HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-1972 , - ". -' -- IJ II J' I~ I) ()I: SlJ I) I: I~\"S() I~S Ifl:(:()I~I) IJ()()I( .. I ~"i':''4'"~~ ........----. ........,--....,...'---~..."."""'-;.~...~., ..~ .,~ -'........:..-...~,,_........--";.~.....;.""---~,......."'-~..........~_..................,..-"""-.'.._"..4":'O'~_......'~.....'""~...;..~~.....;,;'Ii:I>,u.:..'~~... . CLERK IOF . THE CIRClJIT COURT .._~.-.-'---~--"-' ......._-----~ .-_.~- .. ,--'-'~'...".._....."- ",-...,..-_.,- ~-,- _ _-~~,;>_".~'M;~ -.~.<l'>r:'lftl'> '.,..,~.~~ ~__ r_"" "..--, --~ _~_'.,"",8 -""-"'~"'~~-'"'-"~"""""""t"""'~"'.'-'~.o:--_......~_... __ ..,_...._ H"_..'."',....~....'.->:".~~":",~<:.':<'''''":''''~.~-......~ -I. ..-"..----......~~-..__..~... "_.__ ...._..~ '-._.~~....~.....-..-....",..~_..--.........:...,.,..,....,."'l"."'~,..',; ~ VDLU e- ,- '1 -- -'--- ..-..-"" VEARS= 11 - .-.....- ~.. ~~, PAGES = 11 '.--.-- FIL ED: ._.'~ - ......." .'. ,.....~......""'-....."'-,~ """-., -_._.~ ---~.._---,,~.~ -- h ;1 :1 .\, 1" II iI ; i : f' , , : , i ~ 1 P ~ , i: '.;~ftiii'",~~" . -, ,;; ':' ~ v' !? ;~>~.;.~. ~. ~~".;". t" .-. ',":' - ,- ',' - $., ,.- J:i~;}it:,;:<..:: : . ,"- .--~' CERTIFICATE OF AUTflErmClTY THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PERt1ANENTLY VALUABLE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE AS LISTED ON THE TITLE SHEET \'iERE ~lADE AVAILABLE FOR I1ICROFlU1ING BY THE LOCAL HECORDS BRANCH OF THE P.RCHIVES DIVISION OF THE VIRGINIA STATE LIBRARY AS AUTHORIZED BY SECTIONS }5,}-8, 112,}-82, AND 42.}-83 OF THE ~O~OF VIRGIKLA. THE PURPOSE OF THE. !'IICROFILl-lING IS TO PROVIDE SECURITY COPIES OF THE RECORDS. ! tij;ll/ \:;IL~ . (ttbj (L~trz.j r . II ~-'---. ------ -;i . ---...-.. -~- . 362 HAccounts Insurance (payroll deduction)- 39, ll!j, 152, 183, 222,232, 28l,325, 350/388 H_ --- - -'; 443 , 475, 498 S70, 582 , 610 :, Abandonment of Route 654 - 4~~ !%i . ",) . .;: , -- " ---1 Auditor _employed to audit Co. recoz.ds for 1970d971- 68 t ---... Auto_for .COo- Exec. Officer ,_ acceptance of quot'l from Ray Dobbins. Lincoln~arcury-_ 34..__ _of Wash" D. C..for reviewing & evaluating specs I' 'H". -ii-'- .. for_Sheriff' s_communications. equipment~.35, 93_ .._____..__ H____'___..___j...__ __.IH _- ~..-..---~~-~~:~l, Frank_R. 's reappointment to .Rke. ,Co. PiWlic Servo Authority.-40 :i :1 .. . :' !I u___________.__..~.._ n. .;Assistant Comm..Atty (2nd one) author~zatJ.on.,t.o .purchase equipment.up to-$80.00- 102- .__.___.+__;,,__ 'I I! .._--_ -,,,,_.... H'__' __;Ashville,. Mrs... Zenobia' s claim for cost. qf remqving floorings to .get dead dog under her ,house+,106- i' _.~djustmentS&Appec.lS Board (Bldg..COde) ,... appclintments thereto - 116 i i-m-.. .= I~:.'..: -._ :..: ~ :~:e:::t::~ c::r:::~~~~::' :n:::::::n:o c:::;~c::~~::~::~t;:~r;~:::r p;o::~::e:o:a::~:t~~;~i. ~ ~-= il _i.._..... _1,,1._..._.. ___..__u__, ._..._..._..truck.&.patrols cars to CO..GenerLtl.Fwld.-----l22,.l48.. _ __ :!Air Pollution Adviso~' & Appeals Board, appoin1:t.".nts thereto - l28, 600 Ii ~_u__... _ . .. __ _ . . " !i A & U MOBILE Homes, Inc. & Robert C:. Bralllll'.er, 'st ux. ,special use permit renewed- l4l Ii . I' "j' ..'. i I . II .___JAppalachJ.an..Power.Co..letter.to Boar"; rel.chan'Je.in electrical meter & bill' ., _____ ____ __ for electric service at MOUfLt Pleasant li'ire House--- 164 ;; __._m: Agreement with Kelley.Scientific corp. II i ,I " ., , il "jl u',,_, I .1 ., .." _..._,,- , __'_"_'''__.__'_ ..___,!Automobile fleet _...___._. ......._...._ ~Albergotti, .Mrs. insurancoa for Co. . ,- l77 ! I. ,I .--.j;....---... Ii Ii I' Emmett's_letter re:.Peters crl!ek-flood . control measures----l92 to Valley 'governments ......-~------._..-.-.------ j Areaway. Drains -Bd. -- Chairman'&.letter/ re - action -to .prohibi t.. the connect' on. of .same ,I I: __._____...____.____~--.__...._--.-_to sanitary sewers..------2ll__.... '...__,,_.. ".. '... __.._n___ 'I .. _.___~AgreementbatweenRecn.HDept.__&_Lioi~S.Club_of Il.inton zeLbasketball.court ol,t SlDnebridg , I: __. _._____._...llAkers ,.Charles _Thomas .Jr. - _vacation.. of. portion jof. Cook. road.. ----- __ 248, _ 283 ._.__ I I' I " I ....---~.---- ~. ___ ......_. - ".',1. Audit of. Treasurer' s.records forye,ar end,. ed l2t:......31/71------- 256 ._._. _ ___. I, .-1:--- -------- ~ Andrew Lewis High School. Football ~~eam Day Proclamation ------264 .......11-..---- .:) 1 ): II Ii .--- -- -- --.--- ; Air Pollution Advisory &. Appeals. Bc,ard -: Liaison Rep~esentative ----- 327. -j-- I' ___.... ". ~Anderton, T. V..- appointed to Se;;:vices-Proper'~ies Negotiating Committee----- 293 i Ii.. ..:. - 4 Attorney _Gen. 's opinion re: John E. Higgins,et al v. City of Rke. annexation case-----+ 323 J _ ____ _ ._,,:: Austin, _ W. J., at ux for special use permit tc,;; use property on Big Hlll as over-night c","pground, . .. . .. 377 ,414~55 :! . , II .-.....! ' -~---,- I " . ..,__...__..__~ _<_0. i! " -!".'..-.-..-n------ I I' ..j .......---.(------ I I' P.ark- 2i5 ..._ I. I' .1 ..i Auditor, __ employment-----. 384 -------..... ---_.._----_.....~--_. ., "Appraiser. (permanent) .----- 384 -.-------.-.10 _ " _____.......__~ Attorney, hiring. a county_::::-:::: _ 384 ~Annual.Road Hearing .-_389 _ ~Air Pollution Advisory & Appeal Board's ii . .... ...., --_._,-_.~. " I: --_off ii "- , " quality of County's.env~ro~nt_-:------406 ;1-'- .'.- , _ .. jAudit of J & D Relations Court records---:----4,Q.9 i 'Appointments of Committees- Board.approv~l r-eql~.ired------439 ..... ._______~Allditors' Report of County - yr. ended 6/30/71~:------487 i: 'iAthletic Courts- contract for paving -490 I; ~ Ii " i: jl -~I . . 401 '!Agreement -Clinton Dewey Brown & County - Bent }lountain -/501, 502 [IAuditor for County Records for yr. ended [6/30/7,2------------502 1 , fUlimal Control Officer, appointment of Kenneth Lee Hogan -- 533 .Arthur, Kenneth B. & Loretta B, tax refund deni.ed 561 I' " l' :lI.genda -- 56l Ii :l. Ii ( ,I ! i I " . " :1 . __ ._m..j Brambleton. Court, _vacation of. public utiii ty e~.sement (Jas. E. .__.__.__ j Bids _ on. Communications _ Equipment .for _ She~iff' s !'Dept. ._71 ]Brand , E._Cabell, reappointment to.TAP Bd. oflOirectors - 66, 72 Ii Bowling Alley, pe.cmit to consll:Uct Ii operate sallie on Lee Highway, granted " Richard Hamlett-29 I: _. __...__n_ I .___'__ ~ ___._,. , " " ' " I r ...1 Bus to tour Science.Museum Bd. members over .Co;: to '/EW possible site_locations_-35__._. __.._____.._1-.__ J Bent Mountain Fire Dept.- aUthOrizationtosP~;d .up to. $3300 to place equip. -on chassisL72-___~li. .____ ,i . II I . ___F~rCldleY, W. Carter - appointed to open b;rning:.studY committee_- 34___________... ...--u-.i.--.--~-.--.. .. J Bids 011 Sheriff' fl. COlllllunications Equipment - 71.......m.___ --.---- l-n.-..f,j'---- J Bldg. ..code Bd. _ of Adjustments & _ Appeals. ~ appo;Lntments thereto - 116_____._ ------..t.-.--. ,I :j 'I ii 1"' I I .1 _: Bergman, Nel 1e P. s letter &.Co. Engr.;13 repl)(.re: _ proposed rate . increase on . property .tax-.93,:------ 'j i i g . j Botetourt Co. ..Board of Supervisors . letter stat:Lng. that they had not adopteel resolution. approving... . 1 1 II __.____... _._..m..__~ _. ._._ formation of_new . health .district ..&. ~issollition. of. existing .one_.----.1l3..__ ,u'''_____1 ..._____; _____. ____._;1 Burkholder,-Earnestine L.'spetition to kezone'!lot l6,_Sec. 1, Walrond Ct. ------.125.,117l.J_.._...._. 'i Bradley, w. Carter's letter requesting p~rmiss~on to . charge _additional petroleum producbs.foJ_..__ u.____.__ --J the -Ai~ Pollution Cont~ol Dept. I S t~uck &:i patrol cars.to Co. Gen. . Fwid- .122, 148 _..L___._J___ .. .---.. -. ___.H_. ~ ---. -- , Ii i II ___u_____.__._.._~ Bi.::entennial.Conference,. Va.-State- -162:..--. "--;i ------.-,,------------.-. --------...c-------.----.----.-I-- '--"-r--- ___._.___..______.____~Burkholder, .Earnestine L. 's .pet --..- :: mu__.', ..-------.---.....-.... --------.-..--..------.-I-...-.--j;. -----.- ;. ; ';1 i Ii _.._________.__J Botetourt_Co.-_statement. of .posi.tion on_Regiona.l Sewerage.. Treatment Plant.(8/26/71) ----r- .18~___ , !I ! II Botetourt. Co's . letter . to _ STate. Health Dept... ac,yising .. Board. of. Supervisors .had _rescindec'lj.n....+___ - 'I, : II ___u.___ early. action _ & _ thereby approved. fOrplaticl1: of.. a new health district----.. .150._ m.___: --...-JL.-- ! ! ~ Branch (Billy H. l , J. Granger Macfarl~d's l~zoning.petition reproperty on.E.side.~te..6~6u._. I' II' & N. of Rte. ll7------- 193,342 .. ... -.. - , . .--...-. i -..-. 1 clerical. ----__.,._.__.._ , " I' ._._.__._~...,._.__. .1-- . '~I i i II 11 39 ' I Cross (payroll deduction) - 2l.. 39 'rlJO, ll~~, 127 152,165,183 195 222 232 256 281 . 325, 336 ,35~ .3~" 381, 40 ,443,46(" 475,498, 512, 5lk, 5.12, 5S2 ,570,58~5 approved for paymen, urrent-22, .39,70, :115, l28 152l65, l83, 195222,213, ,.. . . 232, 256 265' 281,325. 336, 350,3t2;40cl, nO'444J46~47S~~9~,512 ,see itl!mL._ approved for payment, Re'tro-active-:22, 39! 70,ll5 l28, l52' l6", l83, .1.95, 222,21i3~~' 232, 256, .265'. 281, .325" 336, 350, 362,387, 400, 4l0,444. 475,5l2,~82 Ii <_ deferred for _payment, .pend~ng.:tr.,vest~gat:LOn- . . ,_,,____,_,_.,__._ --..-f---- " " jBlue IBills , [IBills .--- it , 'Bills Long .Constr. Co. 'spetit~on)-2*___ I II ...---..---... ----_..,-I! ....-- .----.-, .._--.- ~ .---- il ---I' - ..-.---------.... ~ -_.' ------,_._----. :;. 'I q ... , i: __ 4 __. n employee----- 189 i! I q .___;.Building Inspector's letter_' Public Serv.Aut.bority's related comment reo-changing Bldg.......f__.____ Ii Code to .require foundation walls be: waterproofed to prevent_infiltration of..vewer lines.,l91.. -..--.-- ....,.-----.- F ' I. ______,!Brick_for headquarters library - 210, 227. .____... .---~.---...J---. 'I : 11 ._ __n___ __._ "Basketball_Court. at _Stonebridge Park -agreement between_Rec'n.Dept...& .Vintc,n Lions. C11olb-2l5:------n , II ..1BurglarAla.rmsystem-Sheriff's Dept.---~--220!1 J-.--.i---.. ! Ii ;1 l' ____._..IBotetourt eo.Jaycees resolution . endorsing & supporting a regional. sewage. treatment. & waber ..--.. r---' :! I li ._... supply .syste -------222... - .___.____. -" .. - '_____n_ i,---. I for i ' I' ~ Bids on renting/pasture the 60. A of Co. :land formerly_used bJ' McVi tty House,- Inc. ----257 _..___,:____ I-m.-.- -' - ---.---- ~I -_'oj. , Building Inspector's Office - e.uthorization tC'..hire 1 additional Inspector' II I j. ,Brand.& Edmonds Associates bill for cost ,0fadvertisil1g--(full-page'ad in two . of opening .of Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic. Center .in 1967 -------.262 _ .Building Code, Board of AdjustmeM;s.' Appeals,.~iaison represe:ntative------327 I' :Browo,.C. L.'s letter urging Supervisors ~ot to. grant permit ti Rke. City to'operate . newspapers; i: I: a landfill----- at Muncipal Airport N. clear zone-----~280 '!Brogan, Charles P. & Lena ^.' s rezpning pettion, Hollins district-------330, 536 , .:Bradley, Carter- study committee - Envirolllllent .Protection & Sanitation - 339 Botetourt Co. Public Schools C: ~rk 's letter r." their school board's support of regional ium ieasibility study -----336 ]Bo~sack Ruritan Club's request " I ,. I, to have ~ebri5 ::removed- I (letter) .to. Supervisors re It old we.olen mill in Bonsack--..-344, 361 L_ ___ ii ~Baker Brothers, Inc. invitation , iBotetourt Co. Board of Supervisors resolution re provision lar.dfill compa.::tor demonstations-3~3 . 368 sewer: cont.ract/. for regional agency in 2 40l, 51:iT, 502 , il Brown, _..mol _ ii Clinton Dewey.," Exchange of property.wi1;h I Roanoke County I . - .. . I' -' " I: I' , ~. . ., . I I ,; :i ;) II I: I' ., I I. 'I I. Ii... , '"--_'_..__,_.,__.__.._.~.. _'_~ __..______-. __ _._._,n _. .._ ..___._....__..__n_ ... ,~._ _._.___ . .________.. __.n' i I ~ i ------------.-. -----.-L Chelsea Street_in Southwoods Subdivision ,-. Clos.ing-of .same- 6,- 97.. \I I" : .1' . . .....-..--------... ..---4 cox,_ John E. S_~es1.gnat1.on.from . Roanoke CO.H1.g.hWay-S&fety COIllIIl1.ssJ.on-2o. ..- ---.. -.. - ..--.- :.- i~ " 'I ' It" .-----.--..--.------...- ~ Commissioner .of.. the Revenue's _letter. re: ! preparation of. Vinton..Tax Ticket!! by. his office?': ", \it' , I "'lJ. i' ! Ii : -------.---.-------! Commonwealth'.lLAt.torney' s report - re: -legality of. Co. 's _ imposing _ tax. on - gross. receiptll6f;.-- 'i I 'I .--------------------.1..-----.. C.& ._p . Tel. "Co. _- _3 ....___..__u_.___.~___:________:. __.._..__....__.....___._. '_ ___..____________ ... .._____..._.._______.,______ Ii : ;, . H __ ________ ___ L Chairman authorized_ to. write _ Chairman,.. SchooL Board requesting _ use. of-Ogden. School _ for-J------~..---- .__1._. .-___....___L_ -- ----- Recreation _Dept.' s. use _ -.3_ .__ _. i 'i .-----. .--.L-...--l.-.- ________._ _____._ ~ Co. . Engr. -Exec. _ Officer's. status _ reports: of vaJ~:ious _ projects _ in Co. _ - 2 ----....----..--.-------! ---..- i.--- I I I Ii ---------___ ----..1 Ci t:\;".Co _Consolidation. booklet published .by UVA '. Institute. of _Gover.<llllent- .21_. ._.___,,__....._ __ (. ____, ____ ------__________._J community. Services _Evaluation_Program, _l~t An01~al Report. by .Rke... Valley .Council.of. comm~nity 'IL--- il : i: II i I " Services - 2l 'I' , I' -= :~~::~.-~~==~~ j -~~~~:~~ 0.. L. ~ s .. ~e~te; -~- ~~ ~ ..~~~~~~~-re~~~--~e ~- ~ ;~:~~~~~ _ ~~~~~:~-~;e-a~:d~~-se~:~~-~::~~:~~~i:n~~=- _._____._____________. ~ __.._. _____ in. southwest _Co. _ - _2l....._ __..____.. ! _ _ \1 _ _____ _____ _. ______ ____ . ____..__ ___.._________! ____ L-__ Atty. Ro)~t. Glenn that I II __.._______________ ~ COlllillonwealth '.s Attorney's _letter _advising/co. _ I~eclines to _undertake. defense .of. Branch. & .____.._ i----.- -----__.._______.____1__________ Associates .in matter of _r"zing _of _a.dw~lling owned. by. Geo. W.' Grissom .-_ 21____. ... 1....-....--!1 __.'___ '!Civic Center Roof - letter from Salem City Manager forwarding material to Co. Engr. re same-2~ ------~~-._---lt - .- --"--. .- . .. - :'. - .. -. ,- .-.. t' ---. ii od f R k Ii ! ___________... ..._____; C e. 0 _ oano e_County ,.Adoption___ -.44 ---...------------...-.--.---..------------....-c---- ___.._________________ ~ Cundiff, _ Samuel.. w. _. Ii.. Dorothy..v. 's _ rezoni~g . pet;' tion- . Bigl.ick.. Dist. _ --- _ 36 . .132. _______l__._._ __ ~ .___ :1 1 ': I !; ___.__.____________l Construction _& . General Laborers. Local. union .No~ .~80, . petition-to. rezone -land- (45.5. A) __:. J___. II " ! ! (l2l I ---...---------- ~ '----- _frontinc;_on..serv1.ce road . that .parallelaRte. - Sl-&..adjacent to--Exit.4~ .on..Rte.-8l-. 3G-,p.. ___________.~ Communications _ equipment for_sheriff' s D~?t. _ - ~LEAA Action _ Grant & Highway safety __proje~t.. gr01!1t;3(j 11 CATV Committee Report of 6/1/71 - 32 Ii i -.- -'- ----., ,.....~.--._-.. --- -..-.---------------------------...--...-----.--,-.----------------'l -..-_._-.~ ..------- ~ Committee to study regional courthouse facilities - 33 I ~I =~=~-~=! Coumittee ~ to: stUdy - open bU~ing & ~~SP~S~l of ~ea;~~ & -~ru~h;_.;~~~~~-~~~:==_-~~=~_(:~:-_-~ ~_=. II Committee to study insurance requirements for public amusements in Rke. Co. - 35, l57 I. 11 __.________._,___..,____u.. _. _'._ _ . _ .,. .. _ __ ,____. __ _...___j -"___._'".._,. ,., . Committee (Sanitation) to draw up guidelines f-:>r Maintar.ance Dept. - 35,l77 i I: -----.----..----.- ..-- , __...._,__u_" ..,,__ ..,._.,_.. -----"'-'-f" ....,..__. . ,,___ ~ Chaparral Dr. . & Penn Forest Blvd (Rtes. 80C & 6.87) - HighwaySafety Coounission recommen9-ation~ _..__ of 6/l/7l regarding safety measures at this, !!intersection -------- 92, 103 . ______.._______ .__._...____~ Communications _ equipiuent _ for Sheriff ~ s . Dept...:-. !'acceptance of bids _ & Ii Committee to study tax relief for elderly - 33.; 67 ,9l, l77 _.._--_.._--._------_._~ - .-.,- .......-.-......--... awarding contracts-'7l - ., :1 Committee to study necess;ty for flood insurance - 9l _____n__._.____~___.. _. , i Ii ..-.._; --..-. -..-...+; ._--,- h_. ! ._______,..J __.._._ ___________________ Jemmuunications _ - _ Kelly. Scientific Report :on _ "E'(:aluation of.. Rke. _______..._. __.. _._. ~ _ Communications.. equipment. for Sheriff's D.ept. -.. :.:ecCll1llUendations , . i. ..___________.________ J___by _Dept. Sheriff Michael_Kavanaugh_:___...__ .. ___ ____._. Co. __ Sheriff's Radio _ sys1:em-..1! -___ of Sheriff' sDept.. as pr:epar.4__. I' I! .'" ....~..' -_..--._~ .---..--.....--.. -,-_.- ---_..-- ----------.--. -.-- .. .Communications equipment_for_Sheriff's~pt.. -' Board Chairman's memo of 6/38/Sl I: -..-....__..,__,., . ,_....__" _..; "_.0,- I --------------- ~ . Communications - equipment - for Sheriff's. ~pt.. ~: Technical Products _ Engi~~e~i~9 _ ____._______..____L.____6/25/71_certifyins.60-day . extension ;frcmd!'te..of their letter/&.terms I' Co. lette!x of. " . - -....-..-..- therain ...,7 J. ____.2.. Communications _ equipment ..for Sheriff' s ~pt" " " Commonwealth's Attorney's memo of 5/3l/7l re .. '". copy of bid schedule n tax relief for elderly - 31 _.~_,.._ ___.'__" U_'_'_'_'~''''_ ---1------.' -.. .- " Commissioner of ..the. Revenue's authorization tq hire additional deputy to facilitate collec- i .._. __ _____ of .b~siness license taxes ----90. _ _hi!!. letter requesting same --91 1971 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assi~tance - .93 Cable Tv- motion to issue only one permit to operate in Co. - dies for lack of second-32 Castle Rock Farms residents' petition to have .lots 1 & 5, Block. 4, sec. No. 1 of said ] " , t' i: i :: ..Subdivision. cleared of weeds - 34 Cub_Scou~s of.Den_2, .Pack. 52. - letter advising of dumping in Glenvar HeightS-Ft. Lewis Hollow area & offering to help clean up. witt, a:;sistance of Co. t:rucks-f 34 Commonwealth's Attorney's memos re !ndustrial..Development A~lthofity- 9l,93_ Commonwealth's Attorney memorandum re: use of ' bond money to pay for lights on base~all field at Green Valley School - 32 (OVER) '!','- ~. " _ ~ommonwealth's Atty. appointed to.co~itte~. to study open burning - 34 Commonwealth's Atty. " , I " 61 I - 67.. " " " tax relief for the elderly _ ~ ..C-aDmissioner _of the .Revenue II " " .. .. " .. .. " .. ".'. . C al~'" At ' ;.. '-~;,... . '; ". OIlIlllDnwe '.n s torney s memo '~;:;.:;Y''''' '. ,L.,._._...Coon, .Carl C..appoJ.nted to Rke. ~.'~/ i. .... Ii ... Covey, Marshall. G. n I' penal ties for violation of certain. ordinances - 92 i re: Co. Electri~al Examining Bo~rd - 95 .. " n " .. 95 . Committee to propose Curfe... Ordi:~ance., reactivated - 103 ; discontinued 273 , commonwealth's.Atty's Office authorized to.purchase $!lO.OO worth equipment for 2nd ~sist~t-lC2 Ii Cent>ury Development Corp., petition to rezone property. in Cave ::;pring .Dist.- l04,l73... i CATV LICENSE AGREEMENT - lO'6 i i I. ___._.!.__._Clarkson, Dr.. WIn. D..~s appointment t9 ._....__ U.-----.. ...... Mental. Health-Mental Retardatio~ Ii I joint Board of Guidance Center & Rke. Valley Services .Board ._- l07 . Contract, covering sale of Police Dog, bet~een Co. .. Raymond.L. Laffoon- 37 -I ti " compensation Board's notice setting salaries & expens.!s for Commonwealth's Attorney; 'lreasurer; Commissioll,er of. the !Revenqe & Sheriff for fiscal year ending 6/30/72-38 , I Commissioner of the Revenue's salary' &.exp~nses as set by Compo Board - 38 ii ~ .' ....._ CClIIlIlIClnwealth' S Attorney's salary & Expenses. as set by Comp. Board - 38 ...... Commonwealth' s.Attorney' s letter to State. Corp. Comm. re G:-eenridge Water Co.;s pro.posed .. .__.J. ___________rate.increase.---.94 .........__ ! ___.L___comm';mwealth' sAU:rney' s .let'~er. to .A~ty. _ G~n.. re:. opinion regarding start of C.;TV c;onstrqc- I! I .______U.... "._ .___ tion. prior. to enactment of. Co... o~dinan!?e ------94 I' I! Commonw~althls Atty's. letter to Cnairman ~~e. Co. Pl. Comm. re: prohibition of , " churches in R-l zoned areas+ req!lesting.meeting.to discuss same- 94 !i " --'-""'.-- ---+-1 I , '" Craig. Co. Board of Supervisors resolution approving. creation of new health dist. - 9.4 ....--_......'...-:I:~. II !! '. Comm. Atty (Assit.) letter to Board Chairman re: m~:eting w/ N & W Railway Co. & .. State. Forestry Service. r'epresertati ves re: fires caused I:y . sparks from N & W [: ....__!: .___ . engines ---- 94 ii ,! CClIIlIlIClnwealth's Attorney's memo to Board members reo Industrial Development Authority-93 "!' ._- !: I .Cl.ement, G. Franidl letter with a.~tached article describing a two-way system for CATV--~- 113 terminal -----.-... .. -.. - .._, -'-" ,. . -.-.....j;, .._+. Chairman, Science Museum of Va., Bd.i of Tr~stees, letter expressing appreciation t~ I' Ii Supervisors Chairman for Co.' s s!1pport.' in developing a museum program I< for Ii Ii .. recent tour;.,---- l13 _. ..__...c-nwealth's .attorney's letter to ~tate l;.aw Libraryre:forwarding a free copy of I' !~ Rke. Co. Code --- l28 ea.aittee,eOMmunications - l45,l57 I i ii t . ..cc-1ttee, to develop a policy on stprm drainage - 146, 158 ca..unicationsl towers (single mono tube ant~nna m.ar.~ vs 3 triangular type antenna towers)-l44 Constru,otion & General Laborers Local Union No. 980, petition to rezone 45.5 A on service road that parallels Rte. 61 I< adjacent to exit 41 on Rte. 81-l67 Craig Co. Board of Supervisors' resolution reo priority to improvement in Rte. 311: SE of Rke.-Craig Co. line---- l6l Civic Center deficiencies, resolution authorizing Comm. Atty. to take steps to recover money spen~ correcting same ----- 167 C I< P Tel. Co. rate case, COUl,ty wi' ,.draws as intervsner----- 183 Commonwealth's Attorney's report reo possible liability of Co. for injries or death which might result due to Co.'s allowing fi13hing by general public in pond on Co. park. ------- 175 Co. automobile fleet insurance 177 Comm. Atty's letter to Federal Power Comm. re, Co. intervention in VEPCO application I.. --1- .~ . .-.- I~~ I..~~ .. ~ " ., ii tic" page, cont1d. for a pumped storage p~ect at POO<llc.Mt ___'1 l7S I Com ensation Bd. (Stat~-1etter concurring with Bd. of ~upersisor~n I il C. 'Green) -------- l50 approving I' r.ate incre~~u I q hiri..-ig De];jty. ! 11 ;1 . C , P Tel Co. letter to. Boa.rd Charman of 8/5/71 ...i th info permning to proposed Cbmmissioner of Rev. (Moroni " .iCollllllOnwealth's Attorney.'s letter re: conditional approval of contract for construction oflf headquarters l,~brary -..---- 194 ilCollllllOnwealth's Attorne]','s re~ort-"Measures to Re:duce Sewer Infiltration" , Board's s\lbsequent ., i! action ------ l89 !I " "Cundiff. W. E. e~ al~~-Pe~;~inn-T~ 'l"A""'"~ I! tr~ct of land. ln~ R, I :. 1'4.1 """r -4.r- Br.:llmpltlt.OR: ('rt,..,,..-.- Ii l56 i ;i "CODE of Roanoke !'Churches in R-l Co.- r'~solution providi~g fo~ distribution' price of ----------- ., Residential District - 200,224, 246, 262 -I , 'i 1 'A rQol'n'!"'" _ POSS~l't~...;nn nT ("';+-1' n..nu:..~ 'W'~ter C<)'"'paJiliaa ~_~~l..=......l.Q.J..... ICommissioner of the Re'~enue = Taxatiot~ 10f C!~_owned Water COll!panies - 20=L 228. 26L_-:1 , I 1 , Place un deed from ~~jlglO.l..eY-J;~ Icommonwealth's Attorney's letter to Attv. Ja~k I' I I' . Va. reqarding an industrial acce~~~d---------2l0 --+--- . .' 1 ii no 'ChaiJ:ll\a.....s letter to B~l1 Edmunds expressinq,ire,.ret Mr. Edmunds cannot serve aqain o~ k-ci:-ea'n.Bd.l. ii Cave Sprinq Javcees. Inc.' s letter, expr~si"gil their position on Valley-wide Sewage cohtl:-oli210 !I : il . ! Ii J:i~or & members CJ~ Rke!~ City COlln~; 1- Mnrr;lY Rnn ~I3lW':'T T.,np____:- ?11': , :' , 'i IIChairman's letter to Rke. City; City off salefLTown of Vinton reo action taken to i L____ , . , '..t. " I iI proh1b1t ~nnect10n of area wav ""t~:,.ns to san1tarv sewers--------ill----+___L i I I !I Crockett. c. C. appealred rElpresentinq Am..ri<$.n....As;~oc. of R..H "~n R;o; l,.n;on ""'l'lOYI1119 to . I I ,j ! as Supervi~ors' further sQppor~~~~ould al'nw ~~Y ~~l;p~ ~n ~~~ ~lQQrby-~ ; II Co_ Board nf~i"n,." r....Ql.~i for ''''Frone",,,,,!; of R;s. 311 frea! Rke. -~raig Co. line.se about l/~ ~~---~---221 I' Executed Easement Agreement wi Co. iCommission (State) of Game , Inland Fisheri~~/~l.l.'1:thGri7.;nq ~h,p Rn~.,..ti nF ~nru=.rt7;Qn...a : Ji con"trn"~ .!!'.untain:,: 5.. nrer;>tl1. two..,.~a~.. radio billllil trillliSllli !;tel> , on Havens Wildlife Ma."lagemel~t area ')n Ft. Lewis Mt.------221 :iCl:airman's letter to State Dept. of Taxation~i, their reply re: effective date of II .:raiq 'I I, i tr i .1 . . ' reee1-..eJE'--f--,- I :'1 , I -r---'--- I . Co.!s real estate valllAA for 1970 --,---22] .i- iCommissioner of the Revenue- request for overtime - 227 , ICommissioner of the Revenue - request for 2 addinq machines' 1 typewriter - 227. 264 '. :1 'Courthouse S ace Allocation Study. Committee-"228. 254. 405.406 'I :1 I. Chan e of Time for 2nd mestincr in November l'p'71~------230 , I ~ , dChesterfield-Colonial Heights Dept. of Soci'y-Services memo , resolution not be divided into reqions , districts ------- 231 that commorwealth I I. Chairmants should letter in answer to Salem-Roanoke Co. Chamber of Commerce's request for -p.r;ubl~m::>> in listing of/environmental protection' efforts leading to their control--~-231' 0'0 _ , , ,i Chairman's letter to Mayor, City of Roanoke requesting prompt approval of waiver to :City-<:,.)~_ " sewa e treatment contract so~ortion of Peters Craek Relief In~erceptor ~ewer m~y be , . constructed within the City 'limits------------231 -I-_~o~e,alth's Attornev's letter tor ~anoke C.~.t..Q...J:l:j1L Farmer's Nationa':...Jtank clarify.i.ng.~.he_ , , I 'I . intent of the Board 0~.~aso~re:.2~.t.=;~):'m bo.rrowing-.-:=.::.V.l.. 264' " -re- Cantrell, Wm. E.'s/appointment to Recreation Bd.------ 233 I ". .' ,1/ CATV License question - 248, 26l~73,287 Consultant for p~eparation of technical plan for development of q.:!'.~l!Ystem in Co.__, to .2rep!E..e_ license -------26l Cook Road, vacation of portion o~ saE~.-248' ------ 249 '~C Page, cont.inued II II Commissioner of the Rev.' s request for laddi~ional postage money--:::'- 405 - I Committee on Finance Officer'-- 406, U II Committee on continued ownership/dispo~al.df Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center-4l1 !I Contract with Technical Products Engin er~ Company ---- 411 r i 'I C 'I I ,; I: " i i I I Ii T-c--- Contract with Magnasync/Moviola Corp. 'I [I 411 I i , II I! Ii II II Ii " Clark Thomas W. - rezonin etition, . I, ~441 .1148:1 II c. =~HighWay safety project grant-4l4 High ay Safety Project Grant - 414 _"~e> '~nn-F;l'_ 4nf:: !I Clearbrook First Aid & Rescue Squad, I I I ! Cave Spring First Aid & Rescue Squ~d - . I' ,I Ii I' 1 : I Commonwealth's Attorney authorized to ~pendl$500.00 for investigative purposes----462 . I. . i Compensation Board's approval of Chang1S & Jdditions to Treasurer's budget for fisc~l yr~ ending ~ II . I 16/30/72-------459 I[ Chestnut Mt. Drive .provision for stordge l#ne or improvement of curve onto same fr~m\ Rt~. 24-467 ~hange of Time for second meeting in JJ:e l~72------478 I Communications Committee, named 6/20/7J----~513 ,---~ I _ Ii Carpet - Headquarters librarY - 458 J ~76. ~87 L I Continental CATV of Va.. Inc.' s applic~tionl: for license -----481 Ii 1--- II Carpet for offices in Courthouse basem~n~~------- 489 I! Commonwealth' s Attorn~~ oPinion-seibf Br~s. bid On equipment for County & also , ~...p.id on same----.-5l3!' Cartwright, Herbert B. '.petition to i~tlude[icartwlCi9ht Dr. (section of) in secondart sys~em of highways --------------49l I I i,1 r I Compensation Board's letters tentativ~ fixing salaries of: Trea.. Comm. of Rev., II I Hand Sheriff---------497 'I 'r - , I, Compensation Board's letter to Sh",.Fiff b,pkmo:tion of G.S.Holt; replacement of R.M~row~_ ~I' I II C with 1'I.G.Adkins ------497 ! n _l',courthouse Space Allocation Co~~ittee r~~1 6;:!0;72-------S07 ,Chairs :35) - request of Sheriff-------t-507 !I Ilco~unications Contract (Maintenance~--- $07 I' Civic re~"-t: ~or a ro rI:-t-;on --- 526 , 551 , 589 ~Cigarette tax, resolution of intent to old ~ public hearing ---- 527 I Clearbrook Fire Department, authorizat~on f#r pur,::hase of small pick-Up truck II Committee to study supervision of Co. ~ire!~epts. ----527 II 1 I. I Cigarette tax, copies of letters from 1alem Iland Rc>anoke Cty. Clerks w/enclosures Cave Spring American Little League, request !(for re,imbursement 1/2 cost Oak Grove I County Code, publication discrepancieslin -~ 562 T . -T' Ii Consumer Dollar Expo '73 -- 574 : II )1 Chipper Machine, pucchuo;e authorized --I 585 !I Ilcommonwealth'S Attomey's Office, dic~aPho*e equip'\ent -- 595: Assd.stant = 605 1! , ,. --- I! Civic Leagues of Roanoke County - reque~t of Ii notic.e of hearings on budget:-.:--=- 5~I.__ 'I . : ilcatawba Geriatric Project --::~!2.__LL Ii I Civil Defense, matching fund -- 597 cp~ittee appointments - Board approval req,ired ------ 439 Carpet for h~adquarters library bUildi1g - ~roposals- 458 Compensation Board's approval of addit:l.onalllmo!ley for postage for Comm. of the I --:;- I I' Reve:;.ue---ii 443 , I! ii 'i I. II II il Ii " i ( C:OIUm. !~"tty.. II " i ~----- , ! i , ii II II Ii 527 II I I ;, , I' ,I iicounty Government Study COllllllittee - 606 -"--.------ II CCOle, Thomas D. and Ha~.:::zoning -- 5~6 'I ~! '!Cross, JIt!lleS L., Jr. and Nancx..W., _Fezolling 588 i~oleman , i! !i I ~ylett B., Hugh Fl.t~ber,., re~nin~ , , - 5089 II 'I I, " __________: Dog_Wardens _ &_ Chief Dog Warden _ -_ appointments _: _106,.533 I Ii -~._-'--- .-_.-- ..-...----- : I .. . '_,_'''____m'' __._,o:,r Dead Dog._ reJK>val,_ claim for damages _ of Mrs. . Zep.e'bia N. _Ashville - 106 ".- Drainage easement.across.Billy Har~Qurp.ropertv,Ex O.f' - lOo . . ~... .. ~cer-t().look into - <> -...-\.~._ . !' tr __________:_Dale Garment. Co._Inc. ..letter to . Sheriff :thankin~~ -h1.:ll- for courtesy -&-consideration -------:..- ':.i'),' :1 during transaction of business --- 38 I' I . ir'l! - ~--_._--_.-.t ---- .. ---.----, -----.~.,,-.__._.-.~--- . ---- .....-- .;. .....-..-----.. .._~._-'-'. ._..____n______.._.____.___. 0--------,--.--.-.---- j -", ;,'. _J~~'.. p p _ Y Rk~.. Va1.1,,,,~, _Assoc._ for _Mental_Health_ & -Rke. - Area _.:__ --e -=~=~~=L~:u:=u:~::~::::~::::~:n::1a::d3: _ _ ..._u__ __..__ i !i 1" I I,' -~.;~- --... ----.------0 _De l.nquent Taxes_&. A,(:counts, -Report-ofCOllecwJ~or' p.ilriod. 7/l/70--6/30/71-113"-".---"'--:----''':: -.-- Ii __'- .. fl' f F 'l' W ld I " __._._._.____. .D.....,urst_Dr... pet1.tJ.on. or _c oSJ.ng.o . s<\l1le.. J;a. l.n.&_ a "0",.. I.l1c.---. 123 ., -169 ___ ._' ,.____... __ " '! Dixon & Norman, Archi.tects-Statement for. schoo}. property appraisal-annexation suits--12:7 ___.. -~._._.__.._---_._----..- . . - --C:'- ---.-_.---~ Daniel A.. Robinson._& .Assoc .-Statement fo.r serv.ices rende.red.. r.e: ..Annexation sUits_--127!..___..__~__.. '_.__ ______ _LDispatcher _for_SheriJ:f's.Office--- _20l' ___11______ _ __m._____...__.. __-0 __......_; I ' I __._n__._______l..Dept. ..of. Taxation _ (;S'~atel.. r'esponse. & co.:' s. inquiry .as_ to effective date of ..Co. 's _real_E!stat:e l..___ II I' ._____..____.___ __, _. __. values _for 1970. -,----22l...__________.._ ___.__________.___~ __Dumping, _roadside. - _ 226. _.. _ ____ . . n"._.__...___..n.___.___..._ _._, __.._______.'y .._.___ . i ji . t9_rezone . property _ ---------- _3l9,356________, _._.__, ___ I :! 19.70. true. (fulllva.lue.oflocallyasaelJsed:propetty- ..__h ________.__~- __in . Roanoke_ Co,; _I!\emo _commenting _or. this . letter from School.Board-Office ..-------274 -J---'-----f---'- :1 Dodson, C, Lawrence. - appoin ted to _ Fair,:,iew .H~1I'Ie B03rd. ----- .291 3 . _ . _ __._ ..__ __ ._.__.._______! ____ __r___ .---------------r - - - .. .:. ... .. ; Ii . -..--4 .-Dodson.-C. - Lawrence - - - appointed. to. I~Ounty' s .s~rvices-. PropertiElS - Negotiating. COIIlIllittee i ---".. ~9-3 !l I " ,I Ii ___.__.._____ LDodson. __ C._ Lawrence. -. appointed. as.. Supervisors'.. representative to Welfare Board - ----- .;Z92-'.--f I ~ l II _______________ ~.Dodson.._c._ LaWrence. - _appointed to_Capital.. Improvements_Committ.ee .-------_327 -----....-.---.-. !---..--L--- 'I I i 3:ni: __ _ __________~ _Dodson,_C. _Lawrence _ - Liaison Representative. tel Mental_Health Slervices _Iloard. of _Roanoke Va.Lley/_ 1__ ---------..1. Dodson, C~ Lawrence -.Liaison_Represent~tive tel Library Board-------_..327___.___..__..__.._.I...__.__[!:.___ .._.._______________ :1 Daniel A. Robinson t Assoc. - bill for l!ervic~s in connection with .annexation.suits- _3~4.._._,:___ i . . I I I '. Delinquent Real estate taxes _ - resolutiop. to e!Oploy _ Attorney to _ institute. Chancery .Suit; -3:.7,,1 --.---p-.--.-~_.-----, M - . :l ,. 353,354 il ___.____...____..._ _____ J. Delinquent. Tax Colle ctor' s Accounts. - AUditor ~,s report---- -- . 32 3 I . _._~ iI jI ......____......._____ _..____ L Dodson, C. . Lawrence - appointed to Roanoke Valley. Regional Health. Services _ Planning Council-;350_ ____ ____ ____.: _Divers,. Lelia F.' s petition. to ..rezone p~opert~ off. Peters. Creek Rd. _ -----352, _ 396,._ 434! ...... Ii 'I . .' I __ ___....__..i...Disposition. of..inertsolid_ waste.mater:j.a~s, . policy(__ ._-----356, .384'439....___.___..___ ' ; ]01nt .. _____.._____....___1. Dickens,.. Clyde _ - _salem' s_ appointee _ to/l~ndfil~ _ committee-----. 363...._ .._._ . ___ .___..._._........ ......_.__c____.._ n Dept. of Welfare & :[nstitutions - letter of report on inspection of Coun'ty jail---4S8 1 . _______~_.__~_._.____ - .__-0-.. , .. ---- "I -.-.----.~-._~..----- , . 1.1 .__._______________ __ _.._~ _. Dept. of WE,lfare.. &. lnstitutions - bUlletir. re ~ advance of reimbursement of assistance _' , ' [ payments in old age assist., aid! to de~ andent chi ldren & aid to permanently_ & . totally: ___.. _____._..____.___ ______ J _. _._.____._ _'_ ,: DeHart, Nelson & Mary Lee, et als, pE!tition -_..._-------..- - . -. - .-. - - . __..___________.~__ Dept._of Taxation. letter of l2/14l7l. 9i.~illg disabled -----459 I , ..-..j -.Ii. -.S ._.....'" ___~-- Dept. __ ofWelfa_:e___&___Instituticns letter to She.:iff Foster -- commendation for his depart~ent' s:.___...... ___. .____ _____._____ __ ~ ___._._.... participati0<1..in 2 _ day. seminar. 01;1_ hurnaJ;l.. behavior ----459__ ..._______.______ .___J Dog I'/arden, Ralph E. Long- letter of retireme~t ------ 497 Ii Drewery, G. G.' s livestock claim----498. ----------------.-,,--- ...- ._~ _ DOOley... Paul N.' s reappointment. to. Rec. :Bd.--':'--502 I DOdson, C. Lawrence - Regional Corrections Steering Committee---------- 522 ~: -~=-- -~ -- ... Temporary Chairman --- 555, 573 Dispatcher for Sheriff's Office --------523 .. , " I Daniel A. Robinson & Assoc's.-bill of 6/23/72------- 519 Dam, Westward Lakes - request for repair or tel drain-- 525 Dalton Boulevard, flooding complaint ----- 526; i: Disaster .Relief Act, application for FeqeralFinancial assistance there under by Roanoke County Executive Officer -~-- 531. -r I Drainage problem .- Sorwood Drive a!:"ea -- 556, 58l , , Dictaphone Equipmer..t. - C. A.' s office -- 595 ...----- --..--... - . . . 569 ________ _De~~v~~,__George, appointed to Industrial Development Authority - 611 I . 1___ , . - '- ~ . - ...... . ~. ~ . - ~ I' i II ,'Executive Officer's new car - acceptance of Ray Dobbins . .. flood insurance - 31 Lincoln Mercury quote - 33 .-. -"-----~ . I, Executive Officer's, report re .'-. -...--.- .... ._.~-. " ,...~ Executive. Officert,:> investigate floodinq,probl,em at Vinton Library, etc. - 91, l44 _.__..___'__':Executive.Officer' l\:)pointed.to committee jto..st,!dy . open burning.:. 34_,__.__.,,________.. "_._. , I ., , ________,_____ ~ Executive Officer ./Ippointment ..to. commi t~e.. to ',tudy . insurance requirements. for __ .....__ __..!_. !I , :! I .-___.___._._.._places.of.pwll.l.c.alllIlSements.-35 ,,_ ..".._... ..__ __n . _"_...____.._m..__'_..____.__.. ...__._...u...... .._ ...... __ ___ __~ Executive .officer appointed to flood . insurance I'. study committee _ 9l.... .... ,m__ __...--j.. t1t 'I I , I ---.'-..__._._..__.l Eddy, .Lee .Il. ..serve .as . Chairman .of. committee.to~: study .open.burning . -34.... ......__._.....__.,..._....... 'I I: ' ______.__...__.......Executive.Officer ...ppoin';ed to tax relief . study . committee .- 6i ........-- ......_,..__....___u_. .....1---- .'1""" Ii II -~"" .............___JElectrical ~aminil\g,Board for Rke. Co. ,-appointments thereto -94.-n..-' .L....__. II 1 I, Ii ..-III---...----;.Equipment, for.2nd.;t.ssist..Comm.. Atty.,. a~thori~ationtoPuChaEie .up,to.$80. 00-. .l02 ._......,..._...,._._ --.bj ____.______.___.L..Eddy, - Lee B. I s-1ett.er.to City.Mayor, . Rke:" - attaChinq .resolutiorl.-statinq -Board ~ s . '''--'''.' --.,-.....~-.._- il . haIre" ", ii -..- ._._; '-'--.., .. des1re. to/me'!Jt1ng w1th, State Water. Control. Bd. .. to .discu~:s ways. Rke. Co.. CCluld help. ""on .:_____ ii ' !I __.....___.._....,__. J .___.. alleviate. ov,,:rall.problem of. sewage trea~ent plant __ .95 _._.....___m__........_...... I __" ..._____.....__.!! Eddy,., Lee.B. '. s.letl:er. to ,Mayors Webber. &. Joyce.: of.Rke. 'Salelll,. respectively ,_, .to. L.S.! ... .-J....--. i II __.._..._.......___ ~ .n"____... Waldrop. re:.. joint. engineer ing. revieW. of .proposed waste water. retention,. facilities,.l14 ....!:____ i II i ii ____.._____...____nJ.Eurell,..J.. B.. Co,.':lf.Va. statement. for .rpof ,repair at civic. center--128 .... ....'__ ..........; .......,.__.__ ____,.._.......__._.._..;. Evans,.. Ar,drew . M. . S . reappointment, to Air follution Advisory ,. P..ppeals Board-. ...28 ".'_'.' .... _ i... Ii , <, I _.___. ....___....._4.Executive I)fficer'r. .reportofpersonnel...& bud9'~t requirements for... increased..sewer.. & .......;_ :i i ) ____.___...,____.: _.__...._ infiltratiol i . abatement . ~rogram---.--- .17') ,.........." ...__,________ __.__ ...._.....___........_ __'___""0 ..__. 'I ,_..____.______.1 Eanes,. Lloyd. W. 's. :,.etter .re; _late .paymen~. of_r~al..estate,.taxes------ .l50. ..,.._..........._...._.... .........J....._. , , '! Executive Officer'ls repclrt on: U.S.Emel:~encyi:Employment Act' Board's subsequent acti.;m..l88;. -....----.-.--.-....-.-..-..-..-- -. -... - - - -. i' --.- Ii Exec. Officer's reports on: Registrartt tieed for additional temporary help; , Co" 's ! Ii ~~III'=---==.'~~=~}__ _..~~_. inten~e~. PtOCed~re ~or. certif1in~! to .~i~h~ay Dept. _ ~at Subdivision ..utilit~. ~n~~~~:~~~~:'~_~' . I I II , are comple~ ed prior to paving of: same ----- 188 I II ._---_..._.__._~'---"_..__._-~--_._.._--_.~_. .., --.. - .. - ---;- - -~----- or , II ..--..-------.n----4 bergency .Empl.oymel',tAct.(U.s.) - Fifth P~.Disi:.. designated as Co. 's . agent, for applying; for ...t ...__ I Ii, . ___!!..__..__._____.federal fUl,ds;. Co. to .receive,. designate use' allocation thereof---- 188... '! Edmunds, Bill- letter of ~ard Chairman to same.. expre.sing regret Mr. Edmunds is unable ii ..---..---.....----. I< ij I !i ..._.........____..____~______...,___to serve.a~,ain on Co.. Recrea'n. ~oard,,----- 210. I' , _...__ ..._____..____l.Environmental problems. that. confront co.: , mea~ures. to control-. Salem-Roanoke Co. chambb:t .of ~ ..__ " if " Commerce's request' Board Chair!UB-n's ~eply - 22l,. ......__ _._..._.........._ ---------------.--.-.-.ot-----..---- . - - , _____.__...._.__..___! Easement. Agreement wl_ Va. Comm. of Game.' Inlan.d Fisheries to operate 2-way. radio.. base.: ...._m.~.._ ..____.._._,...........j_...._.___. transmitter. '_receiv'er on Havens: Wildlife Management Area on Ft..LeWisI4t.-----2.l....J--..... :1 . I: 1i _______.n.n__~ Etheridgej Millicerr,t.O.'s.petition to.rezone land,Mt. Vernon Heights --..----3l8,39l n...."..._.. I' . ._______.__..__: Engleby,/Thomas, I::I....elected Board Chairman ~or 1972 ------- 290... __=. __..,..,..___2. EXECUTlVE.SECRETAIt'~ - resolution of . intention .to appoint same ------ 295 'I _ ._.. ...__...__~.Engleby, .J.. ThomaEI.III. - appointed to:. Newsletter Committee;. Sewer Contract Negotiating .and Property Committee ---------- 326 ..,__... ..___ on..__.._: Engleby, J. Thoma~1 III - appoirtted liaison representative. to Appeals Board ~-----~~- 327 .... Air Pollution 1.dvisoz:y , ! - fit ... --u -- " ..__...: Engleby,J. Thomas III - appointed to Salem-Ro/U.oke Valley Civic Center Comm ------ 293. I : Eddy, Lee B. . app('linted Chairman of Seweir Contract Neg. Committee for 1972 ----- 326 Engleby, J. Thomas III appointed to Code. l~vision Committee I Electrical Examining Board, liaison representative ------ 327 EnVironment protec:l;ion , Sanitation Advillory CQmmittee------- 322, 339 - . Electrical Inspect,r's written request for Board to adopt 1971 Nat. Elec. Code' certain ,. addition. to :0. Code ------36l,384,,, 549, 559 :' Emergency Medical Services Report- , presentatio~y RIte. Valley Regional Health Services I n; ___________.__Plannill<;l Council ------ 391 " ji r I' , .....,. --,. -- 1 I' ~F.I.T. (payroll_deductionl-21,__39, 70,115, l:::i ::'52~165, 183, 195,212,222,232,255"3~_''i~il, , - 31:5, 336. 350, 38 ,362,40'0, 41.." 443~..l>0, 475, 4~a,512, 5l8, 532, 5", ,59'9, ;5l0 jF.I.C.A. (payroll deduction)3-326l, ~~.. 1921157" 1207, l52'44l36546l83. 195, 212,222' 232, 256:. .260...__._ ______: .. 281, 325, , u, ,38, 40, 4ll. , 0, 475, 498, 512, 518 , 537, 5'3 i. _. _______ _. .__ j Flood Insurance . Study committee:...9l , .-2011--..--': __ _'''_''_''_ 570,582, 599, 610 _ ___....__. . J !i _________ _______)FlOOd Insurance, __letter of _ 6/7/71_ of Exec,utive ..?fficer with attached _ information _.-31 I .. ; F I I' ____.._..__.__... !: Fort. Lewis Life. SlLving Crew , _Highway . Saf~ty _ Prqject. grant.. (5/l2/71_ application reV'~Bed _1;0__ --1: ,/:< if ' I " _________!_______includEl_25_plectronsl -----86 ...---....--.' .---.. --------.... for -special-use pemit. -..------. 1 . _ ,,_._________.. ~Ferguson, _ Harold. B. _ ' _Interstate Auto Mou;t, Inc;..' s. applicaticln/to _operate _on Rte. .311..1,_. -'.'..-tc'il ____~__.__._________.. L-__._ _ a . auto _ salvage _ center _ & auto. grav~yard _ ~. Tie. Breaker ..to.. sit. with Board _to _ resolve-9t:, ~ ,.'. il .. 1 I, ~.;l~/,:J _____.__ ...._...._ J Federal Domest1c AsSJ.stance, 1971 Catalog _:.---::93 ________..._____.__ _.__ ._________________.. ,J';" " ._____..._____......__jFifthPlanning _ District Commission, _aFPointment;~ _ thereto - 10. I! .. . i i: __ ~_....__.__...__._, Furrow,_ Carl.'_DorJ.s' s .petJ.tian.to re2'one . property .in. Richfield Dist. on .Rte. _. 638..(Bend f j i' . , ..-~~ . ...~Fifth Planning Dist. CCllnm. memo advising:of Va: Comm. of Highways' hearing for highway allocations - 21 I I' i----.-.- "__n_"_' .-------.-.. -.-~--.:.-- ."----~_. ..- ;1 I I _.____ .__._____1 Fifth. Planning. Dist. Conm.minu.tes of Executive 'Committee meeting - 38..- , , " --_. ._..._._____ii_._...__._ ., -._c.-...----_..--_1Fifth-i>lanning .Dist. -COIIID. memo re:application .;for federal assistance'- iJ I I' ___________:Fralin & Waldron, Inc. 's petition.to close Danhurst Dr. shown.on.rnap.of.Sec. II plat book 6, page 24. Clerk's Offi~e, Rk~"Circuit_Ct.----l2:' ,l69 .---.-----+----..----.-- " -.. . - -... . I. ._.__..____.~Fifth Planning _Dist.__ Comm.__Exec..Director.' s. U3 couri:s managemetltstuay-/' . I . 1, - WJ.ndsor .woods ,...-.- ,. i __._.__.._.__..__ ~___ ____ relative _ to Interim Sewerage _Plan. -;----- .P6 ..____ ___..___n __Om __. _m..__.____.._.___ _. _._______ __~Fralin _'_Waldron, _ Inc. I s.petition. to.rez~ne_pr~pcrty _in .Cave . Spring _Dist.- .146,376....-.... _____._.____1 Fox, _Rev. _John oW. ~s _ appointment _to Rke.. Co. _We~fare _Board-----166__..___________..__ ..______. I ! ! . . .' ii ________._m..__~ Fifth_Planning .D:lst. ..CclltUllissioll' s . proposal _to .c:onduct. a series of _traJ.nJ.ng -courses -J.n .l<lcalm.!----. ij') ---- -- .. i --.---- t.--- let:,t;er. to. their Executive .Committee .re: staff act~Or.-__ , planning--.-----162 ____.._ ________.._. ._..___.. _-. _ ._______........_______.___.________ _______ . ._m"_ _._. =a-==:-=~.Fi;th :Plan~g. _Dist._ c,c<IlIll...memo. re district .int~rim sewerage_plan implementation _- ..l64 ~_ _.___.______...____. __. ~ Farmers HOme. Admi.nistration, U. S. Dept.: of A9z:iculture, ...- programs,. services, brochurn, _::.16~ _ __._ :1 , Rke. Co. .._____ ___no ..___: Financial Statement/a:; pf. 8/3l/71 ---- .la4 i D. L. '.Willie C.- petition to. rezone lot 29, sec. 5, Mt. Vernon I I' prope~i~.:on W side Rte. 800 (1.256 AI----2l7, 466- 226 ,/265!. _ " .. _ _ .. Ferguson, :1 ____nom ___.__ __._._..: Fox, -. _.;~ _..~.- i 'I Hgts. ---204 ,'393. . ____J Fire A..L..et.als' petition to rezone Departments,__staffing.of same--- _._____.____._._.; Firemen-age_restriction_of. volunteers - ;228,269___ Fairway Village II ________________..____ . Fuller, ..R._A._' Apartments.No._One,.vac~ion.of-utility.easements Arrow WQOd- 249 281 . .0f.City .i " > , i" ;, .Grace._.' D..T._Inge,.petition to. rezone. 7. 1/2 A off Rte. .221 N. I. ... of Rke. .------253' 396. 435 . Fire. equipment_ in.Salem,_ belonging. to Co.' 260. ; J, ..:_Fields,. W. .Pricl~_'_DeHarts' _rezoning.pet.ition .':" 319 n'lI ; I II ..Fleetmaster . Inc:. 's quotation to sell .lO . trucks. to .Co.285L see letter from T.V.Anderton.,.32.3. ..i' ..___: . Flora, . RiChard C. . elected Vice Chairman .of BO~:rd of Supervisors for 1972 ------ 290 ._.~_Fairview Home Board - appointment of c..~awrence Dodson ..----- 293 , ___:_Fifth Planning District.Commission. John G. Seibel -------- 293 Flora, Richard C.- appointment to: NeWSletter .Committee; CATV Committee;, Property ..appointment of Richard C. Flora, R. E.lIilton, Jr. " I ---I Flora, Richard C. - appointment as.Liaison Representative to: School BOard; Fire Depts. , ! CODlllJi.ttet'; 326-. i, .1 I. Rescue Squads; Fire.Dept. , Rescue !Squads, liaison representative.----- 327 H Fitzgerald, Smith' Davis, bill for services in connection with annexation suits---- 3~4 Financing Stat.!!ment ,. (Uniform Commercial COI3.el sent to county by IDS Leasing Corp. , , _ to complet~, the lease contract with! Shoup 'Voting Machine Corp. ----- 317 Fifth Planning Dist.. COIllIll. - appointment. of Hobert H. Richardson----339 Flora, . Richard C. - study committee - EnviroI~nt Protection & Santation --- 339 , .._____._Federal JI.id to UrbanSystems, Resolution ---.. .43d -- .Fire De~artments - consideration of professional (paid) firemen for County-----344 Filing fees - rezoning petitions 348 361 ! I .. " il Fifth Planning District Commission - consultant in controversial rezonings - 348 Federal Aid Urban System, proposed reso~utionliconcerning revisions (prepared by Fifth Planning DistrictComll. -------354 Federal Rent Supplement Program-------, 383 First Ciational Exchange i:.ank of Virginia- rezoning petition-399, 425 Mountain i fort Lewu/Base Stati.on Site equipment -: 39 6 Id i Finance.Officer for County - 4Q6,: 412 Fort Lewis Rescue Squad - Highway. Safety Project Grant-4l4 Fitzgerald, Smith and Davis to represen~. COWlty in appeals (annexation case of Ivan R. Young et el)------- fil~y . . 444 Salem & Roanoke , . 1- " Federal Aid to urban.System :- resolution approving modified designation of highways eligible fo~, funding ,---- 477 I: 1, " Fort Lewis Fire .Dept. & .Rescue squad.- ~ainting contract------488 ii Fifth planning District Commission -------- :t:eappobtmer.t R.E.Hilton, Jr.----503 I., " " Flood damage - resolution requesting Highway Dept. to replace .-- .;: -. Richard . .. I: Flora,/C. - Regional Corrections Steering Committee------522 _~..m_.."~ ..---+ 2 ; !: Finance Officer, Assistant ----- '5'1! . . 'i FitzgE,ral, Frances - appointed Assit. Finance .0fficE!r ---- 22 bridge spanning Roanoke River-639 ;i i _.._i!..Flooding. . Dalton Blvd. area - .compalint ,agains.t Statesman Ind. Park ---526 Ii .. -- " ,i Fire Departments, appointment of committee toistudy supervision of --- 527 ~]}i~ l~~~~:~-_~~~~R. County Unear Nat~onal ~lOOd Ins. Act of 196~ as aJIlemde~ 535,' 595 Ii Fifth Planning Dist. Comm. memo requesting Board I s participation in study '- Environmental -- 't 552 _ ." I , . Fifth Planning Dist. Comm., minutes of special'meeting 6-29-72---- 552 ; Ex. Comm. mts - 569, 591 . regular. meeting- 582 public meeting- 582 Fire Truck - Fort Lewis - Repairs authorized -- 570 1- _.,..J Fifth Dist. Planning Comm. meeting l! . .I! Fenc.1.ng for tennis cour~s -- 577 I: Finance Department -- 606 ---- -- .. - Ii agenda I I of 7-27-72 569 610 ,. :i ii :1 I' tI , I ____ ~ Green Valley _ baseball field lights, _ payment ,I .: Garbage Ordinance amendments - 43, 174 "Garbage truckfol:CO._- The TidyC,;.rp._ql'ote a~:c;;epted - 34 b . I ___________.____________Gar age.DJ.Sposal.-_20yr Plan.-_l02__._... Guidelines for M.lintenance Dept. - l03 : I of 'samefrOlll bond funds - 3, 3l, 32,l15 I I I I, ii I, I' ; ,. . "--"'-". -.---.---.-..--.---.-.---" -.--..-". __._____.___ J .Gilbert,. Mrs. __ John. F. s. appointment to _jo.i.nt bo~rd for.. Rke.... Valley .l1ental Health-Mental. ._. ~.~.____.m_.___J _____._ services. '._ Rke. __ Guidance .center..::.:-~-:-. l07.... _ . . . k1. open " __n__.________._: Garland, Pel. _Ray. 's/letter. to.Mayor.& -council;- Rke.-City, resewage treatment- U4----.. " , .._.__......u_._.____~.Goodykoontz,. Jack .M. ~.s letter_as.presidellt .of$cience Museum Assoc..-of. Rke,-'Valley ___.._'_.., .......-1;;:;. .._._,,__._.._...._. .___.!.. ..... . expressing apprecia.tion for Co's. _particllPation in. attracting a. unit. in Valley-llL. . "., " "C .__n___ --. -- .~ Garland, Robert .A.;s _letter .to Mayor., City Council of Rke. to prorate cost of . I Sewage Treatment Plant Improvements to be shared by users , reach agreement on ~ -- -- --------_It _, .. _.____.__d __.__J......__ existing.. sewer.. contract. before .mak~ng _ im~rovements. to .plant. - _l26 __... . ..__._ ...___.. I, , Retar4' t:l-_ Ii 'f -..,.---"-'-- ~ Ii _jGuide. for_Managing ..the. National Forests_~n the ;Appalachians, forwarded by _ Jefferson Nat ".1. . Fo~est__ . II -------.~--._~----..._..--., ~.~ ___.__u_ Supervisor ------- ..126 _._____...n ----.~- ,--, -.. . .....-..- --- --.--- .-'--'--.. "__'''_'''' r,--- I' -.------.-----.---J Grandin Road closed to_ traffic. at. Rke. Ci t}"Lim,i ts to permit construction of _ new .bridge.:---1Sl!i., l61 h 1 j: -------....-.-- .... ---J Goodwin-Andrews-Bryan, _ Inc. 's ._letterquoting b:l.d. of _ I(lWa Nat'l.Mutual Ins. Co. _on Co.. auto f1~et_. :i Ij --'-'-'-'-~-'-'~'- ___...___.1__________ insurance _ -------177 _"___"____'..__..___.'_._._._. .__. : . _.... __.-. u.......____.._______..____..____.___._._.__ _ .__.. _____ .._...______ ___._........__..__ '_'__., .__n..____!! ._. ____ 'IGarland, Del. Ray L. '5 letter to Editor !lke Times of 7/l4/71 re: sewage treatment----- 1.50 Ii ---.--.-..--..----"---..--..---. ~ - - - '.-.- .-. - : ., -- -. -. -..--.... ......-. -.-----.11..--.- .j " , I' !I Gearhart, Guy L. __ -. Board . resolution _ hono~i"g . tl1~ _ memory. of _ ------209 ___.____. ___.___.... ______ __ _....._. .._.__...__ ~.---- __.__n__._____~_._.~" ---'. . .,- - - -. . . ". . . I, ~i ff ,~i 1 ' h . 1 1 II ......_.._"....____.___._._ J George _ A. _ Je reys_' Co., "Inc., _Eng1neer~ _'. Con.su tants, .B10C em1ca Pre,cesses,. etter .i:O-.....-.t ____. " 'f 1 f . f ' 1 :1 h . f II 21" . I: .u___n__.____.._l_____C1ty _ 0 .Sa em. reo. ormat10n.o _reg1ona "sewerage. aut '~r1ty __ or. V.. ey- _ ... __________,____ --__eumu_ ,: I ii . Ii ._____~.Glendale- Garde~s" .~c. 's petHion. to_ close. Laura_Rd.-------2l8., 259 .__ _.._____..________.__.___: ._.____~----.. --D--------------l. .Greene,-Earle .Ii. 's_petition to.rezone prbperty;'on -southerly.side.of Carriage. Dr. ,..59 ...._:._...__..~ ___. . I' "'.__ ...----l--.-...--- northeasterly. from intersection o~ E. ..s~de of _ Hackney Lane '-- SW_ ----- 219 ,442 ---- --. i -.--.-...1---.---. I! Greer, B. W. , Gary S. Wintermyer appeared re: sewage backup problem at place of busines, /, ..--.-.--....-"..-----.--.--<f- , " .. _ . _... _____ Ii. Ii (old Cave Spring Fire Station building, F 3228 Brambleton Ave.-------224. 1_____ __,0 _ __,_u_____. _ . " I' :1 ji 'I Greer, B. W. complai"t that Public Service Authority billed him for hookup--224 " .__________..._ ____._____. u._.__.. _ . _ _ ... ;1 , " ._...____...________....._J.Gilbert, ...Leonard T. ,.Louise C.. etals - p~titioh to vacClte utility easements i I. -_..-- -----.---.--..~... Graham,.1C._B. ..appointed-to --.Reereation-Board --...-------327 ---- __ --.- ___ ~_~___ . _______._. _._____~_Goldlltein, _et. al.s - _petition _to _ rezone.. 4,.1/2 i'!. fronting _800 .ft. onRte. .419 near 359 , West View _>st. -:US/_ i: I' --- '-,---"331'- Inters tate _ ~l/_...._ _ Gas _ Pumps. at _ Con'~enience _ Stores _ - _ specia,l. zoni:rg.. classification----- _ 456 I Growth _, Development,_ a Land Use Plan for Ffth.' Planning Dist. -----490 -~-.~ Grissom, _George 1ll'._VS. _County of_ Roanoke, ..et als- letter. from Eggleston,. Butler & GlenI:.. reo defense of Branch , Assoc.-----~505 --~"1.. --- n .u... ~ Grissom, George W. _ vs. County of Roanoke., et U 11 . __ ..___ ___.._ ______.. _ __ _ _ _ ^ n________ _ _._ _ _ . . a.ls-. employment of Ivoods, Rogers, _ Nuse,. vlc:lker Ii I Thornton, ------502 Glenvar Youth BO'lsters' request for _ pe~c.nent' retention of park land -----5l9 Gregson, Mrs. C. L., reappointed to Roanoke county Welfare Board --- 533 532, 547 .~8 Garland, Robert A, cable TV facilities ~nd , ho~pitality :' --- 582 " Highway_Dept._letter _to Board Chairman .acknowledging receipt of_resolution_re: , improv.~ent <;!f.___ r ,1 _..._._ -.. I ~.. -"~_"___" .____ , L j: n__.~_.,.._._ :i !I ___u...____________..Haymaker,_LeonaM. _'_Don E.'s petition_to rezoAe.property in Big Lick "-6, l22 ii " ; _..___________ _ __JUoneyman, _Morton _ (Trustee) -_rezonir.lg. of.7. 2 A.!, situate on southerly side Shenandoa.h Ave ,-5 __ __ _.____________~ Health Oist:dcts _ consolidated _to fc>rm new disthct- _ 20___ __ :\ . . _. I .ji . ________________, H1ghway.Safety _CoDUll1Bs10n..of.Roanol,e .Co.:, .res1gnat10n of-John E.-Cox-- j . , ______.. ____.__ _.__ _._J _ Hamlett, _ Richard ,peimission . to _ COIJstru~ ., _ o~rate _ a bowling _.alley. On il II ________1...___.._ on _E. side_ of.old Allstate _Ins. Illdg:. _on ~e_Highway,_ et-:.------29_______.._ --I _.___....J_HighWay_Safety Project_grant - Fort Lewiis _Lif~; Savingc:rew (5/12/71 application revised to (! II include 25 Plectrons) --- _ 86 _..__.._______. .._u__ .. __ ____________ __________..___________..__..____.. _______ ___ .-----.--~--.--.---J----~'- ' -, - . ji ______.._________.... ~_ Highway _ Safety. COIlIIIlission _lRke. __ Ce.. ' sL -: _ recolQlllendations . re._ intersection _. of _ Chaparral_.(:r. IJ I I _ __..___.._____~._ ___ Penn. Forest .I!1vd _. (Rtes. _ 600_'_687)-~-92, _ ~03 ___....___ _______.____.__.._. ....._____....____.._.__ ,,__ __ __ _ __.._ ____J_HOU9h,__Franklin. s_letter __.las CnL%1Jlan_ of! Co._ W~lfare _Board) _commenting _on recom.uenda.- -U---..------ ..J.._.._____ tions _ of__ committee _ of Roanoke _Valley _ coun~il. cf_COIlIIIlunit:f_Services.in _lst_annual_ -.- -C----- , Ii ,-, .--._10<______ 20 ;_Manthey_ -Sli' ----li'-- tract B-2_zoned.:Land__:_____ ii --!:-...--- I: . jl..--.._- I! ,,"'r" " II report on Community Services Evaluaticn Program re Welfare Dept.-----36 ___ _____ ____,_ __._ _ . .. _ _ _ m___ __ ..__ i : II :1 Hinkley, Ellett R. et als - petition for inclusion in Secondary System of Highways '.__ ~____.__...__.__._____..l._. 'n __ __ ._ _. _. _ .. ... . _0 _ . ii : I, , . _____________ ____:,I___..__viewer_appointed_ to.. view _.unnamed _n~d _frolll_Rte.612.w 0.15 _ mi. to _DE_(Richfield Di.it.) -~3 _____..____..______ J.. Health _ District, _Board ~ s _ resolui:ion _ app.~ovingL dissolution. of _present_ one _'._ formation _ c,f ___on. I: __.__ :1 Dew one --32 i I, i I!' ..___.___.. .__._._"__ .__._._.~_...__._._..... .. _._....___...". '_'_. _.,..\ - _. ___..._.__._._ _..___.....~.. ____...u...__.__.. . _._.~_....: .___.._.~' _."._.__. :' ! I: li ____....___________. ___~_Hi1;e'--R. Q.__- _appointed_as_citizen m~er to !I=ommittee to study tax...relief.. for elderJ.y-9l L___ _________.___._~ __ Highway _ 3afety ..COllIIllission, _ Rke. __ Co. _ -_a'ppointkent _of.. Ambler _ W. _Webb- __94 __ .___m._____ _____n__ ,: _______.._1__ H.,lland,_ Dr. _ Chas,.. appointment. to _joint! boardf for _.Rke. ..Guidance ._Center _, _Rke.._ Valley _~,,'antaJ.J ____ iI Health Mental Retardal:ion Services ~ 107 i; I Ii -~_..-_.-----+._----.. ---- _ -.. --~ _ -_.-.-.._-- ..---.-'.-...-.....------,-------..---...'.-----'--------'-,---"- '~_._'----!"-- I' I' 'I ___________._ j _d' Highway. Oept. ~ s _response _ to _ Rke. __ Co. _ Highway _!!>afety.. Commission' s. recpl!llllendations _ re: _ . ._________ t..-- _ _____..__J..__Chaparral Dr._' Penn Forest Blvd i~tersec~ion - 103 ..____...u_________._____..__._____:___.____::.___. __ "'u___..__m__ 1._ Highway Dept. .~s _letter _suggestioll .condelllnati~of_. property _ of Bil.ly Harbour _ for. drain~.ge _____L___ .,. I' __ _..~____.: _..______ easement 108 __.__....___._. ,__ _.. __ '__ __.__. _..__". ". _. ___.. _______ __.._.____ .__...___.__._.m._._....____.._____._,.. ._'. ;_-_,__~__,J,....__.__. ____ ____ __ _.._____ ~_ . Highway.. Dept.' s _letter to Mrs. E. _ E. _ Bransccntie .in ore: _proposed _ improvements _to Boxley ,Rd.-2~____ _______.. _ un __om'! ___Highway Dept. _ J.etter to var;ous individuals Highway_Dept._letter_to vatious individuals Highway Dept. letter to various individuals '; re: stone erosion_ from Vest. Dr. resurfac:i.ng-37 U ------ I: I ji z:e: proposed improvements to Boxley Rd.- ,\7 ----i---- I' re:proposed subdivision off Rte. 651 E. of: Vinton .. , .. --- ,! , construction of roads from Rte. 651 -_.:.:.. 37 ~~~_=~-~=~_~~~ ~_-H~ghWay _ Dept. __letter__ (from Richmond) ____ confirmi.ng __ changes ! . .....--.----.------; --..-~-.-..t'..----_. in Primary [, Secondary Sl'stflllHl made II . - -- -. ,. '1-- --- I. necessary by relocation' Construct:ion of_ Rte._ 419 - 37______.._______ ___._______n__. _._________:____1.____ ,: ___n~__ u________' _...________ Rte. __ 419_____37_._. u_n_ _ ____ ~~M~:_-_ . n._ Highway_ Dept._letter_.to _ Public Servo Au,tltrity:. re: __ proper. repair [, restoration _of roads, aftex:..__. 1_ _om. ___ cuts _ are made _for _installation of_.w,ater &:. sewer _laterals' water.& sewer main-eatl>Dsions-37-- 1,1 __:__HighwaYDept. J.etter advising of 10catipn , d!,sign public hearing on Rte. l652 in Co.-.1l3 __"_____ __ j _Health_District, dissolution ofexistin~_one_' formation_of New one, resolations of 'i " ---J-------- Salem, _ Covington.' Alleghany.co._approving same -113 __n___ _..__._u .i Health District, fCl.-matbn of new, dissolution'. of old - Botetourt Co.'s letter advisin~f Board ~-I~ , failed to adopt resolution approving same' - J.13 , I " I " Highway Dept.'s letter_advising that signals will be installed at intersections ., Rte. _220_'_Penarth_Rd. _at Townside ShoppiAg Center-' plans being made for same at r I - intersection Rte. 419 [, 220---- ll4. ., _HeadquarteI:s Library, Lib. .Bd._authorized to advp.rtise plans for bid on construcbon of--121. Co. Hough, _R.. Franl<lin, Jr.' s resignation from Rke./Welfare Bd.. ----- l6:; _Hydroelectric Dam proposed for constru~tion in Rke. Co. by Va. Electric, Power Co.- ~63 Highway Dept. letter requesting Board ~eso1ution agreeing to ~loseing of Grandin Rd. to. traffic at Rke..City Limits to permit construction of bridge---- l6l __I , Highway Dept. letter re: tl,sting proced"1res for street ,constl:uction --- 164 Headq.uarters Library buile.ing. bid for c;onstruction of let tl~ Q. M. Tomlinson- 176 Highway. Dept. letter re: e,Jecavation of ~treet !pavement in subdivisions for utility I I I lin!ls-'179 _ Highway Dept. acknowledgment. oLSuperviaors ' . resolu 'n _.' re: . improvements to Rte. I 311-18Q . I . ! Headquarters library :_Huggins._Dudley D.'s buildi~'g peti t.i.on I :1 to rezone proper.ty (0.39 Alfrom.B-2 to B-3..to permit insta1l4-. brick - 21.0. 227., 44.8,464 Ii Townside tion of gasoline . pumps ....----- 203. 360. : _Highway .Dept.~s letter reo traffic light at ". H '4:.- 1. Highway Dept.'s letter reI ':o.'s request for left=turn storage lane & cross-ever to .' '. : . '. s.erve the headquarters library building -21-0 . . ~'lazaon Franklin Rd-264 i features'- I , . < --.- . _.. <u..ghway Dept..le':.1:er notifying Board:! of api?roval of location & design " __ of proj. 1652-1:l80-155. C5Ql-,;-,.-211 I I ! .. Highway Dept. operational. & fiscal summary for Rke. Co. for 1970-197l------211 I :_,,- . Highway Conferencfj' on 10/28/29/71 at VMI-----..:!ll ;'-.~' ~.:.., ~ . --Highway.SlfetyCom.'(us.sion. .Rke. Co. - reappointJlIlent of Ambler W. Webb---- 21i . 611 _2__ --Hal.loween . Proclam.",t,ion, designating. 10/-31/7l . "Trick or Treat n ,Day---221 , Hampden Hills Subclivision. copy. of letter frm, Rke. City Clerk to City Managez; ! " " . Housing & reo developlllentof Sec. 2.in I Urban Development,. Federal Dept. Rke~ Co. -----221 I - ~ll,"tin.. from area offic:e re: .1 day Federal I: _ !, _._____ L _.__.__h._ Programs conferEollc'9 ___ in. Richmond -----,..221 -- ____.LaouSing .&Urban.Developmer,t. Fed. Dept. & Stat~ Div. .of Planning & cClmmunity Affairs _ ___~____n___.__. on ,,11/17/71. to t .,1.cJ . Housing coun~eling:: Semina:c in .Wi,lliamsbul:g--~-..--23l ,," II Hillier. Milton S.'s offe:c of gift of la-Old to Co. in Hollins area--- 257.316.329,340 i ~ i ___.__: _Headquarters library fUrll.ishings, letter from .Architect. WID. P. . Mounfie1d .255 I' I .. ___1. Highway Commission of Va...' 64th Annual re;portfor fis,cOl.l yr. ended ~/30/7l-255 il i. i ______.LHighway _Dept. letteradvi.l.ing. of approval of ~allocat:ion ofr industrial access road for. I _. .L._... -- -- "" smith' s Transfet' .-------255 .___ j Hoelle. J. C.. _petition t,~ rezone. property at lint. of Bradshaw & ! Ii Headquarters Library Bldc.::. - supervision of details not included I' ii' !.m___LHeadquarters LibraryElld~:. - plaque - 2\9 L--. ~ "Huddleston. A. .T.'s resi9uation as Supe>;visors:'-:repllesentat.ive to Welfare Board & , I l: i--- -; . " Hilton. R. E. Jr. appoin'~e!d to: \--.. ' I 1'-- I- i ol~batawba Roads- in contract - 274 I 321,~63 . subsequent reappc,intment as citi,zen member to Welfa,re Board -------285; 288 " CATA committ~el Insurance Committeel Capital ImprovemFnts COllDllitteel & Tra~lS'porta~_ion Committee 1'------ 326 & 327 . ~ ._Hilton, Ii R. E. Jr. appoinl;e,d as Liaison Iitepresentative to: School E<oard; Electrical . ~__.________._. _ Examining Board; I~ldq. Code Board of Adjustments & Appeals .-------- , , ,: Hill. Dr. Char'les W. Jr. - appointed to: Newsletter Committe,e ---------- 326 327 I Hilton, R. E. ar. appoint'9d to 5th Pianning District Comm -------- 293 ".Highway safety COlllllission (Rke. Co. l - !liaiso!, representative--------327 . Highway Dept. letters - cne from Commissioner in Richmond; one from Dist. Engr. in , Salem respondil'IS' to Supervisors' resolution reque,sting improvements to Rte. 419 between Rte. 11 in Salem & Rte. 221 at Cave apring---------322 Highway Commissioner' s ;,I~tter to members of Legislature & others reaiving copy of pr"poseJ "Ten-Yeiu' Program of Highway IMprovement" re; proposal for reinstatement " fee for revoked drivers .licenses --------- 32:< . al.so lettel: to J. Warren ':<ihite-323 Highway Safety Div. (Va..) to Rke. Co. Highway: Safety Comm.. Chairman notifying approval of Fed. funds for Vinton First Aid Crew------ 280 Headquarters library - ~,ewerline extension contract.---- 3,,7 Hoykar. Laverne W.'s letter of opposition to Rke. City's application for landfill at Airport N. clear zone ---- 349 Highway Safety Commissioll (Rke. Co. l - appointment of John G. Seibe1---"--362 Hol1.ey. Ray>r.ond A. tax refund on real estate - 551 I I I I I' "1 - . . I , 1.-- --1-- -..-- ---. I'-~ I' I'''' 1!'~: (IIHI! page, continued) 449'" : Hollingsworth. Varwe & Henry E.. petition to rezone 4.95 A 1-1. of Peters Creek Rd. (Rte.U.71-.377 "I --'fIII , , - t.., Hurt. W. 11'.- peti';.lon for rezoning property ~'est of Salem on S. side ~ River-407.4eIS Highway Safety Prc>.ject Grants - applications of Rescue Squads & Sheriff's Dept. 1972-4l:l I Hollins No.5 Fire )ept - Highway Safety proj. Grant------ 414 , Hollins Community ~esidents petition re: recxeation center---.. 413' 547 Hidden Valley SChll')l - access - Dean Road-440. 446 Headquarters Libra::y Building - Carpet--- 458.476, 487 , : Headquarters Libr."l'Y Bui1ding- authorization to exceed original budget -488 1_. " 'Headquarters Libnl.l'y Building - furnishings--- 488 c , ~ Holiday- 3rd July .;lenied---'--489 'Hollins, Investors, Inc. - rezoning petition------- 489 590 i Hilton. R. E. Jr. . re-appointment of Fifth Planning District Commission------503 ~ Highway Department Maintenance Budget for Secondary System------522 'Hogan. Benj. W.. :l""tter re graduated pay plan of Supervisors -- 531 .l Highway~Safety Pr.():.ect Grants. letter from Director of Highway Safety Div. not apprvd. --'1531 ~ Hogan. Kenneth _ Le,e. appointed Animal Control' Officer replacing retiring Oog Warden Long '. 533 !, Hydroelectric storage facility -- letter from Ray Robrecht concerning -- 552 , ~ I i :.Hydrant lateral and hydrant. payment for installation of -- 565 ___._...._. .. ,...._.~.Hollins ,Fire Stati"m Land. final offer .to be made =~ 571,.589. (' Hidden Valley. vaciltion of pUblic utility easement -- 564. 603 .. --..-+-+---- ~ + Hylton. J. w.. liv'!stock claim - 611 Hammond. Albin D., rezoning - 587 " .'::a :~-::::..:.~..~; =--:::=-~:==:::'='.":- Invocation,- 1 (see prayer) i : Industrial Access Funds, Application of Smith's Transfer- 187.88. 89 Insurance coverage reqllirements on pUblip amusements & entertainment - 2 Industrial Develo!>lll8nt Authority - 35.91. 93. .102 l31 . r; _.._! i. \~: " .;..Inanrance requiEements for places of public entertainmBnt. Committee to study-35 ,157 ,,',Insurance. flood '. ccxmnittee to study nElcessity for same - 91 'I ~...Interim Sewerage.Planas.prepared for 5t-h Pl. :.Dist.. Comm. by Hayes Seay Mattern & Mattexn- _llL_. II Indenture granting easement to allow construct-ion I', operation of 2-way radio base transmitter. _,___ and receiver on Va. Commission,of G~e & ~nland,Fisheries' 'i Havens Wildlife, Managem'i!nt, A;C'~_.__. I I; , , , " in Co.----- 145 ... ~ --,~-~---- . - ,Industrial Access Funds. Application ofiparkw~y Cabinet Shop. et als, Industrial Accef's Funds.. application of, Smith.'s Transfe~ ---197 ------- 176 u'_ ..... -,-,~. : Insurance Committee, appointed in 1972~-----.326 " II Intergovernment l.andfill .. -- " i! - 335 payment .Ingersoll Rand Company's request to be excused from/portion of t~ penalty-44&,461 , :! Insurance. ,letter from Sheriff re.civil.liability ,on police dog -- 527. 548 Indemnity Agreement to U. S. Army Corps of Engineers - 549 Industrial Development Authority. appointment~ & terms of office -- 611 Ii .;;. ! -_.~,...~,-- f'W .--1 L - ~.-' j! Ii ..' " , I . " .. ~ .' . " I ", I , , , ,I ,'Jennings., Leonard L.,' Laura M.. & Sidney Lani~r ,smith &, Charlotte R. Palmer - petition: '1;0 rezone propert.y.in Rke. Co. . Rte. 6~2 69. 123. 219,442 " " ._________________'_ __: Jamison. Johnnie, E,t, als petition _for, inc+usionl,in Secondary _System of ,Highways,- _.__..,_____.__ .__.____,.'! ",._,_.Dr. . from ,Plantation .Rd.,. (Rte..ll5). e:.o .15 r'mi. (Cat.. Magisterial Dist.l. -73 _._____..,______ ____.___.: Jennings. Chas.. L, ~s . Clpppointment ,to Va. i Weste;n_ Communi';:y Cc,llege ,Board, -40. 113. :; i ._.___"._.HmJ Jarrett._Nonnan,E., 'sappointment to Rke.Co. Electrical Examining Board - 95.- .--0 ---.-".. .-.~ James Constructior. Co. of Roanoke r Va.. Inc.' s',petition to re,zone lot 8 &. A .part of Lot: 3. So '10 ,__...:__"._.". ______.. : ____..______., .and.a, part ,of, Lot, 9. .Block .1.. map of _ CA.ptain' s .Grove fronting on Conunander Dr." & Darbi'!,____. j' Ii ii '.n__.___. L__.___.___. Rd. ------.124..206. _.____________ ,.11.__._ ________ ._. Milky W"IY I --'~_.-----------.----- -.- ~ _.~-'-_." Ii Ii ~ J. B.. Eurell Co. .,of Va.' s. statement. for, repairi.ng ,civic center .roof ,- .128 I' , 1, I; . J Jail Report, -. Regional_corrections Requi~ements. & _ FacilitiesReport, as proposed by Sth.'L. Di,st. . _._____.. __ Commissic,n.. Roanoke Co, -' s local matchi~g __ share of same for federal grant-- 128 " 1! _.__.___________._ ~ Jail. addition, & .c:ommuni:ations. tow8n-_.144._!: . ,! I, ._..__,..___ _",Jones. Mrs. Jill appointed to.Recreation: Board,:,<:.,.,.J,83 :i i I: ________, _._____n'____: Jail.painti,ng, eJ::Lsting - . Change . order to .contract ,for construction of new jail to !I i .--,..,-------.----.~ -.__.,__.__.inc1.ude .I:his _item ------260... - --. .--.." --, , - 'I ' ' _.._.___.__.u." _... Jail.. report on_:ulspection by Dept. of Welfare.. &, Institutions to CO.Sheriff-221.279_;~i,"'- ~ ' _._______.u___._,_. .____.Johnson. _Russell's . offer of gift of land in Mt. Pleasant area .for .safetybldg.----2~ I" by consultants of 5th Pl. Dst. Comm. ___ ___m___._._.____~. Jail.. regional-. "roposed/to be_located. on VA.,l,and in Salem. -.. 245..257,. P", , ___.__._________...,Jcint public heclring on.12/21/71.of.PL :Comm. '.&.Boardof,Supervisors on_applica.tion i! I --.----.------..~------.-----Cityof,Foanoke.for,permit-to operate 'sanitary landfill inN. 'clear'zone'of' n I, .--.--.---. ------. "-------- 267, -...--..-------.- ,.----,- '" .--.. , . ,. -". -' --.---... _. .__.____._tJail. regional. -. 3:S5., ,,346'.348..456,_ ._:. !' ,_____._____.___ .__ ___..___ .,., '" ,,___n. _ _..__ -C.--- _._.___.J. Jeffreys." Geo.. ~l.., s letterl:e: genuine ~anita';'landfill ------361 .____~.J. & D Relations Court- letter re need for detention home apart from Coyner. Springs-363 I _of '.____. I Ai'~'port-~<I7 .- .: __._L _.._ j !i I , :1 Juvenile Detention Home Study,COmmittee---- 363 - ,.. James E. , Long Cr.mstruction Co.. Inc. -, peti ticm (regional) Detention Home facility/- 456, to rezone 2.01 A- S. )j I' '----n"'--- of Town of Vinton.~--399i 478' ':-"'--.- 455. i", Ii. Juvenile Jail - Sheriff',;. request for metal door-----507 Jail - Sheriff',; request for increase in jail!'ph/sician's contract----- 507 ! .~ .Jail_ - . summary _:3:tatemoP~risoner days served , ' formula I:or prizoner cost per day --, f Jal.l report __ !il;9. 597 in r972 ----- 531 610 =.C .~=.u ." --u " 11- .:i[,- ;, ~ i I Kelly_Scientific,Corp., employed.& agreement w/Co..to evaluate communications equipmel1t-35,9':3 L Ke:ly Scientif.'ic Corp. report "Evaluation of the Rke. Co. Sheriff's Radio __ System"-72 , !! ,! Kinsey, lloy M, et alspetitlon to rezone property on Rte. ll7 & westerly side Rte. He: - 100!' I! ___ _ ...:'. Kime,,, R.. S.. & ;,ucy. Brown. Russell's agreement granting _permission, to, authorized Co. p(O~ sonnel!! ._ to use private,road,through.theiJ;' ! "tion. on west end of .Nt.. ---- 178: property on"Ft., L'9Wis Nt. ,to get, to_Co. insi'alla-___~.,,___ 1 ~ n_j 1- ~-. ---.- -" N ~.~ I , title search, etc-----207 ------.-.---------.----:-----.-'.. --- . Inc. ''',''--. I ' __ __u____",_ _. _ ~ _Keep _ Va., Beauti ful,..: .letter " & . Z"esol ution : u,rging il , _ ____. _~_Kefauver, C.F. property ,.<10 A, more or" less) ~ Resolution .expressinsr desire. to ,,__, . '"_''' __, acquire. same & reques ting Circuit Court !' Judge. to appoint attorney to do i ,all.,counties to comply with ,STate, rules: for .-_ .-. disposa:, .0Lsolid wastes ------ 25:S. ," i __ Kelch, Geo. H.'s letter of 12/7/7l representing Assoc. of,Retired,R.~ Employees,& t--- -".~- ,_~_~_,,__'4_ - -, ( - . .- : I il Amer. A~soc. of Retired Emp19yees, seeking tax relief for elderly------ 280 -._,~.__._-_.._--_....._--- - ---..-.-.----- . - - . ". Kamp-O-Ree Campers, Inc. - special use permit~485 4 I I, I Krisch, properties - ,petition to vacate" certain~ telephone & electric easements 529,54'", i 558 Key, Thomas F., title work Mason's Cove Civic League -- 571 II I: I' , ---1: iiKrueger Metal PlCoducts, Inc - option to purchase site in R. County -- 583 " ..-...-.-.--.- ,':; =c.~---.-..-=--~:~~.==.,-- -T" :i ,.__ .1_____..__.._..______..____________._____ ._.__.. ___.. I~ .~ I: 1" "m .I~._--" --..-.----,-------.---'''. Lionberger, Jr.. (SamuelL.' s appointment to lal,dg. Code Bd., of Adjcstments.& Appeals- ,lH --- --.-.-._,__".__.__: __Lutins, _Harvey's . letter . offering .tract cif lane;, forsal'e, for, elem. ,.scho,'l - 21, ,37,.,_____ ---.-- ----,-----.--.., tLangley,. McDonalcl, & Overman's, letter. to State Water -Control Board re. sewage, treatment. i , '''__ ii, I,: __.____,__.._______.. ..._.___._ situation J.n Rke. .Valley.__ ---- .113 ,. _____.______.___,__...__._ , _______.._____________..1, Langley.. McDonald, & Overman' s inVOiCe_.fo:r._4/30(71. to, 6/24/71 for . services in " , . --'-~---~._--_._--------- ~ __.__._ .__. connection. with, annexation _cases - 128,_ !' _ _____._ .,.~..____" __~~._..._____.. __ ._ _. ,,__. _.____ , , , ____.____.__,___.______"___:, Library" Headquarters" Building, bid _ for. c!,:mstruc;:tion . of . let to. Q.M. Tomlinson~::~~176, 194 : .-------.--.---_.____._: Libraries,. PUbli(: - Gov.' s letters _ to _lad; Chaihnan So Exec., Officer inviting . them to _._.,,1 ~ i I 'i attend conference 011 same----178 !____._____,_. __ _______.__. _____._"__,..,, .~~'O =~_=~~..=~!i ~~~~~~ . (headquarters) '- -'cc>mmonweal th 's~~:y 's' i':~t.~:r ' re conditional approval -------.-,....,..___.___.___L__ .____. for, constrl1ction of same & directing disposition of copies of" contract of contracc.--.--. ..,,---. I' " ! Levy - 19, 42 , ,: .Long, James E. Constr. Co. Inc.'s petition to vacate part of public utility easement shown on plat of Brambleton Court - 24 d LEAA Action Gra:nt - Communications equipment for Sheriff's Dept. - 30 '.m":__ Library (branchl <:t Vinton - flooding problem,:,:". 91 !l , ._._._u.___.~__La Prad,.L._M._,et.als.-petition for inclusion in Secondary System of ~oads.an unnamed road -.n. .- from Rte.__668 w., 0.2.miLto.DE.at'Blue.ludge Parkway.right of way (Big Lick Dist,)-73,1! .____ - II ' , I: --.__._ __ __.,,__ _:_ Lampros, John N." appointed _to. committee: to stlldy necessity.forflood insurance_ - . .91_.._____ ' I _____,..__ m____._____ ~._ Lampros,. John N. _ appointed to committee, to , . of . public '! -- La Prade, C. N. et als,(Tr. ,Piney Church). petition to.rezone, 3 A on Penn I-~~~ _Un; . ~l.;~:::~' . - o::u:. i".oi~ No. l;;<'."".~;~u ~';:cti= w/mou.<i=. ,~. entertainments/amusements ---~3S study ,.insurance , coverage, r,equirements . for p,Laces, I for period ending 11/26/70-----116 .n.____.:' Library Headquart.ars buildi.ng - change in type !of ,brick~::.-:---210, 224 ,--:1 LibrarynBoard, of '~rustees .. " reappointm~nt of [MrS:., Corrine Murray --------223 'I' i'i Loan (temporary) - authori:~ed to Salem-Rke Valley Ci,'ic Center Commission forbills ---,.-223 ~ ; '" land, 3.5 A, more ~r les~ ' !: , _'n - ------- - .----. ~ Lewis. . EdmUJ~d n (h..irs) / - '__'n . Supervisors', resolution. expressing desire. to acquire' same :' r " .'----.-.------. ,---.---: .______.___n.' ,asking Circuit,Co'llrt JUdge ,to appoint: at:corney to ,do.title' search, etc.--20, n_____~ Langley, McDonalcl & Overmall letter to Bd. Chairman comenting on "'/Q .M.Tom!.iLnspn.,.194. I, _~c. ----~--,.---.----press__rePClrts.pertajLning.to their' nphas~.I ,Report on Rke. Valley Regional ,I . -..----, ______Sewage, AgELncy"-----..-21l i I : Livesto,~k ,Claim 0:: M. ,S. Th.omas, 2 ewes killed 'by dogs-----2l3 Livestock ,claim.o:: J. W. _ Hylton-.2 sheep 'killed by dogs ----213 ,:Livestock__claim of A. E. Mc:Neil= 5 sheep killed by dogs-----213 i Laura Road" peti'cion of Glendale Gardens, Inc;, at als to close same between Greenridge Rd. _(Rte. '529) & Arc:adia Dr. ----,.-----218,,259, ! I I ." Library Board of 'I'rustees - appointment of Mrs. Blanche - . - --.0 ,:Landfill, ,applica'cion of !! Livestock Claim OJ: R. D. Rke. City to operate, same in N. (1 lamb:killed by dogs) Morehead/ --------255- 272, 432 pedneau & Mrs.Herbert F. Su<;iramiki-233 I 332,3U clear zone of Airport in Co. 247,2-6'~/ ::Land offer of Russell Johnson = >; :'Land offer of Milton S. Hillier Mt. PBasant area ---- 247 _ Hollins area ------257 , 316 ,Library Headquarters Bldg. Architect to supervise details not included in contract.. 271 'Library Headquarters Bldg. - Plaque ------- 279 ...Livestock claims .. County's liability to pay same ..---- 325 ..Lampros, John N. appointed 1CO CATV Committee; Code Revision COIllllli.ttee; ..Liaison Representatives of Board of Supervisors to various laoards, Commissions -294,327 ~Lampros, John - appointed tCl Services-properties Negotiating Committee----_ 293 :i i; ..Library Board of 7'custees- liaison representative_ 327 I I . ". ",,, , , " , . - . . , _ t '.. I . ,'/ ~ \, ~ , I''.-.--~ ,Library Headquarters ,Building_-_ plaque .":", 279 n ,_____. '__m_.'. __. ___,__., "._..,__.. _____. '.__J "Library Headquarters ,Bldg. - superVision: of of: details .not .included in contract-274.. __ :___ . _:'_, __ ___. t II . ;, j I , i.---.:. Lease Agreel!lent between Roanoke ,co\mty&, Craigh~ad ,Water. Co." Inc. _ in .re: ,well at, Ogden; .n.u__;' _____".____ [__ ~___ __..School------329.m___________.____ ,_, ~ .__n_'~ _.___._______.___.. ____.__. ________..1____.. :! _._.._.__ i I I ! _ _. Livestock cl.aims , _legislation. allowing .Rk~. . Co. ~ to_come under speciaLlegislation-3.34, 347.__.. ~ _,,____ ._.".._____. !.__.:.Landfill,_intergOvelllilent_--.33S,_381406 :__ ____~ ._______. ___n__ .______ __n_.__.__ .__ ___ : __.__,,____. _ 1--. -- ::Livestock.claims..of -: .ClalJde ,Sirry ,.M.S:." Thomas,. David Richardson, ,;] .-P. ,Mastersc'n_.".,[,_.. ,,- -.-- __.__1._ 'I , , " and JosephWilliiUllMuse _:_334, )45 ,3~8,387 _______"____,____..,,_______________._,,._._..u.u n, . , -mf~~~~~;~~~ claim of A. E. UcNeil for loss' of 1 /lheep - 350 i ~--------~ - .- - . ~ -- - -- - -.- ~._-- --'. .--- --- - --_._._-~--. _.~~~.._-_._-. ,,--~._...__.... ~._..__. -~--- ._~~._--- ~_ Ii I 1..-.-----,i,I-LLeJ.' vSelsiteo'ckT ._R..&EleanorK. 's ~;~~t~l~~ ,tj rezo~e property.on W. .side O_f~:g::~.::~--(~~~~!,: ~_8~)~r::~.~i~~~ ~'I'~ __ _ _ ,claim -,Claude.Sirry ---{.J,68..__i..__._______~,__.___.__________._____u,_,,__u In L; t k l' D' dR' ch ! Ii i ,i ' 1.__.;'_ _ves oc c um,- an. 1 ardson -334, 345,:387.,--.--.--.-.-.------.-.-.-.----.,--------..'-.-.-'..-.-'_ __ I.------J. Lyke,__Calvern_ -. Vinton appointee. to lamlfill. ~ommittee----. 386 _____"..,. ,____,,,_______.__,_, .__.m..'_. ___..__, . il .. I 1____,_, t _LiOnberger, Samuel_L.., Jr._ &, Nininger (R.: Doug~,as & RuthM. ) ,rezoning petition.-. 353, .390 _'U [==_.:.~.:::::ery~:ooa::::el:::::s:'O;::.i~~ :::~:~~:n:~:~;-:~~O::-~:~:~~"t~ Eoard 'o~'~~~'~~~~~==l~;'-- ,,' ---.--..-, .,.,-, -------. ii :--....._~ Lucas ,..,Robert , E.' s .donaticln.of .lancl..near Hollins College---..440--. _.___ '!' I ; . .u.u._League .of. Women .Vc>ters' .Directory of _ ci_fficial board----443 i , Levy -- 476, 487,514 ; ~---_.__.~----_.- -..-. -~ . - .._._--_.._..__..~._.\-. ..-.-.-.-"-.- ---~._~...-.~---_.__._-_.. ,-----..--.- : Library - headquarters - carpet ----~ 476,487 i ........-.t--.-..-.-.--..-- ! "'. _~_.___.__.___.... ..__.__ _ '__'n..~._ '"__' _'__"_..__ , . , " .i-Library- headquarters..' authori"atiof to. e~ceed original budget-488; salary adjust~nts ,":, 582 ,.'_Library..- headquarters. -_fUrni!lhing~.----t- _ 488 ,..__"___".______u,_.__,,,_____._,_,___.___"", .__, !.____,__~ ____,.". f . . " ,;',;,',:i.~.__..Lesli_e, _Earl,_et ,al. - petition .i:o.in<;:lude.!-n, Sec,_Syste'" of _Highways, .unnam.ed"..._,____L,..,,___~_ .- :1 i I 'I !l I ' 492 I :: .__._______._.____.____road E. ,off :,:te.,,116. to. DE: -----:: ..,..____." "u'___, ,________,_., , , .___._.{__...__.Lon9,_RalphE.'s.1ette,~ giving aotic~ of r",tirement-:-:~-497 I ___.u._.Livestock claim- James ,S. I1cNeil -----:--498~..__ __.Hylton. and .Starkey - ,611____....._.____,__, -- .-. ..~~-.~.I~= 1~ .____1___.Livestock_claim.- G. G..Drewery ----.:-- 491L____,,,..._u____ L__.~___ Loan or_ grant-in_-aid _applications,mel1lO fro~ State Planning and Comm Affairs I '. ed ! ___.L__,.__ Land -0.063 acresco_nv.!y.~':_~oar'::'~~.C:'~tyt-:.~=-552 I' I' La Belle View Edition n Puritan Road area' -- 574 -__ .._._________.____~_~_________ _______________.___._. _._. ,; .___._~. .____. _________._ _..__.___.._'_._.__ '__'_'''U'_' I r Laboratory report ,. fox head -- :582 i' r--.---------------u.- _m_ --- .--- -.,--- . u' .m__"._.___, .. _____u ___ __.__.__ I i: LUSB2n, !:enneth W. - appointed tl~ rnds. Dev. Authority'. 611 i.------.-- , ~ --- ....:.; ... --- I i ---1 552 w., ._".m.__ ~.._____. _ _~ ~..._____.. ___ u.. j " I :1 ~-~-_..- - -.- ---.-..-- i! , '. "'I-~ ". I , " '1'- .- t il Miscellaneous Expenses (Payroll ofleduction)_ 2l;70,{39, t~5 ~7, 152,165 '83,195,212,22261~H,25Ij ; -- ,---- '.281'; :)25,336,350,362,387, '400,4lJ.43,4 ,II ,1\99.512, ~lt8, 532, ~;52,57,' i., ~9!l--~ :1 :::~~:;:: ;;:~; ~~~9t~~~~\!e1.J:~~~,O~~~tO~'rN '5N;'H.r',l%W,14!n?::85~s:0~27l,. 316, .,329 ,.350pW. , Meet1.n s,_ p C1.a - 287 ,.370,.373,402,.61~ ,__: ,__..".____._.._ .,_"._ '''..', __, .._....." ___.____".". ___.____':"Meetings, . Adjourned, ,,71, ,,290 ,.367,.514, . 516, ,613....___ .____..., ',.'." __._ i, " , "'."--".'" --'.,,--,, .____1 Minut",s Approved- .1, 41, 91 '41937, 1},03 130' 1523 " 1569, 185,. 197,,224, & 244, ,271' ,316 ,329,,350, 31;L." 'I 389, 404, ,6: ,481 , 5 5, 34 '''...._..______: Magisterial. Dist::icts -, Ordinance providing. for apportionment of Members of" Board of .-.0 ______ __ "_____,,,,_ '.".,,__. and. establishing boundary liner __ ,s. 'I I, Museum of Science - 5 naming rr.agisterial districts-7 , 47 Sll;l' ~rvi~c'rs Ii . __..u._.____ ._._..___.___. ,.._.; _._. ,__,___ .:: ___..__.."____..._._____. ___'_..__,_ ; ...--. I " _,_,___.,,_.____._.__~.Misura, Donald R. et we &. Chas., R.. Manning,. et" ux's . petition ,to "close. Chelsea. St.-6,. 97 iI Morgan, Chas.__T." & Mary Petty- petition:to rezone 5.429 A land bounded on the E.,side 0;: 'I i ;1 -M ."----",,.--.~ -- ".-------- Carvins.':reek .&.adjacent.&. W.,af Oakland Blvd., N.E.---68, --130__..____, _.~__"".--.---....~.Mosher, Clara Lewis Perdue & Eunice Lewis Sprinkle, petition to rezon", 244'. on N. side; .""...1 " I: Rte. 117 & Extending in a northerly 1 I direction on W. side Rte. 626 a distance, of 244' =-----6~,137 iI , r: ' " 1 _.__.__.,_"".,,__. .~ Mounfield, WIll. P.1's letter re method of ,payment for services in connection with communi<:atioll.s: facilities for Sheriff's Dept. -- 36 ii . . II ..,,__.__ ~ Maintenance Dept. for Co. .~ 35,l03,157'! 177 i, , ~ , ______"""__m"".,_ ..__.! . Myers ,_ Rosa Belle &. Mick-or-Mack" Stores,. Incorporated-, app1ica,tion to Foard, of ..--".-.-,___ ._.L__.._.____ to permanently . abandon.portions !of . "Old Franklin. TurnpL'ce"---..-__64____ " , __,__.______~.. Merger. of. Boards. c)fGuidance. Center. & .Rke.uVapey, Mental, Healtb. ,- ,Me:.taJ. .Retardation. __u______".____.. J__________ Services" ;,nto sin~ard ,,=.107,_164, 180 II Supervi:sors !i II ....--. -'-""-1" ._.~_._-,,--_._-- .-----.--.- ---.- --- ~._~..-._~---~._-~-..._--.-_..- --_..~ -..-. -- ~ 1 . I' I -".----- ----:. McMah~, ,Mr._Leo. - .ex-officio.memberof : joint 'board of Guidance.Cer,ter "&,Mental,,Health :,._" Ii , I " "Mental Retarda' n services Bd. ---:--.. .10.7 . _.".____,__...... _._. ___.. ._""_.__._,._. ...,____,______,."', =a-_--=..=~~=~I~~le;:~E.. J.s'aPIPOin~e~t to Bldg, .code Bd. ~fAdjustmentS&AP~'9al.S- 116 __.... I " ,I . dmi' d 1 t' d b E r1 ._.".u_____"__,,. ...__ ,.,Moore"Winfred,B.'sletter to Co. .Zoll1.ng a n1.stra'tor reo eve opmen ,pJ.anne y. a I --------- -_, Green .at Carriage, Dr. -Hackney Lane, & 'Rte. 419 intersection ,-----" 113, :i Magnasync/Moviola Corp-Let1:er Re: confirming Co. 's. intended purchase from same ---127, Meeting requested between I>oard & Rke. Valley ~ome Builders Assoc. to discuss sewer Ii 126 deficiencie'il/ ,. !I .__1, " " Ii ' Mount Pleasant.Sa:fety Building-l45, 156" 189 ~ 205, 225,247 ,Mount . Pleasant Citizens ' p<~tition to reopen pond in Co. park for fishing-15:5,,,175.. , (i , ,McVitty Field,__le-tterfrom,Recreation Dpt. Di~ctor requesting full,use &,control for .recreatioll.. purposes ----- .179. ." 1 I' MacFarland.& Branch = rezoning petition re property on E. side Rte. 626 N. of Rte. 117 ~~a' ;, Martin,,,Frank W.,,' Nancy F" 'srezor,ln9"petitbn: re property , I . ._.,,__.uN..side,o:{Rte. 75:1.----- 192,414,448,,464 i Moheimani,.Dr..Bessam's re:loning,petition withdrawn.-- IG9 on W.side of Starkey Rd. & or. Murray,.Mrs"Corrine's reappointment to Library, Board of Trustees -----,223 I ,..,..--,,,..-"".-- :.Mount Pleasant Citizens' pt,tition to relocate public safety bldg. from Rte. 617 to Rte.' 116-,225,." '[ Interceptor _""-_ _~_ ,: Murray ,Run/Sewer Line ----- 211, 221 I I : ~ i i ,,: Michie Co. let.ter to Comm. Atty re: typographical erro in Chapt. 13 of Rke. Co. Code-----211' , --., ,,_. Moratorium On all,rezoning along 419, pending ,in depth master p1ao- resolution &,present~tions I of OAK GROVE CIVIC LEAGllE-- 214 Ii Moratorium On all rezoning in County for 90 Qays or until Co. can employ planning director &:' staff, Superivso,rs' resoiution ---,-- 215. Moratorium On ,all rezoning in Co. - resolution of Roanoke Co. Civic League------215 Moratorium (90 day) - Zoniilg Administrator to notify all peti.tioners of Board action-220 Ii Membership dues for 12/1/71 thru 11/30/72 - Va~ Association of Counties-265 ~ Morehead, R. D.'s livestock claim for loss of 1 lamb killed by dogs _ 255 ----: Montgomery Co. Board of Supervisors requesting: Va. Gen. }B;embly & VACO to take action re Elwood St.,.North_Hills -----~----_?7~. 452 ~. --'- --,---"--_._._-----~-------------. -- --.. -'~-'-'~-' u= I' I' " I' " J) _~ ___,___charges-imposed.by . municipalities __ fjor pub.lic, services rendered outside their _J___.bOllhdari:es.,--'.----,,264 ____.___.J_.___,__.l_._______,_______.__ ----------.--- --. -----.---.-- --.---.-.----,,--, i' I il !i _J._____Meadow _Wood.Estates._Co. '15. rer,(uest.,t:hat,i.t .be.included.in, Sewer . Contract ,- _228,_2 4 __n._' ,.----.. 'I ' _h__.,_l>IalSterson.a...p. 's "livestock .claim ....---- [32S, _334..345___ ._______.______._.....__ .------.,,--.---. -, .------ I: 1 )i .___"L___ MU$e_J_osepj1 .)iJll. 's.,li vestock _ claim. - _3250 .)34 , .345._,_.______._______________.___._. ,---.--_, --.-. : -------, i' 'I I 11 _,~.__.Heetings.-(Regular} _ changed _from.2nc_& ..4ttl. Wed._ to. 2nd. & _ 4th .'lltles.-- _292__._ _..___ ---:...----,: --.-.--.------...-. i, I I :' Matthews Paul B - appo' t d t .. C' C t- tN' -.. ,~ ---'c"m---- ,," ... Jon e . o...eweron ~ac eg g. COlllllUttee,.Ins. COll1llU.ttee,....,-.,-...----. -- !I C th B t'f' t' c', ..,! ___....~______n_.___ ow: ouse.. eau 1. 1.ca Joan OIlIlll1.ttee;.Property.ColIZutteel.Cap1.tal---,-,,'---.---.----.-' II i j. ! i! ,__ .l:.________,__.Improvements. Committee..,---. 326. & _ 327 _______ ----.----. -.--,----------.-: ---; ------- ._~ ._.':"__Mental_ Health Services . Board , of.Ro~noke _ ~alley, . liaison . representative .----327,..! .-.----" ,-.----,--.--".-, --.-- !I " i I ,i _._.,.. _-:-_ MentaL Heal. th _ Serv1.ces _ of ,..Roanoke.valley _ -.2 addenda ,budget .reqUP..st>l'-------- .317; .-.--" ;.-----.--.... -'1-- ~__._ Mmtal "Health. Services "of . Roanoke. Valley ~ (Board) ".,APPOINTMENTS- _._339 ____n."..__~ ___,._:: __".._.... u,___._. I' M . i .. I " _:__.__ ner, ,Anthony. C.'s _appointment ,to: Rite. ,.~o._Pl.__Ccromission---338/339.._-.----:.---- ::.___.________._._,____ Ii Mitchell, /d.aurice - study committe~ - En~ironment Protection & Sanitation- 339 i II ______._. __ .. __ '0_ ~ _ _ -" ..__O_1_...__._.'O________~_..._._.__._.__ :: Middleton, John P. & Va. R., et als, rezone land on SE ccrner Williamson Rd. &! ,! _. _.._. ____ . .--..,0 .___~_____..._ _________ Malley,. Ma::g~et=- hOnOrE!d by resC>~lltion~of Rke. Co. Welfare Dept.---383._._____.._.__."._,__,____.."..____ i' ' I " .__l____.Ma~async~MO'l.iola, Corp.. - p,roposeq" c:ontJ;:act covering .purchase. of _ communications .L_____~ ._._______..__.__'. ,___._ 1 i: I 'I ____._.___o_.~+._.___.+.__.____._i '''__"'___ ~ _ equip. __ ------~_..383 _~~_,_____ _.__.0...____"0._; _____.._ ~ __._..__~____~...._~,___._ ___J:lQ~h.eld~-.WJ!l.J,-', ..._le_tj;,,~_,oll.F~al_insJ'ecti,on .of. communications. Bldg. ---- .386 .l_ ::_._ _.__._____~. , .:.. ~ I' ( ._,_____ ~Ulgn"'$ync::-MQv.ola. contJ,"ac'I<------::-4],l___..__._ _..___________.____._________._ 'm __.___. . ~__ .___:.____,___ __ -----..--- 1 :1 I "._' _" M.."dnr,_,V~i.Jd,a.Ves.t ,-,.,petition"to. J:ezolle ,property .on.N. _side Rte. 24------408. 4~Z F't ..' 0 I I !'\ ..:,~~..!-_ Pleas_an.1= . Firsl:,,Ai,ci,c:re:w ,_lnc~ .-_ Hig~wall_ Safety. Project. Grant.,. .414 __ I Maximum Sec::urit~.. Institution. for . D~V.. of ~ Correr:tions, Dept. of _ Welfare &. InStit;~~59 j==~".~=--I' ,='~ - ,l I I ~::, ~~_____Mountain View PTA.request for "scho\?l sj.9~al------466 ._ ". ._.___._.._.________.____ __ __,____...... j: I ,- _.~ __ _____ __M01J.llt Ple~sant .Pr,ecinct. - _ vOl:.ing.p:Lace cQange-. 470_______._.__ __._____ .__"u._____,____._" ,._____...____." ___._~...__,____ ~xey__-.Edward_'s.appointment_(ju<'lic:ial) __ f,o'.Board. of",Zoning. appeals----::474 ".____.__.J_____._:____.__ '" __._ ._,___._. l, II Mellon National Bank & Trust Co. --! nodce that Shoup Voting Machine Corp.' s -.-., ~ - ~.._--_.._.._., --- -'-"--'~ assignment to said bank oi all contracts & remittances be made thereto-474, .--.- ---_._,-- -,--,,- . , -- \ . .--- Main~enance equip. for._Rec. Dept. - 4B9, ~13 _u.__._.__.,___u..__,,_.________.__.'_ ,__._.__.! ____.______.., l~ I . l , ' _.~,________~ason~s ~ove Civic Club,Inc's....:don'1't:ion ~f__land-:.resolution re: acceptance, titlel.________.._____.___.___ , " search, & acceptance _of . dee~------.:401 ---.~-.-------~:~-~~-~oor. at Jail:Sheriff' s . reque~t..:.::.::: :507 , , __.J.__._ ._~rger of _ce.rtain County FundS:::R':.S.~1':':~0..~-_=.::..=..523 . Maintenance Equipment, autborized purchalse of same from Shuff's S&W Equip. Corp -- 52,9 ___""___~~_._ e' ~ ..___. - . _ _ _....______ .-_..0_'-. --- .-+-.-. "" ,.-----. ~ -....-~~-_...-.~.. =3 ~~~.-:::~e::~~:.~ P~ '~;;;::t:t:: .::~::~d::::7;~:~::/~~::::::~:-~~~d. ~pp~~.- ~~ .5~!;__ --.--- -- -I'-i "7 . .. - - - ~---+--.-_.-....~.--..-. + - h_.____.._.. '"-----.."",-- ."'''-' -- -....1 !\ Mini-bikes -- 577 i I !i ,------".-, --.-.--" --.-.--. --.-- . -.----.--.,----.-. -----.".-.--.-..--. .".-------.-.--.-,---.---.-1" .-.----; ---,,--. -- ".,,- .----- -- 11 r i _____,,_____Manthey, Ms. Carl F., resignation -:-.58l ,___., _._____,__._.__,.____ """'._____.____'''._.____._! __t__..__~~...'. .resolution to record map pert!linin9~ to private roads --,589._...,,___.___._______,__,_ _~_____~rgan, Mrs. W. R. _-..appOintment to ,In~~'::it:,r.~al DeV. Authori~y ..=._611___..__________ Mauck, Eugene Franklin, Jr., and Anne B ~.:rezoning 587 Ii Ii ,l ., ...' 11:' " McGrady, Harley, ,I Fred M. Preston et als,:petition to rezone property on W. side Rte. 626 (Thirlane Rd.l-----------~6 ~ McMahon, ,Leo.M._- ex-officio member of j~int b~ard of Rke. Guidance CE,nter & Rke., Valley , _____.: __.._____Mental.Health-MentalRetard' n. Serv.. Bd.-".-----107, _ ,,' " .: McVitty House,. Inc. 's ,letter re: their discont,inuance, of, farm operations, as of ,12/1/7l , 'I .__:_____._& that they no longer need Co.'s land.for past,uring cattJ..;!-----,2l0, ~ 'W :1 McVit~y House land-,Board's, rejection of bids "on r'~nting ,these 60 A.for grazing ---.." - . ____L McVitty __ House, ,Incorporated- request; for fee. simple title, to land on Ii McNeil'. A. E.' s livestock claim---..-350, . i I cattle---257I 345, ,333 ,which nursing,hom~,situate/ ..- ~ I , ---~..-..._. McNeil, I. N.'s petition to rezo"" '''2,1536 :i McNeil, James E.' s livestock claim.. 460, 475: 49" !! ~flr~"'R. ur1l ~. p . .PFg~~-*Rea8t~ial Be-,. 1J..\ltherit} 611 I' -,..-.._--_.~------_._.~.-.. ..- - -_.~ .--.--..-...-. "--_..-. .--... .-.-. .-.. 'I .'.~ !~--'~'~-~~~'.:~ ~ ~--~~:~~.:~~~~ ,. I! Ogden School - full use & control of same by Recreation Dept. - 3,33,94, 144, 155, 226,:1.29;, Franklin I: Old I?urnpike Road - Al:>andoMlent of port,i.ons -: 64 OWen, David's appointment by Salem City Council to TAP Bd. of Directors - 118 L OWen, David's.lett-=r,withdrawing,his,naDle from cons;,deration,for appointment to TAl? Boar,~"72" , Opportunities_Industrialization,Center Board's resolution endorsing E. Cabell Brand for ,. " " " " --.''--- ----:: ...,---.". reappointment.. to TAP ,Board----- 91 .,__________.,~ Overby. Geo. W., et als petition to rezone 0.50 A tract on northerly side Rte. 419 bein~, ~ ___I i ~ of.Lot_l, Sec. 2, map of City View,Hieghts Option on park land to be secured by Exec. Of cr. --- 116 ...-._----..--. petit;'.on "Oak_Grove Development Corporation/to re,zone 3,: parcels, 2 in Sugar Loaf Estates, 1 in 105, 198 part ____..__ Ii ,_'. .Loaf Farms ----- 146 Options on land in No. Co. area,to be developed for parkland, -- 166 -- ~ . -- ."." ,-- --' - I I and presentations -- II"" ,----- -- ".-------. Oak Grove Civic. League 's /=esolution/calling ,fer halt to all rezoning along Rte. 419 .. ,214 , .- .---- :___Oak . Grove . Civic . League president's letter re~gni2ing 1972 Supervisors & offering a~S.1S1:anc,!,-29 I I' __ ,Ogden School - water supply.. see Lease w/Craighead Water Co.- 329 5,U9",r . { I f --, . , , Oak "Grove Development Corp. - petition!to vacate undeveloped portbn of Merino Dr., Sugar ____._____ . LcafEst.--------331 , 394 ,oak.Grove Civic League's letter & proposed changes.in planning &zoningprocedures-332 , Old Dominion 1I0mes, Inc.- rezoning petition_-:---473, 597 Oak Grove Fielc, improvements to -- 548 , 555,571 Oldsfield School Property 578, 590! Option agreement .. 583 ~~c !; ! 1 ;! c :0 , ORDINANCES i i L Ii .. --_.__...~.._._- : I! -.-----'-.--'-------~ --.-----. --.--------- --.-----,--.- --.--.--.---, ....---.. ~ -----.---- - .--..------. meml:>ers - of --. . .---------,-.--. ________ ___._______1. Magisterial. Districts-.Ordinance. provid in,g for apportionment of/Board of Supervisors, - . - .-- _..- - establishing boundary_lines.&.n~ming~,7 I 47 ,! Precincts-Ordinance defining boundaries,! names,! & polling places-12; 52 ._---_._--~- - ! . < -------_._'._._._._-~---- .-: --,,~-~.__.- __._____~. ROANOKE. CO. __COD~:, _AMENDMENTS . THERETO --=_ 174 ,_liP, ti ..arade Ord. - 175, 200 234-242 __________..._ . _ ~_ I _ __ __._0_ ___'_~ ~__..__..___.__.~._________.__.m.. .__.._____...__.__________..___ il I :; I :j .--r:.------:. Plumbing. Sectioll_ of.Rke. _Co._amended. -- --l,~hap. "'5, ---.-.-.---.- --.----.---.-----.--.---2~,;226 f246 _~--------:.Plumbingsec. of Rke. _ Co,. Code. amended,/TRAPS:&. CLEANOUTS by. addition. of Sec._. 5.9 SANI~Ul,Y _T~ESL II Article2-Sewer, Construction, Sec. 16-12 Laterals of Rke. Co. Code amended to require CErtain --------------" - .' . -- .- --' sewer' '. --. - , = _.___,___.____.__typ~e~fc~~U:~~~~g or adapter__to connect bu:W.ing/laterals to public sewer laterals:2~;, 23~__ '! Amend/Capt. 21, ZONING article IV. R-l Residential District, Sec. 21-29, PERMITTED US~,S'to i ---~'------~--'-"-' - - -_.,~ - -.- - ... - - - ~. . ;1 permit new c:hurches or additions to [existing churches subject to public hearing-200. 224 i! ---- -- -- - --. ---.'.-- - -'.. . - . - - '.-' _. - .. - .- - . . ..- ......_---.-- , Amend Rke. Co. Code to require certain ~alls, I footings sub and finished floors & rOOll\~, II. i: - ----- -- - - - ~ . ~---..._--- ___ _____~_spaces .be" walter _proofede'------" 20],.,242 _(WATER &. DAMP,. PROOFING) _____._______n'__..____._.: ._..__J_u. :1 Ordinance providing for inclusion of all' ordin~ces and/or amendments to previous ordi~a,nces!i -------..----- - --- , . ,~ "1""---- i: . ado~~e.d.. ~!~e.J:__ 8/~2/70. &. on. orbefore.. 6/30I]1.in Co.. Code---------226, 260,267. '. 4' .. ___ __:.___ 'I 224,. I, II _____!:.~h~chil!.'..J:.e~at..ac!~~rshi~, activities. of, Churc~es _permitted. in. Residential.R-l. Districl:~!,J6~ ' :' '.iicious Dogs Ore:. - 246, 263 Ii i: II ..,----.---.-- -- "-- ----.-----. '.- 'County Code -;"----. -.-.-----------.------------."---.----..--:---"--C'.--- _. .".____ _t!'Q~ic~__Q.LI.l}1o,E:!nl;~.Q.n__to . Amend /c:hpt. __ 8 , . E ~ectr iqi ty __ (pe rrni ts , _ fees) __ & '" public, hearing _thE,~laon.~f. C !!Appropriation 04'dinance 7/1/72 thru 12/31/72-.:.----517 , ' !: ---- il ~rdina~~e ~~ be d~afted 'by COIDl~. At~orn~y impd~ing fe;'~~'1~~_;;~'-;traY_-~im~i~----550' ___.___.________~ __. ___ __. .._ ___._._____.______ ._ ____._~__._.. n__.___._____, .__._ .._...__.__ _____n___u. __.___ ___._.__ _ .____._..__...____._._..+____._u_.__..:_ ___ -.._~_t_._ ____.._______._, _~_ OJ:"d, !-1llll!<::E!. to _ be,dr,afted b~ . Comm. . ~ttorney . imp~~ing _ license. fee _ on _.mobile _homes __._55G -IJ---+---- '. General AppropnatJ.on OrdJ.nance amended --56~ '60S , Ii ' __._____._.._.._ -___.. . _"_ _____..__ _no. . .,_.. ,_".n. .~. _"__,__,,,___ .__. _..____._ _.~....__.__.., '_U'n_ ___ _.._.".....________._n_.. -.-----.-.--.-.--.---.-...-.-.-'.--1'".-..-.... Ii I',. " 'I " /.' I, 1, I! Garbaqe Collectic)n Ordinance - 22; 43 I -------...- - - - --- --.---+--+_._----------------_.---- .--..-----.-....-...-.--.-...--- ;1 I " _____.__.~_ cocie . of Roanoke County , __Va., Adoption - 44 ___. ~ ____.__.__.____._______._______.____ ______.n..__.. __ __.___~_,__ !j 1 ; i :_Amendment_ to _Gener.al.Appropr:i.ation, Ord. ! (adopteej}_12/9/70) -83 _________ ;1 ________ .___.!, ______Ln .-O-.--.-----.-~ __Appropr1ation.O:cd.i.nance.forperiod (O'nding - 6/30/',72 -84,_162,279" 354, ~.-.3S5,401 " 4gs~44'5', 477_ "It ,i N t' fl' ' Ad t 0 d' , , 500,5l0 " I . ._____.~___.:__.o ,J._c_e.o __ nten,::l,on_to _ op _an. r J.nanqe. cre~tJ.ngan.IndustrJ.al.Developmene.Authonty:-le2,,13.l.. -!- I ! ,'<34, ._242,262 _____'__n__.____.__..___.________., 1____,_, ..-.- . . I . . I' -_.--......- ---.. ..----.-.........--+-.--.---..~. -, -.."..>--t:--.- , ii I 1 II' .- .-~....._._-".----.- - ; -.----... -+_.. i.---- =0 .====~~ =~=~~==~_==.~~~~-~~~.-~.~:~=.=~:_-._.-~~-.~- _'._:.':: ___. ._.-.- ".l._._~._____ 4 I! " ),1 ir -- --.---_.__.+._--.__.....-------~_._----~--...- -..-----..-- - _..-- .- a __n_______.____ n;___.___ -----.-- t " iT !. it i Prayer -1,41, 24, 97 , l.20, 13Ql153, 169, iS5'19S1..224 '73244 'S~9, 271,316, 329,. 340, 352 " --" 3.9,.189,404, ~75,506, q81 , 5'34, '>:', 5 ,5 , 601 " Payrolls, 21,/70, 115, 127, 152, 165, 183, 195..212,222, 232. 25651~66!;3~81, 53J5' '~i06 ,3~!~.,.;162,381;1 pol'ce Dog 22 "7 597 400, 411,443, 400, 475 ~98, :>12, , , 5, ,5i4" 599 ' ~ , - , 610' i I: 52 , precincts,. Ordinance providing for same" establishing boundary lines, names &_polling Illaces-:l2/, ._.______..____ mm._: _Personal Propert.y, _tax, rate ,,(levy) - 19,42.__ . . ::. . _u.._.. "__m ,__ . . _ :' .____ _________,__._._.__: ,permit to const1'l:ct & operate bowling alley c~ Lee Highway issued to Richar~i~"",~::t.t:-: ,;~!l t _ ~ ____ ___.__ ___,_____ : _ Petition. of. Castle Rock Farms' "resident~, to . have "certain ,lots in. subg.ivision ,cleared-3d_' ... .1 ; : ._; i _ ___ .m__.__ n:. Public, Amusement::;/places of public entertainment- Committee to study co., requirements, U,:; to ._~ _ .______.___ ,._____insurancecoverage. -35, ,157, ;1 ____h______.'____.______~__:ope, Dr. -C.P. appointed to. committee to study open burning -34 :1 . I Ii ,___,__" _Park .1and'uExecut:J.ve ,Officer to, secure option.: ----.116. ~I Purchase of 5 cars from Dept. of Purchases & Supply in Richmond Va. -----116 I' " . I, __u. " - i -- .-. _________u_____ -- , _~-n.-,.-.,,_-:__.PUblic.Welfare S,tatistics..report from ~ommonl"ealth of Va., Mar. ,,1971--- 38 "Ii I _.__________'_m__.__i ,_P:Lcnic.Pavilions,.construc'n.. of.4 .by Valley Contractors, Cap. ------ 122. ._m_...____._ ._.