HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-1971 II IJ J'llll IJI: SlJ I) I: II\flSIJ lIS III: 1:0 Illl IIIJ()I( ~ "'-""",'::~'1';;<.< . CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT I . ' ' .' " .' w. ~.::' VOLU VEARS=1 PAGES: FIL EII-C- I' - ' . I , . 0_ I 1 · i ~ '.__._-.~ -- I ___ _.. _____ CERTIFICATE Of AUTHElrrICITY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERt1ANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET ~iERE ~ll\DE AVMLABLE FOR r1ICROFIU'lItJG BY THE LOCAL RECORDS BRANCH OF THE ARCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA ST~.TE LIBRARY AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTIONS 15,1-8, 112,}-82, AND LI2,}-83 OF THE CODf~Or VIRGINIA, THE PURPOSE OF THE MICROFILt1ING IS TO PRUVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS, I I I , I I I 1 , I , 71 \:la~ APRIL 3, 1984 ; I I :Accounts Insurance (Payroll :Adding-Multiplying Machines 336 ,355 ,365, 448 a,,- license tax- ~~ ti>'l<~"';.,t ,'Angell, Frank R. - letter to same from Chairman of Board of Supervisors expressing appreciation" >, Deduction) - 40, 59,83, 137, 154' 186, 238, 264, 480,513,551 598 (2) for Commissioner'of ~he Revenue----- 10 of protest/county imposed lease holders tax & business :: Airport Users Associatior.I'S for his service as Rke. Co. Assessor for 1969 ---------26 ~' :Aldhizer Amendment - lelot,er from Chairman of Board of Supervisors to Senator H. Clyde Fearson': asking him to oppose same ------------26 : Archi tects to develop preliminary design & plans for library to be located at Carriage Dr. &', (resolution) Hackney Lane in Cave Spring, said library to include library headquartersf-~-ll ': 'unerican Tele-Systems cOJ:p.' s letter in re operation of community antenna tel!visioh in Roanoke ft ,. Co. 12 ,Alcoholic Beverages (Resolution extend. time for sale)-----29, ..Andrews, T. J. -240 acre tract held in abeyance by resolution No. 19040 of Roanoke City sewage treatment contract------35 : Adjourned of Lease Holds at Roanoke City rlunicipal Airport and property incident thereto- 43,78 set f(lr meeting / 3/5/70 to consider Oak Grove Civic League's petition to have developer of duplexes in Oak Grove area enjoined to cease construction -------41, 49 '!Assessment ':Automobile license stickers - resolution in re: issuance of duplicates for $1 service cnrge -! 61 :Adjourned meeting set fOI' 4/2/70 to consider airconditioning arena of Civic Center--- 69 ,~Air Conditioning arena of Civic Center------E8 ,69, 74,75,84, 94 ,: Air Conditioning arena of Civic Center, correspondenc!" from S!llem City, Manager & Mayor-69 ..Alternate Forms of Co. Ge.vernment for Rke. Co" - SpecJ.al CommJ.ttee's FJ.nal R,aport--67 & ,68 , "Annexation Cases pending against Co. - proposal of CPA, Daniel A. Robinson & Assocs. --66 ..I " ~Annexation Cases pending agains': Co. - Cornm. Att'y directed to secure proposal from consulting engi:~eers -- (Langley, McDonald & Overman) engineers fe.r their/services in this case --------- 66 'Audit of former Treas., J'as. E. Peters records, for 7/1/69- 12/31/69------73 ..Audit of fOJ.~r Treas, JcIS. E. Peters records for fiscal year ended 6/30/69 ------73 : Annexation of 1966, "':i.'mm of Salem 'IS County of R.:>anoke" - County's motion to re-open -,89 : Air Pollution Control Ordinance - administration & enforcement (resolution re burning le'1ves)-90 : Air Conditioninq Civic C'~nter Arena - statement by A. T. Huddlestpr - 759 Al.r Condl.tJ.onl.nq C1.Vl.C CE!nl..er Arena statement of Lee B. Eddy, fJ. ed -- 5 Air Conditioning Civic C,~nter Arena - letter from Comm. Attorney as to legality of county participation in cost of same; (since not let to competitive bids) & whether designing of s,~e would conflict with Southern Standard Building Code-----lOe Air conditioners (windo~') - authorization to purchase 2 for sheriff & 1 for bookkeeper-,---'1l2, Auditor of Public Accounts' Report On Comparative Cost of Co. Government for year ended Appropriation Ordinance for period ending 6/31/70 163, ending 6/30/71--370, I Air Pollution, Rules for Control & Abatement of -------- 168 ~I Air Pollution Advisory & Appeal Board- letter of resignation of M. J. O'Brien------- 185 Alcoholic Beverages- Anlendment to Business License Ordinance- 192 Air Pollution Advisory &, Appeals Board, appointments to same - 218,234 Air Conditioners for R,~c:reation Dept. Headquarters 195 Air conditioner for Dog Warden's truck & Sheriff's Dept., denied------ 195 Animals - COIlUll. Att 'y tel prepare modifications to appropriate Co. ordinance coverin;j' justifica- tion of and h~~ane killing of animals------ 199' 258 , Amendments - Dog Ordinance ----228 Audit of records of Co. Clerk & Clerk of Circuit Court - report of State Auditor- rec'd 237 & filed/ Assessed values of Public Servic Corporations inlV\rginia-254 ..Autornoble, Co. Fleet Instlrance--258 .. Appalachain Power Co.' s request to check meter heating & cooling unit on rooftop at Hollins Branch Library - 270 (OVER) ,:)0 _'y'" .. . . I' ' ~_J Anderton, Thomas V.'s - resignation from Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission-269 Auditor's report on audit of 0 Vinton Branch Library ----- 282 Auditor's report on audit of office of Collector of Delinquent Accounts for fiscal yr. ended 6/30/70 Arthur , R. L., granted Special Use Permit in Mt. Plesant area to build & operate greenhouse-287 Andrews, Carl M.' s reappointment to Rke. Co. Highway Safety Com.'11. --~------320 American Air Transport, Debtor under Chapt',XI- copy of memor from U.S. Bankrupcy Court to Co. Commonwealth's Atty--------320 American Air Transport, Debtor under Chapt., XI- copy of letter from Commonwealth's Atty. to Atty. J. R. Canterburyn---320 Al's Radio Cabs, Inc.'s application to State Corp. Comm. for =ertificate of public convenience & necessity as restricted common carrier------347 Automobile---Request for help for senior citizens, better equip. for police officers--~etc.-37l, Annexation Hanagement Team------422 American Association of Retired Persons letter of appreciation to Board for cooperation in getting Co. law enforcement officers to t~'e pictures of car wrecks-447 (see 371) Accomack Co. Board of Supervisor's resolution in re Welfare Dept. BUdget--445 Auditor's report on audit of Rk:e. Treasurer's records--------5l2 Air Conditioning of Salem Roanoke Valley Civic Center arena, report on completion as to cost,etc.------520 Appalachian Power Co.'s proposed rate increase (hearing before State Corp. Comm.)-522 Auditor's Report on audit of Ro,anoke Co. records, June 30, 1970------527 Anglin, Harry's fi~ancial respo:nsibility - letter from S-C Corp. of Rochesbr, N.Y.-527 Andrew, Wally L.'s application for special ,use permit to operate auto graveyar.d in Riverdale Community ,::>n Hill St. ,- DENIED---535 Auto graveyard on Hill St. in Riverdale C::>mmm1ity operating without perlnit-Sheriff to check, take what ,action necessary & report - 535' 558, 585 Abandonment of Route 654 ----- 562 Aird, Charles L. 's letter to School Board Chairman re: proposed teacher salary scale for 1971-1972 ------------ 564 ARCATA Communications Information - letter"offering for sale radio data books,etc.-596 Appalachian Power Co.' s application for mte increase, documents received & filed -596 Abandonment & reconveyance of drainage easement across Lot 5, Block 5, map Arlington Hills in Plat Bk. 3. page 231, Rke. Co. Circuit Court Clerk's Office, petition of Creative Offices, Inc. --------591 I I I I I Blue Cross Insurance (Pal,roll Deduction) - 14, 26, 40, 47, 59, 73, 83,100, 137, 154,171,: 185 205, 238, 254, 264, 282, 336, 356, 369,428, 448,462, 480, 498,513 ,528,551,564 ,398 BILLS >U>PROVED FOR PAYMENT (Current) - l4, 26,40,47,60,73,83,101,119,137,154,168,171, lq 186'1!I'28j~337, :348 ,35Ei, 369, 428,448 462 480 499 513 \205 , 238 , 254 , 26~_, , ' , , , ,528,551, 564, 598 : BILLS APPROVED FOR PAYMENT (Retro-active to date of issuance of 10l, ml19, 137, 154, 171, l86, 205 , 238, 254, 268, 283 480, 499, 513 ,~i28, 551,564, 598, ' Business License Inspector, Commissioner cf the Revenue, Commonwealth's Attorney & Chairman check)- 14, 26, 47,60,73, 319, 337, 348, 356, 369,428, tA I ~ of the Board of Supervisors - C~mmittee to study lease holders & business license taxes related to users of Roanoke City's municipal airport --.---------------l 26 BILLS, PAYMENT DEFERRED PENDING ItlVESTIGATION AND REPORT - l4.147. 5l, 283,499,528 , 551 Iii U 'Business License tax & lease holds tax in re: users of Roanoke City Municipal Airport -,1,42 "Berlin, Rabbi Donald R. appointed for full term. to Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retarda." tion Services Board - 28 Business License Ordinance, Amendments - 20, 21,86 Boiler - Ex. Officer directed to obtain estimates 18 "Bids on addition to Hollins Fire Station - 27,47 . Bids on pickup truck for Dog Warden - 17 , Bond Registration Agent -. 42, 50 : Building Inspector - instructions re: building permits applied for or issued for Sugar1oaf- Highlands Subdi.vision-------50, 'N Bankers Trust Co., New York, ;'J.Y. appointed Bond Registrar of $7,900,000 school bonds-50 : Bids (tabulation of) on construction of Cave Spring Fi~e House-----60 Beasley, Thomas H. & Eli.2abeth H.'s petition to rezone parcel,2.30 acres located on Rte. 419 approx. 1 Mi. E. of Rte. 221 ---------69, 87 Barden, Mr..Bryant, hired in Treasurer's Office -------67 re~erved Breeden, Chas. L.'s reqUEst for/parking space denied------67 Budget requests of Treas., Carom. Att'y &,Sheriff for fiscal 70-71 (copy of form going to Compensaticm Board) ----------72 Builders & developers being required to obtain specific assurance of domestic water & sewer services prior to time that construction of facilities needing these services may commence -- 63, 77 Branch & Associates employed to demolish house on Davis Ave. (Grissom property)-----8l Bids on Fire Hose (2000 ft. of 1 1/2" & 500 ft. of 2 l/2")------8l & 82 I Brammer, Robert C. & Barb,ara T., rezoning petition re: property 100 ft. easterly from E. side of Rte. 117 near the intersection of Rte. 117 & Rte. 116 in Cat. Dist. ----------80, 123 Bill in Equity filed by Salem City - Co~m. Attorney directed to take steps to defend Co.- 89 ilurning leaves in County - resolutiOi1 pertaining to administration & enforcement of Rke. Co." y Air Pollution Control Ordinance----.,,-90 preparation & Budget of Roanoke Co., fLscal 70-71, -/publication of synopsis & public hearing - 135, 140" Brand, E. Cabell's reappointment to TAP Board of Directors.------ 146 (& others) Branch, Billy H./property - 10.46 Acres & 27.28 acres -request of American Motor Inns (developers of Holiday Inns) for sewage lift station construction & connection to Peters Creek Interceptor Sewer in order that above properties may be developed & furnished sanitary sewer service under City-Co. sewage treatment contract - 144 tax billing Burrough's/equipment L400Cl - authorization to ,purchase same in accordance with proposal letter -.----- 158, 204, Byrd, Harry F. (Senator)- letter acknowled;ngreceipt of Supervisors resolution re: upper Roanoke River Basin Study ---- 156 (OVER) . . ~. , - , - .... Business License Inspector' s ca:~ mileage & expenes approved to be re-imbursed for period of 1/8/70 to 7/3/70 -------186 Battle, Fred's car & mileage expenses approved to be re-imbursed (see above)- 186 Blood Donation Day Proclamation (Rke',Valley) ------ l82 Bowers & Miller Development, In.:., petition to rezone property on N. side of Rte. 24-181,_ l87,328 Business License ordinance - Oct. 14, 1970 set for general review of <;ame - l82,29l,378,403 Battle, Fred's request for coun,ty vehile to carry out duties as Business Lic. Inspector-175 Business License Ordinance Amendment in re.Alcoholic !leverages - 192 Board of Adjustments & Appeals (Building Code) - appoin~~ents to same - 218 Building Code Board of Adjustlnemts & Appeals, appointments to same - 218 Burks, Sinclair R. 's petition t:o rezone properr.y on E. side of Rte. 777 - 199 , 248, 269 . Bonds, School, Resolution awarding $7,900,000 Series 1969B 220, Bonds, School, Resolution providing for printing legal opinion on reverse side 222, Business License (Music Teachers) Letter - 204, Budget, approval of Va. Dept. oj' Highway Main. Div. Secondary System--223, Brizendine, Charlas A., requesting action to remedy ra: dirt & debris washing onto roads 224, Bicycle Ordinance (sale of) ------ 235 Bailey, Wm. D. & Elizabeth A., special use permit - 247 Bicycle Ordinance, governing salle of unclaimed ones------ 257 BB Guns, Commonwealth's AttornE!Y directed to make survey of existing ordinances in other localities & mak:e recommendation as to similar ordinance for Co. -270, 323 Business License Ordinance, Notice of Intention to Amend & public hearing thereon (as result of general review in Oct. '70) --------- 29l-309 -:"'8-398, Black, Paul G. & Barbara M.'s petition to rezone property at corner of Dexter & Plantation Roads------- 314, 473 Brooke, Rev. W. Carroll's resignation from Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retarda- tion Services Bd. -------.-:118 & 316 Branch & Associates, Inc. & T. R. Leslie, petitioners in re: rezoning property on E. side of Rte. 419 (Starkey Rd.)------------327, 367, Baldwin's Cabin on Bradshaw Rd. " letter from Sheriff to Chas A Hubbard re public nuisances created by ren1oers--------347 Beasley, Thomas H. 's petition 1oe> rezone 75 A W of Salem to develop trailer pk.---352,492 _ Botetourt County Courthouse Restoration, Roanoke Co. 's resolution to donate $$----402,479, Branch, Billy H. 's & J. Granger Macfarlane's rezoning petition in re; property on E. side Rte. 626, N. Rt.. 117~----~---423,468 Burton, Arnold R. appointment to Annexation Management Team-----422 Branstetter, Darrell F., Special Use Permit to develop 60 A. on W. side Rte. 612 for campground & recreational facilities ----- 436 Booth Communications Co. 's application for CATV license-460, 480, 506 Broyles, Gordon H. 's letter r.::: reasons for opposing requested expansion of Carolina Mobile Home Park (off Rl:e. 460, E. of Rke.) ---------461 Budgets of Welfare Departments-. resolut~ons of various counties requesting Gen. Assem. to repeal Code sections dealing with this (63.1-]22 & 63.1-123)-------461, 445,479,479 Bulletin from State Dept. of HEmtal Hygiene & Hospital::; re: approval of application for grant of State funds (~;3, 471. 00 to Rke. Valley Mental Heal th-Ment31 Retardatd.on Services Board-----46l Botetourt Co. 's acknowledgement: of Roanoke Co. 's contribution to restoration of orignal Courthouse-----.479 Bogese, Stephen B. et als, v. the Board of Zoning Appeals of Rke. Co. et als _ Commonweal th' s Atty t,~ appeal to Va. Supreme Court --- 485 Black, Mary B. & Frances Hagge:cty's special use permitto operate boarding stable for horses-503 , . . -. , " i . ,'" .' '. " " " .- "1 '. ..). , . I I . . , , . ~ I I I I I "B" Page ICont'd.) i BUDGET, proposed for Roanoke Co. for 1971-l972, rec'd & filed. - 551 - public hearing - 558 : Joe Bandy & Son's low bid accepted for grading, site of headquarters library-545 'Broadwater, Earl B.'s letter of resignation from Lib. Bd. of Trustees- 547 Booth Communications Co.-copy of letter to Co.Atty. in reo franchise for CATV---545, ! Breeden, Charles L.Jrs let,ter in reo Roanoke Juvenile Detention Home----545, 'Bateman, Fbrence's property-to rezone tract of ,land at intersection of Co!. Ave. & Manassas Dr. & Rte. 419 from R-l to B-l----- 553 ,583 .Blanton, Kate's property at intersec~ion of Col. Ave. & new Rte. 419 (fronting 150' on Col. Ave.) rezone from R-l to E,-l ------553,580 : Blanton, Kate's remainng property adjoining Green Valley & Glenmont Subdivisions & lying 1....;,1 I . on both sides of Rtei. 419 from R-l to R-3 ------554 ,581 Blue Ridge Baptist Church's letter in re:, abandonment of sec. of Rte. 654 to expand church-54l Bent Mt. Rescue squa:'\'s application for federal matching funds 555, 586 Berlin, Rabbi Donald's resignation from Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board ---------561, Board.Chairman's acknowledgment----596 i Branch & Associates, Inc.s defense in case of Geo. W. Grissom V. Branch & Assoc., Inc.,.PaulB. Matthews & Harold A. Dickerson ---595 Beavers, James A.'s letter to Rke. Co. Public Service Auth. re: 75 sewer connections in Mud 596 i~ier</ , Bowling Alley- application of Richard Hamlett to construct & operate----593 County Payroll - l4, 26 40, 46, 59, 73 , , 336,348" 355, 369,428, 264, 282" 319. 83, lOO. 119, l37. 154 r l7l, 448, 462, 480, 498, 513 ,528, 186, 204, 238,254 551, 564 , 598 Chairman of Board of Supervisors \'Iritten Reports - 13, 26 .Chancery Suits for Delinquent 'faxes - l7 , 88 "Cranwell, C. Richard appeared as Att'y for petitioners, F. W. Finney Constr. Corp. & R. E. Gearhart in re their petition to rezone tract of land just east of Vinton ~ I ~ on Rte. 634 (al.s.o known as Hardy Road) ----------- 9 Courthouse Beautification Committee - ll, 78, 127 . Civic Center Payroll - 10 , 27 Ccrr~issioner of the Revenue - purchase of. 2 Adding-Multiplying Machines-----lO Municipal Committee to study lease holders & business license ~axes in re: users of Roanoke City/Airport Iii. H 'Committee, Courthouse Be,autification - 11, 78 Cruey, B. K., Att'y repr,~sented E. J. Miles in re<:iuest to extend time for sale of alcoholic beverages in R'Janoke County ----------- 1 Cave Spring ;:'ire House (new housing) - 16, 17,.60 'Committe to study means of deriving additional revenue from occupants of mobile homes -,9, 16 : I' .. Chancery Suit against Mountain Springs Water Co., Inc. for ba.ck taxes - 17 ,'County School Board's property (44.39 A.) on Cove Road - Roanoke City's Resolution No" 19029 I in re: amending sewage treatment contract between City & Co. by adding sa~d property-l7 : Commonwealth's Attorney's Annual Report of Activities for 1969, received & filed- 26 : ComlTlunity Antenna Television System in Roanoke ~o. - letter from Ame:::ican Tele-Systems Corp.-~2 Compensation Board's approval of additional clerk for Commissioner of the Revenue's office- 13 'Courthouse, Contract for painting--------40 .! Consolidated Investors - rezone lots 3 & 4, I.' G. Clark map------32, 43, 65 state : Cable television franchises- resolution of Supervisors endorsing enabling/legislation counti.es allowing/35 'Contract for construction of addition to Hollins Fire Station ------ 47 ,Civic Center (Salem-Roanoke Valley) - resolution in re: sale of -- 56, 58 & 63 Contract for constructicm of Cave Spring ,Fire House - 60 Crippled Children's Hospital - letter requesting contributicn from CO.------56 ; Chairman authorized to meet with Salem City Council to discuss reconunendations in Civic Center Commissions letter of 2/4/70 re financial matters & commission meetings-56 Civic Center Commission letter of 2/4/70 re: recommendations on financial matters & meetings-56 Commonwealth's Attorney to report re: proper measures to require developers or builders to d:>tain speciJ:ic assurance of wat.~r ,& sewer service prior to construction-63 77 Civic Center- air condi1oioning arena - consideration of this matter postponed to 4/2/70-68,6~~74/ Commu~ity College ,(Va. Western) - request for ,allocation from Co. in fiscal 70-71----64 I Courthouse Parking Lot- reserved sFaces .der.ied Probation Officers of J & D Relations Court- 67 Committee's FINAL REPORT on Alternate Forms of Co. Government for Rke. Co.-------67 & 68 I Chairman authorized to write appreciation letter to members of special committee for their work on Study of Alternate Fonas of Gcvernment for Rke. Co.-----68 Comm. Att'y & Sheriff's meeting with Sunrise Club (Pinkard Court Civic League) re: crime & law e~forcement in area------------ 66 eomm. Att'y directed to secure proposal .from Consulting Zngrs. Langly, McDonald & Overman for services in connection with Dending annexation case against Co.------66 Commissioner of Revenue & Treasurer's request,for Burrough's accounting machine------66 ,145,158 Comm. Att'ys budget request for 70-71 (copy of form going to Compensation Bd.)----72 ,Commonwealth's Attorney's report of 3/25/70 re: proper measures to require developers to obtain specific assurance of domestic water & sewer service prior to time thclt construction of facilities needing these services may commence; -- 77 Conunonwealth's Attorney's report of 3/24/70 re: taxation of lease holders at Airport-77 t, 78 Commonwealth's Attorney authorized to purchase typewriter----___ 78 Chamber of Commerce Weekr Proclamation Cave Spring aigh School stud~nts (Government Class) presentto observe-8S 82 Comm. Attorney to protect i.nterest of Co. & Bd. of Zoning Appeals in appealed recision of Bd. of Zoning Appeals by Stephen B. Bogese, Chas. R. & Curtis L. Lemon re: Starkey Speedway ------89 Commonwealth's Att'y to protect Co.'s interest in Bill in Equity suit filed by Salem-89 I Commonwealth's Att'y & special annexation counsel to press to have certain annexation cour reconvened (1966 annexation awarded Town of Salem)-------89 Committee to study Dog Control Ordinance & its administration - 88, 127, 171 Committee to study measures to require builders or developers to secure specific assurance of water & sewer service prior to construction------91 I CIVIL DEFENSE CO~AITTEES & BOARDS & appointments thereto ---------98 & 99; l25& l26, 172 Civi.c Center - Letter from Salem',s Mayor E.P.Hart outlining conditionings & circumstances under which the City might be interested in acquiring the Co.'s interest in the same --------95 Cave Spring High School faculty's letter re: salary scale approved by School Board for teachers----------l03 Commonwealth's Attorney's letter,(rec'd & filed) LEGAL OPINION on county part:LcipatiorL in and designing of air conditioning at arena of Salem Roanoke Valley Civic Center-------lOO Contract - for lighting 17 tennis courts in S locations - 114, l28 Ckeasy, William G. & Beatrice S., peti'tioners requesting rezoning property located North of Va. State Rte. 628 ------116 Comparative Cost of Co. Government for year ended 6/30/68- Report of Auditor of Public Accounts----------118 I Courthouse Sign - 127 Committee to study improvements to Jail of Roanoke Co. - l27, 320 Committee to study improvements to Two-Way Radio System of Roanoke Co.- l27, 172 Change Orders - North County Library (Hollins Branch) - 128 Cochran, A. J. appeared to request request resignation of Chas. H. Osterhoudt-l2l Coleman, J. C et als petition for inclusion in Secondary System of Highways - unnamed road from Rte. 688 southwest to DE 0.80 mile in Cave Spring Dist.--- 134 Cross Electric Co., Inc. & contract for lighting tennis courts ---- 128, 282,31~ 43l, 432 Compensation Board's letter to Treas. , denying S~e's part of claim for office 347 " Supplies ------137 County Levy - l43, l61, l62 Ceiling repairs in original section of Courthouse --------- 144 Contract for co~struction of restrocm facilities at recreational areas at I Clearbrook, Mt. Pleasant, Garst Mill & Stonebridge in Vinton ----- 144 Compensation Board's list of salaries & expenses as fixed for Sheriff, Commissioner of Revenue, Treasurer & Comm. Atty - l56 I Commissioner of the Revenue - Compensatior. Board':; approved salaries & expenses-156 ,. Commonwealth's Attorney - approved salaries & expenses as fixec ~y Compensation Bd.-156 County Levy for first six months of 1970--------------161 County Levy for fiscal year 7/1/70 to 6/30/71------- 162 Craighead Heights, ?etition of Tanglewood Mall, Inc. in re: vacation of plat- 165, 189 Clerk-typist for Sheriff's Dept. ----- 165 Civic Center - EMERGENCY LIGHTING WORK - l65 Census report (preliminary) - 168 Consolidation - letter from C. E. Evans -------- 168 .-:ommittee to propose park ordin'lllc" ------- 160 r I'.., ~ 1"1 .- ,..- 11 w u - C Page, continued - "Committee to study & re=negotiate all =ontracts & agreements between Rke. Co. & any other, governments in existence before 1/1/68 -------- 176,324 Contracts & Agreements Study Committee ~ 176 Civil Defense letter re: possible shortage of coal in coming winter ------ 181 Commonwealth's Attorney to waive on behalf of Supervisors application of Rke. Co. Pluming ,Code amendments effective 2/15/70 as to building permis secured prior to that'time--181 Commonwalth's Attorney authorized by resolution to take what action neces~ary to protect Co.'s interest in suit by J. D. Rife &, wife alledging erroneous assessment of real Crofton Subdivision water shortage problem---- l82 & 196 Federal legislation & Cable Television, commonwealth's attorney to write FCC in re:/restrictions.as to Co. 's ability to regulate same ------196 Congressional support of water & sewer deadline postponement (HUD program)------ 196,204, Commonwealth's Att 'y to modify appropriate Co. ordinance incorporating suggesti.<ms in Mrs. Lela Spitz's letter of 7/9/70 in reo justification for & humane killing of : compensation BOc..rd, letter of concurrence to Commissioner for billing machine 204, "Catawba Community, lease with Recreation Board 204, .Chamber of Commerce-to consider increasii-,g contribution-224, ,.communications center & 'aquipment - request for matching federal funds - 202, 230 335 i Contract for installation emergency lighting,- Salem-Roanoke Valley civic Center----!236 Contract for construction of storage shed for Rec'n. Dept.------- 231 Contract for paving tennis courts & parking areas at Clarbrook & Mt. Pleasant------ 232 'iClearbrook & Mt. Pleasant - paving tennis courts & park areas-------- 232 ,___~Collector.ofDel._Taxe!l & Accounts' Report, rec'r.l& filed-.237_ Codification of County Ordinances - progress, report by Comm. Atty, rec'd. & filed- 237 _ County Clerk & Clerk of Circuit Court- Auditor's report on audit of records for 1969' & 1968- 237-..-, , Cable TV- 240, 344 Commonwealth's Attorney's memo re: redistricting dated 8/l3/70-254 Clearbrook First Aid & Rescue Squad, matching federal funds application-249 Contractors Registration Law & Rules & Regulations for Va. ----254 ,Cox, John E.'s appointment to Roanoke Co. Highway Safety Commission-----251 ~ Cave Spring Fire,House- underground storage tank ----- 250 Curfew Ordinance-----259, 288 357, 369, , County Fleet Insurance----259 Chattin, Marvin R. - rezoning land. near Starkey - 261, 341 Committee to prepare specifications for receipt of bids for insurance for Civic Center- 262 Chauffeur License fee waiver for government employees, statement of Div. of Motor Vehicles- 263 Commonwealth's Attorney - recommendation re:, livestock claims being paid not to exceed return filed by owner on personal property tax on animal------ 268 Capital Improvement items for Civic Center paid for out of operating funds - Co. to reimLurse commission $2500 as its ahare of this expenditure------ 263 Clearbrook & Mount Pleasant park sites - contract for fencing tennis courts therea~-271 Contract for fencing tennis courts at Mount Pleasant & Clearbrook park sites-27l Contract for proposed sewer line to serve Cave Spring fire Station - 27l .. Cave Spring Fire HOUSE', construction of sewer line ----- 271 sewer line to _ Conner, Aaron J., General Contractor, Inc. - construction of/Cave Spring Fire House -271 " Chamber of Commerce, Va. State - purchase of membership for year ending 9/1/71--271 ,. Crippled Children's Hosp. 's letter acknowledging receipt of Co. 's appropriation----282 Collector of Del. Accounts - Auditor's report ,---- 282 Commonwealth's Atty's memo in re: newspaper advertising of ordinances- 289 COlumonwealth's Atty's memorandum in re: .payment of .livestock claims.policy-339 '~-- Commissioner of the Revenue's request & Board's approval, subject to Compensation Board's concurrence, for hiring of additional clerk in that office-----290, 363 Committee to discuss schocl & other public services with a similar committee representing the City of Salem ------------- 3l0; 3ll '~committee,to study acquisition of land~for long-term recreation & school purposes, Co. Engr. & Comm. Atty to investigate Co.'s,ability to regulate activities which may result in pollution of county w~ters--------3l2 Commonweal th' s Atty' s letter to Commissioner of the Rev. in re: ex,;mptior. from ,3l2 1- taxation of land used by Co. for governmental function------3l6 Commonwealth's Atty's letter to Cross Elec."in reo lighting tennis courts (9/30/70)-316 Commonwealth's Atty's letter to Va. Dept. of Highways in re:how to handle drainage & soil erosion problems------3l6 Commonwealth's Atty's letter to Chairman of,~~e. Co. Pl. Commission in re how to ~Tite minutes of meetings------316 County's Jail Study Committee, l27; 320 Commonwealth's Atty's letter to J. R. Canterbury, Atty. in re: American Air _~_~~__ 'L:ansport , Inc._ Civic Center Commission- appcintment of Mrs. Charles Glover --------------338 Christmas Holiday, 1970----------334 Change of time for second meeting in November, 1970-------334 Clifton, Guy S. & Pauline H., rezoning property at southeasterly corner of Rte. 419 & -22l~--~~--------326, 554,579 Constitlltional revisions of Va.'s constitution, Board's endoresement----------325 Commission to Redistrict Rke. Co. Magisterial Dists.-----------323 ~ I~.~-- County Fire Equipment housed in City of Salem ---------- 324 Craig Botetourt Elec. Cooperative, New Castle - application for revision of rates-335 Commonwealth's Att'ys. memor re: function of Planning Commission-------335 Commonwealth's Attorney's memor in re: rezoning of mobile home parks------335 Crozier, \'1m. T. & Juanita F. 's petition to rezone 2 tlracts of land on NW corner of Lynnhope Dr. & Airview Rd. --------346, 469 Community Antenna Television Systems, Ordinance to licel"se, regulate & tax same-344 , 400 Chairman to establish joint meeting with Planning Commission to discuss planning policies & procedural g~idelines in reo rezoning matters---------346 Certificates of public convenience & necessity as restricted common carrier-347 Carolina Mobile Home Park N off Rte. 460 E,of Rke. at end of Rte. 610, rezone 6 A-35l,487 Circle '1'1' Trailer Ranch at 3312 Mt. Pleasant Blvd, rezone 13.5 A ---351, 488 Central Trailer Park at Williamson Rd. & Florist Rd., rezone 7 A-------351, 488 488 Conner Mobile Home Park on Rte. 221 at Bent Mt., S of old Bent Mt. P.O., rezone 3.75 A-3511 Clearbrook & Mt. Pleasant fire & rescue squad facilities- to be considered by Cap. Improvements Committees------ 359, 440 Capital Improvements Committee to recommend on fire & rescue squad facilities for Mt. Pleasant & Clearbrook---------359 Civic Center roof repairs- authorizaticn to advertise w/City of Salem for bids-358 City of Roanoke's dedication of new municipal building, Supervisors resolution of congratulations-------- 358 Compensation Board's concurrence of approval vi addition clerk for Comm. of Rev.-363 Conflict of Interest letter from Supervisor Lee B. Eddy--------363 Crcckett, Mr. C. C. 's !"equest to tho Boa!"d for help in Legislation to benefit senior, citizen's as to automobile ins.-----371,447 Ca~le TV Ord.----334 400 ..- , ~ : I ~: --. . I .' '., I I I ~. I" . , IL ' . I . , ~ ,.1". - C Page, continued- cantrell, William E.'s appointment to Recreation Board ---------430 Clearbrook First Aid & Rescue Squad, Inc.~s request for federal matching funds-- 249, 428 ,Catawba, Rehabilitation Services for the Agi~g, application for project grant-----431,459, 487, ,Cross Electric Co.'s bill for lighting tennis cour~s in County -- 431, 432 Chairman & Vice-Chairman for 1971--------432 tiS I ~ County Engineer & Commonwealth's Attorney to serve with School Supt. & Charles H. Cl>terhoudt on ANNEXATION ~lA"AGEr-lENT TEAH------- 422 Conflict of Interest Act: letters from L. Earl Simms, Charles H. Osterhoudt setting forth their interest in respective businesses, re"ll.. & filed------447 Conflict of Interest Act: letter from Lee B. Eddy setting forth his interest in Shumate, Williams, 1;1 II Norfleet & Eddy------- 363 Commonwealth's Attorney's letter to Daniel A. Robinson & Assoc. in reo work done in connecti.on with Co. Annexation Suit----- 447 Commonwealth's Attorney's letter re: whether the Board may lawfully limit the number of cable TV systems in cperation at the same time and/or in the same area(s)-439 CATV applications rec'd by l/27/7l set for public hearing on 2/l7/71---------442 460 , , 482 . Contract bidding on repairs to Civic Center roof referred to Commonwealth's Atty. for reV1ew and recommendation back to Board ------440, 452 Contract to Repair Civic Center Roof, J. B. Eurell's bid approved-----452 Contract to supervise repairing Civic Center roof (consulting services), Construct,ion Consultants, proposal accepted---------452 .. Construction Consultants, proposal for consulting services re: repairing civic center roof-452 c Cable TV Committee, appointees, purpose and deadline for report-------460 Criteria used by Va. Dept. Highways as to installation of traffic signals prior tocpening new stretches of primary highway,roads------460 Clear-View Cable TV, Inc.'s application for CATV iicense-46~ 480, 525 Clearview Corporation's application for CATV license-460, 480 Central Purchasing, study committee- appointees, purpose & deadline-- . '--454, 506 Committee study central purchasing for ,co. - 454,506 Committee - review CATV applications - 460, 476 Civic Center Roof- 358, 440, 452 Cat & Dog carrier, projector '452 gun & lubricant - equipment for Dog Warden as requested by Sheriff/ Construction Cost Control, Inc., Chicago, Ill.- proposal offering their services re: 'proposed construction of sewage treatment plants----461 Conflict of Interest Act: letter from A. T. Huddleston setting forth his interest in 1'1 .. A. T. Huddleston Co., Inc.-------461 t .-! Catawba park site, request of Recreation De~t. ,----462,463,478 Commonwealth's Attorney's letter to Recreation Director: bodily injury & property damage liability insurance policy governing Co. activities involving parks, playgrounds and recreation programs----------479 Crippled Children's Hospital - request for 1.971-72 contribution-.----495 .....' .Conner, Aaron J. letter re: information concerning pending anne>:ation suits---495 Carter, Hazel S.'s bill to Co. for $35.00 ,rent on building at Clerbrook,deferred- 49~505,519 "Co's. committee to st.udy jointly with Rke. City, Salem & T/V committees in re: regioanl courth~~~e "Commonwealth's Attorney's Activities Report for 1970-----497 Comnonwealth's Attorney's memo to Chairman of Board in re: Miscellaneous Financial Matters -511 Contracts - Rehabilitation Services for Aging at Catawba -------511 Realco Investm't. Corp. ,Commonwealth's Attorney - report re: motion to reconsider/rezoning petition-507,519 Commonwealth's Attorney-report re, tie-vote s~tua"ion(application of Harold B. Ferguson spec1al use perm1t-----------o18 & 519 for II Clear-View Cable TV, Inc., letter from Furman Whitescarver, Atty forwarding financial. statement for both the Co. & for the owner C. Harry Anglin, as well as a supplement to orignal application----525 Appeals Circuit Court Orders, rec/d & filed in reo appointme~t to Zoning/Board of Frank Martin & Roy Hash, and re: accepting resignation of J. Oliver Stein-527 Church expansion under present Zorling O.dinance - study & recommendation requested of II Planning Commission ----,,31 Codification of Co. Ordinances - :;40 Cox Cable Communications Inc-lett..r re:. CATV franchise--545, 545, Commonwealth's Atty.-copy of lett,.r co Roanoke City Manager in re: contract for Juvenile Detention Home/ Construction & General Laborers local Union N'. 980's petition to rezone 45.565 A/ contiguous to sub-station, of Appalachian Power Co. of Linda J. Jackson -542 I Court reporters' compensation in pendipg annexation case- 541, 565 Chairman to write letter. to City of R~e. urging their submission cf plan to State Water Control Bd. whereby overlo~q situation at Rke. City Sewage Treatment Plant might be remedied ----- 541 Chairman's letter to PrES of North Lakes Civic League in re that league's proposed formation of all civic leagues in Rke. Co. 548 Chairman's letters to Ronald L. Peterson & Robert A. Lancaster in reply to their letters re: tax & motor vehic:le license .fee increase- 549 C & P Telephone Co's. proposed rate increase, documents rec'd. & filed -- 564 Compensation Board's approval of hiri:lg of Mary S. Cole to fill position vacated by retirement of Mrs. Shufflebarger in Commissioner of the Revenue's Ofc.-549 Commissioner of Rev.'s budget request for fiscal yr. ending 6/30/72 as filed w/Compensa- II.'.. tion Board--------549 Commonwealth's Attorney's letter to At~orneys for Vinton, Roanoke Co. & Salem in re Regional Courthouse ------ 549 Chairman's letter to State Water Control Bcard reo proposed regulations banning sewer connections where treatment plant exceeds 95 per cent rated capacity 550 budget Commonwealth's Attorney's/request for fiscal yr. ending 6/30/72 as filed with Compensation Board ------ 549: Commonwealth's Attorney's 2nd Assistant, Resolution requesting State Compensation Board's.. approval - 599 relative Creative Offices, Inc.'s petition/to abandonment & reconveyance of drainage easement., map of Arlington Hills e,tc. --,----59l II II , . . , . '" I . I .. .Dog Ordinance of Roanoke County, H. M. Holland's letter of 1/8/70 ---------- 12 : Dog Ordinance of Roanoke County, Report requested of Sheriff as to enforcement of same and recommendations as to amendments thereto ------- 12 l7 . Desks (3) approved for purchase by Treasurer -- 10 , Department of Taxation - letter answ~ring questions relating to semi-annual collection of real estate taxes and fiscal year assessments --------18 ~ , ~ Dog Ordinance of Roanoke County consideration of Sheriff's report & any changes in the ordinance continued to April 1970 ----- l7 Dog Warden - radio & pickup truck - 10, 17 ~. Discrimination on basis of race, creed, color, etc. - Chairman's letter to County Officials ,.1. H in re: Governor's Executive oraer to eliminate same ------ 26 Duplex dwellings proposed for construction by Sugarloaf-lIighlands Co,,"p. at intersection, of Sugar Loaf lit. Rd. & Elbert Dr.,.s. \'1.------ 4l,42,49,50 Dooley, Betty J.-salary increase (employee of Commissioner of the Revenue)--------67 Demolition of House on Davis Avenue --------81 Depkin, Harold - CHANCERY SUIT to be instituted to collect delinquent taxes on property asse,ssed in his name -------88 I Dog Control Ordinance & its administration - Spec:ial Committee to study same------88,168,17J.:: Dixie Caverns Landfill - Roa~oke City's letter Dame, Jack (manager of Sale~-Rke. Valley Civic acknowledging County's offer for use of, same-!'9 acknowledging C,,~nter) - letter re :/actions of governing bodJ.es as requested by Civic Center Commission-------137 I Dog Warden - resolution requesting Circuit Court to appoint same - 147 Deputy Dog Wardens - res,::>lutions request Circuit Court +:0 appoint 2 Dog Control Ordinance - Special Committee's Written report, rec'd. & filed ----- 168 147 & 148 Dog Warden's truck, air c(1di tioning deniev.------ 195 Dog control Ordinance - 8 letters and 12 petitions rec'd. & filed---204 Davis, Mrs. William E., letter Re: Business Licenses for music teachers---204, Darago, Joseph F. Jr. apply. for special use permit to continue skeet range 225,240, 322 Dog Control Ordinance - Amendments to 228, 339 Draper, S. R. Paving Co. - contract fcrpaving tennis courts at Clearbrook & Mt. Pleasant- 232 Daley, Mrs. Sarah's petition to rezone her property at Bennett Springs to operate bea\l~y shop- ------------234, 288 Dept. of Welfare & Institutions letter re: report en inspection of Co. jail --------254 Dog Ordinance, Notice of Intention to Amend & plwlic hearing thereon------289, 339 Dog Warden, Sheriff's request for TRUCK for same & Board's action-----290 ~ Dept. of Welfare & Institutions, Lett~r concenUng discrepancy of Prisoner days---373, Dooley, ~larshall, Jr. & aida Colleen's petition to rezone properLy (j" Texas Hollow Road, Rt,e. 1 Salem Magisterial Dist. --------------- 424 Dog & Cat carrier, prvjector gun, lubricant- equipment for Dog Warden requested by Sher.iff-~52 Darago, Joseph F., Jr.- 1 yr permit to operate skeet range at new location in Statesman y Industrial Park -----485 DOgwood Festival Parade - letter inviting Board to enter float------526 Dickerson, Harold A.'s defense in re demolition of burned house on Davis Ave.- 541 Demonstration Water Project, Inc. & its related corporations to supply low cost potable water to rural areas of Rke. Co.-568 ir reduced Deferred/tax for elderly - 595 (property) 1-. Electrical Code (Ordinance) of Roanoke County - Adoption of Amendment thereto - 3 ,Equalization Board's report - 26 "Easement, Public Utility & etc. Hunting Hills Subdivision-George H. Fulton et ux---32 ,Eddy, Lee B, appointed to Planning & Dev~lopment Con~ittee of the Science I,luseum Assoc. of ROanoke Valley - UN u_u ,- ,., .., -,. 48 , , Early, Alvin C. & Ruth ~., M. Frank & Kathleeen T. Martin,& Roxie Thompson. Petition to rezone 2.73 A. in Catawba Dist., bounded on S. by Rke. "=y limit, or: E. by Malvern Hills Subdivision, on N. by property now or formerly owned by W. w. Boxley Estate & on IQ. by propertv of R.E~Gleason-70, (D,led w1tn m1nut:es) Civic Center arena/ ____'u_ 95 lQ4 Eddy, Lee B.'s statement reo air conditioning ,~, Engleby Elec. Co. & contract for lighting tennis courts - l14, 128 Emerson, W. W. Inc. - awarded contract for construction of rest:room facilities at cer~n I'-f recreational area:; in Co. ---------- 144 Eddy, Lee B.'s reappointment to Fifth Planning Dist. Comm:i$ion ------ 173 , ' Electric Developers, Inco~porated & Realco I:;v~stment's petition to amend map of Sec. 6 North Lakes ------------ 168, 471 Evans, C.E. 's letter reo consolidation ------- 168 $, Ewing, Mrs. Jane to replace Mrs. Jean Robbins, 9/1/70 as VPI Ext. Agent, Home Ec. & salary-US Emergency Lighting' - Sa.lern Roanoke Valley Civic Center l€5 & 236 i ~, Executive Secretary fOl~ of Gov. for Roanoke Co. - 311 Mrs. Evans,/A. M.'s appointroont to Rke. Co. LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES------338 Easement across Co. property to Roanoke Gas Co. (bounded on W. by Rte. 643 & on n. by Int. 'i Ervin, Dr. Carl S. 's petition to rezone 40 A N of Interstate Rte. 81 for trailer pk.---352, ';:)2 I.... Eddy, Supervisor Lee B. 's letter in re Conflict of Interest---------.---363 Eddy, Supervisor Lee B. 's appo;,ntment to fill vacancy on Co. 's Jail Study Comm.-320 Board Election of/Chairman & Vice-Chairman for 1971----------432 Eddy, Lee B. elected Chairman of Board for 1971------432 . Executive Officer's report re: uICused outdoor advertising signs on Rte. 221 frcm Bent Mt. to City of Rke----439 Executive Officer's report of status of, improvements projects in Co.--439 Executive Officer to report recommendations on two requests: 3 new cars for Inspectors' Office; and financial statements from Co. Bookkeeper for Director of Recreation Dept.---446 : Eurell Co. , J. B.- bid approved & Chairman authorized to sign proper contract for repair of Civic Center Roof-----------452 Escheating Procedure for Roanoke County - 485 ! .j ~ f ~~ - I_I . ." :... .... '.' . ~ " ..J . :. 'I ~ .' F. 1. C. A. Tax (Payroll Deductior.) - 14, .26, 40,47 , 59 13 83, 100, 119, 137, 154, 171, 186 205,238, 254, 264, 282, 319, 336, 348, 355, 369'428, 44a,462,480,498 ,513 ,528,551,564 ,F.!. Tax (see W. H. Ta,K) - 26, 369,462, 480,513, 528, 551,564 , 596' , ',98 F. W. Finney Constr. corp. & R. E. Gearhart, petitior.ars, in re: rezoning tract of land just. East of Vinton on Va. Highway Rte. 634 (also known as Hardy Road) ----------- 8 J....... Fire Station at Cave Spring (r.e:', housing) ,- 16, 17, 60 Fire Station at Hollins (addition) - ,16,27 47 , I', Federal grant to implement "Police Traffic Services" for Roanoke Co. (letter from Dept. of Transportation )-------13 Fulton"George H et ux, release of public utility and drainage easement----32 . Roanoke Ci.ty's resolution 19030 offerinq that;.same be Fral1n & Waldron, Inc.-8.82 acres ~dded to sewage treat~ent ---j5 ,-, Fifth Planning District Commission - payment of contribution authorized -------45 Foxes - Executive Officer authorized to initiate trapping program to redu=e danger of rabie,-'-<l6 . ! , Forest control services - approval of bill from Va. Div. of Forestry - 45 ., Ferguson, John Hatcher, ;rr., et al: rezoning petition, Lot 22, Block 2, See:. 3, Castle Hill Development------.------70, 108 Final Report, Special Committee to Study Alternate Forms of Government for Rke. Co.--67 Fir.e Hose, bids considered & Co. Exec. Officer authorized to purchase same from Tidewater Supply Co. on basis of their low bid----------8l Fourth of July (Independence Day) Koliday- ll5, l58 Floyd County Board of Supervisors resolution reo improvements to Route 221 -------l33 ,Furniture (Additional) fClr Vinton Branch Library ------ 145 .. . F"fth Planning District: Commission, appointments thereto - 173, 338 ::Flippen, Everett E. 's pei;ition to rezone 3 acres on southerly side of new Hershberger Rd. to:I East of Old Rte. nOl --------- 167, 225, 240 ,File Cabinets for Treasurer's Office - 160, l74 Flood Contr'ol - report by Exec. Officer rec'd & Filed ---- 174 Final Allocations - In':erstate & Rural Primary Construction (1970-71) --------- 185 Fifth Planning Distric~, minutes of, rec'd & filed---204,237, 282, 363,447, 527, 549 Fire Fort Lewi.s volunteer/D,ept. - obtain bids ,on fire equipment for same------- 23~ 325, 359 for Roanoke Co. Fifth Planning Dist. C::>mmission's processing of 3 applications for matching federal funds} letters rec'd & filed re same.-------- 237 Fifth Planning Distric': Commission - resignation of Robert E. Lucas--------269 Fencing Tennis Courts at Clearbrook & Mt. Pleasant park sites ------271 ,Fifth Planning Dist. Commission's proposed study of criminal justice facilities 282, 32~ Fralin & Waldron, petition to rezone 3 tracts on southerly side of Rte. 419 at Int. of I ~ ~ RTe. 800 -,--:-------------313, 343,553,575 . Flood plan areas, Co.' s zoning ord. & industrial dp"elopment, let1:er from Valley Chamber of, Commerce refE!rred to PI. Comm. for recommendation------312 Fairview Home - option tco, Pulaski Co. School Bd.---------319 ~ Fifth Planning Dist. Commission, letter re: action grant deadline-------320 Forestry Service in Rke. Co.- statement of Va. Div. of Forestry thru 8/29/70-318 ,Fifth Planning Dist. Commission - appointment of Oliver S. Woody-----338 ~e equipment of the Co.'s hou~ed in City of Salem Station-----------324 Ferguson, Mike (Atty.) appeared re Section 6-11 of Rke. Co. Business Lic. Ord.------322 , 378, Ferguson, D. L.'s petition to rezone 20 A on Rte. 640 N. of Int. Rte. 81 for trailer pk.----35449 Fire Truck for Ft. Lewis Fire Dept-----------359 Fifth Planning Dist Comm., Exec. Comm. minutes-----36~ 447, 479,511, 527, 563 Forestry Service's let.ter notifying Co. of intention to purchase land or. Brush mt.---- 527 Fifth Planning Dist. Con'mission-Auditors' report of records for 13 mo. period, ended 11/20/70-447 Fifth Planning Dist. Comm.- A. T. Huddleston's resignaticn--_440 .' , .. '".' ~. ' . ~ . . , -- Gearhart, R. E. & F. \\. Finney Constr. Corp., petitioners re: proposed rezoning tract 0.: lime just East of Vinton on Va. Highway Rte. 634 (also known as Hardy Road) ------ 8 General Appropri~tion Ordinance, Amendments - 1~43, 100, 113, 118, 137, 164,176, 200, 315 Governor's Executive Order to Elimnate discrimination on basis of race, creed, colo:, etc. & f.....4 Chairman's letter regarding same to County officials -------- 26 Guerrant & Mounfield, Architects - Supervisors' resolution in re dzvelopment of design,& Flans plans for library s:te at Carriage Drive & Hackney Lanc(to include library I , headquarter" addition)---- 11 GObble, Lowell M. (VPI Ag. Ext. Agent) - Honthly reports - 13, 58,82, 156' 185 Griggs, Joseph of Sug~rloaf-lIighlands Corp. present & recognized reference Oak Grove 1""-.';' Civic Leagu,~ I s petition to have hi;':'\ E~njoined to cease construction of ~ - r duplex dwel,lings in area----- 4l Gibboney, Miss Dorothy L. - appointment to Rke.. Valley Mental Health-M. R. Service Bd.-Eil Green, Rev. Chas. T.- appointment to Rke. Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Service Board --------61 Gilliam, Eunee M.; Roht. L. & Dorothy P. Hartman's rezoning petition re: property on E. side Peters Creel: Rd., Rte. 117-------57, 106 I Garst, Jack & Barbara P. & John Hatcher FergusCln, Jr.- rezoning petition re: lot 22, Block 2, See:. 3, of Castle Hill Development-----------"'O Government-Alternate Forms for Rke. Co. - Special Committee's FINAL REPORT---------67 & 68 Grissom property on DiLVis Avenue - demolition elf --------81 ,.. 1ft Gcat (milk) killed by dogs - livestock claim of Robert Hovis - 85. 112 Garbage Trucks - Executive Officer authorized 11;0 obtain bids on two (2) -------117 Garden Development COl:P, property (12.855 Acres) - requestion of Board of Supervisors that this area be included for treatment of. sewage under co"tract with City of Roanoke--'---133 Georgetown Park, Sect.Lon 2 - letter from Iligh~',ay Dept. re streets -------- 185 Garst, Roy C.'s petition to rezone 2.155 Acres on Easterly side of Route 117 corner Gospel Baptist Churct. - rezoning petition lots in Andrew Lewis Place Annex No. 2 ----232 Glenvar High School Stadium, request of Glenvar Rec. Foundation for restroom facilities-239, Goodwin-Andrews-Bryar., Inc. - County Auto F.eet Ins. ------ 258 Glasgow, Ralph A.'s property on 626 Rke. St., Salem (lots 2l & 22,Map W.End Land Co.)OPTION-284 Gospel Baptist Church - petition to rezone from R-l to either R-2 or RE, their property in Andrew Lewi:; Place, Lots 3,4,5,6,7 & 8 of Block B and Lots 3,4, & 2 of Block 7 of' w Andrew Lewis Place Annex # 3----------314, 531 Grant deadline, notification in letter from'Fifth Pl. Dist. Commission-------320 Commission Glover, Mrs. Charles' appointmznt to Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Centerf------338 Giant-Vac Leaf Machine - to be purchased from Tidy Corp.---------337 Greer, Woodrow C. & Hazel A.'s rezoning petition in re: 0.59 A. on N. Side of Rte. 1~O, E. a of Boones Mill-------------360, 434 u General Fund, transf,ar of funds from same to Dog Fund------365 Gun Ordinance (Firearms, air rifles, air pistols & BB Guns)--------356 Garbage Containers--enforcement of placement of containers--375, Gilbert, Mrs. John F. appointed to Rke. Valley Mental Ilealth-Hental Retarda'n Servo Bd.- 377 Gilbert, Mrs. John F. reappointed to Rke. Valley ~lental Health=Hental Retarda'n Servo Bd.-130 GE Plant news release in re: plan to purchase existing building & establish a satellite manufac- turing opera,ti.on at Mebane, N. C.-----------479 Garland, Del. Ray L. 's letter advising of passiLge of H. B. l59 in re: repaying monies borrowed in anticipation of revenue------527 Grading So. Co. library site (headquarters) - 545 !.. .' ~. ' I ,.",. . .. I... '. - _. . -. ;. '.. " ". '. . . " - , , .. . or ~ ~ r.. . ~ , . ~ "l~. ..... ,. l : , , I Garman, Buddy's livestock claim - 536 Glasgow, Attorney Ralph's letter to ;rudge Moyer in reo Eldridge Donahue's failure to include delinquent garbage account with Co. in filing bankruptcy in Oct. 1970-549 I I I '1 II ... ,I . I ..~ I' . I I . ". ' . '. , ' ~~ ' . . , ' ,Hollins Fire Station add:. tion - l6, 27, 47 Hinman, David W. & Mildr,~d P. petition to rezone property at NI'1 corner of Hershberger & Plant'l- tion Road ----,---- 23 , 54 Highway Safety Commissio~, Roanoke Ce. - Appointments - 28 Hampton Roads Sanitation District's letter & Board of Supervisors resolution in reo State ting with Federal goverament to help finance water pollution control measures -1.1,26 Hovis, Robert - LivestoC'k claim for 1 milk goat killed by dogs..-n--85' ll2 Hunting Hills Land Corp. granted SPECIAL EXCEPTION TO erect Country Club in Hunting Hills an,a-87 Health Dept. lease for quarters in Salem-------n, 137 Hollins Branch Library - Carpeting & furnitur"----- 23l Highway Dept. letter rec'd & filed re: Overhill Trail in Penn Forest & prohibiting constr" ,& further development pending plan to pr,~vent erosion on public road------- 237 , , .J'I . : I-I '.- '. - , . " Hurt, Hrs. Virgie (School. Crossing Guardl,- salary increase - 10 ,- Headquarters for Roanoke Co. Library system - Resolution - 11, 96, 430, 446 Hundley Painting & Decorating Co., contract topaint Courthou~e------40 Howell, H. E. & Etta ~l et als Rezoning 5.044 acre tract on Va. 599 and Wayburn Dr.---30 Health Dept. (State)-Statistical Report for year ended 12/3169-46 IIealth Dept (County) letter re: Cour,~ ',' refund for participo:tion in !-!edical Clinic and Pharmacy for 6 mos.-~6 High\<ay Dept. letter re; liigh'"ay Commission approval of $30,000 allocation for Industrial .\ccess Proj. (Rte. 1023), Statesman Park for Industry------46 Highway Dept. & Bd. of Supervisors' joint meeting & public hearing on proposed work for secondary system of highways in Rke. Co. during '70-'7l------52 Hartman, RobEl!: L. & DOroth~r P.; & Eunice M. 's rezoning petition re property on E. side Peters Cree;c Rd., Rte. 117----------- 57, 106 , Hamont Corporation rezoning petition, re: property known as Westerly p<:ortion of Block 3, Crestwood P"rk owned by Hamont Corp.----------7l, 107 . "Harris, Marcia L.'s requl~st for reserved parking space on C.H. lot denied-----67 proposed improva'11ents to ,Highway Dept.'s offer to hold public hearing on/rtes. 657 & 666, not desired--------69 Holland Wax Co.'s 4 bill:; totalling $397.75 referred back to Library Bd. of Trustees 73 '.....,., Hunting Hills :.and Corp.'s request for special exception to erect countJ:Y club- 74 House on Davis Ave. - Branch & Associates employed to demolish-------81 Harmony Week in Roanoke va.lley Proclamation ---.--72 Huddleston, A. T.'s statement re: County participation in cost of air conditioning civic arena ------75 & 76 Hart, E.P.'s letter reo City of Salem acquiring Co's. interest in Civic Center-----95 I ~ Ii Headquarters Library site - offer of Frank Radford ------96, 430,446 Holidays - ll5, l58, 334, 335 Holland, Dr. Charles H. appointment to Board of Directors of Roanoke Guidahce Center----117 Hollins branch library (No. County) - Change orders ---- 128 Hudson, Douglas N. & Jeanne P., petition to rezone 24.83 A. in Richfield Dist., bo\mded on E. by Roanoke River, on N. by N & W RR, on W. by L. B. Goodwin property & on ~ S. by Rte. 639 ------------ 155., l87, 248,493 Highway Dept. letter reo streets in Georgetown Park, Section 2 ------ 185 Hollins Fire Station , equipment approved (conslole for radio, telephone & alarm system & kitchen cabinets)------------- 195 Holt, Gerald S., Rke. Co. Sheriff's Dept., approval of salary effective 7/1/70----204 Hough, R. Franklin, Jr.',s reappointment to Welfare Board-------- 236 Headquarters Library Si tEl , Schenatic Design--.----399 Headquarters Library Sit'2, Test borings------.. 399 .. '/" ," __' '~ . i ,.~ I' " ,Hayes, E. Paul's letter of resignation from Jail Study Con~ittee-----253 Honeyman, Morton (Att'y) - letter of 8/25/70 re: engineering report on Civic Center roof- 262 Highway Dept. letter listing rural additions requested for acceptance into Secondary System -------------- 262 Hollins Branch Library heating & cooling ,unit - Appalachain Power Co. 's request to check meter same --p 270 Hollins College lease agreement with Co., rec'd. & filed - 282 Highway Dept. letter with attached Operational & Fiscal Summary for Roanoke Co. for fiscal yr. 69-70------282 Hollins Library Equi~ent ------- 3ll II Highway Safety Commission of Rke. Co.- reappointmenc of L. Earl Simms & Carl M. Andrews-320 Hershberger Rd. - letter from VDH reo location & Design public hearing on spot improve- ments ------- 347 Hopkins Mobile Home Park at 4556 Van ~iinkle Rd., rezone 13.44 A-----------351,489 Heating system for workshop at Rec. Dept. Headquarters------357 Hicks, Jackson M. & Elizabeth S. & Ruth H. Lipes, rezoning petition re E. side Rte.117--364436 Huddleston, A. T. appointed to Welfare Board------428 I 497 Highway Dept. 's letter reo traffic controls at intersection of Rtes. 419 & 221 & 419 & 72Q-447/ Huddleston, A. T. 's letter of re:signation from Fifth PI. Dist. Comm.-44Ci Hinman, David W. & Mildred P. & \i. Price Fields' petition to rezone 0.491 A.-----445, 501. HUddleston, A. T. -Supervisors' resolution of appreciation <to him for service as Vice-Chairman--451 Huddleston, A. T. 's letter settirlg forth his int<?rest in firm A.T.Huddleston Co. ,Inc.-461 Hershberger Road, plans for imprclvements- Rke. City's letter requesting they be kept advised---------461 II Holidays - resolution providing for all holidays provided in Code Section 2.1-21, in addition to Saturdays ----- 497,509 Haggerty, Frances B. & Mary B. Black's request for special use perrrcit to operate boarding stable for hon",es, including l6-stall bal:n & indoor arena for training & riding lessons ------503 Hollins Branch Library - approval. of reflectors (shields) around parking area-5l4 Headquarters Library, conditional approval of preliminary plans-----514 Highway Dept.'s notification of approval of: rlesign for improvements to Hershberger Rd.-597 Health Dept. Annual Report yr. ended 12/31/69-----527 Health Dept., rabies reports--51l,527, House Bill 159, letter from Del. Ray Garland advising passage whereby Boards of Super- visors will not have to repay by [lee. 15th monies borrowed in anticipation of II revenue-----527 Headquarters Library - grading of site - 545 Health services - resolutions of Oty of Salem & Co. of Rke. to omit same from public services contract between City & Co. -547 Hollins No.5 Rescue Squad's application f~r federal matching funds II - 556 , 586 Highway Dept. 's letter giving notice of public hearing C!1 proposed changes to Routa 1802-550 Highway Dept. 's letter acknowled;cno Board' .$ reso.:i..ution in re: Rte. 1906 ------ 550 Highway Dept. . s letter re: Rte. 654 adjace;1t to Blue Ridge Park>ray & associated request of Blue Ridge Baptist Church - 549 Highway Dept.' s 2 letters re: repairs to bridge located a.72 Mi. S. Rte. 721 on Rte. 666-549 Hamlett, Richard's appliction to construct & operate bOWling alley---- 593 'II_I . I' ., '- '(' 't ' . ,", . , In Interstate Motel Developers, Inc., petitioners requesting 27.778 A NW of Rte. 601 & interstate 8]., bounded on W by property of trustees of Church of God for State of Va. and on N & E :~y property of City of Rke. & on S by Interstate 81---------79, 141 Independence Holiday - 115, 156 v 117 Investment Corporation, peti.tion to rezone, 3.668 A conveyed to them & lying on :south sid..:, hlii.. of 117 ------ 178, 243 Insurance for Sheriff - accidental death & false arrest, -----254 I ! Insurance, County Automo:>bile Fle,et ----- 258 Insurance, committee to prepare specification for receipt of b~ on same for Civic Center- 263 International City Management Assoc. 's recognition of Roanoke Co. Engr.-Exec. Officer- 313 /oOit',j, Inspectors' letter (Building,El,~ctrical & Plumbingl requesting three new cars--446 , . . l!f !' ~ - 1;--, I I ..... I " . .1, !!!' ", I . I . - J' .' I I ~ ~ , II I ' . " . , . _I ,~ Q .... i . ~ . , " y y "Joint Meeting between Highway Dept. & Bd. of Supervisors for public hearing on proposed, work on Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke Co. for 1970-71-----52 ,Judges salaries & expenses of 2iJtl1 Judicial Circuit, Supervisors's resolution - 93, l37 . k ., 1 .100 Salem's resolut1on & R e. C1ty s reso utlonl " " " " " " " " ,Jamison, Daphne, president of RCEA, protest of siary scale as approved for teachers by School Board in 70-71 b~dget ,-------- 102 Jail - Committee to Study Improvements thereto ----.- 127 Jail - Dept. of Welfare & Insl:itutions letter re bspection of same 5/l2/70--.--- l56, 479 James River Basin - comprehensi.ve Water Resources Plan, preliminary Volume IV-------- 185 ,,,,",--.I Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court's requesc, for extra telepbone line deferred------235 Jail Study Committee- resignati.on of E. Paul Hayes.-- ---253 1..... Jail - Dept. of Welfare & Institutions letter re inspection of same- 254 . 479 Jail Cc;>ml!litte~ of.Rk.e. Co. - encouraged:to procepa with study of regional facilities -283 cr~1na1 Just1ce Jai~/facilities as proposed by Fifth Planning Dist. Commission -283 325 , Jones, Larry Rierson Jones, granted special use permit to operate boarding stable for horses 1/4 Mi. off Rte., 221---------287 Jail Study Committe, appointme:nt of Lee B. Eddy & list of memberShip presently-nO Jail Inspection of 1/6/7:1., Dept. of Welfare & Institution's 2 lettes & Sheriff Foster's-4-:'~ Jury Commissioners for 1971-72, Copy of Court O~der approving payment to persons appointed-4); I Joint meeting between Highway Dept. & Board of Supervisors for public hearing on proposed w)rk Dn :,econdary System of Highways in Roanoke Co. for 1971-72-530 James E. Long Constr. C~.'s petition to vacate public utility easement on plat of Brambleton Court- 542 . 1'01 Jail, addition to - bid of Nat.os & Breakell accepted for construction - 600 6 ~ H .. Kirkwood, Mrs. Richard E., representative of League of Women Voters, present --------10 ,Kinsey, Motley & Shane's compensation in re: development of Roanoke Co.'~ Library system not , related to Vinton Library - Kinsey, Motley & Shane's letter of 1/13/70 & SuperviscJ:s" reply of 1/21/70, rec'd. & filed ------------ 26 (;, 'f." leaton, H, L. of Vinton a' peared :ce: Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center----- 121 Michael (Co. llice Officer) appeared as member of radio communications study c0llU11j.t4;e --- ., Kavanaugh, to comment on report of committee -,172, 186 Keener, Charles J.'s appointment to Rke. Co. Recreation Bd.--------320 ,Kennett, John H.Jr.-coi?Y of letter to Executive Officer in re: law suit over razed house--54~; Kinsey, Roy M. et els petition to rezone property on southerly side Rte. 117, westerly side l_.t Rte. 118 -----594 1-' , ,.. ~I u I,. .. I' ~ " 'I' '" . Long, Harold T & David W. 's application for Special Use Permit to operate mobile homes sales League of Women VQters represented at meeting ------10 Legislation enabling county to sUI~ement salaries of Sheriff & Deputies- 9, l6 users of Lease holds tax & business license tax related to/Roanoke Municipal Airport - l, 42 Legislation to Appropriate Funds for the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board and Other Local and Regional Mental Health Services Board in the Commonwealth, Supervisors' Resolution Supporting State ------ 18 Legislation in the General Assembly Concerning Libraries, Resolution Pertaining to ---- 19 Libraries, Resolution Pertain;,ng to the Proposed Legislation in the General Assembly - ,19 Lussen, Kenneth W. & Isaac Sutphin appeared re Cave Spring Fire House ----16 & 17 Library - January 1970 report of Director -------- 26 Library-Kinsey, Motley & Shane's letter of l/l3/70 ~ Chairman's reply of l/2l/70 in re: compensation of time & expense involved in development of library system not,related to Vinton library ---------..--- 26 Library preliminary design & plans for Carriage Drive & Hackney land site in Cave Spring to include head quarters additbn,--------- II ~ibrary Board to confer with GUBrrant & Mounfield in re: design & plans tor library site at Hackney Lane & Carriage Drive, & sad library to include library headquarters addition ----------ll 1'''-'' Library Headquarters -reSOlutions -------- ll, 96, 430 Layman, Robert E. (VPI Ag. Ext. A'l'ent) Monthly reports _ l3 , 58' 82, 156,185 License Stickers (Auto)-service charge for issuance of duplicates-6l Langley, McDonald & Overman-(Consulting Engrs.) - Cornm. Atty to secure proposal from them for services in pending annexation case against Co.---------66 Landscaping Courthouse Lawn, approved - 78 Legal opinion on Co's. entering into agreement to air condition Civic Center arena without submitting project to competitive bid basis: & whether the designing of said air conditioning does not conflict with Southern Standard Building Code- 84, 100* ~e~ly of Comm. Atty.,rec'd & filed) , Land Subdivision Ordinance, letter & resolution from City of Rke. regarding Rke. Co.'s- 82 I Livestock Claims - 85, ll2, 224,495, 536, 584 Library Headquarters, site offered as donation by Frank Radford---'---96 Lease with Va. State Dept. of Health for Co. Health Dept's. quarters in Salem- 92, 137 Lighting Tennis Courts -------ll4, l28,232,3l6 Levy - Tax rate for Roanoke County- l43, 161 Lease Agreement - between County & Hcllins College Corp. -------146. 292 I ! , Lease Transfer Agreement- between County & Masons Cove Civic Club, Inc. ------- 14~ 237 - Library - Vinton Branch (additional furniture for same) ------ l45 Library - South County preliminary design ------ 145 Loyd, A. T. 's petition to rezone lots in Mt. View Court, sections 1 & 2 ---- 166 --225--326 ,.,;;,,: ~ Law Enforcement Reciprocal Aid Agreement - 249, 258 Livestock claims- payment to be consistent with personal property tax return filed by, Io.t owner ------- 268, 289 Lucas, Robert E.'s resignation from Fifth Planning District Commission ----- 269 Library Equipment, Hollins Branch ------3l1 as VPI Ext. Agent Layman, Robert E.'s resignation/------316 Library Board of Trustees, appointment of Mrs. A. M. Evans---------338 Leaf pickup machine (Giant-Vac Model TM-3000) approved for purchase----------337 Loan not to exceed $2,000,000.00 & to be repaid by 12/15/70, Board's resolution to borrow----__ __...__354 . , , , 1\1> ; , ," III Lutins, Harvey S. & Louise C., et als rezoning petition, lot 1, block 6 Mt. Vernon Hei>hts-36~504 Lipes, Ruth H. & et als rezoning petition re 8. side Rte. 117---------362,436 Lindenwooa, partial vacation of plate of Map Ko. 9, ---372, Library, South Co., Schematic Design---- 399. 446 Library, South Co., Test borings ----- 399 Library materials, approval of expenditure of , ,additional state & federal. funds ($l4,899.00)--400 I Library Board of Trustees' motions re: (l) Test borings at So. Co. Library site; (2) Schematic Design for So. Co. Lib., & (3) l'.dditional State & Fed. Aid.----- 400 Library Board of Trustees authorized to proceed w/plans for construction & operation of library & administrative offices in Oak Grove-Cave Spring area not tqexceed $450,000-------------446 I Lancaster Bd. of Supervisors resolution re: welfare budgets (asking for re~eal;of code sections 63.1-122 & 63.1-123-----------.-- 479 Liability insurance policy governing Co. activities inVOlving p,arks, etc. (bodily injury (, property damage) letter from (;omm. Atty to Rec'n. Director------479 Library, So. County - conditional approval of preliminary plans------514 Library, So. County, grading of site - resolution of Library Bd. -546 Library So, CO.,- Joe Bandy & Son bid accepted for grading site- 545 Land Use Plan for Fith Planning Dist.- 550 Lancaster, Robert A.'s letter & Board Chairman's rq1y in re tax & ~~"or vehicle license fee increase 549, Langley, McDonald & Overman's bill for services in reo annexation case for 1/29/71 to 3/25/71, approved for payment - 565 Law EnforcementCommunications Control CentE:r & Related Base Station Radio & Monitoring I equipment. -------550 i J ,Meetings, Regular - 1, 16, 29, 41, 285, 322, 339, 52, 64, 77, 85,10...' 121, 139, 160, 174, 355,367,,399,434,450,465,484,500,518, , :269' i 187, 239, 257 530, 556 ,568 ,.... Meetings, Special - 102, 206,2l9,378,566, Meetings, Adjourned - 49, 74, 158, 2l8, 350, 351, 353,430, 482 ,5l6,553 I .Minutes approved - 1,16,29,41, 52, 6~77' 85, 104' 121,139' 160, 174, 187,223,239,257, 269 , 285,322,339, 355, 3b~, 399,434,450 465,484,500,518,568 I Miscellaneous Expenses (Payroll Deduction) - 1.4,26,40. '47,59,83, lOO 1l9, 137, l54,l7l,186,J;05 : . 238,254,264, 282,319,336,348,356,369,428,448, 462,4'80,498,513,528, 55l,!;64 598 I , , I :,Manthey, Mrs. C. F. appointed to Rcanoke Co. Highway Safety Commission - 23 . :'McMahon, Mr. Leo M. appointed to Hoanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services BOax-d-281 !. ~ Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Boards- A Resolution Supporting State Legislation to appropriate funds for the Roanoke ,Valley Board & other local & Regional Boards in ,..0 the Commonwealth ----------------l8 !.' Mountain Springs Water Co., I~c. - Commonwealth's Atty. to institute Chancery Suit against same for back taxes ------------17 Mobile Homes in Roanoke Co. - committee to study additional means of deriving revenue from occupants - 9, 16, 174 M & N Properties, Inc., petitions requesting rezoning of 0.69 A on southerly side of Rte. 11, and westerly side of Deyerle Road-------44, 105 :Mental Health-Mental Retardat!..on Service Board (Roanoke Valley) - Appointments to- 28,61- Motor Vehicle License St~ckers - resolution re: $1 service charge for issuance of duplicate-Gl Martin, M. Frank & Kathleen T.; Alvin C. & Ruth T. Early & Roxie W. Thompson, rezoning petition, 2.73 A. in Catawba Dist. bounded on S. by Rke. City limit; on E. by Malvern Hills Subdivision, on N. by property owned by W.W. = Boxley Est. & on W. by property,of R.E.Gleason----70, 104 .'Mountain View School - lighting of tennis court - 'i ..Memorial Day - Holiday 115 .. Melissa Meade - complaint re: road in HOllins"community --------12l Meagher, Richard L's reappointment to Fifth Planning Dist. Com.nission ------- 173 'Mobile Home park & Sales Lot - report of Co. Engr. as to location of same rec'd & filed- 174, '195 .110bile Homes compared to fixed residences - Exec. Oificer to prepare analysis as to proposed revenue to be received and services required for both ------174 Mud Lick Creek Interceptor Sewer System - State Water Control Board letter filed----- 185 '244 Miley, Robert L.'s petition to rezone property on E. side of relocated Rte. 116, 1.15 Acres--,19Qt 49',' Mount Pleasant First Aid Crew's application for matching federal funds for $4l95 worth equip'mt20.! ~ . Matching Federal Funds application- Mount Pleasant First Aid Crew--- 202 Matching Federal Funds applicaltion - Sheriff's ,Dept. (code books, riot guns, bull horns,& speed- ometer testing equipment)---------202 "Matching Federal Funds applica,tion - emergency oacup base stations, construction of & equipment for communicatior.s center in present county jail & conversion of mobile units.. & ~ purchase of new mobile units & equipment for Bent Mt. base station----- 202 , 230,335 ,Mental Health Services Board, letter & resolution of Roanoke City, 204, Mountain View, rezoning Sections land 2- referred to Planning Commission 225, Mount Pleasant & Clarbrook park sites e contract for paving tennis courts & parking areas- 232 Matching federal funds- Clearbrook First Aid & Rescue Squad- 249 Mason, W. D. - request to enlarge mobile,home park - 251 Mount Pleasant park site - contract for fencing tennis court---.- 271 Mental Health-Mental ~tardation Services Boaru (Ruanoke Valley)- resignation-Rev. W. Carroll Brooke--------3l8 Matthews, Paul B.- recognized by International City Management Assoc. ------ 313 Mahoney, B. w.'s appointment to Rke. Co. Public Service Authority--------337 Meeting of Nov. 25, 1970- change of hour -----334 ,; 'r . , . . "',' ','" Mobile Home Parks, rezoning public hearing on existing & proposE,d locations (held Jointly w/Planning Commission at Civic center 11/16/7(1-----------351 Municipal Building, City of Roanoke's dedication of new- Supervi.sors' resolution extending congratulations-------358 Mount Pleasant & Clearbrook's request for fire & rescue squad facilities, referred to, Board's Capital Improvement Committee-------359, 440 Martin, Etta M. & Southwest Investors, Inc. 's rezoning peTition re: property at Int. of Rte. 419 & Grandin Rd. Ext.----------362 Membership for 1~71 in Salem=Roanoke Cou.nty Chamber o~ Commet"ce-'-365 Moorman, Mr. & Mrs. Wm.'s claim in regard tO,death of son, Donnie L.-------365, 42~ 447 Music teacher-5 letters OPP9sin9 license tax---376, Music teachers opposition to proposed amendment to Business License Ordinance,Sec.7-1----378 Maxey, M. E.'s reappointment to Roanoke Co. Planning Comm.----- 427 Macfarlane, J. Granger & Billy H. Branch, Petitioners fcr rezoning cf property onE. side Rte. 626 N. of Rte. 117----------423 Membership in Va. Assoc. of Counties fo:c l2/l/70-11/30/71-----428 Moyer, Judge Jas. I.'s records & accounts, Auditor's report on J & D Court & Roanoke County Court------427 Mobile home park of C. J. & Lucille Wray, letter from Att'y D.!'. Kielkopf re: percolation tests---------- 427 . 110bile home park,- proposed by RIchard :Ilylton., & others on Rte 622 near Masons Cove ,letter-427 !lusic teachers- letters opposing tax---'--- 427, 447 .! Kacfarlane,J. Granger & Billy H. Branch, Petitioners - Rezone p:roperty E.side Rte. 626 N.m Rte. 117 -------------------------------- 46B Minnix, Christine McCormack's rezoning,pEltitnn re: property on E. side of Plantation Rd. and being part of original estate of H. H. Rudd-..------477, 535 Mobile Stage - request of Recreation Dept.-------475 Murray Run Sewer Line, possible joint financing of improvements thereto- Rke. City Clerk's letter forwarding Boardof Supervisors' resolution to City Sewer Comm.-579 Murray Run Sewer System, letter from P~~lic Servo Authority of 2/15/7l with attached letter from Fralin & Waldron reqlJesting sewer service for a proposed new proj-597 Mount Pleasant First Aid Crew - federal grant for emergency medical equip. - notice of approval-------497 Motion ~o reconsider Board's decision en rezoning petition-507,5l9 Mount Pleasant Fire Dept. & Rescue Squad-County's plans for proposed housing---546, Malarkey, Taylor & Associates-copy of letter-Reo Roanoke Cablevision Inc --545, Matthews' Paul B.'s defense in lawsuit over, demolition of burned house on Davis Ave.-541 Martin, Frank C. Jr.'s letter (Directot-Promotion & Research WDBJ-TV) re closed circuit TV in Hagerstown, Md. School,System- 564 Moheimani, Hessam & Susan's petition to rezone property on easterly side of Westside Blvd. just north of Hershberger Rd. in Catawba district ---593 Montclair Estates street construction - copies correspondence betwe~ighway Dept. & Fralin & Waldron -----596 Mount Pleasant Rescue Squad's applicat.i.on for Highway Safety proj ect grant for vehicle in amt. of $5800----586 I I I I I . , " ". tJ, ' . ..'.J .' t ~ ':, McGuire, W. W. (Rke. Co. Plumbing Inspector) appointed to Plumbers Examining Board-6l McCray, Mrs. L. D. - livestock daim for 9 pigs killed by dogs--85, ll2 M:Clung, David II's reappointment "~o Recreation Board ----146 HcGuire, Wiley W. & Nadine K. l'!cGc,ire's petition to rezone property in Cave Spring area-508,S33 & Fred M. Preston et als' McGrady, Harley's/petition to r2zcne proper~y on w. side Rte. 626 (Thirlane Rd.) - 543 '-' , "! ~ . ';.. ., ~';1:::'; . National Coach Sales - special use permit --------2 .Northside Iligh School SCA's request to use voting machine approved------44 ,Nelson, Roy S. appointment to RCJanoke Co. Plumbers Examining Board ------61 . Newsletter of Air POllution Conl:l:01 Board, rec'd. & filed-------73 Newsletter of Vinton Chamber of Commerce, rec'd. & filed --- 118 'N & W Railway Co. I s letter in r,p': proposed discontinuance of Trains 11 & 12---- l18 N & W Railw~y Co. 's hearing before State Air Pollution Control Bd. on variances to permit open burning -------.-- 136 North County Libra;:y (Hollins Branch) _uu CHANGE ORDERS ----- 128 North Lakes, petition ,....~ map of Sec. 6 of Electr.c Developers, ------- 168, 471,507 Incorporated & Realco Investment Corp. to amend ,""f 117 Investment Corpation, petition to rezone 3.668 A conveyed to them & lying on S. side of 117 ------- 178, 243 National Sheriff's Assoc. - approval of payment of insurance premiums for accidental death, false arrest & membership dves ------ 254 Notice of Intention to Amend the Roanoke Co. Business License Ordinance & Public Hearing Thereon (as result of Oct. '70 general reviel,' of same) ------29l-309 Newspaper advertising of. ordina~ces or amendments thereto, Commonwealth's Atty's memo-289 2S November/1970, meeting of Board changed from 7:30 to 2:00 p.m.------- 334 Northview Mobile Home Park at 7004 Peters Cr. Rd., rezone 5.42 A------35J,489 Notice of Intention to abandon Railroad Underpass on Secondary Rt. 687---373, .. Newsletter interest survey, report ------454 Norfolk & Western Railroad Eng;knes caus;.ng fires by sparks from engines in Glenvar area ---- 560 - Newton, John P. & Va. D.'s petition to rezone 7.173 A on southerly side Mayfield Dr.-592 '596 ,National Organization to Insure oL Sound-controlled Environment -letter extending membershi~1 I . .. ,......1 , , - ,j ."\ '-\ - , ' , ORDINANCES "Adoption of Amendment to the Roanoke County Electrical Code (Ordinance) - 3 Adoption of Amendments to the Roan::>ke County Plumbing Code (Ordinance) - 4, 5 & 6 ; 108 Adoption of an Ordinance Providing for the Semi-Annual Collection of Real Estate Taxes in Roanoke County ---------------- .7 & 8 General Appropriation Ordinance, Amendment - 15, 43,100, 113, ll8, l37 l64, 315, 349 , &~ENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BUSlclESS LICENSE ORDINANCE-20, 86, 192, 403, 536 Notice oi Intention to Amend the Roanoke County Business License Ordinance & Public Hearing Thereon --------- 21 Notice of Intention to Amend P.Umbing Code (Ordinance) & Public Hearing Thereon-62 ,....,... Dog Control Ordinance & its administration - Special Study Committee------ 88, 178 Amendments to the Roanoke County Plumbing Code (Ordinance) 108 Notice of Intention to Amend the Hoanoke,County Business License Ordinance and Public Hearing-l09 Notice of Intention to Adopt AmenGments to an Ordinance of Roanoke Co. Prohibiting theDriving (fee of persons withdrawing bloo of Motor Vehicles While Under the Influence of Alcohol, Other Toxicants or Drugs- III / i." Amendmen': to an Ordinance of Roanc,ke Co. Prohibiting the Driving Of Hotor Vehicles While Under the Influence of Alcohol, Other Intoxicants or Drugs - 139 Appropriation Ordinance for period ending 12/31/70 ___u__ l63 ending 6/30/71--370, Notice of Intention to Amend an O:':'dinance controlling the Running at Large of Dogs and Public Hearing Thereon - 177 Amendments to Appropriation Ordin"nce for period ending 12/3l/70 - (.I\i.coholic Amendment to the Roanok-o Co. Business License Ordinance/---- 192 176, 200 Beverages) Notice of Intention to Adopt an O::dinance Reg'.llating the Hours during '...hich Parks . Owned by the County of Roanoke Shall be Open to the Public & Public !learing Thereon-202 Subdivision Ordinance amendments, recommenaations of study committee approved, subject to t", public hearing --------- B 4 Amendmen~to OOgOrdinance---228, 339 Adoption of Ordinance regulating hrs. during which Parks shall be open 226, Notice of Intent.i.cn to adopt an o:dinance regulating the sale of unclaimed bicycles- 234 ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE REGULATING 'rHE SALE OF UNCLAIMED BICYCLES ------ 257 Notice of intention to Adopt an Ordinance Establishing a Curfew for Certain Minors & Public hearing thereon-------259, 288 BB Gun, control of ---- :170, 323. 356 Notice of Intention to Amend the !(oanoke, Co. Ordinance Controlli:1g the runninga: Large of ' Dogs & public hearing thereon-----------28~, 339 Notice of Intention to Amend the Hoanoke Co. Business License Ordinance & Public I ~ . , . Hearing ---------------..29l-309; 378-398; Notice of Intention to Adopt an OJ:dinance regulating the use of firearms, air rifles, air pistols & BB Guns & publi" hearing thereon-------323, 356 Notice of Intention to adopt an O,'dinance providing for the lice~sing, regulation I' I . , ' .. & Taxation of Community Antenna Television systems in Co. & public hearing---334 ,400 Adoption of an Ordinance regulati,)n the use of Firearms, Air Rifles, Air pistols & BB Guns-356 Ordinance --Partial Vacation of PLat of Map No. 9--Lindenwood--:,n, Amendments to Business License Ord. (as result,of general review of entire Ora. 12/23/70--403, Ordinance Providing for the Licensing, Regulation, & Taxation cf Co~~unity Antenna Television Systems in Roanoke Co.--------400 Speedways, taxation-449 Netice of Intention to Adopt Amer,dments ,to an Ordinance of Roanoke Co. Prohibiting the Driving of Motor Vehicles While Urder the Influence of Alcohol, other Intoxicants or Drugs (analysis of breath samples, etc.) -----------438, Notice of Intention to Ad(1t Amendments to the Roanke Co. 465 Motor Vehicle License Ord. -438 .516 I . . J", . I: , . I 1- Notice of Proposed Amendments to the Roanoke, Co. Business License Ord. (SFeedways) -453, Amendment to Gen. Approp. Ordinance adopted 12/9/70------------458, 433, 526, 540, 548, 595 Notice of Intention to Adopt an Ordinance I:e,gulating the Operation of Autclmobile Racetracks, Speedways, and Similar Activities, aLe Public Hearing Thereo"1 537,538,539 & 540; ------ 587-590 I I I I I ..prayer (Invocation offered at Blj>al:l/iHeetj.I\gsl- 1,16,29,41,52,66,77,35,104,121, P 11187 'c223't23p9 E. 25.7.lf 26_, 2:0", 322, 339, 355, 39~,450, 465 518 ayro ,see oun y ayrO"l, ' , Plumbing Code (Ordinance) of Roanoke County - adoption of amendments thereto - 4, 5, & 6, 108 160174 , , Planning Commission - re-appointment of To D. Steele - II Pick-up truck for Dog Warden ----- 17 Public Service Authority (Roanoke Ceo.) -,audit of records for fiscal year 1968-69 - 26 ,Payroll of Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission ------- 10, 27 Personnel requirements of Registrar's Office - letter from Leonard M. Pick, Ela::toral Bd.- 26 Pearson, Senator H. Clyde's letter acknOWledging receipt of Super'lisors' resolution regarding legislative program ---...... 25 Planning & Development Committee of the Science Nuseurn Assoc. of Roanoke Va11ey-appoint~ent of "'...... Lee B~ Eddy ---------48 Plumbers Examining-Board - 48,51, 61 Public Service Authority's progre!Is reports in re: study of sewage treatment plant-36,58 Pl\lmbing Code (Ordinance) Notice c,f Intention to Amend & Notice of Public Hearing- 62 Petition of Pinkard Court & South'!I:nHills Residents seeking acticm to curtail crime in, said communities (referred to Sheriff for investigation & repc'rt back to Board) --55, 66 Probation Officers denied ,reserved parking spaces on C. H. parking 10t---------67 Proposal of Certified Public Accolmtants (Daniel A. Robinsc\n & Associates) for services, in connection with pending an:oexation ca8es ag".inst -County ..------------------ 66 Pinkard Court - law enforcement problems - 55, 66 Proclamation declaring Harmony We"k in Roanoke Valley ------ 72 Proclamation declaring Chamber of commerce Week, Chairman author:.::ed to sign---82 . Pigs killed by dogs Poff, J. W. & R. R. - livestock claim of Mrs. L, D. McCraY------..85 t f 1 d on no" corner of l'nter"ection of Quick's petit:i::>11 to rezone trac 0 an 0 .. t~~ of Co!. Ave. & Rte. 419 .'-Denied--226, Parks, Committee to propose ordinilnce governing use of same-------- 160 Proclamation - Roanoke Valley Blced Donation Day ------182 Parks, Board of Recreation's recc~mendation re: Closing time 204 , Ordinance--228 Penn Forest, Residents Petition Re,: dirt & cebris ,,'ashing onto road 224, Penn Forest, Va. Dept. Of highways' letter, rec'd & filed re: oVl!rhill Trail---- 237 Public Servo Authority - resignatL(ln of Gene D. Whitlow & appoint.ment of Robert H. Richardson ------.. 230 & 231 Parris, Hubert P. Parris's appoin:rlent to Air Pollution Advisory & Appeals Board- 234 Pulaski Co. Board of Supervisors' :resolution & letter re: Dougla" B. Fugate's reappointment-236 Public Service Corporations in Vel., statement of assessed values - 254 '. ! . . Printing of School Bond Series h69B--------249 Powers Fence Company of Rke., Inc. - contract for fencing tennis courts at Clearbrook & Mount Pleasant park sites -------- 271 Public Servo Authority, Supervist'rs' resolution of intention to specify further projects in nature of sewi.gc collection & treatment to th" Authority & Fublic ,.! ... hearing thereon ---------,,--- 273; 285 Pollution of County Waters, Co. Engr. & Commonwealth's Atty. to investigate Co. 's ability to regulate activities which may result in --------3l2, 357 Pulaski Co. School Bd. given opt".en on Fairview Home Froperty-------319 Public Service Authority Board- iI.C. Townsend's letter asking Supervisors not to consider him for reappointment.to same-------- 320 Public Service Authority Board - "Lppointment of B. W. Mahoney---------337 aanning Commission, planning pocicies and procedural quidelines for rezoning requests- 346 Palmer Park Trailer Court at 4l1'7 Palmer Ave. , NE , rezone sundry lots----351, 490 Park site in Cabawba Magisterial Dist., Recreation Board's requE,st & Board's action-462,463,478 PETITIONS FILED Peti tion of Oak Grove Civic League to have Dupl.ex D.,ellings Construction halted at intersection of Sugar Loaf Mountain Rd. & Elbert Drive ------------4~ 49 Pinkard Court & Southern Hills Residents in reo Crime in these areas -------55 l2 Petitions reo changes in dog control ordinance rec'd & filed-,--204, Petition of Penn For~~~ reo dirt & debri.: washing 000 Overhill trail 224, Petition opposing change in zon:.ng laws Mt. View Court, 225, Petition of property owners and citizens requesting approval of J. W. 'pqff rezoning request 226, Petition from residents of Mano,r St. & Brookside North Apts. reo unpaved extension of ~eenway Dr. -----2'.;2 Petition in opposition to Speci.~l Use Permit for Larry Rierson Jones to operating horse Boarding Stable & riding school-----388 Petition of North Lakes Civic L,~ague opposing rezoning of 24.002 A tract as requested by Realco Investment Gorp. N. of the subdivision for apartment complex--47l Petition of residents of Texas Hollow Rd. supporting Marshall Dooley's rezoning request'-473 475 Petition of residents of Sunnyb:cook Subdivision in support of Black, paul,G.'s rezoning petition/ Petition signed by owners of property fronting on Dexter Rd. S. of Plantation Rd. in support of Paul G. Blacks :~ezoning request ------475 Petition of residents for impro'lements to Rte. 888 & Co. Engr. 's disposition of same - 596 II \ I .. ~ . . I ~, I Retirement (payroll Deduction) - 14, 26, 40,47 , 59,73, 83, lOO' 137, 154, l71, l86, " :as 4 , 282, 336,356, 369'428' 448, ;98, 513 528 551 5q~ Real Estate Taxes in Roanoke Couney - Oroinance prbv1o!ng fbr s~ni-Annual Collection 205.238, of - 7 ,254 Radio for third vehi~le used by County Dog Warden --- 10, 17 , Roanoke Valley-Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board, Appointments- 28, 61 ,Roanoke City's letter & resolution re: their aEPointments to Mental Retardation Board - 99 ,: Roanoke County H;ghway Safety Commission, App01ntments - 28 Resolution of. Board of Supervisors re: administering Salem Roanoke Valley Civic Center Payroll-27 Resolution Pertaining to the Proposed Legislation in the General Assembly Concerning Libraries-19 .. Resolution Supporting State Legj.slation to Appropriate Funds for Roanoke Valley Mental Health.,. Mental Retardation Servuces Board & other local & Regional . . .: Registrar's Office - Letter from Leonard M. Pick, Electoral Bd. Sec'y in . Services Boards - 18 personnel re:/requirements of " same ---------------26 Robbins, Jean - VPI Home Ec. Ext. Agent ~ Monthly reports - 13,58, 82, 15~ 185 ; Roanoke County Public Service Auth01ity, letter received and filed w/ resolution-----37 .. R:>anoke Gas Company's bill for heat,' ng fuel at Roanoke St. defer:ced pending investigation- 47.~ ,::1ecreation Dept. activities repc,rts - 58, l37 , 237, 282, 363,5J.l :,Riley, W. E.'s bill for buildin~ closets in Comm. Att'ys office- 60 Russell, Mr. W. S. , Rke. Co.ns representative on Va. Western Cc,mm. College Advisory Bd. to request allocation from Co. for College in fiscal 70-71---------64 Reserved : RObinson, Parking Daniel Spaces on C. H.. parking ,lot A. & Associates' proposal to denied Chief & another probation provide services in connection Officer-67 with Annexation cases aga:'.nst Co. ~---------- 66 Railway Assessment Case Appeal - Co. 's contribution to special account ---------69 - 1- around Rke. Municipa:l Airport-:------,:----- 82 Roanoke City's letter & resolutlon regarding Rke. Co. Land Subdivision Ordinance (proposed amendments)------82 I j;..\ Real estate Taxes (delinquen~)- Chancery.Suits to je instituted for the collection of- 17,88 Radford, Frank's offer of a library headquarters site in Cave Spring - 96,430 Roanoke City's acknowledgement~f Co's. offer for use of Dixie Caverns landfill -99 Roanoke Guidance Center's request for appropriation,received & filed- 98 Roanoke County Public Schools B~dget for 1970.,.71, received & filed_ l02 RCEA President, Daphne Jamison appeared to express disappointment re in request of School Board's budget ceo salary increase for teachers------- 102 Roanoke Guidance Center, Board ,)f Directors -- appointment of Dr. Chas. H. Holland-117 Rothgeb, Miller & Sells employed to audit records of Roanoke Co. for for fiscal year ending 6/30/70 ----,.---- 115 .. 'j 185 Radio~(two-way system of Roanoke Co.) - Committee to study same ------ l27, l68,17~/l86 Roanoke River Basin (upper)- re'quest for congressional authoril:y for study---- l35 Roanoke City's acknowledgment c,f reconstituted Co. sewer negotiating committee-----137, Roanoke City's acknowledgment cf Supervisors resolution re: di',ision of salaries & Expenses of Courts of 20th J::1icial Circuit between Rke. City, Salem & Co.------137 Recreation Board of Roanoke Co. - reappointment of Davie McClu;~g II & Robert E. Smith- 146 Restroom facilities at recreati.onal areas in Co. - contract awarded Emerson, W. W. Inc.-144 Repairs to Courthouse Ceilings (orig. section) ------- l44 Radio (two-way) communications study committee's written repIJrt, rec'd & filed-----168,l72, ,l85 Realco Investment Corp. & Elecl:ric Developers, Incorporated's petition to amend map of Sec. 6 of North Lake,; ----- 168. 471 Real Estate Taxes (Delinquent) - collected between 3/1/69 to 6/30/70, report filed-l85 Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services BOa=d- Application forms for State Grant-l85 Roanoke City letter re: sewage lift station in Peters Cre..k Rd. area to aliow development of.. Roanoke City letter re: amending sewer contract w/Co. to include 12.855 AC1:e tract of land------ l65 2 tracts of land------- 185 Roanoke Co. Highway Safety Program Analysis ,- letter of congratulations fre,m Richmond Hwy.Safety Conunissie'n------ 185 Ray, Charles L. Jr. - re-appointment to Building Code Board of Adjustments & Appeals -,218 Richardson, Harold W. & Ralph A.'s petition to rezone westerly part of lot 1, map of Old Garst Dairy Farm, recorded ,in P'lat Book 1, Page 310 in Clerk':; Office-197,233 ,246 Recreation Dept. Headquarters - air conditio:oers ----- 195 Rastla, Miss Carolyn to replace Miss Bonnie Jean Webster, 9/1/70 as VPI EX'o. Agert;, Home Ec.-l95 Robbins, Mrs. Jean- VPI Ext. Agent, Home Ec, resignation rec'd & filed----.-- 204 Recreation Board's lettersre: lease with Cati'wba Conun'.mity & closing time for parks 204, Roanoke City's letter re: establishment of single mental health board--204, Roanoke City's letter re: acknowledging County's resolution for study of RoanokeRi,ver basin 204, Roano ke Co, Public Servo Authority - resign';tion of Gena D. I~hitlow & appointment of Robert H. Richardson ------------- ;~30 & 231 Richardson, Robert H.' s appointment to Publi:J Serv. Authority 2"'l I: Recreation Dept.'s storage building approved & contract for construction a~arded-231 Roanoke Wood Preservers, Inc. - contract for construction of storage building for Reo. Dept.-231 Roanoke Co. Highway Safety Commission, appoiztment of John E. Cox - 251 , Roanoke City Clerk's letter to City Manager ,'e: change in City's offer to accept additional, sewage from two areas in Co. - 253. Restroom facilities for Glenvar H. S. Stadium ---- 239 Registrar's Office to be evaluated by Personnel Committee-----25l Redistricting, memo of 8/13/70 from Commonwealth's Atty --------254 . jamake. " . . tt 63 Rediatricting, Cha1rman to pp01ntments to aav1sory comm1 ee------ 2 Redistriction Commission, Judge's appointment:s-----123 Roof at Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, letter from Morton Honeyman (Att'y) re:engineering report obtained by Maz:tin Bros. C')ntractors-------- 262 Roof at Salem-Roan9ke Va~ley Civic Center- Co:mty Engineer authorized to COl1tact consultant re~ard1ng th1s matter----- 262 ' Jl.oanoke Co. 's highway safety program - Govern,:Jr's letter of approval ----___ 263 Roanoke Valley Community Mental Hea1th-Ment,:Ll Retardation Sex'v. Board - "pproval of funds . "1 Roanoke Co. - bulletin from State Dept. of Me,ntal Hygiene & Hospitals------263 Public Service Authority - Super1risors resolution of intention to specify certain additional areas to Authority',:; jurisdiction 285 & ou,";.c hearing thereon-273-281/ Recr,eation Board - Resignation of J. Ken Shelton --------2C Roan,:)ke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardatic:n Services Boa", ~etter of 9/14/70 asking for one-half the amount the Co. appropl'iated to them for fiscal 70-71----272 Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce's letter r(l: industrial development, flood plain areas & Co.'s Zoning Ord. reffered to Planning Comm. for recommendation----312 Recreation Board- appointment of Charles J. Ke,ener ------ 320 Roanoke Co. Highway Safety Commission - reappointment of L. Earl Simms & Carl M. Andrews-320 Roane,ke Co. Public Servo Authority- M. C. Town:;end's letter asking t;:at he n,)t be considered for reappointment to Author:.ty Board------ 320 Roanoke Co. Public Servo Au'ohority - appointment of B. W. Mahoney--------337 Roanc.ke Co. Library Board of Trustees-----appo:i.ntment of Mrs. A. M. Evans --.--------338 Roanoke Oas Co. - easement across Co. property------334 Richardson, Robt. H., petition to re 70 A zone e,n Rte. 622 2 Mi. W. of Pratt':; store-352, 493 Recreation Dpt. 's request for heating system for workShop--357 I J - "R" Page cont'd. _ "Recreation Dept. workshop, heating system- 357 "Roanoke City's new municipal buil,l,.ng , resolution IJf congratulat.ions----- 358 ., Recreation Board- resignation of J.. R. Tomlinson --.----- 358 ,Repair of Salem-Roanoke Valley Civ!.c Center Roof-- authorization to let to bid----358,440 ,452 Rescue squad & fire facilities for Mt. Pleasant & Cl5rbrook referred to Cap. Impr. Committee-359 Rapoport, Jack B. & Carolyn and HaJ:vey S. & Louise C. Lutins rezc,ning petition, lot 1, block 6 Ht. Vernon lleights---------oo--n361, 504 Roanoke Valley Mental Health & Men':,al Retardation Serv. Board's narrative description of pre-school & day care activities program----.------363 ., Railroad Underpass--Not ice of Intel: t ion: to abandon-.--3 73, 451 : Roanoke Co. Sanit. Comm.--Memorand\:.m advising of the enforce .-of place. of Garbage containers-375, Roanoke Valley Hental Health-HentaJ. Retarda'n Servo Board- appointment of Hrs. John F. Gilbert-377 Roanoke Development Corp. . s peti ti:ln to rezone jroperty on N. side of Brandon Ave. (Rte. III and on E. side of Hurry Rd..--n------------423, 466 402 .Restoration of Orginal. Historic Botecourt Co. Courthouse .Rehabilitation Services Program fOI the Aging (Catawba)- application for project ..Recreation Board, appointment of Iv,'. E. ,Cantrell----.--430 'Radford, Frank R. 's donation of lalCd for So. Co. Library & Board's resoi;;:tion of appreciation-430 i Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Menta:. Retardation Services Board, reappointment of Mrs. John F. Gilbert-------- 430 Roanoke Co. Planning Commission - ;:'eappointment of 11. E. l1axey--'-----427 ,.. Robr'!cht" Raymond R. appointed to ''',nnexation, Management Tearn-----.422 , ,i Roanoke Co. Public Service Authoril;y' s minutes of ll/lQl70 meetin~r-----427 .H 'Roanoke Co. Public Servic Authority-Auditors' report of records for fiscal yr ended 6/30/70-447 ......, Roanoke Co. Public Service Authori'cy letter to Director Rec'n. D'~pt. advising he will recommend that sewer conne,:tion fees not be charged Co. park facilities------447 Recreation Dept. Director's letter re: monthly financial statemel1ts from Bookkeeper-,----446 purchase of land for 478 Recreation Board's request re:/parl: site in Catawba Magisterial !list., Supervisors' action".462 ,463/ " Roanoke Cablevision, Inc.' s application for CATV li,:ense-----460, 480 Roanoke City's letter re: city's b!!ing kept informed of plans for improvements to Hershberger . Recreation Dpt. Director's letter ::e: sponsorship of tennis instruction & tournarnents----46l Roanoke Valley Mental Health-l1ente,l Retarda'n. Servo Bd.- Bulletin from State Dept. .of Mental Hygiene & Hospitals re: approval of State grant---------46l ;-..) Regional Courthouse- 476, 506,52l,528 & 529 Roanoke Valley Regional Health Ser'v. Council, Inc.' s f\mding request-476, 487 Recreation Dept.s request for 6 s",rplus radios from Sheriff's Dept. & to purchase a ,base ~l~tion/ Recreation Dept. s' request for mobile stage, presently parked at civic center-----475, 486 - Radios for Recreation Dept.-----4i5 - Roanoke Co. Public Servo Authority's letter to Va. Dept. Health(Bureau of Sanitary Engineering) re: report on compr.t.hensive sanitary sewerage pros'ram- 479 ,Roanoke City Clerk's letter forwarding Co. request Eor amendment to sewer treatment contract to the Sewer Committee for study-----479 Roanoke City Sewer Committee's report & recommendation on various requests from the Co. & Town of Vinton - refared to Public Service Authority ----497 Business License Tax Refund of/penalty paid by trades c,r occupations on ':oIhic:h Rke. Co. did not impose any license tax in 1969 -------- 487 Roanoke City's request for increa..e from $2 to $5.70 in per diem cost for juveniles placed in Rke. Regional Juvenile Dente:ntion Home & Board's action-494 (OVER) Robinson, Daniel A. - 2 bills approved for payment, for services in connection w/annexa- tion suits - 513 Rke. City resolution #19547 dfering, under certain condi.tions, to amEnd Co.-City Sewer contract by addition of ll-A tract of :and in Statesmen Ind. Park-----5l0 Regional Courthouse, correspondence rec'd & filed from Valley Governrrents- 498,5ll Rehabilitation Services Project for Aging at Catawba - Contracts bebeen Co. & various state agencies ------,----511 Rabies reports from Lab of State Healt::l Dept. ----- 511, 527, 549 recommending Railpax route - letter & resolution from Rke. Valley Chamber of Commerce/N & W. route 1-. be used from Norfolk to Cinn,--------5ll Rezoning along new section Rte. 4l9, from Shenandoah Valley Div. of N & W RR and Rte. 22l-5l9 Regional Courthouse STudy Committees' j"nstructions-52l Roanoke Cablevision' s two letters of 3/18 & 3/l6, 1971 r,a microwave d:cstribution-525 Robinson, Daniel A.' s letter to, Commom,"ealtl1' s Atty/ in :re: criticalmlss of time in preparation of the defens,,, of the pending a11nexation sui.os----527 Roanoke.Co. Schools budget request for, 1971:-72----530 ,Rettinger, John H. 's account inamountof$:i!49.(dismissecl warrantes)- 528,551 RoanokeValley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board-Addend'lm to budget---546,558 Roanoke Valley_Home Builders,.Assoc.' s_lettel:' & resolution requesting .,upervisors to take action to present testimony beiore State Water Cont~ol Board on proposed loading policies for sewage treatment plants ----- 548 Safety Roanoke Co./Highway/Committee's letter to seven Co. rescue squads in ~e deadline for filing request for State grant ------ 548 Rescue squads applications for federal matching funds, committee to study-556 I.. Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce's tlastifying for City of Roanoke at Annexation Tria,,1-559 Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board - Resignation of Rabbi Donald Berlin -------561 . Roanoke City Clerk's letter to Board Chairman advisi.ng that copy of Board Chairman's letter to State Water Control Board re prevention of additional connections to a sewer system served by treatment plant which operates at greater than 95% of its rated capacity was rec'd. & fileld - 563 Rke. Co. Public Service .l\uthority' s le,.tter to State Water Control Boelrd re: improve- ments being made & those necessary in Co. sewer system - :,64 Recreation Board Chairman's letter to Supervisors' Chairman re: cut in Recraation Dept. budget - 564 Regional Courthouse Study Committee's :,ninutes of first meeting - 564 Roanoke County Law Enforcement Plan for Fiscal year 1972 - brochure- 550 Roanoke Co. Public Service AuthoritY'~I; letter to Robt. W. Spessard of State Water Cdtrol Bd. reo proposed regulation" banning sewer connections '..,here treatment plant exceeds 95 % rated capacity ------ 550 Roanoke City Clerks's letter to Rke. City Sewer Committee in reo report on Murray Run Interceptor ------ 549 Roanoke City Clerk's letter to RcanokE Co. Clerk acknOWledging disposal or City's resolution approving amendmEnt to City-Co. sewage treatment contract by .11 addition of an l~acre tract -----549 Roanoke City Clerk's letter to Board Chairman forwarding Council's resolution of appointment of committee to study proposed regional courthouse facilities-549 Rogers, !rank W.' s letter to Atty' s for Salem, Vinton, Roanoke Co. & City re: changes in state law necessary to allow construction & operation of regional courthouse on 3 states bases ---- 549 I I R Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Servo Board's 2Lddendum to :'udget request-594" Roanoke County Court's application for Highway Safety proj. Grant for Viz-U-Lizer-586 RESOLUTIONS IN RE: Administering Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission Payroll - 27 Supporting State Legislation to Appropriate Funds for the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board & Other Local & Regional Mental Health Services Boards in Commonwealth -------- 18 pertaining to the PropoBed Legislation in the General Assembly Concerning Libraries - 19 "-1 Pertaining to development of preliminary design & plans for library building to be located at Carriage Drive & Hackney Lane site to include headquarter addition to same - 11 Requesting Alcoholic Beverage C::>ntrol fJoard to extend hours for retail sales.---29 To virginia State Water Control Board Re: Water quality standards----38 Endorsing proposed state legislation enabling counties to require cable TV franchises-35, Re: Assessment of Lease Hold Interests: in property owned by Roanoke City now being used as Municipal JI.irport & property, inciC:ent thereto also owned by City-------43 Re: Addition & Abandonment c.f certain sections of Route 709 ----45 Re: Bond Registrar for $7,900,000 school bonds dated 12/16/69 --------50 In Re: So:.lem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center {sale of) .-56, 58, 63 Re: Service Charge for transfE:r or issuance of duplicate Roanoke Co. motor vehicle license Sticker --------61 Re: Authority of County Negotiating Committee to continue negotiations with City of Rke. & other governments in Valley ------90 Pertaining to Administration & Enforcement of the Rke. Co. Air Pollution Control Ord.(burning Leaves) -----90 ... Re: Division between Roanoke Co., City of Roanoke and Salem of salaries & expenses of Courts of 20th Judicial Circui': of Va.: ----93 Cities of Salem & Roanoke's re:;olutions reo division between Co. & cities of salaries & expenses ..,.1 of Courts of 20th Judici..1 Circuit of Va. (rec'd. & filed) ------100 Air Cor.ditioning Arena of Salem-Roanoke V;:lley civic Center - 94 Re: Authorizing the Acceptance of a Certai~ Tract of Land as Headquarters Library for Roanoke Co. Library $ystem subject to approval of Circuit Court of Roanoke Co.-- 96 R~: Authorizing Civic Center commission to authorize expenditures for capital improvements at Center (within limit.,; authorizing payment of certain insurance premiums & recommed- ing regular meetings between commission, City of Salem & Roanoke Co. ------ 97 CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEES & BOARDS ---------- 9~ 125, 172 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Land to be developed by County for Recreational Purposes, subject tc approval of ,circuit Court --------116 Re: Improvements to Route 22l in Floyd & Roanoke Counties ----- l33 ,,..-' ~ A Resolution Requesting congr'~ssional Authority for a Comprehensive STudy of the Upper Roanoke River Basin ---- 135 ~ A Resolution requesting City "f Roanoke to to accept addifunal area to S"1wage Contract- co~struction & connection of Resolution to City of Rke. re:/sewage lift station to sewer lines in Peters Crek Road 455 133441/ " '''\ , 'I - so that two areas (lO.45 A & 27.28 A) belong to Billy !I. Branch & others ("I may be developed & furnished sewer service under City-Co. contract---- 144 A Resolution Changing Tax Yea,r for Rke. Co. from Jan. 1- Dec. 21, to July l-June 30 & setting levy for !i:>cal year 7/1/70 to 6/30/71----------- 162 I i ~ A Resolution setting the Gene.ral County Levy for first 6 months of 1970----- 161 A Resolution authorizing issu,ance & sale of remaining $7,900,000 School B-nds- 207 School Board's Resolution requesting Board of Supervisors to authorize issuance & sale of remaining $7,900,000 $chool Bonds - 206 A Resolution awarding remaining $7,900,00 School Bonds Series 1~,,9B 220, A Resolution providing for th,~ printing of the legal opinioCl on reverse side of School Bonds Series 1969B 222, ,copy of Resolution of Roanoke City reo establishment of single mental health board 204, Re: Printing of School Bond Series 1969B------- 249 Re: Ratifying, validating & Confirmi~g "A Resolution awa:-ding $7,~00,000 School Bonds, Series 1969B, of Roanoke Ce., Va.", adopted 8/11/70 by Board------249 Resolution of Intention to specify ai.ditional areas to jurisdiction of Roanoke Co. Public Service Authority & I'ublic Hearing thereon----- 273-28l; 29l Resolution Creating a Special Committee to Discuss School and Other Public Services With a Similar Committee Representing the City of Salern--------------310 Resolution authorizing Treasurer of noanoke Co. to borrow money (not exceeding $400,000.00 ------- 316 Resolution reo traffic signals at in:ersection of Ferncliff Ave. w/Hershberger Rd. & at intersection of Cove Rei. .; Hershberger Rd. --------,346 Resolution directing Treas. of Roanoke Co. to transfer interest earned on general obligation bonds from schvol construction fund to general fund---------353 Resolution to borrow as needed sum not .to exceed $2,000,000.00 to be repaid 12/12/70-353, Resolution requesting the Va. Dept. of Highways to im~rove traffic control on Rts. 720,22l & Restoration of Original Historic Bo:etourt Co. Cour~house-- 402 Resolution Requesting the Va. Gen. .\ssembly to enact legislation permitting School Boaru representation of Joint S:hool Division to be Allocated in Proportion to Population or Other Equitable Criteria -------------- 421 Annexation 1-lanagement Team Resolution of Appreciation for Dona,ion of Land in Cave Spring Area by Franklin R. Radford for Construction of a LLbrary--------------430 A Resolution of Appreciation to Va. Dept. of Highways for rapid installation of traffic signals on Rte. 419 at intersection w/ Rte. 221 & Rte. 720 & further requesting changes in future procedures related t~ installation of traffic controls-442 ouagets ot Resolutions from Various Counties regardinglWelfare Dept. - 445, 461 Resolution authorizing Library Bd. of Trusttes to proceed w/plans for construction & operation of library & administrative offices in Oak Grove-Cave Spring area in amount not to exceed $450,000--,---------446 Authorization of Purchase land for Park site in Cat. Magisterial Dist., subject to Court approval & title examination-----------463 ReSOlution of Appreciation to Charles H. Osterhoudt for Service as Chairman,'69 & '70-450 Resolution of Appreciation to A. T. Huddleston for Service as Vice-Cahairman.'69 &'70-451 (Defeated Resolution) Declaring the Intent of the Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisors Not to Change the Tax on Automobile Trailers Weighing One-Half Ton or Less for the Licnese Yr. of 1971-----------459 Resolution of Rockingham Co. reque~;ting Va. Aso. of Counties enter Rke. co.-City Annexation suits as friend of the Court-------461 City of Salem's resolution supporting Co. 's resolution to Gen. Assembly re: school board rep~esentc,tion of,joint school divisions------461 Resolution re: Regional Courthouse------- 476 Resolution setting the Tax Year for Roanoke Co. on Tangible Personal Property Machinery & Tools on a Calendar year basis--------486 Resolution Directing the Commonwealth's Attorney to Proceed with an Appeal to the Va. Supreme Court of Ap?eals in the Case of Stephen B. Bogese, et als, v. the Board of Zoning Appeals of Roanoke County, et als ---------485 Resolution in re: purchases of equipment materials & suPliies in Rke. Co.-----520 Resolution naming Rte. 715 'Pine Needle Drive"------522 (OVEF',) I I I I I I I RESOLUTIONS,(cont 'd.) Resolution directing Commonwealth's Attorney to intervene in Appalachian Power Co.'s rate increase request be::ore State Corp. Comm. ------526 Resolution requesting City of Rke. to grant 20' wide easement thru proposed park land to allow construction of 27 inch sanitary sewer line & manholes (tract of land located N. of Shanandoah Ave. & w. of Peters creek) -524 Resolution re: Tie Break.er for Board -537 Resolution re: Codification of County ,Ordinances - 540 Resolution to negotiate loan or loans & borrcw as needed not exceeding $400,000.00- 554 Resolution of City of Salem to c,mit health services from public services contract between Co. & City - 547 Resolution of Board of Supervisc,rs to omit health services from public services contract between Co. & City - 547 Resolution expressing general a~:proval of dra,ft of Interim Sewerage P:.:.an for Fifth PI. Dist. Comm. etc.-----56l Resolution requesting Va. Dept. ~f Highway to "onstruct additional traffic lanes on State Rte. 419 in Rke. Co. & Salem-----584 Resolution acknowledging & not disapproving operation of 5 new non-profit water corporations to supply low cost potable water for rural residents of Rke. Co.-568 Resolution requesting State Compensation Board for approval of a 2nd Assit. to Commonwealth's Attorney for Rke. Co. -----599 Resolutior. of Supervisors willir:,gness & desire to work with any or all valley governm<:nts to provide government.al services on a regional basis --567 J REZONING Petition of Valley Builders, Inc., In re:, rezoning I,ot 1 and part of Lot 2, Block 3, Miller Court (referred back to Planning Commission) -------------- 3, 64 Resolution & Order, Re: Proposed rezoning of a tract of land just East of Vinton on Va. Highway Rte. 634 (Also Known as Hardy Road) of R. E. Gearhart & F. W. Finney Constr. Corp.-8 & 9 .56 Acres of Land, Property of D. :". Underwood On E. side of Rte. 419 - 23 "property at NW corner of Hershbergor Rd. & Plantation Rd. of David W. & Mildred P. Hinman - 23 5.044 acre tract located at im:ersoction Virginia Highway Rt. 599 and Wayburn Drive, Roano~'e county owned by H. E. H01'lell, et ux & Opie P. Sink et al ---- 30 Re: Lots 3 and 4, I.G. Clark Map fer Consolidated Investors, intersection of Murry Rd. & Lee Hi- way--------32, 43, 65 0.57 acre tract on Rt. 24, east of Vinton owned by W.R.C. Corp.-----33 Properties,Inc 0.69 Acres on the southerly side 0:': U. S. Rte. II and westerly side of D8'lerle Rd., <1 & N/ ----44, .Rezoning of .56 Acres of land, pro?erty of D. E. Underwood situate on E. side of Rte. 419-52 ,105 Property at NW corner of Hersh.berg.