . Ce poratian, re rezaning land E. al Vintanjan NljSideot.:.. Rte. 4--- --------:(37 I CalU'thause Parting Lat- I?rablem of per ans king here wha have na immediate busin ss in C. H.p_" ret.!,rred 10.0 Parki g.Lo Committee fer study.2&.. recammendatians -- 241 Cacke. Jahn - present. &: loacognized re :iVit House Land ------- 42 I . ~ . . ontract-Ba1zer & Ass.ociatus - updating oun Planning Zoning Ordinance - 244 Ii. . Cellins, Curtis E., et a:L" petitianed t inc ude in Sec. System .of Highways, unnamed raadl! be.&irl~'.. ning at point an te. 1 77 abaut~ mi. N. .of U.S.Rte. 11/460 ~ ence!1 ext8l'l~!- ing in a westerly dirertien to D. E. -.06 Mi. ------24$ II. Chairman's Written Repo~~ dated March 2 thr~ugh April 5, 1969-----249 ~. Canstitutional Olficers' request ler Bolrd t~ pay employees portian .of Blue Crass &: klue b. hielcl~.;a I. I! r It' t . R. Davidson Water Camjpany - complai:a./of Residents on Belle Haven Raad & action of IBoar~----25'\,. , !i r II hocalate. Mr. ol Pregress Printing - prbpaneht at hearing an petitian .of Fred L. &. Virgi~a H. Davis far rezening preperty pn s.li side .of Rte.460 &. E. .of Mecca St.------~55 II Clemens, G. 0., Att 'y - ]?J'oponent at h I ring~ an petitian .of Virginia H. &. Fred L. Datis f~r rezaning prop'!l'ty an S. sid:t .of R~e. 460 &: E. .of Mecca St. I' Caurthouse Parking Lot- Recommendatians &. Ac;.tian .of Board reference prablem .of persobs p#king in lat wha han na immediate business in C. H. ( limit all except reserveli spair.:es ~o. 2 hrs.)------..--256 &. 257 ~ T1 :; I, C1iftan Farge City Council's resolutie~ fav~ring inclusien in Planning Dist. # 5 --1---2~~ . Chairman's Report dated .April 1$, 1969 ~---jr--259 j Crawford, Barry, Chief F'erest Warden - bresElPt &: recagnized ------265 I, I: i Ii .2f)7 Clemens, G. 0., Att'y fer Petitieners, Fredl L. lit Virginia H. Davis' re rezoning thElir pr1Pperty-j Council far Town .of Vint.an recognized - fer tilin!!: .of theirr r..esalu1fians re CQnsolidal'n a€lI"eemen~::- Censal~dat~on Agreement, resaluqan ap ovi sam~, Town a vJ.ntan s resaJ.utJ.on - 2712 ii . i .. Cansalldatlon Agreement, reselutJ.on .of Boar .of ~uperv~sa.s a~provin!!: s~,a - 273 I I . i . CansC)lidation Agreement, resalution .of own f VJ.ntan J,nntiJl C:J.tJ.e5 a ::;alem"& Rkel. tQ: "<l.i.n-2D Cons.olidatian A reement, resalution .of Baa .of SupervJ.sars J. v1tJ.es Sa em "& Rke. t j01. -~f4 , :111 1.....11I!!L Cansalidatian Agreement- Statement of Le~ B. i~ddY opposing proposed resolution appraving s~e-275 tonsolidatian Agreement- Offici;a1. Board 5tatelner.t i I: Charter of Coru;e.lidated City filEld with /llinu~s of 5/14/69 meeting-----274 i 1! JCa.urtJ1ause ParKing - AmendDient tQ Metar IVehiCle Parking Ordinance (2 Hr. parking limitl-': 68 : " ' I ;iconsolidation - C.ounty of Roanak,~ and Tdwn of Vintdn - Amendment - Special Meeting - '302 J .. . I .. . - !--' - " i' :i i i' ;:consolidation - Resolution-Amendments to, - Caunty .of Roanoke and Town of Vint.on - 3~2 ~ , Ie.. . ,. ., iiClerk's letter ta Supervisors, rl~' Speci!al m~eting to amend Consolidal:ion Agreement i 3()2~'i nIl 1 ' li qpunty Executive Officer authorized to purchkse necessary furnishings f.or Building, ! Inspector's Office - 278 :i II ,~ommission, James River Basin - ':hrm. t~ aPP'i1int individual, if feasible - 278 : il ficranwell, Richard, Attorney far Town of !vint~.n. appeared Re, Cons.olidation Agreement I. II I: . between Town and County, <itc. - 274 : ' ifrOWder, Mayor Shirley appearing re, Co~.oli~tion Agreement - 272 : .. t" " ~Centrai Park drainage .easement'across. preperty of Barry L. Wllrd t.Abandened &reconvEo/ed-, 9 I, Coulter, Murray K. & Mary Ann - James M. Yo~g, Atty. for - requesting continuance .of pejl~- 1i ti.on .for rezoning trabt o~ land .on Airport Access Road - 284 : .... .. f . ~r.:arter Machinery Co., Inc., Bemi,;s EqUiP1n. ent ~orp. & Rish Equipment Co. bids - re, Triictori I to be used at landfil!/. - ~fer decision for 48 hrs. - 284 i!i ~' County Engineer. appointed viewer of unfal1le~ road northeast off Route 11, Wellt of Satem-2!l2 I Carriage Dr. and Hackney Lane, s.w.coun~y - lResolutian regard.ing the design .of a couptyll I. headquarters library huil~ng to be c.onstru,cted - 290 ,[ ~cone, John Paine, Jr. - appeared apposirtg th~ elctending condi'cional invitation ta th~ ...... ~ ~. Cities .of Roanoke and Salem ~o jotn in the consolidation referendum - 292: II _.. .Civil.Defense Co..ordinator ,. Nash Tylerj app. red requesting permis.sion for a repres$ta- I I tive ta speak at a Board meet~' ng : 293 ! I L Clerk .of Roanoke C.ounty. Elizabeth W. S okes requested permission to purchase equiPI$nt l II for Clerk's Gffice, w. ich lj.Tas granted - 293 I I' I County School Board res.olution-auth.oriz!.ng t/1e Board of Supervisors and Department o~J 1.,: Recreation to use builaing D..'n pr.operty purchased fr.om valleydale papkerSll1 ~ ~ for a recreational hea~quarters building - 293 . i.. .~ l Crime Cantrol &: Safe Streets Program, NftiO~l Survey------2$5 i., licammiSl>iOner .of Accaunts' letter refere*ce e~uiPment purchased by them-------2$5 ,..~ . ' Capital Improvements Budget .of Recreati6n D~pt. for~9-70 --------- 2$5 il .l i il .. ~ Chairman's Report (Written) ------ 2$5 I ~'! II I . ! r Childrens Heme Saciety .of Virginia - Bojard ,enates $200 ----------- 297 I: . . ~ Can:;elldatien al l~cal gevermnental unibs - :~esolutien of the City .of Raanake II Ii requestJ.ng re.E.ar;t< to be mad~. of a.i.. plan for same----------29$ : I ~ Chairman's Report fer 5/~3/69 --------,9$ '1 . 1 I ~ .Censalldatian Referendum - cepies .of letter~ dated 5/14/69 frem Chairman .of Board td:. .j'. Ii Ray L. Webber, Vincent S. wqeele~, E. P. Hart A. D. Goadwin &. Jehn W. Boswel -29$ i.! Canselidatian - carrespondence from City Off. ke. dated 5/21/69 acknowledging receiP~. I ii .of :r:e~al1;1tien. .of Board invit~ng . e Cauncils .of Cities of Salem &. Rke. i I " ta Jal.n l.n this agreement---""---,-299i )1 I I " I ~ Civic Center (Salem-Rke. Valley) concr~te poLthway bill - payment deferred---299 i. i . ~.:. Cranwel1,/lichard - Att'y fer Town .of Y. intdn filed reselution of Town .of. Vinton re:!....__~'. 'I Vinten jaining with Ceunty ~: City .of Rke. in a Consalidation Agreement-3 j Conselidatien Agreement jeined in by Tpwn of Vinton, Ceunty of Rke. .!!!!L City ofRk~.-3 :1 I' and 31ll ' 1 ;1 City .of Raanoke~s partiCipation in can~elid~.:tien Agreement previeusly agreed te by 'l!.own. f 'i VJ.ntan and Co. elf Roanoke ---"--310 &. 3ll J.' Ceurthause - painting interiar - repor~ by ~aunty Engineer-------------315 : ..1 TI I ,I t' f ~ Ceve Raad/~tftes!!atian .of Board te tra*sfer~~~el.~~eg Primary ~e Secondary System &.j , ': place Hershberger Rd. (Rte: 625) in Primary System -----------317 i .1 Civil Defense Construction & Heusing P~an, fe. 's representative ----------320 i I, .. Chelf, E. W. (Gene) Att'y appeinted tOI cel~~ct delinquent real estate taxes on prap~rty in Salem ill. name .of Blahche ,Webster ----------322 , i~ . Chelf, E. W. (Gene) Att'y apI~inted 1001 cel~ct delinquent real estate taxes en prap~rty.~ in Cave Spring; Dj,st. owned Qy Maggie T HaUJl9.hell -------- ):22 : i , Civic Center (Salem-Rke. Vaney) concr(ete J?,athway bili for 'lil~2.06 approvea fer .paYflen.t. 24 , Cemmanwealth's Att'ys Secretary & Assiktan~: - Board .of Supervisars appreves paying ~loqril .of Assistant Cenmenwealth's annual salary and $100 .of Secretary's annual 1 ~ Salary -----------32S &. 3~9 , i .1 : Change .of Tax Year - this matter tabled pend. ing further investigation by Treas., ' :i Cemmonwealth's Att'y, Exec. Officer & Chairman of Board -------330 ' 1 Cansalidatien - letter fram John M. Oakey Funeral Service ------322 !i Censelidatien - letter frem Salem- Reanoke County Chamber .of Commerce------322 &. resolutien : :: Consalidatian - letter/from Cave Sprin8 J~~cees --------323 Censelidation - reselution frem City of Rea,neke -----.-323 . Cammis~ien~r of Rev. 's salaries &. expense~ :'-wlE~~fr &.ffomp COflK~~sa gta~lNd :572~1l9--~323 ,. ConsolJ.datJ.an - letters te HanerabJ.e ~oy " e .. , , , 1 Cammonwealth's Att 'ys expenses & salaries - 1et.ter fl:em CalUpensati8n Bd.---323 Cansalidatian - cerrespendsIIce from \.a~aJ.rm<lin 01' JlOara to- .John l'l. akey Funeral , Service, Salem-Reaneke Co. Chamber qf Cammerce, Cave Spring Jaycees, Inc., aclcnowlegging receipt of the:i..r'letters an ':,his sub.i.ec:t..,,~-~--;'~2.'i3 ,i: Conselidation -letter &. reslllutio.n l"rem Reaneke Acaaemy .0"1 l'lelll.Cl.ne- "J? 'I Civil Defense Construction ~, HeusJ.ng Plan,lrepresentatl.Ve - letter frem Dept. .of Hi;ghwa~s-323 Censolidation letter &. reselutien frem City .of Raanake --333 . i ij Qave Spring Jaycee's letter &. resolllt~en r~ Censelidatian &. Beard's acknOWledgemen1-- 3?1 &323 It dll,. ~. il;__ ~- i i J , , r J. j.. I o :i ~alawaY. Rev. B. L. - offered prayer ----,334 !i ~iVil Defense simulated emel:gency exercise p~ppased -- 334 bivil Defense - pamphlet on "I~mergency operatidh Simulation" -- 334 , I: i baunty Engr. & Commonwealth Attorney to talk w~~h Mrs. C. L. Mundy re, road west off Route 11 near Sun VaHey Swim Club tr.r~1 her property - 335 hairman authorized to write letter of faith rE!:' f1.lllding any programs pr.oposed by Reg. Health Services Board - 335 II ivil Defense C.onstruction & Housing Plan - apPj::>intment of Harold Dickerson as Roanoke representative - i~58 ounty Engineer, Assistant - ~1aurice L. M~tche* - 359 onsolidation-extension of tu~e granted c~ty o~1 Roanoke t.o respond t.o County invitati.on ~ 359 ensolidatian Plan developme~; prior te a~nexaJ~en trial - resalutien re this matter frok Cit .9f Haanoke --------) '7 i C~emens, G. o. Attarney far H.E. & Vance Helli swerth in re: their petition for rezoni~.. 4.95 A tract, W. of Rte. 117, adjacen te Woedmen .of World property &. Kings Arms Apartments, belenging te the Hellings 'erths---------361 . .!. I Camrnonwealth's Atterney requests &. grantell app , val te request Michie Co. te include i 5 additienal .ordinances in cede of Co Ordinances (Abandenment .of icebcxes &. ether t es .of smethering dp-"ice:5; Loitering; req 'ring licensing &. registering of magazin~ sale men; Ce. Ordinancd d,aaling w/ sheotin near reads &. licensing &. regulatien of plrivat patrol systems)------------- 365 ' , ; . ....._.. Ilcammenwealthls Att'y. autherized to prepa;re .or inances for censideratien by Beard in re! . ... ij abandenment of icebexes &. ether smeth ring devices; leitering; licensing & registeri g , .of" magazine salesmen; shoeting near r ads &. licensillg &. regulation of private patral _. systems---------- 365 , Challge Orders Nas. 1 & 2 fer Vinten Branch L~b ary ----- 367 & 36$ I . Censelidatien - League of Women Veters' Reselu ion re same -----371 ! I Cansolidation - Letter & Resclution frem Pity' f Salem dated 6/25/69 re same - 371 i Consolidatien - letter frem City .of Roano,ke da ed 6/19/69 - 371 -i C.9nselidatien - letter &. resolution from Reanole Bar Assaciatien dated 6/17/69-..371 : Censalidatien - letter &. resolutien frem 1teane~e Academy of Medicine dated 6/12/69 3n Civic. Center Emergency Lig\)ting - letter ~rom ~ity .of Salem dated 6/10/69-----371 . r .cJvil.Defense C9nstructie~ &. Heusing Pla~- leti,er to Harold A. . Dickersoll.t:ell,!!:2"atula1;!-I'l€ilh!m_. . .. __. en his appeintment as Roaneke Ceun~yls representatJ.ve te same ---- 3~. i Canselidatien - letter from Chairman of ~d. eqSupervisers to Rke. Academy of MedJ.cJ.ne T}7_1._.__ . Cansolidatien - letter frem Chairman .of Bd. Offiiisupervisers te Rke. Bar Asseciatien -3?i ' I I I C9nselidation - letter fram Chairman .of Bd. ef!Supervisars to League ar.W()m~n Veters - 371 q - "j Censelidation - letter from Chairman .of ~d. efijSupervisors to R. C. Hedges -:':.-: 371 ..1. , I Capy of Court Order reo 3-judge ceurt he~ring ~ State Cempensatien Bd. about salaries f9r Sheriff's department ----- 371 if , Chelf, E. W. (Attarney) - appeinted to institu e Chancery Sui~ or whatever means he dee~s advisable te cellscc the delinquent r al estate taxes en 2 parcels of real est~te in Ceunty .of Roaneke -----------, 37$ ~ ! i' I i' ! Caleman, T. ,.appeared re rez._ning strips. .of l~d extending. frem Rte. 221 in Cave Spring. , dist. .owned .or under eptien .of Mi~k-el~Mack Steres, Incerperated--------376 : ivil Defense Exercise in Spring 1970 -------- f$l . . : Ihemmissiener .of the .Revenue rl~quested to take ~ieeps to see that licensing .of business is) prep ly- r enforced -----------..---3$2 II ' ijCenSolidatien - deadline en talks rescinded---it-----3$6 II Superiisers ' ~ ~ Charter -/cemmittee authoriz,ad te negotiate w.lth Committees from Town .of Vinten &. City.af Re il on same -------387 I ~ Chai.rman' s Repert dated 7/1$/69-----------3$4 [' ; ij Censalidation Referendum - C()py .of Reaneke Cit~'s letter te Salem in reo their (Salem's~ )'1 declining invJ.tatien te jein Sall1e en basis of mail ballet votes------3$4! * Conselidatien Agr.eement- Cepl' .of Rke. City's 1!etter to Ceuncil's committeemen in re:. meeting ith.. II Supervisors to discuss changes propesed by Rke. City ------3$4 i H Consolidation- Resolutien &. l.etter frem Southw~st Chapter of Va. Society of Certified ?\lblic !: Acceuntants and Supervisers' aCfnowledgment .of same---3$4 , # Carvins Creek- letter frem Chairman of Beard tb R. L. Stevens en reo problems relating to cle il ness .of: iitme------..()l $4, ir~:::yc::::::;;::.::n::rt:9:e ~:::e:~::O;~~;;~;-~:::ng by Jaseph C. Thomas-----39~ iCOIIIIIl1ssianer .of the Revenue grant eel appraval t~ purchase twa cabinets lor starage al 1&1 card ~ChairmanlS repart far 8/8/69-----399 ': #Civil Defense exercise - Chairman's letter .of tI.. 29/69 ta Erskine Whitellladvising .of Cq.unty' II .JlarticipltLon in same---------399 ii i lPaleman, Tredway - Chairman a:r Bd. of SJlpervisc:ts I letter 10.0 him re: appointment 10.0 Library I Ii . .Board ~f Tru( tees---..----)99 . !;". i I fonsolulatlonof Clty of Roanoke. C'Junty of Roanoke & To~n o. Vlnton... Resolution of City of Roanoke apprqving-4 [~onsolidation Agreement between City of Roanoke, County ~f Reanoke & Town of Vinton-Resolution of City ofiRoanok providing for additional advertisemen ---....--407 . . i ansolidation Agreement & Charter received and med (p. oposelt consol idatian of Reanoke City, County & V~nt()n!~ 7..... onsolidation Study Committee(Joint) report & recqrnmenda ion for implementin9 agreement & charter before .11/4/6 -407 , M,ental : cbunty' . I _ . . c .1 I Ii I" ! 1: 1 i[ . il J~~~.s.o~.i~atio~ AgreemeA~.&Charter for consolidati~n of ~oanoke City, County .& TawnoUinton~supervisorsT. ...... ~ II' Resolutlon approvlng same--------------/hJ7i : ~ _. jf-ea,!s.o.lida~ion Agreement & ChartE!r -Supervisors I r!!soludon approving additionalpublication oLs.ame-409 :. ... . U ._l~iviC Center - Paving driveways & lot - bid!; recElived a~d acceptance of low; ,/~~ City of Siiem & CountY-~414 i __l C~~J~n' s Reportfo,-:.8/22/69~~--------418 I . . ~ . j , ~ ' I _=t'.~a.i.~Il.O.~tE!rha1!c!tIS.1E!ttE!l"_Of 8/18/69 to ilPpointees~ Rke. Co. Air POl1utian Advisory & AppealBoard-b-418 .s_h!t~n._Os~e!ho.uc!t'.Uett.eLtQ. H. Clyde PE!,lrs"n.& JU1~an Hirst re:publichearin9.0na~PtiCation..oL.L..J Contract . f~r lon~Ot;~c.\1;ni~f ~~duA1 o~sus:t ~~a~nt\a~n Jeatffr~l t;;i;r41a~arded to Days Constr .Co..-------420 &.421..... tt. =ll:.<l.Yl!....~.pr)llg F!~ Sta1;ion~.CQ, Engr'n directe,' to l!J:epare~a design for. praposed Hation forrE!View&.appro.JaL"42 .. ..l.~OIIIIIittE!E!_t~Il~IIl!'t;e .E!d.l!c~ti(mof .~jtjz.ens oLRk.E!' co.le:..details .0fConsoUdat:ion..Agreement.&. Char.ter=ht__..-I -. . __1 Cl1ll!.o!iclatiQ.n.A.9'~~n.t..!.Ch~rter~c.h.a.i.rmanauthorized i~Q. appoint. coumit:tee.~omote educatiOO-.Of.citi~lmS..... .. . of Roanoke CooD*y---------n-421 il I.. n~onsol.lda~ion- InfanTlation & EdEducati~n c&onmittee. - Chatrma.n .annaunced names of 5 men appointed tosame~423 ... J ucatlon Infonnation ii I Conner~_AaroJl.~, _a2.P.ot!lj;ed..to{Conso1idatianConm;ttee ~.-~--~--423. ... .._. . ,_...._ . il i I _CQllnty!s..f1eetInsurance..awarded to._GoodwiiJ-Andrellls.dirran. .Inc.;bidsreceived on salllE!---oo426.. ..~roposJcl..._. - C(ms~U4~tio!l~..~E1fe!ted ~es.Q.lutio!l intended to .state I>osition .of Board ofSullervis.orsas_t(lt.h~I~(ll!.soll!l.att<!!l .:-.:~~L.._..__ ... . ,. i I Clerk_~p'{loin~d toPer.son!l.e1.~ol1ll1itte~along \~i ~h Vice~Chairman and Eng.ineer~.EJ(e~llt.i~~ ()ffi!;er.of.Jhe.Jlq~r5!:L_._..._.__ Chairman's Report of 9/19/69 -----------43:7 . Jt._. .. ....._ .._.. .....L._t__....._____.__ ...._n -.-.-....- _____.n .' .. i' . . .. .. i I. . .J:.1v.ic..Center:...=..Salem"Rke. Co. ..chamber. of C:ouulE!rce I s..remues t . to rent raOlllS.for:.office .space. .~-.-~.",,,44!.u_.i __._ u COIllllO"'!!l!'!!~h-'-s!\.tst~rl!.e~,,~~~l!vlel sti9.~~ le(I,!a 1; ty, of th~ 4Bo4a4rd I srenti ng tot~e.. Chall!berof. COI1ll1E!.,-:c.e_ .o!!j.c:ls.~l:.!!. ..u..'__ at a,em-l\~e. ,a ey C1V1C ..enter~-----~r : Consol i.l!~~.iQ!l - .JlQaI:ll's _ilPPro'laL of prepuilt'lon. and.d~tribution of informational letter_on sallie priw..~-.... -.-........---- llA/69 Referendl/l1l ---.,.---------4441 ; Cent.ral Telephone System for the offices of Roanoke CClunty to be located in the Hl!a1th.~Welfa.re ..Dep!:... !BJ~g,- _L..............,.___ recei yea and re-61d -onCITffEirer,tbasls. C xcllldirig basement r ~~~~~.~~~~:';465" --.. .--....r .-. _.... ....-.. -- . .:!:~aey ...'Ii... Cl.._~...req.u.!!.l;:!;!l.d_'p!"Qpept)L .o:ILltte., ..6l$ n~arAirp_(lr~..l:1E! _zC1..~ed ...!g!?-_c;]ll tW:L (~.!?..J.~p.aw ____ ._ _._ L1 is) instead ef.prapos~d residenti~l for single ~amily re~idence------~67 ! II - ' Cl:a.cketj;n."'..~;P~~-ed'~~d~;~p~i:t~lli~::~~~~"~~~~~:~4~{eta:Lni~.AgrJ..cultural.Z01U,ng..i -. .--.t. I ...-....-.--. ox....Rudy...,..J.ilelLt~p. r_eque.sts.to be cqnsidered at public heari_l'!LQJl..La.nd SU9.9~J1:isJ(lJ1.L. ._ ...___.___ Ordinance (l) land en Rte. 220 be,: zaned B-2 & (2) .objected ta land on Rte.I419 .____..._...bAing.zoned!orapartm!mts -.-----..-----467 - _. . -.. . . -....-.1... ... -.-- C_.ona.olidatian. '" .Petitians._Qp.poSit\i; s,ame, fileJ by Byren Gechenbur "'----.-"'---~.,..,46S _ ~ ... _...' ._._ ... .__.__ Ca_nso.lidatian -.Mr. A. J. Cachran appea;r'ed t~ vaice eppesition 10.0 same-----468 .l.. . .__ ._.. ._~O'Il~!',1,idllti,an .-REls.olution clarif:ring ~erm n~mPlayee" in CensalidatiaI).Agreement- ~20.f. ..l G.aJl.s()li,d,ati,eIl.~ Resalutia!l &. Lett,er frqr> Rea!lake Bar Assec. endarsing same--~-521 . 1m., L. II . Ii I I .. (a~..~,G.O.-.-~~ .repreae.l1ting.Emme~ w. tindsey, et Ala.,. inapplicationf'or -...-.. . permit 10.0 .operate a mabll~i home sales lot an Peters Creek Raad sauth . of J.pplet1)&-Ave.-. -i- 526,5l~1-..1 l . C.ountyGovel'Jlll\!lnt.....S.t\ldyCOlIID1tt'ee to recOlllfend ta Board regardingpassiblechange. I in farm of Raan~ke Co. Gav'rnment.---------- 530, 576 1.;. 1-. II i 1 ~.ontractf'aI:CC)nstructi"n al 501"t;11 I~a~ty U}lrary-----------535 -- 11 ,. _.. .._Contrac.t,.1'l>rJ.>l,ving.Te!Ulis Caurtel. Par~ing .4eas &: Drive1l'aY8-~-----535 L - .-.l. ___.Cl>n.1;ract .rorFencingTelUU.~ ~.)ur1;s at l$ast ~ntan &: Garst M111Il.d. ParkS:l,tes-~.-----53.Q .i Ii il i , ..~_.CollJler.._J. w. -l1vestack. claim IlPpraved lor.! payment (lass of call1dl1ed bydags S/r!i/Ot__ 6 ~ . Ii ~ I .*II.Ci.!icCenter- marki.ng.of' p~kiJlj~ lat -:-----1'------------------.530, ..543, 55$ ;~. . ._._ LQ.l>;ll... e.cta.. r of Del1nQUent. A. c.counts'. Aucij;\;ar' s :~epart f'or fiscal yearendsd 6/30/69----T'32j ; _J..Chairmants Repcrt (written) of' 1l/7/69-:-----..!}---533 I. I [ ...__ J_calllDlissianer .of' _the Revenue t s request ta hi~.~ addi tanal Clerk-------51,.1 . II... .. .__J._.c.ompens&t.ion of' Sheriff &. Deputies - propas+ legislatian allaw1ng caunty ta sUP1>lemept aaf':'5.41 .._.1t.CODIIDan"'lilalthts Attcrney 10.0 draft legislatior!..' allowing caunty 10.0 sUP1>lement campensatir:m_a.f il . II Sheriff &. Deputies-----n--541 ii I :1 ._.__JL..Caurthause identificatian by sign or other 'tans ----543, 558, 576 I . ~ . _.J C~j.I:lD@tsWrit.ten Report far 11/21/69..----+---~46 ~ t ...'- t _.. _C.i'P,!: Cente~.,g,cpenditures__ c.ollllliLttee to call.Ulr and advis4~ an same - letter 10.0 Kayar of Sal I and CiVic C~nter Cammission t'ram Cb!8.s. H. Osterhaudt &. reply fram Mayar at' Salem-, 47 _' ___C.!r~l1i1;. Caurt Order \Ca.py) re: result qf rer~rendUlll on sal8I of mixed alcehal1c beverages ~ [I . Ra~ake Ca.=-------------------547 '/ I II _. JI. C~ve.Sprlng Hlgh School-.~Li.9htin9 Tenn'is Courtsn----~-n542 i '1 I !I.' , ' Crefton,..~~c....Ne..}__:.~!ndment .of map - r'liss.,mer Circle .cul-.de-sac reduced -552 . .L_.. 11 . ........1.- .-- --^--- --- 1 . 1 I" ~ '.' .' . . . . I I 'I" ... ","'.. " . ,.', .' \. . . 'I ',"". ..... " o , , i Dunbar, Mrs. - advised ta see Cemmonwealth's terney re her complaint abeut junkyard Jr o. L. Asburry en Old Meun~n R d --- 2 I Dale, I~. William - opposed to rezening ~'eques .of Fralin & Waldron an sauth side .of Celonial Avenue (19 Acres) - ~ Drummond, Mr. K. M. - opposed to rezenin req est .of Fralin &. n n n n n I Calanial Avenue (l9 Acres) - $ . Dundee, Pinkard Court, South(lrn Hills, e c. - Cost .of Water Facility Surveys - 11 Deputy Dag Warden - Reselutie.n requestin Jud e .of Circuit Ceurt to appoint replacemen fer George B. Phill:i.ps, Jr - r igned - 16 DaY Care Center, request .of ,Ie Ann Thema en a d Beard's actien on same - 34 &. 35 Desk, Typewriter & .Adding r'la,=hine appre ed fe Beokkeeper's Office - 44 Dillian, Wm. 3., Pres. Cave Gp. Jaycees ext nded .offer to donate land (l.l5 A.) fer Beard eque ,S sar.le be Discentinued Sectien .of Rte. 3l~added t See ndary System .of Highways - 55 Division .of State Planning &. Community A fair te meet ~lith Rke. Co. 11/7/6$ at 7:30 a Co house 64 Davis, Can A. appointee! ta Rke.Ca.Highwa Saf y COIIIIlIi.ssian alang with L. Earl SiIIIms Deshields,D.M.Jr., Allred C.A.ndersen, Sh iff .S.Faster,Dr.C.P.Pepe, & Carl M.Andrews --- 7 Dunn".n. C1arence A. 's request far traile p t set far public hearing an 11/13/68- 7 DumDan, Clarence A. 's request far trail pe '10 granted - 7$ utha Del1/lquent Real Estate Taxes - Cammonwea th's tty. &. Ca. Engr. appainted to draft res utia . appointing a Callecter a sam --80 &. 111 Dag Warden placed under juris'diction .of eril 's Dept. - study ta be made .of same- 111 Divers, WillardB. &. Opal C.- Co. Engr. a ed 10.0 sign option 10.0 buy their land far a park site in Mt. Pleasant a 18 Divers, Willerd B. & Opal C. - Judge te ppoi 10 Atty. to examine title, COIlllll. At.t.y ta apprave deed &. Co. El~r. to acc 10 de d for their land fer a park site-- 11$ December 11, 196$ Meeting - 1"J. Deg Fund - Bills charged te same and app oved for payment,27, 66, 95 &. 96, 113, 125, 1 5,l68 197, 214,230, 2 ,26 , 288, 299. 323, 357, 36$, 3$5, 4GO, 419 430 December Meetings - 132 o DagWarden - repart &. recammendation .of heri re supervisien of same being in Sherif's De .an Deg Warden-Administrative duties .of same plac in Sheriff's Department - 133 Davis, Cen A. and 0.5. Foster r,eouest Bo.q. d's dersement .of twe pre grams as .outlined i applications of Raaneke ~eunty H:'ghway Sarety camm~ssien fer federal grants - 1 4 Delinquent Tax Collecter t.e werk as agen .of erk .of Caurt in attempting 10.0 callect delinquent real estate axes 1- 145 I I ij I ralin & Waldren fer razoning 19 Acres on Col on autherized to purchase same - 157 Dog vlarden's report fer 1968 ..--- 150 Dale, William - appeared to .oppose petitio .of Dump Truck (2i Ten) - Dept. .of Parks &. Re reat Dixie Caverns as Regienal Landfill fer Va ley ~~. A.T. Huddlesten's tabled metien cal ing study b~ State Bureau,of Soli Was e &. Vecter Centrol ---~-15$ . . . Deputy Dog Warden (fulltime}-Sher~ff Fest r as ed Beard te defer cens~derat~en of this. em till next (2/12/69) meeting-- --16 Deyerle, l~s. J. Arthur present &. recog ized ---164 I Da)"8 Ccnstr.. Hartin Bros., Frye Bldg., atts Breakell & S. Lewis Lianberger Ca. - an P!lblic safety buildings pra sed .or canstruc'n. in Mt.. Pleasant &: Masans Deputy Dog Warclen .appointlllent- to replace tw.o az:t-t1me Wardens - L$Qnard A.. Wright " Double T C.orporatien &: Tangl81,aad Mall, I c., etitianers requesting rezon:lng .01 real estate in Cave Spring Dis't. an Na hess e~ carner .of lite. 681 .\ ate. 419 --- 18 Dump Truck far Recreatian Dept. - List .of Bidd, s & Board's approval .of Vintan Motar,.:Ce -177 el1nquent Taxes an lats naw in City .of S lem, armerly in Raanake County, Resalutian r ardi autherizatian of sale of said ats -------- 1S7 Dame, Jack K., Manager Salem-Raanake Vall y Civ c Center - letter dated 2~~~~::_:~_~~~~ng d Dauble 'f Carparatian &. Tangleweed l~ll, I c. _ : inal Order- rezening real estate en NE derner .of Rte. 6$1 and Rte. 419 ------- ~02 I I Deyerle, Mrs. J. Arthur- Reselutien of Baard .0 Supervisers expressing their gratitude or he years of service upon her resignalien em Library Board .of Reanoke Co. -- 210 Davis, Fred L. & Va. H., petitioners requ stin rezoning property on S. side .of Rte. 4 & E. .of Mecca St., Big Lick ~lagisterial D st. :-------- 213 eputy Deg Warden- resolution requesting ~dge f Circuit Court te make appeintment-223 Delinquent Tax Cellecter - report .of deli~qUentl real estate taxes collected as of 3/26/ --22 elinquent Tax Cellecter - request &. Boar~'s a reval .of purchase .of typewriter &. calcul ter- ag Warden- Sheriff recommend's that the og Wa en should nat remain under his Dept.--- 49 i vidsan, C. R. (Water Campany) - cemplaidt of ' elle Haven Rd. residents &. actian .of Boa vis, Fred L. &. Virginia H.'s petitien t I rezo property on S. side of Rte. 460 & E. a Board cantinues public hearin te; 14/69 meeting ------25.5 ralnageEasements in Subdivisions - lett r fr' Highway Dept. dated.4711/69 -----25$ I Constructian Ca. - bid an Vin~Qn Bra ch Li rary -----263 ers ave- .Bu I (OVER) i: I II Ii ~ Davis. . I I Fred L. & Virginia H. Davis, petittoner, - rezening preperty en S. side of Rte. 460 &: East of Mecca St., Big Lick Dst., belanging to petitieners --Final Order-26 I Deputy Deg Warden - resolutien request,lng J:.: e .of Circuit Ceurt te.appeint same fro list .of 4 names --1----2 1 , i Dickers.on, Harold A. - Employed as BUilJing I spector - 304 DOWdy, W. Norman appearing Re: C.onsolidati.on greement - 272 Delinquent Tax Cellecter- autherized te bmPlO ee high schael girl te de pesting for 4 ks.- Deg Warden & Deputy Dog Warden- resolutJen re uesting Judge of Circuit Ceurt te appein -337 Daeley, Paul N. - re-appeinted fer 4 yr.J term to Recreation Beard--------358 . ..Dickerson, Harold A. (Rke. Co. 's Buildint Ins ,ectar) appeintment Ce. '5 representative ler Civil Defense Censtructien &.Heu ing Plan -------35S Deshields, Mr. D. M. - an 7/9/69 Agenda ut d' net appear re: billing procedure .of Pu lic. Service Authority --------- --36 Industrial Park ----------- 360 Drauker, Mr. Ray - appeared te expla:in p opos d nursing home te be built by Canva-Care Carp. . in re: rezening 4.95 A tract W .of te. 117 adjacent to Weodmen .of World Pre erty ... .. ..... Kings Arms Apartments, belongi g to H. E. Hellinswerth & Vance Hellinswerth"" 6l . .Delinquent TaxCellector (Nash Tyler) rebuest postponement to 7/23/69 meeting .of cens tiera .of reso1utian authorizing sa1~'of c.rtain lands fer taxes due ------- 365 Deputy Deg Warden - reselutien requesti Jud e .of Circuit Ceurt te appoint same from list .of feur names ----------- ---- 373 & 374 Deeley, Paul N.'s. appeintment te Rec'n. eard - cepy .of letter.from Chairman .of Bd. .ef Supe visors to Mr. Deeley cengratul ting him-----371 . .Divisian .of State Planning & Cemmunity A fair letter .of 6/23/69 re: final delineatien .of Virginia's planning districts- 71 Dogs running at large - letter frem Chai Bd. .of Supervisors te Mr. & Mrs. B. R. Howel 0-. Delinquent Real Estate Taxes en certain .or whatever means they deem ad __Daeley, Paul N. 's. term en Recreation Bo geverning establishment of sa .Deadline on Censolidatian Talks rescinde arcels - atterneys a~pointed ta institute Cha cery isab Ie te cellect same -----37$,379, & 3$0 5 d re uced frem 4 te 3 yrs according to or' ce --- -----383 _u_ '--3$6 10 at:. $5750 appraved by Board far paymen -389 Daniel A. Rabin80n &: Assaciates - bill Dedication .of new Bent Nt. Post O:flice- ette fram Pastmast Lab R. Overstreet &: Cha1r=an's reply ta inv tatt ta attend------399 ))olley. Paul N.- ch8i:rman's letter to h:llil re: is reduced term f'ram 4 ta 3 yrs. an Rec ea- "',.." ",bl.. ., ~'~i~~;'~;;"(R;;:J~ b" ',""'bo",, Rd. & """'L.,, "-------412 __~_~er 24$ meeting postP.oned ta Ilec er 3 , 1969 at 2:00 p.m.-------529 .D1xie Caverns &: Brusht Nt. Landfill sit~s- Ra neke City's letter .of 10/28/69 forwardi Resalutian '18934 re: garbage jdispa I facilities, etc.---------532 Declaratary Judgement re: Rke. Ce. :lonillg Or nance-Lawsuit breught by Stephen B. Bogese. Chas. R. Lemon & Curtis L. emon -------------551 Declaratory Judglllent re: Salem Rke.-Val ey C' ic Center- lawsuit brought by Martin . ... Bras. Contractors Inc. --.---- ----;1'---------..--557 r Drl!!nage Easement alang line between la s $ 0<jI9, Bleck 2- Hunting Hills, Gee. H. & Sa ly F. Fultan -----------------,.-55 December.1969 Keetin9s-------~--------- ----- - ~51. 571 I 6. en -371 uits 1-- I. .. .1' . . o , , : ii ' i 'I Executive Officer, !I'.r. Paul Nat.thews dir~cted ~e look inte backgreund . . . .. Ca. Public Service Au~hcrit 's request fer partial payment of inveicf submitted by Langley, r';cDen 1 & Overman, Consulting Engineers far water facility :surveys fer undee, Pinkard Ceurt, Sauthem Hills, etc. II East County Day Care Center - :)) I Executive Officer directed te locate spa e fer Garst !.lill Rd. Rezoning public h~aring -167 Eddy, Lee B. appointed 10.0 ca~Lttee 10.0 s ud! evisien .of Air Pallutian Can~ral.Ordinan e, alang with Dr.C.P.Po.pe,Carter adl ,Raymond R. Rabrecht, Paul B.MatthEllirs Miltan A. Tribley &: J:f. Clyde P sa 73 Electrical Code, 1968 National - public set far adepti.on _ 80 Eller, Rev. O.D., Supply Minis1;er te Oak Church .of the Brethren offered prayer- 1 3 Electrical Cade, 196$ - adopted - 121, 1 2 Electien of Chairman & Vice-Chairman fer r969 I 137 Eddy, Lee B. expresses appreciatien te Be I'd & Clerks Office fer help & coeperatien dur ng his term of .office in 96$ s Chairman of Baard - 142 Eddy, Lee B. appeinted to r~present Bear in j int meeting .of representatives from all gevernments te discuss unity i air ellution centre!. --- 156 Enabling legislatian related 10.0 CONSOL TION t local Raanake Valley Governments,appr 90 Expense allowance increase fer Mr. Dan K Col y &: Mr. Jacob M. Harman, ApPEaiser--229 Electrical &: Plumbing Inspectar, James R ert falialerra - Chairman nates death at sam Board directed Clerk to prepa e res lutian expressing appreciatian .of his services ta be cansidered at 23/6 meeting------2)6 Executive Officer directed t.o prepare sy opsi. of budget for fiscal year commencing 7/ 69-3 4 Electrical Inspector - employed Clyde Mo an - Executive Officer authorized to purchase neceJ ary furnishings for Building Inspector' offi o Elec. & plumbing Inspector, James Robert service & expressi.on of symp ddy, Lee B. statement opposing proposed of the County and Town of V' Emergency Operatians Simulatien - pamphle alia erro - Resolution of appreciation for hi thy 0 his family in their bereavement - 279 solu ion to hold a referendum on the cans.oli to - 275 by iversity of Virginia Schoel .of General publ c ..,334._ Extensian of time granted te City .of Roa oke f r a res pense to invitatian far conselida ien- 59 Emergency Lighting Planning for Salem-Rea oke d'vic Center -Boar~ authorizes up te $250 -)$2 . I Emergency Lighting Planning fer Salem-Rea eke 'vic Center- letter from Wm. J. Paxton, r. ta Paul B. ~fatthews dated 7/2/9 re ost of sc;Jlle-------------3$2 Extension .of time fer respense: te Superv'sars nvitatien far conselidat:Lan- Reaneke Cit 's a know- . le,dging lett r --- --3$1,- Engineering stUdy re: flaoding proolems i Ca ty - report .of Executive Officer---390 Executive Olficer 10.0 report Uncl:lngs re: ngin ering study alflaading problsa in count -3 a Evans. Andrew M. appointed 10.0 :2 yir. term Electrical Pawer Rates I.or Caunty- Exec. n Ai Pallutian Advisary &: Appeal Boarcl----J9 ftic r 10.0 laek intc securing same &: report-39 J 434 I Equalization Board- Supervisars concur in recOl1ll1e ded a intees as suggested by Rke. Valley Board of Re Itrs-- l5 Equalization Board- letter from Rke, Valey Board f Rea tors liSting recOlllllendatiplls for appointees to s -418 Education committee re: Consolidation Agreement Chart r- chairman authorized to appoint same---------4 1 Executive Officer requested to work with the Co ission r of the Revenue's License Inspector & Building DSpeC ~s Office to work out a pr,ocedure to se that ontractor's are properly licensed before being i sued bui lding permi ts-------------.------4 3 Equalization Board- resolution requesting Judge f Cir it Court to appoint same-----427 , Elmore, William & George Via filed petition requ sting eparing or demolishing of house on Oavis Ave., .W. -- -431 Emerson, W. W. Inc. 's bid)5~eg~~gtruction of to'let f cility for Rec'n. Club & Dept. accepted subject 0 appr val of Recreation Board Engineer-Executive Officer of the Iloard appointe to P rsonnel Committee along with Clerk and Vice-Chai n-43 EdQy, Lee B. appointed to Fifth Planning Oistri Comm ssion ------------439 Eddy, Lee B. advised by Chairman's lettE. of 10 169 o~ his appointment to Fifth Planning Dist. Comm.-- 464 Electrical Cede (Ordinance) - Ne1t.ice .of nten~ien ta Amend Same & Public Hearing There n-5l Eddy, Lee B. 's appaintment t,~ Executive pelllllliltee .of 5th Planning Dist. Call1D. - acknaw edge 532 Election of Chairman & Vice-Chairman fo~ 1970~-------------577 I' II i J I ,I :1 , I r-'i I r i.J Fralin & Waldre~, Inc. - Their rezaning etiti n referred back ta further study & recommen at ion regarding 19 acres Calenial Avenue (2 parce s .of ' and) -- $ Franklin, r~. J. Stuart- eppesed te requ sted~tezening .of 19 acres Fralin &. vlaldI'on, Inc. 1-- 0 Foster, O. S. Sheriff - Statement .of eff~ce & ravel expenses incurred by him & Deputi -12 F.I.C.A. Tax - 12,26,44, 64, 74, 9~ 11), 15' ~4' l49, 16~ 182, 19$, 215, 231, 25~ 260, 288,3 0, 3(214.';2?lS, 36$ l. 3$5, 40tl, 9, 43 , 438, 463' 523 ,537, 547, 560,574 Fleet Insurance ~au~ ~ty} rer Coun y - 5 , Fire Hydrants in Roanoke Ceunt.y - le Faddis, Lais - Ext. Agent, Heme Ecanemics~Augu t repert - 2$ Ferris, ~~. Lee, Assist. Resident Engr.,~alem Residency Office, Dept. .of Hi~days, pre entad annual budget fer Secendary Hig way ystem fer Rke. Co. - 36 Funk, Guy V.'s resignatian effective 9/17 6$ f m Rke. Co. Planning Commission - his letter & Board's acceptance .of ame w th regrets - 3$ rye, Edwin G., R. vi. Bol>ers, Richard F. erra t, Paul B. 1.latthews & Jeseph C. Themas ( hrm. appeinted te Com~itt.ee te Study ~ak Recemmendatians Re General Building Cad for Rke. Co. ----- 3$ Planning Commissian f~r on sautherly side .of I on Celanial Avenue br o Fester, O. S. - Statement .of office & tra el menth .of August - 44 - Summary Statement .of his ner enses incurred by the Sheriff & Deputie ays served in Ce. Jail during August-44 fer Foster, O. S. Frances Fitzgerald's requeot & the Beard' adding mach~~e -- 44 Fire & Cemmuni ty FaciIi ties C'Jnstruction Flaod Plain Infermatien Re Rke. River in .oval fer the purchase .of a desk, typewri er & e recemmended by Capital Improvements C . - 3 zed areas of Rke.,Salem & Rke. Ce. - 6) a Faddis, .Lois S. - Ext. Agent, Hooe Ec. - epert - 64 Fcre~ Mr. Donald - Sauth Waads Drive app ed a support rezan:lng Steele praperty .on Garst Mill Rd. - 69 * Faster, O. S. - Statement .of .office & tr vel penses inc.urred by the Sheriff &: Dewti ler the month .of September, 6$ - 72 Faster, O.S.,Sherifl, L.Earl SiDiins,Dr. C. .Pop , Can A.Davis, Carl M.Andrews,D.M.Desh1 Alfred C.Andersan, appointed 0 Rke.Ca.B~gbway Safety Cemmissian---73 F.orest Fire Cant1'Ql Services lar Jl..q).e J-AtI.=st ,196~ rendered by Va.D:lv.al Forestry-b rar payment ---- .(4 T"'- aster, O. S. Sheriff appeared in support laf ha ding public meetings ta discuss cansali Lais S., Ext. Agent, Home Ecenamic\s, Oc . repert --- 95 O. S. - Sheriff's Sta'~ement of prilsaner days far manths of September &: October - 95 irst Natianal City Bank .of N..Y. & Craigie & Co's bid for purchase .of $5,000,000 Bonds ccep unctians, Responsibility & Precedures fo Rke.~co. Recreatian Board - 105 Faster, Sheriff O. S. to,make study .of fe Sibi~ty .of placing Dag Warden under jurisdic ion .0 Sheriff's Dept. & report te Boar in mo. -- III .Foster, Sheriff O. S. report for Oct. re ffic & Travel Expenses 6~ Sheriff & Deputies - III Faddis, Leis S., Ext. Agent, repert for N Foster, O. S., Sheriff's Statement .of Pri oner oster, O. S., Sheriff'~ Statement .of Offi e & IFaddis, Leis S. 's resignatien effective 1 /31/ 19M - 125 ays far November 196$ - 131 ravel Expenses fer self & Deputills - 134 as Ext. Agent, Home Ec., V.P.I. E,::t. D. . - 36 I Y.rs.fLaddie, .R. Franktin Hough, J ,an Dr. Earl Jehnsen recenunend and reque]t .0 communrty ment~. heaLtn ~er rces eard - 144 O. S. &. Cen A. Davis request Bear's en ersement .of twe applications fer federa as prepared by Roanoke Co. ighwa Safety Cemmission - 144 Frederick W., et al - petitieners requ ting rezening .of 4k Acres knawn as blec MaJl. .of Nerth Summit Hills & fron ,. ne;.. 655 feet on Edgelawn Ave. - 146 Leis S., ~x~. Agent, report for D cembe 1~68 ( Home Ecenemics) - 1~7 ppein: ment. gran s s 1 2 addis, I ralin, H. - .of Fralin & Waldron appeared e re oning of 19 acres on Col. Ave. - 155 ralin &. ~Ialdren's rezening petition denie re 9 acres en Cel. Ave. - 155 Fester, Je Ann - hired en fullti~e basis s ass stant to Co. Registrar fram 2/1/69 te 7 1/69- 56 Fire centrel equipment bids 'In pUtlper & t nker eceived from Oren Rke. Corp. & American faFra File Cabinet.s fer Clerk's Office appreved eth1r requests referred to Preperty ccmmitte1----- 163 FOley, Jos. W. &. Nellis J. Feley, petitie ers questing rezening property on NE cernertaf Dexter Rd. & Sunnybrcek Dr. ------ - 16 ester, O. S. - Sheriff's Statement .of Of .ce & Tr~vel Expenses fer Dec.'6S fer self & D puti oster, O. S. Sheriff's SwmnaD' .of Priso er D ys served in Ce. Jail in Dec.'6S----- l6 ester, o. S. - Sheriff's An~ual ReFe~fer 196$ ---------- 167 inancial Statement .of Reaneke County as 0' 12/ 1/6$-------169 Fund Acceunts Stat.ement .of Rke. Co. for 7 1/6S hrough 12/31/6$------ 169 February Meetings -170,1$7 Faster, o. S. (Sheriffl- apposed 10.0 Speci stack car racetrack - 170 (OVER) for Clarence E. Kesler ta . i , ~rye Blcl&., Hartin Bros., Dan qQnstr.' S.L Lianberger Ca. Watts &: Brealtell- Biddexs an Public Safe10Y Birl.ld1ng~1 en ~. P sant &: Masans Cave Areas - 171 Foster, O.S. (Sherilt)- SlIIIIIII&ry Statemen .of P soner Days Servee! in Co. Jail in Jan. '6 -17$ Fa:lrview HOllIe in Dubl1n - r.port .of L. E 1 S s ------- lSO Faster, O. S. (Sheriff)- January Stateme.de .of flice &: Travel Expenses Incurred by sell &: I Deputies ------ 196 I Feley, Joseph W. &.Nellie J., petitianer~ - wi hdraw rezening petitien re preperty on Nt car r .of Dexter Road &. Sunnybree Driv ---- 200 Finney, Frederick W. et. al, prapased. rez ,; acres, Bl.ocks 1 & 2 .of Narth.Summit Hi Is &: franting on EdgelaWTI Ave. (ubli hearing held &. decision deferred til 3/ 6/6 -205 Flora,Kenneth v., et al ( petitioners). .or i clusien in Sec. 518' ,an. unnaJIled raad b 6 at pqint an Rte. 691. albau.t JIlj.. . .of Rte. 221, extend'!!:. W. 10.0 D. E. 0.. JIll. 248 Foster, Jaa.IlIle - Ce. Engr. 's letter 01' "no ta SupervisorsexplaJ.tnng why snereceJ. e.... heurly & monthly wages ----- 2 7 2 l'erris, Leo, Assist. Res. Engr., Va. Dep . of ighways, present & recognized---- :2 1 :- .. ]o'inney, Frederick W., et al, Rezoning Fi 1 Or er (4; acres, knawn as Blecks 1 &. 2, IlI& of North Summit Hills & frenting ~)5' 0 Edgelawn Ave. -------- 221 & 222 Foster. 0.5., Sheriff - present &:. r.eca~zed ----24l roster, o. S.-Sheriff's SUllllllary statement. .of P isaner Days served in Ce. Jail in Karch 969- 9 Faster, O. S.- Statement .of Office &: TraVil 1 Ex enses incurred by Self &: Deput~~_~~_~~ ~ 19 F.aster, O. S. - Sheriff appeared &0 r'eques ed $ 000 allecatien far impravements ta J.a.il ta include unbreaka Ie p umbing fixtures &: improvements to ShOWEirl;;259 f.os_ter, O. S. - Sheriff's comparative act viti s repcrt far 1st 3 months in '6$ &: '69-- 259 ..... ..... Frye Building - bid an Vinton Branch Librlry - ----263 . Finn. Mrs. Lucy Vaught apposed ta re:~anin Yel .ow Meuntain View Subdivision Sectiens 1 d. 2 , als filed petition .opposing same --------301 rugate, Deuglas B. - carrespondenceco s~e fr Chairman .of Baard re: Hershberger Rd.. (Rte. 62 }--- -----------323 Fart Lewis Rescue Squad - cerrespond:mce '.0 S' e re Va. Assoc. .of Rescue Squads, Inc. P rade- 23 Fugate, Douglas B . (Cammissiener va,. DePt~of wysJ _ letter fram same to Clerk acknewl dgin receipt .of Supervisars' reselu ion equesting swaping Primary Route (Ceve Rd I .... ... ...and .Secandary Route (Hershberg Rd) ----------33$ . Jr. .Franklin, J. S./appeared re rezenillg stri s .of land frem Rte. 221 in Cave Spring Dist. woed. or under optien by Mick-or-Mac Ste es, Incarperated ------------376. . Fe4eral Incame Taxatien Statutes, Supervi ers eselutien epposir~ prepesal te revise an refarm same te permit taxatien b any gevernment .of interest earned en such be .__.. _Financial Statement .of Reaneke. Ceunty as pf 6/ 0/69--------385 .. .. _.. Fairview Heme- Supervisers appreve giVingl .of .0 I tien on 25 Acres .of land belonging 10.0 Fa rvil. Heme ta Pulaski Ca. -------P86 _._.1'ormatien .of Plannillg District cemmi.SSi~' cor espenden. ce frem Reaneke Valley Regienal lan. n ng Cemmission and Chairman 0 terhe dt's response ----3$4 ---. ...Fi....'d&:Smi1;4billin amount .of $6, 6.93 pprcved tar paymen~------3S9 . . . _..._ .Fl.aodingprolll-.ms .of caunty- engineering ,study 10.0 be reported an by Exec. 0Ificer--390 . Fir."....tian. Proposee! in Cave Spring arJ - C Engr. to exercise aptian an this site ~. secure pr~inery drawings & est~tes f prapased station--~-~--402 j ;i~ Sta. tian.~ Ha~~ins ar8fl- Exec.oirit 10.0 secure bicla far constructian al addit:lon -402 .raster, Sheriff o. S. 's report at' prisan day served in Co. Jail in July ~969~------3 9 .Ferris, L. .G~ (~s1st. Resident Enginer- Dept. ofjHighw s. Salem)appeared & presented 1969-70 tentatiVe budget for secandary system; also tec ded.abandonment of. bridge onJRte. 743----411 Frazier, Creed., appearedtoprotes~. garbage cont!,ner cat, on recommeDda~i1of ~o. Engr.-----413 . flood control engineering study proposal of Hayes,'Seay Mattern & Mattern------- 414 - .. - . Flood control Study & corrective measures- Co. ~gr. to contact Wilmington Corps of Engineers ----415 I Forestry Report of fiscal matters in Rke. Co. for year nded 6/30/69-----------418 i Financial Statements for 3 months ending 12/31/6~ of S em-Roanoke Valley Civic Center-------419 F4fth Planning District ComRrission - Resolution ~dOPti Charter Agreement of same-----------419 & 420 Fire station- addition to Hollins Fire Station -I CO. E gr. directed to receive competitive bids on same1421 Fire station- proposed station at Cave Springe C~. Eng . dir~cted to prepare a design-------421 j Flood control Study & corrective measures - Exec~ Offi r advised still awaitin9 reply from U.S.Corps o. Engrs.-424 1 ' Flood cantrol Study ~ Corrective measures- Execf Offi r reports U. S. Corps of Engineers will arrange me~t'ng to discuss same in near future . r their letter of 9/12/69 -----------434 Fifth Planning Distdct Commission - organizational me'ting announced------434 ~ 1 I I Fifth Planning District Commission - appointment of Ro.noke County's representatives to same-436 & 439 I Fisher, Mrs. Laddie, Mrs. W. Conrad Stone & Rab~i Dona d L. Berlin appear re: By-laws of Rke. Valley Me tal He 1th- Mental Retardation Services Board beirg app oved-----------444 Funk, Guy Y., E. S. Leslie, O. S. May, W. E. Ra~es, & . E. Tribbett appointed viewers of unnamed road rom Rte. 116 south to D. E. (Lewis Earl 4ohnso~ et a1s - Petitioners}--------448 fore~t ftre Control in Rke. Co. for period of 6121 69 8/29/69 - bill from Va. Dliv. of Forestry-463 Fifth Planning District Commission Folder (cont~ining xecuted Charter & names of appointed representa _ tives from participating govenlRlents! ----f------------464 -.1..... 0-.. _,,_._ ...1- Gerastiaga, Carles Rev. - .offered prayer 1 'I ~ " Geedwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc. - quetation .0 lia ility insurance fer ceunty fleet accepte - 15 Galbraith, Bart, Petitiener in rezoning etiti n re 5 Acre Tract lecated en State Rte. 1$ - 26 I 'ssistance te Electrical & Plumbillg Inspe ter Garner, Themas G.'s claim fer payment fer his appreved by Beard - $ Gobble, Lowell M. - Ext. Agent, Agricultu e - c Guerrant, Richard F., R. W. Bewers, Edwin G. F appeinted ta Cernmittee t Stu fer m,e. Ce. --- 3S Geohydrologic e, Paul B. Natthe\'ls &. Jeseph C. Thomas ( hrm. & I~ke Recemmendations Re General Buil . ng C de study in upper Raaneke Rive basi - Caunty's willingness to parti~ipate t be cenveyed te Dept. .of enser.atien & Econemic Develepment & other geverning bodies - 43 Garner, ~rr. Themas C., Assist. te Electri al I sp. will break his mileage down for Octeber meetLlg - 45 Gimbert & Gimbert, Petitieners in rezenin re land en W. side .of U.S. 22l -- 49 c Gebble, Lewell K. Ext. Agent, Agriculture Garst Mill Raad, Praperty an westerly si e .of rezaning al sam.a - held at ndr Gobble, Lewell M. - Ext. Agent, Agricult e, 0 Golden Park Carporatien, Petitianer in re onin Tawnside Dr., apprax. 1006.77' W. Galbraith, Bart, petitioner requesting re .oed Guidelines fer Recreatian Board adepted Gebble, Lewell M. - report for Nevember General Fund - Bills charged te same & a 215, 230, 249, 260, General Reassessment .of Real Estate in General Apprepriatien Ordinance amended Gettshall, Reverend J. Richard - Peters Garven, Mr. & Mrs. Larry - request that t fer Sept., 196$ - 64 Steele Praperty) - public hearing on Lewis High scheal auliitorium - 68,69,70 t. report - 95 request re tract .of land NW of NW end 0 . ram NW ca:'ner of Int. .of Townside Dr. &: te.2 .of 5 Acre tract on Rte. 11$ - 103,104 &: 10 -98 71 96$, t. Agent, Agriculture - 125 prav !er paYl.!lent-27, 66, 96, 114,126, 135': ).68.1 88,2 9,323, 357, 368, 3$5, 400 ,418, 430 69 f r 1970 - 126 12$ 287 ak Read be taken inte Secendary System. - 133... hurch .of the Brethren .offers prayer - 1 2. Garbage trucks (2)- Board accepts bid of ary all Machiner Co. "' 141 Gobble, Lowell M. - Extension Agent, Agr~cultu e, December repert -l47 Garst Mill Raad - parkland denatien of ~~ry L Strauss - Chairman ta acknowledge recei t .of deed and express count~'s ap reciation ----- 151. Gelden Fark Cerp., Petitieners in rezeni~ .of ract in C. S. Dist. Mi o! NW end .of Tow ide aoprax. 1006.77' W frem NW c rner of intersectian of Tewnside Dr. & R .220 153 Grubb, Gene- Lawrence L., George B. Cenne & C rl R. Catren (~aintenance Empleyees fer G pep~~t~ent Qf Parks & Recreati n) g ven salary increase effective 1/1/69 - 1 7 uerrant, ~~. li~chard F._ enderses Build' g Ce e Ordinance fer adeptien---15$ a General Index to ~~rriage Register, Typ Preperty Cemmittee --------- General Index t.o Marriage Register_- Pra . Gobble, Lowell M., Ext. Agent, Agricult Guidel1neslar Payment .of Livestack Claim General Apprcpriation Ordinance, Amendme & Cepy ~achine as requested by Clerk re erre te ------ 163 allllDittees rec.olIIIIlendatian &: Board's actia -172 .'69 report---- 17$ (dep cd an judgement of Dag Warden)---- 192 95 Gabble, Lowell M., Ext. Agent, Agricult~., Re rt fer February 1969 ----- 214 ~ Guilliams, L. S. Mitchell & C.J., Petiion rs r Acress frem Nerthside H. . & General Apprepriatian Ordinance, Amendmen Gabble, Lowell M., Ext. Agent, Agricultur - Ma questing rezening 3 and six tenths A. djeining Southview Methedist Ch. ---_ -24$ h repert------249 en Rete. 117.... 22 Glasgow, Jehn - proponent at hearing on r zoni property an S. side .of Rte. 460 &: E. Ot Mecc St. belanging te Fred L. &: VirgL ia H. Davis -------255 Guerrant & Maunfield, Architects - Wm. P. Moun ield explained plans,etc.-North county B anch Library - 277 I . . . . Graham school, use of a portion of - Chr . to ppo~nt a member .of Board to determ~ne fe s~b~ ity . for site of a library - 290 295 Grandin Read Extensien speed limit study eque ts referred ta Highway safety Commissien .of R .Ce.? Garst Mill Rd. speed limit study requestsl refeireo te Highway Safety Commissien .of Rke. o'--i 95 Gobble, Lowell M., VPI Extension Agent, Akricu ture - April 1969 repert-----285 Griffith, Frederick - Board .of superviserr Res lutlon of Appreciation for Services Rende ed and expressien of s~path ta his family in their bereavement----2 5 Griffith, Frederick - Welfare Beard 's l"es~luti .of sympathy te his family in their bereavement and expr ssie .of appreciation fer his services------- 9$ Guthrie, Frank A., et als, petitioners in re: zening .of Sections 1 & 2 .of Yellew Meun ain V~~ subdivis Q8 - I INAL ORDER-----30$ General Caunty Levy fer Year 1';lb9 ____h_ J . ~ Garland, Del. Ray L.'s letter re: MUseum f Sci nce----------)22 Garland, Del. Ray L. - Board's response this etter re: MUseum .of ~cience-----323 Gabble, Lewell M. - Ext. Agent ,AgricuItur epert---------323 i I , , I Garst Mill Rd. &. Grandin Rd. Ext. - repertrt .of eanoke Ce. Hi~~way Safety Cemmission rec ived and filed -------- 364 . Garst Mill Road speed limit - Highway De1t. r Gobble, Lowell M., VPI Ext. Agent IAgric Itur I I Genheimer. W. F. Jr. aPP.ointed tar 4 yeaI1 te to Air Pallutian Aciv1sary &: Appeal Board 39 Griffith. Eclwin C. 's letter .oI 7/21/69 at'knOW receipt al appreciatian resalutia re.:. Frederick Griffith passed y Su visars--------399 Garst Mill Raad speed limit study - High a1 t. 's acknowledpent at Supervisars' request far same----------f399 Gregsan, Mrs. MarY's appaintment ta Welt e Ba rel- capy at letter 10.0 her from Judge Hab ck-J (iobble, Lowell M. 's report for July 1969 (VPI t. Agent- Agr1culture)-----399 I .Garbage Callectian &:.Container Locatien~ repa~t .of Caunty Engineer &: pratests of I .county Residents &. Supervisars sUb,e~~\e actian ------------ 413 &. 414 ....Grandtn Rolld fxtenstoo". S\leed stucQ' ~. l:ItgllwiIY. Dept.,. ults(letter .of 8/291:69}.~~..426 GiFs.t .Mtl1.Road . ~;$tucl1. ~y..Highllay Uept... .. resul (letter. of 8/29/69~~.~~~..426 . _GoocIw:i.D.oAnd~..srYIl\l's .Dtd on .Co. Auto flee.t Iura a.ccellted by Board.~~..~~426 n Gobble. Lowel1- report for August. '69 as VPI Ex . Age t(Agl'icultu~--...._.. 428 uested te make study ------- 364 ) Report fer June ' 69 ----- 371 Garbage Truck (packer)- Exec. Officer authoriz d.to n gotiate without sealed .bids a price for purchase of ....- . . (one) 1 23-yard and one (l) lS.yard packer garbage truck~.-~~~-~~---.-~-43l Garbage collection rates & rules~- Board conti es ac ion on this pending further information to be se ured b Executive Officer---------~---436 ..Gobbl.e. Lowell. VPI Ext.Agent monthly report . n_ ..Gardan, Marvin- requested pr.operty an 'n Agri kyca ulture-.~-..-----464 Dr. be zaned R-2 instead .of R-l------~4 7 Gachenaur, Byran IAttorney} filed peti ians 'th appreximately 2,750 signatures appo ng censalidatian --------------- 46$ ~ermit 0.., Gearge appeared. ta oppose mobile h~e es lat/applicaticn .of Bmmett W. Lindsey et als. (also filed petitian)--- ---- 26, 540 . Glaa&ow, John..appearecl to suppart appli atio ol Emmett W. Lindsey, et ala tar permit ta .operate ~bile Home Sale8~ot-- ------526, 540 ~. ratea &: sch'lClules - considen.t n .of adoptian .of new changes postpoaed----527 Garbage disposal facilities- Raanake Ci y's etter .of 10/26/69 &: resolutian 116934 . relating 10.0 landfill sit at rushy Mt. &: Dixie Caverns-------532 Gabble, Lawell- report far Octaber 1969 Agri tral Dept. -VPI Ext. Agent-532 Gearhart, R. E. '" F. W. Finney Canstr. ~arp. petit ianers- rezani.ng al tract .of land just east of Vint.on an R e. 6 4 (Hardy Rd.) -------545 . G~eQvar High School---Lighting Tennis Courts-- --- -- ----542 (Automabile) I _G~aveyard/Ordinance amended------------r---- 556 Garst, Kathryn F. ta assume duties .of R~e. C . Treasurer after audit .of recards .of Jas. E. Peters far perio en g 12/31/69----------567 Gabble, Lawell M. 's Nav. '69 repart as PI A . Ext. Agent-------565 . Gar~~e Callection Ordinance, Roanoke C unty ------------------------- 572 I.... . - I. ...1.. I I i I Handy, Callie M. - Final Order en rezening .of is praperty at NE carner .of Rtes. 419 & 21 , Hart, ~~. James, Atterney appeared regard~ng r zening request .of C. F. Kefauver & R. W. Bowe - Canstr. Corp.'s proper~y an north side .of Rte. 11 --- 4 Halyfield, ~~s. - .opposed to rezoning reqf, este by Fralin & Waldren .of 19 acres on seut erly side of Colonial Avenu -- $ Hendricks, Mr. Ray - .opposed to rezaning eque ted by Fralin & Waldren .of 19 acres an outhe ly side .of Celen1~1 Avenu -- S Harvest Festival Proclanation - 7.'1 I I Huddleston, A. T., JeseFh C. Tha~as and PtUl B ~~tth~IS ta meet with Recreatien Board re guidelines - 45 Highway Safety Cornmissien (Local) - Chrm. empew red te appeint same for Rke. Co. - 5Z Huddlestan, A. T. - disqualified himself ram ticipating in hearing an rezaning .of Steele prapert" en Garst. '11 ad (Century.Devel. Carp.~..Petitiane~s)- 6$ Highway Safety Camm1ss:lan, Reso,lutian far the tablishment .of same. lor lUte. Ca. - .r~. tJ c Highway Safety COIlIII1ssian lar Rke. Ce. - Height Z.oning Regulatians in vicmity .of 10.0 Planning Cammission --- 73 Health'Dept. 's request far additienal spa Highway Safety Commissian .of Rke. Co. - Hal1day fer Ca. Emplayees (Friday after ments canfirmed - 73 ,Request .of City .of Rke. referred e re errecl ta Capital ImpraT8m8nts COIIIIIIittee- 5 fUed an erganiza1.iana1 meeting - 82 giving 196$) -- 98 Highway Safety Cammissien, Holidays - 9$, 129 te be I Huff, ~1r. Franklin/invited te 118168 meet ng t discuss Cemmunity Mental Health Service Boa Huddleston, A. .T. elected Vice-Chairman ~er 19 9 - 1.37 H;;.mlett, Richard appeared regardin.e: twe ezani g requests ( .of Crystal Tower Carp. & a Westov r Dev Iepm~nt Carp.) - l.39 & 1.37 .Home Health Services Program refund chec1 '. Ie ter .of Dr. C.P .Pepe - 136 Health & Welfare Departments' :requests fe add tional space referred to Cap. Improvemen s Ce Hudglestan, A. T. 's Resalution regardillg compensatian due Rke. Ce. Huddlestan, A. ~s. Resolutien re medif ' ..c Haugh, R. Franklin, Jr., ~~s. Laddie Fish r an .of Cemmunity mental health ser ices Hellins Fire Station - status of same - 5l e Annexation Caurt' s recenveni~ ta cans evisions .of .order entered $/17/66 - 116 ic Center Contract - 115 der rt appreved fer filing with State Highw y Sa 127 -1.3.3 Dr. Earl Jehnson request &. recemmend ap eintm"nt oard - 144 Hinkley, Rev. DaVis, paster .of St. Paul's Luth ran Church en Peter's Creek Rd. .offered Hamlett, Richard - Hareld wray & Atty. Cl ude arter appear re rezoni~g p~titien .of Gel Cerp. --------155 Hendricks, Lerey - appeared toeppese rezo ing Hollins Road - reperted that necessary r/ had ,m""" od,e, July :~roq" Hale, W.E. Petitiener in rezani.ng request re p Hershberger Road - Transfer 1'rOlll Seca ta . Haclges, James B. &: Betty H., Petitian Rez ning &: 674 --------- 183 Huddleston, A. T. (Chairman), Jahn Lampra , Wm. G. Ammen, Irad Lower I: Sharon Webster, 10.0 serve an Constitutional Revisi n St y Cammittee ------- 178 Highway Safety Program, approval of ( let er ed 1/31/69 lram Governor's Of1'ice 10.0 Sh iff- 179. Hill, 1rIi1HaJll R. appointed to Regianal Me tal th Services Board alang with Dr. Jahn O. H 10, Reverend W. Carrall Brooke and l\fr . W. anrad Stane _____u_ 19.3 HlU't, Dr. Jahn O. appainted ta Regianal ntal ealth Services Board aleng with Wm. R. ill, ev. W. Carra11 Braake &. Mrs. Canrad S one ---- 193 Health Department - Quarterly Report far ct. v. & Dec. al 1968 ---- 196 Hershberger Raad - letter dated 2/20/69 f am V . Dept. al Highways acknaWledging receip .of Board's resalutian regarding ram!ijfl r of H. Raad 10.0 Primary System ------ 1 6 ighway Department representatives meet w'th S ervisers fer annual public hearing to ' discuss matters pertai 'ng to read werk en Secendarr System ----------1 199 eight Zanillg Regulatiens Amendments (in ea a eund Weodrum Airpert) matter cantinued ~ndefi 'tely- I ----r---- 206 Hicks, Mary, authorized te sign checks &. 'cr e in petty cash fund te $150 ---- 209 I Health & Welfare Building - Contract wi W nste S. Sharpley for design & werking drawin for add~ti~~ te ame ------- 217 Helm, Boeker -.Ce. Engr.'s letter of 2;2709 t ~upervisers explainin5 fer his being pa'd I $55.00 over &. abeve regular pay-~ --2l7 Home Rule - letter from Co. 0;;' Fairl'ax---t-- 2,1 Home Rule - letter to Co. .of Fairfax --- fl$ Hoykar, Thomas S. - appeared to oppese Fr1deric W. Finney~ et al, rezening petition re ~ ac es knewn as Blecks 1 & 2, map .of Ne th Summit rtills & frenting 655' on Edge wn A e.--.. 205, 22 , Havens State Game Refuge on Ft. Lewis Mt. 11640 A.} -----233 Hale, 1rI. E., Petitianer, allowed te with aw r aning petitian re a tract .of land owned by F. G. Fuller an te. 6 (Cave Raadl------236 &: 237 a m raye en P 152 k . -155..... etitien .of Fralin & Waldren en Cal. Ave. 19A) een obtained & a resolutian would be ting it be accepted inte Sea Sys of Hi perty .of F. G. Fuller en Rte. Ilb------ ~~~ys 161. System ---= 175 .38 Acres their land near intersect;ian... I Rt i , Hill, William R. - resignatian fram Regiepal M w/regrets -------24) I Hoykar, Mrs. Thomas S. - written reQuest ~ar r I Embassy MOtar Ledge --~---- Havens R.~e - letter fram Jahn Hagen--1-249 1frem egional Mental Health Services Board Hill, William R.'S letter .of resignatia recei ed and filed ----249 (Mayor .of City .of Salem) Hart, E. p.ls/letter regarding Scheals,eceiv d and filed-----249 I Hagen, Jahn W. - present & recegnized (uked ard te do somethingto a: ; residents of Belle Haven Rd. wha appeared tolcemp ain .of water service by C.R. Davidsan Water Co. ---------------254 I I Havens State Refuge- letter fram call1l1lissifn cf Game & Inland Fisheries dated 4/16/69--- 58 H.A.Lucas's bid on canstructian .of VintaJ Bran h Library------26) i Hallingsw.orth, H. E. &. Vance, petitioners re; adjacent te Weedmen of World pr pert . petitioners -------2$3 i I I consideratian .of rezaning praperty behind 44 tal Health Services Baard accepted ezening 4.95 acre tract, W. .of Rte. 117 & Kings Armes Apartments belonging to Born, O. L., appearing reo consolidation Agre ment - 272 Bershberger Road - Chrm. ta look into a erna e methods of financing improvements t.o s 'B~ckney Lane and carriage Dr., S.W.Count - R salution regarding the design of a Count Headquarters Libra~ Buildi g to be construction - 290 Hershberger Raad - Committee/~~pHfnted t mee with Highway Cemmisiener ta discuss imErevements ta same- ---- 94 . Highway Safety Cammi~an .of Rke. Ce. as ed te make speed limit studies on Garst Mill R and Grandin Road Ext sion (letters .of Arthur L. Wimmer & T. Lewis e-2 2 I . elell- 5 . Hutchins , Ernest P. - present & recegni ---295 .. Health Department - Quarterly repert fe Jan. Feb., & March '69 ------2$5 Hart, David,Att'y- appeared ta represen Wald on Homes, Inc. in rezoning matter----)12 Health District censisting of Craig, Betietour & Reaneke Ceunties &. appeintment of Dir 16 Hershberger Raad (Rte.625)- Reselution if Bo d requesting transfer ta Primary System &. deletd Rte. 116 (Ceve Raadl ecti fram Primary & place in Secendary Syst -)17 Haunshell, Maggie T. property in Cave S ring ist. - E. W. (Gene} Chelf appaintedAtt 'to collect delinquent real estate 10 es ----------323 . Hershberger Read (Rte. 625) - letter fr m C. .of Baarci to Hon. Richard H. Paff-) Hershberger Read (Rte. 625) - letter fr m Ch .of Beard ta Dauglas B. Fugate, Ca er,.. . . Va. Dept. .of Highways-------t---3 Hardin, Bristow, Jr.- carrespandence frfm Ch irman of Beard te same regarding TAP Boa dal Directors representation----r---- 23 Heback, Judge F.L.- cerrespendence te slame r appeintments te Library Bd. .of Trustees 323 I Hospital Bills- payment authorized of Shate- ocal thru June 30, 1969--------337 Hershberger Raad (Rte.625) - Rich"rd H~I Poff s letter of 6/3/69 advising ne federal funds availabl ---- ---------- 357 Hallingswerth. H. E. and Vance - Petit. eners in Rezaning .of 4.95 acre tract, W. of atle. 11 adjacent te Woodmen of werldlPrep ty and Kings Arms Apartments belenging tbl the Hallingsworths - FINAL ORDER ----- ----361 &. 362 . H~..ll, William (Vinton Librarian) intreiiuced .0 Beard .of Supervisers by Directer ~. ..i.. Roberts III ------------ 36 ~ Highway Safety CommisSion (Rke. Co. 's) - rep rt en study made .of Garst Mill Rd. &. Gra Rd. Extensien ----------- 36 ~alsey, Ruby M. - granted permission te park ecend trailer on land zoned fer agricul ure &. located nartheast off Holli s Rd between Shadwell Drive & Betetourt Ca. line fer peried .of 3 years -- 366 Height restrictiens & ~ropased rezeni aro. d Waedrum Field, letter frem Chairman .of Ba~rd of Supervisors to J. R. Dave' orL IAppalachiap Pewer C~.I----371 Hershberger Head - copy .of letter te Ri, hard .. porf from Cha~rman .of Haard-----371 I Health & Welfare Building addit' ~s- ad!. erti ing .of bids en same - centinued for time b~ing ( /23/ 9 meetingl---------3$3 Hausman, B~rry L.~s letter to Chairman s~er oudt in re: .open invitation te be guest n publlC affalrs pregram nYeur Cemm nlty Speaksn (~ & H Breadcasting, Inc.) .and C air- man Osterhoudt's res pending letter---- -3$4 i Hallins fire statian - Exec. Oflicer tal sec e bids an canstructian .of aciditians-402 I Ha11:lns-cld Field Area-Cha:lrman of Bel. ~l Su' ervisars letter .of 8/8/69 to Va. Dept. 0 Highways re: :lmpravements ta Seban System-------399 Hoke, Frank appeared re: Westside Blvd. draina prob em & filed petition ------412 Hill, Wm. R. appeared to protest recommendation of Co Inty Engineer re: gargage container locatbp.--- 4 3 Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern's proposal to d flood control engineering study-----------414 contract for Health & Welfare Additions-jconstruction of sa, awar ed to Days Constr. Co. ----------421 . I Health & Welfare Additions- Bids for construcdon of . ame filed with minutes & names 1isted-----421 Hollins Fire SUtion - addition to same- Co. E~gr. to, receive competitive bids-------421 Huffman, Paul L. - appointed to Education & informati n Committee== 423 House at 3112 6avis Ave.- petitian filed reque~ting i s repair or demo1ition-----431 House at 3112 Davis Ave. - report of commonwealth'S torney------------434 I I. I , I il Invaice far engineering repert in regard 1.0 Hat~r services in Dundee, & Sauthern Hills .of Langley McDo aId & Overman - Board against same - 1$ , Instructiens fer Cel!1I:littee appeb.ted to s udy make recemmendatiens r e General Buildi for Rke. c . - - - 3$ & 39 Internatienal Harvester Ce. (IHC) - bid a cept. en 25,000 lb. G.V.W. Truck - 129 i Pinkard Court, Newl Hope appreves payment ~ $35 0 Cod Infarmation Statiens - Cerrespendence rec ived filed re same - l30 - , I I I ~ 'Incarceration .of City .of Salem's Prisener e. Co. Jail - Sheriff Fester & County En r. ed te recommend revised centract Salem & Rke. Ca. for cos~ .of same-lo2 Indexing Marriage Re~.ords~-- Property Ca s recammendatian. & Baard's appraval - 112 Ingerlla11-Rand - H.o11ins Sanitary Sewer- ian al Rke.Ca.Public Servo Authanty re ueall- :Lng financial assitance &. ard Superv1sars Resalutian aner1ng sBllle- 73. Insurance - letter lram Goadwin-Andrews-B an, nc. Re: Disbursstl al CO\U1ty. insurance- 79 Independent Cities - Resalutian Calling f r Pr esed Legislatian ta Eliminate sBllle ---- 194 ndustrial Access Funds - request of Appa achia Pewer Ce. for road to new Funk SUbstatitn w. .of . alem -----219 ndustrial Access Funds - request .of Smit -Moer Body Co. ,Inc. far extenaions .of GranfbY . t. & Mary Linda Ave. in Statesman Pa (Th mas BeaSaY, owner of Park to donate r W-r-22Q .. nterstate & rural Primary Censtructian- t tat ve allecations for.l969-70--------2$5 letter from Dept. .of Highways ~ ndustrial Access Funds fer Appalachian P . SubstationL--- 285 Industrial Access Funds for Appalachian P . Substation - letter te Dept. .of Highwa 5--285 Icebexes &. other types .of smethering devi mm. Att'y requests inclusion of .. .ordinance pertaining to same in Ce. ordinances -----365 Interstate & Rural Primary Constructien ( llocatiens 1969-70) ---- 37l Incame tax an IIIUJlicipal bonds- Superv1sar res uti on & aCknowledging letters al Wm. B. pong and Richard H. Polf---- ---- -3$1 & 399 I Industrial Access Roads ta serve the plan at tth-Moore Body Ca., Inc.; Abbatt Bus L and. Virgham Ca. (extens onsa Granby St. & Mary L:lncla Ave,) ----531 Ielentificatian .of CalU'thouse structure by sign' rather means----------543 , o a I ~ I I , I I i ~ ~ , I , I ,i il ~ ~ ~ , , . I. '''' ". : t ,_..... . o I' , ~I' , i' I ' . I II Junkyard .of O. L. Asburry en Old Maunta:LnldeadH- ~lrs. Dunbar advised to see Cemmanwealt 's Attorney re~arding her ce~plaint - 2 . i Janes, ~lr. Ben Assistant City Atterney fe Rea eke appeared regarding propesed land sub :LV1S1 n ordinance .of City .of Rean ke --- 9 Jenes, ~lr. Ben, Assist. City Atty., ~ea d at 9/l1/6$ ~eeting te urge Board's adaption .of Land Subdivision Ordi ance of City .of Rke. -- 15 Jones, 1lr. Ben, Assist, City Atty, ,lr. W. G. K thy, Assist. Planning Directer fer Rke. ity, & ~lr. R. ~. Bowers, erne B' ilders Assoc. present regarding Land Sub ivis on Ordinance of City of Rke. 35 Jail Inspectien - 56, .3$4 I James, Mr. Willard N., Vice-Presideut eflHall ns College appeared to suppert request a Melissa Meade & ather residentr .of ollins cemmunity in requesting Supervise s 10.0 fix Old Abandened Road --- 77 JANUARY 1969 MEETINGS, - 14.3, 152 & 161 Jahnsan, Dr. Earl, Mr. R. Franklin Heugh~1 Jr. nd ~lrs. Laddie Fisher reque~t & recemme.d appaintment of cemmunity men al h Ith Services board - 144 t' I Juvenile & Demestic Relations Ceurt deni d 3 eserved parking spaces fer prebatian .off cers !I Jail - cast of .operating same (repert .0 O. SI Foster) ___u___ 162 Jail - Sheriff Fester~County Engineer t rec rnrnend preperly revised centract ~etween Rke. Ce..& City of Salem fer ifcarceration of City's priseners 1n Rke. Co. 's Ja:Ll --------162 per prisaner per y Jail - Recommendatian .of Sheriff O. S. aster, that Salem be charged :j;1.6.37aver and abave present .of pra-rating man y ex. enses ---- 1,93 Jaint meeting .of representatives fram H ghwa Dept. & Bearj .of Supervisars far public hearing arl Secendary Syst Roa matters -------------_ 199 o a Jeint eperatien .of recreatian program w th t Tewn .of Vinten ---- 224 Jally, W. H., Att'y appeared re McVitty Hous Jahn McNair &. Asseciates .of Waynesbora ta Jeflersan National F.orest's prapased chas Partly in Raanoke Ceun y --- Jamisan, J. W. petitianed ta have extn. .of W D. E. .. 7.37 ft., mere r le appoint.ed viewer ----- 48 James River Basin Advisory Cammitte - 1 tter Jail - allacatian .of $1000 far unbreaka JAIL- Sheriff's summary ,statemtn of Pris ner independent land fill study ---244 .of land lying partly in Craig Ca. &: --247 dren Drive frem present end .of Rte. l$O , included in Sec. Sys. .of highways-- C ram Dept. .of Canservatian & Ecanomic De bing fixtures &. impravements -----259 ays Served in same during March 1969---- ,259 Jelly, A. L., District Farester - verba James River Basin cOIlUllisslion - Chairman . 45 ~ to . .-2 9., repe t an ferestry activities in Rke. Co. --- 65 int individual for this cOIlUllission.if f asib1 -278 /69 from Dept. of Conservatien & Econem'c Dev lap- -2$5 I The s te make recemmendatian far appointment te s e-32.3 t .of James A. Beavers, Director p~e. Co Publi Serv . ~gR ert8Xtf8ns~eardTs-acKnd~~edging letteri.322 & .32.3 's h p in having old farm-type r~ad west aff.Rte. 16 ru p perty .of Mrs. C. L. Mundy impreved----- .34 eke. Ceurt - auditer's (Statel repert -.3.38 James River Basin Commissien - letter da ment JUNE MEETINGS 1969 - .30;::, 306,.32$,334 James River Basin Commission - Jeseph C. James River Basin Cemmissien - appeintme Jehn M. Oakey Funeral Service's letter r Jahns an , Lewis E. - appeared te ask Bear near Sun Valley Swim Club t Juvenile &. Demestic Reations Ceurt & Rea JULY MEETINGS 1969 - 360" .375 I James River Basin Advisary Committee - 1 tter rom James Beavers (Caunty's repreaentat e) reI first meeti .of his committee----------388 Jewell, D. W.'s bill for cleaning & repairing ve etian linds in Caurthouse approved for payment----430 Johnson, Lewis Earl et als - Unnamed road from R e. 11 1 south to D. E. ----petition for inclusion in Se ondary Jail report of ~~\~m OfW;,f~~;;-&-i~;tit~~ons in insp ction made of County Jail---u--464. 583 I Joint Public Hearing by Rke. Ce. Baard f supl rvisers and Planning Cernm. en Praposed nlw Ze . Ordinance and amendments texis ing Land Subdivision Ordinance ---------f466 I . , I I I I 1 ! I ~ ~ I! II ng . .', . , .. -1 " ~ ., . ,-' ...... "', . I,!" " , _' . ~, \ ,~. . ,e" ... . " . . ..1, . _ " !i I II Kefauver, C. F & R. W. B~lers Censtruction Ccrp. with draw rezeni/lg petition an their land an north side .of Rte 11 . - 4 Kuthy, ~~. W. G., Assist. Planning Direc or f Rke. City, ~~. Ben Jenes, Assist. City ~tty. fer City of Rke. & j.tr. R. W. B ers, Heme Builders Assac. appeared re: e. C ty's Land Subdivision Ordinanc - 35 !: : ' Kytchen, Lean, Attarney fer Fred & Wanda Cass" Kesler, Clarence B. - Denied Special-Use Pe Keff'er, M1nor, - Camp8nSatien for servic Keagy Road &. Crestmare Drive - Trash Acc Keith Sausage praperty - Exec. Of cr. to Recreatian Dept. te us Keith Sausage praperty - Exec. Of cr. req Schaal Baard far Recre y in request tar trailer permit- 78 10.0 .operate Stack Car Racetrack - 170 968 as Citizen Member al Finance Board- 178 an - letter .of residents dated 1/30/69 acti n .of Board -------------- 195 written agreement fram Schaal Board far raperty --------246 e matter of securing written agreement f 0IIl ept. 10.0 use same be deferred to 5/14/69 eeti . , U r-; I . l.J Kessler, Mrs. Juanita Ceunty Registrar - Vehicle ParkJ.ng Ordinance ppe", 1J.mJ. d at public hearing en amendment te Met r 'ng Ceurtheuse parkJ.ng let te 2 hr. limi I epp sed same -------269 Kemper, Talfourd .(Attorney) - appeared r : rez Rte. 22l in Cave Spring ~~gister'al Di r~ck-er-rt,ack Steres, Incerparate ning of .of strips .of land extending frem t. .of Rke. Ca. owned .or under .option by nn_ 375 Keffer, Miner - letter te same frem Chair Beard re: his serving en 3 man cammitte to rrepare and make pl'esentatien Rural Affairs Commission in Lynchburg i Sept .-:38.+ ::: f~::: ~J:!J~!:;~~.;;:i~;~~;;;- ;i~. ..L:.::d ::~;i;fb:a:::h::::~:::;:r 1 10.0 builg.raa9 ---------- -~--iis. . K!sler, Mrs. JU.~lita,- Ca~ Registrar's reque t &::Ilaard's acticn re: raise far Assistant-42 .0 I I ~ I I I I I ~ II ,. Octeber report - 95 issian calling far additianal inferma.ti n - 9 96- onsid red-I. . ...._... . . - ~'. 'I' : ' . ,~_ '. ' '''" . I' . > . ,,;. . ( ~ '.t ~ Leman, W~ ~layten - Final Order en rezeni g Raad --- 5 & 6 Lawsen, ~~. Tem, Atty. representing Jehn accept sewage fro Land Subdivisien Ordinance .of City .of Re .of latest revisia Library Services 10.0 City .of Salem - Bear .of his preperty at intersection .of Rte. ll$ & Ai /. Ha cock, Jr. Inc. te request Salem & Roanek thei preperty on west side of Diuguid Lane neke Beard deferred actian fer further study .of s e - 9 exte ds deadline to end .of September - 10 Leasing space in Cave Spring Lions Club deferred until Septe ber Land in Cave Sprillg Area discussed fer p rk p g fer use by Recreatien Department - ac ien , 196$ meeting -- lO peses - Beard decides na - 14 Atty. F. wbitescarver te study &. 15 f\ : t U Land Subdivision Ordinance - (.of City .of make recommendatiens te Bea Liability Insurance for Rke. Ce. Fleet - Leng, Ralph, Deg Warden aDd l~enard Wrigh Long, Geerge R., Executive Directer Va. A Caunty gevernment, Livestock killed by degs - letter .of $/2 kc. ) d 5 - p esent & recegnized - 16 sec. .of Ceunties disscussed .optional forms of cent ali3ed purchasing & accaunting - l7 6$ f em M. S. Thamas - 17 n w Langley, McDanald &. Overman inveice fer tine rillg report .of water services in Dundee, Pinkard Ceurt, New Hepe Sau her Hills - Beard approves pa)~ent .of $3 same - - - - $ Layman, Rebert E.,Jr. - Ext. Agent, Agri ultur - A'lgust report - 2$ 00 a a Land Subdivisian Ordinance .of City .of Rk ., Su ervisers reselutien appreving same as it te Areas lecated in Rke. a. - 35 & 36 Library, Reanake Ceunty's - Resalutien .of City of Salem reguesting 3 yrs. free s~rvice n r~ for Salem's r~inquishi g cl ims fer capital assets passessed uy same - )0 Library, Reaneke Ceunty - Supervisors' re elut 9n pertaining te centinuatien .of Library Servi es to City of Salpm Residen s - b & 37 Leanard, l.fr. J.A., Rke. Ce. Circulatien 'brar, lP.rs. Helen Webb, Boekmabile Library & lP.r. Wm. H. Reberts, Dir cter ke. Ce. Library system, present & recJg ized- 38 Library Bookmebile - regarding request of Libr ry Board .of Trustees - Supervisars by-pa s this ite - 3 Library Bonds, Parks & Recreatien Bends, Soh .01 Scheel Bonds - all te be sold in one offering in the tet 1 am unt of $5,000,000 --- 3$ Lacal Highway Safety Cemmissien - Executi e Of icer te invite Mr. S.L. Campbell to ceme te October 9, 196$ meet n9 te discuss same - 45 Lacal Highway Safety Commissien - Chrm. pe\;3.0 -" to appeint same fer Rke. Co. - 52 Legal ~ en $5,000,000 Bends- Reseluti n pr iding for same - 62 Letter dated (?) fram Gee. W. Dean, State Fere ter in re sum charged te Rke. Ce. far file centrel fer June 3-Aug. 2, 196$, t rned ever te Exec. Of cr. fer infermatien & reJ rt-5 Layman, Robert E., Jr. - Ext. Agent, Agri ult , Sept. 196$ report - 64 ibrary Services te Salem residents - let er fr m Salem Resident te Chrm. .of Board & May r E.P. Hart .of Salem - 66 attars expressing appositian 10.0 prapo:>ed laGarde, Gordan - Fantaine Drive appeare to Garst Mill Rd. - 69 Lease with Cave Spring Lians Club - Recre recreati Lussen, Mrs. Marilyn appeared in support Land Subdi'tision regulatiens, amended cap .of dealing wi th the same 1 Layman, Rabert E.Jr., Ext. Agent, Agricul ure, Landfill sites- Report .of Rke. Ca. Planni g Co 69 &: 1 ng .of Steele praperty an Garst Mill Rd. pase rezamng al Steele Property an ard t.old ta execute same larthwith fer addU e --- 75 ng public meetings 10.0 discuss cansoli tian hapter 2, Title XVI .of The Cede of City f Rk Landfill sites - Resolutian of Board to C ty 0 Rke. requesting additianal sites ta be Lucas, Rabert E. & Oliver S. Waody reappe nted a Rke. Ca. Planning Comm. fer 3 yr. te I Land in Town of Vinten, Camm. Atty. 10.0 pe itie LIBRARY SITE -- 116 Library site - on Rte. 117 eppasite Burli gten land Library site an Rte. 117 N'/belanging 10.0 ehn title, Cemm. Atty. te appreve de d & Legan, Jr. Rabert L. appeinted member Rke Ce. Layman, R.obert E. Jr., Ext. Agent, Agricu ture Layman, Rabert E. Jr., Ext. Agent, Agricu ture Circuit Caurt fer autharity to buy same lem. Schoal, c.e. Engr. authorized ta si . Oakey, Inc. - Judge to appaint Atty. 10 e. Engr. te accept same - 119 ecreatian Board fer 3 yrs. term-124 repert for Nevember 196$ - 125 repert fer December 1968 - 147 .opt ex ne I Library Monthly repert .of Director (Janua y 19 9) - 149 Liquer By the Drink in Reaneke Ceunty - C py 0 Order .of Circuit Ceurt regarding Centes .of Electien en Lecal Optien Refer ndum ----- 150 Landfill in Raaneke Co. - request of Rean ke City te be pastponed until Reaneke City re urnes ne~etiatiens regarding a sewag tre tment centract with Rke. Ce. ----- 151 Landfill (reg~enall- ~~. A.T.Huddleston's tabl motien calling fer State Bureau .of solid Waste & Vector Control t stu Dixie Caverns as a regional landfill f r val Lussen, ~~. Kenneth appeared te endorse a epti of Building Code Ordinance----15$ Landfill (regienal) - ~~. Lee B. Eddy's m tion (died for lack .of secend) calling for Rk . Va ey Reg. Plann'g. Cemm. to select c nsul ing firm te study sites net to exceed $5 0000 & be shared by Salem & Rke. Cit'es-- ----------165 Lavelace, Charl1e J., Jr. - apposed Speci l-Us Permit requested by Clarence E. ][esler a Stack Car Race Track - 170 (OVER anal - . ,,~ "-. ." ,- ;:. <V.' . . " . ~, . ' . )..,~., .- 1;.Jl: S.Lewis Lianberger Ca.- Boarcl accepts bid. .on bl1c safety blclg. in Hasans Cave ar. ea. .11 (.other bidders-Martin .os. Days Constr., S .Lewis Licnberger, Watts &: Breakell)------------------- 71 IL:lbrary Boarcl .of Trustees Res.olutian reg d:lng :ld.s far canatructian al Vintan Branch Llbr and. Superviscrs answer ---------- -- 1 & l7~ b Library Boarcl at Trustees Resalution r+ng plans/lore~gre!flnty Branch Library & Superv1sars answer ----- l7~ Lights far Oak Grove Schaal Phyground- B 0 Masan H. Littreal, Inc. appraved tar pa ent- 63 -- Livestock Cla:lm al M. S. Thamas far lass tf 3 ~ell, 7 laIIIbs & 1 call- Board. pays $219. -162 .....1...._.. Lampros John, WIll. G. Ammen, Mrs. Sharon ebst ,A. T. Hudcl1eston (ChaiJ'IIIaD) and Lower, lrad., Jr. appdntecl 10.0 the Canatitu ia Rev1sian Stud.y Committee --------- 178 Layman, Rab8rt E., Jr. - En. Agent, Agri ult ,Jan. '69 report------ 178 iC8ZlSe Tags (Rke. C.o.) - Call1pensattan fa . Vi on Motar Co. far sale .of --- 177 Cest Landfill sites in Raanake Valley- Prepose Ind endent Evaluati.on-/ta be shared equally by . Cities .of Salem & Reanoke, Botecourt a., Town .of Vintan & RIte. Ce. (.or lieana e I Caunty bear bM.I' balance in eve~t at rs d:ld net want ta participatel------ 1 9... Library - Itlntbly report .of Directar - 179 Legislation enabling cansalidatian .of lac 1 Ra II ake valley gavernments, resalutian appr ving 190 Livestack Claims - C.olllllanwealth's attarne rec ends la11awing jud.gment al Dag warden . payme 10 .of hese ------ 192 Legislatian 10.0 Eliminate Independent C:lti s - Rasalutian Calling far Prapased --- 194 fr III. ibrary Board .of Trustees - A resalution f Gra Arthur Deyerle's years of service n s LibraryuBoardef Trustees - A resalution eque . 5 . to 7 members and make appointmen s th LaJlllllD.,. Rabert E., Jr.. - Ext. Agent, A icul Landfill study (Jaintl - letter dat€1 ) 4/69 'L~fill s~udy-letter frem Chairman .of Eoar .Long,..James E.. et aI, Petitiener in re oni 117 -----1---- Land (6400 A.) en Fart Lewis loloun1lli.n bel ngi , ...Land.fi11 study - Regi.onal Planning Call1ll ssio Warnes bora (reported by Lee B. Layman, Robert E. - Ext. Agent,Agricult~e - itude .of Board of Supervisers fer Mrs. (fellewing her resignatianl ---- 210 ing Judge .of Circuit Caurt teincrease eta ----- 210 & 211 e, Report far February 1969 ---- 214 from City .of RIte. appreving same __en 2 7 to J.D.Cepenhaver, Rke.Valley Regiana+ 1.Co l8 request re 9.21$ A. W. of Peters :Ct. Rd ,Rte ..------225 te Va. Cemm. .of Game & Inland Fisheries - 2)) . retained Jahn McNair & Assaciates of ddy} -----~---244 ch report-----249 I . Library land at Oak Grove - Clerk instru ted .0 hold resalutian reference purchase of- -251 ..Libmry.Boarcl be requested. to instruct Ar hite t 10.0 include basement in Narth Branch Li rary 51 . Library-Report.af.Director far )bnth of pril1969------259 . Library Land in Oak Grove Area - Exec. 0 .lice Library Building 262 Library Board's resalutien .of 4./2$/69 re uest' Vinten Branch Libra be Library,Vinten Branch - list .of bids an cens . Lucas. H.A.'s bid .on constructian of Vin an B I Lehman, Rev. C. B., minister to Green Hi 1 Ch ta .obtain aptian an land far canstructi n .of B.F.Parott's bid an canstruction .of cepted--------26) &. 264 uctien .of ---------264 nch Library canstructian-~------26) ch of the Brethren -invecatien----265 erty lecated en northerly side of Rte. 1 7,.~ . Ne. 117 en E. by Nerth Lake Drive, en & W nde.d.. Littreal, Mason H., petitieners, rezonin pre an S. by the Narth line of Va. Sta e Rt bY praperty .of the petitieners --- --28 Library. Narth County BranCh-authorizing rchi cts t.o proceed with final drawings - 27 Libr<il:Y Board .of Trustees - authorized to work Library, Roanoke County Public - Board of Supe ith architects on working drawings - 27 I is.ors approved revised budget (1968-691 - 277 Letter fr.om James M. Young, Atty. for Mu ray K & Mary Ann Coulter, requesting continua ce 0 petition fo~ rezoning tra t of and on Airport Access Road - 284 t Library, County headquarters bldg., - res luti n regarding the design - to be construct d at Hackney Lane and Carr iage Dr.. . W . C un ty - 2.90 . . Library site at Graham Scha.ol property - Chrm. t.o app01nt a member .of Board to determ1 feasibility of site - 290 Library Beard membership frem 5 te 7 memb rs- esalutien .of Library Board -----2$5 Layman. Rabert E. Jr. - VPI Extensien Agert (A riculturel April rerort------Z$5 Library - MOnthly repert .of Directer fer ray , 9----2$5 Library Board's reselution requesting Sup~rvis rs te seek Caurt Validatien .of medified Library Censtructien Pregram --~---- ------- 325 Library Constructian Pregram - Cemmenwea h's tt'y requested to any and all action necessary te .obtain the actien f Cir uit Court re validat1en .of medified Librtry Canstrtiction Pre gram ---------- ---)2 Library-site at Hackney Lane & Carriage Dfive .ar censtructien of same, favered by resi ents (as indicated by signed petitien ) of.Oak Greve-Cave Spring area --------)26 Levy, General Ceunty fer Year 1969 ------ 330 Library Board of Trustees ack suggesting names fer appeintments to I...... .--- ~ Layman, Robert E. - VPI Ext. Agent, Agric - May Report------323 Ii ' .of Faith in re Reaneke Co. taking unde~ advisement funding .of any pregrams?f i Rke. Valley Regional Mental Health S~vices Soard (Rk.e. Valley ComprehensLve Mental Health-Mental Retardatiens Serv~ces ~ard) --------335 ! !i Library Constructien Program - A reselut~en approving a modified -----------363 I' Leitering Ordinance - Cemm. Att'y requests in~lusien of sam~ in code .of County being prepared b~' Michie Ce. ------ I' 365 Licensing & registering .of magazine sal~smen f------------- 365 Licensing &. regulatien of private patrol syst~ms-------- 365 ~. License Inspector fer Rke. Co. - COllllll. Att'y ~ Exec. Officer te study passibility of a~peint ng; same & repert to Board at 7/23/69 mee~ing if pessible ------- 366 ':,1'. ..1 License for operatien .of Autamebile Graveyard~- O. L. Asburry - 366 &. 372 League .of Women Voters' Resolutien re Consoli4ution -- 371 " Layman, Rabert E. (VPI F.xt. Agent- Agricultur~) - June '69 repert-----371 i.~ Lampras, Jehn (Atterneyl - appeinted te,inSi~~te Chancery suit .or whatever means he dehms II advisable te callect delinquent real estate taxes due en 2 parcels in Ceunty e~ Roanoke ---------380 ~ ' . Ii t :1 . Licensing .of Business- Cemrr.issioner .of the Reienue requested te take steps to see that [ same is enferced ----------3$2 II i Lianberger, Samuel L. Lionberger, Jr. - appeinted fer 2 yr. term te Board .of Adjustmen~s &.. License ~~i~~ ror-countY-a.utoig~11es for 19*0 - tinal appraval---------3119 . Ii : Landfill - jaint public hearing by Bel. .of Supervisars &: Planning Camm. on appl1catian <!f R.Jc.e far use p~~t ----------40~ I . dI.:lanberger: Samuel L.' s appaintment ta B1dldi Calle Adjustments &:Appeals Boar4-Chairalan at- . ad. .of Supe~l'visars's letter to h in this regard--------399 i Library Board .of Trustees J ;Appaintment o! W. redway Caleman &: Margaret R. . SvabodalChei 1'11I11" . I .. Baard of Supervisars' letters 10.0 hese appaintees, received &: filed------399 .l.ayman~ Rabart E. 's report for July 1969, IVPI. t. Agent - Agriculture)-~-..J99 ..... .L. .._ Library Soard .of Trustees' resolution asking Superviso ~ to let plans out to bid on North Co. Library -.1417 Library report of activities for August 1969u-~---41 I .. .. . .. .-... .1 d.._ ...-. ii I Letter I t ~ Ordinanqes . ~ I I .i i Larsh~ Paul. A, appointed to Education & Information Co ittee on Consolidation ------423 I -...-.-.-. J,.iEe!l.li}"_gJl1'f!ui 1 d~~~()~~r_~~~oR~~~~~~~~i OM~:i trir s;~ m ~ci~t~~~tri~ir~r~i~~o~~l~inc~~.~~~~~~~;e.!!~!d~,ssu building permits=---------h-423 I L~~n~ R~bert E., Jr'-(VPI EXT. Agent - Agricu1t~re) retort for August '69------~~-428 . .;._... L~~as, Robert E. appointed to Fifth Planning Dis~rict C~mmission --------439 [ ... .... " I Leslie, T.R. & Branch & Associates - Petitioners ,reques~ing rezcning of property situate on the East ~id~ Qf_. Rte. 419 (S~arkey Ro~d) - FINAL DRDER---------------443 Leslie, E. S., Guy V. Funk, D. S. May, W. E. Rak~s, & G~ E. Tribbett appointed viewers of unnamed road off ... . Rte. 116.Sauth to D. E. (petitioned by Lewis Ea 1 Johnson, et a1s for inclusion in Secondary System)-4 Landfl11 ~ratorlum requested by New City Commit~ee and Supervisors action in this regard---------465 i. . Layman, Robert E.. Jr. - V.P.I. Ext. Agent - repqrt ---~--------464 . 1_ I Luca. s. Robert E.- Chairman of Board 'of Supervisor,s 1ettfr advising him of appointment to Fifth P1..anni.n.g..~iH,... C... Land Sub~~viSon and Zaning Ordinances - lprep~~ed) - publiC hearing held jaintly by. Bd.i .of ~ , visars and Planning Cemmiss~pn -----------------466 i Lilld.sey, it als, Application .of Emmett w~.- fa1!permit ta operate mabile hOllle sales la~-t--526 Lang. Harold T. & David W. Lang(Petitionersl- ~eqUesting rezoning .of property an wellter~y aiel ..__ .of u. s. Raute 11 (Will1amsan Raad) , iipart .of Block 13, Boxley Hills al C. F. lefauv r, et ala -----------------------530 II : N ! Uveatoack Claim of J. W. Conner far lass al cair killed by dogs - an 8/8/M appraved lar.!paJID. " l.a"tlf'i 11_ Brushy Me. & Dixie Caverns - lEltter ~ resalutian from City .of Raanake-----S32! . :! i Layman, Rabert E.'s repart far Oct. '69 -, VPI ~. Agent (Agricultural Dept.}-----532 . IILilly Arnald - appeared ta appase application lief Emmett W. Lindsey,. et als far . ~ . , permit 10.0 .operate mabile Hame ~ales Lat an Petera Creek Rd.-------541 , llLegislatian allawing caunty ta supplement, comp1nsatian .of Sheriff &: Deputies------54l, 557 , ~L:lvestack claims .of M. S. Thamas &. recammendatij~ans .of O. S. Faster, Sheriff--------541 ~L1ght1ng far Tennis CalU'ts-------542 , : , ~:LemanJ Chas. R. &. Curtis L. &. Stephen B. Beges~.:, suit braUght by same seeking declarato~ judgment re: Rke. Ce. Zening Ordinance~-----------------557 ~Livesteck claims .of M. S. The~as far animals k~lled prior te 2/l2/69----------558 : ~Long, Ralph E. (Dog Warden) appeared re: ~.S.T~e~s livestack claims--------55$ . I ; I!Letter Carriers Praclamation .of l2/l$/69-----~-------5 59 ~Library site in Cave Spring & Bel. of supervisets resalution in re: searching title ta same flLibrary Bel. .of Trustees' matien re: Censtruction RespansibilitY--------56$ ~Library Bd. .of Trusteed matian re: Headquarter~ Library Site~-------56? 'Library Headquar~ers, Bd. .of Supervisars Fatio~ cancurring in recommedatian of Library o HO i' ~I I 7 " + :/ Bci.-56$ 5 i LET'TE S F[LED Letter dated $/26/68 from Billy K. Mus regarding return fram mil te concur in sa1ary'incre i I ,Ce issioner .of the Revenue, to the Superv sors tarYiservice .of Kenneth L. Duncan & requesti g Bo rd se a preved by State Compensation Board - 11 I""! i i ! , ..J Letter from Roaneke Ceunty Public Serv'ce A therity requesting Beard te pay pertian .of attached invaice frem ang1 y McDenald & Overman, Censulting Engine rs, .or their engineering service (le ter dated S/21/6$) -- II . , Letter tram W. C. Daniel, President of Va. tate Chamber .of Cemmerce, Richmend, Va. rega ding dues (increased membershi fee - 12 Letter fram M. S. Themas, dated $/26/6 re ivesteck claims - 17 Letter fram C.H. Morrissett dated 6/23 67 t James E. Peters re semi-annual bi11ingjef C . real. estate taxes - 17 Capy .of letter frem Paul B. ~atthew t Bea d re his investigation & findings on in oice .of Langley. McDenald & Over n fo engimeering repert an water services i Dun ee, Pinkard Ceurt, New Hepe & Saut er Hills - 17 Letter datecl $/22/6$ frem Jack M. Goa ykoe tz, Se~ Rke. Valley Develepment carp~. e Blue Ridge Park for Indus ry, /attached copy .of letter to Paul Matthew out ining camplaints re police surv ilan e, litter, cleaning streets, etc. - 19 Letter dated $/ll/6$ from r~s. Wm. M. Berk ley, Criopled Children's Hespital, Ri and, ia. asking Board te send oun apprepr~ated in Ce. Budget"far Hospi~a - 1 Letter dated 9/6/6$ to Chairman from . M. Lapsley, Directer .of Dlv. .of Statutory esea datedDr9~fllti6~glrRomiCVhmae.ndD~VV.ae'fr pub ic hearing en formula far State aid ta ubli Letter / 0 r _ ores ry 10.0 Rke. Ca. Officers re summary af.f scal matters between Rke. Ce.. . Div .of Forest;:y for fi~ca~ yr. eBded 6/30/ 8 _ 0 .L.etter dated 9/5/6$ .te Ch.lirman frem .L. abertsan, Resident Eng:i.neer, ept. arij ghwasrf;!. traffic candi:titians on C loni 1 Avenue - 25 .Letter dated $/12/6$ frem James A. Be vers Exec. Dir., Rke. Ce. Public Servo Auth rit;y re: July: re.EOrt of activities - 25 Letter dated 9/11/0$ ta b3n Jenes, A sist City Atty. for Rke. from Furman Whites ve Sr.. Atty. far Rke. Co. Public Serv ce Autherity re suggested changes in pr pose land subdivisian ordinanc of e. City. - 28 . Letter dated 9/4/6$ te Chairman frem .L. attern,Acting Chrm. el Rke. Valley Regi naL lanning-_ COlll'!l:i,lO,.ion re valley gev,.~nmen s sharing in salary of Federal Cerdinat r - $ Letter dated 9/4/08 frem W.e.Buckner, Pres Rke. Fa:i.r,Inc. with 1 ticket re Mr. Eddy & Party attending Fa r - 9 Letter dated 9/7/6$ to Mr. Lee Eddy f em r s. John X-I. Chaney, Pres. ol Jr. League f Rk enclasing preclamatien re Harv st Festival We~k in Rke. Ce. - - 29 Memorandum dated 9/4/6S to Co. Office s frem Gearge R. Lang, Execu. Dir. .of Va. As oc.. re Public Hearings & X.feet ngs !l. 29 .Letter dated 9/17/6$ from G.V. Fund .0 feri g resignatien effective of same date fr m .. . Rke. Co. Planning Commiss on - 3$ Letter dated 9/19/6$ 10.0 Mrs. Elizabet W. tekes, Clerk, Circuit Caurt w/ attached am .of pages 1 & 17 of propas d 1a d subdivisian ordinance frem William G. Kuth , Assit. Planning Directer f Ci Y of Rke. - 35 ,Letter. jated 9/23/6$ to ~tr. Lee B. Ed Y fr m Winston S. Sharpley, Pres. Va. Sectia of American Institue .of Arch tect urgin6 adeption .of building cade 10.0 re lat building canstruction & r cemm nding Seuthern Standard Building Cede - 39 .. Letter dated 9/10/6$ to .Chrm. .of 80ar fro Curtis W. Fitzgerald. Rke. Valley Cham er .of Commerce inv:i,ting Rke. Ce. .0 take ma~bership in same - 42 j Cepy of a letter dated 9/23/6$ te ~~. Paul'~atthews from Highway Safety Divisien 0 the Governer's Office re a 10 al h ghway safety cemmissien - 42 Letter (9/6/6g) frem E. w. Ramsey, Ch'ef G olegist, Va. Dept. of Conservatian & Ec nomi Develepment re prepesed g ohyd elegic study in upper Rke. River basin 43 Letter dated 9/13/6$ te Board frem J. E. H rweed, Dept. Cemm. Va. Dept. of Highway, Ri Va. regarding Secendary S .stem.Additiens in Windser West Subdivisien-4 Lette~ dated 9/16/6$ te Beard from J. .Ha .oed, Dept. Comm. Va. Dept. of Hi~ways, ichm nd~. Va. re additien .of Dear h n Dr ve - 43 Letter dated 9/17/6$ te Chrm. .of Bear fre' Frances W. Dedd, Treasurer Crippled Ch'ldre 's Hesp., Richme~d, Va. ackn led ing receipt of the Ceunty's $200 contri utio - 44 Letter dated 9/9/6$ te Rke. Ce. Board .of S pervisers frem Chas. J. Sabeites, Dist. ~an er, U. S. Dept of Agriculture, For,st Service re prepesed purchase .of 359 cre i tract .of land te be added te J ffersen National Forest -- 44 II Capy of a letter to I.Jr. Paul r~tthews from rances Fitzgerald dated 9/23/6$ reques illg 11 new typa-lriter, desk & ad in". O\chine'far Beekkeeping Office-44 .. ...... Copy. .of a letter dated September 17, 968 .0 ~Ir. Rebert Nasen, Dept. of ~;elfare & nstitllutiens . fram O.S.Foster, Sheriff ith ttached capy .of letter to Resident Jail r, J.~... Linkenheker re a Trustee eal ng & hiding an his persen a pistol & th I' reporting of same by week end isoner --.45 ~ Letter dated 10/$/6$ from Cave Sp. Ja cees te I>lr. Lee B. Eddy .offering 1.15 A far Llblii use-50 Letter dated 10/2/6$ from Atty. Cla,!d D. 'arter to 1.~. P.liJatti1ewS requesting with rawaJ of clients petitien re rezan ng .0 6.993 A land.E. .of Routt Rd. & S. .of C ve R~. -50 Letter dated 9/29/68 from lJrs. "3ry T oma Stringer to I~. Lee B. Eddy re Garst lli~l R~I Rezening - filed with rez ninl3i, papers --52 ~ Letter dated 9/29/68 from Oliver ii. S rintr addressed te ~~. Lee B. Eddy re Garst 1I.il . Rd. Rezening - filed ~ith reZiing papers - 52 I Letter dated 9/20/6$ frem $ residents of C esthill Subdivision addressed te Lee '3. EddY;~' re Garst llill Rd. Rezenin - 'led with rezening papers - 52 : Letter dated 9/27/6$ to Charm. of Bea ct, f am Cecil E. \'lright, Judge,Craig Ca. coutt, i.. . (c yl thanking Sheriff O.S.Fost r &; ~upervisors fer their cooperatien - 55 I Lette~J~ated 10/1/68 te Sheriff o.s.F~sterlfrem Dept. of 'Ielfare & Institu'ns. re AIL [.NSPECTIO I ---46 , ]l" Letter/d~€~~) 10/4/68 from O.S.Foster Sher'ff to Dept. .of Welfare & Institutions rtpert~ng inc;id~l)t .of prisener cutt ng 0 n arns - 56 (, Letter dated 9/27/08 te Supervisers f 01:1 Sl1eriff O.S.Fester requesting payment .of eurs~ in pelice werk for Bob Donal , Sp~c. Ce. Felicem,-n - 56 I i! fer.ce Letter dated 10/9/6S addressed te ~~. Lee ~. Eddy from Paul B. ~~tth~-Is re auxilia~y peli~e7 -56 I, I II Lette~tgKt~d 9/23/6$ te Chrn. .of Bear fro~l Walter J. Bibee re auxiliary police fetce-5~ Letter dated 10/2/6$ te Elizabeth VI.S okes Clerk .of Board, from T. Edward Steele r Ii Rk~./go. me~ting with Div sien .of State Planning & Community Affairs .0 Thu's. 11/7 6 at ,:30 - Ceurthe se - 64 o .... - I .~~ ~ tJ Q a a ,[Letter dated 10/2/6$ frem Res. Engr. va] DePF' .of Highways re speed limits, Cal Ave. i. -65 il , I Ii \ ~ fLetter dated 10/3/6$ from G.W.Nicks, Ch~. S~lem Rke. Co. Civic Center re insurance fOlic!es-65 :.[Lettg~'dlted 10/1/6$ frem R.I~.Bov!ers, dwers~& Finney Constr. Cerp.,Rke.Va. 10.0 lilajerieil tmpanies Ii re abandon~d fiElrvice statior-. -i'65 : i,Cepy .of letter dated lO/~/b8 fren C.L.R11.:t.en, Res.Engr. Va.Dept. .of Hwys. re restlficti thru. ,i trucks on PJ.nevaie Ed. - 66, :' ! I I i.lcepy at: letter dated 10/2/6$ to lllr. Lee IEddyil&. te l.!r. E.P.Hart, from R.C.Lochner .of $alem~re II . library services te Sa1en tesid~nts -- 66 : ,lLetters expressing oppositian 10.0 prepos~d reaoning .of Steele Property on Garst Mill RcI.. - 71 ; Ii as lallows: i Ii . I ~ - from Juan:lta S. Raberts &. Jarret~ W. rlaberts dated 9/15/68 - 71 ! I I, - from Sid V:lllines, Jr. - dated 9/f1.5/6~ - 71 II ~ !rom Mr. &: Mrs. Geo. SUDlDlerfield 1- da~ed 9/17/68 - 71 p.' .. II from C. J. &. Pauline P. Raberson 1- da1led 9/l6/68 - 71 i ti lrom Margaret Dye Argabright &. ~. E~ce C. Dye - dated 9/17/68 - 71 i iI - lram Gee. W. Pease - dai;ed 9/16/6,$ 'j - 71 , ij ~rom Mr. &: Mrs. H.H. No.l-ris, Jr. i~ da~ed 9/17/68 - 71 I Ii lrom Mrs. Belle J. Ferris - na dalu II - 71 ' i from J. Haskins - dated 9/15/681 ~I - 71 : j !I fram Mrs. Mary T. Stringer -dat~ 9/2 /6$ - - 71 ' J from Ol1ver W. Stringer - dated 9/29/ 8 - 71 ! ii - from Don A. Price, WIll. B. Dlll1a~, H~ T. Finney, Jr., Samuel W. AlUson, W.iM.Sk Iten, ff Jr., Frank A. Daniel, Jack Ri. Hu~chinsen, and J. Douglas White (Residentej of . ii Cresthill Subdivisi..anl datJl 9/20 168 - 71 I ~ fetter lrom MrS. -AnD13 B. ""BroCK, 4.3:30 F<#1ta e Dr., SW, Rke. 10.0 Mr. Lee B. Eddy (no datel t'l express~ apposition ta rezaniI1€j pral!!erty on Garst Mill Rd. (Steele Praperty~ - 6 etter dated 10/2.3/68 ta Mr. Paul MatthEl!"s ftom Jahn M. Pediga t"ldf\g neutral stand dn re' ning I Steele Property an Garst Mill Rd.1 (bs Pl'eviausly s:lgnecl petit:lan appasing sule)-7 .Capy at letter dated 9/30/68 to Mr. Paul: Mat' ewl> tram F.C. Farper~, Directar Div. .011 Real. II Estate Appraisal &: Mapping re th~ val e al reclassified lands - 71 i II ~py allr..ter. elated 9/23/68 to Mrs. ~ly sen, 2692 Willowlawn, SW Rke.. lrom L./G.F~iS' i Assist. Res. Engr. Va. Dept. Higbjlfays~ re Wind,sar West Subdivisiall &. Steele Pz1aper -71 ter adclress~ ta ~.r. Paul B. MatthewS! dat 10.11/68 from J. Rcbert Thaaas, Auditi' al II City .of Rke. re c.omputaticn al sewage I reatment cost beginning 10/1/68 - 72 , .!Letter .dated lQU/68 from Leonard M. Pit. S c'y. . like. Ca. Elee. Board requesting 8 v,at Ilcapy .of a.1ett~Pea.!O'hnY~ith at1jacbe' copy .of res.olutian dat~~l~i9}67- ~seci by , ~ City at Rke. urging Board 10.0 adapt he ght. Zaning regulatians in vieii1i.ty ot Urpor --73 t.etter free HeUth3Dept. Dtrectar, Dr. q.P.p~"pe dated 10/21168 requesting additianallspac '-75 :I.etter datecllO/22/76 10.0 Board from Dr.d.p.p pe, .of Health Dept. requesti..... aUdiametI-76 t : II . .... II . i etter to Mr. Lee B. Eddy from Burrell S. ~lOW' Assaciate .of Hayes , Seay , Me.ttern & .Matt , dated 10/14/68 endarsing the uPPt Re ake River Basin Geohydrolagic study - ~6 Letter datecl 10/18/68 10.0 Mr. Lee Eddy f .om H I Clyde Pearson re Brushy Mountain site {.or d- ~' fill &: requeSing that he be neti ied 1iIhen aty .of Rke. will ~ki application fqr s ,e-97 ICapy ol letter from Lee B. Eddy ta Mr. 8f Mrs~ J.E.Hapkins dated 10/29 68 re their pe1litie .. , rsquesting Rte. 935(VanWinkle Rd..} beilrepaired - 97 . I I ICapy .of letter from G.L.Rabertsen, Res.J$ngr.. Va. Dept. Highways, Salem, Va. ta Mr. &.iMrS. J.E. ~' Hap1dns re Money being provided :i!n current budget 10.0 surface Rte. 935 (Van Wi~e d. )-97 lIIlarand\llD. 10.0 Exec. Sec'ys. and /er C1e~ks Nom Auditer of Public Accaunts dated 11/+2/6$ r.e i Chanltes in Saurce of Supply .of Fqpns jtar use ion preparing C.ounty Budgets - 97 I !lLetter elate<! Octaber 15, 1968 from Rke. ~itY!iClerk w/attaclied copy of Resalutian #lS~76 r . n temporary use of Rke. Co. 's Dixie r.av~n Landfill site --- 99 I ltapy .of a letter 10.0 Mr. FranIC B. lfd11er,i u."./IDept. of Treasury, Richmand, Va. dated ~O/25 68 iL lrom Raymand R. RaQrec;ht, Rke. Co. Catanwealth's Atty. Re: $5,000 000 Bonds ~ 99 ~capy at a letter dated lO/2$/68, lram Ra~anc IR. RObrecht, Comm. Atty. 10.0 M;;. Danna Smith The Shaup Vating Machine Cerp., ~shv~l1e, Tenn. re: Lease Agrellllent - 99 I ~I . ~etterta Mr. Lee B. Eddy datecl11/5/6$ rom lJarvis &. Si;eutamire. Architects ofieringthe""r Ilbopy a/:rr;~~er iaa~~~rf'~Jg$Wt~hR;~a ~~:>f~b~:~~~a?r~:Pfi~~~'1l~;t;r~~~~9{ MCG.arth I re I $5,000,000 RIte. Co. Bonds -- 99 I " i Capyaf a letter dated 11/11/68 tram Retiert If. Shannen, Rke. Valley Regiana1 Planni~ Ca . ~ enc1asing a revised capy .of Praposed ~raratian .of Denatians as requested by YC\. Di . # at Water Resaurces :l.n cannectien !With lithe upper RIte. River Basin GeohYdralagi~ stu y.-99 . ibepy .of a Preclamatian designating 11/2~6$ a~nHELP BRING A SMILE TO A CRIPPLED CHILD tiAyn -99 r . II I I jlDr. C.P.Pape's letter dated 10/21/68 10.0 IMr. nee B. Eddy, re supplemental pay for Miss . 'j Hazel Newman's extra wark la~d in!icannection with Air Pa11utian Cantral P~agr -99 HSheritf O. S. Faster's letter dated 11/~3/6$i' re additianal pay far Fannie Belle Sif~s as I, ~ Crassip.g Guard at Gl~1/ar. H gh Scheal - 100 I ' ~Sheriff O. S. Faster's letter dated 11/~376$ire permissian ~a hire night dispatcher ta as ist II' the Jiii~a..r on secand shift of- 10. I II . ~Lettersdated 11/.1./08 to Mr. Lee Eddy fr~m M'!iL. Strauss ~e.:~5lenveying 27.3 Acre to ,e. CO.:-lll ~ Letter dated ll/13/6$ to Elizabeth W. ~teke~ frem Va. L. Shaw, Rke. City Clerk acknqwled ing !I receipt ofcapy of .order refe!1I'ing'lheight zt'ning regulatiens request .of RIte. Ci ,y 10.0 ! Planning Cammissien - 112 i i, I I : 'I I i' Le~ter dated l1/29/6$~? Supervis?rs frpm A~~y..C. Jahn Renick re withdrawal .of rez~ing ~ Petitien .of GJ.mbert &. GJ.mbert:, Incl. fJ.led en 10/9/6$ - 124 .!I I! E. W. Ramsey, Chief Gea;J..ogist, Divisien .of ~ater Resourses, Dept. .of Censervatien &iEcenqmic i.1 Deve10FCDent'hlii\<hmand, Va. td. Mr,'"Lee B. Eddy dated l2/2/9$ asking for ceu..ntY'l " denatian te7~Bv~r cest .of RkEi. Riler Basin Geehydro1egic Study - 127 : ,i 1 'I , 'i ::: regarding i I ~ Letter frem Chas. L. Breeden, Jr. Chief :Prob~tien Officer, /request fer 3 reserved FClrkinJi ~i spaces f.or field effi9.er~ 9f .Juvenile. & Demest;i.c lielatiens Court... - l2$ !. J ~ Letter from G.W. NJ.cks dated J.l/13/68 to SU:WilrVJ.sors resJ.gmng frem CJ.VJ.c Tenter Call1fJ.ss'fn-130 i'M.M.Sutherland's letter dated 12/3/6$ to Lee! B. Eddy regarding Infarmation Statia05 ~ 13011 . ~Capy .of letter dated 11/20/6$ t? Gee. J~ Kes~el, Clitten.Ferge,V~. to Deuglas B. Fugai;e, emmissJ.oner, j Va. Dept. .of lIwys., RJ.chmand,: Va.: re InfermatJ.on StatJ.e05 - 130 :. "Douglas B. Fugate's letter .of 12/26/68 to Mr;~ Lee B. Eddy, re ca05tructien infermatibn 510 . :1 tians - 130 ; :i i . Capy letter dated 11/15/6$ from M. l~. Sutherland, Dept. Conserva 'no &. Econemic Develi. 10.0 li Gee. M. Warren, Jr., Bristel,: Va. re informatien statia05 - 130 ! ~' Cepy .of resalution dated n,42768 frem C\1amber .of Cemmerce, Greater Bristol Area, Va.LTe re Infermation Statj.ens - 130' , " " I. I I ~, i . LETTEitS FILED . . (Cont ld.l ~ I II I Capy .of letter dated 10/4/68 to MarvinlM. S~therland, Va. Dept. of Censervation &; E~enam~c Developnent, Richmend, Va. froJj1 Ro~~rt F. Nelson, Managing Directar .of Va. ravel .. Cauncil w/attached copy of ResflutJ.~n dated 9/20/68 of Travel Canference of 1/ Va. Travel Ce~c;il re Infermat en Statiens - 130 i C.opy of mema dated 10/7/68 re actien .0 Board .of Directors .of Va. Travel Council en i .opening .of Infa=atien Statien en ~nterstate $1 frem Robert F. Nelsan, ging'jl DJ.rectar te Rebe.n Sterre~t,S!l"nandoah Valley, Inc. Staunton, Va., Jack Bla ka, I Shenandoah Valley, lite., Stuar s Drfft, Va., Joseph C. Spears, Bristal, Va. i1 (Chamber .of Comm':lrce), Robert art etfield, Va. Travel Cauncil, Abingden, Va & II Marvin W. Sutherland, Dept. .of Censerva'n & Ecenemic Develapnent, Richmond, Va.-i130 G.L. Rebertsen , Res. En'Sr., Va. Dept. Higirfays, Salem, Va. ta Mr. Lee B. Eddy dat ~ 12/5/6$ re Rte. 1.144 - 130 II I Capy al Mr. Lee B. Eddy's letter dated 12/4168 to Mr. G. L. Rabertson, Res. Engr. 't, Va. Dept. .of Highways, Salem, e Rt~. 1144- 130 Ii Richard W. Arey's letter dated 12/3/6$ !fremllState Air Pa11utien Contral Board, Ric nd,llva. re N &. W's applicatien for var~ancelfrem State Board Rule (Open BurDi~) - 30 i MEllIe to Chairmen .of Boar,is .of supervisirs, Co. Administraters & Camm. Attarnejs fro Geal R. Lang, Executive Directer, Va. sse. rof Ceunties re meeting 10.0 consider railraad I assesSlllent case of N &; W an 12 1$/66 - 130 I Natice from State Corp. Comm. 10.0 Board that~Wilson Trucking Carp. applied far Comma* Carrier Certificate .of P~bliCjOnveqdence &; Necessity between Rke. &; Dublinl- 13 Cepy .of letter dated 12/11/6$ frem Va. ShaWt' City Clerk .of Rke., Val to Mayer Roy Li II \~ebber, Vincent S. Wheeler, J ian . Hirst, enclasing capy Super'lli;ars rese utio, requesting additien area be inqludel. in Contract far treatment .of sewage - 31 II Copy of advertisement regarding N & VI ilr'~ad' s hearing in Richmend before State A II Pallutien Cantral Board cen erni*g burning weeds &; trash alang its right .of w y - 1;16 f.or Hallle Heal.th Services Pr gralllt' - l36 I C.opy .of letter dated l2/20/6$ frem Jeh T. anna, Directer, Highway Safety Division to Sheriff O. S. Fester, Chairman R e. Co. Hwy. Safety Cemm. aCknowledging ecei t of like. Co.'s Safety reFortito Grvenor - 1~0 Memarandum dated 12/11/M frem George;l. Le~1 , Executive Directer, Va. Assac. .of Ca tie~,. ._. to Chairman c'f Boards .of Su ervi' ors, Cemmanwealth's Atterneys lie Sheriff re: II Virginia Uniform Traffic Sans - l40 ~ . Letter addressed te Clerk of Board .of supertisors fram Va. Assaciatian el Ceunties , tad 12/19/68_ expressing appreciatien fer ISupe visers acting as co-hests far Assaciati n!l I annual meetirlg in Roal'.ke .0* 1l/,,7-l$ & 19/M - 147 I . ..... Letter dated 10/24/68 to Mr. Lee B. Ed~y fr~m JaIlIes H. Aldredge, Pres. Natienal Ass ciat~on .of Ceunties asking Reaneke Ie. tp join----- 149 r _Letter dated 10/24/68 to Mr. Eddy from Nati~. nal Assaciation of Counties thanking Ra ake Ce. fer jeining ------ l49 Ii Capy of a letter dated 1/3/69 to MrhW J. 1f'axton, Jr., City l.lanager .of Salem from . F. Kellam-.. District Engineer, Va. Dept .ef Highways with attached cepy .of a resolut en d ted l2/19/6$ adepted by the Highway ~emmissien re: Rte. 419 (new sectien) be ng added te PriJpqry, System ---f' - 14f Copy .of a letter dated 1/7168 te Rke. e. Z ning Conunissien frem D. L. Ferguson, re ze ng tolerances ----- ~49 ' Cepy .of a letter dated 12/31/68 te Dr'lc.p.~Pepe, Directer .of Rke. Ca. Health Dept. frem! Charles D. Yaffee, Directer .of C~ntrel Agency Development Div. .of Dept. f Health, Education & We1farel re approval .of application fer an air pellu ien centrel pregram grant -----fl49 l I Letter from Julian F. Hirst, City ~lana!er e~ Rke. dated l2/27/6$ to l~s. Elizabeth . St kes, Clerk .of like. Ce. Board of uperfisars re repert being ferwarded to Ce. lann. ng Commission as to the lecati n efiether sites censidered for landfill -- 9 I .I fie, Salaries & Expenses .of Assessar & fPprafser from A. T. Huddleston te Board date l/. /69-l56... ~ " en I.l Dated 1/l0/69 frem Leenard Pick, Sec'y. EleJf:. Beard recammending hiring/fulltime b~iS I .., the persen (Je Ann Fester) .ow 9Fployed on parttime basis as Assist. Te o. gistI~r I r ---- 1 6 I Dated 12/26/6$ te ~~. Paul fatthews fr m F.W.Forberg, Division .of Real Estate Appra sal . ~lapping, Dept. of Taxation, Ric~ond, Va. recemmending Dan K. Ceeley ferlemPl yment in cenjunction wi Ceunty's 969 reassessment of real estate -----158 , . Dated 1/8/69 te Paul ~~tthews frem Jam~s p"~.;Hart, Jr. Atty fer J. W. Peff reqUestinJI rez~ning petitien be withdraw ------l---t--------16$ 1 Copy .of letter 1 Ii fll /Dated 1/9/69 to ~~. & ~~s. ~aury 1. Sttaus~ fram Chairman of Baard .of Supervisors ~kne eagng and expressing appreciatien ~er gift of land te Ceunty------ 104 Dated 1/10/69 free Governor's Office r~ he~ing by State Crime Cernm1ssien at Hetel ke. ~/24/69- !I -----:64 :1 Dated 1/13/69 frem Geverno~'s Office a ViS~.: g of meeting at Presidential Meter Inn i LY9fhburg. en 2/20/69 en lcl:al governmept responsibility for civil defense ------16 !i Dated 1/l3/69 from Nat'l. ~ssec. .of cor. nti~F re participatien in Legislative ActiOlpro~ram-165 Letter (ne date) from residents of New: Hepel1 requesting street lights ------l64 ii' ., 'I Letter dated l/9/69 te Chairman .of Beard from Public Servo Authrity listing areas que~~ed by Beard to be included under City-~o. Sewage Treatment Centract, neting ac~en tiBken Rke. City if any --------164 : .. I :i ! i: I Ii Copy of Chairman .of Board of Superviser's ~etter dated l/14/69 .offering cengratulat~ens i~O . Hampton W. Themas an selectien !;e Rke. City Ceuncil-----164 I ,I Copy .of letter frem Chrm. .of Beard dat~d 1/14/69 te Exec. Sec'y, Constitutien Revis~on qp~~ission in Charlettesville requesting cppieS! .of Cemmission's report en propesed revi~ion~~--16~ Dated 1/6/69 freo Director .of TAP with! attach annual pregram repert----- 164 I .1 Letter dated 1/9/69 to ~~. Paul l~tthe~s fr9m Dept. .of Censerva'n. & Ecenomic Develbpmen~, Rich- Illend, Va. acknewledging receiptief Cp.'s centributien for greund water reself'ces .~tudy-167 f II I . " 11 ...... n ..... .~ I) fJ a , I 4 _ Capy elated 1/31/69 1'roIII Governar's Off1~e, Fi~ghway Safety Db., t.o Sher1lf O.S.Faster . : re: APproval at H:lp'-Y Safety Prpgram1--------- 179 I ,From Carl Jr. A~a. GoOdwin-Andrews-Bi:"Yan,lllnc. re disbursal .al cauntJ: insurance p~ 1?9 · I - ~ (dated 1/8169) 'i ;lM8lo elated 1/23/69 from T.Eclward T8IIIple~ Di ctar al Db. al State plDnni'lg &: CNlllll1,Wlty ~ : Affairs, re: pl,nni~ D1Etr1cts--r-- ~ I II lirrea OEflce DE .Bccnollic Opportunity datlilClll 9/69 10.0 Lee B. Eddy re TAP'a be11li recoSni:I i' aa Rke. Co. 'a 0.1.0. cOllJl\W1:lty acman~en!l1-- 179 I. u ,I Letter date 2/20/69 from Douglas B. Fug te, , ammissianer, Va. Dept. Highways acknowl~ 1 receipt .of Board's resalutian reg i Transferring Hershberger Raad 10.0 Primary I ' l 1 iI System -------- 196 i I i jI : I .' , ~ j ~! i :! ' it i .. ~ ~ " n J ~ ~l. ,. .1 , I! ~ ;!'II~ ~. " 'I '. I: I- ~ :i " it !i :1 rl 'I ii , "iJ " , ti " ,. it. il ..."1-. II 1 r 'I 'I - ~. -4 I. . U . Ii ,! ff ii ~ ., E -.* \1 j II 4 , ii :j I: II -1 ~ :1 I 'I ~ I d 'I I, " !: , :j 'I ~ '. " .' :1 ~ II [, ,( I :: :i " " " II II " 'I I, " :1 ;I ;! , [ ~ ! J i I, " ~ , ! ! I J i - i ! , ~ " ~ 'I 1 ~ ,.... ! "- I .1.- .-_....,-. . --.- , :i \ ,. :i j :, . .~I... ..IP_..._ ;; .' "- '. " :1 i ;1 . , .'; " j! :i fi i , ~ , ~ Meeting .of $/28/68 - 1 l.linutes .of $/14/68 appreved - 1 ezen ng .of 19 acres on southerly side .of Cale an, etitianers} $ ezon g .of 19 acres on southerly side .of Cole an~ etitioners} - $ ,946 l~i9:21jo~3;~ \~~', ~~~:5J1,$5t~;'5~1: 52.. .of I tent .of County ta pass Ordinances relati 13 o l-lurray, l~. Ralph - .opposed te requested Avenue (Fralin & Wal Marshall, l~. Ira - .opposed to requested Avenue (Frqlin & Wald r.lISCELLANEOUS EXPEtlSES - 12. 26.1 44J 64,71. 300, 324, 35l5, 3b$. 38 Motar Vehicles Moving Violations - Notic Meeting .of $/2$/6$ adjoUIMd - 14 Meeting .of 9/11/68 - 15 Minutes .of $/28/6$ approved - 15 ~dl1er, Rey B., ~linister co Church alem - prayer - 15 Federal & State aid far park acquisiti n - 1 to ane .. 288- of Ch ist, Matthews, Paul B. repert on trip to Ric ond epert en cest .of membership fer Rke. Co. in expenses te Richmond 9/5/6$ approved fa paym nc;-27 Muse, Billy K. & ~~tthews, Paul 3. appe nted to serve with James E. Peters & Chas. H. OS1;er,oudt ta laak into matter .of NC?, r: chin used te make tax tickets, replace .or re andit on-5'f l!,eeting .of 10/23/6$ -- 6$ Minutes .of lO/9/6S a:ppraved -- 6$ Meeting at 10-23-68 recessed at Courtha se & recanven-ed at A.t. H. S. Auditorium far rezaning public hearing on S eele praperey en Garst Mill Rd. - 68 Meeting of lO-23-68 recessed at A.t.H.StAUdi orium and recanvened. at Caurthouse 10.0 consider remaining agen a it - 71 Matthews, Paul B. appointed ta committe 10.0 udy revisian ot Air Pellutian Control 0 alang with 1,ee B. Eddy, Dr.C. .Pap ,Carter Bradley, Raymand R. Rabrecht,Mil and H.Clyde Pearsan --- - 73 Meeting at 10/23/6$ a:ljeUIned - 76 Meeting .001/13/68 - Ti Minutes .of 10/23/6$ In.eeting appreved o l.~tthews, Matthews, Paul B. instructed te find .out and Va. Assaciatien .of Ceuntie - 2 Paul B.'s claim far reimbursem nt 0 l'leter Vehicle License Ordinance, Amendme t ad pted - 31 Meeting .of 9/11/6$ adjourned - )1 Meeting .of 9/25/6~ - )2 Minutes of 9/11/68 appIe'r'~d - )2 ~loving Vielations, I.,otor, Vehicles Ordina ce --- 32 appeintment to Rke. Ce. P Guy V. Funk - 3tl B., Joseph C. Themas, Ri appainted te Co~,ittee 10 Building Code fer Rke. C anni g Cernmissien te fill unexpired term .of . Guerrant, R. W. Bowers & Edwin G. Frye Stud & ~~ke Recernmendatians Re General --- 3 $ ~,~xey J 1.1. E. f s l.~tthews, Paul -3;' Ceu ties - Supervisors vete to apply fer s E. P ters, ArReld Burten and Charles H. .0 Ce ittee te Study Semi-A~~ual Real Estate ;~embership in the Natiem,l Asseciation l-luse, Billy K., ~~tthew'l ~ Paul B., Jame Osterheudt (Clllrm.l appeinted Tax Billing - 39 Meeting with ~. Carter Bradley, Air Pel utie Lab .of Rke. Ce. Health Dept. te discuss .~ . Air Polluti.en Contrel Ordin nee - 40 ~ Meetir~ with Planning Comnissien ta Dis uss irport zening requirements - 40 ~~tthews, Paul E., Jesejm C. Thomas and A. T Huddlestan to meet. with Recreation Boar I}nd establh.h guide lines - 45 l.leeting .of 9/25/68 adjcl.,rned - 47 Meeting .of lO/9/6g - 4$ ~linutes .of 9/25/6tl me?ting approved - 4' Mobile Hames Permit - issued te Br~"er Reb t C. & Barbara T. - fer A & U Mobile He s us -48 .of 10/9/M Meeting/adjourned -- 67 I I ~ I j: Meade, Melissa - aPP'!l.!Ired te request S ervi' ars to fix Old Abandened Read in Hallins secti n, a ang with a greup -77 Matthews, Paul - instructed te laak int Old Abandaned Road canditian as reparted 4 by Melis.sa Meade .of Hol . ns s ction & repvrt 10.0 Board - 77 Mertan, Mrs.? - appeared with Melissa M de .0 appeal 10.0 Supervisers 10.0 de something beut Old Ab51ndened Read in H llin sectian --- 77 . Moyer, Judge James I. of Rke. Ca. Juve Ie & omestic Relatians Court appeared'te,requ8Bt additienal apprepriatia in der to give prabatian .officers a raise $2 Meeting adjaurned 11/13/6$ - 101 Meeting, SPECIAL - to censider & accept , I .or sale .of $5.000,000 Bonds an 11/21/68 - 1011 Meeting, SPECIAL Meeting, Special at request of Messrs. all Bonds - lOl - Clerk's cal~ dated Eddy &. Charles $ - 101 H. Osterhaudt to censide ":lidS'1 . . J " (.. I -;~~~ -.. --_.-- .~ . r..I . L- i I I , /te buv land I Matthews, Paul B., Ce. Engr. authorized Ie si opt1ens rer parKS 1n Nt. Pleasant, East .of V nten and .option to buy land f r Ii ary site an Rte. l17 N. - 117, 11$ & 119 Matthews, Paul B., Ce. Engr. authorized e/l:H! Btwhen examined & approved, for land in j Mt. Pleasant far a pa,rk, Eastlaf V' tan fer a park and en Rte. 117 N. far a 1.ibra - lli~,.. k 11 &11 Maunt Pleasant land for a park site - ow ed b .Wi.1fo:rdB. Divers and Opal C. Divers - sigRi examining title, appraving deed r' nd a ceptance .of deed - 11!l I Meeting of 11/27/6$ adjourned .. 120 I Meeting of 1l/27/6$ - 103 Minutes of 11/13/6$ appreved- 103 Meeting .of 12/11/6$ - 120 Minutes .of 11/27/68 appreved - 120 I Meter Vehicles & trailers , amending ordtnanc geverning rates for licensing - 130 Mental Health Services Board - 130 I Meeting of l2/11/6$ adjeurned .. 131 t Meeting .of 12/26/6$ - 132 I Minutes of 12/ll/6$ meeting ap.~eved - 1f2 Motor Vehicle License Ordinance: ':If Roane;e Co Mobile Manufacturers Cerp., Peti'Ciener i req .of South Dri e Ne Meeting .of 12/26/6$ adjourned .' 142 I I - i' I loti.nutes .of. 1/$/69 meeting approved - l51 lofartin, Lawrence L., Gene Grubb" Geerge!B. C ner & Carl R. Catron, (l~ntenance Enlp1 yees Department .of Parks & Recreati n) g' e salary increases effdctive 1/1/69 - 1 7 - Resa1utien .of Intenti':ln te Amend - l33 sted rezoning .of prop~~ty an S. Side .of hwest .of City .of Rke. ,. 135 Break St., W. Minutes .of 1/$/69 Meeting - 143 ~ Minutes .of 12/26/6$ Meeting approved ~ Meeting of 1/8/69 adjaurned - 151 'l~eeting of 1/2Z/69 - 152 ~reeting .of 1/22/69 adjeurned te meet 1/ 7/60 --160 " Meeting (ADJOURNED)- 1/27/69--161,233 1-lasens Ceve & Heunt Pleasant public far study ------161 Meeting .of 1/27/69 adjaurned __...u se1ice I 169 : b 'lding bi..ds referred te> Cap. Imprevemen .. Meeting at 2/12/69 - 170 ~es al 1/22/69 &: 1/27/69 M~l!ltinge a prev - 170 Maaans Cave public safety bu:l1dirig- Cap Impr vements' recammendatialll &:. Soard's accep .... S. Lew:ls Li.onbergliJ1' Ca. b d far canstructian .of - 171 )(t. Pleasant-area public safety bu:lld:l - Ca . Impravements Call1lllittEle recammenels del . constructian --- 171 Mart:ln Bros., DayaCanstr., Fr.,e Bldg. Lianberger Ca. &:. Watts &: Breakell- B:l ders an public safety buildings ope d far loft. Pleasant &: Mllsans Cave areas- 171 Marriage Recarela - Clerk's request lor ener 1 Indexing, Praperty COllllllittee's RecOlllll ti and Board's appt"aval - 172 Meeting .of 2/12/69 aeljaurned---- 186 I. i Masan H. Littreal, Inc. Bill lor Oak Grove S ael Playgr.ound Lights llppravecllar paym MEETINGS, Regular (beginning with 2/26/f9l ~ $7,.199,2l~ 236. 254, ;~65, 292, 306, 33 .,360 375,388 4111 424, 433, 442, 46$ 'S25, 540, ;51, 571 . .MEETINGS, Adjourned_ 161,233: 2;37, 32$, l' . MINUTES appraved (beginning with 2/l2/6?1 - $7, 199, 219, 236, 254, 265, 303,30$, 33 360 375, 3$$. 411, e,23, 433. 44~, 46$ 525, 540, 551, SU Meade, Melissa appeared re raad in HOlins A ea oegin accepted in to Secondary System - 1$ MotarVehicle License Ordinance .of Raa ke C unty, Amended ---- 1$9 Mental Health Services Beard - letter f em C airman of Beard expressing thanks for th ir . willingness to serve & advis~ng ~ rms .of .office ---- 21$ Mental Health Services Beard - letter from,C rm. .of Board te Betetourt Co. inguiring s. te whether they will RarticiiPate n regional board w/ Cities .of SaIen, & Rk . and Rke. Co. ---- 218 I MOtar Vehicle Parking Ordinance, ~endef --- -- 239, 240, &.241 McVitty Hause land -----242 I Mount Pleasant Civic Club's letter (Pre~. Bay Loemis) regarding pro~sed cammunity c ter- 9 Masans Cave Cammnnity Center - Beard aut~oriz s Exec. Officer ta praceed w/insta1latioaf a septic tank & well far samr --- ---251 Maare, Mrs. Mildred - appeared .te oppase reza .of praperty belengi:o.g to Fred L. & V . !I. Davis an S. side .of Ill- .or Ca I I. I. ~ , I I , Meeting - SPECIAL- far purpose of lett '!ng b~d far constructian .of Vinton Branch Lib~ary-~-262 . Meeting - SPECIAL - te amend Canselida ien ~greement between Town of Vinton and Ca4ty -~h02 MA Y BOARD MEETINGS- 263, ,265,2$7, 292 ~ ~ ;1 dJ.'n 1 Mick-ar-Mack Stores' Ca.. Incorporated pet:l!,itioners re: rez.oning strips of land ext frolll Rte. 221 in the Cave slpring Dist. of Rke. Ce., owned by or under 0 i.on I .of Mick-er-Mack Stores Co., Incqrperated ------297 Meuntain Heights Subdivisian residents' pet~tien requesting rezening subdivisian sej' I from Agriculture A-l te Res'dental R-l---------297 ' , Motar Vehicle Parking Ord.i.nance, Amendm nt (:2 hr. parking on C.H. lat}-----26$ & 2691 ,I Meeting - SPECIAL - to consider amendi thi C.onsolidation Agreement - caunty of R.o~n.oke land Town of Vint,en - 302 I' I ~ " atthews, Paul B. - directed to prepare syn.o~sis of budget for fiscal year commencin 7/1 69-304 Ii Maran, Clyde - empl.oyed as Electrical I spe~or - 305 Ii Mounfield, William P., of Guerrant & M unfi~ld. Architects-explaining preliminary North C.ountv Branch Libra - 217 Minnick, Rev. M. L., Sr: - Minister to he LUtheran Chllrch - invocation - 292 r, , :t rl:!zon:lng Martin, Mrs. B. R. &. W. D. ~lason appear d td( suppert/Ydlow Mountain View Subdivisio . Se . 1 & 2 -------------309 ~ Masen, W. D. & Mrs. B. R. Martin, suppatt r~oning Yellow Mountain View Subdillisian recti' ns , 1 & 2 ---.----------309 ~,' I Motor Vehicle License Ordinance. Amenaments -----------314 . ' t' I, ! I Masan W. D.'s application to enlarge isti~g trailer park, referred to Pl. camm'n.I----j.19 Museum of Science, committee appointed te ~tudying .offering site in Rke. Valley for ~ cor.structien .of s e 11----------321 [, Myers, Henry - complained about Rte. $45 & ears blecking raad - Co. En:gr. &. Residen Enginel~l' of Hwy. Dept. at Salemiito investigate & repart back 10.0 July me tillg-i:-330 . MUseum .of Science- cerrespondence framIDel.r,Ray L. Garland &. Board's acknowledgemen of fece:tpt .of s.me -~-----322& 323 i May reports of VPI Extension Agent~--------?23 ! II ~en. tal Health Services Board (Rke. Val ey l' gienal)- Chairman authorized ta write 1 tter.f1af. '. faith re funding by Rke. e. .0 prapased programs--------335 . . Museum .of Science - A Reselutian Expre sin Willingness of Rke. Co. Supervisars to 'ona' Land:.~ . , it , " j Ii ~ - . I, Myers, Henry-Complaint re Rte. $45 netj as ~ft checked inte by Co. Engr.------336 'I ........ Mitchell, Maurice L. - appaintment as fssist. Ce. Engr.---------359 Magazine Salesmen.- CO~l. Att'y requesfs i9Plusien of ordinance requiring licensing & . regJ.sterJ.ng .of same -------- 365 I Miller, Ray B.. - .offered invecatien a~ 7/21/69 meeting-------375 ~ Mick-er-Mack Stores Ce., Inc..-Rezenin~ Fir1~~ Order.re: ~ezen~ng?f strips .of land Fte. iag frem U. S. Reute 221 J.n the Ca~e SprJ.n~~~~sterJ.al DJ.strJ.ct .of Reaneke Ce. ---3 5 Myers, Henry - Cemplaitt re Rte. 845- ripertii ef\;a. t:ngr.-----377 I . MOunfield, William P.- appointed fer Jiyr. ferm te Beard .of Adjustments and APpealst-->$t Vdller, E. J. - appointed te 2 yr. ter to Beard .of Adjustments & Appeals -----3$3 i I . ;; 1 Myers, Henry's request for extensian a~ Rte~ 845 &. Caunty Engineer's letter advia~ him. why Hi~ay Dept. will nat ~cePt this raut.e --------3g<] t' Ii Museum ol Science- Raan.oke City's ackn lo~ent .of th'B Cauntlr's resalutian expressi ,[ willingness ta donate land n county l.or site lor s8ll1e----------399 ii Maunfield, WIll. P.- Cha1:nnan .of Beare! a I Sup~sars's letter ta him re his appaintlllEmt ~ ta Build:lng Cede Bel. of A~j stm$ts &. ApPEl&ls--..--399 I :! M:l.ller, E. J.- Chail'lllan ol Bel. el Su isozii's letter ta him re his appointlll8Ji; 10.0 I rr Building Cad., Board .of Adju tme$s &. Appeals-------------399 'I' Meeting at vin~~~~rv~~i~:-:~-~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~i for Consolidation of Roanoke County, C~ty & il Motley, Paul, resident of Mountain Heights SUbc\ivisi&n appeared re: rezoning .of sectluns 1 & 2----~12 ;1 l-laintenance Budget for Roanoke Cll. Secondary S~stem ~s prepa:-ed by Highway Dept. approved b.lf BOard--~425 :! I , , ' Membership in Va. Stite Chamber llf Commerce f01 69-7~------427 : . Murray, W. S.'s application for trailer permit)- public hearing held but action deferred ta lO/22/697---43~ Meagher, Richard L. appointed to Fifth Plannin~ District Conmission ----..-------439 I. Mental Health.-Mental Retardat..u" Services Boark (Rkel valley) - approval of By-laws; COIlIlIonO/ealth's I it Attorney directed to loc,k into legal aspects'! of by-laws; Chairman appointed to meet with i " Mayars of Salem & RoanOKe re: Treasurer of ~e Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Bd.~445 U GUY V. Funk · I May; O. S., W. E. Rakes. G. E. lribbett./& L S. Les'ie appointed vie~~rs of Qnnamed road from Rte. H6 i. south to D. E. (LewiS Earl Johnson, etl als -, petitioners for inclusion in Secondary system)-~48 :. Moratorium on question of new landfill site il1 Rke. ;Co. for City of Rke. - resolution of New City Cqmitt~ received and filed;and IChainnan's rem,:jrks regarding same ------..-----465 ';i Meagher, Richard L. advised by the Chairman 01'1 the Bpard of his appointllll!nt to Fifth Planning Dist. fonrn. :;--464 Meetillg - Special - Jaint Public Heari.~ by: Board .of Supervisars & Planning Call1lllisslLen oh Pre~esed New Zening O:dinanc~ & Amendments to Land Subdivision Ordinance-~- 46P Murray, w. S. s request far traJ.ler permit :- cantinued to 11/12/69 meeting-469 i Ii Meeting, Special ta receive hids an $1 9OO.poo Schaal Bonds I: consider awarding sal~ .of II same 10.0 l~ bidder- ----r- 538 I J '! II -.J ~ . I ~ p ans 1f I, f, a Q ".. a C ;Jtzrray, w. s. 's applicaticD ct Trailer :P~t W:lthdrawn .-.--------525 ,~ ii Mar~ Civic Center Parking loj;---.--...----~-------- 530, 543, 55$ .:i ~. )(Qbile Haas Sales Lot - application .of ~tt W. L:lndA'lly, et als, far p8l'lllit taqlerate ,: i lUIe----------..-526, 540 ii . n f MainteDance _play... for Recreation Dfpt. :( autharizatian ta hire 2; additiODal--_-527.~ ; " II :. .Mobile Hame Sales Lots &: Mobile, HOlne CqlU'ts:, RecODllllendatian requested of Planning ~ " COIIIIIIi.ss:lan as tl) best planned lacatian .of, etc.------n543 . I' . JleDtalBea1tli!"JoIental Retarclat:la:'1 servifes ~ard- Treasurer tar same -Jas. E.Peters-547 II " Mountain View Elementary School--Ligh.:ing Tenr~is Co~rts ----.--542 . ~ : _. II Mental Health-Mental Retardatian Servifes ,ard (Rke. Valley)-apin1an .of Att'y Gen.r-547II ! '! ' Ii :: Missimer Circle cul-de-sac reduced frain 50.te 44' and the 6' strip vacated as a public ~ ., street- FINAL ORDER in re: petitian .of Bawers & Finney Constr. Carp.ta :i ~ amend map at s~ctian .of Na.i ~ CIipftan .of recerd in Plat l3k. 7,page 31 in ~ : Clerk at Circ~t Caurt's Off1ce---------552 . i "." Mobile Homes- Exec. Directar & cammiss~.ener".:.af Revenue ta investigate & recemmend means :! .of deriving additianal !nean~ .of revenue frau. this seurs--.-------555 : ~14art1n Bras. Contractors, Inc.- suit btaugl$ by same seeking declaratary judgement ,_ 'i in r1l: Salem-Rke. Valley Civic Center----------557 . i' Mental Health-Mental Retardatian ~ervil:es ~ard (Rke. Valleyl - caunty's cantri. : J butian tor year ended 6/30/Z0--~------566 4.',' Miles, E. J.'s request for extension .of t~ from midnight to 1:00 A.M. for sale .of: alcoholic beverages--.---------5~0 ' tt j Meeting, Special pf l/8/70 to considerllegi!plative program for reCOllllllendation to !I :: . General Assembly --------------+---- 585 ! fi Miller, Warren M. .of Rothgeb, ~ti.11er ,I sellis, Certified Public Accountants appeare~ [ ta present reconcilJ.atian o/f acc;lounta .of Jas. E. Peters, Treas. ana :- . .,..... . .. have name ofaccount:s at di~ferEin. t. banks changed ta Kathryn F. Garst, Tr:ells~ .. :1 of Rke. Co. ------------58~, S8~, thru 593 . Ii Mountain Trust Bank - Recanciliation df AC~Ot~ts .of Jas. E. Peters, Treas. of Rke. lco. ~ and Changing name of said ~cca~ts' t.o Kathryn F. Garst, Treas. pf Rke. <::0.-5 1 ~ I )\ I' i il :, :1 ~ .1 4 I ii , i " . .' il ,I :i t , " '. " il t tl I, " i! ! II 1 ..~ ...Jl 'I H il 'I 11 l- .' .-1 , I ~ I' 'I [ Ii II II I II !I ~ il .1 " " i i II ~ 'j ,. " " ., .~ , , 1 . ~ .- n j i 1 Ii " q';' . 1 ) 'I ; . . j .1.. .- I.,. I. -, II II IJ.. :~ I c McWilliams, Mr. Charles .of Bermuda Raad, N.W. 4.95 acre tract W. .of Rte. 117 adja apartments belanging ta H.E.Ha1ling McClung, David S. II - ap:~einted to RecI" atie term ta expire 1)/19/70 -------. --- McVitty Hause - cansiderat.i,an .of cantrib' elan McVitty House donation approved by Board-------- 417 , :j McGuire. W. W.. Plumbing :Cnspector, pay Jor p.J iod 4/8 through 5/9/69 - 287 McGuire. Wiley - employed as Plumbing In pect~ - 305 I McChesney, Dr. - U. .of Va. - appeared re simul ted civil defense emergency exercise in in sing .of 1970--------334 and raised question .of water aanake appeared/in re: prepesed rezenin nt to Weedmen of World Preperty & Kings orth & Vance Hollingswerth ------361 e. ke. ed p of rms Bd. te fill unexpired term of T. E. Bur e (re 73 .0 same (as per Salem's letter .of 7/29/6 )-396 '_..1 o ~ a a - " 1 w --1 '0 tI a I Notice of Intentien .of Cel~nty te pass erclinanc of mater vehicles --- 1)' Natianal Association .of Caunties - this ,atte find .out what membership f r Uk JIational Assoc. .of Ceunties - Superviser vete NCR Tax Ticket printing l[,achine - cor.unit Nininger, Mr. Charles appeared to eppese . i 1 . VJ.p atJ. I s paralleling th~ State Law re meving s discussed & 14r. Paul Matthews instructe to Ce. would cest Be repert same - 20 to request membership in same - 39 ointed te look into reconditianing .or r placi g-63 t .of Fred & Wanda Cassity fer trailer p rmit- 8 Natianal Electrical Cede of 196$ - publi Newman, Miss Hazel - Dr. C.P.Pepe's requ,st Be far ~aakkeeping service, in Night Dispatcher to assist Jailar an sec nd s N & W Railway Ce. applicatien for revi~~ & ca preperty - natice of State Cerp. C mm. 196$ Nevember/Meetings -. 77, 101 N & W Railroad hearing before State Air Ptllut an Centrel Board in Richmend re burning eeds accumlated trash aleng Ra lrea right .of way - 14r. W. C. Bradley' te att nd - 36 Natice .of Intention ta Adept the Ordinanc te Known as Tlie Reaneke Ceunty Building C de Ordinance .. 14l t icka, G. W. - Letter .of R'9s1gnat:lan al S em-R anake Valley Civic Center Call1lllissian- 13 .orth Caunty Br.aDch Library - L:lbrary Boar .of rustees resalutian re: Trustees making stuely .of the build:ll~ needs & recommendatians to architects for plans to be drawn &: wark begun withaut dela~---------- 174 orth Caunty Branch Library - Superv1sars utharize Library Board .of Trustees ta act as Board .of Supervisars' agent deal ng dth architect in preliminary design at s8llle with pravision that prel1mi eaign be approved by ~uperv1sars priar t gantinr; autharizati.on far pre at1a .of wark:lng drawings &; specilicatians-17 Hatice af"J:ntentJ.an to Adopt a New Rke. C . Ai Pallutian Cantrol Ordinance Be Public H ring- 2,:"5._ . Harth Caunty Branch Library BUildi/lg - Bo rd r uests Library Baard 10.0 include in direc ions a Architect that a basement be inc uded , w/funds 10.0 be secured frem library fun s-":-2 1 Narthside Recreatian Compll3X - recammenda ians f Recreation Dept. reference restraom f cil1t _.~ Board's a tian 51 Be 252 . atice .of Intentian ta adapt amendment 10.0 the R aneke County Parking Ordinance & Public eari ..._ Thereen - ----- 57 . artalk Be Western Railway Co. 's - Baard's resal tion expressJ./lg welcome te annual meeti .of stackhalders Be ho!)e that RIte. V lley y remaJ.n its headquarters-------25$ ~ ing set for adoption of same - $0 eard's appraval fer additienal pay for ss N man.. nnectian with Air Pallutian Central pra am - 100 ft- Request al O. S. Faster Be Board's a prav -100.. ectien .of assessment fer taxatien .of it II .1 hearing an same in Richmend- 1 2 Notice .of Special Meeting-to consider ame Raanoke and Town of Vintan Matice .of Intentian te adapt Amendment te Public Hearir~ thereen (fre he Cansolidation Agreement by county of e. Ca. Meter Vehicle License Ordinance trips to windshield stickers}-----271 North Caunty Branch Library - autharity f itects to proceed with final drawings - 77 ~ Nicks. G. W.appearing re: COllsolidation nt - 272 National Survey .of the Crine Gentrel & Sa e St ets Pregram-------2$5 & W passenger service change------296 Name .of the New Vinten Libl'arl'- cerrespen ence romWm. H. Roberts te Burrell S. Whitlow te - il eselution autherizing to barrow meney t f -----------315 ence re'!l Chairman .of Board t.o Martin P. Burk '. te Chairman .of Bd. ----- 371 --29 Nininger Pr.oPerty at Hallins :for scheel s N & W Passenger Service Chang.e- correspon & W Passenger Service - 113tter frem N Be purc a,!~e-~. .: ---32 Nerthside restreem facility - Recreatien e.Engr. & Assistant authorized te jeint~s secure bids on same, as well as Sl ilar bids fer restroem facilities threu .out Ce. Recreatien Dept. parklan s---- ---377 (Open Burning) & W Railway Ca. 's appl1catic1n far Yaria ce f m State Baard rule 4/& public hearing an s8llle Carter Bradly .01' Rke. Ca.'s ir P llutian Lab asked ta attend & make stat ent- and 394 ational Assaciatian .of Caunti'BS - Raanoke Ca.' membership renewed far .one year at $271 395 North County Library- Libr~ry Board of Trustees re oluti ,n of 8/18/69 & Supervisors action re: letting ~ ans . out to bld-------------4l7 . Nationwide Insurance's bid on Co's Fleet Insuranc ----_-1--426 Northside High Schaol - toilet faCility to be cons ructe on the grounds of same for Recreation Club & De t.bu W. W. Emerson-------.--------43 New City Committee's resolution received and file askin for moratorium on landfill question until forma ion of said City --------------465 NOVE~mER 1969 Meetings, 525, 53$, 540 Notice of Intention to Adept Ar..encln.ent.s t the and Public Hearing Tl.ereon.----- -- 5 Harth Caunty LibrarYiCantract. far cans'cru ti.on Harth Caunty Library - Centract awarded t Hatary's ree apprapriated far deputy in C oanoke County Business License Ordinanc f- list .of bidders-------535 Be Breakell, Inc.--------535 .office far natarizing absentee ballats- 532 " 11 ~ ORDINANCES - see next page Osterhoudt, Charles H. (Chm.;I, Billy K. l:use, Paul B. l.latthews, James E. Peters &: Arno d Bu ten, ..' appointed te ::ernrnittee t Stud Semi-Annual Real Estate Tax Bi11ing- 39 Osterheudt, Charles H., Billy K. ;':use, F ul l' thtll'ls & James PeteI.~ .+:c look inta repla ng 0 recenditiening NCR tax ~ iati machine - 63 Overstreet, Mrs. Gee. - Broml"y Rd. - ap eare at ~blic hearing on rez.an:lng SteeJ.. pr an Garst Mill Rd., 10.0 ap ave ame (hearing at A.L.H.S. auditorlUIII - Old Abandoned Raad in Hallins Sectian - ppeaJ of Melissa Meade far Supervisors ta da samething abaut i - 7 Overnite Transportation Co. application .or C rtificate of Public Convenience & Necess ty - netice of State Corp. Cemm. - 11 fio Parkview Devel Co... Optien 10.0 buy tract .of la:nd East of Vint n/t:e parK sJ.'te, va. Engr. authorized te sign samel!'l fram 1I!ilferd B. & Opal C. aptian 10.0 buy tract .of land/near l'lOWic P eas t ~chael for a park, Ca. Engr." n" n 118 d/f'ram John M. Oake .l Inc. , h aptian to buy tract of lan on ~te. i17 ppos ve ~11ngten Elern. Sc .001 fer a library Ca.. Engr. autherized te sign ame 119 Oakey, Jahn M. Inc. land en Rte. ll7 N., Co. . Autharized ta sign .option to buy th ir la d far a library site - 119 Oakey, Jahn M. Inc. land en Rte. 117, ap aiD. ent of Atty. ta examine title, appraving al deed and acceptanc:e .of deed f r Ii rary site - 119 Octeber Meetings - 4$, 6E rega ding. 33 Oak Read - Executive Officer &: Commenwe Ith's Atty. requested te centact Highwa~ Dept. taking this road inte Secend ry Sy tern as requested by the Larry Garvens - Osterheudt, Charles H. elected Chairman .or 1 69 - 137 Osterhaudt, Charles H. ~:presses apprecI" tien te Lee B. Eddy fer his services as Chair Board during 1968 --- 137 Oak Road - reperted that necessary sign tures denating r/w had been ebtained- 161 Oren Rke. Cerp. 's 1.01'/ bids en pumper &: anker (fire contrel equip.) accepted----162 Open Burning - requests fer Variance fre sam Control Board en a.,tien aft~~ /10/ Oak Grove SchoQl Playgraunc1 Lights - In .of' n. a. by Railreads - stat~of State Air Po luti hea~in~ in ~hmcnd------- 164 son H. ~lttr ,inc.---- l8~ Osterhaudt, Charles H. appointment to Scheel enstructian Cammittee - 194 Osterhaudt, Charles H. appeinted te Sal Old Heritage Cerp., Petitioner requestin back en parallel lines 250' &: 1 Hills Ilri ve -Roa ake Valley Civic Center Cemmissian start ng 9/21/6$ -------- 210 rez ning tract .of land 250' an Rte. 419 & ng. . ng oot S. of the intersection of Rte. 419 & Hunti - 213 pt. 's recommendatians &: Baard's actian- ..252. .n Oak Grove Park, .picnic pavilian - Recrea ian ,Mrs. _0 , Brianlal Arringten Dri va- appeared ta property an S. silie of Rte. Oak Grove land - Executive Of:ricer direc ppose getilian .of F-red L. &:Va. H. Davis taHreza e 60 & . of Kllcca ,:10. d to secure eptien an same far Library---262 . f Old Heritage Cerperatien, petitioners, re .one lot frenting 250 ft. on Va. Rte. 4l.& running back on parallel line 250 ft. & lying 60' seuth .of the intersectia .of State Rte. 419 &: Hunting H'lls r. - Final Order------267 Oak Grove Civic League, President Richard C. P ttisall appeared presenting: two reso1uti ns,. (1) cancurring in rec.ommendati n of Library B.oard to purchase land at carr1i e and Hackney Drives for constru tion of a library; and (2) apposing the Town f Vintan and County (,f Roanoke C nso1 dating int.o a third city - 292 Osterhoudt, Charles H.-/~lipeillted Ce. rep esen ative te TAP Baard -------)20 Option far .92 A. tract of' land in Cave S ring negotiate same----., 373 Optien en Carriage Drive &; Hackney Lane s te b library - Exec. Officer to req est Optien en 0.92 Acre tract .of land in Cave Sprin ist. _ Co Exec. Officer autherized to 'ng censidered for censtruction .of a day extensien .of same from ewners----3 3 Dist. - repert of Exec. Officer--377 Optien en Carriage Drive &: Hackney Lane s'te be ng censidered for constructien .of a library - repert .of Exec. Offi er on securing 90-daY extensien-----377 Optien en 25 Acres belonging to Fairview ome= upervisers appreve the giving .of same te Pulaski Ce. ----------3ao. for use fire statian aptian an larid 1n Cave Spring are8l- Ca. ngr. rectea ta exercise aptian --.'.&:._secure drawings &: estimates .of prapased fire tatian -----402 O'Brien, Martin J. appointed as 5th memoer of Rke: Ca. A r Pollution Advtory & Appeal Board-----4l4 OCTOBER MEETINGS - 442, 466 and 46$ I I Open burning by railraads- letter frem St te Ai actian in this matter----- -521 Osterhaudt-Chalrman Cbas. H.'s letter .of angr an rElcent electi n ta Osterhaudt- Chairman Chas. H. liS letter to Del. between Bd. .of SUPilrvisars &:.R e. C Osterhaudt, Char1es.~. - re-electea Cha1 n 0 Pellutien Centrol Baard re: their final ulatiens 10.0 Russel Burnette .of 11/7/69 a. Gen. Assembly.---------533 ahn Hagen of 1117/69 setting up meeting . '.s representatives ta va.fGen.9AssemblY1'-533 the I3Qara of Supe~1sars or 1 7U-577 I ..., ORDDlAilCESi I i i : ~ AMEnDMENT TO ROANOKE COUNTY ;'lOTOR VEHI~LE L~CEIISE ORDINANCE - 30 1 ~ An Ordinance Previding f,)r the Regulat i en .of the Operation .of rletor Vehicles in Reali oke ie.- 32 Reselutien .of the Superv:lseni Apprevin a S~bdivisien Ordinance .of Rke. City as it il Applies to Areas Lecate in ~ke. Co. _u 35 I Amendment te an Ordinanc'9 of f.ke. Co. rohi1j)itini; the Driving .of ~loter Vehicles While ~' Under the Inf:.uence .of lcehol, Other Intexicants .or Drugs --- 45 Apprepriatien Ordinance -- 51 U 1968 National Electrical Cade adepted 121 ~ Ii I, I Reselutien of Intention te Amend liThe tar fehicle License Ordinance .of Rke. Co."_ 33 Reselutien regarding netice .of intenti te I~dapt the Ordinance te be knewn as The Roaneke Ceunty Building .ode irrdinance - 141 Building Cede Ordinance - 15 S & 159 I ~ endment ta General Apprepriatien ordi~ance 11------- 167. 287 endment8 ta the Motor Vehicle License lord1rnce of Roanoke Ca., effective 3/17/69- -189111 endmant tQ General Apprapri&tian Ordi ce i------ 195 il eanoke County Parking Ordinance, Netic .of ~ntentien to adopt ame..ldments ---- 206, 07 1'1' II I mendment 10.0 the like. Ca. Motor Vehicle arlng OrdinaDce--~----239, 240, 241 II ew Roanake Ca. Air Pallution Contrel 0 inal"ce, Natice .of Intention 10.0 Adapt same & PUblic therean ------- '245 and 246 I endment to General Apprepriatian Ordi nce --24g , I, Nctice .of Intentian 10.0 Adapt Amendment a Ra nake Caunty Parking Ordinance and Publi H1" ing ... Thereon ---------257 ,11_ Amendment 10.0 the R.oanoke Caunty Motor V iCif Parking Ordinance (2 hr. parking on C. . 1 1--26g __. Adaptian .of ~ Roaneke Caunty Air Pall tiaJi Contrel Ordinance (repeal .of existing 0 e)- 69 & 2'iQ; " .. Natice .of Intentian to Adopt Amendment a the Roanake County Motor Vehicle Lice05e.O di. C.e.. and F'ublic Hear ng erean (metal strips te windshield stick rs) --271 Amendments to the Motor Vehicle License Ordi, nce .of Raanoke Ca. ------- 314 endment te Gen. Apprapriati,)n Ordinan e -- ------31.6 Appropriation Ordinanca (adepted 6/18/6 }--- --------332 I additienal .ordinances te be included On cedificatian .of Ce. Ordinances per request al Commonwealth's Att't ----- --- )65 Bot:lce .of Intentian 10.0 AdQpt Amendmen:+s ta the Raanake Ca. Business License Ordin..nc - ) il and 394 A,..n""'.t 10.0 General Appropr:f.atian 0 C~----395 of ~ Notice /Intention to Adopt Amendllents to the Rkf!. co~ Trailer Park Ordinance & Public Hearing thereo, 5 Notice of Inte~~~n~_~~~:_~~~~~~_:~_~~~ ~oano~ County Automobile Graveyard Ordinance and Public He ring Amendment to General Appropriation Ordinance -~----i----463 Ii . Natice .of Intentian ta Adapt An Qrdinan~e P~viding far the Semi-Annual Collecti~n a Ii ..... Real Estate Taxes & Public Heari g Th'rean---------471 t Amendments 10.0 the Reanoke Ca\lnty Busine s Lifense Ordinance --------473-5J.4 tll .. N.otice al Intentian ta Amend the Raanak co~ty Electrical Cade (Ordinance) and Publ cHe' i. I1g. Therean--------- 515 ;, Notice .of Intentian ta Amend the Roanak Court). Plumbing Cade (Ordinancel & Public Heari, .. ,: Therean ----------516 r I Amendment ta General Apprepriatian OrdUnancJ -------524 t I Netice .of Intenti~n ta A~eP\,Amendmentsl te ~e Reanoke Ceunty Business License Ordinhnce ~ & Pubhc Heanng .Lhereen. - ~ - -:1- - - - - 5.2S I II Aa.nd~ent 10.0 Gen. Appropriation ordinanfe--i-------546 I ~ Amendments ta the Reanoke Caunty 'frailet Pat Ordinance. ------ 554 : ~ Amendments to the Raanoke County Autamarile fraveyard Ordinance ----------- 556 I ~ Amendment ta General Apprapr.iatian ordiCncf-----------566 I Ii 1 Ii Roanoke County Garbage Colle,:tian Ordin ce-r------------------572 I II , " I ,I Appropriati.on Ordin*e (period ending 6t30/7PI ---------------------578 I \1 ~: ' II Zoning Ordinance .of Roanoke C.ounty----- ----t----------------------58l I II Proposed Amendments to Roan.oke Ca. subdlvisi~n Ordinance transmitted ta Planning C~issi~ns of Roanake , Salem Cities as well as Vinton -------------------582 I 11 I Ii , 1 'I I !) I II , :' 1 I' I I i! . I i! I I! I !: . II i[ 'I Ii -~ ....; Q a a --_.. i Payrolls- See Ca~ty Pa:v::olls appraved 1 ~ Praver :- l, 15., 3-, 4$, .77,103,' no, ~)2, 143, 52, 170, 1$7, 199,219, 23~ 254> 265,292, 06,3 . " '-:.:388,411,423,433,525,.540.,571 Plunkett, T. L., Attarney appeared regar "ng r zening of property at NE carner .of Rtes. 419 and 22l .of Callie !~. Ha y ---6 " Petty, Byren appeared to oppese rezoning .of ce tain property on westerly side of Rte. 21.J.n Cave Spring District 7 Pinkard, Mr. Lewis appeared to oppase re ening request .of Fralin &: Waldran regarding 19 acre an seuth sid9 of Celeni 1 Ave ue -- $ Peters, Mr. James E., Treasurer appeared te r uest Beard ta berrow up to $500,000 as eeded . . te meet defict in Gener 1 F -- lO Pinkard Ceurt, Dundee, Sauthern Hills, e c. - est of Water Facility Surveys - 11 ,-, , -lj. Public Service Corporations Assessed Val e - Phillips, George B. Jr. - DeF~ty Dog War Parks & Recreation Bond, Scheol Bends & ibrar atements of State Cerp.Cemm. - 12 igned - Beard requests Judge ta appoint repla Peters, James E., Paul B. !.latthews, Bill K. ,. appointed te Cemmittee te Study ea1 Prisener stealing & hiding pistol, the 1'e orti Bends - All te be sold at same time in ameunt .of $5,000,000 --- 3S se, Arnold Burton & Charles H. Osterhoud state !ax Semi-Annual Billing - 39 g .of same by week-end prisener- 45 etal c Permit - Mobile Homes - A & U Sales Let ( Perm t issued to .owners .of preperty -Robert C Br et ~~) ---- 4$ ning .or replacing NCR J~chine used te pr nt t E &: Chas. H. Osterhoudt appointed te 10 k int conditiened - 63 eriff - 56 Peters, James E., Treas. appeared re rece diti tickets -- 63 James E., Billy K. !.!use, Paul B. .latth NCIl r'lachine's beinG replaced .or r efCeurse in Pelice Work, request .of S Peters, PayT.lent Prisoner Addie Bratcher Seamster cutting elf repert of Sheriff - 56 Pinevale Read - letter frem Res. . of' Highways re restricting thru trucks - 66 an rezan1.=/~8~ty all Garst M:I.llBd- Carp., petlrtiOners) se rezaning Steele property an.. Garst 8. .. Rd~ - 69... Publ1c. hearing at Andrew L8l1is H. S. Au . tori l Century Deve pnen Preston, Rabert - Cardell Dr., appeared a ap ~o- Patt, J. W., petitianer in rezan:lng .of p apert at point where Rte. 4-19 will intersect al.A Pape, Dr. C.P. appointed 10.0 cammittee 10.0 stud Air Pallutian Contral Ordiaance revisia Pearsan,H.Clyde; Lee B. Eddy" Carter Bra ley, ymond R. Rabrecht, Paul B.Matthews &: . . ... ... . Tribley --------- .3 Publi_c: Meetings teDiscuss Cons.olidatian- Sher ff O. S. Faster and Mrs~ Marilyn Lussen .pp in. support ot same - SO Publ:lc Meetings 10.0 Discuss Conselidatian - A esalutian calling far same - 79 .of Rke. Co. Juv8J1ile 8t Dom. Relatians CalU't Prabatian Officers .of Rke. Ce. - Judge J1. yer/appeared 10.0 request addit1a~1 appr prlatin... in .order 10.0 give these men rises - Board approved request - S2 Personal Property Tax Paymell.t Priar to cha e .of Ca. Vehicle License- James E. Peter 10.0 repert en preced e 10.0 be fellowing in verifying same';' 82 . .. Peters, James E. appeared &: reported on prace ure fer em;Yring payment .of persanal praperty tax priar to purchase .of au 0 tags. - ~u, Planning Collllllissian, Rke. Co. - appaint ent Robert ~ Lucas.& Oliver .5.. Woody. far- new .3 yr. terms - 114 Park site in !>bunt Pleasant" Co. Engr. utha zed 10.0 sign .option ta. buy - 11$ Park site East .of Vinten, Co. Engr. Aut 10.0 sign aptian to buy - 117 Parkview Deve!. C.o., Ca. Em.T. authoriz ign .option tabuy their land east.of .Vi on.. for park site - lI7 Park land East .of Vinten - Judge reques ed t appeint Atty. to examine title, Comm. . Atty.te appreve the deed, Ca. Engr autherized 10.0 accept same - 11$ Park land in Mount Pleasant - JUdge req este to appaint Atty.ta examine title, Comm. Atty. to apprave the deed, Co EIlg. autharized te accept same - 11$ Parking .space - Request .of Chief ,Prebati' n Of icer for 3. reserves spaces. - referred ..t Parking Lot Committee - 128 Parking Lot Committee reactivated & requ Chief Prebatien Officer for .3 reserved pace referred te s~e cemmitt 28 Pickup (4500 Ib.G.V.W. Pickup) - Bids r d &: acceptance of Vintan l~tor Co.'s - 1 9 Pickup Truck - Bids received &: Board ac epts inten Metars bid of ~2l94.99 en 19v9 Fer - l4 Probatien Officers of Juven:.le & Demest"c Rel tiens Ceurt denied reserved parking spac s -1 ? pa a Park land - donatien of same by Maury L. Stra te write a letter acknowledgin rec Pinka~d, 1~. Lewis - appeared to oppese etit Cel.Ave. ------ 1?5 Persennel !~"ters - Vte~Cha~rman appoint d te Pick, Leenard, Secy. Rke.Ce.Elec.Board r cemm ss (on Garst Mill Raad) - chairman autha ized. ipt .of deed and express Co's. appreciati n- 1 en .of Fralin & Waldron fer rezoning 19 Afres ct:tOr Beard in investigation .of same - 56 ds hiring fulltime assistant te Ceunty egist Parks &: Recreation DepartI:lent - authoriz d te purchase new dump truck, hire additienal persen to be Superviser .of Spor s &. ranted increase in salary fer 4 members f its l~intenance Cr!~ ---- 157 Police Cars - Sheriff O. S. Foster given perm"ssion by Board te .order 8 te be delivere afte' 7/1/69--------157 Public service Building Bids fer J.leunt P easa t &: l.lasens' Ceve referred te Cap. Improv ent Cer.un. fer study ---..--161 Pumper & Tanker (fire centrol equip.l - ow b ds .of Oren Rke. Cerp. en beth accepted-l 2 Praperty Committee te apprelle & recornmen Vice-Chairman of Board, Ca. Eng Property Cammittee to study Clerk's req marriage registrar ------ 163 pur hase .of .office equip. for Ce. - appaintm . & xec. Officer & Clerk .of Baard te same--- st f r typewriter, cepy machine &: gen. index nt .0 163 .0 , (Ch .) . er. i 'I Poff, J. W. - Withdrawal .of petitien te ~ezen property at peint.where Rte~419 will intrsec Cel. Ave.------------16$ I Pendt (Spec:lal-Use)- 10.0 .operate racetrfaear stock cars - Denied Clarence B. Ies. ler-l Pendt (Special-Use)- to .operate selt-s ce ar wash- Granted Richard A. Beane-171 &: 72 Property CClIIIIIIittee1s reCCXIIIII8I1datians wi re d to requests .of Clerk's Office-- 172 Authar:ltl ' Public Service/{Rke.Ca.}'s resalutialL reqJ,.esti $61,000 be maele available an request 10.0 pay far co!!str. of Ingerjsoll- - Hallins Rd. sanitary sewer--l73 Pereannel Study and Recolllllendations .. Yarger &. Asseciates employed by.: R.oanoke Ca. --- 94. Property. Cammittee -NJt:lulri~lre ~en &"faJsarCeO~jJi.\{~a~ting machin for Cammissioner at th Reve ue's Office ------- 19$ Public Hearing (Annual) en matters pertai ng 0 read werk in Secendary System - jaint eeti .of Highway Dept. .officials & S ,ervi ars --------- 199 Parking Ordinance .of Raaneke Co. - Natic ,of I tention to adapt amendments to same- 206 Parking Lot Cammittee ta study &. repart t~ Boa d.recammendati.ons on question. of use .of Ceurthause Parking Lat by thesel net aving immediate business in Caurthause r being empleyees ol County '.----r 206 Petty Cash Fund increased te $l50 & I~ry ~icks autharized ta alse sign checks ---- 209 Persanal Praperty Tax Tickets & Persenal frape ty Boak - Can they be prepared by automa io Data Processing equipment net un er dirt,ct central .of Cammissiener .of Rev -216 Property Cammittee's report &. recammendations e tax billing equipment &. methods far Ca -217 ilres. .of N &. W I Pevler, H.H./- Capy .of press release regab.ng cheen with Supervisers 10.0 discuss Censelidatien ------- 218 Precision H.omes, Inc., petitianers reques ing :Parking Lot ColIIIIi ttee to study prablem a per imIIIediate business in Ca thaus Payne, Stuarr.(Adllli.nist,ratoraf McVitty H usel Pla~~iug District #5- request .of City .of changed 10.0 include Bedlard &. Alle~1any P~ng &: Zaning Review by Balzer &. bsa iate Planning & zoning Cantract for R.oanoke Co nty t Picnic_Pavillen far Oak Grove Park - Rece e .arker,C. E. - chief spokesman fer deleg tian Davidsan Water Ca. 's servo ce &. Pallard, Virginia R., Petitian fer rezani g 1.0 by Rte. 722 &. on E. !by ad ,oini Pa11ard. J. D. appeared 10.0 appose rezani pra St. belonging ta Fred L. Vir Parking Lat Cammittee's recommendatians &. Boar Problems------256 257 Parking Ordinance .of Rasnake Ce. - Board' Nat. . ... . .. .. all except reserved space 10.0 . Pla~ni JIg I1is " T'iet . #5 - resalutian lavari g in . Cliftan Farge City - ---- .. 1'1umbingFixtures. fer .Jail -al1.ecatian f $1 i19nning District.# 5.5 further resoluti ezaning .of 12 A. N. of Rte. II ---225,22 ns parking in Caurthause Lat whe have n -------241 ppeared re McVitty Hause land---2.42 . th regard 10.0 geagraphical bQundaries be ng etaurt,Craig,MOntgomery,Flayd,Franklin, s - referred 10.0 Pl. Cammissi.on--246 - status report by Co. Egr. ---~?44. be updated-Balzer & Associates - 244 ions .of Recreatian Dept. &. Board's acti n ----------252 f Belle Haven Rd. residents re C. R. aard's actian---;'--254 ... . . beunded on N.by Rte. 220, on S. &.W. praperty ------261 nty on S. side .of Rte. 460 & E. ol Mecc 18 H, Davis--------255 .5 actien reference Caurtheus.e Parking e .of Intention ta Amend same 10.0 limit hra. -----257 . usien in same by &._fram Allegllany Cq....c%. . ------259 00 app,aved 9Y Board.on 4/23/69------259 ity .of ~e. . Parro.tt,. B.I .-. awarded contract. far. ca Branch. Library.-----264 . b~ot.t~B.F.- resalutian al 4/2a/6~ of Libr Board recammending that same be award .. contract far constructio I .of . nton Branch Library---------264 .Peters, .~. .James.E. ,.. Treas. o.f Rke. C). pr pesed that .Ce. change frem metal strips a stickers ta be used as Ce. mete~ veh cle licenses -------Z71 .I?l.~i..ng Inspecter,. W. W. Mc!lUir,a-pay fo per' d 4/8 through 5/9/69 - 287 Iplac d en salary I )?:!'umbin9 Inspector - ~~leyMcGuire ernp1o{ed/- 305 .. Peters Creek Interceptar SanitaI7 Sewer-I rese ution .of Board of SU~~~~2fSr~~g~$~~~n~ City 10.0 grantautharity fer Public Servi~e Au herity te censtruct/~, !trre Wttnin ci y . limits of Rke. &. to waive cenditiefrls of centract.existing between City & Co.re s id line----------2$O &: 28l . Public Service Autherity's resolutien request. g Board .of Supervisors te ask C~ty .of . Raaneke to grant a sanitary sewer +ine . sement acress City-ewned property at intersectian of Rte. 117 &. 460 & t,p gra t perm:.ssion fer censtruction .of Peters Creek Relief Interceptar S er t City with a waiver of the cend. ten of existing City-Ceo sewer centrac req iring deeding to City lines constructed y Ca. within City---------2$0 Pattisall, Richard C. - President of Oak rove Civic League - appeared .and presented tw resolutions, (1) concurring t at t e Library Board purchase land at Carriag and Hackney Drives for const ctio or a library; and (2) opposing. the Town of Vi~ton and Roanoke County CQ: solid ting into ~ third ci~~ -- 292 Primary (rural) & Intersta"e Tentative A Lecat ens fer L9a9-7u----~~ Public Service Autherity Activities Repere forlApril 1969-------2$5 Penalty tax payments - letter from L. S. Faldr p dated 5/1/69 re this matter------2$S Penalty tax payments - letter to L. S. W41dro datedS/9/69 -----2$S Public Service Auth0:ity's letter te Willard' I Answering Service (copy) ------2$5 Public Service Authority Activities Repo t -- Park Develapment, Capital Improvements Public Service Authority's resolutien &. Wate~ Ce. -----------------300 Planning C0lIIIII1ssian recommendat:Lan re: b -29$ _n 2$5 action re lean te purchase Belle Haven ed location al mabile hame saleslats f Rke. I~ .1. ..1.- I...... I "'. I , " I I I Pattisall, Mr. Richard C. appeared re: ~upe~isers initiating legal proceedings Wit~in I 60 days to redistrictJthe Magisterial Districts of Raaneke Ce ---- -312 Permit denied Sinclair Burks to eperatl 20 ~pace trailer park ----313 Peters, James, Treasurer app",,,red re bqrrew~ng meney to purchase site at Hallins (N~ning ,Ir prepertyl for scheel ~----~----315 I Painting interier .of Ceurthouse - repo'lt by I!Ceunty Engineer-----------315 Pope, Dr. C. P. - appointed Health Dir'~tvr~for Health Dist. censiting of Craig Bot teur &Rke. Caunties --2sa---3~~----~-----316 Ii Peters Creek intercepter line -/.;1$1 4' 2 ~ H , ,I I Persannel Regulatians & Pasitien Class.fica~ien & Pay Plans, Resalutien en the Adop ien Administration .of ----- ----~------- 320 Public Hearing an 1969-70 Fiscal Budget' ---1~------32S & 329 I' Parade .of Va. Assac. .of Rescue Squads, nc'i!- carrespendence to Ft. Lewis Rescue Sq d - 23 I Pettigrew, Dr. of Federal Defense Agen y - 'ppeared re a simulated civil defense em rgen y. exercise in Rke. Co ~n s ring1ef 1970 aleng with others-----334 Paff's letter (Richard H.l .of 6/3/69 t Ch rman advising no federal funds availabl fer Hershberger Road -------- ---- 57 Private Patrol Systems - Corom. Att'y re ues inclusion .of .ordinance in code .of Ce. rdi nces. requiring licensing & reg lat"pn .of same--------365 Permit 10.0 park secend trailer granted R by J. Halsey for 3 yr. period ------- 366 I; Planning Districts .of Va. - letter fre DiV] of State Planning & Cemmunity Affairs Pickup truck & tag-alang trailer -Reque t &tutherizatian te secure Bids (Recreatie Dep .1-377 Perrine, Harlin (Atterneyl - appeinted 0 i~titute Chancery Suit .or whatever: means ke ' deems advisable to collect all~f delinquent real estate taxes due en parcels .of real estate in e. l[ Reaneke ---------37$ & 379 Pepulatien Prejections- correspondence rromfept. .of Censervatien & Ecenemic Devele ent Reanoke Valley Regional Planni g Co issien, Chairman .of Board of Supervise s- 3 Planning District Commissien, Ferrnatien .of - correspondence frem Reaneke Valley Regi nal Planning Cammissien te Chairman Oste heudt and correspondence frem Chairman ster oudt tn reply----------3$4 -t I 'f!It'"'. c P.l'lII1t.~r.quest .of Raanake. Aera Guidanc Sa ety ta operate radia cantrallecllllinatur ... . .. . aircraft on portian .or Albert F m ( eferred ta Planning Call1ll. )----388 Public Serv:lce Authar:lty Activities Re art .or July 1969 ------~$g Power Rates lar Electr:lcity (far Count I - lOC. Officer 10.0 loak inta this matter & repot'.39.5. I Planning District .5 - cans1deratiaZl by aaZl;e Cc. .or participatil'.g in same &: chart d1 Paff, Richard H. 's letter .of 7/28/69 ac ow I dging Supervisors resalutian re:taxatia from mun cip bonds----------399 Paving~Salem Rke. Valley Civic Center lot & dr veway'- list of bids received & acceptance by Sae; & . RoanOKe County of 10' bid of S~wy'er Paving Co.------4l4 Rublic Service Authority's resolution re: amend"ng c tract of 1/3/67 between Authority & Supervisors to allow Authority to deed 25' strip of 1 d to Sav-A-Stop, Inc.---------------415 PUb'ic hearing set for 9/24/69 on application Cla de A. Weaver to park 2 trailers for rental on his pro I Puilic hearing on application .of Rke. City to se BrllshY Mt. landfill.----4..tetter frplll Cha-irman{)st houd to H. Clyde Pearson & Julian Hirst- ----~----418 Peters CreeK Inte~ptor Line reqaest--letter om C~. irman of Board to City of Roanoke requesting . response to same-----------4l8 ~ Personnel requirements of Electoral Board- let I' fr1r Chairman Osterhoudt to Roy M. Kinsey-----4l8 .Power rates for electricity- Chainaan Osterhou 's l'tte~ to Appalachian Power Co.----418 Personnel requirements of Registrar's Office.. 1 tter.~~rom electoral Board & Supervisor's action-424 25 I Personnel requirements of Reg;strar's Office.. ette1,from Registrar & Board's.action-425 i Personnel requirements of Registrar's Office-I' valu~tien desirable in January 1970----425 I r:i,ll. postponed ,I Public Hearing/on request of Rke. City for spelial u~e permit to operate landfill on Brush Mt.-----426 Public Hearing on proposed amendments to Rke. io' SU~ivision & Zoning Ordinances----427 I II Personnel COIIIIIittee appointed and duties and a thori1i:y outlined..--...---438 i II ~ , Ii Property COIIIIIittee to study reimbursement of avel ~expenses for Business License Inspector-n----4i ii Peters Creek Civic League's request re: school~ in ~.' rth County (speed up construction of Intermedi~~e Ii School, etc.); Chairman of Board pf Supervisors' reply (letters received & filed)--~--~63 ~ Pee, Dale .of Hom Builders Association .t ext!lnded cangrat.ulatJ.ans on preposed zem.ngl II Plumbing Cede (or~~~~~~e=-;:~~::-:;-f~~en~ien ta Amend Same & Public Hearing Therron-5~6 Pena1t to .operate a lIIOVile HaM sales rrt - ~PPlicat1an .of Emmett W. Lindsey, et al~--52~ Paxtan, William~ity Manager .of Salem's let~er 10.0 Ca. Bngr. re: marking Civic Centeli :1 Parking Lot-------------t---i.530 i i Peters, James E. 's appaintment as Trea . af'iRke. Valley Mental Health-Mental Retard _ ' t:lan Services Board (letter f~am Chas. H. Osterhaudt .of 11/21/69)---.5 6 Public Servic. Authar:lty's Resalut1an : urJlI.f1cat1on .of Rke. Val~e water &. sewer systemll as J;:ecamme ed Redanal PlanninlZ neers-----547 Peters, J~s E.'s letter \capYJ .of re gna an ~s Treas.-oJrKEe. 0.-------------5 7 QI nCQme II I g a Caunty Vacatian Pay POlicy----.547,55$ , lPayment .of December salaries autharized !tor ~2/22/69-----------560 1~1anninq Commission - 1 appointment to be coJsidered at 1/14/70 meetinq----------S77j' # 1 :! " , :i " , , , I ., " il , II ~L II I, ~ ;1 ~ i; il :1 ,i r. 'I ~ U 'I ~ ~ 'i " ~. ., 'i " Ii ~ I: ij 11 ~ I! IT " 'I ~ + 11 " ii .t " i! TI l :] ~ " I ~ ., ii n if - :1 :! ., :: ;, 1I .. , , I! n H'" :i :1 d ;i " n J ., , ., , I ~ if !I " 11 II 'I 1 ~ " " ii .i !l :. " i " . .. " " !: ~ " , ~ ~ , " . . -' , . ;1 ~ :i j! .; ,i , . I' I> ~ " :i I, ~ il ~ I !, II ~ i ~ II ~ ,I il I I ij !i I.... ..... I. I I ! ., I f.. ..... I ~ !I I II II ~ 'I I. ~ " " ~ II ~ 1 ~ II t ~ I ;/ H :I " tt , ii ~ :, II I I I TI , " il I' tl 'I : ... . ii 'I Regular Meetillgs - 1 l5 l ..'d, Wallo,. A - ':'Oning p.,inion d, ", I "ding ",op,,'y on ...,..1y ,id. o,~lf , Rusher, Mr. Derwaod, Atty. representing .0 s te rezaning request .of Fralin & Waldr n to rezene 19 acres on seut rly side .of Calonial Avenue (2 parcels) $ Roberts, ~~. William - appesed to rezoni g re est of Fralin & Waldron on sauth side 0 ,Celonia.l Avenue .of 19 Acre - 8 Raanoke County PubhcSernce Authority ques s Board to pay partion .of cest of water acility, surveys far Dundee, 'nkar Ceurt, Southern Hills, etc. - 11 ' RETIP..EMENT - 12,44.74.95,113,125,134 l49, 16$,198,23),260,288,300'324,35$,36$, $5 41 438, 463, 523, 547 I 560 574 ' ,430 Roaneke Ceunty Public Service Authofity' JuJ report .of activities _ 25 ,...., , ! I I , I .l,..,; Rabbins, ~~s. Jean - Ext. Agent, Home Ec. - A Roberts, ~!r. Wm. H., Directer a.f Rke. Ce. Libr Mrs. J.f... Leo:rrard, Circ lati Reaneke Caunty Planning Cernmissien - Resi nati Roaneke River basin (upper) - Geehydroleg j :"-. Recreatien Beard - A. T. Huddlesten, Jese establish guidelines Raaneke Elec. Steel - te be natified that disnosal f:ervices. - Rke. River Flaod Plain Infor1Jlatian - 63 Rebbins, Jean, Ext. Agent, Horne! Ec. - re rt f I' Sept. 196$ -- 64 st repert - 2$ y System, ~!rs. Helen Webb, Beakmobile L"brary & Library .of Rke. Co. - present & recogn'zed- $ of Guy V. Funk and appeintment .of M.E. ey 3$ '--' h C. 45 Ceun 4 y - Ceunty's willingness to participate & Paul B. ~atthews te meet with s will terminate on 12/31/6$ industrial ,.... Ren:lck, Mr. Jahn, Atty. RepresElIlting ap Mill RaaQ (Mr. Kenneth Trabu BQanoke Caunty HigbwaySalety Cammisstan Rabrecht,Ra:ymand. R. appoint,eel to call1lllitte alallg with Lee B. Eddy, Dr.C.P.P .Miltan A. Tribley . Raanake J6.micipal Airport - Height Zanillg Cha . ref rred Recreatian Board recammendEld ta execute f rthw Cave Spring Li.ons faub -- 7.5 Resalutian fralll Welfare BOiLed, dated 1072 /6$ itia graup 10.0 rezaning al Steele praperty all Gars , Att . alsa representillg this graup) 69 est bl1shment al same and appointments coi1fi eel- udy revisian .of Air Pellutien Contral 0 tel' Bradley, ,H. Clyde Pearsan~, Paul B hD !ie.creatianBoard - An amendment 10.0 resalu Roanake Ca. Juvenile & Damestice Relatia additianal appropriation fer meri Officer -- Recreatiar. Board Guide lines - Cammittee R.obbins, Mrs. Jean, Ext. Agent, Agricultu s urged by City .of ake. in Rke.Ca.- a Planning Collllllissien by Superv1sars--- h ;.the lease fer recreatian space in questing additianal sPace lar. Welfare D pt. - '15-_ xing number .of members and terms al. . .oil ce- - James I. Moyer, Judge request & Boar gr eases far Probatien Officers & Chief P~oDatian . ----.,--- $2 rt recammendations at 11/27/68 meeting 82 ober report - 95 ecreatian Board Guide1inE6adepted - 105 Recreatian Board - appeintlnentof J. R~ Tamli ake. Ca. Planning Commissien - reappointm~nt t 3 yr. terms .of Oliver S. Weed & Rebert . Lu Rke. Ce. Recreation Board - appaintment 0 Reb L. Legan, Jr. - 124 o Robbins, 14rs. Jean, Ext. A~ellt, Heme Ecan mics report for November 196$ -125 Retre-activ.e appraval .of check~; -2ld66 ,95 , 113 126 & l35, 183,197, 214,230, 250, 36$ Real Estate- Resalutian Re Gen'ar~ Re~~~' :~~~ 351~2:'!gg9'~;li0g.,63~ i~l.S37 Report of Rke.Co. Highway Saf,aty Commis ion preved far filing with State Hwy. Saf~t Cemmissien - 127 Raaneke River Basin Geohydrelogic Study Ceunty's share .of cest - Reserved Parkir.g Spaces fer 3 f.ield Offi request of Chief. Probatie Railread burning weeds & trash along its Exec tive Officer instructed 10.0 send checkfl 2$ ers .0 Juvenile & Demestic Relations Caurt - Offi er referred te reactivated Parking Lot ight of way - 136 2$ A lJ Refuse trucks (2)- Cary Hall Ma.chinery's accepted by Boa,rd --- 14 ,. .Race, Harold C, Henry Tliemas. and w.. S. Russell' appeared to request allo.catien for Va. wrste Community Cellege from 1~69-70!Rke. Ca. Budget - 143 , Reaneke Ceunty Highway Safety Cemmissien ~s apJ icatiens fer Federal I1r(:.nts fer "Three se . Driver Education programiand aining fer Traffic Otriccr$ & Summons I print rs program enders.ad by Bear - 1 "Real estate taxes (Delinquent I - De1inque t Ta' Collecter autherized te act as agent .of .of Court in attempting te co~lect same - 145 Reserved parking spaced fer 3 field officrrs .0 Juvenile & Domestic Relatiens Ceurt DE J. O~iverlStein Raaneke Ceunty Planning Cernmissien -/reappeint d fer 4 yr. term starting 1/1/69 - 145 , , Rabbins, Jean (Heme Ecenomics) Ext. Ag"ntl' V.P 1. repert for December 196$ - 147 Registrar's Office - Paul l~tthews to check in1e the necessity far extra help - 14$ 1 Ratenbury - Mr. Tom appeared tc, oppese pelitia .of Fralin & \1aldren to re:o.o:->e 19 A en C l. Regianal Landfill far Va11ey- Vr. A.T. Hu dles n's tabled metien calli~ far State ~~r au . Selid Waste & Vectar Contr 1 to tudy Dixie Caverns as a pC5zibility - 1 $.' id a $l5,500 an same (with Pak-Mor refuse bo 'esl 5 I Reanake Caunty Building Cede Ordinance;--i--- I Rodes, Mr. Elmer endersed Building Cede Ordina ce prepesed far alleptien----15$ j !,Roa..\'lake Ce. Public Service. Authori ty' s rjoluti n dated 1/14/69 requesting $61, 000 bem~Jde available te Author~ty en request .or pent fer constr. .of Ingersall-Rand-Hell ns Read saniUry sewer by Aaren J. Ce er G~ . Centracters (Actien Deferred) ~- 163 Reanake Valley Regienal Planning Commissi~n be asked te request State Bureau .of Selid ~ stes Vectar Centrel to make study of Dix e Ca erns as a regienal landfill fer valley- 5S ( te study pessible sites for regien 1 la'dfill in Roanoke Valley area- cost to be1 . shared by Cities of Salem & Rke. n t te exceed $5000.- metien died-----------165 ebertsen Censtr. Ce., petitioners in req dste rezoning .of property on E side of Rte. at Recreati~;e~~~~d-'~-~~~:~~~-(~~~;j-~~o~~~~-~:- ~~~:~~: 164 ! ae,.,.., Rasa - appeared 10.0 appose/stack cF ra e track .of Clarence E. Kesler in Mount P ea8 Race Track (Stock Car)- special-use permi D Clarence E. Kesler al Mt.P~~sant-171 Roanoke Ca. Public Service Autharity's re UBSt Superv:lsars.' answer regarding *61,000 being madeava1lable ta Autha ty a request ta pay tar canstruction Qt Iugersa11-Rancl - Rall1ns Rd. an:lt Sewer -- 173 Rcute Humber ChaDies .or Reassignments (Se cnd System)- 176 Robbins, Jean - ht. Agent, Hame EcanomiCt J ary repart---- - 178 Real BRate Appraiser's Report dated 1/22t9 aanake City 1nv11;ed by relSalut1an a:f Boa d 1;0 art1cipate alang with Bo1;et.olU't Co., Cit . ... Salem. Town al V:lnton &. the C ty n proposed indepenelent evaluatian .of 1 .... .... .. sites in the Raanake Valley - ----- ------------------ 179 egianal P1anniug Call1lll1asian .of Rke. Vall - r quested by resalution .of Boa,rd ta abled} s 170 &: retain private indepandent Cast to be shared by Cities a t evalauate 1andf1l1 sites in the RIte. V , RIte., Town al Vintan & Caunt:les .of Bot ta _ &Rke. Ca .or all by Rka. Co.-- - 1 9 ROanoke County Public Library, Report at irec I r- 179 ecarclat:lon .of deeds an property 10caUd n C1 of Salem after transitian Qt Salem 10.0 rst ... . ... clasa city & priar ta autbari tia .of a Clerk's Of lice tar a CaUrt .of Reca- 1 1 Recardiug fees callected by Roanake Co. for re rdatian .of deeds en praperty in City .of Salem after :lts trasitian 10.0 )1ty befare autharizatian far Clerk's lar a eurt f . Recard lar Salem ----- apinio a:f torney General ------__ 191 Ra1.Jrosd Assessment, Pe~i~ian .of N & U ta have eir real estate assessment reclucecl & uP8r- visars partJ.c:l.pating in appas tion 0 same betore State C~~~~~Man Cammiss: cn- 1 :~ Re&ional Mental Health Se~es Board - Supervi rs' participation & C sapp~tm nt8-I J .08,D.oke Caunty Health Department - QlI&rte~lY R art far Oct., Ncv., &: Dec. 1968 --___ 1 .ecr.eat1an Boarel Minutes al 2/11/69 Meetit - 1 $ ~ecreat;1on Department Activ:lties Repar1; f~Jan ry ---- 198 _.&io~ Landfill Study - capy .of Paul B. 10th ws' le.tar dated 2/1?/69 10.0 Managers a:f own . ' Vint.on, City al Salem, City .of e. Botetaurt Caunty Board .of Superv:lsars i vit:l g their participatian .in cast .of ---- - 198 _.RQbertsan Constructian Campany, Inc:., etiti ns in rezoning of preperty an E. side a Rte. 11 at lenvar(Final Order) ----- 200 ;ll.eed, Herman F. appainted to RIte. Ce. ublic Servo Autherity :far 4 yr. term beginni 6/2868--- 209 .Raanake Caunty Public Service Auth.:>rit - H F. Reed appeinted far 4 yr. term 6/ 8/68- 09 Real Estate Assessar's Report dated 3/ /69 - 214 cs Repert for February 1969 ---- 214 Rabbins, Mrs. Jean - Ext. Agent, Heme ~cene , .Recreatian Department - Bid opening prac~ces ------- 217 Recreation program - letter from Tewn .of Finte regarding jeint operatien w/Ce.--- 217 Recreatien progran. - letter to Town of V~' ten egarding joint eperatien w/ Ce.---- 21$ Rai~read Reassessment- letter frem Chair n .of Bd. ta Va. Asse. .of Co's re Rke. Ca.'s participatien in fund 10 opp se same------2lS Recreatian Department Headquarters - offe of haal Board a:f 20-acre tract on Cave Rea W{2-story dwelling fer se b Recreatien Dept.-------231 Regianal Mental Rea th Services Board- re igna . en .of WID. R. Hill & appaintment .of Rabbi DanaI L. Berlin - ---- --243 Reaan:lng petitiana pertaining 10.0 apa~tmen shin abeyance far 120 days------244 Raanake Caunty Schaals Budget far fiscal 69-1970---------244 Recreatian Department Headquarters- C.o. E gr. Keith Sausage Pro pert . far RIte. Ca. Public Service Authority Activit es R Rabbins, Jean, Ext. Agent, Hame Ecanemics RecOlllllendatians of Recr8;iti.on Board re:ffilr e ties at Narths~de Recreatian c~ p ex Rest room facilities at. Northside Recreat an C secure written .offer from Schaal se by Recrea'n Dept.---246 pert-249 repart---249 iCni.l:SJlavillen at Oak Grove &: restroom f cili ---z L& 2Sl plex appraved by Board-----252 Board re I.. .1.. . I I. "1 I. ',.... t'. ., " I i :1 Ii Recreatian Department - report of Activtties~far March 1969--------259 ~ Recards .of City .of Salem maintained in 'ircu~t Caurt Clerk's Office, letter fram Cha rman~ .of Board 'Of Superv sersil to Wm. J. Paxtan, Jr. - Salem City Mana er-- --259 Rabbi Donald R. Berlin - letter fram C irma, .of Board .of Supervisars to same canfi ngl his appaintment 10.0 Regilnal Mental Health Services Board-----25 i egianal Mental Health Services Board- ette' fram Chairman, .of Board canfirming appo ntme. t .of Rabbi Denald R. Be lin' appaintment ta same------259 I RoanQke Valley Home Builders' letter 10.0 Boara .objecting ta maratarium an apartment h use rezaning- Board's ctio* in reply ------~262 I Residents & landowners .of Mountain Hei~ts Dtive petition te rezene Sectians I & II ff Mauntain Heights Subdivisien fromilAgriculture A-l te Residential R-I----2 7 oberts, William -Directors, Roan.oke Co nty PtiDlic Library-presented revised budget 1968 69)-277. " 'I Roan.oke County Public Library-revised b dget!1 (1968-69) - 277 I Raanake County"Public Library -budget a cepttd (1968..69) - 277 I Rothgeb, Miller & Brogan, auditors, emp oyme~t to audit 1968-69 records - 278 I Resignati.on .of T. E. Burke from Roanoke coun~y Recreation Board - 278 I Roan.oke County Recreation Board - Resig atio~ .of T. E. Burke - 278 J ~ oberts, William H, III - Directer Rke. Ca. ~ibrary - appeared re Nerth Ca. Branch L bra werking drawings --------2 7 1 1 oberts, William H. ,III - l'cquested app oval of revised budget fer Rke. Ca. Library. 96$- 9, Board .of Sypervis rs' ctian--------277 Raanoke Ca.-Town .of Vinten Cansol~datio Agr~ement & Charter fer propased Consolidat d Ci ly-274 Rish Equipment Co., Bemiss Equipment Co p., lI:arter Machinery Co. bids - reo Tractar ~o b 'I . used at landfill - defer de isiqp for 48 hrs - 284 I R.oanoke Caunty Public Service Authority - for review and recommendation on the sewag~ tre tment contract between City nd County - 280 anoke County Public Service Authority es.ot" ti.on requesting the Board of Superviso s to ask the City of Roanoke ta gran a s er line easement across Peters Creek R d a Melrose Ave. and for the constr tio~ of Peters Creek Relief Interceptar Sew wi a waiver of c.onditi.on - 380 II abbina, Jean - VPI Extensian Agent (Ho e EcJ - April report---2$5 II aanake Guidance Center - letter from B teta~t Ca. dated 4/22/69-----2$5 I ~~;~;~~~ig:~~e ;~~;~ry - l~tter(t~ Bot,g~yrt Ca. ~~~ed2/25/69----- 2$5 I I ... .... oanok."valley ~ame ~ld:;S 0::50:. r~\td~il-::::er to them re meratarium on apartm~t r~'ZOning~': ecr~tian De"9~ Capital Impravements Bu et !lror 1969-70 -----2$5 I ' .... 'I ecreatian Board meeting minutes (5/$/611 --~---------29$ ~ ~ eanake City-joins Canselidatien Agreem~nt a~ready entered inta by Town of Vintan & a. a~ Rke..