___~, Palmer, O. M.'s petition_for ,rezoning of 13.51 A on N. side of Cl:esthill Dr..,WITHDRAWN-.-122!!..______ i: ' __. __. ___.___,_..__.__.:. pIUDti.ng. Code"Sect._ of . Roanok eCo. __._____.____,____.:_ pllll1lbing . Inspeci;or to enforce ,Co. Co~e,:amendment (areaway drains)-142,. 174, 187 iii Code ,~" State, La"'" to as. to exclude the connection of ..-....--..- ....1j ..~---- __._________..__ __._l'enal.ty for. lal~nr:~;nie~:r real. estate; ':axes 'i -. _145...__.__ ---. --.-----...---+- .. _____.___ _._____._.___,_" . Peters . Creek ,Pal:allellInterceptor .Line__ (4th phase,. being constructee by, Rke. Co.Pub.l.ic Serv;;,___ 'i' .__ ._________.h._l_______Authority). - . Resolutions of, PSA and ,Board of "Supervisors .request.l.ngCity .to. waiv(l. the .!!_____, " I II !I __.__ __ ___._________,__.1 ._ ._______ stipulation. in ,Sewer "Con tract that .lines constructed, in, Ci ty by. ti tled. to Ci ty, _ "5. it:: __.__. 'i . ! _.____________.____.____.. ________applies_to_683 ,linear, ft. . to,be.constructed in 4th .phas~ ------- .147 _,& .148; /79';,,2531 274,..- :i Petition of MoUI1,1: Pleasant Citizens' to 'have Jond in Co. park re-opened .for fishing- 1!i'5._ I' -~~.~=~~~~Iparade .O~di~ancc - 175, too ,23(,2~2 ..I...~" . ____H._. ____._.. .. i:' -. :1 ,,:,__l'ukwa1Cabinet Shop, et ,als, application, for ,indust~ial' access 'funds to construct. roads "-, , .,,::.__..____ ..at"eaway drilins. to sanitary sewers effecdve 8/1/71---- 143 , ' ':__ .______in.8tatesman .Irdustrial Park .-----: 176 !i I ___.u______n._n_._.__ : ,Peters_Creek FlOOd control measures -.letter front Mrs, Elllmett Albergotti ",.,.",-- 192 .. _..u___._,,___n' J _ Il!>tty, Miller E., pro:?erty (3.0 A. more 01= lel;s, Resolution expressing desire to ~ j. ' I . _____.__ __._.____""_ J _.___.". acqu:J.re ,same & asking Judge. of Circuit Court, to appoint attorney to search title, etc----,--206 ;1 . . ,____ _______.,__,___,_,:: nP,:bl:J.c ,Serv:J.ce Authclrity I s letter, to State HEALTH Dept. re: interceptor sewer __ _____." ,! _....,.._.anal.ysis, ,?etel:S Creek _ drainage ar~a. -------211, i .Planning Director _& staff for Co. -----.,.215, 335 i :' Ii ______'_ _.___.,,_ . m:, PINEWOOD DRIVE,. resC)lution. designating, this name to private road (1,600' in length)" i I "__._.,. .__." east, of "Roanoke=-------217 ~..c : "Peters Creek, Re:Lief Int.erceptor Sewer Line L 220, 231 .~_Public Service Authority letter to State Water Control :Cd. reo Murray Run,Intercepto~ :Line-221.- ,I PL'hlic Service Authc'rity letter to Rke. ,City Manager ,,!:e: Murray Run. Interceptor Liml- :221 Public Service ,~.uth()rity - audit of records fO,r fiscal yr. 1970-1971---------231 " Pedneau, Mrs. B:.ancbe's appointment to Lib:,ary, Board of Trustees------233 "C --- ,: Paying Agent for $1!i,800,OOO School Bonds ------ 247 of Rke. City Permit, Application/to operate sanitary : landfill in N. Public Service Authority - letter from their Jirector I clear zone of Airport in Co. - 2~,7 " P recommending StGlJ"n: Drainagl~ Syst'~1I1 for" County -----..-----254 e regional ja,il or Poff, Congressman Richard M.'s letter opposing use of VA land for/other than cemetery or recreation p~rposes ----- 257 Public WO:t:kS Dept. - resolution to hire ,3 employees with funds from Emergeucy Employmen\: Public Service }.uth~)rity's letter to City of Rke. reo Relief Sewer Construction Tinkel: Creek Line ----- 264 (OVER) . '. . .' ~ I I r , : , " WI' . . ~ i I ___.___._._petitions . opposing ,location of. region~l.jai:!. ,on. VA, Hospital ,Land ---- 245, 318 . ___ n._ r . 'I i ~ , . ___.~,_._Petitions .of .opposition"t(, :Roa~oke_.C~ty' s_o,perating _landfill near Municipal Jlirport~269 _ :: "__".,, ), ! , .._ __.; _,...,PlanningCommission.of . Rocnoke ,Co." - ;ippointi,mentof . David A.. Updike. -------,327 _._.~ __Plumbers . Examining _Board,. Roar;c,ke. co.l- Liai.son, Represent'ltive ---- ,.. 327 .., ,"_.,,__ , , II ' _._~__" Property . Committee . for ,1972__---,---,326 ~,___.. .'__ .______..____,,_..,,___.,_____.___.__.___,..___,__._!.. ,_ ____." ._____ _~..__.Putnam, _Bob. -.appointed, to, County~ s" I~,suranc:e .committeE-------. 326 _,___" .._,..__"__"..,__,!____.,, ,,:~,_____.,. , , Perrine, . Harlin.:_ elllployment . '~f. same ._1:0 institute Chancery ..Suit _to. collect Del.. Real! ___.__" ..._,..__ .__,., Estate Taxes ------..--- 3~ 7 , n i 12/7/71 asking Supervisors to appoint someone I I" PUblic Service Authority :Lett"~r of " from the Authority.to 5'1;h Pl. D~st. ..c~.------279 , Planetarium for Rke. Valle~ (Supervisors resohtion)- responses rec'd & filed from -- ") . .. - - -~:- I various pa:cties - 280, 3::!2 ' ----.....__._--_._-~- --------., ,-- , ! , ___oj __. Preliminary_ Environmental. ::onl;rl~ls, Rep'ort._ (Ii),repared.by _ 5th ,pl., dist. _ comm.) ----- _ 280 i u,,____. :,______.." __.__.~____ Planning. Commission of .Rke,_ CC'. .=-,appo,intmen:t of Anthony_C. . Maier .::::::339. _ MileY_,,=___5p .__.,.~__ ~ I _._,t___. Petty, .Mi11erE. ~s petition tCI rezone proper,ty on Ogden Rd. ---352,391,_404,.42 "___w, i ,_"_,, ._____L____patrick, _Ralph -'Margaret R.' EO petitic::into ~~zone land N. ..of Airport Rd. ,adjoining ,_; "... J __._.. :: I' i :,i .._._~ ___._"___.__. ,. Douglas.. M. .Russell_ property. ---:- .320,1;& ,357, " __,__.__,,__,_. ,_,__._._,,,.__.____,____. __!__,_... ,: ._".m_, __t _._,,Perdue,. Herman W.' s .petiti<Jn .1::0 _rezon~ .land)~,on E.sici.e of. Franklin Rd. ,.1. 86A-380. 41~ ,447 ,!,_____.____. .,____ Ii : Ii , :1 _____~"_Patrick,,..Roby .H. ,.Sr._et, :J.;K, "l:!t .a.ls ",to..rezone.6 A, situate .off .Rte. _ 460E. _of ._._.w___, ._.._...".________ .__1._______________________._._____ _._____.__._!____.~Roanoke.city-----382, ,.437 ,_455,506______! __.~i ._.___ , I .. _L__Public" Service .Authority_resoluloion. re :__Roa"oke, City's .2/22/72_sewer .contract.propospl-367____.______ I' i ' I !i ' ___~_.Petition of ,Residents.of .OrlaJ'ld,o .Dr., (VerncllleDr..&_ Ocala .Dr.. - _re: . flooding .:?roble;ln_____.~ ,__._.....". ____. __w_~. II ' .. i 'i __.,,_______._ caused. by . damming up _ I)f _culverts, unQer . bridge. over, Carvins Creek -389__._______.: __..n_: _,,____. Ii Park Realty COlllpany _ & _ Wald!:on & Waldr~n .con~ractors:_ petition to rezone for mobile home ____._ -----, , court S. of Rte. H2 -..-----408 ,481 =I~= Plantation Roaci- passing b,~twe'~n termini of Plc.ntation CirCle - 467 . - .. powell, W. Garnett . " et als ::.pecition f~r spe~ial use permit for used car sales lot-4?3, 541..__. ____ .___. ",,_____ II poff's Garage '- bid. on. maintenalce _ ec;uipment ~"::, Co. Rec. . Dept. ------513_____.___ I ,; Lpaving,tennis_Courts_-.s. .F...Dral?er---~---490 ,_ .._.___,______,,___ '.______... ...--.t--- " , : Public Service Authc<city ,----re-appointment of L. S. Waldrop -----503 c--.-.-.. ... E.' Glenn Bowman, appointed to -- 583 ' .____.. Personal Property..:__ :Levr_~'-=:::=i:. 514 ~ .________._..___..___ _____.._.n"__.._._ Poulos, James Paul & Helen C. ------ rezoning petition----- 521 . ':,1 -::-.~--_. -.-._- ~ --.--.---- ,:~,~~-___.._Planning. Commission,. Roanoke. Co~_- ..re~ignation. of. T. _D. .Steele:.::...,-..:::" 518 __._. ..,' ~.'" I: : 1 ';:,...::.!'_. Planned United Development, E.. of Roanoke at 'Mecca St. .-- 525 Pick-up truck, authorized purchase of (for Clearbrook Fire Department) --- 527 1 -. '-~---' N __~._.,___.__, __n_____. _.__ Gr. Pay Plan for Superviso~s, lletter from Benj. W. Hogan concerning -- 531 )t Personnel, additional for sherif:E"s department -- 557 . ___ _______. N _" _____ ': I I _,_.~__.___poulos, __Paul,.,& _Helen, C.,. rE!zoning ,-- ;557 ' Public. facilities_planning - 582 Powell, II. Fleet -- 601 "--_.,..:~I~.. ______: .__Payment of "bills prior ,to approval by Board. ~ 606, '" P'!r%:1"~. Hr~.. ,C. F., ,_appointed, to H'liay." Commission -,611 Preas, George W. "..______._., appointed to Intiuatri,al.De'\{elopment Authority,- 6ll Petty, Miller E., appointed to 'Jenciustrial Development Authority - 611 , "'1'- ..-. -- , .0-. --n __JJ 39 Retirement (payroll deduction) -/70, 115, 152 "l65, 183~ 19S:, 222.( 232 256.. 362,387,443, 475, 49~, 5...2. :>52 ,570,5a~. 599, 61v Redistricting - 7; 47 J " 281, 325, :135, 350__ ! I ; Regional Sewage transportation & treatment facilities-Board resolution expressb,g willingness & desire to share costs for'construction & operation- 4 Recreation Board's resolution asking Board c,f: Supervisors to" ask School Board for full, .".____use.& control"ofbuildilngs Ii grounds ,by: Recreation Dept.- 3 I , ,. , !, Roanoke county" Ct)de. - 44 __..__.~_ R.eal.Estate, " LeVi' -.19, ,42 Regional Courhouse St~lC.Y Comm,ittee - 3], , Rothgeb, Miller & Sells to atldit Co. records ,for 1970-1971 Roanoke Co. Higkiway Safety CG,mmission' s recOllUllllndations re: Chaparral Dr. & Penn For,es'c " " :' __ _ "."Blvd.. (RtE,IS. Roanoke Co. PubJ ic 800 &,687) ,.- 92. ; r.ervice A~lthorit,y -Salary increase for members- 93 Ray Dobbins Linc:oln Mercury quote On auto for Exec. Officer - 34 Refuse truck fa:: Co. - ,"uote of The Tid,y Corp. accepted - 34 1: ____n'''_~ __,Russell" ltn. s. 's z~eappointment to va.! WesteJ:'n Community, College Board----40 II , _____,:___Richardson, ,Robert H.'s,reaplpointment to Rke. Co. Public Serv',AuthorJ.ty -41. I '; Ro...'loke Co., Pub ,lie , Service Allthotity -: appointments thereto" -. ~o ___.. I, Rke..Co._Highway Snfety Commission -appointment of Amber W. Webb ---- _94 Roberts, WID.. H. .IIl.-acknowled,ging Board's, cooperation. & .efforts on behalf of Lib. "pro!p:''Ull",; c;rer.past .,4 "yrs.. ,notinq his resignation Roanoke, City', s . :lotice . &, computation of: sewage. from job of Director of Library. System- 91.., . , l03~ trea,tment rate increase, for certain. are,'L,S .1.n Co./. U Roanoke ,Guidanc,e ii Center. &, Rke." Valley Mental-Health-Mental.Retardation. Services' ol1esingle joint board which is to be sole recipient of mental Board'l' .-- healtiL- ~"-----_._... -.. i ...,; u -"-0 . nerged int:" i, Il'.~tal retarda.tion tax fundsappropdated by, Co. effective 7/l/71---..-- 101, 164" 180;:. Rke. Valley Men'tal Health-Mental Retardation SErvices Board's revised budget approved"lOa Rehabilitation Serv'ices Program for Aging at Catawba Sana'corium, notification of gran';: award l:or same, ---- 113 Regional'.Correc:tiollS Requirements & Facilities (JAIL) Report, Co.' s share of federal ,I, ___. grant, ----- US , Rehabilitation Servic:es Program, for" the Aging at Catawba Sanatorium, correspondence received ,ailld,filed - 20 ,Roanoke City' s ,leti:el~ re: disposition of Supervisors' resolution expressing ! 1. " - willingnes,s & desire to work for providing gov. services on ,regional basis- 21.,,-- i.- Roanoke City's lettel: re: di.sposi tion of, SUPElrvisors resolution expressing general,_...: ; " approval clf a dl:aft of the Interim Se~lerage Plan for Fifth Planning Dist. Comm.-21 . Roanoke City's ,lettel~ re: di.sposition of Board Chairman's letter reo pr'oposed State b,~n on sewer con~lectiolls ---- 21 .., Roanoke Valley Chamb..r of, Cc,mmerce' s letter to Board Chairman setti.ng forth ChaJllb<o,r' s : i position cIS e:Kpn,ssed during recent (1971) annexation trail -- 21 Roanoke Valley ChalDb..r of Commerce's letter accompan;j:ed by brOchure "The Roanoke Vall,~~'''- 21 RCA corp.- correspondence and/or documents rec'd. & filed in reo bids on Sheriff's communication:. '~quipmel1t - Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services - 1st Annual Report Community Services Evalua-, tion Prog%'am - :21 Roanoke Co. Public St~rv. Authority letter to Highway Dept.re: pavement repair asaocia',l!d Ii !; i' with water & selier system Roanoke City's lettel: to Board activiiEls - 37 F Chairman advising that City's withdrawal of their appl:i<:atioll for a permit to operate landfill on Brushy Mt. was temporary & condition?l - 37 ( OVER) i; " Ii I! t. 'I f ! ____.~ _ Rke. City Clerk~ s . letter to. their. Sewer, Commit,tee,referring, to that committee Supervisors' I:" i ___: ".___ Chairman's" stlltement before City Cow;.dl rlil possible phchik-i tion of new sewer _ connnections-37,,,, :i Rke. Co. Public Service Autt,ority' s .let~erto: Rke.. Ci.ty, forwarding their. resolution .___! "'..__.__ ".-~--.---------'--.. . _u " maintenance I ____.__ .___ of willingness &" desire. t,o pay .fair. llhare Of. costs for construction!& . operation of .:." ._''''.___ !' , I I _.,,__~ ,.._,__.sewage. treatment ,plant---. _93__.__"..___..,.".".: ,,_ ,_, __. m_...____ __.______"u ; I. . ill i , ' __.~__ Rke... City's & desire , letter. to their "Sewer commit.t;tee,;eferring Co.' S .resolution of willingness.., pay I to/fair share, of costs of ma:tntenance construction & operation of .1- I .sewage.transportation &,1:reatment system -." 93 , __ ___:,,_ Rke. City~ s . letter to .Mayoru. of Vinton ,~,' , ~ Sale>!! & ,chai.rman, of, Bd.,,,of "Supervisors" Rke. ,1:0... I .___"re: City's noting..appeal,from order Q:E State ,Water Control Bd. & seekinc:;.a.s';ay, of _,,__~ _._. execution .of" order. re:. Sllwer __ cOllnect~on b~ in Valley - 95._.__"_,, ,. ._____ .____"nu.____._"... ____,,__ ".....___. . " I ,; _.:.Rke."Citv',sletter,,__to.Co..::e.preparatiQi:l of C.ity's reply to State Water Control Bd.___:__..______....__, _.._~ .____." & "thelr _ maeting__with ,Sa;Di1.. on J /13/71 !&. ask~ng" Co.. to.postpone "its. 6/30/71 meeting w)i.th, ,,-. 1----------- ~i ' ,'(' I ..---...."1- ...__....~-.~ .._- II __._: .. ___ State. Water ,Control. Bd. _----.95 " I r" . p" ~ , I ti'l. I -, 'r I i. I 'I ! ______:_ Rke. City's letter. to CO'_ advising. of disposition of. Supervisors "resolution refeasih'ility,;. h I I 1/ f mb' d th f'" ' _".___._ _0 co Ule .cour ouse ac.>.l1.t1.es.--'.' .113 J, ,______ ".__ --------.--- -" --.-------.,,-- ,,".- ---.-.---"-,,,--.. ------,,-..-- : Rk C 't ' /Cllerk .. " I II --.-..~-. e._ 1. :. s etter.to,,__Rke.-C1.ty Mangr.ra:-ve~bal.approvaltoBd. 'of'Supervisors-to'proceed with" :1 r i ;1 ____.'''__c,__.__ construction .of -intercel',tor -sewer ,lioo, whieh will 'cross . city-owned .property---.1l3 "1'-.-.."..--..-- ii i I, i :l __.___.~--Rke.--City'a--letter.to, Rke. .Co.--Public .Serv." Authori~y re:---- City's' appearance -before---.i '''-,-.,,--,-- ,,-.,-., ,. .--.-'''-.- i; i i, I ,') . !i I ' I ~ --.,. ---. State.Water.Cozlb:ol. Soal'd on -6/15/71 ; ---- .114 ,,-.-- --.----"'.---."---..---.----,,.--'--, -----.,,---, ---'---" .----- Ii ! ii _.__.~ _ Rke. . Scrap. IrOll" {o . Meta:, . co. . Inc. 's" letter. to Bd.. Chairman "re:, new paper recycling.--., ;' .'----"-,,,--.,, it ' ii i Ii ~=t;:~::~:;~:gi~na~. I!~~~~l-~erv:;=:". ~~~~=~ ~~:u:,~il, ~-~=:.': s~~~~=r .'t:'~~~' c~~:::::J '~~~'j:::" !! with copy of. their, annuill.report_ ---+ 114 !i ,. _.'" ,.--"---.----------.--.I.--".--J----.:-=:,,.:=IT Ii I i ___. ,.__Roan'~ke Val.ley" Homebuilder:,l.Assoc. ,,,& ,Board meeting proposed by __ Caldwell Butler, to .have: ".-- ,: i; I i' I Ii ,_ '''..m ~. m ..discussed _ certain "sewer .deficiencid---126____.. " _____.___. ...._h_______.,_,,____._._"'.) .--, --- ~- " I ____.t. Regional, Corrections Requirement:s '. Fac~litie!S,(Jail) Report, _Rke. Co. 's . share of "..__",,,, I' :1 local matl:hing funds fell: fedl~ral grant _---~-- 128 ,>. I ','. ~ ~ I. ' 1 ; .m~_.!!__RCA corp._agreement w/..co._ re:. Sheriff' ~ commllnications. control center - l27.""",.",! ',,_ ;/ i !: I i ~JL-,RCA.Corp.--letter.acknowleCl9ing ,1:eceirt,9f . purchase-order .alllt 'g." to .$4,707 for, two-way 1__'_'''__':' 8:~J __.".m rad~o equipment for. ShE'riff'l; Dept...:- 127.;,. m." _. . ____ _. ____. _ . __ ..__.___. _ .____.___" ..1.._...." "-,-.. ' -':". '. ,'.,... " '.'1.1""';. ,I ,. I, .,:',___RCA.. Corp."performance. ;'. paym<ent. bond, .for "s~pplying . law , , I ' _,,___.controlcen~er.,et;:.'.to ,Rke. Co.;---- 3.27_ ,enforcement, ccnutlunications_. 1: I ~ , ., i , __ R<u.no1cp City's, ,Interim .l.'rogram,Report: to _StateWa;er Control. Board (7/12/71)-,127 I II .'~>'..ROanoke. Co.-Public ,Servi.ce Authority,' minutes_of 6/8/71.meeting-126_. ,.--.".. , .._.'.1 ' I: ,::;-":,; Rke. City's letter to Bc)ard Chairma.Oj & others re:presentation.atCouncilmeeting '....1;,... .----....-- .-- -. - ~ -- . -.. - - - . ~ ',.,::...',1[____.__.__.__7/12/71 of" program. for, JUte. Sew'!:ge Tr~atment Plant that will be sUbmitted to .::J :-\;~t:..l.". ,- .'~.1'r .".....,: ~~.". , I ..l____.__ onl .m~l= I: r' Ii State Water Contr~l.Board ---- 126 :1, , i '[ ._..____~__..__Rke..City's.letter.tg.Board.chairman ~dvisi~g.that Cityis still available for' ____ L" .,_._ ,,__. for, discuss ions. re : . dentention .1;ank pJ;oposal advanced by Co. for area on ._.____Rke.__River W." of.City ---- 126_,,1 , Rke.'s letter acknowledging Board Chairman's letter to City Mayors of Rke. & Salem &: i i: L. S. Waldr()p, (,llke. Co. PUblic,Serv.!Auth.) re: control & reduction of infiltra- , ,tion in sewerage systems.& meeting w/:STate Water Control Bd. on 7/13/71 12~ .IOanoke Guidance. Center's .1et'l:er aCknowledging Co.' s contribution---" 126 ..".1..-., i- ,,,,__~creatioD.' s' Playgroun~, Dept. ,June re~r'c---;" 126, " 'I I' Roanoke County COde.,lllIlendmellts thereto, 174 !: . Roanoke C~. . Code , COpy to Lau Libr~ ; Refuse & Garbage, . Qapt .14... -lke. , Co. free, I Code' & sale of same to pUblic- 142 AMENDMENTS, 147 : , I .' I " ..1 , ".: . ~ . ~ . "j :!.~. "c' /' "" jl.' ';- I R ii (cont 'd.) II Roanoke City's petition to rezone 2 tract of approx. 33.25 A in Big Lick Dist., E. of S. of Rke. River, to enlarge Sewage Treatment Plant--155 Roanoke Guidance Center Annual report (1971): ----- 163 'Rkp. City's resol.Jrt.;i.mLJLJ&tt.er to Rke.! Vall~Y Mental..!!~th-Mental Retarda'n. services Board aljlilrl2Yin9- certain changes in prop,QEed joint board (Rke. Guip.an';~_.__. centerl-----~-164 ,: I :i RoanQke I' " Vallev Mental Health-I~ental Retardation Serv. Bd.' s letter confirll',inq merqer wI.. Rke .._ , I ~"r Advisor:y Bd.------ 164 ; ! II BOArd. appain~nt of Mrs. jill Jones - 183 Roanoke College dOllateel copy of Rke. co. Oode ---- 184 I " i' Rpgistr"r's r..quest for e"tr'Ltempor~.he.11P to notify vot..rs affected by re~.ktiIt:;t::.~_ , ie<:reati'\:'D D""'e<:"'I"'\...I~ lO......AT' roqnoC:"';"'q ":1'111 11!=lP" 1;. t"!nn-t'rnl or Mt!Vit.~y Field for ]=-ect-ea:~:ion -:80 Rk.._ City's letter & r.>soluti'on ratifying -+confirming filing with Boar.d of a.ppli~);l for_ , 'I I Ii '1"0""""''''''9' nof ,1IlrrY"ny, ":1:":1: ~c; a "'n Al~nw fnr 1l:lI~:=anQ;nn nf C:iC1W;ilgiCl +-'r,o,,"'mll:lln+ r~::=..:::--=-l1L Rke. City's letter to llecuril:ies Ins. corp.~their reply reo flood ins.----- 178 ,~. :: Rke. City's letter to 5th Pl. Dist. COl!U!l. wtth resolution of their Council proposin~ tlleriCity continue to own & .operate~s s'~~age trea.tment plant & facilities, etc.l'--'.-178 to city s~er C~ittee the I Rke. City Clerk's lett.~r fOr\,al:ding/Board 0 Supervisor's & PSA's resolutions a.ski~()uncil to req~E,ement of sewer contract 0 waive/title convelra.nce to C~ty 3.t', re; 683' (fourth phase of Peter's Cr. :n~Elrc:ePtor sewer line) ---..-- 179 ' I I II -+--.-- i II I II Rke. Ci ~erk' s lett'er to ':i tv Manaqer re~ request of Richard Cranwell for info dpal.i.ns- I j .i additiona.l ,areas (Sec. 2 of: HalDlfen Hills) to be included in existing Cit~-=:'~9;' sewage trea'tment ,contract--r",--t180 , Realty Data Inc autilor:~z-ed to microfilm real estate records in Co=. of Rev. 's off~ce: III I plats in ClJ'rk' s office----:..-C-l2P ! . , CODE - resc.lution prOViding for:distribution '.I>rice of ------ 156 , , safety :bl<:~k-~QL I I --L-.,____ :' Regional Construction <<::0.- awarded con~t:for construction of Mt. Pleasant !tter ~vising of d~sposition of corresponding instructions tp t~L---- 1 :, ,,"hmitt..d t" Lanqley. McDonald &~in connec.ti&n..Jo!ith makinq a rT'e];m;1"Iary...s.t~ t'\f= ;:a r~g;on;l' , fa~i];t~U~"AY-__- ?,n I .Cll:IJ::ri '7."""; nn I! f'nl'" npp~;:a~;nn nf AAwaqe treatm~lnt' r! :.~ Murr~ Run In~rceptor Sewer Line ----- 211 d I !: ~ommunicption re: action to prevent entrance QL__,_" I~P- ~o Boara'g ~...t.l:l...i,~tar:y sewer lines through ~j;'~~~i.n.s-----2l.J. lra V:.'1AY "'nlln~'il nf ~nmmnnity Services, ':lnc:.. in re: continui_nq uroqram of evaluati~\gi: pUblic &~~,vate agencies provi.ding service in fields of family & child care & :~ecrE,ation & group work--~----211 Rezoning Moratorium along Rte. 419 - Oak ~ve Civic League resolution & presentat~~"s-!214,_. Rezoning Morator!~kID f:or whole Co. - resolution of Roa.noke Co. Civic: League ----215 Rezoning Moratori\kID f<or Co. for 90 days C!': until Planning Director & Staff can be emr.loyed, SUPERVISORS' RESOLUTION----- 215"':" Rec~ion DePk..j;~Q;l..ul a\l~orized to e~pend a~t not to exceed $1.200.00 for~_,__ , est.lbllshin~ a facili~ for the maintenance of their vebicles at Rec'n. DllPt,.---215 1 01 ' I Recreation DePk...~hQ.>;:j,.(~,gfL~J2_j~JI~~nto aqreement w/Lions Club c" Vinto!:L to c~nstr':lct outdoor basket pall court at'Stcmebridge Park" Co.' s participation not over ,'~'!.9_0. 00 & said f,:~[.d.. to come from parks & i recreation dev. fund-----21~. 560 ~-22~,,_ '_._. Plan --..--------------- 221 f ",'''u'''~ ," ~_...--..., -'d' ::, ' o -",-'!""-,-><y_=~""",,, g;].ng,~l.--.-,....-- rezoni~equest to enlarge s~al~eat~n~ I Rke. City's le.t tl~r t(;l'-f.Q.0Lcc'~mpanied bv resolution 'Supervi"ors' expeditious handlinq of their :1 Roanoke Collecre'l! ac19!~1g:ement: nf rp"'<>irt of C:QJ?Y ef, Ceo eedo 221 ---f----. -- i !: i: I' II Rke. City Manager's letter enclosing CC~ of City's letter to State Water Control BQ. " re: Murray Run SI~wer Line & City's position regarding same---,---221 Real estate - effective 1~~determinin9 t.rl1E~ valu4=l!R, BnaT'd C'h::lirm~n'J:: 1,:.-t-1~p.,. ...h il State De t. of Ta~atiqnL-their reply: BQjU:~irmAn's letter to City n~ Salem & Salem's r,~ ------221: Ii Reacreation Board - reappoin'tment of William E..._Cantreil ------- 233 R anoke Count's notice of termination of Services Contract with Salem- 2244 Regional Jail on VA land in Salem" Citj:zens pet-,:i.tion of opposition-------245 Regional Jail on VA land in Salem" Board Chairman's authorization t? write I' " " " letter expressing oppClsitiol,' to, same'; ------245 Roanoke City's applicat.ion for special '~e:perroit to operate land fill ~n north , clear zone of Ai ort in Co. -----247, 21;7. 269. 341, evision. I~li letter of 1l/24/71 w/ attached renewed 1qlplicatinl1 , II UDp.le.b::. ~nQ.t-T"~t-;nn' nf' ("';lit-V qYQ"'~m ------~4j:l: Roanoke Valle n .~urch's p~ent of $60.00 in lieu of t~xps ----253 oke , , '.QIL.lo!.aiving stipulation i\L.Ci,ty.-co. sp.wer contract " :' reo title to 68;Lfi.,- of co,.' s Pete:r:.~ CreeLInterceptor S"wer Linp. being 1 it conveyecLt-'L~ -----:.,----'-- 253 Roth eb Miller & Sell~c' audii: Treasurer' s l:ecords for year ended 12/31171---256 , Radio base station - authol:izati'>n to purchase. sar.,3 from estate of John Wm. Smith-266 M. 's etiloioll, t~ rezone land on N. side Airport Rd. '320 Recreation Dept.' s res!?luti.on re: easemen_tjl across parkland for Sans Souc:i Apt. Ii co lex ------.,- 272 Richardson, David '8 ;.ivestock claim 28l-251 334, :145 Roberts Rules of Ordel,' Revised a~ted by 1972 Boal:d for rules for procedure 291' ,I --S-vI~sers Liaise" repr,,""lont4Li.~ 32:7 Roanoke County PlanniJl.\L,OO....;ssi,OlL.=:..----:.----- "ppoint-"""n!: of n~vid 11 I i :: . ' II lJpd1ke~~.--:----_._- t r 'I I, RIIlli'elltion Board - appointment e~f K. B. Graham--------::----327 . , "~received .. filed Roanoke C1ty s pres.entatie'n (va;:'ious letters .. doc"-nt I in sQpport of 1 "nd~; 11 app;Lication at_No e:lear I!lpne of Municil~al Ai>:poJ:.t-------- 'Rn Rke.. Cit.y Clerk's let.ter t:o COa. Clp,rk ;!It"!knnt.7',~iig;ng ("ommn1::l]("ation of Co. re: ppJ.jJ;:atinn. (n. ...1p"r "ona...'f airrort)------~2S0 I II stemJ~iv. im Norfolk, let':.er re: licensing __Qi radio equip. RCA Communications S " beinq purcha8ed~~~~j.JLRescuEL~1.1a"d ------ 2.80 Roanoke County Federatcion of Citric Leaques- 2 re~olytioIlS.l._l.".Q.~J::ing~OQperatiQIL.t.,,, new board I 2nc: one reo stable zO"ninq plan for C;0------332 Regional jail concep1' ---- 335 " i, " Ii Richardson~bert H. 's a~nt.",ent to Fifth Pl. Dist. Comm.----339 Regional Jail, resol\~ion reaffirming County interest----346 Roanoke Valle , Re iO!la.l Health Services Planninq CO\ID.9il.....=.. appointment i! Co. Lawrence Dodson ----..-_1S..Q.. noke Vallp.y Rpqinn;:t1 Hp.:l'ltb--Ser'l7i~e'i planning- Council - hllng,:ofo ""pr'!noClf---_ 344 il lll~n...l.O.Q;:l re:J"Jl.9,i.21li!l jail ---:--348 StUdy Committee -335.384 Retirement 385 , ".orp. to......t:li1zone ;~J~is anN. Rezoninqs.- filinq fee~& c~~,ultants - 36l, s i~_t~ hi-Sffi>'iIY......Ji--Rt.e--L-20.9.::.3JlJ), 415 ! .--.-.t- " , " Roanoke City's acknowle(~ent of County'sidenial of use permit fo" lalldfill"at_. north clear zone of airpart- 386 Release of claim- Martin Bros. - Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center roof-3~S ! i i' ~ " Ji " i: I. " :._-'=.- 'I ~:{', '\' ,'.~;.. " .,: . ~. :., . \., . - , I II I: ii " ;J , .' . '. "R11 Page, cont.d , , .' i ' - , . '! - ~ -' I I:' C_ I' I."', " r, 1,- __.._.,_.._,~____. M ___._____.____'___._..___._.___...__..___...__~.__..___~ ,-'. --.,.--.- -., .~. _.-~..~..-'..--....-,--.. "..-.----...-.--.-.-.. .. ---.-- ~,._. ---.-..-......-- I . I I I I 1 Ii _,____ ______.__. Roanoke, City's _.letter. advising __ dispoatio.n of, Supervisors ',. resolution. re: _ reduction of. st:>=,.: .-,.- . I -. . 1 -I , !' U _' _____ ___.___: ._______,w,ater . entrance .into _sanitary _sewe.rs---~-- _150.___._,__ ._,_,,__.______,,_.__._______,,___'_.__".'.__ , .' ------" ----- Ii : ! .____.____.___ ____~ Regional. Sewer, organizati.on _ - _ study. authori zed:, by . Co. _, (firm. of Langley, ,. MCDonald. & , Overma.n) --~ 191._ .___.______~ Regional.Sewer. Organbati,on -:__position, C ~ Botetourt Co.-_ 180. I< 194_. ".___." _________._.____ Ii Re\'ional _~~~~_.~rqaillzElti(m _=-__:~~e-"'~s_p~_sition ~l~9______.____._______ i L__i' ~ _____~ jiegional_Sewer orgnizl.tion - Roanoke City's po~ition - . letter & resolution .rec'd &. :Eiled- .178 L______ . . I I, I If _. J ___.__~ Reqional Se_r . Organization _ -Salem-Roanoke. Co.. Chamber, of .Commerce' s ,.letter . & _ resoJll.tioll.1194, j ----- ..."j , ' ;- _______~ Roanoke.ValleY.llome.Builciers' .Assoc..- letter of President H. Fralin to Board Chairman' ad. _Ii_____ ._______:. ,_____Chairlllan' s .reply .re:. sewer . line . c;onst'=l.lction & _ sewer connections in ,county---,~_::! 194.J.____ ; Regional Sewer organi:~ation Study - instructions to consultants malcing study-- 194 ! :i _____._..'____M _._,__._._____.._.. ___"'_' ___.____....___.__._..m__. ---~~....-------.--._--'._---..- -- -----"-..--. I, I II ~ J==..- j:.'~~==::~:::~~::'~:I':E?:.~~i:::::=~~_~ .=::~i"i~- ': ' 2 I : I Ii .._.____ _______~.Rke._ City's.petition .to rezone/tracts, totalling .33.25. A.S.. of. Roanoke, River, .E."of Corr lill!!its ii .Rke' f 82 : r : ii, ._____._____.__of. ._C:Lty .N.. 0 .Rte.__ 5,t,o ,enlargA._Sewage Treatment,Plant.-.155,_185___________.__._._____1 -.- ________~_ltecreation. Dept. __ - . resolution" to hire.l laddi t;!.onal. employee _ under, Emergency.EIILPloymer.t' Act-2'$:i .____.__~ ._Rke._ City__ Clerk's _lettE,r..to .Rke._ City .Manage~. re: . notification .of.public. hearing. on,(\pplica~~o~,__ ~..____ of. City_ to. Supel:r:visors. for. operation ..of _landfill at. n. ,_clear _ zone of Airport-:.:~=__.3~~-=~: __.___...J __ Roberts, _ Marion. S. ' tJ .le,tter asking, denial. . oLCi ty cf. Roanoke's, application to , ope rate, Illndfili ----- " I! . (,': i I. ii_ '. .___._____.____._'& .u._cl6t<r ,~:one.of. iUrport .-.,.-----,'" __323 -.----- --.-..-.-----.----.-------.-.-------.-'-,----- - __.___~.__Rke._ City __ Clerk' 3 le,ttElr _ to. City. Sewer_ COlllllit~ee. transmitting _two. requests .-from. Publi~ ,Ser~ i' II , ,. ______~ ___._Autbori ty in . connection __ wi th. ,:!,inker. Creek. Interceptor. Sewer _ Line------ .323 __.' ___._J.___ :1 Ii _____~_!l.uth,Ep::foo:r;d,_ThoIlUlS .D..&. James .E. _ Carr's rezop.ing. petition, relative. to.2 ",tracts .N. _of, Eersh-._., : , I __.__._._._. berger_ Rei. _ -,------331__.____ ___'_______~ _ _____. __________________.______ .n_____ ____ ___ __ __ , ;, , , . ~.' 1,1, I" .,' I. I '0' I '. II.,. .. I ,'" .' 'A, . . I;,: II.,' .' . I .'1 i' I' .., " , l ,.' J J' ;1 ~oanoke, City' s.resolution, i20014.amending .Sew!!r,Contract to ,include. 12. 855 ,A,owned.by .!jardello:.__ :,'1' Ii jl __.__.____.__Dev.. Corp. --,.----336,,_____. _____,1'.__._._.______________._____..__._________.__._.,__.__.___ ,I __.____.________ ~ __ Roan()k.e. City _ Clerk' ~I Jetter, to _ their _lancifill __~olllllli ttee chairman. advising _ City waiting _ for ,_j._____ ,. I ' ! __________._.___:'______________reply fro'l.C".. on landfill. applicat:~on. at n. ,clear, zone ,Airport----336 ._______.__ ,__.___.i..____ ___._,_____._______:: _Roanoke_ Cablevision,,_ II'c. '.s .letter "re:. their, ,continued interest. in cable. tv .in c'ountY-~-336 iL_ I Delegate : !: _) ii __________._______~__Robrecht, /RayillOnd__R. 's.letter. to ,Salem City _C,ouncilmen.re .intre,duction.of bill, to decltxe___J,____ ______._,_______!: ______..__________..moratoriwn .o:n .annexatio_n. ----: 349 _~!:''-__'_''_'___''__h_ ...._u_ _.___._. .__,__..__________._.._~ __._.__Lt__.~.~ II __,__. ".__, __..J " .... ~"'. ' , " " < '. I~', ,. ~ Roanoke County woman:s Clu:b~,letter reo :regior.al jail ---- 36l , ' , __..._____.________~i_,ReaLestate assessment.- fiscal ,to .cale~darYear change-384-- ii . .. _____._____h____ c ,.Rtilzonings- _flagging property. to. alertpu:blic :,to proposed, change---- 3B5 , " I II " if _____ _______.._____:: ____R-3.property . zoned bae:k to ,prior. classification------385 ____.m__'____._"__.____.______". _ , 'i __It;~__--.-.__.------; '._ Rezoning~mandatory. requirment .to, start impro,,:ements/constructionwithin. 12 _ mos , of , appr,~val--;-3S5 .~ ______,_._______. c .__Roanoke.City .Clerk' s.letter, to Board Ch;:lirmal) advising that .Chairman~s-;]2tter, & t.".: , , , ___________.____.__._________._._Sewer Contrilct executed by COUll;tyl, PSA had been rec'd & filed-----400 ., I' __.______,,_____.._______._>_ Roanoke City Clerk's. :Letter to Jas.O. Tl'out" David K. ,Lisk &, Julian, F. .Hilrst re ; regional '0- ---.-------" '" ;.______.___.___:__appointment. to/landfill studY; comm~ttee. _________ ..____.: __.Resurfacl.ng. Rte. _713------406 _,.. __,', : ___ , .. _ ," '.__ Ii .. .___.______."'___ _.____ Roanoke, City's letter t05th,pL, Dist. Comm. .,re: _long-term sewer contracts, between ,City_& .________.__.,____ ..___:._.__._.___.. .. __Valley governments--------409 Recreation Dept's request for tractor & paving 6 tennis courts---443 i ^J' =---~---- 400, , thei1 , , , " .~___Roanoke.River.Basin,ComprehensiveWater Reso~rces Plan ----443 Roanoke Citt'.s ordinance,. i ,2020B pertaining to effective date -sewage charges under n"w Roanoke City Clerk's letter to Board Chairman reo rate review of sewerage treatment 460 I Clarges !i " . , , i'.---.- " , ,] "if : , in 3 years----- 443 Rhodes, J. W.' s bill for trapping foxes , , ' Reverta provision (~'r. to begin improvements or construction on rezoned propety) in . . . , ~ ,'. I' .. . . . 1- "',o l~ -:, ~. l-- ~,i ~'t " . ": ." ': . -----.., ---._.___________~_____ n__. -..-.--. ~--~-.-.-- --,--'--. "--.-'1-- _J Roanoke City_ Manager's letter to EIC.ard CM,i~ma'i'. accompanied by ':ity Manager's letter & ii il " " .-..-.., .- ., _.___,_. _ report_to _ City_ Council_ re, se~'age trar,spor~ation & treal:lllent "contract now in effect~459 ,; !; Roanoke City Clerk's letter to Cit~' Manage:r re: rate review in connection with new I ---'~----se~~~- contract -- 459 ,-- -'1" - I' ." . ; ~ . -----1".---.....-. :1 ilRoanoke City Clerk's letter to Vin,cent S:!Whee~er forwarding Supervisor R.C.Flora's let1fer II --=~_____ re. valley-wide. CATV study-----474 _ I il --____t Real ,estate _ levy _____-'/1/72-12/31/n_:~-_:_:::.-~ :~;;L __._ _ __ _.____,. ,.-' -..--" -" ____.__m. ..~_.[.~.---~~-..-.I-- Ii Roanoke Valley Area Thoroughfare Plan (fox 1985) ----490 ! il ----"-r ,,' , " -- n. .,_',",' "._._.,' ".l____.__"I._____ 'i j il ____,~ Rice Bottling Company's, applicatic>n to, empty i!lto Tinker. Creek -497,,508__ -- -.---- r _.__.. -0' '_'." r Ii I II .--.J Rockydale. Lime .Plant _ - ,emissions. complain.t froin Starkey Motors & citizens- 409.. '. ' - ~ -- .- ---,--~ .-----f Robinson, _ Daniel ~~_ & Assoc. ::_. employed _ as! au.di~or of County records for yr. ended _ 6/30/12-502) _..I!RecreationDept.-/apPointment of/F'<;ul N. tooley,...----,,402_.,______,__.______.. ..____.,..__.'.__ ,J,.---L. .__.~ Regional. Corrections" Steering COl1llllittee __:~,,,:::::-5~2 , 594 , 606__ ---... .----- m "... ii' "'I: "., il Rothgeb, Hiller & Sells's statement of 6/.1/72'7------ 519 .1 -~.-.-!t -.- ..-~--- -'-.. ! --.:!...- '-""- ----- -,.-..- .- +-.-...--.-- ~ 1-'-'~-- ------.-.---- II Recreation Department, approvall for purchllse o~ a 16-passenger bus --- 526 I!I: ~~t Roan..__ Va:l~Y ,Cl1ap..~f_~~~C~~.ty .~)~.!~e~J~_E~_t:.. APPfai~e~~, 19~t~~wi~q~i~~~~~ogo~P~~~~~_:-~~'''~;-;-] ::,::.: i _-_~..__: ~:__= ___.~: Roan.,valley.llome.Bldgrs._Assn., lel:ter s:aekin? assi~:~:~n.~El on_~ew~r___ba~..::-~ ~__2~______1i._ _ :!.___ _ ___ .______ I .. I . I Refund real estate taxes-delinquent'.no ndcice until 1972 --- 528, 535,561 'I , .-~rRoSS' .Willi~ L.. ~eques~ for refunl~ of ~enal+ and int~~~s~ ~~- de1;r. taxes"'(;956) '...:-+~;<:;:r~' __ __ __ = ~,,:.-= -~jL;;:,.1::;:t:::8~n::::::go:~;.;~~;:~:j:J~~:.:ond~t10~S_ ~=:,~ ,De.p~.~,:~__~=s.___-~! ~~~_~'i! ~~--.f~'~-~= ..___ __~ Raonoke ,Valley_.Chamber _ of _ commerco: membersr.ip ijdeclined --,553 """._.." __, __.____._._"."...,,___.__1. ,.-J __.".m___'_____,__. .1:::~~:c:=:;-:::i:i.:le~-ic5e;:uth(lrity~.:j52 -.i! -- "- --------------,,-.- ----.-.---..--...------j----.~ --.--;.. ' '1'- -=J~~~-~,~ R~b:;~.. F . ~~~;~t-le. se~'r~h -~:~::,~,~ ~~~,l'~~~: ~ ire _ Sta;~:n: =~~ ;;~ . ,-"..~=~--.-~:~~----~~~,,--.-:--l----~.----]' ___=J '=~~,____" ____.re9iOnal Corrections. program, -- ,578, __'" ' ,. .__" ___,_.______.___". _."._.__ ! __" ..__.~,.".,,-- __.__.~eqional. Steering. committee, -.minute" of" meetinll ." 582,."'" ,___,,___,,_ __ "m .__.__ __._,__.'_, .__1. ,. _.il.._, I( , . 'I _.____~ Reczi:onal Health Services Planning. CCluncil, --- ~94 l-.!i- i!Regional Landfill, appropriation .. 613 I Ii -----r n~. _.____.._____b..~... -'.j' .;; __ .___;.: _________ ___,__. __.__._._~.___._..._."____'___'___"'"'' . .__.~,_ __ !._ . ~,,__, 1; _...._,.__. ..... _~tmH_ -- - - -- --.. --..- - .- ii I -,,_ -H.------ .-- - -- '- ". ----.. ----.. - -- l..~ -- L - .~. ..:- I' I I Ii n 1 II -".--- h~-----..--.-.-..--....-.-..-- - __..I. "''1 i ! Ii U. I ,_ \ '__,.m _. .____._ -;,-.--"--1- --.-. - --'.-'11 _.__.___ ___.____n__n_ .'--- -.--.- -'!- I I I :i I i ,,' I .__1 Ii .-1- i " 1= i: " " --_..-- ., -_....._...._-~._---- -- ~_..~ II __. .J =-:- -__.- .___.11____. ,. [, --"'-11'-.---""'---' I, -~- , ii --.---t. -.~.-. .t '! :1 " ._u.. ;i .! I L '----"--'1--- .. _..,-,_.- --. t Ii ------~-- -- ! :i -...+ _. !! --.~t~ Ii ... -' -' RESOLUTIONS / Re: Police Dog I; Re:Setting public hearing on proposed increase in Co. Levy - 19 I' . , ; _._....~__._. ._~ Re:. R.oanoke Co. ~s ,wi11ingnes & Desire to 'Shore I costs for regional sewage .transportation' ;. ___,_ ..____,_ & treatment facilities- 4 -.--.--..--- -~._.-.....--- ---..', _____ ____.lRe: _ Cl()s!1l9_ of. Chels"a. St.. in _ Southwoods SUbdi~ision-6 _____.____________._____________...____: _.__ ...___ .~ Re,scindillg .Ilezo~ing.')f.land. adjacent._.to.N. _ righ.t. of. way lin,~ . of. Interstate. 81. in Catawb~ D,ist~,_. ,a- it IL f.- .._._____.__~,_._______owned by _ Inte:cstate. Motel. Developers" In.c._& . petitioned . by smith " sTrallsfer __ -_ 87:._"._, .1._____ , ....... , ' . ' .____. _____jAutho.riza.tiOJ) ,.to, bor:cow ___$500,000.00. to .b~, repa;d. not . later "than .12/15/71--95 _____ ._m_._:"______.___ ' __m_______:Reg:uesting.N &. W _ to ,=omply with laws req~iring ~said rights of way cleared on regular :'a~ ls _.___ _._________ ___~_m__uto reduce pos~il)ility of fires started from sparks from trains - 31. __m_ ___ ._h. __ , it ~____.___~.2New Health District ,i dissolution of present he.alth district - 32 HDesire of Rke. Co. B.)ard of Supervisors to propose various programs to STate Water Contr<)l --------.-.-....--.---.---.-.... .. I :! Board for reduc~~ol1 of peak sewage . flows .e.ntering the Qty.of Rke. Sewage Treatment 1,?lanti.67 ______.____._]permanently abandoni:~g ~ortions of the "Old Franklin Turnpike Road:':::-:.-::.-:64 iI ':Re: ~---_._------_.__... 'I ___.___________~ ~ ,-_lI()Wldazr_linell.,?f_ P:l:eci~cts ,_ establ~shing ~pollin9.. plllces.=__12, 52 1:loundllJ:Y: __ lines .~f Magiste1:ial Distr<?ts, et.c.:__ 7, 47 liRe: Real.Estate & perso,nal"property.Lev1!'.__forll fiscal year 1971-:-1972.and calendar yr..~~71,J.____" :1 a respectively -------42 , ' , _______ ____.J CO.~, s" Reg:ionaJ,. Cow:thou~le . Study , Commi tte~" auth~rized" &. empowered ,.to .continue, negotiatioJ?os____.J__ ___.___ __~_~i1;!!()l1t_~e!lelJ,i~<!.t,o "its. authority, 'etc.".~-----33,____ , i 'I ______: Waiv:illg_ml1<!..Ct!Il,lil:!-.1;yof_advertising_ '--taking. of.s'1!ald _bids,.forp:urchase. of _,refuse,_ truck _ & : ____i__ II : :i ______._ _~.__~ ____~~ ~J~P~_:i.~g_~t;a~t;..i.~I,n _of '. Tid_e _ Corp..," .;n ,_ amoW1t. pi' ~ 11,265 ",30 __-----:)1______.____ __! "__._,,~__ il : for I ' ~.. __ 2~~:',v:;l:l9.~l!g~ll_sity.o:l:. advertising.&. taking of .s,!aled.l:)ids.for.Pllrchase.of_new . auto/the"'''' __.L_. -(1-- _ __..J_..__.__E:xec., Of:l:icel:," _ &. aqaepting. quotatiol).. of. R~y ,Dobbins. Lincoln-Mercury" . Inc. __ in_____.__.._: ______ __ :_____ - !I : '; i ii ___________~____ amount .of _ $3,475.00, _plus" trade-in-:---'---:--34 ____.____.__ ,____.______._._.___., _. ,_ ..___ ',Re: Ogden Schooll 'transfer of property ,from School Board to Board of Supervisors i:n order _.,,____.____ ____. ____.. _.____. that __ Recreatioll. Dept. may. <lse . same I COl1ll1lonweal th' 11 Attorne~' to petition Circuit COlu:t for title sear~b, etc.-33 ______._____.____. Resolution.Expressin:!l. Desire. of ,Rke. Co.: Bd.. of, Supervisors _ to _Reduce Sto:tm. Water .Entra!:e__J_____, Into Sanitary _Sewers,&_ Outlining _a: relat~d .program.of .action_ ---- _117 ___",_______.I______t,,_ ,. 'I Approving single jOi,llt board for Rke. Guidance Center & Rke. Valley Mrntal Health-Mental. 11 " --.-.---i ,-.--. ..., - -melltal.health-mentalretarcation----- ___.___,___".~,_.____ Retardation SEll:V. Boards & authorizing _ tll,em .to J:.e sole recipient of/tax funds app~opri...ted .___,_.____.___._._. ,________ by Co. _beginni.ng _7 /1/72 ~_-:-::'___-.-. 107 .____... .______.__._.._____.___. _.___._._______, . ________".'_.______" ~. Re: . Supervisors~. Del.ire. to. purchase. 5 __ cars _ for.. Co. ..use . from. Dept. ,_ of. Purchases. &. Supply' _._ L___ Richmond, Va. ----- 116 i __,_. ._-_.__~____ _ _______,_ ___ - - ,_____._ .-.-_____ - - -._____._______.. ,________._ 'm__ ___ _____'____n_______,,~. _ n_ .,,---- --------,- -.-.----,.. .-.--.-.--" r ,"__ _~-------.~--.:. Re:.requesting .va. _':ommission, of. Game&:Inland, Fisheries _to. grant. ease:nant__to . allow .CO.: "to .__.t_.___ _ U _____. _____.___. ~___.__. construct.'" Oi?f!rate" a . 2-way . radio ,base __ tIansmi t.ter . & ,receiver. on "Havens. wildlife :;~anag~- ,_,_, Ii ment Area in Co.----- 145 '---.---.-'...----.-.--;--------- . ., ~hat lines constructedby'Co. in City be'titled'to'City ____"...._______._,:.Ask.ing.City . of_Roanoke ..to waive .stipulat.ion"of. Sewage Treatment Contract/in, re:. 683 ,li":,,,ar fl;,. _,,_,_ , Public Servo Authotit}. ,_.__ :,,___._ to be. constructed.in. City of. Roanoke byCo./ (4th phase.of ,Peters. Creek"parallel.interc.,,;ptor =G~-------.n--:-.--n-"line) ------- .147. &148.-'" [, Providing for Distribution of Rke.. Co. Code 156 ' :' : Authorizing, Board, Ch,.irman to, Discuss Institutional Arrangements for Sewage Treatment, Wi,th ' . Other Represen'oatives of Rke. Valley Governments, & Expressing Desire of the Boar" _.:_____.__for,~;uch.1.ong-':erm, arrangements .to, be_based, upon.an area-wide. organization- _158 __ '1 ," Requesting Prompt,ApJ?roval by,the State Water Control Board forRke. Co. .PubJic,Serv. . Authority.. pro:ject 71-,l-S, Peters Creek Interceptor, Last Phase --..-- 159 ,: Agreeing. to. the .Requ..st,of the Va." Dept.' of Highways that Grandin "Rd., be ,Closed to Traffic .""______u.....___,,. ___ ;.__..__ at the. Rke. . Ci'oy Limits to Permit. Constr~ction I ,of.a,new Bridge------ 160 (:JVER) , __ Concurring in the Request of the Craig ~o. Bd_~ of Supervisors that t.he Va. Dept. of H~ghway~, f ! .. Give. High. Priority, to Improvement in, State,: Rte. 311 immediately SE of. the Rke. -cra~g "Co. Line ------- 161 , _.___. Authorizing the" Treasurer to borrow !,"oney~(not exceeding .$l,OOO ,000.00) ------ ,165 , i ""Directing..theCc.mmonwealth's A'ttorney tp Pro<.:!2ed with Whatever Necessary, Steps ,to pro" I I' __ tect ,the. Interest of Rke.. C,:>.. in. the; Recov.ery of the, Necessary Funds for Repair, ,of ,Deficiencies to ,the Sale:n-Roancke VallEY Civic Center --------- 167 ___.Resolution amending" the Va. , Assoc., of. q()untiE!;s Constitution ----- 19l __,u_____.'~___.__,,_.Honoring the.Membry ,of. Guy .~.. Ge..:r_hart-----209 -1"- i II .__Resolutions.expressing,interest"in acqu!.re 3 pieces of property & asking CircuitCour1i' . '! i -- i ___::__._._Judge to appoint attorney "to_do. titl,E~. sear,ch,.etc., . (property ,of Miller E. ,,,Petty-3. GA;. !I ; Ii I ,___._;'''______. C..F. . Kefauver, _10 A; Edmund ,Lewis, :heirs :- 3. 5"A.) ------206, ,207 . " ;j , .. i !t Resolution agreeing t.o Rte. 728 being closed 'at lastest possible time during construction + >1 i Ii I __ ! __.~ .,.__,,,.of,Proj..,0419-080-101, C502:"at preselltintersection with.Rte. 419 providing "" II i I' ___"'__.. '____",__" temporary, turnaround be "co~Lstructed ,:Eor, tX:affic entering from Rte. 220, ,until ____,,_ f ___.,,___ construction, of. Southwest ,~:xpressway, eliminates the need. for "public service ------208 ._J __"Resolution .requesting. the. Va. Gen. Asserilily &:i the Va. Assoc. of Counties, to take_, 1-- __.,,:: ____.____action .leading,to services"rendered the regulation of, charges" imposed by I , outside. their" boU!'ldariell------216."" municipalities ,for public , ,_________".__ .___.. ,_______,..1___." __~._Resolution ,naming, private_road, (1, 600' _;"n "length,. turns left ,off, W.,Rurita.n ,Rd. Crte. 610) ..___", _._____.,,__..._ _.",_ i' I , _,_~__._____.about ..6mi...N.offRte._460_E. Roanokp.-.PINEWOODDRIVE-------21L '.,__,,_., Ii Resolution requesting City of. Roanoke b,' accept Meadow Wood Estates, et aJ. to Sewage __~.__._ Treatment Contract-:-._::.:-:::.::-.:-229..__, '" ._.J ..." ,,__..._, .._____.._.h.______._,__ _..____ , I Terminating Services Contract with Sal~m----~-- 244 --.1- Ii ._.,,,._.chN,a.MINGVA._BANK AS PAYING AGENT FOR II u.__,,_LResolution expressing_the,poUcy of, il ._,_. _,,-----,,----, assurance" of. adequate watler & Ii Ii ,,- 1 t' . mI _,,___., __,....80 U 10n requestlIlg. the IIIe ~ers jl $15,800,000 School Bonds -------246 RkEI. Co. ~Board of Supervisors concerning, , ,sewel' services for new construction projects " of Va'. Gen~ Assembly representing, Rke. Co.. to seek." support._ 250', ,.____legislation providing ___.. ,J _____. Supervisors, ------------250,,_ II __..~ _,Reaolution.- . Policy _for, . for staggerecl, terms I ,! of office for members of Co. Boards of .".---.-.--. .---.-..-- ..-.. -- -- " --___~.___ Regional, Planning. for, il '04 Ch' --.----, ---11011 ys, r1stmas & , I: disposi tion _ of: inert :sclid waste materials in Co. ---- 251,. 4:39 h ! P1ane<:,arium, in. Rke.. Valley --------252 New Years -----2!',2 " , , " "l ' , -----__ --.. Reao ution. repeat1ng ,Board s re,quest, tel Ii Va. Dept. of Highways that improv~ments, , .... be -constructed to .State Hig'hway 4b ,at earliest possible date ------ 261 .--Emergency Employment"Act.Fund -, to emp:coy 5 in Fire Depts.. lin Rec. Dept. & --..---.3 in Public Works Dept. ----------;)65 -I~ I' .,..,_Granting easements_over parkland,for fans Souci Aprt. Complex liorequesting Circuit Court to.approve,same, Supervisors'. rEisol.ution & Recreation Dept. ,resolution-271, 272 "."Resolutions .of..appreciationto Board IDlJmhers ii& Treasurer & Commonwealth's Att'y.-291 Resolution creating Services-Properties Nego'"g. Committee to reach accord with City I"".. of Salem for school system & other!services & naming the Co.'s C:ommittee-293 Executive, Secretary", ResOlution of Int(mti,~n-:------295 B,ank , Resolutions reconciling the/accounts 0:1; outgOing Treas. & changing , , " to name of newtreas. Alfred C. Anderson: -------297 thru 315 name of said accoubts i i I i Resolution endorsing McVitty House reql~st that statutory right of reverter set forth~ , in Chapter 158 of Acts of Gen. Ass,~ly of 1948 be released & asking County repre~ i ,sentatives to Assemby to introduce peces~ary legislation to ~ccomplish this end-3~5 Resolution, reaffirming County's intere'3.t in concept of Regional Jail, direct to 5th PDC-346 I I:. (RESOLUTIONS, cont'd.) #1 _.__'~__,_______. ___ Resolution, requesting Members, of Va. Gen~, Ass<;mbly . representing . Roanoke .Co. to support ____.____. ___.____~: _ _,______ _legislation pro"iding for licensing- of. ~ CATV system--------34 7_._. ... ____,._.__ ,____ ..,_____u. ~.Resolution. requesting members of va.Gen~ Ass~ly. representing. Co. "to, support ,legis-" , Sec. ._,___ _'_m __._.:.u__. _..lation. providing for amendmen't. to Code/29-202 . entitled "Compensation for ,Ii vesto"k I, __.u_______._ _. ___:'____.____.& poultry. claimll"---------347" Resolution re: accept,ance of donation of land by Hiller. & Naff (Sf: of Hollins Fire ---,----------- I Station) ------"'- 340 I -.--." , -'- -----.-- -::u._._ ____.__,'1.__ Resolutions ,appointing .Attorney. to, institute ,~hancery Suits to collect del. I' :i .._._.t i' ,I L " " " Ii ii 0--- "._"' .. _'__~". " real est. -tc,xes':353,. I: ,I '--------n .-..----. Resolution Reaffirminl'T County's Desire to be ill. Party to an Institutional Arrangement Se'~'~rage__.____ 354 I, Plan and a Request that l:he Date for fi~ing said Plan be Extended (from 3/1/71) --:-,--371______ 1,'1 Employees to Incluqe ,..,,_. ..___. II Resolution to Amend.the.Rules.and Regulations. for Permanent county __________ __._~_._.____._Section on ComFulsory Re'tirement at Age~65 --------- 385 !: Federal.Rent Supplen~nt.Progcam.~-----383 _. __""!~ ,_._.___.u " Ii 'I sewer ______,__.__~__Resoluti()n.that.SupE!rvisors will enter .into a/contract. jointly w/PSA,&.City of Roanoke. ----.if---- _.____.,_._.____,,__________._.____._______._. .___, I;provided certain differences resolved----:-. -371!! ..__ " i i! 391 _______.__.._____.,,': ___.A,Rcsolution_Reques'ting Fiftilplanning ,District COllllll._ to extend.Rte. .116.to .Rte. 24.'" '160-389/.- , 1972 I ii _.______.__~___ ReSOlution honoring Roanoke. College, Bas!<etbal.l. Team for/NCAA, Championship -.402 _____.__.__._. il,---.----, , _.____.___..___.~_.__ResOlution .declarinlJ BARBERSHOP ,HARMONY' WEEK ~in Roanoke Co. -----403 ...__ __ __ I! Ii " I: _______.___.__. ___ : _ Resolution changing. the . tax, year from fiscal'! to . calendar. year ----_~,:::::::_-__.4 0 5 ,I ;' Ji _____ _ .._ _____ Federal Aid to Urba:n Systems _.-.:-____- .438 __ _____ ,_ _____ ,__. ._.__ _ ____, __.__,',._.__ ___" ._._uu_._ ___.______..____._____~ ___ ReSOlution. rel_ sole. means. of access. to i schoo.! property adjacent to. State. Rte. . ,,19 be b{ _ wayL.._._ ii of Dean Rd. ---- 446 ,ii : Ii _'_'--.-.---------'-. ________..__ _________.. .---0--------,.-- _._,d,"..__'._..".,,_..,,__.,,____. _..___.___"'.__.______._;_..''''___~..--'-. -u .------- --'.-- ~.- Resolution of Roanc,ke County Desiring 'to. p~chase Used Automobiles .==.==_______..455 I I! ,_._____._._______t_ Resolution changing boundarie!s "ot East & West vinton Precincts & ,changing _'Toting place of _.__" ,: ,I East Vinton :?recinct -------469 !i ;1 Resolution changing voting place of Mt.! Pleasant Precinct -----470 Resolution changing voting Place of Windsor Hills No. 1 precinct ------471 1\ Resolation re Tax Levy -----'J,76 Resolution approving modified designation of highways,as delineated on maps, eligible for funding under Federal Aid to Urban System-~~~~-478 Resolution re: sttLdy of, salaries for six months beginning 7/1/72----514 ',--, - i Resolution reo repl,acement c'f bridge on Rte. !639 spanning Roanoke River & other damage as l:esult of ,June flooding (request to Va. Dept. of Highways) ----520 Resolution request:,ng HiqhwEl:~ Dept. to review draina.e condition at intersection of L--.._ I j r 11 . . ; .-.._.__._....;~ 'i II . u---;i 11 " .11.-.- il .-. - ~f -- -_._~ . .m__"_ ~ ,._.__ U-- I -'1 ,,""..---.--,,---... j \, i: _._..__".._.._..'_u.__ to bridge across Tinker CreeK (Rte. 1861) Clearwater Ave.----520 Kirkwood Drive & CrE,sthill Drive (Rtes. 1664 & 1658) & also to consider improvements I ;, Resolution authorizing Treas. of Roanoke Co. Ito enter into agreement fiscal agents fox destr~ctioh of County's bonds & coupons paid bythem----------523 Resolution merging certain 523 funds----------7524 separate.county funds & recommending School board merqecertain & .- Q .- --- -- ,,---.-.-.- .-.- -- tEJ-"-~ -.--. .. -.- "--.,, --- -". .."" '-- -." Resolution authorizing and indemnifying u. S~' Army Corps of Engineers to remove if debris and l~reckage from public and private property in Roanoke County --- 530 Resolution requesting Office of Emergency Prepa:.:'edness to have certain work done on Roanok Rive: and Mclsons Creek and indemnifying the Fedr,ral Government --- 530 Resolution authorbing County Ex. Officer to apply for Federal Financial as~stance Under the Disaster Relief Act (Pub. Law 606, 91st Cong.) ---- 5~1 Resolution endorsing efforts of RADACC -- 534' ReSOlution Authorizing & Indemnifying U S co~s of Engineers 549 ,__~. Resolution dEJ"ignating "Check Orug Ab,,!se Week" 573 '. .'-. , .,... " i! u,i:.-- l' " " i, ': ;! " ii [: Resolution to borrow $1,000,000 as needed --5~~ II ,I l' d" k C t 'R' 1 A ' Reso utl.on eSl.gnatl.ng Roal~O e oun y as la eQeve opment rea ___ __ ~ Resolution conce:r.ning Natw~al Disaster Assistance Reli ef Plan I I'u 1-...--- t.---.'-". u_____.___ --, ! Ii l=~~-. ~=~~--~~~~ .--~ ~~--. i I -'--"--'1 566 -- 566 .-.. '1 i , " , .. :1 ~- , ... ._~ o_j .::' ~'~~:=.=-~I~ Ii _..\i,. .... '~'__.___~'_'_""_._m_._.___. II !I IT .'i I il " m_u _. j:~:: ~ .-_.._:~:~-=: I = , II r'-'-~ ;'__.___u_. ,_._-_._~.. -_._~-.- I' -,._._~---~ ----- i ~ , ~_.._--- ...._._-------~.._,-,...-. .--- -~.- .-- , j: if - ---. yo ..-..--.--.---. "-"-'-' --- --,,'.-.._- i ..!.~ . .....-.,...-.......,-.-....+ " !i :---._-..-.__.._._---~---~--_.- ---------, -~-_. ----.-~---- "--"-.-,- ._.-. Ii :..----.--j) ----.--_._._----+---_.. _._-------~. ~ -------..--. ... ,-- .-.-...-- ; ii r.-.--'~---- ---.- --.--.-,---,-. --." . ---..----.-.,--- .----- .--- -------" 1 II :,. ---'i ,,-'---.----.----.-. --- ,- '____.m.__,__,,_. _.____ , Ii I II i Ii 1____";" I I; ! !! I ! i ,; :; .---...-.---- ,,-.- ..______,..~....l.._ .-...--.--.---t .__~____ ~ " .'..--.._._.. I . __.._.__....,:; .,_ ..,.__.'__...~._.,_._____ i Ii , , i ,.....-......~-,'~-~. .-..--....---- Ii , I: r-'----r--" '-------.-.-.- ------. -.---. --.--------.----., : Ii I I! ........__...._ - ,.,_. ._____. -I _ __.~._.__" __. ____..___.__.. i ii ._.~____..._._,_._._._.._.....___,,_. ...__.___.; ._. .'_""'_'0"'___' , Ii " 'n"______ ._,,,._,,___.____,, ____,.__~ __ ._____..._______.__._.__ I: , "'------.-------__ -.----- ,________,:1-.__,_______. __ I il I - .-...... -'-- ---.'''-',,--, ..._------. - ...-.-... ~ .--..- ~~_. ~ .-- _..._~-_._-- -,-- i ,I .. ...._.~-~.._.._----,. .~..,_._-_.._...- --.'..--.-.--.-.;- ...-----...-....---- ~_..... -- i! .-.--.-.----..----------- ----....-..- ....- --'-~-,",- r; ----- t -------.----.-.-----,----,. -'- -- -' ,,- --- ,I 1--.--- . ,--. '-- ..". .".-. .-------.-.--.-.. - .-------,--..-, 1....__.1_____.______________________.__. I I! , Ii 1----- r.-."'--.-"-- ---.-- .--, -------,,,. -- ---- .------ --.-,-.- - 1---.--- ~ ,,---.. t----.. l' --, -.....--..--..- . --------- i i ! =:-=-'. ~ ~~.=~" ,',... 1_____1: _.__m. .-- t I ~ I I' J ii 1\ " :i _0. :1 !I ",..--",1- '1-- 1= 'I I, _,1._ , .' '-j I ,__ U i [ UZONlNG II !I I ~ -. i . ~ ,17.2 Acres.of Morton H'~neyman's (Trustee) on s~uther1y side of Shenandoah Ave.-5 '1' , ij IT . ~ Certain Property.in Big Lick Magisterial Dist.!i of Leona M. & Don,. E. Haymaker-6, 123! ,II . I,' , ,j Property on W. side of Rte. 626 (Thirlan~ Rd. ~~W) of Harley McGrady, Fred M. Preston et;11s-1!26..., Property on NE corner of Rte. 419 & Cresl'ent Heights Blvd. fronting 91.61' on N side 0~~te.I!419 :~ : ~ 1 11 ,andextendingback along the E..side?f cr,:scent Heights ,Blvd. 140.07'"Norman 'r.wr~:'lt"li""'" Franklin W. Wright & Ramona A. Wright) - 28 Ii i " , ' ij ! Rezoning Property in Big Lick Dist. of S~uel 'W. Cundiff & Dorothy V. Cundiff-, 36, 1321 I, Ii 5.429 A of land bounded on E. llide of Carvins ,~Creek & adjacent & w. of Oakland B1Vd.N&i-58,.1~0... 244' onN.side Rte. 117 & extending in a!nort~brlY directon on II' Elide Rte.. 626,a distanic,~ 1----... 244' owned by Eunice r.ewis Sp.inkle &iClar~~ Lewis Perdue Moshe. - 69 ,137 I, , \._.__ Property in Rke. Co., Rte. 632 - petitioi' of ~!eonard L. & Laura M. Jennings, Sidney i Ii .._____ Lanier Smith & Cha.rlotte R. Palmer -- i 69, Ib ,1 .".1. .".. REZONING. RESCINDED -.petition of Smith'siTrans~er,re tract of land adjacent to N.,rightll)fwa~._t_ I ' il f line of Interstate Highway 21 in Catawba Di~t., presently owned by Inter.state Motel~~velopers. I ,; i L.- i I i II WITIIORA!>'N petition of Irving o. Woody et:ux re~ property on Ii. side Rte. 115 - 92 . :'__. 11.__._ 45.5 A tract fronting on service roae th1t par~llels Rte. 81 & adjacent to Exist 41 on ~te. 8' , '.-----r I! petition of ConstJ:uction & General L4orerS]LOCal Union No. 980- 30, 101,121,167 i " Tract of land on south side Rto. 460, east of ~ecca St., NE. , petition of valley Land ~t1vest, i ' i I " -il.---- : !I I I' 7.173 A, of John P. & Va. D. N."wton, On ~outheflY side Mayfield Dr. (final order)- 98., --..ilOO Property on southerly side Rte. 117, & westerly side Rte. 118, Roy M. Kinsey et als(final Ord~r)/ i :--''1 - Property in Richfield Dist" on Rte. 638 (Bend 1l.d.) off Rte. 774 & s. Rke. River, Carl &IDOris~.___ Furrow, PetitioneIS - 101 :1.21 ' Ii I I' -' 'I ". "". ---,~-. l3 A on Penn Forest.lllvd. , C. N.. LaPrade, et al~ (Tr. Piney Grove Christia.Oj Churchl-104 ,1 140,l~3'- i Property situate in Cave Sprin'il M. Dist. (, cen~ury Development Corp. - 104, 173, 185 i ~,_... ,. ~ ' I ~ 0.50 A tract on nortterly side of Rte. 419, being part of Lot 1, Sec. 2, map of, City Vi~'i" 1._.__ J. .Heights, Geo.W. ()verby et ds 105, 19$ , ..__ J.--.. ~=~ti::: :::.:: ::~ '.:<:'':. :: :::;o:o::,~' ,::0: ~,~Pv::_::":~~::=T'=Oil:1 -_-.= __,__".___lRezoning.ofcertain t,ract orp,ucel of lapd si1;:uate in Cat.,Dist. N..,&.adjacent.to.",selj'rrice,I__,....: . . __~__ soad along. interst,ate Rte. '>81,leadin,g to Va. Rte. 117, presently owned by .Lou Mayo;ilro~m L.-. .__.__.J.. Moomaw ---.: 123,172 .. l ~.: i . _..__~ReZOning Lot 16, Sec. 1, Walrolld Court, ~cord~d in Plat Book 2, Page178 - Earnestine,I1' I' Ii Burkholder ----- 1.25, 171 ! 4. Ii , u ,..!:WITHDRAWNpetition oj: O.M. Palmer for Re~onin'l of 13.51 A on N. side of Cresthi11, "'.__.. __ ~ Mud Lick Creek ----- 122 Ii Fralin & Waldron, In,e.' s petition ~ Oak Grove Dev. Corp... petition to . , ' , ~Rke. City's petition to rezone 2 tracts, ,tota1!ing 33.25 A. in Big Lick Dist. to " II Treatment Plant ------ 155 185 r - - r " i II Property on E. side of Rte. 626 N. of Rte. 117 ,of J. Granger --II r !property on W. side StarkeY,Rd. & on N. s~de o~ Rte. 753 of Frank,W. & !iPetition of Dr. Hessam Moheimani for rezoning all lot 3 & part of lots I . - !i James Construction Co. of Roanoke Map - wi1thc1rawn ----- 189 .. ~ ' :' !!petition of Dudley D. Huggins, property (p.39 A) from B-2 to B-3 to allow self-servic gas pump,. ~~. 'I ' 360. ,'l 1l't4 .~proposed rezoning of tract of land - Lot ,8, Blqck 4, Bramhleton Court of W.E.Cundiff et:als-20~ II Petition of D.L. Ferguson to rezone I ' 36~395' ~,4.ot.29,.section5,_m,apof Mt..VernonHei~hts f~om B-2 to B-3-----204, 393 ii " Inc. -----87 --' ""1 " ' , ,.-. .. I i i I I , .._- ---- - .-- ment,eo. ---- 30' 101, 121, 141 .--~ --w- DriVEl ! I 1: ~:''',---' '-.~'1---- ': Ii to rezqne property in Cave.Spring Dist.- 146,376 , ~& rezone 13 pargels, 2 in Sugar Loaf Est. &.1 in Suguar ~oaf -.f.'---- " II ..._~k__,._..__ (i F.ms "',r:1 ._.~ enlarg~ , i , "sewave .--..- j ~ " ; II Macfarland & Billy H. Branch-193,i~42 i 448 464 Nancy F. Martill- il92,4~4,/, 1 & 2, W. o. James (OVER) Ji i! -..,1 " " . . ~ \ _ .".~ ___ Property I, ._.J. ,,__ Property on.W..side Rte.__800 (Chaparral Dr.)~ 1.256 A.. A.E.E'ox,et als 217,466 on, S. "side. of "Carriage "Dri.. 59 Ft.. ~E from Intersection of E., side of Hackney._ ,. ''_...,L______.__.''__..Lane'.SW produced withS. .side ,of C~riage Dr."Sw ,prCduced- Earle w. Greene~219, , . 422,446' II -----C. Property"situate in, Rke., Co. I. State RtE!.. 632,_ LeonardL. ,.Jennings, _ et.als, --. 219 ",442:______.~ ji Nixon, Harry H. i Rosetta Nixon's rezoning p~tition - 229, 466 II -- t___ 90 . DAY ,MORATORIUM. ON ALL. REZOIlING, _ PENDING, EMPLOYMENT, OF PLANNING DIRECTOR & . STAFF-215' Rezoning . petition . of Millicent O. __ Etheridge~. Mt. .Vernon Heights:: 318,391 ....__ "."____,, ".J____l?etition of Dehart, Nelson & Mary Lee' & W. !price Fields _::.::-:-.-::319. 356 ___.,_" ,__. ,__ _L_ PArcd of land on N. side Airpo.rt Rd. I,RtEl.._I:~l~, .__oo.'l91as M. Russell ----320,357 ,.___.._ ____J_..property at Int. of Bradshaw Rd. & Old Catawba Rd. of J. C. Hoelle -_-::.-::---:_321,363 Ii ,.'''.--1'.'' - _.'",.'-" -_._- -- Petition of Charles P. & Lena A., Brogan,.Hollins.Magisterial Dist.-------330 Petition of Thomas D. Rutherfoord & Jaloos E. Carr to rezone 2 adjoining tracts N. of Hershberger Rd. & Adjacent to " " & S;. of present tennim.ls ,of Barrington Rd. --: 331 , I' .A fronting.800'.",on Rte._419-331: =~'I= , , ___._)..__Petition. of. Leonard. Goldstein, .et,Als. for re:i!oning. of" 41/2 I 434 .__)_,,_petition of Lelia F. Divers,rezone 2.1,: A t~act off Peters Crelc Rd (multi-family Houeing)3?2,396/__.________. , ___,L_petition of Miller E.. Petty,.. Executor,: Est. !of John R. Saunders, rezone property on Ii ___"____.".,,,_._,Ogden,Road.----352,, 391,-41)4 ,422 :___. __~ __._.Petition ,for Rezoning of ,R. ,Douglas, Ni~linger I Ruth M. Nininger &, Samuel L. Lionberger" Jr. ~5~ ,390__", I, ; ;; I, Petition of Vance & Henry E. HOllingswprth,:rezone 4.95 A w. of Peter Creek Rd.-377,!449 I' " Pt't' fW t' _._L__. e 1 101'1,0 . .J.Aus :l.n,et.ux, (special use~petition)-377,414,455'464, II Petition of, Marvin R.. Chattin & I.N.M,,;:leil to rezone land at NW corner of Rte. 419 & _n.__." Crescent Heights Blvd.-----~78, !,148 , A74 .__~El:.i~ion of John P. Middleton, Jr. & V;Lrginia R. Middleton, et als, land on SF. corne,r Williamson Rd. _, & Elwood St., North H~s ------ 379, 452 , .. petition of Herman W. Perdue to rezone' land"on E. side Franklin Rd., " " ,. ...' __, ,__" " U, , II 1.86 A.---38~414,447~ Petition of Roanoke,Dev..Corp.. to ,rezone 2 : parcels on N. side Lee Ilighway & fl. Rte..: il ti 709 ------ 380, 415 ii -j .~~I~. Petition of John E., Geneva: M. Thornhill, et als - 381,425 Petition of Roby H. Patrick, Sr., et ~:(, et': als, rezone 6 A - - - -. --- - . :1 Co. ,Inc. ; i; _--.J__Petition ,of .W..E._Cundiff/. -. rezone.pr.operty off Rte. 460 E. Roanoke City-38~ - 437,455,.506 - --.~._._-,. ,on .Brambleton. Ave. ,__adjacent __ to. &. N. .0.f.Stee;:.HO\ISI~ __.., !I ...' . 382,4l4,455 '. I: . ;' _.2__petition ,of. T.R.Leslie .&.Eleanor .K. ,Le:!ilie,: property .on I'. side Ogden Rd. tl j, _____~____ .__..._.___._____,,___._.___.________._.. __ ________,._.,1. __ ___~ opposite, Tanglewood , __.1' .__,_ Petition.of.R. .A.. Fuller, ,et ,al .'. rezo;'le. 2.parcelstotalling " Shopping Center-, 382'419.:"._. , ,,435 71/2 A N. of, Williamson,Rd.-,,253,39fi/____.___,_,_ petiticn.ofVa. Baptist Foundation, Inc. - !ezone land on S. & w. side Woodbr~dge Ave., W'" ,"____, ._...1 ._._.__._.,,,_.,,__,, of. Rte. 117..___~.::::__ 3~7, 48~ ,506 ..____J .___. , Petition of Construction & GElneral Laborers Local Union No. 980 to rezone 1.88 --.1.". " _1_..___,_._______"A.tractfronting,onRte..117 adj,acent1D propert;y of CW1lID.ings Diesel of " __2.___._____ .____ Va. . Inc. ._-:-.:~:.:_ 398, .429,,____ i _.L.__Petitionof First National Exchange Bank of Va. to rezone from M-2 to B-2 tract II . I ,_U_.______._,,_____.__frontilng,on N., side of I~te. '419 .-:----399,425., i' __.__L___Petition.of.iJames"E. Long Constru,:tion CCllnp~ny, Inc.- rezone 2.01 A. S. of Town of , ----'.-11.--. -..--....-. .--. . Vinton, -----399,455 ,478 Petition of W. W. Hurt, rezoning 1'1. of Sulem on S. side. Rke. River-------407.485 Petition of.VirginiaVest Meador 1;0 ::ezone property, on N. side Rte. 24 -----408, 4821 Petition, of, Park,Realty__ Co. & Wald.ron 1& iialdron Contractors to rezone land for mobile Home Park S. of,Rte. 612 ---------408 ,481 ____~-----BillY.H...Branch,.et als, rezone 3.47~ w. o,f Ogden Rd. on,Rte. 419'----441, 503 ____"____R.._W._Bowers.Constr., Corp. "for .re:~oneporti9n of Lot 5,Block 8, Sec. 3 of Starmount,...441 I' 484 , ' _.___;___Thomas. W'. Clark petition" to rezonl'. land i.n. Cave Spring Magisterial Dist.---- 441,483 I ii !: .- '--T-- -.-.----'-.--.---- .-.-..---,-. .--..--.-.-" -- ----.'''.------ , .-----.. " "-., I , '<>.0 ,'" . . I . ~ . I I .. '" (REzklNING) p~ge 2 II ! II Donald G. Sink's petition to rezone 2 da~cei:s near Route 117 - 456 --.- " Ronald Steven Trent & Wanda Mar~~.~en~'s p~tition to rezone 2 lots on n. side of I " Riverdale Rdad--~------457 . I II I :: Ii Old Dominion Homes, Inc., rezoning on st. si~e of Rte. 864 -----473 : i i' 111. N. McNeil - rezoning at NW corner Rte. 41;9 ,& Crescent Ilqts. Blvd. ----472 i Ilnollins, Investors, Inc.-property known I as P~rts of Lots 1-5 & all of Lots 6,7,8. "- --+------~.- I! Sectior. 1, Map! of IJalrond Court--489 . 590 I I ,i !, Aylett B. Coleman & Hugh Fletcher, Jr, L----...509, 558, 572 A ilIId 572B' 589 !Ioak Grove Professional Center Assoc., 11631 ~ on Rte. 419 from R-l to B-1--510 I', , ljpoulos, , I' nBrogan, James Paul & nelen C. - 3 tracsJ 1.65 A, from B-2 to 8-3------521, 557 rezoning reque!lt :.:or enlargment iof mcibile park , . i 536 , .. I'McNeil, 1. N., request to_ rezone, Lot 1 ., Cre$cent He:.ghts, 536 ii" I'Trent, Ronald S & Wand,\ ~Iarie, rezoning I pro~erSt:' on Riverdale Road - 537 1'1 I II ,Showalter, Edwin D - C,:)ve Road a,nd Olev,," St' 580,601 I I I' I '. P - R. 41q and 221,1-- 581 "04 , 'I I !isouth Roanoke Shopping Centers, Inc. ~ear ~ntersection of " I I' :~ranch & Assoc. Inc. request to rezone '. s:li~e Route 117 - Peters Creek Road 585 j' ~OX, Thos. G. , Mary rEiquest to rezone _'; om ~ to R 3 :1 ! Ii I\BlUIlIl!Ond, Albin B, peti'tion to rezone tract R,. 460 and 653--587 liMauck, Eugene, and Ann,e B., petitior, ~~e intersection Brambleton , Red Rock -t iiBlair, Walter B. and-;:-inda S., to abanddn ea#ements in Bunting Hills -- 588 ilold Heritage corporati'~~, to aba,ndon eaJemen~s in Hunting Hills --- 598 l:crOSB, James L. & Nanc:y petitioll\ to rez~;;;;; f~om M 1 to M 2 -- 588 I Sink, Donald G. petitlo~, to rezone two ~arc~~s --- 591 I!Bowyer, Jack petition to rezone - 607 I II .. -+--- :1 ' II II Tickle , Robert B. and Bessie 0, petitio. to rezone ! I 1---' , ----.----.. ! II I II I , ' -_. I I $81 I I I , ---....-!,. 220 and Townside Road - :1 587 !i 608 I ! II 'I II ,I II I; !I i I, I I ----'- ii " 'I \1 --r- I i Ii I II , 'i , I !( - II ,. .. I,., I . ' . I . .." ~: .~ --1-- ------. : ~--~~~.~~~--. i ,!.--- CATAWBA MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT (1971 Redistricting) __"~,.'__U_ _... " Mi. ':N. li Sec.} , new conn. of Rte. 647 from 0.32 of Rte. 11 to Rte. 778----- 443 . , '; I __ ____._:. Sec._ 8, new conn. of Rte. 647 from 0.29 Mi. :',:N. Rte. 11 to 0.32 !ilL N. Rte. 11-- 443 .' , ~, Sec..9 .of.new connec. .from Rte. 11 to 0.29 ML N. of Rte. 11 ------443 , Sta. 27+70 t__sec. 10 of new conn. Rte. 647 fromlRte. 647) to Sta. 25+50 (Rte. 647)-----443, Green.Ridge Circle"from Green Ridge Road (state Rte. 629) ,w. to DE-----496 Unnamed road off Rte. 798 north to DE 0.16 Mi. ---494 519 1 " -....1:- --j- Cr,)wn Circle from Beaver Eroo,k Road West 0.09 mile to DE "'---542 Beaver Creek Road from Creekwood Drive north 0.29 mile to I)E -- 543 I 1-- -,,-- -- , I. ..--. !~'-l' , ' ~-, , , I 1--'-.--'-.----.-----. ! Mountain Bark Dri"e from Westward Lakes Drive (Star Route 1147) north to Indian Hill Road -- 0.13 mile ---~----~--------------------------------543 .Indian Hill Road from Westwar,d Lakes Drive (Star "Route 1:'47) northwest to Mountain Park Drive - 0.21 mile ---------------..--------------------.-544 ....--- -.------...-------..- ~.. ~Archer Drive from.Blackwood Drive.southto,Dl::- 0.07 mile,- Robin Hood Park i 2 ---544 Fernlawn Road from Elderwood Road south to Creekwood Drive - 021 mile --- 545 I Elderwood Road from Beaver Br:ppl Road northwest to Fernlawn Road - 0.05 mile -- 545 i --.-- .---- --..-. --, , ! CreeKwood Drive from Puckett f;ircle to Fernlawn Road --- 0.23 mile ---- 546 l_________._._.__LB~av,'lr.B.:C)c:>~,,~O_':d.~.:,OIl\..:.~::l<.":OOd Drive 'south 0.05 mile to DE-------546 I ~ , I i.--------.--.----.--.: Bratton .Lawn.from ,Richard .Avenue,. to DE, added ,to Secondary. Sustem i ilBryant Circle from Garman DriV'e (Route 1844!):= 579 r-----.-.----.----- . I :Added to Secondary System -- 596 579 Eastdale Circle, Creekwood Drive, Greenridge Circle -------,.---.~ -___.__.__._. _____.,__.___.-..0_ _.___....._.. --..-------.----.. .----.----.--------~-.---.----.----.- --..,.-. ....-----...-----. ! --..----.--,------.--------,--,--------.-." I ; ( ~ 1-.....1--.---_. ---.- -': ---------.-----.--,-----.-----.. , " -~-". ~ -...-----...----.-----__..~_.___..__.. _,____.._ __.. M _"._______._. 1------,------..- ________._.__ _ _.____~ ____n"___ I I~~~: - --_:m___ ...--- , . i ! , C A ~ E I. 5 P R I N G MAGISTLRIALI DISTRICT ,(lf71 R~districting) I I .---.-'------1'-. --!. .-- ',,-. .-,.,,--. -.O.~5.Mil.---------_467. I 0.10 Mi. ~o ponderosa Park , I '1 I I , -..--1 I r.-.-.---------.---...-'------ ....-----. -i--------:'--.,----. -,----.------.-.'---,-.-- !I . I -------.-.-.------------.----.- i----i..-.---.--------' ---.------.--------- ._.__~__.________.__1.____.:...___.__._._~ __________.____.__ ___.~.__..____.___._.. ,-., Ii i I -l ~_____ .:.______~_.________...___. _<____n______________ _"_; ____.... _ .___.__u_~_.__________.__~__..____.__._._..__ .__ "__ __. ____ _ ___~_____ Iii I I ~ __..__ .___ j,__________.____..u____ ___ _ .___~ ...____.. ._._.__,..___._._._.,_" L _.__..._____._ _ __~_.. I .1 I i - j -'-----1- ---. --.----.,--------~----.--..-.- --~--,---- -' --.....----.-.--,---- ,,1_- ". ____..___,,_______.__________.___ ___________..____.__. __. I I -l, ---.. ______ -._________..______,___.____.______'''._____._.____.__ 1_._ 1._______,__________________,__< I ,__.__.__...'_,,_.____,,_._ ,_,,_____ ___ .__.____._J !". __.__ ____ __ _. _." _, ___ - u____ _.__ I 1,.- I I ;' Ii Ii ,) [I q _____.__._____.h _ Woodbrook, Drive . from ,Rte,__ 745, to .DE, " I' " Cartwright Dr. frm Rte. 613 S. ~ e_._.. _., II " 'I ~-----,----_._----- ----~._.-_.- _._-----_..__...-~- -'. II 'I _I_-----'--~ n_._.__ -----.,,-----.--.--.--, -j ;---~ _.< Ii _____..._.__l1__.__._ ij !! !I --- --. ---.. ~- --,_. -----~._-------~--------_..- ij i! ---"1--------.--- ----n '! --.------00-----.-.-.-------- " , i! .._ .______1. _.___"________"________.__ " -----.--.---.. --- -----_..~-_.- _.- , " !~ Ii ------.----- - '11'---- -~_._-_. .._n______ -~._.--------._---,- ---....-...--.' J! ____.___.__________. t_,_.___. ,.______._n ,_.__ .____,'" I: i I I I ..-. - ------. I I i-- " I '1 , __~_...__._____ .___.__. ..__.. _._____._...._____. _._______~_ ____ _'__'_'___'0"_" _.~._ .___ I'i " _____________.l.: ___.,_______._____ 'I " !, Ii _.___,____.___._,.__J.______,________._____ ,___.__ .--_.,___ -- --.-., -:, Ii '-LJ-' ------~--".---.----.,.-----"'- --~~ _.-- " :: , , , , --I :~0 ~-~~-:-__:.::~ ::u.__ __:__._ " i! ---- -----.--'-..- ..--. "--.. i: i ~ " " " Ii :: )! iI " -.-----.--.-------., ----------~--_.__.- ------.- "-------_.-._---~- ---------..-.----. 491, 519 I " i L I .__L_ _._________.___ I I I , 'I I --.".--..!--- I i -'------.. --- I I L __. I ! ,i ...-.,- ;; _J :1 .-.----~i " I " I I. , I , . _._._m_~ ___ ! I L l V I NiT 0 N MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ________________..___.__..__._ (1971. Redis.tricting) Rt. 1043 to Abbey Circle 0.05 365 Finney Drive Ext. Abbey.Circle from Finney Drive to D. E. '0.20 366 Park Manor Dr. (Raydor Rd.) fromRte. __ 666 __ (Bandy.Rd. l._ t.o. Blue .Ridge .Parkway, U .12 Mi. -':-..495 i____. UNnamed road E. off Rte. 116 to DE ---- 492, 519 Unnamed road off, Rte. 731 0.20 Mi. to DE -----;492 Unnamed road from Rte. 731 to DE -0.10 !IIi'. -------519 --,--'----- , I II Park Manor 1----.--.. , Drive from Rte. 666 to DE 0.12 Mi.------519 ----.---------.. ---- --.---. :: .-...... 'I "',------_. .---------. --.._"._-,,---,-- , H I N D S 0 R }mGISTERIAL DISTRICT ____,_ (l97l~ Redistricting) _m___ H ILL S Fall Road from Lofton Road to Tamclrack Trail - 0.06 Mi. -------468 Tamarack Trail from Fall Road DE .. 0.12 MI. cartwright D:r. from Rte. 897 (formerly old Rte. --------468 -...- --~ .- ~~_._- 419) NE to DE -----495 Dorset Drive, extension of Rte. 1"47 - 0.12 Mi. -------520 - -- --,.--- "--- .,- -j---------.--.:i --.--.--------.-...-.--.---.-------------;-- " " --- r-"'-- .--...---- - ----.-.--~.-- ~-'----"--.. ; i\ \ ii -i"""'l.--.------- -------------------..--- . ! I :\ --, ! - -----.------.- ----- ""-I --------.. ---_._--------.---_._-----,--_.--~_._--.- -----_._--_._-_._----_._-~---_._----------. ----.-..-.-- (-, ~ ~.:,t-_._-- - -.------------------.. U ---r:~ _:2)-- - . ,- . . I . . . r_'" " L!'j".,.',".1 " ","".' , 1 , " " Ii " il < R'O ADS I N L I: C K " MAG I S T E R I A L D' I S 'l' R I C T BIG :i I ___:L...!.i.nney Dr. SW ~rom__MUs~Dr~t;Cl_[)f:_~~J,,~ Mi:..----==:..?~--'-22L Ii Quarry Rd. from Rte~ .' .' 1 I.,',,' " ' .. Ii Unnamed road from Rte..~68, W._~.2 mi. j:;o DEI ~.t Bl~e !i~~_l'.~!-:kway right:..?~.~~Y -?L!__._,______ i! Muse Dr. from Finney Dr. E. to DE :- 0.07 Mi.~ --:~~~E I 668 W. 0.2 Mi. to DE at Blue Ridge I I 1 Parkway riqht of ~.....Jl~212..,__ " 'I I, Ii I j . i! I! 'i !: . ;..' , i! ..j,' II II II ", I , ',' I' " :1 II I' ,I II Ii Ii I --..-.----------------------.------,.---~--~---.---_.__..----------0_..- 1 fi . , I, !! ---0.. ._~___~__________________________________ i ' , " " H II ... . .--.------------------------.-.. ----'0- ii j! , I' " " .'.'.,. .,'.' . ' I ,( n I I --~._----,- j 1 ii II " " iI " !i ~.. " " " , .':,': I ..' '. i --- ----._--~------ "'-- --_.__.._~-_._-----~-_.__._---- .- ----~-_.~~--_.".--------------,--- " i ----------.-----..---.--..------- .', ' L ,,' ", I' fr "I ' 'I 1 ..' : . ",I i-. ' -------------------------.------.------.--.---..-...-.._-----------------------_._------------~--_.-... ---"'--- ----._~---------<._-_._---~..~- -~-~_.__..-. ----.--.- -------.--.-----.-- .._-------~._--,..-".-._.-..__._-.. ----...--- - -------~- ---_._~.~----_._---~---_..-_.~.-.-.. - ._-----~-- -.---- . ._~---- -... .---------- .----------. -_.._--_..._----_.__._-_.~.- ..< ---.' .------- - ------ -.---------------- ..---.-..-------.------. ~.. .---.-----.....-.....--------------.-.-----.-----.- _.~_._._.~.._._- - .-------..--- -------- ----. - ---..-.--.---.- -----. ------------. .----- .---- ---.____________+ _____.___._____._n+_..____...__.__.__. _,___,.,,__.__. ""__'_'. .-,:' " .' ----_.-- -----~--------- ----------_._------------->----~-. ---~----_.. -~---_._-------_._----_.._._----._...__... _..__._-~..._- ..~--.- . - .+.-. '--.--.-.. ..----.-----......-..---.- _._.-----------_.+-------_._~----_._---.._----., ------.._--- ------~------_._--------_._---_. " )i -----. ._---_._~._-~---------- -----.------------- -.----.-.. -.,-.. ,'--- I -.-.----------------- .----------*--.-.-.----... I 1-;' -: ., ,I, I', .,' .-:' . .:.' ~!.:t. f' ~;,w~t~-: .,~,' ,,' " ,I' 1 1 ' 'II ,i I' , ' , CAVE ROADS S P R I N G D 1ST R I N MAG leT 1 S T E R I A L ji I !; I 'I _________.___White .I'e,.ican .Lil.ne_trO]ll__Il!JllUllingbird_I.an'L.tRt~.._lS61). SE. to. DE,. -.0.14 .M! .__...=-:_83,...222.:"___ ~._ .___ j! I II - I i! (""v"..sp'-inq T,,,n,,, W.-'lff..F=.min<.Jton.DJ::~__(.Rte..._~652) t.., DE. - O.Jg 'Ii. ==..,~ ' ~parli;.men.t....Rd.....frl2l\l_TeIWn&ide.Rd.__ to .Hit~ .St.~..,.. 0.,20__Mi._ ----]5. 'I I " __.___;.Sou...hw~y.Dr. from Hite St. .t:el DF.~Q-,-21.~!'l:i.., --- 75 il _______.~BunkEl~. Hil~.P~~__f~C>IIl.Rt~~_l616 _to .Rte. ,.+6..12 _: ,,0.lLML_:".----7.1 " 'I I I! ________2SterJing_Rd. _ fr()D].Parli,ament.l!cl.,_ to"S.ou~hwaY~Dr .__-.lJ-".06_Mi. .-:-]6_.___.______._:___'-___ ~ :1 I II i 11 . E.J.I;>e.rL~J.:.....Lextn. of Rte-"J;i2l!1.._w.___frOJ!l ~Rt.e.._;_69L~0_DE..::..(,l.J_~_1'I.;_'_:-.:-.:-._'L..____.__~_,~__._ 'I' . i:Townside Rd. from Rte. 220 to Parliament Rd.L- 0.08 mi. -- 82 II ,- , I! ' I ----1-~~ester Av~om_Rte._13Ql tQ dead~n<L 0.06 mi. ----- 151 :i I I 'I Woodland Drive sout!l from,y,oW1.t:ai,:1.[).riv~ __(ltt!.~__87~) ._~OIlE::....O..IO mi. -,-::::-_::-.-::l.!9___.__~~_. 'I it "Extn. of Mountain Drive (Rte. 875) to DE - Oi9.E__llli. --..=- 149 il : ,i " Overlanf3,,_Dr. - _u~_~~e-,,_419 .to__DE,O .3Q.ML_ ..,,,._...-~64_ 'Rte. 753 named Terminal Road .. 190 --.__.__._-~~,----- " !i Ii St. James Ci~cle - f:z::~l1!_Rt~--'_:L}7~_t:~.PE:,,,'_'O__'_l!.li_!!I.~=:::==21_2 .~.nQrook Drive - f:t:QllLHoo.dl.e.y_J.'1r.._to FriYh"JJr'; ,.,.1.. ll.-o.s...J4i-.~-.-=._._,- 255 " i il . , Ii " ~oxhallCircle_:_.__fr.o.]ll.Kenbrook. Dr .,_W . mtO.DE~,_O . D8 . Hi.. __ -~-.-- --,- . 25S--_ ._,_____.__,_ "____ 11 ' II I !i '::"'r.Q.lIJul.ll.....cir.cl.e_-,,",_fr.Cl1lt Kenbroolc Dr.__E... .,.io..DF.. ;'Q~ 02_ Mi_ ----.--=-~2S5-,-------,---.;t--- I Ii i I; " !I ;i ..., : t ,I , " q ii [f ii , II ii i ;i , , . I ".',~ I - if , ..' ,1, ,j 1''- .' '. " , . ' ... (J -' .____._~__Sprink1e, . Eunice . r-*! i' "LE!wis__~".claraJ:.ewis__Pe.J;'due_MQsher, pel,;iti<;_R tg r8a:~ 2 42i ,11 l~"id II, 599, 610 i _. _______~_..___ N_______.___ ____n_.___'__..____.___._______ ___._ _.______...___ '_'_'_' __"_..___ "'__'__'___' ____....._ ..._~._._.."____.,.__. . .----,.--. .... -.--- 'i state Income Tax (payrcll deduction)- 21,39,70 115127,152 l65, 183,195,212,222232 256"'.2:;6 -.--.--------. . 281~325, 336',,--350,362,387, '40D,411.'443 460',475, 498,512, 518 5.. ,552,5TO,:HlZ': _.___._ ._._. ___..__,~. Sewage transportation & t.rea1oment facilities~."Co. Is resolution supporting re~ional fac~litie~-,,4_. I: Ii I !1 ._._._,_____._._~.Smith' s _ Transfer "Corp. 's. aalication.for "Industrial.Access.Funds-.l ..._._____. ,__m.._____'.n___..: ,...__.i____ Hi" i !: _.______.._. _____.". Science .Museum . for. ,CoIIIIIIQnwea1th . of. Va. _ -:.5,__.. .._.__, _________.____._____.._____._ __._____.., ----_. ,,--- Statement.by .Lee.B. . Eddy b~fore.~oanoke,City. Gouncil.Re .Possible.San.on.,Sewer .connecti~-3,,1_._ L".n_________ lleliBaea ell E._ide ,af eu...irts CrcE;k & adjlee('lt & W. af Oaltalea Blvd.______.________, l t. -r " ' , ~~.______._~_____244' "on.N. ..si,de .Rte. .117. & .extendingina.northerly . direction ,on.W.side,Rte. _ 626 fa ____.1.___ , ' I I , _______.__,__ ~ ____n__ distance. 244' .---- . 69, --13'1 ,,____h_ ._' I n._.___ .__ .n', .._ _ __.____._.nu.____. :,. ..,_. ii ,Charlotte R. Palmer 69,1:,3 _________.___.__: _smith, _Sideny . Lanie,r .&, Leonard .L. .'.Laura M._.:r,enning~..petition. to .rezone,property .in.~te. 63,1' _____ _..-.,.______.~_Smith~s.transfer cClrp<spetition to re~one land owned by Interstate Motel DevelopElrs on ._.___.__.__ I ~ 'i adjacent to dght 0::' way line of Interstate Highway No. 81 in Catawba Dist. RESCINDED-a7 --"--- --------., -- ~--- -. . ii Special Use Permitll - 26, 90 :l'l::' : __________.,.______.__ ________.~_.______.._____ ___ __ _,_ - ...._____" .__~ ____ ~ _ .___.__".___n______...~.__.____<_,__.________._.____ '._~-----'r'--~ q i . _.__. _._____~ __Salary . increase fOI: meDlbers of Flke. co.: Public Service Authority - 1et-cer from Exe::. _ I'~recte~r ______.__.__ .__ .:. ___.______and Board of SupE,rviscrs' _ sUb';equ~nt. ac!,ion_ ----- _93 _. ___ _ ,., _,,___, ..__.._._.,,_.__,.._,_ ...._,______'!. ____.________" JA!~'.~_~e~~~r _ &_ ros.obltion re: air. pollution.: by Koppers Plant:.:.::_3_~_____.n______.__._.. ...__...___. .____ I ~ I _ ______.__,_____.__ ~ _Simms,_L. ..Earl. appointE,d, to_flc,c.d.insur;lnce .s~udy, committee. ----- 91__._._______.__._.____ __,,___.____ ,,____._.'_, " ' 35 . to. st\ldy" committee ,on "insurance, requirements "for, pUblic. ente1'tainmE,:nt-/, Ii _..__________._____, __Simms,.L.. Earl. appointE.d :. , _____._ _.__... ~ __ Stokes LElizabeth.N, 'iii . reappoilL1:ment to: TAP . B.;1. . of" Directors, ---- ._. 39. _.___ ,___ ,,_____"._,_____ ,,_ _____ "__.__ I' ' i! . th' . t hir b 35 i Ii S~lllnce )IuaeUlll-Bd+,of--~~ruatees tour,of,Co..- ,au orJ.zatJ.on. o. e__ us.-----,___ --.--------.---.,.---.- Ii i . I" : !i ____. __._,___ L_Sp.itz,_John 's wri tl~en . presentation. of _ economic arguments. ag aillSt , exemption. proposal, (t.ax _..n: ____" i I :! 1t:ll ; aof for ..,eld.1%'ly;l--_~-~41.__._.__._____,. ____. _n.', _________..__.___._.____.__.____+_" .____.~____.______.___.___,_ ._.._..___._. ~.____ I II I ,I ___. __ _ ~_, Sewa.ge_ ,!,;-e,atm.el!.t ,.~:Lant, _supervJ.~'ors. res?lutio!' expressing, desire _ to . propose ..various .p%?grams,. ..._____ _~ ______ _~ ____ ._to. State.Watel: . Control, Bonrd _ for, reducti~m , of . peak , sewage _ flows. entering. Roan'oke. p ty' s,:.. .6? :___._n,___.____:!__salem.s letter adv:Lsin9 of thei,r reappointment of E. Cabell Brandto.TAP_Bd..of Direct.~rs -,72_. Sheriff's letter rl!: ordinance allowing Co. to clean up private property and place a i t lein . against. propE.rty if. nE.cessary, ----92 " '''_._____. .______.,,:; ___ Sewa.ge, treatment "r.lte increase proposed by Rke.. City . for _certain .areas of, Rke. .Co. - L03__ Storm water. entran,:e _ into sani1:ary sewers, ,Sul?ervisors '. . resolution, expressing desire. t? .red\\ce, "'. same , outlinl~ of program elf action-----.: 117 " ____.u. ._._________:'.__, Salem-Roanoke. Valley . Civic _ Cen t,er . -. additional., . ' . I .' d' Ii offJ.ce.space,.Comm~ss10n s"request.&,B'lar s~_.____ ii 11 ..; __,___.,_______ ;.,__action. -__.107 _,__,_.___._.,,__ ._,.___. _______.: _.___ _,_._,_._____.__ __,..___..__..___n'__.___ __._____.____~___salem-ROanOke..valley. Civic.Cen.ter.- .leg.ll action, to. recover money spent on "rvof __ ,___ ,. '_.' ,j, \ :i __.___.u__. __._ ~,_______.repairs _ &. in .re .Terraz::o .floor . deficiency .,in .1obbyH. --- 108,,57f_,_._u_.______ ..___ 0-_' ;, ..__._____::.._ Stone, _ Mrs.__W._Conrad' s. appointJlIlent. to..joint .single . Board -for "Roanke ,Guidance _.____". ..___.... ._.-\__________~_________.center&.Rke. .Valley .Mental Health-Mental.Retardation Services.-.1Q,7 ____..__ ..__._..__ _~,,___.____._~.. Sligh, _ Chas. .E._ei;Bls, petic,n .:tor incl~ion ,O'f . unnamed.. road ,from Rtel.3ll, north-.,--. .._.,_.. .__.___.___.____.: __n____ about 0.18 mi. to DE _ (c:at.""ba. Magisteria:1. District) ------.109 _ .'_.______ .____. .__. n'_"__ , , , ! I. ____________,_ Summary Sta,tement. e,f Prisone,c I:'oIYs. Served. in "Go...J<lil.. {monthly ,reports). ---34. ,164 ,194 :n2 2" '; __.__ " 349 ,36~ 40Q,443 459,4\97 , " '-f/, _ ___.u.n.__ ~_Statement of Off1ce & ''Iravel Exp. incurred by' Sheriff & Deputies (monthly ,~j'ort)--- 21" 94, '114- n 126,180,194,221,255, :1110,349, 386, 400,443,474, 511, 552, 582, 610- -..1.l:J -..---- --- ,,'- Scouting. Keep .Ameri,ca Beautiful. day, letter . from local program director re piCk-up stations , , near Rke. R1VE,r tCl take trash to -,--- 20 i, State Fire Marshall's llotice to jail addition: architect advising work plans conform tc" Va. ,Hire.. ., Safety Retulal:ion:; exc:ept for one item --:--- 37 , 93 , ' .__._ _____ .__.~_State Air Pollution COlltrol Bo,u'd notice of ,4,:pUblic hearings ,to consider major revisions , , ________". _______ ,. __'._ __ State Air"PolJ.utic)n Contr()l Board.,rules to comply with Clean Air Act of 1970---- 38 Smi th' s Transfer 's let1:er co.nf;,rming :i _____ .______________; _._. ___ connectie,n with ,application, for II ,: --- Sugar Loaf, residents ll!tter to Co. Ii verbal guarantee rode to Supervisors by attorney in Industrial Access Funds --- 38 , Engr. re: _.(OVER) -- I apartment development planned by Earl Green- 38 , J' I l .' ". I \1,.' ,~- . , . . . . I I I; :____~ State Dept. of Mental Iiygiene& Hospita1!lto Salem approving their application for : r r; '_n__ :----grantof .$4000 cto.suppor't .Rke. . Val.l'~YMentalHealth-MentalRetardation Serv . Bd.-93. 'n._" ' '" "..--.,,_. !,__.r State ..water_ Control Board bulletin. accO!npanj;ed:bY. 2. policies '. re sewerage ,works ..-__ 93__. ~._______LState .water ..Control.Board' s . letter . tQ.Ci~.y of_Me.. with. copy.of.Minutes re:..Board' s",,__, I Ii , 6/1. i II ,_.._n _ .n____ act10n. on . ' 5/71. plac1Ilg ban on. new sewer. connection s--- . 95---, ...n n._."._,___. '. ,____ ___ ... __ ___..____".""_n___ ! _.__:!State, Board of.Education.notie'e,re: _ plaJJ~ .fn:' ,~ardY"Rd.--Elem.. School - '1l4 ..__ ____ __",_. _ ____" _._ ,_..____,,____ ; ii i. u. ;______" State Dept. of.Welfare-&.Insti.tutions'ol1' u,spe.ct10nmade of Co. jail on 6/11/71-,113 , il L_____~ Salem' s;letter ...resolution ,re ,-sewage treatment situation in Rke., Va11ey- 113 ~____~ State _ F1re ~Iarshall' s bulletin li sting il~proved. testing Jacilities ,under Va. ,Industrialz~d , i '! ! :---nt-.---Bldg..unit&-Mobile,!lome.SafetY.Regulations-- 113 ,,-.--- ,. ,--- I " I , i I____c.state..comptroller' s.notice, to. '~o."Clerk, setting' salary. of JUdges ,for, Circuit 'Ct." - 113"; I j: ! L---.:: Salem' s.resolution_approving n,ew health districit- ll3. . .m m._". _, l____ ~ State_ Highway Dept.' s.final ,allocations, for .1!tll-72__for. Interstate .&, Rural Primary ".._. .:. ,,__,___.. _" ____.___. I ! "._____._'__"1..__ .....-..-.-.-.-.- .--- Construction - 113 .----... --~--. . "--.. _....._u. --.,-.-."."-' -.... 1 ---- .......u'.,__..______.____ __..j; Smith '. s,Tra."I"fer, Corp., . petition .torezc'~e ,prop.erty owned, by ,Lou Mayo: Brown ,Moomaw in C~t. "_,__",,,.,,".'___ ,'---_.-L--,Dist._N.,,&.adjacent.to ser'iice. road J10ng- i~terstate 'Rte. '581' .l',eading "to .Rte. 117-123,171___________._.__.__.___. 1,____ J Salem-Roanoke ,valley. Civic .centerroof-"E/pairs,~ statement. of .J.__ B. _Eure11. Co. of Va. -12~., __" _ ....., ,..._ __.__._____ ___. ~ State_Highway .safety ,Div. "letter. to Cha:L:Pn~', Rlf;e., co.. Highway Safety, Commission re, . !__._,_.____, ii i II ! ___._i ._____approval, of.highway .safety project in; am()un~. of .$3,541.50------126, ".n..'_"____ __.nn,.. . ,,,,,-----,, ,____.____"_,,___._,,..____ __..__~ State Water _ ~ontrol Board letter. forwarding ,letter _ from, State Health" Dept.. approving .__ ~ _.n____.: ___.__"""._ _____.n.__ )1 i ' , ______~ .___in . principle & as ,interim ,procedure_ oJ;lly the_pond proposed by _Rke." Co. ----- ,126._,,,_, L.___..:!.. ______'-._, ___,___. I , :1 ______~ State Water Control Board letter to Rke. I City ,I!!anager ,scheduling. his .appearna::e, before .:t:he.Bojird ___".___",____,,____ " , I' i i; ,____._L_._re:.. Rke...City' s _interim. & .long=range _$ewage!'plans; , _also"Rke.. City's, acknowledgment r 126 ....J Sheriff authorized to . apply"", for _ 5, federal grant,sthl:u 5th P1. Dist. Comm. - 143 ______m~!~______,~~~=.=~~..-=I .____,~ Sheriff. authorized. to" replace. totally, d(!stroye~ vehicl E' at a price not.1:0. exceed. $3600-~44 , , ! ___'i State _ Highway_ Dept. _ Tentative, Secondary ~yst~'m ,tlaintenance, Maintenance Replacement .1iI..!, I I: . _____:__&_Construction,Budgetfor 7/1/71 to 6/30/71-:---- 130,. ______ ~sewage Treatment , authorization to disc'uss ins,titutional arrangements with I" ji j I' other reprel/enta-H 'based" tives of Rke. Valley governme,nts & c.esire of Board for long-term arrangements to bel;on II area-wide organization --,-- 158 , , __.~State Water :::ontrol.Board.requ,~sted by_Board resolution to give prompt approval for PUblic I' I I :__n__service.Authority's Peters Creek Interceptor proj. 71-1-S, Last Phase- ,159---- __ .' l~_;':'" > ~: I :'-_:~:;'~,(: State ,Water Control Bd.Letter to Rke. Co. .pUblic Servo Authcrity reI Peter's Creek , " :i-;.:'~'_:',>-' --.--- n. Interceptor Sewer proj.. "'-~~ 163 _.on' ,:: State-l3oard of.Elections J..et1:er to :~ards , City Councils re, ! ,'.___. Electxral. Board.,.-,.,..,..,.- J,64.__. cooperation with reg-istrar. & I -I'~' -- Statement ,of a,ssessed vall~s, as of' 1/1/71. of pUblic uti lites in Va. ----- 164 .'---_ State ,Fire. Marshal.l , s" Va. Industrialized Building Law Information Bulletins 4-71;2-U; & / i! I i' ---.----.-.3-71"re: -ll) ,availabili'ty of Stat,e. Registration Seal; (2) "Do the Regulations Apply to "Prel'abricatd !' . " , :. ,""n'"n. House . Packages of the P,anelized ~'ype?" ,: (3) gas applicances & gas piping; respectively,-16ii .,'1,'.',-_, :: ____ State Transportation Needs Study, lel:ter f,,,,~ Governor's Office advising of 4 regionaL j meetings in Sept. on results of same---.,..,. 164 !: " ,.School Superintents, part-time - letter from Rke. Co. Sctool Supt. & memos from State Supt. of PUblic Instruction ,& State Assist. School Supt --- 164 Salem's Mayor~s letter inviting governmentalcrficials to attend meeting on formation I of regional organization to qualify for STate & Federal Sewage project funding-164 Sewage infiltration abatement program, weekly repor~s of PUblic Servo Authority to , State WaterContro1 Bd. - 164, 178 \, __,State .Water Control Bd. memo reo grants for :sewerage construction & their rules _. of procedure. for sewer grant appli,catio,!s. - 164 ! i ,,-_., I", ) I. :: II . . .' ," :. .. . - ,.-" ." uSn page, cont'd. (#1) T'-~4.~'~~O., i repor~ ;i for-yr. ending 6/30/71---- l81 & 182 , budget I Sewer infiltration abateme~ogram, of Exec. Cfiicer of ~rsonnel & requirements ------------177 ation CQmmittee' s report on quid4!lines'for new Maint. Dept. ------177 i: Slwer Committee of Rkll. Co. authorized 1;0 m~t with similar committees from Valley governments- i ,'. ,178 _:(IlonQY ~p~nt: nn i"'; vi f'" center ;defJ.(=1.e!lC~~S Salem's resolution re: joint effort with co.' ~o recover I j , State Wa~er Control Bd. letter to Exec. Of cr. approving suggested form for reportini bldSJ. ermits that require sewer connections to systems using City of Rke.'s plant----1711 State Water Control Bd. letter to Mayor, Ci~y of Rke. rescheduling City's hearing to 9/al/71-178 , Securi ties Ins. Corp. letter to Rke. City & !iCi ty' s letter to then: re: flood ins. ------ 1"8 ! Salem's letter & resolution in reo their pQsition of favQr~ng joint ownership & o~rat~~n of sewage treatment plant & collection ststem------ 179 State Dept. of Welfare & Instit~ons, June +971 Jeport------ 179 ! State Water Control Board letter to Board of Supervisors Chrm. outlining certain directives to Co. d beginning 7/26/71, including weekly rfPorts & monthly summaries on progress 01: infiltra- tion abatement program, etc.----:. 1501 State ! Water Control Board Minute 9 of ./26/71 dealing with City of Rke.appearance reo interim & , , long-range pollution abatement prograJ!!.s ---.::=.J.50 1 State Dept. of Health letter to Dr. c.P.Pope advising '.im of his , I as Director appointment/to newly fo ClIed Health District,------ 150 ': , , , approval SP~CS, etc.. o~l1!L.~oresJe. I i of 7/22/71 of plans. State Bd. of Educatie.n' s statement of Elem. School-------- 150 I I : Sate Health De t. let:ter givi".'. notice i of new health diatrict effective 8/1/71-----i--150 ~_,__ I I' I 191 SPWPT Au+'hnri+.y in RkiP V;ill '~y (gDo'J; nnJ:ll) - r"'~' .;mjtlary Gtl,lC3.~' ~utR.griZ9Q (T.;ilngl.oy M,..nf'p:=a]d i , Sewer Authority in lU:e. Valley (Reqional) -l~tter from Bd. Chairman to Chairmen of srw"r ..___'__ , i Committees for Rke. ,Salem,Vinton & Botetourt Co. with attache~L!!roposed inltruction: , , I consulting ,~'eers ~ho will make study of same------ 194 11 Sewa e <<:reatment Cont~act for next 30 yr~ropo""d hy City of Ro;o"nk..- r..,,' n "i'; 1 'I~- 1 Qd Sewa e Trea n Facility (~qi..Ql1al)- Sa.le'm~Roanokp. Cnnnt-y ~hAmh,::tr n-f ('nmmDol",..~ICI: 1 rAAolu't.ion of E!'ndOT~l=Iml=ln+:: nf' t-hi R ~nnbl=lpt-_____ , Q4 State Water Control ~~ard l~er & copy of Minu~p- 8 from mld-inq on 7/'';/71 TIP ;::iInnr+1nn n'IF , , performance obi~~or Ci~y ~f Ro*nnkp-tq ~pw~qP t-TP~+-mDn+- ~;::iI~;1;+;aa_---'94 ~ Ij , Sewa T I)j:titu~ional arran9""pnt.~;- Rn~nn1cp r'it-yta ;::iI~lt-nntJlan9"'al't 04= R09r~ Chillj I !I ' ,! being author..Wld ~o disc1.]~~ g;:lmp' wi t-:hi TPprpap"t-;::iIf-; vpa noF n+he71~] le~J' 'Jouern""9~~""""~-J..94 Sewaqe Treatment Faci.lity (Regj.onall , II I , -.Bote~nur~ Cn. ,~ lp.tt:er--'. l"pcn1nt-inn ;nn;,.;lI+;ft'J +h'It.U-.__ IDsition----- 1~'4 -T"-'- State Forester's reDc1rt on~cal matt@rs f~r 1970-71 hP.t-WP,:lfl Rho r'n J:. U;::iI n;U' Of' IO"nr.ii. Salem-Roanoke CO.' Ch,unber of Commerce' $ letter & resolution endorsina reaional se...aae tl;.I~.~~_ I Authority -----.,- 194 State Co . Commission notice of public hearing on application of Retail Delivery ~ic'!~, Inc. for certificaticm of public convenience & necessity ----194 i -+--.------ 164, 178,194 ,~tement progr~~ekly I' , re~~rts of Rke. Co. Public Service Aut.hori'I~~==--._ " Smith's Transfer COJ,p., application for industrial access funds -l97 , 255 Salem-Roanoke valley: Civic Center Commission - temporary loan (60 days) for payment of Sanitary Tees, amer.d~ent to Rke. Co. Code ----- 202, 22~ ~46 J I , Sheriff Foster's request thai:. Co. guarantee payment of ~....llO..JlJL9JLb.aai,~on"ol" uni.t.,___ of communica~ions equip. if LEAA grant is not ~ceived ----- 243 :' Sewer Construction - amendment to Co. Code 'to require c~~iA~pe of coupling nr ;::iIn ;::iIr";e,J:..--_ I , " :1. to connect ~:~ildi~ sewer lateral to public sewer latpr;o1----?Q?,?34 ~ - n_ ....__ ,~.-,..,._~~_.." Sheriff's letter of 10 5 7:L reo authorization to hire Dispatcher & to siqn application -<----- for ation in the Va; Criminal Information Network ------201 Shoup Voting Machines -- 206, 532,596 , Ste henson, F. G. 's com laintvia letter- dangerous traffic: situation on Franklin Rd. at Townside Plaza & Board'siacti6n --208,264 1 S~B~A Wa~p~~~rnl RnA~n ~~~D~ ~n ~~D r;~y w;~h ~~~~~Q~~ m~~ute_ll from meatiRq " on 9/20-21/71 aiIlc.,attahced Order: issued to Rke. City reo sewaCle treatment il " " fal:ilities ----,--- 211~ , !; Sheriff's Dept. - authorized to install Consolidate Alarm & Annunciator Panel--220' if I :' of Cnmmprce reauest &: SU'Dervisors I reply re =environmental they " mQ ~ hnw)~nn~rol1ed--~--221 S , ter & Co. IS If=t.tJ:,er Tp. e..ff2r.t-iub n;ll+-c Tn,.. Ae-t~'I"1'PI~"iRg trUQ u~1\ilG6 , " of rpal estate ~der the terms of the current service contract between , , ,llem -----_---- 221 SEWAGE TREATMENT CONTRACT, - Supervisors' relsolution requesting the acceptance of <, Meadow Wood Estistes, et a,ls ----------228,229 Salem-Roanoke Co. Chamber of Commerce inquiry & Boarqthairman's reply reo ~I :, problems in environmental.,protection & efforts leading to their control-231 1 iI I,B a'Ppointme:n~ ~cil Libra.ry Bnt=lrn of' TTn!=:~pQo~_________'1~ ;1 " ~J:g. & City & resppctive SC~9 Board~. Sal~m's regoluti~ i Arm; ";Ii+' inn' , of SrHOOT,!=; portion Pf'f2~t-;vpli'l3n/71---2C;7 I' Services Contract between Co. & City & respective School Boards, ROANOKE CO.'S 'I I. resolution iving notice of County's ,/ , , -L-_ termination of contract effective 6 20 71------------- 244 Salem's notice to Co. of !~ermination of Schools portion of services contract---- 2~7 , n Roanoke Co. ~~- distribu~on & sale ----- 249 i iI Storm nr-D.;nilg9 5y~~1'I'I for Co, --- latt~~ fibp" 1),~kpi('" 5er'tP:i<:-~ Antbority ref. ('r~n to Storm Draina e Studv Committee--...,~----254 Salem ; :: Services Contract between/City & C~.. (PROPQSED) - dated 11/26/71----257 I '; School Trust e Electoral ~d's r"quest o~ 12/6/71 for 'l1lt-hori7."t-inn ton Ii ..t:S... at: lar~JP ton ~~~nn' l1n,':lT'n____?~Q. ?':;6 , Salem-Roanoke Valle Civic Center (opening in 1967- bill for fuU:y'~ ad --"-- 262 State Water Control Board letter te. RIce. city reo receipt of 3 1"esolutions requesting 'I ' I, moratorium on fl~rther construct~n areas served by City's sewage treatlment;' plant & advisin,. that puties pr~senting ~esQlutions would also appear i --l- i i Ii h~TnT'~ ~h~ ~nard-cn-~'71-----~-----2h4 , 610 I, State com",ensation Board letter to SheriffiapprovinCl increase : I for Deputv C.D.Absher-264, v iv~,s: Center ::inancial statements thru 9/30/71 --------264 's request for-9QJ,j,g,'c.ar .-._-----nL , lmt. emergencv:teleDhone lines -----273 " s Souci A artment Com lex, Reso~ution granting easements over certain park land; -271" Salem-Roanoke COunty Chamber of Cornmerc~mbership question- 280, 32~,355,361 Sir , Claude's livestock claim -- 281 'd32S, ,334,?45 ,368 cf.......CU'".lCD Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Roof/- General Contractor's offer of $15,000.00 as total settlement for any op_liqati~_-------- 285 Salem-Roanoke Vll~ey Ci~iLc Center COll1lllission- appointmen,t of j.ThQl!!as~~'- 293. ~4 Services-Properties Ne~tiating Committee , appointees-- 293 Seibel, John G. - appOinted to Fifth, PlanninCl Dist. Comm. 293 Seibel. John G. - appoin!;&d to s~wer Con t: rAct: NP-gr.t-.iRt-.inq l!nmm;......Q#:l_ 17':;: Seibel. 1913" 10 - apF9 ill ~:ad. to CO\l"hQ\lse :Seautifiea'tien COlllllliLLee ---- 326 "J' ,1) , :' / 1_- .S" Page Continued (12) I i I , -__._ ~L_ , " -----_.._._~._-~-----_.. -'_.._---_..._-----_.--------_._----~~_.-. ---~._-_.~_..._.-._---~-------_._._._-_.. " i: " I ;\ ------~ _Seibel.. John__G..appointed. to. Transportation Committee_ --------- 327 ______.___._____.___ __, ______:_._._ . il ___,_____.:..Stlibel. . John. G.. _ appointed, Liaison, Repres,entaU ve . to:. School. Board; . Hiq.hway . Safety. COmmillSioll i--- , I J ; ----.--.---_~ __.____._____Plumbers _ Examli.ning. Board&.Recreation_Board. --------- _ 3:!7 _________.____,_._.:. ._____~ .______ ': Sewer Contr..ct Negotiating Ccmmittee - ilPpointees for 1972 named -----326_______.__ .______:___.___._c_ ._,_.~~~.=~.~Stoke:"EliZabeth .W. _named .toCourthouse Beau~ification Committee for 1972------ 326 ._,L._.__ :l.__._. '_ ___...2_Scl1O()l__.Board.Laison. Representntives: _R._:E.._Hilton, .Jr. "John. G. . SeibeL &Paul.B.. Matt:hew,;~.3:211_ " ~___.__._.~_State Corp. Comm. ne;,tice that Va. State :Lines~ Inc. has.applied_for certificate.of Publ,l.c.. .L____ : . & nllcessity as common carrier I ,! ____._ .__'n~ ____ .______._ cOn1l'enJ.ence/-'----------,i 2 80 _ __ ,_________.. __________._._.__,_______ .__. ._.______._. h.___.___~ .____ , , , .. . " ii State Corp. Comm. ne;,tice that General MOtor Lines has applied.for certificate.of_public.__..:!_____ ------.---...- . .. -.---- ----, .". -'., I , , ' & ~:::~~~~:_ as common carrier 'I .-----~ --.----- .-----. convenJ.ence/ __.322 -1'--.--------------- ,- .------- .-.-. ----'-----.-.i.--J-.- 'I ,I C---.______~__ State, Corp .._ Comm. _ ne;,tice _,that. Atlantic _ Greyho\U1d . Lines. of .Va. , . Inc. . has . applied, forcert.ific.ite_ ,: I I I, I ii ._J___.___~ __._______.___of..',ublic__ccn'lrenience. &.:necessityas. a_cOllUllOn_carrier ,,------- ,,322 ----__.'____,_i___._ p ! . q _______.__LState. Corp.. Comm._nc,tice. that. public hearing, to be, he,l':, on, proposed, revisions. to .Va.-, Fi ce -t''' .._ I . j i j! -______________;' ____,__.___.._____.,sat:ety RegulatJ.ons. -----:.323 _i__._.__._._______.__._._., _______._.___.____________,:.__.__._:1 ._____ .' ,I I' I ' 1 :; :..__.______LStilte._C,orp. __COlllllk_nc,tice. that pUblic, hearing .to .be _held. on proposed revisions. to Va. __, ___._,+--___ i! I I; ,Iii -'- '-----.-- ~ , --- _________JndllStrialized ,Bldg. -- Uni.t _ & . Mobile, Home. Safety. Regulations. ------ _ 32 3 ,_: _.______~ .____ 'I . , 'I ._________~._~lU!l.!1er,. Clil1.t9n,~B _l,e~ter _ to, Co. .,Clerk. w.ith .encloBures.regarding"school, system------ .323 -,i-..-..: _._.__.____._~__~~l.E!.III'.s .ReB91uti9.!IS. 1..121" & .,122. reo _SCh~l_ sefvices . contract _negotiations..-----".323_J _____._~~ I: I ;, ; ii -.--,-__.__. ~__St,at~ .l!Iate;. Control. 119az:d',s .Btter. setting. forth, ruling. ent:ltle" .Communi.ties "Recommended .for_ ~_._ ~! ,; j ,; Iii ._~______l_.________, _._.!'lld:e.~"'.lISTate" Sewerage. Construction _Grants. -.. ,Fiscal.. years,.:l91,l-1975"", 323~';:_____ __._.1. ~t.~te _E1oarci_oLCOmm~lfl.ity ,Colleges. bullet,in _ se);ting. f~r__ guidelines __f(j:t:_selec:tion _ 51f. meDlb,ess .-4---. , i' , jl __._.__~_________ of. !=oDllllunity _College B()ards-:--:------32_3 ____._____ ._ ___. .___ ._____ __: .___..~___. :1 i j: i Ii !'Southview School entrance - resolution to abandon------330 , ,I !I -O==- i: ~~~~-~~~;~-~~_~E~;~~.;.~~~rd ~'~~lette~.-re: ~_:"needr list"__by_ 3/~/72. r.:: _ c~ns~'ruct:~:~~f~~:~~;:ge.~C~~~~ II __..systems. or sewage treatp1ent.1!!0;ks_.--.::-__--330 -- ------- ---.--------,,--, ,- 37--!!..-- , .------ --. " , 3 ,3"4 ,I Sheriff's request f':lr 14 police cars to be purchased thru State Dept. of PurchasES & Supply-3$3,/ ._----------_.-.--- --"-.. ._--.- .. - ......... - - - - - -, _.~ --.' .. '-,.. - .., . .. -:;....-...... I , I jl _____.__t.n~!!Elr_i~f 'II _rElq~e.Bt _ fo:t:_ decision, on. maintElnancel (If. radio. equipment-----333 __,______.___________" ._._1...___._ :i Contract I U I Ii _ _______________._:' ___ Sewer/Negot:iating . C'~mmi ttee , _progress "report :- .3 34____n___ __". ____.________________.___._n._, _____ : _ ._._ _ ~..__ .___t __ Services _Co!'t:ractwI.Salem . (proposed) ", -' 338.:: ______.__________.___.______._________.______._i____.__,1 __ Ii Supervisors' bond p:remium - 338 i! I ..- . -- . ---..._--,.-----~.- '--"---'-----..-.--.---.-'--.--.- ---_.__.--~._-- ---'--- sparks,_Frank~B.app~intment.to.!lental Health.~ervices.Board of_Rke. Valley-.338 'I Stone, Mrs. W. Conrad's reappointment to Menf:al Health Services Board of Rke. Valley-3;,8 'I - _. ____ .1----- ---------'-----.-~~- - ii _._._____~_, Sewer. Contract. between. Rke. ,City _ Ii. Co. ,,-, amel'lc)ment _to. include .12. 855, A.,. east .of. Bandy__R:d,.______:i.____ d , ._.________________ owned by Garden Development Co~. .---=::-.::-.:::-336 _____________- - _.__.__. ._.___.___1______._':___ State Archivist report on stUdY of records-k<3eping procedures of courts of record in VCl.-33S' . . , I j36 i - ,1-----.--~--Stevens,-p. .A.~ s .letter opposini} .landfill.in N.. clear zone of airport. as .requested.by _~e. ..C,~tYI U '. I I I - __~ __Salem-Roanoke. Valley. Civic. Center Commission:- . Armand Sanderson. reappointed------ _350.: ______,_; _____ " I; Ii ----____._ ---': ._.Sanderson" Armand's _ reappoint.ment ,to, Salem-RQanoke, Valley Civic .Center Commission-. 350: ,,_.__. ,_ ~----- .j Services Contract, recommendations 0-: County I Neg. Committee of .1/26/72. ---351 ____.._._______,...._:!..___ to Salem Mayt."'r ~I ~ .==:=--~~~ ~ ~erv~~_~~ont::::: , :::::_:::i:'~ ~~.~e:~e:~e~:::.~~~.:0~~N::..:omm~~~:~_~~~6/72 reco~~nda- __ _ .__ .___.__.