~r & Plantation Roads of David W. & Mildred P. Hinman- 54 (Eunice M. Gilliam, Robert L. & Dorothy P.Hargnan) Property situate on E. side of Pet~rs Creek Rd., ~oute 117/------- 57, 106 Parcel of Real Estate containing a:?proximately 2.30 Acres on temporary Rte. 419 approx. 1 Mi. 'E. of Rte. 221, property of Thomas H. & Elizabeth H. Eeasley -------69 ,87 '2.73 Acres in Catawba District, bOJnded on S. by Roanoke City Limit, on E. by Malvern riills Subdivision, on N. by pr.::>perty now or formerly owned by W. W. Boxley Estate & on W. by property of R. E. Geason (petition of Roxie W. Thompson, M. Frank Martin, Kathleen T. Martin, Alvin C. Early & Ruth T. Early --------70, 104 - ,Lot 22, Block 2, Section 3, of Castle Hill Development, being the property of John Hatcher Ferguson, Jr., Et Al -----------70, 108 "Property Known as Westerly Portion of Block 3, .Crestwood Park owned by Hamont Corporation---71, 5.08 Acres located at corner of Lowery 25 acre.tract & Noah Garst of Lucy C. Sears - 78, l2l 1'"11_1 '27.778 A of land Northwest of Rte. 601 & ,Interstatp. No. 81, bounded on W. by property of ttustees of Church of God for the State of Va., on N. & E. by proEery of the City of RoanOke, & on S. by Interstate No. 81, Interstate Motel Developers, Inc. . Property situate approximately 100' Easterly from E. side of Rte. 117 near Intersection, Rte. 117 & Rte. l16 i~ Cat. Dist. of.Robt. C & Barbara T. Brammer - 80, l23 24.002 A, more or less conveyed or optioned tO,Realco Investment Corp. & lying adjacent: to North Lakes Subdivision ------80, l4l,47l ,507,519 SPECIAL EXCEPTION for constructior: of a Country Club in Huntin9 Hills area- 87 i c. I Proposed rezoning of Lot 2, Block 4, according to map of Hillendale, Smith, Daniel E. & Reba Rezoning of Property located North of Va. State Rte. No. 628 ---- 116 24.83 Acres in Richfield Dist., bounded on E. by ROAnoke River, on N. by N & W. RR, on W. by., L. B. Goodwin property, (In S. by Va. State Rte. 639, owned by Douglas N. Hudson & Jeanne P. Hudson ----- lS5, 187, 248, 352 --- ~ -- ! 50 Acres, lying approx. 1/4 111. W. of Glenvar & to south of Rte. 460 o>rned by Salem=West Lots in Mountain View Court, Sections 1 and 2 of A.T.Loyd 166--225,326 Denied 226,' Tract of land on NW corner of i. t"rsect;on of Co!. Ave. & Rte. 419 (J.W.Poff & R.R.Quick)- 3 Acres on southerly side of new Hershberger Rd. E. of Rte. 601 of Everett E. Flippen - Property on the Northerly side of Route 24, Bowers & Miller Development, Inc.----- 181, 187, 328 l78,243 3.668 Acres, more or less, convE'J,;j to 117 Investment Corporation & lying on S. side of Rte. 117/ 198, 244 Zoning of property on East side of Re-Located Va. Highway Rt. 116, 1.15 acs. of Robert L. Miley/ 2.l55 Acres on Easterly side of ROLte ll7 corner to Mason of Roy C. Garst 197, 242 "Westerly pt 0f Lot 1, May of Old Garst Dairy Farm of Harold W. Richardson et al 197,233' 246 20 Acre tract located on Rt. 658 to R-4 of Herbert Ward 190,352 (OVER) prop Property of Mrs. Sarah Daley at Bennett Springs , ,ezone to B-2 to operate Beauty Shop-234,288 Lots 2, 3, 4, & 8 Block B, Map of Andrew Lewii3. Place Annex # 2, Gospel Baptist Church- 232 Rezoning property on E. side of Rte. 777 of Sin~lair R. Burks ------- 199, 248, 269 Petition of Marvin R. Chattin for rezoning pz'operty located near Starkey ------ 261, 341 Petition of Herbert D. Ward for rezoning of certain property located in Catawba Magister~ District of Roanoke Co. on Rte. 622 ---.----------- 28l 6.50 Acres of land, property of Carlton Willclrd Wal~ers & Claire Lynn Walters situate on westerly side of Rte. 221, Bent Mt., Va.----------272, 340 " 3 Tracts on southerly side of Rte. 419 at In!.:. of Rte. 800 of Fralin & Waldron-313, 343, 575 Property situate at the corner of Dexter, & P:.antation Roads, petition of Paul G. & Barbara M Black --------- 314, 473 Petition,of Gospel Baptist Church to rezone their property in Andrew Lewis Place, being lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 of Block B,'& Lots 3, 4, & 2 of 'Block 7 of Andrew Lewis Place Annex #3 from R-l to either R-2 or RE----------------------3l4, 53l Guy S. & Pauline H. Clifton Rezoning prpperty at SE corner of Rtes. 419 I;.. 221/-----------326, 554,579 Rezoning property on E. side Rte. 419 (Starkey Rd.)---------327, 367, Rezoning of 75 A approx. 1/4 Mi. W. Glenvar &.S. rte. 460, Salem-West Corp-------3,~7 ,352 Two tracts of Land located on NW corner of l~NNHOPE Dr. & Airview Rd., Wm. T. & Juanita F. Crozier ------- 34~ 469 20 A. owned by Claude A. Weaver, off Rte. 116 at Back Creek & Rte. 803 from A-l to R-4 to allow trailer park ---------:--3S:!, 49l 40 A owned by Dr. Carl S. Ervin on Goodwin ,'we. north of Interstate Rte. 81 froll\ R-1 to R-4 to allow trailer park -----.---352, 492 26 A owned by D. L. Ferguson on Rte. 640 N of Interstate Rte. 81 near Ft. Lewis Elem. , School irom R-l to R-4 to allow trai~ park--------352, 492 A-I to 75 A owned by Thos. H. Beasley, Jr. (Salem-':,est Corp.) w of Salem from/R-4 for trailer pk.-352,492 25 A owned by Douglas N. Hudson W. of Salem between old Va. RR tracks & Rte. 693 (River Rd.) from M-2 to R-4 to allow trailer park-.-~-----------352, 493 70 A owned by Robt. H. Richardson, et als, on Rte. 622 2 Mi. W. of Pratt's Store from A-l to R-4 to allow trailer park------.-----352, 493 Rezone 6 A from RE to R-4 to allow possible expansion & correctly classify Carolina Mobile Home Park north off Rte. 460 E ,)f Roanoke at end of Rte. 610--------351,487 13.5 A from B-2 to R-4 at 3312 Mt. Pleasant Blvd., to allow possible expansion & correctly classify Circle 'w' Trailer Ranch ----------351,488 Central Trailer Park at Williamson Rd. & Florist Rd. - rezone 7 A from B-1 to R-4----351,488 Palmer Park Trailer Court at 4117 Palmer Ave., NE - rezone sundry lots in subdivision, from R-3 to R-4 --------351,490 Stan~ey's Trailer Park on Melrose Ave. at Peters Cr. Rd., rezone 5.6 A from B-2 to R-4 --------351, 490 Ward's Mobile Home Park on Rutrough Rd. ,at Mt. Pleasant - rezone 23 A from RE- R-4----351,490 Conner Mobile Home Park on Rte. 221 at Bent Mt., S of old Bent Mt. P.O., rezone 3.75 A from A-l to R-4----------351, 488 Hopkins Mobile Home Park at 4556 Van Winkle Rd., rezone 13.44 A from R-l to R-4-----35l,489 " Northview Mobile Home Park at 7004 Peters Cr., Rd., rezone 5.42 A from R-l to R-4----351,489" Ogden Trailer Park on Rte. 419 near Ogden Rd., rezone 9.75 A from B-2 and R-l to R-4----35l, 489 Starkey Triler Park at Starkey, on Rte. :4l9 near Back Creek, rezone 8 A from RE to R-4---351,491 Yellow Mountain Road Mobile Home Park on Yellow Mt. Rd., SE, rezone 60 A from A-l to R-4---351,49l Woodrow C. & Hazel A. 0.59 Acre, lying on Northerly side of Rte. 460, E. of Boones Mill owned by / Greer-------360,434 Jack B. & Carolyn W. Rapoport Lot l, Block 6, map of Mt. Vernon Heights, Harvey S. & Louise C. Lutins & /-----36l,504 . Property at Int. Rte. 419 & Grandin Rd. Ext. owned by Etta M. Martin------362 Property on E. side of Rte. ll7 of Jackson H. Hicks et ux, et al--------362 '436 I I I I I R E Z 0 N I N G (cont'd.) Rezoning of property on L si,"c of' ,Rte. 626 N. eX Rte. 117, J. Granger lJacfarlane & Billy H. Branch ------------------------- 423 ,468 Rezoning porperty on N. side of Brandon Ave. (U. S. Rte. 11) & on E. side of Hurry Road of Roanoke Dev. Corp. --------..--- 423 , 466 ,: Rezoning of Property situate on T"xas IloIlOI-I Rd., Rtc. 1, Salem- petition of Harshall & Nida - Dooley----424, 471 (petition of Rober W.Smith) Rezoning of A Parcel of Land on N~ side of Rte. 221 (Brambleton Ave.) approx. 1/2 A,I--443,502, - Rezoning of property on N. side Hershberger Rd. (Rte. 623} , known as tracts A,B & D shown on survey made for C.C.Crockett by T.P. Parker dated 5/22/67 of record in Clerk's , (petition of Friendship Manor) office,Circuit Court, Deed Book 846, Page l80f--------444, 532 Rezoning property of David W. Hinman, Mildred,P. Hinman & W. Price Fields, (0.491 A)------44~ Petition of Christine McCormack ~Iinnix for rezoning of Certain pro~erty located on E. side o f Plantation Road, and being part of the original H. H. Rudd, Estat,c-477 ,5J5 Fe.titiCl1 of Carl R. & Doris M. Furrow to rezone. property in Richfield Dist. ------ 495 Thomas Petition of Nllrman/Wright to rezone property on NE corner Rte. 419 & Crescent Hgts. Blvd. etc,507 Petition of Wiley W. McGuire & Nadine K. McGuire to rezone property in Cave Spring-508 ,533 Petition of Smith'S Transfer Corp. to rezone tract adjacent to N. right-of-way line of Int. Rte. 81, presently owned by Interstate Motor Developers, Inc.-----509, 556 Petition of Trustees of Southvie>,r United Methodist Church ( John Washburn, et als)---523,572:i Petition of Trustees of Villa He]; ghts Ch, of the Nazarene (G. W. Peters, et als) ----522, 5691 Rezonins of 45.565 ~cres of Linda ,J. Jackson contiguous to a sub-station of AEP co.fronting: on service Rd. parallel to Interstate 8l adjacent to exit 4l------542, Rezoning of property on west side of State Secondary Rt. 626 (Thirlanc Rd.,N.W.) of Harley ... Fred M. Preston et a1s--543, '-' Rezoning property on west side of State Rt. ll5 of Irvin O. Woody et ux--544, I Tract of land at intersection of Col. Ave. & Rte. 419, of J. W. Poff from R-l to B-1-554, 582' Tract of land at intersection of Col. Ave. & new Rte. 419 owned by Kate Blanton, fronting approx. 160' on Col. Ave. from R-l to B-1 - 553, 580 Remaining property owned by Kate Blanton, adjoining Green valley & Glenmont Subdivisions & lying on both sides Rte. 419 from R-l to R-3_ 553, 581 Tract of land at intersection of Col. Ave. & Manassas Dr. & Rte. 419 of Florence Bateman from R-l to B-1 ---- 553, 583 Rezoning of Property on southerly side Rte. 460, easterly from Mecca St. of Valley Land Invest- ment Company -----560 7.l73 Acres of land, property of John P. Newton & Va. D. Newton situate on southerly side of Mayfield Dr. -----592 I}" I '- 13.5l Acres on northerly side of Va. Rt. 798 at ~:ud Lick Creek of O. M. Palmer --- 592 Property on easterly side of Wes';side Blvd. just north of Hershberger road, property of Hessam Moheimani & Susan Hoheimani ---- 593 Property on southerly side of Va" Rte. 1l7, westerly side of Rte. 118 of Roy M. Kinseyet t~..' , i I . - '::"...__ ~ " ' ~ - $ ! . I _ , .'~ '.' . ROADS BIG LICK DISTRICT Missimer Lane - Beginning on Rte. 1039, O.lS mile west of Rte. 654, thence extending westwardly_ 0.2l mile to Rte. l037 (McGeorge Drive) ------------- 25 Missimer Circle -Beginning on Rte. l039, 0.06 Mi. West of Rte. 654, thence extending sou~hwardly.. 0.03 Mile to cul-de-sac ------------------ 25 Missimer Lane _-Beginning on McGeorge Drive_ (Rte. 1037), 0.07mile north of Rte. 634, thence extending westwardly, northwardly, and eastwardly 0.26 mile to intersect.. Crofton _.___ Drive (Rte. l038) at a point 0.07 mile north of McGeorge Drive. -------- 25 Missimer Circle - Beginning on Missimer Lane, 0.08 Mile northwest of McGeorge Drive (Rte. l037) , thence extendin~l northeastwardly 0.05 Mi. to cul-de-sac ----.- 25 Proposed Improvements to Rtes 657 & 666 - Chairman to write Hwy. Dept. that Board does not desire public hearing on same-----69 Unnamed road from the end of Rt,~. l5l2east .to NCL City of Roanoke - named TINlmR CREEK LANE- ll4 L. F. Stultz Unnamed road from Rte. 116 S. t" DE in _Big Lick- petition for inclusion in secondary system/-l34__ Ashebrook_Drive from Bandy Road (Rt. 666) to D.E. 0.17 MI.--- 169 Pebble Drive from Woodway Road to Ashebrook Drive 0.20 Mi. -------- l69 Woodway Road from Ashebrook Drive to DE 0.33 Mi. ------ 170 183 Unnamed Road beginning on Route ll6, 0.75 Mi. S. of Parkway & extending S. to Dead End.O,35 Mi./ Mary Linda_-_ from intersection of Rte. l023 toO.OSMi. E. ------------0..05 Mi.----:-_--:-_-:-_-,336 Granby Street, from Rte. 460 to 0.52 Mi. ---- 0.52 Mi. --------------- 336 Finney Dr. from Hardy Rd. (Rte.. 634) to Muse Dr. - 0.20 Mi. ----------332 Muse Dr. from Finney Dr. NW tc D. E. 0.09 Mi. -------- 332 Rte. 605, from 0.042 Mi. N. Int. of Rte. 150l to Int. Rte. 627 (Hollins Station)-------329 Rte. 606, from 0.13 Mi. S. of Rte. 603 to 0.2l Mi. S. Rte. 603 --------331 -----,----------------,. ~ r --.-----.----- - __!'te, _654--------359,512 _(addit.i.on of new section, abandonment of old) __Bristol Road - from_present end of Rte. 891 to extended 0.03 Mi. _W, to an,end-----~364_ Bristol Road - from an inters8ction on Rte. 1646, 0.l2 Mi. S. of Int. of Rte. 1656, to 0.07 Mi. E. to an end, 0.07 Mi.---------364 Unnamed Road from a point 1.30 Mi. S..of Int. Rte. 221 on Rte. 688, SI'/ 0.30 Mi. -----364 Muse Drive - from Finney Dr. northwest to D. E. .0.15 Mi. ----------------461 Finney Drive - From Rte. 634 .to Muse Drive 0.17 Hi. -------- 461 ROADS CATAWBA DISTRICT Sierra Drive_- beginning on Anc:hor Drive (Rte. l849), opposite Rte. l876, thence extending, northwardly & 'lestwiJ.rdly 0.22 milc to <lca" cnC; at temporary cul-de-sac - 25 , Charnwood Circle - beginning on Sierra .Drive, 0.05 Mi. north of Anchcr Drive (Rte. l.849) .thence extending eastwarGly and northwardly 0.09 mile to ,cul-de-sac -------- 25 Grove_Lane - beginning on Sierl:a Drive, ,0.17, mile northwest of Anchor.Drive (Rte. 1849) ,-,- -. thence extending northwardly ,0.05 mile to cul-de-sac. ==-=-=-:-25 .GrovcLane.- beginning on Sierra Drive" 0.l8 mile northwest of Anchor Drive (Rte. 1849), _thence_____,j extending southwardly O.lO mile to cul-de-sac. ------------------ 25 Rte. 628 - from Int. Rte. 1858 to 0.13 mi. south to dead end ----------------25 Twilight Road.- from Rte. 629, 0.45 mi. northwest of intersection of Rte. 116 & Rte. 629, thence from Rtl!. 629 northeast 0.25 mi. to temporary end. (0.25 Mi.)----..;'59 Route_1895, from Rte. 115 to Interstate Route 8l named FRIENDSHIP LANE - l14 ._Laure1RidgeRoad.from Lewistoll_St.(Rt. 829)_to Frontage Rd. - 0.54 Mi. 149,,336 Arrow Wood Road from Cove Rd. (Rte.780) to Ferncliff Ave., 0.50 Mi. ------ 150,336, "Ranch Road from Cove Road (Rte. 7801 to Mattaponi Dr. 0.45 Mi. ----lSD, 336 _______________.__Highland FarmRd. from Arrow_Wood Rd. toFrontage Rd. Extn. 0.58 Mi. - 151, 336 _Extn. of FrontageRd. to lIighl.~nd Farm Road.0.23 Mi._------- 151,.J36 Sioux Ridge_Rd. from..Laurel Ridge Road south. to DE..O.lO Mi. ----- 152, 336. _________________ _ Partridge_Lane.. (map_ shows, Quail _Lane) !,rom..~aurel Ridge Road to, DE O. 05Mi.. Palm Valley Road from Orlando Ave. to Flagler Dr. 0.25 Mi. --------- 170 153,. ---- -183 ____..______.____Unnamed_Road_in,Bennett_Springs from Rte. 183 to D. E., Bennett springs Co. , et als peti~ionJ..~~____ ________,.....___Extn._ofRoute,1461" Roberta L.~ne,_M. E. Sh9walter, et als, ,petition - 183 .. __________Appolo Drive, _ S ._offRt._146l_50_ft. right 9f way_ 200,_ . ._____________Kuni.cipal.Ioad_(from.Airport Rd,Rte. l18 to, RoutelBB9) ------- 252 '._4 .....,___._____n_____Ranch Road,ext.._of.Rte._823 - 0.06 Mi. ---,..---- 253 MeadowcrestSt. from..Magnolia Hoadt::> McKinney st. (Rt',l853) - 0.32 I'!L -- 267 Verndale Dr. from Meadowcrest St. to Halcun Dr. 0.l5 Mi. ---- 267 capito_St. from Magnolia Rd. to Halcun.Dr. 0.32 Mi. -----.- 265 Greenway Dr.from Manor St. (Rt... l842 to D. E. 0.04 Mi. ------- 265 Clubhouse Dr. - E _from Rtes. 11. &220. to Greenway Dr. ----- _0.15 Mi. -------------317. Greenway Dr. (Ext. of Rte. 1821) S. from Clubhouse Dr. - 0.20 Mi.-----n-------.-3l7 Clubhouse Dr. - from Greenway :lr. to Clubhouse Dr.- 0.35 Mi. -------------------3l7 Bunker Lane - from Clubhouse DJ:. to Clubho~se Dr.-0.l5 Mi.----------------------317 Bunker Circle - from Bunker Lane to DE- 0.03 Mi.--------------------------------317 - Lewiston_St. _ from _Rte. l40l to Ranch Road, 0.04 Mi. -----------------------------336 - Rte. 626, Airport Runway Ext. ---------331 Rte. _ 601, _ Int._Rte.. 627 (Hollins Station ) to Int. Rte. 11 -----------330 1_'______"__. -,'---" I 1--------- -- I___,~- _n__ I , 1--: I -' _ Daytona Rd. _from.present end of Rte. 1897 se to Orlando Ave. 0.08 Mi.-----348 Daytona Rd. - from Orlando Ave.. to Flagler Dr. 0.19 Mi. ----------348 Orlando Ave. - from Rte. 1859 ~ to Rte. l859 0.16 Mi.---------348 Flagler Dr. - from Orlando Dr. south to Daytona Rd. 0.20 Mi.----------348 Palm Valley Road - from Orlando Ave. to Glagler Dr. 0.25 ~1i.---------364 From Int. on Rte. l46l to O.lO Mi. SE of Rte. l46l- O.lO Mi.---------364 Hartman Lane - from Present end of Rte. l717 (Tellico Rd.) to W. & N. to Int. Rte. 117, 0.05 Mi. No. of Int. Rte. l469-0.20 Mi. ------------- 364 Apache Road from present end 0= Rte. Ext. /Rte._l905, 0.l5 Mi. to DE - 0.15 Mi. 773 to, DE- 0.05 Mi.---------364 l54 ------------------1 364 & 494 Rte. 626- from 0.55 Hi. S. of Rte. 117 to 0.88 Mi. S. of Rte. 117 (0.33 ,-11.)------ 427 Byron Drive.- from Route l7l3 north to dead end. 0.15 Mi. -----498 Embassy Drive - from Rte. c536 southwest to Byron Dr., 0.18 Mi.------498 OVER .. '. . ..' . ;.~~ .": .." ' ..'. ROADS :AVE SPRING DISTRICT # 1 & 2' Cave Spring Lane "rom Farmington Ddve (Rte. 1652) to D. E. - 0.20 Mi. (Nottingham Hills/) -22 .Changes in Secondary System Due to Relocation & Construction on Rte. 800 ------ 24 Added to secondary system: Cave Spring Circle from Cave Spring Lane (Rte. 1637) 0.05 mi. N. of Rt. 1652 thence eastwardly 0.06 nil to dead end (Woodmont Manor)----38 Woodvale Drive from Huntswood St. (Rt. 1545), 0.07 mile southwest of Rt. l683,_ thence extend. .. ___._..___ eastwardly 0.l5 mile to dead ena----- (Arlington Forest) ----38 .Bruceton Road,- beginning on Rt. ,l35l .(Keith~ood.Dr.j opposite Rt. l352, thence extend. northwardly 0.05 mi. to Mount Hollard Dr.------38 }-!ountHolland Dr.. beginning on BrucatonRd., 0.05 mi. n. of Rt. 1351,_ thence extend. ,eastwardly_._.._ O.l5 mi. to dead end. -----38 -_._--~---~_._----~- - --- _ - ~___.___._w_____ _Route, _709, section. requested to be added to ..See. System and one section requested to be 2 one ..___,._, . _.___Route_800 ,/sections added and one/acandoned fn.lm Secondary System ------46 _., _____ ,._____._ ___Route 800, discontinuance of sectio ~s 1,3,4,6 & l3 (old location Rte. 800) between, ..-----Hi abandoned/ __Station 17+50 _&, Station. 49+25, Froj.. 0800::-080-142 ,C-501 (0.16 Mil - 83, ___.__.. .._'w._...______Hyde Park Drive from Bower Road to Jower Road - 0.20 Mi. ----129 ; 317 __._____..________St._JamesCircle_from Thames Drive :0 DE.-_0.06 Mile -- 129 Bower Roadfrom Route l306 east to ,Ioute,1371 - 0.40 mile ----- l30; 317 _______.______.___Thames Drive_from Bower_Road.to.llE - 0.12 rni.1e. -------.131; 317 __ .________.____,_.___Kentland . Drive _from. Bower .Road_ to K,mtland Drive _ (Rt.._l359) _- .0.10 mile ___._.__.__._________JoplinRoad_fromVan Winkle Roadwe"t toDE -.: O.lO mile,--- 132. Van Winkle Road from.Southern Hills Drive (R~e. 1656) to Joplin Road - 0.09 mile --- 112 131;317.... Bristol Road (Extn. of Rt. 891) to Griffen Road (Rt. 1646) - 0.l2 mile -- 130 134 "Unnamed road from Rte. 688 southwest to DE 0.80mi.,in C....S. Dist., .1.C.Coleman et als,petitioners! --~_.---- D' E Underwood, petioners '(et als) .. , .. ....____._____ Woodmar_Drivefrom Rte. 419 to Rte. 131,8 - 0.16 mi. in C.S. DistJ---:-134,364___ Johns Lane - from Route 686 to dead end, 0.05 Mi. ------ 157 ,- Unnamed Road from Rte. 688 Sri to D.. E. 0.80 Mi. -----184 Woodmar Drive from Rte. 419 to Rte, 1318 0.16 Mi. ------ l84, 364 Foxhall Circle from Kenbrook Dr. Woo 0.08 Mi. & E. 0.02 Mi. ------- 266 Kenbrook Drive from Woodley Dr. to FoxhalL Circle 0.05 Mi. ------- 266 Arcturus. Dr. - from . Merriman Rd. nte.. 613).. to DEO _0.07 Mi. -------------318_ ___.._..._____._..._Hazel.Dr. _(Ext._of .Rte., 1620) - fr"m Vest Dr. (Rte. 1693) to DE- 0.10 M1.-----318 GreencliffRoad -. from present end of 1636 to 0.17 Mi. NE-O .17 Mi. --------364 Ashmeade Dr. from Rte. 1626 NE to D.E., 0.15.Mi.----------------364 _Unnamed,Road from a point 1.30 Mi. S. of Int. Rte. 221 on Rte. 688, SW 0.30 Mi.----364 From Rte. 694 across from Int. with Rte.670, SW to 0.52 Mi. to DE 0.52 Mi.----364 Whippletree Road - 495 Hummingbird Lane - from present end of Rte. l567 West to Chaparral Dr. (Rte. 800), 0.30 - .Purple Finch Road - from Rte. 800 south to Hununingbird Lane, 0.21 Hi. --498 Sandpiper Drive - from Rte. 800 east to Purple Finch Road, 0.l5 Mi. -----498 Waxwing Circle - from SAndpiper Drive north to ,dead end, 0.06 Mi. ------498 Rte. 690, 0.13 mi.of new road added; 0.06 mi. of old route abandoned---510.597 Section 5 of new connection of Rte. 8CO from Rte. 687 to Rte. 419 , 0.12 Mi. - 598 ROADS SALEM DISTRICT Mountain Heights Drive (Extn. of Rt. 1128) N.W. 0.20 mile 201, ,Creekwood Drive from Rte. 64l Iv. to P"ckett Circ1e- 0.13 Mi. ------- 426 ,. Puckett Circle from Creekwood Dr. t.o DE, (0.l4 HI.) --------- 426 State Income Tax (Payroll Deduction) - l4, 26,,40,47, 59, 73, lOO, 119, 137,154,171, 186, 205,238 254, 264 282 3l9, 336, 3~8. 355, 428,448, 462, 480,.498,513, 528,.551._564.. 598 Semi-Annual Collection of' Real Estate Taxes ~n r "noke County, Adopt~on of an Ora~nance- I ,-.. "Steele, T. D.'s re-appointment for 4 year term to Planning Commission - 11 Special Use Permit - National Coach Sales - 2 Special Use Permit - application of Harold T" & David W. Long to operate mobile homes sales lot, ~tion deferred ---- 2 Stafford, Mr. Bill of National Coach Sales appeared re: Special Use Permit to operate mobile homes sales lot --------- 2 Sheriff directed to report experience in enforcement ~f Dog Ordinance of Roanoke Co. and any recommendations he may have as to amendments thereto --------- 12 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Payroll, Resolution of Board of Supervisors to administer- Semi-annual collection of real estate taxes & fiscal year assessments - letter from Dept. of Taxation received & filed -------------18 Sewage treatment contract between City of Roanoke and County amended by adding thereto .44.39 County School Board Property Acre tract of land/on east side,of Cove Road, north of Glen Cove Subdivision - 17, 36, Sutphin, Issac & Ken Lussen appeared in re: Cave Spring Fire House - 16 & l7 School Board Property on Cove Road (44.39 A.) - Roanoke City's Resolution No. 19029 in ,re: amending sewage treatment contract between City & Co. by adding said proper.ty (response of Valley Governments) Subdivision Ordinance of Roanoke County" proposed amendments thereto/- 23,58 , Salem's letter in response to proposed amen~~~nts to Roanoke Co. Subdivison Ordinance - 23 17, 36 , Steele, T. D.'s reappointment to Planning ~ommission - Chairman's letter of congratulations-,,26 .- Sheriff's Summary StatemenJ:_2!_.!'.!,j3.?.!'~!'_P~}'3_3~!'.Y~E in Co. Ja~b (Honthl~4'7eports) 103, 37.58 ' 99,118, 156, 185/(between Rke. City & Co.) 237. 254, ,316, ,373, 3L,447) OVER SEWAGE TREATMENT CONTRACT/- Supt,rvisors' resolutions requesting additional areas be included-l33 441, 455 - ;; Sheriff's Statement of Office & Travel Expenses incurred by self & Deputies (Monthly report), 13 " ------- 46, 73, 99, ll8, l68, 204,253,282, 336, 427, 46l, 497, 527,563 Supervisors Report" - letter to radio station advising schedule of appearances--------13 Sink, Opie P. & Hubert et als rezoning ,5.044,tract at Va. Rt. 599 and Wayburn Drive-- 30 Sewage treatmen~ontract between City of Roanoke a~a eSHRty (resolution No. 19030) and City of Salem amended adding 8.82 acres owned,by Fralin & Waldron, Inc.------33 1,_' abeyance contract between City of Roanoke (resolution No. 19040) a~d County holding in and a 49.6 acre tract,property of Old Dominion the adding of 240 acre tract, property of T. J. Andrewsr--3~ ,fomes Sewage treatment Sewage treatment- resolution no. 19)46 from Ci"ty of Roanoke deiining to continue negotiations Sewage 7reatment-resolution no. 19050 amending earlier contract adding 44.39 tract, property Roanoke County School Board----:36 Sewage treatment-instructing Roa1oke County Public Service Authority to e,.ga.ge in preliminary work toward constructing other facilities.----36 -' Sheriff's letter in re: Annual report of, activities for '69. Science Museum Assoc. of Roanoke Valley - appointment of Lee B. Eddy to its Planning & Development Committee ------- 48 Sugarloaf-Highlands Corp., developer of duplex dwellings in Oak Grove area -- 41,49, 50,,113 Salem- Sale of/Roanoke Valley Civic Center (Resolution) - 56, 58, 63 Sheriff's Annual Report to State Compensation ,Board on operation of County-owned police Sewage Vehicles used by self ,', Deputies ------58 Treatment Plant Study by Public Service Authority & monthly status reports-58 Spessard,Robert w. -apPointment.o Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Service Shrewsbury, Denney C. appointment to Plumbers ,Examining Board -----61 Southern Hills & Pinkard Court Residents' Petition re: Crime in said communities---55 S~eriff & Commonwealth's attorney to investigate & report back to Board reo crime in Pinkard Ct. & Southern Hills communities--------55 Salem Rescue Squad's letter in re: requesting inclusion in Co. Budget-----56 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Cente-r Commission's letter reo recommendations on financial matters & commission llieetings-----56 "Sewer' Water (domestic) service- report of Comm. Att'y as to proper measures to require developers & builders to obtain specific assurance of said services prior to construction-----63, 77 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center- Air Conditioning the Arena-------------68 & 69, 74,75,84, 94 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center-Air Conditioning the arena, correspondence from City of Salem's Mayor' Manager------69 Slnrise Club{Pinxard Court Civic League)- report of Comm. Atty. regarding meeting with I them & Sheriff re crime in the area and law enforcement---- 66 Society for the Preservation & Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Si~ng in America4 Inc. - Chairman to sign prc1clamation declaring Harmony Week in Rke. Valley-72 Sheriff's budget request for 70-71 (copy of form going to Compensation Bd.)----------72 I School Board's request for land in Glenv.,r area for outdoor education area for Life Sciences in Rke. Schools-.-----84 Sears, Lucy C., petitioned rezoning 5.08 A located at corner of Lowery 25 A tract & , Noah Garst --------78, l2l SPECIAL EXCEPTION as provided in Zoning Ordinance Sec. 5-l-4, granted Hunting Hills Land Corporation to construct country cl n" i.n Hunting Hills area------87 Starkey Speedway Case, - Commonwealth's i\ttorney to defend Board of Zoning Appeals & interest of the Co., in sU:.t filed by Stephen B. Bogese, Chas. R. & Curtis L. Lemon, appealing the Bd. of Zoning Appeals' decision-------89, 485 .,' Sewer Negotiating Committee - given authority to continue negotiations with City of F:oanoke & other governments in Val1ey---------90, 137 (acknowledgment of City of Rke.)' Sewer & Water (domestic) service - measu,,'es to require builders or developers to secure assurance of same prior to construction - 9l I State Water Control Board requested to g::.ve Rke. Co. 's application for state & federal funds high priority fo:' aid on construction of sewage treatment facilities-91' smith, Daniel E. & Reba R., petitial to re:~one Lot 2, Block 4, according to map of Hill,andale-92 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center - corr,aspondence from E.P.Hart, Mayor of Salem outlining circumstances under which ',he City might at some time be interested in acquiring County's interest in same ,.------95 Salem Mayor's letter re: acquiring Co.'~; interest in Civic Center------95 Salem's resolution, re: division of salal:ies & expenses of courts of 20th Judicial Circuit-lOa Salemls resolution re: air conditioning arena of civic center- 100 _ ,.state Corp. Commission notice of appliciltion of Appalachian Coach Co. for certificate of public convenience & necessity as common carrier-------99 _ .State Highway Dpt's. letter offering to hold. public hearing on improvements to Rte. 686-100 State Dept. of Conservation & Economic Developlnent returning Co.'s donation of $2,l20 for geohydrologic study of upper Roanoke River basin------99 Strauss, Maury L.'s offer to donate land for recreational purposes in Windsor West Subdivi- sion: Board's resolution authorizing acceptance subject to approval of Circuit I Court ------- 116 Sign to identify Courthouse - 127 Stultz, L. F. et als - petition for in<:lusion in Secondary System of Highways-unnamed I road from Rte. 116 S to DE in Big Lick Dist. ----------134 Salem's letter & resolution re: Salem-t~e. ,Valley Civic Center roof, rec'd & filed-, 137 Salem-West Corp., Rezoning petition re: 50,Acres lying approx. 1/4 Mi. W. of Glenvar & to S. of Rte. 460 ------..- 155,l91 So. County Library preliminary design .------ 145 Smith, Robert E. 's reappointment to Rel:reation Board - 146 sewage lift station, request of Anerican Motor Inns, re:two areas belonging to Billy S (continued) Sheriff's salaries & expenses as fixed by Compensation Board - l56 Simms, L. Earl's reappointment to Fifth Planning Dist. Commission ------------173 Sheriff's letter to Dept. of We~fare & Institutions re; proposed Jail improvements~ 168 Spong, William B.'s letters: re upper Roanoke River Basin ------- 168 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Cent,=r, emergency lighting - ----- 165,236 Sheriff's request for additional clerk-typist -------- 165, 174 Stover, Lester K., Jr. 's re-appointment to Building Cede Board of Adjustments & Appeals-2l8 School Bonds, Resolution authorizir.g issuance of remaining $7,900,000 bonds & providing for School Board's resolution reque:sting Supervisors to authorize issuance & sale of remaining $7,900,000 School Bonos - 206 State Water Control Board letter re: Mud Lick Creek Sew8r Interceptor System, filed- 185 State Grant to Roanoke Valley llental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board, application Subdivision Ordinance Amendment:s, approved pending p~lic hearing------ 194 School Bonds, awarding Series 1969B $7,900.UOO 220, :!22, SPECIAL USE PERMITS- 225,2~40, 2:t?, 287, 436, 485, 503 Special Committee to confer with Va. Dept. of Highway'; concenl. washing of mud etc. 1 onto,public Highways-224 Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce request for "dditional subscript.ions 224, 251 S,: ~et range, appl ica. of J. F. Darago for renewal of permit 225, 240, 322 Svoboda, Mrs. Margaret, appeare:l for Chamber of Commerce Re: contribution, 224, Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Cent..r - Financial Statement, .rec'd. & filed---- 237 --- Sa~em Rescue Squad - contributi,)n to same---------- 23E; State Health Dept. letters re: tentative. approval of drilling of wells, rec'd & filed- 237 State Air Pollution Control Boart' , s statement of acti'Jn after public hearing on . -~ application of N & W & others for variance from open burning rule----- 237 sanitation Committee;s report re,commending changes for Sanitation Dept.------ 250 Self-service Gas Pumps, zoning category study ------250 State Compensation Board's letter re: Commissioner of the Revenl.E's July expense voucher- 253 - - insurance premiums on Sheriff's/accidental death & faJs.a arrests & membership dues in National Sheriff's association-254 Salem-Roanoke valley Civic Cente'r roof,- letter from Morton Honeyman, Atty, re: engineering re- port secured by Martin Bros. Contractors -------262 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center roof.- Co. Engr. to contact consultant ---- 262 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic CentEr - committee to prepare specifications for receipt of bids for insurance ------------.---262 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Cente,r Capital Improvements paid for out of operating funds- county - pay its share amountir:g to $2500.00------263 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission - resignation of Thomas V. Anderton-269 Shelton, J. Ken's resignation from Roanoke Co. Recreation Board--- 269 Smoke ejector for fire truck housed at Vinton Fire Station-----272 - Sewer line to new Cave Spring Fire House - contract for construction------27l Sewage Collection & Service - New areas added to jurisdiction of Rke. CO. Public Service Authority by Supervi"ors - .273; 291 Sheriff's request & Board's approval in re: truck for dog warden------290 Smith, Jack C. (Exec. V-Pres., Valley Chamber of COlThl1erce) letter re: flood plain areas, Co. Zoning Ord. & industrial development - referred to Pl. Comm. for recommenda'n.-3l2 Simms, L. Earl's reappointment to Rke. Co. Highway Safety Commission------320 Specifications for repairs to Civic Center roof ----..--320 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Cent,.r Commission- appointment of Mrs. Chams Glover--338 Salem-West Corp., in re: rezoni,lg of 75 A., approx. 114/Mi. W. Glen,var & S. of Rte. 460--327 Salem's letter re: their committee to.meet w/ Co.'s committee On service contract_335 1_____ Stanley's Trailer Park on Melrose Ave. at Peters Cr. Rd., rezone 5.6 A------351, 490 Starkey T~er Park at Starkey, on Rte. 419 near Back Cr., rezone 8 A -----352 ,491: Salem-West Corp. petition to rezone 75 A owned by Thos. Beasley for Trailer pk.-352. Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center,repair3 to roof, authorization to let to bid-358,440,452 Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of COl1uTier'ce, membership dues for Co. -1971---.-----365 three State Div. of Justice & Crime Preventi.on' s/lettezs re: denial of Sheriff's request for grants for programs on Civil ['isorder Control , Training & Education of I. Law Enforcement Officers & Improvement of Police Communications-----------363 Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, Financie~l Statements & Report of Certified Public Accountants for yr. ended 9/30/70--------427 Salem-Roanoke Co. Chamber of Commerce's letter acknowledging Co.'s membership check-427, I Sheriff a_thorized to place order for 7 police vehicles for delivery after 7/1/71-437 Sheriff authorized to transfer appox. ,$126 ,from Training Fund to Office Equip. Fund., for local matching funds to p~rchase dictaphone, transcriber & recorder- 437 Sheriff's report filed on revenue rec'd. from sale of unclaimed bicycles-437 Speedways, taxation of same----------449, 453,536 L. . .. Simm,/Earl.s letter setting forth his interest in the firm of Concrete Ready Mixed Corp.-447 Sheriff's two letters to Rke. City Sup~. of Police reo traffic signals at intersectioijOf Ferncliff Ave. & Hershberger "d., rec'd. & filed-------447 State Water Control Board letter advis5.ng that applications for Fed. grants to con- struct sewage treatment works during the fiscal year 1971-71 must be submitted no later than 2/15/71---.-----447 Smith, Roger W. 's petition to rezon a parcel on NE side Rte. 221 (Srambleton Ave., 1/2 A.-----------443, 502 "I Sheriff's request for projector gun, It,bricant, dog & cat carrier to be used by Dog Warden ---------------- 4~2 State Dept. of Mental Hygiene & Hospitals bulletin notifying state grant ($3,471.00) approved for Rke. Valley Ment,~1 Health-Mental Retarda'n Servo Bd.----46l School Board's request for transfer of. tunds to school Construction fund-local & for supplemental appropriation 1;0 school debt fund-- 475 Sheriff's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in Co. Jail(Monthly reports)- 479,511 59f, Sheriff's report of activities of his d"pt. ,and that of Dog Warden for calendar yr. 1970 -------------------479 Stein, J. Oliver's letter to Judg'" Hob,,,,k resigning from Bd. of Zoning Appeals-479 School Board representation of joint schc'ol divisions, RCEA's letter & resolution supporting City of Salem & County's resolutions------479 I Starkey Speedway - Commonwealth's Atty. to proceed with appeal to Va. Supreme Court of appeals in case of Stephen B. Bogese, et als, v. the Board of Zoning Appeals of Rke. Co., et als -------485 Sewer requests of Co. & Town of Vinton- Roanoke City's Sewer Committee1s recommendations I referred by Board to Public Se rvice 1.uthority-------497 Stokes, Elizabeth W. 's appointment to T"P Bd. of Directors-------499 Stokes, Elizabeth W.'s appointment to Re,ional Courthouse Study Ccmmittee-----506 Safety Standards for Speedways, Racetrac~s - 5l4, 537, 587 Smith's Transfer Corp. - petition to rez,)ne tract adjacent to N. right-of-way line of Interstate NO. 81, presently o..ned by Interstate Motel Developers, Inc.-509, 556 State Highway safety Div. letter to Co. I;ngr. acknowleding change in Co. officer to sign applications for grants -----511 ,. Schneider, Mrs. H. K.'s letter of 2/6/7l re: Kindergartens--------498 Salem-Roanoke Co. Chamber of Commerce minutes of 1970 annual meeting & 1971 budget-498 S Southview United Methodist Ch. - Trustees (John Washburn et Sewer Negotiating Committee for Co. - report on meeting of als) petition to rezone-523 ,572 3/18/71-----520 Sewer Easement requested of Rke. City thru pro..?sed park lard N. of Shenandoah Ave. & W. of Peters Creek, Public ser'\T. Authority resolution & Bd. of Supervisors resolu'n.-524 air of cost Salem-Roanoke Valley civic Center,/conditioning the arena, report/on completion -520 State Water Control Board's notice of p'Jstponed public hearing in re: Board's rules of procedure for suhmitting grant applications & modifying the priority system for awarding Fed. & Stat Grants for municipal sewerage works construction----527 Shoup Voting Machine Corporation-chc.nge of address for future remittances-------546, state Health Commissioner-bu:letin C'oncerl1ing solid waste disposcll leg:Lslation---545, Synopsis of 1971-1972 Co. Budget & public hearing thereon - 551 Showalter, M. E.( & others) letter ill re privat~ road being taken over by Highway Dept.; Co. Engineer's reply - z'ec'd & filed-----54B Sheriff's letter requesting Board's concurrence in request of Rke. Co. Hghway Safety Committee that State Highway Dept. install traffic control signals at Rte. 419 & Col Ave.------548 Services Contract between Rke. Co. i Salem - Amendment to delete health services-559,596 Sewerage Plan (Interim) - Fifth Planning Dist Conun. 's -------- 56l Solid Wastes Disposition (Twenty-year plan), -----563 State Water Control Board notice of 3 public hearings on Board's adoption of proposed regulation to control discharge of sewage & other wastes from boats - I & other vessels on navigable & nonnavigable waters in Va.------563 State Water Control Board's letter acknowleding Supervisors' Chairman's letter on proposed loading policies for sewage treatment plants -----563 '.... State Water Control Board's notice listing rules of procedure for submittal & approval of applications for Fedez'al & State grants -..----564 State Corporation Commission notiCE of,public hearing in Richmond for purpose of adopting regulations covering industrialized building units & mobile homes to protect against bazards to safety of life, health & property ----564 State Registration Board for. Contriictors notice requesting that building, plumbing & electrical inspectors be advised of amendments to Va. Contractors' Regis- tration Law-----..564 Sheriff's written progress report of his dept. for 1/1/68 thru 4/1/71---- 563 '- State Highway Dept. letter to BoaI'd Chairman advising marked map concerning National Functional Classificaticm Study in 5th PI. Dist. being forwarded to Co. Engr.-563 State Dept. Welfare & Institutiom: notice reo meeting on development of plan for State administration of welfare ------ 563 State Highway Safety Division Dire:ctor's letter of 3/25/71 to Co. Sheriff re: review of Co. 's High.'ay Safety proj. in functional are of Police Traffic services --- 549 Sheriff's letter to compensation Board re: budget request for 1971-l972 - 549 Statistics of Va. public librarie,; for 1969-1970 --------549 Salem City Manager's letter forwarding Co.ls copy of Standard for J. B. Eurell Co. of Va. for roof at Civic Center & payment Performance/Bond, - 549 Salem City Manager's letter for\Va,rding photocopies of letter, certificate of ins. & executed contract with ,T. B. Eurell Co. of Va. re: roof at Civic Center-549 Secondary System of Roads - alloc,3.tions for fiscal yr. 1971-l972, letter from Highway Detp. -549 (OVER) - Southview United Methodist Church, Trusteffi' petition to rezone-----S72 Sewer Connection Ban & public hearing re: same in regards to Rke. City's Treatment plant- consolidated presentation before State Water Control Board -596 State Water Control Board's Bulletin setting forth portion of minutes of 4/5-6/71 = meeting & advisng of public hearing on 6/15/71 on possible sewer connection ban in re Rke. City Sewage ~i:reatment Plant -- 596 I Salem Roanoke Valley Civic Center roof ,:epairs & air conditioning system - letter advising of status of same f::om Manager Jack Dame ------5% State Corp. Commission notice advising that James E. Lemon, t/a Greenridge Water Co. has filed proposed chages in rates, charges, ruls & regulations-S96 Science Museum - 586 Sheriff's Dept' s applic<,.tion for LEA action grant for inclusion in Va. Criminal Information Network ------- 585 I Sheriff's application for Highway Safety Project police & Grant in amt. of $7333 for/emergency e:juipmel1t - 586 Statement of Accounts as of 4/30/71--.,,598 I I I TREASURER'S MONTHLY REPORTS - 13, 37, 58, 82 , 512, 550 , 597 request approved to purchase 3 desks ------- 10 118, 157, 185, 237, 264, 316, 347, 375,447, 479 Treasurer1s Taxing of lease holds & business license tax in re: users of Roanoke/~~~r.cipal Airport -: l,42" Taxes, Semi-annual collection of real estate &,fiscal year assessments - letter from Dept. of', Taxation answering related questions ---------18 .: Transportation, U. ,;. Dept. of, .. letter in reo approval of "Police 'fraffic Services" & grant- '13 Trapping of foxes - Executive Officer autl.orized to take steps to initiate such a program-46 Treasurer's request to be relieved of duties as Bond Registration Agent---- 42 "Thompson, Roxie W.: M. Frank & K,.thleen T. Martin,; & Alvin C. & Ruth T. Early's petition to rezone 2.73 A. in Catawba Dist., bounded on S. by Rke. City limits; onE. by Malvern Hills Subdivision; on N. by property noW or formerly owned by W. W. Boxley Est. & on W. by property of R. E. G]Leason-----7~ l04 Treasurer, Comm.of the Revenue'" request for Burrough's A,,=ounting Machine -----------66 ,145:,158 ,Treasurer's budget request for 70-71 (copy of form going to compesation Bd.)------7~ :'Typewri.ter for Commonwealth's Attorney's C'ffice - 78 ,Typewriter for Bookkeeper's OfHce - 112, 175 : Tennis Court Liglting -- 114, l2~, 282 Tinker Creek Lane- name designated for unnamed road from end of Rte. 1512 east to NCL City of, Roanoke -----------ll4 Treasurer's letter (copy) to compensation Board re: transfer of funds in Treas's. budget from one item to another ------- 118 r I ' l~ Tax Billing Equipment - 66, 145, l58 TAP Board of Directors - re-appointment of Cabell Brand & Charles H. Osterhoudt ---- 14.6 Treasurer's saaries & expenses ,is fixed by Compensation Board - 156 Tax Year changed from 1/1 - 12/31 to 7/1 - 6/30 (from calendar to fiscal year)- 162, Tax rate for fiscal year 7/l/70 to 6/30/7l----- l62 Tax rate for first 6 months of 1970----- 161 Treasurer authorized to purchase one metal file cabinet ------ 160 Tanglewood Mall, Inc., petition reo Vacation of Plat of Craighead Heights ----- 165, l89 Treasurer authorized to purchase two metal fine cabi~s - 174 Taxes proposed to be received from MOBILE HOMES compared to fixed residences & compared to services required for be,th ------:---- 174' 195 Trucks - authorization to purchase two refuse trucks from Tidy Corp. ------- 175 Tidy Corp. bid on refuse trucks -------------- l75 c Transportation request of Business Lic. ,Inspector - 175 Thomas, M. S. Livestock Claims 224, 'lennis Courts at Clea-brook & Mo. Pleasant - contract for paving -----232 Treasurer's settlement of accc,unts for year ending 6/30/70 - 254, 255 & 256 Tennis Courts - contract for fencing same at,Clearbrook & Mt. Pleasant park sites- 271 .,.... Truck for dog warden, Exec. Of cr. authorized to accept bids -----290 Board Townesend, M. C.'s letter asking/to not. consider him for reappointmr",c co Board of Rke. Co. Public land Taxation exemption on/used SeI:V. Authori ty------------- 320 (letter from Cornm. Atty to Commissioner by Co. for a governmental functio~316 of Rev.) Thanksgiving Holiday, 1970-----335 Treasurer's request for Board to authorize short-term loan ~--~--349,350 Traffic Signals requested for into of Cove & Hershberger Rds/ & into of Hershberger & Ferncliff ---------------346 Treasurer directed to transfer certain funds from School Construction to General fund-353 Tomlinson, J.R. 's resignation from Recreation Bd.- 358 Treasurer's request for tempor'ary help--:374, . Valley Builders, Inc.'s petition in reo rezoning of lot 1 & part of ~ot 2, Block 3, Miller Court referred back to Planning Commission ,---------------3, 64 "Vinton, Town of - letter in re: Council & Planning Commission approving Roanoke Co.'s proposed amendments to its Subdivision Ordinance -- 23 VPI Extension Agents Monthly reports - 13. 37, 58' 82, 118, 156' 185 .: Voting Hachine,use by Northside Hi.gh School SCA - approved-------44 Va. Div. of Forestry's bil~or forest control services approved for payment---45 ,318,515 , Virginia Western Community Colleg<..- request for contribution from COUilty in fiscal 70-71--64, :237 Va. l~estern community College Board - letter re: expiring term of Darnall Vinyard ---100, 173 Vinton Chamber of Commerce newsletter, rec'd. & filed------1l8, 253,479" Vinton Branch Library - addi tiona:, furniture for same----- 145 Vinyard, w. Darnall's reappointment to Va. Western Community College Board---------l73 Vacation of Plat of Craighead Hei;hts (petition of Tanglewood Mall, Inc.)------ 165, 189 Vinton Town Council's Resolution reo restricted use of water by Crofton residents - 182 S 196 VPI Ext. Agents:, Home Ec. - Resignations of Miss Bonnie J. Webster & Mrs. Jean Robbins- 204 VPI Ext. Agents, Home Ec. - Emp~oyment of Mrs. Jane Ewing & Miss Carolyn Rastla-195 Va. Dept. of Highways MaintenancE: Division Secondary Syst~m Budget for fiscal 1970-71,223 Va. Contractors Registration Law & Rules & Regulations 254 Va. State Division of Forestry report - 253 Va. State Chamber of Commerce - purchase of membership for yr. ending 9/l/71-]71 Va. Western Comm. College letter of 9/l/70 asking for 1st of 3 installments on Co.'s to them ---- 272 . Vinton Fire Station- Rke. Co. Fire Chief's Board's letter of 8/l5/70 asking for smoke ejector-272 Vinton Branch Library - auditor's report ---282 to_I VPI Extension Agents introduced to Board of Supervisors--------285 VPI Ext. Agent, Robert E. Layman>;' letter of resignation-------316 Vacation of Plat of Lindenwood--i--372, Virginia Assoc. of Counties - Rk". Co. 's membership for l2/l/70-ll/30/71-----428 Vice-Chairman & Chairman of Board of Supervisors for 1971------432 63rd Va. Highway Commission,/ANNUAL REPORT ------427 VirginiAir - publication by Va. Air Pdlution Control Board-----47~, 563 VPI Extension Agent's letter re: expanded Nutrition program in operation throughout Valley-479 Va. Chamber of Commerce newsletter- 512 - Vinton, Town of's correspondence rec'd. & filed in reo Regional Courthouse-498 Vinton Chamber of Commerce letter acknowledging receipt of Co.'s contribution-497 Villa Heights Ch, of the Nazarene, Trustees (G. W. Peters et als) rezoning petition-522 request VPI Ext. Office Budget/---- 525 Virginia Western CO~'11unity Colll~ge budget request for 1971-71---530 Community 545:, Virginia WesternjCollege Board .. letter in re expiring appointments of Co. representati~~ Vacation of Public Utility Easement shown on plat of Brambleton Court, James E. Long Constr. Co. Inc. - Petitioner - 542 . \ ! - "Va. Housing Study Commission-bulletin listing public hearings to be held on Va.housing . problems----545, , Veteran's Administration Hospital letter bo.Ja Valley Land Investment Company's _,"<::i tion to rezone property on southerly side Rte. 460, EBsterly from Mecca St. -------560 Vinton Rescue Squad application for federal matching funds 556,586 v' ". .. no:t.ice of . ~rg~n~a Hous~ng Study Comm~ss~on -/pUb~~c near~ng on housing problems in Va.- 564 Virginia Electric & Power Co.'s brochure outlining major plans for new power generating facilities thru 197'l---"-564 (OVER) (also see P.I. Tax) W. H. Tax/ (Payroll Deduction) - 14, 26, 40, 47, 59, 73, 83,100, 119, 137 254, 264, 282, 319, 336, 348, 355, 428, 448, 46.. "Water Pollution Control Measures, resolution of Board of Supervisors expressing desire that 154, 171,. 186, 205 , 238 State of Virginia participate in program with Federal Government to help finance same-ll, -------- 26, 38, ,Webster, Bonnie J. (VPI Ext. Agent, Home Ec.) Mon1hl.y reports - 13,58' 82, 156,185 W.T.C. Corp. re: rezoning 0.57 tract on Va. Rt. 24 east of Vinton----33 Water Control----letter from Roaneke County Public Service Authority and resolution 37, Resolution--Roaneke County Board of Supervisors---38, \'Iatts & Breakell, Inc. awarded contract for construction of addition to Hollins Fire Station-47 Watts & Breakell, Inc. awarded ~on:ract for construction of Cave Spring Fire House -60 Water & sewer services - p~oper me,asures to l'e<;~~:.re builders or developers to secure specific:, assurance of same prior to time that construction of facilities needing these may commence -- 63, 77, 91 Water shortage, Vinton Town Council Resolution in re: Crofton Subdivision - 182 & 156 Water Resources Comprehensive Plai1 for James River Basin, Preliminary Vol. IV--------- 185 Waiver of Notice of Board of SupeI'visors Special Meeting of 7/25/70------------ 206 Ward Mobile Home request for rezc)ning from RE to $-4 a 20-A tract owned by Herbert Ward located on Rte. 658 in Et. Pleasant so park maybe enlarged------ 190 Webster, Miss Bonnie Jean, - VPI Ext. Agent, Home Ec. - resignation rec'd & filed-204 Watar & Sewer Deadline postponem,ml: (HUD pi:ogram) - Chairman to write letter requesting Congres- sional support of same-'------- .196 I~elfare Board - Reappoi~.tment of II. Franklin Hough, Jr.------- 236 . Whitlow, Gene D.'s - resignation from Public Service Authority -------- 230 '........, Welfare Dept. (official) as revised by State, rec'd & filed-"--- 237 Ward, Herbert T.'s petition for rezoning of certain property located in Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke Co. on Rte. 622 -------- 281 liheat & Co.- fee in re: services & expenses for sale cf $7,900,000.00 School Bonds, 1969B Series/-3.l8 I" Woody, Oliver S. 's appointment t:o Fifth Planning ristrict,. Commission--------338 Walters, Carlton Willard & ClaiJ:'. Lynn's petition to rezone 6.50 A on '",esterly side Rte. 221, Bent Mt.-------------272, 340 Ward's Mobile Home Park on Rutro1Jgh Rd. Weaver, Claude A. 's petition to JOe zone at Mt. Pleasant, rezone 23 A --------351 490 , 20 A. off Rte. 116 at Back C. & Rte. 803---352,491 Water Pollution in County---312" :,:57 - Welfare Board, appointment of I.. T. HUddleston -----428 Woodrum, Clifton A, 3rd's letter acknowledging Supervisors resolution re: claim of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Moorman regarding accidental death of son, Donnie L.-------447 referred to Recrea'n Board Wildlife Center for Roanoke Co. .. suggestion of Linda Lustig/(letter rec'd. & filed)-454 Welfare bUdgets-Resolutions from various Boards of Supervisors requesting Gen. Assembly to repeal sections 63.l-J.:22 & 63.1-123 of Code of Va. dealing with same-445,461 -- Whippletree Road (Cave Spring Dist.l -D. L. ~erguson's request for _Highway Dept. to take over this ::oad & Co. Engr. 's reply-------------495 Wright, Norman Thomas's petition to rezone on NE corner Rte. 419 & Crescent Hgts. BlVd, etc.- 507 Welfare Statistics for State of Va. datej Dec. 1970----511 1""1 Whitescar'ler, Furman,Sr.'s lett,,:r from S-C Corp. confirming financial responsibility of Harry Anglin as to past :.OJans for constr.uction of CATV systems----527 Wertz, Joseph L. (Proclamation Day) -------546, Woody, Irvin O's petition et ux- rezone property on w. side Rte. 115-544 (OVER) '" _''-~'~-='''''''='_"'"'''-=''''~=-':'=--''''_'''''_='='_'''_'''=O'''==''''='-----''- -,..c -=,"","_""""=-'.~~-._ ,-=-,,-..=--.=.,.,..,....-==-,- '._.-"..~,-_=,""--,--,.~-.-.,.'--""--"".."..,,..,.,-_,__,o.' =-=,,,."""''''~.. =_-.0".,.. "".,_"'", '~-'--'~ '_-~- ~,."-""",,-'''',-,..~.~,,,,- "~.~;':"""''''~c-.''':'''''''''',.-'_-_.,_c..' -=,_,.,_,,-,,..~,~.=..--=-,,=,",,,,,,,=-=".,.,.-..=,,. .. .-.,--- - -- ,...--. . - ...- __.__ _... __. ______~.~____.._~__._ .._ __..,_.._..,~_____ __~ .~._____ . ___ ___n___._ Courthouse Salem, Virginia January 14, 1970 2:00 P. M. The Board of Supervisors me"; this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in ~ I \, I ! ,- :! ,I I'the County Courtroom, Salem, Virg:lnia, being the second Wednesday and the first ii i' regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, ::Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, I,(le B. Eddy, L. Earl SiJnms and Joseph C. Thomas. Ii i: The Executive Officer Paul B. Mati'ohews and Assistant Maurice Mitchell were also Ii ii present, as well as Commonwealth' ,; Attorney Raymond R. Robrecht. o :i The Chairman called the me~'l:icng to order and introduced Reverend Hilbert H. !i ., 'IDorn, minister to the Good Sheph,,';:d Lutheran Church, who offered the invocation. it iThe pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to tile flag led by the Chairman. :: o . :: The minutes of the December 3C, 1969, meeting were approved as spread on I! II Ijmotion of Supervisor A. T. Huddle'ton, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and I ii thE" following vote: " i1 AYES: All :iNA)S: None. Ii II :.i I] I: II ! I Mr. James C. Davis, member a:~d spokesman Ii appeared this day to express oppC>s.i. tion to the '1 Ii ,i and business license tax and to rel.uest that these taxes be placed in abeyance until II ,: such time as certain legal questicI1S can be determined. :1 i!written statement with the minutes of this meeting. :! for the Airport Users Association, -, . County recently imposed/lease holders tax Mr. Davis filed his ,i consist of the Chairman ,i :, 'the Commissioner of the of the Boa;::d of _ Supervisors, the Commonwealth I s Attorney, , vt".J :1 )"'0\10 P'" ~ .' I C~;,r~tit) j:, "po.., '.... 'Y : .,..i,.s...Jv. ~.....-' .\..L.- vV{ -.A,,,..-.-Y (' 1\1' .>I~-j.. .~7, 1- ; 't---C_"- r'''-'-'' " r ,/ ,~ . ",-"".f,-/ c-? ,tP. ,"?AI Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors establish a special [I [;committee for 'I ;, I' taxes related Ii the purpose of revie-,'ing lease holders taxes and business license to users of the Roa,n..lke Municipal Airport and that the said committee Revenue and the Business License Inspector and that :.aid o committee act expeditiously and ha'/e a report for this Board by its next meeting. Supervisor L. Earl Simms secm1ded the motion which carried by the following :,vote: :1 [AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl S:ilnms, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. [j 'NAYS: None. Mr. B. K. Cruey, Attorney, appeared this day to represent Mr. E. J. Miles ,iand to explain his request for extending the time for the sale of alcoholic j. :beverages in Roanoke County from l2 o'clocl. midnight to l:OO A.M. Mr. Miles is ,owner of the Red Garter Supper Club. Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County lextend the time to 1:00 A. M. for ~1e sale of alcoholic beverages, subject to recom- 2 1/14/70 .-, ~':.-::",,,-~=:,:o.;;."c'--":.:':"-=:::='-':-.-==-"""':':":":"~'_'..""';"':'=':.:~.. ".'===~'''::'':::::;--''''=:''':';==_--:;:;;~.O=-...:;'''O:;;;:-.",,-.f,=.;,_.,.,:,.;.-.,'';..7.''='''-;''-='::--- :'mendation to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and their subsequent approval. :i , ii The motion died for lack of a seccnd and no further action was taken in the II ii matter. " Ii ii 'I " I ii ii IN RE: SPECIAL USE PERMIT FOR NATIONAL COACH SALES ,i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston mc)ved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke " Ii County concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and " if issue a special use permit for a period of two (2) years to National Coach Sales I .' :1 to operate a trailer sales lot on RClute 220 adjoining the self-service station i, ;i property and near where State Route 722 intersects with Route 220. ii II i ,I ii ii ing recorded vote: I, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas sE,conded the motion which carried by tr.e follow- i' I; " " :1 .c "\ :i AYES: err i' 'i NAYS' !.ee B. Eddy and Charles H. Osterhoudt. \"C / ~ ) . A substitute motion offered by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy died for lack of a yo ~C ,.." :: \ ,~ C Ii second, which motion provided "that 1;his request of National Coach Sales organiza- ~,~'-~ 'Go:, :1 tion for a special use permit to opnrate a trailer sales lot not be acted upon by \' .Y CY:i this Board until a completed report and recommendation regarding the best location ~-f"'. tit' a))'.' f"1:~ for mobile home sales lots in Roanoke County be received from the Planning Commis- . C Jl'\~ ii ~ .J l'i I sion in accordance with a. previous l:esolution adopted by this Board." . "~~11' IV ',:1. " W(M No one appeared at the public hearing to oppose the request of National , OJ.. '" ~~!~. il t>;/ 'V 'I :r.,vY'/' Ii Coach Sales and an employee, ~~r. Bi,U Stafford, appeared to explain and support the" }, tt I,', . r :i ma ere . Ii I: II i: , Ii !I !' " Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Si.J1uns, A. T. Huddleston I At a public hearing this day ~;o consider the application of Harold T. Long and David W. Long for a special use permit to operate a trailer sales lot on the west side of Williamson Road, adjoining Southern Furniture Warehouse, the following il people appeared: ii :1 T. L. Plunkett, also Mr. C. F. Kefauver. Ii :1 Road; Mr. Byron Craddock, Darby Road; Virginia Jones, Darby Road; and R. V. Danner, I il Darby , Darby . .,;v~, c~ 't' IN RE: " , :r:>,\j' , I \.J r ~~r\t>})y ~~ 0if~V\"/G'" ; ~ ~ ,..' Ir" ~" \..\ ,-" / \-v'" 4l until the report is received from the Roanoke County Planning Commission regard- J((J. ~17 ;,Y . .Jo' '.(T "t;\.~i/ ~J ing the best location for mobile home sal~s lots in Roanoke County. .\~)'. ,..!: \~~' ,/ ;i <./ .,' ing recorded vote: \r \t. I :! AYES: II NAYS: i; i :j II ,i Proponents - Peti1;ioners Harold T. & David W. Long and Attorney Opponents - Harold O. Nofsinger, Darby Road. Mr. Nofsinger fileCl a petition signed Road opposing the Longs' "clr others" request. The following action was taken. by residents and home owners on I PERMIT FOR THE USE OF PROPERTY ON THE WESTERlY OF U. S. ROUTE 11 (WILLIAMSON ROAD), PART OF BLOCK 13, BOXLEY HILI,S (APPLICATION OF HAROLD T. SIDE LONG, ET ALS) I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that th,e decision on this matter be deferred Supervisor L. Earl Simms seco;,1ded the motion which carried by the follow- Joseph c. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. Charles H. Osterhoudt. 1/14/70 3 o""<:.~-=_~".....,_,,,-="=_-=.~,;,,=-=-_-==,,--~==_,._-....,-, -~'_===-_~~_,""=-"""",--","""~.=.""""""",=_-"o"",-:__"",--"--=~-:"__",~,,,~,,.,,.,,"...,..~_,.,-... .-".-~="':=-n..".-':-<--~',_""=,_""==-_"""=-_",,,-C""_-"""""',,,",,":,,,==~-,C'--==~_=-,:-=,..".-.-.....",--"'''''.,.,''''''"-=.'''''-=''"='"'.,,,......,., -, . ! -, . , '--.J . , ! .... r- · 1 , , ~ ":J I." 1''- W . . -- ,.-.... _.. _._--,-- --- --.- " :i IN RE: REZONING OF LOT 1 AND PART OF LOT 2, BLOCK 3, MILLER COURT OF VALLEY BUILDERS, INC. Supervisor A. T. ~uddleston moved that the Petition be referred back to the 'j Roanoke County Planning Commission for their further consideration at the request 'i of the peti ti(~ner, insofar as it applies to the Miller Court property only. ,I J q Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- " :1. :! l.ng recorded vote: ;'1 'I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles :1 H. Osterhoudt. j' NAYS: None. ii Mr. Frank Hartman of Valley Builders appeared at the public hearing on the foregoing matter. At a public hearing this day on certain proposed amendments to the Roanoke County Electrical Code (Ordinance), the following people appeared to support those had , ri proposed deletions which would hav,e/the effect of requiring the owners to be " 'i l' f' d 1 .. L in order to do theirlown wirl' ng. f k :, qua 1. l.e e ectr1.c1.ans;< Mr. C yde Moran, B ectr1.ca ~nspecta: or Roano e County; 'i , ;i Mr. Richard Beane, Mr. Bob Layman and Mr. Carl Brightwell, Electrical Contractors. h Ii Ii Mr. John L. Apostolou, Attorney, M,x:. Roger A.Lorden and Mr. W. E. Brown all appeared ii :1 to oppose requiring the home owneD;to be qualified electricians in order to do i: their own work. Mr. Lorden filed a petition signed by 133 citizens expressing the present Roanoke County Plumbing and Electrical :! Codes that would restrict the home owner from doing his own plumbing and electrical' 11 " Ii znstallations." Messrs. Apostolou, Lorden and Brown all voiced their opposition to the :! iiproposed changes in the Plumbing Code (Ordinance) (also scheduled for public hearing :: would' :: this day) which/have also had the effect of prohibiting the home owner fr~m doing [: :1 his own work. i' " Mr. W. W. McGuire, Roanoke County Plumbing Inspector, appeared to explain and , support the proposed amendments to the Plumbing Code. The Building Inspector, Mr. Harold Dickerson and secretary, Mrs. Gene Boxley ,i ,j were both present and recognized. . h d 11 . d' d' proposed. h th 1 nb' Hav1.ng ear a l.ntereste part1.es regar l.ng the/~nanges l.n bot e P W l.ng " :1 , , and ! Electrical Codes, the Board tOI~k the following action. ,: ADOPTION OF AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY ELECTRICAL CODE (ORDINA1'ICE) WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Electrical Code (Ordinance); and WHEREAS, the Board of Supe~,risors of Roanoke County deems it necessary and ,: expedient to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of , ;! Roanoke County that certain provii.ions of the said Electrical Code be amended; ii WHE"EAS, Notice of Intention to adopt certain amendments to the Roanoke County Electrical coa~ (Ordinance] and notice of public hearing thereon having been published as required by law in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, on October 29, 1969, November 5, 12, and 19, 1969, and in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, on / ,~ :! ~X~, :. 0 (b ,'.''''\)if'i. ,; ,\ r !' '" { . t.J .1\).1 ",o-y ..H./ : ,/" ' Oy "./ " \c.1:' :J' 4 I I I. .. ..~~~-, _"'_'=~~-~_='~=~'_~~~~~==__=~=__~~"-~="". .:..- "...m '::~':.'==-:::'-""'.'"~'-'---='-=~' r==~~~~~=-~'====='~-~=~'~~~~~"="'='=:""~-'-'~~-'-'-'~' _C'.=._.~.~'.,_~=.,,~~_='_~ . ..--.,,--,,-,," .-............ '.- -_.. ! 'October 29, 1969, NovemberS, 12 and 19, 1969, and also at the front door of the I I I I 1/14/70 ,Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post office in Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the Roanoke County Electrical Code i; (Ordi- I " Ii ~' I !nance) be amended as follows: Section 37.7.4e to include the following words at line 4 between the words " . in cases of emergency or repair electrical work only." ii I' Ii ,. " !; I I I I I I ~;11950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to publish a copy of this amendment once a week I ~1& Ifor two consecutive weeks in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke I 12 ~y County and the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in (' l-r, '?}~,,..,.( I "Roanoke County and also to post a copy of this amendment at the front door of the Ii ~ c). ~ V ,Roanoke "'ounty Courthouse, all pdor to February 15.. 1970. Ii 0Y,'c-Y1J ~ y' ~ , - Ii ~:t. ~t.:i1' ':and Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B . Eddy, seconded by supervisor L. Earl Simms, ii 'V' adopted by the following recorded vote:, ~ ~ F \10 ,-/~~YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II ,\\0, . ,), i.,.. H 0 terh dt " I &::f'6 ,i . s ou. ~ NAYS: None. ~~}i ~~ < 'ADOPTION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY PLUMBING CODE (ORDINANCE) 0- ,! .week n and n if" : :1 ' ,I This amendment shall take effect on February 15, 1970. The Clerk of this Board is directed pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the I Ii " I WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Plumbing Code (Ordinance)said ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on September 19, :1960; and i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain amendments 'I ii lj I' :to said ordinance expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general i- 'I welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; " I " i! County Plumbing WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt certain amendments to the Roanoke I Ii I' :1 Code (Ordinance) and public hearing thereon having been pubbShed as I~equired by law in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, I,:, ,on October 29, 1969, November 5, 12 and 19, 1969, and the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, on October 29, 1969, Novem- ber 5, 12 and 19, 1969, and also at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse 'and at each post office in Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Roanoke County Plurrbing Code (Ordinance) be amended as follows: I Section 14.20.1 to be amended so as to delete the words "as follows" from I the first sentence of said section and insert the following to follow the word '"except" : I " in cases of emergency or repair plumbing work only." Said ordinance to be further amended as follows, by creating the following new sections: "14.18-A 1. Licenses required prior to performing work; qualification of person to whom issued. No plumbing or drainage work shall be done by any person, unless such person is licensed to do plumbing within the County. A license will be 1/14/70 5 _-",.."~_..,.=,,,-~-=...,.~~_..,,-"=-..,-.......,.=.-_-_-o..-~,,,",--.,,.,,,.,,..,.,..-=-.,,,,--.'_=--,,",,".-'~-=-r""'.--=-~'_-"~-==--,-,..._..."......_=_-.'_._,..".,..,___-,,,,~. ,- ".'--.--""-~~'.-c..--"-_--"""""",_-=-_-==-,~,--""'-~'_'_'-"'-'_-"'-"-"',,,...'-,---~,-="."'.:=-,--.,,........ .......,,.._.."',.,..,.......,,..,.,....,.,.~,..."',..,,"'-~.~...,"'""""",,.......,.... 'issued to only those persons who have qualified as "Master Plumbers." "14.l8-A2. Board of plumb,er examiners-Appointment; composition; term of members. A board of plumber examiners shall be appointed by the Roanoke County iBoard of Supervisors. Such board shall be composed of the plumbing inspector, a I master plumber and one journeyman plumber. Each member of said board shall be ap- 'pointed for a terR. of five years, unless sooner removed for malfeasance in office, neglect of duty or incapacity. "l4.18_A3. Same - Powers and duties. The board of plumber examiners shall - issue plumber a! , certificates of qualification to such. persons as may be entitled t;,ereto, and conduct examinations for the 1iurpose of determining the competm:,cy and ,knowledge of plumbing and drainage work of persons who are required ~y this code to !possess such certificates. The Plumbing Inspector shall keep an accurate record of all examinations and :certificates issued. The Board shall adopt such rules and regulations as it sees fit for the proper ii 'and efficient discharge of its official duties. It shall determine the character of the examination to be given any appli- cant and, by majority vote, pass or reject such applicant upon his showing as the , !! lease may be. "l4.l8-A4. S~e - Chairman. The board of plumber examiners shall elect a chairman from their members who shall preside at all meetings. ~ - "l4.l8-A5. Examinations and certificates of qualification - Required prior to engaging in plumbing business. It shall be unlawful for any person to carryon, or engage in the business of plumbing, or to labor at the trade of plumbing, unless ,such person has successfully passed an examination conducted by the board of plumber , examiners or has had issued to him a certificate of qualification and such cercJfi- 'cate of qualification has not expired by limitation. "l4.l8-A6. Same - Applicatio:1 for. Any person who is required by this code to possess a plumber's certificate of qualification, shall make application there- fore to th,e board on application blanks provided for .that purpose. These application blank& may be obtained at the office of the Plumbing Inspector upon the payment of the fee hereinafter provided for. "14.l8-A7. Same - Fees for examinations. The fees charged each applicant ,.-\ j ,~ W for examination as provided for in the two preceding sections shall be as follows: Master plumber examination . . Journeyman plumber examination S 10.00 S 5.00 S 3.00 Apprentice plumber registration. rl -.I "l4.lS-A8. Same - Re-examinations. Any person who fails to pass the examina.- tion required by section l4.18-A5 of this chapter may apply for re-examination after the expiration of thirty days. Should such person fail to pass the second examina- tion, the board of plumt,er examiners in its discretion, may refuse a third applica- tion until after the expiration of six months. "14.l8-A9. Same - Duration of certificates; renewal. Every plumber's certifi- cate of qualification shall be issued for one year. Each such certificate shall be renewed from year to year without a renewal fee or re-examination unless revoked as provided for in section 1 A .l8-A 11 of this chapter. 6 ~,.\: 1,' e~. () 4~- ~t-D;' Lr' / ~))-.' f , ./~ , y /' ~y ~~ ~o I' I' \\~ ,,~ 'i \ .t'" 1 ~'" rf'-~ 1.; ~ ~ i! .. ,.f IJ ,i ~ " ,l~~10' : Co. L-"'~ .-<' ,~.A; -I'; ~~l/' 't.V t/f~ 1/14/70 . _.___==--==-=.::;~-== .___ __===::.-_-=--.,..-_~~-==.-=_-::=-,~'_~,..",-=~",:,'''''c-.==-c__=,.,..--''''''.-c=~=._..,.,_,,.,..-"""""'~'--"""",--=:----=.="""'=-':'-=-_~____._. ._._.~"".:c-.". '"""",,.~_..-c=",,".=,,",__..__ _=_ _.=.:.=:::=....--=---'O..=--=:..;..;;=~-=,.=-.....:.=::....~==-..=....-,'--_'"'--==-=...::::'::.=o.~.:"O'-~~-;~.O:'=~=::=;=.=c~~-'':'-===~_-.-:;-:-:'':;-';:-;:O;-_-;'--='_C~="-=-'"''-C-'':::"'''-''-~-==~~'' _===='~~'.-'::C.=::::.==-- "14.18-A 10. Same - Validity of certificates. (a) A certificate of qualification issued to a firm or corporation shall be ] valid only so long as the representative who applied therefor, on behalf of such i! ,I 'I firm or corporation, is in the employ or actively engaged in the business of, s.uch :' " j: firm or corporation; and in the event the representative leaves the employ of such ii i' firm or corporation, or becomes no longer actively engaged in sllch business, such I! " certificate shall forthwith become null and void and such firm or corporation shall'! !t I !i !: ;i " , I not be authorized to engage in such business until some other representative of the firm or corporation conforms to the provisions of this section. (b) Certificates of qualification issued to firms and corporations, under I the provisions of this section shall not be transferable and shall continue in force only as long as such firm is engaged in the business 0::' a !i plumbing contractor' and the same master plumber is employed by, or actively engaged in the business of I. i! I i: I' I' ,I 'Ii " " I, II such firm. " :1 " !r i: II :: (c) It shall be the duty of such firm or corporation to give immediate notice to the plumbing inspector of any change in ti1e place of lousiness of such " firm or corporation. I! p 'i " Ii il Ii il " 'I !i :i II " Upon the retirement from such business by such firm or corpora- tion, or should such master plumber leave the employ of, or become no longer actively engaged in, the business of such firm or corporation, said certificate of I qualification shall be immediately surrendered to the plumbing inspector. ii Ii ii and effective unti:L' (d) All certificates of qualificatic~ heretofore issued to any person to I engage in the business of a plumbing contractor, shall be valid the same becomes null and void as provided in this section. "14.l8-A 11. Sa~e - Revocation of certificates. The board of plumber examiners may cancel or revoke any certificate of qualifi,cation issued by it, if !; by fraud," of this I: I' ,I II the person to whom such certificate was granted, obtained the certificate or has proved himself incompetent or has willfully violated any provision code. "14.18-A 12. Permits - When required generally. It shall be unlawftll for any person to do, or cause or permit to be done, any plumbing or drainage,""ork for which a permit is required without first securing such a permit from the plumbing inspector, except as provided under 14.20.1 "f this ordinance." These amendments shall take effect February 15, 1970. The Clerk of this Board is directed pursuant to Section l5.l-504 of the I 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to publish a copy of these amendments once a week for two consecutive weeks in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper p.~lished in Roanoke County, and the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper hc!ving general circulation in Roanoke County, and also to post a copy of the same at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse, all prior to February 15, 1970. I Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the'following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. T'lomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 1/14/70 7 ,---==--_.~-'---"'._._-~'-"'-'-'.~ .--=--. .._~--'- --~-=_..-.'- ~:--'--.- -'- .,'--- - . . - -- -----------_._-~-_...- '-~_'..".__'~.,,~.....,==.~.~=_~-.'__o__._,_ .._.,.....~~"'--_~......,.....,..__,...-",..~..~,..,=-~...,.,.~_._. .,_.~-_...,.,_""'''''_."._"''""''-_ .---e".,.,,,-._.'<'._..=-'"-.'. ="-""--'C7""'",""""'-"--"'-=-""'""'_--='_-,.~"".,.....,.._=..~,,,,...,.,...._.=-~..,.._,.,.,,=,,.o-~=.....,~"'.,."=."....",_,,,._~_..,.,...,,'"""'.~...,...,...,~ ___....1 " i'ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SEMI-ANNUAL COLLECTION OF REAL ESTATE !. TAXES IN ROANOKE COUNTY. ji i' i' WHEREAS, Section 58-847 of the 1950 Code of Virginia provides that the govern- " " I, ing body of any county may provic e by ordinance for the collection of county taxes , I:or levies on property in install,me nts at such times and with such penalties for inonpayment in time as may be fixed by ordinance; and Ii Ii WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems it expedient and , " i'necessary to promote the general \"elfare of the citizens of Roanoke County that I, I'real estate taxes in Roanoke County be collected on a semi-annual basis; and I, ;: , WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt an ordinance providing for semi-annual !'collection of real estate taxes in Roanoke County and notice of a public hearing I, thereon having been published as required by law in the Vinton Messenger, a news- !'paper published in Roanoke County on October ';9, 1969, November 5, 12 and 19, 1969, I' and in the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke !County on October 29, 1969, Nov~~er 5, 12 and 19, 1969, and also at the front I idoor of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each post office in Roanoke County; i, !I i: I' Ilthat the following ordinance be ad<Jpted: i !, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County .Section 1. When County taxes on real estate due and payable.l . Ii ! Ii " -- " Ji n " ii County taxes on real estate for each year shall be due and payable during the year for which the same are assessed in two equal installments, as follows: One-half on June fifth and one-half thereof on December fifth of said year. 'Section 2. Penalties when County real estate taxes not paid on time. In the event any ~nstallment of taxes on real estate is not paid on or before the time the same is due and payable, as set forth in the preceding section, there shall be added thereto a penalty of five per cent of the amount of such unpaid installment, and such installment and accrued penalty shall bear interest of one-half of one per cent per month or fraction thereof, from one year after the tax or any unpaid balance of the tax as the case may be, was originally due, until paid. .Section 3. Certain household goods and p~rsonal e~fects exempt from taxa- tion.Z f'1 U The fOllowing household goods and personal effects are, pursuant to Section 58-829.1 of the 1950 Code of Vir~'inia, as amended, hereby declared exempt from taxation and shall not be assessed for that purpose: Bicycles. Household and kitchen furniture, including gold and silyer plates, plated ware, watches and clocks, sewing machines, refrigerators, automatic refrigerating machinery of any type, vacuum cleaners, and all other household machinery, books, firearms and weapons of all kinds. Pianos, organs, phonographs and record players, and records to be used therewith and all other musi:cal instruments of whatever kind" radio and television instruments and equip~ent. Oil paintings, pictures, statuary, curios, articles of virtue and works of art. Di~~onds, cameos and other precious stones and all precious metals used as orn~ents or jewelry. Sporting and photographic equipment. Clothing and objects of apparel. All other tangible personal property used by an individual or a family or household incident to maintaining an abode. 1. 2. ii " 3. !'4 I . 4. W 5. 6. 7. 8. "The classification above set forth shall apply only to such property owned and used by an individual or by a family or household incident to maintaining an abode .Section 4. Effective date. This ordinance shall take effect on February 15, 1970." lAs to a~'thority of county to collect taxes on real estate by installments, see Section 58-847, Code of Virginia, 1950. 2As to authority of County to exempt certain items from taxation, see Section 58-829.1, Code of Virginia, 1950. i ~ v 8 ;( _____n" -=- n -- C"C_~,~;~:~'~~:;;;~-_~~~,::,~,:,=:-=,;;:",,:~-:;;-;:-'~;,-,';~:=;~,-=.-=::";,~;,:~~::~;~-;::~":'-~~:-~:;;:~~:::=:-:,-_- --\ 0 e,t( 1~1 - - The Clerk of this Board is directed pursuant to Section 15.1'-504 of the 1950 !i 1 l I Ie, ~)COde of Virginia, as amended, to publish a copy of this ordinance once a week for :i 4.' V, 'ltwo consecutive weeks in the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke i' ~ ~ ~r{ iicounty and the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation ro jf ilCounty and also to post a copy of this ordinance at ~\~/ i:county Courthouse, all prior to February 15, 1970. ~~~ !i Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ~\~:t~ iiand adopted by the following recorded vote: ~Im" ::':::,::,:;:"" ,.. ,. """ ,. 'U, 'imm,. A. ,. ,...,.,"'. ... Chu'" /L~~ (NAYS: None. '')Y'jv"' ii .Y ;" the front door of the Roanoke Ii in Roanoke I: I, , I' 1 'I I' I' ,I Thomas, ! I: I' I' I I 'RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF A TRACT ) OF LAND JUST EAST OF VINTON ) ON VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 634 I (ALSO KNOWN AS HARDY ROAD) ) ) ,) O~' ) ) ) R. E. GEARHART AND ) F. W. FINNEY CONSTRUCTION CORP.) RESOLUTION AND ORDER TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: 'I II filed a Petition WHEP.EAS, R. E. Gearhart and F. Pi. Finney Construction Corp. have heretofore " i: ii to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County to reclassify cer- ,! I; Ii I, I; I, II !' I ~ain property situated in Roanoke County, Virginia described in their Petition from ~gricultural District A-l I " to Business District B-2; WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting on November 26, 1969 referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its report and recommendations; ;1 I, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission at its regular meeting held on December 16, Ii' 1969, after legal and timely notice elf same, fully considered the Petition and 'I reported to this Board by Resolution its recommendation that the tract of land in question be zoned from Agricultural District A-l to Business District B-2; " WHEREAS, the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's regular meeting II of January 14, 1970, and it further appears from the certificate of the publisher :i of the Times World Corporation that the notice of the public hearing to be held on January 14, 1970 was duly published in accordance with the law; I WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held on January l4, 1970 at 2:00 p.m. at the Courthouse of Roanoke County in Salem, Virginia, and a full opportunity was accorded all interested parties to e~:press th",ir views concerning the proposed re- I zoning.; , WHEREAS, a vote was taken by the Board of Supervisors on a motion made and seconded that the proposed rezoning be adopted; is WHEREAS, the Board/of the opinie.n that the change in the zoning classification of the herein described tract will promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County~ WHEREAS, all requirements of l~w have been complied with and the property should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; _ _~=_~~-""-."'''''~',""",-O:-=''''-_~''~'''''''.'',,"''''''''''_-._~'''''''''''''''-_-= l/14/70 9 ,c--'-'---_.-----'_______________---'"'-'---"'-___.:.~~_'__.:.:.....;_'___'_~._c...:..;.._.,.___:...;...;:.:...;....~.."_'_,...:..:....:..- I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke 11 is hereby further amended to reclassify and rezone from II II to-:l 'I i; Ii " '[ Ii " I' Ii i: I' 'I' I " " ii 'i Ii :1 I, ii I I il " i il Ii !I " 'I :1 Ii ii !i II II i II lion the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk !, '1lof this Board, and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this Resolu- ,I I 'I tion and Order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke 'I III,' \ ii, ,County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of ij !'Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that two (2) certified F [I copies be sent to C. Richard Cranwell, Counsel for the petitioners herej.n. " Ii This Resolution and Order is not to take effect until February 1, 1970. !i -, County, as amended, be and " Ii , ::Agricultural I, " i~it: ,I I! q I , I I II I: I II " Ii ,I ,I il I i I I Ii !! II TRACT NO. II District A-l to Business District B-2 the following tracts of land, TRACT NO. 1 Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Virginia Secondary Highway Route No. 634 (also known as Hardy Road) corner to pro- perty of F. W. Finney Construction Corp.; thence S 230 37' W. 210 feet to a point; thence N. 760 45' W. 275 feet to a point; thence N. 300 56' w. l6l.7 feet to a point; thence N. 270 IS' E. 140 feet to a point on tne southerly side of Virginia Highway Route No. 634 (also known "'s Hardy Road); thence with the southerly side of Virginia Secondary Highway Route No. 634 (also known as Hardy Road) wit~ four courses 320 feet to the place of Beginning; and containing 1.9 acres as shown on plat showing property of F. W. Finney Construction Corp. and R. E. Gearhart, dated Novem- ber ll, 1969, made by T. P. Parker, S.C.E. Beginning at a point on the south~rly side of Virginia Secondary Highway Route No. 634 (also known as Hardy Road) corner to H. M. Scott property; thence S. 230 l5' W. 190 feet to a point; thence with a new division line through the F. W. Finney Construction Corp. property N. 660 45' W. 120 feet to a point; thence N. 220 W. 70 feet to a point; th~~ce N. 660 45' w. 120 feet to a point; thence N. 230 37' E. 210 fe,et to a point on the southerly side of Hardy Road; thence with the southerly side of Hardy Road in an easterly direction 290 feet to the place of Beginning; contain- ing 1.4 acres, according to.tbe plat showing property of F. w. Finney Construction Corp. and R. E. Gearhart, dated November 11, 1969, made by T. P. Parker, S. C. E. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this Resolution and Order be spread . I i - 1_'.' , , ,. , ;oJ " The above Resolution and Order \~as adopted by motion of Supervisor A. T. iiHuddleston of Big Lick Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl , [!Sinuns of Richfield Magisterial District, and the following recorded vote: ,I j'AYES: I, i! Ii liNAYS: None. II Mr C. Richard Cranwell, Attorney and Petitioner, Fred Finney both appeared " i' liin regard to the foregoing matter. I' i: j, 11 " !I Ii ,I The Commonwealth's Attorney's report in re: ~raft of legislation enabling 'I II 'I !Ithe county to supplement salaries of Sheriff and Deputies was continued, as well lias the report of the Executive Officer and Commissioner of the Revenue in reo mean~ ,Iof deriving additional revenue from occupants of mobile homes in Roanoke County. 'i :'Mr. LeRoy Schneider and Mr. C. P. Brogan, both owners of mobile home parks in Ii ilRoanoke County, were present and recognized. 'I Ii " Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sinuns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. -... ,..,! " :..oJ ~.rr \<10 ~ :i h\ ,l,..' ii 11C&1. Xf&" {)rC/\{r. 1 C' JY' fJJl ,', ~~';j 'I . Ii C,t1 b. :,',! f.lv;;,"~;"'-I\ . i! "u/p-'n :1 v~C// ,c.1' ~~"'t , (V^' 'i II :, Ii if :1 n' , " Ii I 11 Ii / 10 1/14/70 , ~'t: '/1 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston mo"ed that the Board of Supervisors approve the \.' /:J."c.( :'request of the Commissioner of the Revenue to purchase 2 Olivetti Underwood ~iodel ~~~ ~")'M-20 Adding-Multiplying l~achines @ ~;3l0 each. \ \ \ C), /' ) Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following ~ \([ll!\ /J'Y! \.",0\ {>J,}, !recorded vote: 'h./t-cf 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles 1-,iY ~ c...~.. I' ,I Mrs. Richard E. Kirkwood, a representative of the League of Women Voters, was ! present and recognized. H. O:.terhoudt. " Ii il " II II :i I' Ii I: I! Ii ,I II I, !i il I, Ii ,I ii " !I I, I II II purchase, ,NAYS: None. Mr. Billy K. Muse's letter of Sanuary 8, 1970, requesting the above-mentioned ii ; equipment II :! is filed with the minutes of this me,ating. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston m01I'ed that the request of the 'i'reasurer to \^c 'I three desks be approved. {.. II \\?-~ , II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following X..~ ,t~ecorded vote: 9-~;'; }\V' :iAyES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Edd~" L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ ~ :1 H. Osterhoudt. \ !NAYS: None. il 'I I: Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Sheriff's request for an increase in II , Ii , :salary of $45.00 per month for Mrs. Virgie Hurt, School Crossing Guard, be approved.'! .,.,..{ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston sec:onded the motion which carried by the following !! d' , ~otO :recorded vote: 0?" -- ' 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiI'IIIlS, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~\t ~ ' ~~FJ :i H. Osterhoudt. -~4 ~ ,NAYS: None. 'I The Sheriff' s letter of 1/8/70 explaining the foregoing request is filed with f)..~,,\1)I,,:> : ->\ "the minutes of this meeting. :1 /l. i ~ \..4' '; Action was deferred on the Sheriff's request for a radio to be used in the / third vehicle used by the County Dog Warden pe~ding investigation by the Executive 'Officer regarding the necessity of sam~. A report was requested by the January 28, 1970 meeting of this Board. The Commonwealth's Attorney WaS requested to investigate and report to the Board at the January 28 meeting with regard to certain legal questions relating to the County administering the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Payroll. I I I I I 1/14/70 ":,.--",,--:-,,,,,,,,.>,,:,::,.- --"-.=..o.~""_"'""-=",_'.,,.:' ='_'_~='_~-_~-""-"=--=_"-'---"--=-_'''',--,-,"_,"=c:o.-' -=-.-_"o7_-_=-=-~-'-"-~':::--.-C. '''''-'.7_-C-~'''~'-'. -',,...c~.,.--_ .,-,,-.-'_.,','.- "'"._=-'-......."""="'-.-="-"'=._="'""'~_'-=~.=,-.._.o.""".=_.,."-o:~_""""=~,_.,. ".........".;"-.,,..""_-~"'-~~~.=:=== ,,=.'" .. 'c_." _... . __ . .,. _ _ ,. _ __ . _. ,__ "__.'__ - ._.. u_.._., _ __. no "0 u__...____. _._ .._.....-__ _.... __ 'I I: The Courthouse Beautification Conunittee advised t.lat cost estimates would be I: Ii secured on painting the interior and exterior of the Courthouse. The Committee II ii was requested to give furth'er consideration to Courthouse identification and include " " ilsuggestions for same in its report along with the cost estimates on painting. " Ji Ii I: Ii II I, II .1 Ii and two appointments to the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services ; ~ r , I -_! consideration of :1 one appointment to the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission r~ i(Board was continued to the January 28, 1970, meeting of this Board. ii II , , l~_' il jJ " " Ii IN RE: ,I il I, . il SupervJ.sor Ii Roanoke county RE-APPOINTMENT OF T. D. STEELE TO ROANOKE ~OUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission for a period of four (4) years. " :Il I ~. :;" ""10 I litJ<, .~J2.P. fi.l;"~~1fc... I <7"JJ(//v-~~ .p?~ (2-..-r VrJ.?" .,~ ','D) A. T. Huddleston moved that T. D. Steele be re-appointed to the " " i Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following Ii recorded vote: I! AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles r '-- Ii ,I iiNAYS: , , " II II :j " il Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors communicate to its ;1 I: representatives in the General Assembly its desire that the State of !I .'i I'pate in the program to help finance water pollution control measures :: H. Osterhoudt. None. IlWith the Federal Government as requestea by letter dated December ;, the Hampton Roads Sanitation District, Norfolk, Virginia. ~upervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the Ii recorded vote: I, I: AYES: Joseph C. ,I n 'I " Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. :1 , NAYS: None. .~ : " i W RESOLVED that the Roanoke county Board of Supervisors does request the Roanoke o iiCounty Library Board of Trustees to confer with the architectural firm of Guerrant !I Ii & Mounfield Architects for development of preliminary design and plans for a II Library building to be located at the Carriage Drive and Hackney Lane site located i! Ii in the Cave Spring district in accordance with the contract entered into between Ii !: the Board of Supervisors and Guerrant & Mounfield July 28, 1967, and further, for " j, :i the construction of a headquarters addition to said Library to serve as the head- 'I " II quarters for the Roanoke County Library System. ., " Ii The design and plans to be subject to the approval of the Roanoke County i:Library Board of Trustees and the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the total Ii :' cost of the project to be in accordance with previous resolutions of this Board " I, and conferences with the Roanoke County Library Board of Trust'ees and Court order ... '_~=',"'=-"""'~-~-"'-=-'-'.''''-~-=_._. '.____..,......,.....,.,.,_-.,.=.-~_____"...,-_~.,..o.=._._._=_='..,..=_O"-.,... _..""'_.,,=-',.,..____...,.'"""''''.-=~...~..,..'''O.,.....="'_==,..,.'''._'''_=..,.__,...,.......,..O'7 - -_'-='_...-"'",'C..,::,,--,,__,,__..,,==-=-_"=""=- ~'.-;~~~ -c.:._"_--"-'~_-';.="==--==-=~:~,,-",==- -,--,-='_"'=:::-:::---'-~-=;.c...."O"_.,..c:-_".:..::;__:::;,...-,__=:;;C""'."'=-":'""'::_:'::. ~:.~O~--=--_'O:- --,-~:.--",:o-"=."-..,.,,_.,..______;.:,,~-=-.~~=,",,,.._.,._-:.~,,,. "-:-;--~=='=""_,,,,, _. L~ ii t.r\>", Y'entered September 18, 1969 in the Circuit Court of Roanoke County. 11 i\l~\~~ .~.~. And a copy of this resolution to be sent to the Chairman of the Roanoke County Ii ~:~ ,..Library Board of Trustees, the Director of the Roanoke County Library SysteJIl and to II'! f:~ ~~,~, ~(;b oil J:& .: the architectural firm of Guerrant & Mounfield. I' ~ .,.Jy:':; " On motion of Supervisor A, T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms.1 ,t~f'VA,I-.(. L ^ 'i. . (t,1,r ,,:J.I( . I and adopted by the following recorded vote: \.. ..,.. i;~ ,I ~' ....J ;AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoud.t '~ri;NAYS: None. :, ~~. ~~).BSTA'!.NED: Lee B. Eddy. Y.P(l~~\ -" i! t J~\,. :i ~ \ :i Supervisor L. Earl Silnms moved that Mr. H. M. Holland's letter of January 8, I i1197C, regarding the Roanoke County Dog Ordinance be received and filed and a copy 'i I I i: of said letter be transmitted to II \"e /().~ ' 11" Supervisor A. T. Huddleston I)?O ~ ~""rui! ing vote: ?\ 'AYES: All ;, ilNAYS: None. 'i il I, 11 " " Ii SheriffO. S. Foster.. seconded the motion which carried by the follow- i. ,recorded vote: " il ::AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles i; I' i: " ;: " Ii I Ii H 11 I' I! I, I, " I; I: I' I! Ii r i. i: Ii iI .1 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Sheriff be requested to file with the \('\~ ~~. y " " !I / !i Board of Supervisors a report of his experience with regard to the enforcement of Ii ii the Roanoke county Dog Ordinance and recommendations which he mayor may not have :! ii as to the possible amendment thereof. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following H. Osterhou:lt. :: NAYS: None. !! supervisor Joseph C. Thomas m~ved that the lecter dated January 5, 1970, from :i i!American Tele-Systems corporation in re: proposed operation of a Community !I Antenna Television (CATV) System in Roanoke County, be received and filed and that If ., the Commonwealth's Attorney be requ~sted to answer same in accordance with the ( \~~~ v~Pinion of the Attorney General formerly received by this Board. ~ ~~v, recor:::e::::~r L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following C-~ "E', :~':::'::o::::--' L.. B, E"" L. '0" ';.m" .. " '0""',"0 .., CO"," I I NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the following it~~s were this day received and filed: 1/14/70 ===.~''''''',"",'-'.-_~.''.='-''''=---''''' -~.~-_-". -_--"'-".-...:.. =_"'".=- _ -.--=.~.""-,-..,,._- ,-,,-.""-0-.,..,-=.. -. -, ,"'-~"'",_..,.._~""'_""....=.-. '-'C~_-;--=_7_',_-'-=-:'-'''c''.. ~_. --". ,.",-_~"",",'''- =.,.~,~- """,_",.",-,_-,"",.-,-.,-.-"",,,~,=,",",_., '0 , ."" - -, ,-.--.. -.--;;-'.---. ._---_.-._,--~ Letter of 12/31/69 from Compensation Board concurring in action of Ebard of Supervisors approving additional clerk in office of Commissioner / of the Revenue; Letter of 12/15/69 from U. S. Dept. of Transportation approving "Police Traffic Services" for Roanoke County and making grant of $350 to implement same; , l Copy of 62 Annual Report of the Va. Highway Commission for fiscal year year ended 6/30/69; / Statement of Office & Travel Expenses incurrec by Sheriff & Deputies for / December 1969; VPI December 1969 reports o=/Extension Agents: Bonnie Jean Webster & Jean / Robbins (Home Economics) and Robert E. Layman, Jr. & Lowell M. Gobble (Agriculture) ; ~ ! ..... Chairman's Written Report of 1/9/70, with these attachments - Letter of. 12/12/69 to Mayor, City of Roanoke transmitting Supervisors' resolution of l2/10/69 reo providing public utilities & other services in the County & Valley; Letter of 12/19/69 to Mayors of Salem, Roanoke & Vinton proposing 3 Mayors & Chairman of Board of Supervisors meet on a regular, periodic basis; Letter of 12/22/69 to Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas in re: Roanoke Co.'s Civic Center Committee meeting with Salem's civic Center Committee to discuss County handling Civic Center Payroll and County's position in suit over repair to Civic Center roof; Letter of appreciation to G. G. Frali~ dated 1/7/70 for gift of real estate; 2 Letters (12/12/69 & 12/22/69) to State Tax Commissioner, Richmond ,Va. establishing meeting to discuss semi-annual real estate collection & fiscal year assessments; Letter dated 1/7/70 'co Station WEIR, Roanoke with attaChed schedule " of appearances by Supervisors on "Supervisors' Report"; Letter of congratulations to newly appointed Treasurer of Roanoke Co., Kathryn F. Garst, of 12/l0/69; Letter of 12/19/69 to May~r of City of Roanoke setting time & place for Com'ty's & City'sM'q6Eflating Committee meeHng; Letter of 1/2/70 to Supervisors, Superintendent of Schools, Chairman of School Board and President of RCEA correcting erroneous news story reo salary increase for teachers; Sheriff's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the county Jail / during month of December 1969; Treasurer's Report, spread as follows: TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: At the close of business Dec~~er 31, 1969, there was to the credit of the following ~ ,_Ci , , ; -- General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation - Avai:able Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account Public Building Debt Fund - Available Cash $ 385,875.00 4,805.14 18,765.26 815,388.76 16,583.30 12,640.49 14,633.82 ll4,445.43 30,578.77 3,203.14 39,148.64 65.16 360.00 $ 1,456,492.91 Financial Statement ;~] I': ! :.:; Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow $3,163,000.00 Bank of Salem Escrow $1,880,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Progrw~s Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Textbook Account Colonial-American National Bank Bank of Salem - Paying Agent S=hool Debt Account $ 2,000.00 1,347,3l2.55 47,408.12 12,640.49 9,11'6.20 360.00 16,583.30 17,686.00 3,326.25 $ 1,456,492.91 'j 14 I i , . ~- ---.-----.----.---.--~-.-.--.-- ~--_.- . ~-- ;.o.-~.::""""-..,."..."'~c.:,'.-.~..,...,."'"""'=:_,_-.,...-,~,,-"'"""..-=,--._ r~..:;:::.c~~---~~~~"=:;' ,:~;:.;--:~ ~::=--~~";:: :::~=_::;:"'~"'2"'~--=~_::_:;~:,~___:~_"-~:_.:~=:::_~'::,c-:...-- .:___:;,~__;~__~_:::::_-_::._::,.;,--~_.:.::_:_=:_._::::-.:;:;;;:.~~:-~__=-_ _==___,____-_~____________-_==___=_ :1 :i Certificates of Deposit - School Const .ction , , I ,I Bank of Salem ii Farmers National Bank ii Mountain Trust Bank ,; Security National Bank i First National Exchange Bank -f Colonial-American National Bank 'I I, :! Certificate of Deposit - Library Construction :: 1/14/70 $1,200,000.00 1,350,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 ; First National Exchange Bank Certificate of Depos& - Parks and Recreation Mountain Trust Bank 700,000,00 I 325,000.00 Respectfully submitted /s/ Kathryn F. Garst Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer Roanoke County I Certificates of Deposit - Savings - General Revenue Farmers National Bank $ 400,000.00 400,000.00 800,000.00 Bank of Salem $ COUNTY PAYROLLS Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the County Payrcll (Daily/Hourly dated 1/7/70) be approved for payment in the total amount of $20,060.98,-from ~,.,o \\~c J (Y .{ ./ V which the sum of $2,335.21 F. I. Tax; $987.11 F. I. C. A. ;' Tax; $385.16 State Income;, Ii I Tax: $371.00 Blue Cross Insurance; $10.32 Uniforms; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $48.74 Retirement and $117.49 Miscellaneous Expenses is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $16,390.95. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the m~tion which carried by the following ,I recorded vote: '!AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the current bills be approved for payment as ! "presented in the total amount of $80,092.46, with two exceptions: (1) under Engineer- I for the use of his personal car; and (2) under Parks & Recreation Dept., the item I 'ing Dept., the item of W. W. McGuire, in the amount of $88.80 for re-imbursement of C & P Telephone Co. in the amount of $486.22 for telephe,ne service; and the \().~r'\~ j ,!Executive Officer be directed to look into these items and report back to this Board. \ Uc\,,/i' J Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following I; ~7i/ recorded vote: \:)' ~ AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I ; NAYS: None. i\.':;~~.;Bo":'::::::'"'i:-:':.':::: ~(J I":i r;I' i' moved ti.at the checks for bills paid since the last amount of $l23,7l5.03 be approved retro-active to date 1/14/70 15 - . ._._----~ ._-------.----- .-_. -,,- of issuance. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: j' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. -, ,NAYS: None. -, On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee <\. Eddy, :.the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted December 30, 1969, be, / !i and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective January 14, 1970: .~ 313 - ,A. ., 6d~' th~~\\\'\~lb;<1 , 'gr./' v . ;/ I <' j..1'Q Q/~ 3l3a- BLECTIONS: An additiDnal appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby mad,~ from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. OsterholJdt. NAYS: None. ., , ! - On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the unanimous vo.. 0' ,.. Boo" ~,.. me"<in, ... ."",,"'. ~..// / /~,// ",/ -~ . / " ';;.-. /.. .,' ~~(7/ 5;):;~rt- CHAIR!I!l\N . ...,..... !...~ I ..J '~l I." , ,I I~ 1/28/70 c-o=--,~,,'-"':O_'='__~.-_. ..=-.._~-=-=--- -""__-_- - --_~ "'"'" =-..:--- """,-,,,._-_.,,,~,.-_-,=,.,. "'-~" C..- .'.0. ".,. :.-~.C-"~."""_""", ~,,-,,_---_ -'~_',....,,.:,,.'.=',,._==-." " ".,.., "~..' 'C. " ~:~. __~._'-'-" "_'-'-_a .'__-'. -':';_"':__C'_.___.e-::_u...--'._', -'-,___ Ii ii take another 8 to 10 days to complete the plans for the new Cave Spring Fire House. He described the type of building, rooms, etc. for the fire house at Cave " Spring I. Ii The Chairman indicated that Messrs. Lussen and Sutphin might like to jl ;, consult further with the Executive Officer on the Cave Spring Fire House, but they il :! advised that they were satisfied with his report. " " H Mr. Gene Honacker reported on the equipment at the Hollins Ejre Station. --' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the County Executive Officer 'ibe instructed to advertise and receive bids on a pick-Up truck and submit prices I: lion used radio equipment for use by the Dog Warden which report is to be presented " it at next regular Board meeting. " ii j, Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the " ;! following recorded vote: Ii ij AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ i i NASS: None. il i ~ I ; to the foregoing matter. Sheriff O. S. Foster and Ralph E. Long, Dog Warde~, appeared with regard ~ ..... Supervisor A. T. Hud61eston moved that the Commonwealth's Attorney be appointed Attorney for Roanoke County to institute a Chancery Suit against the Mountain Springs Water Company, Inc. for the purpose of collecting back taxes. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: , ,] AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,; ,I NAYS: None The Collector of Delinquent Taxes, .Mr. Nash R. Tyler, appeared with regard to the foregoing matter and hLs related letter requesting such action (dated Janaury 28, 1970) is filed with the minutes of this meeting. ~; , I , i - Consideration of the County Ordinance in regard to dogs running at large was continued to April 1970. J Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that ~o~~oke City's Resolution No. 19029 amending the sewage contract of 9/28/54 between the City and County by adding thereto a 44.39 acre tract of land located on the east side of Cove Road, N. W. north of the Glen Cove Subdivision in Roanoke county, be received and filed and a copy of same forwarded to the Roanoke COlmty Public Service Authority. Supervisor L. Earl simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: 1..7 _;;'0-10 !-1 ( 1;( ,(J,.,s,., .JtJ..~ ./.If''-JVv:!' " f,~.~ II '2A.I]O- ",-..... A~" ! '1\a.Jv r..l " !;O~ I v:P&' (l () .(;C ~ ',JD~~pi,ri, I ~~',;P- .J ~,l.l' ~v ?.P;{ : rlN', ()" ~~ ' . I -(. 'J ~~,yJ QfiY!o.' '..vi~ . ~.~. 18 1/28/70 '-~-:,~.:,:~..:.=~~~--=--:"_~~:-~~'__~~_-::.~_--=-_c-.:.~ -=:.:-,..- =;::". ~~:=~_~.-::;.=.,.; ~~~-,_.-,-,~-:-~_-~~~_~:~'~.:;~~';_,,~'::--.=-c~~~~-:-;:-,,";::~;::~_:.:::.~ _~~_.~~_~:~~-= ~~_:~~~~:~~:=--,~~-~;o",==-~ ---=-~ --,:- =-~= :'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee. B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. :iNAYS: None. 'I I II ,i ': Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the County Executive Officer for the Courthouse on a new Boilerj The motion was seconded by I 1,-;0''1 " {; I I~~' Z1/' 17f~ , ; "be instructed to obtain estimates :1 ',Supervisor L. , iAYES: " :! Earl Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl ~s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I "NAYS: None. " :i A letter from the Department of Taxation dated January 23, 1970, to IlIth h' f h d . 'I e C aJ.rman 0 t e Boar of supervisors answering questions relating t" semi- , ' :, annual collection of real estate taxes and fiscal year assesSlent& is filed with 'I ,i the minutes of this meeting. , , , il :; i/A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING STATE LEGISLATION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE RO,r.NOKE ,. I,VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES BOARD AND OTHER LOCAL' AND R.EGIONAL ! MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BOARDS IN THE C0MMONWEALTH I ; :, ,!creation of local and regional mental health services boards for the purpose of " '!promoting comprehensive anc, coordinated area services in respect to mental health " " ,land mental retardation, as set forth in Title 37.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, 1~:2. ~Jlo ~:: as amended; and _ -7Y' I WHEREAS, the cities of Roanoke and Salem and the County of Roanoke have cooperated ~.,pf.: . ~ J.n the formation and initial financing of the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental ~ Retardation Se~vices Board and have formally indicated their wiLlingness to partici~ WHEREAS,the 1968 General Assembly enacted enabling legislation to permit the I pate in the future financing of this organization in cooperation with financing by the Commonwealth as set forth under said Title 37.1 and to this end the Roanoke Valley Services Eoard has prepared and submitted a proposed budget to the Common- wealth; and WHEREAS, the proposed state budget which has been submitted by t~e Governor's Office for consideration by the 1970 Genera1 Assembly apparently contains no re- quest for state funds to finance mental health services boards under said Title I 37.1; and WHEREAS, there is a clear and present need for '.he type of mental health and mental retardation services which could be provided bJ the Roanoke Valley and other similar Services Boards throughout the Commonwealth were they provided with suitable I financing; and WHEREAS, many past and present elected state o:fficials have publicly expressed ~:eir earnest desire to improve mental health facilities and programs in the commonwealth, and it appears appropriate that such intent be implemented by correspond- ing constructive action; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke CCJunty Board of Supervisors 1/28/70 _-=-=......~. _ "-__=~_'="--==-_'._""--.~" ~"__,_,.._c,_-- ~.,-.-,-"_,_-=-.-,--,.._-.,-.,,,o- -.,O-=_C~',"-="""_-'-=C--'-"7.-. .. ....-. . '-.- . ... - -_.- --- .--_..--_.~.._--_.- -----~---~ :i express its strong desire to the Governor and members of the 1970 Ceneral Assembly that sufficient funds be appropriated to finance prompt and substantial mental health I dId' . an menta retar at10n serV1ces as contemplated and intended by the 1968 legislaticn: , '. 'incorporated in said Title 37.l; and ,- I I I FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to .'.r:>" Governor A. Linwood Holton, to State Senators William B. Hopkins and H. Clyde Pearsc,n to State Delegates M. Caldwell Butler, Willis M. Anderson, Ray L. Garland and John - i i U W. Hagen, to each member of the House of Delegates Appropriations Committee and to ,the Chairman of the State Senate Finance Committee, to the respective Mayors and 11 Clerks of the cities of Roa.'1oke and Salem, and to the Chairman and Executive Secre- tary of the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, ,adopted by the following vote: 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Edd;, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. .~~YS : None. RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE PROPOSED LEGISLATION IN THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY CONCER~ING LIBRARIES. ~ I 1 il ii WHEREAS, the Roanoke CotlI1ty Board of Supervisors is vitally interested in the , Ibest library service for the residents of Roanoke County; and , I' i: WHEREAS, the library laws of the State of Virginia have not been revised in :'substance since 1942, during which time many changes have occurred in library I: !iservice; and :i 'I WHEREAS, the Public Library Development Committee of the Virginia Library I, i: ;'Association issued a report in November, 1966, which was adopted by the Association I:on December 3, 1966, and this report strongly urged new legislation and increased Ii i:funding or public libraries in Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Virginia State Library commissic,ned a study in 1968 by Arthur D. - Little, Inc., a library consulting firm, entitled A PUBLIC LIBRARY PROGRAM FOR THE COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and this report alsc, strongly ur.,ed new legislation .- and increased ftinding of public libraries; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Cultural Development Study Commissi',n, created by I '. I .,j the General Assembly in 1966 and directed to study the State pw::>lic library system, found that the state's investment in libraries was far lower than that of other states and that the statutes upon which the State grants were based were o very much out of date, and recommended that the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council be directed to review these laws and report to the Governor and the 1970 General Assembly; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Advisory Legislative Council under the Chairmanship of Sen. Robert Fitzgerald of Fairfax did on December 10, 1969, make this report after holding appropriate hearings and meetings and the Council recommended that Title 42. of the Code of Virginia be revised and recodified as Title 42.1 and that the provi- sions for state aid to libraries be totally revised with state aid being increased; and . 1-30-'10 - , , Ii e~.Jj. -15 ~.vf.P?!7", !q.CJiaM~ tb, @..,. ,,~...t'::'- :i~~1A' " g /-3<>-70 le.rf~ .,~. to 'fIa......<<n I:.A . "",~c-.~IJa.. ,,;Jt...O::'.... - ~ /.\<4 !I ~ : RJ4........,.,.J; lk. "~?:,,,y. ~S~~),K.""""" ,,~~(5I.fJ.> :1 r!t-p, ~/3.e~' i~~ , . .. /)k>t, UJ~ R"ji-4- '<!.'i/..."'-_:..~t &..!'-'r-: iJ.{!W . e",.... ;j#''>>. 0/1, ilJ.dt. R~tI.. '~W">-f. .'I-?ar~" if ~ :, (j~.-v -r-a1. . ~U.I~"'" ,~J- x'. .Jj (lrJ....J-< . /Vt,ClUR.ull.d ~ 'l<)~~"'{k~ :9~)l~ ,WJ '! " . " f j) ,j):ut.._ I :., 20 1/28/70 __.. ,o=_~ =~~-~~~:.....-~=-:~_::~-:-_- -C.:::~--._~~:;'-;;~~;';:-,-,~~~'.~-;~'-=-'~~~~~'.-~=:::.:-~~-"-.:~~~~.::,-=-~:=~~~.:~-_::~.~ -~::: "~-=--"'-----------==---~-----=- - ---=--=-.,..-..=...--.---- , __ __ '-.."...:~"..,--,--"-_o:==~.=...,__..=:,,=,_"'=.