- acceptance .of I ,i 310 & 311 " Recreation Board -/resignation .of Miss rettyUAdamS--------320 H Raymond R. Robrecht - cerres[',!1dence te same,! re sale .of lands fer nan-payment .of rea estll, te Board -lett::X:: ;;~;;;~;;:IOf ~ss Betty Adams-------323 ~ 11 II obbins, Jean, Ext. Agent, Home Ec. - V Y Re~ort---------323 ~ " eanake Academy .of Medicine's letter wi re~oluti.on reo Conselidtian ______ 333 I, II II egienal Mental Health Services Board's requEl.st & Beard of Supervisers' actien refer ncej .. "letter of faith" & County' taking under advisement funding .of their pr gram --335 aanake Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardat~en Services Board (Same as Regional Men al .. Health Services Board) ~aneke Co.'s letter .of faith re funding the~~ re ams-335 ecreation Board - re-appaintment te s e eftiPaul N. Daoley for 4 yr. term--------), ~ aanake City's resolutien re develepmen .of ~enselidatien Plan prior te Annex.atien T ial~157 Reanake Caunty Ceurt & Juvenile & Demesbic R~latiens Ceurt - State Auditer's report .or 1.11 fiscal year ended 6/JO/6$ --~----t----33$ i Recreation Department's Activities Reoett for Manth .of May '69-------33$ !i Raaneke City's letter of 6/11/69 re Caieli4tion Refe:,'edum -------33$ ~ Reanoke City's letter (copy efl te Dr. ~amesl.iH. Fagan re Contributien to Valley Cemp ehenlive Mental Health & Mental Retardation S~rvices ------33$ ._~ Roberts; William H. III - appeared re: Library matters & intreduced Mr. William Hill, Vi~ol, Librarian -------- 304 r;! Ii Reanake City Annexatien Suit- status re*ert ~y Cemm. Att'y ------ 365 !i ural Affairs Study Cemmissien - Chairm,ln au~herized te appeint & instruct committee Ite p~e- & 36 pare & make presentatien befere same 'in Sept. in Lynchburg en behalf .of Rke. Co. ~----365/ Recreatien Beard Appeintments (David S.! McC~g,III, Rebert E. Smith & J. Ken Shelte~I-3~p : :; I II Robbins, Jean (VPI Ext. Agent- Heme Ec .il - Jiune '69 repert------- 371 I I eanoke Valley Regienal Mental Hpalth SJrviC~S Beard - letter .of intent 10.0 same fremlchai~an .of Ed. .of Supervisars dated 6/~7/69 ,:___n____ 371 !: Rural Affairs Study Cemmissien hearings 1- 14ter te Chairman .of Bd. ----371 ;i Recreation.Dept.'s ~equest & authorizat~en ~~: bids en pickup ;r~ck & tag-aleng trai er ahd b1.d~ <?n. a restream facility ati Nertfside __n______ 377 il Restroem fac1.1~t1.es througheut Ce. Rec~eatiqn Dept. parklands- Executive Officer A Sisttt & Recreatien Dept. authorized t joi'tly secure bids en same-----377 ' I I ' Restr99m facilities at recreatienal epart .of Ce. Engr. on estimates on cest --37 _J -... I I I , I ,-. l :C!l c o n ~ ~ ! ii " . I: .. tt I ' " :: Renick, .Tehn (Attorney) - appainted to !insdtute Chancery Suit or whatever means i. I i he deems advisable te cdllec~ delinquent real estate taxes due on certain,! ~ land in City of Salem, ~ormef,ly Tewn .of Salem --------27$ ! .-1 :: Renick, John (Attarney) - appeinted. te iinst~tute Chancery Suit .or whatever. means he'deeJ adv~able ~o c~]ect del~nque,t real estate taxes due on feur (41 ~ar~els ~ .of land lYlong Ul Ce. .of iReanqke -----------3$0 ! . 1 ',:,;,. Reed, James (Attorneyl - appointed to ~nstitute Chanc~ry suit or whatever means he "~s~ advisable ta collect delinquent real estate taxes due en 2 parcel .of ,I.eal!! estate in Ceunty .of Reaneke +--------379 ~ ~ Ray, Charles L. Jr. - appeintecl fer 1 Yr. tEilrm te Board .of Adjustments and Appeals-~93. ~ j Recreatian Board - appointment .of Paul Deel~y reduced frem 4 ta 3 1r. term pursuant ito I " .ordinance establishing same --.;;------3$3 'I ; Recreatian Dept. Repart fer June 1969-+---31$4 ~ 1 Raaneke City's acknawled6ment of SuperV,1sera reselutien extending time fer respense 'ta ~ " cansalidatian invitat;ien----+3$4:; ! ~ ~..I Raanake City's letter of 7/7/69 10.0 CitY!. .of Sa' lem in re: Salem's declining invitatiati ta 1 ' join in canselidation referendum an basis of Salems vete by mail ballets-~--3$ 4 Raanake City's letter ta its committeemen ra meeting with.Supervisars 10.0 discuss ch~es ,I propesed by Rke. City in cansolidatian agreement--.----3$4 ' tRecxeation Board, appointments.; capies.of;Jietters frem Chairman of Board .of Supervi;sers / it t.o David McClung II J. Ken Shelton & Rebert E. Smith-----3$4. : ~ Ii Rural Affairs Cemmissien- leetElr te Minor Keffer from Chairman 'Jf Baard re hlos servi!ng. U ~ on 3.man.cammittee to prepar~ & mike presentatien in Sept. '69 befare sam~ an ~ Jaoe, James b:a;:. a~ :::~r:: :;;::31: RLake Aera Guidance Saciety 's request ftr t' II special use permit t~ .operate minature racl:lc-cQntrolleel a:lrcraft on A1 ! bare F&1'III -----388 i ,i : . ~ R......ke A81'O Guidance Saciety's request! releh-ed ta P1a""i"g Ccllllllissian re: special~e . !i penait tar use .of p<!rt:lan .of "'lbexf Farm taoperate minature racl:la-cantroll!3Ei il ~ aircraft--------3SS ii ! j ;I I ': , :1 4KoaDake County Public Service htharity lActiJ1ties report far July 1969 ----388 .. l ~ :!Ro1;hgeb, Miller I: SellsJfiP8IlIaUlt1t .of $4Qoo aC;Ved lar payment------3S9 j i ~ otb8eb, Miller &: Sells bill al $4000 &:. PO... . 's letter to Superv1sars .on th1s-39~. I~ faobinsall.. Daniel A. in Gaunt at $5,750 iapprqved far payment---..--~ S9 . .r'. ._... . 11 I I ~anolte County Advisory &: Appeal Board -[ ap~~tment .of 4 .of 5 118111bers with filth ta e ': apI)()intEtd by Chalnnan-----394 I ~ea1 Eatate Reasseslllllent EqualiJllat.ian Bo~. j request at Frank R. AugeU for suggestiOD& . H ,.',t fcr appointees 10.0 bl~ passeel rn t~ Juaae Haback ---------395 ! ~ , , . . II tRoanoke Vall81 Regianal P~Dg Call1lllis~ian'' request far apprapriatian frolll. RIte. Co... 'II :1 in Gaunt .of ...8,220.75 for fiscal year 1969-70-----396 ~ ;!Roanoke CQunty Electaral Board - persannel r!lquirements --------401 II iiRegistrar's Office personnel requirements - ~eport requested .of RIte. Ca. Electaral I. i' Board reference this matter----.---(.Ol ii ~RoanakeCity's d1spositian .of Sup~sa~s re.alut1an requesting permissian lar , 'I Publ1c Service Autharity to build interceptar line in vicii1iJlyoaf ! I (. .. .Peters Creek t.hrough City *rapeJioty withaut transi'erring ownership otsaid ...1. ilRoanake City,~if:€~;r-T;;oPY-Of)3dlted 7/17/69 ta Salem w/attached resalutian of Rke.!City ; Council re: amencl:lng sewag; canFact between twa cities by adcl:ltan of 1~.399 ,i acre tract in RIte. Ca.----... ----4399 I'. II n I !! . W ~ RaanokeVail81 Regianal Plann:lng Commisrian Fual repart lar year ended 6/30/69-.---;399 ~ .. '_ ,I. ' :1 g Ray, Charles L. Jr.- Chairman clf N. .off Sup~isars' letter 10.0 him .re: appaintlllent tp . ~ ii Builcl:lng Cade Bd. clI .t...just\'lents, &: Appeals----------399 , ~ ,Rabb1ns, Jean- VPI Ext. Agent-Hallie Ec.-:report tar July 1969-------399 I ~ Roanoke City's resolution approving c;onsolidatifn ag~fement & charter for consolidation of 3 governmerts-4 :, il Roanake City's resolution approving additional ~dver~ijsement of agreement fpr consoliElatian ----407 i 'I ~. ... , ,I . ,.., . i!.R!!fu~e .c.ollection & containerlocatilln- recolllllerdatill/ls of County Engineer & protests of County I . .... ~ J Roanake Vall~YSh~eqS~a~' R. I!Hl~ Cl'EJed .Farzier & ~,i O. Woodl iff & Board! subsequen~ actiPll-------41J & 41:4 . j .... 9 Plann1ng 1.0III1I1ss10n- Superv1S(Jrs pay. 6-i11onths share approPr1ated to same-415l1! ..J Robe,:ts, 1I\n. H. III, Director of Rke. Co. Libr~ry ap~ared----------416 Ii :: " II j.Roanoke Valley RegiQbal Planning Commissien - ~inute~ of quarterly meeting held on 7/24/69----418f ~ ,! .. Supervi sors ' 'I J Koanoke City's acknowledgment of Supervisors'motion #uthorizing/negotiating committee to meet with V~.tPII 1 :! & Roanoke City negotiating cOlllllittees to:negotiate a consolidation charter------4l8 . . ~ Jloanoke City'~ ackf!Owledgment of Supervisors' "1Otion:irescinding deadl ine of 7123/69 for consoliEla- ' 'I. t10n talks----------418 ' :. Roanoke Valley Board of Realtors' letter to Rke. Co",Assessor Frank Angell re: suggested appointees I) to Equalization Board for Judge aoback'~s consideration--------418 ~Refuse collection rates -action defeered on Exe~. Of~icer's recommendations till 9/24/69------424 ,i Rlbbins Clean (VPI Home Ec::. Ext. Agentl report for August '69--------428 .o.l.. ..' j ,! :' j Rakes, W. E.! O. S. May, G. E. Tri~bett, E. S. ~esli~ appointed viewer of ~nnamed road from Rte. 116; . :i sauth to D. E. (pet1tloned by Lewis Earl; Johnson, et"als for lnc1usion in Sec. System~ -448 ; Robbins, Jean (YPI Home Ec. Ext.. .Agent)- monthlY report-----464 :j Roanoke Co. Highway Safety Commission ~ 1 n~ly created positian ta be filled---577I 1" . t1 f !, ~l " jl j II I, :i ff ij " ., I- I. .- , 'I... I '... " " . ." l., I. l', .. : f' ~ ~I'" ,. ~ 1. I . " . ~ . .t - " . .. IRegistrar's request for raise for Assistant Registrar & tequest for extra help(letter of 9/10/69}-425 'Registrar's request for raise for Assist. Registr~r - P~~sonnel Committee's recommendation & Board'saction-434 .. . I IRegistrar's resignation (capy ()f same) dated 9/18/69 eff,ctive 9/30/69 filed with minutes of 9/24/69 meeting-4391 1'lRoanOke City's letter confirming oral request to contin~.: generally the public hearing on their application ! for special use permit (to operate lantifill on Brushy Mt. )~----------437 ...., Renting space in publicly.owned building ~ Commonwealth'~ Attorney to investigate legality of same and, I report findings to Board before . they cr. nsider request of Salem-Rke. Co. Chamber of Cornnerce's I ~ request to Nnt space at Civic Centert---~-----444 : . t Ii I ' Roanoke Valley Mental Health.-Mental Retardation service~j Board - approval of by-laws subject to modification---~ 45.... Roanoke Valley Mental Health.-Mental Retardation services~ Board's by-laws - e:ommonwealth's Attorney to loo~ into 1- -- legality of aspects of same ~-----------445i I Roanoke Valley Menta! Health~ental.R~tardation ServicesUBoard - Chairman of Board of Supervisors authorized to.' meet wlth Mayors .of Cltles of Salem & Rke'!lre: tre:surer for this Board ----------445 ' I enti/lg space in publicly-owned building (Salem-Reaneke County Chamber .of Cammerce'srequest I ,I to rent spa?e in Salem-Rke. Vall~YdrCiViC Cen~er); epinian .of Attarney Gener~, rr I Salem's den1al & Board of Superv1s rs concur1ng act1an------------470 , ~ oanQke Valley Mental Health-lIiental Retardatio~ Services Board's Budget far fiscal year ~97l. . ~=. 1972 - Chairman of Board .of Superv~~ars autharized ta write letter ta State Dept. I .of lolental Hygiene and. Haspitl!l:t s expressing Supervisors intent ta apprapriate! . ' _.__u. funds in accordance w1th same-----~~------47l i I I Raanake Caunty Highway Safety Cemmissien :- Alf;ted C. And'3rson reappeinted fer full term~5.24.... ..._ evisedSubdivisianStandards - capy of letter~frem Va. Dept. .of Highways .of 10/$/69 ta ;u_.. . I Charles H. Osterheudt------52l il I .aanake Bar Assaciatien's letter !G resaluJ;ion ~ndersing Canselidation--------52li_...... (capy) Ii. i oanake City's letttlr/ta its conselidatien celllllliittee members .of 10/14/69 in re: mor:ii1;or;i,~~ praposed site .of landfill in Rke. 00.---------521 ; oanake City's letter (copy) of 10/3/69 t9 Vinti,On in re: appraval by Tawn Caunc.H afViIl:~a~. .of cansalidatien agreement & chart$" .of prQposed new city-------52l J ecreatian Dept1s. autharization to purchase tJ:iailer, ;r mavile radias, mamtars &: speahrs &: .u. _d. to hire 2 main~,'nance men--------;...--5~7 .. .... r.-.. u_11 as ~aI' 1ecreauan Dept.-------------527 ~ .. . -t--...-.-r.-... aanQkeCity's letter .of 10/21./69 larwardi/lg C~py .of .ordinance granting easement lcr seJer.-.J. .... ta be built by Caunty within City---~------532 , ~ aanake City's resalutian 1$934 re: garbage didlPasal facilities (Brushy Mt. &uDi.xie.CUElrns_ __ landfill s:ltes, etc.)--------------53~ , =~~.:: ,~i;;:~~el;;;~:;~:~;~~~~;~:~~;;;:~f~~:~~~~;i;;e;;~t~;;~~;;~ii;~~}e~.~~ :.- carrier between Rke. and Bedford Co.4---------533 I _... ~~ ... .....,. H' . 1.; .,_ .'. ..___ .___ . _.. .. .. ,'___._._. -......-_ .."_.....,.-.__..~._._ .__. :1 i J8lIIes(AttQrney) - llmployed by Supe:rvisat ta insti.tute. ChancElrYJlui:t .Qr~a.:t.f!!!er_L._ .___ other meL.S he deems advisable ta cal!fLect delinquent real Estate taxes an I . . parcel assessed in name .of H. L, FrallCis----------542. . .... __.......... ...L..._ __ . II . ; ecreation Dept.ls request & Recreatian B()ard'~ cancurrence re: lights faI".ce~ail1.temJs.... __. caurts--------------542. i3 I aanake Valley Mental Health-Mental Retar<1atio Services .Board - apPQintmentaf.TI:gsurdI:..~le: e1:.. ta J...s B. Petllrs fram Chas. H. Ost haudt----------547 I aanoke City's liesalutian re: pending area-wiel~ gavernmental prablbs & eflQrts toward $ifi~ll.-- catian .of lecal governmental agencie~i in Valley---------547 : I eferenclum Results - Circuit Caurt Order ~ in ~: sale .of mixed alcahal1e.beyerages--_.-5~.j'._.._'....._. . . . ules &: Regu!atians apply'.Lng ta Recreatien Dep~. awned grauncla--------548 L.....__I , 'I I I . I aanake Valley Mental Health-Mental Retar<1atia~ Services Board - Attarney Generll1's ()p1~e~-~.__ athgilb. Miller & 'Sells to audit recards 9f JaJj. E. Peters fer periad ending l2/3.1L~'1 af;eez:.w date Kathryn Garst 10.0 assume duties qf Trea.s. tc fill unexpired te~------567: . .U ~Rebb:l:ns, Mrs. Jean's Nov. '69 report as VfI He~e Ec. Ext. Agent------565 . ...!.._...t__ tClaneke Valley Mental. Health-Mental RetardatiaJ. Services Board- Caunty' s. cantrib_ur.iCln ..!. ..... --...i-- i 10.0 same far year ended 6/30'70-------~---566 , eal Estate in Summerdean '3, gif~ 0 same by G" G. Fralin----------584 : TI~' oan.oke Val1<!y Mental Health-Mental Retardatio~i Services Board- 2 appointments 1:.ocbe. con:- ..I.-.=: sidered at 1/14/"0 meeting-----------+-----577 t.' . econciliation of Accounts of James E. Peters, ;:rreaa. & changed from his name to Kathryn.f. .._._._ I Garst, Treas. ----------------------5861 thru 593 I . ~ '..... rl' .! II ~ . ~.I'~~: ~ it ., r rr.. ~ ~." n ~ 'I il. ii . E J.. Ii ] ~ i- I I i ~ . -+..-. I ~---' ~=~.~--.--- o Q., ~.; ..... ntract between City .of Rke. &: City .of S - 79 10.0 Discuss Consalidatian - 79 reation &: Fixin,g Number of members and o nds RATIFIED-S3,84,85,86,87 addi tianal areas being incluqed under 10 rms 0-. . y of Rke. &: Rke~ Co..ofc9/2$/54 as amen ed~$8 &: 89 sites &: informatien te be considered r a ---- -96 &: 97 !I LOIn"o. of 1 I..J RESOLUTlfNS the Board .of Supervisors reqpesti g that Cities .of Salem & Raanake accept ewag frem Jehn W. Hancock, Jr. ,. Inc. property on west side .of Diuguid Lane - $ &: esalutian .of the Board .of Super1risers ta eget" te a laan Dr loans as needed nat 10.0 exc ed $500,000 far the purpese .of meet' g deficits in General Fund .of Rke. Ce.- lC esalutien .of the Board requesting Judge Cir uit Ceurt ta appoint a Deputy Deg Warden to replace George B. Phillips, Jr. 16 Reselutien .of Intention .of Reanoke Ceunty ta us , if de~ted & accepted, certain tract 0 land fe~ park purpases - 1 &: 20 Resalution Approving a Subdiv~sien Ordina ce of Roanoke City as it Applies te Areas Loca edi Reaneke Ceunty 3 &: 36 Reselutien .of City .of Sal~ regarding 3 y s. fr in return for which Sale~ ould by ake. Co. Library systerr. - rec Reselutien Pertaining to Continuatien .of eselutien .of Schoel Board - rec'd. &: file re e library service provided by Rke. Co. elin~uish cIa ins for Capital assets poss ssed ived and filed - 36 Services te Residents .of Salem - 36 & 3 nnual apprepriatien .of future school bud ets-5 Reselution Previding fer the Sale of 4:5,0 .-, , \ ..1 I -l em Bends of like. Ce., Va. - 57,58,59,60 & al Opinion en the $5,009,000 Bends .of ety Commission lar the Caunty of RQana Reselution F"~viding for the Printing .of Resalutian far the Establishment al a Hi ay Resalutian Relating 10.0 Certain Fraposed L gis Resalution 1/1$37 .of City .of Rke. amending the c dated 10/10/5,3 re sewage tre tment Resalutian .of Supervisors 'ta Hald Public eei Reselutien dated 6/19/67 creating a Board .of R Amended an 11/1)/68 ---- Resalutian advertising sale .of the $5,000 000. Resalutian addressed 10.0 City Cauncil .of sewage toreatment cant.ract betw en C" esalutian of Board ta Cit:V' .of Rke. re ad itie landfi 1 . Ce -62 - 7 Resalutil.n te City .of Rke.. re Additienal reas being included under sewage contract .of /28/ -106 rtain Lats far Delinquent Taxes, no in..~, aunty ------- 187 ng legislatian related 10.0 CONSOLIDATIO al 190 liminate Independent Cities ----- 194 equesting Raanoke City Cauncil to apprav ar der terms .of Salem-Rke. &: Salem-Rke. Ca. sewa e -0 Regarding madifyil".g Contra.ct for Operatio .Regarding petitianing the 3-Judge Annexat" an C City .of Salem 10.0 comply with p visi General Reassessment al Real Estate in e. C lem-Rke. Valley Civic Center (Tabled) - 115 urt te recanvene fer p~pase .of reguiri n .of .order entlered 8/17/66 -- 116 during 1969 far 1970 - 126 rrd.. '',:" "-:j , " -U Reselution of Intention tc> Amend"!he MetaI Veh Resolutien regarding Netice .of Intentien 0 Ad Building Cede Ordinance - 141 Resalutian Praviding far the Acceptance 0 Oak Highways .of Roaneke Ceunty -- 44 Resalutian ae: Tcporary Transfer el Funds 10.0 tc Board -----------173 T esalut1an Re: Propos eel Inclependent Evaluatia Resalutian Regarding Autharizatien .of Sal City .of Salem &: Formerly in Ra Resalutian apprOving in principle prapase ena lacal Ra.nake Valley Gavernmen s -- esalutian Calling far Prepased l"egislati n ta esalutian dated 2/26/69 to Saler" City Ca cil west .of Salem lor sewage trea1nt treatJIent cantracts -..---- 195 Resalutian expressing gratitude ,of Board r Su an Rke. Ce. Library Board .of T ste Resaluti.on requesting the JUdge ,~f Circui Ca Library Board .of Trusl;ees and ake Reselutian directed ta City of Roanoke re uest" of Rke. City - Rke. Co. sewage trea Resolutian Re MCVitty Hause Land-------24 esa1utian appraving the L,ocatien &: Desig esalutian Welcoming Stackhalders to Annu hape that Raa'loke Valley may r cle License OrdiI~nce of Rke. Co."- 133 t the Ordinance te be Known as The Raan e Ca a Part .of the State Secendary Sy tem 0 Ca. Publ1c Servo Auth. &: Repaym al Landfill Sites in ike. Valley --- 1 o rvisors ta Mrs. J. Arthur Deyerle lar h ser (fallowing her resignatian) ------ 210 te increase from 5 10.0 7 the number al e. C paintmente thereta ----- 210 & 211 g that additienal areas be included. und r the ent centract -------- 227 e Propased Sauthwest Freeway-------255 ing .of N & W. Railway Ca. &: expressing & Wts Headquarters ------258 Board~of Supervisors, Resoluti.on/- Amendments to Cansolidation igre nt - County .of Roanake and Town of Vint Res.olution, Town of Vinton, Amendment to 10nSOl dation Agreement - 303 Resalution .of gratitude ~,d appreciation 10 Ci 'zens .of Roanoke County reo School Bond ssue Referendum - 303 Resolutian .of Town Council .of Vinton appr ving enselidation Agreement, charter for pre osed Censalidated City & petitiO~'ng C' cuit Ceurt .of Rke. Ce. for referendum a questian .of canselidating th Tow & County ------27~ Resalutien of Town of Vinten inviting cit es .0 Salem & Rke. to join in Consolidatien a reement-273 I Resolutien of Board .of Supervisers apprev ng C selidation Agreement, Charter !er ~anSO~'idate City & petitioning ':ircUJ. t Curt r referendum on questien .of censelidati g I Town of Vinton &: Ce. Of Rke. 3 & 274 Resalutian of Board .of Supervisers inviti es of Salem & Rke. te jein in consolida ien agreement -----274 & 275 - 3 2 , I L.", -- I I I Reselutien .of appreciatien for public se~Vice~Of J. Rebert Taliaferre, Rke. Co. Elec. l Plumb~ng Inspector & expression.of s~pathy te his family in their bereavemfnt-27 Resolution fram Roanoke county pubric se~vice utliority requesting the Board of Supervi ors t.o ask the City of Roan.oke t.o grant a sewer line easement across Peters Cree Roa and M~lrose Ave. and far the, .onstruction.of Peters Creek ReI ipf Interseptor Sew with a waiver .of condition - 80 Resolutian reo Design of a County headqua ters library building to be constructed at Ha kney Lane and carriage Drive in S, , Cou ty - 290. I Res.olution of caunty School Board author' ing he Board of Supervisors and Department o~ .. Recreati.on t.o use build' g on the property purchased from Valleydale P cker for a recreational head arte s !:>ui1ding - 293 Griffi th Reselutian .of Appreciatien for Services .0 Fre erick/& expression .of sympathy ta his f 95 Resalution designating Mayas Senior Citiiens' Menth----296 Resolution from City of Reanake dated 5/1 /69 equesting repert made .of a plan for censQli- dation .of lecal gevernmental u its -----------29$ I Resalution .of Town .of Vinten accepting Ci y of eeneke in Censelidatien Agreement--- 3l Reselutian .of Baard .of Supervisers accePtjng C' Y .of Roaneke in Censelidatian Agreement --- 3 1 Rese~utien autharizing Treasure~ ta berro $11 000 te purchase schael site (Nini/lger p apert -315 .of c~ty .of Rke 'Resalutian accepting rates/far treatment. of s ge far areas described in Reaneke City'. resolutians #lg688 &. #18689, e~. rec endatian of Public Service. Authority-- 16 Resl1l,l1tian en the AdQptien &. Administrati n .of Persennel Regulations & Pesitien Classif catia &. Pay Plans (as drawn up by Ya ger Asseciationsl -------320 Resalutian .of City .of Rke. re Consalidat'en da ed 5/26/69 --------323 I Res()lution of Supervisers re de~,tien .of . and r Museum .of Science--------336 Resolutian .of City .of Roanake re develepm nt .0 Censelidtion Plan pri~te Annexation1il'1-357 Resalutian approving a modified library c nstrUj tion pregram ----------363 . . .. esalutian oppesing propased legislation .0 re se and refennthe Fed. Inceme Taxatien Situte te change status .of state &. leca gev nment bonds to permit taxatien by any gevernment .of the interest earn.e en ch bonds----------3$1 Resolution of City of Roanoke approving consolida 'on ag eement between Rke. Co" City & Town of Vhton -46 " Resollltion .of City of Roanoke approving additional publi ation of notice of consolidation agreement--407 Resolution of Board of Supervisors approving cons lidati n agreement & charter for consolidation of 3 go~ rnment -407 ~~lution .of Board of Supervisors approving add'i ional ublication of notice of consolidation agreement- ret Resalution of Board of Supervisors/amending cont.- ct of /3/67 between Public Service Authority & Supervi ors to pennit dedication of 25' 51: ip to av~A-Stop-----------415 I.. ...1.... - - ~.- Resolu~ion Adopting the Charter Agreement of the ifth Panning District Commission---------419 & 420 __.... !lesolution req.uesti,!g Judge. of Ci rcuit Cout:'t to. a: oint oard of Equal ization---.--------427 Resolution that the Board of Supervisors takes pCI ition hat the submission of the consolidatianagreemen to ". to a referendum is not int: ded t constitute an endorsement of any of its terms n r a recOlllll8ndation in support cons lidation (OEFEATED}------------435 1 . Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $7,9OO,OOC1 chao I Bonds of Rke. Co., Va., and providing for the sa e of ._.... ".... said Bonds at this time--- ----- ---449 Resolutian Providing far Printing .of LegE' Op' 'an an $7,900,000 Schael Bonds, Series 1 69A-5 4 Re.salutian Determini/lg Sole Payin,g Agent tor $ ,900,000 Scheal Bonds, Series 1969A be B nkers Trust Ca. in Borough e~!! ttan, City &. State of N. Y., etc.------ 515 Resalution autharizi/lg Beard .of Supervis s ta borraw as needed a total amount nat to cee -- . . $ 400,000.00 -.-------- 520 Reselution clarifying ter "emplay'ee" int Cnsel dation Agreement----- 520 ~~lut.ian awardiDg $7,900,000 Sc:hQQl Be: s, S nes 1969A al Roanake Caunty, .va.-----S3~ ~~ll1tia~ creating a call1lllittee to study assi le change in farm .of Caunty Gavernment-sJ9 " . .salutian request:lng City .of Rke.. 10.0 acc:Jpt sage .far treatment at City's existing sefge treatment facility from prapeltty 0 Schaal Baard .of Rke. Ca. farmerly awned . . by V~leydale Packers, Inc. -i---- -----534 l Resoluticn re changes in Secandary System I due relacatian & canat..ructian .of Rte. Iloo- 44 I esalutian Ratifyi/lg, Validating & Confinl'ng" Resalution Awar~~ng $7,900,000 Schaal B nds Series 1969A, .of Reaneke Ce nt" Virginia"-------------------557 es.alution in re: one final attempt 10.0 ne tiat a ~cng-term sewage treatment contract w th city .of Raanoke---------57 esalutian in re: searching title of real estat in amaunt of $7,500------- ---56 esalu~ian in re: searching title of real lestat in ameunt .of $30,000------,----- Resolutian Directing the Ca. Execllltive Of icer patian in the Stud~' and COltrol Resolutian praviding for the Givi~9 .of No. ice City .of Salem Plan'g. COIIlIll , and amendments ta Rke. Co. Su ivisi I I in Cave Spring Dist. far a fire station in Cave - 56$ .0 Investigate U. S. Corps of Engineers f Flood C.onditions in Rke. Co. ----575 the City .of Roanake Planning Cammissia , Tawn of Vinton Plan'g. C.omm. .of propose n Ordinance ----------582 Spring Dist. for library buildi saluti.on reo rec.onciliati.on .of Accounti:af J s. E. Peters at Col.onial-American Nat'l. . Bank & changing name .of sai acc uncs t.o Kathryn F. Garst, Treas.--586 .es.alution re:reconci11.'at~'an .of Accounts f Jas E. Peters at Bank of Salem & changing nre of said accaunts t.o Kathry. F. G rst, Treas. -- 587 & 588 solutian reo reconcilatian .of Acc.ounts f Jas E. Peters at Security Nati.onal Bank & -.. changing name .of said accat ts t Kathryn F. Garst, Treas. -------- 589 reo reconciliation of Acc.ounts of Ja . E. Peters at First Nat'l. Exchange , chanqing name .of saidac ounts to Kathryn F. Garst, Treas. - 590 RESOLUTIONS (Cont'd.) Ii Resolution re: rec.onciliation .of Accounts of Jliis. E. Peters at Mountain Trust Bank & changing name .of said acc.ounts .0 Kathryn F. Garst, Treas. ----------591 ,. Resalution re: reconciliati.on.of Accauntsof J 'so E. Peters at Farmers Nati.onal Bank ' & changing. :~ame .of said accaunt~ ta Kathryn F. Garst, Treas. -----592, 5~3. Res.olutian Requesting Certain Modificat~ons ~.o Existing Virginia State Legislation -5~5, " I' II )' !i , I i .---, I ,- _._~ [i I] " f Ii e , ' -- , " 'I I, " . " c I' li " \: d ; , r , I , I .I I I , 1- . .. L__. .J-=- ~ J i: ~ i: ii , I! " i i i! it Ii " 11 Ii lj 'I ~ :1 U !i :) i: ~ I' II il i ;i 'I I, .ff I I' :1 f m I i: IT )\ ~ I ~ , I: . i. I , ,. 59. I ~ I ~ , I , ,-, ! , -.-J REZONING I Withdrawn Petitien .of Themas H. Beasley ~egar "ng rezoning .of lO.$3 Acres owned by Gre er W. Craddock with frentag~ on te. 419, Easterly side .of Stearnes Ave. Rte. 716 ---- ~ " I rezon~ng Withdrawn Petitian .of C. F. Kefauver & R W. ers CanstI'. Corp. regarding/land owned by them en nerth side .of Rte. i 1 - 4 Final Order Rezoning of praperty at inte. sect .on .of Rte. 118 & Airport Rd. of W. Clayt n Lem n-5&6 Callie M. Handy Property at NE cerner .of Rtes 419 & 221 - Final Order 6 & 7 Petition .of Wallace A Reed - Denied-rega ding ezoning praperty in Cave Spring en Rte. 221 - Petitien of Fralin & Waldren, Inc. refer ed b ck te Planning Cemmissien ~in for furt er st dy & recammendation on r zeni g 19 acres on Calenial Ave (2 parcels .of landl $ Rezaning .of 5 Acre Tract lecated on Stat Hig lay Rte. 11$ .of Bart Galbraith - referre ta Planning Ce~nission - 26 Certain Lets as shown on the map .of Arro Wee Subdivision .of recerd in the Clerk's Of ice 0 Circuit Ceurt in Plat Beok 6, Page 93 (Arrew Weed Country Club-Peti iener -41 6.993 Acre Tract of Land, lying E. .of Re tt R ad and S. of Ceve Read (Arrow Waed Count y Cl - Petitienerl -- 0 17.0l Acres, en N. side .of Shenandoah Av ., W .of Rke. City Corp. limits, Westever Dev lopme 10 Corporation - Petitio er . -------- 49 Property en the W. side .of U. S. Highway 221, . imbert & Gimbert, Inc., Petitieners ~ . I '- ~ithdrawal .of rezoning request re 6.993 cres Country Club, Inc., P titi Two tracts .of land adjo~ng S. Corp. Ii its Crys Property .on Westerly Side .of Garst Mill d.- C Praperty at the Point where Rte. 419 wll int . .of Reutt Rd. & S. of Cove Road, Arrow ers ---. 40 e. cantaining 12.13 Acres & 3.30 Acres, 1 Tewer Cerp., Petitieners --- 64 tury Devela~ent Carp., Petit1aners-F sect Calanial Ave. (J.W.Paff, Petitian 'ead Tract .of Land in Cave Sprillg Dist. NW of NW e d .of Townside Dr., the NW Corner .of the Int. .of T nsid Drive & Rte. 220 approx. 1006.77 Ft. W Ira -- 9$ (Galden Park C.or~,. tia ers) 5 Acre tract en Rte. 118 of Bart Galbrai h - inal Order - 103, 104 &. 10? 47 Lets in Blks. $ - 14 in Arr~~ Weed SUfdiVi1ion - 105 (deferred to 12/1l/6$1 - 10 Property aA Kingstawn Rd., Rte. 626 of A eric n Meter Inns, Incarporated - 114 47 Lets in Blks. $- 14, in .\rro'~ Weod Su di vi ien - Final Order - 122 & 123 Withdrawal of Gimbert & Gimbert's rezeni pe ition with re ta property an W. side .of te. :] Property an South. Side of Brook St., W. Two tracts .of land censisting .of 12.13 A .of City C:rystal 14.Acres, N. .of N. side .of Shenand,)ah Av ., W. Lots 10 & 11, Map of Alpine Hills, Rke. h Drive Narthwest of Mobile Manufacture s. Cer 3.30 Acres adjoinillg seutherly cerporat limi s . lying W. .of Rte. 220 belenging te pet"tiane , Corp. - 137 of Rke. City Corp. line, Westever Devel pment Corperatien Petitiener - 139 lenging 10.0 Tam T. & Phyllis D. Teicner - 46 41; Acres of land known as Block:;, 1 &. 2, p 1 f Nerth Summit Hills &. Frentillg 655 fee en Edgelawn Avenue sitUated in Roan kA Ce belenging te Frederick W. Finney, et a - l4 Tract in C. S. District NW of N\'.i end of ownsi e Drive, apprax. 1006.71' West from NW cerner .of intersectien of 'rewnsi e Dri e & U.S. High~lay: 220 - 153 19 Acres en Seuth side .of Colonial Ave'l SW ( 0 parcels), Fralin & Waldren, Petitiene s-D Property en E. side .of Rte. l~ at Glenv r .of obertsen Censtr. Ce. ------165 Preperty .of F. G. Fuller en Rte,. 116, W. E. HIe Petitiener-------166 Praperty en NE corner .of Dexter Re.o & s~nnYbr ok Dr. belonging te Jes. W. Feley & Nell':'e J. ------ 166 ,. Withdrawal .of Petitien to rezene preper at .oint where Rte. 419 will intersectian Ca onia Ave. .of J. W. Pof ----- -------- 168 2.38 Acres .of Land near interse,:tion .of tes. 20 &; 674 .of James B. &: Betty H. Hadges- 18J o 4.458 Acres .of Reserved Latte Ar"a as sh an Wil ourn Tract .of land just E. .of Vintan en ite. .of p at Sec. 4, Lindeuwaad ol Wm. A. &: La se A ------- 184 .F.W. Ca., Inc. ----- 184 n.., ,;,..:"':, .. .<1 "'--'-, Property owned by Gordan Russell Huffman &; 1.0 ted an N. side al Rte. 116 acrQSS from ley Swim Club canta:lning .39 A,::res-- ----~85 (petitianer is Don Sheltan) --- 185 Real Estate in Cave Spring an Nartheaste ly c I ner at Rte. 681 &: Rte. 419----185 (Pet iane s- D9,uble GQr ration &; TanrlewaQd Mall Inc. )-----11151 Withdrawal of Tom T. & Phyllis D. te~chl r s t~tlan ta re10ne ~ets~'& ~l, map ar-A~pine ills- . j 199 Withdrawal .of Jaseph W. & Nellie J.. Fale ion ta rezene property an NE carner .of exter Rd. & Sunnybraok DJive -------- 200 Praperty on East side of U.S. Rte. 11 at Glen r of Robertson Canstr. Co. ,Inc. (Final 0 der)- 200 Petitioners, Real estate an NE corner .of Rte. 6111 & R e. 4 ,/Deuble T Cerp. & Tallglewoad Mall,Inc. J(Fina 1-202 Praperty en Killgstown Road, Rte. 6;~6 Rke~ Ce. ,! American !-lotar Inns, Petitianers -- 203 +04,2 5 41; Acres of land knawn as Blocks 1 & 2, ,iip 1 f North Summit Hills &: frenting 655' an dgel wn Avenue .of Frederick W. Finney, et 1 - matter centinued 205 Property on S. side of Rte. 460 &: E. .of ~ ecca . t., Big LiOcfolagisterial Dist.,belenging 0 Fred L. Davis & Va. H. Davis ----- - 213 Tract .of land franting 250' en Ute. 419 ru ng back en parallel lines 250' & lyillg 00' S. .of intersectiea of Ilte. 4 9 & ting Hills Drive, belenging ta Old Her"tage arp.- 3 4; acres known as Blecks 1 &: 2, Nerth S lIs & fronting 655' an Edgelawn Ave.-Fr deric W. . (OVER) . , __.__ . Rl!zoning .of Property on Rte. 311 Catawba Rd. nea~ Mount in Pass Baptist Church .of Edward O. Beasley & wi e,,-M7 Rezani/lg .of certain parcel .of land lyinglen n th side .of Cel. Ave. iu Reanake Ca., ;00.57 feet an Cal. Ave. & ;06 fee an 1118.nassas Drive (F19.ence D. BateJU&l:l1 Rezaning .of Lat land Nartherly 60 Feet f Lo 2, Bleck ;, Map .of Miller c;aurt, and La .. Block 5, Map of Hillendale (aIle Builders, Inc.-Petitionersl--------5l9 Reson1ng at property .on waeerly siele at u. S. RQute 11 (Will:1amaan Raad), part at Blo 13, Boxley 8:l11s .of C. F. Ket uver, et ala (Harold T. &: David W. Lang, pet! aner) -530 Proposeel Rezani/lg al tract al land just st a Vintan an Va. Highway route 634(Harcly . .of R.E.Gearhart & F.W.Finney Ca tr. arp.----------------545 I Rezaning al Praperty situate an t,he East Side f Virginia State Secendary 8wy. Rte. Naoj 311 Knawn as Catawba Raad (Edward O. sley & Pearl S. Beasley, Petitianers)FI~L 6R ER-551 Rezoning .of property situate at inter see ian Murray Raad and Lee Highway owned by H.!c.Spa gler sa as to permit kindergarten pera on thereon, petiti.on .of Consolidated InVFstar of Va., Inc. ------------------- --- 5 1 and 582 .L Rezoning of property on Rte. 24 east of so as t.o permit operati.on'of daycare ce ter b Edgewood Daycare Center, peti Triplett Realty Co.-----------------57 , 582 Rezoning of 5.044 Acre tract of land at cti.on .of Rte. 599 Ii Wayburn Drive .owned by H.E. Bowell, Etta M. Howell, pie . Sink Ii Hubert M. Sink, Executor .of Est te .of Miltan E. Sink.-------------,. ---- 580 I i I ! Finney,.et al (Final Order -------221 f U7.729 A .of land at intersectian of Airpor Ad. te.. 1$$9, l4urray K. &. ,..;;;ry Anne Ceulter, I Petitioners-----22~ I 9.21$..A, Tract W. .of Peters Creek Rd., lit .of JaIlles E. Leng, et a.L,petitJ.oners--22~ 12 A, lying N. .of Rte. 11 .of Precisien Ho nc., Petitioners ----- 225 & 226 I . ; & six tenths A. tract an Rte. 117 acI'<)s fre Narthside H.S. & adjaining Southview Meihedis ell ch 0 ned by L.S.Mitchell &. C.J. Guilliams---2 6 4.4SSA.. .ol R.!served Lake area as shown em map f Sec. 4, Lindenweed .of Wm. A. &. Lauise W:Ll ourn ---Petitien Withdrawn---------22$ Praperty .of F. G. Fuller an Rte. 116 (C,)V Raa) -(W.E.Hale, Petitianer}-PETITION WITH WN- 6 .I~ Property onwed by Gardon Russell Huffman n N. side .of Rte. 116 acrass from Sun Valley Swim Club, cantaining .39 acre mol' .or less (Dan R. Shelton, Petitianerl--- e~~i n Withdrawn ---- 237 .Tract al land E. al Vintan an Rte. 24 of .F.W Ca., Inc. (C.F.W. Ca., Inc., Petitianer Final Order--------237, 23$, Three Parcels in Roanake Ca. tatalling ab ut 5 acres, Waldran Hames, Inc.,Petitianers- - held in ab~Jan e fe 120 days -------246 Yellow Mountain View Subdivisian, Same of Resi ents Petitiened ta have eJU;ire subdivisi n rezaned. fram A-I ta H- -- eferred ta Pl. Camm. -----2~7 Mrs.. Thamas S. 8aykar's written request f r re cansJ.deratian .of rezaning property bahi Eabassy Motor Ladge - ---- 4 .ALL REQUESTS FOR REZONING FOR APARTMENTS eld n abeyance far. 12.0 daya",-.,...;..;.,.---244 p_~P.~ty an $. siae ef.Rte. 460 & E. of M cca 10., Big Lick Dist., be~onging to. Fred L. & Virginia H Davis -(public hear ng cent'd. te 5714169 meeting) ----255 !.9t b9unded an .N. by Rte. 220, on S. & ~r. by R e. 722 and on E. by adjoining preperty, Virginia R. Pallarcl, peti ianer --------261 . Tbr~e Parcels in Raanake Co. totalling ~b ut 5 acres, Waldron Hames, Inc., Petitieners - --261 l'raperty an S. side of Rte. 460 & East e>f Mecc St., Big Lick Dist., belonging to Fred Davis & Virginia H. Davis (alse> etit eners) - FINAL ORDER----------265 O~latfranti/lg 250 l"eet en Va. State Rte 419 and runni/lg back en parallel lines 25.0 f and lyi/lg 60 ft. Sauth .of the in erse tien of State Rte. 419 and Hunt:lng Ilills Dr. .old Heritage Corporatien (petiti ners FINAL ORDER--------267 Pre.perty located en the Nertherly side elf Va. tate Highway Ne. 117, beunded onS. by I the Narth line .of Va. State Rte!. Na. l7 en E. by Narth Lake Drive, an N &. W b . praperty .efthe. petitieners here n ( son H. Littreal) -----2$3 . I 4.95 acre t~act. W. of Rte. 117, adjaCent~' te W odmen of Werld preperty & Kings Armes. ..... .. apartments belanging to H. E. fila ling worth & Vance Hellingswarth (petitioners) -28; Stri.ps. gf land extending frOlll Rte. 221 i,n the ave Spring Dist. of RkE}. Co. owned . by or under aptien by Mick-or-~~ k St res Co., Incorporated Ipetitionersla---2 7 Section I &.8 .of Nt. Heights subdivision rom griculture A-I te Residential R-l . petitianers - residents &. landow ers f Me. Heights Dr.-------297 MOratarium en apartment hause rezani/lg.- lett from Valley Heme Builders Assac--262 1_.. MOra.tar.ium on apar. tment house rezaning - lette from Baard ~ Valley. Heme Builders..Assa. F.-2. 5 Rezani/lg_af Sectians 1 and 2 .of Yellow M ntai View Subdivisian, Frank A.. Guthrie, et hls,.. etitiell,!lrs. ---------;308 & ;09 . Rezening three parcels situate in Raanek Ce y, petition of Waldron HOllIes, Inc.,Final Petitian al Flarence j). Bateman to rezen lanJ in Cave Spring Dist. fronting 3.00..57' a Ave. &. 41.0' 'an Mannassas Drive rom R-i te Business B-3 ---------319 Rezani/lg4.95 Acre Tract, W. .of Rte. 117 adj ent te Weedmen .of Warld Preperty &. Kings Apartments, belonging ta H. E. elli swerth & Vance Hallingswerth -FINAL ORD .Rezaning strips of land extending frem U S. e. 221 in Cave Spring. Magisterial Dist. Reaneke County, Va. owned .or un er 0 ien by ~lick-or-~~ck S.eres Ce., Inc.-FI I .Re.san1Dg property situate an kit side .of te. 19 (Starkey Raadl--------(Br~ch & Assac s., . tiane s)--- ----..398 Rezoning of Sections 1 and 2 of Mountain Heights. divan (Final Order)~-~-.-~-~.~-412 & 413 Rezoning of a certain Parcel of Land lying on the North. ide of Colonial Avenue,.S. W. in Roanoke County atd fronting 300.57 feet on Colonial A\'e ue an 300 Ft. on Mallassas.Dl'ive.. S. W. .,. continued to he 10/22/69 Heeting ~--~-.- ~.-.. ~42 Rezoning property on East side of Virginia Rte. 9 (St rkey Road) FINAL ORDER ~~--.---~-_._--~----443. 44 Arms -;61&. 36~.. .of L OR ER-)75 ti- .. 1-- ~&/ .1'\ Additien te Secondary System - tn. of Rte. $32) from Wi110wlawn St. (Rte. 83l) te D.E. - 0.10 ~u1e --- 13 ADDITIONS TO SECONDAf.Y SYSTEI.! - 13, 21, 2i 23 24~ zj, 43,55, 81,90, 91,92,93,#94. 112 &. 111 32 180, 181, 196, 197, 2$6, 339, 340, 4, 3 2, ;43, 344, 345, 346, 347, 340, 3~9, 35 ,;$ , Rte. 650- Resa1utien .of Intentian te abaqden - l24 & l25 . i Oak Read - Request .of Larry Garvens to t ke s e inte Secendary System- & Beard's acti - 1 3 Oak Read Rte. 650 - A Resa1utien Previding fer th Acc ptance .of same as a Part .of the State Se System .of Highways .of Reaneke Ceun y - 144 - netice of puolic hearing impr perl advertised - matter deferred fer readve .tisi I"'i W Oak Road - reperted that signatures dena ing w had been .obtained - l61 Hollins area read- r/w obtained & resolu ien equesting its acceptance inte Sec. Sys. fHi te be presented befere July 1969 ---161 Transfer .of Hershberger Raad 10.0 Primary ystem ---------------- 175 Secandary Raute Number Changes .or Reassi en -------------- 176 j Abandonment .of Route 650 ----- 18$ f Keagy Raad & } } - Letter of Residents r gard ng trash accUlIlUlatian & B.oard's actian - .195 Crestmare Drive} Secondary System annual public hearing, betwe n Highway Dept. representatives & Superv sars 199. I Appalachian Pewer Co. 's r'~quast fer Indu tri Access Funds :Cer road te new Funk Subst tien . .of Salem ------ 219 Smith-Maere Body Ce.,Inc. 's request fer ndus ial Access Funds to extend Granby St. & ry Ave. in Stat sman ' Park ------- 220 jI .~. Petitiens filed fer inclusion .of rural r ads 0 Secendary Slrstem _ Viewer reports approved- 256, 370 212,24$, 2$2,367 Hershberger R.oad - Chrm. to lock Unnamed road northeast off R.oute lem, appointed County Engr. to view prop rty- 2 methods of financing impr.ovements t.o s e - 2. J Tentative Allecatiens for Interstate & R al P imary censtruction-----285 From intersectien .of Reute 311 10.0 0.19 mO,. S. .0 end ------- 2$6 ABANDONMENT FROM SECONDARY SYSTEM - 29$ Hershberger Raad (Rte. 625) changed to P ry System & Ceve Rd. Rte. 116 changed to Se . Sy Rte. $50 - cemplaint .of Henry Myers, Rt. 2 Boe es Mill ----------329 Farm-type raad through preperty .of Mrs. C:.L. dy (Lewis E. Jahnsan & others appeared 0 ask Board's help in having ndit en .of road impraved) .off Rte. 116 near S n Va ey Swim Club ---------------- ----- -------- 334 & 335 ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM - 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 36$, 3$4 Secondary Syst_ 1mpravements in HalUns Id F 1d Area- letter from ChaiJlman al Bd. .of ta Va. Department .of Highway ---- 399 ADDITIONS TO SECONDARY SYSTEM IN ROANOKE COUNTY- 9 ,4 , 522, 547 Resolution .of intention to abandon section of Rte 743 & directing Clerk to post & publish same-----436 Resolution of intention to abandon section of Rtej 628 & directing Clerk to post & publish same ------436 Discontinuances ---437 Unnamed road from Rte. 116 South to D. E. -Lewis arl J nson, et als petition same for inclusion inSec dary System - viewers appointed ------- -448 o BIG LICK DISTRICT [: ~ Dear Run Drive - frem Rte. 1033, 0.47 ~'. E~ .of Rte. 1034, thence ferming a leep en tje W. s~~~ .of Rte. 1033 d a~ain intersec~~ng Rte. 1033 at a point 0.37 I.u. E. .of Rte. 1 4 - ~length 0.44 I'll.. n__ 43 '1 I Bluff Read - frem Rte. SOS, 0.40 tli. E. of ~e. 618, thence running northwestwardly J fer 0.10 i.u. to dead e d. j>--- 22 . I Falcan Ridge Road - frem Cressbow Circl , 0.:~4 I.Ii. S... .of Rte. 220, thence running S.,.nd I for 0.55 I-Ii. -- 2 ~ II Cressbow Circle - From Rte. 1541, 0.54 -li. ~;. .of Rt~. 220, thence running te Rte. 15 ~ i~ a leep (S., vi. &. N) 0.S!3 :'1!i. \1. of Rte. 220 - 0.70 ~li. 22 I Hogan Road - frem Rte. 618 to 0.20 I.a. '. - p.20 I.li. --- 24 I , Griffen Read - Rte. 1646 extended frem .10 .Ii. N. .of Rte. 1$56 te 0.l6 ~Ii. N. of Rt . l$ 6, Ii 0.06 f.li. -- 24 Dri.Jie - 0.33 Mi.. -- 9l ~ nVll - 0.l5 Mi. --- 91 liJs:Ie sim1r/- 0.35 Mi.__ 92 iled~ireqUesting repairs - 97 I ~ . a. Stenebridge Dr. te Rabindale Dr., 0.12r' - '- 113 N I .of Echa Drive 10.0 Stenebridge Dr.,0.30 '. 11 ~ Mi.. . .of Rte. 24 ta 0.08 Mi.. W. ta intarse tian 113 . d: the Blue Ridge Parkway te 0.30 Mi..N. .of Te. '3 Dr.J 0.32 Mi. ------- 181 I! er ~e ------ 181 I' Dr~, 0.15 Mi. ------- 181 d ~ - renumber due 10.0 duplicatian-----176 t t1 McGearge Drive (Rt. 1037}-0.22 Mi.---- -342 ta D~E. -0.l4 mi. -------355 te d. E. -0.07 Mi. -~------355 , 039~ seuth te D. E. - 0.03 Mi. -------354 II Chukar Drive S1M fram Cressbaw Circle t D.Ei -0.11 I~. -------345 I, 1 Cressbow Circle fram Hunting Hills Dri~e. (~t.1541) nerth to U.S. Rte. 220-0.67 Mi. '--31 I. Archer Drive nerth frem Crassbow Circl ta ~.E.-0.21 Mi. ------ 344 Overland Drive from Starkey Read (Rt. 19) io D.E. - 0.3 mi. ----------369 ~ Ridge Raad fram SCL City .of Roanoke to . E~ - 0.l6 Mi. ----------- 370 II It. I, ( ) I _5 - Request .of Henry lolyers lar ext;en an 11' and denial letter fram Ca. Enger. -- g<J From Route 220 W. 0.02 Mi. ------397 ~ I Devonshire Drive - from Daladier Drhe (Rte. 10 2) t~ ~!oodmere Drive (Rte. 1026}-----0.17 Mi.---..-4 Missimer lane from McGeorge Drive to Crofton Dive _11'0.29 mile -____-____________462 I , I Missimer Circle from Missimer' lane NE to DE - .05 m~12 ----------------459 II Dickersan Raad - from RClute 747 10.0 dea end (0.10 Mi. }----------522 Missimer Circle -Petition .of Bowers & F nne~ Censtr. Cerp., ta amend map .of Sectian I Ne. 3 Croftan .of recard in Plat Boa I 7 at page 31 in .office of Clerk .of Circpit Caurt .of Rke. Ca. sa that cul-d -sac! be reduced fram 50 te 44 t radius 8c. the I .1' 6' curved strip .of land be vaca ed a public street - FINAL ORDER- 554 I 'I II II II II 'I I 'I 'I I, II 'I I, :1 Ii " " 'I " Ii " il '\ McGeerge Drive from }tte. 634 to Crafta Missimer Lane from Rte. 654 to Croftan Craftan Drive from McGeorge Drive to Van Winkle Raad (Rte. 935) - petitian Swan Drive - frem Echa Drive, 0.0$ Mi. .of Echa Drive - 0.12 Mi. 'Rabindale Dr. - tram Swan. Drive, 0.12 ~ N. .of Rte. 24, 0.07 Mi. - Echo Drive - fram Stenebridge Dr., 0.1 .of Swan Drive. 0.0$ Hi. Stanebridge Drive - tram Rte. 24, O.lO Rabindale Drive 0.30 Mi. JfcGeorge Dr. - from Rte. 634 10.0 Craf'ta Cr.::tt.on Dr. - fl'Cllll JfcGeorge Dr. 10.0 Jllb Misa1llur LaD.a - trOlll Rte. 654 10.0 Croft Rts. 666 f'r'Clll S. Int. .of Rte. 116 to D Missimer Lane - (extn. .of Rte. 10391 w Red Stag Rd. west frem Cressbow Circle Elk Hill Drive west .off Crassbew Circl Missimer Circle .off Missimer Lane (R.t. j 1f}." .:i~ .' \.;; 1 ; I 'J I,~ '." ~ !I Ii II ISTltICT !i " II ~ Ancher Drive - frem present end .of Rte. 1$4~, 0.05 ~Ii. V. of Rte. $3$ te Santa Anit Terrace, 0.1$ 1.IL -- Z I' Santa Anita Terrace - Rte. 1$77 extendetl frd6 0.05 lli. N. .of Rte. 1$47 te Ancher Dr' e, I-Ii. fl. .of Rte. 1$47 .,-121 ij Sierra Drive - frem present end of RtEI.j1$76i, 0.06 l,li. N. .of Rte. 1$47 te Anchar Dr' e, N. .of Rte. 1$47 --- 2~ .~ Fairhurst Drive - fren present end .of rute. ~4$, 0.05 IIi. W. .of Rte. $3$ ta 0.07 l~. W. Rte. $3$ --- 21 '!I Narth Lake Drive - from intersectien of Rte.~ 1524 &:. 1523 extending narthwestwardly 0.34 l' .-23 Wipledale Avenue - fron Rte. 1523, 0.06 J~. f' of Rte. 1524 &:. extending northwestwa i-;inter Park Drive - frem Masen Park Drit.re, dj.09 Hi.. fl. .of Nerth Lake Drive &:. extendi 0.06 I.Ii. --- 23 ~ II Viking Drive - frem Nerth Lake Drive, 0.10 ~~. W. of Rte. 1523 &:. extending northwar Nerthside Road - from present end .of lit . 1~3, 0.08 pli. SW .of Rtp.. 1524, to 0.12 Mi.W.( ext ended I --- 23 ~ Draun Lane - frem Nerthside Raad, 0.07 ,Ii. l~. of Rte. 1524 &:. extending westwardly O. 5 . . - 23 " l'lasen Park Drive - frem North Lake Driv ,O.2l2 I'Ii. ~I. .of Rte. 1523 & extending nerthw rdl 0.15 llIi. 23 ~ Nerth Spring Drive -..!rom ~:ipledale Ave ue, p.20 Ni. W. of Rte. 1523 &:. extending sou hwa 0.17 1'lJ.. 23 I' North Spring Drive - frem Wipledale Ave ue, p.20 ~Ii. W. of Rte. 1523 & extending nor hwar ly 0.17 I,a. ----- 23 'f Embassy Drive frem Rte. 629, 0.10 Itl. W of te. l16, thence nerthwardly 0.20 Yd. to Consul Dri~e ---- 23 ~ Dip1emat Drive - frem Emb,~ssy Drive, O. 81.Ii N. .of Rte. 629, thence eastwardly 0.06 NL, thence. northwestw,~rdly 0.24 1.1i. te ad end. --- 23 Envey Drive - frem Censul Drive narthwettwar y O.lO ~li. te dead end -- 24 !I I ensul Drive - from Embassy Drive, 0.12 ,Ii. I .of Diplemat Drive, thence eastwardly 0.10 I'Ii. t,o DiplaL1at DriiP. 24 Flax:a Lane - From Appleta:11 Ave. (Rte. 1 99) a 0.07 Mi.. SW .of Appletan Ave. -- al Appl~tc)Zl Ave. - Rte. l499 ext. from 0.0 Mi.. E. .of Rte. 1493 10.0 0.14 Mi.. E. .of Rte. 493- a1 te. 650 - resolutian of i.ntentien to aande section - 124 &. 125 ayburn Dr:lve- lram preS8lIit end at Rte. 7131 0.10 Mi. W. .of Rte. 1711, 10.0 Gonmar .- lU. vernorDr:lve - frOlll Wayburn Drive, O. Mi W. of Bte. 1711, 5Quthward 0.14 Mi. ..- - 1 ntcla:lr Dr:lve - from Way'burn Dr., 0.1 Mi. . .of Rte. 1711, Sauthwarel 0.16 Mi. --- llU. te. 911 IrOlll Int. Rte. 7lJ3 10.0 Dead Entl} Rec, end renumber as Rte. 7$3 ------ 176 Abandanment of Raute 650 fram Int. .of R e. 5 ta 1 mile S. at Rte 7$5 ------ 1$8 Meadawbraek R.oad - Fram RClute Raute 141 ta ~rmuda Drive ---------- 197 I Bermuda Drive - Frem Arcadia Drive to M adaw'rook Raad ------- 197 CATAV.BA - r I . - ] ;~ I ~ o Kingstan Raad - Fram Biltomore Drive to Area a Drive ---------- 197 Biltmare Drive ----- Fram Raute 1471 to Berm da Raad -------- 197 rcadia Drive ------- FrQu Reute 1471'~ dea end ------------ 197 , nnamed read from Rte. 64a: ..30 Mi. N. e>f Rte4 1$90 W. ta D. E. - .30 foli. (Theordore . Smith, Petit' oneIl') Ce. Engr. appeinted viewer ---- 212 nnamed raad trem Rte. 6481. 10 Mi. S. of Rte.' 1890 W. to D.E. - .20 Mi. (William Sadl r . Petitiener} e. gr. jl.p..peinted viewer ------ 212 . n.af.Waldran Drive from present end .of R e. 1805 W. te D. E. - 7.37 ft.mere or Ie s, (Petitian~~- J. W. Jamis nl- a. Ellgr. appainted viewer ----24$ Unnamed Raad from Rte.648 W. ta D. E. -,0.21 Mi. - Viewer report appraved ----256 Unnamed Raad fram Rte. 648 0.30 Mi. to p. E.' - Viewer report appraved----256 I I, Waldron Drive, Ext. .of Rte. 1806, Viewer re~rt appraved-----256 I !i Rte. 650 from intersectie>n .of Rte. 7$5..Jtel:!mi. S. of rte. 7$5- appraved by Highway Cemmissioll for ABANDONl'll!lNT FROM SECONDARY SYSTEM --- 29$ Emissary Drive;west fram Embassy Drive re D.', E. - 0.15 Mi. -----346 Byren Drive nerth from Wayburn Drive (R~e. ~V1.31 te D.E.-0.15 mi. --------.346 I I' Embassy Circule nerth from Embassy Driv~ to ip.E. -0.10 Mi. ------347 , , Envay Drive (extn. .of Rt. 1703) west to: D.E.] - 0.06 Mi. -------347 I ': I !I Embassy Drive (extn. .of Rt. 1536) SW te[ D.E.:, - 0.22 Mi. ------34$ Diplemat Drive (extn. .of Rt. 170;11 westi ta D'. E. - 0.10 mile ------- .34$ Ambassadar Drive from Va. Rte. 116 SW tp D. ~. 0..34 Mile ------ 349 : ~ C1ubhause Dr. east from Rte. 11&220 to pree~ay Dr. 0.15 Mi. ------.339 Orlando Ave. (a pertien of Rt. 1$591 Elaft to" eJlisting Rte. 1$59-0.16 Mi.-- 341 'Dayt9na R9ad (extn. .of Rte. 1$971 SE t.e!Or1allde Ave. (Rte. 1$591 0.0$ Mi. ----.341 , o ~ Greenway Dr. (Extn. .of Rt. 1$21) seutb Narth Spring Drive (extn. of Rt. 155$1 Daytona Raad SE frem Orlando Ave. 0.19 I frem C1ubhause Dr.-0.2 mile-----34.3 1 Ii erthi ta D.E.-0.27 mi. -----343 - ------352 II I ~ II Ii I, :i l! Ji " I! 'I " I ~ I: r I ,i : :j . I! U ;Crutchfie1d Street frem Fair Oaks Read 1;.0 D..IE. - 0.0$ mi. u---------369 . ~ jBxc!laZlge al Ro~e Designatians /Secticn '.af R11e. 625 from Sec. ta Primary & ta be Rte~ 101f ii Sectlan .of Rte. 116 from PrlmaJiY 10.0 Sec. System ta be Rte. 7SO} ------~-390il i01ellacatian Route 601 now Rte. 740 frOll!- Rte.i 740 to 0.12 Mi. S. ta Dead End ------397 ~ ~ervice Road ate. 117 from Rte. 118 ta 0~60 )f~. B. ta Dead End "'-------.397 ! 'I ' . jwestside.B1vd. (Rte. 1480) between Hershberger Rpad an~ Harvest Lane NW (drainage prob1em--412. 425 :1 : :' ;lli'utchfie1d Street- from Fair Oaks Road. Northeaft to i~ead end 0.08 Mi.---------429 iJRte. 743 from 0.08 Hi. W. of intersect.ion of Rte;s. 62~ & 743 South 0.02 Mi. - resolution of intention:.to Ii i' . i ,I abandon same---------436 . iI ~Rte. 628 from intersection .of Rte. 1858 to 0.13 ~i. S1! of Rte. 1858 - resolution of intention to aban~one-4r' "Charnwood Circle from Sierra Drive to 10. E. - 0.'09 mille -------------------459 ' I ;f I , ii', I 4~rove Lane from Sierra Drive north to 10. E. - 0"1'05 mi~- 0.05 mile -------------- 460 'j'i " r I ~G~ve Lan~ from Sierra Drive south to I). E. - 0.!10 mi]e ____________ 460 I ,/Slerra DrlVe from Anchor Drive to D. E. - 0.22 njile -~-----.---- 461 TI I II #Narth Spring Drive (Ext. .of Rte. 155$) -; begjfnning en Route 155$, 0.11 mile narth ,i of Raute 1524, and extending northw.ardl.r 0.16 milel length 0.16 Mi. ----522 ~Apache Raad - f'ram Raute 740 nOlrth to d~ad erd. (0.27 Mi.}--------5Z2 il J ' ~From Rte. 646 west ta dead end. (0.11 ,leI 't------------------522 iiFram Rte. 648 ta dead end. (O.l~i ~li.1eJ! i , I . ~banclOJUUDt of Route 628 ------~-----52!) I ~te. 628.from intersecticn al Rt.e. 185815.0 Oh3 Mi. S. .of Rte. 1856 abandaneel ----526 il II ! . .rte. 743 f'rom O.OI!~;J~~-~~:~~~~tion of ~Rte. 625 &: 743 S. 0.02 Mi. - abandQlIReDr . IIFlagler Drive lrom Orlando DrivEl sautg to Da:Jtana Raad - 0.20 Mi.--------545 i 'I I I, , L~te. 1804. (!'Ia1dron Driye) - extended from Route /1806 ~estward 0.10 mile to dead end. (0.10 mile)-----t547~-" Ell --------1541 . ~9inn'i.~9()~~te..7...40,0.03 mile. east of Route 1872, thence extendfng soutward1y 0.12 mi. to LOW.Water. Brid e. n ntern Street from Twilight Raad to D. ~. -~0.16 mi.-----------561 I . : 'I ' ,: I IShadaw Lane lram Lamplighter Dr. ta D. E. - 0.06 mi.--------561 n . . .... .. . . J !! ~Plighter Drive lram Twilight Raad 10.0 !Lant~rn St. 0.2$ Mi. -------562 .~light Rd. tram Rte. 626 east 10.0 DE - [0.2$ jMi.le ---------562 ,[Bunker Lane tram C1ubhause Dr. ta Clubh~se ~rive - 0.15 Mi. ---------563 ~ . I 7 jjawucer Circle lrom Bunker Lane t,o DE - g.05 *-.-------564 :Plubhouse Dr. from Greenway Dr. 10.0 Clubhouse iiDr. 0.35 Mi.---------564 .7 ! !; i . 1 I. In i I[ :i , , 'I , ., ., 1 " , ;i I ~ ~ ~ . ~ ij -- f! II .~ 'u U ~ 11 'I 'i ~ " " 1 iI i ii 1I ! ~ I. .1 Barn Swallow Circle - frem Meadowlark ead,!0.56 ~u. northwest .of Rte. 6l3, thence running nerthwestwar ly 0 05 Mi. --- 22 Woedthrush Drive - frem!leadowlark Roa , O. 4 ~u. N. e~ Rte. 613, ~~e~?e running we~twar ly 0.27 l.il.. te Rte. 800 O.~ Ui. fram ~ts end.- 0..:7 ~ll. --- ~2 Waodthrush Circle - frem Weedthrush Dr ,0 ~u. S. ~f Rte. $00, thence running seut;west ardly 0.02 ~u. ---- 3 I Merning Dave Read - fran Weedthrush Dr've, .20 ~u. SE .of Rte. $00, thence running arth ardly ..._ 0.05 l~. & frem s~ne pein en Woodthrush Dr. southwardly 0.0$ Vd. O.l Mi.- 23 Meadowlark Road - from ~oodthrush Driv , o. 7 ~li. E. .of Rte. $00, thence running 0..0 th- .. .. wardly 0.2$ Mi. - O.~$ ~Ul --- 23 Tanglewead Drive - frem Meadewlark Read, O. 5 ~u. N. .of Rte. 613, thence running we twar ly 0.15 l~. te Hucmingbird L ne - 0.15 --~ 23 . Hummingbird Lane - frem Tangleweed Dri e, 0 15 ~u. W. of Meadewlark Raad, thence nerth & east te Mead wlar Read, 0.51 l~. N. cf Rte. 613 - 0.20 Red Bird Circle - from Hummingbird Lan, 0.}9 Mi. N. .of Tanglewoed Drive, thence southeastwardly 0.05 Mi. --- 23 Blue Bird Circle - from Meadowlark Roa , o. 6 ~li. N. of Rte. 613, thence running we 0.03 l~. ---- 3 I Charir.g Cross Drive - Fr',m Rte. 686 t9 Kenl1and Drive.- 0.22 Hi. 25 London Circle - Frem Charing Cress DriJ1e te~dead end. ---- 0.07 ~h. 25 " Bucki/lgham Drive - Frem Chari/lg Cross 1rive~to dead end. 0.20 Mi. Picadilly Lane - Frem Budki/lgham Drive to d~ad end. 0.07 l.li. I ,! Greencliff Read frem Georgetown Roa~ E'.'9~02 ~li. & W. 0.04 r.u. te dead I !! Georgetown Road - frem Rte. 720 to Grerclif' Read, 0.20 lili. - 21 Old TowreRaad - frem Geergetewn Road E. 0.0~ l.u. &, W. 0.12 ~li. te dead end, " . Chestertan Street - from present end .of Rte* 1301, 0.09 Yil.. E. .of Reute 1302, to O. 4 lli. E. of Rte. 1302 - 0.05 ~li. -- 24 Cave Spring Circle - rram into of Ca1re ~pri~ Lane, 0.03 Mi. N. .or Rte. 1630, 10.0 o. 5 Kl.. W. to dead end, --~:- 81 Cave Spring Lane - from into .of Rte. 16~0, q.22 Mi. W. .of Rte. 1663, ta 0.29 Mi. N. fl. .of Rte. 1630 ---., l' $U Charing Crass Drive, Ext. .or Rte. 1365, 10.0 Ifwers Rd. - 0.16 Mi. -- 90 " Bowers Raad from Charing Cross Drive ea t 0.~3 Mi.. and W. 0.06 Mi.. -- 92 I 'I Kentland Drive, Extn. .or Rte. 1359, ta p.E.J~ 0.25 Mi.. 93 ,/ Regency Circle from Charing Crass Dri.vel ta ~.E.- 0.06 Mi.. 93 ~ Band Street fram Charing Crass Drive ta D.E.~ - 0.16 Mi.. 94 III Gaye Lane from Bond Street te WillOWi..aWr St 'H'" 0 .15 Mi.. 94 ~.. Gieser Raad (Rte. 1650 Ext.) - begiTh~i onfte. l650, 0.06 Mi.. NW el Rte. 165l, th+ce ~ running nerthwestwardly 0.12 Mi.. ito Rte. 1699.- 0.l2 Mi. - 112 I Easthill Drive - from Gieser Rd., 0.07 '.::IE .of Rte. 1699, 10.0 0.09 Mi.. W. to dead ~d-0~9 Mi..-I12 !i dead L Easthill Drive - rram Gieser Rd., 0.07 '. ~ .of Rte. 1699, to 0.09 Mi.. E. ta/end - .09~. 112. :1 I II Chaparral Drive (Ext. of Reute $001 frDf prfent end te Rte. 613 (Merriman Rd.) -0.~0 Miil- 132 Kentland Dr. - from present end .or Rte.111351 tadead end, 0.25 Mi. ------ 181 I 'I 'I I !, Bowers RQad - lram Charlng Cross Drive j. to Dead end, 0.13 Mi. ----- 181 II Bond St. - from Charing Crass DriveS. rita D~:rl! d end, 0.16 Mi. ------- 181 ! Ii Bowers Rei. - from Charing Crass Dr. W. a d.d end, 0.06 Mi. --------- 181 ! II n 6 8 i ,i Regency Circle - from Charing Crass Dr.1 10.0 1~ad end, 0.0 Mi. ------- 1 1 I II L t 0.],6 Mi. , Chariug Cross Drive - rram present end if R'r' 1365 ta Bowe:s Rd.I----- 181 I Gaye Lane - rrom Bond St. 10.0 Route 1354/ ' ot5 Mi. -------- 181 I Rte. 789 rrom Int. Rte. 220 ta Int. Rt~. 22ql. - r8l1UJ11ber due ta eluplicatien----- 17a ! i I Rte. 753 1'rom E. Int. .of ih. 419 10.0 D ' d Erief (acrass N & W tracks) renUJllber---- 17<1 'I 'l Chaparral Drive - rrom present end .of R ute !$OO 10.0 Raute 613, length 0.46 Mi. ---- 96 "\ CAVE SPR]NG iDISTRICT Castle Rock Road - from Rte. 1517, apJrexil1 tely 75 ft. S. of Rte. 702, thence ~ running in a westwa~dlY trectien for 0.0$ Mi. - 24 Ii Marine Drive - rron Rte. 1525, 0.05 V~~ N. ~f Rte. 1339, and. extending in a NE dire tianl f"or 0.03 tlio te Sta 1ien~CirCle. -.0,03 1,11. - ZI;. . l Broekfield Drive & Nerine Dr~ve - from Sten yoreok D~~ve IRte. 1316), 0.07 Vu. N. .0 ,~~e 133$ & extending Southea twar ly 0.15 ~u., thence seuthwestwardly 0.0 ~~. to Stallion Circle... .20 '. - 24 . St.allion Circle - from l:erine Drive, ojO$ l.ti!. N. .of Rte. 1339, thence running westw rdly 0.12 Mi.. te dead end. - O~12 Itd. Farmingten Drive.. frem nvute 1543 to te. t7 - 0.25 ~li. - 21 Farmingten Circle - fram Farmingten Drive, .06 Itl. E. of.Rte. 1543, to 0.05 Mi. S. of Farmingten Drive.. .05,'. 21 Tree Tep Lane - from Rte. 800 te 0.10 1'. nyrthwest - 0.10 ~Ii. Woodthru~h Driye - frem Rte. $00 N. te Rte. 1530 - 0.10 ~u. r Zl I I 0.6 2l Meadowlark Read - rrem Rte. 613, 0.25 lu. te Weodthrush Dr Lark Circle.. fram ~leadewlarlc Read, O. , '. Ni of Rte. 419, thence running nerthwardl ve -'0.64 ~u. ---- 22 4 rli N. Of Rte. 613, thence running westwar 1 .25 ..~ I ~ 25 end - 0.0~.u. , I 0.17 Mi.l -- o m U q ~.i ~ (OVER ) 2L. ; , i n ::1 I :: i ; II ~ Hazel Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1620) fram Vest Df-ve (Rt. 169.3) 10.0 D.E.-O.IO------ 211 :1 I II '.' UlUlallled raad beginning at point an Rte.1694 ifibout 1 lolL N. .of Rte. 221 &: utending ~. W. to D.E. - 0.06 ~.' (~~nneth V. Flara, et al, petitian8rsl - t .... Ca. Engr. appointedl v:LeWrr--------24$ ~New Additian W. from Rte. 694 - 0.6 Mi..~ "iater Report approved----256 I I 'I ~breencliff Read (extn. of Rt. 16.36) NE. ~e Dil E. 0.19 Mi. -------.354 :1 I :! i ~shmeade Drive frem Georgetown Rd. (Rt. ~62611 NE te D. E. - 0.15 Mi.. -------.35.3 i ~lbave Spring Circle (extn. .of Rt. 1547) ~ Of~ Cave Spring Lane, Rte. 1573, te D.E. -d,.04 '. .-352 I . I I LWoadley Drive from Rte. 1647 East - 0.2Q Mi. ~--n--35l : ~ ~Hummingbird Lane (extn. .of Rt. 156$1 weJt tol!Chaparral Drive (Rt. $001 - 0.30 Mi.. --L---~50 n~~ing Circle frem Sandpiper Drive no~h te~D. E.-0.06 Mi.. --------350 i ~ ~PurPle Finch Raad frem Chaparral. Drive ~Rt. ~O) south te Hummingbird Lane - 0.21 Mi~ --319 ~sandPiPer ~rive from Chaparra~ Drive (R~. gO~) east te Purple Fin~h Road - 0.15 Mi.. ~-345~ HWQ.advale Cucle fram Huntsweod St. (Rt.~51~5"'NW te D. E. - 0.05 1'1J.. -------.340 !..~ ~Waadvale Drive fram Huntsw.oad S~reet (R~. 15~5) SE te D. E. - 0.15 Mi. ------- 340 i I U Changes in Secondary System re Rte. 6$ll &; 6$.1 __n______ 356 i ~ ,I i ~. I I J Section 3 of ,new location of Rte. 867, from ~.12 I~i. i . of intersection of Rte. 419 to SCL of Roanoke: I i ProJect 0681-080-111,C-SOl 0.06 M1. ~el.,gt --------------------429 ; II ~ Section 4Jo! _l~tion .of Rte. 681, f~onl 0.~8 Mils. of intersection of Rte. 720 ito.0~07Mi. s.! ~ ~ of mtersect.on of Rte. 720, ProJect Oi81-0r-lll,C-SOl--------------------------429 ; 'ill ii Section 1 of old loc~tion of Rte. 867, from 0.12 milq).!, north of intersection of Rte. 419 to SCL of I 1 Roanoke, ProJect 0681-0B0-ll1,C-SOl -. b.os M1. -----------437 . :1 Section 2,of ollUocat~an of Rt~. 681 from 0.18; Mi. ,Sbuth of intersection of Rte. 72~ to 0.10 >> 1 M11e south of 1ntersect1on of Rte. 720'1 P'roJ~Ft 0681-0BO-lll,C-501 -- 0.08 M1. --------437 ~ 1 ! H II ~ Waadley Drive - fram Route 1647 east t~ dea~ end. (length 0.23 Mile) ------522 II 'I : 'I i U Diapoaition afcerta1n:ln r-..ining r1~a at! way an Rte. 800 ------- 532 ~ C~a in Secandary System due ta re1Jcati4n &: canstructian al Rte. 800---544 !i Cave Spring Circle from Cave Spring La~ to :lDE - 0.11 mile---------56.3 ~ TI I .1 I ;1 . , , ., :i * I, II , 11 I II II I ~ :1 I..... .- -... I.. I.~ II ij ., if rt !i Ii .- " \1 " H II ~ !i ~ II ;1 II :i ~ ': # ;i I I! I I ~ I' " ~ i , I.' ii TI ~ ii it , I !, :i i II , " II ~ ;1 I' H " II " 1.- I , :i I' :1 d ~ " :; 'i 1 . I : -- -'------ -- -""' RICH IELD DISTRICT ~ l' ~ " 'I Oak Read - frem Reute 767, 0.12 mi. seu h ef~Rte. 148$, thence eastwardly 0.35 ~li. t dead end ------0.35 mi length----------- 3$4 I' " 1 I ,. I: ~ I I I I 1 I I r " , " :1 II ~ ij II ,I II ; 11 h ii " ; I. I' ~ ~ I ~ " ~ ~ 'I II H II ~ II ~ ~ I ~ , " II I ~ ~ I' II I I, . ~ t I 0 ,I " 'I II ~ ~ II B :i " q " " [. ~', " Ii Ii I " :1 \~.,. : I, 'I ,. '0 ~ ~ II I, 'I '1 ~M DISTRICT : ' !i II. II ~ J Ext. .of Rte. 913 - from present end .0 Rte~ 913, 0.40 ~li. W. of Rte. 641, to 0.53 Iti1es N. of Rte. 641 - 0.13 I~. ----24 I Addition requested by Board .of discon 'd. 1ectian 1-0.39 Mi. of Rte" 311 te Sec. S tern 55 ,I UlIlIaIIIed raad beginning at a point an R e. 7fJ7 abaut 1 mi. N. of Rtes. 11/460 Be ext di w. to D. E. -0.06 mO. (Retitianers, Curtis E. Callins, et al) Ce. Engr. appointed vi-1rr------248 New additian W. fram Rte. 777 - 0.06 ., fiewer Report approved-----256 I, Pelly Circle frem Ingal Boulevard NE t D. E. - 0.03 Mi. ------ 339 , Ingal Boulevard NW .off Rte. $2$ to D. . -0~25 Mi. --------- 342 Southview Dr. from Given~l Ave. (Rt. 11 9) t~ Rte. $1P-~QZJ:!i351 II Ivie Circle from Inga1 Boulevard NE te D, E~ -0.03 Mi. ---------353 I D. . -0.03 Mi. -------356 i I ....J '"1 U J Lelia Circle from Ingal Boulevard NE 10 Fram Rte. 777 West te de~ld end. Ext. .of Rte. 1112 - frem present end a Rte! 1112, 0.10 mile east .of Rte. 705, to 0 15 0.15 Mi. ----522 Fram Rte. 11 10.0 0.1$ Mi. N.(O.U Mi.. I ---."'----- 522 I I II I 'I I .... I I I ., 'I , ~ --.,' ij II 'I ~ " Ii ~ ~ II U ~ , ~ i: iI 0 II II ~ 1/ " , :1 I' II " " ~ 'I -'~-,;,. II " n Ii i' U :1 ii :1 ii :! . s. Surratt, L. G. appeared to appese rezenin westerly side .of Rte. 221 Swank, Mr. Howard eppesed ta rezening .0 Stadler, Mr. Jack Stro/lg, Mr. Llayd - n n 1I cert in property in Cave Spring District on oa:'la e A Reed; Petitioner} -- 7 19 res en Celenial Avenue requested by Fra n &: 1I n " 1I 1I " 1I 1I II "\: II II II 1I n 1I II II " " 1I 1I fl I I. ~ Seuthern Hills, Dundee, Pinkard Ceurt, et . - C S~ of Water Facilities Survey - 11 STATE INCOME TAX - 12, 26, 44. 64, 74, 95, lt3' 1 5, 134. 149, lM, 1$2, 198,215. 231, 250, 300. 324, :;15$, 3M, 3$5, 4 1 419 430 .43B ~63' 523, ~37 54'{. 560, 574 State Carparatien Cemmission Statements .0 ~ss sed'VaI~~ of Publ~c ~erv~ce Corporatio September Meetings - 15, 3;2 School Board wants ta meet w/Supervisars Cha les H. Osterhoudt reports - 20 260... 88,. - 12 _~O Secondary Highway System, Annual Budget f r Rk eyer te Ceunty E gr. Scheel Bends, Library Bends &:;Parks &. Rec eati Semi-Ann"", Real Estate Tax Billing, S:~ud Co Schedul~ of replacement .of Ceunty Vehicle - re . Ce. - submitted by Highway Official &:urne .or review and repert te Supervisers -36 Bends - All te be seld in .one offering on to al ameunt .of $5,000,000 --- 3$ ttee appei~ted - 39 ommended by Capital Imprevements Corom. ~ 3 &: Schedule .of constructien of Fire &: Cer.ununOty Fa ilities - Recemmended by Cap. Impraveme s Ce Secendary System Budget far Rke. Co. appr ved - 55 ,Sale qf $5,000,000 Bends of Rke. Ca. - ?e elutO n previding for same - 57,SS,59,60 Sheriff O.S.Fester's request for payment f co se in pelice work for Bob Donald, man --- 56 . Sheriff' O.S.Fester's report re prisoner A die atcher Seamster cutting himself Salem-Rke. Ce Civic Center insurance ceV8 age - letter frem G. W. Nicks - 65 erll'ice Stations, Abandened - R.W.Bo~lers etter te majer .oil companies - 65 Steele praperty an Garst MHl Read - publ c he ing &: final .order an rezaning -- 69 &: 61 Spec. Co. 56 .IJ Schaffner, Pat - Melody Acres appeared to e rezaning Steele Praperty on Garst Mill Rd.. Simms. L. Earl appo:lntment 10.0 RIce. Ca. Hi alety Call1lllissian as(temporary}chairman ala Sherill O.S.Faster, Dr.C.P.Pape, avis, Carl M.Andrews, D.M.Deshields,Jr. &: Allred C. Anderscn" alsa appointed ------------- 73 between City .of RIte. & Ci .of Salem Sewage Treatment Cantract/- amended by Re alut an IIl$)?3 .of City .of Rlce.- 79 ewage Treatment Cantract between RIce. Ci y &: e. Ca. - a resalutiqn addressed, tq City .... . requesting adcU.tianal. areas be inclu ed under terms .of same dated 9/28/54---- Silers, Fannie Belle - Request .of Sherilf O. S.oFaster & Baard's appraval .of increased far Miss Siferll as Coun Crasssi~ GW1!'4 <It Glenvar H. S.-- 100 SPECIAL. MEETING - 10.0 receive bids an ~5,0 0,0 Bonds anJLl/21/68 -- 101 ShepherQ L. S. &: Mather appeared with Att . B Cha,pnan 10.0 appose Arrow Waedre~ening r qu~_ . with regard to 47 lots in subd vision - 105 Sewage Treatment Centract between City 0 Rke. & Rke. Ce. - reselutian requesting additonal areas be included - lo6 . .... Sheriff O. S. Faster &: Dog Warden, Ralph E. L g appear re possibility .of Dog Warden's being placed under jurisdictien of She iff' Dept. - 111 Sherill O. S. Faster's Statement .of Ofn e & Tavel Expenses incurred by Deputies &: s f Ove nite Trans. 0.0. far Certificate .of Fubl lU . an a plicatien .of N &: W Railway Ce. fer sment far taxatlen of its praperty - 112 r pese of aperatien - Resolution tabled re ounc 88 & 89 y State Carp. Comm. notice .of applicatien Canvenience & Necessity - State Cerp. Camm. Order re public heari review & cerrectian .of the asse Salem-RIce.. Valley Civic Center Contract modilying same - 115 Salem-Raanake Caunty Chamber al Commerce School Anministratian - additio~al appre fer 10 memberships approved - 12$ n .of $400,000 - 12$ o Salem-Reaneke Valley Civic Center - bill lor advertisement in newspaper openillg te be checked inte by P thews & repart - 129 Seuthern Standard Buildillg Code, 1965 Edi ian Amendments - Natice .of intention .of o Sup,erv.ifjers te adellt same to. be nOWll as. Rke. Co Building Code Ordinance- 11..: Ste~n, ~lr. J. U.L~ver r!lappe-:Lntea te rtean I e (,;.0 t'Ianm./lg t:omm~ss~on ror 4 year -cerm-J:4 Switchbeard in Ceurtheuse - Paul Matthew aut rized 10.0 cenfer with the Telephene Ce. .obtain estimates en cost 146 Sewage Treatment Contract discussiens wi h Ci .of Rke. - until same is resumed, Rke. e. to pestpene any action egar ng "he City's request fer landfill in C unty- ,. "..... U Strauss, Mr. Maury L.-Chairman autherized te w park land & te acknewle ge r Shell, Darrell - Director .of Parks & Recr atio Community Recreation Cou Cis - Stever, E.D..- appeared te eppese petitien of F ewage Centract Cernmittee report - 156 SuperviseI' .of Sports - Parks & Recreatien Dept fer this job - 157 Shell, Mr. Darrell, Director Parks & Rec eatio fer 4 members of maintenance Cr ,hir Sports &: purchasing of new 2~ d .p tru ( OVER ite letter of appreciatien fer gift .of ceipt of deed te same ----- 151 Dept. .of Rke. Ce. appeared re creation .0 lS;3 lin &: Waldren on rezening 19 A en Cel,A e.-l5 granted permissien to hire additional p rson Dept. appeared te request increase in s lary ng of additional person ta be Supervisar of k - 157 , it i ;i I , .1 I , Sheriff O. S. Foster requested & B,oard a~t>>reve arderi~g $ new pelic cars - 157 ~ State Bureau of Solid Waste & Vecter Cenirel j.lr. A.T . Huddlesten 's tabled motien call' ng fe study by this Bureau .of Dixie qaver as a regienal landfill fer Va11ey---15 Seuthern Standard Building Cede & Amendments a'opted as "The Roanoke County Building . Cede Ordinance"------------15SI& 159 . State Air Pel1utian Control Beard's stat~ent f actien taken after 1/10/69 hearing in Richmend on variance fram open burn'ng rule as requested by Rai1reads---164 Statement .of Fund Acceunts .of Rke. Ce. fot 7/1 6$ - 12/3l/6$-------- 169 Statemtnef Rke. Ca. Finances. as of 12/31 6$-- ---- 169 Stack Car i Special-Use P8rIIIi.t ta operate/Race Track De ied Clarence E. Kesler- 170 S. Llllfil Lianberger Ca. - Bid .on pr'aposed publi safety building in Maacns CQve -accept (Martin Bros. ,Days Canstr., Frye Idg. Watts and Breakell - ather biddersJ--- ---- 171 Spe..arel, Robert- Attarney tor Ricbard A.. Bean reguestlDg special-use permit to aperat sell-service c:ar was ---- ! 171 Special-Use Pendt ta operate self-servic c sh - Granted Richard A. Bea."1e-171 ancleraoD, Anoand - appointed allective 2 0/69 tar J yr. term ta Sal8lll-Rke.Valley Civic Center ComiidssiQn to repla.ce G:t. Ni ks' (expired terml ---- 175 ecQndary Raute Rwaber Changes .or B,eaasi ents ------ 176 eltan, Don, Petitialler requesting; reza ng pr party owned by Gordan Russell Ruflman &: acat d on R. siele .of Rte. 116 across Sun alley Swim Club canta:ln:lng .39 Acres---- 185 Secondary Raad Hearing (AnnualJ- latter am D t. c~ Highways Sllggestin ')/12/69 at 2: P.H. tor same------- 182 Salem, lUte. City, Town .of Vintoll & Boteta C. invited ta participate with RIce. Co. b Resalutian .of Board, .in prl)POSed dep ent evalustian .of landfill sites in Rk . Valley -------------------.------- ---- 179 I :1t C . Spring Valley Al1l1uatian Suit - rE!lport aelv1s1ng status al _e----,---- 1 Sale at Certain lats tar Delinquent Taxe Caunty -.-------- 1$7 Schaal Canstruct:lan Cammittee - appointm . Atty's malleel letter 10.0 each Superv1 r lats now in City .of Salem, larmerly in 10 .of Charles H. Osterhaudt - 194 ana Souers. Millard B. ------ 191 (present & zed) ~8III-Roanake Valley Civic Center - buil ng d fects (Jack K. Dame's letter of 2/11/69J -192 Stone. *s. W. Canrad - appointed ta Reg! nal ental Health Services Board alang with ill, Dr. John O. HlU't. Rev. W. Carrall Brao e Switchboard far all Caunty Offices - Ca. ngr.' eCODllllends meeting between C & P allic & Board ta hear poss:lbilitie,s discu sed d explained ------- 193 S8lifage Treatlllent far area west .of Sal8111 der erms .of Salem-Raanaltl& Salem RIce. Ca. ca -195 .5tat_ent al. Office & Travel Expeni,es inc~red : y Sheriff O. S. F.oster &, Deputies ror J uary - 196. Sewer Caneract Negat:latians - capy .of let er f Chairman ol Board dated 2/19/69 ta R pten . . . Thamas -------- 198 . ecandary System Annual Public Hearing, jelint meting between Highway Dept. .officials & Supervisers _______C____ -- 199 ._8IlI-Raanake Valley Cinc Center Collllllissi n - harles H. Osterhoudt appointed for; yr. term starting 9/21/6$------- 210 .. .m1th, Theo9.are R., It a1.s, petitien.er appl 'ng . .or inc1usian in Secondary System an unnamed road from Rte. 648.3 Mi. N. .of Rte. 1$90 W. ta D.E. - 0.30 Mi.- C unty Engineer appointed Vie,wer _n -- 2 2 ~a.dl8I"' Willill!ll. et als, petitienel~s appl ing r inclusion in Secondary System an unnamed road frem Rte. 64$.1 Mi. . .of Rte. l$90 W. te D.E. - .20 Mi. -Ce~ty Engineer appointed Viewer --- ---- 212 I play, Winston S. {Archi~ectl - Centra for design ~ working drawings fer addition t Health &: \Yel.fare Bui1diLng --- ----- ---- 217 ..5e_CQJ:ldaryRead Hearing 7 letter from Geo. tPoober son, Res. Engr., Va. Dept. of Hwys. \- set~1ng 3/l2/69 at 2 P~. fo same ------- 217 . 'JS?Wer Contract Negatiatiens - letter fr m Ci y of Rke. ----- 217 ..Salem,.Raanoke Valley Civic Cente,r- lett fr m Chrm. .of Board te Jack Dame regarding meeting .of Town .of Sa,lem .off cica s with Civic Center Cemmissien ---- 218 Smith-MOare Body Ce., Inc., appHcatie for ndustrial access funds to extend Granby St. & Mary Linda Ave. in St tesma Park, (Thas. Beasley, .owner .of Park te denate r/w)-- ----- ----- 220 Secandary Raads Annual Hearing - Clerk's lett r of cenfirmation te Secondary Raads Eng advising meeting was held -- ---2;1 I Schaal Bands ~5,800,000.OO) resolutian f Sc 01 Beard calling .for election an questi n &: Supervisars resa1utien request ng C rcuit Caurt ta order election re same --- 234,2 5 Schaal Board's .offer &: Supervisers' acce tanc .of 20-acre tract w/2-stary dwelling for Recreatian Dept. headquarters- ---- 31 & 232 Salaries &: Expenses Requests fer fiscal 6/3 /10 of Comm. of Revenue, Cemm. Att'y & Treasurer of Rk . Ce. as submitted ta Campensatian Board--229 Salary & Expense a11ewance of l.fr. Hubert Cope, Assist. to Assessor -----229 Salem-Rke. Valley Civic Center- appeintm nt .of Cemm. Atty., Co. Engr. & Supervisor Jos h C. Thamas ta meet with City f SaJ. m's Cammittee ta discuss same-----231 Sheltan, Don R. allowed 10.0 withdraw peti ien r rezoning praperty owned by Gardon RUB Huffman an N. side .of Rte. 116 acra fram Sun Valley Swim Club c.ontaining . more .or less ------------237 State Air Pallutien Cantrel Board - Cler ta Ordinance ~ Board's natice .of nten Southwest Expressway (endorsement .of pIa sl cO' Schaal Bond Issue - letter fram Chrm., end capy of propased Air Pol1utian Cantr 1 ien 10.0 Adept same far appraval by 5/$/69 -246 t'd to April 23, 1969 meeting---247 Jaseph C. Brown (capyl--- 53 I. I .1. I I.... I ~. '"'" I I , '._1 Ii I II State Emergency Resaurces Management p'an -~Exec. Oficer 10.0 report an Reanake cauntt's ,. erganizatian .of Ptan &~ persennel re construction &: hausing---2, 7 ii I " ii Sheriff recommends that Dog Warden notlremarn under Sheriff's Dept.----249 ~ Strite, Rev. J. M. - affe:red prayer ---254 ~ . ~ Sauthwest Fr~eway~~~-- Resalutien apprlVing~lecatian & design ------ 255 'I ~ 1 :: II State Emergency Resaurces Management P1.an- Ca. 's representative 10.0 be responsible f~r Ii Canstruction &: Hausing Ph4lse tp be appointed after appointment .of Builjiing f.. nspec- tar f'Jr Roanake cOJ----r--256 . 11 ~I . Secondary System Allacati<>ns far 1969- 970 * letter from Douglas B. Fugate, Va. Dep . .of Highways reference thi itEllf -------259 , Sheriff's summary statEaent .of Prisan Day, served in Ca. Jail for March 1969----- 59 ~ ,I I' Sheriff's statement .of Office &: Travel Expefses incurred by self' &: Deputies during ~rehII1969-259 Ii f [, Sheritl's report .of compal'ative Activi ies far 1st 3 manths in 1968 &: 1969----,,60 ~ ..... II Ii Special Meeting .of 5/1/69 to cansider letti~ .of bid far canstructian .of Vintan Bra ch Llbrary-26: Ii !I ' Steele, T. D., officer .of Old Heritage Carplbratian appeared to suppert rezaning req est of .. Old Heritage Corporati n --l------------268 II !I [I f' Special Meeting of 6/3/69 to consider end~g the Consolidation Agreement - C.ounty .of R~an.oke and Town of Vinton - 3 2 II I' State Air Pallutian Control Board te g've fOrmal appraval of New Rke. Ca. Air Pallu ian entIDl Ordinance en 6/16/69 - -----li-- 270 & 271 ._Sewage treatment c.ontract between City and 10unty referred to Rke. Ca. Public Servi e Authority for review a~d re .ommendati.on - 280 .Synopsis .of budget - Directing Paul Ma~thew~ to prepaZ2f.or fiscal year commencing 7 1/69 - 304 Statement by Lee B. Eddy, opposing pro sed~ceSolution t.o hold a referendum on the . of the County and Town of int.o --- 275 Statement of Official Board reo idat on Agreement - 276 . Stokes, Elizabeth W., Clerk of R.oanoke ounJl, - requested permission t.o purchase eq for Clerk' s Office, which s gT-nted - 293 . Sheriff's Summary Statement .of Prisone Day~ served in Co. Jail far April '69------ $5 Subdivision Develapment- minutes of sp cial~cammittee meeting --- 285 ~ewage Treatment Negatiatians - letter frOm~Chairman cf Board to Hamptan W. Thamas- ---- $5 Schaal Board's resalutian &: Baard .of S pervJisers concurring motion ta use land and i improvements therean far rec 4eatift.lnal purposes (land purchased frem Valle dale!,1 Packers) ------------293 & 2 r Senior Citizens Month - reselutien of eard~deClaring Mayas same-- 296 II Sheriff's statement .of .office & travel eXPt~' ses incurred by self & deputies far Apr 1 '6~11,1--299 Salem-Rke. Valley Civic Center -- bill defe red for payment ($122.06 for! the cest of a concrete pathway... ---- ---------299 II . School Bo~rd's Resalutian requesting Bard 0 petitien Circuit Caurt ta order anoth r elect1en an questien .of $15,$00, 0 S~hael Bonds (lst .one ruled invalid due f ilur~ to advertisel ----------30 U . II. Scheal Bonds ($15,SOO,000) - Beard's r seluJion requesting C~rcui~ Court to o:der a athe . el:c-. tion an questien .of sam (lsU electien ruled 1nva11d due to fa11ure .0 a erhs&, .Sheriff's statement .of prisoners days ervej in Ceunty Jail far menth .of May '69 -~ ---3 4 Sewaqe treatmen~ Cantrac~ be~ween Rke. Ci~y & Co., new formula far ra~eB----210. 31 I Secretary to Commonwealth's Att'y - Su erV1.ers appreve paying $100 .of her salary t * . bring it up .0 $4500 ann llY~--------32$ & 329 Salem-Roanake Ca. Chamber .of Cemmerce's let1er re Censalidatian & Beard's reply - 3 & 3 Sale .of lands for non-payment .of real j;tatJ taxes - correspendence ta Comm's Att'y 323 I. .. Starkey Praperty - c~rrespondence frem Chai~n of Board to Schael Beard (Hildrey H Pel rd) regarding danatien f th~s praperty ta Rke. Co. ------323 State Compensatien Board letters in re:1 Sal~Fies for Canstitutianal .officers & ample ees -323 Salaries far Censtitutional Officers & ~mpl~." ees & related matters- letters from catens Board ---------323 ~ ,i Sheriff's salries & expenses as fixed b Co~ensatien Bd. for 1969-70 - letter filed --3 ~ Ii I II Sale .of real estate for nen-payment efaxe~ - carrespondence from Nash Tyler, CellJctar I~f Delinquent Taxes & Alccounts-------333 1 I, Simulated Civil Defense Em.ergency Exerqise ~.'.repesed by: Erskine White.3rd (RegienalIDepU~y Caerdinater .of Civil Defense), ~t!. Pettigrew (Federal Defense Agency), Drll. " McChesney (U. of Va.) & Mr.!Sah1bury (U. .of Va.) ----------334 i!i Salisbury, Mr. - U. of Va. appeared re ISimU~ated civil defense emergency exercise i~ Rke,! Ca.-334. Stene, Mrs. W. Canrad's letter .of 6/l7/p9 r~ "letter .of faith" re funding programs ~ !i Regional Mental Health Servic~s Board (.or Rke. Yalle~ Cemprehenseive Ment~l- Mental Retardatiens Services ~ar~) and Superv1sors act1an-----------335! ..' I Science Museum- Resolutien .of Supervisers rEj; denatien .of land fer same------336 i. I ,: I State-lacal Hapital Bills- Beard appre,es P1yment .of all thru June 30, 1969------331 St tAd' 'R I . ~ " , " a e u Hor s epert an recerds .of J\1vemre & DamestJ.c Relat1ans Ceurt & Rke. Co.!Caurit-J38 Sheriff's report - Statement of Office & Tr"vel Expenses inourred by Sheriff &: Depu ies ~ar May'6 ----------3 8 " onso idati.on II ....... ipme -. j I U I \!ooI .- ..~ o. c g..... :.~ ~ (OVER I ~ ~. '. t i: i'..1 ; Skeet Sbaating Range - Special Use Permit to .operate same in Statesman Industrial Park J issued Joseph.F. Darage, Jr. ,.----------360 : Ii Starkey Speedway - Rabert S~ Bateman d~nie~special use permit te .operate autemebile rac~way " there---------- 363 ' " : f! J Spec:lal Use Permit - granted Jaseph F.! Darage, .Jr. ta operate skeet sbeoting range-[360 ~ q ; I I. ~ Special Use Permit - denied Robert S. Batema.: n to reepen Starkey Speedway as autemabile ~ . :t -raceway ---- 363 '.. : II " Speed Limit study for Garst Mil Rd. - 1'loaicdg to request State Highway Dept. te cendu9t .sM,le-364 ij T :. , il 4 Smathering Devices (Icebaxes, etc.) - COmIn.!1 A tt 'y requests inclusion of .ordinance per- ~ :1 taining te same in cede .of Co. ~rdinances ------------ 365 , II il ' , ~ ..-- ~ Shaating near raads -.Camm: Att'y requ~sts ;knclusien .of ordinance in Code .of co..orl.nan~s 'i deahng wJ.th the same: ---,----- 365 : II J. Spring Valley Annexatien Case- I'.epert !of Ccfun.A tt 'y ------ 365 . ! .. " 11 1 :' . ; ~ )1 Sale .of. cer.tain parcels .of land fer t*es due - Delinquent Tax Callector (Nash Tyl~rl . . ~ :1 requests pestpenement ta 7/23/'f mee,ting .of consideratien of reselutien aut~arizi::nl1: ~ same ------- 365 1;1 .! :., II. - , ..i!.1 Smith, Robert E. appeinted te Recreati~n Bd~.! rd ta fill unexpired term .of Betty Ada~. (re~ignedl i term te expire 6/19/70 --------r- 37~ 'i Ii ~.. Sbelton, J. Ken appeinted te Recreatiop B.oard for 3 yr. term beginning 6/20/69-----~373 ~ L Shell, Darrell - Directqr of Parks & Recre%~ien .Dept. appeared re: bids on pickup i I . .~. ~~u~~~h~i~~~::~~~:~j77iler; alro biip.s en a building for use as restl'oem factlit~ j Salem-Reanoke Valley Civic Center- Board a~therizes up te $250 far emergency light~ng ing~'2 IJ I :1 I' : I- , 'I , i 1 Stever, Lester K. Jr. - appeinted for f yr.:: term to Beard .of Adjustments and Appeals -. 3 ~ Salem-Reanoke Valley Civic Center- app~epriatien of $10,000 made to same fer purpesJ .of ~ . .operating and maintaining ifacqities --------3$3 i- H Salem-Raanoke Valley Civic Center- letter f~em Wm. J. Paxten, Jr. te;Paul B. ~tthews I! re ~ost .of emergency light~ng planning ----------3$2 ! ..~ Summary Sta.,~ement .of Prisener Days seI'VjEld i~ the Ceunty Jail during June 1969------~$4 I ' II t , Statement .of Office and Travel. Expense ~nCWi'fed by Sheriff & Deputies fer June 1969+--- $4 ~ southwest Chapter pf Va. Seciety .of cer~ifi~~ PubliC. A cceuntan. ts-letter & reseluti6n. ~ endor. sing Raanake Valle', CenEelidfltien--and Chairman Osterheudt's letter I 1. acknewledging receipt .of' samr----ji--3$41.-. ~Smith, RabertE.- letter fram superVisets' C~airman te same re appeintment to Rec'n ~oard !!Shelten, J. Ken- letter from Supervisers' Ch~irman te same re appaintment to Rec'n Bbard- if " I; ! ..~!IStevensen, R. L.- l:tter te same frem C~airm~:n .of Beard re:preblems relating tocle~ne s of CarvJ.ns Creek ----------)$4 " ! Snapp, Wendle R. appointed lar 4 year t,nn to Air Pcllution Advisor,- &; Appeal Board-+--39 .. ~ Settl_t ot James E. Peters, Treas. a~ ROlU1.i ake Co. tor year ending 6/30/69-----40l~403,1 0i- l 'I and 4-0ii J SPOD&. WllUam B., Jr.'s letter of 7/26/69 _cknowledging Supervisors' resollJtian re;_... . Lspee4 Limit stl1dy tar Gara~i:oia~a fR~ifalte~~iiK~~f~8iit-orS~~isa~s' i iI . request---T---..,---399 : . ! S..-ge .treatlllentcontract between Citi8\8 .of !~e. 5: Salem, amended 10.0 take in 18.399 [acre I II tract in RIte. Ca. (letter frcri RIte. city 10.0 5al_)-------399 : i aShober~ JIra. uGay B.- her letter ot 7/21169 &j Chairman's reply al 8/8/69 re: herapPI1tc;.ta~1i1 . ii tion at cooperatian given;her !!luring band referend1lDl------399 i 'I aStolfer. Leater It. Jr.- Cha:lrman .of Bel. Ol Supo!rv1ears' letter 10'.0 him re: appointmen~ 10.0 I' II Bull~ Code Bel. .of Adju!!tments & Appeals-..-----399 . 'j . _-!lSva'bocla. Margaret R.- Chainaan al Bd. a~ Suptrviaarii '""letter at ca~atu4tians ta h~r ~ Ii re: appointlllent ta Library Baalid at Trustees--------399 'I . llSUllllary Sea__t of Pris.oner Days serveq in Q,a. Jail lar July 1969--------399 H . j!~pecial Meeting (8/27/69) at Vinton War Memorial to approve Consolidation Agreement & Charter-4Q6 i . ~ Secondary System tentative budget for 1969-70. rec'd", & filed----------411 ~ I ' , .1 .. ..f~1~'s letter of 8/12/69 agReeing to pay its $.Ire ~f low bid to pave Civic Cellter lot & drivewaysc4l4. . ~ ~ ' I' I. .~ $awyer Paving Co. - low bid accepted on paving iC'ivic)center lot & driveways----------4l4 i . j Subdivision & Zoning Ordinances - proposed revisions." to be considered in work Bession to be attended, ~ 'I by Planning=Conmission, Board of Supervisors & cQnsultant \>jho IlroPQsed r:e'llsians--4IZ Ii .1 Sheriff's statement of oTfice & travel expenses! incurred by self & deputles for' July 1969-----418: ~ il I .' lSlatement of State Corporation Conmission ofas~esse~; value of public.utilities in Sate as of 1/1/69-~-4l8 ; Sewage treatment cantract negatiating committee!- letiber from Chas. H. Osterhoudt to Mayor of City of! ~ ' :1 Roanoke re: setting up another committre meeting ----- 418 'I ' : ~ ~ Sewer interceptar line (Peters Creek Area)- letter frPm Chairman of Board ofSuperiisors to City of Rke. 'I i! ~ II II ~ ! - -3$4 . $4 asking response to Board's reques~ that: Public Service Authority be allowed to construct , same thru City property without transferring ownership of said line-----418 k SEi'TEi~BER MEETINGS - 423, 43.3.440 ... 11' ~SmJth.. . Arthur E. appointed to Information & Ed~catio] Committee on Consolidation------423 "~~nclar,y~lS~~ill~llallceBudaet for196S-79 apP'"fved b~ Board for Rke. Co.--425 " I I.. I.. ...,.... .-_.~ -- 1-. ..,. .. I ,. State Chamber of Commerce - membership (in name of Cler~) for 69~70---------427 " Speed Study on Grandin Road Extension & Garst Mi11 Road~ letter from HighwayOept.-..426 .. 'i Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Financial Statements f~r 8 months ending 5/31/69=-------426 " I' Subdivision & Zoning Ordinance- proposed amendments to same & Public hearing set for 10115/69-427 ., ' -- -,' " ,. .- . t I: , 5ale of $7,900,000 School Bonds at this time- Re~olutiO~ of School Board requesting Supervisors tOAut~oni~e.s~ .-411 Special Meeting af 9/29/69 to discuss sale ofscnool bO~dS.------440 .. ... I' Salary of Assistant County Registrar- 425, 434, 438 ~ . . .. . ...._.__ su. bd.iV.~~iO. n ..& .Zoning. .ordinances propose.d amendmen..ts - +.liC. hearing of 10./15/69 cancelled and resetfor. fl0..aIL ..~~.~~ . JI1!I!5,/!,!!rl- appointed to Fifth plan.ning Oistric~ conmiision ------------437. .. .1. ........ ....._ . SmEl. tzer, MiCh~e..1. K ~ - .A t t o. rn.e. y.. .f.or. Br. .an..ch & Assoc i ates 'f'rnc. '. &. T. R,L.es 11.'e d' P ei.tioners. .for. . r.e.zonil1g. .pro~er~L. ._.. ... .. .... '.. on E. side. of Rte. 419 (Starkey Rd.) ap ared to represent sarne----------442 J , _.._.__.__ __ SaJelll~~~n.l!k.e_Co.unt.Y Cha!llber of Conmerce's request to r II t space in .Salem.Rke.. Valley CivicCenter.for_offices,,-4 Souers, Millard B. - present .& recognized - interested i~ Sa1em-Rke. Co. Chamber of Conmerce renting offiee .. n. space at Civic center-~-----l' -444 . ... . i...... StOne, ..Mrs.w.. Conrad. Mrs.. Laddie Fisher & Rabb.i. 0.0.na1 L. Berlin a. p.pear re: apprava.l. (If Rke. Val. ley ..Me..n~. a..I.Jle Mental Retardation Services Board's By- ws-----------444 ' ::::~f~~.sE::~e::: s:: ::f:::i ~:~:e ~ e:::n::s 1 ::6:::r ~:fh: sO:::: ::~~-~~-~~~~4:~anningOi st .CO~.~ J46~~-- . Sc.hoo 1. s_~..No'"_~h_s.i de Hi.gh SChO~ v~ cc~~~~~~c~~~n C~: i ~~~i~d ~~:e o~c~~~~r~i ~.~~~~~ ~~~~in{~6i~0~t!~:i~~i.~r~~tdl-=- showalte~~~~~~d{~~~~~~n;~r~~e~~; 'In::~I~~i~~.~ .;::~~:~:~~.j:~6r~Ef-tY'.PP()PQS-~d. fo~-.f~l ~-AnnO~i~~c;;~np~{l~~a~e~;I~~ea~~:e~. .~~~~~~~~~unt7~No.uce.. ar.Int.enticQILt.o..AtPL.__, --~ ~..__..- ------ ---- "--- -- ,. -. .. ..--- -. -- -- .- *- .. -. . .. . -. . 1- .._-.. -. P"' - _m -..' -- _u.n_.. - -.- - .--.---. --- -~i"- Statement .of Prisaner Days Served in County Ja..l in Sept. 1969--------524 ! . ....._-_..~._......_.... .-... . .... .. . .. ~. .. .... ........ .-.. .......-. -.......-...'....-.........-..-:...... Sta~l!lment.~! af~~.!u~:..1!:r:a'Ve! exl1ens.es .il1c)lI"red~llY..SI1.erif.f ~&_..D~1>uti~s..il1...S.ep.t..-'.I:i2",~.,.....52J.. Special meeting set far 11/18169 at 10:4~ A.M. ta recei"e bids &: award esle ot $7,900,000 sch .01 dlool....BoDlla.J$7..900..00o.L -!.resaluUaJtaward1, same .ta Bankers ..1'rus.t ..,.=.,.=..,.=",5J_8_,~Q.JJI1I 2 . _.._._u.__._ S~JlelJ:._c~.i~J<e-,! 1;.0 .c_Q~id.rposeible c:hange.in form_of ..c.o...G.aY8rnment"-~.,..-"'.,.-"'-.,..,..s.~9__ __._1___ I ~ Smith-Moore ~~}'......lnC.....i.Al1~9-"~__~.!L~:I.~ s~.J;~J:_.._&: Vi~R.m CQ'e am:l.c.tiQn lar ! .. Indust Access Raads ta serve their p 10 -------------531 I LJ ' j.et;t.llr to .C.o.. 1l:"U. re.:.. m."ld'lg .Clvic... !,IlZlt.er...P.1"Iri"g.Lot..-,...,..........~-"'..,....._-530-._.___T ~.Qtju:e~'I'Lfa1;".Jiom-'!.. H~.aJ..thS~rvices program 1ar.fi.sc;s..l, 'ye.ar..6j)0J.f.!9.,.-~.-...51L......__....i ._ls~~w!l!... .B.L...Jr ..lSenatarJ letter re: tax. exemJtian an. :int.erest. paid..en .munici ral -bond..!.5)2- ____._.. JS.tarkn-Statian-. N _~ w Rallwy's letter ef.10/2V69 .re: _applicatioIl.. 10.0 _s.tat.e...corp~ .c.~or. II in status ef-------532 i 0.. S. Fo.st.er's letter .of 11/19/69. as tijUst1fiable l1v.e.stQc:k...clai!JIs .Qf_M..S..'l'h.911ja$~.s!t ___....__._._ $~elJ.,.!>arreJ..1.JDirectar- Rec'n. Dept.) appea~d re: lights far ~erta1n te~lI.c()tlrts~~~-5~ ~ 54 .. ___._..... . ~ ~J:' ather ident1f'icatian far Caurthau~e sttcture --- 543. 558 .-..-..-t....-J.- _._ S.taj<e.Q~t_f~l".~gh~_Sa1'ety Funds- Cha~rmantauthOrized 1;0 signt:.armsat~appJ:'aJ?~~t~~~- 5 .. ......_._.. Sa1~'s.l~tJ;er_re; .calllll1ttee ta studY/~i~eC~~~:m~~:~~~~:: :~-.,.--~.,--547..__...j_.__ I .. ~one IlrjJl9.e Par~ (Big.LickOistrict)--Lighting T~nnis ~urts------.----542 .......~._.__. I: i ~_.s~at~el1t .of Prisoner Days served.in c~. Jail- Sheriff's repar~-.,.,.--.,.~It~_lQ~j;.!.'.Q9J I SI1,z:iff '$ & Depl,l:t.ies' salaries- legislatipn ta ~allow ceunty ta supp18lllcnt .S8nle=.54~ ,-.~~i~._. ! Ii ....0=_..._... _Iis.e=~e. t~~~~:;~;~!!;::;~~;~gi~~~;b~~~~:E~~~~~~;i~g{i~; ~fn;~P~~~S~~~d~~~~~~~.~&_ I _~aJ..!lJlI's res~luL"Il..i11 re: additian .of al).e arJl &. deletian .of. anathez:_areafralll. c.ontract..._ _t1erin!.s_s,,~;~e$~~~~~e~~. ~}l~l~a~;i1 D~~s~~~aal~~o~/ ~:1~~i~e~:~~i9;:;5~~~_ ..1..-__ I ii ! ... .. ~:::~~~~T:::::::::n:::~:eb:t::::e.~i=p.:n;::t~:::;:~ :::~ :~::p~~~:~ ;:~~::::~~:_5q5_:_ .I~ubdiv~sion g~U~:ng~~~ t ~g:n~~Eo~g~~d p~gpg;~gY~~~g;;~t;-~~~8DIi tted t.o PliS~~llg CO!IID!iAAiQJ:\fil ~._ t Raan.oke City, City .of Salem & Townjpf Vinton ------------------------582 : fp.ecial tls.e1ci~~r:1i~i~~t~~~;ai; ~~~~~;;d~;::t;:v:~t~~~t~inVrb~aIi~ris ai~f~~~~~e~;c~e~~1::(~ClI ..._....__.. .I~. _ .. :i~~n~u~~m:~:s~ride;o~e~e~~rii:::d~*~:a~~e~~:-:~~~~~~~-~:~~~ties so as.t~i .u.. ._.._._. . Salem~Roan.olte .Valley Civic Center COI1lI1lisl;i.on I ail Resaluti.on.requesting EIc1.. .of Supervisors!ta..... administer Civic Center payroll, refeiVed & filed---------------583 i _.._h._... . l'lheriff's_StiStlalllent.of Office & travel e'!pensElf far montb of~Qv. 1969. for self' Deputiea.,58 .....u_ . ..~al~Rolll1ok~~Valley Civic Center Financ~al S~tements far year enCled_9/.30/69-----.,58~L. I; , ! Se~ity NatianalBank - recanciliati.on .of Acdbunts of .Jas.. E.Peters, 'rJ:.eas.. Qf Roano)c.#...~O.... ... ., .. .... . changing name 9f said acc.ounts to tilallle .of Kathryn F. Garst Treas. .of RQanake Co.., 89 Sher1ff's request & Board s approval ta purcha~e 10 pOlice cars from ~tate .of Va. tar ~11ve . .....u .. .after~f/1170--"'''''''----''''''--';'--594..' ..... -. ......... ....-... ... .........-....-.... .,........... .........- I State Legislative Prog~am.~~e~olution of Bd~l~f supervisars requesting certain madificati.o~. -595 , . . ...R-"-..---" . . i . ~ i..- . , . - . . r!I...~ ._u_. .. . ~ I -I , .....1 '"'"\ , , I I SCHOOLS I Ii . I ,i i' Scheal Beard's resolutien re apprepria1ing tuture schael budgets on an annual basis -50 ! Additional apprepriation far Scheol A~nis1ration - lii!8 Ii . Appaintment .of Superv1sar Charles H. Osterh1udt te Schoal Canstructian Cammittee - ~9~ ~ . Schaal Board's resolution .of 4/1/69 as 'ne; ~pervis.ors to request Circuit Caurt ta fer I 234.. , electi?n 11l1~gxstion a~ S ~aajrBend Issue ($15,$00,000.00) fer School pr !vements-/ Superv1sors' resalut10~~esti~C1rc 1t urt 10.0 Order Electien an Question of i SU1n . Rasnake CQunty$g6li~~~oggdg~t Sl'~~oli~ sl i~g~~!9~BP~~~~:::~~:244235 .. School Bond Issue Referendum - Resoluti n of gratitude and appreciation to citizens if Roanoke County - 303 Letter frem City Manager of Salem ta Be rd ted 4/24/69 re Scheol Budget----285 Letter to City Manager of Salem from Ch~irm+ .of Beard dated2/2$/69 re School Budget --2 Reselutian .of Schaal Board agreei/lg to ' et Lard &. Recreatian Dept. use land & buil '/lg .or recreatianal headquarters ( and~ecently purchased from Valleydale Pack sl- 293 Scheol Board's reselution requesting Bo rd Jl ask Circuit court. ta order new electi questien .of $15,800,000 Sc .01 ijonds (1st .one invalie due ta lack of ad Board of Supervisars resalutian request'/lg 'rcuit Court to .order new electian an q $15,$00,000 Scheel Bonds (1 t i alid due te lack .of advertising------- Financing purchase .of site at Hollins Nini ger preperty) for scheal ----------315 'ng-306 al ...) J J 1 Resolution of School Board requestin Bd. of Supervis rs to authorize issuance of $7.900.000 School B nds& to provi de for sale of said bond, at tis time----------43l I J. C. Wheat & Co. employed to guide sale & iss~nce portion of school bonds --------- 440 ~ ,I Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of $7,900, 00 Sc 001 Bonds .of Roanoke Co., Va., and Providing fo the' of Said Bonds at this time.-------- -----"---------449.450.451.452,453.454.455.456,457 an 458 Resalutian Pravidi~ far the Printi/lg f th, Legal Opinian.an the $7,900,000 Schaal Band Series 1969A .of Raanake Ceunt , Vi~ginia ---------514 Resalutian Determi/lg that the sole Pay' g Agent far the $7,900,000 Schaal Bonds, Se 1969A al Raanake Ca., Va., sh 11 b~ Bankers Trust Co. in the Boreugb .of Ma City and State .of New Yerk an that: no additianal Bonds .of Raanake Co, Va. 111 Offered far Sale priar te 3/1 70 withaut the cansent .of the Purchases .of id $7,900,000 Schaol Bands, Seri s 1919A----------515 J. Reaolutian Awarding .7,900,000 Schaa Bont' Series 1969J. al Roanoke Caunt7. Va.- -538 I Lighting Tenn:ls Caurts at certa:ln nameell SCh~18----------------------542 A Resalutien Ratifying, Validating & cehri~ng nA Resolutien Awarding $7,900,000 Sc .0.01 Bends, Series 1969A, of Raanokr Catfty, Virginian-----------------557 I ~ ~ I Ii J I: I Ii I ~ I ,I ~ '. I I ~ I !, ~ If ~ I' 0 ~ II I' II ,I " ,I , Ii ,I I I, 0 I, :1 II ii , II ~ I' I II " " Ii 1,. I' ~l , :i ;, :, II ,. it c_.. .,_.,_ ~,.~~ Treasurer, James E. Peters appeared to re uest to meet deficit in Gener 1 Fu Themas, M. S. - letter .of $/26/6$ re live teck TREASURER'S REPORT - l$, 63, 9~ 127, It9,177 400 , 428, 46'1, 533, 5 5 Thamasen, Jo Ann's request regarding Day are C ermissien te borraw as needed up ta $50 (Beard passes Resalutian to that effec illed by degs - 17 178, 20$ & 209, 252. 288. 332 & 333, 3 &32 000 l--lCl nter &; Board's actien - 34 & 35 Gener 1 .0 Study &; }ake Recemmendations Re/Build Ce d F. Guerrant, R. W. Eewers & Edwin G. rye a .(\ ! i , ' W Themes, Joseph C. appeinted Chrm. .of Cemm ttee Rke. Ce. (Paul E. ~atthew. Rich appointed - 38 Typewriter, Desk & Adding I-Tachine approve for Boekkeeper's Office - 44 Themes, Jeseph C., A. T. nuddlesten & Pau 3. 1 tth~1s te meet with Recreatien 3aard an es~lish ~~delines - 45 Trucks te be replaced in .l9b8 - 54 Tax Ticket Printing 1'3chine (NCR) - corom ttee ppeinted to censider replacing .or recan 'tie r .Trabue, Kenneth & Jahn Renick, Attarneys far Steele praperty an Garst Mil Rd. Tribley,Milton A. appointed ta cellllllittee 10.0 s with Lee B. Eddy, nr.C.P.Pope,Ca er Pearsan 73 Trailer Perm1t,Request .of Jallles Will;.t'iel an Trailer Penni.t,Request .of Clarence A. t public hearing 11/13/6$ Trailer Permit. Request .of Fred &: Wan$. assi publ1c hearing 11/13/68 -- Trailer Permit Granted te Clarence A. Dunman e appositian group regarding rezaning 69 dy Air Pellutian Cantral Ordinance revi an adley,Raymond R.Rabrecbt,Paul B.Matthew ,H~Cl '--, dy Rd. set for public hearing 11/13/6$ 76 park 3 S. al Rte. 676 at end ol Rte.84 - s fol'. ----- 76 ta keep 2 an their land in Hollins - s far ... .- 76 78 -0 Trailer Permit request .of Jallles H. Wing! eld eferred - 7$ Trailer Permit Denied Fred & Wanda Cassi y - 8 Trailer Permit- Request of Donald VanBla ican set far public hearing 12/11/68 - 79 , Tribley, M. A. resigns fram Board's ca ttee ta study & recemmend new Air Palluti.on C ntro Ordil1$nce far RIce. Ca. - Charman aPllO nts Eu,"ene F. Brady ,. 82 Thanksgiving IFriday after I - Holiday fo RIte Ca. "Dpl.ayees -- 9<> Trailer permit request .of Danald VanBlar can assed - l03 Trailer permit request .of Jallles H. Wingf eld ontiIlued - lOJ Tamlinsen, J.R. appointed 10.0 RIce. Co. Re reat en Board - 111 Three-Judge Annexatien Ceurt - Cemm. Att . to petition sallie 10.0 reconvene (Mr. A.T.Hud esta s resolution) -- 116 Trailer Permit - granted Donald VanBlar'can - 120 Trailer Permit - granted Jallles H. .'1ingI' eld 121 Taliaferro, J.R. - Rke. Ce. Elec. Inspe tor Truck (25,000 lb. G.V.W.) bids received -acc peared re 196$ Natienal Electrical Cade - 121 tance .of Internatienal Harvester Ce.'s 129 Themas, ~~. Henry, Messrs W. S. Russell and reld C. Race appeared to ~equest alleca fer Va. Western Cemmunity olle e - 143 Three Phase Driver Educatian Pragram an Trai ing fer Traffic Officers and SummonsC~ programs endersed by Beard for F deral Grants as presented by Reaneke/Ri Safety Cammissien - 144 Teichler, Tom T. & Phyllis D. - peti';,io ers Hills, Rke. Ce., belongi.ng .0 s Tanker & Pumper (fire contrel eqtip.l - .ow bi ien rezoning .of lots 10 &: ll, Map questing - l46 s .of Oren Rke. Cerp. accepted on beth~16 o Typewriter, Gen. Index te ~arriage Regi te ~reperty Cemmittee ------- TAP Annual Program Repert------ l64 Typewriter far Clerk's Of lice- Praperty Tanglewaad Mall, Inc. &: Double T Corpora icn, estate in Cave Spring Dist. n Na tee's recommendatian &: Board's appraval~ 72 Petiti.oners requesting rezoning real . theasterly carner .of Rtes. 681 &:.419-l85 Copy 14achine requested by Clerk referre o Thomas, M. S. - Board pays $219 for l1ve tack 1aim in lass .of 3 ewes, 7 lambs &: 1 c TAP recagnized as RIce. Ca. 's O.E.O. camm ty cdan agency - letter lrom O.E.O-- 179 182 Trash Accumulatian alang Keagy Road & Cr stma Typewriter-Calculatar machine far cammi~iane dated 2/1$/69 fram the Chai n .0 Huddlestan referring matte. .or s Teichler, Tom T. and Phyllis D. rezening~etit Tanglewoad ~all, Inc.(& DoubleT. Carp.) Peti .0;1 NE carll~ .of Rtes. 681 &; 41 Tyler, Nash, CaLLectar or Del~nquent Tax - r Tyler, Nash, n n n n req:.:. & Calculater 3 Typewriter &: Ca1culator~r Nash Tyler's rice } Drive , letter .of residents & acti.on a Boar- .of the Revenue's Office, capy .of a l~;~r the Baard 10.0 Praperty Committee Chai , A. dy & recemmendatian ----- 19$ an withdrawn (Lets 10 & 11, map .of Alpin eners- Final Order regarding rezoning 1 ------- 202 pert on delinquent real estate taxes eel st & Baard's approval of purchase .of typ writ - Cellecter .of Delinquent Taxes---223 s ._. .. n.e.. . jj, ~ ' :1 I I fi~~ Treasurer's request far salaries & expens~s aslsubmitted to Cempensation Board far_I 6/jO/70 Thomas, Jaseph C. appeinted te serve w/ CP.' . En1r. & COIlllll. Att'y en committee te meet W/lalem' committee to discuss Salem~Rke. ,alley Civic Center Thampsan, Rev. B. G.,Cal. Ave. Baptist Chju'cl:L. .offered prayer----- 236 , Taliaferre, James Rabert, Raaneke County ~lect ical & Plumbing Inspectar - Chairman nates passing .of same & Clark di~ecte 10.0 draft resalutien .of appreciation .of his services 10.0 be present~d at 4/23/69 meeting for adaptian--236 Tamlinsan, Q.M. 's bid an canstruction .of .hnto Branch Library---------261 I . I Taliaferro, James Rabert, Raanoke Ce. Ele~. &; far his public service & ex~ress bereavement --------279 r , Taylor, S. I., Sr. et als - county Engr. appoi West of Salem T Tractor f.or use at landfill - bids rejected - 9 I Tractor, bid of Bemiss Equipment Co. acce~'ted - 301 Tyler, Nash, Civil Defense Co-ordinator - appea ed requesting permission for a represenTtive to speak at a Board meting on emergency operations - 293 Thomas, Joseph C. appeinted by Chairman t det rmine feasibility .of using Graham Scheel site preperty as site f r a ibrary -------291 lumbing Inspectar, A Resolutien of appre~iati on .of sympathy to his family in their J ed to view unna~ed road northeast off R ute 1 , Trailer Park Permit denied Sinclair Burks ---- -----314 Trailer Permit applicatien .of W. D. ~~so tc, e large existing park referred te Pl. Ce 'n--3 9 Trailer Permit application far renewal .0 cert ficate, W. D. Ward appraved------319 TAp - Charles H. Osterheudt reappeinted 5 Ce. 's representative te this Board-----320 Tax Year, Change of - this matter tabled~pendi g investigatien by Treas., Cemm. Att'y, Exec. Officer & Ch irma .of Board --------330 TAP Baard .of Directers representation - orre pandence re this matter ta Bristow Hardi ,Jr.- 2) Treasurer's sa~aries & expenses for 1969~70 - etter frem Compensatien Board-----323 I Thamas, M. S.'s letter re killing .of farr ani ls ---------37l Tyler, Nash R. - recommends appeintment ' f ce tain attorneys te cellect delinquent rea estate taxes en certain named aree s threugh institutien .of Chancery suits r whatever means they deem advis ble ---- 3$1 TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS- Reappeintment .0 E. C bell Brand-------3$6 Typewriter far Bu:lldiDg Inspectar's Offi e--- -395 Treasurer's Settlement lor year ending ~e 3 , 1969,- 401, 403, 404 & 405 Taxatian .of incame fram mun:lcipal bands~supe isors resalutian & aCknowledging letter .of Richard H. Palf Be Wm. B. S ang- 3g1,399 also 532 ,TAP Executive Direct-ar's letter .of 7/29/ 9 ac nowl*dgment .of Cabell Brand's reappaintlll t-3 TAP Board .of Directars meetings- Chairma "r . .of Supervisars' letter to Bristow (Exec. D:lrectar) re: regularly sche uled meetings-----------399 Trailer Permit app1tation of Claude A. Weaver to park trailers for renta1- ~)ic hearing set 9/24/ 9----- 17 I Teague, W. Nolan appointed to Education & Info tion ommittee ----------423 Trailer penntts.. pOlicy on renewal .of same----- -0428 I i ., Tailet facility at Northstde .Htgl1 Scnool to b.e: Trailer PerLit applicatien & public he . . Trailer Permit applicatien &: public he ing ed: by W. W..Emerson. .Inc.-~...-432 same .of W. S. MUrr~y------433 same .of Claude A. Weaver -------433 . Treasurer-Iar RIte. Valley Mental Health- ent Retardation Services Board ------445 I . ~ail.er Park Ordinance - Netice .of Inte' t:,en te Amend same & Public Hearing thereon -+445 Tr~tt. G. E.. E. S. leslte, GUf y. !'unit, O. S. May II. E. Rakes appointed-vi8\'lers.-of unflamed road alf Rte. . seuth to D. E. OLeKts Earl,dohnson, tals. i petitioners}~...~-.--~--448 TeephQne .central system approved for insta11a ion f offices of Rke. Co. in Health & Welfare Dept.-- 465 Turner Francher .of Old Daminien Signs ~ppeai ed re: Zening Ordinance &: changes in Sig~ , sectian .of the erdfnancel ----------------466 l' Trailer Permit - request of Claude A. Weaver. - na.actien because y~. Weaver's reques re- duced frem 2 to 1 trailers ----------46$ Trailer Permit - request .of W. S, Murr4y ce inued te 11/12/69 meeting-------469 Thanksgiving Heliday 1969------472 i I I ' I Trailer Perlllit - Appl1catian .of W. S. ~a' withdrawn--------525 I Tractar far Recreatian Dept-----------r----.-----527 I Tenn:la Courta- rencing Be paving contrfts ( --------- 535 Be 536 , T:lmes~arld Carp.'s letter .of 10/2g/69 re: ublicat1an .of Business License OrdinanceL532 Thamas, M. S. 's livestack claims Be Sh rirr o. S. Foster's letter .or 11/19/69 -----5 1,55 " '1229 116 I.: I 1- I I I UNIFORNS - 12, 26, 44,64,74,,95, 113, 125, 1r.i 4,14 , 16~ 182, 19$, 215. 231, 250,260, 288,300, 324 ~ 356, 36$, )$;, 401,419430,438,463,52) 537, 54,7. 574 United Nations Day - letter tram Cnrm. of Boar or'U. M. Asso. of the U. S. of A. - 284 United Fund- 523 , Iunifarms, Sheriff autharized to sell certfin t Salem-Rke. Valley Civic Center ----584 I ~ ~ I Vating Precinct Boundaries & Voting Placet - C anges in Same - 2, 3 & 4 , VOUCHER-CHECKS APPROVED RETRO-ACTIVE TO ~TE ISSUANCE - 27. Va. Dept. .of Highways Operational & Fisc S ry fer 1967-6$ - 40 Va. State Chamber .of Commerce - Renewal 0 mem rship - 42 Vehicles approved to be replaced in 196$ ~ 54 Vating machines (S) requested by Leonard i' Pi ,Sec'y. RIce. Ca. Electaral Board - 72 Voti&~a~Chine lease agreement. Commonwealth's At 'ys. 1 tter forwarding same to Shoup Votin~ Machine Cor .__gg Van ican, Donald - request far Trailer pe 10 set fer public hearing 121u'/6S - 79 Van Blarican, Denald - request fer Traile, pe 't passed - 103 Vintan, Land in Town .of, - Camm. Atty. te~eti ian Circuit Ceurt fer autherity 10.0 purc se same far Library Site - 116 Vinten, Land East .of, belanging 10.0 Parkvi De elepnent Ca., aptian ta buy, appaintment al Atty. ta examine title, appra'r.Lng deed & acceptance .of deed far a park site _ 1 7 VanBlarican, Donald - granted permit ta pera e Trailer Park - 120 Vintan MOter Ce.'s bid accepted on 4500 1 . G. .W. Pickup (Fard) - 129 Vice-Chairman far 1969 - electian of A. . Hud lestan - 137 Vintan MOtar Ca.'s Bid of $2194.99 en 199 Fer Pickup accepted - 141 Reg. est r Virginia Western Cemmunity Cellege -/All cati fer same in 1969-70 Budget '-; I .of Rlce..Co. - 143 Vice-Chairman appainted to Act fer Board in i vestigating persennel matters _ 156 Vice-Chairman .of Board, Ce. Bngr. & Exec Offi er & Clerk .of Board appeinted te Preper Ca ..1 u.u Vintan Branch Library-Resalutian al Libr ry Vintan Branch Library-Board al Superv:lsa . . cantractars' biels far Canst cantract tabe Supervisars r Vinton Motar Ca.'s bid an dump truck far ec. Vinton Motar Ca. - Campensatien lar Sale .of R Vintan. Town .of - invited by Resolutien partic:lpate along with Cities of e. c!e evaluatian .of landfill sites in RIc . Va .of Trustees regard1ng biels lar Canst ctia arises Library Board al Trustees to rec ve I same, with awareling .of canstruct:lan bllity --- 174 ept. appraved ----- 177 eke Ce. License Tags ----- 177 d (thraughRegienal Planning .Cellllllission alem, c!e Botetaurt Co. in praposed indep ey----------- 179 Vintan, Town al - teminates un:lfication talks with City of RIce. (resalutian lram Vint Virginia Assaciatian .of Caunties - letter ta ard fram Gearge R. Leng inviting Roanake Ca. . 10.0 partiCipate with VAC c!e Va. Muni ipa1 League 10.0 defend Va. 1ecal1ties'pas tian with respect ta a petitian 0 Va. ailraads 10.0 have their real estate asses ent reduced ------ 192 .VirginiA Railroads petitian belare State arpe atian Cammissian ta have their real. esta e as ss~. ment reduced ~ Reanake Caunt 10.0 rticipate in apposing same ---- 192 Vating Place of Bonsack Precinct .challge em el's Stare 10.0 Bonsack Cemmunity Center - 215 16. Vinten - letter from Tewn of re jeint op .of recreatien program w/Ce.-----2l7 Vinten - letter 10.0 Town .of, re joint ope atio Viewer reportsappraved far inclusian .of cert Valley (RIce.) Hemes Builders Asseciatian s Ie house rezening petit ens Vinton Branch Library, cantract far censt ucti of recreation pragram w/Co.--- 218 in raads in Sec. System--256 t' mara er1 an er(& Baard's action} appesingfapartment ----262 n .of - bid .of B.F.Parrett accepted-----2 4 n LJ Vintan Branch Library- list of bidders en recammendatian & Supervisar Vint.on, Town of - Resolution approving Co Vintan, Town .of - Resolution inviting Cit es 0 ct far canstructian .of, Library Baard's ian-------263 & 264 ti.on agreement between County & Town - Salem and Roanoke to join - 273 72 Vinton, Town .of and Roanoke County - Cons lida 'on Agreement and Charter of pr.oposed consolidated city - 274 T.own .of and Raanoke County - Cons lida ion Agreement Amendment - 302 Vinton, . ID<.. ;., - ~;.... Vinten Library Site - letter frem Comm. A t'y .0 Chairman .of Beard .of Supervisers---285 Valley (Rke.) Home Bu~ders Asseciatien - Bear .of Supervisars letter te same re: , . maraterium/~Partment heuse reZIing- ----2$5 V1nton L1brary - name of - cerrespendence frem Wm. H. Reberts t.o Burrell S. Whitlow---2 $ Vintan and County agree by resolutians t acce t City .of Raanoke inte Consolidatien greement-------3l0 & 311 Virginia Assac. .of Rescue Squads, Inc. Parade correspendence ta Ft. Lewis ResCue Squad----- 323 i Virginia State Chamber .of Commerce 45th nnua Repert--------------323 Vintan Branch Library - Chairman .of Boar .of upervisors authorized te sign Change Ord rs Nos. 1 & 2 -------- 367 I Virginia leg:lslative pragram - study ca tte' 10.0 be appainted by Chairman 10.0 make rec _ tians regarding same -------to Variance from State Air Pollutian Board ule (Open b\!XZlingl - applicatian .or N & W lilway Ca. c!e pUbl1c hearing an same - C ter Bradley (RIce. Ca. Air Pa11utian Labl 10.0 ttend 390 Virginia State Fireman's Parade-letter f~em R hard C. Flara, Canventian Caardinater, C ty a Salem ------399 and Chairman -Oste aUdt's reply to invitatian ---399 I . 79 / Va. Dept. of Highw~' letter of 7/15/69 re: ins.111ati n of traffic light at intersection of Rtes. State I Va./Chamber of Commerce - membership in name of f1erk or year Sept. 1-69 to Sept. 1,70----427 Va. Legislative program- committee appointed to m ke re ndations re this matter- no report as yet-42 Via, Gearge & William Elmore file petition reques ing dJbolition or repars to house at 3112 0a~1s Ave.,S W-43; II Vte-Chainnan appointed to Board.'s Personnel COIllll ttee ong with Engineer-Execut'ive Officer and Clerk of Board ------------------438 Vinton's resolutian approving the Consolidation f Rke. City, County & City of Salem dated 8/2:'/69 and atother Resolution approving additional a vertis ment of the Agreement & Synopsis of Chilrter --43( I , I i 115'1220 & i I 'I I 1-418 Viewers appointed of unnamed road from Rte. 116 routh D.E. (LewiS Earl Johnson, et als -. Petitioners -448 Va. Div. of Farestry's bill for forest fire cont~ol in ke. Co. for 6/2- 8/29/69 approved for payment-4 Victarine, Wm. B. - spakesman fer Indian!l>leun1ain Estates Civic League & other:. .reques ing ta retain present Agricultural Z Ong instead .of prapesed RE zenillg---466 I . , I Valley Builder's Inc., Petitianers-Rezal~ing . Lat 1 and Nertherly 60 Feet .of Let 2, Block :3, Map .of Miller Caurt, anq. Lat ,Block 5, Map .of Hillendale----.----519 Virginia Dept. .of Highway's letter 10.0 C~as. . Osterhoudt of 10/$/69 in re:revised subdivisian standards-----+--52 .Virginia Dept. .of Highway's letter tc cf'as. . Osterhoudt in re: eperatienal & f~al summary for Reanake County fer 0 scal year 196$-69'---------521 Vacst:lan Pay - Pal1cy far Caunt.y emplQY es t be studied by Persannel Camm.--"---547, 5$ Vacatian p~me forfeiture & acceptance of pa nt in leiu thereaf------55$ . I Vice-Chairman .of Board of Supervisars f~r 19 --------577 .VPI Extension Service's lang range prog am f RIte. Ca. Unit - explained by Rc)bt.E.La an...55 .1.. -.-. .'..1.'.. ........ -,- /I ~ [ ~ I.. Woody, ~~. D. M. - apposed te rezoning r uest .of Fralin & Waldron en south side of Col nial Avenue (19 Acresl -- Water Facility Surveys fer Dundee, Pinka d Cau t, Seuthern Hills, etc. - Baard defers a tion on request .of Reaneke Ce. P blic Servo Autharity's r'~quest te pay pe tian .of cast of same - 11 W.H. TAX - 12~ 26, 44, 64, 74i95, 113, l25 134,!1ll..2. 168, 182, 19~215, 231,250, 260.288f.300. 324 350, 36$, 3$5, 40 419, 430, 43 , 463, 52J; 5.,7, 547, 56u, 574 r Whitescarver, Furman, Sr. di~ected te st dy la est revisien .of Rke.CitY. 's Land Subdivi ian .ordinance in .order tha the upervisers might be guidl~d by his recomm nda- tions as Atty far Rke. Ce. P blic Servo Authority - 15 ... . Wright, Leanard & Ralph Long, D0g Warden - pr ent & recegnized. - 17 . Wright, Leonard - reperted his findings n inJ stigating M. S. Themas livesteck claims lZ Water services engineering report - invo ~angley, McDonald & Overman - Beard app ves payment .of $3500 again t s Warrants appreved for payment .of Bills c te General Fund -27 Warrants appreved for payment of Bills c arge 10.0 Dog Fund - 27 Webb, ~~s. Helen, Rke. Ce. Baekmebile L' rary Y~s. J.A. Leenard, like. Ce. Circulation Libr & f~. Wm. H. Reberts, D' ecte .of Rke. Ce. Library System, present & r cogn' Westever Deve1epment Cerp., petitieners reque ting rezening 17.01 A on N side .of Shena d.oah . Ave'f W. .of SCL .of RkeiCity. ---- 49 .Wilsan, ~~. Bayes .of. ered reselutien fr Sch .01 Board requesting scheel budgets be ap o.pr. on annual basis -- 50 Wright, Mrs. Richard - appeared 10.0 sup rt r an:lng Steele praperty .on Garst Mill Rd. 69 Williams, Mr. Richard L. - Castle Rack arms ppeared 10.0 support rezaniug .of Steele p apert an Garst Mill Rd. - 69 . Welfare Dept.'s request fer additional pace eferred to Capital Impr~vements Committ e -- 5 Ii U r'i I I U Wingfield, James's request far trailer set far publ1c hearing 11/13/68 - 76 Webb, Sally, representing like. Organiza Communities appaared t.o support request .of Melissa Meade & .others far Su ervis rs 10.0 fix Old Abandaned Raad -- 77 Wingf'ield, James's request lor trailer p . 10 deferred - 78 Wingf'ield, James's request for trailer p rmit centinued - l03 Wingfield, w. T. , Pres. .of Arrew Weod C Club appeared re rezaning .of 47 lets in Subdi try lub appeared ~e their request 10.0 rezane request of Crrstal Tower cancerning 2 t ly cerporate ine .of City of Rke. & belo Crystal Tower Corp. - 137 Westaver Develepment Cerpera"ian, Petiti ner - Board appreves their requested rezening of 14 Acres N. .of N. si e of henandoah Ave., W. .of like. City Corp. Li Welfare & Health Departments' requests f r ad 'tienal space referred te Cap. Impravem ..0 W.oady, Oliver S. & Rebert E. Lucas reap .Wingfield, James H., Iolinister te Gespel Wingfield, James H., granted permit fer ecen Wingfield, W. T., Pres. .of Arrew Weed Co same subdivisian - 122 Willis, Helman Jr. appeared regar~ re . .of ACSAL Co. adjeinl.ng 10.0 Rke. Ce. Planning Cemm. far 3 yr.te .offered prayer - 120 trailer - 121 -11 te 39 Welfare Department - Capy of Financial r port fer Nevember 196$ ---- 149 i'iray, l.ll'. Hareld- Richard Hamlett & Clau e Ca ter, Atty. appear re rezoning petition a Go Park Corp. ------- 155 ~ialdran, E. H. .of Fralin & ~;aldren appea ed r rezoning 19 acres en Colonial Ave. - 15 Weody, B. N. appeared to eppese the peti~ien f Fralin & Waldren re rezening 19 A en C Hame Ec. Webster. Miss Bonnie - Board appraves ap in ent as Ext. Agent/- 170 , Watts a: Brealtell, S. Lewis Lianberger Ca., Da s Canstr. Martin Bros., Frye Bldg._ Bidclers an praposed ~blic sa y ldings in )It. Pleasl!.!1t & Ma,sans Cave- 1 1 Wilbourn, Wm. 1.& loUise A., Petitiane s re estiug rezaning 4.458 Acres at Reserveel Lake Area as shown an map .of ec. 4 Lindenwaad -------- 19,. Webster, Sharon (iirs.), Irad Lower, Wm. G. Amm ,Jahn Lampras &: A. T.. Hudd1estan appointed ta Canatitutianal R sia Study Cammittee ------- 178 Winston S. Sharpley, Architect - Centract fer esign & working drawi/lgS fer additian te Heal & Welfare Building- Chairman a ther zed te execute same--- 217 Welfare Buildir~ (& Health) - ceritract w/ Wins on S. Sharpley fer desi~l & werking dra ings .or additien to same ---- --- 217 Walker, John L., Sr. (Att'y) appeared ta epre ent Ap~achian Pewer Co. in their reque t fer Industrial Access Funds fer read te new Funk Substatien W. .of Salem---- 2 9 o 0.< .8 Wilbaurn,Wm. A. & Lamse A. - withdraw r shewn en map .of Sec. 4, Lindenw Waldr.on Homes, Ine., Petiti.oners, rezani held in abeyance fer 120 Welfare Services ~ Report .of Superintend Webster, Bonnie Jean, Ext. Agent,H.ome icana Waldran Hames, Inc., Petitieners of reza~11g referred to Pl. Carom. ta ,ake requesting rezening te B-1 & R Welfare Dept.- Activities Repart far Febr -ry Watts & Breakell's bid on constructiQn .of V:ilto =_~::~::~~_::'~2~5$ A. Reserved Lake ar parcels in Rke. Ca. tatallingaabout 50 ------- 246 rgaret L. Malley ----- 247 . cs - March Report-----245' 3 parcels in Rke. Ca. tatalling abeut cemmendatiens .only an those pertiens ------261 969------259 Branch Library-----~-263 o A- i "'yo< ,E ."". ,f Sp.o1., ....'no ,E !/1/6 I " "..'do< '''''no "".." E,. ".., tien .of Vintan Branch Library--~---------263 Ward, Barry L. property-.Re: Abandonmenl & r onveyance of drainage easement granted Central Park Carp. te Ca. f Rk acrass Barry L. Ward preperty-----279 Weld, T. Lewis '5 letter re Grandin Rd. t. Garst Mill Read speed limit studies ref rred 10.0 Highway Cemmissien .of R e. C .------295 lIIi1lllll.er., Az:thur. L. 's .letter.. reference s p ad lO it en Grandin Rd. .Ext. referred teRke. Co. .. Highway Safety Commissian- ---- 95 dWebs:ter, Bannie J. - VPI Extel)sien Agen (Ha e Ec) April report---- 2$5 .Windsor West Water System - letter frem Publ c Service Authority te Paul Matthews---2 5 w~lfare.Dept. - repert fer March '69 -- ---2 5 . ,;member h Supervisers as member .of We Welfare Boar~-reselution .of appreciatOa~r r serV~CES .of Frederick Griffith/and expression .of sympathy a f ily in their bereavement-----295 Wellare Baard's resalutian of apprecia ien f r services .of Frederick Griffith ---29$ fare Waldran Hames, Inc., petitianers - FI . . . in Reaneke Ce.. ------ ---- Wilsan, Bayes & Arnald Burton .of Rke. C . Pu finance purchase .of site t Ha ~ard Mobile Harne Park certificate appro~ed - I ...webster, Blanche's preperty in Salem -jAtt' real estate taxes en thi~ pre n.Webster, Bannie J. - Ext. Agent, Heme c.- .-lihite, Erskine III- Regianal Deputy Ca rdin Civil Defense Emer Webster, Bonnie J. (VPI Ext. Agent- He e Ec. in re: rezening three parcels situate ----------312 lic Schoel System appeared te berrow men y te lins (Nininger prepertyl for school ---- 15 ----------319 I- . ..u._.__ E. W. Chelf appeinted ta callect delinq nt rty --------32l y report-------323 .or .of Civil Defense appeared re Simulat ncy Exercise -------334 - June ' 69 report-----371 Webber,.Rey L. - cepy .of Board .of Supe, iser Chairman's letter te same re:receipt .of Roanoke City's preposed cha 'ges i Valley Conse1idatien agreement-----3$4 . .Welfare Boarc1 - appaintlllent .of Mrs. Gre san &; Judge Haback.'. letter--399 . t'. U Welfare BuildiDg adclitians- letter .or 22./6 frOlll Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Supt. app ov- ing warking plans far same- ---- 99 appearances .or Supervisars-- ---- 99 . .Weoater..Bonnie J.'s report far July 199 as I Ext. Agent- HOlIle Ec.-----399 ..... ...... Westside Boulevard drainage prOblem (Rte. 1480 etweerl' Hershberger Road & Harvest Lane ilW----412 . . i Woodliff. G. 0.; wm. R. Hill & Creed Fr~zier .of Wild d Rd. pratests recommendations of Co. Engr. re,location of garbage contain ---r----- I -------413 I Wil~ington District Corps of Engineers - Co. Enrr. to:contact same re: flood control study & correctiv .. . meuures for Roanoke county-------41i I . Weaver , Claude A.'s application to park 2 trai1ers f i rental on his property- public hearing set for 124/6 417 . .... work. SElSSiODto consider proposed revisions to subdi 'sion & zoning ordinances-------417j . . . Welfare Dept.authorize~ to make welfare payme~ts up 0 $2000 ea. mo. in advance of fonnal approval by ~ of Supervlsors, per request of D~rectorl of State Dept. of Welfare & Institutions-----421 . ..... Wl!~tside. Boulevard drainage problem & Highway fept. I disposition of same(letter of 9/9/69----425 Webster, Bonnie'sAugust '69 report as VPI Homt.Ec Ext; Agent=---------428 WilSo~.,BayeS (B!ls. Manag..er. of R.k.e.. Co. PUbliC[SChOO ) appeared re: sale of $7,900,000 School Bonds- 1 W. W..EmersQn, Inc.'s bi~ accept~d subject to pprov 1 by Rec'n. Bd. for construction of toilet facil ty an gro~ndS of Northside High School' for R c'n. Cl~ & Dept. 's use-------432 :;::~'L~~:::\:s::;:;C::~:~P:::i::~;I:; ;':~tw~ ::b~i~o~e::;~:i:~ds:;:i:::i:; ~;:~:~:a:; ~~/:: ~:~~: I.. Wheat, J. C. & Co. ~ Board votes to engage thr.or ser. ices to 9Ui.de sale end issoance Of. portion of 15 8 . .. ... ... mil H on do 11 ar Sth 1 Bon issue ------------440 Webster, Bonnie Jean _VPI Ext. Agent - Home E . - mo thly report -------464 .. n.__~,.~ _ .. . I Ward, Herbert .of Ward Mebile Home Parkj requ sted his property be zened for mobile he e parks instead of residential----,-466 Waldran, Elbert - requested his prepe!ty on Brambletan Ave. remain B-I zaning and th 1.._ Kre.&er Property there remain B-2 ----- --467 . d 0 46$ Weaver, ~aude ~.'s request reduced frrm 2 a 1 trailerj~her.efe~e d~d net nee perm~ - .. Warrell, Thomas S. 's appaintment ta Rk1' ce.1 Scheol Beard- letter toe same frem CharI s H. Osterheudt ---------52+ lIebster. Bannie Jean's Oct.. '69 repartlas Ext. Agent - Home. Ec. Dept.~2 lI.liar~ Dept. Sept. '69 Repart--------t-547 Webster, Bannie Jean's Nov. '69 repart ts VP~ Ext. Agent - Hame Ec. Dept.-565 'l -.J 'I I II Yarger & Assaciates, Inc. = emplayed 10.0 ~et u~'}erSannel plan far emplayees .of Roanake a. - 194 Yarger & Associates, Inc. - Chairman aut!oriZ d te execute Centract for develepment .of Personnel Classificatien & pay lan .or Ce. employees ------ 212 Yellow Mauntain View Subdivisian- reside ts p itian te rezane entire subdivisian fram A-Ita R-2 (referred to Pl. Co .1 - ---------247 Young, James M., Atty. for Murray K. & Ma y An Coulter, reo continuance of petition fo rezoning. tract of land on Ai port Access Road - 284 Yellow Mountain View Subdivisien resident ' pe itioners reo rezening entire subdiviSon ecti s 1 & 2 FINAL ORDER --------- ---) $ Yarger & Assaciations, Inc. - Beard adop s th r recommendatiens on administration .of persannel regulations & pes'tien lassification & pay plans ----------)20 fast, Dr. JQhn W. appainted far 3 year t I'III a Air Pallutian :- Advisary &: Appeal Baard- 394 -, , j J ~ ~ o @ 1 =""_ __.._...~.._._ ..._~.~_;'.-C-_. .::.._ '--+-."_O:-.-.-"_-:'~.__ -_. ...._..~__..._ . '--=>--~'--'- Courtheuse Salem, Virginia August 2$, 1968 o The Baard .of Supervisers met this day, being the faurth Weanesday, and secend regular meeting .of the menth, at the Roanoke Ceunty Courtheuse in Salem, Virginia. Present: Lee B. Eddy, Chairman; Charles H. Osterhaudt, Vice-Chairman; Joseph C. Thamas, A. T. Huddlestan and L. Earl Simms. Messrs. Raymond- R. Rabrecht, Cemman- wealth's Atterney and Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer were also present. o I The meeting was called 10.0 .order by the Chairman and Heverend Carles Garostiaga Assistant Minister .of the First Christian Church, Salem, Virginia, offered prayer. I The pledge i .of allegiance was given in unison te the flag led by Chairman Lee B. Edd . The minutes .of the August 14, 196$, meeting were appraved as sp"ead, each member of the Board having read copies mailed to him by the Clerk, an motian .of Supervisar A. T. Huddlesten, secanded by Supervisar Joseph C. Thamas, and on the fallewing vate: AIES: All o NAYS: Nene At a public hearillg te censider the recommendation of the Planr~ng Cammissian 10.0 deny the rezanillg requested by Themas H. Beasley .of a tract .of land awned by Grover W. Craddock and lacated an the west side .of Route 419 (Starkey Raad) at Crescent Heights fram Residential R-l 10.0 Business B-2 sa a restaurant may be built there .or, alternately, ta Residential R-J so apartments ceuld be built, ?-!r. Jahn Apostolau, Attorney far the Petitianer, appeared ta request withdrawal .of the rezenillg request. Mr. Rucker alse appeared. The Supervisers teek the fallawillg .0 ! i I I I i ~(~o/~ :1 / ~J...l ;11.( \, '. On mation .of Supervisar Charles H. Osterheudt, secanded by Supervisor L. Earl '~.Jr~ Simms it is .ordered that the request mad.e by Mr. Jehn L. Apestaleu, Attarney far thJ~~~ Petitianer, Thamas H. BeaSley, Jr.., to withdraw the Petition heretafare filed in i~ P:3IA. ~ this matter, be and the same is, hereby granted. 'I fP" ~ Ii . IvJotien carried. 1~M1't IIAIES: Joseph C. Thamas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterheudt, L. Earl Simms and I ~iJt. ~ Lee B. Eddy. I I NAYS: Nane. i ~ i i) I' 'I II II action: ~ IN BE: ~ I i REZONIIiG OF 10. S3 ACRES, I-DRE OR LESS, OWNED BY GROVER W. CRADDOCK WITH FRONTAGE ON THE w~TERLY SIDE OF VIR3INIA STATE ROUTE #4l9 AND THE EASTERLY SIDE OF STEARNES AVENUE AND VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE # 716 m .U 2 $/2$/6$ Mrs. Dunbar, a resident on Old r-Iauntain Raad in Reanake Ceunty appeared 10.0 camplain abaut the junkyard in frent of her heuse awned by Mr. O. L. Asburry. The Chairman suggested that she and 14r. Harold Heck, another resident of the affected area, take the matter up with the Cammonwealth's Attorney. I CHANGES IN VOTING PRECINCT BOUNDARIES: AND VOTING PLACES The following .ordinance was this day .offered far adeptien: I IN RE: 1. Cambining North Salem #2 precinct with West Salem precinct and establishing a new precinct ta be knewn as Brushy Nountain precinct. Vating place te be Fare Lewis Elementary Schael. 2. Redefining beundaries of Glem'ar precinct. Veting place te remain at Fert Lewis Fire House. 3. Redefining baundaries .of Green Hill precinct and changing voting place .of Green Hill precinct free the new Seuth Salem Elementary Schoel ta the Green Hill Church of the Brethren. 4. Redefining baundaries .of the East Salem precinct, changing name of same te Edgewaed precinct, and establishing the veting place at the Edgewoed Christian Church. 5. Redefining boundaries of the Hidden Valley precinct, changing name .of same 10.0 Westland precinct, and establishing the vating place at the Littan Business Center. This Board and the Reanake Caunty Electeral Board, being of the epinian that since the Tawn of Salem has assumed the status of an independent city, it is neces sary and it is fer the best interest and cenvenience of the vaters in Reaneke Coun y to cambine certain precincts, to redefine the boundaries .of certai~ precincts, and to change the names of certain precincts and to provide veting places therefer as hereinafter set farth, te-wit: I BRUSHY MOUNTAIN PRECINCT (Salem ~~gisterial District) BEGINNING at the intersectian .of Interstate Reute $1 and Kessler lUll Read; thence with the nerth corporate limit .of the City of Salem ta the west cerparate limit .of the City of Salem; thence with the west cerperate limit of the City of Salem sauth te U.S. Reute 11 (Lee Highwayl; thence with U. S. Reute II (Lee Highwa 1 west te State Secendary Reute 1110; thence with State Secendary Reute mo narth te State Secandary Reute 6~0; thence with State Secendary Reute 640 north te Inter- state Raute $l; thence leaving Interstate Reute $1 and fellowing the water shed west .of Paint Bank Branch 10.0 the tep of Fort Lewis !.lountain and the dividing line between the Catawba and Salem ~~isterial Districts; thence with same east te Virginia Route 311; thence with ViI'ginia Reute 311 seuth 10.0 State Secendary Reute 630 (Kessler lUll Read); thence with State Secendary Reute to the place .of BEGINNING. Veting place - Fert Lewis Elementary Scheel. GLENVAR PRECINCT (Salem Magisterial District) BEGINNING at the intersectien .of Roaneke River with the Raaneke-Nentgemery 630 (Kessler ~ull Road) ! i I County line; thence with the ~eaneke-Mentgemery Ceunty Line nerth te the tap .of t/28/6S 3 --'- '-_..=..~-~"""" -~.- .,--'= Fart Lewis Mountain; thence with the top .of Fert Lewis Mountain and the dividing I line between the Ca,tawba and Salem Magisterial Districts east ta a poi.nt 7,500 feet I , east .of the west baundary line .of the Havens State Game Refuge; thence seuth, i I fa11awing the water shed west of Paint Bank Branch; thence ta Interstate Reute 8l 1 ~-i l -' and the west carporate limit .of the City .of Salem te State Secondary Raute 1110; thence with Raute 1110 sauth to U. S. Route II (Lee Highway); thence with U. S. I~ Route 11 (Lee Highway) east ta the west carperate limit of the City .of Salem; thenc with the west carparate limit .of the City of Salem 10.0 Diuguid Lane; thence with ! Duiguid Lane seuth to Roanake River; the~ce with Reanoke River and the dividing line between the Salr;m and Richfield l~gisterial Districts west te the place of BEGINNING. J Votillg place - Fart Lewis Fire Heuse. GREEN HILL PRECINCT (Richfield V~gisterial District) BEGINNING at the peint .of intersectien .of the Reaneke R.iver and the loontgalmery Caunty line at Kumis; thence nartheast with Roaneke River te its intersectian with Diuguid Lane and the west cerparate limit of the City .of Salem; t;hence with the carporate limit .of the City .of Salem east to the dividing line between Cave Sprillg and Richfield I>lagisterial Districts en State Secendary Reute 685 (Keagy Road thence leaving State Secondary Route 6$5 (Keagy Raad) and with the di,risien line between Richfield and Cave Spring Nagisterial Districts alang the top .~f Peor Mauntain west ta the MOntgomery Caunty line; thence with the MOntgamery County line narth 10.0 the place of BEGINNING. Voting place - Green Hill Church of the Brethren. EDGEWOOD PRECINCT (Richfield ~~gisterial Districtl BEGINNING at the intersection .of the east carporate limit .of the City .of Salem and Reanake River; thence with the east corporate limit .of the City .of Salem narth 10.0 Melrase Avenue; thence with Melrese Avenue and the dividing line between Rich- J ~II ~~::da;n:o::::::at:::::t::::lt::S::::t:e;:::a:: ::~:e:; :::p:::;ee~~::n::et::uth ta Roanake River; thence with said River west to place .of BEGINNING. II Voting place - Edgewaed Christian Church. , WESTLAND PRECINCT (Richfield Magisterial District) BEGINNING at the intersectien of State Secondary Reute 6$5 (Keagy Road) and the o south cerporate limit .of the City .of Salem, said beginning paint being on the dividing line between the Salem and Ricfield ~~gisterial Districts; thence leaving said beginning paint and with the seuth cerporate limit of the City .of Salem east , te the east carper ate limit .of the City .of Salem; thence with the east cerperate . limit .of the City .of Salem nerth te Roaneke River; thence with Reaneke River east to the west cerperate limit .of the City .of Roaneke; thence, with the west cerperate ~ limit .of the City .of Reaneke seuth te the dividing line between the Salem and !i Richfield h~gisterial Districts at Mud Lick Creek; thence with said dividing line I; Ii west 10.0 the place of BEGINNING. , 1'1; I' Veting place - Littan Business Center. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk .of this Board b", anc! she is hereb;, Ii directed ta ferthwith pest a certified cej.Jy .of this re.olutien at the frent deor .of i ~ the Ceurthouse .of Reaneke County, Virginia, and that said Clerk is further directed:1 G 4 $/2$/6$ ta deliver 10.0 the Sheriff .of Reanoke Ceunty certified copies .of this resolutian to be posted at each of the vating places effected by the abeve changes, tc,-wit: (l) Brushy Mauntain Precinct at the new vating place, Fert Lewis Elementary Scheol, and at the .old voting plac~s, West Salem Elementary Scheol and Academy Street Eleme tary Schaolj (21 Glenvar Precinct at Fort Lewis Fire Hause (no change in vating place); (J) Gre~n Hill Preci~ct at the new voting place, Green Hill Church of the Brethren, and at the .old voting place, new Sauth Salem Elementary Scheol; (4) Edgewoed Precinct at the new veting ~lace, Edgewood Christian Church, and at the .old voting place, the East Salem Elementary Scheel; and (5) .Westland Precinct at th new vating place, Litton Business Center, and at the old vating place, American Legien Headquarters; and said Sheriff is .ordered to make hi a return shawing said postings .of these notices te the Clerk .of this Baardj and the Cemmanwealth's Attorn .of Reaneke Ceunty is hereby directed, after said netices have been posted for thirty (JO) days in accardance with the pravisions .of Chapter 5, Title 24 of the ,1950 Cede of Virginia as ~ended te date, to file, en behalf .of the Baard .of S~~er- visors .of Raaneke Ceunty, Virginia, a petition requesting the Circuit Ceurt of Roanake Caunty, Vurginia, to enter an .order making the changes abeve set ferth. On the motian of Superviser Charles H. Osterhaudt seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlesten and adapted by the fallewing, re~erded vate: AYES: Jaseph C. Thamas, A. T. Huddlesten, Charles H. Osterhoudt; L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Nane. I I I At a public hearing to censider the recemmendatien .of the Planning Cemmissian te deny the rezoning request of C. F. Kefauver and R. W. Bowers Censtruction Corpar I tion to rezone a 1.25 acre tract .of land en the nerth side .of Williamson Raad, appasite the Colenial-American NatieniBank branch, from Business B-l te Business B- sa a filling station ceuld be built there, 1~. James Hart, Attorney for the Petitiener, appeared te request permissien te withdraw the request. The Superviser to .ok the fallawing actien. IN RE: REZONING OF A TRACT OF LAND OW1JED BY C. F. KEFAUVER AND R. '11. BOWERS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION Arm LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 I On motion .of Supervisar Charles H. Osterheudt, secended by Superviser Jeseph C. q Thamas, it is .ordered that the request made by ~~. James P. Hart, Jr., Atterney for the Petitiener, C. F. Kefauver and R. W. Bowers Censtrti~tien Carperatien, to withdraw the petitien heretefore filed in this matter, be and the same is, hereby All ! ,I r II ~ il 'I 'I I' il " " ii :, 'I II if , I granted. None !; , I '.~ -, .-J i .J o ~ W 8/28/68 5 ....- "=",,._ ::"':lO_n___.-="=--=:=_ -=.=. ~ IN RE: } I } I , J } } REZO~!I~:G vi PROPERTY AT THE INTERSECTION OF VIRGINIA STATE HIGH\'lAY ROUTE U$ AND THE AIRPORT ROAD OF W. CLAYTON LEMON FINAL ORDER At a meeting .of the Beard .of Supervisers of Reanoke Ceunty, Virginia, held at the Ceurthause an August 25, 1968. WHEREAS, ~T. Clayton 1e~on petitiened this Board and requested that the Ceunty Zaning Ordinance .of Raaneke Ceunty (19601 be amended se as to pravide that certain praperty described in said petitien be rezened and reclassified as ttIndustrial M-1tt . praperty, which petitien was filed at a regular meeting of this Beard on the 26th day .of June, 1968, and by order entered an that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendatien in accerdance with the previsions I I .of the Code al Virginia; and I WHEREAS, the Planning Cemmissien by reselutien adapted at its regular meeting I held on the 20th day .of August, 1968, after hearing evidence touching .on the merits II .of said petitien of W. Clay ten Leman recemmended to this Board that the Caunty , Zaning Ordinance (l960) be amended as requested in said petitian .of W. Clayten Leme and ~~S, the Board of Supervisers .of Reaneke County did ;y its order entered an the 26th day of June, 196$, as afaresaid order the Clerk of this Board 10.0 set the same down far a public hearing at the next permissible regular .or special meeting .of this Beard and give netice thereef by publication in accordance with the Caunty Zaning Ordinance and the Cede .of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had en the said propesed amendment publishe , i " ! ta the Caunty Zaning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly i II 'I ~ ~ I' ! I, ~ ~ ! 'I i 'I ~ ~ I Ii g 'I i' .I II Ii il " II Ii II 1 as aforesaid; and WHEREAS , this Board after giving careful censideratian te said petitien .of W. Clayton Leman and te the recammendation .of the Planning Commission and after hear- i ing evidence tauching an the merits .of said prapesed amendment 10.0 the County Zening!, Ordinance (1960) being .of the epinian that said Ceunty Zoning Ordinance shauld be Ii II amended as requested in said petitien .of W. Clayton Lemen and as recammended by saif Planning Commission. J 'I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting .of the! Board .of Supervisors .of Roanoke County, Virginia, held en the 2$th day .of August, 196$, the said Ceunty Zening Ordinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended sa Ii il :1 'i 'I II .I :1 :i I ! ,I :, " " ., as to classify the preperty of W. Clay ten Lemen described in said petition as Industrial rt,-l. The properties classified as "Industrial M-ID .owned by W. Clayton Lemen and mere particularly described as fellews, te-wit: W. CLAYTO!~ LENON PROPERTY: PARCEL I: BEGINNING at the intersection .of Virginia State Highway Reute 11$, at what is knewn as the Airpert Read; thence aleng and with the~sterly line .of said State Highway Route #11$, S. 360 20' E. 55.2 feet ta #2 an iren pipe, corner te the triangular tract owned by Rush Patrick, and .others; thence with the said triangular tract, and alse with the line 6 } I~&; i}O +: , /r I~~~ oA~~:, ~~o.' Zo~ ~p) lo1J~ , . .. ,.' I -- --- $/2$/6$ .of Frank Powers S. 110 46' E. 123$.6 feet te #3 an .old iren pipe cerner, and an the line'af the J. B. Andrews preperty; thence with the Andrews pra- perty, N. $70 19' ~. 216.9 feet to an iren pipe cerner; t~ence N. 110,52' W. l2$1.96 feet ta an iran pipe carner en the seutherly l~ne .of the A~r- port Road; thence with the seutherlY,line, S',$70 43' E. 195 fee~ to the. pOint of BEGINNING; and being Tract #1 accerd~11g to the Map show~ng part~- tien .of the ~~gie Patrick Dower lands, prepared by C. B. Malcelm under date .of September 30, 1940. PARCEL II: That certain triangular shaped lot .of land bounded by the State Highwa:y, Route #llS, generally known as the Airpert Read en the east, by Tract.ll of the Y~ggie Patrick Dower lands, abeve described as Parcel #1 .of th~s deed, an the West and by the 10 acre tract .of land canveyed by E. M. Patrick te C. F. Pewers by deed dated February 12, 19l$, in Deed Book $$, page 493, of the afaresaid Clerk's Office en the south. This triangular let is shawn an the plat with the said Pewers' deed, a cepy .of which appears on page 494 of said Deed Book $$, and is a part .of the land which the late E. M. Patrick died seised and pessessed. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED MID ORDERED that the Clerk .of this Baard shall farthwith certify a cepy .of this resolutian and .order to the Secretary .of the Planning Commis sian of Raanake Caunty, Virginia, and a cepy 10.0 James P. Hart, Jr., Attorney far the Petitianers. I I The faregaing resolutian was adopted en the metion .of Superviser Charles H. Osterhaudt and seconded by Superviser Je=eph C. Themas and en the recerd vete the Supervisars voted as fellews, ta-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None Mr. T. L. Plunkett, Attarney for the Petitioner appeared with reference ta the fellowing rezaning matter. I IN HE: REZONING PROPERTY AT NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF ROUTES 419 AND 221 OF CALLIE M. HANDY ) } ) } } FINAL ORDER At a meeting .of the Beard .of Supervisers .of Reanoke Ceunty, Virginia, held at the Caurthause an August 2$, 196$. ~~S, Callie M. Handy peti~ioned this Beard and requested that the Ceunty Zaning Ordinance of Roanoke County (l960) be amended se as to previde that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business B-3" . praperty, which petitian was filed at a regular meeting .of this Beard en the 26th day .of June, 196$, and by .order entered on that day was referred ta the Planning Commission .of Raanoke Ceunty for recemmendatien in accerdance with the provisiens .of the Cade .of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Cemmissian by reselution adepted at its meeting held an I I the 20th day .of August, 196$, after hearing evidence touching an the merits .of I 'd "h ( 6 I I sa~ pet~t~en recemmended te t is Board that the County Zening Ordinance 19 0 be I I amended as requested in said petition; and, ~ WHEREAS, the Beard .of Supervisers of Reaneke Ceunty did by its .order entered en II the 26th day .of June, 196$, as aferesaid, .order that the Clerk .of this Beard, upen II rec'lipt .of said recallllIlendatian frem the Planning Cemmission, forthwith set the same II " dewn for a :UbliC ~earing at the next permissible regular .or special meeting .of thiSI! Beard and g~ve nohce thereef by publicatien in accordance with the Ceunty Zening Ii " I I Ordinance and the Cede .of Virginia; and, WHEREA~, the Clerk .of this Beard did set the regular meeting of this Board te 8/2$/6$ 7 ...==--- . -. '''''''' ~ - ! held on the 28th day of August, 1968, at 7:30 P.M. as the date and time far a pUbliJ 'I hearing an the aferesaid prapesed amendment to said Roanake County Zaning Ordinance I I and advertised the same by publications as required by the .order of this Board and I in accardance with the previsians .of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Cede .of , I I , - Virginia; and, - , ~S, said Public Hearing was this date had an the said praposed amendment te the County Zoning Ordinance by this Baard after natice thereef was duly publishe as aforesaidj and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful censideratian 10.0 said petitian and , ta the recammendatian .of the Planning Camrnissien and after hearing evidence tauchin. an the merits of said propased amendment te the County Zenir.g Ordinance (l960) bein .of the opinien that said County Zening O~dinance shauld be amended as requested in said petitian and as recammended by said Planning Cemmissian. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Baard .of Supervisars of Roanoke Ceunty, Virginia, held on August 28, 196$, the said Caunty Zening Ordinance {1960} be and the same is hereby amended sa as ta ~ 1)5/'8: The property classified as "Business B-3" property is more particularly descr bEld -b Jt.J as fallaws, ta-wit: Ill~'1h.iP'- 1 I classify the preperty described in said petitien as "Business B-3" praperty. ~ BEGINNING at the northeasterly cerner .of the intersection of Route 221 and Reute 419; thence with the nartherly side .of Route 419 in an easterly directian 193 feet ta a paint; thence in a nertherly directian appraximately 220 feet ta a peint; thence in a westerly direction appreximately 110 feet ta a point; thence in a nertherly directian approximately 135 feet ta a point an the easterly side of Reute 221; thence with the easterly side .of Reute 221 in a seutherly directian appreximately 236 feet 10.0 the place .of BEGINNING. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk .of this E:>ard shall farth- with Commission .of Raanoke Ceunty, Virgir~a, and a copy to T. L. Flunkett, Jr., for the Petitianer. o i I I I I I I I H II II ~ At a public hearing te censider the recemmendatien .of the Planning commissian~ I': .part of a II 10.0 deny the request .of Wallace A. Reed who petitiened to rezene a/tract .of land, 15i27 Acres en the west side .of Reute 22l, just sauth of its intersection with Reute 419 and ~ , ii II franting 150 feet on Route 221, opposite Cave Spring Plaza, se the:Jand may be used ','I I,ll il 1I il i :1 H 1,1 ij Ii :1 II 'I Iii 11 h " Ii The feregoing reseluti~n was adopted an the matien .of Superviser Charles H. Osterheudt and secended by Superviser Jeseph C. Themas and on the reccrd vete the Supervisers vated as fellaws, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: Nene. ~ fer censtructien .of a drive-in restaurant, the fellewing peeple appeared: l.fr. Wallace A. Reed, Petitiener, and his attarney, l~. Caldwell Butler appeared in suppert .of the requested rezening. Thase who appeared 10.0 eppese the rezoning and te request its denial: J. T. Andersan, 4915 Celenial Avenue, - President of the Cave Spring Civic League Nelson Craighead, Colonial Avenue - representing Cave Spring Methodist Church Byren Petty, residence just twe doors frem Cave Spring Methedist Church L. G. Surratt - 4527 Vest Drive ~ $/2$/6$ , .~O\,,'D' fp l~. 0!1~ . ~\ ~") ~ / The Supervisars then taek the fallowing action. IN RE: REZONDIG PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CA. VE SPRING MAGIST:'mIAL DISTRICT ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 221 On motien of Supervisor Charles H. Osterheudt, seconded by Superviser Jeseph C Thamas, it is .ordered that this Board accept the recommendatian of the Planning Commission and the requested rezonir~ be denied. MOtien carried. I AYES: Jaseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterheudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: A. T. Huddlestan. I I At a public hearing this day to censider the recommendation .of the Planning Cammissien te approve the request of Fralin & Waldron, Inc. requesting rezening .of a 14-acre tract .of land en the south side .of Celonial Avenue, adjeining the lands .0 C. R. Mastersen, et als from Residential R-l 10.0 Residential R-3 se apartments may b built there, ~~. Hutchinson frem Fralin & Waldron and 1~. Caldwell Butler, Attarney far the petitiener appeared 10.0 present reasons in faver .of the request. The fallowing appeared te oppese the rezening: ~~. De~;o.od Rusher, Attorney representing eppenents to this rezoning, appeared & filed a petitien .of ever 326 signatures, and pre- sented arguments in favor .of denying the rezoning .of said area. Mr. Lewis Pinkard, Nr. Howard Swank, Nr. J. Stuart Fral".klin, Mr. William Dale, Mr. Stanfard Byrd, JI'.r. Jack Stadler, 1-lr. D. M. Weady, Jl'lI". Bradbury, Vir. Ralph Murray, ~~. Ray Hendricks, Mrs. Calvin Aliff, 1-lr. Ira Marshall, Mrs. Holyfield, ~~. Lloyd Streng and ~~. Calvin Aliff appeared. ~~. K. N. Drummend and Mr. William Reberts alse appeared. I All interested parties having been heard far and against this rezening request the Supervisors taok the follewing actien: IN RE: REZONING 19 ACRES, l.x)RE OR LESS, SITUATE ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF COLONIAL AVENUE, S.W., m:ING TWO ADJOINING PARCELS OF 14 ACRES, l.x)RE OR LESS, AND 5.22 ACRES On metien of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, secended by Supervisor A. T. Huddlestcn, it is .ordered that this re~ening matter be referred back to the Planni Commissien lor further study and recemmendation. ~letian carried. AYES: Jaseph C. Themas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterheudt, L. Earl Simms and, Lee B. Eddy. V r NAYS: Nene. I ~ Ii :1 ,.fr. Tom Lawsen, Atterney fer Jahn W. Hanceck, Jr. Inc. appeared with regard ~ ta the fellowing matter. i ~ BE IT P~OLVED, by the Beard of Supervisors .of Reanoke County, Virginia the ~ " Ceuncil far the City of Salem cencurring: That the Ceunty .of Roaneke do deliver te~ the main sewer interceptor line .of the City .of Salem wastes .originating within the ~ " , fallowing defined area, lecated in the Salem 1~gisterial District of Roaneke Countyj " Virginia, and described as fellews, te wit: ~ Ii I :1 :1 'I 'I I I --:_--='-". --= _._- ---- -- JOHN W. HANCOCK, JR., INC. PROPERTY - (33.$$ Acres): r! J BEGIN1lING at the intersection of the southern line .of the Norfolk & Western Railway right .of way (fermerly the Virginian Railread right of way), with the western right .of way line of I Va. Raute 700; thence with the western line .of Reu~e 760 S. 60 46' 46u E. 333.24 feet to a r-oint on the same; thence still with said road I S. $0 36' 50u E., 174.25 feet to a paint en the same, thence still I with said raad \~ith an arc .of a circle 10.0 the left whase radius II is 2,$94.79 feet, whese cherd is S. 120 55' l7u E., 434.$5 feet, I an arc distance .of 4.35.26 feet to a peint in the middle .of Reanoke I, River; thence up the river S. 790 56' W., 631.19 feet 10.0 a paint, 'I thence N. 83" 36 r W., 455.50 feet ta.a peint; thence N. 740 23 r II W., 404.00 feet te a point; thence S. 62017' W., $44.2 feet to a Ii point an the river bank; thence leaving the river N. 130 52' W., i.1 670.4$ feet, cressing the aforesaid fermer Virginian Railread R/'1l te a paint an the seuth R/W .of the .original Nel'felk & Western II Railway RlW; thence with the sauth R/W line .of the N. & W. " Railway N. .7lo 50' E., l,075.50 feet to a point; thence centinuillg " with the Rrw line N. 710 4$' E., 1,236.41 feet 10.0 a paint an the 1. west R/Vl of the afaresaid Va. Reute 760; thence with the afere- said west R/Vl line of Reute 760 S. 60 40' 46u E., 102.69 feet to the place .of BEGINNING and being a baundary descriptian .of that 33.$~ acre tract owned by John W. Hancock, Jr. Inc., exclusive .of the 5..36 acre area included within the former Virginian Railroad right .of way, all as shewn on a plaw prepared by T. P. Parker, S.C.E., under date .of July 11, 196$. and that said wastes be accepted by the City .of Salem for transmissian to the inter' i ceptar of the City of Reaneke, and fer treatment thereaf, pursuant to the prevision I .-j $/2$/E$ 9 I .of the contract between the City .of Salem and the County .of Raaneke, dated December, 19'1 ' 1955. :1 ~/3!'B 1:. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Ceuncil for the City .of Salem is hereby ,/ .~-" 'IS,:-c-'~ requested to request the Ceuncil fer the City of Raanake to accept damestic wastes '~.-- ~. , ~lfI-"'ir originatillg within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same 10.0 its treatment plant: ,,~ e. . and treat the same, pursuant ta the previsions .of the contract between the City .of '~~~~ Reanoke and the City .of Salem, under date of Octeber 16, 1953. ~. u On metian of Superviser Jeseph C. Themas, seconded by Superviser A. T. Huddles on adepted by the fallewing recorded vete: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddlestan, Charles H. Osterheudt, 1. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Nane ~ 1~. Ben Janes, Assistant City Atterney fer Roaneke appeared with regard t.o the fellowing item. o It! RE: PROPOSED LAND SUBDIVISION ORDINAnCE OF CITY OF ROAi'lOra: o On mation .of Supervisor A. T. Huddlestan, secended by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that this matter be carried aver until the next meeting fer further study, and that the City .of Reanoke be requested ta submit capies of '. the latest revisian .of this ordinance to the Beard, the Cemmenwealth Atterney, I; (I Reaneke County Public Service Autherity, Ceunty Engineer and Clerk. Each member ~ of the Board, Commenwealth Atterney and Public Service Autherity is to review and ~ present all comments in duplica~e, .one te the Beard .of Supervisers and .one 10.0 II I: l,~. Ben Jenes, Assistant City Atterney fer the City of Reanoke, by September 6th. ., l-letien carried. I AYES: All Ii NAYS: Nene. , ri'd ~ 1/0'(f - I~~' I k :~: [4.:;& i~.O:-~ (J !I~~ I I 10 $/2$/6$ -~. Chairman Lee Eddy reperted on the status .of the cemmittee negetiating with Salem cencerning jaint library services. ~., q\5\' V ~, ,4~ ~~. tJ:y' J On motien of Supervisor Jeseph C. Thomas, seconded by Superviser L. Earl Simms it is .ordered that this Board extend the time limit thraugh the month of September to the City .of Salem to previde library services te residents .of the City .of Salem witheut charging any special fee. I'!atian carried. I AYES: All NAYS: Nane. I Paul Yatthews, Executive Officer reported concerning the rinancial statement of August 14, 196$. It was informally decided te carry ever the matter .of leasillg space in the Cave Sprillg Liens Club bUilding fer use by the Recreation Department te the next Board meeting, September 11, 196$. I I.fr. James E. Peters, Roaneke Ceunty Treasurer, appeared with regard ta the fellmiing matter. Whereas, by the repert .of the Treasurer .of Reaneke Caunty there is new a deric 10 in the General Fund of the Caunty, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrew meney for the purpose .of meetillg (casual .or actual) deficits in said Fund and to thereby create a debt in anticipation (Jf the revenue .of said Ceunt)"i and Whereas the Beard of Supervisers .of Reaneke 0uunty is autherized by Sectian 15.1-545 of the Code .of Virginia, 1950, as amended ta date, te berrew net earlier than February 1st .of any year a sum .of meney net te exceed one-half .of the ameunt .of money praduced by the Ceunty levy laid in said Ceunty for the year 196$, at a I rate .of interest net exceeding six percent per annum, to be repaid net later than December 15, 196$, and I \1 I' ~ and barrew as needed, net exceeding a tetal ameunt .of *500,000.00 fram such Banks ij or Institutions .of this State as are willing te make the le'an .or laans at a rate ~ .of interest not exceeding six percent per annum, en demand; which said maturity dat~ .or dates .of said leans shall .occur net later than December l5, 196$, said loan .or I Ilaans ta be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisars, vlhereas it is necessary at this time for the Board .of 5uper'risors .of Roanoke Caunty to borrow as needed, not exceeding a tetal amount of $500,000.00 far the NO\>l, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a laan, .or loans I purpese hereinbefere set .out; and the same shall be executed as fellows: The Beard .of Supervisors of Roaneke County, by Lee Eddy, whese signature shall t 3/2$/68 11 ~~="""=_.. - .- --- --- , be duly attested by Elizabeth Stekes, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, ! and as such Bank .or Banking Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and II it is .ordered that said lean be repaid at maturity witheut further .order by this I ! ! Board. '-', J , The faregeing reselutien was adepted on motian .of Sup,.rviser Charles H. I , Osterheudt, and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlesten an'\ on the following record' d vote: -, , ..J AYES: Jaseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhaudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Nane , W The Chairman read a letter dated August 26, 1968, fretl Billy K. Nuse, Cemmissi ner :1. ..' b9/(,0'- .of ~he Revenue, addressed 10.0 the Beard regarding the return te his office .of ~r- ~ Kenneth L. Duncan from military service and requesting that the Board .of Supervisor I~ cencur in the increase in his annual salary frem $5,600 to $6,200. The Supervisors I ~: taok the fallowing action. II~' ~ ,.,-' On matian .of Superviser Charles H. Osterheudt, secended by Superviser Joseph C~ ~ Thamas, it is .ordered that this Board cencur in the salary increase of y~. Kenneth ~. Duncan fram $5,600 te $6,200 effective en return te duty as appreved by the State Campensation Beard. Adepted by the fellowing vate: AYES: All NAYS: None ~ IN RE: I' COST OF WATER FACILITIES SURVEY FOR DUNDEE, PINKARD COURT, SOUTHERN HILLS, ETC. ,], .. I, 1-1otien Ii AYES: All I' I NAYS: Nene. I I' I' Ii The Reaneke Ceunty Public Service Authority's letter c'.ated August 21, 196$, II ilrequesting partial payment .of the abeve-mentiened water facility surveys with I[attached invoice from Langley, McDenald and Overman, Consulting Engineers, for I their engineering services, is filed with the minutes .of this meeting. I I , ~ I I carried. ~)8: , i:' I~t !~. i,~~ ill . ikSltL On matien of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, secanded by Superviser Charles H. ~ Osterhaudt, it is .ordered that actian be deferred on this l'equest fer payment by the Reaneke Ceunty Public Service Authority fer these water facili~y surveys until the Executive Officer has eppertunity ta investigate the backgraund and repert te this Beard further. n.>. [j $/2$/6$ 13 ~.__ _.._-",.==.~::-:,--.-,::,'_=e__._ ,_ ~=""'='"""-=='_ =--= vs } } ) } } } ORDER Board .of Supervisors I The Public and the State Highway Cammissien .of Virginia l --' -, ~ This matter came on this day te be heard upon the praceedings herein, and upan the applicatien fer Overbreek Drive (Extn. .of Reute $32) frem Willowlawn Street I (Raute $311 ta D. E. - 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part .of the Secendary . System of State High~lays. It appearing to the Beard that drainage easements and a 50-faet right .of way far said road have heretofare been dedicated by virtue .of a certain map known as Windsar West #1 and Western Hills, which map was recarded in Plat Baok 6 and 2, Page 90, 170, of the recards .of the Clerk's Office .of the Circuit Caurt of Reaneke Caunty, Virginia, on 5-19-67 and $-30-44, and that by reasen of the recerdation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nar consent or danation of right of way frem the abutting property o~ners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right .of way and right fer drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OP~ERED that said raad knewn as Overbrook Drive (Extn. .of Reute $32) from \llillowlawn Street. (Route 8311 te D. E. - 0.10 mile and which is J shown on a certain sketch accampanying this lished as a public read to bece~e a part .of in Raanoke Caunty. .order, be, and the same is hereby estab~ the State Secondary System of Highways I ] On metian .of Supervisar Jeseph C. Themas, secended by Superviser A. T. ~ the fcregeing reselutian was adopted by the fellewing recerded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddlesten, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms I and Lee B. Eddy. I ~ N!YS: None. ! ~b1~~ II ~~ i On metian .of Supervisar Charles H. Osterheudt, seconded by Superviser L. Earl . I~. ~I ~ Simms, it is .ordered that the <pprepriate netice be given of the intent .of the Count ~t ~ to pass .ordinances paralleling the State Law relating ta meving violations of meter ! I~Q Ii vehicles. l~fiXwrM ~ 1>Iatian carried. , . -t' ~ , lD II . - i!AYES: t~~e~~ idd~~emas, A. T. Huddlesten, Charles H. Osterheudt, 1. Earl Simms and :111 ~ ~ I'AYS' ,.... ~ "I Ii i 'I " 'I ii ~ On m<'tion .of Supervisar Charles H. Osterheudt, secended by Superviser Jeseph C. ,I .j 'I ii Thamas, i't is .ordered that this Board resolve inte a cemmittee .of the ~Ihele to cen- :1 ' H I, n . :1 ~ sJ.der the matter .of purchasing preperty. :1 r' il- l, Motion carried. 'I ~i 'AYES: Alli "I .' I " i :J ,NAYS: Nene.! II -I i! I Ii .! i: 'I II I, I ! Huddleste . , ~ II Q The public and press left the Ceurtreem. -.~..,.o.:__"-::':_. 14 $/2$/6$ " On motien of Superviser Charles H. Osterhoudt, secended by Supervisor Jeseph C. Thomas, it is .ordered that the corr~ttee .of the whele be dissolved and that this Beard resume in open session. 1,lotien carried. AYES: All I NAYS: Nene. On motian .of Superviser Jeseph C. Thernas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlest n, it is ordered that this Baard advise the (WIner that we de net desire to purchase the property in the Cave Sprillg area discussed far park purpeses. l'Iotian carried. AYES: Jeseph C. Themas, A. T. Huddlesten, L. Earl Simms I NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. ABSTAIN: Charles H. Osterheudt. On matien of Superviser Charles H. Osterheudt, secended by Superviser L. Earl Simms it is ordered that this Board be adjeurned. Motian carried. AYES: All NAYS: Nene. I I , II II II I i I I, ~ ,. II :1 I I II II j I 15 =-..-.-..-.- ~_._.~---=. = -...:.==-~==...- Ceurthouse Salem, Virginia September 11, 196$ -, I ..J The Board .of Supervisers met this day, being the secand Wednesday and first regular meeting .of the menth, at the Reanake Ceunty Caurthause in Salem, Virginia. Present: Lee B. Eddy, Chairman; Charles H. Osterheudt, Vice-Chairman; Jeseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. Messrs. Jehn Lampros, Assistant Common-I 'wealth's Atterney and Paul B. ~Qtthews, Executive Officer, were also present. I I i I The meeting was called te order by the Chairman and J'ilr. Roy B. J'ililler, J'ilinist' 10.0 the Church .of Christ in Salem, Virginia, offered prayer. The pledge of allegianc was given in unisen 10.0 the flag led by Chairman Lee B. Eddy. f1 1 .~ The minutes .of the August 2$, 196$, meeting were appreved as spread, each member .of the Board having read capies mailed to him by the Clerk, on motion .of Supervisar A. T. Huddlesten, seconded by Supervisar Joseph C. Thamas, and an the fallowing vate: AYES: All NAYS: Nane. ~ Mr. Ben Jenes, Assistant City Atterney fer the City .of Roaneke, appeared befare the Board this day to urge the Supervisers ta take actien en the Propased Land Su~divisien Ordinance of the City .of Reaneke, if the Board was in agreement J studied the revision, ~any differences. I I Service Autherity, stated he had nat had sufficient time 10.0 review the latest revis I I , i 1 I Chairman Lee Eddy stated he felt the Beard sheuld be guided by the recommend~ tions .of the Public Service Authority, and therefare suggested that after having I I i I 'I II I I ! Mr. Furman Whitescarver, Atterney representing the Roanoke County Public with the latest revisian. cepy. Mr. imitescarver meet with the City .of Roanoke and wark .out G'..d t<:~1 8J , i The Executive Officer presented three quetatiens en liability Insurance fer II I the County fleet fer the Baard's censideratian, as follows: (1) frem Allstate \ ,Insurance Company - annual premium .of $ll,564.00 (21 Hufferd Insurance and Investmen~ II Carp. - annual premium of $12,941.00 and (3) Geedwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc. - annual ~ ~ premium .of $10,$$6.$::'. These quetatiens are filed with the minutes of this meeting'il II The Supervisers teek the following action. :, ~ IN RE: LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR COUNTY FLEET ,/ tf.:y'~ I On metien .of Superviser A. T. Huddlesten, secended by Supervisor Jeseph C. ;I~ I Themas, it is .ordered that this Beard accept the ill ~ 7 IInc. fer liability insurance en the Ceunty fleet fer one year beginning September I! 16 9/11/6$ 14 \ . 196$ at $10,$$6.$1. MOtien carried. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterheudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Nene. , ~~. Carl M. Andrews, President .of Goadwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc., was present and recognized. }~. Ctarles ,~. Brizendine, 3340 Overhill Trail,~i, appeared befare the Board ta request the Supervisers to consider adopting an .ordinance requiring anyon working in Reaneke County te install pertable toilets at censtructien sites. The Chairman thanked ~~. Brizendine fer ceming and the fallowing actien was taken: r IN RE: BUILDING CODE COJ~'lITTEE On metien of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, oeconded by Superviser Jeseph C. Thamas, it is .ordered that this Beard censider the adoption of a building cede tor Roanoke County and that the Chairman be autherized te appeint a cemmittee te study and prepare recemmendatiens regarding same. ~!ation carried. AYES: All NAYS: Nane. IN RE: RESOLUTION REQT.JESTING JUDGE OF CIECUIT COURT TO APPOINT A DEPUTY DOG WARDEN TO REPLACE GEORGE B. PHILLIPS, JR., RESIGNED On metion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Superviser Jaseph C. Themas the following reselutien was this day offered fer adeptien: BE IT RESOLVED that the Beard e~ Supervisers o~ Raaneke County desires, und I the pravisions of the Code .of Virginia, 1960, Cumulative Supplement 1962, page 34$ (sectien 29.1$4.3), that the enforcement .of the dog laws be vested in a Deg Wardeni , and Deputy Deg Wardens, and said Beard deeming this necessary, does hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court .of Reanoke Ceunty te appeint a Deputy Deg Warden te I II replace Geerge B. Phillips, Jr., resigned, te assist the Deg Warden and Deputy DOgi,1 Wardens in the dog inspectien activities and in the dog law enfercement in Reaneke~ Caunty fram the fallowing list: 1 II " Ii I' il " And the Clerk .of this Board is hereby .ordered to ferthwith deliver a certi- ii \1 " fied cepy .of this reselutien te the Judge .of the Circuit Ceurt .of Roanoke County, :1 II Leenard A. 'Wright \'ieedreli vi. Hendersen, Dalten J. Patsel Robert r.:cr.la.ckel Jr. Virginia. Adepted by the following, recorded vete: AYES: Jeseph C. Themas, A. T. Huddlesten, Charles H. Osterheudt, L. Earl Simms Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Nane. I I I I I - ---=-~-=-~~- ..~ .=--~---.. ___ _ ==..0:- - --~ i I Nr. Ralph Leng, Dog "larden, and 1-"l!'. Leenard Wright, were present and reCOgniZed~' ! ~ I~. George R. Leng, Executive Directer of the Virginia Association .of Ceunties, i appeared befare the Beard this day te diJCUSS the eptienal ferms .of county gevern- ~ I ment. ?fa'. Long referred to an article which he wrete for The University of Virgini 1 -, , , ! .--, News Letter entitled "Virginia Ceunties Turn Te An Executive Secretary" and which , A cepy .of this article-is filed wit: ---, I cevers the variaus fe~s .of ceunty gevernment. the minutes of this meeting. I At ~he Chairman's invitatien ~~. Long also discussed the merits of centralized I'"'''''''''' .n' ,,,,,,.11,,, """h.,."". ~ A letter dated August 26, 1965, addressed to !.~. Lee B. Eddy, from lfl!'. J.I. S. ~ Themas, Reute 6, Box 119, cemplaining abeut degs running at large and killing his I calves and sheep was this day laid befere the Beard. i i -J Lee Eddy frem Mr. M. S. Themas i ,/ ! , I 1 I: ~ !/ regarding livesteck claims be received and filed and' On motian .of Supervisor Charles H. Osterheudt, seconded by Superviser A. T. Huddlesten, it is .ordered that the letter dated August 26, 196$, addressed ta ~~. j that na further actian be taken en this until after the Board considers the propo:se guidelines being prepared by the Cemmenwealth's Attorney with regard to the handli I' .of such claims. ~!otion carried. I AlES: All ! NA:YS: None. ! ii ~ findings recently upon investigating r~. Thenas's claims. i1 ,. 1 " " !i " ~JI'. Leonard Wright who is working fer the Dog Warden appeared te report his J " " i Treasurer .of Raanoke County, frem State Tax Commissioner C. H. ~!orrissett, in regar~ I ta semi-hnnual billing .of Ceunty real estate taxes was this day laid before the :1 -I :; A capy .of a letter dated June 23, 1967, addressed te VJI'. Janes E. Peters, Board. :j After hearing ~~. Janes Peters, Treasurer, on this matter, the Chairman suggest~d I that the Board's liaisen representative to the Scheel Beard discuss this matter ,! u..-. ;.. .- ~:, with them and get their reaction. Copy of a letter dated SepteffiJer 4, 1965, frem Paul B. V~tthews addressed to the Supervisers regarding his investigatien and findings with regard te the invoice: of Langley, !.1cDenald, and Oveman in the ameunt .of $3,796.99 far engineering report' in regard ta water service i:l Dundee, Pinkard Court, New Hepe and Seuthc:'n Hills sectiens and alse the order .of tte fermer Board authorizing same was this day laid before the Beard. 9/11/6S 17 i I i I i t I " :1 ~ t 11 'I II 'I il :/ " , - 18 9/11/6$ "....--... 0'__" .._....,_ On mati an of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, second~d by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that this Board appreves the payment of $3500 against the invoice of Langley, McDenald and Overman, as requested by tne Reaneke Ceunty Publi Service Autherity, for their engineering repert in regard to the water services in Dundee, Pinkard Ceurt, N~I Hape and Sauthern Hills. ~ \~ ~~ iY <f" Motion carried. I AYES: Jeseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddlesten, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms an Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: I At the close .of business August 3l, 196$, there was te the credit .of the fellewing: I I I , I , ~ ~ !I I' ~ !I 1~. l:.atth~ls, Ceunty Engineer, reperted that fifteen fire hydrants are te ~ ii 'I , I cest of $300 each, including material te install same and the cost .of the hydrant II II I :1 II i' [I II !i :1 'I 'I , General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Doe Fund - Available Cash Schaal Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Pre Scheel Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Schoel Textbaek Fund - Available Cash I Schoal Constructien Fund - Available Cash Data Pracessing Flli1d - Available Cash F.I.C.A. Federal Pragrams Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund $ Farmers Natianal Bank Escrow $531,000.00 Bank .of Salem Escrow $1,g55,000.00 Bank .of Salem - Federal Programs Fund Bank .of Salem - Textboek Fund Farmers Natianal Bank - Paying Agent Scheol Bend Acceunt Farmers Natianal Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Debt Fund Calanial-American Natienal Bank $ Certificates .of Deposit - Scheol Censtructien I-!ountain Trust Bank Calenial-American Natianal Bank First Natianal Exchange Bank $ $ Respectfully submitted, (signed}James E. Peters!; James E. Peters, Treasurer Reaneke Caunty $ $9,496.06 195.16 27,411.02 6,055.40 11,365.5$ 400,531. 57 35, $62 .44 10,786.79 26,50$.74 30.64 608,243.40 $ 2,000.00 9,659.06 552,49$.62 26,508.74 11,365.5$ 3,9$0.90 360.00 1,$70.50 608,243.40 125,006.00 100,000.00 25.000.00 250,000.00 Federal and State aid for park acquisitien. y~. Paul Matthews gave a repert .of his trip te Richmond in regard to ,/ be installed en Reaneke Caunty water systems in the near future at an approximate itself. Seme .of the installatians will be in Hidden Valley, Penn Ferest, Sugar Loaf and Cresthills. A copy .of a letter dated Aucust 22, 196$, frem Jack N. Geedykoontz, I I I I 'i ! --' I , -.J ~ ] ~ 9/11/68 19 - ....-=.-=;-. - .:;:" ..:::'-'~,~.- ----"':-- - .-= -==- - Secretary of the Roanoke Valley Development Corporation, addressed to the Board or Supervisors in regard to Blue Ridge Park for Industry with attached copy of a lett addressed to ~~. Paul ~~~thews dated August 22, 1968 outlining numerous complaints regarding police surveilance, litter, cleaning streets and entrance to Aerial Way Drive on Lee Highway, was this day laid before the Board. After hearing the County Engineer's report regarding the above matter, the Chairman requested that he reply to Mr. Goodykoontz's letter. ,/ I I I J 6f1 : The Chairman read a letter dated August 11, 1968 from I.~s. William M. ! I'll'S t Berkeley, Board of ~~nagers, Crippled Children's Hospital, 2924 Brook Road, Richmon , III~ Virginia, requesting the Board to send at this time the amount current County Budget for the Crippled Children's Hospital. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded oy Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that we send $200 as authorized in the County Budget to the Crippled Children's Hospital in Richmond, Virginia. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. Mr. Caldwell Butler, Attorney, appeared with regard to the follOWing matter. ! I I :1,1 a prcgrj associai'ed ql'k !~~ i~' II !I II il 'I I' il j! II II I , IN RE: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO USE, IF DONATED AND ACCEPTED, CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND FOR PARK PURPOSES ;' WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cou:J.ty has commenced to develop a county-wide system of parks and recreation, with the necessary organization and financing; and ~~S, pursuant to this program, the Board of Supervisors desires to accept donations of land for park and recreational purposes where such land is of such location and character as to be suitable for these purposes; and ~~S, Century Development Corporation is considering the donation of thirty acres, more or less, of the Steele Farm located on Garst Mill Road, to the i County of Roanoke for public park and recreational purposes, and desires to know ~ whether the gift, if offered, will be accepted, and- Lf accepted, whether the land I will be used by the County of Roanoke for these purposes; and i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors desires to indicate that the land, if J offered, will be accepted for public park, recreational and related purposes and Ii ~ Ii ~ ~ , used for no other purposes. , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke CountYJ being advised that the Century Development Corporation is considering the donation " " " of said tract of thirty acres, more or less, 'unto the County of Roanoke, Virginia, Ii ,I " ii I! J RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke expressly'! I agrees that, if donated and accepted, the said tract of land shall be used for publ~c I, I , does hereby express its intention to accept said tract of land, IF OFFERED; and be it further l.