___~_services _Contract, _ Mayor of Salem's letter .o~ 2/2/72 . inquiring ,as_ to .Board '5. posit:.on: or___.:! i , 349 endorselllent of ,G:c;unty Neg., Colllll4ttee' S, recommendations forwarded. Ci ty on: 1/26/12-1' . h. . ii ___... _~ ___~tate ,Fire __ MarshaLL'. s, letter _ to Baxter,W.. Bare re. violations of/fire safety regulatioJls-34,9L_______ ;: S '1 ' ,I I: t B' H'll 377 . ii ,----.--.-----. --- pecJ.a . Use .Pe:rnu.t'. ,,\'/. . J . ,Atl&tJ.n" et . we., proper y, on _ J.g.]. ----, . ____ ,__ ~ J, ____.__.,___________:___Seibel, John, G. n appointed. to Rke.. Co. Hwy." Commission..----,:362 n,______ _.___._._____,...~ _ Sewer. Contract.proposal of, Roa:tlokeCity dated, 2/22/72 & County Negotiating Committee's, related , " .__.__._.____ :,___ ___...____ report. -..----360 ,: Salem's letter re: their appointee to joint"landfill study committee--- 361 (OVER) -- I' . 1 I 'l . ~ .,',.' ~ .. . I. ' 'I " :; Ii :: ~t '-=~-I= ii! Ii II II __=~ ~ -:~=;~::s'. ~~::~';~-.'~~::~::m~: ~~:~~e~co~t~~~O~~t~~~r~~ s 3/14~;~s~a:i~g--th:'~~~~~i tio~~3-:8' :i .=:_~ :-==~=~ ___~.,.Steele...T. _D._ -_ landfill_stud:~ wi~':~l~~~;~f-~J~~~3 _________._ ,-.,----..--., --- ,-.-,,-----.--.-- ----- ;!.-,------------ ___~--services contract. Negotiations/:. 372, 311~ .--=_:.. 5:~2 mh..____ ___.._. __,_ ___u___.__.__. ,.---- -..-.--- '1-------------'--.--.--- I' !' be r' ---.--il-. Sheriff .Foster' s, Letter recommending, fu1urep.~ocedures- to/followed in, radio .repair. wor~-386 :1,_.__,_ .u____._,_______.___ m__.~,-Salem-Roanoke,Valley _Civic Center .roof..lrele~~e. of "claim" (discharging _contractors) -3861___..._".~-.,,-.--..-.--------. t 1 '! I II =- I_~~be:if~'s.-_~ep::~:~:~u::~:o b~'~::::s::::::~:::~ ~::~::::::::n.:: -~:=t~~o=::_~u~::O:~l~r,=:.-. ~ ::=__'=:~__~,~ 1= ____u__L.state. Corp." Commissionnotd.ce _ re:. . prop~sed <tendments. to. Va. "Fi):'e. Safety .Regulations. r ----.-II-----.h..--u-----..- ~~1~'1 ::;;;.:;',.:~tr=~:-~~:~~.:, ;~:;,:::'::.~:::,':,';j, ::::~:'~~~~;;-::.:::;;~=~~~~ '.,.;':~I:~ 1:::=::, -~ -.: _____._ '___Sigmon, __lIoward . E. _ - , Agellt _ of __ Va. . BaPti!l~ ' Fo~a tion, .lnc. _, - petition __ to . rezone -- tract _ ob _L._, ~ ...,,'_________1_ I ' --'I I ' _.____.____.__ South .&. West.side__.of _WOodbridg~Ave.j,. W. "of, Rte..117 __ ----,----397.___u._.__._:u,.__...!_____.~.mu-.---.- ,,-- - .___ i_Sewer.Servics.Contract, _3/U/72 .-396, ..409 -.I!.---.--.----.-------------.----.. ---.------.--.. --.1.-----.~----. ----.-------. I i J I II .__ 11_ Sewer _Service Contract, .3/17/72. - .revi'ei .of "ate. formula. in.3, years--396,. 409 __._..__'_____I.______~. "__'u,.____.__.___".__._ __, _ Se1li~.r ..li!1e.easl!J!ll!l1t.~rough__RQ_anoke _ Ci'tipro~erty . on. Tinker,. Creek. for, Public,.Service "i-------- ~---- __~-----------Autbority ,proj. __71-2,.S_"'----39 7 :-----.J-.-------.--.--.-.---.-.---.---------..-.-.--".'ur---.."I---.----------- .__.j____stat.e, WAter ControLBoard' B _letter. to. ,~e. .Cd..PSA, =. re: _actions. taken. at . 3/13/72 --..---.1 --.---, ,----,.,...-.---.--.--.. I ,I ' .. ., __ __ ___u____meeting "i__inc~udinq al.special__'order-~---400 ._._._.___,_.___.__.____.u_._____________.__" --- 1--,-,:, t-.-- . ..-----.--- ; ;'1 I 'I C . d' t' f ... it f' l' f ! I -----'i __.State. ompensauon_Boars_ne. 1ce,o ,me~t1nq ji o. 1x.sa ar1eS_,i, expenses.o --.----..r.------ll-------------.---------'--.-'- I Comm.__Atty~~.Sheriff,- Tl:eas._&,. Comm..1of __REv.-------400 .---.----.---,---------------,--1- ,-,---f, -------.------- ! I II ,I -i-.state .S.", th .Dept.. report.- .J~abi.ell.tes t: on .f9X' head-400 ________. _.. __ _______.________._______ll_..._..'_~-.-'" .-----.------ _~ ,-State . Fire .Karsba~l' a-letter to_Admin. .~f, c~unitYSChOO1.in. re . corrections __of ",. .-----.-..----~--.---.------.__..-.--- ___._viol"t;ons.C"ont";ne<'l ,;i.n.Inapectof's-~~/~O/71 report----400_.__,___ -.'-----.-------'+----.-1' '- alem-Boanoke _ Valley _ Civic, Cetnter.-, COU':1ty' s c:iontinued, ownership/disposal-----411 -.---, -------.-~--.-------,----! - --- ! i l:i , '__ ___"Salem-Roanoke. ValI.eY.Civic_Center, Commi slIion , $, ,letter. for, Ilew . fork .lift. & .insulated fl~r-4'O~ ---.- '.--.- .~. 1= ~tate . wa~er __ Co~t-r~l . Bo~~d .l~t.te;. adv~~~~~-~; ~~~:;_'o~ rei:~'~~~:~-~=~~::'b:~S 4::~=r~~~~= t~.-~ :=:~::.= l It ' I, I 'I ___~ _______ _____'_ sewer contracts. s1gned by. Vall,y . go'!ernments. -------- 409 . .---- --- -' .---..- . -. ;. - ----1 . ___ __u -- --.--.- _. LSink, _ Donald_G.~s .petition_to .rezone, 2parcel;s.on Route, 117-456 ._______._.____..!'____:,_________ _______._ Ii .. , i ii _-=~ =::::::~~~::P:~~:~:i:::a:i::::t:9:::~::: ::::~_-~:~-.4:4____ .., __. ' ',. ..----------:.-= I_:.~:.~.:---:~:.=:.=~~:=: ~ : Ii i 1 ._,Ii _Seibel, _John G.- . Board of _Directors,_ L'~a,qlle. of Older Americans 440 1 __."i:. , , ~ Services, Contract approved 4/25/72---444, 46lt 536 ,__ ,_! __ .__. ,_." , ~.~J~- State' s .1972-1973:Tentativ~.JUlocations lf~r .J:~terstate, _ Primary & Urban Constru,=tion-443 -.-j. I' , r I Ii -.-.-J.- State ,Auditor's . report on ,Comparative. Cost of':.. County Gov. for yr. ended 6/30/70-443.,--.1 -----,: .--,--, ---.--------. i! Salem Sports Foundation requErst for fW1ds ---~ 460 I II =']~ Signs. on .pro~rty _ being 'cons;lde~ed, ~or.. re~~~i~~__-::..:_..456_-~.t=.--T~.~....=:-:...I=. I', I, ' ' , ! II -.--.Ji _Sheriff authorized. to spend J;200. _"__sp,edal i!1vestigation------- 461, "". .u. r Ii Seminar. on ~vernance, Socia:l & Institutional: Development in new communities---458 ,...ii" ~~==[ SchOol buses_&. teachers .salar~e~ appro'O/~d----~67____ a.u . ,__un, . _ _ i~.'. '.___ ___tStorage lane_or improvementto.curve ontb Che~tnut Mt. Drive off_Rte. 24------467 I ~__ .____J"Salem's, communication reo reopening scho~l.co~ttact negotiations- 476 ."._____,,_ . I: . ~ Special Use Permit - Kamp-O-Ree Campers,:Inc.:-= 485 -":'-~~I[Stat;ionWag~nfOr~~fare'D~Pt. -488." ,..,.' ._._____Ii__seibel Bros.'bid on.maintenance equi.pment fori County Recreation Dept. - 489,513 I' ' , _,___~ ..Shockey, .Sara,A.., et.al, - petition.to i,n~ludelin secondary system of highways an , .._ii ______.,_______"unnamed_road, from Rtt"'t. ,798tN. ,t01DEd Q.16smi. ;;---t-492 ] pe 1 1.on 0 l.ne u e'1.n ec. .,ys em an _._.jl.Stanley, LeonD.,_et,al../unnamed road E~ off!Rte. 7310.20 Mi. to DE-----492 I' , ___ Lstate. Highway. Dept. m letter reo Rte. 71:1 resur~acing request-497 i State Hig.hway"Dept._letter,re:.storage 'Jfme--tJ-Rte.--l033 from Rte. '24 E."of Vinton-497 --.--" I II I ~...'t i i! . :1 . ~ 'I ' . - , , ~ . .) J '. _ f., ~ . , :1 --1+--------.- -_.--- _._n i " , 1-------.''.--. ~ Salem City Manager's notice tCl TAP of reappoi!~tment of E. Cabell Brand-----497 1._________.________,JSheriff~s request for 35 chairs-----507 : ___._ _._________Jsheriff ~ s. request" for decisiol.' om contract for ffi<lint:enance of communications equip. ----~,07 , ,___'J "s" Page,# 3 ,'I " ! i I: State Auditor of Public Accounts re:, acceptanc,e of audit of Cu. Treasurer's Of c.- 6/30/7:.-497 , , " - -"---i:' I, ______,_.. --.--L Sheriff's request for 3 office,rs &, dispatcher:------507 ,557 ___,,;; Sheriff's request. for metal dClor at j ail~-----5G 7 .---".----. , I ~.--W----. ~J'-- --- D----::-..:---- ',',.n LJ .___.;l..._...,~._ " II ,(1-.---..._---- !;Sheriff's,request for increase; in jail,physician's mo. contract -,----507 !:salary study ------514 ,. !!salary inorease for constitutional office employees --- 516 iiSteele"T.. D. 'sresigna'tion ,f~om Roanoke .count~F'lanning Commission------ 518 ,!Sheriff's ,letter. re. j,nS\lra.nce coverage police ,dog ---- 527 :State Commission of Outdoor Recreation - letter re desirability of designating ..,---.-----.' ---certain'l~oadsegments'as Virginia '.syways or Scenic Highways 528 'Stephenson, F. G. - l.etter con,:erning drainage1condit,ions along Merriman Road - 527 i' j:Salaryinoreases for Sherif::O's employees, letter from State Compo Bd concerning --531 -10 '_'._ . '" I'State Highway Departlnent, letter re Tinker Cre~k Bridge & bridge on R. 639 -- 552 - -~._-- 1".-----..---------.-- - -"---.--..---. "____~Special Use Permit,__requestof R. City 561;~OO i!Salem/Roanoke Valley Civic Center, letter from Robert H. I'/eaver on allocation of funds " -'--" appropriAtion, for -- 599 ! I .1 i. -...... I -5~9:,._._ I, .-ii' l; I' !': I! I, LShowalter, Edwin D - rez.')ning Ccve Rd. and Oleva Street -- 580 , 601 n , :: Sink, Donald, petiUoD i;o rezone two parcels -- 591 . ::spec~al lJae Permit, ."'ute.mobile I;raveyard 1- Mary Ellen Richards & Walter L. Harris -- 59: " :f Special lJae Permit, sill; screE,n:lng on garments - l~alcolm lUld Mc.rton Rosenberg -- 592 Ii !! StAte Department of liieUare ar,d Institutions,JuM Report -- 597 , j:Sheriff'll Department" Acditional Funds - 610 ;! '" ,i 'Starkey, w. B., liveiltock claim - 611 I ~ . :! , I :. , :~ - - :1 i: Supervisors, stAggeled ':erms and increase in salary - 6lj :1 ii ii " '. .," ...- )i ( ;! Ii !I 'I :1 " " .. d " .. , ~ i ') :) " i! 'i ,! . ~~-. - ii Ii I I, "i" -i.ogden ij II ) 'I II f . -- . ~ # .~ 1" - .,.J.- " Ii n-- II T' '1 I _-.~ I, - ij n ~ ~ .-. ~ .---.J ,-..-. II I, - -- ,~- ~ . i ~ L il 11 -. ,-- 'l-- --..--..--.-,-..,--..,-----.-. H . II -_..._.__....-.~._-.._-_._..~ .. il .-.-----,..--. --. ~ ,-, -- -. --' Ii --,-.---- -..., f '-" I: _._~. --- .., ,--'--- ._-~ ... r" ---,,----- .. J---. ..n.---- -I.,j -'C'- ~-l -1 1_______' :..J "0:-- -.. . II '--r, ,I II . r -- --- " !i 1 --. II , II .- -. .. I' II j II , , Ii " " " '. ;1 .~ ., Ii j 1 " " , SCllooLS I' I, I I I ): : I, I I' __...,1. il 1:.__.__ I, Ii ij .. -~ " i' 1! :f il ...1,-,----. ii I! 'f School- Recreation Board's request to I' use II same - 3, 33, 94, 144,155 , I I' " . 'r 1'-- I !i --It ..-.. ..-- II .-..Ii.-- .Ii ---- .l-h. ..~ ~'~.~= II , Ii .j: 11 - --II , I , ! Ii r 'I' II -II. II ~.'-~ 1-.-- II , -li,--- I ii I ,-, -. ~.-- I " .. - ~ ,-. ..--' Ii -----. 1-- -~.-- ... -......-.---- (. ---~,,_. i i -,1.--.+..-. . ______.1_____' I I --.- '.'" Ii ._.~-_. I :1 - --r--- ,...".,~.,--_..- II I; .. 1;_.___. II I: -- '--".1. II . II :1 I: Ii Ii ,I , , Ii i, I' d ii :1 MONTHLY 211 r I ___.__._____~"TREASURER.S/REPORTS,., 38".114,_151, 180./231,264,323.,.3119,386,,410, _ 459,497'. 53~" 569 and " Treasurer's Report - o,nnual --567 and 568 I ______. __ ___ ~ Town. of _Vinton s. Tax , Tickets . prepared . by; Commi!!sioner. of Revenue-. 2,. 3 37 _________,,___._.__.__. ! ....._ : ..,,__. , ~ i __._.__._.~ Tax.Relief.for .Elderly.-.3, 31___.. ...____: __.. " " ___._______.:: Tax. Raj;e for .1971-1972 - 19,_ 42 _. _.__,,_... ____.__.,.__._.____.__.__._"___._._..,,..."_"_.,_. ______.___ I; 39 I " Ii __.___~ 'l'AP.Jld._9f.Direct:ors_ - _appointments. -/66,__.72 ._.1,._.__.___._____'" ____q__.,,___.'__ ____._._lTax.Relief .fo.r.Elderlr.-Study. Committee, -i 31,. 6?, _91,.157 .,177._...__________._..__. ._______:_.,.__J_.___ , , _______.._J. Tie _Breake.r,__Mr..,,~illO%~, Keifer.to hear.p~lic. o~" application" of. Harold B. _ FergUGon..for. spe:ialL__ _:I,_.______._J_,,_ \lie ,l>8rmit.,to. opel~ate. auto. salvage.. center __ ~. auto, graveyard_ on ,Rte. _ 311----90 ,_120 __..~_ ____.J.___ I : ; j, i i' ___,__._._~Tid~L<;Ol:.P.._ qU9tation_o,c<;:epted ,& .necces,sity ,of.competitive"bidding. waived. on, purcl,ase of 'I~aw---~--,,- II i ii i ii _._______L__refuse. truck,,---34 ________,____.___.__..: ._____.. ____._____.._____ _____________.________.__...,__,: ,. _____~ "'_.. , __________ __~ThomaB, Jose.ph. C. _=-_. appointment to. cOllUllittee _t~ study_ open, buning __ --34 ____ .__,__.. -.,,-..----1-----. L.______ " I ' i I' _i-,________l.Thomas, _Joseph C.__:':____,,"_._._____._.:_____"..: .___:.: .__".." tax.relief for Elderly . - _ 67.___.__._.,_,_.,___._L_ I' , Ii' '-'____._____J.Treasurer .authorized .to . borrow , up. to, $50,0, 000.'00. - 95______.____..__.._..___..__._____,.____.______" ;__.____,.~.._,___ L Tr~ill;11rlil.r'B., appointment .,to, comrlittee . to .study. .tax. relief ,_ for "the, elderly_____ 67__,,______.__.! __ __.J ."__' ____.___.n_.__.LTwenty-year plan __ fo!_ garbage disposal-:-.l:02, 2~~ _... .__.__.,,__._.__.___.""_. .______________ ___ ..._! 1; j' i i,1 ___..__.'. ._,____1. Trustee.s,.Piney ,Grove, Christian Church' ,,!.peti1;,ion ",1;0, rezone .3_A On ,Penn, Forest. Blvd- 1Q4" _14~,153 I! Technical Products Engineering Co. - corresponc!ence and/or. documents. reo' d.. &. filed .in Je, __ bi~s, .-~----------_._...-- ---.-. ...__._~--. "-"'-"- -. -... .. . '. ,_. ,,-_. .. . -. .- : i . I .. ~ - 1 I i :, on. Shen,ff s cOllllllunl.Catl.ons. center -:- ,.21, .127 . ,_ 411____.__.__.___,___,__._______.___.__,,_____.,,__,_,_ i---,.---l.--. __._.__.___1. Tht;mpson, _Edwin.E.'s letter. from Col., qhio. i~ re:. taxes. on_property . owned. b~. him.in.Rl\.e,_. Cok-:-21. " i; I, _____________} ,_Thcmas ,.Hampton _W~'.S __letter. to. localgov. "representatives. extending. invitation __ to, meetiln>;J _ oft.____ _______l__.RIte ~_City. sewe:J:_ commi ttee , on _ 6/2/71-: _ 37._ !~____.___.______._______ __ ___.___._______".! _________L_ Ii ), I I' _._ ______~ _Tax"Ti,c:!tei:;s_for, TOwn .of. Vinton, . preparation by. Comm. _of. the _ Rev. -Board .Chairman' s,lett4lr'.__;'___ : i ~ r r i I i ______.J ._.__tQ . ~ClliJl__of. Yi.nte)]l_:requesting _ formal ~greement------_37 ___.._,_.____._____________._...l.________. ___,_____L'l'),~lI1~.~l1tll~r_fo<:>.rd__B,~nding,,&_lns. _letter"forwa."ding_performance.& . payment .bclnd,.foLRCA If:orP.l__ I '. . ' (I: i, re: Sheriff's communications Control Center - 127 ;, _..._~~-~-~_... -'"-- - _. - +. --- .._._-_._~---~_._---_., - -. -_.__..._-----------~,,_._._._---. - '_._+-'-"~-- -,--. i op.en U I, _.______.___.L Thoma$,_Hampton 'sjletter in _reply, to _ De~. .Ray, ,1." Garland's, open letter .,to _Rke.. City Cc?l.lncil~__. , I __._.____ .____re: __Rke._City. Sewage Treatment Plant impro.vements. -----__126 ___._____________________.______.__.___l.__, ._____________J. Treasurer."authorizedto , borrow_up ,to .$1,.000 ,00:9.00. ------164. __. ..___,,______ .____ ,_',___ ._______! '__'.___ ; ~ ___._.__.__'''__,_J "Treasurer's letter of 8/16/71 to member~ of Board re: penalties for late payment of real estate ii , taxes--------- 162 ---~-~----- ...-.-.---- _________'l'rea$~re:r 's. Settlement. for, yellr .ending. June. 30.,.1971, -------- .181.& .182 ___, _____.____.___.,_, 'I Tinker Creek polluti,on, reported by letter oom Mrs. E. E. Wilbourne; Board's reply ---,.- 179 ---'-'- -,--"-,, --,- .----,-. -- "..---.,,-..---, .-.--- ------,-.".,,---.--'''.----- .--", .---TAP----- _____,,____. E 'rAl! _lett.en _ to. Elizabeth. W.. Stokes _ & _ E.. .cabel~ Brand acknowledging, their. reappointments. tql B~.:-!i) .____.__.____ ::_.Treasurer authorized to transfer $10,000.00 from Gen. to Dog Funds, to be transferred back after dog tag sales ------ 195 i , -.. ------ --'drainage -. project.-.----.----.-.-----."------ ___.____l.Turner,_J ._P.__&.Bros., .Inc.'s J:;';'dfor!construction!at Vinton Branch Libra:z;y----- 195 _." ._._ __: D-.----~. Transportation, Neew,,-Study, _NatioIUl.L~.1.972Narrative r.eport-.194 ,.255-..-.------" -----. -----.: -- .... --" _____~_Terlninal__Road"desigIl,ated aB.IUune_for Rte. ,7S3 :-..:----190--.--.--------.......-..------...-,-.--'" -- , ,I Treasurer authorized toborrow $1,500,000.00.:---------233 ,264 ' _~____'_____ ____.___._..n ~ ... I ._..._.....~~_~______n._ "_~". ._.~.. i: l' I _.._,____:__Taxation.of.City.Ow:~ed.Water,Companies.inRoaDoke.Co' .report.of ,COIlllll. .Atty.-203 ,. 228.-",6," --~',",' ".____._, ..-_~: __Taxata.onof.CitYr~~e~ater . Companies ~ ,Rke~ ,Co., .COllllll. of the Revenull.- 203,228,-26Q ---- ( __.______:"Thomas,.M. _So 's/che':k ($5.00) for 1 ewe :killed by dogs, 3oarddirected.saDle be-..- , . " cance11ed--------- 209 " , :. Taxation, State, Dep't.' s response & Co.' s inquiry re:effective date of Co. . s real estate values ____ for 1970 22l ~_Treasurer' s,requestfor, overt,ime ,pay, .227,'.279 I :_ Telecable's,offer t.o.pay 1/5 of cc,st of, consultant's 262 fee & entir.e fee if, awarded catv :ticense-/-' " Treasurer's Office closea for purpose of audit ----- 278 Thomas, M. S. 's li"estock Cl,'lilll/J3211I~s3~5~ Hib~)345 ~ansportation CORmlittee ------- 327 ~easurer's Ac;oun1:S al: vari-ous.Banks -. report of auditor on reconciliation ofl1ame esol,utions chlngl.ng said, accounts from Kathryn F. Garst to Alfred C. __._t.Telecable. corp.__let~er . reaffirming ,thei,;. Will~~gneSs __ to bear, a pro . rata ,share .of,...________. ___ '.. ._____u_____ Ii ' .,.,_1" "_' _.. .L_______._____ consultants I __l:ees re', Co.-wide [CATV ,system--------280____.____.__ . __.___._ __.___ ,_ ___, __".. ___l__'rreasurer~ s __ report of cash, requirements !thru __~2/31/71----:-------280 ___.__m_____,____ ....__,".___ __!__________.. ..____._ i: !! Telephone system at Welfare Dept. 273, 335 I '. __-41>.._ ~ _____... ~_____._. _~___T~_~__ ______~__..___.._.___ _..__._____...___ __,_..__,____.~ _..__...._._.._ :, -_._.,..__~_,_...____.~"'___.__ ._-t Telephone system, .__central for .county .- __! 335 __'__''''. ____ _____.______.___."._________.__.__________,_______._,___L __._..1'.,,__..._ ._____.__ I' I " I _~-.Turner,.J ...P.,,&.Bros.__Inc.. - .co~,tract.f4>r ,sewer:~ine, ext._,at ,library- ,337 ___.,,_____ _'____________. ____ ,_. ...__._______ _._,___:!__. Treasurer's request for additionlll money! for pc?sl:;~e------351 "____. ..... I -".-1--- _____.L'l'h.ornhill, . John _E. .&_ Geneva,-.et alsLre~oningipetition------. 381, __420 ____ .__..u__ _______. ._.__.._____.__ !I TeChnical Products Engineering Co. -- proposed:: contract covering commune at ions equip-383 -- -- - - .".-----. -I .. .. .. -..,.-----,/ ...-......".-. ---.-'.-..--' I: T ' f b d t .1.. 't dl I' d ! !I ," __ reasurer s .copy.o __ \l, ge ,as.s'.....\lU. te : to, Stllte Comp._B ., for .1972-73------400_________,_____: ..__.__.., ,_", II : ii ' , -.. t --:::n::a:o:::S::e:::m & f:::: ::'::e t~ s c:::::::~ y:::~:~~:-:~-: 0 :~~~--.~~~-;:- ~ 3; ~.~ '~~~-:.:-:__- : =:~.'~'--: . : .~:: :- ~~:I ~ I, : !I I, Treasurer's request for extra h~lp fundS - 442 I .-.-t.--. ,. -- - .; ------ [---.--"'----"----.".----..----- ,- ..u" ..---.-----. .---------.u----.-t-.----.--;--.--.. ,I Treasurer's request for additio,~al appropriat!ion to cover salaries & office expenses thru !I ---.-... _.- - - T I .--.! -- --'''--" . _" ,_Trucks ~__ Board' S _desire _to .purc:lase __sam~ thrut Dept. of Purchases and Supply in RiChm01d":,456 ~,__.,,"_, , : TAP" Board of. Directors. - ,reappoir,tment. pf" E. W:.- Stokes. &. E. _ Cabell ..Brand--- ,,461._________.: ___. _____.:: ..,___"".________.__".__.__ current fiscal year -:442 -.-1.- Trapping" foxes. \_ bill. of J. W.Rhodes ----- 460 " ___".~ _ Te.acha.l:-=~"'_laries & School Buses .:.. apprpved-::~~,::~.~467 .. --____.____.1__,__.___... I: I il I . t_~T.~~,_Le.yy__ ------476 'I> _ 487,_ 5141.._5.2. 7.____.____: u,_.-_.,___,,, ______. _ m___._____,.__._.__._________..._____.____+ _______~ _____._ _.. _,.,_'__,_,_,'_".__'__~_ J__T.ermis.Courts_ - .S._R._Draper .to,pave---~4'~0 _ ~._____'" ________. __________.., ,,_________.,_'__.__.._,_.____,,___,,__.' I' " I _._.;.._Tr.e4!lu.rer _authorized. to _s,;gn . agreement Aor, deliltructionof. COI':.ty, bonds _&__coupons-523 ,--_i. .._._"':: .____.______ __._ It Treasurer's Office, Hartford's 1'ecommendal:ions as to securit,: p:cotection ----526 I , . n._=-: __.___. .___'__~~=~I~~ " Ii Tax relief -- result of common disaster .,.- 551;, ..--rTraffic Si;'~l, 419'a;ea -~-'~-ak--;~ove Plaza =i555, 576 ----"--....-.. ----. .-.--- --"- .----.- .--..--.-----.-.- .--_. !i Treasurer of Roanoke County - g:cantee for Edgemeade of Virginia 574 Tickle, Robert B. & Bessie O. - petiti~ to rezone 608 Trailers and Trailer Parks, Amt!nding cod~ -- 612 B i ,-- 1 , Thompson, Jr., Branan - 573 ___...___.__.____._____.____..___._~___.____~_.._. _.___.~._. _ "_"'_'__.__'___U'___U_ ____.__.__~.. _._. I , "---1..-- Ii ," _____._.'j" ,'____-0 __ ____.. 11 _. I I i---,..-.---.-- ! Uniforms (payroll deduction) - 21,39, 70, 115," 127, 152, 165, 183.19,5,212,222, 232" 256,281~ \------'-------.- , 325,350',362,443,'460,498,518 . . : ' !n__u.. _....u ____. UF (United Fund~_payrol1 deduction) -- 70, 115, 0;6~'75;9~9t~2 ~1~8:'5N6, 55~~2 51~7., ~~09, ~1110~ _ 443 ,.460 J II , I~_______,_______..: .U.S. Dept.. of_Army, .Corp. of _Engineem' - _ notice/public _hearing .on_flood ,controlhltudy._.__._"_: : I ! : ~ L---------~ _______for, Peters _Cre,ek_basin _in ,Rke.__ Co.: -----__165.._______ __M' ___._.___.___.____________ .____.__: j,' I' I f----.-.-.- --:, U._S. .Dept.,of Army,.Corp .0f_Engineers' .notice,' of .public.hearing. on ,flood_control.____. .__, I; i I. l___._______'___m______.___study . for . Buff,a.lo.C:reek . Basin ,in_Botetourt Co. u- ,164 _________.__._____., _______._."___."___.,,._,. u.__.__.____. l._.l.____ ____._.2.0. __ S._ Emergency _ Empl,~yment . Act _:::::::.: 188. : ______,!__,____._ ._____ _ _ __.. __.. ,,___. .___.._um_.'_____. .______ , __. _. _ _____. 'Iii ' .. : ii >.-.:::---,---~ Updike,_DavidA..- _alPpointed, to Roanoke. Co. -Planning .Commission.----------- -327 ,,__,____ ",' ,____.l______ ~-.--------.---m.:. U. __ S." Federal_ Power" I:ommissior. . order- .al,lowin9.:;upervisors _ to. intervene in, appli;:ation __6j'__._,: _ I' I, I ,__...:..._._._.___u._~ .u____. Va.. Elec.. &. ?o''''er. Co. _ fe,rperrnit. for proposedproj.. i 2717--------322 _____.._____.: n'm__.__ , , , , I u. S. Federal Power Comm. ord~,r issuing preliminary permits to Va. _ Elec. . & power. Co. _ f~l' ___ __ : _... ,. ----~ -.----- - - -. ~ - . , : i ! projects t 2716 & t2U7 -------361 ,---,-----,.-._-----_.-~._------_. - - ... ,_...---,-. Urban Area Transit Study -----.- 490 I, I " U S A C f' l' h" d 'd 'f' 530 ! Ii , ._, .. ::my. orps 0 EngJ.neers,. reso utJ.o,n aut ,orJ.zJ.ng.an .J.n emnJ. yJ.nS_.----- ._________, .___._.:'._ Ii I I. !-.______._____ M_._.___.___.___.______.__________.__.~____._.' i ,___________..___ M _ _ _.~__.__".__ ___+__..'._,... _ _ .____.___ _._ J---__._____._...___.___.H ____.______ .__n._______.___"_ .___.,____._ _~__.____ . ! ""-..---. ---..---- ... --------..-. -- -..------.--~--.----_____.__.____..____~___.... ___'_'M ___ --.--... --.- ~-- --_....__.~._-- ~---..~. -.-.. '-'--"--'---"-- -.-..---..- _._~_.__.__.._.-., -.----... --...- - D~-=-~==~~---~.~~-=~=.===..-=-.----- ---.- ._-0_______._"_ -- ----_._-~._------_." .-...--.----.,---. -------..--:----.--.-.. .. .._-----,,-~._.- >- ---.---.---... ---.--...- ----_.._--~ ---._--_.__.__._.__..._._...~_._~_-.__.. i I r-.-.- ---.-.- ~ .--.- ,.-----. --.--.----.-- .----------, ---.--..-.-- - , il ,:_------_..._-----~ ---."-.------- ._.__._--~._--_..- --.- - -.--- -.-'- I i ;...--.-.---.,----.------.--.... .".- -'-..--- ---._--~----_._--- -1 =J -_:._._:~_.~.:..~_-~:.=_:~-..__.~__..::-._.__ ~~-----~ II I I' , 1 ._.___._~ vacation, of.Part of.pUblic .utility. easem~nt, ,plat of Brambleton ,Court------24.__.,_________,__,_., ! ,________~ __ ,t I , !: 101 _.__.______________ __~Valley, Land Investment.Co...' ,,5 petition "to .rezone ,.land_on. s.. side ,Rte. 460" e.. of Mec,:a. St.-30"___ , , (121 141 _______._.__~. Vinton .br~hlibrary, __flooding, problem- _,91.,.1~4 ..,.156, ,__195 ________.___._____.__________... _~,_..,___ , ~_Viewer ap'pointed_to view growlds & report to.~ard, on petitions for Rural Roads..to be: ______.~.__. I . , · ____.___.~___._.included _in . Secondary " System. of Hi."hwalr,s-. 73 _._. ._,,___"_._._.____ .____._,_...u,____.' ._,,_.__. !; _____.. q ,: I " __ .______.,_ Va. . Western. COllllllllnity College Board,,-,appointl::lents of WID..S. .,Russell.& Chas. ..L.. Jenning:,;, -~ot__._ --., ,I i: L_.__.____.: _ Va.__Western"CoDlllunity .College.letter _forwarding . news . item .re.disposaLof .refuse _-.38__._1 ___.___ ::______ '-...: Va._Commission_for Children .&,Youth' s _letter. to ,Board Chairman .requesting _assistance. or _,__1:___,_ .1' ". I, I I, I , . - ,s\lggestions, Vinton's ChaDber of " for award,of,Young".I\lIleric~ Commerce Directory - 38 !i I Ii Medals .for. Bravery. & . Service .in 1970--~:;7 ..___..::______ i " , ........__" .___.______ ~. Va. . Education ,Assoc.. Bulletin.. correcting , " Education dated Fed. 1970---38 ; !i I, II , o.E_.--_ ,._____,.. 1'1 , ,certain. figures .in reports_from .State "..Dept. . II ' :, ___.________,~__ Va. __ Science. Museum. Board "of. Trustees '.. Chairman,' s . letter . aCknQwledging, Supervisors ~. s1Jp~,ort-3~ __. . !' I: __. ,_._._._.._._._..~ .Va. _ Industrialized .l~uilding..Ullit & Mobile i~O:'Il":. safety, Regulations __ adopte<:.by __ Stat,;: Corp. _ Co~.38 I! i i' il ---------,--.-.---,- Va. __Suppl.emental.Re'l::i:ement ' System, (Rke. .Co.) ,..report of Actuary,<<ihruJune-30, 1969-.113 ----, ,,--- ~ I ' I ! : .__._._,~.. Viewex,Reports., on..v,iewing.grounds .on, petitions. for . RUJlal ,Roads.. to.De.included ,:in, Sec. ,System:_..__. " i !: I ______,___..__________~ __.__. of . Highways ..,.-- .125..._____.. _. ..,_ _ ..."'__.,,.___~ ____....,,___.." ___.__.,,_______._m______' __..,__._.___._._...___,__.,:_.______.~,.--.--.- ii Va. Commission of G,ame & Inland Fisheries, easement allowing Co. to build & operate 2-WilY radio --------.-----~-. ,- - -. ,- ,. -- - ... . - -,.., 'T" -- ____________J_____ base __transmitter.. & . receil.>er_ on, Havens ..Wildlife Management. Area, in. Rke... Co...__14~, 178.L2:U Ii Va. Elec. & Power Ce)., proposed construction of hydroelectric dam in Rke. co.----l63 II _______._._.../.__ __ ---------__.0.- _ _ . _._ _ . . _._...__._.~".."..___ _.__._~.Va."'Chamb~r of .CollUDerce, __membership .for :71-721------178., ..599 _________.__.__,_______._ " ___"'___,__~..Va. _ ~loymell,t. .c.o,mmission __ report. on, Manp.ower __ ~view----- ,,180_______.__. __"''', ______, ,_____..______ ______. ..._.___. ;j , I' , I' ______1 ' ya.._ E:iec~ric. &. Pow~l:""Co.,', s. '!pplication _.i.:or.1?umpted . storage .proj . _ at Poor Mt.. ,. County CClmm. .__': _ __,_. ~ : I i! ---:J---.--------- .-~.- .___Atty.s letter to Federal Power C;ommission..of.Co...intervention--:--_178 "._._____.____ I' __._.__.n"'__._~ ___Vinton, Library c1rainage.. construction ,pr~ject ::-__91 ,144, .156, .195,__226. ,.,.,--------..."--,---"""..------.-j,-----. Va. Assoc. ,of Co.'s Constitutional amendment---- 191 11 11_> I" ,!' ! II'" ~; '; " " ~.: . .;. I _._._.______"_____. ,__, Va. oiv. of Forestry report on. fiscal matters for 1970-71 between State & Co. -194 'I Resolution, i ._"..__.,___._____.___,____.Vinton_Town.Counci.l's/. .506 reo naming:new ele:7lentary ,school on Hardy Rd. Guy,L..Gearhart-1S\7_____ Ii' ,: J; -.,,--.----.-.-----~ .-- Virginia. Criminal. __ Information. Network, ,authorization for Sheriff to sign 1 !j . . '. . ! f-'_".__.__u.,______.part:Lc:Lpat:Lon 1.n.same.------. 20l,.. __.,,____.,,_________...____._,,_ ."'____.______"_,,. I ' I ____ _________: ._Va. .As,soc. _ of'__Co~,ties. Annual,.Meeting- .Supervisors-elect' s expenses, to meeting to be, paid.by .___. , " 1, t' ~ 1: app :Lea :Lon" ',,01: ".---.c".-- il i 1: 0_-'.....0...- . _,_~._____, _. _._....__._._ . . ,____._______.________._.Co. -----.20"'.________._. . _n._. _.____._ __. __ ".__. Voting Machines, Shoup - 206, 596, 600 I -_._----_._-----_..~~--- --.... "jJ I 1--__._____________ --- ~.__vinton _ Chamber, of _ COIllIllerce' S request. for _ cont;ribution to, Christmas Promotion, Program-;",09 l_________.__._ :,_ Va. _ Assoc. _ of Counties Bulletin re: __ reejional 'meetings. on legi!slati ve program. for, 19 n,l 210 l~l--.-------- - ___L_. Va.. Industrialized Building Law _ Information B,ulletin 5-il extending effective date _ ,.. i I Ji , 1._'-_________.;._______ of _Bldg..Un:L'~ ,& . Mobile Home Safety,Regulations from .9/1/71 to. 1/1/72----,210. -----.... '._________,_"...,.__:__ Vinton,. Town of-,position,favoring.that the. 2., sewerage. treatment plants ,i.n Valley <Ie ,[ t l_!,' " n :~ ",[ i'---~------'-:--"----' owned, by __a.rElgiDnal. authority _or .~ommis~ion, ------ ,211. ,,-. --n" ______.___.~___virginia"Western,Community c:ollege,-,contrib~ion~-_~_230" "',' I-.-b --------,-----.. - .:... Veterans, Administ:cation HOSi'ital.,. excess land (39 A) ~correspondence ! ' Board Chairman, & Director of Hospital- Recrea~ion Dept. I Va. Assoc. of Counties summary of State, ,legis,lation affecting ,Co. governmEmt (9/30/71~- .....m '., I between 2 ---230,-2T5-, 257 ../ " i. . " Va. Farm Bureau Federation's letter commenting on recent State Legislation dealing with m___,__ taxation. of _ undeveloped real, estate--------231 Vicious Dogs Ordinance, ----,246, 263 Vacation of,portion of Cook Road - 248:0 283 Vacation oLutility easemer.lts, Arrl>w Wood,. Fairway VilL~ge Apartments-249, 281 , .n. : ___Virginia Citizens, Planning Associa tion-:-------:----232 .. .~ '" . i : __. Virginia 'I , , Assoc.,lf Countie>:,. membership -265.. . ," .~, .~ I " ~_._ ~ Vacation. of. Utility. Easements _ upon. parcel A .&. B, __ West View Terrace,. Gilberts '. petition-,Jla ,359 ____ 'j i: I i: !.____~ Va..Elec.__'.Powerco.'s.application for.permit.:for proposed proj. .,2717." U.S.--Federall-------.,,----.--.-... ! Ii der " l d f:: , . ,____..._.,.___.___..Power.CClIIIIIL._or .p=tt1ng.Bo..r.o, Superv1sors -to.J.ntervene-------322__._.,,' .".--._ "." i i~ 'I f.__L'va. _,Assoc.. of _Counties_memowith.attach.~.copy.. of .proposed. legislative, program-1972-281) __.____.::_____.._____.__.__..__ I i; I II ._._.t. VirginiAir . Bulletin . ----- .323_.___________: ._. _____1_._____,____._____. _m._.'_____...__...__ ______u._,.__.._.. ____.____.._~._ [_ _.J_:va.cation, of. .,mdeveloped portion _ of Meri~O .Dri '!8. shown on map ,G'f ,. SEC. ,_ 6 Sugar . Loaf Est.; 331.39:4____.. _____.___ t__...J.VintonFireDepartment~s.reqUestfor.tr*.ck---~ .__344"'.__.. ,., ,-..,....-- 1....___:, ---1.-. ____J__virginia .Western _ Communi ty CClllege _ budg~t ,req1.'est ---~-340.. _._. ..,____ .____."..: ...., I' i f-.t- Va~atio", of ..portion ,of . Denisl!, Circle, .r.~lclar~_corp. ,_ ------343, 393 _.___.__" ___.._._.__..__ __.. _', ._,,___.._______ __.__...__.____ i___.f___Vinton _ Chamber .of. Commerce, m'~mberShiP--~--361~ .._.,,_____.__..___...__.m.__ ,..-.-1 ,-. ";i "..--.-..".--..-.--- I __.__.L_ Vinton's .lett;er .naming.appointee. to .~oipj: "lan$ifiU. committee-- .386._______.,_,,_..._,_,_______.! -- - __._:"._..._____.___1__.._ , . ,_ I i i II! ! ~ ! ____L _ Virginia.Baptist.Poundation, . Incorporat,ed .-..petition. to..rezone.land W.. of. Peters Creek ,Rd. -397,-- .."--,, ,,--, .- ..____~._ Vinton. First Aid Crew , . Inc. ..::_Highway_ Sllfety .froject r,rant-=--:-_::::::::414._._...__.._._._.._~8.1' _5~_6. ::.u,,_ ___.____.,,__.____ Ii, i Ii I :' h--.-J .__VPI. Extension Agents. freeus'~ ,of" Civic, penterr---- _ 440 _,,,.____,__ __..____.._.__ ..___.. ..__ ___.."._.__ :!__.u.____ __.___._ Ii Voting Piace,',changes - East Vinton -,4159 - r~advertised 8-25"72 and 9-1-72 (see 5-n!minutes) ---r--- . -- .- ~ .- .... j ---- r -.. - -. - - --: ~ --. .--...-,----,--~--..- ___J_Vo.ti"'9'_Place .change. - MOUl!t.Pleasant_P3jecinct..--. 470:::-readvertised. 8-25-72 _ &.9-1-72__(s+e _ 5::7t mir:utes) _______ _ __~-voting Place ,Change.- Windsor .Hills. Ui!-----.l,'71.__ -- readvertised 8-25-72 &.8-1-72 . (se'r 5-72~ ,mir,utes) I! Valley Land Investment Company, application fjpr planned unit development ---525 I ,1 -....----77'.- '.' .' -- .- -- '._--" __"____._._._i" -"0". .._.__._._~._.._..__._,..'O."...__~__..___ --..------...-.--....-.--..--.--, -.- .--.f.~--.--._.---_.-'-_...... ---J- Virginia. Byways ,. or _ Scenic _ Hi';Jhways, deS~rabiH,ty..Of _d~s.i9ll~.:~.'.'g _-:-_~:~_~o_Il1lIl:..<:l....!~_c::~:+~,'1_:::! 5.~~_.___.n_____ ~ . . , . I I !I Vac.,tion of certain telephonl! and electl:ic ealSements -- 529, 558, 603 I ,I ___......__._ ____ .. 0 _ ~.. ~o__ 0 ._.__.__.O_.._O______~.__I...__._...._u._.___...___._._.______ :1 Vinton Parks & Recreation, rEquest for reimbursement of cost lights "'softball field ;- 548,11571 , : ~ I __..__....._______._______n_ ___~_______ _________ ___.____________________ ___ ___I ________ __.. .______._ ___.____.__ ....______n.____.__..____. _____,___ __._ ._~.._._...__.___.____._.. __.__ .. II vac'ation of portion of plat Red Lane A%'~a - (Waldrop) -- 564 , -~-v~a~~~;~~.a,bl:__~ision :J~c. _ ~~. 582 _.__ _____.: ._~.~, ~ ___ _~=~___ _..~~.~=._.=_~~-~==-.=_.=_-::-=~=] ==.j.~_~~.~~==---= " " " I _______I Vic.. chairman's. signature, vaJ.idity of .-;- . 582. [,,_, ...___.. .u.__ ___.m..___. ,___,____,________._, __.,_.,,___.___ ___J ~'.':i~~, ._1!.:.~.arrl~l_l_:::..!ppoint<<'d to Induntrial Development Aut~c>:~ty - 611__._ _...1___".. _ i !'i , ' '---1.--."..-.'- I 'i . . ii 11 ji ___.0__..10_ __ ___.._._. __ ~_.._o~__ ____._ _. __ _.__ .___. '__ " !: I i ---!- ----~. - _.___.___________._:.wrigbt,. Norman. T." FranklinW..ii. Ramona ,A.-.Re~oning petition- NE corner Rte. 419 & __._____ _.__._,__ _..___ _____.__..__ "'__.____.J ".____, .___Cresc'~ntlleights . Blvd.. fronting 91".61 on. N. side, Rte.. 419"and extending back, alon9 ;! ~ i __________,.: ,__._______ the .E._ side.of Crescent, Heights, Blyd.. 149.07'. -------28.__. .___._,___.____.__._____,_____.____._ II " . , ----.-------_: -- Woody I .Irving ,). 's. petitior:, withdrawn. to .rezo~e ,property .on w.. side. Rte. _115-.92,___,__"., : .__. __ c--.--- Ii I. _______.___.___.__.J_Ward's . Mobile lIome Sales of Rke., Inc. ~. special use permJ.t - 26 , -..-. . ,--.----,,----.. --.----.--- ---.- --..-----...'-. --.--. .-....t'-.....- "--. , , , _,__ ___.__.______._ :_Woodford, .l?emald. L. et els _ - . petition f9r inc~ us ion . in , Secondary. System of, Highw;~ys , an! _,_._ L____ 1-1 " __! "'______.___.__J,_______. unnilll,ed road . from Rte.. 622"w..o. 3; mi.. to., DE. (Cat. Magisterial_Dist. ) -73.__._". ,__.____.,__,,___._ __'-1._.______1.. Woody, Oliver S.' s a1=,pointment to Fifth! Planning Dist. Commission __-:=::::40_____,.__,__.___._.,__, . .. , ____.______._ _ : ,_Webb, _ Ambler. W. . sappointment _to. Roanok~ Co. . Highway . Safety Commission" -----94 ,_______! .._ ____i;_______ ii II _.______.___i_Welfare_Dept._.annu.Il,bl.iget,. as. approved by,State-.21.--.---. ._._.,__'. ,_..__ .______________ II ..... :1 Welfare Board, Rke. Co. - resignation of R. Franklin Hough, Jr.- " ---j r--.---~. , -..- .--- " ;" .; . ".__.n_. ----------.., "I L._____._.___.___.~__Welfare, Board, ,.Rke. ,_co. __ -,appointment. of Rev. ~ John, W.. FOX--,_165 __.________._____'_'____.._______" ._..___. J ,.__ I' , , !I ____.__._._______J__. Wilbourne" MrS._E. ,E. 's letter .&.Bd~_ Chairman's reply .reLreportedTinker.C1:'. .polluti~:l-179 :__.____ Welfare, local dept!s. estimated expellditlilres for current budget items too low, :melllCl" from ': . - --~._,_.__..._- ..-. ..~,. -~..------_.. -----._--,--- ..-.....,- .. ... ---. ------'.... ..."--".~.- I _______.__.____ _, _._ ~ ___.__.___ Co. _Welfare,l:lept. _ to _ Bd.,supervis~rs & _Salem City Council with accompanyin9, memo from ,i ____ .____.___. ~ __, _______ State Dept. c,f Welfare & Institt:ti.ons ___ _ ~ ___ __ __._ ._ _.. __.___,,_. _,_. ____'___.________________.,_._. 'I ' .-_____._______: . Weaver . Road ,established. to bE'.made.part. of, State . Secondary System, ------l90__,,__,_,~__._,__""'__, _______._"__,,.__~. Waterproofing _ foundation, walls. to preveI;1t .infiltration, of sewer lines-, letter__ of. Bldg. ~ Inspc~r. &_ , I i! ___._.___.__..: _____._,,__ Rke.,_ Co. "PublicServ..Authority -:---- ,191..,_. ,. ____, ,,__.__. ___.___h___.__._.__.____. i: : ,; , Ii : .Water,_&_Damp_proofing_ -,Amendment_to_Rke..Co. ~Code ..--..---201.&.242.----.--._.__.___.._.___: __n'___.'. _,__ i: .. . rill ) ---~------ .", WDBJ-!rV .editori.al, rel"annexatJ.on-------211.--- ._____________,____..___,,_._~____. ."._____,__________",_, _,_.__,.,____._. !i ' II --------.Webb,-Ambler'W. ,s_r'eappointlI!entto.Rke.. Co., Highway Safety COIWllission------213._._.__:__.___ ;_____ ;; . : II I J! __.__,______:_Welf~e .&..Instituti,ons,. State_Dept._of-: meeting .atLakeview ,!1otor .Lodgeon.U/l6/71,re.;_ ___.:____ ,,_______~ _________plan_for .adlllinistration" of _state, fundi~g, of. Va._Public ,Welfare------231_____________ '" .___.!,!.--. U '. I' I ! _,___._,,_____: _.Welfare, Board, membE,rship. - . request " of ,We1- Board" to, increase membership, from 3 to _5. -",:..254 .}266. iJ j' !i ___ ____.____.._~___Welfare,& .Institut:lons,_State_Dept.',s",letter :,re:__ .increase of State reimbursement of.l!onfed~ral _____,,____, ,_ _____ ,__" __.___.___.u, share. of as:3istance payments in, old i ____ ___.__.________. . ___.___ _.' nently. & to'tally, disabled, ------:255 Welfare Dept' s tel'~phone system - 273 ,: 335 .- age. assistance, aid to dependent ;1 .children,& .Fer~-_.. I Ii ." -- --'-"--'.-----'.'.".'fJ'-.--- !i Welfare Board-appointment of A. T. Huddleston as citizen member, 285,288 ---.--.---.----..-- .~ ._- Welfare Board-appointment of C. Lawrence. Dods.on as Supervisors~. representative 292 11 - .- _.. ---,. ,_.~~-.. _.-,.- I :___waldrop, _ L. _ S.'. Chairman. of. Services-Properti,es. Negotiating. Committee---- ,294_"" " ______,_.._,._._u.___ :.__ Wilson,. Bayes, _ appointed. to " " " " == 294 ------- 326 __.__,__ _______.____.____Waldrop, L. S. appointed to Sewer Contracting Negotiatirg Committee Windsor Hills Civ:Lc Leagues letter of good. wishes to new Supervisors-----332 , .__, ". _u__.. L.. -c~ ------.----.: '''- Wilclare .corporation,. vacation ..of portion _ ot,' Denise. CirCle, plat _ of. La Bellevue::-_ 34:1" 39~:" .W _.__,___.______:__. Welfare Dept. '5. rf~port. to Governor & ,Assembly as to fW1ding & state administration . of Title. ___u,,_ i 'I 63.1 of Code of Va. ------348 . ! Woody, O. S<s re'iignation from 5th Pl. Dist. Comm. 349 __ __ _ __ _ _.: ____ Welfare .Bd. __ (Counl:y)) honoring Nargaret Malley ----. 383 n @____________ ." ~ ___. Waiver of notice of Special Meetings - 370, 373 . ,! Windsor Hills Civic: League's resolution calling for efficiency & economy in gov. & :, no further tax increases---447 __ West Vinton Precinct - Boundary changes - 469 __.Windsor .Hills, No.. 1 precinct, - voting place.. change-:----- 471 \'/elfare Dept - request for new station wagon----473, 488 Welfare & Institutions, Dep.t. of - letter to"S~iff re: incident ir. County Jail-474 Waldrop, L. S.'s reappointment to Public Servo Authority ---- 503 Westward .Lake Dame, .request for repairs or, to drain __ 525' 548 ' 594 __._,_~elfare Board, Mrs. C. L., Gregson reappointed, to --- 533 :1 Waldrop, L. S. & Harriet, .vacation.of;porti~n of .__...~~~l,:_:_~i~c_e~~..:-_I!'lOOd insurance -- 595.__L plat, Red Lane area --564 .; -- Western Virginia Bureau of Forensic Science 609 Ii , .- ,-""-~. F .-r-------- I .u.! .__.... ___,;. _______._ .___ ,__ _'__ n..___..__..._____._.~__....h~__. __ . .-.1-- ii .. ----------------..-----.. --_. --.----.-----... -----1- .---.--. - " _._-------_._~_.._'--- ._---~._._-_.- Ii " --~ ----+--._----------_..- " !( --. ---~_.__.-_._-----------_.---,--_._----. ----- .. --..---- ----_._--------~.-.------- i ,-------------\ .1_.._+___:: .- \' I ___-L___"~__,_,__ .~_._.________..___'_.._ -----.--.~ -,'------" - ---- " t I' I' .-.-.-----------.- .-.~._--;. .I. ..1.-. ii f~---....-.---'". --- --- -..-.-_..___0."__'-- ._'_'n. \' ,I ~ ------ ---- L. Ii H II I, " ._._...___0_....__._________.__..._____. ._"'_'_"___ .____._~._..__..._ :. --- ---...--.- - ... '--'- 2 -I , 1 I I I , p= . _.-=~=.~~~~~~~ r~=-'--c:--'C-'"=--'--'-''''=-'--;'"''''- -~-;O.-=,-;=_-;~:;"'-;"'.'.""',. "","",'.'CO : _ '. ~"-"-=~=.=- i , , , $'26/71 -- ~-~ ~-_--c;;--- ~ ~~_~_._.=-::"'-=-._-=-_"",_+; , Ii :, " II II II 'I i! il " ii <I I' Corporation and C. F. Kellam, District Engineer, Va. Dept. of Highways in regard !I II I' ,I II The foregoing resolution was adopted sUbject to the condition that Smith's Transfer Corporation guarantee in writing to the County that it will undertake to discharge the county's obligations in this matter. Mr. R. S. Kime, Attorney, appeared to represent Smith's Transfer Corp. copies of correspondence between R. R. Smith, President of Smith's Transfer to the said access road is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: COUNTY ORDINANCE REQUIRING NECESSARY INSURANCE FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC AT PLACES OF FUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT public. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Chairman of the Bo,ud of II :1 'I :1 'I II 11 " :! '; " I' II II 'I 'I !I Ii ;1 II I' ii ii I! II I " Ii Supervisors be authorized to appoint a committee to consider the adoption of a County ordinance requiring persons who need a County license to conduct plwlic entertainment to carry liability and other insurance for the protection of the Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the , following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. . On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the una,nimous vote of the Board members, a written report by the County Engineer dated May 25, 1971 on the following sUbjects was this day received and filed: (1) indiscriminate dumping (2) County requirements as to ins~~ance covering pUblic entertainment (3) National Flood Insurance Program (4) Roof repairs & air conditioning at Salem Roanoke Valley Civic Center (4) grading for headquarters library building (5) addition to Co. jail building to house communications facilities, etc. (6)bid for communications equipment (7) Boy Scouts clean-up campaign. i. i: I " 1 I , , I, I 1: The Commonwealth's Attorney was requested to prepare for the Board's consideration a resolution expressing their concern to the N & W Railway Company that every effort be made to prevent any further fires caused by sparks from N & W engines by keeping the right of w,~y cut properly and by maintaining spark arrestors on their engines. v IN RE: PREPARATION OF TAX TICKl,TS FOR TOWN OF VINTON Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors write a letter to the Hayor of the Town of Vinton suggestin, that a formal agreement be prepared to cover work performed on behalf of the Town of Vinton in the office ~f the County Commissioner of the Revenue. Supervisor Joseph C Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the ':..="-"..c.-_cl "'-=_""-'-'".'C--=:"c-=-'''''=-_'~-'------''-'- I I I I I 4 5/26/71 c.;;~~, .~.~, -;;,~~:=~~: ~~~',~~~~;~~-~-~~~~::'::;',-=--~~-~-.:::::c;,::';:~'::"'_ ::~~~:,;~:;~,:~~:=::",::-,,",',;"';.:;: :=._''-::-":-;;-..-.:::c=:;.:~;-:::_:;.:_;;;,::;=::;. --::;:;:-=:_:";::'--::;'::.;='~~_;:;;:;;,.:.::-;-~_-_;'--::,:::; ';'';;:::';;:..:': I Connections in the Roanoke Valley" by Lee B. Eddy Chairman, Roanoke County , i i Board of Supervisors, on May 24, 1971, was this day received and filed. Ii 'I I, I' :1 Ii 'I :i !i I' ,I , " " Ii II I I i I II " !I " " ;: 11 i! ii Ii occasions expressed it:; desire i:o cooperate with Roanoke City and other political :1 I, " Ii I' Ii " Ji ,. A RESOLUTION EXPRESSIi>iG THE WILLIl(GNESS AND DESIRE OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO PAY AN EQUITABLE SHARE OF THE COSTS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF REGIONAL SEWAGE TRANSPORTATION AND TREATMENT FACILITIES WHEREAS, most of the sanitary sewage originating in Roanoke County is i' , presently delivered to facilities of the City of Roanoke for transportation and j I " i I treatment under terms ,~f a contract which was originated in 1954 and has been amended from time to time, said contract due to terminate in 1981, and WHEREAS, the R()anoke C01JJ1ty Board of Supervisors has on many previous jurisdictions in providing and financing public services which lend themselves to an area-wide approach, specifically including sanitary sewage transportation I: I: and treatment, and i I i WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors has recently expressed its general approval of the draft of the Interim Sewer~,ge Plan as prepared by the Fifth Planning Oistrict Commission and has expressed its strong approval of i " i I i i , I !; I' , , I ! the recommended means for implementing the plan through cooperative agreement of the affected political Subdi.;oi,sions, and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors believes that County residents have a clear obligation to pay, through the appropriate local govel~- mental agency, an equitable share of the overall costs associated with the transportation and treatment of sewage flows originating in the County, and WHEREAS,' the Roanoke County BOi:!,rd of Supervisors and Roanoke County Public Service Authori~{ have publicly and privately expressed this position on i: I , I i " j I , ! numerous previous occasions along with the corollary position that any ass'ociated a9reements should provide firm, long-term assurUIlces that sanitary sewer transportation and treatment services would be made available to any and all additional County s'lrvice areas as they become ecor.omically feasible, I: , I , I, i, NOW, THEREFORE,,, BE IT RESOLVED that the :Roanoke County Board of Super- Ii II ii equitable share ,of the c:osts rela'ted to the constru-:tion, maintenance and opera- ,! visors does hereby rest/lte its willingnes,; and desire to pay a fair and tion of those sewage trclIlsportati,on and treatment systems as are necessary and adequate for the health, safety and welfare of the Roanoke Valley area and downstream waters so long as any ~celated agreements guarantee long-term availa- bility of service for pI'esent and future sewage flows originating in Roanoke County, and FuRTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors respectfully and earnestly requesj:s an opportur.ity to resume discussions with representatives of the g'overning bodies of Roanoke, Salem, Vinton and Botetourt County leading to the effectuation of the princ~Fles expressed in this resolu- tion and that for this ~urpose copies of the resolution be transmitted to the respective clerks of the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, the Town of Vinton and the County of Botetourt, and I I Ii Ii I I, II II :1 II , II Ii " Ii ,! !! :1 " II :1 ii 'I ;i i! I I I 6 i " \,/V~ \ -' "(;> ! ~; J"'Q' .( l ~~;~ Ii'\) tu,) . +- > C .1 qc~,1f\N'Ull. I '1~, I .\ I I' I " , ! / ..,\ , ~X ~ I: .~ ~~;, tfi~,\ vi,'. 'Yh.' : C/\ i 5/26/71 .... -..---- -.- ~--_.._----_.._._- -.... "..--.-....--....-...-..--.-.- .-,---- . +-~-",'---'----' .---.--.---- ----_._--_._-~------,--_._--~------_.._._------_._._------- - .. _"_'_ - _____..__ ....__ - __.__~ ,_.' ._.._ _"'_".___'_" __.____________ __ ___._______.__..'..,_.__"__ _"''-' ___'u_ ___._____._.__._+_~ i / i: IN:RE: , I :REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN TIlE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGItUA ) ) ) ) , ORDER THIS DAY, came LEONA M. HAYMAKER and DON E. HAYMAKER, her husband, and requested leave to file a petition relative to rezoning the property described more fully in said petition. NOW, THEREFO:RE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of I I, its Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the said petitioT be, and i I I I I , i , the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the zoning as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby delivered to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the Ordinances of said County and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shal.lll " , 'I II forthwith set the same down fo~ a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board and that notice the:ceof be given by the said ! Clerk, by publication in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia,! "I ! " II II and any Ordinances of the COlmty. ~~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution iU1o. order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of the Board to Paul B. Ii II II !I !I 'I .1 II I, 'I I, " Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County on motion of Supervlsor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas. AYES: All NAYS: None. IN:RE: CLOSING OF A PORTI0N OF CHELSEA S.rREET ) IN SOUTHWOODS SUBDIVISION ) ORDER This day came DonaJdR. Misura, et ux, and Charles R. Manning, et ux, and i I: tendered a~ition for the closing of Chelsea Street, as shown on the plat of I: r I: r !: Southwoods, which plat is recorded in Plat Book 6, page 1, in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia: WHEREUPON, on mo~ion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, it is ordered that said petition be referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for study and recommendation: and when said Planning commission has reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as herein directed, t~on receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the matter down for a public hearing at the next permissible : regular or special meeting of this Board: and ., BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that a certifed copy of this resolution I ;1 :' and order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Roanoke County Planrling Commission. Adopted by the following, recorded vote, AYES: All NAYS: None. " II I! II I, " II " ;1 I, " II :) II I ji i ~ i: ,I !I 'I 'I Ii " 'I I I: , I I " II " I il il 'I h il " ., II ;1 j: i' I N " " Ii I, I ,.; !. : q', . .. . ~ ", i ." .Iii, \. . ,;.:. l . . ',l' , I I 1,1 ,BEGINNING at Virgi ia RO~ie 221 at i ts~nter,sec.~,~on with Coloni<\.l Avenue; ,thence w tit colfnial Avenue in a,n eas:te:~~y di~e~- tion to i ts inte~section '''"Hill. Pen" l'or';~tBoule~ard (shate":Se~ondary Route 687), ~hende withP~:,ri'F:brr"'stBoulevard in'~n east~rly. di~ect{lon to its interseCl+n. w~th RF~n~ka,r?t"rke;'Ro~d; the~ce wi~r Roanoke,,- . Starkey Road, (011 R,;,ute 4'1'9l ~n r southerly d~rect~on 'to"Sta~e Second- I \ .(L II . < ' I. ary Route 613,at Strrkey, .~hence wi~h Route 613 ~n a no~therlY , , 1 direct~on to RtuTe 897 (old Route, 419); thence with Route 89?',in a westerlyidirecti9n to Route 1221, thenc.e ~ithR'oute '221) in a northfr'lv direction to the Iplace of" B1:;GINN~NG,'. , (, . Bent Mountain Precinct ~,rema.in" the , , same). , .. (),<L<len PreCinct ~undaries redef~ne~ follows) BEGINNING at the intersectio'n of Br"a'mbleton l',;ifnu~ at the " (I' southwest corpqrate tine of the ,Ci,ty of Roanoke; thenc!, with the.' I " southwest co;por~te, ,line of the ltit;; ~'fRolanOk,e to t,hfe'rterseCl:IOri of gtar~ey Road ,and Frank.lin R9~d (Route 220)';' the~ce Ith Starke':' " Roadi: in a southwester.1Y.:directio:n to Penn ~~rest BOu~ V,aid n~:ou'te .6B7)' j ~ I '. . . ! ' thence wi ~h Rout,r 687 in ~ we~t~riy direction to .colodiai P.ven~c; I' ,. 'I ", thence Wi th Colopia'l Avenl!e in, westerly direotion t Route 221'i' '_ II" " '- l) thence With'l'utF 241" th~, 'old ocation,... in a nortjl;a terlv direction: to t:oe Plac;e.ofl B. EmNNING. ' ".,. I S~~___4:. fI'he secretary 0.; the, electoral beard,tal-l netily ("- by 'mail no. later: than fifteen dlys prier to. .the nex,t '~ener~L ,13peciall , j I. I 1 or primary. elect:ion -a-ll~egi.ste~ed vO.t,ers whose"p~ecinc.t and/qr ..... "e11ing o~ac~, has been ch~n'ged,t; t'he provisions of this erdinance. , j . I i ~~e-,-_2: Should any ,sectien er prevision of tl'lis ,erdinance be . ",; I) -' , dedided to. be invadd';~ unc~n~fit'~tiOnal' '. such deci.',;.i;pn'shall. ri~t . affect the validity or constitutionality ef any other s~chonri'and provision' of thiS ordinance:-, I", ":'.., ~_ec. .i.:. "This o.rdinan~~ i9~1l be in ,'full force, and', qffect uoonJuly L 1971." il_ , A map showing' the pro~os~dnew \p~ecincts 3vailablc for Vi~Wing in 't~e I of~ice of the, 13. Matt~ews,.Rocim 5,'i';'_ koaheke County . I I . j, . I I .1 I j l.; i I> 'and vO,:ti'ng. 'pJ..~'ce~ is. , "i - ". co'untYEnJi;'1e~'" Mi:';Paul~ '. f ',' ,__ Courthous , Salem, Vir~~ia. ~"""'-' , ~ .: I 'j<-- . I , ,;1 '. '-'~ , ',V I '. .,' . I , " . ", ." 'OJ:)' , 'I "Jj I I l I ~ '. I, I " , i .'. I . 'I ,', . 'n . " , ,:," I , . . ) !: :! " , " ':, .J- ',' ',J,-" r : 20 I I I I I ~". ". ,_. . =-""'----==~-=-::-.:-=,,::::..-=: I 5/26/71 . _ ~:.':"""'O~:-c:"-,-==~.-=-~_.=.,.==~'-.--o-.,.=-C~_'=-~-=,,".c'='-"""=-O=",,-~.c:-~:"-.==-=-_",,-.~_-:=""""'.'O"'''___ ------=c=:.:.'-7.".:;--=--=---"'==--=-.,."'_-,",_==--=.=..:o-=---;-_-==_"o-::-_o=;-~, --.,...".-'-~=-~==~..:=~o-=.'-=-~,.-_-;-=:-_---,-___-~"""_=,;,,..:;,"--,-. ,.-c_~__''''':=_-_'''_~__""__""",, :C-::C;OO'" ___--- - - -- - - -----~ --_ _-=-"' -_-:'"_"-=-_,"".-"'~'c,-,-_:"_cc-.:",,--::=-.,..__",,,- , I I I , I il II Ii I' II I' .' II 'I I' II " Ii , 'I Ii Alleghany-Botetourt-Clifton Forge-Covington Heai~h il 'i :1 " ., " !I II '! " il II II il II !, II II i' ,I Ii II II " 'I " II Ii In regard to a letter dated May 5, 1971, from Dr. John w. Yost, Chairman the Roanoke County Air Pollution Advisory & Appeal Board outlining problems created by the Board of Supervisors' resolution of April 22, 1970 regarding burning of "leaves and other natural accumul;~tion" on private property, " :1 Supervisor: A. T. Huddleston moved that th.e Chairman of 'the Board of Supervisors be authori.."d to appoint a committe to include the Chairmal1 of the Boa,rd of Supervisors, tb" I I. ;, I: Air Pollution Advisory & Appeal Board for the purpose of reviewing the proJlem CommonwI!alth's Attorney and Executive Office:r, to meet with the County's and making recommendations back to this Board. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried hy unanimous vote. A letter dated May 11, 1971 from State Dept..,of Health to Board Chairman recommending consolidation of the District with the Craig-Roanoke-Salem Health District and advising of a meeting " in this regard On 11ay 27, 1971 at the Roanoke County Health Center, Salem, Va., is filed wit~ the minutes of this meeting. The County Executive Officer was requesteD &0 attend this meeting. 1 i i I I I I: , I II i " " " , , I i I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members, a letter dated May 19, 1971, from Roanoke Cablevision, Inc~ffering additional information on its application for permit to operate CATV in Roanoke Co., was this day received and filed. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the letter dated May 14, 1971, from Mr. John E. Cox, sUbmitting his resignation as a member of the Roanoke County Highway Safety Co!t1lllittee, be received .md filed with regret, and that the Chairman of this Board be authorized to wcite a letter to Mr. Cox expressing t11e Board's appreciation for his servi~e in this capacity. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following items were this day received and filed: Letter ,: dated 5/17/71 addressed to Board Chairman from local Program Director of Boy Scouts requesting designation of pick-up stations near " Roanoke River that the Scouts can take trash to on June 5, "Scouting! Keep America Beautiful Day." II i! .; of letter dated 5/14/71 from Cata~ba Sanatorium to State Office of Gerontology Planning, accompanied by, forms related to the geriatric patient rehabilitation. prqjact being conducted there. Copy Letter dated 5/10/71 to E:l.fecutive Officer from Salem City Manager accompar,ied by material related to roof at Civic Center od !I I II '. I I I I I 5/26/71 ="~",---",-,-,.=.,-. -,-'-.,,:,:;..-'-..''-.;.;--''---'.-.__-_'''-..,._~_=__,=,'___=,__O;'''__',__=,c.,. _ "'-.'.~CC: Copy of annual budget for Welfare Dept. as approved by the State; Report of Auditor of PUblic Accounts on comparative cost of county government for the year ended June 30, 1969; "' Statement of office & travel expenses in,curred by Sheriff & Deputies in April 19711 Letter of 5/12/71 from Roanoke City CleI'k to Clerk, Board of Supervisors in re: disposition of Supervisors I'esolution expressing general approval of a draft of the Interim Sewerage Plan for the Fifth Planning District Commi,ssion; Letter of 5/12/71 from Roanoke City CleI'k to Clerk, Board of Supervisors in re: disposition of Supervisors I'esolution expressing wiJ.lingness and continuing desire to work for providing governmental services on regional basisl ~ ii Letter of 5/11/71 from Roanoke City CleI,k to Board Chairman in reo disposi-'. tion of Board Chairman's letter re~larding proposed State ban on new ,/ sewer connections i Ii Ii ii Letter of 5/7/71 from Roanoke Valley Cha~er of Commerce to Board Chairman setting forth Chamber's position on. annexation as expressed during ;./ recent annexation trial; ii II ,,' Copy of letter dated 5/13/71 from Harve~' S. Lutins to Salem City Manager offering tract of land for sale fOI' elementary school; 21. " " , I ii !I !! , !/ Ii ij II a!: " " Letter from Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce to Board Chairman accompanied by brochure prepared for distributi.on by the Chamber entitled " / The Roanoke Val.ley" ii 'i ~ I " 7( ;1 t-- /- (Semi-monthly 5/28/71;" ,~. t;- !I C--:'i/c-:'--"" for payment in the i; ,0 I '2 ...,..,..... ./ i ( J. 7tr /0- .. I F.I.C.A.; $4,919.57 ',;0. Lk"'fi',r- H\.:;r~' . ,: -r ) :' --I V--I..J.....4... _4..(.(, /t.tA..... j Copy of letter dated 5/4/71 from Va. Dept. of Highways to Mrs. E. E. Branscome in reo proposed improvememts on Boxley Road; Copy of a letter to County Executive OfHcer from o. R. Cutler, Roanoke County and the County Executive Officer's reply of in re: flooding problem created by sewer construction; southwest 5/18/71 !; / Ii 'Ii , H r 'I I! II Ii ': 'j Copy of letter dated 5/18/71 to Edwin E. Thompson of ColumbUS, Ohio, in reo taxes on property owned by Hr. Thompson in Roanoke County; Copy of letter dated 5/17/71 from Commonwealth's Attorney to Robert E. Glenn, attorney representing Branch & Associates, advising that Boaru of Supervisors declines to undertake the defense of Branch & Associates in the matter of razing of a dwelling owned by George W. Grissom; bids on Letter of 5/12/71 from Technical Produci:s Engineering Co; in reo communications equipment. 1st Annual Report Community Services E',raluation Program by Roanoke Valley Council of Community Services; Booklet entitled "City-county Consolidation" pUblished by university of Virginia Institute of Govern~~nt; " Copy of memorandum from Fifth Planning District Commission advising of I: the Virginia Commission of High'~aY'3 hearing for highway allocations for western sections of the State to b,~ held at Hotel Roanoke on June 16, 1971. "';':".t ,. I : I .....J IN RE: COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote, the County payrolls ~ - Bi-weekly 5/26/71; 5/10/71; 5/14/71; 5/5/71) were approved gross amount of $~9,844.72 from which the sum of $2,509.20 / F.I.T.; $854.74 State Tax; $4.00' Uniforms; $465.85' Blue Cross Ins.; $716.44 Miscella:leous Expenses; are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $40,374.92. AYES: A. T. Huddlest.on, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. , j( " " :1 ~/ :' !I " :1/" " If " " f i: ...." '. _ ", ~t..~ ,. ~~_-".'"O"~,.',"-'-'_.~ _. _... 22 5/26/71 _.~'_","~'-=,-;-_-oo."""=-'-=C:---=:='-'=~::=-c---=~,==-=--:-';===',::C',",",,::C-_----;-O;~-='_==.7~===-_-=",==-=-c.:-;-~-;O=~-:--:-,=,=-=,".",-,;:-"--=-_~=::",,,,,-,,--,--=~,_"~:-.'-'--:-;=: :"--='=-'--_~'===7""'_=.-=-~",;'-_-=-:-"-'~'.':::~-"-_-:'==___ =o.;.-;....~_=.,,,-'_'-'-_-=-._..:.-.;;;='--- < .-..;.;..----;;--;-_ ,,.-.==-=-----:;,' '-_"_".-"'_~;;--====-""',:;-~~.. "=--=._=':_",,-,=~~ ;;".;:-:-=' ",,--_"===-.c.=--'-'--':''-__c=':_'~~--;-:C-:''7'._ .-c_",-.;;- ,,,=-,--,"_=,,",,--,,,,..':..-c,,,,,;:,,,,,~-,",,,,,,,,~,__~..:.:;-",,,,_c:=-:-,.,..-,-=-,,,,,_,,.=,,.,=_...=,-,,~""O.-=--~--"'___'_-.;-,~=._'__.__" , !i !I II :1 Simms, and the following recorded vote, the cw:rent bills amounting to $37,140.38' !i :! II " ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl and the bills paid since the last board meetin~r amounting to $50,140.37 were ii :l Ii I :1 I II !I il :1 [I i! il I, ~ H II " II [I ,I " :i I :1 : ,:1 i- i': I> Ii I; Charles H. Osterhoudt, and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the Committee :1 II !i Ii \1 1\ il ii il " II 11 'I !I I 'I :1 " approved presently and retro-actively: AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhcudt,. L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. , , , ! i I NAYS: I I I' i I ! Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlest'Jn, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss appoi:ntments a.Ojd matters relating to acquisition of land. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor of the whole was dissolved and the meeting resumed in open session. , 1/ i: I I IN RE: POLICE DOG WHEREAS, a Mr. Raymond L. Laffoon, a former Roanoke City Police Officer, owns a six-year old Belgian Shepherd police dog named Rex; and 1\ \. -{, i 0p jrV \ WHEREAS, Mr. Laffoon is desirous of contributing the service and use of this dog to the Roanoke Cou.Ojty Sheriff's Department; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Sheriff's Department is desiro~3 of using said dog for police and related work in Roanok.e CountYI NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board doe s hereby approve the acceptance by the Sheriff's Department of said dog with the condition that the I I I :i determines dog be =eturned to i"ts owner at such time as the Sheriff of Roanoke Cou."lty it is no longer suitable for use by the Depart.ment; BE IT FU~HER RESOLVED that the Chairn~n of this Board is hereby authorized to enter into an appropriate agreement between Roanoke County and Mr. Laffoon for the use of the said dog by the Sheriff's Department. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddlest~n, seconded by Supervisor Joseph Thomas and the following vote, AYES: All NAYS: None. / NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY GARBAGE COLLECTIC'N ORDINANCE AND PUBLIC H1;:pJUNG THEREON WHEREAS, Section 15.1-510 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, provides that any cc,unty may adopt such measu,ces as it may deem expedient to secure and promote t~e health, safety and general welfare of the inhabitants of ;i ! i C.I! 'I 'I " " 'I I I - ! , ~ l , , ... '-0 --- ~ wi :,,;, ! ....; 23 :1 n II such county, not inconsistent with the general laws of this State; and ~ 'I " II ~ I' .' II .i WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roa.noke County on December 30, 1969, adopted an ordinance to be known as the Roanoke County Garbage Collection Ordinance, effective Rlbruary 1, 1970; and Ii 1 I, WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of RoaIloke County deems that certain amend- ii ii 'I ii' ments to said ordinance are expedient and necessary to secu.~e and promote the I, " ji ii " I II i! II ~ ii NOW, THEREFORE, at a public hearing to be held on June 23, 1971, at 7:30 p.m. il Ii ,I ii ~ " ii II II Ii I' II !I II ji u Ii il II i! health, safety and general welfare of the inheLbitants of Roanoke County, II ii II Ii I! " )! Ii i " " " I, " ij il !I !I Section IV of said ordinance entitled "GARBAGE COLLECTION RATES" be amended II I to provide a completely new list of categories and appropriate rate schedules for ,! Ii ,[ Ii $9.00 quarterly II " 6.75 quarterly:1 !i 6.00 quarterlyil 'I 7.50 quarte7'lYI'i per unJ.t ,I 9.00 quarte7'lyll per unJ. t ,I II 7.50 quarterly Ii per tra:ller 9.00 quarterlY~ per trailer II 15.00 quarterly Ii il [' 7.00 per trip ;1 1. 50 per ton :! I, at the Roanoke County Courthouse this Board wi.ll move the adoption of ceJ:tain amendments to said ordinance I to-wit: collection as follows: (1) weekly collection at single resi.dences (2) hi-monthly collection at single rel;idences (3) monthly collection at single residences (4) apartments - weekly collection at (me central location (5) apartments - weekly collection at individual units (6) trailer parks - weekly collection at one centra: location (7) trailer parks - weekly collection I~t individual trailers (8) bi-weekly collection at commercial establishments (9) dumpster containers (10) Disposition of material deposited in disposal area by busi.ness, firm or corporation for refuse originating in Roanoke County and also dealing with the deposi.ting of refuse in the disposal area shall rE,main The Clerk of this Board ili directed to publish the foregoing notice of i! I: !' !! " !f :i AYES: " :1 " II I II Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. The,mas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms adopted by the following recorded vote: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by ,.,.<Vi.o< Co =, ,,- =, ili. =00>.0.. =':;t; 7J~:'~. 24 I F':;~~--:'~- ~=-,;;;:~ -=-.--::.- :-~~;,;~ ~-::~":;::;'--::~';;;:;:~:.- ~'--=:_';::--~::__~:-:::-=-=o:.:c.:;--=.-='=' :~~;="'-~;:;~"; -~-.----=::::-::=--: .-=;:::;:o';:.;-:"'::'"::;-:~.'.- -",::-::--';:::- o:;':-=--:::;,~-~-=:'--;-__:, ~-- I I i I Roanoke County Courthouse II I I Salem, Virginia I: I June 9, 1971 'I I 2' I :00 P.M. " I ,I 'I II :,.11 The Board of Supe.-visors of Roanoke CC1unty met this day at the Courthou:.e i I" oj I ~ I , I thereof in salem, Virginia, being the second WE,dnesday and first regular meeting II I of the month. MemDers present: Chairman Lee ~I. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. !I I Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. lIuddlestoIL and L. Earl Simms. The County ;1 !,Engifteer-Executive Officer and I,ssistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice ii I 'I I Mitchell, respectively, were also present as WE,ll as the Commonwealth's Attorney" ! 1,'.,,:1 Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht. " I' il fl 'I I, II ;1 I, Church in vinton, who offered the invocatifn. I I i i I, i Arledge, i, I; The pledge I I B. Eddy. " I I, The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Myron minister to the Midland Baptist At a meeting of the Board of Supervisl:>rs of Roanoke county, held on the of allegiance was then given in uni,.on to the flag led by Chairman Lee II ii Ii " p j! :i !I , II I: i: II 11 il :1 I: , .I WHEREAS, James E. Long Construction Company, Inc.. a Virginia corporatJ.on,: ,[ II FINAL ORDER llE: VACATION OF A PART OF A PUBLIC ) UTILITY EASEMENT SHOWN ON THE ) PLAT OF BRAHBLETON COllRT ) I / I, 9th day of June, 1971. ,! !: petitioned this Board and requested that a part of a public utility easement Ii i, day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roan,:>ke County for its recommend a- 'I !: " 'I I'i ! regular meeting of this Board held on April 14, 1971, and by order entered that tion, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended I and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meet- i ing held on May 18, 1971 after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said Ii I, I i i I I: !I petition, recommended to this Board that said portion of the public utility easement requested be vacated; and I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by an order entered on the 14th day of April, 1971, direcl' the Clerk of this Board to forth- with set the same down for a public hearing a1, the next regular meeting of this Board, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as ,mended; and WHEREAS, THE Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting held on June 9, 1971, as the time and date for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed vacation of the public utility easement and ~ivertised the same by notice duly published in the World-News, a newspaper havi,ng a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordance with Section 15.1-431 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and I , 5/9/71 25 . .--- "~-" ---~~-- ------ ----- .- ...,.--...... "-', _.' - ,._~ -_~.:'^c'""'~,._ .""'-."'=-._ -~._."c ~--"'. . ...=. -=-.c." '-';c.OO --.._._,_-_'':--''_=-''''''''..'''_._='-'--'.,,,,,,=,,,-,,~o-,:,",--,,,--.",,,.,,,- I' '/ I~~ ,I , ~ ^. -:;~; i!'J..q;q I g~ ,,3i Ii the name of the County of Roanoke, as Grantor, and James E. Long Construction Comp~y, 'I Ii II 'I !i '7~.;( -7'. 'I I' a" :e':ted!~.iJq - ~ , I , - " (i ;! i: Ii " Ii Plat on the 9th day of June, 1971; and " I I, " 'I Ii and to 'I II said proposed vacation of a portion of the publi.c utility easement shown on the I' II Plat of Brambleton Court, being of the opinioI: that said Plat should be vacated. Ii! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDE:RED that at this meeting of the II Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginicl, held on the 9th day of June, i11971, the said portion of the 12-foot wide publi.c utility easement located inside II and adjacent to the westerly line of Lot 1, Bloc;k 1, Plat of Brambleton Court, ~ recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, Ii :1 in Plat Book 3, page 122, be vacated insofar as the building constructed ~n said !I lot encroaches on the said public utility easement, and the said easement is '. vacated to a depth of 2.3 feet on the front, or southerly side, and to a depth of 11. 6 feet on the rear, or northerly side, in ordler that said property might be ii more fully and reasonably used. The force and ,effect of the recordation of the ~ of Brambleton Court is hereby destroyed as to tnat portion of the public ;ltility ~ easement hereby vacated, and the fee simple title to the vacated portion of the ~ public utility easement is vested in the owners of the abutting lots free and :i clear of any rights af the public or other Olmers of lots shown on the plat, but !i I subject to the right of the owners of any public utility installations which have ~ been previously erected therein! and be it further WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on th~ proposed vacation of said WHEREAS, this Board, after giving caceful consideration to said petition said recommendation, and after hearing ev'idence touching on the merits ,of ORDERED that an attested copy of this Order be placed of record in the i: Ii " " current Deed Book of the i! U Roanoke at the cost of Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of the petitioner, indexing the same on the General Index in as Grantee; and be it further ORDERED that the Clerk is directed to comply with the provi:3ions of :1 ~ Section 15.1-485 of the Code'of Virginia of 1950, as amended, and write in I Plain, legible letters across that portion of the Plat of Brambleton Court II ~ the word .VACATED,. and also make" reference on the plat to the volume and '-'-'~I I 1I II page in which this instrument of vacation is recorded. :1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED th~t the Cl.,;'rk of this Board shall !I forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of tne !I " . if Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and'~ copy to Eggleston, Ii ii Butler & Glenn, attorneys for petitioner. :1 Ii The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. :i Osterhoudt and seconded by Suplervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on the recorded vote, " Ii the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: ,: ,! :i AYES: A. 'l'. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas 'i I' Ii and Lee B. Eddy. 'I NAYS: None. Ii Ii ABSTAINED: None. Mr. Michalill Smeltaer, attorney for the petitioner, appeared in regard ';, i to this matter. L II ~ 'I !, Ii ~ I: 'I " " Ii I, " I! , I I i[ 11 Ii I' ,I 'I I, l' ~ ,/,e' {, II CP 'a ii}~~0' :1 I . I,~ Pla{ f.fo :.(.11\ II' yu !iJ , ii . ii " 'i I 'I ii I' :1 ~ I' " " i: " " , . . _. .-~ 26 6/9/71 I ~=::::-.""--;-:==-....:..:._-=-~--==--;-,,....=-~_~,~~=--==:-..:o--cO:;O--'~~ =:-...,.=,::-~""::c--;:;__~~c.,......,~,..o:..=,.".-.~==.--,,..,......::-_-;-=-,~~_"",-,=~-;-c=c-o-_-==::-.-=-;--,~_C,~-==,,",=_-;-:=-,-:_-_~-="=--=-==_---'--';::;O-;-.""~'-='=="'_'_'C=""';""-=~-;-=_'. r='C"O"=~="O'==~'O'O==='="~'~'-'=== ='=="OO=.--c~_','--=~__==, _~,"'" __._".__--C'O,, ' ,,_,,~ ,__C____C,~.. I / I IN RE: RENEWAL OF SPECIAL-USE PERMIT I 'I ISSUED 'l'O WARD' S MOBILE HOME SALES i ! OF ROANOKE, INC. I t I , I I I I , I I i .___.~__________.______________._ ____ _.__.... _u_.__ ________,___~ "__. ._.__ "__~ ... _'__' .__'__.._.n__ .__~__ .......... __ n_._.'.'. __ ._....__.___...-... ___ "_____.___..______._._____ ) ) ) ORDER II I, ! On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote, Ward's Mobile Home Sal.es of Roanoke, Inc. recolllll'endation of the Roanoke County Planning Collllllission: (1) no trailers begin:" il :1 i I , ! II II II I ,I 'I II II :1 i , ! I be and hereby is granted an extension of their permit for a three-year period ning June 1, 1971 for the sale of mobile homes on the property on the so~,th side of Route 460 (Melrose Avenue) sUbject to the following restrictions, in accordance to be occupied as residences; (2) all setback lines to be maintained as they apply AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas I in Business B-2 areas! and (3) permission is nontransferrable. I r NAYS: None. I I I I I to the foregoing matter. I' , I I 1 I I IN RE: I: i I I I! ! " , I j: i I i , , at the COurthouse on Wednesday, June 9, 1971. and Lee B. Eddy. Mr. english Showal.ter, Attorney for the Petitioner, appeared in regard of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FRED M. PRESTON,) AUSTIN AND J. ) ) i !I 'I II I 'I 'I II REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF STATE SECONDARY ROOTE NUMBER 626 (TIIIRLANE RD. N. W.X FINAL ORDER HARLEY MCGRAD7, ET ALS, MARY A. MEADE HARRIS ' I At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors ,,,f Roanoke County, Virginia, held WHEREAS, Barley McGrady, et als, p..titioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said ?etition be rezoned and reclassified i: as "Business B-2" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this I I Board on the 14th day of April, 1971, and by order entered on that day was re- ferred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in i, accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia! and, , " I: I WHEREAS, the Planning Collllllission by resolution adopted at its meeting held 1! , " I' on the 18th day of May, 1971, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition recollllllended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance (lSi70) I be amended as requested in~id petition! and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 14th day of April, 1971, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning commission, forthwith set t the same down for a pUblic hearing at the next permissible regular or special I, i meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by pUblication in acc,.,rdance with I. the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board II 'I " ii ,i " 'i I, !! i " I 6/9/71 ~. .._~~_ _,._. .' ._'___.. _ m__'_.._ '.._ __ ___ ,'._____ __'___'__'.___ _. .. __________._ ___._._ ...~_____._____. ______ __..__~_. _n_ I i I.j ~ , , , I , I ,: I ,-- ,I ,I '1 ,I II il ~ " 'I II I WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had On the saic". proposed amendment ,I 'I " (i :1 II I, " Ii I' ,I ~ ~ I i I I , ! to be held on the 91~h day of June, 1971, at 2:00 P.M. as the date and time for a public hearinSJ on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by publication as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the i! I' County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and, ~ 11 :: ~ Ii II i I, r II ~ ,I II " to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly given and published as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the rec~epdation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) being of the opinion tha1c said County Zoning Ordinance should oe amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. 27 .---__.---0.---..'...- "-----_._~.__...-_. ,--.- ---------- ..---'----- -----.-----.. _n ........ ____. .__. 'I I, Ii II 11 I, II 'I I, II Ii I' Ii II ~ I, II I ;1 11 Ii " 'I ~ ~ ,! ,i d. A parcel of land consisting of ?. ",8 acres immediately South of the !i I 0 - 7{ . property of said Preston's extendi,ng from Route 626, Westerly to Route 581~ (,-. K li~ek. with certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planninq 1,'1 tv-A ~.~ _ _ COIDIIlission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to T. L. Plunkett, Jr., I c;.rv~:::. - / II ~ f). f.M!' :15-- ~-,' I tJ._-""""---'1 i! V6'jh, -C/t( i-' i.t11t J,.J-J i:-'R~ Ii tJb4 if;. I t-' .) :; ~ W :-l , ." i ~', \ I'.~ :.,ri NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on June 9, 1971, the said County zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby amended so as to classify the following property as Business B-2" property. The property classi'fied as "Business B-2" property is more particularly described as follows; to-wit: a. 2.727 acres on the Westerly side of Route 626, South of Route 117, bounded on the west by interstate Route 581 and on the South by the ' property of the Virginia Department of Highways I i ~ I[ II 'I " " I: II ~ ! II II I, b. A small triangular parcel containing .068 acres lying between the property of Harley McGrady and Route 581, and another small triangular parcel lying northerly of the afores.cid property of Harley McGrady, all of whiCh is more particularly shown on a Plat of a survey made by Dick & Wall, S.C.E.'s on April 7, 1971. c. A parcel bounded on the east by Route 626, on the North by the property of the Virginia Department elf Highways, on the . ,West by state581 and on the South by the property of J. Meade Harris. Inter- IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shaH forth- 11 il ~ il' ~ Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph ~ [I ii ~ AYES: ~ Ii !i j NAY!::: None. , ~ ii ~ the foregoing matter. Ii 'I I! ~ :1 ~ IN RE: 'I ;1 il " II Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of SupeT.v.Bor Charles H. C. Thomas and on 10he record vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thoma~ and Lee B. Eddy. Mr. T. L. Plunkett, Attorney for the Petitioner, appeared in regard tc ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) REZONING OF REAL PROPERTY ON THE NORTH- EAST CORNER OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE NO. 419 AND CRESCENT HEIGHTS BOULEVARD, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, FRONTING 91.61 FEET ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SAID ROUTE 419 AND EXTENDING BACK ALONG THE EASTERLY SlOE OF CRESCENT HEIGHTS BOULEVARD 1.40.07 FEET FINAL ORDER 28 6/9/71 ----..,---, -~------"-'-~'-'-------'--'-~--, _____.. _____ ...._._, - ..._~ ____ 'n' ___, ~_.__ __ ______., ___ ...... __ _.____~_. ---..--- --~ .----------~_._-_._-------,---_.~_..._--_._- 0'____ ____'____'__'0"_" __~_.... ._._._____,.~._ ,,______... ...______..,u.._._ _____.____.____, ___._______._.._..._____ 'n' __....__ __.__n - - ~._--_._---._.._--- ......._-- _...-.----- ----,;....:.;:=.;:;..;.o=.--==_-:;,,==--"=-.-~-=-- ~-==-='--=:-,-_,=~=o=-.::~=-"..--="...,_.,.-=.:-,=_=-:-=,=-:::"'"=;_=~ ,c.-o~-,;;:=_~ ,;"-~"_,","_-:~~:-;;:;o,~:-.""",,..~'-:.:.-;-;.o,,,-, ':.c::~==':c";:.c~'~__o'-- :;::-=.;:-.;:-,.," I WHEREAS, on March 10, 1971, at a regular meeting of the Board of Super- II , visorG of Roanoke County, Virginia, there was a Petition filed on behal.f of Norman I, i II ii I II i. [I I il I I' i ,I r' Ii I il ! PE'tition, UOIll Residential District R-l to Business District B-2! and I" i I Ii WHEREAS, and as required by the C"de of Virginia 1950, ,as amended, and in I 'I I, accordance wi'th the provisions of the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, this matte:c :! ThOlllas Wright, Franklin Wilton Wright, and Ramona A. ,Wright to amend the Roanoke County zoning Ordinance by reclassifying certain property situated at the north- east corner of Virginia State Route No. 419 and Crescent Heights Boulevard, in Roanoke County, Virginia, ownEd by the said Petitioners and described in said I I was, on March 10, 1971, ,referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, I' I' I I' I ! !' Virginia for its recommendation and said Planning Commission, having vieued the II I (I .1 )1 ii II be amended to change the present classification of said property from its present II Ii Ii WIIEREAS, this Board of Supervisors did, by resolution adopted on MardI, 10, ~ 1971, order the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said Planning Commission's II report, to forthwith set t.i'1e Sal!le down for a public hearing at the first permissibk " II regular or special meeting of this Board, and to, give notice thereof, through ~ publication, and in accordance with the provisions of said county Zoning Ordinance ;1 and the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and h Ii !I , , said property and having heard evidence on behalf of the Petitioners, after all notice and advertisement as required by law, and considering the effect on the welfare and prosperity of Roanoke County, did, on the 18th day of May, 1971, by unanimous vote, recommend to this Board that the RoanOke County Zoning Ordinance classification of Residential District R-l to Business District B-2! and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fi:.~ the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the 9th day of June, 1971, at 2:00 P.M., aD the date and I I i i I I, I ~ , i time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment t;o said County Zoning World-News, a newspaper- published in the in the county general. circulation/of Roanoke, Virginia :i :1 'I I, :i for two insertions, the first on May 27, II !I il II 'I Ii II I :! il " " !I touching '[ , II " i ,I :1 Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in The City of Roanoke, Virginia and having 1971 and the second on June 3, 1971, as required by order of this Board and as required by law, and in compliance with the provisions of the said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, after a full and complete notice thereof duly 1?Ublished! and WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said Petition and to the recommendation of said Planning Commission and has heard evidence said on the merits of said proposed amendment to the/County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board is of the opinion that said Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested 'I i ii " Board of supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 9th day of June, 1971," :\ the said zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia be, and the same is, :,ereby in said Petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that, at this regular meeting of the amended to change the classification of that certain tract or parcel of land, siutated in the County of Roanoke, State of Virginia, and described as fol~ows, to-wit: I I I I I , ,~." -,... . -~~'-""",._.~... u,_ .....c:<....' 6/9/71 , , , ~_..'-""=...".-=:='_o:.:...,.,..=--=---"-'----'--"_-'"-=_.~ ',.:"'-'- . _. ... __ __.~ __u_.' __. ._ '. _'_'",_'n'_~___ ~._. __.__ " " II I Ii " l,!;,cated on the northeast corner of Virginia State Route No. 419 and crescent Heights Boulevard, Roanoke County, Virginia, fronting 91.61 feet on the northerly side of said Route 419 and extending back al.ong the easterly side of crescent Jaghts Boulevard 140.07 feet, from Residential District R-l to Business Distr.ict B-2, in order that the said may be used for Business District B-2 Zoning permitted by said county/Ordinance. use, as requested in said Petition and as ~ follows: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. Mr. William G. Creasy, Att.orney for the Petitioner, appeared to explain the request. - , ' IN HE: APPLICATION OF RICIIARD R. HAMLETT AND ROANOKE DEVELC,PMEl....l' CORPORA- TION FOR PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE ?. BOWLING ALLEY ON A TRACT OF LAND ZONED B-2 AND LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE OLD ALLSTATE INSURANCE BUILDING ON LEE HIGHWAY BEING DESIGNATED AS PART OF LOT 3, ALL OF LOT 4 AND PART OF LOT 5, MAP OF WESTLAND. FINAl, ORDER , - :i " " ii , " ,I It H II i! ;1 Ii 'I :! ,I ii :. '! i: 'I --' I, II " I' " At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on June 9, 1971. WHEREAS, Richard R. Hamlett and Roanoke Development corporation, a corpora- il 'I !i H II ii Ii " classified and zoned as Business"B-2" property, which application was filed at a II regular meeting of the RoB.noke County Board of Supervisors held at the Courthouse Ii I' thereof on Wednesday, May 12, 1971, and by order entered on that day was ii il referred to the Planning COllIIlIission of Roanoke County for recommendation to this '! !: 'I " tion wholly owned by The lIamlett Companies, has filed application with this Board to construct and operate a modern bowling alley facility upon property situate on the east side of the old Allstate Insurance Building on Lee lIighway, '~:'l ;,"i Board in accordance wi~~ the provisions of the Code of Virg1n1a! and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolu,t:ionai::pted. at its meeting held on May 12, 1971, and continued until May 24, 1971 after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the said application recommended to this Board that the said application be, granted as requested! and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on May 20, 1971 order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of the said recoD!mendation of the Plannb,g COllIIlIission forthwith set the same down for a of this public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting/BOard and give 29 . .,-:"~}!'I.--"- '~"....',...",..."."~,-:,, 30 6/9/71 __, ,~_"""_-'-'~,=,""-=o"==C~",,-=-~~~=.=~=.-~~~"==~c- ~'~--'=="-''''=:O=-'=:-.~---=-_-._-,:-;'-=:-=''7.-~_'''''''~.-'--=--''''",c=-='7C'~.O'''''~='.':''::,'':;-.=-,~ -.~~.=_-::-'-----:-=----'-"-=--_'=~""=='--_'_--=='.'-.''c.''. ~------- -==__:"'=_-~~---------"'-.: -=-=--=-_-_- ==:;c--- - -:;--- co;-_~__=-== ==--:=-- -_-~-=--n-___:_ - -- ""'----~- ----- - ='-'-'-'~-=-_"""-'--==-'--:"'-'''-~_'''''_--='=-=-_=_'.-..--=-=--=-=7.--","'''.-'''--C.~...-_._~..__=-,-,,,. i I notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Countl' Ordinances and the I of Virginia, and I WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this I ! Board to be held on June 9, 1971 a'; 2: 00 o' clock P.M. as the date and time for a !PubliC hearing on the aforesaid application, the same having been advertised by ! publication all required and in accordance with the provisions of the county i ! Ord.inance and the Code of Virginia; and I I I i and I the " Ion the merits of said WHEREAS, the said public hearing was held at the time and date aforesaid the Board, after giving careful consideration'to the said application and to I , I 1 I the I I, i' II II Planning commissiod. II !I :1 'I :1 ! II :1 'I 'I Ii ,I i' il II i II I, 'I and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and the vote as follows, to-wit: II A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas Ii 11 'I 'I " 'I Ii " 'I 'I ii ii ij " 'I II The Chairman announced that the public hearings set for this day on ;11 ' i following two rezonings would be continued to the July 14, 1971, Board meet~ng: ! re~endation of the Planning Commision and after hearing evidence touching application, is of the opition that the saidcpplication be ! approved I i and granted as requested and as recollllllended by the said NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting :of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COIl,nty, Virginia, held on June 9, 1971, , I' the said application of ,1\'4 ' I o jpermission to construct ~/{. : Q 9.. . i sllIIIe is hereby GRANTED and APPROVED. ~ ~ J. It is further ORDERED AND RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board shall , I forthwith certify a copy of this Order upon request to the attorney for applicant (y I land all other proper parties. ~ .II' I ~. I r I Simms I' I AYES: ji I I NAYS, : None. , [' I'the foregoing matter. Richard R. lIamlett and Roanoke Developmeut Corporation fo(c and operate a modern bowling alley facility be and the The foregoing resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor L. Earl & Lee B. Eddy. Attorney F. L. HOback, Jr. appeared to represent the petitioner in " I Petition of 'C6nstruction & General Laborers Local Union No. 980 for rezoning I j, from RE to M-2 of a 45. 5-acre tract fronting on the service road that parallels :' i,Route 81 and adjacent to Exit 41 on Rte. 81 (so an office & triining,eenter may be " :, constructed there): and peti:t:ion of Valley Land Investment Company for rezoning !from M-l and R-2 to R-3 of a tract of land on the south side of Rte. 460, east i J'of Mecca St., N. E. (so apartment houses may be built there). I , , I ,- ;IN RE: " , i I I I ! , LEAA ACTION GRANT & ,HIGHWAY SAFETY PROJECT GRANT FOR COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoud'l:, seconded by Supervisor (A. T. Huddleston and the f0110wing recorded vote the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke , t' County approved the Sheriff's Department making application for LEAA action grant , , 1'1n the total amount of $90,928.00 and also making application for Highway Safety r I Project grant in the amount of $191,850 for communications equipment: I I , COde!/ ii II il ~ I I I I I 6/9/71 I ; : ~ AYES: ~ I, !I II NAYS: None. " Ii ~ ~ appeared in regard to the foregoing matb~r. " i, 'I !, I' ~ Ii i: \ " ,; related to flood insurance was' this day received and filed on motion of Super- Il visorlCharles II. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor'Joseph C. Tlwmas and the A. T. liuddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. Sheriff o. S. Foster & County J?olice Officer Michael Kavanaugh both The county Executive's letter of June 7, 1971 with attached infozmation - :i " unanimous vote of the Board members. ~ II :] :i Ii !i :1 I, " IN RE: TAX RELIEF FOR ELDERLY On motion of Supervisor. ,A.' T. Huddlston, seconded by Supervisor Charles ;I I il 'I ~ 'I II 11 'I " II , i; II ,I II " , il i I i ~ ~ , I' ,! iI ~ Ii r II I, " II 'I , I' :! 11 II " I, 'I II ~.~ I! I' i! ,I " II '! 31 :i H. Osterhoudt and the following vote, the Commonweal.th's Attorney's :J1eIIlorandum Ii II dated 5/31/71 regarding tax relief for the elderly was 1:his day received and " ~ filed and the Chaizman of the Board of Supervisors authorized to appoint a 11 collllllittee to study the matter and report' its findings and recollllllendations to !1 this Board as soon as possible. ,I r, AYES: All i'i Ii NAYS: None. ~ 1 II ), :Ii :1 i BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that il II I' :i said Board does hereby express its concern to the Norfolk & Western Railway II ~ with regard to brushfires which have in recent months been started in and along Ii I :.l~~ II the rights of way of said Railway in Roanoke County. The Board of Supervisors I' "" t;<. ~ hereby requests the NorfOlk & Western Railway to voluntarily comply with appropri- il ~ Ii ate laws requiring that said rights of way be cut on a regUlar basis and kept free ~~ ~ ii of overgrowth and with laws requiring appropriate spark catching devices on Ii ~,. P- II train engines. The Boaro of Supervisors of Roano.'<e County hereby expresses its II :1 ii !I il 'I serious concern in the interests of the safety and welfare of t.he citizens of II ,I !i :i ii Roanoke County that all efforts be made to reduce the possibility and likelihood t " ~ 1 - ;'"1 I, I .... tra.ins '[ II " !i ,i " " of fires being started as a result of sparks or flames thrown from railroad 'i passing through Roanoke County. 11 Ii BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a certified copy of this resolution be " " III 'f.; ~ mailed by the Clerk of this Board to John P. Fishwick, President, Norfolk & Western Railway, with an appropriate letter from the Chairman of this Board. Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, and adopted by the follc)wing recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Os'cerhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. IN RE: PAYMENT OF COST OF WIRE & FIXTURES FOR LIGHTS ON BASEBALL FIELD AT GREEN VALLEY SCHOOL OUT OF BOND MONEY , 32 6/9/71 ~_~=-;~=,,=__~==---=_....,.,=--=-=~===.,,-...,==---=_,""_-,.-_...,=_~-=-~.",-_.;;;=~:=..--=-...;-__.-=.=,"_.__~=='=._~:::''''---===--==-.=_=.'_=-'..o.===-cc-_=-=-:..":;~~_,,------------ -_---=:-__."O==.-=''''~.-- ----::-----~.===.o=.....,-= ...--=~.....::......:..::::..;.:""""..:.==""""_c;:=:..=,_'__..:..._-_~..=:___o.;:__,.=""~.."c_::::=,,...:.:=~.c=;=o_;.;..:=,,,0.;..::--- __=_=:;::;:::..,-=-.="_- = _-'_"--:=--_ _"o:.....-~_.. --= _-;::...,.-~,,-- - --_.__""-=_:-_"~_"- -_=.:-_-.. -.. -~...,.---------=-..-~..- The COIIIIIIOnweal.th' s Attorney,'s memo dated June 4, 1971 advising that / i! ii il I was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded il [I II il 'I II II ! the above bill could be paid by the Board oi Supervisors out of parks bond money by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members. , I , ; I IN RE: NEW HEALTH DISTRICT 1,11 c..vr'l ~' I ~ I dissolution of the present health district consisting of the Counties of crad:g, l~~ and Roanoke and the City of Salem, and approves the formation of a new health dis- ~ ~ ~iA~: trict con.iating of the Counties of Alleghany , Botetourt, Craig and Roanoke ~.~I I and the Cities of Clifton Forge, Covington and Salem. ~ ~ ' I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the present level of services would not 9f?~i.,I,: be diminished or c:l:.herwise adversely affected. II ~ _Ii' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resol.ution is to become effective I' V~~ only when al.l jurisdictions involved in the new heal.th distrir.:t approve a similar i \ ~I.JI:~J Je~e:~i:ion. ! ~y , BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that certified copies of this resolution be I (~~~Ve~./ II.: transmitted to the governing bodies of all affected,localities, to Dr. S. A. !i '--- '1)'.,t>'Il, Graham, Director of Local Heal.th Services for the State Health Department, a.,d II --:~' Iii .;f"':'Wr' 'I[ to Dr. Charles P. Pope, Director of Roanoke County Health Department. ,I {j~t! ! . I Joseph C. T'homas, adopted by the following recorded vote: i ;:~.I: II ~ NAYS: None. II :j 'I II " !I II !I (,I' 'r\ i IN RE: CATV COMMITTEE REPORT :: ~tJ,~ I' Fin . '! ,'^ I,.,' on motion of Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Su., .:visor Joseph C. Thomas If ~ and the unanimous vote of the Board members. '.:i'Y I f~C}f v i I i: to iSSUll only one permit for a cable TV operation in Roanoke COUllt1i', offered by ! Supervisor Charles II. Osterhoudt, seconded by supervisor L. Earl Simms, was RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County approves the On motion of Supervisor Charles II. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Dr. Charles P. Pope be approved as Health Director for the new health district. The above report dated June 1, 1971 was this day received and filed , J ii il " a 'I II 'I :, :1 Ii !: il :1 " 'I !: ii " II !i :: i: ij !I Ii " Ii WHEREAS, the Board of the Department of Parks & Recreation of Roanoke :i i! County has by resolution heretofore requested the Boaxd of Supervisors of Roanoke :! 'i A motion that the Board of Supervisors formally express its intention I, defeated by the following recorded vote: i AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and ~ee B. Eddy. I I I I I I' Ii iico\Ulty to seek:,t.tansfer of certain property commonly known as the "Ogden School II II . I! :'property" now belonging to the Roanoke County School Board from the ownership of the' iiRoanoke County School Board to the ownership of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Ii r II I:COunty for the use of toe Department of Parks & Recreation; and 1 !: 1 ii WHEREAS, the Roanoke County School Board by resolution passed at its il ,I iiregular meeting on June 8, 1971 has approved the transfer of said property from i: iiRoanoke county School Board to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County for a i:consideration of $1.00; and II " Ii WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Co:;.nty is of the opinion !:that the land aLd improvements in question would be of benefit to the parks imd " ',recreation p.:ogram of Roanoke county! II Ii Ii ,behalf :I~" I ~_11_71) il"'~, ii . ;1, _ /I jpJ {2f~" I;~f:d.' ~ '. {<Jei. ,l1J u~1 ' ;J ,Cf'P'Q ~ Wid, Ii d~'/J ) ~ II <k (;AP'T - : :').. " I I I Lf;~.; i!~' :I II ;1 I[ \1 II I: I: Ii I I. " " l: f " I' II Roanoke, i! I cou:~thouse ii Ii I, Ii ii !i 'I 'I II " , :1 " 'I if " " 11 '='_' '=-~~"-'_-...:o--,-----= _ ","_-;':-"'_~-"" ,,~-"=-=--:_~,.;.;.;;.c-==-_~,,_,,;;=...;:=., ~.:.''''';';_" ='"'''..0.::: '_-' "'''~,._. -.;00.....-.__-...: __. _____ .. , , I ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE :t'l' RESOLVED that the Commonwealth I s Attorney on of this Board petition the Circuit. Court of Roanoke County to appoint a :i ':discreet and competent attorney at law to examine the title to said tract of land, ii (,and pending the ~proval of 'said' title, ' to petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke I; " ICOunty for an order approving the acceptance of a deed, as approved by the Ifommonw'!althIS Attorney to said real estate by this Board through Paul [County Engineer, its duly authorized agent. ij 'I ! B. Matthews, Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Super- ,.., . r , - , yisor i " " 'AYES: :1 rr II 'NAYS: None. A. '1'. Huddleston, and the following r,ecorded vote: A. '1'. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. ;, " ,i ~ Ii ij ~ !appointed a committee to negotiate with similar committees cf WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has heretofore the City of , , "/ :.:..J I: ICity of Sal.em and Town of Vinton, concerning the feasihHity of combi.ned !! !Ifaoilities, and II Ii WHEREAS H i!date has now passed. !I II NOW THEREFORE be II authorized and empowered !: I authority, Ii ~and further this Board does call upon the City of Roanoke, City of Salem, and said committee was authorized to act until June 1, 1971, which it resolved that the committee heretofore appointed be ~ to continue negotiations without deadline as to its but to report its progress to this Board not later than October 1, 1971, i, ITown of !: Vinton to continue the negotiations heretofore undertaken, and that a icopy of this resolution be sent to the Clerks of the City of Roanoke, City of 1:"1 " - " " !iSalem, Ii " jl. 'i On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. and Town of vinton. ~Earl Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: :i i'AYES: :1 " 'I ! INAYS: :1 A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas Lee B. Eddy. None. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, zeconded by Supervisor 6/9/71 33 the !I II ~ _;1- 7/ '-j;- ~ ~,' ~~4J I~/?J.. :i~C/~ I~i~"i I' , [i rA/k-_.J- ![ ~ Ii CJtdua i; , 7J. "j c-v-""7\ ~ " !i !, '.' ,,--,.. ---......,....,~.~~.,.....~.,..~ 34 6/9/71 _._._....__ ____._. ~~ ______.______.. __________. _____.___._.n ----;-____.__~,...._.._..._ ____-... .._._______.._.___ __......__ ____ ___ ..-----..-___....0--____--. ._~.__..________.___ __ n ..._ __ ...__ _. -_____.-.~___.__ ---.'---'--... .---- --- .----... .---... -- - . ._-----_..~.~._. __..__m.'..___ ___ _.n.._ .__ -.--..----,,---...._.0 .--_. --.. ---.. -- . _ ..;___~=_.==~~o_c_c_=""'c__,==_~, '"'_...,.,~~-:;;.'_'~.""'"'=_'______===-~~~,_=_:_="""".="'_=;___c.:._:_,..-~.., ..-=-:--"--=":"~c:::..,..==."..-.=.~~=._. ..~=--_..=-~.='_=_,~=-o'""'==_::_c_-:.. -~'-~'=",':'".--:-;-====' ......--- -----.---.---.- .----...-...... ,--~ _.__.,.u.__..___.....__.u. ___._._._.__..