~..:=.._='_'=....,.._="_'=__',===,_==.,~=_'__.,._.,':.:-- -_"_,e.. II " Ii 'i ,Title 42.1 and the new provisions for i.ncreased state aid to libraries, and ,I " :1 these have been put in bill form and il1,1oroduced in the General Assembly; 'I 'i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED th.at the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors II recognizes and endorses the proposed ,lei~Jislation as being the best method to im- !I prove the quality of Virginia libraries ,I and the Board wishes to see the proposed i i: ,i legislation passed by the General Assembly and signed into law as soon as possible; 1i land ~ WHEREAS, the Virginia Advisory Le9islative Council did draw up the proposed Ii I' I ii r :! " I FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the I , :i :Governor of the State of Virginia and to each member of the General Assembly elected :1 i from the Ro~oke Valley area at their Richmond offices. , , i On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Ecl.dy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, i! :i the foregoing resolution was adopted by the following recorded vote: : IIAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, 1.. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles :i :! H. Osterhoudt. II :!NAYS: None. 'I 'I i Iii 'i AMENDMEN'rS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BUSINEISS LICENSE ORDINANCE. ., Ii ;-3-'11>- <2r1"f 1j WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Business License Ordinance, said ordinance t. "K.........ft,. W~ I ~'i.jL.U~ having been enacted by the Roanoke Coun,ty Board of Supervisors on November 17, 1958, r...~,w-Y'};{.. f il and amended October 22, 1969; and ;J~', ~t!t)o" _I ._:~ . Ii ,WHEREAS, on November 4, 1969, the voters of Roanoke county, in a referendum, ~", ~ ~.;.;:;,..., ~ 4tf~. 'I approved the licensing of establishments located within the County of Roanoke for ~S~<I~ ilmixed beverage restaurant licenses by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage :ontrol I 'f"~,! Board; and ~~vnot< ~, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain amendments to :J. O'ff' p' t:'> I! the said Business License Ordinance expedient and necessary to promote the health, ~ ) jll4-i' cY"1 l~" 'I safety and general welfar.. of the citizens of Roanoke County; and ~~t~' 'j WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, :i Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, November 12, 1969, a motion 'i ,iwas passed by said Board moving the amElndment of the aforementioned County ordinance, ; ~ II ,I and further moving that the notice of l~e intention of said Board tc adopt such " I, i amended ordinance be published as required by law, pursuant to Section l5.l-504 of 1 , I; the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was published once a ! week for four (4) successive weeks, namely November 20, 1969; November 27, 1969; , " " 'i December 4, 1969; and December il, 1969, in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper I: I I having general circulation in the Coun"t:y of Roanoke, Virginia, and on November 24, 1969; December 1, 1969; December 8, 1969; and December 15, 1969, in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Ro,anoke County, and was also published at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each Post Office in Roanoke I County; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on such amendments at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, January 28,1970, at 7:30 P. M.; ol-J. 70 I~ . b. t;, Ji'o-~ 1..<J~{.{lu..! ... .U~~. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain deletions ~ ~~ ~, !:f;.~..:2j /1/70, '.;2-'J-'7-- '7~ · t<.i./lv..W. ~ , o>~,. J-"ifrfiP'--7- NOW, THEREFORE, at a regular' meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ~ J ft'. ~ M P. M., at the Roanoke <::ounty Courthouse I f'7 .~, ,.,2-3 -'70 , the Board of supervisors will hold a public hearing at which time it will move that.,? ~ <<; 6~u:..; ~.- I C4'1' -U..IJno10.u. '1~i;jWl-" &'. e~. 1/28/70 ~~----------~-- __1:__ :1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke j'County, Virginia, that the Roanoke County Business License Ordinance be amended . I: to include the following in Chapter 9, S,ection 9-l: :: (j) Every person holding mixed bev,erage restaurant licensc from the Virginia ~ I ';Alcoholic Beverage Control Board for est,ablishments located withiOl the County of liRoanoke shall pay, in addition to all ob~er license taxes assessable under this [ordinance, an annual license tax as follows: (A) Persons operating restaurants, including restaurants located on ~. ~ ' j! premises 'I ! ~ of and operated by hotels and motels: (1) For each ,such restaUr&1t with a seating capacity at tables for fifty !! to one hundred persons i: $200.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ;1 i: I' :: than (2) For each such restaurant with ~ seating capacity at tables for more one hundred but not more than one hundred fifty persons . .. .. .. .. .. $350.00 (3) For each such restaurant with a seating capacity at tables for Ii more than one hundred fifty persons. I' $500.00 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. (B) For operating a restaurant located on the prem.ises of a private q I ,I :1 nonprofit .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $350.00 club .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. I' Ii publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby dirccted ,! I' j, to cause these amendments to be published as provided by Section l5.l-504 of the ,.~ -i " I! Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two (2) successive :t :! weeks in The vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, il and in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke Ii Virginia. The effective date of this amendment shall be March 1, 1970, and the penalty for non-payment for licenses required under this Section shall be deferred i' r until May 1, 1970; for subsequent years the penalty date shall be the same as is , applicable for other licenses in the Roanoke County Business License Ordinance. I, " !I Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Si!lU1ls, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. EArl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mr. Fred C. Battle, Business License Inspector and Deputy in the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office, appeared with regard to ~~e foregoing matter. "~1 ' . I ' ..J NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Business License Ordinance; and n :';,'1 , ' - from said Ordinance necessary and expedi.ent to promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; County to be held April 15, 1970, at 2:00 the Roanoke County Business License Ordinance be amended as follows: 21 :i :1 County, 22 1/28/70 . """'-=-'~~-=--=.="''''''''''--=:~_'~~.'''-"",-""=",""__-:_-~-'-_'-=.c~':-:-''-"",-_~'_,,.,.~=,,,=-...7c:=C=~~_,:"_,--=-::-c:-==~"=~,,,:,,,,:"'_-o~:_"'-'--=""'"-'~"":'.-='.=_--:t='-=-~ ..,.,~,,-,.""''''='''''.C---''.-o,'''~=C'-"'''~'._',"_~=~_ ==-;..;...::: ~==.,==_-;':':'_'=-':t _-~~_~"'-"=-:-:::.~===--_-_-==_-=--_--=;=._..:.;..,.._,.-;C C--_:.~::';'~=-_,- ;;---,"":-;"""--'--='-::---'--""==:C'::=_~_~_-,,,,,::"::.- '-"'-. --..--- .._----_. '---'--"-'-".'- _~ ____.._.__.u____... .._nO __~ ..'_ Section 9-7 FIREWORKS - GUN PO\',"DER sh.all be deleted from said Ordinance. The effective date of this amendmant shall be May 1, 1970, but those firms, persons or corporations which have already purchased licenses under Section 9-7 shall be reimbursed for said licenses. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish this notice of proposed i ment and public hearing thereon aL least once a week for four (4) consecutive I :1 weeks in The Roanoke World-News, a newspapl~r having general circulation in 'I " Roanoke County, and in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper p~)lisned in Roanoke ~ : " I amend - , Ii 'I I i county. !i , ,I :1 ;i ! and notice of public hearing thereon to be published at each Post Office in The Clerk of this Board shall also cause a copy of the proposed amendment I :i Roanoke County and at the Roanoke County Courthouse; said posting to be by the !/ '1 Sheriff of Roanoke County or his Deputies and return made thereon. I Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, and adopted by the following z'ecorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. !l I: NAYS: None. , II :i :1 of the Revenue's Office, appeared to explain the f.oregoing matter. i 'I " ,; Hopkins Food Market, appeared with regard to the foregoing matter. 'I Mr. Fred Battle, Business License Inspector and Deputy in the Commissioner Mr. Warren Basham, Brambleton Court Hardware, and Mr. Herbert R. HopKins, I The Sheriff introduced two Deputy Dog Wardens to the Board, Messrs. Hogan and Stebber. l D I"'?!.!' ~ &0 [~ Board of Supervisors ) ) vs ) ) I The Public and the State Highway ) :1 Commission of Virginia ) ORDER This matter came on this day to be heazd upon the proceedings h'"rein, and ~ '[ upon I the application for Cave Spring Lane from Farmington Drive (Route l65~) to D.E.- I 0.20 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State fighways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot righ'; of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Nottingham Hills il and #2, which map was recorded in Plat Book 6 & 7, Page 54 I and 32, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Cc,urt of Roanoke County, Virginia, on 11-24-65 and 4-3-69, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Cave Spring Lane from Farmington Drive (Rt. 1652) to D. E. - 0.20 mile and which is shown on a certain ;; sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public 1/28/70 23 r~~~~ '~;~~~~~=-o~':::--=O":~~,=:='=-~~=__~~~~--'-:"7:-=-_~.~~-~,","-'"_c=-._.~~~"._~.~-=-.~:-,--=.,--,-~.._,..-,,,. ~~-.,-.,-",,~--=__-=-_"~-O. ~"'- -:. '~-c-,c".:-_-- -.-C',, . '.. ',-. il :road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: 1 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Hl~dleston and Charles H. Osterho'~~t.. F :NAYS: None. ~ Ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. !Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board, the letter of 1/21/70 from the Town of Vinton advising that the Town Council and Planning Commission had approved ;:the proposed changes in the Roanoke County fubdivision Ordinance, was received and " ):filed, as well as a letter dated 1/23/70 frc.m Salem's City Manager acknowledging , I; . I,receJ.pt of the proposed amendments by its P:anning Commission. ;i ,I ,I I. " " iiIN " ,I RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF .56 ACRES OF LAND, PROPERTY OF D. E. UNDERWOOD SITUATE ON THE EAST SIDE OF ROUTE 419 IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ) ) ) ) ) ORDER '! i I ;: / E :i " , I' ~i I, :: . , . - !ipetition relative i;more specifically il 'I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT " " 1 (_;)9-'70'~ Came this day the Petitioners by their Counsel and asked leave to file their ,I "'- -" t< j.w.,@."<J7"'" 11/_..29-'7,). /~ !' 4\.. 1; 0:J::Jr . t. (II. il ,;;,,,,,,,3 RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Boar~ ~,.;..,v. . I:of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be and th<s same is :, j~J!.fa, to the zoning of a parcel of land located in Roanoke county and described in the said petition. "hereby filed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED l'.:m OROERED that the propo:;al to amend the Zoning 11 Ordinance as requested in the said Petition be and the same is hereby referred to the \' ' Ii Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendations in accordanlce " " iiwith the provisions of Section l5.l-453 of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended. Ii AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission " I, shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by law the ;; 'i J :: said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at I, :1 the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Beard. ,! ;' AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED }.:.D ORDERED that one certified copy of this j:7' ,. Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk oftilis Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning cornmission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of Lee B. Eddy, a Supervisor and dUly seconded by L. Earl Simms, a Supervisor . AYES: 1'.11 NAYS: NONE. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF HERSHBERGER ROAD AND PLANTATION ROAD OF D.1\.VID W. HINMAN A:.~D MILDRED P. HINMAN ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) OR!)ER 24 I i I I , I t ,_==-="_-,-__.~-=",_~~~_-==_",---=""..,~..,=~==~~...:.-.""..,......~--.."..,_,:--~_-.,.",-,.,..-"c~ L". _,,~..__,~-~~,,_=,,".__~~~'_'~'-._.-..","_-~__~ __,._~.... _ .._. ~....._ ",..." 1/28/70 _""."-_--,--"'""""'"7~,..,===~-~_7._~.,.,....."....__,_.,__..=~=-"'""=c_'._.,,..-..""'--"'~_;--~_'"..,c:-=_-,-".=_-..,...".,...,.""'..=, This day came David W. Hinman ~ld Mildred P. Hinman, by Com1sel, and asked ! I leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the prop,~rty therein I /-.~.q-9. ~......... ! 1;, ~.?Jj. "". , described. I t>: !/.)"I.ll0 Of1:b.# I j -/.ffbJ""-i the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and ! oJ?;'~"....A t;.f.4., ! S~ Ya, i.! the same is hereby filed. I R~-J ,I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED JIND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of I Ordinance as requested in said petiti,m be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County. Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Vi:rginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission ,I !i shall report its recommendation to th,~ Clerk of this Board, as required by the 'I said j Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the/Clerk of the Board shall " forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting 'of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said :1 Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. II 'I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this ,: I resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order '~ere adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. il Ii Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and, on a recorded vote, the II 'I " Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I: :' r I' ,I :, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I AYES: H. Osterhoudt. I , I I I ! /_~q_10. 0iJ. I . 1) i ;../ Mf;1-' 19 NAYS: None. At a regular meeting of the Board of superv'isors of Roanoke County held this 28th day of January 1970, it was duly moved by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas that: WHEREAS, Secondary Route 800, from Route 687 to 1.038 Mi. South of Route 687, a distance of 1.038 miles, has,been altered, and a new road has been constructed and approved by the State Highway COIIonissioner, which new road serves the same citi.zens as the road so altered; and WHEREAS, certain sections of this new road follow ne\" locat.ions, thes'~ I being shown on the attached sketch ti.tled, "Changes in Secondary System Due to Relocation and Construction on Route 800, Project 0800-080-142, C-50l dated at Richmond, Virginia August 20, 1969" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the portions of Secondary Route 800, I i.e., Sections 7, 8 and 9, shown in red on the sketch titled, "Changes In Secondary System Due to Relocation and Construc:tion on Route 800, Project 0800-080-142, C-50l, dated at Richmond, Virginia August 20, 1969", a total distance of 0.62 miles be, and hereby is, added to the Secondary !Oystem of State Highways, pursuant to Section 33-141 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; And further that the portions IJf Secondary Connections, i.e, Sections 11 and 12, shown in brown on the afore-mentioned sketch, a total distance of 0.03 miles be, 25 ~.=_~~.,.., >C'T....-..-=:.-,....-:,.,.= ',,",' ~-=-_~'C'c...",--."""..o"" ,,".-~, -"'~OC'~_'-.'C-,",_C:;:-""~'.=~-_""-'-.' ",~"-"""",."";,,,,,"_'" ~~=,_-~,,-_C".,,-...:~,~,..,...- '_C~';" '_.'-:'''''''","_'-~''_'''''',~--"",,-,.-' ...~_.c",c".-_-, ...-.- ',__::C,'._' ._..~=_'-,._--_""'_"'_. n "'''''.~.""""""-,-",,,,,,;,,,,_,,,,~,".,,,,,_,=-,,,,,,~,.O'='.C~'''''''''''''''''='''''-.-_.._.,. 1-"'-__.'--__.__.'_ _~ 4! - _"__,__, '_.c.' :i and the same hereby is added to the S,econdary System of State Highways, pursuant to I, " ii Section 33-141 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; 'I ii And further, that the section of old location, i.e., Section 2, shown in blue " Ii on the afore-mentioned sketch, a total distance of 0.11 miles, be, and the same hereby is, abandoned as a public road, pursuant to Section 33-76.l2 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; And further, that the State Highway Commission be requested to take the necessary action to discontinue the s,ections of old location, i. e., Sections 1, 3, 4, 6, 10 and 13, shown in yellow on the afore-mentioned sketch, a total distance of 0.17 miles, as a part of the Secondary System of State Highways as provided in 'Section 33-76.7 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. Motion carried by the following recorded vote: i " HAYES: I: i i~ NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. Ii IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS - ROANOKE COUNTY and January 9, 1970 Letters dated January 14, 1970,/to the Board of Supervisors from J. E. ... I, ii Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the ii following additipns effective January 1, 1970: r~m~: ~~ ii :1 CAPTAIN"S GROVE'ESTATES SUBDrlISION, NO.2 I' :! Sierra Drive - beginning on Aachor Drive (Route 1849), opposite Rte. 1876, thence extending northwardly and westwardly 0.22 mile to dead end at temporary cul-de-sac. Charnwood Circle - beginning on Sie:ra Drive, 0.05 Mile north of Anchor Drive (Route 1849) thence extending eastwardly and northwardly 0.09 mile to cul-de-sac. Grove Lane - beginning on Sierra Drive, 0.l7 m.ile northwest e:f AnchQr Drive (Rte. 1849), thence extending northwardly 0.05 mile to cul-de-sac. Grove Lane - beginning on Sierra Drive, 0.18 mile northwest of Anchor Drive (Rte. 1849), thence extending southwardly 0.10 mile to cul-de-sac. 0.22 Mi. -I 0.09 Mi. 0.05 Mi. 0.10 Mi. CROFTON SUBDIVISION, SECTION 2 Missimer Lane - Beginning on Route 1039, 0.15 mile west of Rte. 654, thence extendin.g westwardly 0.2l mile to Rte. 1037 (McGeorge Drive,). Missimer Circle - Beginning on Rte. 1039, 0.06 Mi. West of Rte. 654, th9nce cxtendir.:g southwardly 0.03 Mi. to cul-de-sac. " o . H Mi. / 0.03 Mi. , : - CROFTON SUBDIVISION, SECTION 3 ;-l i ~'.1 Missimer Lane - Beginning on McGeorge: Drive (Rte. 1037), 0.07 mile north of Rte. 634, thence extending westwardly, northwardly and eastwardly 0.26 mile to intersect Crofton Drive (Rte. 1038) at a point 0.07 mile north of McGeorge Drive. 0.26 Mi. Missimer Circle - Beginning on Missimer Lane, 0.08 Mile north- west of McGeorge Drive (Ilte. 1037), thence extending northeastwardly 0.05 milE' to cul-de-sac. 0.05 Mi. were this day received and filed on Dlotion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the lmanimous vote of the Board members. IN RE: SECONDARY SYSTEM ABANDONMENT - ROANOKE COUNTY Letter dated January 13, 1970, to the Board of Supervisors from J. E. 26 1/28/70 _=--:::O:=~-_"-"-"""'==~=--c--=-_""- _. _____-=-~_== :;.'-~:;;;~ =~-,.:::= _~~-~=~_,.."'-"~-~~_;_~~~~=.~~ ,._~-,:,-:~_~~~~-=-~,-,,:~,::~;:::.:::-,,~~~=_~~~==_~_~_~-~-~_..~_-=...,~,.~_,...,.-=c,-,cc.-=.==, :: Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving :Ii the following abandonment effective January 13,1970: LENGTH / Rte. 628 - from Int. Rte. 1858 to 0.13 nile south to dead end. 0.13 Mi. :i '! was this day received and filed on motion :"If Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded if by SUp<"rvisor L. Earl Simms, and the un,mimous vote of the Board of Supervisors. " On motion 0;: Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl '! Simms, and the unanimous vote of the Bo,ord members, the following i terns were this ,I day received and filed: i ,I I :1 , , I :j records of PWl~ic Service Authority for fiscal year " Report on audit of 1968-69; (Activities Report for the Office of the Commonwealth's Attorney for 1969; ,Report of Board of Equalization of Real Estate Assessments; v Chairman's Report - 1/22/70, with following attachments: , Letter of 1/16/70 from Senatol: H. Clyde Pearson acknowledging receipt of Board of Supervisors ],egislative Program; January 1970 report of the Director of Roanoke Co. Library ii vLetter from Kinsey, Motley & f;hane dated 1/13/70 and Chairman's reply of II 1/21/70 in re: compensation for time & expenses involved in develop-I ment of Roanoke County Ljebrary system not related to Vinton librarY;:i ...Letter of 1/13/70 from Leonard M. Pick, Secretary Electoral Board in re: " personnel needs of the RElgistrar's Office; ..copy of letter to T. D. Steele confirming his reappointment to Planning Commissit:>n; /copy of letter of appreciation to Mr. Frank R. Angell for his services as Roanoke Co. Assessor J:or 1969 (1/13/70); . Copy of letter of 1/22/70 to Senator H. Clyde Pearson asking him to oppose the Aldhizer Amendment; ,Copy of letter dated 1/19/70 1:0 Senator H. Clyde Pear~,on ami Delegates John W. Hagen & Ray L. Garland forwarding the Bo,lrd of Supervisors resolution of 1/l4/70 & letter from Hampton Roads Sanitation Distric~ in re: State of Va. cooperating with the Federal Government to help [I finance water pollution control measures; ,I ,Copy of Chairman's letter of 1/21/70 to County Officials, Constitutional,! Officers and Supervisors in re: supporting Governor's Executive Order to eliminate discrimination on aasis of race, creed, color, etc. / PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by S1.:pervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote, the county payrolls (Daily/Hourly, dated 1/21/70, Semi-Monthly dated l/15/70 & 1/30/70) was approved for payment in the total , amount of $60,925.41; from which the s~n of $2,814.18 F.I.C.A.; $6,710.69 W. H. (F.I.) Tax; $986.70 State Income Tax; $910.20 Blue Cross Insurance; $l,521.08 Retirement; $38.32 Uniforms; $283.51 Mi"cellaneous Expenses axe to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $47,660.63. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the current bills in the amount of $69,864.26 and the bills paid since the last Eoard meeting in the amount of $31,833.57 be approved for payment presently and retro-actively; that the "new gas tractor" listed under item "l520, Parks & Rec. Bond Constr. Fund'-E" be transferred to item "3l8-E Parks & Recreation Department"; and that the bills of C & P Telephone Co. in the amoUftt of $486.22 and W. W. McGuire in the amount of $88.80 (re-imbursement for use of his personal car) presented at the January l4, 1970 Board meeting I I I I I 28 1/28/70 ._.'. ~.__c"",',-""-,=~-,"".c~=,.,,..:.=-.'"'''''~C'''-:C-'''"-=",,-,---'--'O'''--'--'.'-O-''--''_-~ ....."-....---- ----..--...- .... -.-..----.- -~-~-~~-~-_.~_...__._--- ~ --_._~-_..__._----- .. --... ..-.- _..---- ---- -----..-- .--.- -. --- -~...._,- .. ._.._-_..-..-.._---~_. ------..-..--.-.- " " " :1 Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that: the Chairman of the Roanoke county [j :i Board of Supervisors be authorized to make one appointment to the Roanoke County :i 'I Highway Safety COlTUUission and two appointments to the Roanoke Valley Mental Health- 'i Mental Retardation Services Board. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- I ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I I. ~u' ')0 . Ii P"~ ;i ~16~i ~~~ ~,~~ -Q.HLAJJ' :1 ~- jl The Chairman then made the following appointments: To the Roanoke county Highway Safety Commission for full term- Mrs. C. F. Manthey 5124 Falcon Ridge ROoLd, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia Rabbi Donald R. Berli.n 3459 Windsor Road, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia .Ii term _ l' II 'I :j TO '~e Roanoke Valley Mental Health-MentoLl Retardation Services Board - for full 'I Ii ,: " I II [1 ~ i Mr. Leo M. McMahon 4003 Chesterton Stree,t, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia " " " :! " I ,! iI II " Ii On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Su~s, seconded by. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board membe,rs, the meeting /~ '\ // /)/- ,..,..~. ,'/ / / . t.~1 . /\ / \.j was adjourned. ~~~.4 I :I I II " :1 , " ;1 ---' I I - - -- - 1I'1,:"!r~_ " ," .~.,,' ' _"~",.-<":""c,,,,,~c,,,.,,,_,,,,,"",,"'-" ..,-". ;.~ """'7:~ L-=.;o-~----o--"o-"-"",~,~,"",_-=-,,,," _ _"'-"";'"' _,-,,~''',",''', .,,_""~"-,-- .-.. -. ;"'''':,~'-:--"'''"''''' -._-c_-,..' ,''''''_-, -. "'''''-_''-'''"- '':,-._'' ~, ... - .. u.. .. ,.__..__._..__.---~--_.._... --- Courthouse Salem, Virginia February ll, 1970 2:00 P. M. The Board of Supervisors met this day at the RoanokE! County Courthouse in the County Courtroom, Salem, Virginia, bE!ing the second Wednesday and first regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman " ;'A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. The Commonwealth's j,Attorney, Raymond R. Robrech t and County Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews were also I, !i i:present. -~ The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend J. Richard Gottshall, minister to the Peters Creek Church of the Brethren, who offered tr.e " 11 invocation. ii " iiChairman. " " 'I " " !i The pledge of allegiance was; then given in unison to the flag led by the The minutes of the January 28, 1970 meeting of this Board were approved as :i " " " 1, corrected on motion of Supervisor A. T. Euddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. " i' 1 Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Boaz'd members. " ..., J , , - j A resolution requesting the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of the State i' i,of Virginia to extend the hours of retail licensees to sell alcoholic beverages !Ifrom 12:00 o'clock, Midnight, Eastern Standard Time, and 1:00 o'clock, A.M., during ;i 'Daylight Saving Time, to 1:00 A.M., throughout each calendar year. !i " WF.EREAS, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has authority under Sections :1 ii4-36 and 4-114.1 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, to prescribe by I' regulations the hours and on what days wine, beer and beverages shall not be sold; '''1 J 'land i' Ii i I'iHEREAS, the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has, by its Regulation 5.45 Ii :directed that the licensees in Roanoke County shall refrain from selling wine or l' 'beer upon their premises during the hours between 12:00 o'clock, Midnight, E.S.T., 'and 6:00 o'clock, A.M., E. S. T., next ensuing, and 1:00 o'clock, A.M., D.S.T. and i " :6:00 o'clock, A.I':., D.S.T., next ensuing; and , ,I !-time " I-<1lEREAS, the I,lcoholic Beverage Control Board has, in its wisdom, from to time amended its regulations to permit licensees to sell beverages until J ---! i'l:OO o'clock, A.M., throughout each calendar year; and WHEREAS, the regulations have be,en amended as aforesaid in some thirteen !communities of the Commonwealth of Virginia, inc!.uding the City of Roanoke; and ! WHEREAS, this extension of time in the City of Roanoke places licensees " j, :in the County of Roanoke at a competitive disadvantage; and WHEREAS, the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board has indicated that, , :should this Board of Supervisors be dispo,;ed to request a change in its local re- ,stricted. hOl':s by means of appropriate re!lolution, it, the Board would be disposed / 30 2/11/70 -- - - .-- .-.- ._---,----'._--- -. --:- -=c~=O'07'.=c_;___=_'=".,_,.~-_"C__="""_"'=...;:....."...,__""c~.,..,=""_'_,"_-_'__....",_=_.,.~_c_=*'__=_..,,._"=_;o=,o-.~-="_~'""'==.."':."_-.~==_=._:.:=~_'_....~=__.,....~-:_.~,,.........c,.,.,___'"'""=""'.'":::_._..~.__. _ _",=,,==,,", .-----=--=-=--"'---=-=----=-_--_---=-~-- -=-..,,_~-=C--- -=""_==-__~_...,_- _._____ ___,_~ __~_-.-"'=__- ---- ~. _ ..._ n_ II, to consider the granting of such request, by appropriate change in its regulations. i\ , :1 " Control Board to'; , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of the county of " :i Roanoke, Virginia, hereby requests the Virginia AlcOholic Beverage I '! extend the hours of retail licensees of alcoholic beverages in the County of Roanoke ! . : WJ.th the exception of the Town of Vinton from l2:00 o'clock, Midnight, E.S.T., and :1 '11:00 o'clock A.M., during Daylight Saving Time, to l:OO o'clock, A.M., throughout I! j the entire year hy rescinding Section 5.45 of its regulations, the order to read " :1 as follows: h I IT IS ORDERED that the following regulation fixing the hours during which wine, beer or beverages may not be sold or allowed to be con- sumed upon licensed premises in the following locality be, and the same is hereby, rescinded as to its effect on Roanoke County only, the Town of Vinton being expressly excepted from the operation of this Order. Regulation Locali ty Present Restricted Hours :1 i! " II il ,I.; I ~j' ~\~~t~' ~ ~'JJ~& .J ,Roand<e is hereby directed to forward a certified copy of this Resolution to the ~V\J" )A1COhOliC Beverage Control Board forthwith. ./ .\Df ffV~\ i Adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor \ ~J" \ IA.' ~,\ 'u'" I Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote: ~'\V'~' :, 'Q.~ I Voted affirmatively: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl ~s, and Charles H. , .1 t! , , ..(' 'I Voted negatively: A. T. Huddleston. ,. " n Section 5.45 County of Roanoke And be it further l2:00 Midnight - 6:00 A.M., E.S:T. 1:00 A.M. - 6:00 A.M., D.S.T. Ii RESOLVED that the Executive Director of the County of !i i! ~ [ i: Osterhoudt. David B. Hart, Attorney, appe;~ed with regard to the foregoing matter, !i ii q I, il I' :1 it :I !i I representing Archie Parris trading as "Arci:ie's Lobster House" and others. IN RE: REZONING OF 5.044 ACRE TRAC'l' OF I.AND ) LOCATED AT THE INTERSECTION OF VIR- ) GINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 599 h~D WAYEUffil ) DRIVE, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ) OWNED BY H. E. HOWELL, ETTA M. HOWELL, ) OPIE P. SINK AND HUBERT M. SINK, ) EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF MILTON E. ) SINK. ) FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on February ll, 1970. WHEREAS, H. E. Howell, Etta M. Howell, Opie P. Sink and Hubert M. Sink, Executor of the Estate of Milton E. Sink, petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke C,::>unty, as adopted vn December 30, 1969, be I amended so as to provide that certain pr::>perty described in said petiton be re- zoned and reclassified as "Residential Estates" property, which petition was filedat a meeting of this Board on December 30, 1969, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of R::>anoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Planning Commissi,on by a resolution adopted at a meeting I held on the 20th day of January, 1970, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so that to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "Residential Estates" property; and WEEREAS, the Board of Superviso.rs of Roanoke County did by its order 2/ll/70 31 b- _ -~__~=::-~-:::-:'--'_~ I I " I I , ! i, entered on the 30th day of December, 1969, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of i. :,this Board, upon the receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, I' " (iforthwith set the same down for a public= hearing at the next permissible regular or :; special meeting of this Board and give llotice thereof by publication in accordance I: "with the County Zoning Ordinance and th'l Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this BoaJ:d did set the regular meeting of this !Board to be held on February ll, 1970, at 2:00 P.M., as a date and time for a public " i!hearing on the aforesaid amendment to the said County Zoning Ordinance and advise L " lithe same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke l'/orld News on January 29, 1970, ;! ;'and February 5, 1970, which paper has g,meral circulation in the County of RoanoY.e, 'Virginia, all of which as required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions cf the (.~unty Zoninsr Ordinance, and the COile of Virginia.; and I ii jment ji : duly , :i Ii 'I !:and !t WHEREAS, said public hearing WZLS this date had on the said proposed amend- to the said County Zoning OrdinancE' by this Board, after notice thereof was published, as aforesaid; and WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to the said !: petition :' to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and ~ter hearing evidence !touching on the merits of said proposed amendments, being of the opinion that the i'said county Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition, and , , :as recommended by said Planning Commission, - , " Ii " i !Board ! , NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the ii :1 of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, hereof on the 11th day of February~ ..... ;1970, the said County Zoning Ordinance, as adopted on December 30, 1969, be and the , I i.same is hereby amended so that to classify the property described in said petition as "Residential Estates" property in order that said property may be used for the purpose of constructing and erecting a c:~urch, together with related recreational facilities, and otherwise be used for "R,esidential Estates" purposes as defined by said County ~oning Ordinance. The prope:rty hereby classified as "Residential Estates" property i~ more particularly described as follows, to-wit: ;t..J:Z/7 , ,- !PI} 2/7 for~hwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the ,'ecretary of the Plan- ~, ning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Harold 1-1. Bates, attorneY~~ ~/~~- ; if'll,? ".;1' BEGINNING at an iron pin at corller #l on the northwesterly side of Wayburn Drive (50' wide) at 1::he southwest corner of the LUcy Gaines property, of rec=ord in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke Co., Va. in D.B. 98, page 370. Thence with the northwesterly side of Wayburn Drive S 64 degrees 13' w, passing the northeasterly corpol:ate line of the City of Salem at about 640', in all 708.06' to all =.ron pin at corner #3 on the easterly right of way line of Va. Highway Route #599 (limited access); thence with the easterly right elf way line of Va. Hwy. Rt. i599 N 21 degrees 57' 50" E 58.12' tel a concrete highway monument at corner #4, being on the northeasterly corporate line of the City of Salem; thence continuing with the easterly right of' way line of Va. Hwy., Rte.#599 N 18 degrees 09' 20" E 207.56' to a concrete highway monument <It corner is; thence N 2 degrees 25' 10" E 156.02' to an iron pin at corner #6; thence leaving Va. Hwy. Rt. #599 and with the southeasterly line of the C. E. Creasy property, generally following the existing fence N 44 degrees 21-' E 482.41' to an iron pin at corrler i8 on the westerly line of the Lucy Gaines property; thence with the same, generally following the existing fence S 25 degrees 02' E, passing a planted stone at 488.96', in all 490.00' to corne,r iI, the PLACE OF BEGINNING, con- taining 5.044 acres being comprised of the original 4 acres (more or less) tract conveyed to M. E. Sink by deed of record in the aforesaid ~lerk's Office in D. B. 120, page 196 and the easterly portionof the property conveyed to H. E. Howell and Etta M. Howell by deed of record in the aforesa,id Clerk's Office in D. B. 485, page 159. " _ i .J n ."-1 ,',1 ....I IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall 32 . i' ~ ' -;-_ __ ____u . . ~ 2/11/70 ...~. _'_~_-==--'-~'='::~ "~-=c.-:::_"",~-==-_=_::""~"",=_~_-,::,,,-;,==-=--;-:,,,_-,c~_-_~,-~,,,,,,,-=:-:,,",,"_'~_""-0:-""- =-~-_=~-:O"----::--_- -- --~ ~-,,_ ~ -::.-- -~.----- --~ "'='::-_-==-=-_-,="",,",""'~""_~','=C".'- "c;-;-,.""""'--~"'_',",'''',:._='.,,o.===,~',. '=:;"-='.'_==-=-~.'=_._::"",=-=_=: ~-~=..,....--==;=,......::=-.c:."~"'~--"-_-.=.=_-'O-:-: ;;"_-;c-~_.~":='--;-"'"""'_-O---':"'~""'-=-_-=:=~"".-" :;"~...,...,.......:_.,._-c..,,-,..,- -C'._O"_-;';;C.'_..'-.. "0 ...,_ _. ~_-'-_'2-'.~::--"""" .,-""':::":..-~._=:C_~:'.-=--"'.,,~-:;,,,~.,~-~._. _ ~.,: ,,:_'_,-.:-..c:'.' for the petitioners. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on the rece,rded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit:' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, ]~. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mr. Harold M. Bates, Attorney, appeared to repre:sent the petitioners in the foregoing matter. I '~IN RE: RELEASE OF A 12 FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG THE: LINE BETWEEN LOTS B AND 9, BLOCK 5, AS SHOWN BY THE MAP OF SECTION 2 OF ) HUNTING HILLS SUBDIVISION, AND OWNED) BY GEORGE H. FULTON AND SALLY.. F. ) FULTON, HUSBAND AND WIFE. ) FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, Geor~e H. Fulton and Sally F. Fulton, husband and wife, did petition this Board for a release of a 12 foot public utility and drainage ease- ment along the line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 5, as shown by the Map of Section 2 of Hunting Hllls Subdivision, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board, held on December 10, 1969, and by order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia for its recommendation, in accordance with provisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as ;mlended; ~~d THAT WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at itE meeting held on January 20, 1970, recommended to this Board that said public utility and drainage easement be released as requested; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county for a public hearing at the regular meeting of this Board on 'I. gave notice thereof by publication as required by la~; and :1 did set ~e ~atter down February 11, 1970, and I :. i! WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed easement release on' ,! the 11th day of February, 1970, after due publication, and this Board, after giving I careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning , :1 Commission, and after hearing evidence as to the merits of the said petition, being I of the opinion that said easement should be released and that the rights of no per- .1 son would be violated thereby. Ii " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the 12 foot public utility and drainage easement along the line between Lots B and 9, Block 5, as shown by the Map of Section 2 of Hunting Hills Subdivision, of record in the Clerk's Office of '! the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 6, at Page 63, be, and the same is, hereby released and the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia is hereby directed to note on the Official Map that said public utility and drainage easement has been released and note a proper reference to the action of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County in this regard. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forwith certify a copy of this Resolution and order to the Secretary of the Plan- ning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Holman Willis, Jr., attorney for petitioners. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motioll of Supervisclr A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddle,ston and Ch,arles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. I v IN RE: REZONING OF LOTS 3 and 4, 1. G. ) CLARK MAP, UNDER A CONTRACT I OF PURCHASE TO CONSOLIDATED ) INVESTORS OF VIRGINIA AND LYING ) ON THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER ) CF THE INTERSECTION OF ~IURRY ) ROAD AND LEE HIGHWAY IN THE ) RICHFIELD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) OF ROANOKE COUNTY. ) Supervisor A. T. Huddleston Inoved that the Board of Supervisors concur 2/11/70 33 _'~+""''''''.-:C~=~'=,-==-":;"-,,,,,""",,~=-,,,''''''''''''_- ~"_'''''_,-..,.o.-=-:--,.,...'_-=,,-_~''''''''' '---;:'""""_~""".''''''''-'--''''''''''''.-.''''~-- "-. ~--....."-___...,__-:,--o'",,_."'",,';.~_...,.,,,'.-. ",_._.,..",.~.,...._=.,."..~~,,-_..,.., _.._:_-"._._,,.,-~"",,=,,,,,,",,,,,,,-_,,~.",",,,...,,,,.,-.=.,,.,.."~.c..:-, _. .'7--'--'--'-~----------'-'----'-'------'~-----'--'----------~--"-'---'--.-.-.-.-----.--..----.~---..----.-.--..--:.--.---..------.-."--0.-'-.-.-----.--'- :i !i in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planni .:g Commission and rezone the " , I. :! above-described property from Industrial District M-l to Residential District R-3. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas se.:onded the motion which carried by the follow- :, , ing recorded vote: " ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ii I' i: I' .1 I, !i NAYS: :1 Ii H. Osterhoudt. None. :i ; IN RE: " Ii " REZONING OF A 0.57 ACRE TRACT OF ) LAND LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ) VIRGINIA ROUTE 24, EAST OF THE TOWN) OF VINTON IN ROANOKE COUNTY, PRE- ) SENTLY OWNED BY W.F.C. CORPORATION) AND TO BE TRANSFERRED TO CHARLES ) H. HOWARD AND ANN C. HOWARD ) ORDER :i ii !i At a regularly scheduled meet,ing of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke L Ii . Ii County, Virginia, held at the Courthous,e thereof in Salem, Virginia, on February 11; n , 1970, at 2:00 p.m. :; " I' ,I als, requesting permission to operate'" kindergarten on the hereinabove described WHEREAS, a petition heretofoI'e has been filed by W.F.C. Corporation, et parcel of land presently zoned Businesfl Dist:dct B-1; said use not specifically per- - " :' mi tted il ,. " Ii I County ;1 :i !J in any district established undE,r the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, said petition was r..ferred to the Planning Conuuission of Roanoke for its recommendation; and WHEREAS, after notice for said hearing having been given as re<. 'Jired by State statute at which ,time all interef;ted persons desiring to be heard were heard and after mature consideration of the evidence pertinent to the merits of the aforementioned application, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, by resolu- tion adopted at its regular meeting held on December 16, 1969, recomnended to this :1 Board that it is in the best interest of Roanoke County that a permit be granted in , , accordance with said application for the said parcel of land to be used for a day- care center for children of preschool age; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board had set down for a public hearing at the' ,-. , I i ...J regular meeting thereof to be held on the 30th day of December, 1969, at 2:00 p.m. in the Courthouse at Salem, Virginia, as the time and place for a public hearing on the aforesaid request and did adveri:ise the same by a publication in The Roanoke, World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke Virginia, for two (2) insertions on thE! 17th day of December, 1969,. and on the 24th: day of December, 1969, as by statute rE!quired; and ,i WHEREAS, the said public he~:ing was this day held pursuant to and in com- pliance with the publication aforesaid,' and :, " " WHEREAS, this Board after mai:ure consideration of the application and the recvmrnendation of the Planning Cornrniss:Lon, having heard evidence pertinent to the merits of said'l'plication, this Board upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and upon seconding of said motion by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and said motion 'I oeing carried, doth refer back to the Planning Commission the initial petition for i: , a special use permit for their recommelldations as to rezoning of the properties affected so as to permit the uses requested in accordance with the provisions of the 34 2/11/70 .__ ..__ _ ._... ~ ..~-=-:--o~_.= =--,,==-"'=,=:,,=-=-=-=:::__-===~'=-==~"'=.o,""~-=='.-"''''''''''='...~co.----:c-.-,<-c.,...=''~:-::"~.''',-="."'-o.'--o.-===~,~-.:o=~.......:_~=:-:-~-,=--'o.:",-=-:~=,....,~.:-==-~_~,.=--=,--,,~.::....~' ,,-:-- -~.._-_.__.__.-.- '--'--- ._- .. ., .... "--:F---"~"';;:~_"~"""'--""~-:-=='-'---""'''-:-:-=O'~ --:--..~='._._,,-. .~c-_--_-_~.-.._-__c---.---'.,-'o--;-==;:-,.....-,,_::-_..=:-.'-:-:--..,..,....--, ~,._....,~..,.._----~-=:--=.--,.-,._,-,-- " I! Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County to be come effective February 1, 1970; and WHEREASi said petition ",as again considered by the Planning Conunission j: ,I , of ii Roanoke County at a regularly scheduled meeting of said Commission held at the !i i: Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, on January 20,1970, at 7:00 p.m., I n it and said Planning Commission did consider that during the interim between the I: II filing of said petition and the meeting held on this date that the Board of Super- I visors of Roanoke County amended and revised the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County Ii so as to specifically permit the operati,~n of a kindergarten in either of the follow- ji ing districts: R-3, RE or A-l; and said :~lanning Cow~ission did further interpret the said petition heretofore filed requesting use of the hereinabove described property as a kindergarten to be a petition to reclassify the zoning of the subject I ~a~t of realty from its present classification of B-1 to one of the classifications ': " I' aforesaid which now specifically permit the operation of a kindergarten, and after :i :i mature consideration of the evidence pertinent to tho: merits of the aforementioned ii /: petition and upon a view of the hereinaf'~re described tract or parcel of land, the I, I'::, Planning Commission of Roanoke County by resolution adopted at i~s regular meeting , held on January 20, 1970, at 7:00 p.m., .recornrnended to this Board that the rezoning of the subject parcel of land is proper and desirable and that the zoning classifi- !i cation of Residential District R-3 is the :!!ore appropriate classification; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board has set down for a public hearing at 'I the regular meeting thereof to be held o:n February 11.. 1970, at 2:00 p.m. at the II , " aforesaid request and did advertise the same by Ii Ii I' I a publication in The Roanoke World- I Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, as the t~ne and place for public hearing on the News, a newspaper having general circulation in the City and county of Roanoke, Virginia, for two (2) insertions on the 29th day of January, 1970, and on the 5th day of February, 1970, as by statute required; and WHEREAS, the said public hearing was this day held pursuant to ~.d in compliance with the publication aforesaid; and !j " ., recommendation of the Planning Commission, having heard evidence pertinent to the WHEREAS, this Board after mature consideration of the petition and the merits of said Petition, is of the opinion that the relief requested therein is proper and that the action recommended by the Planning Commission is advi,;able under !i the circumstances. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE:D AND ORDERED at this meeting o.f the Board :: of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 11th day of February, 1970,' I that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to reclassify the ~oning ;' of the following parcel of realty from Business District B-1 to Residential District R-3: BEGINNING at a point on the r,erth side of Virginia Route 24 S. 770 40' W. 348.4 feet more or less from a concrete highway monument on the north side of Virginia Route 24. Thence leaving said beginning point and with the west line of a proposed new street, N. 130 10' W. 200 feet to a point, thence leaving said new street. and with a new line through the property of W. F. C. corpe,ration S. 760 50' W. 150 feet to a point, thence with anothe:r new line through the said W. F. C. corporation property S. 130 10' E. 200 feet more or less to the north right-of-way line of Virginia Route 25, thence with sarne N. 720 40' E. 125 feet more or less to the place of beginrdng, and containing 0.57 acre more or less. I 2/11/70 35 _ ._~ _"""",="","=_~-~~__"~"","C~"--,,,,,,,,~_-.:_=~=~~= ----=."..."...-...="""=_ c?",,,,,,,,,,,,-=--~_-.,.o__.",,",,,,,._._o~...,..,___,.._, ~,-..,..,.,......-~_-,:-.-,...~_,..,...~...,.."._=.-c-:-"~-,""." .,..,.,-C=.""-. _-__"-'="_.,.,...._e._.~~__,~.",,=..,..,."'__,.,..,_. ~~,"'-~>--~"=""".."-.""..".."'~...,,.,.-~ -'-_"_-..o.-____.:-~__'__ ""_---.~""-___:.....-'-____n. __-'-___-'--__-'-___---'__ _____.,~_~____' c,________._.__~____.. '___..n__.___._._____..__.~.___ _.~-----'~..-'-_ '_ ~i NAYS: None. ! 1;1'47.; ;;:; (1. . ..~ . t Jt:lldt- and' ~~ 9()~ f:A. 0 /tI~(t}a.. AND FURTHER IT IS RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board Ii certify copies of this resolution to all parties of interest. !i !i The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. !; " ,; Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, with the recorded vote as t. " ii follows: Ii 'I :: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas., Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms :i i' :! Lee B. Eddy. i --' ..,' On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl I :;;.jp.J70 , .~ f i~, g~j;(' by~' :&~ ;: Simms and the following recorded votp-, Roanoke City Council's resolution No. 19030 ,I 'I :! was this day received and filed and a copy directed to the Roanoke COWlty Public ,I i I: Service Authority, which resoll,tion amencis the sewage treatment contract between I' ,. ;: the City of Roanoke and Town of Salem, nClw City of Salem, dated October 16, 1953, ,: deleting 8.82 acres designated as Area "e" and adding 8.82 acres designated as , j; i: Area ,. H "C-l". (Area "c" being certain prope,rty owned by Fralin & Waldron, Inc. and :~ Area "C-l" being certain property to be c:onveyed to Fralin & Waldron, Inc. by J. W. ' I: Ij Puckett) . ; - i: [] AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T.. Huddleston, and Charles " I' :i H. Osterhoudt. " I' il NAYS' None. I' . Ii l' iI "i RESOLVED that the Board of Supe'rvisors of Roanoke County does hereby endorse ii the proposed legislation which would permit counties as well as cities and towns to " r; . " requ:>.re franchises for cable television c>perations within their jurisdictiollS; 'I ;! :1 to State Senators Robert C. Fitzgerald, \'1illiam B. Hopkins I' ,State Delegates ii ji Anderson; " John W. Hagen, Ray L. Garland, M. Caldwell Butler and Willis M. *3/7" and H. Clyde Pearson; to ~~ ~-f t2tt to ~ -T. : 12 '-n.a.~ · ~~C1+.m.v. JOSePh~,"~~~ .~.,.~ ",,'~ ;Y.; '".'?-T~ 11. - ~r~. '""'~ &;l<;... .... 4..:~ FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this Resolution be transmitted' to the Chairmen of the House and Senate Committees on Counties, Cities & ;i Towns. f"';~' ;! Ii C. Thomas, and the following recorded v01:e: Adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor I ...I ;; "AYES: ;' Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " :'NAYS: None. .-...,1 d .. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that Resolution ~o. 19040 from Roanoke City I -[ Council be received, filed and referred to the County's sewage negotiating committee ~~(J Co.... t- ~~. -'?"'I/~ ~<G.~ ~-:''->''~ no I~._ 'i{S <) thereto a 240-acre tract of land located east of Route 605 and a 49.6-acre tract of ~~.~ - land located south of Route 687. (the 24()-acre tract being property of T. J. Andrews c.~~ ~"l c;.l 7 ~( ~?~j for study and recommendation back to thi!. Board, which Resolution No. 19040 holds . in abeyance the Board of Supervisors' request that the sewa';re treatment contract between the City and the County dated September 28, 1954, be amended by adding 36 I I~,~=c~~,~ - ~"'c c :o~ ~~~~. ~ c, ~~, --;=- ~ ---"" "~-,"~,,~.~,cc ,.;~~~;,~_,,; ~ cc-_"" ,,~.~,=;.-; ---~'"''''-;.-~~ f ;i ! " and others; the 49. 6-acre tract being property of Old Dominion Homes, Inc.) I .. 2/11/70 Supervisor L. Earl Simms secc,nded t:~e motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. Lee B. Eddy moved that RE,solution No. 19046 from the City Roanoke declining to continue negotiations to extend the sewage treat- the City and County and offering to continue to receive and I give consideration to requests for additionstc' the present sewage treatment con- tract of defined new areas, be received, filed and a copy transmitted to the Roanoke County Public Service Authority for their information and also copies sent to each member of the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas s,econded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. :i NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved th.at Resolution No. 19050 of Roancke Counci. amending the Council's earlier Resl,lution No. 19029, offering to amend I the sewage treatment contract between the City and the COl'nty dated September 28, 1954, by adding thereto a certain 44.39-'acre area of land, being property of the County School Board, be received, filed, and a copy forwarded to the R>:>anoke County Public Service Authority for their recommendahon as to the act.ionof the Board of Supervisors in this matter. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors advise the Roanoke County Public Service Authority to engage their engineers to begin I preliminary design and engineering together Nit.h tentative estimates f"r the cost of constructing one or more sewage treatment plants in Roanoke County to satisfy the needs of the citizens of this County, and t.he Roanoke County Public Service Authority is also requested to present a monthly report to this Board of their progress until further action of this Board. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the aforementioned motion be tabled until after the Board of Supervisors had received a report from the sewer negotiating 2/11/70 37 .~_._'--~-"-'--_'__-'--'_"_,--'--:='---_--"-"___o.~___'_.,-___ _~._____ _...__.__..__~..___.__~ ~_ _.. ..,. ..,..,....,...,....., ,-'-- "---'_"",'''''''''-'-e-_..,...~_.'_''''''''''''' -.... .,...,.... -,_...,.",--"--_...._...,._-~~..,..,-;:-,,-.,.. ._~...,""....,.,.. __...".,...-.~_-__c,..._.__...."'"".,..__-~,-..,..."-.-,-~...,..........".~..,"~.,,~--=-_c~.,.....,.,...",..,c,..,._'" .,.....,-,-,-..~~r~ .,.........,- il " Ilcomrnittee. The motion to table failed by the following recorded vote: 'I i;AYES: Lee B. Eddy and Charles H. Ostez'houdt. :i iiNAYS: Ii !!AYES: " ii "NAYS: it Ii ., , I _J II visor I: " Ii vote I, , ! ~ i, 'i !, :1 ,I ii ,I Ii i!TO i! Ii Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. The main motion then carried by the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Lee B. Eddy. The following items were this day received and filed on motion of Super- A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous of the Board members: Letter dated 2/10/70 from Roanoke County Public Service Authority and copy of its resolution di:ected to the Va. State Water Con- trol Board in reo Stream Quality Standards: J1heriff's letter of 2/2/70 in reo annual report of activities for '69: Letter of 1/30/70 from Department of Welfare & Institutions concerning inspection of County Jail on 1/27/70: /JPI Extension Agents January '70 reports (Lowell M. Gobble & Robert E. " Layman (Agriculture) and Jean Robbins & Bonnie J. Webster (Houe Eco- . nomics) ~eriff's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in COlmty Jail in ~ January 1970: .~easurer's Report, which is spread as follows: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: /At the close of business January 31, 1970, there was to the credit of the fOllowing:. ;i i[General Revenue Fund - Available Cash i Dog Fund - Availabe Cash ;! School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash ii School Construction Fund - Available Cash :i School Textbook Fund - Available Cash ; Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash "Parks & Recreation - Available Cash ]iLibrary Construction Fund - Available Cash :!F.I.C.A. - Available Cash ,!Retirement Fund - Available Cash ,[Data Processing Fund - Available Cash !'Oeferred Credit Account - James E. Peters I, Kathryn F. Garst !'Public Building Debt Fund -Available Cash ': " ,. , .. - $ 417,050.46 10,576.31 14,692.79 593,646.02 34,471.38 32,849.68 38,147.28 68,025.93 9,922.60 2,559.99 34,557.45 65.16 .94 360.00 $1,256,926.-- iFinancial Statement I. ITreasurer's Working Fund iFarmers National Bank I, Escrow $4,163,000.00 i Bank of Salem I, Escrow $1,880,000.00 iFarmers National Bank - Federal Programs Fund !Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account '.Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Bond Account .Emmers National Bank - Textbook Account "Colonial-American National Bank !:Bank of Salem - Paying Agent School Debt Account ii : Certificates ,:~ Deposit - School Construction , : Bank of Salem 'Farmers National Bank 'Mountain Trust Bank :'Security National Bank .~irst National Exchange Bank ;Colonial - American National Bank -'Certificate of Deposit - Library ,First National Excnange Bank '-I . ! ....; -l I,': :J $ 2,000.00 1,109,648.37 47,408.12 32,849.68 9,176.20 360.00 34,471.38 :"7,686.00 3,326.25 $1,256,926.00 $1,200,000.00 1,350,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 Construction $ 700,000.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 800,000.00 'Certificate of Deposit - Parks and Recreation Mountain Trust Bank Certificates of Deposit - Savings - General Revenue Farmers National Bank Bank of Salem 38 2/11/70 ~_ ___~_v_________._~__~..___.__----,-____..----.,.-,........-__.....,..._'~---'~_"""""'- - __ __ _, . - - __ . - n, _ _ ~ __ ____ ____ _ _ __ -------_._------_.._--------~.._- . -='__:-" .0_ .'---_-___....;.._.-'...:..:.=-,c.c~_'_,,__....,'.c_.._ """'-'---__.;.;,~:...._r. j; ., ::{OANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM- ADDITIONS " iiLetters dated January 27 and January 28, 1970, addressed to the Board of ii Ii Supervisors ',from J. 1'1 , . ii approvJ.ng ,I Ii Secondary " E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Department of " Highways, Richmond, Virgin.ia; I: the following additions effective January 1, 1970, to the Roanoke County II Ii Ii ,. ;WOODMONT MANOR SUBDIVISION - SECTION 2: ilcave Spring Circle - from Cave Spring Lane (k1-e. 1637), il 0.05 mi. N. of Rte. 1652 thence eastwardly 0.06 , I' ilARLINGTON FOREST SUBDIVISION :! "Woodvale Drive - from Huntswood St. (Rte. 1545), 0.07 Mi. if southwest of Rte. 1683, thence extending south- II eastwardly 0.15 Mi. to D. E. 'I " iwere ,I I ;iby LENGTH I System: Mi. to D.E. 0.06 Mi. this day r.eceived and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, 0.15 Mi." Ii seconded Ii , !: I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. " ,I II II I; ROANOKE I d I:Lette:o: dated 'I I' j! County, from ,I t:Virginia, approving the following additions effective February 1, 1970, to the ., ilRoanoke County Secondary System: I' ~OAK GROVE F~~ & SUNSET HILLS SUBDIVISIONS ii {Bruce ton 'I Ii. ,I !i " COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM -' ADDITIONS :i il II " Ii Ii I' J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Virginia Dept. of Highways, Richmond January 29, 1970, addressed to the Board of super'7isors of Roanoke LENGTH ii I, Ii .1 I II .1 I Road - beginning on Rte. 1351 (Keithwood Dr.) opposite Rte. 1352, thence extending northwardly 0.05 Mi. to Mount Holland Dr. 0.05 Mi. ';'Mount Holland Drive - beginning on Bruceton Rd., 0.05 Mi. N. of Rte. 1351, thence extending eastwardly 0.15 mi. to D. E. 0.15 Mi. Ii II il :\ 'I' , Ii II Ii 'was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded :' ): 1\ ,~ " Iby Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. :i , ji ;i H !I " 'I " - " WHEREAS, the State Water Control Board has been charged to develop I " " water quality standards for the streams of Virginia in carrying out the .intent of :;new I' ilthe .'1ater Quality Act of 1965; and, ,I ,i ,I WHEREAS, the State Water Control Board now proposes certain amendments to 'i ii these ;I I " I' standards of water quality; and, WHEREAS, the State Water Control Board has conducted public hearing " II I, ii i: through- il I .1 ;/out 'i ijJ:>odies and other the State in order to ascertain the feeling of the public and of the governing responsible agencies in the political subdivisions of the various ,major watersheds of the State; and, I, II llliEREAS, such a hearing \1aS conducted in Roanoke, Virginia, on January 7,.; " , I '11970, relative to the Roanoke River Basin in Virginia. :J ]i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors "does address the following statement to the State Hater Control Board, TO WIT: The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is fully co~~itted to the pro- vision of public sewerage and sewage treatment and to the mitigation of pollution 39 2/11/70 of the waters of the Roanoke River and its tributaries which drain Roanoke County. ii It desires, in the interest of the people of Roanoke County and of Virginia, to !. see that the quality of the River waters is maintained to the highest possible st~ldard. It is content to leave the establi3t~ent of this standard to the jud~ : ment of the State ~Iater Control Board, knowing that this jud g ment will take account i of the following circumstances: A. The industrial, commercial and residential development as they exist along the Roanoke River tributaries in Roanoke County have been of great significance , _.J n in the economy of the County, and their continued development is essential to the , public. B. Under the policy, which the County and its Service Authority are I; ':firmly committed to, of providing water and sewer services as contemplated in the !iVirginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act of 1950, such services can be provided :1 i:only on a self-liquidating basis with the connected users paying the entire cost ., - i' t: through service charges. " Ii c. This being the case, the over-all public interest in stream purifica- I i: I!tion will be greatly benefited at the expense of a limited segment of the ::NO cause is seen to anticipate any unwillingness on the part of this segment to Ii 'Ipay for public sewerage within reasonable and tolerable limitat.ions. But in order Ii i:to preserve such limitations, it >Till be necessary that the Roanoke River quality ii be .1 iistandard/no higher than that which can be maintained. while using it as a receiving ;1 stream for sewage trea~~ent plant effluents. It is the opinion of the Roanoke County Board of Super'lisors that 1::he , ',State \~ater Control Board has, since 1946, met with gratifying success in its I :!efforts to assist local government in the abatement of stream pollution by domestic and industrial wastes. It is the opinion of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors that the ~-.,. ! I' !,high standards of stream quality which have been imposed on the State recently Ii " i, by the Federal Water Pollution Control Administration of the U. S. Department of the Interior are desirable and that they should be attained, to the extent it is possible within tolerable limits of cost and impact on the fiscal, economic, socal and political structure of Roanoke County. It is the further opinion of this Board ::that the State of Virginia should exert all efforts toward providing the maximum an pollution control funds in order to receive maximum matching funds unde.r the , I ..J :-.'"' .:.1 .....i ::U. S. Clear Water Restoration Act of 1966 since this would result in the local ;'government having to pay only 20' of the cost of treatment plants and allied pollu- Ii ;:tion control facilities '~ith a resulting greater effort toward water pollution con- '; !i :.trol being available from these local, state and federal funds. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. ,'Huddleston and adopted by the following recorded vote: iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,NAYS: None. 40 I I ! t:c-.;:::-,c":~_-::~~~~~::"'";~"':"2"'-.;... ,..~'C;=~.~_:;-:-.~-:~;C;-:-_-' 1-' , :: i I I I i I , I ! 2/11/70 ""-~ "'----- ~-----.-_."'-,,--'.,...,-'-:-. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor I., Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (DailY/Hourly!' : I' :t6 ./ I:: dated 2/4/70) were ,approved for payment in the total amount of $16,654.60, from . ~ ,,;'\/ ':Which the sum of $1,531.44 W. H. Tax; $797.60 F.I.C.A. Tax; $216.29 State Income " "Tax' $'10.32 Ul:liforms;' $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $347.30 Blue Cross,' $'48.74 Retire- :1' / iiment and $33.75 Miscellaneous Expenses is to be deducted leaving a net payroll of :i :1 : $13,654.16. : " :,AYES: Ii I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I i: i! NAYS: None. ,I -1)n motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl j, ':Simms and the following recorded vote, the current bills in the total amount of 1 $29,295.25 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting in the total amount , I, 'i .!of $218,929.18, were approved presently and retro-actively: it " I. !: " :i ,'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. i; NAYS: I " I, " None. " I: I 11 " " h :1 II I ,; " " .; Huddleston On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. and the unanimous vote of the Beard members the Board resolved into " !' :i " i! i a committee of the whole to discuss privileged matters. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the committee of the whole be i: dissolved ~~d the meeting resumed in open session, upon completion of the discussion !! of said privileged matters. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried u~anirnously. 1\0 'i.;; . .~ If Supervisor L. Earl Sirnns move~ t~at the Board of Supervisors authorize Executive Officer to waive the necessity of accepting the low bid and award I the contract for painting the Courthouse to Hundley Painting & Decorating Co. in the amount of $10,107.47, in the best interest of Roanoke County. Supervisor ~. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. EArl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. All bids received with reference to the above matter are file~ with these minutes. The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the-~nanjmous vot / ~/ L ~ .IR11AN e Board members. ,-~~,. . -'~ , 42 I 2/25/70 I L-_ _________ _____ _ __ __ ____-_.::==_===--=--=-=-:=-:-::=-=-_~--_-=-= -=-=-~==-::--~--=:_~-=-:---=::=~=-=:-=~==.::;::~=___~ _ F---': II II I ii ~lr. Thomas acknowl!dged that his client had received a letter from thE! ,I I : II ii office of the Commonwealth's llttorney advising that under the new Zoning ordi~~ce ii Iii which became effective February 1, 1970, duplex dwellings were not allowed in/area ..,,: :1 i I :: which had been reclassified Residential Estates. However, his client did not ii il " I ii feel he could halt a $200,000 construction project on a request but >lould if the I I; court enjoined him. ii .in a separate concl,1rrent meeting \ After an unsuccessf~l attempt/to come to some agreement, the Oak Grove ~ ;~~'i Civic League and developer, Mr. Joseph Griggs,anr their respective attorneys again Jj' Ii t~at no agreement wai reached , ~. came before the Board and stated I , whereupon tne fo~ oW1ng act10n was taken: V\D '.i I \\ \ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors' decision in this \f).'\.J'i'~ !i 'r\ ~ ~ matter be deferred until an adjourned meeting to be set for Thursday, March 5, IrA '\' \ c~~ul:1 ,,,., ,::~:::o:~. M~, ':~::,::':,:::::: ':::0::::' 0::: :o~~o:::;~_ recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. [' NAYS: None. Ii ;i ~ I~REAS, a question has arisen with regard to the assessment of certain ~real estate located in Roanoke County, i. e. property owned by the City of Roanoke . 'Jill and used as a public airport and certain surrounding property also owned by the I',J " ~(\b f " City of Roanoke and leased to various firms and individuals; and . ~ ~ II NHEREAS, ~,y~ WHEREAS, the Attorney for the Commonwealth of Roanoke County has researched . :~V'J~e matter and by written memorandum is of the opinion that the City of Roanoke C'~ ~ may not be assessed on such real estate but that L~e lease holders of such real ,,}"\ .~r'/ . ~ estate m.ust be assessed pursuant to Section 58-758 of the Code of Virginia; and , ~?/~P' ~~A' I I, 'I of Roanoke County, wished to be relieved of the responsibility of being Bond 'I / :,'1 Registration Agent of bonds issued in the name of Roanoke County. ~'ii " " ~1 'I to prepare a suitable resolution regarding the designation of a Registration \?-~ ~1 Agent and an Agent to cremate coupons relating to bonds issued in the name of rr~ :, Roanoke County and have this resolution ready for the Board's consideration at the t /,1, next meeting of said Board. ~' Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- " ~P' II ::,:':::::,::':-." Co, .. '""" L. ,~, '-. A. ,. Ro''',,<Oo .., ,,~,,' II ii I II Ii :! I: ,I If ;1 i! i; , " II i: The Board was advised that 11rs. Kathryn F. Garst, newly appointed Treasurer Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Commonwealth's Attol'ney be reque:;ted I H. Osterhoudt. 'i NAYS: , None. I to look into the applicability and propriety of a lease hold Ii assessment :i " ~ ! I Board of said property; and I~REAS, this Board concurs with the opinion of the CO~fionwealth's Attorney; 2/25/70 43 .-c_----,...-_.__+_----:=---_~--~.,-,.,__-,_"_~=_+,_c,_"..,...~_~c__...".....,...~,...,,....,.......,-,..,.,,-,....,.,._...,._..,...._:c:_-.,...,....,..."""_....,...."""_~_"""'C':~,._,-..,...,..._~,::""..._~-.-..=_'"'".,...--..."._-,..._=-="",...,.,,,~. _-=---__.:..........c._----'-~_ _'o..-"-"--...;..--'._'--__._..'-____.__.;"-__'-~__o.;.--.:._ ~'--~-_._-'-'-".,--_...-.- -~~--'" :.";':-'---'-. _. -.- ."-,..,,------......;.;.-.,- - ... . .....- . .... -- ..... . . .-' ,.-.......----,- ..,-----..--.. ___. ____________ .___.. ..__._u. _ _ _____._____.____________. _..______~_____+ '._J .-, ,-. ~ - I ,oWJ~ ...J ~'1 ..... Ii !I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the memorandum on this subject prepared t: ilbY the Commonwealth's Attorney be filed with this Board and that this Board does i:fu~.t.iler resolve that the Commissioner of the Revenue of Roanoke County be requested lito fulfill his statutory obligations under the Code of Virginia and det(~rmine a " :1 I; ~ I l;reasonable and appropriate assessment for the various lease hold interests in the 'I ::proper.ty owned by the City of Roanoke now being used as a municipal airport and the II :property incident thereto also owned by the City of Roanoke. ., :i en motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I' :,:Iho= adopted by the following recorded vote: i IAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I: H. Osterhoudt. iNAYS: " None. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Supervisor A. T. i'Huddleston, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted December 30, / " 1;1969, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective February 25; I: ,11970: I' II " 301 - COUNTY ADMINISTRATION Ii ii ,! 'I ,. 11 II ;1 301a - Board of Supervisors (Item 100): An additional appropriation of ending June 30, 1970, for the functio~ or purpose hereinabove 305 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE ii (i II I, ',I !l i! ii :: !i \1 I, ;i '. lj :1 'I 305b - county Court: made from the 1970, for the 310 - PUBLIC WORKS An additional ?ppropriation of $1,000.00 is hereby General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 310b - Planning and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $6,000.00 is made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. 318 - MISCELLANEOUS OPERATING FUNCTIONS 318d - Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center: An additional appropriation of $18,563.05 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or puryose as hereinabove indicated. " I' i! II ., ii IIAYES: CAPITAL OUTLAY: An additional appropriation of $15,000.00 is made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June for the function or purpose as hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. hereby 30, 1970, 319 - : NAYS: None. I :'ABSTAINED: Charles H. Osterhoudt. :1 !i I! 'I ;,! "IN RE: REZONING OF LOTS 3 & 4, I. G. CLARK MAP, UNDER A CONTRACT OF PURCHASE TO CONSOLIDATED INVESTORS OF VIRGINIA h~D LYING ON THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF MUP~Y ROAD AND LEE HIGHWAY IN THE RICHFIELD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) l ) ORDER Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of supervisors of Roanoke County 'refer the above matter bacK to the Roanoke county Planning Commission for their Ii !Iconsideration and recommendation as to the rezoning of the above-described property 44 2/25/70 ... __ __._..__M ........... .. _ __.. -- -'--"~-T:"--'--- ._..____O__.___U._______ - .__.___,_--'._.'-'~.__"-._~_';.__.;.o.. :1 I ',back to Industrial District M-l from its present classification of Residential :1 :1 II :] 'I County grant the verbal request of Northsid6 High School S. C. A. for use of a :, il voting machine on March 24 and Harch 25, 1970. ~r1D '! . I J' Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following ~ ii recorded vote: ~ '\ ' ','ii AYES'. Joseph C. Th L B Edd L E 1 S' omas, ee. y,. ar J.Il\lllS, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ ii ~9" ,^y\~ i: IN RE: rl\" ~ :1 -- ~P" \) ..!! Ii District " 'i !, Place. " R-3, pursuant to the verbal request of the petitioner's attorney, Jack V. . --" ..-......" ....--..-,.,..-.. ---_. ----.--.----- ji ,I H !I Ii Ii " i! ,I , I: !! Ii Ii I " " :j " II " Ii I! " " ,; :, !I I I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the i: Ii Ii following recorded vote: .:AYES: , ;1 iI Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ii I' I' :1 ii : " II , 'I II ! I : ~ I' ii ii :1 d Ii Ii I ,I I I forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular / or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeti~gmall be given by the Clerk publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. I ijNAYS: :! None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke H. Osterhoudt. None. REZONING 0.69 ACRES ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 AND THE liE:STER~Y SIDE OF DEYERLE ROAD ORDER :i " ~i ii Ii I I, l! its of M & 1'1 PROPERTIES, INC. This day co.,ne M & N Properties, Inc. by counsel, and requested leave to file petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is "granted ,md said petition is hereby filed. Ii I, ii :i as requested in said petition On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is h~rc~y ORDERED that said 'i propo~al to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, ,I ;: be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County i: ;! for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, r\ il as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommenda- tion to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED &~ ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu- and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Hatthews, Secretary Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on the recorded vote, the Ii Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Euddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I ~\1Jott16 ~ ,~ I~) ,\';( ..' ~ 2, shown', ~ 17' :;~ :1 v 2/25/70 <-_'__~~_------o-,"","-~,c-::.:,~.c""__~'--."---'--oc-~-_~.~,..'~-~'-=-~~-=:=-~;,~_:"-;,~_'.-~~"=---'-'-'~~~_~'=:_==-'~~-=:~:::~;~'_--.- ~"""-'--~.-.--~:~~-":_~~~~" '~~~~~~=..~~. ~~~~~~:.~.~~ _ __'" .._. .'-C. ._.C-.:. ,~..:- , 11 I, At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held this I,!,', 25th d f b ay 0 Fe ruary, 1970, it was duly moved by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and , Ii seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms that: " " " i, l~lliREAS, Secondary Route 709, from Route 11 to 0.89 miles East, a distance i' :1 of 0.89 miles, has been altered, and a new road has been constructed and approved !i ii by the State Highway Commissioner, which new road serves the same citizens as the 1: H road so altered; and " :1 Ii ~~REAS, certain sections of this new road follow new locations, these being j! :i shown on the attached sketch titled, "Changes in Secondary System due to Reloca- ;1 i' tion and Construction on Route 709, Project 0709-080-120, C501, B609, C502, C504 i: " Ii Ii Ii .I 'i I, il !: i! ;I il " dated at Salem, Vir.;rinia February 6, 1970." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the portion cf Secondary Route 709, Le., Section 5, shown in red on the sketch titled, "Changes in Secondary S~-stem due to Relocation and Construction on Route 709, Project 0709-080-120, C~Ol. B609, C502, C504, dated at Salem, Virginia February 6, 1970", a total distance of 0.89 . i - I' I! ii to Section 33-141 of the Code of Virgini.a of 1950, as amended; i: j! " ,I " ., " in blue on the afore-mentioned sketch, a total distance of 0.12 miles, be, and :i I: , :1 if Ii the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended ii I, I, !I miles be, and hereby is, added to the Secondary System of State Highways, pursuant And further, that the sections of old location, i.e., Sections 1 and the same hereby is, abandoned as a public road, pursuant to Section 33-76.12 of Motion carried by the following recorded vote: ii " AYES: :1 Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Ii Ii " ii S~pervisor A. T. Huddleston moved the itemized account from Virginia Division' of Forestry for forest control services for the period of September 4, 1969, ii ii through January 29, 1970, in the total amount of $683.35 be received and filed " " ,I :! and approved for payment as presented. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the ~otion which carried by the follow- f""-~ ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and i i..J Ii Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. [J Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors authorize the payment of a contribution to the Fifth Pla..ning District Commission in the amount of $4,110.37 for the period of January 1 through June 30, 1970. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the moti.on which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 45 46 2/25/70 --~-----------'------''''''-',.....---,----_._.,....----_._~---~ '",-~;:-"::",::='-,-:,,,-::..;~"'-'~:_~'.-'-- ----- -=':""c.:.;;. __ :-'---'-_-'-'.'=--'-_=-':":"._-'-~_-_..'::'. '---"'':-'-~_:'-~''"'';-'--''''::'':'-C:;;''~1i-=-e-.;;._~-,-,,,,-,=.;..~..:...,.,:.~.. I' J Ii ., II I, " II :' take th~ necessary steps to initiate a trapping program o il ~ ~! Furpose of trapping foxes in order to reduce the danger of rabies. ~~ ~~. ~ Supervi~or Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following g. \ &. ;){~~; i! recorded vote: ~ ~ ii AYES: Joseph c. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles r::} ~ ~/ II H. Osterhoudt. ~ ji NAYS: None. " " o J ';\~ . ~ \riYj }-\J~ J 0/ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Executive Officer be directed to in Roanoke County for the i: il " Ii , i, Thomas, and ~i II Ii and filed: I' I :! the following recorded vote, the following items were this day II " Ii received Ii I, I, :i On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. dated 2/19/70 from the County Health Dept. in reo County's refund for participation in the Medical Clinic and Pharmacy for 6-months perio~ 7/1/69 through 12/31/69; Letter Statistical Annual Report of the Va. State Dept. of Health for year ended 12/31/68; " :i ,I if ,I 'i !, 11 " :1 " ,[AYES: I I! NAYS: :1 ;' " & Sheriff's Statement of Office/Travel Deputies for January 1970; Expenses Incurred by Sheriff & , Letter of 1/30/70 from Va. Dept. of Highways in reo Highway Commission approval of $30,000 allocation for Industrial Access project (Route 1023), Statesman Park for Industry. All None. " Ii A letter dated ! ~ i! County from J. Ii II " ii If " II February 17, 1970, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke il " I Ii ROAI-;OKE " ,r COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM - ADDITIONS AND ABANDON!1ENT il d . .. ,[ V:Lrg:Ln:La, il 'i 1970: " :i " ADDITIONS " ,I 'I Section E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Virginia Dept. of High~lays, Richmond ii approving the following additions and abandonment effective February 17, n il I !! " Ii " " Ii Ii LENGTH 7, 8 and 9 of new location of Route 800, from Stati~~ 17+50 to Station 49+25, Project 0800-080-142, C-501 0.62 Hi. Ii " i' :i Sections 11 Ii and I! 'I !! ABANDONMENT , and 12 of new connection at Station 27+55 Station 45+05, Project oeoO-OeO-142,C-50l 0.03 Hi. r, !j Section i, 'i , 2 of old location of Route 800, from 0.05 mile west of intersection of Route 687 to 0.16 mile west of intersection of Route 687, Project 0800-080-142,C-501. 0.11 Hi. :!was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded il 'i by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote: " ;1 ii AYES: All " J! ., 'I NAYS: None. ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Daily/Hourly dated 2/6/70; 2/18/70; 2/20/70 and Semi-)'lonthly dated 2/13/70 & 2/27/70) ,;ere approved which for payment in the grossanount of $60,030.01, from/the s~~ of $2,775.62 F.I,C.A. i: " ii 11 :, II II 'I Ii ,I " Ii " , li " .' I I I II ;,i , I I I' 2/25/70 47 '--"........,.~=...-~-: -...--~--....,.,.....-------~- ~-------~ -- -------------- .-1 I .:- -~~~,~..,-.~,., ..~.. .--~.,",. ....- - ...... ...--~ -.,~-. -.- ..-- -.. .-. ...-- I / i ' ;ITax; $6,493.36 W. H. Tax; $955.84 State Income Tax; $16.32 Uniforms; $1,532.47 i! I ~ 'Retirement; $922.70 Blue Cross Insurance and $361.09 Miscellaneous Expenses are to Ilbe deducted leaving a net payroll of $46,972.62: " I: itYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms. A. T. Huddleston and Charles Ii H. Osterhoudt. Ii iINAYS: None. I. '! I II Ii ii Ii 'I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that Hr. Richard C. Pattisall's expression of !: i:appreciation on behalf of the Oak Grove Civic League to the Roanoke County Building i; liInspector's Office for their cooperation in appearing at this meeting in regard to h ~a petition filed by the League opposing construction of duplex dwellings in the Ii Oak Grove area and the issuance of building permits therefor, be entered in the I, //minutes of th~s meeting. ii SUpervJ.sor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- i! ing vote: " ([AYES: All ,. I! ii NAYS: None. ..... ii II ., II !I II " On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston \ 1 ~ II and the following recorded vote, the current bills in the total amount of $26,236.3~1 v' .9--\9--'1t !iand the bills paid since the last Board meeting in the total amount of $12,801.50 ~ ~ Ii were approved presently and retro-acti vely, wi th the exception of the one item of 'I t. ~~ I! Roanoke Gas Company for heating fuel, Roanoke Street, in the amount of $261.16 ',"~IYr I, and that this item be held in abeyance fo~ action at the next meeting of this rt" Ii :[ Board subject to a report by the Executive Officer: II Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. . il AYES: Ii if " :! NAYS: :i ,: 'I ji :: " !: :! None. On motion of Supervisor L~e B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, ~-~'1 ! I --' and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the Board resolved into a committee the of the whole to discuss personnel matters and/bids received on the Rollins Fire " ,I .i Station addition. :'1 U On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the committee of the whole was dissolved and the meeting resumed in open session. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Boaru of Supervisors of Roanoke county award the contract for the construction of additions and alterations to I' the Hol.dns Fire Station to \';atts & Breakell, Inc. on the basis of base bid and . 1\1tl }.\g., <t e4~/ d. if) C/ & IJ ~. . j) i~~/VY . '-~-" -, - - ,_. ~4".......,..,..... "~'~_."""_"_""'~"4'~''''''.__''' ",,~,,"'-',: ,:<"",",..'~. ,,,','-,~".' -'-' 48 2/25/70 c--_-:-_____-,...--_______.______,___~ __._.,........__._.____.._________~--.....,.__-,--.---__..,...'_,,.,,........... ,,", ......' .' - .. .---. ......-- '-- .,.' --~.~._._..._.- -----. .--.---." - ,.. ""'..' --- ----------------.--------- "_._------ jicompletion within 90 days; :1 Hs to be awarded on the basis of base bid and alternate #1 in the total amount of , ,I ;1 $ 24,850 to the low bidder, l'1atts & Breakell, and the County Engineer is hereby :!granted the necessary discretion to implement the intent of this resolution. if such assurance be not forthcoming, then the contract -- __c. .-- .-'~---o--c.~-----c----.-~-.-------.-l----"'------~-~ ;j I' :1 'I I II II I, II Ii I, !Ithe p .1 'I'ithe .' I) second alternate in a total amount of $25,740 if the contractor advises that material necessary for alternate #2 can be made available in time to insure I " Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded the motion which carried by the " I! ii following recorded vote: I' ,I S iiAYE : Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II I' I II ii I) II I ii :i I!NAYS: II ~ ! " H. Osterhoudt. None. A tabulation of bids received in regard to the above matter is filed wi.th ,i the minutes of this meeting. II i! Consideration of appointments to the Plurnbe1:s Examining Board was lito the I-larch 5, 1970 Adjourned Meeting of this Board. " il continued ii " Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Supervisor Lee B. Eddy be appointed i! Ii Roanoke County's representative to serve on the Planning and Development Co~~ittee 'i Supervisor ~recorded vote: , tI :~ AYES: Joseph C. " ;! II " ,! :i NAYS: None. Ii i; t. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the ii 'I . Ii follo,nng Ii ii " :i ii I the Science Museum Association of Roanoke Valley. Thomas, Lee B. E~cy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'I II Ii 'I ,I 'I liThomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the meeting was adjourned II until March 5, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. in the County Courtroom. I, i: On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Ii II " 'I 'I 'I :1 " 'I I Ii 'I !I 'I /.--. , I/} .// /- ;; / ,/; / '/ / ,/ L,(/0 0/ .~ I I :i I, I. ii , Ii. " 49' II I " Courthouse Salem, Virginia ADJOURNED l'lllETING ,Iarcll 5, 1970 7:30 P. H. -'i " iI ! 'I I -' jj :1 ii II 11 I, " !Icounty Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom thereof, pursuant to II adjournment of the regular Board meeting of February 25, 1970. ,.Iembers present: ,I !iChairrnan Charles Ii. Osterho;.dt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Le'~ B. Eddy, L. Ear~ lisimrns and Joseph C. Thomas. Also present: Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. II Robrecht and County Engineer & Executive Officer, Paul B. Natt:news. il II fI I II " ji The Chairman called the meeting to order and Supervisor A. T. Huddleston Ii offered the invocation. II " i! flag led by Chairman Osterhoudt. ~ II il i, " " II 'III "~ii' On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. :1 \, ~ Huddleston and the following vote, the follovling letter" expressing opposition to I! Ii the construction of duplex Ciwellings at the intersection of Sugar Loaf 110untain :\ / I: Road & Elbert Drive were this day received and filed, fron: "Irs. Frederick D. Iii t' II IIHugler, 5119 Hathaway Drive, S. n.; Don C. Camden, 2234 Bridle Lane, S. 1'1.; T. E. .1 II Roberts, 5206 Stoneybrook Dr., S. H.; Dr. & Hrs. James O. Roberson, 5231 Sugar Loafi If Dr., S. 1'1.; Williar,l)'. Hicks, 5139 Sugar Loaf Dr., S. vi.; P. L. Montgomery, 1940 .11 il !I Bridle Lane, S. W.; Mrs. G. n. Dre,.,ry, Jr., 5132 liathaway Dr., S. \'i.; i.lr. & Hrs. :i Ii 'j if C. G. Haupt, 1884 Elbert Dr., S. \'1.; ,'I. S. Futch, 1802 Pelham Dr., S. 1'1. ,( 'i !I \'" AYES: All 'I N.r,YS: None. :i ii " j II The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke '. :i ;1/ :1 ! - -' ,- The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the ., , 1- , i 1 , I ! I \ ; I j , . i I 'i " Mr. Rodney Fitzpatrick appeared in the absence 0': Hr. Richdrd C. Pattisall.; Ii Attorney for the Oak Grove Civic League, to elaborate on the water and s,ewage II !I problems as they now exist in the vicinity of the proposed construction of duplex il :[ dw~llings in the Oak Gro,e area and to re~ew the Civic League's request for the Dr. James O. '''~.I , " ,I Board to take steps to prevent the construction of said dwellings. II Ii il , Roberson also appeared in this regard. - The Chairman recognized Mr. Hampton Thomas, attorney for the developer, 1""'", :. ] , i I - :.lr. Joseph Griggs of Sugarloaf-nighlands Corp., who stated he and his client were ii il :i , available to the Board or any others for questions but that their position was the same as originally stated at the February 25, 1970, Board meeting. ': iJ The following action was taken. IN RE: PETITION OF OAK GROVE RESIDENTS !'.ND OAK GROVE CIVIC LEAGUE REQUESTING BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO TAKE NECESSARY STEPS TO ENJOIN DEVELOPER TO CEASE CONSTRUCTION OF PROPOSED DUPLEX DWELLINGS :: AT INTERSECrION OF SUGAR LOAF 1.IOUNTAIN ii ROAD AND ELBERT DRIVE p..,. 'I 'i Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County direct the CClmmom'lealth's Attorney to undertake immediately in cooperation with the Oak Grove Civic League, if the Civic League so desires or without their ~~OO~~"=~T""" I, " II II !; 52 .":':_'~_'~:::'-=--='~-:-_'''''--~~~'-,";''':''-=~''-'_=~::::;:",:;,:,,:--=~,::~,,'-;O.'=;c,,-,--.=-::.-.-=,,-~_,:..:.._.';';'.....o..== ."'-..'--.'-'c_,=,-"'-,,;_.c........c....=O':.:..-':_~. :_-~.,:..;.:..-....::..;..::='-:..:.._-~-';:.c..;,....;.;.......:c.....;.'ii--:."--c~-~~~~:;;- 11 , I ! : , i II I: Ii ,I II I' I Ii .1 " I' Ii ,I " II ii I' ,( ; :1 ,I 'i Ii I! I " " 'i Ii !i ,. II :j " ii ,! ,; Ii Courthouse Salem, Virginia ~Iarch 11, 1970 2:00 P. M. The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in the County Courtroom, Salem, Virginia, being the second Wednesday and the first I regular meeting of the month. Members present: Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms. I h a ii " 'I I, " ii II II i1 'I Ii !i I: The Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews and the Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, were also present. I Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston called the meeting to order, offered the flag. ii Ii 'I !i " !t i! II Ii i, n 'I I, ,i :1 Ii II !I " " " I, i! ii ii II Ii I On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconaed by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the unanimous vote of the members present, the minutes of the February 25, " 'I 1970, meeting of the Board were approved as corrected. ,I ij 'I i; I' !I ii Ii ./ 'I : 'I I, ,I I' ,I :i " :I :' The minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of March 5, 1970, were approved as spread on motion of sup~'isor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the unanimous vote of the members present. IN RE: JOINT MEETING OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND REPRESENTATIVE OF THE VIRGINIA DE?ARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND 1"J DISCUSS PROPOSED WORK ON SECO~~ARY nOADS IN ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 197~-71. .': Pursuant to notice (required by Chapter 266, Acts of 1942) published in The Ii II 'I :1 II ii Roanoke World-News newspaper on February 26, 1970, and March 5, 1970, Mr. Leo G. Ferris, Assistant Resident Engineer, Virginia Department of Highways, appeared before the Board this day to discuss proposed work to be done on Secondary Roads ,; in Roanoke county during the year 1970-71 and to receive for consideration any !i ii I Ii Ii I The Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews, requested that the Highway Depart- Ii ,I I Ii requests from the public regarding this matter. ment give some consideration to widening Routes 617 and 618 ne,~ the County line and to keep Sugar Loaf Mo~~tain Road in mind. No other requests we;'e received. ,I ;1 " ,I ~ ; !I I IN RE: REZONING OF .56 ACRES OF LAND, PROPERTY OF D. E. UNDERWOOD SITUATE ON THE EAST SIDE OF ROUTE 419 IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER ,i ,I WHEREAS, D. E. Undetwood and Eula Underwood did petition this Board and request that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that the above described property be rezoned and reclassified from Residentia,l , 3/11/70 53 C=-'=-~"""""'''''''="'~''''''=-:;'''_.~'''''=-~'''''''''''~'-'_~',_,.......,.,._.,_-,,...,,..,...,,,,,,,,,,,,,--;.,,__~.c,..,-,,:r'-""-'-- __"'.. .'_...--,-.,......'-.~.....-.-----.~ ."...._--.--.-_._-.. -.o;;_'_~.o.-,=o.._'"';:_"_"-,..:+..;..c....._-,-"--~_=,-,:"-,~.,~,;,,.,-,;;,-,-,,,,_;_-,-,,,,-"_-,-.-=----..__0 I Ii District R-l to Office and Residential District B-1, which petition was filed at a i, ii II I, Ii , :1 " d II 1i i! Ii ii " Ii " :1 " I' " I, " Ii [' " i/ 'I I, , ': " ii I: '! F " I' !i [I " i! ii , :i " -- - :1 " n i' " 'i " , " Ii I: Ii I, :....-) i , i'l , .... --1 !..! - regular meeting of this Board held on January 28, 1970, and, by order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommenda- , " tion in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; I d and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at a ii meeting held on the 17th day of February, 1970, after hearing evidence as to the II I , merits of said petition at a public hearing held on February 17, 1970, recommended :i to this Board that said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the hereinafter described property from Residential District R-l to Office and Residential District B-1; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board, pursuant to the order entered by this Board on January 28, 1970, did set the matter down for a public hearing at the meeting of this Board to be held on March 11, 1970, at 2:00 P. M. and gave notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended: and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held by this Board on the proposed amend- ment on the 11th day of March, 1970; and WHEREAS, this Board gave careful consideration to said petition, to said recommendation, and hea%devidence as to the merits of the said proposed amendment ;; to the Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance; and ;i WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as hereinafter set forth and as recommended by the said Roanoke County Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the hereinafter property from Residential District R-l to Office and Residential District B-1, the said property being so reclassified is more parti=ularly described Ii as follows: " :j i! BEGINNING at an iron on the easterly side of Virginia Route 419 at its intersection with the northerly side of a 50 foot wide roadway; thence with a cu.-ve to the left whose chord is N. 51. 13' 52. W. 54.76 feet, an arc distance of 54.76 feet to a point, a highway monument; thence continuing with the easterly side of said roadway, N. 510 45' 30. W. 68.0 feet to an iron; thence with two new division lines through the property of D. E. Underwood, N. 68. 43' 40. E. 252.15 feet to an iron; thence S. 130 19' 30" E. 127.78 feet to an iron on the northerly side of a 50 foot wide roadway; thence with the northerly side of said roadway S. 750 30' W. 173.84 feet to the place of BEGINNING and containing .56 acre. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth-' with certify a copy of the resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke county. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote:. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Sinuns and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. ABSTAINED: Charles H.. Osterhoudt, (inasmuch as he arrived at t~Je L1eeting shortly before the vote was taken and too late to hear the matter discussed) Mr. J. M. Young, Attorney for Mr. & Mrs. D. E. UnderwOOd, appeared to represent them in the foregoing matter. , ;i I: ---- .__-'~___,",.,_"m..,""__y"W_' .' ,,,,,,,.. ,_.._..;__"'<;~:.'-.c,F"...-."'~". ...."','.""'"'....._ .; ...,' 54 3 /11/70' I=~~=~nn;==~= :.-:::::=_~~~-;::~=_~~~~--=_:::=:;:::::::~O~~-~~:~C~_~~,.~n= ... .=n.n._~_~~_";';~='nO.;-~~"--~-~"--;:;;='~"~:::ii~.;::=- n~'=_ ._~::=.== i !: II I !I V' h' I, I 1ce-C urman A. T. Huddleston passed the gavel to the Chairman who i: I presided until. the adjournment. ,i ! i Ii , I il IN RE: " " 'i :j " I: II I I. ~ REZONING PROPERTY AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF HERSHBERGER ROAD AND PLANTATION ROAD OF THE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . FINAL ORDER Ii " I, ,I I! r ,I I, ., " , " ;i ., I, ., ii II ,. ii " II " !i I /i! Ii i: Ii " -, ii at the Courthouse on March 11, 1970 Ii 'I " Ii !i requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amended !: ii so as to provide that certain property Clescribed in said petition be rezoned and J :i reclassified as "Business B-3" property, which petition was filed at a regular !I II meeting of this Board on the 28th day of January, 1970, and by order entered on :1 " ij ,; day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation U il in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, I, " Ii :i il on the 11th day of February, 1970, after hearing evidence touching on the merits II 'I I' !i of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance (19'0) II II !i ~I be amended as requested in said petition; and, " II Ii 'I 'I II I 'I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered.! 'i Ii :' on the 28th day of January. 1970, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, II,' Ii upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set :! " II H ~ the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special ;i " Ii I [I ;i meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with " q Ii Ii it DAVID W. HINMAN AND MILDRED P. HINMAN I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held WHEREAS, David W. Hinman and Mildred P. Hinman petitioned this Board and J ji II KBEREAS. the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held 1; i' ,I that I' ,I I " I I 'I I the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the :egular meeting of this Board to be held on the 11th day of March, 1970, at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to the said Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by publication as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the county Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and KBEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- ment to the County zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and a~ter hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (19, 0) being o~ the opinion that said county Zoning Ordinance should be amended as " requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on March 11, 1970, the said County zoning Ordinance (190) be and the same is hereby amended so as to I I 3/11/70 s~. -...,..,.........,......,.-,.,.....,-.,..~~=:-=~,"~._,.,....,.,... __~.,....,.-,-"._.-o-_.,._~,- ""''O-.o.."."....-e. -_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,--:",",,--,,,,,~_~,-_,,,,.,-~,,,,,,_.",~,,,"",~,,,".___...,.......,,...,..o;.,,,....,... .......,..,.~" __ !~..~~~__=......-o-,-,----_~.,-.,~~__~,:"";~~'__"__--'-;"'''':':'-'--'-''--'-' .._ .~-..c;.'--..".._'.-,-~_-_____._.'_-.. .__':._~___""-,____..___.,~___--,-.____.,,,,_____ ___,_____-'-'-'-.. ~ - Ii " 0 'i '1 IT IS FURTHER ()RDEREU AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- Ii 'l.l')- . II pl. (!JIb; II with certify a copy o:~ this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning .ty I :,.,,:,. C-'ss.on of Roanoke Attorney i'/J.{I~. Il-'J~. : .......... . County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., o'd::> 1)' :i for the Petitioner. ': !i The foregoing l:esolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor r.. Earl :: J.)i ~ !i iin /yf1 e' ii Simms and .seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on the record vote the ;..v';5~Y.,Jj' ~ II Supervisors voted as l;ollows, to-wit: '0 " " ., II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles \1 il 'I ii Attorney, T. L. Plunkett, appeared to represent the Hinmans in the foregoing il :! ii " Ii classify the property described in said petition as "Business B-3" property. ;: The property classified as "Business B_3" property is more particularly I! described as follows, to-wit: Ii ii BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Plantation Road 'I north of its intersection with Hershberger Road; thence S. 13 I', degs. 54' 04" W. 25.20 feet to a point on the northerly side of ii Hershberger Road; thence with the same S. 60 degs. 49' 04" W. 98.0 'I feet to .a point: thence N. 50 degs. 32' 56" W. 57.50 feet to a Ii point; thence with the easterly side of old Virginia Highway Rcute "1 601, N. 10 degs._5S' 56" W. 202.78 feet to an angle point in !. same; thence still with old Route 601, N. 4 degs. 30' 56" w. Ii 33.85 feet to a point; thence with a new line in an easterly II direction to the west side of Plantation Road; thence with Planta- ,. tion Road in a southerly direction with a curve whose radius is il 1218.75 feet, 1!In arc'distance of 23.34 feet to a point; thence Ii .S?-ll with P1111~tation Road the follo-"ing three courses and !i d1stances: S. :25 degs. 25' 56" E. 93.63 feet, S. 3 degs. 37' Ii 56U E. 37.70 f.aet and S. 15 degs. 46' 56" E. 101.43 feet to the :i place of BEGINNING. " " -~ " Ii I' Ii NAYS: Ii H. Osterhoudt. None. i I'i rezoning matter. " H " i! At this point the Chairman recognized a delegation from the Pinkard Court 'j ~! aItd ii Ii criminal actions in t.h.e area and who came requesting that something be done " ., ., !i the situation. !! in her community and ~irs. Mae Whitfield of the SouthemHills area and the , !I Southern Hills cOllllllunities in Roanoke County who were concerned about recent ~\rs. Cora L. Gibson of the Pinkard Court area discussed the , ,; about " ji :1 trouble il ~ ! ., " i ,: Sunrise Civic and community Club spoke in behalf of her community. ii, A petition with regard to the foregoing matter was also presented to the Board. The following action was taken. o r IN RE: .1 I' ,I it 1) !! i! :i PETITION OF PINKARD COURT & SOUTHERN HILLS RESIDENTS SEEKING ACTION ON PART OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS TO CORTAIL CRIMINAL OFFENSES IN THESE COMHONI~IES ..'.. I 0 e.;f( ",I;;, 1 -i" ..~~At . or ~l-~4-[t JPo a~. ~jf.~f N ~~~~"' .:L .it)tt - ;.1 !: I i.;." II :' I express its concern. for the problems represented by this petition; that said peti- 1 i' f! !I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors recognize and tion be reoeived by t.h.e Board and transmitted to the Sheriff's Department; that ;i the Sheriff, in cooperation with the Commonwealth's Attorney, be requested to I: undertake a study of the problem, immediately take whatever action appears to be in order and present a report on this ~atter to the Board at its ~ext meeting !j I. (March 25, 1970, at 7:30 P.M..). il ': (i '\ i' '! :! ji 3/11/70 57 ~~"~-"~------r..--. II payment of the County's remaining debt relative to :1 if ,,.....,.....,...-~-=~.---_....,,.-,",,....'" ~----,-,-_.~---=o-,.., ,--,=_____..__.__. ___,,.-_.,.,..,...,......._.__._.___ ~___... __.' ..... . . -- - - --- --, .. , -.-.___.__.._. ______.__.__~__O___.____'_'___-, ..___-_.,_-. -_..-.,..,~'"'..,-,'..-..___..,- ',"""'7"'"'~_.,--.__.."-_..,.,,__.....,,,--..,,-,.~~.__.......,..,,_"-- ,,.,....--:__--.,.,--_._'.."__'_....___~_._~,.,...,~.. """'""'=-".....--,,...,..,,,.....,.,. ..,-,-'-.0-.-.......--.----....... _..__..,_..... _., ..'n "_.. ....__._.. ----_..._-_._-~--_._---. ------ said Civic Center; the AND FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Salem agrees to the use of facility by Roanoke County departments and agencies, when available, at no i, charge to the Countv for the remaii1ing life of the bonds. Ii Ii " " Ii r: !! ii !I 11 'I I, I, " II I. " AND FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors continue to i: I, I i: I ~i " participate with the City of Salem in the effort to solve the problem of the leaky roof by providing one-half of the necessary funds to solve same and likewise .i the County shall be reimbursed one-half of any amount of related damages awarded by Court action if there be any. :: ii I' IN RE: :1 REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE EAST) SIDE OF 2E'l'ERS CREEK ROAD, VIRGINIA ) HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 117. ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER - I This day came Eunice M. Gilliam, widow, and Robert L. Hartman and Dorothy P. Hartman, husband and wife, by Benj. E. Chapman, their Attorney, and requested ;1 Ii that the petition of the said Eunice M. Gilliam and Robert L. Hartman and Dorothy " ii Ii P. Hart:lllan be filed. I, '. Ii And on motion duly made, seconded and unaniJnously adopted, it is RESOLVED :1 , ii AND ORDERED that the request of Eunice M. Gilliam and Robert L. Hartman and ,i II Dorothy P. Hartman that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended as requested i' II in said Petition so as to change the classification of the 0.495 of an acre of I' I I, land as described in said Petition from its present classification of Business " ;! District B-2 to the requested classification of Business District B-3, be, and -I - the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, and that when said Planning Commission shall have submitted its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissable regular meeting of this Board, and that notice of said public hearing by this Board shall be given by the Clerk by ;1 'i publication in accordance with the proviaions of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as ;' I~ amended to date. :l .-....\ BE IT FURrHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Order be..forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secre,tary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor on L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and/a recorded vot,e the Supervisors voted as follows, AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles :!;/e/~ ~.1 ~~Wr'(:) J ~pU~ , , , - .-..-1 i-;:' ::..J H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 'I i SR i i ; \ .-.-._---~--~----.-----.._--_._-.~_..-.._--_.~ ~~~~~~.=~~~~"~=.~. .~. ..~~~,~~._~~~~.~.._.~.._~~ ..==~..~~~...~_.""- .._~=,~...~'"~~~.=.,....==~,....""."... I II Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the cffer which this Board made !i I I, previously to the City of Salem in regard to the sale of the Civic Center be with- Ii I :i II I Ii drawn as of this date. II I i "'porvi~r L. ,=, ,..... ..""""'" "'" ~"oo. ! i :1 The Chairman ruled the motion out of order. II i :, 11'1. , Ii I " " il I 'i Ii I ;1 11 I' !i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston again moved the adoption of the resolution 'I I: Ii I :1 "IN RE: SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER" as spread on page 56 of this minute !J I! book which resolution would offer the county's one-half interest in the Civic Ii iI I' :i :1 i, ,I II " ii " Ii i! II Ii iI I. I' 'I I: the II Ii :1 Center to II " , II repayment i :i il 'I I' :1 ., !' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy IilOved that the Jlk)tion to adopt t.'le aforementioned 'I Ii resolution . ii iiprivileged session and preceding the adjournment ,::>f this meeting. Supervisor Ii rosePh c. Thomas seconded the motion to table whi,ch carried !:ly the following l,reCOrded. vote: i[AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sirnlns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles il " " " " ., 'I NAYS: None. II , ~ i the City of Salem by the City's acceptance of the responsibility of of the County's remaining debt relative to said Civic Center. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion. "IN RE: SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CE:~TER' be tabled until following . H. Osterhoudt. On mo'cion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, se,eonded by Superv~sor Joseph C. :: il ii Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board member,s, the following items were t.'lis II " :i day received and filed: I! ii ~ j , 'I ,I :'! ii " 11 ,I " " TO " VWritten report of Parks' Recreation Dept. f,::>r December 1969 through February 1970; /Written report of Public Service Authority c,::>ncerning status of sewage treatment plant study by consulting ,engineers for the Authority; -Letter from Roalloke City Clerk ~egarding dis!?osition of proposed amendments to Roanoke Co. Land Subdivision Ordinance; ,Copy of annual report to State compensation :Board on operation of County- owned police vehicles used by Sheriff' Deputies; . February reports of VPI Extension Agents (Ag:ricultural Ext. Agents Lowell M. Gobble, Robert Layman.; Home Ec. Ext. Agents Bonnie J. Webster' Jean Robbins) 'Summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in Co. Jail during February 1970. , The Treasurer's report, spread as follows: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: . At the close of business February 28, 197Q, there was to the credit of the follow- :i ing: I, II General Revenue Fund - Available Cash ..i Dog Fund - Available Cash i School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash :: School Construction Fund - Available Cash : School Textbook Fund - Available Cash II Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash School Debt Fund - Available Cash Parks , Recreation - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash F.I.C.A - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters - Kathryn F. Garst $ 533,836.88 15,641.81 12,725.38 360,597.27 11,933.70 30,633.76 30,588.18 33,682.91 43,874.11 21,465.77 5,850.19 26,862.32 62.54 -2.30 I I ii II !I !I " ii 'I I ,I ., ,. " " 'I " ;I " ;1 I' ,I " ii " i! " II I' 'I Ii :i !! I I I 59 ~.'''~~'''..''''''''.-''''--=~.,,","""",.oc-'...'''''--'~~-='''''''''''-''''''''''''~-''''-''''''''''''''''''''''-. '---,---'c.'----"-' "".-"".'-~ -:-.-".--~ ....:._~~_._____._._'" '-'-'__.____ ~__._,__~o~~~_-"-_c.__=____ __~_""_ __'U'_"_'~_'--';":"__ . 