- ' , - --- ~ 20 9/11/6$ park, recreational and related purposes and no other purposes, and that the appro- priate officers of the County, upon acceptance of said tract of land and delivery of an appropriate deed, will be directed to proceed to do all things r.e~essary to a proper development of said tract of land for public park and recreational purpose and be it further I RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors clearly indicates that this Resolution is for the sole purpose of expressing the intention of the County of Roanoke with reference to said Park Area and nothing herein contained shall consti- tute a commitment or intent to rezone the remaining property of Century Development Corporation upon its Petition presently pending before this Board. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on the following recorded vote the foregoing resolution was adopted AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Sinws and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt I A letter dated September 6, 196$ to the Chairman of the Board of Supervis s from G. M. Lapsley, Director of the Division of Statutory Research and Drafting, Richmond, Virginia, regarding a public hearing in Richmond on September 26, 196$, in regard to the formula for State aid to public schools, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. I Earl Simms and on the foll~ling vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. At this point Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt advised the Board that the School Board wanted to meet with the Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date to discuss other matters and that perhaps at this same meeting the matter of the public hearing in Richmond regarding State aid to public schools might also be I' discussed. ~ It was agreed that members of this Board, at the conclusion of this regular i! meeting of the Supervisors, would set a date for meeting with the School Board. I I , The matter of Roanoke County becoming a member of the National Associationll of Counties was briefly discussed, and ~~. George R. Long, Executive Director of il ~the Virginia Association of Counties pointed out some of the advantages of belonging~ 'to this organization. ~ The Chairoan instructed I.Jr. Paul Natth6\'s, the Board's Executive Officer, il I! ~ 11 1! 11 :j I, ii i Ii " ii summary of fiscal matters between Roanoke Countt fiscal year ended June 30, 196~, was received II I to inquire and let the I ~Of membership would be ,I n Supervisors know at the next regular meeting what the cost for Roanoke County. A letter fro~ the Virginia Division of Forestry dated September 1, 196$, to Roanoke Co~nty Officers regarding and the Division of Forestry for the I I , I I I I I , i , I I I i 9/11/68 21 -,. and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on the following vote: AYES: All 1 , NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt --' IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEN ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY ~ , Letters dated August 15, 196$, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from J. E. Ha~lood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective July I, 196$: , -..J ADDITIONS \ NOTTINGHAI.! HILLS SUBDIVISION . Farr.lington Drive - from Route 1543 to Route 687 LENGTH 0.25 ~li. I'Farmington Circle - from Farmington Drive, 0.06 ~li. E. of Rte. 1543, to 0.05 ~li. S. of Farmington Drive 0.05 Mi. GEORGETO\\'N PARK SUBDIVISION LENGTH .'Greencliff Road - from Georgetown Road E. 0.02 I-li. and W. 0.04 Mi. to dead end 0.06 ltd. , ...J ,Georget~In Road - from Rte. 720 to Greencliff Road 0.20 ~li. ~ld Towne Road - from Georgetown Road E. 0.05 plio and W. 0.12 I-li. to dead end 0.17 I.li. MOUNTAIN VIEW COURT SUBDIVISION LENGTH 0.20 ~li. Greenwich Drive from Rte. 115 to Meadowcrest St. Gree~~ch Drive - from Rte. 1$99 to Rte. 115 0.17 ~li. Village Lane - from Creenwich Drive to 0.17 ~li. N. 0.17 I~.. v CAPTAIN'S GROVE ESTATES SUBDIVISION LENGTH Anchor Drive - from present end of Rte. 1$49, 0.05 ~li. W. of Rte. $3$ to Santa Anita Terrace, 0.1$ 1-1i. W. of Rte. $3 $ 0 .13 ~li. I"~ Santa Anita Terrace - Rte.l$77 extended froL1 0.05 I.li. N. of I Rte. 1$47 to Anchor Drive, 0.15 !{i. N. of Rte. , 1$47 I,' ~ Sierra Drive - 0.10 Jili. from present end of Rte. of Rte. 1$47 to Anchor of Rte. 1847 1$76, 0.06 l~. N. Drive, 0.14 J,li. N. 0.0$ I'li. " J .J . Fairhurst Drive - from present end of Route 1848, 0.05 J-ii. W of Rte. $3$ to 0.07 I~. 'Vi. of Rte. $3tl 0.02 Mi. '[j" :.r: :'t<~. ;. I PENN FOREST SUBDIVISION ~'Tree Top Lane - from Rte. 800 to 0.10 ~li. northwest d Ii,' i'ioodthrush Drive - from Rte. 800 N. to Rte. 1530 ! were this day received and ordered filed on motion of Supervisor " I! seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on tl}e following vote: II ! AYES: All " !' NAYS: None II " U ABSE~IT: Charles H. Osterhoudt Ii II [i Ii Ii i' ,I ~ LENGTH 0.10 l-ti. 0.10 J.li. Joseph C. Thomas, I 'I II I I I i I ! I, II ~ -~-' - .--=====-"'==""',== -~ .= ADDITIONS :.:ont'd.) LENGTH PENN FORES~ SUBDIVISION ~Woodthrush Circle - from Woodthrush Drive, 0.12 }li. S. of Rte. $00, thence running southwestwardly 0.02 Mi. 0.02 }li. v Morning Dove Road - from Woodthrush Drive, 0.20 Mi. SE of Rte. $00, thence running northwardly 0.05 l~. & from same point on Woodthrush Dr. southwardly 0.0$ Mi. 0.13 Mi. "'}!eadowlark Road - froIf, Woodthrush Drive, 0.27 }li. E. of Rte. ~ $00, thence running northwardly 0.2$ Mi. 0.2$ Mi. ~, Tanglewood Drive - from Meadowlark Road, 0.35 Mi. N. of Rte. ~ 613, thence running westwardly 0.15 l~. to I Hummingbird Lane 0.15 lid. r, Hummingbird Lane - from Tanglewood Drive, 0.15 Mi. W. of Meadowlark Road, thence running north and east to Meadowlark Road, 0.51 Mi. N. of rte. 613 0.20 Mi. /Red Bird Circle - from Hummingbird Lane, 0.09 I-ti. N. of Tanglewood Drive, thence running southeastwardly 0.05 ~li. . 0.05 }a. , Blue Bird Circle - from Meadowlark Road, 0.$6 l~. N. of Rte. 613, thence running westwardly 0.03 ~a. --; I i _J NORTH LAKES SUBDIVISION ., ..,j North Lake Drive - from intersection of Rtes. l524 & 1523 extending northwestwardly 0.34 lli. Wipledale Avenue - from Rte. 1523, 0.06 l,a. '11. of Rte. 1524 & extending northwestwardly 0.23 Mi. Winter Park Drive - from ~~son Park Drive, 0.09 l~. N. of North Lake Drive & extending eastvll'\I'dly 0.06 Mi. Viking Drive - from North Lake D;'ive, 0.10 l,li. ii. of Rte. 1523 & extending northwardly 0.07 Hi. Northside Road - from present end of Rte. 1523, 0.0$ l~. SW of Rte. 1524, to 0.12 l~. W. (Rte. 1523 extended) Draun Lane - from Northside Road, 0.07 ~a. N. of Rte. 1524 & extending westwardly 0.25 l.a. ~~son Park Drive - from North Lake Drive, 0.22 l~. W. of Rte. 1523 and extending northwardly 0.15 lid. North Spring Drive - from Wipledale Avenue, 0.20 }a.w. of Rte. 1523, & extending southwardly 0.17 }li. North Spring Drive - from Wipledale Avenue, 0.20 I~. W. of Rte. 1523 & extending northwardly 0.17 l~. 0.03 :~. 0.34 Mi. 0.2,3 I-a. 0.06 I-li. 0.07 Mi. 0.12 Mi. 0.25 l~. 0.15 In. 0.17 Mi. 0.171~. were this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on the following vote: AYES: All ~ i J II NAYS: ~ II I' II i I ,I II Ii ii II 'I Ii II II ~ " Ii II II I' Ii ii Drive - from Embassy Drive, 0.0$ ~li. N. of Rte. 629, thence eastwardly 0.06 ~li., thence northwestwardly 0.24 ~li. to dead end. ABSENT: None Charles H. Osterhoudt IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTID,! ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY A le'tter dated August 2$, 196$, addressed to the Board of Super'risors Roanoke County from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, ""~'.".'. ."',, , ~ 9/11/68 23 ~,--- -...:= I I seconde1 II I I , i/ I " of :1 " 'I II I i , , , , I " I, Ii il il !I 'i , :1 q :1 'I , Roanoke County effective August 28, 196$: Richmond, Virginia, approving the following additions to the Sec9ndary System of ~roNTCLAIR ESTATES SUBDIVISION Embassy Drive - from Rte. 629, 0.10 Mi. W. of Rte. 116, thence northwardly 0.20 Vd. to Consul Drive Diplomat LENGTH 0.20 }li. 0.30 ~li. 26 9/11/68 ill ~)~~~ ).'X~~r ! C. Thomas, it is ordered that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to write on County stationary a letter to j~. John J. Butler expressing this Board's endorse- ment of the Roanoke Valley Regional Health Services Plannins Council. l'lotion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. The Chairman then directed the Executive Officer, Mr. Paul ~~tthews to draft the above-mentioned letter. / IN RE: REZONING OF 5 ACRE TRACT LOCATED ) ON STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 11$ ) ) OF ) ORDER ) BART GALBRAITH ) This day caoe Bart Galbraith, by Counsel, and asked leave to file his peti- tion relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. N~~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL.~D AriD ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and ~ the same is hereby filed. . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED MID ORDERED that the proposal to amend the zOningl Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the I I Planning Conwission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AIm ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible ,I regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the i said Clerk by publication in accord9nce with the provisions of the Code of Virginia 1) AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED A~ID OP~ERED that one certified copy of this reso- lution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. " II' ~:atthews, Secretar,r of tJ.e Planning Commission of ROanoke County, Virginia. I, Ii The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles I , , ; H. Osterhoudt, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Si~s and on a recorded vote, the i Supervisors voted as follm,s, to-wit: i AYES: NAYS: All None. [1 II " II I, 'I Il II ii 'I !i il !! :j 196$ Ii ,,, ;! of ;1 ;1 " il I COUN'l'Y PAYROLL On notion of Supervisor II Huddleston, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the period of AU6Ust 12, , to August 31, 196$, be approved in the amount of $12,232.10 from which ~;'d S~~ Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by SuperVisor A. T. ~$53$.18 F.I.C.A. Tax; $1,233.101'1. H. Tax; $160.05 State Income Tax; $21.00 Blue Cross; $g2.20 Uniforms; $20.00 r~scellaneous Expenses has been deducted leaving a net pa)~oll of $10,177.57. I -I I I I 9/il/68 27 - ~=.~ ~ _ '.__."":O=-"':":=-.,.,-_..".;,.....=...:-''''-',~.~-'---'',.;:.'C=;;,''-~.-::.,...-::;;:c.-.....,.c.._~,,,..:;===::;:;=--_=-===== __-''"''."""''~-=",.~-=,..,....-..,..",,:-_c..=__..=-'''"=,... . - .. = I'iotion carried. I II !I II " I' 'I 1*-( !,~<~ !~<r '(~J I"~ ! 'f I" I, ,. i! " " il .-, , AYES: All I I NAYS: None. I I I If and did audit and approve same; I ~ Ii Supervisor L. Earl SiI:lllls, it is ordered that Warrants beginning with number 119 II Ii " Ii numbers 237 through 295 in the total amount of $45,933.65, and charged to the 1:::-.: ::,:':::''::u:::'::-:::,'::::::':nd. 1i., ,f", ".,.. ., ,p"",ed b. " l~' Warrants numbers 137, 231, ~3<, 235 and 236 being void. ! Adopted by the foll~ling vot~: ~ AYES: All II NAYS: None. II Ii ! il through number 116 in the total amount of $906.44, and charged to the Dog Fund, be ~ ~ issued in settlement thereof and a list of the claims as ap~roved be filed with II ~ the minutes of this meeting. !. ~ Adopted by the followmg, recorded vote: ~ AYES: All ~ NAYS: None. Ii ij 11 !! " Ii Ii On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Ii Simms, it is ordered that the follO'lling voucher-checks be approved retro-active to ,i Ii date of issuance, to-wit: 'I Ii Numbers 5666, 5667, 5726, 5730 through 5732 and Numbers 5734 thrOUgh 5763, 582$, I, ~ 5$31, 5824 through 582$, 5$30, 5$33, and 5914 through 5923. I' il " WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors this day received claims against the County r-; j NOW, Th~ORE, on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by ...J through number 136 and beginning ~ri th number 13$ through nULlber 230, 233, 234 and il Genertl :1 :1 II ij ~ II ~~S the Board of Supervisors this day received claims against the County ., W and did audit and approve same; N~l, THEREFORE, on motion by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that Warrants beginning with number 101 n u Adopted by the following vote: ~"'. .,~.: , il AYES: All 'I Ii NAYS: None. , Ii ,I Ii " I' II ;1 On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl I: ,!Simms it is ordered that the claim of Paul B. r,IatthewJ, Executive Officer of this " " " ii Board, for reimbursement of his expenses to Ri.chmond on Sej.>tember 5, 196$ in the j: ~amount of $9.$5 be approved for payment. i Ii Uotion carried. " IIIAYES: All NAYS: None. :. c'._,.",_ __ 28 9/11/6$ On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that the claim of Thomas C. Garner, RFD #5, Box 354, Roanoke Virginia, in the amount of ~705.$0 be approved for payment for his assistance to the Electrical and Plumbing Inspector for Roanoke County for the period of August to September 10, 196$. Motion carried. \ .-<. , j.~~ ' \ 'A~_'o AYES: All NAYS: None. ~~. Paul I~tthews, County Engineer, was instructed to check into the above approved bill with reference to the number of miles traveled and report back to the Board for future reference. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. OstErhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that copy of a letter addressed to ~lr. H. Ben Jones, Jr., I Assistant City Attorney, Roanoke, Virginia, from Furman 11hitescarver, Sr., Attorney for Roanoke County Public Service Authority, dated September ll, 196$ regarding changes in the proposed land subdivision ordinance, be received and filed. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. The Chairman instructed the Executive Officer, ~lr. Matthews, to make copies of Mr. ~fuitescarver's letter and send them to the Co~monwealth's Attorney and each member of this Board. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that the following reports be received and filed: Lowell M. Gobble - Extension ~gent, Agriculture - August report Robert E. Layman, Jr. - Extension Agent, Agriculture - August report Mrs. Jean Robbins - Extension Agent, Home Economics - August report Lois Faddis - Extension Agent, Home Economics - AUb~st report Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. il dated September 4, 196$, addressed to Chairman of the Board of Super- 1[ H r, ,I II ii !I J !i i I, ii Ii " Ii i from G. L. ~~ttern, Acting Chairman, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Com- the governnlents of Roanoke Valley cooperatively establishing a position of and employing a Federal Coordinator to assist the five governI:lents in determing what federal prosrams are available to localities through the various federal departments, the metnod of participating and to maintain tne necessary liaison with the federal agencies, was this day laid before the Board. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. .~.._.. - - ..- - - --. ,.--. - --.---.-. I I I I II !/ 'I II I I 30 9/11/6$ .___"_-"-;O=-"~'_-."":~,~-_=="'","~'~:"'_. COURTHOUSE PARKING On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Superdsor Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that this Board authorizes the erection of signs reserv- ing five (5) spaces on the Courthouse parking lot with a 30 minute time limit for ~ ~ I the convenience of Courthouse customers, with the remainder of the lot to be used ~ as now; further, that the parking lot be periodically patrolled and that where unauthorized parking is found, that the drivers be duly notified. Motion carl.';'''d. NAYS: None. I AYES : All , AMEND1~NT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY 1IDTOn VEHICLE LICENSE ORDINANCE. wllEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid "l-lotor Vehicle License Ordinance", hav- ing been enacted by the ROanoke County Board of Supervisors on January 21, 1957, and having been in effect since the first day of April, 1957; and wllEREAS, Section 46.1-65 of the Code of Virginia permits Counties to require the payment of personal property taxes by an individual on his motor vehicle befor a local license is issued; and WHEREAS, the ROanoke County Board of Supervisors deems the requirement of l~yment of per~onal property taxes on a motor vehicle before a local license can be issued to be in the best interests of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, July 10, 1968, a mvtion was passed by said Board moving the amendment of the aforementioned County Ordinance, such amendment to require the payment of personal property taxes on a motor vehicl before a County license is issued, and further, that the notice of the intention I of said Board to adopt such amended Ordinance be published as required by law, pur' suant to Section l5.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended in an appropriale newspaper; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendment was published once a week for four successive weeks, namely August 7, tugust 14, August 21 and August 2 , 196$, in the Vinton Nessenger, a n6\ispaper published in Roanoke County, and on August 7, August 14, August 21 and August 23, 196$, in the Roanoke World-News, a I newspaper having general C'irculation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and I wllEREAS, a public hearing was held on such amendment at a regular meeting of I I the Board of Supervisors of hoanoke County, at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday,1 September 11, 196$, at 2:00 o'clock p.m.; and I The following sentence is hereby added as an amendment to Section Five of the wllEREAS, THE Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, deems said amendment ex- I ! !I il II I' ,I " 11 !I il ~ I pediellt to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAI~~D by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit: existing "l.:otor VehiCle License Ordinance" for Roanoke County: .-..,.-..- 9/11/68 31 -= --'"'='='= = _....- _._ --.;__."_~<O- ~- -;_';"_=~'. ___.._=. ~h _"'~ -=-----====- "No vehicle taxable under the provisions of this article shall be licensed unless and until the applicant for such license shall have produced satisfactory evidence that all personal property taxes upon the vehicle to be licensed, "hich personal property taxes have been assessed or are assessable against such applicant, have been paid." ~ ! 1...00,.... to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of the ordinance which shall remain in force and effect as -, , ~ and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby declares that it would have passed and adopted the ordinance and each part or parts, chapter, sectiol ' subsection, sente~~e, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that : i 1 I i The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to! anyone or more part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, s~ntence, clause, or phrase l'iould l>,.ve been declared unconstitutional or invalid. Publication and Effective Date: cause the ordinance to be published by its title and an informative summary as i , I as amended to date, I a newspaper published provided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, once a week for two successive weeks in the Vinton ~essenger, in Roanoke County, Virginia, and in the Roanoke ~orld-News, a newspaper having i I general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, said ordinance to be in full forcel and effect upon and after October 14, 1968. - I I ~ On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor A. T. I Huddleston and adopted by the following recorded vote: " I , AYES: Joseph C. Thooas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms I I an~1 I, II il 'I i[ Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ~ ! -~ I "I ..J , If Huddleston, it is ordered that this meeting be adjourned. Ii ! II II " 'I I! I[ I, II II II I. !i II Ii " II i: " I' 'I ,. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. v l~otion carried. {3>, , , I, I, !I )1 Ii :1 :1 ii '. :, :i ,I ,I 'I :1 I I i! AYES: All NAYS: None. r.llAIR!,'!AN ~. j.:.; . . 32 I I Courthouse Salem, Virginia September 25, 1965 The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the fourth Wednesday and the second regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia. Present: Chairoan Lee B. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms. Also pres~nt: Raymond R. Robrecht, Commonwealth's Attorney and Paul B. ~~tth6\'s, Executive Officer. I The meeting was called to order by the Chairman and Supervisor A. T. Huddleston offered prayer. The pledge of allegiance was given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Lee B. Bddy. I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded b:r Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that the minutes of the September 11, 196$, meeting be approved, each oember of the Board having read copies mailed to him by the Clerk. l-Iotion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. I AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULATION OF THE OPERATION OF 1-DTOR ViHICLES !IV ROANOKE COUNTY ~dEREAS, the Boar~ of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pursuant to Section 15.1-510 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, has authority to adopt such measures as it may deem expedient to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the i inhabitants of Roanoke County, not inconsistent with the general laws of the State of Virginia; and W~S, Section 46.1-l$0 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, permits the I governing bodies of counties to regulate by ordinance the operation of motor vehic es ~ I that such ordinances enacted on and after July one, nineteen hundred sixty-eight !I II ! ~ , by local authorities may incorporate appropriate provisions of Title 46.1 (~~otor on the highways of such counties, provided that such ordinances, including the I penalties provided thereunder, are not in conflict with applicable State la\1; and I I II I !, il I ~~S, Section 46.l-lSg of the Code of Virginia, as amended, provides I Vehiclesu) of the Code of Virginia, as amended, by reference; and w~EREAS, at a regular r.leeting of the Board of Supervisors of Rounoke I County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, August 28, 196$, i , i II ~ the operation of motor vehicles in Roanoke County, said ordin~nce to parallel the ;1 !I' ~ ;1 ,I I ;! a motion was passed by said Board moving the passage of an ordinance regulating appropriate provisions of the Virginia State Code, as amended, and said motion 9/25/68 33 "--- -.==----.== - ..-- "' -...------- - - further providing that notice of the intention of said Board to adopt such ordinanl ~ be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the Code of I Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate ne-"Ispaper; and I ii[EREAS, notice of intention to adopt such ordinance was published once a ~ week for two successive weeks, namely Septeober 10th and September 17th, 196$, in , the Roanoke-World News and The Vinton Messenger, newspapers having general circu- lation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and WHEREAS, a public hearing ~Ias held or: such ordinance at a reg'.1lar meeting - I of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County at the Courthouse thereof on ~ I Wednesday, September 25, 196$, at 7:30 o'clock p.m.; and --1 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County de6res said ordinance expedient to promote the health, safety and general welfar~ of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke I Virginia, as follows, to-wit: I I County' (1) Ado tion b reference of Article Reckless Drivin S eedin etc. .Q.tJ'itle 46.1 ("JIlotor Vehicles") of the Code of Virginia. as amended. The provi- sions made and contained in Article 3 (Reckless Driving, Speeding, etc.) of the Code of Virginia, as amended, shall apply ipsissimis verbis, and shall be observed in the case of all charges and prosecutions brought for violations of this ordinanc and the provisions of Article 3 of Title 46.1 ("JI~tor Vehiclesu) of the Code of ~ ,J Virginia, as amended, are incorporated herein by reference to the extent that the same are applicable to charges and prosecutions brought for violations of this ordinance. Said Article 3 contains the following sections which shall, lndividuall, charges and prosecutions brought for violations of this ordinance, and which are, individually and severally, incorporated by reference to the extent that the same are applicable to charges and prosecutions brought for violations of this ordinance Section 46.1-190 Same; suecific instances. II II II 'I II !, il i' :1 H " :1 ;, :; I I i I 'I II :i I' :1 :1 :] ., :1 " :! Section 46.1-1$9 Reckless Driving; gen8ral rule. Section 46.1-191 Same; racin/1: on hi/1:hways. Section 46.1-192 Same; penalties. Section 46.1-192.1 ~aF-e; disregarding si/1:na1 to stop by police officers; penalties. r""1 U Section 46.1-192.2 ImDrooer Drivin/1:. Section 46.1-193 I'iaximum and minimum sDeed limits. Section 46.1-193.1 Admissibilitv of results of soeedometer test in r-rosecution for exceeding s~eed limit. H. :" tJj Section 46.1-194 Prohibiting conviction for SDeemng in certain areas unless markers installed. Section 46.1-l95 Tables of speed and stopping distances. 'Section 46.1-196 Special speed limitation on bridKes. Section 46.1-197 Suscension of license where speed limit exceeded by ;;lore than five miles per hour. Section 46.1-198 Checkini~ on speed ,'Iith electrical devices; prima facie evidence; restrictions on arrest. 34 9/25/6$ Section 46.1-19$.1 Prohibiting use of devices on motor vehicles to detect presence of radar upon highwavs or operation of motor vehicles so ecuipped. Exceptions to speed limitations; when exemptions applicable; prosecution for recklessness; civil liabilitv. Coasting prohibited. Driving more than thirteen hours in twentv-four prohibited. I Section 46.1-199 Section 46.1-200 Section 46.l-201 Automobiles not to be ecuipped with television with view of operator of vehicle. The provisions of Section 46.l-425, Dis osition of surrendered license u 0 Section 46.1-2u2 I conviction reouiring revocation or suspension, of the Code of Virginia, as amended, shall also apply ipsissimis verbis. and shall be observed in the case of all charges and prosecutions brought for violations of this ordinance, and ~aid provi- sions are incorporated herein by reference to the extent that the same are applica e to charges and prosecutions brought for violations of this ordinance. Constitutionalitv: If any rart or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence clause, or phrase of this ordinance should, for any reason, be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance which shall remain in force and effect as if such ordinance had been adopted with the unconstitutional or invalid part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof eliminated; ~nd the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby declares that it woul have passed and adopted this ordinance and each part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase would have been declared unconstitutional or invalid. Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directe to cause this ordinance to be published by its title and an informative summary as I , provided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, I once a week for two successive weeks in the Roanoke World-News and The Vinton I Messenger, newspapers published and having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, said ordinance to be i~ full force and effect upon and after October 14, 1965. I On motion of Supervisor Jose~h C. Thomas seconded by Supervisor A. T. I Huddleston and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Sioms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I Jo Ann Thomason appeared this day requesting $10,000 as the County's sh&e of the cost of building a day care center in Roanoke County. HUD would furnish 2/3 of the necessary fund. A large delegation also appeared with regard to this request. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterho'1dt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston it is ordered that this group confer with their legal staff in - , -1 J I .J Q 1'."';.1 ~ I '. " ~. -,' ... , I. 9/25/6$ 35 -....:;".=~.-'- ""'~"""'=_-C::~'h"","'_=~=-=':",-""= -r Roanoke and.:po~tback to Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt who in turn will reportl " 'I II to the Board of Supervisors at their October meeting their recommendations. II' Ilotion carried. I AYES: All " " i' il NAYS: None. " II " ~ ~~. Ben Jones, Assistant City Attorney, t~. W. G. Kuthy, Assistant Planning i I I i I I I I I i / 'I i I ; Director for Roanoke City and y~. R. W. Bowers, Home Builders Association appeared , , 'I II ~ II I i u i ~ ! , with regard to the proposed land subdivision ordinance of Roanoke City. L~tter dated September 19, 1968 to ~lrs. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County with attached amendments of pages I and 17 of the proposed land subdivision ordinance from William G. Kuthy, Assistant Planning Director of the City of Roanoke were this day laid before the Board. The Super- visors took the following action. i r I , , ! IN RE: RESOLUTION APPROVING A SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE CITY AS IT APPLIES TO AREAS LOCATED IN ROANOKE COUNTY. ~~S, the City of Roanoke has a valid land subdivision ordinance which it desires to amenrt and reordain; and WHEREAS, such subdivision ordinance may, pursuant to Section 15.1-467 of ~ the Code of Virginia, as aoended, apply beyond the linlits of the City of Roanoke ~ I ij ~ ~ il " ! for a distance of three miles; and ~~S, the City of Roa~oke is immediately surrounded on all of its boundaries by Roanoke County; a'ld WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 15.1-467 of the Code of Vir- ginia, as amended, the Council of the City of Roanoke has transmitted the proposed subdivision ordinance to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, after which said Planning Commission, having held a public hearing on the proposed ordinance as required by Sections l5.l-431 and l5.l-467 of the said Code, recommended general I' ~ approval of the same to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, which Board has, I ~ 11 fi ,I :i I' 'I II Ii Ii :1 ,! ;i il II ~ " !I " II Ii :) il i' I I I I after holding a public hearing on the pro,osal as required by ~aw and after recom- mending certain changes ~lhich have been incorporated into said proposed ordinance; and wEEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors has carefully studied and considered i said ordinance in its revised form and is of the opinion that the ordinance, inf :1 its present form, is acceptable to and not in conflict with the interests of Roanokl,: County; and II 'I 'I ;1 , :! ~ni&REAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors desires to cooperate in any way possible with the Council of the City of Roanoke to insure a harmonious relationship between Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does hereby approve the proposed Roanoke City Subdivision Ordinance as it relates to territory located within Roanoke County; and ,\'HEREAS, said ordinance, in "Section 50, Utilities", on Page 17, states: 36 9/25/6$ .-.--. . H___u_ .'__ m;mere installed upon property within the extraterritorial .jurisdiction of the City in Roanoke County at the time of construction, all such i~provements shall be dedicated and conveyed or transferred to and the title shall vest in the County of Roanoke or its authorized agencies unless otherwise indicated on the recorded map of ~ubdivisionu; THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the words "authorized agencies", as used in Section 50 of said ordinance, shall be and are deemed to mean the " Roanoke County Public Service Authority; and BE IT FURTHER F~OLVED, that the foregoing designation of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority as the exclusively authorized agency of Roanoke County is not in any way intended to prevent the private ownership of public utility companies in any areas affectedb.r Section 50 of said ordinance. On ootion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ~~. Leo Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer of the Virginia Department of Highways Salem Residency Office, presented for the Supervisors consideration and and approval the annual budget for the Secondary Highway System for Roanoke County The Supervisors took the following action: III RE: ANNUAL BUDGET FOR SECO~lDARY HIGffi':AY SYSTEl': FOR ROANOKE COUNTY On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, it is ordered that the annual budget for the Secondary Highway System for I I Ii I \~/"f> I~'I~,I ! i County as submitted by the Highway Department for this Board's approval be submitted to the County Engineer for review and report to this Board. ~:otion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. II I Council of Salem requesting Roanoke County to continue to provide library services I 11 ~ .I I' II ~ I , ! ~ I, Ii ~ A copy of a resolution dated September 21, 1963, adopted by the City to Salem residents for a period of three years at no cost to the government or residents of Salem, in return for which Salem would relinquish all claims for capital assets possessed by the Roanoke County Library system was this day laid before the Board and is filed with th~ minutes of this meeting. The Supervisors took the follO\'ling action: IN RE: RESOLUTION PERTAIllI:1G TO COl-ITIHUATION OF LIBRARY SERVICES TO RESIDErITS OF SALEI,~ vmEREAS, the Town of Salem became a city in January of 196$, and thereupon ceased to contribute tax money to the Roanoke County treasury; and -.~'--. ! , I I I I I -. -, --' , -l ] g.'''"" I~..,.f 1. ~. 9/25/68 37 =e""~,.-,,,,_ ___::-0."'" +.~-"+_.. -_.~ . ~ I ! and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County pertaining to financial compensationil for library services provided Salem residents bet~leen January 1 and June 30, 196$; !, , , ! I , wEEREAS the Board of Supervisors has agreed on two separate occasions to con' tinue providing library service to Salem residents during such reasonable period Ofl i~S an agreement has been reached between the City Council of Salem and time that productive negotiations were being conducted concerning an agreement on , joint operation of the Roanoke County library system, the latest such periOd extendl' ing until September 30, 1968; and , I ~~S the respecti~e governing bodies each appointed a coomittee to conduc I the negotiations and the coomittees have met on several occasions to discuss the i appropriate factors relating to a joint library system, such as financial compensa-[ tion and representation on a joint library board; and ! ~~AS the City Council of Salem, on September 21, 196$, adopted a resolu- tion requesting that Roanoke County continue to provide library services to Salam residents for a period of three years at no cost to the government or residents of Salem, in return for which Salem would relinquish all claims for capital assets possessed by the Roanoke County library system; Nmq, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors shall reply to the said request to the effect that the offer is inconsis"ent with the nature of prior negotiations held on this subject, that it is not presented through the channels mutually established fcr conduct.ing the negotiations, that' thel , presentation of a totally new concept of agreement is unduly late, relative to the II normal progress of negotiations, that the request is totally unrealistic and ~~ccettable, and that it appears to indicate a lack of sincere desire on the part of Salem City!' Council to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement on libra~ services which would fairly serve the interests of the residents of Salem and Roanoke County; and ! ~ i ! I II II ii ~ ~ Ii I Ii Ii !i 'I I: Ii !! Ii Ii " I; Ii H [i " FURT~~RE, BE IT P~OLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors i hereby requests the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees to cease providing I free library service to residents of the City of Salem after September 30, 196$, anl!I'" that the Library Board act 1cmediately to adjust the scope of its operations and budget in accordance with the reduced number and modified location of the patrons j served; and , FURTHERHORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Roa n ok e County submit to the City council of Salem a statement requesting payment for library services rendered Salem residents O~ _ i~J~ 11'~~ W~D!f) .~ ~~ ! yre.. ,~~ Negotiating Committee, the Chairman of the Roanoke County Library Board, and the I~~~' Director of the Roanoke County Library System. f~. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. !~ ~ ~ ' Huddleston, the foregoing resolution ,'Ias adopted by the follm.ling recorded vote: !i~ ~~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, ~. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Sirr~s and~'~' , Lee B. Eddy. i!~~, ~ {.rA YS: I':one. y'- :! ,I I I tl II between July 1 and September 30, 196$; and FURTHER~DRE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be "ransrrdtted to the Nayor and the City J'Ianager of Salem, the CJ-:.lirman of the Salem Library - - "". -= 38 9/25/6$ ~Ir. William H. Roherts, III, Di.ector of the Roanoke County Library ~ syste~! I ! }xs. J. A. Leonard, Circulation Library and ~~s. Helen Webb, Bookmobile Library, were present and recognized. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T I Huddleston, it is ordered that the County undertake to sell in one offering the School Construction Bonds, the Library Bonds and the Parks and Recreation Bonds the total amount of $5,000,000. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. , , I in I I I I I I \' Regarding the request from the Library Board of Trustees for approval to purchase a new booknobile, it was the concensus of the Board of Supervisors that this item be passed. A letter dated September 17, 196$ from G. V. Funk addressed to ~~. A. T. I , Huddleston regardip~ his resignation from the Roanoke County Planning Commission II ~ by Supervisor Huddleston and is filed with the minutes of this meeting. II _ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ! Simms, it is ordered that l~. Guy V. Funk's letter of resignation effective sePtem~' ber 17, 196$, be accepted with reG~ets and that 1~. M. E. ~axey, 2674 Parkview effective the date of the letter due to health reasons, was this day read to the Drive, Lindenwood section, be appointed to fill the unexpired term of vIr. Funk on the Roanoke County Planning Commission. Motion carried, on the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thooas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. The Chairman stated he would write a letter of appreciation tc 1Ir. Funk. I i' Ii 'I The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors aprointed the following Committee " I' Study and l,lake Recommendations Concerning a General Building Code for iloanoke 11 authorized by the Supervisors at their September ll, 196$ meeting: }~. Joseph C. Thomas, Chairman j-lr. Paul B. l,~tthews ~~. Richard F. Guerrant I-Ir. R. Vi. Bowers 1~. Edwin G. Frye I The Chairr.lan then gave the follovling instructions: / rr~he Co~~":~e shall study and make reco"",lendations to the 30ard of Super- visors concerning the advantages and disadvantages of a general building code for Roanoke County including the associated fees, costs to the County government and 9/25/6$ 39 ;-:';"~'_=~.~'-.",--_"-'~':!:"'"--'.::;.-;:....:.;. -'-.-' -,. -.-==-"'"7-'" --- ._-,---_._--..~.. ----=. .-- .- - _.-""~- . '--o:='-=--':"~= County residents and shall, if their deliv6rations so indicate, recommend for , adoption by the Board of Supervisors a specific building code with any appropriate amendments. -; i 1 , -' I I The Committee is requested to meet, conduct their studies and prepare their ! reco~mendations at their earliest convenience, and a copy of these instructions shall be transmitted to each member of the Committee." I I CO~ll.;rTTEE TO STUDY SEJ,!I-ANUUAL P..EAL ESTATE TAX BILLIlIG i A letter dated September 2), 1963, addressed to r-Ir. Lee B. Eddy, Chairman, I v I Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, from Winston S. Sharpley, A.I.A., President of! ~ i~ Y Virginia Section of the American Institute of Architects urging the adoption of I~~~' a building code to regulate building construction and to recommend the Southern ~ Standard Building Code, !fas this day read to the Board and is filed with the ~;' ~/.~ ~I' ,9, minutes o~ this meeting. ~~~ ! 'I'" I~ , [ I I , On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph!1 II C. Thomas, it is ordered that the Chairman request various individuals to serve on II --- ,.~ .., I ---! a committee to discuss the matter of seoi-annual real estate tax billing with appropriate County officials and boards and make recommendations to this Board con- oerning same. ~lotion carried. -, j AYES: All , !I NAYS: None. Ii ~ As authorized by this Board this day the Chairman then ~~de the foll~;ing " Ii appointments to the above-named col!l!llittee: i1 I: " ~ I' ,I li ~ Ii I! il IN RE' II . II II't The Executive Officer submitted information regarding the above organization, Ii:,., 1\ J "I hi' & ! which is filed with the minutes of this meeting, and reported that the cost of U#V ~ [, r: membership to Roanoke County would be $271.00. II ,uf.(..pV 1,1 KJCP1~ ,I ?P -t" :1 On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Si~ms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thom,s'J~~' 11 it is ordered that this Board request membership in the National Association of ~ I Ii ~ Counties for Roanoke County. !I ~'II l!'otion carried. il " ii AYES: All Charles H. Ost~rhoudt, Chairman Paul B. r-~tthews, County Engineer Billy K. ~mse, Commissioner'of the Revenue James E. Peters, County Treasurer Arnold Burton, Superintenden~Roanoke County Public Schools ~~'nmRSHIP IN THE NATIOr~L ASSOCIATION OF COU~~IES fl '"-j :.J " il NAYS: None. " II Ii II " I I I The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that he wanted to look into the matter 9/25/68 41 := .--..- ====---=-==--'~r==.' -.c<.-.".'. _;~__"",.,",,,. -- __.,.'r=__,,,,,,,-- _._~.~. in accordance with the provisions of t~e Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. ,...., AND BE IT FURTHER PXSOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recoDmendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board I shall fO~vhwith set the s~e down for public hearing at the next permissible regula or special oeeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND O:iDERED that one certified copy of this i~ I 'rJ . I of Supervisor Charles I' on a recorded vote, resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. It.atthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolutions ar.d order were adopted on motion H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. J ~ II tion in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Ii I Ii II II " ;i Ii :' " ii ii Ii :i Ii Ii I' II II ~ ,: H I , I I / I i I II THIS DAY came Arrow Wood Country Club, Inc., by counsel, and requested leave! !I I II to file its petition relative to rezoning property described in said petition. i II : I [I \1 " ~ I I I i~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED A~~ ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and IK RE: REZOr.'ING OF CERTAIN LOTS AS SHOi'IN ON THE MAP OF ARROII .100D SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COU!>.1TY VIRGINIA, IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 93 ) ) ) 1 ) ORDER ., ...J the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommenda- Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AtID ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recoI:ll!',endation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code: , the said Clerk of this Board shall of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, ~..> ;"';". ;,~ ~ fortln-rith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or II I, 'I :1 by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of 'I the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia. ~ AND BE IT FURTllE:1. PXSOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this reso-'I urD..f) lution and order be forth,tlith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Ii J ~~ ~~ '1/;.'1,9; I The above resolution and order ,[ere adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles 'I I " " :i special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk 1~tth~tls, Secretary of ohe Fla~~ing Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follo~s, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. 42 9/25/6$ ~ & 1~ (0 \, \~t> "" l~~' ~~~ }6\ "1 III RE: RENEWAL OF NE;,lBERSHIP VIRGINIA STATE CHJU,ffiER OF CO~::.lERCE On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms it is ordered that this Board renal membership in the Virginia State Chamber of Commerce, Richmond, Virginia, in the name of Elizabeth W. Stokes, for the comi I year. X.lotion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. I IN RE: MEIlBERSHIP ROANOKE VALLEY CHAIlBER OF COl,rr.lERCE On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl S~~s, it is ordered that this Board apply for memberships in the Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce in the total amount of ~400. The follmling amendoent was offered: On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that we apply for five memberships in the Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce in the totalanount of $250,to be issued to each member as a member of the Board of Supervisors. Amendment carried by tne following vote: I AYES: All l'iA IS: None. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor I.. Earl Si~s, it is ordered that this Board apply for five memberships in the Roanoke I Valley Chamber of Commerce in the total amount of $250, to be issued to each membel as a oember of the Board of Supervisors, as amended. Amended motion carried by the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: ~lone. i i. il A letter dated Septenber 10, 196$, addressed to the ChairLiall of the Board II of Supervisors, from Curtis V. Fitzgerald, Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce, ~ 'I inviting Roanoke County to become members, is filed \lith the oinutes of this ~ ~ meeting. ~ I I A copy of a letter dated September 23, 196$, to !eIr. Paul B. X.:atthews, t'I' ~ Executive Officer, from the Highway Safety Division of the Governor's Office I concerning a local highway safety commission 'las this day laid before the Board and is filed with the minutes of this meeting. 9/25/b8 43 --" It was suggested that this matter be passed and that the Executive Officer contact I~. S. L. Campbell, P. O. Box 97$, Salem, Virginia, and ask him to come to the next meeting to discuzs the matter of a local highway safety commission. A Letter dated September 6, 196$, from IIr. E. VI. Ramsey, Chief Geologist, Virginia Department of Conservation and Economic Development concerning a proposed .-j geohydrologic study in the upper Roanoke River basin, addressed to I~. Lee B. Eddy, I Chairman, Board of Supervisors, was this day laid before the Board and is filed ~with the minutes of this meeting. , I i' II I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. ~ ~ Earl Simms, it is ordered that Roanoke County express its willingness to particiPate~~~' I I 'in the Roanoke River basin geohydrologic study on the sharing basis outlined by i ~_~8 [the Chief Geologist of the Department of Conservation and Economic Development, and I 10 ifurther that their willingness to participate be conveyed to the Chief Geologist by ! letter and that a copy of ,said letter be sent to the other governing bodies concerne Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. , , -' The Chairman of the Board then directed the Executive Officer to draft and , sign the letter. IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEIf, ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY A Letter dated Ser'~en:ber 13, 1963, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of LEHGTH O.IO lJ'J.. J to the secondary system of Roanoke County effective July 1, 1968, was this day ~received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by II visor L. Earl Simms and on the following vote: I AYES: All I I I ;,AYS: None. II ~ il !IIN RE: II A letter dated Sep~,ember 16, 196$, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of 'I ' I Roanoke County, froo J. E. Han,ood, Deputy Co~"issioner, Virginia De~artffient oi II Ii HiVlways, Ricluaond, Virgin:.a, appro vine: the addition of: ri Dear Run Drive - frolC! Rt,!. l033 , 0.47 IIi. E. of Rte. 1034, thence ii foming a loop on the Vi. Gide of Rte. 1033 and ii again intersecting Rte. 1033 at a point 0.37 ,'Ii. ;! E. of R1;e. l034. !i ," Ii to the Secondary Syste"l of f.oanoke COUll';;y effective July 1, 19c$, ~Ias this day Ii received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles fl. Osterhoudt, seconded by , Super-! I , II il 'I ii SECOlJDARY SYSTKl ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY Length i ;1 .' 'I i! II I i! " " " " ;i II I , I I 0.44 I.Ii. Supervisor L. Earl Sir.lr.lS and on the follo~1ine; vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. 9/25/68 45 -~--..- ~._. ... -- for use by }liss Frances Fitzgerald and her assistant. I. ' Uotion carried by the following voice vote: Ii ,~ AYES: Joseph C. Tho~as, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: Charles H. Osterhoudt , , II II ! i I ---, A copy of a letter dated Septenwer 17, 1965, addressed to ~~. h~bert ~~son, / Commonwealth of Virginia, Departoent of Welfare & Institutions, Richmond, Virginia,: signed by O. S. Fo~ter, Sheriff, Roanoke County, with attached copy of a letter ~ to J. R. Li~~enhoker, Resident Jailor, from Sheriff O. S. Foster, regarding a I 1,'11 Trustee stealing and hiding on his person a pistol and the reporting of same by ~ I a week-end prisoner, was this day received and filed. i I I ,~ The Executive Officer advised the Board that }Ir. Thomas C. Garner, who has been assisting the Electrical Inspecto~ will break his mileage down by trips for the next Board meeting. n u The Chairman suggested that Supervisors A. T. Huddleston and Joseph C. Thoma ,i and the Executive Officer, Paul ~~tth6\'is meet at the next Recreation Board meeting ,-, U I II I !1 I III I AMENDMENT TO AN ORDniANCE OF ROAl!OKE COUNTY PROHIBITING THE DRIVING OF ;'iJTOR VEHICL S ~ WHILE UNDER TIlE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, OTHER INTOXICANTS OR DRUGS. Ii II il I' j 1 I ~ ~ II i! ~ :1 11 ~ " ji !I I, Ii 'I ~ il Ii " 1: :t " 'I \, :1 ]1 WHEREAS, Section 15.1-l32 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, permits and set up some guide lines to go by, on October lOth at the School Board Office. counties to pass local ordinances paralleling the State law prohibiting driving ,.rhile under the i:lfluence of alcohol, other intoxicants or drugs j and W1rernEAS, Roanoke County has an existing ordiance uPROHIBITING AND MAKING IT UNLAw7UL FOR ANY PERSO~I TO DRIVE uR OPERATE ANY AUTOlf,OBILE OR OTHER HOTOR VEHICLE CAR, TRUCK, ENGINE OR TRAIIJ \!HILE Ui'lDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, BRANDY, RUN, OR ARTICLE CONTAINING ALCOHOL, OR MULE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY NARCOTIC DRUG, : GE ! , ! tlHISKEY, GlIi, WINE, BEEIL, LAGER BEER, ALE, PORTER, STOUT, OR All'! OTHER LIQUID BE OR ANY OTHER SELF-AmrrNISTERED IN'TOY.ICANTS OR DRUG OF \<1lATSOEVER NATURE, AND TO PRESCRIBE FINES AND OTHER PUNISH::E1IT FOR VIOLATIO:1S THERE, U and il " " " I WHEREAS, at a regu::'ar meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ,II I Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on \Iednesday, l,;"y 22, 196$, a motion was " passed by said Board moving the amenili~ent of the aforementioned County Ordinance, j , such amendments to parallel the Virginia State Code with regard to the use of blood! ~ tests of individuals as evidence in proceedings for violatioa of the I Ordinance, sucl1 " ;1 I , amen~~ents paralleling also the State Code provisions with regard cO the implied Ii consent of anyone driving in Roanoke County ',dth respect to the U5' of such blood samples as evidence in proceedings for violation of such Ordinance, and further 46 9/2.5/6$ impaired I Board to by alcohol or drugs, and further that the notice of the of driving while ~ intention of said JI amending the Ordinance to provide for the lesser included offense adopt such amended Ordinance be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate news- ;:>aper; and I ~fu1W~.S, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was published once a week for two successive weeks, namely ~~y 27th and June )rd, 196$, in the Roanoke World-News, a ne~spaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virgin. and I l~S, a p~blic hearing was held on such amendments at a regular meeting I of the Board of S~pervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse thereof on Wednes- day, June 12,1968, at 2:00 o'clock p.m.; and ~~S, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems said amendments necessary and expedient to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabit~nts of Roanoke County; N~l, Tml~ORE, BE IT ORDAItffiD by the 30e=d of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun Virginia, as follows, to-wit: The existing Roanoke County Ordinance PROHIBITING THE DRIVING OF ~roTOR VEHICLES ~mILE UIlDE.'t THE IIJFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, OTHER INTOnCANTS OR DRUGS' is hereby amended as follows: (I) Ado tion b reference of Section 1$.1- .1 and Section l$.l-" 10 0 Code of Vir inia as amended. The provisions made and contained in Section $ 55.1 and .1-5, of t e 5 Code of Virginia, as amended, relating to the use of cheoical tests to deteroine alcohol in blood; procedure; qualifications and liabili of persons withdrawing blood; costs; evidence; suspension of license for refusal to suboit to test; and presumption of alcoholic content of blood shall apply, i sissi . verbis, and shall be observed in the case of all charges and prosecutions brought f violation of this ordinance; and the provisions of Section 1$.1-55.1 and Section 1$. 1-57 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as affiend~d, are incorporated herein by reference to the extent that the same are applicable to charges and prosecutions brought for ' violations of this ordinance; (2) Adoption by reference of Section 13.1-56.1 of the 1 "0 Code of Vir ini , as aoended. Every prosecution for violation of this ordinance shall be deeoed to include the lesser offense of driving while ability is impaired as is provided for in Section 1$.1-56.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and the penalty ther for shall be as is provided in Section 1$.l-56.l; provided however, that no person shall be arrested, prosecuted, or convicted for violation of the offense of driving while ability is impaired except as a lesser included offense of a prosecution for ~ violation of this ordinance; ()) Adoption bv reference of Section 13.1-5~ and Section 1$.1-59 of the 1050 Code of Virginia, as ar.lended. The provisions made and contained in Section 18.1-58 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, relating to penalty; subsequent offense; and prior convictions, and the provisions of Section 13.1-59 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, relating also to penalty; forfeiture of driver's license; suspension of sentence, shall apply ipsissimis verbis and shall be observe in the case of all charges and prosecutions brought by violations of this Ordinance;' and the provisons of Section 18.1-53 and Section 13.l-59 of the 1950 Code of Virgin~ ' as aoended, are incorporated herein by reference to the extent that the same are I applicable to charges and prosecutions brou~ht for violations of this Ordinance. I I Constitutionality: If any part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, ~ ~sentence, clause, or phrase of this amendment or the ordina.nce should, for any reas+, Ii be held to be unconsti tutional or invalid, such decision shall not effect the validT' y I I , , 'of the remaining portions 0: the ordinance which shall remain in force and effect :, I ~ as if such ordinance had been adopted with the unconstitutional or invalid part or ~ I Ii ~parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof eliminated;~ i~ i and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby declares that it fi 'I I I \ :i il " I :1 i I I I 9/25/68 ~== ._...'-_._--_.~==""== 47 would have passed and adopted tho ordinance and each part or parts, chapter, sectio,' subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective 0: the fact that o ,--'!IV one or more part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase would have been declared uncon3titutional or invalid. Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause the amendments to the o~dinance to be pUblished by the titles and informa- tive surr~aries as provided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two successive weeks in the Roanoke World-News, ~ I , .....J a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, and in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, said to be in full force and effect upon and after October 16, 196$. ordinance, I j I I , , and Ii , I i On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms Lee B. Eddy. ~YS: None. ,I [I Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I[ i Thomas, it is ordered that this meeting be adjourned. Notion carried by the following vote: J AYES: NAYS: None. All J ~ ~ Ii ~ i ~ 'I ~ ~ II ,I II " I' ~ ,I 'I I ~ I I, I " ii " 'I I, ., 'I II " it " J! CHAIfu'IfAN 13~ ~'i t".. I ~ , I , i I I I I , i I i' ,I II , I I i , , , I , , 4~ v Courthouse Salem, Virginia October 9, 1968 The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the second Wednesday and the first regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia. Present: Chairman Lee B. Eddy; Vice-Chairman Charles H. O&terhoudt, Joseph C. Thomas and A. T. Huddleston. Absent: L. Earl Sioms. The Executive Officer, Paul B. lfoatthews, was also present. I ... The meeting was called to order by the Chairman and Supervisor A. T. Huddles on offered prayer. The pledge of allegiance was given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Lee 3. Eddy. I / On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that the minutes of the September 25, 1968, meeting be approved as corrected, each member having read copies mailed to him by the Clerk. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: :... Earl Simms. I I'Jr. Claude Carter, Attorney, appeared with regard to the fOllowing matter an introduced I~. Redmond, operator and ~Ir. Brammer, owner of the property. ,/ IN RE: APPLICATIOll OF ROBE.'tT C. BFJ.1Il1,jER & BARBARA T. BRANr,jER FOR PERI,IIT TO USE THEIR PROPERTY AT THE I~~SECTION OF ROUTES II? & 116 FOR A MOBILE HONES SALES LOT BY A & U ;,lOBILE HOl'lES Pursuant to notice of public hearing set for this date at 2:00 p.m., aiter proper application by Robert C. Bram~er and Barbara T. Brammer to the Roanoke , Planning Commission and after a hearing before said Planning Commission after publ" cation of notice of said hearing and upon reco~mendation by said Planning Commissi that said application for a permit pursuant to Section 11-4 of the Zoning Ordinanc of Roanoke County for use of their property at the intersection of Route II? and Route 116 (Cove Road) for a mobile home sales lot by A & U Y~bile Homes be granted; and upon hearing thereof by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Upon consideration whereof, on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconde by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that a permit be granted to the I I said Robert C. Br'ammer and Barbara T. Brammer to lease said land for a period of three (3) years, as specified in the application of said Robert C. Brammer and Barbara T. Brammer, and that a 25' setback shall be maintained. i ~ II I. !I II ~ II II :i II i' Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: J?se;.h C. Thomas, A. T. ibddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt and Lee 3. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Si~ms 10/9/68 49 ~ IN RE: .-------_._.__.---~,-~----_. - .-.-=-- --- .._"-- .....-.....-..----.. -=---. --- - - -.-.-= REZONING Oi" CERTAIN TRACT OF LA@ CONSIS~ING OF 17.0l ACRES, LYING ON THE NORTH SrDE: OF SHENANDOAH AVEUUE JUST ~.'EST OF THE ROANOKE CITY CORPORATION LINE ) ) ) ) ) ORDER i . I I 1 I ; THIS DAY came Westover Development Corporation, by counsel, and requested leave to file its petition relative to r~zoning property described in said petition! \\'HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AiID ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and the , SaL;e is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning ! Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordina ceo ,1 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Comcission Shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall J forthwith set the s~~e down for public hearing at the next peroissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT r'URTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. !~tthe s, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolutions and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: -- U AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSE!IT: L. Earl Si~~s Iti RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATED ON THE vffiST SIDE OF U. S. HIGh11AY # 221 ORDER o Ii :/ II This day came Girnbert & Gimbert, Incorporated, by counsel, ~nd requested ~leave to file its petition relative to rezoning of the property described II petition, which request is granted and the said petition is hereby filed. ~ 'I II . iit~on to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as requested in the petition, be, ~and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Co~x,ission of Roanoke County for itr I' r I! recommendation, in accordance \<1th the 'Crovisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia as ' I! ~ , : ~amended, and when the said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendatiof ii to the Clerk of this Board as required by law, the Clerk of this 30ard shall forth- ;11 Ii iiwith set the same down for ,?ublic hearing at the next permissible regular or special, ~rneeting of the Board, notice Of ~hich meeting shall be given by the Clerk for PUbliC~- :!tion, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia as amended. Ii i: It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that one ce-rtified copy of this resolution :1 ti j:and order be forth\'lith delivered by the Clerk to Paul B. ;,Tatthews, Secretary of the ~ ji IPlanning Coomission of Roanoke County, ancI one certified copy ill' this resolution and ,I I On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that . ~ .i , in the ui1~ h .il:.er t e pet~-' ,.' ,n ~- \ o 50 10/9/6$ order to the attorney for the Petitioner. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: YEAS: All NA YS : None I ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. i A letter addressed to J.Ir. Paul ./!;atthews dated October 2, 1965 from Attorney Claude D. Carter advising that his client, Arrow Wood Country Club, Inc., wished to withdrawth~request to rezone 6.993 acres of land, was this day laid before the Board. The Supervisors took the followiqgaction. I IN RE: WITHDRAWAL OF REZONING PETITION OF ARROW WOOD COUNTRY CLUB, INC. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that Arrow Wood Country Club, Inc. be allowed to withdraw their petition for rezoning of a 6.993 Acre tract of land lying east of Routt Road and south of Cove Road, which was filed with this Board on September 25, 196$. Motion carried. YES : All. YS: None. I BSENT: L. Earl Simms. v ~Ir. William B. Dillion, President of the Cave Spring Jaycees, Inc., appeared before the Board this day and read his letter dated October $, 1968, addressed to t.r. Lee Eddy, offering to donate approximately 1.15 acres of land to Roanoke County f0r public use, if it be beneficial to the public and to the Cave Spring Jaycees. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph 7homas, be it resolved that this Board of Supervisors hereby expresses its his matter be taken under advisement for further study. jr,otion carried. I YES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt and Lee B. Eddy. TAYS: a resolution dated October 8, 196,5, \'Ihich \~as adopted by the County School i , ! I II II The Chairman recognized rx'. Arnold Burton, Superintendent of Roanoke County ij ~ I' II ~ N , i! " ,I Ii L. Earl Simms None. BSENT: I cnools and l'Ir. Bayes '.iilson, Business I,Iana[;er, Roanoke County Schools. III!'. Wilson oard of Roanoke County requesting the Supervisors to appropriate the remainder of he School budget for the current fiscal year, 1968~69 and to appropriate futur'e chool budgets on an annual ba~is. --_~~'._-'''-.=...;.r:''" ",-""'=.~'--~::.'---- _~_-~ ----. On motion of Supervisor Charles ll. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor lO/9/68 51 --:- " I\~"~ Joseph C. Thooas, it is ordered that the School Board's resolution dated October 8, I 10'" -'f;>:jr.o 196$ regarding appropriating future 3chool budgets on an a~~ual ba3is be received ~~.~. and filed. ,:>~~'. ~I ..., Notion carried. I '---j AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms -, ~ J 'I U ~ :'1 - APFROFRIATION ORDI~~NCE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virgin a, I that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue Fund fori I the period ending June 30, 1969, for the functions or purposes indicated: For the operation of the Department of'ilelfare, to be transferred to th~ Virginia Public Assis- tance fund and expended by the Welfare Board $ For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended only on order of the Library Board, The Library Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for library vurposes I For the operation of general county agencies and services, to be transferr~d to the General Opera- ting Fund and expended vnly on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roan~ke County: 1 - County Administration 2 - Assessment of Taxable Property 2c - Appraisers and Assessors 3 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 3a - Collector of Delinquent Taxes 4 - Recording of Docuoents 5 - Administration of Justice 5a - Circuit Court 5b - County Court. 5c - Commonwealth's Attorney 5e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 6 - Crime Prevention and Detection 6a - Policing and Investigating 6c - Confin~ent and Care of Prisoners 7 - Fire Prevention and Extinction $ - Public \ielfare Sa - Board of Public Welfare Be - Institutional Care $h - Lunacy Co~ission 9 - Public Health 10 - Public ~orks lOa Engineering lOb - Planning and Zoning 10c - Gargage Disposal 10e - Contractual Services 11 - Advancement cf Agriculture and 110mB EconoLJics l2 - Protection of Livestock and Fowls (See Dog Fund) 13 - Elections 14 - I~intenance of 3uildings and Grounds 18 - 1liscellaneous Operating Functions lSa - Annexation l$b - Civil Defense lSe - Parks and Recreation 19 Capital Outlay 20 - Debt Service Fairviei'l Horae II Ii [I II Ii II II Ii Ii ,I ~ I ,I II , I For Educational Purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expendeQ only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferrin!; 11,onies from one ite::: or ;;uri'ose to another without further consent of the Board of Super- visors of ~oanoke County: 17a - Administration 17bl- Instruction 17b 2-0ther Instructional Costs 487,324.00 79, $62 .50 13,900.00 15,950.00 13,140.00 19,291.00 6,2$0.00 1l,450.CO 7,737.50 612 . 50 6,605.00 22,030.00 $$,791. 50 12,271. 50 34,7l2.50 600.00 22,112.50 l,OOO.OO 50,499.50 2$,695.00 5,527.50 l41,625.00 l2,000.00 $,441. 50 lO,395.00 22,335.00 75,270.00 15,650.00 930.00 5l,900.00 276,950.00 31,750.00 67;.00 74,320.75 3,504,051.91 193,6S5.50 ~ I , : ~A,/': I' . II""" '"i i ~. .~ II ~~~~.~- I'~ !I " II 1 -- ~_:..~ -.' - 52 10/9/6$ ------- - - . ... 17c - Attendance and Health Service 17d 1 - Transportation 17d 2 - Replacement of Buses 17e - Food Service 17f 1 - Operation of Plants 17f 2 - ~~intenance of Plants 17g - Fixed Charges 17h - Summer School 17i - Adult Education 17k - Kindergarten 19 - Capital Outlay Data Processing Debt Service (existing 12-31-67) Debt Service (after 1-1-68) Cafeteria Fund Federal Programs School Construction :$ 10,750.00 164,737.00 l6,500.00 42,500.00 310,419.75 155,547.79 36,949.00 37,500.00 5,000.00 32,000.00 81,74$.77 40,000.00 403,$17.04 101,250.00 151,717.39 21$,750.00 2,077,750.00 $ 9,235,30$.90 I Total Appropriations from General Fund I For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the dog laws, to be transferred to the Dog Operating F~~d and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County $ 14,9$7.50 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as moni become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriation made to these funds froo the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Appropriat on Ordinance. A copy of this Ordinance is ordered to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. O~~erhoudt seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote to become effective October 9, I 19M. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Ear I Simr:ls. " ~~. S. L. Campbell of the Governor's Highway Safety Division, appeared befo the Board this day to discuss and answer questions regarding the organization of a local highway safety commission. I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, second,ad by 3upervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a local highw safety commission for Roanoke County of not more than nine (9) members in accordan I with the State Statute. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, Lee 3. Eddy. NAYS: None. I' II i On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Su~ervisor Joseph ,C. 1 1 Thomas, it is ordered that the following correspondence expressing opposition to I the rezoning of the Steele Property on Garst tlill Road from R-l to R-3 be received ~ II il 'I " i: Ii Ii ~ L. Earl 3ir.uns. I ABSENT: ;'11 ~1~ )'~ A and filed with the associated rezoning papers: Letter dated 9/29/68 frOM t~s. t~ry Thomas Stringer, addressed to ~~. Lee B. Eddy dated 9/29/6$ from Oliver '.1. Stringer, addressed to l-~. Eddy. dated 9/20/6$ from $ residents of Cresthill Subdivision addressed to .Ir. Lee B. Eddy. Letter Letter J -, , i -..-J - J J n :J 10/9/M 55 -"- -~ . ._-,"."---... -=--==--.....~".=~=.=_.:."---=._- -'-~. -.."~~-===-~-==""'"=~~-- ~ PW. L. G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, sub~~tted to the Board a copy of the Tentative Budget for the Secondary System in Roanoke County, for year 1968-69, at the Supervisors' September 25, 196$ meeting. U~on consideration thereof, on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Tho~~s, duly seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and carried approved by the following recorded votes: II I I' I> It> ! ' .I ,0" .f: ,~O '~ I' "' I '$~ ?;t" I ~. //.Pj( i f..-':~ '~' IV~~' i1J"y' ! !; i , ! AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt and Lee B. Eddy. :u.YS: None. I I I I i i il :VH&~~S representatives for the Department of Highways appeared before the 'I Bo,Cd or Sup","",,", on Augu" 17, 1964, ond ,,""Cod, ,1on ,k,eoh "'Cod 'pdl "~I , ;; 1964, showing Project 0081-080-001, P-401 on Route 81 in Roanoke County and the i ~~ I .~~# disposition of the old location, new location, service roads, and connections; and,~ ~- . \vHEREAS the Board of Supervisors concurred in the recommendations of the II ~~t~ ~~l . "".J AI Highway Departoent as follows; section of Route 311 to be discontinued in accordand ~~.~~. with Section 33-76.1, 1950 Code of Virginia as amended; section Ne. 1-0.39 ~lile i ~~~' I , I I iffiEREAS now the Department of Highways desires to provide maintenance to said I I , I I to add said section of Route 311, heretofore discontinued, to the Secondary System I I : ~ i; ~ !I il ~ ii i i I I; 11 [ II II I[ Ii Ii l: I' [I " Ii ii /I " I! ABSENT : L . Earl Sim:ns. served by new location; and section of Route 311, this Board concurs and requests the Department of Highways of Highways and provide maintenance to same. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and adopted by ohe following recorded vote: ;. YES : Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, and Lee B. Eddy. tIA YS : None. ABSENT: L. Earl Sio.'lls. A letter from George W. Dean, State Forester, in regard to the sum charged to I Roanoke County for fire control for June 3 through August 2, 1963, was turned over II to the Executive Officer to secure more information and report back to the Board. II " !I I: ii t! 'I ii " :1 , A letter fro:n Cecil E. \'lright, Judge, Craig County Court, dated September 27, :1 1968, addressed to the Chairoan of the Roanoke County 30ard of Supervisors, thankirtg I the Supervisors and Sl>.eriff O. S. Fl-'ster for their help and cooperation given the ': Craig County Court and la~1 enforcet1ent offerers, \,as this day received and filed :1 I , i , I on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. O,terhoudt, and on the following vote: A~S: J.ll NAYS: None ABSENT: L. Earl Simms 10/9/613 63 ------ ------- -- - , The U. S. Army Corps of Engineers'flood plain studies of the Roanoke River in the urbanized areas of Roanoke, Salem and Roanoke County as prepared for the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission, was this day laid before the Board and ordered filed with the minutes of this meeting. / o TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: v At the close of business September 30, 196$, there was to the credit of the follow- o ing: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Pre School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Textbook FU1'ld - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash Data Processing - Available Cash F.I.C.A. Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account $ $5,4)2.)1 4,421.49 6,109.$6 6,055.40 S, S21.38 272,900.6; 16,40$.22 1$,017.51 85,740.82 37.46 503,945.08 :p o Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers Natior~l Bank Escrow $531,000.00 Bank Of Salem Escrow $2,713,000.00 Bank of Salem - Federal Programs Fund Bank of Salem - Textbook Fund Farmers Natio~l Bank-Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Debt Fund Colonial-American National Bank $ 2,000.00 7,$30.67 393,J40.81 85,740. $2 $,$21.3$ 3,9$0.90 )60.00 1.$70.50 503,945.08 :p Certificates of Deposit - School Construction l.fuuntain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank $ :p 225,000.00 25.000.00 250,000.00 (signed) Respectfully submitted, James E. Peters g James E. Peters, Treasurer Roanoke County o ~~. James E. Peters, County treasurer, appeared before the Board this day to advise the Supervisors that the N.C.R. ~~chine located in the Commissioner of the Revenue's office which is used to print tax tickets needs either to be reconditione or replaced and that he was in favor of modernizing the whole system. , I / ~~V 16~\~ ~,e~ ~ , ~~. James E. Peters, I.~. Billy K. I-Iuse, l-~. Paul B. )'oTatthews and Supervisor I / Charles H. Osterhoudt were appointed to look into this matter and report back to thi Board. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, it is ordered that the following reports be received and filed: 10/9/68 65 ] 'be, and the sa~e hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virgin a, as amended, and when the said Planning Commission shall have reported its reoommenda tion to the Clerk of this Board as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwit: set the sa~e down for public hearing at the next permissable regular or speci~l meeting of the Board, notice of which ffieetingmall be given by the Clerk for publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia as amended. I -1 It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk to Paul B. ;~tthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and one certified copy of this resolution and order to th~ attorney for the Petitioner. The a~ove resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, and on the recorded vot the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NA YS: None ABSENT: L. Earl Simms j On motion of 3uperv~sor Joseph C. Thooas, seco~ded by Supervisor A. T. Huddle on, it is ordered that the lettel' from G. L. Robertson, Resident Engineer, Department 0 / Highways, dated October 2, 196$, addressed to ~~. Lee B. Eddy, regarding speed limi on Colonial Avenue and the intersection of Overdale Road and Colonial Avenue, be received and filed. l.fution carIied. AYES: All NA YS : None ABS~~T: L. Earl SiF.~s ~.." 'f~ ....~' on motion of Supervisor Charles H. ~ Thomas, and on the follotdng vote: ! AYES: All I NAYS: None ! ABSENT: L. Earl Simms ~ i I A letter addressed to ~Ir. Lee B. Eddy, dated October 3, 1968, from G. W. Nick, I Chai~n of Salem Roanoke County Civic Center Commission clarifying the sndorsement I signed by ~~. Eddy on behalf of the Board of Supervisors in regard to the insurance i i policies at the Salen Roanoke County Civic Center, was this day received and filed I I I I 'I II II Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. o On motion of Supervisor Charles H. a coPy of C. Thomas, it is ordered that/the letter Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph dated r~tober 1, 1968 from R. W. Bowers, i Ii 1/ II 3o~lers &: Finney Construction Corporation, Roanoke, Virginia, addressed to major oil companies regardinG {,lotion carried. m51 M~e ABSENT: L.Earl Simms abandoned Service Stations, be received and filed. , " ~ ___ --,- --t.......- 70 10/23/68 - entered that day was referred to the Planning Commissicn of Roanoke County for its recolDlllendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, as amen and , WImR1US, 'the said Planning Commission by a resoluUon adopted at a meeting held on September 24, 1968, after hearing evidence touching on 'the mer1'ts of said petiUon at public hearings held on the 17th and 24th days of SeptEllllber, 1968, reco_ended to this Board 'that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change 'the classification of the property here1nai'1;er described from Residential District R-l to Residen't1al District R-3; and WJmIl~S, 'the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by an order entered on the 14th day of August, 1968, direct 'the Clerk of this Board to f'or'thwi'th set 'the S8IIIe down for a public hearing at 'the next regular meeting of this Board, and give noUce thereof by publication in accordance with 'the County Zoning Ordinance and 'the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and yImR'IUS, 'the Clerk of this Board did set the l'egular meeting of this Board hel on October 23, 1968, as the time and date for a public hearing on 'the aforesaid proposeci aIIIendlllent to said County Zoning' Ordinance and advertised 'the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having a general cir- culation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in accordance w1'th law; and WImR1Us, said public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on 'the 23rd day of October, 1968; and lJRlal'RIS, this Board, after giving care1'ul considerat'ion to said petition and to said recommendation after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said COUD'ty Zoning Ordin"nce should be amended as hereinafter set forth and as recommen ed by said PlanniDg Commission. BOW, THEREFORE, IlK IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of 'the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. held on the 23rd day of October, 1968, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property hereinafter described from Residential District R-l to Residential District R-3, in order that said property might be more 1'ully and reasonably used, 'the said property being classified as Residential District R-3 is more parUcularly described as follows, to-wit: BBGInrlllG at a point on the wes'terly right-of-way line of Garst Mill Roael, Secondary Highway No. 682 (50 feet widel, said point being the nor'theaster- ly corner of 'the property of H. D. Shelton; thence leaving the highway and wi'th the northerly line of the Shelton property, following a fence line, S. 8P 56' 30. W. 342.23 feet to an iron stake corner; thence with the westerly bo1lDd.a1'y of 'the Shelton property following a fence line S. 200 47' W. 259.90 feet to a point on the nonherly line of Cresthill Drive (50 feet .wide); 'thence wi'th 'the same N. 870 24' 40. W. 75.95 feet to a point; thence with a c:urveci line to the right, whose radius is 773.77 feet and whose chord bear- ing and distance is N. 000 47' 10. W. 178.54 feet, an arc distance of 17$.94 feet to a point of tangent; thence N. 740 09' 40. W. 12.44 feet to a point; thence leaving Cresthill Drive and with the easterly line of the property of I. J. Bower following a fence line N. 10 52' 10. E. 682.50.feet to an iron stake at a fence corner; thence with the northerly. boundary of the Bower property following a fence line N. 720 07' 20. W. 275.00 feet to a point; thence with ten new division lines through the property of B. W. S. Farms, Inc as follows: N. 410 30' E. 150.00 feet, N. 280 00' E. 388.00 feet,N. 180 IS' W. 310.00 feet, N. 33" 10' E. 182.00 feet, N. 50'00' W. 17$.00 feet, N., . 690 15' E. 185.00 feet, S. 600 50' E. 603.51 feet, S.,250 00' E. 274.00 feet, S.OO 30' E. 224.74 feet, _and S. 700 41' E. 196.00 feet, crossing a sewer easement and a branch, to a point on the westerly right-of-way line of Garst M1ll Road, Secondary Highway No. 682, (50 feet wide); thence with said wester- ly right-01'-way lin8 with a line curving to the right, whose radius is 2839.79 feet and whose chord bearing and distance is S. 250 21' 55. w. 156.93 1'eet, an arc distance of 156.95 feet to a point 01' tangtmt; 'thenf:e,S.260 56' 55. ij W. 417.31 1'eet to a point; thence with a line ClZVing to the left, -whose radius I I I I I lO/23/6$ 71 -- -' J is 741.20 f'eet and whose chord bearing and distance is S. lito 29' 02- W. 319.95 teet, an arc distance ot 322.49 teet to the point of BKGIHliUIG, contaiJling 32.163 acres, as shown by plat made by David Dick and Harry A. Wall, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, dated September 13, 1968. BS IT FURTHER RESOLVED and O1li)Rll~ that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith ert1.f')o a copY of this resolu't1on and order to the Secretary of the Planning Collllllis- ion of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Eggleston, Holton, Butler and Glenn, ttorneys for petit.ioners. The foregoing resolution was adopt.ed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas d seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors vot. s tollows, t.o-wit.: Messrs. Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas !S: Charles H. Ost.erhoudt Ilpervisor A. T. Huddleston declued t.o participate in the public hearing or voting n the grounds of a possible con1'l1ct ot interest. . ] j The following correspondence is filed with the minutes ot this meeting, which orrespondence expresses opposition to the above rezoning mat.t.er: From Juanit.a S. Roberts &:Jarrett W. Roberts - dated September IS, 1968 Froll Sid Villines Jr. - daeed September 15, 1968 . Froll Mr. &: Mrs. Geo. SUllllllerfield - dated September 17, 1968 Fro. C. J. &: Paulue P. Roberson - dated September 16, 1968 . From Mrs. Margaret Dye Argabright &: Mrs. Eunice C. Dye - dated September 17, 196 Froll George W. Pease - dated September 16, 1964 From Mr. &: Mrs. H. H. Morris, Jr. - dated September 17, 1968 Froa Mrs. Belle J. Ferris - (no date) !rom J. Haskins - dat.ed Sept8lllber 15, .1968 From Mrs. )fary T. S1Iinger- dated September 29, 1968 -J'roa Oliver W. St.ringer - dat.ed September 29, 1968 . From Don A. l'rice, Yill1am.B. Dillion, Henry T. FilUley, Jr., Samuel W. Allison, Y. M. Skelt.on, ,Jr. , Frank ,.t. Daniel, .rack R. Hutchinson, and J.Douglas Whits ( Residents of .Cresthill Subdivision) dat.ed September 20, 1968. A let.1ier dat.ed. October 23, 1968, to Mr. Paul Matt.hews trom John M. Pedigo stat " e bael previously signed. a petition against t.he above rezoning and that now he. wishe o take a neutral st.and on said rezoning, is tiled with the minutes ot this meeting. A copy ot a lett.er da~ed September 30, 1968 addressed to Mr. Paul Matthews, rom F. C. Forberg, Direct.or, D1 vision of Real Estate Appraisal and Mapping regar ,/ . . e value of' reclassified lands, is filed wit~ the minutes of this meeting. ;) tiJ A copy ot a letter dated September 2.3, 1968, addressed to Mrs. Marilyn Lussen ,/ 692 WUlowlawn, SW, Roanoke, Virginia, from L. G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engine , irginia Department of Highways, regarding Windsor West Subdivision &: St.eele Propert oanoke , Count.y, is filed wit.h the minutes of this meeting. 'il IJ On motion ot Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl SiDIIDS, i1; s ordered that this Board recess and reconvene at the Courthouse imDlediately. Motion carried. !ES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Charles H. Osterhoudt. !S: None. BSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. , At approximately 9:45 p.m. the Supervisors reconvened at the Courthouse to consider the other agenda it8ll!S at which time Vice-Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt relinquished the Chair to C~irman Lee B. Ecldy. All tive Supervisors, the COllllllon- ! 12 10/2.3/68 wealth's A1;1;orney and County Engineer were present. / On lIIo1;ion or Supervisor Charles H. OS1;erhoud1;, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl SiIIIIs, 11; is ordered tha1; the S1;a1;emen1; of office and 1;ravel expenses incurred bY' 1;he Sherirr and his Deputies ror the month or September, 1961t, be received, rued and approved. JIo1;ion carried. AlES: All IAlS: None. I I On lII01;ion or Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded bY' Supervisor Joseph C. Tho s, I i1; is ordered tha1; let1;er elated Oc1;ober 11, 1961t, rrom Leonard M. Pick, Secre1;arY or the Roanoke Coun1;Y' Elec1;oral Board, addressed to this, Board, requesting acquisi- 1;ion or eigh1; (It) additional v01;ing machines, be received and riled ror further S1;udy a1; a la1;er ela1;e. JIo1;ion carried. AlES: All JIllS: None. I On lII01;ion or Supervisor A. T. Huddles1;on, seconded bY' Supervisor L. Earl Simms, 11; is ordered that a le1;1;er ela1;ed October 11, 1961t addressed 1;0 Hr. Paul B. Ma1;thews ,. froa: J. Rober1; !hallaS, Audi1;or or 1;he CitY' or Roanoke in regard 1;0 cOlllpu1;a1;ion or sewage 1;reaUen1; cos1; beginning October I, 1968, be l'eceived and- riled. Motion carried. AYES: All liAYS: None. I BBSOLtl'rIOII FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION FOR THE COlllffi OF ROANOKE . . WAZl~!l, 1;he General AssemblY' ror the State of Virginia has provided ror 1;he es1;ablishaent or Highway Sare1;y Collllllissions for each 10cali1;y, and 1iJI1t1l1l:AS, i1; is 1;he desire of this governing body to comply wi'th the direc1;ions ';r the General Assembly. . BOW T~RE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, COUlfl'Y OF ROANOKE, I . . . . . - 1; 1;here is hereby established for the County or Roanoke, a Highway Safety Collllllis sion, which Collllllission shall consist of seven members, or whom one (1) shall be a r in regard to plans and programs ror the im- Said Highway Safety Com- , I mission shall conduct 11;s afrairs. perron such duties, and make such reports as are provided ror in 2.1-64.1$ through 2.1-64.2.0 Code of Virginia, 1966, as amended. Initial members shall be appointed for staggered terms, subsequent terms rour years each. The name shall be "Roanoke County Highway SafetY' Collllllission.- 14 10/23/6$ .,.._~-_..._.~. . I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that the County Payroll for the period of October 1, 1968, to October 31, 1968, be approved in the amount of $34,365.76 from which the SUlll of $3,780.23 F. I. Tax; $515.99 State Income Tax; $1~299.70 F.I.C.A.; $278.70 Blue Cross; $84.20 U~forms;' $984.27 Retirement; $18.00 Accounts I~urance; and $90.00 MLscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $27,314.6 Motion carried. I ~ ~.. ;,; AYBS: All IfAYS: None. I ~ ,~~ pr ( Huddleston, it ill ordered that the request by the Virginia Division of Forestry for On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. payment of their forest fire control services in Roanoke County from June 3 through August 2, 1968, in the amount of $314.$7 be approved for paymen~. Motion carried. AlES: All IfAYS: lIone. ~ A RBSOLtI'l'IOlf RELATING TO CERTAIN PROPOSED LEGISLATION 'I BS IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that his kCellency, the Governor of Virginia, be and is hereby respecti"ully petitioned to . :...J cause to be submitted to the General Assembly of Virginia meeting in special ~ t session proposed legislation applicable to the County of Roanoke and to the govern- YI",f! tt"iJI mental subdivisions within the outside boundaries thereof, which would make provisio U J'{) for the following, namely: 1> trZ-r;. ~ -:fl.~ 1. Amendment of Article 4, Chapter 26, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia, 1950, \~~ as amended, or new legislation if appropriate to permit the consolidation of the ~!"~~~' parts ot Roanoke County with any one or more cities or towns physically situate ~ , wholly within the geographical boundaries of such county, and of requisite legisla- ~,.. ,~... ~ion to permit the consolidation of other governmental services and/or agencies in ~ such area. ~"'a'~,p-'lj.., 2. Amendment of Title 22, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, so as to ~.\ permit the consolidation of the school systems of anyone or more cities and/or Roanoke County to be op:erated and controlled by a school board consisting of repre- sentatives of each of the participating gove1'nl!lental units proportionally. BS IT Fl:ucJ:tlJ5l1 RESOLVED that an attested copy of this resolution be trans- mitted to the Governor of Virginia, in Richmond, and that other attested copies her f be transmitted to each of the Roanoke County representatives to the General A88embl of Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles i' H. Osterhoudt, the foregoing resolution was adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. !lAYS: A. T. Huddleston. I I ] l -! J :l :J ~ 10/23/68 75 1 - :- , ~-- A copy of a Resolution passed by the Welfare Board dated October 21, 1968, askiDg the Board of Supervisors to proceed immediately to provide more office space for the Welfare Department, was this day laid before the Board, as well as a letter to Mzo. Lee B. Eddy from Dr. C. P. Pop'!, Director of the Roanoke County Health Department dated October 2l, 1968, requesting additional space for the Health Department. , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, it is ordered that the requests of the Health Department and the Welfare Department for additional space be referred to the Capital Improvements Committee. Motion carried. AlES: All !lAYS: Hone. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, it is recommended that the Recreation Board proceed forthwith to the lease for recreation space with the Cave Spring Lions Club. Motion carried. AlES: All ! lilTS: Hone. IN HE: REZONING OF PROPERTY AT TIlE ) POIBT WIlERE STATE HIGHWAY ~ 419 WILL INTERSECT COLONIAL AVEmlE ) I ORDER OF J. W. POW l I I I I, I 1 This day came J. W. Poff, by Counsel, and asked leave to file his petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. HOW, TtlJ!il(MORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND QFJ)lP.Illm that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURrHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning I I OrdinAnc~ as requested in said petition 'be, and the same is hereby referred to I ! the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in I accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. I AND m: IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwi'th set 'the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of 1~is Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. 76 10j23j6S ~11b~ ~lol ~ vii ~2 'f'~~~.A~: ~Yl NAYS: ~ .- ,~~ . ~~!t~ J( II' ~ .. ~I\ ~J ,- t,.... 1?t~ '(Y' -0',_,__-,-."."",- _.._. ~__. ._..._ ..._._.. ..._ _ .. .. ___. __._.._,_ _". __'''~._.._.. ~ ~- AIm BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AllD ORDERED that one cert1fied copy of this '. . - - resolution and. order be forthwith clelivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of t;he PJ 'Inn" DE: CoJlllDission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and oz'der were adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supez'Visor Joseph C. Thomas an<1 on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: ADS: All NAYS: None. I On motion of Sup~sor JO~leph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl S1lIIms, it is oraered that the following three roquests for trailer permits be scheduled for public hearing on November 13, 1965, said public hearing to be proper y advertised: v Permit request of James Wingfield to park a second trailer on his property on Bandy Road between Rte. 663 &; 666 ,Permit request of Clarence A. Dunman to park three (3) trailers on his 6.69 acre land south of Rte. 676 at the end of Rte. 845, In<1ian Grave Road Permit re~est of Fred and W. anda Cassity to keep two (2) trailers on t;heir 10 acre tract in Hollins section, an<1 known as 1232 Beaumont Road, }IE _ Motion carried. AYES: All I NAYS: None. I A letter addressed to Mr. Lee B. Eddy dated October 22, 1968, from Dr. C. P. Pope, Director of the Roanoke County Health Department requesting an audiomet tor that Department was this day laid before the Board. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that the expenditure be authorized for the purchase of an audiometer for the Health Department in the amount of $,27.,0. v-' Motion carried. I All !fone. A letter addressed to Mr. Lee B. Eddy from Burrell S. 'Whitlow, Associate of Hayea, Seay, Mattern &; Mattern, dated October 14, 1968, endorsing the upper Roanoke River Basin Geohydrologic Study is filed wit;h the minutes of this meeting. I I I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, secon4ed by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that this meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. 1/ I A~: All NAYS: None 78 ll/1'J/6g ==-~--- ~"tJ ,\,$.".\ ,* ~j A~o/ ~~ IN llB: CLAIlENCE A. DUNMlN - TRATT.~ PERMIT GRANTED I. On motion of Sup8I'Tisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl SimIIIs, it is ordered that this Board permit Clarence A. DunIDan to park three trailers on a 6.69 acre tract of land south of State Secondary Route 676, at the end of State Secondary Route 845 (Indian Grave Road) for a two-year period, which permit shall. expire November 13, 1970. Adopted by the following vote: AYES: All I NAIS: None. I l IN llB: JANES B. w.IHGFIELD - REQUEST FOR TRATT.1i:fl. PERMIT DEFERRED At a public hearing this day to consider the above request, the Supervisors took the following action inaSllluch as no one appeared to explain same: On D1otion of Sup8I'Tisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, it is ord.ered that the Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews, notify James H. Yingfilid to appear at the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors, November 27, i96g, to explain his request for permission to park a second trailer on his propert located. on State Secondary Route 666 (Bandy Road) between Routes 663 and 666 about one mile south of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Motion carried. AYES: All I liAYS: Hone. IN llB: FRED CASSITY - PERMIT DENIED FOR SECOND TRAILER Mr. Leon Kytchen, Att.orney for Fred and Wanda Cassity, appeared this day befor v' the Board. to state reasons why the Sup8I'Tisors should grant his client's request to park a second. trailer on his property and to make recommendations accordingly. Mr. Caldwell Butler, Attorney for citizens who oppose the above stated request,," presented the opposition's case, filed petitions, and introduced the following who appeared to show cause for denial of same: Mr. E. C. Bolling , Mr. Charles Nillinger v Mr. & Mrs. H. J. Burnette I Mr. Fred Cassity and his wife were prei$ent for the pUblic hearing and answered . the Supervisors questions. It was noted that the Cassity'S were presently involved action ' in court/over their failure to comply with a 30-day extension granted on April 10, 1969 to either remove this second trailer in question or to apply for a permit to operate a trailer park. Mr. Cassity indicated that an alternate course of action for him to take in the event the Supervisors denied his request, was to deed a parcel or parcels to I others and park a trailer on each one. . The Supervisors took the following action: I 11/13/68 79 -----. -- n .J On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that the request of Fred Cassity for permission to park a second trailer on his property located at 12.32 Beaumont Road, N.W., between Old Xountain ROf1 and Hollins Road, be denied. Adopted by the following roll call vote: AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. 013terhoudt and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: L. Earl Simms 'I U IN HE: DONALD VANBLARICAN - REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE TRAILER COllRT .. . SET FOR PUBLIC HEARING . A letter dated November 5, 196f~, from Donald VanBlarican to the Board of Super- visors regarding a permit to operaLte a trailer court off Route 622 was this day, . ' ......., laid before the Board. !i:l~~: . On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt" seconded by Supervisor L. Earl i~~~ SiDIDs, it is ordered that the request of Donald V'anBlarican for a permit to operate I "\ ,A a trailer court located approximat.ely 1000 feet off Route 622 (Bradshaw Road) near Route S64 in Roanoke County be scheduled for public hearing on December 11, 1966, at 2:00 P.M.,said pUblic hearing 1.0 be properly advertised. Motion carried. AIES: All NAYS: Hone. ~ On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that Resolution No. 16.373 amending the contract between the City of Roanoke and the Town of Salem, now the City of Salem, dated October 16, 1953 deal 1fith sewage treatment, be received and .filed. Motion carried. vi AIES: All NAYS: None. IN HE: RESOLUTION TO HOLD PUBLIC !\!EETINGS TO DISCUSS CONSOLIDATION ,// o WHEREAS the Councils for the City of Roanoke, City of Salem, and Town of Vinton and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County have heretofore appointed members of i these respective governing bodies to a committee "to study and prepare a plan of con I I solidation for the Roanoke Valley;" and tjRRRt;;AS the Citizens of Roanoke 'county are greatly concerned over the future of r ~ their County and desire to have explained to them the necessity of and reason for I n1.1jJ' C{1.- . dissolving Roanoke County and the creating of two or more cities therefrom; ~~;~I 9,,9> ~ NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ho d , I of the County at which time the citizens I public meetings in the various communities may be informed of any plans and ask questions about their future, and further, that Supervisor A. T. Huddleston be appointed to set up and administer these public meeti' s. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Oster oudt, and adopted on the following roll call vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy NAYS: Hone. 80 \ lit, ,~~\ ~ 11/13/68 . --.. _ -- --........-.;---..--.-, Sheriff O. S. Foster appeared before the Board this day as a private citizen t say that he was in favor of having public meetings with regard to the County's fUture. Mrs. Marilyn Lussen was present and recognized by the Chairman. Mrs. Lussen stated that she felt public meetings regarding CO" ,olida'tion would be helpful and informative. At this point the Commonwealth's Attorney joined the meeting. I v A letter to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors from Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk of Court; James E. Peters, Treasurer; and Nash R. Tyler, Collector of Delinquent Taxes, regarding '"Collecting Delinquent Real Estate Taxes" was filed with the Board. Messrs. Nash Trler and J~es Peters both appeared. with regardi to this matt~. The Chairman appointed the Commonwealth's Attorney and County Engineer to draft a resolution to be presented at the next Board meeting authorizing the appointment of an individual to collect delinquent real estate taxes. , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas it is ord.ered that the resolution of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ad.opted June 19, 1967, creating a Board of Recreation and fixing the !IWlIber of said. Board. members and the terms of office shall be amended as follows: (1) The number of members shall be not less than five nor more than seven, and at least one member and not more than two members shall represent each of the magis terial districts. (2) The terms of office of a five-member Board shall be as follows: one appoi 'ted for a one-year term, two for a two-year term, and two for a three-year term. The terms of office for a seven-member Board shall be as follows: two shall be appoint d. for a one-year 'term., two for a two-year term, and three for a three-yeat. term. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy_ IlAYS: None. PUBLIC HEARING SET FOR PROPOSED ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE AMENDING ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE by ADOPTION OF ,1968 NAT!ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE BE IT RESOLVED that this Board hold. a public hearing on December 11, 1968, at regular meeting at 2:00 p.m. on the proposed adoption 0:: an ordinance amending the Roanoke County Electrical Ordi.nance adopted May 16, 193$, and amendments there- to by the adoption of the 1968 National Electrical Cod.e. And the Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause to be published once a week for two successive weeks, cODllllencing November 2.7, 196$, in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, notice of in- tention of this Board to propose for adoption of the above ordinance and amendments I I I I I 82 U/13/68 - On motion of Supervisor L. EarlSi:iilms, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. I . . . Osterhoudt, it is ordered. that the Annual Weights and Measures report ~or 1967-68 0 the Virginia Departoment of Agriculture, Division of Regulator Services, be received and filed. Motion carried. AYES: All I NAYS: None. . Supervisor L. Earl Simms, Temporary Chairman of the Roanoke County Highway ~. Safety Collllllission, reported on the November 4, 196$ organizational meeting of this Commission and ~iled a written report showing that O. S. Foster was elected Chair- man o~ the Commission and Con A. Davis, Vice-Chairman. I P\~";; v \\' '\ ~.. Judge James I. Moyer appeared before the Board this day to request an addi- ~~1JIf.T.,yJ tional appropriation of $1400 for Roanoke County Juvenile &: Domestic Relations Court ~~ it' so he could give merit increases in salaries to Roanoke Coun~Y's Probation Officers i) Z. (3) and the Chief Probation Officer. . ;~ On motion o~ Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. 'rei' Huddleston, it is ordered that the additional expenditure in the amount' of $1400 by the Roanoke County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court for merit increases for oanoke County Probation Officers and the Chief Probation Officer, be approved with the understanding that when the available funds are depleted that the Board of Supervisors will amend the Appropriation Ordinance. Motion carried. I lE5: All NAYS: None. v The Chief Probation Officer, Charles Breeden, was present and recognized, al o. I The following committees reported they expected to offer defi1lite recommenda tions for the Board's consideration at the November 2'1, 1968 meeting: v Building Code For Roanoke County - Joseph C. Thomas, Chairman v Recreation Board Guide Lines - A.. T. Huddleston, Chairman < Verification of Personal Property Tax Payment Prior to Purchase of County Vehicle License - James E. Peters, reporting on procedure to be followed. I Chairman Eddy read a letter addressed to him dated November 11, 1968, from v Tribley advising that he would be unable to serve on the Board's committee to study and recommend a new Air Pollution Control Ordinance for Roanoke County. I The Chairman then confirmed the appointment of Eugene F. Brady, Vice-Preside t of Production, Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, to the committee to study and Pollution Control Ordinance for Roanoke '::\~~ ll/lJ/6il ~;..~;~~ ," . c' .:,:~~:. ., - - I, . ,v~' ~I; I ~J. ; J :;: ~ '" ~' .. I r-_', ' -.o'f' ~_ '.:.... ~' , '" . .~~... '. , . ~..-t., .' . ,'. .....- -, .:.;,. ....... ~:~~:..... ~...t'. ":.,....~. :;~"i~"'t-. ..~ .~f. . ...-...., ~.~ .. ......-. ......3'.......:. '- ;:~{; ,'~.~ I " , "'\.~ '1:,- ,,:a..; ~"f'. ~;' .."'~ '~~~~~;:,,;~:, "~ '. '~".- ,",,' "'" ~.~.P _~ , '': . ;'~-~'~'::~)~'>.I.:1 "~';J' ~ . 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[~",!?~.',,>' ~ ....," ji;X, ~. ....\" ~'.~t;"'" ~ ~i:;.- "".,. ..:- :;--.."" :.:.::k:'t-".,ij...lt. ~ iI"i'~~, ~ ' ! ,~:~'"'" .. ,'" .f; , r/",.J ,,~~l ~. .( '~~'"'~t- ~ ;l.ikl';' .~,. , .';1. .... I}~~~~~:~,;~..-~..._-I~.~d_ "11~'~~.;?~-1l:(~'~);i~i(1 -:'(~I::' 1~~~;J.~~l~~ ",.;.: )..,.:;: 11l-"~'- '::":-Ji.e. -~~ ... '.....~"..t<t:~~~~~.J.7,' ki~~"'~~'''':l~''''''''':~ I..:;.... ~,' <"P'l0j ~'{I~ .~~ "~:'"...:, ...... .\.~~... ~. ~~~ ~.,.x;.. ,., ~"" "il\f!r.'$.,t"\t,~ ~~!!~\ )'. ,0~~;_ ~ ..-,' .' .'1 \~1;t(,.,,'./;J ~ .'~~fj ~ ;*;,;: ~~- 1:tt~ ~";~~~i.~:zt'"~~~,u,;~'~;::r',~~~~,..~:~.."~. ~~~~".;.;n:'.,,~:.:~-"'7_, ,:,~?'''<.~' " ~,I.,;~..". .-,._."'".~ I I ( . ~ ..,' ~.' ~; 11/13/6$ 95 -. - - - ~., .-.--- . ::.;1:::10--"---- -~- - .--- o On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that Notice dated October 25, 196$ from State Corporation Com- 1 mission to advise that Fields Bus Line is applying for a Certificate of Public Con- i venience and Necessity as a common carrier, be received and filed. Motion carried. AYES: All , NAYS: None. [] On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that the following reports be received and filed: Lowell M. Gobble, Extension Agent, ,lgriculture, October report Lois S. Faddis, Extension Agent, Home Economics, October report 1 Mrs. Jean Robbins, Extension Agent, Home Economics, October report 1 Robert E. Layman, Jr., Extension Agent, Agriculture, October report ,r O. S. Foster, Statements of Prisoner Days Served i:!1 County Jail for months of September and October Motion carried. AlES: All NAYS: None. . COUNTY PAYROLL y ~: ~ . 1J~ ~J) ~/h~ ~ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, it is ordered that the Cour1:y Payroll for '~he period of October 1, 19M, to October 31, 1968, be approved in the amount of :~21,455.44 from which the sum of $944.04 F.I.C.A. Tax; $2,016.4$ W.H. Tax; $270.6) State Income Tax; $494.40 Blue I . .' I Cross Insurance; $18.00 Accounts'Insurance; $155.60 Uniforms; $207.63 Miscellaneous i Expenses and $29.76 Retirement is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $17,318. " D I I AIES: All I I NAYS: Hone. !I il I ~ A list of bills paid since the last Board meeting was laid before the Board :i~is :1 th:ls day in the total amount of $7,262.97. 'I' · t ;,M<.! n ~t<J.If.ft7.J...) On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. HuddI's I ,0n''if~B it is ordered that the checks for bills paid since the October 23, 1968, Board I · I meeting in the total amount of $7,262.97 be approved retro-active to date of issu- I Motion carried. Q el ~ ance. , II Motion carried. i ~ AlES : All II ~ NAYS: None. Ii I~,. II II 'I Ii 'WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors this day re,ceived claims against the County II' ~ i! ! and did audit and approve same; :1 ~, HOW, THEREFORE, on motion by Supervisor Jose)lh C. Thomas, seconded by Super- 'i il visor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that said ch.ims in the total amount of 96 1l/13/6$ $1,508.91 and charged to the Dog Fund be approved for payment, and a copy of the list of said claims as approved is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. / lflw.Ili~S, the Board of Supervisors this day received claims against the Count and did audit and approve same; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion by Supervisors Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Super visor A. T. HUddleston, it is ordered that said claims in the total amount of $65,264.94 and charged to the General Fund be approved for pa)ment and a copy of the list of said claims as approved is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. ,( On IIIOtion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston it is ordered that the report submitted by the Roanoke County Planning Commission dated October 29, 1968 calling for additional information on proposed landfill sites, be received and filed. Motion carried. AlES: All NAYS: None. v WHEREAS the City of Roanoke has mi'.de application to Roanoke County for a permit to operate a sanitary landfill in the vicinity of Brushy Mountain in Roanok County on property owned or property hereafter to be acquired by the City of Roanoke, and I , 1 WHEREAS this request for a permit was prompted in part by a report filed by I fb W~ I' " ,/ ~J ~~~. ~') ~~~ \~ I ~ I ~ Ii the State Department of Health with the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commissio , and I' ~ WHEREAS the matter had heretofore been studied by the Roanoke County Planninf Commission which has filed a report with this Board pointing out that the report '~ of the State Health Department says in part: "One site, owned by the City of ~ Roanoke, was evaluated and is reported in Appendix 1. It should not be construed il 'I that taB tract is the only one available nor that it is necessarily the most desi4i able. It is included merely to indicate some of the considerations necessary to ~ II evaluate any site. Other sites which meet the requirements should be investigate1 ,I before making a Unal selection." ii Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors does hereby (I request the City of Roanoke to make available the location of other sUes consid~ed 'I or to be considered and the engineering studies and information concerning same, ~ .:1 , i II I I I I I 11/13/6$ ,--""'--- ---. :='-'''-'-''-.~''''''~-'''-='''''~ _ --..-.-------- ----- -. ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the City I I I , I I i , Council of the City of Roanoke -, i .-J On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. I Huddleston, and adopted by the following vote: , AIES: All '! i --' NAYS: i , None. I I I , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, sEconded by Supervisor j~. Earl it is ordered that 1;he following correspondence 1'9 received and filed: Letter dated October l$, 1968 to Mr. Lee B. 'i:ddY, from H. Clyde PI3arSOn adVising that he has been engaged by residents and property owners in 1;he Brushy Mountain vicini1;y to oppose the application of the City of Roanoke for a landfill in that area, and requesting that he be advised when the Ci1;y's application :ror a permit may be called for a hearing; Copy of a letter from Lee B. Eddy 1;0 Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Hopkins dated ,/ October .29, 1968, advising that th~eiZ: pe1;ition requesting repair- ing and Paving of Rte. 935 (Van Wi _ Road) da1;ed October I, 1968 and signed by taxpayers in that area" will be properly filed with the Board of Supervisors; i"""'l i i '....J Copy of a letter from G. L. Robertson, Resident Engineer, Salem Residency v Office, Va. Dept. of Highways, addressed to Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Hopkins dated October .2.2, 196$ advising that money had been provided in the current budget to surface trea1; Rte. 935, (Van Winkle Road) & will be repaired as soon as possible; Memorandtml to Executive Secretaries and/or Clerks of Boards of Supervisors, from Auditor of Public Accounts, Riclunond, Virginia regard:i.,ng Changes in Source of Supply of Forms .for use in preparing County Budgets, dated November 12, 1968. Mo1;ion carried. AIES: All NAYS: None. o , II I' II 'I ~ TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ~At the close of business October 31, 1968, there 1~as to the I' Ii General Revenue Fund - Available Cash ! Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash , Pre School Cafeteri,.a Fund - Available Cash Ii School Textbook Fund - Available Cash [School Construction Fund - Available Cash I'Data Processing - Available Cash IF.I.C.A. I, Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash II Deferred Credit Account Ii II II Fin"ncial Statement I' !ITreasurer's Working Fund 'i Farmers Naticnal Bank ~ Escrow $53I,OOO.00 I Bank of Salem II Escrow $2,713,00.00 1 Bank of Salem - Federal Programs Fund I' Bank of Salem - Textbook Fund ~Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account r. Farmers Natio'lURanl< - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Debt Fund ij Colonial-American National Ban..1<: ,- I! ~Certificates of DepOsit - School Construction ~ If!v\A.llt~~ Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank Bank of Salem State Accoun1; 97 Simms , I i 1 I il , I i I 1 11 credit of the fOllOWing:11 / 4; 476,524.92 i)1 2,531.68 i 6,.223.21 'I 7,.295.1$ , 107,863 .201 109,956.15 ;i 19,952.73 .:1 .2.16 ' 57,489.32 : :p 787,~tZ~ J $ 2,000.00 7,$30.67 606,477 .66 57,4$9.32 107, $63 ..20 3,9$0.90 360.00 1,lrlO.00 ~ 787,872.25 $ 98 1l/1'3/6S -- --,---.-.------.- '-'->c'-'- ..___~..~_____.__..____.._____..,._-~~.... - - -. . .'.. '. . - ,-. .... --. . - ...... .._-, ._...~., ~._'""==~""""- - - -~. Respectfully submitted, 'I, James E. Peters, Treasurer On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddl~aton, seco~ded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms it is ordered that the Treasurer's Report for October '31, 196$ be received I ! and filed. Motion carried. I AYES: All NAYS: None. / IN HE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND IN THE ) CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) LnNG NORTHWEST OF THE NORTHWEST ) END OF TOlrINSIDE DRIVE, APPROXIMATE ) 1006.77 FEET WEST FROM THE NORTHWEST) CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF TOW ) SIDE DRIVE AND U. S. HIGHWAY 220 ) I ORDER THIS DAY came Golden Park Corporation, by counsel, and requested leave to fUe his petition relative to rezoning property described in said petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to ameud the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition, ~e and the same is hereby referred to the P1anni'1g Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virg:-lnia and the County ZC'ning Ordi ceo AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that1when said Planning Commission s I report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Boa.'d, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall fo h- with set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or speci meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publica tion in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General I Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. ~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this ~ resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board ~o Paul B. I , Matthews, Secretary of the Planning COlllIllission of Roanoke County, Virginia. II holiday for all Roanoke County employees, and the I all other County offices on said date. I I i Copy of this order to be delivered to Judg~ F. L. Hoback. Adopted by the follc-.-ling vote: AYES: All NAYS: None , The above resolution and order we:-e adopted on motion of Supervis,)r Charles \ and on a recorlied vote, ~ ~ ~ ~ ii I' I' :1 !, II I, !i ii ii Huddleston upon the approval of Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court ~ ' \ I of Roanoke County it is ordered that Friday, November 29, 196$, be declared a genercil . I: closing of the Clerk'sjOffice and~ , " Ii H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C.tThomas the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I I AYES: All NAYS: None. HOLIDAY FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L T. l1/l)/6S 99 On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that the following correspondence be received and filed: Letter dated October 15, 1965 from Roanoke City Clerk, Virginia Shaw, with attached copy of Resolution I 1$)76 relating to an offer to the City / of Roanoke of the temporary use of Roanoke County's Dixie Cavern Landfill site, dated October 14, 1968 ' , Copy of a letter to Mr. Frank B. Miller, Jr., Dept. of Treasury, Richmond, I ,/ dated October 25, 1968, from Raymond R. Robrecht, Roanoke County Commonwealth's Attorney Re: $5,000,000 Bonds of Roanoke County; Copy of a letter dated October 28, 196$, from Raymond R. Robrecht, Common- wealth's Attorney to Mrs. Donna Smith, The Shoup Voting Machine Corporation, Nashville, Tennessee enclosing original of the Lease Agreement between Roanoke County and The Shoup Voting Machine Corp., executed by Mr. Paul B. Matthews on behalf of the Supervisors; Letter to Mr. Lee B. Eddy dated November 5, 1968 from Jarvis and Stoutamire, ,/ Architects expressing interest in performing architectural services in connection with the capital improvements program recently approved,; Copy of a letter dated November 7, 1968 to Raymond R. Robrecht from Reed, Hoyt, Washburn &: McCarthy re $5;000,000 Ro~noke County Bonds; Copy of a letter dated November 11, 196$ from Robert M. Shannon, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning COmmission, enclosing a revised copy of Proposed Proration of Donations as requested by Virginia Division of Water Resources in connection with the upper Roanoke River Basin Geohydrologic study. Copy of a Proclamation designating November 2, 1968 as DHELP BRING A SMILE TO A CRIPPLED CHILD DAY" signed by Roy :L. Webber, Mayor of the City of Roanoke, E. P. Hart, -Mayor of the City of Salem, Shirley Crowder, Mayor of the Town of Vinton and Lee B. Eddy, Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. .'-:'--'-~ -_._-~- -, ._______.___u_ __ -.- ] ~ , I --' Motion carried. AYES: All ., , ....J NAYS: Hone On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. this Board resolve into a committee of the whole. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None At this point the public and press left the me,eting and the Supervisors dis- cussed matters pertaining to real estate and pers,onnel for about an hour in closed session. o On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, secc,nded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that this committee be dissolved and resume the meeting in open session. ~ Motion carried. ! AYES: All ~ NAYS: None. I i i Dr. C. P. Pope's letter dated Cctober 21, 196iJ to Mr. Lee B. Eddy, requesting I I supplemental pay for Miss Hazel Newman's after-hours bookkeeping services with !I II' regard to the Air Pollution Control Program was :;his day laid before the Board. ~ . II ,I I, II ~..'.' f".''''" :'f ~ -- -,- v ..- I , 'v I I i ! I , I I I I I i i i I I II " II II II II il II Ion \f1l \ \~~ ~~. ~~' r~' ~ '0'0 ~ ,t, I ~ .....--.-- -=--" .-,_'_' .. .~- ._---. .- ._~ --~= On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas. it is ordered that this Board approves the request of Dr. C. P. Pope. Director of the Roanoke County Health DepartJnent for $50 additional salary for Mis Hazel Newman for keeping books required by the DepartJnent of Health, Education and Welfare in connection with the Air Pollution Control Program. \ .1 Motion carried. AYES: All , NUS: None. I v On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that this Board approves the request of Sheriff O. S. Foster to add ;10 to Fannie Belle Sifers f November check and $20 monthly thereaft through Nay )1, 1969 for her traffic duties as County Crossing Guard at Glenvar High School effective November 15. 19M. Motion carried. AYES: All y' HAYS: None. The Sheriff's written request dated November 13, 1968 with regard to the above matter is fUed with the minutes of this meeting. I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston. it is ordered that the request of Sheriff O. S. Foster for permission to hire a night dispatcher to assist the jailor on the second shift at a salary of $275 per month be, and hereby is, approved. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. V Sheriff Foster's written request dated November 13, 1968, with regard to the above matter is filed with the minutes of this meeting. . On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. 'fhomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddles n it is ordered that this Board authorizes the public statement concerning consolida on and the Executive Officer to supervise its printing and distribution. Motion carried. I AlES: All I ; HAYS: None. A copy of the above-mentioned public statement regarding consolidation is filed" " wi th the minutes of this meeting. II Capital Improvements Committee Chairman, Charles H. Osterhoudt reported on the ~ progress of the projects in the Masons Cove and Mount Pleasant areas. ~ ~ " ~ , I 1 ~ !! On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ~ I 102 11/.21/6$ U. ~ __~,.._._,__.,.,~~__~--:~:__,.-.",......~~___._.. -..n _ for and on behalf 'of the Board of supe~sors at -~h~ffi=-:f the State commissio~.. t /, on Local Debt in Richmond, Virginia until 12 o'clo 'k N.:lon, November 21, 1968, being' this day, would be opened and the information tele,honed to the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office. At approximately 12:40 P. M. the following information was received by telepho from the office of the State Commission on Local Debt: I First National City Bank of New York and Craigie & Company as Joint Managers Smith, Barney & Co., J.C. 'Wheat Co., AndersoIl & Strudwick and Davenport &: Co., and Associate>3 Halsey, Stewart &: Co., Kidder, Peabody &: Co., and Associates Bank of Virginia, and John Nuveen & Co., and Assoc,.ates Chemical Bank New York Trust Co. and Associates The First National Exchange Bank of Virginia The Philadelphia National Bank Lehman Brothers and Associates Shears on, Hammill and Company and Associates The Chase Manhatten Bank and Associates After duly considering the above ten (10) bids, the Supervisors ing action: 4.2276/ 4.2665 4.27132 4.27348 4.2$0622 4.30003 4.3315 4.3553 4.3662 Ii 4.4262 I took the follol~ ! I . On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that this Board of Supervisors accept the bid for the I purchase of the $5,000,000 Bond Issue submitted by', the First National City Bank ot I New York and Craigie &: Company as Joint Managers with a net effective interest of ~ I 4.2276 perc~t. , Adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Si.JIm:s, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt an Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None The meeting was adjourned at approximately 1:10 P.M. on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the followi ' NAYS: None. :1 II ~ II I , II :1 'I I, ~ ti !I 'I :1 Ii II I ~ I vote: AYES: All I , "~'-'. ..~", - ..._- - --- ---'.-"--=---.-- j Courtl:>ouse Salem, Virginia November 2.7, 1968 7:30 P.M. n u The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the fourth Wednesday and second regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia. Members present: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. Also present: Raymond R. Robrecht COllllllonwealth's Attorney, and Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer. .--, I I , ; . , '-' The meeting was called to order by the Chairmall and Reverend O. D. Eller, Supply Minister to the Oak Grove Church of the Brethren' offered prayer. The plege of allegiance was given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Lee B. Eddy. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas it is ordered that the minutes of the November 13, 1968 and November 2.1, 1968 meet- ings be approved as spread, each member having rl3ceived copies mailed him by the Clerk. Motion carried. AYES: All I'j .' I . , W NAYS: None. IN BE: REQUEST OF DONALD VANBLARICAN FOR TRAILER PERMIT At a public hearing to consider the request of Donali VanBlarican for a permit to operate a trailer court located approximately 1000 feet off Route 62.2. (Bradshaw Road) near Route $64 in Roanoke COu:ltt no one appearing to explain the matter, thi item was passed. No one appeared to oppose the request. Cl U IN RE: REQ!lEST OF JAMES H. WINGFIELD FOR TRAILER PERMIT ~'"' ~-~:' ";':;." . -~. Iii Ii meeting and requested that this matter be continued for the 2.:00 P.M. meeting on ~ I I Mr. Paul Matthews reported that Mr. Wingfield could not attend a Wednesday night December II, 196$ for consideration. IN BE: REZONING OF FIVE ACRE TRACT LOCATED ON STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE 11$, PROPERTY OF BART GALBRAITH ) ) ) ) ) f'INAL ORDER FOR REZONING At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia" held in the Courthouse at 7:)0 P.M., November 2.7, 196$. WHEREAS, Bart Galbraith petitioned this Board and req~ested that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that certain property de.. " , ~ I I 104 , , 11/27/6$ -= ! scribed hereinafter be rezoned and classified as "Industrial M-lu property, which . . petition was previously filed with this Board and referred to the Planning Commis- sion of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date; and 1 lmEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution las recommended to th~ Board that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended;o "'Industrial M-ID af requested I in petition of Bart Galbraith; and la/RI1RAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ordered the Cler~; of this Board to set the same down for publio; hearing and give notice thereof by publica- tion in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of RO,anoke County and the Code of Virginia; and j W/lRR1US, the Clerk of this Board did set the T .&Ular meeting of this Board to b held on the 27th day of November, 1968, at 7:.30 P.M., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid prc,posed amendment to the Zoning Ordina:ace of Roanoke County and advertised the same by publication as required by ord.er of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of :aoanoke County and Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS; said public hearing was held on the 27th day of November, 1:968, on the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County after notice thereof was duly published and advertised; and WlIRR1US, this Board, after giving careful consideration to the petition of Bart Galbraith and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the proposed amendment, the Board, being of the opinion that the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County should be amended as re- quested in the petition of Bart Galbraith and as recommended by said Planning Commission. I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDEllli.J that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of'Roanoke County, Virginia held on the 27th day of November, 1968, at 7:.30 P.M., in the Courthouse Building thereof, the said Zoning Jrdinance I of Roanoke County be and the same is hereby amended so as to classifY t,;he property of Bart Galbraith hereinafter described as DIndustrial M_ID. The propl~ty classi- - . fied as "'Industrial M-l" owned by Bart Galbraith is more po.rticularly described as , . - I follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the center of Virginic: Highway route #11$ Ci,o feet wide), known locally as the Airport Road, said BEGINNING point being N. .37 degs. 4.3 t 'W., 6.36. 71 feet from the northeast corner of the J. B. Amirews property; thence leaving said Highway and with a new division line i;hrough and across the 10 acre tract of C. F. Powers, and with the northerl:r boundary line of that certain 5 acre tract being conveY'ed by said C. F. Powe::-s to L.M. Hairfield, S. 52 degs. 17' W., 468 feet to a steel auto axle; ';hence with the easterly line of the original E. M. Patrick dower land N. 12 de,~s. 04' W., 852.8 feet to an iron pipe corner; thence N. 52 degs. 17' E., 100 f~et to ,a ! point in the center of the aforesaid Virginia .state Highway Route #U8, Air- i port Road; thence along the center of said Roa.d (40 feet wide) S. .3 7 degs. I 43 t E., 771 feet to the place of BEGINNING anc cnntaining a gross area of 5 ! acres; and . !I BEING the same property conveyed to Bart Galbjaith from C. F. Powers and II Jennie P. Powers, his wife, by deed dated Jan'ary 2$, 1944, and recorded in the I, Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanok.., County, Virginia, in Deed &'ok II 310, page 2$6. i: 'I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall certify I I llJn/6$ 105 ------ ~.- -- - .--. - .-- -- ->;~=:.;r~- forthwith a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Com- mission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to J. Albert Ellett, a',etol"ney for . ] the petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and on the record vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. '!'. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. E.iI'l Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. f I i --- IN RE: REZONING OF 47 LOTS LOCATED IN BLOCKS 8 THROUGH 14 INCLUSIVE AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF ARROW WOOD SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 93. At a public hearing this day to consider the petition of Arrow Wood Country Club, Inc. requesting rezoning of the above-described lots in Arrow Wood subdivisio ,I from Agricultural A-I and Residential R-l to Res:i>dential R-3 so that town houses an I apartment houses may be built thereon, Mr. ClaUd! Carter appeared representing the petitioner and explained the request. Mr. 'W. T. Wingfield, President of Arrow Wood Country Club, also appeared in behalf of the reqvest. Simms, it is ordered that this matter be deferred for decision at the Decemberll, ~. H.. L. ,: ~~,) Shepherd also appeared and stated a petition signed by approximately 172 home owner ~~ in the area opposing this request was presented at the hearing before the Planning .- J.. 5f tJ l... . ,1r.>,1l'j)jY"'. Commission. Said petition is now filed with the minutes of this meeting. v ~ I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Ear i I I I I ~ -J Mr. Ben Chapman, Attorney appeared representing Mr. L. S. Shepherd, his Shepherd mother and other members of the/family who opposed the rezoning request. 1968, meeting at 2:00 P.M. Motion carried. AYES: All 'NAYS: None. -, J I ! i Mr. James E. Peters, Roanoke County Treasurer, appeared before the Board thi~ ~ day and explained the procedure for ensuring payment of personal property tax prior I II to purchase of auto tags. i ~ IN RE: GUIDELINES FOR ROANOKE COUNTY ~ llECREATION BOARD Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph c. 11 ~ ~ Thomas, it is ordered that the recollllllendations of the special committee appointed t1,~ ~. II draw up guidelines for the Recreation Board be, and hereby are, approved as present~~. ~~ Ii to the Board of Supervisors under the caption "Functions, Responsibiliy and Proce- Ii ~ ;-, ~r ~ dures for the Roanoke County Recreation Board." II ~ I Motion carried. I AYES: All NAYS: None. ~ ~~;..- ~ 106 11/27/68 r A copy of the guidalines minutes of this meeting. for the Recreation Board as adopted are filed with th~ I VHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke did, on October 2.7, 1967 , adopt Resolution No. 17$0.3 offering to accept for transmission and treatment sewage emana ing in Roanoke County from all of the areas for which application has been heretofo made but which have not heretofore been incorporated into the original contract of September 28, 1954; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the waste from said areas should receive proper treatment at the City's existing sewage treatment facil' y; and, I I 'WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the unanimous opinion that sewage ing in all areas of Roanoke County, including the town and cities' situate therein, should be treated at the central downstream sewage facility, provided that the 10 and conditions relating to such treatment are fair and equitable to all parties con cerned. NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, in conformity with the foregoing whereas clauses of this Resolution, that the . I Council of the City of Roanoke Be, and it is hereby requested to accept sewage :1- ing from the hereinafter described additional area, subject to the terms and condi- : tions of said original 'Contract, as revised by the af'oresaid Resolution No. 17$O,3 of the Council of the City of Roanoke and specifically paragraphs numbered 1, 2 and 3 thereof, which area is described as follows: PROPERTY OF BILLY H. BRANCH AND BETTY M. BRANCH, CHARLES L. BRANCH AND SYLVIA B. BIWICH, EMMETT W. LINDSEY, J. GRANGER MACFARLANE AND ANNE B. MACFARLANE, TRUSTEES OF THE FIRST WE;r~EYAN ME'J'ijODIST CHURCH, AND OTHERS ( Acres~) . BEGINNING at a point on the east R/W line of State Secondary Route 1402 at its intersection with the north R/W line of Virginia Route 117; thence with the west boundary of the Trustees of the First Wesleyan Methodist ~hurch property and being the east R/W line of the aforesaid State Route 1402., N. 400 4l' w., 8.3.3. $ feet to a point; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Route .1402, N. 300 3.3' E., 622 feet to a point in the center of a dry branch and being the westerly corner of the Billy H. Branch, et al, $.20 acre tract; thence with the boundaries of the Branch Tract as recorded in Deed Book 826, Page 589 of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County the following bearings and distances: N..3)O 27' E., 59.57 feet to a point; thence N. 510 01' E., 591.72 feet to a point on the west R/W line of State Secondary Route 626; thence with the west R/W line of Route 626 S. 290 .3l'E., 402.4 feet to a point; thence with a line S. 240 01' E., 166.25 feet ,to a point; and being the east corner of the aforesaid Branch, et al, Tract; thence continuing with the west R/W line of State Secondary Route 626 S. 320 20' E., 6.30.0 f'eet, more or less, to the point of intersection of the aforesaid west R/W line of State Route 626 and the north R/W line of Route 117; thence with the north R/W line of Route 117 in a southwesterly direction 1,060 feet, more or less, to the place of BEGINNING and being a boundary descrip- tion of that 27.2.8 acre tract located near the northwest quadrant of the Route i 117 - Interstate 581 Intersection in Roanoke County as show4 on the attached i I' plat. i ~~ Oste~houQ~, and upon a call for an aye and nay vote, said Resolution was unanimOUS11,I . adopted. i . " A~' :I ' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl SimmJ y ~ 4" .,f and Lee B. Eddy. 1 '\t; NA.YS: None. ~ Be it Further Resolved that the Clerk of this Board do forthwith transmit to t~e Clerk of the City Council a certified copy hereof. i I I I - , , ,I... ~ " . >, . > ;_~ ... /:-. ~ ,I , - ~ . 1 - , j , J :'.c M ' ".' h.:~ ~I ',' -'Go,. ',.. .'. r, : ,~" L ... ' : . t I . . I ,.1 ~. ... , . .. . . . f t, ... " t I I I I I ,,' J',".." ,t . ,. . . I I I .01,. ,.~ ,.. I, .. . I , , ' # ,'~ ,--- ' ~' ," 1 ~ ,.~ . I ~ I I I I I ,'" 'I', " , "" J'~ . 112 11/27/6$ , i; ': park purposes on Garst ~dll Road. A copy of a State Corporation Commission Order setting March 10, 1968 at 10:00 :1 A.M. at its Courtroom in Blanton Gldg., Richmond, Va. for a hearing on Ii application of N & W Railway Co., with attached copy of said application for! review & correction of the assessment for taxation of its property subject " to local taxation for year 1968 and for the right to recover from local authorities excess taxes paid. A copy of a notice from the State Corp. Commission dated 11/1$/68 to Chairman of the Board of Supervisors stating application has been madc. for a certificat~i of Public Convenience and Necessity as a common carrier by Overnite Trans- ': portation Co. ' Motion carried. I AYES: All , I NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms it is ordered that letter dated November 13, 1968 to Elizabeth W. Stokes from of copy of Virginia L. Shaw City Clerk of Roanoke ackn~lledging receipt/of this Board's referral order to Planning Commission of the City of Roanoke~ request with regard i to changes in the height zoning regulations in regard to land in the vicinity of the Airport in Roanoke County, be received and filed. Motion carried. AYES: All I NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTE.'I[ ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated November 19, 1968 addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanok~i County, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Comrdssioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective October 1, 1968: SUGAR LOAF FAR}5 SUBDIVISION. NO. 3: Gieser Road (Route 1650 Extended) - bee;inning on Route 1650, 0.06 Mi. Northwest of Route 1651, thence running northwestwardly 0.12 Mi. to Route 1699. Easthill Drive - from Gieser Road, 0.0,' Mi. Southeast of Route 1699, to 0.09 Ni. 1'1. to deli,d end. Easthill Drive - from Gieser Road, 0.07 Mi. Southeast of Route 1699, to 0.09 Mi. E. to dead end. LENGTH 0.12 JIli. I I 0.09 Mi. 0.09 f41. was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded' by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on the following vote: AYES: All I NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated November 20, 1968, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, from J. E. HarwOOd, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, 114 11/27/68 l---.- 1---------- I I, ii ! Y Ii : \,~ II i' ; ~\r L : :~1 ~_:f ' I rl - WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors and did audit and approve same; NOW, THEREFORE on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by tIts day received claims against il II " the County , supervis~r A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered ';hat said claims in the total amount of $14,361.05 and charged to the General Fund ~)e approved for payment, and a copy of the list of said claims is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Motion carried. 1 I AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas I ~~}. Letter dated November 12, 196$, idd:C'essed to Mr. Paul B. Matthews from ~-Y}.Vt' Gary w. Gibson, Secretary-Treasurer of tlfe Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commis-il " ~.(.) sion regarding the terms of Mr. Oliver S. Wl,ody and Mr. Robert E. Lucas expiring It Il.' " I ;i A'OY "'" tf( .?' ii December 31, 1968, was this day laid befcre the Board'i V." \.~.. \>. 1: . . ~ ~~\'of:I On mot~on of Supernsor Charles II. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T'I \)Y' ~/Huddleston, it is ordered that the present t,PPointees, Mr. Oliver S. Woody, repre- Ii ~~~ sentative from Roanoke County Planning CODllD_ssion and Mr. Robert E. Lucas, a memberf V ~ ~ "at-large, be reappointed for new three-y'~ar terms frvm January 1, 1969 through ~., 'VCi(l" ii ~U.~;?~_~. ~!.:.:." December 31, 1971. U'*!'lI Motion carried. ~ ii AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. J,rl Simms and L"g B. Eddy. ~o., ': NAYS: None. I I ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas f &;. M On motion of Supervisor Charles II. Csterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that a copy of a letter dated November 14, 1968 from Morton Honeyman to Mayor Roy L. Webber and Members of City Council regarding Cable. , Television be referred to the Commonwealt;h'~ Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, for I study and report back to this Board. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. I ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas , I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON ) KINGSTOWN ROAD, ROUTE 626 ) ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ) OF ) ORDER AMERICAN IolOTOR INNS, INCOR-. 1 PORATED This day came American Motor Inns, Incorporated by counsel and asked leave to file its petition relative to the rezoning of the property described therein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AJID ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the said petition be and the same hereby is filed. 11/27/68 - --. ~-"""""""'-'--'---",""----'------'-'-----'----"'--'-~-'.~-'~'--"".-- ------.-.... -'. - AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the fi Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance!: with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHE.'\ RESOLVEiJ AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Board, as required by the Code of Virginia that upon the receipt of the same, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B" Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-~~t: AYES: A. T. HUldleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas - I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston offered the following resolution which was seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt: WHEREAS a contract was entered into by and between the Town of Salem and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on l~rch 16, 1965, for the purpose of the operation of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Centerj and WHEREAS Section 9 of said contract reads in part as follows: "Sho~ at any time subsequent to the execution of this agreement, any changes in the population of either the Town or the County or in the valuation of the assessable properties in the TOWIl or the County greater than 25 per cent of the now existing population figures or valuation totals, quoad, of the Town~and County, then in that event this agreement shall be re-examined and modified in order to more equitably propor.." tion between the Town or any political successor thereof and the County of Roanoke. the cost of the operation and maintenance of said Civic Center and its control and managementj" and 'l i ...... WHEREAS the change in both the population and the assessable value of proper~ ties of Roanoke County now exceeds 25 per cent as hereinabove set forth, it is in the best interest of Roanoke County to re-examine the referred to contract in orde~ to carry out the intent of the contract as outlined in paragraph 9 of said contract:. NOW, THEREFORE, 14r. Chairman, I move that this Board take the proper proce- dures in negotiating with the Council of the City of Salem with the intent and purpose of modifying said contract. No action was taken on the above matter, on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, to table the discussion on same. Notion carried. AYES: L. NAYS: A. ABSENT: Earl Simms, Charles H. Osterhoudt, and Lee B. Eddy. T. Huddleston Joseph C. Thomas : ~ .,... ,~ ~iJ"~ , . '1fl . ~~,~ . ~ ~t", a..T-/':.4 I 9 I (0 . '. ,-+-- ().. ' "(; ).....L&' t ; 116 I I , ~ I '. ~ '~\ I ~J \~\J.' J ~~\ (i \~/ \~. :1f .1 < l ~.((~ ~0. J lJ'jC1\o'tJ ;l~'~~ 11/27/68 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston offered the following resolution which was seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt: WHEREAS an order entered by the three-judge annexation court on August 17, 1966, in the matter of the Town of Salem vs. the County of Roanoke, Article 7, I i Specific Provision, paragraph 2 reads as follows: "Should the Town of Salem become!; a city within five (5) years from the date of the final order granting annexation,' , " the Annexation Court shall be reconvened to determine the amount of compensation to ,[ be paid by the Town of Salem to the County of Roanoke under Section 15.1-1042 of 'i the Code of Virginia, and such compensation shall include the following unless here+ Ii il after otherwise agreed by the governing bodies of the Town and County: " (a) Payment for the then value of all. public improvements of the County ofl Roanoke within the territory of the new city or which are rendered unnecessary for the functions of the County of Roanoke by reason of such transition to city status.;' Provided that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County shall have the right to I retain any public improvement of the County within said city for the use of the County of Roanoke. ; q (b) Payment for the loss of net revenues, occasioned by the annexation of 'i the areas, to the County of Roanoke for a period of five (5) years from the date of~ such order creating the city. lIThe Town of Salem shall compensate the County of Roanoke for a portion of certain taxes lost by the County of Roanoke upon the effective date of this annexa-~ :\ tion, to-wit: business and professional license taxes, motor vehicle licenses, and ABC profits for five (5) years after the effective date of this order in five (5) equal annual installments, the first such payment to be made by the Town of Salem to the Treasurer of Roanoke County on or before January 1, 1968, or the first anniversary of the actual effective date of this order, and subsequent payments to , be made on January 1 of each of the four (4) succeeding years, which payments have :i :i been computed by the Town of Salem and the County of Roanoke and are set forth in a1,1 exhibit filed herewith." I AND ~mEREAS the Town of Salem is now, effective January 2, 1968, a City of the first class, I move that the Commonwealth's Attorney petition the three-judge annexation court to reconvene for the purpose of requiring the Town of Salem, now City, to comply with the provisions of the order entered August 17, 1966, as herein~ !' above set forth. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas I I I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that the Commonwealth's Attorney petition the Circuit Cour~ to authorize the purChase of a tract of land lying in the Town of Vinton in Roanoke : County in the amount of $10,000.00, said land to be used as a pUblic library site, that a discreet and competent attorney be appointed to exwuine the title to said real estate and that the Court approve the acceptance of the deed. Mot~on carried. . Ed) All IA. T. HuddestonJ Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl S~mms & Lee B. d Y None Aosent: Joseph C. Thomas "> ~ - ( :'" 11/27/63 117 ._ - __. _ ~.~_."..,., --."'.".m""'.'_'~="'---~_:"'~ .."=,,,.~_=.--,.._.. ---.".- -.~c-------_.... - -.-.--. ---,---._______---,--,._____..__---,--_-,----..,.,-_____--,...---,--~~'""~."'~,.,..~ _ On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. !:Huddleston, it is ordered that this Board resolve into a committee of the whole. I.!otion carried. AYES: All :'NAYS: None. : ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas After approximately an hour the Supervisors reconvened in the Courtroom and :;the follOWing motion was offered. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. '! Huddleston, it is ordered that the committee of the whole be dissolved and that this Board resume in open session. Motion carried. AYES: All NAYS: None. ,ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas - This day came Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, and reported to the Board; --r- ii that Parkview Development Company had offered an option to buy a tract of land East :/ ~,~~ I . ~ I~'b- :1 of Vinton in Stonebridge Acres containing 10 Acres and Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Seotior I.;.J oJ. c.Vtt. ,:1, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, e~,~. 'i Virginia, in Deed Book 816, Page 149, at a price of $24,000.00. :.',(\~V And the Board being of the opinion that said tract of land is a necessary /r'- v : site for a park, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor 'Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that the County Engineer be authorize~ to sign: :' the option, and attested by the Clerk. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ::AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. .. NAYS: None. " : .-J ABSErIT: Joseph C. Thomas ! , I .....J --t' WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to purchase a ~~~ site for a park, at the purchase price of $24,000.00, a certain tract of land con- '~~~ t. taining 10 Acres and Lots 8 and 9 in Stonebri,ige. Acres, belonging to Parkview Devel- ~\~.\. ~ .. opment Company, and being more fully describe,;, i':l Deed Book 816, Page 149, of record ~'f" , in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court fo:~ the County of Roanoke, Virginia; ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under the provioons of Section 15.1-285 of U the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, that thE' Judge of the CircUit COUl~t of Roanoke County be requested to appoint a competent and discreet Attorney at Law to examine the title to said real estate, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Ullder the. provisions of Section 15.1-286 of the said Code, the Commonwealth's Attorney of 118 t------ ~_._-------- .. I '" ~).. ~\~~I-',:.. \?-' ~\:' V0' il I~ I , , ~ ~lJ. t"r\("Cl!" Jf \~~. j~ I 11 11/27/68 . -f :_.::::::.:...::::==::.:.-=-:.~~. ,I Roanoke County be required to approve the deed to said real estate when same is Ii prepared, and further that Paul B. !o!atthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of the County, when title to said property has been examined and deed for same has been approv~~ by the Commonwealth's Attorney. . . And the Clerk of this Court is ORDERED to forthwith deliver a copy of thi~' :1 II Resolution to the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke ,i ,! County, and to Raymond R. Robrecht, Attorney for the COllllDonwealth of ROli:noke :i " , I County. I Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I' ;! Ii! I:' 'i ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas This day came Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, and reported to the Board ii !I that Wilford B. Divers and Opal C. Divers had offered an option to buy a tract 'I i; " of land in Mount Pleasant, near Mount Pleasant School, containing 9 .13 A"~res, mON),i or less, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the Co\mty of Iii Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book '836, Page 323, at a price of $15,000.00.. ;1 ',1, And the Board being of the opinion that said tract of land is a nilcessary site for a park, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor I i Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that the County Engineer be authorized to sig~ the option, and attested by the Cleric. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B.Eddy. NAYS: Nona. I ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. I W1lEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roan.,ke County desires to purchase a site for a park, at a price of $15,000.00, a ce:t-tain tract of land containing 9.1} , . Acres, more or less, belonging to Wilford B. Divurs and Opal C. Divers, and being I I more fully described in Deed Book 836, Page 323, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia; NO~I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under the provisions of Section 15.1-285 of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County be requested to appoint a competent and discreet Attorney at Law to examine the title to said real estate, 1\nd BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that under the provisions of Section 15.1-286 of the said Code, the Commonw~alth's Attorney of Roanoke County be required to approv'e the deed to said real estate when same is prepared, and further that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of the County, when title to said property has been examined and deed for same he,S been approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney. I --1-.11 11/27/6$ 119 l-~~"~~""-~=~~""~ - ..o______._.. __",,,_,,_,,_ ... _ ... i :. , Ii il !' - ---.--------.----- - _._----~~--- - '- -- -...--.----.----------------.------..-... .. ._ ... ' ',.. ... ____..____._...__n And the Clerk of this Court is ORDERED to forthwith deliver a COPY' o,f this ii Resolution to the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roa.noke ~ ! 'I County, and to Raymond R. Robrecht, Attorney for the Commonwealth of Roanoke County Adopted by the following recorded vote: - i; :i AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. f~ NAYS: None. " " i; ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas ;i i' :: This day came Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, and reported to the Board i~" ,1:' :i that John M. Oakey, Inc. had offered an option 1;0 buy a tract of land on ROl1te 117 ~ ' b~ ~ ; North, opposite Burlington Elementary School, con'l~aining 2 Acres, more or less, of ': ;.:l--- ,j/rii';;/ record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virgim;a, IJI"'"'p ~~. i,9t~ And the Board being of the opinion that s,a" d tract of land is a necessary '-1'- U site for a library, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor I Charles H. Osterhoudt, it is ordered that the County Engineer be authorized to sign: : in Deed Book 748, Page 347, at a price of $30,000,00. , ." the option, and attested by the Clerk. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ': AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L.l Earl Simms and Lee B. E1ddy. II NAYS: None. I, ii ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas ......, , WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke! County desires to purcha{le a sit, for a library, at a purchase price of $30,000.00, a certain tract of land contain- ing 2 Acres, more or less, belonging to John M. Oakey, Inc. and being more fully described in Deed Book 748, Page 347 of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit. -"! Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under the provisions of Section 15.1-285 of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County be requested to appoint a competent and discreet Attorney at Law to examine the title to said real estate, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that under the provisions of Section 15.1-286 of the said Code, the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County be required to approve the deed to said real estate when same, is , prepared, and further that Paul B. r~tthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of the County, , when title to said property has been examined and deed for same has been approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney. And the Clerk of this Court is ORDERED to f,orthwith deliver a copy of this Resolution to the Honorable F. L. HOback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and to Raymond R. Robrecht, Attorney for tte Commonwealth of Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: .J J . AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. :~arl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas , . I J <( ~ "...J 1~~: \l2...\ a:rtr. Vc,A' ~ j , . , 121 12/ll/M -'.-'~'.-'---,....,.--- ~....,--..-....,..,-....,.,.-,--------- --~-_._---_._.- ----.-.-.--.- --'-,..--~----~--_._----- .--.".,-.. ....,.----.,.....,.._._,--~-:-..,.,.....,--,..,...- I! it !: " ~~. DonaldVanBlarican appeared to explain his request for the foregoing traaer ii park permit. :;>\\~be I 1;. : : 'err! On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt ,. seconded by Supervisor Joseph ; ~'<tl ' , C. Thomas, it is ordered that Jam~s H. Wi~field be granted a permit to place a ',: ~ 9r;UJ ~f$-; second trailer on his property located on State Route 666 (Randy Road) between Rout~~~~l ' 663 and 666 about one mile south of the Blue Ridge Parkway for one year, subject to ;I~';U~' renewal. IN RE: JA1,lES H. WINGFIELD GRANTED A PERI.IIT FOR SECOND TRAILER TO BE PLACED ON HIS PROPERTY l-1otion carried. , Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, and Lee B. Eddy. "AYES: NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. Itr. Wingfield appeared to explain his request, as approved above. , Board this day with regard to the following matter. ~~. J. R. Taliaferro, Roanoke County Electrical Inspector, appeared before the , - - On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas lithe following Ordinance, as amended, was this day ioffered for adoption, notice of ',intention to amend and change partially and re-adopt having heretofore been publishE'd, " Ii "as required by law: BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that pursuant to laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and especially to section 15.1-510.;3 and Section 54-145.2 of the Code of Virginia of 1550 as amended to date, an Ordinanc~ "for the regulation of Electrical Installations in Roanoke County, heretofore adopte~ . , , -. , ,on ~~y 16, 1938, and amended, changed partially, ,~nd re-adopted on the 19th day of September, 1960, and amended, changed partially, ~nd re-adopted on the 19th day of November, 1962, and amended, changed partially, arid re-adopted on the 15th day of J November, 1965, be amended, changed partially, and re-adopted as follows: Paragraph 36.1.2 (A) be deleted and re-adopted to read as follows: , THE 1968 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, also known as the National Fire Protection Asso- I . ; ....J -j i : ciation No. 70. I Paragraph 36.1.3 be deleted and re-adopted as follows: Three copies of THE 196B NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE and three copies of the NATIONAL ELECTRICAL SAFETY CODE H 43, j - PART 2 have been and now are filed in the Office of the Clerk of Roanoke County, Virginia, and are obtainable at the office of the County Clerk during regular busi- ness hours and the same are hereby adopted and intorporated as fully as if stated out in length herein and from the date on which t~is Ordinance shall take effect the provisions thereof shall apply to and govern electrical work as defined in this Ordinance. Second Paragraph of 36.1.5 be deleted and re-~dopted to read as follows: "Additional copies of The National Electrical COde', as herein described, shall be , i , 122 12/11/68 )f" kept :in Treasurers office for sale at two Dollars ($2.00) each, limited by supply I , on hand. il '" - II ~t~ui.'.1 EFFECTIVE DATE ~A, . :~:: Paragraph 38.2.1 be deleted and re-adopted to read as follows: ~,.)~~~ ::::.ordinance shall be in full force and effect on and after 12:01 A.M., Februaryr' At).~1 ( I' I , I. And the Clerk of this Board is directed to cause this Ordinance to be PUblisheR.' Jryit" ~tto I~".... ~~ . for two successive weeks commencing December 18, 1968, in the Roanoke World News, ,'Y I' a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Vinton I. Ii I' Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia. " I Ldopted by the following recorded vote: :1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. Ii NAYS: None. 'I 'I ABSENT.' A T U 1 I . . ..udd eston. ,I !I I, i The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. RObr~~cht, reported that he knew of , cOlsidering ~ nothing to prevent the Board at this time from/re,oning the land on its merits. " ii Mr. W. T. Wingfield, President of Arrow Wood Country Club, also appeared to Ii ii " Ii Ii II '[ I 1\ ~ !! i: ii 11 The following rezoning matter was continued l:rom the November 27, 1968, meeti, , II h k",1 I: c ec ~rg ri Ji Ii I, Ii :i Iii I,: d Ii appeare to present reasons for granting the requested rezoning. I ~ Mr. Ben Chapman, Attorney for those opposing the rezoning, Mr. L. s. Sae~herd Ii I' . Ii :1 ,i :1 iI !l 'I Ii I; " !1 " " :1 :1 Mr. Claude Carter, Attorney for the Petioner, Arrow Wood Country Club, Inc. and family, presented reasons for denying same. I. support the rezoning request. The Supervisors took the following action: IN RE: REZONING OF 47 LOTS LOCATED IN BLOCKS 8 THROUGH 14 INCLUSIVE AS SHOWN ON THE X.lAP OF ARROW WOOD SUBDIVISION OF RECORD IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 93. ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virg:inia, held at the Courthouse on December 11, 1968, vlHEREAS, Arrow Wood Country Club, Inc. petitioned this Board and reque;,ted that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that, , I " certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as 'Resi- dential R-3u property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on September 25, 1968, and by order entered on th"t date, was referred to tice Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Flanning Comiission by resolution adopted at a meeting teld on October 29th, 1968, after giving public notice and after hearing evidence te,uching on the merits of said Fetition, recommended to chis Board that said County ,:oning I ~ 12/11/68 -.. 123 ~-.=..:_::.".."",' -- ----"-~=.;:~,..,_..:..;..o_,,=__,,_..-__..._. :-C'''-''-'._ u.,. .'.' ..__.____.__...__.____n__ ____.____ - . - - --. - .. " ." ',_.""'C.'-.';; .~;_-,- _''''' ~._::~......:_.._.:::::_.,"'_....,..-..~ n"""'-=-'''::';'-'';':' :1 f! Ordinance be amended so as to change the clasEification of the property clescribed , I' in the petition to DResidential R-3tt property;: and :I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on September 25, 1968, as aforesaid, order that t~e Clerk of this Board, upon the receipt of said recollJl11endation from the Plannir.g Commission, forthwith snt the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeti,ng of this Board and give notice thereof by publication ir" accordance with the Count.y Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set Me regular meeting of this Board to be held on November 27th, 1968, at 7:30 P.~I. a:" the date and time for thEl public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published il:, The Roanoke vlorld News newspaper on ,i November 12, 1968, and November 19, 1968, which paper has general circulc,tion in th~ ,I County of Roanoke, Virginia, all of which is required by said order of this Board, ij il and in accordance with the provisions of the sCl,id County Zoning Ordinance and the :1 :: Code of Virginia; andj WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed ~unendment tl~ :1 " the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published , as aforesaid, said public hearing having been continued from the regular meeting of ,I ! this Board on November 27th, 1968, as aforesaid; and " .... Ii WHEREAS, the Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to ,I li :i :' said recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing the evidence tOUCh] " ing on the merits of the proposed ct.'1lendment to said County Zoning Ordinance is off :. the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in : said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. >:' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of: Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this the 11th day of December, 196;!, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, amended to reclassify : the property described in the said petition to uResidential R-3u property in order , that said property and any buildings constructed on said property hereafter may , be used for DResidential R-3u purposes as defined by the said Roanoke County Zoningi : Ordinance. . . The property hereby classified as "Residential R-3u property, fronting on Ranch, Road and Mattaponi Drive, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: All of Lots 1 through 3, both inclusive; Block 8 All of Lots 1 through 3, both inclusive; Block 9 All of Lots 1 through 15, both inclusive; Block 10 All of Lots 1 through 11, both inclusive; Block 11 All of Lots 1 through 3, both inclusive; Block 12 All of Lots 1 through 6, both inclusive; Block 13 All of Lots 1 through 6, both inclusive; Block 14 ~ ~--: Osterhoudt, and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and on the record vote, as shown on the ~~p of Arrow Wood Subdivision of record in the Clerk's Office o~ the Circuit Court ~ for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Plat Book lP 6, page 93. I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith. :~~. certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commi(q~ ~~i"\~. sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Claude D. Carter, Attorney for the ~ ~ , ~~' ~ : ~\ \'2>\ , \?--'I I ' I The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. -1 Petitioner. . " 'i:- . , ..... > "" i: " " II ii' il Ii, Iii il" ilt " II II " !i I,.' ii A Letter addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County dated Novem- II i: il !iber 29,1968, from Attorney C. John Renick regarding withdrawal of a rezoning peti- !:: i!tion submitted on behalf of Gimbert & Gimbert, Inc. on October 9, 196$, was this II' .. i!day laid before the Board. The Supervisors took the following action. ;;t' I \y~~~ , ~tt,: IN RE: 1,'1"1 ~\ REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATED ON THE w'EST SIDE OF U. S. HIGHWAY 221 II , 11 seconded by Supervisor L. Earl :1 . ii, ~. I:~imms, it is ordered that Hunter, Fox, Trabue & Ren,ick, Attorneys for Gimbert & Ii" ~o\ I,Gimbert, Inc. be permitted to withdraw rezoning request of their Petitioner to rezonf ,\0 11 'I : "du' \o;J~' !property situated on the West side of Route 221 fro:~ Residential R-l to Residential !; . ~. '. \ i!R-3 so that apartment units may be constructed thereon. ii , 1,1 ~ Motion carried. " 'i ; I liAYES: All :1 . Ii il: Ii NAYS: None. ~ , ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. 1124 I -====~...::.:.::=___=__. ~ 'I I I' ! lthe Supervisors,voted as follows, t,o-wit: I' IIAYES: 'I I'NAYS None. I! :iABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. !i 12/11/68 Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. .1 I I i . n~ I: : ./.. ~ I a.p( ~~tJ.~ I (Irl ~ ~ Ii !] " " On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, sec,mded by Supervisor L. Earl Simmsjl ~ Jr. is hereby appointed a member of :i :i County Recreation Board to serve a thre'~-year term, which term shall 'i II :i 'I" carried. Ii t :1 All None. A. T. Huddleston. ii this revenue , ,I Mr. James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, and Mr. Nash Tyler, Delin- Collector for Personal Property, appeared,with regard to collection of , It was noted that an)" fulltime employee of the CountYi: I these taxes, but that:the Clerk was responsible for of Public: t il II ': Accounts and report his recommendations for handlin,,:; these funds. ii ii " i: ,I , ii " Ii Ii section of Route WHEREAS it appearing to the Board that Second,,'ry Route 650, from the Inter- 7$5 to 1.00 ~tile South of Route 78~, a distance of 1 mile, serves Ii no public necessity and is no longer necessary for t,he uses of the Secondary System : Ii I: of State Highways. il I , . . r ':.., ~ ~' '~ . 12/11/68 -.- 125 . [.~=--''=~~-''-.~._'-""'-'.~''-- -- "'T.""_----,...-----,---~-------.------ -'.-' -.-.-=--- -_._-_._......,..,~--_.-,,-.-~. '"'''=.'''"-~..::.-==.-.,'''',...=,,~... ..c.;"""""-,,.~,:=-..-.__oc..-..,.." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the CJ,erk of the Board be directed to post and publish notice of the Board's intention to abandon the section of Route 650 as aforesaid, pursuant to Section 33-76.8 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, ,.. Earl Simms, and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that hll expected an opinion from the Attorney General within the next few days with rl!gard to the County's position on the matter of Cable Television. . The following reports are received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. j.~homas, and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors present: Lowell M. Gobble, Extension Agent, Agriculture, November 1968 Robert E. Layman, Jr., Extension Agent, Agri.culture, November 1968 Mrs. Jean Robbins, Extension Agent, Home Ecc,nomics, November 1968 Lois S. Faddis, Extension Agent, Home Economics, November 1968 AYES: NAYS: All None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhou,:,t, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the following vote, the County Payroll dated December 6, 1968, is hereby approved in the amount of $10,673.36 from which the sum of $469.65 F.I.C.A. Tax; $1,113.52 W. H. Tax; $154.55 State Income Tax $236.70 Blue Cross Insurance; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $29.76 Retirement; $68.60 Uniforms and Miscellaneous Expenses in the amount of $85.00 are to be deducted leaving a net I \ i \\~ /o~ . '!I~ ~ I' :rlO~/. ,ri\l"f i?