____, :/" /~J ~~/ cJf i II I I ! i i I. ii il I' II II II 'I I I. i il I I, I il I ,:,11 I Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, a letter from the , i Cub Scouts of Den 2, Pack 52 advising of trash bing dumped in the Glenvar Heights- ! I I ! Ft. Lewis Hollow area was this day received and filed and the Exectl'tive Officer I i I i Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote, a peti'tion dated June 2, 1971 from I residents of Castle Rock Farms area requesting the Board to take action to have I I Lots 1 & 5, Block 4, Section No. 1 of said subdivision, cleared of weeds was this I, day received and f.iled and the County EnginEler-Executive Officer instructed to I investigate the situation and enforce the appropriate County ordinance regarding I I the clearing of said lots. I AYES: All I NAYS: None. I , , On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl , , , i , I I. , ,/1 , , i I , :i II I, [I I, :1 p I I ! the County Executive ')fficer and does further accept i low quotation of $3,475.00 of Ray Dobbins Linco::'n-Mercury, Inc., plus trade-in.. II On motion of supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. 11 I, " '! " ;i ,I II ;1 :i II I, :1 i, I, requested to investigate this situation. i I, I: I I I: . i I i County ! RESOLVED that the Board hereby deems it in the interest of Roanoke to waive the necessity of advertising and taking of sealed bids for the f. purchase of an automobile for , " I the I I I,: i Earl i I, I i AYES: I I ! NAYS: , i Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. None. RESOLVED that the Board "f Supervisors of Roanoke county deems it in the II ;1 Ii Ii II " J interest of Roanoke County to waive the necessity of advertisin'.r and taking of sealed bids for the purchase of a refuse truck for the County and further accepts the quotation of The Tidy corporation in the amount of $11,265.30. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: AYES:' A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. The Chairman confirmed the appointment of the following individu.,}s to the Committee to study open burning and disposal of leaves and brush: Mr. Joseph C. Thomas Dr. C. P. Pope Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht / Mr. w. Carter Bradley' ~lr. Paul B. Matthews"'- Mr. Lee B. Eddy, to serve as Chairman !j II !I their appointment was received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston ii and the chairman's letter to the above committee dated June 1, 1971, regarding I I I I I 1 Ii ~ ~ :1 II I !I,/ Ii i; ~ I, Ii b-1k 11 I ~ !i~(/' 'I Ii . Ii 'I 'I I j I, i: " Ii ~"Iil !i II 'I ~ II ~_ I) II Ii!, (p. - I <t- I' H II"~~.J 'I Joseph C. Thomas, and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the Board app!:c~ed !' yu 7.""~' !: the expenditure of $72.00 for hiring a bus to take the members of the Board of :i ~ '~~ I) Trustees of the Science Muse\llll on a tour of the various sites available ill Roanoke ii ~ ~ II County for the location of the Muse\llll or a branch thereof. I ~., I, I h I~ i, Ii il It 1'1 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Ii .l II i County approve the retention of Kelly Scientific Corporation of Washington, D. C. II I) _ ~,I II /' ..)_ 11 ~ ~ (p-) . ,.- I iito Z 'I I. II ~ i! 6/9/71 1.~:.., ==-'-,:::-,',-,-,-;;, _'-_""'-c.;;;c.._'-',_ ~c-_~=--'-~ --"';;.'-.'-0.'-'= -,-~__~=_"_,,-,--=;;_ ~-'- . - ---., - . ---_.~-~..-- ",.. .---.... ..-.... ..'-". ......_........_., __ _______u_~.___._ _ "__..__...._.. - . - - ,. I -Ji I, I' ,! f Supervisor L. Earl SiIIIlIs, and the unanimous vote of the Board members. ,I " " i~ Ii Ii ~ " il II il ~ IN RE: COMMITTEE TO STUDY INSURANCE REQUIREMENT:: FOR PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS IN ROANOKE COUNTY The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors confirmed the appointment of il the following in,dividuals to serve on the above-named committee created by Ii ;i II ~ ,! ~ il , Board resolution of May 26, 1971: Supervisor L. Earl Simms, Chairman'" Assistant Co=nwealth's Attorney, John Lampros' County Executive Officer, Paul B. Matthews' and stated that t..he instructions to said committee were to investigate the desirability and legal ramifications of having a County ordinance requiring insurance on persons or firms operating public amusements in Roanoke County and report back to this Board at their earliest convenience their recommendations. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor :-, : ! ... for the plJ!:pose of revieWing and evaluating the specifications for the Sheriff's for and that/this purpose the communications equipment for the l\llllp S\llll of $2,500.00 Board waives the requirement for competitive bidding. Supervisor Joaeph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following :recorded vote: -, :'1 , ~ AYES: a :i :! 11 II 'I ii None. A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: -, ~.q ~ i:,1 ~ II Ii 'i Ii Huddleston, and the following vote, the Commonwealth's Attorney was requested to 11 ~ II !I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. investigate the legal aspects of establishin,~ an industrial development authority for Roanoke AYES: All NAYS: None. county and report back to thJ.s B')ard. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board 0;' Supervisors of Roanoke County establish a MainteruL,ce Department under the direction of the County Engineer-Executive Officer with a first year budget of $25,000.00 for the maintenance of various pieces of property cf the county and that the policies and guidelines of the said Maintenance Department are to be established by the __..___.__....._._..u.___ ...-- -----------.."--.. " il Ii i' 'I " " il I' , " " " I - 1/ 4>-I~ -r ~. {iIt~ :! ~ 11 .:!&. "...IIo~1 ii .JI ::,i 31::'/ ',' ~ ~v""0' :i !i . ','. .,. ...~_""_,,,,,..,..;,;!,;,,:,,: '36 _._,~.,~'!Jl<!"-._.... '__'n ...~............. ............."-"'..,., .'..'__"- _. ., ___',,,.~:,,,,,,.~::.--T __':;::" .--'-.--------- -----~- -- -~ -- .__._--~-, -.- -.- - ... -- ._------_...---_...~- . .-----,--.---.------.-..----....,-.- ---_._._-----"- ~~.=::_c:c~=;;:;:==___==~~.-_;;_;_C--"""-:-.~,...._;:"'.,.--:-,.--,:_-~, -.C~=--:-~"."'::":~O.;===_~~::c._c==..=--.=_-_'__~_==~=_="C_:::".~=c"'_~-_~-_=_=_ _-_0:::=-_--=._- :=.-;..-------o:,,-~----- -,. - --_'~==-_ I I , Ii c1I". i' . ' i J\\~' ! ~), 4Q~: Sanitation CODIIlittee SUbject to the approva1. of ~ Board. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the fo1.1.owing recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Hucldleston, Chcl,rles II. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. il II " 'I II " II II Ii II " ii II ,! II I [I II II ii II I, 11 Ii 11 I, II II II III I I I I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members a Letter dated June 1, 19:1 from the Salem City Clerk with City Council's ReSOlution No. 96 re air pollution by Koppers Comp',:1Y, were this day rec",ived and filed. On motion of Supervisor Char1.es H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors, the Board approve the method of payment as outlined in the June 1, 1971 letter of William P. Mounfield, AI'chitect, for his services in connection with the Communications Facilities for the Sheriff's Department. I I I [I I. il :1 :1 'I I, I' 'I !I 'I " II I! )1 i I I II il " " II !I !, II " :1 " 1 ~ the Petition referre~ I Mr. Mounfield' s letter is t:..led with the- minutes of this meeting. I Mr. R. Franklin Hough, Jr.'s letter of 5/26/71 camaenting, as Chairman of the Roanoke county Board of PUblic Welfare, concerning the rel"()mmendations made by the committee of the Roanoke Valley Council of cOllllllunity Services in their first annual report on the Community Services Evaluation Program relati.ng to the Welfare Dept., is filed with the minutes of this meeting. I, I i I I I' I I , I I I ! ) ) ) ) IN RE: REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY, , VIRGINIA ORDER THIS DAY came Samuel Wallace Cundiff and OoT.othy Vawter Cundiff, husband and wife, owners of the property located in the Big Lick Magisterial District of Roanoke County, Virginia, described more fully in II to herein, and requested leave to file a Petition re1.ative to rezoning said pro- 'I I, ii perty. Ii Ii NOW, THEREl'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of its II :1 Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county, that the said petition be, and the I! 'I I same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that t1\.e proposal to amend the zoning as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby delivered to the Plannin'~ Collllllission of Roanoke County, Virginia for a recommandauon in accordance with the Ordinances of said County and the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning I' I Commission :1 shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the -.-.--.. -- .--.-.....--- - -------"--..----- ~ i I I ' - .~ 1,\ ~ i~ - i! 'I 1'1 I by the Code of Virginia, that upon rece~pt of the same, the said Clerk of this p ii :1 I! " I: ,! I Ii Ii sible regular or special meeting of the Board and that notice thereof be given by Board shal.l forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permis- the said Clerk, by publication in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Virginia, and any Ordinances of the County. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of the Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddl.aston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor were this day received and filed. :j " ~ " II II ii ii " ii 'I " :1 Executed copy of contract covering sale of police dog, between Raymond L. Laffoon and Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisors; Letter dated 5/28/71 representatives on June 2; from Hampton W. Thomas inviting local gover:""ental to a meeting of the Roanoke City sewer committee Copy of letter dated 6/1/71 from Executive Director of Public Service Authority to, Va. Dept. of Highways concerning pavement repair associated with water and sewer system activities I ,; " I, i' Copies of correspondence from State lIighway Dept. to M. J. Groseclose, Jr. Ii re: stone erosion from Vest, Dr. resurfacing I to Mr. Iii Mrs. Roy I: Cunningham, Mr. Chas. Stebbins, re: proposed improvements to Boxley V Rd. (Rte. 1802) Iii to Mr. II. L. Wright re: proposed subdivision off Ii Rte. 651 east of Vinto:n, Iii construction of roads from Rte. 6511 :' " II, ;jV j, ii li rl Dept. Ii I' Secondary: / 419. !i " H Ii ' ill ii I' Ii !i i~ i. Ii R ~ ii 'I !, ii !i Letter dated5/31/71 from Board Chairman to Mayor, Town of Vinton request- ing formal agreement for tc~ & assessment services performed by Co. for Town; Letter dated 5/27/71 from J. E. Harwood, Dept. Commissioner, Va. of Highways, Richmond, Va., confiDlling changes in Primary Iii Systems made necessary by relocation Iii construction of Rte. i\ I' If Ii Letter dated 5/19/71 from Rke. City Manager to Board Chairman advising that the City's withdrawal of tlleir application to the County for a peDllit to operate a landfill on Brushy Mountain was temporary and conditional; Va. Dept. of Highways Letter dated 5/24/71 from Dist. Engr./to Board Cha~rman acknowledging receipt of Board's resolution requesting improvement of Rte. 419; of notice from State Fire Marshall to jail addit~on architect, WID. P. Mounfield, advising that working plans confoDll to Va. Fire Safety Regulations except for one item; Letter of 5/20/71 to Board Chairman from Va. commission for Children & Youth requesting assistance or suggestions for the award of the Young American Medals for Bravery & Service in 1970; Copy r Copy of letter from Rke. City Clerk to Roanoke Sewer Committee dated 5/25/71 referring to that committee Mr. Eddy's statement before the City II Council regarding possible prohibition of new sewer connections. :: i: of letter dated 5/27/71 from Salem City ManagE,r to Harvey S. Lutins, 'I' Attorney, Stonybrook FaDlls, Inc., reo offer of land for a school sitel Copy Copy of letter dated 5/18/71 from Va. Dept. of H~ghways to Executive Director, Public Service Authority requesting that roads be properly repaired and restored after cuts are made for installation of water & sewer laterals Iii water & sewer main extensions; i I: Ii il I, I' 1: l'-, , .I 38 6/9/71 , l=--..,.....-=---:o--==,==-==--"=-"-..,.-=="..=c::--=--:..:..===~"":.::."'-,.:..=..=--:--=-==-,---" - ,:",'==~.-_'-'_-=:::.'~~,-':___-__ .CC--==;;:-:=:;'~~'.-C~-"'~'-=_~. i-'-"'-' ~.;~--;:c7c==--o"-,~,.",~"-:--:=..,......,.-~,-_-_-o-~",--,,..._.,.,_,=~---:-.,.,-,.,,---=_c--,_.,..,-' '"""c-.._...__O,..,...,.....--~--.-.--.-.,_~_=..-..-7-,.. ...,-:-,,,.--,-,--,,..."-~:.,, ~'~ I i . ---...-,,---...-----.-.. - ------.----.. . ... . - --_.- - .--- . --..- . p- _.~.._.._.. ....----.-----------.---,-.--..---- .______.._. ____... .'____,___ _... ~_______._.n_.____._.__ Bulletin from Va. Education Asscc. correcting certain figures in reports II from State Dept. of Education dated Feb. 1971! !I copy of "Drug Abuse Control Plan" as prepared by Rke. Valley Assoc. for I Mental Health & the Rke. Area Drug Abuse Control Council, dated 5/27/~1! .I / ,//' Report from Commonwealth of Va. dated March 1971 entitled "Public Welfare Ii Statistics;" Ii " ii , :1 Ii I' II II !I Copy of Va. Industrialized Building Unit & Mobile HOJIle Safety RegUlations 1,1 adopted 5/18/71 by the State Corp. Commission; Ii Ii , Directory of the members of the Vinton Chamber of Commerce; ,/ Letter dated 5/28/71 from Chairman, Va. Science Museum Board of ~ustees, to Supervisors' Chairaan acknowledging receipt of Supervisors' support of Science Museum concept! ~ / Letter from attorney for Smith' s Transfer corporation to Board Chairman confirming guarantee made to the Board by attorney on 5/26/71 on behal.f of Smith's Transfer in connection with application for Industrial Access Funds; / Notice from State Air Pollution Control Board advising of 4 public to consider major reV1S10ns of all State Air Pollution Control rules to comply .,ith Clean Air Act of 1970! I' II hearings Board II ,I :i I, i I / Copy of letter dated5/27/71 to County Engineer from residents in Sugar Loaf in southwest County regarding the apartment development planned by Earl Grl~n in that area! " Copy of minutes of executive committee meetin,g of 5th Planniug District Commission of 5/13/71! / Copy of letter from Dale Garment Co. Inc. dated 5/27/71 to Roanoke Co. Sheriff thanking him for courtesy & consideration during transaction of business on 5/24/71 Notices from State compensation Board setting salaxies and expenses for Commonwealth' s Attorney's officn! '_'reasurer' s office: Commis- sioner of the Revenue's Office and ~heriff's Dept. for fiscal year ending 6/30/72! .I il II II 'i ii I il At the close of business May 31, 1971, there was to the credit of the following: il II II II I: ~ ! 'I II , Letter dated 5/19/71 from Va. Western community college forwarding a news item re disposal of refuse; Treasurer's report, spread as follows: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Bond) - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Local) -" " School TextboOk Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund -" " Federal Pr,ograms Fund -" " Library Construction Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation Construction Fund . Available Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash, Retirement Fund - Available Cash Air Pollution Control - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer $ 16,019.66 6,460.24 210,041. 47 16,873.40 36,737.88 9,387.87 28,636.99 84,500.72 33,409.08 28,040.31 3,199.01 1,693.53 76.84 475,077.00 $ Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers Nati.onal Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest EScrow - $4,315,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Federal Bank of'Virginia of the Southwest - Textbook Farmers National. Bank - paying Agent School Bond Account Farmers National. Bank -" ", Public Bldg. Bond Account Bankers Trust Co. - Paying Agent School Debt Service Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - PayiJlg Agent School Debt Colonial-American National Bank Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters $ 2,000.00 36,204.92 328,737.45 28,636.99 36,737.88 6,000.17 360.00 4,650.00 Service 66.40 ,31~595.50 87.69 $ 475,077.00 Certificates of Deposit - School Constructi.on Bank of Va. of the Southwest Fazmers National Bank Mountain 'rrust Bank Security National Bank $1,900,073.00 2,400,000.00 2,200,000.00 2,100,000.00 I I I I I , I I I I I Io-==,~~;::.=~=----,==-=-===-=:-,=.===.,;- '--=':;=="'--:~''';=--C:;'."--,,,,-..;=--'-==='':''':.',="=.-:=-,,;-,-~''':~'..'c.;.. _.-=---'_._-c,_..,-_-=-=c-o=.-.,;;-_--="=-='---.:_..,.._-~~"~..=,=-_p..,, ~~.o-.~_=_:'_'_'_--;""._,_.=__:_;__,~ =,=-==-'-'."'-'.'c==.'""=-"_'.~""'-,.-.:;.=~=,~:=o=-" ;o=.,...-=~-,,----==- ,,===:-o-~." .---O'-_.-.."'"."...--'--,,.-_-:.'""""""-~=.=~_~:-7-,-...,...,..--~"_~~,..._ =-:-::=-,-_.,-~~..:"'""'~.=-c_,....,..,;c-~_-c---._c_.._-.-- --.~" i lD/1~ 11 I ;J;I.. .I\~' Stokes was re-appointed as the County's representative to the TAP Board of , !9 v< for a 1 year term to expire June 9, 1972. i " r : 40 6/9/71 --_._----~."- ~ -- ._---~- --.--.------.. -- -~- -----..----.......-..---.-...------.- - .__'..'..___ - __ - - . _, - __._. ..____. . .._ _,.. __.. ... . - ___. _._.. __n_.....,_._____ .._.._..., ___.... t. o i: D:J.rectors II ., Ii Ii II J [I I, II 'I I: II I I, On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. 1'1, Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, Mr. o. S. Woody was Ii re-appointed as a member of the Fifth Planning District Commission for a three (3) /1\ ~~, I term to expire June ~O, 1974. ~ ~ ; on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by supervisor L. jg X:. , v . 1 Earl S1IIIIllS and the unan1!llOUS vote of the Board members, Messrs. Robert II. i J: ~chardson and Frank R. 'Angell were re-appointed to the Roanoke County Public \g,1\ Vi i Service Authority for 4 year terms to expire June 28, 1975. ,\ 0 4 ,'~ i Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members Mr. William S. Russell ~ ~~~ was re-appointed to the Virginia Western Community College Board of Trustees for , '1\ ~\ i: a 4 year term to expire July 1, 1975. .: ~' \ , V . , "~ ~e.;. i , rJ ~ \ r I ~ V,. ). ~' "V-, li. Osterhoudt, and the unanimous vote of ,the Board members, Mr. Charles L. I..J(' : Jennings was appointed for a 4 year term to expire July 1, 1975 to the ~\ ' \.\./ I, Snead, Jr., who as a resident ,.1 L~ . I by the county. ,'ll 7' I, If ~ ' I ;)./'f' i ! ~ ! I : i v' i The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded Ii by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the Board members. 1: i, On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisclr Charles' Mr. Jennings replaces Mr. S. Colston of the City of Sal.em is ineligible for re-appointment'! Ii " Ii !: ii IJ :1 " '[ I, :i 'I !: I' ,I !I II " i: !; " ii iJ II II , ~ f3-1!f;- I II I, [, ,Ii Ii II II II iI il II II II ,I II Ii II " " 'I I I i ~ I I I II I I I I I II 11, 'I I,,' Roanoke County Courthouse I;!, Salem, Virginia I: June 23, 1971 ii Ii 7:30 P.M. Ii II Ii ii The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse I' Ii ~j ii in the County Courtroom thereof in Salem, Virginia, being the fourth Wednesday and :i ;1 the second regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, II 'I' Ii I:Vice-Chaiman Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston and L. Ear::.:! I!SilIIms. The CClIIlDlOnwealth's Attorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht, and the County Engineer- ilExecutive Officer, Mr. Paul B. Matthews, were also present. !i ",: II U ,I it Ii II , Ii I, Ii 'I!, I! The Chairman called the meeting to ord,er and introduced Reverend Barnard ~ !, Iii ~ Edwards, minister to First Christian Church in Salem, who offered the invocation. ! ~The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag, led by Chairman Eddy; ~ :1 I' Ii Ii ~i :1 :1 'i I: ii Due to the number of citizeDs in attendance, Supervisor Charles H. " 'I Ii Ii Osterhoudt moved that this meeting adjourn to reconvene in the Community Room of !1 Ii the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center at 8:00 p.m. this day. Supervisor A. T. III I' " II Huddleston seconded the motion which carriec by unanimous vote ()f the Board. ii" i ~ ~ 11 I' ~ II " ill Community Room ii I Salem-Roanoke Valley civic Center Ii June 23, 1971 il ~ 8:00 p.m. ,I 'I !i , if :; . The Chairman called this reconv,ened meeting of the Board ':0 order at ii "approX1lllately 8:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic ~ i ' il Ii II Center, all members of the Board of Supervisors, the Commonwealth's Attorney and II' " I " County Engineer-Executive Officer being in attendance. ,I " II " Ii - .___u._ _ _ _.. . . .___ ._~__ __ _. _ __ _._ ,. .---------------.~--...-.-.- ._-,.,----,--. --- --.---- -, -- ~ I i -" ,",", . i I ' .. ,--~: The minutes of the May 26, 1971 meeting of this Board were approved !I " as spread on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. i' Ii Thomas, and the unanimous vote of t.he Board members. II - II " " Ii " :, Mr. John Spitz appeatred before the Board this day and presented I! eC".onomic ;;.rguments against the exemption proposal (tax relief) :Eor the elderly. '! -illis written presentation is fi.led with the minutes of this 1I1eeting on motion of ~ Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. H'uddleston and [I the unanimous vote of the Board. " " l.- ii Mr. James C. Calhoun requested he be allowed to defer his scheduled ~ presentation in favor of the issue until after such time as the Board' s study ~ committee is named. ;1 !i " 71 !;.: " , - i: 'I I' I! ;! " j: / / 42 6/23/71 -==-=-,",-o"...,~-=:,:,,:",:""_-==-;;-" o'..;.:c-",,., "C";'.-~'--~_~-:-""=7'~.-.~.-:-,- -;;;;o--_-....,-=-_~-~c-"...~_--.~ -c.""""-, _....___, __.______._.___...,__ ,_ ._U_'_'___ __..'m__..______ - - '--' - -.--- ~_.__._--_..- .---- ----.----.'-'..----. =-----:.=-~,-="==;=__...:::=_-""=.::=_-::;-:;"==='_....,c__=_-__'_c_'__,_=~-="'~~~o==~,.==; -_-_~=,=""-'._.....,.._"=."_-_-~,c_.=.~,.,_':"":O'~.,,.,= ;;.- "'._,.=_=--=;.;:"'c-~:..-,~"'=="'''"_''-.-.;-..;.,_'-,.=:.._'-.-=_:"''_=_=_~_.-.'.C'".="'_- _ II II I' I II !i " II ii II Ii ,1!l71 to December 31, 1971, be and it hereby is set at $2.95 per One Hundred Dollarsfl . of assessed valuation upon all taxable tangible personal property excluding all I! I' I ,I :: tboseclasses of household goods and personal effects as are defined in Section !i V': 58-82!l.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, but including the il ~ ' . ~I ,I:property separately classified by Sections 58-829.2, 58-82!l.3, 58-831.1 and II I?' ~ \ 158-831.2 in the 1!l50 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, located in Roanoke County to . /, On J.a 11.1, 1971, and tangible personal property including property separately Ii i clasdfied by Sections 58-829.2, 58-829.3, 58-831.1, and 58-831.2 in the 1950 II I , Code of Virginia, as amended to date, of public service corporations based upon I assessment thereof fixed by the State Corporation Commission and duly certified~ " , , A RESOLUTION SETTING TIlE LEVY FOR TIlE FISCAL YEAR 1971- 1972 ON :REAL ESTATE AND TIlE LEVY FOR THE CALENDAR YEAR 1971 ON TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERl'Y I' i I I I levy I i. it hereby is set at $2.95 per One Hundred Dollars of assessed val.uation on all I: taxable real estate located in Roanoke County! and ! BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the , for the fiscal. year beginning July 1, 1971 and ';,,,ding June 30, 1972, be and BE IT FURl'HER RESOLVED that the levy for the calendar year January 1, II " 'I !i " " authority of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county:1 I' Ii i' On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Ea~l , I 11',1 A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas II il 'I II !I Ii II II Ii !I " ;1 I' BE IT FURl'HF..R RESOLVED THAT such taxes shal.l be used to defray the charges and expenses and all necessary charges incident to or arising from operation of the government of ~oanoke County. adopted by the following recorded vote: Lee B. Eddy. Those appearing in favor of t.he tax increase were: Mr. Wayne Goodman, memlJers of the Roanoke County Education Association; Mr. E. Theodore. The opposition group included: Mr. Lester B. Carson, Mr. C. C. Crockett, Mr. Van i, Wimmer, Mr. W. F. Journell, Mr. Guy Felcguson, Mr. Dan Lane, Dr. Edward Thompson, , t, Mr. Curtis Fitzgeral.d, Mr. R. Q. Hite, Mrs. Alma Willis, Mr. Rodney Smith, Mr. L. I A. Turner, Ju."le LUdwick Moore, George Keltz, Dr. Frank Helvestine, Mr. E. G. i ), Phillips and Mr. Charles Gross. I The following citizens appeared this day at the public hearing on , i f certain amendments to the Roanoke county Garbage Collection Ordinance, which , i! amendments are sp:.ead, as adopted, on the following page: I' I Moore, I Citizens in favor of the proposed amendments: None. Citizens in opposition to same: Mr. Curtis Fitzgerald, June Ludwick Mr. Van Wimmer, Mr. Don Fritz and Mr. A. Morris. I I I .. t;VD~ - PASt ,', " " j' ',j i- li/ ,;.I' .J".J {/).i.-" '1( ~-L;.(t~..... {/ J. .,[ .'-~,....... __t!).,~.~.....' _.J'- 'U'~' J v- I. - /.J., I.. &.{ ,II f'i ' ,1' '" , ' I I,' , retPect1Y8~Y Ai ;CO;-t1tutect~lalown OJ, the 'daibef'Oreth1B,otd,'1nanCe , tleFOUles etrecti,!e iILall eoat1aaaeto be reF...,ted onth. bOAp!. ot super- "v1l!ors until f-lluat'1l1 t91Z,"urJih8r,e~d.t.. tor th.dUlce,'o!,county" aUperyisr to be elected OD .Oy..jb~~, 1971, .~liotrfJr tor0~iection from the magisterial (election) diJitr1ce; ~8 ~~teb~i8be~ Iby ,thi8 o~clinance.' l/ On .Of1~,:: ot S.lIpert'iBor A.r. Hucl.che8t~i1~.tcOnd~d by SIJ:~e~irr J~~8phl C. ThOIll/l~,.~doPte, by th.. !O~1OWing recorded I Y'oJ;e: ,< ' ' . -', '. '" .Y ..' AYES: A. T. Huf.dleston, C~les H Osterhoudt, L. Earl Si~;'Jolleph'p. ,., ThoJDll:s ancl,Lee, B Eddy. " ',I, ' I .... '.'../l " " ': I '- , \~ ~ '- / . III ADOP~lON OF'~ ORDZNAlIlCE TO lIE XliOWN AS . ~ ORDINANCE ~ PROVIDE:. , r Fb~ ,PRECINCTS, TO ESTABLlSB .BOtlNDARY, LINES OF PRECINCTS, '00 ~ ~cfi PRECINCT', AND 'l'OESTAIUoISiI A.~~LING ;LACE' ~Rti.CH .PRECI~C'r f' I, " WHEREAS, no~ic. C?f inuittion totoJt lltI.ordina::ce ito. be k~~~ a ~ ORDINANCE, TQ PROVIDE FOR PRE(!INCTS, T<J' ESTABLISH BOUNDAR"'. LINi:S OF ~J , I NAYS: Bone "~ PRECINCTS, TO NAME EACHPREqNC'1'.~D TO ESTABLISH A POL.LIN~'Pr.ACE FO~ ' EJ\cH PRECINCT" and publie hear-i-n'f thlu-7n haV~'lleeD publ~~~ed once a , ~ ' weele for t~ (2) consecutive weelta priQr' to June 23, 1971 in. T~e Vi~tOI! I, ' .. , ,I" 'I I Messenqer ,a newspapOr Pub1~8h~ i7Roanoke ~ollDtJ" and PublishEk:!, also i ' ;:~::;W:~d News, a l1_spaper'T~nqqeneral circlllation in Roan;re WHEREAS. a map snowinq ~~'p~opO.ed new pre~inct~ and voting p~ace~ has been Available for viewinq ~n, the office of ~e Roanoke ,county '. 19inee~, Mr. ,PaulS. Ma,tthe".~ ~5in t1ie~an6ke co~ty COUrth&se" ~a1em, Vi~ginia, sineethe adqption of ~e' said notice ,of iitention, ' , - " . . . ~ ~nd Public, hearinq thereen by, ~~' &>arC! of Su~rviso~sof Roan,?ke C~t~ ' on M;sy26" 1971, /I.J1dthe availability olfsaid map was included- in said . . . I.... ' . .. _ .> . ~ ,. . I , ' notice of intention ~d public:; heari.nc;/ lltId " . I ',. . . " '.~ '- '. ~ _. waBREAS" said, PllblicheariDq hILI! been heldth~s Brd allY of " ,'. -' , . "j' ," at a, regular ,,peetj,nq of the Board of Supervisors of R9an<)ke I' June, 1971, Cdunty , , beginning at 7:30 p'.m. at the 'RoanoklB COllDty COlU'thOllseia, Sa~, Virqinia; ~ . . . ,.' ~,:" ". .' NOW, TBE~FORE, BE IT ~SI)LVEIi that the Boardl)f SuperVisors,ofl , t.. . :' Roanoke County, C'!oes adopt the, follCllfin9crrdinance: ' 'AlIOJIIiAIIICE TO PllOVUIE'POR PRECINCTS, TOBSTA8LISH t BOWlDARr LI'*~ 01' PRECIJlCTS, 1'0 NANB JW:HPRECINC'l', AND. ' ,i 'l'OESTAIUoISB'APO.LL.IBG PLAqB FOR. EACB PRBCU1CT: d BE IT OllDAI1!IBj) by' the ao~ of SuperVisors of Rolihotc.. County I I . Virqinh.. v ., cozita~ in J,c1e6f Virg.i.~ia' (1950), f I tire precj,ncts and their respec- I i ~. Pur~uaht to allthori~y as _ded, Sec. 24~1;;'~7 t:hJ:OIIP ~4.1-3'9" ti ve pollj,ng place_ 'tor ,lloaAoJtecounty, Virqinia are hereby crea,tecl iUld'. ' establiahed as s.t forth iA thb oretin_ce. ' ,~ . :-', . I. . . .'. ~,nThe precincts, ~ ~~"llI&9isteri&l'/U.trict . ...' '". . '~ -., N' and the , , " ' , , ~., "'. .'i~\::;,,::,~';;i~~-'.~;;~!....:;~<J~;;~.~ ".~:-;, '.);,\_~~: ;,'~>~'{';;;t.;>:';:J~ J;. i " i : I i ..,.... r: III ;--'. i I , ' - 4- 7/ ties of sewage flows entering said plant during periods of apparantoverload; and ;! &, - ~ . --t. iJ /} ~J;r. ~~/>r l . ~.Iur ) ,I~ Ii ('IT:-<" NOW, THERE~'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of supervisors:: ~.); express the desire to have its representatives and representatives of the Roanoke Ii :!1~~ :1 juJ gzJq '~ cooperation with other Roanoke valley, governments, may act to reduce peak sewage -ti ~.I':O" flows entering the Roanoke City Treatment Plant in an expeditious and l::egional ~e~.~ '; C~..R: \; ~ 'J~"J and the City of Salem be respectfully invited to have their ,representatives partici- ~ " pate in the aforesaid discussions and to this end the Chairman of this Board IN RE: COMMITTEE TO STUDY TAX RELIEF ii FOR THE ELDERLY ,I: " Ii Ii ii i: Ii 'I Ii " :! The Chairman of the Board of Supervisors confirmed the following appoint- ments to the above-named committee created by Board resolution on June 9, 1971: Supervisor Joseph c. ThOlllas, to serve as Chairman / Commonwealth's Attorney, Raymond R. Robrecht County Engineer-Executive Officer, Paul B. Matt~ews/ Commissioner of the Revenue, Billy K. Muse < Treasurer, Kathryn F. Garst / Citizen members, to be named at a later date. A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE DESIRE OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS TO PROPOSE VARIOUS PROGRAMS TO THE STATE WATER CONTROL BOARD FOR REDUC.'TION OF PEAK SE~rAGE FLOWS ENTERING THE CITY OF ROANOKE SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT WHEREAS, on June 15, 197~ the State Water Control Board imposed a ban on additional sewer connections in most areas of the Roanoke Valley pending receipt of a satisfactory program for improvements to the Roanoke City Sewage Treatment Plant; and WHEREAS, it appears that those aspects of said treatment plant requiring the degree of treatment provided and the volume of i: 1i improvement involve both 'I h " I' ,I I, li~ II 11 sewage flows entering the plant, particularly during and after periods of heavy rainfall; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke county Board of Supervisors and the Roanoke county Public Service Authority have no direct control over the degree of trea~nt I:' ii provided in the Roanoke plant, but may be able to take action to reduce the quanti.,. WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors desires to support the City of Roanoke and to cooperate with all Roanoke Valley governments in doing whatever is necessary to achieve a satisfactory area-wide sewerage system and to cause the State Water Control Board to lift the sewer connection ban described hereinabove at the earliest possible date; County Public Service Authority meet with staff members of the State Water Control Board to discuss various means by which Roanoke C01,mty, alone or in and FURTHEIUDRE BE IT RESOLVED that the Councils of the City of Roanoke is directed to write appropriate letters to the respective Mayors of the City of Roanoke and the City of Salem transmitting certified copies of this resolution and also to have necessary arrangements made for said meeting with stafr members of the State Water Control Board. Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ThOlllas, and the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston. and Lee B. Eddy None. Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl S~~s, Joseph C. Thomas NAYS: 6/23/71 Ii " II ,. Ii " ,I ;) :! .J' ii' II Ii r II Ii II ,I " I; Ii " Ii I: :1 11 'I I! 'I I, I' ., JI Ii :1 'I il " ,~{, ;! ...fIlL a;;J(}/Ji. ffi^!1/1 ;~f~/' 'i~;/ I ~'C.. ~ ;V~, '~I 68 6/23/7l :"=~=",--==_-:._c=,_=.: c==.. '-_==.~=-,,=,::c',:;-_=,=-:~~,,",~,,"",-c~:-=."",~,::c-..o.-=_-:'_-_ .=--,-"" c-:-c~-c:.=-..c.;_"-;"-_-. __', _n____ ._~. _.. ____uu_.____ __ .. __ --.- --"---"'.< --- --- --..- ---_._._-~.__.- ---.-....-.-.. ='_'=.-_-:;-O.--:~-:-::-=~- ....-c,.."',' - _,,_,.-__-,-_ __.___________...,..~_ ____'. ....__.__,_ _..__._.._____..u,._. ___ _ '_.n'. n_____n __._ __ _ _____ d. _ __ _ _. __ __.. ,u _ _. _. _ __UO "'__"_ .~____..n..____ ...__.____....____..._ _.. '-. -- -- -. .-- ------ -- - ( IN RE: AUDIT OF ACCOUNTS OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR 1970-1971 FISCAL YEAR ~\ /0/ Supervisor Charles H. Osterhouat moved that the Roanoke County Bo~d AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. ; ~ " I: i: ii Ii following 11 ii !! I of Supervisors employ the firm of Rothgeb, Miller:; Sells for the purpose of ~~. 11~' ~'\/I Of"! I i auditing the accounts of Roanoke County for the 1970-1971 fiscai year. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the recorded vote: NAYS: A. T. Huddleston and Joseph C. Thomas. IN RE: REZONING OF 5. 429 ACRES OF LAND BOUNDED ) ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF CARVINS CREEK AND ) ADJACENT AND WEST OF OAKLAND BOULEVARD ) N. E. ) ORDER Ii 1/ Ii " " Ii , " jl " II " r ,I i: " I! il Ii ., i: , I I I THIS DAY c_ Charles T. Morgan and Mary Petty Morgan, by counsel, and requested leave to file their petition relative to rezoning property described in said petition. the same is hereby filed. " Ii " )j II Ii Ii Ii " Zoning Ordinance as requested in said paition be, and the same is hereby referred Ii I, to the planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a re~om~~datiori WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the " i: in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning II , ii Ordinance. " I: i: AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said plannir.g Commission, !; I , shall report its recommendation to the Cler.k of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible Ii reg~ar or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the Ii 'I said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of it Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. ii i. !i ii resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to !' I Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia:! :1 and that said Secretary is hereby directed to notify counsel for the petitioners AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this of the time and place when said request for rezoning shall be heard before said Planning Commission. I The above reso~utions and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: I AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF REAL PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE NO. 117 AND VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE NO.. 626, IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, 6/23/71 . "'-_-_._..--"-.-~._.-__,.., ._~. ,'._',,,._. '__. _c_~-__~, ._-:.-' .'-.,.'-- :~ ii i: II I, :i FRONTING 244 FEET ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE ) OF SAID ROUTE NO. 11 7 AND EXTENDING IN ) A NORTHERLY DIRECTION ALONG THE WEST- ) ERLY SIDE OF SAID ROUTE NO. 626, A ) DISTANCE OF 244 FEET: BEING OWNED BY ) EUNICE LEWIS SPRINKLE AND CLARA LEWIS ) PERDUE MOSHER. BOTH PARCELS ADJOIN ) EACH OTHER. ) ORDER This day came Eunice Lewis Sprinkle and Clara Lewis Perdue Mosher, by ! counsel, and asked leave to file their Petition relative to the rezoning of :' the property described above and in said Petition. !i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED A....m ORDERED, at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the said Petition be, and " " the same hereby is, filed. ~ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the h .. :, Zoning Ordinance of " if and the same hereby Roanoke county, Virginia, as requested in said Peition, he is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, i! ~ Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Ii , Virginia,of 1950, as amended. ,.., , I W AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission " " " shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the ,: i: Code of Virginia, that upon receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board shall !: i' forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at its next permissible regular 'I i: ii or special meeting of this Loard, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. BE AND/IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Resolution and Order be forthwith referred by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. M.~tthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, and on a " " II recorded vote, II i: AYES: All , ~ I the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE ) IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA STATE ) ROUTE NO. 632, ) .',.~ , I " I .,..j This day came Leonard L. Jennings and Laura M. Jennings, Sidney Lanier Smith and Charlotte R. Palmer, by counsel, and requested leave to file their ;"1.," , : '. - Petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said Pelition is hereby filed. " on motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said Petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the 69 " ii ii , ii 11 l! 'I i; I! I: J_1J : ~/2 '), i!h' ,/), I' ~ ,I ~. "Co; ;i 1J i! , ',I iJlI1! ~ I (.LW<O 'II e?:::1i "~t3fbJ, ii fJfi{l'- -l4 ' I] 'I " i: I' " ,1 " " i' ,1 :i " 70 .---------- '-". -------- -. ----_.,~~~---...--------_._.-<.....,.--,..._~.::'-~,..,._, ~.".' . _,..,e"-'-""-' . ._._,.'~ .W' .' 6/23/71 j ':.:.. :'_-.~ -".",...'.-..'""0,..,.....= ..----~, _._....,~~_-:--,.."-_---....,.-,-.-=-----o---,-=-~...,.,...-'O"..,,, O~..-'- .u.,.'C.~_~o- .- I I I I I 1 I I I I , ! i \ i J/'\: i /If "I f'- i(a Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Bo,ard, notice of which meeting shall be given by, the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. It is further RESOLVED and ORDERED that one certified copy of this Ii Resolution and Order be for'thwith delivered by said Cierk to Paul B. Matthews, I II Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and one certified copy to the attorney for the Petitioners. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: to-wit: AYES: ~~ NAYS: None. PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote the County Payrolls (Semi- 6/10/71' monthly dated 6/15/71; Bi-weekly dated 6/23/71; 6/8/71;/6/16/7i; 6/14/71) were approved for payment in the F.I.T.; $2,648.0. F.I.C.A.; gross amount of $53,289.01; from which the S1.11ll of $5,553.26' ~~ ,/ q $978.09 State Income Tax; $1,981.90' Retirement; $14.00'~ I! Cross; $1,154.84,Miscellaneous Expenses; and $12.00' Ii , United Fund; $1,549.25,Blue / Uniforms are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $39,397.59; AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the current bills amounting to $92,623.36' and the bills paid since the last Board meeting amounting to $439,2~6.22' were approved presently and retro-actively: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. ThoTJaS and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that this meeting be adjourned until Monday, June 28, 1971 at 7:30 P.I1. to meet in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote of the members. f h C)~ &~/t CHAIRMAN t' I I I I I - .,. - "'.,..-~,~C," -,'"",,=.... __.._-. 72 6/28/71 ~_"",,- ..:.=~_c""..:.-=-_-~'--=-=~-===. _';';" --==-=,-'-'-...-:...:.... =-;.; _-~-=-'7.-"--=-"--,.._., "'~_';-o-_ -c.... ." ..._.._ _..________ ---~._- -.... .__._~ ---'- -- -.-...----::""-.,.~.-_:"---~~ ;:------, "'--0---' -._-.-;-,-,--..,,----:-;--- _ -c--'-,-"_",,-' ,-~--. ,- -,-,--~"_-----,--.-._~c~,:-..__-_..-,',-".C"_'_- ..,_,..,-- .__~____~ .__ _._..______'_ / The Kelly Scientific Corporation report ent,itled "EVALUATION OF THE ROANOKE COtJNTY SHERIFF'S RADIO SYSTEM~ was this day receive.d and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt being absent. IN RE: JOINT APPOINTMENT BY CITY OF SALEM AND COUNTY OF ROANOKE TO TAl? BOARD OF DIRECTORS On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unaniJllous vote of the members present, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt being absent, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County concurred with the Salem City Council in the reappointment of Mr. E. Cabell Brand to the Board of Directors of Total Action Against Poverty for a one year term to expire June 9, 1972. The City of Salem's letter dated June 28, 1971 notifying the Board of the Ccuncil's action in reappointing Mr. BraIla, subject to concurrence by the Board of Supervisors, was received and filed on motion of Superv~,sor Jc,seph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Correspondence from Jerome C. McMahon and Joyce Thompson endorsirlg the reappointment of Mr. Brand is filed with the minutes of this meeting, together with a letter from David W. Owen withdrawing his name from consideration to said appoin tJleIl t. The Chairman recognized a delegation from the Bent Mountain Fire Dept. whose main spokesman was Fire Chief Poff. A copy of Oren Roanoke Corp.'s I , , .' i h " II !i ii IJ i, " Ii ,i of the Bent Mountain Fire Department and authorize the expenditure of funds to I' :i place the necessary equipment on the chassis purchase by tllis fire department for II i " , proposal dated June 28, 1971 in regard to the Fire Dept.' s r~quest is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The Board took the following action: Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board concur in the request a sum not to exceed $3300.00. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which ,oarried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas, and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Ii " 11 I, [i II I' { I I il ;i I; " II Ii :i " Ii i Ii " I, Ii i! :: ii Ii II i: )1 !i " " " !; F ,I I I I 7C1,;1 ~/? ,"i; 4~ tv "2oyyJpJ, u " ~ J14 " 6-.$0-7./ </ C~.' - (,?<-"- t f7 c y,,~ ,-L _ P-:.. (; -r . C~~. -"'-1 1\ (f ~ ~Jr.~. ~ i' err .Jvb~ V \ " /l,v' ("\iv ~ ~/ K t~O , ./ I I I I I 1~ , ,'ZF~I !Ill' 11- , ~\ .~ ~ ~ ~;vA:r I~D? "1' '. ,,6f \/ '7 ' "v- ~I .:' '! $j~r ACV~'V ~. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " I . .' '4:. ~ '~l I ~C/ \ , '\' , ' '. f(j ~ 1\. I I I II I[ II il I' ,; " I' !1 ,'I - " " I -- _! " ii H ~ Ii h il " " , II ! k , li .- , " Ii ,I Ii Ii " Ii Ii Ii II Ii Ii Ii i: II " .. H ~ ~ :... r,,"", U ,-;] W:/ " -- ",,7/ i' '1 - -J,/ il ,_ v- ii " .Jo~ .~t:r !i;?~~ I CJ:l" ~ il -r ~' J-a-~' !~~. " ~.r; fOllowing. v.Jv1(. ~ ,j I c.::~ Vr' I ~ ' II I' I Ii " il " :1/ " " I; li/ " :1 II i! Acknow1edgement of agreement between County' Kelly Scientific corp.:by !i !I which Co. wo~d be provided with certain professional service:> in i' respect to design, bidding documents, and suppliers I bid information 11 related to communications equipment for County Sheriff. (Board Chairman~ letter of 6/7/71 to Kelly Scientific Corp. in which agreemU is de- I tailed, was signed by official of the corporation & returned); I' 6/28/71 IN RE: SALARY INCREASE FOR MEMBERS ROANOKE COlJNTY PUBLIC SERVICE 1,UTHORITY Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County approve the salary increase for the members of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority stated in the June 14, 1971 letter of the Execu- tive Director as follows: $125 $100 :? 75 for the Chairman for the Vice-Chai.rmilll for each member. per per per month month month Supervisor L. Earl simms seconded the motion which carried by the recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. ~lAYS : None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. The above-referred to letter is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The 1971 Cat~og of Federal Domestic Assistance is filed with the minutes of this meeting on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl SimlIls and the unanimous vote of the members present, Super- visor Charles B. Osterhoudt being absent. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph Thomas and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt being absent, the following items were this day received and filed: Copy of a letter dated 6/14/71 from Board Chairman to Pres. of N & W Railway Co. transmitting Board of Supervisors resolution requesting assistance in eliminating fires caused by sparks from N & W engines; 93 . -... -----~ . .'.-... -. .~----_.."- ___ ,_'__"_.__ _____.__n.____. / Ii ~ " " II I' 1[/ II " 'I H 1 I' II II " C.l :1 II it 'I 1, / ii Letter of 6/12/71 from Mrs. Nellie P. Be1:'gman and the County Executive i: v Officerk reply of 6/14/71 regarding proposed rate increase on property ii tD; I ,I v' Bulletin from State Water Control Board accompanied by two policies, a pproved and adopted, concerning sewerage works; H Copy of a letter dated 6/7/71 from Roanoke City Clerk"..~~. Roanok~ City 11 / Sewer cOIlIIllittee referring to them the County's/f:l)ih::tnh8alt1h$'ire "I & willingness to pay a fair share of costs re maintenance, con~truction, & operation of aewage traneportation & treatment systems; i, j! I !i Copy of letter from Executive Director of Public Service Authority to Roanoke City Clerk forwarding copy of the Authority's resolution expressing willingness & desire to pay fair share of costs re construc- tion, maintenance & operation of sewage transportati.on & treatment :1 systems so long as any related agreements guarantee long-term avail~oility of service for present & future sewage flows originati.ng in Co.; :: :! j; :i Ii j, I: ii/ Copy of letter from State Fire Marsh~'s office to architect of Co. jail addition. ,acknowledging receipt of architect I s letter of 6/1/71 re corrections that had to be made in plans; Copy of letter of 6/3/71 from State Dept. of Ment~ Hygiene & HospitalS to Salem City Manager approving Salem's application for grant of $4000 to support the Roanoke V~ley Mental H;,~th-Mental Betardation Services Board; Memo dated 6/17 from commcnwe~th's Attorney to Board meml:>ers reo Industrial Development Authority; ~ ~ o ;~;', : -.~~. ,- 6/28/71 II I: 'I , ,I )1 !: :i Ii iI Ii I, Ii Ii 11 I' ,I i: , 'I appointed to constitute the Roanoke County Electrical ,Examining Board to serve Ii II without compensation on said Board in conjun.:tion with W. Clyde Moran, Electrical :1 ii I, " 1: Inspector of Roanoke County, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1971, and ending June 30, 1972. Group ~ - Electrical Uti~ity Member j' " ii 1.,_?:,o:~/~ Ii (' ~ ".. ii~' ii,~ :: "/ d ~A.v' / ~u.--~. !! 0>. i'.,,; I' ~' ii ()V' i, ,i .. 'I il I, " , 'I ~ " I: fl !i " ii il 'i Ii , , ~ " 'I i: II Ii " it 'I I, I Ii !I , Marshall G. Covey 3544 RObyn Road, S.W. Roanoke" Virginia Group 2 - Roanoke County Master Electrician Norman E. Jarrett ' 1324 Crutchfi~d Street Hollins, Virginia " Ii u " i' J " " I' II ii " 1i I' ,I " ,I i: ii :1 I, " !1 i' ,: " :i ~ Group 3 - Roanoke County Journeyman Electrician Carl C. Coon I , 4111 Guernsey Lane, N. W. Roanoke, Virginia Group 4 - Professional Engineers, Architects, etc. A. Jackson Newcomb, Jr. / 3228 Pasley Avenue, S. W. Roanoke" Virginia On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. EArl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. " " I[ ii li ~ " " " , I' .. i! " ii Ii " I; I Ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor Charles " " H. Osterhoudt being absent, the following items were this day received and filed: ,I " Copy of a letter dated 6/17/71 from the STate Water Control Board to ii, the City of Roanoke with attached Minute 55 giving SllllllllUry of i,' Board's action taken on 6/15/71 placing a ban on new sewer connections; copy of letter of 6/24/71 from Board of Supervisors Chairman to Mayor of City of Roanoke attaching resolution stating Board's 'desire to meet with staff of State Water Control Board to discuss ways Roanoke Co. co~d help alleviate overall problem of sewage treatment plant; Letter of 6/24/71 from City of Roanoke' s Mayor to Board Chairman, & Mayors of Town of Vinton & City of Salem advising of City of Roanoke's " noting appeal from the order of State Water Control Board & seeking " ' a stay of execution of that order before the Circuit Court " Letter of 6/25/71 from Roanoke City Manager on behalf of Mayor to Board Chairman stating the City of Roanoke is preparing its reply to State Water Control Board & plans to meet with same on 7/13/71 and desires County to postpone its 6/30/71 meeting with State Water Con- trol Board. WHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County there is now a deficit in the General Fund of the County, and it is therefol=e, necessary to i' " borrow money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) deficits in said Fund:: " " and to thereby create a debt in anticipation of the revenue of said county; and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is authoriz,~d ,by Section 15.1-545 of the Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended to date, to borrow I I , I I ~~~~- '~':.:-.'~ ~"""':;~.;:c;--;:;'::-::~~-'. '~,'~..c~:__;::. '.,',~-~-:: _ ~~, _,"-~::~:-"':=::-='~-=:-~'~:"';:~-~::;:=''C',-:C:::=,:-.::,-C;, ':==.--.::-"~~=:~:--.-~::':'::;-.::'OO.~;":--'~:::~:~,,,,::-::~::.:~-=-::::::-~ I II Ii I ~ Ii II " II i: II 'I II Ii !I II !I I, ;I Ii il at a rate of interest not exceeding .s~ percent per annum, on demand; which said !I maturity da,." or dates of said loans shall occur not later thanJ u n e 15, 1972., // said lo.an 01' loans, to be evidenced by the negotiable note or notes of this Board Ii Ii II :1 " ,i Ii II II II I'i' Ii II [i II ,I II " " I; tl 96 I I I , I ,,\ i I~'~ i : ~'l\'v} ,I I~}~~f:/l' 1~1'~1 1'~0b-{ " i<~ I"~\ !: I ,Ig I '" ~ '1' ' Ii tJ0~!' ~~J' !,: .L I "r l: !: , q'28/71 not earlier than ,J u ly __ 15' of any year a sum of money not to exceed one- half of the amount of money produced by the Ccunty levy laid in said Ccunty for the~ar 1971-1972, at a rate cf interest not exceeding :six: percent per annum, to' be repaid not later than J:U'ne15, 197L, ane! WBEREAS, it is necessary at this time for the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County to borrow as needed, not exceeding a tctal amount of $500,000.00 for the purpose hereinbefore set cut; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board do negotiate a loan, or loans and borrow as needed, not exceeding a total amount of $500,000.00 from such Banks or Institutions of this State as are willing to make the loan or loans of Supervisors, and the same shal~ be executed as follows: The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, by Lee B. Eddy, whose signi!\ture shall be d~y attested by Elizabeth Stokes, Clerk, and shall become due and payable to, and as such Bank or Banl,ing Institution, as the Bank making the loan may direct and it is ordered that said loan be repaid at maturity without,~urther order by this Bcard. The foregoing reso~ution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thcmas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following vote: I ji AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. " , , , , I )1 J The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor J~C. Tbomas and the following vote: I, I AYES: All NAYS: Hone. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ~!}- W; I I I I I, il 11 Ii :f ii !! ii 'I /: i! il " , II :1 " I' ,I I: I' i! I I _...__.___._....__. . ._.__.____._._..._._ .... _.. .m. "._~ . _. ___._._________.._.._.. .__._ _"_ . _ _ _.. _" ___....___.._ . . . _ -.---------.>---.-~_.~________,_______ ._.__.__.__.._..... _____.~___.. ___'_u.__. ______,._ _~._~_ Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia July 14, 1971 2:00 P.M. i The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day in the County ~ " Couru'ocm of the Roanoke Co. Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, being the second Wednes- I, Ii day iUlld the first re,?ular meeting of the month. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman i.ee B. ,I / Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, Charles H. Osterhoudt and A. T. Huddleston. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht, was pre- ;1 Ii II II sent as well as the County Executive Officer 5, Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews II I! ), I,! ;1 II II II Ii II il ;1 II i! I! 'I ~ ji II !i ;1 iJ ,/ '! The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the iI I. !i ii ,I II ;i 1i ij II J; II it 1; and Ma~rice Mitchell, respectively. Following the call to order by the Chairman, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston offered the invocation. flag led by Chairman Eddy. The minutes of the regular meeting of June 23, 1971 and the minutes ,- ; i ... ii of the adjourned meeting of June 28, 1971 were both ap??roved, as corrected, on " fl ~ II " Ii !! !] " i! 'I !I !i Ii i! motiorL of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ~homas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. Mr. William H. Roberts, III, Director of Roanoke County Public Library past four years. ii . II v " I: " ,I Ii 1971.11 I' System, appeared before the Board this day to express his appreciation for the Board's cooperation and efforts on behalf of the County library program over the Mr. Roberts' resignation as Director is effective July 15, IN RE, CLOSING OF CHELSEA STREET AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF SOUTHWOC'DS, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 1 IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT CF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER ......., ,.J I ...... At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on July 14, 1971. v. WHEREAS Donald R. M1sura, et ux, and Charles R. Manning, et ux, did .-:l :.::'.~ l petition this Board, requesting the abandonment and closing of Chelsea Street 'i as shown on the plat of Southwoods, recorded in Plat Book 6, page 1, in the office~ of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Roanoke County, which petition was filed at the regular meeting of this Board on May 26, 1971, and, by order entered on that day, was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS said Planfting Commission, by resolution adopted at a meeting held on June 15, 1971, after due advertisement and after hearing evidence touching ,i " ;j " , , .. .. ii :i :i 'I II " !l " Ii Ii " Ii .- 'I 'I :i iJ 'I I. I: , !, ;1 'I 11 Ii !! v 98 ------~-~--,--- -------,- - ~--~-------~-- _.._-----..---. -------~ - .--.-..-..- -.- "~'~-'--------- -.-..-- ---_____ ~ --~. -_____ - __no ______ - .______.__ __ n. .___,. _ _____.____.__ ___... ...____ _.__.. ____n'_____.__.."'_. -- -- - -- - - ------- ---- _~_ ___"0'__.___ ----.----- ---- ------- ---------...-.----------.---..--------.___ ----- -.. ___..._.._______.____.____..__._~_.______._ ..._n__.,,_,___. ".. ~_"___"'___'__'____""_ ------".--'. ,. -,--,-..._---- _ ___.______a.._'_._,".' _____ __ __...__ _, _'__..n,____ _______.___.__. . u'__ _ _._.__u__ ...___... _,"d_n __ _ _n_.'..'..." _'__.__ __ __un ____.,,'.." "0_ "'_',_n._ .__....,.'_.__.__......_,.__ on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that Chelsea Street, as shown on the plat of Southwoods recorded in Plat Book 6, page 1, in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, be abandoned and closed: and WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order I entered on the 26th day of May, 1071, crder that the Clerk of this Board, upon j. I receipt of said recomme~dation from the Planning Commission, for~with set the , i i same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular meeting of this i ! Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Code of ii Virginia: and I WHEREAS the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on Wed., July 14, 1971 a~ 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a publi,c hearing on the aforesaid abandonment and closing of Chelsea Street and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a news- paper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, for II II I, II " i' I' II Ii 'I Ii I II Ii II I, " two insertions on J!J1y 1, 1971 and on July 8, 1971 as required by said order of i: I 1 ! I, I, Ii ): this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia: and WHEREAS said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed abandonment and closing of Chelsea Street, as shown on the plat of Southwoods, , " :' which plat is recorded as aforesaid, after notice thereof was duly published as , I I, aforesaid: and I' " I I' ;: I, and to said recollllllendation of the Planning Commission and hearing evidence 1 WHEREhS this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition touching on the merits of said proposed abandonment and closing of Chelsea Street as aforesaid, is of the opinion that said abandonment and closing should be done as recommended by aaid Planning COllllllission: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on July 14, 1971, the said abandonment and closing of Chelsea Street as hereinabove set out be, and the same is hereby, discontinued and closed. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board forthwith :i " i' a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Roanoke County ,I II " " I! .. ji ii !I ii il ii !I " II Ii , the petitioners. On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Silllllls seconded by Supervisor JOSeph C. and ,adopted by the following, recorded vote: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. None. Mrs. Donald R. Misura appeared in behalf of the above requested abandonment and no one opposed the request. / i IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF 7.173 ACRES OF LAND, PROPERTY OF JOHN P. NEWTON AND vIRGINIA D. NEWTON SITUATE ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ~AYFIELD DRIVE, ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA FINAL ORDER ) ) ) ) ) WHEREAS, John P. Newton and Virginia D. Newton did petition this Beard and I I I I I 7/14/71 ..---....---- . .....-.....-----_.. - - ---,~-- .- - '--. --..--....-- --.-. ,-----.---.--.----,.-. - -'-....._-.-- -----. ------~._----. request that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be amended so as to provide be that the above described property/rezoned and reclassified from Residential Estates RE to Residential (Two-Family) District R-2, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board held on May 12, 1971, and, by order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommend a- 'i tion in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Planning Commission, by resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 15th day of June, 1971, after hearing evidence as to I j - I' .1 'I " " II il Ii " I :1 " I II ii' ,I 'I the merits of said petition at a public hearing held on June 15, 1971, reconunendedl " ,I to this Board that said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to change I' the classification of the hereinafter described property from Residential Estates il " ij :1 , Ii !i I' II Ii I) i' !I RE to Residential (two-family) district R-2; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board, pursuant to the order entered by this Board on May 12, 1971, did set the matter down for a public hearing at the meeting of this Board to be held on July 14, 1971, at 2:00 P.M., and gave notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held by this Board on the proposed amendment on the 14th day of July, 197~; and 'l loot WHEREAS, this Board gave careful consideration to said petition, to said recommendation, and heard evidence as to the merits of the said proposed amendment to the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, this ~oard is of the opinion that said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinanoe should be amended as hereinafter set forth and as reoonunended by the said Roanoke County Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. b~'and the same is hereby amended so as to reolassify the hereinafter property from Residential Estates RE to Residential (Two-Family) Distriot R-2, the said property being so reclassified is more particularly described as follows: o BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Mayfield Drive: thenoe S. 58' 07' E. 278.20 feet to an iron pin; thenoe S. 39' 35" W. 16.60 feet to an iron pin; thenoe S. 50' 25' E. 272.1)0 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 39' 35' W. 152.50 feet to an iron pin: thence S. 57' 52' E. 373 feet to a fenoe post corn~r: thence S. 4' 55' E. 255 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 57' 52' W. 440.30 feet to an iron pin; thence S. 17' 51' E. 123 feet to an iron pin; thence N. 57' 52' W. 587.50 feet to an old iron pin; thence N. 26' 32' E. 263.50 feet to a fence post corner; thenoe N. 9' 21' E. 240.90 feet to a point on the southerly side of Mayfield Drive; thence with Mayfield Drive in an easterly direction to the place of Beginning and containing 7.173 acres aocording to plat of survey by David Diok and Harry A. Wall, ~ivil Engineers and Surveyors dated June 3, 1964. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall -0 It,- 1.:1 I':' - forthwith certify a copy of the resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning commission of Roancke County. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following reoorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, and Joseph C. Thomas NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. 99 J! I, ii II 'I i/ I, I! !! i: " " ii Ii il , I': II Ii H Ii ,7 } I' i~'-j;o, 1'J;r:'- p~, c, . '~, ~A' "'J , ,V')'~ " C;;, /r.l ;(. ,i:: ~~' (CyJ-'; q , , . '-IIi C'fi~ ,( ~A 1. ~.-,_1u , 100 7/14/71 _=",=-~::...~-;-",'~~--=="'=="""""-:=='.=7"==--~~-'_--C---'-~~C:-"-,,,,,-,-_~_~~,","O~"_""'-_-OO~~.~='-O'-- ----==-~_=__~ --_~_ '". -.-...0- .;: . ---=:::-- . --'~.._-'" ._~--_._---_.__._....,_.._,- - -..._---.------ --'._----------.--- ---. .-,---- ._.~-_.-._--'_.__._-- ._-,..- _=:=-,..:=-~=_.. ::'"-=---=-~=_=_=_...:.=__~.,._=_=_=_=_-=" =-==::,""_==-c===='==_""""__'--;-::==="'=--=-:C=';--="~="""-=_=-"':="'--"=,,,-.:=,"--;--,=,,"+=.-.__=,~.".-.:.:...,.,=.:.--.o.:.-- _~.+ __~._.__,____,__ .'.. ._.___._n___".'___ -" -'--'. ---.........-.....-.--.---.-....-..- I I Attorney J. M. Young appeared ! foregoing matter and no ,one appeared in i i i i. to represent the petiticners in the opposition. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA ROUTE 117, WESTERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA ROUTE 118 FINAL ORDER j At a meeting of the Board of supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the I i 14th day of July 1971. 1 I , i , I bury, J. ! be amended so as I I i'meeting of this Board helcl on May 12, 1971, and by order entered that day was , 1 I: referred to the Planning Canmission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in I I accordiince with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and i i i' June 15, 1971, after hearing evidence toaching on the merits of said petition, i Ii recanmended to tnis Board that said County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to i1 ,I Christen+ II II Ii Ii :1 II " II II i' Ii II II I: ! , i I change the classification of the property described in said Petition from Residen- I 1 II II Ii II Ii I' II , 11 i( I: " " " il " I, i/ " I WHEREAS, Roy M. Kinsey, Kenneth L. Motley, F. A. Shane and J. W. petitioned this Board and requested that the RoanOKe County Zoning Ordinance to provide that certain property described in said Petition be rezoned and reclassified as Business B-1, which Petition was filed at a regular WHEREAS, the Said Planning by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on tial R-l to Business B-1, and I , entered r WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by an order on the 12th day of May 1971, direct the Clerk of this Board to forthwith the same down for a public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board, set " I' I and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning I I' Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set 1~e regular meeting of this Board held on July 14, 1971, as the time and date for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendmellt to said County Zoning Ordinance and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World News, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, as provided by said order of this Board and in accordance with said ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on the proposed amendment on the !i I"~ ,I " WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consijeration to said Petition ~ p 'I ; II I Ii ( II said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ol:dinance, being of the opinion that ;1 i,' Ii I:, I il I_ 'i 14th day of July 1971, and and to said recommendation after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said Petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the I, Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 14th day of July 1971, the said County zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to i . : reclassify the property described in said Petit10n from Residential R-l to Busi- , I: i t " , I ness B-1, in order that said property might be more fully and reasonably used, the said property being classified as Business B-1 is more particularly described as property on the Southerly Side of Virginia Route 117, Westerly Side of I I I I I 7/14/71 II Virginia ROute 118, Roanoke County, Virginia. " I' ,I BE IT FURTIlER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall II , I' forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the " 'I Ii Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to the Petitioners. i; , i , ~ The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. " ,I ~ Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddlston and on the recorded vote, 'I " ~ the Supervisors voted as fdlows, to-wit: !' ii AYES: " Ii , Ii II NAYS: None. 'i " i, ]! foregoing request and no one opposed same. A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. ! j ~ --' Mr. Kenneth L. Motley, one of the petitioners appeared in behalf of the IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY IN TIlE ) RICHFIELD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) OF ROANOKE COUNTY ON ROUTE 638 ) (BEND ROAD) OFF ROUTE 774 AND ) SOUTH OF ROANOKE RIVER, CARL & ) DORIS FURROW'S PETITION ) PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote, the publiC hearing scheduled and advertised to be held this day, July 14, 1971 at 2:00 p.m., be and hereby is 1 1 - ~ i ~ contin~ed until the next meeting of this Board to be held July 28, 1971, at 7:30 :i t ~ ~ " i; ~ :1 " p.m., and the County Executive Officer directed to notify all interested parties of the said continuance. AYES: L. Earl simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: A. T. Huddleston and Charles H. Osterhoudt. No one appeared in regard to the above matter. IN RE: REZONING PETITION OF ) CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL LABORERS LOCAL UNION ) NO. 9aO FOR REZONING A 45.5 ACRE TRACT FRONTING ) ON TIlE SERVICE rOAD THAT PARALLELS ROUTE 81 ) AND ADJACENT TO EXIT 41 ON ROUTE 81 ) PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED r; ,- , , ~ Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the public hearing on the above rezoning petition advertised to be held June 9, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. and continued from that date to July 14, 1971 at 2:00 p.m., be again continued to the July 28, 1971, 7:30 p.m. meeting of this Board. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas ~ ~;,1 "" - and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. No one appeared i.n regard to the above matter. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON TIlE ) SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ROUTE 460 ) EASTERLY FROM MECCA STREET ) OF ) VALLEY LAND INVESTMENT COMPANY ) PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED 101 ~ Ii ,I [I !' 7' '1 I>"~ 1.." ,!~~, :,i~.~ !i'~".1"' !i flff:.". <t ;r:~.~' ,'j:l;;b,4> , !i;'0'~ '~' ;j~.PJ II r~ 'I I, i! 'I !i II I' II, :1 . \i " Ii " :i '7- /S'-;r II~~~ Iln...,..;. 1,1 0""1.., ~. J 'I tML, ii~' , C-JU-"" . -t: ' ii ) u11l .~ '1-< ~ v !, 8-1(,r ii,1-::>Y " 1! ;! Ii II " Ii " !il V " " ;! ;1 I;;' '1/ i11- t. l~ ;',' '''''''.1) '0 " ((j.r'v~ i~l~.'lA ,IQ . H :i IJ, A.t1J .'/ :,i '1~IJJ" I ~, '. t-'~i' <' :i~ ,.1,1, fJi' e'~jp/ ::~r -t i' ~' ,/ e- ~,1 \ (p-, '7/ I ~/.:<.Y kb~-J" ., ~ '1J~."tr ~'~('':'1i'' ~-' ", A'. \r,\nJ\ ,1' \~4 J 11-\ ~'~',A H ".:Y- Jr 1f 7/14/71 ~ The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish this notice of intention ,i :1 land public hearing once a week for two consecutive weeks prio= to said hearing in lithe World News and the Vinton Messenger and said Clerk shall also post s"id :, .. 'notice at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse. i: '1 Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by 1supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and the following recorded vote: :AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas Ii , INAYS: and Lee B. Eddy. None. !i .' ,'IN RE: \; GUIDELINES FOR MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Upon a review by this Board of the Sanitation Committee's presentation ,'this day in regard to the above matter, the Chairman directed the Committee to :1 , !give tbis matter further study and resubmit SaIne at a later date. ., " 'I !i i! :1 - - ;;IN RE: CUllFEW ORDINANCE STUDY COMMITTEE 11 II " supervisor A. T. Huddleston 'Qoved that the above-named study committee i,be reactivated and that said committee submit a recommended curfew ordinance for rthis Board's consideration. Ii Ii Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carr. ed by the I, , ,I following recorded vote: " Ii iAYES: A. T. HUddleston, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas !iNAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt and Lee B., Eddy. I! ,: IN RE': " INTERSECTION OF CHAPPARRAL DRIVE AND PENN FOREST BLVD. (ROUTES 800 & 687) :: ~ II ii . " Off1ce, A letter dated July 9, 1971 from the Resident Engineer, Salem Residency Va. Dept. of Highways, aCknowledging receipt of the Board of Supervisors' -., I , i --' , resolution of 6/28/71 concerning the above intersection, with attached copy of !I i'the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission's recommendations to reduce accidents " 'i at this location, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. Earl :1 .. i' Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the 'j i' Board members. The Highway Dept. letter stated the course of action they intended ,! to follow at the intersection. ~ ',:; I I'f-:j - IN RE: NOTICE FROM CITY OF ROANOKE OF INCREASE IN RATE FOR TREATMENT OF SEWAGE FOR FISCAL YEAR , BEGINNING JULY 1, 1971, FROM CERTAIN AREAS IN ROANOKE COUNTY On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimo\ls vote of the Board members, the letter dated 7/9/71 from the City of Roanoke with attached copy of a statement of the computation of rate for treatment of sewage in certain areas of the County which will July 1, 1971, was received and filed and a copy directed to be sent to ,4 103 Ii <'-'1 ( ii'1-'o) Lo !i,'uh~ k ~(~. I' ~;.;tn- 'i~l1t-" "-<<c ..yo "'''J',,' , ::~,~ ''&;< I ,! ..J-o _--:If- ' . i;;>Ur~l , ~---t;' i[J'~~ I' t il~ 'I ii' . ,/ i 'I Ii ii i: ,! " Ii II I: II Ii 11/ t' !i 6' !i~'1\ II " , !!~ II D :i I, ../ ii 1:v " ~_"."...="=_=-~";:':"==~==-==":"---="-=--=,-,,.='-'~_-'-.oc=-.==',""'.~"''';''_ -_'"----'~__=_~=..-__=O_.,=_.==_,,'_._;_..~_.=,"'-._=__7_c="'..=_C_=_,___"__o_.-=_"-"O:=..-o-.,_~"",_-.-'---=-'-__c.~=="=--'-'c.-"=-.-,,,,.--,=--=--='"",--,,-,",",--',-_."""'----'..-"_-_0""":;"-.'-"__=,, ~~_=-,-=",-,='''''''''''--''='==","C=-,,,,,-:;,=-:-=-_~,,,,.=,-""_~,____--,------.--.~.-,=.=.-=-=--=-=.-'----o-:-.:.,,..:o-c-"'-- ---~_:__.- -'--:-=----C_= -_~,,":-:,--'---7-c-"".---'-'-.0--'-.""'-'"""-~_~"'-.'O"",,=7"---'-'-:-_"'---_O -..-----. --.-~~_.-.O.=...,-=:-O."'--..O--- I , I I i , , , I I I I I I I 104 -I , I 1~ i ~~c.J ~'! I~:~, ~. tp-r-6 i ~.i. l~'~! I " 1 i , i I : I i i i I 1 ! ,I [ V I I j ,'"'. - _ ~"__""":'."",~7"~'.:--~.:'_..',_ 7/14/71 I I' Roanoke County Public Service Authority for their review and comment. I' I Ii II Ii Ii I' II Ii :1 This day came C. N. LaPrade, T. C. Garner, ;md Jean B. Heinlein, Trustees,i of Piney Grove Christian Church, by counsel, and requested leave to file their Ii Ii Ii " , 'I ! IN RE: REZONING OF 3 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, ON PENN FOREST BLVD ) ) ) TRUSTEES OF PINEY GROVE CHRISTIAN CfiURCH ) ORDER petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said I ] i petition, be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke!]1 I' 1 I County f:lr a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code 'i i: of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its!; i; I: I i i , 1 , I I, I recommendation to the Cle'~k of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permis,"" sible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and On the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows,to-wit: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE IN CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRIC'r ORDER This day came Century Development Corporation, by counsel, and requested leave to file its Petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said Petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said Petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the pro- visions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. I I I. I I 106 7/14/71 -'--~--'--~--------'----' ..________..'.'._____ _____0.____ _....__.__.. n_' ',__ -~-------------------_._.._-_.__. .. '.- ._--_._----_.~---- ~--------- .__ .'.0-.------ _.__~______ _. ._...._ _..._._...__ ... ._..._ ,_._____0... ______.___ _.. . ____. . ... __ .n' _._ '.__ __._,_ __._, .___~._____.__..___.._.______.__u_ _ ____~______ no" .__ _0__' .____..___________......___.mn_____._ -...---.-.----.- ---,-----_...... 1.==.= =~.",--=--=--",--'=-_--==-- -=--==.;...-==~~-o--,-==-=:::"'-_"O':"-=-~~~"c.==--'-"---=:-:'="':"=_'.-=':;"'=-C:;~O-=:;""-~O=-:';.=~--:;---==="-==-C---'-.=--_==_""-==- =~=.:.-;::= ='="'="'=.0.. , , / ! IN RE: I i I, i , I, I ,11 I Chief Dog Warden and Messrs. Kenneth Hogan and E. L. Steber be appointed as i 1/,Q. ~ !D09 Wardens for 4-year terms of office to commence July 1, 1971, and expire June ~..k&, ...-130, 1975. ~- ~' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the iK4r V: U: following recorded vote: : AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas I ! and Lee B. Eddy. I: NAYS: None. I I I I [ IN RE: I, , APPOINTMENT OF CHIEF DOG WARDEN & TWO DOG WARDENS Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that Mr. Ralph Long be appointed as REIMBURSEMENT TO MRS. ZENOBIA N. ASHVILLE FOR COST OF REMOVING PORTION OF HER FLOORING TO GET A DEAD DOG FROM UNDER HER HOUSE On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. and the following recorded vote, the Eoard of Supervisors of Roanoke approved reimbursing the abova-narned county citizen for the cost of taking her flooring to remove a dead dog from under her house, in the $13.00. A. T. Hud~leston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. None. A copy of Mrs. Ashev~e's letter of 6/18/71 and the Sheriff's of 7/1/71 of this meeting. I IN RE: CATV LICENSE AGREEMENT Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be directed to seek and select a consultant to confer forthwith with the CATV Committee of the Board to prepare a license agreement for consideration by the Board at the earliest possible date. The Charrnan ruled the motion, died for lack of a second. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board reverse the ruling of the Chair. that the motion as introduced must have a second before it can be I' put to a vote. .. : following recorded vote: I: AYES: A. T. Huddleston. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which failed by NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. ~arl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. superviso~ Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the CATV Committee be i 'I directed I to prepare as soon as possible a license contract agreement to be presented to ! Ii the Board for i,ts consideration together with the issue of with which licensee " j' or licensees the County will select to enter into the contract. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which failed by the following recorded vote: AYES: NAYS: A. T. Huddleston and Joseph C. Thomas Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. II Ii II ,I I, il I II , Ii I " I' ,I Ii 'I I, I I, II II il I, 'I " " I, I' II 'I t " i I " Ii il II 'I " " Ii ,i II 'I !, I I !i " I' II " il I, 'I II " " " " II 'I " I. Ii :i II II Ii II I, II :: " !, I: " " II ij Ii :1 ;: ,I II the! I I I 108 7/14/71 ,'''-- -=_=-~-==_--=- _~~==_--=_ =-,,--=_...:=-:::.=-_ -=: =0.==-= -=::::.-=--==-~~~-=--=--= _-=--=-__---= =-:--=-=~_=_=-- _-o;___=_c_-:o=-_"'=::___===-=~=""-~_==--_"-"=--"""",.;~=~"",,.':-='=.-,.,,-....;;;:_,..,.:=~:--....-=-c-=-=:.-,="-::,,,=--="=':=~ co--,,~.,.:;~="_~_~~~=--.-'-""=-~-=o.-"'7"'::O--~="'=.--===~",-7~'~--:-~"'---~'~""""'=:-'--C-_':"':",,-......,..---'O-..:-=-:c--"""=._...-..'---:--=-,~...,=,:;--.~..,...,..,c::-:::...,...,--,-=~_-..-~-.'""." -",-""-'~_""'~""~_-O-CC'-_'="'- -, --_....,.-_..;..-C--".,.,==Cc:..:-....,."""_.".-~""".,.,''''"--'''--,-.- i l' Ii , vJ'l 11' \"4, evt d I &/11 cP.,~\ I, ,,\~~ i ~1Y I",.. I' " I, I' , I I I I' I' I /! Ii Ii I I I' , I , i I Ii I' '\~ ,Q,,' ~ i~) \CP't1, ~. I :1 " I, " j" " !: i '1 I' I' 1\ I' q"./ i '1,,1 ~ ~fL;\,'.., ' i . \ , , *' I ~" ~' ..; i , /' I: following reco::ded vote: I ! AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas , and Lee B. Eddy. I NAYS: i I I i i , , " I' I ! i I, I' r None. i' :1 ',i I' ii II Ii II " 11 ,/ ii II II II iI II Ii II !l ii I , fOllow-i I II 'i II :' I I The Commission Chairman's letter of 6/30/71 in regard to the above is filed with the minutes of this meetin3. IN RE: LEGAL AC'rION CONCERNING SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER IN REGARD TO TERRAZZO FLOOR DEFICIENCY IN LOBBY 1 1 AND ROOF REPAIRS Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the County Executive Officer be instructed to set up a meeting of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors and the Salem City Council at the earliest possible date in order to discuss what legal action should be taken by the governing bodies to correct the terrazzo floor deficiency in Lobby 11 and to recover money spent on roof repairs at the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, both matters outlined in July 2, 1971 letters from the Civic Center Manager. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the ing vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. NAYS: Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NONE. IN RE: HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT'S LETTER OF 6/30/71 SUGGESTING CONDEMNATION OF LAND FOR DRAINAGE EASEMENT The Chairman directed the county Executive Officer to check with Mr. Dick Quick to determine what progress has been made in negotiating a drainage go easement of the Billy Harbour property and if necessary/to the landowner regard- ing the matter and report to this Board by the July 28, 1971 meeting regarding i same. I" 1\ I The above captioned letter is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: REVISED BUDGET OF ROANOKE VALLEY MENTAL HEALTH-MENTAL RETARDATION SERVICES BOARD. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded 'vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County approved the change in the budget request of the Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board as outlined in their letter of July 6, 1971. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. OsterhoUdt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. 'I'homas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I I I , , 'I I, ,I I, :1 I! ,I 'I II ,/ Ii I, ;1 'I , Ii !I " Ii Ii ;j II " . " " .. :1 II ;1 II Ii Ii II 'I II " II II !I ;1 :1 II i' :1 ! I ...' p. , 7/14/71 ="'-0.:0-=-'--'==... ,,=,,-=.,.=-_,,';O---'--O'-_=_-_7_---"---'=,-C--'-",,--'_"-"'"-'"O=--~=_'__~_".~::.:_..~.;.-,.-=.-,-, 113 __.._._____._____n.."._.'.... ._____ .. -0- .. ..._____________.. .. _ '" ....._.__..__ __.._ ..._....__.___...u...., .. ____ .....__._...._ .. '___'_'_'__~__'_"_"___'_. ___m_.~... _ ___ ..~ __'__"_"__"_ ..___.,_ .___._ _. ___.'.___ _ ._..n...._...___.. --.._~----- ----. _.' ------.'------- . ..-. . .-''''', - - - -- --~ --- I! , ' , , I 1 , -.J o ,""" , I . . ..J ~ 'I ~ IN RE: II II II Ii " I ~ 'I Ii I' II II II i' il I, " ~ , i: ~ " 'I i 1 .I ! II II II I I " " ~ II ~ " Ii NOTIFICATION OF GRANT AWARD FOR PROJECT NO. 27 REHABILITATION SERVICES PROGRAM FOR AGING AT CATAWBA SANATORIUM On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. ThOlllas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, 'I:he Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County be and he hereby is aut;horized to sign the above-indicated notification of grant award for this project. An executed copy of the ~ove-mentioned notification is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The following items were this day received ~ld filed on motion of Super- visor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous: vote of the Board members. Written report of State Dep. of Welfare & In,~;itutions on inspection made of Co. jail on June 11, 1971; g Report of Actuary on Va. Supplemental Retireuent System (Roanoke Co.) through June 30, 1969; Report of Collector of Delinquent Taxes & Accounts for period 7/1/70- 6/30/71; Copy of letter of 6/17/71 from Winfred B. MoGre to Co. Zoning Administrator in reo development planned by Earl Green at interse=- tion of Carriage Dr., Hackney Lane, and RI:e. 419; 1971-1972- Fin~ Allocations ~or Interstate & Rural Primary Construction as prepared by ~tate Highway Dept.; from Chall. L. Jennings Letter of 6/21/71 to Board Chairman/accepting appointment to Va. Western Community College Board of Trustes; Ii II ' 'i/ II :1 I~/)\ tC II~~ II,~ I!~,~ r :i I! Ii ~ II IJ I, I' ii II II L " r II I: < 'II !: .~ ji ,I J ~ 'I / " r !~ II V Ii V Letter of 6/17/71 City Council's Valley; " " from Salem City Clerk to Bl)ard of Supervisors forwarding i'v resolution reo sewage treatment situation in Roanoke Ii Ii , " I' Copy of memo of G!16/7l from Fifth Planning Dist. Commission to Managers/Administrators of affiliated municipalities reo application for Federal assistance - Courts Management Study. Letter of 6/22/71 from Rl:e. City Clerk to Clnrk of Board of Supervisors advising of disposition of Supervisors' rElsolution concerning feasibility of combined courthouse facili.ties. Letter of 6/25/11 from Va. Dpt. of Highways advising of location & design public hearing on Rte. 1652 in Co.' Ii 'I I, ~ : ~ " " 'I II II iI 'I ii II Ij :: , I' Bulletin of 6/24/71 frOlll State Fire Marshall's testing facilities under Va. Industrializnd Home Safety Regulations; Resolutions from: City of Salem, City of Covi.ngton, 'and Alleghany Co. approving formation of a new health distr;,,;t; office listing approved Building Unit & Mobile Copy of a letter from Botetourt Co. Executivn Secretary advising Botetourt Co. Board of Supervisors failed to adopt resolution formation of a new health district; ,j " II ;,/ OJ II .If, 'I II II il/ " ,. 1 ii II II " V that approving ./ Letter from Langley, McDonald & Overman of 6/30/71 to State Water Control Board re sewage treatment situaticrn in Roanoke Valley; Copy of letter of 7/1/71 from Roanoke City C~erk to Roanoke City Manager re verbal approval to Board of Supervisorfl to proceed with construc- tion of interceptor sewer line which will cross City-owned property; Letter of 7/1/71 from Chairman of Science MUBeum Board of Trustee., to Supervisors' Chairman expressing apprecial:ion for Co I s support in developing a museum program & for recent 1:our of sites available in Notice of 7/1/71 from State Comptroller to Cu. Clerk setting salary for Judges of Circuit Court. Interim Sewerage Plan as prepared for Fifth Planning Dist. Commission by Hayes, Seay, Mattern & Mattern; Letter from Attorney John H. Tl=ton, Jr. ad',rising that the Appalachian Power Company rate increase hearing has b(!en continued. Letter from G. Frank Clement with attachecl6rl;icle describing a two-way / terminal system for CATV; i } l' " " , ../ Co.; / v " I '.'1 , 1 /i I I ../ ! 114 vi' , -", . -- -.- 7/14/71 ._~--------- -~_.-._----------_.. _. - ----------- __n__ _ ________ _n __ ..n _... _ .... ___.. __ ..~_ _,~___._ ___ ___n_ _ _ __ __ _ . __, __... - _-0. _ ':..--"---===,--c:o=:===-_==-_':.o_"-=:o=.'",--==-:.==_,-".",---==---o---, =O--"-"'=~-.=-_-_ =~__=~-==-==-~-=="",==:,="_:_""_~=.,,,,=',,,-__==~=,==_,",,-_ Letter of 6/22/71 from President of N & W Railway Co. Board Chairman's letter & accompanying zesolution railroad right of way; acknowledging re brush fires alo"" 1 I I' I i' I I' , I I I L I I 1 I I I ii !I il I: II il " I 1 I Ii II II II I' ,I " il il I' Ii II I I ]I I I [, v'copy of Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in Co. Jail in June, 197~. I II I I At the close of business June 30, 1971, there was to -the credit of the following: ii !i Copy of letter of 6/23/71 from Roanoke City ,Manager to Roanoke Co. Public ServicG Authority, Executive Director, reo Roanoke City's appearance before State Water Control Beard on 6/15/71; Letter of 6/28/71 from President of Science J.,lsel1m Assoc. of Roanoke Valley (Jack M. Goodykoontz) expressing,,,pr'~ciation of Co. 's participation in Roanoke Valley's attemp~ to attract a unit of museum project; '( Letter of 7/1/71 from Va. Dept. of Highways to Board Chai~lan advising that traffic signals will be installed at intersections of Rte. 220 & Penarth Rd. at Townside Shopping Cente;r & that plans are being prepared for in,stallation at intersectioJ1s of Rte. 419 & 220; Copy of a letter of 7/7/71 to WIn. F. Clark, lUte. City Director of Public Works, from Executive Director of Rke. C,). Public Service Authority requesting opportunity to discuss sewer infiltration matters; I Letter of 7/6/71 from Roanoke Scrap Iron & Metal Co., Inc. to Board Chairman advising that a new paper recycling plant will be place, in operation on 7/20/71; ./' Open letter of 7/4/71 to Mayor & Council of Roanoke City from Del. Ray L. Garland le: sewage treatment; Copy of a letter of 7/2/71 from Board Chairmlim to Mayors Roy L. Webber & Eddie M. Joyce of Roanoke & Salem, respectively, and also to L. S. Waldrop requesting joint engineering review of proposed waste water retention facilities; / Letter of 6/21/71 from Roanoke Valley Regiona,l Health Services Planning Council, Inc. to Board Chairman with copy of their annual report; / V Copy of notice from State Elementary School; Board of Education in reo .plans for Hardy Road vTreasurer's Report, spread as follows: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School COnstruction (Local) - Availab:.. Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash SchOOl Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Bank of Va..of SW - Federal Programs Data Processing - Available Cash ' I,ibrary Construction Fund - Available Cash I' Parks & Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash I, F.I.C.A. - Available Cash II;!' Retirement Fund - Available Cash , Air Pollution Control - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer I I i' I I' t: , , I ! $ 75,558.08 5,350.30 14,382.88 42,932.64 8,027.86 10,314.10 2,691.86 186,955.40 34,507.01 45,496.91 4,066.53 2,226.57 175.53 432,685.67 '$ Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank - Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Bank of Va. of SW - Escrow - $4,315,000.00 School Construction Fund Bank of Va. of SW - Textbook Bank of Va. of SW - Paying )!,gent School Debt Service Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Bond Accot~t Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent ~ublic Building ~ond Bankers Trust Co. - Paying Agent School Debt Service Colonial-American National Bank Federal Programs Fund Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters $ 2,000.00 318,319.51 19,460.51 39,691. 29 66.40 6,000.17 360.00 4,650.00 31,736.00 10,314.10 87.69 $ 432,685.67 Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Va. o~ the SW Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Cole,nial-American National Bank $ 1,900,073.00 2,400,000.00 2,200,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,692,000.00 1,000,000.00 $12,192,073.00 Certificates of Deposit - Library Construction First National Exchange Gank $ 350,000.00 I I I ~ I, II Ii .. Ii Ii I! " II II 'I ;: Ii II Ii ,I Ii I' Ii I I -~ -.,..,~"-.-. '116 7/l4/7l - ----~----~ --~_____~____ __ ___.__.... u .._.___.. ____.._.m__._..__~~__. ..____.__~._._____._._..______ . ~ "..._..___ _._._____..._____._. .____._ ._u __ __ _________~_ ______ _~____ .___..__.m___...___.________.__._____...___.________...____._~__..._."..___....._._._____.______.. ____.___ _._---_._.__._-~-~-------_._-._--~-_._~_.__.__._.~- --_.__.._~._-_.-_._._.__.--_..- ---_.. ...... --.----..--.----. - -. -._.._ ____. _... ____...._________._ _. _._____ .__ __ '"__ - ~_________.. .._...____n_ _ ...._..,_.__...____ _ ..___ .______._.. .....-._____. ,_........____ On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Charles ,H. of the Board members, the committee of the was dissolved and the meeting resumed in open session. RIl: APPOINTMENTS TO BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS & APPEALS v' Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that Messrs. Samuel L. Lionberger, Jr. .; E. J. Miller be reappointed to the Building Code Board of Adjustments ;;. for four (4) year terms to expire July 22, 1975. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the recorded vote: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl S;.mms, Joseph c. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. None. RE: OPTION ON PARK LAND ,,\ ,c.' ~ f'\/ ~0' e.o II Ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, second.ed by Supervisor Charles il II II " il i! : H. Osterhoudt and the following recorded vote the County l:xecutive Officer was : i~dtructed to enter into an option for the acquisition of certain park land. r I AYES: f' " i i , A. '1'.. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl S:.mms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. , NAYS: None. II II Ii 'I !/ I, " :i " Ii ,I 'I JI Langley, McDonald & Overman in the amount of $12,242.97 for annexation services II Ii " 11 :1 il I, II [I " i' Ii II I .1 if :1 I' II ~ ! 'i 'I I' ,I Ii I! " " jj Ii ;1 Ii if ii II :1 I, Ii j! Ii I: I ,/ I'IN I I: RIl: INVOICE NO. 1 OF LANGLEY, MCDONALD & OVERMAN SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION CASES FOR PERIOD NOVEMBER 26, 1970. ENDING FOR Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the above-mentioned invoice approved for payment. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion wh:,ch carried by the following recorded vote: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. None. IN RE: PURCHASE OF FIVE CARS FROM DEPT. OF PURCHASES & SUPPLY IN RICHMOND, VA. BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to purchase five (5) used cars from the Department of Purchases and Supply, Richmond, Virginia, with the understanding that the cars will be titled in the name of the Board of Supe~visors of Roanoke County and are. being purchase for official use by Roanoke Co\mty and not for resale, until their condition through II II I, " Ii II II I, II I' 'I " ii i I ! II r il I, Ii ,I II II 'I II II II " 'I I, II , I ,I I I I - , ~._--"- -- --~ -.-. . --- --- -- --- - --- ---- -- --- ~.- -." .-.-- -- ------.------ ._--- ---------- ---.__.~._~-----~-- this meeting. The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded ~ f};.I~ , I; Ii " it " i: ,I )! " " , I' :1 il il ,I Ii " ;! :; " " " by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the Board members. : , '........ , - 11 ;' I' ,[ I. ii Ii !: ii :1 :1 11 i: ); II ..... I I :"'1 ..... '~.. I'.'. i" ,',l - 120 '--~-- ---~._-----~--~._--_.._-_._-- --.. ...---- -~_..-_._.,- .-. .-----~-------_._-_._--------_.,._.. -...--. ".-. .-.-- -.'--..-. .. "'-.-. ~"--'-----'--"" .'. '___"... _ ._ ____ _ ". "'___...m _...._.______........ __.._ __ ..-....--..-. ---~- .---...--.------ .. ______ ._...."'.,...._ ...__ __"'m" ._'0_' -...-,=-'-c=_=--c:.=.:.."-=---=.-_--=:o;c--==-o-..=.="'.= ,,--.,-,,:,,,,,," =_--'-=-=-'''O_'''~,'''.=='.. ._,,"-,='_=== '-~ .~'-.~==:~=-_..;o'~=_;_"'CC.-'-'::-"'''':'''''C=_=__'__=__.='_=~,,.._,o'''''"_'__=_,-~..,,.._=___c.,,-=.=-=,,_-c=-=~, ..,.-~.=_....,=-CO_COco..=-"--;-=,=." "-='~_=,"",-_' -==C::---=="='.=- _ _'. I i Ii i ! t Roanoke County Courthouse ,: I Salem, Virginia I ; July 28, 1971 :[ J 7:30 P.M. !: i The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse If I I, i thereof in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the fourth wednesday and I! I: second regular meeting of the mon,th. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, !I !'Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, L.. Earl Simms, Charles H. Osterhoudt and A. T. i I Huddleston. The Commonwealth' s Jl.ttorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht was also present. i i i, I i I i ,- ii i: 11 , Ba' il ~n " Jthen led in the pledge of allegiance to the flag given in unison. I I I " ;1 ,/ I, I i spread " I: Thomas i i I , I, I I~ IN RE: , [: i, I -I I, II " il II 'I !i I' -I I: I: 'I I, II ;) I' ,I II ! ,i " I, 'I [I I, II Ii !I II il 'I I; Ii Ii 11 II 'I n !j " II I ~ the Tie-Breaker" Ii The Chairman called the meeting to order, introduced Reverend Paris E. of Jeters Chapel Church of the Brethren, who offered the invocation, and The minutes of the July 14, 1971, meeting of this Voard were approved as on motion of Supervisor A. ~. Huddleston, seconded by Supe=visor Joseph C. and the unanimous yote of the Board members. QUESTION OF ISSUANCE OF 5-YEAR SPECIAL USE PERI\fIT ~O HAROI.D B. FERGUSON & INTERSTATE AUTO MART, INC. TO OPERATE AUTO SALVAGE CENTER & AUTO GRAVEYARD ON RTE. 311 , i Ii il ~,' I, of I I' of 11 i: operate an automobile salvage center I i' said question having been heretofore I I March 24" 1971, for a ten 1 The Court-appointed Tie-Breaker, Mr. Minor E. Keffer, sat with the Board Supervisors of Roanoke county this day to decide the question of the issuance a special use pe~it to Harold B. Ferguson and Interstate Auto Mart, Inc. to and automobile graveyard on Route 311, the considered by the Be,: cd of Supervisors on (10) year permit and on April 14, 1971, for a five (5) ;; Ii year permit, a tie-vote having been cast on both occasions. I 1 r I' I r Board of Supervisors on April 14, 1971, as follows, to-wit: Having heard the presentations for and against the matter, stated he had reached a decision on the question consideIed an voted upon by the ". . . that the a?plication of Harold B. Ferguson & Interstate Auto Mart, Inc. for a special-use permit so an automobile salvage center and automobile graveyard may be operated on a 1.2 acre tract of land on the east side of Route 311 adja- cent to the 311 Grill be approved for a period of 5 years and that all auto graveyard restrictions including fencing, etc. be observed. l' 20- 7.1+ '. 'J'~ ,0 : ~ P1' [ "AYES: L. Earl Simms & Joseph C. Thomas Q LV-A' j.,ki. i" "NAYS: A. T. Huddleston & Lee B. Eddy" pr ~' Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt ABSTAINED. ~~~upon determining that the Supervisors did not wish to change their vote ~::-~~)..pril 14, 1971, hereinabove shown, the Tie-Breaker voted with the "NAYS" and the (jN-' ~~.) permit was denied. Ar () 5l ~~i' Mr. o. Dalton Baugess, Attorney for the Applicants, appeared to explain ~~~-~~ ,I the intended use and operation and the following individuals appeared to oppose J;,~..,.,. f,! same: Mr. Rodney Smith of Ma,sons Cove Civic League, Mr. & Mrs., G. E. Reed, Lois Fletcher, Mr. Bill Roop, Mr. Garl~1d Fletcher, and Mr. Charles C. Vail, Jr. who filed a written presentation. I' 11 I L H [I ii II ii " i: Ii ji , " ji ,) Ii I: of I I I I, I ~ I - J',~, 1<,' i', '.,,,1 ""I ' , , , ""..,..,..._.,'..,.__..,.-...',,....,,....'!','C..',_ 7 /28/71 - -.-. .--.. --.'_. - '..-.--- ----. .-----.--- _..~.- ~-~----- .-..-----. ..- ~ --. . . -- - - .-. . ... .,'. -- - --. - -. .._._._-~-- ---'--""'-'-'..........--. -., ,--.--.. .....-. ---...--. IN RE: HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors authorize the County Library Board of Trustees and the architect to I: advertise the plans and specifications for the Roanoke County Headquarters Library;' presented this day, for bids upon the construction of same to be submitted for opening on August 26, 1971. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms/and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. Mr. C. J. Clement, Chairman of the Library Board of Trustees, and Mr. W. Tredway Coleman, chairman of their Buildi","' COIIlIIIi ttee, and Mr. William P. Mounfield, Architect all appeared in regard to the above matter. ;: :i ~ IN RE: II Ii 1: i I! !i :i !i , r " 11 " :! !i 'I !: " il t; " ~i REZONING OF PROPERTY IN THE RICHFIELD MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY ON ROUTE 638 (BEND ROAD) OFF ROUTE 774 AND SOUTH OF ROANOKE RIVER, CARL & DORIS FURROW'S PETITION ) ) ) ) ) ) DENIED On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the Board concurred in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning COIIlIIIission to deny the request of the petitioners to rezone the above property from A-I to R-4: AYES: NAYS: A. T. Huddleston, and Lee B. Eddy. None. Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas No one appeared either for or against the above petition. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE ) SOUTHERLY SIDE OF ROUTE 460 ) EASTERLY FROM MECCA STREET ) OF ) VALLEY LAND INVESTMENT COMPANY) PUBLIC HEARING RE-SCHEDULED & RE-ADVERTISED The Chairman announced that the public hearing on the above petition was being re-advertised to be held on August 11, ~97l, at 2:00 P.M. No one appeared in regard to this matter. continued twice from June 9, 1971. IN RE: REZONING PETITION OF ) CONSTRUCTION & GENERAL LABORERS LOCAL UNION, ) NO. 980 FOR REZONING A 45.5 ACRE TRACT ERONTING ) ON THE SERVICE ROAD THAT PARALLELS ROUTE 81 ) AND ADJACENT TO EXIT 41 ON ROUTE 81 ) CONTINUED NO one appeared either for or against the above petition, the public hearing having been continued twice (originally set for June 9".'1971). The matter will be heard August 25, 1971, at 7:30 P.M. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board direct the Commonwealth's Attorney to research the State Law governing possible taxation of municipality- owned water facilities located in County areas and report back to this Board at the earliest possible date. 121 '_'U'__'___'..._.__ - .__..._.__.~--- v " '7-3(V 1 : . "A~ ,'I,; i! ~. /f~..,,-'" IJA:. 'IC-~~. fie n ~I- ~~ !! .--,,,;,,r;.~"11 ) ~I v II ii,C ~~. :; ~. ii r " :i !f ii " I " I! :, " , Ii Ii i! 'I ' I, . Ii ~q. 71... I, 1- ~ , ~- I:c!..~ !,! afl.;i'"; '(>)..v, ~ ~_7JQ 1; ~#/'" ( i! 11(~,J.~ /I " P'" ~ L.C ' i t, " ri$~'Jcc-""~' i!~. 'I 1-' j! ;1 '! , " " I, !i I, ;! / v ",'7 - '7~_ rJ - "" ""tc .!""'<'~~" Q.>/o ' C~~' .... ~-:f.~ 'i\-"-~"'" 122 7/28/71 f_____=-=..=--==---:..=.=_-~o_.-~_===.:.=c::"===== '.=_--=0 =--==-o"-'-'--_-_-o-="""'-=-.=:...,.==;:.:_~~ -..':"'-"--==:~-:-- , -= ="..:..=.,'..-:..:..---=-_"'=:0--=--,-_-0---.=...'.' c:....---=' =-'-'=--,;:,....=='0 ,. =-==-: C.C" :;:.";o..-.,,,:=__=..