'I II Public Building Debt Fund - Available Cash 'I \: .360.00 $1,128,112.52 . Financial Statement ...... Ii Treasurer's Working Fund il Farmers National Bank :1 Escrow - $4,163,000.00 11 Bank of Salem [i Escrow - $1,880,000.00 Ii Farmers National Bank - Federal Programs Fund Ii Farmers National Bank - paying Agent School Bond Account il Farmers Nat~onal Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Bond Account ,'Farmers Nat10nal Bank - Textbook Account ; Colonial-American National Bank Ii :1 !icertificates of Deposit - School Construction I 'i Bank of Salem Ii Farmers National Bank ii Mountain Trust Bank Ii Security National Bank ii First National Exchange Bank I! Colonial-American National Bank ii :: [ Certificate of Deposit - Library Construction Ii First National Exchange Bank ,I $ 2,000.00 1,008,914.7]. -- 47,408.12 30,633.76 9,176.23 360.00 11,933.70 17 ,686.00 $1,128,112.52 $1,200,000.00 1,350,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 . $7,450,000.00 $ 100,000.00 ii Certificate of Del)osit - Parks & Recreation Ii Mountain Trust Bank :1 $ 300,000.00 , .... II Certificates of Deposit - i! Farmers National Bank 'I Ii Bank of Salem '1 !i ii Ii Ii 'I i! , Ii ,1 i' If :i :1 Savingf' - General Reve,~ue $ 200,000.00 $ 400,000.00 $ 600,000.00 . /s/ Respectfully submitted, Kathryn F. Garst DB Kathryn F. Garst, Roanoke county Treasurer I' IN RE: Ii Ii ,I :i 'I 1,1, " from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virginia, ti " i: approving the following addition effective March 1, 1970, to the Secondary System :1 II of Highways: !I ii ADDITION II Ii " BEACON HILL SUBDIVISION SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE rOUNTY A letter dated February 24, 1970, to the Boal:'d of Supervisors of Roanoke Co. LENGTH ,_..q I r , I ~ Ii n il " Ii I Ii ,I " J " ii " i: " i,i I. Twilight Road - from Route 629, 0.45 mile northwest of the intersection of Route 116 and Route 629, thence from Route 629 northeast 0.25 mile to temporary end. 0.25 Mi. was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by SIOpervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanilnous vote of the Board members. ';/ On IIIOtion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote, the county payrolls (Daily/Hourly dated 'EJI~/'7+ 3/4/70 and 3/5/70l were approved for payment in the gross amount of $15~420.96, ,~~~ :: from which the sum of $738.32 F.I.C.A. Tax; $1,411.56 W.H. Tax; $192.86 State ;;c?;~.??;~~' (/' Income Tax; $5.16 Uniforms; $15.00 Accounts Insurance; $395.10 Blue Cross Insurance; ~ $48.74 Retirement; and $103.74 Miscellaneous Expenses is to be deducted leaving . ~,~,~~~ ~ .. ~_. ~'~~==~~~ 'O.~'='~='="='=~ ,I ii I, " " " 'I " i! 60 f-~~~~='. ! i . I I I I J , I , 1 ---"--,.----,-...,--_._~..,....,.._-,.,,..--_.~-,----------.,.-~--_..-_.._- ''"l'.~-'-'='-~~'== lia net payroll of $12,510.48. :'_~,~_..; __ :,;~_~;;:";,,,=-,,_----,o ,AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. IjNAYS: None. Ii , !! " II ii II ilThomas and the following recorded vote, the current billf" ..... the amount of $32,138.31 !i / iWhich total includes a $30 bill from W. E. Riley, Jr. for building closets in lithe Commcnwealth's Attorney's Office) and the bills paid since the last Board On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I' !i 'I il II i:meeting in the amount of $89,039.18 were approved for payment currently and retro- !I " 'I I! " !i II !i " I' II io Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'I II ., " II I' I' ,I !i Ii , 'I I, Ii 'I Supervisor Joseph c. Thomas seconded the 'I' I I, Ii II " ~ ! Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board resolve into a committee of Following the discussion of privileged matters, the committee of the whole il which " '1 ;i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " NAYS: None. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the tabulation of bids received on the ji ~ .,'! construction of the Cave Spring Fire House be filed with the minutes of this meeting. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried unanimously. "'-""""--''''''" I' ,I II I. iI " " ,I I, " " I I 'I " I, I, II I :1 I' I' ii :, I' " II :i ;1 if , II I, , i: II " I' ,] " I I .... n w 61 " ._-..,-,.....,......~............,..."""'-,---.",.,.~--..,..,.,--...,......_-==,........,.,.,.-,-----.",.,. .~-r--:,--..".----~."...,.,....._ ~.c~...,-.-=--.:_-_.-.-,.".-=:-"'~.,. ~.-c-.....,.- -.-_--e--.~- .... '.-.'-=-0-"'" C' ___ .----,..-..'_'...-...-.._,-~,~-.'c-.-.-,.,..." ;-"-'-__".__.'__' _C'.'''''.'.-~''-'.''"'''''''''-''' ~_",.-"_, _~__...,_..".,.,_..' =,_~,~...,...",......,.",.,- .. . -. - -. . ,. .- ... .- '. '----',' - ... -.-- ----!r---...-'-.--~------ .-.-.--.----------- --- .-.......- ",._._..mo. ---.-~---.._---..--.. -. --... .........-.--- _..m_. '----,-... ..___a...._..__. "-"-!l-'~' ii IN RE: PLUMBERS EXAMINING BOARD 'i ~ ~ /~6 , Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that Mr. ),(Ui S. Nelson (Master Plumber), ~I II '8- ~ , " ~ "to :,5714 Club Lane, S. W.; Mr. Denny C. Shrewsbury (J,ourneyman Plumber), 114 Cherryhill !i,.,,., ~ 0' liR d. 'l/UL "'.-< .J1' I! oa , N. W.; and Mr. W. W. McGuire, Roanoke Count:\, Plumbing Inspector; bE' appointed ~ 1 ,Y~V I'to the Plumbers Examining Board f'.)r a term of fivl~ (5) years in accordance with '. r ~ i: the Roanoke County Plumbing Code (Ordinance). "~ . II i, n J~ ;: Supervisor A. T. H11ddleston seconded the mot:lon which carried by the following J,e ) I' . c'A'1 ;i recorded vote: " FAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Smls, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ii , ...... ,-. -. -~ " Ii II ilNAYS: I, Ii H. Osterhoudt. None. i: n :i I, pIN RE: :! APPOINTMENTS OF MEMBERS AT LARGE ROANOKR VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH-MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICE BOARD ij i' Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the following three individuals be ti Ii appointed members at large of t.he Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation !i . i: Serv1ce Board for a term of three years: '; . - Miss Dorothy L. Gibboney 2217 Brambleton Avenue, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia Reverend Charles T. Green ' 1731 Hanover Avenue, N. W. Roanoke, Virginia Mr. Robert W. Spessard / 1510 Red Oak Lane, S. W. Roanoke, Virginia Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllow- !ing recorded vote: " " iI i iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ;i ii " i: :NAYS: , " H. Osterhoudt. None. i"-lt WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Motor Vehicle License Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a problem has arisen regarding the transfer of ownership of auto- i~obiles and the loss or mutilation of Roanoke County license stickers unuer this :Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County feels it is in the best , ,'interest of the welfare of Roanoke County that duplicate stickers be issued in such " :'cases; and !I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that a I service charge of $1. 00 for the issuance of duplicate Roanoke County license stickers ;: lis a reasonabl" service charge and not a tax imposed under the Motor Vehicle License. Ordinance, but is in the nature of an administrative service charge; NOW, T~r~~RE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board does hereby express its opinion' to the Trea~urer of Roan~ke County that a $1.00 service charge for the transfer or issuance of duplicate Roanoke County Motor Vehicle License Stickers is a proper and reasonable matter within the discretion of the Roanoke County Treasurer; :1 " ii Ii ii i :i ," " ,,!(?!10 ;~J i3_~~ ,~ !IJ~vr..fr (" /,) " r-J . I ~ ~ . ';' e~ :: ~"Vt!~- '.: fuJ-~ \ " I , " .4/3)'70 " e+l -J: ,,~~/ 62 - -, __.:;-,;,._.-,"~._=-,o..=.o.:..;-,~.:..---=:.::. ..c-::"_-"';''':''-''';''~';'';;''::'-_;''';'::''''-~_::';''',':'';-C.._~,'.-:+:'_~--'''':'_.__~_..;-:'''''''--'-'._.;..-,.,..:.-'-.::....::-=--=o.cc~ ''-_, ;:::=.~_:.-'''''.=c=;';:'::':,:;:""c =-',C';;;""::=:'r"'"c.- C'._.:;..'_:."",-.:c..::..-'''.;..;e,;";..;'_",,,::,,=: I' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the ,I L ;, ~ Treasurer of Roanoke county. ~ Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor " I: iJos.eph C. Thomas, and the fOllowing recorded vote: : AYES: II " Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I iNAYS: None. h " " ~! " :1 II /; NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO TIlE ROANOKE COUNTY PLUMBING CODE ',(ORDINANCE) AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. , I ,I lito ;ito h " I II ir liof II q ',Supervisors will hold a public hearing " i! ij passage of the fOllowing amendments: :1 Section 14.l8a to be amended as WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Plumbing Code (Ordinance) and said !,ordinance having been enacted by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on Septem- ii Ii eff~ctiv~ :: ! ber 19, 1960, and subsequently amended by the Roanoke County Board of SupervJ.sors I I, !:r Ii ,'on February 15, 1970; and I,', II il II I' WHEREAS, the lloard of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain amendments I: :1 II I' ,r Ii Ii .I I' il Ii .' " iI on said matter at which time it will move the, said Ordinance as amended effective February 15, 1970, expedient and necessary promote the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke county; NOW, THEREFORE, at a regUlarly scheduled meeting of the Roanoke county Board Supervisors to be held on Wednesday, May 13, 1970, at 2:00 P.M. the Board of !iWhich ends with the words "the county." I' ;1 immediately after "the county": :1 II Ii ij follOWS; The first sentence of ge,id section ,i iI to be amended to include the following word~. I "except in cases where the owner of the property on which the plumbing work is to be done is performing the work himself." The second sentence of said section to be amended by inserting the words Ii 'I I. between \ {." "other than owner. of property who are performing plumbing work themselves," \\~\~yr~e words- "those persons" and "who have qualified". ~ ~~ ,; .( i Said section to be further amended by including the following additional ~:_';({ . i sentence at the end of said section: ~~- ~'d ~ II " q \ b / ~e~ ~; J/ 'I .1 ~ ~~~ . The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the proposed amendments and ~~~notJ.ce of hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the ~ '_' ~~, 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for four (4) consecutive weeks in i: v'.( .r'!. ~ the Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in RoanoY~ County ii ~ ~~ jalld the Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said proposed i: I~ ~ I~V amendments and notice of hearing shall also be publiShed and posted at i:.:'le Roanoke '; ~~i County Courthouse and at each Post Office in Roanoke County, and the Sheriff or his:1 J,. . ~\~I.'~~~~~V"" Deputies shall make a return regarding the publishing of said proposed amendments ~ 'l> _I~ ,,",' and notice of hearing. lf~ J.; .~ fl'l5:;;?' : \~$ /: !i "The foregoing exception for property owners from the Master Plumber requirement is intended only to permit owners of residences to perform plumbing work in and about their own residences without being Master Plumbers; this exception does not exempt a property owner from acquiring a plumbing permit for any work done." i: Ii 11 I II I' EFFECTIVE DATE I These proposed amendments shall take effect as of June 4, 1970. ,. " I: I A copy of the proposed amendments are on file in the Clerk's Office for the 64 ''1~ V . \~ c\ '\" ?{ ,Jj -' ~.\ .~.J . ~~I..: ~' \~ ___c___ ____ __~ __ ~_~~_____-.=.=_..----"_...;:..._~_:___= Courthouse ii Salem, Vi:ginia II March 25, 1970 Ii 7;30 P. M. i! ii ii " ii I ,I il ;1 I i, II Ii I ,I 'I II 'I II II Ii Ii !i ., " I ----".,.----,- --------_.--........,..---.,..,.,.---.---,.,-~---~---,--..-._._--------_._-- .. ~-- I: " ,I 'I 'i !: . _...__u ____ - .---.-- ---- - -.- - - -- ------------------ ----------"'-----..-- I I I I I \1 for rezoning of the above described property from Residential R-l to Residential ~;rb I) . R-2 be denied in accordance with the recommendation of the Roanoke County ~ ~~ j ,.1 Planning Commission; seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and carried by the fOllowin~ .NY, ,. ,I CY ~ \ . i .. recorded vote: \ J 'I ~:; ,u-c' it ,I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ,1;. H. Osterhoudt. " Ii I' :1 lithe Ii , Ilregular meeting of the month. Members present: d IVice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. " i. !Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, John Lampros [ " [[Officer, Paul B. Matthews were also present. I I , i , ., ,i [' Ii The Chairman called the meHting to order and introduced the II Roanoke College, Mr. John D. Keister, who offered the invocation. ii The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in County Courtroom, Salem, Virginia, being the fourth Wednesday and the second Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. and County Engineer-Executive Chaplain of The Chairman ::then II Ii ii ii led in the pledge of allegiance which was giv'~n in unison to the flag. I Ii II II II I' il n " " 'I II 'I " II I' ,I Ii " Ii !: " I' II " Roanoke !i i: I " " '[ :i ii !i I' " ;i j ~ II The minutes of the March 11, 1970 I . II corrected on motion of I, J;Eddy and the unanimous vote of the Board members. j, Ii " Ii 'I II II II Community meeting of this Board were approved as Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Mr. W. S. Russell, Roanoke County's representative on the Virginia Western College Advisory Board appeared before the Board of Supervisors this day i: 'and read a I: statement outlining recent accomplishments of the College, giving an II accounting " :i il porting on the continuing need for a le,cal funds budget in fiscal 1970-71. ',County was requested to contribute $18,237. ., , " " II II College's request for an appropriation would :1 :i ~in the proposed County Budget for 1970-71. of the use of contributions received by the College in 1969-70 and re- The Chairman thanked Mr. Russell for his presentation and.advised him the be considered for possible inclusion ;1 Huddleston ii I' II " 'i :1 ii On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor .1\.. T. 'I i: and " I: ,; Western :: ., , I: the unanimous vote of the Board members, the r'~port and request of Virginia Community College was this day received and filed. :, I IN '[ " ;i ~i REZONING OF LOT 1 AND PART OF LOT 2 BLOCK 3, MAP OF MILLER COURT OF VALLEY BUILDERS, INC. RE: , ii :1 ii " " !: II Supervisor Joseph C. Thon~s moved that the petition of Valley Builders, 1:'0. NAYS: None. At the public hearing on the foregoing petition, t.l'le owner of the property, 65 r~-"'-'-~".~--.-''''''''--c----,..---..--'-,,,,,--,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,~_,,,,,,,,,,,,,C-''''-'c-', -~""""'~~,""".'.=_',',,,"__'-''''''''_'',_'''''_.'-' _..-C"_~.-..._--.._,._.,.... r-'-~'''--'_,::.~~:;------.-,-;,;,;:;,,,--,-'...c.....---'.,..c-'-_.,-,__._::....--,----_;...,.__.._.-,- ..-,,-...c.:;-:.c..;_ _~=_;'''.''';'',.,.','_.'--~-'_-__;';_:___.._,.._~__..c-.;...._._'_.,....___....,__.__ .:"':.'_."_ ','-' "C',-............,.,.._..__....",.....,.." ,._..,~-."..,=.,...;:-o,... --.,,---_""",,- ,.,.,_---"-,,'..-.,,.:O~.,..',~-.,_- "'<-"c.,....,_ o~.,."""'~,""'_~"".=-"-_,,.~_... !I Mr. Frank Hartman appeared in support of his request and no one appeared in ii j' . . 'r Oppos1t10n. I; " 'i " - Ii IN il I' I 'I RE: REZONING OF LOTS 3 AND 4 I. CLARK MAP, FROM RESIDENTIAL R-3 TO INDOSTRIAL M-l G. ) ) ) FINAL ORDER , 1 i,_I' !- At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held at the Courthouse on March 25, 1970, at 7:30 P. M. WHEREAS, Consolidated Investors of Virginia, Inc. heretofore requested that the subject parcel be rezoned from Industrial M-l to Residential R-3; and, WHEREAS, this request was duly granted and, in fact, the said parcel was rezoned it ii to Residential R-3; and Ii " :i WHEREAS, at the request of counsel for the said Consolidated Investors of II I: Virginia, Inc., this Board referred the matter back to the Planning Commission for n " their consideration and recommendation on a request to rezone the subject parcel :i I; from Residential R-3 to Industrial M-l; and, .- ii WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County by resolution adopted at its " :! meeting held on the 17th day of March, 1970, it " I, from Residential R-3 to Industrial M-l; and, " recommend.ed that the parcel be rezoned:: i ~ .., '- WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of said Board to ii be held on March 25, 1970 at 7 :30 P. M. as the date laDd time for a public hearing : on the aforesaid request and did advertise the same by notice duly publiShed in a II newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County for two (2) insertions therein " 'I ;i as required by the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950; " II and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving due consideration to said application and to the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission concerning the merits :i of said application, being of the opinion that the zoning requested should be granted as recommended in the report of said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held on the 25th day of March, 1970, that the hereinafter described realty be and it hereby is, zoned Industrial District M-l. ,..... : f ..oJ Beginning at the center intersection of the Roanoke and Salem Road with the center intersection of Murry Avenue; thence along the center line of the Roanoke and Salem Road the following two courses, N. 600 39' W. 95 feet to an angel point in the said Roanoke and Salem Road; thence N. 800 54' W. 35.75 feet to the division line between Lots Nos. 2 and 3, as shown by the I. G. Clark Map in Roanoke County, Virginia; thence along the said division line between Lots 2 and 3, same map, N. 70 29' W. 140 feet to a point on the line of Lot 5, same map; thence along the line of Lot No.5, same map; N. 840 35' E. 133 feet to the center line of Murry Avenue; thence along center line of Murry Avenue S. 20 00' E. 155.63 feet to the place of beginning, and being Lots 3 and 4, as shown by the I. G. Clark map in Roanoke County, Virginia; and BEING the same property conveyed to H. C. Spangler from I. G. Clark and Birdie Clark, his wife, by deed dated January 1, 1928 and of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit C,ourt of Roanoke County, Virginia in Deed Book 171, at page 411. G1... ;:('1 '-' 66 f--"''-~~-=--==''-'-'~~~.=.=~:-,c~' ~~:--'-;.;: , I 'I . I ~^J1,O :1 II , :;.. v~ certify copies of this resolution to Jack V. Place, Attorney for the Petitioner. il 13 ~,' II Ij I ~ ",~,'J\;i 1III i U I}"'" t"; Ii seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and voted as follows: Ii !~., ""#:I.A AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II , ~.J', ,\ I' I c ~ [,\.i.. ,I, H. Osterhoudt. " i (\ 1> ,,;I' I \ \ ')\"3~! NAYS: None. ii "X.'~ '\~" ~ II' , v'f.'&- 'd'1 II i ()\)J~' ~\\,,' il Ii ~A' 1: 'I I'! 1'> ',,''t-'L.\ Ii d f Ii ' Associates, Certified Public Accountants, to provide services in connection I[ " il with the pending annexation cases against the county of Roanoke be received and Ii :1 I i! filed, and that the Commo<1wealth' s Attorney be directed to request a proposnl II ji Ii "I \ 1\~vPVVv~ regard. '). 'r)~ " tJ ~\t Jt\ ii Supervisor Joseph c. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the (\ ~WI,II.I recorded vote: :i v ii , il II il AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charlas II it II (I :1 Ii '. :1 NAYS: None. ~ 'I 'I I " ii :i 'I '.i )1 e:, j\9.b~ ,. tcf' J / (1Y.A'/IY'I, 0,(oP . u ., II 'I \16 1, \~ 1 'i- . ,I 3. r\ :) :,i / . J<-' . \..- vVftl'''' :: '\0~ i\\yI! --..}/! ~'^/i v'f.-/ :: G ?c)fi~ ii t"' !! - ,.=-_.,. '0" _"._=:"~ "-'--':0... ,;",_,,-,,--=_'-"_-"-~:..:...~c _~-''-,-; C''':-:':;''';=c;..;:.--:;;-;:-_-'~.::':'''';'=''';. .c_-':,,-'-'....:--'-_,-"_c=. .-_';+';"-"-"''''--:C.__'':''':; ';;'::':.,,-,-'.'-::;.:._ __.co _~----=-_ ~ _ - =., _ _ _ ___ -:. ----=- . _ ____ IT is further resolved and ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the proposal of Daniel A. Robinson I from Consulting Engineers, Langley, McDonald and OVerman for their services in this 'I Ii I' i: f()llowing. H. Osterhoudt. ii I! II The Assistant Commonwealth' s Attorney appeared with regard to the foregoing II matter and also reported, in the absence of the C,ornrnonwealth' s Attorney, with regard ii " Ii I ii to a meeting that the Sheriff and Commonwealth's Attorney had with the Sunrise ii 'I Ii d Club (Pinkard Court Civic League) for the purpos~ of looking into recent complaints ii I il 'I ii II " Ii Ii if ., reported by residents regarding crime in the area. " ii !i i! .j :i 'i Huddleston and the following vote, the report of the Commonwealth's Attorney I it On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. " i' ,I ,I regarding a meeting with the Sunrise Club (Pinkard Court Civic League) to discuss Ii 11 . ganeral law enforcement problems and specific problems of that area was received and filed. AYES: All NAYS: None. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the request of the Commissioner of the ., Ii Revenue and Treasurer of Roanoke County to purchase a Burrough's L4311-609 account- ing machine witb related accessories, trade-in and programming be referred to the County's Property Committee for review and that the Board authorize the Property Committee to approve purchase of said machine and acceszories if, in their opinion, such acquisition is in the best interest of Roanoke County. I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the i' follow- il !: ing recorded vote: 3/25/70 67 ----~-"'"----~,..,....~~.""'..-...,..,...---~-"""'...,...~.._=-;---,.-,---,-_..~,._. --'-'--"'~-'--~.- -.~--"--- '-,"'- - . -' -.------.-...- -_._-"._----_.",-..,.....---,..,.,.. -....,_..".,..-,-,.._...,,,...,.,.~_._....,.-= / )3 0)1. 0- 3. i effecti ~Z!..~ .~J. ~~ pi' -1- ,,/) . I'V/ ,I I'! r..... 1 ' 'v' .J.-I if 1Y,-r-/ '.' 1 (I(? ;1 '<J :1 I IN RE: REQUEST OF PROBATION OFFICERS FOR RESERVED PARKING SPACES ON COURTHOUSE LOT supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the z:equests of Mr. Charles L. Breeden,. ,,) ~&11 t Jr., Chief Probation Officer and Mrs. Marcia L. Harris, Probation Officer, of: d ~ the Roanoke County Juvenile " Domestic Relationll Court, for reserved parking spaces v~. J (JI" j-- qr in the Courthouse Parking Lot be denied. C: .jJ;f'V' '1" ~ supervisor A. T. Huddleston set:onded the lIIl)j,ion which carried by the following I ...~ , f-'v .Q recorded vote: v")}~4J.Y""" AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles,ji '1 H. Osterhoudt. I! ii AYES: Ii 1,[ ., I' Joseph c. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SimIlls, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~i NAYS: None. r ,I i: :, The Commissioner of the Revenue and Treasurer appeared with regard to the fore- I! Ii Ii going matter. ,. n I: IN RE: SALARY INCREASE FOR EMPLOYEE IN COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE'S OFFICE I) " Ii :1 " if , curred in the salary increase of Mrs. Betty J. Dooley from $3,960 to $4,680 (I II March 1, 1970, as approved by the State Compensation Board. " Ii AYES: i: il !: " On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County con- Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II II. NAYS: I, I None. The Compensation Board's letter of March 13, 1970, with regard to the above- mentioned approval is filed with the minutes of '~his meeting. Jt IN RE: HIRING NEW EMPLOYEE IN TREASURER' OFFICE . ; !i " fl il and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County con- On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supa7:visor A. T. Huddleston - curred in the employement of Mr. Bryant Barden i:t1 the Treasurer's Office at an annual rate of $5,700 effective March 1, 1970, as approved by the State Compensa- tion Board. !i AYES: " ,. .1 Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiIlllllS, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. The compensation Board's letter of March 13, 1970, with regard to the above- mentioned approval is filed with the minutes of this meeting. '-j '-' r~1 II -- NAYS: None. IN RE: FINAL REPORT SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY ALTERNATE FORMS OF GOVERNMENT FOR ROANOKE COUNTY ij 11 ' :.',1 " ~16 "jC i $ , <' ,. / 'I " ;.!:'~~~~ I~;? iU/~) \y(, -~ 68 3/25/70 __,::,,:,,__-=~-_-,,:,'-_....:'~_ -:!.:;.....:;..:;._"""':--=-.._.=.- _-:0.......-____-___ _ ~ ~-___ -_ ='_ . _,__.~'_:_~............,.-~.-~...-..,_----__,_,~_"-~,..._.,,..,...~-_.,._..,-',....,."""'--c__._~..---- -~'"",..,~"-,~~~ ii _.:............~ -- - --",,::- -- - - - --=-""- _-=-""",="_-o_",:::,=,=,"",:-:.;,~::==,,,._=-+,:;,:::::;,_':---="..:;_u:"'_;=-::'~-_,="_.-,,,~..-,:..-.=:':::"-==o.;:==..::.= ~ I, II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the final report of the Special committee t~i i II liStudy Alternate ForlllS of county Government for Roanoke County be received and filed I! I' J' ,(and that the Board take this recommendation under advisement for further action. Ii ~ supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried.by the fOllOWing' H j: recorded vote: '. I:AYES: I, I' ,I " Ii il J Ii Ii il " il " 'I I, meeting.. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. : NAYS: " ~ ! None. A COpy of the above-mentioned report is filed with the minutes of this On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, secondecl by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas I I Ii ii "and the following recorded vote, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors was authorized I: t 'i !i to write a letter of appreciation to the members 01: the Special Committee to Study [, I' I :IIAlternate Forms of Government for Roanoke County fClr their service on this couunit- i . 1'1 ii tee and to advise said members that the Committee uay be called upon for further i! il service in the event their final report and recouunlmdation is adopted by this Board.i1 !! II :IAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simm:s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II / v' " j! , ~ 'I I, i/NAYS: None. :i " I' " Ii II :1 IN RE: i: !I !i il struction, general upkeep, maintenance and operation of a civic center with the II :1 Town of Salem, now City of Salem; and ,I II ,I :Iope.:ation and maintenance of the Civic Center shall be shared equally between the 11 Town of Salem, now ci.ty of Salem, and Roanoke Coun,ty; II H. Osterhoudt. AIR CONDITIONING ARENA OF SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER WHEREAS, Roanoke county has heretofore entered into a contract for the con- WHEREAS, said contract dated March 16, 1965, provides that the ownership, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of !i iJ :1 'I :1 " supervisors does hereby i: , of installing air cO'ldition-ii " 'I !, " " WHEREAS, it would appear to be in the best interest of the effective opera- " :: tion of this facility to make certain capital impI'ovements; I :: agree to share equally with the City of Salem the cost I' " ;i inq If Ii not to exceed $65,000; ., Ii in the arena of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic: Center, with the county's share BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Salem shall agree tha.t in the event the City should purchase the cour,ty's one-half interest in the Civic Center, that the City will re-imburse the County's share of the expenditure fo:r the air condi- j tioning, over and above the agreed selling price of said civic Cente~. Supervisor Joseph c. Thomas moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the question be postponed until the next :: regular meeting of this Board (April 8, 1970, at 2:00 P.M.) in view of the lack of prior notice of the matter. supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion, which failed by the following recorded vot~: AYES: NAYS: Lee B. Eddy an,I A. T. Huddleston Joseph C. Thorn..;:;, L. Earl Simms and Cha.rles H. Osterhoudt. " !i " II Ii II I, 'I I ,I I il " !: " j! I' i: I' ,i Ii " :1 " n :, " " " I I 3/25/70 69 i~= ..":. .-:=-.=.=~=:::,-'. . .=~-=.--' __., . .-_.::.:: .:::~-=.~~.'=-:'::':"-:':::"..:::=-'--" .-''::'':.::::':'.:':::-:::'::::-~____:-.:::'-.:- --"'---..." .u."".::_:.:: -:--:-:. .-~.=-.,:::: ii I' :1 ii adjourned meeting of this Board to be held on Th.ursday, April 2, 1970, at 7: 30 P. M; 11 in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse. Supervisor L. Earl Simms 'I Ii seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: ,I II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles !! Supervisor Lee B. Eddy then moved that the question be postponed until an ,/ -, H. Osterhoudt. ]! " I: NAYS, tI None. , On motion of Superviscr Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Eal:l II ~ ; Ii Silllllls and the following vote, correspondence dat,ed March 12, 1970 from Salem City " !i Manager, William J. Paxton and dated March 23, 1970, from the Mayor of the City Ii !iof Salem, E. P. Hart, regarding air conditioning the arena of the Salem-Roanoke I!Valley Civic Center, was this day received and filed. i! II AYES: All , l: i: NAYS: None. :i '. :i , On IIIOtion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston <- vote, the Board authorized the Chairman to write the Highway - ;! " and the following :i 11 Department and advise Ii proposed improvements I! March 13, 1970: " i! AYES: All them that this .Board does not desire the public hearing on 'co Routes 657 and 666 as ol:fered by their letter dated / . i, i! NAYS: None. :1 IN RE: RAILWAY ASSESSMENT CASE APPEAL " II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County i! contribute the sum of $748.50 to the special accclunt related to the Railway ii " il Assessment Case Appeal as requested by the VirgiDlia Association of Counties. Super- 'I ~ visor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllowing recorded ii ~ j: , vote: ,i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sin~s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II r H. Osterhoudt. ,I I' ;1 NAYS: None. I' i! '-I , 'I ':. I U IN RE: REZONING OF PARCEL OF REAL ESTATE CONTAINING APPROXIMATELY 2.30 ACRES LOCATED ON TEMPORARY STATE ROUTE 419 APPROXIMATELY 1 MILE EAST OF ROUTE 221 PROPERTY OF THOMAS !l. BEASLEY AND ELIZABETH H. BEASLEY Simms, and the following vote, the request of Thclmas H. and Elizabet.11 H. Beasley ('10 : ,/'1 ~.-r; /i ",.fl.; .. L',..... "I to rezone the above property, more particularly described in an attached letter, " . , . from Residential Estates RE to Industrial M-l was: this day referred to the Plannin9:,~'.cJ~jj;L/ : ,/~(i..l vV \ VI) ~ l: r~ On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Commission~r their recommendation back to this Board: 70 3/25/70 ,i !I AYES: :: " C"-~- ..,___._,_._,__-c-_""-__~",__._,~,~____,-=--_",,,,~"-'-'_O~_~--:,".''''''-'''-_"'_~_--,~___._-:-"'T"__-"""""'-,.~""""'''''''''''''_ -=:--""'::::"==="-"-0:-==___ _-_"'-_-_"c:. u""::'__ __ ::-c::;.:;--..::..____::"____ __~--~___-_ _ . ~___._ ~..;:..;~_-o=_;o;:::.='co...'=;",..'-= :: i1 ,I !I I. I; " " --.----=-- -~;.::...---=.;;-'--""- -. - -.. ------------ All ,; NAYS: None. " (i Ii :: Ii I' Ii I' ;: !I Ii I! Ii " I, I' d I' ,I 'I Ii theii ,. ii I I ~ : " 'I ir IN ii i! " ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RE: REZONING OF 2.73 ACRES IN CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, CITY !.IMIT, ON THE EAST BY MALVERN HILLS SUBDIVISION, ON THE NORrB BY PROPERTY NOW OR FORMERLY OWNED BY W. W. BOXLEY ESTATE, AND ON THE WEST BY PROPERTY OF R. E. GLEASON ii AND BE IT FURrHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning II . l f,' Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and ti"e Sllllle is hereby, referred to 'i I, :: , " accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virglinia and the County Zoning ii ~; Ordinance; 'I " 'I I, ii 'I report its recollllllendation to the Clerk of this BOclrd, as required by the Code of 'I !! Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forth- !I Ii with set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or spe- ~ ! I: cial meeting of this Board and that notice thereol; be given by the said Clerk by 'I Ii publication in accordance with the provisions of 1;he Code of Virginia and the '. II 'i ;.. Ii Zoning Ordin~ce of Roanoke County; G\" \1; :\,:i AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certified copy of this resolu- ~:.:yJ' i! tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clel~k of this Board to Paul B. ~i\~"'::j;~ 1.'1 Matthews, Secretary of the Roanoke County PlanninlJ Commission. ~y r. ;1 .. 'II Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddl'~ston, seconded by Supervisor L. \"1\ 1 ii Earl Simms, and on a recorded vote, the Superviso:~s voted as follows, to-wit: \1. Ii 'v AYES: All ORDER q " :i " i' !i ri .: Kathleen T. Martin, Alvin :i ~ tract described above; !: II THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED 'I Ii same is hereby, filed; THIS DAY a petition was filed for Roxie W. 'I'lmmpson, M. Frank Martin, C. Early, and Ruth T. Eaxl:,- relative to rezoning of the that tne aforesaid petition be, and 4 the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virgini.a, for a recommendation in AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall :i 'I NAYS: None. :1 ii ii i: IN RE: REZONING OF LOT 22, BLOCK 2, SECTION 3, OF CASTLE HILL DEVELOPMENT, BEING THE PROPERTY . OF JOHN HATCHER FERGUSON, JR., ET AL ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER I I II Ii :1 " :1 " il II 'I " i' ,I " :) 'I II il II " i1 Ii 1i Ii " , I This day came John Hatcher Ferguson, Jr., J.ack Gal"st and Barbara P. Garst, !i " by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petiticln relative to the rezoning of the:: I property therein described. NOW, TIIERF.FORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular meeting of ': Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and the !i , same is hereby filed. !! " II " i' AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning! I: Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the :i j'l " i: I' the 3/25/70 71 Ii Planning Commission i of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordancei , -. ;i ii with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. Ii " !, j: il i' report its recommendation to the Clerk of this BI~ard, as required by the Code of Ii Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of the Board shall " ! forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall - ii Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on a recorded vote, the " I: ., Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: :! ii C1.., by ....Uution in .=.d~~ wi'" "'" p=winin.. 0' "'" Code 0' Vi.,ini.. 1,~1~11t Ii AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED tha'c one certified copy of this reSO:i.U:~~/\'0~6 ~ tion and order be forthwith delivered by said C11~rk of this Board to Paul B. " ~(I'JrJ:;:Y. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning cOll1lllission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ::[y~ The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. I. " !i ii " i1 " :! or special meeting of this Board, and that noticla thereof be given by the said - - I, AYES: Ii All NAYS: None. " il I: " " ii II I' IN RE: , REZONING PROPERTY KNOWN l AS WESTERLY PO:l!l'ION OF ) BLOCK 3, CRESTWOOD PARK l OWNED BY ) HAMONT CORPORATION l THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE GOUNTY: ORDER ii !I/ ., -' I' ,I Ii 'Il ii " , ., This day came Hamont Corporation, by counsel, and ask leave to file their pe- II tition relative to the rezoning of the property therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and the ' same hereby is filed. AND BE !T FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED tha,t the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinan~'3 of 1970, as requested in said l',etition be and the same hereby is referred to the Planning commission of Roanoke C:ounty, Virginia, for a recollDllenda- tion in accordanca with the provisions of the Ce,de of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED tha,t when said Planning cOllDllission I~ shall report its recoll1lllendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the aforesaid Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of w the Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Eioard, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in acc:ordance with the provisions of the,: Huddleston and sec.'onded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: \10 ~ \?-~ ( AJr'I~ ~,&. \J;~~ '~Lr..l , ! "/1,1 . 'r) II-' vi \I+~ (, .)'1/' (c1 ....1 !:'-": ~ Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED thut a certified copy of this resolu- tion and order be forthwith delivered by s<.id C:lerk of this Board to paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning COllDllission ()f Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopt.!d on motion of Supervisor A. T. AYES: All NAYS: None. 72 3/25/70 t:-,' ___.-,---:;,;,_,-,,::;;,.,c;'+~~-"--"'_-_~''''-','I:'~__-'''';':';'-'--=_:c-:_---=-,c;..-"o:.:;~~....~.:o...:=_-:",_'-,--~_..-,-----.:--,-----~_~.:.:-,~,",,~._-,-,-o..;_=_:"''';'_. -=--"",.:c-. ~_~-:::---,--__.__.____~_.,........"....._---.:----,..,.,.--c-_.....,,~--'~.___""'--'-""'~', ---- --~-------~ --=- ----==~ ..:.:;""-,--=~~--,-,,--,,-.~--- I Ii With reference to a letter from Gordon c. Winis, p:o:esident of the Hunting I " I "Hills Land Corporation requesting special exception, as provided in subparagraph i :i 5-1-4 "Dr I I, . ,i J A~:9" .: h\c~1I-"y~ /~}J \'\~ \!J'jt \J\ C5'Q~ of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, to erect a country club in the Ij :i Hunting Bills subdivision, the Chairman ruled th.lt consideration of this matter i: be continued to the adjourned meeting of April 2, 1970. Ii :! " l' , . 'i IN RE: " II I I! n I' :1 Roanoke county, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commis,sioner, Virginia Department of 'i Ii Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the follc,wing addition and abandonments ,I " il effective March 18, 1970, to the Roanoke county Secondary System: " ~ ADDITION 1'-- " ii Section 5 of new location of Route 709, from Route 11 'I to dead end, Project 0709-080-120,C-501,B-609,C-502, !I C-504. ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM - ADDITIC~ AND ABANDONMENTS A letter dated March 18, 1970, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of " Ii Ii I j: I [I II II i! :! " , , ,i Ii :1 ii II I, Ii I' d :i I, i! I; Ii " 'I " was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded !I 11 Ii LENGTH 0.89 Mi. ii ABANDONMENTS ;i " ii Section 1 of old location of Route 709, from 0.19 mile [! east of intersection of Route 11 to 0.27 mile east of II Route 11 (dead end), Project 0709-080-120,C-501,B-609, " C-502,C-504. i) " :1 Ii i: 0.08 Mi. Section 2 of old location of Route 709, from 0.07 Mile east of intersection of Route 11 to 0.11 mile east of intersection of Route 11, Project 0709-080-l20,C-50l, ii " B-609 ,C-502 ,C-504. li II Ii :: 0.04 Mi. by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and tho;, unanimous vote of the Board members. ',i.. " .i ;1 Ii !I I' I' 'I 'Ion motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ,II' 'i md the unanimous vote of the Board members, and Sheriff i :i Simms/, the budget requests of the Treasurer and the Commonwealth's Attorney /Were I, !I ii ti ii ,. this day received and filed.. ---II----~----=-"'~._.:;.;... j, I' t! I: I' !i :1 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board c.f Supervisors enthusiastically direct F :) !; I, of the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Sing- :: " , its Chairman to sign the proclamation as presented by the Roanoke Valley Chapter ing in America, Inc. and declare April 5, 1970, t.o April 11, 1970, as Harmony Week in Roanoke Valley. supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the moti.on which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiD~, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. A copy of the above-mentioned proclamation if. filed with the minutes of this meeting. On motion of supervisor A. T. Huddleston, sec:onded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board member:;, the following correspondence I I I I I 3/25/70 73 '=<>'-O-'__-=""",~""""",,,,,,,,,,,,_~-,,"""~'...,..,_',",..,.."-U'_""'''''' ~"-,,..., --'...,.,...--=-_.,..,..,-"'.0----."0'.,- .."~..,.",_.,--,.-~.".,....__..,.,..,~_...,, '."-_,'" ~...,_ ,- -,..".-,-.- "-.""-,-,-, ,"-C"" ,,,,~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,_"'_,_""",",","""'_'..,.,,,.,........' _.-..,.......,.__..c-,...,"._~...,-,"',~,.'._..,"'""'_~~_"__~....~_"_=..,...",_..,...,.."...~,.....,..,....._.".. .- -~----------~---- ----------------- -- ~-~-- -------- -- , I , - -- .J '.",.1 ..::J 'I I: was this day received and filed: !: Notice from Compensation Board of their meeting in Richmond on April 1, 1970, to set salaries and expenses for constitutional officers; ii ,I i , I: " i: II I' II ,I il II Ii ], :i 'I. I: " ii " !I !i Ii " I , I , 'I I: , Ii II and the following recorded vote, the county Payrolls (Daily-Hourly dated 3/18/70 " i' i' and 3/20/70, Semi-monthly dated 3/13/70) were approved for payment in the gross " II lIIDOunt of $37,906.45, from which the sum of $1,765.66 F.I.C.A. Tax; $4,048.14 Ii , Ii F.I.T. Tax; $588.59 State Income Tax; $38.00 Uniforms; $1,100.30 Blue Cross Ii 'I Insurance; $1,522.67 Retirement; $368.61 Miscellaneous Expenses is to be deducted I, iI Ii leaving a net payroll of $28,474.48. ;; II ii AYES: " I' II " II NAYS: None. " ,I !I i! ii Ii Ii Letter from State Auditor of Public Accounts in reo of James E. Peters, former County Treasurer, year ended June 30, 1969; i; :; :1 " i: II Ii 'I audit of the records for the fiscal Letter from State Auditor of Public Accounts in reo audit of the records of James E. pete::s, former County Treasurer, for the period July 1, 1969, through December 31, 1969; Newsletter from State Air Pollution Control Board; / Statement of office and Travel Expense incurred by Sheriff & Deputies for February 1970. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Ii !: . ,. Suams, :1 " Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl S~mns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II r 0 'I'~ [, 1 3d' t: " 'i u-,tlJr{.fi;,J I~'; !O I "A . ii 1;1"'f ../ II / ':" "frY' . '.:JPY.it'fp'v ; (/-' , II H. Osterhoudt. On motion of Supervise:: Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, \10 \J\o' . ,( ,i !i and the following recorded vote, the current bills totalling $37,251.97 and the bills il ?~ ii It :i paid sinee the last Board meeting totalling $52, :;50 .19 were approved presently and fJ#' (~ ('V -r .. ,-'" \ . v" .t' ..//1. .,.>-J.. J )vb.'t J-::b ..6 .-f ,- retro-actively, and four (4) bills from Holland Nax Co. totalling $397.75 listed under item "1420-Library Bond Const. Fund-Expen." were omitted and referred to the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees for payment out of current operating maintenance funds: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiInDlS, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the meeting was adjoumed until Thursday, April 2, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse. / / '-~ ~ - ...' --- J /----:2 ' i~~-=, ..-,.---.-.-..--.--..---.-...--...-- ._--~.._,.....--_. -_.._~-,.._---_._,;.,.......-.,..,...--.,..." _________ _ ___,________ __~ __ __. _ __'-_+-"'-~__'____'___'_c:.:::.._.o.~, ...:.-'_-'--'-="'-'CO_"_= Courthouse Salem, Virginia ADJOURNED MEETING April 2, 1970 7:30 P. M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County me.t this day at the Roanoke County 'ment of the regular Board meeting of March 25, 1970. Members present: Chairman I : Courthouse , Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroe.m thereof, pursuant to adjourn- Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. i Thomas and L. Earl Simms. The Commonwealth's AttolT.ey, Raymond R. Robrecht, and the: " II II II I' I, iI ij Ii !I I, Ii " " , I: " 11 ,I :! Ii Ii " 11 II " Ii ,I " , [ISubdivision, be advertised bv. the Clerk of this BOcu:d for a public hearing to be Ii \f\" ': ,. \\~\ ~~ ::held on April 22, 1970, at 7:30 P. M. in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Ii yc,\'''y II I< :1 Earl Simms seconded the motion whi.ch carried by the following I: VI \ ,I recorded vote: ~-;- iiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simmfl, A. T. Huddleston and Charles " " H. Osterhoudt. " !1 ; NAYS: None. , " ii " I i! [Hunting Hills Land Corp., explaining.th~ above-men1:ioned request, is filed with !Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews, were also pref'ent. I Following the call to order by Chairman Osterho~,dt, the meeting proceeded as I; :' follows. :1 i! 'I I' I ,. " ,I I!corporation for a special exception , Ii Zoning Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the reque,st of Hunting Hills Land as provided in subparagraph 5-1-4 of the Ordinance of Roanoke County, to erect a courltry club in the Hunting Hills I A letter dated February 13, 1970, from Gordon Coo Willis, President of :i the minutes of this meeting. ii ., ;1 i: 'i IN ii I' RE: AIR CONDITIONING SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER ARENA , I' " , II " n construc- I! WHEREAS, Roanoke County has heretofore entered into a contract for the I " :: tion, general upkeep, maintenance and operation of a civic center with the Town Ii rI of Salem, now City of Salem; and Al'\\'\()-i- ~< WHER>::AS, said contract dated March 16, 1965, pr,:>vides that the ownership, opera-:~ ~'\ {b.~. 0ion and maintenance of the Civic Center shall be shared equally between .che Town Ii --{'iA~. ,~~ of Salem, now City of Salem and Roanoke County; and ;: "'~~(~ " WHEREAS, it would appear to be in the best interest of the effective operation ii \- . '. ~Of this facility to make certain capital improvements; ~~:9~; '; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors does hereby agree, ~~~~.. .~.""subject to the other provisions of this resolution, to share equally with the - 'P~i ~J~ City of Salem the cost of installing air conditior..ing in the arena of the :,alem- jlcV. 6.1~_i d $65 OO'J .l'~ ,1'-.; Roanoke Valley Civic Center, widl the County's shclre not to excee ,; 'f . ",tJ .,; Q},v. t~ V~// 1.'1.. (\1v~I5,.l'/ 11"'- \; \.;, '1"'l.,~(y 4J';? ~ I 4/2/70 75 ~~""-':=-=,",~;;'~~...."..,.".,.....=-r..".,....=~,..,-r'-=--:;-"-'-.""-~,-.~~.'-"'--.""""'.'-.""'-.-.""_-"-'-."""",""".....,..,." BE IT FURTHER RESOLli'ED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors express its ., Ii intent to participate in air conditioning the arena of the Salem-Roanoke Valley [I Civic Center with the City of Salem in an amount not to exceed ~65,OOO, subject to ,. '. Center it " - :1 a conference and agreement on current and future operation of the said Civic " Ii with the City of Salem; I' II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Salem shall agree that in the event the Ii 11 City should purchase the County's one-half interest in the Ci'vic CenteL', that the I) Ii City will re-irnburse the County I s share of the expenditure for the ail" ii over and above the agreed selling price of said civic Center. Ii i: II Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. I!Super.risor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion. " .'1 " Ii condi tioning ;: I! - ...-J ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy offered the following sw)stitute motion, which died for I, II ii lack of a second: Ii Ii desire and intent I, i: the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic I: i' ii of the arena of said Civic Center, such meeting to be sought by the Chairman of " "that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County express its !j \i :1 " I Center commission to discuss possible air conditioning to meet with the Council of the City of Salem and jointly with ~ p " the I. ., I I. d i: " fl Another substitute motion was offered by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, as follows: Board of Supervisors at the earliest possible date." !! ., " ii "that t.he Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County express its desire and intent to :; :1 meet with the Council of the City of Salem and jo:Lntly with the Salem-Roanoke :1 . Valley Civic Center COll.mission to discuss possibl,~ air conditioning of the arena !!Of said Civic Center, such meeting to be sought by the Chairman of the Board of :1 Supervisors at the earliest possible date, and Ii -'discussion of all aspects concerning ownership d Ii and the ,. II :1 City of 'I possible transfer of ownership interest fl:om the County of Roan-:>ke to the furthermore, said meeting to include ii " ii .and operation of said Ci lie Center ,i Ii Salem. i: I' ': following recorded supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the substi,~ute motion which failed by the vote: , ~'-;.t , I i , I \...,; ., " iiAYES: Lee B. Eddy & A. T. Huddleston. :: ., NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and Charle:3 H. Osterhoudt. I' :1 ii " :1 The main motion (that is I to adopt the foregoin<; resolution "IN RE: AIR CONDI- o Ii ii TIONING SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER ARENA") carried by the following recorded :j vote: i ,i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and Charle,s H. Osterhoudt. " ., " NAYS: Lee B. Eddy and A. T. Huddleston " 'I 'I 'I I, (Just prior to casting his vote, Supervisor Huddl'~ston offered the following state-. ii ment.) " " "I have some comments to offer on this motion a~d would like for them to be a part of the minutes of this meeting. r;.."-~<co-,..",...~,=,=,.".,.,-.-=,-~.,.....",...,,..,,.._,_~_~,-=._.--:-_~",",,",~,,,,,--,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,-,,__~,,_"-'-,e--_ ~. ,<'...;...o..~,---,--,-,-""",,_,,-, "'-.--'------.--O'-=~ ,,'-'-~'~,_-'-. .,._.-_--'--'__.._.~c___:..__'___~" .. __ ..., _..._ _ __-. -,.".,..,...-.-:.".,.....-.-.e--.-,.,-_..~.-,--.,.,."._"-."._."'_ !i " ': II it Ii , Ii !I Courthouse Salem, Virginia April 8, 1970 2:00 P.M. The Board of Supervisors met this day at 'che Roanoke County Courthouse in -' ii Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom thereof, being the second Wednesday and Ii :1 first regular meeting of the month. Members prel;ent: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, II " : Vice-Chairman A. T. HUddleston, Joseph C. Thomas" Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms. II The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. RObrecht,. the Executive Officer and his I!Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively, were also present. !: i: ii Ii )' ~ i , I: Ii The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Lynn C. I' IJDickerson, minister to Rosalind Hills Baptist Church, who offered the invocation. Ii The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the ug led by the Chairman. " :i , " " 'i :! ~ " " Ii Thomas On motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the minutes of the March :25, ~ I I: 1970, meeting of this Board were approved as corr,acted. f! i; II Ii II ~: Ii The minutes of the adjourned meeting of Apl~il 2, 1970, were approved as , " [Ispread on motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, lleconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, ., Ii and the unanimous vote of the Board members. 'I " " i: i: !IMarCh Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the COllllDC'nwealth's Attorney's report dated 25, 1970, regarding proper mea~urers to reqtlire developers or builders to , -, ;1 'iobtain specific assurance of domestic water and se,wer services prior to the time II ;'tAat construction of facilities needing these sez'vices may commence, be received and' .' 'ifiled and that copies be distributed to each membe,r of the Board and Secretary of :[ !:the Planning Commission for review a.""1d that this matte.. be placed on the agenda , ! - -, ij W ,. . for the next regular meeting. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston ling recorded vote: !! i'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. . ., " 'i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved tt.at the report dated March :24, 1970, ." ,. / 78 4/8/70 ....~^.. \1\'" / ~ i! of the Commonwealth's \fA\Xr." :: :i1:~~' :::.~- ... mod ... u" ~,}~i >\-~ !,{ Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion '~hich carried by the following ~?ifjy ,I vote: ,)' /.. ii AYES' All ~U\ ii ., " :: NAYS: None. _~.::..~ __...,....,'~~'-:~__._~"~_,.,...___' ._--.,.______"'"".-----~....,..,-o-.-~--..,~..."....,----~,...--'~--~.-,-,~---r..,. =--__ _-=-_~_-"""'"=~=..::__:_,;;..:..__:::.= ~~.:'_~..::;...n.."..'_,u. _""-"=..;_---..:::o..;..;:::;......:..-_,~_'_e..::.:_;.."':...;_.:;:..;..:-=:"'~7~.::_=._+=;;.-.~::..-....c;.,;:::;';:=~,.~--_._._- i ~ il 'j II , " " Ii ! Ii Ii ,I 1\ II I: I: " !' " Attorney regarding taxation "f lease holders at the Airport, copies be made availa"'le to all members of the 'I II " 'I I, ~\ Ii IN RE: TYPEWRITER FOR COMlt:lNWEALTH 1 S ATTORNEY 1 S OFFICE if " iI Ii Supervisor authorize the 'I " " ;i II Ii II il Ii following i' ,I II Osterhoudt.' i ..;!i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Be,ard of , I ~~/,\ Commonwealth's ~U'WI;I for use in his ~,J, i! Machines & Equipment, Inc. ~ !i tl Supervisor A. T. ~" I I' " ;1 recorded vote: 'Y , II J AYES: " i! ,I NAYS: None. II ,[ ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy. ;i II II I, II [1 Ii II v' \i IN RE: II Ii .1 " ,I i[ and file the report of the Courthouse Beautification Committee regarding land- I scaping the Courthouse lawn, and that the County Executive Officer be authorized Attorney to purchase the Remington Electric Typewriter, Model 25 office, in the amount of $394.20 af'quoted by Virginia Office Huddleston seconded the motj,on which carried by the Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. LANDSCAPING COURTHOUSE LAWN Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the BI::lard of Supervisors receive \~bV' ~~~ w to proceed with the plan as presented. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following ,I ii ',,1 recorded vote: II Ii :1 I, i, II i, :i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sin~s, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt NAYS: None. 11 :i ii 'I .' ji I " II I' !! !i ., ,IN RE: REZONING 5.08 ACRES ) LOCATED AT CORNER OF LOWER~ ) 2S ACRE TRACT AND NOAH GARST) OF ) LUCY c. SEARS ) ORl)ER This day came Lucy C. Sears by counsel, and requested leav~ to file her petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as :requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred tel the Planning Commission of n ii Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordaJ'lce with the provisions of the " 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission of Roanoke County shall have reported its recommendation tC) the Clerk of this Board, as I I .: " :i 'I I, !i i; I: I II I: !i i: 'I I' ,I il I " II II " II :1 I! 'I (I !i Ii " i ,I " ;1 Ii ., Ii !i " 'i I II I, " " il !: I I , !; I i' Ii I' I: " i! ![ I 80 \'1 . 1 10. G ,I iI/ ~ ,;,u1 . 1\-/1 V' i! -\ \ '! \ \" ~.>>" ." ."..,~ ii Cf" fJi'--;~rY :1 tv': p"~" ii V' I' :i 'I ~] 4/8/70 . .----- ......._... .----...---.,--- "_____.____.__,._____. _____~";.=_:_=_-.;..:~-;:".:.::.:..::=.":..=+_...,."'"o~-- IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERrY SITUATE APPROXIMATElY ) 100 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE EAST SIDE OF ) . VIRGINIA ROUTE NO. 117 NEAR THE INTERSECUON ) OF VIRGINIA ROUTE NO. 117 AND VIRGINIA ROUTE) NO. 116, IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTEXCT ) OF ) ROBERT C. BRAMMER AND BARBARA T. BRAMMER ) RESOLUTION This day Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Robert C. Brammer and Barbara T. I half of the said Robert C. Brammer and Barbara T. Brammer relative to rezoning certain property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED t:hat at this regular meeting I of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Vi.rginia, held this 8th day of April, 1970, said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. AND BE ~T FURrHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend said of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLIlED AND ORDERED tha1: when the said Planning commission shall report its recommenda~ion to thc~ Clerk of this Board she shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that noticl~ thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the previsions of the Code of Virginia. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order and one certified copy of said petition be forthwith certi- fied by the Clerk of this Board and delivered to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, an~ on a recorded vote the :1 'I I' .! Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES.~ All NAYS: None. l! ,. ii ,. ,. !i I I, i' ,I [' ,I I ii IN RE: REZONING OF 24.002 ACRES, MORE ) OR LESS, CONVEYED OR OPTIONED 1 TO REALCO INVESTMENT CORPORATION ) AND LYING ADJACENT TO NORTH LAI<ES ) SUB-DIVISION IN ROANOKE COUNTY ) ORDER OF REFERENCE This day came Realco Investment corporation, by Counsel, and requested leave of the Board to file its Petition for the rezoning of the property therein described and further requested that said Petiti.on be referred to the planning I commission of Roanoke County for a recommendaticm. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that said Petition be, and the same hereby is filed. AND BE rr FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED tha': the proposal to amend the 81 ,....-=--=.:~..==-~~"~:~~''',.,.."...~=--=-=...,.,,..~. ~."-_-"--:o"""~,<"".~."",.-;"~=.=,,-..,~...,.~_.__.,,.....,__..,"_,..,,,,,,,,,...__..,._..,.,...~,-c-. ".".,-.:-_.:.,....",~."~=-_=""~.."...-...,-.7,~-.-C-r-."...~,......-,.,-""'=~."~=.,,....'....."C'l"".C"""'" ,1 ,! I , '! " ii I: I' said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of virginia': ~/~o AND BE IT FURXHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu-: A~~ ; - eiUl I PI) tion and order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. i: ~~ Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Conunission oj: Roanoke County, Virginia. il !~/ The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston,liV' ~ .<),v" I ,~~,~1 ,,~-tI1. .r. 'A~;.;r , ~Y'" ,;Y' Ii ~~ :ra~;J~. :17 t:v., il (0 ::.",~",--.;.;..cc;..;o.,;",',-'_=_-..._,,__,-,--,"-__'--'.-O-'-o.;...~_::.'"::'-__'--'-'-~'~.c...c...~' _---'--',._.'-c"'-._-'-.-'-='-.c"--=.~_"'_'..,.::_.=.__.._.=::..;._~_'_-.;.;..::.::"_-.~=_,..;C;'.'.C::"'.".'.''-.- '-,_.______::.__.-"'c...~,... ~_'-' :'_M .c-'-u__.;;";.;.-.;,-'c..c II Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke county, as requested in said Petition, be and the same :1 !i is hereby REFERRED to the Planning Conunission of Roanoke County, Virgbia, for a Ii recommendation in accordance with tre provisions Clf the Code of Virginia of 1950 as " II amended. " :i ;1 :1 shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of t;his Board as required by the , ii Ii .1 , 'I I: " il ii ii II Ii I' I I, I, i; Ii Ii il !: Ii and seconded Ii I' II AYES: All Ii II NAYS: None. \! ~i Ii [i II ,I 'II IN RE: i :: BE IT RESOLVED, that this Board does hereby employ the firm of Branch & II Associates, Inc., Contractors, for the demolitioll and incidental work thereto of a Ii :1 certain house located at 3112 Davis Avenue, S. W., in Roanoke County, which house !i has been deemed to be unsafe by the Roanoke Coun1:y Building Inspector under the Ii 'I Ii Roanoke County Building Code, the owner of said property having been given proper " ,. ~ i . .-i AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the suue the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the matter down for a public hearing at the next perrnissable regular or special meeting of the Board, and that; notice thereof be given by the ...., '--:",,4 by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and voted as follows: DEMOLITION OF HOUSE ON DAVIS AVENUE / ~ - Ii notice that said house would be demolished if n01: satisfactorily repaired within a II I !i II I 'I I II " :, given time; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Board doell hereby appropriate the sum of $J..OOO.oo as compensation for the said Branch & Allsociates, Inc., for their services in demolishing said hc:use, this Board dE,eming that it is not necessary that sealed bids be solicited for this work. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vot;e: :"'1 W AYES: " " :1 II Ii Ii II NAYS: " II " :1 il 11 jl Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si:Duus, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. 8 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the County Executive Officer be authorized to purchase fire hose (2000 ft. of 1 1/2" and 500 ft. of 2 1/2"1. from Tidewater Supply Co., Inc. in ac~ordance with th"ir low bid of $2,328.20. supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si:Dms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ii NAYS: None. / 'i ~ " '! . 10 . '.: )./ >l'.,j . ,~~~.~ ilu;Z :.:iVr@AW~ ". C " ;! q_1b t. IV'.,..r~, , C.~r 41':0... 11 '.r!-)' y~' 'i ~.,j.!f'-' .,..lgo~.~ J . " \ I 'i ji . 'It> : .+/10'.( ( :c~V( ~ '\Il,.t(' ~D 82 / 4/8/70 -. """'-~.""'"'----~'-----'~---'-'----~""'''''''''''''-'''---------''--'-'---' II II I !l ii , Ii -".",~="-_";;.~"O~;..-~=-_c::::.-_:;"";:'-";'~-'-~"'~C,"=,--:..:,-,-;....;:..;..:.:.-",-.:-;.,:;.:_~;,"::;'--'--'-'--'-__'-."'-_:,-".' --..,.,-.-..---,,--.,.....-.--,....,....-..-.....,...-,---------....,-.--.--- -~. ._--. . . --""-"-,. ",' . ,_.:.-_"-'-'--'~c;.:..'_'_:..:c:.-::..:_..=.:;....._ .:_'-'--'-'-'...:.....:..c:....;..,'..:.=.:..:.c;.;..:,c:"-c... :::.:;.;.:....-.:..:;.""'c..."'=._. _~==::.=::...__ All bids received on the afore-mentioned fire hose are filed with the of this meeting. I minutes:1 !i II !i ii Ii ii II I " i! ii !i ., r I' I! ,I I! II County authorize the Chairman of this Board to si.gn a proclamation presented by " Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the BOaJ:'d of Supervisors of Roanoke of COll\lllerce Week. ii I' Ii I: I; It Ii Huddleston seconded the mot:ion which carried by the follow- ii if " " Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Commerce declarir'g AprilS - April 11 as Chamber :i i I " ~ II Supervisor A. '1'. ing recorded vote: i: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiDans, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I! I: " jl Ii H Ii II I; Ii 'I Ii Ii II I: Ii Ii I' I , ! Ii AYES: I' !i [I ,i il i; Ii II " H ti " /., i I, i' / ,I II ji ,I 1 :1 ., H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of supervisor Lee B. Eddy, secondE,d by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the unan:iJllous vote of the Board members, comiideration of a resolution to the State Water Control Board requesting maximum priority status for Roanoke County's projects, was deferred until the April 22, 1970, meeting of this Board. I, Ii ;\ " 1i II ii " " '; ,I Ii 'I Ii 1< i! Ii :1 ;: ;: " ii I: II ii I, ,. " :i I, !; :t !; II I' .1 " Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board mernbel:s, the following items were this II Ii Ii ii H !, I, I II Ii " II " Ii " Ii I' !i On motion of Supervisor L. Earl S:unms, seconded by Supervisor.Joseph c. day received and filed: . Letter and Resolution from Roanoke City regarding zoning and height regulations applicable to land in the County around Roanoke Municipal Airport; , VPI Extension Agents reports for March 1970 (Home Ec.-Bonnie J. Webster & Jean Robbins; Agriculture-Robert Layman I. Lowell H. Gobble) Letter and resolution from City of Roanoke regarding amending Roanoke County Land Subdivision Ordinance;' J'rreasurer's Report, spread as follows - 'I " :i I' I' , i: " i: il At the close of business March 31, 1970, thezewas to the credit of the following: !! " , Ii " " !I " ii 'i " 11 )! ii i! 'I I TO TBE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF RO~OKE COUNTY: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash Data processing Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund .. Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Debt Fund - Availa)le Cash Federal Prog:t:dlll Fund ,- Available Cash Parks and Recreation Construction Fund - Available Library Construction Fund - Available Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash Retiremen'~ Fund - Available Cash Deferred :redit Account - James E. Peters - Kathryn F. Garst Public Building Debt Fund - Available Cash $ Cash 746,226.53 14,018.27 19,862.22 14,257.86 284,141. 79 11,371.85 30,346.79 44,477.82 59,283.90 13,642.49 23,247.87 174.74 62.54 -1. 20 360.00 $ 1,261,473.47 Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow - $4,163,000.00 Bank of Salem Escrow - $1,880,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Programs Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bone. Account $ 2,000.00 1,124,097.45 47,408.12.... , ;! 44,477.82 9,176.23 ii " " th~ I I I I ii I' II I .- - .- - , ,-'.'-"" <,,,,-~,,,,--""''''''''''''-''. -';'-,'.~..'''.' .. 83 ~~~O"=~~~O_~~/I ~~rsoc:;....~- Ba::--~~ p~y~g ~~:t~ P:liC Bldg. Bond~c~::tC~-$ '11 Farmers National Bank - Textbook Account !Colonial-American National Bank II :j /jcertificates of Deposit - School Construction ',Bank of Salem ',Farmers National Bank !',Mountain Trust Bank I' Securi ty National Bank ,'First National Exchange Bank i.ColOnial-Arnerican National Bank " II Certificate of Deposit - Library Construction ~First National Exchange Bank ICertificate of DepOsit: - Parks and Recreation I' _ Ii liMountain Trust Bank I, [[certificates of DepOsit - Savings - General Revenllle ,Farmers National Bank !Bank of Salem I, _~.""""-.r==,.."..~~.____ ,~, ,.r.,....,..,'....+-=".""C. . < ....,..-.-....,--..-.,7.,-"'....,..,-=.0..'--'.. ...,..,.....,."....,.,-.,...--.,..,.,="-"'.,..",,,.-:,.....,."'"-'-, .....,...,...~.,..._.,....._.....,'''_,...'...~.'"'''.,.,,..,.....'._'_,7.,'''..,.'.,,......,....,...,..,...,,..,,..,....,.~.,-,.-,,..,......'''"'''.,.,, 360.00 11,371.85 22,582.00 $ 1,261,473.47 $ 1,200,000.00 1,350,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 $ 7,450,000.00 $ 700,000.00 i: , " Ii , , 'I :i :' il :i $ 300,000.00 $ 100,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 $ Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kathryn F. Garst DB Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer Roanoke County - ii 1 II I'ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYS'rEM - DISCONTINUANCE ., 11 . !: IIA letter dated March 24, 1970, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke coun,fY il from J. E. BlU:Wood, Deputy Commissioner of Virgi,niil Department of Highways, Riclmtond. Ii iVirginia, approving the following discontinuance (c:onfirmed by the Highway Commission I: . :1 iiat its meeting on March 19, 1970) from the Seconda];y System of Highways in R::lanoke ::County: i,DISCONTINtJANCE . LENGTH l'isect10ns 1,3,4,6 & 13 of old location of Rte. 800, between Station 'I 17+50 and Station 49+25, Project 0800-080-'142,C-501. 0.16 Mi. Ii Iwas this day received and filed on motion of Superv'isor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Ii i'Supervisor Joseph C. Thol!las and the unanimous vote of the Board member,s. I! 'I i~ !i ., , " " / ., "COUNTY PAYROLLS. !! 'I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, sel:onded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston '-1 L.J :i i: : and tne following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Daily/Hourly dated 4/1/70 & riD J/10/ '1;: j~ ..~~ '" 1>( V. r:1 EJ i: 114/3/70 and the Semi-Monthly dated 3/30/70) were app:~oved in the gross amount of ii ~ 11$37,892.27; from which the sum of $1,764.95 F.I.C.A. Tax; $4,034 W. H. Tax; $585.513 II ,/ . ,v ilState Income Tax; $22.00 Uniforms; $12.00 Accounts .tns.; $364.40 Blue Cross :i ;1 . ./ iiInsurance; $29.76 Retirement a.'ld $122.51 Miscellanel)us Expenses are to be deducted :i leaving a net payroll of $30,956.87. i, iiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms., A. T. Huddleston and Charles " I' Ii H. Osterhoudt. I, NAYS: None. " " " l' ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT ' " !i On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, secondec~ by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas ,,_ ~ ".___0__ .._,Om.__n_____ bills paid since the last board meeting in -the r-------- I! " Ii ,I I, Ii II I II I II Ii il II " II I: " 'I II il a committee Ii !: ., " ii Ii !! Ii n On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, se,conded by S'Jpervisor L. Earl Simms I: !l " the'l ,I !i II il II 'I " Ii Following the forty-five minute privileged session, the Chairman reported that: " It ii " " I':.! outdoor educational area for Ii Ii I; !i , 84 I i ! I I , , F~--'--=':~-==---"':":';"=-=--='::'~--=:";_::'~'-" I I , I I i Ii and the following recorded vote, the ,I Ii amolint of $86,967.91 and the ~rrent 10 ,. \.'~ ,.. retro-actively and currently. J.\/ Ii'" I' i.,i NAYS: None. 'I " :i :1 H :1 On motion of Supervisor A. " !i Simms and the unanimous vote of bills am=tin;rto $42,302.50 were approved Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SilllDS, A.T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl the Supervisors, the Board resolved into ~ i ii of ,. " I! 'I " t. :1 .' the whole to discuss privileged matters. the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the Bc,ard dissolved the committee of ,I and II " I, !' whole .i " Ii 'i " , I! :1 " and resumed in open session. !i I' ,i Ii the Board of Supervisors was deferring action until April 22 on the School Board II I II II ~! 'I ,. Ii 'I Supervisor, Roanoke Co. Schools and Mr. Darrell Shell, Director of Parks & Recreation :1 ii :l Department appeared regarding the above matter) 'I :1 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston I, " i! Attorney to seek a legal opinion from the AttornE'y " " II 'I " ~ ' t1/ '\ V ~ ,\.',A. Iii . .J!< basis; and, also, to seek a legal opinion as to >lhether or not the Q}~\l :1 air conditioning system does not conflict with the local governing body's I: ii of the Southern Standard Building Code. II :1 supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion lihich carried by the following ii recorded vote: ii t! Ii AYES: " , : NAYS: L. Earl Simms ,i ,! ABSTAINED: Joseph C. Thomas. " resolution requesting land in the Glenvar area fe,r an County the Life Sciences in Roanoke/Schools, pending :tu%.'ther consideration by the School Board and the Recreation Board and a report there,on. (Mr. Frank Moricle, Science moved that this Board request the Commonwealth's I! General of the State of Virginia il I, " " !i as to whether this governing body would be on sa!'.;! legal grounds to enter into an agreement such as participating in the a;'r condit:ioning of the Salem-Roanoke " bid !i Ii designing of said Valley Civic Center without submitting the projec,t to bidders on a competitive , " adoption II " .' .. Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, and Charle:; H. Oste;:houdt. !I ii " Ii I, The meeting was adjourned on motion of supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded il by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the I I I " I! " " ,. ;! ji i ~ " I I 85 Ii " II !I :1 ii il !: " "_. _...,_n . __~_.__. ___~_"'_','_'.."'____._'_._..c=:_._ 'o..-~___'_._.~_~_.._....; .;.._.;..___~_=.;.._ ~_,,__-"-'--'-'_-'-~"--'-~"-"-'-_';'.':"".__-,-'-- ..-o-----".,...-...,.-~..,._,..,.~.-.:___,---_,.,..,...~--_.."...._,_'~....,___,.~-~~.-._.__._...._=_.,.........""'."'--~~..,:,~-'--~''''''''''--'''-'''-~'',-+_'--'''''''''~-='''. _....:...:..._.-'-,..;.c._;.;........'~.._.-----:'-.-''''~~__-= " ], ] ], " , ,] I \:1-,\~~'D. ~ ~t~ rr( On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, sec.mded by Supervisor A. T. HUddlesto~ the following recorded vote, the above live,;tock claim was referred to the -1A- ~iY ~~. Courthouse Salem, Virginia April 22, 1970 7:30 p.m. The Board of Supervisors met this day at tne Roanoke County Courthouse in .--, i: II if Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom thereof, being the fourth Wednesday and ], Ii the second regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Charles H. f!osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Joseph Ii Thomas. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, the County Executive jl I!Officer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively were Ii ii also present. , \! Ii The Chairman called the meeting to order, introduced Reverend C. L. Dodson, Ii II minister to the Windsor Hills Baptist Church who offered the invocation, and then il Ii led in the pledge of allegiance which was given in unison to the flag. '] II i! ii Ii .., Ii ]i The minutes of the April 8, 1970, meeting of this Board were approved as ;1 ijcorrected on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlestcn, seconded by supervisor Lee B. I' Ii Eddy and the following vote: II Ii AYES: All Ii !I NAYS: None. II Ii :! ;1 - [t ,] Ii A group of Cave Spring High School students and Mr. Fred Andereon, their :1 instructor in a class on Government, were recogni.zed by the Chairman as being " 11 " Ii present " I] II I' I 'i !' ii IN RE: to observe the Board of Supervisors' meeting. LIVESTOCK CLAIM OF ROBERT HOVIS FOR 1 MILK GOAT KILLED BY DOGS --, , i ~ :, ,! On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. :1 :: Huddleston and the following recorded vote, the above livestock claim was referred if to the Commonwealth's Attorney and County Executive Office~ ~v~ investigation and it ;; recommendation back to this Board at the next meeting, May 13, 1970. I; " Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles !I ii H. Osterhoudt. it c-. ;i;1 ;~.':l -! ., Ii NAYS: None. ;; ]] Ii Mr. Hovis arrived at the meeting some time after the above action was I I, taken. He was advised to work with the individuals appointed to cheek into his , " Ii claim and to submit signed statements of any witnesses to substantiate his claim. :: IN RE: LIVESTOCK CLAIM OF. MRS. L.. D. MCCRAY FOR 9 PIGS KILLED BY DOGS " I' J !i :1 i: 'I and , Ii :1 / , p C.! I ], ,] ]i " it " :1 :i H ./ , J II :i ,/ :1 " 'I " :1 :j i' i \1C / ].i.'4\.?-~ ~~~ :!~~< ~.(19J1 !! .: ' ! 86 I I I , i f~-:--:: .. -:. --~~=.'{-- -"c~..~==-=~~=-:-::'-=-;-o=~~:-::-.-::::=='::::;;::=~':: =:::.~~=::;:;::.=-..:::.::.::.::~:;;;:---:---=-;;~;:;:;;::;;..::=::::;::;;;::-~=-::::-;...=--::=---:;:;::-=-:-:::.,.~. I i! County Executive Officer, the Dog Warden and COllunonwealth's Attorney for additional Ii I ii information and report back to this Board by the next meeting, May 13, 1970. ii ! Ii AYES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddlest,on and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II i ii NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas. ii , il Mrs. McCray was present and answered the Supervisors questions. I: I ,. ,; , ,I 'I I ~ II '1 [I I! ,. 'I ~-,~~,-,'" '," . , .._...,. ."~_"'w.__-,~. '._"-_ _ ..~,,,-"..".._.~..,..,."~c.>"..,,.,~., .,1'; ,_,~.:",;o.<'~'1',~"p'...:'7I'/J.,. 4/22/70 I .' ~ 'i AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE , Ii ii Ii rl II I, II I I. fl from said Ordinance expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and '1'1. il WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of supervisors of Roanoke count1', '! 1; I, ., i; " " :I , ii ordinance having been e.nacted by the ., " ;i November 17, 1958, and amended October 22, 1969, and January :1 I: WHEREAS, Roanoke county has a valid Business License Ordinance, said 28, 1970; and I Roanoke County Board of Supervisors on WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain deletions Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, January 28, 1970, a motion and further moving that the notice of the intention of said Board to adopt such the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appr,opriate newspaper; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was publiShed once a week for four (4) successive weeks, namely Marc:t 11, 1970; March 18, 1970; I March 25, 1970; and April 1, 1970, in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanok.e, Vir9inia, and on l1arch 11, 1970; ~arch 18, 1970; March 25, 1970; and April 1, 1970, in ~he Vinton Messenger, a " ii il newspaper published in Roanoke County, and was al:so published at the front door of the Roanoke county Courthouse and at each Post Office in Roanoke County; and the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at th,; Courthouse thereof on Wednes- ,: i: day, April 22, 1970, at 7:30 p.m.; II ~ } NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke :! l! county, Virginia, that the Roanoke county Busines,s License Ordinance be amended ': o ~hii to delete Section 9-7 FIREWORKS - GUN POWDER from said Ordinance. i! ~..~)~.~".~ F-\ ~\l,IIV,:I: . publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directedii ~\~ : 'wit to cause this amendment to be published as provid.;d by Section 15.1-504 of the g~ I{Y ). ' ',ry ~..:...Ii~' Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, one.; a week for two (2) successive if ~ ..,./;(j weeks in The Vintor. Messenger, a newspaper publis:iled in Ro.moke County, Virginia, Ii t,' Vw ~'~, :i,',.i;i' and in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in ii ~~ Roanoke County, Virginia. The effective date of this amendment shall be June 1, I I 1970. Upon IliOtion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, sec,onded by dupervisor L. Earl Simms, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si~ns, A. T. Huddeston and Ii :f Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I; " I' Ii ., I, II II I' i: II I Ii II " I, :! Ii ,I -- :1 II :1 " , 'I !i [I " I' il Ii .' !I , 'I I, 'I I, I' >I " . II " II , iI ..... II I, ,Ii 4/22/70 "-~--_._--------...-_.,,------,---~-_._----_.._._----------~-' . .- - - - '.' IN RE: SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A COUNTRY CLUB IN HUNTING HILLS AREA. ) ) ) FINAL ORDER 87 / " Land Corporation to construct a country club in the general area known as Hunting Ii ,or fZ./ Hills, and more specifically, approximately 100 yards northwest of the intersection ~ il~~~ Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Holman willis, Jr., jI.,..I., ~ , p~ Y,' i, i' attorney for the applicant. n.....t. , Ii The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. I ~ '~., Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and on the recorded vote the :: ~' \ '/'" ftf :j !....... ~ - g At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 22nd d~y of April, 1970. WHEREAS, HUNTING HILLS LAND CORPORATION did petition this Board at its meeting on April 2, 1970 for a special exception to erect a country club, as provided in Subparagraph 5-1-4 of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, and by order entered that day, said request was directed to be advertised by the ii Clerk of 'i I' i! ,. " :! this Board for a public hearing to be held on April 22, 1970 at 7:30 r.m. in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the said proposed special exception i after due publication as provided by statute; and 'I I. WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said request, and being of the opinion that said request should be granted, and that the rights of no person would be injured by granting said request; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 22nd day of April, 1970, that a special exception be, and the same hereby, is, granted as provided in Subparagraph 5-1-4 of the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County for Hunting Hills of Hunting Hills Drive and an undedicated street known as Fox Ridge Road. BE IT FURrHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and order to the Secretary of the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: !i Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. " ;i Ii Mr. Holman Willis, Jr., Attorney, and Mr. Gordon Willis, President of Ii I H,..nting Hills Land Corp. appeared in support of the aforementioned request; no " Ii one appeared to oppose same. ii " :1 ii IN RE: REZONING OF 2. 30 ACRES LOCATED ON ) TEMPORARY ROUTE 419 APPROXIMATELY ) ONE MILE EAST OF ROUTE 221 ) OF ) THOMAS H. BEASLEY AND ELIZABETH H. ) BEASLEY ) Supervisor L~e B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and deny the petition to rezone from Residential Estates to Industrial M-l the above-described property of \?-J \ 1Ct" .;; L-\ 'V' ?}~ c/r j , ~-.-J 10{~,jY V V&{/J~,~ , "~.1' 'q I ,C~t't)}:v , /1 ..'.~ ~.l(.ct:VI./.J ;,~~JM . ~v 88 4/22/70 -----------.-.----.--.------------.------------- .----.-------'-- ___-:... ~-==--==-=-.=.-=~:;:.."=~--=--=--'-=o'=-=-'---=-'...;::;o=.'.- =="'-:.:='"0""'-0-__ _':=O", =._-,c:';~...,_..::,0"_ .--0--,'-' .-..-"''':'' _:.;O'-,.._,-.=.,_._~~-.._.-~.-----'.:"'O"..,...==_ ,-=O=-=,'O~"-...:::;.:..;.=;:;=:__"===:="_-,.-_:=..,c-=. "" ii II !I ii ,I Thomas H. and Elizabeth H. Beasley. :1 I' Ii It II ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the i: :, jl followi~g recorded vote: " i! AYES: !! Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I ABSTAINED: Joseph C. Thomas. Mr. Frank N. Perkinson, Attorney for the petitioners, appeared to explain il II the request. The petitioners, Mr. & Mrs. Beasley were also present. " Ii ,[ Mr. Evans Jessee, Attorney representing approximately twenty adjoining 1! I, property owners opposed to th.e foregoing request, appeared to give reasons why IN RE: ii " " " I' ,I n 'I I, h I' I Huddleston, it is ORDERED that the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office of Roanoke :1 C t v, " b d' d ' . ' i1 oun y, J.rc3'l.nJ.a, e J.recte to J.nstJ. tute a Chancery SUJ. t, or take whatever other ,I , " means deemed advisable, to collect all of the delinquent real estate taxes due ii , I said request should be denied. CHANCERY SUIT TO COLLECT DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAXES ii :1 " " ii " ., . I' /,1 [I " , ,I tY~' ~ \ 1.1...1 'I ~o II ~'\ '.v .: 'd- <1--: " ~~ii! c)'1 ^",/Y, I! f:p'V;1 :..' '1) ii ~W'h i[ I' o Ii On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. and owning upon a certain parcel of real estate, now lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia. This parcel known and designated as 46.93 acres, for taxation in the name of Harold Depkin. Ii [I ,! " I! ;r ii II !I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ii '[ I, " It is further ordered that said Fort Lewis Mountain, Route 1, Salem, Virginia, and which said parcel is assessed County taxes collected from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. I Commonwealth's Attorney's Office be paid a commission of NO% of the amount of AYES: i! Ii :1 NAYS: I' iI " II II i: , " Ij il ii H. Osterhoudt. Mr. Nash Tyler, Collector of Delinquent Taxes an~ ~ccounts for Roanoke ij :i il , !, H ;; recom-!\ , Ii ;: " None. County, appeared regarding this matter;and his letter dated April 14, 1970, :: mending the foregoing action is filed with the minutes of this meeting. :1 'I " :1 !! !i :i ;, IN RE: SPECIAL CO~UTTEE TO EVALUATE COUNTY DOG CONTROL ORDINANCE AND ITS ADMINISTRA~ION Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors create a I ! ~~ r ~,J,I County Executive Officer, one member of the Board of supervisors and one citizen /'. II \~ F\~~ 'I", at large to evaluate the present County Dog Control Ordinance and its adrninistra- ~v ~(~~ tion and make recommendations to the Board as to whether any changes in same ~~'\\(~:i should be made and, if so, what these should be; further, that the report be ~'l. J :'f;J submitted at the earliest convenient date and no later than the second regular V t ~ "/1 meeting in June. ,~ ~. (V~ :' supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the .r~~' .oJ~\).<t.f,J;)~)I', following record~l vote: '; lr AYES J h C Th IDa Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ii : osep . 0 s , i: \Y~ 'AY" ::..::'.<hou". · ~Y;;~o. 'r[ ~?\: \l}." II I,V' il , .1 Ii special committee to consist of the C~~on~ealth's Attorney, the Sheriff, the I __-'--..::,..____..:c"-~.-:-~___=, ~ -~-,..::=-:-_::,._-:,.;:-::'=;~:..:~:-_:;~~~..:~~c.~-~~"',..=__~~.=,_=__:_:;~~~~-'":=-,.:~~-2:__'".~:~;~~~~~-~~ -::---:_=-= -_:.. -~-=-~=----"'--,..,.--- -----~~-. - - Ii ~ -~~-- u__ ---- - ~O~_-_--- ~-~-~-~~"----"-~~~-=~~~ 'i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board doth direct the commonwealth"s i: I: " Attorney and its special annexation counsel, Rol:ert C. Fitzgerald, Esq. to use " 'i all possible means to have said court reconvene and this matter heard as soon as II !I " :1 'I " !i :; II il 1,1' Ii ",'1 II i! !i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I! Ii :1 I' I! " 90 ~ ~' 1\ '.' :! '" Ii ^ ~~ :\rl: ~'/l ii <j~i ~/J i: \J' Jc/~ 4/22/70 possible. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. I Eddy and adopted by the following recorded vote: H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I IN RE: AUTaORITY OF COUNTY I S HERETO.?ORE APPPOINTED SEWER NEGOTIA~ING COMMITTEE TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATING WHEREAS, the Roanoke county Board of supervisors has heretofore appointed i! a committee to negotiate with the City of Roanoke concerning a contract for the I' II treatment of sewage emanatir.; in Roanoke county by the City of Roanoke and to II ~i !i negotiate concerning water and sewer services wit.t'1 the City of Roanoke and the " " I, other governments of the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, the Chairman of said committee advises that negotiations with the City of Roanoke a:o:e continuing; and WHEREAS, some question may exist as to the authority of the Roanoke County committee to continue negotiating at this time; I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the ne-jotiating committee heretofore appointed by the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, which committee consists of Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt, Mr. Lee B. Eddy, and Mr. Paul B. Matthews, be and the same is hereby reconstituted and given the authority to continue negotiating with the City of Roanoke and with the other governments of the Roanoke Valley, until AYES: ii I! II Adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. EArl i! Ii " I! Ii Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ti [' '. further order of this Board. simms and the following recorded vote: H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I A RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY AIR POLLUTION CONTROL OP~INANCE WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of supervisors has adopted 1 ., I' " a comprehensive " 'I I l' I air pOllution control ordinance effective July 1, 1969, and WHEREAS, Section 8.d of said ordinance prohibits open fires with certain exceptions or as authorized under permit issued by the County Haith Department Air Pollution Control Division, and WHEREAS, Section 8.d of said ordinance also prohibits the burning of leaves! in those areas where provision is made for public collection thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors states that there is no present provision made for the public collection of leaves in Roanoke County, and 4/22/70 91 r:;=-~- ~--.-C"i-'::;-==-~~~=------'---_:':::-~~~= .~-~-=-~:~=--~~-:---=--:- -=-:::--:.::----~ -~-:-:.::~-.::~::-===~--.-. I :1 I - i I , i ! . - '_1 - "... ii " 'I " ji d II ,. I! " h Ii Ii " " Ii " II . if ,I r, 'I I, II ;1 :i " " ii II Ii ~ II " - J :J :,,-_-1 ...J FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Air Pollution Control Enforcement Officer be respectfully requested to grant oral or written permission to residents for the occasional burning of leaves and other natural accumulation on their " premises at such times and under such conditions as may, in his judgment, not create 1j f ji ii " ,. I: a hazard or add to air pollution of the area, but that such permission not be extended to include regular "backyard burning" except as authorized under Section 8.d (2) (d) of said ordinance, and FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that certified copies of this resolution be transmitted to the Roanoke County Commonwealth:.. Attorney, the Roanoke County Health Department Air Pollution Control Division and the Roanoke County Air Pollu- tion Advisory and Appeal Board. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. The following people appeared t~ comment or ask questions with regard to the foregoing matter: Mr. Robert S. Templeton, Mrs. K. A. Womack, Mr. William H. Roberts, II~, and Mr. George Richardson. Mr. Carter Bradley, Roanoke County's Air Pollution Control Officer was also ii i present and recoqnized. i[ :, i; IN RE: SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND RECOMMEND MEASURES TO REQUIRE DEVELOPERS OR BUILDERS TO OBTAIN ASSURANCE OF WATER & SEWER SERVICE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County create a special committee to study and reoommend measures to require developers or builders to obtain specific assurance of domestic water and sewer Ii (i :1 services prior to the time that construction of facilities needing these services 'I II may commence and that such committee include the County Executive.Officer, one member of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, one member of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority and one citizen membe~ as the Chairman may select. !1 ii :1 ,! Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: RESOLUTION TO VA. STATE WATER CONTROL BOARD REQUESTING HIGH PRIORITY IN GRANTING OF STATE & FEDERAL AID FUNDS TO APPLICATION OP ROANOKE CO. IN CONSTRUCTION OF SEWAGE TREATMENT FACILITIES. WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of supervisors deems it imperative to establish a sewage treutment system for the County of Roanoke: and WHEREAS, the Virginia State Water Control Board is the appropriate State Agency for the administration of state and federal assistance in the construction ,. Ii \ 10 1:4?-) "'t/'I 'U\~~/ , '1 t, i..:~fr i!a~~0 --u\.Y~' U, . :1 ~/1v' -i.. ~~y~ '!.if) ~~/ ;IV' ttf Ii it / 92 4/22/70 . --_,.=~~-o-~-- ~"';-'-_:~';~_=__'~~---=--_ c..:-..;...._"=~'---_~-==__~"-'--:"""-':-'c.-_~~_=-~~_;;..:~:-:-~~_~:;;:~ :~:_:.;_"--O.:~.:;-'--- ,--:~~.~~.~'=-.=:-~:_':~-~=-=;~'::::'=~~~-,. __~~"~~ Ii I!of such facilities, and is empowered to establish priorities for receipt of same; tJ" NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors :: " !'CO' b....Y ,,'p""'lly 0","" tho "o,l.,. "... ....0 'on'ool So", to ,1.. I \~~~. ~ earnest consideration and high priority in the granting of state and federal aid II ~~ .I~~' if funds to the application of Roanoke County and the Roanoke County Public Service Ii c!'~ 11' 9, ii Authority for state and federal aid in the construction of sewage treatment ii " I: ,I 'I Ii ,. I p J>!!. ~ ii L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote: Ii ~I ~~~. I; AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ii Ut I ,'I r-~ , .' NAYS: None. ~ l 11 I ABSTAINEl):Lee B. Eddy. , " ' It I; I: II,. ii II 'I Ii Ii Ij fl' :: IN RE: LEASE WIT.H VA. STATE DEPT. OF HEALTH FOR COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. 1 S QUARTERS IN SALEM on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor , , " !i !i 'I of II i! I I, '. Ii ~~ On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. K W il Thomas and the following recorded vote, the Chairman of the Roanoke County Board ~~, Ii Supervisors was authorized to execute on behalf of Roanoke County the new lease I~tt~. ii with the Virginia State Departmer..t of Health for the County Health Department's fl~ .'~. ii quarters in Salem: ~~t~, ii AYES: Joseph C. :I'homas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sinuns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles :Ir." V ii H. Osterhoudt. v Ii Ii NAYS: None. fi I I, ,. " ii i I, I' ii II ,. ., 'I I, 'I " " ~: IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF LOT 2, BLOCK 4, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF HILLENDALE, SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY OF Daniel E. Smith and Reba R. Smith ~ i 'I II Ii their I Ii ii I' ., i, i ) ) ) ) ) ORDER ii , TO: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: Came this day the petitioners by their counsel and asked leave to file Petition relative to the zoning of a parcel of land located in Roanoke county and more specifically described in the said Peiti~n. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be. and the same is, hereby filed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that. the proposal to amend th.e zoning Ordinance as requested in the said Petition be, and the same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its recommendations in accordance with provisions of ~ 15.1-453 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as i! " :r amended. ;! AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission ,I shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by law , Ii II the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same aown for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this " ., ;1 I I I I I 4/22/70 93 . -. ....-- ..,...,.".,.....~c-:".--_~.-:-o":,.."-~~,.:.......,_,,.-e-...,.......,.__"="'""..,....,...__--,..'-c,.-o--_~~.__,.":""_~,."'-,-"C-""'-~"_:''''''~:'C"'''''""",,..~.,.,-~...,...,..,,.,.,,._..,,,,.~_~,,.~_..,,.,._ -"--'-=-,-~~'c.......-"",,-=c~;..."-"'=""""';""';",---+--.o...--,-,_...;__-+-,- ~~...:.. '.:.",..:..-,-.._ _~_.~___--=n__"____._..';';."_ ~ """"_C'-""""_'~'__ ',_-.C._-". -.____._'..:..__':0.____,.... __ __ .... _ ___ _ __.. __.. _ _ __ ilResolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this ~~:d -t~---- --r~I~~to---~--- I,paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. or 1 r The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of L. Earl Simms. a ;~~ iisupervisor and duly seconded by Joseph C. Thomas, a Supervisor. ,i ~V ~:~ nn~ E ,~ i I NAYS: None. ,- I' [' I Ii A RESOLUTION relating to the division between Roanoke County, the City of ,I ,;Roanoke c:nd the City of Salem of the salaries and expenses of the Courts of the iTwentieth Judicial Circuit of Virginia. WHEREAS, attendant upon the recent provision of an additional Judge for the -~ !Twentieth Judicial Circuit and the General Assembly's choice of The Honor~le Tom " " " ::Stockton Fox to fill that position, representatives of Roanoke County, the City of ji ;:Roanoke, and of the City of Salem have conferred with reference to a proper division' I' iibetween said governmental subdivisions of the salaries and expenses of the three Ii '!Courts of Record in said Judicial District and have, with the approval of the d :,Judge of said Circuit and thE Judge-Elect of said Circuit arranged and agreed upon :1 ;;a proper division of all such expenses as said agreement is hereinafter set out; " iland if WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors 0:. Roanoke County, considering such matters~ ..., , I -- I [iconcurs in the division ,I THEREFORE, BE IT of expenses proposed by said representatives; by RESOLVED/the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County tha~, " ilWith the approval of the Judges concerned and until further agreement be made ;'between Roanoke County and the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem, the division 'I i: I: between said governmental subdivisions of the salaries, expenses and costs :1 :iattendant upon the Courts of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit of Virgini.a, viz, the !! !ICircuit Court of Roanoke County, the Circuit Court of the City of Roanoke and the , ., .. Circui t ,I if Court of the City of Salem, be as follows: .; :i PARAGRAPH 1 - Basic salary of the Judges of the Court are established r.....' J 'Iby state law for each of the Judges at $20,000 fortile year 1969-70 and at $22,000 !, 'for the year 1970-71, and are paid directly by the Commonwealth to th~ Judges. " i!Under Virginia law, one-half of the salaries of these Judges are allocated to and ,/ 'imust be paid to the Commonwealth by the participating localities. Each of the !i !iparticipating localities will pay directly to the Commonwealth a portion of these :! ;1 Ii salaries allocated to it. /' " PARAGRAPH 2 - Supplemental Salaries of the Judges - For the year 1969-70 salary i.l U :i supplement paid to the Circuit Court Judge by partici.pating localities amounts to II :, $8,560 per annum. Beginning with the qualification of Judge Fox, this.supplement I '! will be paid to Judge Fox by the City of Roanoke and the City will be reimbursed il :i for 37.5% by the County of Roanoke and 25% by the City of Salem. PARAGRAPH 3 - Jury and witness claims for the Court paid by the City of , '/ ': Roanoke will be allocated on the basis of usage determined by the cases tried by !i " i: the Court for each of the participating localities. ii i ., ., ./ ;: be PARAGRAPH 4 - All other costs of the Court paid by the City of Roanoke will allocated to the participating localities as is the supplement =___...,.=~..".,.-~.:'_.:-'~_~~ .:..:= '""~'~=_-.-~::__:~~':-~~._~~;=-~~= ~~: -:':.~:"., ~~~~_",:-_.;o-.-:,',=.,~'~~=~=--"":::"~~=;-~,~~~~~;:-:':7-;-:_,":'::_-., :''-=:~'';~'~~;=-;~~~~~;~:~;-~:~'~~'~~__-O-;_' ""-_'_<_.',",~""'~"'~~---""'__",""~,,,,,____,,,,,,~,,,,,,,__=C'_"""'_'.=, - -,,,c;;'''--'''-~''''''~''---'''''=--'--''':'''':::::'::'-="ii''--.'',"-'''-" Ii i! I I, 'I I: Ii ii Ii I: ;1 If ;1 ii :j Commonwealth the pro rata share of the base salaries allocated to it by the Common-I I; Ii i! II I' Ii Ii " II II II I, I' II Ii 11 " I: i !i Ii ''',,-- ---,.,.,""" """"",'~''''''",'-''''',''''':-'"-":-' .........,..,.,..._~,_ ~""''r.''..,,,,,",,,,-,,.-. .......,-'.'.' --~"._--'.,-, ".- 94 4/22/70 which will be paid to Judge Fox. PARAGRAPH 5 - Beginning July 1, 1970, the County of Roanoke will advance all expenses of the Court initiated in the Court at Salem and in addition, the total supplement paid to JUdge Hoback and the total salary of Judge Hoback's secretary. The City of Roanoke will advance all expenses initiated in Roanoke and in addition thereto, the total supplement paid to Judge Fox and the salary of Judge Fox's secretary. Each of the participating localities will pay to the wealth and will pay the cost of jury and witness fees based upon usage determined by the cases handled by the Court and will participate in the remaining costs, in II eluding employee benefits, salary supplements and secretary salaries, dues and " II iI Ii II II I: Ii Ii " il ii I' i) I' i! 'I I, II 'I ;i subscriptions, repair and replacement of office equipment, telephone and postage, stationery and office supplies, law books, utilities, equivalent rent on office space and other miscellaneous expenses on the basis of 37-1/2% to the County of Roanoke, 37-1/2' to the City of Roanoke and 25% to the City of Salem, subject to quarterly billing adjustments. PARAGRAPH 6 - The salary supplement of the Judges of the Circuit Court ji will be established by joint action of the three governing bodies and appropriations Ii I, i' Ii il i, Ii II " !I Ii II II the percentage allocation of costs for the succeeding fiscal year be correspondingly " ii to cover the cost of the expenses of said Court .nall be approved by each of tle three governing bodies. PARAGRAPH 7 - The percentage of Court activity for the preceeding calendar year in each locality be determined annually no luter than April 1 and that adjusted to reflect actual activity related to each locality. Ii I! transmitted BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that an attested copy of this resolution be ,I by the Clerk of this Board to the followi.ng: The Honorable Fred L. Hoback, The Honorable ~om Stockton.Fox, The Hor,crable Roy L. Webber, Mayor of the City of Roanoke and The Honorable Emmett P. Hart, Mayor of the City of Salem. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston/, i! vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. IN RE: AIR CONDITIONING ARENA OF SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County and the Council of the City of Salem have heretofore appointed committees to represent sa:,d governing ,i bodies which ccmmittees were authorized to meet and bring in recommendations , . concerning the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, and WHEREAS, said committees have met numerous times concerning many matters at the Civic Center and, more partiCUlarly, air conditioning of the arena portion thereof; and WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the committees of both the Board of Supervisors and the Council of the City of Salem that the arena portion of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center be air conditioned and that said governing I I I ji II 'I :1 " ,. , !i H Ii " I' I' " !I :1 I I Ii " i: 95 ~'~"""'===~""""-_~"'-"'=~-'-"""=-""~.""""._"~'''_ "-~',-",-""--_,_"~~.c:_~_-_-_,=,~~~,_--,,..c~,,,..,.,._..,-,.-.,..,"-"".,.."--,...."_-,'~...,....="_.",--=_,,=-:=-,'~..,,..,_"_-=~.~7._._._"'_~.,~~,.,...~...,-"'..-".-.,_-.~,--_.,',.."..,=.,..,-"..,--===~ ,,-,_=,-,,-,~"-=o=.~~':':'~'':'"=~~_''' ",,-'.--'. -"'-"'=;...0...;. '~"-='+-_- _..:_;:C,;.o._-_':"~.'=-'-=. -0..--0..: ..-'- ~~ :"_'-'-'--=--.'c~~ " ii 'I Ii L. Earl Simms, and the following Ii ii AYES: I: :; NAYS: i I' .I ,. !i arena as prepared ,I ,I " .., -"' i k"?\~\ : 'Itfd'J !~-b Ii (~~~)/I !' ~VcJV. $65'OOOtVcl~ I Subjec~V::1f7. e;~~ ,f, jI ....! ~n~-'fJ l~ 'i (\',,5' ~ I ~. ~;,,...J II ^,.I'f~ t"~~~ !~I, 1 ')*e'.-r " )\0 " 1: . Ii .. ii :1 .1 I! bod' ii ~es act as their own agent and employ W. B. Ford to supervise the installation Ii ii inasmuch II !i existing il !: possible ii 'I 'I !! as the proposed air conditioning which in effect is an extension of the heating and ventilating system and will utilize to the fullest extent the existing cooling and ventilating system at said Civi.c Center; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Ro~~oke County !: as II II !I the County of Roanoke I s share. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this action of the Board of Supervisors is :; ji to ,I ii p the concurrence by the Council of the City of Salem. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Officer of Roanoke County be ii designated as the appropriate 'I Ii reauisitions for all material I' .. " ,I are tendered to the County, and that no expenditures Ii th . th ch . I' e county w~ out su counter s~gnature; i Ii 'I' Ii hereby waive the necessity of letting this project . to il in the best interest of Roanoke County so/do. person to counter sign on behalf of the County all and all requests for payment on this project which for this project be paid by BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does to public bids, it being deemed Adopted on the motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Lee B. Eddy and A. T. Huddleston. A statement regarding proposed air conditioning of the said Civic Center . " . ii mJ.nutes:i .... I' and presented by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy is filed with the I: of this meeting. :: !! i,; ii !! ,. Ii ii i! Mr. William H. Roberts, III, appeared regarding the foregoing matter, also. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl :i i! :i :1 Simms, and the following vote, a letter dated April 13, 1970 from the Mayor of ,I the City of Salem, regarding the conditions under which the City might be interested in acquiring the County's interest in the Civic Center, was this day received and 'i i! filed, and ordered spread in this minutes of this meeting: ,I :; AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I ,. :-.! -.J :1 .J ., ;i 1\ , !i NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. "Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt Chairman Board of supervisors Roanoke County Salem, Virginia 24153 Dear Mr. Osterhoudt: This letter is to assure you that, at such time as all of the annexation matters have been terminated and all matters pertaining to the transition of salem. from a T~wn,to a City have been resolved, should at that po1nt the C~ty s out- standing bonded indebtedness not exceed 8% of the total assessed valuation of real property and no increase. in taxes would be necessitated, the City of Salem wou~d like to acquire the County's interest in the Civic Center by ~~~--~-'-'=.-::':_-_:==--:'.o:=:'~~:,....-~';~;;,';;=,":':~ ':_~- ~~_.:.:..;:=~ :~:~--=._~~-:=~~-==;;:,,~~:..;:.---~- ~~.""-=.~~::.~~~~-=-=-=~_-:".::-~=-~~~~~~:::...:;..___.:-:::: :...: - " :.:_"" .:'~._;;_-'--'~~-:=_~~""C::"" .:=--==--,=".. Ii Ii 'I I, I' I )1 " Ii :i ii Ii I' 96 I I ! , j i \~\,. .Jr) I A \ x"nt1 _fi.~ I, ~~. ~il I \ " , ~ il ~I ~I C '- :: '~~Vi! ~;r. Ii ~,,\ '] . 4/22/70 :i " Ii :; Ii " ,. Ii i' , , Ii " " "assuming the then outstanding indebtedness that Roanoke County may have against the Center. You realize, of course that this Council cannot bind a future Council and this letter is written with the assumption that .at least the majority of the existing Council will still be serving the City of Salem at that time. Sincerely, /s/ I E. P. Hart E. P. Hart Mayor Ii I II I. " ;1 I. ); 'i 11 II Ii i! I II Ii ;i I, 'I Ii !I ii il " Ii [I Ii On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston "i I , and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the "LIBRARY HEADQUARTERS SITE MOTION": Ii adopted by the Library Board of Trustees on April 13, 1970, was this day received II Ii ., Ii Ii i! !i ii Ii A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND AS HEADQUARTERS Ii LIBRARY FOR THE ROANOKE COUNTY LIBRARY SYSTEM SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF THE CIRCUIT Ii COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY. II :1 I EPH:jcb" Mr. G. W. Grissom was present and recognized. I and filed. WHEREAS, Mr. Frank Radford has offered to donate a certain tract of land II il I, ., I, :! 'I II ii 'I I' ,I I, i! located near the junction of Routes 221 & 419 in the Cave Spring Magisteri~l District to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County as the location for the headquarters library of the Roanoke County Library System; WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Library Board of Trustees at a regular II :1 il meeting held on Monday, April 13, 1970, has recommended that the proposed site il ,! ii " " II , !i ': offered by ~~. Frank Radford be accepted by the Board of Supervisors as the loca- 11 tion for the headquarters library of the Roanoke County Public Library System; and;! ., ,. ii WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that the said tract of land is desirable and necessary as a library site and desires to accept the offer of said tract of land; Ii Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the C')lllIIlonwealth's Attorney, on behalf of this Board petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a discreet and I i! competent attorney at law to examine the title to said tract of land and, pending ii !! ., the approval of said title, to petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for ani: " ,. order approving the acceptance of a deed, as approved by the Commonwealth I s i: , Attorney, to said real estate by this Board through Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, its duly authorized agent. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl I Simms and the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ~:...' ..." ::'"":~:: ...~~'";~::.:-~::_-=~:::~.=::--_~=:;:::" ,: ':::oc..~:-::::-:::::,:,=;-"':;:.c~-:~ -:~::- _:-=-.:----""'.:.~.::-"."__:"-~:-=':'~=~::__:-..=:. _:::,_:.,=~~=:,:~__ Ii On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas II ).\?~~ j) ,i and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the "RESOLUTION CONCERNING ADDITIONAL .JJV~{ 'j STATE AID AND FEDERAL AID FUNDS" adopte'J by the Roanoke County Library Board of .~. ~ 'l\ it'*1- !i '~rustees on April 13, 1970, was this day received and filed. il c}, ~U I ii. I . i 1jIt?;.' :: SupervJ.sor Lee B. Eddy moved that the addJ.tJ.onal SWll of $4,372 be appropriatedn:Co-W/ ii V~~'O" !i to the Library Board of Trustees for library purposes, said amount to be additional ...-~ il ;, unexpected income received from the State and Federal Governments for fiscal year' V1^ :1 ) ,~V ii 1969-1970. ii J I~~~~ ~ r ~~~ .1 Supervisor A. T. HUddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following . .1 " . i: recorded vote: Ii tf, Ii .1 i~ AYES: r ,I H. Osterhoudt. t; i! ' " NAYS: None. i'V' " Ii :! . I 1'1. Ii Ii !: :: i! It Ii II !i ~ i: ~ 'I I. 4/22/70 " - Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION TO AUTHORIZE EXPENDITURES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AT CIVIC CENTER WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS; AUTHORI;::tNG PAYMENT OF CERTAIN INSURANCE PREMIUMS; AND RECOMMENDING REGULAR MEETINGS BETWEEN CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION, CITY OF SALEM A!,D ROANOKE CC:UNTY. -, , ! - :' i~ WHEREAS, the Salem-Roanoke valley Civic Center Commission has requested :, il certain guides and concurrence on the part of Roanoke county Board of Supervisors II in the operation of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center; Ii 'i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does delegate to the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission authority to authorize capital expenditures for the improvement of the Salem-Roanoke valley ': Civic Center to the extent of $2,000 for anyone project ($1,000 of Roanoke county'; , funds) with a maximum of $5,000 for such capital improvements for anyone fiscal year ($2,500 of Roanoke County funds) without the necessity of seeking further prior approval from this Board; and , BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does concur with the request of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors pay from County revenues in conjunction with the City of Salem insurance premiums charged to the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission for fire and extended coverages, plate glass damage, boiler insurance and all other premiums related to the damage or destruction to the physical property of the Center. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tnat regular meetings between the governing bodies of the City of Salem and County of Roanoke and Commission having been requested by said Commission, that the Board of Supervisors does meet with the Salem-Roanoke Valley civic Center Commission and the Council for the City of Salem at 6:00 P. M. in the Sale~-Roanoke Valley Civic Center on the fourth Tuesday in the months of May, August, November and February beginning on the 4th Tuesday in May, 1970. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. II " !i I' J Eddy adopted by the following recorded vote: 97 !~\~t ~ ':'.'~~~/ i' :(1 'V ., ~~~~ C~t~~,e7' :.:~.~~9' .fJf.. , 1 '. ;-/ba,ft'l ,. crb~, .'\~~ ~W~..' Gt.V ~ .,~~ V~ 0' K 98 -,....,.,..."..-..,...,""""'-'""'"~~~-~-, ~=---.;.-~-~ ..:::....--~---_ _____=-. _ _-=,:;~-:::"'~-"==c.;=-=== __.; Ii Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sinuns,and.oCharles H. OsterhOudt.:; NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. \I" -vtoi.'! 