>-, :! payroll of $8,500.58. AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. -, , --- On motion of Supervisor Jos eph c. Thomas, s.;conded by Supervisor 1. Earl Simms, and on the following vote, claims in the total amount of $9,338.95 charged to the Dog Fund were approved for payment. AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. A list of the claims as audited and approved in the amount of $9,338.95 and charged to the Dog Fund is filed with the minute, of this meeting. 126 tih/ ,>t Y 12/11/68 .-.....,.-- On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Ii Simms and the following vote, claims charged to the General Fund in the total ii amount of ~38, ,g7. 36 were approved for payment. " !i AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. I A list of the claims charged to the above Fund in the amount of $38,587.36 as audited and approved are filed with the minutes of this meeting. A list of bills paid since the last Board meeting was laid before the this day in the total alliount of $430,435.78. ii ~; !I " 'i Board'l I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that the checks in the total amount of $430,435.78 for bills :: Ii :i paid since the November 27, 1968 I:leeting be approved retro-active to date of !i Ii issuance. ji ,I II II AYES: All I' II il NAYS: None. " 'i ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. II I, Ii Ii IN RE: I, i: " .' il :: li " lr Ii i' County since the year 1963; and " " " Ii I! !I Estate be made during the year 1969; Motion carried. " il II !I II il il " II II :1 I i! I GENERAL REASSESSMENT OF REAL ESTATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY DURING 1969 FOR THE YEAR 1970. WHEREAS, there has been no General Assessment of Real Estate in Roanoke WHEREAS, this Board deems it advisable that a General Reassessment of Real ,i NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Super-Ii :! visor L. Earl Simms, BE IT RESOLVED that there be a General Reassessment of Real Estate in Roanoke County during the year 1969 for the year 1970. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to Sections 58-787 and 58-789 of the Code of Virginia, be requested to designate for the purpose of making such General Reassessment, such: person or persons as, in the opinion of said Court, may be necessary for the pur- pose of making such General Reassessment, and whose compensation shall be fixed by . this Board as provided in Code Section 58-788; AND FURTHER, that inasmuch as this Board has requested the Depalcment of Taxation to render advisory aid and assistance in making such General Reassessment, which has been granted, and it appearing that only one person will be required to perform the duties provided for in said Code Sections 58-7S7 and 58-789, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board recon~end to the Judge of the Circuit Court of I I <, Roanoke County, Virginia, that only one such person be appointed. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES:Joseph C.Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. r- .' _~~"--:-:~~:~~-~.-:-:~' ! l! II !: 12/11/63 127 On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, the report of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission is hereby re- ceived and approved for filing with the State Highway Safety Division as a prelim- inary report and program for highway safety in Roanoke County. Motion carried. ,- AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms NAYS: Lee B. Eddy ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. A copy of the report of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission dated December 10, 1968 is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Sheriff O. S. Foster, Chairman of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission appeared with regard to the above report. TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business November 31, 1968, there was to the credit of the follow- ing: - General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash :j School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Pre-School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash :: School Construction Fund - Available Cash " Data Processing - Available Cash F.r. C. A. Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash ;" Deferred Credit Account <..J Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow $531.000.00 Bank of Salem Escrow $2,713,000.00 Bank of Salem - Federal Programs Fund Bank of Salem - Textbook Fund " Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Debt Fund Colonial-American National Bank Certificates of DCDosit - School Construction Mountain Trust Bank First National Exchange Bank ,'" J (signed) Respectfully sub~itted, James E. Peters G. James E. Peters, Treasurer Roanoke County J $ 463,017.69 2,430.92 3,575.01 7,295.11! 18,708.99 59,786.37 14,408.41 7,229.34 56,716.65 4i'00 b:n,2l .56 $ $ 2,000.00 7,843.01 541,731. 51 56,716.65 18,708.99 3,980.90 360.00 1.870.50 633,211.56 t, ;p $ 100,000.00 25.000.00 125,000.00 $ A letter dated December 2, 1968, from E. W. Ramsey, Chief Geologist, Division of Water Resources, Department of Conservat~u'l and Economic Development, 911 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, addressed to ~rr'. Lee B. Eddy, requesting the County's donation to help defray the expense of the Upper Roanoke River Basin Geohydrologic Study, was this day laid before the Board. It was noted that this Board had previously (on September 25, 1968) agreed to participate in the study on a sharing basis and r~. Robert M. Shannonts letter dated November 11, 1968 with revised copy of Proration of Donations based on 1967 - . . . , . " 128 12/11/68 " Ii population estimates showing Roanoke County's prorated donation as being $2,120. ;1 ~was filed with this Board on November 13, 196$. Ii In view of the foregoing, the Executive Officer was instructed to send the " " " I, County's check in the amount indicated in Mr. Shannon's letter, made payable to i: "Treasurer, Commonwealth of Virginia,U and mailed to Mr. J. M. Alexander, Commis- 'I " I I] sioner of Water Resources, Dept. of C~nservation &; Economic Development, Richmond, vt Ii Ii II 0 ' '[ n motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl 11 I,' II ii I' Simms and the following vote, Hr. E. W. Ramsey's letter dated December 2, 1968, ,I " II ii to Mr. Lee B. Eddy requesting the County's donati(ln to cover expenses with regard l! Ii to the Roanoke River Basin Geohydrologic Study is hereby filed. !! :1 AYES: All " j! ii NAYS: None. ~ j, ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. " Ii j, I I \.,,\,~ JJ ,Wl C. Thomas, The General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted October ~~ ~~ 196$, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective Deoember I, \~.~~ I~ II .IV r " ,[AYES: ii On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhocdt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph,] , 9, " I 14' SCHOOL AD1~NISTRATION 19 - Capital Outlay: An additional appropriation of $400,000.00 is hereby made from the School Constructi.on Fund for the pemd ending June 30, 1969, for the purchasE' of land. I Adopted by the following, recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. :: NAYS: None. !: , !:ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. , , A Bill for ten (lO) memberships for the Board of Supervisors in the Salem- ,. 'j ~Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce in the amount of ~400.00 was approved for pay- Ii ,;ment on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seeonded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms ~ I: and on the follo~1ing vote: " :1 AYES: All i. :, i NAYS: None. !, ; I I ;;ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston :i " " A letter dated December 9, 1968 addressed 1;0 Mr. Paul B. Matthews, from I; Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Chief Probation Officer J.'equesting 3 reserved parking spaces ',was this day laid before the Board. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. osterhofdt, seconded by Supervisor L. Ear~ 'Che Chairman is em.t:'owered to reactivate the heretofor:e Parking Lot Committee and submit to them for study and recommendation the oreeden, Jr., Chief Probation Officer of Juvenile & Domestic reserved parking s)aces for the "field officers" of I i 12/11/6$ 129 - - .~'______ ___.__._____n_. _'____. -, .... ",.q,. - __.___~_ _"_.'__'~__ __,.__.__..__ ..,-.__"__=--.__~-."~_"...,.,,.,...._,__:_~.. - ._.,_."_. .n_ ;~ 1968, 1{r. Paul ~~tthews reported that he had r;reived a letter dated Dec~jber 4, from Howard Packett with attached copies Jf all the correspondence on billing ,with regard to the cost of a color advertisement on the back page of a special . supplement in the Roanoke Times and World News when the Civic Center was officially opened. It was indicated that Salem and Roanoke County agreed to pay half the I: ,: cost of the advertisement which amounted to $684.55. Mr. l>~tthews was requested to look into t.he matter further and report back to the Board. i The follOWing bids were this day laid be.fore the Board: On 4500 lb. G. V. W. Pickup - Vinton r~tor Co. ( Ford ) Beach Bros. ( Dodge) Harvest Motor Inc. ( IHC ) International Harvester Co. (Ford) . ~1913.97 12010.00 '2059.g2 2021. 72 - On 25,000 lb. G. V. W. Truck - International Harvester Co. (IHC) BeaCh Bros. (Dodge) Harvest ~IDtors Inc. (Ford) Vinton l~tor Co. (Ford) Alternate Bid Vinton Motor Co. (Ford) $4276. 83 $451J.t:8 ~5058. 52 $4g49.22 $4482.49 i \,~\"'b seconded by Supervisor Josep~ 'i \Q.o r/ the bid of Vinton Motor Co. ~n i~~' 1(30' - On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, Thomas and the following vote, the Board accepted i;C !i . , ,[ the amount of $1913.97 on the 4500 lb. F. V.W. Pickup. AYES: All 'NAYS: None. ::ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph :C. Thomas and the following vote, the Board accepted the bid of International 'Harvester Co. on the 25,000 lb. G. V. W. Truck in the amount (,f $4276.83. "';:,)1 BI'~ .~ c.,,~' '.AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. ~.. , ' , On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, upon the approval of Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke ~ County, it is ordered that TueSday, December 24, 1968, be d~clared a general holi- ~ ~ day for all Roanoke County employees, and the closing of the Clerk's Office and all ~b'b other County offices on said date. Copy of this order to be delivered to Judge F. L. Hoback. Adopted by the following vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms I~YS: Lee B. Eddy. ABSeNT: A. T. Huddleston. 130 12/11/6$ ,I The following correspondence was received and filed on motion of Supervisor Ii Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors present: Mr. G. W. Nicks'letter of resignation from the Salem Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission dated 11/13/68 addressed to the Supervisors; ~~. M. M. Sutherland's letter dated 12/3/6~who is Director, Dept. of Conservation & Economic Development, Richmond, Va., addressed to Mr. Lee B. Ejdy, regarding InformatiQn Stations; Copy of a letter dated 11/20/68 to Hon. George J. Kostel, Clifton Forge,Va. from Douglas B. Fugate, Commissioner, Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Va. regarding Information Stations; Mr. DOUglas B. Fugate's letter of 12/26/68 to Mr. Lee B. Eddy, regarding construction of information stations. (Mi'. Fugate is Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Va.); Copy of letter dated 11/15/68 from Director of Dept. of Conservation & Economic Development, 1~. 1~. Sutherland to Hon. George M. Warren, Jr., Bristol, Va. regarding Information Stations; Copy of Resolution dated 11/12/68 from Chamber of Commerce, Greater Bristol Area, Bristol, Virginia-Tennessee regarding Information Stations; I I i: :1 Ii " ~ " !i Copy of Letter dated 10/4/68 to l~rvin M. Sutherland, Director, Va. Dept. of Conservation &: Economic Development, RichmC''ld, Va. from Robert F., Nelson, Managing Director of Va. Travel Council, with attached ,1 copy of Resolution dated 9/20/68 adopted at the Autumn Travel Conference,: of Va. Travel Council regarding Information Stations; '! Copy of a Memorandum dated 10/7/68 regarding action of the Board of Directors of the Va. Travel Council on opening of Information Stations on Interstate 81 before the next travel season from Robert F. Nelson, ~~naging Directo~ addressed to Robert Sterrett, Executive Director, ~ Shenandoah Valley, Inc., Staunton, Va., Jack Blacka, Pres., Shenandoah I: Valley, Inc., Stuarts Draft, Va., Joseph C. Spears, Executive Vice pres':1 Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Bristol, Va., Robert Porterfield, Pres. i Va. Travel Council, Abingdon, Va., Marvin M. Sutherland, Director, Va. ~" Dept. of Conservation & Economic Development, Richmond, Va. Ii " ,I ii " !! G. L. Robertson, Resident En~ineer, Salem Residency Office, Va. Dept. of Highways, letter dated 12/5/6$ to ~~. Lee B. Eddy regarding Rte. 1144 in Roanoke Co.; with I Mr. Copy of Mr. Lee B. Eddy's letter dated 12/4/68 to Mr. G. L. Robertson, Res. Engr., Va. Dept. of Highways, Salem, Va. regarding Rte. 1144 Richard W. Arey's letter dated 12/3/68 from State Air Pollution Control Board, Richmond, Va. regarding The Norfolk & Western Railway Company's application for a variance from State Board Rule 4 - Open Burning; Memorandum to Chairmen of Boards of Supervisors, County Administrators & Commomiealth's Attorneys from George R. Long, Executive Director, Va. Association of Counties, regarding meeting to consider railroad assess- ment case (N & W) - December 18, 1968; Notice from State Corporation Commission to Board that Wilson Trucking Corp. has applied for a Certificate cf Public Convenience & Necessity as a common carrier between Roanoke &: Dublin, Va. via Interstate 581 & 81, I {hearing to be at Blanton Bunding, Richmond, Va., 1/9/69 at 10:00 A.M.; f AYES: All NAYS: None. I ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt was requested report to Board on the formation of a Community Mental Health Services Board. I t The Supervisors discussed amending the Ordinance governing rates for licensing motor vehicles and trailers in Roanoke County, and the matter will be taken up again at the December 26, 1968, ~eeting. 12/11/6$ 131 t --'''.'-,', "'_.,~,-' -,._----------,_._-----=-~.~----=-:,..,....'"""'"' ---~,-~,"'",'-_._.- - -~=,~...- Sheriff O. S. Foster's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days for November 1968 i'is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Copy of a letter dated 12/11/68 from Virginia L. Shaw, City Clerk, City of !Roanoke, Virginia, addressed to if.aycr Roy L. Webber, Chairman, Mr. Vincent S. :,Wheeler, Mr. Julian F. Hirst, enclosing copy of Roanoke Co. Supervisors' resolution :, requesting that the contract between the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County dated ~;9/28/54 dealing with treatment of sewage be amended to include additional land, was this day received and filed. The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thoma~, seconded :I 'by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, and the following vote: AYES: All t : NAYS: None. ::ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. (3 CHAIRNAN ,I .~ t 132 I' Ii I' ~ II II " il ~ Inasmuch as the fourth Wednesday and second regular meeting of the month of .:} ilDecember fell on a legal holiday, the Board of Supervisors met the following night, 'It I'll Thursday, December 26, 1968, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, j II 'I liPursuant to law. Members present: Chc.irman Lee B. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Charles H. 'I Ii Osterhoudt, Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. ,I II Lampros, Assistant il t Ilwere also present. i) , " il II ii I' I' !i ~Gottshall, Minister to the Peter's Creek Church of the Brethren who offered the !'invocation. The pledge of allegiance was given in unison to the flag led by the ilCh . II a~rman. I' II " 'I f I The minutes of the December 11, 1968, meeting were approved as spread, each lmember having received copies mailed to him by the Clerk, on motion of Supervisor IL. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote: i:AYES: All " Courthouse Salem, Virginia December 26, 1968 7:30 P.M. I Hud Heston ~ ComrooIl\'lealth's Attorn',y and and L. Earl Simms. Messrs. John Paul B. ~~tthews, Executive Officer, I The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend J. Richard ii 'I II II: iil ~i~ , I ~NAYS: ,I i; ., None. 'i I I " I " :) I ii ~Board of Supervisors ) j ) ',vs ) I ) IThe Public and the State Highway ) i:Commission of Virginia ) ORDER I 'i I' ,I 'i , lithe application for Chaparral Drive (Extn. <:f Route $00) from present end to Route !613 (Merriman Road) - 0.30 ~ule tv be accepted and made a part of the Secondary !!system of State Highways. i' It appearing to the Boa:-.l that drainage easements and a 60-foot right of way fo:r j' , I: said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Penn This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon II that by i County, Virginia, on August 27, 1968,t reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, 7, Page 17, of the records of the consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that said road kno\m as Chaparral Drive (Extn. cf Ii I,Route 800) from present end to Route 613 (~ierriman Road) - 0.)0 lule and which is 'I shown on a certain sketch acc0mpanying this order, be, and the same is hereby estab- ,I Ii lished as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of High\,ays I in Roanoke County. (I On motion of Su pervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl :i " ii Simms, the foregoing resolution ~Ias adopted by the follo~Jing recorded vote: I ! 12/26/(,8 133 ,-- -~ - .- --"'-'.~---""""""'-----~--;-~~--,-------.,----,-.._~._. II AYES: I Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. . NAYS: None. "II'. & Mrs. Larry Garven of 4602 Oak Road appeared before the Board this day to renew their request to have Oak Road taken into t:~e State Secondary System of High-.' ways. The Garvens stated that they now had the additional 10' needed for a 40' right of way. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that this Board request the Executive " Cfficer and Commonwealth's Attorney to obtain an appointment with the Resident Engineer of the Highway Department to view the roadway and obtain the necessary documents and ascertain the necessary improvement::; to be made for the taking of I i,i"~ t#t. ~'. :p., ~ i Oak Road into the State Secondary Highway System. On second of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and j,he follo'ling vote, the motion carried. I AYES: All NAYS: None. j Sheriff O. S. Foster appeared before the 30ard thi~ day and filed a written .., " :i 11 report and recommendation with regard to I: :i / b.1.1~ .J. :i l;J.r./ .. ~ supervision of the Sheriff's Department. ,! ~ The recommendation of the Sheriff's Department :as accepted and the administra- :i~~i~' tive duties of the Roanoke County Dog ~arden were placed in the Sheriff's Department~. ~ on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. the Dog i;'arden' s being placed under the Osterhoudt and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. , \ !'!ental I With regard to a Community/Health Services Board, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt reported that it would be advisable for Roanoke CO\IDty to participate in such a '" i , , -...J program. It was II was requested to ,: to this matter. agreed that additi(mal information was needed and the County Engjnet3r invite l,lr./;;anklin lbug!J/fo the January 8, 1969 meeting \vith regarcj t -1 I ....J :: RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO A:-lEND "THE ;;jOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE CO." l On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that, at the regular February, 1969, meeting of this Board to be held , at the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, on the 26th day of February, 1969, . at 7:30 p.m., the following amendQents to an ordin~nce adopted by the Board of Supervisors or Roanoke County on the 21st day of January, 1957, known as liThe Motor Vehicle License Ordinance of iloanoke County" will be proposed for adoption: Amend Section :2 only of liThe Hctor Vehicle License Ordinance of Roanoke County" with all other ;;ections, namely Section 1 - j.iotor Vehicles; Section .3 - License t 134 12/26/6$ i I i I C-"':_:.~:""___ Tax Year; Section 4 - Proration; Section 5 - Issuing License Tax; Section 6 - Refwlds :i i: or Unused Motor Vehicle License Taxes; Section 7 - Lost Tags; Section $ - Disposi- " tion of Revenue Derived from License Taxes and Fees; Section 9 - In Case Any Part i '[ of This Ordinance is Declared Invalid; and Section 10 - Penalty, to remain in full :; . fcrce and effect as adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on the 2~~t '1 day of January, 1957, and made effective the 1st day of April, 1957, a copy of which 'I is of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginiail Supervisors' Record Book 14 page 141. 'I PROPOSED AI,lENDi,1EiITS TO SECTION 2: i 'I " if :: ii !I !I to ii 2: AUTOMOBILES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS. i.IOTORCYC1ES, m:Q. Paragraph (a) amended to read as follows: nOn each and every automobile ii " i' !' which I: !! :i i I,~ "On each and every truck or trailer to which thi~ if is applicable, there shall be a tax per annum according to the following '! I I this ordinance is applicable, there shall be a tax of $3.00 per annum." Add new paragraph (a-l): Ii ordinance I; schedule: , ii Gross Vehicle Weight License Tax Per Annum . I I. " 8,000 Ibs. or less :1; , " i , 'I ,! " " 'I ,: ,I " 'I I' ,I ;1; I. :1 I. 6.00 , 8,001 11,500 Ibs. 8.00 11,501 - 15,500 Ibs. 19,500 lbs. 10.00 14.00 15,501 19,501 - i, :! " II " II Ii ~~1 i~ ~. ~:? ,i Paragraph (b) amended to read as follO\<s: / ,v I: !1 . ~!o'J.f I: tractor-truck and trailers or semi-trailers, each vehicle cO:lstituting a part of a separate vehicle, and separate license plat~s ~ ') " ii shall be issued therefor as set forth under paragraph (a-l) of Section 2 herein." f~i.p., p. ~~oJ: Adopted by the following recorded vote: i '~~'~O'~.,AYES: ~::e:~ :~d:~omas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and I f' (' I NAYS, Noo.. i~: J-~' 1 ! 29,500 lbs. 20.00 29,501 - 39,500 Ibs. 25.00 Allover 39,500 Ibs. 30.00 All trailers over } ton 6.00 All trailers :i ton or under , 1.50 ton "In case of a combination of a . On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and the following vote, the November report of Sheriff O. S. Foster on , Statement of Office and Travel Expenses for the Sheriff and his Deputies, was this day received and filed. ,.AYES: All 'NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddle~t0n, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the follo\.mg vote, the County Payroll dated December 20, 196$, is hereby approved in the amount of $37,61,S.$0 from ~Ihich the sum of :;;1,3$).17 F.I.C.A. j' Tax; $4,092.72 W.H. Tax; $561.55 State Income T~; $60.20 Uniforms; ~976.46 Retire- I I I I lZ/26/uil 135 u.-=-r.<-_--_" ~~-- , Ii ment; $299.70 Blue Cross and $95.00 I-Uscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leav)i ing a net payroll of $30,181.00. AYES: All NAYS: None. ~, A list of bills paid since the last Board meeting was laid before the Board thiSi~)~1~~~ day in the total amount of $3,00$.37. ',I M~ ,i c.;r.J ~ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simm~ :I-p~~.~ and the following vote, checks in the total amount of ~3,008.37 for bills paid s~nc~ :1 the December 11, 1968 Board meeting are approved retro-active to date of issuance. AYES: All NAYS: None. ------- NAYS: None. i ;~I~~J6t !~~ I~. ...) :i ...,,-1~v i~" .1 On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the fcllcwing vote, claims in the total amount of $102.49 charged to the Dog Fund were approved for payment. AYES: All ~ A list of the above claims as audited and approved are filed with the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote, claims in the total amount of $14,850.41 charged to the General Fund were approved for payment. : 15 1j" I J,~=:' t:' ;.:err~ ,.~ ~, ".) : ~r-;'~- AYES: All NAYS: None. A list of the audited and approved clains is filed with the minutes of this meeti~g. , , IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE ) SOUTH SIDE OF BROOK STREET, ) WEST OF SOUTH DRIVE NORTH1'lEST ) OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE ) OF ) MOBILE I-~Nu7ACTUP~S CORPORATION) " ORDER .-i ] This day came ~~bile I-anufacturers Corporation, by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. NOW, THEREFCR~, ~E IT RE~OLVED AilD ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the .. Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance: with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FL~THER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall 136 12/26/68 " " I' (I forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible Ii ii special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the Gaid Clerk iiby publication in accordance with the provis!.ons of the Code of Virginia. i: II \,.11> '. Ii \, ., . Ii I~\~ ~~..btion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. , ~~~ecretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ~~ i: The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. :iOsterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on a recorded vote, the regular or II :1 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu- ii " j,fa t th e".'~ , il ij 'I " 'i I I: I' Supervisors voted as follo"ls, to-wit: " ilAYES: All I I>lAYS: None. The resignation of Lois S. Faddis, Extension Agent, Home Economics, V. P. I. vtfi~ i.i xtension Division, dated December 11, 1963, effective December 31, 1968, is ,~ : ~.accePted with regrets on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simns secwnded by Supervisor zP-J. :: A. T. Huddleston and the follo"ing vote: "W;;rt1AYES: All ~~d,e ': IIA IS: None. tfY"" : ~~s. Faddis's letter of resignation is filed with the minutes of this meeting .' I 'I !I 'I I Copy of an advertisement which appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on i; Ii December 13 as advice of the public hearing in Richmond of the State Air Pollution " i Control Board to consider the request of the N & W Railway Co. to dispose of certain " ;, accumlations of refuse by burning in open dUI:lps on railroad property \.lithin Roanoke: " I' County, was this day received and filed. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt offered the motion that the County request ~: that Nr. vi. C. Bradley of the Health Department attend the hearing of the State ~ ;: Air Pollution Control Board on January 10, 1969, in Richmond and express the Board's ~~ ' approval of the Railroad burning \ieeds along the right of way, anu that he use his o 10' : . '\~I . Ii. good professional judgment in protecting the 1"1 ~: ~' ence to the burning of accUI:lulation of trash vp' . I ~\, +',..1.'.. the K & ~'/ Rail,lay Ccmpany. """-4. . ~ ~:'(~~D..0,I:..' ~V3 ing vote: \ I. :: AYES: All interests of Roanoke County with refer~ , on Railroad property as requested by I I The motion \~as seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the follow-, NAYS: None. I A letter addressed to ~~. Lee B. Eddy dated December 16, 1963, from Dr. C. P. Pope, Director, Roanoke County Health Department, regarding the refund check in the amount of $6,229.97 for the Home Health Services Program, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. II Huddleston, and the following vote: I! AYES: All 'HAYS: None. 12/ 26/c~ 137 ""_".".-0=," ',7"Oc"""'""'~"':'''":_"''''''':;.L.=_='"'';'= "=""'-.' ELECTION OF CHAIRj,lAN AllD VICE-CHAIRj'lAll FOR 1969 1/ :1 --- Supervisor A. T. Huddleston nominated Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt for Chairman of the Board of Supervisprs lor 1969. Nominations for Chairman were closed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: I AYES: All NAYS: lione. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt was elected Chairman of the Board fo~ 1969 on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded ~y Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: , 'AYES: All 1 NAYS: None. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt nominated Supervisor A. T. Huddleston for Vice-Ch~an of the Board of Supervisors for 1969. Nominations for Vice-Chairman were closed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote: , I AYES: All f - NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston was elected Vice-Chairman of t:le Board for 1969 on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms' .v and the following vote: ..... AYES: All NAYS: None. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt expressed the Board's appreciation to Supervisor Lee B. Eddy for his services rendered before this body and the County as Chairman of the Board of Supervisors in the past year, 1968. I Attorney Holman Willis, Jr. appeared before the Board this day representing Crystal Tower Corporation in the following rezoning matter. Richard Hamlett, build~r of the proposed apartment houses, also appeared. -- . ..~ 1 J IN RE: REZONlim OF T'.-;O (2) CERTAIN TRACTS OF ) LAND CONSISTING OF 12.13 ACRES BEING ) TRACT #6 OF THE ACSAL COMPANY, INCORP- ) ORATED LAilD AilD THE SECOND TRAOT 3.30 ) ACRES, ~DRE OR LESS, BEING THE NORTH- ) 1'mSTEHLY PORTION OF TRACT #5 OF THE ) DIVISION OF THE ACSAL CO~~Aifi, INCORP- ) ORATED LAUDS. SAID TRACTS ADJOINING ) THE SOUTHERLY CORPOP..ATE Lnm OF THE ) CITY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA AilD LYING ) tmST OF ROUTE 220, AND BELONGING TO ) CRYSTAL TO~~ CORPOF..ATION. ) t FINAL ORDER , :1 I , ~ At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held ~n the 26th day of December, 1968. t~S, Crystal Tower Corporation, did petition th~s Board and request that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain proper1;y be rezoned and reclassified from Residential District R-2 to Residential District i October 9,1 I R-3, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on 138 12/26/68 ---- --- ::-:-1--::- ~ i 'I 11968, and by order I; ': Roanoke County for its reconr:lendation, in accordance \iith the provisions of the , I! Ii Code of Virginia 1950, as anended; and entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of WHEREAS, the said Planning COr:1l11ission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on NOV~lber 19, 1968, after hearing at a public hearing held on ~ovember 19, fcounty Zoning Ordinance be amended so as fvidence as to the merits J968, reco~~ended to this of said petition, " Board that said j to change the classification of " the herein';' :i I' after " " " and " described property fron Residential District R-2 to Residential District R-3; ,I " t !: for I, and j: I' and " " " " " I"HEP..EAS, the Board of Superviscrs of Roanoke COlmty a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this did set the matter down , , " Board on Deceuber 26, 1908~: ~ gave notice thereof by pUblication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinanae the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, said pUblic hearing was held on the proposed anendment on il the 26th da~ i' :' of December, 1968 after due publication as provided by statute; and WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and Ii to said recommendation after hearing evidence as to the merits of the said proposed if I', ,I I; " 'iamendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County :1 'i f , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board ii Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 26th day of December, 1968, ~ " so as to reclas~i- 'I II to Residential !i should be amended as hereinafter set forth and as recommended by if Zoning Ordinance ,i Ii ,i said Planning Commission. " Ii 11 Ii II of Ii the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and:iihe same is hereby amended ~ fy the hereinafter described property from Residential District R-2 I! "D5trict R-3, in order that said property night be more fully and reasonably used, Ij ~the said property being so classified as Residential District R-3 is more particu- Ii larly described as follo~ls, to-wit: PARCEL#l: 12.13 acre tract being Tract #6 as shown by the map of the division of the properties of the Acsal Cor,lpany, Incorporated, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia in Deed Book 333 at Page 7S, which said property is a part of the same property conveyed to Crystal Tower Corporation by Richard R. Hamlett Construction Company, Incorporated, by deed dated December 20, 1965, and recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Office in Deed Book 791 at Page 464. PARCEL #2: Containing 3.30 acres, more or less, and being a northwesterly portion of Tract #5, as sho~n by the map of the division of the properties of the Acsal Conpany, Incorporated, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia in Deed Book 333 .at Page 78; and BEING the same property conveyed to Crystal Tower Corporation by J. Meade Harris and ~~rleine R. Harris, hksband and wife, by deed dated August 23, 1>68, and recorded in the Clerk's O:fice of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia September 3, 1968. . fi."~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~:ID ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwit~ ~ r,,1 ': certify a co_oy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of "he Planning COCllilis- ;. 'Y'; ~I". ,sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Hokan \lillis, Jr., attorney for ('oJ.( , petitioner. g~ C"~::d:O:::::o::'::i::'::i:::'::d T :',,:::::,:: :::::i::: :::::d II :",. ti" I f Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: . AYES: Hessrs. Eddy, Osterhoudt, Sir.,r,lS, Thomas and Huddleston. NAYS: ~one. j I I . t I i I t I . j ; 12/26/68 13!3 Attorney Claude Carter appeared before the Board this day representing i \ Ii' ~estover Developnlent Corporation in the follo~ing rezoning matter. Bullder, Richard ' Hamlett also appeared. --, IN RE: REZONBG OF CERTAIN TRACT OF LAilD) CONSISTING OF APPROXIVlA.TELY 14 ) ACRES, LYIlIG APPROXIi,iP.TELY 25U ) FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH SIDE uF ) SHEi~NDl;AH A VENUE, A SHORT DIS ) TA'ICE WEST OF THE RUA;~OKE CITY ) CCRPORATION LINE ) FI!~L ORDER j At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at ' the Courthouse on December 26, 196$. vlHEREAS, l"Iestover Developr.1ent Cc,rporation p(.:'i-i tioned this Board and req'.l6sted: 1 that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that: 'I , .' dential R-3u property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board f cert&in property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as uResi- on October 9, 1968, and by order enter~d o~ that date was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and \~llEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting held on November 19,1968, after giving publict~otice, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recor.u,le'lded to this Board that said County Zoning f - Ordinance be amended so as to cnange the classification of the property described in the petition to "Residential R-3" property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did by its order entered on October 9, 196$, - as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommenda- tion from the Planning CommissiOl., for"h,1i th set the same do,-;n for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinancee and the Code of Virginia; and ~HEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board toj be held on December 26, 1968, at 7:3u P.~. as the date and time for the public -..., hearing on the ~foresaid proposed m:lendr..ent to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly jJublished in the Roanoke \;orld NE!\ts nE!\_spaper on December 13, 1968 and December 20, 1968, \ihich paper has general circulation in I the County of Roanoke, Virginia, all of ~Ihich is required by said Order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the said County Zoning Ordinance and , ~ the Code of Virginia; and -'1 the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published liHEREAS, said public hearing ":as this date hni on said proposed amendment to , I as aforesaid, and the Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of "he Pla~,ing Commission and after hearing the evidence touching on the merits of the proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, is of the opinion that said County ZoninG Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Cor.Juission. NOi', , THEREFORE, BE IT RE.,CLVED ;":ID Ul'.DEhED that at this meeting of the Board 1968, the sad County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, amended to re- of Supervisors of Roanoke Ccunty, Virginia, held on this the Z6th day of DeceLlber, . I 140 1;;/26/68 u......-.---. "_"_._'~._'____'~_"""_..,._. c " " ii " Ii classify the property described in the ~aid petition to "Residential R-3" property I: in order that said property and any other buildinga constructed on said property ii ii herea:'ter may be used :Cor "Residential R-3" purposes as defined by the said Roanoke" " Ii County Zoning Ordinance. " . !i ,:1 " larly described as follows, to-wit: The property hereby classified as "Residential R-3" property is more particu- :1 : ! ' I ~~ ~. :' "lith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning :! I ~~lh} I' Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copym Claude D. Carter, attorney for! ~~:' the Petitioner. 'I (;7~.\) 11 The foreEoing Resolution was adopted on motjLon of Supervisor L. Earl Simms I' I J" 'I !t and seconded by Supervisor 1.. T. Huddleston and on the record vote the Supervisors ,'; I: voted as follows, to-\'lit: ~ , ~ II I BEGINNING at a point on the division line of the property of W. C. Craighead and John ii. Ellis, 250 feet north of the north side of Verterans Facil- ity Road; thence frore said point of beginning in a northerly direction, N. 120 03' 30" ~est, 406.65 feet to an old iron; thence with the line of the L. l~.Smith property, north 760 0' 45" East, 851.65 feet to an old iron; thence south 14' 51' 30" East, 911.42 feet to the property owned by French Staples; thence leaving the property line of French Staples in a westerly direction with a line parallel to the north line of the Veterans Facility Road 250 feet north of the north side of the Veterans Facility Road to the point of Beginning, and containing approximately 14 acres and shown on the survey for John W. Ellis dated August 9, 1966, prepared by T. P. Parker, S.C.E. j , , ;' t ,l j ~ i . , " I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall " " forth..:! I i ; . , "AYES I' : " I' :1 NAYS: , ! All None. I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote, the auditor's report by Anderson & Reed of Roanoke County Public Service Authority's statement of financial condition as of June 30, 1968, and the analysis of equity and income statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1968, is hereby received and filed. t , AYES: All HAYS: None. The follo\1ing correspondence \';as received and filed on motion Ol' Supervisor' L. Earl S~s, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of I the Supervisors: Copy of a letter dated 12/20/68 from John 'r. Hanna, Director, Highway Safety Division, Richmond, Virginia, to Sheriff O. S. Foster, Chairman, of Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission, acknowledging receipt of Roanoke County's Highway Safety Program Report to the Governor; Memorandum dated 12/11/68 from George R. Long, Executive Director, Va. Association of Counties, to Chairmen of Boards of Supervisors, Commonwealth's Attorneys and Sheriffs regarding Virginia Uniform Traffic Summons. I The following bids were this day laid before the Board: - On a pickup truck 142 12/26/6$ . -- . -- .---.--: --..- =.--=,=--- I' " II 'I Chapter IV - CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS BY OCCUPAHCY Chapter V - SPECIAL OCCUPAi~CY REQUIREiiENTS Chapter VI - CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS BY CONSTRUCTIOII Chapter VII - FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREJ'iENTS Chapter VIII - HEAniVG Chapter IX - SPRINKLERS AIm STANDPIPES Cha::;ter X - FIRE-RESISTANCE STAllDARDS FOR I.y.,TERIALS AIlD . CONSTRUCTION Chapter XI - l,iEANS OF EGRESS REQUIRE;I!EiITS (EXITS ldlD EXIT ACCESS) Chapter XII - j,IINIi.ilJH DESIGn LOADS Chapter XIII - FOUilDATIONS-EXCAVATIONS, FOOTIIIGS AilD FOUNDATIONS Chapter XIV - liiASON Y CONSTRUCTION Chapter XV - STEEL CONSTRUCTION Chapter XVI - COIICRETE COiiSTRUCTION Chapter XVII - 1-100D CONSTRUCTIOll SUPPLE:.iEiIT TO CHAPTER XVII -PLYlIOOD DIAPHRAGl'5 Chapter XVIII - LATHING AND PLASTERING Chapter XIX - RAT-PROOF CONSTRUCTION Chapter XX - LIGHT, VENTILATION AND SAlUTATION Chapter XXI - SAFEGUARDS DURING CONSTRUCTION Chapter XXII - USE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY Chapter XXIII - SIGNS AND OUTDOOR DISPLAYS Chapter XXIV - ELEVATORS AND ESCALATOtS Chapter XXV - PREFABRICATED CONSTRUCTION Chapter XXVI - PLASTICS Chapter XXVII - GLASS Chapter XXVIII - ALU1,fIiW;,1 COl1STRUCnOH I' I )i~ 1..1 I " ~ tr t'A-;tY. 11. ~ LlYll" ii ~~' If 1969. Copies of the complete text of the Southern Standard Building Code, 1965 ~" 1)?>I,q i: Edition, and 1968 Amendments, are on file in the Clerk 's Office for the ,-lrcuit ~~ 1: :: Court of Roanoke County, and may be exar.ineJ betwElen the hours of 9:00 A.H. and ~:, 5:00 P.I,!. lolondays throuE;h Fridays. ~.w ~ Ii This notice of intention to adopt such ordi nance shall be published as ~~~ ~ i : required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1->04 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as ~J~ , ",I. ~~.s ~ended) in an appropriate newspaper. Adopted by ~he following, recorded vote: APPENDICES CROSS INDEX The foregoing proposed ordinance, \'ihell pas,ied, shall take effect July 1, AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charle~i H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NA YS : IIone. Chair~n Lee B. Eddy expressed his appreciation to the ,! Clerk's Office for their help and cooperation during his term of' the Board. I I ;i 'I ;1 ,. ii II !1 I I I Board and to the of office as Chairman t Earl On motion of 143 . Courthouse Saler.;, Virginia January 13, 1969 2:00 P.E. '-, The 30ard of Supervisors met this day, being the secuml ~iednesday and the first regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia. J,jembers present: Chairman Charles H. Gsterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas, 1. Earl Simms and lee B. Eddy. 1-iessrs. Raymond R. i liobrecht, Commom~ealth 's Attorney and Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer were also I i present. i ,I 'I , ii ,I I Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt called th.e meeting to order and introduced :1 !iReverend V.. Carroll Brooke, Hinister to St. Elizaoeth's Episcopal Church in Roanoke 'I I' ,I 'I.,ho offered the invocation. The pledg', 01' allegimce vias given in unison led by': lj !: I! Chairman Osterhoudt. :1 :j 'I :! 'I 'I II Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, secondE;d by Supervisor Lee B. :1 :i Eddy and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the minutes of the December 26, 196~i :1 meeting \~ere approved as corrected, each member having received ~opies mailed to hir~1 II by the Clerk. !I II '! :'AYES' All !i . 4 I I plAYS: None. , , ,Russell, a member of the Advisory Board from Roanoke County, was spokesman for the A delegation representing Virginia i'iestern Community College appeared beforil ; Hr. ~.i. S. 'I I i The specific request \'Ias for 'i;3S,502.00 to be paid in 1;hree equal payments ih 'I l~. Harold C. Race and ~~. Henry Thomas also , :;the Board this day to request inclusion in Roanoke County's 1969-70 Budgrt. !group. . , i , , -- I,appeared regarding this matter. The Supervisors took the follo\'iing action: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved t:.1at the County Executive Officer, Paul j,!atthews, inclUde in his consideration ,lf the !)reparation of the budget for the 'cal year 1969-70 the item in accordance with 'the request that Virginia V.estern Com- ,munity College has made for our conside:.~ation at that time. i!IDtion carried on second of Su}ervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following :vote: 11 .hYES: All .NAYS: llone. A Copy of j'II-. Russell's \'iritten report and request on behalf of Virginia ';.;estern Community College \1aS this day :;'eceived and filed on motion of Supervisor :j,. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Siliuns and the follovling vote: AYES: All 'NAYS: None. , I 144 1/8/69 j , F'- -- .=-------:-...------------ , ,I I I' I I , I Dr. Earl Johnson, tx. R. Franklin Hough, Jr. and ~xs. Laddie I II Fisher appeared . i' the appo~nt- I, d " , :' before the Board this day to give background inforn::ation and recommend ': ment of a community mental health services board wtich would be jointly appointed and Roanoke Counties c,.nd the l~yors of the City of and City of nuanoke. I authuri-: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this Bc:ard of Supervisors grant Chairman of tlle Board to meet with the Chairman of the Board of Superviso~s ;j of the Cities of Salem and Roanoke to jointly Ii " I. appoint a community mental health services board, ~:hich board would provide mental retardation services to the area, provided that the other three localities 'i agree to participate in the appointment of thi's board. " wotion carried on second of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following :i ,i recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H Osterhoudt l-IA YS : None. i Sheriff O. S. Foster and j'lr. Con A. Davis, Chairman and Vice-Chairman 'respectively, of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Gommission appeared this day to request the Board's endorsement of the "Three Phase Driver Education ProgramU and "Training for Traffic Officers and Summons Imprinte:'s" ?ro['ram as outlined and presented. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, s e,~onded by Supervisor A. T. " (Huddleston, and the follo~iing recorded vote, it is !"esolved that this Board of SupeI'~ ',visors recommends approval of the "Three ..hase Driver Education Prograru" and "Train- " Traffic Officers and SWIl/Jons Imprinters" as outlined and presented by the County High,':ay Safety Commission. Jos.ilPh C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, J... T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and ChaI'les H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. , IN RE: A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF OAK HOAD AS A PART QE' THE ST/I'E ;;ECONDARY SYSTEH OF HIGH\iAYS OF ROANOKE C lNI'Y 11 \'-lH:EREaS, at a regular meeting of the Boarc, of Supervisors of Roanoke Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on l.ionday, September 19, 1966, it "Ias resolved that Oak Road become a part of the State SE1condary System oi' High,':ays <-1' countl' , ,: Roanoke County, the Board of SupervisorG guaranteeing the right for drainage; and WHEREAS, the citizea~ uwning property on t.he said Oak Hoad oontinue to de- ,.sire the acceptance of said road into the State Secondary System of High~lays uf Roanoke County and have, to this end, pres~nted the Commonwealth's Attorney for Roanl'ke ,'County ,;ith an informal petition containing the namEfS of nineteen (19) fanilies ':who are landowners on property adj-Jining said road I equesting the acceptance of said " Ii ilroad as a part of the State Secondary System of Higb;ays of Roanoke County and agree- Ii I:1ng to give to Roanoke County, \'iithout compensation, an easement and right of \;ay I: ! " I' j I I. I ~ 'I I I , f . - ."1 I .. ': ' ' . "', . ~ -: j , 1/S/09 14'5 t ;: :: i! for ii 'I 'I and! said road, said easement and right of ~Iay to be a total of 40 feet in width all necessary drainage facilities, said right of way to be free from all encroach- ~ : ments; a:~EREAS' the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to provj.de the r! pu 1!1l ~~ best possible services and facilities to its citizens; t: n ,.,J~ ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commomlealth's Attorney be clirectec' ~; .J;:1t, "to prepare all formal papers necessary for the acceptance cf Oak Road into the Sta~~~~~ Secondary System of High~lays for Roano.,e County and that the Commonwealth '5 Attornel!i }alb ~, , , I ,1,,( and the County Engineer meet with the tesident Eng:..neer of the Virginia Department,D"""'~~t:rl , of Highways or his representatives and proceed with the acceptance of Oak R,'ad into '~k ~,...1fJ the State Secondary System of High\"lays of Roanoke County; and .~~~ BE IT FURTHER RE.:iOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Resi-, j ~' '-'V6.' !A.' :, dent Eng::::r m:::o:h:f V:::::::s::P:~t:::: ::n~:~h::,,~::~ded by Supervisor A. T. :' pY I t I: ..-J - .-... , Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: . AYES: All ,NAYS: None. ~ The CO!lllllomlealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, reported that he knew of flO,/,./6f legal objections to the Board's taking the follo\1ing action.; if; Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors t~~ through the Delinquent Tax Collector institute a pl.'ogram to attempt to collect I~I i delinquent real estate taxes, the Collector of Deljnquent Taxes serving as an agent ~ ~~ of the Clerk of the Court in this matter and that the monies collected be turned :~~ over to the Clerk of the Court. ~- l~tion carried on second of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddle;;;ton, L. Earl .:iimms and Charles H Osterhoudt. " HAYS: None. I" Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the request Domestic Relations Court for three reserved parking spaces on the Courthouse lot be denied. .... The motion carried on second of Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following n u vote: AYES: All ,\A~q kl't On motion of SupervisQr Lee 3. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas rl1 ~~ and the following recorded vote, the Board formally reappointed llr. J. Oliver Stein tpJ"~ptJ ::6:~e Roanoke County Planning CommissiQn for a four year term starting January 1, .~ $if ~ o~ 1r.d:f Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddle:;ton, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. 41 ~"1.}/l.' ~'I NAYS: None. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Osterhoudt. None. 146 1/8/69 ..vK~ ~~2: O~~1 On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following vote, the County Executive Officer Paul B. ;'atth~ls is authorized to confer "ith the Telepho:le COtlpany and obtain estimates vn the cost of installing a s\litchboard i:l the Courthouse. AYES: All I I llA YS : !lone. IN RE: REZOHING OF LOTS 10 AND ) 11, I,lAP OF ;"LPDlE HILLS ) ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGIilIA, ) BELONGING TO Tor.; T. TEIChLER ) Aim PHYLLIS D. TEICHLER, ) HUSBAND Aim 'linE ) ORDER I This day came Torn T. Teichler and Phyllis D. Teichler, husband and wife, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AiiD ORDERED that at its regular meeting ofl the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. l' Ii I' II j; \~ith I[ :1 !! ii shall report Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for' a recommendation Ii AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AllD ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoni*g Ordinance as requested in said petitil.ln be, and the same is hereby referred to the if i: 1'1 in accordance!1 " !I I the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND OP-DERED that when said Pla~~ng Commission :i its reconwendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code " I: said Clerk of this Board shall! I of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the forthwith set the same dm'ln for a public hearing at .the next permissible rebular ori: special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by pUblication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER P-ESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this saici. Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Secretary of the Planning Comnission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted ~n motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Siwfis and on the recorded vote, the :i Supervisors voted as follm;s, tOv;i t: ! Ii AYES: All , ii :' NAYS: None. II III RE: FRO?OSED REZOllING CF 4: ACRES ) OF LAUD KilO;m 1-..S BLOC Ie.::. 1 AiiD 2, ) ;:';'P 1 010' NORTH SU;,l!.iIT HILLS AND ) FROli'l'IilG 655 1o'EET UN EDGEL;,.,N AVENUE ) SITUATED III ROf,.:;OKE COUNTY ) ) OF ) ) FREDERICK ';;. FIr~I~Y, ET J..L ) ~ ORDER , TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISClt::i OF RCA:~OKE ClJU:'ITY, VIli.GD!Ii..: I 148 I i i l-.-.------- t__ i , I i , , 7./S/69 /iing ad to the necessity of extra help in the Caunty Registrar's Office. !: F i, 'I " Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion. SuperV1.sor A. T. Huddleston uoved that the mo"ion be anended as follows: if jl " I !; " Elec-,i "that the Executive Officer also investigate the practices of the Plumbing and ,trical Department as "0 their "lays uf arriving at the salaries that vie approve for ':them each month." i'i I Amendment to the motion died for lack of a second. " .,' d ii The original notion 'lIas carried l1y the follo,.,ing vote: ':AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. I A list of bills paid since the last '.lecting of the Board, Deceoher 26, this day laid before the Board. (Total amount - $76,464.70) On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph ~ i C.j':' " and the follo,:ling vote, checks in the total amount of ;P76,464.70 for payment " 26, 196$ meeting be, and hereby are approved retro-activ,'~ , :,to date of issuance. " iiAYES: All jl " ; NAYS: None. ;1 I The above-mentioned list as audited and approved is filed with the minutes, 'of this meeting. i , I ~; I \ Ii , Thomas, and the follo,:ling ; (f'!- \\0.. / Dog Fund are approved for i ~~yJ, AYES: All i 'J-~ HAYS: None. ! , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlestcn, seconded hy Supervisor Joseph C., vote, claims in the total amount of ';;1033.39 c:1arged to the payment. A list of the above claims as audited and approved is filed ':/ith the "minutes of this ';jeeting. I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlestcn, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thumas, and the following vote, claims in the total amount of ~20,94S.4S charged to {\~ < the General Fund are approved for payment. ~J r:~,'. AYES: All ~ .I ~ '. NAYS: ;~one. ~~ ,', ,G1 .~ list of the above claims is filed ':lith the minut1s of this meeting as audited and approved. I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seCunded by Jurervisor A. T. following vote, the County Payroll dated January 3, 1969, is I r ":"':o~~~",~-:c;.. _ " , ~, . -- , -' .~.1 I I 149 - .~"..._--~--'--~~'--- . ...-.- -~... -. -- . .'. ." ..______ - _.no lihereby aHroved in the amount of ;1;10,395.42 from ~Ihich the sum of $498.96 F.I.C.A. :'Tax; :pl,029.16 ~I. H. Tax; :;;133.95 State Income Tax; ';;101.25 Uniforms; ;;;29.76 Retire1 iiment; .jJ247.20 Blue Cross Insurance; ;j;15.00 Accounts Insurance; ;p75.00 Miscellaneous 'I,. II . " :[Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of ;1;8,260.14. ~YES: All NAYS: Hone. The follovlin;;, correspondence '<as this day- received and filed on motion of :Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms: r A Letter dated October 24, 196$ to Mr. E:ldj" from the National Ass,)ciation of Counties signed by Bernard r-. Hillenbrand, Executive Dir(~ctor, thanking Roanoke County for joining the ;.ssociation; A Letter dated October 24, 196$ addressed to I,Jr. Lee B. Eddy from Janes H. Aldredge, President of the National Association of Counties, asking Roanoke County to join the Association; Copy of a letter dated January 3, 1969 aidressed to I.:r. \.;. J. Pax1;on, Jr., City I:.anager of Salem from C. F. Kellam, District Engi~eer, Virginia Department ,of High\1ays "lith attached copy of <, resolution dated 12/19/68 adopted by the Highway Commission, regard- ing Route 419 (nevI construction betv;een Salem and the Inter- change of Routes $1 and 116) being added to the Primary Sys'~em; Copy of a letter dated 1/7/63 to Roanoke County Zoning Commi~,sion. from D. L. Ferguson, regarding zoning tolerances; Copy of l~onthly Report of the Director of the Roanoke County Fubllc Library (January1969); f: Copy of the Financial Report for lJ0vember 1968 of the RoanokE' County Welfare Department; Copy of a letter dated December 31, 196$ to Dr. C. P. Pope, Director of 1 Roanoke County Health Department from Charles D. Yaffe, Director of Control Agency Development Division of Department of Health, Education and \';elfare, regarding approval of application fe,r an air pollutiou control program grant; A letter from Julian F. Hirst, City ~~nager of City of Roanoke dated 12/27/08 to I,Jrs. Elizabeth \;. Stokes, Clerk of Roanoke County Board of Supervisors regarding report being forwarded to CO'.lnty Planning Commission as to the location of other sites considered for landfill. :I,lotion carried by the l"ollo..ling vote: \ t AYES: All llAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph cL t Thomas and the unanimous vote of the :Supervisors the Treasurer's Report \ws this day received and filed, as spread: , January 3, 1969 TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF' RO;';IOKE COUiJTY: At the close of business December 31, 196$, there was to the credit of the fOllOWilg: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash ;p 726,957.20 Dog Fund - Available Cash 12,$69.91 School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash $,1,52.13 School Textbook Fund - Available Cash 17,347.2$ School Construction Fun~ - Available Cash 544,125.30 Data Processing - Available Cash 10 ,1,25 .39 Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash 29,il71.72 Deferred Credit Account 63.33 Library Construction Fund - Available Cash 52,037.87 , Parks & Recreation Construction - Available Cash 51,01$.93 F.I.C.A. - Available Cash 20,649.34 Retirement Fund - Available Cash 2,123.30 :;; 1,475,942.25 f 1/22/09 -, , Ii ii The Supervisors took the follO\"ing action: On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Edd~r, 3econded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, , i: 'the follo\dng resolution \'laS presented: Resolved that the R.oanoke County 31)ard of Supervisors does hereby end.orse the est"blislunent of Community Recreation Councils to work with the Department of Parks " and Recreation and under the direct sup'3rvision of the Department of Parks and . Recreation in the establishment and conduct of a recreation program for Roanoke County. Adop~ed by the following vote: :~ AYES: All :, NAYS: None. ~~. Branstetter's letter and attached report on COLmunity Recreation Councils are filed vlith the minutes of this meeting. ;'ir. Darrell Shell, Director of Roanoke County Parks &. Recreation Department also appeared regarding the mat'cer of Community Recreation Councils. ~ Iii RE: REZ01UilG OF Tlti.CT OF LidD 13 ) THE CAVE "PRIilG j,:';'GISTE.1IJ"L ) DISTRICT LYING lIOF;Tl{1,iEST OF ) THE NORTHi'iE;3T Ei-lD OF TOi;iJSIDE ) DRIVE, AFPROxrl,lhTELY 1006.77 ) FEET i,EST FRu;: TIiE ;JORTH\'.E::;T ) CORNER OF THE IiJTERSECTWl{ OF ) TO\iNSIDE DRIVE AiJD U. S. ) HIGH\;AY 220 ) FIliAL Of"DEIi. .....; A~ a meeting of the Board of Supervisors or Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on January 22, 1969. ,:HEP~AS. Golden Park Corporation petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning (Jrdinance of Roanoke County be amendp.d so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Busines~ B-2" property, ~Ihich petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on Hover.lber 14, 1968, and by order entered on that date l'iaS referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for reco!iunendation in accordance ..lith the provisions '-.-"\ of the Code of Virginia; and iiHEREAS, the Planning Commissicn by resolution adopted at a meeting held on December 17, 1968, after giving puLlic notice, and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recor.~ended to this ooard that said County Zoning i ..... . Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Business 3-2" ]:r~pErty; and ..., , ! I ....... UHEHEAS, the 30arci of Su!)nrviscrs did by its order entered on Hovember 14, 196$, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recom- mendation from the Planning Comndssion, forth\-:ith set the same do..1n for a public . hearing at the next permissible regular or ~pecial meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance ..lith the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinanoe and the Code of Virginia; and \'iHEREJ..S, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular neeting of this Board to be held on January 2.2, 1969, at 7:30 P.I.I. as the date and time fer the public 153 ';"~'~~~~""=' '!i:J,1L69~o ."1> :'~r~ : ~,El~ '.:.~~ ~,Cil ..,:.'~'Mfl ; f,'" ........ J ""1.-1 ; , !(~.CA~A5 : l4!~:' "fP"1 I 154 1/22/69 Ii !ihearing on the aforesaid proj:osed amendment tc said County Zoning Ordinance and r! iadvertised the i! i'January 9 and January 16, 1969, same by nctice duly published in the Roanoke ~orld-News newspaper on ii which paper has general circulation in the County of" :'Roanoke, Virginia, all of ~Ihich is required by said order of this Board and in iaccordance \1ith the j:rovisions of the said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of I;Virginia; and I. ~~EREAS, said public hearing was this date had on said proposed a~en~1ent 'to the C~unty Zoning Ordinance by this 30ard after notice thereof was duly published; Ii ! as aforesaid, and the Board, after giving careful consideration to said petitIon andi' to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing the evidence touch- :1 I: I :,ing on the merits 01' the proposed amendn:ent to said County Zoning Ordinance, is of ':the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in petition and as recoffinlended by said Planning Commission. 'dl sa~ i; , " " :: Nm;, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED hND ORDERED that at this meeting of the 'I day of Janu-: ,:Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this the 22nd :'ary, 1969, the said County Zoning Ordin2.nce be, and the same is hereby, am!mded to !'reclassify the property described in the said petition to "Businass B_2" property , : in order that said property and any other buildings constructed on said pr,'perty , ,:hereafter may be used fcr "Business B-2" purposes as defined by the said Roanoke , !,county Zoning Ordinance. ii I' harly I' " II " " The property hereby classified as "Business B_2" property is mOrE! described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Townside Road 301.95 feet northwesterly from the Intersection of the northeasterly side oJ: TO\"lnside Road and the northwesterly side of U. S. High\"lay Route 22U, both e:(tended; thence with a line of the 0.360 acre tract, N. 310 15' 30" E. 125.61 feet to a point on the Harbour line; thence with the same N. 520 14' W. 690.56 feet, according to the ~ap of Tcwnside of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court'of RoanOKe County in Plat Book 4, pa$e 30, ,;hich mill' has now been ve,cated (see Deed Book 670, page 315), the actual pdnt of Beginning, thence continuine; \;ith the Harbour line ~. 52- 14' vi. 248.90 feet to Corner 23 in the branc:h; thence ui' the . branch S. 490 12' \.;. 41.0 feet; thence S. 360 46" h. 85.0 feet; thence S. 64" 24' ii. 55.72 feet; thence S. 13' 5::;' Ii. 76.0 feet; thence N. 350 52' ',oj. 35.17 feet; thence N. 39' 44' Ii. 80.0 feet; thence S. 76" 47' ~. 61.59 feet; thence S. 47'17' w. 173.0 feet; thence 37035' W. 59.34 feet; thence S. 240 22' w. 95.96 feet; thence S. 49"21' \i. 201.47 feet to a point; thence leaving the branch S. 33"3EP E. 35.45 feet to a point; thence S. 36'0S' , E. 160.0 feet to Corner 14; thence S. 660 41' 10" E. 251.93 feet to Corner 15; thence N. 34' 25' E. 404.73 feet to Corner 17; thence N. 520 43' 104.08 feet to a point; thence il. 37"43' E. approximately 300 feet to the point of BEGINl'IHJG. IT IS FL~7HER RESOLVED AND OhD~,ED that the Clerk of this Board shall il particuJi II I, ,I Ii I I: I I ~'forth,:ith certify a copy of this llesCilution and O)~der to the Secretary of the Plan- . ':' ning Comr.-.issio,l of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a co~y to Claude D. Carter, attcrne:r for the Petitioner. The foregoing llesolution ,.la5 adopted on J'lOtion of SUl,ervisor Lee B. Sddy I by Supervisor L. Earl Sir,uns and on the r,?cord vote the Supervisors voted ab follows, to-~it: AYES: Joseph C. Thor.-.as, Lee J. Eddy, .... T. Huddl'?ston, L. Earl Sir,1nls and Charles H. Osterhoudt. HI. YS: bone. 1/<~/'c~ I- -'-"~,",-"'-C~."""'.-.,. . -"-_.--"-~--''-:'''-<-'-'"'--=-''~~='-- Attorney Claude Carter, Harold 'i:ray and Richard Hamlett appeared \,ith regar::ll , , to the foregoing rezoning matter. I ~ , i-.t 6:15 P .l,i. this meetinc of the hoanoke County Board of Supervisors in the' County Courtroom on the third floor of the Courthouse was recessed to reconvene I' , . ' immediately on the second floor in the Circuit Courtroom for the purpose of holding'i , the public hearing on the rezonin[ reques t 01' Frli,lin & lialdron, Inc., upon the " i: motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, second by Supervisor Lee J. Eddy and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. The public hearing was cor.~enced in the Circuit Courtroom at S:20 P.W with arguments and exhibits being presented by ci. Caldwell Butler, Attorney for the petitioners, Fralin & Waldron,in support of their request that 19 acres on Colonial i : Avenue be rezoned from R-l to R-3 in order that apartment houses may be constructed! thereon. Nessrs. Fralin, \ialdron and H'ltcherson 'were present and recognized. The Supervisors then heard Den,ood Rusher, Attorney for those opposing the requested rezoning, present reasom vlhy the request should be denied. j,:r. Rusher then introduced the following residents of the general area who appeared to also I.; j:! - " show cause why the request should be denie~: ).:r. Stanford Byrd - 3580 Colonial Avenue ~:r. Calvin Aliff - 3606 Colonv Lane l!.r. Levlis Pinkard - 3604 GeorgetOl-Tn Road ~lI'. Leroy Hendricks - 3486 Greencliff Road ;,ir. l:illiam Dale - 3233 Vioo,:iland Drive JlI'. E. D. Stover - 3504 Old Town Road ),:r. Tom Rotenbury - 3516 GeJrgetovm Road j.:r. 3. Ii. l:oody - 3541 Colonial Avenue the Upon consideration Of/natter, the Su!,ervi3ors took the follOl,ing action. I: . III RE: REZOI-lIIfG 19 ACRES, ;;OhE OF. LEJS SITUAJ:'E OIl THE ~OU'l'H:ER.LY SIDE OF COLO:rrAL AVE:HJE, Sh, 3EElG 1\,0 ADJC.INI!lG PJ.RCELS OF 14 AC}~E;; IIDRE OR LESS, AIID 5.22 ACRES ) ) ) ) ) F.EQUEST DE:IIED Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this request by Fralin &: \ialdron, Inc., for rezoning of this land fror.l R-l 'co R-} be deni:ld. Hotion carried on second of Surervisor 1. Earl Sinll,'s and the follovling recorded vote: AYES: Lee 3. Eddy, L. Earl Sil':'.I3s and Charles 1-1. O,;terhoudt UAYS: Josel,h C. Thomas and .~. '1'. Huddleston. ..... J Upon com}'letion of the ;'ublic heurins at :.0:10 P.l,;. in the Circuit Courtroc:r" the t;eeting recessed and reconvened in the County Courtroom ac 10:15 P.l:. to resume l consideration of the other asenda items. ~~1 '~~ r I,;.J I ~~1\" :::::':::::0::,',::::';;,':.:::::,:';::'::: ::~::~:: ::::,:::,:":::::::::: ::th ~~~ be heard this day at 2:00 1'.n. insteau (,1' at 7:3(J:P.i:. Therefore, the Chair ruled ~.19J1& thoC ",".n on th, ~"'e b. d,fom' fee ",J"";i"...,,,,,,,, ,.blio ",cine. ~~;1. ~ ~;::; The public hearins on the loetiti,m 0.' the State High\'!ay Del"artlilent for 156 1/':'2/09 " ,. iiThe following committee reports ~Iere given: Capital Improvements - Supervisor Osterhoudt Air Pollution - Supervisor Eddy S~dage Contract - Supervisor Eddy A. T. Huddleston moved that Supervisor Lee B. Eddy meet, as the of the Board of Supervisors, with the representatives of the other discuss cooperative efforts on an air pollution contr;:;l cru.inaitce. 'i , I Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion \'Ihich ~Ias adopted by the vote: None. I I The Chairman confirmed the appointment of the Vice-Chairman to act for the " "Board in investigating and reviewing personnel matters. /' 61::'~1 ~Ij: IJ ~ "G "IN RE: COj.jPEj~SATIOJ\ FOR ASSESSOR ;,,;m APPR.,ISEh KM(: ~ .;J: ii Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Sinuns and the unanimous vote of the ~~i.,superVisors: _ :, 1,lI'. Dan K. Cooley, State Appraiser - ;;ioOO.OO Salary II, ~200.00 Expenses ~~' :1 ~ The follcwing salaries and expenses were approved on motion of Supervisor I Ii A. 'Vi . " t I j,lr. Frank R. Angell, County-a~pointed Assessor - ~900.00 per month to be broken do~m as fo11O\;s - ~750.00 salary, ~150.00 expenses. I ;' AYES: All ,NAYS: i'lone. r,;r. A. T. Huddleston's letter to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors / ,dated January 22, 1969 regarding salaries and expenses reconunended for the State ! !IAppraiser and County-appointed ;"ssessor is filed with the minutes of this meeting. t ~lr. Leonard Pick, Secretary of the Roanoke County Electoral Board, and ~lr. Paul 1atth~1s, County Engineer and Executive Officer, appeared before the Board this' : day with ree;ard to hiring a full-time assistant for the County Registrar. Kr. Pick's \'Iritten recommendation and request to the Chairman of the Board of Superviscrs dated January 10, 1969 ~:ith regard to the ab.Jve mutter is filed I with the minutes of this meeting. ~~~\''i--- 6"" -t, , The Supervisors took the following action: j: IH RE: A.3SISTh.:IJ'T TC TH3 GCUj'J.'Y iGGIST~ii.;;' I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston 1.1oved tnat Jo ~.nn Foster, part-time assistant II the County Registrar, be employed as full-time assistar.t to sa'.1e l'or the period of time to begin February 1, 1969 throu;;h July 1, 1969 at a salary of ;p275.00 per month. Hotion carried on second of Supervisor L. Earl SiUlffis and the follv"ing vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. ~! : , :1 " endorsed the abcve requests of the De;Jar-tr,lent of Parks &. Recreation ;;ith attached 'I copy of a letter fr,"r,J ;.Ix-. Shell to the Recreation BGard da'l;ed January e, 1909 ex- I r" ", ,",,"i~ b'i"" in~'m', i, fil,' ."" ", mi:u;" ur I !' !~ Il~~~-- ,[~~~ ~~~r~ r, ~ 'i~'~~, j. i~~V1r ,La\irence L. j.:artin, Gene Grubb, George J. Conner and Carl R. Catron by $25.00 a :nont~, l . I' , . it~'I~~\c'>' : 1'- / i~~' ! f?1oDk. -< :'~, ~ij:~ ~f!</I:~; ,- purchase of a ne\< dump truck (apprcxil"ate size, 2; Ton) for U3e by the Roanoke count~tliJ.L "b-~~ ,:'~~~1J Rec~eation Department, and al~o the hiring of an additional per~on to act as Super- lr~~. "visor of Sports for Roanoke County's ilecreation Department ,lith a 3alary range of ,!~,' 1/ .:!.~/ 03 _._.____ "'__'-0'-__- ___________ ____.___."_".. . . __ ....._n__ ~ Hr. Darrell Shell, Director, Departr,:ent of Parks &. Recreation for- iioanoke '1 ,i County, appeared before the Board this day toe request a ";25.00 raise per month, " " i! effective January 1, 1969 lvr- four en;!loyeed on the i-l9.intcnance CrEnI, the purchase I: Ii of a ne,1 (:U!n[J truck, o.nd the hirine; of an additional jlerSCn tu act as Supervisor Ii :i of &Forts f'or the rtecreation lJepartnent. I h. statement. auvi3ing that the Iiecreation Doo.rd at its January meeting , plaining the reasons .i ii this meeting. .' Iii HE: PARKS & rtECREATION DEPARTiiE;IT jlIAINTElu"NCE E;>iFLOYEES' Sf..1ARY InCREASES Supervisor Lee B. Eddy uoved that the Board of Supervi30rs approve the requests of J,:r. Darrell Shell, Director of the Roanoke County Parks &; Recreation Department and the Roanoke County Board of Recreation to raise the salaries of effective January 1, 1909. Kotion carried on sec,'nd of Surervisor Joseph C. Thol,;as and the following ,vote: : AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, ". T. Huddle3tun and L. Earl Sil:<nS. NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt. - .' Il~ RE: DEPARTi.:ENT OF P;,j,KS & liEC,tEJ..nU:I "UTHORIZED TO PURCi-'..'.SE ;r,::l, DU:? TRUCK & H~E A SUP&qVISOR CF SPURTS On ~otion of Su)ervisor Lee 3. 3ddy, seconded by SUFervisor Joseph C. ',Thomas and the follo;.;ir.(; rull call vote, the Joard of Supervisors approved the :! o;;600Q to :,;$000 a year. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, Osterhoudt. J... T. Huddleston, L. Earl Sit~s and Charles ., NAYS: ,'lone. ;'.ii i ~ Sheriff O. S. Foster ap,Jeared before the Board this day \iit;h reference to the following natter. ] II-! RE: SHERIFF'S DEPAm:i:E;jT G&.;ITED PE.lil;ISSIOi; TO ORDER EIGHT ($) NEI! POLICE CU,S Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved th,:;;t the Board of Supervisors grant Sheriff O. 's. Foster's request for ;'GrInission tv ,lace an order i'or the .ourchase uf eight ($) ne',1 police cars to be delivered after Jul,' 1, 1>':9. Kotion carried on second of Sujervisor Jo~e!:h C. Thomas and the following vote: AYES: All lJA YS : !Ione. 157 , I I " H. I' 't ;1 , 1/~.J/~1./ ItrfV ~. ;! t ~~ i t 158 1/22/69 Su[ervisor A. T. Huddleston r,lOved that this Board request the Roanoke " Valley Regional PlanninG Cor.unission throubh it's representative on the Commission to request the State 3ureau of Solid ',.:..ste and Vector Control to evaluate and " ; report:! , " ;. to us on the disposal area that Roanoke County nou uses at Dixie Caverns as a region~l ,I 'landfill for the Roanoke Valley area. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion. Following a brief discussion, Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the mo- ,tion be tabled. Supervisor L. Earl Sim..:1S seconded the motion lihich carried by the ,following vote: i'AYES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sir.un" and Charles H. Usterhoudt 'NAYS: 1-.. T. Huddleston and Joseph C. Thomas. A letter dated Deoer,lber 26, 196$, addressed to Hr. Paul B. j,latthel'ls, Execu" :!tive Officer of the Board vi Supervisors, frem F. C. Forberg, Director, Division of ,Real Estate Appraisal and ~lapping, D~Dartment of Taxation, Richmond, Virginia, recow~ , , mending ~,;r. Dan K. Cooley for elnployment in conjunction \'lith the County's 1969 icgeneral reassessment of locally --",xable real estate, was this day received and " filed~ . , , :1 ;1 :~ . i, :j " :, At a public hearing this day tc, consider adoption of a Building Code Ordinance for Roanoke County, the followint people appeared to endorse the action: Kr. Kenneth Lussen, Er. riichard F. Guerrant, Er. Elmer P.odes and 1~. Darrell F. Branstetter. No one appeared to ohose the adoption of the proposed ordinance. :1 , Ii i: AN ORDnil.i~CE TO BE KNOi;1l j"S THE ?ClUOKE CUU;ITY 3UILDBG CODE ORDIiiAiICE. ii " r: On notion ci Supervisor Joseph C. ThoJ:jas, :;;ecunded by Surervisor "-. T. ,'Huddleston, the followin:; ordinance \':iJ,S this day offered for ado~,tion, notice of "intention to adopt said ordinance and a !,ublio hearinc thereon having been fublishe~ in an appropriate ne'l;'jsparer as required by la'.-}: BE IT ORDJ,IiiED by the Board of SU,Jervisors uf Roanoke County, Vir[inia, that :' jOursuant to the Im'ls of the Ccrrrr.,on',:ealth cf Vir'Sinia, especially Sectivn 27-::; .1, i' Roaneke County ad0:;t The Southern btamlard Juildin::; Code, 1965 editicn, and amend- ," ments of 190$, as HThe l-tl.)anoke Cc,unty 3uildin[; Code Ordinancelt. The said S0uthern 'Standard 3uilclin;; Cvde is sur::;c,arizeci as 1'"llo',IS: Cha:,ter I - ..D:,:IiiISTi"'';,TIl',i Cll:lpter II - DEFLiITIl.;r" Chafter III- FIRE Dlb~rtIC~S Chapter IV - CLl,S::iIFlC.'.TI0i1 (;1" JUILDlJiG;, 3Y OCCUPA,ICY Cha"ter V - bi?ECEL GCCU?,,;:Cl hE"UIi.E:Z:rL3 Cha;>ter VI - CL,,3bIFIC:.7IL';; C:F iJUILJI.:GS 31 CUiSTLUC'.i.'IU.J 8ha:-"c.er VIr - r'Irt~ F!-.l.?J.'ZCTIL:: It.:,:o.UIl:E: 3;;.i.'':; Cha/cer VIII -H~rt?I;:G Cha:::-cer I:: - w; :.I:JK1E:..J .i'~:;J :.J~,'i.r!DFIl<.~~i Ch;::::.t,er X - r'IhZ-l....~JIS'j.'~..~;CZ ':';'.:..:..;D;.j;..D~ ilL _~...:'~:~I.r'.L.3 :~.;D C0:r.:)~'i"\.UC'I'I(;~'J , :i 158 ,1 I I , , I I " ~ ' ,'1," ..., . ", ;.' li,</J 159 "-"-"--";-".~-..,.=..= -- C' t ""r -.., c~ -CJ"" 'C" r ,- - iT~ ( "'A"I~.l" ....,.,J-D -,...".... f.cc;:~") nar; erL - :.~~',j~ t .c, ru:..=,,s i~J.I~:'; r~~..J::,.j '..:, ~.... _~. u .:;;....,.., Chapter XII - j.:IilII.:lL DESIG:; LOADS Chaf;l;er):III - FGUllDI,TIG,;S - E;,:C;.VA'l'IU;'jS, FOGTIiiCS AIID FUUII1JATI0"S Charter :tJ.V - :,:;'SO:rF,Y CO;iSTRUCTICH Chapter XV - STEEL CGl:S~'RUC'l'IOiJ Chapter XVI - COJC?.ETE COIISnUCTW;r Charter XVII - i':OUD CLiIIST::UCTIOi; sun LEi.lE::? TO CHA.FTE;.i-( ;:VII - ?LY\:CCD DIAPII11i.GI.iS Chapter ;:VIII - LATHL'lC I.IID PLAST3RI;JG Chapter XIX - fu,.T-FROOF CG;;STRUCTIuII Ch9.pter XX - LIGHT, VENTILA?IOi,r h.:JD SAlrI'I'h.TI01J Chal,ter XXI - SAFEGUJ..RDS DUH,IllG COIJSTRUCTIOli Chapter XY~I - USE UF PUBLIC PROPERTY Chapter XXIII - SIGNS ~.;m OUTDOOR DISPLAYS Chapter 7J.IV - ELEVA70RS I.liD ESCf.LATORS Chapter nv - ?REFABRIC.~TED COIIS~';WC'l'IOII Chapter }~VI - PLASTICS Chapter )~VII - GLASS Chapter XXVIII - ALU;::nU;,; CC[iSTRUCTIGH APPENDICES CROSS INDEX - This ordinance shall take effect on July 1, 1969. Copies of the complete text ':ot The Scuthern Standard Building; Code, 19,s~ edition, and 1968 amendr,lents, are on as Adopted by the follolling recorded vote: J...YES: Joseph C. Thomad Lee B. Eddy A. T. Huddlescon L. Earl Simll1s Charles H. Osterhoudt l;A YS: None. Supervisor LeeS. Eddy r,.oved that the JuilLlinG Code CO::J:Ji ttee ljreviously arl'ointed b:r this 30ard be autilcrized -::'0 renain in ei'fect and to develop plans Lur adr.1inister- ing and enforcing the Southern ::i<:andard lluildin[ CoLle in Hoanoke County and to report cheir recon~endation3 tu this 3oard. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston .:59cr.;nded the :::otion ':ihich .,.,as adopted by the l'ullov:- in;; vote: 1/27/ '):~ ~.~. 16~3 - . -...1. -_._.._--_._._.~. -- _ ......,..-..... . :.I1s. Elizabeth t:. Stokes, Clerk of the Circuit Court aPod Board of Supervisors ;1 Ii. of Roanoke County, ~resented the rollo~inb list of projected iNlediate needs for the ..----, Clerk's Office and requested the SUl]ervisors' apl-roval of sar.1e: 4 - Filing; Cabinets - sj:;proximate rrice $169.00 each. 1 - Typewriter - approximate price ~40S.00 1 - Copy ;'~chine - approximate price $1195.00 General Index to ;,;arriage Register from 1838 to 1969 - aFproximate cost - ';;0000.00 Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors have a Property COLmttee to reviei'l and make reoor.L>:1endations as to the purchase of "ffiee equipmentl for the County. Supervisor Lee 3. Eddy seconded the motion. SUfervisor Joseph C. Thomas offered the following amendment to his m'ition vlhich lias seconded by SUFerviscr Lee B. Eddy: "that the Chairr.lan be empowered i;ith the authority to appoint the comr.1ittee." The alnandment to the motion Vias adGpted by the follo,,:ing vote: AYES: All HAYS: Hone. The main motion as amended, namely, "that the Chairman of the Board of Surerviso~s ~ be empowered with the authority to appoint a Property Committee to review and make recommendations as to the purchase of office equipment for the Count;r, II ilas adopted - by the unanimous consent of the Supervisors; whereupon, the Chainnan of the 20ard '-- of Supervi<,;ors made the fc110i-:ing ap;;ointrcents to the Roanoke County Property Com- , ' r:1ittee: Vice-Chairl.1ar! of the Boara County Engineer & Executive Officer Clerk of tl,e Board. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the 2o~rd of Supervisors authorize the Clerk to purchase four (4) filing cabinets and that the additional r"'iuests 01' the Clerk be referred to the Roanoke Coull'cy Property Comr,1ittee. ;,lotion carried on second of Supervisor Joseph C. Thol.1as and the 1'ollo\>ing vote: f~~ r ~~'~~"\\bb'i'i ! ~' AYES: All iTi. YS: None. " i -" A ilritten report by the Cilainoan o~' the Board 01' Supervisors informing the other Board mewbers of his activities for the period of January $ through 17, 1969 '-1 - "as this day received and filed on motic.m of ::'upervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by SU1=eriisor ;". T. Huddle~ton and the unanir:lous vote of the Supervisors. hction vias deferred on a re~olution dated January 14, 1969 of the Roanoke County Public Servic huthority requesting the JOard of ::'uperviscrs to make the S~~ 01' ~61,OOU available to the huthority u~cn request in order that proper and full I-'aynent; be r.lade for the construction O~' the Ingersoll-nand - Hollins hoad sanitary sCi;er by J..ar'on J. Conner General Contr'actors, Inc. The Chairman stated he would contact the huthority regarding this matter. I - 164 1/27/1,j9 The following correspondence and reports were this day received and filed: Copy of a letter dated 1/9/69 to J.:r. & J'Irs. Ma<.iL'j L. Strauss from the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors acknowledging gift of land and expressing County's appreciation; Letter dated 1/10/69 from the Governor's Office advising of hearing by State Crime Conunission, Hotel Roanoke, Friday, January 2.., 19t9; Letter from the Governor's Office dated 1/13/69 to ~Ir. Charles H. Csterhoudt signed by Alfred B. Denniston, State Coordinator, Office of Civil Defens~ advising of 2/20/69 meeting at the Presidential :btor Inn, Lynchburg, 10:00 a.m. on local goverruaent responsibility for civil defense; , Letter dated 1/13/69 from National Association of Counties inviting participation in Leg:islative Action Program; I Letter dated (none) from residents of V~n Winkle Road and Nmv Hope requesting street lights; Letter dated 1/9/69 to jvIr. Charles H. Osterhoudt from James A. Beavers, , Executive Director of Roanoke County Public Service Authority, listing areas requested by the Board of Supervisors to be included under the terms of the City-County Sewage Treatment Contract, as Amended, noting action taken by the City Council of Roa~~ke, if any; Statement of action, dated 1/10/69, taken after a public hearing by the , State Board in Richmond on 1/10/69, on requests for variance from Rule 4, Open Burning, by certain railroads to clear their rights-of-way of combustible material and to dispose oi' certain accwaulations of refuse by burning in open dUIilys on railroad property; (stateme,nt of State Air Pollution Control Board) I Copy of a letter from the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors dated 1/14/69 to Hampton \i. Thomas offering congratulations on behalf of Supervisors on his selection to Roanoke City Council; Ii Copy of a letter dated 1/14/69 fron, Chairman of Board of Supervisor's to ii' Executive Secretary, Constitution Revision Comwission in Charlottesville, I Va. requesting copie;; 01' the COI:L'uission's report on proposed !I revisions; :1 " , " I Copy of the Board of [,acreation's l;linutes of their 1/8/69 meeting; A Copy of Roanoke County Farks and l-(ecreation Departnen-c;'s re1)ort c,r activities and accor,'plishnenLs for 1963; { TAF annual prograrl report ~nd letter dated 1/6/69 frol:! Director TAP FrGgran Planning & Evaluation, James H. Stamper, soliciting advice and cor.~ents. Supervisor Lee 3. Eddy r.loved that the ChairJ.lan vI' the Board of Supe,rvisors be empOl.i'lred tc, apFoint a cGlUmittee to revim.; the proposed COIlstoitutional revisions and make recommendativns to the Board no later than jo'ebruary "Ci, 1909, for },c,ssible sub~ mission to our re.oresentatives in the General Asselnbly. J'-;Gtivn carried on second Gf ;,upervb(,r A. 'r. Huddlest(,n and the fvl101.,ing vote: f.YE;:;: All I ilA YS: None. Surervisor Lee B. Eddy ;;uggestea Lhe County should take steps to protect her I interests ~lith regard toO the future c1,nership of the branch library ;:or: :Josed l'or constoruction ~iithin the t01.n limits of Vinton in the event the To,;n shculd "hange her status thrvugh cc,ns,lhiativn, annexation or becJming a Cicy. Supervisor Blidy stated that he hCp2d t..' have sume s(,rt ui' resolution tu (!ffer bY' the next r.1eeting. L.IrS. ,J. Arthur JJeyerle, Chairman CJ:' the li.oi:;i.~1Qke Ccunt.y Libr'ary I3.:;ard, \.as Fre- ~ent anu. l'ecognized. Lr. Earl B. i3roi;:l.u'..;,;,,:.;er, anct1l3r r.1er:lbF!r of' the Library Dl,ard 1;as also j,resent. 1/27/S,I] 165 Su;;ervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the 3carJ "f Supervisors take tho follcHing " action: i 1. Request the !1.0ane,ke Valley Regional Planning Cvr;:1;~i5si(,'n tc select and retain:! ./ 'a private, independent consulting firLl tel eVClluate the technical, aest.hetic, and ec~nomic factors related to. the various j:cssible sites \Ihich !.light be suitable for "ree;ional landfill purposes in the Roancke V"lley area, l1hich informati,on v:Gulci be ii useful t'J all the local governnents in considering Roanoke City's requested use of 'a site on Brushy Nountain for this purpose; 2. Request that Roanoke City and Salem be invited to join Roanoke County in :: sharing the cost of this \-:ork on an equitable basis as determined by t.he Regional ',Plannine; Co",,"ission SG that there "ill be llO question that the consultant '5 conclu- .. sion will be reached ,'lithout bias; 3. Limit the total cost of this \:ork to .p5,OOO.OO and request th"t it be comple1;ed by t~y 1, 1969;. 4. Respectfully request the Ree;ional Planning Commission and the Cities of Roanoke and Salem to reply to this suggestion expeditiously so that the work may be undertaken and completed in a l:eriod oi' time l'ihi,ch will not unduly delay Roanoke County's decision re,f;ardine; a ...ernit for use of the Brushy r.Iountain site; and 5. Request "Che County 3xecutive Cfficer to coordin" te and expedite this mat+.er ,with all parties involved. II ;:otion died for lack OL' a second. - ;IlJ RE: 1i.EZOiUilG OF PROFERTY C;J THE EAST SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 AT GLEh~AR IN THE COUjfl'Y CiF RO;..lOKE, VIRGLlH OF ROBERTSOl/ COi;STRUCTIC,1 COi,IP';'i;Y, a Virginia corporation ) ) ) ) ) IliC., ) ) ORDER , This day came Robertson Construction COli.pany, Inc., by i-GS Vice President, and . asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezonin~ of the property therein described. 1;0\;, THErtEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Aim ORDERED that at its regular t,eeting of the Board of Su;.;erviscrs of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said retition be, and the sane i~ hereby filed. ;.'."i . : ~ AHD 5E IT FURTHEl-~ REi:iOLVED lulD ORDERED that the I',roposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Cor.ullission of Roanoke County, VirGinia, for a recomr,.endation in accordance \dth the provisions OI the Colle of Virginia. '-1 - .GD BE IT Fu.,THER RESOLVED ;.UD oriDEhED that \Ihen said Plann:.ng Comr:lission shall report its recomr.lendation to the Cl'srk of tr.is Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, th~ said Clerk of this Board shall forth:i< th set the sarne dcvln for a public hearing at the next perr~issible regular s]Oecial meeting of this 30ard, and that notice -;hereof be given by th" said Clerk publica"Cion in accordance \-iith the ,;rovisions 0.' the Code of Virginia. Al-lD BE IT FUR'l'HEh EE"OLVElJ l..lD 0hDEhED that one certified copy of this !'esolu- tion and order be forth\'iith delivered by said Clerk of this Board "Co Paul B. I'latthews, Secretary of the Planning; Conmission of Roanoke County, Virginia. 170 I , I I .,.---.----_.._- ~_u___. j Courthouse Salel.1, Virginia February 12, 19Q~ 2 :00 F .1;I. i The Board of Supervisors !:let this day, being the second Wednesday and the first regular raee"t.ing of the ::wnth, a~ the R(;anoke County Courthouse in Sale!.)., Virginia. ;,:enbers Fresent: t;Llairnan Charles H. Osterhoude, Vice-Chairr..an A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thor:;as, Lee J. Eddy and L. Earl Sir'J:!s. :'T. Paul B. i-.atthe'ls", County Engineer and Executive Officer Vias also I.resent. The COLll"onHealth's Attorney, I Raymond R. Robrecht was absent. I Chairman C;1arles H. Osterhoudt called the neeting to order and Supervisor A. T. Huddleston offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance ~as given in unison led by Chairsan Osterho~dt. On motion of Su;:enrisor A. T. :Juddles;;;oJl, seconded by Supervisor Josep;l C. Thonas and the unanir.;ous vote of ti1e Sur;ervisors the l,.inutes 01' the January 22, 1909 and January 27, 1~09 l.:eetings ;,ere approved, each nel.:ber havin,; received copies ~iled to hin by t~e Clerk. j :! I j:r. Lowell j,l. Gobble, Extension A[ent, Agriculture, btroduced ;.1iss Bonnie ~;ebster to the Board and asked their al-'liroval of Ller ap;.;ointr.-,ent as the new Exten- sion Agent, Hune Ecol1o;,:ics, effective j;arch 1, 1~69. 'l'he following action was taken:' ~\\'\\"<:, Supervisor L. Earl Si;,ii.;s ;c,oved that the boa....:.; of Su!.ervisors ayprove the I ;m~ aj;pointuent of i:i.ss Jonnie \'.ebster e:':i'ective ;':arch 1, 1909, to fill the vacancy I ';' " ,I I ,<lit creaeed by the resignation Ol' Lois F'addis on Decer.:ber 31, 1'103, as an Extension J.....,. \,' ~\'i I~~'~~~ 'Agent, Home Econoillics. I ~" Supervisor Lee '3. Eddy seconded Lile kotion ',Ihich carried by '.;he fcllo"i:1[; I I I I I i vete: !.;AYS: i~ol1e. I AYES: All I I~J hE: SPECIAL-USE FEf.~.:I? TO OPEMTE ~:i.. sr~'OCE CAl~ lUiCE :;:':JiC~~ - DEI;IED CLAhEdCE E. Iili::>LSl", OF I:LJU; 1'"' PLEASA,," ilt a f'ublic hearin,,; this da~r to consider the ~:cove request of Clarence E. Kesler, no one aI-~t-eared to coadl:ne the srecial-use y.erni "G; llo-,iever, ti',e folloi'iing I al)peared "vo exr.ress O~l,ositi(;n t..o sa.Je: \(,'1 ?-\:,,\ or-'4 <l" ~(' '1.., ~ 'Lo.;:.J ~r,..;I' I:JP"iaT' -f'f./.\ CO., :.v-l Charlie .T. Lovelace, Jr'., liesident of .,:ount Plea3an'c COl,l;nu.1i;;;y (filed a let"cer daced 2/7/uC) "ith '::.11e Board "filch outlineci. his reasons for OFl-,csing the race l:racld I~oss lteeves ~herifi' o. t;,. Fost.er SUl.;ervisor A. T. l!uuulestun Loved tha-~ tne Joard of SUi-,er-visors concur in recor.1:neildation of the Planning Cor.'.r:-:ission and deny ~he request vi' Clarence 3. Kesler for a s}:ecial-1.:,se ~er;~:i"c to orerate a stvc;C car race ,~rac}: on 11is ..:~r0l: Cl"'ty located north uff ~'.0u~e ....17 (Pi':zer Fal':,. ~~0ad) in :~r.)U:1t Flea;:;O,n:.:. co.";..:ui.1i~:l. '. 'e' ,~ " , 1 ,~ " . <:, . 176 .2/12/~1 i, I' i! fI'Ol:l i'C3 inter~ecticn -..ii ~n U. ~. itou;:.e 11 (Lee Hit:;lriiay) ;;ie.5t "Vv Vir&inia ~.oute 117 j, (Peters Creek i-l(.lad) fl'of.l the .::iecondary :.:iysteu of Hishv.ra/3 to the Fri~"ary System of jl . Higl1.'ic.YS and given a tvy; .i.Jriority for ij,-,-Iproverl~ents. .3E IT FJ"ilTEEE RE80LVED tl~at caries of this resolution be cert.ified to Earl A. Fitzratt'ick, r.lel:iber (If nibh\';ay CQI:1::lission; Douglas .38 Fugate, Hi[;h.,.;ay CCI:"J:~issicne!r; ! I ;: and C. F. Kellan, District En[ineer) Derart.r,lent;. of High-,;ays. On r.:ot.ion of ~u:~ervisor Josepi1 C. :'hol:las secl,.,nded by Supervisol' L. Earl "Simms and adcl)1;ed by t.he i'oll(;\'iin[, recordec; >rote: AYES: JJseph C. Thonas, Lee B. Eddy, A. '.;. Hudd.le3tv;~, L. Earl Sirl:J115 and Charles H Osterhoua:; . I EAYS: None. ii Il~ liE: S::CO!'~D~~~ y rtOLl?E !U:.3E..~ CHA.~JGES OR REA.s3IG~\il..jEi;TS 'I " At a regular neeting of the 30ard ot' Su~~ervi30rs of rtoanoke County held this:; !i 12th day,r February 1909, Supervisur ;", 'l'. Huddleston offered the fcllouing i' '~(Jt.; ....,1.... :: .,. ..l..'~...", 'I 'I il ,[ J;Hhich .,';as sec0nded by SUI:er-Jisor ~ic3e~:h c. Thm,;as: ;' t 1 . , "lHEREA.':;, certain civ.:.licati0rE a~~.:.Jear in route nU~.lber desif)latic.n to [,i.ore tl1ani sec,.ndary read \cJithin this county; ~.7HZ:{~S, eli!:.inatiol1 Ui: :5UCi1 dUI:'licatio:1 i3 desirable t,(; 1,ne convenience oj.' p~blic, tG the location c1' residents livinG therevn in need of public I daily an~ fenerally t,. eliLinate ~unfU3ioi1. THEREFURE, BE 17 ~-:.EjOLVEr and reQ";'le~ted i the De~.'artn:erlt uf Hi[;hv;ays tc.. reassisn cr other.lise chanLe ~i1e n~lr.:oer:;; ccurrin[ '~1n certain sec(:ndary r(;,utes ShOi'Jl-ii :.n the attached s~:etcnes a:lu i\,unu in the January 1, 19v7 ;,:;ril;al'Y aad 3ecundary ua!),'! as fullov;s: Rc.ut~ !.ru;"lber C~lan;;;es ,-,.r l\.Ja:..;~iGn;..ents rtl,.,ute 911 iror,; Inl;er~ecti(.n ~i:..,u~e ?S3 to D'3ad End, ri.3cc,.~:r..ul1d renw.:!oer as :L/ute 733. n.0ute j~6 i'rv;.~ t~le Scu:.h Inter:sectiu:l v.L' l-~c.u~e ll~ -t,u Doa[i E~~d r~nlL,ber due ti) du~lication. Itcut.e 7:Jy i'r':L Intersection :r'.uut,e ~2UGC In~ersect.ioa ~~Oil~~C 220 remu"ber due to du;;lication. a.oute 753 f1'0::: 3a3'~ Intersection oi' F..oute 4.19 tc Dead End (acros3 1: ..~ ~j 'lracks) renlli,lber due 'C,O duplication. Recorded. vcte a6 iollm:s a~}.ea1'i.n:...; in -ci~e :,1inute~ of ~{oan,)ke County Joard of: I :Su~.er.....-i.sc!.s dated. Februar:l 12, 1)(;). AYS~: J'.)~e~::h c. riilo;~a3, Lee 3. ~ddy, ho. '1'. Huddleztcn, L. Zar-l ~L.(lil:3 and Chn.rle3 H. Osterhoud,". l'~A 7S: i:one. I The follci";dnz. bias.,.er-e ~~li;;i da:,r l.:~ici before the 30ard :):1 a dlu,il: .~:l.'uck - I:'1'ternat.io~lal ;:al"vester Co. :leaC!l t:l'0tiler.J ~",')t.or.J, I~lC. uic.i.:erSOl"l (4..C, Inc. Goo\.Liin ChevI'ole~~ C:ori. ~ia:cve.st ~~ct or~, I:'lC. Vi.:1toa ~':oJ-:':'0r' C:.:,.:..,;; [:~lY - ~3, 97'). JG - ,A ,3~0. 7'1 - ;';4,7LO.C0 - ...)4,j~5.35 .,4,10',).27 - ,~4,329.C9 Internatio:1e.l D~dLe G.~C Chevrl01et Il'QrJ Ford -::./ l~/ .....,'; --'-"._"'-~'. . .,------.-" _.. ----.- .- , .--------.-., -..~-~'--,.- .".-",------------- '" -- ..--- .. The follov;in€:, corres~~'onJence l,'JU;j received aild filed: Co>,y (;f a letter dated 1131/09 iru" Governor':; Ul'iice, Highvlay Safety Division, sisned by ,Jehn T. Hanna, Direc~or, regardinG a..:JFroval cf high~'la.y Safety Progrro"; (addressed to Sheriff C. S. Foscer) , Letter dated 1/$/09 to the -30ard of 6ryan, Inc. regarding disbursal 'i Su;:-ervisors frOl~ Carl ii. Andrel"s, Good,lin-Andrews- oi.' County insurance 11rer.:iui'il; February Refort of tl,e Direc'~or, r,oancl(e County Public Libral'y j.:euoranduLl from T. Ed','ard Tel,::.le dated 1/23/69 to ;,:embers of General Assen,bly, .doards 01' Surervise,r3 and ;.;err.oers of City", TO',/n Councils, regarding Planning Districts; (i..;r. Telc:.le is Director of Division of State Planning & COi,1f.,unicy Affairs) ~esolution ~o. 470 01 the Town of Vintc:1 dated 1/3U/69 regardin~ termination of unificatio:1 talb with City of Roanoke; Letter frail OffiCe of Econo,":ic C;.;ortunit;. dated 1/29/69 addres::;ed to ,J'. Lee 3. Eddy, reEarding ThF'~ being reco[nized a~ ~oanoke County's O.E.C. comnunity action acency. In 'Cae absence of t11e CO!T'.r~0n'deal ~n '3 :...ttorIle:r, the Cl1air:aan 01.-' the Joard I' ;:a::;sed alone, the fc.-llo;'iin[ inforf.lation: l)Ccdification of t;'e County Urdinances \'laS ccntinuinz: but no COiJFletion cia te l;las give:1 by ~.:.ichie Co. 2) the CO..,1J',lOn....lealth ':,5 Attorney had r;.ailed a letter GO eacll of the Joal'd l::er.lbers quotil1E; 'che stat:.1S of the S,r;ri11g Valley annexation suit., nm'! re:1ding. ~ II If :; liE: PR.OPOSED IiiDEDFEilDE:JT EVALUi,.TIU:'~ OF LA:;DHLL SITES IN THE ROAliOiill VALLEY :' , - Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that. the Joard of SU1~ervisors take the follo'ir-l- i:'1[ ac~ion: 1. R.equest. the RcanokG Valley l~eL:ional Planning Corii.1.:ission to .select and retain a ;;rivate, inderendent consultin:; i'irn to evaluate the technical, aesthetic, " .:ind econo:ill.c factor., related t,) the variou., ic,ssitle .,itss 'Iihich !:liGht be :mitable fer regional landfill }ouI',o::;es in th8 RoarwJ.:e Valley aI~a, \.,hich infor:nation would be useful to all the local coverru.,ents ill considerin[ Roanoke City's l'equested use cf a site on Brush? l':ountain for tnis Fur>0se; 2. rtequest that Roanoke City, "ale::" Vill1:011 and c'otetourt CO\l:1ty be invited to join Roanoke County in shal'ing the cost of this 'IOrk on an equitable basis as deternined by the Regional ?lannin", Cor.uoission 30 that there will be lle' question ., that tIle consultan1;' ~ conclusion "..111 be r'eached \.dthout. bias, but that ::3hould a:lY .- !. I - c f the other lc,cal t.:overn:;;ent3 decline! to .;;hare this cost that j-(oancl:e Gou::ty bear tne balance of the cost itsel1'; 3. Linit the tot.al co::;t of this '.101'1: to ,?5,OOO.OU and request that it be '--1 - cor;lrleted by ;--,ay 1, 19c;i; 4. ~es}.ectf'ul1y reque,:rt t1-.o he0ional PlanIlill,:, CiJi:l:,:issi0I1 a.nd the Ci tie05 of f~oanoke and Sale.'.l, the To;;n (ll '/ir1ton a.nJ. Jotetvurt Co:..tnty to rel'.13T to ";;his .3u[;[;est.:i.on exl.editiously so tilat t~he -,'iGrK i,iUY be undertaken and C01:;1;-leted in a l,eriod or: til;l€ ',,,i1ich \'Jill net anJuly u.ela:r rtoanv~:e C0unty'.3 decisi.on r8,Sardil'1<:; a ~'.err.iit lor U::ie 0;;''"' the JrusrJ.Y ::ou;H~ain ;:lite; and 5. Request ti4e CO;..Ult:r Z;-:ec:~t:.. ve (;l.ficer tc ccordinate aI1d ex~~edi ~e thLs 179 180 ':'1 1.2/'~-: oatter with all parties involved. " :I! II Ii Supervisor Jose:cil C. :'homa~ secondeci the motion "hi~h carried by the j: followf I, ing roll call vote: ! AYE3: Jose;r. C. Tho."as, Lee ;3. Eddy, A. T. auddleston, L. Earl SinEs and Cnarles H'; Osterhoudt. I lIAYS: Kone. Supervisor L. Earl Sirmos re~orted to the Board on the services offered by I the Fairvie.. Hone in Dublin, Vir[inia, ovmed and operated by six Counties and the City of Radford, including Roanoke County. Roanoke County has not taken full ad- vantage of its ~hare of this service, 1,:1'. Sir:1ln~ observed. (The Hone which can accoloodate fifty, and took care of forty-eight last month, is for the poor of any age) . EXECUTIVE SESSIUi'i- :i " " Ii 1,\ " il II , , ,I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph c. :i Thomas and the unanir.;ous vote of the Surervisors, the Board l'esolved into a Comrllitt,e " of the \ihole to discuss matters r"llating to a!)l:ointments to 'cile j,lental Health Servioes Board. I After a brief absence the 30ard j.:embers returned to tile Courtroom and on motion of Supervisor Lee 3. Eddy, se~onded oy Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and che unanir,;ous vote of the 3u;cervisors the CO!:1c:i ttee of the ',Jwle \~as dissolved and the meeting resur-ed in o~en session. A Resolution of ehe City oi' ;'(oano):e dated 1/2u/Q9 re[ardint: Community Eental , :i Health Services Board, and a nesolutic'll 01.' tile City of Roancke dated 1/13/69 reg:ard.. ing appointr.:ent of Jonn Bos'.;ell tu COl'!solidation Soudy Ca;;;;:,itoee, were received and, filed on motio:1 of 3ur,ervi~cr A.. ri. Huddleotuu, aeconded by ;:)u:-ervisor L. Earl ~iom~ I and tue follo,'lin,;; vote: AYES: All I:A IS: I;one. Ii: 1-8: SEC(;i:D;.~..:Y 5Y".:3'i.'~:.: ~DDI'IICi;3 - ..W.;:'..iJOK3 COU:.:rl'Y I Letter dated e,.Ta11ua:-y 22 J 1~1~,9 addre3ded to the ]i.;ard of ~ufervi3urs oi' ?~0a(..cke Count:', froL J. E. ~~at"\;cocl, Deruty Cl.,r:.Lissioner, DeFart.r,;ent of Hiblrl'lays, R.ichnond, Virginia, a~i:rovilli.: the fol1c;r..linc additio;lS to the Jeco:1dary S:t~te;,-. ol' Rcanoke County elfective Janu~ry 1, 1?0}: ADDll'I~ h:t~ I:Ol~CIJ.J .:.. E;::/...'l""..'.:'3;.,; .:C. ;.; SW .EJIVI.:.IU~; " 1'i+ayburn Drive - I'r0::. ;re3ent ~n.d of h(.u"~e 1713, () .10 :..i. oj.. 01 0.10 ::1. I -'/1') , ~I .....'-/ ,.;:/ 181 n:ayburn Drive, cont'd.) Route 1711, to Governor Drive. LENGTH TQ:'"10 j"~.) Governor Drive - From \',"ayburn Drive, 0.20 ;;i. ',i. of P te. 1711, South",;ard 0.14 j;i. lJ.14 ;.~. i-:ontclair Drive - fror.1 \,ayburn Drive, 0.10 Ei. 01. of jete. 1711, South"ard 0.10 Li. O.lD ;.Ii. ", :1 I - was this day received and filed on notion 01' Sur-ervisor Lee 3. Eddy, seconded by I"..., Su:pervisor Joseph C. Thor;l~.3 ~nd the i'--..llm'.ri11b vote: AYE':>: ~ll liAIS: None. - I-"""'f In RE: SECOiJDARY SY5~'E~.: b.DDITI0i'JS - i:~Ud.JUKE COU~.fIY A letter dated January 24, 1909, addressed tc Ghe 30ard of Supervisors of " rtoa,Qoke C :Junty frorj J. E. HanJOod, Deputy C0Lll,~i3sion, Depart.::ient of HighvJays, ri.ich- II ~cnd, Virginia, a~~rovinG the lollowinb additions to the Secondary System of RoanOk~ County effective Januar;' 1, 1969: .! ADJI'rIO;J LEii.GTH CLOF'l'Oii 3ECTIC;; I A:m ;; 3UJpIVI3IOii:. ;, ;.:cGeorGe Drive - froc.! Route "31, cO Crof'con Drive ! ;, Crofton Drive - fro;." ;:cGeorbe Drive to ;:issil.:er Lane 0.32 -,. ..,u. 0.35 ,.. ,j,'.iJ.. 0.15 l,ii . c ;: "La.ssir:ler Lane - frG::: Rot~te 054 to Crofton Drive. " li ii was received and filed on r,!otioll of Supervisor Lee J. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor i I! Joseph C. Tnc!ilas, and the fo11owin[; vote: AYE::': All ii.i,Y;;i: ;':cne. " I:;:~ RE: SECC~TD.s.RY SY3J.:Z~.: .h.DilI~IG~;3 - ~~(;.h.~':Li3 ceu:!?"! A let.ter dated Januar:r 29, 1;,),,/;; addre.3tled to "C:ne 3,-al'd of ;::Ju:..ervisor.5 of .ltoanoke Count~r, frD:.l J. E. ilar:ic,od, lJe1'uty Cu!.1l1:iJ3i,_')ner, De.;,:.artnent vi." Higtli.-Jays, .d.ichdOi.1d, Vir~inia ar-;:ruv.ln[., the i\;11C",,-L1~ addi-~ion::i to -cae Secondary S~'steLl r:,f Ei[h...!ay~ ol r;:')a:'10~:e C", un:.y effec'..:.i ve Jani.1.al~Y ~9, 1';1~9: AiJDITIO::~ LE;iG7H '.,T:DSO}: \13;'>7 ;;U. 2 SUSDIVISIvi,: u .3(y...'er~ iioaci fro;. Charini: C::'03Z D~'iva .u. t.o Deal end. 0.25 ;,:i . 0.13 i.Ii . I 0.10 I-,:i. 0.0", ;,Ii . 0.06 I'.~i . 0.10 Ei. Kentland. ilrive - .2~~or.: :::-re~cnt end Ol~ r..to. 13/:' 'GC dead end. ".;I~:il5Ct: ~,;3;:;;7' ~JC. 3 SLJJDIVI~ bond 3~I'eetr - fl'v;'.. Cho.ria;",; Cl'O':;3 D:tive ~. t>J Dead. er.u. o 3....'\'..er:;i ~oad ir(lL; Cil;J.l"in6 CrQ-.;);s llcive '... tl../ ci.ead end. :=..egency Circle - 11",/..-' Cl~ari:1s ereS3 Drive tC' dead end. CharinE: Cross Jr'ive - '::"C:,i ~re3ent en.ci c<C t'.0U"":e 13'~5 t" 30"',Cl'S a.oad SCU"?El~';LCD5 (;~ tI..IDSOiL \JE:':/i' EO.. 3 S7jjDI {I.:JIG~r: . Gaye Lane - frcn 30nd Stree"c to rto'..tte 13)4. 0.15 ~,~. ,',:as this day reccivell and i'il-3u. (in .,~GtiO:l oi' jUl'el'visor Lee 0. Eddy, ~eco:1ded by .sUfervi.:>or jo~eFh c. l'ho~:la~ anu. the i\.llm:in.f:, vote: An,,: 1,.11 1,~A y;:,;: Eone 182 2/1.2/'-) L------..- 1 I I I , i ! A letter do.ted Februar;' ], 1'9C9 addre~;;ed to the ROaDke County Board of 3ufer-11 '! ;i visors frOJ:l G. L. :~ol::ert;;;0n, He:Ji.dent E~16il1eer, ::lalel:l Re~idency Office, Vir[inia " !! Departf:".ent c;." Eigrn"JaY''; resardin~ the annual Secondary Head Hearing bein[; neJ.d d ~'.:arch 12, 1909 at tlle ::;uJ.-,erviso~:i 2 :00 P .~::. L:eetin6: \'Ias~hi3 dCl,j~ received and filed ii on motio:1 of Supervi3cr Lee J. Ejdy~ 3Ct~0nded b:r Su}.'ervi3or J03eph C. Thomas and , 1-,he follo\'l:i..n[ vote: AYES: All :rA IS: :~ol1e. 1.'he ChairrJan s"Ga-Ged that rle 'iluulcl reply to ti1e foreGoinG letter. LlVES~10Cl~ CLAI~.: - .L-:'. s. T:~C~,~oJ 5u~'ervis(;r Lee 3. Eddy E.oved -:=.hat tj:!e Joard :-,ay .p21).OO to :.:r,. ~.:. s. ~- J,:i1oraas, Route 0, 30x 119, ?oancke, Virc;inia, for hi:, livestocl: claL:l for the loss ef 3 ~/ ~ ~ Y SuperviseI' A. T. Iiuddles';o:,- :oeconded 'cila Lotion ';Ihicr: carried by the J ,,)', '1":/ i vote: '-Y Al'3S: All I' ". "'5 -- : .l.',lA i.: ~\.one . L e\"les,: ,I i " ,: , '11 .' r c o..;~nb:f 'I f: : COU:ITY PAYROLLS ; Supervi:iOr A. T. I:uddle,;con .;.ov2cl that "cl1e COU:1ty Payrolls dated Ja:1uary 31, I! \,~~q / ):' 19S9, be a;)):roved in the aLcunt Gf ylO,223 .32 fr~l.' \lnich the su;o of ;~490. 74 F.I.C.A ~~~\\v\.7: .~ 1, Ta,.,; ';;942.44,\1.1-:. Tax; ';;124.73 S':;a';e Incuwe Tax; ,n7.3~ uniforus an" ';;<'9.79 j,:iscel- y~ ~yV~, !' lane0us Exl.enses are -Cc be deducted leavil1;; a lie'; ,oayr011 of ";,.;,47-3. 27 ~ , Ii II ii Supervis:.r Lee E. Eddy 3econdcd tr1s i::r.yi:.icn liJ!lich carried by t:ne i't;11owi116 vote:! AYES: All j,iliYS: l':one. BILLS AFFr~OVED E~Or~ PA Yi.IE;;'J.1 \b'\ ' ~\'l / it ?" '" .~/ and theI'vllo-./in5; vote, ~~ .1 ~3,032.Q4 were approved g;: /!i Al'E3: All y ;~ l':A15: j:~one. On motion of Supervi30r J.... T. IIuddle3tvl1, sec,~nded by SU.1~erVi3or ice B. Eddy clai:::s char~ed t..:., the DrJ~; Fund in ti.le total amc t..nt of for ~'D.y.:uent. On lLIOtioi1 of S"..ll~ervi~or A. T. i-I:.:.ddlc3t-.'tU, Jecundec. by 5u})ervisur 1;;6 3. Eddy and the f\)11u';;ir~6 vote, cluL'.l:; char[;e tc the General Fund in the total 'amount of ?-\'....\ It; '\ ./ .;3 ~,?90. 26 \'Iere a, fToved lur ,a;lJ.lcnt. " nY1 ''''''S' All ~r' .. :;.;,; "on" ~ ~A J/ I I I I I I 188 2/26/69 I - Part of Lot 1 and part of Lot 2, Section 1, John H. Garst Subdivif.ion, assesstlld Ii in the name of Thomas C. Ruddle; Lot 3, Section 1, John H. Garst Subdivision, asses~ed in the names or John H. and Sina L. Garst; Lots 4 and 5, Section 1, Johl.l H. Garst Subdivision, assessed in the name of Thomas C. Ruddle; Part of Lot 1, Section 2, John H. Garst Subdivision, assessed in the name of Thomas C. Ruddle; Pal't of Lot 2, ;; part of Lot 3, part of Lot 4, part of Lot 23 and part of Lot 24, Section 2, John H.' " Garst Subdivision, also listed as Rich1and, assessed in the name of ThotlQS c. RUddl1; I; Part of Lots 21 and 22, Section 2, John H. Garst Subdivision, also shown as Richard$ Ii tract, assessed in the name of J. R. Bridges; Lot 14, Section 1, John H,. Garst Sub-Ii " 'I division, assessed in the name of William Cooper; Lot 13, Section 1, Jo]~.!l H. Garst fi I , Subdivision, assessed in the names of Jacob Glenn and Lewis Fold; all of: said lots, " " t !i and parts of lots, being delinquent for the years 1966 and 1967 and all being sit- ii uate within the confines of the City of Salem. :: " Upon a call for an aye and nay vote, the same stood as follows: I I: AYES' i! . ij Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms Osterhoudt. :j Ii 11 atd Charles Hi " i: ii i' NAYS: " " " None. , II to inquire as to the status Ii on November 13, 1968. The [I jj were being taken to " " II have the road accepted into the Secondary System by July 1, i) " !i " i! " of the road which she brought to the Board t 5 attention Ii ,[ County Engineer & Executive Officer reportetl that steps!i 196~. :' ,I :,j I Mrs. Melissa Meade appeared with a large delegation from the Holli.ns area ABANDONMENT OF ROUTE 650 The following resolution was this day offered on motion of Super~isor L. Simms and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston: WHEREAS, on the 12th and 19th day of February, 1969, the Board gave notice Earl:! " " " i! the intention to abandon Secondary Route 650, frum the Intersection of Route 785 of [I Ii :i to 1.00 M:l.le South of Route 785, a distance of 1 mile, pursuant to Section 3:;-76.8 Ii of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, after a public hearing was held on the 26th day of Febru,ary, 1969, the Board has determined that no public necessity exists for continuanr:e of the said section of Secondary road as a public road and that the welfare 0:: the public . will be served best by abandoning such section of road. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Secondary Route 650 from the Intersection, or Route 785 to 1.00 Mile South of Route 785, a distance of 1 mile, be, and the same hereby is, abandoned as a public road pursuant to Section 33-76.~Of the Code o.l of Virginia of 1950, as amended. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms .and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I I : I 2/26/69 189 I' II , Ii AMENDMENTS TO THE KlTOR VEHICLE LICENSE ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY. j --, I I On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, :i the following amendments to the Roanoke County Motor Vehicle License Ordinance were ii this day offered Eor adoption, notice ot' intention to adopt said amenc':ments and a I' ,i public hearing thereon having been published in an appropriate newspaper and as , Ii otherwise required by law: , , .,.,} BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that ii pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the Roanoke County Motor !i Vehicle License Ordinance, duly adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors :, :'on January 21, 1957, and having been in effect since the .first day of April, 1957, be, and it is hereby, amended as follows: 2: AUTOKlBILES, TRUCKS, TRAILERS, I<<lTORCYCLES, m. q Paragraph (a) amended to read as follows: "On each and every automobile 'to which " 'I this ordinAnce is applicable, there shall be a tax of $3.00 per annum." -. ~ Add new paragraph (a-l): DOn each and every truck or trailer to which this ordinance is applicable, there shall be a tax per annum according to ':he following !, schedule: Gross Vehicle Wei~t License Tax Per Annum g,OOO Ibs. or less $ 6.00 g,OOl - 11,500 Ibs. 8.00 ., 11,501 - 15,500 lbs. 10.00 .......J 15,501 - 19,500 Ibs. 14.00 19,501 - 29,500.lbs. 20.00 29,501 - 39,500 lbs. 25.00 " :: :::~::5:0~b:~s. GVW and over 33:.:0:0: .';':1~Jt~~v'~- All trailers 1001 lbs. GVW to 4000 lbs. GVW ",:,~~.J\/ All trailers 1000 lbs. GVW and under 1 50 ~ ~ Par_ph (b) _od.' to ,n' u foll~" 'In .... of . ,....~" ,f . "'''~/~ . ~&-:, truck and trailers or semi-trail"rs, each vehicle constituting a part of such combin+ 5- - ~~.. :'ation shall be licensed as a separate vehicle, ,md separate license plates shall be i: ~J:" issued therefor as set forth under paragraph (a-I) of Section 2 herein.Di*~"~ The other existing sections and parts of this Ordinance shall remain in full ':~J:~ f,"'''' .ft." .. b""'f," ",pt" b, tho '"'" of ..,...,.." of ....... ''"'''I ~~)~~ '~,;. , These amendments shall take effect on Marc:l1 17, 1969, but shall first be PUb1ish~P as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-50,"- of the Code 0::' Virginia, as amended;', ~ . in an appropriate newspaper. '~' ~ ~, ", 1""_ -t!1~~1 Adopted by the following recorded vote: .w' . ~ 'I 1> ~~ : ,fr~allolb'i t\~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. HUd,dleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles i ...J ._-\ I - H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mr. Jack Cisco appeared with regard to the above ordinance. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, Chairman of the Property Committee stated that :his committee would have a report and recommendation ready for the March 12, 1969, Ii Ii "'-- ",'/ 190 2/26/69 ~ " __.__.___.______,.___._ ._.____.._w..__......__._____._u..__..____._. ,...___.u_._u__ .." ..___,___ ._"_._ __."_ ." . m __.___.m_____________. _ Ii Il' meeting as to the purchase of typewriter-calculating equipment Ii Ii for the COmmissione~1 of Revenue's Office. A RESOLUTION APPROVING IN PRINCIPLE PROPOSED ENABLING LEGISLATION RELATED TO CON- SOLIDATION OF LOCAL ROANOKE VALLEY GOVERNMENTS, ~' WHEREAS, the Roanoke Valley Consolidation Study Committee, acting in accord- ance with general instructions from the governing bodies of the City ot Roanoke, II the City of Salem, the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke!, has submitted to " Ii the four governing bodies proposed enabling legislation pertainLng to l?ossible I Ii ~\...,\~ vf\ Ii 6'-~~ Ii. ~~V ii ~j~!i manner; ..~" ~Ii: 1~i; ~..- " ~. :t~ ,~StudY COlI:IIIittee, with the further provision and request that an., non-substantive ~~~. Col~ changes required to make the proposed legislation comply with the Virginia State ,~ ~ ""''''l'' tu:2"O.... Ii Constitution and law be made by the Roanoke Valley representatives in the Virginia ~~:: ia~1 ~.:r.~. i ".!~'. ". ~,u"" !: W. ]; 4'1o:l,lC~ ~.ii ~~~. ii , Cl I! ~W':'. '.11 \l".~ " the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, and the Town of Vinton. I~~ l't...~\lt.:.~. ~~~..,:' The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervi,aol" Lee B. Eddy, ~~ seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following roll. ,:all vote: a.\\~ ~~'I :, AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H,. Osterhoudt. ~~ . . , ~. i' NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. J..-.~...;.O ,I . 'V;.;r-....: A copy of the proposed legislation as approved by the forl3going resolution UIAi1Oa-. 'll... ' ii ~"lII.~~ is filed with the minutes of this meeting. -J. 11 ~ \l.. ~ ~,~~ .J. ~j' REPORT OF THE CONSTITUTION REVISION STUDY COMMITTEE ~)~l . _\~. i' Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the report of the Constitution Revisiop ..... >1\').1 6'i ~ . ~ ......c... -~ Study Committee be adopted by the Board of Supervisors, and that copies thereof be :i ~ ~ i' forwarded to the representatives of Roanoke County in the Virgi ,ia General Assembly. ~]!,(l,o....~.tf ----;~ I! Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion. !u ."T...-" 'CLft . 1'............... i: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that we amend the resolution to incJude the ~O'r'T.",~ !i . U), ~! further suggestion that the wording of that portion of this dO''l\:ment on page 7, under \~.-, \>0. ' ~~ ], Section lo,titledlfDebtlf be changed fromlf....eighteenper centum of the assessed ~~!' valuation of real estate" to "....eighteen per centum of the :EJ!! valuation of real '..... -l-.& ~ If ~~~) " estate.. . Ii"\ ~,~ !, Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the amendment which was defeated by the ~, ~ ,~~ following roll call vote: ~ i' AYES: Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. consolidation of local governmental units; and WHEREAS, the legislation as submitted is consistent with the intent and pur- I: pose of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in regard to bringing the question Ii of coneolidation to a referendum vote of the people in a reasolliible and expeditious:, " " Ii Ii N<1i THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors appr01re General Assembly; and . '[ FURTIIERH)RE BE IT RESOLVED that certified copies of this ~resolution and the Ii , I related proposed legislation be transmitted as soon as possible to SelU.tor H. Clyde,: , , j' PearsoD, Delegate John W. Hagen, Delegate Ray L. Garland, Senat,)r William B. Hopk~. A ' :! and t.) the councils of " Delegate M. Caldwell Butler, Delegate Willis M. Anderson, I I I I I 2/26/69 191 The main motion carried by the following roll call vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,- j A copy of the report of the Constitution Revisions Study Committee as adopted :iv , is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I .. Mr. Millard B. Souers was present and recognized. A letter dated February 21, 1969 addressed to Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt, Mr. :! Lee B. Eddy, Mr. L. Earl Simms and Mr. Joseph C. Thomas, from the Chairman of " , Ii the Constitutional Revision Study Committee regarding their recommendations, was , !j this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by .' Supervisor L. Earl Simlns and the n"Sl"imoUS vote of the Supervisors. I 'I 1 , )1 , , ,I , , 1 'I '! 'I :t 1 , !i -- ~j CITY OF SALEM DEEDS! RECORDED IN ROANOKE COUNTY CLmK'S OFFICE OF TIlE CIRCUIT COURT ': ... I A statement of the Attorney General's opinion with reference to the collection:1 by Roanoke County of recording fees for the recordation of deeds on property locate~ i in the City of Salem after the transition of Salem to a city of the first class and I , prior to the authorization of a Clerk's Office for a Court of Record for the City of , I Salem, was presented by the Clerk of the Board.: A discussion followed in which it was stated that during the transition period ii " a total of 133 deeds to property located in the City of Salem had been recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and County recordation taxes in the amount of $1,35g.00 had been collected therefor. The Clerk advised that the cost to the County in the operation of the Clerk's Office pro-rated as to the recordation of these deeds would be in the approximate amount of the local tax collected. A motion was offered by Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, seconded by Supervisor i Lee. B. Edd y that the amount collected and that proportionate charge of the Clerk', , , Office be used so that one would write off the other and no amount be submitted to ~ the City of Salem. Further discussion followed and it was determined that a more I appropriate mean~ ,."-- would be for the Chairman to advise the City of Salem of the situation prior to any! :i I affirmative action by the Board of Supervisors. Accordingly, the motion was with- .1 drawn with the consent of the maker and seconder with the understanding that the Chairman would notify the City of Salem about the matter. It ,was pointed out that it would be a continuing cost to the County in index- ing and maintenance because of the recordation of these deeds. , -..J '""1 . - The Commonwealth's Attorney referred to a letter dated February 10, 1969, from the Attonney General regarding cable television franchises, in which it was stated that there 1s no authority whereby a county may require or grant a franchise' to a cable television company. 192 ~\\/Jl , ~ .."J~. , ~ Vt"1: ~..... \ ~ " 2/26/69 GUIDELINES FOR THE PAYMENT OF LIVESTOCK CLAI10lS the The Commonwealth's Attorney recommeded that the Board be guided by/Dog Warden's recommendation, relying on his judgment upon the investigation of each such claim, as to how much, if any payment should be made. I It was further reported by the Commonwealth's Attorney that the Michie Co. had advised him that codification of the County Ordinances was completed and , ready for checking by someone from the County. I A letter dated February 11, 1969 from Jack K. Dame, Manager, Salem-Roanoke " 'l Valley Civic Center calling attention to some of the building defects at the 'I i I: Civic Center, was this day received and filed on motion of Supel"visor A. T. Huddles~on 11 :1 i seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: Ii , :1 " " " :\ " :;AYES' i: . " , :; NAYS: " !r " " I' All None. :1 'i II " i, A letter dated February 20, 1969 addressed to the Chairman of the Board ii , :1 i'l !I of Supervisors of Roanoke County from George R. Long, Executive Director of the II II Virginia Association of Counties regarding participating on a 'sharing basis in the !i Ii joint action by the Virginia Municipal League and the VAC to defend the position J: ii of the Virginia localities with respect to a petition of the Virginia railroads Ii it before the State Corporation Commission to have their real estate assessments reduced, ): '1 :' was this day laid before the Board. . i' I , The County Engineer presented a report showing Roanoke County would lose :i $18,609.36 should the N &: W assessment be reduced to the 1967 value. The follOwing action was t~ken. I " I, II " :1 i ~ ii' IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO OPPOSE N &: W RAILROAD PETITION BEFORE STATE CORPORITION COMMISSION TO HAVE THEIR REAL ESTATE ASSESSMENT REDUC:lm ,I ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that this Board participate in ehe effort to oppose the motion by the N &: W Railroad to have their real estate assess~" ment reduced by the State Corporation Commission, and that we pay our proportionate,: I share in the amount of $1,497.00. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion, and offered the following amendment: "That this authorization be contingent upon the Chairman checking with I ~ the Virginia Association of Counties concerning the methods by which our propor~ tionate share was calculated, and leave it to the discretion Oft the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors as to whether the calculation is fair. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the amendment to the motion wh:l.ch carried by nnenimous voice vote. The main motion carried by the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. 2/26/69 193 ;~ i \/Ji' ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors partieipate in a :! A"A~v 'I Regional Mental Health Serviees Board with the City of Salem and the City of Roanok,e~'~ and that the Chairman be authorized to implement the organization of this Board as :1 ~ authorized in Section 37.1-194 et seq., Code of Virginia. :1 " Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow-' A written report dated January 31, 1969 was filed by Sheriff O. S. Foster reporting on the cost of keeping the City of Salem's prisoners. It was shown that I"*' it cost an average of $1.63 per prisoner per day over and above the present method f 1 (D' 'i h .totalled J 'I '1' .1 o pro-rating month y expenses. ~v~d ng t e{eosts o~ a~ sa ar~es, Ja~l repairs:! / , and physieians fees by the number of prisoner days for 1968 averages $1.63 per 'I prisoner per day.) The Sheriff recommended that the City of Salem be charged for I .1 i 'I i the CommonwealtlJ's this additional cost. After studying the services eontract with the City of Salem, and Bookkeeper Attorney advised that the Sheriff/be instructed to ~ubmit future bills aeeording ..... to the reeommendation of the Sheriff's report. Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer & Executive Officer, recommended that the :1, Board of Supervisors meet with officials of the Chesapeake & Potomac T\llephone Co. , to discuss the possibilities of having a switchboard for all local COWlty Offices. REGIONAL MSNTAL HEALTH SERVICES BOARD . ; - ing vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. 1 ! In eonsulting with the Mayors of the Cities of Roanoke and Salem and as authorized by the Statute, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors concurs in the . make-up of the Regional Mental Health Services Board for the City of Roanoke, City . of Salem and the County of Roanoke to consist of twelve (12) members with four {4i , to be selected from each political subdivision; and the Chair appoints for terms as stated in accordance with the Statute the follOwing individuals to serve as . Roanoke County's members on the Regional I~ental Health Services Board: - For 1 year term - William R. Hill ' R. F. D. 1 Salem, Virginia Dr. Jor.n O. Hurt Vinton, Virginia - For 2 year term - Reverend W. Carroll Brooke 3237 Bromley Road, SW Roanoke, Virginia - For 3 year term - Mrs. W. Conrad Stone 4019 Lake Drive, SW Roanoke, Virginia the Statute calling for persons initially appointed to serve for staggered terms of I ..... :"~1 U , a1~I~'':'DJ .~ <<,,;vY '"J~' "11 .! .ftt~ iJl.' 'r,' !~~~ f~'f~ :3"~ ~.i'lltL'J , ~,V' r~~~\ . .to''I ~ J... . ~ "0 , ~'~~ 'utt~ ~ 11:v~ ,~~~ c1'j'~&:r" .f., . . ~ll tit. \~Y' 194 2/26/69 'i II one to three years. " I' SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION STUDY COMMITTEE Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors appoint Supervi- Ii , sor Charles H. Osterhoudt as its representative to the School Construction Study ~~~\ ~':: CoDBnittee. ~.~ i: Seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and carried by the following vote: ,.r .,pJ'!, II AYES: All ~~:! NAYS: NONE ~\: i , ,~ YARGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. - EMPLOYED TO SET UP PERSONNSL PLAN lOR ROANOKE COUNTY " i' Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the firm Yarger &: Associates, Inc., :! 1; ~personnel 50 Managem~;t Services, 109 Pennsylvania Avenue, Falls Church, Virginia, ~ :i be employed to set/a personnel plan for all employees of Roanoke County with the \, ~nq ij provision that the constitutional officers may participate with their employees, the.: ":l..?>,"' 'I 1 ~\ i, Library Board with their employees, the Public Service Authority and all other areas , ;1 , i, of service in Roanoke County, with the price not to exceed the sum of $5000. 1 1 ii " " I' ~ vote: !i ~ AIES: !' NAYS: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following " !i " " " All " i None. t I, :i i~ /rA..~,~,I"1 :: RESOLUTION CALLING FOR PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO ELIMINATE INDEPENDENT CITIES ~~:j l/HEREAS, the status of independent cities in the State of Virginia is of ~.~ Ii great concern to the counties as it effects their planning for future growth and ~<llo"O~~'I: development due to the fact that they are constantly threatened dth the loss of 6cai,~.II... , L, tl.~ :.:: area and revenue through annexation by the independent cities; arid ~~,'I .3&~7 ~,:' l/IlEIlEAS, Virginia is one of the few (three, possibly) states that now have SU>/~&'I ~l, : independent .;ities; and ~~ W. liHEREA.S, Virginia's being in the minority indicates that the laws of the 4'fO"~~ :: Commonwealth relating to city-county relationships need to be revised in order to ~,'.J~. l Q..&:...... promote harmony between the municipalities; ~.'''',;,;;'"B.. 'D~~;..:id.:.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors request the ~..,S~ County's representatives in the Virginia General Assembly to introduce legislation ~.,)"~' ~.11)~ 'II\: :: at the special session for the purpose of eliminating the independent cities so as ~\~"~ to make Virginia laws in harmony with the more than 47 other states. ~ 'llt, , \ ",' On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. O'>\.~~~ Co, ' ~~ : Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: ~\... ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ " NAYS: None. , ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy. j I 1 195 '11 . . ...... ~,.~....- ..-,-....--.- . -, I I AMENDMENT TO GENERAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE ! On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded by Supervif:or A. T. Huddleston I II the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke C:>unty, adopted October 9, 1968, be,1 ! and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective February 26, 1969: ! 1200 - DOG FUND - An additional appropriatial of $10,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the follOwing, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 3)~6r~ I~~ "..f ,,,,,,,,>41 , , A letter signed by residents of the City of Salem and Roanoke County dated I I January 30, 1969, calling the Supervisors' and Salem City Council's attention to , " ; accumulation of trash along Keagy Road and. Crestmore Drive, was this day laid be- , i i fore the Board. The follOwing action was taken: i I , i , i ! ,>, \ J Ii IN RE: TRASH ACCUMlJLATION ALONG KEAGY ROAD Arm CRESTmRE DRIVE I Supel'Visor Lee B. Eddy moved that this letter be received and filed and that .!2/.31"~ I the County Engineer be requested to keep track of the situation and take what I ~ I action he feels necessary to correct it. and prevent the situation from occurring inll~. ~~ i the future. I i Seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and carried by the following vote: I , I i I AYES: All I . I : NAYS. None. i II I I. Ii 'i ~ I BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia the i' ! Council for the City of Salem concurring: That the County of Roanoke do deliver to i i the main sewer interceptor line of the City of Salem wastes originating within the II I following defined area, located in the Salem Magisterial District of Roanoke county~ ! Virginia, and described as follows, to wit: II ! FRALIN AND WALDRON, INC. - 8.82 Acres II i BEGINNING at a highway monument located at the point of inter- I section of a north R~ line of Interstate Route No. 81 and the west I I:,:,: /W (n 6 1 ,I R line of Virginia Secondary Route No. 41; thence with a ine leaving the higbway monument and with the aforesaid north R/W line II::' of Route 818. 740 17' 30" W., 304.20 feet to a point; thence with 1,1 a line leaving the aforesaid Route 81 and with the east boundary , Ii of the Fralin and Waldron, Inc. lands (foreerly property of Jackson :i I'!. Hills Corporation) the following bearings and distances: N. 650 22' !I'I! W., 72.96 feet; N. 490 22' W., 192.19 feet; N. 400 51' W., 132.07 ' , , feet; N. 390 22' W., 99.08 feet; N. 350 51' W., 60.75 ,feet; and N. I!!,' I: :i 11,. i I', [ ~ :i ~ ~ i \ , I ., -' !~1 '- I , i 196 1 j I i L________.~ . ! I I I .. ...-........... ..... .. - ...----.-._--,-_...~.~---_.- 360 37' W., 269.36 feet to a point and said point being the south- west corner of the O. A. Scott property as recorded in Deed Book 4l2. Page 162 of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County; thence leaving the Fralin & Waldron, Inc. land and with the south boundary of the Scott property N. 790 01' 30n E., 756.21 feet to a point on the west R/W line of the afol-e- said Route 641; thence leaving the Scott tract and with the west R/W line of Route 641 the following bearings and distances: S. 110 02' 30n E., 126.00 feet; S. 00 17' 30n W., 101.98 feet; and S. 110 02' E., 44-1.63 feet to the place of BEGINNING and being a bOWliliary description of that 8.82 acre tract conveyed to Fralin and Waldron, Inc. by J. W. Puckett as shown on a plat of survey by Di,ck & W.a1l, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, under date of July 29, 1966. , 12~~\~~ /~ il . I , 4 : i ~J+~..l ~~j ~ or~'~ ~> I I 11I'I. . 1\~~VI I Q/Ol.{ I I ~\lo lJ'1J""j I ~\ I !;&T I' i . I and that said wastes be accepted by the City of Salem for transmission to the ~nter ceptor of the City of Roanoke. and for treatment thereof, pursuant to the provillons of the contract between the City of Salem and the County of Roanoke,iated Decem- I < . I ber 19, 1955. I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Council for the City of salem is hereby requ&sted to r&quest the Council for the City of Roanoke to accept domestic wastes originating within the aforesaid area, and transmit the same to its treatment plant treat the same, pursuant to the provisions of the contract betlieen the City of Roa~oke and the City of Salem,under date of October 16, 1953. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl adopted by the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. Simms, L. Earl Simms and Charles AYES: I I I I Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the following items were , i i , I , , , II II II I , , , 'I II il " II :: ii !I Ii :: i !! PENN FOREST SUBDIVISION: i !:v Chaparral Drive - from present end of Route 800 to '! Route 613 ii :i " was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, ri ~ i 'i by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote: On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. received and filed: Chairman's Report for February 7 through 21, 1969; Statement of office and travel expenses incurred by the Sheriff and his Deputies during January 1969; Roanoke County Health Department Quarterly Report 'Letter dated February 20, 1969 from Douglas B. Fugate, Commissioner Virginia Department of Highways, Richmond, Va. acknowletl.ging receipt of Board's resolution regarding transfer of Hershbergar,aoad to Primary System. IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY , 1 Board of Supervisors of Letter dated February 17, 1969 addressed to the Roanoke County, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following addition to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective January 1, 1969: LENGTH 0.46 Mi. Ii I- " seconded ': II " AYES: All NAYS: None. and I : !I Ii II il I' il i! ! j, " il II II I " I, " ;J !: :1 " :' 1 I I I I 198 2/26/69 " i' Ii COUNTY PAlROLLS i Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the payrolls be approved lI:i.th the ..(' I! stipulation that the Executive Officer check into Jo Ann Foster's salary. The , ' "rt"lJ 1-' i'County Payrolls as approved were the Daily/Hourly dated 2/12/69 and 2/13/69 and ~,~~ i'the Monthly dated 2/28/69 in the total amount of $43,839.02, from which the sum of ~~ i'$4.846.l9 W. H. Tax; $2,025.15 F.I.C.A. Tax; $653.62 State Income Tax; $15.00 ;V'V" :iAccounts Insurance; $1,045.18 Retirement; $378.90 Blue Cross InJ~'ance; $106.20 ::Uniforms; and $128.67 Miscellaneous Expenses is to be deducted l~lVing a net pay- :i ;iroll of $34,640.11. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by : the following vote: if AYES: All I: i: NAYS: None ~ The following items were this day received and filed: January Report of Activities for Recreation Department February 11, 1969 Minutes of Board of Recreation's Meetin~ Copy of a letter dated 2/10/69 from William J. Paxton,' Jr., City Manager of Salem, to Mr. R. Franklin Hough, Jr., V:trgllnia Bap'Cist Children's Home, Salem, Virginia, advising him of SaJi~'s appointed representiatives to the Community Mental Health SerYi1t'i,:sBoardl. . Copy of Paul B. Matthews' letter dated 2/17/69 to Managers of Town of Vinton, City of Roanoke, City of Salem and the Chairman of Bo'~e- tourt County Board of Supervisors regarding their participa- ting in . cost of a regional landfill study Copy of a letter dated 2/19/69 from Chairman of the Board of Sup(j-visors to Hampton W. Thomas, regarding sewer contract negotiations. /Copy of a letter dated 2/18/69 from the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors to Mr. A. T. Huddleston, Chairman of the Property Collllllittee regarding the typewriter-calculating machine equipment for Mr. Billy K. Muse's Office. i :! " On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy. seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas:, ;'and the following vote, the meeting was adjourned. , iiAYES: All !' 'NAYS: None. ( c, /~.' I C RMAN '/ ' , .,c ! It' (,"'(.'1.: , J '," /. { ~, I ( , 1 1 ~ !! i' it II " " :1 " < \! i' !i " ;i il ., " [I " " " :j II II I Ii i' Ii 1 I 199 Courthouse Salem, Virginia March 12, 1969 2:00 P. M. The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the second Wednesday and the firs~ Ii ': jregular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia. ..- ..-< ,Members present: , ~ee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms. Iolembers absent: Joseph C. Thomas. , .ttorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and the County Engineer and Executive Officer, Paul Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, The Commonwealth~s I B. ~I :!Matthews were present. I, :: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt called the meeting to orderiand introduced 'Father Bernard C. Krimm, Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic chufch, who offered the : iinvocation. The pledge of allegiance was given in unison led by the Chairman. . :NAYS: ~BSENr: On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supel"Visor Lee B. Eddy, !~d the following vote, the minutes of the February 26, 1969 meet:;,ng were approved as:i' ~ 1 ii '1 j 'I il Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt :4pread, each member having received copies mailed to him by the Clerk. " ~YES: None. Joseph C. Thomas. In accordance with the requirements of the law, , 'j I '[ I I r ,[ , , representa :.ives of the Highway ,I - '~OINT MEETING OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT lND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON MATTERS PERTAINING TO ROADS IN THE SECONDARY SYSTEM Department, Messrs. G. L. Robertson and Leo Ferris, Resident Engineer and Assistant i: Resident Engineer, appeared before the Board of Supervisors this day for an annual !public heering to discuss matters pertaining to road work on the Secondary System, ,for the year 1969-1970, and to hear any requests for improvements to same. -..-, , I i , :1 At a public hearing to consider the petition of Tom T. and Phyllis D. Teichler:! 'I tor rezoning of two lots in Alpine Hills subdivision so apartJ7len~,s might be built ': :~here, a letter dated March 5, 1969 from G. O. Clemens, Attorneytfor the Petitioners" to the Board of Supervisors requesting permission to withdraw sa" d petition was ' laid before the Board. The following action was taken. I .-l J , IN RE: REZONING OF LOTS 10 AND 11, MAP OF ALPINE HILLS ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BELONGING TO TOf~ T. TEICHLER AND PHYLLIS D. TEICHLER, HUSBAND AND WIFE Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that ~~. & Mrs. , Teichler be uermitt~d to with- '414J~9:!1 ~~. ~~'p~f; ~f''p/I J1,~.4/ . ~o.;$J/''' 1 draw their petition for rezoning of property owned by them in Alpine Hills, Roanoke ,count y, Virginia. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following 200 3/12/69 " Ii Ii fote: ~YES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I~AYs: None. 11 !lBSENT: Joseph C. Thomas , :: . II " II " I 'I " " ,1 I, " :i 'I " ~1 1 At a public hearing this day to consider the petition of Joseph W. Foley for ~ezoning a tract of land in Sunnybrook subdivision $.1 an office building might be i ~ ~uilt there, a letter dated February 26, 1969, from the Petitioners' attorney, , iw. H. Jolly of Kime, Jolly Be Clemens to the Executive Officer of Roanoke County, :1 I jPaul B. Matthews, requesting permission to withdraw said petition was read to the " '1 " I I, " ;, ii REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE Ii ON TIlE NORTHEAST CORNER OF il DEXTER ROAD AND SUNNYBROOK i III DRIVE, IN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL , ~niI: :s,.gogn.ro-. . I W. FOLEY AND NELLIE J. FOLEY, . HIS WIFEi I. ~ I: Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Mr. and Mrs. Foley be permitted to with-11 , "Jraw their petition for rezoning of their property on the corner of Dexter Road and '[ I\~ ~ I ~unnYbrook Drive in Roanoke County. , V ~~~... II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by t.he following vote: I, ~JY"'\ ~YES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II J I'. ii ,mys. None. , " I ~BSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. I :' I' " I: " i: Ii " , 'i [I I, , imatter and no " ;, ii " J.! i: " tBoard. t: :! " The following action was taken: ii i~: " 01 :iIN HE: I' ,I " 'I ii ,! " I one appeared to oppose the same. ,I il " ! ii )1 Mr. William Robertson appeared this day to speak for the following rezoning , ~ONING OF PROPERTY ON . [/rIlE EAST SIDE OF U. S . :ftOtlTE 11 AT GLENVAR IN THE i~OUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA l! OF !ROBERTSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., iie- Virginia Corporation ! ) ) } ) ) ) ) FINAL C~ I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, V,'irginiH, held at " !the Courthouse on March 12, 1969. " " WHEREAS' Robertson Construction Co., Inc. petitioned this BOI rd and requested ;1 ' i'that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so I s to provide that ~certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Industri~ " " i!ItM-2n property, which petition was filed at an adjourned meeting of this Board on :January 27, 1969, and by order entered on that date was referred to the Planning 'Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of, ''the Code of Virginia; and I I , 3/12/69 201 .,.... WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at e meet~ng held on ,February 18, 1969, after giving public notice, and after hearing evidence touching i'on the merits of said petition, recomme'lded to this Board that :'laid County Zoning , ,Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the toperty described ',in the petition to Industrial 1t,.I_21t property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did by its order entered on January 27, ...... as aforesaid, :!tion from the I: order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommenda- Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down 1lr a public hearing I 1969, I :; :1 I ., ! :; :! :,at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice !, ::thereof by publication in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and _-_"I i'the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board ,:to be held on March 12, 1969, at 2:00 P. M. as the date and time for the public ;; I) , , I same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World-News newspaper onl ;l :,February 27, and March 6, 1969, which paper has general circulation in the County of,1 :1 'I , ofl 'I II hearing on the " , i'advertised the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zonin,!!: Ordinance and i! Roanoke , Virginia, all of which is required by said order of thi,s Board and in , ' , iiaccordance with the provisions of the said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code , [I Virginia; and I ,I II WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on said prop"sed amendment to . ! --' lithe CO'1:lty Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof W;iS duly published i' i !Ias aforesaid, and the Board after giving careful consideration t:, said petition and lito the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearillg the evidence ii :;touching on the merits of the proposed amendment to said County:oning Ordinance, iSI ::of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in , -J said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this mee',ing of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on this the 12th day of March, 1969~ 'ithe said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, amei:lded to reclassify the property described in the said petition to Industrial "M_2" :?roperty in order :that said property and any other buildings constructed on ~aid-Jtoperty hereafter may be used for Industrial IIM-2" purposes as defined by the saie Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. The property hereby classified as Industrial "M-2" property is more particularly :described as follows, to-wit: Lot 8, Glenvar Subdivision, excepting the southwesterly pro',ion of said lot previously conveyed by the sellers to Edward B. Hill, and the south- ~ erly part of Lot 9, Glenvar Subdivision : \ iii ' 'I,J, I IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwithj~ I I . certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of 'che Planning COmmiS-~,. ~. ~ for. _ sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to H. G. Robertson, Repr~sentative/the : ,,~~~;fI. Petitioner. :;Al~floI~ The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Superviso:r L. Earl Simms ant{):j~y seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on the record vote ,'i1e Supervisors voted ~"'b~'7fc as follows, to-wit: , . ~'I /I.. ~-, ! -.J l 202 3/12/69 I, Ii AYES: II !' NAYS: " if II ABSE"''': I' ,,~ :i , ii I, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Ost,trhoudt. None. Joseph C. Thomas. " i :1 ii Ii :1 Ii i! re210ning matter,1 !I il !: I Mr. T. D. Steele appeared this day to speak for the following no appeared to oppose the same. i: and :: " !i 'I " " I f ~ IN RE: " ~ " il " Ii Ii " ii " I' I; i: was rezoned from Business B-2 classification to Business B-3 classificB':ion a I' Ii portion of the 30 acre tract of land owned by Double T Corporation loca,ted on the I! Ii northeasterly corner of State Routes 681 and 419, fronting 200 feet on 'the northerll:' , I II side of said Route 419 and 200 feet on the easterly side of said Route 681 j and Ii r WHEREAS, subsequently Double T Corporation has conveyed said 30 acre tract ~ ti to Tanglewood Mall, Inc., reserving to itself the square of land at sai~ northeaste~ly it Ii ~ corner of said Routes, fronting slightly over 200 feet on said Route 4lf' , with a ~ ~ depth of slightly less than 200 feet j and Ii !i WHEREAS, because of the probable future widening of sail", F,tutes, it will be Ii !I :1 ii necessary, in order for the owners to dispose of said corner oJ: "nd as agreed, for;: :i :1 REZONING OF CERTAIN I ) REAL ESTATE IN CAVE SPRING ) MlGISTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY ) OF ROANOKE, STATE OF VffiGINIA,) LOCATED ON THE NORTHEASTERLY ) CORNER OF STATE ROUTE 681 AND ) STATE ROUTE 419 ) RESOLUTION AND ORDERj WHEREAS, by Resolution and Order adopted by this Board on April 10, 1968, thete !; " I i' filling station purposes, for an additional 37 foot Ii r Business B-2 to Business B-3 classificationj and I: strip to be S9 rezoned from i . WHEREAS, Double T Corporation and Tanglewood ~mll, Inc., ha re her~tofore I' filed their petition to amend the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County b( reclassi- I: fying said property situate in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, Co,;nty of ;; ,Roanoke, State of Virginia, and described in said petition, from Business B-2 I' classification to Business B-3 classificationj and 'WHEIlEAS, by order entered at its regular meeting on February 12, \.969, the I, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, referred the matter to the ?l~~ing Commis- sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its report and recommendatlonj an\i WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County at a regilar m~eting held on February 18, 1969, after legal and timely advertisement of the same'jfullY con- sidered the petition and reported to this Board its recommendatfon that the said additional parcel be rezoned from Business B-2 classification to Busine~s B-3 classi- ficationj and I WHEREAS, the matter was set on March 12, 1969, and it further for public hearing at the ,ard's regular meeting appears from the certificate of the publisher, I Times-World Corporation, that the notice of the public hearing to be held on this day was fully published in accordance with law; and WHEREAS, a publiC hearing was duly held on March 12, 1969, and full opportun- ity was accorded all interested parties to express their views concernin.g the pro- posed rezoning; and 3/12/69 203 ".,. ,---- ---... .~_._-_._. . -_.._~--. .-. ". . .---'- 0' -~,c""',c,~~. =:-"""~._-- ~ ...,. Ii of the matter, the Board is of the opinion that the change ii 'i promote i: 'I , County; and , i! ii ,! [,be I' " the public interest, the prosperity and welfare of the citizens of the , 'I II d i in the classification would I I, .i i " it should; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full consideration ...., ! WHEREAS, all requirements of law have been complied with and the property rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that The Zoning Ordinances :1 " " of Roanokeil , :; i: County, as amended, l: be, and they are further, amended to reclassify and rezone to . Beginning at an iron pin on the northwesterly side of Virginia State Secondary Route 419 at the point where the northwesterly side of the said Virginia State Secondary Route 419 intersects Virginia State Secondary Route 6g1; thence with a line of the said latter highway, N. 650 48' 50ft w. 49.67 feet to an iron pin corner on the same; thence with the same, N. 270 22' 40ft W. 164.16 feet to a point on the samej thence leaving-the said line of the said highway Route 681, N. 490 51' 30ft E. 232.04 feet to a point; thence S. 400 08' 30ft W. 237.00 feet to a point on the northwesterly side .of said Route 419; thence two courses with the same, S. 530 36' 30ft W. 97.88 feet to an iron pin on the same and with the-same S.590 38' 40ft W. 151.31 feet to the place of Beginning, containing 1.293 acres, more or less, and being a portion of the same propert;r conveyed to Double T Corporation by Rylie S. Hayden, un- married, by deed dated July 8, 1960, of record in the Circuit Court Clerk's Office of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 809, Page 83; a portion of the above described property having been conveyed by Double T Corporation to Tanglewood Mall, Inc., by deed dated June 24, 1968, of record in the said Clerk's Office in Deed Book 855, Page 271. of land now olned by the : Business B-3 classification that certain inclusive tract petitioners and more particul~rly described as follows: .... which has been recommended for such rezoning by the Roanoke County Planlling Commis-: sion. .,~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution be spre'ld upon the ': official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of ~i Board, and said Clerk shall furnish a certified copy of to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke hereby directed to change all official Zoning Maps of Roanoke County to'reflect rezoning ordered herein, and additional copies of this resolution and ., be certified and sent to counsel for the petitioners. The above resolution and order ~las adopted at a regular meeting of l;his Board ,; held this day on the motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy of the !lave SprinG Magisterial " District, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms of the Richf'ield f.lagi'lterial District,and, on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: -, i A:YES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt, ,NAYS: None. ': ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. ! ! .-i J Mr. Ben M. Richardson, Attorney for the Petitioner in the following rezoning . matter appeared to speak for the request and no one appeared to oppose .the same. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON ) KINGSTOWN ROAD, ROUTE ,,26 ) ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ) FINAL ORDER 204 3/12/69 ~, At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virgini:!l held on : the 12th day of March, 1969; .' ,I 'I :' WHEREAS, American Motor Inns, Incorporated petitioned this Board al\i requeste~ , ~I : that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property;: :; : :1 ' , i Ii described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Busi'.',ess B-2 frpm Agricul, II . !; l!tural A-l, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on; November ~, II ,1 i 1968, and by order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of i: ;, Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the pro:visions ~,f the 195d II 'I t t il I:,' Code of Virginia, as amended; and, ,I I, " WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a 11eeting, ;1 ~held on January 28, 1969, after hearing evidence touching on the merits ot said ~ i: petition, recoDDllended to this Board that said County Zoning O;dinance be t.mended so !I I, II !: as to change the classification of the property described in said petition from :1 Ii :1 " Ii Agricultural A-I to Business B-2; and, if ii \ f tIHEREA.S, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did direct the Clerk of ii ;i ji :1 this Board to set the same down for a public hearing at a meeting of this Board and :1 Ii , Ii ii give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning C. "dinance il /i Ij :! and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, ii I' I' Ii WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set for a public hearing on the ai'OreSai~ Ii proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by noticJ I' II 1'1 duly published in The Roanoke World News, a newspaper having a general circulation I ,: in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, by two insertions on February 27, 1969 and Ii Ii March 6, 1969, in accordance with said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of virjinia, as II ~: 1/ il amended; and, . II ~ I I. I! lIl!EREI.S, said public hearing was this date had on said proII,sed amendment; :1 " ii and, I! t WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and ii il to said recoDDllendation and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said ,: I,] proposed amendment, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should j be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commis~ " I! sion. I I I " I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board i: :i of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 12th day of March,. 1969, ,I I, i! the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassi- :i fy the property described in said petition from Agricultural A-l to Business B-2, !l I provided that a 45-foot setback line be established from the Route 626 centerline, said property being so classified as Business B-2 being more particularly described , ,; as follows, to-wit: I Ii BEGINNING at an old iron pipe located on the west side of Kingstownl Road, Route 626; thence from said point S. 510 11' W. 466.57 ft. to an old iron pipe; thence from said point S. 730 04' W. 299.30 ft. to a point on a branch; thence with said branch N. 150 21' W. 35.90 ft. to a point; thence N. 270 09' W. 111.50 ft. to a point; thence N. 200 19' W. 63 ft. to a point; thence N. 000 41' E. 56 ft. to a poinl;; thence,N. 6034' W. 41 ft. to a point; thence N. 20034' W. 44.50 ft. to a point; -thence N. 470 54' W. 14 ft. to a point; ,thence N. 590 31' W. 46 ft. to a point; thence N. 590 56' w. 28.77 ft. to an old iron corner, located 11 ft. S. and 5.5 ft. ,W. of a White Oak; thence from said point N. 330 ~l' E. 59.57 ft. to an old iron; thence from said point N. 510 01' E. 591.72 to an iron pin corner in the west line of Kingstown Road, Route 626; thence with said Road S. 290 31' E. 402.40 ft. to an iron pipe; thence continuing with said Road S. 240 01' E. 16.25 ft. to an iron pipe; thence from ~lid iron pipe and continuing with said Road S. 300 50' E. 150.28 ft. to an old iron pipe corner and the place of Beginning, and I 3/12/69 205 ,.,=_".-'-";"_',"'.-=7,~~~"""",,,,,,,,,,,,,," r""'"..."'"..,..~~..:-""=:-_.,.,o:-;..".,... .....'--::_..-rc.".-.c-,.____..,. - ,petitioner. BEING the same property shown on a certain survey showing the property of Billy H. Branch, Roanoke County, Virginia, dated August 4. 1967, and made by T. P. Parker, S.C.E., and containing 8.20 acres, more or less. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall :i:orth'''ith;~114tf1~ ,sion of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to Ben M. R~chardsor Attorney for the I . ., i5~ The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisc,r Lee B. Eddy and i!? -zf... I: ., -. ::seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors i~oted as follows, to-wit: I: ~YES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~!NA YS : None. !I ~BSENT: Joseph C. Thomas At a public hearing this day to consider the petition of Frederick Ii. Finney, I ~ ::et al, for rezoning a 4i acre Ii - :Hills subdivision) so multi-family dwellings may be built there, C. tract of land (blocks 1 and 2, map of NOI'th Summit i' :lttorney for the Petitioners, appeared to explain the request. lIr. f 'I i\ Richard Cranwell~ 'I Finney was also ii i 11 ,) Ii - i: 'present. tl il The following ,'f litheir reasons for their position: II IRoad, NW Roanoke, Virginia; Jack Meador, Summit !' citizens appeared in opposition to the request and to state r-lr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Hoykar, 4527 S1fonewall - :wood Road, NW Roanoke; and Amelia Bullard, Summit Hills area. Hills; L. F. Hollenbeck, 1030 Silver~ :1 II I , A petition signed by approximately 136 residents of Summit Hills ar~a opposing , this requested rezoning is filed with the minutes of this meeting. After some discussion it was the consensus of the Board that additional time i!was needed to study the matter and investigate the location in question,'therefore :the following action was taken: I h4 i ..J IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF 4i ACRES OF LAND KNOWN AS BLOCKS 1 AND 2, MlP 1 OF NORTH S~,rrT HILLS AND FRONTING 655 FEET ON EDGELAWN AVENUE, SITUATED IN ROANOKE COUh'TY OF FREDERICK W. FINNEY, et al Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the decision on this be d,eferred \lntil the ,next meeting, ~~rch 26, 1969 at 7:30 P.M. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carrted by the fllllowing / J :vote: 'AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas . A letter dated March 11, 1969 addressed to the Chairma~ of the Boar~ of Super- 'visors from Julian F. Hirst, City ~~nager of Roanoke, requesting the Board to defer 206 3/12/69 il ~ immediate action on the Planning Commission's recommendation regaruing a revision , , in the proposed height zoning in the Roanoke Municipal Airport (l'oodrum Field) ii Ii was this day read to the Board. The following action was taken: . ~ area, " " :i ii !! j! "i: IN RE: Jll~'~~ I f~:( :: . Supervisor A. P1~ ~~~. ~ng vote: . ~I AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. , .I NAYS: None. ;r~!IABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. " \ ., :1 :i !1 PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY RELATED TO HEIGHT ii REGULATIONS FOR BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, ETC. IN AREA AROUND WOODRtM AIRPORT '! I Supervisor L. :! Earl Simms moved that the above matter be continued indefinitely!. ,I " T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- :1 I I I '1 ii ,I " 'I IINotic~ - 'I Public :. ,I Ii 'I :i ~ ., " i: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy !!loved that the Board of Super--.risors approve the ,/ II of Intention to Adopt Amendments to the Roanoke County Parking Ordinance and !i Ii Hearing Thereonll with the further suggestion that the Parking Lot Commit1;ee study , the question of use of the Courthouse Parking Lot by those not having imnediate ti usiness in the Courthouse or being employees of the County. [, :) T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- I! p il " jl i, :1 N " ~. l Joseph C. Thomas I , , " Parking Lot Committee: Chairman, Joseph C. Thomas Clerk of the Board Executive Officer II NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY PARKING OEDINANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid MOtor Vehicle Parking Ordinance, said , ~,c../ ,,) ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Superviscrs on July 16. \o"'1~ ..it ~ I ~'L '11956' and " :~~Jj!l ' , I~;~ WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the said ordinance ! ?~~g;;.t~!texpedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfa;:'e of the l~~.~ of the citizens of Roanoke County; , I~ ~~I.J0 NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board 1~_..~;1 of Supervisors to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wednesday, April 9, !, ~~~,; 969, at 2:00 p.m., the Board of Supervisors will move the passage of the follow- I ' . dm I 'L ~#., ~ng amen ents: :~ ~ "5. In addition to the foregoing, the following shall bp. considered as ! .~~, _!.Jcr.~. offens~s under this ordinance: $I,q/~~ ~" !i Ii I I Double Parking Parking Over Allowed Time (applies Unattended Motor in Operation Blocking Traffic Parking in Reserved Space only to 30-minute parking spaces) 3/12/69 l-c,-=:~',~c=-.,--..;..;. . =-.C' ,p.--:-""::"""-:':O.==-=O.-. ":.'=-.-c~. '" c-....", " Any person, firm or corporation violatin~ any of the provisions of this ordinanc~ " and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined; :1 , " I! shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor Ii according to the following scale: - Double Parking Parking Over Allowed Time Parking Improperly Unattended MOtor in Operation Parking in Reserved Space Blocking Traffic $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 .~ - And in addition thereto, any motor vehicle parked upon said parking lot in :, violation of this ordinance may be moved to a garage or parking lot for storage , at the expense of the owner or owners of said motor vehicle. The Sheriff of Roanoke County shall prepare an appropriate ticket and ticket :,stub for use in enforcing this ordinance. The ticket shall be Fut in plain view on an appropriate place on any motor vehicle which is in violation of this ordinance. .-~ -- :1 The ticket stub shall be turned in to the Clerk's Office of the ,Roanoke County cour~!. "Both the ticket and stub shall have corresponding numbers. 'rhe 'eicket shall contain! :! I :1 NOTICE: You may pay this by appearing in the Clerk's Office for the Roanoke i r' County Court, third floor, Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Vir'ginia. If you pre-, " fer, you may mail the ticket and fine to the Clerk's Office at the aforementioned " address. Checks should be made payable to ItClerk,Roanoke County Courtlt. If you i'fail to take care of this ticket within 72 ROurS, then further action will be Ii taken which could result in your having to appear in court and :f.aying additional " !' costs. t :i If the owner or operator of the motor vehicle in question d~es not appear in Ii the Roanoke County Court Clerk's Office and pay the fine within 72 hours of the , ,I " ;, time of the offense as noted on the ticket and stub, then it shall be the responsi- :: : the following statement: - '1 f .. bility of the said Clerk's Office to so notify the Sheriff's Office. Upon such notification the Sheriff's Office shall, in compliance with Section 46.1-179.01 , of the Code of Virginia, as amended, notify the owner or operator of the vehicle in ,! question by registered mail at his last known address or his ad~ress as shown on the records of the Division of MOtor Vehicles, that he may pay the fine, provided by this ordinance for such violation, within five days of receipt of said notice :: at the Clerk's Office of the Roanoke County Court. A copy of the notice shall be ii sent to the Clerk's Office, and the officer issuing the original tick.et shall be notified by the Clerk's Office if the owner or operator has fail.ed to pay such fine : within such time. A summons shall then be issued for the offen~e, bu~ the owner or operator of the vehicle in question may pay the fine prior tc, the date he is to appear in court provided he also pays necessary costs. All fines paid under this ordinance shall be payable to the Clerk's Office for the Roanok~, County Court, and that office shall keep appropriate records thereof.1t 1 I - , By virtue of the foregoing amendment, the second paragraph of Section 4 as it now reads shall be deleted from the ordinance. This notice shall be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504' of the Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspapel. A copy of the proposed amendments is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Ci: cuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. ,T. Huddleston" adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas 207 208 3/12/69 /i RESOLUTION APPROVING TEiolPORARY BORROWING OF MONEY II Whereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County there is now a defi-' j~q/ .~ cit in the General Fund of the County, and it is, therefore, necessary 'eo borrow ~\\~~ money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said FU'rld, and to ! ~ thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; anp Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized b" Section I 15.1-545 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date, to borrow not earlier }i :1 11 Ij Ii II " 'I Ii " Ii " " !i County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $~O,OOO.OO,for the pur1 pose hereinbefore set out; a, ij NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiatfrl loan. or loans J and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $200,000.00 from such Banks ~ " 'I J it of interest not exceeding six percent per annum, on demand; which said lJaturity :! date or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1969, said loan~ or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board j<)f superViSO~.,:S' and the same shall be executed as follows: ii 'I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Charles Osterhoudt, whose ii " I' signature shall be duly attested by Elizabeth Stokes, Clerk, and shall' lecome due :i than February 1st of any ya~~ a sum of money not to exceed one-half of 'ehe amount of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1]69, at a rate of interest not exceeding six percent per annum, to be repaid not later than I December 15, 1969; and Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke or Institutions of ehis State as are willing to make the loan or loans at a rate I and payable to, and as such Bank or Banking Institution, may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at order by this Board. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston as the Bank making the loan " " maturity without further' seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following vote:, AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. ~ James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County appeared regarding thp. foregoing matter and also filed the following report. I , TO THE BOARD OF SuPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business February 28, 1969, there was to the credit General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School T ex t boo k Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash Data Processing - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation - Available Cash Library Construction - Available Cash F. I. C. A. - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account $ of tfi:he following 402 61. 91 18 941.23 7.845.67 13,426.63 202,555.07 17,857.47 65,867.63 20,,117.64 34,431.15 10,467.55 178.97 60.41 794,111.33 I -$ 210 3/12/69 ~ CHARLES H. OSTERHOUDT - APPOINTMENT TO v' SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this Board appoint Charles H. Osterhoudt as a m e m b e r of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission for a, five year term starting September 21, 1968 to expire September 20, 1973. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following]! I vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhciudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas I Chairman Osterhoudt assured the Board of Supervisors that if he was ~ot a member of this Board at the time his term of office expired that,he would resign from the Commission. A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE GRATITUDE OF TIlE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO ,; MRS. J. ARTHUR DEYERLE FOR HER SERVICE ON THE ROANOKE COUln'Y LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. . '. WHEREAS Mrs. J. Arthur Deyerle has served as a devoted member and as Chairman of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees over a period of many years; and WHEREAS I-!rs. J. Arthur Deyerle has been highly instrumental in the creation and development of the present Roanoke County Library System and assumed t: major role in the planning and promotion of the 1967 bond issue referendum for construc- tion of library buildings in Roanoke County; and Mrs. J. Arthur Deyerle has recently retired i'rom the Library Board of I . . THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roan,.ke County:: h gratitude of all residents~ of the County to I>'.rs. J. Arthur Deyerle for her selfless and dedicated service ~ toward creating and improving library facilities and programs for the peo~le of \f~ ! Roanoke County; and ~\~ ~11:,.'. . FURTHERl'4JRE BE IT RESOLVED that certii'ied copies of this resolution be trans- ~ ,. llIl.tted to Mrs. Deyerle and the Secretary of the Roanoke County Library Boc:rd of I ., . .~.. Trustees. . ~ .. The foregoing resolution uas adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. f:ddY, ~seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following roll call vote: ,AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterr',udt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. I I v A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE JUDGE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT TO INCREASE THE NUI-iBER OF ROANOKE COUNTY LIBRARY TRUSTEES FROM FIVE TO SEVEN AND !-lAKE APPOINTMENTS THERETO. WHEREAS the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees at present comprises five: members appointed from the County at large; and WHEREAS the present library building program and the expanded library services resulting therefrom will significantly increase the magnitude and scope of the duties of the Library Board of Trustees; and 3/12/69 211 ~---------_.- ._--.-_.. -'''''. .... .....,-... 'I I] ~S it appears to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors that the servicesl , , of the Library Board to the residents of Roanoke County may be enhanced by increasing the number of its members so as to efi'ect a more uniform representation by geographi~ '! ,- :'cal areas and a greater diversity of interests and experience thereon; and WHEREAS Section 42-9 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, indicates that ..1 :a county library board of trustees shall consist of five or more members; " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County !I ~~, respectfully request the Judge of the Circuit Court to increase the total number . l~ , of members of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees from five to seven and _. · that appointments be made to fill the additional positions created; and , -< FURTHERl~RE BE IT RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be trans- ;'mitted to the Judge of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County and that an additional 'certified copy be transmitted to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Library Board ',of Trustees with the suggestion that the Library Board consider the content of this ,resolution and express their related comments or recommendations to the Judge of :; the Circuit Court. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: i;AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Ostelhoudt. None. " !!NAYS: " .. iABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. I - vs ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER , Board of Supervisors The Public and the State Highway 'Commission of Virginia ~ ..~ I , .....J This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Hazel Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1620) from Vest Drive (Rt. 1693) to 'D. E. - 0.10 ~~le to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way ,for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Eton Hill #3, which map was recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 66, of the records of ,the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on June 10, 1966, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of . J.;.