--==-.":""'''-.''",,;C::.c:~:,,"=.o-,,~="'::""...:..-=:;~~~~-,,-,--="=-: ="-""--_~-=-=~-...o=-"'-"',==_""""="_-="_-'::=-~""""-_-O--"'-~:'"c::-o-:-.-'-"_-~=-.:o-_,~_=""""-.~=...,---.c-.-,.-..=....,,~-:.=...,..,.._.=-..,..,--,,=c~~~,=",--.,.-_-.:::...,.. ;""7~_-_~--:O:C--'-"""""'O-;7_"o-o-~.C---'''''.-,,".,.' I ! by the following recorded vote: Supervisor Charles H. Osterl.oudt secondf,d the motion which carried AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. i I I I I i il , " I II , Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors con- II I )" II I' 0' 1). I cur in the reconmendation of the Recreation Dept. and accept the low bid of !i , 1'?, 'V{ ~t!., Valley Contractors Corp. in the amount of $11,692.00 for the construction of Ii I ~ l~- )i 'I, "..., I picnic pavilions with brick columns at the following locations in the County: " 1 1" ,~L.>> I 1'1 I A ~". ~Stonebridge, Mount Pleasant, Clearbrook and Dundee. I : 8- ~.i.V I: i "- ~:vjP~t1?, Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the \ ~~~ +: following recorded vote: I k1'/0~'1 Ii AYES: Ii ~~ I 'I " and Lee B. Eddy. I, i, ,I !, i' NAYS: None. ,! " II II II II II I II i: " NAYS: None. I IN RE: CONSTRUCTION OF PICNIC PAVILIONS I A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas i: i " I' '1\ I '1,::>-'1' -t.' ,II ~~~i, ~;~ -i:v~ U ) I Uf~\ X't'1~ (V'" t . \ Ii ~ \t.'I. V", f). Ir r- " Ii IN RE: WRITTEN REQliES'!' THAT ADDITIONAL DEFT'S. TRUCK & GENERAL FUND. OF AIR POLLUTION CONTROL O~FICER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FOR TEAT PATRO:. CARS BE CHARGED TO COUNTY'S I On motion of Supervisor .Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, action was delayed until the August 11, 1971, 2:00 p.m. meeting of this Board on the above matter. IN RE: PETITION OF LEONA M. AND DON E. HAYMAKER FOR REZONING OF 2.2 ACRES AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SUNNYVALE STREET AND EDINGTON ROAD PETITION WITHDRAWN Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors concur i; in the recommendativn of the Roanoke Cvunty Planning Commission and allow Leona , " 1\ I! M. and Don E. Haymaker to withdraw their petition to rezone the above property 1,:r1l'4'~ from RE to M-l. \ e.~\ n Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried by 'P0-v~. , unanimous vote. 'I ~~"', f~'. p\z-t, \ t': ~,<W! Q J-"o IN RE: r v\ i, I PETITION OF O. M. PALMER FOR REZONING OF 13.51 ACRES ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CREST6ILL DRIVE AT MUD LICK CREEK ) ) ) PETITION WITHDRAWN I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County concur in the recommendation of the Planning Commission and permit , 11-l( / ';' b <1'?- ;,Y. .A.Io.1.. . '\~c.""?"'~U"', g.~.It,\ i '(4~O.'(V~. . J~' f"~~ 4,. C i }4X- i , O. M. Pallller to withdraw his petition for rezoning the above described property from R-l to R-3. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote of the Board members. .--"-~'-'------- "''<'o/""-~._- '..-.. ~~~~__...~~<",_--r\-' 7/28/71 '--'---~,' '----'--~_._-- -,------ - "------- --_.---~_..- ---- --_._~._. .-----.------------.-- ----- -~----_._,-_.- - - --- -- - - ---~- --.._------ - ".- -- -----~- ---- ..._~----.----- -,--,--. _________ _________. ____u____ -- _.._---~~--_._.- -.-.---- --- _.----- - ------- IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE NO. 632 PETITION WITHDRAWN , I i I! Ii " " " il " 11 Supp.rvisors allow Leonard L. Jennings, Laura M. Jennings, Sidney Lanier Smith ;i ~ and Charlotte R. Palmer to withdraw their petition to rezone certain property on Ii 1: " Route 632 near Starkey, Va. in accordance with the written request dated 7/16/71 Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Roanoke Co,mty Board of i I; of the Attorney, Mr. David G. Hjortsberg. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by unanimous " ii vote " " i! ii " 'i RE: " " i: (: of the Board. REZONING OF A CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND SITUATE IN CATAWBA DISTRICT, LYING NORTH AND ADJACENT TO A SERVICE ROAD ALONG INTERSTATE ROUTE 581, LEADING TO VIRGINIA ROUTE 117, PRESENTLY OWNED BY LOU MAYO BROWN MOOMAW ORDER This day came Smith's Transfer Corporation, by counsel, and requested leave to file its petition relative to the rezoning described therein, which Ii request is granted and said petition be, and the same is, hereby filed. Ii I th u AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that e proposal to amend the " ii :i Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is, hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance and the - i i ~..J " 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date; and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting and hearing shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virgilla. The above resolution and order w~s adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. -Osterhoudt, and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas '~ , ;'.1 , ,. and Lee B. Eddy. :. j ~ NAYS: None. -., \'--:1 , ,'1 ...-! IN RE: CLOSING OF DANHURST DRIVE AS SHOWN ON MAP OF SECTION NO.1, WINDSOR WOODS, WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN ,D PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 25, IN THE CLERK'S \ OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE :i COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VA. :: ORDER This day came Fralin & Waldron, Inc. by counsel, and requested leave to 'i file its petition relative to closing Danhurst Drive as shown on the map of Section No.1, Windsor Woods, recorded in Plat Book 6, page 25, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for thl~ County of Roanoke, Va. which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that 123 " Ii " I" U., '11 ! 1~- ~ 1", "1'~ u 'i " ".\</(k!;A' ~{e:',~ (, i!~"'~'~ :, ~{'6'41 i!~ '~M"1J4' <trt"'o. ~~'I I' (, I " 'I " I " q !i. i! \ ;:' " i1 ,! :: c,' 1~: ,')0 P Ii,!' 'J-P v' 'c.!\ ~'" . !i t ., 'I Q "'~~ ,( !, {Y~,~ ./ \ ,,' ~ : '" :: J.p/' ~}. ~,( 'do. (J.,1f'?J (;,t/' ( r -\,,: , v' ,) eX ~,~' ',' l' c.l>' / it,/ D i,: ,.,0 a~'i. , "'\' "'/:' <' li~~c-()t ~'~-f :: I LY'')~r !: ~~0 ,~~' ,: "wi. l ',', (J 0' " t-' . : \ ~ i: ;, :; . ,r" ,.<~,-:.. .' ~:.:.,.~;..' _, . 124 ...- -. -'~ ""~-~'-'-''''''---~.. ....._'~~-...~...........- , ='=o-_=:-:""'"-=o---'--~-==_=--===-=..c= :o..=-~-=---:-=--=:::=c=-=,,-.=.-::'~':~.~_"._;;c-::.-O-=-""'OC_":"=,,--.,~~---=,=~"";c.""O=--'=;--"'."'""-0;:---0-_-:.---::."",,'-:.----"--=::0--=-==""- ,,--:--==-=.=:=;'=.-=_~,c:;-~-=__. =::-=.= __.,~"~--;-:O~C~~"'.. ="'''''-.-==-.._. ~ _-=--"-=.=-:-==--C-~"'=""_-:--;-'--."---' ..----O--=C,-..-o--=_.,.._~=--.-',...".-"_______,____e;:oc_-,,~ _-_-==-.,..;-.-,,-.C'--;:--~__~c=~...:c_,:.--._~.-;,._,__~":'."'._,_______,-._.-__,___:_.~ --=_-c-:.....--,....,..,.,--~__,_..".-...,cc"'--.-=---.....,..,.,.__......,.-:--..C'.- ?-,---~-;--;-, ";---0-.- :.",- .-=-._--=:_.,.,.~,."--._....,..,~'-..,-;__.,,.,..._-.~:=o=.==~ " , 11 . r .' ~, r ,?U ~", ~' ~' U' I: ~~~/'I \ " ~ (' " l~l'l'"' r r qJ' 'e'~" A Y ~ I. I ~~''l,~ r: ~,,' ,') ,> \,\.\i~~~tl.. ~'~\r-~' \ \1 I, ,I " Ii II il ,\ il I' Ii Board shall fQrthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, :1 !! 'i I, , !i " Ii I: II BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolu~; Ii tion ana order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary, !i I! Ii The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charle$ II I, I, Ii Ii !i Ii ,I !' II 'I II I' I II I ! 1', I II II II I Ii 7/28/71 said proposal to close Danhurst Drive, as requested in said p,~tition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meetins shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code i I I i , I , , i.' of Virginia. of the Planning Commission of Roar.oke County, Virginia. H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as fanows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF LOT 8 Ai'lD A) PART OF LOT 9, AND LOT ) 10 AND A PAaT OF LOT ) 9, BLOCK 1, MAP OF ) CAPTAIN'S GROVE ) FRONTING ON COMMANDER ) DRIVE AND DARBY ROAD ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER i , I: I I: I' i: I' , , , I' I: I r I: j. ! OF JAMES CONSTRUCTION CO. OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA INC. This day came James Construction Co. of Roanoke, Virginia, Inc. by Counsel and requested leave to file its petition relative to rezoning the proper~y: 'I I described therein, which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. On motio~ duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County zoning Ordinance, as requested in said I' petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of :1 II Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provision of the 1950 Ii ~ i I, Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit; AYES: All NAYS: None. I I I I I II :[ i qr71J{< Ii r 0 t, l' . il~~,r Ii u') ~i-I ~ nL IJk.~ / II D'/ (-' III-Sb~\ , 'If as requested ft/4, \zj G, II .... 0 . to the Planning Commission ii ... \~ I' II v~Y)i~/' have i ,O.Q . i \' II " II hearing at the ii ii regular or speci,al meeting of this Board, nutice of which meeting II 1/28/71 ;1 IN RE: Ii i: I! ;i " il n i ! REZONING LOT 16, SEC. 1, WALROND) COURT, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2, ) PAGE 118, IN 'CLEllX' S OFFICE ' ) OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE ) COUNTY OF ROANOKE ) ) OF I I EARNESTINE L. BURKHOLDER ) ORDER This day came Earnestine L. Burkholder, by counsel, and requested leave to file her petition relative to rezoning Lot 16, Sec. 1, as shown on the Map of Walrond Court, recorded in Plat Book 2, page 178, in the Clerk's Office of the i: " [i ~ Circuit Ii !i petition is hereby filed. i , I j; , " !i proposal to rezone Lot Ji " in Court for the County of Roanoke, Va., which request is granted and said On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that said 16, Sec. 1, as shown on map hereinabove set out, said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred t' ii of Roanoke County " !i the 1950 ~ II II reported I' ~ Clerk of 1. , i' next pennissible, for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of Code of Virginia, as amend.ed, and when said Planning Commission shall its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public . I . iishall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of " ,: the 1950 Code of Virginia. j~ II 'I jtion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary Ii of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. r} a " ij :: H. Osterhoudt cmd seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the recorded I II the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: il ii AYES: All " " ~NA'iS: None. ii BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that One certified copy of this resolu- ....J The above reeolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles " ~ 'I vote, : This day appeared the County Engineer, heretofore appointed by this Board " I' ~to view the following road and the location thereof and to make a report thereon, t, it to-wit: ~ I 'i -- UNNAMED ROAD FROM ROUTE 311 NORTH 0.18 MILE TO DE , :'whereupon, on motion of Supervisor ~harles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor iA. T. Huddleston, said Engineer's report is approved. And it is hereby ordered that said road, as described briefly above, be, ::i 1.;'1() ';'',:'.1 .;...J " 'land it is hereby, established as a public road to become a part of the State \Secondary System of Highways of Roanoke County, the Board of Supervisors guarantee- I, , i'ing the right for drainage. ii And it is further ordered that a certified copy of this resolution be :1 ilfurnished to the District Engineer of the State riighway Department having the !! ;supervision and maintenance of State Secondary Roads in Roanoke County. I " " " AYES: Adopted by the following, recorded vote: NAYS: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas & Lee B. Eddy. None. 125 __ n_'_._'.__ ... ~ .. ____. ._'..'.0" .... il ': F\ I' Ii ,: ii 'I [, " " :1 'I I " " ii ~ ;i '1,;; t 1,1' ~..;;c I J, c.r'\ ~ Ii b t,J{i-y" ii er.~.r ~ 126 I 7/28/71 --o=~:--:-=~,~=::,"","_,=--=-==o",-"",~~,--:c,~=---=-~",",,-c--,,-:::~---'---~""-.=_",",,"" '~-=-'""7====---==:"=_=*,-","_-=..o.-==o.::=-:-=-=~""",,==o;--..:_~.~....:o....:_-;:c,,",=::.c~--c;=,--,-==c.--,-_c::,,,,-==-_-~..,_-o-,=~--"'-""-===-.=o-=-=='c~-==--='---=-"':'==::"::::"_--:=O= I , I: , I I i I I I I I I I I' I I' ! i i I: Ii " II I' II Ii ,! I' II Ii II would appreciate an invitation being extended to the members of the Roanoke County , 'I II II Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- II ,I II Ii II II ,I 'I I, Ii II n :1 :1 I[ [I II il I, II 'I II II !i IN RE: MEETING BETWEEN BOARD OF SUPERVISORS & ROANOKE VALLEY HOME BUILDERS ASSOC. REGARDING ALLEGED DEFICIENCIES IN CERTAIN SEWER LINES IN CO. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be authorized to set up,a meeting with the Roanoke Valley Home Builders Association and the Board of Supervisors in accordance with Mr. M. Caldwell Butler's letter of July 23, 1971 and advise Mr. Butler that the Board Public Service Authority, and furthermore that the referred to letter from Mr. Butler be received and filed. ing recorded vote: AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I I' I i " I I I , I: I I: / I: I, "'I; I -' I lj !: ./ ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. On motion of Supervisor J'oseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhou,dt and the unanimous vote of the Board members the folLowing items were this day received and filed: Copy of minutes of a meeting of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority held 6/8/71; Statement of office & travel expenses incurred by Sheriff & Deputies in month of June 1971; Copy of a letter from Director of State Highway Safety Division to Chairman of Roanoke Co. Highway Safety Commission advising that highway safety project request Ln amount of $3,541.50 was approved; Forest to Board Chairman National Forests in the Letter from Supervisor of Jefferson National accompanied by "Guide for Managing the Appalachians" ; " ,. , I' to the ExecutJ.ve 1 staff action I .r "! Copy of a memo dated 1/13/71 from the Executive Director Committee of the 5th Planning Dist. Commission re: relative to the Interim Sewerage Plan; /;: , June report of Summer Playground Dept; of 6/30/71 Letter/from Acting Director of Roanoke Guidance Center to Co. Bookkeeper acknowledging receipt of Co.'s contribution to the Center; i: .'1 /~ I [, Letter of 7/9/71 from Vice President of Public Affairs for N & W Railway to Board Chairman promising future cooperation in matter of fires along railroad right of way caused by sparks from locomotives; '0'1 I , I' Letter of 7/9/71 from Roanoke City Manager on behalf of City of Roanoke acknowledging 7/2/71 letter from Board Chairman to Roanoke Mayor, Salem Mayor & L. S. Waldrop pertaining to control & reduction of infiltration in sewerage systems; and re: Board Chairman's letter 7/3/71 pertaining to a meeting with the staff of the State Water Control Board on 7/13/71; ,,/ Letter of 7/9/71 from Roanoke City Manager to Board Chairman and others advising that at the Council meeting on 7/12 the program for the Roanoke Sewage Treatment Plant that will be submitted to the State Water Control Board will be presented & reviewed; Letter of 7/14/71 from State Water Control Eoard to Board of Supervisors' :1 Chairman forwarding copy of letter from State Health Dept. approving, in principle and as an interim procedure only the pond proposed by Roanoke Co.; ./ I, I: II I' '1 I I I " ,I Ii " Ii of I' ,I " !i I I Copy of a letter dated 7/15/71 from State Water Control Board to Roanoke City Manager scheduling his appearance before the Board re: Roanoke I: City's interim & long-range sewage plans; Roar.oke City Manager's iJ acknowledgment dated 7/21/71 of that appointment: Letter of 7/20/71 from Roanoke City Manager to Board Chairman advising that the City is still available for discussions re: detention~ proposal advanced by Co. for area on Roanoke River just Ii. of City;! from Hampton W. Thomas " Copy of an open letter to Del. Ray L. Garland date."l 7/9/71/replying to !: Del Garland's op,:!n letter to Rke. City Counc':,l re: Rke. City Sewage;! Treatment plant =provemen ts; ii :1 I; ~~,.. ~'"""y"~.,.~" "-',' 7/28/71 ''''''''===='''-'''''-=:'''.~--'-'='''--'--''''"''---=--'=..;;' ."=--==--=---"+-",,_,-:;-,,-,,:-==~,,,,"o,'.-_~=-C"""C:--=".._~'=C_"--"'_' _ U:._.'".===-.-,;,- _ __._ __~. ~ - __._______ __~__..~n_ __'."._._n._._ ~______"'_..,_.._._ ____ Copy of Robert A. Garland's letter of 7/15/71 to Mayor & members of Roanoke City Council political subdivisions sharing in cost of improvements or expansions to Rke. City Sewage Treatment Plant & reaching an agreement on the existing sewage treatment contract prior to said improvements; " I: " Copy of City of Roanoke's Interim Program Report to State Water Control ij/ Board datec 7/12/71; Letter of 7/9/71 from Thomas Rutherfoord Bonding & Insurance to Board Ii Chairman forwarding copy of performance & payment bond for RCA Corp.~ for supplying a law enforcement communications control center & related base station, radio & monitoring equipment to Roanoke Co.; Ii 'I Letter of 7/9/71 from Technical Products hngineering Co. to Board Chairman Ii / reo County's invitation to Bid RCSD-7l-l; also their being awarded item #4; i' II I Letter of 6/29/71 from Board Chairman to Marketing Communications Manager :-- Ii for Magnasync/Moviola corp. confirming Co.'s intention to purchase items in amount of $19,404.70 from that Corp. contingent upon receipt of a grant from Va. Div. of Justice & Crime Prevention. (this letter bears acceptance & witnessing signatures of the manager & executive vice president, of this Corp. respectively.) of 7/7/71 from RCA Cap. to Board Chairman accompanied by Co.'s orignal bid specifications & various contract documents for a law enforcement communications control center & related base station radio & monitoring equipment; Copy of a letter from Commonwealth's Attorney to State Law Library advising r' they are being fOl~arded free of charge a copy of Roanoke County Code; Letter of 7/7/71 from RCA Corp. to of purchase order in amount ment for Sheriff's Dept.; Board Chairman acknowledging re~eipt of $4,707.00 for two-way radio equip- , I ~ " ii h , 11 I, ii 11 " , ii ii I " " ii " i! , ii 'I il Letter Statement from Dixon & Norman, ArChitects, for $3,100.00 for school property appraisal made in connection with annexation suits; Statement from Daniel A. Robinson & Assoc. in amount of $11,313.00 for services rendered in connection with annexation suits (month of , - 11 il II ii " II " Ii 1; :i i: ji " Ii On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl ii !ISimms and the unanimous vote of the Board members the following letters were this !i il day received and filed and the Clerk directed tc forward copies of same to all the ,I Statement from Langley, McDonald, & Overman ir. amount of $11,842.43 for services rendered in connection with annexation suits for period 4/30/71 - 6/24/71; members: Letter from Mary Beth Waddell (age 10); Letter from Mr. & Mrs. William Catron; Letter of 7/20/71 from J. E. Newman & letter of 7/19/71 from Mrs. Joe C. Webb - all expressing opposition to proposed rezoning of a tract of land adjoining Petty Acres Subdivision from Rl to R3 for constructing apartments thereon. , :"."1 - 'I Ii COUNTY " !i On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor PAYROLLS -:::1 ::~:: I ;...~ j ;:JOSeph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the County Payroll (5i-weekly $30,296.00, from v State Income Tax, 'I dated 7/21/71) was approved for payment in the gross amount of " " iiwhich the sum of $1,572.83 F.I.C.A., $2,865.92 F.I.T., $555.32 :i ~ . ~ $12.00 Un1forms, Ii I: deducted leaving a net payroll of $24,370.24. , - / $433.00 Blue Cross Ins., and $486.69 Miscellaneous Expenses are iAYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. .. Ii NAYS: None. " i! !iv Ii ii Ii , ;1/ ii " ii v' , II' i / " , June); " " I, v Ii Ii " I " :! Ii I, i; Ii ii ;i i! i/ , '1...,1, " , d-, 1"1'- . D'- ii .A-vtJ~~) 1152J.ef" ~ot' ii l:3~' .. .. ~,.. ;Y/..,,--or, , (;~, Ii i . i' \e-~i q,1 I ' ?-~" ""1' ! ~""/VI' -, ~I , I . I: AYES: A' ~~~'NAYS: If~~/~. i / ~ \/..'. I, {,.1. \ ~c-'I " u... !' i j ..'~' _,~lIlI'~,,:_... .....:....;:._':~:,.. 1128 I I [ ~. 1- ,",~,-,~--" , ! I i I I i i '1- ,1 ! '1,1:~: ! ~P;i ~vv4"~ I, C~. I t i ./ .=_______A__.__4___~4_."~..~_.....__._._._. ~M'..._,......_ ':'.,~...........-~~~~~..~-~.-~~~':".""..........'""-~.:C'___ ~._:'";,,~':'l'~~ 7/28/71 -=::---===--c::.--..:.. ~--~~_~ _= =:- ~==;-::-=_~_-=o:..c:._ _CC~ ~-_O~'-.=~~.O.'_'"""--:=~=;c-''''-'=O-'='==_=~==O~==-_=' =,-=_""-..,.-=,=.~-=----;.=.---,"~-_,=.-:..,...-._.,.:_",=-.-_=,,,,=,..=--~=:==,=~===-__ . __ '=~"-~=_~-=-.-:"""'C."'''~':':=--;'''--~'''''''''~''..~:::--.-'""",_-_:'. ,,",.,~ '''',.,..-:o=".:.-=c-..,--.-_-.c-''''. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the following recorded vote, the current bills amount- ing to $92,662.70 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting amounting to $47,995.46 were approved presently and retro-actively. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thgmas I and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I IN RE: STATEMENT OF J. B. EURELL CO. OF VIRGINIA DATED 6/28/71 fOP. REPAIR OF SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER ROOF IN THE AMOUNT OF $38,650.00 Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board authorize payment of one-half, or $19,325.00, of the above statement as the County's share of the cost of repairing the Civic Center roof. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. II ~ I I, I' ,I II II 'I I. il Planning District Commission datec 6/18/71 fer Roanoke County's local matching II share of the Federal Grant in the amount of $7,466.00 for the above-named project, Ii " ii :1 I' ;1 II Ii ,I 11 " 'I IN RE: ROANOKE COUNTY'S LOCAL ~~TCHING SHARE OF FEDERAL GRANT FOR REGIONAL CORRECTIONS REQUIREMENTS & FACILITIES (JAIL) REPORT Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the request of the Fifth be approved for payment. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. A. T. Huddleston. On motion of Supervisor Charles I H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board, the Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss appointments and land acquisition. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor, A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board, the committee of the whole was dissolved and the meeting resm.ed in open session. I IN RE: RE-APPOINTMENT OF ANDREW M. EVANS TO AIR POLLUTION ADVISORY & APPEALS BOARD 7/28/71 .----~-----.-----_.....__...._---_. --". _______._._.______ __________ _______.__ um________._ Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors re-appoint Mr. Andrew M. Evans to the Air POllution Advisory & Appeals Board for a four (4) y~ar term to expire August 11, 1975. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the ~ ! f,)llowing recorded vote: Joseph C. Thomas AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Cha~les H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms/and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. " .I " i' ,; 'I .' i! " il :1 il by " I' Ii ~ Ii i' 1! Ii , " :i I ~ :i ~i :1 il n il !i 'I ;: ti " Ii i 0 ~ ~ Ii i: 'I The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the Board members. h:l~ ,:. -, . ' :'j .... ~l [:-1 - 129 111- ...1-;: ~;r, II err',' ~'" ~,,J'i) '0-",,'f"':",..I~n (}P,~"~~ '"" f"','" ,1\....(' o"'! "< ';hi I: iF (l/";i!" I~ ;-~, ~(I\.f. " ~'r.~ I i,' o."v y 1 'i/l'J'r..!- )! C 4' I r ./~. 1..-.9 iT" /vv !!~'~)-' !i ~~ I, tv :i1 -~ -t"tl,; ~c'& u . ',' <( 9'.wr'" I) -(' c.:yvI ,I .' , ,-" II Ii !i ~ i: I! :i I! i i! II I I 'I h " i! I ,I ;1 I: -._-~_..~._~~-----_._---~_._~- u___._.____~_~___~__.___..__.__ ___.__ -'==-O-:~_7~~=:_.:_:_::"~=;___,_,..,'_. _ _ _.__. ,_ _-=;-:::o-_""=;:;=-===--....;;..;:..=,==.==~-='-''_-=...:.=".:::-=~'''.=_=_-==;==::--'.==:----. --+~._._-----_._---_._-,._~~-~-_. ------,--. ----;---------:-. - __ ...._._______. _,_ ...___.________ ..__..__.._...._,.,__ ._____. ___.____._ ,....______.n._____.._._______ Wednesday and first regular meeting of the month. ;1 I, II II 1/ I, II MFJtBERS !I I' II II ~ ji ,I II II il I' II II ii Ii Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia Au;ust 11, 1971 2:00 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke C~unty met this day in the county / I l Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, being the second ! i I I I i MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Charles B. Osterhoudt, ,A. "T. l;luddleston.and L. Earl Simms. Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas. ABSENT: The Commonwealth's Attorney Raymond R. Robrecht was present as well as the County Engineer-Executive Officer & Assistant Messrs. Paul B. Matthews & Maurice Mitchell, respectively. /1 i I, I, i I, " I I' I I; /;, I: ! I The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Pastor Hilbert H. Dorn, minister to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, who offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Eddy. The minutes of the July 28, 1971, meeting of this Board were approved Assistant Resident Engineer, Mr. Leo Ferris, Salem Residency Office, copies of the tentative Secondary System Maintenance, Maintenance Replacement & Construction Budget for July 1, 1971 to June 30, 1972. No action was taken at this time. ," IN RE: ./ i: , PETITION OF CHARLES T. MORGAN & MARY PETTY MORGAN TO REZONE 5.429 ACR1i:S OF LAND BOUNDED ON THE EAS'rERLY SIDE OF CARVINS CREEK & AD'oDl.CENT & WEST OF OAKLAND BLVD. NE ) I ) ) ) WITHDRAWN ~~pervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that Charles T. Morgan and Mary Petty Morgan be allowed to withdraw their Plltition, without prejudice, to re~ne from R-l to R-3 the above referred to property, in accordance with the verbal request of their Attorney, !'aul S. Barbery. Supervisor L. Earl Simms s~conded the motion which carried by the J;ollowing recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. I I I i 'I it Ii j, II ,. 'I II " ,'I I I 142 8/11/71 ""="'=.==".===.:c==-,~_"",,- ===-==-=---==--=_c'-~_"",o""'._-='_-;"'=_o_=c.."'_-=~--=-_'=-'-_=~"_~--'-_' =--=-..=.:~_~~=co.-=="-~o=-"--=~..=-=7",,-"","--=~-=--'C.""':~C'.~,,,",;===C=-""_-=-:~"'" . .~.,...-.......,.,~~",::--;_- '~-.-.~-.-...,...,...,-- =-"..,...,..,-;-_-_----..,..,.-------,.-C-.~._,._:.-..-_.,_...,=__"-'-.- .~u___'_ ..""'~..,....,..-:__,...:-,::c;;C"_=,_,,=C=~_.,_"_o::,.,':..,..-.,.,...,.=, , , 1\ ~ ! Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that a copy of the Roanoke County ; \ I I' Code be contributed to the Roanoke County Law Library and that copies of same be \~ , made available for sale to the general public through the office of the Treasurer 4,' J( 1) i of Roanoke County for a price of $25.00, subject to any appropriate tax, and that I ~,\ !"" P::;:-'::'::-:.':::l'::::'':':::'-:: ::.'::,:::'::: :-:::-""'~;;1"" 00 1h. i >>4 \ ,I followiog recorded vote: I ~' ! AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, & L. Earl Silllllls ! "j I" NAYS: A. T. Huddlestol' & Lee B. Eddy. I , ~ i ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. IJ I \....\ I when ! I \1 Ii Ii Ii " ! Ii II !I " 11 h II " " meeting II ii I! II Ii WHEREAS, the State Water Control Board of Virginia has imposed certain specific ii i standards related to the treatment capacity of the City of Roanoke sewage treatment 'I [: plant, which plant also treats sewage from sewer lines owned by the Roanoke County :,:11 I Public Service Author i ty; and II !' WHEREAS, such standards require that immediate steps be taken by the City of 'ii i Roanoke to improve the capacity of said plant, and , I: WHEREAS, Section 13.1.2 of the standards and regulations of the State plumbingi! I' i Code, as adopted by the State Board of Health, specifically states "Storm water II II! i sh~l not be drained into sewers intended for sewage only.; and I Ii I WHEREAS, Section 32-407 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, prohibits Ii I cOlll'ties from establishing plumbing standards and regulations which are below those;1 I adopted by the State Board of Health, and' Ii : WHEREAS, the enforcement of plumbing regulations adopted by the State Board of!1 "I,' Health is made the responsibility of appropriate local authorities by Section 32- il 'I 1408 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and Ii I', ',' WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Plumbing Inspector, effective August 1, 1971, baI; " " in accordance with the aforesaid prohibition against storm water being drained in- Ii I, .. " ii I! II II 'I I! !i " " " II (Because of the tie vote, this matter will be re-considered at a future all Supervisors are present.) AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 13, PLUMBING, SECTION 13-4 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, NOTICE OF INTENT AND PUBLIC BEARING. to s_ers intended for sewage only" prohibited the connection of "areaway' drains to sanitary sewer lines; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanoke, in its sewage treatment contract with the , I , ~i C't i 1 Y , i, water into ! plant; and " of Roanoke, has agreed not to allow the drainage of rain, storm or surface sanitary sewer lines which flow to the City of Roanoke sewage treatment Code, Ii !i WHEREAS, said contract providE'S that it might be terminated should the County i, l: i! ! WHEREAS, the plumbing code of Roanoke County, now a part of the Roanoke CO\lnty'l II contains a definition of building storm drains which excludes areaway drains; I ii I: allow such drainage into sanitary ~Iewer lines, and and WHEREAS, while the said Roanoke County Plumbing Code does not anywhere specifically permit the drainage of storm water into sanitary sewer lines, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County nevertheless ,I wishes to make it absolutely clear that it intends to follow the State law regarding plumbing regulations, de- spite the fact that the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton presently allow the connection of areaway drains to sanitary sewer lines, and despite the fact that such has been a practice in the Roanoke Valley by all I I I I I 8/11/71 -----=.--.;.-=:.=.-,----'.-'--'.;.........:.-.;;'".=:-...;..--'"';;-~~__".,;,...-...:.;..=...;...;.:;.:..::.;'_..__'-=;. .;..;..c..:.:.;. ~"-'--"':.,"_cc"':,...;"'_;;:-..;-.;.:.-'=-..~~-= . ._. ...._n __'__0".__' _ ._... .0. ___ .________ _,._ ...._.__...______n_ ..--- ~~--. -- -.-----.--.---"------. --. ----~-~-_.~ ii governments, including Roanoke County, for many years; ii " ii :j ii county Courthouse this Board will hold a public hearing at which time it will be I' ii proposed that the Roanoke County Code be amended as folloll'3: that Chapter, 13 , !i , I ! " Ii Ii ij I! Ii ii Ii " " " Ii ,[ :1 ,I ii 'i II ]! " This amendment shall take effect upon its passage and the Clerk of this Board " NOW, THEREFORE, on Wednesday, September 8, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. at the Roanoke ii PLUMBING, Article, 1, In General, :I " ii be amended by deleting paragraph Section 13-4 Same - Amendments, deletions, etc. (1) of said section which adds to the State :; Plumbing Code definition of building storm drains. ij " ii shall publish this notice of intention and public hearing thereon as required by ii Ii 'i 11-f;:' Ii law. ,11 ~/ ~ .,>> ii Upon motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. i, ;:-~'A' :i T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: !I.~, - ) " ilfl I :1 AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt., L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy" II :1 I' II NAYS: None. !10' :' II il ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas Ii T/''- Mr. Horace Fralin of the Roanoke Valley Home Builders Association, as well as :1 V ~ , P emb f th . i . ", -1""/ ~ it Mr. R. W. eters a m er 0 e AssocJ.at on also, were present and recognJ.zed. i! -v1:g)' !i Both opposed the ordinance amendment as proposed and suggested further consideratio~ ~ i ~ Ae,. ii be given in search of another answer to the problem. for lack of 1,,1,' 0 ) y (A previous motion by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, which died ~ 'I I. second, proposed the adoption of the ordinance amendment this day, to take effect' i j , , ! i ~ ~ f , . - I: jl a ,I ~ immediately, on the basis that an emergency exists, but in compliance with Section 15-504 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, to publish a notice of intention Ii and public hearing thereon for September 8, 1971, for the re-adoption of this H II amendment.) ,! Ii Ii " !i il )! Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Plumbing Inspector of Roanoke County be directed to enforce the Roanoke County Plumbing Code and the State law in such a manner so as to exclude the connection of areaway drains to sanitary sewers effective August 1, 1971. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, - fl NAYS: None. -- ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms & Lee B. Eddy. n 8 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supervisors of , " Roanoke County authorize the Sheriff to make application through the Fifth Planning District Commission for five (5) Federal grants in the amount of $16,432.00 from The Division of Justice & Crime Prevention, Commonwealth of Virginia, for the law enforcement assistance projects as outlined. Supervisor Charl,as H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas: ~ " " " L.,./ il i: , " ;-/ / Lb\)?)~ tfVt ~ 8/11/71 ~_.,;.:..__;.....;;___=:=o-.. _ _ 0-'-.'_____ -'-.;..'.._~_.~7.c";.:';:";':;"";'..C';;.";..:.-'--'---"".c..c -.'-'-'-__ _~~;."__,....;.;.;'-'-='=__....,,___'_'_"__= ~_'_--=-:.. .~. _ .-:-'-.__"_ , ii BE :IT RESOLVED that a public hearing be held on September 8, 1971 at !I ~2:00 p.m. ata regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors at which time it will " II :1 be moved that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: " , (1) Chapter 14, Refuse and Garbage, Article I, Section 14-1. , ! Dumping trash, etc. on streets, vacant lots, etc. of the Roanoke County Code be amended to add the following sentence: "Opon a finding by a Court of a violation of this section by a person, firm, or corporation, or other legal entity, the County Engineer, or his agent, shall give the violator ten days written notice by registered mail to clean up and remove said rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage, or other waste substance or material. Should the violator not take appro- priate action within the aforesaid ten day period, the County Engineer shall by \.lse of County employees, or by employing an Agent of the County have the rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage or other waste substance or material removed. The violator shall be liable for the charges and costs of such removal:" _,I ~ (2) Charter 14, Refuse and Garbage, Article III, Section 14-12. " Ii ii j, j,i :i !i :1 I I' ,I II il ,I f; Remov~l of tra~h, garbage, etc. be amended by deleting the present of the section heading and the present wording under said section, wording" and il providing the fOllowing wording for the section heading: "Dumping of trash, garbage, etc." and adding the following wording under said section: ~ I , - "No owner or lessee of any pro'. erty shall dump or keep on said property any trash, garbage, refuse, litter or other substances which might en- d~nger the health of other citizens." (3) Chapter 14, Refuse and Garbage, Article III, Section 14-14. ~' agent of the county required to remove trash, garbage, etc., weeds and other foreign growth be amended by deleting the present wording under said section and adding~e following: .Opon a finding by a Court of a violation of Sections 14-12 and 14-13 by an owner, the County Engineer, or his Agent, shall give the violator ten days written notice by registered mail to move any trash, garbage, etc. and/or cut all weeds, grass and other foreign growth. Sho~ tje violator not take appropriate action within the aforesaid ten-day periOd, the County Engineer, shall, by use of County employees or the employment of an Agent, have the trash, garbage, etc. and/or the weeds, grass, and other foreign growth remov.."<i. The violator shall be liable for the charges and costs of such removal;" I' " ~! " ii 1 . 'I ThJ.s :i " II " [I amendment shall take effect on September 8, 1971. The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to publish a copy of this ;; notice " 'I Ii County of intention to adopt the foregoing amendment to the Code of Roanoke and public hearing thereon once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to ~ said public hearing, in accordance with the law. Opon motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor " :;A. T. Huddlest~ adopted by the following recorded vote: 'i :iAYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. :, NA~S: None. '~ ,...1 "",1 I,;", '~ ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. WHEREAS, dlle to the overloading of the Peters Creek Sanitary Sewer Inter- ceptor LIne the Roanoke County Public Service Authority has undertaken to parallel the entire line and the fourth and final stage of the project is now ready to be commenced, plans and specifications having been reviewed al4 approved by the City's Director of PUblic Works and Engineer in accoraance with the City-County Sewage Treatment Contract dated September 28, 1954; and, 147 ," i' I I' il " :; " i! Ii " 'I Ii ii " II !l ;i Ii $-J::J.-7/ c...c, ib ;-0 1;' ,i << s_ _. J i~~' Ii ';fr~ " -- f-"' "," "If. fr..J..cJ " ,-",.,Is! :! "'~ / ;/ .~,-~. _':"~"__ .'~_"""'_n,_....w.~..,..___,:- _..,..~ .-." 148 8/11/71 ------_._._--------------_.~_.- ---~-~--_._- ---- ._-~---------._----, ___.... _ ._. _.n..___._u _ ~_.__ ___._____ _____ .____.__ ______ _n ._._.____._____.___._.__ ." ~.~="...~-=-.===-=o.-" =c:::.=.""-==~=O_'_~="__=-_=__=_.7~...,,..,.=__=_:--c;::-C.'=-._c;,~.._:_:'c_,.~_;_c_c_:cO._O_O-__;__=.,.-."''"".~_-,_;;.-o-_,_;_---~,,.,-_:: . "'='_=_.,-0---= -,-_'---,"'_-,o;=-o;~._=.,,""'.=_7_ .O-----===-.'=,-,--_=.':;;O"--'-.;..-O;..""'--""-"-'.."..=._"'7-==---=c-= "",'.~=--_===--==--=-="--=C""='.=~_'_ .. --.-.-.--------:-:-:.--,-,-; .-::;----c..".-,-;-,,---'n-'__- : '-.--::.."-:-.--=-:-:."=_"--:-:""",:-:-::-.-.",~~,,.-=,,,-,-:.--,-;;~--==.,,~--::.~--,_=:;",. .CC"'-cc:.,--"',,--===. / / il II Rosava Investm'ent Corporation WHEREAS, an estimated 683 linear feet, :nore or less, of the propoSed jsewer line is proposed to be located on the property of , I~and Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation, within the corporation Line cf the City of I I'Roanoke, parallel to and adjacent to the City of Roanoke's existing Peters, Creek 'I . d ! nterceptor LJ.ne; an , WHEREAS, the said Treatment Contract between the City Council of Roanoke i land the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County stipulates that upon the installa- i' " ition of a sewer line within the City the County will cause title of the sewer line I Ii I, II i II! i 11';ReSOlution forbid the transfer or disposal of any part of the sewer system so long II " ias it shall be used for the operation of the sewer system anJ the Authority is N i Ii iconsequently unable to agree to or comply with this aforementioned stipulation of I'the City - County Contract; and, I' I I, I !With regard to the second phase (Project 68-1) of the Peters Creek Interceptor iconstructed within the City to be conveyed to the City; and, WHEREAS, the terms of the Roar6lte County Public Service Authority I s Bond II Ii 'I II I, WHEREAS, the City has previously been requested to waive this stipulation II il :1 I] Ii I' Ii I, !i ji II Ii II II ,I II :i " Ii 'I I: 'I q ~ i ii 'Sewer and did so by Resolution No. 18919 dated October 20, 1969; and, WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Service Authority has, by resolution :')f 1\ q;: i dated August 10, 1971, requested the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors to seek A/~I I "1) Ian approprJ.ate waiver from the City in respect to the fourth phase of the Peters \ So' ~'i . C ~ . I Creek parallel interceptor project; \Z~~i' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of R,...anoke I [County petition the City Council of Roanoke to waive that certain stipulation of lithe City-County Contract relative to the County's installation of the sewer line 1\ " ~ :;Within the City of Roanoke as applicable to said 683' ,more ,or less, of the fourth ! ~~~. I,phase of the Authority's Peters Creek parallel sanitary sewer interceptor project , :as shown on the attached map, which stipulation would, except for this e~press r ~fr,1 .?-~~S~~waiver, caus~ and require the title to the within described sewer line to be ~iCOnVeyed by said County to said City. ~ ~.~. i On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. ~~,' !Earl Simms, and adopted by the following recorded vote: ~~I iAYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. :;J~'~J1NAYS: None. "'~~.~~ ['ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. (~~~jI A copy of the Public Service Authority's resolution regarding~e above is filed with the minutes of this meeting. ,/i ~/ \?~ ~Japprove the written request dated July 22, 1971, of the Air Pollution Control ~K..;.;'rOfficer ~at additional petroleum products for that Department's truck and patrol ~(~i,cars be charged to the County's General Fund. ~ ).JY 1;:' Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the ~( QfollOWing recorded vote: ~ AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms & Lee B. Eddy. ~',f-/ ,NAYS: None. Itj~ l' ~Z Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors Joseph C. Thomas. I I I Ii II II " i' " II " Ii " I I 8/11/71 . !~~~~-~~:' ',,'- ::---'--~ "-:---~-,. "----- ',~:::--": :~~' i\ ii Board of Supervisors i vs :: The Public ,t Canmission i !! :! ORDER and the State Highway of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, --, and upon the application for Woodland Drive south from Mountain Drive (Route 875) to DE - 0.10 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State 'I I, Ii Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of iiway for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known II ii as Southern Pines, which map was recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 130, of the records " ':of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on 5/27/40 1; II fiand that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of " 'I ~ViewerB, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property " " ,i owners is necessary. The Board hereby g'uarantees said right of way and right for :1 it drainage. " :; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED ~at said road known as Woodland Drive . , " :i south from Mountain Drive (Route 875) to DE - 0.10 mile and which is shown on a i: certain sketch accompanying this order, be, and the same is hereby established ~ ~ as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in H Ii Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by 'I ~ Supervisor A. T.:-Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: I' !IAYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms & Lee B. Eddy. " : ;i NAYS: None. " - i, ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. :i Ii II 'I " '! BOARD OF SUPERVISORS VS. ii The Public ! COlDDlission i; 'I Ii :! ORDER and the State Highway of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, ,-., , I j i! and upon the application for Extn. of Mountain Drive (Route 875) to DE - 0.03 " 'I iimide to be accepted and made a part of the Secondary System of State Highways. It appearing to the Board that drainage easements and a 50-foot right !I of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Southern Pines, which map was recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 130, of the :i ,] records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Courtof Roanoke,County, Virginia, on ,i 5-27-40, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board " H , of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owners is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right ~] l:J for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Extn. of Mountain !! Drive (Route 875) to DE - 0.03 mile and which is shown on a certan sketch accompany- it t: ing this order, be, and the same is hereby established as a public road to i: "become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. On :[motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston i: 149 Ii.,....... I " I' " Ii :i ii I 'I !: '1 4/':;~:( r ,I __~ Ii L/ c;~, L?c, ;"..( ?vtp~ I' / .1/-;; II ".. :i~/ 1:1- . ~ " l,.p : v-o 't. ';~~ V' 150 8/11/71 ----~ ----~._-------~------_.._---_._-----'~-_._-~~_._----_.-.--. .._._~__,.. _n___...._ .__.___ .___.____~._._______.. ___ ....,_ .--..__.'___.'.._______.. "__',."'_ ___._.. . .____ ",__,____,,_'_'. ----------------- ._---_...._-~------- --------....--.----.. _ ___._.. _. .m. .____ ,_ __. _,'U_'_'..' _".. __. ___.... ,.d._______... _=--=--_-"""~-" ==--0-- :-==,~~~=c:o_~.-_-C=_.c=c_.==-=="'==_==_~....:::""__C_==-: _ -.---;~-==,."'_'-"..;_:_=_~--=-_"="'"_-=-;...--~.~=_""_==,..;---~=_=___'"".,.,,,=__-="::.":".=.,=,,,=-=,=--. ====+- adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Lee B. Eddy. I ! NAYS: None. I I ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas I , , I i On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Superviso:~ Charles H. Osterhoudt, and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor Joseph C. I' Thanas being absent, the fOllowing items were this day receh'ed and filed: II Ii ,/ Letter dated 8/6/71 from State Water Control Board to Board of Supervisors, Chairman outlind:ng certain directives, effecti,re 7/26/71, fc,r Roanoke County including weekly reports {, monthly sWlllllaries on progress of i! infiltration abatement program; weekly reports & monthly sWIIDaries II on magnitude & duration of all instances of by-passing of untreated ': or improperly treated sewage, etc.; monthly reports indicating the Ii number of connections granted by the Co. which allow discharge to to sewerage collection system that transmits to the City's treatment facilities & reasons for granting same. ,/ Copy of Minute 9 from the proceedings of the State Water Control Board at its meeting on July 26, 1971, dealing with City of Roanoke - An appearance to discuss interim & long-range ponution abatement programs. ./' " I' 'I !: ji Ii Ii Ii II Ii I[ " I' II 7/28/71 from the City of Roanoke advising of disposition II the Board's resolution expressing the desire of the Supervisors I reduce stc,rm water entrance into sanitary sewers; ! 'I (~y) L , of 7/27/71/from Botetourt County Board of Supervisors' Executive Ii Secretary to State Health Dept. advising that the Board had II rescinded their action on 6/21 and thereby approved.the dissolution' of the present health district & approved the formation of a new one; On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Charles H i: Osterhoudt, and the unanimous vote I, Thomas being absent, the following i' I I I , , I I of the members present, Supervisor Joseph C. ite."lls were thi.s day received and filed: Letter of of to / Letter ~/ Letter (copy) of 7/29/71 from State Department of Health to Dr. C. P. Pope advising him the he has been appointed Director of the newly formed health distri~t consisting of the Counties of Alleghany, Botetourt, Craig & Roanoke, and the Cities of Clifton Forge, Cov- ington & Salem, effective August l, 1971; of 7/19/71 Memorandum/to Roanoke Co. Board of Supervisors & Salem City Council from Iii Superintendent, Co. Public Welfare Dept. accompanied by memo I of 7/15/71 from State Dept. of Welfare & Institutions advising that' the local Dept.'s estimated expenditures for some current budget items were too low; y/ / Copy of a letter to the Editor, The Roanoke Times dated 7/14/71 from I:.el. Ray L. Garland regarding sewage treatment; ,/ Copy of a letter dated 7/30/71 to Mr. E. Cabell Brand from TAP Executive Director acknOWledging his reappointment to TAP Board of Directors;! ]1 'I of !i :1 I, i! 1,1 'i I: ./ copy of a letter dated 7/29/71 to Mrs. Elizcbeth w. Stokes from TAP Executive Director acknowledging her reappointment to TAP Board Directors; ~ v Copy of a statement of approval dated 7/22/71 from the Education of the plans, specifications, etc. of Elementary School; State Board of the Penn Forest :// Letter dated 8/3i71 from the State Health Dept. to Board of Supervisors Chairman giving notice of new health district to be effective 8/1/71; copy of a letter of 813/71 frOlD Compensation Board to Roanoke Co. Commis-< sioner of the Revenue concurring with the Board of Supervisors I I action & approving an annual salary of $7,200 for Deputy Commissioner of the Revenue (Mr. Moroni C. Green); ~. Letter of 8/4/7l to Board Chairman from Lloyd W. Eanes, Vinton, Va. con- cerning penalty for Late payment of real estate taxes; Letter from C & P Telephone Co. to Board Chairman dated 8/5/7l with information pertaining to proposed rate increase; v' Treasurer's report, spread as follows: I I I I I --~--_. --' --~- -. . ---.--.. ~---------._. L:_,",,"_-~_"":"';':';;;"_.___-___::"'_-;;-----'-"'="'':'':'~'"__='''-,,---,,--'...:_--,-,-,----=..;...;c---,,--,"'~-''''':'..._--'-'--"_- . -- - - - ---- - .-- .---'. ----_.-_.----------~----_.._-~--- ._-~.----_.- I' Ii " :1 " " p 'I jj Ii ~ " Ii !i -' . ~ ~ I ...... -, .,.",1 i~.j --' 8/11/71 At the close of business July 31, 1971, there was to the credit of the following; General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Bond) - Available Cash School Construction Flmd (Local) - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Debt Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund -" " Library Construction Fund -" " 1!arks , Recreation Construction Fund - Availabl.e Cash F.I.C.A. - Available Cash Retirement Constribution Fund - Available Cash Air Pollution Control Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit - Kathry F. Garst Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Escrow - $4,315,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Farmers National Bank - Textbook Colonial-American National Bank Farmers Na,tional Bank - paying Agent School Debt Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Debt. Bank of Virgilia of the SW - Paying Agent School Debt Bankers Trust Co. - Paying Agent School Debt Deferred Credit - James E. Peters Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Va. of the Southwest Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank Certificate of Depose Library Construction First National Exchange Bank Certificate of Deposit - Parks , Recreation Construction Mountain Trust Bank Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kathryn F. GarstDB Kathryn F. Garst Treasurer Roanoke County ROANOKE COUNTY - SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITION $ 168,787.14 2,291.89 213,355.88 14,382.88 9,307.39 7,957.54 33,006.74 34,220.76 80.89 186,589.08 34,287.32 60,593.74 3,465.72 3,424.66 136.84 $ 771,889.07 $ 2,000.00 570,534.39 147,066.14 80.89 9,307.39 31,736.00 6,000.17 360.00 66.40 4,650.00 87.69 $ 771,889.07 '. $1,900,073.00 1,900,000.00 2,200,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,692,000.00 l,OOO,OOO.OO $11,692,073.00 $ 350,000.00 $ 225,000.00 A letter dated July 26, 1971 addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Va. approving the following addition effecti~e July l, 1971: County from J. E. Harwood, Deputy ColllDlissioner, Va. Dept. of lli;hways, Richmond, ADDITION WESTCHESTER SUBDIVISION, SECTION l: Westchester Avenue - from Route 1301 to dead end LENGTH 0.06 Mi. 151 ,f :1 ..- d :i I, 1) II " , I " I' II i! I, ;, " 'I II I, 'i ,;J :1 ii " Ii " , Ii " I: .' " 11 !! ii il :1 H / was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded' " by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the members present,; Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas being absent. ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYSTEM ABANDONMENT 152 8/11/71 ~~=-.~-"=c=:-.":.=_=c;;=,.,,"-,-""C,,,-,:--:-. ',=o;.-.=:C='-""','=--=--=-"_O:=:,===.-==--,-"",=""",,,;-e-:=;,,,,-,,,,-:...=.-o;:-.===--=c==--=-"-.;o"-""~==_c,._",-=,=-"==,=o.::"_=,--,-,,,,,,-.,,....,.:=.--,,",,,,;;-~~,--=-::-.-.=0:::::::-'= -=~.,~.; ~--=_"""='-"-_""__-':C-~:~"".--::---;".-O___.-'.",,"--"_":,:==-:O -'''_'":-_''0-'::0 :~'- ~--'-"--7O-=-,",'~"-_-,,,,~=:-c-,.,_-,-- ;c-.:'-"_:~ =--;-:---- ~,.~- ---.~-~_._- --=-- -"-'-'''_~':.C--''''.''. .=-,-;=,=:~~=~,.="",,==--.~--=:..= I / ~ ; " il I !i I' II i ABANDONMENT !! II. Route 654 - from the intersection of Route 634, north of Parkway, to 0.07 mile 'i , south to dead end. 0.07 Mi. Ii /: was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded I! ; Ii I III" ,by supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the members present, I; Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas being absent. " [, II j. 'I I ' I I [, COUNTY PAYROLLS I Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the County Payrolls II I Iii (Semi-monthly dated 7/30/71 , Bi-weekly dated 8/4/71) be approved for payment in I' V' Ii 11 ~e gross amount of $59,493.04;li:om which th~,sum of $2,916.i~F.I.C.A.; $5,926.78 Ii F.I.T.; $1,078.99 State Income Tax; $2.00 Uniforms; $l2.00 Accounts Ins.,; ,I 10 V'/ III' I,' $464.90 Blue cross Ins.; $64.17 Retirement; and $507.20 Miscellaneous Expenses " I' i are deducted leaving a net payroll of $48,52i.'.30. il !, Superaor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following II I II ; recorded vote: Ii l: ,I I il i AYES: A. T. i I; NAYS: None. III I' ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. 11 I , A letter dated July 26, 1971 addressed to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke , i' county from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. Of Highways, Richmond i i Va. approving , the following abandonment effective July 26, 1971: LENGTH I I / I HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms' Lee B. Eddy. I ! v' ! ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT i j, i to $32,842.16 and the bills paid since the last board meeting amounting to '\" i '< I $139,808.69 be approved for payment presently and retro-actively. A I \-:r i;:.:. " Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the fOllow- . " j. ing recorded' vote: ,; " ~. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the current bills amounting A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms & Lee B. Eddy. ,NAYS: None. I, !' ABSENT: Joseph C. Thomas. " I' ! I seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board I: members p~esent, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas being absent. I. f' ! I; ~ Q;-~ i: ,I 'I 'I " " 'I [ Ii " il I i: 11 Ii ;; Ii I The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, 154 8/25/71 ===----=-=--:_~__"'" =_==---=--==--=_;-~_-=--~--==-_'-_--'-"-;-~='"'-=-::===-:"::'-::-";'==-~-:-"::'='=--.=.._=-::"",---=--==-_"'=.=----,:-==-:-=--=_-=.~:=c===..,.==>_=~___::_=_=O'~_c::c:=..._..,,__'""'. ~.~._.~.:..=".""''''===~:=.~7__::=_'=;'''"~==_:_ -------------, _.--~._- ._-~-~~----- -.--------.------ _ ____...__. .________.__.______._._ _____ _._'0" ___ ....._._____.. ..______...__....._______.m__. -----" "'-'..-,-- ... ,..-..----.- ----..... - ._--.- ..--.-. ----- ..__._--~--- ---._------- __...._.__.... ...... ~_____ .. - - __. - '__ '..... ..__ __ ___._ .0' _ i Ii 11 I 1"Y" I 4'~:! 1. '!. v ~\.Y". I errol, . I ~~~'>~:. ~:~ ~~'frcttl: ottr. i " .,~~ t ,.1..,.. ~~~'I v?/) I: ~ I , I: I I I 1971, order the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said Planning commission's c I' I i I WHEREAS, this Board of Supervisors did, by resolution adopted on July 14, report, to forth~h first pe~issible II II " " II II I, i' ,I " Ii Ii II I. II I' I , I i I set the same down for a publ~c hearing at the regular or special meeting of this Board, and to give notice thereof, through Zoning said County/Ordinance and I publication, and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did fix the regular meeting of this Board to be held on the llth day of August, 1971, at 2:00 P.M., as the date and time for a public hearing on said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and did advertise the same by notice thereof duly published in The , World-News, a newspaper published in the City of Roanoke, Virginia and having i I. Ii general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia for two insertions, the , and .* i- I. I I; amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, after a full a<lg "Ol"pl"t;ll I'll1til111 " Ii " I. i' II Ii II ii I I II I: Ii tlierew first on July 7, 1971 and the second on July 14, 1971, as required by order of this Board and as required by law, and in compliance with the provisions of the said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia 1950, as amended; con~inued ,August 25, 1971, WHEREAS, said/public hearing was this day/had on said proposed ii il Ii to the recommendation of said Planning Conunission and has heard evidence touching Ii ) i! Ii j Q\ll~tr !laSlisRaR-'; ar.~d r I : WHEREAS, this Board has given careful consideration to said Peition and I on the merits of said proposed amendment to said County Zoning Ordinance, and this Board is of the opinion that said zoning Ordinance shotitl be amended as requested in said Petition and as recommended by said Planning Co~ission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that, at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held this 11th day of August, " :1 Ii " II " 11 " " 11 II II I! ,. ,! Ii !I from Residential District R-l to Residential oistl':.ct R-3, in order that a church 'c ii building may be erected thereon, as requested in said Petition and as permitted 1971, the said Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia be, and the same is, hereby amended to change the classification of that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of RO&lOke, State of Virginia, and descrtbed as follows, to-wit: Situated on the south side of Penn Forest Blvd., west of Route 800 (Chaparral Drive) consisting of 3 acres, more or less, I by said County Zoning Ordinance. AND it is further resolved and ordered that the CleL~ ~T ~nis Board forthwith sertify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Roanokel County Planning Commission and a copy to w. courtney King, Jr., .! Attorney for Petitioners. I The above Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas of Salem Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms of Richfield J(agisterial District, and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. * - - - - WHEREAS, no one appeared at the duly advertised public hearing scheduled to be held the llth of August, 1~7l, said public hearing was continued to the August 25, 1971 meeting of this Board and the Executive Officer directed to notify the Petitioners and adjacent property owners of said continuance; and 155 8/25/71 - --. --~ '. -.- ..... - - - - -..- - .. -.--.. - ---. .-- - - --. - - -.- - ..- '. -------------.---------..--. .------ _.__.~--- _. .... __ .______ - .n..... _' ... _ _n_ - _..___.__ ______,_,___,__.___._.'______ -0-___'_'-- __..._.___..__"__.._______ Attorney W. Courtney King, Jr. appeared to represent the Petitioners; no :' appeared to oppose the requested rezoning. " I, II oneil - I IN RE: REZONING OF TWO CERTAIN TRACTS OR ) PARCELS OF LAND CONTAINING 33.25 ) ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SITOATE IN BIG ) LICK DISTRICT, LYING SOUTH OF THE ) ROANOKE RIVER, EAST OF THE CORPORATE ) LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE AND ) GENERALLY NORTH OF VA. ROUTE 825 ) PRESENTLY OWNED BY CLIFTON C. JONES, ) JR. AND THE ROANOKE VALLEY CITIZENS ) BAND RADIO CLOB, AND BY THE CITY OF ) ROANOKE, AS ITS INTERESTS MAY APPEAR. ) ,/ ORDER This day came City of Roanoke, by counsel, and requested leave to file its petition relative to the rezoning described therein, which request is granted and said petition be, and the same is hereby ORDERED filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the propos a: to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for consideration and recommendation in accordance with the provisions of said Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended to date, at the September 21, 1971 meeting of the said Roanoke County Planning Commission; and, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the September 22, ~ , I 1..0 1971, regular meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting and hearing shall be in 1950 given by the Clerk by publication,/accordance with the provisions of the/COde of Virginia, as amended to date. BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified CO?y of this resolu- tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Co:rmiSlion of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddeston and the following vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas a.nd Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. Mr. Sam McGhee, representing the City of Roanoke, appeared with regard to the abo':.. matter. ~., , u IN RE: CITIZENS' PETITION OF MOl1NT PLEASANT COMMl1NITY REQOESTING PERMISSION TO FISH IN POND IN COl1NTY PARK I"] r"; I ~ Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the above referred to petition be :.: Cf-;l.- 7'.J- ~~ ~ received a~d filed and the matte~ referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney for study and report back to this Board by the September 8, 1971 meeting as to the legal aspects of granting this reqcest. supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. IN RE: HEATING SYSTEM FOR OGD~N SCHOOL ,/ 158 8/25/71 ._ ..______0-====' =-:-....:.-==.;."".===o--==-=="'~-.~'----o:=-...:.=-"'-,...._"c:..~==="'~-=-,=.,.=---=-_~~.::-==-~=.-==.o..-;:;=~=-:===_~_",-.'_'~==---=_-==_-:-=::-~-.'===--=-_--:==OC-:"---"_'=-=_'_""'_-=O-_:;C-.;;-7==-=,,"=-=:' .",,==_-==:.'=_O-~._ ,_..:..:= =;c=-::":=---,,==-:;--7=--'-:'.~""'.'--~~"'" ~c.- ~""=~"'C,...-.-.==:O=~-__~=----,-~=-_CO-~=,-""",""-__,,,_~,'-,;-::""""'-:--=-"'_=-_~-=-O'-;"""""'~'"-_-,,=.,-_"",-~='~==_'=- 'o=_"""=-==,,,-:,""'=c-="'~~:';"=:'~="O=-=~.=O...._ Paul B. Matthews Michael Kavanaugh Bayes Wilson Leonard Leask Darrell Shell E. S. Honaker Ronnie R. Cooper I I , i: i , " il i: I i j ii I ~ ii il 'I .~ minutes of the meeting and the first asagnment shall be the allocation of surplus Ii ii ,I " il ,I il " :i I Ii j) II " Ii " 11 " II I, i! 'I 'I II " II [ [ I The written instructions of the above-named committee are filed with the radios when the Sheriff's new radios arrive. I IN RE: PERMANENT COMMITTEE ON STORM DRAINAGE As authorized by this Board on August 11, 1971, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors confirmed the appointment of the following individuals to the above-named committee, whose instructions are filed with the minutes of this meeting: ~harles H. Osterhoudt, Joseph C. Thomas Raymond R. Robrecht Paul B. Matthews T. P. Parker Chairman / i! II II A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE BOARD CHAIRMAN TO DISCUSS INSTITUTIONAL ARR.WGEMENTS Iii FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT WITH OTHER REPRESENTATIVES OF ROANOKE VALLEY GOVERNMENTS, I AND EXPRESSING THI:: DESIRE OF THE BOARD FOR SUCH LONG-TERM ARRANGEMENTS TO BE Ij BASED u70!J AN AREA-WIDE ORGANIZATION. I'i WHEREAS, at a meeting of local and state governmental officials called by I I, the Honorable Mayor Eddie M. Joyce of Salem on August 18, 1971, it was informally II 'I agreed tbat a re~resentative of each locality in the Roanok(' valley area, i.e. I[ the Cities of Roanoke and S'1lem, 'the Town of Vinton, and the Counties of If Botetourt and Roanoke should meet.. to discuss possible "institutional arrangements 0' I' ,I for implementing the "Interim Sewerage Plan" dated June 25, 1971, as prepared ii I' by the Fifth Planning District Commission and as applicable to the Roanoke Valley I! 'I " Ii I' i! [I ,I Ii " II 'i II :1 I Area-Wide Planning Jurisdiction (APJ); and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to have one or more of its representatives discuss such "institutional arrangements" with representatives of other local governments, subject to final approval of any suoh "institutional arrangements" by the full Board; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors and its citizens are well aware of the recently imposed and subsequently-lifted area-wide sewage connection ban which ,. applied to Roanoke City, Salem and Roanoke County, and said Board has and will ii continue to express its support for Roanoke City in whatever action is necessary ,I I: to upgrade the present sewage treatment facilities in a satisfactory manner so as ii I to prevent renewal of the ban. and said Board would not consciously suggest any I steps which might adversely affect the present state of affairs between the City of Roanoke and the State Water Control Board; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors fjrmly believes that the best long-range solution to the transportation and treatment of sewage in the, Roanoke Valley APJ lies in the creation of an area-wide orgamzation which would remove sewage matters as a potentially continuing source of controversy among local governments; and WHEREAS, a suggested concept for a regional sewage system organization in 8n5/71 ~..__._-_.._--_. '.--.' -..- " ,-.--- .....- --.. --- - ----.-' .-- -----~ _._-_._---_._--~.~ -----._~-~._- -- .- -- ..--- - ----- '.-.. --', . ,- -----.-... -- ------~- - '.-.--- .._.~----,---~_._-_.- __..... ___.. _,'~__'. . '.',.. '._.___ d __ _, __ --_.__._--._.._.--~._--- -- -----..---,---.....-- .-...'._,--",--"-- .-- .. the Roanoke Valley dated August 18, 1971, has been prepared by the Board of Supervisors; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorized to meet with representatives of the governing bodies of Roanoke, Salem, Vinton and Botetourt Cow.ty to discuss possible i: 'I .' " :'1 I! ,I "institutional arrangements" for implementing the "Interim Sewerage Plan" of the Fifth Planning District Commission as applicable to the Roanoke Valley APJ; and FORTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that said Chairman is authorized to present for consideration by the other local governments the wr~en description entitled , -' "Suggested Concept For A Regional Sewage System Organization In The Roanoke dated Aug'ust 18, 1971 and is authorized to characterize said description as the long-term form of "institutional arrangement" for the Roanoke Valley APJ is desired and recommended by the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors; and FORTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution and the associated "Suggested Concept For A Regional Sewage System Organization In The Roanoke Valley" dated August 18, 1971 be transmitted to the following: Mayors of Roanoke, Salem, Vinton; Chairman, Board of Supervisors of Botetourt County; Each member, Roanoke City Council; Chief Administrative Officer of Roanoke, Salem, Vin;on, Botetourt County; Clerk of Governing Body of Roanoke ~ Salem, Vinton, Botetourt County; Chairman and Executive Director, Roanoke County Public Service Authority; Chairman and Executive Di~ector, Fifth Planning District Commission; Chairman and Executive Secretary, State Water Control Board. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Super- visor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: ~YES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. 159 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING PROMPT APPROVAL BY THE STATE WATER CONTROL BOARD FOR / ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY PROJECT 71-l-S, PETERS CREEK INTERCEPTOR, LAST PHASE , / i ~ WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Public Service Authority has submitted plans for the last phase of the Peters Creek Interceptor Sewer Project 7l-l-S to the State Health Department prior to June l5, 1971, and the State Health Department approved said plans without adverse comment and transmitted same to the State Water Control Board on June l7, 1971, and WHEREAS, the State Water Control Board has not yet approved or otherwise .~ formally commented on said plans so they may be transmitted to the appropri~te : I r.-.,,; ~b: '- federal agency for release of the associated grant funds, and WHEREAS, the said project is of vital importance to Roanoke County in its overall program to eliminate possible sewer line overloading, said program having been established partly in direct response to the requests of the State Health Department and State Water Control Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors': respectfully and urgently requests prompt action on said project by the State W~ter Control ~oar4 so that the Roanoke County Public Service Authority may proceed w4th.constructJ.on 4n an expeditious manner, leading to the prompt remedy of ar.y po- ten~4al overloading or overflow conditions that may exist in the Peters Creek sewer draJ.nage area, and " . ,,-7f - , 'Ii -~ --s; {!.iCt-. iC~~. '~~'/ liP' - ~ !:).~1143~ . j~tTr . ':: -f.u'. I 'I :r;~ ,~ I~ :' ,44.:r;:. :> :' O~~/ " 160 8/25/71 FURTlIEP.MORE BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this Chairman and Executive Secretary of the State Water ',~ p~~-tl1~oS9"r:,gk.~ ~,c,o\lJ1tYoPublic _Service cAuthori ty. ,~~, resolution be transmitted to the Control Board and to the Director ~:~ =':''''~_-='=~;C:-~--''='=-=-=-=C=-''''''_-'''''''''''''''''='''--_~'=_-~'''::,'=',.. ."-=,c:.."=.",.;;o."=:o.=~_::-':",,,C"""',.-_'==-=",=:;=-= "..=,,-==-~=--";:-:-.~='~=,==-=-=_,_~:,"",,-;-o"'';:---'~'--'-_'''='_-co=_-::-C-_-=-:'=''''-~=-=~=_ / I I' I' , I 1 , 1 I i I !: I I I i I 1 I I I ~1,,'114:' .t&= v.' v', _- 'c-=:c~= - ~-=';---.C-=.~"" - '=_"'--'~.-C-_::-""O-:"",-. ""=~-~~_,-~-.-.,~~"..~.,,. --.".-,='-~,---~_--""~_.""'-::=-"".'-'-'--""--'--'._o:~-=_~~' n__~_________'_'_ ______,...'cc "-...--..--- ..--------,-.-.-----.....- Adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the follow~Ag recorded vote: ;1 1 :1 Ii Ii II i! Ii " Ii ,I !i " 'I ii il Ii ii Ii II !I lllnbassador I AYES: NAYS: All None. I Board of Supervisors ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER vs The Public and the State Highway Commission of Virginia This matter came on this day to be heard upon the proceedings herein, and upon the application for Diplomat Drive (extn. of Route 1701) west from i , 1 I , I' " I I l; , i, i I , " I: II I, II I' II 'I " I: il I, I! 1'1 , I: Ii Ii Ii Ii , II !I I Ii I: " Ii ,[ " Ii ,I is shown on a certain sketch accompanying tbis order, be. and the same is hereby [I Ii II I, ,I, I Drive to DE - 0.06 mile to be accepted and made a part of the Secondar~ System of State Highways. It appearing to the Soard that drainage easements and a 50-foot right of way for said road have heretofore been dedicated by virtue of a certain map known as Montclair Estates '4, which map was recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 10, of the records of the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, on May 23, 1968, and that by reason of the recordation of said map no report from a Board of Viewers, nor consent or donation of right of way from the abutting property owr.ers is necessary. The Board hereby guarantees said right of way and right for drainage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED that said road known as Diplomat Drive (extn. of Route 1701) west from Ambassador Drive to DE - 0.06 mile and which established as a public road to become a part of the State Secondary System of Highways in Roanoke County. " " Ii Joseph! , " , ii On motion of Supervi~or Charles H. OsterhoUdt, seconded by Supervisor C. Thomas,adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas :i II ,I i) I, 'I I, I' ,f II II Ii " OF THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS THAT It THE ROANOKE CITY LIMITS TO PERMIT CONSTRUC- II " iI 'I i' WHEREAS, by letter dated August 6, 1971, the Virginia Department of Highways I ii Ii ii Road at the Roanoke City Limits for a brief time while a new bridge span is being! !i " and Lee B. Eddy. NAXS: None. A RESOLUTION AGREEING TO THE REQUEST GRANDIN ROAD BE CLOSED TO TRAFFIC AT TION OF A NEW BRIDGE. I has advised the County Engineer that it will be necessary to close Grandin I constructed and has requested a resolution of agreement from the governing bodies; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does recognize the need for and importance of the proposed new bridge a~d is aware that the new alignment will be over the present locatio'~ so as to prevent its use during construction and agrees with the necessity of closing the road at said location for a brief period of time during construction; AND FURTHERMORE BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted! to the Virginia Department of Highways and the Clerk of the City Council of ",:,.._",..-., 8/25/71 '--~...;,;_ "'-----=__-~-'-"-'~_~-'-'"_.O.'-'--'--'-'".___'__"'_.~,cc'_''_''_..,.~''__.;_.~-__'_-__''_ I, " Ro~~. I !i Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor II Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. A letter ci~ted August 6, 1971, from the Va. Dept. of Highways, Salel'l Resident to Engineer, Mr. G. L. Ferris, requesting "" resolution agreeing/the closing of Grandin Road to traffic at the Roanoke City Limits to permit construction of a new bridge, was this day received and filed on motion of S~pervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. ..., , I ..... :t ;; " ji ii !! ii !i Ii WHEREAS, the Craig County Board of Supervisors by resolution dated August 6, i' i! li il :1 effort to obtain improvements to the approximately one-half mile section of State 11 Ii A RESOLUTION CONCURRING IN THE REQUEST OF THE CRAIG COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS THAT THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GIVE HIGH PRIORITY TO IMPROVEMENT IN STATE ROUTE 311 IMMEDIATELY SOUTHEAST OF THE ROANOKE-CRAIG COUNTY LINE. 1971, requested the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county to put forth every Highway Route 1311 immediately southeast of the Roanoke-Craig County line and that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors recommend to the Virginia Department of Highways the need for their fullest consideration in giving this section of Route i311 first priority for improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors express its general concurrence with the resolution of the Craig County Board of Supervisors and recommend to the Virginia Department of Highways that high priority be given to construction of improveml,nts upon said portion of State Highway Route '311 consistent with other urgently needed highway construction projects in this area; and FURTHERMORE, BE IT PESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted , I ".'1 , -J to the District and Resident Engineers of the Virginia Department of Highways along with copies of the Craig County resolution, and that a copy of this resolu- tion be transmitted to the Clerk of the Board cf Supervisors of Craig Ccunty. Adopted on motion of Supervisor CharlesH. Osterhoudt, seconded by Super- visor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas, -, !..~~ j ",:,'1 :'1 ~ and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. The Craig County Board of Supervisors' resolution dated August 6, 1971 regarding priority to improvement in Rte. 311 immediately southeast of the Roanoke=Craig Co. line was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. 1" :1/' :I /' v" v ~ ./ I I. i. Ii i' I. Ii , I' , I. i i ! I , / I L 8/25/71 __ - c"...,.===-;.-_=-=,~ ~.~=+=,.=-:---===-=_-+-O-_~ .~==-,-"":"_~,.,~ -_=.~_""';..'_~_-=--OC-"=_""""~_==o-==-=-":='':-_'''''''''-_=-c:o-..-O-.o.c:,,"_==~-=-=-'''---=,-~-===-_-:-_-;-..-=-: '-:--:;--=--:~~" -::-_~~_-.-:O-=-'__~_=-.-::-.O--=~""""CO :'.-=;O~_-~.-:':-:=:-:-C--:O--=, --=," :--=:~:-'-""~"",-~=;""C""'_~C:="""'--=__=~~.=-:=~,"_====:::7='c7C.__. I , i I \, ! ii I ii ji I I i: I, " I, " '10 I, II II ,I 'I Ii I: " II Ii Ii ,i j! II II I, I: Ii I' I! " 'I II :1 Joseph C. Thomas, the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted ii II ': I' ,I ii II i I 'I II II 'I I' I[ I 11 IN RE: 1971-72 MAINTENANCE DIVISION BUDGET SECONDARY SYSTEM ROADS IN ROANOKE COUNTY Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Virginia Department of Highways Maintenance Division Secondary System Budg~\for fiscal year 1971-72 be approved as presented. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor June 28, 1971, be, and the same is hereby, amended as follows to become effective August 25, 1971: 306 - Crime Prevention and Detection 306a - Policing and Investigating: An ad,ditional appropriation of $48,612.00 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the purchase of equipment ~o improve the communications system, $28,928.00 of which has been reimbursed by an LEA grant previoUsly approved. Adopted by the following, 1'ecorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddbston, and the unanimous vote of the Board, a letter dated August 16, 1971 from the Treasurer of Roanoke County, Mrs. Kathryn F. Garst, addressed to the Members of the Board of Supervisors, explaining the matter of penalties for late payment of real estate taxes, was this day receivedllJ,;j filed. Ii I II :, Ii Ii ii IN RE: STATEWIDE BICENTENNIAL CONFERENCE Ii 'I Supervisor Charles ll. Osterhoudt moved that this Board authorize the II !I Chairman to exercise his discretion in determining whether or not to appoint a Ii ]1 Bicentennial planning committee for the County of Roanoke and also as to whether or not a representative of this County should be sent to Richmond on September 17 for the Statewide Bicentennial Conference, all to be without the expenditure of County funds, unless authorized otherwise by this Board; and furthermore that the letter dated August 12, 1971 from the Governor i', regard to these matters be received and filed. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. V IN-RE: FIFTH, PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION'S PROPOSAL TO CONDOCT A SERIES OF TRAINING COURSES IN LOCAL PLANNING I I i: il 'I I il I ,I '! I I I 8/25/71 163 ~~==.:...____.~___;..,....o-~ '~_~;"'-_'--"""_"_'-_-'-__"-_~~'::~.:_~ ~'_-=:-_ :-:,","__~_' _ :.'~=~':'=.: .;"..=c-'_'. .__.,;"0....;";-'-_.'-''-'.'_._'_.,,;...._'''=' "-;....O'cc.=.c="".- 'I Ii 'I " County Board of Supervisors be authorized to reply in the affirmative to the !i I' I; 11 i! :1 Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Chairman of the Roanoke memorandum of August 16, 1971, from the Fifth Planning District Commission i! I! " i' regarding proposed training courses in local planning and to express the interest ,i ~ ! ;1 --, of this Board in participating in same. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow-:: ing vote: " I' IN RE: I: Ii ~ 11 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF HYDROELECTRIC DAM IN ROANOKE CO. BY VA. ELECTRIC & POWER CO. " i! " " " " I' ,I ,I )i , " " II !i ii " ,1 " " ii I I i[ P Ii AYES: All NAYS: None. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that this Board express its interest ir. and concern about the proposed construction of the hydroelectric dam Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the ) " " follow- ii " ~f!_ ~ at~ in Roanoke County by the Virgi;1ia Electric and Power Company and does direct that " ii the Commonwealth's Attorney file with the Federal Power Connnission a petition to 'i ;! intervene so that Roanoke County may be a party to further proceedings with regard:, to this project. I ~ ! - :i ing vote: I' !I ~ I, " !: ,! ~ ff ;i " AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. IN RE: RESIGNATION OF R. FRANKLIN HOUGH, JR. FROM ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD v" Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the resignation dated August 13, 1: 1971, of Mr. R. Franklin Hough. Jr. from the Roanoke Co. Welfare Board be il ~ received a~r1d filed and accepted with regret and that the Chairman of the Board !: " :: of Supervisors write a letter to Mr. Hough expressing the Board's appreciation for a job well done. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: ....., i , i ..... AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. -, Eo"! t'.! On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following items were this day received and filed: Annual report for 1971 of Roanoke Guidance Center; . Copy of a letter dated 8/5/7l from Director, Planning & Grants Div., . State Water Control Board to Executive Director, Roanoke Co. P~c:/' Service Authority acknowleding PSA letter re: Peters Creek Interceptor' Sewel: Project; , .~,..,;,:.~ ,;. ~.,~-- .........". ._.-:...._ ,,""''''--i--''. "-'-.-'--''''''''.-_"''__'''' ..,.."-,.",...,,.~,,-.,..-...,...,~ 164 8/25/71 ,'=---";'_=-:='--:--C~--='~::-:-:~:-:=~+"--"=-~-"--'==c_c=.-=-::=="-_o_-.,-,==",:..,.--,,c - -~~ -~--=,,-~._'""_.,.__..-----::-;;- ==-----~--~--=-=--c::-_c::-:- - - - --:,:~-'O_-:-",,==,--,,.-_=-,",,,, .-,=,--;~",,::~,__ __,-=-,=='-'-.-c..-=-. ",.-.;:-====---_'_:~~-'""=,-==_."....::::..,.-~.=_--=_=,.==____:;c;;..,==__~:.~,~._~.:c--:_=;_-_-,=~-=-=:.,.=-..,.___;;=~.,_="-c:=-:::;;:_~'C-..;_c.-_=_"._=_".'""'= . ,-=~:--;,_--,,-~"=.:=-.-,_,-_=c=_o_::_o.""__":':"=_~:___;__"=____c..__;_.,___. _~".~~__.,,,-'-.=..,::.~.- i , I I //i:copy of a I I I " I Notiice of . I ~ ( " / I Ii 'I' i Letter of 8/11/71 from Appalachian Power Co. to Board of Supervisors reo II : change in electrical meter & bill for electric service at Mount Pleasant I i Fire House; ii / ! Va. Industrialized Building Law Information Bulletins 4-71; 2-71 & 3-71 from the !i i State Fire Marshall re: availability of State Registration Seal; Ii "eo the Regulations Apply to Prefabricated House Packages of the 'I Panelized Type?"; and gas appliances and gas piping; respectively; ~ :1 I' II letter dated 8/12/71 from Roanoke City Clerk to Vice Chairm,an of Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board accompanied by City Council resolution (il98l6) approving certain changes in the proposed joint board; I v" iNotice of 1 i 8/13/71 from U. S. Dept. of Army, Corps of Engineers of public at 7:30 p.m. on Sept. l4 at Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center flood control ~tudy for Peters Creek basin in Co.; 8/13/71 from O. S. Dept. of Army, Corps of Engineers, of public meeting on Sept. 14. at 2:00 p.m. in Town Hall at Troutville on flood control study for Buffalo Creek basin in Botetourt Co.; meeting on I , /I'Letter of 1 i ! , /1 Statement , i Letter I I 8/12/71 from Commissioner of Administration, Office of the to Board Chairman advising of dates and times of a series regional meetings in Sept. to be held on the results of a State transportation needs; Governor, of four study made of of assessed values, as of Jan. 1, 1971, of public utilities in Va.; dated 8/19/71 from Co. Library Board/recommending installation of storm sewer facilities at Vinton Branch library; ,~ Letter I I, j; dated 7/9/71 from Supt. Roanoke Co. Schools, ~~. Arnold R. by memos from State Supt. of Public Instruction & from School Supt. in reo part-time school superintendents; Burton, accompanied State Assist. q il I /'MemO from , i i ~ I / i Letter I, i' I' / !Letter , , i I i ~ ,/ iLetter , ; I. " I Letter " I i, FDth Planning District Commission in re: district interim implementation and attaching 7/23/71 memo of State Water re: grants for sewerage construction & the SWCb rules of sewer grant.applicati~nsJ sewerage plan Control Board procedure for from Roanoke Co. Public Service Authority weekly reports to State Water Control abatement program; of 8/13/71 to Board Chairman re: Board regarding infiltration I,. of 8/16/71 from State Board of Elections to Boards of Supervisors & City Councils reo cooperation with.registrar and Electoral Board; of of 8/12/71 from Va. Dept. of Highways to Co..Executive Officer in re: testing procedures for street construction; " Ii Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services il Roanoke Guidance Center ;,dvisory Board with I, ,I ii " 'I II Ii 8/19/71 from Roanoke Valley Board confirming merger of them; .,. "Letter of i ,; ! 8/13/71 from Mayor of City of Salem inviting governmental officials to attend luncheon meeting on 8/18 to discuss formation of regional organization to qualify for State & Federal sewage project funding; , , " (summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in Co. Jail during July 1971. I ,i , , I i. I' i ROANOKE COUNTY SECONDARY SYTEM ADDITIONS :TwO letters from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, dated ! , :8/10/71 & 8/13/71 respectively, approving the following additions, were this I' iday received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by isupervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board: I I'ADDITIONS LENGTH ! I ,/ jMilk-A-way Drive - from Rte. 115 to dead end i (approved effective 8/10/71) 'Overland Drive - from Rte. 419 to dead end , (app=oved effective 8/13/71) 0.30 Mi. I 0.30 Mile / V I 11 ,deficit in the General Fund of the County, and it is, therefore, necessary to borrow WHEREAS, by the report of the Treasurer of Roanoke County the~e is now a money for the purpose of meeting (casual or actual) defici~z in said Fund, and to !' , 166 8/25/71 =-~=;o==-======~-=~_-,,:-==-~__,,"=;==-~-=~ :=-_-=---=.~-'-"=-----"--"':::-C-..-..:o=_-:-::=~=.,,,.=- ~.~_-",'..=--;.o-C--==;,o"",,-..,--:::-,=-,---===-..~,,,=_c~.=-=.",-=-,,,,",,---==-:;.=~~....,.,,==-,c=-== _ == ==--=--=_==--=-_=~==-..=....""=""'":.-=~_~_ ::....-.~-~~..,..,.,...".,~.=--=.=-_~.;:~~_-_:-c_""'--.-.:-~.=-=--=.-=...."..:::-:-;-~.,..==--=-=~--:-'.~~" ~~-='~.::--:c-;=_-o:'_~-,,~...::=_:,.-.c-":"-====-=-""";_-===_~-'-":_"'= ,,!~\ ~. e,' ~\ \0/ I ~t \ -< I I ~. ./ were approved for payment presently and retro-actilTely. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas, and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. i' ii , ,: 'I Ii I, Ii The Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss appointments Ii and matters pertaining to real estate, on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, g seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the un;~nimous vote of the Boa.rd. I I The Committee of the whole was dissolved ~~d the meeting resumed in open session on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Super- visor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. / IN RE: OPTIONS 00, PURCHASE CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND IN NORTH CO. AREA TO BE USED FOR PARK LAND Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorize the County Engineer to obtain 90-day options, at a price not to exceed $lOO.OO each, to purchase land in the North County area for park purposes. Super\'isor L. Earl simms seconded 'the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas I and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF REV. JOHN W. FOX TO ROANOKE CO. PUBLIC WELFARE BOARD ji ii II Ii )) II !! II " " I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved t.hat th.~ Reverend John w. Fox of 607 Santee Road, N. E., RoanOke, be appointed to the J<oanoke County Welfare Board to fill the unexpired term of Mr. R. Franklin HOu'3'h, Jr., which term expires A~gust 12, 1973. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the ::notion which carried by the following vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I IN RE: MEMBERSHIP DOES - NATIONAL SHERIFF' S ASSCiC. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoud'i, moved that the Board e,f Supervisors of V Roanoke County approve the Roanoke County Sheriff's request and authorize pay- ment of membership dues, as follows, to the National Sheriff's Association of l2S0 Connecticut Avenue, Washington, D.C. : 8/iZ5/71 167 1 Membership Due, Acc. Death, False Arrest @ 17 Membership Dues, Acc. Death, " " g $60 $57.50 $ 60.00 977.50 270.00 12 Membership Dues, Acc. Death, @ $22.50 TOTAL $1,307.50 ---, Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddeston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, JClseph C. Thomals, ;i " and Lee B. Eddy. i, II NAYS: None. " 'I (On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board, a motion to approve a resolution re- garding action to recover costs of Civic Center deficiencies was taken from the table and the following subsequent action taken.) A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE COMMONilEALTH .~TTORNEY OF ROJlNClKE v' COUNTY TO PROCEED WITH WHATEVER NECESSAR'~ STEPS TO PRO'I'EC:T THE INTEREST OF ROANOKE COUNTY IN THE RECOVERY OF THE NiEC:ES- SARY FUNDS FOR REPAIR OF DEFICIENCIES TO THE SALEM-ROANOF:E VALLEY CIVIC CENTER WHEREAS, certain portions of the Salem-Ro,anoke Valley Civic Center have not been completed and delivered to the satisfaction of the Board of Super"isors of Roanoke County and the City of Salem, the owne:rs of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center, and that these portions of 'the Cent,~r have not bee:n accepted and approved by the owners; and if WHEREAS, the owners have now expended sub:stantial sums of money in correct- ~ ing and attempting to correct the defects in said Civic Center structure and will be required in the future to expend s~uns of Inoney as a result of the defective portions of said Center; q~g~7~/ by NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED/the Board C)f Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia. that the Conunonwealth Attorney be and h(~ is hereby authorized, in conjunc~' I " tion with the City Attorney for the City of sBaOlemarC'j' otof tsuakpeerWv~asotervSeorfstReoPansoktheat may ~'I: ~J!. A~- be necessary to protect the interests of the . , ~j'Aff' County and the City of Salem to recover frClm the persons or firms responsible 1:~qjJs,(01313 ,I <5' I all sums heretofore expended as well as costs yet to be incurred in connection' _I l!r?,U4. ~ with the correction of the deficiencies in the Civic Center str.,cture; and I I - Ii ;, " Commonwealth's Attorney the Vice-Chairman of the Board of S\.ipervisors of ,!~ Roanoke County be directed to seek to convene the parties concerned for the purpose:,,:, ~~ of seeking arbitration of this matter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that prior to the 1;akins' of any a,ction by the On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, J'oseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. ,""I ..c..' I ~ NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING PETITION OF CONSTROCTION & GENERAL LABORERS LOCAL UNICiN NO. 980 FOR REZONING A 45.5 ACRE TRACT FRCiNTING ON THE SERVICE ROAD THAT PARALLELS ROUTE Ell AND ADJACENT TO EXIT 41 ON ROUTE 8l PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED ,. announced Upon citizen inquiry, the Chairman of the Board/that th(1 above rezoning matter and public hearing thereon would again be continued. ~I.-..- ;_~_._ 168 8/25/71 i';':::=~::':; :._~;:~~:_,:~o,-::~:;::~,::=,,~:"~,",",~=~..oo,:,,~"~' :~=,,,,,,:-,- :::';~~:';;:'''-::': ;:"====-:;:' :';-':',~:;::=:;;-= ,.----..o-=-~,.=""'"'., O~~_=-""_-o..__, ~-- ,-- --~_._-,,----..._...-,-- .. --------.-.---,--. ----- - On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Sinuns. seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. 'Thomas, and the fol;Lowing Yote.,..the meeting was adjourned. , iAYES: All NAYS: None. I i , , .~ (3,0 CHAIRMAN I , " ii r " i! " " 'I i' " , Ii I: I II I' " " I' Ii I: II ,I II " Ii :1 , I I II ii ,I Ii 'I :1 ji " " Ii Ii II I I =c;:.;:......;~"---"--=-='-'-~_~.=''''"_''''"._c.. ___._"_ -,---=-"".:..:..-,-__,-..;..-,_~...:...__-__.-..=.=..;.~,"-=__.___._~.-,-_;;_- __ ,."~_ -'" 0.. Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia September 8, 1971 2:00 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse ;in the County Courtroom thereof in Salem, Virginia, being the second Wednesday I: Ii and the f ir s t regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Lee B. ;i :1 !,Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, L. Earl Simms, Charles H. Osterhoudt and / !i IrA. T. Huddleston. The Commonwealth',; Attorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht was ,I I' :'also present, as well as the County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistant, " ~Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively. The Chairman called the meeting to order and Supervisor A. T. Huddleston ,/ 'Offered the invocation. ;1 Ii the flag, led by Chairman Eddy. II The pledge of allegiance was then given iu unison to ~ Ii :i The min!ltes of the August 25, 1971 meeting of this Board were approved i! " il as spread on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph k. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. II! , I - Mr. Van Smith, Assistant County Supervisor for the U. S. Department of summal~ized Home Administration, appeared and briefly/the agency's ;1 !iAgriculture's Farmers it " iiwork in the past year and outlined the programs and services they offer. The 1971 :,Farmers Home Administration brochure is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Ii " "IN RE: CLOSING OF DANHURST DRIVE AS Sl;IOWN ON MAP OF SECTION NO. l, WINDSOR I'IOODS, WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 25, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VA. ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER At the meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia held -, , , ! -- l' at the Courthouse on the 8th day of September. 1971: WHEREAS, Fralin & Waldron, Inc. did petition this Board requesting the i: , i ,iabandonment and closing " of Danhurst Drive as shown o:n Map of Section No.1, .~ , ,','1 ~~...j ,Windsor Woods, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, page 25, in the Clerk's Office "of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia; which petition was filed ii fiat the regular meeting of this Board on the 28th day of July, 1971, and by Order ,entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke for recom- mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting on 'the 17th day of August, 1971, after due advertisement: and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said Petition, recommended to this Board that Danhurst Drive as shown on Map of Section No.l, Windsor I,oods, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, page 25, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, be permanently closed and vacated, and './ '..' 170 9/8/71 ,--,,",==_=-_==,-,,"O-"~---==-'c:==-=--=--"'==.o--'_-==-=,_--,=,-=~ =-:".==--'--='=..==---==-""-.=-"'O-_=-o-CC",","=_=-=OO=-=~_.="-7_'_-'-=...-= _=O~_~_- .'-"'-'.=.' '-=-'.-=-,-,~-~=--"=,,-.,,=,'-="'7C,,---=;-=,,.__,__=_"'",-- -, ..,.....,~:.-:. .- .,,----------_.....------ _.'n._______.__. ,... ..__________ --~--~_._---- .-.----.----- -----.---.-....- __....___..__.___u_.._____ .__"_.______ .' "_ .___.' ____._ _._ _________ .__ n. '.__0 _ .____ _.._ I I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisor ()f Roanoke County did by its Order , f: entered on the 28th day of July, 1971, as aforesaid, order that .the Cled: of this i I Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning COllUnission, forthwith i [ set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and give notice ther,eof by publication in accordance with the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meel:ing of this Eoard I to be held on the 8th day of September, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. as thl! date and time for public hearing on the aforesaid permanently cklsLng and vacating of Danhurst aforesaid, and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roano~:e Times, " I' ,I !i aj ,1 for I Drive, as shown on Map of Section No. l, .'indsor Woods, which map is reccirded as newspaper having general circulation in the City and County of Roanoke, Virginia, i, two insertions on the 26th day of August, 1971, and on the 2nd day of Sept., 1971, l!ls I,': required by said Order of this Eoard, and in accordance with the provisions of Ii 'I ! IJ " ii ~ r ; the I I " , Code of Virginia, and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this day had on the saicl proposed ! closing I I: Woods, which map is recorded as aforesaid, after notice thereof was duly " !' as aforesaid, and and vacating of Danhurst Drive, as shown on Map of Section No.1, Windsor permanently II II , published, 1 " I' I' WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration tel said Petition Ii I and to said recOllllllendation of the Planning Commission, and hearing evidence I' touching on the merits of said proposed permanently closing and vacating of , !; Danhurst Drive, as shown on Map of Section No. l,Windsor Woods, which map is recorded as aforesaid, being of the opinion that said permanently closing and vacating should be done as recommended by said Planning Commissicm. NOW, THEREFORE, EE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at thi s nleeting c,f the i; Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 8th day of septe:mber'il " 1971, the said permanently closing and vacating of Danhurst Drive as shown on ;1 i " Map of Section No. l, Windsor Woods, which map is recorded in Plat Book 6, page 25" i in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of RO~Loke, Vir9inia, :, " ii be and the same is hereby permanently closed, discontinued and v.Lcated. '! ii IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this: Board mark :i I permanently closed and vacated Danhurst Dri'le as shown on :-lap of Section '~o. l, Windsor Woods, recorded as aforesaid, referring to this Order, and the said fee simple title to the center line of said street shall vest to the owne:rs of the abutting lots as provided in Section 15.1-483 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as I amended. 1t, IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this: Board forthwith qJl1~., : certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of the Planning ~Vi. !,'.' COIlIIllission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and a copy to W. H. Frali.n, Attorney for . the Petitioner. \ I r-~,..~.~ " ~ .\~ Earl Simms and seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, and on the recorded ( l}i. /~~: C ~?)! I The foregoing Resolution was adopted on the motion of Supervisor [,. vote the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. OsterholJdt, L. Earl Simms, J'oseph C. Thomas and Lee E. Eddy. None. 172 9/8/71 ~=--~_-:-:-::;~-=,,""_-"-~.-o.-~ =~=-==o--==-==" ,~,=~-=,'.o--'O-=---'7=C"'_-"==-C---'-""""-=-,-=--'--""-"'"'''=--=='=-O_7'o-_-=,==-",,,,=,-..~-"-~-OO,":,=_,~",-,,,-,=,:-.-:::-_"'''-:';o:':;-'_-=.:C_~_''-';''-='-_-=."'_-'--:='~:_~--;;~_"_.":-=-, ,=-7-= "OO'-"-,=,-=-'-C;;OC:-,==- --,'--.,..""-,...-=.-,-C,",:'-=_.._""==--_-=--==-_:-~_=~.=_=__o__=..".,='_-_..-C _=0:=""" = C"_~"."_-=,,,,,= -""'-'0' __ _____, ...._._______.__m._ .__._______, __.__________..__...__..____._._.__...._._ ".. __.. _..._._. - - - ---.