1\ \ !Jo ;1 }ri Ii I II Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the letter from Roanoke GUidanceJI Center in reo request for appropriation in County's 1970-71 budget, was this day /1 I' received, filed and a copy forwarded to the Executive Officer for consideration in ;1 Ii Ii 'I i " ;1 " 'i IN RE: CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEES & BOARDS i,! WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Director of Civil Defense has advised that it is!1 On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl the preparation of the budget for fiscal year 1970-1971. ii " ,i ,I II " Ii II " II ti II I " II ,I r II " i: II II ., II [ .1 necessary for Roanoke County to appoint certain committees and boards to serve the County of Roanoke in the event of a natural disaster or other declared emergency or disaster; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ~ESOLVED that the following committees and boards and members thereof be appointed by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors with the powers and duties designated to them by law in times of emergency; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the boards and committees herein created be designated as permanent standing and continuing committees and boards of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the persons designated to serve on said ii boards and committees be appointed for a term of three years from the date of this I, "I 'I resolution: II Ii ECONOMIC STABILIZATION COMMITTEE ii Ii II Ii ., iJ :i Ii " , Mr. Arnold Members: R. Burton, Chairman Mr. Con A. Davis Mr. Hildrey H. Pollard Mr. Edgar Thurman, Sub-Chairman, Consumer Rationirig Mr. W. Tredway Coleman, Sub-Chairman, Price Control Mr. Elmer M. Cox, Sub-Chairman, Rent Control CONSUMER RATIONING COMMITTEE " i: " " !i " Ii :i " I; il 1 :1 Mr. Edgar Thurman, Chairman Members: Mr. Thomas V. Anderton 1515 Deyerle Road, S. W., Roanoke 2401B Mrs. Paul E. Rushing Route 3, Salem 24153 Mr. Thomas S. Worrell 4429 Rosecrest Road, S. W., Roanoke 2401B Dr. A. Lynn Beavers 7934 Alpine Road, N. W., Roanoke 24019 Rev. Lewis E. Bates 325 Madison Avenue, Vinton 24179 Mr. Raymond R. Robrect 5041 Balsam Drive, S. W., Roanoke Mr. Grant M. Sprinkle, Jr. 633 Marshall Street, Salem 24153 CONSUMER RATIONING BOARD Mr. William E. Cundiff, Chairman 324 Bush Drive, Vinton 24179 Members: Mr. Joseph Kyle 901 High Street, Salem 24153 Mr. Minor R. Keffer Catawba, Virginia 24070 ii Ii I' ,I " " [, " I I i; II I, " 'I I' " " II , Ii I, Ii II II II I :i II II 'I II 'I I' ,. 11 .. " ,. il " II II !i ;i I 'i ,I I! ,. ., ;i " I i: I ,I " !i " II " ,1 I 100 4/22/70 .-~-,..---.,..,..._---~.~,..,....,....., ",""",,~-_c.:~--=.:==..;..===.=."_- .--..- ,-- -- --- --- -- ... - --..-- -- ~--------_._--_._--- ..~__ =_.-,-~,_....;:~-,---------_..__.;.~-=,_,...;..;;;:.:..:",-~-,--,-_,..=..c:,_.;.-'''''.~-~,"= ~: ~ >~i '1 ",:! ., .1 ~. (Y' on proposed improvements on State Route 686 (Grandin Rd. Ext.l; ,Letter of 4/7/70 from Va. Western Community College reo exoiring term of W. Darnall Vinyard as a Board member; - . Two Resolutions - one from City of Salem & one from City of Roanoke reo salaries & expenses of Twentieth Judicial Circuit Court of Va." -Resolution from City of Salem of 4/13/70 reo Air conditioning arena of Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Cel1ter; I Letter of 4/10/70 from the Roanoke Co. Commonwealth's Attorney replying to ]1, Supervisors' resolution calling for legal opinion on County's I' participation in air conditioning Civic Center without submitting 'I'~.' the project to bids & also as to whether or not the designing of . . I! Sa1d a1r conditioning system would conflict with Southern Standard Building Code. " I, " :i " II \1 11 Ii AMENDMENT ,. it Ii I: il ;i !I I 1: i! ii !i F ,I II I' adopted December 30, j! :i 'I I TO GENERAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ., :i Thomas, I. II ii 1969, !I :11970: Ii the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective April 22, 301 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION 301a - Board of Supervisors: An additional appropriation of $9,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose herein~ove indicated. 308 - PUBLIC WELFARE 308e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $4,000.00 is hereby made from .the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. 310 - PUBLIC WORKS 310b - Planning and Zoning: An additional appropriation of $2,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. 3l0c - Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $130,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or pcrpose hereinabove indicated. 314 314a - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds: An additional appropriation of $15,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose herein- above indicated. 319 - CAPITAL OUT~Y: An additional appropriation of $75,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor J?seph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Daily/Hourly dated 4/15/70 and the Semi-Monthly dated 4/15/70) were approved in the gross amount of $39,389.97; from which the sum of $1,836.88 F.I.C.A. Tax; $4,254.43 W. H. Tax; $622.82 State Income Tax; $22.00 Uniforms; $1,078.60 Blue Cross Insurance; $1,503.88 Retirement; and $619.19 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $29,453.17. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Hudcll!ston and Charles I I i! " I: " II I h 1: I' " " " " !I 'I Ii II :! Ii .' ji Ii I' I I 1 if Ii I I' " I' " II I I 101 4/22/70 ~""-:-=""''":'",,",~~.'~~=--~-''''~===''"''-~-~''''''''''''''''~:''-='~'''-'---'-=~''~-=',>:.-.-=<'C."----,,."'_.=_-,~-..,....,..,=""'""'--.=~=_=.,..,"'_'.=-,..,....,....,....,,..~,-,,,,,.-..,,,.._~.~._-,.."" .....,."~.,."'"~-'.'+.,"'"....o....,,,.=_,,,',,.z...,,,...,~""'. 'O--...=____._~______=_-"--=.___....:=..._.....~_____-_=_ --=- __= .. .. ____~.....;.;.-._,o.;;-_ .. ___ __ ____..-:_-'..;;_,,-:-c..~~.'"''__-:.'_'.._-_'___.'=._,. ....-".:0-.::._-'.'-".'..0...:;..___:='.-._____ ______. .___.______...... Ii II II H. Osterhoudt. 'I " Ii NAYS: None. II II Ii -; 'j Ii ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMEN.r II I II Ii :1 I' 'I Ii " I, I Ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote, the bills paidance the last Board meeting in the amount of $48,989.61 and the current bills ?mo~~ting to $48,654.98 were approved retro-actively and currently. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles --! H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded Ii ,. ': Ii by Supervisor L. Earl Simms a.,1d the " Ii Ii unanimous vote of the Board members. " c?L4QvA CIm RMAN " II ... , , i -J II Ii ;1 !! r ,I Ii )1 " , ii II .1 " i: " .1 II II Ii :1 " " '-j !i II .J Ii i! " i: ,I :, ii I: ~ J".: 102 4/29/70 -- ~ .. ----- -~------:;;==--;::~---- - ---.. ~ _.... --- ,---_....... . u_._. __.',_.._._.___.. -:-;:"='~'.::..:.:.=,.-.:_;..::;:'~:;";"";"":,::-.=--;o'=~..c:-",::::::=,,,,,,,,'.:..:..:.-.;.:.'""-;...;..:'-"-...;.:..;...'-''-.0..:..:;.....:;;.--- I \j " 11 'I I' Ii !i 'I II ii II " '/ I, .I i: II Ii I, " Ii I ,I I to the five Superviscrs, is filed with the minutes [! " ;1 II I, !I I: !f Ii Ii 2 ~ i Ii Ii 11 Ij il 11 I' ii " II !I Courthouse, in the county Courtroom thereof, pusuant to the following call: !i ii :1 II I' ,I I, " ii !i " Courthouse Salem, Virginia SPECIAL MEETING April 29, 1970 7;30 P.M. A Special Meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held this day at the "April 24, 1970 Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt A. T. Huddleston Lee B. Eddy Joseph C. Thomas L. Earl Simms Gentlemen: Please be advised that upon the request of Mr. Osterhoudt and Mr. Thomas the Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, April 29, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. at the Courthouse in the County Courtroom for the purpose of receiving the budget of the Roanoke County School Board for the fiscal year 1970-71. Please make every effort to be present. Very truly yours, /s/ Elizabeth W. StOkes, EliZabeth W. Stokes, Roanoke County Board Clerk of Supervisors II I: II I " I! ii I' 'I I, I' I; vl cc: Commonwealth's Attorney county Executive Officer" The Sheriff's return showing the above notice was executed the 24th day of April 1970 by delivering same of this meeting. Messrs. Osterhoudt's and Thomas's letters requesting the Special Meeting are also filed with the minutes of this meeting. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms. The Commonwealth's ~ ~ :i Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, and the County Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews, I were also present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and recognized the Superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools, Mr. Arnold R. Burton, and the Business Manager, Mr. Bayes Wilson, who presented the budget for Roanoke County Schools for fiscal 'I Ii " il year 1970-1971. Ii " I' Mrs. Daphne W. Jamison, President of Roanoke County Education Association Ii i! and spokesman for a delegation of the Association, appeared to express disappoint- I' ment in the request of the School Board' <: Budget pertai n i ng to an increase in II teachers mlaries. Ii I' " J: II Ii Ii , , " Ii Ii I " II " I I' ,I i! Ii I: " " II " " il Ii I i I II I I ~.:..~_ ~-:-~.~.. -~~:::-~~"==-=~~~ -'~:":::=~"~ _:-:-=~~~~::-=: --:-~'_::::-:.,,-::::-~:~=-:~;':::-::-=:::."-".-:-.:.:;~:.':=".o.~:;";;;::~:-:':' --:-;..=:,,::..;:~=,=,~-~.:;:=----:,-:-~ i Ii . iiparcel of land, 2.73 acres, from Residential R-l to Residential R-3; and " " !i Ii l'IriEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did set the matter down Ii for a public hearing at the meeting of this Board to be held on ;~ay 13, 1970, and !, I' Ii gave notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance " il and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and I! Ii ii :! d~y of May, 1970; and ji i' ,I il WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and Ii II to said recommendation after hearing evidence as to the merits of the said proposed i[ :i amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance being of the opinion that said County ii II Ii ;i Zoning Ordinance should be amended as hereinafter set forth and as recommended by 'I i! 'I Ii said Planning Commission. iI Ii I: ;1 Ii 'i County be, and the " iidescribed property from Residential R-l to Residential R-3, the said property I! so reckssified is more particularly described as follows: 5/13/70 ~ ! ..,..,....., WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on the 13th - ,- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of :i [I :1 Roanoke Ii same is hereby, amended so as to reclassify the hereinafter " it II being il i! ': II 'I !I :, !I ii . I! Ii .... II I: , Ii " Ii :: I: " BEGINNING at a point marked by an iron pipe at a corner common to property of Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early and property of R. E. Gleason on the property line of property now or formerly owned by w. W. Boxley's Estate; thence N. 520 55' E. 113.0 ft. along the property line dividing property of Alvin c. Early and Ruth T. Early and pro- perty now or formerly o~~ed by w. w. Boxley's Estate to a point; thence S. 280 27' E. 387.41 ft. along the property line dividing property of Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early and the westerly boundary of Malvern Hills Subdivision to a point on said line at a corner common to property of said Alvin c. Early and Ruth T. E}~ly; thence S. 280 27' E. 320.3 ft. along the property line dividing property of M. Frank Martin and Kathleen T. Martin and the said westerly boundary line of said Malvern Hills Subdivision to a point; thence S. 520 30' W. along the property line of M. Frank Martin and Kathleen T. Martin and the northerly City Limits of Roanoke, Virginia, a distance of 106.0 ft. and continuing along the sane course along the property line of Roxie Thompson and the northerly City Limits of Roanoke, Virginia, a distance of 105..0 ft. in all a total distance of 211.0 ft. to a point; thence N. 280 20' E. 403.3 ft. along the property line of R. E. Gleason to a corner common to property of said R. E. Gleason and property of Alvin C. EArly and Ruth T. Early; thence N. 610 40' E. 101.7 ft. along the property line dividing property of said R. E. Gleason and said Alvin C. Early and Ruth T. Early to a corner common to said Gleason and EArlys; thence N. 280 20' E. 320.2 ft. along the. aforesaid property line to the point of BEGINNING, and having a composite acreage of 2.73 acres, moT~ or less. ji I ;1 'I I, f! I' ,I :1 il ,. II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- ,.-.t . ! ...J .' :1 with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning " i 'i Commission of Roanoke County. I, " . !! On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. EArl I! .: Simms , " " and adopted by the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. , AYES: I: :! I' ~'.1 1;:lt ~ NAYS: None. I' , IN RE: REZONING OF 0.59 ACRE ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 11 AND ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF DEYERLE ROAD OF M & N PROPERTIES, INC. Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that ~he petitioners requesting the rezoning of the above property be allowed to withdraw without preju,lice their petition as I', requested by their Attorney, W. H. Fralin. 105 " il 'I I' ,I 'I " !I !i :1 , Ij Ii Sj~g)70 -' ttJI~ ~~.. ~~~ "lee C) . U . &,,0 ec.)\;)~ _.~ - "'-~- I_~~~~~_= -~ -0--_' i ;\\s\fr\\~4" Supervisor ~\J~~~i'ii' J.ng recorded vote: C,::\\..J \ ,Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, I _~~. &- 'i Ikye6i j, NAYS: None. Ij~~l-'l,J.I\ i~~~~o~ . Charles H. Osterhoudt. H:~ \, Attorney W. H. Fralin, representing the petitioners, appeared with regard i ~ P'\:. i ',Ab i~ I I I ! 106 5/13/70 '-'~""--'''''''''-----'-''''''''''--O--_O-''''''''','''''''''''''~''''''''.''''C'.__"",-=-~.."._~~~.,..,..,,..,...,._...,,,....__-,.-..,..-,,,,"~_""",,,~. ---. '-::'--''':'''''':;''"=-,---:-""---==,,,:,,,-=,--~-,---,''-',..:. ~"_",-,,-_~,,-o-..:...--::-.',-__..~",=:;;o.'_==..;;.;';-=~".~';-:=--::''''==''-'-'-'::.:...o..:...-,"::.:.::._':o-,:;,::':c::..:,,,,,-=,,,.'Q: :C=:.. - II fOllow-II " II II II " Ii " Ii Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston ii to 'I " :! meeting. ,j ., Ii I, ~ " II II II II " I, I' 'I ;1 N RE: I, " Ii " !: ;; " .1 !: ,. " this matter and his letter regarding same is filed with the minutez of this Mr. Frank S. Doyle anc Mrs. J. Arthur Deyerle appeared in opposition to rezoning of the aforementioned parcel of land. REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE EAST SIDE OF PETERS CREEK ROAD, VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 117. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER OF EUNICE M. GILLIAM AND ROBERT L. HARTMAN. II 11 !i II I' il 'I at the Courthouse on May 13, 1970. j, Ii I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held WHEREAS, Eunice M. Gilliam and Robert L. Hartman petitioned this Board and ~ II requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to I, il " !I ii il I, I II " " :1 provide that certain prope~:y described in said petition be rezoned and reclassi- referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in I' " :1 " ii II :i Ii " I' ,I ,I Ii Ii of said fied as "Business B-3" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 11th day of March 1970, ~,d by order entered on that day was accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia: and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 11th day of April 1970, after hearing evidence touching on the merits requested in said petition: and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order " ii ii entered petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended as on the llth day of March 1970, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Boara, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set 'i the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special ii " :i t' ,I Ii , II II !: meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia: and, j' WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board I! Ii ., " I, 'I I, Ii Ii " ,. Ji " ii 'j to be held on the 13th day of May 1970, at 2:00 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the sarne by publication as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia: and, WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- ment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid: and, ii II ,I H r Ii Ii il I, iI Ii ,. ,I ., Ii i: I: Ii 'I I, I I i! , l; II I, ii Ii Ii " " " I' 'I 'I I, I. ii I, j' II Ii I " Ii il ii I' ,I I' :1 , I II !: I I 5/13/70 107 .. ---,-,-~=-=-:---"'~-~~~--- ._._"'_.",-,=."'=-,-_--:-=.r..,.......,~'~_""''''''_....~.,.,.._.,__...,..-'=_=_~".."._~~~.,...,..~=,,.,,.._,,....,,_.""'-''''=-,.~'''..==-:'''-'--~''"'__,_..'''~=''"',......r..~=',_,_''''.,.~~.,.,-,'''''''.~''' "'.,,:,,;..;:O":=..:....,...~=:..:~~_::I -._.____. _ _. .. _.u....__..._. _______.'.. _ "._".".,", .._.. _n... .. ...,_ ..., _. .. _'_'_0_' ....,...... .... ._. _n_ _n_ __._ __ __... .'. ...."....,.. __.._ .. '.._ .. _....__.. .. '.. _ . ,,,,-- ..0.. .... d.... ______ .'''.''n_ ____ __._~.____ ._.___ ________.__._.__._____. _U_.___....__ ___.. _._______._._.___________~___________ ___, ,___ .__..__._ ____...~__.__,________.__.___ WHEREAS, ~is Boa~d after giving careful consideration to said petition and to jithe recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching i' I! on the merits of s,~id proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance being of ,I il'the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as req~ested in i, said petition and as recolMl\ended by said Planning Commission. Ii " Ii lithe Buard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on May 13, 1970, the I, said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify " Ii the property described in said petition as "Business B-3" property. i! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this , regulate meeting of -~ ii The property classified !idescribed as follows, towit: !I "BEGINNING at an iron pin set at Corner 3 at the southeast corner of II;'. Peters Creek Road (Virginia Hi.ghway Route 117 27.38 ft. southeasterly from the centerline of the east bound lane of sarne) and Mountain View II, Drive (30 ft. wide); thence with the southerly side of Mountain View Drive, S. 840 - 41' E., 147.14 ft. to an iron pin set at Corner 4; II thence continuing with the same, N. 870 - 09' E., 29.15 ft. to an II! iron pin set at Corner 5; thence with a new line across the original II 6.1/2 acre Lawrence Gilliam tract, S. 130 - 11' - 10" W., 149.31 ft. I' to an old concrete monument at Corner 1; thence with the northerly I! line of the original 0.98 acre parcel of record in I~e Clerk's Office Ii of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia, ill Deed Book 442, il Page 67, 0.699 acre of same remaining after the widening of ~ershberger il Road and Peters Creek Road, N. 710 -49' - 20" W., 171.44 ft. to an :1 old concrete monument corner on the present easterly side of Peters ii Creek Road, which corner is southeasterly 26.44 ft. from the center- :i line of the east bound lane of said road; thence le.lving the concrete ii monument at Corner 2 and with the present easterly l;ide of Peters i,11 Creek Road (Virginia Highway Route 117) N. 110-34'-35"., 106.24 ft. to the place of BEGIh"NING, containing 0.495 acre mOJ:e or less and I'! being a northwesterly portion of the remaining part of the property of " Mrs. Lawrence Gilliam and being a portion of the property conveyed to :i Lawrence Gilliam et ux by deed of record in the afoJ:esaid Clerk' s Office Ii in Deed Book 240, Page 432." il 'I it :iwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Sec:cetary of the Planning " Ii iiCornmission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a co,?y to Benj. E. Chapman, Attorney II for the Petitioners. II 'i j, '[Simms and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the record vote the Super- II ii visors voted as follows, towi t: iI ;1 jiAYES: H. Osterhoudt. as "Business B-3" property is more particularly - ji Ii " 0 -} ,I _ :i';'/->7d .'.<It: :(2 / ~~ 'I ' 'I ' I,; l . '; #,,-e~_ .." / '! -,,\ (/q C f' ~t~ iicJ~] " " " .., IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion o:E Supervisor L. Earl Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. auddleston and Charles -: i ., ; 1 '-' Ii il NAYS: None. !j il Ii iI ji request. Ii " !) car wash, Attorney for the petitioners, Mr. Ben Chapman, appeared to support the Mr. Robert Hartman appeared to explain the operation of the automatic for which the land,if rezoned, was to be used. j ., .'.'c,. :-. !i IN 'I I, " RE: REZONING PROPERTY KNOWN AS WESTERLY PORTION OF BLOCK 3, CRESTWOOD PARK OWNED BY HAMONT CORPORATION ) ) ) ) ) dj; ::,_;1 o /0 1it/~ @:? ?l f~ (, "k ..c<;. L ',. ~: / )l..;';l--L (1 . .. Lil-Q.... Ii II concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and deny Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors " it the request to rezone the above property from B-1 to M-l. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following ,->~-_... l09 ~~__, -~ ,. ,_ _ _:,,:~:~,--=: n ~",-, '.:- _-:=~=:'c-c-=:: ~_:=~_~_~~:~-=_~~:~.' _,~~~-~:,~~:.~;~-:~~~~=~=,~~~-,.~=-.,.,.,..~--=",-",.-~,",-""=-,,,'~__~~','=-".~~"'.-"",~_-,"~~.=:~~.-",-="",""o."""=,.-',,"-=,,-==",,,=,~,,,,_-'===:"'-"~- II. be. . ~- ~~.~~-_.~".,".~.-"~~~ ~,,~- ~-~- -_.~._.""-,~. -. - ----- -.. -~--------.- Ilor:l.1.nance/publJ..shed as requJ..red by law, pursua:lt to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 !I .j Code 01: Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and Ii ii WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendmen.ts was published once a 'II liweek for four (4) successive weeks, namely March 18, 197C; March 25,1970; April 1,;: If 1970; and April 8, 1970, in The Roanoke World-News, a neli'spaper having general .' Ii ! circulation ! - ,......t - .- - i ... r__.. I - ...., j in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and on Ma,rch 18, 1970; l1arch 25, ,i ,i ii published a public hearing was held on such amendments at a regular meeting NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Beard of Supervisors of Roanoke 11 :1 " " " :1 ., II county, Ii " ii ., " . 11 " :i , . ., 'I ;1 . 11970; April 1, 1970; and April 8, 1970, in The Vinton l1eEisenger, a newspaper [!in Roanoke County, and was also published at the front door of the Roanoke County II Courthouse and at each Post Office in Roanoke County; anCl ;1 WHEREAS, il '1 ii of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse ther,eof on !I Wednesday, May 13, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.; 11 11 :; it Virginia, that the Roanoke " il Ii which ,i !; words immediately after "the county.": II II II II i, i! Ii "other than owners of property who are perforI:u.ng plumbing work themselv6s," :1 between the words "those persons," and "who have qualifiE!d". l! I' " ii Ii II sentence at the end of said section: I ,I i: I II il Ii .1 ,. ,. il 'I to cause thece amendments to be published as provided by Section 15.1-504 of the !i Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a wee,k for two (2) successive if I weeks in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, I!,II and in The Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having genercLl circulation in Roanoke Ii II County, Virginia. /' ,I !) it 'j Eddy, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii !: AYES: 'I Ir II . " :1 NAYS: None. :i County Building Code (Ordinance) be amended as follows: Section l4.18a to be amended as follows: The First sentence of said section ends with the words "the c:ounty." to be amended to include the following "except in ;::ases where the ownE,r of the property on which the plumbing work is to be done is performing the work himself." The second sentence of said section to be amended by inserting the words Said section to be further amended by including the following additional "The foregoing exception for property ~~ners from the Master Plumber requirement is intended only to permit owners of residences to per- form plumbing work in and about their .,wn residences without being Master Plumbers; this exception does n"t exempt a. property owner from acquiring a plumbing permit for any '~ock done." Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed The effective date of these amendmen1;s shall be June ~, 1970. Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON WHEREAS, ROanoke County has a v",lid Bu,;iness License Ordinance, and i- :' WHEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia has recp.ntly amended Section 4-38 Ii .1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to permit the imposition of certain ii licenses and taxes by counties with regard to, alcoholic beverages; and j. ii II li :1 ij ..:.i~<I /7 II /', a iz l't .~"''1., .1 / 'UA-<l('~ ~-~ ~;tf!~' :..'~1""l.- '!~.~;( : I _-0 , ~]~. 2::;:::');. . -c ' } r- ~~ ' ,~~~~~ .I .u<.<.. 5/13/70 111 =o=.-=",---o-.oc-..:=.;...;~~.o.:=.""..;..;::;.-"-=:...=--~==---:o..-=~=--"-"~="=--=",-=,-",--=c--=,,==,=--,,,=-c:'_=-.:.--"-'-o-=,,"==_o=..=-...,;,-",:..~.,.'-,,""'-'.'..=:'.;;;...--=;_-c."~~-,-,='~=-:_o,=.:='=-';";;;;.c.;;.= ,=:....'-.-,-'-'-.,~--'~:_~'-~,,_;:;:...:~-'-'-':=.:...:. (0) on every fruit distiller's license there shall be a license tax of One thousand, five hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) ~ : I wi . (3) Any license tax imposed by this section shall be in addition to ot;,er ii licenses and taxes a~d beverages shall be considered goods, wares, and merch~~dise 'i for the purpose of IJ.censes or taxes. I, il (4! The license taxes required by this section shall not be prorated. No II license J.ssued under the provisions of this section shall be transferrable from , 'I one person to another, but may be amended to show a change in the place of business; I " I (5) Any police officer shall at all times during business hours be allowed ii I free access to every place where beverages are stored, distributed, offered for . Ii sale, and/or sold for the purpose of examining and inspecting such premises." Ii EFFECTIVE DATE Ii ii These proposed amendments shall take effect as of Se"tember 1, 1970. Ii 1:' II I' ,I ii of hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 I Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for four (4) successive weeks in The ! Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and I' il in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said proposed ,I II I' amendments and notice of hearing shall also be published and posted at the Roanoke I County Courthouse and at each Post Office in Roanoke County, and the Sheriff or I i his Deputies shall make a return regarding the publishing of said proposed amend- II ments and notice of he,aring. 'i II II Ii Circuit Court of Roanoke County. Ii II " Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii II AYES: \I 1 !I Ii Ii NAYS: None. I' ,I II II II !! Ii Ii II II !I il IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO DRIVE OR OPERATE ANY AUTOMOBILE OR OP.BRKrE AU''': llU>:O ': v 11 I: Ii lIeBII.E OR OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE, CAR, TRUCK, ENGINE OR TRAIN WHILE UNDER THE INFLUlmCE ,j !loF ALCOHOL, BRANDY, RUM, WHISKEY, GIN, WINE, BEER, LAGER BEER, ALE, PORTER, STOUT, I' !I :! II OR ANY OTHER LIQUID BEVERAGE OR ARTICLE CONTAINING ALCOHOL, OR l'IIlILE UNDER THE 'i I, II Ii INFLUENCE OF ANY NARCOTIC DRUG, OR ANY OTHER SELF-ADMINISTERED INTOXIC'~,TS OR DRUG " 'I I, OF WHATSOEVER NATURE, AND TO PRESCRIBE FINES AND OTHER PUNISHMENT F()f<. VIOLATIONS Ii !I THEREOF"; and II Ii [i Section lB.1-55.1 of the Code of Virginia, "Use of chemical test to determine II , alcohol in blood; procedure; qualifications and liability of person withdrawing II !! blood, costs; evidence; suspension of license for refusal to submit to test; locali~ The Clerk of this Board is di~ected to publish the proposed amendments and ~ ; ! ,...d ~ I ..... A Copy of the proposed amendments is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AMENDMENTS TO AN ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY PROHIBITING THE DRIVING OF MOTOR VEHICLES l'IIlILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, OTHER INTOXICANTS OR DRUGS WHEREAS, Roanoke County has an existing ordinance "PROHIBITING AND MAKING o [:1., U WHEREAS, said Ordinance has been amended to incorporate by reference ties authorized to adopt parallel provisions"; and WHEREAS, in the lSi70 Session of the General Assembly of Virginia this section, was amended to increase the allowable fees for persons withdrawing blooc samples H 'I :1 j 5/13/70 !ifrom $5.00 ~i to $10.00; and c _.~""--'--_--"~.-o--~.......,,~ -~~.'~..,,-,...-.,.~"'...__. .~__.--=--__.::._-..:c...-.....;..........,;-~=="...:--C.~_~..;:-~-=_~~ ,",' -- - ..-- . __.___. .-_ _. ..:=,:::...~.~=~~-==,.=.=.=-~. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Counwdeems a similar II " arnendmen t Ii I' II ,I I, II II .1 Ii " ,. il ri II ii to its aforementioned County ordinance necessary and exoedient I: . " !; health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; Ii , , ~ ! '.:0 promote the NOW, THEREFORE, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Ii County to be held June 10, 1970, at 2:00 P.M., at the Roanoke County Courthouse, ., i: the Board .' " Ii to allow a fee 11 of Supervisors will move that the aforesaid County ordinance be amended of $10.00 for persons withdrawing blood samples. This proposed amendment shall take effect as of July 1, 1970. II :1 II II of Virginia, as amended, once a week for two (2) successive weeks in The II :1 ill The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the proposed amendment and of hearing~ereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. Said proposed amendment and notice of hearing shall also be published and posted at the front 6 door of the Roanoke County Courthouse. 0-: o 'i I. 'I !I Circuit Court of Roanoke County. I' 11 A copy of the proposed amendment is on file in the Clerk's Office for the Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. i: Ii " Ii !I Eddy, adopted by the foll\1wing recorded vote: ;, :I :! :i , i: II I' :1 " " Ii d " ii A " " :i I' ;1 " AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: LIVESTOCK CLAIMS OF ROBERT HOVIS FOR 1 MILK MRS. L. D. MCCRAY FOR 9 GOAT KILLED BY DOGS PIGS KILLED BY DOGS AYES: Ii ii ;1 II II " I' 'I II :i Ii II 'I .1 !I " II Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I' On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms ,! and the following recorded vote, the above livestock claims were approved for payment as follows: $lBO.OO to Mrs.I_tl. Mc:cray for loss of 9 pigs @ $20 each $ 50.00 to .Mr.. Robert Hovis for loss of 1 milk goat H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None.. RE: AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE THREE AIR CONDITIONERS AND OIlE TYPEWRITER / Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Property Committee be Ii I, i1 :1 " Ii i: " 'I authorized !: Ii investiga- I! to size and purchase three window air conditioners, if said Committee's i: I' tion confirmed the need for same, two for the Sheriff' s Department and one for the:1 Bookkeeper's Office and, also, that the Committee be authorized to purchase one I I I I ,J " Ii II II 'I I .' ii !' :1 " i: Ii II I, " n ii !' I ,. il " II .1 Ij I 'I , ! " I I 5/13/70 113 r=~~~=- _:- --'0 TI - ....~"::. ~-:~-::-.:~,=": .-"' ":,~~~;':'",:~",,":-=:"':-- :_;:~~~~-c;=~=:-:~~."'::=-='-.~-:;:-~:==:---~~--_-~=.:~-~-;:~~==:':"';::-:.-==:':~---".":':=;;;-'~-'''~--=~--:;::-=::~:=: ..-:,:,,;=-';;=~ I !Itypewriter for the Bookkeepers's Office pending the trial of several brands. ii i Ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the followinrr II I I' " Ii ! II recorded vote' Ii I' . " " ! iiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and i II I I', Charles H. Osterhoudt. ;r-- '.......f I' Ii NAYS: None. :t - II. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ils~s, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted December 30, ,. ,I ,11969, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective May 13, ,. ., ii 1970: i! -, 318e - PARKS AND RECREATION An additional appropriation of $15,000 is hereby made from the General Revenue F~,d for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose..hereinabove indicated. i! " " il I; I, i' AYES: ,I I' d i' NAYS: None. 'i i Mr. Darrell Shell, Director of the Roanoke county Parks and Recreation I II Department appeared with regard to the foregoing matter. \ I! Adopted by the following recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Ost.erhoudt. . . - WHEREAS, the Sugar Loaf Highlands corporation has filed a Petition for a i= II Writ of Mandamus against the Roanoke County Building Inspector with regard to the " !I Ii issuance of certain building permits for construction in Roanoke County; and Ii " ,. i! :j q a Writ of Mandamus against the Roanoke County Public Service Authority with regard :: WHEREAS, the Sugar Loaf Highlands corporation has also filed a Petition Ii , " " .1 II I, I' Ii " n I. II !I il I! I' I-I I , Ii .... !, to certain sewer connections; and WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that both matters involve the health and welfare of a substantial number of Roanoke County citizens and are directly related to the governmental funutions of Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board direct the Roanoke County COGPQnwealth's Attorney to take whatever action he deems necessary in protecting the interests of Roanoke county in both suits, in addition to any other legal obli- ". gations which he may have as Commonwealth's Attorney. :i i! Opon motion of sUperv.Bor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: ;"".., i I U ji il AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Ost.e:houdt. NAYS: None. Ii The chairman directed the Courthouse Beautification Committee to report '! , at the next meeting of this Board their recOllllllE:ldations as to an appropriate , 'I Ii sign identifying the Roanoke County Courthouse. :1 :1 II ii '1 II,' " !l i! ~~/7f;'- ,. ~!,j J ~~I~, , ~,L~~J ~~. ~~.#' ~~v ..~. :[ l(,~'?-'1 r-'1i~ . , " 'I I, i! 'i / !i '. " '. :1 fori: ~f S-/17o IS-~ 114 ,..{~ ~\~ \4;; ~~~ '-v'V'" t>>. " .;'V' ~" 5/13/70 -. "'-'~-':'-"""'-'''''-'-''''''''-'''''~--''-''~-~~'''''''''''''--'--'-:''"'''''''~,~:'''''''''''''''..''..."---,-."...,."~..~,-,'""",,,, , ."~"~__u~~C~_.-,._______"C_~~_~C",.=_ .'._ __ ,_ __ ~__=~II'I' -=~==~~~=~. Secondary Route 1895, from Route 115 1/ il II Ii " il Ii I' Ii roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such name" ii conform-i Ii m<Ucing reference :1 II I, Ii State Secondary Route lB95, from Route 115 (Plantation Road) to Interstate Route ~ Ii II I, II II " 'I 'I I I , governing body in any county may, by resolution duly adopted,. give names to precedence over any other designation except those primary highways of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the name FRIENDSHIP LANE be assigned .to . ~ i u. I I: , . Simms, On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor L. Earl II WHEREAS, the property owners on State I 'I I: (Plantation Road) to Interstate Route Bl, did request this Board to name the afore- ~\~-o~ . !isaid roa:=:s, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, i.J1r~ 'I,the ~~ ~ II ~/t. !streets, v. :to take tt~li !, ~ lr ling to Section 33-12 ']1 ,to property abutting thereon; I . Ii 1: 1: adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: . Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. tluddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. J ,NAYS: None. Ii . " II II Ii (I i ,Secondary " ii : aforesaid I ,I Ii ,I " '! Ii II Route 1512 east to NCL City of Roanoke did request this Board to name the II, road; and !i I: il " iI i[ I' Ii 'I primary highways Ii ji 'I Section 33-12 of ~~e Code of Virginia; and shall be employed in making, WHEREAS, the property owners o~ an unnamed road from the end of State II ii II I !the governing body in any II I streets , II 'names to WHEREAS, pursuant to Sectio~ 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as amended, county m~y, by resolution duly adopte,l, give names to roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such take precedence over any other designation except those jconforming to Ii . 'reference to property abutting thereon; I: il " Ii ii :1 I I, (: ~ i II " " , ito an NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the name TINKER CREEK LANE be assigned t1",,"a1l'Yllod road from the end of State Seconda~' Route 1512 east to NCL City of ,Roanoke, On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor L. Earl 'SiDIIIS, and adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii 1AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms,- A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,:NAYS: None. ;1 i! " :1 , , :1 " [I \ tIN RE: ii ,: " i! I LIGHTING TENNIS COURTS :1 ~o il On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. {,\i i:Thomas, and the following recorded vote, the low bid of Engleby Electric Company, ~~' lIne. amounting to $13,110 for the lighting of seventeen (17) tennis courts in five ()- ~ _ :: (5) different locations in Roanoke County, as listed below, be and the same is t~ v\. . 71herebY approved and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to enter into the ~.~ I,necessary contract therewith: Four tennis courts each at Stonebridge Park Site, _..Y. ~eo 'Cave SpunI}' High School, Glenvar High School and Northside High School and one at ~\~/J i .. . I I I I I 1_ __~._ _ '.__. ..:,~'"~_~~~~-:==~~,,_-=_,--__~~~~-~=-"""""""'-: -:___--"'~~~--.-~..,...-=-,.-'--.,"'-=--_-::_-"""=:-.-'-~:=.,..,..,~.,..-.~~~~:.=_--_:_~~..~~.:.,.~~~~.~."."":-o.~~-.-~~":=''':''"~.".--.,-~:===---'''''-.,..~'''''-""''-..,,..-",.,=_"",,",=".~~",.-=- F--- ------ ~- ~~r~; Ma~~::ri:l- ~~~::~::~~o -:~::dO:f ~:::=~~o~~:~-:~-~=~-~=~y-to be Ii developed by the County as a youth recreation area; and " " ii if il ii and necessary as a youth recreation area and desires to accept the offer of said Ii " il I, II Ii Ii ..... --i ...., : i .... -:-j .J :], i'. . , -~.~.-~,~,-=--'-",-',-..-- ~.', '" WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that the said tract of land is desirable tract of land; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commonwealth's Attorney, on behalf of ' ,I J this Board petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a discreet and I' ~,Ig 1_6 1: Ii and, pending, ..".iZ"'c dV"~4.QJ1t. II competent attorney at law to examine the title to said tract of land . "'" ~LIJ.iT- " Ii the approval of said title, to petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for en c~ ~ Ii order approving the acceptance of a deed, as approved by the Commonwealth's Attorne~~- ) Ii ,j to said real estate by this Board through Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, its duly authorized agent. !i I! Adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph Co Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. ii " Ii Ii Earl Simms and the following recorded vote: .' " II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sinuns and A. T. Huddleston. '1 I, II NAYS: None. Charles B. Osterhoudt. :: ABSENT: ii I, I' Ii :i !I , ., I !I II it 'i I, 'I I' ,I " ,. " I' :i ii II II " ii I ,I II II ji II 'I ), 'i I: II Ii I: , " 'i I, :i , " II 'I il :i :1 Ii n ~. o ;Ujiho<{;:o, On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl S:LIllIlIS'I~ . and the following recorded vote, the Executive Officer be, and he is hereby, Cb .iFz.~o~.,/) authorized to obtain bids on two (2) garbage trucks according to specifications to ~rJ'p~ '(}. t1J \c-IV"J meet the County's needs. IN RE: PORCBASE OF GARBAGE TRU::KS AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sinuns, A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None. ABSENT : Charles B. Osterhoudt. IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF ROANOKE COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE TO ROANOKE GUIDANCE CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS ii Liv7d 0/-; (!4a ~~4 following :~ ,iJ,~ r~.1! ,t . q/i!N4J 7f. ~ (!4.!~ 6i? I, f;~-~fff;r.17). . ,I!J"..,.,.k 2'~_ ;;;,,10/(. supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that Dr. Charles H. Holland, a professor of psychology at Rollins College, be appointed a member of t~e Board of Directors of Roanoke Guidance Center for an appropriate term to represent Roanoke County on said Board. supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the if recorded vote: l! t' , AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, and A. T. Huddleston. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles B. Osterhoudt. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted December 30, 1969, 118 :;'13/70 """~'--"""'-'----""""-."~-"""-'~-.--'--""'-'---"-'-".""'---~.-""'-- ~,-,-,-",=""".....,..."...,.,...,-~--.-,.,.,.",~,-~" ~=--_--,--_...:=:..:c...._..-.:.o.:..:.=":"": ~~'~_=-_.=.-___ -=-=-_::......-- ~- -~. -"- =---~_.-- _::_----_._-~---~-=--=---"'-----~---_..:_~..,,-~.....:_...::;::--=-""~-=:.......::-.._-- I' Ii !:be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective May 13, 1970: 1400 - DEBT FUND, LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION ii II I, d :: II jl il Ii II 'I " II Ii ,! il " I , " i: " II Ii " I' il " " " ii i! 'I II ii An additional appropriation of $1,484.60 is he~eby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. 1500 - DEBT FUND, PARKS AND RECREATION An additional appropriation of $724.24 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. I: ii !I 'I 'I II I. Ii ;i " " ,. II " " Ii II II [I ii il II " N l! " Ii " I " " " " I, I! I 307 - FIRE PREVENTION AND EXTINCTION An additional appropriation of $7,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. 308 - PUBLIC WELFARE 308e - Institutional Care: An additional appropriation of $10,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. 310 - PUBLIC WORKS 310e - Contractural Services: An additional appropriation of $5,000.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. \i II I, ii " " Ii II ii 'i n I' ,I Ii 11 (jAYES: ;! ijNAYS: None. II ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'I II " 314 - MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS An additional appropriation of $10,000.00 is hereby the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. made from 30, 1970, Adopted by the following, recorded vote: I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. EArl Simms, A. T. Huddleston i ~ " II 'I'! !,i On motion of Supervisor Joseph C.. Thomas, secondEd by Supervisor L. Earl 'I !I, " I! SilllllS and the unanimous vote of the members present, Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt Ii i: i: ili being absent, the following items were this day received and filed: 11 ,I Ii / WI Extension Agents April 1970 reports (Agricultural - RObert Layman. & 11 II LOwell Gobble; Home Ec - Bonnie Jean Webster & Jean Robbins) I' i! vSUIIIIIlllrY Statement of Prisoner Days ServQd in Co. Jail in April 1970; :1 . Ii ,/ copy of letter from Co. Treasurer of 5/4/70 to State Compensation Board :1 [I in re: trans fer of funds in Treasurer I s budget from one item to another; II 'Copy of newsletter from Vinton Chamber of Commerce for first quarter of 1970;, !, i Report of Auditor of Public Accounts on Comparative Cost of Co. GovernJ1lent i, :: for year ended June 30, 1968; I! !I' ,/ Statement of office and travel expense incurred by Sheriff & Deputies for ': I, April 1970; " II '-1,etter of 4/22/70 from N & W Railway Co. reo proposed discontinuance of Ii '! Trains 11 & 12; il ,/ Treasurer's Report, spread as follows: i! I II ;1 " 'i " I I ,/ ii Ii il TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: Ii ,I II '; At the close of busineE's April 30, 1970, there was to the credit of the following: II ii General Revenue Fund _ Available Cash $ !I ii Dog Fund - Available Cash Ii Data processing Fund - Available Cash ~ School Cafetei:ia Fund - Available Cash 'I School Construction Fund - Available Cash ii School Textbook Fund - Available Cash :: School Debt Fund - Available Cash Ii Feder...l Programs Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash ,I F.I.C.A. - Available Cash 564,556.09 13,031.60 13,164.91 23,214.72 330,275.39 8,136.89 30,346.79 32,559,88 23,037.21 63,936.66 10.56 119 , ~=-=a:=.__ _~""--~=""""''='''''"'-=__'' _."'-~_""""'-=-,""""=._._ ....,_~.':..~~,..=~,__.,~.~""'"'=c-=__.".,'"""'=""=..-..:::"':..~"'_',.,..",.-o_.=""',,,---"=-'-"''''''O:-_.''-'''-.-:-'''~''_,","."",=~<<','''~''''''.~,-.='''-_.':>'_=","..,'':_"=-_",,==,_",_,~"",_"=_~",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,_,,,.~=,,,~._-,,,,-...,.,.,,...___. r-=-~--='"'--~-''-'~~.;;-=.'' :''-'_-''-_C=':.."'-'=-_-;::''''-'-~'='--'::''''='''_'-'_'-'-''",,"''- ,.~,--'",__==_u'-'-._.c-.O;._:o:.:..;,-,"~= ._-"=--"'-..:_-_"",-.,.,.-_..."C - CC_'-":": -._~.. '-._-... .,-"ce=.-.- -_-"..:....::..___-'~'-'-'_"'.:... .__' ,.:......~_..,_~c:.:;"-._ _,.-_..:;:,"__;."'..c...'-~.:=_...;;.;,,-=:'_-;-__. 1 II I II Retirement Pund - Available Cash !, Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters .. Kathryn F. Garst 22.00 62.54 18.48 $1,102,373.72 - Ii Financial Statement il Treasurer's Working Fund , Farmers National Bank Ii Escrow - $4,163,000.00 'I Bank of Salem Ii ESlIrow - $1,880,000.00 !i Fa=ers National Bank Federal Programs Fund 'i pazmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account i, Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bld9. Bond Account II Fazmers National Bank - Textbook Fund II COlonial-American National Bank ,! " " Ii Certificates of Deposit - School Construction I' Ii Bank of Salem i)' Farmers National Bank i. Mountllin Trust Bank 11 Security National Bank :! First National Exchange Bank Ii Colonial - AIIlerican National Bank Ii ~i it Certificate of Deposit - Library Construction I, !i First National Exchange Bank I, Ii !i Certificate of Deposit - Parks and Recreation Construction " Mountain Trust Bank 'I II ., Ii Certificates of Deposit - II Farmers National Bank I 'I Bank of Salem 2,000.00 966,503.10 ...... j t -. 41,408.12 , i! 32,559.88 9,176.23 360.00 8,136.89 36,229.50 ~,102,373.72 -' $1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 $7,300,000.00 $ 650,000.00 .. t - ,. Ii I. '1 'I '. I' ,I jl " " $ 300,000.00 Savings - General Revenue il $ 100,000.00 .100,000.00 I:! $ 300,000.00 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kathryn F. Garst DB Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer Roanoke County On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recvrded vote, the county Payrolls (DlIilyjHourly dated , ',....... ; t ..,,; n '. I' 4/29/30, should be 4/29/70,and the Semi-Monthly dated 4/30/70) were approv~d in !i I,' :1 $4,702.43 W.B. Tax; $41,530.66; from which the sum of $1,939.63 F.I.C.A. Tax; .State Income Tax , $696.47f, $2.00 Uniforms and $290.59 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $33,899.54. AYES: Joseph c. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. ~ '.'1 I u 'I ., NAYS: :1 ABSENT: :/ \! " :' i' None. Charles H. Osterhoudt. ii' ~ '. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote, the current bills amounting to $75,140.33 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting amounting to $110,058.11 were approved currently and retro-actively. ,i j'j;Z)11[;-' (~~u ~- p.Pftt-V . / ^ <. .~.-=.=--C;.=..-==-~,..::.=~.=::-._-=,.-,,-----_.o:....:..=,::;;O'''';-:::;;~_i'';'_--=--''';:'''=_.~::'=-;';'",.:.",-",,-'-' ~ ~ I' Ii I II Ii II !I 'I I, I II Ii " ii " Ij II I. Ii I! Ii ii Ii 'I II :1 i ,I I - ~_... --~..- ..". -.-- --.....- - --~----~-----"_._----..~ II AYES: p ,i NAYS: None. ii !t ABSENT:Charles i; II 'I " Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston B. Osterhoudt. " Ii I' " il seconded by " 'I ': AYES: The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, Supezvisor Lee B. Eddy and the following vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston i! i1 NAYS.: None. 'i Ii ABSENT: " ii I' :1 I, II Ii I' ,I Ii " I: Charles H. Osterhoudt. I I II II II !i If II II iI 'I I. II " " !i il II Ii !i .' I II !I " II ii II II I, " Ii ii I' Ii !! !! ;i ii Ii ., ii it " II 'I :j II !: i! II 'I I " : j: ;I i' ,I I 122 ..,....,........_~~ --".. _--..,..~ _,'O"',~~""""""_""""~___---",".-"--c-"--"",",-.,..,..."..--,-.-,~-......,..........,,,,...,,......,,......-_._,.......,......,...-c-..,-,....-~.,."."."'",...,..,...,.....~. .,--."'O;;.:--,-~-,..;;,.;:~=.~~~,-,::":";cc.;;-':';''':.......c-~o.:,,;~_--,-~'::c--.:....,-=-,,;~'.;o.,",_-_~_.' :'__,-~'_,==;-;:-":c'o;,;,:~-,;,:"~,,,~~.,-,<~_:..,;:::==... -0; .-...0-0.-:--..:."-"'". II II. 111n said Peti~ion, now classified as Residential District, R-l, be classified as Ii II oflj II Ii il II Ii Ii Residential Estate District, RE, which petition was filed at the regular meeting Ii this Board on the 8th day of April, 1970, and by Order entered on that day was I' i! referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in :! ii II accordance Ii with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and I " " t: il 19th day of May, 1970, after due advertisement and after hearing evidence touching II il on the merits of said Petition, recollDllended to this Board that said county Zoning ;1 Ii Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification of the property described I, 'I II in said petition from Residential District R-l, to Residential Estate District, it " I: RE property; and !I ,- I' ,I 'I WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting on the I, I: , !i " iI II II Ii ii I, Ii il Ii I' !: I 0, " :[ on the 8th day of April, 1970, as aforesaid, order that thE Clerk of this Board, Ii Ii 1: !.I upon receipt of said recommendation f1:om the Planning COllDllission, forthwith set Ii Ii ~ the same dawn for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting II I! of this Board, and give notice theJ:eof by publication in accordance with the cuuntyl! I. II II Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and II'I! II WHEREAS, the Cle.k of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board ': II I' i ~ II to be held on the 27th day of May 1970, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a ' ~,' I,i " public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance II \1 Ij ;: and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a news-,! ~!' II !I paper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for '1'1, !i !i two insertions on the 14th day of May, 1970, and on the 21st day of May 1970, as II H Ii II required by said Order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions of ',.1 ~ i! III the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and II 'I I, II WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- Ii II :1 ment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after notice thereof was duly Ii Ii Ii " published, as aforesaid; and I! it II 'I WHEREAS, this Board after. giving careful consideration to said Petition and ;1 !I to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of i! the opinion that said County Zoning Ordi~ance should be amended as requested in said WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its Order, entered I i j ~ I: " 'I 'I of Supezvisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 27th day of May 1970, the I, :i ., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the !; II n Board I :i Petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission. said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said Petition as Residential Estate District, RE property il in order that said property may be used to erect a Church and Manse. I The property hereby classified as Residential Estate District, RE is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a corner of Lowery 25 acre tract and Noah Garst; thence with Noah Garst line, s. 00 50' E. 47 poles to 2; thence N. 840 30' W. 27.99 poles to 3, on Lowery's 25 acre tract; and with the same N. 1-1/2 poles to 4; thence with the same S. 840 15' E. 9.2 poles to 5;thence following the Lowery 25 acre tract, N. 00 50' W. 39.8 poles to a point; N. 790 08' E. 18.8 poles to the BEGINNING, containing 5.08 acres. 5/27/70 123 ~~..___==:_~_ - ~ ":~~~_.=:.~:._.::~=:_:~- -~~~~_ _ '-_~~,:,=~'~~~:_~~~~~'-~.__-'.,:-~~" __-,-::~::":~-=~~-~:~-'=:2~'__~~~=c_',~'~~~~:':-:-=_,~~~.,..:::-~~_=~~;~.:._::~:--::~=~~~:~~~;~~""_~=o""==="".~.,..~=--,-,,-.,",=--,,---~".,-.,=-,=<~-..,~- Ii II Ii n iI certify a copy of this reso~ution and order to the Secretary of the Planning Commis- ~ i ;1 IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the C~erk of this Board forthwith - 'i " " 't ;1 Thomas and seconded by Supervisor A. T. " Ii Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: " Ii il Ai."ES: Ii ;1 NAYS: None. " II ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. ii Ii Attorney I, 'I II matter. ji ,I i! h Ii Ii II IN RE: Ii ii II 'I I, I' i' II il II Ii II il Ii petition the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Planning Ii Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke " Ii I ii II County, Virginia, so as to provide that certain rea~ property owned by the said Ii II Robert C. BrilDllller and Barbara T. Branuner and situate near the intersection of Vir- i! I',. " " Ii ginia Route No. 117 and Virginia Route No. 116, in the Catawba Magisteria~ District, Ii' Ii and being more particularly described in said petition, and hereinafter more par- :I Ii Ii ticu~arly described, and now classified as "BUSINESS DISTRICT B-2" be reclassified Ii il and rezoned as "INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT M-l", so as to provide that said property and Ii buildings which may hereafter be erected thereon, may be used for automobile painting, repairing, rebui~ding, body and fender work, the uses as set out in said sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to A. T. Loyd, Attorney for the petitioner.~~ O~A 'I "'j:;;-f1 r- / . of Supervisor Joseph C. ,.:>, . . '~ R.' {JKJ iit~(/~ r~'~ ~1~~. !i.~t, 1,1 .,..,)Y I IIV 'I , :! " il 11 " " i1 II ,. !i The foregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion -.. Huddleston and on the recorded vote the ~. Joseph C. Tbomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Hudd~eston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. -... A. T. Loyd appeared representing the petitioner in the foregoing paator R. B. Layman also appeared. REZONING OF PROPERTY SITUATE APPROXIMATELY ) 100 FEET EASTERLY FROM THE EAST SIDE OF ) VIRGINIA ROUTE NO. 117 NEAR THE INTERSECTION) OF VIRGINIA ROUTE NO. 117 AND VIRGINIll. ROUTE) NO. 1~6, IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT) OF ) ROBERT C. BRAMMER AND BARBARA T. BR.~!;-mR ) FINAL ORDER WHEREAS, Robert C. BrilDllller and Barbara T. Branuner did, on April 8, 1970, ... l - petition. by WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Rcanoke County, Virginia, did,/a reso- '-"''''1 . , 'I ~ ~ution adopted at the regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors, held on the 8th H Ii !I day of April, 1970, refer said petition and proposa~ to so amend said County Zoning I' d Ii Ordinance to the Planning Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia, as required by II said Zoning Ordinance and as required by the Code of Virginia, for a recommendation ii' ii of said Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning II il Ordinance and said Code of Virginia: and, 'I :! 'i WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission of said County did, by a resolution 'I adopted at its regular meeting held on the 19th day of May 1970, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended so as to change or reclassify said property, from its present classification ., of "BUSINESS DISTRICT B-2" to "INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT M-l": and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of said County has received a copy of the Order and Resolution adopted by said County Planning Commission recommending that said County zoning Ordinance be so amended: and, WHEREAS, the said Board of Supervisors of said County did by its resolution adopted on the 8th day of April, 1970, as aforesaid, order the said Clerk of said R ~ Ii Commission, to forthwith set the 'I II sible regular or npecial meeting of said Board of Supervisors, and to give notice II il by publication in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance II Ii and in accordance with the provisions II Ii !i ,i ;! be held on this the 27th day of May, 1970, at 7:30 P.M. o'clock, as the day and time !' for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said county Zoning Ordinance l. i; and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in The World-News, a ., i,'li newspaper published in the City of Roanoke and of general circulation in the county!: , ~ II of Roanoke, Virginia, for the necessary insertions as required by said order of Ii ii i: this Board of April 8, 1970, and as required by and in accordance with the provi- Ii " 'I II sions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, II! II. 'I ii WHEREAS, the said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendmentlJ ,I I' ~ to said County Zoning Ordinance by this Board, after said notice thereof was duly ,i II H :\ published, as aforesaid; and, Ii ['. ;1 Ii WHEREAS, th:i.S Board has given careful consideration to said petition and to Ii ,. I. ii said recollllllendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence touching on Ii :' ! ~ the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance aIld is of the I II opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested and recom-,I II I: !'I mended. II \ u Ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF II !! ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, at this regular meeting of said Board held on this the II " " 11 27th day of May, 1970, that the said zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, be, " Ii II and the same is, hereby amended ii II described in said petition from ii " 124 5/27/70 . --- .-.-- .-- -.'. ._----- , _'';:;'';;:''';';;''':;:'-.~=''=-_.'''::':.,,-=-,~~_:,,-~-_=.':::::-_-_'''';::+''':;=","-==--=~--==' =_'-='_'~'_~=-,._~'~"--:';.c_c~~::'="_'.~__',::"',,-=-;-=-.=,,,-,,_ =.=-_.=~: i ~ II Ii the next permis-li IIBDard of Supervisors, upon receipt of said recommendation from said Planning same down for a public hearing at of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of ii Ii this Board did set the regular meeting of th:.s Board to " so as to change the classification of the property II !, its present classification of "BUSINESS DISTRICT B-2" might be erected thereon may be used for the purposes as stated in the said II " I petition. I' .I !i " I ~ to "INDCSTRIAL DISTRICT M-l", in order that said property and the buildings that The property hereby reclassified and rezoned from "BUSINESS DISTRICT B-2" to "INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT M-l" is situate approximately 100 feet easterly from the Ii " ., east side of Virginia Route No. 117 near the intersection of Virginia Route No. 117,1 . . ~ and the Virginia Route No. 116, in the Catawba Magisterial District, Roanoke County, Virginia, and described as follows, to-wit: ., " 'I '.1 ;1 BEGINNING at a point marked by an iron, said point being the southeast corner of the 2.10 acre parcel conveyed unto Robert C. Brammer and Barbara T. Brammer from T. T. Wells and Lucy O. Wells, bn,h'rft and wife; th"J'~. Yiththe southerly line of said 2.10 acre parcel, N. 60 degs. 03' W. 110.0 feet to a point; thence with a new . division line through said 2.10 acre parcel, N. 43 degs. 57' E. 110.0 feet to a point; ~ce with another new division line through said 2.10 acre parcel, S. 60 degs. 03' E. 110.0 feet to a point on the outside line of said parcel; thence with same, S. 43 degs. 57' W. 110.0 feet to the pace of BEGINNING. " AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forth- :i I I: !! with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the County !I I: Planning Commission, and a copy to Derwood H. Rusher, Attorney for Robert C. I' Brammer and Barbara T. Brammer. The foregoing Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas ~~d seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, the recorded vote was as follows, to-wit: I I I " " ;: ,I 'I " I II i! I I I: " " I' I I I i I f~~ - ~-=: ~~::,-::;:=,.:;==;:",~:-~~::~;=~~= o~~=~;;~:::'-=:~~~:_ =:-... _ :=~;:;;-:-:.:-:'=-;::~:;-=-:~-:;=;=-~;:~=:~~;:::-_~_=~~~:_:~o~=::".._.,.,;=--:-:~:=:=::~,:;::~,:::::~~ t jiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. !i ! :1 NAYS: None. 'I Ii ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. !i " Ii Attorney Derwood Rusher appeared to represent the petitioners in the foregoing Ii matter. Mr. Robert C. Brammer also appeared. ii !I I! !. 11 , iJIN Ii I' Ii !! Ii necessary for Roanoke County to appoint certain committees to serve the County of il Roanoke in the event of a natural disaster or other declared emergency or disaster; i: :i d l' il thereof be appointed by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors with the powers :i Ii 'iuties designated to them by law in times of emergency; and Ii Ii Ii I! 11 permanent Ii ;I visors and the persons designated to serve on said committees be appointed for a Ii Ii term of three years from the date of this resolution: 11 :1 !I II I I, Ii I II 'I !I II Ii !Il " " " " J I! :1 I: II !I ~! H Ii - '-' - .- ... i - " !, !i II Ii (J.CIi i! I ' Ii . II ... " I I' i' " I, ii 'I ~ I"' " " I' (j " 'I I, " !l .1 II r " il Ii 5/27/70 125 RE: CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEES " ." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following committees and members is Ii \'70 ': \3 il (., _ {. '~ I' . 'i 4s'" 0Y ! ~l)Jt; \ il~vO / and :; (2JV' ~ :: t~,,)" :i~~- il~. II " I' j WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Director of Civil Defense has advised that it BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committees herein created be designated as standing and continuing committees of the Roanoke County Board of Super- PETROLEUM & LPG COMMITTEE Mr. H. Sydnor Miller, Jr., Chairman (State Appointed) 5223 williamson Road, Roanoke 24012 i; il !! !i " II ,[ I, Members: Hr. J. D. Stoffard, MANAGER OF PETROLEUM & LPG 2707 Williamson Road, Roanoke 24012 Mr. Miles McGinnis, ALTERNATE 3536 Greenland Avenue, Roanoke 24012 Mr. Van Wood, SECONDARY INVENTORY UNIT Route 7, Roanoke 24018 Mr. Hugh Harnsberger, SUPPORTING RESOURCES UNIT 3202 Hillcrest Avenue, Roanoke 24012 Mr. William Barbour, LPG UNIT 149 Heatherwood Lane, Salem 24153 CONSTRUCTION & HOUSING COMMITTEE Mr. George L. Robertson, Jr., Chairman (etate Appointed) 5823 Sierra Drive, N. W., Roanoke 24012 Mr. Arthur A. Guepp, ALTERNl,TE(State Appointed) 5137 Hazelridge Road, N.W., Roa,loke 24012 Members: Hr. J. Edgar Yates, MANAGER OF l.:ONSTRUCTION & HOUSING 515 Tennessee Street, Salem 24153 Mr. Harold A. Dickerson, ADMINISTRATOR CONSTUCTION & HOUSING 4805 Salem Turnpike, Roanoke 24017 Mr. Aaron J. Conner, MAJOR STRUCTURES DIVISION 4020 Cove Road, N. W., Roanoke 24017 Mr. E. J. Miller, MINOR STRUCTURES DIVISION 5040 Gatewood Avenue, S.W., Roanoke 24018 Mr. George F. Ferrell, EQUIPMENr PROCURE~mNT DIVISION 736 Elizabeth Avenue, Salem 24153 Mr. Al Follrnar, PERSONNEL CONTRACTS AND BUSINESS 139 Emmett Street, Salem 24153 Mr. Charles L. Ray, Jr., ELECTRICAL DIVISION Route 2, Box 207-Q, Roanoke 24017 WATER - DEP'l'. OF CONSERVATIO~~ & ECONOi':IC DEVELOPMENT Mr. James Jones, Chairman (State Appointed) Lynchburg, virgini.a Members: Mr. Grant C. Davis, MANAGER WATER RESOURCES AGENCY 918 Logan Street, Salem 24153 - 126 5/27/70 .,.-.-,-,.,.-.......,.,..,r...."~=--~_-o"--:-."-~.~-~...,,...,...-...,,..,______~__.,...-_...,,,.,.._,_,~_""_.,.."_..,...,...~-'"__'_'_''''-'''''~_''''''''-_'_''''''''''''''''''---'''''"'..,.,,_..,..,..,...-~,;__~=-=_,._ __ ~- --= "'"_"':""""- =----.::: _",,-=..:--=-~--.:..::;.::..-::...:...;..-;.,_-=..c.:;'-"-'-.:...;.;=-o.:::';".~=C=--",=;... -'-~'-'--~~~.o=:...oo""-'=-_.c::..:-_:::':'c;":;:::;"'=:"'''.-" '::"::_ -._-,...:o:....;,.~c~.~::..:_..~---'-=.,._"---:..::;.==""_:.~._-:...".~."-~-:"..__. __._~__...._._ Ii i! " Ii ji " i: !j ~ ii Ii Mr. Bobby L. Wells, DAMAGE ASSESSMENT 118 Evelyn Drive, Salem 24153 II " " ,I Ii I, II I I \1 , I, II I' " i ~ I Mr. Leo E. Painter, TRANSPORTATION WATER Route 2, Roanoke 24019 I,' ., i: !! Ji !i " , 'I " " Mr. John W. Eastman, OPERATIONS 14 Richfield Avenue, Salem 24153 Mr. L. G. Leask, REHABILITATION 1816 Weaver Road, Salem 24153 'I, , 1: " I, i! " 'I " I' ,I 1'1 I ,I ii II " 'I I, " ii " " Ii II II II i! '[ I FOOD RESOURCES COMMITTEE Mr. H. Sydnor Miller, Jr., Chairman (State Appointed) 5223 Williamson Road, Roanoke 24012 Members: Mr. Harry Holtman, MANAGER FOOD RESOURCES 934 Stonegate Drive, Salem 24153 Mr. E. E. Goodwin, ASSISTANT MANAGER FOOD RESOURCES 3133 Links Manor Drive, Salem 24153 Mr. R.Llph Richardson, INVENTORY UNIT MANAGER 2240 ~~dford Road, Salem 24153 il II ., " :i Ii ;1 i Mr. R. L. Barnett, REQUIREMENTS ESTIMATE MANAGER 3856 Darlington Road, Roanoke Mr. S. M. Nester, SUPPLY & RESUPPLY 743 Elizabeth Avenue, Salem 24153 . I; I' :i II i! I' ,I !I I, I' I' II I' II Ii I, II I " il I: :i " !i Ii ,. !i " I' :i !i )/ II ,I " 'I I, i! I Mr. Paul Rushing, ADMINISTRATION UNIT MANAGER Route 3, Salem 24153 SOLID FUELS COMMITTEE il " if 'I ii " (i " :1 " Ii ij ,I II Mr. Edmonds M. Boggs, Chairman (State Appointed) Dept. of Labor & Industry, Richmond Members: Mr. George K. Goode, MANAGER OF SOLID FUELS 625 Onion Street, Salem 24153 Mr. M. H. Barnett, ALTERNATE MANAGER OF SOLID FUELS 510 Front Street, Salem 24153 Mr. S. M. Nester, ALTERNATE MANAGER OF SOLID FUELS 743 Elizabeth Avenue, Salem 24153 ELECTRIC POWER COMMITTEE Mr. Duncan Kennedy, Chairman (State Appointed) 3512 Wright Road, Roanoke 24015 :i II " II il I) jj Ii " 'I ,;! :1 'I i ,i " " Ii 'I II ji ., Ii Members: Mr. Reginald A. Oliver, ELECTRIC LIAISON UTILITY REPRESENTATIVE 2908 Tulley Drive, Roanoke 24019 .Mr. Eric T. Naschold, Jr., ALTFoRNATE 133 Bartley Drive, Salem 24153 Mr. W. C. Moran, SUPPORTING RESOURCES Route 3, Salem 24153 Mr. K. Douglas Smith, ADMINISTRATION 485 Parkdale Drive, Salem 24153 INDOSTRIAL PRODUCTION COMMITTEE I Mr. Jack C. Smith, Chairman (State Appointed) 117 Church Street, Roanoke Members: Mr. Spencer Frantz, MANAGER OF INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION Red Lane Ext., Salem 24153 Mr. Richard E. Klemas, ASSISTANT MANAGER 2722 Deerfield Road, Roanoke 24015 Mr. Paul Powell, PRODUCTION OF ESSENTIAL ITEMS Stonewall Forest, Salem 24153 ii ii I. Ii I Mr. Thomas R. McDonald, CONSUMPTION OF ESSENTIAL ITEMS 326 James Street, Salem 24153 Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms . '..~'.'" .....~,.....".,..'......,,-,.'.....r;'.-,,;': "~'" -- 5/27/70 127 ..---_.. ~~'"''''"'---:-.. ,'. ..- .. --:""""""'''=:"""""=--",."-.~.~"""_,~~~.-.'-.-==-o~.~<.,-"""=~=,~~~:.~;--..,.-=---",<,"_...,.,..,,,,,,,,,,..-~"'""'-_"""""''''~'''~~"".,.,=-..,."..~,",.~,r:"',~=''''''''.',-,O'-'''''''="",,,,"='',=''''''..c'_",~,,,,,,,,,,,,,--,,,.~,,"',,,"-""'..,"'""",,,,".'''''''"''''''=r-~ ~~:.:.... --- ~-----ii-='~'---~"------------"------=--'-- _'O-:'-..-._____=________ -_._~~"- +--------~" ~,'----'---~.-..-~~.~"-.- .""u.-___._ :."-'--- _."__~~__..-'--'__",-_'''-':;.._c..c"_--'''-_-_~._ -'-- ,-".'. .._....._..___-_ -'--"'....~.__'_c~ Ii " ii ii Supervisors of Roanoke County be authorized to appoint a C01lIDli.ttee of three to H :: duct a study of the entire two-way radio system of Roanoke Count.y and report Ii to this Board their recollllDendations regarding any improvements thereto. 'I III Supervisor A. T. HUddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- [! ,. I ing recorded vote: ,i " I'! AYES: , II !i NAYS: None. !i ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. II Ii Ii " 'I I, I !: i: Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Chairman of the Board of :1 11 ., I con- :i i! back ,... ; I ~-f Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddlestor. and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,... i : ,-. Sheriff O. S. Foster appeared with regard to the foregoing matter. i! i! ., II I' " J' I' ,I II I' il " H ii !! " Sheriff O. S. Foster, Chairman Michael Kavanaugh, County Police Officer Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer ..':,' &O+S- ,Ir;.~'" ~l~f7~ The Chairman then appointed the following commi'l.."tee and requested that they :' report back by no later than June 24, 1970: Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved Ulat the Chairman of the Board of supervisors ~ I i I.. j! appoint a committee to investigate and make recommendations back to this Board I ~ concerning possible improvements to jail facilities for Roanoke county. " i! Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the I! following recorded vote: !i AYES: " Ij 'I ii NAYS: None. \/ Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. ~'. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt ii i! !i 'I " :! ji il ABSENT: " h I, " " ~ ! I' L. Earl Simms. , reported to the Board that his committee appointed to evaluate the COunty Dog H II Control Ordinance would report by the next meeting of the Board. I, :i ;1 !i Sheriff O. S. Foster appeared with regard to the foregoing matter, and also I , Ii n .. " ~ i " il Huddleston and the following recorded vote, the Courthouse Beautification Committee's I it I) On motion of supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. report recODllllellding against a sign to identify the Courthouse was this day received G Ii and filed: " ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. iI " :t NAYS: Lee B. Eddy " i! 'ABSENT: L. Earl SillDDS. A substitute motion offered by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, that the report of the Courthouse Beautification Committee regarding the Courthouse sign be rejected as unacceptable and that the Committee reconsider the issue and corne back with an additional report, failed by !i the following vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. 1'128 I I I t.,-~~;- -- - ~- ~~.,-~~,.~;...:'--::':-"--,-~.--~---" ,':_. :-~:'~~".~--,,--,,~- ~~-=~--~--..-=~-O.':"';-',,~~c-'~~.---~_~:=-~-~~-~;_:..;=:==-::_'_,.c,.'~-:-:=:,---,~:~ -:.:_--~:.--::'-~_ -- :";'-='-_':'-:"~- - ~~~:::'-'-- -.,-~_.:::':,=~.. ,.-. , 'I :1 , , "IN RE: TENNIS COORT LIGHTING II \1~:!.,i 1.11 ') "" \ IQ !I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke :1 'V :1 County rescind its action of May 13, 1970, in awarding the contract for the lighting in five (5) different locations in Roanoke County to ~ II 1:2} . 1 :1 Engleby Electric Company, Inc., and award the contract to the lowest legal bidder, ii j1 I II !j 'I I 11 II 11 " 'I " i: il Ii r: d II Roanoke il II Ii " I ~ I: I' II Ii II II Ii II Ii " ., i: I' I il " 5/27/70 amount of $15,300. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the i: ii following " II .'AYES: recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'I " 'iNAYS: I ii ii ABSENT : None. L. Earl Simms. I, 'j II :, , ,Ii IN RE: l 11 I' II ii ii' County approve the change order for the drain:~ge ! Library as proposed in Watts & Breakell' s letter I, I: t ,I :i Ii credit NORTH COUNTY LIBRARY CHANGE ORDERS Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors of in front of the North County ~\0~ ~' \)' of May 12, 1970, under alternate 2 in the amount of $3,107.00, subject to the condition that the County rec~ive for pipe already purchased and unsuitable for use as a result of the plans 1 and specifications. Ii II il . ,: followUlg recorded vote: ~! . iiAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II NAYS: None. " Ii ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the it :1 A copy of Watts & Breakell' s letter of 5/12/70 is filed with the minutes " " ;1 "of this meeting. :1 " Ii Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke i! .1 il County approve Change Order No. 3 dated May 20, 1970, in the amount of $1,385.41 ~ 1'\.0 ~ If for .concrete, masonry, electrical for well change; 2 1/2" concrete slab for roof. Ii ~ . iiunit; hollow metal door & frame for well house and change in three microfilm booths I! t,;~\{ . :1 for the North county Library as submitted by William P. Mounfield. '! . " Supervisor A. T. Huddls:;i:.or. seconded the motion which carried by the. CF ii following recorded vote: ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, Charles H. Osterhoudt A. T. Huddleston ; NAYS: ,; ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. A copy of the above change order is filed with the minutes of this if ii meeting. I I .1 I :1 " :1 " II Ii H I __ ".,.....,..,.,....,~.,...",..~_-.-,----:-"""',.~-..,-"""",_..~_-..___c:-. '~,--....,..,.-- ~"."'.""""~---"'-""""''''-''''''--..'''''--'____'''''''~'--~'''''''''._--=-'''- .-..,...,.-",..--,----~__,,__"".~.=="'""" .. __--'-Cd _____-"-__ _..___._..::;.~_:___. .__.. _ _===-:o-,,--=-_ _-==:...______ ___. ___--:::-.,_C-""-,"--'-."-_ ___""'-___._.... _ . . ..__ _. __.__..._ ..__._. ___-"'-- ._.__.___.=...._____ .,_.~~.;...;_.,;;:;:..::_...;..:-__..._.:;...; ...,;...:..; vs ! ) ORDER Board of Supervisors 11>e Public and the State High....y Commission of Virginia I This matter came OD this day to be heard upon the proceedings hertin, and upon the application for ~!>wer Road from Route 1306 east to Route 1371 0.40 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Sl!COndary System of State Highway.. It appe>ring to the Board that drainage euements and .60-foot 'ight of way lor said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Windsor We"t #4 . which map was rc:corded in Plat Book 7 , Pagp 36 of the records of the Clerk's Office of th,. Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on 6/30/69 and that by ri ason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of rig-ht of way from the abutting property owners il'l necessary. The Board hereby guaranteeR said fight of way anli right for drainage. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road Imown aLB~~LRo_ad from Route 1306 east to Route :!,.371 0.40 mile and which is sbown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be. and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Set:ondary System of Highways in Roanoke Count}'. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and Adopted by the following recorded \'ote' Ay~,Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Char lee H. Osterhoudt Nays: None Absent: L. Earl Simms I Board of Suoervisors - \~ 11>e Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginu,. ORDER ~~D Ao~ ~~. (>' . b>'~ I I i , i , , This matter ca."e on this day to be heard upon tho proceedings he..in, and upon the application for Bristol Road (Extn. of Rt. 891) to Grit-fen Road (Rt. 1646) 0.12 mile to be accepted ar.d made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage euemeobl and.. 50-foot right 01 way lor said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as SOuthern Hills #2 whkh map was recorded in Plat Book 3 , Page 55 of the retords of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Rnanoke County Virg,'nia 7/12/49 . ' , on , ar.. that by reason of the recordation of said map no report f~om a Board of Viewers, nor consent or dn;;ation of right of way from the abutting property owners IS necessary, The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage, I I I ., NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said .road Imown as. Bristol Road (Extn. of Rt. 891) to Griffen Road (Rt. ~646) 0.12 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this ,order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System 01 Highways in Roanoke County, On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ay~: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt Nays: None Absent: L. Earl Simms I ."'-" . i[ ~ I '. !1 131 ____ .=_~",Tr="'-_~~'~~~''''_'''''=,,,,,,,-',,,,,,,",==~'._-.''''=---==,':---=',,,,, ='''''''''''''-'~''''''_'''='__'-'-~'''''''-'''-__'''''''.'_._''~''''_'''''''-'''~'"''- "'._._'_-"-'"; '_-'_~._-,",,""'_",,'''',,~'''''''~.'-_'-.-e._.,..''~ '.;.-o.-~'-"=~'''':"--;:oo,;;.c."=~_"".-"-=.~_.",,,,---,,,,-,---~;,,,,_.:=,-, ji ,I . '_.-,-,--. ,------, ,-- - -.....--.----...---.---.-. Board of Superviso~s YS ORDER - i ~ The Public and the State HIs}......y Commi,!Oion of Virginia ~&~)70 t . r J'~ to~. ~~~ I~-' This matter came on this day to be heard upon th" proceeding. herein, and upon th.e application for Thames D~ive f~om Bowe~ Road to D.:!: 0.12 mile - ! 1 '_1 to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage eaenetlls and a50-foot right of way lor Aid road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known a" :WiIlds~~_ W,9g.!;...J!'4....__.. _______ which roup Wa~ f(.'CUrdl'rl in Phl.t Bonk ___2 ___u._._._1 Pair" 36 , of the records of lbe Clerk'. Office of the Circuit Cnurt of Roanoke County, Virginia. on 6/30/69 , and that by reason of the recordation of said map no leport from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property . owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantee. said right of W:lY nnd right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known a~ames Drive from Bowe~ Road to D. E. 0.12 mile ~ ..... and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this ordt"r, be, a.nd 'tilt' same is hen'by estilblisht>o as a public road to become a part of the State Sf'COndaJry System 01 Highways in Roanok. Counly. On motion of Supe~visor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and Adopted by the following reoorded vote: Ayes: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and I Cha~les H. Osterhoudt , Nays: Non.' j._. __.______Al:>sent_:_I:o,_E~l ~~ ... _H . Board of Suoervisors , ,. ----- - ~._-- - _....-. --,---- ~._--_.. --- vs ORDER SPgJ70 cj~. . G. CX'JU ~ t- / t::r. ~ The Public and the State H1r)lway Commission of Virginia '-I I I .J This matter came nn this day to be heard upon the pr~ings herein, and upon tM application for Kentland D~ive from Bower Road to Kentland Drive (Rt. 1359) 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary Sy1tem of Sture Highways. It appea;ing to the Board that drainage euemC<lb and .50-foot right of W..y lor Aid road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as'itin<!"1!ll:-West #4 , which map was recorded in Plat Rook __7 Page 36 of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of J~oanoke Cuunty, Virginia, on 6/30/69 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers. nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necesRary. The Board hereby gU&1'8.ntees ;:;aid right of way and riR'ht for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that ..id road known a' Kentland Drive from Bower Road to Kentland Drive (Rt. 1359) 0.10 mile 1 l.J and which is ahown on a certain sketch accompanying this order. be, and the same is hereby estobltshed as a public road to become a part of the Stale Secondmy System 01 Highways in Hoanoke County. On motion of Supervi:>or Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas. and Adopted by the following recorded vote: Ayes: Joseph C. Thanas, Lee B. N Cha~les H. Osterhoudt a)'l: None . _ _..lUls cmt.LI.....Ear.l. Simms_ Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and 5/27/70 133 _-""'=-::=""""".:"=-~=.=~,~",.,__"",--::,,,,,-'-==""'_"'=""~~-_=O',.,..,.~,,"'. ,.='--.."'-.'o.;.-=.---==-...,....~~..."",.~.:.'=""'-=-.....,,,'",....=,,;;; :-_~.'-...."=".,..;...-"-_m--"".;;...,=.e-=."".'..,...:_="',.,,;.-=...,...,,....=,,....,. "<~.._ <.:.=-"'-'--="'--=c...:_:=...:;:..;....;:.;::-.;.:.;.-..;.."'.:; ;.:~..;.=-.o...==~"-=-=.:.-__=:::;,~......::...~o:..._____=..:_"'--..:.__-'--.::...;.....""_...;;.-'-.;.._'-'-,..,_._:;.-;;_.o_.~_ .~_ ". "0' . __ . _ __ _ _._n .. _ _._, . _..... _, .. '0' __ ...._._U. ~___~_______ ..._ _ __n___.', ___._._ -.. II IN RE: Route 221 It On motion of Superviso~ A. T. HuddlestclO, seconded by Superviso~ ,. 11 ii Thomas ii iisors adopted May 11, 1970, in ~e: t, :: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Ost,erhoudt. Ii NAYS: None. and the following vote, the ~esolution of the Floyd County Boa~d of Route 221, was this d~y ~eceived and ;/), 0/70 k;;' ~ Joseph C. :i ;.('~y , L ,::; ( Supervi- !C0,,'I.<P 'i)I<.. filed '.jJra"\ \ iiNAYS: li Ii ABSENT: ii 'I Ii !I ii ':i J1U' . l:~ ~ f 1;" ~ i'_e-t-fG'P~~ I ~1-JA- ) Boa~d J1H ,i JJJ:. :,,;7, (,11" ~rr- II concur in the recOllllllendations of said Board ,c,f Supervisors of Floyd County and ezvY 11. rI'i'~ ~ '\ ii also ~equest that the Vi~ginia Department of Highways give favorable ,consideration r,.o,,?;c-tJ...dWW !i to making improvements and/or rebuilding sections of Route 221 and. that an alloca.. Ii (--~;_~U~I il tion be made in an amount app~opriate to stat't the preliminary planning and to COIl-' 1- r~' II C. jf: I Ii tinue through the p~oject and that a copy of this motion be t~anSJlllitted to the ii r b ,\..\: 11'" . licle~k of the Board of Superviso~s of Floyd C'ounty; Mr. Ea~l A. Fitzpatrick, Virgini~, ~~v;,~.I_~, IiDepartment of Highways, Salem, Vi~ginia; Mr. C. F. Kellam, Virginia D'~partment of" ~- 0 i! r,~. 4' IJ/'i Ii Highways, Salem, Virginia, Mr. R. M. St~auser, Resident Engineer, Vir.;inia Depart- i.!j iJP' 1, 0~'v-( liment of Highways, Hillsville, Virginia; and Mr. Geo~ge Robe~tson, Resident Enginee~/~~~-Q ""J II I L.~" ~ ~ :~ Virginia Department of Highways, Salem, Virginia. :; ~ v ~ ~~ 'J - . ',', 'Y ~,vJ Superv1so~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- b~~ ~'iI\l;~" Ii ~:;~'!WJ, :1 ~I~ 'V ~- " Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the ],oard of SupeJ:visors _ of Roanoke County .-' - ....... g~atefully acknowledge the resolution of the Board of Supervisors Floyd County in regard to requesting improvements to Route 221 and that the .., , i ! ... I' II. ,11ng recorded vote: ., Ii !:AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. L. Earl Simms. ,jO,->t\ ;i Ii WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke did, on October 27, 1967 adopt [iResolution No. 17803 cffe~ing to accept fo~ t~ansmission and t~eatment sewage il i!emanating in Roanoke County f~om all of the areas for which application has been Ii I, he~etofo~e made but which have not he~etofore been incorpo~ated into the original con- i, :1 !, t~act of September 28, 1954; and, , J Ii Ii ilareas should ~eceive prope~ treatment at the City's existing sewage t~eatment i, Ii facility; and, " ,; " ii Ii !I emanating in all areas of Roanoke County, includin.; the town and cities situate therein, is WHEREAS, the Board of Supe~visors/of the unanimous o:?inion that sewage WHEREAS, the Board of Superviso~s is of the opinion that the was1e from said !--~1 J ~ > ...,J ;, '[ should be treated at the cent~al downstream sewage facility, p~ovided that the terms " Ii and conditions 11 , concerned. ,. " - ~ ! relating to such treatment a~e fair and equitable to all parties NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boa~d of Supe~visors of R'~anoke County, in conformity with the foregoing whe~eas clauses of this Resolution, 'that the Council of the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby ~equested to accept sewage emana- 134 5/27/70 ii " !, iiting f~om the hereinafter desc~i~ed additional area, 'I ~ditions of said original Cont~act, as revised by the i! " Ii 17803 of the Council of the City :1 ,. :'1,2 and 3 the~eof, '. i! i, " Ii --'o;='="'o~,,-,-,-~~~"':":.~__;,-- - --.~_;c.:_' -:-=:-:--':=="~--:":_'_-'-' ~:--~-,-._.:~--- .==.- _-':_~~,~:-,-'---;,-.:-' -,-~~,"_;:;=-._,,---,,--,~=-~.-~:2;":.-::._-:7~;~~,==-;..;- .: ~~~;;;;:o....:. -~~:o=:.:-:::.-~'-'.-.--..,....-- --"'--':--~-""-~"''''-=---'.. -- - ,~ - - ~~~-F-~"~~'~~-'-~~~ --~-- Ii " subject to the terms and con- ii I; ,; ii I Ii " Ii I' aforesaid Res,olution No. of Roanoke and specifically paragraphs numbered which area is desc~ibed as follows: PROPERTY OF GARDEN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION (12.855 ACRES) BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Lot 3, Block 6, Map of Section No. 1 Hampden HiJ1s of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County, Virginia in Plat Book 7, Page 37, and at the no~theast corne~ of the Edward L. Robtison p~operty. Thence with the southerly lin,e of Block 6, Section No.1 Hampden Hills N. 540 371' 30" E., 159.11 feet to the southwest corner of Pebble Drive at its southerly terminus: thence c~ossing Pebble Drive at its southerly terminus and with the south line of Block 5 S. 790 35' 30" E., 296.95 feet to a point; thence with the southerly line of Irene W. Robertson property S. 790 58' 30" E., 463.14 feet to a point: thence leaving the Robertson property and with the centerline of Forest Ro;ad (20 feet wide) S. 30 44' E., 587.56 feet to a point; thence le~ving the cente~line of Forest Road and with the no~therly and we:ste~ly line of the sto~age and well lot N. 800 35' W., 275.0C feet to a point; thence S. 3 0 44' E., 102.00 feet ,to a point; thence with the northerly line of the prope~ty of Mae Estel Self, N. 80. 35' W., 369.70 feet to a point; thence with the easterly and northe~ly line of the property of J. W. Snead, N. 40 12' W., 118.23 feet to a point; thence N. 870 38' W., 188.72 feet to a point; thence N. 100 08' 30" W., 506.98 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 12.855 acres and being shown on plat p~epared by Raymond C. Weeks, Certified Land Surveyor, dated December 8, 1969 to which ~eference is made for further details. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. II Thomas, and upon a call for an aye and nay vote, said Resolution was unanimously ~ adopted. II AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ii :1 NAYS: None. :i Ii ABSEN'l':L. Earl Simms. ~ Ii ij ij the Clerk of the City Council a certified copy hereof. Ii !I Ii il " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cle~k of this Board do forthwith transmit On application of the below-named petitioners: " , " II " II il II , ~! (1) J. C. Coleman, et als - Unnamed road from Route 688 southwest to D. E. 0.80 Mile in Cave Spring District. (2) L. F. Stultz, et als - Unnamed road from Route 116 south to D. E. in Big LiCk Dist~ict. , (3) D. E. Underwood, et als - Woodmar Drive from Route 419 to Route 1318 - 0.16 mile i~ Cave Spring District. i'l Ii :1 II who this day filed thei~ petitions for inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways ii ii \ in Roanoke County, it is o~de~ed that Paul B. Matthews, County Enginee~, view the ': !i grounds and report to this Board the convenience and the inconvenience that will ;: :1 ~esult as well to individuals as to the public if such roads shall be as p~oposed, !! , . ,I and eSi?~cially whether any yard" garden, orchard, or any part thereof, will, in " " :. Ii such cases, have to be taken, and that no road o~ landing shall be established upon' or through the lands of any cemetery or through the lands of any semina~y of learning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also asce~tain and repo~t to this Boa~d whethe~ the said ~oads will be of such me~e p~ivate convenience as to make it p~ope~ that said ~oads should be opened and kept in order by the pe~son or pe~sons for whose convenience they are desired. He " 1 shall also assess and ~epo~t what damages, if any, the land owne~s are entitled to ii I. :1 il 'I I and accompany his ~epo~t with a plat or diagram of said roads. !i Ii i: I' ., I' ,! !i I: " II Ii Ii " " " II i: I' " iI :1 I, 'I i: !I Ii " " Ii " I I II II II ,. I' i' I , 1 I i I , i ii " ,. II Ii II II toil Ii " il il II iI !; I , I II ~! I I -.. ! j '-" -.. -' ~ - '--1 ", ; , ~ G'l U 5/27/70 135 -~'---"'"''''''"'''''''''-_'=-~''':'''=~-:-''"-'::-..,.,.,,,,,,".=--c~-:;,=''::7__''':'''~,'''--=~_-"'c,-=-"",::"""=,"=_'='.,...,,,,,,,,-~_,,,,-__,,..._....,..-..:~__=.'. '. - _.__.~~-_.._. "~-",_-,',;",--=--""--~,-"",,,:;,"="',--~-,,,=,"":''';-''''''"'''''-'''-''''-'''''='''''=''''='-';-'''=~.''''~-''''-''''''''''--'''.''''''''''' - "-o._,--,,~-=-,-'--':"';".~--"..c.o:_--,_~,_,-~.-="';';"';;..:;..=.=_-=-=~''-.:',.:-,-,_ - ..... ..._ ,n __...._. ,_, _..on ,'_ '... n_ __,__ _0__ _. . _ _ ," _ "n__.' ._n_____.-____..._.. .....__,_. _ ___"_~_"__' Ii 1,1 I' And it is further orde~ed that the Cle~k " to ii directed/forthwith issue process " 'I I. " i: " Ii :1 I: I; il Ii ii " of this Board be, and she he~eby , Ii " ii is 'j 'I, :,il,i ,.-/" ~/7 d The summons shall be di~ected, '::>/,:"..r- executed, and returned as process or a summons may be in othe~ cases except that it'i ~~1 ~ &~ :~ v-r:;~ Virginia having supervision of maintenance and construction of highways in Roanoke ,....,.::.~o~-~ J~., County and p~ovided furthe~ that a ce~tified copy of this orde~, ce~tified by the ~~) I, ii Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to said SUDU1lons o~ p~ocess to said State ,i ~ i! Highway Commissione~ to be se~ved as afo~esaid. :'"',,i rirf;(-r V i; And these road proceedings are continued. r t' " :1 ii On T .otion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy,' to summon the State Highway COllllllissione~ of Virginia as a defendant to these ~oad p~oceedings. may be served upon the Dist~ict Engineer of the State Highway Department of " if and adopted by the following, reco~ded vote: Ii II i: Ii " AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. i: :1 " " ii #~)7r .~-? . :r.fti p~ I: [:5";>t'",,.;.,J7V whereas, devastating floods ~ecently have occur~ed in Western Virginia; and :i?f~ -Ja,J II ~J.I,~~i~. ~i WHEREAS, after appropriate investigation, the implications of a Fede1:ally 'CJ4 U 1-'2 ..,..l""J 1: funded comprehensive river basin study have been examined; and ;1 . , .' ~1 WHEREAS, appropriate coordination has been completed with the.Vi~ginia I~~~~~ !,'.I. .. Qftl ~O II Commissione~ of Water Resources, the USDA SOJ.l ConservatJ.on Se~vice, and Montgcme~YI; 00 il County as well as the U. S. Army Corps of Enginee~s. ~J IlV' . :i 11f~ h ~. J Ii BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Boa~d of Supe~iso~s join 'I f~' I p ~ !i with the Fifth Planning Dist~ict COllUl>ission and request Congressional autho~ity t,' fj, ii, ,~ !I for a comp~ehensive study of the upper Roanoke Rive~ Basin and encou~age the local ::, ~. :1 governments in Roanoke Valley to ~equest such study. ' .t-' f' (' Ii " b v-I.,. /" II The foregoing' resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, ,r 6'j V" Ii L II I,: i: !i I! " ,. I, " If II II 'I Ii for the urbanizing area of the Uppe~ Roanoke River Basin; and 'I Ii Ii A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONGRESSIONAL AUTHORITY FOR A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF THE UPPER ROANOKE RIVER BASIN WHEREAS, flood plain studies have been unde~taken and partially completed seconded by Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas and the following ~ecorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supe~visor Lee B. " S7~1' / ..! ~/. V?'d ~.7~ 'O'~~ ,rr-: Eddy, it is ordered that Paul B. Matthews, County Executive Officer, be, and he hereby is, authorized and di~ected to prepare a synopsis of the budget fo~ the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1970, and publish same for informative and fiscal planning purposes only, and included in this publication shall be the hea~ing to be held by the Board of Supervisors on :1 the budget at the Courthouse in the County Court~oom on the lOth day of June, 1970, at 2:00 p.m. This budget synopsis and public hearing on same is to be published 136 5/27/70 ~_~ ==--....;=-~~=-..._'---_~_,_-="--'-'=-:."-'..~"'"___::::;.;:.....;"'.-~..".'---""::..--c.;."..""..O:C'-'-~ ___ =0.;:=.:-...:..-=.:.-.:-.,. ~_ --":'.o.:;:"--~_- ,--".-:-_._----.,-...,.~..-...,.---.."....=-----~,...."....-.------.,.-.....".,-~~'"'"'-.--:-.-..,_._"'.,-.-----"-..,.,-,,,-,-....,... ii in The Roanoke World News, a newspaper having,general. circulation in Roanoke II 'I .I ~I County, and The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, on June 3, 1970. '; !, I; AYES: 11 , il I Adopted by the following ~eco~ded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. , :1 'I I ,I ii minutes of this meeting. II !i I, :! ii Ii A copy of the p~oposed 1970-71 Budget fo~ Roanoke County is filed with the Superviso~ Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supe~iso~s respectfully request the county Ai~ Pollution Con~ol Officer to make a p~esentation at the I: 'i Ii ,I 'I II 'I i " " public hearing of the State Ai~ POllution Control Boa~d on June 3, 1970 to the ij " i! " request number one, to clear rights-of-way of weeds, g~ass, b~ush,dead vegetation ii I: !: I: :1 effect that the County does not object to the NorfOlk 'Western Railway Company and similar combustible materials by burning, but that request number two to :1 burn discarded c~ossties and other refuse be subject to the provisions of the !! " ii " Roanoke County Air Pollution Cont~ol Ordinance. Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which failed by the ~ecorded vote followin4 " Ii !I !I AYES: Lee B. Eddy , Charles H. Oste~houdt ii NAYS: A. T. Huddleston and Joseph C. Thomas ji " !i ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. Ii II , 'I Supe~isor Joseph C. Thomas l".oved that the Board of Supe~iso~s of Roanoke \ ~ County instruct the Roanoke county Air Pollution Cont~ol Office~ to attend the , :.l hearing before the State Air Pollution Control Hoard in Roanoke on June 3, 1970, 1 :i I' d \-' :: on the request of the No~folk , Western Railway Company for va~iances to permit open burning and to make any comments necessary or advisable'in his capacity in a manne~ that the N , W Railway Company will be ~eated as any other private , 11 citizen. ,I Supe~iso~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the l<lotion which ca~~ied by the " I' following recorded vote: ;, AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. On motion of Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by supe~iso~ Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the members present, L. Earl Simms being absent, the following items we~e this day ~eceived and filed: Ii !: 1: I'. I: " Ii " " ! Ii 'I " II I! !1 Ii I' II i! Ii I; " " j] ii , " i: ii 'i :! i,l i H " Ii " Ii i: I: I I I:' I " Ii I' ,I I! ii !I II " " " 'I II " " I! il " !I I , " :1 " I; " I 5/27/70 137 -,-=-="..,.,,,,,,.,,...:.~~__.~~ ~_~_,:,....,.,~~-.:."-==.,._,"",",,,_--=-_-~~ ,___ _., ____."'.r-,==.,....,.,..,..=--,.,...-"o-o-."....,...,...,.,--'=-.-.."",.~__,...,..,._=--...,.".,..c...,-='....-,..-c.=""-.-".,....,=_,..,.",..,.,.-_~_,.,",.-.'--o;--';..-c....,-"--=...-_~."._.,--:,'=..-,.,.,.,.,.,_'.=,.,._=,-,"'''''~..'"..,...,....,....,''''' -;;"""._.=_'=--...::...."'''-'-''-"'''--'--'''-- n .~-=----'-_.-'-~'--,_--'=--"-'-'-"-'-'-"'---"-'_.'"_-:.:.--'.~_--'--,-_--'.-=--'--"_.._=--.;.;...._"''-'-''-."''----._.,-=~_.c_.._,_'-.__.,'.,...,,:...:...;; _ ___-. __---=---= _ _ __ __=-_ -"-.",.~ _ __ _ .____,..._~_ -, ,IIII! I ! - "........ J :7:1 ~ !i / :1 i; I " Letter of 5/8/70 from the City of Roanoke acknowledging Board of Supervisors / resolution of 4/22/70 ~econstituting sewer negotiating committee d & giving authority to continue negotiat.ions; !: ii ii' il , ,-"p tho On motion of SUFervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, r Sc-t<- A and the following vote" the current bills amounting to $14,137.95 and the bills Qc II, . 1;7,' ~J& paid since the last Bc,ard meeting amounting to $13,065. 61 we~e approved cur~ently "'-c _ J"....e Q'-t~L~ (J G . /1eA rr-- v ' Ii 'I " " I' " 'I Ii Ii :1 Ii I' " II " ,: " !I Copy of a letter dated 5/14/70 from the Compensation Board to the Treasure~ of Roanoke Co. denying the State' s part of a claim fo~ office supplies; Roanoke Co. ll.eCJ::eation Departme"t Activities Repo~t for March & April '70 Letter of 5/7/70 from Jack K. Dame, Manager, Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center acknowledging actions of the governing bodies as ~equested by the Civic Center Commission; Letter of 5/18/70 & Resolution of 5/11/70 f~om City of Salem concerning the ~oof at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center; Copy and of a duly executed Lease dateci 7/lL/70 between the County/the State Dept. of Health covering quarters for the County Health Dept. -- Ii Ii " " " " Ii Ii ii i! ii Ii " :i i; " II IN RE: AMENDMENT TO GENERAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE Supervisors expenses City of -. Letter of 5/8/70 from City of Roanoke acknOWledging Boa~d of resolution of 4/2Z/70 regarding division of salaries & of the Courts of the Twentieth Ju~icial Circuit between RoanOke, City of Salem & county of Roanoke. i' ;! Ii i! Eddy, the General Appropriation O~dinance of Roanoke county, adopted Decembe~ 30, II " Ii " On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. 1969, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective May 27, 1970: , " il il ~ 11 Ii II !I j: I' I! " AYES: Ii [, 306 - CRIME PREVENTION AND DETECTION 306c - Confinement .and ,Care, of Prisone~s: An additional approp~iation of $1,500.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund fo~ the period ending June 30, 1970, fo~ the function or pu~pose hereinabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. None. Ji NAYS: " li L. Earl Simms. ABSENT: On motion of superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following reco~ded vote, the County Payrolls (Daily/liourly dated i: 5/13/70, Semi-Monthly dated 5/15/70 and 5/28/70, Hou~ly dated 5/5/70 and 5/15/70) we~e app~oved in the g~OSS amount of $58,OZ3.96 from which the sum of $2,729.51 :i ii -/ / :1 F.I.C.A. Tax; $6,406.60 W.H. Tax; $956.06 State Tax; $40.80 Uniforms; $1,484.60 / Blue Cross; $1,584.22 Retirement; $1,076.64 Miscellaneous Expenses; $12.00 Accounts Insurance are to be deducted leaving a net pay~oll of $43,733.53. AYES: Joseph C. Thoma:s, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddlesl:on & Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. and ~et~o-actively. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee a. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston & Cha~les H. Oste~houdt. NAYS:, None. ABSENT: L. Earl S~; " jj ;i / " II , !,V " 'i " / ii ~~~/70 ;1(1.~, ~u,/ (~~k=f 'I !, " :i ~ I :!~0Q ~~ ,~ ! .~ 139 ~~ """'..",",=..;;...,..,..-===+-~.- _'-';:..o.""-~','_-""..=-';>,=_-"""-,==~-"c.""",:,,,,-,,,,,=,-,,,,=,,,::-~,,,,,,,,,"",,_,,,,,,,,,'''.<":"=:-,'''''-'' .,c.,..,......."""'"..",~.,.: __".""'-,-~-;:,;,~. ".., . . '-" '-"'" .>--,-. ::~-n"~-' .-'-'-'> ..~....."''''''~-.-_'~~.o_'''''''':'.'co_=c" :,,-,." ....,..,."""."".""',.,,...., ."'...._,--="''''''',.",.. --.-..,_.,~"'-<~,o"'=.',.~_-.,,-..,.~..,~,.,.,..,."", - -,--- ,- --0 ____'_ _.._, ___..___ .n..'_n......._ ,_,,___, .' _.. .. _..... .,.... _ _0_, ...' ._. __.___ ..__ .._____......__u____.________. . """u_ .._....__ _'_'_...... _.._..__ .__ ._,._ "'H"_' "...._, ....._,_.__.._.__...__ ....__._._n_._ _n .__..____._.___.___~____ ~ Ii 11 I: i: I: iI if Ii " Ii The Board of SlJI lrviso~s met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in II the County Courttoom thereof, Salem, Virginia, being the second Wednesday and the !:fi~st regular meeting of the month. Members'p~esent: Chairman Charles H. Oste~houdt, 'I Ii Vice-Chairman A. '1'. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas and L. Eorl Simms. ,I !! The Commonwealth. s Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, was present as well oS the County :i Ii .i uEngineer-Executive Officer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, [i respectively. il Ii Ii II Ii !I il :: Fuller, Minister to the First Baptist Church who offered the invocation, and then I. iiled in the pledge of allegiance which was given in unison to the flag. Ii il 'I il :1 " Ii " IIEddY, and the following vote, the minutes of the May 27, 1970 meeting of this I! Board were approved as co~~ected. Ii AYES: All Ii NAYS: None. i! II Ji !! ;j :1 !i Roanoke county Courthouse salem, Virginia June 10, 1970 2:00 P.M. . The Chairman called the meeting to order, introduced Reverend Charles On motion of Supe~viso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~isor Lee B. -j ,~ - , " !' , " AMENDMENT TO AN ORDINANCE OF ROANOKE COUNTY PROHIBITING THE DRIVING OF MOTOR VEHICLES WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, OTr;ER INTOXICANTS OR DRUGS / WHEREAS, Roanoke County has an existing ordinance "PROHIBITING AND MAKING 'i ii , )10 -- ,:.0))\ ~ ';~~<'i ii WHEREAS, said Ordinance has been aJlIended to inco~porate by reference Sec- ~1J1?~ ,11,-1'" i:tion 1,1.1-551.1 of the Code of Virginia, "Use of chemical test to determine alcohol:fQOO"'>~J.o- I: in blood; procedure; qualifications and liability of pe~son withdrawing blood; costs;~~(~ . :i evidence; suspension of license fOl" refusal to submit to test; localities authorized. :2,lI".;Y~(l '/\ :1 to adopt pa~allel provisions"; and :' lJ y~ jl WHEREAS, in the 1970 Session of the General Assembly of Virginia this sec- ,~.: Z .. !l tion was amended to increase the allowable fees for persons withdrawing blood ".0f~'~/V.y.) II samples from $5.00 to $10.00; and ; G:X:,1,.."1 (l,r<' C'f ~ Ic.'I~C~iK cct1 ~ -,{' c: ~'v~ e./'''' ii IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO DRIVE OR OPERATE ANY AUTOMOBILE OR OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE, " :! CAR, TRUCK, ENGINE OR TRAIN WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL, BRANDY, RUM, WHISKEY, " ii GIN, WINE, BEER, LAGER BEER, ALE, PORTER, STOUT, OR ANY OTHER LIQUID BEVERAGE OR ,. i, II iARTICLE CONTAINING ALCOHOL, :i ilANY I' ii .: SCRIEE OR WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANY NARCOTIC DRUG, OR OTHER SELF ADMINISTERED INTOXICANTS OR DRUG OF ~IHATSOEVER NATURE, AND TO PRE ,--I , , t , -- FINES AND OTHER PUNISHMENT FOR VIOLATIONS THEREOF"; and '-, ;:"'1 'I -- ii Ii ment " WHEREAS, the Board of Supe~isors of Roanoke County deems a simila~ amend- to its afo~ementioned County o~dinance necessary and expedient to promote li the I' " " " health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supe~iso~s of Roanoke :i i' 11 ~ i ji :1 140 6/10/70 ,..._,----:-:--_.",."._-,...,-....,.......-.,.-.~...,.._____o_ .-~_, -, ,-, --.. - .... . '. . ~,-'.;;.C-:",.:-::c__,='=--=--..=--.-.__,:.:_-:...-,~. _'_':'=--';":_=~'."=O_----- .'-';-,_O_'~ _'~~.'-'..o:..-.:..c...=..~~::c_"_ _-=-c.=.-,-,c:.-.._'-=. '__'-'0",",,:;;.'",",' .,...~.,.:=--~_............-,-....."...,~-""-_....,...--.,........,-,_.__..,,..-....,~..,.~"'-~""""'''''' ..,.......-.-.... .-.- ._n_.__.._.____..._... _ -~------~.~ -;.~ =- i ( ~ " ~ :, " II " " County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse the~eof on Wednesday, May 13, 1970, a !i motion was passed by said Board moving the amendment of the afo~ementioned Cou."lty- ii I I, II II Ii I, lj " o~dinance, and furthe~ moving that the notice of the intention of said Boa~d to adopt such amended ordinance be published as ~equired by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Vi~ginia, as amended, in an approp~iate newspape~; and: !: Ii Ii ,I Ii I', Ii Roanoke World-News, a newspape~ having gene~al ci~culation in the County of Roanoke; " [I il [I 'I :1 :i , WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendment~ was published once a week for two (2) successive weeks, namely May 20, 1970 and May 27, 1970, in The , Ii Ii :1 " paper published in Roanoke County, and was also published at the front doo~ of the Ii " ;: " F I, Ii Ii Vi~ginia, and on May 20, 1970, and May 27, 1970, in The Vinton Messenge~, a news- Roanoke county Courthouse; and WHEREAS, a public hea~ing was held on such amendment at a ~egular rooeting ;1 of the Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, at the Cou~thouse the~eof on WednesT i day, June 10, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.; H !: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, allow a fee of $10.00 fo~ pe~sons with~awing blood samples. " vehicles 'j I, I; i: " i! Ii di~ected II the Code Virginia, that the Roanoke County ordinance prohibiting the driving of motor , II while under the influence of alcohol, other intoxicants or d~ugs, be amended to ii II " II ii ;1 il i' :I i! Publication and Effective Date: The Cle~k of this Board is hereby to cause this amendment to be published as p~ovided by Section 15.1-504 of of virginia of 1950, as amffilded to date, once a week for two (2) successive weeks in The vinton Messenger, a newspape~ published in Roanoke County, Virginia, and in The Roanoke Wo~ld-News, a newspaper having general ci~culation in Roanoke County, ii 'I i: virginia. The effective date of this amendment shall be July 1, 1970. " 'I 'i Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by supe~visor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Ii " i ~ I: I' I: H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1, 1970 :1 A ,synopsis of the Roanoke County Budget for the fiscal year cocunencing I: ii July 1, 1970, and notice of a public hearing on said proposed budget for informative il and fiscal planning purposes only having been advertised on June 4, 1970, in The Roanoke Wo~ld-News, a newspape~ having gene~al ci~culation in Roanoke County in acco~dance with the 19501 Code of Virginia, as amended, and also advertised o.n May 27, 1970 and June 3, 1970, in The Vinton Messenger, a newspape~ Fublished Roanoke County, said public hearing was this day held. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the appropriation to the School Educa- tional Fund of the Roanoke County p~oposed budget fo~ the fiscal year 1970-71 be inc~eased by the amount of $42,500.00, it being unde~stood that the inc~ease is to be used fo~ the purpose only of providing guidance counselo~s for the school Systelll. Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which car~ieJ. by the I I I I I 6/10/70 141 n " li Ii fOllowing reco~ded vote: I' :1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, and Charles H. Oste~houdt. " j! , NAYS: ,J 'I II i! ii County, offe~ed by Supe~iso~ A. T. Huddleston, died fo~ lack of a second. L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston A IIIOtion to delete two items from the p~oposed 1970-71 budget of Roanoke The _.J i: items were: $6,000.00 to the City of Salem listed Ilnde~ Fire Prevention & Extinc- " " I! il " tion and $20,000.00 for fire equipment for :i Ii 'I the Fort Lewis Fi~e Station listed under Capital Outlay. ~ Ii Ii Ii II no one appearing, the p~oposed budget of Roanoke County for the fiscal year 1970-71, ,I' Ii was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded ;1 j: !I Ii " ii ii II I, 1: All persons having been given oppo~tunity to be hea~d on the matte~ and ,- by Supe~isor Lee B. Eddy and the following vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, and Cha~les H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. IN RE: REZONING OF 24. 002 ACRES, MORE ) OR LESS, CONVEYED OR OPTIONED ) TO REALCO INVESTMENT CORPORATION ) AND LYING ADJACENT TO NORTH. LAKES) SUB-DIVISION rN ROANOKE COUNTY, ) " :1 , " \....i ii " 'I I !I il II 'I II at II Ii j I, !I II :i :i :' " Ii " !: " Ii i: " Ii Ii I: ii Ii " " Ii I, iI !i CONTINUED ~ NO one appeared either fo~ duly adve~tised a/public hearing held this day. ~ i i o~ against the above-reques~ed rezoning petition! ,I The matter was continued until a petition is II ii " filed and ~ecommendation made on the closing of Eveningwood Lane and No~th Garden Lane, section 6 of No~th Lakes. IN RE: REZONING OF 27.778 ACRES OF LAND NORTHWEST ) OF VIRGINIA STATE SECONDARY HIGHWAY NO. 601 ) AND INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 81, BOUNDED ON ) THE WEST BY PROPERTY OF TRUSTEES OF THE ) CHURCH OF GOD FOR THE STATE OF VIRGINIA, ) AND ON THE NORTH AND EAST BY PROPERTY OF ) THE CITY OF ROANOKE, AND ON THE SOUTH BY ) INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 81 ) FINAL O:.<DER r~'\ , , .;.J , &1/1)'10 - ,: .-t- , . -f<, At a meeting of the Boa~d of Supe~iso~s of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia, held 1:2,-::Ji:~ at the Courthouse on June 10, 1970. @,~I Rflh" WHEREAS, Inte~state Motel Developers, Inc., petitioned this Board and ~~ : .. 1tt.. ~equested that the County Zoning O~dinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amended so '/b.i ~ ~.~ II , + ,tJJ.-, l.1-f .~). il I-" G,..r :1 ~ t1J..- Ii ~~~ I' I ~, .;.;r c-,., :1 orde~ entered on that day was refer~ed to the Planning commission of Roanoke County /"'''D~ ~'^-'Rf. I! for recommendation in accordance with the p~ovisions of the Code of Vi~ginia; and o.J 8ik f., 7),--, as to p~ovide that ce~tain prope~ty described in said petition be rezoned ana ~e- classified f~om .Ag~icultural A-l" to "Residential District R-3" property, which petition was filed at a re9ula~ meeting of this Board on Ap~il 1, 1970, and by ,] j WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 19th day of May, 1970, afte~ hearing evidence touching on the me~its of said petition, ~ecommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be amended so as to change the classification of the p~operty described in the petition to "Residential Dist~ict R-3" prope~ty; and 142 6/10/70 -.~_~.~.=~.~C.~=_~_C"' C .=. - __~=._.__~__'.O --, - c' ,'- ----, -. ,.,-- =-=,~,-,---=----= -",,---==._-~~'=--= 0..'=' - --,,,,.,- ''-.- '-r"-'-~-"=-=-~"-'- WHEREAS, the Board of Supe~isors of Roanoke County did by its order entered Ii II on the 1st day of Ap~il, 1970, as aforesaid, o~de~ that the Clerk of this Board, Ii ii upon the receipt of said ~ecommendation from the Planning C011llllission, forthwith I: :! " set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regula~ or special Ii meeting of this Board and give notice the~eof by publication in acco~dance with the Ii " County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia: and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Boa~d did set the regular meeting of this Boa~d to be held on June 10, 1970, at 2:00 p.m., as the date and time fo~ a public hearing I ,i on the afo~esaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance (1970), and ad-: vertised the same by a notice duly published in the Roanoke Wo~ld News on May 28, 1970, and June 4, 1970, which paper has general circulation in the County of Roanoke, I of the county Zoning Ordinance (1970) and the Code of !i :1 II ii II , iJ !i amendment', ;i :1 Virginia, ;1 " :1 with the p~ovisions \1 I: vrginia: and all of which as required by said orde~ of this Board, and in acco~dance WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the sai~ proposed to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) by this Board, afte~ notice the~eof was duly published, as aforesaid: and being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (1970), should be amended I as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning Commission, said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to classify the p~ope~ty described in said petition as "Residential Dist~ict R-3" p~operty in o~de~ that said p~operty and the buildings that may hereafter be e~ected thereon may be used fo~ "Residential Dist~ict R-3" purposes as defined by said County Zoning O~dinance (1970). The p~operty hereby classified as "Residential Dist~ict R-3" prope~ty is more pa~ticula~ly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an i~on stake on the No~th side of a highway. monument on the northerly right- Of-way line of Inte~state Highway *81 and being the southeasterly corner of the p~operty of the Church of God: thence leaving the ~ight- Of-way line and with the easte~ly line of the Church of God p~operty N. 320 51' 50" W. 1487.93 feet to an iron stake: thence leaving the Church of God p~ope~ty S.850 14' 27" E. 328.55 feet to an i~on stake: thence S. 480 56' 30" E. 163.02 feet to an i~on stake: thence with the northerly line of the 14.10 ac~e tract conveyed to Lynn G. Williams and Hazel G. Williams by Lacy Massie N. 350 25' E. 732.87 feet to an i~on stake: thence with the easterly line of the 14.10 acre tract S. 370 50' E. 973.30 feet to a fence corner: thence with the southerly line of the 14.10 acre t~act S. 430 21' 50" E. 634.00 feet to a point on the West side of a fence post: thence S. 360 16' 20" E. 560.41 feet to a point on the northerly ~ight-of-way linn of Interstate Highway t81: thence with the same S. 810 41' 15" W. 264.78 feet and N. 880 39' 30" W. 298.93 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 27.778 acres situated on the No~th side of Interstate Highway t81 West of Plantation Road, as stown by Survey made by David Dick and Ha~ry A. Wall, civil Engineers and Surveyo~s, dated Decembe~ 7, 1967. I I 6/10/70 -_.,;-.