~' ,\ ~~rel ~.r.J' Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting prop~rty owners8~ ~ 'is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right ior drainage., ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road know;. as Hazel Drive flxtn. of ' Rt. 1620) from Vest Drive (Rt. 1693) to D. E. - 0.10 Mile and which is ohown on a J 'certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a publiC road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. . NAYS: None. 212 3/12/69 i L---.-.,-u._._~ _~..__.,_,. I il I, . !iCOUIm ENGINEER APPOINTED , i~ r VIEWER FOR TWO RURAL ROADS IN HOLLINS AREA. On application of the below-named petitioners: .(1) Theodore R. Smith, et als, - Unnamed road from Route 648 .30 mile north of Route 1$90 west to D. E. - .30 mile. (2) William Sadler, et als, - Unnamed road from Route 648 .10 mile south of Route 1$90 west to D. E. - .20 mile. I .. .' who this day filed their petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highway~ I, in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view ~~e Ii :: " ground and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will re- ii .. sult as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall be as proposed, :' and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in suc~ cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be esi;ablished upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any serdnary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also I :. ascertain and report to this Board whether the said roads will be of such mere , :i 'I I private convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be open~d and kept :i '1 He shall! :1 in order by the person or persons for whose convenience they are desire,:l. also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, ~d she hereby is directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway l',mmiss.1oner' of II Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons ~nall b(; directed, II executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it;1 'i may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Deuartment of Virginid - Ii I' having supervision of maintenance and construction of highway~ in Roanoke Cou.~ty and provided further that a certified copy of this order certif5.ed by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by SUlj~rvisor and adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. L'~ B. Eddy, NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas , . I Supervsor A. T. Huddleston moved execute development of I pay plan for County employees. carried by the ~cllowing 'AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles E. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. t i ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. 3/12/69 213 -------- ....- -_..- --~,---,. .----.-.. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH ) SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 460 AUD ) EAST OF I-lECCA STREET, BIG LICK ) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE ) COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BELONGING TO ) FRED L. DAVIS AND VIRGINIA H. ) DAVIS } ORDER v - This day came Fred L. Davis and Virginia H. Davis and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. Now, therefore, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the 1 same is hereby filed. " i i 041 Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby ref'erred to the:1 ,jIU~ < Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance,r 61"'~ with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. :! 2~~~ And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning COmmission shall: ~~ , . And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning - report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular " 'i or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Cler~ ~ by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy OftthiS resolu- tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to I'aul B. IJlatthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke Coun'~y, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and on the recorded vote, the Super-:! visors voted as follows, towit: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. ..., -, I IN HE: REZONING OF A TRACT OF LAND FRONTING ) 250 FEET ON VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE 419 ) AND RUNNING BACK ON PARALLEL LINES ) 250 FEET AND LYING 100 FEET SOUTH OF } THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROUTE 419 } AND HUNTING HILLS DRIVE, AND BELONGING} TO OLD HERITAGE CORPORATION. ) This day came OLD HERITAGE CORPORATION by counsel ORDER ....J t and requested Jt3ave to file ! its petition to rezone a tract of land described in said petition, which request is granted and the said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby O!:DERED that the peti- tion to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as requested in the p~tition, be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission ~f Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950 as amended, and when the said Planning Commission shall have )~eporte1 its recommen- dation to the Clerk of this Board as required by law, the Cle:~k of t:'iS Board shall forthwith set the same down for public re aring at the next permissib' e regular or ...... , i 214 3/12/69 I I I ~ II! 'I','I! special meeting of theB:a::,~-~:~~ce ~Of~:hi~~:~~:~g~=~11-i~-giV:~-~~~-:he ~lerk--T------~-- ]) I . for publication, in accordance with the provisions of the COd' of V~rginia, 1950, , i 11 i,i i I' as amended. 1 il i II , :1 i ii It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of th.s resolution'i , ~ I!! and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Sec;:-etary of 'i I I' Q " the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, and one certified copy of this resolutiort lP;. I: 1.3" ~~. !II! and order to the attorney for the Petitioner. 'I 1,1 !I , "Dot' I. II The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisr A. T. 11 v,,~ Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and on the record. d vote the II !: ~~111 Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: [I . ~~. ii NAYS: None. ii e ~ o.)",~\..) ~ ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. II \7"~ Ii i\ If II ~ On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, the!1 ii following items were received and filed with the unanimous consent of the supervis01s: I~ Chairman's Report for the period February 22 - March 7th of actions :i !; taken, letters sent and received; II jl :,'1' ,: Real Estate Assessor's Report dated March 7, 1969; I' ' II Mrs. Jean Robbins, Extension Agent, Home Economics, Report for Feb;ruary, 1969; II ~II: ,Lowell M. Gobble, Extension Agent, Agriculture, Report for Februa;7, 1969; !1 \1 I ~ v Robert E. Layman, Jr., Extension Agent, Agriculture, Report for Fobruary 19691 '. :1 " , i! On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy d the following vote, checks totalling $125,561.38 were approved retr1lactive , to date of issuance for bills paid since the February 26, 1969 Board me' ~ing. Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. I: ii ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas Ii " , ,: A list of the bills paid since the February 26, 1969 Board meeting as i' " audited and approved in the amount of $125,561.38 is filed with the minutes of this I: meeting. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, bills in the total am,unt of $1,127.17 charged to the Dog Fund were this day .l'"~ 0) [i approved for payment by the following vote: .$\1 V \ AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. vt1~,. '1':, [, NAYS: None. Ii " ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. A list of the above bills as audited and approved is fileQ with the minutes of this meeting. t :; " ii .I 'i I I 3/12/69 215 ,u u,u_ u __,__ .".._. .. . ._ _~. '_.. ',"U .____ __. ....- ----- Li II :i~,4Ih~ ,!~~. <' :!~ .' ~F- ! \'" ~". ~ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Ler B. Eddy, :,and the following vote, bills in the total amount of $34,124.81 charged to the i: :' General Fund were this day approved for payment. AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. [ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. A list of the audited and apprcved bills is filed with the minutes of this :! meeting. t*'- ...... PAYROLL I -- Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the County Payroll be approved (Daily/Hourly 'I I , ,I !i dated 2/28/69) in the total amount of $8,948.92 from which the sum of $7'),9.35 W.H. '[ I Tax; $429.55 F. 1. C. A. Tax; $105.99 State Income Tax; $278.70 Blue crojs Insuranc~[; 'r~\V $ll5.95 Uniforms and $67.50 lI.i.scellaneous Expenses is to be deduc'.;ed leafing a net ,!~ 1;;' ~ pay roll of $7,171.88. ,j~.L/ Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the mot-ion which carried by the following '~~ I 'I :ivote: " AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. - i ;,NAYS: None. i!ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. " Ii ~ - : BALZER AND ASSOCIATES' PROPOSAL TO UPDATE COUNTY'S ZONING ORDIN41.NCE ,lAND MAP AND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS t Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors accept the proposal I dated March 10, 1969 from Balzer & Associates to update the County's Zoning ordinance~~14Ib~o 'and Map and Subdivisbn Regulations at a lump sum price of $3,000, the work to be~~'^,j) completed by August 1, 1969, and ask !-lr. dalzer to prepare an agreement based upon ~ ~'I 'the proposal of 1ffarch 10, 1969. l~jJi Su,,"'.,r A. T. Huddl...,. ...,..., .h. mo'i,. "i" oarri., by th. ,,"owing \>,IO~~~~' vote::~~' AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. .. f}. -, ,NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. Mr. Donald J. Balzer's proposal of lffarch lO, 1969 is filed with the minutes of this meeting. -.J ~1 J IN RE: CHANGING THE VOTING PLACE OF EONSACK PRECINCT, BIG LICK I-iAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ::FROM TEEL'S STORE TO BONSACK COl.OOJNITY CENTER, BIG LICK I.rAGISTERIAL DISTR;i:CT. This Board and the Roanoke County Electoral Board, being of the opinion that it is for the best interests and convenience of the voters of Roano'l:e County' that the 'following change be made, to-wit: j That the voting place of Bonsack Precinct in Big Lick Y~gis~erial District of ,Roanoke County be changed from Teel's Store to Bonsack Co~unity Center; 216 3/12/69 & -'--...--'.'-- _._-t..-."_..~--_.- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be, and ~he is , " ~l! hereby, directed to forthwith post a certified copy of this resolution at ;jhe front !idoor of the Courthouse of Roanoke County, Virginia, and that said Clerk deliver to t :~\,~,,~i the Sheriff of Roanoke County certified copies of this resolution to be po,'ted at ~~ I' . ~_~C~ each of the voting places effected by the above change, to-wit: at the pre."ent ~~.~i j!voting place at Teel's Store and at the Bonsack Community Center and said jheriff ,i \,"1 .., .. ii ~. I,is ordered to make his re~urn showing said postings to the Clerk of this B~ardj ii r?~~ii :1 ~ I: ::.':::::: .;o:':::~ ;:o~o::: ::::o:::':,:::~::"; :'::,:"" I~ ~24 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to file on behalf of the Board of ~\~~ :;supervisors of Roanoke County, a petition requesting the Circuit Court of :ioanoke ~.xx I'County to enter an order making changes above set forth. g; . ii The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. f' Huddl3ston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on a recorded vote the S, pervisors voted Ii as follows: !~ :AlES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterho'ldt. ! NAYS: None. ~ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. ,. !! I I " Ii " Ii Supervisor A. I' !! the Whole. I: I I [ivote: , :, T. Huddleston moved that this Board resolve into a Comnittee !! of ii ~ ;1 :1 1: " :i I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following "AYES' ii . Ii NAYS: None. ~ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. :! Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. l \ The press left the meeting until after the following motion was offered. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Committee of the Whole be dissolve~ !! ani that the meeting resume in open session. ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the ,. following votEl: " " I !,AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterl:.oudt. !: ii II NAYS: None. 1 ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. 1 11 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize its ~Chairman to determine from the Virginia State Department of Taxation whe~er perso~l ~~ ' p'opor<y ,., "ok.', and ,h. po<,oan1 p,op.<<y book may b. P';P"" by 'u,,..,,, ~ ' :=:::::~.::~:::~:::~:::::::;:::::' ::=~:,::::::;:an' .to ~ I " administrative details so that personal property tickets and the book for the calendar year 1969 may be prepared by automatic data processing equipme,.';. , , ~.~==-='-=--==":":''';~-...'''':"O. ..om... .. _. _ i-~~~'~"-"--"~-~- -- il II I' Courthouse Salem, Virginia March 26, 1969 7:30 P.M. The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the fourth Wednesday and the -- ii second regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse i;l Salem, i!Virginia. l.iembers present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-ChaiJJan A. T. I '. ('Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. The Commc'lwealth's ;i [iAttorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and the County Engineer and Executive Officer, Paul JIB. Natthews were also present. - ,.._t ii The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend 1]. Llliam K. ,I . Bean, Chaplain, Veterans Administration !l~spital, who offered the inVOc,ltion. The " :ipledge of allegiance was given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Osterhoudt. l! The minutes of the March 12, 1969 meeting were approved as corrected, each 'imember having received copies mailed to him by the Clerk, on motion of .supervisor 'I ' ; ;iA. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the followin'l; vote: ': ,AYES: All ;1 " . '""'I - Attorney John L. Walker, Sr. appeared this day to represent Appalachian Power Company in the following matter. ~~. Duncan Kennedy, DivisiOnt~~nager, was also sent. REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDS FOR ROAD TO NEW FUNK SUBSTATION WEST OF SALEj.! APPALACHIAN POWER COj.lPANY - PETITIONERS f VIRGINIA: I ~.. j At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors for the County of Roanoke at . the courthouse held on Wednesday night, !-~rch 26, 1969. ~ WHEREAS, in connection with its lfatt Funk Station located in Roanoke County, 'Virginia, west of the City of Salem, Appalachian Power Company has spent approximately I, two and a half million dollars and its estimates for the future investm,~nt in this ! station vary from a minimum of ten million dollars to a maximum of fifteen million dollars, it being contemplated that additional construction will continue at this site for the next 10 years or perhaps even longer, it having been determined that eventually this station will be one of the two major stations providing adequate future electric power for the Roanoke area; WHEREAS, Appalachian has inadequate highway access to its Funk Station because a bridge (Structure No. 6055) over Roanoke River on Secondary Highway No. 639, 10- 'cated approximately 0.04 mile south of U. S. 460-ll is a maximum five-ton gross limit bridge, and in order for Appalachian to complete the construction of its Funk :l I -' 219 " , ,. :i i :! , , i I v I I Pre" '! 220 3/26/69 i I, :, Ii Ii I' II WHEREAS, unless the proposed action is taken, it is not contemplat~.i that thi~i :1 " bridge will be replaced by the State Highway Department with a modern on,~ at any Ii 11: !1 'I ii time in the reasonably near future, and since time is of the essence from Appala- :i !i chian' s point of view, it has been suggested that for the replacement of the bridgdi I ~ i i funds may be procured from the Industrial Access Fund by the State Highway Depart- ii i! ment for building access roads to industrial sites under !l 33.136.1 of the 1950 Ii it ! Ii Code of Virginia, as amended; and I i :i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, desies to go II 3J~1I'~o.~ on record as reques"ing the ,State Highway Commission of Virginia to give priority ~ "#. . ~ :: to the allocation of said funds to be used for the purpose of replacing said bridg~L ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the State Highway CODlIniosion of Virginia :i 114.~MI/ I: be, and it hereby is, requested to allocate any funds available from Hs Industriall!. ." ~lIo.'lll ~I ) Access Fund for the purpose of reconstructing the bridge over Roanoke River on Ii J.~~seCOndary Highway No. 639 in order to give adequate access to the Funk Station Ii ~~~i! industrial site. :! 1{tf.~ !Ii The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, V.irginia, is directed!1 1~1 ().c11 I :1 i'y:~II" . II, to send a certified copy of this resC'lution to the State Highway Commission in II ~. ~ Richmond, Virginia, and to furnish other interested parties with a certified copy ['I ~. . " I ~"I~.I! of this resolution, :; !;r~". l The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thcmas, II ~~, I ~ ~.~. 'seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following roll call vote: ii 9~1 'AYES: ~~ ~ ~ H. Osterhoudt. ~~ I: NAYS: None. . 1,,<$ ~...J.J... ,[ IZV'\ I i ""'~"'----""_._-"--"-_. ,I ~ Station and operate it properly, it must have access to it " Ii ii ,I JI i: !: heavy trucks may operate; over a highway on which II ~~S, Appalachian requests that said bridge be replaced by one ot mcdern design capable of carrying maximum legal loads; I I I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles Mr. Thomas H. Beasley, Jr., owner and developer of Statesman Park industrial center, appeared before the Board this day with regard to the following request for Industrial Access Funds to extend access roads in the Park, being Granby Streetli and I4ary Linda Avenue, and to assure the Board that he would donate all right of way at no charge. I " , Ii REQUEST FOR INDUSTRIAL ACCESS FUNDS TO EXTEND GRANBY STREET AND NARY LINDA AVENUE IN STATESMAN PARK :1 SMITH-MOORE BODY COl~ANY, INC. -PETITIOllERS ~~S Smith-lr,oore Body Company, Inc. has made application to this Board for industrial access roads to serve their plant, these roads being extensions of Granby Street from its present end north 0.22 mile and lfJ8.ry Li,nda Avenue west from Granby Street 0.03 mile and lfJ8.ry Linda Avenue east from Granby sfreet 0.09 mile; I ~ 3/26/69 221 =_~~"~",CC"""__C"'..~ i' t" ~~fS thhiS ~a~d aft her eVhalu~ting thde. i~d-"ormationl~ufbmitted inc said aPlP611icaf- Q # ii :Lon, :LS 0 t e op:LnJ.on t at t e S:Ltes an Jon ustry qua :L y, under hapt03r 0 :1 l~e)1.1/ ~ lithe Acts of General Assembly, to be served by a road constructed with funds Obtained~.~~~~~' i! from the Industrial Access Fund, the Board of Supervisors guarltnteeing the necessaryly 1.~~1' ., rights of way including cuts and 1'ills and drainage easements and the adjustment of '.1.1./ ~ ~ .,)~). '{J~~~ ~-~I . . ,any utilities at no cost to the Co=onwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways; i!'''~qV' 6} :~.~~ c. ~'.,pr(l..J" ~,,~J.~.Y' , ~1t. ~?J~.\ :~. I J, ~;r.;'~I~' 1~tP:t.1r' h/ai~~~' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles ~I I , ~~1{:f/ ~~',c.cP..., f.;J . .,'ft. ~t. . P)-\l... - .,,1 - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department ~e requested to 'furnish estimates of cost, data on right of way needs and otherlinformation to the Highway Commission on the construction of these proposed roads l~th its recommenda- , tion that they be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. ~ .-.. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and adopted by the following recorded vote: H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I>'~. Leo Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, Salem Residency Office, Virginia "Department of Highways, was present and recognized. , .;/ - Ii II :i C. Richard Cranwell, Attorney for the Petitioners, appeared with regard to the following rezoning matter to request the Supervisors approval, and ~~. Thomas S. Hoykar, 4527 Stonewall Road, tnt, appeared as spokesman for the group of residents 'I ; I :'" ~ opposing the request. This matter was continued from the I-larch 12 meeting, at whic~ I " time a properly advertised public hearing was held. The following act:'.on was tak$. '! ..\ : IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF 4; I ACRES OF LAND KNOWN AS- BLOCKS I 1 AND 2, I'IAP NO. 1 of NORTH I Sm~~T HILLS AND FRONTING 655 ) FEET ON EDGELAWN AVENUE, ) SITUATED ON ROANOKE COUNTY ) ) OF ) II FREDERICK W. FINNEY, et al ) TO: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: RESOLUTION AND ORDER .; I -l WHEREAS, Frederick W. Finney, Ralph T. Worrell, Henry R. Shirley and William J. -"I Howell, Jr. have heretofore filed their Petition to amend the Z?ning Ordinance of Roanoke County whereby reclassifying certain property situated in Roanoke County, Virginia described in their Petition from Residential District R-l to Residential District R-J; WHEREAS, the Board at a meeting held on January 15, 1969 referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report ard recommenciations; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at a meeting held on February 18, 1969 after legal am: timely Notice of the same fully considered the Petition and reported to this Board by Resolution its recommendation that the tract of land in qUE.stion be rezoned from Residential District R-l to Residential District R-3; -- " 222 3/26/69 \! " " Ii Ii of WHEREAS, the matter was set for public hearing at the Boards regular ,meeting ~arcb 12, 1969 and it further appears from the certificate of the publisher of the Times World Corporation that the Notice of the public hearing to be h~d on i~arch 12, 1969 was duly published in accordance with the law; ~ WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held on ~arch 12, 1969 at 2:00 o'clock " ii and a full II ~ concerning the proposed rezoning; i' :1 i'lHEREAS, a vote was taken by the Board of Supervisors on a motion ma1'e and II I' Ii seconded to defer consideration of the matter until the next scheduled meeting to :) 1,'1' be held I'arch 26, 1969, at 7:30 P.M., in the Courtroom of the Roanoke County Court, i! I' II ~ in Salem, Virginia; :1 I' i'lHEREAS, the B'lard of Supervisors have had ample opportunity to insptict the Ii 11 'I 1'1 premises and the Board is of the opinion that the change in the zoning classifica- 11 i tion of the herein described tract would promote the public interest, prosperity, Ii Ii and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and! il !: WHEREAS, all requirements of law have been complied with/the property ShOUld"i il ~ be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; I I. A " II !ft1 Ii !I NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance o! Roanoke II i[ II Ii County as amended, be and is hereby further amended to reclassify and rezone from I' Ii Residential District R-l to Residential District R-3 the fv1l6wing tract of land, II 'I ~ I,ll, to-wit: ij ii' BEING all of Blocks 1 and 2 according to Map No.. 1 of North Summi.t I II, '"II Hills, and including that portion of Pilot Street between Blocks ,: 1 and 2 which has never been dedicated to public use, the entire " Ii tract contains 4 ; acres and is bound on the South by lIedgelawn Iii Avenue, on the East by the Randolph M. Stanley property, and on t.he ,I North by MOnte Vista Subdivision, a map of which is r~corded in II Plat Book 1, Page 373, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court. II for Roanoke County, Virginia, and on the West by Edgewood Annex, Ii a map of which is recol'ded in Plat Book 2, Page lll,the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virgi.nia" the entire tract situated and lying in Roanoke County, Vi.rginia. opportunity was accorded all interested parties to express thei,r views :i I' II II II ii I! P.I~. II iI " :1 I I I t BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this Resolution and Order be spread on,i 'i of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of !, Board, and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this R.}solution Natthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of' ROclOoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that two (2) certified copies be sent to Counsel for the Petitioners herein. The above Resolution and Order was adopted by motion of Supel~isor Jcseph C. Thomas of Salem Kagisterial District and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, , of Big Lick IfJagisterial District, and upon the condition that the name North Summit . , I Hills, Summit Hills or anything similar thereto not be used in connection with the heretofore described land. Adopted by the following recorded vote: t t I i' AYES: NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddle~ton. Charles H. Osterhoudt. , - - _._-_..~_._-,--~.:....----.- , 'I ationfor Roanoke II G~arhart;. Manager) ii ii 'i I, Ii [I I, II . II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervi ors concur J.n the 'I . ~ / Ijrecommendation of the Director of the Department of Parks and Rrj=reatioll ior Roanok~11 Ii County, to joi"tly operate a recreation program with the Town of I' 'inton outlined as II [,fOllows: il ,I 'I Ii 1. Any activities conducted in that area to be open to '''.lunty as'well as Ii I':.' town residents -- any costs to be prorated according to t"esiduncy., 10 ~ Ii 2. Town of Vinton to employ recreation director who will cnordinate activi- !i " ties with County Recreation Department in order to broaden fidd of 1,:1' activities for that area and prevent duplication of 'lfforts. :, 'I I, i! II II I II il , r ,I :1 " 'I Ii II ii II ~ ii if Ii il " :i II Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the followin~i 'I 224 3/26/69 i !-lr. Darrell Shell, Director of Department of Parks and R icounty appeared with regard to the following item. !-~. Guy L. i II Town of Vinton and Mr. " I Ii the following: I' Ii " O. L. Horn, Vinton, Virginia, also appearr in support of t J. Equipment presently owned by the Town of Vinton to be used in all local programs replacement to be the responsibility of sponsoring organi- zations in aCC01"jance with county regulations for tha": particular activity Swimming pool to be under the exclusive control of an!., cJperati.on by the Town of Vinton. , t Vinton Director of Recreation be required to attend per~odic ;;taff meetings with County Recreation Department in order to better co- ordinate activities 4. 5. 6. The County Recreation Department and the Vinton Direct Jr of Rncrea- tion will be responsible for planning and furnishing prsonneJ. for programs to be conducted in Vinton area. The Vinton,. rector to be responsible for supervising such programs. . The Vinton War l~emorial, the Vinton Recreation Center, all school buildings and similar areas shall be made available 1'0) use iu the program, subject to prior commitments by the Town of Vinton aud the schools. 7. i'AYES: All " I: " "NAYS: None. i: " Ii " ii James M. Young, Attorney for Murray K. Coulter and Mary Annr~ Coulter, I, ['with regard to the following rezoning matter. j, appearecl,i , 1 :i i i v !'IN RE: J J J J ) PROPOSED REZONING OF 7.729 ACRES OF LAND AT THE INTERSECTION OF AIRPORT ROAD AND VIRGINIA SECONDARY HIGHWAY 1889, SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ORDER Came this day the Petitioners by their Counsel and asked leave to file their :,Petition relative to the zoning of a parcel of land located in Roanoke County and ',more specifically described in the said Petition. ![ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of' the Board " ':01' Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be and the same is I: hereby filed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance i,as requested in the said Petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning i'Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recor.unendations in accordance with I I I I I I 3/26/69 225 ~:;_'-:'~;;::~:::'-'~"""'--- -:,:-;- ~- ; ~ , Ii the provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the Code of VirginLa of 1950 as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall, report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as requirad by law the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the , - next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolu- tion and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Boari to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~~inia. The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of Joseph C. Thomas, a Supervisor and duly seconded by A. T. Huddleston, a Supervisor. , .-.f - ".'1 AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF 9.21$ ACRE, /IIlRE OR LESS, TRACT SITUATE WEST OF PETERS CREEK ROAD, VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 117, IN ROANOKE COUNTY OF JAl.lES E. LONG, ET AL ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER , TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: Came this day the Petitioners by their Counsel and ask leave to file their Petit tion relative to the zoning of a parcel of land situate West of Peters Creek Road, il I I Virginia Highway Route No. 117, in Roanoke County, and more specifically described I in the said Petition. II! ....J NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be and the same is hereby filed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED That the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordina*ce as requested in the said Petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning , Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendations in ac:ordance with provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the Code of Virginia of~950 as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by law the said 4~7)~~- 'C1;1.# Y' AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AiID ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolu- '~,..~~,~L'; tion and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board.to Paul B. ~~- a PI.. ~~~PJ. . The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of JosephC. Thomas, :~ . , I - Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a publiC heuring at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. l'ia.tthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ] AYES: All Supervisor and duly seconded by A. T. Huddleston, a Supervisor. NAYS: None. IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF 12 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, OF LAND LYING NORTH OF U. S. ROUTE ll, SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY OF PRECISION HO!-lES, INC. ) ) ) ) ) ) . 'r ORDER I I 226 I I I I ~:~:~:---------.:' . i . ~TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: !I Came this day the petitioner by its counsel and asked leave to file its Petition I' 'i relative to the zoning of a parcel of land located in Roanoke County and more I i: fically described in the said Petition. /' ii j! Ii of Supervisors i: hereby filed. ii BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance I' il ~as requested in t;le said Petition be,aand the same is, hereby referred to the plannirg ~Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendations in accordance with :: l[provisions of II 15.1~453 of the Code 01' Virginia, 1950, as amended. !I ,,\~1\"~~ !: AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED That \~hen said Planning COlDlnission Shal~! .3J::I{r~ ~ report its recommenda'cions to the Clerk of this Board as required by law the said 11 ~ ~ Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the il ~~~~ext permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. Ii ~JA r". ~ AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of ,;his Resolu- ,I -r' I: tion and Order be forthwi th delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Ii II 1,.il' I,Iolatthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. 1: ]! Ii The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of Joseph t:. Thomas, Ii ria Supervisor and duly seconded by A. T. Huddleston, a Supervisor. ~ I' AYES: All I I I i ~ " 3/26/69 of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition b~, and the same is, .1 II II !i I' ,I speci~ :! I " 'I II " " ii 'I I, I NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board I NAYS: None. I ~ IN RE: REZONING OF THREE AND SIX TENTHS ACRES TRACT Y ON STATE HIGHWAY 117 ACROSS FROM NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL AND ADJOI~~NG SOUTHVIml I~HODIST CHURCH, OWNED BY L. S. NITCHELL AND C. J. GUILLIDlS ) ) ) ) ) ORDER ,: THIS day came L. S. Nitchell and C. J. Guilliams by CounseJ. and requested leav~1 , to file a petition relatively to rezoning the property described t.n the said peti- ;! tion being located near the Northside County High School at the I'~erchange of Peter~ Creek Road and Interstate Spur 581. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AiID ORDERED, at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition being the same is here~ by filed. AND IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that the proposal to amend rezoning I ordinance as requested in the said petition being the same as hereby referred to thei Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED ArID ORDERED that when the Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia that upon their receipt of the same, the said Clerk this Board s~al1 forth-' with set down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publicition in ., I accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND IT BE FURTHER RESOLI'ED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu- 3/26/69 227 ---.-----,,-...--. ----- -.-_.- -..---.--. _._.._--.-- .. .- . ~'_H ~tion and Order be forthwith " lisecretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph c. Tr..oI:lB.s, ~,'1~ secon~ ~ ~' delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul Yatthews, ::by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote: '.'''0-' , , ,AYES: 'I" I ,:NAYS: All - None. .. " :; , :i .1 Reso-:I v i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke did, on October 27, 1967~ldoPt ,- -., iilution No. 17803 offering to accept for transmission and treatment sewage emanating !: ,Iin Roanoke County from all of the areas for which application has been heretofore ti !made but which have Ii , :September 28, 1954; Ii ,: not heretofore been incorporated into the original contract of and, , II ::areas should receive proper treatment at the City's existing sewage treatment WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the waste from said ,i II ' facili~y; " ,I . 11'1 J.n a 'I 'I County, including the town and cities situate therein should be :1 I downstream sewage facility, provided that the terms and condit i I treatment are fair and equitable to all parties concerned. " i' I,and, li i ~ unanimous WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the/opinion that sewage emanating ',areas of Roanoke II! litreated at the central !] "tions relating to such II I i! II ;jin , 'I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Superviso:'s of Roanoke County, ,I conformity with the foregoing whereas clauses of this Resolution, that the Counci+ ;1 - j10f the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby requested to acceFt sewage emanating ':the hereinafter described additional areas, subject to the terms and conditions :said original Contract, as revised by the aforesaid ll.esolution No. 17803 of the ,Council of the City of Roanoke and specifically paragraphs numbered 1,2 and 3 thereof, :i frolj1 , of ' ,." , " ,Iwhich areas are described as follows: AREA NO.1 - Property of T. J. Andrews, Ida ~~e Holland and Others (240 Acres!) BEGINNING at a point on the north boundary of the T. J. Andrews property as recorded in Deed Book 57, Page 303, of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, said point of BEGINNING being located S. 510 30' E., 99.00 feet e~d thence S. 740 15' E., 300.00 feet, in all a total distance of 391~feet, more or less, from the intersection of the center lines of Scate Secondary Route No. 627 (Shadwell Drive) and State Secondary Rout. 605 (Old Fincastle Turnpike), said intersection being located approximately one half mile east of Hollins Station, Roanoke County;"thence with a line leaving the point of BEGINtUNG and with the nortt boundary of the T. J. Andrews Tracts the following bearings and distances: S. 740 15' E., 966.70 feet; S. 5P 45'p:, 1,759.40 feet; S. 260 45' W., 2,376.00 1'eet; S. 230 45' W., 1,710.00 feet, more or less; ,and N. $00 56' W., 825.00 feet to a point and said point being the southeast corner of the George Journette 12.0 acre tract; thence wi~h the Journette south boundary S. $40 13' W., 1,093.40 feet to a point in the center line of the aforesaid Rt. 605; thence with ,the center line ~f Rt. 605 in a general northerly direction, 450 ~~et, more or less, to the point of intersection of the aforesaid center line with the boundary of the Hollins Road - Ingersoll Rand Se~g.. ~reatment area described in the Resolution of the Board of Sup".VJ.sors of Roanoke County, dated November 20, 1967, said boundai'y being located 400 feet, more or less, south and east of the center line of Virginia Route 616 (Carlos Drive); thence with the aforesaid Resolution Boundary line in a northerly and easterly direction to a point 400 feet, more or less, east of the center line of Rt. 605; thence with a line 400 feet, more or less, east of and parallel to the center line of the aforesaid Rt. 605 in a general northerly~irection, 3,975.00 feet, more or less, to the point of BEGINNI~J and being a boundary description of the properties of Ida IlJae Holland, T. J. Andrews, George Journette, and Others, totaling 240 acres, more or less, and being located in the Big Lick l!Jagisterial District of Roanoke County. ...J ] .-.----.--.-,----.--- " .~...::;.-::.;;-:-::: :""~ :-~~~~~--- - ...... --. - , '- "1 i I ...... o 3/26/69 229 Ii Ii Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors increase the r Jacob i-I." Ii monthly expense allowance of YJr. Dan K. Cooley and I<!r./Harman f{om $200 to $250 ii. : l' II ,.. , effective March 1, 1969, and accept the employment of lI'Jr. Huber';; Cope as an assista~t ,16'1 __ , to the Assessor with Roanoke County's 1969 general reassessment of locally taxable :1 .!>)~~/? real estate at a salary of $550 per month effective March 10, 1969, to be reimbursed 0.11110' I I for his expenses at the rate of $250 per month, in accordance with the recommendatiJns 4.~" , ~i~' outlined in a letter dated ~~rch 12, 1969, from l<!r. F. C. Forberg, Director, Divisi. - of Real Estate Appraisal and l-lapping, Department of Taxation, Richmond, Virginia.:i ,.L":(. ,,~ ~~6' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following vote~.1L::;, 'AYES: All '~~' 1 NAYS: None. :1 ~ ~!r. Forberg's letter with regard to the above matter is filed with the minuteS~',."I~ of this meeting. ,it Ci('1 W ':,.. , I Copies of the salary and expense requests of the Commissioner of Revenue, the , received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded 'I i ! . I 'I by Supervisor '! ,I Commonwealth's Attorney and the Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1970, as submitted to the State Compensation Board were this day " it Joseph C. Thomas and the followir.g vote: Ii !! AYES: All " I! ii NAYS: None. , " :: The following items were this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous consent of the Supervisors: Chairman's Report, l:.arch 7 - 21, 1969 f Letter dated 3/14/69 from Auditor of Public.Accounts regard- ing Rothgeb, I~ller &. Sells, report on audit of the accounts and records of Co. of Roanoke and James E. Peters, Treasure~ for fiscal year ended June 30, 196$ Copy of the Auditors' report for Roanoke County as of 6/30/68 as prepared by Rothgeb, )'liller &. Sells, CPAs Notice from State Compensation Board dated 9/14/69 of its meeting on 4/1/69 to fix salaries and expenses of consti- tutional officers Statement of office and travel expenses incurred by the Sheriff and his Deputies during February 1969 Summary Statement of Prisoner Davs Served in County Jail during February 1969 . Letter dated 3/10/69 to Clerk of Roanoke County from Salem City ~anager, William J. Paxton, Jr. regarding Super- visors' resolution concerning sewage treatment from an 8.$2-acre tract of land owned by Falin and Waldron, Inc. Copy of a report submitted to Compensation Board on the operation of County owned automobiles used by the Sheriff and Deputies during 1968. Letter from City of Roanoke, lianager, Julian F. Hirst, dated 3/11/69, requesting cor.tinuance of airport height restriction amendments to Zoning Ordinance Library Report - larch 1969 Recreation Department Report - February 1969 Public Service Authority ler.ter dated 3/14/69 regarding monthly reports Letters dated 3/7/69 from Senator H. Clyde Pearson regarding receipt of Constitution Study Commission Report and resolution regarding Consolidation legislation Letter from Salem City I"anager dated 3/11/69 confi~ing understanding regarding use of courtrooms by the Courts of Salem Letters from Va. Association of Counties dated 3/10/69 & 3/18/69 regarding railway reassessment I, 230 3/26/69 , i I' " Ii 'i Notice dated 3/12/69 of State Corporation Commission of public hearing re common carrier rights of Overnite Transportation Company Letter dated 3/1/69 from John Garrett advisin~ Supervisors of newly elected officers of Fire Chiefs Board Letter dated 3/1S/69 from Botetourt County Clerk of Board of Supervisors regarding Regional Mental Health Services Board and that Botetourt Co.would advise after 4/21/69 meeting whether or not they would p'articipate Letter dated 3/19769 from Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Com- mission regarding engineer for landfill study Welfare Department - Financial Report for December, 1968 & Janu- ary 1969 . Letter dated 3/10/69 tc Constitutional Revision Study Committee from Chairman of Board expressing appreciation for their services Letter dated 3/17/69 from Chairman, of Board to Va. Association of Counties transmitting check for County participa~ion in Rail- way Reassessment proceeding (copy) Letter from Chairman of Board to City r~nager of Roanoke confirm- ing continuance of airport height rezoning dated 3/17/69 (copy) Copy of letter dated 3/17/69 from Chairman of Board to C. Darrell Shell, Director, Dept. of Parks and Recreation regarding bidding practices ii Copy of letter dated 3/24/69 from Chairman of Board to r-rr. John Ii Garrett, Secretary, Roanoke County Fire Chiefs' Board express- !: ing County I s apprec:i9tion for their work II Copy of letter dated 3/24/69 f'rom Chairman of' Board to Roanoke Ii Valley Regional Planning Commission regarding landfill study. il I: ',,1 Ii II I! I! :i Ii !i ii !i Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. ii "Ii Eddy and the following vote, checks in the total amount of $57,977.54 for bills pa4 !: since the last Board meeting, J.lar,~h 12, 1969, were approved retro-active to date Ii I I I I , H 'j , .' . 'I !: ji I I I, Ii .r: j; Ii All None. A list of these bills as audited and approved for payment is filed with the minutes of' this meeting. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following vote, bills in the total a'!lount of $49.17 charged to the Dogi Fund were approved for payment. All None. A list of the bills as audited and approved is filed with the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy a~the follo~dng vote, bills charged to the General Fund in the total amount of $9,737.82 were approved for payment, except the item under Parks & Recreation 'i. in the amount of $445.00 which the County Engineer is requested to look into and report at the next :neeting of this Board. AYES: All None. A list of the bills as audited and approved is filed with the minutes of this meeting. !I ~ ~ i :1 :! ,I :i :1 ;i II :1 1 ii :i ~I ;J il 'copy) II !I II 'I I, II ! it 1 i! I. 1 I 1 3/26/69 231 - . il On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. il . I i: Thomas and the following vote, the County Payrolls in the total amount of $44,031.7~ ;', [I ' ~ . I: II 1; were approved for payment from which the sum of $4,782.76 W. H. Tax; $2,034.40 :1 I 'h'i/ tF.I.C.A. Tax; $64S.46 State Income Tax; $116.95 Uniforms; $15.00 Accounts Insurance~i ~ ~I ~ $378.90 Blue Cross Insurance; $1,095.60 Retirement and $92.50 1tiscellaneous Expense~ are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $34,867.20. AYES: All NAYS: None. ,- - ~... A copy of a letter dated March 12, 1969 from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to State Secondary Roads Engineer, Virginia Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, stating that G. L. Robertson, Resident Engineer of the Departme~t I of Highways has appeared before the Board of Supervisors at its I1arch 12, 1969 . meeting and discussed matters pertaining to road work on the Secondary System in :J Roanoke County, was this day received and filed. ., On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. '] Thomas and the fcllowing vote, the Board resolved into a Committee of the Whole. ii ii AYES: All I] :! NAYS: None. , - After a little more than an hour the Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas . , , and the following vote, dissolved the Committee of the ~mole and resumed the meeting in open session. AYES: All NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Chairman of tne Board of Super- ... I j J AYES: visors be authorized to appo;.nt a committee to meet with the Citj' of Salem's cOmmitte4\;'~'i ~ to discuss problems of the Sale~-Roanoke Valley Civic Center. ;~~~ I r-fY\.0JY""' Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following ~ < R ~~~^ !~b~~e cOmmitte~~ All vote: NAYS: Hone. The Chairman then made the following appointments "' the above-named Co~~onwealtn's Attorney, Raymond R.4.obrecht, County Engineer, Paul 3. ~~tthews Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas Supervisor Lee B. Eddy r:'.Oved that the Board of Supervisors accept. with thanks the School Board's offer of the 20-acre tract of land on Cove Road and the two- 234 4/1/69 i I I r----- 1'-------------.- .-0 a_- I Superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools, Arnold Burton, \ - -- . ".'.---if-.-:-~:.::==:~ appEared befor~ i; I' I Ii the i I: Board this day and read the following resolution: ii :1 , ji !l I: II I Ii ! "AT A SPECIAL I.IE:ETING OF THE COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, HELD jl I! AT THE OFFICES THEREOF, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1969, AT 3:00 P.M. Ii i A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUloJ'l'Y, VIRGINIA, TO Ii ! REQUEST THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SAID COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION ON TI;lE QUESTION OF. +1' ; CONTRACTING A DEBT, BORROi'IING I.iJNEY AND ISSUING BONDS OF SAID COUNTY IN THE AGGREGA , PRINCIPAL Al.IOUNT OF $15,800,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FO!l SCHOOL. : !: UlPROVEMEII'TS IN SAID COUNTY. II I' :1 ii WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, has determined III " , ,I ! i: that school improvements should be constructed and acquired, including the purchase " t: I; Ii of sites for school buildings or additions to school buildings, the construction of ~ Ii !i Ii school buildings or additions to, or alterations 01' existing school buildings, and if l' 'I ii the furnishing and equipping of school buildings or additions to school buildings; i ~~ '.11 i! i II WHEREAS, the County School Board has determined that su.,:'h public improvements il , ~ ')'~~..~~ canne+. be provided for from current revenues and that such public property cannot 11 . "/ <(J:',)' /' be acquired from current revenues; and I! e)(I~~' i WHEREAS, the County School Board has determined that, f'or the purpose of pro- il ..,po 1 f' ~. viding funds to pay the costs of such public improvements and the costs of such ii '1.'~ K ~ ': ~ Jr . ~ II public property, Roanoke County should contract a debt, borrow money and issue bond~ 'if' '\~" il I ,. ,'1) II in the aggregate principal amount of $15,$00,000.00;:, ~ ! 1 I Ii V' . N~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by thtl County School Board of Roanoke County, !! Ii ugJ.nJ.a: Ii Ii ~I , .1 I: Section 1. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby: " 1 1 I i[requested to request the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, to order an " ii election on the question of' contracting a debt, borrowing money and issuing bonds :i of Roanoke County, Virginia, in the aggregate principal amount of $15,SOO,000.OO ~! ii for the purpose of providing funds for the construction and acquisition of school ': improvements in the County, including the purchase of sites for school buildings ;! " :! 'i 'i " , or :! G _ I' additions to school buildings, the construction of school buildings or additions to,: , , I' or alterations of existing school buildings, and the furnishing and equipping of !' ~ school buildings or additions to school buildings, all pursuant to the provisions :, of Chapter 5, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. I' Section 2. The Clerk of the County School Board is hereby authorized and I' " :i directed to file two certified copies 01' this resolution with the Board of Supervi- , :1 i: ;! sors of Roanoke County, Virginia. Upon the motion of'S. Wallace Cundif'f, seconded by ~~s. Paul E. Rushing, adopted I! by the following recorded vote: ': AYES: Hildrey H. Pollard, S. Wallace Cundiff, Edwin G. Terrell, ~~s. Paul E. Rushing, Thomas V. Anderton, Lester M. ~hitmore NAYS: None. ABSENT: i'lilliam H. Starkey" . , ' I I The foregoing resolution of the School Board of Roanoke County was this day received and filed on w.otion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconaed by Supervisor ,i Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote: i: ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston Ii NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. 4/1/69 235 =",-.~.., -'-.-O_'-_,~~_, ., ~..___ ""_,.=---",.."=,.,~".,..--,,,,,-..,.~.,..==-~~ .. In accordance with the School Board's request, the following action was taken , , 'I Ii by the , !: Supervisors: .,.""f :: i I i Ii A RESOLUTIOl~ REQUESTInG THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROAlIOKE COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION :: ON THE QUESTION OF CONTRACTIi'IG A DEBT, BORROWING "DI~Y AND ISSUING BONDS OF SAID !: COU~'TY IN THE AGGREGATE PRIliCIPAL ANOUNT OF $15,$00,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO- ': vrDING FUNDS FOR SCHOOL II<lPROVENEIITS IN SAID COmiTY. J WHEREAS, there has been filed with the Board of Superviso.s of Roanoke County, ...... - " Ii l' Virginia, two certified copies i' Ii County, Virginia, entitled: !: of a resolution of the County S~hool Board ~i 'I :I :i of Roanoke , I ,I -. nA RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE comm, VIRGINIA, TO REQUEST THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SAID COUNTY' TO ORDER AN ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF CONTRACTIi'lG A, DEBT, BORROWING r.IOl'.'EY AND ISSUING BONDS OF SAID COUIITY IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL Al'IOUIIT OF $15,800,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVE~mNTS IN SAID COUlf.rYn; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors concurs in the determination of the County School Board as set forth in said resolution; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: Section 1. The Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby requested to order an election on the question of contracting a debt, borrowing money and issuing bonds of Roanoke County, Virginia, in the aggregate principal amount of ""'" I :i $15,800,000.00 for the purpose of providing funds for the construction and acquisi-'I tion of school improvements in the County, includi!lg the purchase of sites for :1 school buildings or additions to school bu~.ldings, the construction of school build.j ings or additions to, or alterations of existing school buildings, and l;he furniSh-: +)"")~. ing and equipping of school buildings or additions to school buildings, all pursuan;~~ to the provisions of Chapter 5, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. O~...~ Section 2. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby authoriztd and i~~ . ii directed to file a certified copy of this resolution and a certified copy of said ~['~ ~ resolution of the County School Board with the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanokl~ ~~ I "v~ County, Virginia. ~r"tf~. Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Sut~rvisor L. Earl Simms" ~~ adopted by the following recorded vote: .,_.-f i CF/~~r' I~~ ~ .,} . ,;;.~ Gi~}L' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston ..... NAYS: None. '~l ....I ! ABSE1'T: Charles H. Osterhoudt. !'l I -- The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 P.M. on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, ,i[ seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. I: ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ti~ Vice-Chairman i 236 f I I ~::-:--:-::---;:--- - I , I I Courthouse Salem, Virginia April 9, 19G:I 2:00 P. M. ./ I Ii :1 !I II II 'I I, :1 B~i II Ii !! !j ~ 'I I! 'I Thompsoti], Ii :1 !I il 'I 'I :i II il 'I Ii , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, II Ii, " Ii Ii and the following vote, the minutes of the March 26, 1969, meeting were approved as II 'ill spread, and the minutes of the April 1, 1969, meeting were approved as corrected, it I ,I Ii each Supervisor having received copies of the ninutes of both meetings mailed to li II by the Clerk. !AIES: All :1 Ii NAYS: None. 'I ~ I: Ii Ii &: Plumbing! :! Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt noted the passing of Roanoke Co~ty's Electrica~ Ii, Ii Inspector, James Robert Taliaferro, a long-time valued employee with 30 years servicf' Ii. 'I 1 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Clerk be directed to prepare a form of ail )' Ii !Iresolution expressing the Board's appreciation of Mr. Taliaferro~s.service and its il sympathy to .his family, for the Board's consideration at the next meeting. . I ,I I: Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following Ii Ii Ii \vote: 'i ~AIES: All II NAYS: lone. !! i! The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the second WedneSday and the II first regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, I, I! Virginia. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. , . . H Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. The Commonwealth's I: Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and the County Engineer and Executive Officer, Paul i: . Matthews, were also present. 1 'i I, ii ~ The Chairman called the meeting to Ii minister to the Colonial' Avenue Baptist I ' Ii pledge of allegiance was given in unison led by the Chairman. !I Ii Ii I order and introduced Reverend B. G. Church who offered the invocation. The 1 1 At a public hearing this day to consider the request ofW. E. Hale to rezone ;: - ..': ,'from R-l tc R-3 a 9-acre tract of land owned by F. G. Fuller and located on Cove Roa~, .1 .. ilthe Chairman of the Board of Supervisors read a letter dated April 4, 1969 addressed! 1 ' I'to Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, from A. T. Loyd, Attorney for the ! I i:Petitioner, requesting the matter be dropped. The following action was taken: REZONING OF PROPERTY OF F. G. ) FULLER ON VIRGINIA ROtlTE NO. ) PETITION WITHIlRI.WN 116. (COVE ROAD) ) 4/9/69 u .~ .____._____ . __ ___n., _.. _ _"'_n _ _. __.... __ no.. _. __.__ -- ....----...-.--. ,- - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that W. E. Hale be permitted to ,..ithdraw his request for rezoning of a piece of property on Cove Road to permit apartments. I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following I vote: AYES: All l~-,' NAYS: None. ~ At a public hearing this day to consider the request of Don Shelton to rezone I from A-I to M-2 a tract of land owned by Gordon Russell Huffman and lOI:ated on the I I north side of Route ll6 opposite Sun Valley Swim Club so a fuel oil dil,tribution center may be operated therefrom, the Chairman of the Board of Superviaors read a letter from the Petitioner's Attorney, Furman Whitescarver, Jr., requeating permis- I sion to withdraw the petition. The following action was taken. t...... ., ! - IN HE: REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY OWNED ) BY GORDON RUSSELL HUFFMAN, AND LOCATED ) IN ROIJIKlKE COUNT", VIRGINIA, ON THE ) NORTH SIDE OF VIRGINIA ROUTE NO. 116 ) ACROSS FROX SUN VALLEY SWIX CLUB, ) COll'l'AIHIRG .39 ACRE, H:lRE OR LESS. ) Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the request of Don',. Shelton to with- draw his rezoning petition with regard to a certain parcel of~~nd on Route 116 PETITION WITHDRAWN from Sun Valley Swim Club be granted. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: I AYES: , NAYS: I I I All None. At a public hearing this day to consider the petition of C. F. "W. Corporation requesting rezoning of a tract of land on the north side of Route 24 about .2 mile I east of Vinton from B-1 and R-l to R-3 so multi-family dwelli~s may be built there C. Richard Cranwell, Attorney for- the Petitioner, and Donald A. Willic.!lls, stockhold . '..' '~ J 101' the Corporation, appeared for the request and no one appeared to oppose the same I !Thefollowing action was taken. I I n ...l IIN RE: I I J i RESOLUTION AND ORDER PROPOSED REZONING OF A TRACT OF LAND JUST EAST OF VINTON ON VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 24 OF C. F. W. CO., INC. ) ) ) ) ) I I I TO: I [ ~~.!';, C. F. W. Co., Inc. has heretofore filed a Petition to amend the I Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County whereby reclassifying certain property situated lin Roanoke County, Virginia described in its Petition from Residential District 'R-l and Business District B-1 to Residential District R-3; THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors at a meeting held on February 26, 1969, ireferred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report , , II I, II I and I I I 287 ~ .= ~),,11 ~ I fj.~' ~~r:J e ~ 11... ,).1!Jb""' . / 238 4/9/69 recommendations; I 1 1iHEREAS, the Planning Commission at' a meeting held on March 18, i legal and timely Notice of the same fully considered the Petition and reported to I this Board by Resolution its recommendation that the tract of land in question be i i rezoned from Residential District R-l and Business District B-1 to Residential Dis- I trict R-3; I il ~IS, the matter was set for public hearing at the Boards regulalr meeting " i of April 9, 1969 and it further appears from the certificate of the publisher of , I the Times World Corporation that the Notice of the pllblic hearing to be held on II April 9, 1969 was duly published in accordance with the law; II WHEREAS, a pUblic hearing was duly held on April 9, 1969, at. 2:00 o'clock 1~ "'~ T I I I P. M. and a full opportunity was accorded all interested parties to express their views concerning the proposed rezoning; , 'I I WHEREAS, a vote was taken by the Board of Supervisors on a motion mude and , seconded that the proposed rezoning be adopted; WHEREAS, the Board is of the opinion that the change in the zoning classifi- i cation of the herein described tract will promote the public interest, prosperity, II and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; VHEREAS, all requirements of law have been complied with and the property should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County as amended, be and is hereby further amended to reclassify and rezone from I BEGINNING at an iron pin on the Southwesterly corner of the Wray P. Meadow property; thence S. 770 40' W. 691.71 ft. to a point; thence S. 75044' 45' W. 575.47 ft. to a point; thence S. 780 58' 45~W. 650.61 ft. to a point; thence S. 780 00' l5" W. 60.48 ft. to a highway monu- ment being the actual and real and true place of beginning, this said actual beginning place is lying on the division line between Va. Depart- ment of Highways right-of-way along Va. Highway Rt. No. 24 and the 26.309 acre tract acquired by the Petitioners in a deed from T. Ma~"in Bush and Wire; thence from said beginning point N. llo 01' 15"11'. 237 ft., more or less, to the back boundary of said property; thence N. 410 35' 15- E. 350 ft. to a point; thence N. 630 55' l5" E. 102~79 ft. i to a point; thence N. 810 25' 45" E. 100.75 ft. to a point; thence N. I 820 40' 45" E. 180.94 ft. to a point; thence N. 780 06' 45" E. 79.44 ft. to a point; thence N. 720 05' 45" E. 300.02 ft. to a point; thence N. 680 09' 45- E. 255.90 ft. to a point; thence N. 620 3~' 15" E. 124 I ft. to a point; thence N. 640 05' 15" E. 240.47 ft. to a point; thellce 1,'1 N. 660 10' 45" E. 200.05 ft. to a point; thence N. 790 41' 15" E. I 61.72 ft. to a point; thence S. 850 17' 45" E. 98.58 ft. to a point; II thence S. 730 29' 15" E. 63.7 ft. to a point; thence S. 62:0 50' 15'" E. I' II 200.02 ft. to a point; thence S. 520 41' 15" E. 261.42 ft. to an ircln 'I :1 pipe; thence S. 77040' W. with a new division line throl 1 the 26.309 I: acre tract acquired by the Petitioners in the deed from . Martin Bt~sh, i...I' and wife, 1065.11 ft. to a point; thence S. 750 44' 45" W. 575.47 ft. to 'I a point; thence S. 700 58' 45- W. 300.61 ft. to a point; thence S. no 11 iI 01' 15" E. 250 ft. to a point on the Va. Department of Highway right- ,I if of-way; thence S. 780 58' 45" W. 350 ft. to a point; thence S. 780 15' 'I . \~U. iil w. 69.48 ft. to the place of Beginning; , 11 A~ .LJI' I, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this Resolution "tt Order b", spread Ii ~~~on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke !ounty by "he Clerk Ii ~ ~.r" .P,o.! I of: this Board, and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of thiu Resolu- 'i Y I. I :1 County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Ii k ~ ~. II Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that two (2) certified 'I :' copies be sent to Counsel for the Petitioners herein. i I I Residential District R-l and Business District B-1 to Residential District R-3 the I I I I I I II following tract of land, to-wit: I I 4/9/69 239 , The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. --. liHuddleston of Big Lick Magisterial District !!Simms, of Richfield Magisterial District. jAdopted by the following record vote: i, !~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiDlllls and A. T. Huddleston. and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ,j . :1 ,! I ., -. i'NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ..--1 At this point the Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, advised the 'Chairman that Mr. C. Richard Cranwell has been appointed Attorney for the Town of iiVinton. ! ~ :i , " " :i 'I 'i 1 Iv' ~ ii " j: iWNDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY !<<)TOR VEHICLE PARKING o...WINANCE. H i' :'ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on ~s, Roanoke County has a valid Motor Vehicle Parking OrdiJ'l.ance, said ~ i " July 16, Ii J 1956. and i! ' I " ~..s, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the said ordinanie ",expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the 'I ,I " :1 , :;citizens of Roanoke County; and ~ 1 lIHEIlEAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, - it iiVirginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, March 12, 1969, a motion :i . iiwas passed 'by said Board moving the amendment of the aforementioned County ordinance~ 'land further moving that the notice of the intention of said Board to adopt such :: :,amended ordinance be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of " ':the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and . , ! , - ~S, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was published once a week for two successive weeks, namely March 17, 1969, and March 24, 1969, in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and on March l7, 1969, and ,! :~rch 24, 1969, in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in, :the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and lJII1lI?1ll!'l, a publiC hearing was held on such amendments at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, April 9, 1969, at 2:00 p. m.; and ~IS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems said amendments ex- irpedient to promote the general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; o . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, as follows, to-wit: The following amendments are hereby added to the Motor Vehicle Parking Ordinance of Roanoke County: .5. In addition to the foregoing, the following shall be considered as offense~ under this ordinance: Double Parking Parking Over Allowed Time (applies only to 30-minute parking spaces) Unattended Motor in Operation Blocking Traffic Parking in Reserved Space 240 4/9/69 Double Parking $2.00 ,Parking Over Allowed Time 2.00 Parking Improperly 2.00 " Unattended Motor in ii Operation 2.00 " Parking in Reserved Space 2.00 I! Blocking Traffic 3.00 i! I! I! l'And in addition thereto, any motor vehicle parked upon said parking lot in violation,: iiof this ordinance may be moved to a garage or parking lot for storage at the expense!I!' I' 1 II itl 1101' the owner or owners of said motor vehicle. Ii II I' The Sheriff of Roanoke County shall prepare an appropriate ticket and ticket II i,stub for use in enforcing this ordinance. Any police ot"ficer charged with enforcing!1 ~, II ijthis ortlineftce shall attach, in plain view, to any vehicle park~d in violation of !i ~this ordinance, a ticket notifying the owner or operator thereof that such vehicle :, il iihas been parked in violation of a provision of this section and instructing such ,I iiowner or operator when and where to report with reference to the violation. The 'I Ii ii Il'time of the violation shall be noted on the ticket and stub. The ticket stub shall 'i t'lbe turned in to the Clerk's Office of the Roanoke County Court. ! Eoth the ticket II I' I' I:and stub shall have corresponding numbers. :1 It II ~statement: II ~ il 1: :! III Ii I; I: I: :: shal~ II " il I. I The ticket shall contain the following I: " ~ Ii " iiwhen such notice was attached to such vehicle, voluntarily appear in the Clerk's I' iioffice ot" the Roenoke County Court during regular working hours and waive his right Ii ~to be formally tried t"or such offense by paying at such place the appropriate fine II , :1 ~as penalty for and in full satisfaction of such violation. Ii :i If the owner or operator of the motor vehicle in question does not appear in I' ,I lithe Roanoke County Court Clerk's Office and pay the fine within 72 hours of the time': liof the oft"enae as noted on the ticket and stub, then the said Clerk's Office shall, I, l!in compliance with Section 46.1-179.01 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, notify iithe owner or operator of the vehicle in question by registered mail at his last ti ,. 'I .1 ',known address or his address as shown on the records of the Division of MJtor VehicliEls, ili i, " ;!that he may pay the fine, provided by this ordinance for such violation, within , i' lifive days of receipt of said notice, at the Clerk's Office of the Roanoke County NanCE: You may pay this by appearing in the Clerk's Office for the Roanoke County Court, third floor, Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday . through Ft'i- day. It" you prefer, you may mail the ticket and fine to the Clerk's Office at the aforementioned address. Checks should be made payable to -Clerk, Roanoke County Court-. If you fail to take care of this ticket within 12 hours, then further action will be taken which could result in your having to appear in court and paying additional costs. I Each such owner or operator may, wi thin the aforesaid 72 hours of the time I Ii Court . If the owner or operator has failed to pay such fine within such time, the i!officer issuing the orginal ticket shall be notified by the Clerk's Office and a ::summons shall then be issued for the offense; but the owner or operator of the vehicle I; !Iin question may pay the fine prior to the date he is to appear in court provided he ': 'ialso pays necessary costs. All fines paid under this ordinance shall be payable :l lito the Clerk's Office for the Roanoke County Court, and that of l' ice shall keep I, I ,:appropriate records thereo:t" F By virtue of this amendmen~ the second paragraph of Section 4 as it now 4/9/6<, 241 . ....._-... --- ------.- ......-..--.-........ " ~ reads shall be deleted from the ordinance. Constitutionality: If any part or parts, tence, clause, or phrase of this amendment be held to be unconstitutional or invalid, chapter,- section, subsection, sen- '[ , i, or the ordinance should, for any reason, '! such decision shall not affect the valid";l q , ity of the remaining portions of the ordinance which shall remain in force and [i effect as if such ordinance had been adopted with the unconstitutional or invalid " ii part or parts, chapter, section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase thereof ~ 'r ;, eliminated; and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereby declarElS " ;i ,: that it would have passed and adopted tte ordinance and each part or parts, chapter,:! 'I ,section, subsection, sentence, clause, and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact 'i ii il that anyone or more part or parts, chapter, section,subsection, sentence, clause, iior phrase would have been declared unconstitutional or invalid. : I. 1./)" (/1'" . Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed,' !6...;} i! to cause the ordinance to be published by its title and an informative 3ummary as :: . ~ .. . i QI'!"'--' i, provided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia of .1950, as amended to date, !~' ~1f:\ I, once a week for two successive weeks in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published I!~:~~ , :n::o::r::::~n V:g::~k~:O:t;:e V::::::, W:::-:::::~c:e::p::e:n h:::g force :~~ i~7 and effect upon and after April 29, 1969. " On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas,' Ii - ': and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii iiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston emd Charles ii H. Osterhoudt. . I NAYS: None Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Amendment to the Roanoke County Motor , 'Vehicle Parking Ordinance be approved with the understanding that the nJatter of use ',of the Courthouse parking lot by persans not having direct business in ',be referred to the Parking Lot Committee for further consideration and ~ ,to the Board. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- 'ing vote: AlES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'NAYS: None. t --I ...J Sheriff O. S. Foster was present and recognized. The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that the petition requesting the JUdge of the Circuit Court to change the voting place of the Bonsack Precinct from Teel's . Store to the Bonsack Community Center was ready to be presented as soon as the proper advertising time expires. No report on the Summerdean water suit. I 242 4/9/69 I ~---=-~:"-:--:::-__~ _ __m_ __ H __:_ ! , liBUILDING DEPARTMENT ! : i :1 Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, Chairman of the Building Code Committee, I 'i II that Ii ~consideration: !! ! 1. :1 II reporte~ II I, Ii II II 'I II :1 :1 :1 :1 n " 'I I 'I ~ II I I! ij II II II II II :I II h :1 ~ II II Jolly, Attorney, " :i I; , the Committee had met and prepared the following suggestions for the Board's Location of the Building Department - in the basement of the Courthouse where the Bookkeeping Department is presently loca,ted, and move Bookkeeping to Electrical & Plumbing Department loca- tion. 2. Personnel - Recommend one building Official be employed to head the department and two construction assistants (one of which will cover electrical and plumbing functions) and O:le clerk. Total- four (4) people for the department. 3. The department will require certain furniture and possibly two automobiles. 4. It will involve $29,000 - $30,000 per year for salaries, purchase of furniture and automobiles. Estimated revenue for the first year will be approximately $40,000. " il 5. If approved by the Board, applications will be taken for personnel. Ii Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas then moved that the Board of Supervisors accept lithe Building Code Committee's report and approve the administrative outline as pre- Ii Ii sented. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and carried by the " lifollowing vote: II ~AYES: All ~NAYS: None. I I i ,I Ii Mr. Stuart Payne, Administrator of McVitty House, and Mr. W. H. ii I!appeared with regard to the following matter. il iI Mr. John Cocke was also present. " :i ii IIMCV.I."l"J:1 HOUSE LAND I" Ii 1'1 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held in .!the County Courtroom on April 9, 1969 , at two o'clock, p. m., of that day. ~ I' ~4g, there appeared before the Board of Supervisors representatives of Ii ~McVitty House, Incorporated (formerly known as Mercy House, then operated by the I[ ~Roanoke County Public Health Association, Incorporated), and it appearing to the I!Board of Supervisors that title to the real estate on which the nursing home and li i:medical facilities operated by McVitty House, Incorporated are situate, is subject " lito revert to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pursuant to Chapter l58 of " :i !I the Acts of the General Assembly of 1948 (Page 336 of said Acts I; and it. further (appearing to the Board that by virtue of said Chapter title to said property cannot [be completely divested except with the consent and approval of the Board of Super- ., ilvisors and the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia; , And it further appearing to the Board that McVitty House, Incorporated desires ,to greatly enlarge and expand the facilities located on said property, and in order ,to accomplish this result it is necessary that McVitty House, Incorporated obtain ,[conventional financing secured by a first lien on said property, including the ;,existing and proposed improvements, and it still further appearing to the Board that: 'in order to accomplish this result it is necessary that the right of reverter to I I I I I 4/9/69 said property now vested in the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County be sub- ordinated to said lien in order to induce lending institutions to participate in the making of said loan in order to carry out the extensive building and improve- ment program outlined to this Board; and, - 243 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that McVitty House, incorp~r :1 I rated is a definite asset to the entire Roanoke Valley and every effort should be ,i ,I i .f made to cooperate in continuing and improving its facilities and services to the - citizens of Roanoke County and the entire valley. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion duly made by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED as follows: i ,I seconded " " " Ii Ji 'j I , .-..... . .., 1. That this Board go on record as approving and endorsing the re- quest made to it by McVitty House, Incorporated, in so far as subordinating the interest of Roanoke County in said land to the lien of the proposed deed of trust is concerned; 2. That the Chairman and Clerk of this Board are hereby authorized to execute the necessary petition, to be filed with the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, requesting his approval of this proposal, so as to comply with the provisions of Chapter 158 of the 1948 A1ts of the General Assembly, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County is hereby authorized and requested to endorse any order entered by the Court approYing this proposal subordination; 3. The said Chairman of this Board and the Clerk theraof are further authorized and requested to execute any additional documents, dee~ peti- tions, or other muniments of title so as to accomplish the result set forth in this resolution in order to enable McVitty House, Incorporated to obtain the financing referred to herein to enlarge and improve its facilities, such documents, however, to provide that upon the full satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by the lien on the property in question, the right of reverter shall be retained by the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County, in accordance with Chapter 158, hereinbefore referred to, the Board of Supervisors having been fully advised that if said load should become in default and subsequently be foreclosed, such foreclosure sale would vest in any purchaser thereunder the fee simple, unencumbered title to said property, free of said right of reverter in favor of the Board of Sup~-visors of Roanoke County, Virginia; 4. The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to certify a copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. Upon a call for an aye and nay vote, the same stood as follows: AYE: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. NAY: None. ABSTAINED: Charles H. Osterhoudt. .... H I I ... REGIONAL MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BOARD RESIGNATION OF WILLIAM R. HILL APPOINTMENT OF DONALD L. BERLIN, ' RABBI, TEMPLE EMANUAL CONGREGATION Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors regretfully J i accept the resignation of William R. Hill from the Regional Mental Health Services~ Board. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the mo1:ion which carried by the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt announced the appointment of Donald L. Berlin, 3459 Windsor Road, SW, Roanoke, Virginia (Rabbi, Temple Emanuel Congregation) to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Hill, appointed February 26, 1969 for a 1 year term.. The Clerk of the Board was directed to write a letter to Rabbi Berlin notifying; him of his appointment. , , " :i :1 b' ..-: ."/ :1.J)11~' :1 -rr-'<v)' 0,' 1't.'"-J, 1 . ,j'P'1 s:r -1J~' "~,C(! I . :: r.d..,.{i 11 . ;$':f.~. :.II/-l"b-'" ilr ...' I ./ II 244 4/9/69 !i :1 Ii I H " ii Supervisor Eddy reported that the Regional Planning Commission has undertaken il an independent study of possible land fill sites, that it has retained John McNair , ii & Associates of Waynesboro to do the study with Mr. Warren Cline (known as Captain !i II Cline) to be directly responsible for the survey. Mr. Cline h~s met with local Ii Roanoke Valley governments and scheduled meetings with the individual governments ii II to ascertain their recommendations prior to his submitting a report. April 15, II I' 1969 he is scheduled to tour the County with the County Engineer. ii , ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy advised that the first draft of the Annual Report II would be available next week and that final publication and distribution would be il ii made before the bond referendum. ,I I , ii 'With regard to the planning and zoning review by Balzer & Associato:~, Mr. Ii Matthews, County Engineer and Executive Officer, reported that.1e contrE.lct had I ' ~~ ~ been signed and that the survey will start no later than May 1, 1969 and completed Y Iii by August 1, 1969. Ii Questions were presented by the public with reference to an outsidf! concern II vs Balzer" Associates of Oak Grove doing the review. Mr. Charles McWilliams, :' Cha:4'man of the Peters Creek Civic League and Mrs. Thomas S. Hoykar, SUllllrj.t Hills appeared regarding this matter. I I , II Mrs. Thomas S. Hoykar also presented/~itten request for reconsidera,tion of ,. I' '! rezoning the property behind Embass y Motor LOdge. The ChaiI'lnan of the Board will I , i II refer to the Commonwealth's Attorney regarding the legality of reopening the sub- I' :1 ject. I' ~ ~ / ,II to apartments in any area of Roanoke County be held in abeyance for a peJ:lod of ~~ il *"'.J- ".\ /11.",1.1 one hunsudrpeerdV1~nsdortwLeenetYB.(E12dodY) dsaeYcosn'ded ~~. the motion and it was carried by the follow- {\.K\~' ~ ing vote: i~J.r:' AYES: A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt ~l Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that all requests for rezoning, pertaining I NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms I Mr. Charles McWilliams, Chairman of the Peters Creek Civic League, was for the above-mentioned action and Mr. Millard B. Souers, Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce, expressed opposition to same. ROANOKE COUNTY SCHOOLS BUDGET , FISCAL YEAR 1969-1970 Mr. Arnold Burton, Superintendent of Roanoke County Schools and Mr. Bayes Wilson, Business Manager of Roanoke County Schools appeared this day and submitted 4/9/69 ;~;~~=~C.. .. .. r.O".=-=-"-.,-C""""'....,...,.....:.,----"'"-,.--.,.~ -- ~ Ii Roanoke County Schools Budget for 1969-1970 fiscal year. ,.... O~ motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote, the Roanoke County School Budget tor the fiscal year 1969-1970 was received and filed. ',.--1 .. AYES: All ;i ,NAYS: None. - ;,-, , NO'l'ICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT A NEW ROANOKE COUNTY Am POLLUTION CONTROL ORDINANCE . AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. lIREI1'RaS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, pursuant to , the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and more especially under the provisions of Section 15.l-5l0 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, has a valid Air Pollution Control Ordinance, said ordinance having been adopted by the Board of Supervisors according to law on December 21, 1964; and ~, the Board of Supervisors deems it expedient and necessary to pro- mote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County that , a new, updated ordinance be adopted; Ii ., ;i 'I ., , NC1Ii, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board:1 :i of Supervisors to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wednesday, May 14, ,; :' 1969, at 2 p.m., the Board of Supervisors will move the passage of a new Air Pollu- 'j II ,I tion Control Ordinance which is described and s1lllllllal"ized as follows:: - Section 1 - Short Title Section 2 - Authority and Declaration of Policy Section 3 - Definitions Section 4 - Advisory and Appeal Board Section 5 - Powers of the Department Section 6 - Permits and Reporting of Information Section 7 - Inspections and Tests Section 8 - Emissions Prohibited , "-\ , Section 9 - Enforcement Section 10 - Emergency Procedure Section 11 - Variances ...... J Section l2 - Confidentiality of Records Section l3 - Penalties Section 14 - Separability Clause Section 15 - Effective Date This notice shall be published as required by law, pursuant to Section l5.l-504 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriat~ newspaper. A Copy , of the proposed ordinance is on file in the Clerk's Office for l~e Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: 245 248 4/9/69 I: , Ii if partly in Roanoke County, was this day received and filed. . I -" il tl On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted October 9, 1968 , be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective April 9, i 1969: j: Ii il " i) I~ \1 'i .~ " ,I II ,I ~ " " !! 308 - Public Welfare 308e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $3,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as herein- above indicated. 310 - Public Works I; j: ii " I 'I Ii A~: It ,t I, Contractual Services: An additional appropriation of $6,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Miscellaneous Operating Functions: An additional appropriation of $15,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. County Administration: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: I i) Ii 'I il II :1 :1 ,I II 310e - 318 - 301 - il Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ OJ !i 'I I !i " 11 :1 " ;, H. Osterhoudt. '''YS: !I PA " I, ~! None. On application of the below-named petitioners: (1) J. W. Jamison (extn. of Waldron Drive from present end of Route 1806 west to D. E. - 737 feet, more or less) (2) Curtis E. Collins, et al (unnamed road beginning at a point on Route 777 about I mile north of U. S. 11/460 and thence extending in a westerly direction to D. E. - .06 mile) Kenneth V. Flora, et al (unnamed road beginning at a point on Route 694 about 1 mile north of Route 221 and thence extending in a westerly direction to D. E. - 0.6 mile) who this day filed their petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of High- (3) ways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the grounds and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will result as well to indiViduals as to the public if such roads shall be as': proposed, and especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be establ~ hed upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said C~unty Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said roads will be of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenienc(' they are desired.' He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany his report with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is further ordered that the Clerk 01' this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State ,Highway Commissioner I 1 I 1 I 4/9/69 249 _.. .."," _"._~_"'__'_'- - ,-"--'~" ___on _~_,.-:-~.."__-,",,=,.,..::......,... - __ - _._.._ ,..______ ---..,.-_..,,,..,-.",,,,..-'C;r----'-",,c;-.,.,.-,,..,,"_"=-,O:;;..""'C-.'-"""""'--,- Ii of Virginia as a defendant " II The summons shall be directed, ., , , ., executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it! !I may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virgini~ , ,i ;i to these road proceedings. having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County - and provided that a certified copy of this order, certified by the Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commis- , sioner to be served as aforesaid. ".".f - And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and adopted by the following, recorded vote: "AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. .~-.. NAYS: None. ., On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the following items were this day received and filed: ,Chairman's Written Report - March 21 thru April 5, 1969 ,Roanoke County Public Service Authority's Activities ~eport, March 1969 ' ,Lowell M. Gobble, Extension Agent, Agriculture- Repor~, for Month of March, ,Robert E. Layman, Jr., Extension Agent, Agriculture -'March Report Mrs. Jean Robbins, Extension Agent, Home Economics - March Report ,Bonnie Jean Webster, Extension Agent, Home Economics - March Report. Letter dated 3/25/69 re: James River Basin Advisory Committee, from Department of Conservation & Economic Development Letter dated 3/24/69 from O. S. Foster, Sheriff recommending that Do& Warden should not remain under Sheriff's Department Letter 3/25/69 from Delegate John W. Hagen re: Havens Refuge in Roanoke County 'Letter dated 3/24/69 from William R. Hill resigning from Regional Mental Health Services Board Letter dated 4/1/69 from E. P. Hart, Mayor, City of Salem re: Schools Letter dated 3/24/69 from Boyd LOOmis, President, Mount Pleasant Civic Club, Inc. re: proposed community center , - --. , Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that bills charged to the General Fund in the total amount of $39,734.15 be approved for payment, as well as the $445.00 item under Parks and Recreation which was questioned at the March 26, 1969 meeting. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow ing vote: .....J AYES: All NAYS: None. A list of the bills as audited and approved this day is filed with the J minutes of this meeting. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms bills in the total amount of $657.15 charged to the Dog Fund were approved for payment on the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. A list of the bills as audited and approved are filed with the minutes of this meeting. ~..'."~I~~~/ , ,~ " ,~ /1 JI,Ii' 4' < /' ~' 4/9/69 251 "-- - --- - - -------- -----~---- - - - ----- ~ ".-- -._,_.. -- .---.... "-"~'-'-~---~-- "-~Z"-~==~"-- i ,. ~11.J.ltIi- ii file the request for payment of Blue Cross and Blue Shield Insurance and a copy be !ri:! 1J ~ ~ fOr"t:arded to Yarger &: Associates for use in their study of an overall personnel , -r~ plan for Roanoke County Employees. ~~. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllOW~!:~" .. ing vote: 1ff ,.,k." .,!4111~~, ' !~) I! 4/tt;JJ I i~7/' '.'1,. irJ.-r:Y :: the Executive Officer to proceed with the installation of a septic tank and well -n 'I to serve the Masons Cove Community Center and Ptlblic Safety Building. :i..4-1'1-''1-~ ;~ p...d~ Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following!'2fLc.' r' i AYES: All . - ,.-t : NAYS: None. - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize '-1 vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. - :~~.. I /:J.h- . Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Library Board of Trustees be re- ,; ~ quested to include in their directions to the architect that a basement be included [i . 'f;J.t::;:; r'r7J'--.t. in the proposed North County Branch Library Building, with funas to be secured from~..~ Library funds. :let.. c?.. ~, -. +- i+_~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow~ - " , ... 1 ing vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Clerk be directed to hold the resolu- tion with reference to the purchase of land for Library at Oak Grove until the next meeting. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: ..... J AYES: All NAYS: None. J The following recommendations of the Roanoke County Board of Recreation were this day laid before the Board of Supervisors: -rhe Roanoke County Board of Recreation recommends to the Board of Super- visors of Roanoke County that the Recreation Department be authorized to pay up to $3500.00 for materials and labor in construction of rest room facilities at the Northside Recreation Complex. The Northside Boosters Club is to contribute labor and supervision in lieu of matching funds. 254 Courthouse Salem, Virginia April 23, 1969 7:30 P. M. The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the fourth Wednesday and the i: second regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Cow: ~house in Salem, I, " !: Virginia. Members present: A. T. Huddleston, Vice-Chairman, Joseph C. Thomas, L. 'I, II Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. Also present: Raymond R. Robrecht, Commonw,~althls r .' i: Atturney and Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer and Executive Officer. Absent: t' 1 Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt. I Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston called the meeting to order and intr,oduced Chairman A. T. Huddleston. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, i II Ii and the following vote, the minutes of the April 9, 1969, meettng were approved as ~ ~ spread, each member having received copies mailed to him by the Clerk. Ii ~ AlES: All 11 NAYS: None. I' ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. I ~ ~ " 'I " i day to complain about Ii II ,[ " ;' :i !i A delegation of citizens reSiding on Belle Haven Road, N. W., appeared this ,j, over the past 12 - 13 the water service rendered by the C. R. Davidson lh,ter Companr years and to urge the Board of Supervisors to do something to:i help them. ,', C. E. Parker was chief spokesman for the delegation; the Board to take action in this matter. A sample of muddy water was displayed as evidence of the delegatiolls I latest John W. Hagen also :i urgedi! ! Ii problem with the water service. I " j: " ~: ii !i The following action was taken: (During the above presentation Chairman Osterhoudt entered mainder of the meeting.) IN RE: C. R. DAVIDSON WATER COMPANY COMPLAINT OF RESIDENTS ON BELLE HAVEN ROAD, NW . I and pres~ded ,over I .i the re+ 1 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors direct the Common- wealth's Attorney to immediately research the law to find out what authority the Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke County Public Service Authority has in this matter and report to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors within the nexttwo days, and upon receipt of this repcrt the Chairman contact the other members of the Board for an informal session to decide the most appropriate action to take and, this action to include implementing whatever authority or influence the Board might' have with the Roanoke County Public Service Authority to come to a proper solution to this problem. Seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and carried by tr~ following recorded I 4/23/69 255 --- .-- - - ~~=...,...--.~~=....".,...__-_~_~,-=__~-~__-~......,-o-c-.....,--:---_.,.-~,_.~- . - ----.--- -'-'''''''~'"=''''_'''''-'='--'-''''''''-''''''''----'='-''--O-'''''''''''''''''':,"-~_=-..-,::,..,,,"~,.=-:t=~:.~==== II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and " Charles H. Osterhoudt. ii Ji NAYS: None. ! " , ,.... '.....,.f :,IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 460 AND EAST OF NECCA SfltliSl', BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BELONGING TO FRED L. DAVIS AND VIRGINIA H. DAVIS .r - , " ,cision on this matter until the next meeting and continue the public hearing to i' [!said meeting, being May 14, 1969 at 2:00 P.M. , Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the Ii 1,1' II . ,'0 OW1ng vote: ;; :~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, and Charles H. Osterhoudt ~ I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors postpone a de- ""':"" i:m.ys: A. T. Huddleston. " if " A previous motion offered by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston to concur in the :recollllllendation of the Planning Commission died for lack of a second. ~ ... Proponents at the above hearing were Attorney G. O. Clemens, John Glasgow, !.developer and potential owner, and Mr. Chocolate of Progress Printing. i: Opponents: J. W. Brammer representing East End Baptist Church; Reverend " ';Burnette, Minister to East End Baptist Church; J. D. Pollard, representing neighbors iand Vinyard Garden Civic League; Mrs. Mildred Moore and Mrs. O'Brian of Arrington ~1>rive. I"" U v fL'i /' 'A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LOCATION AND DESIGN OF THE PROPOSED SOUTHWEST FREEWAY : .../1.:zJ o. WHEREAS the Virginia Department of Highways will, at 10:00 a.m. on May l3, : 5' ~. '~. i!l969, hold a public hearing in the Virginia National Guard Armory located at 33 ! . . 'Reserve Avenue, S. W., Roanoke, Virginia, for the purpose of considering the proposed ' i "location and design of Route 220 (Southwest Freeway) from 0.2 mile south of existing! 'Route 220 (Franklin Road) to 0.2 mile south of the intersection of Route 419 in the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors, having heretofore reviewed and approved the proposed location and design of the Southwest Freeway, concurs in the location and 'design as submitted by the said Virginia Department of Highways; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County' ,that the plans proposed by the Virginia Department of Highways for the Sluthwest Freeway, from 0.2 mile south of existing Route 220 (Franklin Road) to O.J mile south, 'of' the intersection of Route 419 in the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke, , " be approved and that right of way be secured by the Department of Highways at the 'earliest possible time to prevent use of the land to be occupied by this roadway for other purposes. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms j and adopted by the following, recorded vote: I, :~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and il :' 256 4/23/69 " ~Charles H. Osterhoudt. I' ~NAYS: None. I: ',1 The Executive Officer, Pe,ul B. Matthews, requested that the matter of " /lsecuring a written agreement from the School Board in regard to the use of the t i[Keith Sausage property by the Recreation Department be continued to the May 14, Ii ;1 " ,'I :1 1969,\ i: !I !! !i il !I " Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the appointment qf a representative to~ Abe responsible for the construction and housing phase of the St" te Emergency Resours~s ~1fanagement Plan be deferred until the appointment of a Buildinglrnspector for Roano~ I I [county. :,'1' I' ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the II II ~ !i following vote: "l ii ![AYES: All II !I 'il I,NAYS: None. I: II II i': il ','.. ;1 II Ii I' Ii ,( I: :1 Ii' III' ft This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this ~ Board to view the following roads and the locations thereof and to make reports theJ- I' :1 Ii on, to-wit: I, II ii ~ 1. Unnamed Road from Route 648 west to D. E. - 0.20 mile ii' II . ~ 2. New addition west from Route 694 0.6 mile Ii i: " " 1 i I ::meeting. I I. 3. New addition west from Route 777 0.06 mile Waldron Drive, Extension of Route 1806 Unnamed road from Route 648 0.30 mile to D. E. on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. And it is hereby ordered that said roads, as described briefly above, be, they are hereby, established as public roads to become a part of the State Sec- :, Ii of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the I I'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T.Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. i: NAYS: None. I The Parking Lot Committee Chairman, Joseph C. Thomas, reported his Commit-, \ tee's recommendations to the Board of Supervisors reference the Courthouse Parking Lot and then offered the following motion accordingly: 4/23/69 257 " f ~. r- , " II COURTHOUSE PARKING LOT ~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors place a II "~I. one hour time limit on all parking spaces in the Courthouse parking lot from 8:00 ii il I!A. M. to 5:00 P. M., Mondays through Fridays, with the exception of the spaces now ii !Ireserved for the Sheriff's Department and the Court. II II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which was defeated by the [ili , , Ii following vote: I! I' il JAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston II ![NAYS: Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt il' II ABSTAINED: L. Earl Simms. I ,I '!,I , i I Suporn.,. J.",. C. Th_ ~... that tho lloud of S.._,or. plaoo '''1 : hour time limit on all parking spaces in the Courthouse parking lot from 8:00 A. M. [I to 5:00 P. M., Mondays through Fridays, with the exception of the spaces now reservrl ,jfor the Sheriff's Department and the Court. I II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the I: II " Ilfollowing vote: , 11 II '. I IIAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, and Charles H. nsterhoudt~1 II 'I I!NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. Ii 'i II i, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Commonwealth's Attorney be 'Ii 4);.9/69 iidirected to prepare the proper notice of the Board's intention to amend the Parking 11e-1-11: ilOrdinance of Roanoke County. :1 , Ii Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which(carried by the f'OllOf Iling vote: !I IIAIES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,i ~NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. Ii Ii II 1\ ,I :1 :: " h Ii ,I ~NO'i'ICE OF INTENTION TO AWPl' AJrIENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY PARKING ORDINANCE AND Ii / !/PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. I ;,. ,-4 ..... - j ""'1 . ! .J II WHEllEAS, Roanoke County has a valid Motor Vehicle Parking Ordinance, said II Ii I I!ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on July 16,,1 i11956; and 'i Ii WHEIlEA.S, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendment to the said ordinance , I iiexpedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfar'l! of. the I ' i(citizens of Roanoke County; · , ii NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County :,Board of Supervisors to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wedr lsday, May 14, .I i h969 , at 2:00 p. m., the Board of Supervisors will move the passage of the follOWing...! 'I :' ~amendment: i! I That the said ordinance be amended to allow a time limit of two (2) hours II 'ionly for all motor vehicles parking in the Roanoke County Courthouse parking lot " ~ ! fl w 1 4/23/69 Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph il II 'I " , " i :i , I :i !: " " " " , " " , 'I ! II i I ,~I~etween the hours of 8:00 a. m. and 5:00 p. m., Mondays through Fridays, with the l;Jf~ i:exception 01' the use of the reserved spaces by those persons for whom said spaces :~ -' 'iare reserved. 4'<J,.1 ~' tP~;i15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper. A. 1>> ~1COPY of the proposed amendment is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit ~/''1 II ~~~~ :iC. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: YES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. ~ . ~ . "..j E461 This notice shall be published as required by law, pursuant to Section Osterhoudt 11 II :! !I !i :1 il ,I :; , :1 " :1 I ,'stockholders meeting in the City of Roanoke on May 8, 1969; and :i ii ii ~.,'. WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors wishes to welcome visit- :! :Iing stockholders and officials to the Roanoke Valley; and n 'I r j.. ,I WHEREAS, this constitutes an extremely important meeting for the future 'I 1,.\~\~\... '!Of the Norfolk and Western Railway Company; and if ~j' t'"~"'" WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors wishes to take note of :! . I ,I . '[the long and unique association between the Norfolk and Western Railway Company and II ie;~~ Ii II . !Ithe Roanoke Valley and recognizes the Norfolk and Western Railwll.Y Company as a valu~ Ql>'Z1'. i,wponto <i"'~ ,f tho .._to V.11" tho< ... ~do __ val..b1. ~"'rlbU"'M ~ ~ !said Valley; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Super- Lee B. Eddy. I WHEREAS, the Norfolk and Western Railway Company is holding its annual 1 visors does hereby express the hope that the Norfolk and Western Railway Company, its stockholders and officials, have a successful and enjoyable meeting, and i further that the Roanoke Valley may remain as the headquarte1is of the Norfolk and 'Western Railway Company. I The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote: ',AYES: .' Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.! " Osterhoudt NAYS: None. I The Clerk of the Board was directed to make a copy of the Department of ,Highway's letter dated April 11, 1969, reference Drainage Easements in SubdivisionS' ,for the Commonwealth's Attorney. 1 Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the letter dated. April 16, 1969, from the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries regarding Havens State Refuge be received and filed. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ,. ing vote: AYES: , Ii NAYS: All None. 4/23/69 259 i4I 1- : - II II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the resolution adopted by the iiAlleghany Board of Supervisors on April 15, 1969, favoring inclusion in Planning J II District #5, and the resolution adopted on April 14, 1969 by the Council of the 'it II City of Clifton Forge also favoring inclusion in Planning District #5, be received II !Iand filed. " ii !i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried II ing vote: " II AYES: All H !INAYS: None. Ii ,I " ;1 " by the follow~ Ii - , ~,-, -if 'I " ,.~ " I! On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl 'i i! Simms and the following vote, Mr. Douglas B. Fugate's letter dated April 4, 1969, I, ilreference Secondary System Allocations for July 1, 1969 - June 30, 1970, was " Ii received and filed. Ii il AYES: All I; NAYS: None. ...., ii I, it ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. 'I II Eddy, and the nn"nimous consent of the Supervisors, the following items were this II day received and filed: , .1 ,I 'I I, " :i II 'I Ii 'I II ..... Chairman's Report dated April 18, 1969, including - Monthly report of Welfare Department for February 1969 ' Monthly report of Library Director for April 1969 " Monthly report of Recreation Department for March 1969 Letter from Department of Highways dated 4/l1/69 reference Drainage Easements in Subdivisions, Copy of a letter to William J. Paxton, Jr., City Manager of Salem, dated 4/18/69 reference records of City of Salemv maintained in Clerk's Office Copy of a letter to Rabbi Donald R. Berlin dated 4/11/69 con- , firming his appointment to Mental Health Services Board Copy of a letter dated 4/18/69 to Mr. Hampton W. Thomas, reference sewage contract negotiations Resolution of the City of Roanoke dated 4/7169 reference Planning v District #5 Sheriff's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the County Jail during Month of March 1969 Sheriff's Statement of Office and Travel Expenses incurred by self and / Deputies for the Month of March 1969 "1 J Sheriff O. S. Foster appeared before the Board this day to request an if allocation of $1000 for Jail improvements. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors grant the :1 Sheriff's request and allocate $1000 for pllunbing fixtures for the Roanoke County i: Jail. :i i'~/p&4r / .~~ :, I - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow~ :i 'I ing vote: i ! AYES: All " I , '~NAYS: None. ,. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote, the Sherif1"s report of comparative activities for i 4/23/69 261. il IN HE: REZONING OF LOT BOUNDED ON THE I NORTH BY U. S. ROUTE 220, ON SOUTH I AND 'WEST BY VIRGINIA ROUTE 722, ) 0 R D E R AND ON EAST BY ADJOINING PROPERTY ) ./ This day came Virginia R. Pollard by counsel and ask leave to file her --. h 'I Petition relative to rezoning property therein described and that the same be " " it referred to the Planning Commission 01' Roanoke County, and further proceedings II 'i thereon in accordance with the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County. I' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of , Ii the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said Petition 'Ie and it " said :' is hereby filed; and be it further resolved that the/Petition be and thE: same ,is hereby ordered referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, --. ........ " ;1 for a recommendation in accordance with the Code of Virginia. , " !! AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when the said Planning Commis- , " .... I: sion shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the , I! iiCode of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board, ~ I: I i.' shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissable, Il 'I 1\" ;i said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia I ~. liand the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance. ,: 1 '71 ~~ - i: AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of the ;1 ~. I :' resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of t,~,is Board to Paul B. ii !I ,I h ' II Matthews Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke Countr, Virginia. il II Ii !, The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph 'i il .:1 lie. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on a recorded vote the Super~ 'i visors voted as follows: To-wi t : Ii " II I,AYES: All ,I d HUYS: None. " , .., II " " i; Ii HE: REZONING THREE PARCELS SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY WALDRON HOMES, INC., PETITIONER v Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this request for rezoning of three J parcels be submitted to the Planning Commission with the request that only those portions requesting rezoning to B-1 and R-2 be considered by the elanning Commission \~B\~q / . and recommendations made thereon to the Board of Supervisors. ~ 1 '~~ Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ;e;f;1~~ ~ ~~: ~~ AYES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~~~ ~., NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas. ] On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and the following vote, the Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss matters pertaining to real estate and personnel: AYES: All :: NAYS: None. 263 Courth01!se Salem, ~!irginia May 1, 1969 1:00 P. M. Special Meeting A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors was this liay held at the Roanoke County Courthouse, pursuant to the follOWing call: " I , , I II ! Salem, lTirginia May 1, 1969 We, the undersigned, being all of the members of the Board of Supervisors of ROanoke County, Virginia, and the Assistlant Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby waive the notice of a SpeCial Meeting of said Board of Super- visors as required by Section l5.1-53B, Code of Virginia, 1950, to be held in the County Courtroom ir. the Courthouse building of Roanoke County at Salem, Virginia, at 1:00 P. M. on Thurs- day, May 1, 1969, for the following purpose: 1. To let the contract for the building of the Vinton Branch Library. 2. To discuss any other matters that the Board might . unanimously agree upon. Charles H. Osterhou~t, Chairmant Catawba Magisterial District A. T. Huddleston, Vice-Chairman Big Lick Magisterial District ~ ...., I ~ I; I, II I II ~ ,I II " , " " " I, /,' Joseph C. Thomas Salem Magisterial District , Lee B. Eddy ~ Cave Spring Magisterial Districl.. L . Earl Simms Richfield Magisterial District John Lampros Assistant Commonwealth's Attorn~y '.-- ~ II Present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairma. A. T. Huddleston, :1 I' Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. Absent: L. Earl Simms and John Lampros, Assistaf Ii Commonwealth's Attorney. The County Engineer and Executive Officer, Paul B. Matth~, !' was present for the meeting. j il :i " :i II " :! , " Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt called the meeting to order and read the -1 I Library Board's resolution dated April 28, 1969. The following bids on the Vinton Branch Library were this day considered: i - Item 1 Base Bid Item 2 Lump ,sum omit IFederal La- bor Stand- ,ards Construc- Ition Contract jPrOVisions : I 1mount to be added to Item .3 :actua~, cost Alternate of LBh. Ma- DAD Fascia terial to Add/Deduct ~over all overhead, profit &. in- cidentals for i added or omit-' ted wcrk % I , ~~timatedl ~~me of com- , r.:letion of entire work, consecutive calendar days II I . I ' i-l I Contractor I Days Constructio no bid ir44'OOO I 4,000 15 220 , ... ! I Frye Building no bid i 260,500 2,300 15 240 H. A. Lucas *248,600 I 241,000 - ;,000 15. 210 B. F. Parrott I 239,600 no bid .. 5,300 15 150 Watts &. Breakell no bid *254,000 , 2,500 15 210 Q. M. Tomlinson no bid i 237,000 [ 4,500 15 280 Acorn Constr. Co. $254,600 $253,000 !- $6,500 15 250 , 265 ~ ! Courthouse Salem, Virginia May 14, 1969 2:00 P.M. Regular Meeting I 1 ' -- I , I i The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the second Wednesday and the !first regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virgi a. i ~embers present: Charles H. Osterhoudt, Chairman; A. T. Huddleston, Vice-Chairman; i liJoseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms. Also present: Raymond R. Robrecht ~commoDWealthls Attorney and Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer and Executive Officer.i Ii I Ii i Ii I Ii Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt called the meeting to ordtlr and introduced Rev- i I;erend c. B. Lehman, minister to the Green Hill Church of the Brethren, who offered I, , I!.I lithe invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led 1!:,ibY Chairman Osterhoudt. :i 'I )! i" I:' I II 1'1 Ii. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms land the following vote, the minutes of the April 23, 1969, meeting were approved as I ' Ispread, each member having received copies mailed to him by the Clerk: I I 'i'l IAml: All ~:~. ~ I II I I, :,1 Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms'l I' I :i I' li,',and the following vote, the minutes of the special meeting of the Board held on May ~, i'l969, were approved as spread, each member having received cOPieJ mailed to him by !,..ij lithe Clerk: .' All II !"'"" ,.",,' - . , , .... i~ml: j,uay". It-- w. I, " None. o " ! Mr. A. L. Jolly, District Forester, appeared before the Board this day,and !reported on forestry activities and matters in Roanoke County. r-lr. Barry Crawford, i: IChief Forest Warden was also present and recognized. i' I 1. , o :IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 460 AND EAST OF MECCA STREET, BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BELONGING TO FRED L. DAVIS AND VIRGINIA H. DAVIS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER I. , , :of May, 1969. At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 14th da~ " WHEREAS, Fred L. Davis and Virginia H. Davis did petition this Board and request ~hat the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain :property be rezoned and reclassified from Business District B-2 and Agricultural , ~istrict A-I to Industrial District M-l, which petition was filed at a regular meet- I i 266 I ! t~~""""'~':-..~. . I i i i I I 5/14/69 , ,-;;cc.,.,~,--:=.,,',....,-;.;',c, 1 'I :1 " I! a meeting helcj. il lion the 15th day of April, 1969, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning ,; 'I II !prdinance be amended so as to change the classification of the hereinaft.er describedii II " [property from Business District B-2 and Agricultural District A-I to Industrial Dis- i' I' I Itrict M-l and further that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to ch'lnge lithe classification of the other portion of the hereinafter described property from II I'Business District B-2 and Agricultural District A-I to Residential District R-2; and:1 'i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did set the matter down for a public hearing,! I; " j~t the next regular meeting of this Board on April 23, 1969, and g',ve notice thereof il I , I~y publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virgi~a i il i~950, as amended; and 'i Ii dm h23d:( " WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed amen ent on t e r " I, I, IPaY of April, 1969, after due publication as provided by statute; and :1 I, It Ii 'WHEREAS, this Board by proper motion did continue said public hearing on the Pl:!O- II !! !posed amendment to the 14th day of May, 1969; and Ii Ii II II! WHEREAS, this Board after giving carei'ul consideration to said property and to i[ I II ~aid recommendation after hearing evidence as to the merits of the said proposed i! ~' endments to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County II Ii , oning Ordinance should be amended as hereinafter set forth and as recommended by i! ~he said Planning Commission; ~ing of this Board held on March 12, 1969, and by order entered that day was i 'to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for Ii !with Ii u ....'1 referredi! its recommendation in accordance the provisions of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at I I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board bf Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. held on the 14th day of May, 1969, the , r said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify i: ~he hereinafter described property from Business District B-2 and Agricultural Dis- I' ~rict A-I to Industrial District M-l, in order that said property might be more so classified as Industrial District to-wit: BEGINNING at the intersection of U. S. Route 460 and Mecca Street; thence with Route 460 east 1180 feet, more or less, to Bratton property; thence with Bratton line south 235 feet, more or less to a new line 140 feet north of a new proposed road; thence with new line 1160 feet, more or less, to Mecca Street; thence with Mecca Street to the place of BEGINNING and contain- ing 5.68 acres, more or less. I NOIrl, THEREFORE, BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 14th day of lay, 1969, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as ~o reclassify the hereinafter described property from Business District B-2 and .gricultural District A-I to Residential District R-2, in order that said property ': 1 might be more fully and reasonably used, the said property being so classified as ~esidential District R-2 is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: 'i BEGINNING on Mecca Street 140 feet north of a new proposed road; thence with a new line and the Industrial M-l zoned area east 1160 feet, more or less, to Bratton property; thence with Bratton line south to Vinyard Garden subdivision line; thence with same west 921.35 feet to .r. J. Karnes property; thence with Karnes and Clingenpeel properties north to the south side of the proposed 50-foot road; thence with same "lest 200 feet to Mecca Street; thence with Mecca Street to the place of BEGINNING and containing 11.86 Acres, more or less 5/14/69 267 ! 1 ::::;;;_~::.::_-_~=~o'-C::"'-I:' i ,",I ~~~I-f~~-- ! t - T. Huddleston, I ~~. ~ , IIA.~ J iseconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and on the recorded vote ,the Supervisors i,:.'~~5f~" :voted as follows: i i . !AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoud.t ' !I :1 " , 'I; 'I iproperty south of Route 460 and east of Mecca Street consisting of approximately 20 II 'i BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall ~ iI'orthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Plan- " r lning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to G. O. Clemens, Attol"lley I. Ifor petitioners. I , I The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. iNAYS: None. ABSTAINED: L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. ,,- A Petition signed by members of East End Baptist Church requesting that the ~cres belonging to Mr. Fred Davis,lpetitioner in the foregoing re~~ning matter) :filed with the minutes of this meeting. . Mr. & r-lrs. Davis Mr. G. O. Clemens, attorney for Petitioners/' appeare~ehalf of their :i " 11 'I :1 :1 Ii ~ i requeste~ ,/ i 'I I " :i , 1 :be zoned in accordance with the unanimous decision of the Planning Commission,is i . ,rezomng. iIN HE: i REZONING OF ONE LOT FRONTING 250 FEET ON VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE 419 AND RUNNING BACK ON PARAT.T.1?T. LINES 250 FEET AND LYING 60 FEET SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF STATE ROUTE 419 AND HUNTING HILLS DRIVE. ) ) ) ) ) FINAL o R D R R :i 'I " I' IIv' I " ;1 . , - At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County ,.1eld on the 14th day of May, 1969. WHEREAS, OLD HERITAGE CORPORATION, did petition this Board and request that :; :the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain propertt, I be rezoned and reclassified from Agricultural District A-I to Business District B-1,! ., which petition was filed at a regular meeting , of this Board held on March 12, 1969, :: ,I the Planning Commission of Roanoke co~y 'and by order entered that day was referred to ,for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia ,""l , I ~ :1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting :held on April 15, 1969, after hearing evidence as to the merits of said petition at a public hearing held on April 15, 1969, recommended to this Board that said County so :Zoning Ordinance be amended/as to change the classification of theihereinafter de- scribed property from Agricultural District A-I to Business Distri~t B-1; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did set the matter down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board on ~~y 14, 1969, and gave notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Coun,y Zoning Ordinance J 'and the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and , WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on the 14th da1 , :01' May, 1969 after due publication as provided by statute; and 268 5/14/69 " " II !! " !I i'to said recommendation after hearing evid.ence as to the merits of tl..e said proposed iamendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion t:'1atlsaid County I '.r,;., ~, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and. ~ Ii Zoning Ordinance should be amended as hereinaf<;sr set forth and ts recommended by " ::said Planning Commission. i rof Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 14th day of May, 1969, the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board a ii II ~ 'I " , J 1 " i'said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify !; i,the hereinafter described property from Agricultural District A-I to Business Dis- I ['trict B-1, in order that said property might be more fully and reasonably used, and j,the said property being so classified as i: [,described as follows, to-wit: I' I: !: Business District B-1 is more particularly I One lot lying on the east side of State Route 419 fronting 2:;0 fee~ on Virginia State Route 419 and running back on parallel lines ;!50 feet and lying 60 feet south of the intersection of State Route 4:9 and Hunt- ing Hills Drive. il :1 I, :1 i' il ,I " " 'i ii I I, County, Virginia, and a copy to Holmar Willis, Jr., attorney the Planning :i The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms il . , Ii ;:r', lland. seconded by Supervisor A. T. Hudd.leston and on the recorded. vote, the supervisorF 7d~~voted as follows, to-wit: !I , W-:il(,(,~~. I, : ~l~o. ~!:AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simm:>, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles ,: I " , l H. Osterhoudt. I I , !i NAYS: I' I' I;ABSENT: " i: Ii I, ~ , None. None. Ii ~and i; ,: , I !: " Mr. T. D. Steele, an officer of Old. Heritage Corporation, appeared to explainl ': support the foregoing rezoning matter. No one appeared. to oppose same. I . ::AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY M:lTOR VEHICLE PARKING ORDINANCE. Ii , \mEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Motor Vehicle Parking Ordinance, said ii I July 16,il I i: ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on "1956' and !I ' 1 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the said ordinapce !' expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfare, of the ~citizens of Roanoke County; and 1; ; WHEREA.S, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanc,ke County, !jvirginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, April 23, 1969, a motion was " I passed by said Board moving the amendment of the aforementioned County oz'dinance, and further moving that the notice of the intention of said Board to adopt such ,. amended ordinance be published as required by law, pursuant to Section l~, .1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and WHEREAS, notice 01' intention to adopt such amendment was published once a week i'or two successive weeks, namely April 28, 1969, and May 5, 1969, in the 'Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, 5/14/69 269 -.....-- ,.-. Virginia, and on April 30, 1969, and May 7, 1969, in the Vinton ~ssenger, a news- paper published in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on such amendment at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse ther.eof on Wednesday, May 14, 1969, at 2:00 p.m.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, - - Virginia, as follows, to-wit: That Paragraph 1 be and hereby is amended to read as follows: -I: That no motor vehicle shall be parked or ! before described parking lot for more than two ,.,.. ~ ! Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is cause the ordinance to be ,:vided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two successive weeks in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in : Roanoke County, Virginia, and in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general :' circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, said ordinance to be in full force and i effect upon and after June 4, 1969. Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston - NAYS: Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I I :I~ 'I , :1 Mrs. Juanita Kessler, Registrar of Roanoke County, and Mr. Fred Battle, employe~ :1 Mrs. Kessler spoke! / ;1 of the Commissioner of the Revenue, were present and recognized. : in opposition to the foregoing Amendment to the Parking OrdinancE', J . ADOPTION OF A NE1/l ROANOKE COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL ORDINANCE' WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virgin~a, pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth 01' Virginia, and more especially under the provisions of Section l5.1-510 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, has a valid Air Pollution , Cont~l Ordinance, said ordinance having been adopted by the' Board of Supervisors according to law on December 21, 1964; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems it expedient and necessar; to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County that a new,' ,; ". ;l I .... updated ordinance be adopted; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, April 9, 1969, a motion was passed by said Board moving the adoption of the aforementioned new ordinance, and further moving that the notice of the intention of said Board to adopt such ordinan~e be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such ordinance was published once a week. for two successive weeks, namely April 30, 1969, and May 7, 1969, in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and on April 28, 1969, and 270 5/14/69 . --,.~.._... ..- .-:,."...,......,......"=-,,,.'=-.~-'.,. ii Ii Ii I Ii I' " " " II and May 5, 1969, in the Roanoke World~News, a new..paper having gelleral circulation II :1 in the County of Roanoke, Virginia; and I' ,I !j :i , of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse 1;hereof on Wednes-,i Ii II i J! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County,:1 'I WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on such ordinance at a r~gular meeting day, May 14, 1969, at 2:00 p.m.; Virginia, as follows, to-wit: ii !I That the existing Air Pollution Control Ordinance for Roanol.:e County be re- [I pealed and that a new Air Pollution Control Ordinance be adoPted,l~hiCh ordinance i~ ~ I ii " ,. ,I ;I !i " ,i Ii 'I d H ;j Ii I 'I II 'I :1 II " ~ I 'I il !i : described and summarized as follows: Section 1 - Short Title Section 2 - Authority and Declaration of Policy Section 3 - Definitions Section 4 - Advisory and Appeal Board Section 5 Powers of the Department Section 6 - Permits and Reporting of Information Section 7 - Inspections and Tests Section 8 - Emissions Prohibited Section 9 - Enforcement Section 10 - Emergency Procedure Section 11 - Variances Section 12 - Confidentiality of Records Section 13 - Penalties Section 14 - Separability Clause !I " ;! ii :1 II " hereby directed tq Ii pro-;! ii once!! 1 Ii (I Publication and Effective Date: I; I; cause the ordinance to be published by its title and an informative summary as I' ~.,~ i: vided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as ame~ed to date, 5\" 1> ~ i a week for two successive weeks in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in ~. ~Roanoke County, Virginia, and in the Roanoke World-News, ~~~I\'%;~,:, fCJ.e'rctCUlation upon and after July 1, 1969. .,1.... i ~ ~ Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlestori, ~~' and adopted by the following recorded vote: '}-. ^ 0 ~\~~ 1Y~:AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H~ '~.vf ..;J)' Osterhoudt. ~~. ~ ...,JI NAYS: None. ~.~~ ~'V\~i6~ A Copy of the Roanoke County Air Pollution Control Ordinanc; as adopted by ~ ~~ <h.....,ing ,."lu'i,n i, filed wi'h 'h. ,"no,., ,f 'hi, m..'ing. ~ v; Mr. Richard W. Arey, Executive Secretary of the State Air Pollution Control ~I 1~1 I'Board, and Mr. Carter Bradley, Roanoke County Health Department, Air Pollution Lab, " /1> 'were present and recognized. Section 15 - Effective Date The Clerk of this Board is " II a newspaper having general 'i 'I f ,I e -!i in Roanoke County, Virginia, said ordinance to be L: full force and . ;, ,i, It was noted that while the staff of the State Air Pollution :ontrol Board " ;ihad informally reviewed the new Roanoke County Air Pollution ContrJl Ordinance, I: Ii it made, " " , ,I 1 I 1 1 1 5/14/69 271 " i: certain corrections and intended to approve it in its corrected form, it was still ! formal subject to the Board's/approval on June 16, 1969. the following resolution was this day offered for adoption: i On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervis'Jr A. T. Huddleston,:! i ii I , BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COUtlty desires, under 'i il the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1960, Cumulative Supplement 1962, page 348 DEPUTY DOG WARDEN , IV - ; IN HE: "..-,f .... (Section 29.184.3), that the enforcement of the dog laws be vest ad in a Dog Warden ,,"" ., , , and Deputy Dog Wardens, and said Board deeming this necessary, d,Jes hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court 01' Roanoke County to appoint a full-time Deputy Dog Warden to assist the Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Wardens in the dog inspection activi, ties and in the dog law enforcement in Roanoke County from th~ following list: Kenneth Lee Hogan Richard McKinley Hayden i# Bobby W. Stone " ,II'I!I' YH:- George Andrew Kellour ~ /..b and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered to forthwith deliv'3r a certified copy!fJtt.11 of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke I;ounty, Virginia. jl !I Adopted by the following, recorded vote: " ti AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simm~, A. T. Huddl~ston, and Charles ,:,~I! 5'" 1s/~1 H. Osterhoudt. " - NAYS: None. Mr. James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, appeared before the Board ., this day and proposed that the County change from metal strips to stickers to be I used as County motor vehicle licenses. !i, 'I' " , .,~ j Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Commonwealth's A~torney be directed to prepare the necessary resolutions and amendments to the necessary County ordinance to change the County motor vehicle licenses from metal strips to stickers Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the foilow- t- ~~ ~;jj;L,' ~ IrW 4/o/~7 ing vote: .AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Cho,rles H. Osterhoudt 'NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. ~.1 ~ NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Motor Vehicle License Ol'dinance, said ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of ~~pervisors on Janu- ary 21, 1957; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments t.o the said ordinan~e expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and genera:' welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; 272 5/14/69 , NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board . ..--------.. .. .. -.-.. ..... ~ ~ ': 'I That the said o:-dinance be amended as follows: Paragraph 5 which now reads il i; [I Ii "5. ISSUING LICENSE TAX: Any person coming under the provisions of this Ordi- !f [nance shall make application for license upon forms supplied by the Treasurer of il II Roanoke County, at the office of said Treasurer in the Court House at Salem, Virgim1., i' and, upon payment of required tax, shall be issued, as evidence, tins or tags which il' I! shall be attached to the rear of the vehicle so licensed, so as to be readable in a ! i: manner similar to the State license tags. Failure to display tins or tags shall be ii Ii considered as violation even though the license tax has been paid. It shall be un- i'l ,. lawful for any person to whom a tin or tag is issued upon the payment of any licenSE!, Ii tax prescribed in this Ordinance, to give, loan, rent, sell, assign or transfer SUC!li'I' j'tin or tag to another or to otherwise permit another to use in any manner such tin I' Ii or tag during the license tax year for which the same is issued." " il I: shall be amended to read as follows: '! ~ "5. ISSUING LICENSE TAX: Any person coming under the provisions of this Ordina4:e Ii shall make application for license upon forms supplied by the Treasurer of Roanoke ,I i' County, at the office of said Treasurer in the Court House at Salem, Virginia, and, 'I ~upon payment of required tax, shall be issued, as evidence, stickers which shall be I ~ attached to the front windshield of the vehicle so licensed so as to be readily!, I,recognized. Failure to display stickers shall be considered as violation even tho~ i the license tax has been paid. It shall be unlawful for any person. to whom a stickeq: ii is issued upon the payment of any license tax prescribed in this 01'dinance, to give,i! j' loan, rent, sell, assign or transfer such sticker to another or to otherwise permit !I : another to use in any manner such sticker during the license tax year for which the ,i , q I'same is issued." 'I ~\,J'~,~ This notice shall be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-501 "....,y / [! of the Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper. A copy of the II ~Ii II . vt11 proposed amendment is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanok1 I: County. !I \ (,'i./ ~ :1 ~\~\\ y 1.11 Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ii '..(/ ',Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: 'I ~*. ,;' YES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. osterhoudt.11 ~4 ~ NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. il 'd-,JP' Ii At 3 :10 p. m. the followin.e; action was taken: :i i ~ " ii lithe printed agenda to recognize the Council of the Town of Vinton. I,:,. SupervJ.' sor I' Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried as follows: I' iiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt ii NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. I! Ii 'iof Ii 11969, at 2:00 !; r :i amendment: Supervisors to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wednesday, June 11, p.m., the Board of Supervisors will move the passage of the I: 'I following Ii I 1 I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors dispense with I I, The Delegation from Vinton included Mayor Shirley Crowder, Mr. O. L. Horn, !: i Mr. G. W. Nicks and Mr. W. Norman Dowdy. Spokesman for the group was Mr. Richard i' i: Cranwell, Attorney for the Town of Vinton, who laid bei'ore the Board of Supervisors " i; iithis day the following resolution of the Council of the Town of Vin~on adopted at 1 !; ~ Ii a Special Meeting of the Council held at 2:00 p.m. this day, being ,\lay 14, 1969: "This meeting was called by the Town Manager, Guy L. Gearhart, and each member: i: of Council and the Mayor were properly notified and each has sig~3d a waiver vf notice of this meeting. WHEREAS, it is the purpose of this meeting to take the sens~ l' the Council on the proposed consolidation of the County of Roanoke and the Town oi'Vinton into a single city; and ~REAS, a copy of the Consolidation Agreement and the proposed Charter of the 5/11./69 273 i , i , ! i_ _ _____ ___ __ _ ~--,:",:".-=,;",:,=::::;:":;,~,::, ;...---_..--~:.:.-=~--- i !' Consolidated City were presented before the meeting and reviewed by members of , Council; and WHEREAS, it being the desire of Council for the Town of Vinton to enter into : agreement with the County of Roanoke; - THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor of the I Town of Vin-c"ll sign and , this; :! execute '_.-, i the Consolidation Agreement and Referendum Petition, and that the seal of the Town : i , ; I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a representative 01' the Town of Villton present to th~ 'I Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County a certified copy of this resolution and re- <I of Vinton be affixed and attested by the Clerk, and that the Charter is approved. - : quest that they pass a resolution joining the Town of Vinton in this Consolidation Agreement; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of the proposed Charter for the Consolidated City be submitted to the Board of Supervisors for its approval; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town of Vinton join with the County of ~oanoke in petitioning the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for a referendum on the question :i '-..f , of Consolidating the Town and County into a single City, the originals of the Con- , resoiution be filed , 'solidation Agreement and proposed Charter and copies of this with said Petition. This resolution was adopted on motion made by Councilman W. Norman Dowdy and :, seconded by Councilman O. L. Horn. ~ " AYES 3 !I NAYS 2" -- Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the foregoing resolution of the Council the Town of Vinton be received and filed. Motion seconded by Su?arvisor Joseph C. Thomas and carried by the following vote of the Supervisors: ct'i ..- I I' " ii , , AYES: All 1 NAYS: None. t. ., ~ Attorney for the Town of Vinton, Richard Cranwell, advised th~Board of Supervisors " i that another resolution had been prepared and passed by the Council of the Town of ~.. , . I l..J ,Vinton this same day, being May l4, 1969, asking that the Cities of Salem and Roanoke i o join the County and Town in this action. A Copy of the aforementioned resolution of the Town Council of Vinton dated ,May 14, 1969, requesting the Cities of Salem and Roanoke to join in this action is now filed with the minutes of this meeting. A RESOLUTION APPROVIFG A CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOWN . OF VINTON FOR THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE TOWN AND THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE INTO A SINGLE CITY: WHEREAS, Section 15.1-1130 of the Code of Virginia, as amende~, permits the con- solidation of any county and all incorporated towns located entirely therein into a single city; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton is an incorporated town lying wholly within the bounda- "11'ij j " 274 5/14/69 "-+-'-.-"'-'--'" _...._,._._---,~--. Ii ries 01' Roanoke County; and I' 'I :1 the Board of Supervisors of the County join with the ii 11 referendum on il ., ji il :1 II II " ., " 'I II is ,in the.best interests of the residents of Roanoke County aild thl" Town of Vinton" ,I !i that a referllndum be held, so. that said citizens may de,c~de for tl1,!mselves, on the 11 I' , i'l II question of consolidating the Town and the County into a <~ngle city; i! I] ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the resolution passed by 1'he Vinton Town II I 11 II Council be accepted and filed with the Clerk of this Board; anli 'i II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board is here,by authorized to 11 Ii il Ii enter into the aforementioned Consolidation Agreement with the Totm Council for the I! II :,'1' Ii Town of Vinton; and " II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board does hereby approve the proposed Chart' ~ for the Consolidated City, said charter having been heretofore approved by the Town ii II if Ii Council for the Town of Vinton; and it II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board join with the Town Cou.ucil for the ii :town of Vinton in petitioning the Circuit Court of Roanoke County fo;" a referendum ort Ii the question of consolidating the Town and the County into a single city, the origi~ I' :r ,I I nals of the Consolidation Agreement and the proposed charter and co'pies of this \C/i y Ii to If..". ~ resolution and the resolution passed by the Town Council for the T'lm of Vinton/be 'Y'.r"I: filed with said Petition. ' -n.~.~.) ~.t'" V i' Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded oy Supervisor A. T. it 11 'i Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: i' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. i " II WP.EREA.S, the Town Council for the Town of Vinton has passed a. resolution il Ii authorizing its Mayor to enter into an agreement on behalf of said Council with the ii I' County of Roanoke for the consolidation of the Town and the County into a single II I' : city, said resolution also approving a proposed charter for the Consolidated City , Ij and further requesting that li I, I: Town Council in II the question of Ii I: 15.1-1131 of the Code of Virginia, as amended; and Ii WHEREAS, the Town Council has presented its resolution and tap. originals of a " II Consolidation Agreement and a proposed Ii WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors I' " 1 petitioning the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for a consolidating the Town and the County, in accordaIl';'e with Section I charter for the Consolidated City; and of Roanoke County'is of the opinion that it I . *1: NAYS: Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. *(See next page for statment by Supervisor Eddy offered in opposition to the I foregoing matter just prior to the recorded vote) I r " i' of this , A Copy of the Consolidation Agreement and the Charter is filed with the minute~ meeting. I " - I RESOLUTION INVITING THE CITY COUNCILS FOR THE ('tTIES OF ROANOKE AND SALEM, VIRGINIA~ TO JOIN WITH THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE AND THE TOWN OF VINTON, VmGINIA.. IN PETITIONING THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR A CONSOLIDATION REFERENDUM. (" WHEREAS, the Town Council of Vinton and the Beard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, have, pursuant to resolutions duly passed, approved a Consolidation 1 Agreement for the consolidation of the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke into a single city and have jointly petitioned the Circuit Court of Roanoke County ': for a referendum on said question; and 5/14/69 275 t , ii I must take whatever steps are necessary to protect the interests of the County, is, :! , I ii ~. nevertheless, of the opinion that the consolidation of the Cities of Salem and Ii I 'i I' , :- Roanoke and the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke into a single city would " :1 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, while believing that it :: serve the best interests of all the citizens of the Roanoke Valley; --, " , " " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby inyj.te the City :1.5/15'/''''- Councils for the Cities of Roanoke and Salem to become parties to the consolidation'! ~~~ Agreement entered into between the County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton and to ,! -G f:J. ~ d join with the County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton in the Petition for a consol~-~ dation referendum heretofore filed by the County and the Town. A Certified copy ~I ,.)()~~ '.,J .i5'~ ~- of this resolution shall be sent to the Mayors of the Cities of Roanoke and Salem. !W~ Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by super'isor L. Earl Simms,~ -/; J " adopted by the following recorded vote. :i~~~' ~V , ,~el i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, 1. E,'irl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles "v-"Z'1l1 ::... tu il H. Osterhoudt. , NAYS: None. '" STATEMENT BY LEE B. EDDY REGARDING PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO HOLD A REFERENDUM ON THE CONSOLIDATION OF ROANOKE COUNTY WITH THE TOWN OF VINTON ",Ii 'I ,) ~ i Ii , version of Roanoke County to City As you know, I have vigorously opposed all proposed actions leading to the con- - status from the moment they_ were first suggested. ,I t; I have done so with spoken and written words, publicly and privately and with all '! . .~""'I ! i ~ the persuasive ability at my command. I deeply regret that I have been unequal to I the task of expressing my position with sufficient clarity and logic that others . might share that view. However, for the benefit of the public and in one final effort to defeat the resolution, I wish to restate my major reasons for opposition. First, I believe that the Board of Supervisors and the Council of Vinton have a moral commitment to continue participation in the Valley-wide consolidation nego- tiations until they are formally terminated, before any other type of action is taken. In my opinion, if the motion for a Vinton-County Consolidation Plan is approved at this time, it will represent an irresponsible bre~ch of good faith that will seriously damage the chances for future trust and understanding among local governmental bodies in the Roanoke Valley. It will undoubtedly destroy all forsee-, able prospects for a mutually-agreeable valley-wide consolid~tion plan which, if carried to a successful conclusion, would significantly reduce future sources of friction among the local governments. Destruction of that cqncept is an act which I consider to be short sighted, self-defeating and asinine. My second major reason for opposition is that, whether the Vinton-County Consoli~ dation referendum should succeed or fail, the mere fact that it is adopted by the two governing bodies will utterly ruin future chances of cooperative efforts in pro~ viding public services. One argument advanced in favor of the plan is that it would place all three governments on an equal city status, which would eliminate the threat of annexation and thereby promote the opportunity ~or establishing joint services. I believe this reasoning is valid in regard to a ml!tually-satisfactory ...., I ~ plan which would divide the county into two or more parts, but is completely falla- cious in respect to a bi-lateral Vinton-County consolidation plan which would 276. 5/14/69 --'j:- jlignore the desires of the existing two cities. In my opinion the wounds created by :/ ;:this action will have exactly the opposite effect and there will be essentially no ' " !i i'cooperation among valley governments for many years to come. An immediate and by noli l' II l,means minor problem which will be created by this act is a seriously unsettling effeCt I 'I 'I !'upon the outcome of the 15.8 million dollar bond issue referendum due to be held in i[ :1 II My third major reason for opposition is a deep concern for the long-term social:l ~ :1 I:and economic progress of this Valley. I have often said that I favor ultimate consol- ,I ['idation of the Roanoke Valley into one governmental unit. I believe that the rancor!! I:created by the transition of Roanoke County into a city would set back the realiza- Ii , , :'tion of that goal many many years. :i r . i: Furthermore I believe that freezing the boundaries of Roanoke City in this il -I :! i'fashion would have a seriously adverse effect L1pon the future peac,e and progress of i! j! ~ t'this Valley. I believe that cities need to grow in order to stay healthy. If its ,I I' I) i: ',I, I'borders are permanently fixed I fear that Roanoke City may suffer economically and ': !isocially, to the detriment of the entire area. " " :: Finally, I wish to say that I have felt so ;: I' ,I I' Ii 'ia !, iithis action at this time." , Ii " r " il :'less than two weeks. , " '! I, :i action that 'I ;i if the plan were approved, and only ji 'I :1 il il iI II ii i: !: " ~ OFFICIAL BOARD STATEMENT I t 'I Ii "Today's action has been taken after serious deliberation by '~he governing bOdirS 'iinvolved taking into consideration the status of other consolidation talks now taking i: 'I Ii " strongly opposed to this seriously considered resigning from the Board sense of responsibility to those who elected me to office deters me from taking I place. " ii Each official concerned has reached his individual decision for his ~' !:Those individuals can best give the reasons for II I'this decision. " ~decision of an individual guided by his own conscience and by what he believes to I the best interests not only of the political subdivision which he represents but :1 entire Roanoke Valley. I' i~ " , " However, it should be said that 'i own reasonSir the position they have taken in maki~ ,; in each instance it has been the; i bel 1 i thel In any case, the question will be submitted to the people of Vinton and Roanoke I ; County. , Ii I, Ii I, , [,of Salem to ,: Their vote will ultimately decide the issues and the wisdom of this action." In the meantime, I am authorized to call upon the City of Roanoke and the City join us in presenting to the people of the Roanoke Valley at the time of,: i:this referendum or at some other time the question of ultimate and .total unification:! I, [of the Roanoke Valley." Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt Following a brief recess the meeting was resumed f(lr the purpose of considering the :,remaining agenda items. I' Mr. William Roberts, Director, Roanoke County Public Library appeared and offered .___ __ __.,_u.__..."_~.... . ---,. - ~-.._-_.._."..,--, - I I I I I I r b-l::l~"1 - Ii Supervisor Lee 'I' k .f': ~~ . !' mendation of the Treasurer of Roanoke County and authorize ~~ Miller & Brogan to audit the 1968-69 records. ~.~ ~ Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following Ii recorded vote: Ii AYES: Joseph C. Ii i !, NAYS: None. I I' I' l: Ii 1i I' " " ii Ii and I' I' Ii li ii 'i II II !I! Ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize the !I ' Ii i! I County Executive Officer to purchase the equipment and material he considers to be :i ;li . . 11 I' necessary for furnJ.shJ.ng the Building Inspector's Office. il Ii Supervisor L. Earl SilJll:ls seconded the motion which carried by the following ii 278 'J 5/14/69 ! " ii I: vote: i: i: AYES: I; 'I I, " I I, NAYS' ;i . 1: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddles~on and Charles H1 Osterhoudt. None. Ii :i [i Ii , , , ii I 1i 'I recomJ: ii , of Rothgell, ,I " ;1 I, I I, il " II " :i H': ~ B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the ill the emp':'oyment Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. HUddl'eston and Charles Osterhoudt. . , Mr. Paul B. Matthews reported that an adding machine, map, file, desk, ,[ typewri~er, :1 II possibly three chairs would be needed for the Building Inspector's Office. , recorded vote: il II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, 1. Earl Sinuns, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles ,; H. Osterhoudt. II I' NAYS: None. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be ; authorized to appoint ar. individual to serve as a member of the James River Basin Commission, if one is required by State Law or if it appears desirable and in the interest of Roanoke County. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: , 'I I' AYES: All " NAYS: None. ~~~-- Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors accept with re- ~J IJ l, _ grets Mr. T. E. Burke's resignation from the Roanoke County Recreation Board and ~!/~ 4~)7 that his letter dated April 9, 1969, advising of his resignation be received and ~/"V<t. 0- filed. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following All None. . ___ _____..H. .-.....-..-- I I 1 I I ...._..__._~_...~._._._~-- - --~_._._...__.--- . r- 1-.-' - I........ ~ , , - 1"1 oJ n l.J 5/14/69 279 --- ----------..-.. - --. -. .. .~. : A RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION BY THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR THE , PUBLIC SERVICE OF J. ROBERT TALIAFERRO AND AN EXPRESSION OF SYMPJO:i'HY TO HIS FAMILY :j. ; IN THEIR BEREAVEMENT.! , WHEREAS J. Robert Taliaferro served the public as a valued and dedicated emPloyeje of Roanoke County for a period of thirty-four years, holding the positions of Book- :: , " " , i WHEREAS J. Robert Taliaferro set a high example to his fello~ man by his public :j " " keeper and Electrical and Plumbing Inspector; and .' life, his personal conduct, and his devotion to the work of his church; and WHEREAS to the deep sorrow of his fellow employees, County officers, and other associates, J. Robert Taliai'erro passed i'rom this life on April 6, 1969; and WHEREAS the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors wishes to acknowledge and ex- press its public and personal appreciation for the lifetime of service rendered by J. Robert Taliaferro; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors herJ- by state its heartfelt appreciation for the contribution of J. Robert Taliaferro to 'I , I i Roanoke County and convey its profound sympathy to his family in their bereavement; and FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this resolution be placed in the permanent .. minutes of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and that a suitably prepared copy be presented to Mrs. Taliaferro, wife 01' J. Robert Taliaferro. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded by Supervisor !. T. Huddleston and adopted by the following, recorded vote: ~ AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Hudctleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. , NAYS: None. IN RE: ABANDONMENT AND RECONVEYANCE OF DRAINAGE ) EASEMENT GRANTED BY CENTRAL PARK CORPORATION ) TO COUNTY OF ROANOKE ACROSS LOT 1, ) BLOCK 2, SECTION 1, ACCORDING TO THE MAP ) OF CENTRAL PARK, PROPER'l'Y OF BARRY L. WARD ) - ORDE!: This day came Barry L. Ward, by Counsel, and requested leave t.o file his peti- tion relative to the abandonment and reconveyance of all interest in the easement described in said petition. Now, therefore, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Raonoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and the same' is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that due to the fact a~ instrument was recorded on May 6, 1969, reserving a 10 ft. drainage easement across the eastern part of Lot 1, Block 2, according to the Map of Section 1, Central Park of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 6, page 27, as shown on the plat attached thereto, said easement being retained by the request of the Virginia State Highway Department, it is no longer necessary for the County of Roanoke, Virginia to retain the easement set forth in Deed Book So7, page 349 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, across the hereinabove described property. And be it further resolved and ordered that the easement dated July 21, 1966 of record in Deed Book 807, page 349 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of I ! 280 5/14/69 i I I 6=.:._,:-~~,._...,...,-, I ilRoanoke County, Virginia from Central Park Corporation to the County of Roanoke for : "~a pup"ual drai>>ag' di"h '0 drain Daehy Road <heongh Lo' 1, Blook 2, ""ion " I i! i ;iMap of I Ii i !,attached thereto, is hereby abandoned and all rights set forth in said instrument I ., i :ihereby relinquished. i r 4 And be it further resolved and ordered that the Chairman of the Board of Superr , J'" ',' i :<II' .p, !:visors enter into a Deed granting, releasing and conveying all interest in and to I ~~~\ :'the easement of record in Deed Book 80?, page 349 of the aforesaid Clerk's office i ~ ~ I ;,to Barry L. Ward, which said Deed shall be attested by the Clerk of the aoard of ! ~CV iSupervisors of Roanoke County. IJO~ ..J.. ' I ~'\ !'Lee B. Eddy and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on a r8corded vote, the I !Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I ~ II I!AYES: Ii I i :iNAYS: None. Central Park, the center line of said easement being shown in red on the map II " !, ;i I' " I ,i ".' ar.. ii I And the above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor 1 Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.i " i) !, ii ! Osterhoudt. ~~.o\,'j . if Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the question of acceptance by the A~~I'iCity of Roanoke of areas described in their resolutions No. 18688 and 18689 dated ,~~~ IApril 28,1969, concerning additions of County areas to the sewage treatment con- ~~tract between the City and County be referred to the Roanoke County Public Service ~ I hCf . _ !iAuthority for their review and recommendation. I B~~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the ~!~.lrecorded vote: ~.....-, liAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.'I V I I' Osterhoudt. " " , !j fOllOWing:1 !i ij I i' I' !!NAYS: None. A Resolution from the Roanoke County Public Service Authority requesting the !i 'i !i Board of Supervisors hine easement across to ask the City Council of Roanoke to grant a sanitary sewer City-owned property at the intersection of Peters Creek Road , I' (Rte. 117) and Melrose Avenue (Rte. 460) and to grant permission for the construc- lition of the Peters Creek Relief Interceptor Sewer through the City of Roanoke, with " :,a waiver 01' the condition of the City-County sewer contract requiring deeding to the: , , I ::City of lines constructed by the County within the City, was this day received and !' filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, :f and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. i! 1 Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the appropriate r~~f,lution be entered "and forwarded to the City Council of Roanoke joining in the request of the Public Service Authority granting them authority to construct a sanitary sawer line within the City limits of Roanoke and to waive the conditions of the contract existing be- tween the City and the County with reference to the said line. 5/14/69 281 . --------_.~---_., - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- I'ing recorded vote: I, :, ;iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ;i NAYS: None. 'I I, '! - :, " !!is :1 it area in both badly overloaded due to the tremendous growth and development of" the Peters sewer' 5J~ 1lf - Cn,k ~.ii.,.,~~ WHEREAS the Roanoke County Public Service Authority is in the process of con- :t ~ relieve said overloaded conditions; '..b- () . ~ & Br"h~" lno., ,"imaC" a aavinga k:t~~ "~' the City and the County; and "'f WHEREAS the present City of Roanoke Peters Creek Interceptor Sanitary ,-~ it structing a parallel relief sewer which will ii :' and the Authority's contractor, J. P. Turner , I, of $36,000 if the sewer line can be installed within the City of Roanoke at the , " ': intersection of Route 460 (Melrose Avenue) and Route 117 (Peters Creek Road) instea4, il :! of in the location originally proposed; and ;! II! , - :: I' WHEREAS the existing Sewage Treatment Contract 01' September 28, 1954, between " :1 , the City Council of Roanoke and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County stipulates " I: that upon the installation of a sewer line within the City the CO:.l1lty will cause ,I :!: title of the sewer line constructed within the City to be conveye(.l to the City; and,! I " !i WHEREAS the terms of the Authority's bond resolution forbids the transfer or !i Ii disposal of any part of the Sewer system so long as it shall be useful in the I! operation of the sewer system and the Authority is consequently unabl.. to agree to ii or comply wi th " :; :: contract; this aforementioned stipulation of the City-County Sewage Treatment ii ii :1 NOW, THEREFORE, " 1: requests the Council " BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County:i I, for the City of Roanoke to grant a twenty-foot width sani- 'i tary sewer easement through City-owned property located in the northeast quadrant of " " ;i the aforesaid intersection of Routes 460 and 117 i'or the const7uc~ion, operation, :1 and maintenance of a twenty-four-inch sanitary sewer intercept~r line and also to " ii grant permission for the construction 'I il Melrose Avenue bridge and a of said sewer line under the Peters Creek - I crossing of Peters Creek Road from east to west, all in: J accordance with engineering plans and profiles of Authority project 6S-l lodged in ~he office of the City Engineer for the City of Roanoke; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Roanoke be, and is:' i: hereby, requested to waive the stipulation of the contract between the City of RoanQke ,I Ii and the County of Roanoke dated September 28, 1954, relative to the installation 01': il , sewer lines within the City wherein the County would cause title to be conveyed to J the City. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, '! and adopted by the following recorded vote: 'I i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. HudfUe,;;ton, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Ii NAYS: None. 282 5/14/69 On application of the below-named petitioners: S. I. Taylor, Sr., et als - Unnamed road northeast off Route 11, West of Salem, to D. E. :( " 'I !I i !i who this day filed their petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of highways,! i . in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will re-i ;! I, proposed, and! , , j , sult as well to individuals as to the public if such road shall be as , " especially whether any yard, garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in such cases, i have to be taken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through :! 'I " the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning without 'I the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascer- this Board whether the said road will be of such mere private as to make it proper that said road should be opened and kept in order ,[ for whose convenience it is desired. He shall also assessl to and accompany his !I q , I: if any, the land owners are entitled report with a plat or diagram of said road. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is~ , d ,i directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of !i il Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, !! ,I ;1 I' executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that i~1 , II " ' ii may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virgi1~ ii having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County ! " II and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of :: !i " " " :i this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAiS: None. , Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the letter dated April 29, 1969, from the: Department of Highways denying the Board of Supervisors' request for the transfer of Hershberger Road from Secondary to Primary System be receivecl and filed and that the Chairman of the Board investigate other alternate methods of financing improve+ ments to Hershberger road and report back to this Board at the next meetin~. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried as follows: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. v RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON ) THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA ) STATE HIGHWAY NO. 117, BOUNDED ON ) THE SOUTH BY THE NORTH LINE OF ) VIRGINIA STATE HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. ) 117; ON THE EAST BY NORTH LAKE ) DRIVE; ON THE NORTH AND \'lEST BY ) (OVER) o R D E R 1 I I " 1 I 5/14/69 283 i THE PROPERTY OF THE PETITIONERS . HEREIN ) ) OR D E R (cont'd.) THIS day came Mason H. Littreal and R. R. Burchfield, by coun:;el, and asked I'leave to file their Petition relative to the rezoning of the property described , : therein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board , of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the said Petition be, and the same : hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning -~ : Ordinance as requested in said Petition, be, and the same hereby is, referred to th~! II Planning Commission 01' Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance .i I 'with the provisions of the Code 01' Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as require~ by the Code of Ii " I 'Virginia, that upon receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith ~ I 'set the same down for a public hearing at its next permissable regular or special be : meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof/given by the said Clerk, by publica- - ..... :tion, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and such other i ' notice as may be required by the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County. :is)III/~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resoluti(l~.IA~" 91. ;I~/.UI)J. and Order be forthwith referred by said Clerk of this Board, to Paul B. Matthews,!~ ~ .' Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. I, .... :il"'~ ~ The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl simms:1 ' ./ A, 'I 1-- and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on a recorde~ v~te, the supervisors:; b")'lo ) votes as follows, to-wit: I ) 1 ~~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. ' ''''''. I ~ V"'~ ~11 Osterhoudt. ..., NAYS: None. '. . IN RE: REZONING 4.95 ACRE TRACT, \'lEST OF ROUTE ll7, ADJACENT TO WOODMEN OF WORLD PROPERTY AND KINGS ARMES APARTMENTS, BELONGING TO H. E. HOLLINGSWORTH AND VANCE HOLLINGSWORTH ) ) ) ) ) ) ORJER 0/ "'t , I ....J This day came H. E. Hollingsworth and Vance Hollingsworth and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved and ordered that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the ~ Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia for a recommendacion, in accordance 'with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall fo~hwith set the same down for a p~blic hearing at the next permissible regular 284 5/14/69 special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Cler~ publication, in accordance with the provisions 01' the Code of Virginia. i, ~ Ii or I' I, 1,,'11' ~,j, by ~I~ ,~~' And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this resolut~on ~~~t~nd order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, ~ rJ~' : Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. l( !I 51",/(/i -- :' The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl :1 ~""C \, Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on the recorded vote, the Super- II I IJi.O. i, visors voted as follows, towit: [I tp1j;~~'''lt..'''ill AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles !i ,.vy H. Osterhoudt. I I 1 I: :: ")f 1/a. :. NAYS: None. 'I ~~~\ ~t '.,1' ~,.. i Ii " Ii II i! A letter dated March 3l, 1969, from Arthur J. Goldberg, Chairman of the Board i I, 101' I, \, I " . United Nations United Nations Association of the United States of America, reference observing I :1 !I Ii I 'j Day on October 24, was this day received and filed on motion of ; Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Jos eph C. Thomas, and the unanimous !, i f consent of the Supervisors. , " , , r. , I, I II IN HE: I; 1: .,' j' LETTER FROM JAMES M. YOUNG, ATTORNEY ) REPRESENTING MURRAY K. &. MARY ANN COULTER ) REQUESTING CONTINUANCE OF THEIR PETITION ) FOR REZONING A TRACT OF LAND ON AIRPORT ) ACCESS ROAD ) 'I B. Eddy moved that the County Executive Officer research the with regard to this matter and report back to the Board of Supervisors at L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried as follows: All NAYS: None. Three bids were laid before the Board this day as submitted by' Bemiss Equipment Corp., Carter Machinery Co., Inc. and Rish Equipment Co. on a 'I;ractor to be used at the landfill. Mr. Fred Tanner of Bemiss Equipment Co. was presE'nt and answered questions of the Supervisors (Bemiss Equipment submitted the low bid.) Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors approve the bid of Bemiss Equipment Co. for the purchase of a ~ractor to be used at the landfill. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy offered the substitute motion that the Board of Super- visors defer decision on this matter for forty-eight(48) hours pending an opportunity for all members of the Board to become familiar with this problem. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the substitute motion. I At this point Supervisor L. Earl Simms withdrew the origina~ motion with the _-C-_-:_-."::::-:--"'''''',-'='''_-::=~_-''_C''''-=C,__ 1 I 1 I I 'I " 1 ;1 " .1 'I Copy of letter dated 4/25/69 from Commonwealth's Attorney to Chairman 'I of the Board of Supervisors, reference Vinton Library Site ill Resolution of County Library Board dated 5/8/69 reference increase of ;1 Library Board membership from five to seven. ;:.1 ' Letter dated 4/28/69 from Virginia Department of HighwaYf; reference 1969-70 tentative allocations for interstate and rural Primary :,:1' construction /Report by National Association of Counties entitled -National Survey i! of the Crime Control and Safe Streets Program- ii ,Letter dated 4/28/69 from Commissioner of Accounts Office, reference !! equipment purchased by the Commissioner " 1Roanoke County Public Service Authority Activities Report for April '691 'April, 1969, reports of V.P.I Extension Agents: Lowell M. Gobble, Robert ;' E. Layman, Jr. (Agriculture); Jean Robbins, and Bonl1ie J. Webster II (Home Economics) ,Roanoke County Health Department Quarterly Report (Jan., Feb., & March,'69J ,Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the County ,Jail during " month of April 1969, O. S. Foster, Sheriff .Letter from L. S. Waldrop dated 5/1/69 reference penalty tax payments Letter from City Manager of Salem dated 4/24/69 referenc,a school budget Letter from Botetourt County dated 4/22/69 reference Roanoke Guidance Center 'Letter from Department of Highways reference approval of industrial funds for Appalachian Power Co. Substation,dated 4/29/69 ,Letter from Va. Dept. of Conservation & Economic Development dated 5/6/69 reference James River Basin Advisory Committee Public Service Authority, (copy) letter from Executive Director to to City Manager of Salem dated 4/25/69 reference Bonnie-Sherry Water Co. Public Service Authority, copy of letter from Executive Director to Willar~'s Answering Service dated 4/25/69; Public Service Authority, copy' of letter from Executive 'Director to Paul B. Matthews, reference Windsor West Water System dated 4/25/69 .Copy of letter to Furman Whitescarver, Jr. from Commonwealth's Attorney, dated 4/25/69 re: Belle Haven Water Co. '~nthly report of Director of Library for May 1969 , 'Report of Welfare Dept. for March 1969 , Minutes of Special Committee meeting in Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission Offices on subdivision development Roanoke County Recreation Department Report for month of April 1969 'Copy of letter from Charles H. Osterhoudt dated 4/25/69 to Botetourt Co. Board of Supervisors, re: Roanoke Guidance Center : ,Copy of letter from Charles H. Osterhoudt to Hampton W. Thomas, Council- I man, City of Roanoke, dated 4/28/69, re: sewage treatment negotiations ,Copy of letter from Charles H. Osterhoudt dated 4/28/69 to Salem City I Manager, re: school budget for 1969-70: ,Copy of letter from Charles H. Osterhoudt to L. S. Waldrop dated 5/9/69 re: payment of tax penalties Copy of letter from Charles H. Osterhoudt to C. F. Kellam, Dist. Engr., Va. Dept. of Highways, Salem, dated 5/9/69 re: indl.l.strial access funds to build bridge over Roanoke River to provide access to Appalachian Power Co.'s substation , Copy of letter from Chairman of Board to Roanoke Valley Home Builders Assoc. dated 5/9/69 re: moratorium on apartment rezoning. : ,Capital Improvements Budget of Recreation Department for 1969-70 . ,Chairman's Written Report - i'f " " fi consent of the seconder, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas. I; I' I' The following recorded vote was taken on the substitute motion which carried as I ! follows: i :. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston ! NAYS: None I , ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt* ,. ,.'1 :i :i ! ,I * Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt left just before the foregoing motion was offered ;i if 'i I :'1' I and turned the meeting over to Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston. The following items were this day received and filed on motion of Super- visor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following vote: r-t .. Ii '! i I 'I access II 'I I! lit U o AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt 5/14/69 285 I :1 " ,I :1 ! 286 5/14/69 I I L_ r--"- I I , IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY A letter dated April 23, 1969 addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ( County, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following addition to the Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County effective April 23, 1969: From intersection of Route 311 to 0.19 mi. south to end LENGTH 0.19 Mi. I l' ADDITION AYES: All :j seconded by :1 'I I, " " ;1 il , !i I was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote: NA YS : None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. f Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this meeting of the Board of Supervisors be ii adjourned to meet ThurSday, May 15, 1969, at 7:30 P. M. in the Office of the CountYl Engineer. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried as follows: I: i AYES: " " l' Ii I, 11 Ii I! 1i if ii i: All NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ 1 " " -::2-- ~~ I 1 1 Huddleston I ."p~J- ~z- S.__,IA,~~./~' ,. "' .'.~~ .=-'"_-=---.--=-::-_0'"-0-0_, _ I; " I I ii ! CC'lr:thouse Salem, Virginia May 15, 1969 Adjourned Meeting 7:30 P. M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day a~ the Roanoke County - Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, in the Office of the County Engineer, pursuant to -,-,' r I Chair-j I adjournment of the regular Board meeting of May 14, 1969. Membel:"s present: man Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, L. Ead Simms, Lee B. ..... Eddy and Joseph C. Thomas. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and County Engineer, Paul B. Matthews, were also present: _.,1 On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by suJlrvisor Joseph C. Thomas, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted October 9, 1968, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective May 15, 1969: 1200 - Protection of Livestock & Fowls: An additional appropriation of $3,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as herein- above indicated. 301a - County Administration: An additional appropriation of $10,300.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. ., i - Collector, Delinquent Accounts: An additional appropriation of $1,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Flmd for the period ending June 30, 1969. for the function or purpose as herein- above indicated. 30Se - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $15,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the p,~riod ending June 30,~ 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 303b - 310c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $:i5,000.00 is here- by made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 310e - Contractural Services: An additional appropriation of $10,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 31Sf - Miscellaneous Operating Functions: An additional appropriation of $30,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revent:e;, Fund for the period ending June 30, 1969, for the function or purpose as herein- above indicated. -, J , Adopted by the following recorded vote: ,AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H.! Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. . On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. J .. and the following vote, the claim of W. W. McGuire, Plumbing Ins ]:lector, in the : amount of $541.05 for the period April S through May 9, 1969. wa~, this day approved : for payment: , AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,'NAYS: None. " On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Super~isor A. T. 287 :i I '" I !~.0J- ii~~ :i~~G~ i'-"> ,,-"C), .) ".. "'. ,14., o?~.1.tVV :i (I 288 5/15/69 --..-__ __. _________ _ _..,_ .. _. _ __ ____ m ------..,----.------- - ~~ft7'- II Huddleston, and. the following vote, the County Payrolls dated April 25, April 29," --f--""" ~ $ Ii May 7, April 30, and May 14, 1969, were approved for payment in the total amount of: 'I' 'i :;it:;;~~i $29,S57.20, from which the sum of $2,965.19, W. H. Tax; $1,433.15 l~. 1. C. A. Taxi I: ./ 1:$400.08 State Income Tax; $504.90 Blue Cross Insurance; $S2.70 Uniforms; $15.00 ~! ~Accounts Insurance; $29.76 Retirement and $132.50 Miscellaneous Expenses is to be I H deducted leaving a net payroll of $24,2'93.92. " I, 1 ::AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddreston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. of issuance in the total amount of ;i if ,I ;1 Thomas ;1 ,I paid since the last BOard meeting, April 2~, ii ;1 II ~ 1 :: I Ii ~.2~j_ : and the following vote, checks for bills II! ~ Z Ii 1969, were approved retro-active to date .;7~LA"~~fji $145,490.17. 0~./."r'-v~ , ii AYES: " " Ii Ii Ii NAYS: None. Ii On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I, 'I !I " I i, .sj.z :3/6 J Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that bills charged to the Dog Fund in the totalll ~ Z- '. i: amount of $429.05 be approved for payment. :1 .,//r..(,JA.<",,1A..1f j' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllOW-:1 (Jtw ~~<,,,..,~ ing vote: , I' i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles , ii ii " i: NAYS: None. I H. Osterhoudt. ~E).;1 , 7J ;t i' for payment, on the following recorded vote: ~_H_'Fii AYES: a~p~ I " ;' ~ : :' NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas bills charged to the General Fund in the total amount of $88,209.90 were approved Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A.. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 1 I. TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business April 30, 1969, there was to the c~edit of the following: I General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Debt Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash F.1.C.A. Retirement Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account $ 261,491.50 15,537.74 7,060.0S 4,930.91 331,377.33 5,305.54 5,44S.97 68,486.30 lS,012.47 7,297.23 .11 .()1- ':I6.0~ 725,044.2 ~ 290 5/15/69 i. Ii Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion wilich carried as follows: I :,AYES: L. Earl Simms, Lee B. Eddy, A.. T. Huddleston, and Charles H.. Osterhoudt. ! !NAYS: None. 'ABSTAINED: J os eph C. Thomas , I :A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE DESIGN OF A COUNTY HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY BUILDING TO BE . !CONSTRUCTED AT HACKNEY LANE AND CARRIAGE DRIVE IN SOUTHWEST ROANOKE COUNTY WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees has recommended that a ,County headquarters library building be constructed on approximately two acres of Ii il hand lying at the intersection of Hackney Lane and Carriage Drive in Southwest Roano~e ;, I, 1; County as a part of the previously-approved 1 million dollar library construction !I :1 I ii program, and !I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has obtained an option for the purchase of ;, said land, and '. '. " I, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees has requested that the I: Board of Supervisors express its desire regarding the approximate ,dze, function ancl)j II general design of said headquarters library building, :i I, :! i: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ,i r! II :Iexpress its desire to construct a headquarters library building on the aforementionetl Ii II ~II site, to include the following features: :i II il Ii a. Basic branch library facilities comparable in size and function to the Vinton !I II:,. I,ll" branch library building now under construction. " ~b. Additional headquarters space as required for the Director's office, bookkeePin~,..'II,' r and book processing functions, and bookmobile facilities. I, c. A design which would permit economical enlargement of the facilities if the neecli! J; '! I: Ii Ii i' " I, ~county Library Board of Trustees the authority to act as its agent in immediately ['proceeding to develop preliminary plans for the building, with the provision that I' !!preliminary plans shall be approved by the Board of Supervisors before additional Ii il design work is commenced, and sj4J.:z/&7- FURTHERMORE BE IT R:"SOLVED that a copy of this resolution be~ransmitted to ~ p-.~. <-, - I f l1. &"~U::1 Chairman and Secretary of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees. Cfi: , '[.:Z;;) The foregoing resolution was offered for adoption on motion of Supervisor Lee B. :Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and defeated by the following recorded I should arise in the future, and FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors grant the Roanoke I vote: i AYES: Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt I NAYS: A. T. Huddleston and Joseph C. Thomas : ABSTAINED: L. Earl Simms. I ~~/~7o- ,I. ~~-~-VJ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Chairman of this Board appoint a E'~~"1/ 'member of this Board to determine whether or not it would be feasible and possible ~..;t .. <-j--ClM .$J'.;l.;1./&f _ ' to use a portion of the Graham school site property as a site for a library in ~ ~~'c;',~l Roanoke County. 17/.co 0 ~ ~~ 1'11 ~~~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried as 0 ows: 5/28/69 c:---=-==-"""==----=""_....-_-." '-"'.-".' ___d ~""'~"'~'-.--.1~""- II ita the actions of the County pertaining to the proposed consolidation plan. - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that th~ Board resume consideration of the : printed agenda. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by .,_f i 'the following vote: i AYES: All ~ NAYS: None. - ..... Mr. Nash Tyler appeared before the Board this day and as Civil Defense Co- , , !ordinator requested permission to have a representative speak at a Board meeting on , I :' emergency operations. l-h-. Tyler was advised to invite someone to speak at the , 'June 25 Board meeting. Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk of Roanoke County requested permission to purchase :an air conditioner for the Clerk's Office not to exceed $300. , ., The Clerk's request for approval to purchase an air conditioner not to exceed 1'$300 was this day granted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Super- i, i'visor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote: , 'i !:AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " " iNAYS: None. ,ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. " ....J The following resolution 01' the County School Board dated May 13, 1969, was ithis day laid before the Board of Supervisors: "WHEREAS, the County School Board of Roanoke County has no present use for 'the residence located on the property recently purchased from Valleydale Packers, and -, I I ...I , WHEREAS, the residence could be put in a usable condition with some repairs, and WHEREAS, the County Recreation Department is in dire need of a headquarters !,building to serve the entire County program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that since the School Board has no use for this 'I i,facility, the Board of Supervisors and the Department of Recreation may make any :repairs or alterations to this building that they care to make and to use it as long ,as they wish for a recreational headquarters building; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the remaining acreage not presently planned for, jschool use may be used for a park and recreational activities until such time that the School Board will need it for further school use. J The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Edwin G. Terrell, seconded by Lester M. Whitmore, and on a recorded vote the members of the School Board voted as follows: AYE: Hildrey H. Pollard, Lester M. Whitmore, William H. Starkey, Mrs. Paul E. Rushing, Edwin G. Terrell, S. Wallace Cundiff NAY: None lBSENT: Thomas V. Anderton- 293 Ij i i ~p,lt.;.1~ !~ ~--.i~v " 'I 'I :1 'I / 294 5/28/69 The foregoing resolution of the School Board dated May 13, 1969, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Sliper- visor Jose, ~. Thomas and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: Non, I i I 11/.1;&1- :' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the i ~:Ii~. i!agreement as set forth in the School Board's resolution of May 13, 1969, for use of. I ~! 1 II i D.-- ...(- / r the land and improvements thereon i'or recreation purposes. I tjo/'61 - (7/ : 't#~;'. ' , I' ~ t;...:......; I: ing recorded vote: :i i Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddle1.ton and Charles H.,! I' :. Osterhoudt. " I I'NAYS: None. " :1 Ii " Ii Ii !,IN RE: I' Ii Ii o/*f-~ ~ ,,/d.-L' . I . ~('fil <~:j " I' !\ i: " ):this deed and that it be put to record and the property accepted.with gratitude. :1 r Ii (:ing recorded vote: Ii !iAYES: " Ii I, .' ii I:NAYS: :i I I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carri.ed by the follow- DEED DATED APRIL 3, 1969 SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY CONVEYS LAND LYING IN ROANOKE COUNTY TO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, WHICH LAND CON- TAINS 2 ACRES, BEING SAME LAND CONVEYED TO THE SCHOOL BOARD OF CAVE SPRING DISTRICT NO.4 OF THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, BY MARY E. & McH. BOOTH, HUSBAND AND WIFE, BY DEED DATED JULY 15, 1915 AND OF RECORD IN DEED BOOK 77, PAGE 462 OF THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY :1 ,I :1 ,I ., ,. " ,( " I' I " 'I Ii 'I " :1 " ,( fil ejf :: I Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors receive and Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.'! Osterhoudt. ), -- , None. <. ...; It was noted that on June 19 the Commissioner, Virginia DE,partment of Highway~, :Douglas Fugate would be in Roanoke at Hotel Roanoke to discuss road matters. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman of tne Board of Supervisors be': "empowered to appoint a committee to meet with Mr. Douglas B. Fugate, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Highways, on June 19, 1969, to discuss improvements to Hersh-': berger Road and the financing of same. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried as follows: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddl(lston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I I NAYS: None. 5/28/69 295 ~=':"';--'-"':':_~"':'''''--'._",.''''-'~"_.. -' . cT0/~;~;;" Supervisor Lee B. Eddy reported that there were certain areas in t.he County :it;2:=;#d.E:. i~~J i!2t c"-"",,,..rJ; 'I # ,;f>t.: . <:'. xk.." . '1/. ,.... r'; :i~ ~'~x./. " I' I ; '..1,1 G,~ ~t-~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors request the Roanoke r~~ ! 7- Izt ~..;l..J:;, i' County Highway Safety Commission to consider the requests to make a study of the ji~ i speed limit on Grandin Road Extension and Garst Mill Road, and ether such streets asi:z.:~~ :i requested by the Board from time to time. Reports and recommendations should be mad~~..(~ i to the Board of Supervisors who will prepare any necessary resolutions to be presentrcf'" ~ 'L ...;....J ,I -..- _.. n. ._.._._~ _._~ _ .. u r=~.""'==="'"-"'_~~O._"- --, !where speed limit studies should be made. A letter addressed to Mr. Eddy dated :5/27/69 from Arthur L. Wimmer reference the speed limit on Grandin Road Extension, and another letter addressed to Mr. Eddy dated 5/27/69 from T. Lewis Weld reference the Grandin Road Extension and also the Garst Mill Road were thi.s day laid before " i the Board. .. I to the " " , ,I State Highway Department. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried as i'ollows: !:AYES: " r i; r: NAYS: Josej:h C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H"I Osterhoudt. None. , I !i County Highway Safety Commission. A Copy of Mr. Wimmer's and r-lr. Weld's letters to be forwarded to the Roanoke give special attention to the Garst :i the Roanoke II ~~~- '.j';&u;pc;,J Mill Roadj;:7~,~" j~"?~ '.. 4 ,. J G-......v :i t' . ..., ~ " !: County Highway Safety Commission to Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors request '- I speed limit study inasmuch as Supervisor L. Earl Simms ;. AYES: All a new park is proposed for that area. seconded the motion which carried ,as follows: : NAYS: None. . I . r-lr. Ernest p. Hutchi~was present and recognized. Ihi - o 296 5/28/69 I I r--'- -- -- - - ...- - '---"'.--"'---' ..-- '-'-"''''0;;-_'''=''.=.0."","''-''-,-"""-,,,- I I I I I , - Ii ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 1 ii record their sorrow at his passing, and extend its sympathy to thll members of his :1 " " I' family; I " I' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of i' I' Ii the Board of Supervisors. 'I 1: I' I ~Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: I: ii AYES: I' ,I i: 1; I' :1 NAYS: !i " i! " " I, ,I Ii I :1 On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl a. Ii 'i ,j :1 II " I " 1 ,I Discontinuance ,I I' ! Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles Osterhoudt. None. A "Statement of Employee Redistribution Resulting From Proposed : of Trains 15-25 and 16-26" was this day laid before the i: i, Norfolk and Western Railway passenger service change. " il On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, r " !' and the following vote, the aforementioned statement was this day received and Board with reference to " ( filed with " I' i: AYES: All " ;! NAYS: None. , " I! i ~ no further action to be taken. 'I !! " Ii , II 'i " in the :i ') o~ ;: I I,o/J~~ ~ _ --'fJ~1{ I' County ~l'tf#-'1J I. I ' ,&J...f,r/"~ r the Commonwealth's Attorney, the Executive Officer, the Clerk of the County of I ~G;~~Roanoke, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and the Collector of Delinquent 1o-M....-tJ i " i,Taxes, for their study and recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the matter of sale of real property of Roanoke subject to delinquent taxes be referred to a co~nittee composed Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- (, ing vote: I i'AYES: All ;: ~ NAYS: None. , !: Pursuant to a proclamation of the President of the United States, the Board i: of Supervisors of Roanoke County does by this resolution designate the month of ;: !/ ii May 1969 as Senior Citizens' Month and does hereby express the appreciation of the i' people of Roanoke County for the contributions made to the County by its older , '. citizens. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, "seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote: :: !'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors donate the sum ,I :,01' $500.00 to the Children's Home Society of Virginia in response to their letter of II' I: ,I II I 1 I I I 5/28/69 297 May 2, 1969. The motion died for lack of a second. /"- Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors donate the sum of $200.00 to the Children's Home Society of Virginia in response to their letter " :: ::; 'i ,/4~? 1f :.!Z;:}--vl I ':' ::~~ v-; _7'Aee+ ,I - of May 2, 1969. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,,.,.. ...... NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF STRIPS OF LAND ) EXTENDING FROM U. S. ROUTE 221 IN ) THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, O\'lNED ) OR UNDER OPTION BY MICK-OR-MACK ) STORES CO., INCORPORATED ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER / This day came Mick-or-~~ck Stores Co., Incorporated by counsel and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of a parcel of land in the Cave ., ....; Spring Magisterial District and specifically described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, that at this regular meeting of the:i II Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the sam. ~ hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning '-I j Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a reconnendation in accord~ : " ance with the provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as :i " " amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall i report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a,public hearing at the next permissable regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the , laws of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified co_oy of this resolu- ~~.f ~ ~ "...J..z'<....,. , tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthew~,~'~~~~ ~(.~...(..J.:f~~' ,~.. ~~ :..-~ ! Secretary of the Planning Commission 01' Roanoke County, Virginia, The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. o . Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following vote: :, AYES: All NAYS: None IN RE: REZONING SECTION I AND SEC- TION 2 OF MOUNTAIN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION FROM AGRICULTURE A-I TO RESIDENTIAL R-l Residents and Landowners of Mountain Heights Drive - Petitioners 298 5/28/69 i I I I k-",,-, '" , r-'~ ",~",--",- ~ " i '/J/".~' On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. :11AJ,2f~': . . .. ' I ~~ ~ ". Thomas and the following vote, the rezonJ.ng petJ.tJ.on of resJ.dents and landowners of ,i ~-I1'. . J, : ~... : - -:::L '..'. Mountain Heights Drive was this day referred to the Roanoke COUIl1;y Planning Commiss~on i ~a..d ?t---~ /. ' : ,; i ISl' ~ J or. '. : for their recommendation to the Board of Supervisors. 1 i~.u.. ~, : tIJ...-,;'<<. AYES: All I ! NAYS: None. I A resolution dated May 12, 1969, of the Council of the City of Roanoke " 'I , " requesting report to be made of a plan for consolidation of local governmental unit~, 'I was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded :i 1 by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. On motion of.Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl and the following vote, the Chairman's Report for May 23, 1969, was this day 'received and filed along with the correspondence listed below: :! ,I ii " " S. I J.mms ,I , . :: ,i 1. Monthly Activities Report & attached resolution from Roanoke County Public ' !i ,Service Authority i " ; 2. Copy of a letter from William'H. 'Roberts to Burrell S. Whitlow dated 5/9/69 I reference name of new Vinton Library; 3. Minutes of the Board of Recreation meeting dated 5/8/69; 4. ~ i: II . ~ 5. Copy Ii !IGriffith; I I, '1 Capital Improvements Budget for Park Development; of a letter & attached resolution of Welfare Board reference Frederick 6. Copies of letters dated 5/14/69 reference proposed consolidation referendum of Town of Vinton & County, from Chairman of Board to: Roy L. Webber, Vincent,' S. Wheeler, E. P. Hart, A. D. Goodwin and John W. Boswell; 7. Copy of letter to T. E. Burke accepting with regrets his resignation from the' !;Recreation Board; 8. Copy of letter to Betty Adams dated May 15, 1969, reference Recreation Board.: ;:AYES: All NAYS: None. I IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEl~ - ABANDONMENT - ROANOKE COUNTY: I Letter dated May 20, 1969, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Salem, Virginia, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of :Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the follouing abandonment from the Secondary, System 01' Roanoke County, effective 14ay 20, 1969; ~BANDONMENT LENGTH tee 650 - from the intersection of Rte. 785 to 1.00 mi. S. of Rte.785 1.00 l~. was this day received and i'iled on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by 5/28/69 299 : =-_.~---'.'-"--=-c:""'~-=.. +-:.- - rc-.___ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. - ..d On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms; i and the following vote, a letter dated 5/21/69 from the City of Roanoke acknowledgitj.g / ~ I receipt of the resolution of the Board of Supervisors inviting the Councils of the' Cities of Roanoke and Salem to join in the consolidation agreement entered into by the County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, was this day received and filed. AYES: All ~ --. NAYS: None. The Statement of office and travel expenses incurred by the Sheriff and his Deputies for the month of April 1969 was this day received and filed on motion of .r'" Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the follow'" , ,j I , ing vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. """I i - I ACCOUNTS bill of ai {)c/b'i- " 'j" I' ....,...... ~~ , . .1J,,'.r-v of Salem, until some understanding Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors refuse payment in the amount of $122.06 for ~ the cost of a concrete pathway at the Salem- Roanoke Valley Civic Center submitted by the City is reached with the Civic Center Commission and administration regarding authoriza- tion of expenditures. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried as follows: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. NAYS: None. ,ABSTAINED: Joseph C. Thomas and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'V -, i j - On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded and the following vote, bills charged to the General , $20,022.59 were approved for payment. by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas,i~~?- <.~- t",,~&- Fund in the total amount of 't!J, L ~_y _..,. ~.- ~I~.LV J AYES: ~oseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, bills in the total amount of $53.63 charged to the Dog Fund were this day approved . for payment, upon the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simm, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. "/':~f- t!yr"; <H$ ~ ~~.Y ...J!: ol~ 300 5/28/69 t,/"I". ~, _.:.~~ I .: j.~.> -.,,'f , "to. . .&.V' I (X/ , 11 t: , Ii :iThomas, and the following recorded vote, checks for bills II meeting, May 14, 1969, were approved retro-active to date On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. paid since the last Board " " ji of issuance in the total :1 I:amount of $29,677.43. Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Ii H. Osterhoudt. " I; NAYS: None. I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. I !' PA YROLLS Ii ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors resolve !iinto a committee of the whole to discuss privileged matters. Supervisor Joseph C. ;! :1 " il " :1 I I !:Thomas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. :i r After an approximate two-hour executive ~ession, the Supervisors returned ito the County Courtroom and upon the motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded! I:by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote, dissolved the committee of " ii ,the whole and resumed the meeting in open session: i'AYES ::... : !: [NAYS: All None. i; '(Roanoke Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas read a resolution dated May 1, 1969, from the County Public Service Authority to the effect that the Authority had purchas~d I lithe Belle Haven Water Company in the amount of $ll,600 and was requesting a loan ,iin that amount from the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the aforementioned resolution of the b 5/b9-~PUbliC Service Authority be received and filed and that the Board of Supervisors I j; V~iloan the $11,600 to the Public Service Author::'ty for a period of sixty (60) days on 'n.Pj {t.,;.t. " , ~f 'd/ ' l,a no interest charge basis. The motion was seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms 1/. ,Jl/1 1 and lthe following recorded vote: i,A YES : Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'NA YS : None. 302 Courthouse Salem, Virginia June ), 1969 7:30 P. M. Special ~leeting A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County was held this, day at the Courthouse in the Office of the County Engineer and Executive Officer to; consider amending the Consolidation Agreement entered into by the County of Roanoke.: ! and the Town of Vinton, pursuant to the following call: "May 29, 1969 Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt Supervisor A. T. Huddleston Supervisor Lee B. Eddy Supervisor L. Earl Simms Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas Gentlemen: Please be advised that upon the request of Mr. Thomas and Mr. Huddleston " the Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting at the Courthouse in the office of the County Engineer at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, June 3 to consider amending the. 1i Consolidation Agreement entered into by the County of Roanoke and the Town of V~nton. 1: ! Please make every effort to be present. Very truly yours, (signed) Elizabeth W. Stokes Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors EWS:bb cc: Commonwealth's Attorney County Engineer- ;i The above notice to the Supervisors was served by the Sheriff's department on'; i ~: May 29, 1969, to all the Supervisors with the exception of r-lr. Thomas who received J his copy on the same date from the Clerk. Supervisors Thomas and Huddleston's :1 'I letters dated May 29, 1969, requesting the special meeting are filed with the minut~s of this meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and the County Engineer and Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews i I. were also present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and the following action was taken: A RESOLUTION APPROVING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENT PREVIOUSLY ENTERED INTO BY THE TOWN COUNCIL FOR THE TOVm OF VINTON AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ., FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE. ~~S, The Town Council for the Town of Vinton and the Board of Supervisors i'or the County of Roanoke, Virginia, have entered into a consolidation agreement for the consolidation of the Town and the County into a single city; and ~~S, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deem certain amendments to said consolidation agreement necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby authorized and directed to enter into an I 1 I I I '" 6/3/69 303 - -~."--=,""",,",".--,.=....,,,.....,..-,..,--;--- , '.""""" ",0- '_C"" ".o.._"=.==.:::,,,",,,,,,-,,,,-,,,,,..,--,,-c ~---~~~"'~O~"""l'~endment to the consolidation agreement with the Town Council for 'the Town of ~ Vinton, amending the consolidation agreement to provide that the effective date of ~ j! the proposed consolidation, if such consolidation be passed by the voters of the " jicounty and the Town, be changed from September 1, 1971, to January 1,1971. ~ Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. i, ~Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: ~ ~ AYES: ~ NAYS: None. I' ~ ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy. ! II " :1 ~ , , Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt.~1 - --j ., r -- " ~ A Copy of the Amendment to the Consolidation Agreement for Consolidation of :i I! the County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton, Virginia duly executed by the if ' Ii II " II Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor of the Town 01' Vinton on behalf Ii 1'01' their respective political subdivisions is filed with the minutes of this meet- Ii H iiing. b ,/ ~ i: ~ ~I A Copy of resolution dated June ), 1969, adopted by the Council of the Town of II the )i Vinton, V:i.rginia, authorizing/Mayor of the Town to sign and execute the Amendment , ~I'to the Consolidation Agreement of May 14, 1969, changing the effective date of the Ii II ,proposed consolidation from September 1, 1971 to January 1, 1971 and that the seal ~i :iof the Town of Vinton be affixed and attested by the Clerk, is filed with the minute~ Ii .i (I of this meeting. The said resolution further directed the Town Attorney for Vinton 'i ilto join with the Commonwealth's Attorney for the County of Roanoke in presenting the': I, " ~Amendment to the Consolidation Agreement of May 14, 1969 to the Judge of Circuit " :i Court of Roanoke County, have it properly filed and to i'urther execute the proper i: ~advertising of said Amendment. .-'i I , i ...J The minutes of the May 14, 1969, meeting were approved as spread upon the motio~ .1 / of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the followi~ ivote: ,AYES: All NAYS: None. o adjourned The minutes of the May 15, 1969,/meeting were approved as corrected on motion 'of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by L. Earl Simms and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. ,A RESOLUTION OF GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATIO;~ TO THE CITIZENS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR ,PASSAGE OF THE MAY 2,7, 1969 SCHOOL BOND ISSUE REFERENDUM. 6/3/69 I ~S the qualified voters of Roanoke County on I~y 27, 1969 approved a 15.$ II :million dollar School Construction Bond Issue Referendum by a margin of approximately i: Ii :[4100 votes to 1500 votes, and ~S the Board of Supervisors wishes to express its related appreciation to i i'the County citizens, and also to those individuals and organizations who helped in- iiform the electorate of the need for approval of the referendum, ii Ii II !i NCM THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of :>upervisors herebf ;;express its sincere gratitude to the individual residents of Roanoke County and to I; ;:the Board of Education, the Public " I'representing parents and teachers, and to the many other civic :: " ~:wholehearted efforts and support in achieving approval of this " ii od h Ii provJ. e t e means ; II ii program, and ~ FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be trans- I limitted to the Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Education, the Superintendent I !of the ~ !!Teacher Associations, and to any other educational or civic organization in j: i:Valley which may request a copy. I School Administration, those local organizations Ii :1 II organizations for the~r referendum which Willil :i II :1 I " I of financing a comprehensive and progressive school construction School Division, the President of the Roanoke County Council of Parent- II :1 the RoanOke :! " II Ii 'I The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded ii t: ;) Iby Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote: [,AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms I i' rNAYS: None. " 'Following a brief recess, the meeting was resumed. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. 'Thomas, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and he 'I'}. 1 ~herebY is, authorized and directed to prepare a synopsis of the budget for the ? :!County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1969, and publis~ '~. i,same for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, and included in this publi- !!cation shall be the hearing to be held by the Board of Supervisors on the budget at I ,'the Courthouse in the County Courtroom on the 18th day of June, 1969, at 2:00 p.m. ,This bUdget synopsis and public hearing on same is to be published in The Roanoke :World News and The Vinton Messenger, newspapers 01' general circulation in Roanoke :County, on June ll, 1969. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: All. 1 I ,l'AYS: None. '/f/'1 ~" Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors hire the , :vJ~.~olloWing three men. at the ~nnual salary and effective date indicated: ~~ Ii 1. Harold A. Dickerson, as Building Inspector at $9500. effective July 1, 1969 _m "~Cl.. Ii ! 3. Wiley McGuire, as Plumbing !i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the ~fOllOWing recorded vote: 1! iiAYES: All. ji NAYS: None. 11 " , ~ 2. Clyde Moran, as Electrical .... l~f 6/3/69 305 - ----...- --.---.. --..--.---.. -. -....,. Inspector at $$,000. effective June 1, 1969 Inspector at $$,000. effective June 1, 1969 motion which carried by the On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. - " " " " " ': Thomas, ,i I, ri I' ,I :1 , ~i i: " and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the meeting was adjourned. ,...... . ! - -., j o 306 Courthouse Salem, Virginia June 11, 1969 2:00 P.M. Regular Meeting The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the second Wednesday and [the first regular meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, I ,Virginia. Members present: A. T. Huddleston, Vice-Chairman; Joseph C. Thomas, :;Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms. Members absent: Charles H. Osterhoudt, Chairman. I "Also present: Raymond R. Robrecht, Commonwealth's Attorney, and Paul B. Matthews, !~ icounty Engineer and Executive Officer. I 1 Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston called the meeting to order and offered !' the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led :' by Vice-Chairman Huddleston. (: :: 1: Vice-Chairman Huddleston announced that the Board of Supervisors would :, !: i,dispense with the printed agenda to consider the following resolution of the " , I Roanoke County School Board: i' I!~A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, TO i REQUEST THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SAID COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF I Ii CONTRACTING A DEBT. BORROWING MONEY AND ISSUING BONDS OF SAID COUNTY IN THE (AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $15,800,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS I: FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID COUNTY. Ii Ii WHEREAS, the $15,800,000.00 school bonds of ,I I!a majority of the qualified voters of said County voting I Ij ii said school bonds held on May 27, 1969, may not be issued due to a 1 ply with certain notice requirements set f6rth in the Order of the " ii of Roanoke County, dated April 2, 1969, ordering said election; and " " !'i " , :! again determined that school improvements should be constructed and acquired, in- 1: i: ~, ii eluding the purchase of sites for school buildings or additions to school buildings,: J; the construction of school buildings or additions to, or alterations of existing !i " Roanoke Count:." approved by 'i on the question of issuing II " 'I failure to com- Circuit Court ~, the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia, has 11 school buildings, and the furnishing and equipping of school buildings or ]i I, to school buildings; and WHEREAS, the County School Board has again determined that such additions ,i :i I! 1 public improvements cannot be provided for from current revenues and that such '. public property cannot be acquired from current revenues; and WHEREAS, the County School Board has again determined that, for the , purpose of providing funds to pay the costs of such public improvements and the costs of such public property, Roanoke County should contract a debt, borrow money I and issue bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $15,800,000.00; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County School Board of Roanoke county, Virginia: Section 1. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby requested to request the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, virginia, to order an election on the question of contracting a debt, borrowing money and issuing bonds i ~ -/I-~f , Roanoke 'kv..L~~ ~ ''7 ZA..-v /U<J<<'- Board, ;1..;"; .c-L '7 . :..Ie,(.-.<. ~ ~ i(~~~:"'" ~z..~ ~a~ ,(l.<-"'Jb ~ ~,,-~~.d &4 6/1::'>9 "-""r- --, Ii I:of Roanoke county, Virginia, in the aggregate principal I !i the purpose of providing funds for the construction and acquisition of school im- Ii !i provements in the County, including the purchase of sites for school buildings or :1 , :' additions to school buildings, the construction of school buildings or additions to,:' ;, <' :'or alterations of existing school buildings, and the furnishing and equipping of , ;i amount of $15,800,000.00 for:! , :'school buildings or additions to school buildings, all pursuant to the provisions " II 'I of Chapter 5, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. ii I, !! and Section 2. The Clerk of the County School Board is hereby authorized directed to file two certified copies of this resolution with the Board of ii ii Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. i: " " :' adopted by ii II ::AYES: ! ~ Upon the motion of S. Wallace Cundiff, seconded by William H. Starkey, the following recorded vote: Hildrey H. Pollard, Lester M. Whitmore, William H. Starkey, S. Wallace Cundiff, Thomas V. Anderton " ]! NAYS: None , !1 ABSENT: Mrs. Paul E. Rushing, Edwin G. Terrell." II !I " - , :i i' Motion by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ii i!Thomas, that this resolution from the Roanoke County School Board regarding a " ilrequest to set a new date for a bond issue be received and filed, was carried with ~ fthe following recorded vote: " iAYE5; Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston I' !/ H NAYS: None " .... J; ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF CONTRACTING A DEBT, BORROWING MONEY AND ISSUING BONDS OF SAID COUNTY IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $15,800,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF , PROVIDING FUNDS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the Board of Supervisors of county, Virginia, two certified copies of a resolution of the County School of Roanoke County, Virginia, entitled: ., "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, TO REQUEST THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR SAID COUNTY TO ORDER AN ELECTION ON THE QUESTION OF CONTRACTING A DEBT, BORROWING MONEY AND ISSUING BONDS OF SAID COUNTY IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $15,800,000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR SCHOOL IMPROVEMENTS IN SAID COUNTY:" i -J WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors concurs in the determination of the County School Board as set forth in said resolution; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, '] Virginia: Section 1. The Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, is hereby requested to order an election on the question of contracting a debt. borrowing money and issuing bonds of Roanoke County, Virginia, in the aggregate principal amount of $15,800,000.00 for the purpose of providing funds for the construction and acquisition of school improvements in the County, including the purchase of sites for school buildings or additions to school buildings, th~ construction of 307 , - " :1 , 310 6/11/69 Richard Cranwell laid before the Board of Supervisors the following , resolution of the Town of Vinton adopted at a special meeting on June 11, 1969, at 1:00 P.M.: "This meeting was called by the Town Manager, Guy L. Gearhart, and ,I i, 'each member of Council and the Mayor were properly notified and each has signed a 'waiver of notice of this meeting. WHEREAS, the Town of Vinton and the County of Roanoke did on May 14, '1969 enter into a Consolidation Agreement for a referendum on the question of con- ';solidating the Town and the County into a single city; and ; WHEREAS, the Town and the County by resolution invited the Cities i lof Roanoke and Salem to join in said agreement; and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke has within the time limit set by the ;Town and the County, by Resolution No. 18736, expressed its desire that it be C011- , ';solidated with some or all of the local governmental units; and " WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke by the same resolution has agreed that , . "tlllle is of the essence regarding the question of consolidation; and WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke by the same resolution stated that it ::feels certain changes in the proposed consolidation plan are necessary. i: I F II i!Vinton I' 'I idation I '!city; I I' I !i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Council for the Town of ;! that it join with the County of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke in a consoli-~ :1 agreement for the consolidation of all three governmental units into a single! " ii and ,[ : ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution along with a ;' !;copy of the proposed Consolidation Agreement be sent to the Mayor of the City of Roa~oke :;for the appropriate signatures; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the Council for the City of II i,desire any changes in said proposed Consolidation Agreement, or in the Charter Roanokif' , :1 pre- :i l,sently proposed for the consolidation of the Town and the County into a single city, ,; i'said proposed changes should be submitted in writing to C. Richard Cranwell, Attorney ) '! :Ifor the Town of Vinton, and Raymond R. Robrecht, Commonwealth Attorney for the countr i j'of Roanoke, by or before June 24, 1969; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Council express its opinion that consolidation is the most Equitable and Democratic means of solving the inter- governmental problems of the Roanoke Valley, and that as many citizens as possible should be permitted to vote on the question of consolidation as soon as possible; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the invitation heretofore extended to the :iCity of Salem on May 14, 1969 to become a party to a consolidation agreement and to allow its citizens their democratic right to vote on such question be and the same ! is hereby renewed, and a copy of this Resolution shall be sent to the Mayor of the ,City of Salem. This Resolution was adopted on motion made by Councilman A. L. Sanderson and seconded by Councilman W. N. Dowdy. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0." I I I I I 6/11/69 311 -c,.=.--"'~ c';'~''''''.':-''c_"",~,.,,-_~,,- recorded vote: 'j " ,I f'l " ~ ed [I II and! ~ i i " I I " I ! f Ii on 'I ~ I the following , I' !,: AYES: The foregoing resolution of the Town of Vinton was received and motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston. ~ NAYS: None " ;: ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. i I 11 A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE PARTICIPATION OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE IN THE CONSOLIDATION PLAN PREVIOUSLY AGREED TO BY THE TOWN OF VINTON AND THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE. I t-/~-t'i h. . .,1' t"-- .:6u~' WHEREAS, t e Town of VJ.nton and t.1e County of Roanoke dJ.d on May 14, . {..J: ,ie y~...... 6-. 1969, enter into a consolidation agreement for a referendum on the question of con-' ~ !"J~,/.. /I' solidating the Town and the County into a single city; and ,: aee;~ " , !i Roanoke , [1 i: " ~ County and the Town, by Resolution #18,736 expressed its desire that it be I' dated with some or all other local governmental units; and ~ " and Salem to join in said agreement; and WHEREAS, the Town and the County by resolutions invited the Cities of !it.~~t9- I '. ,: e"L~t:.& er--r t\.f. t' tt~ WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke has within the time limit set by the' " , Ii &t~ ?..-.c' ..J consoli- ,I II i .i ;i :1 :1 'I I II " WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke has, by the same resolution, stated that il :\ WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke, by the same resolution has agreed that time is of the essence regarding the question of consolidation; and - it feels certain changes in the proposed consolidation plan are necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by this Qoard that it join with the Town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke in a consolidation agreement for the consoli~ dation of all three governments into a single city; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT A copy of this resolution along with a cop~ i ,i of the proposed consolidation agreement be sent to the ~layor of the City of Roanoke'i :i for the appropriate signatures; and ,I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that should the Council for the City of Roanoke i[ desire any changes in said proposed consolidation agreement or in the Ch~ter pre- ' sently proposed for the consolidation of the County and the Town into , I a single city;! :i said proposed changes should be submitted in writing to Richard Cranwell, Attorney , i Roanok~ --~ , for the Town of Vinton, and Raymond R. Robrecht, Commonwealth's Attorney fOr County, by or before June 24, 1969; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board express its opinion that consolidation is the most equitable and democratic means of solving the inter- - --. ! I - governmental problems of the Roanoke Valley and that as many citizens as possible should be permitted to vote on the question of consolidation as soon as possible; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the invitation heretofore extended to the City of Salem on May 14, 1969, to become a party to a consolidation agreement and to allow its citizens their democratic right to vote on such question be, and the same hereby is, renewed, and a copy of this resolution shall be sent to the Mayor of the City of Salem. Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, adopted by the following recorded vote: 6/11/69 313 '-1 Iso as to change the classification of Lots 45 and 46, Block 1, Map of Section I! I Greenfield, from Residential District R-l to Business District B-1, and Lots 43 and 44, Block 1, Map of Section No.1, Greenfield, from Residential District R-l to 1 .IResidential District R-2; and I, Ii 'I ;, ; I ~ i Ii Board held on June 11, 1969, as the time and date for a public hearing on the afore-:I 'ii, said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by :1 .i :1 11 notice duly published in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having a general circu-li I . 'I 11 11 hation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as provided by said order of this Board :1 II and in accordance with said ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amendp.d; andil , 'I " " I: No. 1,11 I Ii 1"1II WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this , I - WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on the J !I " 'I " " ',ipetition and to said recommendation after hearing evidence touching on the merits of:' 'I II the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion !i :'l1th :i day of June, 1969; and WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said 'ithat said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition , , )and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED that at this meeting of the :i Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 11th day of June, 1969if .., " " , jthe said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclas-J !Sify property described in said petition from Residential District R-l to Business il ': District B-1 and Residential District R-2, in order that said property might be more;! :1 I 'i fully and reasonably used, the said property being reclassified as Business District:: I: " I, B-1 is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: -- Lots 45 and 46, Block 1, according to the Map of Section No.1, Greenfield. , 'lAnd the said property being reclassified as Residential District R-2 is more :; Ii particularly described as follows, to-wit: Lots 43 and 44, Block 1, according to the Map of Section No.1, Greenfield. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall "'1 ~ :i forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the !i ,: Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Eggleston, Holton, 'i Butler and Glenn, attorneys for petitioners. :! The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms and seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and on the recorded vote, the 1 Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: : AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston o NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. At a public hearing this day to consider the application of Sinclair Burks for a permit to operate a trailer park, no one appeared to explain or support the application. 314 6/11/69 The following appeared in opposition to the application: Mrs. Virginia Patterson, who filed a petition of over 100 names, also in opposition to this matter; Mr. Lewis OWens, Mr. W. Clarence Doyle, Mrs. Nancy Newman, Mrs. W. C. Doyle, and Mrs. Jack Dehart. The following action was taken by the Board of Supervisors: I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the application of Sinclair 'f/,/~9- l''f'I.t. ~ f1~' "I/stlr-r- I '/' ".,./t', e~-'-- " ,J~,('.~' J!I.. 3. 15.4 ~f~, i. Jdt-, ;It. ':U/~' i Burks for a permit to operate a twenty (20) space trailer park to be located at the end of State Secondary Route 777, west of the City of Salem, Virginia, be denied. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. .. AMENDMENTS TO THE MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY. On Motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor J ,I !: !i following amendment to the Roanoke County Motor Vehicle License Ii II of intention to adopt said II I t /pJ~f. Ii L. Earl Simms, the /' 'I e-.... :to &--i-- . , '.1' (ltt:fl OrdJ.nance ~"""AI 7tJ Ltie....it!' it:1:! ~'''1-1' ~~,",'.w..t.../ I: was this day offered for adoption, notice amendment and a public hearing thereon having first been published in an appro- priate newspaper and as otherwise required by law: BE IT O~NED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia the Roanoke County Motor ~;?~~t1- ; Vehicle License Ordinance, du~y adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~i\ I!r1 /l. ii on January 21, 1957, and having been in effect since the first day of April, 1957,:! t'~,~'" " "a1~ :14 be and it is hereby amended as follows: /'~~.(4.J/dfL," ) --~. Paragraph 5 of said Ordinance shall read: l{~~ i-'-' ~ "5. ISSUING LICENSE TAX: Any person coming under the provJ.sJ.ons of ~ ~ this Ordinance shall make application for license upon forms supplied by the ~ ir. Treasurer of Roanoke County, at the office of said Treasurer in the Court House " 'f--'v'< ~< ,-- ~ ""at Salem, Virginia, and, upon payment of required tax, shall be issued, as evidence, ~~~. stickers Which shall be attached to the front windshield of the vehicle so license9 - I so as to be readily recognized. Failure to display stickers shall be considered ,I "/11'/'-' as violation even though the license tax has been paid. It shall be unlawful for 'i any person to whom a sticker is issued upon the payment of any license tax pre- ' scribed in this Ordinance, to give, loan, rent, sell, assign or transfer such sticker to another or to otherwise permit another to use in any manner such sticker during the license tax year for which the same is issued." I The other existing sections and parts of this Ordinance shall remain i in full force and effect as heretofore adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and as amended from time to time. This amendment shall take effect on January 1, 1970, but shall first I be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper. Adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. .I ill. Whereas, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County there is now :1 t).:l/if- 'I 'i ([.U~~ and! ..1~/ j;..-..,J 1~. /~.J ! :i d :/ I :1 :; " " :1 i ,I I ii " " I; ,Ii 'I il " I ;i , 6/11/69 ! " I, " i " i1lgenda At this point, the Board of Supervisors dispensed with the printed to recognize Mr. Arnold Burton, Superintendent of Roanoke County Schools, and ,... ~lso Mr. Bayes Wilson, Business Manger of Roanoke County Schools. Mr. Burton and rr. Wilson appeared to advise the Board of Supervisors that the School Board needed ~oney to acquire another school site located at Hollins (Nininger property). U ,.-,of " following After hearing the Treasurer of Roanoke County, Mr. James E. Peters, the action was taken: - '-~ Ii deficit in " borrow money i! , to thereby create a debt the General Fund of the County, and it is, therefore, necessary to for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and ;: !j 'I Section 'I II l' ear J.er " " , e.mount " Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authorized by 15.1-545 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date, to borrow not than February 1st of any year a sum of money not to exceed one-half of the of money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1969, 'i at a rate of interest not exceeding six percent per annum, to be repaid not later ., ....j ;j :1 it:han :i ~ Roanoke !! ~he !I 'i 'I 'I " loans and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $117,000.00 from such December 15, 1969, and Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $117,000.00 for purpose hereinbefore set out; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan or Banks ,I ;rate or Institutions of this State as are willing to make the loan or loans at a of interest not exceeding six percent per annum, on demand; which said maturity ,i ;) , " i ;1 or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of supervisors!, " date , , or dates of said loans shall occur not later than December 15, 1969, said loan , and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by A. T. Huddleston, Vice .~! .J Chairman, whose signature shall be duly attested by Elizabeth Stokes, Clerk, and :i ~hall become due and payable to, and as such Bank or Banking Institution, as the Bank) ~aking the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity fithout further order by this Board. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. il ~ NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. The County Engineer in reporting on the painting of the interior of the Courthouse advised the Board of Supervisors that the two rooms in the basement and some painting on the Third Floor is to be done immediately, with more extensive paint- ing to be done later in the year. 315 ..~--,,--,. .~-, ""'--,- , 316 6/11/69 TEMPORARY Ef:(PLOYMENT IN THE OFFICE OF THE COLLECTOR OF DELINQUENT TAXES i' ,I ,I AND ACCOUNTS. I 11//~9-[ , ~. J- Ii ~I.' ' /lJ7.t.J Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the recommendation to hire a high school girl for a period of four (4) weeks to assist with the posting in the cffice of the Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts. I Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: i' ,I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. , " :1 i~ NAYS: )1 I" ABSENT: jj " ii ii ,: " :1 None j: ./i! Executive ii I' ii Ii In giving a status report on the work of Balzer & Associates, the il " :l " ;i Ii Ii :i 11 ,I " I, I' I I' II !i scheduled~ 'I il " " I " Ii I Charles H. Osterhoudt. Officer reported that the work would be finished by August 1 as I: Ii APPOINTMENT OF DR. C. P. POPE, HEALTH DIRECTOR : COUNTIES OF CRAIG, BOTETOURT AND ROANOKE I, , " I' 0.;lft:-..J-o / Ii Lee B. Eddy, the following resolution was adopted: .c. " ..< ~cJ Ii b-. tJ;? +-'!I ~~~, ;, a Health District consisting of the Counties of Craig, Botetourt, and Roanoke; ~. t.. ..l.44ai~. .siD ~~ ~{ ~~--,~. ii Director for the Counties of Craig, Botetourt and Roanoke effective July 1, 1969. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor il " II " of!1 'I I, and !I i~ " , I; I BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Health Department be a part BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Dr. C. P. Pope is appointed Health Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SL~s, and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Service Authority by resolution tf_Y6? - en:t;. b.ty eto~ ~~ 18689, which resolutions accepted areas heretofore requested to be included for atz;::<-ld.. ~ J7" / ' I, treatment under contract dated September 28, 1954 by the Board of Supervisors of 'f r....... ,/U'........ ~.A<.....t... Roanoke county; and 't;;.v _ 'f~/6f- 0{ e~k /,~,j,-,....,.., tt',"-",.v.....:7-' i dated June 10, 1969, concurred in the City of Roanoke's formula for sewage treat- " I ment rates as set forth in Roanoke City Council's resolutions No. 18688 and No. I WHEREAS, Roanoke County Public Service Authority resolution dated June 10, 1969, requested the Board of Supervisors to concur in their resolution and" I accept the sewage treatment charges and other conditions as set forth in the City's i' resolutions No. 18688 and No. 18689 dated April 28, 1969; NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, it is ordered that this Board concur in the resolution of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority and accept the offer of the City of Roanoke for sewage treatment under the conditions as set forth in their resolutions "^ I .. , . , , .~-' '. ~~, ~: , 6/11/69 321 ...,"":'<:,.""':--:.:.:..__;_""'O.-"''"'..::.=.c.-o..;.''__...... On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. 'i I, Th d d d b 11' II omas, an a opte y the fo oWJ.ng recorded vote: :'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston. , NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. A copy of the "Position Classification and Pay Survey" is filed with : the minutes of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, Chairman of the Building Code comm~ moved that this committee be dissolved and that an appropriate letter of apprecia- " tion be sent to each member of the committee, excluding the member of this Board, " thanking them for their services. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion. ; I, I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the motion be amended to include the ; member of this Board. The maker and seconder of the main motion concurred in the , amendment. The motion, as amended, was adopted by the following vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl simms and A. T. Huddleston ~ NAYS: None . : ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. --' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman or Acting Chairman of ,~P~f- , this Board be empowered to appoint a committee to consider Delegate Garland's re- : ~'>"J ~ i: '~ ' ,"'~ , quest of May 24, 1969 addressed to the governing bodies in the Roanoke valley and'(;';..;;,~~~ to the Roanoke valley Regional Planning Commission to make an offer of a site to the v N.w, ,t;... ",..l. . J1t. , Commonwealth for the construction of a Museum of Science. ,l'lo/;L/ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried as t/d/~f- : "<7"":"; ~ :~~ : ~ I .,J,(,......J i~' !oa,,-~ .t'",a:;:.,~..... follows: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None : ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ Vice Chairman HUddlest6n then appointed Supervisors Lee B. Eddy and Joseph C. Thomas and the County Engineer, Paul B. Matthews to serve on this com- mittee, with Supervisor Lee B. Eddy as Chairman. .,. I i ..... ~J~t- :~....~~ B. Eddy, it is ORDERED that E. W. Chelf, Attorney of Salem, Virginia, BE, and he is /1. <U<"r.iUt:j hereby employed by this Board, as Its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting, ~~~'?_ c"~ .z:- f7JQ}-~"- On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all of the delinquent real estate taxes due and owing upon two (2) oertain lots or parcels of real estate, now lying and being in the city of Salem, Virginia, formerly I 324 , I I t,---::. i i ! , ! c1tiLft 'i - . , ;r' I ! 07;c v' : ~7M'jf""'''' , Ii $179,819.93. I ""004'..,) lr~ '::f~h 7 ~ I 17.A..-~ ~ i: : ""'""1 ~ . i; 1 c:7/t-t, -"-(<u-""E !i II ~,~t''l''':Vii " I ) [ I i t~~p- Vi ! ;t:; !~ ! I~"" J d'U...~ ;' I I , ' i i , I 6/11/69 On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote, checks for bills paid since the Board meeting of " " May 28, 1969, were approved retro-active to date of issuance in the total amount of" AYES : Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston I NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors approve payment of the $122.06 bill submitted by the City of Salem for 1/2 the I cost of a concrete pathway at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, which bill ~1 , was;: 1 " i : , I I continued from the May 28, 1969 meeting. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried as follows: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. HUddleston NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ordered that the County Payrolls, dated June 6 and June 11, 1969, be approved in the amount of $13,035.39 from which the sum of $1,423.58 W. H. Tax; I $625.70 F.I.C.A. Tax; $193.71 State Income Tax; $3.50 Uniforms; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $247.20 Blue Cross Insurance; $29.76 I 'I Retirement and $11.00 Miscellaneou~ " Expenses are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $10,485.94. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Sheriff's report regarding prisoner days served in the County jail for the month of May, 1969, be received and filed. I Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which c~rried as follows: AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterboudt. I Motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Joseph C. Thomas, and the following vote, that the Board of Supervisors resolve into a committee of the whole to consider privileged matters: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. i ~,===~~::~:'"":~';;"-.'" ! ~ j Ii . ,I APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 6/18/69 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, 331 :i " :i I :1 '/ 'i i Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenue: ! Fund for the period ending December 31, 1969, for the functions or purposes indicate~: For the operation of the Department of Welfare, to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board ,.. . . - For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended only on order of the Library Board, the Library Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for library purposes '-of For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: ~ 301 - County Administration 301a - Board of Supervisors 302 - Assessment of Taxable Property 302b - Commissioner of the Revenue 302c - Appraisers and Assessors 303 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 303a - Treasurer 303b - Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts 304 - Recording of Documents 304a - county clerk 305 - Administration of Justice 305a - Circuit Court 305b - County Court 305c - Commonwealth's Attorney 305e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 306 - Crime Prevention and Detection 306a - Policing and Investigating 306c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 307 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 308 - Public Welfare 308a - Board of Public Welfare 308e - Institutional Care 308h - Lunacy Commission 309 - Public Health 310 - Public Works 310a - Engineering Department 310b - Planning and Zoning 310c - Garbage Disposal 310e - Contractural Services 311 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 313 - 313a Elections 314 - I' . I ~ 314a - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 318 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 318a - Annexation 318b - Civil Defense 318c - Air Pollution Control 318d - Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center 318e - Parks and Recreation Department 319 - Capital Outlay 320 - Debt Service Library Bond Fund Parks and Recreation Bond Fund o For educational purposes, to be transferred to the School Board and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total appro- priation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring monies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: 17a - Administration 17b 1 - Instruction 17b 2 - Other Instructional Costs 17c - Attendance and Health Service 17d 1 - Transportation 17d 2 - Replacement of Buses 17e - Food Service 17f 1 - Operation of School Plants $ 567,754.50 82,697.00 18,900.00 17,195.00 22,100.00 19,761.50 6,906.00 15,816.00 8,212.50 612.50 8,075.00 28,394.50 118,333.00 12,125.00 34,067.50 900.00 23,112.50 750.00 58,006.00 41,581. 50 6,825.50 145,179.00 19,000.00 9,087.50 10,774.50 23,385.00 144,762.50 13,150.00 905.00 900.00 18,250.00 66,582.00 76,700.00 89,625.00 478,811.00 215,000.00 88,764.17 4,277,703.06 245,161. 00 16,500.00 .189,163.50 23,600.00 55,000.00 402,300.50 6J? /G 1 '~ .~ , .,Y....."""";. '.'2 J ' :i~~~1,.,;.f., 1 / ,~.~. : t7 'i 332 6/18/69 17f 2 - Maintenance of School Plants 17g - Fixed charges 17h - Summer School 17i - Adult Education 17k - Kindergarten 19 - Capital Outlay Data processing Debt Service Cafeteria Fund Federal Programs School Construction Textbook Fund Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund for period July 1, 1969, through December 31, 1969 For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the dog laws, to be transferred to the Dog Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County '-'..:-:'-=-"':'''''0:,',''-"."- ~ $ 165,918.50 47,362.50 49,000.00 7,500.00 46,700.00 130,750.00 44,800.00 616,376.22 I 198,180.00 179,500.00 4,799,000.00 71.250.00 $ 14,058,766.45 I $ 14,879.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriation made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this Appropriation Ordinance. A copy of this Ordinance is ordered to be certified to James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and adopted by the following, recorded vote to become effective July 1, 1969: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. I TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: I At theckse of business May 31, 1969, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks and Recreation Construction - Available Cash F.I.C.A. Deferred Credit Account Financial Statement Treasurer's working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow $531,000.00 Bank of Salem Escrow $3,248,000.00 Bank of Salem - Federal Programs Fund Bank of Salem - Textbook Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Bond Account Colonial-American National Bank Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank $ 216,322.04 15,513.08 8,916.70 3,998.30 331,855.47 9,070.83 10,087.74 19,198.40 9,923.61 96.05 $ 624,982.22 I $ 2,000.00 8,189.09 577,424.55 10,087.74 3,998.30 5,305.54 360.00 17,617.00 $ 624,982.22 I $ 400,000.00 600,000.00 200,000.00 700.000.00 $1,900,000.00 6/18/69 333 ="'---'""",_,",,-"",,:;r...--,,.=..c..-,-_ ="--'--=-_-.=.=-C-="_co-. !: (Treasurer's Report - Continued) Certificates of Deposit Library Construction First National Exchange Bank $ 950,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Parks and Recreation Mountain Trust Bank $ 400,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Savinqs - General Revenue First National Exchange Bank Mountain Trust Bank Bank of Salem $ 200,000.00 200,000.00 550.000.00 $ 950,000.00 - -- Respectfully submitted, S/James E. Peters, Treasurer Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, and the following vote, that the Board of Supervisors accept the Treasurer'~ report for the month ending May 31, 1969 and that the report be received and filed.,' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. ~. Huddleston. NAYS: None ,ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ..., On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and the following vote, the Board of Supervisors voted to receive and file - the following three letters: . Letter from City of Roanoke, dated 6/2/69, with Resolution No. 18736. .Letter from Roanoke Academy of Medicine, dated 6/4/69, with resolution, attached, and " Letter from Nash R. Tyler, Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts, dated 6/10/69, re: resolution authorizing the sale of real estate. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the meeting was adjourned~ I -1 , dct 2L/~ Vice-Chairman. i -' n l I ~ 334 Courthouse Salem, Virginia June 25, 1969 7:30 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke County , iCourthouse, Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Wednesday Earl Simms and Joseph :j ~ 1 C. " ii I i,and second regular meeting of the month. Members present: , i;Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. , Chairman Charles H. :Thomas. Raymond R. Robrecht, Conunonwealth's Attorney, and Paul B. Matthews, County :~ngineer and Executive Officer were also present. I The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend B. L. Calawayj: " 'minister to the Vinton Baptist Church who offered the invocation. The pledge of ,. ~allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by the Chairman. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ~homas and the following vote, the minutes of the June 11, 1969, meeting were approv~d " ! , , ~s spread, each member having received copies from the Clerk: :~ I^YES: All : 'NAYS: None. i; I The minutes of the June 18, 1969, adjourned meeting, were approved as spread, , (each member having received copies mailed to him by the Clerk, on motion of Supervisor t. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the fOllowing vote: I. AYES: All ! ~ NAYS: None. The following people appeared before the Board this day with regard to a simu- ~ated civil defense emergency exercise in Roanoke County in the spring of 1970: 'I' . Mr. Erskine White, III - Regional Deputy Coordinator of Civil Defense .Dr. Pettigrew - Federal Defense Agency ,Dr. McChesney - University of Virginia /Mr. Salisbury - University of Virginia No action was taken as to the County's participating in such an exercise at this itime. It was noted that the important thing before considering such an exercise lis to establish the willingness of the BOard of Supervisors to give themselves I " ,:wholeheartedly to the exercise ( would take about one-half day ). A pamphlet prepared by the University of Virginia School of General Studies lion "Emergency Operations Simulation" is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I "Mr. Lewis E. Johnson, spokesman for ten (10) families who use an old farm-type road 'west off Route 116 near Sun Valley Swim Club through the property of Mrs. C. L. "Mundy, appealed to the Board to help them in their efforts to have the road condi- ... ,tion improved. It was reported that the people nave right of way (of unspecified ,width) across Mrs. Mundy's property, but that she had restricted the right of way by the erection of a fence. 6/25/69 I ~~"",,":-;,:.=:=:,,;;;:;,,._":; '~'. ~'.-;:.=;'-= -.,'..-"..':" - I :, . , : iiThe following action was taken: ".... ;.: ..':"'~_'._ _. u. - --. ..-...---.----..- -------.. . _.. ..~ __~ ..u. _ ._ ___ ,IN RE: ROAD WEST OFF ROUTE 116 NEAR SUN VALLEY swm CLUB THROUGH THE PROPERTY OF MRS. C. L. MUNDY - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Boa~'d of Supervisors instruct the Commonwealth's Attorney and the County Executive Officer to discuss this matter with Mrs. Mundy and view the property with the idea of securing the necessary right of way in order to provide a road, and report back to this Board by the July 9, :1969 meeting if possible. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following 1 ,,-t - '-4 vote: 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sil11T!:s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors dispense with the 'printed agenda, temporarily. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following ::vote: ~ .' . " HAYES: All !! - ,NAYS: None. The Chairman then recognized members of the Roanoke Valley Regional Mental :Health Services Board: Mrs. W. Conrad Stone, Rabbi Donald L. Berlin and Father ':1'1. Carroll Brooke. I :i }~s. Stone referred to her letter of June 17, 1969, to the Chairman of the I"~ U :,Board of Supervisors and requested that the Board write the "letter of faith" to 'pe sent with the Roanoke Valley Regional Mental Health Services Board's request to 'the Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals by July 1, as follows: "The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors will take under advisement the fund- ing of its local share of any programs proposed by the Roanoke Valley Comprehensive Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board and approved by the Department of ,Mental Hygiene and Hospitals. We understand that the details of the budgeted programs will be presented to the department in the fall of '69 to be included in the 1970-72 biennium budget request of the Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals. The detailed budget of the Mental Health Services Board will be reviewed and must be approved by the local jurisdictions before presentation to the State Department.. The following action was taken: f1 , , I.- Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize its Chairman to write Uthe letter of faith" as requested in r4rs. W. Conrad Stone's letter of June 17, 1969. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion, which carried by thl~ fo11o\.ling recorded vote: 335 ~/;;,7f9- !(I....L.. t; :~ ',i,~~ I~.~ ;". v' I 336 / I b::" ,:" , I i I I I I , 6/25/69 C".- -"=-=-~='=~,;"~_-'.C::;'_ f ~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I: 'NAYS: None. It was noted that the Uletter of faith- should be sent to Mr. R. Franklin IHough, Jr., Chairman of the Roanoke Valley Regional Mental Health Services Board. I I I The Board resumed consideration of the printed agenda on motion of Supervisor i' I: IA. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: , [AYES: All I :'NAYS: None. I' , " " i l'iA. RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE WILLINGNESS OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS r/ ~O DONATE COUNTY OWNED LAND FOR USE BY THE lolUSEUM OF SCIENCE FOR THE Cm'iMONWEALTH liOF VIRGINIA. " II tfL1-~' ,;"1<. : !ity of a Museum of Science for the Commonwealth '4. L. " ~_ !~ions concerning its establishment, and ;~~72- ;1 WHEREAS, the Honorable Ray L. Garland, member of the Virginia House of Dele- " 1! ........ , l 't" 1 . . f h R k 11 d h ' ':gates, has requested the loca govern~ng bod~es 0 t e: oano e Va ey area an t e . I: ~~~~ Iroanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission to make a strong and coordinated effort 6(~,-~/~. :~o secure the Museum or a portion thereof in the Roanoke Valley area, including the " ~,t:J;iIFffer of an appropriate site, ,3..;~""" _/ ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ~,(/t. " ~~~~OrmallY express its general willingness and desire to donate ~~~~ '~f County owned land located within the boundaries of Roanoke "P'~ ~. ': , ~p to sixty (60) acres for the purpose as set forth above, subject to further con- ~'~>1.'!~ideration of the specific size, location and intended use of subject land, and ~~~:~__ 1, FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors express its desire iJ:.. :ito cooperate with the Museum Commission, members of the General Assembly, the other ~ :' of Virginia and to make recommenda- feasibil~ ,I ,I '. . I' I " WHEREAS, the 196$ General Assembly created a commission to study the I one or more portions County ranging in size Ii " bodies of the Roanoke Valley, and the Roanoke Valley Regional Plan- in every reasonable manner to encourage the establishment of all or portion of the aforementioned Science MuseUm in the Roanoke Valley, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted ~o the Honorable Ray L. Garland, to the respective Clerks of the Councils of the City of Roanoke, City of Salem and Town of Vinton, and the Executive Director of the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Cor..,lission. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt. I I NAYS: None. The County Executive Officer advised the Board that he and the Resident I Engineer for the Virginia Department of Highways had not as yet checked into the complaint of Mr. Henry Myers who came before this BOard at the June 1$, 1969 meeting ! - .~ 6/25/69 337 :1 !iwith regard to Route 845 and cars blocking the road. IN RE: PAYMENT OF STATE-LOCAL HOSPITAL BILLS '"""I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize pay- " / ,if? p.t.ji>9 ~ !I ~ 'i~-~ :I~~ il17 :i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles 1 ment of State-local hospital bills now due and to come due on or before June 30, ~ ! "J 1969, within the budget allocation heretofore appropriated. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: __-A H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF A DOG WARDEN AND A DEPUTY DOG WARDEN ./ - BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires, under the provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, Section 29-184.3, that the enforcement of the dog laws in said County be vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Wardens; and the Board of Supervisors does hereby request the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a Dog Warden and a Deputy Dog Warden to assist the Dog Warden in the dog inspection activities in dog law enforcement from the following lists, to-wit: ., DOl!: Warden Deputy liol!: Warden Kenneth Lee Hogan Phillip Raymond Cox Roger Allen Carroll Richard Wayne Ashwell Ralph E. Long Michael Fields Henninger Clyde David Francisco Scranton Alfred Forloine ,.."', I I .. And it is further ordered that after the appointment of said Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Warden by the Judge of the Circui~ Court pursuant to said section, the Treasurer of Roanoke County shall not remit any portion of the dog tax funds to the ' State Treasury and that the said County, after said appointments, shall no longer supplement the salary of the Game Warden; and the Clerk of this Board is hereby ordered forthwith to deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt. o NAYS: None. III RE: PETERS CREEK INTERCEPl'OR LINE A Copy of a letter from Roanoke City Clerk advising of disposition of the Board of Supervisor's resolution requesting the granting of a twenty-foot-wide easement for construction of a sewer line through city-owned property, dated June 4, " 1969, and addressed to Mr. Hampton W. Thomas, ~~. Vincent S. Wheeler and Mr. Julian 'F. Hirst (Committee), was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. , Earl Sin~s, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous consent of the Supervisors. 338 6/25/69 The Chairman of the Board advised the other Supervisors that he would see Mr. Hampton W. Thomas with regard to the foregoing matter. / A letter addressed to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors dated June 12, 1969, from Douglas B. Fugate, Commissioner, acknowledging receipt of the Board's resolution requesting deletion of Cove Road from the Primary System and the substi- tution, in its stead, of Hershberger Road, was received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following I vote: I AYES: All NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote, the report of the State Auditor of Public Accoun.s j " on the audit of the records of Roanoke County Court and Juvenile and Domestic Rela-:i ,! tions Court for the fiscal year ended June ;0, 1968, was this day received and filed. AYES: All NAYS: None. I The Statement of Office and Travel Expenses incurred by the Sheriff and his Deputies during May, 1969, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor , V , A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and' the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. The Roanoke County Recreation Department activities report for the month of ~~y, 1969, was received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. I A letter dated June 11, 1969, from the City of Roanoke regarding the conso1ida- ,tion referendum was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. .,j " ; Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Super-: I visors. " A Copy of a letter from Roanoke City Clerk to Dr. James H. Fagan in regard to contribution to Valley Comprehensive Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services Board was received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. ,,' ;::..~ . " , - ':CO ~. '.. ,-. ~ ~ ~- 1;:,':. 0- - ...t-~':;'. 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':. -, ..91'~'!.'::i~~~:: " ....' .4'1.,' 1:':"'t...~. ;}.,"",-.~~. . :1~~\', '~". ,. :'.:< f: ' "~:,,!:,,~fl,,,:.,,. ~ili' 6/25/69 357 A letter dated June II, 1969 from the City of Roanoke, with attached resolution #18742 in regard to development of consolidation plan prior to annexation tpal /' was received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconde~ by Super- visor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: o AYES: Al.l NAYS: None. o , dated June 3, 1969' ' A letter/fram Congressman Richard H. Pof~ in reply to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors letter of May 28, 1969, advising that upon checking with the I Bureau of Public Roads he had been advised that there were no federal funds availab e (for improvements to ~ershberger Road), was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS a On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote, bills in the total amount of $67,759.75, charged to the General Fund were this day approved for payment: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Lists of the bills totaling $67,759.75 charged to said General Fund are filed with the minutes of this meeting, as approved and audited. (This total does not include the item under County Clerk which is a service contract with Ropho Sales, I c. / in the amount of $85.00; inasmuch as the Clerk advised the Board this item should not be paicl.) o On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, ;- bills in the total amount of $387.16 charged to the Dog Fund' were this day approved!/68' for payment, upon the following recorded vote: I (p/~1 -t;; AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I ~~W I I:I~/ H. Osterhoudt. ~ NAYS: None. , A list of the bills as auditied and approved in the amount of $367.16 and charged to said Dog Fund is filed with the minutes of this meeting. [;1,\., Lcl Ii I I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. ~ and the following recorded vote, checks for bills I June II, 1969, were approved retro-active to date of issuance in the total amount of $31,272.41: 358 6/25/69 _'=_ _ _. __ n __ ~,__ -- --..... -.. -- ---'==-" ..------ .-- """"'_un _ ~ .. _= _"'_ --~= YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. YS: None. A list of the checks in the amount of $31,272.42, as audited and approved etro-active to date of issuance is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I .; AYROLLS On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, it is ordered that the County Payrolls, dated June 13, June 25 and June 27, 1969, be approved in the amount of $47,980.70 from which the sum of $5,539.72 W. H. Tax; 2,209.01 F.I.C.A. Tax; $757.43 State Tax; $11.50 Uniforms; $336.90 Blue Cross Insur ance; $1,109.74 Retirement; and Miscellaneous Expenses of $70.00 are to be deducted, leaving a net payroll of $37,946.40. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, 1. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisor resolve into a committee of.' the whole to discuss privileged matters. ' Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. ~ I After apprOximately an hour and one-half in executive session, the superVisols returned to the County Courtroom, dissolved the committee of the whole and resumed the meeting in open session on motion of.' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote: YES: All YS: None. RE-APPOINTMENT OF PAUL N. DOOLEY TO ROANOKE COUNTY RECREATION BOARD Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Mr. Paul N. Dooley be re-appointed to I Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following ecorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. YS: None. I 'I I' I Ii APPOINTMENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE TO SERVE IN 1 THE CIVIL DEFENSE CONSTRUCTION AND HOUSING PLAN Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Mr. Harold Dickerson, Roanoke County' ilding Inspector, be appointed to serve as Roanoke County's representative for the~ ivil Defense Construction and Housing Plan. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- !- 6/25/69 - .- -.. -.- - .-.-- ing recorded vote: YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ] ] IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF l.fA.URICE L. MITCHELL AS ASSISTANT COUNTY ENGINEER OF ROANOKE COUNTY Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that I-h-. Maurice L. Mitchell be. formally appointed as Assistant County Engineer for Roanoke County to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: . AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: EXTENSION OF TIME GRAN'l'ED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO THE CITY OF ROANOKE FOR A RESPONSE TO ITS INVITATION FOR CONSOLIDATION TO JIJLY 8, 1969 359 I' j,.4'tj ~I r I , , I I~ ""If" 15 ; . c;fj[ ~.:rr Cc.r&, V Iv" , In response to a communication from the Mayor of the City of Roanoke, the I ".- Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County does hereby extend the time for a response to t.f::a."I~ its invitation for consolidation heretofore extended by the County of Roanoke and ] the Town of Vinton to the City of Roanoke from June 24 to July 8, 1969. The Board of Supervisors deems it imperative that a complete, definite and fi plan of consolidation be prepared by July 23, 1969, in order that appropriate court action may be taken and proper publicity given to the plan of consolidation prior to the election scheduled therefore. To this end the Board of Supervisors commits itself to devote such time as may be necessary prior to July 23, 1969, to develop such a complete, definite and final plan of consolidation, and to this end will devote all of the resources of the County government to such meetings as may be called by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy 0.', ' -. and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee,B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Gm,'~ ~ ~ ~to the Mayor of the City of Roanoke and the Mayor of the Town of Vinton. ~ Ii I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seccnded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms ~and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the meeting was ~ ! , The Clerk was instructed to send a certified copy of the foregoing resolution i ! i H.I I i I II 360 1lDq / ~\/~.) " ~.~' ~ ~~~~. 'II'r1/ \ Gt - . --" -- -~--==== ~ .~~. Courthouse Salem, Virginia July 9, 1969 2:00 P. M. I The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the second Wednesday, and first regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and the County Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews were also present. I I The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend James Hovlan I who offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by the Chairman. The minutes of the June 25, 1969, meeting were approved as corrected, each member having received copies of the minutes mailed to him by the Clerk, on motion / of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the followi recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. ..... Mr. D. M. Deshields, Jr., who was listed on the agenda under item B-1 to dis- cuss the billing procedure of the Public Service Authority, did not appear and ther fore this matter was passed. IN HE: SPECIAL USE PERMIT GRANTED JOSEPH F. DARAGO, JR. TO OPERATE A SKEET RANGE IN STATESMAN INDUSTRIAL PARK Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the application for a special use permi to operate a skeet shooting range made by Mr. Joseph F. Darago, Jr. on the hereinaft r described property, to wit: BEGINNING at a point in the line of Clem D. Johnson and T. H. Beasley, Jr. 700 ft. West of Granby Street extended; thence a line perpendicular and extending South 800 ft. to a point; thence a right angle and a new line going West gOo ft.; thence a right angle and a new line gOo ft. long to a point in a line on the Clem D. Johnson and T. H. Beasley, Jr. line; thence East along this common line goo ft. to the point ~f the BEGINNING and said to contain Twelve acres, more or less, be granted for a periOd of one (l) year subject to the following restrictions: 1. that the proper signs be posted and other precautions taken to pro- hibit betting and such other activities as may be in violation of Roanoke I I County ordinances pertaining to the conducting of shooting matches; 2. that the activities of the skeet shooting range be confined to day- .I I, light hours. II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the fOllOWi~1 recorded vote: l 7/9/69 361 ,A.YES: 'Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simm,,'and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Mr. Darago appeared to support his request and no one appeared opposing same. o With regard to the foregoing matter, a substitute motion by Supervisor Lee B. died for lack of a second Eddy/that Mr. Daragots request for a special use permit to operate a skeet shooting range be deferred to the next Board of Supervisors meeting and that the Commonwealth s Attorney be requested to investigate the legality of such a permit and skeet shooti in general and report to the Board of Supervisors regarding the legality of such an operation and furthermore what restrictions shoul~ be placed on same. o At a public hearing this day to consider the petition of H. E. and Vance' Holling _ worth for rezoning of a 4.95 acre tract of land on the west side of Peters Creek Road and adjacent to Kingts Arms Apartments and the Woodmen of the World property ./ from Residential R-3 to Business B-2 so a nursing home may be built there, Mr. G. O. Clemens, attorney for the petitioners appeared to explain the request. Mr. Ray Draucker of the Conva-Care Corporation also appeared to discuss the proposed nursing home. c Mr. Charles McWilliams, Bermuda Road, N.W. Roanoke, raised the question of the (. floOding problem caused by watershed in the area. He was advised that money was in the budget this year to do something about controlling the flooding in that area. he following action was taken: IN RE: REZONING 4.95 ACRE TRACT, WEST OF ROUTE 117, ADJACENT TO WOODMEN OF WORLD PROPERTY AND KINGS ARMS APARTMENTS, BELONGING TO H. E. HOLLINGSWORTH AND VANCE HOLLINGSWORTH ) ) ) ) ) ) v FINAL ORDER I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held on the 9th day of July, 1969. o WHEREAS, H. E. Hollingsworth and Vance Hollingsworth petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that cer.ain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business B,.2# property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on May 14, 1969, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of oanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, ! WHEREAS, the said Pla~~ng Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held I .~on June 17,1969, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, I,!) i:recommended to this board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to , ~Change the classification of the property described in the petition from -ReSidential , ,I r-3" to -Business B-2" property; and, !I ~ WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on II lithe 14th day of 148.y, 1969, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board upon the,' II ' ~receiPt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission forthwith set the same ~., t..."."_ :::~ 362 7/9/69 ,...-- ._--- -- -_. _.~~-~.._..~ :=7E=-.____ down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by pUblication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting for this Board to be held on July 9, 1969, at 2:00 o'clock, p.m., as the date and time for public Ihearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by proper notice as required by said order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virgi and, I a; WHEREAS, said pUblic hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof duly published, as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touchi on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission; and, I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 9th day of July, 1969, the said County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as DBusiness B_2B property in order that a nursing home complex, as included under the definition of hospital in the County Zoning Ordinance, may be erected upon the property which is described as follows, towit: I' BEGINNING at the northwest terminus of a certain 50 foot street, North 820 24' 30B West, 645.67 feet from the West side of Virginia Route 117; thence with the West side of a certain one acre tract shown on the map made by T. P. Parker, dated March 14, 1967, North 70 35' 30B East, 210 feet to an iron pin corner to Fairview Cemetery; thence with the West line of Fairview Cemetery, North 70 35' 30B East, 93.68 feet to a point on the property now or formerly belonging to C. F. Webster; thence with the Webster line, North 810 3' West, 645.48 feet to an old iron; thence South 30 44' 30" East, 376.30 feet to a point marking the northwest corner of a certain 3.26 acre tract belonging to Woodmen of the World; thence along the property of the Woodmen of the World, South 820 24' 30" East, 571.34 feet to a point in the southwestern terminus of the aforementioned 50 foot width road; thence with the western terminus of the said 50 foot width road, North 70 35' 30. East, 50 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and containing 4.95 acres, and being shown on a certain plat ~de by T. P. Parker, S.C.E., dated March 14, 1967, re- vised April 19, 1965. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwit I certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commis- sion of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to KimQ Jolly & Clemens, Attorneys for t e The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor 1. Earl Simms, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors oted as follows, towit: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I At a public hearing to consider the application of Robert S. Bateman for a I "........... ~~. 7/9/69 special-use permit to reopen the Starkey Speedway as an automobile raceway, no one appeared to support or oppose the request. The Planning Commission recommended denial and Mr. Bateman's attorney, W. Heywood Fralin, by letter dated June 27, 1969, I requested permission to withdraw the application. The following action was taken: ' J IN HE: APPLICATION OF ROBERT S. BATEM!N FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO REOPEN THE STARKEY SPEEDWA.Y AS AN AUTOMOBILE RACEWAY l :-..J Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the application of Robert S. special use permit to reopen the Starkey Speedway as an automobile raceway be in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. j No reports were given on the following items and it was requested that they be carried over to the July 23, 1969, meeting of this Board: County Engineer and Resident Engineer of State Highway Department in re: complaint of Henry Myers, Route 2, Boones Mill, about State Route g45; County Engineer and Commonwealth's Attorney in re: proposed purchase of right of way from Mrs. C. L. r~ndy for construction of a road west off Route 116 near Sun Valley Swim Club. A Resolution approving a modified library construction program adopted by he Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees at their called meeting on July 9, I 19691 , as this day laid before the Board of Supervisors. The following action was taken: lllESOLl1rION AmOVIl<l A ","IFlED LIBRARY CONSTRmmON _. I 1 I 1,/ II I, il II I' I I II . II CJ.ty i WHEREAS the citizens of Roanoke County approved on May 2, 1967 a referendum to Q uthorize the sale of one million dollars in general obligation bonds to finance a ibrary construction program in Roanoke County, and WHEREAS the wording of the referendum implied construction of a main library uilding in the Salem area and three branch library buildings in other portions of ~ ~ he County, and WHEREAS subsequent to the &y 2, 1967 referendum the Town of Salem became a tnd also commenced construction of a lts own funds, and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors desires to conduct a library building program I hich will economically suit the needs of a majority of Roanoke County residents, but library building located within the city using s concerned that the wording of the May 2, 1967 referendum may unduly restrict achi~ e- 1 tent of this goal, and I WHEREAS the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees has passed a resolution , stat, ng I , i 3.63 I I 364 7/9/69 ~- -- =~-. -" . --- .-.. ,--- -~=. - ._.,,-~--------,..--------~---==~=. its desire for and approval of a modified library building program, such mOdifica- tion to be as follows: 1. Construction of three library buildings of approximately equal size and function at an individual cost not to exceed $225,000 each, one such building to be located in the Vinton area, one such building to be located in the North County area ,and one such building to be located in the Oak Grove-Cave Spring area. 2. Additional construction of library system central office facilities at one of the locations designated above, at a cost not to exceed $75,000. 3. Authorization for use of the remaining amount of approximately $250,000 for expanding the aforesaid facilities or for additional facilities, books, equip- ment and other materials in accordance with developing needs and as jointly approved by the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board receive the resolution of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board does hereby approve the revised library building program of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees as previously set forth and this Board does hereby determine that in view of a substantial change in circumstances, it is in the best interests and fo~ the general welfare of the citi- of Roanoke County that such revised program be put into effect; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board does hereby direct the Commonwealth's Attorney for Roanoke County to petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for of the revised library building program since said revised program represe s . I )~D a change from the library building program as approved by a majority of the Roanoke ~ County voters at the said May 2, 1967 referendum. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, ~ and adopted by the following recorded vote: A' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. William H. Roberts III, Director of Roanoke County Library appeared with ./ regard to the foregoing matter. Mr. Roberts introduced Mr. William Hill, Vinton Librarian. I The Chairman read a report of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission / dated June 26, 1969, and signed by the Chairman, Sheriff O. S. Foster, with regard to a study made of Garst Mill Road and Grandin Road extension. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors receive and file the report of Sheriff O. S. Foster, acting as Chairman of the Roanoke County Highwa ,Safety Commission, and furthermore that the Board formally request the State Highwa Department to conduct a study to determine the best speed limit for Garst Mill Road, particularly in respect to the new development of park facilities adjacent to this I road. 7/9/69 365 Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. o NAYS: None. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy of Sheriff Foster's report along with the o The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, asked that the Board of Supervisors give him authority to write the Michie Company and request that the following five additional ordinances be included in the codification of County ordinances being prepared by them: 1. Abandonment of iceboxes and other types of smothering devices j ,/ 2. Loitering; v .. 3. Requiring licensing and registering of magazine salesmen; / ) 'i- 11'; lP~ 4. County Ordinance dealir~ with shooting near roads; ,/ 5. Licensi~$ and regulation of private patrol systems. ~ ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the recom- mendation of the Commonwealth's Attorney and that the five (5) additior~l standard ordinances be included in the code as prepared by the Michie Company and that such additional changes in the code as recommended by the Commonwealth's Attorney be incorporated or deleted; and, further, that the Commonwealth's Attorney be authorize / to prepare the said additional ordinances for consideration by this Board. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I II i I The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that a brief was filed this week in the o Spring Valley case and that answers and various other types of pleadings were prepared in the Roanoke City Annexation Suit (return date is July 25, 1969.) being ,. I". i n,' ~ I I I I The report of the Committee on Delinquent Real Estate Taxes on the request of : i Nash R. Tyler for resolution authorizing the sale of certain parcels of land for i ,/ i taxes due was postponed till the July 23, 1969 meeting at the request of Mr. Tyler. II II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to ~ appoint and instruct a committee to consider preparation of a statement for possibl~l I ! 366 7/9/69 _..----- ---...._="-- ~ ~--- presentation to the September 17 Lynchburg meeting of the Rural Affairs Study Com- I mission and that any such proposed presentation first be presented to the Board for their approval. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles HJ. Osterhoudt, NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that this Board instruct the Commonwealth1s Attorney and Executive Officer to study the possibility of appointing a license inspector for Roanoke County and report to the Board ut the July 23, 1969 meeting, if possible. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. v IN RE: APPLICATION OF O. L. ASBURRY FOR PERMISSION TO RENEW LICENSE FOR OPERATION OF AN AUTOMOBnE GRAVEYARD ON OLD mUNTAIN ROAD, N. E. I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Mr. Asburry1s permit be denied and that he be instructed to clean up his property and bring it up to the standards of the State Health Department. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy offered the substitute motion that this matter be post- poned until later on in the agenda, after item ftJft (Privileged Matters).. , Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the substitute motion which carried by the I following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston ~nd Charles H Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. The Chairman read a letter dated June 23, 1969, addressed to him from Mrs. Rub M. Halsey explaining her request and application for permission to park a second trailer on a tract of land zoned for agricultural use and located northeast off Hollins Road between Shadwell Drive and the Botetourt County line. Attached to Mrs. Halsey1s letter was a petition signed by residents of the Hollins community I . supporting her application. I I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the application of Mrs. Ruby M. I Halsey for permission to park a second trailer on a tract of land zoned for agriculll ,/ tural use and located northeast off Hollins Road between Shadwell Drive and the ~ Botetourt County line, be granted for a period of three years. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H~ I I i I I I )&<1: ~ 11'=>' who this day filed their petition for inclusion in the Secondary System of highways, _ ~ I~~, 1!(J4.~ ~ .vt:( ,..".,".........,....~._.-.-,.". ~._,~ 7/9/69 .._--.~....- Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. o On application of the below-named petitione~' Bruce E. Bohon, et als - Unnamed road south off Route 1112, which turns east off Route 705, 0.2 mile to D. E. o in Roanoke County, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, view the ground ,and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such road shall be as proposed, 'case, have to be taken and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any seminary of learning ithout the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road will be of such mere pri- o vate convenience as to make it proper that said road should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. He shall also assess and report what damages, if any, the landowners are entitled to and accompan his report with a plat or diagram of said road. And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State Highway Department of Virgini having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke County and provided further that a certified copy of this order certified by the Clerk of this Board shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commissioner to be served as aforesaid. And these road proceedings are continued. D On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas ~and adopted by the following, recorded vote: seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlesto ffi., 1:;1 . I I I i I I I I I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign the I' thange Orders Nos. 1 and 2 for the Vinton Branch Library as recommended and approved il " y the architects. II Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by '~he following II II II I YES: Joseph c. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. recorded vote: YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 367' . - 1/ ""'.'-..,'.' .... ..:~t~~~2';~<.;~ : :,~t~. ~,' "',;" ,,: ':~ ,,' '\rii!' .,1 ,,'of ~'t~~}~~~;:t'(Y.f'1:r1~ flIT,. . ;.z.....~~..-.......<:}.~l!~)"~1~.1,,''"'' ...~....'~,.;;. 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' ,. ~- ~" ,,,,,.b, _' ~_', , K.,...-..::",:'e\_ .t', ~:O; ~ .: .fM':~;&~~"~..;~}~1~f::,.~ii~:~.~<:.. ..::~~:!:;fir:~~~~~~f~i[~%:f~:;:;?(~J1~~,i~{~~~".. / I I I o o o o ~"r ...... i" 7/9/69 371 ......."'....~. _....-.--~..._--~~--_..- - .....-.-........-..- ----._-" " I, ~and ~he unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the following items were this day II and filed: Chairman's Report dated July 7, 1969, with the following attac~~ents - vtetter from the City of Roanoke dated 6/19/69, re: Consolidation vLetter and Resolution from City of Roanoke, dated July 1, 1969, re: Brushy Mountain Landfill ,Letter and Resolution from City of Salem, dated June 25, 1969, ~e: Consolidatio ~esolution from the League of Women Voters - re: Consolidation vLetter from TAP Director,' dated 6/3/69, re: Appointment of E. Cabell Brand to . TAP Board of Directors VLetter from Norfolk & Western Railway - Re:Passenger Service. 1 'tetter from Appalachian Power Co., dated 6/6/69 - re: Airport Zoning Restrictio ~etter and Resolution from the Roanoke Bar Association dated 6/17/69, re: Consolidation v Letter and Resolution from Roanoke Academy of Medicine, dated 6/12/69, re: Consolidation VLetter from City of Salem, dated 6/10/69, re: Civic Center emergency lightir~. vLetter - re: Rural Affairs Study Commission hearings. vLetter from M. S. Thomas, re: Killing of Farm Animals. .;Letter to Members of the Building Code Committee dated 6/27/69 expressing appreciation for their service (sample)- from Chairman of the Board vCopy of letter to Paul N. Dooley, dated 6/27/69 congratulating him on re- appointment to Recreation Board for 4 year term, from Chairman vCopy of letter to Harold A. Dickerson, re: appointment as Roanoke County's representative to Civil Defense Construction and Housing Plan, dated 6/27/69 (from Chairman of Board) vCopy of letter to Honorable Richard H. Poff, re: Hershberger Road dated 6/27/69 from Chairman of Board v Copy of letter of intent to Roanoke Valley Regional Mental Health Services , Board dated 6/27/69 from Chairman of t~e Board of Supervisors vCopy of letter to !tlss Betty Adams dated 6/12/69 accepting with regret her resignation from Recreation Board & expressing appreciation for her service (from Chairman of Board of Supervisors) v Copy of letter to Mr. M. M. Sutherland, Director, Department of Conservation , and Economic Development dated 7/7/69 from Chairman of Board re: appointment of Mr. James A. Beavers as Roanoke County's representative to James River Basin Advisory Committee. v Copy of letter to ~~. James A. Be~vers, re: appointment to James River Basin Advisory Committee & enclosing copies of all correspondence received to date regarding this Committee , n /Letters dated 7/7/69 from Chairman of Board of Supervisors to Roanoke Academy , Ii of Medicine, ~~. Morton Honeyman (Roanoke Bar Association) and Mrs. E. R.i Ii Albergotti (League of Women Voters) - acknowledging correspondence and i ~: resolutions re: Consolidation. Appalachian Power Co. ' ,'Letter to ~~. J. R. Davenport (copy}/from Chairman of Board'dated 7/7/69 ~ acknowledging letter of 6/6769 re height restrictions and proposed ~ rezoning around Woodrum Field II: VCopy of letter to Mr. & !~s. B. R. Howell, Rte. 6, Roanoke, re: dogs running J at large in subdivisions (Roanoke County Dog Ordinance) from Chairman i of Board J' vCopy of letter from Chairman of Board to !,~. R. C. Hodges dated 7/7/69 re: , Consolidation il ~V. P. I. Extension Agents' Reports for June 1969(Lowell M. Gobble & Robert E. 'I , Layman - Agriculture) & (Jean Robbins & Bonnie J. Webster - Home EconouUcls) "Letter Dated June 23, 1969, from Division of State Planning and Community Affairs il I in re: final delineation of Virginia's planning districts 'i 1CoPY of letter dated 6/23/69 to Mr. James A. Beavers, Executive Director, Roanoke ,1 J' County Public Service Authority from Department of Conservation & Economif , Development reference Mr. Beavers appointment to James River Basin il : Advisory Committee : i Resolution of City Council of Roanoke in re: proposed City landfill site on [I ~ Brushy Mountain (dated 6/16/69) :1 vrtetter dated 6/26/69 from City of Roanoke acknowledging receipt of the Board's i ~ resolution in re: amendment of sewage treatment contract 'I ~1969-70 Final Allocations for Interstate and Rural Primary Construction I JI!",COPY of Court order dated 6/21/69 in re: hearing before a three-judge court and ',I i State Compensation Board about salaries for Sheriff's department. :1 -{Letter dated 6/20/69 from State Air Pollution Control Board in l'e: approval of ;, ~ County's Air Pollution Control Ordinance I 1 Treasurer's Report, as follows: " 1, Ii ii I Iii !; 'I :1 :j Ii TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ;: . ~At the close of business June 30, 1969, there was to the credit of the following: II General Revenue Fund - Available Cash $ 6$5,623.15 "I Dog Fund - Available Cash 13,912.03 i School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash 30,375.70 " I': School Textbook Fund - Available Cash 10,054.15 ,I School Construction Fund - Available Cash 143,375.35 :' Data Processing Fund. 404.20 il Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash 35,715.21 I: Parks &. Recreation - Available Cash 43, $96.30 ~Library Construction - Available Cash 4Q,676.$5 !IF.I.C.A. 29,113.71 Ii Retirement Fund - Available Cash 2,767.10 Deferred Credit Account 97.02 ~ 1,042,010.82 On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms II receiv+ I I I 372 7/9/69 _ .. __ . __+-'_.--""-=,,,-=',;;-~"-"'~"';:::=''--='';'..._~'..:=':'':' -,.:;-_-c~..:'~.%'=,;",;",,;,;,;=-...,,:.:="'~=c;:o.-"," -, -..., Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow $1,731,000.00 Bank of Salem Escrow $3,248,000.00 Bank of Salem - Federal Programs Fund Bank of Salem - Textbook Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Public Building Bond Account Colonial-American National Bank $ 2,000.00 90,178.36 g80 , 711. 56 35,715.21 10,054.15 5,305.54 360.00 12.686.00 ~ 1,042,010.82 'II'-~ I .. ,...,.~~.,=__==,="-,---=-.~-__,"""""""""'='.-C,"c~~~,,,,=,,"_-_=~=-=_",,,-,~0,",'- Financial Statement I I Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Salem Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank $ 400,000.00 400,000.00 100,000.00 600,000.00 $ 1,500,000.00 I Certificates of Deposit - Librarv Construction First National Exchange Bank Respectfully submitted, (signed) James E. Peters James E. Peters, Treasurer Roanoke County $ 900,000.00 i' l $ 375,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 350.000.00 550,000.00 I Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation ,Mountain Trust Bank Certificates of Deposit - Savings - General Revenue First National Exchange Bank Bank of Salem On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the Board resolved into a committ of the whole to consider privileged matters. After a brief absence the Supervisors returned to the Courtroom, dissolved the I I committee of the whole and resumed the meeting in open session on motion of Supervis r A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote: 1,1 , I ~:m I NAYS: None. ,I r [ I I II II 11 ~ iI ~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following i,[I' !recorded vote: 'I [, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.!I ii I! II I' I IN RE: APPLICATION OF O. L. ASBURRY FOR PERMISSION TO RENEW LICENSE FOR OPERATION OF AN AUTOMOBILE GRAVEYARD ON OLD mUNTAIN ROAD, N. E. I I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Mr. Asburry's , Ithat he be instructed to clean up request be denied and his property and bring it up to the standards of the State Health Department. Joseph C. Thomas, Osterhoudt. , None. 375 .~~,--~ ....-.-.. -,.--.---- ---...-..' Courthouse Salem, Virginia July 23, 1969 7:30 P. M. ] 'I 'I I, Ii Ii " Ii v' I i I i I II i r1 u The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Wednesday, and the second regular meeting of the :nonth. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas, and Lee B. Eddy. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and the !.:sistant o County Engineer, ~~urice ~litchell were also present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Mr. Roy B. Miller, minister to the Church of Christ in Salem, who offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by the Chairman. I I i I , , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms I ,'and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors the minutes of the July 9, 1969, meeting 11 V' were approved as spread, each member having received copies mailed to him by the cletk. ~ o IN RE: REZONING OF STRIPS OF LAND EXTENDING FROM U. S. ROUTE 221 IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, CMNED OR UNDER OPI'ION BY NICK- OR-MACK STORES CO., INCORPORATED RESOLUl'ION AND Ofu}~ containing 2 acres or more, from Residential R-l District to Business B-1 District. ~~EAS the Board at its meeting on ~~y 27, 1969, referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendation; ~~S, the Planning Commission at a meeting held July 15, 1969, after due the law, fully considered the Petition , , , !\ 'I 11 II !I o , ~notice and publication in accordance with 'i ! and has ~ rezoned " " i: ii I: July 23, 1969; " I: Ii I, tion, Ii ~ 1969, Ii " I, reported to this Board its recommendation that the properGY in question be WHEREAS at the conclusion of the ! "q,,; :1~+l ~ . !~~P~ , ,. II I corpora-i~ 2~, "fZ" "~ :0 9P, 23, 1969, and a full opportunity ,.~~~. I \ to express their views concerning the proposa~~ public hearing and after full consideration " from Residential R-l District to Business B-1 District. WHEREAS, the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's meeting on WHEREAS it appears from the certificate of the publisher, Times-World n,',' Q that noti~e of the pUblic hearing cO be held to consider this matter on July was duly ~~blished in accordance with law; WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held on July i! 'I was accorded to all interested parties II II 11 ~ Ii of I ~recommended by the Planning Commission would promote the public interest, " 'I and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS all the requirements of law have been complied with and the property I , , " " " prosperity'l 'I " the matter, this Board is of the opinion that the change in classification 376 7/23/69 +". ==-,-_.::~.,,"_;;...==~___' .=-==o.=_."-."-=-......;o.:::-~-:~"'.::....-_..=-::.'==-.-=~.:.-~...-._ ..:~ '_:';'-:"'_~:___~ __~_..'"....=":.,""'~_,._ ,..'_" __., -..c __'-''''- .'--'-."'_-_-..;.,.:;;:.,'''"''.~ -;=C'-"'~'""="''''''-''''~-'',=' _ __,'"=="",......:~~._-=--~_...,.~...,,:_...,_."'".:="~~."'-.,.,.-'~_.-,. .~,~.,__~.,'".._~:.;."7___."" "--"-'-...,.--_"",-_=,,:,.~,~:-:._~-."_=.,,-~ :='",,,,-...,-.=""" ';"_""",..-.=,,,-..,.,~=.,_:_;;;_~,,",,,-.,.,__,.,_-=-_-=~-=- should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED A~rn ORDERED that the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County adopted April 1$, 1960, .LS amended, be and they hereby are further amended to reclassify and rezone from Residential R-I District to Business B-1 District strips of land extending from U. S. Route 221 in the Cave Springs Magisteri, 1 District of Roanoke County, Virginia, which have been recommended for such rezoning by the Roanoke County Planning Commission and which are more particularly described as follows: PARCEL A - BEGINNING at an iron pin on the southeasterly side of U. S. Route 221 at the northeast corner of the property belonging to Mick-or-Mack Stores Co., Incorporated, as set forth in that certain deed recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 661, page 541; thence leaving said beginning point and with the southeasterly side of U. S. Route 221 N. 400 59' 52# E. 246.10 feet to an iron pin; thence leaving U. S. Route 221 and in a southerly direction ~ith the line of L. C. Leffler S. 040 19' 40. W. 693.12 feet to an iron pin; thence leaving the Leffler line and in a westerly direction N.$lO 39' 44" W. 75.1$ feet to an' iron pin; thence in a southerly direction S. 040 19' 40. W. 256.60 feet to an iron pin on the northez'ly side e,f Virginia Secondary Route 6$7; thence with the northerly side of said roadway N. $60 02' 04. W. 70.$9 feet to an iron pin at the southeast corner of the adjoining property of Mick-or-~~ck Stores Co., Incorporated; thence with the line of the adjoining lands of ~lick-or-Y~ck Stores Co., Incorporated N. 040 13' 30. E. 603.97 feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 1.925 acres, more'or less, as shown on the Plat dated V~rch 14, 1969, prepared by C. B. Valcolm & Son, S.C.E.'s which is on file with the Roanoke County Planning COmmission, and which is incorporated by reference herein. PARCEL B - BEING a strip o~ land adjoining the above described Parcel A and which extends from U. S. Route 221 to Virginia Secondary Route 6$7, varying in width from approximately 70 feet where it adjoins to U. S. Route 221 to a width of 112 feet where it adjoins Virginia Secondary Route 6$7, which strip is a part of the land owned by Mick- or-l-lack Stores Co., Incorporated, and acquired by deed from Robert A. Lester and Virginia N. Lester, husband and wife, by deed dated April 3, 1961 and recorded on April 5, 1961 in the aforesaid Clerk's Office as Deed Number 1462 and which strip is shown as the property lying out- side the boundary designated UAlternate No. 2u sketched on a plat pre- pared by Eubank, Caldwell & Associates, dated July, 1960, which is on file with the Roanoke County Planning Commission, which is incorporated by reference herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be spread on the official records of the Board cf Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke , , County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roano e County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that additional certified copies '.... be sent to counsel for the petitioner herein. , , The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy of Cave Spring rl'Jagisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms of Richfield Magisterial District, and on a recorded vote ~he Supervisors voted as follows: I ~ AYES: H.] I I , :1 , , ! , I .I I' ,I " " il I' I I' Ii f' Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Osterhoudt. ,NAYS: None. I The petitioners' attorney, Talfourd Kemper appeared with regard to the foregoing matter. I I l~. T. Coleman and ~~. J. S. Franklin, Jr. also appeared. I I ito " l~. Darrell Shell, Director of Department of Parks and Recreation, appeared exl,lain that department's request for authorization to secure bids on one pickup 'truck and one comm~ial trailer, as well as the department's request for authorization I I I I I 7/23/69 377 ..._~- _. -.-.- ._-. . -;-- .-.- . - -. -~ ..-_.-...-. - ~os~c~e bids on a building for use as a restroom at No;t~:ide High School. copy of the motions passed by the Recreation Board at its July 10, 1969, A meeting; also, a letter from Darrell Shell dated July 16, 1969, addressed to Mr. Pauli i meeting i ,I Supervisors i' , , with regard to these requests is filed with the minutes of this Board of -, I -~ B. Matthews regarding the request for the pickup truck is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The following action was taken: ..... i .J IN RE: RECREATION DEPARTj,1ENT AUTHORIZED TO SECURE BIDS ON PICKUP TRUCK & TAG-ALONG TRAILER- PURCHASE TO BE APPROVED BY EXECUTIVE OFFICER I i i..... i Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors approve the Recreation Department's request to secure bids on a pickup truck and tag-along and the Board authorize purchase of the equipment as approved by ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carrip.d by the I. recorded vote: YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: AUTHORIZATION TO SECURE BIDS ON RESTROOl~ FACILITIES AT NORTHSIDE AND OTHER RECREATION DEPART1.1ENT PARK LANDS v' ] I I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors request the Recrea-! I I,tion Department and the Executive Officer and Assistant jointly to secure bids on I ~a restroom facility at Northside High School as discussed, according to the plans I 'and specifications, and an alternate based upon suggested means to reduce the initia J cost plus similar bids for restroom facilities throughout County Recreation Depart- j ~ g" . \"lj 1J1l.. ent park lands as recommended by the Recreation Director, and that such bids be i~f?" ~ i""'",,,,,, " <h. "''"c' of SUp~"o" foc ""id.c,,,,, on' ",pcon1 b.foc. ony W, ~contracts are approved. II ~ ~ ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the fOllowing:1 ~ l!recorded vote: 'I I' 1 1 : ~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. ~ ~ Osterhoudt. i ~YS: None. :1 ,I J ;: Nr. T. E. Edmondson of the Northside Athletic Boosters' Club also appeared witlt r! ~ I !!regard to the foregoing matter. :1 II [[ I: II I: II II :,1, ,. I'i ~ , I' :1 Ii A written report by the Executive Officer on matters relating to (1) estimates:) i;on the cost of restrooms at recreational areas (2) securing option on 0.92 acre trac~ .' iPf land in Cave Spring District (3) securing extension for 90-day period of an OPtio~ Ii i9n tract of land at Carriage Drive & Hackney Lane and (4) complaint of Henry l.lyers I. II ~ith regard to Route $45, was this day received and filed on motion of " , t. T. Hu'''."o,_ ,.,on',' by rupervJ.sors. I Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of , i Supervisor " I :, 'I the :, o 7/23/69 _u- _-."-:"-"o.,._.,.~,=-.""---="'."",'~~-:--,,"-~"_=,,-,-.=,, -.,-,,--o-oc_._-o~,..:.:=--_-" ,..",--,.""",.~ On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston I it is ordered that John Renick, attorney of Roanoke Virginia be, and he is hereby . by employed/this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all of the de- linquent real estate taxes due and owing upon a certain parcel of real estate, now I lying and being in the city of Salem, Virginia, formerly in the town of Salem, Virgi ia, known and designated as Lot 26, section 37 according to the Map of Salem Improvement Company located in the Town of Salem District, and which said parcel is assessed or taxation in the name of C. B. Renick the same having been sold on the 13th day of December 193$ for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and said attorney Renick is hereby authorized and empowered to ~ring any such suit in conjunction with the attorney for the city of Salem, Virginia. And as compensa- tion for this service in and about collection of ~aid taxes, it is further ordered that said attorney Renick be paid a commission of NO % of the amount of County taxes collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. I IAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston & Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston I it is ordered that E. W. Chelf, attorney of Salem, Virginia be, and he is hereby employed by this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all of the delinquent real estate taxes due and owing upon two (2) certain parcels of real estate, now lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. First Parcel - know and designated as, 1 acre Part of Gish Tract located in the Salem District, and whic said parcel is assessed for taxation in the name of B. O. Amos the same having been sold on the 10th day of December 1951 for taxes due and owing thereon to the. County of Roanoke, Virginia. Second Parcel - of real estate known and designated as 4 Acres Mason Creek located in the Salem District, and which said parcel is assessed for taxation in the ,name of Samuel Moore the same having been sold on the 11th day of December, 1939 for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of aoanoke, Virginia. And as compensation Ii I r for his services in and about collecting said taxes, it is further ordered that said I' attorney Chelf be paid a commission of N~~ of the amount of County taxes collected I r' Ii " j YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.II II " iby him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. I Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Ii [, " Ii On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston! 'I , it i3 ordered that Harlin Perrine, attorney of Salem, Virginia, be and he is herebY!1 " ,emVloyed by this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting a 'I ~hancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all of 7/23/69 379 -.-.... _,'~___'h_ ___ ___._.._ ___._._ ______;.' Ithe delinqUe~t , real estate taxes due and owing upon two (2) certain parcels of real estate, now lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. First parcel: known and designated as W. R. Richardson MP-l, section 2, .53 acreage, lots 10 & 11 ._, ,located in the Big Lick District, and which said parcel is assessed for taxation in i : \,/ the name of J. Cook Adams the same having been sold on the 11th day of December 19611 ~ hq for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. :i '11~ J;:' ~; Second Parcel of Real estate known and said in the Salem District, and which/parcel is designated as: McAdam Road Map located assessed for taxation in the name of ! ! --' H. R. Agnor, the same having been sold on the 10th day of December 1951 for taxes by him ~ rYES: II 'NAYS: t\, i) 'his services in and about collection said taxes, it is further ordered that said ! ~~~;JI attorney Perrine be paid a commission of NO% of the amount of County taxes collectedl ~~ I i Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.I I! il Ii i i ! from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. due and oWhg thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. And as compensation for Osterhoudt. None. J On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that James Reed, attorney of Vinton, Virginia, be and he is hereby employed by this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting a 'Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all of I the delinquent real estate taxes due and owing upon two (2) certain parcels of real I estate, now lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. First i Iknown and designated as: Lots 13, 14 & 22 Hemlock Dell located in the land which said parcel is assessed for taxation in the name of H. L. Francis the "same having been sold on the 14th day of December 1936 for taxes due and owing Ito the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Ii Second Parcel of real estate known and designated as: !located in the Salem District, and which said parcel is assessed for taxation in II lithe name of C. T. Ware, the same having been sold on the 14th day of December 1936 " ~ :1 Ii for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. And as compens~.:'1 !i i ~tion for his services in and about collection said taxes, it is further ordered . ~ that said attorney Reed be paid a commission of NO'''; of the amount of County taxes :[ " I i: collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. :1 II 'I 11 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, 1. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.'I , I Ii Osterhoudt.i [I Ii I NAYS: None. I! " II I, I: .I J o i' :! On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, i!it i8 ordered that John Lampros, attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, be and he is / j' !Ihereby employed by this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting Ii i!a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all ~Of the delinquent real estate taxes due and owing upon two (2) certain parcels of Ii 380 7/23/69 ==,=="'=-=O=--""=""-='O--';'O;"':.:=-,"....=....-=-~.'-"...:..;..-:..;...c.=--=-,~~'-'~_-::...;.;:...o~-,,-.oo-'--....c.;..:.......;..:'--:.CO:"':"'........_' -'---~-e~: :~:-~:e~ n~~'-l~in~. ::d "b~in:~~~:he-~:oun:~_.-:':"~::::-~~ '~:::::-i-: ~---':~~s~ ':a:ce1 known and designated as: Lot near Hollins located in the Salem District, and which said pa~cel is assessed for taxation in the name of Ralph Anderson the same having been sold on the 12th day of December 193$ for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Second Parcel of real estate known and designated as: .21 acreage Fort Lewis I Mountain located in the Salem District, and which said parcel is assessed for taxa- tion in the name of Silas D. & Inez Collins, the same having been sold on the 12th day of December 1964 for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roanoke, c ,~"".=_...~'-"'-".=-~=:""_.:.;;..,.-=-....:.,,=.~..;: '" I t'" i<<' I Virginia. And as compensation for his services in and about collection said taxes, it is further ordered that said attorney Lampros be paid a commission of NO% of the amount of County taxes collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H Ost erhoudt . I I NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl SiL~"S, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston ,/' it is ordered that John Renick, attorney of Roanoke, Virginia, be and he is hereby employed by this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all of the delinquent real estate taxes due and owing upon four (4) certain parcels of real estate, now lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. First Parcel known and designated as: Lot 1, section $ ~tt. Vernon Hts. located in the Cave Spring District, and which said parcel is assessed for taxation in the name of Mt. Vernon Land Co., Inc. the same having been sold on the 10th day of December 1951 fo taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. Second Parcel of real estate known and designated as: Lot 2, section $ Mt. I Vernon Hts. located in the Cave Spring District, and which said parcel is assessed for taxation in the name of Mt. Vernon Land Co., Inc., the same having been sold onl I the 14th day of December 1959 for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roan~ke, Virginia. ~ Third Parcel of real estate known and designated as: Lot 35, section 12 Mt. il Vernon Hts. located in the Cave Spring District, and which said parcel is assessed ~ I I for taxation in the name of Mt. Vernon Land Co., Inc., the same having been sold on~ ~ the 10th day of December 1945 for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roan~:ike, I Virginia. II il Fourth Parcel of real estate known and designated as: Lot 25, section 5 Mt. ~ I !I Vernon Hgts. located in the Cave Spring District, and which said parcel is assessed II !i ~I for taxation in the name of I,jt. Vernon L,and Co., Inc., the same having been sold on " :j !1 the 13th day of December 194$ for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of " , I Roanoke, Virginia. And as compensation for this service in and about collection II' said taxes, it is further ordered that said attorney Renick be paid a commission od I il ! NO% of the amount of County taxes collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid :' II real estate. ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 7/2.3/69 ..~'=-~-". .-.- -.- '_.____._ -0'- .__,_'_.__ ___.._ ____. _ __ - I ! ...J - . ~' The foregoing six (6) resolutions were adopted on the recommendation of the Icollector of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts, ~~. Nash R. Tyler. ~ U liHEREAS, the U. S. Congress has under consideration legislation to revise ~and reform the Federal Income Taxation statutes; and 'I / " WHEREAS, the Ways and Means Committee of the U. S. House of Representatives - J ~ell as to other types of deductions; and V~S, such a proposal would I lof local and state government; and WHEREAS, such a change in the wholly or partially remove the tax exempt I I statu tax exempt status would cause (1) an increase in the interest rates of state and local government bonds and thus materially increase the cost of state and local government debt service charges; (2) an increase in stat I land local government taxes to pay their increased rates; (3) an unsettling of the bond market by causing greater competition for the investors monies thus, again increasing interest rates on state and local government bond issues; and (4) would operate contrary to~her national policies aimed at containing inflation and improv- ing Federal-State-Local relationships. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Supervisors of the County of o oanoke, Virginia does hereby oppose the proposal before the U. S. Congress, the U. IIHouse of Representatives, and the U. S. Senate, respectively, to change the status IOf state and local government bonds, duly issued, to permit the taxation by any gove n- ~ent of the interest earned on such bonds either partially or wholly. I I' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to both I U. S. Senators from Virginia and to the Congressman from the District of which this ICounty is a part and Congressman Wilber ~lills, Chairman, Ways and ~reans Committee, , I Iu. S. House of Repre&~ntatives. II On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, se~onded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, Ifdopted by the following recorded vote: I~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. I II Osterhoudt. I FAYS: None. I I II II ,i liIN RE: !i Ii i' IPivil Defense Office and that we participate in a civil defense exercise with the ~ther officials of Roanoke County and that the Chairman of the Board be authorized ~o convey this approval to the appropriate Civil Defense Office. I, ,. ~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- tng recorded vote: ~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. ~. Osterhoudt. ~~AYS: None. il CIVIL DEFENSE EXERCISE SPRING 1970 / [J ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this Board concur in the suggestion of the ~~ ,~~ .~ . <-.. ,".' '"',-,.._....~.,-' 'c._."",'" 382 7/23/69 ~._--_._"_., ,~ - _,'~""-'~=-:-"'.-~'-===----=","=---=.-~----=-=~"'-, .-.- -=__-~"--==o-,-====,'~'_-=,,",=,~=-----~,-,--------::=-=__,,,,- The Commonwealth's Attorney referred to section 5$-266.6 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, in advising them that the Board of Supervisors of Roano , County could not appoint a license inspector. The following action was then taken: IN RE: LICENSE INSPECTION I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors request / the Commissioner of tte Revenue to take steps to see that licensing of business is properly enforced. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H Csterhoudt. NAYS: None. A letter dated July 2, 1969, addressed to Mr. Paul B. ~atthews from WilliaL\ I J. Paxton, Jr., Salem City Manager, asking that the Board of Supervisors appropriat v their share of the cost of emergency lighting planning for the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, was this day laid before the Board. Mr. Paxton's letter stated that Sowers, Rodes & Whitescarver informed him the total cost would not exceed $500. The following action was taken: I ( IN RE: ENERGENCY LIGHTING PLANNING SALEN-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorize the expenditure of up to $250 as their proportionate share of the cost of emergency lighting planning for the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center. Supervisor L. Earl Sirruns seconded the mc~ion which carried by the follow- I, ~ H.I ~ I I I ing recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. .I IN RE: , , II Ii APPOINTI\IENTS TO BOARD OF ADJUSTl.lENTS AND APPEALS :1 'I Pursuant to Chapter 1, Section 111 of the Southern Standard Building Code, ~ ,I of 196$, adopted by the Roanoke County Board of Super- it I "The Roanoke County Building Code Ordinance" to I, :! " the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors announced ~ " II and Appeals: iI I William P. ~~unfield, Route 2 Salem, Virginia Architect) ) 3 year term 7/23/69 383 ..-_...~. . -=-- ---- - ~ .--- </ Samuel L. Lionberger, Jr. General Contractor 4440 Fontaine Drive, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia E. J. Miller, Builder 5040 Gatewood Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia ) ) ) 2 year term ) ) ) 2 year term ) ) ) 1 year term ) ) ) ) 1 year term o Lester K. Stover, Jr., Builder 5535 McVitty Road, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia ~ Charles L. Ray, Jr. Electrical Contractor Route 2, Box 207-Q Roanoke, Virginia r-! I t I , .... IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF PAUL N. DOOLEY TO RECREATION BOARD .,. A review of the ordinance pertaining to the Roanoke County Recreation Board revealed that terms of office are for three (3) years; accordingly, the following I action was year term: taken reference the recent appointment of V~. Paul N. Dooley for a four ~, W Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the appointment of J~. Paul Dooley to ,tre Roanoke County Recreation Board for a period of four (4) years be amended reducing his term of office to a term of three (3) years. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ! fi o The Amendment to the General Appropriation Ordinance was carried over to the ~ inext meeting (August 13, 1969) pnnding a report from the Executive Officer on the Ii $18,002 Hiscellaneous Operating Expenses. I ~ II ~ II ! On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms i r/ \ q/ ~ it is ordered that an appropriation of $10,000.00 be made tc the Salem-Roanoke I ~"~\~-\l ~Valley Civic Center for the purpose of operating and maintaining facilities. ~11 ., Ii Adopted by the following, recorded vote: ,ii " Ii AYES' " . ii II I !( Ii NAYS: None. II jJ Ii Ii Ii II " liCenter building was continued for the time being. il Ii teet, was present and recognized. Ii ~ 'I I, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~~. Winston S. Sharpley, Archi- IV I ~ II 11/ li 11 il o H. Osterhoudt. The matter of advertising for bids on additions to the Health and Welfare The following items were this day received and filed on motion of SuperVisor 384 7/23/69 ~, Earl r'" , ==_.. - ___,_,."o'~-=""'O--"='''''''-",.''--O='''_'''_'_=._-=-..:=...o.-","-:"," ~=~_ --_. ._-_=-__--="'-"~- __ ~__ ==----=.~_==::..:...._"'_.-_.. _ __ .. _ ._n _ __ ..___-=,,~.==__"""=--- --== simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded ~ Copy of letter from State Department of Welfare and Institutions in re: report on inspection of County Jail made on 7/2/69 (dated 7/14/69) v$tatement of office and travel expense incurred by Sheriff & Deputies for month of June 1969 ISummary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the County Jail during June '6 ~hairman's Report dated July 18, 1969, with the following attachments- ;Roanoke County Recreation Dept. report for June '69 .copy of letter dated 7/7/69 from Roanoke City re: Supervisors' resolu- tion extending time for response to join consolidation agreement ,aopy of letter dated 7/7/6) from City of Roanoke to City of Salem re:Salem's declining invitation to participate in consolidation referendum on basis of mail ballot vote ~opy of letter dated 7/7/69 from Roanoke City Clerk to Council's committeemen in re: meeting with Supervisors to discuss changes proposed by Roanoke City in consolidation agreement vLetter dated 7/10/69 to Chairman of BOard of Supervisors from Barry L. Hausman, General b~nager, T & H Broadcasting, Inc., Roanoke, in re: open invitation to be gueion public affairs program "Your Community Speaks" ~etter dated 7/14/69 to Chairman of Board from William A. Cook, Jr. Vice-Pres., Southwest Chapter of Va. Society of Certified Public Accountants and attached resolution endorsing Consolidation ~1emo from Roy L.Brown, Chief of Planning, Division of Water Resources, Dept. of Conservation & Economic Develpment, Richmond, Va. in re: Local Population Projections vLetter to Chairman of Board from John D. Copenhaver, Chairman, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission in re: Formation of Planning District Commission /tetter dated 7/15/69 from Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission with attachments in re: population projections jCopy of letter of 7/11/69 to Hon. Roy L. Webber, ~~yor of City of Roanok from Chairman of Board in re: receipt of Roanoke City's proposed .changes in Valley Consolidation Agreement /Copies of letters sent by Chairman of Board to J. Ken Shelton, Robert E. Smith & David McClung II, dated 7/11/69 in re: their a~pointments to Recreation Board VCopy of letter from Chairman of Board dated 7/11/69 to Robert M. Shannon, llxecutive Director, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commissio requesting population projections , fCopy of letter from Chairman of Board dated 7/18/69 to Minor Keffer requesting him to serve on 3-man committee to prepare & make presentati for Roanoke Co. before Rural Affairs Commission in Lynchburg in Sept. '6 ICopy of letter from Chairman of Board dated 7/18/69 to ~arry L. Hausman, , Gen. b~nager, T & H Broadcasting, Inc. advising of willingness to appea on radio station vCopy of letter to R. L. Stevenson dated 7/18/69 in re: problems raised by Mr. Stevenson in re to cleanliness of Carvins Creek vCopy of letter from Chairman of Board to ~~. Roy L. Brown, Chief of Planning, Div. of Water Resources, Dept. of Conservation & Economic Development transmitting cover letter & information obtained from Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission in re: population data on Roanoke Co. .copy of letter to ~~. John D. Copenhaver, Chairman, Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission with copy to A. T. HUddleston in re: invitation to attend informational meeting on the forming of planning district commissions vCopy of letter to William A. Cook, Jr., Vice-Pres., Southwest Chapter of Va. Society of Certified Public Accountants in re: their resolution with reference to Roanoke Valley Consolidation YES: , i II !I 'I I, II ~ I' ,I Ii II :i A letter dated July 15, 1969, to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County !I II !i ii II " All YS: None. .I IN RE: SECONDARY SYS~" ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY i I ifrom J. E. HarwOOd, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. ~apprOVing the following addition effective July 1, liADDITION of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, 1969: lpak Road - from Route 767, 0.12 mile south of Route 1488, thence Ii eastwardly 0.35 mile to dead end. I~as this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, ilSupervisor A. T. Huddleston, and the following vote: II ~YES: All IbAYS: None. i :i II i: ,I 0.35 IIIi'!1 seconded by LENGTH I I I I I 7/23/69 385 ACCOUNTS FOR PAn-lENT I as I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that bills charged to t~e General Fund be approv presented with the following exceptions: o Rothgeb, Miller & Sells - $4000 (subject to investigation by the Executive Officer) Fitzgerald & Smith - $6,846.93 and (subject to investigation and recom- Daniel A. Robinson & Assoc. - $5,750.00 (mendation by the Commonwealth's Att' ;/ Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I \,<1 \~ H'I~' Ie;;/' .K , ,/ ~~'\ H.JV I I , Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: .. J Osterhoudt. I' approved retro-active to I Board meeting. date of issuance for bills paid since the July 9, 1969, ./ >>0'/ ,,~~ I~ H.I , o On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote, checks in the total amount of $3,647.00 were AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles o I Ii NAYS: None. ,I , Ii COUNTY PAYROLLS i: On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy V " Ii and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Monthly dated 7/31/69 and I Daily/Hourly dated 7/11/69 & 7/23/69) were approved for payment in the total , I' I ! .. ! ~ amount of $54,978.40, from which the sum of $6,563.7$ 'W. H. Tax; $2,510.0$ F.I.C.A. i ~ Tax; $$$3.65 State Income Tax; $491.15 Blue Cross Insurance; $39.00 Uniforms;' ~ . , ~ 1$1,352.08 Retirement; and $40.00 ~uscellaneous Expenses is to be deducted leaving il II a net payroll of $43,09$.66. )1 iiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H"I 1'1 II Osterhoudt. II Ii lVAYS: None. '[ I'l, II ',1 I'"i II :/ i! FINANCIAL STATEl-lENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY AS OF 6/30/69 i'l 'II 'I Ii Copies of the above statement were handed the Supervisors this day and a copy 1,'1' J:. 'I I" m,d wUh Ch, mi,UC" ,r Chi, m'''i"". ,I Osterhoudt. ~ 386 7/23/69 - -- --- ... -:;:--=:".-==-'.~_-,~-,:"-,,,_'_'.o;-=,.,..,. --.~-=:=,-..=""",:=,,-,-,,=_,,,,"",-:::-_..-:,--:-=,=::.::...~==.-=,.,..,.=::c.___.~ ~ - - - ------ -- ~ - --- ---- .-- - - -- -- -==--- --~"- Supervisor A. T. Huddleston mo:~:-~~:~-:~:s--Boa:d ~a~~-~~:~~(5~ minute recess! and then resolve into a committee of the whole to discuss personnel matters. Ii Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following vot+: ~:m l II NAYS: None. liter an hour and one-half in executive session the Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and dissolved the committee of the whole and resumed the meeting in , open session on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote: YES : All AYS: None. .; IN RE: OPTION FOR SALE OF 25 ACRES OF LAND BELONGING TO FAIRVIEVI HONE IN PULASKI COUNTY Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that this Board of Supervisors approve the givin an option for the sale of approximately 25 acres of lanci to the School Board of ulaski County at a price not to be less than $1000 per acre, said property to be hat held by the Fairview Home in Pulaski County and any monies derived therefrom o be used by the Fairview Home. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following ecorded vote: YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Osterhoudt YS: None. I Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. \ I II I, II Supervisor Joseph C. Thol;:aS lnoved that this Board de,de;nate Mr. E. Cabell Brand il s the Roanoke County-Salem representative to the TAP Board of Directors of the 'I I oanoke Valley for a term ending June 30, 1970, subject t.<; the concurrence of the ! ouncil of the City of Salem. ! , 11 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recor ,ed ote: i " 'I YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. II il I' ~ :1 N RE: RE-APPOINTl,lENT OF E. CABELL BRAND AS ROANOKE COUNTY-SAWl REPRESEKTATIVE TO TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Osterhoudt. AYS: ~ ! None. CONSOLIDATION TALKS DEADLII~ RESCINDED of Su~ervisors of Roanoke County the deadline on consolidation talks with the Town of Vinton and City of heretofore established as July 23, 1969. I I I I I . M~_=::"':';"';:~:; '-~"-+=== T , Courthouse Salem, Virginia August 13, 1969 2:00 P. M. The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Cour1;house in v' Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the second Wednesday, and the first regular meeting of the IlOnth. Members Present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. HUddleston, Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms. Members Absent: Joseph C. Thomas. Neither the Commonwealth's Attorney nor his A.ssistant were pre- sent. The County BIlgineer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell were ~~. I I The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Leroy j eddle, Central Church of the Brethren, who offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by the Chairman. The lllinutes of the July 23, 1969 meeting were approved as spread, on ./ motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following vote: ADS: All BAYS: Rone. I ABSEIlT: Joseph C. Thomas. Attorney lames M. Roe, Jr. appeared berore the Board this day to represent the Roanoke ,&.ero Guidance Society in the rollowing matter. DT RB: RBQtlEST OF ROA!IOD AERO GUIDANCE SOCIETY lOR PBRMISSION 'l'O OPERA'l'B RADIO CONTROLLED JIDTIlTURB AIRCRAFT ON PORTION OF ALBERT FARM IN ROANOKE COUNTY. ,; Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors rerer the i i I radio controlled miniature aircraft on a portion of the Albert Farm in Roanoke ~ County to the Roanoke County Pla"ning Commission for their recommendation. II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the fOllowt ii " II Ii il 'I 'I ij 'I " I' !i " :1 ,; 'I request of the Roanoke Aero Guidance Society for a special use p8l'lllit to operate I ing vote: BAYS: None. I AYES: 111 BSElIT : Joseph C. Thomas. DT RB: REPORTS BY JAMBS A. BEAVERS REFERENCE ,/ (1) ROANOKE CO. PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY ACTIVITIES - JULY 1969 v (2) .IDlES RIVER BASIN ADVISORr COMMI'l"l'EE MEETING 6/26/69 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that foregoing two (2) reports be received 'and fUed. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by oua vote of the Supervisors in attendance, Supervisor Thomas being absent. a/13/69 389 ---- . -~=-,.- -".-. ----.- -'-"--+~.';i- _...,- - ," ____... u_=___ ____~_.....+_ ~ IlUB: i REQUEST OF HENRY MIERS FOR BlTBHSIOH OF RTB. l!45 1 ,..) Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the County Executive Officer's letter (co ) of August 5, 1969, to Mr. Henry Myers advisiDg him that under the policy establi~e / by the State Highway CoDlDlission, Route l!45 does not meet the miDimum requirements and therefore would not be eligible for acceptance as an addition to the Secondary System ot Highways, be received and filed. ij Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following " ~ lj vote: ~ AIBS: III ....J , I HAYS: None. IIA~: Joseph C. Thomas. BnL FROM RO'l'HGEB~. )n'T.T.1l:Il, & SELLS IN 'rHB IJI)tIB'l' OF .,.,000 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the bill from Rothgeb, H:l.ller, and Ii Sells in the amount of $4,000.00 be approved for payment (this item carried over from the July 23, 1969 Board Meeting). IH RE: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the follol'ing recorded vote: ~ A!BS: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. RAYS: Hone. ABSBlIT: Joseph C. Thomas. " Dr llE: BILL FROM FI'J.'ZGJR'T.n AND SMITH IN AH)t1N'r OF $6,l!46.93 &: III BILL FROM DIJIIBL A. ROBINSON & ASSOCIATES IN AHlUB'l' OF $5,750.00 I Supervisor Lee B. Ed!iY moved that the bill from Fitzgerald and SlII1th in 'I the amount of $6,l!46.93 and the bill from Daniel A. Robinson &: Associates in the ! 8IIIount of $5,750.00 (carried over from the July 23, 1969, Board meeting) be approv for payment. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following I '/~/:- I~ I ! i I , , I i , 'Y 10,." liJ ~ recorded vote: I AIlS: . Llle B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I HAYS: None. I I ABSBN'l': Joseph C. Thomas. il ~ ;' Ii 'I IN RE: FINAL APPROVAL OF COUNTY SIAL STICKERS il Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the tag sticker represented by using the " il year 1970 on the sides (19 on the left and 70 on the right) with the nUlllber of [I ~ the sticker between, be adopted as the form to be used tor automobile license ~ stickers for Roanoke County for the year 1970. i' !; il I: I! Ii Ii ~ II BAYS: None. \1 v !I " 10 ; Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the tollow- i ing recorded 'C te: !'I AIBS: Lee B. Eddy, L. Eairl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. :1 i I !BSE1!IT: Joseph C. Thomas. 390 \1"/ 4Y~ =.- g/13/69 IIi HE: EICHABGB OF ROlJ'l'B DESIGltlTIONS- .; Section of Rte. 625, Transferred from Secondary to PriIIary System-to be Rte 101 Section of Rte. 116, Transferred. from Primary to Secondary Syst_-to be Rte 700 A letter dated. August 7, 1969, addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors from C. F. Kelllllll, District Engineer, Va. Dept. of Highways, Salem, Virginia, with reference to approval on June 20, 1969, by the Highway Collllllission. of the above exchange of Route Designationa, was this day received and filed. on motion of SUpervisor A. T. Huddleston. seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: A!ES: All I liATS: Hone. ABSB!IT: Joseph C. Thomas. I The Chairman advised the Board that Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas requested that the matter of improvements to the Civic Center be deferred to the August 27. 1969, meeting. The County Executive Officer was requested to have available for the Board's consideration at their next meeting intormation secured. through an engineering stud ,/ made to see what can be done to improve flOOding problems in varions places in the County. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved. that the Chairman be empowered to appoint a study cOllllllittee to determine whether or not this County should make recol1lll8J1dationa concerDing the Virginia legislative progrlllll to the 1970 session of the Virginia General Assembly. SUpervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried, by following vote: A!ES: All liAIS: Hone. AllSBR'l' : Joseph C. 'l'homas. I IN BE: PUBLIC InUR'tllG ON APPLICATION OF HORPOLK &: VBSTERN RAILWAY COMPAKY FOR VART_NeE FROM S'l'A.TE BOARD RUlJi: 4 - OPEN BtlRlIIllG v Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that a copy of the State Air Pollution Control Board's letter of July 30, 1969. with regard to the above matter be forwarded to Mr. Carter Bradley and that he be requested to attend this hearing and present the . usual County views on burning on County right of way. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded. the motion which carried by the follow- ing vote: I A!ES: All I :liAIS: JrIone AR.Cl18I'l': Joseph C. Thomas. 8/13//69 o Iii HE: BISC'l'RIC TYl'EWRI'rER '1'0 BE USBD Dr BUILDIIIIG DrSPIC'l'OR'S OFFICE Supervisor Lee B, Bcldy 1II0Ved that the Board of Supervisors approve the purchase of aD electric typewriter to be used in the Builclillg Inspector's Office as requested. Supenisor L. Earl S1mms seconcied the 1II0tion which carried. by the following recorded. vote: AIlS: , Lee B. Bcldy, L. Earl Silllns, A.. '1'. Hucldleston anci Charles H. Osterhowit. IiA.YS: lione. ABSBIft': Joseph C. Thomas. a Superrisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Executive ot:ficer contact the Virgiu1a ASSociation of Counties to find out what their experience has been in other areas I with reference to counties negotiating power rates tor electricity and. report to the Board his recOllllleudation as to the best llleans to go about it. Supenisor A. T. Hud.clleston seconcied the IIIOtion which carried by the tollo Tote: "ms: All JiAYS: Hone. ABSDT: Joaeph C. 'l'hOlllU. lilt U Mr. Prank !t. Augell was preaent anci recognized.. By letter of July 22, 1969, Mr. Augell, Assessor for !toaDoke County, had requested the Board of Supervisors to fUrnish him suggested l18IIles of individuals to serve on the !teal Estate !teassesament Equalization Boarcl to be passed on to Judge Hoback. Consideration of this matter was deterrecl to the August 27, 1969 lIIeeting and. the Supervisors were urged by the ChairIIan to give the matter sOllie thought. o Dr HE: R1nIDTU, OF llOAHOD COUNTY'S JiIBMlIERSHIP IN liA.'1'IOIiA.L lSSOCIA'l'ION OF COUN'l'IIS Supervisor L. Bar1 Si.mms 1II0Ved that the County renew its lIIembership in the liational baociation of Counties for one (1) year and that the bill in the 8lIIount of $271.00 for saidlllembership be approved for payment. Supervisor Lee B. Bckly seconcied the 1II0tion which carried. by the following recorded. Tote: AIES: Lee B. Bcldy, L. Earl SiIIIms, A. '1'. Hudclleston aDd Charles H. Osterhouclt. JU.YS: None. AJlS2III'l': Joseph C. Thomas. A.IIBIDJIIRT TO GEHBIlAL APPROPRIATION OIU>INANCE On IIOtioD of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconcied by Supervisor A. T. the General Appropriation Ordinance of ROaDoke County, adopted June 18, 1969, be, and. the same is, hereby, 8IlIended as follows to become effective August 13, 1969: 395 ,- ,/ '" 396 8/13/69 "~ - ----..=~.==:--=--~~~==".-...;;..=-=--_._---.--~=- -=- . -" -~-- OPBEU.rIOB OF TIlE PUBLIC LIBRARY: An additional appropriation of $35.657.05 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period .~di"g December 31. 1969. for the function or purpose as hereiDabove indicated. 18 - KISCELL&.NBOUS 0PBRI.'l'ING FUNCTIONS An additional appropriation of $18.202.00 is hereby made from tho General Revenue Fund for the period eDding December 31. 1969. for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following. recorded vote: . , ADS: Lee B. Eddy. L. Earl S1mms. A. T. Hud.d.1eston and. Charles H. Osterhouclt. BlIS: Kone. .I.BSBIft': Joseph C. Thomas. III II: COlI'rRIBtlTIOB TO !lI;u"l-n HOUSE Supervisor A. T. Hud.d.1eBton moved that the copy of the letter from E. P. Hart. Mayor. City of Salem to the President of the Fal'llers National Bank (S. Cole all Snead. Jr.) dated July 29. 1969. with regard to/the govenllllental Ullits in the Roanoke Vall.,- contributing to the McVitty House. be received and. filed and the matter taken UD4er advisement. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: ADS: All lAYS: lone. .lBSBB'l: Josep:, C. Thomas. '!'he matter of cODSidering the County t s participation in pl_.,ni ~g Distric1; j V and. the charter therefor was deferred to the August 27. 1969. meeting of this Board. II II: ROAIfOU VALLEY RmIONAL PLlNNII<<1 COMMISIONtS BlQUBST FOR 1.PPR0PRIArION FROM RO!NOU COtlll'rY II AJl)IIB'.r OF $8.220.75 FOR FISCAL YElR 1969-70 Supervisor Lee B. Ed.dy moved that this matter be deferred until the next regular meetiDg of the Boarcl of Supervisors. and that the Executive Officer be requested to discuss with the Executive Director of the Regional PlaDDing Collllllissio the disposition of 1'unclB granted to the Rep.onal PlaDning Collllllission in the event they combine or resolve into the Fifth Pl..nnil1g Distric1; Collllllission and also ascer- tain how the other participating local gove1"lllllents are handling this problem anei report back to this Board at the next meeting. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: ADS: All BAYS: None. AllSJ9I'r: Joseph C. '!'homas. I I I I I o o c o rn -( A,f- II 8/13/69 897- '.l'h1s day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by 'this Board. to view the followiDg road and. the location thereof and. 'to make a report thereon, to-, .r wit: Old location Route 601 now Route 740 from Route 740 to 0.12 Mi. South to I Dead End. - 0.12 Mi. - Right of Way entirely within the right of way of old Route 60 now Route 740 - 40' wide, whereupon, on motion of Superrl.sor L. Earl Simms, secon4e by Superrl.sor A. T. Huclclleston, saidl!:npneer's report is approved. .ln4 it is hereby ordered that said road, as described brie1'ly above, be, I /OJ! o;.-pJ and is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary 11V: System of Righways of Roanoke County, the Board of Superrl.sors guarantee1Dg the right for dra""age; .ln4 it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be turn1 ed to the District It,,p "HI' of the State Highway Department haviDg the superrl.sion and ma1Irt8Mllce of State Secondar1 Roacis in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following recorded vote: ADS: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl S:Lmms, .I.. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. IiAYS: Rone. ABSBII'l': Joseph C. Thomas. I I I I '.l'h1s day appeared the County 1!:"g1.neer, heretofore appointed by this Board I ~ 'to view the following road and the location thereof and. to make a report thereon, to-w1't: From Route 220 West 0.02 Mi. - 0.02 Mi. - ;0 ft. &: variable right of way, Right of Way entirely within the right of way of Route 220, whereupon, on motion of Supervisor L. Earl SiJDms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, said 'Rng:lnee18 report is approved. .ln4 it is hereby ordered that said road, as described brie1'ly above, be, , and it is hereby, established as a pUblic road to become a part of the State Secondar1 Syst8111 of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board. of Superrl.sors guarantee the right for drainage; I I .ln4 it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be I furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the 1,1 superrl.aion and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. I ,i Adopted by the followiDg recorded vote: ! i AlIS: Lee B. Ecid.y, L. Earl SiJDms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. HAYS: Hone. i ABSERT: Joseph C. Thomas. I I I II II I ' , , I 'I I, ,I I' , I , I f .., '.l'h1s day appeared the County EDgineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof and to make a report thereon, to-wit: i1f V Serrl.ce Road Route 117 from Route 116 to 0.60 Mi. East to Dead End - 0.60 Mi. -- Right of Way entirely within the right of way of Route 117 - 70' wide,Nwhereupon, on IDOtion of Superrl.sor L. Earl S:Lmms, seconded by Superrl.sor A. T. Huclclleston, said It'''pneer's report is approved. 