- -,. ---- - ---- " " Board of Supervisors of Roanoke CO\lnty, Virginia, held on the 8th day of September,' 1971, the said Roanoke county Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the hereinafter described property from Residential District R-l, to Residential District R-2, which property is described as follows, to-~iit: Lot 16, Sec. 1, according to Map of Walrond Court, which map is recorded in Plat Book 2, page 178, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, 1\ I wW4.1 I ~f01.I., ".. ! 3V/ I. I nn. i I ~J-~. ! ~; I I I i I' " II Ii II ,I " II i )1 Ii j, ii I II I, :i H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Silllllls, and on the recorded vote, II and it is accordingly, so RESOLVED and ORDERED. AND BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution County of Roanokek Virginia, and and order to the Secretary of the Planning COllllllission a copy to W. H. Fralin, Attorney for the Petitioner. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thom<ls NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. Attorney W. Heywood Fralin appeared to explain the matter and no one appeared to oppose the request. REZONING OF A CERTAIN TRACT OR PAR;::EL OF LAND SITOATE IN CATAWBA DISTRICT, LYING NORTH AND ADJACENT TO l\ SERVICE ROAD ALONG INTERSTATE ROUTE 581, LEADING TO VIRGINIA ROUTE 1l7, PRESENTLY OWNED BY LOU MAYO BROWN MOOMAW FINAL ORDER --,- il I' Ii ~ i " ,j ,; 'I !, " " II I' ,I Ii " II requElsted ii ,I 11 ., " , " il I, 1/ ii !! IN RE: ) ) ) ) ) ) WHEREAS, smith's Transfer Corporation pet.itioned this B,oard and that the County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that certain property described ill said petition be rezoned and reclassified from "Agricul-' tural A-l" to "Indastrial M-2", which petition was filed at a r,egular meeting; of this Board held on July 28, 1971 and by order Entered that day was referred i! to the Planning c.:munission of Roanoke County for its reconunendation, in <lccordance:: il II Ii :1 WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by resolution adopt,ed at <. meet,ing with the provisUn~ of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, held on August 17, 1971, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that said Coun,ty Zoning Ordi'~ance be amended so as to change the classification of the ",ropert~' described in ,said peti.tion to "Industrial M-2"; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors ,of Roa~,oke County did, by its orde%' entered on the 28th day of July, 1971, direct the Clerk of this Board to forth- wi th set the same down for a public hearing at the next perrnissibl,e, reg\ll,ar or special meeting of this Board following the receipt of the rel=ollllllenda1:i,on elf said Planning Commission, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the CO\lnty Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, ,~s amende,d; and, WBEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board, held on September 8, 1971, for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment and advertise the same by notice duly ptlblished in the Roanoke W'orld News, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke. Virginia," by two insertions on August 26th and September 2, 1971. I I 1i " II II I' ,I I I I 9/S/71 .______n_ ,', ',________ ._... "" _ ..._ _ . __" __. ..._ ~_._..+ ,_____ _. _ _ ___n_~_._.___~_,_ __ _ ._~ WHEREAS, the Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition " and to said recommendation and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of " :1 said recommendation and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said " Ii proposed amendment, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance ,;hould " ~ be amended as requested in said Petition and as recommended by said Planning ii Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the " 1 i: Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 8th day of September, 1971, :: the said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinmlce be, and the same is hereby amended so " ! as to reclassify the property described in said petition from "Agricultural A-I" 'I to "Industrial M-2", said property being more particularly described as foll'ows, i " :; towit: I; f! BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Service Road along Interstate Rt. 581, leading to Va. Route 117, located S. 590 00' W., 52.36 feet from the extreme easterly corner of Lou Mayo, Brown Moomaw's property as shown on said plat; thence along the south- westerly line of a 50 ft. strip reserved by Lou Mayo Brown Moomaw for a roadway, N. 480 17' 20" W., 1013. 0 feet to a point; thence N. 490 51' 25" W., 54.50 feet to a point; ~ence with two new division lines through the said Moomaw property~~. 330 45' 10" E., 979.53 ft. to an iron on line of the Service Road; thence with the Service Road, ~ 660 08' E. 192.18 ft. to a concrete monument; thence N. 590 00' E., 410.64 ft. to the BEGINNING and containing 10.788 acres, as shown on a plat made by T. P. Parker, Certified Engineer, dated Octpber 10, 1962 and revised July 13, 1971. 560 02' 40" W., 330.0 ft. to a point; thence(S. 33! 45' loa ~tc.) AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of th1S Board ,shall *** s. 1 - ,: I! forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary of t,he ii j , planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to Kime, Jolly, ,Clemens Ii !I II & Canterbury, Attorneys for petitioner. 'I \i The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supen,isor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston .,nd on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, towit: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, J'oseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. Attorney G. O. Clemens appeared to represent Smith's Transfer corporation and no one opposed the request. -~ I ~. .1 I ..... IN RE: REZONING PETITION OF CENTURY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION TO REZONE A l2.874-ACRE TRACT ON THE WEST SIDE OF GARST MILL ROAD, ADJOINING CRESTHILL NO. 3 & WINDSOR WEST NO.5, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICTT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of supel:visolS concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and rezone the ,-:-:\ i?,'j above-mentioned property, more particularly described in Century Development Corporation's petition heretofore filed with this Board on July l4, 1971, fronl R-l to R-3 so town houses may be built tb)re and sold. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion and the following recorded vote was taken: AYES: L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt and Lee B. Eddy. ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. Opon declaring a tie-vote. the Chairman directed the CleI'k to respectfully 173 ii !i ~f 9-1-J!-- :'(l~i~ ~ 'Rq~c)Jf' i;4;;1> -).i ': Yi~f/ n ./ 'i~~ .x~),<; (-to .J!.; . fP" ! e:f15.~ :'~~J 174 9/8/71 ----~---~- ~-----" ~-_._- _ _-="=-:-::;~_""'"".---=o"=-_-=-':=.,::"_~'::-_="'. -=:-"-'--_--==.-,--, ,...,-;C-C:-:;=-~=--_.~~'="='_=.:,'....,"'~-"",====_-:c,=-~=~_-=-_-",, ;-C:-~_O---=-,::""",_,,,-=_=~_-';;."::;'-==-:=-".=""""_ --:=.=:~ :c--c:c,,:.,,."",_,.-c-.--=--,-.::;.,,,,::;.-==.,,",-~c...,=.-_-:,,===-_.::=__ / j n '-~':'=-_'--_;---C-C-C--+."'-'.'--_~~-::'':"'_-'--.-''=-_'=-..,-,=-_-=--:,-,--=-,~,---"'''-=~=~_-,-.'''''''_-:'-_-='''-::;'~=,":~''''.--=-::=_.-;-.'''_'''''_ .==_.,.=~_ C_':--O'__...,~~_-,-='_~~=-C;:~-_::"~'-~. "-'.=':-:=== request the Tie Breaker, Mr. Minor Keffer, to sit with the Board at their next regular meeting, being September 22,1971, at 7:30 p.m., at the Roanoke County Courthouse in the County Courtroom thereof, at which time this matter will again be considered. The Clerk was further directed to advertise the second hearing in an appropriate newspaper at least one time. Attorney M. Caldwell Butler appeared to represent Century Development Corporation in the foregoing rezoning matter. Mr. Maury Strauss, one of the principle stockholders in Century Development was also present as well as the architect. Attorney Harvey S. Lutins appeared to represent Windsor West Homowners Association, comprised of those residents, taxpayers and homeowners of the area generally known and designated as "Windsor West" in Roanoke County, who opposed the requested rezoning. Mr. Lutins'letter of 9/7/71 outlining, in part, the basis for the residents' opposition, is filed with the minutes of this meetin~ as well as a petition of opposition signed by residents of "Windsor West." Citizens who appeared in opposition included: Mr. David Taylor, Mr. Floyd Keith, Winfred Crush, Mr. Bill Dillon, Mrs. Proffitt, Mr. Gibson Maxell, Mr. Al " i' Sands and Mr. Frank Small. I I i' " , I IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 13, PLUMBING, SECTION 13-4 OF ROANOKE COONTY CODE CONTINOED The Chairman of the Board announced that the public hearing scheduled and Ii I, advertised to be held this day was being continued to the September 22, 1971, :1 II 7: 30 p.m. meeting of this Board at the request of Mr. Horace Fralin of the Roanoke ilvalley Home Builders Association, who was unable to be present at this meeting. Ii Upon inquiry by the Chairman it was determined no one was present, this day, either for or against the proposed amendment. AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER l4 OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing has this day been held on the County adoption of certain amendment to the Roanoke/Code; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County that the Roanoke County Code be amended as follows: (1) Chapter 14, Refuse and Garbage. Article 14-l Dumping trash, e:tc., on streets. vacant lots , etc. , of the Roanoke County Code be a'llenCled to add the following sentence: "Opon a finding by a Court of a violation of this section by a person, firm, or corporation, or other legal entity, the County Engineer, or his agent, shall give the violator ten days written notice by registelred mail to clean up and remove said rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbagre, or other waste substance or material.er material. Sh~uld the violator not take appropriate action within the aforesaid ten day period, the County Engineer shall by u,se of County employees, or by employing an Age,nt of the County have the rubbish, tin cans, trash, garbage or other waste substance or material removed. The violator shall be liable for the charges and costs of such removal." (2) Chapter 14, Refuse and Garbage, that Article III, Section 14-14. t~en agent of the county required to remove trash, garbage, etc., wee~s and n~er foreiqn qrowth be amended by deleting the present wording under I I I I I ". ......,......"...,.u............. ~:<r,'~I"!1'.....,., 1 175 --. -- - - - .-. ~--- .- --. ---.- - __.___.._ .____n___o_. .__.__ _.----".". ........ ..--,,-- ---- ~----.-------.---- .._._.____. ..._._._._._.__._n__ ------. .-.--.... --.- ...- .. ...___.___.__m.____.......__ 0__._ __.__.._..___.__ ----. ._--._------. .- ---..._"--- - __ o. .. ... __ said section and adding the following: "Opon a finding by a Court of a violation of sections 14-12 and 14-13 by an owner, the County Engineer, or his Agent, shall give the violator ten days written notice by registered mail to move any trash, garbage etc. and/or cut all weeds, grass and other foreign growth. Should the violator not take appro- priate action within the aforesaid ten-day period, the County Engineer, shall, by use of County employees or the employment of an Agent, have the trash, garbage, etc. and/or the weeds, .grass, and other foreign growth removed. The violator shall be liable for the charges and costs of such removal." (3) Chapter 14, Refuse and Garbage, that Article Ill. ,Section 14-12 Removal of trash, garbage, etc. be amended by deleting the present wording under said section and adding the following: "No owner or lessee of any property shall dump or keep on said property any trash, garbage, refuse, litter or other sub- stances which might endanger the health of other citizens." This amendment shall take effect on September 8th, 1971. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. .., I IN RE: REPORT OF THE COMMONWEALTH'S ATTORNEY REGARDING POSSIBLE LIABILITY OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR INJURIES OR DEATH WHICH MIGHT RESULT DOE TO THE COUNTY'S ALLOWING FISHING BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC IN A POND WITHIN A PARK OWNED BY ROk~OKE COUNTY. - Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the form dated August 27, 1971, be received and filed and the that the Board of Supervisors has no objection to opening the pond on the Mount Pleasant Park property under rules established by the Recreation Board. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PARADE ORDINANCE Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that this Board set October l3, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the proposed " - vote. adoption of a parade ordinance for Roanoke County, that the Commonwealth's Attorney be directed to prepare a notice of the Board's intention and public hearing thereon and that the r.lerk advertise same in accordance with the law. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous ~ "'1 . IN RE: REQUEST OF REGISTRAR FOR AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE TEMPORARY EXTRA HELP SO VOTERS AFFECTED BY REDISTRICTING MAY BE PROPERLY NOTIFIED OF CHANGE IN PRECINCT AND POLLING PLACE BY NOVEMBER ELECTION The County Executive Officer was directed to work the above request out on an interim basis and report to the Board at the next meeting. -----.--- .."..... ..._---~- -..-- -,,---, I ,11 Ii \) ib: " q/ - :~ ;i0~ " .J I ~,' T'k~J} " " " Ii / :Iv ~ i " " " 'I !. " , :: , 176 9/8/71 i"""'=-",~~~=-"":_=~=-==,'"C''''-'-=.-''''=~-o..,,",".-:,,,-c=o~;-=--,-~o~-: ~ - ,,-- --:c"""""_-_--'"_-::-::~.c._:"=..,....=:==._;;_~~= "_-=OC:_==-:~'~~~---:"'~=',~~'-'CO,","_C=-_"'O'-::----="'_-:=--'~'.':"'"C;-:-::~"""'--"__ ~;_='-"'.--:".-'-.~~.-'-'-_-:-""'~"'.o"-"_--:~,_",=,""_',..,-.'-..,_.,,...:.:-.-...,--,-,,-=,--,--.'-- 'I' .- tO~ 0,'" -v- i eM"'.! 1111>,0:91 I v~. I I? / /1 I i , ! I I I I ! i IN RE: HEADQOARTERS LIBRARY BUILDING Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors concur in the recomm~ndation of the Library Board of Trustees and let the bid to the low bidder, Q. M. Tomlinson and accept alternate 14 as shown on the bid sheet, for the construction of the headquarters library building, and that the I Chairman of this Board be authorized to sign the contract, after review and approval by the Commonwealth's Attorney. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas I and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. A copy of the above referred to bid sheet is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Architect William Mounfield appeared with regard to the above matter, as did Mr. C. J. Clement, Chairman, Library Board of Trustees. il II i [I j, II , I' I: WHEREAS, Parkway Cabinet Shop, et als, have made application to this Board [I , for Industrial Access Funds to improve: Granby Street by extending State Route II 'I I, !! Ii ii II Nicholas Avenue 250 feet, more or less; Mary Linda Avenue west from Gra~by Street I, 'I I, Ii Ii i1 :1 il ii ,I I, II this Board guaranteeing to furnish Ii ii 1023 to Nicholas Avenue 400 feet, more or less; Nicholas Avenue west 250 feet, more or less; Nicholas Avenue East 750 feet, more or less; Seibel Drive south of I 900 feet, more or less; and WHEREAS, this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Section 33.1-221 of the Code of Virginia, to be served by roads constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Fund, i the necessary rights of way, including cuts and fills and drainage easements, and the adjustment of any utilities at no cost to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, data on right of way needs, and other information to the Highway Commission on the construction of these proposed roads with its recommendation that they be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I ABSTAINED: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Attorney Jack Place appeared to represent the Applicants in the above matter. Mr. Thomas Beasley, Jr., owner of Statesman Park appeared with rElgard to the above matter and his letter explaining the request is filed with the , the proposed minutes of this meeting, together with two marked maps indicating/roads. 179 9/8/71 .- .. - - --. .,' .... -- - . --'----_.-.'------. --.. -.- - - ~.--- ---.----- Commission forwarding copy of Resolution No. 19828 of their City Council proposing that the City continue to own & operate its sewage treatment plant & facilities & its system of interceptor sewers & that the City be the agency responsible through " fair & equitable agreements & contracts entered into with other local governing 1: bodies in the Valley, for the ownership & operation of said facility; ii " On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. " " Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, a letter dated 8/20/71 from / ;, i! Mrs. E. E. Wilbourne and the Board Chairman's reply of 8/24/71 in re: pollution i! !i of Tinke!: Creek, was this day received and filed. ~ ii I! 'i be authorized to meet with the similar committees representing Roanoke City, I, " 'i City of Salem, Towrl of Vinton and Botetourt County concerning proposed.. institutional. arrangements for regional sewer service in the Roanoke Valley, '/with the best wisnes of this Board to said Sewer Comm~ttee. il :1 'i ;, vote. n Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Roanoke County Sewer Committee li v'/ I: Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the mot.ion which carried by unanimolls ,~ ~ ;i ~ by the ~ " :, letter ii The County Executive Officer was regarding next meeting/the request of the asked to review and report to the BOllrd Va. Dept. of Highways as outlined in their of 8/20/71 as to the excavation of street pavement in subdiviSbns for i: utility lines. ~ , :; :i On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. " Ii Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, a letter of 8/27/71 " ~ from the Director of the Roanoke Co. Parks & Recreation Dept. to the Board Chairman ~ ;i ii requesting full use and control of "McVitty" field for recreation purposes, was :1 :: this day received and filed. ;i " I ;-1 J On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor !!A. T. Huddleston and the following vote, the following items were this day , i.: received and filed: ,I ::-1 i" ~ f W Copy of letter dated 8/25/71 from Roanoke City Clerk to City Sewer Committee forwarding copy of the Supervisors' & Roanoke Co. Public Service Authority's respective resolutions asking Council to waive stipulation of sewer /' CDntract relative to 683' (fourth phase of peter's Creek Interceptor sewer line), which would require title to be conveyed to the City after construction; Copy 0:1: letter of 9/1/71 from Salem City Council to Valley governments, State Water Control Board, & Fifth Planning District Commission forwa.ding Council's resolution llO expressing City's position of favoring joint /' ownership & operation of sewage treatment plant & collection system; Copy of letter dated 8/30/71 from Board Chairman to Mr. R. Franklin Hough, Jr. expressing regret for his resignation and appreciation for his service on the Roanoke Co. Welfare Board; Report of the State Dept. of Welfare & Institutions, June 1971 Addendum No. 2 to the Specifications for the Co. Headquarters Library Build- ing, dated 8/26/71; Annual Report of Fifth Planning District Commission for fiscal year ended June 30, 1971; . 180 9/8/71 ===-=::-~'=':=~==,~=~'::=-=::"-:-:-:=~-'==-:--==_'_-=:-:"-.."_=-"-~=,,.=...,-,c=-=::;=,-"'-_--;-=:'",:_.,..."..,.~,."___"_-_-_,_:_=_,-,,,.,___=..=.;___=-=_=.:''_'___=___,_=____=_='''=''_~'~7C'::;''_,.... -~="._=_:;~.=,_~C-.-_::_C_-""-~.=.=~_C_.=_.,_.~C=::."'''=-,,~...:..~_=_ ----=-=:;-==..,..",...~~-'"""""""-::_"':_:o;===~_"__=._,;:;.-""__o:........,.__:-~~o__~,--.~_:_:_-::c_c.~:=-."._~-'--C=o-~==-.:.-==-_~"""_-"-.::-'~.=::-:-,-::.""--.""~"",,~'.=C=-,:::-:.._.,.._~..;C--""'- -_...,-,_""~c=-..:.=-=,.,,,c-:-,.=,=-,=-,=_",:",.,,.,._~=:, "..,_.,~_:=..~__"=,..~::;~=,..,..~-;_",=,,,-='= General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund, Available Cash School Construction Fund (Bond) - Available Cash I".'. School Cons~ruction Fund (Local) - Available Cash , School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash I Data Processing Fund - Available Cash j' Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash I Library Construction Fund - Available Cash " Parks " Recreation Construction Fund - Available I, F.I.C.A. - Available Cash I Retirement Fund - Available Cash I Air Pollution Control - Available Cash I Deferred Credit - Kathryn F. Garst ! i I I I i I I II / ~i I v: I ! i I ! /i ! v; I i ~ I I I , I I AYES: i I I " i! i , I Copy cf letter dated 8/30/71 from Board Chairman to Dr. Thomas B. Stage, !, Chairman, Roanoke Valley Mental Health-Mental Retardation Services Board II acknowledging Dr. Stage's letter of 8/19/71(confirming merger with I Roanoke Guidance Center Advisory Board) and stating that the Supervisors' endorsement of this merger gives official recogniton to the 3 at-large 'I members, etc.; I! II Report of Va. Employment Commission dated August 1971 on Manpower Review; Copy of a letter of 9/1/71 from Roanoke City Clerk to City Manager re: request of Richard Cranwell for information dealing with additional areas (Section 2 of Hampden Hills) to be included in the existing City-County Sewage Treatment Contract; Statement of Office " Travel Expenses incurred by Sheriff & Deputies for the month of July 1971; Statement of Botetourt County's position relative to a Regional Sewerage Treatment Plant, dated 8/26/71; Letter of 8/31/71 from Va. Dept. of Highways to Board acknowledging receipt of Supervisors' resolution in Rte. 311 from Catawba to Craig Co. line: Chairman re: improvem..nt of Treas~er's report (spread below) All NAYS: None. At the close of business August 31, 1971, there was to the credit of the II following j, ii 'I I, I: I' I: II !I I, I, I; !I I. II r il JI 'I II II 'I II !I $ 190,929.29 735.l2 306,710.59 14,382.88 1,3l5.59 8,206.74 30,663.71 9,907.19 174,121. 79 33,767.70 32,369.58 3,564.46 2,366.59 133.21 809,l74.44 Cash $ Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Escrow - S2,815,000.OO Farmers National Bank - Federal Farmers National Bank - Textbook ColonBl-Ame~an National Bank Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Building Debt Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - paying Agent School Debt Bankers Trust Co. - Paying Agent School Debt Deferred Credit - James E. Peters $ 2,000.00 651,346.31 101,705.09 9,907.19 1,315.59 31,736.00 6,000.17 360.00 66.40 4,650.00 87.69 809,174.44 $ Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Farmers: National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-Ameri~an National Bank $ 1,900,073.0v 1,900,000.00 2,200,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,692,000.00 550,000.00 $11,242,073.00 Certificates of Deposit -Library Construction First National Exchange Bank $ 350,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation Construction Mountain Trust Bank $ 225,000.00 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kathryn F. Garst DB Kathryn F. Garst Treasurer Roanoke County" I I I ;1 i[ !I " :1 " II I' II I' ,I :1 " I " " " I: Ii " :1 I' :I ii' I :.." I I I I I 184 .~ 9/8/71 ~~~_"""""--"CC-_-==C::':;;'--"="'O=-=-':-==:-_7="-=''''''_"''''~~-''---o=.-:,-~",,-,,__,-=._---=-==-"' ,.:-.=-.:--_-~,.,.,-.-...'.'''"'-_._,_-,_,o_=_.'c=-... .,-"....-.0-;.,,-,-..,-,. '_'~-'''''_--',C--=C=--CC',_'_._'':;~~'''''--''_ __ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ ___-=- =- __ _____ ~==:.-'-=~_~__==:._':-::_=:::_::;;_c_.._~_."._~_""__=__::_____::'_'=_...,.=_==~~=...,=:-.-."'-"""; .--,,-_.-, -_=c-_;..,_----=--o.,.."..."-_-;,..,-~"'_c.,,,.,..:~_~=-:-;_ ,~..-~-...-:-..,..,..o.- -_.,,-_-c-.-,.,-.,..-:-'----O;-.7_-~':_:_:_.,_,,__,_----.- . --- -'=_-'0. ":C"" -=~"-",,'-O;.""-'-"C- Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Roanoke County Board of oi Supervisors donate a copy of the Roanoke County Code to Roanoke College Library. ", Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. A copy of the Financial Statement as of 8/31/71 is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. J~ ~,f:7 ._._=.,,:=':.-:_-:;:_~:- '-"",,",-,-~~~"-' I Ii ,I II II II il II II 'I Ii I: Ii I' .I Ii i: J !: Il II ), li il 1 II ,I I, 'I II I' I il II " il If :! I I I I ,-. -~"'-"""'-~"'-"'!'''~''''-'-'''-~'''- -,--~- . --" ~- --- -.- . - -- - - -. -..- .. - - .. .. ._..____~___._~_u____ .__ __. __.__,_________.__ _ ~__ Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia September 22, 1971 7:30 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Roanoke County Courthouse in the County Courtroom thereof, it being the fourth Wednesday and second regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt and L. Earl Simms. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht, and the County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively, were also present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and Supervisor Joseph C. 'rhomas offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance w"s then given in uniso:~ to the flag led by Chairman Eddy. The minutes of the September 8, 1971, meeting of this Board were approved as spread on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Superviso:r Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. - - IN RE: REZONING PETITION OF CENTORY DEVELOPMENT COFPORATION TO REZONE A 12.874-ACRE TRACT ON THE WEST SIDE OF GARST MILL ROAD, ADJOINING CRESTHILL NO. 3 & WINDSOR WEST NO.5, IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) At the request of Century Development Corporation, its Petition presently pending before the Board for rezoning of 12.874 Acres be, and the same hereby is DISMISSED without prejudice. The foregoing order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. - i NAYS: None. ...J ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. Attorney Harvey S. Lutins, representing the citizens who opposed the requested rezoning was present and recognized. Mr. Lutins informally requested -;'1 \. ~': and was granted the withdrawal of the petitions of opposition. RE: REZONING OF TWO CERTAIN TRACTS OR PARCELS OF LAND CONTAINING 33.25 . ACRES, MORE OR LESS, SITUATE IN BIG LICK MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT, LYING SOUTH OF THE ROANOKE RIVER, EAST OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE AND GENERALLY NORTH OF VA. ROUTE 825, PRESENTLY OWNED BY CLIFTON C. JONES, JR. AND THE ROANOKE Vl.r.LEY CITIZENS BAND RADIO CLUB, INC., AND THE CITY OF ROANOKE, AS ITS INTERESTS MAY APPEAR. FINAL ORDER 185 y"- ,/ -' ;/ i 9-0<3-lI. :.i~~ .1 ~ . ii~' , . " , _ t : '" '~ i'~'p (., " tiIi~ i ' :: -'I 'J q) ~j:~ :%~".r :A~. ~, a~, C, -:J.I/~" :!. I ..'.~. q~ (~4i '~" d,. , . \ . '7><-r 9' - -:;;'3-'71 ;/ 9/22/71 -'==-'_~~=-;:;==-:--:-_-''''_--=-''==-'_-=--;--.''''' ,... -'c-_-.'"''".-.--::-'_'-. - ----<.-._- -..-.--....-- '-- ----. . .______ __._. ___ __u_ u__ ___., n~_'~___ _,__ _____,,_ ~,_ - -----'---"'0---' ___,_"____ WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke, Clifton C. Jones, Jr., and the Roanoke Valley Citizens Band Radio Club, Inc., pe~ioned this Board and requested that the il County Zoning Ordinance be amended so as to provide that cer~ain property describedi in said petition be rezoned and reclassified from "Residential Estate RE" to "Industrial District M-l'; which petition was filed at a regular meeting of I this Board held on August 25, 1971 and by order entered that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission by resolution adopted at a meeting held on September 21, 1971, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said be petition, recommended to this Board that said County Zoning Ordinance/amended so as to change the classification of the property described in said petition to I "Industrial District M-l"; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did, by its order entered on the 25th day of August, 1971, direct the Clerk of the Board to forth- with set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board following the receipt of the recommendation of said Planning Commission, and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board, heH on September 22, 1971, for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment and advertised the same by notice duly published in the Roanoke World I News, a newspaper having a general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia by two insertions on September 8 and September 15, 1971. WHEREAS, the Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation and after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said I' ; proposed amendment, being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be amended as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, held on the 22nd day of September, 1971, the ! i! said Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance be, and the same is hereby amended so as to reclassify the property described in saiqpetition from "Residential Estate RE" to "Industrial District M-l", so as to permit the Ii' expansion of the plant and facili~ ties of the City of Roanoke Sewage Treatmer.t Plant, said property being more I particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at 1, a point on the dividing line betwe.'n Tracts ~os. 5 and 6, as shown on Map Partition of Jennie S. Persinger Estate; thence leaVing said dividing line, N. 70. 55' 00" W. l7l.7 feet to 2: thence S. 190 05' 00" W. 202.90 feet to 3; thence N. 790 56' 00" W. 51.99 feet to 4; thence N. 140 59' 00" W. 300.0 :feet to 5; ther..ce S. 750 01' 00" W" 150.0 feet to 6; thence S. 140 55' DO" E. 230.0 feet to 7; thence S. 790 56' 00" E. 72.08 feet to 8; thence S. 190 05' 00" W. 233.66 feet to 9; thence N. 700 57' 31" w. 291.98 feet to 10; thence S. 190 10' 05" W. l45.20 feet to 11; thence N. 700 49' 48" W. 66.10 feet to]2; thence S. 190 10' 12" W. 30 feet to 13; thence with a curved line to the left whose radius is 235.0 fe,et and whose chord bears N. 790 37' 48" W. 71. 90 feet to 14; thence S. 420 30' 00" W. 51.80 feet to 15; thence S. 600 05' 00" W. 55.60 feet to 16; thence S. 640 22' 00" W. 77.42 feet to l:; thence N. 840 0' 00" W. 74.90 feet to l8; thence N. 690 52' 00" E. 75.45 feet to 19; thence N. 60 08' 00" W. 40.l0 feet to 20; thence N,. 830 19' 00" W. 66.00 feet to 21; thence N. 130 39' 00" E. 50.37 feet to 22; thence N. 210 04' 4" E. 215.92 feet to 23; thence N. 370 46' 00" W: 225.00 feet to 24; thence N. 520 54' 00" E. 85.00 feet to 25; thence N. 370 46' 00" W. lOO.OO feet to 26; thence S. 520 54' 00" W. 85.00 feet to 27; thence N. 370 46' 00" W. 378.10 feet to 28; thence S. 31" 04' 00" W. 115.30 feet to 29; I 9/22/71 thence S. 230 57' lS" W. 263.l0 feet to 30; thence S. So 26' 05" W. 35.64 feet to 31; thence S. 250 15' 00" W. 156.50 feet to 32; thence N. 470 38' 00" W. 9.60 feet to 33; thence N. 590 38'00" W. 156.82 feet toO 34; thence N. 350 15' 17" E. 1256.62 feet to 35; thence S. 860 44' 00" E. 83.47 feet to 36; thence S. 790 40' 00" E. 265.40 feet to 37; thence S. 670 47' DO" E. 722.10 feet to 38; thence S. 75~ 13' 00" E. 155.80 feet to 39; thence S. 20 25' 00" W. 652.45 feet to the place of Beginning, and containing 33.25 acres, more or less, and as shown on plat showing Survey prepared for Alice Lydia Rouse, made by C. B. Malcolm & Sons, Va. State Certified Surveyor, dated April 6, 1964, a copy of which is hereto attached and made a part hereof. and BEING the same property conveyed to Clifton C. Jones, Jr. and Arbutus B. Jones, by W. R. Rouse, by deed dated July 13, 1950, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in Deed Book 440, page S03. I, i: :i '7/ il '7-;;l'~"fo: d:i) I,i ~tLti<~,( .~ :, "l-'Il.':~; " (l, f-N,-J ~ ate., "\~~) il~'X'~. ii.5r} ~ II .~ J:-4.~ 'I ~..' , .jr"/tl-t, ,li4 . -_..! AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clark of this BoaI'd shall forthwith certify a copy of this resolution and order to the Secretary dE the Ii Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia and a copy to the City Attorney of the City of Roanoke, Attorney for petitione.. The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on the recorded vote, the I: Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: " " : AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. ,: NAYS: None. " " , :: Mr. Edward Natt, Assistant City Attorney, City of Roanoke appeared to !I --, represent the p~titioners in this matter. - AMENDMENT TO CF~TER l3, PLUMBING, SECTION 13-4 OF THE ROANOKE COm,TY CODE. ,/ WHEREAS, the State Water Control Board of Virginia has imposed certain Ii specific standards related to the treatment capacity of the City of Roanoke sewage treatment plant, which plant also treats sewage from sewer lines owned by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority: and WHEREAS, such standards require that immediate steps be taken by the City of Roanoke to improve the capacity of said plant: and WHEREAS Section 13.1,.2 of the standards and regulations of the State Plumbing Code, as adopted by the State Board of Health, specifically state~ "Storm water shall not be drained into Sewers intended for sewage only" a~ ..-." WHEREAS, Section 32-407 of the 19S0 Code of Virginia, as amended, prohibits ..... counties from establishing plumbing standards and regulations which are below those adopted by the State Board of Health; and ~ I " i WHEREAS, the enforcement of plumbing regulations adopted by the State Board of Health is made the responsi~ility of appropriate local authorities ~ " by Section.32-408 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Plumbing Inspector, effective August 1, 1971, has, in accordance with the aforesaid prohibition against storm water being drained into sewers intended for sewage only, prohibited the connection of area- way drains to sanitary sewer lines; and WHEREAS, the County of Roanke, in its sewage treatment contract with the Ci~y of Roanoke, has agreed not to allow the drainage of rain, storm or surface water into sanitary sewer lines which flow to the City of Roanoke sewage treatment 188 .' '-.'-" - '~"'-''"'.',", ....,...... :'"...~... ''''_.~'_'.. W"~'~","~ _' 9/22/71 ,.,.......,,-,-,-_,~~.__-.~_-;:o-=-:-:---.:-,=.""=.-=-=,~~ ------.- ---'~'-'-"-' ___........,,______.._, _u_ ... .-._,-::-=:":-,....,:..",_."C,_,_'"'''---o-~~--~-,__ c.;c..=~~_-="".~=--_-O--"_".:-""'c;;--cc;;-:-;;~ -- - _.-:.-_---- -_-00-:- ___ ~ -,;; __ 1\~ ' ~'paragraph (1) of said section which adds to the State Plumbing Code definition 7' .... q'~ ~ /,(I~, of building storm drains. ~~ ) This amendment shall take effect immediately. ~~)i ~ ~. H. Osterhoudt, adopted by the following recorded vote: l/" AYES: ,// _.._--._~- - ....-'---.-.--'-----c-~--_..-. - - .... - ___ ______n___.____.. _ __ plant; and WHEREAS, said contract provid~s that it might be terminated should the County allow such drainage into sanitary sewer lines; and WHEREAS, the plumbing code.of Roanoke 'County, now a part of the Roanoke County COde, contains a definition of building storm drains which excludes area- way drains; and WHEREAS, while the said Roanoke County Plumbing Code does not anywhere specifically permit the drainage of storm water into sanitary sewer lines, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County nevertheless wishes to make it absolutely clear that it intends to follow the State law regarding plumbing regulations, despite the fact that the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem and the Town of Vinton presently allow the connection of areaway drains to sanitary sewer lines, and despite the fact that such has been a practice in the Roanoke Valley by all governments, including Roanoke County, for many years; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Intention to Amend said ordinance has been published according to law and that public hearing has been held on said amendment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED THAT Chapter 13, PLUMBING, Article l, In General, Section 13-4 Same - Amendments, deletions etc. be amended by deleting Upon motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles and Lee B. Eddy. Ii 'i i! il Ii " ,I il " i: II recognized: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas NAYS: None. Association Mr. Horace Fralin of Roanoke Valley Home Builders/was present and ! Mr. Fralin requested a complete comprehensive study of the above matter, including consideration of a unified policy of all the governments in the area. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, a report in memorandum form dated 9/22/71 from the County Engineer-Executive Officer on the following three subjects was this day received and filed: intended County's/procedure for certifying to State Highway Dept. that all under- ground utilities are installed prior to paying of subdivison streets; Registrar's requirements for additional help; u. S. Emergency Employment Act a~d related grant funds. / y/. IN RE: O. S. Emergency Employment Act RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County does designate \ !the Fifth Planning District Commission its agent for the purpose of making 1 ' r~~~'-~,~01! 1 ',:, bauPPtl1th' CaattiOthnefor federal funds under the Emergency Employment Act of the U. S., ~_-'; ~. Board specifically reserves to Roanoke County th,e right to r'~ceive ~/. ~ .\these funds, designate the use and allocation thereof if the same be possible under -fj ~)r,'t ,\ J ~~~ --..---.--..-...-.--,--.---.-.--. "..._.._.~-_.._--- 'I ii !i ii r: ;i II " I' :: ;i I' i! " II 'I Ii :1 I' II I I I I I 9/22/71 - ..__n ,', _ _ _ '. __ __, _.__ . _.-'.__. -_~_ __. _______~_~___ _......_____~~u__ . the federal guidelines established for the implementation of the Emergency Employ- ment Act as it applies to Roanoke County. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and adopted by the following vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. IN RE: REPORT OF CO:1MONWEALTH' S ATTORNEY "MEASURES TO REDUCE SEWER INFILTRATION" DATED SEPTEMBER 22, 1971 Supervisor A. T. HUddleston moved that the report of the Commonwealth's Attorney as to "!oJE"'ZURES TO REDOCE SEWER INFILTRATION" dated September 22, 1971, i:be received and filed and that the Commonwealth's Attorney be directed to prepare ;! the documents required to est,' ,lish the Board's intention to enact these recommendations into an ordinance as part of the Roanoke County Code. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded thE motion 'I<hich carried by unanImous " vote. Ii ,: IN RE: ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL FOR INCREASED SEWER INFILTRATION ABATEMENT PROGRAM -. -' :i Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Executive Officer be aut:horize II 'i to hire the additional personnel for the Building Inspector's Office as outlined Ii i: in his memorandum of September 7, 1971, and listed below: ii 1 Assistant Plumbing Inspector $8,000.00 per year $3,800.00 per year 1 Additional Clerical Employee Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. --"', The Chairman of the Capital Improvements Committee, Supervisor Charles H. - :, Osterhoudt, requested that the matter of awarding the bid for construction of "the Mount Pleasant safety building be placed upon the October l3, 1971 agenda of .: this Board. ~ ;'.:; '"'to 1 'IN RE: PETITION OF DR. HESSAM MOHEIMANI FOR REZONING ALL LOT 3 AND PART OF LOTS 1 AND 2, W. O. James Construction COMPANY OF ROANOKE MAP ) ) ) ) WITHDRAWAL Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved the Board of Supervisors concur in the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission and grant the request of Dr. Moheimani to withdraw without prejudice his petiton to rezone the above- 'described property from R-l to R-3 in order that a daycare center could be v' i: 9~;).3~ 7( ii ()..J..v/-to i! -- u 0 Ii :~ :: V 'I ::6~ / ::t/;~: ~~, :. G1-):/~;rv :~.4(~ , v 9_;).3-7/ , --r ~~ .;:.: . iJ-i<.~ :;)? ~ . C .fF ') {m'~ . 7JL.J.v', &~.."., z;,; I 189 ~ ... "....,'. .P~,,,,,::.~.pA-.._ ,~..:I!"""'~"""__-._._,__... __._,~,_' _"_,__,",___""',,.. .. :~,;-r' ,_'.. ,'~~,.'.. 9/22/71 A letter dated September 14, 1971 from the Co. Building Inspector to the Board Chairman suggesting that the Building Code be amended to require t:hat .'," .,-".~:...,... 191 / foundation walls be waterproofed to prevent infiltration of sewer lines, and a letter of related comment of Executive Director of Roanoke Co. Public Service Authority dated September 15, 1971, are filed with thp. minutes of this meeting. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors authorize the firm of Langley, McDonald & Overman to make a preliminary stlldy of ,i a regional s,ewer authority in the Roanoke Valley area and report the results " " of the preliminary study to the meeting of the Valley Sewer Committees on S'~ptem- ber 28, 1972. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the , following vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simns, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. r-l I I - WHEREAS, from time to time it becomes necessary for the Virginia Associa- tion of Counties to assay the changes occurring about it and its realtionships with other organizations and with the three levels of government in the ~nited States; and WHEREAS, to adjust to such changes it is necessary and timely to ;lIlle,nd the Constitution and or the By-Laws of the Associ~~ion; and WHEREAS, it would appear timely (1) to provide a method of selection of : nominees to the offices and board of directors of the National Association of :'Counties and other such organizations; (2) to provide a more flexible method , for the reapportionment (redistricting) of the Executive Board of the Virginia "Association of Counties; and (3) to provide for a better standing committee structure for the Association; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Constitution of the Virginia Associa- tion of Counties be amended as follows: -~ , ARTICLE IV Section (h) After the words "The officers of the Association . . insert the words "and nominees to the offices and board of directors of the " : National Association of Counties and other similar organizations . . " Article IV, Section (b), if amended. will then read as follows: "The officers of the Association and nominees to the offices and board of directors of the National Association of Counties and other similar organizations shall be elected at each Annual Meeting by a majority vote of the member counties present in person or by proxy. Only members in good standing shall be eligible to vote or to stand for office." ARTICLE V Amend and reenact Article V to read as follows: "(a) The Executive Board shall consist of the President, the Immediate / 9-;).4~ 71~ ~~ u.~ (~~f ,/ <t ' &, ' "7.:; c.~~ ------_.-.......~~,.._-_.._-- .-.----.-.- ..--- ---_..~._.- ..~._- 192 9/22/71 -.----..-- -_._--_._------~_._.._--~------ ____._.________..._ .______.___ .. _._......_u___ _ _. ...__ ..__.__ --~-----~----- ---------- --- -.--~------.-.-.-..-~----".- ._._________~___._n...._.._"______ ____._..~_____________._ -''-'---C'--'- n..__.______...__...._....___._....."_____..._____..____.. _.. n.._....__..___ .._____..."..___.____.._........__..__ ____. _....... _..._ __ . - --.----.----.---------.-....---. - .---.......--.--.----.... . --.--.-------. --- ---.._------- -. .-.- ----. _. -- - - ..---- ... I ! Past President, the First I Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Recording Secretary, the Treasurer, and twenty members elected on a 'one man - one vote' basis from compact and contiguous Regions into which the State shall be divided for purposes of representation. "(b) The members of the Executive Board shall be elected ior two year terms. Ten members shall be elected at each Annual Meeting. No member of the I Executive Board shall serve more than four consecutive terms. "(c) The Executive Board in 1971 and every ten years thereafter, or when- i ever in its opinion such is necessary, shall propose a reapportionment plan for ;i Ii representation on the Executive Board from the several territorial regions of i! Ii the State. The reapportionment plan may increase or diminish the number of regions, I the number of representatives from each region; may shift counties from one region to another; and may provide for representation from single-member or multi-member be amended as follows: Ii ii i ~ Ii Ii I: " " II !i regions in order to provide representation in proportion to population from a compact and contiguous territorial region. The reapportionment shall become effective upon adoption by the Association assembled in Annual Meeting." " , I. Counties I I ! BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the By-Laws of the Virginia Association of ARTICLE VII COMMITTEES Section (a) Amend and reenact Section (a) to read as follows: "(a) Such permanent or standing committees shall be established as the I President and the Executive Board may from time to time deem necessary." Section (d) Delete all of Article VII, Section (d). Adopted on motion of Supervisor L. EArl Simms, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. copy of a A/letter dated September l7, 1971, addressed to Mr. Robert M. Shannon, :/ Executive Director of the Fifth Planning District Commission from Mrs. Emmett R. Albergotti, concerning proposed flood control measures on Peters Creek in Roanoke that County and suggesting/same be pursued cautiously considering th,e total effect on the environment, was this day received and filed on motion of S'~pervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unalOimous vote ,of the I Board. I I \j IN RE: REZONING OF PROPEE~Y ON THE WEST SIDE OF STARKEY ROAD AND ON THE NORTH SIDE OF STATE ROUTE 753 of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER FRANK W. MARTIN AND NANCY F. MARTIN This day came Frank W. Martin and Nancy F. Martin, by Counsel, and <lsked Cfc:p.~: ", #f ^~.~. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervi.',or Charles,~. f!P. H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on a reco,,'ded vote, ': riJ;t,( -r.).-. ::~~ !!. rr-~p I ,~. -:.J6. , ""'~"''''-''''.,....-. - '. 9/22/71 - .. -. -. . .... "----.._- --~- -.._--- ~._- ii leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein ~ described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular meeting of 'the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and the 'same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning COlMlission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Ce'lMlission :' shall report its recolMlendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the 'Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of the Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permi~'sible ,'regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be givEm by the said ClerK by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy oj: this ii resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virclinia. ~ the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit:, 1~ I " AYES: All .... " NAYS: None. V IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF STATE ROUTE NO. 626 NORTH OF ROUTE 117 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER OF J. GRANGER MACFARLAND AND BILLY H. BRANCH This day came J. Granger Macfarlane and Billy H. Branch, by Counsel, and :, asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the property therein , described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular meeting ...... of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the i '1 , -~ '1 , Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in I- ; accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning COlMlission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of the Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this 193 9/22/71 COUNTY PAYROLLS 195 On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor v' A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote the County Payrolls (Semi-monthly ~~?~1~ 9/15/71 and Bi-weekly 9/15/71) were approved for payment in the }ross alIlount of ,~~, $57,376.97 from which the sum of $2,753.76 F.I.C.A.; $6,153.98 F.I.T.; $1,120.05 -/ V.~ )"Jj' ~tate Income Tax; $2.00 ~iforrns: $1,614.30 ~lue Cross Ins.; $2,185.61 R~tirement ,~:. 1~'y~~1 .~. ~ . $1,212.29 Miscellaneous Expenses, :: / ii/and $12.00 'tinited Fund is deducted leaving a net payroll of $42,322.98. 1"c1~ AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. I NAYS: None. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by :Supervisor J()seph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the curren~ bills ~mounting to 1;75,l92.91 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting totalling $165,676.96 w'~re approved for payment ?resently and retroactively. :! AYES: A. T. Huddleston" Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ., , ..... On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas it is hereby ordered that the Treasurer of Roanoke County be authorized to transfer $lO,OOO.OO from the General Fund to the Dog F~~d, said $10,000.00 to be transferred back into the General Fund from the Dog F'Wld after dog tag sales make the transfer possible. Adopted by the following, recorded vote: ,AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. The Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss priviledged matters on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. , , I- ; On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members the committee of the whole was dissolved and the Board meeting resumed in open session. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors reject the bid received (J.P. Turner & Bros., Inc.) for the drainage construction project at the Vinton Branch Library, waive the necessity of further bidding, it being deemed in the interest of the County to so do, and authorize the County /' q-,;J. 3,1/ i: ~ &.~ ~~.( ~ v' 9- ~}-7Ct: :~j'l , <;. ~ I .- :~f~-J v' 7-:;,,7- 71 ~-J:;- ~'~~w Zl ' 7>1(,. (\ "J,>"'!f. ,y'''' I -- ~K )p".,.N 1r"" q- f. 197 Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia October 13, 1971 2:00 p.m. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Court- house in the County Courtroom thereof in Salem, Virginia, being the second Wednesday and the first regular meeting of the month. Members present: Cha,irman y Lee B. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms; Mr. ChaiBs H. Osterhoudt arrived later in the meeting as hereinafter indicated. The Commonwealth I s Attorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht and the Cour,ty Engineer- Executive Officer & Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively, were also present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Eddy. The minutes of the September 22, 1971 meeting of this Board were approved as spread on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor ... Joseph C. Thomas and the following vote: . AYES: All i -- NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. / IN RE: VINTON TOWN COUNCIL'S RESOLUTION NO. 506 REGARDING NAME FOR NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ON HARDY ROAD Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the above r~solution be received and filed and that the RoanOKe County School Board be respectfully requested to I IO-J'I_1~ ..e112l ~r ~~ . (?C~ctr1 'n, ,WfA;) 1j, , ; l,.'-li'JP , give careful consideration to this request. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Mr. Calverne Lyke presented the aforementioneCtTerolution of the Vinton Town Council requesting that the name "Guy L. Gearhart Elementary School" be givEfl : I , '.:~ ! the new school on Hardy Road. WHEREAS, Smith's Transfer Corporation has made application to this Board for Industrial Access Funds to improve the road beginning at intersection of Route 117 and the existing Interstate Service Road, said intersection being located 0.66 miles southwest of the intersection of Secondary Route 628, in Roanoke County, and thence extending with said existing Interstate Service Road in a 198 10/13/71 -_.,--------~----_._-----_._-~._- --... -~-_._.- --~-.._--,-....-_._~ -.- ._~...,- - ._-~-----_.__.. . ."_ __"'" ____ ....____.__._......_ _ ,.._'.___"_ _ _ .__......_.__ '_.m ..____.__,..___ .. . ..____.. _._. "'__'_"'_ __...___..___.___._.. '-_,- --.,---....,--~_-,_C. .~,-=-__;,-'..,,_.o;'.,-_ -...."...,.,~:'"'.- --".,- ,__"","",,,,,.,-'-0-._, ~__-_-;:-c",-o.~~'.'-_-= ___.______~__ ___...__..___...____..___,________ _.____ __.u___ ~... .________.._~._.__.__._. 0........----...-.. ._._.. __.___.. __.....__._ _ _' .' ,,\ I;," .),' ~..v_, {'.f~~~. v1~)4 'i 1/~?\ ,A (~~.'~ I I~~~ i .; I ! I ~\ 11r' , \0' 1i~ ~.,! 17..,y?'~, i ~~,~'r c> .?b ;/ westerly direction approximately 750 feet; and, WHEREAS, this Board, after evaluating the information submitted in said application, is of the opinion that the site and industry qualify, under Section 33.1-221 of the Code of Virginia, to be served by a road constructed with funds obtained from the Industrial Access Fund, this Board guaranteeing to I furnish the necessary rights of way, including cuts and fills and drainage ease- ments, and the adjustment of any utilities at no cost to the Commonwealth of Virginia, Department of Highways; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that tha Highway Department be requested to furnish estimates of cost, data on right of way needs, and other information to the Highway Commission on the construction of this proposed road with its recommendation that it be constructed with Industrial Access Funds. I On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl SillU\ls, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Mr. R. S. Kime, Attorney for the Applicant, appeared to explain the matter. IN RE:, MICROFILMING REAL ESTATE RECORDS IN COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE'S OFFICE & PLATS IN CLERK'S OFFICE BY REALTY DATA INC. I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that Realty Data. Inc. be granted permission to microfilm real estate records in the Commissioner of the Revenue's Office and plats in the Clerk' s Office existing as of the da,te of this resolution and that microfilming of subsequent records and plats to be permitted only upon further resolution of this Board. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas & LE!e B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Mr. Jack Vinik, President of Realty Data Inc. was present and I ! explained the above matter. IN RE: PROPOSED REZONING OF A 0.50 ACRE TRACT ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF ROUTE 4l9, BEING PART OF LOT 1, SECTION 2, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF CITY VIEW HEIGHTS OF GEORGE W. OVERBY, JOHN M. PEDIGO, C. RICHARD CRANWELL, JAMES E. BODY, J~mS E. AILSTOCK AND R. DONALD DIVERS ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) I FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on October 13, 1971. , WHEREAS, George W. Overby, et als, petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (lS70) be amended so . ," ....~, ,~~__",-_,_,."~_~_"",,,,,,,_,,--,'_"'''_T'_ . ...., - ~ I 'I 10/13/71 199 as to provide that certain property described in said petition be rezoned and reclassified from "Residential R-J" to "Business District B-2" property, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on July l4, 1971, c~d by or- der entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code (If Virginia; and WHEREAS, said Planning Commission by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on the 2lst day of September, 1971, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of said petition, recommended to this Board that the said County iloning Ordinance (l970) be amended so as to change the classification of the property described in the petition to "BusinESS District B-2" property; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 14th day of July, 1971, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Corn~ission, forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the County Zoning Ordinance and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be held on October 13, 1971, at 2:00 p.m., as the date and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said County Zonin~ Ordinance (1970), and advertised the same by a notice duly published in the World News on September 29, 1971, and October 6, 1971, which paper has general circulation in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, all of which as required by said Order of this Boare, and in accordance with the provisions of the County Zoning Ordinance (l970) and the Code of Virginia; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970) by this Board, after notice thereof was duly publiShed, as aforesaid; and mIEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition and to said recommendation of the Planning Commission, and after hearing :1 evi" ance touching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance (1970), being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance (1970). petition, and as recommended by said should be amended as requested in saidtplanning Commission, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on the 13th day of October, 1971, the said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be. and the same is hereby, amended so as to classify the property described in said petition as "Business District B-2" pcoperty in order that said property and the buildings that may hereafter be,~rected thereon may be used for "Business District B-2" purposes as defined by said County Zoning Ordinance (1970). The property hereby classified as "Business District B-2" property is more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the center of the present Cave Spring to Salem Road at the corner of Lot land 2, Section 2, City View Heights; thence with the center of the present road from Cave Spring to Salem N. 520 51' 30" W. ll9.88 feet to a point; thence N. 650 W. 312 feet to a point; thence leaving the road N. 570 E. 242 feet to a stake; thence S. 450 53' E. 75 feet to a stake in the line between Lot 1 and 2; thence with said line S. 440 07' W. 220 feet to the place of Beginning; and contain- ing 0.50 acre. and being part of Lot 1, Section 2, according 200 10/13/71 .___._______~_________~~____"__.___..._.__..___ _"_'n _____.___ .______..____u.___._~._ _.__"._______ ._. . .., ___..... _',__... __' .._ ___'_0_'_'_ __ .'. .___.. "__,_ _"_,. ...... __,_._n_...... ..'n_'. ..__......... _. ,___._ _" __"'_ ..._ .... "._..... ,_____".", U_ _____ .. ...,;~~_'.~,,",: 0'____.__".. . _.____.______0.__ CO:'-:c.-~~-....,-_-..--77.._-'_"'::-="O::_c_;~,.,..,_,C"=,,,.:= ._.._______._,.____.___n_. _~.___ _____.,__.,_.__'___ _.....__._.....0._...___ ___. ._..______ .__ .__._____....__._...__.._.. _'_,.._'__"n_. ___ ..__.___ ___._... ._____n__ "',. "____,__.,, n., I ,1" oP1: ?'>- It;. lV A; \~/ ~/ ~~' i efT ~ ~~) ! )- ~;;-f1Q}> , 1 I ~~. ~., ~t ~ / \ ~ ~~t" + ~~' \ l> / l' Xb,/\~~. . ~A~\J,j~ . ~~~~/ i J G~;. ~-<<, i J Ju~r,/.! I -")y /A/ I j 1 I . vi: ,1I.'i~ . -r'"r J. \OJ~\' ,^-' ~~~~/ \Y /.I;!/; "': to the Map of City View Rights, as shown on survey for Ralph A. Glasgow, Atty., showing property of Captain A. Graham dated December 1, 1944, of record in Deed Book 3l9, page 85, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith certify a copy of this Resolution and Order to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, and two copies to Martin, Hopkins and Lemon, Attorneys for the Petitioner. The foregoing Resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on the record vote, the Supervisors voted as fOllOWS, to-wit: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas. , :: " I' ,I ,I ii " 'I II I, 'I il I' " " NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. ABSENT: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Attorney Paul S. Barbery appeared to explain the foregoing requested rezoning. There was no opposition to the request. At tllis point Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt joined the meeting. :i II ,: " Ii 'i " 1 , ii !i BE IT RESOLVED that on l1ednesday, November 10, 1971 at 2:00 p.m. in the il II it i! NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND CHAPER 2l, ZONING ARTICLE IV. R-l RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, Sec. 21-29. PERMITTED USES. OF THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO PERMIT NEW CHORCHES OR ADDITIONS TO EXISTING CHURCHES SUBJECT TO A PUBLIC HEARING ON EACH SPECIFIC REQUEST THEREFOR, AND PUBLIC HEARING ON SAID PROPOSED ~ffiNDMENT County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County will hold a public hearing on the following proposed amendment to the Roanoke County Code: Amend Chapter 21, ~or.ing Article IV. R-l ResidentL~l pistrict, Sec. 2l-29. Permitted Uses to provide as follows: "(8) Churches and AdditDns to existing churches. When permission is granted by the governing body f,~llowing a public hearing on ,any request therefor." The proposed amendment to be effective immediately upon its pa:5sa.ge. The Clerk of this Board is hereby directed to pubHsh the fore>;/oing Notice of Intention and Public Hearing thereon in accordance with 1"'.). Upon motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by S'upervisor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simrna and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas. IN RE: PARADE ORDINANCE FOR ROANOKE COUNTY & PUBLIC HEARING THEREON Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the pw)lic hearing on the above proposed. ordinance be continued to November 10, 1971 at 2: 00 p.m. and that the Commonwealth's Attorney be respectfully requested to confer further with the Attorney for the Welfare Rights Society concerning their objections and bring this matter back to the Board for a decision on November 10. I I I I I 202 , , I I i I i' I ~ ~\ Ii.... >" YYi /; ~~~~, ~/..... '\..;~ \' YJ1) i ~~ ~)i')! · ~_"\ i ,y "I' . I \i ~ I"V),,\[ .^~()~ \9'11 I 10/l3/71 .~_"_._.':-..,,,'~,,,,:.._"-...,,-,,-',,,,,,,,.==',,,,,:=:,,~'.=~=-'::-:~,7.c=-:c of Intention and Public Hearing in accordance with law. T~10 copies of the existing Southern Standard Building Code and the proposed arr.e:cdrnent arl~ on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and in the office of Mr. H. A. Dickerson, the Roanoke County Building Inspectl)r, Room 6, Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, VirginB. I This amendment would take effect immediately upon its passage. Upo~ motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoud~ seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. I NAYS: None. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE, ARTICLE 2 - SEWER CON- STROCTION. SECTION.16-12. LATERALS TO REQUIRE A CERTAIN TYPE OF COUPLING OR ADAPTER TO CONNECT BUILDING SEWER LATERALS TO PUBLIC SEWER LATERALS BE IT RESOLVED that on November 10, 1971, at 2:00 P.M., in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, this Board will hold a public hearing on the following proposed amendment to the Roanoke County Code, Article 2 - Sewer Construction, Sec. 16-12. Laterals: the Delete/word "six" and in its place insert the word "four". At the end of this section add the following sentence: "A water tight or leak proof flexible coupling or adapter as specified by the engineer or the administering authority (Roanoke County Public Service Authority, or any other authority) shall be used to connect the building sewer lateral to the public sewer lateral." I The Clerk of this Board is directed to advertise the foregoing Notice of Intention and Public Hearing in accordance ~ith law. A copy of the proposed amendment is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County and in the office of Mr. W. W. McGuire, the Roanoke County Plumbing Inspector, Room 6, Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia and in the office of Mr. James Beavers, Executive Director of the Roanoke C~unty Public Service Authority, 516 E. Main Street, Salem, Virginia. This amendment would take effect immediately upon its ~~s~age, Upon motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: I AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AMEND THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE AND PUBLIC HEARING THEREON I BE IT RESOLVED that on November 10, 1971, at 2:00 P.M., in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, this Board will hold a public hearing on the following proposed amendment to the Virginia into State Plumbing Code which has been incorporated by reference/the Code of Roanoke County: Chapter 5, TRAPS AND CLEANOUTS, to add a new section 5.9 SANITARY TEES. "Sanitary tees must be installed in all 204 10/13/71 _-=~_===-O---====.-==-:C~_=O'=--==~~-==-==-''';'''-'..'O_-::=,--=_ __::...;0_ --=--==--c=-""--- ---_""'~-- -- ---- --- - ----_ --. ==-_ .....---;0-- _~ --=--_=-_-- ^ \' ,( ) " 1\( \~'~ lo, ~q,'. (~V; R~ #J. OS. J' ~~ \~~~ : ~'''''<I" i ~} i>. <Y'ill' \.1:,\ ~ I _ _ "__ ,____ _. ~_______.__u ___.......______ __ ___ -- .._--.,..~. -.-,..- ----..--..-'----- '-'-" Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the petition of Dudley D. Huggins to rezone certain property located near the intersection of Routes 419 and 221 and containing 0.39 A. from B-2 to B-3 in order to install self-service gasoline pumps at a convenience store, be referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission for recolllll'.endation back to th;,s Board. I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follcw- in9 recorded vote: AYES: All 'I II NAYS: None. Ii !i I,: I Ii ,I I, IN RE: Pk'OPOSED REZONING OF A TRACT OF LAND DESIGNATED AS LOT 8, BLO~K 4, BRAMBLETON COURT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER ., , OF W. E. CUNDIFF AND OLNEY G. CUNDIFF: AND S. W. CUNDIFF AND DORO'~HY CUNDIFF TO THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA: Came this day the petitioners by counsel and asked leave to file their Petition relative to the zoning of a parcel of land located in Roanoke county and more specifically described in the said Petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meeting of the I Board of Supervisors of RoanOKe County, Virginia, that said Petition be and the same is hereby file~. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND Or~ERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in the said Petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia for its recommendations ii 'I il :i " Ii , I: " i' il /: Ii " law, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public Ii .I jl :i !i Resolution in accordance with provisions of ~ l5.1-453 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board as required by hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board. AND IT IS FORTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this and and Order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. I Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of Charles H. Osterhoudt, a Supervisor, and duly seconded by Joseph C. Thomas, a Supervisor. AYES: All I NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF LOT 29, SECTION 5, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF WUNT VERNON HEIGHTS FROM B-2 TO B-3 )+ ) ) ) ORDER OF REFERENCE " I TO: THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA This day came D. L. Ferguson and Willie C. Ferguson, by Counsel and requested leave of the Board to file their petition for the rezoning of the :; ;, ,5-7( i 10 ' -b:. liunRk7,e.. i~'~",-/, i.i PI*~. .)J i:i /\tf1~ ' .,1 .J Virginia. ~O f' AND BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of thill resolu- ii , A 1~' tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. ii~/:;l"'11'~'. 1.:i1Jn&./ II ':j:/"" .10 , ~... i " -I 10/13/71 property therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED AND QRDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as requested in said petition, be and the same is hereby REFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recom- , mendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia of 1950 as amended. ~ AND BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report :ils recolllI'lendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same the said Clerk of this Board ,;hall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of the Board, and that notice thel~eof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions c)f the Code of .., I ..J ;1 ;! Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke CO'Jnty, Virginia. i\ il jl i !l Ii II ;1 Ii On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. 205 awarding for use by the Recreation Dept. Consideration of/bid on remodeling work proposed at Ogden Scheol/was deferred to the October 27, 1971 Doard meeting pending a report by the Ex,~cutive the Officer on water supply avaiable to/School. IN RE: MT. PLEASANT PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board of Supel:visors of Roanoke County proceed with the construction of the public safety building in the Mt. ..--, Pleasant collllllunity, as bid, and that the low bid of Regional Construction Company be accepted for the construction of same in the amount of $28,465.00 with a . , ., -- completion time of 90 days. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, :J },., and Lee B. Eddy. ~. II I .~ NAYS: None. Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas A copy of bid tabulations is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: TWENTY-YEAR SOLID WASm DISPOSAL PLAN 3upervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors approve the 20 year solid was~disposal plan as prepared and presented this /' . I s- 7) 1"- ~ c4] V , p.r1 d;; ~r:, L"" ./' '6~1/ , IJ/ I . 40 ~~",.y ~.o ~v~r-', 11I\ i - ,--. I , , ~ -, '''.''1 I,: I ~ 10/12/71 Expressway eliminates the need for public service and traffic thus rendering this road unnecessary. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Bddy. NAYS: None. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the County's check dated 5/l7/7l made payable to M. S. Thomas in the amount of $5.00 for the loss of 1 eWE, killed by dogs be cancelled (said check having been returned to the County by MI'. Thomas) . Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas secondec: the motion whic:h carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms" Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. The Clerk's report dated 9/28/71 advising that Mr. ~'homas had returned the check to her office Oil 9/16/71, refusing same on the grounds that thEl amount was insufficient to cover his livestock claim, is filEld with the minutes of this meeting. A letter from the Vinton Chamber of Conunerce, Inc. lequesting a contribution to their Christmas Promotion Program was this day receiv{.:d and filed on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisol" Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the Board members. A RESOLUTION HONORING THE MEMORY OF GUY L. GEARHART WHEREAS, Guy L. Gearhart served with great distincti'on as Town Manager of the Town of Vinton, Virginia, for more than thirty years; and, WHEREAS, during his years of devoted service he made countless contri- butions to ~1e improvement and growth of the Town of Vinton ~ld Roanoke County; and, WHEREAS, Guy L. Gearhart's career exemplified the highest standards of professional conduct, devotion to public service and human concern for his ccrnmunity and its people; and, WHEREAS, his untimely death is a deep and abiding loss to all who knew and worked with him; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Super- visors, on behalf of the people of Roanoke County, does hereby express to the family he loved and the community he served the sense of loss that is felt by all, deep appreciation for his great service and gratitude for having been privil e ged to have him live among us. 209 ii/ I' -, I :1 10 - ;)~ " ~--/. Ii rc, vo *' 1;6 ,0..y~ ....!~~' . i~~" ,I 'I v V' 210 lO/13/71 __.==--c--~.. .,____>._~~~==_,_==.=-.:..~,.=_=__""'=__=.7=_c7'-O:_::_."....==".-~~__,____= ,...,."=~=-=-=:-..."..=~---o'''-~ '--==.:..-=C~'-.;o_----,"'o--'=.'-_' --='-O":.CO'.= .,--=-"_._,-,.-.'-"",,,"",-.....,.. ~-C.o-_....",.~.="'''".-_-_--'.;o''':-;o..'o.;''=.'-_...''""",..;":,.~,=- ~ ,;.- =::-=-..",.,..".'--_,~=.,.,-,,_-==-,c.._":=:==_= --..--,----- .---....----------. -.---.---------. --. .-----_._~_.-. .--. . _,__..._'_________ .__'__'_,_u,___" ___. ~__._..__ __ . /0-;1..<1-7/- ! ~~.P ~ ~=L..~Df ~; ,4:T . ~~1;;. f;.~.w.'cf ~ ~,~i J , ;Ztl~' y:.v...'to:.. \~~ ! ~J) I I I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be spread with the minutes of this meeting, a copy forwarded to the Council of the Town of Vinton and a copy suitably prepared and presented to the family of our brother, Guy L. Gearhart. Upon motion of Supervisor A. T. Hudd!eston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Os,erhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. "- \' IN RE: BRICK FOR HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY BUILDING I I \ ' ~-' .: IO~ \ J""" I cv: :X~'I! ~rV ~..( i ~ ~' Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Roanoke County Board of supervisors concur in the recommendation of the Library Board of Trustees regarding the change in the type of brick to be used for the Headquarters Library, Ii building now under construction and, furthermore, that the letter dated October 12, 1971, from the Chairman of the Building Committee of the Library Board of Trustees advising of the recommended change be received and filed. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following , I ,/ items were this day received and filed: Letter dated 9/24/71 from Va, Dept. of Highways advising that the County's request for a left-turn storage lane and cross-over to serve the headquarters library building will be given favorable considera- tion when planning over-all design for Route 419; Letter dated 9/23/7l from McVitty House, Inc. advising that they are discontinuing farm operations as of 12/1/71 & that the county's land will no longer be needed for pasturing cattle; I v c' Bulletin from Va. Assoc. of Counties re: regional meetings on l,egisla- tive program for 1972; v Copy of a letter dated 9/20/71 from Rke. Co. Commonwealth's Attorney to Attorney Jack V. Place re: a deed from Mr. ~ ;.:rs, Beasl,ey to the Commonwealth of Va. regarding an industrial access road; -' Copy of a letter dated 9/27/71 from Board Chairman to Mr. Bill ~dm~,ds expressing regret that Mr. Edmunds' personal schedule will not allow his reappointment to Co. Recreation Boa:rd; ....' Va. Industrialized Building Law Information Bulletin 5-71 extending effective date of the Va. Industrialized Building Unit & Mobile Homp. Safety Regulations from 9/l/71 to 1/l/72; v Letter of 9/l7/71 from Cave Spring Jaycees, Inc. eKpressing their position on Valley-wide sewage control; Copy of a letter from George A. Jeffreys' Co., Inc., Engineers & Consultants, Biochemical Processes, to City of Salem regarding formation of a regional sewerage authority for the Valley; Letter of 9/22/7l from Rke. City Clerk to Board Chairman advising of disposition of corresponding instructions to be submitted to Langley, McDOnald & Overman in connection with making a preliminary study of a regional organization for operation of sewage treatment facilities in the Roanoke Valley; v ..... __'._. - .. ~ ____'_'" n_. ""_-,- __" ___.._____._.__._n_____n I I I I I 211 lO/l3/71 '-:o.,."..::....,-'-'-.-"-.__...~::-;.;..-:-.:.;;----'_,_-'-".-'==_,_.~.__ Copy of a letter of 9/23/71 from Rke. Co. Public Service Authori,:y to State Health Department in re: interceptor sewer analysis, Peters Creek drainage area (Comprehensive Sewer Plan) . ", Letter of 9/30/71 from Langley, McDonald & Overman to Board Channan ~ commenting on press reports pertaining to their "Phase I Report on Roanoke Valley Regional Sewage Agency." Copy of letter of 10/6/71 from State Water Control Board to Roanoke City Mayor with attached Minute 11 from meeting on 9/20-21/71 and Ii v attached Order issued to the City of Rke. regarding sewage treatment: facilities; Letter of 9/28/71 from Roanoke City Cle~'k to Board Chairman advising of y disposition of county's letter of 8/2/7l in re: Murray Run Inter- ceptor Sewer Line; Letter of 10/5/71 from Rke. City Clerk to Board Chairman advisin(, the ../ Board's communication re: action to prevent the entrance of storm waters to sanitary sewer lines through area way drains was received and filed; Letter of 9/30/7l from Vinton Town Manager forwarding the Town Cc"mcil' s :i y/ resolution of 9/8/71 favoring that the two sewerage treatmerlt plants; in the Valley be owned by a regional authority or commissior,; , Copy of Board Chairman's letter of 9/27/71 to Mayor & members of Roanoke City Council re: Murray Run Sewer Line; v Letter from Board Chairman to City of Rke., City of Salem, & Town of Vinton in reo action taken to prohibit the connection of area way drains to sanitary sewers; Letter of 9/22/71 from Va. Dept. of Highways notifying Board of approval ,/ of the location & design features of project l652-080-l55 ,C50L ; " -' Letter of 9/20/7l from Rke. Valley Council of Community Services, Inc. in re:: its continuing program of evaluating public & privat~ v agencies providing service in the fields offamily & child care & recreation & group work; ~ io..- Va. Dept. of Highways operational & fiscal sununary for Roanoke County. covering fiscal year 1970-71; Written copy of WDBJ-TV editorial of 9/30/71 in re: ilnnexation; / / Copy of letter from Michie Co. to Commonwealth's Attorney ackno"ledging ,.' typographical error in Chapter 13 of Roanoke Co. Code; Notice of 10/l/71 from Va. Highway Conference local committee chairman ~ advising of dates for conference on 10/28/29/71 at VMI; 'j ,I ,,/Treasurer's Report, spread as follows: i At the close of Business September 30, 1971, there was to the credit of the v following: -, I , , , I - General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Bond) - Available Cash School Construction .Fund (Local) - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash , School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash i: School Debt Fund - Available Cash , Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash F.I.C.A. Contribution Fund - Available Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Air Pollution Control Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - Ka~hryn F. Garst $ 93,133.62 8,064.11 145,028.81 14,382.88 11,464.01 4,9l2.73 560,l95.03 20,365.93 160,893.03 35,697.40 34,604.12 4,541.03 6,855.07 33,076.84 l37.3l $ l,133,351.92 '''1' ;", ':,'- - Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Escrow - $2,815,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Programs Farmers National Bank - Textbook Colonial-American National Bank Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Debt Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Paying Agent School Debt 2,000.00 896,827.38 l47,083.43 33,076.84 11,464.0l 31,736.00 6,000.l7 360.00 66.40 212 lO/13/il ~ - ~--=--~---= _ =":.-oo-~~ -","_-=_=_-==~-:-..-__""""_.-_::-_::--"__-"""".::--:-. _._ _;""~-.'-"=:';':,,-_,,_ __~________"___"_'__'_'__'__________ .,.,__.____._. ._____._____~__ _.__m_._ w.._ ____.._..___ _ ..w.._. "__'0'" ..._.... _. __...__ ..'__ ._ '.__ ._."___.u ',_,___.__ _ .....n ---'-~'-- ".-.-. - ---------- --"'--~"-"'-- --- .....-..-.-..--- - ..--..-..- --.. ... --- ----.---...--- q~11 /' v }o q... ~.) Ce~~.. cr. ..-- - ---.. --_.--' -- _._,--~-_._-_._._--_._-- -..--.... - -...--.. --- .-.. .... Bankers Trust Co. - Paying Agent School Debt Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters 4,650.00 87.69 $l,l33,351.97. Certificates of Deposit - school Construction Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank l,900,073.00 l,750,000.00 2,200,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,692 ,,000.00 55C,000.00 -----s!1,092,073.00 Certificates of Deposit - Library Construction First National Exchange Bank $ 350,000.00 Cer~ificates of Deposit - Earks & Recreation Mountain Trust Bank $ 225,000.00 Respectfully submitted, Is/ Kathryn F. Garst DB Kathrjn F. Garst Treasurer Roanoke County ROANOKE COUNTY - SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS Three letters dated September 21, l~7l, from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, Richmond, ,Va., approving the following additions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County effective July 1, 1971, and a fourth letter dated September 21, 1971, also from Mr. Harwood, advising of another approved addition effective September 21, 1971, also listed below, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members: ADDITIONS LENGTH 0.06 Mi. 0.25 Mi. 0.03 Mi. 0.34 Mi. 0.15 Mi. ,St. James Circle - from Route 1375 to dead end. v1ngal Boulevard - from Route 828 north to dead end. ,Polly Circle - from Ingal Boulevard northeast to read end. ,Ambassador Drive - from Route 780 southwest to dead end. vQuarry Road - from Rte. 6~8 west O.l5 mile to dead end. COUNTY PAYROLLS ./ On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Bi- weekly dated 9/29/71; Semi-Inonthly dated 9/30/71 & lO/l/71) were approved for v payment in the gross amount of $54,752.87, from which the sum of $5,736.53 F.I.T. v' $2,615.55 F.I.C.A.; $1,020.09 State Income Tax; $18.00 Uniforms; and $566.55 Miscellaneous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $44,796.15. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Si~s, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I ii !: I' I " , II I' I' .' I' i! I I, !! Ii I I I I 213 10/13/71 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the livestock claim of Mr. M. S. Thomas for 2 ewes killed by dogs totalling $40.00 be approved for v payment; that Mr. J. W. Hylton's livestock claim of 2 sheep killed by do,gs totalling $50.00 be limited to $15.00 a sheep; and that Mr. A. E. McN,~il's livestock claim of 5 sheep killed by dogs totalling $125.00 be denied (all 3 bills listed with "Current Board Meeting Payments - lO/l3/7l" unner "l200-Dog F~nd"). Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: The following subsequent action was taken: Ii ii " ii q~ 11 ii ,I -<!Co' [I V . :i J D . 'i~'1 ii~.-(' , Yl,bj.tf qy~- AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the remaining bills listed c,n the "Current Board Meeting Payments" and "Bills paid Since Last Board Meel'n,g" Ii print- ': I :i " , out sheets dated 10/13/71 were approved presently and retro-actively: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. IIIIl NAYS: None. - The Board resolved into a conunittee of the whole to discuss matters pertaining to land acquisition and appointments, on motion (If Supervisor Charles of the Board members. H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Sinuns and the unanimous vote The committee of the whole was dissolved and the Board resumed the meeting in open session on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. _. IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO ROANOKE CO. HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION ~_71 / " ~itV' ' ; 10 . t,., 1Y' c.-<~ ..- c:::r~A t( ~5~~~') :r~,r~C \.J.. vJ'1 . I :" ' ' ::'1 ,".,. ,. , "1 On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, Mr. Ambler W. Webb was reappointed for a four (4) year term to the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission, which term shall expire October 20, 1975. The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members. ;L ~,~ 214 =","~~--=--=:---==.--,-- ~_=:c'_=_'=".:o;..:-.=c;-_~.-.=c:-o=_==---c~~_-",.-=-=,,,"~~",,-'"7='=-"==-:c;-::...,...'.,,,':.:==-.....,..,-OC.-:.'.7 --'-~'-'--- -..-.. _._----~-----_.._-- .___~__._,__._.._.. ,_,., ,__,__u___ ..._ _.__.,~__.._.._._....._.___"____._ ,.~----_._--_.__.__.,._--._. - ----------_._---~-_.._--- ._.___._ ...........___ _...__.___. _n__.___ _______.___. _ .__'_""__'" Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia October 27, 1971 7:30 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse / ii 'I " ii il :i Ii 'I I. 'I Ii Ii . . I' and Thomas N. Key were also present, as well as the County Eng1neer-ExecutJ.ve il Officer and Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice MitChell, respectively.!1 I! " " p Ii H in the County Courtroom thereof in Salem, Virginia being the fourth Wednesday, and the second regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Lee B. I Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. The Assistant Commonwealth's Attorneys, Messrs. John N. Lampros I Following the call to order by Chairman Eddy, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt I' I' II :: ! ~ 'I i1 moved that the Board dispense with the usual opening procedures of prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag, and that the Board recess and reconvene immediately in the Andrew Lewis High School Auditorium in order to accommodate the large number of citizens in attendance. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote of the Board members. The reconvened meeting of the Board of Supervisors in the Andrew Lewis High School Auditorium was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by Chairman Eddy. I All five members of the Board of Supervisors were in attendance as well as the two Assistant Commonwealth's Attorneys and the County Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistant. Mr. C. C. Crockett, representing the American Association of Retiree: Railroad Employees, appeared this day and read a letter of appreciation to the BOc,rd of further /' Supervisors for their assistance in the past and to ask their/assistance by supporting legislation which would allow tax reDef to the elderly. ,/ , Attorney Derwood Rusher appeared in behalf of the Oak Gl:ove Civic !,eague Civic and introduced Mr. Harry E. Poindexter, Vice-President of the/League. M%'. Poindexter read a lettet; dated October 25, 1971 from the Civi,: League's President, Mr. D. E. Trout, which quoted a resolution calling for a mora1:orium on all rezoning I of property on and adjacent to Route 419 between Salem city limits and Route 220 in depth until completion of Route 419 and until a master/plan can be prepared & approved " I' I .1 by I the Planning Commission and Supervisors. :1 Mr. Poindexter then introduced the following three citi:~ens who read prepared statements in support of the moratorium request: Mr. Charles Manning, Jr. discussed on the history of zoning/and adjacent to Route 419; Mr. M. W. C.mnon discussed the engineering problems that arise in community growth; and Mr. Dennis O'Brien presented Mr. Robert Humphrey~ statement on Transportation. 10/27/71 The Chairman then recognized Mr. Lawrence D. Kerry, Temporary Chairman of the Roanoke County Civic League who read a resolution dated Oc:tober 26, 1971, [, requesting the Board of Supervisors to declare a moratoriwn 011 all rezoning in the County until a "meaningful study is completed to provide a proper basis for zoning decisions." (The resolution is filed with the minutes of this meetin~) Mr. John Thornton of Allstate Insurance Co. appeared in support of the earlier Oak Grove Civic League~/presentation. After some discussion the Board tcok the following acti.m: RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does this day undertake to employ a trained, professional, full-time plannil1g director, at County expense, with the necessary staff therefor and that fUl~ther rezoning in Roanoke County be deferred for ninety (90) days pending said ,!mployment. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Super- visor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas. ~ ! - On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following information was this day received from the Oak Grove Civic League and filed with this Board: from tImr President a moratorium on Letter of 10/2,~~/71/quoting the resolution calling for/rezoning of certain seetionaof Rte. 419; Statement of Harry E. Poindexter in support of moratorium proposal; Statement of C. C. Manning, Jr. on History of Zoning ons, Adjacent to Rte. 419; Statement of M. W. Cannon on Engineering; Statement of R. J. Humphrey on Transportation. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Roanoke Count~, Board of Super- visors concur in the recommendation of the Recreation Board ar.d authorize the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $1,200.00 for the purpO!.o of establishing a facility for the maintenance of their vehicles at the Recreation Department for Roanoke Cour,ty. '1 'j Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas .~ and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. The Recreation Board's resolution in regard to the above matter is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Roanoke County Recreation Department be authorized to enter into an agreement with the Lions Club of Vinton to construct an outdoor basketball court at Stonebridge Park as presented in the October 14, 1971 resolution of the Recreation Board, with the understanding 215 v , " il :, I"~ '1#'11 ! I"-~ ""{; i: 1;!;}7JJ,,,, !! '.~ i:~. If, i:~J' ii il , :! , , " " " " :, c 7 I 'Jo.;;;J..r 7:.: ! C4:1';;:: i1D~ <p., :f:::r I t: ,P~,~ . :! p g~O(! !! ,A' fJ,.::..vPU 'I CJVr~' C. .. &Y;tt;" ....-' J i i IJ 'n..~___ li\dcnr(; .,'" 021"71, , I iJ", '"1=. ',.-f, : . ~~'c~lP ,/O,..-tz., " '1"> L - ../ .' j<:ftJt~ :<>( :r'yC" V (/ivJr'" lO/27/71 217 ,_""-__-~~-_~.~_.O.c____'_..;__."_'_=__-__'____~,_'____,CO_._~_'_- _ -- - -- -""-'-"',---. ...- . n.._ __. ____~__" _.__.~_+_____ ___ - - '.. u__ .....----..-...-.....-..-..- ~~pervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County accept the proposal of OWen Plumbing & Heating, Inc. as stated in their letter . ?j of September 21,1971, for furnishing labor and material for remodeling work at ji lir~'f-"t:; Ogden School and authorize entering into a contract for this work in the amount 'i ~~ of $6,'00.00, and furthermore that the Board waive the requi]~ernent for competitive'~~~'.:;p rf , ~r- bidding. T"'. (J ! -r-' u. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which car]~ied by the f':lllowing " ' y 'iV~00 recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simm~:, Joseph c. 'rhomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. A copy of the above-referred-to letter is filed with thEI minutes of ':his meeting. WHEREAS, the property owners on a private road did req"est this Boal:d to name .the aforesaid road; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 15-777.1 of the Code of Virginia as ?" amended, the governing body in any coun'ty may, by resolution duly adopted, give names to streets, roads, and alleys therein, outside the corporate limits of towns, such names to take precedence over any other designati.on except those - primary highways conforming to Section 33-12 of the Code of Virginia, and shall be employed in making reference to property abutting thereon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the name "PINEWOOD DRIVE" be assigned ... to a private road, about 1,600 feet in length, which turns left off West Ruritan Road (Route 610) about 0.6 mile north off Route 460 east of Roanoke. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: All . NAYS: None. - I !"'j --' IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE WESTERLY SIDE OF VIRGINIA STATE SECONDARY ROUTE NO. 800 (CHAPARRAL DRIVE) CONSISTING OF 1.256 ACRES ,/ ORDER This day came A. E. Fox, et als, by Counsel, and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of the pI:operty therein described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular mee",:ing ~:J ".1 , - of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petitio" be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of the "'.". . """;'~''',; ....".....' 218 ,~- ---.-.------...--...-..------ ..__..~... 10/27/71 _.._:::--=-_-=-.-.:..,.-=-oo...-=-:-=-o-~-.=_==_"_-."_..,.,.,..___==~__"___::_=-_. ~_.==:=__-=-..,,::=,=,-=-.=,.._.._:_-.-__o.;o.o.=,_==-.__.- -_-~.....,.--=--':'""=_-=-.= ~==------;;;- ---"-. - .-=-==::- -"" ~--.-- ----:;:--.- ...:::_=~_-=_:;:-__ _._____________._.__.,____.____._..______._.__.__ ......._ __ _. _____._..___._____~_______..__.___.._ ___.. ___.._.._.. __.__.__.._u.______ ___._... ___n.___.__..___..__u_____________.__,,__._____._________ __ .._._______._.___u_.___.._.._..__.._____.__ ._..___.______ __________ .._..._._._ _ .___ ,/ 1\qn~{.! ~' w U i ,'r 4,. i ~.~l ' ~~', '\' ;~ ~/0 .2>b~ Qvtrt .1J u ~~}'( -..--------.-.-----.--...----. .-_,n_. ,_..._. _.. _____.....___ Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible , regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice ther.eof be given by the I; said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT ONE certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to I Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on a recorded I vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: CLOSING OF LAURA ROAD BETWEEN GREENRIDGE ROAD (VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 629) AND ARCADIA DRIVE AS SHOWN ON MAP OF SECTION NO. l, GLENDALE, WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 14, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ) ) ) I) ORDER This day came Glendale Gardens, Inc., Charles R. Nyman and Gloria D. Nyman, Husband and wife, Watson F. JOhnson, Jr. and Mary J. Johnson, husband and wife, Lee R. Akers and Billie C. Akers, husband and wife, and Raymond Nicholas and Mary Nicholas, husband and wife, and requested leave to file their petition relative to closing Laura Road between Greenridge Road (Virginia I Secondary Route 629) and Arcadia Drive, as shown on Map of Section No. l, Glendale, recorded in Plat Book 6, page 14, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Va., which request is granted anc said petition is hereby filed. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to close Laura Road as requested in said petition, be and the same is " . ' hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendatJ.on, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Bc,ard shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or speCial ~eting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of I Virginia, as amended. BE IT FORTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified c:opy of this l:esolu- tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul Il. Matthews, Secre- I tary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. 10/27/71 IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY LOCATED ON SOUTHERLY SIDE OF CARRIAGE DlUVE, 59 FEET NORTHEASTERLY FROM INTERSECTION OF EASTERLY SIDE OF HACKNEY LANE, S. W., PRODUCED WITH SOUTHERLY SIDE OF CARRIAGE DRIVE, S. W., PRODUCED ROANOKE COUNTY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) o R D E, R \ ;/ \ OF EARLE W. GREENE This day came Earle W. Greene, by counsel, and requested leave to :Eile " his petition relative to rezoning the property described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of'caniage Drive, said point being N. 56. l4' 20" E. 59.0 feet from the intersection of the easterly side of Hackney Lane, produced, and the southerly side of Carria<:;e, Drive, produced; thence with the southerly side ,of Carriage Drive, N. 56. 14' 20" E. 99.5 feet to " point; thence S. 38. 19' 10" W. 99.5 feet to a point; thence S. 5l. lO' 50" W. 99.0 feet to a point; thence N. 38. 49' 10" W. 108.0 feet to the place of BEGINNING, and containing 0.24 acre, as shown on Plat made by Clay and Griggs, Architects, dated October 7, 1971, , II 'I jj I; which request is granted and said petition is he>:eby filed. :, ,. ,: " :1 !:: On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that said proposal to rezone the hereinabove described property, as requested in said petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the ~ il Ii 1950 I: " " ...., , . , i - Code of Virginia, as amended, and when said Planning Commission shall have reported its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible, regular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting !I I' i; " i: ii .:;.')- 71 :; I () - </::<> :~fbc' :ikf()~' i' ffl, .,;-/ ~I.J.. :! -t aJ1;, . /' i:!::. . P~g"~ ,~i~( ~ f?~ i. ()Ct . ;1 (2Jvg, \ ;: " shall be given by the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Faul B. Matthews, ,; :i Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. \f i~ :; ii " The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisors Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and on the recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. ~ /- RE.~REZONING PIlOPERTY SITUATE IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE ~o. 632 ORDER i,l' " . This day came Leonard L. Jennings and Laura M. Jennings, Sidney Lanier Smith and Charlotte R. Palmer, by counsel, and requested leave to file their Petition relative to rezoning the property described therein, which request is granted and said Petition is hereby filed. hereby On motion duly made, seconded and carried, it is/ORDERED that said proposal to amend the Roanoke County Zoning Ordinance as requested in said Petition, be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanok,e County i for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of Virginia, 10/27/71 all A.C. power required to operate said Consolidated Alarm System. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl S'mms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ~ --' It was the census of the Board that the Chairman should draft a suitable " reply to the letter dated October 8, 1971 from the Salem-Roan,oke County Chamber !! / of Commerce asking to be provided with a list of the specific problems of' environ-Ii " ii mental protection that confront the Board of Supervisors, together with e,fforts to 'i " i, design programs for their control. The Chamber of Commerce letter hereinabove referred to is filed with the minutes of this meeting. On IllOtion of Supervisor Charles H. OsterhoUdt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following items were . t ..... this day received and filed: Copy of a resolution of 10/1/71 from the Craig Co. Board of Supervisors in ref r need for improvement of Route 311 from Roanoke-Craig Co. line southeast t,. about 1/2 mile; rr Executed copy of the Easement Agreement of State Commission of Game & Inland ',/ FiSheries authorizing the Board of Supervisors to construct, maintain ;! & operate a two-way radio base transmitter & receiver station on Havens " Wildlife Management Area on Ft. Lewis Mt.; ji !I ' Proclamation designating Halloween, Sunday, October 31, 1!l71 "Trick-or- ',/' Treat" Day; Copy of letter dated 10/6/71 from Rke. Co. Public Service Authority Chairman to Director of Planning & Grants Div. of State Water Control Board in re: Murray Run interceptor line; ,~ Copy of letter dated 10/8/71 from Dept. of Welfare & Institutions to Sheriff Foster reporting on the inspection made of the Co. Jail on 10/l/71; Copy of letter dated lO/l4/7l Mr. Hirst's report about subdivision in Rke. Co., from Rke. City Clerk to Rke. City Manager development of section 2 of Hampden Hills adjoining the City ol Rke.; I[ in re: ./ Letter of 10/13/71, from Dept. of Taxation (Div. of Research) to Board Chairman in re: Board Chairman's request that the State review the effective v' date of Rke. Co. 