~-=-=""",-,,,;~,",-~,,,,==--,,,",,,," ="=--'--<'---.'~-=:-.~""""-""""'-'~"'= .,-'=-"...==_-:~ """=~"'-__,'''"<=-,.-=="",~_.,,, .-_-;..,.,...;~,c -.'_.'-c..",__ -. _,_,,-,~_,_--O-_."-~~""'''-'''-''-''''''''_'';='_~_-_-..''-==_'''',,,,,;,=, '.--''',,-',,"",0 - ---~_;;_'.o=.,_"---,--,-_"_,_,,,,,,,,",'-_.,,,,,,,=-,,:,:,,,.....;.c..o..~--=--=-_____"';___.-'-:".c'.~==-=-....:..:.:;.:..~_.:.'-'-_...:....:..._=-'-__..~__=__._.. --- .-.-..... '--'-, --- .. '-~-_.._-_..._.._.__._. ---_._-_.,._,.._.~ '"""' , I _J Ii " I' ri with ce~tify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Sec~etary of the Planning " ii Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia, and two copies to Martin, Hopkins and Lemon; !I :; Attorneys fo~ the Petitioner. ,I il " 'I !: seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and on the record vote, the Superviso~s IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Cle~k of this Board shall fo~th- The foregoing ResolutionWis adopted on motion of Superviso~ Lee B. Eddy, and voted as follows, to-wit: Ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les " :1 H. Osterhoudt. - , ) NAYS: None. Mr. Paul Barbery, Atto~ney fo~ the Petitioner, appeared to explain the ;i !: II above-requested ~ezoning. i: !i Ii II Ii IN 1lE: COUNTY LEVY Ii II ii ii :i Roanoke County be continued to the Board's next regular meeting, June 24, 1970. Supervisor A. T. Huudleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- Supe~visor Lee B. Eddy moved that the matte~ of setting the tax rate for ~ i i - ing vote: :1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les ii Ii H. Osterhoudt. Ii NAYS: None. ,:) Ii II , 'I " :1 ii WHEREAS, the Boa~d of Supe~viso~s of Roanoko County did, by Resolutions :1 il adopted May 8, 1968, and Novembe~ 27, 1968, ~equest the City Council of Roanoke to n 'I Ii accept sewage and wastes originating in two ce~tain areas of Roanoke County, said I: n 'i two areas being listed below and desc~ibed more particularly in the said Resolutions, II I! and said acceptance of sewage and wastes being subject to the terms and conditions " :1 if of the Sewage T~eatment Contract dated September 28, 195~, as revised, between the Board of Superviso~s and the City Council; and, j! WHEREAS, the said City Council of Roanoke did, by its ReSOlution No. 18669, (<-1 I .... :i " Ii dated April 28, 1969, approve the two ~equested areas subject to certain conditions I! listed in said Resolution No. 18689 and conditional upon the acceptance of said conditims by the Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke county; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supe~visors of Roanoke County did, by ReSOlution f1 - dated June 11, 1969, approve and accept the City's offe~ and conditions set out in :: the said City Resolution No. 18689; and, WHEREAS, the owner and developer of the Holiday Inn Motel, American Motor Inns, Incorpo~ated, has been unsuccessful in obtaining the necessary sewer line easements ac~oss p~operties south of Peters C~eek Road (State Route No. 117) and has, consequently, due to the construction schedule of the Motel, engaged Bufo~d T. Lumsden, State Ce~tified Engineer, to p~epare the necessa~y Engineering Plans for the const~uction of a sewage lift station at the inte~section of the said Pete~s Creek Road and Thi~lane Road, N. W. (State Secondary Route No. 626), in order that 143 } 1']0 un 10 J~1> C.c~' ./ J 11a~ ,~~ ~I , '( '-- !.\ - Jc,~, I 4,tl)g~ I Uk>~pY-j,(. ~.1V"~ 1', ~~'~. : I (j , f" l,l.. .. ~(A"'II1' !(UV '/ .~~~ , ?I?~~' ilC, .1)4. J'U"~' I 146 ~10/70 --",--,-......"..--,-,.,..,_.,.--,.,.,...- -------~.,..~"'..,...-..--:-.-_.- ..-,..-...--,-,...".",.----..----,---.,...--,--,.- . . .... .._-,-- ----~=-=..-o=.:;:=-=..:.=-""t.,=.=-"=.;....o...;;::--~==-c=~-=-.-:..;......=. I' ./ il :1 IN RE: , , ~ "= --~""""., --,-=-=-;"-~--=-,-~,----",-::",,_:,:::_,,,-,-_,: "'=~-"-" -=:.....~:=.,..:.:,..:.;:.-_-:.:, ......-.---- -.-. -- .-.-- .---.- -_.----- ~ _____ __._u,.__________._.. ._ -----.--, ._~ -.---,. ...-- -.......- --- -_._-----_._".._._._~ ~_._.__.,- --.-.....-- II' il ~ I " Supe~iso~ Joseph C. Thomas moved that Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt be re- 1"1' \ \" \~.. y:: appointed to the Total Action Against Pve~ty Board of Di~ecto~s for a one-year term!i 19 '"jI' ~~;V I: and also, subject to concu~rence by the City of Salem, that Mr. E. Cabell B~and be Ii ~ n~" ;; ~e-appointed fo~ a one-year term to the said Boa~d of Directo~s. I' ~' ~ , . ~ ...("O:\rv'li ~"'J.,j Superviso~ L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following ;i IV ~~.\y\i~recorded vote: II ~ ~jV '.'I'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Ii ~~cX~\l.' !i H. Osterhoudt. I: '-;;:;, Ii NAYS: None. I: D !l , I, ! APPOINTMENTS TO THE TAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS >' ,I IN RE: cK:"t~~ ~~)~!I \;\~ ,~~'E. Smith, whose terms expire on June 19, 1970, be re-appointed to the Roanoke '~. / X.:l Recreation Boa~d fo~ three-year terms. c.r., or. ,v :1 ~.<~~ ii Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which ca~ried by the V, u.~/Jt^. Ii q, c.n i! ing ~eco~ded vote: \,\o-.f' ~C>' ~\:\t\W0<1 "AYES: ,,~. -1;< II .' ~"':i H. Osterhoudt. '?l t.~.:tJl~ NAYS: None. v{f'~ 'l.~i .J', ~'?'t~~ ~~ II IN RE: ~J..r"" il superviso~ A. T. Huddleston moved that the Chairman be directed to pla,ce ~\ i! upon the agenda for the next meeting of this Boa~d conside~ation of appointments 'I " APPOINTMENTS TO RECREATION BOARD Supervisor A. 'r. Huddleston moved that Mess~s. David McClung II and Robe~t Ii I: County Ii I' II follow- I, " ! Ii Ii II Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Hucdleston and Charles APPOINTMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED 11 " II I, ii Supervisor L. Earl Si:rJlls seconded the motion which carried by the following ,I to the Public Service Autho~ity. vote: ii " AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: LEASE TRANSFER AGREEMENT MASON COVE CIVIC CLUB , INC. \,,~ W' \ "'\ 4' A/A ref' ;: :1 " il of Roanoke county be authorized to execute on behalf of Roanoke county the above- :i . 'i I Supe~isor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman of the Board of supe~viso~s mentioned lease t~ansfe~ ag~eernent subject to the ag~eernent's being amended to in- clude the county's contribution as to the development of these facilities. Superviso~ L. Ea~l Simms seconded the motion which car~ied by the following reco~ded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, ~ee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: LEASE AGREEMENT HOLLINS COLLEGE CORPORATION I I I I I 147 , i i i !,",::.-=-~"-=~.:: .~ ^~~- -= ;I'I'~"~"~"::':"~':':='"":':::;':'::':-:~~","""~~';"; ::;.~-;-~".~-: ~~:~~'::::~-~:::=:~-;:'~.,,~:-":~=-:~:'o-:::=-=-:-;;:-~~:~:'-.:.-=.:=~--'~..:.=:_-.:~.~_::=:~.:.-~-:::.::;::::;::=;:::::-:::;:-..:. I. 'I I Ii SupervJ.sr,r Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Chairman of the Board of Ii ! II 'i Ii Supervisors of Roanoke County be authorized to execute the above-mentioned lease ii /10 / _ I' (]lo . !: ag~eement on behalf of Roanoke County subject to the following amendments on page ,I ~ <i. ~ il one, pa~ag~aph nwnbe~ed "1.", and line th~ee: Inse~t the work "f~omu in place of -! Cf(/>1.;. ii iiV Ii the word "toU between the words "rent" and "Lessor II , and insert the word I1County" !i : . ~ i Ii between the words "Roanoke" and "Vi~ginia,". ' " I II !! 6/10/70 - I , I"""" Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which ca~~ied by the following ~eco~ded vote: -< Ii Ii AYES: " Ii II -, :j i: NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Hw}dleston and Cha~les - H. Osterhoudt. None. RESOLUTION REQUESTING CIRCUIT COURT TO APPOINT DOG WARDEN ./ ] ~ , i: " ii BE IT RESOLVED that the Boa~d of Supervisors of Roanoke County desi~es, :1,: r,f J"') * , .t..) ~ .~~~. Ii under the provisions of the Code of Vi~ginia, 1950, as amended, page 640 (Section '[ Vi - '7- I' '';,,X :: 29-184.3), that the enforcement of the dog laws be vested in a Dog \'1a~den and Deputy'Lr- . 'I Ii On motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas seconded hy Superviso~ L. Ea~l Simms, the following resolution was this day offered fo~ adoption: Dog War1ens, and said Board deeming this necessa~y, does he~eby request the Judge Ii of the ~ II list: I - !i Ii " " H Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a Dog Warden f~om the following Ralph E. Long I~a Eugene Hall Thomas Arthur Clarke James Elmer Craft II and the Cle~k of this Board is he~ebyordered to fo~thwith delive~ a certified Ii II t II copy of this ~esolution to the Judge of '~he C!,~cuit Cou~t of Roanoke County, Virginia. Adopted by the following, ~eco~ded vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. /:""t , . J RESOLUTION REQUESTING CIRCUIT COURT TO APPOINT DEPUTY DOG WARDEN '/ :1 ii " Ii :i Earl Simms, the following resolution was this day offe~ed for adoption: II " Ii " -' i! it On motion of Supe~viso~ Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Superviso~ L. h / l~f1() -r 0-N ~d~ n~ BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke County desires, unde~ the p~ovisions of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, page 640 (Section Il 1::-( 1..1 Dog Wardens, and said Boa~d deeming this necessary, does he~eby request the Judge of the Circuit Cou~t of Roanoke County to appoint a Deputy Dog Wa~den from the following list: Elwood Lee Steber John Wallace Fe~guson Jessee Richard Damron Robert Wayne Butterworth and the Clerk of this Board is he~eby ordered to fo~thwith delive~ a ce~tified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Ci~cuit Court of Roanoke County, Vi~giIlia. i: 'I 'I \,\o;i' t'J..\ : \'4" i; u\ \ Ii ~ii I)\'X{'( ~~. V tc.. _......_-~ ~- - - - ------- - -~----~---- --------------. --..,.....,-~-.,...-.~..,...':'"c"'",."...,"___,.,_,~.':_~.....,.....",,_ n '-'_ '..::..,;~."...-..o..,_,_.. ;;'-:O:"::-..'-.::';'::.:;'.-.'~....:..'" _c:.....'-"_"'''-.-_...~=_".;;.';.,..::.==.:".;_,"'''.....:..,:o':'"..::.=- .~::-..:..:.=, ==..:.=:.:= Adopted by the following reco~ded vote: AYES: All it " " t: I! NAYS: i: " :1 None. , RESOLUTION REQUESTING CIRCUIT COURT TO APPOINT DEPUTY DOG WARDEN On motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Ea~l simms, the following ~esolution was this day offe~ed for adoption: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke County unde~ the provisions of the Code of Vi~ginia, 1950, as amended, page 640 desires, i' q I: (Section :i Ii Ii 29-184.3) that the enforcement of the dog laws be vested in a Dog Warden and Deputy Dog Wardens, and said Board deeming this necessary, does hereby ~eguest the Judge of the Ci~cuit Cou~t of Roanoke County to appoint a Deputy Dog Wa~den from the following list: Kenneth Lee Hogan Richard McKinley Hayden Bobby W. Stone Geo~ge And~ew Kellour and the Clerk of this Boa~d is he~eby o~dered to fo~thwith delive~ a ce~tified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia. Adopted by the following ~eco~ded vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof and to make a ~epo~t the~eon, to-wit: EXTENSION OF ROUTE 773 (APACHE ROAD) 0.05 MILE TO D. E. - 50-foot right of way. whe~eupon, on motion of supe~visor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Joseph:! ., C. Thomas, said Enginee~'s ~eport is approved; And it is hereby ordered that said ~oad, 'as described b~iefly above, be, and it is he~eby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Boa~d of Supervisors , guaranteeing the ~ight fo~ d~ainage; And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Depa~trnent having the supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following, reco~ded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. On motion of supervisor L. Ea~l Simms, seconded by Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, a lette~ dated June 2, pUblic hea~ing (>:1, f~om the Highway Department reo 1.1.0cation & design of bridge at Mudlick creek. was ~eceived and filed. ,i Ii II " il )! ii ., II " " 'I " 'I I: I Ii " ii " [i I' i! Ii " " ii I( ii II I: :i " " :! ii " I' [i I Ii II , " 'I II I ,: 'i II Ii " !: " i! I I I . w >v- I \' \ . v ;C \.A ^ r;r<:X - \ . l;'. J ~ er Ji.f' ~;C' . \(1 l r;;y l\pY \; \lD V \" \ V- l- i( ;~ ~ C:..cLi~,.j \ V -v.'J ~"~ (\, b' ",.<.L',v'" 1./ ......... ~). "l ,\ .,' \ 'V (. I ".' ,\ \ , I .. , , I , r \ \' I I 154 ; .' IlL-' '",V,,'J141' y' 'V. :-' e. ") I- ~\c-"~ ~,j 10,0 I., ~~) -:) '1~ ',," ;,," ~ L , \ _ 0.7 I. I .,-' q rxY IL- I - \<<~o \~".:~,' > *"~,' V' \f1i) .~\. \, ~~, ~ c.J' . \:? ~ Board to view ~-'--;.~ the following 'road . , . , report thereon, to-wit: " ' , , , , .' EXTENSION OF ROUTE 190,5 0.15 MI~.TO D.' E. - 50"-footF:\.9ht,of way. whereupon, on motion otSupet-irisor . ,.. T. Huddleston ~ecOndeq. by ", ' . I Supervisor Joseph, C " Thomas' sara sa~'i1 'Engineer's repor,t il'. approved.; And it is hereby ~rdered that . , road, .as de.scr:ibed briefly above,' be, and it is hereby, es'tablished' as 'I public road to, become i'I part :of, the , . ", State S"cpndalry System of Highways in Roanoke County, the Boaj:'d of Supervisors guarantee~g the right fpf drainage; .",1 And it'is further order~d that a certified copy of this iesoluti6n be. . t".' ~: furnished to the DistrictEngi~~ei:' of ~he State Highwa~ Department ha':'tog" .., Lhe supervision and maintenance ~f Stare Secondary Roads in RO~~OKe.co~nt~. " , .,',' I '.", " Adopted by, the: followin':b 'recor'i\!1d vote.: Ayes: JosephC. Tho_s; ~. e B'f"'!~,.~JY, L. Ea,rl and Charles a.IOsterhoud :'. ' . " , . ,. simms, A. T; Huddleston " Nays: None. l; ~ COUNTY PAYROLLS , , I On motion o.f Supervi~?r A. T.Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor, L-[, Earl Simms and the following recorded vote, \. . , the .County payrolls (Daily-HQurly dated May 28, 1970., June I 1, 1970, ,June 4, 197.0 and Jun,,'lO, 1970) were gross amountiof $17,941.03 fr,o~ which the sgm TI.x-; $1,9'54.09 W.H. TaXi '$29~:00 State Tax; ". approved' in the of $859.35 F,X.C.A: $15.20 Uni"forms; , $12...00 Ace. Ins.; $360,60 BluE( Cross; $i~. 74 Retirement; and leaving a net payroll of' , " $235.18 Miscellaneous was deducted t I' $14,163.87. ';;,' .AYES: Joseph C..\;rhomas, Lee B.' Eddy, L_ Earl Sms, A. T.' 'HUddleston and Charles H, Osterhoudt. ' , . NAYS: None , ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT .' ' I On motion of Supervisqr L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and.the following recorded vote, the current bills in the'anioup.t'of $75,918.53 and the bin;' paid since the last~oard ieeting ,in the amount of $1,145.40 '>l"r were I approved'presentiLy and retro-actiirely. I. Joseph C. ThQlllas,~e~ B., Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. ~uddlestop. ahd Charles H'/osterhop~t. I . NAY,S: None J" . AYES: ._--'--'-;"":-"~-;-_.~, --..- -....,..-.-:-.----...1t.-~.-,-'...\:'..-.. -'.,' , ~epo~t its recommendation to the Clerk of this Boa~d as ~equired by Statute and upon ~eceipt of said ~ecommendation by said Clerk of said Board, the Cle~k of '~/,,)7~'. this Board shall fo~thwith set the same down for public hea~ing at the first per- '~~ missible, regular or public meeting of this Boa~d and that notice the~eof shall be :~'~} . u . given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of sE~ction ~I . I'- ...rJ;,.. D. '" ..v>'" BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one ce~tified copy of these ~esolu-i er~(r tions be fo~thwith delive~d by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, sec~e-: (~ /'II~ LVN" ~ t. tary of the Planning commission, together with a copy of the petition of the said I:~~, _I -V" ' j,J.....-1 6/10/70 " :1 IN RE: REZONING OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND ) CONTAINING 24.83 ACRES LOCATED IN THE ) RICHFIELD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY ) OF ROANOKE, STATE OF VIRGINIA, AND ) BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY ROANOKE RIVER, ON ) THE NORTH BY THE NORFOLK AND WESTERN ) RAILWAY (OLD VIRGINIAN RAILROAD), ON THE ) WEST BY THE L. B. GOODWIN PROPERTY AND THE ) SOUTH BY VIRGINIA STATE SECONDARY ROUTE ) i 639, AND BEING OWNED BY DOUGLAS N. HUDSON) AND JEANNE P. HUDSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS ) TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES, WITH THE RIGHT ) OF SURVIVORSHIP. ) ORDER RESOLUTION AND ...., 1"~.'~ This day came O. Dalton Baugess, Atto~ney, who requested leave to file a - ~:petition on behalf of Douglas N. Hudson and Jeanne P. Hudson, ~elative to amending that j,the Zoning O~dinance of Roanoke County to the end and purpose that/certain tract tiof land containing 24.83 acres located in the western end of Roanoke County being :i ,"". jibounded on the east by Roanoke Rive~, on the north by the Norfolk and Weste~n Rail- " I' ,:way, on the east by the L. B. Goodwin p~ope~y and on the south by Vi~ginia State , " ilSecondary Route i 639, and owned by the hereinabove named persons, be rezoned f~om !I !iIndust~ial M-2 to Mobile Home Courts District R-4, which leave is he~eby granted and il ~i said petition is acco~dingly filed. " i! And this Board having duly considered the same and concluded that the re- ;i !j zoning of said prope~ty, so that it might be used for the pu~pozes as designated J i! under Mobil Home Courts District R-4 of the p~esent Zoning Ordinance, may be bene- .. i , it ficial to the county at large; therefore, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORrERED that the ii ii p~oposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke so as to change the ,i " " Ii classification of said p~operty from Industrial M-2 to Mobile Home Courts District :j R-4, be, and the same is, hereby ~efe~~ed to the Planning Commission of the county ii 1: of Roanoke, Vi~ginia, fo~ recommendation in accordance with the provisions of d 'i Section 15.1-493 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, :1 - BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Commission shall 15.1"431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and : "~'1 ....J owners of the p~ope~ty in question. The above resolutions were adopted on motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, ;"1 ;:,- , ,~ and seconded by Superviso~ L. Earl Simms, and on ~eco~ded vote, the vote was as follows: AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF 50 ACRES, MORE ) OR LESS, LYING APPROXIMATELY ) 1/4 MILE WEST OF GLENVAR AND ) TO THE SOUTH OF U. S. ROUTE ) i 460 WEST AND OWNED BY ) SALEM-WEST CORPORATION ) ORDER OF REFERENCE 155 156 6/10/70 l.:.--=,-_~_;..;c --. -.-....__. '---~---" , ~"""""""---""''''''''''''---''-.'''-'''''''''''''''-----'-''''''--'''--'~c-''''''' ~- .,--,",,-._~.,.. ".....,...-. -,--- --'~-.-._---'-- v \110 \ It\'\~) , ~~~~ ().'Ii ~ -l} ." '---\\ -V ...', AJ rlJ! . 'J ? ~ j ~~(I,: '11\'/ ' V'rJ' :' This day came Salem-West Co~poration, by Counsel, and ~equested leave of the Board to file its Petition fo~ the ~ezoning of the property therein described and furthe~ ~equested that said Petition be refe~~ed to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County fo~ a recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at this ~egula~ meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia that said Petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the p~oposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as requested in said Petition, be and the same is hereby REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its I ~ecommendation. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall ~epo~t its recommendation to the Clerk of this Boa~d as required by the Code of Vi~ginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board next shall forthwith set the matter down for a public hearing at the/permissible ~egula~ o~ special meeting of the Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Cle~k by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Vi~ginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be fo~thwith ~elivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Sec~etary of the Plmlning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia;, " i! I The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by supervi50r L. EArl Simms, and voted as follows: AYES: All NAYS: None. On motion of Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the unanimous vote of the Boa~d membe~s, the following items were this day ~eceived and filed: Summary Statement of P~isone~ Days Served in the County Jail in May 1970; VPI Extension Agents reports for May 1970 - (Bonnie Jean Webster & Jean Robbins - Home EC. Dept.; Lowell M. Gobble & Robert Layman - Agriculture Dept.) , Copy of lette~ dated 5/25/70 from Dept. of Welfare & Institutions on inspection of Roanoke County jail on 5/12/70; Lette~ of 6/2/70 f~om Senator Harry F. Byrd acknowleding ~eceipt of Supervisors' resolution ~e study of uppe~ Roanoke River basin; I " Letter of 6/2/70 from Va. Dept. of Highways acknowledging receipt of Superviso~s' resolution requesting imp~ovements and/or ~ebuilding of Rte. 221; I v 1970-71 Tentative Allocations for Interstate and Rural Primary Construction: the offices of the Lists of salaries & expenses for/County She~iff, T~easu~e~, Commonwealth's Attorney and Commissione~ of the Revenue fo~ the fiscal yea~ ending June 30, 1971, as p~epared by the State Compensation Board. SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION - ROANOKE COUNTY A letter dated May 20, 1970, addressed to the Boa~d of Supe~viso~s of Roanoke County, f~om J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissione~, Virginia Depa~tment of 6/10/70 Highways, Richmond, Virginia, approving the following addition effective July 1, 1970, to the Roanoke County Secondary System: i' ADDITION '! LENGTH - Ii WINDSOR HILLS SUBDIVISION: Ii " I: Johns Lane - f~om Route 686 to dead end. 0.05 mi. '.., II "was this day ~eceived and filed on motion of Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded , :1 I: by Supe~isor L. Earl Sinuns and the unanimous vote uf the Boa~d membe~s. i: -. ii " ii TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: , .~. i:At the close of business May 31, 1970, there was to the credit of the following: . Gene~al Revenue Fund - Available Cash i, Dog Fund - Available Cash i'Data Processing Fund - Available Cash ii School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Ii School Construction Fund - Available Cash i: Schoo:" Textbook Fund - Available Cash !, Federal Prog~ams Fund - Available Cash ii Parks & Recreation Consuuction Fund - Available Cash i' Library Const~uction Fund - Available Cash Ii F.I.C.A. ;, Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters - Kathryn F. Ga~st $ 164,906.87 11,500.65 6,78S.95 15,822.92 164,189.80 7,292.89 40,427.98 73,980.40 40,886.63 13,262.55 62.54 60.31 539,179.49 $ . " , " ii Financial Statement iI Ii Treasure~' s Working Fund 'i Farmers National Bank Ii Escrow - $~,163,000.00 I Bank of SaleJll :i Esc~ow - $1,880,000.00 ;: Farme~s National Bank - Federal Programs Fund i' Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Ii Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Building Bond AccoUftt Ii Farmers National Bank - Textbook Fund ii Colonial-Ame~ican National Bank :1 , $ 2,000.00 396,086.27 47,408.12 40,427.98 9,176.23 360.00 7,292.89 36,428.00 539,179.49 - $ !i Ce~tificates of Deposit - School Consuuction q i Bank of Salem Ii Farmers National Bank "Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank Fi~st National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank $.1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,300,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 $7,200,000.00 Certificate of Deposit - Lib~ary Construction First National Exchange Bank $ 650,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 100,000.00 200,000.00 $ 300,0-00.00 :._~ I , - " ji Certificate of Deposit - Pa~ks & Rec~eation Const~uction 'i MountaJ.n Trust Bank '; Certificates of Deposit - Savings - Gene~al Revenue ;; Farmers National Bank ii Bank of Salem Respectfully submitted, ~-1 ~ Isl Kathryn F. Garst DB Kathryn F. Garst T~easure~ Roanoke County On motion of Supe~iso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~viso~ L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the meeting was adjourned until Monday, June 15,1970 at 7:30 p.m. /' ~~: /2- ~/ ~7'/- ~~- . ~t:~ 157 /' 160 I-_-:.-,_._-~'_..;"; .-.- . --..-.~--,- ...-----..--- ------_. ------ Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Vi~ginia June 24, 1970 7:30 P.M. v The Board of Supe~isors of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke county!: :; Courthouse, Salem, Vi~ginia, in the County Court~oom, being the fourth Wednesday and ,; second ~egula~ meeting of the month. Membe~s present: Chairman Charles H. Oste~houdt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Hu1dleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht was also present, as well as the I County Executive Officer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively. I The Chairman called the meeting to order and int~oduced Reverend M. L. " J' MinniCk, minister to the College Lutheran Church, who offered the invocation. The I: " pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag, led by Chairman Osterhoudt. The minutes of the adjourned meeting of June 15, 1970, were approved as sp~ead, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Boa~d membe~s. On motion of Supe~isor A. T. Huddlestcn, seconded by Supervisor L. Ea~l I v Simms, and the unanimous vote of the Boa~d members, the minutes of the first regula~ meeting of this month, June 10, 1970, were approved as spread. ; IN RE: COMMITTEE TO STUDY & PROPOSE ORDINANCE GOVERNING USE OF COUNTY PARKS i Supe~isor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors create a special i ~/~ committee consisting of the Assistant County Executive Office~, the Commonwealth's i \ s\~~~i Atto~ney and Directo~ of Parks & Recreation to prepa~e and submit fo~ conside~ation' : lp ~ ( ~: to this Boa~d a proposed ordinance gove~ning closing times and ~elated matters ! ~Cvttrl" ;~-.J;l1 rtf?, pe~taining to the use of Roanoke County pa~ks and facilities. ,C~ ~ ' Supe~isor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- " r" " ~ ! cd~ Q'~J,ing ~ecorded vote: :.' ,~);(\ "j' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~~~~~ ) H. Osterhoudt. : }:;-J- ~ l\ (~rrr NAYS: None. 'I ,.y. ~d. "~I L~~?-q~, ' . Maurice Mitchell, Assistant County Executive Office~, appeared to request ;1 ~~. the Board's consideration of adopting an ordinance governing use of the County parks. d 1,:,.,' v IN RE: FILE CABINET FOR TREASURER'S OFFICE ~ On motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Ea~l Simms, and the following reco~ded vote, the Treasu~er of Roanoke County was I I 162 6/24/70 ! I--~--'---'----------~----~-- ,-- ,-,----.' ~ .~, ~...;;..--..::.:......:..-'.-=.-,-"--........:..:..-'.c~--.-=:~-.-.:~:;..-,,-.:---;....--=:;--' ;.7.::-:::..'. ,-~._,-".._' -...: "".., __'. , ' v A RESOLUTION CHANGING THE TAX YEAR FOR ROANOKE COUNTY FROM JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31, TO JULY 1 TO JUNE 30 AND SETTING THE" LEVY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR OF JULY 1, 1970 TO JUNE 30, 1971. WHEREAS, Roanoke County now levies and imposes taxes on ~eal estate, :1 " ,i tang~- ,! bl~ ?a~sonal p~ope~ty and machinery and tools on a calendar year basis of January 1 to December 31; and, II ,:1 d WHEREAS, Sections 58-851.6 and 58-851.7 of the Code of Virginia, as amended,' permit counties to levy such taxes on fiscal year basis of July 1 to June 30 and also permit counties to provide that such assessments may become effective on the 1st day of July of each year; and, .' WHEREAS, the Board 'of Supervisors of Roanoke County believes it to be to the best interest and general welfa~e of Roanoke County and the citizens the~ein that i; taxes on ~eal estate, tangible personal p~operty and machine~y and tools be levied jf on a fiscal year basis of July 1 to June 30; j: I' NOli, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supe~visors of Roanoke County that taxes on ~eal estate, tangible personal prope~ty and machine~y and tools be t110 ~ :: levied on a fiscal year basis of July 1 to June 30 and that assessments made of hl~ ~. iJall taxable real estate and pe~sonal property shall become effective for tax ~ . ' ^1 C.tI'CAh'(:! purposes on the 1st day of July of each yea~; and ~~ W). BE IT FllRTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of Superviso~s of the ~7 )~,:.:;.'.: County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the~e be, and is hereby, levied, for the fiscal,: ~~ year beginning July 1, 1970 and ending June 30, 1971, a tax of $2.45 per One Hundred ~~IR~~ "-' '" ,i Dolla~s of assessed valuation on all taxable ~eal estate located ill this County, ,'~ and that the~e be, and is he~eby, levied, for the fiscal yea~ beginning July 1, 0"7 :' ~ ~~uJ 1970 and ending June 30, 1971, a tax of $2.45 per One Hundred Dollars of assessed , y411I' ~ CJ~ ~ :~,' valuation on all taxable tangible personal property, excluding all those classes ~rfY'. -f1\"""'.1 " ro,u, 'f V~~: of household goods and pe~sonal effects as are defined in Section 58-829.1 of the \;ri ("Iv"'" ,r-t. I ~~ Code of Virginia as amended to date, but including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3; 58-831.1; and 58-831.2 in the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date, located in this County on July 1, 1970, and tangible personal prope~ty, including the property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2; 58-829.3,; 58-831.1; and 58-831.2 in the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended to date, of public se~vice co~porations based upon the assessment the~eof fixed by the State Corpo~ation Commission and duly certified. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that such taxes, when and if appropriated by the Board of Supe~viso~s of this County, shall be used to defray the County cha~ges and expenses and all necessary cha~ges incident to or arising from the , execution of the lawful authority of the Board of Supervisors of this County. On motion of supe~visor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~viso~ Joseph C. Thomas, and adopted by the following reco~ded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. ...__._.__._--_.:._-~.--,-"..,~._.. I I I I I - 1"-'" ., . I: 11 " , ,I :i -. :1 Ii "'-f . - ,~. ; ... ""1 I '....J APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 6/24/70 163 BE IT RESOLVED by the Boa~d of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Vi~ginia, that the following appropriations are he~eby made from the General Revenue Fund for' , the pe~ioci ending December 31, 1970, fo~ the functions or purposes indicated: For the ope~ation of the Department of Welfa~e, to be transfe~red to the Virginia Public Assistance Fund and expended by the Welfa~e Boa~d Ii ~ I For the operation of the Public Library, to be t~ansfe~~ed to the Lib~ary Fund and expended only on o~de~ of the Lib~ary Board, the Lib~ary Board to expend the total app~opriation, within the limit of its total, for lib~ary purposes For the ope~ation of general county agencies and services, to be transferred to the General Operating Fund and expended only on order of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: 301 - county Administ~ation 301a - Board of Supervisors 302 - Assessment of Taxable P~operty 302b - Commissioner of the Revenue 303 - Collection and Disbursement of Taxes and Other Revenue 303a - Treasurer 303b - Collecto~ of Delinquent Taxes and Accounts 304 - Recording of Documents 304a - County Clerk 305 - Adminis~ation of Justice 30Sa - Ci~cuit Court 30Sb - County Court 305c - Commonwealth's Attorney 305e - Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court 306 crime P~evention and Detection 306a - Policing and Investigating 306c - Confinement and Care of Prisoners 307 Fire P~evention and Extinction 308 - Public Welfare 308a - Boa~d of Boa~d of Public Welfa~e 308e - Institutional Care 308h - Lunacy Commission 309 - Public Health 310 - Public Wo~ks 310a - Enginee~ing Department 310b - Planning and Zoning 310c - Garbage Disposal 310e - Cont~actural Services 311 - Advancement of Agriculture and Home Economics 313 - 313a - Elections 314 - 314a - Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds 318 - Miscellaneous Operating Functions 318a - Annexation 318b - CiYil Defense 318c - Air Pollution Control 318e - Parks and Rec~eation Department 319 - Capital Outlay Lib~ary Bond FIO..d Parks and Recreation Bond Fund 320 - Debt Service Fo~ educational purposes, to be transfer~ed to the School Board and expended only on orde~ of the School Board, the School Board to expend the total app~opri- ation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transfer~ing monies from one item or purpose to anothe~ without fu~the~ consent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County 17a - Administration 17bl- Instruction 17b2-0the~ Inst~uctional Costs 17c - Attendance and Health Se~vice 17dl-T~anspo~tation 17d2-Replacement of Buses 17e,,-pood Service 17fl-uperation of School Plants 17f2-Maintenance of School Plants 17g -Fixed Cha~ges 17h -Summer School 17i -Adult Education 17k -Kindergarten 19 -Capital outlay Data Processing $ 914,189.00 115,005.00 14,600.00 19,310.00 21,942.50 6,313.10 16,761. 00 11,894.50 887.50 8,947.50 38,847.50 139,793.00 14,320.00 35,130.50 900.00 39,364.50 750.00 82,239.03 44,031.50 6,900.50 192,978.50 21,000.00 12,242.50 11,227.50 27,494.00 126,493.50 26,250.00 1,930.00 900.00 82,451. 85 44,850.00 280,000.00 130,163.00 88,875.00 115,010.00 4,668,999.01 324,335.00 32,125.00 217,945.00 20,400.00 63,000.00 492,798.50 217,039.00 fil,237.50 58,150.00 8,940.00 48,500.00 80,347.50 44,800.00 ) _)10 .. ~ ~-I -t> . , . I.;,p> ~ D ',c..-r p.J j J~1r)J' ~. iY',JI "3"-<"' , /)/n 5~uJ c0 '(JhJ 1J-- ' C/~,.,- . I 164 6/24/70 ...---,.._..-...,...".....---..,.......,..,.,,-.-,....-~.._-------~-----, ......,.--_.~..,.....---_.- --.-.-...,.----.--:- ..------_._----. .---_.. ~.. "C'..--,-.C"""'~~. .__..____. .___"._...__ "_0 _ __._ _..__.._.__~__.,.,-... ,..-,.-._,.--_._.........,.-.".:_....,-,c-'.__...,......" " 1Mt'l ' ;:::.; ,ror' v Debt Service Cafeteria Fund Fede~al Prog~ams School Construction Textbook Fund 1,096,830.61 237,733.25 138,250.00 2,931,42LOO 65,166.00 Total App~op~iations f~om Gene~al Revenue Fund for the pe~iod July 1, 1970, th~ough December 31, 1970 $ 13,502,012.85 Fo~ the protection of livestock and fowls and the enfo~cement of the dog l~Js, to be transferred to the Dog Operating F~nd and expended only on order of the Boa~d of Supe~viso~s of Roanoke County $ 15,547.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Treasure~ be, and she hereby is, authorized ii to t~ansfe~ to other funds f~om the General Revenue Fund f~om time to time as monies ;i ii il beoome available sums equal to, but not in excess H " these funds f~om the General Revenue Fund fo~ the tion Ordinance. of, the app~opriation made to i , " period covered by this App~opria-! 'i " il ,! " i! 'I i' A Copy of this Ordinance is ordered to be certified to Mrs. Kathryn F. Garst, T~easurer of Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following, reco~ded vote to become effective July 1, 1970. ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Superviso~ L. Ea~l Simms, the General Approp~iation Ordinance of Roanoke county, adopted December 30, 1969, be, and the same is he~eby, amended as follows to become effective June 24, 1970: 302 - ASSESSMENT OF TAXABLE PROPERTY 302b - commissioner of the Revenue: An additional appro?r.iation of $3,000.00 is he~eby made from the General Revenue ~und for the pe~iod ending J,me 30, 1970, for the function o~ purpose he~ein- above indicated. 305 - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 305c - Commonwealth's Attorney: An additional app~opriation of $1,200.00 is he~eby made from the General Revenue Fund fo~ the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or purpose he~einabove indicated. 306 - CRIME PREVENTIuN AND DETECTION 3060 - Confinement and Ca~e of Prisoners: An additional QPp~op~iation of $2,000.00 is he~eby made from the General Revenue Fund fo~ the period ending June 30, 1970, for the funotion or purpose hereinabove indicated. 1500 - DEBT FUND - PARKS AND RECREATION: An additional appropriation of $18.00 is he~eby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period , ending June 30, 1970, for the function o~ purpose he~~inabove indicated. 310 - PUBLIC WORKS 3l0c Ga~bage Disposal: An additional app~opriation of $20,000.00 is hereby made from the Gene~al Revenue Fund fo~ the period ending June 30, 1970, fo~ the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. 3l3a - ELECTIONS: An additional approp~iation of $5,000.00 is he~eby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period en(1ing June 30, 1970" fo~ the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. 3199 - CAPITAL OUTLAY: An additional appropriation of $50,000.00 is hereby made f~om the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1970, for the function or pu~pose he~einabove indicated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: ,AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. osterhoudt. " NAYS: None. I I I I I 6/24/70 165 ~-=~..._~ -.-".--, ~~--C-+~o.-~ ii IN RE: \i EMERGENCY LIGHTING - SALEM-ROM,OKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER :; ,I ii ,,- Ii ;1 Executive Office~ , II th ' e Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize its to advertise and ~eceive bids for the emergency lighting work at -, Salem, subject to 5}1D approval of the Boa~d of Superviso~s. :' &> J J, "'. .,J., Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllOW-,~,:~~' '~~,~~~ . ,,,v o-4~ / Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, Charles H. Oste~houdt. 1~J,;1'71 ,.y::oA/ ,:-?:,',J"~'UJr')V :1 NAYS: A. T. Huddleston ..J"J./.> !'-' ~ ~Y ~_I Lee B. Eddy. ~~ v!'"."'lJ" ~~~~'~' ['~;?"" /~~~ .J.' J}i"~ ./' Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that consideration of app~oval of an additional:! l~ Ii ': position of Cle~k-Typist at an annual rate of $3,900.00 for the Sheriff's Office 'i \1" II be defer~ed until the next regular meeting, July 8,1970, at 2:00 p.m., and that th~& 1~~~n1J Sheriff be respectfully ~equested to give the Boa~d of Superviso~s the reasons for ~~u this ~equest. ii 'i the !, Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center in conjunction with the City of - , "~..J :1 , ,: ing recorded vote: :! i! ~! AYES: - 1i ABSTAINED: !: Ii Ii " ': IN RE: SBElUPF' S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL CLERK-TYPIST Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which car~ied by the follow- ing vote: -- AYES: All NAYS: None. ..... ii II II , , RE: VACATION OF PLAT OF CRAIGHEAD HEIGHTS ORDER :: / / This day came Tanglewood Mall, Inc., a Vi~ginia corpo~ation, by counsel, " and ~equested leave to file its Petition ~elative to vacating the Plat of Craighead' Heights, which request is g~anted and said Petition is he~eby filed. ,..... ~ On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to vacate the Plat of C~aighead Heights, as requested in said Peti tion, be~", b \~~ \~ . and the same is he~eby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke county fo~ a ;: t~:~"C , '\~'" \J recommendation, in acco~dance with the p~ovisions of the 1950 Code of Vi~ginia, as ~. VI' ( amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation fP'''tfU!\'.lJ~ ' Q i"y"'"/r..\<'" I to the Clerk of this Boa~d, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall P"~~,J vi forthwith set the same down fo~ a public hea~ing at the next pernussible regula~ ,rJ~ , {d'" ' C$' Cle~k by publication, in accordance with the p~ovisions of Section 15.1-431 of the " u~~ Code of vi~ginia of 1950, as amended. ' "('(~~'~,~ It is furthe~ RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution j)' ,}i?v and O~de~ be forthwith delive~ed by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of:rl~ the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia, and one certified copy to the o~ special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the - ~ - ""'-4 i , . - attorney fo~ the Petitioners. 166 6/24/70 .~- _.- ------- -~.,- . .--.. --.---.. -.. - - ..--..- -- -~ -----.... '" ---- . The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Superviso~ L. Earl Simms and on the recorded vote, the ;, Supervisors voted as follows: to-wit: Ii i' .; YEAS: All Ii :, NAYS: None. ,:IN RE: REZONING OF LOTS IN MOUNTAIN VIEW ) COURT, SECTIONS 1 AND 2 ) I OF ) A. T. LOYD ) ORDER This day came A. T. Loyd and requested leave to file his petition ~elative , lito rezoning the prope~ty described therein, which request is g~anted and said 'petition is he~eby filed. h iI :! proposal to " Ii !i " ,I the Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance, as ~eque3ted in said petition, On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said amend ;: be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County fO~ \ ',:1' a ~ecomraendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Vi~ginia, Ii At) ! ,I If I: \ ; \ Ii as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its ~ecommenda- Ii I~ ~d Ii , ~ ~ 0; ii tion to the Clerk of this Boa~d, as required by law, the Clerk of this Boa~d shall v\ ~l <'4: II c,~' r-<1 ,.,lY:: fo~thwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular (: 0. ~(~. -J. ',I o~ special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Ii 1].0 ('l \ , " o ~ ii Cle~k by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. IN'~' ~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one ce~tified copy of this ~esolu- ~~ . QJ , ~ ,'tion and order be forthwith delive~ed by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Sec~etary Lt:YeA" ",': of the Planning commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ~ ~ The motion of Supe~visor A. T. Huddleston, and on the ~eco~ded vote the above ~esolution and order was adopted on and seconded by Superviso~ L. Ea~l ~'"mms, Supe~visors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. , IN RE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND ON THE ) NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTER- ) SECTION OF COLONIAL AVENUE AND ) VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 419 ) ORDER THIS DAY came J. W. Poff and R. R. Quick, by counsel, and requested leave to file thei~ p~tition ~elative to rezoning of the p~ope~ty described in \~u &\:l~x.. , ..(J . ~ c;~ Jr'. '~v Q,\}.r/ " A~ . -"I\l', ""Y\'}I' ,~ ~~,. " n ~ ',\ t' "'00) r;.J '). ~,-1 't- 'V/ ~(( ~~"" ,if said petition. \fflEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and the same is he~eby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED t.hat the proposal to amend the Zoning O~dinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is he~eby refe~red to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a recommendation in acco~dance with the p~ovisions of the Code of Virginia and the County zoning O~dinance. :: Ii I, Ii ii " :l " !t jI :: I i: II n I' I! I I I I 6/24/70 l_o-_-"~_=c_~-_ _-_~o~_~_- ~ -,___--,- - " , II I' AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission ii :! shall repo~t its ~ecommendation to the Cle~k of this Board, as requi~ed by the Code ii of Virginia, that upon the ~eceipt of same, the said Cle~k of this Board shall I i !i forthwith set the same down fo~ public hearing at the next pe~missible regular or " il ,; special meeting of this Board and that notice th~~eof be given by the said Clerk '; ii by publication in accordance with the p~ovisions of the Code of Virginia and of I; ,I the Gene~al Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. -. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this II Ii resolution and orde~ be fo~thwith delivered by said Clerk of this Bosrd to Paul B. " Ii Matthews, Sec~eta~y of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. " " The above ~esolutions and o~de~ were adopted on motion of Supe~isor A. T. Ii Huddleston and seconded by Supe~visor L. Ea~l Simms and on a ~eco~ded vote, the i: i, Supe~isors voted as follows, to-wit: ~. , i Ii AYES: All ii :i i: NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING THREE ACRES ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF NEW HERSHBERGER ROAD EAST OF OLD ROUTE 601 OF EVERETT E. FLIPPEN ORDER , . This day came Eve~ett E. Flippen, by Cousel, and asked leave to file his ,- :' petition ~elative to the ~ezoning of the property the~ein desc~ibed. ;i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at i ts regula~ meeting of !: the Board of Supervisors o,E Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and Ii !' the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning O~dinance as ~equested i~ said petition be, and the same is hereby ~eferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia, for a ~ecommendation in ;J :i !) :i " accordance with the provisi,ons of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall ~epo~t its recommendation to the Cle~k of this Board, as required by the Code of Vi~ginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of the Board shall fo~thwith set the same down for a public hea~ing at the next permissible .......... i ...... regular o~ special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Vi~ginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and orde~ be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul '] I -- B. Matthews, Sec~etary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supe~iso~ L. Earl Simms and on a reco~ded vote, the i Supe~viso~s voted as follows, to-wit: i AYES: All NAYS: None. 167 ,. ~/9,~~O, - erf4 ; ~itf , /\,I~ ~'..r~p u..u-c-;,,- ,( ~~ -J,- ,..f I V ~ ' ,cf() ,v"'""~ 'yfl.<- ~1', . (}-r' 168 6/24/70 ----.- ..._--..- - -~-~--..'-'-, -..- ----- - -----.--.- '. -..-.-. ----_...' . " I" 1?-~E6 :' u-f1~" ~~?/, ~..rr 1.""-' aO?~~" " 0~:i f--~ b)~~r~ ~;4, ~;, ~.'iI" ,~.""2.. . IN RE: REQUESTED AMENDMENT OF THE MAP OF SECTION NO.6 NORTH LAKES OF RECORD IN THE CLERK' S OFFICE OF THE ORDER CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN OF PLAT BOOK 7, AT PAGE 44 REFERENCE ( This day came Electric Developers, Incorporated, and Realco Investment j: ,< , Corpo~ation, by Counsel, and requested leave of the Boa~d to file its Petition to i' I amend the Map of Section No. 6 North Lakes of reco~d in Plat Book 7 at page 44 in the Office of the Cle~k of the Circuit Cou~t of Ro~~oke County and furthe~ ~equesting that ce~tain ~ealty in the Petition described be vacated by the County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at its ~egula~ meeting of the i: Ii I ,I " " " I! " " I Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia, the said Petition be, and the same he~eby is filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposals set forth in said Petition be and the same he~eby are REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia, for its ~ecommendation. AND BE IT FURTiliER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall repo~t its recommedation to the Clerk of this Board as herein directed, upon ~eceipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the matte~ down for a public hearing at the next permissible ~egula~ or special meet- i! " il I lj " Ii I, " ing of the Board, and the such notice thereof be given by the said Cle~k as is necessary and requisite. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and orde~ be fo~thwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul I B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supe~viso~ A. T. Huddleston and seconded by supe~isor L. Ea~l Simms and voted as follows: AYES: All NAYS: None. On motion of Supe~viso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~isor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following items we~e this day ~8ceived and filed: 'Copy of a letter dated 6/2/70 from She~iff O. S. Foster to Dept. of Welfare & Institutions reo proposed imp~ovements to County Jail; 'Written repo~t of committee appointed to study County's dog control ordinance; "Written repo~t of committee appointed to study county's two-way ~adio system; ,preliminary cens~s ~eport for Roanoke County; ,copy of Rules for the Cont~ol & Abatement of Air Pollution as p~epa~ed by State ~r Pollution Cont~ol Board; "Letters from William B. Spong, Jr. in ~e: proposed study of uppe~ Roanoke River basin by U. s. Corps of Army Engineers; vStatement of office and t~avel expense incurred by the Sheriff & his deputies during May; . Letter dated 6/5/70 from C. E. Evans in reo Consolidation. I I ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT (Listed on Typew~itten Sheet) On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supe~visor L. Ea~l Simms and the following vote, the typewritten list of special bills amounting to $10,658.33 we~e approved for payment: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Euddleston and Cha~les H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. T. f Ii v o :1 $96'537~951~s/'7~yJ ::.~~ ii~ , :i ii were approved presently and re1:l:l:>-1Ctively: ii Ii AYES: 'I Ii I q ;, NAYS: None. I I' ,I 'I I, i! II Ii COUNTY PAYROLLS II Ii On motion of Supervisor L. Ea~l Simms, seconded by Supe~visor A. T. " I 0 II was approved for payment ' );: 7 ~ !I Huddleston, the /oailY/Hourly payrOll/in, the amount of $17:823.35, from Whi~~ the ,i & I ~ ~.) II sum of $853.65 F.I.C.A. Tax, $1,998.24 W.E. Tax, $294.73 State Tax, $7.20 Uniforms, ,I~ QJiT~ i ,,'" ( IV:9~ ii $360.60 Blue Cross, $221.63 Miscellaneous Expenses was deducted leaving a net I' " " /"'- !i payroll of $14,087.30. The motion carried by t.he following ~ecorded vote: ii Id" !i il ;1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II h Ii H. Osterhoudt. 6/24/70 ==-.......".~=-:-.".._"'"O"'-=,~_ .-:!"""-=__'_~_.."""""'''''.'''.~=_'''''''-''"''-''-'''''''''',~'''-=_-.'-,,"'''~''':''''''''''=''::'''''''''-,0 -_..=--'..=_...,.-_.""=.c...c...==-."--,,'_,"'-:_,,..c--,--....-,...~-"""'-'-.-_=O=~"_ -~- =---~~------...------ --=------~-~---- ~---- -~ II ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT (Listed on IBM PRINT-OUT Sheets) i! i' i! On motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Tho.llas, seconded by Supervisor A. Ii ;1 Huddleston and the fOllowing ~eco~ded vote, the current bills in the amount Ii " if $28,785.42 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting in the amount of - ,~; Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. .... ...", " 'i NAYS: None. " ;1 . ! ... On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supe~visor A. T. Huddleston, the semi-monthly payroll was app~oved for payment in the amount of .. $22,136.31 from which the sum of $99.34 F.I.C.A. Tax, $2,591.36 W. H. Tax: $390.82 / State Tax: $10.00 Uniforms: $718.10 Blue C~oss: $1,500.67 Retirement, $350.46 / Miscellaneous Expenses was deducted leaving a net pay~oll of $15,582.56. I: The motion carried by the following reco~ded vote: II II 'I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddeston and Charles I, I, II H. Osterhoudt. I! " i' NAYS: None. i' " " ;1 IN RE: COUNTY DOG ORDINANCE :-'~ , , ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the question of setting a public hearing to change the provisi?ns of the County ordinance gove~ning dogs ~unning-at-la~ge be placed on the agenda fo~ the next ~egular meeting (July 8, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.) and that the committee previously appointed to study said o~dinance De ~equested to submit to the membe~s of the Board of Supervisors, prior to that meeting, any "''1 <,I ~ final comments o~ recommendations OVer and above those contained in Sheriff O. S. " II Foster's letter of June 2, 1970, and that the Chairman of said conunittee, She~iff :! , :i ;i Foster, be respectfully ~equested to be p~esent for such discussion. Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing reco~ded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ii Ii !i !l il I' 171 _"_..._.__._....~,.._. .___ 0--.' . ,.-...------.---- ...---.-- ! " " , ;! t- i II ,/ " Ii );<.,; )rJi: 'i~,yi' ::~ :~ il :j~b!r~ ~..~. ~.\J...v j:J0 if" - jc-d"~ , ~ "P"j! oJ" J?-. '. ': "" Iv. 7ft. ) :.: '?~Ji/'"'- :r...,1:i-::J i 'R '. 4' .toY'" ..p ~. . ,: c,~/r;t-<,pl' at z.vU (1 }". ~/.,Jv 1'lV~ . K;,,1 ,~ t' ,,+1' 0911 r()", ~y, 172 6/24/70 ".,......,...,-.,.......'"'..""'-~_-::--.-""-,--=.~--c- ~ ,....-~,_..,---_.~--"......~-__...,."-.~__.-",..,,..._-:-----_-...,.....,-:_~_~__._____ ~_.,.....,.-_.~.-..-..,--~.- ...,...,..,.,--:.'._"Ot"__..."..._-...,....-,-,.,:,-""-..,...,._,,..~..'_...,....,...~<-._.,,.. .- ...,....,,---:-...,.-,~o~~..,._..._ '=--==.-:':"'~~-=--=_=""..;.:.r='.=..;;:;.o..="",,,:_=_"'=,,"-,,;--=-=_=::==-=:--,,,-"",o'.;.c-,'_ -";.--' _ -'_;':".-. ='. .-c,,:::c:---."o-;;.- .-=; ...~."-"-,-"".,o:.::..~_"'-....::.~'-... ' ':_,''::,,"_-~_'~''::''-::''_-_-'O'''''~-._'':'.. ,,:=-=-:0; -:.c:.";:""., _""_~'_""':- -:_~_-::::':.:::::..:. 0"':'." ,- ,--:""- -' "-_=.=-=--...:c",",=,, ,,=:::'," ___ II ,I County Police Office~ Michael Kavanaugh, membe~ of the cODUUittee appointed )i " Ii i! ,I Ii ,: lito study the County's two-way radio system, appea~ed to comment on the cODUUittee's II i' p~eliminary written report. 'I ii The Board of ' if as the date and time II ~ I II 11 fu~ther discussion of the w~itten ~eport he~etofore filed with the minutes of this II " i: " Ii Ii ]I Ii ji ji I Ii II " Supe~viso~s established Tuesday, June 30, 1970, at 7:00 p.m. in the County Engineer's,Office for an informal meeting/with the above study cODUUittee for " , " Ii meeting. il i1 II Ii :i V :'IN RE: Ii " CIVIL DEFENSE COMMITTEES II ',' . 1: 1.S Ii 'i liof " n WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Di~ector of Civil Defense has advised that it necessary for Roanoke County to appoint certain committees to se~ve the County Roanoke in the event of a natural disaster o~ othe~ declared eme~gency o~ disaster; II and II Ii II Ii Ii II " ,I " " II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following cODUUittee and members i! Ii the~eof ;i j! duties " i! ;i , " Ii Ii a " !' " I]superviso~s and the pe~sons designated to serve on said committee be appointed i!term of three years ~om the date of this ~esolution: .I Ii ii ;1 i! I! i! I' I S-)10 t!i ~~~}J %%.1 ~\.1 be appointed by the Roanoke County Board of Superviso~s with the powe~s designated to them by law in times of emergency; a.,d BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the committee herein c~eated be designated as permanent standing and continuing committee of the Roanoke County Boa~d of TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE Mr. C. E. No~ris, Chairman (State Appointed) 2210 Winston Avenue, Roanoke 24014 Membe~s: Mr. Liniel Gregory, MANAGER OF TRANSPORTATION 444 Glenmoor D~ive, Salem 24153 Mr. Wesley Hillman, AIR TRANSPORTATION Woodrum Field, Roanoke 24012 Mr. W. M. Bayse, MOTOR TRANSPORTATION 201 Kesler Mill Road, Salem 24153 Mr. R. Hugh Martin, CHIEF TRUCK TRANSPORTATION 5250 Hawthorne Road, Roanoke 24012 Mr. Frank Felts,' CHIEF FUEL TRANSPORTATION Felts T~anspo~t, Montvale 24332 Mr. George Akers, CHIEF STORAtE 910 Union St~eet, Salem 24153 Mr. Charles Gillispie, CHIEF PUBLIC & PRIVATE TRANSPORTATION Alabama St~eet, Salem 24153 Adopted on motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor 'I A. T. Huddleston and car~ied by I ,: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. the following ~eco~ded vote: L. Earl Simms Eddy, A. T. Huddleston/and Charles H. Oste~houdt NAYS: None. ii il I,! On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~viso~ Joseph C. )1 , 'i " " i Ii :i , j! '! , " " " Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Boa~d membe~s, the Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss privileged matte~s. After a b~ief absen~e, the SUperviso~s retu~ned to the Courtroom, dissolved: " I I for a I' 'I I' II I jl Ii il I' I I 6/24/70 173 ~"-=~:<,'''''_'''''''''-=c.-,''''_-=co~_,-~_,,,,''-''''''''''~=''_...-.-~-' ..,;."._~~ -:~_,....,:=,-,.=--=-,-.~",__._~,,,,,_-, .""....-=""":;_,-=-."=-,._-.-_-.~.:..,.",,.."'._-,,=_- 'CO-,",C'_""'O'OC',"," ._O-_"~':"-; -'.,- ....0-", ',.-..-_,,~ . . ~,-_'~~"""_''''''':~'.,..- .... ,,,,._c-,,,,,,"';.~_"'_"_'"". ,...,.,.;___~_.":~",=.,.-~.,...-",,.-=,.-..,..=,=- II the committee of the whole and ~<asumed the meeting in open session on motion of ';Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~viso~ L. Ea~l Simms and the unanimous Ii ,; vote of the Boa~d members. i! 'I I: ...,.. ;1 !: 'I " iIN RE: I: \! i) i i' Ii ;:for , I) Ii Supervisor " I: Ii ~ecorded vote: " !iAyES: \i 11 Ii Ii NAYS: None. I :i it " , APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF VIRGINIA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE v - -, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Mr. W. Da~nall Vinya~d be " , 'i re-apPoint~&J;5 )t; ,r' Community COllege. ,; ,'~ )Py I: "1 v1Yc- rY~ L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which ca~ried by the following ~~,~~~ f., :' ~&vJL, V ;:(~~ D '!1r~~/.yv ii, ;I- _cJ-:fi ' :i10 ~ --Va., !~YJ a term of four (4) years to the Board of Virginia Weste~n - Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ... i:IN RE: I! APPOINTMENTS TO FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION -.j i - " , '[NAYS: " , On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. i )1C IIThomas and the following recorded vote, the following individuals we~e re-appointed! !9J?{ 4'. ~ :! to the Fifth Planning District Commission for tllree (3) year terms: Messrs. Richard, ~~ , n ./ / I -:-~;.l_ y iiL. Meagher, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. EddY,~*'<J-')' p' [[AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles !'?}'\\'~~(. ..'1,,11'11 >1 H. Osterhoudt. 't't>7J~ :i v~~'d !re-'~~ ~L" 1, -1h-)'-'~, id-o?-.;2~ :1 The meeting was adjourned on motion of supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded None. " !i by Supervisor L. Earl SilIUlls and the unanimous vote of the Board members. i ~ ii " Ii !I t..... , ~ t....-, 7/8/70 _.""'--=-=.""".,=".,=-=-=,.........".-_-o"'..,".,..-=,=.,..-==-.,....~~,-,-~,....,.-" ___""...._=_-'~.ou__~.-=-_.-= ...."""'_-o-..=.-~"--.~-"";... -.-~.,.,-,..'...._--'"'-~.. I: II !i 'i be respectfully ~equested to prepare and submit an analysis of the tax revenue Ii " n pro-Ii i: i' posed to be ~eceived f~om occupants of mobile ho~s as compa~ed with t~at received ii ~ Ii from fixed residences, compared to the cost of public se~vices requi~ed for these " two occupancies. " I' " !: " " ii ing recorded vote: iI '; AYES: 11 I I; , i! II NAYS: None. 'I I! II " II IN RE: " ~ : Supe~iso~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which ca~~ied by the follow- Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE TWO REFUSE TRUCKS 175 ..;..~_-",...=""'_...,"'c:::'""""''''"''''''',.=-=~.....".,,=_- , ii J Supe~isor L. Earl Simms moved that the Executive Officer be authorized to Ii purchase two (2) refuse trucks in accordance with the low bid of The Tidy corpo~ati~n I /10 ''1 /1:) t' at the rate of $10,844.00 each. . i"'~'l6 d.n Supe~isor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which ca~ried by the follow- ,~f ~t '~~ recorded vote: i' 6 " " " ~ I: " Ii " il il !i Ii ,I II ii ing " Ii AYES: ii II " II NAYS: None. I' " I, " !i Ii are filed with the minutes of this meeting. " 'I i, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les H. Osterhoudt. The bids received f~om The Tidy Corporation and Truck Equipment Corporation - :: II " ,; " I' " li d Ii !I i: II d , Ii II II I, n n " " !i , ._"~ Ii i II .J ii I' " " :I Supe~isor Lee B. Eddy moved that the ~eport of the Business License based Inspecto~ dated July 8, 1970, ~ega~ding revenues receivedJUpon the newly amended Business License Ordinance which became effective January 1, 1970, be ~eceived and filed. Supe~viso~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the ,~llow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. The Business License Inspector, Mr. F~ed Battle, appeared with ~egard to the foregoing matter at which time he also requested that the Board of Supe~isors conside~ assigning him a County vehicle to be used in connection with his wo~k. J ~ Mr. Battle advised the Board that the Sheriff's Depa~tment would soon be releasing from their use ten automobiles and suggested he be considered for one of these. The Executive Officer was di~ected to look into the matte~ and report at the next meeting of this Board as to the possible disposition of these vehicles made available th~ough the Sheriff's Department. " iI Ii 1! IN RE: BOOKKEEPER'S REQUEST FOR TYPEWRITER Supe~visor Lee B. Eddy moved that the repo~t of the Property Committee " 1i :i,II~~ ~ ,y'!t-, i~/ ii I 7/8/70 ~~=._ '~~":=-~;.,::::':--_~~~~-,,- ~"-~=-:~,~:~:~;.-~-~_~~.-:-:~~~:-::.~-:.'-;;~-::-~~~"=~--:~o~":;~:~-:-~.~-~... "-,~~'-C,_=__"~'",cc,,_,,.,c ",_~__-,_o-_ -. c.'~ --. .---',----,,~,...-- - '-"'~ .f II ,I and " !! /1 ii ,i Ii H I' I' ,I !: , II ii ii Ii Ii 'i I, " Ii the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective July 8, 1970: Fo~ Educational purposes, to be transfe~~ed to the School ,g,:,ard and expended only on order of the School Board, the School Board ~o expend the total app~opriation, within the limit of its total, for public school purposes, shifting and transfe~ring monies from one item o~ purpose to another without further consent of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County: 17b 1 - INSTRUCTION An additional approp~iation of $42,500.00 is he~eby made f~om the Gene~al Revenue Fund for the period ending Decembe~ 31, 1970, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. )i ,f Adopted by the following reco~ded vote: Ii Ii "AYES, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ii Ii H. Osterhoudt. I' .- '~'f I! NAYS: ~, " " if i: Ii " Ii Ii II " " Ii ji " None. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND AN ORDINANCE CONTROLLING THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF DOGS AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON. liHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors has adopted an Ordinance Controlling the Running at La~ge of Dogs; and 177 i[ I, ! P ,I \ i' 1,/0 'l~~ ~; ~'~ :i~' tv. i: " " 'I /" " ,I il " !.: ii WHEREAS, the Boaro of supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain amendments il ii to said Ordinance to be necessary and expedient and in the gene~al interest of I, II !! :1 " Ii ,i II ii p.m.. a public hearing be held on the adoption of the following amendments to said !i ~ ~ !I Ii i' " ;1 I the welfa~e of the cii~izens of Roanoke County; II !' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that on Wednesday, August 12, 1970, at 2:00 /_.. i ~ I""'; U I I, I " " I: n " :1 I' . 'I I' ,I " I I Ordinance: 1. Section 2 of said Ordinance to be amended by deleting the second " ii 1: i' " " :i II t, ! EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of these ordinance amendments shall be September 1, 1970.' 1 '10~ The Clerk of this Board is di~ected to publish the proposed aroendments and 1 \3 ~0 notice of hearing the~eon as ~equired by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the \~~ l~~~ 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week fo~ two (2) successive weeks in:v~71~!10 " c;.~ "6 The World News, a newspaper having general ci~culation in Roanoke Count) and in ~~~v,v , " :\ i! 11 " Ii ;! paragraph of said Section which reads as follows: "Any pe~son who, after having been notified by any dog warden, deputy dog warden, or officer of the law that his dog is running at la~ge in Roanoke County and thereafte~ continues to permit his dog to run at large in Roanoke County within a period of one year f~om ~eceiving prior notice, shall be deemed to have violated the p~ovisions of this ordi'1ance." In place of the paragraph p~oposed to be deleted the said O~dinance should read: "Any pe~son who permits his dog to ~un at la~ge in Roanoke County shall be deemed to have violated the p~ovisions of this O~dinance." This amendment has the effect of doing away with the wa~ning prOVision now contained in said Ordinance. 2. Section 3 of said Ordinance to be amended to change the fees fo~ impounded dogs from $1.50 for the first day to $3.00 for the fi~st day and fro~ 50~ for each additional day thereafter to $2.00 for each additional day thereafter. 178 7/8/70 "'--~---""""-'---""--"""--:-----:'- '-,.-0.-,-,---,-- '-"'-'-"""'~"--~--~'--"''''---C:----'-,--'~'-O-~'''''--,----O''''''''''''''_~'._''''''''~~-.'__'~_""'~'_._._,'_--'-'-:--~-r=",,~.~_ -=-,=,=,""""";",,,,o;....;o;-:.;..;.er'-:':= ---=- ~ =----=~:O:-=-=_~-=-- ~-- --=---=~-==-~..::...__=-.;:---,------ - .. - 'o"'="".-'''''-_''':-.=o._',--'~ ._._--'-_.:;....,.-_,....:.,,-::...c:""--:..::.-:.:::~-::-..'....;.;~-;.~ _,_'_'==,_=;:.,:-:.:._,"-=.:.::.'--::.....,.;.:::"'-"~-o.:..:.._ " Ii The Vinton MeSSenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. The Clerk of this ;! Board is also di~ected to publish and post a copy of the said p~oposed amendments :1 !i and notice of public hearing at the front doo~ of the Roanoke County Courthouse. , ;r il Ci~cuit court of Roanoke County. " " :1 Ii Ii adopted by the following reco~ded vote: Ii . il AYES: , On motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, seconded by Supe~visor L. Earl Ii " I' !i Ii " Simms, I A copy of the p~oposed amendments are on file in the Clerk's Office for the Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les " j: Ii :i " (' Ii ii 'i NAYS: , I ii I~ i h )! H. Osterhoudt. I' Ii !: II ii II II " " 'I 'I Sil1lll\s, I None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl v :1 the repo~t of the special cOllIlllittee to study the dog control ordinance was :! II and filed, on the following vote: 'I I: AYES: All i! ;1 NAYS: None. II il Ii ,; :1 , I: ;1 IN RE: 1( Ii l.l i' II if the lloa~d 10 file his Petition for the rezoning of the p~operty the~ein described I' :1 i: ;, " " REZONING OF 3.668 ACRES, MORE OR ) LESS, CONVEYED TO 117 INVESTMENT ) CORPORATION AND LYING ON THE SOUTH ) SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE il17 IN ) ROANOKE COUNTY ) ORDER OF REFERENCE Ii received:1 I, i1 II ii il !i 'i II 'I I. Ii :1 I' II I I and fu~ther requested that said Petition be refer~ed to the Planning Commission ;i This day came 117 Investment Corporation, by couns",l, and requested leave of " i' II II il iI il Ii I' !! of Roanoke county fo~ a ~ecommendation. NOI., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at its regula~ meetil1g of the !' Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke count:,', Virgin.ia that said Petition be, and the same hereby is filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning' i!.',ordinance of Roanoke County, as requested in said Petition, be and the same is ~. he~eby REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke county, Vi~ginia, for a 'I recommendation in acco~dance with the provisions of the Code of Vi~ginia of 1950 " " " " H 'I ;i " i' il !I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission :1 ~ i I' J :i Ii I as amended. shall ~eport its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code i, Ii of Virginia, that upon the ~eceipt of the same the said Cle~k of this Board shall :! " fo~thwith set the matte~ down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular ': i' I: I or special meeting of the Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the prOVisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this ~esolution and orde~ be forthwith delivered by the said Cla~k of this Board to ii Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia;' The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. and Thomas,/seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and voted as follows: AYES: NAYS: All None. 7') 1~!'7:r Commonwealth's Attorney to waive On behalf of the Board the application of the ~ Roanoke County Plumbing Code amendments which became effective on February 15, 1970, ~ ~~/,I CC7"'v~ (J)v'-"l v--...e,J..( , Supe~viso~ Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ~0'~~ ~.".AF 7/8/70 ='::=--"'.'"'"-==-"~_-.-_-=-"",-,-'"",.--,--_-,- ..'..:_:,.",_-=~"-ce"""c"c-_-_",,o_-,,=r..- ,-,...,.....-..-_.,_.="""'~_-~.~'-o ,-..,.-"-'....,,,.~ .-' I' Ii ilIN RE: Ii Ii ,I :, I' Ii Ii !I , H I' ,i i;leave to file its petition relative to the ~ezoning of the property therein described. I, Ii jl Ii ilBoard of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the II same is he~eby filed. 1! i: AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning 'I Ii Ordinance as ~equested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the " " ilPlanning Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia, fo~ a recommendation in accordance :, Ii with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. ,I :i !i !Ishall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as requi~ed by the Code REZONING PROPERrY ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF ROUTE 24 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER OF BOWERS AND MILLER DEVELOPMENT, INC. This day came Bowe~s and Miller Development, Inc., by Counsel, and asked NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the ~ i ........ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission ([Of Vi~ginia, that upon the ~eceipt of the same, the said Clerk of the Board shall " !ifo~thwith set the same down fo~ a public hearing at the next permissible ~egular II i!or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said licle~k by publication in accordance with the p~ovisions of the Code of Vi~ginia. ~ I : - Ii AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one ce~tified copy of this ii~esolution and o~de~ be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Boa~d to Paul " !:B. Matthews, Sec~etary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. !; " Ii The abcve resolution and order were adopted on motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. , 'i i;Thomas and seconded by Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston and on a reco~ded vote, the ii Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: if 11 AYES: All :' ii NAYS: i\!one. , --1 , A letter dated June 25, 1970, to the Chairman of the Board of Supe~visors :i f~om the Acting State Coordinato~, Office of Civil Defense, Richmond, Virginia, ,: in ~e: possible sho~tage of coal next winte~, was this day received and filed Ii on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, ...,j I; , and the unanimous vote of the Boa~d mernbe~s. Supe~viso~ L. Earl Simms moved that the Boa~d of Supervisors ~equest the J as to building pe~ts obtdin~d prio~ to the effective date of the amendments. ing recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. .' \ 0 ,: t1 ,.!1\~:j I ML JYP'(J.' ,~ , .( On.)" 'i jJ'Y il~Y i7~~~~; , :j~i v' 182 7/8/70 Mr. William Lee appeared with ~egard to the foregoing matte~ and the Commonwealth's Attorney's letter dated June 26, 1970, concerning whether tha Board of Supervisors should permit those persons who obtained building permits prio~ to the amendments to to the Electrical and Plumbing Codes/do their own electrical and plumbing work is filed with the minutes of this meeting. , , , :, " I' I " ii Superviso~ Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board direct the Clerk to place on the .; ~~~ agenda of this Boa~d fo~ the fi~st regular meeting in October a general review 1\\~ ~ ~the Roanoke County Business License Ordinance regarding possible modifications ~o.:\/' to ii the~eto based upon experience in enforcement subject to its enactment. N" " ,r Ii /i/ <.-V ii t'l "'~,) 10[ e-'V'" .( 'a~'\ :, vote: \...) ,.} It.... " rC~-"\~: AYES: All ~''.) :iNAYS: None. Ql~ :! of I Supe~visor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion Which carried by the following J A resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Vinton adopted June 16, 1970, j: requesting the Board of Supe~visors to write a letter to each of the residents Ii Ii of the C~ofton subdivision asking them to ref~ain from the use of an dxcessive ,! II amount of wate~ between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 10: p.m. between May 1 and Sep- I. tembe~ 30 of each year was this day laid befo~e the Boa~d. It was pointed out that although the Town of Vinton furnishes wate~ to the C~ofton subdivision it has County :1 no jurisdiction to pass an ordinance restraining the use of water by said/residents. I (The Town Council adopted an ordinance on June 16, 1970, empowering its Town Manager to ~estrain the excessive use of water within the Town limits of Vinto~) Mr. Bill Easton, a resident of the Crofton subdivision, appeared to oppose the ~estricted use of water and requested rather that something be done to imp~ove i, wate~ se~vice. The following action was taken. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Chairman of the Board of Super- viso~s ask the Town of Vinton fo~ a copy of their Ordinance No. 284',ove~ning excessive use of wate~, a mo~e complete explanation of the water shor~age problem and what measures the Town pJ:oposes to alleviate same and repo~t bac.", to this Board!, I at the next meeting, July 22, 1970. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing ~ecorded vote: "AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. I NAYS: None. . IN RE: ROANOKE VALLEY BLOOD DONATION DAY PROCLAMATION Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supe~visors \,,0 ~efY be authorized to sign the proclamation presented by the Cave spring Jaycees, fo~ \11.\",\ LV;' f\ \ ~ ,rJ""II I, and in suppo~t of the American National Red Cross, Roanoke Chapter, declaring ~ '~'''-."J' ~ ,,;; l," %e1'b"'~ 183 7/8/70 July 11, 1970, as Roanoke Valley Blood Donation Day. " l! " Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing ~ecorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~ H. Osterhoudt. t._' " :, NAYS: Ii " H None. A copy of the p~oclamation is filed with the minutes of this meeting. - This day appeared the Viewe~s' Commission, he~etofore appointed by this '..",-f , II Boa~d to view the following road and the location thereof and to make a ~eport 'I , " !: thereon, to-wit: \; UNNAMED ROAD BEGINNING ON ROUTE 116, 0.75 MILE SOUTH OF PARRWAY AND EXTENDING TO DEAD END - 0.35 MILE SOUTH i il whereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, said Viewers' ~epo~t is app~oved. - 1)cr l:~~ " compensation, as requi~ed by Section 33-146 of the Code of Vi~ginia, be dispensed .5'~. r Ii with as the prope~t"' owne~ waives such notice by accepting the awa~d of the viewe~s'() itA t;N " Commission as evidenced by the ag~eement the~eto attached and made a part of their ,I &,~Ai-- c Ii i: ii :1 !! " ~1d it is he~eby o~dered that the notice to the p~ope~ty owne~ who ~equi~ed ~epo~t. And it is he~eby orde~ed that said road, as desc~ibed briefly above, be, and - it is hereby, established as a public road to become a pa~t of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Boa~d of Supervisors guaranteeing the right fo~ drainage. And it is furthe~ ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Depa~tment having the supe~viSbn and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke county. Adopteci by the following, ~ecorded vote: ;: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. ,-~-~ The agreement dated June 29, 1970, by and between Elsie Irene Munday (widow), ii party of the first pa~t, and Paul B. Matthews, Executive Officer of Roanoke I; County, pa~ty of the second part, rega~ding the above matter is filed with the ,.-; minutes of this meeting. i ~ " ."1 I -J On application of the below-named petitioners: (1) M. E. Showalter, et als (Extn. of Route 1461, Roberta Lane) in Catawba Magi~terial Dist~ict. (2) Bennett SpLings Company, et als (Unnamed Road in Bennett Springs from Route ~,83to dead end) in Catawba Magiste~ial District. who this day filed thei~ petitions fo~ inclusion in the Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County, it is o~de~ed that Paul B. Matthews, County Enginee~, view the g~ounds and ~epo~t to this Boa~d the convenience and the inconvenience that will ~esult as well to individuals as to the public if such ~oads shall be as proposed, and especially whether any yard, ga~den, orcha~d, or any part thereof, 184 ~--~---.-.._..._..~ ._~._--_._- -----.,- , , executed, and ~eturned as process or a summons may be in other cases except that 'i q\1~: , \ lr it may be se~ed upon the Dist~ict Engineer of the State Highway Department of I 1 ",v' :: Vi~ginia having supervision of mainten&nce and const~uction of highways in ! "2J~~'~:: Roanoke County and provided further that a ce~tified copy of this order, certified 1 C~' ~~ by the Clerk of this Board, shall be attached to said s'umrnons or process to said j v "'-1'- Q.,-'(\.- I C~-<. I ^ f ;:r.~ :t And these ~o"d proceedings are continued. I ~ ~ 0"% On motion of Supe~viso~ L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supe~viso~ Joseph C. i t ,/....- k-r-';;; Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: I)' i/' , V " ~) .If' ,I AYES: l\~\\) , < ~I\~ ~~ ,/ Jf.. ~ ~ t~~ ~J ~ /~l.r\.....s; , .. \1\i 'IC.~J ~I.' . ~ will, in such cases, have to be taken, and that no road o~ landing shall be established upon o~ through the lands of any cemetery o~ through the lands of any seminary of lea~ning without the consent of the owners thereof; and the said County Engineer shall also ascertain and report to this Boa~d whether the said roads will be of such me~e p~ivate convenience as to make it proper that said roads should be I opened and kept in o~der by the pe~son or persons fo~ whose convenience they are desi~ed. He shall also assess and ~eport what damages, if any, the land owne~s a~e entitled to and accompany his ~eport with a plat or diagram of said roads. And it is fu~ther o~dered that the Cle~k of this Board be, and she hereby is, I di~ec~ed to forthwith issue process to summon the State Highway Commissioner of Virginia as a defendant to these road proceedings. The summons shall be directed, State Highway Commissioner to be se~ved as afo~esaid. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles I H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. This day appea~ed the County Enginee~, heretofo~e appointed by this Board to view the following roads and the locations thereof and to make a report the~eon, to-wit: (1) UNNAMED ROAD FROM ROUTE 688 SOUTHWEST TO DE - 0.80 MILE (2) WOODMAR DRIVE FROM ROUTE 419 TO ROUTE 1318 - 0.16 MILE (both ~oads have 50-foot rights of way) whe~eupon, on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston said Enginee~'s repo~ts are approved. And it is hereby ordered that said ~oads, as described briefly above, be, I and they are hereby, established as public roads to become a pa~t of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors gua~anteeing the right fo~ d~ainage. And it is fu~ther ordpred that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the Dist~ict Engineer of the State Highway Department having the I supe~vision and maintenance of State Seconda~y Roads in Roanoke county. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. The following items were this day received and filed on motion of 7/8/70 185 '1, il Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Ea~l Sinuns and the unanimous 'I ji :: vote of the Boa~d membe~s: - v Second written ~epo~t on communications system in Roanoke Co.; 1970-71 Final Allocations fo~ Interstate and Rural P~imary Const~uction; '" Letter of ~esignation from Roanoke Co. Air Pollution Advisory & Appeal Boa~d signed by M. J. O'Brien, Jr. Copy of a lette~ from Roanoke Co. Treasure~ to Compensation Board in re: c~eation of new position in that office; Copy ot a letter from City of Roanoke in reo disposition of Superviso~s' resolution requesting amendment to sewe~ contract to include addi- tion of 12.855 acre tract of land, p~ope~ty of Ga~den Development Corp.; Copy of a lette~ from City of Roanoke in re; disposition of supe~visors' resolution requesting allowance and approval of sewage lift station ' to be const~ucted & connected to lines in Pete~s C~eek Road a~ea in o~de~ that two tracts (27.28 A and 10.46 A) may be developed & furnished sewer service; /VPI Extension Agents June 1970 reports - (Jean Robbins & Bonnie J. Webster - Home Ec. and Robert Layman and Lowell Gobble - Ag~iculture) 'Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the County Jail during month of June 1970; /Report of Delinquent Tax Collecto~ of delinquent ~eal estate taxes collected from 3/1/69 through 6/30/70; (Letter of congratu~ations to Roanoke Co. Highway Safety Commission f~om Highway Safety Commission, Richmond, Va. for their participation in the Highway Safety Program Analysis; "Copy of letter from Executive Secretary of State Water Control Board in ~e: Mud Lick Creek Intercepto~/sf~'em; ,Preliminary Volume IV, Wate~ Resources Requirements & Problems, of the Comp~ehensive Water Resources Plan for James River Basin; -"Application fcrms fo~ State grant to Roanoke valley Mental Health - Mental Retardation Services Board. Letter f~om Va. Dept. of Highways to Lee B. Eddy dated 7/2/70 in reo streets in Georgetown Pa~k Section 2. Treasure~'~ repo~t, sp~ead as follows: ,- .-,..! -, TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: / At the close of business June 30, 1970, there was to the credit of the following: . -- General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Availah1e Cash Federal P~og~ams Fund - Available Cash Pa~ks & Rec~eation Const~uction Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Defer~ed C~edit Account - James E. Peters - Kathryn F. Garst $ 499,191.78 9,362.34 47,820.84 350,756.95 11,418.06 39,907.99 70,224.88 16,922.13 35,095.07 2,604.89 62.54 78.44 $1,083,445.91 Financial Statement ....\ Treasurer's Wo~king Fund Farmer~ National Bank Esc~ow - $4,163,000.00 Bank of Vi~ginia of the SW Escrow - $1,880,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Prog~ams Fund Farme~s National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farme~s National Bank - Paying Agent Public Building Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Textbook Fv~d Colonial-American National Bank $ 2,000.00 936,747.51 47,408.12 39,907.99 9,176.23 360.00 11,418.06 36,428.00 $1,083,445.91 ..... Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Virginia of the SW Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bcmk Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-Ame~ican National Bank $1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,100,000.00 1,200,000.00 950,000.00 1,200,000.00 $6,850,000.00 :'-..11 i i -' Ce~tificates of Deposit - Lib~ary Construction First National Exchange Bank Certificate of Deposit - Pa~ks & Recreation Construction Mountain T~ust Bank $ 600,000.00 $ 250,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Savings - Gene~al Revenue Farmers National Bank Bank of Virginia of the SW $ 500,000.00 $ 600,000.00 $1,100,000.00 187 Roanoke COWlty Cou~thouse Salem, Vi~ginjil July 22, 1970 7:30 P.M. -, The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courtnouse in the County Cou~troom the~eof, Salem, Virginia, being the fou~th Wednesd,ay and isecond ~egular meeting of the month. Members Present: Chairman Charl~" H. Osterhoudt, :Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee iI. Eddy. i' ;,The County Enginee~-Executive Officer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Mau~ice i,Mitchell, ~espectively, we~e present as well as the Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond .-..., , -.. I,R. Robrecht. " " '-' The Chairman called the meeting to order and, following the invocation offered ':by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, led in the pledge of allegiance which was given in i: unison to the flag. il ,- The minutes of the July 8, 1970, meeting of fuis Board we~e app~oved on :!motion of Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, I: I! and the fOllowing vote: !I i I' AYES: All Ii jlNAYS: None. - JIN RE: REZONING OF THAT CERTAIN TR,CT OF LAND ) CONTAINING 24.83 ACRES LOCATED IN THE ) RICHFIELD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, COUNTY ) OF ROANOKE, STATE OF VIRGINIA, AND ) BO:'NDED ON THE EAST BY ROANOKE RIVER, ON ) THE NORTH BY THE NORFOLK AND I'iESTERN ) RAILWAY (OLD VIRGINIAN RAILROAD), ON THE ) WEST BY THE L. B. GOODWIN PROPERTY AND THE ) SOUTH BY VIRGINIA STATE SECONDARY ROUTE ) #639, AND BEING OWNED BY DOUGLAS N. HUDSON ) AND JEANNE P. HUDSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE, AS ) TENANTS BY THE ENTIRETIES, WITH THE RIGHT ) OF SURVIVORSHIP. ) CONTINUED The Chairman announced that at the request of the atto~ney for the opponents, " :: the attorney fo~ the proponents concurring, consideration of the above matte~ would " be postponed until the August 26, 1970, meeting of this Board and 'the public hea~- '."'.-1 : ing is continued to that date at 7:30 P.M. - --' / IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF ROUTE 24 ) ) OF ) ) BOWERS AND ~ULLER DEVELOPI1ENT, INC. ) FINAL ORDER :..or.., , I At a meeting of the Board of Supe~viso~s of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at. the Cou~thouse on July 22, 1970. WHEREAS, Bowe~s and Mille~ Development, Inc., petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1960) be amended so as to p~ovide that ce~tain property desc~ibed in said petition be rezcned and ~e- classified as "Industrial District M-l" prope~ty, which petition was filed at a 188 7/22/70 ~---_...._----..,--.,..-_._._--- -~- --~- ,--.--------- --.-....-.----------- ------.- "--- ,,'---'. . I ii ~egular meeting of this Boa~d on the 8th day of July, 1970, and by order entered ',on that day was refe~~ed to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recom- ;,mendation in acco~dance with the p~ovisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 14th day of July, 1970, afte~ hearing evidence touching cn the merits of said 'petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) be , :iamended as requested in said petition; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its o~de~ entered on the 8th day of July, 1970, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said ~ecommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith set i: I " " the :' same down fo~ a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Boa~d and give notice thereof by publication in acco~dance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Vi~ginia; and, WHEREAS, the Cle~k of this Board did set the regula~ meeting of this Boa~d to be held on the 22nd day of July, 1970, at 2:30 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by publications as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning O~dinance and the Code of Virginia; and, \ WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- ment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board afte~ notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Boa~d afte~ giving careful consideration to said petition and to the ~ecommendation of the Planning Commission and after hea~ing evidence touch- ing on the merits of said p~oposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1960) being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of supe~visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on July 2~, 1970, the ,I said County Zoning O~dinance (1960) be and the same is hereby amended so as to '; class:.fy the p~operty described in said petition as "Industrial Dist,jct M-l" p~operty. " 'l'ne prope~ty classified as "Industrial Dist~ict M-l" property is more 'ipa~ticularly desc~ibed as follows, to-wit: , BEGINNING at an i~on pipe on the Southweste~ly corner of the W~ay P. Meador prope~ty, thence along the Va. Depa~tment cf Highways ~ight-of-way, S. 77 degs. 40' W. 691.71 ft. to a point; thence continuing along Va. Department of Highways ric'lt-of-way, S. 75 cegs. 44' 45" Ii. 575.47 ft. to a point, thence continuing along Va. Department of Highways ~ight-of-way, S. 78 degs. 58' 45" 1'/. 650.61 ft. to a point, thence continuing along Va. Department of Highways right-of-way S. 78 degs. 00' 15" W. 60.48 ft. to a point, thence continuing along Va. Department of Highways ~ight-of-way S. 74 degs. 38' 30" W. 144.97 ft. to an iron pipe, thence continuing alDng Va. Department of Highways right-of-way S. 85 degs. 51' 15" W. 246.29 ft. to a point, thence continuing along Va. Department of Highways right-of-way S. 87 degs. 29' 25" W., 51.10 ft. to a point, thence N. 58 degs. 19' 30" Eo 152.93 ft. to a point, thence N. 56 degs. 42' 45" E. 207.12 ft. to a point in the cente~ of Old Route 24, thence N. 41 degs. 35' 15" E. 476.46 ft. to a point, thence N. 63 degs. 55' 15" E. 102.79 ft. to a point, thence N. 81 degs. 25' 45" E. 100.75 ft. to a point thence N. 82 degs. 40' 45" E. 180.94 ft. to a point, thence N. 78 degs. 06' 45" E. 79.44 ft. to a point, thence N. 72 degs. 05' 45" E. 300.02 ft. to a point, thence N. 68 degs. 09' 45" E. 255.90 ft. to a point, thence N. 62 degs. 35' 15" E. 100.24 ft. to a point, thence N. 64 degs. 05' 15" E. 240.47 ft. to a point, thence N. 66 degs. 10' 45" E. 200.05 ft. to a point, thence N. 79 degs. 41' 15" E. 61.72 ft. to a point, thence S. 85 degs. 17' 45" E. 98.58 ft. to a point, thence S. 73 degs. 29' 15" E. 63.71 ft. to a point, thence S. 62 degs. 50' 15" E. 200.02 ft. to a point, thence S. 52 degs. 41' 15" E. 261.42 ft. to an iron pipe, thence S. 6 degs. 38' W. 158.61 ft. to an iron pipe, thence S. 76 degs. 50' W. 229 ft. to a I I I I I 7/22/70 point, thence N. 13 degs. 10' W. 70 ft. to an i~on pipe, thence S. 76 degs. SO' W. 100 ft. to an i~on pipe, thence S. 15 degs. 10' E. 159.55 ft. to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 26.309 acres as shown on plat made by David Dick and Har~y A. Wall, Civil Engineers and Surveyo~s, dated Janua~y 7, 1969. - , IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Cle~k of this Board ~hall forth- 'I " with ce~tify a copy of this resolution and order to the Sec~etary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Vi~ginia, and a copy to T. L. Plm1kett, Jr., Atto~ney for the Petitione~. I ,.~., The fo~egoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on the reco~d vote the ...... Superviso~s voted as follows, to-wit: ','~1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy. Attorney T. L. Plunkett, Jr. appeared to represent the Petitioner in the " i! foregoing matte~. No one appea~ed to oppose the rezoning request. ii ii )i :: RE: VACATION OF PLAT OF CRAIGHEAD HEIGHTS FINAL ORDER r: !I :i I; [,day II 'I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Co~nty, held on the 22nd of July, 1970. 'I WHEREAS, Tanglewood Mall, Inc., a Virginia Co~poration, petitioned this Board . i: ,land requested that the Plat of Craighead Heights be vacated which petition was :i I' filed at a regullr meeting of this Board held on June 24, 1970, and by orde~ ente~ed i:that day was ~eferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recom- i: .... mendation, in acco~dance wit~ the provisions of the 1950 Code of Vi~ginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the said Pldn~ing Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on July 14, 1970, afte~ hea~ing evi~ence touching on the merits of said Peti- tion, recommended to this Board that said Plat of Craighead Heights be vacated ex- cept as to Lots 1 through 10, inclusive, and Jones Street; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supe~visors of Roanoke County did, by an order entered on the 24th day uf June, 1970, direct the Clerk of this Board to forthwith set the same down for a public hearin~ at the next regular meeting of this Board, and give ,.....; notice the~eof by publication in accordance with the Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board held on July 22, 1970, as the time and date for a public hea~ing on the aforesaid proposed vacation of the Plat of C~aighead Heights and advertised the same by notice duly published in the World-News, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordancee ....; ,.'-'-" i --' with Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Vi~ginia of 1950, as amended; m1d \'IliEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed vacation cf said Plat on the 22nd day of July, 1970; and WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful conside~ation to said petition and to said ~ecommendation after hearing evidence touching on the me~its of said pro- posed vacation of the Plat of Craighead Heights, being of the opinion that said 189 ";Efv ~~".~~ "~~-rr- , . t.ttA/ __ ;:,. gJ..v.o: . ~tA/'L ort1.;~ 190 7/2.2/70 'i Plat should be vacated except as to the lots p~eviously sold, they being lots 1 through 10, inclusive, and as to Jones Street. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supe~iso~s of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 22nd day of July, 1970, "the said Plat of Craighead Heights be, and the same is hereby vacated except as to , Lots 1 through 10, inclusive, and as to Jones Street, in order that said prope~ty "might be mo~e fully and reasonably used, and the force and effect of the recorda- tion of the Plat of Craighead Heights is hereby destroyed except as to Lots 1 through 10, inclusive, and Jones Street, and the fee simple title to the center line of I Dot Street and Craighead Avenue, being all the streets shown on the plat of : Craighead Heights, except Jones Street, is vested in the owners of the abutting lots " f~ee and clea~ of any ~ights of the public or other owners of lots shown on the I plat, but subject to the right of the owners of any public utility installations \ which have been p~eviously e~ected therein; and be it further ,'1 \?-~\10 ,~/ ..'!~\ : ~~, ~ "current Deed Book of the Cle~k's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of : 'VP.10 1(63K I ' i I i I ORDERED that an attested copy of this O~der be placed of record in the , Roanoke at the cost of the petitioner, indexing the same on the GeneT~l Index ~n :: the name of the County of Roanoke, as G~antor, and Tanglewood Mall, Inc., as Ii G~antee; and be it further ORDERED that the Cle~k is di~ected to comply with the provisions of Section ii15.1-485 of 'the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and write in plain, legible :: lette~s ac~oss that po~tion of the Plat of craighead Heights affected the worP. n 'i "VACATED," and also make a ~efe~ence on the plat to the volurreand page in \~hich I ii i' this inst~ument of vacation is ~ecorded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Cle~k of this Board shall fo~th- ~ . with ce~ify a copy of this resolution and o~der to the Secretary of the Planning 1. ,; ~;; Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Eggleston, Butll>r & Glenn, ~. ~iY1> atto~neys for petitioner. ~~ I~ ','.,. The fo~egoing ~esolution was adopted on motion of Superviso~ Lee B. Eddy and 10 ,; seconded by Supe~iso~ A. T. HUddleston, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors 1;' \ ~.A.V"'$ ,': voted ~~ as follows, to-wit: I~~ :f\/:: ::::: None. ,\ ~~ ,ABSTAINED: Joseph C. Thomas. I I 'I lj Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Attorney M. Caldwell Butler appeared to explain the foregoing petition of I Tanglewood Mall, Inc., and no one appeared in opposition. , IN RE: MOTION OF PLANNING COl~1ISSION OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR REZONING FROM RE TO R-4 OF A 20-ACRE TRACT ot-lNED BY HERBERT WARD Al'lD LOCATED ON ROUTE 658 (RUTlIROUGH ROAD) IN MOUNT PLEASANT COMMUNITY SO WARD'S MOBILE HOl1E PARK MAY BE ENLARGED. I ~,(,i,' \ ~ \'10 i<o: J ~l !?;~o/' ~y ,/ .' ~'.~ county defe~ action on this matter until after the Planning Commission of Roanoke 11,c\' ~j", ,county repo~ts further with regard to an over-all plan for the location of mobile \ ~1Y"-1' >~ home pa~ks in Roanoke County. : ~~~^/' bY :/' Superviso~ Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of supe~visors of Roanoke ---' -' -. - ,--,~ - '-'j -- 7/22/70 Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllow- Ii Ii ing ~ecoro:l.ed vote: iI ., iAYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Silmns, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les H. Oste~houdt. dNAYS: ij None. Attorney Furman Whitescarver, Jr. appeared to explain the aforementioned ;1 !:~ezoning ~equest, as " Ii .. iiOPPos:Lt:Lon to same: " did the Petitioner, Herbert Ward. The following appeare~ in Mr. Jack F. St. Clair, Jr.; Mr. James S. Doran; Mr. Boyd Loomis; r: ,Mr. L. A. Wald~on; Mr. S. R. St.Clair, Jr.; and M~. W. D. Doran. /IN RE: REZONING OF 50 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, LYING APPROXI~~TELY 1/4 MILE WEST OF GLENVAR AND TO THE SOUTH OF U. S. ROUTE #460 WEST AND OWNED BY 'SALEM-NEST CORPORATION ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER At the meeting of the Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on July 22, 1970. ~~REAS, Salem-West Corporation did petition this Boa~d and request that the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain prope~ty described in said Petition and the plat of survey the~eunto appended be reclassified from Ag~icultural Dist~ict A-l to Industrial Dist~ict M-2; and, I'IHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 14th day of July, 1970, afte~ receiving evidence concerning "the merits of said Petition, recommended that said Roanoke County Zoning O~dinance be amended so as to change the classification of the subject property f~om Ag~icul- tural District A-I to Indust~ial Dist~ict M-2; and, I'IHEREAS, this Board directed, by its o~de~ ente~ed on the 10th day of June, ;1 ,:1970, that the Cle~k, upon receipt of the ~ecornrr.endations from the Planning Comrnis- i:sion, fo~thwith set the matter down for a public hearing at the next pe~issible ii :'meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning O~dinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended; and, WHEREAS, said Cle~k did set the ~egular meeting of this Board to be held on July 22, 1970 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the afo~esaid proposal to amend saic County Zoning Ordinance and did advertise , " ':the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having :i :;general circulation in the City and County of RoanOke, Virginia, for two (2) ':inse~tions on the 10~h day of July and on the 17th day of July, 1970, as required by orde~ of this Boa~d, and in accord with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Vir~inia (1950) as amended; and, WHEREAS, this Board, after g:Lving due consideration to said Petition and to the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission concerning the merits of said proposed amendments to the County Zoning Ordinance, being of the opinion that said County Zoning O~dinance should be amended as ~eqll<:::;ted in said Petition and as ~ecomrnended in the report of said Planning Commission; NOW THEREFORE BE IT FZSOLVED AND ORDERED, at this meeting of the Boa~d of Supe~visors of Roanoke County, Virginia held on the 22nd day of July, 1970, that 1P3}.10i.,"t ~~ ~. ~~~nd seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and voted as follows: t~~.; ': AYES: ~-~.~U ~ ~ H. Osterhoudt. ,1Y~ ~~,<" NAYS :AtNtoOrnnee'y . 'I' ~ V'I Jack V. Place appea~ed to represent the Petitioner in the fo~egoing ? aY6' ,matte~ and no one appeared to oppose the requested rezoning. ~1i~' 192 7/22/70 :; ,[the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to classify the parcel of realty hereinafter described from Ag~icultural District A-l to Industrial District M-2; BEGINNING at a point in the center of Mount Hope Branch where said B~anch crosses the westerly line of the Norfolk and Western right-of-way, ma~ked as Corner 1; thence with the center of said Branch and its meanderings the following general courses and distances: N.400 10' w..275 feet to Corner 2; thence N. 270 8' W. 280 feet to Corner 3; thence N. 190 47' W. 200 feet to Corner 4; thence N. 820 4' W. 410 feet to Corner 5; thence S. 820 4' W. 197 feet to Corner 6; thence S. 820 30' W. 72.5 feet to Corner 9; thence leaving the ilranch S. 230 W. 143 feet to Co~ne~ 10; thence S. 10 15' E. 95.7 feet to Co~ner 11; thence S. 50 10' E. 120 feet to Co~ner 12; thence S. 190 W. 90 feet to Corne~ 12A; thence with a new calculated line, S. 100 43' E. 2267.24 feet to Corner 23A; thence N. 120 48' E. 259.59 feet to Co~ner 24; thence N. 700 09' E. 887.0 feet to a point on the westerly side of the Norfolk and Western right-of-way; thence with the westerly line of said Norfolk and Western ~ight-of-way N. 100 43' W. 1641.3 feet to the place of BEGINNING containing fifty (50) acres, more or less; and, I I BEING the easte~ly fifty (50) acres of a 179.65 acre t~act conveyed to Salem-West Co~po~ation by H. L. Fe~guson, et al, by deed dated April 27, 1970, of ~ecord in Deed Book 894 at page 444 in the Office oi the Cle~k of the Ci~cuit Court of Roanoke County. It is further ~esolved and ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith ce~tify copies of this resolution to Jack Place, Attorney, for the petitioner. The fo~egoing ~esolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, I; :{ Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les I A}ffiND}ffiNT TO THE ROk,OKE COUNTY BUSINESS LICENSE CRDINANCE. WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid Business License Ordinance; w,d ~mEREAS, the General Assembly of Virginia has recently amended Scction 4-38 of the 1950 Code of Vi~ginia, as amended, to permit the imposition of certain licenses and taxes by counties with regard to alcoholic beverages; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems the imposition of such licenses and taxes to be necessary and expedient to promote che health, safety and welfa~e of the citizens of Roanoke County; and liHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Boa~d of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse thereof on Wednesday, May 13, 1970, a motion was passed by said Board moving the amendment of the aforementioned County ordinance I and furthe~ moving that the notice of the intention of said Board to adopt such amended o~dinance be published as required by law, pu~suant to Section 15.1-504 I of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, in an appropriate n~wspaper; and ~lliEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was published once a week fo~ fou~ (4) successive weeks, namely May 20, 1970; May 27, 1970; June 3, 1970; and June 10, 1970, in 'l'he Roanoke ,lorle-News, a newspaper having ger.2ral circula- tion in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and on May 20, 1970; May 27, 1970; June 3, 1970; and June 10, 1970, in The Vinton Messenge~, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and was also published at the f~ont doo~ of the Roanoke County Courthouse and at each Post Office in Roanoke County; and 7/22/70 193 WHEREAS, a public hea~ing was held on such amendments at a regular m~eting of I: the Boa~d of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, at the Courthouse thereof or Wednesday, I: July 22, 1970 at 7: 30 p.m.; - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Boa~d of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, " Ii Virginia that the Roanoke County Business License O~dinance be amended as follows: " 1''''''1 Unde~ Miscellaneous Licenses, the section entitled Alcoholic Beverages to ;: " I!) read ': , as follows: "ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES .... ], (1) The terms used in this section shall have the same meanings set forth in 'i sections 4-2 and 4-99 of the Code of Virginia unless a different meaning shall be " clea~ly intended. " !' q All persons licensed under any prov~s~on of this section shall comply in every Ii respect with all the provisions of the "Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Cont~ol Act," 'i as amended, and of Title 4 of the Code of Vi~ginia, as amended, and no license ;, shall be issued by the Commissioner of the Revenue unde~ the provisions of this I' section unless and until such applicant the~efor shall hold and p~esent to the Ii Commissioner of the Revenue the prope~ State License as requi~ed by the provisions ,i of said Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Cont~ol Act and said Title 4. , '~f If any person is holding a County license without, at the same time, holding " the p~ope~ State license p~ovided fo~ in said Act and in said Title 4, such County !i license shall, during the period such pe~son does not hold the p~oper State license, i! confer upon such pe~son no rights, powers, or privileges under the provisions of ii this o~dinance. , i: Ii (2) The 10 '~ense tax for every wholesale bee~ dist~ibuto~, wholesale wine :' dist~ibutor, and on-p~emises o~ off-premises beer and/o~ wine licensee, and ,:banquet licensee when alcohol of more than three and two-tenths percentum (3.2%) of Ii alcohol by weight is distilled, b~ewed, dist~ibuted, o~ sold shall be as follows: (a) On every wholesale beer distributor there shall be a license tax of Seventy-five Dolla~s ($75.00) - r..... (b) On every wholesale wine distributor there shall be a license tax of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) (c) On every retail on-p~emises wine license there shall be a license tax of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) (d) On every retail off-p~emises wine license the~e shall be a license tax of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) (e) On every ~etail on-p~emises beer license there shall be a license tax of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) (f) On every retail off-premises beer license the~e shall be a license tax of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) (g) On every on-p~emises wine and beer license the~e shall be a license tax of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) (h) On e'Jery retail off-premises wine and bee~ license tt,ere shall be a license tax of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) (i) On every banquet license there shall be a license tax of Five Dolla~s ($5.00) "''', (j) On every distiller's license the~e shall be a license tax of One thou- sand Dollars ($l,OOu.OO), but no such license tax shall be required for any pe~son who shall manufacture not more than 5,000 gallons of <llcohol o~ spirits o~ both during such license yea~ (k) On every winery license there shall be a license tax of One thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) - '~I ! (1) On eve~y b~ewery license the~e shall be a license tax of One thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) - (m) On every bottler's license there shall be a license tax of ~'i ve hundred Dolla~s ($500.00) (n) On every wholesale druggist's license there shall be a license tax of Ten Dollars ($10.00) (0) On every fruit distiller's license there shall be a license tax of One thousand, five hund~ed Dollars ($1,500.00) (3) Any license tax imposed by this section shall be in .,ddition to other licenses and taxes and beverages shall be considered goods, wares, and merchandise fo~ the purpose of licenses or taxes. (4) The license taxes required by this section shall not be prorated. No. license issued under the provisions of this section shall be t,ransferrable from 194 7/22/70 l~--"--"""""-""'--"--'-.'-_'_-_' -,--- - --.--- ...-.,-- --------.-...----.- ..... !_"'_-'-_'':'''_~'_- c-"'-'-c:.',o."",=_'__.,-_ . '_:-_~ --. ,~_'_'__~_ , S t th b t b d d t h h . h 1 f b' Ii :; one per on 0 ano er, u may e amen e 0 5 ow a c ange ~n 1: e pace 0 us~ness. (5) Any police officer shall at all times du~ing business hours be allowed Ii free access to every place where beverages are stored, distributed, offered for sale, and/or sold for the purpose of examining and inspecting such premises." Publication and Effective D~te: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to cause this amendment to be published as provided by Section 15.1-504 of the 1b3t~\~ t' :, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two (2) successive ~~ : weeks in The Roanoke Wo~ld-News, a newspaper having ~eneral circulation in Roanoke ~~~: County, Vi~ginia, and in The Vinton ;.Iessenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke ,~+';A-'*~ County, Vi~ginia. The effective date of this amendment shall be September 1, 1970. Ii ,~~o Upon motion of Supervisor L. Earl Sinuns, seconded by Supe,rvisor Joseph c. Ii . .?t<"'~N"l1 , ,: t!1 -\? ' ...J ~! Thomas, adopted by the following ~ecorded vote: ~~. ': AYES: ~ " H. Osterhoudt. ~ :' NAYS: None. I I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huc,dleston and Charles " !i / IN RE: AMENDMENTS TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE OF ROAc'lOKE COUHTY On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following ~ecorded vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County concur~ed in the ~econunendations of its conunittee heretofore appointed to , :1 study the County Subdivision Ordinance and approved, subject to a pubEc hearing, " ~i 1. Amend Section IX - Physical Imp~ove~ents by adding two new p'arag~aphs, I the following proposed amendments to the said Subdivision Ordinance: E and F, LC read as follows: (E)lihe~e a public or p~ivate sewe~ system is available, a sewage system shall be installed in the subdivision of sufficient size to se~ve the subdivision and all of the upgrade areas, in accord,wGE> with Section x, (D) of this Ordinance. (F)\'1here public water supply is not available, a conununity ',vater supply shall be provided according to "l-linimum Design St"J1da~ds fo~ \"'0 ." \~11~ ~/. 