898~ 8/13/69 ~ And it is hereby ordered that said road, as described briefiy above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Seco 51st8111 of Highways of Roanoke COUDty, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeiDg the right for dra""l'gej ADd it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be fUrnis of to the District 'R"gj"eer/the State Highway Department having the superviaon and tenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke COUD'ty. Adop'ted by the following recorded voU: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddles'ton and Charles H. OS'terhoud't. IS: lone. I Joseph C. Thomas. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved tha't 'tho reques't of 'the C~ssioner of the evenue for appronl 'to purchase two (2) cabinets for the s'torage of IBM cards be gran'ted. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded thEI motion which carried by the following ecorded vo'te: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. OS'terhoudt. ~. I : Joseph C. Thomas. I A Copy of a letter dated 8/4/69 fro. the Compensation Board to the Commisaion8r f the Revenue approviDg an allowance of $442 to cover the cost of two card cabinet subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, is filed with the minutes of hi. meeting. I ): I I ~ This day came Branch &: Associates, Inc., and T. R. Leslie, by counsel, and I~ !I ' equested leave 'to file their Petition relative to rezoning the property described II erein, which reques't is granted and said Petition is hereby filed. III lion motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby 0RDEIlED that said 'l!m.oPOSal 'to amend the Roanoke COUDty Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said Peti- II r- II Ifion, be, and. the same is hereby referred to the PlanniDg COIIIIIission of Roanoke Ii I~OUDty for a reco_endation, in accordance with the provisiOns of the 1950 Code of il I~irginia, as amended, and. when said PlanniDg Commission shall have reported its II fecOlllRendation 'to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Boak r II .i 1 f'orthwith set the same down for a public heariDg at the next permissible il ii egular or special Ilee'ting of' this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by II ~'.~ rirgiDia. ill t' ~ il It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED 'that one certified copy of' this Resolu'tionl Q, ~ Order be f'orthwi'th dell~ered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary ot th eil tlA"""'1g Commission of Roanoke,CoUDty, Virgizlia, and one certified copy to the II lttorney tor the Petitioners. ' ~ RBZOHIBG PROPERTY SIT11A'l'E ON TIlE BAST SIDI OF VIRGINIA STAB SECOIIlARI ROurB 1419 (STAllXBY ROAD) ) ) ) ) ORDER I I II I I I I 8/13/69 399 J The above aesolution end Order was adopted on motion ot Supervisor I.. T. HucicIleston and seconc:led b,. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as tollows, to-wit: !BAS: I.ll BYS: Rone ~: Joseph C. ThOlllaS ] On JD01;ion ot Superv1sor I.. T. Huddleston, seconded b1 Supervisor L. Earl S:lJIma, and the lm,ni1ll()US vote ot the Supervisors present (Supervisor Thomas be1Dg absent), the tollowing it8lllS were this da1 received end tiled: /Letter ot 7/28/69 trom lU.chard H. Pott acknowledgiDg receipt ot Board's resolution re: taxation ot income trom IIIUJlicipal bonds; VLetter ot 7/28/69 trom Willip B. Spong, Jr. acknowledgiDg receipt ot Board's resolution re: taxation ot income trom IIIlID1cipal bonds; . oILetter of 7/21/69 from Edwin C. Griffith acknowlMp.ng receipt ot Board's reaolut10n in memory ot aey. Frederick Griffith; yCOPT ot letter ot 7/18/69 trom aesident Bng1neer, G. L. liobertson, >>-pt. ot Highwa1s, Salem, Va. aCknowled1ng receipt ot Board's resolution requesting speed stu~ tor Garst Mill aoad; vLetter of 7/9/69 trom City Clerk of Roanoke advising disposition ot Board's resolution expressing willingness to dOllate land in county tor site for Va. Jfu8eUIII ot Science; ~OPT ot letter trOlll Cit,. ot Roanoke to Cit1 ot Sal8111 dated 7/17/69 with attached resolution ot aoanoke Cit1 Council amending sewage contract between the two cities b1 the addition ot an 18.399 acre tract ot land in Roanoke Co.; v)nnn,l report ot the lioanoke Valley Regional p1...nni"g Collllllission for tiscal , year ended June 30, 1969; vCha1rman's written re;P.Ort ot 8/8/69 with following attachlllents _ oICoPT of letter ot 7717/69 trom Judge Hoback to Mra. Mar1 Greeson re her appointment to Welfare Board vLetter ot 7/22/69 troll Mrs. Margaret L. Malley, Supt. ot Welfare Board approving working plans for additions to Weltare Bldg. vI.etter frolll Va. Dept. ot Highwa1s, Sal8lll, Va. re: Board's request tor speeel study on GarS1; Mill ReI. v'Letter trom TAPIIialc.Dicot 7/29/69 re: receipt ot appointment ot Cabell Branc:l ./Letter ot 7/28/69 trom lU.clJarel C. Flora, Convention Coord.1llator, City of Sal8111 re: Va. State Fireman's Paraele. "'Letter troll Mrs. Gay B. Shober ot 7/21/69 re: appreciation ot cooperation given her during bond re1'erendUIII. vtetter from Mrs. Lois R. Overstreet, Postlll&ster, Bent Mountain P. O. re: invitation to dedication ot new Bent Nt. P. o. Bldg. vf.etter of 7/29/69 frolll Co. Bngr. to Supervisors re: bill of liothgeb, Miller a: Sells tor $4.,000. .cOPT of ChairlIIan's letter to Mr. Erskine White, III ot 7/29/69 re: COUI11l's participation in a civil de1'ense exercise ...coPT of letter ot 7/29/69 to Mr. Paul R. Dooley pAnoillg term on Recrea- tion Boarel ...cOPT ot letters dateel 7/29/69 to: Will. P. Hountield,Charles L. Ilay, Jr. B. J. Miller, Saamel L. Lionberger, Jr. a: Lester K. Stover, Jr. re: their appointment to the Board ot Aelju8tlllents a: Appeals (concerned w/Builcl1ng Co e) .cOPT of letter ot 8/8/69 to Va. Dept. ot Highways, Sal8lll, Va. concerJling , improvement to State Secondary syst8111 in Hollins.Qlel Fielel area "copies ot letters ot congratulations to Mr. W. Tredway Coleman and. Mrs. . Margaret a. Svoboda on their appointment to like. Co. Library Board of frnstees -..copy of letter to fJ.P Executive Director, Bristow Harcl1n, Jr. ot 8/8/69 re: regularly scheduled lIIeetings >topy ot letter to Mr. lU.clJard C. Flora, COnTention Coord1llator ot 8/8/69 re: accepting inVitation to Va. State Fireman's Paraele I v COPT ot letter ot 8/8/69 to Mrs. Gay B. Shober thAnlritlg her tor her e1'torts in the bond issue reterenclWII !Copy of letter ot 8/8/69 to Mrs. Lois R. Overstreet, Postmast~ re: dedication of new Bent Mt. P. O. Bldg. ~.{:opy of letter of 7/17/69 to WDBJ Radio re: Supervisors Report. WIIIIIarY Statement of Prisoner Days served in County Jail eluring July 1969 Extension Agents reports tor July 1969 ( Jean liobbins a: BolUlie J. WebS1;er - HOllie Be.) and. (LOWe+! M. Gobble a: Robert B. Layman - Agriculture) ''l'reasurer's aeport (at spread) o o ~\, I.':~~ , ' ~ 400 ,/ 8/13/69 ... - -"".--"..- ---_._-~.:-...".:.=.=-=---,----=.,==-...::== -. --_.,-- --,-.'- - ..---= TO TBB BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BOAIOKE COll1l'l'Y: At the close of business July 31, 1969, ,there was to the credit of the followiug: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cai'eterta Fund. - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Construction FUD4 - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - .bailable Cash Fed.eral Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks &: Recreation - Available Cash F. I. C. A. Deferred Credit Account F1 n..ncial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers Rational Bank Escrow $2,400,000.00 Bank of Sal_ Escrow $3,248,000.00 Farmers Rational Bank - "ed.eral Programs FUD4 Farmers Jl'ationa1 BalIk - Textbook ,Fund. Farmers Jl'ationa1 Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers Jl'at10na1 Bank - Paying Agent Public Building Boncl. Acct. ColoDial-Amer1can National Bank Certificates of De~os1t - School Construction F8l'IIIers I'atiollal Bank XountaiD TnR BalIk Security Rational Bank C_..t:1 ficates of DellOsit - Librarv Cl'nstruction I'1rst Rational :SX..nal'1ge Bank Certif1cates of DellOsit - Parks &:Recreation Ji:l1mtain 'l'rust BalIk Certit~C.iltes of DellOsit - SaviIll!:s BaDk ot Salsa Respecttully submitt.ed., /s/ James E. Peters G James E. Peters, Treasurer Roanoke County $ 573,615.19 12,734.84- 29,368.53 6,244.15 469,799.64 771.70 40,618.90 42,297.39 .45 97.0'1 -, 1,175,547.8'6 . 2,000.00 1,055,970.10 47,363.17 40,618.90 6,244.15 5,305.54 350.00 lZ.686.QQ -. 1,175,S47.86 $ 300,000.00 100,000.00 600.000.00 , ~,ooo,ooo.(j'O $ 900,000.00 . 375,000.00 . 200,,000.00 On motion ot Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded. by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following recorded. Tote, bills in the total 8III0unt of $86,640.74 charg to the General Fund were approved. tor pa1lllent. AlES: Lee B. E<ldy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. BAYS: Hone. ABSEHT: Joseph C. Thomas. ~ '" On IIOt1on of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconcl.ed. by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following recorded vote, bills in the total 8III0unt of $223.49 charged to the Dog Fund were approved for pa1lllent. I AlES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. :1 ~ II i i flAYS: Hone. ABSZIlT: Joseph C. Thomas I I I I I 8/13/69 401 -'~. ! On lIO~ion ot SUpervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eclciy, ::aDd the tollowing recorded vote, checks in the ~otal aJIIount ot $267,230.99 were approved retro-active to date ot issuance tor bills paid since the last Board meet- ~ .J ing. ADS: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddles~on and Charles H. Osterhoudt. IU.YS: None. ABSB!IT: Joseph C. Thomas. 'I U On motion ot Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Bcl.dy, and the tollowing recorded vote, the Coun~y Payrolls (Daily/Hourly daUd 7/31/69, 4/1/69, 8/4/69, 8/6/69 and 8/12/69) were approved tor payment in ~he total aJIIOunt ot $29,545.62, troll which ~he sum ot $3,555.73 W. H. Tax; $1,404.22 F. I. C. A. '1'ax; $401.81. State Income '1'ax; $297.50 Blue Cross Insurance; $12.25 Uniforms; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $44.64 Retirement and $20.00 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll ot $23,790.44. ADS: Lee B. Ecldy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. IlU.YS: None. ./ lBSB\ll'l': Joseph C. Thomas. On IIOtion ot Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms .; the Treasurer's Settlement ot Accounts for year enciiDg 6/30/69 was received and ~ filed on the ......n11110US vote ot the Supervisors present. At 4:20 P. M. ~he Board of Supervisors resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss priYileged matters on mo~ion of Supervisor .... T. Huddleston, seconded 1 SUpervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: All IS: None. . . Joseph C. Thomas n u ~ The oolllllli.ttee of the whole was dissolved and the Board meeting resumed in ~pen session at 5:55 P. M., on motion of Supervisor .... T. Huddleston, seconded by I tUPervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: DS: ...11 None. ~' ..:,fh . Joseph C. Thomas. II It ~' \IoQ/ ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors request of the Ib \\~l ~ ~anoke County Electoral Board a report concerning the personnel requirements of the - ,I .' County Registrar's Office to be rendered as soon as possible and no later than beptember 10, 1969, and further that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors write ~ he Chairman of the Electoral Board requesting his prompt compliance with this equest. 402 " 8/13/69 _==--=.o,=,...:~""=~~-.:...-=-,--c.-,-"".,",~,,=_-c:.-::=';:'..,...-, _,,=""._-=--~~ 00-- _=-- ":;-_:___ - =_""-_---"'-'. - - _ ===---==O---==_===~_'-""'-_."'--~==~==---.:"""'_-==-_--=-_=--=-" ~,_'=,_~."''-=---'-'-'-"",====--=-_.=->,"_~."=",, .. -"""'-:-.-- ,=---. -- --- =. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the 1'ollow1ng recorded vote: ADS: Lee B. Eddy, L. Barl Si.mms, A. T. Huddleston aDd Charles H. Osterhoudt. JiAYS: None. .tR.<lBllT: Joseph C. Thomas I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Executive 01'1'icer be directed to take the necesaary steps to exercise the option on a tract 01' land in the Cave Spring area 1'or use as a 1'ire station aDd that he obtain bids 1'or the construction 01' additions to the 1'ire station in Hollins aDd that he obtain preliMi"~~ drawings and estimates 01' a proposed 1'ire station in the C8:ve Spring area. Supervisor L. Earl Si.mms seconded the motion which carried by the 1'ollow1ng recorded vote: I ADS: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. JiAYS: None. I.BSBNT: Joseph C. Thomas. IN liE: IlETERS CREEK IllTERCEPl'OR LINE Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Chairman be directed to write ,/ the Mayor 01' the City 01' Roanoke respect1'ully requesting that the City 01' Roanoke give prompt response to the request 01' this Board that the City 01' Roanoke permit the Roanoke County Public Service Authority to build a line 1'or the Peters Creek interceptor inside the limits 01' the City 01' Roanoke without transferring the owner ship 01' the said lines to the City 01' Roanoke. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recordecl vote: ADS: Lee B. Bddy, L. Earl Si.mms, A. T. Huddleston aDd Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ~: Joseph C. Thomas. I I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that. t.he Board of Supervisors 01' Roanoke ,/ County designate TueSday, September 9, 1969, at 7:30 P. M. at the Salem Roanoke Valley Civic Center as the time aDd place for a special meeting 01' this Board at which time will be held a joint public hearing by the Planning Commission of t.he County of Roanoke and the Board of Supervisors on the application of the City of Roanoke for a use permit for a landfill in Roanoke County. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the follonng recorded vote: I DS: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston aDd Charles H. Osterhoudt YS: . . None. Joseph C. Thomas ~ 8/13/69 403 ~-,.. ._ __n__.~"~____~~___~~,,-~~::~~-::: ,~c~~~_~~.o~::~~,..~~~c:~~:~_.""",,-.~_-_~:o.~~--"_:~=='-=...:::~~~_.:~~~=-..:~- - - ..'____ It ~ , i ,.... III' ~ , .. . 5 6' 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS 16 1._ 17 ,18 ,- 19 ,0 21 Z2 23 ,. ,S '6 Z7 28 Z9 30 31 3,1 , 331 341 35 36 3; 38 39 40 411 ; 4 I !! , ~ ! IT 'I " ~ " n ~ o o 47 I ' : . 1..~r1~'u I A: ' 2 3 . : : , , 5 6 7 , 9 10 , ; . . ! -~ "- ~ . ,.t..: .', i . ; ~_. .: 1 _ ,. -. + , _.~ ; .. .. ," .-~ I, , +-------t---.-.-'-...I- ,f ~ II I, I , , i..1 ' II : ,I I .j .~.J. ..f2,. (.G> r "pk ~j :: j . .' ~ f .1. I I, I 15 ! I , : 1 ,'~' , : : ,I 16 l/.#..lP;o:,,;.;o Il!. ' _l._, L-_i.. .._ __ :/ i" I : ; i:; i Ii ~~_~'POP"Oj; .,j::-t - :' i.,; Ii ';w-;+~dp~;~ "I 1p~"~":.,,,,, :, !:.,. 'j I : ' 'I I ,I '0 ; I "61#eI.l." I I; I $7Jt"pall' ~"l: 'I' ,. :~ ~ ' . t ' . r I ..,,l,J '/"', ~ ,.tJ_. - ; : I I I! Ilq:! 123 Ii, : '" I ','~7fl.' , (q~?~IO:~i .'.:.' i I:: i I :" I I ; I::! 26 I . ',//, .';;U~."'~ I,.~ ,',' 'i , 7 -/,' i' I '27 , r . , : . ~ iJ b j ;,. j -. . t - - - i " 'I' I l8 I I'I i,,'..A~ t' :1 I; _;; I I It-! ,~j>q%-'3ftJ ,291 Ii ''t' ..'7 30 I ~ JI!'j1~~"'l 3~ . . .1. . 1'1' '. ..L'(j"_' 32 I 1,1:, I. '1 ;..!. .7:J , , . .I,~ ,";! ,. L , I ~ .r!/f; il .; j)" . ' 6 , . , ' , i I ,~i":]~~ ;' I,' I 1_ :1Jl.8'.7:&~o ,;' 404 6/13/69 - ""'.-. - ._--_._~" --.. - . .--.. C' "'_-"~_'__""",c,""",,,"'''"-_c:..:=c '=_____-=="='.- T~.~~<".~~ -- SHc.C.1 ;;Iv" , ---.--- ----.-, ... .---,- I G 7107 1 ~:: .' . ~'1 I' ,[, ~ "1 If .. II . A rl I! A ...)--~==.==L.~,==+_~ - ii.. (& - I . 1.~' '. Y,)L:..,N~ ' ~,utl' _~T . I i I: ,.,.,., I[ :1.,77:4.~lrJ;l" ,I"" I', 2 ';' (.. , ~'/m1 '. . ,~ ',I, '!,..../l-;';R/!! ", I' ' '~ )v7'iI..'4 lJl/"I'/t")/)"'lA:,lj'~,: .t.,;_':-' 1 ':: 1':;;11;,"111' ':"! 13 I '-4'11'[ #:i~"~:/;"~,"'1~1"~'7',~~"'1;,"-"t~1 i:': ij 1',,',J,/i70I, I" '114' "'~-~'];~r'!, :;~;~ ~jF r--: :[": ij : '! ~ 1:'1,tLJI: : I s' ,~'lil:ftr2;~~M~:~ I:H:' I.::;, II iJJ~1'r ': , -. , ' r;r" /f~ lk'-'r;;.~] . ' H ,., , II' , . ,~, ,i ..'1 , ~I-' ~i4~'l,-U!-J;t~ ~~~~~'~', I't{,l~lli" r'!' p-.rIOO~d 1 :~;~,LJ ,: 11 I J' '~ ...~ .l!2. ,; l.9.it .DJJ:..~ ,L I L: ' i I I I I ;~J.1.lpoiYIG: 11_ :2 iiJ T~.~~j' ", IJ,1~i~., 'U:iJr~~:.,~:,' .. ,', i~a&i477/.i" 12 13 (,1.1 ' C j" i. ~,.J. : 1" '1'4..J, . f,!/,' ill', ' ,,' II: , " , ~ J 13 14.. ,'j, ,~~ I-:~U..,~-,' ;,;;~.;TL"IJjr~~~~,;.. II: 'I i<~:a;14' 13 ! I i~ ), ."i~1.". /9"9~ Ili/ ""'~ ,11 i i" ~ ' II i : ;/~!t/ 15 16 iJl j" ~J! .& ~,:Z./J /"~l ...-di/l. ;'&k f~ /j,J 'I! [,' II,'. :t.i,,,, 16 _. f-f'"' . ~ I ",.~ .. '., H ,., II '" t; r), I' 'J.'l4J~!t' .It.tll-.!;ltA . fI,. : ~'i ;. ;.,. II; !, . I III1 : .ji-:.-I.7:77 17 . 18 ,~I' Yft, I ''17i I ' , II, I J I J ,,';. I. . J.:!~LJ ~"W; . . I . .., . , ',.' t nt, ' " I Ii ' "t"'~' 19 ,~.l" ." jI?~'ij. ' " .. , .: , II' , ,i .' il , :!-91"" ~. ,,9 I zo i' 1 !.. i; 11;1 I, '. i i., 11t/.1g;10€,L7I.ti!Jis'7tU,I,L 20 'I! Ilil,l 1,1 ,I,;!, 1i:,I ~-:121 " i I n i:; Ii il,.' II I I . 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"" H ,." ~. ,4 ,1.Js~U(U 34 , 35 ~:0.0 'J'jJ) 1. ~ '!...<I~{k All .J____ _____L___~,., lo\,r.J,'ltf 35 36 L.v " - ;, lit " 'i 'I ~o~ -+ 36 I . ~ ut. u... ~, .., J . ...,' II ".,1; 38 : jl 'it I ' ~/. . I ~ . I !: I ''J'd ,. . J 38 . . ',J d.:.4,;.t,.d. (t;.;.. ,;).,..,1 ,; ,J'''''''G~~' 39J] : ,~,i, JlL ~tJ;: ~~44;- "~"" H ' .:... [~ i! /~"i"GGc. 1:39" 40 I \i. . !-7IV' .i.. ;6:J.f" . ~~.;._.l-_.._~--'-,-_JLc.. ~$~.!,.9-"-;""'~ ..11,1 -'jJIV~f' II. .:', ,'<i.tf!Lt). II ",..' i:, II $/ ,i ,/41 42 I ' : i' ': 'I ( . ~ '; ; , : I;, ' ::1 ,', ,!.p , . !,' ' " ... 11'1 ....". i '., ii, .. 0-"1 ~ " II" ., II:, ' ,., I ,< : 46 ,i i . ..., ~: ' ~_JL ; _ '-=~:==-=-~=-_1~~~~-::~ JL_~_~ :~_=J~---~---~~---~-~~:~_-=-~f7_ _ II...~~' ,~" 1": ii li!i!f I . Ii !: Ii I; " . , " , " , , _~_,_____,,,,"__.._._ u__ ~...~ ~ : ~. " ""''' ! !I I i i~-~' fir.. I,Z I ,.0 ,.;...,.,~ L [ MA:~~ 1/ " ~ --. , I ..... 9 II~ [11 " i12 I :"1 14 15" 161 I .- . I iT '1 11 , , h ~L _ 18 , , , j~:" I: I 19 I'C~ I !IIlIt .~ *n I 20 I " ~ " 22 23 , 'Z_ 2.1 :i 8/13/69 405 _____~,._'_'_.. ...o.-_.____~'__:_.:...~_.___"_ . __~_.._'_.-_._ _____:._~..._'__=_=_.~.~-_'=__-.,.__'__,__,.-"'....~_=..._O=;.~....,'"";._:.;.~_.~==J= 2 ~ ; . , - tll .,' , j, i; '. I . , , , :-1!'" .', II ' it Ii ' , ~, , I .. .. , , , , I' II ; +-. I: II , . ., ,... ,.. , , , I, ij '; I . 1",,' , I"" " ;: { ,I !I I I, " " Ii I ' , ,I ~ I IT II i ,I ii . i -, i , -; , . ~ I, . . t : ~ : . ,i ,: . t- .. L , . S((<<." #:!. . , , .!. I ;' I : i , I , I . r-' : ! , i_ , 10 Ii ;...4 i ' 112 " I I Ll " i , , i 14 ! , ; ; ; , I I 15 , rrl11'J..1~ fY'.3 t 16 i. : I i,li , ,!;. ~ -i-'! 1 - , I , , i: , ~~ . 1 7 I ,,; , I ~ i I I . . 1_ 9 j : " , 19 , , , 20 I .~ , 21 I i ti I '2 , " I 24 I 25 :1 On mo~ion or Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. " !I Hudc:lles~on and the rollowing vo~e ~he mee~ing was adjourned. !! ~ A.lES: All !i NAYS: None. " Ii ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas ,I Ii , i I I 10 o ... 406 8/27/69 -~--~ .~~n_-l .I " l! Vinton War Memorial Vinton, Virginia August 27. 1969 SPECIAL NDTING 2:00 P. M. "'.r'-~.~=== II ~ I A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County was hald this IdaY at the Vinton War Memorial in Vinton, Virginia, to consider approval of a 'consolidation agreement with charter annexed thereto, calling for a referendum on I the question of consolidation of the County of Roanoke, Town of Vinton and City of Roanoke, pursuant to the fOllowing call: I 1I1ugust 20, 1969 Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt Supervisor A. T. Huddleston Supervisor Lee B. Eddy Supervisor L. Earl Simms Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas Gentlemen: Please be advised that upon the request of Mr. Thomas and Mr. Osterhoudt, the Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting at the Vinton War Memorial, Vinton, Virginia, at 2:00 P. M. on 'Wednesday, August 27, 1969. The purpose of this special meeting is to consider approval of a consolidation agreement with ch~er annexed thereto, calling for a referendum on the question of consolidation of the County of RoanOke, Town of Vinton and City of Roanoke. Please make every effort to be present. Very truly yours, /s/ Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk Bv Florence Hicks, DeJ:!. Clerk Elizabeth W. Stokes Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors I BWS:bb cc: Co_onwealth's Attorney County ~ng5neer. I IAugust 20, 1969. Supervisors, Thomas and Osterhoudt's letters dated August , ,! re~ the special meeting are filed wi th the minutes of this meeting. II II I MEMBERS ffiESENT: 20, , I I 1969'1 II ri " ~I II !! !! The above notice to the Supervisors was delivered by the County Engineer on Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. The Commonwealth's Attorney, : Raymond R. Robrecht and the Executive Officer, Paul B, Matthews were also present. Ii :1 Ii I ' II A resolution from the City of Roanoke dated August 27, 1969, (No. 18869) approvi i ing the consolidation of the City of Roanoke with the County of Roanoke and Town of I; II Vinton into a single new city in accordance with the provisiom of a certain consolil ii dation Agreement dated the 27th day of August, 1969, and a Charter for same incorpol Ii rated into said agreement; authorizing the Mayor to sign and execute the Agreement; :i Ii making prOVision for the conduct of a referendum on the said consolidation; providi1' Ii for publication of the aforesaid Consolidation Agreement and Ch~er as provided bY', :: the Code of Virginia; and providing for a joint meeting of the three governing bodi~, li :1 was this day laid before the Board of Supervisors. Ii " I: r il I I g/27/69 SPECIAL MEEmG 2:00 P.M. 407 ~~~-=--'----~'_-...,-,-=.;.;...--=-,_.. - ~ , i.,j ... t..... ~ l-* '1 U n u _ _. .- . _,~~-__..._.,-:....-c,--_.,"."_..%....;_,_".",-.._~-;....-.,_,.c,..._,, -,-_,'. .-,_-..,....-,--- --.""""'~_~,,.-,-,....,...---~--C,,,,,~-~_~_. i Another resolution of the City of Roanoke (No. 19970) dated August 27, 1969, I 1i ;'[ Ilwas also laid before the Board. of Supervisors, which resolution provided for certain1j I: I iiacid.itional publication of the notice of the agreement entered into between the :1 I. 'I Ii 'J !ICouncil of the City of Roanoke, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and II 'I a lithe Town of Vinton relating to the consolidation of said City, County and Town. il " ;, Ii II 19!170 were this day received.!1 II Joseph C. i Both resolutions aforementioned, No. IM69 and No. fi 'land filed on motion of Supervisor A. ~J " !iThomas and the following vote: ~ ii1IES: All II !:NAYS: None. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Ii II " i! II and Charter the ii A Copy of the proposed Consolidation Agreement/as prepared. by/Joint Committee, ~composed of representatives from each of the three governments, was received and I' II . iifiled on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Superv1sor Lee B. Eddy I! Iland the following vote: ~AIES: All II IINAYS: None. Ij !I !I Ii , The Chairman read a letter dated August 21, 1969, from the consolidation study !, Jlcommittee reporting that a proposed consolidation agreement and form of charter had! v ~ I I i'been formulateci, and further reporting certain recommendations to the three govern- i ,> , 11 II 'I II II 'I 'I ,) 'I il .I I " , I 'I " " Ii ing bodies as to the procedure to effect implementation of the consolidation agree- I, i'ment and charter prior to the referendum proposed to be held on November 4, 1969. " " il The foregoing letter and report of the consolidation study committee was this i: " :Iday received and filed. on motion of Supervisor " iivisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: " " Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Super- ,AYES: All !!NAYS: None. A RESOLtl'l'ION approvi..g the consolidation of the County of Roanoke with the r'l, l:.' ,./ '! i " 'I I ;! "the provisions of a certain Consolidation Agreement dated the 27th day of August, 'I " ,1969. and a Charter for Consolidated City incorporated into said Consolidation Agree+ , 'I i,ment as Exhibit "A"; authorizing and directing the Chairman of the Board of Super- I, "visors to sign and execute the Consolidation Agreement on behalf of this governing ;body, and authorizing and directing the Clerk ot this Board to affix the Coun;;y's seal thereto and to attest the samej making provision for the conduct of a reteren- ::City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton into a single new city in accordance with dum to be held on November 4. 1969. among the qualified voters ot said County, City and. Town, on the question of consolidation of said County, City and. Town in accordance I ,with the provisions of the aforesaid Consolidation Agreement and Charter for con-i , " I ,I II 408 F~.:;c~:"'~'~C"'~~ :,o;:l~~~~';:~::':' " . _.: .::: '..:' I ~Olidated. City incorporated in said agreement; providing for publication of the oresaid Consolidation Agreement and Charter for Consolidated City as provided in Section 15.1-1135 and Section 15.1-1137 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended; , , ~d providing for a joint meeting of the members of the Board of Supervisors of oanoke County, the Council of the City of Roanoke, and the Council of the Town of WHEREAS, Article 4, Chapter 26, Title 15.1 of the Code of Virginia, as amende, I ermits the consolidation of certain counties, towns and cities; and ! WHEREAS, this Board did heretofore appoint a committee consisting of Super- ~sor Charles H. Osterhoudt, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and Commonwealth's Attorne !aaymond R. Robrecht, to meet as representatives of this Board, with duly appointed lrepresentatives of the Council of the City of Roanoke and of the Council of the fOwn of Vinton to develop and recommend to their respective governing bodies an agreement to be entered into between said three governing bodies effecting a dation of said County, City and Town into a single new city; and consoli i , I i I i I I ~vs, there has been developed and prepared by the members of said joint committee a form of agreement entitled ttThe Consolidation Agreement for Consolida- tion of the County of Roanoke, Town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke, Virginia," ,drawn under date of August 27, 1969, in which is incorporated and made a part thereo i a charter entitled. "Charter for Consolidated City," marked Exhibit "A", a copy of which is on file in the office of the Clerk of this Board, which said proposed Consolidation Agreement and Charter for Consolidated City has been transmitted by the members of said joint committee to their respective governing bodies, with ~RAS, amongst other provisions of the aforesaid proposed Consolidation ,/ ,I Agreement it is stated to be agreed between the parties that, pending the November 4:' 11969, referendum provided for therein said parties do not waive, forfeit or in any I way abandon their rights, obligations existing by virtue of prior agreements and , , ~llcontracts, or its positions taken in prior legal proceedings to which it is a party; I; and ,! I Ij liHEREAS, the members of this Board having reviewed the aforesaid doc~ents II Ii desire that a referendum be held on the question of consolidating the County, City II i; Ii land Town in accordance with the provisions contained in the aforesaid Consolidation ~ II Agreement dated August 27, 1969, and Charter for Consolidated City incorporated ~ Itherein as Exhibit "An. i I 'I II' NOlI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County:. II I: as follows: Ii Ii 1. That this Board doth hereby appr01re that certain Consolidation Agreement ~for Consolidation of the County of Roanoke, 'l'own of Vinton and the City of Roanoke, 'I Ii IIVirginia, made under date of August 27, 1969, and recommended to this body by a !i joint committee of this Board and of the Council of the City of Roanoke and the Ii Ii Council of the Town of Vinton, in which said agreement is incorporated as a part " I: II thereof, marked Exhibit "A", a Charter for the Consolidated City, copies of which 'I Ii said Consolidation Agreement and Charter for Consolidated City are on file in the il Office of the Clerk of this Board; " II II I! I I I , I ~ ~ . ! I I I :i :i ,I , ! 'I ,I ;i g/27/69 SPECIAL MEETING 2:00 P.M. 409 ..._, -. ._----_.-. -~ -_.- .' +--.- .-.-:.r.:!'.~"-'---' _..-....-=-- I " " 2. , That the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County be, and he I be affixed thereon and attested by the Clerk; - f That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County join with the Council .... of the City of Roanoke and the Council of the Town of Vinton in petitioning the ... I':' Judge of the Hustings Court of the City of Roanoke and the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for a referendum to be held on November 4, 1969, among the ii Ii ,I,! qualified voters of said City, County and Town, on the question of consolidating the County of RoanOke, the City of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton into a single ... I ,.; 4. That a copy of the aforesaid Consolidation Agreement dated. August 27, 1969, and of the Charter for Consolidated Cit)' incorporated therein marked Exhibit ii IIAII, be caused to be published. once a week for four (4) successive weeks in The I',,' 1 Roanoke World-News, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke and having general: . . .., . I ,I circulation in the aforesaid County, City and Town, which said publication shall II be made on behalf of the governing bodies of each aforesaid County, City and Town; I, :' it ii city, in accordance with the provisions of the aforesaid Consolidation Agreement l! fI ~ 'I I, I: , " 'I I, ,I II " ij I: .1 I) !I " " I and Charter for Consolidated City, and that the Chairman and the Clerk of this \1 Board do execute said ~on.. in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-113i ! i , I I of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, and that copies of the aforesaid Con- ..... solidation Agreement and the Charter for Consolidated City incorporated therein as Exhibit IIAII and attested copies of this resolution be filed with said petitions; and and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of this Board meet with the members Ii of the Council of the City of Roanoke and the members of the Council of the Town '! of Vinton at the Vinton War Memorial, in Vinton, at 2:30 o'clock, p. m., on August 27, 1969, to formally execute the within mentioned documents. Ii Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl " :! Simms, adopted by the following recorded vote: " AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L.' Earl Simms A. T. Huddleston (with reservations), and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. A RESOLtl'l'ION providing for certain additional publication of notice of the :i , I !I '! " I '1/ o agreement entered into between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the , I I I , 1 I WHEREAS, this Board has this day authorized a certain agreement to be entered, :i 11 u Council of the City of Roanoke and the Council of the Town of Vinton relating to the consolidation of said County, City and Town. into between this body and the Council of the City of Roanoke and the Council of the Town of Vinton, providing for the consolidation of said County, City and Town into a single new city in accordance with provisions of law and of the Agreement and Charter for the Consolidated City incorporated into said agreement as Exhibit "A" thereto; and 410 g/27/69 SPECIAL MDTING 2:00 p.m. U"-__-C'___ ____..__~__ ,-,-.. ---- ...---...-...-.-- I! II I, I' vision for due legal publication of said consolidation documents as required by Sec. 15.1-1137 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, desires to participate in I ,giving broad circulation to notice of the general content of said documents by ~ ~C '~"~~'c'r'~c'~= ~~ ,~~~-- II " , i' , I j 1iHERBAS, this Board and said other governing bodies, whilst having made pro- additional publication in other printed news media published in certain of the I lareas concerned; and the Board has appropriated funds sufficient to pay the County's I 'portion of the estimE:ted cost of such additional publication. I TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that r be 'there/published, jointly with the Council of the City of Roanoke and with the lcouncil of the Town of Vinton, and at equal expense of said three governing bodies, " iiand as authenticated. by the signatures of the Chairman of this Board, Mayor of the ~City of Roanoke and the Mayor of the Town of Vinton, a copy of the Consolidation , ement for the Consolidation of the County of Roanoke, the Town of Vinton and the City of Roanoke, entered into between the governing bodies of said local I olitical subdivisions under date of August 27, 1969, together with a SIllllll1arY or synopSis of the Charter for Consolidation contained in and made a part of such Consolidation Agreement as Exhibit WAtt, thereto, such additional publication to be . made once in The Vinton Messenger, a weekly newspaper having general circulation in the Town of Vinton, and once in The Salem Times Register, a weekly newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and on such dates as are determined by the Chairman and Mayors aforesaid. Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl adopted by the follOwing recorded. vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. , I I l il I! " " " i :l !\ " " ! !I , :1 ;1 --~j! ! ~ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded, by Supervisor Joseph C. I Thomas and the following vote, the meeting was adjourned. AYES: All , i/NAYS: I, I' Ii ~ ,I None. @~ I I I I I . _""""~=-"",=""L";;'-:=~--=---"",;,_.'__'''"'",_'''_' _ -'-----'-.:---'=-c_''_. -'- ". 411 .->;., __u____ '. ,. . - _'__''- __.::--=-.....:...<...~.,_;::~..".=c-...'".=._..,.-.,.. -, 0..:: 1 (~ ! I i~ I I Huddleston and Charles.H. il ,I ~ Courthouse Salem, Virginia August 27, 1969 7:30 P. M. - I' Ii H ;1 Ii " " " II I!Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom being the fourth Wednesday, and the second !I Ii regular meeting of the month. lIlembers present: II iiVice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. " '!The COllllllonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, the County Engineer, Paul B. ~ Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, Assistant County Engineer were also present. ,\ it Ii The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in 1'~ Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, ... toot , " r Ii .1 !I Ferguson, minister to Ridgewood Baptist Church, who offered the invocation. The I, 'I ~ pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag, led by Chairman Charles Ii !i H. Osterhoudt. " The Chairman called the meeting to order and introd~ced Reverend Lester L. ~ I ... II " I' Ii The minutes of the preVious/~:=, August 13, 1969, were approved. as 'I ~I :1 spread, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconC.Eld by Supervisor Lee B. II ii and the following vote: ,I II AIES: All .I NAYS: None Ii Ii Ii II II iIN RE: 'i TENTATIVE BUDGET FOR SECONDARY SYSTEM IN ROANOKE COUNTY 1969-70 Mr. L. G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, State Highway Department, l' 'i ii mitted to the Board a copy of the Tentative Ii ~Roanoke County, for year 1969-70. I' !I Budget for the Secondary System in Upon consideration thereof, on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, duly :1 " by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote the Tentative I: Budget was received and filed.: " ~i AIES: " :! Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Osterhoudt. 1-' I ! I t - " 'NAYS: None. i Mr. L. G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, State Highway Department o " ;' recollllllended to the Board of Supervisors that a bridge on Route 743 be abandoned. :, The following action was taken: , IN RE: BRIDGE LOCATION ABANDONMENT ON RTE. 743 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Executive Officer be directed to set a date and advertise for public hearing the proposed abandonment of a bridge located I I , on Route 743. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded '~he motion which carried by the following i I ii 'I :[ :1 II , L, il II !I 11 il i ~ Edd ! I I '/ 1 , \1 " ;! :1 i I , , I , , , , .~i~~': ' , " . ! ~. :i \.' , " 412 g/27/69 7:30 P.M. -=-'"=--,-.-:c.:-.:- ~ F II recorded vo'te: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.I Osterhoud't. NAYS: None. I I I IN BE: DRAINAGE PROBLEM ON liESTSIDE BOULEVARD I Mr. Frank Hoke appeared this day and filed. with the Board of Supervisors a petition, signed by property owners and users of the Westside Boulevard, N. W., in Roanoke County, requesting that an underground drainage system be installed on th I , aforementioned. street, also knoNlas State ROIl'te 14go, between Hershberger Road and I ,/ I Harvest Lane, N. W. Mr. Hoke also submitted. snapshots showing the flooded area and I i a sketch regarding the water flow. Mr. Eddy Jones also appeared with regard to this matter, as did the Assis't t Resident Engineer, L. G. Ferris of the Virginia Department of Highways. The follow., , ing ac'tion was taken: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved tha't the drainage problem on Westside Boule- vard. be referred. to the County Engineer and request that he work with Mr. Ferris of I 'tbe Highway Department to see what can be done and report back to the Board of Supervisors at their meeting on September 10, 1969. i I' il :1 " i' ]1 I' II " 1I Ii il !) II II !I II II 'I [I Mr. Paul Motley, a resident of Mountain Heights Subdivision, appeared with Ii !i " i regard 'to the following matter. 'I ,I il 11 ii [i ;1 I li\li ii IN BE: REZONING OF SECTIONS 1 AND 2 OF ) Ii )lOUNTAIN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION ) FINAL ORDER il Ii " ! WlIEREA.S Henry A. Lester, et als, did petition this Board and requested tha~ II the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as, to provide 'that the above- Ii Ii described subdivision be rezoned and reclassified from Agricultural A-l to Residen-:; Ii tial R-l. which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on May 2'. I, 1 Iii Ii II \' ,I I' ,I Supervisor A. T. Huddles'ton seconded 'the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles i NAYS: H. Osterhoudt. None. I The above-men'tioned petition and snapshots were received and filed on Ii mo'tion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and I the following vote: AYES: I NAYS: All None. , I I I I I ..... I'"", 11II ,.... ! 1'"1 .. o g/29/69 7:,30 P.M. 413 ='=O:-~ ..-.--- c,,_." ___' =- '_..- .-._...,- --'~ ....,.._-..._--,-_..~-'-:....-'---'--'-.,>,.;..'-_. :=---."---..:- ~ ,~-...~_,""",.,...=--,.,..===-=.l:I:lC~'" I 1969, and by order entered that day, was referred to the Planning Commission of I ~oanoke County for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code ofi IIVirginia of 1950, as amended; and I " WHEREAS the County Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at a meeting u iiheld July 15, 1969, after hearing evidence as to the merits of said petition at a " " Ilpublic hearing held on July 15, 1969, recommended to this Board that said County I, iiZOn1ng Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the Mountain ::1 Ii Heights subdivision, sections 1 and 2, from Agricultural A-l to Residential R-l; and 'I ~ WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did set the matter down fJr I!a public hearing at the meeting of this Board to be held on August 27, 1969, and gav~ a j ~notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the! " I Ij:code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and i , I Ii WHKRRA!'l said public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on the 27th II IldaY of August,1969; and I, ji I II WHEREAS this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and . H lito said recommendation after hearing evidence as to the merits of the said pro- !J I ~posed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said Count Ii i IIZoning Ordinance should be amended as hereinafter set forth and as recommended by i I' I Ii said Planning Commission. : Ii ~ NC1I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of II ' '[Roanoke County be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to reclassify the herein- I ~after-described property from Agricultural A-l to Residential R-l, the said property, I I I ' .~~ ~ i!being so reclassified is more particularly described as follows: ! 91' ii it ,i in Plat Book 1, page 17 and Plat Book 6, page 96, in the office of i" I :1 the Clerk of Roanoke County Circuit Court. : ~ " .: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED t.hat the Clerk of this Board shall forth-i p,'J i' with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning il .1 'I 'I I, r Commission of Roanoke County. ~' :! On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ':1 n " 'I ii Simms and adopted by the following, recorded vote: ,I '"AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.!I 'i Osterhoudt. :.1 ~I NAYS: None. ~ if I' :i :1 . ~ 'I i' The County Engineer reported to the Board his recommendations with reference:l / !I to refuse collection, particularly with regard to apartment rates and container ,I ,I locations. 1 " ti Messrs. William R. Hill, G. O. Woodliff and Creed Frazier or Wildwood Road 'appeared. to protest the recommendation to have containers set back not more than 75 feet from any dedicated public street, pointing out that they lived on a private road 900 feet back from the road right-of-way. Mr. Hill submitted to the Chairman a letter from L. G. Lazarus dated it "August 27, 1969, asking that the Supervisors not restrict trash and garbage collec- " " litions in the County. Said letter is filed. with the minutes of this meeting. " 414 g/27/69 7:30 P.M. --~"~-~~"--"'---I"---- ---- .. II On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. II Huddleston, and the following vote, the matter was referred back to the County Engineer for additional study and recommendations to be submitted to the Board of Supervisors at their next meeting. I request of JOBeph C. Thomas, Supervisor of the Salem Magisterial District, as the { 1 fifth member of the Roanoke County Air Pollution Advisory and Appeal Board for a one (1) year term. Mr. O'Brien's address is 1262 Pickwick Lane, Salem, Virginia. app.ointed. The Chairman confirmed the appointment of Mr. Martin J. O'Brien, Jr.lat the 1 I II II II i ~ II I II ~ I AIES: All ~NAYS: None. I I , i Ii 'I If , The following companies bid on paving 4g50 tons of I-3 plant mix on the parking lot and. driveways at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, and the bids , , were received on July 18, 1969, at 12:00 noon by Mr. Paul B. Matthews, as purchasing agent for Board. of Supervisors: S. R. Draper Paving Co., Inc. Roanoke, Virginia ----------- $7.94 per ton in place Adams Construction Company Roanoke, Virginia ----------- $g..23 Virginia Asphalt Paving Company, Inc.------ $g.97 Roanoke, Virginia L. H. Sawyer Paving Co., Inc. ----------- $7.66 Salem, Virginia John A. Hall &; Co., Inc. ----------- $g.74 Roanoke, Virginia I i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas advised the Board that when the Civic Center was i lbuilt it was planned. that the lot be paved, but because of insufficient funds it ~was surface treated. A letter dated August 12, 1969 addressed to Mr. Paul B. liMatth8WS' Executive Officer of Roanoke County, from William J. Paxton, Jr., Salem , Ii ICity Manager, advising that the Salem City Council had agreed subject to the con- I I; II currence of the Board. 01' Supervisors, to appropriate its share of the low bid, was II Irlaid before the Board. (Low bid amounting to $36,751.00 with each governing body's II lishare being one-half or $lg,375.50) ~ ~ II il On motion.. of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ,I ~/ .~Simms an~ the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors approved paying its ~ fA\' ~ r:.f't r share to accept the low bid of Sawyer Paving Company for paving the Salem Roanoke -\'\ ,i I!Valley Civic Center parking lot and driveways!, which low bid amounted to $36, 75lD 0 Ji imaking the county'ssruare $lg,375.~0. I . IAlES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl S1mms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " !!NAYS: Lee B. Eddy and A. T. Huddleston. Ii I' I: !I " I I The County Engineer submitted for the Board's consideration a proposal pre- Ii pared by Hayes, Seay, Mattern &; Mattern for lL preliminary engineering study of the i: flooding problems in Roanoke County. I :' 8/27/69 7:30 P.M. 415 - , .; I After some diScu~sion Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved -t::t action be deferred on IthiS proposal and that the Executive Officer be requested to contact the Wilmington I District Corps of Engineers to see what they might do concerning flood control stud' s and correction in Roanoke County at the earliest possible date. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following ,/ It... recorded vote: I Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.I, - AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Osterhoudt. i NAYS: None. ,,.. Mr. Frank Angell, Assessor for Roanoke County, was advised by Supervisors ILee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt that they , concurred in the names suggested by the Roanoke Valley Board. of Realtors of men fro their respective Magisterial Districts for appointment by the Judge of the Circuit Court to the Board of Equalization. Supervisor L. Earl Simms submitted a name for consideration from the Richfield Magisterial District. ,,- ~ .. The Executive Officer was requested. to contact Fairfax and ascertain under what circumstances they received power rates for electricity. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisor,s of Roanoke County pay the six-months share that has already been appropriated to the Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission in the amount of $4110.3g. I Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following I recorded vote: I AYES: I I NAYS: None. I , I I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H Osterhoudt. '4 , , I ~ I I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote, a resolution of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority . requesting the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to amend the contract dated I January 3, 1967, between the Board and the Authority to allow the Authority to deed I 125-foot-wide strip of land on the east side of the 15-acre tract adjacent to the Sav-A-Stop Inc. of Virginia plant for the purpose of construction of a roadway betw n i ithese two tracts by Sav-A-Stop, Inc. and dedication of a 50-loot-wide right of way- I: 25 feet by the Public Service Authority and 25 feet by The Industrial DeveloplMlnt I I Authority of the City of Salem, Virginia; was this day received and filed. I / ,....... I' U AIES: All NAYS: None. 416 8/27/69 7:30 P.M. i , , 1- . p= 1 I II Mr. Talfourd Kemper represented Sav-A-Stop in the foregoing matter. A RESOLUTION concerning the modification and amendment of a certain Contract between the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and The Roanoke County Public Service Authority. WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and The Roanoke County Pub ic Service Authority heretofore entered into a certain Contract dated January 3, 1967, as amended May 2g, 1969, whereby the Board of Supervisors advanced to the Public Service Authority funds to purchase 36.55 acres, more or less, now situate in the City of Salem, Virginia, for the possible future use as a site for the construction of sewage disposal facilities. ~S said Contract contained certain provisions for the conveyance to the I Board of Supervisors of portions of said property that might not be needed for the construction of an appropriate sewage disposal facility. WFRRRAR The Roanoke County Public Service Authority has now determined that a 0.609 acre ~rip of said property is not needed and will not be needed for the con \ I I struction of a sewage disposal facility. ~R.R The Roanoke County Public Service Authority desires to dedicate said strip to the City of Salem so that, when combined with a like strip to be dedicated by the adjoining property owners, a road can be constructed which will become a p of the City of Salem,city street system. ~S the Board of Supervisors is agreeable to &mending said Contract to pe - mit such dedication by The Roanoke County Public Service Authority. THEREFORE, ~ IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanok , Virginia, that the Chairman of this Board be and hereby is authorized and directed I to execute on behalf of the Board the attached proposed Amendment of Contract and to take such other actions as are reasonably requisite in connection therewith, and. that the Commonwealth's Attorney and other county officers be and hereby are authorized to take such actions as might be appropriate and reasonably necessary to petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for approval and ratification of said Amendment of Contract. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, adopted by the following recorded vote: I I AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I I I I II I I I II :1 , I 14r. William Roberts, III, director of Roanoke County Public Library was II present and recognized. !I " II I g/27/69 7:30 P.M. 417 .4__. _~'__.~'''- ,,,_,,_.,,,,,,,,,,,-,,=, ._. ...~~5"='=-'-"'_',=".~"-"-~- .. II The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors read a resoluti~n ~f ~heu~08Jl:~~-~O~ioril I'! Library Board. of Trustees, dated August 18, 1969, recommending thaio the Board of : '" I I' I Supervisors let iohe plans out to bid on the North County Library, which is filed II I: II !i with the minutes of this meeting. ;,'1' II . !! I !i I I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize the [v ii architects and the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees to proceed in obtaining I ?HY;~ Ii competitive bids for the construction of the North County Branch Library based. upon: i111.. ~'r" ii the plans and specifications submitted, and furthermore, that the Counioy Engineer : ~ ~ ~ Ii be directed to make the necessary arrangements to provide proper water and sewer i K~ l' :: service to iohis building. !,i~~_-; ) " Supervisor L. Earl Simms seco.ded the motion which carried by the following JJ vr~, il !. ~.t "9i}<.\O- :1 recorded vote: I P-1), ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H':I ~ ~1Ld11 , I ~''1 ~ i' Osterhoudt. ~:I q ~rlpv~ :i NAYS: None. I ~~ iP' ii A copy of the plans and specifications is filed with the minutes of this meeti: . ~ !' II ~ ,j1A' :: I er"iY\ Ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the proposed revisions to the Roanoke II ~ County Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances be considered in a work session to be j: II attended by the Board of Supervisors, the Roanoke County Planning Commission and th I tI" !I ! Ii consultant who prepared the proposed ordinances, said work session to be set up i !I " prior to the next meeting of the Board of Supervisors. ~ : ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which I' I: recorded vote: " " carried by the following 11 " 'I ,! .... I'"~ 1<'1 .. , i.I AYES: I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddlesioon and Charles Hol I ,I :1 :;'sterhoudt. NAYS: None. '... r oJ I II II II Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that Roanoke County donate to iohe McVitty '19/:2..///1 House development fund the amount of seven and one-half cents (7!\I) per capita, ex- ',',.~!. "t~ . clusive of the Town of Vinton, for one (1) year. v'1' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried. by the following :~' II~~ ,! Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Silllllls end Charles H. Osterhoudio. DONATION TO M::VITTY HOUSE recorded vote: o AYES: NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors set September 24,' 1969, at 7:30 P.M. for a publiC hearing on the application of Claude A. Weaver fori a permit to park two (2) trailers on his property at Route g, Box 215-B, Roanoke, :' q <f( Virginia, for rental; and furthermore, that the Clerk be directed to proparly adverJrL . I UJ.rl' . fJ the this matter. .bf.>~- Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following ;Hffi ,0 ,,'1 'Ill oJ. q ll'i ,I 418 g/27/69 7:30 P.M. -_._-_.,,-_.._.~_."-~-- ."-.- ._-- .... " _ ________.__.___,_. _.n n _0 . _ ._.... ~...__ ~__._ ... _'."--_""_-='-""'-'O.'-""~:--"_~_.-.~-_---- !iAYES: ~ I jNAYS: None. . .... - --- -..-=-,..,-----..----,---- Huddleston and Charles Hl --- ------ ~ II ~ I On ~,,~ of S"._= L. _, S_. .~",... by ",_.,r A. r. H"""''''''f ! and the nn..n;mous vote of the Supervisors, the following items were this day receiveh II I and filed: Iii ~ Statement of office and travel expenses incurred by the Sheriff &: his II t Deputies for July 1969; ~ Ii oIReport of Virginia Division of Forestry of fiscal matters in Roanoke I i' County for fiscal year ended June 30, 1969; , Ii /Quarterly minutes of Roanoke Valley Regional Planning Commission meeting I ~ held on 7}24/69; II "'Let.ter dated g/7/69 from Cit.y of Roanoke acknowedging receipt of Supervisors 'I I motion authorizing negotiating commit.tee to meet with Vinton's and , Roanoke City's negotiating committees to negotiate a consolidation : chart.er; il , "Letter datedg17/69 from City of Roanoke acmowedging receipt of Supervisors' I mot.ion rescinding deadline of 7/23/69 for consolidation talks with Town of Vinton &: City of Roanoke; , /Statement of State Corporation Commission showing assessed value of publiC utilities in the State as of January 1, 1969; ,Chairman's Rep'ort dated August. 22, 1969 wit.h following attachments: -Letter of g71g/69 to members of Air Pollution Advisory &: Appeal Board vLet.ters of g/15/69 to Mr. H. Clyde Pearson &: Mr. Julian Hirst, re: public hearillC; on lendfill v'Let.ter of g/15l69 to Mayor, aty of Roanoke re: sewage treat.ment. negotiatio committee meeting; also request for response to Board's rec;uest to allow ' Public Service Authority to build a sewer interceptor line in City limits I (~et.ers Creek area) without transferring ownership of said lines vLet.ter of g/15/69 to Roy M. Kinsey, Chairman RIte. Co. Electoral Board, re: personnel requirements "'Let.ter of g/15/69 to Duncan Kennedy, Appalachian Power Company re: power rates paid by Roanoke County "'Monthly Library Report for August 1969 ",Copy of letter to Mr. Frank R. Angell of g/13/69 re: appointment of Board Equalization, from Roanoke Valley Board. of Realtors (suggested. names of appoint.ees for all but. Richfield Magisterial District) /Letter of 7/15/69 from Va. Dept. of Highways re: installation of traffic light at intersection of Rte& 115, 220 &: 11 Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Osterhoudt. I I I Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt turned the meeting over to Vice-Chairman IA. T. Huddleston who presided the duration of the meeting in the absence of the A Copy of a letter of g/13/69 to the Honorable William F. Parkerson. Jr., ,/ ,Virginia forwarding petitions support.ing the state effort for the State Museum of I Science and History Syst.em, which letter was signed by Mrs. Jennings T. Bird, 2516 : E. Jefferson St.reet., Roanoke, Va.; was this day received and filed on motion of Ii ! Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. II !: of the Supervisors present (Supervisor Charles H. " il 'I it , 'I II Earl Simms and the unanimous vot.e 'I !t :! , I Chairman 01' the State Museum of Science Study Commission, State Capital, Richmond, Osterhoudt being absent). I ii " Ii 'I ii ACCOUNTS FOR PAU-lENT " I! / ~ On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, t ;' and the following vote, bills in the total amount of $20,522.69 c'harged to t.he , ii General Fund were approved for payment. Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston ,i NAYS: None I ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. /"II ,.,.,; /"II ..... , ~ ~""'i I U o 419 $/27/69 7:30 P.M. -~~-~..__.=%.. .~_. ....:'"-- '-"_...;.."'~-,>.="'--~=--,== ~'~~--;_~";.o.'-..--,,"_............__-..-,-":_';'__.-c._' _ _ _ __~_- _ _ ___ __ ___ _-_.::~. _'_'" --"..---..- -..-.--.' Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. the bills in/total amount of $10.00 charged to the Dog ./ iJh'i- ! qr -z;; I~ IV' ! i On motion of Supervisor L. !Fhomas, and the following vote, rund were approved for payment. I~IES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston !!rays: None. 11 ,I~BSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. II 'I :1 I! I' " ~; I il !q\:1--l~ J I! On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Sup~rvisor Joseph C. Thomas, !jpp''''D1 'I'!and the following vote, checks in the total amount of $22,032.59 were approved !I c:-"UJ ! 11 I!retro-active to date of issuance for bills paid since the last board meeting. III I' I " , liAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston II liNAYS: None. II Ii :1 iIABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. !I ! I ~,' I " Ii i 'I I Ii ~ ~COUNTY PAlROLLS ii...- ii On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, il ,4/ land the following vote, the County Payrolls (Monthly, dated 8/29/69; Daily/Hourly ~dated g/14; g/20; g/22/ and. g/29/69) were approved for payment in the total amount ilof $60,149.52, from which the sum of $7,191.79 W. H. Tax; $2,70g.26 F.I.C.A. Tax; 1r$954.23 State Income Tax; $724.90 Blue Cross Insurance; $33.50 Uniforms; $1,357.19 i ~Retirement; and. $40.00 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted, leaving a net il iipayment of $47,139.65. II !iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston 'I It Ii NAYS: None. jj '[ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. :1 On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and " :1 'I I :1 i " 'j '1/ I " " :; :1 ,I 'i " " " !: the follOwing vote, the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Financial Statements for I: Ii the three months ended December 31, 1969, was received and filed: !A""'<" .. .L&A1. " " i]NAYS: " !; " A"""''''''. Ii ~_u. All None Charles H. Osterhoudt. Resolution Adopting the CHARTER AGREEMENT OF THE FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION WHEREAS, the Virginia Area Development Act (Title 15.1, Chapter 34, Sections , 15.1-1400 et seq., Code of Virginia (1950), as amended), authorizes the organizatio~ i! ; of a Planning District Commission by written Charter Agreement; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Title 2.1, Chapter 6.1, Section 2.1-63.5 of the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended, geographic boundaries of a Planning District have been established; and 1---"--~'''''--' 420 g/27/69 7:30 P.M. " -. ...-.......-....-."'----.--.-; 11- WHEREAS, the governing bodies of the governmental subdivisions embracing _.~~:.t;;::.;;;.:c'_--- ,. IlmajOrit;y of the populat;ion wit;hin said Planning District desire to organize a Plan.-.11 ining District Commission b)- writ;ten Charter Agreement;; and , i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, desires to J01 II in organizing such a Commission so that the County will become a party to such I I II I i Charter Agreement and be represented in the composition of the membership of such I , lmade a part of this resolution. I Ii 2. That Charles H. Osterhoudt, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the ' I, I Jcount;y of Roanoke be and hereby is authorized and. directed to sign and execute, on I ~~ ~4 / ~ behalf of the Count;y of Roanoke, the Charter Agreement of Fifth Planning District I ~ ~ Commission, a copy of which Charter Agreement is attached ~o this resolution. i . or! i i 3. That Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk of the Roanoke County Board of Superviso be and hereby is authorized and directed to witness the signature of said Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and to affix the official seal of the County of Roanoke il .' .~' I on said Charter Agreement of Fifth Planning District Commission, a copy of which ~~ t\\: is attached to t;his resolut;ion. &> .\ I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I II Thomas, and the following recorded vot;e, t;he foregoing resolution was adopted: Ii ~ AYES: 'I NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Oommission; II ,I " 'I I, . lig1nia: Ii 'ment of Fifth Planning District COmmission, a copy of which is attached hereto and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count;y, Vir- 1. That on the 27th day of August, 1969, it; hereby adopts the Charter Agree- I , I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston II i ! The Board of Supervisors resolved int;o a committ;ee of t;he whole to discuss , II privileged matters on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. It Earl Simms and. the following vote: I I AIES: All I, NAYS: None. II ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ !i I' II [, I ii " Ii Ii Ii t;he meeting in open session on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Super-' " !i ;1 11 Ii " ii dissolved the committee of the .hole After a brief absence t;he Supervisors ret;urned to the Courtroom/and resumed, visor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: I AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONS TO IlEALTH & WELFARE CENTER Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the contract for construction of addi- ;) " tions to the Healt;h & Welfare Center as indicated under #2 be awarded to Days Con- II I 8/27/69 7:30 P.M. 421 ... 'II.' struction Co. in the amount of $122,000, being the low bid, with an estimated com- I.' 1 I $ ,- . I ~ 30 ,. ..J I: pletion date of 100 days, and. that the Chairman or Vice-Chairman be authorized to i' 1c ~ I . , Ii execute any necessary contractual documents. I. 1;: Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston ~ j: ]' II 'I Ii NAYS: None. ; Ii ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. II il ;: Bids were received from Days !i ii Inc., Martin Bros. Contrs.Inc., Valley Contractors and Wat.ts Be Breakell, Inc., ,I 'i said bids are filed with the minutes of this meeting; along with a copy of the :i !; and specifications 'I 'I I. i! i: " " " 'i Inst.itutions re: Issuance of Public Assist.ance Checks, was " II 'I attention of the Board., and the following action taken: !! I: H :i " ;! Construction Co., Lewis S. Lionberger, Logan-McP , { ~ I""" I"" , and ! ! plans :1 I' II I! A letter dat.ed 7/22/69 from Otis L. Brown, Director, Department of Welfare anG ' day this/brought to t.he ~ U 'I ;,,1 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize t.he Super! qf' bq / intendent of the Roanoke County Welfare Department to make Welfare payments up to : t;~ :,!, a maximum of $2000 each month in advance of formal approval of such payments by thej I J tj ,- i, Board of Supervisors, all in accordance with the request of the Director of the Sta e "q ~, Ii I, i , :' Department. of Welfare and Institutions. I! \1 I, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which :! i: recorded vote: ,; :i Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, and A. T. Huddleston if AYES: !i I NAYS: ABSENT : ! e,. 116}1-J.. II " Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Count.y Engineer be directed to re~eive :11 competitive bids on an addit.ion t.o the Hollins Fire Station and that he be requeste~ 1:2-'1/ltj ...- to prepare a design for the proposed Cave Spring Fire Station for review and approv',~!,I'~~ ~G(, by the Board of Supervisors. ~ l' Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following I None. Charles H. Osterhoudt. o recorded vote: AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. o Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to appoint a committee t.o promot.e the education of the citizens of Roanoke County concerning the details of the Consolidation Agreement and Charter as approved August 27, 1969. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing vote: AYES: All .. _._.~._."..,......"",~ 422 8/27/69 7:30 P.M. F"-- -'----~-,---,--,- ---'- :' ! -- '~o-~~"----~=-~I~YS: -- None. , , : I I ,ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. I ! i I Ii , Ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Lee B. Eddy and the II following vote, the meeting was adjourned. I AYES: All I NAYS: None. I! ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. II Ii !i Ii I: ji II II ~ , ! II Ii Ii 1: " ii " J: 'I I, ~ 'I " I! I, I' Ii Ii " I' .I !i " .... --~------ ""'._...___u______.____ 11 II !I I, I I I I I: II II i [I , I I , i I , I I , , I, II ii II ,I II il I I I, I .I I' ,I Ii II Ii :1 il I, II :1 " " II .I Ii !: :1 I I I 424 ~~~""""="~~,~c ~ , ---_...~"-"" , Ii ! I' i ling recorded vote and the main motion died: i i I iAYES: ! I I i , I , I I I i , 9/10/69 .___U..H'_"" u.P . .,- ,. ~. .. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- , I IINAYS: II Ii I' II Ii i' , , ~ddY , ;of the ~ , H.II II I, i' II ~ I II ~ ~ I~ , !I 11 Board of Supervisors held at the Vinton War Memorial in Vinton, Virginia, on ! Joseph,C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, ~. T. Huddleston and Charles Ost erhoudt. None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the minutes of the.Special Meeting / iAugust 27, 1969, at 2:00 P.M., were approved as spread. I II II II :i The minutes of the regular meeting of this Board on August 27, 1969, held II,' I ~ Ilat 7:30 P. M. at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, were approved as spread on motiot ~Of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimols I Ii [vote of the Board members. II ~ " The Executive Officer advised the Board of Supervisors that he had not as I yet received a reply from the U. S. Corps of' Engineers with reference to their dOingf I la flood control study and suggesting corrective measures in Roanoke County. He 'I i ~reqUested that the matter be carried over to the September 24, 1969 Board meeting. i, !I :1 I' " Ii ~ Revised recommendations ,as prepared by the Executive Officer with regard ~ t' h ti Il lito refuse collection and needed equipment were this day laid before the Board, and 'I lithe following action taken: :1 ~ ii i il ~IN RE: REFUSE COLLECTION IN ROANOKE COUNTY ~ ~ Supervisor.Lee B. Eddy moved that action be deferred on the recommendationt Ilof the Executive Officer \':-lth reference to garbage collection until the next meetingll , I' liof this Board in order to give the Board members a chance to stjldy the recommended ii Ilrate changes. II Ii " Ii !Ifollowing vote: ! IIAYES: All IINAYS: None. ji Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the IN RE: PERSONNEL REQUIREMENTS FOR COUNTY REGISTRAR'S OFFICE A letter dated 9/9/69 from the "Roanoke County Electoral Boa,d responding to a request of the Board of Supervisors in August to advise its" recommendations as to the necessity for a full time assistant for the County Registrar was this day laid " I!before the Board. The letter signed by Chairman Roy M. Kinsey and Secretary Leonard " I! I, I I I I I ,.. , ' 1'1 ~ ~ c a o 425 9/10/69 -.." --.===--,-. '_~._._ _." _.,. ___.__,_.. ..-:-..;_;";.,..L...,-,O.....=,;.-'---'-,~""""_...:.'_~"-='''--'~,;..;;c_..;..._._~~=-----=:.,:;..:,=.~'''''''~,. .._.__~._.__ 1 i~dic~:ed the 'neces~itY for a full time assistant through t~e ,end 9f this calendar , II year and that for several weeks there would be a need for m9re tl;tan, two people in ~I lithe Registrar's office (peak work load for this office being prior to and sUbsequent:1 i: to the General Election), and further that reevaluation and attendant recommendation~ iiwOuld be appropriate for presentation to the Board of Supervisors in January of 1970~1 Ii 1,1 " Ii ii f At this point the County Registrar, Mrs. Juanita H. Kesler, was recognized, ~ i!and a letter dated 9/10/69 from her was laid before the Board requesting an increaseil I: in the salary of her assistant. i,',I' I' 'I il ;1 i1 11 il Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the letter of September 9, 1969, from the ~i,I"'- II Roanoke County Electoral Board and the letter of September ,10, ,1969. from the Genera., " ! !:Registrar of RoanOke County be received and filed; and further, tl;tat the recommenda-i: !i I iitions of the Electoral Board regarding a need for additiona:!. personnel be accepted I Ii , :!including the desirability of a reevaluation for this necessity in January 1970;and i I' I ~furthermore, that the request of the General Registrar for,a salary increase for her~ i!assistant be transmitted to the Personnel CO:;unittee for recommendation to the Board! " , i!for action at its regular meeting on September 24, 1969. ' Ii I if Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas se,Jonded the motion which carried by the follow-I ~ing recorded vote: I il I ,tAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.I I', !I Ii 1'111 Ii Osterhoudt. if NAYS: None. :1 I: II i: II II ] , , , i I III ii The Chairman read a letter dated September 9, 1969, addressed to the Board :: ~ I ,[from L. G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, Va. Dept. of Highways, Salem, out- il / ,:lining proposed measures to correct the drainage problem on Westside Boulevard (Rte. il :[14$0 in Roanoke County). !! 'I Mr. Frank Hoke; a resident of the area, was present and recognized. IN RE: 1969-70 MAINTENANCE DIVISION BUDGET SECONDARY SYSTEM ROADS IN ROANOKE COUNTY , , ,/ Supervisor Lee B. Edd.y moved that the Virginia Department of Highways Main- !i 'itenance Division proposed Secondary System Budget for fiscal year 1969-70 be approved , ;1 'as presented at the August 27, 1969, meeting of this Board. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: ,AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Ost erhoudt . NAYS: None. 426 9/10/69 ._.-.. -- -~~~~"----"O--~-!IN ~: ~ii~~~--~~~y R~rD Higgw~~~~i~R~gT E~~ENSION IN ROANOKE CO. II ~ ~ On mot~on,of Supervisor A. T.'Huddleston, seconded by Superv~sor Lee B. Eddi, Iland the following vote, a letter dated August 29, 1969, from Virginia Department of ii I 'I Highways, Salem, Virginia, advising that speed studies had been made on Garst Mill Ii ,Road and Grandin Road Extension and that additional speed signs had been erected on ~ jlGrandin Road Extension; that there would be no reduction of the speed limit (45 Mile II I", ,I il !!per hour) on Garst Mill Road except on a series of curves where proper warning signs~ ~and maximum safe speed signs would be erected; was this day received and filed: il iiAYES: All 1,1,11 ,NAYS: None. i 'I i II i i v.iSALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ~FOR THE EIGHT MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 1969 I , I iThomas, and the following vote the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Financial ,i ~Statements for the eight months ended May 31, 1969, were received and 'filed: AYES: All I I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. NAYS: None. Allstate Insurance Company -- Nationvdde Insurance -------- Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc. - $15;099.00 $13,837.23 $11,394.60 i , , i " " II i " ,. " jl il :1 i 'i insuranl::e: II 'I II I ! i jfor September 9, 1969, on the application of the City of Roanoke for a special use , il / ipermit to operate a landfill on Brushy Mountain had been indefinitely postponed at I' ,I Ii the request of the City of Roanoke, the petitioners in the matter. Ii I( i The Chairman advised the Board of Supervisors that the public hearing set i , , I: IN RE: ,I Ii The following bids were considered this day on the County's automobile fleet Ii Ii ii it I' Ii Ii Ii bid on County automobile fleet insurance to the firm of Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc. II Ii Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the Ii following recorded vote: , ! AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles COUNTY'S FLEET INSURANCE Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors award the I ~ I' I! NAYS: None. Ii I' " ,. " " j' and recognized. 1-1. Osterhoudt. I Mr. Carl M. Andrews, President of Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc., was present 428 --~---"--'--,.. ._~-- --.. --.---.----. ". --~-~--.~--~---I I 9/10/69 IN RE: Ii I , I I ~ II , I , I , I , i ~ 1 i ~ 11 :1 I, ,I I I , !I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the fol- ~ il I il i On motion,of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the matter of considering bids on toilet facilities at Northside High School and certain park and recreation ~ I' I' ~ I Ii u ~ i: " I' Ii I' ,i I' Ii II i " 'I I! " I' II I' I' II !I II II ~ ,I " , i i , , I I areas was deferred until it could be" discussed in priviledged tiession. It was reported that the study committee heretofore appointed to suggest possible recommen:lati.crs to be possed on to the Virginia Association of Counties with reference to the Virginia legisl~Ye program had not met and therefore had no re- port to offer. TRAILER PERMIT RENEWAL Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Executive Officer be authorized in the name of the Board of Superviso~s to renew, without change, trailer permits heretofore issued by the Board of Supervisors. lowing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Ost erhoudt . NAYS: None. month The Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the County Jail for the of August 1969, and the August 1969 reports of the V.P.I. Extension Agents III Lowell M. Gobble, Robert E. Layman, Jr. (Agriculture) and Jean Robbins and Bonnie ~ " ~ il !I ~ i i: 'I Ii I) Ii II ~ " J. Webster (Home EconOmics) were receiv~and filed on moti~n of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston,' seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors the Treasurer's report was :1 :1 recei ved': and filed, which report is spread as follows: TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business August 29, 1969, there was to the credit of the following: II ii i' ~ I: Ii 'I II il " " " Ji !: ii " Ii i: Financial Statement II i: Treasurer's Working Fund , Farmers National Bank Escrow $2400,000.00 General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation - Available Cash Library Construction - Available Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash Retirement - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account s 220,411.99 11,552.14 2$,276.70 469,010.06 61,961.39 27,35g.92 g4,54$.15 12,090.75 3$1.61 97.07 915,688.78 $ $ 2,000.00 7$1,012.6$ "":.".,,,,,.-, I I ~ ~ 'I II I II 'I 'I I, !! :; 11 , :1 II 'I II i :! I .1 I ~ ~i ,.. ..... 11I9 U 1'4 U" o 9/10/69 429 '-'=-.:-~,--,--, -- - '. -,... ~ ,-"-''''.-.,':-.''''''-.-'.<'"- ..,,".,. =--=- '$ ."" "6"" 7'u -..-.... 47,3 3.1 I 61,961.39 I 5,305.54 i .360.00 i 17.686.00 i 915,688.78 Bank of Salem Escrow S3,24S,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Fegeral Programs 'Farmers National Bank ~ p'aying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Bond Acct. Colonial-American' National Bank I' . :1 " Ii Certificates of Deposit - School Construction ~! lFarmers National 'Bank 01 Mountain Trust Bank II Security National Bank il 'I I, rl Ii Certificates of Deposit - Library Construction ~First National Exchange Bank Ii ~Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation .I II Mountain Trust Bank ~ ,I ,I ij Ii II Ii I I i Ii I Ii IN REGARD SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS-ROANOKE COUNTY II ' ~ 1,1 II A letter dated August '26, 1969, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, 1 . I, I Virginia Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following addi- 11 i tions effective August :26, 1969: i I , $ $ 150,000.00 100,000.00 600,000.00 850,000.00 $ $ SOO,OOO.OO $ 375,000.00 /s/ Resp~ctfully submitted, James E. PetersG James E.peters, Treasurer Roanoke County ADDITIONS LENGTH Ii Section 3 of new location of Rte. S67, from 0.12 Mi. N. of . II intersection of Rte. 419 to SCL of Roanoke, Project 06$1-0$0-111,C-501 ~ Sectiggcti8f &rwRtg;a1~8nt8fO~&7.~~lS.fb~iRt~~s~ti5n gf inter- ~ Rte. 720, Project 06g1-0g0-111,C-501. " iiwas this day received on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Super- 'I Ii visor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: Ii II AYES: All 'I I, I! NAyS: None. I! 0.06 0.11 " iI ii !I Ii IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS-ROANOKE COUNTY " A letter dated August 2$, 1969, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, j: ([Virginia Department of Highways, Richmond, Virginia~ approved the following i: :i additions effective August 2$, 19r9,: " 'I ii ADDITION 'I Ii NORTH ARDMORE SUBDIVISION. SECTION 3: :: Crutchfield Street - from Fair Oaks Road, northeasc j! to dead end. :j .1 'I 'I I I ,I .I , , " " ' LENGTH 0.0$ Mi. Ii !, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded I, I, by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following vote: II AYES: All i: I: NAYS: None. 430 ~",,=-c=;;,-~_:;:..o,,:-:-;==,':=-_-"'_'_ .._0.-'- c:. ="~"=.~o.~~>l~~--:: .":~YMENT OF ACCOUNTS ~"l~o_o'=~~=- ~ " Supervisor A. T., Hudd1,esto~ moved that the bill submitted by Mr. D. w. ii' i Jewell, 607 W. Calhoun St., ~alem, Virginia, for cleaning and repairing all venetian Ii Iii / 'blinds in the Courthouse in the amount of $650.03 be approved for payment. : I Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- I I ling recorded vote: I ~ i irAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles f, H. Osterhoudt. C S N !NAY: one. ~ I i I On motion of SuperViSor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ~Simms and the following recorded vote, bills in the total amount of $33,g52~87 I!Charged to the General Fund were approved for payment: I iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles l~yS' ) I, H. Osterhoudt. None. , , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote, bills in the total amount of $154.88 Icharged to the Dog Fund,were approved for payment: I AYES: Joseph C; Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles , I H. Osterhoudt. ~NAYS: None. I ~ II !I II Iii;' 11 II i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that checks in the tot al amount of $180, 7~6.4$ jbe approved retro-active to date of issuance for bills paid since the last Board ~ ~~eeting. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ~,I I[~ng recorded vote: II ~AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ ,I H. Ost erhoudt . 1,.1 I. NAYS: None. 'I Ii Ii ',,'I' I; 'I !I 'i . ~ COUNTY PAYROLLS :i l~ I i Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph i II !i jiC. Thomas, and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls 'Daily/Hourly dated :: 1!9/3/69 and 9/5/69) were approved for payment in the total amount.of $13,014.53, !1 j: ;i rfrom which the sum of $1,3$7.42 W. H. Tax; $624.70 F.I.C.A. Tax; $191.47 State In- j' come Tax; $329.85 Blue Cross Insurance; $22;75. Uniforms; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; " " il $44.64 Retirement and $10.00 loliscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net'i I, i' Ii payroll of $10,388.70. ': i,AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles " i; H. Osterhoudt. , NAYS: None. I I I 431 ',,---.~."",-""._- III' "'" i 1/ , I , I I i!of Supervisors either have. the above. dwelling put into proper repair or torn down be I , ' 'I,received and filed and that_tlle COll1IDonwealth's Attorney be directed to proceed with I I~all due speed to implement the Qode to see that the property is demolished. I , I " ' Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the fOllow-I' Ii ~ing recorded vote: ' I!AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II I; il II H. Osterhoudt. ::1 j,NAYS: None. i , I Ii Messrs. William Elmore and George Via offered the aforementioned petition 11/ Iii II 'ifor the Supervisors consideration. i II I' ,: Ii I II I I, ' Ii I Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I j!Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the Board resolved into 'a committe~ j ",II ilof the whole to consider privileged matters. ., Ii il ii I ,. . I i . I Upon conclusion of the privileged session, the committee of the whole was I !dissolved and the meeting resumed in open session on motion of Supervisor A. T. ~IN RE: HOUSE LOCATED AT 3112 DAVIS AVENUE SOUTHWEST ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Supervisor'Lee B. Eddy moved that the petition requesting that the Board ,., I ' t'" I'IiiiII , . " .. a seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Boar~1 II " il " A resolution dated September 9, 1969, of the Roanoke County School Board II !i in re: "A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINI~~ ~TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF $7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, A~ !I TO PROVIDE FOR THE SALE OF SAID BONDS AT THIS TIME." was this day received and filedl 1/ : [! on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and 111 N I 1\ the following vote: ,I II 'I Ii AYES: All 'i :: NAYS: None.1 The Superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools, Arnold Burton and II Huddleston, .1 I, " / :, the Business Manager, Bayes Wilson appeared with regard to the foregoing matter. o , , I :1 ,~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Executive Officer be authorized :i v i' 'I .. to negotiate without the necessity of sealed bids therefor a price for the purchase 'I i 'I I I " I of one (1) 2]-yard and one (1) l8-yard packer garbage truck. 'Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- I' ing recorded vote: !! AYES' , . Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 432 9/10/69 "",.....,...-,.<"l".=-=-.~,_._.- __ _'_--'7-"-='''.::--''''~~-"';'C=-:-:' - II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that subject to the approval of the iRecreation Board that the Board of Supervisors accept the bid of W.,W. Emerson, Inc.: Ilfor the construction of toilet facilities to be located on the groul).ds of Northside I iHigh School, said facility to be constructed outside the footpall stadium of said i / ~high school and to be used by the Northside Recreation Club al).d Recreation Dept. I I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the I, ~ Ii II I , I , i , i i I Ifollowing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles , i I' IINAYS: , , ! H. Osterhoudt. W. W. Emerson, Inc.'s bid was $6000 and Martin Bros. bid was $7,700. I None. The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. CH I !I I )1 ~ ~ I , I' Ii I l 'I it , il I Ii 'I ,I Ii 'I :i /, " " ~ " II I: I' 1: " i: !' ! I: I " " Ii II Ii Ii Ii " " i; I' I I' Ii J: 433 n ... :i " :I :1 :1 'r ii At a pUblic hearing this day to consider the application of W. S. Murray for permission I to place three mobile coaches (trailers) on his farm at 7919 Shadwell Drive, Hollins, Virginia, ii 9/~~/~ ! il~ 'I !,i",~:'~~,I. Ii Mr. James Roe, Attorney, appeared to represent certain citizens opposed to the request.~,'1,.M Ii On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and the Ii' y ~ :i following recorded vote, action was continued until the October 22, 1969, Board meeting at 7:30 P.Mi:~/'7"1'~ 'iI' il 3'5"'.<}-r;. 'I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 11 ~., 4. I ! 11 !I ii II I ~ II II Ii !I ~ ~ II The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, ~inia,11 II in the County Courtroom being the fourth Wednesday, and the second regular meeting of the month. i, I' 1'1' II I ~ Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. ,I II Earl Simns and Joseph C. Thomas. The Comnonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht and the County II ',I ,I I' II ! :,'1' I I ' 'II " Ii I'!,' 'I !i I! 11 !I Iii I II II il I: " i' ,I !i " if ii II I' II il II Courthouse Salem, Virginia September 24, 1969 7:30 P.M. ~ , 1"'1 Engineer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell were also present. - t"It The Chairman called the meeting to order and Supervisor A. T. Huddleston offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by the Chairman. The minutes of the September 10, 1969 Board meeting were approved as spread on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. I !I II il 'r 'I IN RE: APPLICATION OF W. S. MURRAY FOR TRAILER PERMIT Mr. Ben Chapman, Attorney, appeared to represent Mr. Murray. NAYS: None. IN RE: APPLICATION OF CLAUDE A. WEAVER FOR TRAILER PERMIT !1 I.j in support of his request. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. The Personnel Committee's recomnendation regarding a proposed policy to be followed in hiring extra help was received and filed and action deferred on the recommendation until after :1 the executive session, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. :1 " 'I :1 :1 Eddy and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. 434 9/24/69 il , II Ii I' i! T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas ,i " " II ii !I :1 II I, iI !i The Commonwealth's Attorney reported that the house at 3112 Davis Avenue, S. W., would bel! 1 ~ ../ torn down in ten(10) days in accordance w'ith petition filed by residents of the area and the Super-:: :1 visors directive of September 10, 1969. i! I! ii i1 ,( ij " I' ,I 'I II a Ii 'i I :1 I, il [I Ii :1 !i II i/ il II The Personnel Committee's recomn~ndation regarding the request of the General Registrar ii for a salary increase for her Assistant was received and filed and action deferred until after the " ,/ :1 executive session on motion of Supervisor A. i! :i and the unanimous vote of the Supervi sors" ;! il The Building Inspector, Mr. Harold Dickerson, was ,present and recognized. It was Ii Ii brought out that the Board of Adjustments and Appeals would meet at 1:00 P.M., September 29,1969. \1 II , Ii ;I The Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews reported that he had received a letter dated :i i! , /i September 12, 1969 from the Wilmington District Corps of Engineers, and that a meeting will be :, :1 " :1 " ;1 I' :1 II il I, ,..~:, ., , , II iI i: arranged by Corps of Engineers in the near future to explain their programs with regard to flood control measures . Electrical power rates are not available to Roanoke County, it was reported by the Executive Officer; in order to obtain these reduced rates it is necessary to have a franchise. The Executive Officer had corresponded with Fairfax County with regard to the foregoing matter. II II 'I :1 '. .1 II " 'I 'i The Chairman reported that the organizational meeting of the Fifth Planning District " V ~ Commission would be held at 2:00 P.M. September 25, 1969 in Fincast1e, Virginia. II " ;! " ./;; y :1 I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved the adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS a petition was filed with the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County on April 18,i, il 1966, aSking the governin9 body of Roanoke County to effect, in accordance with Section 15.1-1131 'I iI Ii II :, of the Code of Virginia as amended, a consolidation agreement on behalf of the entire County, in- Ii c1uding the Towns of Salem and Vinton, with the City of Roanoke; and body of the City of Roanoke to effect, in accordance with Section 15.1-1131 of the Code of Vir- ginia as amended, a consolidation agreement on behalf of the City of Roanoke with the entire County of Roanoke, including the Towns of Salem and Vinton; and WHEREAS on August 22, 1966, and August 29, 1966, respectively, the Board and the Council each appointed an advisory committee consisting of Carroll M. Bowman, W. E. Cundiff, :1 i " 'I ;j I , , I " :1 and Charles E. Webber from Roanoke County and G. Frank Clement, Roy C. Herrenkoh1, and Herman H. Pev1er " from Roanoke City to assist them by preparing and submitting to the Board and the Council for con- 'I sideration a plan for the consolidation of the City of Roanoke and Roanoke County; and WHEREAS on December 18, 1967, the report of the committee, dated November 21,1967, and signed by all members except Charles E. Webber, was filed with the Board of Supervisors, which report read in part as follows: '~he submission of the draft agreement is intended neither to con- , I I I I I 9/24/69 435 - -~__.._.,_."",--- -..=..--...... -~-,.-,._...'-'''"_____'-_,_-____ ___._..~.- - .~.-""<-,_-_. _......"'".".."-..r.-. --='-=~"'=----._-._-,.,.-- f;i t~~e ~ a~~W:::::::\::r:~:f o:u~:::v:::: ,n:: :u::::~;~d~:::~ ::g:~~:-P::ta::e::::~::~~:::~~::d ... r-~- hOlidation of the entire County, including the Town of Vinton, with the City of Roanoke, subject to i ~approval by referendum on November 4, 1969, by each separate municipality; ! Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that they takJ Ii l ithe position of the original committee--that the submission of the agreement to a referendum is \ ~intended neither to constitute an endorsement of any of its terms nor a recommendation in support of ~ 'i ! Ii consolidation; and " li ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board deems it not in the best interests of the cit'izens ~Of Roanoke County that the County be dissolved and merged with the City of Roanoke due to the I, Ii ambi guous nature of the tenns and condi ti ons of the agreement. , II 1 !i After turning the Chair over to the Vice-Chairman, Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the moti . I II ,i ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the foregoing resolution be amended by deleting the II ~~ i last paragraph. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion/carried by the following recorded ,I I! Ii vote: i!AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ NAYS,: A. T. Huddleston !) Ii !: Ii ,I 'I AYES: The amended resolution was defeated by the following recorded vote: .-- - ....-_~ .. r-, , , .. Lee B. EddY and A. T. Huddleston I NAYS: Ii II l[ I, ii On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the 'I I' following recorded vote, the public hearing heretofore scheduled for October 15, 1969, at 7:30 P.M. :1 " if in the Cornnunity Room of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center on the proposed amendments to the '" 1 Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances was this day cancelled. I , ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'I . I' ,i NAYS: None. II :! Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. , v i '0" , , ... On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the o " :: following recorded vote, the Board this day scheduled a special meeting of the Board of Supervisors ,! ): to be held at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic 'Center in the Community Room on October 21, 1969 at " I, 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of holding a publ ic hearin9 on the proposed amendments to the Subdivision I [I 'I " " I " i :1 'I '~ :1 'I ;1 ,I :i i! :: ~ and Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County: "AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. WHEREAS it appears to the Eoard of Supervisors that State Secondary Route 628 fr~l the intersection of State Secondary Route 1858 to 0.13 mile south of State Secondary Route 1858. a distance of 0.13 mile, serves no public necessity and is no longer necessary for the uses of the State Secondary System of Highways; 43'6 9/24/69 ~~=:~:,::';;-::o~:~,:.';~;~~~... I, 'I' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO that the Clerk of the Board be, and is hereby, directed to II I i post and publish notice of the Board's intention to <Ibandon the section of Route 628 as aforesaid, " " I pursuant to Section 33-76.8 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. II t, I 'I' The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded I 00 i by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and/the following, recorded vote: I " 11 I, Ii :1 Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I , ~ AYES: ~ NAYS: II ,I I: I; None. WHEREAS it appears to the Board of Supervisors that State Secondary Route 743 from 0.08 mile west of the intersection of State Secondary Routes 625 and 743 south a distance of 0.02 mile I serves no public necessity and is no longer necessary for the uses of the State Secondary System NAYS: None. I' I I,: ~ The Executive Officer requested that the matter of considering changes ,in garbage collectl n I' I il ' '~ rates and rules be continued generally in order to secure more infonnation on the matter. II " :,"'1' ~ Ii II I: !i " Ii II II 1':, to the Fifth Planning District Commission be deferred until the matter could be discussed in 11 executive session. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by,the fOllowing :1 Ii Ii 'I, 'I I' Ii I, I' :: 'I I I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the appc)intment of Roanoke County representatives vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. / I; IN RE: HARVEST FESTIVAL WEEK " 'I I' Ii Ii I' ,I " " to Sign the Proclamation declaring October 27-November 1 HARVEST FESTIVAL WEEK on behalf of the Ij " iI ;j " Ii Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Clhainnan of the Board of Supervisors be authorize~ Ii 'i " I Board of SKpervisors. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded I vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston Charles H. Osterhoudt. A Copy of the HARVEST FESTIVAL WEEK Proclamation is filed with the minutes of this meeting. 9/24/69 437 ....,. - ~'.' - __-"-.;....o-.;...--=---'-'+.:..._=...;'-_~"-"-'--_-_-~._..-'-._.. __0..' .' ._. _ H . _""_~'''''''''''-""",,,,'_' . .._ ;:..~...;:=...~=-,,,-. ~ i"'t ~ On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the Ii Ii unanimous vote of tile Supervisors, the following items were tllis day re:eived and filed: Ii 'Tile Cllainnan's Report for September 19, 1969 Ii -Petition from Ho~~ owners in the 300~500 Block of Boxley Road, Hollins, Va. i: re: obtainin9 relief from property damage resulting from Ii inadequate water drainage II /letter dated 9/15/69 from City Manager of Roanoke confinning his oral request I; for general continuance of the public hearing scheduled on a certain Ii special use pennit (to operated landfill on Brushy I~t.) I: /Two resolutions flrom Tile Town of Vinton both passed on August 27, 1969, , one approving the consolidation of the City of Roanoke with the County of Roanoke and the Town of Vinton into a single new city and the other providing for joint publication with the Board of Supervisors and the City Council of Roanoke a copy of the Consolidation Agreement and summary of the Chartel" for Conso1 idated City ..- _.~.."'--_._.._~._._- r-' hot , I, , " " " ,: i: IN RE: SECONDARY SYST8fl ADDITION-ROANOKE COUNTY [I " :i A letter dated September 8, 1969, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Virginia Dept. " !! of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following addition effective September 8, 1969: Ii ~ LINDENWOOD SUBDIVISION, SECTION 12: ii Devonshire Drive - from Da1adier Drive (Rte. 1032)to Woodmere Drive (Rte. 1026)-- Ii it j1was tllis day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl i Simms and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. ,I l! II if ]] I' i IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM DISCOiiTINUANCES - ROANOKE COUNTY II A letter dated September 9, 1969, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Virginia Dept. 'i II of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, advising effective August28, 1969 the discontinuance of: ,] ~Section 1 of old location of Rte. 867, from 0.12 mile north of intersection of Rte. 419 to SCL II of Roanoke, Project 0681-080-111,C~501 ----~--------- 0.05 Mi. (length) II Section 2 of old location of Rte. 681, from 0.18 Mi. South of intersection of Rte. 720 to 0.10 Ii mile south of intersection of Rte. 720, Project 0681-080-111 ,C-501----- 0.08 Mi. (len9th) : I' , Ii was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earll ii ! I'! Simms and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. i ! : :i I :] ,I Ii ill 'I . ',::, IN RE: PAYME. NT OF ACCOUNTS :i :1 11t;;~ i~ !I :1 i; 'i :1 ,I !.: On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the :1 /; ,/~ r ! l'~'~ Ii following recorded vote, checks for bills paid since the last board meeting were approved retro-activ~ ~ o:r :: to date of issuance in the total amount of $17 ,693.01. i.11 ~ 'i AYES: Joseph C. Tllomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ;1 ~ Ii NAYS: None. ,I' " I: :i '; ! 'i LENGTH 0.17 MI. , c :/ u On motion of Supervisor A. II :i follOWing recorded vote, the current bills were approved for payment as presented and a list of i' !i said bills in filed with the minutes of this meeting, totalling $49,311.85. " Ii AYES: T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. (Supervisor Osterhoudt abstained from voting on item 301A (reimbursment of his expenses) None. ; ii NAYS: :i j! , 'I !: o A list of said cllecks ~aid retro-active to date of issuance is filed witll the minutes of , ii this meeting. 1i I' I 438 9/24/69 _..._ ._.-__._.;'<-"""'.--,"O'C:"","_=~- c',...~,.. - ._." _.______.,___._~. ......._.... . _0_ ---~;-FR~:dCO~~Y P~Y~O:L Ii On moti on of Supervi SOl" ,~. T. Hudd1 eston, seconded by Supervi SOl' Lee B. Eddy and the /fo110wing recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Daily/Hourly dated 9/17/69,9/12/69 and Monthly dated 19/29/69) were approved for payment 'in the total amount of $55,203.47, from which the sum of $6,631.05\1 IW' H. Tax; $2,412.85 F. I.C.A. Tax; $912.68 State Income Tax; $768.60 Blue Cross Insurance; $1,357.19 fe- irement; $27.50 Unifonns and $30.00 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll [I liof $43,063.60: I IAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Ed~f, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ I!NA YS: None. ~ 'I I, " " 'II ~ Ii ! I~,; On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and ~ II [the. unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss 1!,'1 ~,'priVileged matters. ~ II Ii 'I ~ II 'I I: I, ~ Having completed the consideration of privileged matters, the Supervisors returned to II lthe Courtroom, dissolved the committee of the whole and resumed the meeting in open session on II il1lOtion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following : /vote: I I AYES: All NAYS: None. I PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I None. " ~1 ~\ ,I · .J'r;;J ~~~IN RE: SALARY OF ASSISTANT REGISTRAR . :.j<' ttt1 y-~~. ~ :.(' il WHEREAS, tile Board of Supervisors having adopted its budget for 1969-1970 setting out 1-(l!-1/ "-t.r/sa1aries for employees in the Courthouse, and having established the fact that this Board approved ~~.. ~ the Yarger Report; J~~~?)I":. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors deny the request for the .I jl, ~I.y I' increase in salary of the Assistant Registrar. ,.~ l' IIdopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ~. ~"\ I, Simms and the following recorded vote: ~(!' [AYES' J'''ph C. _. .... B. Eddy. L E", Si~" A. T. """,,"" '"' Ch",,, H. "",_.,. ~ NAYS: None. I 440 ;.;:_....,"~.~~=".",..-..,.,~--==----==" ~~=-=~:-~=l- - -- -T~~--~'~-~-~=~ =-~ 'I Courthouse II 'ii Salem, Virginia 'I' SPECIAL I~EETING I I,! September 29, 19691 9:00 A. M. i Ii II ~ A Special Meetin9 of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors convened this day in the ~ If office of the Commonwealth's Attorney at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, pursuant!1 I ! to the following call: il I I I' "September 25, 1969 il II Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt il I II Supervisor A. T. Huddleston if Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas 'Iii Supervisor L. Earl Simms i Supervi sor Lee B. Eddy i , Gentlemen: i Please be advised that upon the request of Mr. Huddleston and Mr. Osterhoudt, the Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting at the Courthouse in the Commonwealth's Attorney's office for the purpose of discussing the sale of the Roanoke County School Bonds at 9:00 A.M. on Monday, ~ September 29, 1969. ~ Please make every effort to be present. , i i , I i , Very truly yours, /s/ Elizabeth W. Stokes, , Elizabeth W. Stokes, Clerk Roanoke County Board of Supervisors il !i II i i I , " " :1 II :i j , J " I EWS;bb Commonwealth's Attorney Executive Officer" cc: ~ Ii Ii f: i: !i On ~tion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the unanimous vote ~ II ,I 'I ~ II II t " " Ii 'i Ii Ii ~ of the Supervisors present, the meeting was adjourned to reconvene immediately'in the Jury Room. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, :1 il " " , L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. Also pres~nt: Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht,andi it the Engineer-Executive Officer of the Board, Paul B. 11atthews. and the Treasurer of Roanoke County, :, Public I James E. Peters. Those present from the Roanoke County/School System- Superintendent Arnold Burton,i ;'i Business I~anager, Bayes \~i1son and Hildrey Pollard of the Roanoke County School Board. I , ii The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Mr. Lawrence Wales,-District Vice- " " Ii President of J. C. Wheat & Co. who discussed the bond market and the services that his company I' I II could provide in the handling of Roanoke County's bond Offering. I. Ii Ii I I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County engage the services of J. C. Wheat & Co. to 9uide the sale and issuance of that portion of the 15.8 million dollar School Bond Issue which the Board chooses to sell at this time for a fee not to exceed $4500.00. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: i' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sil1l1ls, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. _~.,...__~_";'::"'_~-"_.=cc_r...=.._ ._.U _~._.. ..'..... /""0 l n " i On moti~n of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, ~ ing vote, the 'meeting was adjourned: " If AYES: All I NAYS: None. Ii "'" :! I: il - II I' II ...., jf i~ " II ., ~ " I, " " i! j: II ~ Ii ~ II ff " [! ! H ii ~ li I, " 'I I, " I' [1 Ii I, " ~ .' a i : ( ... 441 . ._--.:-_.""'_ _._.. '.:,::.- ,=._____:.........'::.;...c.;;..."'"'-'-=-=-.,.:.._....."""'....=.~-_='_==_ Seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the follow- , , , , , I i I , " I , , i i !I II [I " II 11 I: I I 'I II Ii II i i 1 i i ! , , i 11 :1 i! Ii II :1 , " :1 " I 'I 'I " i !I I li i :! i , " I .1 " i , , , ;1 ! 442 -~~~''''-~'-''''''''i1"'''''-''- 11'11 Ii Courthouse II, Salem, Virginia i,'I' October 8, 1969 II 2:00 P.M. Ii ~ I! ~ The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Sailem, :1 livirginia, in the County Courtroom, being the second Wednesday, and the first regular meeting of the \ I i: i month. Members present: Chainnan Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chainnal' A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. II lEddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. The County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistant were !i I Ii Ii a 1 so present. II ,! ;1 Ii !I ~ II ., II I, Ii The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Lewis E. Bates, minister ~ ~to the Vinton Baptist Church who offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in :1 ~ [, lunison to the flag led by the Chainnan. 'i 111I Ii Ii [,1:1 !il On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, the minutes of the September 24, 1969 meeting of this Board were approved as spread, by the following II :1 lrecorded vote: II ~AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Ii I NAYS: None. l I I I The minutes of the Special Meetin9 of this BGard of September 29, 1969, were approved as I corrected on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the "11 following recorded vote: ~AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,NAYS: None. I I I Ii ,"I ~ .J IN RE: ID''f~ ~{~ ~..H ~I . ~( Ii A public hearing scheduled and advertised to be held this day on the above rezoning peti- . 11'" I II ~'\ ^~ [Ition was continued to the October 22, 1969, Board meeting in accordance with the request of the ~~ ~~etitionerls Attorney, Clifton A. Woodrum, III, in a letter dated October 7, 1969, on motion of Jt' I: Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote: ID II " ~b. 7d'~ ~AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,~~.rNAYS: None. -~ ;1 PETITION OF MRS. FLORENCE D. BATEMAN, WIDOW, REZONING OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND LYING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF COLONIAL AVENUE, S. W., IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AND FRONTING 300.57 FEET ON COLONIAL AVENUE AND 300 FEET ON MANASSAS DRIVE, S. W. I I Michael K. Smeltzer, Attorney for the Petitioners appeared to represent them in the following " . ii matter. No one appeared to oppose the rezonln9 request. 10/8/69 -'.,;"~....;..:>...:.- ,.. ~ IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON ) " THE EAST SIDE OF VIRGINIA ) I 'II STATE SECONDARY ROUTE #419) FINAL ORDER , ,I (STARKEY ROAD) ) I 1i I it At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 8th 'day of October, :1 :; 1969.: II il Ii WHEREAS, 8ranch & Associates, Inc., and T. R. Leslie petitioned this Board and requested that II ii the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described in I ~ said petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business District B-3 (Special) which petition was I' 'I !I filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on August 13, 1969, and by order entered that day was : II referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, 'in accordance with the I [, provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and i 1 ' Ii WHEREAS, the said Planning COlllllission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on September 16, I Ii ,I 'II 1969, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that II ': said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classificiation of the property describe1 Ii in said petition from Business District B-2 (General) to Business District B-3 (Special); and i Ii I it WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by an order entered on the 13th day of ! 'I I il August, 1969, direct the Clerk of this Board to forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at II the next regular meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publ ication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and ~ ,., 181 .,... ~ .. WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board held on October 8, ~ 1969, as the time and date for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said ~ County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World-News, I ~ a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as provided by said ! I' : ,! order of this Board and in Accordance with said ordinance and the 1950 Code of Vir9inia, as amended; I I~d I 'I ' I, WHEREAS, said pub 1 i c heari ng was held on the proposed amendment on the 8th day of October, 1969; I I: i !I and ' Ii ,I !i WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommenda- :1 ~ tion after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the said proposed amendment to the County I: ~' Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as " i requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission ;i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of II II Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 8th day of October, 1969, the said County Zoning Ordinance be'll I! and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property described in said petition from 'I Business District B-2 (General) to Business District B-3 (Special) in order that said property might~! " be more fully and reasonab1Ytlse, the said property being classified as Business District B-2 'I II I: '! o (General) is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: D BEGINNING at a point on the easterly right of way of Virginia State Secondary Route #419 (Starkey Road), said point being the southwesterly corner of the aforesaid Virginia State Secondary Route #419 and a 20 foot wide road or alley; thence leaving the right of way of Virginia State Secondary Route #419, and with the westerly side of the aforesaid 20 foot alley or road, S. 53000' E., 120.0 feet to a point; thence leaving the westerly side of the alley or road, and with a new line through the property of Branch & Associates, Inc., and T. R. Leslie, S. 540 18' W., 170.0 feet to a point; thence another new line through the aforesaid property, N. 650 32' W., 132.06 feet to a point, said point being on the easterly right of way of Virginia State Secondary Route #419; thence with the easterly right of way of Virginia State Secondary Route #419, N.540 18' E., 200.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING; and Containing 0.48 acre and being more particularly shown on plat showing division of property of 8illy H. Branch, dated July 30, 1969, and prepared by T. P. Parker, S.C.E.; and 444 _ _ ""'__.-,-:""'_"""_:..,,.-'.-....._ _. _ .___ ". -- .....' -- -,'"':;':-_:_:.:.~:.,:"~-..=.:;:.._o_.... .. ____ _. __ ._....-..~_-":-_=.'-....:..:;_,,--.-.-_..- ;.~>O,...-_.,_.._.=:.,. -.-.~~~~-'--~~g~~~:~:~~:f~e~~~~ti~:~t~t}~/if:~~ ~~~~~~~.~~~;ti~~f:fi~~D:~~~:J~~ti~:~:~~:t;i:.~t~~;:-:o-.o~..-T from Herman M. Cunningham and Helen M. Cunningham, husband and wife, by deed ,dated May ~ 6, 1969, and of record in the Clerk's Office aforesaid in Deed. Book 875, page 635. II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy Ii ,b'1\~ of this resolu,tion and order to the Secretalry of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia,;1 o,',~ i'~ and a copy to Eggleston, Holton, Butler and Glenn, attorneys for petitioners. ~ III '~ '\ The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by ~ q~~ ISupervisor Lee B. Eddy and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas advised the Board members that the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce was interested in renting office space in the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center. A lette addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors dated.October 7, 1969, also relating to this I tter, signed by Grant M. Sprinkle, Jr., President of said Chamber of Commerce,was also brought to ~ the attention of the Board. It was reported that the Civic Center Commission was aware of the II request but felt the joint owners, Salem City Council and Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, should II , be heard on the matter first. The following action was taken: i I i Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors ask the Commonwealth's Attorney to I IO'P~1{ ~.i'I~ .11" c,,,, C...., ",'I 'h, ",' ".'1., ",'i,. b",. ""boc 22, 1"'. ~:~~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: ~. ~ NAYS: :::e. ~~ '1f~' v Hillard B. Souers, Executive Vice-President of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce, ,0& ( ~ ~I;'Y rs present and recognized. U ~i u ii ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors prepare and distribute; ~an informational letter on the subject of the consolidation of the City of Roanoke, the Town of IIVinton and Roanoke County, including the facts of the Consolidation Agreement and Charter, also a II 'brief discussion of the points for and against voting for consolidation in the referendum on Novem- !ber 4, 1969: furthermore that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to supervise the preparation iland distribution of this newsletter. !i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: I: liAYEs: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I: " i!NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. II Ii ;, ;i " ii !i " I: Health-Mental Ii Ii I! " " !i iI Ii ,I investigate the legality of renting space in a publicly-owned building and defer a decision on the equest of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce to rent office space in the Salem-Roanoke I I Rabbi Donald L. Berlin, Mrs.W. Conrad Stone and Mrs. Laddie Fisher of the Roanoke Valley Mental i, Retardation Services Board were present and recognized. - 1'-' ... r,'''' n !III lJ o 10/8/69 445 ~----_. "~=:..,,-..~- ....;;,.-. _4'_ ~'-' "'C--....'-'-_,..;..::...:.:.:......_:;--"-C_:~_",: l Ii IN RE: BY~LAWS FOR ROANOKE VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH-MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES BOARD ii II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this Board of Supervisors approve the By~laws for the Roanoke i! I!Valley Mental Hea1thooMenta1 Retardation Services Board as presented, with this one modification: II liomit the period at the end of Article XI, substitute a cOl1lT/a and add the words - "subject to the II approval of the participating governing bodies." " Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the fOllowing recorded vote: ;i IjAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sil1lT/s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 11 I' II NAYS: None. Ii A Copy of the aforementioned By-laws as modified and approved by this Board this day is filed " iiwith the minutes of this meeting. ~Ii! !I 4~ ~I II II ~' .I' I: 'I {!.'~ il"".J.1P il Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the COlllTJCnwealth's Attorney be respectfully requested to work ~-; I:With the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board regarding the clarification ~ I~.~' !iof legal aspects of the by-laws, including obtaining written opinions from the Office of the 1119' ~~ i: " i' Attorney Genera 1 . " i: ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: ! \0"0' . AYES Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. iINAYS: None. ~~ . .. " I' . .' ~ G'-' ii I "I).~ ~ ~~~,"' II 'I~.ll'\~'"\ . ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chainnan of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to II" ~~ ~meet with the Mayors of the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem to ascertain which treasurer of thel ~~~.~, ': I G" ~ ?IJ' iithree governing bodies shall serve as the Treasurer of the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental i ~..r:t~" ~ !iRetardation Services Board, pursuant to Title 37.1 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended. iVj;i~..J'~'-"" II , ,,:1\;,1-1 U! I' Supervisor L. Earl Sil1Jlls seconded the motion which carried by the fo110Win9 recorded vote: i ~,o,'1 Q/;' II 'I" . J liAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. li~'~ ~:~ !:NAYS.: None. ! e. ..~ I :: i! " iiNOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC I,HEARING THEREON. :1 " i: ii, ]:by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on February 18, 1957; and , WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Trailer Park Ordinance, said ordinance having been enacted WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the said ordinance expedient and 'inecessary to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; ,I; NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to !:be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wednesday, December 10, 1969, at 2:00 p.m., the Board ;: I; of Supervi sors will move the passage of the fo 11 owi ng amendments: That the said ordinance be amended as follows: ; SECTION 5 The annual minimum County license tax on any person operating or conducting a trailer park to :; :'be changed from $3.00 per year per trailer to cover from one (1) to eight (8) trailers, inclusive, !I,etc., to $10.00 per year per trailer to cover from one (1) to eight (8) trailers, inclusive, etc. 'I' II . !i The additional license tax of $2.00 per lot for two-thirds of the number of lots or sites in the ',I " ,;trailer park in excess of eight (8) to be changed to an additional tax of $2.00 per additional j I: ; Ii " . I , i 446 10/8/69 __. _ .,._~,:,:;::",--:=_~-""~..,,.--,-c,,- :-. .. .. - "-"~~~F:~~::~p::e"in""ex:~s~~f~ei9ht-(8)' I' The final date for obtaining an annual license for a trailer park to be changed from on or before the first day of April to the 31st day of January. , D'~~ ~~ ~ LICENSE TAX YEAR: The license tax year under this ordinance to be changed from the year I ,O'€%' ~~ iAPril 1 to March 31 to January 1 to December 31. I~~ The Clerk of this Board is directed to publth the proposed amendments and notice of hearing I ~ ~~~ thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, i \i' .~ ionce a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general I~~ ~ circulation in Roanoke County, and in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke , . ~' ~ ' Ii IO'~~. tl:county. Said proposed amendments and notice of hearing thereon shall also be published and posted 1~~~lat the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse, and at each post office in Roanoke County. I ~~;I A COpy of the proposed amendments is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court for ~l\ ~ ~. Roanoke County. \~O"" f'1 % J:;o~ Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by ~};~ jthe following recorded vote: ~I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. "NAYS: None. II " II i " y NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY AUTOMOBILE GRAVEYARD ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Automobile Graveyard Ordinance, said ordinance having " been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on Febrary 16, 1959; and '~ WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the said ordinance expedient and ~ necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; (, 'I I. I' ,I II " " II !i " " II " iI Ii I NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wednesday, December 10, 1969, at 2:00 p.m., the Board of Supervisors will move the passage of the fo110win9 amendments; That the said ordinance be amended as follows: I I SECTION 15, PAGE 3 '/ "or its authorized representative" after .t This section is to be changed to include the words I ~ the words "Board of Supervisors". t \~. " SECTION 17, PAGE 3 .:)~~J~~J:1i The license tax year under this ordinance is to be changed from April l.to March 31 of each J.~) if;'i;-fl41'l'O 'Ii year to January 1 to December 31 of each year. ~ ~ II! The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the proposed amendments and notice of hearing ! thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, i 1 once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general , ~ circulation in Roanoke County, and in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Raanoke !i II County. Said proposed amendments and notice of hearing thereon shall also be published and posted " " ~ at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post office in Roanoke County. i: ~ A copy of the proposed amendments is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of \: !I Roanoke County. i I. :i Ii Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted :i ,i ;1 , I' :1 i'! .I r II .. "",::;..,.."...-,..:"",:;,"",,-::;~=L-==-~-=-""= ."',.-,._....,::O.-~-=~,- "- I I I II ~ ,I " I' II I I I I I 447 !'lIlI i... 'I II " I, :[ 'I " ;1 " ii II !i 1:1 l~r. Fred C. Battle. Deputy COl1ll1issioner of the Revenue, and recently appointed Business License Ii I ' !IInspector for that office. appeared before the Board this day with regard to the foregoing two (2) r Ifrdinances. His letters of October 8, 1969. to the Soard of Supervisors requesting that the , iiAutomobile Graveyard and Trailer Park Ordinances be amended so as to not conflict with the proposed !I II I ,[revision of the Roanoke County Business License Ordinance are filed with the minutes of this meeting.:! I ' ~ I '! il Ii ' II I !I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Executive Officer be authorized to execute the adden 11m " 1 ",q lito the County's agreement with the Shoup Voting Machine Corporation adding the lease of six (6) II'O.-I~'1;.. .- I[additional voting machines. !I ~~ !I Supervisor L. Earl Sillllls seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: ~ ~YES: Joseph C. Thomas. Lee B. Eddy. L. Earl Sillllls, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II ~:~. j I 'I A copy of the executed addendum to the agreement is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Ii Ii Ii il ,I 11 ,IIN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON ROUTE 311) II I CATAWBA ROAD. NEAR 'MOUNTAIN PASS ) BAPTIST CHURCH ) ORDER OF I ( OF ) REFERRAL : il EDWARD O. BEASLEY AND WI FE ) II il This day came Edward D. Beasley and wife. by counsel. and asked leave to file a pet"ition relatit !Ito the rezoni ng of the property descri bed therei n. II Ii NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of said Board of Super- II ilvisors of Roanoke County the said petition be, and the same hereby is. filed; 'I I " I AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requesi~ed III l'lin said petition be, and the same is hereby, referred to the Planning CO.l1II1iSSiOn of Roanoke County II Ifor a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; II AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning COl1ll1ission shall report its recot ::mendation to the Board. as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of same the Clerk of i! ii !i Ilthis Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next pennissible regular 'I II ' .,,9 !,meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance! IO"~~. A [[with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; II~pr/v Ii AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be I: ~ !iforthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning :iCommission of Roanoke County. Virginia. 'I , The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded ~y the following recorded vote: YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. NAYS,: None. Eddy, L. Earl Sil1ll1s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,.. , f ,"" ! ~ o ii by Supervi sor Joseph C. " :iAYES: All :1 ii ~S: None. 11 !! il :; II :' Thomas and adopted by the following vote: On the application of the below-named petitioners: 448. 10/8/69 , !I Lewis Earl Johnson, et a1s - Unnamed road from Route 116 south to D. E. who this day filed their!' iipetition for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is ordered that :1 ;iE. s. Leslie, Guy V. Funk, O. S. May, W. E. Rakes, and G. E. Tribbett be appointed viewers, any II i:three of whom may act, to view the ground and report to this Board the conveniences and inconveniences I :: ii that will result as well to individuals as to the public if such road shall be as proposed, and II 11 i1 iiespecially whether any yard, garden, or orchard, or any part thereof will, in such case, have to be il !I I Iltaken, and that no road or landing shall be established upon or through the lands of any cemetery i, ,.~ ~~. :Ior through the lands of any seminary of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the [I ~o. 1..,1 said viewers shall also ascertain and report to this Board whether the said road will be of such 1'1 ')J1"jj 11 11 I V . kmere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the II .If> I! person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. They Shall also assess and report what ii ; 'I Ii damages, if any, the land owners are entitled to and accompany their report with a plat or Ii .1 II ii diagram of said road. '1'1 i' - I ,... il And it is further ordered that the Clerk of this Board be, and she hereby is, directed to II o~ . " Ii It,l. . ~ i! forthwith issue process to sumnon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to il ~~;~ . ij,these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, executed, and returned as process or a il ~~ ~~~i sumnons may be in other cases, except that it may be served upon the District Engineer of the State II "'" ~'~.. II Highway Department of Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Ii ~~.'.ii Roanoke County, and provided further that a certified copy of this order., certified by the Clerk of I . ~~~! this Board, shall be attached to said summons or process to said State Highway Commi~oner to be II ..-l-~ ,I served as aforesaid. I r t- II And these road proceedings are continued. I ,:! On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and adopted by the il ~ d II fo11owing,recorded vote: jl " ,/ :1 :, ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'i Ii NAYS: None. i; I ! ,I II ;! II " ,i Ii 'I :; I II II iI 'I I , " Ii / Ii ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT II Ii On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Sillll1s, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following II 10- I ~ - ''fi recorded vote, the E:urrent bills were approved as presented, except the item under 30SA to F. L. .~ ~,~ if Hoback in the amount of $300 which will be paid upon investigation by the Chairman as to the ~ '; sharing of this item for his expenses to school in Reno, Nevada: ~ 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. The current bills totaled $57,223.71. ~ry{,f ,0..,; t" ~ On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following recorded vote, checks in the total amount of $142,264.91 were approved retro-active to date of issuance for payment of bills since the last board meeting: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ,I I I : ii " " !I 'I 1 ,i Ii I . I ~'i; _" I I I I I o a .~ c g 10/8/69 --- - 463 - On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and the v' following recorded vote, the request of Fred Battle for reimbursement for travel expenses as Business ~1 License Inspector was referred to the Property Committee for their report and recommendation by the JO':~ l' .~ October 22,1969 Board meeting. ~~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Ed~, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~~. , '61 NAYS: None. br!' '=1/,.' (~~' On motion of Supervisor L~ Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and the following recorded vote, the Statement from Virginia Oivision of Forestry for forest fire control in Roanoke County for the period June 2 through August 29, 1969, in the total amount of $363.65 was this day approved for payment: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Ed~, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Daily/Hourly dated 10/1/69, 10/7/69, 10/2/69) were approved for payment in the total amount of $11,520.46 from which the sum of $552.97F.I.C.A. Tax; $1,108.32 W. H. Tax; $148.51 State Income Tax; $329.85 Blue Cross Insurance; $21.00 Uniforms; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $29.76 Retirement; and $10.00 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $9,305.05. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Ed~, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, the General v Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 18, 1969, be, and the same is hereby, 310 - PUBLIC WORKS 310b - Planning and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $6,825.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 313 - 313a - Elections: An additional appropriation of $10,774.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. , ,I ~ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Ed~, and the i unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the following items were this day received and filed: ~ Ii I' " :! j\ II The Chairman's report of 10/3/69 with these attachments: , Letter of 9/30/69 from G. L. Robertson, Resident Engineer, Va. Dept. of Highways salem, Va., re: drainage condition on Boxley Rd. , Letter of 9/20/69 from Peters Creek Civic League with attached copy of their letter to Supt. of Roanoke County Public Schools re: school conditions i~ . North County area (slow construction intermediate School and crowded condltlon at Northside High School) , Chairman's letter to Peters Creek Civic League in re: North County School conditions dated 10/6/69 _ Chairman's letter of 10/6/69 to Charles Stebbins forwarding copy of Highway Dept.'s v ,,,II .,ID -t J( ~ 'g>~ . ,"" ..,~.:: ~ 10/8/69 M ~.. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors approve the installation of a central telephone system for the offices of Roanoke County to be located in the Health & Welfare Oepartment bui1din9. , I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. ,.. U Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Executive Officer be authorized to purchase a Model 1150 Friden Electronic Calculator w,ithout the necessity of obtaining bids therefor. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, lee B. Eddy, l. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. c. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this Board hereby formally reject all bids submitted on the construction of the North County Library so that the jOb may be re-bid on a different basis, that the new basis for bidding will be exc1udin9 the basement from the project, and that the architect be instructed to prepare the necessary documents for re-bidding by those contractors who bid the contract as originally designed. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. A letter from the New City Committee dated October 6, 1969, requesting by resolution passed until the New City would be formed October 3, 1969, that the Board of Supervisors declare a moratorium/on the question of a new land- fill site in Roanoke County, for use by Roanoke City, was this day laid before the Board. The Chairman stated that insofar as the Board of Supervisors is concerned an effective mora- torium now exists in that the question of the Brushy Mountain landfill has been postponed indefinite~ 1 ' , at the request of the City of Roanoke and the Board has no present intention of reopening the I matter until requested to do so by the City Council. c Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the New City letter and resolution be received and Ii filed. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy;'L. Earl Simms, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Ii NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. Ii II Ii ~ The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Ii Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. II Ii 'I I I I' II Ii ,I " I I I " B ~~~ :::::::.. 465 ",q ~ " ,,'" " .,.~ i' ~ I I ' 466 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Salem, Virginia October 21,1969 7:30 P. M. SPECIAl MEETING A special meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors was held this day, October 21, 1969, at the Salem-Roanoke VaRey Civic Center at 7:30 P. M. for a joint public hearing with the v Roanoke County Planning Commission on the adoption of a proposed new Zoning Ordinance and amendments to the existing Land Subdivision Ordinance of Roanoke County. I The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors presided over the meeting. After the call to order he introduced the members of the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors: From the Planning Commission- Mr. T. D. Steele, Chairman, J. Oliver Stein, Oliver Woody, Roy Hash and M. E. Maxey; From the Board of Supervisors - Charles H. Osterhoudt, Chairman, A. T. Huddleston, Vice-Chairman, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms. The Commonwealth's Attorney for Roanoke County, Raymon R. Robrecht was also present. The County Engineer and Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews and Assistant, Maurice Mitchell were present. Mr. Matthews is also Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission. The professional planning consultant, Mr.Donald J. Balzer of Balzer & Associates was also present and recognized. I After outlining the purpose and procedure of the meeting, the public hearing proceeded as follows: Those interested in the text of the Ordinance were invited to be heard first. Mr. Francher Turner of Old Dominion Signs requested an opportunity to appear before the Planni,ng Commission with some suggested changes, after he had had sufficient time to study the sign section of the ordinance. /' Mr. Dale Poe of Home Builders Association extended his congratulation~ to those responsible I , for the preparation of the ordinance. Hearing no further comment on the text of the ordinance, the Chairman then invited comment from those citizens who wished to be heard on the classification of their property. (A proposed Land Use Map was displayed at the front of the room for reference) Mr. Frank Helm, who owns a restuarant on Route 24, stated he had an acre of land East of Vinton now zoned for residential and would like to have it zoned for business. Mr. Herbert Ward of Ward's Mobile Home Park, stated his property was zoned for residential I l I I ~ I I I , I Mr. William B. Victorine, spokesman for Indian Mountain Estates Civic League and others, filed I la marked map and petition signed by property owners from the area requesting that the property now ~ ~zoned for Agricultural not be changed to RE (Residential Estates). Mr. Victorine stated that some ~ 'Of the residents wanted to raise pigs and cvuld not under RE classification. Mr. Victorine also ~ !I Ii ~ Mr. E. B. Showalter, represented by his attorney, Mr. Ben Chapman requested that his property !i " II I I but not for mobile home parks. Mr. Ward was advised he had the "grandfather clause" working for v' him; in response, Mr. Ward said he would still like to have his request considered and suggested a committee be appointed to study and see what they could come up with. I pointed out that the signers of the petition owned property from 160 acres down to 3 acres. j proposed for R-l be changed to R-3 so as to permit apartment houses such as town houses or . _.a..... _. other multi-family housing. ~lr."Showalter's property lie,s on the Roanoke City side of ROU:~ IH"a~dl i I , directly under the path of the airplanes approaching and leaving the Airport. Because of the air- I i I planes, Mr. Chapman stated the land was not conducive to single family development. and called upon II Mr. l\Yle Montague, Realtor, who verified the fact. II I Iv , , 1 ) ! . , , _ __........:.tr.-._ 10/21/69 . East of Route 116 (Cove Road). His 20-acre tract adjoins the Arrow Wood Country Club and lies c Mr. W. G. Creasy, owner of property on the North side of Route 628 1/2 mile North of Route stated it was 117 near the Airport/now zoned for Agricultural and would like to leave it that way because he felt it would be impossible to develop the land into sin~lle family residence as proposed. His M l.i reason was the same as Mr. Showalter's - the airplanes. , Mr. G. B. Crockett of Indian Mountain Estates raised the question, would the fact that all the landowners in his area support retaining their present classification make any difference to. the Planning Commission. The Chairman stated he was sure it would but would not guarantee any particular action would be taken though all requests would be considered. Mr. Richard Hamilton appeared for his mother, Mrs. ~. C. Hamilton, who owns a 5-acre tract on the Southwest corner of Cave Spring Lane and Route 1663, and requested that the B-1 zoning be expanded to include all 5 acres. Mr. Rudy Cox owns 3,000 feet on Route 220 going south just before the entrance to the Blue Ridge Parkway on Roanoke City side and requested that said property all be zoned B-2. 467 -1 i I II I, 'I v I i , I I 1'- I " I i I I iv' I 1 Mr. Fred Bullington owner of a tract of land on Route 419 adjacent to Ogden Trailer Court, / stated land below his was zoned Industrial M-l, land in front zoned B-2 and land to the back zoned Agricultural. He requested the B-2 zoning be extended back as the land was not suitable for Agricultural. A discussion followed and Mr. Bullington withdrew his request. c Mr. Elbert Waldron owns property and has office on Brambleton Avenue. Requested that his v land be zoned B-1 as it is today and that Kroger property remain B-2. Mr. Marvin Gordon requested that his property on Skycoe Drive be zoned R-2 instead of R-l. Mr. Robert Bradley noted that. section of the proposed ordinance which limits the width of town houses to 16 feet and suggested letting the market (what you can obtain a loan for and what you can sell) set the limit. c I Mr. Rudy Cox appeared again and objected to land flronting on Route 419 being zoned for , I apartments near to or adjacent to Sugar Loaf Farms. Mr. Cox filed a petition in this regard. The meeting was adjourned at B:55 P. M. a [ I I I, [, :1 ,- II " 'I ~ !i ~4~ -----=:::::::, v v ,- il I II I, II II " Ii , ,I " !( il :1 II " 'I !i 'I II i! " " ,I " ,I : ~ , il 'I II I II ,I II 'I I, II I II I I I I II I . , ~, . ' \. . I' ,. - . ' . ' .' Courthouse Salem, Virginia October Z2, 1969 . 7:30 P. M. i The Board of Supervisors met this day, being the fourth Wednesday and the second regular Ii meeting of the month, at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia. Members present: I Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and I Joseph C. Thomas; also, the Commonwealth's Attorney, County Engineer-ExeClltive Officer and Assistantl were present. I The Cnairman called the meeting to order, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston offered the invocation" and tne pledge of allegiance was tnen given in unison to tile flag led by tne Cnainnan. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and tne v' following vote, the minutes of the October 8, 1969, meeting were approved as spread: AYES: All NAYS: None. , Mr. Byron Gocnenour, Attorney, appeared before tlhe Board of Supervisors tnis day and filed petitions opposing consolidation whicn he reported contained 2,750+ signatures. Mr. Gocnenour I I asked the large delegation who appeared opposing consolidation to stand for the Board of superVisol I benefit. I 'II Mr. A. J. Cocnran also appeared to voice opposition to consolidation. I, f ','II. :1 I I i I ! , I At a public nearing this day (continued from the September 24, 1969, meeting of tnis Board) Mr. I ;1 Claude A. Weaver again appeared in regard to his application fer a permit to park two (2) trailers II I, Ii il II II II !' IN RE: APPLICATION OF CLAUDE A. WEAVER FOR TRAILER PE:RMIT for rental purposes on nis property at Route 8, Box 215-B, Roanoke, Virginia. At tnis time, nowev . two Mr. Weaver advised the Board tnat ne wished to reduce his request fromf(2) trailers to one (1) , II " 'I " Ii " II :1 " 11 I 'I " ,i " :1 :1 " :, trailer. Mr. Weaver presented snapsnots and referred to a petition signed by property owners in tne area naving no objection to a trailer on the property in question; none of tnese was filed witn tnis Board. Mr. H. H. Davis, a resident of the area, appeared in opposition to Mr. Weaver's request i: (even one trailer) and outlined nis reasons for so doing, including depreciation of surrounding i! II !, 'I a 1: property, water situation (especially acute in sUlnmer montns) and tne possibility tnat approval of tnis request mignt encourage otners to park trailers in this area. It was brought out that Hr. Weaver did not live in this area and that a house already sits on the lot where he proposed ji to park the trailer. " Upon a review of the present zoning regulations and trailer ordinance, tne Commonwealth's Attorney advised tne Board tnat the reducing of the request from two to one trailer removed it ;1 " " ,I 'I ;! 11 from the requirement of a special permit (two or more constitutes a trailer court and does require ii said penmit); that tne property was properly zoned (Agricultural); and furtner, tnat as long as tn~1 requirements of the Health Department and lot size requirement (70' x 140') were met, tne Board Of:! !I II I I I I I ing was held on this matter on September 24, 1969, and <Iction continued to the October 22, 1969, meet ng I / I:>' 61 of this Board. jot:: I On motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, secondE!d by Supervisor L. Earl Sil1ll1s and the follow- I c'd:!!tPo,A ing recorded vote, action was again deferred.in accordance with Mr. Murray's request and the matter "~Iq' riJ. continued to the November 12, 1969, meetin9/~~r that the Health Department mi9ht conduct percola- I ~ I ",' tion tests on his land. ~1~1?A1 ~~. -- -"-~ - - --=-~~-=::l;- ---- a ould do nothing to prevent the parking of the one trailer on Mr. Weaver's property. The Chairman assured those opposed to the trailer that if Mr. Weaver should desire to park a I second trailer on his property it would necessitate his coming to the Board for a special use permit I I t which time a public hearing must be held and all interested parties would be heard on the matter. I' No further action was taken. I II I c IN RE: APPLICATION OF W. S. MURRAY FOR TRAILER PERMIT Mr. W. S. Murray appeared before the Board of Supervisors this day with regard to his request for a permit to park three trailers on his property at i'919 Shadwell Drive, Hollins. A public hear- AYES: Joseph C. Thomas. Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sil1ll1s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. a IN RE: PETITION OF MRS. FLORENCE D. BATEMAN, WIDOW. REZONING OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND lYING ON THE NORTH SIDE OF COLONIAL AVENUE, S. W., IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AND FRONTING 300.57 FEET ON COLONIAL AVENUE AND 300 FEET ON MANASSAS DRIVE, S. W. At a public hearing this day (continued from the October 8, 1969 Board meeting) on the peti- I tion of Florence D. Bateman for rezoning a tract of land as described above from R-l to B-3 so that i ~a service station may be built there, Mrs. Bateman's attorney, Clifton A. Woodrum III appeared to ~represent her. Mr. Woodrum displayed a marked map locating the property in question and pointed Ilout how the construction of Route 419 cuts into her property and would come very close to her house. I: Mr. Woodrum introduced Mr. Robert Bolling of Pure Oil Company who has a 120-day option to Ii Ii purchase the land if it is rezoned for B-3. ~ The attorney filed with the Board of Supervisors a petition signed by residents in the !illll1ediate area stating they had no Objection to the rezoning. Mrs. Bateman and a group of her Inei9hborS who support her request were present and recognized. , Mr. & Mrs. George Hutcherson of 3520 Manassas Orive both spoke in support of the petition. Hr. Tom Rotenbury, spokesman and President of Colonial Avenue Civic League representing subdivisions adjacent to the property in question, objected to the rezoning because he felt it was Ii "spot zoning"; that the service station would interrupt the services of the nearby church; and a c , , iwould not add to. the safety factor for the~ndergarten conducted at the same church. He requested I that the Board concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny the request. , I Ii Others opposed: Mr. W. H. Moore on Colonial Avenue, lives adjacent to the church property II and 1/2 block from the proposed location of service station, pointed out the number of service stations already in the vicinity; also mentioned drainage problem. Mr. W. E. Steed of Martine11 Avenue stated the back of his house is behind the property of i Mrs. Bateman and proposed location of the service station. II Answering some of the objections, Mr. Bolling of Pure Oil stated his company would build a 469 .,. fence to the Board of Supervisors'. specifications and would agree not to open for business on Sun- day until after 1:00 P. M. in order not to interrupt the services of the church. Mr. Paul Matthews, Secretary to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, reported to the Board that the professional consultant, Balzer & Associates, had advised holding any changes in zoning along Route 419 until after it was completed. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny this request. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, Mrs. Bateman's attorney requested that she be allowed to with- draw her petition. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy then withdrew his original motion, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston concurring, and offered the motion that Mrs. Bateman be allowed to withdraw her re~ zoning petition. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded this motion which carried by the following rec rd~ ed vote: I I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Speaking for the Property Committee, Charles H. Osterhoudt recommended to the Board of I Supervisors that they pay Mr. Fred Battle's mileage for travel expenses incurred as Business License Inspector to date, and that from now until the first of the year request Mr. Battle to use the car aSSigned to the Commissioner of the Revenue in the conduct of his duties as Business License Inspect Mr. Osterhoudt recommended also that the matter be reviewed again at the first of the year. I .. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the foregoing report of the Property Committee be adopted. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried, by the ,following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. The Commonwealth's Attorney advised the Board that he had received a reply from the Office of the Attorney General in regard to renting office space to others in the Salem~Roanoke Valley Civic Center. (The Board of Supervisors and City of Salem, joint-owners of the Civic Center, had received a request from the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce to rent office space at the I II " 'I Civic CenterJ II ;: On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Sinms and the unani~1 ~mous vote of the Board members, the letter of October 21, 1969 from the Attorney General regarding I I,renting space in the Civic Center was received and filed, which letter stated: "The answer to your ! question may turn. on the contents of documents to which we do not have access. Examples would be th~ resolutions of the respective governing bodies authorizing the project, ,any applicable provisions il 10f the Charter of the City of Salem, and any other agreements or conditions relative to the project it ' I IWhich may bear on your question. If you wish to forward to me the above information, this office will 'Iithen be in a position to render the. opinion which you have requested." I! I, ; The Board of Supervisors was then advised that the City of Salem had denied the request. !i ,i On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the follow- ii II vote II ling recorded. this Board respectfully denies the request of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Com- I: I I, , I ~ ~ ;' I.... u ~ a a 10/22/69 ~- -- --,--._...._----- _. - _.---- merce to rent space in the Sa1em~Roanoke Valley Civic Center in consideration of Salem's action in this regard: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I ABSTAINED: Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms. Reverend W. Carroll Brooke, Mrs. Laddie Fisher, Mr. R. Franklin Hough, Jr. and Rabbi Donald L. " II Berlin of the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Menta1 Retardation Services Board were present and ~ recognized. Reverend Brooke, spokesman for the group,fi1ed a report on the Mental Health-Mental , Retardation Services Board and asked the Board of Supervisors to appropriate funds in accordance with the budget of the Roanoke Valley Mental Hea1th-Menta1 Retardation Services Board for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971 and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this Board authorize its Chairman to write an appropriate letter to the State Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals expressing the intent of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to budget and appropriate local tax funds in accordance with the budget \ as presented by the Roanoke Valley Mental He~1~h-Menta1 Retardation Services Board for the fiscal , [year ending June 30,1971 and the fiscal year ending June 30, 1972. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas.seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. A Copy of said budget is filed with the minutes of this meeting. i NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE S8~I~ANNUAL COLLECTION OF REAL ESTATE v TAXES IN ROANOKE COUNTY AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, Section 5B-847 of the 1950 Code of Virginia provides that the governing body of any county may provide by ordinance for the collection of county taxes or levies on property in installments at such times and with such penalties for nonpayment in time as may be fixed by ordinance; and il WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems it expedient and necessary to promote Ii the general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County that real estate taxes in Roanoke County be II collected on a semi -annua 1 bas is; ,I Ii NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meetin9 of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to I, II be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wednesday, January 14, 1970, at 2:00 P. M. the Board of l' ilsupervisors of Roanoke County will hold a public hearing on said matter at which time it will move ,I I: the passage of the following ordinance: II I Section 1. When County taxes on real estate due and payab1e.1 j I County taxes on real estate for each year shall be due and payable during the year for which the j II same are assessed in two equal ins ta 11 ments, as fo 11 ows : One-half on Junefi fth and one-half the reo 1 Ion December fifth of said year. i I: Section 2. Penalties when County real estate taxes not paid on time. il II In the event any installment of taxes on real estate is not paid on or before the time the same il I, is due and payable, as set forth in the preceding section, there shall be added thereto a penalty :1 'I of five per cent of the amount of such unpaid installment, and such installment and accrued penalty i II shall bear interest of one~half of one per cent per month or fracti_on thereof, from one year after i_I I the tax or any unpaid balance of the tax as the case may be, was originally due, until paid. !I ~ Section 3. Certain household goods and personal effects exempt from taxation.2 Ii II The following household goods and personal effects are, pursuant to Section 58-829.1 of the ,I 111950 Code of Virginia, as amended, hereby declared exempt from taxatiorl and shall not be assessed ii I for that pur;Jose: I II , 471 ',0' \(,q/ ~?:'.>. , o' I 't I ~.. //\_,,~., ~~ -\~ . Cl '6 _"fj( 10x~ ~... '~7 ~~. ~f~~~:. tA.'.... '\ ~.V/:\oO VI]. 472 10/22/69 1. Bicycles. 2. Household and kitchen furniture, includi,ng gold and silver plates, plated ware, watches and clocks, sewing machines, refrigerators, automatic refrigerating machinery of any type, yacuum cleaners, and all other household machinery, books, firearms and weapons of all kinds. lAs to authority of county to collect taxes on real estate by installments, see Section 5B-847, Code of Virginia, 1950. 2As to authority of county to exempt certain items from taxation, see Section 58-829.1, Code of Virginia, 1950. I 3. Pianos, phonographs and record players, and records to be used therewith and all other musical instruments of whatever kind, radio and television instruments and equipment. 4. Oil paintings, pictures, statuary, curios, articles of virtue and works of art. 5. Diamonds, cameos and other precious stones and all precious metals used as ornaments or jewelry. 6. Sporting and photographic equipment. 7. Clothing and objects of apparel. 8. All other tangible personal property used by an individual or a family or household incident to maintaining an abode. The classification above set forth shall apply only to such property owned and used by an individual or by a family or household incident to maintaining an abode. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the proposed ordinance and notice of hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper pUblished in Roanoke County. Said proposed ordinance and notice of hearing thereon shall also be published and posted at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post office in Roanoke County. A Copy of the proposed ordinance is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit COU1.t of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I I v' IN RE: THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY. WHEREAS, ThanksgiVing Day which comes on the fourth Thursday in November, has heretofore been declared a legal holiday for all County employees and the Clerk's Office; deliver a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County. I I , BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the fourth Friday, being ! I November 28, 1969, also be declared a holiday in observance of Thanksgiving for all County emP10yeeS~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Judge of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke II respectfully be, and he hereby is, requested to declare the same day, Novemher 28, 1969, a holiday :1" for the Clerk'S Office. I, :i !i II II il :1 i " ;, " Ii " 1/ " 1\ Ii il 'I II " 'I !! I A ~, ~ ,0\ AND BE IT STILL FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be directed to forthwith On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, s~conded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and adopted I by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I I - p; " :;~ " .' \. , . . . . ~ '. '. " : . .' , .', :.. I I I I I I I I I I 10/22/69 515 ==-= __._~_ --.._--0 "_~~ _n;.; ~....:..;..:..;.==-=--=-..,.-"'"'"'_. . _ _ " ,_ _._ . _____ -.-- ~- _.-._---- ~- - - ! ~ Ii II I' II II BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of 'Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: Ii Section 1. Both the principal of and the interest on the $7,900,000 School Bonds, Series 1969A ii of Roanoke County, Vir9inia shall be p~ab1e solely at Bankers Trust Company, in the Borough of II Manhattan, Ci ty and State of New Yor'(. i Section 2. No bonds in additio.1 to said $7,900,000 School Bonds, Series 1969A will be offered 'for sale by the Board of Supervisors' of Roanoke County prior to March 1, 1970 without the consent of the purchasers of said $7,900,000 School Bonds, Ser'ies 1969A. I On motion of Supervisor Joseph G. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and adopted by I the following recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy" L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt I NAYS: None. I, Ii ,I I A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT THE SOLE PAYING AGENT FOR THE $7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES 1969A OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, SHALL BE BANKERS TRLlST COMPANY, IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN, CITY AND STATE OF NEw YORK AND THAT NO ADDITIONAL BONDS OF ROANOK~ COUNTY, VIRGINIA WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE PRIOR TO MARCH 1, 1970 WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE PURCHASERS OF SAID $7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES 1969A. v' ~ ~~ } ,\(>;;r~ ;& ;,~ ~y if """ j u ;~ / II WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Electrical Code (Ordinance); and ~ WHEREAS, the Board of Superv'isors of Roanoke County deems it necessary and expedient to " I promote the health, safety and genern1 welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County that certain pro- ~ visions of the said Electrical Code be deleted and abolished. NOW, THEREFORE, at a regu1ar1y scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ] i ,i to be held at the Roanoke County Cou,.thouse on Wednesday, January 14, 1970, at 2:00 P. M., the ~ Board of Supervisors will hold a pub'lic hearing on said matter at which time it will move that the I, Ii Electrical Code be amended by makin9 the followin9 deletions: Ii Section 37.5.1 under the heading "OWNER INSTALLATION AND BOND." This section which now ~I provides tllat an Owner may install Il'is own wirin9, etc. is proposed to be deleted so that only I, . Ii qualified electricians could do wiring. An Owner who is a qualified electrician would, of course, ,I Ii be pennitted to install his own wirillg. Ii Section 37.6.1 under tile Ileaf,ling "PERMITS." The words "or tile Owner" are proposed to be ~ ~de1eted from this section in order tu conform with tile aforementioned proposed deletion of Section 137.5.1. . ~ Section 37.7.4 under tile headin!1 "Wilen Permit Not Required". It is proposed to delete para- II :' II 'i grapll e of this section, which paragr'apll provides for delaying tile securing of an electrical permit. II i II il It is also proposed to delete para9raph f under the heading "Limitation of Amounts Due." which i " 'I .1 . II now provides that no master electrician may at anyone time owe an amount exceeding a total of il I , j , 11$60.00 for electrical permits in Roanoke County. i !:;1> b'l-A~ f,cl~~~r ii It is also proposed to delete pClragraph g of Section 37.7.4 which is under the heading "Revoca-li ~~'. !Ition of Privilege." Tllese deletions .are proposed in order to conform with tile aforementioned p'ropos111'5'~~/ I,; I -..dJ"'~, J' , :;de1etion of paragraph e of Section 3;'.7.4. i c.,c.~ ,: Tile general effect of the proposed deletions to the said Electrical Code would be (1) to i ~ 11. .( ,{.;a {' i!require Owners to be qualified e1ectr'icians; and (2) to do away witll the allowing of a delay between II (I ..-..t: jitlle time of securing a pennit and tll~ time when electrical work is proposed to be done. [ J Ii ! Ii Tile Clerk of tllis Board is directed to pub1 ish th,~ proposed amendments and notice of hearing I litllereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, , Ii . 'i I . n u 516 10/22/69 , once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general ~'O~ ,u' circulation in Roanoke County, and Tile Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. i~~ Said proposed amendments and notice of Ilearing thereon shall also be published and posted at the I yr~.1 '::.I~'" . front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post offi ce in Roanoke County. t- -U~ ~ A copy of the proposed amendments are on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court ~ of Roanoke County. {J.y' y~~ ~\~\~'\ Ie ~ ! 'I Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and adopted by tile following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Tllomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. , NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY PLUMBING CODE (ORDINANCE) AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Plumbing Code (Ordinance) said ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on September 19, 1960; and WHEREAS, tile Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain amendments to said ordinance expedient and necessary to promote tile health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County, NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meetin9 of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to b held at tile RoanOKe County Courthouse on Wednesday, January 14, 1970, at 2:00 P. M., the Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on said matter at which time it will move the passage of the following amendments: Sections 14.20.1, 14.20.2 and 14.20.3 under the heading "DEFERRED PERMITS" is proposed to be deleted and abo1islled and the lleadin9 for said section shall be changed from "DEFERRED PERMITS" to .PERMITS." A new section 14.20.1 shall be added wllich shall provide as follows: "No plumbing work !shall be performed until after tile Plumbing Inspector has issued a plumbing permit therefor." This amendment Ilas the effect of doing away witll deferred permits. Section 14.21.1 under tile heading "BONDS" and the subheading "Owner Installation" is proposed lto be deleted and abolished. This deletion would have the effect of requiring Owners to be treated exactly as Plumbers under the ordinanc.!. I II ~ II l! II 'I !I ii II I, u ~ II board sllall be composed of the plumbin(J inspector, a master plumber and one journeyman plumber. II II'Eacll member of said board sllal1 be appointed for a term of five years, unless sooner removed for II t I! ~ma1feasance in office, neglect of duty or incapacity. Ii II "Section . Same-Powers and duties." Tile board of plumber examiners shall issue plumbers' Ii Ilcertificates of qualification to such persons as may be entitled thereto, and conduct examinations fO~ ~the purpose of determining the competency and knowledge of p1umbin9 and drainage work of persons who ~ re required by tllis code to possess such certificates. Ii " , ~ The Plumbing Inspector shall keep an accurate record of all examinations and certificates issued.~ ~ The Board shall adopt such rules ar,d regulations as it sees fit for the proper and efficient :1' , I ~ :1 , I r It is proposed to provide the following additions to the Roanoke County Plumbing Code: "Section . , Licenses required prior to performinQ work; qualification of person to whom issued." No plumbing or drainage work shall be done by any person, unless such person is licensed to do plumbing witllin tile County. A license will be issued to only those persons who have qua1i- fied as "Master Plumbers." "Section . Board of plumber examiners-Appointment; composition; term of members." board of plumber examiners shall be appointed by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. Such I I I I I 517 ~ discllarge of its official duties.~~~ 'I ~ It sllal1 determine tile cllaracter of the examination to be given any applicant and, by - -_. majority vote, pass or reject sucll applicant upon his showing as tile case may be. "Section . Same-Chairmar!." The board of plumber examiners shall elect a chairman ,., I , ~... , from their members who shall preside c,t all meetings. .. , " f I.e i ~ ., ~ in plumbing business." It shall be una1wfu1 for any person to carryon, or en9age in tile business Ii of plumbing, or to labor at tile trade of plumbing, unless such person Ilas successfully passed an ~ examination conducted by the board of plumber examiners or has had issued to him a certificate of Ii qualification and such certificate of qualification has not expired by limitation. :i ''Section ._.Same-App1ication for." Any person who is required by this code to possess , il a plumber's certificate of qualification, shall make application tllerefore to tile board on app1ica- Ii tion blanks provided for that purpose. These app1 ication blanks may be obtained at the office of " I' I the Plumbing Inspector upon the payment of the fee hereinafter provided for. ii "Section, . Sallie-Fees for examinations." Tile fees cllarged eacll applicant for examina- ~ tion as provided for in tile two preceding sections shall be as follows: ~ Ma 1umb .. $10 00 Ii ster p er examInatIon . . . I: ~ 'I I, I' "Section Same-Re-examillations." Any person who fails to pass tile examination i ~, , I ,I required by section_ of this chapter may apply for re-examination after the expiration of thirty I days, Should such person fail to pass the second examination, the board of plumber examiners in itSI Ii discretion, may refuse a third application until after the expiration of six months. !I [j "Section " Same-Duration of certificates; renewal." Every plumber's certificate of II I' , ii qualification shall be issued for one year. Each such certificate shall be renewed from year to ! !i year without a renewal fee or re-examination unless revoked as provided for in section_ of this " :i II chapter. :i " ii II II (a) A certificate of qualification issued to a firm or corporation shall be valid only so i110ng as tile representative who applied therefor, on bella1f of sucll firm or corporation, is in the ,! Ii employ or actively engaged in tile business of, such firm or corporation; and in the event the Ii !i representative leaves the employ of such firm or corporation, or becomes no longer actively engaged I i' in such business, such certificate shan forthwith become null and void and such firm or corporation!11 'I ! Ii shall not be authorized to engage in sllch business until some other representative of the firm or Ii corporation conforms to the provisions of this section. Ii (b) Certificates of qualification issued to firms and corporations, under the provisions !i ,I il ii of this section shall not be transferatle and shall continue in force only as long as such firm is ei- ii gaged in tile business of a plumbing contractor and the same master p1 umber is employed by, or 'i I' !i actively engaged in the business of such firm. I :,1 !i (c) It shall be the duty of such firm or corporation to give immediate notice to the :1 F 'I il plumbing inspector of any change in tile place of business of sucll firm or corporation. Upon the :1 !i !I li retirement from such business by sucll firm or corporation, or should such master plumber leave the! " !: employ of, or become no longer actively engaged in, the business of such firm or corporation, said i' " certificate of qualification shall be immediately surrendered to the plumbing inspector. ii "Section Examinations and certificates of Qualification-Required prior to engaging Journeyman plumber examination $ 5.00 Apprentice plumber re9istration $ 3.00 n ... "Section '. Same-Val idity of certificates." ..~ . c c (d) All certificates of qualification heretofore issued to any person to engage in the 'i , ~ business of a plumbing contractor, shall be valid and effective until the same becomes null and void:i ,L :! ii ~ ~s provided in tllis section. -..--------------,- -' - ---- 'T I "Section . Same.;.Revocation of certificates. II The board of plumber examiners may cancel or1 revoke any certificate of qualification issued by it, if the person to whom such certificate was ~ , "granted, obtained the certificate by fraud, or has proved himself incompetent or Ilas wilfully vio1atef \v~):,)' 'any provision of tllis code. :1' , .\ \ Ii\,:' .\~'?> -t' ~.. I "Section . Permits.;.w!len required generally." It sllall be unlaWful 'for any person to do, : I W ~.I c/I"X-\~, ',or cause or penJIit to be done, any plumbing or drainage work for which a permit is required without ,~~!J:~ first securing sucll a permit from tile plumbing inspector. \ ~ :>';v-' , Tile Clerk of tllis Board is directed to pub1 ish tile proposed amendments and notice of hearing &L' ~~&~\ tllereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, \ r: ~/ .~t' I once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in Tile Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general 'Y.~~;'Vt~\~' ctrcu1ation in Reanoke County, and The Vinton Messenger, a newspaperpub1ished'in ,Roanoke County. ~, .' ,,'~ :l' J Said proposed ameAdments and notice of hearing thereon shall also be published and posted at the .,.J~ %\V""" ~t~V Y \h~~ Roano:ec:::n::.the proposed amendments are on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of ;)~i'( fj ) '~..;il":Y y.~ /Jr~,1,~?~ ""~.,~ by tile following recorded vote: AYES: Josepll C. Tllomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterlloudt. \ ./"/0 ~.A),,~ ~\ ,,-?-44\ ,. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County be, and he hereby ;\~~ is, respectfully requested to declare tile same day, December 26, 1969, a general holiday for the ~;/ ~C1erk's Office; \ ,0",\ : C,' '1"".'" : ANO BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tllat the Clerk of this Board be directed to deliver a certified ,\\b~ I copy of this resolution to tile Judge of tile Circuit Court for Roanoke County. 'the following recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Tllorr~s, Lee B. I, ~NAYS: None. ~ ~ ii ,I t: I' , IN RE: 518 1 0/22/69 I I front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post office in Roanoke County. I Upon motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and adopted NAYS: Pone. " I IN RE: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY , WHEREAS, Cllristmas Day has heretofore been declared a legal holiday for all County employees and the Clerk's Office; and II WHEREAS, Chri stmas Day 1969 falls on a Thursday; [, I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by tile Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that Friday, I iDecember 26, 1969, be declared a genera1 holiday in observance of Christmas for all County emPlOyeeS, ~ . II II Ii II " il ~ II ~ " ir , If ii I, , " ii I Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I REQUESTED AMENtMENT OF THE MAP OF SECTION NO. 3 CROFTON OF RECORD IN PIAT BOOK 7, AT PAGE 31 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY ) ) ) ) ) ORDER OF REFERENCE This day came Bowers & Finney Construction corporation, by Counsel, and requested leave of the Board to file its Petition to amend the Map of Section No.3 !C~ofto~ of record inh~l:~~~Ok 7 at page 31 in the Office of the Clerk of the cir- ~cuit Court of Roanoke County and further req.,esting that certain realty in the ~petition described be vacated by the county. I' II lJ !IBoard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, virginia, the said Petition be, and the II 'i same hereby is filed. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposals set forth in said , ~petition be and the sa~e hereby are REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke Ilcounty, Virginia, for its recommendation. h II AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission iShall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as herein directed, upon I i receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the matter I I down for a public hearing at the next permiss:ible regular or special meeting of the I II Board and the such notice thereof be given by the said Clerk as is necessary and II .. I requ1s1te. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this reso- Ilution and order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. i c..1.1,1. II Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commissicm of Roanoke County, Virginia. i' ~ II The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddlestod fl Ii) t ,D' IE 'j I \ 'i and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and voted as follows: II AYES: All 10/22/69 -.=,-==-,,=-,-~ .-.:: -~====-=:::=-~..,.,-=- -------- ~-~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at its regular meeting of the .. I \ i..j ... : I U :1 I.i NAYS: None. J' II Ii IN RE: " 'I II Ii l ~ ! !: Came this day the Petitioner by its Counsel and asked leave to file its I" i Petition relative to the zoning of two parcels of land located in Roanoke County ., i: and more particularly described in the said Petition. II !j I, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED at its regular meeting of the " " , Ii Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virg:Lnia that said Petition be and the same I [I " is hereby filed. PROPOSED REZONING OF LOT 1 AND ) NORTHERLY 60 FEET OF LOT 2, BLOCK ) 3, MAP OF MILLER COURT, AND LOT 6, ) BLOCK 5, MAP OF HILLENDALE. ) ORDER a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning :i II I' Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the " " !! Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendations in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended. o AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by law the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for akpublic hear- ing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning (~ommission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of Supervisor L. Ear Simms, a Supervisor and duly seconded by A. T. Huddleston, a Supervisor. 519 'I I, il II ~ II I I I I I I ! 1/ I I I , i I I II !I li II I i I :1 :1 :i I 'i \ 10" / i \~~\ 'II \ \,-b \~~:A ~A~ \"~ ;/ V 520 \~~\ l,fi - III \,~ n~ ').~ ~t. cv1Y' 10/22/69 AYES: All ~ 'I NAYS: None. I Whereas, by the report 01' the Treasurer 01' Roanoke County there is now a deficit in the General Fund 01' the County, and it is, therefore, necessary to bor- row money for the purpose 01' meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund, and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said County; and Whereas the Board 01' Supervisors 01' Roanoke County is authoril!:ed by Section 115.1-545 of the Code 01' Virginia, 1950, as amended to date, to borrow not earlier than February 1st of any year a sum 01' money not to exceed one-half 01' the amount 01' money produced by the County levy laid in said County for the year 1969, at a rate of interest not exceeding six percent per annum, to be repaid not later than December 15, 1969jjand Whereas it is necessary at this time for the Board 01' Supervisors 01' Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount 01' $400,000.00 for the I I 'purpose hereinbefore set outj NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, or loans and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $400,000.00 from such Banks , or Institut.ions 01' this State as are willing to make the loan or loans at a rate 01' interest not exceeding six percent per annum, on demand; which said maturity date or dates 01' said loans shall occur not later 'chan December 15, 1969, said loan or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: I , The Board 01' Supervisors of Roanoke Courrcy, by Charles Osterhoudt, whose , signature shall be duly attested by Elizabeth Stokes, Clerk, and shall become due II and payable to, and as such Bank or Banking I:'lstitution, as the Bank making the 10' may direct and it is ordered that said loan b,e repaid at maturity without further ~ order by this Board. Ii The foregoing resolution was adopted on Inotion 01' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas II Ii ii 'I ~ 'I !, l\ Ii I 'I II " ~ I' WHEREAS, paragraph 16. (a> 01' the Consolidation Agreement entered into between ,I " i\ ji ,I " I,; " !J I seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and adopte,i by the following vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I I I ~ ~ Iii! this body and the governing bodies 01' the Town 01' Vinton and the City of Roanoke , i I II , Ii I' [i II Ii ~ II I on August 27, 1969, contains provision that tDe Consolidated City will adhere to the principle that all employees of the County, Town and City and the Roanoke , il County Public Service Authority, if purchased or acquired by the Consolidated City,:! " who are such employees on the effective date ,,1' consolidation, will be retained ii and will be compensated at a rate of pay no l'~wer than they received on such date, 'i ! . ': and that they will occupy positions comparable to those occupied immediately pr~or I! ,i ~ : to the date 01' consolidationj and WHEREAS, said governing bodies are advised that questions have been asked as 10/22/69 521 " Ii I, Ii " 11 - .< ~ - ~___~__.___a=-__~~_.~~~~____ _,___::::=-:"_-::,""'~:--."~~",=""r"'''~:_~=--,,,~,,,:,,~-- - .:=-"~,.':','-'''=~-~ _ .~.."..__~_ ~",.., ! to the meaning of the word"e.mployees", as set. out in said paragraph; and i WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Board to clarify and record its intent in I entering into the stipulation and agreement liith said other governing bodies with ii l!respect to the principle of retaining for the Consolidated City the experience, I' ijskills and services of those persons employed in public service on the effective jt Ii date of the consolidation provided for in said Agreement. II !! !i lithe word "employee", as used in paragraph 16.(a) of the Consolidation Agreement i.ientered in~o between the governing bodies of the County of Roanoke, the Town of I >> ' f/ ~ Vinton and the City of Roanoke under date of August 27, 1969, to be submitted for ! 1~.1 b...... I' I"'" "" ~ ,j , , I: approval on November 4, 1969, by the qualified voters of said County, Town and City,1 C ~\,4.- 12l l was used in its broadest sense and intended by said governing bodies to include the I ~ , 1; j) l 4 Ii deputies and employees of the constitutional office holders and judges of each said~.J. r+"-::'-' '-0. , ~ governmental subdivision and to include the teachers, employees and administrative ~~~~~ II 11Y/-}.'V.1 9 officials of the School Boards of each such governmental subdivision, as well as i) ~"...I' /') ,I il~. ,;vr , Ii all other employees and officers of said County, Town and City and of the Roanoke I:~C~ , !~' ':.ft'1. I CO,"", ::';='~:':'::, "'. Cluk '~"'.iO' ,~..iO ~ aU,,,.. ~py .~~ .l' II hereof to the ~layor of the Town of Vinton and the Mayor of the City of Roanoke and i3}'\;~ I to the co-chairmen of said governing bodies' New City Information Committee. l~ ~"\ ~ On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas ! and adopted by the following recorded vote: " ! AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Ii Ii !i NAYS: None. I' 'I II Ii Ii " 'I Ii " i,1 " Ii I! day received and filed: If Letter dated 9/30/69 from Richard W. Arey, Executive Secretary ~ of the State Air Pollution Control Board accompanied by a form II letter to all Supervisors of Va. Counties advising the final Ii action taken by the Air Pollution Control Board on open burning i: by railroads. , ,Statement of office and travel expense incurred by Sheriff and his Deputies during September, 1969 Copy of letter dated 10/17/69 from Charles H. Osterhoudt to Thomas S. Worrell in re: Mr. Worrell's appointment to Roanoke County School Board Copy of letter dated 10/3/69 from Roanoke City Clerk to Vinton Town Clerk in re: approval by Town Council of Vinton of the consolida- tion agreement and proposed charter for proposed new city. Copy of letter dated 10/14/69 from Roanoke City Clerk to City of Roanoke's consolidat~on committee members in re: moratorium on proposed site of landfill in Roanoke County. ~ Copy of letter from Va. Dept. of Highways of 10/$/69 to Charles H. Osterhoudt in re: revised subdivision standards. Copy of memorandum from Va. Dept. of Highways to Charles H. Osterhoudt in re: operational and fiscal summary~r Roanoke County for fiscal year 1968-69. Copy of a letter of 10/16/69 to Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, the Council of the Town of Vinton, the Council of the City of Roanoke with attached copy of resolution of the Roanoke Bar Association passed 10/14/69 endorsing Consolidation Agreement by the three governments. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that ~ ,.,.. ~ ; , I'!t ~ H. Osterhoudt. i I I I] !I :I il I i I , I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following itemslBre this i if I i ! H U II. i , ! ' i Iv' i to u " I' :i I. " ,: .' ii " I , I lv , I I i II 'I :1 :1 ' , ' - 522 10/22/69 !INRi: ~ ~ ,Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the i l ~ " SECONDARY SYSTEI~ ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY LETTERS dated October 2, 1969, to the Board of Supervisors from J. E. following additions effective October 2, 1969: ADDITION LENGTH 0.16 Mi. Ridge Road - from the SCL of the City of Roanoke to dead end. NORTH LAKES SUBDMSION: North Spring Drive (Ext. of Route 1558) - beginning on Route 1558, 0.11 mile north of Route 1524, and extending northwardly I 0.16 Mile. '0.16 lid. was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. IN HE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated October 7, 1969, to the Board of Supervisors from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the 'following additions effective October 7, 1969: ADDITION SUGUAR LOAF EIST SUBDMSION. SECTIONl: oodley Drive - from Route 1647 east to dead end. LENGTH 0.23 l-li. was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded I , ~ Ii ~ Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the :1 'i II Ii II " I: ~ !i Ii II " :1 Ii ;1 by Supervisor I ! Jos~ph C. Thomaskand the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated October 10, 1969, to the Board of Supervisors from J. E. following additions effective October 10, 1969: ADDITIONS: LENGTH I (Resolution dated June 12, 1968) , ,Apache Road - from Route 740 north to dead end. I I' (Resolution dated July 10, 1968) I Dickerson Road - from Route 747 to dead end. I {Resolution dated April 23, 1969) , IFrom Route 648 west to dead end. liFrom Route 648 to dead end. , ~From Route 777 west to dead end. (Resolution dated July 9, 1969) /iExtension of Route 1112 - from present end of Route 11112, 0.10 mile east of Route 705, to 0.15 mile south.) 0.15 Mi. /iFrom Route 11 to 0.18 mile north. 0.18 Mi. " " iwas this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded ~bY Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. ~ :t 0.27 Mi. 0.10 Mi. 0.11 Mi. 0.15 Mi. 0.06 Mi. ji I " " l! ,I Ii ~c. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Monthly dated ill . hO/29/69, Daily/Hourly dated 10/15/69, 10/13/69, 10/17/69 and 10/29/69) were approvl!d " On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Joseph " i I I I I I 1'1' -t - .... o a o 10/2.2./69 523 .--~. ."'-~~_.;C'.... ;:.__-_.::-_,~...:.:._....,:_ -.-=--":=~::.o:....."",,_,;:'~~-=.~''='' -~............. ! for payment in the ~-otal amo~n~-~r~5~,~S2..0-~-,- f;:m W~Ch ~~e-:-um-of $5,996.75 w.- Hi.! - "1-- iTaxi $2..170.99 F. I. C. A. Taxi $830.S2 State Income Taxi $786.90 Blue Cross Insura, e 1~4\' ~ $ Unifonns; $30.00 United Fund; $1,257.0) Retirment and $205.01lf..iscellaneous 'lp'D ~ (' ~Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net paYl'oll of $39.584.25. 'I /iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy. 1. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H ~' !I I Osterhoudt. I' , It NAYS: None. ~ I J; _ I"',j.) b~ ./ 'Ion motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, Ileconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlesto, J(} ~ <1" 'and the following recorded vote, checks in th'l total amount of $50.514.48 were I~p I approved retro-active to date of issuance for payment of bills since the last meet- , :i ing of this Board: II I: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Iii H. Osterhoudt. i NAYS: None. Ii I! lion motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, Ileconded by Supervisor A. T. il Huddleston. and the following recorded vote. ,,:urrent bills in the total amount of ! $57,)25.60 were approved for payment: II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles If H. Osterhoudt. I! NAYS: None. ~ " d I I ' \ 4\~6. / , \O\~; {. ~ I~ I I I , II II II , \ On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlestoli! I: :1 Ii and the 1'ollowing recorded vote, the request 01' Fred C. Battle, Roanoke County II / Ii License Inspector, dated October 8. 1969. 1'or reimbursement of expenses incurred il,o/~.Jlbl-- ;i in the use 01' his personal car driven in conn'lction with the inspection and collec- i ~I y/'-'w'/, " -I -u-- I I~ '-kP~r :i tion of County Business Licenses from August ;28, 1969 to September 30, 1969. was ! r~<~-l . _ Ii tlis day approved 1'or payment at the rate of 9!! per mile for the 208 miles reported. iI4~~.cr i! AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms. A. T. Huddleston and Charles .!~'5~~\!'" " H. Osterhoudt. [I't.f!:d/ I' .1 t)~; ii,' NAYS: None'l I 'I ~ I 'I I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlesto:l, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl :1 " and the following vote ,I !i Simms/the Board resolved into a committee of ,che whole to discuss privileged matter~: i: :! ~~:m I I I ! :i ,j :1 Huddles~on , I i " NAYS: None. " The meeting was resumed in open session on motion of Supervisor A. T. 'I ii seconded by Supervisor L. :, Ii II committee of the whole: ,I II AYES: ALL II NAYS: None. I Earl Simms, and the following vote. to dissolve the I II I !II II I The Board of Superv~sors met th~s day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in ~salem, Virginia, in the co~ty courtro~m being the second Wednesday, and the first I ~. i ] Ii regular meeting of the month. Men:hers present: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and I iChairman Charles H. Osterhoudt. The County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistanti it Paul B. I'latthews and I-laurice Nitchell, and the Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. I Ii Robrecht, were also present. lo\embers absent: L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston, I ~ Vice-Chairman. i Ii I Ii I 1: I :i The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Wayne W. I " 1,!.~!cCawley, minister to the Christian Church, who offered the invocation. The pledge" ~Of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Osterhoudt. ~ II 'I , ~ ~ Ii Ii ~ Ii The minutes of the SpeCial J.leeting of this Board of October 21, 1969, were II Ii approved as spread on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Josep II lc. Thomas and the following vote: !AYES: All NAYS: None. IABSENT: L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. II Ii !I " ~October 22, 1969, were approved as spread on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, ,I Iseconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and the following vote: I~YES: All I, [!NAYS: None. II I' I~BSENT : I, Ii I' i! I: Ii liIN RE: APPLICATION OF W. S. I-lURRAY FOR TRAILER PERMIT Ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that I':ir. W. S. Nurray be allowed to withdraw Ii lihiS request for a permit to place three trailers on his property at Route $, Box ii2l5-B, Roanoke, in accordance with a letter of November 11, 1969, from Benjamin II 11 liE. Chapman, his Attorney. " ~carried by the following recorded vote: !iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~NAYS: None. II I!ABSENT: .._-- .- - -'~--', --- ---. .'=1C;!'.-.--......-====-.:;.,,__ -~.-....."==><::r~_.-. -----_.- --=-- Courthouse Salem, Virginia November 12, 1969 2:00 P. M. n ~ jIIl! , , i ! ... c The minutes of the second regular meeting for the month of October, being L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. rJ ~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. 525 I I' i I I I II II II II " I' Ii rH'~ i~' ~r"~.~' If;r~ II I I I 526 11/12/69 At a public hearing this day to consider the request o~ Emmett w: Lind~ et als, ~or a permit to operate a mobile home sales lot on Peters Creek Road south ! o~ Appleton Avenue, y~. G. O. Clemens, Attorney ~or petitioners, appeared to explai the request. Inasmuch as several mobile homes sales lots already exist in the same general area, operating by special use permits granted by the Board of Supervisors, / lo!r. Clemens questioned the Planning Commission' s recommending denial o~ his clients" I request on the grounds that the use o~ the property ~or a mobile home sales lot would not be appropriate ~or the area. loIr. John Glasgow also appeared to support the request. ~!r. George Gee appeared in opposition to the request. lo!r. Gee lives in West View Subdivision. He also filed a petition dated November 6, 1969, signed by property owners objecting to the location of a mobile home sales lot being located at the above described location. lo!r. Gee stated that the size of the sales lot would make no dir~erence to the homeowners in the area, that they objected to a mobile homes sales lot of any size becauseth~felt be in the best interest o~ home owners to have the it was unsightly and would not ~or land developed/this purpose. The following action was taken: IN RE: APPLICATION OF E./.ll'1E'l"1' W. LINDSEY, ET ALS, v FOR A PER1<lIT TO OPERATE A HOBn.E HOj'E SALES LOT ON PETERS CREEK ROAD SOUTH OF APPLETON AVENUE On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. . ~~\ ~(~~~, and the following recorded vote, action was deferred on the above application ~~'9~~1 and the public hearing continued to the November 26, 1969, meeting of this Board at ~',.. , '1\.' \1.:>;;~' 7:30 P. M. in order that the Board o~ Supervisors might confer with the Flanning v~~:;~~~. Commission and ascertain their plans for the use of the entire area (Route 117 from l'~rl' [elrose Avenue to Cove Road): ~~ YES Joseph C Thomas Lee B Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~.,I': YS~ None.' , . BSENT: L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. / II I' I. ij I I I ! i I Secondary Route 1858 to 0.13 mile south of State Secondary Route H!5$, a distance of:, .13 mile to D. E., pursuant to Section 33-76.8 of the Code of Virgini'a of 1950, a~ i ended; and Ii " ~r=D"'H' I' ".~, after a publiC hearing was held on the 12th day of November, 1969, ~ Board has determined that no public necessity exists for continuance of the said jl II 'I ~ ~ intersectiqn " " Secondary Route 1$5$ to 0.13 mile south of State Secondary Route 1$58, a ii '! BANDONMENT OF ROUTE 62$ The following resolution was this day o~~ered on motion o~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy: ~~EREAS, on the 8th and 15th day o~ October 1969, the Board gave notice o~ the intention to abandon Secondary Route 628 ~rom the intersection o~ State a public road and that the welfare of the public will e served best by abandoning such section o~ road; If S....ate ~istance o~ 0.13 mile to D. E., be, and the same hereby is, abandoned as a publiC ! oad pursuant to Section 33-76.$ of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Secondary Route 628 from the I I I I I 11/12/ J;; 527 --- ----- --=; -~ - -_._- ....,.---+--...."..""_.-. '."-=-"""'--- ,-- .~-_.__. ,,,.~_.,"",~---- -- -~ ~ Adopted by the following recorded vote: ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt I NAYS: None. I t ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. ~ h.t I ing recorded vote: I AYES: II NAYS: None. I ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Sinuns. ~~. W. P. Obenshain, 123 Hollins Road, Roanoke County, appeared at the I public hearing on the foregoing matter to express opposition to the Highway's to abandon said section of Route 743. ii ~ 'I I IN RE: PETITION OF DEPARTNE~'T OF HIGHWAYS FOR ,. I ABANDONNENT OF A PORTION OF ROUTE 743 FROM , I O.OS MILE WEST OF THE IN'l.'ERSECTION OF ROUTES ' I ./ 625 AND 743 SOUTH A DISTANCE OF 0.02 I>lILE TO A POINT \ j'i {i " ~ i Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke I II 't,i1'~o . I ' . ::rr''Y~ - I County respectfully deny the petition of the Highway Department for the abandonment' /).~' '!:J ~. 1;/ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ~~ I , I I I I ! of above-described section of Rte. 743. ,., ~ Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. petit on I c IN RE: RECREATION DEPARTI'lENT'S REQUEST FOR EQUIPMENT AND ADDITIONAL HELP , v I ./ I I.q '< Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors approve the re- 1,'I''3ld ~ ~/ quests of the Recreation Department for (1) the purchase of a second tractor (2) I~~~~'I , I~,~~ i the purchase of two mobile radios with such auxiliary monitors and speakers as seem ~~~ iy'V~ ~ II ~~~. ~ I appropriate and {J) and the increase of the maintenance crew by two men. I !>~.... ""V'" ~) ~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ~~ II ing recorded vote: ( 'l ~ "j6.' Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ::;,t~'c~...1 None. ~ 'yo I AYES: , i NAYS: c Ii ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Sinuns. Ii Mr. Darrell Shell, Director of Parks & Recreation Department !i County was present and explained the above needs of the Department. It Ii Board of Recreation's endorsement of these needs i; l! meeting. for Roanoke is filed with the minutes of this A copy of the , ~ " , 'i !I :1 'I :'" ':f/W' ! \ ~\t &. . I I I 1l' A. ii' I jlr 'I (!.;r.. /..... .Ai 'I ,,,\.-/@,,.--, ~ \.' IP'"' " ,I the Ii a !; " ,. II ii It I' il IN RE: II il PROPOSED CHANGES IrJ GARBAGE COLLECTION SERVICE AND COSTS i' i:action with regard to the adoption of the proposed new g~rbage rates and schedules ;, ~pending the Commonwealth's Attorney's study and recommendation on the matter at ii November 26, 1969, meeting of this Board. Ii ~ SuperVisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following Ii recorded vote: I I SuperVisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors delay any . u.' ._..... -- "---. --.. - 528 11/12/69 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. '1'. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. A Copy of the Executive Officer's report and recommendations on the above 1 matter dated 10/17/69 is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I I NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT ANEIIDI\1ENTS TO TIlE ROANOKE COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE AIID PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Business License Ordinance,said ordin e having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of ,Supervisors on November 17, 1958 land amended on October 22, 1969; and I vni&REAS, on November 4, 1969, the voters of Roanoke Co~~ty, in a referend approved the licensing of establishments located within the County of Roanoke for mixed beverage restaurant licenses by the Virginia Alcoholic Beyerage Control Board; I and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain amendment to the said BusinesssLicense Ordinance expedient and necessary to promote the healt ' safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Wednesday, Janu- ary 28, 1970, at 7:30 P. M., the Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at which time it will move the passage of the following amendments to the Roanoke County Business License' Ordinance: Chapter 9, Section 9-1 shall include the following: I ~ Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for establishments located within the coun~y of Roanoke shall pay, in addition to all other license taxes assessable under this ~ (j) Every person holding mixed beverage restaurant license irom the ordinance, an annual license tax as follows: (A) For operating restaurants located on premises of and operated by and motels: (1) For each such restaurant with a seating capaCity at tables for i . ,il one hundred persons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~200~00 (2) For each such restaurant with a seating capacity at tables II 'I than one hundred but not more than one hundred fifty persons . . . . . $350~00 (3) For each such restaurant with a seating capaCity at tables II 1i for more than one hundred fifty persons " ........... " $500100 ~ (B) For operating a restaurant located on the premises of a Private, ~ ~nonprofit club. . . . . . .. ....................... .~350~OO ~ This notice shall be published as required by law, pursuant to Section I I , ~5.1-504 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, to-wit: i this notice, including the :i " ;i " 'I il in 'rhe ii 1 'I I, !) 'I roposed amendments, shall be published once a week for four successive weeks I ~oanoke World-News, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County, and in !the Vinton lolessenger, I: rUblished at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and shall also be :'i " :1 office :! i; " " i I I , i I I, I [ I II II I 1I'I\'3\.~-' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the second regularly scheduled meeting I~~, " for the month of December which would ordinarily be held on December 24, 1969, at I v+~ / 7:30 P. M. not be held, and that the meeting be re-scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, ~ ,December 30, 1969, at 2:00 P. 1.1. il~~ I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllOwi~~~~ ling recorded vote: ~ j,4f #F .. '" 7.... ~VC""~~/ !AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~:' ,NAYS: None. ':tJ \ 1 J.{"M I I~\~~~~ ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. _ ' . 6 0-/ 1.J~..w IN RE: SPECIAL 1.1EE'I'ING SET TO RECEIVE BIDS ON $7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS i AND TO CONSIDER SALE OF SAID BONDS TO LOI'i BIDDER I ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county! , ~set November 19, 1969, at 10:45 A. M. for a Special Keeting of this Board to convene' ~~ I'in the office of the COlIllllonwealth's Attorney for the purpose/%ceiving bids and to I'~""" i:" I consider awarding to low bidder the sale of the $7,900,000 School Bonds; and further , 1 ~\.~ 'ithat the Clerk of this Board be directed to send out notice of said meeting. I ~,\ ~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllOW-I, " 'I I'ing recorded vote: i I : IIAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ' " IINAYS: None. I, liABSENT : II Ii ,( ~ " Iii I November 12, 1969 i 'I I , i ~I1lEREAS Roanoke County now operates under the so called "traditional" or i, ~constitutional" form of local government, and )1 II WHEREAS State law permits counties to adopt other forms of governments which 'I !i Ii Ii : ay improve the ability of a county to provide effective, economical, and responsive il :1 !' i I _ .e_..o.....--_.._ 11/12/69 '-'-'._~-=- ~',"",...._.._~~ -,'''- ._--~ located in Roanoke County. A copy of the proposed amendments is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: ~ I l ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. I ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. ~ , ' Mil ! II i IN RE: 'I t SECOND REGULAR I-IEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER 1969 c c L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. PROPOSED RESOLUTION CREATING A CO~~UTTEE TO STUDY c POSSIBLE CHANGE IN ~'ORr,l OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT Roanoke County Board of Supervisors 529 il :1 / 530 11/12/69 ~ pUblic services to its residents, ~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED I establish a special committee to study Ii :1 that the Roanoke County Board of supervisors~ and make recommendations to the Board re- ~I~.' garding possible change in the form of Roanoke County Government, such study to I include consideration of the County Executive, County ~~nager, County Board and oth r I applicable forms of County Government, and to include consideration of the appoint- ment of an Executive Secretary, all as set forth in the Code of Virginia, and FURT~.DRE BE IT RESOLVED that such recommendations include suggestions, if any, for possible changes in State Law governing various forms of county govern- ment which may improve their potential benefit for Roanoke County, and FURT~~RE BE IT RESOLVED that the committee shall be compc=ed of one j member of the Board of Supervisors, the County Executive Officer, the Commonwealth' , I Attorney, the Chairman of the County School Board, the Chairman of the County Libra~ il Board of Trustees, the Chairman of the County Welfare Board and two citizens at I large, all as selected and appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and that the committee be instructed to submit a written report to the Board of Supervisors prior to its last meeting in the month of December 1969. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. I I provided the Board of Supervisors does likewise. A letter dated October 30, 1969, 2ddressed to ~~. Paul B. I~tthews, I from William J. Paxton, Jr., City ~~nager of Sale~regarding a proposal received ~ from Jack R. Spigle in the amount of $1,145 to mark off the parking lot at the CiVil1 Center was this day laid before the Board. The letter further advised that the ! , Council of the City of Salem had authorized the payment of one half of this cost I I; ~ ~ II II ~ II I' ~ 11 " ii Ii " !I '" I i: Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Roanoke County Board of ISupervisors agree to , , Supervisor pay one half of the cost of marking off the Civic Center lot. Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion. Following a brief discussion Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas withdrew his I motion and Supervisor Lee B. Eddy concurred as seconder of the motion. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and P~ul B. ~~tthews were requested to meet with the City of Salem's committee to discuss this matter further and to discuss which would establish with them the drafting of rules/the procedure to be followed in the handling of I ,requests with regard to the Civic Center. I IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE ) viESTERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE ) 11 (I~ILLIANSOrl ROAD), PART ) OF BLOCK 13, BOXLEY HILLS ) ) OF ) ) C. F. KEFAUVER, E'l' ALS ) Qf:Q!li 531 11/12/69 -~-= ~:--~--'-.+-'~' -=""'~=~-'- 1--~_:;:r.:=-_"'''''''''''' -~-=~ ~ ---~ .... - -- - - -. .-...--.-- -- -. - -- - ! ~ , ' ll!!I This day came Harold T. Long and David W. Long, by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petition to the rezoning of the property therein described. NO\1, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the B~ard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the Isame is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED A1~ ORDERED that the proposal to amend the , I'ZOning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred Ito the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code ,of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of the Board shall korthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or pecial meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk y publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this esolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B.' .~tthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of SuperVisor Joseph Thomas and seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and on a recorded vote, the Super- isors voted as follows; to-wit: ~ , , ! r ,... c YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. AYS: None. BSENT: A. T. HUddleston and L. Earl Simms. '" c I WHEREAS Smith-I'Ioore Body Company, Inc., Abbott Bus Lines, Inc. and Virgham 0., have made application to this Board for industrial access roads to serve their flant, these roads being extensions of Granby Street from its present end north 0.22 r'le and l'~ry Linda Avenue east from Granby Street 0.05 mile; ~~ this Board after evaluating the information submitted in$id appli- I , IFation, is of the opinion that the sites and industry qualify, under Chapter 161 of i ~he Acts of General Assembly, 'to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained I trom the Industrial Access Fund, the Board of Supervisors guaranteeing the necessary! lJ.'ghts f . 1 d' 1 ' ~ 0 way J.nc u J.ng cuts and fil s and drainage easements. and the adjustments i If any utJ.'lJ.' tJ.' es at no cost h C 1 h" .. 'Ii ., to t e ornmonwea t 0... VirgJ.nJ.a, Department of Highways; ~ I Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that resolution dated l-larch 26, 1969, con- i \~\~~t~ ~erning this road be rescinded, and further the Highway Department be requested ii' '~~r ~o furnish estimates of cost, data on right of way needs and other information to the'~~~~' ~ *ighway Commission on the construction of these proposed roads with its recornmenda- :~:.1,1 ~~ q ~~v ~ion that they be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. il~.a. Ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. [I " , fddy, and adoptedby the following recorded vote: ~ 4YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt :1 fYS: none :1 IBSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. ,I !! a 532 \,,(),I'I~' I,\,^f :/ ~-t.( I ~~~. V'~;~~~, v~~~. ~~ ~.I.r' 'f\'!)oY \,~ .... \\\\~\ ~ / ~ 11/12/69 J ! IN RE: , DISPOSITION OF CERTAIN ~'~INING RIGHTS OF \'iAY ALONG ROUTE SOO ROANOKE COUNTY On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, consideration of the remaining rights of way along Route SOO was continued to the meeting of this Board. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. disposition of certain I November 26, 1969, NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. i Eddy, and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors approved the re- quest of the Clerk for an appropriation of $25.00 to be used to pay the Notary Fee for one of her deputies inasmu~h as the Clerk's Office is called upon to notari e all votes cast by absentee ballot: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following vote, the below-listed items were this day received and filed: . Letter of 10/3;/69 from County Health Dept. in re: refund from ,State for Home Health Services program for fiscal year ended 6/30/69; . Letter of lO/2S/69 from Times-World Corp. in re: publication of Roanoke County Business License Ordinance; vLetter of 10/13/69 from Senator William B. Spong, Jr. in re: tax exemp- tion on interest paid on municipal bonds; ILetter of 10/21/69 from Roanoke City Clerk forwarding copy of Ordinance by which City of Roanoke granted an easement for a sewer line to be built by the County within the City; il 'Letter of 10/2S/69 from Roanoke City Clerk forwarding copy of City's. !I Resolution #111934 relating to garbage disposal facilities (withdrawa~ of the City's application for special use permit for use of a site on Brushy Mt. in Roanoke Co. & directing negotiations to be conducted with County for possible use of Dixie Caverns landfill site; etc.; I I , " 11 Ii ~ I' II !I H 'I " II ~ ~ Ii ,I " j: . 'I /Auditor's report .on the records of Fairview Home for the fiscal year '1'1 ended 6/30/69; .VPI Ex~ension Agents' reports for October 1969 (Agricultural Dept.-Lowell 11 h. Gobble & Robert E. Layman, Jr.; Home Ec. Dept.-Bonnie Jean Webst~~' & Jean Robbins) , I II , i CLetter of 10/29/69 from Norman C. Commission acknowleding Lee Committee; Scott, Chairman, Fifth Planning Dist. B. EddY's appointment to the Executive 'Letter of 10/29/69 from N & W Railway Co. in re: State Corporation CODmdssion for change in at Starkey; application to status of the station 'Letter of 10/30/69 from Richard H. Hahn, Executive Secretary of New City Cocmittee to heads of local municipalities in re: report on the Committee's activities; 'Auditor's report on the records of the Collector of Delinquent Accounts for the fiscal year ended 6/30/69; I I I I I ...:1',." ~ .........-.--- 11/12/69 - - - ---. ~--;;;=:-_._---~_. -.-- - -'-:------~~-',--,..._,--_...__. 533 ~ -- , of a letter dated 10/16/69 from Red Line, Inc. to State Corp. Commis- J, sion in re: amending territorial description in Red Line's applicatio I for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity as a common carrier between Roanoke and Bedford County; Copy a I I , The Chairman's Written Report of 11/7/69 with these attachments-- Copy of letter of U/3/69 from Highway Dept. to Public Service . Authority in re: Blanket Fermit No. 2-10079 for lateral extens20ns on entire secondary system of Roanoke Co.; ~ c Copy of letter of appreciation to Roanoke County's representatives on the New City Information Committee dated 11/7769; Copy of letter of congratulations to C. Russell Burnette of 11/7/69 on recent election to the Va. General Assembly; Copy of letter of 11/7/69 to Delegate John W. Hagen of 11/7/69 re: meeting of Board of Supervisors with representatives to General Assembly to discuss proposed legislation; , Ii AYES: All NAYS: None ~ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. I! ! I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, Seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Edd~ and the unanimous vote of the Board members in attendance (Supervisors A. T. Huddle on and L. Earl Simms being absent), the Treasurer's Report was received and filed" I which report is spread as follows: November 12, 1969 c TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: I there was to the credit of the following:1 At the close of business October 31, 1969, I, ~General Revenue Fund - Available Cash ~Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash ,School Textbook Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash F.r.C.A. - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account $ 1911,694.00 , 9,542.66 27,104.33 134,8)8.94 94,907.43 7,119.34 10,398.8) 16,926.71 8,874.59 2,317.34 53,570.1l7 101.63 ~ 564,396.67 a ~FinanCial Statement liTreasurer's Working Fund ,Farmer's National Bank I, Escrow $ 461,000.00 Bank of Salem Escrow $l,IlSO,OOO.OO Farmers National Bank - Federal Programs Fund IFarmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account iFarmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Bond Account IFarmers National Bank - Textbook Account I,ColOnial-American National Bank ! $ 2,000.00 3S9,635.24 47,)S).12 7,119.)4 5,305.54 360.00 4,907.4-3 17.6S6.00 &; 564,)96.67 c I ertificates of De osit - School Construction II ~armers National Bank ~ecurity National Bank I I' Ii Ilpertificates of Deposit - Librarv Construction rirst National Exchange Bank bertificates of De osit - Parks & Recreation .lountain Trust Ban.~ i' $ 375,000.00 ill 150,000.00 00 000.00 . 450,000.00 $ SOO,OOO.OO /s/ Respectfully subnutted, James E. PetersG RJameskE. Peters, Treasurer oa,.o e County g / I ~ ! i I I ;1 il 'i 11 !i :1 534 11/12./69 the At this point the Chairman declared a five-minute recess following which Board would reconvene in private session to consider privileged matters. Approximately one hour later the Board of Supervisors returned to the Courtroom and the meeting was resumed in open session. WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke did, on October 2.7, 1967 adopt Resolution No. 17eo3 offering to accept for transmission and treatment sewage emanating in Roanoke County from all of the areas for which application has been heretofore made but which have not heretofore been incorporated into the original contract of September 2.$, 1954; and, \'iHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the waste from said areas should receive propoer treatment at the City's existing sewage treatment acUity; and, 1mEREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the unanimous opinion that sewage emanating in all areas of Roanoke County, including the town and cities situate herein, should be treated at the central downstream sewage facility, provided that he terms and conditions relating to such treatment are fair and equitable to all concerned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL.lED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke in conformity with the foregOing whereas clauses'of this Resolution, that he Council of the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby requested to accept sewage ating from the hereinafter described additional area, subject to xhe terms and onditions of said original Contract, as revised by the aforesaid Resolution No. 7803 of the Council of the City of Roanoke and specifically paragraphs numbered 2. and 3 thereof, which area is described as follows: PROPERTY OF COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VmGINIA (44.39 ACRES) BEGINNING at a point and said point being the north corner of the boundary of Glen Cove Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 4 of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, and said point being on the boundary of Lot 5, Block 1, of the aforesaid Glen Cove SubdiviSbn; thence with a line leaving the Glen Cove Subdivision boundary and with the lines of W. T. Slusher, Leo G. Painter and Melvin G. Clark the following bearings and distances; N. 150 55' E., 395.3 feet; N. 470 2.8' W., 42.2..0 feet; N. 440 01' W., 330.0$ feet and N. 4$0 59' W., 72.4.0 feet to a point; thence with a line leaving the Clark boundary and with the center line of Ponderosa Drive (Virginia Secondary Route 1719) s. 510 16' W., 877.16 feet to a point on the center line of Cove Road (Virginia Route 116); thence with the center line of Cove Road the following bearings and distances; S. 310 38' E., 2.72..00 feet; S. 180 2.1' E., 1,017.00 feet, and S. 310 49' E., 2.64.10 feet to a point on the center line of the aforesaid Cove Road; thence with a line leaving the aforesaid Cove Road and with the line of Joh~ L. Tucker and the northwest boundary of the aforesaid Glen Gove Subdivision N. 62.0 2.2.' E., 1, feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of the 44.39 acre tract formerly owned by Valleydale ~ackers, Inc. and now owned by the County School Board of Roanoke County, Virginia as shown on the attached plat. I .1 ~ On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. l~ddY, and upon a call for an aye and nay vote, said Resolution was unanimously ~doPted. ~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee i! ~ddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. IS: None. BSENT: L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston I I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ II ij i: " ii " I I ""~""'~""".""l....,":l,"':~<'-":. .. ." .... , 11/12/0) 535 + ~-_.._- ."-"'..'~-"~ ~.'.-",,' -C.'- . -..:.... ~--=~-...::=.=~~. --- _.~'" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board to forthwith transmit , to the Clerk of the City Council a certified copy hereof. ~ I: I I, " II " ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that t~.e "Hollins Branch Library Motion" of Ithe Roanoke County Public Library Board of Trustees dated November 11, 1969, be ireceived and filed. , M ~ i...t I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the ilfo:Dowing recorded vote: il '~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. !ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ~IORTH COUNTY LIBRARY Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the contract for the construction awarded to the low bid of Watts and Breakell, Inc. on 01' the base bid c execute in appropriate form said contract subject to review and approval of the rommonwealth's Attorney. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following , irecorded vote: ~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~YS: None. ~BSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. I I 0., Other bidders on the foregoing matter: and Lionberger, Logan-McPeak, Inc.,jValley Contractors. Days Construction, Frye Building A tabulation of said c ~ (including base bid and alternate, number of days & subcontractors) is filed .I ~th the minutes of this meeting. Ii Ii Ii I: " tN RE: 'I ~ " I ,I !: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the contract for pavinc- tennis courts, '1,1 . !: C> litu ,.ft;o.:1,y'" ~arking areas and driveways at the above-described locations be awarded to the low !~ :r' " ,~ ' , ~.idder, S. R. Draper Paving Co. in the amount of $17,972.00, .:.nd that the Chairman of.'lc~~1 ~he Board of Supervisors be authorized to execute said contract subject to its ~ ' ~ reView and approval by the Commonwealth's Attorney.. :I~~-r/ !! Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the 'I ?-:sq;~ :1~~~,i1~. ,ic~~~'\ ,I I , ,I :1 John A. Hall & Company, Inc. also bid on the foregoing matter in the amount :j II I I CO~~CT FOR PAVING 4 TENNIS COURTS,PARKING & DRIVEI'iAYS AT PARK SITE OFF ROBINDALE DRIVE NEAR NEW HILLIA)'! BYRD HIGH SCHOOL: 3 TEN:rrS COURTS, PARKING, & DRIVEViAYS AT PARK SITE OFF GARST ~ULL ROAD: " PARKING & DRIVE- WAYS AT 5929 COVE ROAD, N. Ii. c ~ollcwing recorded vote: ,: ~YES: " lIAYS: None. I! tBSENT : " Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. 536 11/12/69 I I I ;' \\\~ty1 ~" ....IG-~ ~t~ I~ ~k ,~1" of $19,435.00. Copies of both bids received are filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: CONTRACT FOR FENCIrIG TENNIS COURTS AT EAST VINTON AND GARST mLL ROAD PARK SITES I I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors award the ~ contract for fencing tennis courts at the East Vinton and Garst ~till Road park site~ I to the low bidder, Powers Fence Co. of Roanoke, Inc. in the amount of $2,397 plus tax for the East Vinton site and $2,097 plus tax for the Garst ~till Road site; and further that the Chairman of the Board be authorized to execute the contract subjec , I to reveiw and approval by the Comoonwealth's Attorney. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion whichmrried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. I I ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. I U. S. Steel Corporation, Cyclone Fence Sales also bid on the above matter;~ I' $2542.00 on East Vinton job and $2235.00 on Garst l~ll Road job. A copy of both I bidders' proposals is filed with the ~inutes of this meeting. ./ IN RE: CLAm OF J. ii. CONNER FOR LOSS OF CALF KILLED BY DOGS 3651 BUNKER HILL DRIVE, S'.'l. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the livestock claim of Mr. J. W. Conner dated August $, 196$, for the loss of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas a calf killed by dogs be approved for payment'I' seconded the motion which carried by the !following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " i NAYS: None. ABSENT; A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. IIi HE: TRAVEL EXPEHSE OF BUSINESS LICENSE IUSPECTOR FROM 9/30/69 to 10/22/69 I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors reiniliurse the :1 I' Business License Inspector for the use of his personal car in the performance of hiS'! I' \,1. 1.'\ duties at the rate of 9~ a mile for the 121 Diles traveled from 9/30/69 to 10/22/69.:1 \.l \' Ii i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which =arried by the ~ ,r",y ~ following recorded vote: II ...,.Y !AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ii !NAYS: None. >>ABSE~~: A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. " ~ I: 'I II ! ~ I 538 Courthouse Salem, Virginia November 18, 1969 10:45 A. 1,;. SPECIAL I.lEETING -f' v The Chair~~n called to order the Special Meeting of, the Roanoke County Board in the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney of Supervisors set for 10:45 A. M./on Tuesday, November IS, 1969, pursuant to re&llution of the Board on November 12, 1969, which Special Meeting was set for the I purpose of receiving bids on the $7,900,000.00 School Bonds and for awarding the bonds to the low bidder if the Board deems it appropriate to do so. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddlest Lee B. Eddy and Joseph C. Thomas. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht was also present. I,Iembers absent: L. Earl Simms. The Executive Officer, Paul B. I-latthews was also absent. Others in attendance: James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County; Superin- tendent Arnold R. Burton and Business l~nager Bayes Wilson of Roanoke County Public Schools; and Lawrence viales and viilliam Bullington of J. C. Wheat &; Co. Shortly after 11 O'clock, the Commonwealth's Attorney's office for Roanoke I' , County received the results of the bids by telephone from the office of the Treasur r of the Commonwealth of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia, and the following action was taken: / A RESOLUTION AWARDING ~7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES 1969A OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGHiIA. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia: Sectio~l. Advertisement was duly made calling for sealed bids to be received for and on behalf of the Board of Supervisors at the ,office of the Treasurer of 'Commonwealth of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia, until 11 o'clock A.M., Eastern the I I Standard Time, November 18, 1969, for $7,900,000 School Bonds, Series 1969A of I Roanoke County, Virginia, dated December 1, 1969, maturing annually, December 1, in the years 1970 to 1984, inclusive, as heretofore provided by the Board of Superviso~ , II I ~at which hour bidding was closed and the following bids were found to have been filer ~and to accord in all respects to the terms of said advertisement, each bid offering! Ito pay accrued interest and enclosing a certified or bank cashier's or treasurer's !I check for $158,000 payable to the order of the Treasurer of Roanoke County, Virginia~ , (1) Bid of Bankers Trust Company offering to pay $7,929,865.90 for said bonds I i I i) Ii (2) Bid of First National City Bank, Craigie, Inc.; The Northern Trust Company ~ Joint ~!anagers - and Associates offering to pay ~7,902,425.30 for said bonds bearing!1 " " bearing interest at the rates set forth below in Column I. linterest I (J) I , ~or said at the rates set forth below in Column II. r il ,I :i ;1 ii , :1 to pay ,i in COlumn:: il :i ii Bid of The Bank of Virginia and Associates set bonds bearing interest at the rates/forth below in Column III. offering to pay $7,900,747.00 (4) Bid of The Chase ~!anhattan Bank, N. A. ~!anagers &; Associates offering 'I f7,900,348.00 for said bonds bearing interest at the rates set forth below r~v. I I I I I .. "..'~,~~~~~.". 11/1$/0'1 539 ~ - -'=-C:" n_ '=-"',"""--~....",, =.. .,.==---==+-...".-~-=-=~ - I I ~ (5) Bid of Halsey, Stuart & Co., Inc.; Kidder, Peabody & Co. Incorporated & " ~ Associates offering to pay $7,908,532.00 for said bonds bearing interest at the II', rates set forth below in Column I Year of Principal ~aturitv Amount ~- a 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 19$0 1981 1982 1983 1984 $525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 5.25,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 525,000 550,000 V. I II III IV V , ~; 6 7; 6 %, 5.50% , % 0 0 6 % 6 a' , ~~ 5.50% , %. ~ 0 0 6 0; 6 50 6 0' 5 . 805~ 6 Cil /. 7'! it. 6 ~o 6 % 6 %. 6 % 6 ~ 6 % 6 ~ 6 c' 6 jb 6 10 % 6 ~ 6 0' 6 C'~ 6 r; 6 /0 /0 /. 6 5; 6 o' 6 ~~ 6 % 6 % 70 , % 6 .' 6 ~ 6 ~; 6 O' 0 . I'! 7'! 6 1~ 6 )'0 6 )'0 6 % 6 0' I~ 6 00 5.85)': 5.80% 6 0/ 6 ~o /, /. , c' 5.85% 5.$5)'; 6 )'~ 6 ~~ " I'! 6 5? 5 . 905~ 5 . 907~ 6 ~~ 6 5~ 6 ~~ 5.95% 6 % 6 % 6 " 10 6 ~~ 6 % 6 % 6 % 6 % 6 ~Q 6 a! 6 ~; 6 5~ 6 % ,0 . , , h:t Section 2. The bid offering to purchase the bonds at the lowest interest cost I to the County, such cost being detero1ned by deducting the total amount of any pre-I miwn bid from the aggregate amount until their respective maturities, was the bid of Bankers Trust Company offering I' . , I! to pay $7,929,865.90 for said bonds, and accrued interest for said bonds bearing interest at the rates set forth in Column I of the foregoing tabulation. a Section 3. Said bid of Bankers Trust Company is hereby accepted and said $7,900,000 School bonds, Series 1969A are' hereby awarded to Bankers Trust Company a the price of $7,929,865.90 and accrued interest for said bonds bearing interest at I the rates set forth in Column I.of the foregoing tabulation. Delivery of , . I~s to be made on or about December 16, 1969, in New York City, N. Y. II Section 4. The action of the Treasurer of Roanoke County in fixing the date II of sale of the bonds as November 18, 1969 and the date of delivery of the bonds as IIDecemb~r i6, 1969 is hereby ratified and COnfir~ed. , said bondf! I I , , I Section Section 5. 6. The checks of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned immediately. i I I II if I ! i I taken by the proper officers of Roanoke County. ~ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, 'land adopted by the following recorded vote: 'AYES: Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. All steps necessary to carry this resolution into effect shall be ~ Ii NAYS: None. ~ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. Ii .1 Ii 1\ ii :: The bids are now filed with the minutes of this meeting, bzving been forwarded c " !:from the Treasurer's office of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Richmond, VirGinia. " Ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. iland the following vote, the meeting was adjourned. ii ~AYES: All ~IAYS: None IfBSEUT: L. Earl Simms , 'I I , i " Huddleston, 'i I I 540 Courthouse Salem, Virginia November 26, 1969 r The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke County I , Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Wednesday i and the second regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl SiDlIlIs. The County, Engineer-Executive Ofr1cer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, and the COllllllonwsalth'e Attorney Raymond R. Robrecht wsre also pireeent. Members absent: Joseph C. Thomas. I, I ~ The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend M. L. Minnick lllinister to the Lutheran Church, who offered the invocation. The Chairman then led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag. / On motion of Supervisor L. Earl SiDlIlIs, seconded by Supervillor A. T. Huddleston and the following vote, the minutes of the r1rst regular meeting for the month 01' November, being November 12, 1969, were approved as spread: AYES: All RAYS: None. ABSEIIT: Joseph C. Thomas. I The minutes 01' the special meeting 01' November 18, 1969, were approved as epread on motion 01' Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following vote: AYES: All RAYS: None. 1.BSEN'l': Joseph C. Thomas. , At thie point Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas joined the meeting and remained for i the duration 01' same. Ii Ii il ~ !! !! " ~ I U Ii ~ Supervieor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the ~ recClllllllendation of the Planning Commission and deny the request of Emmett W. LindSeYt at als for .. permit to operate a mobile home sales lot on Peters Creek Road south ot I IN HE: APPLICl'rION OF EMMETT W. LINDSEY, ET ALS, FOR A PERMIT TO OPERATE A MJBJI.E HOJIE SALES Lar ON mERS CREEK ROAD SOUTH OF APPLETON AVENUE I Appleton Avenue. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AIES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. RAYS: Joe.ph C. Thomas ABSTAINED: L. Earl Simms. _I , I. ...' . - - 11/26/69 541 _==--."0...,.... .,,~=>....:o-_-O.-~_.;."'""~.:.-'""-,~"'"=~:..-.::._.,.c.~-- ..":.:..-:~..-...,, .-_.~ --,,"T.=:~=~ --"",",-=:!:..-n -- __ __..__ =_ .._ ...__..=_~_ _ _n_._ _ _ The following people appefl1'ed with regard to the foregoing matter: , Proponents: . Opponents: John Glasgow and attorney G. O. Clemens George Gee and a delegation of residents from the West View Subdivision; also Arnold Lilly who spoke briefly to the Board of his reasons for opposing the request. ~ I , I~ IN RE: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE'S REQUEST FOR AtlTHORIZATION TO HIRE ONE ADDITIONAL CLERK ,.., I i It;o.t Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors defe:r action on this matter to the December 10, 1969, Board meeting pending further investiga- tion by the Chairman as to the necessity of this request. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- , ing vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. The Commissioner of the Ravenue's letter of November 19, 1969 addressed to the Board regarding the above request is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN BE: PROPOSED LEGISLATION:MIEBEBY COUNTIES MA.Y SUPPLEMEN'l' THE !:Ol~SATION OF SIIIIqFF AJlD DEPlJ'l'IBS c , Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board request the Commonwealth's Attorney , ot Roanoke Coumy to draft appropriate legislation whereby the compensation of the i ~b~ # Sheriff aDd Deputies in counties may be supplemented by the county and that this I \ ';l-' legis1&tion be set up on two basis: (1) that it apply to all counties in the State! ,,>>;i of Virginia and (2) that it apply specificaUy to Roanoke Coumy. 'w ~' , I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following ii AlES:' Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H recorded vote: Osterhondt. NAYS: None. c ! :1 II Ii I II i ,I II II !i tions as to justifiable claims of Mr. M. S. Thomas as to the loss of livestock, i,l ii was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded II by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following vote: il l~:m ! !U}'S: l{one. Sheriff O. S. Foster appeared with regard to the foregoing matter and a copy of his let'ter to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors da'ted 11/20/69 regarding Ii the same subject is filed with the minutes of this meeting. II O. S. Sheriff ,j Foster's letter of November 19, 1969, setting forth his recommend.a- o I , ,t The Chairman then instructed the Clerk to place the foregoing matter on the II II agenda for December 10, 1969. II I' I I 542 11/26/69 I On llIotion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it is ORDERED that JalIIes Reed, attorney of Vinton, Virginia BE, IUUl he is hereby employed by this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other llIeans he deems advisable, to collect all of i now lying IUUl being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. This parcel known and cies1gZ1ated as Strip t lot 10 Hemlock Delllocat,acl in the Salem District, and which I said parcel is assessed for 'taXation in the name of H. L. Francis ,the S8IIIe having been sold on the 14th day of December 1936 for taxes due and owing thereon to the County of Roanoke, Virginia. AD4 as compensation for his services in and about collecting said tue3, it is i'ur'ther ordered that said attorney Reed be paid a com- mission of Nlll' of the aDIOunt of County tues collected by him from the sale of the &toresaid real estate. AIlS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H OS1;erhoudt. NAYS: None. I On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded, by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, it, is ORDKRIl:D that Robert G. Frank, attorney of Salem, Virginia BE, IUUl he is hereby employed br this Board, as its attorney, only for the purpose of instituting a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable, to collect all of the delinquent real estate taxes due and owing upon a certain parcel of real estate now l~ng and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. This parcel known and designated as 20 acres Bradshaw map located in the Catawba District, and which said parcel is assessed for taxation in the name of John D. Bain the sallie hari.ng been sold on the 10th day of December 1951 for taxes due and owing thereon to the county! f Roanoke, Virginia. And as compensation for his services in and about collecting said tues, it is further ordered that said attorney Frank be paid a commission of I j 1 I , ' ~ AIlS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H1 I, I 'I Ii JI I " !: 'I II (I II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the request of the Recreation Department i,i , :1 ~ for authorbation to light four tennis courts at Cave Spring High School, four temDis II " ~ courts at Glenvar High SchOOl, rour tennis courts at Stonebridge Park in Big Lick Ii ;! District, four tennis courts at Northside High School and 1 tennis court at Mountai~ !! I H~ of the alIIount of County taxes collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. III BE: LIGHTING OF TENNIS COURTS AT CAVE SPRING HIGH SCHOOL GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL S'l'ONEBRIIlGE PARK IN BIG LICK DISTRICT NORTHSIDE HIGH SCHOOL AND M:lUN'l'AIN vmI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL View Elementary School be approved subject to follOwing the usual and appropriate ,\ 10'" ~. ",'4,; delete the words -not to exceed a total contract price of $4500 maximulll amount per \ , \f,. v: I' ,y\ .'r'" ,.;; tV:,) mod-on, as amendee:!, was carriee:! by the follOwing recorded vote: ~., ~ 7'/1 ! v~'iI~, :AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. j \~.t', ~o-' Osterhoudt. o~VI'\"{tl. NAYS: None. 'b~/' .;fFt 4~~~' Shell, Director of Parks & Recreation Department to request the Board or Supenisor, r~~~ .1 t pennission to advertise fo, r bi. ds for the aforementioned lighting of tennis courts ~ ~.Ie r-/,J is tiled with the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Shell clid appear and explain the '\ ~U~~', ., bi7\ 1,1'" 11/26/69 - .-.....:::.z:=. - - -;.:.......""'-- -- ---t;'.-----,...-- .- -- ---- !procedures regarcling advertising for and receiving of bids, and not to exceed a 'total contract price of $4500 mAYimum amount per location. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion. ~ , , ( , "'" Following a brief cliscussion, Supervisor Lee B. Eddy amended the motion to ,location-. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston concurred in the amendment and the main ~ i f i.,j A copy of the Board of Recreation's motion dated 11/13/69 authorizing Darrell request. his committee Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas advised the Board that/had not met with the o City of Salem's committee to cliscuss marking the Civic Center parking lot and. there fore had no recommendation at this time. Mr. Thomas requested that the matter be continued to the December 10, 1969 Boerd meeting. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors respectfully requestll " , the Courthouse Ilefurbishing Committee to study and make recommendations to this . Board concerning the possibility of identification of the Courthouse structure by signs or other appropriate means. Supervisor ,1. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which cerried by the following recorded vote: AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, 1. T. Huddleston and Charles 543 - .~\(Y\~~/~~- ~~1J- W ~ H. Osterhoudt. i I I NAYS: None. I , I I I , I IN RE: LOCATION OF M:>BILE HOME SALES Lars & I I HlBILE HOME COllRTS I Ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors respectfully requesti I / ! I \~ the Roanoke County Planning Commission to undertake a study and. make recommendation~ J\ \" Ito the Board concerning the best planned location for mobile home sales lots and ! \'~~ I[mobile hOllle courts in Roanoke County, such study to include consideration of presen11Q..~ ) Ii locations for Iluch facilities and what means migh't be most appropriate to achieve r~: _ rf"'" '7 ~ 'if~ Ii the overall desired result. 1 ./ ,;1" Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following i[if 'I 1 ! recorded vote: 1/ II 'I .lIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simlnl!, A. T. Huddleston and. Charles H.il HAYS'. ONsterhoudt. il OM. ~ II [ I c o 544 11/26/69 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held this 26th day' of November, 1969, it was duly moved by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and , seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Si.Jmns that: lfIml1U!'l, Secondary Route 800, from Route 6a? to 1.0)8 Mi. South of Route 687, a distance of 1.0)8 miles, has been altered, and a new road has been constructed I I i WHJl!I?1e&!'l, certaiJ1 sections of this new road follow new locations, these being il and approved by the State Highway Commissioner, which new road serves the same citizens as the road so altered; and shown on the attached sketch titled,"Changes in Secondary System Due to Relocation I and Construction on Route 800, Project 0800-080-142, C-50l dated at Richmond, Virginia August 20, 1969." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the portions of Secondary Route 800, i.e , , in red Sections 7, 8 and 9, Shown/on the sketch titled, "Changes in Secondary System 'Due to Relocation and Construction on Route 800, Project 0800-080-142, C-50l, dated at Richmond, Virginia August 20, 1969", a total distance of 0.40 miles be, and hereby is, added to the Secondary System of State Highways, pursuant to Section )3-141 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; And further that the portions of Secondary Connections, i.e., Sections 11 and 12, shown in brown on the afore-mentioned sketch, a total distance of 0.03 miles be, and the same hereby is, added to the Secondary System of State Highways, pur- suant to Section 33-141 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; And further, that the section of old location, i.e., Section 2, shown in I blue on the afore-mentioned sketch, a total distance of 0.11 miles, be, and the eam hereby is, abandoned as a public road, pursuant to Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; I I I necessary action to discontinue the sections of old location, i. e., Sections 1, ),j 4 and 6 and 13, shown in yellow on the afore-mentioned sketch, a total distance ~ of 0.16 miles, as a part of the 'Secondary System of State HighWays as provided in Section 33-76.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended And further, that the State Highway Commission be requested to take the I I ~ 11 ADS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si.Jmns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles !I II 'I [i ,I II " " II " Ii , 'I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board authorize and direct the Chairmanl of the Board to request the Telephone Company to study the various options regardinl I the one or IIIOre telephone systems for Roanoke County functions and to arrange a il I' meeting with the tiephone Company representative, the Board of Supervisors, and the:! Ii Superintendent of the School System at such appropriate time as he deems desirable. ~ I, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- !! !I j: II \! I ~ AlES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si.Jmns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ Motion carried by the fOllOwing recorded vote: H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. I ing recorded vote: H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 11/26/69 545 -,- --=---=""=.__._-"~--~_._--~ - -- - \ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Chairman be authorized to execute 'I the necessary forms to obtain Highway Safety Grant Funds from the State and Federal Governments at the appropriate time. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: , ..... AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. - ! ~ IN RE: PlOPOSBD 1IZ01lIRG OF A TRACT OF LAIm JllS'l' BIS'l' OF VIB'l'OII ON ) VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 634 (also known as Hardy Road) ) J ) ) ) OF ORDER ,; R. E. GEAllHART AND F. W. FINNEY CONSTRUCTION CORP. j TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNl'Y, VIRGINIA: Came this day the petitioners by counsel and asked leave to file their Petitio relative to the zoning 01' two parcels 01' land located in Roanoke County and more specifically described in the said Petition. NOW, TIll5IU5l"ORE, BE 1'1' RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting 01' the Board 01' Supervisors 01' Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be and the same is hereby filed. BB IT FtlRTHBR RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in the said Petition be and the same is hereby referred to the planni~ Commission 01' Roanoke County, Virginia for its recommendations in accordance with provisions 01' 8 15.1-453 01' the Code 01' Virginia of 1950, as amended.. i"'1 J , \ (\/ AND BE IT FtlRTHBR RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said pl,nniYlg Commission shalll \ I!> I \~ ' '" ,report its recOllllllSJ1dations to the Clerk of this Board as required by law, the said I \ ~Clerk ot this Board shall forthwith set the same down tor a public hearing at the i C((. linext permissible regular or special meeting of this Board.' l}r , II AND 1'1' IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolu- I ~'t iition and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. IV Jolatthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. i I The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion 01' Joseph C. Thomas, a i p.' U ISupervisor, and duly seconded by A. T. Huddleston, a Supervisor. luES: All !NAYS: None. I I Ii ~BOard of Supervisors ) Ii ) II vs J fhe Public and the State Highway ) ~CommiSSiOn of Virginia ) I' II This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon Ithe application for Flagler Drive from Orlando Drive south to Daytona Road - 0.20 I I ORDER il / if I 546 \ <>~~ ~ A~7 ,~JP ".-'~""""-~'~':""...,'- 0- ._ _,__.,.. 11/26/69 mile ~o be accep~ed and made a part of ~he Secondary Sys~em of S~a~e Highways. I~ appearing ~o the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Brookside #3, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 35, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 20, 1969, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners , , is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for ~ainage. i I HOW, THEREFOllE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Flagler Drive from I Orlando Drive south ~o Daytona Road - 0.20 mile and which is shown on a cer~ain ske~ch accompanying ~his order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road ~o becOlllil . part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and adopted by ~he following recorded vo~e: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H Osterhoudt. HAYS: Hone. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simm8 " the General Appropria~ion Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 18, 1969, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become ,effective November 26, 1969: 305 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 305b- Coun~y Court: An additional appropriation of $612.,0 is hereby made , from the General Revenue Fund for the period e~i4ng June 30, 1970, for the fUnction or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 308 - PUBLIC 1IIELFAllE 3088- Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $23,112.,0 is II hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 301 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 310 - PUBLIC WORKS 310c- Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $145,179.00 is I hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 318 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS 31&1- Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center: An additional appropriation of , $16,250.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove , indicated. I 318e- Parks and Recreation Department: An additonal appropriation of $66,582.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, Osterhoudt. I! il :1 II 'I ~ " I! " I I, ~ " Eddy, !i i! I lAms: ~ HAYS: None. ~ 11 I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. ~ I' and the nn,nimous vote of the Board members, the follOwing items were this day received and filed: A. T. Huddleston & Charles a. , Chairman's Written Report for 11/21/69, with follOwing attachments- e Letter of 11/21/69 (copy) from Chairman to James E. Peters, in re: 11/26/69 -- -~--- ----- -----;-.-...-=..:..:..--- ";.:"" -0 .-.:.",.__=._"=_ ::..=......:.=_. _ .~_':: ...~ -_.. _____ '=-=--~-c.= ~..=~= - ~ ~ Ii II ,I ,.., ~ w il ~ II , ,. , , ; I klIt his appointment as Treasurer of Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board; , Copy of letter to Mayor of City of Salem and Chairman of the Civic Center Commission in re: committee to confer and advise on matters related to Civic Center Expenditures Monthly report of Welfare Dept. (Sept. 1969) , Monthly report of Health Dept. (July, Aug. & Sept.) ,. Roanoke City's resolution re: pending area-wide governmental problems eM efforts toward unification of local governmental agencies in Roanoke Valley (No. 18955, dated 11/10/69) , Public Service Authority's resolution of 11/18/69 re: unification of Roanoke Valley water and sewer systems as recommended by Regional Planning Engineers Copy of order from Roanoke County Circuit Court re: result of referendum on sale of mixed alcoholic beverages in Roanoke Co. Copy of J8IIles E. Peters resignation as Treasurer of Roanoke Co., dated 11/24/6911' effective 12/31/69 , i Copy of letter dated 11/18/69 from Attorney General giving le.:;al opinion relative to the establishment of a combined Mental Health-Mental Retarda- tion Services Board to serve cities of Roanoke and Salem and Roanoke Co. Ii ! I Ii ~ II i IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY I Lettemdated November 10, 1969, to the Board of Supervisors from J. E. Letter dated 11/25/69 from Mayor of City of Salem in re: committee to work out " various requests and needs at Civic Center. Harwood, c Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the follow- ing additions effective November 10, 1969: DITIONS LENGTH o Beilnning on Route 740, 0.03 mile east ot Route 872, thence, exte~ding southwardly 0.12 mile to Low Water Bridge. !Route 1804 (Waldron Drive) - extended from Route 1806 westward 0.10 mile to dead end. II ::-ze this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor JQsephC. ThOiDaa, seconded , !by Supervisor tae B. Ii: d d Y I IICOUNTY PUROLL II On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston " l!and the following recorded vote, the County Payroll was approved for payment " II (Daily/Hourly dated 11/20/69; 11/26/69 and Monthly dated 11/26/69) in the total . li8lll0unt of $49,596.09, from which the sum of $5,748.93 W. H. Tax; $2,020.07 F.I.C.A. jiT8X; $799.'72 State Income TaX; Uniforms $13.25; Blue Cross $823.30; Retirement' 11$1,254.56; Miscellaneous Expenses $251.11 are to be deducted leaving a net payroll liof $38,685.15 !iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddeston and Charles I: il iiNAYS: None. . 0.12 Mi. 0.10 Mi. and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors. o H. Osterhoudt. " Ii II 'Ii ,I 'iIN RE: POLICY CONCERNING VACATION PAY Ii FOR COUNTY EMPLOYEES to " I ;, Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Personnel Committee of the Board of I' ,Supervisors study the existing policies regarding vacation pay for County employees and to make any recommendations that might seem appropriate to the Board. in this v' I I" /" IZ I ~\,~ II ,X, J i6';/' 'I Ii ii i !! I Ii I I 1'\ 'I 0...1' '.' / \\; (\'1' \ I \'r tv- '/. Ii {)>. "~~\9- ! ()"~ J' "-Q~ ;I.~,~ ;,.1 11~~y ~~ 548 ~~y ~ 11/26/69 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston second.ed the motion which carried by the follow- ing recordec1lOte: AlES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Ecic1y, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ~ i ~ I v' The Current bills were approved for payment in the total amount of $39,747.42 on IIIOtion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, I and the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Ecldy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. A list of the bills as approved is filed with the minutes of this meeting. .; On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote, checks for bills paid since the last Board meeting were approved retro-active to date of issuance in the total amount of $21,696.59. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. A list of the checks is filed with the minutes of tli,~ meeting. I TheSUlIIIDSiy Statement of Prisoner Days Served ill the County Jail duriJlg the .; IIIOnth of October 1969, as prepared by the office of the Sheriff O. S. Foster is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I ~ Copies of the Roanoke County Parks & Recreation Department's rules and ~ regulations applying to all Recreation Department owned grounds and buildiJlgs ~ and to all School Board owned grounds and. buildings used by the Recreation Depart- i ment, are filed with the minutes of this meetiJlg. ! " 'i II ~ Ii ~ Ii ~ 'I I I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF TIlE ROANOKE COUNTY GARBAGE COLLECTION ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, Section 15. 1-510 of the Code,of Virginia of 1950, as. amended, pro- adopt such measures as it may deem expedient to secure I I vides that any county may ! ~ ~ ~ I' and promote the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of such vice ii " !I I: " I. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has provided and is providing garbage collection ser- ,; 'J to those of its residents who have chosen to avail themselves of said service;~ county, not inconsistent with the general laws of this State; and and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deem s the providing of a 'i garbage collection service for those County citizens who wish to avail themselves . -.' ,..". 11/26/69 549 ~,'. _=--~==.r.r~===="",.,.=.=---;",,__=~_~,",.r=.......'~-.,,::;.__""'._._-':-.';'l;...:'~~_ -"",-,.~-"r:~- .- _..-..0\. -'- , of such service an expedient measure to secure and promote the health. I general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; safety and I NOW. THEREFORE, at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke County Board I of Supervisors to be held at the Roanoke County Courthouse on Tuesday. December )0. i the Board of Supervisors will move the passage of the following I I II "I. TITLE a ,., ~ 11969. at 2:00 p.m.. II ordinance: I I I I' ,[ I This ordinance shall be known as the Roanoke County Garbage Collection Ordinance. c I II. DEFINITION i The term garbage as used in this ordinance shall inclUde. but not bel I limited to. any rubbish. tin cans, trash. or other waste substances or materia's. ~q I S~ I lr !.;jJ.,/, The administration of this ordinance, inCluding; the establishment I .<Jl ~~~ of a budget for providing effective garbage collection service. the hiring of I~~~ ~ all employees necessary for providing effective garb'lge collection service. \J~~k V . the billing of County residents receiving garbage co~lection service. ~C' ~.: / and all other matters related thereto shall be the responsibility of the I~' ~.~ Roanoke County Executive Officer; provided that all matters pertaining to the I ::J' ~...Y ~. I J" .I"^VQ. establishment of a yearly bUdget and the establishment of new, additional, or 0\.;') revised garbage collection rates shall be approved by the Roanoke County Board ~a~~~~ of Supervisors. ~.I~ All Roanoke County citizens. including businesses. lirms. and corp- ! ~~ 0 orations located in Rpanoke County. shall be entitled to receive garbage col- I ~~~ lection service consistent with the prOVisions of this ordinance. Any person. I ' I business. firm, or corporation desiring garbage collection service shall make ! application through the office of the Roanoke County Executive Officer. i i Payment for one-quarter year's service shall be made in advance at the time of i I I I i , i III. ADMINISTRATION application. This ordinance shall not apply to residents of the Town of Vinton, c tion service; RESIDENCES : ~2.00 per month ~ Apartments: Complexes containing over 10 dwelling units, all material in containers or tanks at one central location Complexes containing 10 or less dwelling units Commercial: $1.50 per month per dwelling unit $2.00 per month per dwelling unit Twice weekly collection Dumpster Containers: Use of Disposal Area bv Private Person. Business, Firm or Corporation $4.00 per month $4.00 per round-trip haul $25.00 per hour .,.Il:'l>,'~. ,t": 550 County residents desiring garbage collection service shall keep garbage for collection in appropriate containers consistent with the requirements of othe County ordinances and State laws. Persons living in residences and apartments must place garbage for collection within a distance of not more than 100 feet from garbage pick-up trucks. V. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall take effect on February I, 1970." The Clerk of this Board is directed, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to publish a copy of the Notice once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to December )0, 1969, in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and in The Roanoke World-News, a news- paper having general circulation iil Roanoke County. A copy of this Notice shall also be pUblished at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse. A copy of the proposed ordinance is on file in the Clerk's Office tor the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None -I I The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 P.M. on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. 'I 'I II !I !I I' ,I !I " Ii I ~ ,I '. II il ij 'I I, I II 'i " !j 1 II II " 'I ~ !I " Ii I' Ii " Ii II II I[ I 0, , , , " a o a o .' , , , , , 551 -'-:.==---' --- ,-~~":,,,,:,;,;,,:'""-.""--"'""''''''''''''-~ --,--'=:o=.='-'~ - - --- . = - -.=--- ~~ -._.- - - ~ -=.- I I Court.house Salem, Virginia December 10, 1969 2:00 P. M. I The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke Count.y Court.house in ,I ~ Salem, Virginia, in the Count.y Courtroom being t.he second Wednesday, and the first , regular meet.ing of t.he mont.h. Members present.: Chairman Charles H. O~erhoudt., Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, and Joseph C. Thomas. The Count.y Enpneer and Assist.ant., Paul B. Mat.theg and Maurice Mit.chell and t.he Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht., were also present.. :i " II " ~ The Chairman called the meet.ing to order and int.roduced Reverend T. Eugene ~ Carter, minister t.o t.he Windsor Hills United Methodist. Church, who offered t.he invol ! cation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison t.o t.he flag led by t.he i II Chairman. I I I , [ ~ The minut.es of the November 26, 1969, meeting of t.he Board were approved as I' ~spread, on mot.ion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlest.on, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. II II Eddy and t.he following vot.e: AYES: All NAYS: None. II i IIN RE: I REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ) ON THE EAST SIDE OF VIRGINIA ) STATE SECONDARY HIGHWAY NO. ) 311, KNC7tlN AS CATAWBA ROAD. ) At a regular meet.ing of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ! I I i f i , Virginia,i I FINAL ORDER - held :,n the 10th day of December, 1969. I WHEREAS, Edward O. Beasley and Pearl S. Beasley did, in Oct.ober of 1969, !file t.heir Pet.ition t.o t.his Board of Supervisors request.ing that. certain 'property t.herein described be rezoned and reclassified, under t.he Roanoke Count.y Zoning 10rdinance, from t.he present. classificat.ion of "Agricult.ural Dist.rict A-l" t.o 'Indust.rial District. M-2", and by order entered by t.his Board, the same was referred It.o the Planning Commission of Roanoke Count.y, Virginia for its investigat.ion, , ,i /recommendation, public hearing and report.; and, I' , I WHEREAS the public hearing on said Pet.it.ion was duly advert.ised as required II II by law, and t.he adjacent propert.y owners and at. least. t.hree property owners immedi- II lat.ely across the street, road or highway having been duly notified in accordance I , ~with Resolution of t.he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Count.y, Virginia, passed (!July 10, 1968, and all int.erested parties having been given an opportunit.y t.o be ~heard at. said public hearing before said Planning Commission, and t.he Planning ~commission having duly considered the Pet.ition, investigat.ed the request and given . ~ ff ~all parties in int.erest. an opport.unit.y to be heard before recommending t.o t.his I i i " I i Boardll , I .i :: ~~ . 552 ~~0 ~" ~':(j) #':~. I~\W\ ---------- ~._-- 12/10/69 that the prayer of the Petitlon be granted as to rezoning of the property described ! " in the said Petition as lies West of Jump and Run Creek which runs north and south through said property) and the Old Catawba Branch Railroad right of way, now known ' I as State Highway Route No. ;11, by rezoning as requested in 'the aforesaid Petition; I , and, I WHEREAS the said recommendation has been duly received and a public hearing having been set for this day and duly acivertised as required by law, and all partie in interest having been given an opportunity to be heard before this Board, this Bo rd having duly considered the Petition and the recommendation and evidence touching on the merits of the proposed amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, and being of 'the opinion that the County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as recommended by the said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved, that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be I . and the same 1S hereby amended so as to classify from "Agricultural District A-l" j to "Industrial District M-2" so much of the proper1;y as describlld in the Petition a lies West of Jump and Run Creek (which runs north and south through the said proper y) and the Old Catawba Branch Railroad right of way now known as State Highway No. ;ill with the provision that no materials shall be stored outside of any existing build- ing or any building which may be constructed upon said property; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of 'this Board do forth- with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Whitescarver & Whitescarver, Attorneys, for the petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors votes as follows, to wit: I I AYES: I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H I I , I \ Mr. Furman Whitescarver, Sr., Attorney, appeared to represent the petitioners ~ i I! Ii " '[ 11 I Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. in the fore~ matter. : IN RE: " " ) ) ) ) ) ) REQUESTED AMENDMENT OF THE MAP OF SECTION NO. ; CROFTON OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 7 AT PAGE 31 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CmCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY FINAL ORDER ii ij " Ii II ; At the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke " I' :1 II County, Virginia held at the Courthouse thereof in Salem, Virginia on December 10, ~ I. :! ~ 1969 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. Ii I WHEREAS, Bowers & Finney Construction Cc':'poration, by petition heretofore :! II ii ~ filed with this Board, requested that it be permitted to amend the Map of Section ii II i; ~ No. ; Crofton of record in Plat Book 7 at page ;1 in the Office of the Clerk of the,: ~ Circuit Court of Roanoke County; and further, requested that a certain strip Ofi ~ ! realty in said petition described be vacated by the County of Roanoke; and i Ii , I -'~.~,.-. ...., i , . - ..... .~ - , i -- ] J .._:S~_'_:."!~~,' ';-~..- ~ '~-.'." 12/10/69 ::o=--=--==~-'=C,=-...:==--==~, ,;:nc..~.;;...~_=;-t~..",_. ...- - --." WHRRRIR, by ~~er of this Board en~:~e:' at its ;e~~ meeting on October 22~ 1969 the petition aforesaid was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation; and I wm:FEAS, after due publication on November 5, 1969 and November 12, 1969 I and after a mature consideration of the evidence pertinent to the merits of the ,I i' aforementioned petition, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, by Resolution I adopted at its regular meeting held on November 18, 1969, recommended to this Board' that Bowers & Finney Construction Corporation be permitted to amend the Map of Sec- tion No. 3 Crofton so that the Missimer Circle cul-de-sac shown thereon be reduced I'll from a circle with a fifty (50) foot radius to a circle with a forty-four (44) I foot radius; and further, recommended that this Board vacate that certain curved ~I strip of land approximately six (6) feet in width which partially circumscribes Missimer Circle and which is noted as !tARE! BETWEEN ORIG. STREET LINE AND NEW , Ii STREET LINE BEING VACATED" on a plat of survey dated September 25, 1969 prepared by IT. P. Parker, S. C. E. and accompanying the Planning Commission's Resolution afore-Ii said; and, ! , I lIHEREAS, by its aforesaid Order of October 22, 1969, this Board ordered that I I its Clerk, upon receipt of a recommendation from the Planning COmmission, set the I said request of Bowers & Finney Construction Corporation down for a public hearing I at the next permissible meeting of the Board and give notice thereof by publication I as by statute required; and i WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting thereof to : be held on the 10th day of December, 1969 at 2:00 o'clock P. M. at the Courthouse I I in Salem, Virginia as the time and place for a public hearing on the' said request I of Bowers & Finney Construction Corporation, and did advertise the same by pUblica-I II tiOll in the Roanoke Times, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and I II County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two (2) insertions on the 26th day of November, 11969 and on the 3rd day of December, 1969 as by statute required; and ~RIR, the said public hearing was this day held pursuant to and in com- I pliance with the publication aforesaid; and 'I WHEREAS, this Board, after a mature consideration of the Petition and the I , i recommendation of the Planning Commission and having heard evidence pertinent to il i the merits of the said Petition, is of the opinion that the relief requested thereil" i ! I is proper and that the action recommended by the Planning Commission is advisable j 'I I ! under the circumstances. ii' " , ii NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at this meeting of the Board of :1 'I ' II Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the loth day of December that II "I il Bowers & Finney Construction Corporation be, and they hereby are, permitted to 'I I' I !I! amend the map of Section No. 3 Crofton of record in Plat Book 7 at page 31 in the I I: Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County so that the Missimer ;1 :i \; Circle cul-de-sac shown thereon be reduced from a circle with a radius of fifty Ii ii (50) feet to a circle with a radius of forty-four (44) feet; the thus amendedj Ii street line of Missimer Circle and the amendment of the Map of Section No. 3 Crofto~ if hereby permitted being shown on a plat of survey dated September 25, 1969 prepared il ,I by T. P. Parker herewith appended and by reference, made a part hereof and further il I, il I the thus amended street line of Missimer Circle being described in metes and bounds I I , I I I 553 ./ 554 as follows: BEGINNING at a point on thewesterly side of Missimer Circle which is N. 470 21' 40w E. 32.0 feet from the common corner of Lots 9 and 10 Block 8, Section No. 3 Crofton; thence with a curve UCw to the left whose radius is 27.49' for an arc distance of 32.33' to a point; thence with a curve "Dw to the ri€:ht whose radius is 44.0' for an arc distance of 104.86' to a point; thence with a curve "Ew to the right whose radius is 81.88' for an arc distance of 46.73' to a point on the easterly side of Missimer Circle at the common corner of Lots 4 and 5, Section No.3 Crofton; and, BEING shown on a plat of survey prepared by T. P. Parker, S. C. E. dated September 25, 1969, Wshowing a portion of Missimer Cir- cle being vacated in Section No. 3 Crofton in Plat Book 7 at page 31.w AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the certain curved strip of land approxi- mately six (6) feet in width which partially circumscribes Missimer Circle and which is designated on the aforementioned plat of survey hereunto appended as "AREA.S BETWEEN ORIG. STREET LINE AND NEW STREET LINE BEING VACATED" be and the I I same hereby is vacated as a public street. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that Bowers &: Finney Construction corporal tion tile a copy of the plat of survey hereunto appended with the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court of Roanoke County referring thereon specifically to this resolution and fUrther that said Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County make an appropriate notation on the Map of Section No. 3 Crofton of record in Plat Book 7 at page 31 cross referencing the same to the plat of survey hereby ordered to be filed with said Clerk and cross referencing the same to this resolution. AND FURTHER IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forth- with certify copies of this resolution to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County and to Jack V. Place, Attorney for the Petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlesto I and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms with the recorded vote as follows: H. Osterhoudt. I ~ Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles r I ~ 'I II 'I I AYES: NUS: None. Mr. Jack V. Place, attorney for the petitioners appeared to explain the foregoing mattar. I i 'I " i ./ AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY TRAILER PARK ORDINANCE. ! II WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Trailer Park Ordinance, said ordinance ii il having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on FebrauIT 18, I, II 1957; and i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the said ~ I ij ~ and necessary to promote the health, safety and general wel- ii " ordinance expedient " Ii ~, P fare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and ii ~ WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke :i II! County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, October 8, 1969, :1 II . 'I ~ a motion was passed by said Board moving the amendment of the aforementioned county!! Ii ordinance, and further moving that the notice of the intention of said Board to I I ~ ! ~ ~ ,.. J c CJ o 12/10/69 555 -'=.-'- .-._-.- . n_"_=_ _ _._____ ____~ ~ adopt such amended ordinance be pUbl~~e~ as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was' published once a week for four successive weeks, namely October 15, 1969; October 22, 1969; October , I 29, 1969; and November 5, 1969, in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having ~ general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and on October 15, 1969; October 22, 1969; October 29, 1969; and November 5, 1969, in The Vinton Messenger, ~ a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and was also published at the front door I, i of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post office in Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on such amendments at a regular meeting of ! the Board ot Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse thereot on Wednesday, II December 10, 1969, at 2:00 p.m.; ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, I Virginia, as follows, to-wit: 1_00. l That the said ordinance be amended to read as follows: The annual minimum County license tax on any person operating or conducting a trailer park shall be $10.00 per year per trailer to cover trom one (1) to eight (8) trailers, inclusive, etc. The additional license tax shall be $2.00 per additional trailer space in I excess of eight (8). i II II I! Ii 'I II II " il Ii " I' II " II II !i " II Ii I .1 /1 Ii ,I I' II I, The tinal date tor obtaining an annual license for a trailer park shall be the 31st day of January. LICENSE TAX YEAR: The license tax year under this ordimnce shall be January 1 to December 31. ~I~),qt I Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed I~~ to cause the amendments to be published as provided by Section 15.1-504 of the ~ ~ Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two successive weeks : ~~ A in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, and ~ 1\' I in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke Count 1970. I I I Hudd1esto~, Virginia, said ordinance to be in full force and effect upon and after January 1, Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. adopted by the following recorded vote. AYF.'): Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. EdliY, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles! , il appeared wit' il H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mr. Fred C. Battle from the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office regard to the foregoing matter. i: !i i: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors direct the Execu- Ii " il tive Officer and the Commissioner of Revenue's Office to investigate and recommend II li~' : to the Board means of deriving additional means of revenue from the occupants of il Ii ! f"'II ~. ;1 IV i _1:.....,............... 556 ===...-. 12/10/69 I mobile homes in Roanoke County. recorded vote: Supervisor Seconded by/A. T. Huddleston and the following AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. V AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY AUTOIDBILE GRAVEYARD ORDINANCE. ~~, Roanoke County has a valid Automobile Graveyard Ordinance, said I ortli nance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on February 16, 1959; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendments to the said ordi expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, October 8, 1969, a motion , was passed by said Board moving the amendment of the aforementioned County ordinanci'." and further moving that the notice of the intention of said Board to adopt such amended ordinance be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 II of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and I WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was published once a week for four successive weeks, namely October 15, 1969; October 22, 1969; October 29, 1969; and November 5, 1969, in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and on October 15, 1969; October 22, 1969; October 29, 1969; and November 5, 1969, in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and was also published at the front door in of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post office/Roanoke Count;; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on such amendments at a regular meeting WedneSday, December 10, 1969, at 2:00 p.m.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors Virginia, as follows, to-wit: That the said ordinance be amended to read as follows: ~ ii 'I II of Roanoke countyl 'i II II I, ,I II ! of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse thereof on SECTION 15. PAGE 3 This section shall include the words ftor its authorized representativeft after the words ftBoard of Supervisorft. SECTION 17. PAGE 3 The license tax year under this ordinance shall be from January 1 to Decem- ber 31 of each year. Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed' to cause these amendments to be published as provided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two successive weeks in The Vinton loIessenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, and in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginia, said ordinance to be in full force and effect upon and after January 1, 1970. I I I I I . ._."...~-t ..- ,.._..-,. <. .-:'".'".......~,. ,_~....~__.~,..-... -.-:;:-;:..-...;. ~ ;'.:'~;.:,~; . 12/10/69 557 ~ 1=' -- =~'~...:...c:....~==.:._::o...:.._~.... ,;_--=:_ ____._.. .__===-=~~ Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl adopted by the following recorded vote. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. """ ~ ,.... NAYS: None. ~ ..... Mr. Fred C. Battle of the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office appeared re- .i II garding the foregoing matter. Ii II The Commonwealth's Attorney advised the Board that he was seeki~additional ~infOrmation in order to prepare the draft of legislation enabling the County to ! Ii supplement salaries of the Sheriff and Deputies and at this time was waiting on the I ~ material. I II I 'I 1[' V- A RESOLll'l'ION RATIFYING, VALIDATING AND CONFIRMING "A RESOLllTION AWARDING $7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES I 1969A, OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA" ( BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the adoption by the Board of Supervisors on November 18, 1969, of the resolu- tion entitled: c "A RESOL ll'l'ION AWARDING $7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES II 1969A, OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA." II is hereby ratified, validated and confirmed. II the I, Upon/motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ~ Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote. 11II AYES: H. Osterhoudt. 'I ~ NAYS: None. ! ;1 II Ii Ii WHEREA.S, Roanoke County has been made a defendant in a suit in the Roanoke ~ County Circuit Court brought by Martin Bros. Contractors, Inc., seeking a de clara- " " !i tory judgment with respect to certain matters involving the Salem-Roanoke Valley " :1 Civic Center, of which Roanoke County is a part owner; Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board direct the Attorneyfbr the ii Commonwealth for Roanoke County to take all necessary steps to defend and protect Ii Ii the interests of Roanoke County in said lawsuit. Ii Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ~ : " il Simms, adopted by the following recorded vote. !: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles o ;~\~~ l~ 4 . , IV . o il AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ !: I' H. Osterhoudt. II i: II NAYS: None. " " II ~ Ii II WHEREAS, Roanoke County has been made a defendant in a suit in the Roanoke ~ County Circuit Court brought by Stephen B. Bogese, Charles R. Lemon and Curtis L. I Lemon, seeking a declaratory judgment with respect to certain matters involving 558 12/10/69 , the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance; . ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board direct the Attorney for the I Commonwealth for Roanoke County to take all necessary steps to defend and protect the interests of Roanoke County in said lawsuit. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I I ~~q ,~\~ ~v(. \ Q,b' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that ell employees requests to forfeit vaca- tion time and accept payment in 1eiu thereof be handled on an individual basis as I determined by the County Personnel Committee. Seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms adopted by and/the follOwing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors deny any p.;.yment of claims for animals killed prior to February 12, 1969, to I~. M. S. Thoma. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follOwing ; recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston. Charles H. Osterhoudt. I ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy. Sheriff O. S. Foster, Mr. Ralph E. Long, Dog Warden, and Mr. M. S. Thomas / were heard on the foregoing matter. A copy of Sheriff Foster's recommendation is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt advised the Board that the Capital Improve- ments Committee will report at the December 30, 1969 Board meeting regarding a sign identif)ing Courthouse building. ii " :1 " 'I 11 ,i Regarding a telephone system for the County, Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt ii vi advised the Board that a report wi] 1 be made at the next meeting of this Board :1 II as to the possible location of same in 'the School Board Office. ii III, ,I 'I I' ' I',. i, !i il i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas advised the Board of Supervisors thao/h~tter of , I marking the parking lot at the Civic Center would be continued until Spring. ~ 11 I I . ~,~"":"<,~~.:,---....,.,...,,.:-~. . ...",,~, " .;...'{--,...:~-" 1Z/10/69 559 .--=-..=c-~~~., -===--~_... --.--- . ~ U PROCLAMATION Whereas, December 18, 1969 will mark the Seventy-Fifth An&iversary of Local Branch 524 of the National Association of Letter Carriers and, I! Whereas, this organization has been dedicated to serving the citizens of ~Roanoke County as the Letter Carrier is seen by almost every dweller in the County at least once a day, six days a week, and Whereas, our citizens view our Letter Carriers in a very favorable light per- forming a daily public service to their patrons on their respective routes. Al- though the Letter Carrier is an agent of the Federal Government, he is in most case a citizen of our County in which he serves. He knows our community and the problem '. He takes pride in the fact that he is a part of this community and strives n 'better standards under which he and his patrons shall live, and Whereas, Local Branch 524, National Association of Letter Carriers has , I ' i since its founding in the year 1894, striven to help raise the standard, of the Lett II Carrier and improved Delivery Service. And Branch 524 of the NatioIlll.l Association I of' Letter Carriers having asked the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to take 'hi . Its achon Ii !i NOW, therefore, We, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors, do hereby pro- il :/ claim December 18, 1969, being the Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the organization , , I of Branch 524 National Association of Letter Carriers as , " ~ LETTER CARRIERS DAY c in Roanoke County in recognition of the outstanding and meritorious service they ! are performing in the public interest. \ This proclamation was adopted on the motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the follOwing recorded vote: I I AlES: ~ NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. o Ii IN RE': i I I I , I 'I I, Ii THIS DAY came GEORGE H. FULTON and SALLY F. FULTON, husband and wife, by , I: counsel and requested leave to file thei. r Petition to release a 12 foot public [III ~ utility and drainage easement as described in said Petition, which request is I, 1 I' II granted and the said Peition is hereby filed. I ~ On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it 'is hereby ORDERED that the peti~ 'I I Ii tion to release the public utility and drainage easement be, and the same ~ereby is' ~i I if referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in !i ~ accordance with the proviSions of Section 15.1-482, of the Code of Virginia, 1950 !I as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommenda- I, h . , ii tion to t e Clerk of this Board as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall " Ii " I' RELElSE OF A 12 FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG TIlE LINE BETWEEN LOTS 8 AND 9, BLOCK 5, AS SHOWN BY TIlE MAP OF SECTION 2 OF HUNTING HILLS SUBDmSION, AND OWNED BY GEORGE H. FULTON AND SALLY F. FULTON, HUSBAND AND WIFE. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER ' , I I II ! i , v D, <"""";"'. - 560 12/10/69 forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or r " special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk I" in for publication,/accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia,1950, as i ."---.- -- -----~-_._-----_.__._._--,---,----_._-~ .~~ amended. it is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolu- , , tion and Order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary I of the PJRnning Commission of Roanoke County, and one certified copy of this Resolu tion and Order to the attorney for the Petitioner. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. '1'. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on the recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston Illoved that the Board of Supervisors authorize payment of salaries to County employees on December 22, 1969, for the month of Seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I On Illotion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the County' payroll (Daily/Hourly dated 12/10/69) was approved for payment in the total amount of $13,047.51, from which the sum of $1,352.98 W. H. Tax; $353.40 Blue Cross Insurance; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $585.11 F. ~ C. A. Tax; $18).32 State Income Tax; $29.76 Retirament; and $68.76 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $10,459.18. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. . , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote, the current bills in the total amount of $56,230.95 were approved for payment: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On Illotion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl imms and the follOwing recorded vote, checks in the total amount of $284,8$0.19 for bills paid since the last board meeting were approved retro-active to date of ~ssuance. 'I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~'I Osterhoudt I None. 566 12/10/69 r I I Joseph C. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Thomas, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 18, 1969, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective December 10, 1969: .( 302 - ASSESSMENT OF TAXABLE PROPERTY )02b- Commissioner of the Revenue: An additional appropriation of $17,195.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June )0, 1970, for the function or purpose as herein- above indicated. I 305 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 305a - Circuit Court: An additional appropriation of $8,212.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 306 - CRIME PREVENTION AND DETECTION 306c- Confinement and Care of Prisoners: An additional appropriation of $12,125.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. )07a- FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION An additional appropriation of $34,067.50 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the func- tion or purpose as hereinabove indicated. I 3148 -MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS An additional appropriation of $2),)85.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYF.S: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I i On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. ~ / Huddlesto~, and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors approved the ~ payment or a check in the amount of $4,000 msde payable to the Roanoke Valley Mental! ealth-Mental Retardation Services Board being the County's contribution for the year ended June 30, 1970 as provided by the County budget: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles " " ~ ,I 'I ~ I' ~ The Board resolved into a committee of the whole, to consider privileged Ii " I Osterhoudt. 'NAYS: [ None. I, ~ I' I . ~tters on motion of Superv~sor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor ~homas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. Joseph C. :i " i: Having completed the consideration of privileged matters, the committee I , I ,'of the whole was dissolved and the Board resUl!led in open session on motion of super-I'I' ,I ' Ii i; fivisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous :i Ii i~ote of the Board members. if I 12/10/69 +-~--,-,~ .-- , - ,..,..=_......,='="-"=~ ." -,.==......=". ==-'- .c~.- i-' i ...J the C~OUl!tY._ _ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that hecu\;'':I.ve;or-~:l:~;;-be authorized to receive and approve applications for auto graveyards. Seconded by Supervisor L. IEarl Simms and the following recorded vote: IIAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II H. Osterhoudt. II NAYS: None. '! 567 ./ I i ,;.jn /;q 10.~' ! I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, it is ordered that the accounting firm of Rothgeb, Miller and Sells be, and is hereby, employed to make the necessary audit of the records of James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, for the period ending December :31, 1969, after 'B : which date, Mrs. Kathryn F. Garst, heretofore appointed Treasurer of Roanoke County 11~t# I to fill the unexpired term of James E. Peters, elected Treasurer of the City of ~.- ~ Salem, will assume the responsibilities of the Treasurer of Roanoke County. I , I II Adopted by the following, recorded vote: ~AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ H. Osterhoudt. ~ NAYS: None. ~ . , ...J :1 I,.,J Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in I the request for additional clerical help in the office of the Commissioner of the ~Revenue. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the ~ following recorded vote: II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston a!ld Charles ,I II H. Osterhoudt. \. II NAYS: None. II II Ii II Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors concur II in the request for additional clerical help in the office of the COlllll1onwealth' s II Attorney. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the II following recorded vote: 'III AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I' H. Osterhoudt. II Ii NAYS: None. Ii !: o ~ " II !I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Ii Eddy and the following vote, the Library Board of Trustees' motion passed 12/$/69 ii With reference to HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY SITE was this day received and filed: ;1 II AYES: All II NAYS: None. II " II Ii .1./W1dtf - I'~ . '.B.'- -6J I~'"D irP II Ii II I ! , " I i v.-.... ~ ~(> ~ ~ :IV Ii I[ I, II , I il II 'i :1 , 568 12/10/69 , , -- WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees has, by resolutioni I II i filed with the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors this day, recommended the i I purchase of a certain site in the Oak Grove area of the Cave Spring Magisterial Ii i ~ i,l site is suitable for the location of a libra~ building, and therefore desires to ~ purchase said site for such use at a purchase price of $30,000.00 from the present I , District for a library building, said site known and described as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 15 and 16, Block 4, Section 1, Second Revised Map of Sugar Loaf Estates, Plat Book 4, Page 40; and I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County believes that said , owners of said land, Oak Grove Development Corporation; and WHEREAS, the said Oak Grove Development Corporation is agreeable to selling said land at the aforementioned price; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under the provisions of Section 15.1-285 of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, that the Judge of the Circuit Court I :w R:~::~:~::e b:i :::u::t:i:o r::o:::a:e :o::t:t I:;;~:e:s::::rn:::t under II ,I 1 he provisions of Section 15.1-286 of the said Code, the Commonwealth's Attorney , of Roanoke County be required to approve the deed to'said real estate when same is prepared, and further that Paul B. ~~tthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of the'County, when title to said property has been examined and deed for same has been approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney. And the Clerk of this Court is ORDERED to forthwith deliver a copy of th s I I and to Raymond R. Robrecht, Attorney for the Commonwealth of Roanoke Count Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, adopted by the follOwing recorded vote. AIES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si~ A. T. Huddleston and Charles , H. Osterhoudt. 11 II NAYS: None. i ~ II ~I II :1 "I.\~({ / ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in !i \~\ -\S ~ the recommendation of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees that the South II ;Z' I' County Library facilities located at Carriage and Hackney be designated head- ~ , Supervisor " , i quarters for the Roanoke County Library System. Seconded by/Joseph C. Thomas and !! !I ~. I the following recorded vote: !i 1J~'~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiJI..ms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles " Ol'~ ,I,!. H. Osterhoudt. '1l " NAYS: None. 1: li Ii I' II " Ii !i " I! , ii Ii Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the I I The Library Board of Trustees motion passed 12/8/69 regarding CONSTRUC-:i !i , " TION RESPONSIBILITY was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. Board members. 12/10/69 ~--=--====-=--- -::===:-~~-,--~, -"--"" _..""._-_.._---~"",,,.-"""~,,.,,....~=.. .~_.- ---=.-...-- ~_=z....""""""'" "'" I ~: '''''' ! ia site for a fire station, at a purchase price of $7,500.00, the following parcel ~,:or tract lying and being in the Cave Spring Magisterial District of Roanoke County, State of Virginia, and more particularly described as follows: I ii BEGINNING at an old iron pin located along old Route 221 at the \ I 'I northeast corner of saac Sutphin property; thence with Sutphin Ii line S. 270 5 ' 45" E. 132.09 feet to a corner fence post; thence II leaving Sutphin and with a line generally following the old exist- il ing fence and being the northerly line of Goad property N. 560 ~[.: 28' 11" E. 270.30 feet to a corner fence post and being the south right-of-way line Va. Route 221; thence with said right-of- way in a northwesterly direction N. 530 15' 45" w. 39.23 feet to a Ii Virginia Department of Highways concrete monument; thence leaving 1,1 Va. Route 221 and with the south right-of-way line of old Vir- ginia Route 221 S. 770 37' 30" W. 261.95 feet to the point of Ii BEGINNING, containing 0.497 acres, and being all as more 'I particularly shown on a map prepared by Buford T. Lumsden &. Associates, I; Certified Land Surveyors: dated October 24, 1969. II! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under the provisions of Section 15.1-285 Ii of the Code of Virginia, as amended to date, that the Judge of the Circuit Court II of Roanoke County be requested to appoint a competent and discreet Attorney at Law ,i to examine the title to said real estate, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that under the :1 II provisions of Section 15.1-286 of the said Code, the Commonwealth's Attorney of !, Roanoke County be required to approve the deed to said real estate when same is Ii prepared, and further that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is I authorized, empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of the County, I when title to said property has been examined and deed for same has been approved I by the Commonwealth's Attorney. I And the Clerk of this Court is ORDERED to forwith deliver a copy of this ,I Resolution to The Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke . .. I Ii County, and to Raymond R. Robrecht, Attorney for the Commonwealth of Roanoke County I I ,I I, Ii ~ Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote. Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II H. Osterhoudt. Ii i, NAYS: None. [! ,I " WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to purchase a o Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. o " :1 !i " " Ii ji " .' I' II tion from the Roanoke County Public Service Authority dated November 18, 1969, I' ,! i; which resolution requested the support of the Board 0: Supervisors in extending Ii ii public utility services to the people of Roanoke County and seeking the coopera- i ~ i 1 ii 'I " I: WHEREAS, the ROSloke County Board of Supervisors has received a resolu- o tion of the other goverrunents of the Roanoke Valley to this end; and ,I WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors has received resolutions,1 'i numbered 16$70, dated February 14, 1966, and 18955, dated November 10, 1969, from 'i the Council of the City of Roanoke, which resolutions express the interest of the il City of Roanoke in extending public utility services to areas surrounding the City :, of Roanoke; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is cognizant of the plans of the City of Salem to improve and expand its water facilities and the Ii plans of the Town of Vinton to improve and expand its sewage treatment facilities; " ii and I, !; Ii ,! I' 569 / I I I :1 II 'I I, II il ii' 'I I: ii , II " 'I I ...,..===-=~.-.____..,-.-____"_o_. 570 12/10/69 / WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is also cognizant of the need to improve the water quality of the Roanoke River and the need for improved and expanded sewage collection and treatment facilities; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is further aware that T I I \ a present need exists to expand the pUblic utility services available to the peo- ple of the Roanoke Vallcy, that the future growth and development of the Roanoke Valley is dependent upon the expansion of such services; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does support the Roanoke County Public Service Authority in its efforts to expand and improve I such facilities; and I WHEREAS, this Board favors the provision of public utilities and ser- i I vices on a cooperative basis and cooperation between local governments in renderingl said utilities and services; I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does call upon the other governments of the Roanoke Valley to join in the provision of essential public services on a cooperative basis; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors direct its committee heretofore appointed to negotiate a sewage treatment contract I with the City of Roanoke to make one final attempt to negotiate such a new, long- I term contract and further that such committee be authorized to negotiate on be- half of the Board with any other governments or agencies as may be necessary for the provision of sewage treatment services and likewise to seek to negotiate with said governments or agencies for the proviSbn of water and other publiC se~es as may seem reasonable and appropriate, subject to the approval of this Board; and I / BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, time being of the essence, this committee report its progress to this Board by February 1, 1970, and April 1, 1970, and that if this Board fails to find substantial agreement or progress toward agree- 'II ment by the latter date that it is the sense of this Board that Roanoke County II Should thereafter follow an independent course in the proviSion of public utilitie, and services to its people; and i I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies be sent to the l<layor of the City of I Roanoke, the City Attorney of the City of Roanoke, the Mayor of the Town of VintonJ 'I Ii :1 I, II 1 II 1j " AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, and Charles!1 'I I, I, " I' Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor I and the Mayor of the City of Salem. Joseph c. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote. H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, ~ seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas Ii ~ II # ~ Board members. " :i " " _..---,~--.~.~'~"-'~--~..- '. 672 . " !i C. Thomas and the following vote, the matter aforementioned was ~ ' II pending the Board I S action 10 ii new Zoning Ordinance: :1 ii AYES: All 'i later on in this meeting regarding the adoption of a I .; I I ii service to those ~ ! II service; and ~i WHEREAS, of its residents who have chosen to avail themselves of said selves of such service an expedient measure to secure and promote the health, WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt the Roanoke County Garbage Collec- I safety and, general welfare of the inhabitants of Roanoke County; I tion Ordinance and notice of a public hearing thereon having been published as :i . " ~ I I I II required by law in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, ,i il :1 on December 10 and December 17, 1969, and in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, on December 10 and December 17, 1969, and also at the front door of the Roanoke county Courthouse; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors that the following Ordinance be adopted: i I of Roanoke County :i . I. TITLE This ordinance shall be known as the Roanoke county Garbage Collec- tion Ordinance. 12/30/~9 573 .- ---- ~-"'.-'." ...:;;., -._-~-",,,._~'.;..c""'_':::"',,,, ._,......,.c._~:-_..,."".." ......-.--",.:."':"",._,.,.."'="-':C."""..........', "'. _'''''_ '-"'.:.0.-, _~_ === ,.. ~ ~ ! ~ u ~ " ~ ~ ii Ii II 'i II I, " I: 'I II Ii !i J' Ii II jj I' oi " Ii ~ II I' ,I Ii 'I II i Ii i' , II. DEFINITIOtl The term garbage as used in this ordinance shall include, but not be limited to, any rubbish, tin cans, trash, or other waste substances or materials. " ~ III. ADMINISTRATION ~ I \ I: I' I! " " " , i ~,:I The administration of this ordinance, inclUding: the establishment of 'I a budget for providing effective garbage collection service, the hiring ~ of all employees necessary for providing effective garbage collection : service, the billing of county residents receiving garbage collection I service, and all other matters related thereto shall be the responsibility I of the Roanoke county Executive Officer, provided that all matters per- taining to the establishment of a yearly budget and the establishment of new, additional, or revised, garbage collection rates shall be approved by the Roanoke county Board of supervisors. All Roanoke County citizens, including businesses, firms, and corpora I tions located in Roanoke County, shall be entitled to receive, garbage col- I lection service consistent with the prOVisions of this ordinance, subject I to the determination of the Executive Officer regarding the economic feasibility of providing such service to any particular location. Any person, business, firm or corporation desiring garbage collection service shall make application through the office of the Roanoke County Executive Officer. Payment for one-quarter year's service shall be made in advance ! at the time of application. ' i This ordinance shall not apply to residents of the Town of Vinton, I an I Virginia,/incorporated town lying within the boundaries of Roanoke County, i I I since the Council for the Town of Vinton has provided for garbage cOllec-1 ill tion for the residents of said Town. ~ I IV. GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES I I The following rates shall apply for the provision of, garbage collec- i ! tion service: ! Residences: $2.00 per month !4 J Apartments: Complexes containing over 10 dwelling units, all material in containers or tanks at one central location Complexes containing 10 or less ewelling units ' COIIlIIIercial: $1.50 per month per dwelling unit o Twice weekly collection Dumpster Containers: $4.00 per month $5.00 per round- trip haul i, II il ,i ii il :1 " II " i' I $2.00 per month per dwelling Unit Disposition of Material Deposited In Disposal Area by Business! Firm or Corporation for Refuse Or~qinating in Roanoke County: $25.00 per hour County residents deSiring garbage collection service shall keep,gar- bage for collection in appropriate containers consistent with the require-I, il ments of other county ordinances and State laws. Persons living in resi- 'i I' dences and apartments must place, garbage for collection within a-distance j " " I' 'i ?:-.; . -':..:;"."r;-. ~........._..'!":-~".:".<:;':'='. 574 12/30/69 ~ _ .--.-.--.--.-,,--- -_._-~ "--.-- .._--.. ..---- .---_.-._--------_._.._-_._.~._--,--.._---_. ...-........- of not more than 100 feet from garbage pick-up trucks. Depositing of re:u1 " be subject to permission or permit, granted by a~ the disposal area shall /;q' ..J \' gr Ir~/~I: 1~11~ \ J:J1..1 ~'"J' !oG<~' fI,1 &r-o .A ,~I,Li ",,'I, Code of Virginia, as amended, to publish a copy of this ordinance once a week for l~ ; ,.(./ tI ~, ~-rf' two consecutive weeks in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke ~;~., . Co='Y. ODd in 'be _... _ld-Nw.. a _papar haY'" ,.au.l ,1r~la'''' in ~~I" Roanoke county, and also to post a copy of this ordinance at the front door of the ~' IRoanoke County Courthouse, all prior to February 1, 1970. I ' Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston" ladopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiDIIIIS and A. T. Huddleston. the Executive Officer. V. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance shall take effect on February 1, 1970." I The Clerk of this Board is directed, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 I NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Bruce Brenner of Roanoke Scrap Iron & Metal Co., Inc. and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kesler of Tully Drive, NW, Roanoke County raised questions regarding the foregoing ordinance. PAYROLL I I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I c1.D ~ \' S. pi', uJf ~rc" \ . I' N) Thomas and the following recorded vote, the county payroll (Daily/HOUrly, Monthly I deducted leaving a net payroll of $44,617.39: : AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl , i ~ H. Osterhoudt. i NUS: None. Ii . " I: I 'I ~ ACCOUNTS FOR PA~ I Iii On motion of Supervisor L. (\0 ..v ..I' ~' / ~ and the following recorded vote, \' I' II ~1, ,Ii were approved for payment: ~ .11 ~ ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. JIY ~ H. Osterhoudt. II NAYS: None. I' Ii I' I, S'(\~/' Ii and the following recorded vote, checks in the total amount of $379,249.62 for \' JI ' i: bills paid since the last board meeting wer e approved retro-active to date of \ rfi lei jl I II issuance: .)1 Ii AYES: , dated 12/22/69: Daily/Hourly dated 12/12/69 and 12/16/69) was approved for payment r in the total amount of $57,046.47, from which the sum of $2,339.41 P. I. C. A. Tax: [I " II " ~ "I H $1,312.85 Retirement: $14.00 Uniforms: and $244.84 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be~ I, " !I Ii II 'I I, n lJ I' ~ I' ,I II " " $6,714.46 W. H. Tax: $934.22 State Income Tax: $869.30 Blue Cross Insurance: Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston,! Ii the current bills in the total amount of $32,041.45 Ii 'I i! " [I ii :1 I Eddy, L.Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I , , On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, ,seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston,' Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. NAYS: __-""'~"O':"--<" 12/30/69 -.--- 575 --~ =o=s=.",,_ __._.r-=.:_=-o-:-_=,.".,,,-~,_-.,"=='C;..""=.~=,,'_", .,__' --__...., -.. '___~_'=-~."~.";"~' __,=,~~=,_._,."""",,,,,,,~~=-=--,,<--,,~=-",,,,,,,,"= ,=-----:=..-=== --= ~ Mr. Robert E. Layman, Jr., Agriculture Extension Agent, VPI Cooperative Exten- I. S10. n Service, appeared this day before the Board and reported on the long-range the . , program plan of /Extension Service and submitted copies of their "Long Range Program ! Statement" dated December 10, 1969. Miss Bonnie J. Webster,' Home Economics Extensioi l ~Agent was also present and recognized. Ii On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas !'and the following vote, the written report of the VPI Cooperative Extension Service, Roanoke County Extension Unit, "Long Range Program Statement" was this day received ~ and filed: " AYES: All II II NAYS: None. :1 ~ ~ II The COIIIIIlOnwealth' s Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, requested that the matter 'I a Ii of/draft of leqislation enabling the county to supplement salaries of Sheriff and i!Deputies be continued to the January 14, 1970, meeting of this Board. II II I, I' ,! Ii The Chairman of the Board advised the Board members that he would report at I' I' II the January 14, 1970,meeting of this Board on availability of space in the SChool II Board Office for the location of a proposed telephone system for Roanoke County. ,I :1 L If Ii At this point Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt expressed his appreciation to Ii the other Board members, the Executive Officer, COIlIIllonwealth's Attorney and Clerk II II for their help and cooperation during the past year as Chairman- of the Board. n I . h1 ~ k a i II Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas asked that his report on the Civic Center payroll .; Ii as Ii be continued, that his committee had not/yet met and that the City of Salem had Ii requested some cost fi...nres on the handling of the payroll. Ii ,,- " II a " " i: Ii A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICER TO I: INVESTIGATE U. S. CORPS OF ENGINEERS PARTICIPATION IN THE Ii STUDY AND CONTROL OF FLOOD CONDITIONS IN ROANOKE COUNTY " il December 30, 1969 II i WHEREAS, the Fifth Planning District COIlIIllission has created a cOllllllittee to in- ~ vestigate the desirability of requesting Congressional authorization for the U. S. " " f' nd II Corps 0 Eng1neers to co uct ,I I: the upper Roanoke River Basin, .1 f: I: time to complete and implement; and , it ,I " " !i and assist in providing supplemental I' " :: where the Federal costs of such work does not exceed $1,000,000.00; and ,I Ii :: Ii 'I 'I be initiated in Roanoke Valley areas; and I, i I II II " ;1 11 11 II I, :1 " II 'i ii 'I " i ;1 and co-ordinating local flood control measures:i " a a comprehensive study of flood control measures on which study may require a relatively long period of WHEREAS, the U. S. Corps of Engineers also has continuing authority to study WHEREAS, the corps of Engineers has suqgested that such supplemental work WHEREAS, certain tributary streams in Roanoke County are subject to periodic I ( I I ! , , I , / I I i' ! ., I :1 I , , , " :1 Ii , I ~~---" 576 12/30/69 flooding which leads to undue expense and inconvenience for many County residents; ~ WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to take II ~' ~ ' , \ 1. ~.1 . whatever measures that are reasonable, desirable and economically feasible to re- I: 1'J.\~,'7:1/ duce flood damage and inconvenience in Roanoke county and adjoining areas; , r 'I'~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors direct the ,I \ 4,"P II 19'V Roanoke County Executive Officer to study and recommend to the Board whether the ~ ~ I '" cr. S. Corps of Engineers should be requested to develop small flood control pro- I I grams in those Roanoke County streams subject to damaging floods, such recommenda- ~ tion to include an estimate of local cost, other forms of local participation, and I necessary joint actions with neighboring political jurisdictions, and an estimate ,of the time required for completion of the projects, and such recommendation to be submitted to the Board at the earliest possible date. I I' On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas [ and adopted by the following recorded vote: , I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. '1'. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: ~ II I' ~ II Commit... Cba'- Char'., .. O,"'-t ,oported that tho capi.., _-I II II 1 ;1 It was reported I None. I menta COIIlIIIittee, after considering several possibilities, recommended against the , erection of any kind of Courthouse identification at this time. I that the type of sign that would have been perhaps the most appropriate would have cost approximately $1500 and the Committee did not feel the cost was commensurate with the value of the sign. Said sign would have been 18" high black wrought iron AD I f.,: I:.~,~ \' '" \V . ,? I " !l 'I Supervisor A. '1'. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in !' the reCOllllllendation of the Roanoke County Capital Improvements COllllllittee and not il I " II ~ purchase a sign at this time to identify the Roanoke County Courthouse. it ~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllow-:1 II ~;i I ing recorded vote: il ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II ~i NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. ii I) ~ i Ii, :1 !i i Committee Chairman Lee B. Eddy submitted a written Preliminary Report of the Ii Ii Special COIIIIIIittee to Study Alternate Forms of Government for Roanoke county dated Ii ~ December 30, 1969, Which report requested an extension of time to continue its 11 , study with the intent of tendering a final report within the "next several months." ii :1 " letters across the Courthouse arcade on the Main Street side. I I , J I Special Committee to Study Alternate Forms of Government for Roanoke county be [' ~ received and filed and that the Committee be granted the requested extension of i! ii time to complete their work. ~ ,~ ~ ing recorded vote: 1 Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the written Preliminary report of the Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow-, 12/30/69 _ ..=_==,~.;"",,",,_-.-'. ~~~, =_.._._._.':;;-':<....::_-_,:.'-~.-_._ --,;;O;;-u.- _~""__==-- ~~__,=~_-='<-'='III'"==--=.= ~AYES: ~ H. Osterhoudt. ~NAYS: None. I II ,., ij U liD, l~Jtt ' \\\~~~- county Highway Safety Commission be increased by one (1). ~ - seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the number of positions on the Roanoke Supervisor L. Earl Simms ,.. , "' , , ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II H. osterhoudt. " I'NAYS: None. I A letter dated December 16, 1969, from O. S. Foster, Chairman of the Roanoke ~ Highway Safety Commission advising of the election of Mr. D. M. Deshields, Jr., p716 Kentland Drive, SW. Roanoke, Virginia, as Chairman of said commission for the Ilyear 1970, is filed with the minutes of this meeting. " II The Chairman requested the Board members be, giving some thought as to a I possible appointee to the newly created additional position on the Roanoke county i Highway Safety Commission. It was pointed out that the outgoing Chairman, O. S. I i Foster, recommended that said appointee be a woman. I I I' II I, The ''::ourthouse Beautification Committee was requested to. give a status report II at the January 14, 1970, meeting of this Board. I, I' II II Ii Consideration of two appointments to the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental !i Retardation Services Board and one appointment to the Roanoke County Planning Commission was continued to the January 14, 1970, meeting of this Board. a o , II ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOAllD OF I! OF SUPERVISORS FOR 1970. ![ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston nominated the present Chairman, Charles H. " " ii Osterhoudt, for re-election as Chairman of the Roanoke county Board of supervisors Ii for 1970. " II ii Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that nominations be closed, and Supervisor [i ;' Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: " Ii II AYES: All I' .I ii NAYS: None. " o Ii ABSTAINED: Charles H. Osterhoudt. !! ;1 Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt was re-elected as Chairman of the Board " . " i' of Supervisors for the 1970 term upon the following vote: i: il AYES: All I: i! NAYS: None. " i! Ii ABSTAINED: Charles H. Osterhoudt. r " " , Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas nominated the present Vice-Chairman, A. T. 577 " ~ i " I / I , I I L :1 il 'I Ii ~i . .r.,;,.? _ :~~;")-., -.-:,c'7';~:"' :." _, . "~-=:"='_c,.,:,,_,,-~_. 578 12/30/69 Ii Huddleston for re-election as the Vice~c~~:=-~:-'~ Board of supervisor~' f~~ i the 1970 term. ABSTAINED : A. T. Huddleston. ! ~ :1 ~ II I. :1 ~ i as ViCe-Chai~ II I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that nominations for Vice-Chairman be closed, 'and Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston was re-elected for the 1970 term I of the Board of Supervisors upon the following vote: I i AYES: All , . NAYS: None. I ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors set Tuesday, January 6, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. for an adjourned meeting in the office of the Common- wealth's Attorney to consider the legislative program that the Board might recom- I mend to the 1970 General Assembly. ! I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: I ' j I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles 1 I: H. Osterhoudt. ~ ~ NAYS: None. Ii ~ :1 ~ ~ ':il Iii ~ APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 11 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Ii I Virginia, that the following appropriations are hereby made from the General Revenu~ ~ Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the functions or purposes indicated: ~ '!i, For the operation of the Department of Welfare, I! to be transferred to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfare Board I I' i' '1 ~ jl Ii I' ~ Ii I: For the operation of the Public Library, to be transferred to the Library Fund and expended only on order of the Library Board, the Library Board to expend the total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for library purposes $ 567,754.50 Ii iI 'I " " Ii " I " , :; 82,697.00 Ii " 11 I I; 'I t Ii " " " i, 1: , For the operation of general County agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county 301 - county Administration 30la - Board of Supervisors 302 - Assessment of Taxable Property 302b-Commissioner of the Revenue 302c-Appraisers and Assessors 303 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 303a - Treasurer 303b - Collector of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts 304 - Recording of Documents 304a - county Clerk 305 - Administration of Justice 305a - Circuit Court appropriated 18,900.00 12-10-69 22,100.00 I 19,761.50 6,006,;00 15,816.00 appropriated 12-10-69 ~ ,"'" !III!I ! r t..4 ~ J 12-30-69 579 --~-' ___...= .'.~-<'_. -:.--____..o.="'-=-~~"_.='~..._.~.,,,...:,,.."'_:..'..._::"O:';_.:.lC...~-..'"O"";;___~~..=.::>"=~..~____ =_._-=~~-= - -_.,,;,:.:. 305b - county Court * 305c - Commonwealth's Attorney 30\05_e Crime Prevention and Detection 306a - Policing and Investigating 306c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 307 - Fire Prevention and Extinction 308 - Public Welfare 308a - Board of Public Welfare 308e - Institutional Care 308h - Lunacy Commission 309 - Public Health 310 - Public Works 3l0a - Engineering Department 3l0b - Planning and Zoning 310c - Garbage Disposal ' 3l0e - Contractural Services 311 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics appropriated appropriated appropriated appropriated II " " II 'I II !I II " I, 'I II 'I I, II II , " !, il il For educational purposes, to be transferred to Ii the School Board and expended only on order of ~ the School Board, the School Board to expend the II' total appropriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transferring IIlODies from one item or purpose to another without further consent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: l7a - a~ministration l7b 1 - Instruction l7b 2 - Other Instructional Costs l7c - Attendance and Health Servir~e l7d 1 - Transportation l7d 2 - Replacement of Buses l7e - Food Service l7f 1 - Operation of Plants l7f 2 - Maintenance of Plants l7g - Fixed Charges l7h - Summer School l7i - Adult Education l7k - Kindergarten 19 - Capital Outlay Data processing Debt Service Cafeteria Fund Federal Programs School Construction Textbook Fund appropriated appropriated 313 3l3a - Elections appropriated 11-26-69 8,075.00 118,333.00 12-10-69 12-10-69 900.00 11-26-69 750.00 58,006.00 41,581.50 10-8-69 11-26-69 19,000.00 9,087.50 10-8-69 12-10-69 126,560.50 10-22-69 905.00 900.00 11-26-69 11-26-69 89,625.00 10-22-69 478,811.00 215,000.00 88,764.16 4,277,703.06 245,161.00 16,500.00 189,163.50 23,600.00 55,000.00 402,300.50 165,918.50 47,362.50 49,000.00 7,500.00 46,700.00 130,750.00 44,800.00 616,376.22 198,180.00 179,500.00 4,799,000.00 71,250.00 $ 13,584.393.44 $ 14,879.00 314 - 318 314a - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 318a - Annexation ' 318b - Civil Defense 318c - ~ Pollution Control 318d - Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center 318e - Parks and Recreation Department - Debt Service - Capital Outlay Library Bond Fund Parks and Recreation Bond Fund !: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasurer be, and he hereby is, authorized 11 to transfer to other funds from the General Revenue Fund from time to time as ii " ;i monies become available sums equal to, but not in excess of, the appropriation :1 i' made to these funds from the General Revenue Fund for the period covered by this ;I Appropriation Ordinance. A copy of this Ordinance is ordered to be certified to r:1 :J appropriated appropriated appropriated appllOpriated 320 319 appropriated James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston: and adopted by the following, recorded vote to become effective January 1, 1970. Total Appropriations from General Revenue Fund for the period January 1, 1970, through June 30, 1970 For the protection of livestock and fowls and the enforcement of the dog laws, to be transferred to the Doq Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. AYES: ii I Ii 11 NAYS: None. ~ 305e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court ii $ 28,394.50 580 12/30/69 !INRE: REZONING OF 5.044 ACRE TRACT OF LAND LOCATED AT THE IN~ION OF VIR- GINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 599 AND WAYBURN DRIVE, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, OWNED BY H. E. HOWELL, E'l'TA M. HOWELL, OPIE P. SINK AND HUBERT M. SINK, EXECtl'l'OR OF THE ESTATE OF MILTON E. SINK. ) ) , ) ) ) . ) ) ) T .j ORDER THIS DAY came H. E. Howell, Etta M. Howell, Opie P. Sink and Hubert,M. Sbk, Executor of the Estate of Milton E. Sink, by counsel, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning property described in said petition. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition .t?e and / I the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the propos~l to amend the Zonin Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted on December 30, 1969, as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning COIIIIIIission of the I County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with ,the provisions of the COde of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its reco"""....t'I~tion to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same" the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith se~ the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be, given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delive.red by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. I Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted. as follOWS, to-wit: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T., Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II ~ ,I II ~ NAYS: None. IN RE: REQUEST OF E. J. MILES FOR EXTENDING TIME FOR SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES FROM 12:00 MIDNIGHT TO 1:00 A.M. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that this matter be continued until the I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following II ~ !I II Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Ii 'i I, Ii :j " I petitioner can return with some specific regulations from the State ABC Board. ~o~ ~~f-' ;. ~)~~I ;i ^~~.Y I' V ,I ~ I recorded vote: AYES: H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mr. E. J. Miles and his attorney, B. K. Cruey, both appeared to explain the request. .' 12/30/69 581 =-...~-""_..,-,-,-,.-,-_-_~=.....~_.~,,-~_.,..,==-,-.-c-,",,,"--=== ~=::;.::--=~ ~~P~ION OF-: ORDI~CEro BE-:~:~~-T~~Z~~I:G~~INANCE ~F-ROAN~ -~:TY . T/ WHEREAS, by act of the General Assembly of Virginia as provided in Title 15.1,' Chapter 11, Article 8, Sections 15.1-486 through 15.1-498, Code of Virginia 1950 an amendments thereto, authorizing boards of supervisors in counties to divide the I area of counties in the unincorporated portions thereof into districts to regulate I I I I , I ! .. , ! ''"'' II' . , . i. ,.4 ~ u o the use of lands and buildings and other structures1 to provide the locations places of residence or in which agriculture, II of those areas which may be used as .1 forestry, trade, industry, or other r 'I bulk, and size of buildings or other structures1 the percentage of land area which I. may be ocCUpied1 and the minimum size of yards, courts, and other open spaces1 and II ,I t 'i 0 provide for amendments and changes therein1 to require county planning c~s- Ii sions to perform certain duties with reference thereto; to permit the appointment ~ and prescribe the powers and duties of county boards of zoning appeals; and to pro- II ~ vide methods for enforcement of this ordinance and penalties for the violation ~ and I Ii :1 Ii zoning ordinance 1 and specific uses may be conducted1 the height, WHEREAS, Roanoke County presently has a zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to adopt a new WHEREAS, a public hearing on the adoption of a new zoning ordinance and zoning map was held jointly by the Roanoke County Board of supervisors and the Roanoke County Planning Commission on October 21, 1969, after first being adver- ~ tised as required by Sections 15.1-431 and 15.1-493 of the 1950 Code of Virginia; II 11 I, " ~ I NOW, 'l'HEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, for the purpose of promoting health, safety, order, prosperity, the conservation of natural and historic resources, and the general welfare requiring it, that the following ordinance be adopted as the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke * . ' County, Virginia,lto wlU.ch accompanying ordinance and map, reference is hereby specifically made, pursuant to Section 15.1-431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as ~ amended. U " I' ~ ~ Ii Ii I! I! ~ II !! ii " !i II Ii !I '. ~ Ii ther I f1 I I [ i I I , I , i i II il ' 1~I'7~ - .~ i~ in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and The Roanoke t ~ World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and to post I ~ :I4l . l~' same at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse, all pr10r to February , i ~.v,a '1<-1~""170 Ca Yf' Copies of this ordinance are in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court il ' ,1 .~ 1'.~ of Roanoke County and in the office of the county Engineer for Roanoke county and ill~.,.2. '.i~"~ ! CoY' \ " I Effective date of this ordinance shall be February 1, "1970. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the foregoing recorded adop- tion of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance once a week for two consecutive weeks 1970. may be examined there by anyone wishing to do so. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by SuperVisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, Ii ii ~ !; " II 11,* Ii together with the accompanying map adopted herewith as an integral part of the . ,I and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Ordinance and to ~ known as the Zoning Map of Roanoke County, Virginia 582 I . 12/30/69 The adoption of the foregoing ordinance was subject to the following changes: (1) Under paragraph 1-54 after "SCHOOL" insert "OR DAY CARE CENTER"; (2) Under paragraph 23-13, before the word "Clerk", strike out "County"; (3) Under paragraph 23-15 before "Clerk" strike out the word "County"; (4) Under paragraph 23-16-1 before "Clerk" strike out the word "County". -. I I .; IN RE: SPECIAL USE PEllKI'1'S APPLICATIONS: Of Consolidated Investors cif Va., Inc. to operate a kindergarten at intersection of Murray R9ad and..z.ee.,.Big~walr: (U:;'.SicRol1te',ll) , , Of Triplett Realty Company for permit to allow Edgewood Daycare Center to operate daycare center on Route 24 east of Vinton I Supervisor A. '1'. Huddleston moved that the requests of Consolidated Investo s of Virginia, Inc. and Triplett Realty Company for special use permits before the Board on December 30, 1969, be referred back to the Planning Commission for their recommendations as to rezoning of the properties affected so as to permit the ~ uses requested in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of ~ I Roanoke County to become effel;QVe February 1, 1970. I Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. EArl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoud NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy's motion to amend the foregoing motion to exclude the request of Triplett Realty Company died for lack of a second. I I I II Ii i 'I II ~ ! ~ I ~ ~ I ~ Ii y ~ Ii I: Ii .1 ~ i! rl 'I NO further consideration was given to the heretofore tabled application of Harold M. Bates for a special use permit to operate a nursery, kindergarten I .I and/or daycare center at the intersection of Rte. 419 and Etheridge Road, inasmuct under the newly adopted Zoning Ordinance effective February 1, 1970, said propertf ~ II I' :1 Ii A RESOLU'l'ION PROVIDING FOR 'rHE GIVING OF NOTICE TO THE CITY OF ROANOKE PLANNING :1 COMMISSION, 'rHE CITY OF SALEM PLANNING COMMISSION AND THE TOWN OF VINTON PLANNING II COMMISSION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE. il Ii I would be properly zoned to allow such use. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Subdivision Ordinance; and i) " " 'I certainil " " " i! I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to make ament3ments to said Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15.1-467 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, the Cities of Roanoke and Salem and the Town of Vinton have municipal jurisdiction in the County of Roanoke as regarding subdivision regulations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15.1-468 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, no county shall adopt subdivision regUlations until the governing body or the Planning commission of any municipality having municipal jurisdiction in said county has been given proper notice pursuant to Section 15.1-467 of the 1950;1 a ~ .."_ __.~,==c'::-="'-...:;..::.~___~"'~":"'-~,="-=::';"- -,------- --,-==.__.._.=---,-~~..=-"-. 583 . ~,~ City of Salem and the Town of Vinton; and C ApY~ ," I --]. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Board does hereby specifically request each ~310 ~ J I oJ" " " J of the respective aforesaid Planning Commissions to review the proposed subdivision jlYv~0 '-'I:;} =~ =:::=:'::.::~: :':::~:""'hod7:::~=:~:'Y I~,f I'~.? I \3\70 jfJ , f 1l' I~y I~JY I' ~~;)fi !"'co:/ I II I I , i r-f I. 6j ! Cl o ~ Code 'I of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Cities of Roanoke and Salem and the Town of Vinton I all each havei I I Planning Commissions; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that copies of the proposed amendments to the II Roanoke County Subdivision Ordinance be translliitted together with copies of this ! resolution to the members of the Planning Commissions of the City of Roanoke, II II I I II in order that the governing body of each said municipality may take appropriate action under Section 15.1-467 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board transmit copies of this resolution to the members of the Council for the City of Roanoke, the Council for the City of Salem and the Council for the Town of Vinton. Upon motion of supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None I !! il II Earl Simms and the following vote, the following items were this day received Ii ': !i II I' " ~ I , , Ii il :1 :! Upon the motion of supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. and filed: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt's letter of 12/23/69 to the other Board members in re: certain appointments to be considered at I the 12/30/69 Board meeting; I copy of a letter to Sheriff O. S. Foster from the State Dept. of Welfare I" and Institutions on inspection of the County jail on 11/18/69 (dated I 12/8/69) 1/ Sheriff's Statement of office and travel expenses incurred in November 1969 I' by self & Deputies; copy of a resolution dated 11/24/69 of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic I , Center Commission petitioning the Board of Supervisors to administer II the civic Center payrollJ 'I copy of a letter dated 12/19/69 from the compensation Board to the : v commonwealth's Attorney concurring in the action of the Board of ' supervisors and approving said Attorney's request for an additional ! position of Clerk at an annual rate of $3,840, effective as of date of employment. AYES: NAYS: All None. !! ~I :i " :1 Ii 'I :i 'I 'i Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the il ,I I I supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that this Board resolve into a committee of the whole to consider privileged matters. motion which carried by unanimous vote. Followingthe privileged session, the committee of the whole was dissolved and the meeting resumed in open session on motion of supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board. 584 12/30/69 Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved th~t, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke estate in SW1IDIerdean S\~ivision 13 and that the I Chairlllan of this Board write a letter of appreciation to Mr. G. G. Fralin. Supervisor A. T. HUddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. HUddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. HUddleston moved that the Sheriff be authorized to sell / two shirts, two pair of pants, one blouse' and one hat, stripped of inSignias, to the Salem.-Roanoke Valley Civic Center for use by their security guards at such price as he may deem. appropriate. Seconded by L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote: 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. H~dleston and CJlarles H. Osterhoudt. , NAYS: None. I A copy of the Salem.-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Financial Statements for the year ended Sept. 30, 1969, is filed with the minutes of this meeting. ~ I t I 'I , Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that this Board adjourn to meet in :1 the office of the Commonwealth's Attorney on T.uesday, January 6, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. ! Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by unani- II II DIOUS vote. r ,I ~ II " :1 ii " I [I !) i! I ! f 1; ~ .I , ~ !i I' Ii :~ ~ ( 'I ~ I I I II II ~ I I I , I il I II ! I I I n t'" It I' II If ~ Ii ~ house il Ii I' ,I I; ~ ! i ~ ii II " I: I[ I, II II I: II II " ~ Ii I' !I 'I II I, " II " ~ U I II I, ~ " " " " i' Ii II ti ii 'I I: I! " !! II " il I: .~",~,~"'~iP'.''''''''''''_'''_.'. 1/8/70 585 --=.:- .~",~.__::t.-..,,",-=,.,-,-,~"t.Ir=-=..... .~,. """-.:>;_.,-,-,,.=~.~-'- :--""=-""""""'--:'~._',;.. .._. _. _ _ _~___ ...,__~~_..,..,-,..,...,--==_ '.._n --" ~==-'=-~.:..o..':l,II=--=",""-"'=>I":=O= Courthouse Salem, Virginia SPECIAL MEETING January 8, 1970 7:30 P. M. i court~, ~ , A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors was this day held at the of Roanoke County in Salem, Virginia, pursuant to the following call: "We, the undersigned, being all the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice of a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held in the Com- monwealth's Attorney's Office in the Courthouse Building of Roanoke County, at Salem, Virginia, at 7:30 P. M. on January 8, 1970, for the following purposes: 1. Consider legislative program for recommendation to General Assembly of 1970; 2. Consider request of Sheriff for advance approval to purchase ten (10) police vehicles from State of Virginia; 3. Consider requesting Library Board of Trustees to confer with architectural firm of Guerrant & Mounfield in reo development of preliminary design and plans for library building to be located at Carriage Drive & Hackney Lane; 4. Adopt resolutions requesting the Farmers National Bank, the COlonial American National Bank and the Bank of Salem to change the accounts of James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County to Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer of Roanoke County; 5. To consider any other matters that the Board might unanimously agree upon." ' I :1 II , I , I I i ! , /s/ Charles H. OsterhoudtrChairman Catawba Mag1ster1al D1str1Ct /s/ A. T. Huddleston, Vice-Chairman Big Lick Magisterial District /s/ Lee B. Eddy , Cave Spring Magisterial District /s/ Joe C. Thomas Salem Magisterial District /s/ L. Earl Simms Richfield Magister1al District /s/ Raymond R. Robrecht Commonwealth's Attorney The above waiver of notice is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I] :1 The adjourned meeting set for Tuesday, January 6, 1970, by resolution of the !i iiBoard of S\",peJ:visors adopted on December 30, 1969, was cancelled because of bad I, I' II weather and this special meeting called in lieu thereof. " I: " Ii a " II Ii i' Ii iiMembers present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, I' o liLee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and J:oseph.C.,..ThOlllas. The Commonwealth's Attorney, " i!Raymond R. Robrecht and the County Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews were also I' I i,present. :; ~ i Ii I I :i Ii il The Chairman called the meeting to order and recognized Mr. Warren M. Miller,' " 'I lia representative of Rothgeb, Miller, & Sells, Certified Public Accountants, and the II II II II ....~,~:.':-.::>-~"'~-"-'-=------_. --_. ._._-~---. 586 1/8/70 meeting proceeded as follows. IT i I II i This day came Warren M. Miller, a representative of Rothgeb, Miller, and Sells ~ Certified Public Accountants, and presented unto the said Board, now in session, a reconciliation of the accounts of James E. Peters, Treasurer of Roanoke County, witt [I the COLONIAL-AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK showing the amount of said funds on deposit ~ , with said bank at the close of business December 31, 1969, as follows: !, II " II ~ 11 II It is, therefore, ordered that the said COLONIAL-AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, ~ Roanoke, Virginia, change the name of said account from County of Roanoke, Virginia~'1 James E. Peters, Treasurer, to County of Roanoke, Virginia, Kathryn F. Garst, Treasl er. It is further ordered that the said COLONIAL-AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK pay and I 1 I I REGULAR ACCOUNT Balance per bank statement $ 17,686.00 Outstanding checks Reconciled balance $ 17,686.00 charge said account with the aforesaid outstanding checks and none other than had been issued and not paid by said bank prior to the close of business December 31, I ; 1969. L On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddles" n and adopted by the following, recorded vote: I AYES: Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Hudd1esto:~, Charles H. Osterhoudt and ~ L. Earl Simms. II " :1 " " II il II " This day came Warren M. Miller, a representative of Rothgeb, Miller, and sells:~ Ii Certified Public Accountants, and presented unto the said Board, now in session, a il 'I list of certificates of deposit of Roanoke county, Virginia, James E. Peters, Treasprer, I, with the COLONIAL-AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK showing the amount of said fwlds on de- II I, " i! NAYS: None. vr ~\~~./ I\. (l~~ IV 15091 ~1' l?~"! 15092 ~\.t ~ r ~ 15093 1t'" , 1)' ' ~ 2-b'Y I I 15095 1P115098 \~ljb 'I 15097 ;9~ II I' I Roanoke, Virginia, change the name of said account from county of Roanoke, virginiaj, I, ii James E. Peters, Treasurer, to county of RoanOke, Virginia, Kathryn F. Garst, U Ii Treasurer. " " " " posit with said bank at the close of business December 31, 1969, as follows: I I I 12/17/69 2/17/70 School Construction 5 3/U $ 100,000.00 12/17/69 5/17/70 School Construction 6 , 150,000.00 12/17/69 8/17/70 SIlhoo1 Construction 6 l/U 200,000.00 I 12/17/69 10/17/i0 School Construction 6 l/U 100,000.00 12/17/69 12/17/70 School Construction 6 l/U 100,000.00 12/17/69 1/17/71 School Construction 6 1/4% 550,000.00 $1,200,000.00 It is, therefore, ordered that the said COLONIAL-AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt and L. Earl Simms. NAYS: None. I .\\ (2'< , ~ " ' ~\ y~ ,.\ \:-,(\ \)' '\\ I$~ 1\".,". tl ~\ '..~ " \\' It- ~ ,1 \ 11-" j;Ce-o \ ,0 \ii..,~ "I' \\': ',I,;-' ,,: ';rV\\~ ~ f)'r' /\'.., .,.. \,:' V ---\ ...'t'" r;., '\" '- ': ~ ,,\ . lj '" ) ^, ~ '\ I I I I I 1/8/70 -.--.. -"- --"""-'==--_. -- The Sheriff's letter of December 30, 1969 with regard to the aforementioned , request to purchase police vehicles from the State of Virginia is filed with the minutes of this meeting. a The matter of considering requesting the Library Board of Trustees to confer with the architectural firm of Guerrant & Mounfield in reo development of prelimin a design and plans for/library building to be located at Carriage Drive and Hackney Lane was continued to the January 14, 1970, meeting of this Board. c A RESOLU'l'ION REQUESTING CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING VIRGINIA STATE LEGISLATION December 30, 1969 ~ WHEREAS, the next regular session of the Virginia General Assembly will convene in January 1970; and WHEREAS, there appears to be a definite and immediate need for certain modifi- cations to existing state laws as they affect the present and future conduct of Roanoke County Government; NOW, TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors request its representatives to the 1970 General Assembly to work for the enactment of legislation as set 'forth hereinbelow: LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 1. The Board of Supervisors approves and endorses the 1970 Legislative Program of the Virginia Association of Counties, with the following exception: under .lJRBAN COUNTIES., paragraph 3., line 3, insert the words "or has developed. between the words .develops. and .water". 2. The Board of Supervisors requests that all boards of supervisors be enabled to supplement the compensation of Sheriffs and Sheriff' Deputies above the levels I !eStabliShed by the State Compensation Board. 3. The Board of Supervisors requests that counties be enabled Ilicense tax on establishments which sell wine and beer, in the a to impose a business I same manner municipal I 9 ~ities are now authorized to do so. ~ 4. The Board of Supervisors requests that the law pertaining to regional mental Ilhealth service boards be modified as to the function of the treasurer so that ~ custody of state and other funds may be handled by one office rather than two sepa- ~rate offices as presently appears to be required. S. The Board of Supervisors requests that so-called .voluntary. annexation suit I , procedures be modified to require persons signing petitions to be freeholders. 116. The Board of Supervisors requests that all boards of supervisors be authorized lto appoint the dog warden and his deputies directly. 7. 'rhe Board of Supervisors requests that the various laws governing forms of county goverllllle1lt other than the traditional:onstitutional form be updated, made re uniform, and made more applicable to the modern needs of county government as follows: 595 '" 596 1/8/70 a. Permit any county adopting a modern form of, government to determine by referendum whether one member of the board of supervisors is to be elected from the county at large if all other members are elected by magisterial district. b. omit the requirement for an immediate new election of all members of the board of supervisors following adoption of one of the modern forms, similar to the present law for the County Board form under which board members serve out their regular terms. c. Provide for a new election at the next regular NOVember election day for any elected county office which becomes vacant prior to the end of the term, as now provided for under the County Board form. d. Omit the special salary restriction for members of the board of supervi- sors and school board under the County Board form. ~ 8. The Board of Supervisors requests that all boards of supervisors be authorized II to require their respective County Treasurers and Commissioners of the Revenue to il I I I I now granted under the County Board form of government in respect to the Commissionetj, i FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that should any of the above requested items of ~ legislation appear, not to receive support as general law, that they be proposed as ~ general laws of special application restricted in application to Roanoke County; and! I FORTllERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be trans conduct their activities in a manner consistent with general financial procedures and policies as established by the board of supervisors, similar to authorization of the Revenue. mitted to Governor-Elect A. Linwood Holton, Senator H. Clyde Pearson, Delegate John W. Hagen and D~legate' Ray L. Garland. Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded' by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. i I i ~ The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded I by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the I' 11 Ii Ii il II !i R il " " " ~ T if I I I I I /~ ,'- ~~~.. .:. '?__' ,,~!Jt~~,,-~~"..\-s.~r..'\~~.'~,'" ..,. '__"<"'~'_'__",,~''''''l.,.J END DF BDOK 'I " " ~,., I ~t;;;....,-~~~.-~;;';';';';II".I";"""'" ,'~ ~.,~