's real estate values for 1970; also, copy of Board Chairman's letter to Dept. of Taxation (Research Division) ; Letter from Rke. City Clerk to Board Chairman dated 9/29/71 accompanied by resolution No. 19874 acknowledging Board's expeditious manner of handling /' City of Roanoke's ~ezoning request in order to enlarge Sewage Treatment Plant; -, Letter of 10/14/71 from Roanoke College Librarian to Board Clerk expressing appreciation for copy of Code of Roanoke, County, Va.~ontributed by Board of Supervisors '" i I :...J :l d Federal Bulletin from Area Office Of/Dept. of Housing & Urban Development advising of one-day Federal programs conference to be held in hlchmond on ll/3/7l; Statement of Office & Travel Expenses incurred by Sheriff & Deputies in .'/ September 1971; / Letter of 10/18/71 from Salem City Mayor to Board Chairman & Board Chairman's " letter of 10/6/71 to Salem City Mayor in re: effective date for determin- ,/ ing true values of real estate under the terms of the current sElrvice con- tract between Salem & Roanoke Co.: Copy of a letter from Rke. City Manager enclosing CCtpy of a letter f%:om City of Rke. dated 10/12/71 to State Water Control Board concerning Hurray Run Sewer Line & the City's position concerning same; " " EXE!Cutive Copy of letter dated 10/19/71 from Rke. Co. Public Service Authority's/Director ,\ to Rke. City Manager re: Murray Run Interceptor Sewer; Copy of undated letter from Norwood Horne Demonstration Club recOl\llllencling / Halloween be celebrated on Saturday not sunday; 222 10/27/71 I;~~::c~,~~~~~;~~=-(, ~-~C~~~c~;oCa:::~;~~~~~~;;~ ;~~~~- .;~~:~'~:~~:~~-:c~:i~;~~~c~~~;;s~~~;--~;';;;~~~~~~~~~~c~~~i~~~f~,~~~;;~'-.~.-~~'c;:=-=~ I : sewage treatment & water supply system; !: I ,'; Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in County Jail in September 1971 !i " Four letters from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, :,"1 Richmond, Va. to the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Co. advising of the approval of the following additions to the Secondary System of P~e. Co. effective as indicated: ADDITIONS - SECONDARY SYSTEM-ROANOKE COUNTY ADDITION LENGTH EFFECTIVE v' White Pelican Lane - from Rte. 1567 SE to DE 0.14 Mi. 7/1/71 Finney Drive - from Muse Dr. S~I to DE 0.16 Mi. 7/l/71 v' Darby Road - from Commander Dr. (Rte. 1851) to 0.13 Mi. NW 0.13 Mi. 7/1/71 /' Unnamed Road - from Rte. 311 N. 0.18 Mi. to DE 0.18 Mi. 10/14/71 :i " 'I il 'I I, " DATE i, I I ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT I The current bills amounting to $23,l58.75 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting totalling $50,532.l4 were approved for payment presently and retro- actively, on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas, & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor /' Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the County P,!yrolls (Semi- OJ,1~ ~?'. o ' I , I . .J.. ous Expenses are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $41,2,~6.46. ~~.r;.. AYES: :dT~e:U:~l::::~' Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Sinuns, Joseph ff ! monthly 10/15/71; Bi-weekly 10/14/71) were approved for payment in the gross 'I '. II amount of ~5,895.35 from which the S~Of $5,911.05 F.I.T.; $,2,68~.93 F.I.C.A.; ii $1,049.61 State Income Tax; $l,595.~0 Blue Cross Insurance; $2.00 Oniforms: $l2.00;i / / I $2.00 VUnited Fund; $1,144.62 Mis.:ellane- ii " Ii v v . Accounts Insurance; $2,245.77 RetJ.rement; C. Thomas ,NAYS: None. I inunediately Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Board recess and/reconvene back at the Courthouse as a committee of the whole to discuss appointments and land matters. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried by the I UnailimOus vote of the Board members. Upon completion of the discussion of privileged matters and upon motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the conunittee of the whole was dissolved and the meeting resumed in open session in the County Engineer-Executive Officer's 224 ~"=~ =",--,.--- "~';_-o:.='== -,..c'--o"""-~~"O';-""'; _-.~'~-'" ----.---------.- - --------- -. ,-"-"-~--'--' ..-- -- ,'. -- -- -- --- ,___ ___._~_,::.",,____. :;-==,.-==;;c ____=-=--""'_~=~_~-"_."..;-_"__=_=_::_==""~='= ----.- - --_-:-~._-_=_- ----::-".-=--=-_-_--;0--- --- ---=-.::-- -- "'=",~O,;.-~:~~:,,.,,~_:c,__""'~_'_=.-;;;;.: _':._"__,---,=,--~~~--" ;,,="_';__'~'-:"':'= ==-===='.-"':=';;0:';---_=:'-, ~.- "c--"".:...,.._-,=,"",, _..---- -- -- -- '-'.. -,- ----.. __. .-0-_-'----_..--- Roanoke County Courthouse Sakm, Virginia November 10, 1971 2:00 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse in the County Courtroom thereof in Salem, Virginia, being the second Wednesday " and the first regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston ana L. Earl SiJluns. The Commonwealth I s Attorney, Mr. Raymond R. Robrecht and the County Engineer-Executive Officer, Mr. Paul B. Matthews were also present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Charles , i I i J. Whitacre who offered the invocation. !. I The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Eddy. The Chairman recognized three Supervisors-elect, Messrs. Richard C. I II " ii Flora, I; ,. ii J. Thomas Engleby, III and John G. Seibel. I , i i I. i i The minutes of the October 13, 1971 and October 27, 1971 meetings of this i i I Board were approved asspread on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded , I , by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board members. i i I Messrs. B. W. Greer and Gary S. Wintermyer appeared ~o report a problem with sewage backup following rain at their place of business at 3228 Brambleton { Ave. (the old Cave Spring Fire Station building). Mr. Greer reported that there was a clean-out plug across the street that, if properly maintained, would 11 correct .. " II " I, I' the problem. The County Engineer-Executive Officer was informally directed to pursue this matter with the Public Service Authority. working with Messrs. Greu: and Wintermyer, in an attempt to corne to some satisfactory solution to the l,~oblem. In another matter, Mr. Greer reported that the Public Service Authority (at the same address as above indicated) had billed him for sewer hookup/in the amount of $300.00 and that the former owner already had sewer hookup. Alleged legal action to collect johis money was also reported. The Commonwealth's Attorney was informally requested to check into this matter with the Public Service Authority. . . r," ~, ../ IN RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 21. ZONING ARTICLE IV. R-l RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, SEC. 21-29 PERMITTED USE:S. OF THE ROANOKE CO. CODE TO PERMIT NEW CHURCHES OR ADDITIONS TO EXISTING CHURCHES SUBJECT TO A PUBLIC HEARING ON EACH SPECIFIC REQUEST THEREFOR I I I I I . , , " ~. ~ ~ 11/10/71 , .=-'-''';''~:,.''-'---_.''''''''-''-'-'-''---._-~ ,.-- Supervisor Josep!1 C. Thomas moved that the Roanoke County Code be amended as advertised, to-wit: "Amend Chapter 21, Zoning Article IV. R-l Residential District, Sec. 21-29. " ;: Permitted Oses, to provide as follows: "(8) Churches and Additions to existing churches. When permission is granted by the governing body folloldng a public hearing on any request therefor." Motion died for lack of a second. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Roanoke C:.unty Code be amended as follows: Amend Chapter 21, Zoning Article IV. R-l Residential District, Sec. 2l-29. Permitted Oses, to provide as follows: (8) Churches and Additions to Existing Churches. (without restriction) Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which failed by the following recorded vote: ii ~ AYES: A. T. Huddleston & Charles H. Osterhoudt. NAYS: L. Earl Simms, Jcseph C. Thomas & Lee B. Eddy. Following a discussion of the merits of ref.\tricting the use of church facilities to church-related or religious activities, if the Code were amended . -' to permit same in residential areas, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the public hearing on the proposed amendment be concluded and the decision regarding be same/deferred to the November 30, 1971 Board meeting, and further that the commonwealth's Attorney be respectfully requested to confer with the Attorney for 'G osp 6J. Baptist Church (Mr. David Mullen) regarding this matter and report his recommendations to this Board on the 30th. S)Jp";rvisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: 'I AYES: Char':'es H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: A. T. Huddleston. IN RE: PETITION OF MT. PLEASANT FIRE DEPT. & MT. PLEASANT FIRST AID CREW, INC. TO RELOCATED PUBLIC SAFETY BUILDING FROM RTE. 617 TO RTE. 116 (ON LAND OFFERED TO COUNTY BY MRS. R. L. ROBERTSON) ~. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles and the unanimous vote of the Board, H. Osterhoudt,/the above petition was this day received and filed. , , i- 'j , I --' Messrs. Gene Wagner, Norman & James Adams all appeared in support of the above petition. The Chairman requested that Messrs. Paul B. Matthews, Joseph C. Thomas, A. T. Huddleston and Gene Wagner (member of Fire Dept. at Mt. Pleasant) pursue this matter and report at the next meeting, November 30, 1971, and that the Board will make a decision at that time. " .. ..".,,_._.. . .._~.. w_"'...._..._. 226 11/10/71 -~ --- ~-~-- - ~- ~ r=---=--=_--=_-_--__ =-=--==----::...---;::_--_ ='.;::::-=--.=::.--=----=-_~-~-_-____= ;::~-.--=--cc::'_,""--"7.-O_-- - _-- ----=~ -_=~:-""=- .----=-- _.=--.=-----_-=-0':'"..-::--;::--:::- =-=-~,,__-_ ___-::- _--=-=--=--_-o-_~ _..._. _ _.____nu - --~-_._- --- ----.._-----~- - ----------~---_.--..-- "".. .___.-... ...__.. ..._ _... __ __._n.. . ..__. _ _ / IN RE: AMENDMENT TO ROANOKE CO. CODE BY AMENDING VA. STATE PLUMBING CODE (INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO CO. CODE) BY ADDING NEW SECTION 5.9 SANITARY TEES TO CHAPTER 5 TRAPS AND CLEANOUTS On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the \1nanimous vote of the Board members, the public hearing I this day on the above-mentioned proposed amendment to the County Code was concluded and the decBion deferred till the November 30, 1971 meeting of this Board. Mr. James A. Beavers of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority and Mr. W. W. McGuire, Co. Plumbing Inspector, appeared regarding the above ma'tter. WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has previously ;: i! " 'I :! " Ii ii II ~ I :1 Ii " :1 " il " " " desirous of includ- I v NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INCLUSION OF ALL ORDINANCES AND/OR AMENDMENTS TO PREVIOUS ORDINANCES ADOPTED AFTER AUGOST 12, 1970 AND ON OR BEFORE JUNE 30, 1971 IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE codified the laws and ordinances of Roanoke County a$ of Augu:;t 12, 1970; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is ing in the said Roanoke County Code all those ordinances and/lJr amendments to ordinances adopted after August ',2, 1970 and on or before Jun'~ 3D, 1971; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that on December 8, 1971, at 2:00 p.m. in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse in Sal~n, Virginia, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County will hold a public hearing on the inclusion of ordinances and amendments to ordinances adopted after Augu:;t 12, 1970 and on or before June 30, 1971 in the Roanoke County Code. A copy of s,lid ordimmces and ii amendments in the form of a supplement to the Roanoke County Code will b,e available' for , public inspection in the office of the Clerk of this Foard, b.~ing the cffice of Mrs. Elizabeth W. StOkes, Clerk of the Circuit Court of RoanoJ<e County, for at I j $>, , i'" ~ i ;\~ '~'ll ,'!~. J ~1''c! .:; .A./~ \:J () J \~J\ W' \ r:.X II! \ t!" )- :/1:& i j\61,s. : '(-I- '\ least two weeks prior to December 8, 1971. The Clerk of this Board is directed to publish a copy of this Nc,tice of Intention and Public Hearing thereon in appropriate newspapers and at the front door of the Roanoke County Courthouse in accordance witj" law. The proposed ordinance shall be effect.ive immediately upon its adoption. Open motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following reco~led vote: and Lee B. Eddy. I AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas NAYS: None. A written report sur,mitted this day by the Executive Officer regarding I the following subjects is filed with the minutes of this meeting: (l) Improvements to Drainage at Vinton Library; '(2) Ogden School (status of improvements to same - well, heating system and duct work - for Recreation Dept's. use) v(3) Roadside Dumping; ,(4) Staffing of Co. Fire Departments. The Executive Officer was informally requested to submit a further report on staffing of Co. Fire Depart:r.enls for consideration by the ne~:t Board meeting. , . .-~ , "C;.'.-', ." ,., """"~' 11/10/71 , .. - ~-_._--....,. - - ...- - - -- . '- -- --- .. __'_~____'._.___"_'________ __u___. ! IN RE: COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE'S REQUEST TO PORCHASE THREE OFFICE MACHINES I, . li/ ! the Commissioner of the Revenue's request as outlined in his letter of November 9, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors approve 1971, for authorization to purchase three office machines listed below: 1 - Olivetti Model Editor 4/C 21" carriage $ 490.20 2 - Model M-20 multiplier @ $264.32 each $ 528.64 TOTAL $ 1,018.64 Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: i " ii AYES: ~. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas i! and Lee B. Eddy. Ij NAYS: None. I; Ii i! The above referred to letter is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: OVERTIME PAY FOR EMPLOYEES IN COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE'S OFFICE Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors , ii ,I ;, approve the Commissioner of the Revenue's request to pay two employees in his ~ office for overtime work as outlined in his letter of November 8, 1971 and as - , listed below: ! .... Rate @"""$3754 @ $5.30 , Amount $ 284.97 $ 355.10 Patricia H. Brizendine Hope P. Patsel 80 1/2 hrs. 67 hrs. '1( ,<.' ~ .\'~I..- 'i 0') j. :: r -~ ,).-/; I~/ .... i\~~~"-~ ;j!J~ :1 " I: '1/ '/ Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ,j ing re=rded vote: " il ii AYES: ,I A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas & Lee B. Eddy. Ii NAYS: None. The above referred to letter is filed with the minutes of thit meeting. " IN RE: TREASORER'S REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PAY OVERTIME ....., , I ! -- On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Super'ilisor :: Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors of " ,I Roanoke County approved the Treasurer I s request as stated in heir letter of Novem- ': ber 8, 1971 for authorization to pay several members of her sto!ff overtime pay, iI "not to exceed $500.00. I -l AYES: A. T. Huddleston, 1 I - & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simns, Joseph C. Thomas The Treasurer's letter is filed with the minutes of tbis meeting. IN RE: BRICK FOR HEADQOARTERS LIBRARY BUILDING Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors author~e the use of the brick as manufactured for the headquarters library j ,/ \ ",-1 \ \\- ',- e<' f ~ r71""" ,\@':: .')J:! '"' ."J I,D}~ ,J\ C!V" !~'J I-l' :,~~' Co. , ~-b , ;; ~{LL".r" "l'~__ "l-""'C-I"V.-,,~ ,\/ ~ ./ c;r\Q;~~ Superviscrs be empowered to appoint ~ ~~ to (bO' ~1;,\\~' ~\ I vote. 228 L_::.:.",-==__'O,=~=---,-,=-'==c::.,':..:~ I I I , "\\~" ?: ' 'l. \\' \ J-\,' cfi)/)/ 4;.(.Q C/' -< _"_""'7'O"-.-..~._h__'__~~,___~~_,_,,__. _.,'._ " 11/10/71 building by Old Virginia Brick Co. subject to a maximum color variation of 7% as ;i ii " II Ii " Ii " , unanimous determined by the architect and to be submitted in the form of an amendment to the construction contract. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by vote. I Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the Commission,er of the Revenue be respectfully requested to submit information to the Board of Supervisors regarding taxation of municipality owned water companies in t~ne for consideration I by this Board on December 8, 1971. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion ,.hich carried by the following vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms . Joseph C. Thomas NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. COMMITTEE TO STUDY ALLOCATION OF COURTHOUSE SPACE Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the cOImli,:tee heretQl:ore appointed for this purpose be re-activated and that the Chairmim of the Board of one incoming member of the Board of ii :1 Supervisors! I " " I this conunittee and that the said Committee report back on DE!Cember :2:2, 1971. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous: Chairman Eddy ~hen appointed Supervisor-elect, Mr. Ri"hard C. Flora to serve on the aforementioned cOImlittee. Conr.ideration of a request to set the minimum age for volunteer firemen next at 18 years was deferred to the/meeting of this Board pending a joint report by the Commonwealth's Attorney and County Engineer-Executive Officer on what rules now appl~ including insurance requ~rements. :i WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke did, on Oc'tober 27, 1967 adopt I Resolution No. l7803 offering to accept for transmission and treatment sewage emana- ting in Roanoke County from all of the areas for which application had been previously made but which had not at that time been incorporated into the original contract of Sept~er 28, 1954; and, I WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Roanoke did subsequently approve the majority of those areas not previously approved and has since t,bat time approved other areas requested to be approved for sewage treatment under the terms of the Treatment Contract; and, is WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors/of the unanimous opinion that sewage emanating in all areas of Roanoke Valley should be treated at the same downstream wasEwater treatment facility, provided that the terms and conditions related to such :1 ii , ll/lO/71 ii 1i Ii treatment are lair and equitable to all parties concerned. " , ii ~ i liin ;! iiof it NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County conformity with the foregoing whereas clauses of this Resolution, that the Council the City of Roanoke be, and it is hereby requested to accept sewage emanating from ;: the hereinafter described additional areas, subject to the terms and conditions !i :: of said orginal Contract, as revised by the aforesaid Resolution No. l7803 of the ~ I, Council of the City of Roanoke and specifically paragraphs numbered l,2 and 3 " " ii which areas are described as follows: :1 PROPERTY OF MEADOW WOOD ESTATES, ET AL. (34.5t Acres) BEGINNING at a point in the center of Virginia Secondary Route No. 629 and said point being the extreme, westerly corner of Beacon Hill Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 25 of the records of the Clerk's Office for the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, said point also being the southerly corner of the Christie B. Miller property as recorded in Deed Book 199, Page 405; thence leaving the point of Beginning and with the center line of the aforesaid Route 629 and being the westerly boundary of the Miller prop~rty, in a northwesterly direction 540 feet, more or less, to a point and said point being the extreme, south corner of the Thelma Underwood property as recorded in Deed Book 377, Page 24; thence with a line s.n" 38'20" w., 50.2 feet to a point in the center of the middle fork of Peters Creek; thence with a line up Peters Cre,~k and parallel to the aforesaid Route No. 629 N. 100 35' 30" W., 586.14 feet to a point on the extreme west corner of the proposed Map of Meadow Wood Estates, property of Tempo Homes, Inc.; thence witt, th,~ northwest line of the proposed subdivision, leaving Peters Creek, and crossing Route No. 629 and said line being a joint boundary of the property of Electric Developers, Inc., N. 420 50' 50" E., 998.8 feet to a point and said point b~ing a joint corner of the property of Electric Developers, Inc. and Lot 9, Block 35, Section 9, North Lakes Subdivision; thence with the west boundary of the aforesaid Section 9, S. 370 24' 10" E., 1,530.46 feet to a point and being a corner of Lot 1, Block 33, Section 9 North Lakes Subdivision and also a corner of Lot 16, Block 1, Beacon Hill Subdivision; thence with the north boundary of Block l, Beacon Hill SubdiviSon,S.370 49' 25" E., 37.6 feet, S. 66" 35' 30" W., 819 feet and S. 68" l8' W., 497.09 feet to the point of BEGINNING and being a boundary description of that 34.5 Acres, more or less, including a proposed subdivision of Meadow Wood Estates and properties of Christie B. Miller and Thelma Underwood, all as shown on the Plat accompanyin,~ this Resolution. - The total average sewage flow anticipated to emanate from this 34.5 Acre area is 38,400 gallons per day. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, and upon a call for an aye and nay vote, said Resolution was unanimously adopted. AYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk of this Board do forthwith transmit -' to the Clerk of the City Council a certified copy hereof. C;l :,"1 --' REZOHIlIG OF HARRY H. NIXON AND llDSETTA NIXON PROPERTY LOT 25, BLOCK l, MAP OF SOOTH EDGEWOOD FROM R-l TO R-2 THIS DAY came Harry H. Nixon IN RE: o R D E R and Rosetta Nixon and requested leave to file a petition relative to rezoning the property described more fully in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and ORDERED at its reg\:,lar meeting of its Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, that the said petition be, and the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the propo~;al to amend the zon-' 229 !i thereof, 'i I, j: II 'I I, ! /,.11 "/" J.-, " ,,"<' 1 :; . -.1,..., \''''... i "I ~lr " c, to ,,'-'" "PI". . I!~~)HJ) '.' ~f~ !~nJ' 'i{"~ '.'. ~" < ' . '~'L .1 - i:< cYf\ :i'1~' r~,.. 7/4.. lVC- ' v 11/10/71 I!meeting be rescheduled for Tuesday, November 30, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. in the said ;1 " 'iCounty Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Va., and furthermore , !i that the change of time be advertised pursuant to law. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by unanimous ; , . I i " it vote. The following items were this day received and filed em motion of :i supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thorroas and 1: :i ,: the unanimous vote of the Board members: Audit report on the records of the Public Service Authority for the fiscal year 1970-71; Copy of agenda of the Housing Counseling Seminar to be held by the Richmond area office of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development & the State Division of Planning & Community Affairs on November 17 in WilliamSburg, accompanied by registrat:ion form; Copy of memorandum dated 11/3/71 from Chesterfield-Colonial Heights Dept. of Social Services setting forth a resolution adopted by them ,/ resolving that \:he CODUnOnwealth should not be divided into z'egions & districts as presently proposed; Copy of Board Chairman's letter of 11/l/7l to Chairman of Salem-F~anoke County Chamber of Commerce Environmental Protection Committee in / response to their questions in re: problems in environmental protection & efforts leading to their control; H " " . I " '-I Copy of Board Chairman's letter of ll/3/71 to Mayor, City of Roanoke requesting prompt approval of a waiver to the City-County sewage , treatment contract so a portiQin of the Peters Cre,~k Relief Interceptor,' Sewer may be constructed witlV'the City limits; :i ii Summary of 1971 State legislation affecting county gov,~rnment, as prepared :~.; by the Virginia Association of Counties dated 9/3Il/71; " Notice of meeting to be held at Lakeview Motor Lodge on 11/16/71 at 10 a.m. sponsored by State Dept. of Welfare & Ins1:itiltions 0.0, the for administration of S~ate funding of Va. Public Welfare; , Ii plan :: Copy of a letter dated ll/l/71 from COllllUonwea1th's Attorney for Roanoke CO.::,/' to President of Farmers National Bank clarifying 1:he intent of the Board of Supervisors regarding short-term borrowing; Letter dated 1l/1/71 from Va. Farm Bureau Federation w.,th comments concerning recent State legislation dealing with 1,axation of undeveloped real estate; / Treasurer's report, spread as follows: At the close of business October 31, 1971, there was to the crEldit of the follow- " , , -- ing: General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - A.ai1ab1e Casn School Construction Fund (Bond) - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Local) - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash School Debt Fund - Available Cash Data processing Fund - Available Cash Library Construction F,~d~iAvailable Cash Parks & Recreation9~~rE~gP1ab1e Cash F.I.C.A. Contribution Fund - Availabl~ Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Air Pollution Control Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst $ 192,258.89 5,816.78 168,924.25 14,382.88 105,867.16 lO,689.51 583,248.45 13,761. 35 177,715.10 46,109.44 l81. 58 4,858.90 3,Ol5.87 20,632.78 139.01 $- 1,347,601.95 " , ;;.1 ie,' I - Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Escrow - $2,8l5,000.OO Farmers National Bank - Federal Programs $ 2,000.00 1,029,113.32 147,088.43 20,632.78 231 v n ), !i :i " : v'" . .. ". ...--~.. 232 _....'~-,.,.r:v.:~_: 11/10/71 __ . + =--+-c=..-:".--::-:-;:;-- ;O=-_-_.,..="=-=O::--==-..=;-;-=---O-:-_-_--=:-:-;cc=:-_=-::.:-c:--:=,_'=-c---;-=-:,...,O',..~_.._=_~-.;::_::.-;"-'~"'.'-:-=-~-_'=- -'"--~-c":"-_..,..'O~::_..;"'.. ~~_O=__-:::-~---:--.-.-~,,..="'-""-,.-'_-::c-.';,__c_~--=.:::--___-~"::-=-:'::.",.-. "-"'-.,-"'-.=-:'_--::-:_,,,-"=~_---';,"- --::::-"'__'-'o,",,"''-~.-,:-=_",,-=:-.:---'.=.=- . .-..-.. .._--~---- .--.. _..._------_._-----~- ---_.._----.._._,-~-------_.....- ~._--------_._._._.._..- .---.---. .----+-...-.-....---------- ----- ....- ---------+ .-....-------.----. ------,,-- .~' ,\~~J \\~c4 i I , i i " ! i , , / ! ,. I ,," , fi,i . ~~'x) tJ hf~ \fy .. -+----- -------..---.---~--------.----.. .. ... -- ...-.-.-. -,_. .----.---------- Farmers National Bank - Textbook Fund Colonial-American National Bank Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bldg. Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Paying Agent Bankers Trust Co. - Paying Agent School Debt Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters $ l05,867.l6 3l,736.00 6,000.17 Debt 360.00 SchOOl Debt 66.40 4,650.00 87.69 ~ 1,347,601.95 Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank I $ 1.,650,073.00 l,750,OOO.00 2,200,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,692,000.00 450,000.00 $lO, 742, Oi:3:-OO- Ii " Ii. I :1: I Certificates of Deposit - Library Construction First National Exchange Bank $ 350,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation Construction Mountain Trust Bank $ 200,000.00 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kathryn F. Garst Kathryn F. Garst Treasurer Roanoke County IN RE: BILL FOR MEMBERSHIPS IN VA. CITIZENS PLANNING ASSOCIATION Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board of Supervisors decline payment of this bill and respectfully respond to this request ilccordingly. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carl~ied by unanimous I vote. IN RE: COUNTY PAYROLLS ,'i ii On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded b~' Super''isor L. Earl i! Ii Simms and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls werE' approved for I' "[ payment in the gross amount of $5l,078.29, from which the sum e,f $2,585.24 F.I.C.A" II 'I I, !i Ii q ;: i: " Ii " $5,349.42 F.I.T.; $974.95 State Income Tax; $8.00 UnifOrms; / Miscellaneous Expenses $947.00 Blue Cross Ins.; $64.17 Retirement; $954.l1 and $12.00 Accounts Ins. are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $40,183.40. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. I NAYS: None. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Superviscr L. Earl I Simms and the following recorded vote, the current bills amounting to $49,553.31 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting amounting to $l42,90l.75 were approved for payment presently and retro-actively. AYES: L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas & Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston & Charles H. Osterhoudt. I I I I I .~, · i I . , I I I I I 244 Roanoke County Courthouse November 30, 1971 7:30 P.M.. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this da~r at the Roanoke County Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, pursuant to Board resolution of November 10, 1971 to reschedule the second regular meeting i.n >/ November because of !: said change of time I is filed with the minutes of this meeting. the Thanksgiving Holiday. The affidavit oj: publicaticln of MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, Vice-Chair.nan ,roseph C. Thomas, I:Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston and L. Earl Simms. Th" Assistant Common- I '.wealth's Attorney, Mr. John N. Lampros was also present, as well as the Cc.unty I:Engineer-Executive Officer and Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice I Mi tchell, respectively. I I I ! !' ,. II " II " I I , Ii , , , II II II II II Ii ,I il I' On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. I I , The Chairman called the meeting to order and Sup(.~viso;c A. T. HudClleston j ~. >.> A RESOLUTION SERVING NOTICE TO THE CITY OF SALEM TIll\T ,rHE ROANOKE ~~ . I COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS WILL TERMINATE THE PRESENT SERVICES ~f !, AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 1973 by the Roan'lke County Board C.' , upervJ.sors, meeting over a period of many months with a similar committee repre- Co ~ ' -:. '.f;,..~~ ...., I:'sent:ing the City of Salem, has prepared a proposed new agreeJJlenl: dated November 26, 41~'''' '. Ii - '. 't4. !: 1971 setting forth terms and conditions for the providing of sc:hool, welfare, ~ 0J}'II.P.I. Extension Service, air pollution control and jail services jointly with and ~for the City of Salem; and c:;,. I WHEREAS, the Council of the City of. Salem has indicated its unwi.llingness -V4" ;. . ~'. t ~o accept saJ.d proposed new agreement and has, by resolution d<lted Novemb,,: 29. !~971 notified the Board of Supervisors that it wishes to termi"ate the school M'., F~. r portion of the present services agreement dated the 1st of July 1968, the termina- '/~ , : tion to be effective June 130, 1973 in accordance with the terms: of the sai.c1 pre- ..... I .~ !sent agreement; and .11~ WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors does r..ot desire to " I' .1 I:continue the other joint services provided by said agreement when the school portion I: I: ii by the City of Salem have been and are expected to continue to be greater Ii ,', Ii I, i! " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors II " !! II !: been terminated, since said other services, particll.larly welfare. the payments made therefor under the present agreement; does hereby give notice to the Council of the City of Salem, in accordance with I I -I I I 245 ~ --- ..----..;;.=..=:--'='-'-;o:.=;.-.:.......=.;.:....:.:..:.::==~~~~-~_'==_==__=.=:....:,_-~~,o..:......_...."_-_=~_=_-._.o..:.=c;"'_=____'_'_'__'__c_'_~_---',..-=--"--.o.;.;.~"'--"'--=..c=~-..~'''=,=.=c..=..c=.=-=_"-+..-:.o-=-=-''-''-''-"'-..:.:.....'''_:'''''.:._...;:.;--:..:;.:.'-'.=,.:..:.:.,-,;.~"=~"",;-:-.",_-~-,-"c"'- '0-"' "'C-"~'-'-i!--.~'-------------. ---.---------~--._--.-- -- - ~----- ._,-c_-_--"-"~_.,-_----.. -----.- --'-'''---il-#:;O_1.~6',F frparagraph No. 7 of said agreement, dated July 1, 1968 of termi:nation compl,etely ! c.-'~~}/ 'I' ii~1J :Yt i,and absolutely of the present services agreement dated July 1, 1968, and a:nendll1ents ii "),..-:1 ,I I' t.f ' " 'Ithereto. Said termination to be effective June 30, 1973. For this purpos,e it is I I~~~ , 'I' e ",.J r6'{r ~directed that certified copj:es of this resolution be transmitt,.d forthwith to the i I)- '~ 'I if fl.+': -y ~" [Mayor, City Manager and Attorney of the City of Salem; , VV~I~ ~,j} Ii ::' ~':j, ~y"'t-: " FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolul:ion be tran,;mitted, ~ V il ~"I. _ ~.1)J:;;' Vl,j ii, 'to the Chairmen and Superintendents of the Salem and Roanoke County School Boards I',... ".y il,"lj1-1', ~.~~c.j j ^'nfk,f" C. II and to the Chairman and Superintendent for the Roanoke Welfare Board, the Hoanoke ~ I' " -r>" , oX !:!,county : A(QJi'~~"/ " Q,:K_ Health Department, the Sheriff of Roanoke County and tht. V.P.I. Extnnsion _,..... ","'; I~...... i!Office for Roanoke County. ~ c~VI!.: ~ ~ Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by i'c(;V'~VC..-I-:' I II, ':Y:;".J, ,V! Isupervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: ~Oy~ 1!!rAYES: A. T. HUddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl S'mm_, C. Thomasrn&1 ~~l --= Joseph :i ~cY~-1 ~ and Lee B. Eddy. ~i C~ :0. 'f/.r. ~NAYS: None. il J,Ye}df:- ~ iff~'~.~t) n~u(,MJ " .' ~^'" ji !! \/1 ~. Ii i,il! ./fT'yt' ;.IT P; :' IN RE: CITIZENS I PETITION OPPOSING THE !i CONSTRUCTION OF A REGIONAL JAIL II Ii ON THE VETERANS ADMINISTRATION ' ../ ~ HOSPITAL SITE IN ROANOKE COUNTY l i On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Ii ~ members present, Supervisor Osterhoudt being absent, ,simms and the unanimous vote of the Board,{ the above petition was this day received:i ~and filed. 1'1' " I;. . II H Mr. BJ.ll Sergent of the Cherryhill Park Subdivis10n presented the foregoing~ ~petition ~d the following individuals appeared in support of same: Carolyn McClellan, t; II Mrs. Slough and Mr. Charles Burch. !1 'I ~ ~ ~ :' " [I II ~ II Supervisor Joseph " ~supervisors be II " Ii expressing the II , ii VA property as The following further action was taken by the Board: ~ ; , , ~ -, I "1 J - ii 'i " :1 II vote Ii . ~ t1D1e. !i " ,t Ii il il i: ,I " " parties il II opposition of the Board 10 the location of the regional jail on the il proposed by the Fifth Planning District COllllllission I s consultants. :1 I ! I C. Thomas moved that the Chairman of the Board of authorized and directed to write a letter to the appropriate / .; Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by unanimous of the members present, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt being absent at this ;1 ',:.;\ - " " ,ithe use of Emergency Employment Act Funds ar.d repairs to the Bookmobile was this 'iday received and filed on motion of Supervisor L. Earl Simms, seconded by Supervisor Ii, :i Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervif<or Charles ': I:, " ,iH. Osterhoudt being absent at this time. The report of the Executive Officer on staffing of fire departments witt. I II !i ,t " " I, " Ii Ii 246 ---~~,------_._---- ._._~-_.__....__._-_.._._~._-_.. -"-.-.----.--.-.---- .".,=;;-::=~~=_:_.c.;._.,.:-;:=::.==__==_==_...,.._.:.==_=_=~_==_=____=:o:::.._=_==__..,..=_ The Executive Officer was directed to prepare an appropriate resolution j I , [I " " I' ,[ II " II II I: :1 il ~ , Josep~ I , 1 in regard to the staffing of the fire departments for the Board's consideration I I at its next regular meeting. , -/ PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 21, ZONING ARTICLE IV. R-l RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT, SEC. 21-29 PERMITTED USES. OF THE ROANOKE CO. CODE TO PERMIT NEW CHURCHES OR ADDITIONS TO EXISTING CHURCHES SUBJECT TO A PUBLIC HEARING ON EACH SPECIFIC REQUEST THEREFOR I: IN RE: :v' q I~(' ~ ~i c4"'/' I,' C"'..,( . I C. Thomas and the l1:lanimous vote of the Board, decision c..,,~A' i' deferred to the first regular meeting in January 1972. o On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervil30r on the above ~atter was I I y/ I: IN RE: \' I Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the conside,ration of the above Ii matter be deferred to the December 8. 1971 Board meeting and that the CommonweaHh' s I: Attorney be respectfully requested to place the ordinance in pl:oper order for ~ ~-;\"I\ i: consideration at that time. ii IT ~ I t,' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which c:arried by unanimous Ii \' il Jt;{ Y I i; vote. II! ~]} Ii 11 , II, 1III . A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING A VIRGINIA PAYJ:NG Ii ii AGENT FOR $7,900,000 SCHOOl> BONDS, SERU:S Ii 1',1,' 1969A AND $l900,000 SCHOOL BONDS, SERIE~: il 1969B OF RO~~OKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA I I I " ~rdEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors by reflolutions ade,pted il i ji I on October 22, 1969 and on July 25, 1970 has designated Bankerf: Trust Compil11Y a [, I', I' ~\'" i' of the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, as itf: paying agent for ii \ 'f -Ii' $7,900,000 School Bonds, Series 1969A and $7,900,000 School Bonds, Seriefi 1969B, Ii ~. ~~6f' ;1 of Roanoke County, Virginia, respectively; and ill' WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanok., County, wi.th the conc~lrrence I, " il ~> V i' Of. BdankerS Trust Company, is desirous of naming a Virginia payi.ng agent for the II ?-- Cr .:~ I: S&1. School Bond Series; Ii ~~ .) !' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke 'I \ ~..t' nlv I County does hereby designate the First National Exchange Bank c,f Roanoke, Virginia I, \Jw'rri, as the Virginia paying Agent for $7,900,000 School Bonds, Series 1969A and $7'900'Oil',~,:', 0 \O~ \ School Bonds, Series 1969B of Roanoke County, Virginia. , ~ Upon IIlOtion of supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor il Joseph C. Thomas, adopted by the following recorded vote: Ii I' !i I' ,] II il " " 'I " PROPOSED INCLUSION IN COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCE CONTROLLING VICIOUS DOGS. I I AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas I and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. //: \,\l eJ" i \,\\v' . I ~ "'11', \.1 ~'~'~\!." ~. IN RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO COUNTY CODE, BY AMENDING VA. STATE PLUMBING CODE (INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IN CO. CODE) TO REQUIRE INSTALLA- TION OF SANITARY TEES IN ALL BUILDING SEWER LINES AT THE PROPERTY LINE OF PROPERTY ON WHICH BUILDING RESTS 11/30/71 "-~~~~- ----==-_ -~__~ ___-=----=____ ~-_o:....;;:;_=_-_=_=~_______~ _ =-__~_~_;o___ __ _ __"-- __ ___ __ -_ 00"__ ~ ....=..=-=._ : i I I I i '--.J ~ J ....-..-.-.--.-.-..-----....----..-. .. - __ ,_"_,., - __n_... . _ __n ---- .- -.' ----.- ..-...-- --.------'-.--- ----. - - ,----------..--..'----.-.-...-------. i' i' , " :1 " " il I, ii " i' ,I ii " !: :i " Ii ' ce:~tteeil'/ Ol:f1cer, ~ _.11 , :, 2-- 1 y' \ with the Commonwealth's Attorney, be directed to prepare the neces- II I ":-1-1 to undertake the acquisition of said land, askin'l' the Circui1: Ii c-of: ()."v.y iic/"~' 'if ~-?f-(.' ~ .,.,J' tl -r'v' :!~ftUV~ II (j.1,.~ 11 P Ii 9' jl ,I " il ;'; Ii __.__0"'__..__ ___. . '.',--- -"'., Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Board of Supervisors of Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carried by the follow- A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Le'~ il, Eddy. Charles H. Osterhoudt. Mr. Leonard Leask of the Roanoke Co. Public Service Authority appeared GIF'l' OF LAND IN MOUNT PLEASANT AREA FOR SAFETY BUILDING, .ROUTE 116 FROM RUSSELL JOHNSON Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board approve the and accept this gift of land gratefully, that the County Executive appoint a competent and discreet attorney to eea:~ch the titlll Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which curied by th,~ A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, ,Joseph C. Th')mas Mr. Johnson's letter of November 24, 1971 and attached plat are filed with :1 the minutes of this meeting. ': Ii :! ~ ! j: II i'IN RE: , " ,I rt I' '1 Roanoke County not approve the amendment to the Roanoke County Code (by amenc1ing J lithe Virginia State Plumbing Code which is incorporated by reference into the Co. ~Code) as proposed on October 13, 1971 and for which a public hearing was held II Ii on November 10, 1971, which amendment would have required the installation of " ~sanitary tees at all building sewer lines at the property line c)f the property on !i Ii which the building rests with the o....~xtended to grade and with an approved :: ii cover. (I !I , " ~ . d ~~n9 recor eO. vote: " ii iiAYES: JINAyS: " " Ii , !I in regard to the foregoing matter. I' ij IN RE: 1\ " I, " I' ,i Ii ~ report I, ~II in conj unction I ,9ary documents I " )i Court Judge to !i thereto. :, II ~I ,: following recorded vote: " " :,,:'1 AYES: and Lee B. Eddy. 'I Ii Nl.YS: None. " " :1 !! I - APPLICATION OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT (CONDITIONAL) TO OPERATE SANITARY LANDFILL IN NORTH CLEAR ZONE OF ROANOKE MUNICIPAL AIRPORl' IN ROANOKE COUNTY " ,i of Roanoke for a special use permit to operate a sanita~' land::ill in the no%'th Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the appliciltion of the City Ii i: iI I; " I' i! 'I I, 'I I' ii 'i .' Ii " 'I :1 I' ,i 'I II " " ,\ ./ I / 'I I 11 ,i l~:'~~~ Q~1 'i\I', r) it r)'Cv~V~ ii ~\t~""'-~' -1 iiV'~,~~ Ii fYG'~/) ~U'( I" .D V\1J&'_ ~r; ~JrP~~ . pJh) " :1 clear zone of the Roanoke Municipal Airport in Roanoke County be received. filed " :1 and referred to the Roanoke County Planning Commission and that a joint public Ii ii hearing of the iloard of Supervisors and said Planning commission to consider ji :' said application be established for Tuesday, December 21, 1971 at 7:30 p.m. in the II II Community Room of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center (or some other suitable :1 II location to be selected by the County Executive Officer) and that the matter be advertised pursuant to law. j-:J I:] )F, - vote of the Board. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas s~conded the motion which carried by unanimous 248 ..":,,,.:-A'.7~'_". _ ,""""""'''''''~'~~:::::<!?-::''~':.::~::''.._.__ 11/30/71 ~._________._ ___~"____n_..___.____' ________________________.. .___.______._._. ".- __.__.__~_______..__ ____~ ._____.______.__...___-.-__ ..._........ . . . u._....__...__.....___..._____.___-.-,.______ _ _-~="'"~.,.=~.......,.o::c"'-===.=_-=-:...__=_=_O=_=_~-'=-~-..;.;_=__==o_==_'_'_-==~._====___c:::==_~~ Mr. James Kincanon, Attorney for the City of Roanoke an,} Mr. Julian, Hirst, City Manager of Roanoke both appeared in regard to the fC)regoing mat,ter. QUESTION OF ISSUANCE OF A LICENSE OR LICENSES FOR THE CONDUCT OF CATV INSTALLATIONS il il il Ii Ii II 'I I, ! i I i the fOl].Qw- t i I I ! V' i IN RE: I i i " I '\ ~~i, Roanoke County be .~~17 ;',' p.m. and that all ~JtI/'\ :; , ~~11 ,. <I,' action on their applications at that time. \,' i I: Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by "'1"( J !,"" ing recorded vote: Ii IJ:(c.f1 Ii AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas Ii Yif I: NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. ,I / j ')r i ii i' II ; II " , Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the question of the issuance of a license or licenses for the conduct of cable television installations in set on the agenda for the meeting of December 8, 1971 at 2:00 applicants be notified that the Board will consider possible I ~ I Ii to r I " j, I the Board copies of a letter dated November 24, 1971, with attached renewed Mr. Claude Carter, Attorney representing Roanoke Cablev'ision, Inc. presented' II I! II II I, II ii II II II !i 'I I, application for a license for authority to complete construction of its c()lmnunity antenna television system and proceed with the operation of same in'a small area in Roanoke County where construction of the system was begun in the fall of 1970. The letter and application are filed with the minutes of this meeting. -I " , " , I I' IN RE: I I I I I' , , ORDER ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) VACATION OF A 428.48 FOOT PORTION OF COOK ROAD BETWEEN THE WESTERLY PORTION OF LOT 2, BLOCK 5, WESTLAND MAP, OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 274, AND THE 1.49 ACRE RESERV!: TRACT AS SHOWN ON THE MAP OF BLUE RIDGE PARK FOR INDUSTRY OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 69 OF CHARLES THOMAS AKERS, JR. ET AL described. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the regular meeting ~. i '71 " ,'''' ~ I j?i ~}~, I",. ~~~ I ,~\'if~ i \ ~~,.... ", ,r \' I 1].:tr i ~~ the said petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDE~ED that the proposal to adopt an ordinance vacating a portion of Cook Road as requested in the petition is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for consideration at it December 14, 1971, meeting and for a recommendation to this Board for action at its December 22, 1971, meeting. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~D ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board shall set this matter down for a public hearing at the December 22, 1971, meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by the Clerk by publicati",: i:> I I I I I 11/30/71 j~-~""'~:~:~~~~~~:-~~~~__-~ ~~'":_=~~__ ~~ ~~~~__~:.___.~~. .._ -.: ~_~-_:_~ _-~,: ,~~~:~_::: "'~__;~-' ~_~~~-:,:~~_.,~_-:. _~_'~_~='-::-:~.~'''-.C~=:''~~' 249 - .'n_ ___. .~~...__ ___.. .._..' .._.. ...,__._.___._____.~__.~~. + ~____.________,._._____,.__.,___.__.,_ _n' __....,.... __',_. accordance with the provisi.ons of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. ::> IN RE: VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS ) ALONG LOT LINES, LOTS 1 THROUGH 5, ) PART OF LOTS 6 AND 9, AND LOT 10. ) BLOCK 19, MAP OF ARROW WOOD, DATED ) JUNE 15, 1966, PLAT BOCK 6, PAGE 93 ) ) OF ) ) FAIRWAY VILLAGE APARTMENTS NO. ONE, ) A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ) ORDER il !I Ii by Counsel, and asked leave to file its petition relative to l;he vacatic,n of ~ certain telephone and electric easements therein described. This day came Fairway Village Apartments No. One, a liluited paru.ership, ~ - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at the x'egular me,eting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, on NClvember 30, 1971, the said petition be and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the propcs<ll to adopt an ordinance vacating the easements as requested in the petition is hereby referred to the P.Lann1ng Commission of Roanoke County, Vl.rgJ.nJ.a, tor cClnsJ.deratiem at its December 14, 1971, meeting and for a recommendation to this Belard for ae:tion at its December 22, 1971, meeting. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Clerk of the Board shall set this matter down for a public nearJ.ng at tne uecember 22, .L97.L, meetJ.ng of this BOdrd, and that notice thereof be given by tne C.Lerk by pub.LJ.cat1on i.n accordance with the proyisions of the Code of Virginia. -j I - AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certihed copy of this resolution ana order be forthwith delivered by the Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution and order were adopteCl on motl.on of Supervisor '~"'.','.' ....., l,._' Charles H. Osterhoudt and seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and on a recorded vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. ,; IN RE: SALE & DISTRIBUTION OF SUPPLEMENTS TO ROANOKE COUNTY CODE (250 Copies) the Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that/Roanoke Cotmty Board of Supervisors donate copies of the supplement to the same indivi.duals who received :/ :i II ~I ~ " ,I :: I~{~OV' I;{ ~l :i r> '\\~ ).- 'i ,J ~/( \ v jj/ <Y~.t~y ~,~~, ~~. ~~~, \ .;,11 /(j V ,;1- p , c41., ~~"/, -/ 1 I I I I I ;~":,ocC:= . ,~_~o -;_~~,;_;-~ -,; -~-;~~~~~;~~': ;~=~O":;;;~~"O_"':~='~~"'~:': :":"~;-' _;_'''-~- '-=;~'~-:':-:::;~' I ! j; II , II , " 'I " 'I , I, II , 'I I' II " I[ II Ii !; !I 'I I ii 'I iI il I, ~ i: \! 'I ~ " iI !I II Ii i! I I i I I i I I I I I I 'I -, , i -- -......, ;'/ '[J"." ,.,', I, 11/30/71 utility services before constructJ.on projects are started: 1. No subdivision plat shall be given final approval for recordation until :i ,I 'I " the owner or his agent submits in wr~t1ng to the Subdivision lldministrator a c1escription of the proposed water and sewer systems, includin9 copies of written commitments from a private water or sewer company or the Roanoke county Public Ii Service AU1:hority for water and/or sewer service, where applic:able. 2. No land shall be rezoned tor multi-family lR-3 & R'-4), business (B-1, B-2, B-J) or manutacturing lM-l, M-2, M-J) use until th,~ owner or his. agent submits in writing to the county Planning Commission a '1escription ot the proposed water ana sewer systems ana a commitment from a :?rivate water or :i Ii II I, II 11 " Iji I; :i M-l, M-2 or M-3 distr1cts, as requ1rea by Article 24 ot the County Zonu'g Ordinam,.. II " ij II !I Ii ,Ii I, , or sewer service until the owner or his ag~nt has submitted to the County Building" 11 Inspector written information as to the type and source of Welter and se'.er service'i sewer company or the Roanoke County Public Service Authority tor water a,nd/or sewer service, where applic~le. 3. Final site plans tor any aevelopment in R-3, R-4, B-1, B-2, B-3, snal! not be approved unt11 wr1tten Lntorma~~~u as described in paragraph 2 above is submitted to and approved by the zoning administrate,r. 4. NO building permit shall be issued for any project. requiring water and a written commitment for service from a private water or sewer company or the Roanoke County Public Servi:e Authority, where applicable;- and FURrHERM)RE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Commonwealth's Attorney be requested to recommend to the Board of Supervisors all appr~)riate changes in the County Code or other administrative procec1ures in ord'~r to implement the said procedures, at the earliest convenient date; and FUR~HERM)RE, BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmittec1 to the County Commonwealth's Attorney, the Subdivision and ZIJning Administratcr, the ~~airman and Secretary of the County Planning Commission, the county Building and Plumbing Inspectors, and the Executive Director of the R~anoke County Public Service Authority. Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by supervisor A. T. Huddleston, and the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. IN RE: A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY FOR THE DISP<lSITION OF INERT SOLID WASTE MATERIALS IN ROANOKE COm..TY On motion of Supervisor A. T. HUddleston, se~onded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the following recorded vote, the above captiened resolu'oion was this day received and filed and referred to the incoming Boa,rd of Supe:cvisors for consideration after January 1, 1972. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterho.nt, L. Earl SimmEl, NAYS: Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. 251 i' I! :i / 3/1~o I! ,2- i ~ of L0,,6r' ,,/,.) !l- I , ro. -? 5,,' ~'" - \ f , G:,' 1i~' :,.',' ?,"/; fl </'" . / :: ~?j? I, '1'<(' II v' ~n :.f:' Ii ):2~~J'\ :14~ ii7tV/ II II Ii ;;t,1'jW. 0 \.:J...- --1 ..)1' CA:~ , ..- - "'c,..,.~ ".. OW- ' ~ j\' ~ Iq'\Y ~ r 252 11/30/71 ___-=..:=-_~.==_==_~~~::._=_:"___c::..-_=:_==:_=_=--~_=__:o.-__""'"____o.=__~"'~__::_.."._.:_==_:_:._ .-",,"=,",,---=-~=-=,;;~c-,'.-..';;.;;:;-...,=-:===,,--~_-C:::O=_=_==-"- -. -~-_:c=.c.=-----~,-_"C.--=-"--=-:;:-,,,=-:-:~=,~-=---:-::===-=.=,="_",,~_~-,,-"-_,",'-=:,-_=-:-=-;-';;;O "'-'-."'::--=-=~ -:::c.-..-:-_._.-'-.,....._,.c;--,,=,~= --_.._-_._~--_._--------,.~..._-- _..__.~-~ .-- .....- --- -------- -,._~_.__. ---,-_..----'" ./ A RESOLUTION SUGGESTING REGIONAL PLANNING FOR A PLANETARIUM IN THE ROANOKE VALLEY WH2REAS, the Roanoke City School Boarc1 has recently sU'lgested that a " study be made concerning the possible construction of a planet,srium for public !i n educational purpose~' 1 and II " WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors belieyes that a specialized I I I I I . I/:J....(,-J'~I I~O~?!I I j'#"k-' , [ ,eJ..fi.7;4. 'l' , ~~ Pi ~4' i {#ft. ~, f~~.~~ 'I: structing a regional planetarium as a separate project or in conjunction with a CY~ l?:!l; , (~~V~' ! branch of the Virginia Science Museum; and k: 1M FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that copies .J'~I' ~ffl' ~ ~, ,~, Iii ''''ton. '0 ton -- "'" Ol... of ''''' '<"<"o~' 'o~'y ..... of "",mi,o., ~ and to the Chairman and Clerk of the School Boards of Roanoke City, Salem, ~~n " !Ii: Botetourt County and Roanoke County, with the request that each body consici.er A~J.!-M 1~..Ja, I suggestion and indicate whether it is interested in having a study made on the (r~~~~~} 'Ii". feasibility of a regional planetarium for the Roanoke Valley; and ~~ FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted ~ ,Iq. I; 'Co the Executive Directors of the Virginia Science Museum Board and the Fifth ^n'~A ~ ~V" I' , <YJ;$~~vr-' ii, Planning District Commission for their information. , ~" Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Super- I - r, .'J<.;./. f!.rf i: visor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board. .,i~h~i ~,I 1':i:J 1fq - i 'I ~Jtft, 1/'." '~. r ~ ~/ / I,' RE: IiOLIDAYS ) ~ ...,;...." :1 II II Ii II Ii " WHEREAS, tentative plans call for construction of a branch of tha proposed II I: 11 :1 I, 'I II " n :1 il Supervisors: 'i governing bodies 11 'I of the Roanoke Valley local jurisdictions that t~e Fifth Planning District Commis- Ii sion be requested to make a preliminary investigation of the feasibility of con- '1 if it were contributed to by more than one jurisc1iction and were availALle for facility such as a planetarium could be of greater scope and c':>lllIlIunity benefit use by students and by the general public on a regional basis; and I Virginia Science Museum in the Roanoke Valley area: and WHEREAS, the Fifth Planning District Commission is a regional planning agency capable of conducting a study relating to the construction of regional facilities such as a planetarium; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of respectfully suggests to the Roanoke City School Board and to the of this resolution be transmitted ji " 11 II " II I! II this ~ :1 I to the Mayors and Clerks of the City of Roanoke, the City of Salem, the Town of I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors did, by Resolution duly adoptee, on March 10, 1971, gran~ the employees of Roanoke County all legal holidays provided under Section 2.1-21 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended; and, WHEREAS, said Section of said Code does provide that any day so " proclaimed Ii I, or the President of the United States Ii I as a holiday by the Governor of this State shall also be observed; and, WIIREAS, the governor of this State has provided for the closing of State Offices at 12 0' clock noon Friday, December 24 and a,ll c,ay on Monday, December 27, 1971, and on Monday, January 3, 1972; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supe!'visors of Roanoke 11/30/71 253 -==_-'-=='"'-=-==----'.....co..=~...=..o+_""':~~._="_~..=_.._.,:'~.,.,~"_'=::..,,_...;.o...,'_.o.~=_~~"_.==O_:;;';;.;;;c;;.c.'---'-,.:':";-~'-._=.""",_;===-"-'-=-"'-. _c.c...:'=-":'""'~_-__" - ~",-_,-,;"",,.,_-'-'-:_"':"...:c=-~"_,.~,-;;.;.o 0=0 -:.;_-,.~.-.;",'--".-c:._-'.o.__"'='_'__"_-"=;"'''''._ .-.......------..----.-.--.,.--- . __.n_,,___ ..._.__._ ..__.,_.,_._ lr !Icounty does concur in the recommendation of the Governor and all offices hereto- II fore affected by the above mentioned resolution will be closed on the additional " II days as set forth by the Governor as holidays; , II AND FURl'HERI~ORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Superviso:~s of Roanoke " ~i Ii County that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded to '~he Judge of the " " HCircuit Court for the county of Roanoke, and that he, by copy of this resol~tion 'I I, ilbe respectively requested to authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Roanoke ;! i!county to close the Clerk's Office also On the above mentioned holidays. I, Ii I , -^' i ji visor ii Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded 1'y Super- A. T. Huddleston and the following recorded vote: !iAYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas fi " and Lee B. Eddy. " " Ii NAYS: None. I! " ii 'I li " Ii IN RE: ,: Ii II .-1 II liT. Huddleston and the unanimous vote of the Board, the rezoning petition of R. A. ~ Ii and Grace Fuller and Doris Turner Inge was received,' filed and referred to the " Ii Roanoke County Planning Commission for recommendation to this B'oard. ,I " :1 i REZONING OF APPROXIMATELY 7 1/2 ACRES OF LAND SITUATE OFF U. S. ROUTE 221 NORTH OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, FROM R-l TO R-3 OF R. A. AND GRACE FULLER , DORIS TURNER INGE , On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. ,. ;! i) " ii " I: IN RE: !! :i " ii I; ii 1971 from the Roanoke Valley Unitarian Church, stating they felt "that institu- F ii tions like churches should pay taxes as well as other groups using community " Ii services," be received and filed and the enclosed check in the amount of. $60.00 \1 ,. be deposited in the General Fund of Roanoke County and, furthermore, that the --, I i -J ROANOKE VALLEY UNITARIAN CHURCH'S PAYMENT OF $60.00 IN LIEU OF TAXES Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the letter of November 9, Ii Chairman of this Board acknowledge receipt of said check. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which c'arried by unanimous ij " " i ~ 'ivote R1 ~ :1 'fIN RE: of the Board. ROANOKE CITY COUNCIL'S RESOLUTION NO. 19950 WAIVING THE STIPULATION IN THE CITY-CO. SEWER CONTRACT THAT WOULD OTHERWISE CAUSE TITLE TO APPROXIMATELY 683 LINEAR FEET OF COUNTY'S PETERS CREEK INTERCEPTOR SEWER LINE 'TO BE CON- VEYED TO CITY ..I -to ~~ ' - ;"0). I. ) ~ .A!~-I, Jr./ VI,/.- ~. ~ ii' , \ Y. II " 'I i[ , 1\ : ')..'t w ',',',: t1f:J.' Plz-'l./, ': ~.V\ ,i fJ. $:: i,lc~~~9 I'~/I :il .........y. ') :j /,1" / ;i ..y Q.lv~' ii r Ii :1 il v :' , ")1 Ii ,.,-'<t: :1 I" ii~'~,) il ~,~&7tY , X'I(Pc- , " ,I I: ): -;; frJ. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of tIle Board, the above rE.ferred to l'esolution'i:J 4't the City of Roanoke was received and filed and the Clerk diz:ected to fc,rward ij (JP- ~A' (}. "H :! . :iof !i ii On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles ~L ': '" , -'""""'._-------------~~~.._.--~.._.-- ..~.- ~-_.~--..-,,-..,.--.-_...'->'"'""......._...,...._..._.-.. ........,""""".;,-::'''::',~::':?:'''~.,~~ 254 11/30/71 _ =-=-:--==~__"'=_____=__===__===..'==-_'=_=_::c=:="'.;::co,cC"==:_'='~-.====_="_'==_::-.;::_==_=_""_,,,.,=__--'_ __=.......:..:._=-.._~ ~=-=~ _ ___=---:' ",=,:-,,-:;::-,-_'-==.:;c''''',~--==:-=,~:-:=--':'='-'==.-~=-=;::-;::-:-_''-"'=''''___-'-'''__==--~-:'-:C--':;;=-=='=--:;,. _CC-="=,",,,-,--===.'".-:: _'C. =: =:,;;--:".0'''"''=00=,''"''-:.--;,=..:-::-----.0::::=_=:=---::'=. a copy to the Roanoke County Public Service Authority for their recommendation to this Board. v IN RE: COMMITTEE TO STUDY COURTHOUSE SPACE ALLOCATION '" l' ~ , \~r' '<f 0;(/ (};f" Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Board ,jf Supervisors of Roanoke County ratify the appointment of the following individuals as the Board's Committee to Study Courthouse Space Allocation: Richard C. Flora O. S. Foster Elizabeth W. Stokes, Paul B. Matthews il , ;i " unanimous '[ 'I 'I 'I , I i II :1 :, ;1 'I :1 I, Ii II 'I !I Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by vote. Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors be directed to write a letter to the members of the upcoming session of the Virginia General Assembly representing Roanoke County and request that they attend the December 22, 1971 7: 30 p.m. Board meeting for the ptlrpose i' of discussing publicly the issues which may be before the Assembly affect:ing the I I county. 'I: :1 Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by unanimous 'I i, I, I vote. I l. i i: , " I' r IN RE: i , LETTER FROM SUPERINTENDENT OF WELFARE DEPT. RECOMMENDING INCREASING WELFARE BOARD MEMBERSHIP FROM THREE (3) TO FIVE (5) MEMBERS :1 " !i direction The above captioned letter dated November 15, 1971, written at the of the Welfare Board was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the w,animous vote of the Board. Rev. John W. Fox of the aforesaid Welfare Board was present and supported the above request. v IN RE: LETTER FROM DIRECTOR or ROANOKE CO. PUBLIC SERVICE AUTHORITY RECOMMENDING ACTION ON A STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM FOR THE COUNTY On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Th~illas, seconded by Supervisor -1\ . )-' '<'/ " L. ,~~" : ~.( ~:! ,('QJ/ O~ />r:~'~i ~,[ Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the above captioned i' Ii :1 recomrnenda- :: letter dated, November 22, 1971, was received, filed and the C:Lerk directed to forward a copy to the Board's Storm Drainage Study Commi ttca I:or their tion. The fOllowing items were this day received and filed .on motion of Supervisor Charles Il. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the i' II II I, " ,I II il , i' I I I i I , , I I I I I 11/30/71 255 . ... ,,-. -.. .. - -- ----~--.. -,-" .______~ _____n___._.._ _._._ unanimous vote of the Board: Letter of 11/24/71 from the Chairman of the Roanoke Co. Recr.eation Board expressing continued interest in surplus land at Vei:erans Administra- tion Hospital for park purposes & requesting Board I)f Supervisors to advise the 5th Planning Dist. Commission of correspondence exchanged with VA Hospital Director in regard to this matter; Copy of letter of 11/1/71 from William P. Mounfield, Architect, to the Roanoke Co. Library Board of Trustees in re: scope of his services inv furnishings for headquarters library; (including fe.~ for same) Copy of letter of 11/15/71 from Board Chairman to Director of VA Hospital reaffirming County's interest in acquiring about 39 A of land owned by Hospital to be ~sed for recreation and nature educa~ion (park purposes); The Director, Dr. Thomas B. Stage's reply; and copias of all prior communication (including letter and resolution of Recreation Director and Board, respectively); v ~ " !l Memo of 11/8/71 from State Dept. of Welfare & Institu:tions in re: increase in State reimbursement of the non federal share of a,;sistance payments in old age assistance, aid to dependent children, & aid to the perma- nently & totally disabled; Copy of letter from Board Chairman dated 11/11/71 to 'rechnical Products Engineering Co. confirming that this company is to :3upply & install Item 4a, basic console under Bid, No. RCSD-1-7l, sub'-item price-$24,500.00; Sheriff's statement of office & travel expense incurrl~d by self & deputies p - for October 1971; I' , ~ Copy of 64th Annual Report of Va. Highway Commission :Eor fiscal year ended 6/30/71; :1 -'/' I ii, / Letter of 11/4/71 from Chief of State Office of Transportation Planning accompanied by an addendum to Narrative Report, 197:2 National Trans- portation Needs Study for Commonwealth of Va.; / Sheriff's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served ill Co. Jail in Oct. 1971;' ~ List of guest speakers available from Va. Western Co~nunity College; Letter of 11/5/71 from Va. Dept. of Highways advising of their approval of a $21,000.00 allocation for an industrial access .road': for Smith's Transfer; Letter of 10/22/71 and resolution 0!/J/17/71 from "Keep Virginia Beautiful, Inc." urging all counties to comply with State rulell & regulat:ions for the disposal of solid wastes; Three letters c1ated 11/11/71, 11/11/71 and 11/18/71 fr.om J. E. lIarwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways, Richmond, Virgini", to this Board of Supervisors advising of the approval of th" followin~r ac1ditions to the Secondary System of Roanoke County, effective, as indic,lted: SECONDARY SYSTEM ADDITIONS LENGTH Ef'FECTIVE DATE ; Weaver Road - from Route 81, Frontage Rd. , north 0.36 mile to dead end 0.36 Mi. 11/11/71 !I ii Woodland Drive - from Rte. 875 to DE 0.10 Mi. 11/11/71 ;i , !j Unnamed Road - from Rte. 622 S. 0.22 Mi. to DE 0.22 MI. 11/11/71 Kenbrook Dr. - from Woodley Dr. to Foxhall Circle 0.05 Mi. 12/1/71 ,/ .._~.... Foxhall Circle from Kenbrook Dr. W. to DE 0.08 Mi. 12/1/71 , I I Foxhall Circle - from Kenbrook Dr. E. to DE 0.02 Mi. 12/1/71 :1. --' C" IN RE: LIVESTOCK CLAIM OF R. D. MOREHEAD FOR $25.00 FOR LOSS OF 1 LAMB KILLED BY DOGS :: ;,.- " Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the ,; ..,1 , ..,~ " ~d'- Y :i ?... "tt- I ' ! C,eff",9/ I ,~~,J) :'W'~' " ii " ! [J the Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that/Board award the payment of $10.00 for the above livestock claim in accordance with the assessed value of the lamb as filed by Mr. Morehead on his personal property return. following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Ec1dy. "NAYS: None. !f 256 , , ----_....~.,_._,.,._....._ _ _____.. ___...~_".'..,.=-'. ___~~:~-:n:"':.::...,_~.':~.~. 11/30/71 ~ .-'==----==::-=--.==-'=-= .-="-::=,="--",=:=_-"""=-='~=;'=""-~::...c..-:="'.~,,.o:==:--='="=_"'-c;:'~=o.,_~_-==-=-..:::=''" _". ='===_"-~~::_:,:,,;_~. ,.-'_.':.=.-=-,:.c...::-=",,".::,:... ;:..;..-__~.",,--_--,,,."... :-.'::;0="_-=="..--...:0','-"'-,"::=.=:---=='==- -"-'-=--'"===---="'--==--==-"'-~~==:===-----==--=-'::~;="-'_~',~.;:o.....,.,..._.,--====;:c.::-:_,,-_.-:=:-;::-:-:;--.-C:-""=.""'--";":;' --..--.----.-_-:-:-;:.,,.,..-==.-,;.;;;-..;~._;;;.'_.=_=._"_.,_._=_~-~ _-;;;,:..:=-c:__.-_-=.,..-;=.__==:;:.;==_-_--'-.,.'"'._._=::=~==_:._=._::,_._. i , I I I , I I I .,....-1\~ I ",.... i I~' j I~ i ! I r , I I i , ;' ;' '/ , I -:z._11~ I, I~-' .I.,i . I I' . ....1 ().-'I JI, ~I ~ I I I ./ 3-7' IX, "t: I Cr -t" I ~", rffi/tl i , I COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supe.rvisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote, the county payrolls (Semi-monthly II I '! dated ll/30/71; Semi-monthly dated 11/15/71 and Bi-week',y dated 11/24/71) were approved for payment in the gross amount. of $87,366.30, from which the "urn of ~ , $3,888.78 F.I.C.A.; $9,364.90 F.I.T.; $1,642.41 State Income rax; +2.99 6fti!erms. / ~ $1,568.75 Blue Cross Ins.; $2,208.39 Retirement; $1,060.82 Miscellaneou,; Expenses" n il ]1 !I :1 ii ii II !I ii 'j jj " " II and $2.00 Uniforms are deducted leaving a net payroll of $67,628.25. AYES: A. T. Huddleston. Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Sinuns, Joseph C" Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT " I' I' I ! Supervisor A. T. Huddleston moved that the current bills amounting to $38,835.71 and the Dills paic1 since the last Board meeting amounting to $84,976~52 be approved for payment presently and retro-actively. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Si~.s, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. IN RE: AUDIT OF THE RECORDS OF THE Ti<EASURER OF ROANOKE COUNTY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 1971 Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors employ the firm of Rothgeb, Miller & Sells to audit the records of the Treasurer of Roanoke County for the year ended Decembe.,: 31, 1971. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconc1ed the motion which carriea by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Ec1dy. NAYS: None. On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss appointments and matters pertaining to real estate. The committee of the whole was dissolved anc1 the meeting resumed in open session on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, s,.conded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board. , :1 , :i " , Ii I I, il ,I I' I' :1 1 [ !j i! 'i '[ II , " " Ii il I I I I I - ...... - .... ~'~.~ . ~, ,--~'Z''''''~,:,,~m~~?:-~' ----'.."""-..-...,...~-~,.._".'",...,..,~,~,,,.....-...'........--"""....,,...,, "', ,",,".- '. .,"'" ,:-0 ~"",:.'~.;. ,,"!"-.;._~. 11/30/71 257 _-=:.._..:.::..:;_...::..:......:=-~..."--..:.-_-''-':...:.~.==..:...:.~.,....:...c-:-=-..:....:::...-_o....:.._.,,=..--'-'=--.:..=_,::-'_--'-'-=--_._,-,,,"--":;"::--~_,---,_--,--'...:..,c .--------- ., --- -'--' -- ----~- -_._-----_._-----~.-_-'-- . ...:..-c..", 'C"~"--'-'--= ==-",'.-=.::.:.'=..;:;,,:_-__"-c"-._-'-==-""'''-=-c.~ IN RE: SALEM CITY COUNCIL I S RESOLUTION DATED NOVEMBER 29, 1971 GIVING NOTICE OF THE TERMINATION OF THE SCHOOL SERVICES PORTION OF THE SERVICES CONTRACT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND CITY, EFFECTIVE JUNE 30, 1973 The above resolution was this day received and filed on motion of Super- visor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Oste:rhoudt, anc1 the unanimous vote of the Board. --' IN RE: REVISED DRAFT OF PROPOSED SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY & CITY, DATED 11/26/71 ,/ The final revised draft of a proposed Services Agreement between the County and City of Salem and their respective School Boards, considered b~r the respective governing bodies' negotiating committees on Novembel: 26, 1971, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt., seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Be,ard. il - " :1 IN RE: il il !I " jl ,! Ii , I: ii 'I I: BIDS ON RENTING 60 ACRES OF COUNTY LAND FOR PASTURE On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor ,/ , ,,/_71,/ .:2-- +0 I C/~. 6. JoSeph C. Thomas and the following vote, the Board rejected the, bids received for renting 60 Acres of county land for pasture, as not being i.n the best interest of Roanoke County (same property formerly used by McVitty HOuse" Inc. for grazing cattle). }.YES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: DONATION OF LAND IN HOLLINS AREA BY MILTON S. HILLIER '$' '1/ t:' )~ ,?,~. Cf)~. .J' '1~ '-(Y\p~ Supervisor L. Earl Simms moved that the Board accept the offer of land in the Hollins area of Mr. Milton S. Hillier as outlined in his letter of November 3. 1971, without any obligation on the part of the Roanoke County Board of Super- visors, that the Executive Officer be directed to convey this acceptance to ..., I ..... Mr. Hillier and, further, that Mr. Hillier's said letter of November 3, 1971 be received and filed. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the :-'l 1:,,1 W following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. HUddleston, L. Earl Simms, and Joseph C. Thomas. NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: Charles H. Osterhouc1t and Lee B. Eddy. Copy of a letter dated 11/19/71 from Congressman Richard H. Poff tel / the Fifth. Planning District Commission expressing opposition to the use of Veteran's Administration Land as a site for a regional jail and proposing that the Scllem VA Hopi tal's excess 35 Acres be reserved for cemetery purposes Qr for some local ,-, ~',",~i..~':~""_.,-: .:.... _ .._.. 258 11/30/71 k-_-::;.~o=-o"_=_"----"==~=='=-=:::,=_--o;=-_,=:----=-=~,~,=c-c,,,-=-,:_=------,,---,_. '=.=.~-=-.-:.="'--------:c.==--"=---="""_-=-='-'=------'-'=~."=--'=O'=.c..-::..::o=O--"--=-=:_''':'-'''--'=''''7.--''=". -_-=C.;;;;;-_-.:":,:=--.--,,"__='__.,,=~=::-:-_"",,,_-. .-=..,,--=.='..-;=-:....::;"'=.,.~-":..==.;;::=--=- ~=-=-----=-.--_----==---==-=-=---=::;:;.:==-=------=c-.=--=--==-:-_--,,-=-'-'-.. =-c..=-.--;;-~=-=-:,=..::.;;:-=_-;~.--_=:-=::.-,-,=.~=C=.=:=,,----=--:O=-;_.~--';:-;-;:;--:..=:-::=---=-..==.-,.~C,;;.'""'=-C-=.cc-::-.-:=..:...--:=: -__..__.__._ -==.=='";-=_'=-_".=="::;;:-=-_"'-""=;;'.;"o--=---==~-"~==,"",-C--;:';-'-_'';;--=' I I I recreational purpose, is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded ~y Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board. I b8J ~ CHAIRMAN~- I I I I I , I, I I i , i: I r I .1 I ii Ii " ,I i :1 I I '7';-'- ,.".... n ._____. _~_.._~ ~....,....._... '".'."~ _,..,.~~........_~.,."''',",,r>''.~,r ...- Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia December 8, 1971 2:00 P.M. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse in the County Courtroom thereof in Salem, Virginia. being the second Wedne:sday and the first regular meeting of tne month. Members present: Chairman Le,a B. Eddy, Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt. A. T. Huddles'ton and L. Earl Simms. Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney, Mr. John N. Lampros and the County Engineer-E):ecutive Officer & Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively, were also present. The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend C. Lawrence v' Dodson, Supervisor-elect, who offered the invocation. The pledge of a11eg,lance was then given in unison to the flag, led by Chairman Eddy. IN RE: REQUEST or SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTORAL BOARD FOR AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT TO THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE CO. N~!()RE THAN TWO MEMBERS AT LARGE 259 I- I I I I I 1/ 0 On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisclr the Joseph C. Thomas and/unanimous vote of the Board, the above request dated /' report December 6, 1971, was this day received and filed and action deferred pend:lng a/an, recommendation of the Commonwealth's Attorney. I ')1 0' V ,.\ li',..5" I ~r.cr;y direct the Executive Officer to invite a representative of the Virginia Department I~G~ of Highways to appear at that meeting to discuss the matter. i /v{:tY'( ~ --:,' I <4: (j}i1t , 1 ' !I ('^', . , 4. Mr. A. T. Loyd, Attorney, Attorney for the Petitioners, Glendale Gardens, rn[ ~ ~ et als, a~peared regarding the above request. I' ~~~;;_~I A letter from the Va. Dept. of Highways dated 12/6/71 asking the Board to ~ II ~ act on the above roac1 closing petition and to table it until further study II II Mr. Arnold R. Burton, Superintendent of Roanoke Co. Sch,ools, present.ed the above request. Mr. R. Q. Hite appeared as a citizen of Roanoke County to express ~?precia- tion to the S..pervisors for their service on the Boarc1 for tha past four :fears. ,-, , , I I - I IN RE: CLOSING or LAURA ROAD BETWEEN GREENRIDGE ROAD (VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 629) AND ARCADIA DRIVE AS SHOWN ON MAP OF SECTION NO.1, GLENDALE, WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 14, IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas movec1 that the Board defer ,sction at this time, ,-' j continue the public hearing to the December 22, 1971, meeting ,of this Board and Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt seconded the motion which carried by unanimous vote. ./ , 12/8/71 "'o..~-+,---,,-c..;.-'-'-'- =-=:=.....=""'~....;:..'o....-_"-". '__"-"-=-'--'--O---"-~'=_"_-~=~"-'-'-'---.o.....-o_c.;..c"='---'-..c..:.'-C-"-=C_--'-'--'--c.__...,,-'.-.,,=,,--_''''':'''-':';;~._ 261 . .,.---.. -... - ----, -- ~ -.- _. _~_ ___ ._.. __..__ n _ ;.' ='''''' ~~.:"-'--~ -:~,;";-,+-,-c;,;"-c-,-"-c,-=~~=-,:,,:;,-_-",,,,-,,,-==,~,..~'''-=.'''''~-O increasingly ii ,I :1 " II :i 1/ ~ :1 10' illJ/ ~* !i~/ i'~':I'~V'l"~/ schedule be confirmed to this Board and the public at an early date; and ~; II r V , be Uansmitted:i ol" ~4 Ii C ~: r '~3 COIl,SideratiOil,r 'pJ)>(Vn :1 ,0-' 1VO '. il ii II used II I' ,! ,t " II ,I :1 " : [! to help operate said vehicle." A RESOLUTION REPEATING THE REQUEST OF THE ROANiJKE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS DIRECTED TO THE VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS THAT IMPROVEME~TS BE CONSTRUCTED TO STATE HIGHWAY 419 AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE. WHEREAS, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors has, by resolution dated I! May 12, 1971, previously expressed its concern to the Virginia Department of High- ~; -' ~ways for traffic safety conditions on State Route 419 between State Route 221 /; and U. S. Route 11 and has requested the conversion of this road to a fou:r-la.'le ~highWay with improved traffic controls at the earliest possible date; and II ~ [I " ~ congested and potentially hazardous; and if WHEREAS, County citizens anc1 officials !I " concer:1 WHEREAS, traffic conditions on said two-lane road are becoming have recently expressed renewed over lack of a definite construction schedule for said, improvements; ,.., I '...J Ii :1 (! :: visors respectfully repeats its request !I ~ for prompt scheduling of said Ii .1 said 'I II il /1 Ii to ij :1 and response. I: of this resolution Highway District/Engineer fClr their NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Super- to the Virginia Depart.ment of H!,ghways highway improvements on State Rc,ute 419 and that FURTHERMORE, BE IT ;U;SOLVED that a copy the State Highway Commissioner and the Adopted on motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, se':onded by Supervisor [i 11 Joseph C. Thomas, and the following recorded vote: " :1 AYES: All Ii ,/ NAYS: None. iI " :1 !i i' II if IN RE: CABLE TELEVISION 'I '! Ii 'II Supervisors does direct the Chairman of this Board to obtain for the II [i , ,I :1 " " IJ il Board specific 11 Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the Roanoke County Board of cost figures from a consultant or consultants for the preparation of a technical 'l ~ II Ii plan for the development of a cable television system in Roalloke County and to :i Ii prepare a license for the operation thereof. II " ii The Chairman, Lee B. Eddy, relinquished the gavel te. Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas and seconded the motion which carried by th~! following recordec1 vote: '\:'I \~":, I ..-J I! AYES: Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms and Le~ B. Edc1Y. , 'I , 'i NAYS: A. T. Huddleston and Joseph C. Thomas. " 'i The following Applicants appeared: Mr. C. Harry An9lin, Presic1ent of ~ot in favor of consultant) ; TV, Inc. of Martinsville, Va./; Mr. Barney ')verfield of TeleCable :: " '! Clear-View Cable ;! Norfolk, Va. (in favor of consultant); Mr. Bland Painter of Roanoke Cablevision (not in favor of consultant) and Mr. E. H. Clark of Booth American Co. who operates Salem TV Cable (in favor of consultant). The fifth applicant, Donald A. Perry & Associates, Inc. telegraphed a message recommending local ownership of a CATV 'I :' system and endorsed Bland Painter & Roanoke Cablevision. (The message is filed :1 " :1 ~ ~ '[ I, ii with the minutes of this meetingJ :i II !' ,. 'I " " 'I :1 ~ .../ Ii " 1 " " 'I II 'I II I, j\ i) I: :1 ]1 . Ii " I' 'I " :1 ,,/ -7' ,0 '~rW ~~ Co' ~~'-=_ '.=-"'====-~=--=-=--:=-..o: - =-=~:,_=~~-=__-=~:::'=~~~~~=.=~~~~=:-;~~~~~_~~~--:.~~-C~=-;::'~:~;,~~-=.,=~;;:~;~=.=-~~-=-~:~-=~-=-~~~~~~~~:.::~~.~~~:.~~~~=:~:~~~~~ ! Corp. of i Mr. Overfield stated his company, TeleCabl~ will pay liS/the I , i , , i , , I I consultant's:1 fee. Ii :1 i: I' :1 ,I , " :1 !I :1 :1 II II 'i " I il Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas moved that the Roanoke Co~ty Board of Super- I! :1 " I' II Ii " , il :1 II II II ~ I ,I :1 ,I II ,I ii t.he 11 II 'i I :1 i , " :! ! 262 12/8/;71 and the entire fee if awarded the contract. Mr. Furman Whitescarver, Sr., Attorney for Clear-View Cable TV. Inc. appeared as did the Attorney for Roanoke Cablevision, Mr. Claude Carter. ,; IN RE: COUNTY'S SHARE OF ONE-HALF THE COST OF BILL FOR FULL-PAGE AD IN THE ROANOKE TIMES AND ROANOKE WORLD NEWS AT CIVIC CENTER OPENING IN 1967 visors pay $342.28 to Brand and Edmonds Associates, being the county's one-half share of the cost of advertising when the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center was 1!y . "IF opened J.n 1967. /"1' I &J: I foll~'" R=_ =,", C00l-~5b~ :::: :~n:: ~~ ~ i, ABSTAINED: ~~j ~~ I ~?i,: ~.' I I I' foregoing. I' I I' I r I, [, I y/ i I' Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which ca,~ried by the Huddleston, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and L'~e B. Eddy. Charles H. Osterhoudt. A letter dated 11/29/71 from Brand & Edmonds in regard to the above bill ,and attached copies of prior corresondence regarding the matter is filed with the minutes of this meeting. The Manager of the Civic Center, Mr. Jack Dame, appea:~ed j,n regard to , ; I I " ;, I I ,/1 I' 'i' ~'! IJ~(I ;f;A~y,i c., ,~ I' r tffIf.P )', ~~;/v I, . ~ II " I I: I i ADOPTION 01:' AN AMENDMENT TO THE ROANOKE COUN'i:Y CODE, CHAPTER 21, ZONING ARTICLE IV. R-l RESIDENT:tAL DISTRICT, SECTION 21-29 TO ADD NEW SECTION 8 PERMI~TIN~ CHURCHES AND RELATED WORSHIP ACTIVITIES OF CHURCHES WHEREAS the Board of Supervisors deems certain amendmEmts to the Roanoke County Code to be necessary in the best interests of the healtll, safety, mId general welfare of the citizens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS a Notice of !ntention to amend the Roanoke Co\mty Code as pro- posed, and Public Hearing thereon, have been advertised and po!.ted in accol~dance with law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~T ORDAINED by the Board of Supervi.sors of Roanoke County that the Roanoke County Code be amended as f~llows: CHAPTER 21, ZONING ARTICLE IV. R-l RESIDENTIAL DISTRlCT, Sec. 21-.29, Permitted Uses to provic1e as follows: 8. Churches and related worship activities .,f churchels. The proposed amendment to be effective immediately upc>n its passage. Upon motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supe:::visor A. T. Huddleston, adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Tbomas. NAYS: Lee B. Eddy. Mr. David Mullen, Attorney for Gospel Baptist Church, appeared in regard to this matter. I I I I I 264 12/8/71 - .""~..;:'"_-=-::_-""'=-==--=-':"-,-""'='::=,,""",,,.=--C----"-=C-==-_=':::'~_-:;~"~~~c-"''''-~-:oc;--'-..=..''=-;.=-..=.,--u~...,..-.~,.;.:=.-,;c::,",.o-;,===="'==-:-:-_~"'" :. --;;::-..:..:...;.:=-=..::.:..~:..;.:..o='-'=,,""-=.--",,--o;==-.=o:...-,"",,"=_==~,"_--:-.-':;""=--=,-'-==,-=='.--='="":";:'-="'_.,.,=--_,,--=.~=.=,.:.-:==-= On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor ~ " :i " thisj 'i Ii :i ,I !i ;: ii ,I II Letter of 11/30/71 from State Water Control Board to Roanoke City Manager Ii advising .~at Control Board has received three resolutions requesting ;1 moratoriUll' on further construc'don in the areas served by the City II of Roanok~'s sewage treatment plant and advising that the parties il who presented the resolutions are scheduled to appear before the :: Control E~ard in Richmond on December 7. II iI :j ,i ;1 " Ii ii !I II , , I I A. T. Huddleston a~d the unanimous vote of the Board, the following items were day receivec1 and filec1: / Letter from F. G. Stephenson of 11/22/71 expressing appreciation for Board's help in getting a traffic light installed at Townside Plaza and associ.,ted letter from Highway Dept. to Mr. Stephenson advising that adjustments have been made; / v Upc1ate to the 1971 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance; ? Financial Statements of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center thrc,ugh sept. 30, 1971, as prepar,~d by Berry, Dail, & Drinkard; Copy of Resolution from Montgomery County Board of Supervisors requestin9' that Va. General Assembly and Va. Assoc. of Counties take actic'n leading to the regulation of charges imposed by municipalities for public services rendered outside their boundaries; I I Copy of letter datea 12/1/71 from Roanoke City Clerk to their Sewer Committee transmitting County's request for additi.on of Meadow Wood Estates to the existing sewage treatment contract; " " :1 I! il II II il '/ Copy of letter from Assj.stant Commonwealth' s Attorney to President of il Farmers National Bank stating that the Board of Supervisors' au~horiza- tion for shortterm borrowing dated 11/10/71, is to be taken conjunctively with previous authorizations; ii VCopy of a letter dated 11/29/71 from Roanoke Co. Public Service Authority ,I to The Mayor of the City of Roanoke in re: Relief Sewer Constrl.lction :,'1' Tinker Creek Line; $ 32,221..82 4,473,,11 66,177,,15 14,382,,88 1,486,,00 13,650,,53 I 7,164.37 160,655.51 45,158.63 15,951. 51 .08 3,473.84 18,903.16 $ 383,698.59 $ 2,000.00 I 350,063.52 18,903.16 1,486.00 6,000.17 360.00 66.40 4,650.00 81.65 87.69 $ 383,698.59 'Copy of letter from State Compensation Board to Commissioner of the dated 11/29/71 approving requests for purchase of 1 typewriter & 2 adding machines; Revenue v Copy of letter from State compensation Board to Sheriff increase in annual rate for. Deputy C. D. Absher; Vproclamation declaring December 4, 1971, as Andrew I.ewis Football Team Day; approving a..'1 High School / Treasurer's Report, spread as follows: v At the Close of business November 30, 1971, there was to the credit of the following: General Revenue Fund Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Bond) - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Local) - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - AvaiBble Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash Ii Parks , Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash I F.I.C.A. - ~y~~lable Cash 'labl h I' Retirement9:t\11raJ.DUt:J.on - AvaJ. e Cas , Air Pollution Control Fund - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund - Available Cash Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow $3,522~0.00 Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Escrow - $2,8l5~0.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Farmers National ,Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Farners National BanI< - P!lying Agent Public Bldg. Debt Bank of Virginia of the Southwest - Pari~g Agent School Debt Bankers Trust Co. - Paying Agent School Debt Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst Deferred Credit Account - James E. Pet'~rs Certificates of Deposit - School Const:ruction I 266 12/8/71 :c, _~':::.='~c, =.:c__~= :c.;;;:;,:.:c~~~::"'O ":=;;;-~-~-':c:,,;;::~-~~=,";;:;:~~=,~, - -':~':-'_'c=.;'"':=..__=:~-:::::':~';:",,","=:"~~,::_: ' .-':;;:::: __~. ~,~~:=.~~;.;;~:;:_-:::.,;~=~':";,';~;;:-:';::::-;;:~- ;i Ii :! I 1\'/ i ~'tI i ,?-/~/ I ~~' J i i i, /1 , , , 4\ : }(~a...~I' \~ ty' , : 'fo>' I ~ ;J~ i ~.~\l~ V, ,{ '~~;i ~L.! ~,?AVi ~(." : , I, i I i 1\ ....{ ,i 2-' "\'.(.' ,)Y I ~.y<J ~ '\~~~ ~vl0f ,..\\,,.,.""tl.f-f 1.\', V'"1.u~\/ i v COUNTY PAYROLL On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhouc1t, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston and the following recorc1ed vote, the County Payroll (December 1, 1971, containing one name) was approved for payment v / ,from which the sum of $10.30, F.I.T.; $7.64 F.I.C.A Tax is deducted leaving a net of $127.05. in the gross amount of / and $1.94, State Inccme $146.93, I AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board, the Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss a!?pointments., The committee of the whole was dissolved and the meeting resumed :Ln open session on motion of Supervisor .... T. Huddleston, seconded by Super'Tisor Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of the Board. IN RE: REQUEST OF SCHOOL TRUSTEE ELECTORAL BOARD FOR AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT ~ro THE SCHOOL BOARD OF ROANOKE CO. NO MORE THAN TWO MEMBERS AT LARGE I On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the following record.ed vote, the Board of S'~pervisors of Roanoke County respectfully deniec1 th.. above request. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Ec1dy. NAYS: None. IN RE: INCREASE OF MEMBERSHIP OF ROANOKE CO. PUBLIC WELFARE BOJIRD Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas m011ed that the membership of the Roanoke Co. Public Welfare Board shall be incl:eased from three (3) to five (5) members I effective immediately, in accordance ~Iith Ii 63.1-40 of the 191;0 Code of Virginia, as amended. Supervisor L. Earl Simms seconded the motion which carJ:ied by the follow- ing recorded vote: I AYES: L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. IN RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE OF RADIO EQUIPMENT FROM ESTATE OF JOHN WILLIAM SMITH - ., , :..J -~ ,",I , ! - ::1.. .' f~~) ~ :1 Ii Ii ,I " II Ii I' II I' ii 'I I, 'I " " II II I' ~ 'I Ii :1 [I " " n I: II :1 II I' II ,I i.: 'I I, ~ !i II II " il 'I' ,I Ii il II i " " Ii II I' II II II " I' ~ 'I ** ~ II II I, ~ 'I , unanimous :1 i II " ,I :1 :;/ ** :1 :1 12/8/71 On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas and the following recorded vote!, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorized the purchase of one base station fOI' $100.00 from the estate of John William Smith to be used for the Clearbrook FiI:e Dept. and Rescue Squad. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. OSiterhouc1t, L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas, and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. A letter from Elvin H. Ingram dated 12/8/71 to the Exel:utive Officer proposing to sell the above equipment to the County at a priCE! of $400.00 is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: JOINT PUBLIC HEARING OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS AND PLANNING COMMISSION ON APPLICATION OF CITY OF ROANOKE FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE SANITARY LANDFILL IN NORTH CLEAR ZONE OF MUNICIPAL AIRPORT IN ROANOKE COUNTY supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that this meeting of December 8, 1971, stand adjourned to reconvene in the Community Room of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center on the night of Tuesday, December 21, 1971, at 7:30 p.m. at which time the Board will hold a joint public hearing with the Planning Commission on the City of Roanoke's application set forth above. Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by vote. L,~~~ ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INCLUSION OF ALL ORDINAN.CES AND/OR AMENDMENTS PREVIOUS ORDIN}~CES ADOPTED AFTBR AUGUST 12, 1970 AND ON OR BEFORE JUNE 30, 1971 IN THE ROANOKE COUNTY CODE TO i I j WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County has previously codi- :1 :1 , ,I , II 'I :i , fied the laws and ordinances of Roanoke County as of August 12, 1970; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is desirous of including in the said Roanoke County Code all those ordinances and/or amendments to ordinances adopted after August 12, 1970 and on or before .rune 30, 1971; and WHEREAS, a "NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE INCLUSION OF ALL ORDINANCES AND/OR AMENDME~~TS TO PREVIOUS ORDINANCES ADOPTED AFTER AUGUST 12, 1970 AND ON OR BEFORl, JUNE 30, 1971 IN THE ROANOKE COUN'lY CODE" and public hearing thereon has been published once a week for two consectltive weeks in accordance with law and copif~s of said ordinances and a."1lendmentsi have been available for public inspection in the office of the Cle:rk of this Floard; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE!) that the Roanoke County Code be, .md it is, hereby amended to include all ordinances and/or amendment:; to previous ordinances ac10pted after August 12, 1970 and on or before June 30, 1971. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. i' 1.'1' , ,V :; il ' I '.. i, ,7' ~ 'I '1' 110 lilo..: ' Ii ut;.tIW' of' IID'A' ~WJ I, 'i I, " ~ 'I I, Ii II i: " " II il I, )1 II il ," :1/ :1 II Ii II I il I '! II ~ I 1 I : Plo/7! :1 :i /~7"1; q~r' I / I=?c~;r ':~ C2lf1 "r'r+ :i II " It' i/~I~ I (l') " _ _ _ """"Ii" ...'.,:', 1268 I I ! i _.~_______ _.___ ____. ___._n_ .'_ ._____~.~___~_____c....-.-u.. _.__. _. ._. _._. _. ._.._.._._.~_. ...---., .,..-.--.. -.---...-.... ._._----.~----_._..__...... -..-.--.--......-.-..,,-.-..-.-------- -~--- ---.--.--------.- -.--"' '" ... "-_._-~------- ~. - -- ..__._,,-"---_._..~----_. --- ._.~._--_._--_._._..~-_.- .. .,--.-- ... ___......_____..,____..__. __..._._....._.._ .__._._._.____ .__.__.___ _....__._____u__ -...--.-.---. -. ....- --_.--.~-_....- ---. .......". ..-. _.......----~-----.....- Adopted on motion of Supervisor Charles H. Csterhoudi:, seconded :~y visor L. Earl Simms and the following recorded vote: Super-; ii i[ I, II II I, ii :1 I AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Osterhoudt, L. Earl Sirnm~;, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. I I ____ _ __ _~ ___ n____'_,_'__~___" .____~_~...._ ._____..._ .,..___. ______n_ . ____.__. ________.__ _.._______. ___._._________ __ _..._ _n_.-_ _,_.__ ._...._._.__..__ - , I -.i ~ ! i A joint meeting of the Board of Supervisors and Planning Cornnission of ~ Roanoke County was held at 7,30 p.m. this date at the Salem-Roan,,~ke Valley Civic iicenter with the,c~airman of the Board of Supervisors, Lee B. Eddy, presiding. The I: JOl.nt i(purpose of the/meeting: to consider the petition of the City of Roanoke for a !I ~use permit to locate a landfill on property owned by the City of Roanoke and li'd t'f' . f: 1 en 1 1ea II ~virginia Route l17, being the property formerly owned by the Church of God, et " ~ Members present (from the Board of Supervisors): , I[Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. Huddleston and L. I' !I Earl Simms. ~ Members present from the Planning Commission: Chairman T. D. Steele, J. II Oliver Stein, Oliver S. Wooc1y, Roy L. Hash & M. E. Maxey. I Mr. Paul B. Matthews, who serves as Executive Officer to the Board of Super- " , ,ivl.sors and Secretary to the Planning Commission, was also present. iI Ii il 'I H Ii .' :1 ~ the Board of Supervisors on November 30, 1971, were the following officials: II II Mr. James Kincanon, Attorney for City of Roanoke; " Community Room Salem-Roanoke Valley December 21, 1971 7:30 P.M. Civic Center :1 II II !/ " 'i als.il :! as the north clear zone of the Municipal Airport, on the north side of Chairman Lee B. Eddy, fi Ii I' II Ii II " I' ,I " " :1 I !I 'I I ; Roanoke City; and Mr. Julian! , 1 II dated December 2,1! Appearing to speak in favor olE Roanoke City's Applicat:ion, filec1 >lith Mr. James Trout, Vice-Mayor of i'Roanoke; Mr. William Clark, Director of Public Works, Ii !I Hirst, City Manager of Roanoke. r, ii the Bureau of Solid Waste & Vector Control (Dept. of Health): one II & recommendation 111971 with the following attachments, Report/dated l2/2/71cf C. :R. Masterson, il (Investigator, Bureau of Solid Waste & Vector Control) on refuse disposal site il ii evaluation; document :1 ~ The City of Roanoke presented ,two letters from sented to State Health Dept. by City of Roanoke - "Soil ;1 ,I :1 'I il :1 " " ii ii Evaluation - Proposed Roanke I !I ~i prepared by City of Roanoke - "City of ROaJ,10ke, Vir9inia, Sanitary Landfill, North Clear Zone, M~nicipal Airport"; another document pre- City Landfill Site, Airport North Free Zone - Northside Va. 117 - Peters Creek Road" prepared by Charles Judy', Soil Scientist, Soil Conservation Service, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture; a memo dated 10/8/71 from C. R. Mastersc.:t1 of State Health o Dept. on inspection of proposed solid waste disposal site on 9/29/71 with William ,I F. Clark of Roanoke City; a letter of 11/18/71 ::rom Dept. of Transportation, Ii ~ Federal Avaiation Administration, stating they had no objections to the proposed ii landfill on a temporary basis, with certain st.,~ed provisions. The second letter dated 12/13/71 from the Bureau of Solid Waste & Vector i:1 "I !: ii Control to the City of Roanoke indicated the State \'later Control Board had ::10 I, I' ~ . . !I obJectJ.on to a sanitary landfill as proposed by Roanoke City and, based on t:1is ii ,; endorsement and the Bureau's own Ii ~ issue a permit to the City if the Board of Supervisors of ,I :i I' " " " !j Whitescarver, Sr.; investigation, that the Bureau. was prepare,j to 11 Roanoke County cO:1curred.'i 'I I the opposition, Furman :1 " Appearing to oppose the landfill: Attorney for Mrs. Juanita Kessler, representing Peters Creek Civic League 'I (presented photographs'); Mr. Ed Rideout, :ninister to Southview United Meth~dist ~ '! Church; Mr. E. G. Rob~rtson. Dent Road; >Irs. Sterling Winn, Dogwood Acres; :{ ~ Mr. Philip Clore, Spring Valley Highlands; Mr. Leo Painter; Mr. Tom Beasley; ~ ii 269 -- _ ._- .-..---- -~._. . ----------.....-.- ..-----....--. ..-..-..--.-.-..----..-. ",,,./' ~.;.--_-;: ""=-.....,,-=__""'"_c-~.~_c,:.._c-;:-."'-=--._=~,"- - , " I - I , , I '..J - i ! '_. i ,~ I 1~1 , , I i r'~specti ve1::y . :; il I' :1 " 11 i[ il// II II ,I il II II 'I ~l " :1 I' , ,I f." il II ~ !I Roanoke county Courthouse Salem, Virginia December 22, 1971 7:30 P.M. , 'I Ii ~ " 'I !l :i 'I I' il ~ ,I " II 1 , " II " II I: ~ " :I " ij The Board of Supervisors of Rc,anoke County met this day at the Cc,urthouse il " in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom. thereof, being the fourth We,dnesday !i and second regular meeting of the month. Membars Present: Chairman Lee B. Eddy, ~ 11 Ii ~ well as the Commmmeal th' s II Vice-Chairman Joseph C. Thomas, Charles H. Osterhoudt, A. T. huddlestpn ,md Earl Simms. L. The Paul B. Matthews and County Engineer-Executive Officer , respectively, Maurice Mitchell/were present as and Assistant, Mellsrs. Attorney and Assistant, Messrs. Raymond R. Robrecht & John N. Lampros, The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Supervisor-elect, Rev. C. L. Dodson to offer the invoca'tion. led given in unison to the flag(by Chairman Ec1dy. The pledge of allegiance was then ,: " , " II Ii ~ ~ II Ii 11 " il I, l: II :\ il il ~ " ji Ii ~ I! 'i !l 'I Jj !i 1,1', Mr. Crockett was ac1vised to present his specific requests to the County's ii 'I 'I I, , , II Ii On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor A. T. Huddleston anc1 the unanimous vote of the Board members, the minutes of the NO\'llmber 30, 1971 Board meeting were approved as presented. The Chairman recognized three of the County's representatives to) the Virginia General Assembly: Senator [)avid F. Thornton, Delegates-elect. Raymond Robrecht and C. Richard Cranwell. These gentlemen appeared at the Board's invitation to discuss issues of interest to the County which will come before the 1972 session of the Assembly. !\ copy of proposed changes in State legis- lation requested by the Roanoke Coun'ty Board of Supervisors dated 12/22/71, as presented to the county's representa'ti ves this day, is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Mr. C. C. Crockett, Chairma:1 of Retired Railroad Enmloyees an.:1 member of the American Association of Retir,ed Persons appeared to discuss possible legislation by the next General Assembly related to elderly automobile drivers. representatives to the Assembly. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GRANTING OR CERTAIN EASEMENTS OVER Ll\.ND NOW USED FOR PARK PURPOSES BY ROANOKE COUNTY AND REQUESTING THE CIRCUIT COURT OF ROANOKE COUNTY TO APPROVE THE GRANTIlIG OF SAID EASEMENTS WHEREAS, THE Recreation Board of Roanoke County did on December 16, 1971 pass a resolution approving the granting of certain easements for sewer lines. water lines and drainage over land now owned anc1 used for park purposes by Roanoke County to the Lee Company which is building an apartment complex to be known as the Sans Souci Apartment; Complex and which easements would include use of same with regard to the sewer and water lines by the Roanoke County Public Service Authority; and 271 v/ ii J: R.'I " !I i: " 'I 'I :1 " :1 :, II il 11 )' -""-------.--~_.._"'--_.-~~--,._.,,_.._--- ---~ .-... .. 272 12/22/71 ___~-=_-=---:;~--=-=='::"..