1. V '4>, '1/y-; ,T ~,j,> .1"01 I' V',,~ ' ~;~ community Water Supply Systems" of the U. S. Department of Housing and U~ban Development. II. Amend Section X - Plans and Specifications fo~ Requi~ed Improvements by adding a new (D) The owner o~ pa~agraph, D, to read as follows: approval of the agency owning the sewer his autho~ized agent shall submit to the County the / system, the I approval of the State Department of Health, and a certificate from the State Wate~ Control Board that the sewage system design is adequate to serve the area involved. I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Ea~l Sinuns, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. Thereafter, at the request of the Chairman of the Board, no date was set fo~ the public hearing. IN RE: RECOMMENDATION OF PROPERTY CONMITTEE AS TO PURCHASE OF CERTAIN EQUIPI1ENT 'tt:f' +-- . ,... -<fk 4 following 5");2.'1 &.Jf . /J t, -v;; ~f;'1 . 7/22/70 "'="""""-~-"'.""-"-_''''''"'''='-''='--'''''---'--''.-..".,.....-.,.-,.,.."..,..,"---~._--,---o...,..,.-~"""""7-""'~~_._..,..-,..__...__._,_ -c_'_ -., .... _ _. _'_H ------ -....---..-- -- - ---..----.-- ---'.-.'-'- --_......--- -. I, Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the ii ,; recommendation of the Property Committee as to the purchase of certain equipment ii as follows: - " ii j: i: " n Deny purchase of auto air condition for Dog Warden's truck; Deny purchase of air conditioner for Sheriff's office (Sheriff advised that replacement was not needed) Approve 2 ai~ conditione~s for Recreation Department Headquarters @ $139.00 each, installed, with the unde~standing that should the condition of the Rec~eation Department Headquarte~s be unsatisfactory following said installation, that the matter be considered further regarding air con- ditioning of the building; Approve fo~ the Hollins Fire Station - Purchase of console to handle ~adio, telephone & Purchase of cabinets for kitchen a~ea - $300.00 ,,,,-r alarm system @ $345.00 ,...,.. .~. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the i: ii recorded vote: ,iAYES: :1 , " , 'NAYS: !: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. ~arl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les H. Oste~houdt. None. A RESOLUTION DIRECTING CERTAIN LEGAL ACTION ON THE PART OF THE COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY -- WHEREAS, thereE now pending in the Ci~cuit Cou~t of Roanoke County a Motion " 'i qfor Judgment on behalf of ~tt. and Mrs. J. D. Rife seeking the correction of an Ii 'I allegedly e~roneous assessment of ce~tain real estate owned by them; il i! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commonwealth's Attorney is directed """ ::to take whatever action he deems necessary to protect the best interests of Roanoke i; " !: County. J! :; ii !: :: adopted by the following ~ecorded vote: Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, sec:onded by Supervisor Joseph C. " " " , Thomi'.s , i:AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huc.dleston and Charles I; , II H. Osterhoudt. n Ii Ii NAYS: None. IN RE: TAXATION OF MOBILE HOMES AS COMPARED TO FIXED RESIDENCES AND COMPARISON OF SERVICES REQUIRED FOR BOTH :,...t , , - On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Ea~l Simms, and the unanimous vote of the Boa~d members, the Executive Office~'s report 'f on the foregoing matter was this day ~eceived and filed. " i: " :: ;-~~'-,f; i ! ~ ,i IN RE: APPROVAL OF REPLACEI>lENTS FOR RESIGNED VPI EXTENSION AGENTS, HOME ECONOMICS Supe~visor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervi:;o~s of Roanoke County concu~ in the employment of the following individuals a:; V.P.I. Extension Agents, Horne Economics. as recommended in the Dist~ict Agent's letter of July 21, 1970: Miss Carolyn Rastla to replace Miss Bonnie Jean Webster, effective August 1, 1970, at $4,400.00 annual salary; /Mrs. Jane Ewing to replace M~s. Jean Robbins, effective September 1, 1970, at $4,800.00 annual salary. Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which ca~ried by the follow- 195 " ''7j3JN , l:-.-t~-.;; 7:: : (~"_i' ,,~S~,',i ~. (~ ) VP<J.~{~ .:j(*~- . .6di/>1\, 7,,_ ~~ _....,..-~.._...",. 198 7/22/70 !+-_.------..,.....,...,......_~"._.- . AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the p~oposal to an'end the , Zoning Ordinance as ~equested in said petition be, and the same is hereby refe~T.ed .. to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a ~ecommenaation in :: acco~dance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVF~ AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall ~epo~t its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the ,:Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board :: shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regula~ o~ special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by ;;>ublication in acco~dance with ~he provisions of the Code of Virginia. I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AJ.'1D ORDERED that one certified copy of this ~ ~ -1\, '., :' ~esolution and o~de~ be fo~thwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul cJ01 ?-. ,/','\j B. Hatthews, Sec~etary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, ,Virginia. OV' , ~ . , The above resolution and order we~e adopted on motion of Supe~vj so.( A. T. ., ' W ~Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on a ~ecorded vote, . _ ~ 'Do;-t.)' the Supe=iso~s voted as follows, to-wit; o ~~ ~I). AYES; All ~ h~ \ NAYS; None. Py' IN RE: ZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE EAST ) SIDE OF RE-LOCATED VIRGINIA IIIGH- ) WAY ROUTE 116, 1.15 ACS., MORE OR ) LESS; ) ) OF ) ) ROBERT L. MILEY ) ORDER I This day came Robert L. ~liley, by Counsel, and requests to file his petition relative to zoning the property described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supe~visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby fwd. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning O~dinance as ~equested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning COl11r..ission I acco~dance with the provisions of the Code of Vi~ginia. shall repo~t its recommendation to the Cle~k of this Board, as required by the Code of Vi~ginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this \~~10~ . ~~ Boa~d shall forthwith set the sameCbwn for a public hearing at the next permissible ~', ~ . ()I. P./',.,v-fl \I ~~ ~~ ~egular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by ~" ~.. the said Cle~k by publication in accordance with the p~ovisions of the Code of ~ ~Virginia. ~" ~_ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLv~D AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this - '~' resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul ~. LO~ . '~'WI B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ,\.\" ~,.ljli'~' · 'l' The above resolution and order uere adopted on motion of Supe~viso~ A. T. Dt~i., ~- Huddleston and seconded by Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas and on a recorded vote, the I '. )31\10; :: regula~ o~ special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the :C~ ~ said Cle~k by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia~:~~~~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one ce~tified copy of this' ~:..t~ ~esolution and o~der be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to ,'azfj.~ JJ.r Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. ': ~":'lt-r.0tt The above ~esolution and orde~ were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. "I~I '(vJ~4. , ~l:') 7/22/70 C~-""~_~""'.'~~.'--'-~-~_.---:'_'.____--=-~'''__'-''-_'~''__'-''''''-C-----''_....,-,.____.__. _____..~._ I: " Ii superviso~s voted as follows, to-wit: ,! i! AYES: All " !l ',NAYS: None. - ;i i: I i: IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON ) THE EAST SIDE OF STATE ) SECONDARY ROUTE 777 ) ) OF ) ) SINCLAIR R. BURKS ) ORDER ,..." i ~ !, n ...... '.,...t This day came Sinclai~ R. Burks, by Counsel, and asked leave to file his :!petition ~elative to the rezoning of the p~ope~ty therein described. , !i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its ~'egula~ meeting of " " "the Boa~d of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be, and ;: i! i: the same is hereby filed. " AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED &~D ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning 'Ordinance as ~equested in said petition be, and the same he~eby is, referred to " ;!the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, fo~ a ~ecommendation in accordance with the p~ovisions of the Code of Vi~ginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission ,i shall report its ~ecommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as requi~ed by the . "Code of Virginia, that upon the ~eceipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Boa~d " Ii i: shall forthwith set the same down fo~ a public hearing at the next permissible - :! Huddleston and seconded by Supe~visor Joseph C. Thanas and on a recorded vote, the superviso~s voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. ..-~ ...; On motion of Supe~visor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Superlliso~ A. T. Huddleston, II ii and the following ~ecorded vote, the Commonwealth' s Atto~ney was requested to prepa~e for the Board's consideration at their meeting of Augu"t 12, 1970, modifi- '~I :,1 -' cations of the approp~iate County ordinance incorpo~ating the Buggestions i~ Mrs. Lela C. Spitz's letter of July 9, 1970, that the killing of any animal be " justified and ca~ried out in a humane manner. :i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mrs. Spitz' s letter is filed with the minutes of this l,eeting. 199 /' 1/:'; /71: CJ11 ~J' ~~ 200 7/22/70 - -- -+-"-." _. . -- .-- ..~. --_..- .....-... - -. AMENDMENT OF GENERAL APPROPRIATICN ORDINk~CE On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded by Suporvisor L. Earl Simms the Gene~al Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 24, 1970, be, and the same is he~eby, amended as follows to become effectiv,o July 22, 1970: 305 305a - ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE Circuit Court: An additional appropriation of $3,366.84 is hereby made from the Genera.l Revenue FllIld for the period '=nding June 30, 1971, fo~ the function or purpose hereinabove indi,:ated. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. I NAYS: None. This day appeared the County Engine e~, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following ~oad and the location thereof and to make a report thereon, to-wit: " UNNAMED ROAD (BENNETT SPRINGS SUBD l<JIS ION) FROM ROUTE 7 g::: to D. E. 40- foot right of way whereupon, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, said Engineer's repo~t is approved. And it is hereby orde~ed that said road, as described briofly above, be, and it is hereby established as a public road to become a pa~t of the St~te Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Boa~d of Supervisors guar",.'teeing the I right for drainage; And it is fu~the~ o~dered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State Highway Department having the supe~vision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. 'r. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. NAYS: None. This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board to view the following road and the location thereof and '00 make a ~eport thereon, I / to-wit: APPOLO DRIVE, SOUTH OFF ROBERTA LANE (ROUTE 1461) - 50-foot ~ight of way whereupon, on motion of Supe~visor A. T. Huddleston secollded by Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas, said Engineer's report is approved. b~1~ I 1\ x::; X.)~ ~b~ .. 0V And it is he~eby o~dered that said road, as describ'ld briefly above, be, and it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guaran- teeing the right for drainage; And it is furthe~ ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be furnished to the District Engineer of the State High"ay Departn",nt having the I supervis:bn and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. 202 7/22/70 r----- .-----------------.~ ---------- .------- - " '. __,_~_.__... ._._ . ,.d_ .._ -,--..-..---.-....---..--.....- matching funds for the provision of the following items: 2 eme~gency backup base stations to implement the main base station in a power failu~e const~uction of and equipment for a communications center in tne present county jail conversion of mobile units and purchase of new mobile ~nits for the She~iff's Department and equipment fo~ the Bent Mo~tain base station. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Hujdleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. Kavanaugh County Police Officer Michael/appea~ed to explain the ab,)ve ~equested items and copies of the applications for matching federal funds a~e filed ",ith the I minutes of this meeting. On motion of Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Sims and the following recorded vote, the Board of Superviso::s of Roanoke County concurred in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission to apply fo~ matching feae~al funds fo~ the provision of the follow:~g items fo~ the Sheriff's Department, it being understood that the Sheriff's Department will approp~iate the local matching funds on all the items except the speedometer testing equipment which shall be appropriated by the Board of Supervisors: 20 Code Books; 10 Riot Guns;' 3 Bull Ho~ns; Tracktest Fifth Wheel (speedometer testing equipment) AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and CharEs I H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. items Sheriff O. S. Foste~ appea~ed to explain the above ~equested/and copies of the applications fo~ matching federal funds are filed with the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Ea~l Siron,s, and the following reco~ded vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County concurred in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission to apply for matching federal funds for $4195.00 worth of equipment fo~,the Mount Pleasant First Aid Crew, Inc. and expressed its intention to I app~opriate the necessary matching funds for the provision of same. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. _Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. Hr. Rodney Ray of the Mount Pleasant First Aid Crew appeared with regard I NAYS: None. to the above ~equest. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HOURS DURING WHICH PARKS OWNED BY THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHALL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND PUBLIC BEARING THEREON WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pursuant to Section 203 7/22/70 ii i! 15.1-510 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, has authority to adopt such measures as it may deem expedient to promote the health, safety and gene~al welfare of the Ii inhabitants of Roanoke County, not inconsistent with the general laws of the State of Virginia; and - WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a Department of Parks and Recreation which super- vises and di~ects recreational activities at the several parks ow~ed by Roano!:e , v.~1 County; and -- WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the i! i! regulation of the hours during which such parks shall be open to the general public is necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfa~e of the citi- .-. zens of ~oanoke county; ii NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that at a r~gula~ meeting of the Board of !i Supervisors of Roanoke County tc be held August 12, 1970, at 2:00 P.M., at the Roanoke County Courthouse, the Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing at which time it will move the passage of the following ordinance: TITLE: "An Ordinance Regulating the Hours During \'fnich Parks Owned by the County of Roanoke Shall be Open to the Public" IVHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roancke County, pursuant to Section . 15.1-510 of the Code of Vi~ginia, as amended, has authority to adopt su~h measu~es as it may deem expedient to p~omote the health, safety and gene~al welfa~e of the inhabitants of Roanoke County, not inconsistent with the general laws of the State of Virginia; and - MiERF.AS, Roanoke County has a Department of Parks and Recreation which supervises and di~ects recreational activities at the several parks owned by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the ~egulation of the hou~s during which such parks shall be open to the general public is necessary to promote the health, safety and general welfare of the ~itizens of Roanoke County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: 10-.. 1. That all parks in Roanoke County which are owned by the COlmty of Roanoke shall be open between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. of each day. All such pa~ks shall be closed between the hours of 11:00 p.m. in the evening and 6:00 a.m. of the following morning. - 2. Organized activities which a~e supe~vised by the Department of Parks and Rec~eation or which are car~ied out under the auspices of the Depa~~uent of f""'" , i. I . I - Parks and Recreation which have begun prior to 11:00 p.m. of any day and which a~e in prog~ess at 11:00 p.m. of the same day and which are not capable, by the nature of the activity, of being stopped immediately at 11:00 p.m. shall be com- pleted as soon as is reasonably possible after 11:00 p.m. of ,;aid da1. 3. The Department of Parks and Rec~eation shall erect suitable signs in conspicuous and approp~iate places on and about said parks owned by Roanoke County advising the general public of the hours during which said paJ:ks shall be open and the hours during which said pa~ks shall be closed. 4. Those persons unlawfully remaining on :;aid park properties curing the hours in which said pa~ks are closed to the public shall be liable for prosecu- -~~~...--.._--.._."._--- ! 204 7/22/70 t --''-'",,-~'-----O"'''''''_._----'~''___ ___.." ._.____ " _ _ ___ _ _'_H_ .___ .." _____ 0..- __"__._ _ ______.__..__ !I , "tion by the app~opriate law enforcement authorities. 5. This ordinance shall take effect as of the first day of September, " 19;0. II The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish this notice of proposed ordinance and public hea~ing the~eon at least once a week fo~ t,wo (2) consecutive ,'.Ieeks in The Roanoke World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke I 'County, and in The Vinton Hessenger, a newspaper published in F:oanoke County. The Clerk of this Board shall ?lso cause a copy of the proposed ordinance and notice of public hearing thereon to be published at the frcnt door of the I Roanoke County Courthouse. Upon motion of Supervisor A, T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~'visor .Joseph following recorded vote: A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, Lee B. Eddy and L. Ea~l Simms. ': NAYS: None. !! On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe~visor Lee Eddy the following items were this day received and filed: ,Boa~d of Recreation I s recommendation re: lease with Cat'lwba Community and closing time for parks in the County; .2 lette~s and 12 petitions regarding p~oposed changes iI' dog control o~dinance; / Lette~s of resignation from Hrs. Jean Robbins and Hiss Honnie Jean Webster, VPI Extension Agents, Home Economics; .....Lette~ f~om Hrs. William E. Davis, President, Roanoke l1usic Teachers Assoc. in reo business licenses for music teachers; Minutes of the meeting of the Fifth Planning District Commission held on 6/25/70; .copy of letter f~om Roanoke City Clerk to members Clf Roanoke's mental health services boa~d & copy of resolution in reo establishment of single mental health services boa~d and p~ogr,~ to se~ve Cities of Salem and Roanoke and Roanoke Co.; Lette~ from Roanoke City acknowledging County's resolution reo Congressional autho~ity for a study of the uppe~ Roanoke River basin; _Copy of a letter f~om State Compensation Board to Commissioner of the Revenue approving p~~chase of a billing computer; ."statement of Office & Travel Expenses incurred by Sheriff' & Deputies. I ; Ayes: All NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke 'County concu~ with the action of the Compensation Board as stated in their letter ': of J'lly 3, 1910, and approve the salary of Gerald S. Holt, Roanoke County Sheriff's I \, b Department, from $4,885 to $5,100 effective July 1, 1970. 1\~~\1~~~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which ca~ried by the following X/1\ recorded vote: ~~~. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. P.uddleston and Charles ~~ H. Oste~houdt. % ,'~NAYS: None. W I COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor A. '.c. Huddleston, seconded 'oy Supervisor Lee B. 7/22/70 i, q " !i Eddy, and the following vote, the county Pay., ,.I... (Semi-monthly dated 7/15/70 & I: " "Daily/dourly dated 7/22/70) were anp~oved in the gross amount of $49,757.85, from . I iiwhich the sum of $2,279.72 F.LC.A. Tax; $5,390.38 W. H. Tax; $869.55 State Income i!Tax; $12.00 Uniforms; $1,066.30 Blue Cross Insurance, $1,660.79 Retirement; and i ii $581.15 Miscellaneous Expenses, is deducted leaving a net payroll of $37,897.96. " "AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Sinms, A. T. Huddleston and Cha~les I ,I :; H. Osterh:>udt. i' ii NAYS: None. ii II :' Ii ,! Ii ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT :1 " On motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supe~viso~ L. Earl !, " Ii Simms, and thefbllowing recorded vote, the cu~~ent bills amounting to $25,278.89 I] Ii and the bills paid since the last Boa~d meeting amounting to $41,886.30 were ji II app~oved presently and ~etro-actively. ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. EArl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and I; , Ii Charles H. Osterhoudt. !, NAYS: None. i i, II ,-. Ii 'i I' II Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board stand adjourned until 7: 30 ,I p.m. on We~.esday, August 5, 1970. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion - :i which carried unanimously. Ii " " &~ ' -... .-/ CHAI~ ~ :1 " ! i: :i i' " " :: '.-1 ! I -- ,-, I , '-" 205 j, / I 6 '.' !J- ~ {- IV ....i~. .-t '~' . J""'- " , 7,~ :v- \" c. 'l?'!> ~~ '1 . \ 217 7/25/70 ~~'=--=>=-'-~=-"""""._.-,. ==-"---==-_="'"'""'-.-.="""~''''''''''''=-'''<:'':''"",--'''''-=='''''''=_''''.=::-__-'=~.,-:=.'''=--.C-_'''''''''~_....,,,,,,-'. ","-_.'=.~~=''-'__'" =--"'.-=,-,"_--~"=,,,,,,=~.._=.-"'"='-",,",,'''''''-"",,,,,,,C''~'O'-_ '.-""'"'='".~.~""."""=~"""'=',=<:t.:...." ==-~.-,...,~="'~=:,,'''''.,',. r~~~~~~~~' ~"~,~C~~~_,~__~~"'""__~_~ , Ii ii and a certified copy of said ~esolution of the County School Board with the Ii Ci~cui t Cou~t of Roanoke County, Virginia. ...., i! ii Upon the motio,,~ of Supe~visor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Superviso~ " ~i I: Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: iiAYES: i' .1 Ii Ii Ii Ii NAYS: None. I' :! Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles '..-f H. Osterhoudt. ,-...,,". On motion of Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. " " " I' I! Thomas I' " il August " :1 and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the meeting adj ourrled until 5, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. - i: I; I' Ii H :) " '. II :i ~ '..... J J h' -- - ~ ? 218 8/5/70 ~ ..,.---- - --~_--..,. -'---c'--..,,-', ,_....~--_-..,..._._ -.-:-'-- ........,-.".,.-.-.c,--- -.---.... -'-'0":-'" . ..- ..--.-- .---_..~-- - - ..-."--- Cou~thouse Anjourned meeting August 5, 1970 7:30 P.M. The Board of Supe~viso~s of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke County!: Courthouse, Salem, Vi~ginia, in the County Cou~t~oom, pursuan'~ to adjournment of the regular meeting of July 22, 1970, and adjournment of the llpecial meeting of July 25, 1970. Membe~s p~esent: Chai.rman Charles H. Oste~hol1dt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and L. Ea~l Si.mms. The County Engineer- Executive Officer and Assistant, Paul B. Matthews and Mau~ice Mitchell, ~espectively I were also p~esent. Following the Chairman's call to order the meeting p,c'oceeded as follows. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved thatMr. Lester K. Sto~e~, J~. and Mr. Charles L. Ray, J~., be ~e-appointed to the Building Code Board of Adjustments and fo~ four (4) yea~ terms each. L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carri,~d by the following vote: I ': AYES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste,rhoudt. -< \11> ~ :; NAYS: None. iI.\,J;.(\V.\/ ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas V~q).,,: At this point Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas joined the meeting. ~. ~~Jl1 ' , ~ 1<< '~\'" ',:,' 'b>?)~t,J: (l'Q' q, A"',' i,! ~. v?-'i r' J( ., appointment to the Air Pollution Advisory and Appeals Board was continued to the 0t ~ regular ~'~~' next/meeting of this Board, August 12, 1970, at 2:00 p.m. ~~' Conside~ation of one appointment to the Highway Safety Commission and one On motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supe~vis~~ A. T. Huddleston III and the unanimous vote of the Board membe~s the meeting adjou~ned. I _,IN RE: PETITION OF RESIDENTS IN PENN FOREST REGARDING DIRT & DEBRIS WASHING ONTO OVERHILL TRAIL FROM CONSTRUCTION SITES Mr. Charles A. Brizendine appeared to ask the Board of Superviso~s to take ,measures to ~emedy the situation in Penn Forest with regard to di~t f~om construc- tion sites washing onto Overhill T~ail. A petition signed by taxpaye~s and resi- ,dents of this area suppo~ting Mr. Brizendine's ve~bal request, along with six snap- I , ,'sho t s. was this day received and filed on motion of Superviso~ Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the unanimous vote of the Boa~d membe~s, The following further action was taken. I ~\ \...\'t~ _ '1 '\ nA-(..- C:~J-" W/ y~ ./ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Commonwealth' s Att'~rney, Executive :1 :,Officer, Building Inspector and one membe~ of the Board of Supervisors be appointed ,to serve as a special committee to confer with the Vi~ginia Depa.~tment of Highways :;concerning the washing of mud and other waste upon the public highways and p~ivate : prope~ty in Roanoke County during building const~uction and submit their ~ecommenda-' i,tions as to the appropriate remedy rega~ding same. Superviso~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which car~ied by the follow- 'i ing ~ecorded vote: 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oste~houdt. I , NAYS: None. Thereafte~, the Chairman appointed Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas as the 'Board member to serve on the above-mentioned committee and requested a preliminary ~epo~t by the next Board meeting, August 26, 1970. ,,..,..IN RE: SALEM-ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE'S REQUEST FOR THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO BUY ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS , ~ !i Mrs. Margaret Svoboda, Executive Vice-P~esident of the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of Comme~ce, appealed to the Boa~d of Supe~viso~s to ce,nsider increasing .:their cont~ibution to the said Chambe~ of COlllIl1e~ce basea on a "fair ,',hare" formula ipresented fo~ thei~ study. Mrs. Svoboda outlined the nUllle~ous se~vi'-"es pe~formed "by the Chambe~ and also pointed out the present need to move te, la~9"r quarters. The matte~ was taken unde~ advisement. I JIN RE: MR. M. S. THOMAS' LIVESTOCK CLAIMS I Mr. Thomas appea~ed this day to ask the Board's ~econsicle~ation of heretofo~e denied livestock claims. Afte~ hea~ing Mr. Thomas's presentati.on, it was established that the claims were fo~ livestock killed prior to February 19tj9; whereupon ~~. Thomas was reminded of the Board's decision of December 10, 1969, as l~eco~ded in Supervisor O~de~ Book No. 21, Page 538, to "deny any payment of claims fo:r animals killed prior to 226 8/12/70 ~\~\1{,v ~~) c~~.auu 1/t Supe~visor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the petitione~ meet with the Cornmon- " " wealth' s Atto~ney and discuss the matte~ of the hou~s of operation of the p~oposed Ii i skating ~ink fo~ which the prope~ty is to be used and come up with a proposal to be submitted at the next meeting of this Boa~d, August 26. Supe~iso~ L. Ea~l Simms seconded the motion which ca~~ied by the following recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: Charles H. Oste~houdt. A p~evious motion by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston to concur in the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission to allow the request, with the fu~ther stipulation I that the hours of operation to be no later than 10:30 p.m. Monday th~o'~gh Thursday and no late~ than 11:00 p.m. F~iday and Saturday, died for lack of a second. The following people appeared at the public hearing on the fore90ing matte~'" Proponents: Mr. T. L. Plunkett, Atto~ney for petitione~; and Mr. E. W. Ramsey, who operates Skate-A-D~ome on Lakeside Road and who will ope~ate the p~oposed skating ~ink if the ~ezoning is approved. Opponents: None. ~N RE: REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF COLONIAL AVENUE AND VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 419 I Supe~visor Lee B. Eddy moved that this request for rezoning from R-l to B-3 of a 0.713-ac~e tract as petitioned by J. W. Poff to allow the construction of a \-' ()' " '1~~l~ ~t-;:'~~ se~ice station be denied in acco~dance with the recommendation of t'le Roanoke County ~ ~ Planning Commission. i ~ yt.~b ^ /,1 Supe~iso~ A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ~ JI:~~/ ing ~eco~ded vote: t:40-C1-'" AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Cha:rles H. Oste~houdt. ~-~~. NAYS: L. Ea~l Simms C~ ~~., \ The following people appeared at the public hea~ing on 'ohe foregoing matte~: , Proponents: Attorney Claude Carte~ representing Mr. J. W. PofE and Mr. R. R. Quick. Mr. Quick also appeared in his own behalf. I Opponents: Mr. B. N. Woody, Mr. Ha~ry Moore, Mr. A. T. Brown "",nd Mrs. Evelyn Rubert. A petition signed by p~ope~ty owne~s and inte~ested citizens in the vicinity requesting that the Boa~d of Supervisors g~ant Mr. J. W. Poff' '5 petition to ~ezone the above p~operty was this day received and filed on motion o:E Supervisor A. T. I , Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanbnous vote of the Board members. / ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HOURS DURING WHICH PARKS OWNED OR LEASED BY THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE SHALL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC 8/12/70 227 .."".,.".".,.,..,.,-,....""."."-,--",.",-.--="'"'--.-,.._'",---" c-; ',"",,~,,"""_=r...~"---- ~_-"" ''''':'..-'~ ."",_""-,,,".'Z.-== '''-.'._' _'_- ., __- _."'~..-_'._'. "ro' I' II WHEREAS, the Board of supe~viso~s of Roanoke County, pu~:;uant to section , i15.1-510 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, has autho~ity to adopt such measures " lias it may deem expedient to promote the health, safety and gene:ra1 welfare of the I' . nhab . f . . . 'J. J.tants 0 Roanoke County, not J.nconsJ.stent wJ.th the gene~al laws of the State of - " IVi~ginia; and il iI WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a Department of Pa~ks and Re,'~eation which supe~- 11 !vises and di~ects recreational activities at the several pa~ks "wned or leased by iRoanoke County; and " . ".._.~ - WHEREAS, The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the general !: ~egulation of the hou~s du~ing which su,ch parks shall be open to the/public is !i : necessary to p~oDlOte the health, safety and general welfare of ',:he citizens of " '__1 : Roanoke County; and " " ii WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisor,; of Roanoke County, I! Vi~ginia, held at the Courthouse the~eof on Wednesd"y, July 2;~, 1970, a motion was " :ipassed by said Board moving the adoption of the aforementioned County o~dinance, ii and further moving that the notice of the intention of said Boa::d to adopt such " " !: ordinance be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the , :' 1950 Code of Virginia, a:; amended, in an app~opriate newspaper; and :! WHEREAS, notice ~f intention to adopt such o~dinance was published once a - !,week fo~ two (2) successive weeks, namely July 29, 1970, and A\:'Just 5, 1970, in The ii i: liWo~ld-News, a newspape~ having gene~al circulation in the Count.j/ of Roanoke, Virginia, I' ,I ii and on July 29, 1970, and August 5, 1970, in The Vinton Messeng,,!r, i: lished in Roanoke county, and was also published at the f~ont door I: !! County Courthouse; and " a newspape~ pub- Ii II i: of the Roanoke . I WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on adoption of such ordinance at a ~egular i: meeting of the Board of Superviso~s " :i Wednesday, August 12, 1970, at 2:00 " !: of Roanoke County, at the Cou~thouse thereof on p.m.; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT :' Virginia, that the following ORDAINED by the Boa~d of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ordinance be adopted: i; TITLE: "An Ordinance Regulating the Hours During Which Pa~ks Owned o~ Leased by the County of Roanoke Shall be Open to the Public I'';'''. WHEREAS, the Board of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, pu~suant to Section :1 15.1-510 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, has authority to adopt such measures " :1 " as it may deem expedient to p~oDlOte the h~alth, safety and general welfa~e of the ,I ,I inhabitants of Roanoke County, not inconsistent with the general laws of the State II of Vi~ginia; and WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a Department of Pa~ks and Recreation which ... J supervises and di~ects ~ecreational activities at the several pa~ks owned by Roanoke County; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Boa~d of Supe~visors is of the opinion that the ~egulation of the hours du~ing which such parks shall be open to the general public is necessary to promote the health, safety and gene~al welfare c,f the citizens of Roanoke county; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: 1. That all pa~ks in Roanoke County which are owned or leased by the County of Roanoke shall be open between the hou~s of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. of 228 8/12/70 -,......-._,..~---.._-------_._~._._---~------_.__.-.-._.,._--_. --- -,.- _.~._-_.. - ~ -. -. - . - - -. . n_o __....._ ....'_ .. - - _. __. .._ .,-0 ... ,. i 'each day. All such parks shall be closed between the hours of 11:00 p.m. in the ,evening and 6:00 a.m. of the following morning. 2. Organized activities which are supervised by the Depa~trnent of Farks and Rec~eation o~ which are carried out under the auspices of the Department of Parks :[and Recreation which have begun p~ior to 11:00 p.m. of any day and which are in :,progress at 11:00 p.m. of the same day and which a~e not capable, by the natu~e of . "the activity, of being stopped immediately at 11:00 p.m. shall be completed as soon "as is ~easonably possible after 11:00 p.m. of said day. 3. The Department of Parks and Recreation shall erect suitable signs in conspicuous and approp~iate places on and about said pa~ks owned or leased by Roanoke County advising the gene~al public of the hours during which said parkz '. I: ':shall be open and the hou~s during which said parks shall be closed. .' 4. Those persons unlawfully remaining on said pa~k p~operties during the hours in which said parks a~e closed to the public shall be liable fo~ p~osecution .by the appropriate law enforcement authorities. 5. This ordinance shall take effect as of the first day ()f September, 1970." ,\\~}~ ,'" oo~:~:'::,:,:'::::~:::~:: ::::~: :':.::::: ::. ::::y ,:'::~:.. " ~~;r'~"Vi~ginia of 1950, as w.anded to date, once a week fo~ two (2) s'uccessive weeks in ~;. )i ~ ~ , ~"r:The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke county, Virginia, and in ~i~'~ :iThe World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Vi~ginia. ~ ~~ V~ '. The effective date of this o~dinance shall be Septembe~ 1, 1970. ~~ ; Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supe~visor A. T. ~\~: ~j, HUddeston and adopted by the following reco~ded vote: c,oJf' .t~~';:AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles G,~J( i r;?~. iiNAYS: None. J ~~-'U~. " I~~~\ H. Osterhoudt. ./ AMENDMENTS TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY ORDINANCE CONTROLLING THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF DOGS WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid ordinance cont~olling the running at la~ge of dogs; and WHEREAS, the Board of SUperviso~s of Roanoke county deems ce~tain amendments ,to said O~dinance expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general , welfa~e of the citizens of Roanoke COunty; and WHEREAS, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supe~isors of Roanoke County, . Virginia, held at the Cour1;house thereof on Wednesday, July 8, 1970, a motion was passed by said Board moving theanendment of the aforementioneCl County o~dinance, , and fu~ther moving that the notice of the intention of said Bc'a~d to adopt such amended o~dinance be published as requi~ed by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the 1950 Code of Vi~ginia, as amended, in an approp.iate newspaper; and WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such amendments was published once a week fo~ two (2) successive weeks, namely July 15, 1970, and ~Iuly 22, 1970, in The World-News, a newspape~ having gene~al ci~culation in the Com,ty of Roanoke, Vi~ginia, '.__~_~::. _...: . c.'::. _ ,; ;i II Ii " . I I I I I 8/12/70 229 ~==--='''''-'''-'''-=''''''''"''''-''''''---''''-:~_'-.'--.-~-.-.-"''''''''-,"="---.,.--c-o-...,,._ ._0.;- ._.""'....~-...".-.,'-=.-_,,..~_--_- .~,,,. _,,' _._~,.. .......-..- '.~ ....,..,.-,-.....cc."..'"<__....,..--c...-, ,...,.,..."....,=."'-,.,.-_~._..,.,..."....,,~ and on July 15, 1970, and July 22, 1970, in The Vinton Messenge~, a r.ewspape~ pul:>lished in,lRoanoke county, and was also pul:>lished at the front dool: of the Roanoke County Courthouse; and - WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on such amendments al; a ~egular the boa~d of Superviso~s of Roanoke County, at the Cou~thouse thereof on August 12, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.; meeting of , , Wednesday, i I'''''' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisc)~s of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the said o~dinance be amended as follows: ..... 1. Section 2 of said Ordinance to be amended by deleting the second parag~aph ~ of said Section which ~eads as follows: "Any person who, afte~ having been nctified by any c,og warden, deputy dog warden, or office~ of the law that his dog is: running at large in Roanoke County and thereafter continues to pern,i t his dog to ~un at large in Roanoke County within a pe~iod of one: year from ~eceiving p~io~ notice, shall be deemed to have violatec, the p~o'- visions of this o~dinance." '_'f :: :, In place of the pa~agraph p~opo&ed to be deleted the said Ordinance should read: :! "Any person who permits his dog to run at la~ge in Roanoke County shall be deemed to have violated the provisions of this Ordinance." This amendment has the effect of doing away with the warning provision now contained I in said Ordinance. ii 2. Section 3 fo~ $1. SO/the of said O~dinance to be amended to change the fees fo~ impounded ,- dogs f~om i Ii Ii II i; " !: fi~st day to $3.00 fo~ the first day and from 5!l~ for each . additional day the~eafter to $2.00 for each additional day thereafter. " Simms, adopted by the follclwing ~ecorded vote: ii Ii The Cle~k of this Board is hereby directed t.~ /11/70 , 'S -ti cause this amendment to be pul:>lished as provided by Section 15,.1-504 of the Code 'i ~<3 . of Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two (:!) successive weeks fl~1-(j~"::~ ~~/<l'. tfi in The Vinton Messenger, a newspape~ pul:>lished in Roanoke County, Virginia, and in '-fJ (J ~~~ ?- \..L 't:.r: ~ The World-News, a newspape~ having general ci~culation in Roanoke County, Virginia.("V v'v,t:. The effective date of these amendments shall be September 1, 1970. :,\)o~,-'~~-l';()~ ii;C.~~'J ~h~ "" .:C~~ ..j:Y"O Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by ~;upe~vis"~ L. Ea~l ~~lication and Effective Date: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Ea~l Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I ......~ The following people appeared at the pul:>lic hearing on the foregoing ordinance amendment: ... p~oponents: Mrs. W. S. Dunn; Mr. T. T. Sta~key; Mrs. Kennett; M~. Waddell; Mrs. Betty Sowe~s; Mrs. M. C. Wingo; Mrs. Switzer; Mrs. F. B. Shorte:r; Mrs. William Thomas; Mrs. Mays; Mr. John McLain and Mrs. Lela Spitz. r""" : ! ...; " i: Opponents: Mrs. Daphney Sink; Mrs. T~acy Loyd; M~s. Bonnie Neuhoff; Mrs. Anna W. " 'i " Stanley; Mr. C. V. Lackey. ~~ At th~s point the meeting was adjourned to conVene again at 7:30 p.m, one and at this same place one-half hou~s henceJ on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston,. seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board mE,mbers. 8/12/70 -""'''::===-...0:...",,"_-=.-. '~-,,-;..cc. "=-,,,-""",=c-. '-'~C'~~,_.,,"" '-",",O.~-.r'" ,..., _"~_-._~_' ,,__ _ '-_c."....,..~.,-_,..."': ....::~~. ._",,,,,_._':_ .-"'---'-_"'",,_'-'-'_''--'.ll_'-'--,-c.._ ,"".',;.-0.,-"_"__ I' ii IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM OF GENE D. WHITLOW " ti Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors appoint Ii i! Mr. Robert H. Richardson of 5146 Craun Lane, SW Roanoke to fill the unexpired I' term of Mr. Gene D. Whitlow on the Roanoke County Public Service Authority, which ii' I . :: term expJ.res June 28, 1971 'I I, " Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following 'r recorded vote: ,I I; !! AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SiIllllls, A. T. Huddleston and Charles , " " ii H. Osterhoudt. Ii Ii NAYS: None. " I: .I II IN RE: BIDS ON FORT LEWIS FIRE TRUCK 1: II if Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Executive Offic:er be directed to , Ii .; confer with the Fort Lewis Volunteer Fire Department and establish the type of - " i1 fire vehicle to be purchased in accordance with the budgetary allocation for the Ii I: j' present fiscal year and obtain bids thereon. " Supervisor L. Earl SiIlllllS seconded the motion which carried by the following I: recorded vote: r! , ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. .1 il NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. II d Ii I '1 I, n IN 'I if I, ;i RE: CARPET & FURNITURE FOR HOLLINS BRANCH LIBRARY Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors ;i " concur in the recoIlllllendation of the Roanoke Count1' Library Board of 'l'rustees and I! accept the bid of Everett 11addey in the amount of $5,885.00 for the carpeting and '. bid of Southern Desk Company for the furniture for the Hollins Branch L,ibrary in Ii ., ! the approximate amount of $27,237.00 'i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- I. ing recorded vote: :1 AYES: Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles II. Osterhoudt. ~...> . " :1 NAYS: None. :[ ii :i ABSTAINED: ,[ :1 Joseph C. Thomas. - The Library Board's motions passed August 10, 1970, makin9 the above-mentioned .>lo;'~ : I I ~ ~ recommendations are filed with the minutes of this meeting. 'i ,; " ,I !i 'i IN RE: STORAGE BUILDING FOR EQUIPMENT OF RECREATION DEPARTMENT Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Recreation Depiirtment I s request : for funds to construct a storage building (po:...-aluminum type, 26' x 75' x 13') !i " be granted and that the matter of the necessity of letting bids be waived and the contract for the construction of same be awarded to Roanoke Wooj Preservers, Inc. in the amount of $3291.00. 231 /' ) 110 ,'6 1~1':" 'o'!.J ~~ ,~ft9tJ' 'I ~~Ji,l 1/...1.<1>'"1 / \,,0 ~JI:~1;,\ ~r-'-(Jtrf" 1.{J-~/ 7JV v~t'~~ 'e.J$t~ ~":itt ~\.~ ,f't{I-1J: , .U I- . ) i ".f, ~IY"', rJ(. I .vtY~ th~:J~.-Y ~ ~~.C 1/,,:/ ~~ .:.1'!;Jfr- \ I U~'d.Jj/ '.~1rk""'""" I ~ ' -t" .. , V'l/~ G.b. i):)'<>)10 ~, ~ \~\" .. ,/ '2.=.<.-' , (}...~ \'c ,,' ~ ',' , \.t::~'( t A~ p'" ~W(\Yp, ~~~'t>~~ .i i;1"n f-Z\ \ ~ \'-', . ""1 /1 ~~r.{ -!pt'" ()vS X (11 '1 ' ~ . J 'O;~y.. 232 8/12/70 Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the recorded vote: ;, ii following ii ,; AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I A copy of Roanoke Wood Preservers, Inc.' s proposal is filed with the minutes;, of this meeting. /.' IN RE: CONTRACT FOR PAVING TENNIS COURTS & PARKING AREAS AT CLEARBROOK & 1 \1" MOUNT PLEASANT PARK SITES 1> ~ ~,'~) S\lpervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the contract for t.he paving of tennis ~if~~' i~(\ourts and parking areas at Clearbrook and Mount Pleasant Park sites be awarded to t ~ . the low bidder, S. R. Draper Paving Company in the amount of $11,469.DCI, on the (I ' \ ~~;:' ::::::i::o:::: ::et::~:: :::C::i::l:f::C::s::c:O:::i::r:ta:h:tO::i::::: ::n:~e ~~" .~ ill'- \"y ~C~':~'1.6"~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following 'b(~~" V'r: recorded vote: 4.. ~ ,; AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles i: c...e-r\ H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: None. I IN RE: REZONING LOTS 2, 3, 4, and 8, BLOCK "B", MAP OF ANDREW LEWIS PLACE ANNEX NO. 2 of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH This day came Gospel Baptist Church, by counsel, and requested leave to file its petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as reque;sted in said peti- tion, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning ComnuIssion of Roanoke I County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions .)f the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the I next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meet- \,'1 ~ ing shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions 4,\\~, !1\~",,1Jof the 1950 Code of Virginia. "'.e-\I V' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu- L - t- "'0' ,~1..J ~ '"~ c,e-1' ' tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. l1atthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. .......--.-~._--~ ,...-.,-.- "..--~ i ~"..:~-:~ :_. '.,,"~=~+~:.+'O'~~.~~.~ 8/12/70 Ii The above resolution and order was adopted cn motion of Supervisor A. T. ,I 'i ,: Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and on the recorded vote, the 'I :! 'i Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: ~ I " ,; J'.Yl:;S: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms. A. T. Huddleston alld Charles !; , II H. Osterhoudt. 'I :1 ii NAYS: None. I; - "'--9 ,- I'IN RE: " )i REZONING OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF PETERS CREEK ROAD, STATE ROUTE 117, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AND BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WEST SIDE OF PETERS CREEK ROAD, VIRGINIA ROUTE 117, WHICH POINT IS 43 FEET W. OF THE CENTER OF THE WESTBOUND LANE OF ROUTE 117, AND THE PRESENT CORNER OF LOTS 1 AND 2, ACCORDING TO A MAP OF OLD GARST DAIRY FARM, THENCE WITH THE WEST SIDE OF PETERS CREEK ROAD AS NOW LOCATED, N. SO 6' E. AN ARC DISTANCE OF 178.52 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT: THENCE CONTINUING WITH THE WEST SIDE OF SAID ROAD, N. 30 58' 20" E. 19.11 FEET TO AN IRON, CORNER TO PROPERTY OF J. S. SHOWALTER, DEED BOOK SO, PAGE 383; THENCE WITH THE SAME, S. 660 58" W. 361.08 FEET TO AN OLD IRON PIPE, CORNER TO LOT 2 AFORESAID: THENCE WITH THE DIVIDING LINE BETWEEN LOTS 1 AND 2, S. 800 00' E. 320 FEET TO THE BEGINNING: BEING A TRIANGULAR TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND AND ALL OF LOT 1, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF OLD GARST DAIRY FARM, OF RECORD IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 310. '''''''J ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER ..oc't This day came o. Dalton Baugess, Attorney, who requested leave to file a pe- :1 tition on behalf of Ralph A. Richardson and Lorraine W. Richardson, relative to amending the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County to the end and purpose that a certain tract of land located on the westerly side of Peters Creek Road (Route 117) of ,; Roanoke County, as described in Deed of Record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit :i Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Deed Book 828 at page 86. and owned by the ;' Ii hereinabove named persons, be rezoned from Business District B-2 to Business District B-3 (Special), which leave is hereby granted and said petition is accord- ..... ingly filed. And this Board having duly considered the same and concluded that the rezDning of said property, so that it might be used for the additional purposes as designated under Business District B-3 (Special) of the present Zoning Ordinance, I'-~ I may be beneficial to the County at large; therefore, BE I? RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County elf Roanoke so as to - change the classificati,on of said property from Business District B-2 to Business District B-3 (Special), be', and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of RoanOke, Virginia, for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-493 of the 1950 Code of ViI'ginia, as amended; r-1 . I .... and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that said Planning Corrmission shall report its recoIlllllendation to the ~lerk of this Board as required by Statute and upon receipt of said recommendation by said Clerk of said Commission, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first per- missible, regular or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof shall be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-431 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, 233 / , 1. That all abandoned bicycles which have been turned OVE,r to or recovered bY'; ~) I" /7 ~ the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County and which have remair.ied in the possession .i~"" T of the Sheriff's Department, unclaimed, for more than thirty (3(1) days from the datel!};(~ ~-rr such bicycle or bicycles were first taken into possession by thE' Sheriff's Depart- :",i'.,~~J'~~~ ment shall be sold at a public sale, advertised according to la~', the proceeds of 'Jf' - 1':)- .t.ric< r- which sale shall be deposited in the General Fund of Roanoke County. CL'-~" Do ~f; _IV I ' 2. This ordinance shall take effect as of the first day Clf October, 1971)." ~- 'ill'~ '7<) I The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish this notiCE' of proposed ordinan~e c<.~ and public hearing thereon at least once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in The, ~tK""&::::;/ Roanoke World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and ,1 - <:{;.": i~~,.att; ;~~ I 'I 8/12/70 ::~_-::""""-."."'-' '''''~-'-'.-. ===...,._-,.~ -,-"",_.,,- ,- .".-C"'-. ._,-",,-,"","''''''.'=<;C= ii " [I ,I i' ,I 'I il NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF UNCLAIMED BICYCLES AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON . 'i WHEREAS, Section 15.1-133 of the 1950 Code of Virginia specifically author1zes' - " i. I, the governing body of any county to provide by ordinance for the public sale of any .--":'f " I:bicycle which has been in the possession of the Sheriff's Department, unclaimed, " il [!for more than thirty (30) days; " " " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that at a regular meeting elf the Board of - ilSupervisors of Roanoke County to be held September 9, 1970, at ;::00 P.M.., at the !: i' ::Roanoke County Courthouse, the Board of Supervisors will hold a publ:i,c hear.".ng at ,I " ,....( I~which time it will move the passage of the following ordinance: " ,:~ITLE: "An Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Unclaimed BiCYCles " i: WHEREAS, Section 15.1-133 of the 1950 Code of Virginia spE,cifically authorizes :t Ii the governing body of any county to provide by ordinance for thE' public sale of I) any bicycle which has been in the possession of the Sheriff's DE,partment, for more than thirty (30) days; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: unclaimed, ': i ,.114 , , .... in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County. The Clerk of this Board shall also cause a copy of the pr(>posed ordinance and notice of public hearing thereon to be published at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse. I....' Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston dnd Charles H. Osterhoudt. - NAYS: None. ,'....., . i -' IN RE: REQUEST OF JUVENILE & DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT FOR ADDITIONAL TELEPHONE LINE Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors defer action on this request until the first meeting in October inasmuch as the Board is at this time again considering a central telephone system, and further that the Chairman of this Board write a letter so advising the Court. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- i, 'I i' ing recorded vote: , 'I AYES: " , Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. NAYS: / 236 8/12/70 :. IN RE: RESOLUTION OF PULASKI COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS' URGING REAPPOINTMENT OF DOUGLAS B. FUGATE AS COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors i of Roanoke County be directed to write a letter to the PulaSki County Board of ' I Supervisors acknowledging receipt and subsequent filing of their letter and resolu-i: tion regarding the reappointment of Mr. Douglas B. Fugate as CC'lllIIlissioner of II Highways, and further advise the said Pulaski County Board of Supervisors that this:' " I: Board respectfully declines the adoption of a similar resolutic'n calling for Mr. " Fugate's reappointment. I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following I recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. :j " Ii !i :i I, /: IN RE: CONTRIBUTION TO SALEM RESCUE SQUAD 4.\ \1 O.ft:' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supe):visors of Roanoke t~\V..~ f..'~I) I,': County contribute $300.00 to the Salem Rescue Squad for the fiscal year 1970-71. ~j{ ",,*", Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following Cc'~~{! recorded vote: Q.' ~I-L. ~f, ~ .,,;, r~ ./ ~U. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles \",U~\, H. Osterhoudt. ~ :' NAYS: None. ;: " I' I I IN RE: REAPPOINTMENT OF R. FRANKLIN HOUGH, JR. TO ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervi!;ors reappoint ~ , l~' ~ ~~, Mr. R. Franklin Hough, Jr. for a three-year term to the Roanokn Count)' Board of ~ 1'i J-U I Public Welfare. ~~~ir. ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following c ~)..I~,<:'''' ': recorded vote: ~\.o-~b'<' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charle:; H. OSicerhoudt. ~6-I.Y"'~-tL NAYS: None. ~;v~.~. ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. ..,1 ~. v V~\ I I IN RE: EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEM SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER L1\\1\1~ . of "ll~'> ..;. J ~\. ~ ~ 'V;t.~t. ~ ~l~~~ ~~)\ " Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the contract for the installation the emergency lighting system at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center be -- ,-t " " Ii " ii " " " i ~ ,... ......, J"W.. - . ,-, ~ , , ~ ~. I 1 ...,; 8/12/70 237 ~--,-._" _.._.. __,_',..._.,-.,. u. .___.._~.._. _ awarded to the low bidder, Cross Electric Co. in the amount of $6,440.00, sub~ect to concurrence by the Ci :y of Salem, with the County paying 50~ of the, cost. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carri,ad by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charle,. H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. A tabulation of bids received on the foregoing matter is filed w'ith the minutes of this meeting. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervi;.or Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following items were this day received and filed: Ii Ii :i :1 '. I' .1 'I I' " Transfer /Executed Copy of a / Agreement between Mason Cove Civic Club, Inc. & Board of Supervisors dated 8/1/70; "Financial statement of Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center as of 6/30/70; Statement of action after public hearing on 6/3/70 by State Air Pollu- tion Control Board on request for variance from Open BUDllngRule by N & W Railway & others; , Copy of letter of 7/30/70 from Va. Dept. of Highways reo prohibiting con- struction of houses and further land development on I)verhill Trail in Penn Forest until plan approved to eliminate or minimize erosion damage to public road; ....Report of Collector of Delinquent Taxes & Accounts , Written report of Commonwealth's Attorney reo progress of codification of County ordinances; ~Fifth Planning Commission's minutes of 7/23/70 (Exec. Committee meeting); ~Copies of letters from State Health Dept. reo tentative approval for drilling of wells; vReport of State Auditor of Public Accounts on the records of the County Clerk and Clerk of Circuit Court for calendar year 1965 & 1969; "Official copy of Welfare Dept. I s budget as revised by State Welfare Dept. & Commission for the Blind; 'Letter of appreciation from Va. Westerm Community College for Ccunty's appropriation to College; vRecreation Dept. report for May & June 1970; ~Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in County Jail in July 1970; ~ letters from Fifth Planning District COMmission in reo applications for matching federal funds '. Treasurer's Report, spread as follows':', :i !i II TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: n :i At the close of business July 31, 1970, there was to the credit of the following; " '1 ;j General Revenue Fund - Available Cash ii Dog Fund - Available Cash iI School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash :' School Construction Fund - Available Cash :1 School Textbook Fund - Available Cash ii Federal Programs Fund - 1'.-.-;:ilable Cash :i Parks & Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer - James E. Peters $ 742,297.08 8,041.86 22,616.68 375,452.59 1,565.19 45,291.97 48,936.55 42,639.79 202.59 75.46 62.54 H,287,182.30 Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund ;1 Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,386,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Escrow - $3,170,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Federal Programs Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent PUblic Building Bond Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - TextbOOk Fund Colonial-American National Bank $ 2,000.00 36,204.92 1,156,155.99 45,291. 97 9,176.23 Account 360.00 1,565.19 36,428.00 $1,287,182.30 ---....-.-.-...-----..-..-.--'--------"TI ,-- ii !' Roanoke COWlty Courthouse Salem, Virginia August 26, 1970 7:30 P.M. - The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke COUlty Courthouse in the' County Courtroom thereof, Salem, Virginia, being the fourth Wedlesday an,d the second' !iregular meeting of the month. Members Present: Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, " :ILee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms. Hembers Absent: Chaizman Charles " I, :,H. Osterhoudt. The County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistant, PaUll B. Matthews " '-"1' - iiand Maurice l.litchell, respectively were present as well as the Commonwealth's Ii ;j iiAttorney, Raymond R. Robrecht. i ,....-f The Vice-Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Jacob ii i,J. M. Strite, retired minister, Christian Church, who offered the invocation. Vice- " ilChairman A. T. Huddleston then led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag which I! Ii was given in unison. " On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. i: I'Thomas and the following vote, the minutes of the Special Meeti.ng of August 11, . '. :,1970, I' " Ii AYES: I, NAYS: None. were approved as corrected:' Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston ...",. Ii ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by SupeJ:visor Joseph C. , and !' Thomas/the following vote, the minutes of the first regular me!!ting of the month, , ;, August 12, 1970 were approved as spread: i! ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, and A. T. Huddleston !j " NAYS: None. ;1 , "ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ....... IN RE: REQUEST FOR RESTROOM FACILITIES FOR GLENVAR HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM o...i ! '1 ~ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors designate a committee consisting of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas as chairm~l (in whose district the Glenvar High School lies), Mr. Maurice Mitchell, Assistant County Engineer, and Mr. Darrell Shell, Director of Roanoke County Department of Packs & Recreation, to consider with the Glenvar Recreation Foundation their request for restroom facilities for the Glenvar High School Stadium and make recommendations to the county Recreation Department, and then submit a report to the Board of Supervisors. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. 239 ./ / /' /" / / i 1.\\1~ tl~~' W/". "1A<tt-{ .~ .---.--..--,.. 240 1j126/70 -c-------~.- _...,----,,--,,____ ._..,."'......,_...__..".;.....______~....,~-.-..-.-..-.__._ ,_-..,.._.-_ ..,---.,--~..___-.--.---' ---""- ------.-.....~.---- n_ - --.-.-- _. ~. .. .-- - - .-- ----- ----. ..--. . -.-.----. .. - - ---.--. _.---~ .-----..----. -----........--.-.--------......-.-. ----..-.-. -... ....-- _.-- Mr. James Williams, representing the Glenvar Recreation Foundati.:m, appeared .' with regard to the foregoing request. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy reported that he and the Commonwealth's Attorney I had met with and answered Mr. Bland Painter, III's questions regarding proposed community antenna TV for Roanoke County, and that the County presently hac no way iof governing this type of operation. IN RE: APPLrCATION OF JOSEPH F. DARAGO, JR. FOR R~EWAL OF SPECIAL-USE PERMIT TO CONTINUE OPERATION OF SPORTSMAN SKEET RANGE IN STATESMAN INDUSTRIAL PARK FOR THREE YEARS I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the request of Mr. Joseph F. ,Darago, Jr. for a special use permit be continued so that Mr. Darago may have time to investigate f" ~~ ~ the cost and possibilities of erecting a barracade or proper barrier to prevent the i: \~b " shots from falling on adjoining property and furthermore that his permit be extended q\I\s.p' . 1:i not to exceed 60 days pending this investigation. The motion was second.ad by ~ ~~~ :: Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote. .~~l; AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston. cf' Q(l;>:):l.; NAYS: None. ,'d-\~~il..' ,i ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ nY" Mr. Clem D. Johnston and Mr. E. C. Clement appeared in pposition to the , requested permit. Two lei..':ers of opposition are filed with the minutes ,:>f this meeting: one from George Kegley, Tinker Creek Lane, N. E. RoanOke, and one addressed to Mr. Clem D. Johnston from Olin corporation, Winchester-Western Division, I East Alton, Illinois, supplying information regarding the rnaxim~ range of various sizes of shot shells (this letter submitted by Mr. Johnston to the Board). Mr. Darago appeared to support his request. OF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER I IN RE: REZONING THREE ACRES ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF NEW HERSHBERGER ROAD EAST OF OLD ROUTE 601 EVERETT E. FLIPPEN At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on August 26, 1970. WHEREAS, Everett E. Flippen petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1910) be amended so as to provide that I certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business B-2" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 24th day of June, 1970, and by order entered on that day was ref.erred to the Plan- ning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provi- sions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, ~~e Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its illeeting held 8/26/70 241 on the 14th day of July, 1970, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) !: be amended as requested in said petition; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 24th day of June, 1970, as aforesaid, order that the Cle;:k of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning commission, forthwith set the ir Ii iI same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular "r special meeting " " ~ i of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accord~~ce with the ii " " !i County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, Ii I, !i to be held on the 26th day of August, 1970, at 7:30 P. M. as the date and time for !i ,: a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Rcanoke'County Zoning f! II Ordinance and advertised the same by publication as required by the order of this !i WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board Board and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zonir.,g Ordinance and t;.e Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed ~~end- ment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, 'i WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and' - to the recoIlllllendation of the Planning Commission and after heiU:ing e....idence touch- ii II Ii 11 , i! " ing on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County zon;lng Ordinance (1970) !I I ~ being of the opinion that said Cou.nty Zoning Ordinance sl,ould be amended as requested - " in said petition and as recommended by said Planning COIlllllission. i: ii " :i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at thi:; regular meeting of ,i the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on ;~ugust 26, 1970, the Ii said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby imended 'so as to ;: ~ i :, classify the property described in said petition as "Business B-2" property. The property classified as "Business B-2" property is :more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Property on the southerly side of Hershberger Road east of Old Route 601 more particularly shown on a plat of the public skating arena attached to and filed with the petition. AYES: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- 'i.1;;2~ )"70 ./ with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning ; , ,I, J ;""Ji Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney ~(;~J~PvZ' ;d / t-' affi'~/ ~_ ~J? D'1J'-1) I ,g,v;V1 .y 1Lt- V' \'1/ (!Y-'~~if' for the Petitioner. ,..... - The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the record vote the .G1 i I , I - Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: Nune. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Attorney T. L. Plunkett appeared to explain the above matter en behalf of the Petitioner; also, the operator of the proposed skating rink, Mr', W. E. Ramsey appeared. No one appeared in opposition to the request. 242 8/26/70 ___",,-~___.--"",,-.,c_-,..--,._._----,..---c--- ~--,,"'"--''''''----'''-'''''-----''''-_'--''- --,-..---__..,. -..-- j Ii IN RE: 11 , REZONING OF 2.155 ACRES ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF ROU1'E 11 7 CORNER TO MASON OF FINAL ORDER ROY C. GARST At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held ,; at the Courthouse on August 26, 1970. I i! ;; Zoning i: WHEREAS, Roy C. Garst petitioned this Board and requested that the County Ordinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amended so as to p~ovide that certain :: property described in said petition be rezoned and rE:classifieC1 as "Business B-3" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 22nd day of July, 1970, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning :1 ,; Commission of Roanoke Cowlty for recommendation in accordance with the provisions " I' I :! of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 18th day of August, 1970, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recoIllllleI.ded to this Board that the County zoning Ordinail<:e (1970) be amended as to a portion of the property requested in said petition; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 22nd day of July, 1970, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commissic,n, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regl;ilar or special meet- ing of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular Inee,ting of this Board to be held on the 26th day of August 1970, at 7:30 P. M. as the, date and time for I a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning " Ordinance and advertised the same by publications as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the county Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said Public Hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- ment to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly published as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration .00 said petition and to the recoIlllllendation of the Planning Commission and after ~.ea:dng evidence touch- ing on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) I being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should :oe amended as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of " the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on ~ugus~ 26, 1970, the said County zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby a~~nded so asm I classify the following property as "Business B-3" property. The property classified as "Business B-3" property is more pa~.t.icularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the line between the Roy C. GaI'st property and the Mason property 240 feet southerly from t.le southerly side of Route Number 117; thence with said line, N. 39 degs. OS' SO" W. 240 feet to a point on the southerly side of Route 117; thence with the line of Route 117 N. 59 degs. 8/26/70 '--''''--'-.~'_.-e-''-''''''""~_,~,,",,,",--'--'- ..,." _ - 11' 10" E. 94.0 feet to a concrete monument; thence N. 57 degs. 50' E. 72.95 feet to a concrete monument; thence with the line of Frontage Road S. 63 degs. 48' 38" E. 83.41 feet to a concrete mont;ment; thence N. 64 degs. 46' 45" E. 65.0 feet to an iron; thence with the line of Williams property S. 25 degs. 52' 30" E. 164.5 feet to a point on same; thence with a new line through the Garst property in a westerly direction approximately 231 feet to the place of BEGINNING: AND, BEING A northerly portion of the 2.155 acres shown on a E'urvey by T. P. Parker, S. C. E., dated June 20,1970. \....., IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of thb Board shall forth- -.. ji with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secret"ry of the Planning ~ ! ilcommissiDn of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr. Attorney " ii :; for the Petitioner. ;1 ii Ii The for-=going resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor Joseph C. " Ii ii Thomas and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on the record vote the Super- 'I "visors voted as follows, to-wit: I' " AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Silllllls and A. T. Huddleston :; ,.-c NAYS: None. 11 Ii ABSENT: . :i Charles H. Osterhoudt. I " Attorney T. L. Plunkett appeared to represent the petitioner in'the foregoing'i , matter. '~l , " I' " Ji .' i 'i IN RE: I' Ii FINAL ORDER - REZONING OF 3.668 ACRES, MORE OR ) LESS, CONVEYED TO 11 7 INVESTMENT ) CORPORATION AND L~ING ON THE SOUTH ) SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE i 117 ) IN ROANOKE COUNTY ) WHEREAS, 117 Investment Corporation did petition this Board and requested the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property ;, :: ,1 hereinafter described, which is presently zoned Residential (R-l) be now reclassi- ;i fied and rezoned to Residential (R-3). ii " WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, by resolution adopted at its meeting on the 18th day of August 1970, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said Petition that the said county Zoning Ordinance not be amended so as to change the classification of the property hereinafter described to Residential (R-3). ,,:... ! t ... WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County directed by its order, entered on the 8th day of July, 1970, that the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors upon receipt of the recommendations from the Planning Commission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning ".... , I , ' Ordinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of the Board did set the regular meeting of the Board to ~ be held on August 26, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public heaDng on the aforesaid proposal to amend said County Zoning Ordina.'lc:e and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, c. newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virgini.a, for two (2) insertions on the 13th day of August 1970 and on the 20th day of August 1970, as required by order of this Board, and in accord with the provis,ions of the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia (1950) as amended; <Lnd, 243 . "..---...'--"-"'-~.'--'-'-- .",..,.,.-.. -.. " I 'i ~);)"'11 t Jf I &d:ri( ",J J: 7J" I t>f-'r:, ',i It- '1<( ~J"C:> ! Crti p\? ici~lIA ) it/'^"~~..I ! j.P"" /" [I ..;71 iV' /' 244 8/26/70 ,....-_----,_ ,-...,-~="""-,..._-o----,-......,.-,,-...,..-.,~--...,..........."~----~-'- --,- -, -..- --,-----,-".----,-.---.-. -,.-----...,..-,---.. -_.._----.- ..--- ',-' - - - - ," _____.__.'.__ ________.,.__.. .______ '_n_ _'0' . WHEREAS, the Beard of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, did have a public hearing on the merits touching the petition herein for rezoning of the , hereinafter described property from Residential (R-l) to Residential (R-3) as : heretofore requested in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at this meeting of the Board of "Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 26th day of August, 1970, that ;! the said County zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended, so ..s to I classify and zone the property described in said petition as Residential (R-3) and, The property hereby reclassified is more particularly described a:s follows: 'I II :1 i: I Beginning at an iron stake on the new south right-of-way line of Virginia Highway No. 117 (Peters Creek Road) a corner to the Southview Methodist Church property; thence leaving Virginia Highway No. 117 and with the line of Southview Methodist Church, S. 290 35' E., 647.18 feet to an iron stake on the east side of a fence 90st, a corner to lots 31 and 32 in the boundary of Southview Addition Sub- division; thence with the lines of said Subdivision S. 620 51' w., 279.70 feet to a fence post corner; thence N. 260 05' w., 577.73 feet to an iron stake in the south right-of-way line of Virginia High- way No. 117; thence along the new-right-of-way line N. 460 55' E., 251.09 feet to the point of Beginning, containing 3.668 Acres as shown on plat made by David Dick and Harry A. Wall, Civil Engineers and Surveyors, dated July 23, 1969. It is further resol~ad and ordered that the Clerk of this Board forthwith copy of this resolution to John L. Apostolou, attorney' for the Petitioners. The foregoing recommendation was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. 'I Thomas and seconded by L. Earl Simms, and voted as f~llows: ~ ! ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston " 'I I! NAYS: Lee B. Eddy I Charles H. Osterhoudt. A substitute motion offered by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy to defer the decision on the foregoing matter until the September 9, 1970 meeting of l:his Board died for of a second. Attorney John L. Apostolou appeared on behalf of the Pet:,tioner i.n the foregoing rezoning matter. Mr. Mason Littrell supported the re::oning. Miss Ruth McCray appeared in opposition to the rezoning l'equest. OF ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER I v IN RE: ZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE OF RE-LOCATED VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 116, 1.15 acs., more or less ROBERT L. MILEY At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Coun'ty, Virginia, held I at the Courthouse on July 22, 1970. WHEREAS, Robert L. Miley petitioned this Board and reque;sted 'c.hat the county zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain prope~ty described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified as "Business B-3" prOi?erty, which peti- tion was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on July 22, 1970, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Vi.rginia; and, forth- 8/';> 'd /r Cft$~" 'j~1 I $ ~ ' '^ f:.) '.J~/..I"- ~c<.'::) e:.-,,,,n'-. ~_l,:",''!p /i~'" .]1 I ';,t. '.\.. -~ ....1 , ,~.\ . ~v- '...J ~-,-- pt.ol-.,l4' . .---.'}'\..../, "",r '7' }l/ft't ()tt. r" '/ 8/26/70 Ii ,r Ii on " WHEREAS, said Planning Commission, by a resolution adopted at a meeting held the 18th day of August, 1970, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of iI :i said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) i; So as ;: be amended/to change the classification of the property described in thn petition - j: !: to II Business B-3" property; and, j.~~ , WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its ol.:'der entered ij :1 on the 22nd day of July, 1970, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, '.... Ii '; upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forth~7ith set ii the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special " meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication ~n accordance with t.",.' " , , the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) and the Code of Virginia; and, ;i Ii " to !i WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of the Board be held on the 26th day of August, 1970, at 7:30 P.M., as the date and time iI for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zoning :1 Ordiance (1970) and advertised the same by a notice duly published in The Roanoke I Times and The Roanoke-World News, newspapers having general circulation in the " " Ii County of Roanoke, Virginia, for two insertions on August 13 and A~gust 20, 1970, , as required by said order of this Board, and in accordance with the provisions :, i: of l' ,I " ,I the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amend- r.::l :i II ment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) by this Board, after notice thereof !I was duly publiShed, as aforesaid; and, ; , I',... WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition ;: and to said recommendation of the Planning CoIlllllission, and after hearing evidence !i :: tOUching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970), being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) should be amended as requested in said petition, and as recommended by said Planning CoIlllllis- sion. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board , " Ii of Supervisors of Poanoke County, Virginia, held on the 26th day of August, i: 1970, the said County Zoning Ordinance be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as "Business B-3" property in order that said prop'erty may be used for "Business B-3" purposes as defined by ..q said County Zoning Ordinance (1970). . \ , ! - The property hereby classified as "Business B-3" property is more particu- larly described as follows, to-wit: "'1 Containing 1.15 acres, more or less, situate on the east side of re-located Virginia Highway 116, in the County of Roanoke, Virginia as is more particularly described in the petition filed herein, with the petition of Robert L. Miley to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia, on July 22, 1970. .-; IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall with certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning CoIlllllission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to Richard S. Tilley, Attorney for the petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and on the recorded vote, the 245 246 8/26/70 , ---,-,--. c:....=-_;.;;__-;_._=..:::-=~==-=- " :; Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Attorney Richard S. Tilley appeared to represent the petitioner in the for~going matter. I There was no opposition. IN RE: REZONING OF THAT CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND LOCATED ) ON THE WEST SIDE OF PETERS CREEK ROAD, STATE ) ROUTE 117, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, AND BEING ) IESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ) ON THE WEST SIDE OF PETERS CREEK ROAD, VIRGINIA ) ROUTE 117, WHICH POINT IS 43 FEET W. OF THE CENTER ) OF THE WESTBOUND LANE OF ROUTE 117, 211iD THE PRESENT ) CORNER OF LOTS 1 AND 2, ACCORDING TO A MAP OF OLD ) GARST DAIRY FARM, THENCE WITH THE WEST SIDE OF PETERS ) CREEK ROAD AS NOW LOCATED, N. So 6' E. AN ARC ) DISTANCE OF 178.52 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT; ) THENCE CONTINUING WITH THE WEST SIDE OF SAID ROAD, ) N. 30 58' 20" E. 19.11 feet to an iron, corner ) TO PROPERTY OF J. S. SHOWALTER, DEED BOOK 50, PAGE ) 383; THENCE WITH THE SAME, S. 660 58' W. 361.08 ) FEET TO AN OLD IRON PIPE, CORNER TO LOT 2 AFORESAID; ) THENCE WITH THE DIVIDING LINE BETWEEN LOTS 1 AND 2, ) S. 800 00' E. 320 FEET TO THE BEGINNING; BEING A ) TRIANGULAR TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND AND ALL OF LOT ) 1, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF OLD GARST DAIRY FARM, ) OF RECORD IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT ) OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE ) 310. ) I FINAL ORDER The property of: Ralph A. Richardson and Lorraine W. Richardson, tenants in common I WHEREAS, Ralph A. Richardson and Lorraine W. Richardson, by th"ir attorney, did on August 14 1970, petition the Board of Supervisors of ROiJ1oke c,:unty, Virginia, li to amend the County Zoning Ordinances so as to provide that certain pl'.:>perty :: described in said peition, now classified as Business B-2, be reclassified and rezoned as Business District B-3; and, WHEREAS, as required by the Code of Virginia and more especially as required by Section 15.1-431 and Section 15.1-493 of Said Code, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinances, and said Code of Virginia, the Planning Commission of Roanoke Co~ty, Virginia, did hold a public hearing on the aforesaid matter on August 18, 1970, anddld by resolution adopted at said meeting, recommend to the Board of Supervisors of said County ,that. said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change the classification ,~f the pro- I perty herein described from business B-2 to Business District B-3; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of said County, did by its re,solution adopted on August 12, 1970 order the Clerk of this Board of Supervisors, upon receipt of said reccmmendation from said Planning Commission, to forthwith set I down for a public hearing at a regular meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held, on August 26, 1970 and to give notice thereof, through publication, in accordance with the provisions of said County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia, as amended to date; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on August 26, 1970, at 7:30 o'clock ~.m., as the date and time 248 i;" ?: Jf3V/I,1 \.,yrul' " ~i~( ~#~~' y" 8/26/70 ;1 :! for a Special Use Permit for property owned by them and situat,~ on the northerly : side of Route 117, Roanoke County, Virginia; and WHEREAS, the petition was referred to the Planning CommLssion of Roanoke '; County; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, aft,~r due advertisement, :: ,; considered the petition at a meeting held on the 18th day of A'"gUSt, 1970, and .' after hearing evidence touched on the merits of the petition, the Planning Commis- " sion recommended that the Special Use Permit should be granted, and said Planning :: Commission of Roanoke County has certified to the Board, a copy of the resolution " duly adopted by the commission which said resolution recomm.;nded that the said I I :' Special Use Permit be granted for a period of two years, and; WHEREAS, a special hearing wa" this jay had on the prop"sed amendment after notice thereof was duly published, as required by law, in a ne'.spaper having general '; circulation in Roanoke County, and as required by Section 15-846 of the Code of , Virginia, and duly certified by publiSher of said paper, and t:~is Board duly " , having II considered the same, it is accordingly hereby ORDERED that the County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended, to permit the S]?';cial Use of a on i retail boat sales/lot 12, Block 7, Section 2, Map of Starmount Subdi~~sion, said map being made by David Dick, S.C:E., dated September 15, 1954, and recorded in the Roanoke County Circuit Court Clerk I s Office in Plat Book 3, page 135; with the :i exception of that part of Lot 12,Block 7, Section 2, map of Starmount Subdivision which was conveyed by the petitioners herein to Ruby C. Wilkerson, by deed dated I June 28, 1968, said deed recorded in the aforesaid Clerk's Offi=e in Deed Book 857, page 693. It is further ORDERED that said Special Use Permit,e gra.1ted for a period of two years. It is further ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forth- with certify copies of this Order to the Secretary of the County Planning Commis- sion, and to any other parties in interest desiring a copy thereof. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by SlJpervisor L. Earl SiIllllls. Adopted by the following votes: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and L.8arl Si:nuns. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Attorney Charles B. Phillips appeared to represent the Petitioners in the I foregoing matter. consideration of The Vice-Chairman announced that/the Petition of Douglas N. & Jeanne P. I Hudson for rezoning from M-2 to R-4 of 24.83 acres west of Salem between old Virginian Railroad tracks and State Route 639 (River Road) so a trailer park may be developed thereon was being continued at the request of the attorney; also, the Petition of Sinclair Burks for rezoning from RE to R-3 of 5 acres on State Route 777 north of Interstate 81 at Glenvar so apartments may be built there, was being continued to the Sep~ember 23 meeting of this Board at the request of the attorney. 8/26/70 .... il IN RE: PRINTING OF THE 1969BSCHOOL BOND SERIES I' The COIlllllOnwealth' s Attorney gave a report on the bids rec:eived on printing 'I of the 1969BSchool Bond Series. The bids received were from NClrthern Hank Note ii :i Company, Cicero, Illinois in the amount of $624, Federated Ban}~ote Company, ;: ;) New York for $1,260, Security-Columbian Banknote Company, New York for $883. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved the acceptance of the :i.ow bid of Northern I' Bank Note Company, Cicero, Illinois in the amount of $624, seconded by Supervisor !: L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: ii ;: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. buddleston ;i NAYS: None. II , I ii ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. " I, , I, I......' - ~., , On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. ii Eddy and adopted by the following recorded vote: it I: BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ViJrginia, that )i the adoption by the Board of Supervisors on August 11, 1970, of the resolution " Ii entitled: Ii 'I I, Ii " "A RESOLUTION AWARDING $7,900,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIES 1969B, OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA." - ii is hereby ratified, validated and confirmed. , I! AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston " ..... i NAYS: II I' Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. " ABSENT: IN RE: LAW ENFORCEMENT RECIPROCAL AID AGREEMENT Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Commonwealth's Attornl~y and the Sh~riff be given permission to meet and discuss with the various Roanoke Valley governments with regard to a law enforcement reciprocal aid agJreement ,and further to give a report at the next meeting of the Board of Superviso;rs. T~e motion was recorded vote. " I, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the following I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SillUllS and A. T. Huddleston. NAYS: None ".,.... ~ ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. - IN RE: MATCHING FEDERAL FUNDS FOR CLEARBROOK FIRST AID & RESCUE SQUAD !~;1 i Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the request of the Roanoke County Highway ! - Safety Commission and Clearbrook First Aid and Rescue Squad for Federal matching funds for purchasing equipment in the amount of $5,409.33 with the Board of Supervisors bearing one-half the cost be approved as recommended by the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote. 'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. '1'. Huddleston NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. 249 " W Ii 1 I.,: \~1 . ,," - :1 I) ,I if /' :it .... ~ i~ Ij:jJf ~.~ .i ~v .l.JJ ,:~VO ?'/;).9,ho ~k "t AL n, ..e.] "\<2.-0,&" ' rA'l' ~~~. ~'~1~ {2c~ ' ~~ 8/26/70 253 ,- i: :1 This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and ,: 'i upon the application for Ranch Road, extension of Route 823 - 0.06 mile to be ii accepted and made a part of the secondary system of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a SO-foot right of i!way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known - :: i' as John D. Bo~nan, which map was recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 181, of the records Ii I' of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on 9/26/55, ii " ;1 and that by reason of the recordation of sai~ map no report from a Board of , j'viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abuoting property owners: -gj;;;. 0/7 Q :i is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage: 1'~ 't NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Ranch Road, extensiDn'~:" :' of Route 823 - 0.06 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch accompanying this ii order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part i: ii of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl I'~ , ,......:, " i Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: " " Ii AYES: I' " " i! NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Hujdleston None. i: Ii ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. . The following items were this day received and filed on motion of Super- visor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote :: of the members present, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt being absent: dated 8/10/70 Two letters/from M. Caldwell Butler in reo applications of Craighead Water Company and Ridgewood Heights Water Company for increase in rates; 'Copy of letter dated 8/7/70 of State Compensation Board to Commissioner of the Revenue in reo July expense voucher; Statement of offic~ & travel expense incurred by the Sheriff & Deputies during July; Copy of letter of 8/7/70 from Roanoke City Clerk to Chairman of Roanoke City Sewer Committee in reo Committee's report to City Council reo meetings with representatives from other Valley governments; Copy of letter from Roanoke City Clerk of 8/6/70 to City Manager in reo change in the City's offer to accept additional wastes from two areas in Roanoke County; , Report of State Division of Forestry on fiscal matters for period 7/1/69 through 6/30/70; Vinton Chamber of Commerce Newsletter; """ ,.",t .... IN RE: RESIGNATION OF MR. PAUL HAYES FROM JAIL STUDY COMMITTEE from the Jail Study Committee was accepted with Board of Supervisors directed to write a letter regret and the Chairman to Mr. Hayes of appreciation/for his of the Thomas, j\<t JJ4^- f~ 'V:.f'1' '1 ~ '1~8/76 On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor .Joseph C. '-I , I ....J and adopted by the following recorded vote, the resignation of Mr. E. Paul Hayes service. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. IN RE: REDISTRICTING 254 8/26/70 dated August 13, 1970 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Memorandum/from the Commonwealth's Attorney be received and filed and the Board express appreciation to the Common- wealth's Attorney for advising us on this matter and suggest that the question of whether or not the Board of Supervisors pursue this be placeion the agenda for discussion on September 9, 1970. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddl"ston NAYS: None. I :' ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy and the unanimous vote of the board members present, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt being absent, the following items were this day received and filed. Letter (copy) dated 8/13/70 to Sheriff O. S. Faster frorr, Dept. of Welfare & Institutions in reo inspection of county jail on 8/11/70; i Statement of Assessed values of public serv!.ce corporations in State of Virginia as of 1/1/70, Copy of Va. Contractors' Registration Law & Rules & Reg1.:,lations relating , to the regulation of the practice of contracting in. Virgin'ca; . Sheriff's summary Statement of Prisoner Days served in Co. jail. in July 1970; Treasurer's Settlement of Accounts for year ending 6/30/70; PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Jos,~ph C. I Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote the payrolls (Semi-monthly dated ,; Augus<: '14, 1970, Daily/Hourly dated August 19, 1970) were approved for payment / in the gross amount of $53,930.15 from which the sum of $2,448,36 FICA, $6,045.01 ~"-o ~~ .).~ ~//\ ~~. c:;o' / .-~' F.I.T., $990.34 State Tax, $16.00 Uniforms, $1,099.00 Blue Cross, $1,708.24 Retire- ment, $601.68 Miscellaneous Expenses was deducted leaving a ne\; payroll of $41,021.52. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote, the current bills in the amount of $24,093.22 and the bills paid since last Board meeting in the amount of $71,479.55 were approved for payment presently and retro-actively. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si~~s and A. T. ~uddleston NAYS: None. I ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the Boar~ approved payment of the premiums on accidental death and false arrest insurance and membership dues in the ~otal amount of $1,927.50 to the National Sheriff's Association. AYES: 'Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt 257 .'."'-- "'"'"'.~.-"""~.'-""-.""_~ -.-~='" ""C-== """'","_C'-' ""-,...-,,.c-.' .' -~ *. ,..-",....~.~..__=-.,,-~ -",..._...,..-c._"".,....-=~...--.---=="""=" -. II ii i I I I ;I " 'I !i " Ii The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke Count.y Courthouse in the I~ounty Courtroom thereof, Salem, Virginia, being the second Wedl1,esday and the first liregular meeting of the month. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Charle,s H. Osterhnudt, " " i~ice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas ~,d L. Earl Simms. I' liThe Executive Officer ana Assistant, Mr. Paul B. Matthews and Mr'. Maurice Mitchell, irespectively, were also present. il I ~ " I' ,I Ii Ii Ii !,by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, led in the pledge of allegiance which was given in i; , . runJ.son to the flag. Ii I' ,I ii !i On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supe,rvisor Joseph C. liThomas, and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the minuter: of the ]<ugust 26, 1[1970' meeting of this Board were approved as corrected. ,I Ii II I, " ii i: ii ,I !'the 'I ,bicycle which ___._ .. - '._. ._. ._ - .... . ___ ._n __.__~_..__u~_ --~.~.-.~- u._________._._..._ ----.-----.-..-..----.-. ---- :i- " I " II ii :j :i 'i " i' 'I !i il ;i Ii " Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, virginia September 9, 1970 2:00 P.M. -. / -. ~ " The Chairman called the meeting to order and, following the invocation offered! :1 Ii II II ii :, " il; :i ii ~ , :1 . ' WHEREAS, Section 15.1-133 of the 1950 Code of Virginia spe,cifically authorJ.Zes,1 governing body of any county to provide by ordinance for thE' public ,;ale of any il " ,; ,I ;1 '1 ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SALE OF UNCLAIMED BICYCLES v as been in the possession of the Sheriff's DeparC1Emt, unc)iimed, for than thirty (30) days; and i;more Ii 1! Ii WHEREAS , " !,Virginia, at a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, ii i;was 1: II and !i ii motion I' . il passed by said Board moving the adoption of the aforementioned Count:r ordJ.nance, ii further moving that the notice of the intention of said Boal:d to adopt such ordinance held at the COllrthouse thereof on Wednesday, August l;!, 197Q, a ._, !be published as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 oj: the 1951) Code of Vir- L,rinia, as amended, in an appropriate newspaper; and ji - ,I I,week for two (2) successive weeks, namely August 19, 1970, and llugust 26" 1970, " " I'in The World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in thEl County ()f Roanoke, I, i' iivirginia, and on August 19, 1970, and August 26, 1970, in The V:Lnton Mesllenger, Ii Ii a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and was also published at the f"ont door 'I " I': of the Roanoke County Courthouse; and ,I WHEREAS, a public hearing was held on adoption of such ordinance a': a regular " '1 II meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, at the C()urthouse thereof on 'I I ilWednesday, September 9, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.; li 'I II !i ::Virginia, that the following ordinance be adopted: :1 WHEREAS, notice of intention to adopt such ordinance was published once a , i - :] ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisor,; of Roanl~ke County, ,:TITLE: "An Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Unclaimed Bicycles 9/9/70 -- .--..-- -- - -. - -- .-.... -. .-..-.---. --. .............. - ......- .-..-- .-. -.------......-. ..._-.._--.-_.... ...........--. .--.- ----. .___..___. ._._.____._..__.n.__ ._.._.._.__.___. .__.__. _ _..._.___~_ _.__ ._._..___._._._. ___ ___..._ __.u.________ fi '; the. I 'I any !! WHEREAS, Section 15.1-133 of the 1950 Code of Virginia specifically authorizes I governing body of any county to provide by ordinance for the public sale of ii 'i bicycle which has been in the possession of the Sheriff's Department, unclaimed;' :1 for more than thirty (30) days; :1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: 1. That all abandoned bicycles which have been turned over to or recovered " ;iby the Sheriff's Department of Roanoke County and which have remained ih the posses~ 'I II of the Sheriff's Department, unclaimed, for more than thirty (30) days from the ;1 sion 'i :i date such bicycle or bicycles were first taken into possession by the Sheriff's '1 Department shall be il of which sale shall :1 sold at a public sale, advertised accordin9 to law, the be deposited in the General Fund of Roanoke, County. proceeds Ii I! 2. This ordinance shall take effect as of the first day of October, 1970." Publication and Effective Date: The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed I' I; cause this ordinance to be published as provided by Section 15.1-504 of the Code II Virginia of 1950, as amended to date, once a week for two (2) successive weeks il Ii :! I The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, Virginia, and The World-News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, Virginfa. effective date of this ordinance shall be October 1, 1970. Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl " 'I :1 SiIlllllS, ~ i II II AYES: :1 :i ! and adopted by the following recorded vote: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Charles H. Osterhoudt, Lee B. Eddy and Joseph C. Thomas. .i t, " " NAYS: , II :1 None. The Commonwealth's Attorney's wri,.;ten report of SeptembeI' 9, 1970, regarding ~ i the following four matters is filed with the minutes of this meeting: (1) Justified Ii tl ~ I ii Ii and Humane' Disposal '! County's dog law in of Animals, indicating no further amendment.s are possible to the I' this regard; (2) taw Enforcement Reciprocal Aid Agreement, indi~ , II j: Ii II I' i: a check was II ji , " !! :1 :' cating a meeting of the authorized representatives of the governments will be held " 'j in near future; (3) ,l'curfew Ordinance for Ii ,I 1 for County; and 'I Juveniles; submitting proposed ordinance (4) Possible Adoption of Model Traffic Code, ir,dicating :i being made with Michie Co. on this matter and advising a full I'eport will be made I il on this at next Board meeting. 'I 'I 'I I ,i IN RE: COUNTY FLEET INSURANCE '0;0 ~ i Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of SuperviEiors acoept the bid of Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, Inc. for the Roanoke County Fleet Imiurance based upon utilizing the Iowa National Insurance Company as outlined in Mr. Andrelis' letter of September 2, 1970. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which cal:ried by the follow- , ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. II II II II il I I Ii II I, I, I[ II Ii " , Ii " I I I ~_~_~~..C_~ ~---:i c.c,~._.___ _.__.._._.._~..~c~~c_.~..~ C'C.,'.._. ,,--, .... II 'I Ii bid of 9/8/70 are filed with the minutes of this meeting. :: II I: Ii I. I! :i ]1 " , iI Ii I: Ii Ii of the Code of Vicginia, as amended, has authority to adopt such measures as it !i may deem expedient to promot'i! the health, safety and general welfare of the inhabi- Ii I: Ii tants of Roanoke County, not inconsistent with the general laws of the State of Ii ,I ,j Virginia; and !I il " :1 the establishment of a curfe'li for certain minors is necessary to promote the , ii 'I !: health, safety and general welfare of the ;! I: , iI II Supervisors of Roanoke Count~ to be held October 14, 1970, at 2:00 P.H., at the !i Roanoke County Cburthouse, the Board of Supervisors will hold i'\ public hearing at ii Ii . ilwhJ.ch time it will move the passage of the following ordinance: I! il TITLE: "An Ordinance Establishing a Curfew For Certain Minors ii I I " il of the Code of ii deem expedient 'i I, f II 0 Roanoke I I' Ii and , - ,.,..,,--1 - ~..., - - 259 .-.7.._-.,....~-. -._'"'.__ .".......,..-....-,".,,,.-,.,,,,. """,=",_"",''''''-'''''''''''~.''''''' -7."..".._..".",,..,....,...,.,,,.,....,.,,..,.......,,,,..,.,.~..., .-- ~ I,,!, Goodwin-Andrew-Bryan,Inc.'s letter of 9/2/70 and Nationwide Insurance Co.'s NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A CURFEW FOR CERTAIN MINORS AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON !i :1.,/ ;1 Ii " " !I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pursuant to Section 15.1-510 WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED citizens of Roanoke at that/a regular County; meeting of the Beard of WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, pw:suant t,Q Section 15.1-510 II Virginia, as amended, has authority to adopt suc:h meaS\:ires as it may 'I :, to promote the health, safety and general welfaJ,e of the inhabitants i! ii " County, not inconsistent with the general laws of the State, of Virginia; :1 " :1 WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is of i:he opir.,ion that the " F establishment of a curfew for certain minors is necessary to promct~ the health, ii ;I safety and general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; ii I: It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of eighteen years to II ,I idle, wander, stroll or play in or upon the public streets, hi'lhways, alleys, parks, :! I' :1 playgrounds or other public grounds, public places and public buildingrs, places of :1 !: amusement and entertainment, vacant lots or other unsupervised places between I Ii the hours of 10: 00 P.M. and 5: 00 A.M. of the following day, ofl:icial county time; " II provided, however, that the provisions of this section do not apply to a minor I: Ii accompanied by his parent" guardian or other adult person having the care and custody II ii :Iof the minor; or where the minor is upon an emergency errand OJ, legitimate business " ;1 'i directed by his parent, guardian or other adult person having i:he care and II ii custody of the minor; or where the minor is in attendance at Ol: is participating in Ii II sports, theatrical or other recreational activities not promot,~d or conducted for I Ii private gain but constantly and directly supervised by one or more adults; or where " :j I ,I I 'i Curfew I ,'-.. ! - :1 ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: for Minors ii loi ter ;' " :1 the minor is in attendance at places of amusement, if the ente:,tainment thereat is II Ii censored by an authorized governmental agency, or where one or more police officers I, " " are in regular attendance throughout the period of entertainmellt or performance. Each violation of this Slction shall constitute a separa'~e offense. il Responsibility 'I I' i I' .! of parents, etc. I! It shall be unlawful for the parent" guardian or other adult pel:son having Ii I' .I Ii minor to loiter, idle, wander, stroll or play in or upon the public streets, highways, Ii " i: buildings, places of amusement and entertainment, vacant lots or other unsupervised 260 9/9/70 -.~-~.,._------- .......-_..~... .. .-.' __'___,~'~__'m_ _ ._._____ _ _'_.__..___.~. the care and custody of a minor under the age of eighteen years to penlit such alleys, parks, playgrounds 0;': other public grounds, public places and public places between the hours of 10:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.M. of the following day, official county time; provided, however, that the provisions of this section do not apply the care and custody of the minor; or legitimate business directed by other adult person having Ii l! is upon an emergency errand to a minor accompanied by his or her parent, guardian or or where the minor or her hislparent, guardian or other adult person having the care and custody of the minor; or where the minor is in attendance at or i! is participating in sports, theatrical or other recreational ac:ti vi ties not promoted or conducted for private gain, but constantly and directly supe:rvised by one or more adults; or where the minor is in attendance at places of cJllusement, if the entertainment thereat is censored by an authorized governmental agency, or where one or more police officers are in regular attendance through c>ut the period of entertainment or performance. Each violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense. Duties of police. Whenever any police officer or other officer charged wi1~ the duty of enforcing the ordinances of the county discovers or has his attention called to I' fact that any such minor is in or upon the public streets, highways, alleys, parks, playgrounds or other public grounds, public places and public buildings, places of i( " amusement and entertainment, vacant lots or other unsupervised places between the I: , I: times of night mentioned in the section entitled Curfew for Minors in this ordinance, and that such minor is not accompanied by his paren't, guardian or other adult having the care and custody of the minor, such officer shall make an immediate investigation, including the questioning of the mino:c if feasible for or upon the purpose of ascertaining whether or not the presence of SUC;,1 minor in/any of such places is not prOhibited by the provisions of the section entitled Curfew for Minors in this ordinance. If the investigation satisfies the officer that 'f the presence of such minor in or upon such place or places is :?rohibited by the provisions of the section entitled Curfew for Minors in this ocdinance, the officer :1 shall cause a report thereof to be made to the Judge of the Ju...enile' Q,nd Domestic I, Relations court. Penalties. Any minor under the age of eighteen years violating the provisi,ons of the section entitled Curfew for Minors in this ordinance, upon con...iction therefor, shall be dealt, wit.h in accordance with juvenile court law and procedtlre as pre- scribed by the various acts of the General Assembly of Virginia and bI' future amendments thereof, and upon conviction therefor such minor may be sentenced to receive such punishment as may be permissible under the juvenile laws of the State, or any amendments thereof. Any parent, guardian or other adult person, having the' care and custody of a minor, violating the provisions of the section entitled Responsibility of Parents, Etc., in this ordinance, upon a conviction therefor, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or ccmfined in I u " I, " I :[ :i Ii I: ;i ;i " ii II ii H " , i: H ii Ii " " i! " :i the I I I 262 '9/9/70 .. ___-__=---_...---,..----".,-_=~__,_;_-~--.,""'~.,.___,......,""_..,.,_---~~..,---:-'~,......,-~ ._,.__._,....'oo_._..___,.---,-.-,----_-...--.----,.--c--.--.., .-,......,--,.......,.~,.~,.-,---.-.,..."....,.,.___:_-....,...-..--''''-.,....-"............."..,.."..~ . _ . ____~_. __,'_." ._.._.,.___... ... .._.___. .'_____ _ ._ _ .0. _. _ _ _...._.. _ u ,___".. __.. .. __ _._ _.. ___..u _ ___. __+____ ___..__ ._~____~_~___.__ ___ _~___.. ___________.. ._______n__..._._.. __U ;.:;;;=_,-_-;..;~,:.:o;_:o~.:.:;.._"_"'_~=~..c.;..-.::....,=-_. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisc.r A. T. Huddleston ~~-'l~. ': and the following vote, the petition of Marvin R. Chattin for x'E,zoning of his 0\ ~~0/~property near Starkey from Residential R-l to Business B-1 to PE,rmit the use of ii ~ V..' :1 said property for a coin operated laundry, or store among other permitted uses, !i ~ :,1,' was this day referred to the Roanoke County planning Commission for their recommenda"0 :,' tion back to this Board. :' ,: '~ . ;1 AYES: All II J( ()) ~~ .1 NAYS: Non<e. ii 'I' II ~~'\I !i " I A petition froll! .residents of Manor Street and Brookside North Apartments , ,/ :i in reo unpaved extension of Green.ray Drive was this day laid before and filed with ,i if this Board. ,! The Executive Officer advised the Board this matter is bei,,ng handled by il requesting the Virginia Department of Highways to accept the road into the 'i Secondary System of Highways. ,I The Executive Officer was then requested to so inform the petitioners. :; I , )1 'I Commerce ii I' 'i a report !: Consideration of continuing membership in the Virginia St<Lte Chanlber of If ii , " Ii il by the Executive Officer as to the Board' s action On the matte:!: last year :i ii ii i )i I' ii ,i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the letter dated August 25, 1970, from'l ~~ :1 Attorney Morton Honeyman of Roanoke,Virginia, with reference to the Engineering .~ ~ .,/ Report obtained by Martin Bros. Contractors, relating to the ro()f at the Civic ~'~1t> ,; Center, be received and filed and that the Chairman "f the Board of Supervisors ~\,~ respond to the letter. Supervisor Joseph C. '!'~lomas seconded the motion which carJ:ied by the following was continued to the September 23, 1970, meeting of thi.s Board pending ,I and whether the membership cost the same. recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl SillllllS, A. T. Hudd:,eston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. On motion of supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by SupBrvisor L. Earl ! Simms and the fOllowing recorded vote, the County Executive Officer was directed ,/, V1()' to contact the consultant regarding the roof at the Civic Cente:~. \~ l(~'~, AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. \ \) : NAYS: None. . ! ABSTAINED: Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Chairman of the Boa,rd of Supervisors authorized to appoint two (2) members to serve on a conunittel; to work with ;;. I I I I I 9/9/70 - 'C_Cr~~O"'C _,.....CC..~~"" ..,..".'......, ",..".. m'~" ,... [I like cOIlllllittee of the City of Salem to prepare specifications f,)r the receipt of ,I tlbidS for insurance for the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center and furthermore said Iii committee consult with the Civic Center Commission or designated members thereof !concerning said insurance. " Ii Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which car:cied by the following 'I ii recorded vote: I' il ijAYES: II !',.,." Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston a:I1,d Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~ il Ii NAYS: None. ii II Thereafter the Chairman appointed the County Executive Of:Eicer to serve :; I, I' along with him on the above-mentioned committee of two. Ii " il !i ii II " " " " I, . Ii S:unms and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors approved the pay- Ii liment to the Salem Roanoke Valley civic Center Commission the amount of $2,500.00 as " II its share of capital improvement items paid for out of the operating funds of the Ii Civic Center. " I' !IAYEs: II 'I !: NAYS: A. T. Huddleston ii t""l'!1 On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by SupE~rvisor L. Earl Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. The Civic Center Commission's letter 0:': 8/21/70 requestin9 this payment is . - Ii filed with the minutes of this meeting. :! I' II 'I Ii " II I' ,! be authorized to appoint an advisory I! plan for redistricting the county. i! " il Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which car:cied by the , Ii recorded vot.e: ii il AYES: Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Chairman of thE! Board of Supervisors !i cOIlllllittee to advise the Board on a possible !i following Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,...... " ;i NAYS: None. ii !i The Chairman asked the other members of the Board to consider and recommend " Ii to him wi thin the next few days a citizen I S name from each of their respective Ii !! magisterial districts to serve on the above-mentioned advisory committee. I - J On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. !i 'i Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following items were this " " " Ii day received and filed: " i! Ii Ii :i ii ii :i ,I :1 I' i! 'I ii ii II I' Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in Co. Jail during August, 1970;/ Bulletin from State Dept. of Mental Hygiene & Hospitals reo approval of funds for Roanoke Valley community Mental Health & Mental Retarda-' tion Services Eoard; Letter from Governor's Office approving highway safety program submitted/ by Roanoke County's Highway Safety commission; Statement of Division of Motor Vehicles reo chauffeur license fee waiver'" for government employees; Highway Dept. ,'s letter listing rural addition streets recommended for./ acceptance into the Secondary System; 263 -- j: :i :[ " , 'i il II i 'i I' ,,~qJ'~ [1" ;J;' :i~- ;' " " i~ ~d- ~ ~ ' , " Ii ,/ - ,.". ~""'-..-....._-----~-~...--.......~.-------."'-_....-~- . 264 9/9/70 ~_.~_~,....---~.,---_--,.--,..-.,--..,,-,," -.o_--,-.,........--.-".--,--;-----.-...,-'".~~........,-..-..,_.;_.,.-...---.,,__.-'.._ Financial Report of Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, ~Iuly 31, 1970 Treasurer's Report, spread as follows: :1 At the close of business August 31, 1970, there was to the credit of the following: I; ;, 'I General Revenue Fund - Available Cash "I Dog Fund - Available Cash :, School Construction Fund - Available Cash :! School Textbook Fund - Available Cash :! School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash :1 Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash ; Library Construction Fund - Available Cash :! Parks & Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash ',F.I.C.A. - Available Cash , Retirement Fund - Available Cash :, Deferred Credit - Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer !i r James E. Peters ;1 " ; Financial Statement 'I ,I Treasure..: 's. Working Fund ,I Farmers NatJ.onal Bank :i Escrow - $3,386,000.0'0 :i Bank of Virginia of the Southwest :i Escrow - $3,170,000.00 ! Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Federal Programs Fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Building Bond Account r: Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Textbook Fund ,I Colonial-American National Bank " : "TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: ;1 i Certificates of Deposit - School Construction II :1 ,: Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank Certificates of Deposit - Library Construction '! First National Exchange Bank " " Ii r :1 , Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation Construction Mountain Trust Bank Certificates of Deposit - Savings - General Revenue Farmers National Bank Bank of Virginia of the Southwest /s/ Respectfully submitted, Kathryn F. Garst DB Kathryn F. Garst Treasurer Roanoke County " .; COUNTY PAYROLLS 528,340.85 6,693.31 617,006.36 5,026.03 21,523.68 3,429.67 ,33,787.61 44,858.57 13,451. 67 .10 29.46 62.54 $T;2'74,209.85 I $ I $ 2,000.00 36,204.92 1,lBl,585.00 3,429.67 9,176.23 360.00 5,026.03 36,428.00 f 1,274,209.85 $ 900,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,150,000.00 750,000.00 1,200,000.00 $'"6;'200,000.00 I $ 550,000.00 $ 250,000.00 $ 300,000.00 200,000.00 ~00,000.00 I On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, ~ 't~ ~~ $\ o and on the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (DailyjHourly dated I 9/2/70; Semi-Monthly date 8/28/70) were approved for payment in the gross amount / ~ from which the sum of $2,058.14 F.I.C.A. Tax; $5,175.72 W.H. Tax; .". .'. ",. Income Tax; $8.00 Uniforms; $12.00-Accounts Insurance; $405.50 Blue of $46,031. 65 ./ $839.41 State " , Cross Insurance; $60.61 Retirement; and $245.90 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $37,226.37. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. il I, il I! II I: / Ii 11 This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and 1: I' , upon the application for Meadowcrest Street from Magnolia Road to McKinney Street Ii 'I'i,! (Rt. 1853) _ 0.32 Ii,! 9- 10.-.7 0 ~ , mile to Le accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of '~~ Iii State Highways. !!~, ~~. ,I It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a :,O-foot right of [I. ~?" :1 way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map ii~ j, . II Ilknawn as Petty Acres '7, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the II Ii records of the Clerk I s Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke CClunty, Virginia, on II I ' , Ii 3/19/69 and that by reason of the recordation of said map no rE:port from a Board !i 11 (rom the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees s~d ii of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way/and right for drainage. :1 II I' ,I II il Ii on a certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is I, Ii Ii 'I Roanoke County. I; II I Eddy and the following vote: , I ,I AYES: " if I! NAYS: None. Ii II I, II 'I !i Board of Supervisor II vs I The Public and the State Highway :1 commission of Virginia II This matter came on this day to be heard upon the procee,jings herein, Ii and upon the application for Verndale Drive from Meadowcrest Street to Halcun I' :i Drive - 0.15 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State i! II Highways. II " " Ii !j II of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map " II II known as Petty Acres t7, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 30, of the I' ,I ,i records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on I! ;i [, 3-19-69, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no Ieport from a Board Ii 'I I, Ii il " II I' :1 " 1 9/9/70 __ ::::-':;--==~~_~-:~=:-~:=:=';:-~'~~~~~~':~~~:c=.~.,..::.~~-=:~~~~~:~~~:_=-~=:,.2~~'=2.~"",:c-~,.~=;~~,.~~-.,~,~~~::~'~=-~'."'C__",,-"'_ II Board of Supervisors ) ~ ) Ii vs ) Iii The Public and the State Highway l Commission of Virginia ) , ORDER .. f'W'i - : i , '-1 I, ;1 " " 'I I, ;1 hereby established:; I, 'I ,1/ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Meadowcrest Street from Magnolia Road to McKinney Street (Rt. 1853) - 0.32 mile and which is shown as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by S~)ervisor Lee B. !"'" : ~ - Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Oster.loudt. ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER J It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a SO-foot :right r"'"1 J of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the al:lutting property The Board hereby guarantees said right of' way and right for owners is necessary. drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as VE!rndale Drive from Meadowcrest Street to Halcun Drive - 0.15 mile and which is shown on a certain Ii Ii II l; l' " Ii 'i sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby estliblished as a public road to becoIllE a part of the State Secondary System of Highway:, in ROaI:,oke County. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. 267 " i! 11 II II il " 'I It " Ii :r il 'I II I' 11 .,/ II :i " Ii Ii " 9/4 pc) 4~ -t:- (h::..~ ~~ . - ... ~. ,~--.- . ". 268 I:.::~~='~=_'-::".c...:t::,-__~,,"';'=_-"=;:::'-':""'''';'.,;;;:~;+-~.;.:..::-,-,~=""::.",,::..::_.....:;.:.:.,-..::........:.c-....::::_:.---=-=---"-"";-,,'"'..:.~..;...;..:.'-'c:...;,, ......-.......--.. ---"'-,--,, ..,..".. --.....-. ,'_...- ------_.. -.--........ .-.......,.....-.." -"...-,.,.".".....----==~...,..._.:~-:-..,---......,.-"'-<o..,..--..,.-~~-~...,...,__.,_'.,.._---.-...,."..'___,_....,""'-:~,'-.---,c_,.--;--.,'_.::,._.."..__,~.~..,.....__....,.-.~."=."..="'".~.,.,,..,_ .... __ u._,_, ,"",_.... '. "~PO ,. _. ......_,._,.,_.,.__ . "- ..-- ------,...._~-- --....--- -.. -.' -_._-_._~_. Ii !I !I Eddy and adopted by the following recorded vote: ,I , AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charle's H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the COIlllllonweal th . s Attorl1ey respectfully requested to report to this Board whether the EiOard of Supervisors policy concerning the payment of livestock claims to th,~ effect :i that the payment of any claim shall not exceed the value placeCl upon th,~ animal ii by the owner in the filing of his personal property tax return. II ,! Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following " " , recorded vote: ~ i " :1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. HUddleston mId Charles I H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. :i I 'I vi" 'I ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT \I~\~';' Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. q ~., ~ Yi Thomas, and the fOllowing recorded vote, the current bills amounting to $86,989.33 Ii I: and the bills paid since the last Board meeting amounting to $106,344.73 were " !I ii approved presently and retro-actively. ii II Ii II II , il Ii ii " ii i: ;: " II " r AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. " Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board resolve into a committee of the whole to discuss real estate and personnel matters. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. Ii [I ii After approximately one hour in privileged session the Supervisors returned I to the Courtroom and on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Super- visor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members dissolved the committee of the whole and resumed in open session. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervi",or L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. ~ ---. c ";i " " Ii ii II I! 'I " " ii i: Ii i' I' il I ;, I, Ii I, ,: H Ii il " " I :1 i; Ii II " 'I ~: I I I I 269 ~ _.._...'~. ..--.=...,.,-""",=>< -=,-~_"=",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,===~-=~,~,'_"r-..'~-=~=-':-_-'=_-~==-~:",,"=~="',_,,,,~,",,~-=-;=-,."..,"'.._.....'-.~,,.."-..,..,.,....,,.""'.7.,....,.._~.: ~-_''''''"'...,,..'-=n'"''=.;',.,'''''_'''="'-,,-_...,'"_.~,.,'''''..,.:-..,,=,,..~_,-=."~,.=-.''',.....,,.,..,.,,=~ """--,,,-,~...-:. ... -'--';;-=-'--'-~'-'t =-,,-=-~,.. .~-.;.:c..=-,,---==---= ,...;.C....:.::...=.;.;..-:O':.;~,_-.:_~_-:.:_"--~~-". =.....;..0;..._: =... ..._--,---c-=-.'''-..''-.C.___' ,::;..:.'____-..:--00'...'-'-'-"'"_'_ '_;_:; -:.-.-;_.-~..'_ ";"_-'C'-C---'-''-'... ____ .,"'--'-_0.:..:. '.C'_',__ _ --'.c:--' ',~' ','_- ~'~'-:_"":O:C-'-:';:. '.;,.'-' -,.,.'~..~..;.c;~,=''''-'-.-'-_..'C.' ... I I II I il ,I ;1 'I 'I the County Courtroom thereof, Salem, Virginia, being the fourth Wednesday and I second regular meeting of the month. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Charles H. " ;, l(Osterhoudt, Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Lee B. Eddy and Jos'~ph C. Thomas. 'I Ii MEMBERS ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, '! the County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assis,tant, Paul B. Ma'othews and ~laurice I/Mitchell, respectively, were also in attendance. I, II Ii The Chairman called the meeting to order cLJld introduced Rtaverend B. P. Edwards, v jiFirst Christian Church, who offered the invocation. The ChainThin then led inthe I; " il pledge of allegiance which was given in unison to the flag. II I! II " ii I' I I I: Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members present, Supervisor I.. Elarl !i SiIlllllS being absent, the minutes of the September 9, 1970, meetitlg werf, cipproved " ii :: as spread. I' II II IN RE: I' II ,I Ii " I! il II I: ,I II ,i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the request to rezone the above i! jjfrom RE to R-3, so one 4-unit apartment may be built there, be denied. Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- " I: I! ing recorded vote: Ii iiAYES: , ii :1 NAYS: None. , l' ,I JiABSENT: L. Earl Simms. , :i The fOllowing citizens appeared at the public hearing on the foreHoing 1: I' 'I Proponents: " Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, ViJ=ginia September 23, 1970 7:30 P.M. The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke Couni,:y Courthous;e in - " :j " Ii ./ 'I v I: Ii II ii 'I II " :i )! - -, -, On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Ii 'I ,Iv " " - - REZONING OF' PROPERTY EAST SIDE OF STATE SECONDARY ROUTE 777 OF ON THE ) ) ) ) ) ) ) / I SINCLAIR R. BURKS Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H.Osj;erhoudt r~l - Attorney for the Petitioner and the Petitioner, in person .. n : 'I , I ...... Ii Mr. J. Thomas Engleby, III and Sinclair R. Burks, respectively. :1 liOpponents: Mrs. Virginia Patterson, Mr. Jack DeHart, Mr. David A. OWens, Mrs. Jack Ii . lk d' r,DeHart, Mr. W. E. Wells, Mr. EdwJ.n Walker, Mr. A. F. Wa er, Mr. Tom Bree 1ng, Mrs. " " il Wade C. Doyle, Mr. Delbert Phillips and Mr. W. C. Newman. il I' :1 " " ilarea opposing the rezoning request, is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I! 'I Ii 11 ;' I! IN RE: ;1 " il I, " 'I ii II A petition presented by Mrs. Virginia Patterson signed by residents of the RESIGNATIONS OF ~ ROBERT E. LUCAS ).'ROM -'FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION v J. KEN SHELTON FRC.M ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF -RECREATION -. THOMAS V. ANDERTON FROM SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER COMMISSIC'N : ~\10 J if q\? J.~(J' :'(\. ~\:.""c~ ,~~" ".y, , :W-'" ,yo . k1(..~0j~ ~V-,!~'-I' ~ . -Hf::V' ..\' ,~ ,~rmA"'""~ 1 ~{.. !"~'~~(l,/I',, r 'F" "t.""'t,iV" 'I (); "",",,, ;0 i, lj1.iJ"'c,." ('...-<'" 270 9/23/70 .._--,..-=-"".-;--.-~~.~~,.,. . --~,.~~-..,.,...,.."".,...-,..,..,...._--....,..--~,-._,_.~,........~.-,..~..,.,_,_.,..,._"-..-.,..,..,..-_"._,..._=___."......---,-_.,,~C-:~-.'.-"'-"""'---'---._'_......,..__~_,""",.~""~',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "~~~.""-'-....;.. --=..;;:....;:.~--=-==--=..c=-_._,....:.,=":;=....;..:.;:;..:..:.:..::.:~:=..="---:::.oc;c-~:....:.==-"="_-_-.;.;..'-c:;;;;:. =C=~--"_=-...;.';..O'..:;=_~=;.::.~' 'M.":_=:::';':~-" ~-~-"-'.-=_-'''''C;.-''''':'''. .------ -..... -- --- ..----. --- .,.-. _.._._"__.__~. "n_ .....__,~_.~____ ..:.-..._.~_.=,_,~..;""-,_c.:.=;,-,:,_-,-,,,..:..:;;;.:...:;;;.~-;;. I, :1 il " :1 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County accept with regret the resignations of the above-named individuals and that the Chairman of the Board be instructed to write each individual expressing the Board's appreciation for their service to Roanoke County. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllow- II II ing recorded vote: 'i I ;i AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " ii I NAYS: None. The written resignations of the above-named individuals are filed ~7ith :I ii 'I I, " ;1 " 'I Ii Ii :! I ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. the minutes of this meeting. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas gave a progress report of the committee appointed:! to consider and make recommendations on the request of the Glenvar Recreation " Foundation for restroom facilities at the Glenvar High School Stadium. . j A further report will beoffered at the October 14, 1970 meeting of this Board. .; IN RE: Ii Ii II II I' II II II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County I' " 'I II il / REQUEST OF APPALACHIAN POWER COMPANY FOR PERMISSION TO CHECK METER ROOFTOP HEATING & ,COOLING UNIT AT HOLLINS BRANCH LIBRARY concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees I that the metering installation requested by Appalachian Power Company at the Ii , I !i II :i " i: :1 n , roof"),; Hollins Branch Library be approved upon the conditions set forth in Mr. William qf~Qll e.(\~~ :! ~.~~ \~6: e>}' f~ 'I! ~C' ~\~:r ; ,). ,I v;". ,t/ :i \ \ :1 i ~~~-" '~b',., : .I~ .J ,: ': v"' .}J i ,i ( \~ Q (",I ,1"-.; -'I I ~, II 'i .1 '1 ~j H. Roberts' letter of September 18, 1970, ("that some provision be made on the roof to strengthen the roof for the foot traffic made necessary in the reading of the meters; that Appalachian Power Company be asked to agree to make all repairs to the roof which might be caused by ~~eir use of the Branch Library and also that the Appalachian Power Company install the facilities in such a way ?-s to be the least detrimental to the appearance and structure of the said building. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by th,e follow- ing recorded vote: I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. Copies of the letters from Appalachian Power Company dated 9/4/70 and Mr. William H. Roberts, Director, Roanoke Co. Public Library, are filed with the minutes of this meeting. I j IN RE: CONTROL OF USE OF BB GUNS, ETC. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Commonwealth's Attorney be requested to make a survey of existing ordinances in other localities governing 271 "-"-'~ _,=-",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,-_",,,,",,,,,~,,,-,,-,,,--,,--,__~=",,"._c.c-__- ,"",,,""='..-,,,-...,..-~=,-~_,...,......:_.-~_,-..,....,,,=-~-,,,.-.~,.,.~. .,;, "".="""..~.-.~.",..._""~'-'~-'-.,.. ,...,--,"'"_.".~.,-_. '-"-='-'=-';"C',-o "_..~.~.-_" .. "'.:,.~~-""--_~..o="_'~"=".""'~",-_".- _. ,""'.'~ ;".= 'c' .-"'":~-,--""'-=.-.''''_-..o.-'-=':'_'''-'-''=''''''' "_'".'.?-",'-,.,.__= ,=,-".......,.....".;~._,."..:..-~-"'~ - '__f -- I ) ~ , - ,...., i I ! - ,-, 1>1 ~ " --' -.'-"'---'..'" '= -"""="-;''-'''--'''-' _ _~.,,_"-'-....____.~~:~_'-..o_ __,_,_.:..c.=-_'--"." ii lithe use of BB guns, et". ~"d report back to this Board at the next meeting I, iirecollllllendations as to a similar ordinance for Roanoke County. F Ii Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which caJ~ried by the il ilfollOwing recorded vote: I:AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Chalrles H. Osterhoudt. !NAYS: None. his 11 'I 'ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. ;1 Ii I' " i' " :1 :tIN RE: FENCING TENNIp COURTS AT ii ,. CLEARBROOK & MOUNT PLEASANT !i II Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supe:rvisors accept the Ii how bid of Powers Fence Company of Roanoke, Inc. in the amount of $4,094.00 for II fencing the tennis courts at Clearbrook and Mount Pleasant par:~ sites. i: Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- " ji ing recorded vote: i'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " ,i i'NAYS: None. J I'ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. 1/ \1 A tabulation of bids received is filed with the minutes of this meeting. !I i; I ilIN H " I: I' " H I' r!low :! RE: PROPOSED SEWER LINE TO SERVE NEW 'tAVE SPRING FIRE aTATION Super\'isor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors accept the " bid of Aaron J. Conner General Contractor, Inc. in the amount of $3,985.40 :!for the construction of the proposed sewer line to serve the new Cave Spring :1 :}'ire Station, subject to the County's obtaining from the Public Servicie ,uthority I,' ,the same benefits afforded by the Service Authority to any other developer. il Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which c~rried by the fo11ow- Ii Ii ii ing recorded vote: I !,AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ;i liNAYS: : ABSENT : None. L. Earl Simms. il J. P. Turner & Bros., Inc., Salem, Virginia, also submit,ted a proposal. Both i'bids are filed with the minutes of this meeting. IIN RE: v ./ MEMBERSHIP IN VIRGINIA STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. : Eddy and the following recorded vote, the Boa.rd of SuperViSOr!1 approved the pay- i. iment of $240.00 for membership in the Virginia STate Chamber elf Conunerce for the iyear ending Septell'.ber 1, 1971, said membership to be in the name of Elizabeth W. Ii i,Stokes. " ,AYES: i, , I NAYS: , i:ABSENT: , h :1 'i Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. L. Earl Simms. i9<fL. if U\f\v Itl~l i \ e.1 )r~\o I ) II\: il 10 ,,',' ..l(1" I! t i " " y' II " " " :i I' :1 i, " " 1111' il !I - v" Ii.: \ ;,,'\}: (. 'ill ~ ~ , :,i ~~\1-r '~?0' ~c ~ .. -.::c..~_--"":=_~==-.:..,.=.__~ ~ ~"-________________ 272 .,.,.........,--"~.....,......,.,,.,..-----,,-'"'---.....,.....,....--,-.---..,.,-,-.""'~~,.....,.....-.,..... '-~--~-""'-.._~---"".---~-~---------""""'.-'-+'-"'-'--"-----"""."""".---"',.--'~""''''''''''.------' -. -',-"---,-,",~",,..c:,---=-_-=.c:o,,-..::; .---;;----,.::.-~~;:.;::o__'_.,.,..==_ =-+===--..~.-_"_'....,."_""':..::.._O'=.:;.:.. .,~:-.'_;...=.=-....-=-''_.~.~''''''.c....;~,,_'_-_". "-, .,~.';:."L"'-'._:c .;=......-_'">.......::-.,.C.. .,,'" ......:...C"-, '''''-P.'.,,-,-:',: -. ,',-.o'.=..-.-::.c-".'O. -'-O'-J"7":'-'-=_._~'" __ .. .OC,,""'=':.: ::.:::--;=_:::..::;;.o"'~._.';;. .., II ii IN RE: I PROPOSED REZONING OF 6. SO ACRES OF ) LAND, PROPERTY OF CARLTON WILLARD ) WALTERS AND CLAIRE LYNN WALTERS ) SITUATE ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF ) U. S. ROUTE 221, BENT MOUNTAIN, ) nR~NU ) ORDER II :: " I ~ !i ~ I Ii 11 11 ,I ;, .: " 'I Ii Petition relative Came this day the Petitioners by their Counsel and asked leave to file their 'I II i' II i' il Ii ii I' " il :; :1 to the zoning of a parcel of land located in Roanoke County and I " i: :! more specifically described in the said Petition. NOW THEREIDRE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the Board i , ' Ii of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said Petition be and the same is Ii . ! hereby bled. :1 " 'I !i Ordinance as requested in the said Petition be and the same is hereby referred BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the zoning I i. II Ii Ii " il I, ,I to the Planning collllIlission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for its; recommendations in II :1 'I i\ accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-453 of the Code of: 'lirginia of Ii Ii " :1 ~b II ~, shall' report its recommendations to the Clerk ('if this board as Ii ~ . ~ II << ,~said Clerk of, this Board shall forthwith set the same down for Iii ()." ~ " I: V\~'.A"" ~~".' ) the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. I' 'I \ "" (, AND IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED A\'<D ORDERED that one certified copy of this II r< .\ I;:i '/ Vt\ '$\ . t :,.,il' Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk (Of this Board to :;Yd. Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanclke County, Virginia. , :! " :: The above resolutions and orders were adopted by motion ()f A. T. Huddleston, 1950 as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Pl.~ning Commission' required a public by law the hearing it: I a Supervisor and duly seconded by Lee B. Eddy, a Supervisor. AYES: All ;i ii NAYS: ii ABSENT: " None. L. Earl Simms. i' Ii :i !I " 1 A letter dated August 15, 1970 from the Sec~etary of the Roanoke County I " ,I Fire Chief's Board requesting the Board of Supervisors to purchase a smoke ~' ejector to be used on the Roanoke County fire truck housed in t~e Vinton Fire " ;i Station, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisclr A. 1'. Huddleston, '! " i! seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of members present, i! ,I I Supervisor L. Earl Simms being absent. " A request from Virginia Western Community College dated !l/l/70 tCI receive " I, :1 the first of the three installments on the $18,237.00 allocated to them in the ,. i :! Roanoke County Budget is filed with the minutes of this meetin~J as well. as a ~c ~'I... ii 1:i (. . il \.,~ :j I ii , 'I " " letter from the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Service,s Board dated 9/14/70 requesting one-half the $17,700.00 set aside for them in Roanoke County's budget. Copies of ,the above three requests, being budget items and needing no further action by this Board for payment, are forwarded to the County J.:xecutive, Officer for appropriate action. I 281 ~=:~;;:~-;:=~ii ""'-:::.: ~";~'~'C:"".::;;::~~C='~"~'.=:~=''.~~':::.. '.~~:::-:~~':,.:,::': ~=~=':-C::~.:~':"-::~,:~':=::.":;.',..:~_"=;":.:';,C=""::';=--;:.:~.= 7::='''=-;;p~i..~ .\) II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a public hearing be and is hereby called by (f~~~Cb I ~ :, this Board to be held in the County Courtroom in the Courthouse Building in Salem, , :1 Virginia, on the 14th day of October, 1970 at 2:00 o'clock p.m., of that day for il ) Iii '1D Ii the purpose of further considering the specification of said projects, at which ''11;2,5 < I U.. ......'.~ .11 p~peoU_ ~... of Ch. pro""." ~'~" .... ~y oCh= !b-r~~f"'" ii persons !I.n interest, will be given an opportunity to be heard. Should substantial !!cjY(I'-<-~ '1'1 opposition by the prospective users of the proposed services be heard, the Board Ii V I I,.~, Ii of Supervisors of ROanoke County, Virginia, at it:s discretion, may call for a I' U U II ., i referendum on the question inabove set forth, as prescribed in the aforesaid II V / t II Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities Act. !' ):;-, II )v'-""i L,C~"'J. ~1 il- y"'.). n ~u <l,.;)Y" ,;-U, .)-?~ Ii P ~~v~ ~: tY (HU ifJ ' 1/"- f.. i' y.J '" Ii ~tQ;/,J\ Huddleston, ., Y !i 1 Ii - .... !'"" I ! ..... BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board cause due notice of 11II , : i - !; " (! :1 this I' i! and Ii il il I, ii On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. II adopted by the following recorded vote: it AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. II Ii NAYS: None. II Ii ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. II II Ii ij I' :1 IN RE: :1 ii public hearing to be advertised, as required by the aforesaid Virginia Water Sewer Authorities Act. An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in full force and effect from and after their passage. PETITION OF IlERBERT D. WARD FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY ON STATE ROUTE NO. 622. ) ) ) I ) ORDER :/ This day came Furman Whitescarver, Jr., Attorney for Herbert D. Ward, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said Herbert D. liard, relative to amending the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County to the end and purpose that certain property located in the Catawba Magisterial District of Roanoke County , Ii i, near State Route No. 622, be rezoned to Industrial District M-l. Ii :: il ii i! " Ii And this Board having duly considered the same, and concluded that the rezoning of the said property so that it may be used for prefabrication of housing, (..."~ I ..J Ii may be beneficial to the County at large, therefore. il II " Ii n i' Ii i! Ii !I Ii I: , " BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinances of the County of Roanoke so as to change the classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said Petition, so that it might be used for prefabrica- tion of housing, and classifying the same as M-l as defined in the County Zoning a Ordinances, be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of 11 the County of Roanoke, Virginia for recommendation in accordance with the provi- ;; i: Ii rj 'I Ii sions of i 15.1-491 and i 15.1-493 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as an~nded; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said Planning Commission shall , " 'i report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by statute, and I' ,I I! upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk the said Clerk of this Board " shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the first permissable, 282 ~~ ')-~ C~ ,i if~ ~cll ii ~c/ ~')-~ "vJ \' -\" ./7 ~ < 'i(tJ .( ~.f 'j p' A Q:t.y~ ~ ~ ''',v ~ c:.~ / ~--....,.~-=-=--," .._~ -._ .."......-__.,....,.~..,---,----=--:~--- ~.."-.-".~-...,..,,....--"_---=- ....,...,.,...,'.-.,..-.,.-- "....,-_._""'"'-,-,.~ ~--;--:--_-_--....,,--,=,.,o;-.,...,..,..._.--,--.--=~~,.--'--:_ ._._ ___n_ .__.____. ._. _ . _._-------_._~----_.. --- .~"".".:'""'==_~"'c;;;.'=_;::.'.;:=~'""::.=o--"'=:;:"~=="'-'-..o:.;;.; 'I I, " I! Ii I: I: 1i I. That one certified copy of these resolu- il " r " I, I: , " I: " !' . c.:".;;..-....o::;;..."..-==-=--'-'.;_~== "'-=-..;.=,_~ -;....;,..:=,,_~..:._ =_'o..:-'_c-:..:....;;;.~__-,-...:..,__..;;~-..;.'---'_'".--=-,_-_"'" 'i if regular iI :f said Clerk or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by by publication in accordance with the provisions of S15.1-431 of said " ;il Code; i 'I :1 i and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: tions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of , .1 " :i the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, :1 petition of the said Herbert D. Ward. 'I :! The above resolutions were adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, I Virginia, together with a copy of the I: and s~conded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy. On recorded vote, the vote was as follows: I AYES: Ii , i' I' II Ii I; i' II " Ii I' ,f Ii Commonwealth's AttOl:ney's letter to Cross Electric Co. dated 9/22/70 Ii for lighting certain tennis courts 1,/1,' the contract between the said Company and the County/had lapsed upon ;, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. ,I II 'I A copy of the :1 !I , :I I :1 " " I a " " " advising that its own terms, was this day laid before the Board. The Chairman directed that consideration of the letting of bids for the lighting of these courts be placed I, [i i: ,I il !, Ii Ii il Ii II I' " !i i' 'I Ii II if I upon the agenda of the October 14 meeting pending a recommendation be ' Assistant County Engineer as to whether they should/let this fall. from the The County Engineer was asked to report by the same meeting on any equipment turned over to the County by Cross Electric Co. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. " i: Ii II " f: ~'Letter dated 9/3/70 from the Highway Department with attached Operational 1'1 and Fiscal summary for Roanoke county covering fiscal year 1969-70; ,I ,/ sUmmary of Executive Committee meeting on 9/10/70 of Fifth Planning District 'i Commission; ./ Report for July' & August of the County Parks & Recreation Dept.; ....Auditor's report on the Vinton Branch Library; . Letter from Crippled Children's Hospital dated 9/1/70 acknowlujging receipt of county's appropriation of $200.00; v'Auditors' report on the office of the Collector of Delinquent Accounts for the fiscal year ended 6/30/70; vLease agreement between Hollins College part of the College property by the .statement of office and travel expenses Deputies during August. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor L. Earl Simms :j I' ,: being absent, the folJ."wing matters were this day received and filed: , :i " :! ,i :': , and Roanoke County as a incurred by Co. for use of a recreational area the Sheriff & his I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Hu(Ueston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopteG by the following recorded vote, the payrolls (Semi-monthly dated 9/15/70, Daily/Hourly dated 9/15/70, 9/16/70 and 9/21/70) were approved for v payment in the gross amount of $47,976.88 from which the sum of $2,124.53 F.I.C.A. ;1 iI n Ii 'I Ii " 1; :j I Tax; I Blue $5,434.76 W. H. Tax; $911.77 State Income Tax; $18.00 Uniforms; ;/' Cross, $1,747.20 ~etirement, $651.36 Miscellaneous Expenses was $1,136.70 deducted leaving a net payroll of $35,952.54. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt NAYS: None. ABSENT: L. Earl Simms Ii Ii " " :1 a preliminary report dated 9/21/70 of i~.:s committee regarding jail facilities and ii that it authorize and encourage this committee to continue its work towards ~ \{' ii developing plans for a regional jail which may be participated in by Roanoke county;, ~ \?"~:'~~ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the !'~ bq~ ~e5 fOllowing recorded vote: C ~~ 'C~yt,C~ ~ - I ~ :1 I, II I, and adopted by the following recorded vote, the bills paid since the last Board Ii ijmeeting in the amount of $26,619.09 and the current bills in the amou..,t of i, Ii $28,709.02 from which an item listed under 318F in the amount of $10,495.32 is to I, " [I be deducted were approved for payment retro-actively and presently. )! Ii AYES- I' . ,I i1 NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas .,.-1 Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt - , I " 1! il ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. :i il I' ,I il ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. I: I' Ii Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members present, Supervisor L. :1 Earl Simms being absent, the Board resolved into a committee of the v;hole to 'I 'I II discuss matters pertaining to personnel and real estate. Ii Ii ,I il I: Ii ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. j! II Huddleston and the unamimous vote of the Board members present, Supervisor L. Earl II Ii Simms being absent, the Board dissolved the committee of the "hole and resumed the ;, "meeting in open session, I: II --' . Ii II Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that th", Board of Supervisc.rs respectfully I' :: decline to participate in a study of criminal justice facilities as proposed by " ii the Fifth Planning District Commission. " Ii " Ii " ing recorded vote: II ! AYES: Ii II NAYS: None. j! Ii ABSENT: L. Earl Simms. - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion whiCh carried by the follow- Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors receive and file ,.....-1 , - .-:1, ' '~.,I ~ ,I " AYES: II ;, NAYS: " I Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. 'i ABSENT: L. Earl SiIlllllS. 283 \1~ :' ~\~~~ ,) <{ ';~r" :' ~' :~. Ii Ii ~11~ I ()\~ {:, il -, ~",f'"Cfl Ii ~i~rA~' "-~ \)" ,xl'< Ii, '3 !,'~' )~tI;' i,.:l ~'J~~ ; 4-0 'll~' Ii R \Lt i~..tb) i,: ~\~~ ~~J~" 284 9/23/70 _ ,. '~__~.,.,..".-~'.~_-""""""~'_='"_"",-';--""""""""""':-o'",--o,-"o-..,~--c-..-..."",~~,,,,-'-."".~---':-:--_'.-""""""""_""'-"'._ .--.__.__-.-..,.....,.". -,..,,.,.,-,--,-,-- ,-,--".'_-_-:--..,.-,"',...-- "..,.......,"..-~.,....-"'_.,.,..,.,.."',__:,...,..,...,.,......_--.~-_o".=..,.="""""'_ _._____.._______.. _ .__n,._., ...... . '....._..__ ---~-_.._._-_._- _._-~-_._--.- -,------ ~.__..__...._--_.. "to / ,'?--~ ~ I I 'i This day came Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, and reported to the Board :i , ;ithat Ralph A. Glasgow had offered an option to buy a tract of land located in the :City of Salem at 626 Roanoke Street, being lots 21 & 22, map of West End Land Co. " 'I :iof record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, " i :jVirginia, in D.~d Book 530, Page 223, at a price of $13,000.00, ji And the Board being of the opinion that said property is needed for County I :; :iusei I " :1 .i :i visor NOW, THEREFORE, on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Super- !i ,; , ,AYES: i' :iNAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston & Charles H. Osterhoudt. None. Ii " " r: Ii Ii " " Ii ;1 i: I Joseph C. Thomas, it is ordered that the County Engineer be authorized to ,sign the forty-day option for the consideration of $100.00. '; Adopted by the following recorded vote: !i r'ABSENT: L. Earl simms. I' :I I' Ii ii 'I II ii :1 it 'i it Ii WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to purchase a 'I t jOffice of the Circuit !! ~ Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED under the provisions of Section 15.1-285 of I " lithe Code of Virginia, as amended to date, that the Judge of the Circuit Court of ;j IRoanoke County be requested to appoint !, 'I. . . 'lexamJ.ne the tJ.tle to saJ.d real estate, Ii a competent and discreet Attorney at Law to :i that ji and be it FURTHER RESOLVED/under the provi- !I Ii iI " Ii I' II " , ~:sions of Section 15.1-286 of the said Code" the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke ,I :!county be required to approve the deed to said real estate when same is prepared, ,I i Ii and further that Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, be and he hereby is authorized ii ,I 1! ,i empowered and directed to accept said deed on behalf of the County, when title ii ;11 !i to said property has been examined and deed for same has been approved by the I: :i il ~i Commonwealth's Attorney. il And the Clerk of this Court is ORDERED to forthwith delivE,r a copy of this 'I I ,i Resolution to the Honorable F. L. Hoback, Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke I, j: :iCounty, and to Raymond R. Robrecht, Attorney for the COIlllllonwealth of Roanoke II " 'i county. I ;! I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ,i Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: i' :1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston & Charles H. Osterhoudt. " II ,i NAYS: None. I ;i :i ABSENT: L. Earl Simms " I! The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by ;l Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the "~ visor L. Earl Simms being absent. / =::;,. =-=."",~~.":~,,"=.::r=.,~_,,_,.,...,.-o,.. --,"_-="""."'~"''''''''--'-_ -~_-"'-_.~=-=-=~~.'''---'-'-.-''"-''--''__''-,.--'''.'''''=_~~",,''''''''''. __._ II " II I ,I I' II II I' I I I: " --.--. ... - ... -- -. .-. -.,..-.----- . -~~--~-~.- "--.--.--.--------. ----- ----'-~ .------..---- Roanoke County Courthouse Salem" v.i.rginia October 14, 1970 2:00 p.m. The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in the !l " " " ): ---, Ii County Courtroom thereof, Salem, Virginia, being the second Wednesday and first ii !! regular meeting of the month. MEMBERS PRESENT: 'i 'I ilVice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston, Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy and L. Earl Simms. II Ii The county COllllllonweal th I s Attorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht was also present, as :1 Ii iiwell as the County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews )1 II and Maurice Mitchell, respectively. Ii ii ,i " II The Chairman called the meeting to order and Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas i, :! offered the invocation. " II il flag, led by Chairman Osterhoudt. I; 'I !, ii n I! On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. I: Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the minutes of the Septem- I'! ber 23, 1970, meeting of this Board were approved as spread. Ii . II il . i i Ii II " Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt, - The pledge of allegiance was then given in uni&on to the III - Mr. Lowell Gobble, Extension Agent, appeared before the Board this day and 'I , I ,: introduced the following personnel from that office who gave brief reports on their '! I' :1 I: II " ii particular field of work: " Ii Shepherd and Mrs. Dorothy I: Ii :i i' II Ii 'i IN RE: I " Mrs. Jane Ewing; Miss Carolyn Rastle; Miss Sylvia Herndon. RESOLUTION SPECIFYING FURTHER PROJECTS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY :.... ~ :; Ii Pursuant to a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Super- II Ii " i! visors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 23rd day of September 1970, designat- Ii o' clock i'ing October 14, 1970, at 2:00/p.rn. as the time and the County Courtroom in the Court- II II house in Salem, Virginia, as the place for a public hearing on the aforesaid resolu- " I' i: tion of September 23, 1970, signifying the intention of the said Board of Supervisors II I: of Roanoke County, Virginia, to specify further projects in the nature of sewage " Ii collection and treatment in certain areas of Roanoke County, as set forth in said Ii resolution, pursuant to the provisions of the Virginia Water and Sewer Authorities " ::Act, being Chapter 28 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, particular 'I :! i' reference being had to Section 15.1-1247 concerning the specifying of further pro- , i - '''':1 :J jects to be undertaken by the Authority. Present: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston & Charles H. Osterhoudt. Absent: '~one. 285 .( , i v ,/ 286 10/14/70 -- ...,..".".~...,...~--=-,....,.-- ---..,.--......,.. .,.....-,.-,--~._.......,..-,....".,-=,..,._--",..,..,..."."'",-..,...,.....,_..,...., -=.'====.;:.--=-'--=--=.."'=....;-=-=.=.--.,.~--"-;;...:....:.-=-,_.~ The Chairman opened the ~::::~g~::~::::":"~:::::~~:~~P:~:~::~""=~cc:f~~-~ "C"'""r=~~~~~~~"O,- , 'bel c;J' ~ ' ~! ~ \.,J! @Y --Y', ~~.~, }\ ~~ ~v"/ (}J :1 in the .World-News", and also are ading of said resolution proposed to Ii !i " " be adopted; . 11 hean.ng no ii I I on the Ii 11 'I Ii I reading by the Clerk of the Board of the Notice of Public Hearing, as published the Chairman called for a general discussion of the subject. The Board objection by pros'~ctive users of the proposed services to be rendered, :i :! motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, i ([ :i the following resolutions were adopted by unanimous recorded vote: vote of said Board signifying its intention to specify further projects to be I undertaken by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority, pursuant to the pro- lar reference being had to Section 15.1-1247 with reference to specifying of further projects; and, WHEREAS the said resolution, together with a Notice of Public Hearing, was duly Ii " !i circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, and in the City of Salem, Virginia; published in the "World-News", a newspaper published in and having general in which said City the Roanoke County Public Service Authority has its principal office, and said publication having been had on September 30, 1970. WHEREAS the said Public Hearing was du:y held on October 14, 1970, at 2:00 o'clock p.m. at thG time and place as set forth in the said notice and i: Ii 'I !! i , I resolution; and, WHEREAS in the judgment of the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, the governing body of Roanoke county, Virginia, no opposition, II substantial or otherwise, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard;ll Ii il II NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby officially evidence its determination that no sub- stantial opposition to the additional projects, as set forth in the said resolu- tion, by prospective users of the proposed services was heard at this meeting, and this Board doth so certify; and, II 'I I. " I' 'I WHEREAS no petition has been filed by qualified voters with, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, at the Public Hearing, calling for a referendum as authorized in Section 15.1-1244 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and a referendum is therefore neither required nor necessary; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Board of Supervisors of I Roanoke County, Virginia, doth hereby ratify and confirm its action at its regular meeting of September 23, 1970, by adopting by recorded vote the resolution signi- fying its intention to specify further projects to be undertaken by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority, and doth furth specify additional projects to I be undertaken by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority with the purpose of acquiring, financing, constructing, operating, and maintaining a sewer system or systems, pipelines and other properties and facilities incidental thereto for the primary purpose of furnishing sanitary sewer facilities to residencies and places of business in said areas in Roanoke County, Virginia, and for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred upon the Roanoke County Public Service Authority by its Charter ~~d by the provisions of the Virginia Wa~er and Sewer 10/14/70 I I I i I,~~.~_-o~ '_'_"~=_~,o"_",.'"~_~~"."..._,o",~ =,_ _,.... ..'" ,..u" r~~".o~"_......"_.."..~n - ,".._,......,~.o...... . II I Ii I ii, Authorities Act, Chapter 28 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and being Sec- 'I ~,' tions 15.1-1239 to 15.1-1270 of said Code of Virginia, the additional projects . Ii 'I Ii consisting of furnishing said services in each and all of those areas set out and " II I: described by metes and bounds in thE' aforesaid resolution passed by the Board Ii II of Supervisors of Roanoke Count~., Virginia, at its regular meeting held on Septem- Ii I Ii !I ber 23, 1970. Ii Ii metes and bounds description of each and all of the several areas and which said " !I resolution is duly recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke 'i Ii County, Virginia. in Supervisors' Record Book 22, Page 273. - r .~......, Reference is hereby specifically had to said resolution and the - An emergency is hereby declared to exist and these resolutions shall be in -. 1':',1 full force and effect from and after passage thereof. if Adopted by the following vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Attorney Furman Whitescarver, Sr. appeared to represent the Authority in :1 li ill the foregoing matter. II 'I '1 ri . IN RE: SPECIAL-USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON HEMINGWAY ROAD IN THE MOUNT PLEASANT SECTION OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA OF R. L. "ARTHUR - Supervisor A. T. Huddleston 1llOved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke II i'I 'i :1 " Ii 'I " 'I Ii I: t, d :1 'I II !: Ii !i County concur in the recommendation of ~~e Roanoke County Planning commission and grant the three year special-use permit to R. L. & Rachael H. Arthur to allow the construction and operation of a greenhouse on their property at 3527 Hemingway Road S. E. (Mount Pleasant Community) . The motion was seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mrs. p4chael H. Arthur and her son appeared in support of the requested ,......, , . r i - ;\ H special-use permit and no one opposed same. '! ~~I ,;,1 ...J i: II il Ii !i .:! IN RE: SPECIAL-USE PERMIT FOR PROPERTY OF LARRY RIERSON 'JONES LOCATED ON ROUTE 696 ABOUT 1/4 MILE NORTH OFF ROUTE 221 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and approve the Special- use permit for a period of three years to allow the operation of a boarding stable for horses where riding lessons may be given to the owners of the boarded i ~ Ii 'I :: " I' ,I horses with the provision that no more than 26 horses be permitted to be boarded in this structure for the period of the permit. 287 "/ :: , i! II I' Ii I' 'I il j! I: I /70 ': (0 ~c~ k~ {L (~J.J ().~ '.#1' .J1'" ,i r-?b-~ ,~b ~') ~A.f,.~, Ii ~..~ 1)., I ~V\ /' ,0 )~.J.r : t.#-fl pI ~ ..~"-I/' , (!ki~ '~~(f~. \l :\-~i , V"1"" !:~:~? ..t,~~ ~,,'.V?' " 'I !I 288 10/14/70 ------...............---~--=---~-_._-- -------------------- ----- - -- ---- - ---- ------- -- ------,- -----~- .... ~----- - -= -,---- - .------.---- - -, ~'" ,.---..--e.:.----'-_.' _.=c..=~,=,-"..;:;:-.,.=_.= ..."_"'".., -. - ':":7~"'_- .=_.c-.,' ,"___"'---'::='=0;.0 '-",:;: ..,-,'_'-"'--'C__"-':,=::._~:.=:::::_..:._'._:::= =;~: :-.c.:::-"',"'..".:: C' 10\t~\ ~>y., -tV- /' vi Cr'" .{ /: ~~~ ~~ ~,I J\'- V'~ (I ~'.:lq~-~ ~~. y""'( " _0\'1" \~\~~~i ~ ...---.-..--...,..,..........-- ._--, ~----_._-_._----- The motion was seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I Attorney Holman Willis, Jr. appeared to represent Mr. Jones in the foregoing matter and filed with the Board,at this public hearing, statements by two adjoin- ing property owners in support of the special-use request. Attorney Byron Gochenour appeared to represent Mr. Galen Grubb and his 'i wife, in opposition to the special-use permit. A petition signed by residents Ii :1 in opposition to the said permit is filed with the minutes of this meeting. :i II :1 I d :i I ,; :i I ,:i I, ,i I Ii IN RE: REZONING OF A TRACT OF LAND ON ROUTE 864 SOUTH OF MASON COVE SCHOOL Ii ,I " I' " " Ii , Ii ri j: ,: County concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning commission and II ,: OF ( SARAH E. DALEY & MICHAEL T. DALEY FROM RE TO B-2 Supe1~isor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke " " approve the requested rezoning as petitioned by Sarah E. Daley in order to permit 'I the operation of a beauty shop in the home of the petitioner, and furthermore II I, " ;1 I, Ii iJ il Ii Ii It !I I that the property hereinabove referred to and approved by this Board to be reClassified and rezoned Business B-2 consists of only that portion of a 1.015- acre tract occupied by the dwelling house of Sarah E. & Michael T. Daley as recorded in Deed Book 685, page 124 in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court fer the County 0<: Roanoke. II I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion whiCh carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston & Charles Osterhoudt. ! NAYS: None. Mrs. Daley appeared to support the petitioned rezoning and no one opposed the request. I IN RE: PROPOSED CURFEW ORDINANCE FOR ROANOKE COUNTY Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that consideration of the adoption of a curfew ordinance for Roanoke County be referred to a committee for further study I and recommendations to this Board based upon the comments presented in this meeting and that said committee include the Commonwealth's Attorney, Sheriff and one member of the Board of Supervisors as selected by the Board Chairman, and furthermore that said committee report back to this Board the first meeting in November. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms. Chairman Osterhoudt advised the Board he would serve on the above committee. 290 10/14/70 - -------,..- __ ._ ..._.....__.__ _, __d *~.~--.,-.,...,--...,..-.-"'--"...."....,..=-:----.",.........,. .----...:~---..,---,-,-----.,.....~".-.-._~. -~"".,---,---"",""--:-~--~...,....,.-...,,,.~ ",,~---.,,',-=""-"--""'-'-,--'"="""""",,"_.._-" - ..""",==. . --",~-~.=...- ~....;.,...:;.::: _~'.'.--'-.:';=~=C_=-::==C '---==-':-';:::=---=_'-;CC-;=-'-"==-~_-=-~"=:-=--.C'~",-"-,,,,,-'-'-~'==_-""'=''';'_._'''';'''-=-,".C_ _C.'_''';'. _-_._".-.,~=,,--=-- EFFECTIVE DATE The effective date of this amendment shall be December 1, 1~70. The Clerk of this Boare is directed to publish the proposed amendment and notice of hearing thereon as required by law, pursuant to Section 15.1-504 of the :J :11950 Code of Virginia, as amended, once a week for two (2) successive weeks in The 'I World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and in The \ \ s:\'l 0 I' ~: Vinton Messenger, a nElWspaper published in Roanoke County. The Clerk of this ,0\ ~ Board is also directed to publish and post a copy of the said proposed amendment , '~t' 'I, and notice of public hearing at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse. i~ 'C~~~~~ A copy of the proposed amendment is on file in the Clerk's Office for the i ~?~~i: Circuit Court of Roanoke county. '~~,: On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor A. T. :~~:! Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: ,,~. ','ii AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston, and Charles if H. Osterhoudt. I ~ il :I NAYS: None. Ii \~o\'l" ,0 ~c c1:t" ~~' ~v ./ IN RE: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE'S REQUEST TO EMPLOY ADDITIONAL CLERK " " I :1 ;I " subject! Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors approve, to concurrence by the State Compensation Board, the Roanoke County Commissioner of the Revenue's request to employ an additional clerk for this office at a salary not to exceed $350.00 per month. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which c'arried by the vote: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. , :i " with I The Commissioner of the Revenue's written request dated 10/6/70 is filed the minutes of this meeting. v IN RE: SHERIFF'S REQUEST TO REPLACE ONE OF THE TRUCKS USED BY THE DOG WARDENS On motion of Supel.-visor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Super',isor Joseph C. " Thomas and the following recorded vote, the County Executive OUicer was authorizedi! to obtain bids on a 1970 pickup truck for the Dog Warden. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: ,None. The Sheriff's written request dated 8/11/70 is filed with the ltinutes of this meeting. " " II Ii I: ii 'I I, I II " Ii 'i [, " I' I! !I I 'i III " " ii I: i I, I' " I ji I, " Ii I, :i II " I I - . I . I I I I I I . r- "' n ~~ I ''I<, \.\) tiPDK ?2 "01 _I,f,_Gl'-' ,~ i , . it.. /1 ., Section 5-14 BOOK SALESMEN, MAGAZINE SALESMEN, AGENTS, ETC, ,1\ ',I' This section to be amended to .ead: Section 5-14 BOOK SALES~N" MAGAZINE SALESMEN, AGENTS, ETC. /jI';' Every person engaged in the business of a book salesman, magazine, salesman, or agent for the sale of books\'pr magazines, not selling . . from a regularly established place of business in ,the County shall' pay a license tax as follows: As a 1 icense for less 'than a year, per )"Onth or part..thereoL.. $ 5.00 I, " ( ,.' As a license .for the entire 'tax year,.......,.."...,....,:,.... 60.,00 , , , " ;,.. '. ~ \ ' 'r' Every person who is licensed ulJder this 'section shall be issued ::1 a card by thr> COI)\ll1l.ssioner of the Revenue which must be carried on his person while engaged in such Isolicitation's: 1 .': Chapter 6 PERSONAL SERVICE OCCUPATIONS This Chapter 'to be amended 'to read: Chapter 6 PERSONAL SERVICE OCCUPATIONS , I Section 6-1 PERSONAL SERVICE OCCUPATIONS" : ,Every person conducting, operating or engaged in any 'of the follow- " ing businesses, trades, or occupations.shall pay a" minimum annual lic$nse tax of Twenty-Five Dollars ($25,00), plus Ten Cents (10~) on eadh On~ \ Hundr",d Dollars, ($100.00) 'of the'gross receipts derived from s\lch business, trade, .- , , ..:..... " ;:;1 DOllars ""'_\00_".' 1 I ' or oC,cupat'ion in excess of .Five Thousarid C$5,000.00), n-amely: Barber Shops '- Beauty Shops " Boarding Kennels (Dogs, Cats, Horses, 'etc.) Breeding (any and all,types) Cable Television 80rresponden~e School Golf Courses (Public 'and Private) / ' Grooming (Dogs, Cats, Horses, ,etc,) Recreational Facilities (Pub.lic and Private) , 'c ; " ,'( \ "1 'i '. ..r \ i /1 I I I i , I I ,- I I I i I I j , , , I J . l I I , I "I I I 10/14/70 311 -,--,.,---..,......,---,,---,.- ---....,..------,----~------_._-+-------_._~._.-----_.- ".- -"--..--c'...----,-".~~.., --....,.--.-.--....,.....--..,....,. . , -------------- ---_.__._----_..~~-~ ~-~-_..._-----_._--_. -_:-_~.--- !: ii Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas reported that request for restroom facilities ii at the Glenvar High School Stadium was under consideration by the School Board and I, :! that no further action would be taken on the matter at this time. i) !i - 1!Il' ii IN RE: Hollins Library Equipment ,i ,I Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors honor the I: " 1! request of the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees as stated in their motion i! i: of October 12, 1970, and approve the purchase of the following items of equipment I: I: for the Hollins Branch Library from the Library Building Fund, with the stipulation !i that items to be used in all the new libraries be noted as such: " .-: ! [ ,...,.~ 2 1 1 Typewriters (Royal & IBM) 8mm Projector (Ewald Clark) 16mm Projector, with screen & extras (Audio-Fidelity) Record Player Legal size filing cabinets, 4 drawer, Steelcase (Harris) Legal size filing cabinets, 3 drawer, Steelcase (Harris) Microfilm cabinets (Gaylord) Microfilm readers (Recordak) Certi-Foamer Rug Cleaner (Holland Wax) Slide Projector, Kodak (Ewald Clark) Janitor's equipment (Holland Wax) Draperies (Everett Waddey) $ 600.00 100.00 916.00 40.00 1 4 2 424.00 185.00 550.00 1,280.00 584.00 150.00 428.00 265.75 5,522.75 . 2 2 1 * 1 . Ii " 'I i: !i " I! Ii i" Ii :i " ;! ii I' recorded vote: " 'I il AYES: 'I I! !I i! NAYS: None. $ * To be used in all new libraries Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following - Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. Mr. William H. Roberts, III, Director, Roanoke County Public Libra,y System appeared with regard to the foregoing matter, and the Library Board's resol~tion I; " " regarding the above equipment request is filed with the minutes of this meeting. II I, Ii Ii !i ., The Chairman appointed Supervisor Lee B. Eddy to serve with the Commonwealth's l.;\Oft i ...l Attorney, County Engineer and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors on the County's special committee to discuss ~hool and other public services with a similar ii il committee representing the City of Salem. ,! !! " to the Board members The Chairman directed the Clerk of the Board to circulate, again,/the I'~ i I , , .... / .' \~o\"O ., \" '-\: :1 , :.:e~~'-'{_.,J II v^ .l-Q..\ I Ell" },,;Jr" I,~~~.f ~ ~V~~ ) !i~~~:. ~~~ i'{'t~ .e\~~ ,~1,,~, !j :I 'I " " '! preliminary and final reports of the special committee to study alternate forms of government for Roanokl= County and to place upon the agenda for the October 28 meeting of this Board consideration of the adoption of a resolution to establish ~ the office of Executive Secretary for Roanoke County. The foregoing directive was given following a motion,which died for lack of a second,by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy authorizing the above-mentioned special committee to prepare and submit a resolution establishing the office of Executive ii Secretary and setting forth the duties of such office. . 312 10/14/70 "-,_.__._----.----------- ------~ .. . _ _'" u, ..".. _. ..d 0- _0'_"'___ .---.__.. ,,,.,,-_,c:.'I;- _____ _.._.~__,_.,... '0-. .-, ',..'.:. -....-- ---"-- ~-- ./ A RESOLUTION CREATING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR LONG-TERM RECREATION AND SCHOOL PURPOSES WHEREAS, Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley areahNe experienced rapid urban growth and development for many years and is expected to continue to enjoy such growth and development in the for see able future, and WHEREAS, Roanoke County has established programs fer the financing acquisi- I tion, construction and operation of school and recreational facilities and opera- tion, and WHEREAS, desirable sites for school and recreational purposes are becoming increasingly more difficult to locate and expensive to acquire, and WHEREAS, it appears to the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors that a long- range program of land acquisition for the aforesaid purposes may be desirable in !; ii i' ii ;i " " ! " " :i " " I, I order to promote the public interest and that as part of such a program certain lands may be suitable for initial use for recreational purposes and later use for school purposes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors create a special committee to investigate, evaluate and recommend to the Board a long- " range program for the acqu~tion of land for school and recreational purposes, such committee to be composed of the assistant County Executive Officer, one supervisor as selected by the Board Chairman which supervisor shall also serve as II " '1 I, Ii II I: " Ii " I' chairman of the committee, one person as selected by the Roanoke County School as selected by the Roanoke County Planning Commission, and one citizen-at-large and Chairman cf the Board of Supervisors,/that the Committee sub- I Board, one person as selected by the Roanoke County Recreation Board, one person as selected by the ~t a report to the Board of Supervisors within 60 days of the appointment of the ~ committee members, if possible, and FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that one copy each of this resolution be trans- )(i mitted to the Roanoke County School Board, to the Roanoke County Recreation o t"'.t ~'\J ~{ Board and one to the Roanoke County Planning Commission with the respectful \~ rr*~ request that each body select a person to serve on the Committee and report such " ~;~~."',! selection to the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors as expeditiously as possible~ ~~ ~CJ! Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved the adoption of the foregoing resolution. J'i 'l?'~'",/!\..'1..,!, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which failed by the following ~v'6~>. _~ ','" \" ~,,'c, . recorded vote: t'\ ,...\-~.,~.. ': i' ,n ,'<;"" AYES: NAYS: Lee B. Eddy and A. T. Huddleston I Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. The Chairman of the Board requested that the Commonwealth's Attorney and ~~ ~Jcounty Executive Officer investigate the county's authority to regulate activities, ~~~~ ~~: within the County which may cause pollution of the waters of the County and y....l\~~~..', report to this Board at the meeting of November 25, 1970. ~~\ ,1",1'" .~~~~... 4 V ~?t-\ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the letter dated October 1, 1970, from I ./ Jack C. Smith, Executive Vice President of the Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce 10/14/70 ---------------~----_.-.~----------- - ----- -----+ -- -- ~ ---_._-_.__.__.._~; --.-.--.....-.-- --.-_._-------~._-_.. -+---. - _.._---~- +-. " " iiwith reference to flood plain areas and the effect of the County's Zoning :! - 'iOrdinance upon industrial development in such areas, be referred to the Roanoke r: i!county Planning Commission for review and recommendation back to this Board con- il ii cerning what action, if any should be taken thereon. i: Ii Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the follow- i! ;! ing recorded vote: F Ii !!AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles Ii ii H. Osterhoudt. Ii I: NAYS: None. I '"f - \."1 Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl "r; ii Simms and the following recorded vote, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors :i 'i hereby Officially acknowledges and extends its congratulations to Mr. Paul B. " i: Matthews, Roanoke County Engineer-Executi.e Officer, for the following ho~or " " ,I conferred upon him by the International City Management Association on September 23 I, 1970: "In recognition of his twenty-five (25) years of service to city managem.~nt, the International City Management Association is pleased to present to Paul B. Matthews ... Ii this certificate in honor of his contribution to the proficiency of his Ii ,j colleagues and his achievement in advancing municipal administration." ii " :1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles .- H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING THREE (3) TRACTS ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF NEW VA. RT. 419 AT THE INTERSECTION OF VA. RT. 800 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER of / FRALIN & WALDRON This day came Fralin & Waldron, Inc. by counsel, and requested leave to " file its petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which I ,il<~, request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. ~ On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of [~1 !" , .... Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board sh all forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provi- sions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. 313 \~\\'lO ,0 ~ t~l.- ~~' ..ut~ icy~c-rY (lfi. i! \1 ~.[ " Cfv-i ~ . , ~ " , ; \ i' ~o \ ~~7~ i~~~,~ :~~~p v' I t6! 7a /0 ~ Z1: Pi. ~. ....- fNi \ ~,.y;,."4 l))vUl~ ~lt. ;1~. 314 10/14/70 ..- _.~_.. . - q. .....,.- -.- , -- '. . ,.~ .-. ----- . - .. --. -.--.----- ~ ~- _._--~. ~-_.._._-~.._- ._..._--~._..._--_._.,.- .__.~--- \,\0 \~~ \ \0\4 ~~~ ' ,.; Q~\~ f ,t~. ~~~. ~V'\ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu- tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secre- tary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. IRE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE AT THE CORNER OF DEXTER AND PLANTATION ROADS ORDER / This day came Paul G. Black and Barbara M. Black, by counsel, and requested leave to file their Petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said Petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said Petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Co~~ssion of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the pro~isions of the 1950 Ii Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported' its recoIlllllendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk II I, of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next " permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting be Shall/given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the i, :: " , 1950 Code of Virgin.i:a. ;i It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolu- :i Ii ii tion and Order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and one certified copy to the attorney for the petitioners. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: to-wit: YEAS: All NAYS: None. /, I IN RE: REZONING PETITION OF ....GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH TO REZONE CHURCH PROPERTY IN ANDREW LEWIS PLACE FROM R-l TO EITHER R-2 OR RE \?~ \ "\r, '\i\{\ . ~'~ \~ to rezone Church property in Andrew Lewis Place known as lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & e:... . ." , ~ J' 8 of Block B, and Lots 3, 4, and 2 of Block 7 of Andrew Lewis Place Annex Number 3 Q.t-~I\''I',~i ~ ~ ~ ~ , from the present zoning of Residential District R-l to either Residential V "Y /' ~~^~.,~I District R-2 or Residential Estates in order to construct a wing onto the church, \ s...... '0'" , ~~~~~be referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for their review and ~ .~ ~".:t.[ ~ ~ :i ~J.i1i Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the petition of Gospel Baptist Church ii " , " I " I: 1; 'I /, I I' !! Ii " " " I: " i: :j II' I: !i i: " " 'I ij i.' I I I 316 10/14/70 1_.....,-,__.___ ._.__ ____._____,..........._ _,-_,__" _ _ ____>_.____,.__ _,u said loan or loans to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board of Supervisors, and the same shall be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Charles Osterhoud't, whose signature shall be 1uly attested by Elizabeth Stokes, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and as such Bank or Banking Institutior, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without further order by this Board. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston' seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, and Charles H. Osterhoudt NAYS: Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members the following items were this day received and filed: Letter of 9/25/70 in reo Va. Highway Conference at VMl; v'copy of letter from Commonwealth's Attorney dated 9/25/70 to Chairman of Co. Planning Commission in reo how Commission minutes should be written; ~opy of letter dated 9/21/70 from Commonwealth's Attorney to Resident Engineer of State Highway Dept. in reo how to handle drainage and soil erosion problems; ,-",'copy of letter from Cc:nmonwealth's Attorney to Cross Electric Co. in reo , lighting at tennis courts; (dated 9/3(1)70) V'Copy of letter from Commonwealth's Attorney to Commissioner of the Revenue in reo exemption from taxation of land used by the County for a govern- mental function; (dated 9/24/70) /Letter dated ,9/24/70 from Rev. W. Carroll Brooke in reo resignation from the' Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board; , vr~etter of resignation dated 9/23/70 from Robert E. Layman, Jr., as Extension Agent in Roanoke Co., v'Sheriff's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the Co. Jail during the month of September 1970, ~ Treasurer's report, spread as follows: , TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY: I' At the close of Business Sept~nber 30, 1970, there was to the credit of the follow- ing: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Debt Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit - Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer James E. Peters $ 193,442.03 3,691.23 523,834.95 6,741.91 23,299.02 58.75 55,145.99 29,439.83 38,364.58 27,099.51 3,637.62 28.72 62.54 904,846.68 $ Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund $ Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,379,000.00 , Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Escrow - $4,840,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Federal Programs fund Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public .Building Bond Acct. , Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - textbook fund 2,000.00 36,204.92 795,217.63 55,145.99 9,176.23 360.00 6,741. 91 904,846.68 $ .-~ ..,..~ ,'_"''' '_--=':-~ "'-__ .::..c-.;c=". I I I I I 318 10/14/70 ~~NWARING MANOR SUBDIVISION -Arcturus Dr. - from MerrJ.man Rd. (Rte. 6D) to dead end. " " ! ETON HILL SUBDIVIS:;:ONS - NO.3: :: ,Hazel Dr. (Extn. of Rte. 1620) - from Vest: Dr. 'I (Rte. 1693) to Dead End. :i 0',07 l-li. " " jj Ii Ii il I, !i v ADDIT IONS S LEN,:7TH -- 0.10 Hi. I were this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Th:>mas, seconded. by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board me:nbers. IN RE: RESIGNATIONS OF .,'ROBERT E. LAYMAN, JR. - VPI EXTENSION AGENT, ROANOKE CO. REV. W. CARROLL BROOKE -'ROANOKE VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH - ~lENTAL RETARDA'rION SERVICES BOARD I ~ ! Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that an appropriate letter of appreciatior. :! be written on behalf of the Board in recognition of the services of the above D\en whose resignations wera this day received and filed. Supervisor A.T. ~luddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: ]\YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I IN RE: STATEMENT OF VA. DIVISION OF FORESTRY FOR FOREST CONTROL SERVICES IN ROANOKE COUNTY THROUGH 8/29/70. I' " I) I' " " :: I \,,& \~o\ 2(0 ,0 \ . "" '..~ ~o.~~ :: (ft.' .( .I '''I..r\ I c,}>' :1 On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor ,Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the above statement was appr,:>ved for pay- ment in the total amount of $491.70. :1 II I, " :1 AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddlestol and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: STATEMENT OF WHEAT & CO., INC. FOR SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION WITH RECENT SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS I Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that a response to the bill submitted by I I I I ) School Bond issue be made on behalf of the Board of Supervisors to the effect 1 ~o that the amount of said bill is substantially higher than was anticipated or I \~O I \ () \ < t~ envisioned in terms of the circumstance,s involved, that the Board would respect- , ~':f..st I fully suggest that a fee similar to that paid for the first $7,900,000.00 r\\ IrtC-Q~'" School Bond issue would be more in order, and furthermore, it is the feeling of ~~~, ~~ this Board that the amount of $5,000.00 for all services and expenses would be a y '"" ., reasonable amount. C~i 1 ~,Y ~y" ing recorded vote: (V':, ..- l' .: --i"''''A,V'~e..', AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, ,c.. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddlest.on. '~ X~\<\' NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,,\ ~'r Wheat & Co. in respect to their services regarding the recent $7,900,000.00 I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston secollded the motion which carried by the follow- 320 ----------------.---._-------- ------------. - ,. ,. . - .-.----. -..- . ... -,.. . -~ -_._-------- --. --,. .~-~_. -.--. ... .-.- O\'1~I) \? .., ~ McKinney Street, N. E. Roanoke, be appointed to the Roanoke County Recreation ,0 I r~ ~ ...~. , Board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. ;r. Ken Shelton, resigned, which term e.~ \.l-,~~"{ , "Oy' t\~,,'\ expires June 19, 1972. CT.~~v,,~\.. _I&-J, ~.h ," Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the .&.... ",'. ~i ing recorded vote: \~\'lO D? \0\\ ~~ ~ M. Andrews, whose two-year terms expire October 22, 1970, be re-appointed to the ~l ~~. Roanoke County Highway safety Commission for four-year terms to expire October 21, il ~\.y>~\.~~\ 1974. Ii \ '\ ' 'V"", VI( Supervisor Lee B. Eddy seconded the motion which carried by the following !i ~~/ Ii elJ.W~~(J L:I, recorded vote: !I 1\~:~~~:i' AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ~. >"'~ H. Osterhoudt. ~~;P! NAYS: None. r~\\ ~~J': ~~"fi ~~.\ ~1 created by the resignation of Mr. E. Paul Hayes. The Chairman was given the 1.\~.~~:~~~: authority to make such appointments at the Board meeting of May 27, 1970, and ,.lr."\ ,,:\-\.' the Committee as it now stands, includes the following' ~l'\\;- v- v ~\;' ~-1: 1!t. \ ,J{ ;, ~'l,c.c.t"'~'<bi ~,.~/ ,: Jc~ff.., ' t t'(~( , I! IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO ROANOKE COUN'rY RECREATION BOARD , Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that Mr. Charles J. Keener of 6742 I follow- I I. I, i! " AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I NAYS: ~one. :i / ,i v :i i :! IN RE: RE-APPOINTMENT OF '-L. Earl Simms & YCarl M. Andrews to ROANOKE CO. HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that Messrs. L. Earl Simms and Carl I IN RE: COUNTY'S JAIL STUDY COMMITTEE The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors announced the appointment of ./ Supervisor Lee B. Eddy to the County's Jail Study Committee to fill the vacancy Sheriff O. S. Ebster, Chairman Dr. William W. Joness Mr. James G. Reed Mr. William M. Hendley Supervisor Lee B. Eddy. I The following items are filed with the minutes of this meeting: I v Letter dated 10/12/70 from Fifth Planning Dist. Commission in reo Action Grant Deadline, 10/30/70; Copy of memo dated 10/12/70 from Bankruptcy Court to County Commonwealth's Attorney in reo American Air Transport, Debtor under Chapt. XI ! __ Copy of letter dated 10/9/70 from Commonwealth's Atty. to J. R. Canterbury,! Atty. in reo American Air Transport, Inc. vCopy of memo dated 10/13/70 from Commonwealth's Atty. to Board of Super- visors enclosing specifications for repairs to roof of Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center; .. Letter from M. C. Townsend to Board of Supervisors asking that he not be considered for reappointment to the board of The Roanoke Co. Public Service Authority; Letter from National Highway Safety Bureau to Mr. John T. Hanna, Director Highway Safety Div., Richmond, Va. advising approval of the Tracktest- Fifth Wheel project grant, requested by Roanoke Co. Sheriff. ""-'~-""'-""".~""-="'" ----,--------,----,.-.- -_.,- On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. " Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members, i Q II ~ . - . "'~ ~ ...... "-, Ii il I ii " i; i' Ii I' I' I' i! . -- ,. , " 1: i: i! l; 1: !I ~-.... l - '"'" , I ~ :i 'I :; ~ 10/28/70 323 =~'."""""'-"''''''--'--=--''.-- .-.-.."-..-,,,.-,,- .-___-,.... ....,-c."-"..,,..-..,- ',-,-'n--"._,__,...,..._.__~ ,-.,.....__._,.....~.,. ___--,.- . '__. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF FIREARMS, AIR RIFLES, AIR PISTOLS AND BB GUNS, AND PUBLIC HEAR- ING THEREON ./ WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has the authority to ienact ordinances to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens Ii " 'of Roanoke County; and -, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that ,an ordinance ~ting the use of firearms, BB guns and other similar guns and ['devices will promote the heal\:h, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of i' iRoanoke County; I' Ii NOW, THEREFORE, at a public meeting to be held by the Board of Supervisors JiOf Roanoke County at the Courthouse thereof in Salem, Virginia, on November 25, " 'I " ;,1970, at 2:00 p.m., a public hearing will be held at which time the Board of iSupervisors will move the adoption of the following ordinance: , ii " "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TlIE USE OF FIREARMS, AIR RIFLES, AIR PISTOLS, IBB GUNS AND OTHER SIMILAR GUNS AND DEVICES, [, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has the authority to (enact ordinances to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens - , i of Roanoke County; and II il WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion I' ,that an ordinance regulatmgthe use of firearms, BB guns and other similar guns i: i1and devices will promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens ,- " " 'of I Ii :1 ,!i :' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED: Roanoke County; That it shall be unlawful for any perscn to shoot or discharge any firearm, ~ir rifle, air pistol, BB gun or any other similar gun or device within the limits r,Of Roanoke County except when lawfully hunting in accordance with the Fish and Game [Laws of the State of Virginia or when safely engaged in target practice, or when :1 ,!lawfullY and safely engaged in shooting upon a range or gallery which has been :1 [properly licensed or approved. Any person convicted of "'" a violation of this ordinance ,,',:shall be punished in accordance with the general misdemeanor statutes of the State :", \~f~,\:/.) 1~ of Virginia, to-wit: Section 18.1-9 of the 1950 Code of Virginia as amended'~~~r In addition, the Court in which the case is prosecuted may, in its discretion, :~~ ioo....o.", "~ 'i<.~, ,~ 0< d.'i", i. ,o."io.. "'i. o<di",.", 'Oon 'ok. '~~ j'effect on January 1, 1971."!1~:;;.r The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to publish a copy of this notice i '* 1r j... . ':,,;.01 f;Y'" 1~ 1 ,&~t: ~0i ii Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, secon1ed by Supervisor Joseph C. ~.~..,....L-'/, II U-V"'O I,Thomas,adopted by the following recorded vote::~ ,... iijl,YES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles '. 6",~'~ " 'i i10f I, " I:week Ii for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to said public hearing, in accordance ...; intention to adopt the foregoing ordinc~ce and public hearing thereon once a -, i i with the law. --- H. Osterhoudt. :'NAYS: None. ;' " " I:IN RE: II II CO~USSION TO REDISTRICT ROANOKE COUNTY /1AGISTERIAL DISTRICTS 324 10/28/70 ------...,,.,,.--~_._...,___,.. _.~.........,--....".__"~.,........ ----c-----,---_ ____. .__ __ __~._.._n.. ""___m ____. ...___ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Suoervisors receive Circuit Court . and file a copy of the/order appointing Commissioners for redistricting of Roanoke County Magisterial Districts. The motion was second~d by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. " i) !i I NAYS: None. / IN RE: COMMITTEE REPORT ON SERVICES CONTRACTS AND/OR AGREEMENTS IN EXISTENCE PRIOR TO 1/1/68 BETWEEN ROANOKE COUNTY AND OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS OF THE COMMONWEALTH I A copy of a letter from the County Engineer-Executive Officer, Mr. Paul B. Matthews, dated 8/13/~0 addressed to Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht, itemizing the contracts Roanoke County has with other municipalities, was this day laid before the Board together with related attachments by Supervisor Huddleston as Chairman of the above-captioned Commi ttee. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, and the unanimous vote, of the Board members, the letter as mentioned above !I !I was received and filed as the report of the Committee. ./ IN RE: COUNTY FIRE EQUIPMENT HOUSED IN CITY OF SALEM FIRE STATION ii I " " " 'I I' I' ,I I' ,I I' Ii 'I ii !! ,I I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that in the interest of tax-paying citizens of Roanoke County that the piece of fire equipment now housed in the City of Salem Fire Station be removed from its present location in the City of Salem and re-assigned to Fort Lewis and the sum of $6,000 being paid toward the salary of firemen to operate the equipment not be paid to the City of Salem. The motion was seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, and fail~ to carry by the following recorded vote: AYES: None. NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. I (Chairman Charles H. Osterhoudt relinquished the chair to Vice-Chairman A. T. Huddleston in order to second the motion.) Recognizing that a large group of citizens came to the meeting as a result of their interest in the foregoing matter, the Chairman offered them an I opportunity to speak prior to the roll call vote on the above motion. NO one appeared to speak in favor of the motion, and the following appeared to oppose same: Messrs. Ed Fraley, Ronnie Perdue, Tom Hufford, Richard Hamlett, Frank Francisco, Jr., E. L. Kingler, David McClung, John Garrett, Chief of Fort Lewis Fire Dept., Isaac Sutphin, Chief of Cave Spring Fire Dept., and the Captain of the Fort Lewis Fire Dept. - t,...., ..... ,....., I; " " ,I " II i: :' " II ji Ii , Ii " !I " ~ !i , , II .... !: " , Ii :1 " II Ii I' ,I Ii " I .::. ~ I .. .i , " '! i: :~l " Ii I I Ii ...; I , ,I H I! 10/28/70 ii II IN RE: " II Ii i, il i ~ " ': FIRE ENGINE FOR FORT LEWIS FIRE DEPART"~WT Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that "ithout further delay the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorize the Executive Officer to advertise for ii bids on a fire engine, to be placed at the Fort Lewis Fire Department, within the il , " I! Ii specifications for fire fighting equipment. Supervisor I.. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the followin~ recorded vote: AYES: Joseph c. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. if IN RE: REGIONAL JAIL STUDY AS PROPOSED BY FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT CO"~ISSION Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County participate in the regional jail study as proposed by the Fifth Planning District Commission and as requested in Hr. Robert M. Shannon's letter of October 26, 1970, with the prorata share for Roanoke County based on planning estimate being $7,502.88 or less, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Mr. Shannon's letter referred to above is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Mr. Dueward Scott of the Fifth Planning District Commission appeared in regard to this matter. ~ i " ii " I' ,I " ,i " IN RE: PROPOSED REVISIONS TO VIRGINIA STATE CONSTITUTION Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the Roanoke county Board of Supervisors record its support and approval of Proposals No.1, 3 and 4 concerning the ii Ii suggested revisions to the Virginia State Constitution as follows: " ir Proposal No.1, that the Constitution be generally amended and revised, as agreed to by the General Assembly at its 1969 and 1970 sessions; Proposal No.3, that the Constitution be amended to oermit the General Assembly, subject to approval by the people in a referendum, to authorize general obligation bonds for specific capital projects, the total not to exceed J..15 times the annual income and sales tax revenues of the Commonwealth; Proposal No.4, that the Constitution be amended to permit the General Assembly, by a 2/3/ vote, to pledge the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth to revenue bonds issued for revenue-producting capital projects if the Governor certifies that the anticipated revenues from such projects will be sufficient to pay principal and interest as they become due, the total not to exceed 1.15 times the annual income and sales tax revenues of the Commonwealth. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. 325 \10 \~' ~ \0 ~'rt ~ Vii '0 ,D \3C4 , "Y!A I.) Vvto llr."''; ~~~;J ~::Jt~~, J~ d,l'/~ 44,~'1 ./ 10/28/70 327 Ii (I IN RE: .1 I: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ON THE ) EAST SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE ) SECONDARY ROUTE *419 (STARKEY ) ROAD) ) ORDER / - , This day came Branch & Associates, Inc., and T. R. Leslie, by counsel, I, and requested leave to file their Pe~ition relative to rezoning the property described i " is granted and said Petition is hereby filed. ,.'....1 :i therein, which request I Ii :! I proposal to amGnd the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said L ,. i: On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said .-. County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code "....., of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing ~~ the next ,i permissible regular or special meet.ing of this Board, notice of whit:\l meeting r' b I! e I' Shall/given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of Ii I' the 1950 Code of Virginia. " ! ~ i! It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of this ,i \30\70 , )0 1. iJ11g.~' F ''t''.'k~ I h-tr I fY"'" ~\ ;:~~~. "~.\IJI. Resolution and Order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and one certi- Ii fied copy to the attorney for the Petitioners. ii i . !: ..... 'I ;! Ii I: ii I. I' " The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms and seconded by supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: to-wit: YEAS: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF 75 ACRES, MORE OR ) LESS, LYING APPROXIMATELY 1/4 ) MILE WEST OF GLENVAR AND TO J THE SOUTH OF U. S. ROUTE * 460 ) WEST AND OWNED BY 'SALEM-WEST ) CORli'ORATION ) ORDER OF REFERENCE / " ,-.... This day came Salem-West corporation, by Counsel, and requested leave " of the Board to file its Petition for the rezoning of the property therein 1: ! described and further requested that said petition be referred to the Planning ,. - Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors cf Roanoke County, Virginia that said Petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the .;..;., : I ~ !I !I Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as requested in said Petition, be and the same is hereby REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, I! Ii I. for its recommendation. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its re~mmendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the matter down for a public hearing at the next 10/28/70 N. 76 degs. 50' E. 150.0 feet to a point on the line of Wray P. Meador; thence with the Meador line S. 13 degs. 10' E. 200.0 fe~t to the place of BEGINNING;and, CONTAINING 0.688 acre; and, BEING Tract "B" according to a survey made by T. P. Parker, S.C.E., June 29, 1970. ~. The property classifi~d as Residential District R-3 is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: -. BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Virginia State Route No. 24, 150.0 feet westerly from the westerly line of the Wray P. Meador property in Deed Book 660, page 599; thence with Route 24, S. 76 degs. 50' W. 125.0 feet to a point; thence along the easterly line of a proposed 50-foot street, N. 13 degs. 10' W. 200.0 feet to a point; thence N. 76 degs. 50' E. 125.0 feet to a point; thence S. 13 degs. 10' E. 200.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING; and, BEING Tract "A" containing 0.570 acre. The property classified as Business B-1 is more particularly described as follows: That portion of said 26.309 acres extending from said Tract "A" along Route 24 westerly 1,350 feet, having a depth of 250 feet northerly from Route 24. -'. ,4 )~q I~ &f\PJ. Qnl~ 1- . ~....r with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning ~~ ii Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., Attorney, . J.... ~ 'I :' for the Petitioner. j 1l~~-1Ja. ,I j'-1"''"' \ ~ The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor A. T. ~ A.~k' r~.; ~~. ;4~~. . /1170 ~II and the remainder of said 26.309 acres is classified as Residential R-3. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RSSOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall forth- - Huddleston and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the record vote the supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, and A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. IN RE: CHANGES IN SECONDARY SYSTEM DUE TO RELOCATION & CONSTRUCTION ON ROUTE 605 At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County held ,-. I this 28th day of October, 1970, it was du:y moved by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms that: - WHEREAS, Secondary Route 605, from 0.042 Mi. North Intersection of Route 1501 to Intersection Route 627 (Hollins Station), a distance of 2.479 miles, has i~'" , I ...... been altered, and a new road has been constructed and approved by the State Highway Commissioner, whi=h new road serves the same citizens as the,road so alte~ed; I /70 and '030. 1: ~lliEREAS, certain sections of this new road follow new locations, these being q C~a ~ shown on the attached sketch titled, "Changes in Secondary System Due to Reloca- t.t.l1l~'1" V. tion and Construction on Route 605, Project 0605-080-133, C50l, dated at ~~ Richmond, Virginia August 24, 1970." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the portions of Secondary Route 605, Le., Sections 4, 5 and 6, shown in red on the sketch titled, "Changes in Secondary System Due to Relocation and Construction on Route 605, Project 0605-080-l33,C50l, 332 10/28/70 ---___--,.-. _..-+ __ __.----,.-,___*~________:---.~__:-...,__---_.,--.--.~____~,..-__,_ __."__________ .0_._.__ _._.'n.___.______._._.._~___._.,_____..__..,.-- _..,_."_____. -. - . -.. -. . . - - -. _____"___________...___..n__ _~___~ \ t1 \1" \O\~ 110..\"10 " ':k~ ~'P: v , I same hereby is, abandoned as a public road, pursuant to Section 33-76.12 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. M~tion carried by the following recorded vote: , j'AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ,NAYS: None. ./ 'Board of Supervisors ) ) vs ) ) The Public and the State Highway ) Commission of Virginia ) ORDER This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, anc upon the application for }iuse D;cive h'om Finney Drive NW to D. E. - 0.09 mile to ,be accepted and made a part of the Secondary 'System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known :'as Montgomery Village, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 53, of the :records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, ;i 'on March 17, 1970, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting it property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and !right for drainage. 'I " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Muse Drive from iFinney Drive NW to D. E. - 0.09 mile and which is shown on a certain sketch ,accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) Highway) ) ORDER "II vs The Public and the State Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Finney Drive from Hardy Road (Route 634) to Nuse Drive - 0.20 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Montgomery Village, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 53, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on , :i ;1 " I' \1 " i. I, I I I I I \II.D \~~.,", if approval be granted, that the proposed deed of easement be executed by the ~ .~ :1 Chairman and Clerk of ~~e Board and delivered to Roanoke Gas Company, all costs in J ' Jb' connection therewith to be borne by Roanoke Gas Company, on motion of Supervisors . @PI AYES: $t 334 I ~. ~y -b~~ . ~ ~. ~ \'10 \?-\ .x., \~ 10/28/70 . -_. .'. ---"...- _._~-- ----. -. ..- ,.._~ -,"-'--'- - ..- . Ii 11 " "IN RE: EASEMENT ACROSS COUNTY PROPERTY TO ~ROANOKE GAS COMPANY This day appeared Roanoke Gas Company, by counsel, and presented to the Board a request for the granting to it of a right of way and easement over the lands of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, bounded on the west by Virginia Secondary Route No. 643, and on the north by Interstate Route No. 81, .i :, all as more particularly shown on plat dated October 6, 1970, prepared by C. B. Malcolm and Son, S.C.E.'s, a copy of which was presented to the Board for the installation and maintenance of its gas transmission lines and facilities in accordance with a form of deed of easement dated october 22, 1970, a copy of which was also presented to the Board. It was unanimously resolved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia, grant,subject to the approval of the Circuit Court,the right of way and easement over the above described lands and that necessary papers be prepared and approval of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, be requested, and Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston. Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Attorney Frank Saunders appeared regarding the foregoing matter. . IN RE: CHANGE OF TIHE FOR SECOND REGULAR I-lEBTING IN NOVE~ffiER 1970 Supervisor Lee B. Eddy moved that the hour of the November 25th meeting of this Board be changed from 7:30 p.rn to 2:00 p.m. and that the Clerk of this to Board be directed/advertise said change in accordance with the law. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, 1. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. >. IN RE: CHRISTI>\AS HOLIDAY vffiEREAS, Christmas Day has heretofore been declared a legal holiday for all County employees and the Clerk's Office; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLv2D by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke ! County that Thursday, December 24, Christmas Eve Day also be declared a general holiday in observance of Christmas for all County employees; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Judge of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County be, and he hereby is respectfully requested to declare the same day, , December 24, 1970, a general holiday for the Clerk's Office; ,--- ------'"._---..-,--"..,. . - --. ---,-.-..--.-----'. I I ii ii I 'I I I I 10/28/70 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be transmitted - i' i:to the Judge of the Circuit Court for Roanoke County. i: I i: Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. !iEarl Simms and the following recorded vote: I, " liAYEs: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles ,I 1,.' H. Osterhoudt. :1 I' " :;NAYS: Nor.e. i'l1l;;& l~' i, " IN RE: THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY " Ii :'all !; WHEREAS, Thanksgiving Day has heretofore been declared a legal hOliday for county employees and the Clerk's Office; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cou!:.cy t: !: I that Friday, November 27, 1970, also be declared a general holiday in observIDlce II II :Iof Thanksgiving for all County employees; and :. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Judge of the Circuit Court of ROID10k'~ County be, and he hereby is, respectfully requested to declare the same day, November 27 ': 1970, a general holiday for the Clerk's Office; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board be directed t~ deliver . :a certified copy of this resolution to the Judge of the Circuit Court for il Roanoke county. 'i Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by SupE!rvisor L. I' I! Earl Simms and the following recorded vote: -- i:AYES: Joseph C. T!:.o~!:.s, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. 'NAYS: None. The following items were this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members: !...... , Copies of three letters from State Division of Justice & Crime Prevention to Sheriff O. S. Foster dated 10/19/70 advising that the Council on Criminal Justice had approved action grant applications filed by him for improve- ment of Police Communications in the total amount of $28,928.00; .... v' Letter of lO/l6/70 from Sheriff O. S. FOster in reo denial of a grant requested from State Highway Safety Division in the amount of approxi- mately $138,000.00 for commun,ications; "/ . Memorandum of lO/16/70 from Commonwealth's Attorney to Board Members in re: Function of Planning Commission; !<'I , I I , """" v' Copy of memorandum of lO/23/70 from Commonwealth's Attorney to Paul B. Matthews in reo Rezoning of Mobile Home Park Locations; v'Letter of lO/13/70 from City Manager of Salem in reo Salem's appointed C~nmittee to negotiate with County relative to services contract etc.; /Sheriff's Statement of Office & Travel Expenses incurred by Deputies & self for September 1970; vrLetter & application of Craig-Botetourt Electric cooperative, New Castle, Va for revision of its rates. 335 " \\\~~O~ , v-t\ i:~ 336 lO/28/70 . -_._- ----c--.O-.-..--~~. -'.'0"=..''''' .1-- / ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM - ADDITIONS TwO letters dated October 8, 1970, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Va. approving the following additions effective 10/8/70: ARROW WOOD COUNTRY CLUB SUBDIVISION LENGTH I Extension of Frontage Road - from present end of Frontage Road to Highland Farm Road. 0.23 Mi. . Highland Farm Road - from Arrow Wood Road to Frontage Road Ext. Arrow Wood Road - from Rte. 780 to Ferncliff Ave. C . Ranch Road - from Rte. 780 to Mattaponi Dr. Partridge Lane - from Laurel Ridge Road to D. E. Lewiston St. - from Rte. l40l to Ranch Road 0.58 Mi. 0.50 Mi. 0.44 Mi. 0.06 Mi. 0.04 Mi. I ,. Laurel Ridge Road - from Rte. 829 to Frontage Road Sioux Ridge Road - from Laurel Ridge Road south to D. E. ROBIN HOOD PARK SUBDIVISION 0.54. Mi. 0.09 Mi. ~Blackwood Dr. - from Ellison Ave. to D. E. 0.10 Mi. v Arrow Dr. - from Ellison Ave. to D. E. ~Lancer Dr. - from Ellison Ave. to D. E. 0.10 ~li. 0.10 Mi. vEllison Ave. - from SCL of Salem to D. E. 0.19 Mi. " were this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. I / ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM - ADDITIONS A letter dated October 20, 1970, addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Va. approving the following additions effective 10/20/70: /Granby Street - from Rte. 460 to 0.52 Mi. N. 0.52 Mi. ,Mary Linda - from the intersection of Rte. 1023 to 0.05 Mi. E. 0.05 Mi. was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. I i v Huddleston and the fOllowing recorded vote, the County payrolls (Semi-monthly dated 10/15/70 and Daily/Hourly dated 10/14/70 & lO/28/70) were approved for -' payment in the gross amount of $67,373.96; from which the sum of $3,029.5l F.I.C.A. v Tax; $7,30l.l0 W. H. Tax; $1,l37.93 State Income Tax; $36.00 Uniforms; $12.00 ./ " ( Accounts Insurance; $1,568.70 Blue Cross Ins.; $1,831.62 Retirement and $916.54 I " Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $51,540.56. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. ~; \\'\ ')1-\. ;;;/ ~ . Ji- " j~y: ~~(~... ~o.~'ot" \ X~) J(~.v ~~~:',i ;~,! ~~~ Ii / II ~I>' '/ %~~?" ': ~~ '\~ /1z~ '''\r~ .1z~~'" ;~cI',: "I"~'" ~.4.'" '?"<- J!'''' .,"'> ~ lO/28/70 __ _"U_.'_"___'~_"'" -- ._~..._._,.._~_.- ,; IN RE: / , APPOINTMENT OF OLIVER S. WOODY TO FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County appointed Mr. Oliver s. Woody, 5403 Club Lane, SW as a member of the Fifth Planning District Commission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. R. E. Lucas, resigned, which term expires June 30, 1971. I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. I v: IN RE: I APPOINTMENT OF MRS. A. M. EVANS TO ROANOKE COUNTY LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor JosE~ph C. I I, A 'i . ' I Thomas and the fOllowing recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors appointed Mrs. M. Evans of 8008 Alpine Road, Roanoke, to the Roanoke County Library Board of Trustees for a term offour years to expire October 30, 1974. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddlesto'tl and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. '" IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF MRS. CHARLES GLOVER TO SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION I On motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors appointed Mrs. Charles Glover of 4015 Belford Road, SW Roanoke as a member of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission for a term to expire September 18, 1973. AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms, A. T. Huddlestcm and Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: None. Action was deferred on consideration of the adoption of the Executive I Secretary form of government. The meeting was adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded;' by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas I members. , ,'"':'l,....-,.~~~::::':~:~~~,-,...'}~...,..-~...............~,,...,....._......... ._n_ .:.0=.."-._="'"_"""'_...,.,.---,..."=...,...,.-....;.="""_-...,.,..=_"'.__.,...,,.-_"""'_."'='"'-.--,, _.",.,~.._,";!..,,"",,_.,. _.___~_u..__, "._ .. ._-_..-.. Roanoke County Courthou$e Salem, Virginia November 11, 1970 2:00 P.M. ..... The Board of Supervisors met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in "Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom thereof being the second Wednesday and :i lithe first regular meeting of the month. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Charles H. 'Osterhoudt, Lee B. Eddy, Joseph C. Thomas and L. Earl Simms. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice- l.,.j , , ',Chairman A. T. Huddleston. The Conunonwealth's Attorney and Assistant, Messrs. L.... jiRaymond R. Robrecht and John N. Lampros, respectively, were present as well as the !,County Engineer-Executive Officer & Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice !j ,: Mi tChell, respectively. I.....' 'i The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend H. H. Dorn, Ii v !iminister to the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, who offered the invocation. The n pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Osterhoudt. -. 'I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Lee B. :i :'Eddy and the following vote, the minutes of the October 28, 1970, meeting of this ,I :: Board were approved as corrected: !,AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Si=s and Charles H. Osterhoudt. H I' NAYS: None. ,I :, "ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. " - Ii i~ ,I :! AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUNTY ORDINANCE CONTROLLING THE RUNNING AT LARGE OF DOGS WHEREAS, Roanoke County has a valid ordinance controlling the running at 'I large of dogs; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County deems certain amendments' ;to said Ordinance expedient and necessary to promote the health, safety and general , -, Ii welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and it ~ Ii WHEREAS, a public hearing on a certain amendment to said Ordinance was held i' :\ on November lJ., 1970, at 2: 00 p.m. at a meeting of the Board of SupeI'visors of Roanoke County, said public hearing having been advertised once a wee,k for two (2) consecutive weeks, namely October 23, 1970, and October 30, 1970, in The '''''1 , I . . - World News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and Octobar 21, 1970, and October 28, 1970, in The Vinton Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke county, and having been posted at the front door of the Roanc~e County , Courthouse; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Section 3 of said Ordinanc'e be amended by deleting the following language contained in the first sentence of said Section to-wit: .. ., following previous notice given to the owner within one: year of the occurrence. '. . ." / 340 11/11/70 ~--~-.~----..---~-_. - --- - - -.......,~- --"- - ---- -_.------ ~ --- ~lO ,\\ ,1\ , December l, 1970, and the Clerk of this Board is directed to publish the attached ,/, j!. . : k ~ . /.{:: notices of said amendment once a week for two (::) consecutive weeks i.n The World- -1"{ '-\'f'> ' y r ~ ',News, a newspaper having general circulation in Roanoke County, and i.n The Vinton '.\ .' ,S,,," J" 1J~w...'V f' Messenger, a newspaper published in Roanoke County, and shall also p_tblish and f\". post a copy of the said amendment at the front door of the Roanoke Cc'unty Court- C ' I ,eV' 1;'<' .. ~~. C:e BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the effective date of this amendmemt shall be I house. Upon motion of Supervisor Lee B. Eddy, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the fOllowing recorded vote: NAYS: None. I AYES: Joseph C. Thomas, Lee B. Eddy, L. Earl Simms and Charles H. Osterhoudt. ABSENT: A. T. Huddleston. The Commonwealth's Attorney appeared to explain the proposed amendment and no one ap~ared in opposition to same. -I IN RE: REZONING OF 6.50 ACRES OF LAND, ) PROPERTY OF CARLTON WILLARD WALTERS ) AND CLAIRE LYNN WALTERS, SITUATE ON ) THE WESTERLY SIDE OF U. S. ROUTE 221,) BENT MOUNTAIN, VIRGINIA ) ,r WHEREAS, Carlton Willard Walters and Claire Lynn Walters did p'etition this FINAL ORDER Board and request that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide that the above desc~ibed property be rezoned and reclassified from Agricultural District A-l to Business District B-2, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on September 23, 1970 and, by order entered I that day, was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia of 1950 \.)(~~ as amended; and \~. , , '1'+-.",' WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at 'n.. ~. (' i ~: <>t~~' .; a meeting held on the 20th day of October, 1970, after hearing evidence as to the . r~~-;~V'~.~\. ;! merits of said petition at a public hearing held on October 20, 1970, recommended ! ~ ~ /'\r' ,'to this Board that said Roanoke County zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change , '~~~~~~', ,: the classification of the hereinafter described property from Agricultural Dis- ,~1~~r. ': trict A-l to Business District B-2; and \ ~""A"'~ . \, c' WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board, pursuant to the order entered by this ~;(~\V...' \ Board on September 23, 1970, did set the matter down for a public hearing at the I ': meeting of this Board to be held on November 11, 1970 at 2:00 P.M., and gave ,I : notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning " Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held by this Board on the proposed amend- ment on the llth day of November, 1970; and WHEREAS, this Board gave careful consideration to said petition, to said recommendation, and heard evidence as to the merits of the said proposed amend- I ment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance; and 11/11/70 341 -,,"=''"':...,.,........._- "-"'"""'~-'-"'-""""'O-:="-:";,"~O"" ~-.-''''..'_-''_~,e -..,..=__.",,.-.-,,,,==__..=---.,._,,-'=_,....,"'=~_ ~~__ I' Ii " " !:ordinance should be amended as hereinafter I, H I, Roanoke County Planning Commission. " " ~ I WHEREAS, this Board is of the opinion that said Roanoke County Zoning set forth and as recommended by the said NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of , , I, Roanoke County, Virginia, be and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify Ii iithe hereinafter described property from Agricultural District A-I to Business Dis- Ii . ,Itrrct B-2, the said property being so reclassified is more particularly described 'as follows: ... I c J ..... BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Virginia Secondary Route No. 612 and on the westerly side of U. S. Route No. 221 where the two said roads intersect; thence with the westerLy side of U. S. Route No. 22l, South 160 43' West, 723.8 feet to the south- east corner of tile B. W. Angle property; thence North 690 41' West, 69.l feet with the B. W. Angle line; thence North 550 l2' West, 430.3 feet continuing with the B. W. Angle line to an iron stake at the corner of the Cecil Wood property; thence with the Cecil Wood property line for a distance of 283.7 feet to an iron and then continuing on a new division line through the Flora Belle Howell property for a distance of 221.27 feet, North 220 04' East, in all 504.97 feet to an iron stake on the southerly side of Virginia Secondary Route No. 612; thence with the southerly side of Virginia Secondary Route No. 612, South 840 13' East, 438.95 feet to the point of BEGINNING, and containing 6.50 acres, as shown by a plat of survey made by T. P. Parker, State Certified Engineer, dated February l4, 1969 and recorded in the Clerk