==_--=-"'c=-~_-=:--= =_= .-C","=-==~,__--"_-=.~ --~ -=-=~___-",=,-.-c-~..,..o..,.=-----==;.=-_-"-",,,=;=...=_--o'C"'o_o~_,,=-:=-:=== 'C:",--~""::"'--===----:. ,-,,-,. '===-c_-_,=-_,:;-. '__"'-.==O:~.-'- O"'-o-=.c~"""-O::;'=.;=--c,c,,,"''''_O'_--=_c.'' i i I I Ii I )1\ I, A~y" .: &~J' I '~, ' I' ~'\'v:i! ~~~\ '.;.,: '" i ~Y';".. J :./ t~.~'~~ O/~' 411 ~J,~.?'I :, .i ' I 'V~ I i i I, :/1 II I I i I I: i I, I, I I' '. i ii -- -----._---~----- --- -- -..-----... '- - -.. .----.-..-.-----..--... -- ----- ---.-- .---.-- ---.-c--'--.--'7..,-~-. _________ ____. _.....-___..___ . ."_________. - .... ____u, ._ out; and I' ,I ii il NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the circuit Court of Roanoke County Ii I 'I :1 il il Ii !i ;1 ,i II :1 I: 11 il I, :1 il II Ii I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County concurs in the granting of said easements subject to the conditions set fort~ in the aforesaid resolution of the Roanoke County Recreation Board of December 16, 1971; be requested to approve the substance and form of such easements and if and when same are approved by the Circuit Court then they shall be executed by the Chairman of this Board; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office is hereby directed to take appropriate action to see that the foregoing is carriec1 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution and a copy of . the resolution of the Recre?tion Board be delivered to the Circuit Court by the Clerk of this Board. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: L. Earl Simms, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt. ABSTAINED: A. T. Huddleston. , Ii !I I, II II I) Souci II ! I The Recreation Board's resolution above referred to is filed with the minutes of this meeting. Mr. C. Gerald Harris, a partner in the company developing the Sans Apartment Complex, appeared in support of the requested easen~nts. IN RE: CLOSING OF LAURA ROAD BETWEEN GREENRIDGE ROAD (VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 629) AND ARCADIA DRIVE AS SHOWN ON MAP OF SECTION NO.1, GLENDALE WHICH MAP IS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 6, PAGE 14 IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA :1 il I, " 'I " " " II 'I f! 'I " ,I Ii II !I ~ I' Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas mov€d that this matter be referred back to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for further consideration. Supervisor A. T. Huddleston seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: A. T. HUddleston, L. Earl Sillllts, Joseph C. Thomas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: Charles H. Osterhoudt. Ii , :i by Mr. Le'~ Ferris, II " the Highway Depart- II :I Supervisor Charles 'I I , offered and The above substitute motion was/adopted after comments Assistant Resident Engineer, Va. Dept.. of Highways, as to why ment would like to see this road open; the original motion by H. Osterhoudt, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms was to concur in the recommendation by the Planning Commis,sion to close and vacate this portion of Laura Road. Mr. A. T. Loyd, Attorney for t,he petitioners, appeared to support the request, as did Mr. Raymond Nicholas. IN RE: SHERIFF'S REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ONE: POLICE CAR Supervi.sor A. T. Huddleston mc,ved that the Board apprc,ve the abo\7e I I I I I 274 12/22/71 i I ::"';~~;:1t~;=;"..;.~~~-=-- ~~--~-',-~~~-,~~--' '~- =~~-"~~~~~ ~--=- ~~---~:_--=-~ ~-~-::;~~::;:,':.-~:=- ~'~'~~.::":::~~-~-'-;;-:.'::::-~~~=~~::,-:;'"~~~-:,~:~' -- i C..ef1 ~ I license agreement using as a guide the three (3) existing do,:urnents being ii I~/~)i' submitted with this motion, two of which a.~e in effect in neurby localities, alOng!,! ~-_ I with the original applications of these twc firms. :1 V.~ J !,' l:upervisor Joseph C. Thomas seconded the motion which carried by the fOllO:- ~~ vote: , II ..\1 , I I,! 'I ,'1J......'I'i 'I ~L.\ Iii A letter dated December 8, 1971 to the Board Chairman from the President ;[ ,I V-tlll.., il I ~ I,,' of the Crossroads Merchants Associati.on, Wilbur E. Johnson, requesting assistance ;f , / by the Sheriff's Department in directing the flow of traffic at ~he Mall (at least il : ["I is filed with the minutes of this meeting, II 1 . on Saturdays)/together with the Sheriff's letter of 12/17/71 to the Board Chairman,i I ,; stating that the matter had been resolved to Mr. Johnson's sa tisfaction.' 'I I i Ii , 1 ! I, i' , Joseph C. Thomas and the unanimous vote of I I .' I I',., to the terms of the City Resolution No. 19950 waiving the stipulation in the City-County Sewer Contract that would cause title to approxim<ltely 683 linear feet of A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas I Charles H. Osterhoudt and Lee B. Eddy. I On motion of Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt, second'ld by Supervisor Public Service Authority's letter of 12/17/71 stating the Board members, the they that/had no Roanok,~ Co. bas ie: objections the Peters Creek Interceptor line to be conveyed to the City, was this day I received and filed. On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconc1ec1 by Supervisor / , Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimo'<1s vote of the Board, the following two I, I L-letters were this day received and filed: , , , I I I I 1 I, Schools, dated 12/17/71 responding to the Dept. of Taxation's letter by giving /; to the Board of Supervisors information on Estimated Tr\le Values of Locally " ! taxed property used j, !: localities, (effects :1 II 1 :1 gi ving 1970 true (full) value of locally assessed property in Roanoke County; and [I Co. from Dept. of Taxation dated 12/14/71 a , '.. memorandum from Bayes Eo. Wilson, Ass' t. Supt. of Business & Finance, Roanoke for distribution of different that the/dates of assessment basic State School Aid Fund to & preparation of the land book have on the State funds for education) . I ~ ' '1\ " \1t~1 Vi ~~ I~' I ,i l~P!~) I b ~-t>> '.' '~M' i , . ~. ~. .~li A:'~' \ i I I ! IN RE: HEADQUARTERS LIBRARY BUILDING - SUPERVISION OF DETAILS NOT INCLUDED IN CONTRACT On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the following recorded vote, the Board of SUgervisors cl)ncurred ii in the recommendation of the Library Board of Trustees to employ William P. il 'I Mounfield, Architect, at a fee of $3,000.00 to supervise all details of the build-: " " ing, fixtures and furnishings of the tlew Headquarters Librar-.l not included in the :! , , I contract. AYES: A. T. Huddleston, Charles H. Os,terhoudt, L. Earl Sinuns, Joseph C. j:homas and Lee B. Eddy. NAYS: None. A letter of 12/17/71 from is filed with the minutes The Library Board's the Li::'rary Board Secretary containing/recorrunenclation of this meeting. - 275" iI,' ~. ~';~"$._: . ,'" ,'f..,q hi ~. , ,.?- YO, ',.-of; " ~ci:t:~r+:::,: ~t~;':' ".' ~.~ ...._.. f ", ", ~ .," .. 'f '. . ~ .,,' ~,: . . ". '~ " /' ,,:;~),,'$J"'li t~ 4~i',~ ;Cc,~,', . ~.." ;' ,'- " " -:. 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','.;:' ~,,}?-'?~~~:;, ::'",~~~ ":',, '~'~"""''PJ!'"'" :':':,- . . -- -' ..'~,,:- ,....:.' :..,::. Jr... ~..2t':;":::;':~:: ,~." '" ,'. .':- ~ '.i. " ~h .....~-~:..... '.',.. .' .~ "'" ,. . ....., . ,. '.:. "~ ~.. ~ _.j" .' ,; .' '. '", ....,'. ';"1' ".;, ",., " :- .-;r- ~'." ~ .,.~-:', " .., , . . t~~ ..' " L' ;;,.,....- '::_" ~ . '~'. '. ,,:--.. " , "1 " ..' ~, . . , . '.~~ ,", ;'.:,': " " >" I I I I I 280 12/22/71 I , i , f,=-~--,-,.-=-=='-o-==:--=:_-=:'=c:;c-...,~c;-_ c~ '"-~ , ----- -- .---- ------_.~._-----_.. ,_______ __ ......._.. ,.... _,__.____.'m_._. l ~ Roanoke City Clerk's letter of 12/7/71 to Roanoke Co. Clerk acknelwlec1ging II communication of the County was received and filed by City in II reo City's application for use permit to operate landfill j,n north " clear zone of Municipal Airport; ,i Letter of 12/8/71 from Chairman of the Science Museum Board of TI:ustees ,I acknowledging Supervisors' resolution of 11/30/71 suggesting 'I preliminary investigation of a planetarium for Roanoke Valley area; ,! .' Notice from State Corp. Commission that Va. Stage Lines, Inc. has! made application to the Commission for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a common carrier & that a public hearing ~rill be II held thereon in Richmond on 1/18/72; :1 " Sheriff's statement of office & travel expenses incurred by Self & Deputies for November 1971; , Letter of 12/13/71 from TeleCable corporation reaffirming their willing- ness to bear a pro rata share of consultants' fees related to a County-wide CATV system; " " il 'I II iI " :1 i; ii ;1 Copy of Prelimir"ry Environmental Controls Report, prepared by the Fifth i; Planning lJistrict Commission; " :i Copy of Vol. I - Comprehensive Water, Sewer, and Storm Drainage Facilities Plan, prepared by Fifth Planning District Commission; ii 'i ;1 ii !' Copy of a letter dated 12/3/71 from Va. Highway Safety Di.vision, to Chairman of Roanoke Co. Highway Safety COIDnlission notifying approval of $5,750.00 in Federal Funds for the Vinton First Aid Crew; " " Letter of 12/7/71 from George H. Kelch, representing Association of Retired Railroac1 employees & American Assoc. of Retired Employees, seeking tax relief for senior citizens; Letter of 11/30/71 from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, V"". Highways, Richmond, Va., approving effectJ.ve 11/30/71 the additions to the Seconc1ary System of Roanoke Co.: Dept. of, following 'i :i ADDITIONS LENGTH -- Van WinXe Road from Rte. 1656 to Joplin Rd. 0.09 MI. Joplin Roac1 from Van Winkle Road to a dead end. 0.10 Mi. On motion of Supervisor A. T. Huddleston, seconded by Supervisor L. Earl Simms and the unanimous vote of the Board, the following addi,tional items were also received and filed: Ii ~l C'Junties of 12/6/71 I, of Counties' Legislative Copy of r.~mo from Executive Director, Va. Assoc. of wLth attached copy of the Virginia Association Program - 1972; v' Communications System Div. in Norfolk II Letter of 12/17/71 from RCA/to Board Chairman and response of County il Executive Officer dated 12/21/71 in reo licensinq of radic equipment:i being purchased by Fort Lewis Rescue Squad; 'I of 12/20/71 \ Copy of letter/to Foster As.sociates, Inc. and copy of letter to .lansky & " Bailey of 12/20/71 regrarding consulting services in connection with a single CATV system for Roanoke Co. (from Board Chairman) ; ...- / , I' Treasurer's repo;ct of cash requirements through December 31, 1971; ,/ Letter of 12/16/71 from C. L. Brown urging the Board to tell the City of Roanoke to use the landfill at Dixie Caverns t)r keep garl?age in Roanoke City & requesting the Board strongly opPQse use of Airport Clear Zore for this pU1"pose; The information presented by the City of Roanoke in support of their request at the 12/21/71 public hearing for speci,~l use permit to operate landfill on north clear zone of Airport; information presented by,' opposition (see minutes of 12/21/71 meeting - pa'qes 2269 & 270, Book ';23;) The Sheriff's Summary Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the County '. " Jail during the month of November, 1971 is filed with the minu'tes of this meeting. :i IN RE: 1972 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES SALE~I-ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE On motion of Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, seconded by Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt and the unanimous vote of the Board, consideration of payment I I I I I .-.'.' " .. _ '_1>' _._'~_. _ ~-",,'" 282 12/22/71 "- ~-~---~....._---_..-._._----_._.- ~- ----~. -"._--~ ---- ....-.-..-.-- -- ---,,- _____ _ __'_ .._...___..__________..u, ____.._ .--.-. _.. --... _..-.- ---.- --..-... --.- -. . . -- --. ...-.-. .-.- easements hereinafter described, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 30th day of November, 1971, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 14th day of December, 1971, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the petition recommended to this Board that the ordinance be adopted Ii " " " ii I: II " , " Ii I, j! " ij ]! " " as requested in the petition; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County c,id by its order enterec1 on the 30th day of November, 1971, as aforesaid, orde,r that the Clerk of this Board set the same down for a public hearing at the December 22, 1971, meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this 'I i: p " and time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed ordinance and gave notice I ii and advertised the same by publication as required by the order of this Board and :: ii II !i " Ii I' :1 I ,I I " 1'1 I, 'I !: Board to be held on the 22nd day of December, 1971, at 7:30 P.M., as the date in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly given and published as aforesaid; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evic1ence touching on the merits of said proposed ordinance being of the opinion that the ordinance should be adopted as requested in the petition and as recommendec1 by the Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on Decem- ber 22, 1971, the following ordinance be and the same is hereby adoptec1 so as to vacate those certain easements therein described. BE IT ORDAINED tnat those certain telephone and electric easements shown on the Map of Arrow Wooc1, dated June 15, 1966, of record in Plat Book 6, page 93, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia be and the same are abandoned, vacated and discontinued, which said easements are l2-feet in wic1th and the center line of same being the line between the following lots in Block 19 shown on the aforesaid map: Between Lot 10 and Lots 1,2,3,4 and 5 and part of Lots 6 and 9; between Lot 2 and Lots 1 and 3; between Lot 4 and Lots 3 and 5 and between part of Lot 6 and Lot 5 and part of Lot 9; insofar as said easements are included within the following boundaries: BEGINNING at Corner 1, a point of tangent on the northeasterly side of Tuckawana Circle (50 ft. wide). which is N. 49 degs. 50' W., 56.03 ft. from the point of intersection of the northeasterly side of Tuckawana Circle produced and the westerly side,of Highland Farm Road pro- duced; thence with the northeasterly side of Tuckawana Circle, N. 49 degs. 50' W. 395.74 ft. to a point of curve at Corner 2; thence with a curved line to the right whose radius is l50.~1 ft., and whose tangent length is 285.91 ft., and whose chord is N. 12 degs. 29' E., 265.66 ft., the arc length of 326.29 ft. to a point of tangent at Corner 3; thence continuing with southerly side of Tuckawana Circle, N. 74 degs. 48' E., 262.17 ft. to New Corner 4; thence with a new line in Lot 6, Block 19, Map of Arrow Wood, S. 15 degs. 12' E. 83.95 ft. to Corner 5; thence with a new line in Lot Nos. 6 and 9, S. 37 degs. 00' 47" E., 287.87 ft. to new Corner 6 I I I I I -.--..-"."'" 286 12/22/71 hold an organizational meeting on January 3, 1972 at 11:00 a.m. in the County Courtroom, Supervisor Charles H. Osterhoudt moved that the D\eeting be adjourned until that date and time; "but, as to these members, we stand adjourned sine die." L ,~,fu>- I I I , I i I I i " , I ",-.~,',',II ~, f"l ~ ;1 1:_.-! _,._1 -, ;';1 t;1 \," . ~. I ~. : I I 1/4/72 'I I I!RULES OF PROCEDURE Ii Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that this Board of Supervisors of ilRoanoke County be governed by Roberts Rules of Order Revised whenever matters of [procedure a&e in question, except that any subject may be considered informally , !without requiring a motion or vote to that effect. I I Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson seconded the motion which carried by the IfOllOWing recorded vote: I i!AYES: II ,I I' NAYS: None. II 'I !I II 'I II II il il Ii Ii " Ii ;1 ,: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, R. E. Hilton, Jr. and i J. Thomas Engleby, III. ii II II Ii " ~RESOLUTIONS OF APPRECIATION TO FO~R BOARD MEMBERS, TREASURER & COMMONWEALTH"S ii ATTORNEY. if Supervisor Richard C. Flora read a resolution of appreciation for the 'I iiser..ice of former Board member, " " " i'the Supervisor also and/similar resolutions for former Supervisors Charles II. Osterhouc1t and then moved adoption of this resolution "'"" , , .. ii'Lee B. Eddy, A. T. Huddleston, L. Earl Simms and Joseph C. Thomas, as well as for I' !i lithe Treasurer, Kathryn F. Garst and COllUnonwealth's Attorney, Ra.ymond R. RObrecht, il I' iwhose I II , iisa1.d " iiwith ~~ ~ :i ~ing recorded vote: " [iAYES: :: " terms of office all expired December 31, 1971, and furthermore, that the a gift to the outgoing members of the Board of Supervisors. Ii Ii ji " " , II follow" " resolutions of appreciation be prepared in proper form to be presented along Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded the motion which carried by the C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, John G. Seibel, R. E. Hilton, Jr. and I' J. Thomas Engleby, III. I; ;j i:NAYS: None. tI I' .I Ii I' ,I I ii il !! i' rlas a member of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors for a t'~rn, of four (4) The resolution of appreciation hereinabove adopted is spread as follows: "WHEREAS, Charles H. Osterhoudt has served the people of Roanoke County ;j Ii years; and " it :i WHEREAS, Roanoke County has undergone great change, many challenges and limuch growth during the period of h:ts service; and, - WHEREAS, due to the efforts of his leadership, unselfish service and ii devotion, the govemment of Roanoke County has been able to meet the challenges !Iof change and pro'Jide for its people; and WHEREAS, his foresight and continued concern for the future of Roanoke il County has been of great value in expanding and improving the services provided " !i I, to the people of Roanoke County by their county government; and, !' :>'1 , WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Board of Supervisors to express ii appreciation for the outstanding services rendered by Charles H. Osterhoudt to the !i :ipeople and government of Roanok.e County. NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanok.e ComIty Board of Super- [(Visors, by this Resolution, does hereby express, on behalf of itself and the peo- ;iple of Roanoke County, deep and abiding gratitude for the devoted and outstanding !I Ii service renderec1 to Roanoke County by Char~es II. Osterhoudt as a member of the 291 ,,/ v" " ii U :1 . I! i! 1/4/72 ilIN I RE: APPOINTMENT TO FAIRVIEW HOME BOARD On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconc1ed by Supervisor R. E. IHilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson was I! appointed as the Supervisors' representative to the Board of the Fairview Home to !serve at the pleasure of the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors. ~AYES: C. Lawrence DOdson, R. E. Hilton,Jr.,John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and II II NAYS: None. " Ii J. Thomas Engleby, III. II " II II IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION l' 1"1 On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. ~Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote. Supervisor J. Thomas Engleby, III, !Iwas appointed to fill the unexpired term of CharI" H. Osterhoudt, which term Ii expires September 20, 1973. II AYES: C. Lawrence DOdson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora I, I: II and J. Thomas Engleby, III. ,: , NAYS: None. " I! !! ~ ; ~ ..... !! i: i! IN RE: Ii l' i!C' Flora and the following recorded vote, the following appointments were made ~thiS day to the Fifth Planning District Commission: it " it :I ! " " :1 I, i! Ii I'; ,: " " I! :1 iiAYES: 'I " APPOINTMENTS TO FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodso~, s~conded by Supervisor RiChard ,'Supervisor Richard C. Flora to fill the unexpired term of Lee B. Eddy as the Executive Committ,ee member - term to expire June 30, 1973; !Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. to fill the unexpired term of Charles H. Osterhoudt - term to expire, June 30, 1972; ,/ Supervisor J.o h.n G. Seibel Sirruns- Ii i: !, to fill the unexpired term of L. Earl term to expire June 30, 1973. C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton.Jr. John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. i; NAYS: None. i! Ii " " ;i , "- , I , i: II IN CONSIDERATION OF RE-ALIGNING MEMBERSHIP ON ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION TO PROVIDE FOR ONE REPRESENTATIVE FROM EACH MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT RE: The Chairman indicated the Board of Supervisors would make two appoint- ,--'" f";,_1 j,- ~ " i: tj I: ments to the Roanoke County Planning Commission at sOme later date after some Ii ~consideration of re-aligning the membership to provide for one representative from :!each magisterial district. At the present there are two each from the Catawba ': and Windsor Hills Districts and one frOm Vinton, with no one representing the II ': 'I Cave Spring and Hollins Districts. " ,I IN RE: APPOINTMENT OF Sl':RVICES-PROPERTIES NEGOTIATING CO~IITTEE WHEREAS, Roanoke County, acting through its Board of Supervisors, and 293 Ii " II (,1~~ !! 1'" . J I i!Y~~\.0r;; , iil:r'YI ilV I Ii " 'I iI , " " I! I' [i ': !.' I! II , 'f I 1;)- Ii /- S;- -i" i,I,,' ~...j1 iU'o/l'r'pr\ , i,k~/ J't?~ li~ IC , 1i e- !l Ii :: , s"-'1?- I I-~-r ' it c..rd'1 ' ~;r: i, rl;;-;;::;rx '- l' ~ l./ , ..n-' " 11:"'-- I' CA' 1rL , 1'..)s41~ '1/.., 1[' k~, I. ur !: f--. 294 -..-,--------_._-- --- -------- ._,',"- -"'--'- 17. (j; (' /': oj> ~//d~ ~ ~~~0) 1'~~,\<J -X.J-y cI\~l'\~ <....'i ~,I I w!" "Y) ~. ; \ ,(.~ ; \; ~t ~ ' ,\:I -~"-l I-')t ~1l1!, ~. 1 , ?Jt>".'-\o" i ):~~'/~-) ;.,y o/G.~ ; t.t"i, / ' f> Dt;"~ ,./ -&' ; -0l~~ ' ~' 6 ' v ~ '~7' ~;5;~?-31 4"" ~ ~~q I 1/4/72 the City of Salem, acting through its Council, terminated the agreement heretofore existing between these governing bodies with regard to operation of schools and other services and, whereas, both governing bodies have indicated a willingness ,to reopen negotiations to the end that new contractual arrangements may be entered into, and I WHEREAS, the County acknowledges that the payments by the City to the County have been more than would normally be expected because such payments in- corporated the monies due the County by the City as a direct result of the City becoming a city four years ago; that the obligations of the City to the County in this regard will expire before the termination date of the present contract and that recognition of this fact should be considered in future negotiations and WHEREAS, the Boarc1 of Supervisors believes that a joint school system can be operated to provide a better school system at less cost to the citizens I, than the two governments can provide separately and whereas, the County hopes and believes that the City is acting in good faith and that a p~oposal will be forthcoming from the City for the consideration of the County. and WHEREAS, dher difference exist between these bodies whi.ch should be resolved as soon as possible, and for as long a term as possible. NOW, THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, that a serVices-properties Negotiating Committee be. and it hereby is, created for the purpose of nego- tiating forthwith on behalf of the County with such persons, or committee, as the Council of the City of Salem might select to the end of reaching accord and making recommendations in the following areas: I 1. Operation of a joint school system under Section 22-100.3 of the Code of Virginia. 2. Disposition of anyone or more of schools and other properties 10catec1 in the City of Salem owned by the County of Roanoke including the County's interest in the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center. 3. Services such as air pollution, jail, V.P.I. Extension, Welfare. 4. Any other matters mutually agread upon by the negotiating parties; and Be it further Resolved, that the following p~rsons be named to the committee to serve at the pleasure of the Board; iL, S. Waldrop, Chairman v C. Lawrence Dodson " 'I'. V. Anderton . Bayes Wilson ,John N. Lampros Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Ex Officio MembeI I Adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor iR. E. Hilton and the following recorded vote: ,AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton. John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby. : NAYS: None. ,I IN RE: BOARD'S STlu....DING COMMITTEES AND LIASON REPRESENTATIVES On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconc1ed by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. anc1 the following recorded vote, the Board Chairman was authorized to appoint members. as he may deem necessary, to the various standing committees of the County and to create such other committees and fill them as he shall 1/4/72 295 i !-..---~_.._.. I i , I i ii iifrom time to II I 'of the Board i: ji "AYES: I! ii I' :1 time consider necessary, and also to appoint liason representatives Ii Ii " Ii I Ii " " i: of Supervisors to the various departments and agencies of the County. C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr. John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. I NAYS: None. " 'I !; ii ! IN RE: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY FOR THE COUNTY /' i: Ii WHEREAS, Roanoke County has over the past several years become increasingly " " , j imore urbanized and the government thereof more complex; and !i Ii II Ii ;excell e n t and dedicated service to the County for many years and is currently I' Iperforming the j' ':Executive Secretary to manage the administrative functions WHEREAS, the present County Engineer, Paul Matthews, has performed duties of several offices in the County and there is a need for an ii i: Ii of the County government; I! S',1r ~ 1~ cfi/ ~' ~ 0)~ " ': I I, j: Ii 'lit Ii icounty II iof the !! ii [! ;i Hil ton, " I AYES: , )i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Supervisors do, and hereby does, indicate its intention to appoint an Executive Secretary for the to perform those duties and responsibilities set forth in ij 15.1-115 et Code of Virginia, the appointment to be made at the Board's election. :! " seq. ! On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence DOc1son, seconded hy Supervisor R. E. Jr., and adopted by the following recorded vote: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas , I ' --' , I' !NAYS: Engleby, In John G. Seibel. The foregoing resolution was adopted after Supervisor John G. Seibel's i!motion to table the resolution until the January 12, 1972 BoarD. meeting failed Ii lito receive a seconc1. I: ii " I: :: " :1 i! il " I 'by II 'I !I " I The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board. ~~, , i " i - I :- I -2J F>L i ., ;f'\\.-1-c1 . ~,<.. .,/, I.; ! " " 1: ,-' ,} r ~) r., j;' 'I ,,"" ,.{'..c- '7' \ \; /r^l, '-../ ,-,,' ~/" " ,:I, 'I I.'" ~'" I .~ .4;:-~"" , ,L"" f r: ) :.. -1/- r , ~ 'A~.1: C~~(I-':.o '1 JI 6'. .../ (fa //- " , /\ ,',6. '.-{(- , , "-:/('~ v.t,)/'~ ~ Ll ;.1- . v\..-'"". ,\./''i\~ C~1~) ~/~ ,;). J~ j<~ );'$..'..- -y -' (" ,~'I ~~I~;"L.. '. L:i( .. . ~a....v"""'\ . . to) 315 This day came Warren M. Miller, a representative of Rothgeb, Miller and Sells, Certified Public Accountants, and presented unto the said Board, now in session, a list of certificates of deposits of Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer of Roanoke County, with the First National Exchange Bank showing the amount of said funds on deposit with said Bank, at the close of business December 31, 1971, as follows: Certificate Interest Number Date Fund Rate Amount 1..-"'- , I Library 1/2% 100,000.00 46743 2/17/72 5 $ 46791 2/17/72 Library 5 % 50,000.00 46792 4/17/72 Library 5 1/2% 100,000.00 46793: 4/17/72 Library 5/1/2% 100,000.00 ..y~ 1 42758 3/9/72 School Construction 4 1/8% 550,000.00 ?-' ) lo" '/' 46767 6/9/72 School Construction 5 1/2% 300,000.00 if:r 46768 7/l0/n School Construction 5 1/2% 500,000.00 '~ 46769 10/10/72 School Construction 5 3/4% 500,000.0~ Y<:' ( 46770 11/10/72 School Construction 5 7/8% 742,000.00 ~? $2,942,000.00 /\~' ~' It is, therefore, ordered that the said First National Exchange Bank, 'i\~' ~ ~ Roanoke, Virginia, change the name of said account from County of Roanoke, -IE: {~ ~ , '-c Virginia, Kathryn F. Garst, Treasurer to County of Roanoke, Virginia, Alfred C. tiJ _ (j4' Anderson, Treasurer. ,~'rL'V' I On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and adopted by the following recordec1 vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. , There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the meeting adjourned. ......,\ i --' ~/ '-:1 I.J 316 v/ ./v ~;":;~ ~,.f'~-I tt i I i , i , I I ) I V I .V1-=t.' I ....1, , ) I~' ~<t~) j ~V'" ) ~~~'I , Ct, e. c... .~,,1'- ~~ ",,')'" , ;;Vj/~ e~~' '\.-'~ } ;4),D",\\. \ ~ "l> 1(' ' ~Jvn,\o'\" Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia January 12, 1972 2:00 p.m. The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia, in the County Courtroom, being the second Wednesday and first regular meeting of this month. Members present: J. Thomas Engleby, III, Chair- I man; Richard C. Flora, Vice Chairman; C. Lawrence DOdson; R. E. Hilton, Jr.; and John G. Seibel. The Commonwealth's Attorney, Mr. John N. Lampros was also present, as well as the County Engineer and Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews I and Maurice Mitchell, respectively. The Chairman callec1 the meeting to order and introduced Rev. Myron W. Arledge, minister to the Midland Baptist Church, who offered the inv ~ation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison to the flag led by Chairman Engleby. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the minutes of the following meetings were approved as spread: December 22. 1971; December 31, 1971; January 4, 1972 and January 10, 1972. I / IN RE: DONATION OF EASEMENT TO ROANOKE COUN'rY BY MILTON S. HILLIER & GLEN NAFF (PROPERTY SOUTHEAST OF HOLLINS FIRE STATION) Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the resolution regarding the be above matter/received and tabled until the January 26, 1972 meeting of this Board Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora . and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Attorney Charles Phillips appeared to represent Messrs. Hillier and Naff and presented for the Board's adoption the above-mentioned Resolution. I IN RE: LOAN TO SALEM-ROANOKE VALLEY CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Roanoke County Eoard of I Supervisors extend the $7.500.00 loan to the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission for another ninety (90) days from its due date. (See Board minutes of 10/27/71) Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson seconded the motion which carriec1 by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engeby, III. NAYS: None. , S,1?--. i,_I N-l' i? referred ,~ rf""...r executing!: ~#1 1/12/72 The Civic Center Commission's letter of 12/29/71 requesting the aforementioned loan extension is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE FINANCING STATEMENT TO COMPLETE THE LEASE CONTRACT WITH SHOUP VOTING MACHINE CORP. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. "Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board, the above matter was to the Commonwealth's Attorney for a legal opinion as to the necessity of the financing statement submitted by IDS Leasing Corporation in their letter of -" 12/6/72. IN RE: EMPLOYMENT OF ATTORNEY HARLIN PERRINE TO INSTITUTE CHANCERY SUIT TO COLLECT DELINQUENT REAL ESTATE TAXES On moticn of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John III'I! ! t :~ G. Seibel. it is ORDERED that Harlin Perrine Attorney of Sale.'. Virginia, BE, anc1 I' is :'he/hereby employed by this Board as Its attorney only for the purpose of institut- , !:ing a Chancery suit, or taking whatever other means he deems advisable to collect " " ii all of the delinquent real estate taxes due and o,.ing to the County of Roanoke. Ii Virginia, upon a certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being in Salem and later " ::TOwn of Salem Magisterial District, Roanoke county, Virginia, which wa~ assessed - !,UpOn the Commissioner's Land Books of Roanoke County, Virginia for the years 1961 " ['through 1967 in the name of Donald William and Inez V. Heinz, and was ti>?scribed :! ,Ion said Land Books as Lot seven (7) near Salem; as compensation for his services '~in and about collecting said taxes, it is further ORDERED that said Attorney Ii ii Perrine be paid a commission of no% of the amount of County taxes collected by him ,.from the sale of the aforesaid real estate, which percent of commission was 'idetermined by the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County. "AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel., Richard C. Flora. and J. Thomas Engleby. III. " ,NAYS: None. The Collector of Delinquent Taxes, Mr. Nash Tyler, appeared in regard -, to the foregoing matter and also presented for the Board's information an outline '......J of the escheating procedure by which the County could sell unclaimed land. :-:1 IN RE: TWO ADDENDA BUDGET REQUESTS OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OF THE ROANOKE VALLEY On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor ,C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board, the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors acknowledged and approved the two addenda budget requests of the Mental Health Services of the Roanoke Valley to be submitted to the Commissioner 'of the Department of Mental Hygiene and Hospitals for State flIDc1S for (1) expan- sion of the Jerome Natt Pre-School and Day Care Service and (2) a summer camping program at Camp Virginia Jaycee, as outlined in the Mental Health Services letter 317 / 3-1V .' }-I , y;-- i~~ "i -tv : (11) ~-r ~~~ -1~. 1/ 1~,):~ -'- ,'.V~'(~ '>~ ,;, '1 f)w ~.-",'i ' ~JP~ - :.I' ~)/ 1hJ(;Jtt ' ~\,2Ji, ~..~~..,.~ 1/12/72 so as to include the same in a "Residential District R-2". WHEREAS, Millicent O. Etheridge by counsel has this day presented to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, at its regular meeting a petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke. Virginia, in so as to incluc:ie/a "Residential District R-3" as defined by the ordinance, a parcel of land designated as Lots 15 anc1 16, Section 13, as shown by the Map of Mount Vernon Heights, Survey No.1, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the county of Roalioke in Plat Book 2, page 67; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that said petition should be filed and referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County and a public hearing be subsequently held as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that the petition of Millicent O. Etheridge be fisd; that said petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation as required by the appropriate statutes and orc1inances; and that after the clerk of this Board receives such report from said commission or after a period of ninety days has elapsed after the first meeting of said commission after this reference after which time it may be assumed said commission has approved the petition, ,i the clerk of this Board shall forthwith schedule a public hearing on the questior. .-.. of amenning said Zoning Ordinance to include said land briefly designated as Lot 15 and 16, Section 13, Mount Vernon Heights, Survey No.1, in a "ResiClential , - District R-2" after giving notices as required by the statutes and ordinances for such cases made and provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the clerk of this Board attest a true copy of this resolution and deliver the same to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., anc1 seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora and adopted on a recorded vote as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. llilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby. III. NAYS: None. 319 ,1r " /J~ -tju.:, '~~y flVSf-t' ~~ (1. \ ) ~~ ~_..-, ; / , IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY OF NELSON DEHART MARY LEE DEHART & W. PRICE FIELDS RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION filing and ~eferring to the Planning Commission of the County a Roanoke a petition of Nelson Dehart, Mary Lee Dehart and W. Price Fields to rezone adjacent parcels of land, containing 40,421 square feet and 21,879 square feet respectively, so as to include the same in a "Business District B-3". WHEREAS Nelson Dehart and Mary Lee Dehart. husband and wife. and W. Price Fields, as the legal and equitable owners, by counsel have this day presented to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke. Virginia, at its regular , 13- 1 ?-- t- -I)r..:.., ~1~ ' ^~. or};- bJ;:;<, ~. 320 v/ 'Y' ' e,1 .J.o/ y ~ O"'-tc ~~~~. -t~lh L~{V-~ ' p&,1 1/12/72 meeting a petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, so as to include the two adjacent parcels of land, containing 40,421 square feet and 21.879 square feet respectively, in the County of Roanoke in a "Business District B-3" as defined by the ordinance; and WHEREAS, it appearing to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that said petition shoUli be filed and referrec1 to the Planning Commission I of Roanoke county and a public hearing be subsequently held as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that the petition of Nelson Dehart, Mary Lee Dehart and W. Price Fields be filed; that said petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of I Roanoke County be, and the same hereby is. referred to the Planning Co~~ission of Roanoke County for recommendation as required by the appropriate statutes and ordinances; and that after the clerk of this Board receives such report from said commission or after a period of ninety days has elapsed after the first meeting of said commission after this reference after which time it may be assumed said commission has approved the petiton, the clerk of this Board shall forthwith schedule a public hearing on the question of amending said Zoning Ordinance to include said adjacent parcels of land containing 40,421 square feet and 21,879 square feet respectively in a "Business District B-3" after giving notices as required by the statutes and ordinances for such cases made and provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the clerk of this Board attest a true copy of this resolution and deliver the same to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of I the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia. The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and seconc1ed by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and adopted on a recorded vote as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr. John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS, None. IN HE: REZONING OF A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD (VIRGINIA ROUTE 118) IN THE VICINITY OF THE ENTRANCE ROAD OF THE ROANOKE AIRPORT lU~D SECONDARY ROUTE 118 AND ADJOINING THE PROPERTY OF DOUGLAS M. RUSSELL ORDER I This day came Ralph Patrick, et al. by counsel and asked leave to file their petition relative to the rezoning of a parcel of land situate on the n0rtherly side of Airport Road (Virginia Route 118) in the vicinity of the entrance road of the Roanoke Airport and Secondary Route 118, and specifically I described in said petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at its regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County. Virginia, the said petition be, and the same is hereby filed. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ~ID ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be. and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommenda-! .......... r 322 1/12/72 NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: J. Thomas Engleby, III. Chairman Engleby, pursuant to requirements of State Law, disclosed that he was interested in the petition as petitioner's attorney for a long time, as holder of a note against the real estate, and as attorney for and with part interest in, the company having an option to purchase the land from petitioner I and that he would abstain from any actions regarding the above petition of J. C. Hoelle. After some discussion the Chairman requested that "No Smoking" signs I be placed in the Courtroom during the Board of Supervisors meetings. '/ IN RE: ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AND SANITATION ADVISORY CO~~ITTEE On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. I -V ^ .~ i' \r't''7~) . ~,^\~ jP~~ [, ~- v r Lawrence Dodson and the following recorded vote, the Board Chairman was authorizec1 to appoint a stuc1Y committee to consider the establishment of an Environment Protection and Sanitation committee and determine its authority and scope. to be composed of one member from each magisterial district, said study committee to bring back recommendations to this Board by the first meeting in March. Engleby, III. I AYES, C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence DOc1son, and the unanimous vote of the Board, the following items were this day received and filed: Order of U. S. Fec1eral Power Commission allowing the Board of Supervisors to intervene, in the public interest, in the application of Va. Elec. and Power Co. for a pr~liminary permit for proposed project #2717; Notice from State Corp. Commission that General Motor Lines has applied for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a common carrier of property; I " Notice from State Corp. Commission that Atlantic Greyhound Lines of Va.. Inc. has applied for a certificate of public convenience and necessity as a common carrier of passengers, etc. of 12/21/71 Letter/from Clerk of Roanoke City School Board to Supervisors' Chair- man acknowledging receipt of County's resolution re: feasibility of constructing a regional planetarium in cooperation with Roanoke City school board and other Valley political subdivisions; ofJ..2/l7/71 Letter (copy)/from Roanoke City Clerk to Roanoke City School Board Chairman transmitting County's planetarium reSOlution; Letter of 12/20/71 from Va, Dept. of Highways, District Engineer to Board Chairman re: County's resolution requesting improvements to Rte. 419 between Rte. 221 & the south corporate line of Salem;' I , Letter of 12/21/71 from Douglas B. Fugate, Highway Corr~issioner, Richmond to Co. Clerk re: county's resolution requesting improvements to Rte. 419 between Rte. 11 in Salem & Rte. 221 at Cave Spring; Copy of letter dated 12/28/71 from Highway Dept. Commissioner to members of Legislature & others receiving copy of proposed"Ttm-Year Program of Highway Improvement" re: proposal for a $25.00 reinstatement fee for revoked drivers licenses. 1/12/72 323 Copy of a letter dated 12/28/71 from Highway Dept. Commissioner to Hon. J. warren White, Jr. acknowledging Mr. White's comments on the proposal for a $25.00 reinstatement fee for revoked drivers' licenses: Copy of letter dated 12/16/71 from Roanoke City Clerk to Roanoke City Manager acknowledging notification from Mr. Hirst about public hearing held by County Supervisors & Plmlning Commission on City's application for special-use permit to operate a l.tndfill in north clear zone of Wooc1rum Field; Letter dated 1/3/72 from Marion S. Roberts opposing the City of Roanoke's ,/ plan to operate a temporary landfill in the north clear zone of Woodrum Field; Copy of a letter dated 12/8/71 from Roanoke City Clerk to City's Sewer Committee transmitting two requests from Roanoke co. Public Service Authority in connection with the Tinker Creek Interceptor Sewer Line; Notice from State Corp. Commission that a public hearing will be held on January 25. 1972. in Richmond on proposed revisions to the Virginia Fire Safety Regulations submitted to the Commission by the Chief Fire Marshall; Notice from State Corp. Comm. that a public hearing will be held on January 25, 1972, in Richmond on proposed revisions to the Virginia Industrialized Building Unit and Mobile nome Safety Regulations submitted by the Chief Fire Marshall; Letter dated 12/16/71 from Clinton Slusher, Salem City Councilman, to County Clerk with enclosures regarding school system; Salem, City Council's resolutions 121 & 122 reo negotiating on school services contract; Bulletin from Chairman of State Board for Community Colleges setting forth guidelines for the selection of members of commlli~ity College Boards; / - Letter of 12/23/71 from State Water Control Board to Supervisors' :hairman setting forth a ruling the Water Control Board made at its / meeting on July 26, 1971 entitled "Communities Reconunended for Federal/State Sewerage Construction Grants -- Fiscal years 1971-1975. " . Copy of letter dated 12/17/71 from Robert C. Fitzgerald, Attorney, to County Executive Officer in reo John E. higgins, et al v. City of Roanoke, et al annexation case, accompanied by the opinion of the Supreme Court of Virginia in the Higgins case; / Letter of 12/29/71 from T. V. Anderton, Chairman of Fleet Master, Inc. to Board Chairman stating his firm's intent to sell the COWlty 10 GMC diesel tractors & setting forth his compliance with the conflict of interest statutes since he is a member of the County School Board; -- Copy of December 1971 Virginiair Bulletin prepared by State Air Pollution Control Board; ".-'.: Auditors' report on the records of the County Collector of Delinquent Accounts for the fiscal year enc1ed June 30, 1971; Letter dated 12/20/71 from J. E. Harwood, Deputy Commissioner, Va. Dept. of Highways. Richmond, Va. listing the following additions to the Seconc1ary System of Highways in Roanoke County, effective 11/1/71 : North Spring Drive - from present end Rte. 1558 , --' northwest to Summer Drive 0.07 Mi. S unune r Drive - from North Spring Drive East to a deac1 end 0.03 Hi. Summer Drive. from North Spring Drive West to a dead end. 0.03 Hi. ; . i t. i I --' . Treasurer's report, spread as follows: At the close of business December 31, 1971, there was to the credit of the following: / General Revenue Fund - Available Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Bond) - Available Cash School Construction Fund (Local) - Ava~ble Cash School Textbook Fund . Available Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash Library Construction Fund - Available Cash Parks & Recreation Construction fund - Available Cash F.l.C.A. Contribution Fund - Available Cash (OVER) $ 1,659,796.18 3.451.69 196,277.20 14,382.88 1,865.98 57,808.94 140,288.57 47,298.76 45,058.81 ,C',,,. - 324 1/12/72 Retirement Contribution Fund - Available Cash Air Pollution Control - Available Cash Federal Programs Fund Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst $ 4.773.10 1,953.84 14,191.67 210.66 $ 2,187,358.28 Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Farmers National Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt , Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent Public Bljg. Debt , Bank of Virginia of the SW - Paying Agent Sch)ol Debt First National Exchange Bank - Paying Agent Sc:\ool Debt Deferred Credit Account - James E. Peters $ 2,000.00 2,158,136.37 14,191. 67 1,865.98 6,000.17 360.00 66.40 4,650.00 87.69 $ 2,187,358.26 I I Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank $ 1,400,073.00 1,750,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,800,000.00 2,592,000.00 450,000.00 $ 9,992,073.00 Certificates of Deposit - Library Construction First National Exchange Bank $ 350,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation Mountain Trust Bank $ 200,000.00 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kathr]n F. Garst DB Kathryn F. Garst" I / IN RE: BILL FROM DANIEL A. ROBINSON & ASSOCIATES FOR SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION SUITS ) )10/ i J ,e ~ i .;.!f ,.) ~.tJ, C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the Board approved payment to Daniel ::J~~[ -;1' A. Robinson & Associates for accounting & financing services for the defense Cr'~J I,' of Roanoke County Annexation Suits (Consolidated) for the period of 11/1/71 to l2/20/7l in the amount of $5,674.07, in accordance with their statement dated On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor Richard 12/20/71. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson. R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. I i NAYS: None. '10~( j IY 'IN RE: llC. ~,,~ ' u~~J, di e,.CY:;t : Lawrence .v Co' bill in BILL FROM FITZGERALD, SMITH & DAVIS FOR SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH ANNEXATION SUIT "JOHN E. HIGGINS. ET AL v. CITY OF ROANOKE, ET AL" I On motion of Supe~visor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Dodson, and the following recorded vote. the Board approved payment of a the amount of $11.479.93 of FitZgerald. Smith & Davis law firm for services rendered in connection with the anr,exation suit entitled "John E. Higgins. et al v. : City of RoanOke, et al" for the periOd June 30, 1969 through December 1, 1971: ,AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. Seibel. Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. 1/12/72 IN RE: LIVESTOCK CLAIMS OF CLAUDE SIRRY -2 sheep M. S. THOMAS - 3 ewes & 3 lambs DAVID RICHARDSON - 1 drake J. P. MASTERSON - 19 laying nens JOSEPH WILLIAM MUSE - 7 turkeys 4 chickens 2 bantams On motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and the following recorded vote, the Board deferred consideration' of the payment of livestock claims pending a report by the Commonwealth's Attorney as to the County's liability in such matters. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III NAYS: None. IN RE: 1972 ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES SALEM-ROANOKE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SuperVisor John G. Seibel moved to table the payment of this bill until the second meeting in February. Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora . , - and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. An initial motion by Mr. Seibel to forego payment of this bill for 1972 died for lack of a second. COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, se,:onded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Bi-weekly dated 1/6/72) were approved for payment in the gross amount of $25,465.04, from / v which the sum of $1,324.24 F.I.C.A.; $2,626.54 F.I.T.; $479.45 State Income / " ~ Tax; $10.00 Uniforms; $12.00 Accounts Insurance; $491.90 Blue Cross; $64.17 / / Retirement; $564.62 Miscellaneous Expenses, are to be deducted leaving a net payroll of $19,892.12. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson. R. E. Uilton. Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. , .1 : ~-" 1 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor Richard C. FIOLa. seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the current bills amounting to $51,894.67 and the bills paid since the last board meeting amounting to $139,165.45 were approved for payment presently and retro-actively. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr.. John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. 325 ,/ ))18)'1~ ~f;) ~' I QT{ ~ I /.::;~ /7:>-- / ? ... ~- ~.1Y ~' ~ ~\1?' , ~W' r',~ t- , h.1?- [ ,,16 ,ct: ' .. "wlJ!:,' / :.-.i~YF .'~~. . C! ~ " ~..ftrr' ,. '6,12--- '...... ,-, " " f!E::J oj.- C~,~ 1/12/72 Capital Improvements Committee C. Lawrence Dodson, Cha.rman , Paul B. Matthews .R. E. Hilton, Jr. //Transportation Committee J:>hn G. Seibel" / R. E. lIilton, Jr. "Paul B. Matthews School Board, Liason Representatives: R. E. Hilton, Jr. 'Richard C. Flora John G. Seibel.'" " Fire Departments & Rescue Squads, Liaison Representative Richard C. Flora -" Roanoke County Highway Safety Commissio~ Liaison Representative John G. Seibel.' Mental lIealth Services Board of Roanoke Valley, Liaison C. Lawrence Dodson Representative 327 ./ Roanoke County Electrical Examining Board, Liaison Representative R. E. Hilton, Jr. / ", v-- Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Boarc1 of Supervisors appoint, !J.i-'f, Jt~ 11J-v'vI,,,}/- David A. Updike to a four (4) year term on the Roanoke County Planning Commission' J}/", ,~',--1/"1~, 'i' y~./? , "p'I' ,t' ,(!/ [J.//? . ~ VV'i 1~f.q: ( .' V' 1"11 ,<\j rL \ ,-fytA" , O,J/, ) ~I"t' , CL: " Roanoke County Building Code Board of Adjustments & Appeals / R. E. Hilton, Jr, L:La:Lson Representative / Library Board of Trustees, LiaSon Representative ," C. Lawrence Dodson ,/ Plumbers Examining Board, Liaison Representative John G. Seibel ..- ,/ Air Pollution Advisory & Appeals Board, Liaison Representative ~J. Thomas Engleby. III Recreation Board, Liaison Representativ~ John G. Se:Lbel , ~ ~ IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO RECREATION BOARD On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. anc1 the unanimous vote of the Board, K. B. Graham of 4943 Hunting Hills Drive, SW. Roanoke, was appointed for a three (3) year term to the take effect immediately, said appointment to fill/vacancy created by the 11/13/71 expired term of Robert II. Logan, Jr. IN RE: APPOINTMENT '1'0 ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMl-lISSION '-1 J effective immediately to fill the vacancy created by the 1/1/72 expired term of Oliver S. Woody and, furthermore, that the Chairman be authorized to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Woody for his service to Roanoke County in this capacity. :-i L..J Supervisor R. E. Hilton. Jr. seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Consideration of the appointment of someone to the Fifth Plmlning District Commission to fill the v~cancy left by Oliver S. Woody to be taken up v ~~ :,~~"~ .:::..~_f ~/!:' . (z'" , V"f"l, 0 . ~-r.L, ...-::,;./ifyl. . >'-'. ,yf' (/ C-t.-' h.-~~ ~c 328 1/12/12 at the next meeting. On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence DOdson, seconded by Supervisor adjourned. I Richard C. Flora and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the meeting ~ cw~~ I I I I 332 1/26/72 ,/ IN RE: RECOMMENDATION OF ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ON ROANOKE CITY'S APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL-USE PERMIT (CONDITIONAL) TO OPERATE A SN,ITARY LANDFILL IN NORTH CLEAR ZONE OF ROANOKE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT IN ROANOKE COUNTY -/ f(;.1 '1 II ,ceived and filed and the Clerk directed to place the matter upon the February a, (I' i>- 1'" i Ll 1972 agenda for consideration at that time. eA:,C, ~ /~. ~ ~~~.;/ tion to the City's request: 1J '~)'L- ~~ On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., I being absent, the above-statec1 recommendation of the Planning Commission was re- The Chairman recognized two County citizens who appeared to express opposi- Messrs. Van Wimmer and C. H. Lewis. I A letter of good wishes to the newly-elected Board of Supervisors and offer 'i of assistance was this day read to the Board by The Windsor Hills Civic League's President, Mr. Frank N. Small and upon motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the following vote the said letter was received and filed: AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. Mr. Ed Kidd, President of Roanoke County Federation of Civic Leagues presented I two resolutions adopted by said League: (1) offering their cooperation to the Supervisors and (2) requesting a study designed to result in a stable zoning plan for the County, and also requesting the present moratorium be extended 3 months after such a plan has been made public. Upon motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. being absent, the above two resolutions were received and filed for further consideration. Mr. David E. Trout, President of the Oak Grove Civic League presented a let- I ter from the League asking the Board to adopt certain proposed changes in panning and zoning procec1ures. Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Board receive and file the letter and proposed changes in planning and zoning procedures and, furthermore, that I the Clerk be directed to forward copies of same to the Roanoke County Planning Commission, Commonwealth's Attorney anc1 the Code Revision Committee for their consideration anc1 comment. Supervisor c. Lawrence Dodson seconded the motion which carried by the following vote: AYES: All NAYS: None. ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. ___J<"""~ .'_ 334 1/26/72 IN RE: LIVESTOCK CLAIMS OF v' CLAUDE SIRRY - 2 sheep M. S. THOMAS - 3 ewes & 3 lambs" v DAVID RICHARDSON - 1 drake /J. P. MASTERSON - 19 laying hens JOSEPH WILLIAM MUSE - 7 turkeys 4 chickens 2 bantams ~ 1:' ~ ~ "" .,.i.. .f ,.,.<vi... ,... G. ,.io.', ,...,,,, oy '.,.<vimo. e. ,....... ~J~~ Dodson and the following recorded vote, the above livestock claims totaling, A~ ' i: $246.75 were approved for payment: ,,'Y , AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas ,,'" I Engleby, III. I NAYS: None. , ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. i IN RE: AMENDMENT TO STATE CODE ALLOWING ROANOKE COUNTY TO COME UNDER SPECIAL LEGISLATION REGARDING LIVESTOCK CLAIMS "'1T .(.~ .? ./ .-f;:' ~ ~. Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Commonwealth's Attorney be authorized to prepare a resolution reques~ing the County's representatives to the Virginia General Assembly to amend the State Code whereby Roanoke County would be allowed to fall within areas of special legislation requiring people with injured or killec1 livestock to exhaust their legal remec1ies against the owner of the dog doing the damage or if they have insurance to attempt to collect, before claiming compensation from the County. Supervisor C; Lawrence Dodson seconded the motion which carried by the I following vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. '/ IN RE: FINANCING STATEMENT SUBMITTED BY IDS LEASING CORPORATION REGARDING SHOUP VOTING MACHINES Upon rece~ of a written report by the Commonwealth's Attorney of January 25, statement 1972, advising that it was not necessary to execute the said finan~ing(, the I Board authorized the Commonwealth's Attorney to ret~rn same to IDS Leasing Corpora- tion, on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and the unanimous vote of the Board members present, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. being absent. I IN RE: PROGRESS REPORT OF COl~Y'S SEWER NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. being absent. the above report dated 1/26/72 was this c1ay received and filed. ~~.,~.",.~ _T.~....A..'rk~~,"':Io!:~___~,.. _'~__'_'____'_._ 1/26/72 335 II i: IN RE: i! !i " " COUNTY PLANNER Supervisor Richard C. Flora stated while the County Planner Committee had no formal report at this time that it was the consensus of the Committee that the employment of a Planner should be included in the plans for any changes in the structure of the County's government. -_...) IN RE: CENTRAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR COUNTY Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the C & P Telephone Company be authorized to install the necessary switching equipment along with switchboard for a central telephone system for the County to include the Courthouse, Health,& Depts. WelfareJ School Administration and Public Service Authority; that said installa- i,i ,,_</..- 7:::L-. '. -"- t' i;11'r?~ . t7~~i H ..~. azt; ~~ Q,~', tion be coordinated with the County Engineer's Office and that the Chairman of this Board be authorizec1 to execute the appropriate contract with the said Telephone Co.; and, furthermore, this Board of Supervisors does hereby rescind the motion adopted December 22, 1971 wherein the appropr~of $2,500.00 was made for the installation of a central switchboard for the Roanoke County Welfare Dept. Supervisor John G. Seibel secondec1 the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. FloramD J. Thomas Engleby, -, III. - NAYS: None. ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. IN RE: INTERGOVERNMENT LANDFILL , SuperVisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Board Chairman be authorized to write a letter to the Cities of Salem and Roanoke and the Town of Vi;;ton ~' conveying the interest of Roanoke County in establishing ~ committee to study the ,~~ solid waste disposal problem and to attempt to locate a landfill in the Valley "~J~~) and, furthermore, that if said letter is favorably received that the Board Chair-:,' ni,~1f\ IF )'\Y~ man be further authorized to name a County representative to serve on such commit': ~1!1' ~Jl-1 r ~\' :;" '~ tee. I , , Supervisor - vote: AYES. All NAYS: None. John G. Seibel seconded the motion which carriec1 by the following -~, '.! " , ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. IN RE; REGIONAL JAIL CONCEPT Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Commonwealth's Attorney be ~ 4- '1 ;;>- directed to prepare a resolution directed to the Fifth Planning District Commis- ~ ~ sion expressing this Board's interest in the regional jail concept and requesting ~, f7-I-/.; ( that the said Fifth Planning District Commission proceed with its planning in this ~ regard, said resolution to be accompanied by a letter from this Board's Chairman. 336 1/26/'12 Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson secor.ded the motion which carried by unani- mous vote of the members present, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. being absent. Supervisor Richard 'C. Flora advised the Board that the County's Newsletter I would be back in circulation within a week or two with a political science major from Roanoke Colle'9'e, Tom Turner, working On the publication. On motion of Supervisor Rich~rd C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor I Lawrence Dodson anc1 the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. being absent, the following items were this day received and filed: Activities Report of the Commonwealth's Attorney's Office for 1971; , Letter of 1/5/72 from Roanoke City Clerk to county Clerk forwarding City Council's Resolution 120014 amending the City-County Sewer Contract by adding 12.855 acre area of land east of Bandy Road (Rte. 666) in County owned by Garden Development Corporation & stating formula for determining charge for sewage treatment service; Copy of letter from Roanoke City Clerk to City's Landfill Committee Chairman dated 1/19/72 acknowledging Committee's Report ~jvising that City is waiting for reply from County on request to operate landfill on North Qear Zone of Airport and in meantime Publi~ Works Dept. of City is making every effort to continue to use present limited area; / Report of the State Archivist on the Study of Records-Keeping procedures of Courts of Record in Virginia; / Letter of 1/11172 from Roanoke Cablevision, Inc. reo their continued interest in offering Cable television service throughout the County; I / Letter of 1/19/72 from P. A. Stevens, Jr. opposing proposed landfill in the north clear zone of the MuniCipal Airport as requE,sted by Roanoke City; Letter of 1/7/72 from Clerk of Botetourt county Public Schools to Roanoke County Board of Supervisors advising that their School Board voted to support feasibility study by Fifth Planning District commission for proposed regional planetarium. COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Richarc1 C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the following recorded vote, the County payrolls (Semi-monthly dated l/14/72 and Bi-weekly dated 1/20/72) were approved for payment in the gross," amount of $59,302.46, from which the sum of $2,987.80 F.I.C.A.; $6,645.19 F.I.T.; $1,145.59 ~tate Income Tax; $1,641.30 Blue Cross Ins.; $2,309.65 R~tirement; $1,124.34 Miscellaneous Expenses and $32.50 United Fund is deducted leaving a net payroll of $43,416.09. I AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. I ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. v ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT -/ . 1/ .' d'~ . J/' j~ . r'~y"J, .y" On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora. seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence to Dodson and the following recorded vote, the current bills amounting/$56,6l9.43 and the bills paid since the last Board meeting amounting to $96,713.15 were 338 / 11..1 /U ~'j' () ~r.\-'~ ~1~~i ~ %~.I, ~, 1\" 4::-~ 9~ : ~, . ~ ; 1/26/72 IN RE: RECOMMENDATIONS OF COUNTY NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE ON NEW SERVICES CONTRACT WITH CITY OF SALEM (IN MEMO FORM DATED 1/26/72) Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that this document, which is the feeling of the Negotiating Committee and Boarc of Supervisors on similar and additional provisions that should be inccrporated in the Services Contract, be forwarded to Salem City Council and Salen, City School Board members, tonightif possine, for their consideration and comments. Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: NOne. ABSENT: R. E. HDton, Jr. A copy of the above memo dated 1/26/72 giving the County Committee's recommendations on a proposed new Services Cont:ract is filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: BILL OF CHAPMAN-TANEY-PAINTER-LOGAN, Inc. FOR BOND PREMIUM ON EACH MEMBER BOARD OF SUPERVISORS On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, secondec1 by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and the following recorded vote, the Board approved payment of the bond premium for each Supervisor @ $36.00 each for the period of January 1, 1972 through December 31, 1975 to Chapman-Taney-Painter-Logan, Inc.: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. . /' ~. !i IN RE: APPOINTMENTS TO MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES BOARD OF ROANOKE VALLEY On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the following were appointed for three year terr.s to the Mental Health Services Board of the Roanoke Valley, said terms to expire December 31, 1974: Mr. Frank Sparks (Supervisor of Special Education) 912 Claiborne Ave. - Vinton, Va. Mrs. W. Conrad Stone 4019 Lake Drive, SW - Roanoke, Va. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson. John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO ROANOKE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION I I I I I ,:1 / y' ;; J,11!? ::.?~ " I] to the Roanoke County Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the J,~ expired term of Roy Hash; and, furthermore, the Chairman of the Board was directed' ~.C/~. ~~~V AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, ~ ~~, ~ 1/26/72 On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and the following recorded vote, Mr. Anthony C. Maier of Bent Mountain in the Cave Spring Magisterial District, was appointed for a four (4) year term - ,-' to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Hash for his service in this regard: III. NAYS: None. - ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, Jr. -' IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION On motion of Supervisor Richarc1 C. Floro'"seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the following recorded vote, Mr. Robert H. Richardson of 5146 Craun Lane, NW Roanke, Virginia, was appointed to the Fifth Planning District Commis- sion to fill the unexpired term of OliverS. Woody, resigned, which term expires June 30, 1974. AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Engleby, III. .i; NAYS: None. -- ~l ABSENT: R. E. Hilton, J,r. i !t - John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. ~homas IN RE: STUDY COMMITTEE - ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION & SANITATION On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of the members present, Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. being absent, the following individuals were appointed to a study committee to propose guidelines for an Environment pro::ection and Sanitation Committee: Messrs. Carter Bradley, Richard C. Flora anc1 Maurice Mitchell. The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora. seconded :""""'\ , I - by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of the members present Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. being absent. j ~~r- 339 ; ,.. 4~ !.-trl-' ~fi 4i~ ' .. fl- ' :'~1'~ i,' ~~ilii. I':~" " ~ ~ - ;!fW~ ~/.;t;; :::!1!:) tf} ~ /' I'J'::,M. / 'fh' -0,\ ~' 2/8/72 341 ..- -. - - -- .-------~_._--_-.._~ --~----,-- on which the Hollins Fire Station is located; a fee simple interest in approximately 2.09 feet in width for the entire length of same where the Hollins Fire Station encroaches on the property to be conveyed to Milton S. Hillier and Glenn Naff, now known as the Oakey property; and 20 foot easen~nt for ingress and egress, extending from the Northeast corner of the Oakey property, in an Easterly direction, parallel to the Southerly property line of the Roanoke County property, approxi- mately 230.62 feet; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commonwealth's Attorney on behalf of this Board petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County to appoint a discreet and competent attorney at law to examine the title to said tract of land and, pending the approval of said title, to petition the Circuit Court of Roanoke County for an order approving the acceptance of a deed, as approved by the Commonwealth's Attorney, to said real estate by this Board through Paul B. Matthews, County Engineer, its duly authorized agent. Adopted on motion of Supervisor RiChard C. Flora, seconded by Super- -, I visor C. Lawrence Dodson. and the following recordec1 vote: ': :i i' Ii !i If " " I! " II 11 AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence DOdson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Attorney, Charles B. Phillips appeared to represent Messrs. Hillier & Naff. - IN RE: APPLICATION OF CITY OF ROANOKE FOR SPECIAL-USE PERMIT (CONDITIONAL) TO OPERATE A SANITARY LANDFILL IN THE NORTH CLEAR ZONE OF ROANOKE MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ~).; Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. moved that the Roanoke County Board of ~.2._1S'-7~ C' " of- cA/t t. :C~ ~~,,;J' ~4~ ~, ~ / if. Supervisors deny the City of Roanoke's application to use the north clear zone of the Airport for a landfill and that the Board extend the invitation to the said City to use the Dixie Caverns landfill until such time as a suitable land- fill can be 10catec1 for both Roanoke City and Roanoke County. Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr. C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora , i, - and J. Thomas Engleby, III NAYS: None. Prior to the foregoing action, the Chairman recognized Messrs. Julian --, 1:1 ~ ! " Hirst and James Kincanon, Roanoke City Manager and Attorney, respectively, who appeared to support the City's reques~. Appearing in opposition to the request: Mr. Ed Kidd, President of Roanoke County Federation of Civic Leagues, who filed a resolution expressing his organization~s opposition and Mrs. Juanita Kesler. President of Peters Creek Civic League, who filed a letter of opposition. IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF STATE ROUTE NO. 626 NORTH OF ROUTE 117 (over) 342 2/8/72 of ) ) ) ) ) ) ) FINAL ORDER " , i J. GRANGER MACFARLANE AND BILLY H. ~RANCH At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, : held at the Courthouse on February 8, 1972, at 1:00 P.M. , WHEREAS, J. Granger Macfarlane and Billy H. Branch petitioned this Board and requested that the County Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County (1970) be amended so as to provide that certain property described in said petition be re-i 'i zoned and reclassified as "Business B-3" property and other property therein described be rezoned and reclassified as "Business B-2" property, which petition was filed i at'j I I ,i I " , ita regular meeting of this Board on the 22nd day of September, 1971, and by order [entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County , I'for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, r , , I WHEREAS, the Planting Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting r: I, held on the 19th day of October, 1971, after hearing evidence touching on the i' Ii merits of said petition recommended to this Board that the County Zoning Ordinance i Ii (1970) I: be amended as requested in said petition; and, 'I WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered I'on the 22nd day of September, 1971, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this it !;Board, upon receipt of said recommendation from the Planning Commission, forthwith I I i:set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissible regular or special Ii I,meeting of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the !' i:County Zoning Ordinanc e and the Code of Virginia; and, :' I~ WHEREAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this " " ;'Board to be held on the 8th day of ~ebruary, 1972, at 1:00 P.M. as the date and time , I' for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed amendment to said Roanoke County " I' Zoning Ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by publication as " , [required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the 1: ::County Zoning Ordinance and the Codf' of Virginia; and, I , i !'amendment I WHEREAS, said public hearing was thi~ date had on the said proposed to the County Zoning Ordinance by this Board after notice thereof iwas duly given and published as aforesaid; and, !; w~EREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration to said petition ::and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hearing evidence i !,to:.lching on the merits of said proposed amendment to the County Zoning Ordinance I' !: (1970) being of the opinion that said County Zoning Ordinance should be' amended. i :,as requested in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission, ex- , i,cept that all of the property should be zoned B-2 rather than 1. 85 acres B-2 and " I :1.06 acres B-3 as requested in the petition and recommended by the Planning Com- I I. . ,m1SS1on. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED ~~~D ORDERED that at this regular meeting iOf the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on February 8, 1972, I ithe said County Zoning Ordinance (1970) be and the same is hereby amended so as ,to classify as "Business B-2" property all that certain 1.06 acre tract or parcel lof land shown on a map made for Billy;;. Branch by T.P. ParkBr & Son, Engineers and Surveyors, dated June 23, 1971, filed herein, and the same is hereby further I I I I I \,( t: I ~ '\ : for $4,044.00 contribution from Roanoke County as stated in their 1/27/72 letter ~~: was this day received and filed for consideration by the County's budget study )\ ~committee, on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor . ~', C. La~rence DOdson, and the unanimous vote of the Board. 0.Mi Ii ,yrrr I " P- 1517~" ~~f)' j: . NAYS: 1 '; !: that 344 / \-(1/ l -,-\l~ 1W i ~1<!' ~~" 2/8/72 / " IN RE: REQUEST OF ROANOKE VALLEY REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICES PLANNING COUNCIL, INC. FOR CONTRIBUTION The request of Rcanoke Valley Regional Health Services Planning Council I " IN RE: REQUEST OF VINTON FIRE DEPARTMENT FOR NEW TRUCK I Supervisor On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by/Richard C. Flora and the unanimous vote of the Board, the above request as stated in the Fire Ii Chief's letter of 1/26/72 was this day received and filed for consideration by the committee. recognized Mr. F. ,I. Spradlin, Vinton Fire Chief, who :! , ,I the request. 'I :1 , i ! Ii I i , IN RE: PROFESSIONAL FIr.E DEPARTMENT il " " On motion 0: Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. .: 'I I Seibel and the unanimous vote of the Board, a letter dated 1/19/72 from Don C. Kunze, Division Chairman, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Virginia Western Community I College, suggesting consideration of a professional fire department for the County, was this day received and filed for consideration by the County's budget study committee. IN RE: BON SACK RURITAN CLUB'S REQUEST TO HAVE DEBRIS REMOVED FROM THE LOCATION OF OLD WOOLEN MILL IN BON SACK I Following a discussion of the above-stated request as outlined in a letter of 2/2/72, the County Engineer was directed to look into the matter and report his findings at the next meeting, February 22, 1972. I IN RE: SHERIFF'S REQUEST FOR 14 POLICE CARS Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the Board purchase the police cars to the County locally at a cost of $64.00 more/than through the State Department of Purchases and Supply, for delivery around the first of July, 1972. Supervisor Richard C. Flora seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence DOdson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas,Engleby, III. None. The above action was taken pursuant to the County Engineer's report the State Police Cars (Plymouth) could be ordered as late as 3/1/72, but delivery was in Richmond and payment would be due upon delivery, and his _\1r< ~.~\~P,;:r. . facility, provided for the joint use of those political subdivisions in the ~f7~~~ area or region including Roanoke County desiring the use of such facility, and ~M 1Jt, I ' further requests the Fifth Planning District Commission to proceed as expeditiously '. f ,J I 4: Y~l"1 as possil:ie with its planning for said regional jail facility. ~J.QL1A:~.,) J ~ :~. . the Fifth Planning District Commission and the presiding officer of each l J 1\8' \ "'1 :'C'~2,li: :1/ ,local governing body represented thereon. V} 1 ""i j.'v:1\;, ~'1 : I _ I Upon motion of Supervisor C. Lawr~nce Dodson, seconded by Supervisor . '1: \ <-'-', 91J,t JI'- fr- ': ;, Richard C. Flora adopted by the following recorded vote: r. J J,t' Jb- \ e~~&-, ~.u , .t\ ~J ~~~.Jf:t~, 346 :J-\'l\1~ t: ): .J ,J . . ),C";~ Vv~~~ _ .. ,\ I. f~ j", ~t I: 'If' I ,. I , . >: V. 2/8/72 the statutory right of reverter be eliminated so as to permit the continua~ce of the extensive b~ding and improvement program outlined to this Board; and WP.EREAS, the Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that McVitty House, Incorporated is a definite asset to the entire Roanoke Valley and every effort Ii should be made to cooperate in continuing and improving its facilities and services I to the citizens of Roanoke County and the entire Valley. NOW, THEREFORE, on motion duly made by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., the following resolution was adopted: BE IT RESOLVED as follows: I (1) That this Board go on record as recogn1z1ng the fact that McVitty House, Incorporated is committed to continue its ope1,,,"tions as a non-profit, non-stock corporation, it being dependent to a l"l:ge extent upon donations and gifts from citizens and businesses in the community; (2) That in view of the services rendered to the entire Roanoke Valley, this Board go on record as approving and endorsing the request made to it by McVitty House, Incorporated, that the statutory right of reverter set forth in Chapter 158 of the Acts of the General Assemhly of 1948 be released. (3) That certified copies of this 'Resolution be forthwith transmitted to Senator David F. Thornton and Delegates Raymond R. Robrecht and Richard C. Cranwell, with the request that the necessary legislation to accomplish this purpose be introduced by them in the current session of the General Assembly of Virginia. Upon a call for an aye and nay vote, the same stood as follows: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, JOfm G,; Seibel, Richard C. F],or.a and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. I Attorney, W. H. Jolly, representing McVitty House, appeared regarding the above matter. A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE COUNTY'S INTEREST IN THE CONCEPT OF A REGIONAL JAIL WIlEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County desires to reaffirm its interest in pursuing the concept whereby there be provided a regional jail facility located, constructed and operated for the joint use of Roanoke County and other regional political subdivisions, and further requests that the Fifth Planning District Commission proceed as expeditiously as possible with its planning in this regard. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County does hereby reaffirm its interest in the concept of a regional jail I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmi~ted to 2/8/72 . AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas,Engleby, III. NAYS: None. A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBLY REPRESENTING ROANOKE COUNTY TO SEEK AND SUPPORT LEGISLATION PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF ONE COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM WHEREAS, Section 15.1-23.1 of the 1950 Code of Virginia provides for the licensing of community antenna television systems; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that the aforesaid section should be amended to provide for the licensing of one individual and/or corporation, or the creation of a commission or authority, to provide for a community antenna television system where they deem that a community antenna television system is of such a character that the public welfare will best be served by one licensee, commission, or authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of i: Roanoke County does hereby request its representatives in the General Assembly U :i of Virginia to seek and support legislations which would provide for the licensing of a single individual and/or corporation, or the creation of a commission or authority, to provide a community antenna Television system within any County, ~ City or Town, and submits the following language to be added to Section 1S..1-23.1: .... (c) If the governing body of any County, City or Town finds that a community antenna television system is of such a character that the public welfare will be best served by one licensee, then the governing body may grant an exclusive license. (d) If the governing body of any County, City or Town finds that a community antenna television system is of such a character that the public welfare will best be served by a public authority or commission, then the governing body may create a commission or authority to exclusively conduco and operate a community antenna television system. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmitted to Senator David Thornton, Senator W. B. Hopkins, Delegate Raymond R. Robrecht, and Delegate C. Richard Cranwell. Upon motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas ._~ I Engleby, III. ~ NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. ; j, i '.<<1 :.:...J A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA GENERAL ASSEMBJ"Y REPRESENTING ROANOKE COUNTY TO SEEK AND SUPPORT LEGISLATION PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO VIRGINIA CODE SECTION 29-202 ENTITLED "COMPENSATION FOR LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY KILLED BY DOGS." WHEREAS, Section 29-202 of the 1950 Code of Virginin, as amended, provides for compensation for livestock and poultry killed by dogs; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County is of the opinion that the aforesaid section should be amended to allow Roanoke County to prescribe by ordinance that no payment by the County be made to any person who has livestock or poultry killed or injured by any dog not his own, unless and until the claimant ~ ~, 347 / " " :; _ /1-'-#;' :2,9 r /i II e~ ~ i:~~ ~ "",k' 0 c~ ) tV ,...i (k1Y" P /. ~ ( 1J~q: .At') alt;' OK ~~~' ~, / 348 I 2/8/72 ._-~-------_. ..-."--------- --.., -. -...----- -- .-- - .- _ __..~.._u.__._.___ __.._.___a.'___ y:; \0\1\ ~ / ~/tv ckJ~:, C-{'. I /' P' , C11 I I' \) I i: shall have exhausted his legal remedies against the owner of the dog doing the damage for which compensation is sought, and against such other individual:; or corporations that are responsible to compensate said owner of livestock o,r poultry. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of R',anoke County does hereby request its representatives in the General Assembly of 'lirgnia '! il to seek and support legislation which would allow Roanoke County to prescribe :! 1 'I by ordinance that no payment by the County be made to any person who has :: I livestock or poultry killed or injured by any dog not his own, unless and 'mtil the claimant shall have exhaust'Bd his legal remedies against the owner of ';he I :i Ii dog doing the damage for which compensation is sought, and against such o\:l1er in- . 'I dividuals or corporations that are responsible to compensate said owner of livestock or poultry. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be transmi:;':ed to S",nator David Thornton, Sena'~or W. B. Hopkins, Delegate Raymond R. Robl,,"cht, and ~elegate C. Richard Cranwell. Upon motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Superv:'~"or Richard C. Flora adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. I Following a discussion of the possibility of hiring a consultant (Fifth Planning District Commission) on an individual application basis J.!\ '/' dictated by the need in rezoning matters the possibility of a filing fee J'c,r rezoning petitions also was considered and the Commonwealth's Attorney and County Engineer were informally requested to look into this further and report to the Board their recommendations. , , I Dist.~idt , The Chairman recognized Mr. Tom Wood of the Fifth Planning Commission staff. On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisclz' I R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of thE! Board, the following item!: were , , this day received and filed: Letter and resolution from Chesterfield County Board of Supervisc'zs calling for a Constitutional Convention for the specific purpos.e of amending the Constitution to prohibit the use of busing to achieve a racial balance in public schools; " Letter dated 1/27/72 from Continental CJ,TV, Inc. making prelimina.zy application for a license to operate a CATV system in County; Copy of Roanoke City's Resolution #20051 reaffirming the City's interest in regional jail concept, dissapproving VA Hospital land as the: site & requesting 5th Planning Dist. Commission to make/~tudy other 'possible sites; I I v Copy of the Report of the Commissioner, CommissionDor Visually Handi- capped and the Direc:tor, Dept. of Welfare & Institutions to the Governor & Assembly as to "plan for full funding and state Adnitlistra- tion of Title 63.1 c,f the Code of Virginia." I Copy of letter of 1/27/72 from State Fire Marshall's office to Bal<l"e~ W. Bare in re violations of the Va. Fire Safety Regulations observ;d on inspection of Bare Grocery I; Apartments a:. 8625 Shadwell Dr.,Hollins; , ~ I . ' I I I 2/<,/72 349 Copy of 1/28/72 letteI' from Delegate Raymond R. Robrecht to Salen' City Councilmen in re the introduction of a bill to declare a mOlatorium on annexation, either on a State-wide basis or in the Roanoke Valley for 5 years; /Letter dated 1/28/72 from Oliver S. Woody in re his resignation from Fifth Planning District Commission; y Copy of letter of 1/26/72 to Editor of The Roanoke Times from Laverne W. Hoykar opposing pr'oposed landfill on Peters Creek Road in N. County ~oanoke City's application) Statement of office & travel expenses incurred by Sheriff & Deputlies for December 1971; l Letter of 2/2/72 from Mayor, City of Salem, in re: school. contract; " Sheriff's report of prisoner days served in County jail in Decemb,~r 1971; , Treasurer's report spread as follows: ing: At the close of business .:r"nuary 3::', 1972, there was to thl! ~!'"dit of the follow- ~ I -' General Revenue Fund - Availabl(~ Cash Dog Fund - Available Cash School Const.ruction Fund - Available Cash School Textbook Fund - Avai1abl,! Cash School Cafeteria Fund - Available Cash " School Debt Fund - Available Ca,;h . Library Construction Fund - Ava:llable Cash Parks & Recreation Construction Fund - Available Cash F.I.C.A Contribution Fund - AvaHable Cash Retirement Fund - Available Cash Air Pollution Control - Availab:~e Cash Federal Programs Fund - AvaiJabll! Cash Sales Tax Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst Financial Statement Treasurer's Working Fund Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Farmers National Bank - Textbook Farmers National Bank - Paying A.gent Public Bldg. Debt Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Bank of Va. of the SW - Paying Agent School Debt First National Exchange Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Deferred Credit Account - Alfred C. Anderson - James E. Peters ~.i Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank Security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank I ! - Certificates of Deposit - Library Construction First National Exchange Bank :-, ' . - Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation Construction Mountain Trust Bank Certificates of Deposit - Savinqs - General Revenue Mountain Trust B3nk Respectfully submitted, /s/ Alfred C. Anderson Alfred C. Anderson Treasurer Roanoke County $ 899,.482.70 .!1,.646.63 63,.535.04 7,.266.45 9,.092.28 10, 398.82 113..812.12 45,646.80 U,963.79 3:462.97 2'1755.27 13 1348.90 . 9.93 210.66 1,193,632.36 $ $ 2,000.00 . 1,159,842.50 13,348.90 7,266.45 360.00 6,000.17 66.40 4,650.00 10.25 87.69 J,,193,'632.36 t $ $ 1,400,073.00 1,550,000.00 2,000'f) 00.00 1,800, JOO.OO 2,592,100.00 450,,,100.00 9,792,073.00 $ $ 350,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 650,000.00 350 2/8/72 , ...,..-.~----,--"-,,,--- ,,-.. ! I / COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded 2/2/72 and Semi-monthly dated 1/28/72) vote, the County Payr~lls II were approved for payment (Bi-weekly dated in the gross " amount of $57,246.32, from which the sum of $2,880.87 F.I.C.A.; $6,584.88 F.I.T. $1,074.76 State Income Tax; $4.00 Uniforms; $12.00 Accounts Ins.; $538.80 Blue I y Cross Ins.; $64.17 Retirement; $537.10 Miscellaneous Expenses are deducted leaving i. a net payroll of $45,549.74: ,. !: AYES: , , R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. F.:'.ora and q ~ , I J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT l R.l E. I ! On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor \~ !: Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the current bills totalling J ~\ >. '. $1,911.48 were approved for payment: M I). .,,,, y/( r AA'" '0". .. " \ !: \,/ :' ,; :, IN RE: fJ/\ 1\~O ,.~i. if . "'l Richard C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the Board approved payment of }I."'\ h~ -< t~ )icrt 1',)' ! $4.11 to Mr. McNeil for the loss of 1 sheep killed by dogs, in accordance with the .~~), 'assessed value of the livestock. ~1A AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence DOdson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flo:ca 0,1 " R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. LIVESTOCK CLAIM OF A. E. MCNEIL I On motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. \1/ V 1.>& ~ ~ ~'i1 ( J o\v .,(t-i./ to the ;::;~"t~Y i expire ~;>>.: ,AYES: ~ : IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO SALEM-ROANO~E VALLEY CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor Richard Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center Commission for a three year term to I C. Flora and the following recorded vote, Mr. Armand Sanderson was re-appointed February 10, 1975: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence DOdson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. I NAYS: None. / , IN RE: V' S-J! {'\ j' , ,\ --<' l-, . ~ p. ~{~~o-,'" , C,,'. \~ A. ! ~~-~\; (p n)!l, 1) u.... ~ PCt,tI! APPOINTMENT TO RO&~OKE VALLEY REGIONAL HEALTH SERVICES PLANNING COUNCIL On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. .:;. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the Board appointed Superviso~ C. Lawrence Dodson to the Roanoke Valley Regional Health Services Planning Council t 2/8/72 351 for a three year term to expire February 8, 1975 to fill the vacancy left by former Supervisor, Charles H. Osterhoudt. AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., , John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: C. Lawrence Dodson. IN RE: SERVICES CONTRACT - RECOMMENDATIONS OF COUNTY'S NEGOTIATING COMMITTEE IN MEMO FORM, FORWARDED TO CITY OF SALEM ON JANUARY 26, 1972. ,/ On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County authorized its Chairman to ~~rite a letter to the Mayor of the City of Salem, Eddie M. Joyce, assuring him that though the memo forwarded on 1/26/72 was signed by the County Negotiating Committee Chairman, that it is the expression of the Board of Supervisors; and furthermore said letter shall be accompanied I recommendatiom. . by a copy of this Board's action of 1/26/72 approving the said AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence DOdson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. .. , i At this point Supervisor Richard C. Flora retired from the meeting. , - ," IN RE: TREASURER'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL MONEY FOR POSTAGE IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,000.00 Engleby, III ~JII)~1: . ~V>(;2 ) ~~ C~,74' On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors oft " Roanoke County concurred in the Treasurer's request for additional money for postage amounting to $3,000.00. AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas , NAYS: None. -.-.. ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. , , ; , - t The meeting adjourned on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor Dodson, and the unanimous vote of the members present, ,"] U Supervisor Richard C. Flora being absent. )1d~ ...-~. -."....--,. '--'. ~... ..~ '-. - '. '..'" .,." ',. _c ". .._...... .._~'_ ...._., . .v.....""',....- 352 Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia February 22, 1972 7:00 P.ll. thereof in the County Courtroom, being the fourth Tuesday, and second regular The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors met this day at the Courthou"e I I / meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman, J. Thomas Engleby, III; Vice Chairman, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, and John Seibel. The Commonwealth's Attorney and Assistants, Messrs. John N. Lampros, G.! II i Thomas N. Key and Robert F. Rider, re~:pectively, were also present as well as the County Engineer and Assistant, Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and Maurice Mitchell, respectively. I j The Chairman called the meeting to order and introduced Reverend Cecil Fike, Roanoke City Chaplin, who offered the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance led was then given in unison to the Flag/by Chairman Engleby. , On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the minutes of the February 8, 1972 meeting were approved as spread. , I J IN RE: PETITION OF LELIA F. DIVERS TO REZONE PROPERTY OFF PETERS CREEK ROAD (VA. ROUTE 117) NORTH OF CITY OF ROANOKE IN ROANOKE COUNTY, VIRGINIA, BEING 2.8 ACRES FROM B-2 TO B-3 SO SAID TRACT MAY BE USED FOR MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING t \'1y ~~~I~~ Wf~' g~ :' ~J ~iR. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of the Board, the above petition was , Irtj 'u It. (Jt;~ , On mot~on of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor I day received and filed and referred to the Planning Commission for recomrr,enJa- · tion back to this Board. ,,' . IN RE: PETITION OF MILLER E. PETTY, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN R. SAUND.~RS, FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY ON OGDEN ROAD. ) ) ) ) ) ORDER I This day came Furman Whites=arver, Jr., Attorney for Miller E. Petty, : Executor of the Estate ;;f John R. Saunders, who requested leave to file a petition !; I \",-'/ Co, )\~~ ~'),' Roanoke County on Ogden Road be rezoned to R-3 and B-2, which leave is granted LtH\'/ .vO~ "eJ 1~ ~ And this Board having duly considered the same, and concluded that th~ 1 ~. , ~rezOning of the said property may be beneficial to the County at large; therefore, ~ f6JJ"^' ~Q., 'on behalf of the said Miller E. Petty, Executor of the Estate of John R. Saunder" relative to amending the Zoning Ordinal~ces of Roanoke County to the end and purJ I pose that certain property located in 'the Cave Spring Hagisterial District of and this petition is acc~rdingly filed. BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the proposal to amend the Zoning --=:-- - --~- ~-,..--.-... ",-,' 354 2/22/72 Salem, Virginia, which were assessed upon the Commissioner's Land Book of Roanvke County, Virginia for the years 1956 through 1967 in the name of David William Epperly and was described on said land books as S. I. Co. section 2 lots 21 and 1/2 lot 22 and S. I. Co. section 15 lots 13, 14 and 15. As compensa- tion for his services in and about collecting said taxes, it is further ORDERED that said attorney Chelf be paid a cornrnission of no% of the amount of county taxes collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. I AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. ,Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora & J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. I y " On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Sei~~l, it is ORDERED that Gene Chelf, Attorney of Salem, Virginia, be, he and/is hereby, employed by thi.", Bo;,rd as its attorney only for the purpose of A?-9,111,' -rz, i ~ri [)- ~ !' ~ ! instituting a Chancery Suit, or taking ~hatever other means he deems advisable to collect all of the Jelinquent real estate taxes due and owing to the County of Roanoke, Virginia, upon certain lots and parcels of land lying and being in the Town of Salem District, in the Sale'n Magisterial District and later the City of Salem, Salem, Virginia, which were assessed upon the Commissioner's Land Book of Roanoke County, Virginia fo~ the years 1951 through 1967 in the name of Salem Home Building Corporation and was described on said land book as I S. I. Co. 1/2 interest section 12 lots 31 and 32 and in the name of Ethel OillarQ et al and was described on said land book as S. I. Co. 1/4 interest section 12 lots 31 and 32. As compensation for his services in and about collecting said taxes, it is further ORDERED that said attorney Chelf be paid a commission of no % of the amoilllt of county taxes collected by him from the sale of the aforesaid real estate. AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III.. NAYS: None. .( IN RE: PROPOSED RESOLUTION CONCERNING REVISIONS TO FEDERAL AID URBAN SYSTEM, RO,WOKE METROPOLITAN AREA, AS PREPARED BY FIFTH PLANNING DISTRICT COMMISSION I Upon the report of the County Engineer that the necessary map reflecting the revised Federal Aid Urbao System, had not as yet been returned t by the Fifth Planning District Commission, consideration of the above matter was continued to the March 14, 1972 Board Meeting. I / IN RE: AMENDMENT TO GENERA!. APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30, 1972 Consideration of the ab0ve matter was deferred to ~he adjourned meeting' of this Board (the day and hour to be established later on in this meeting today) pending an itemized account by the General Registrar's Office as to the need for an additional appropria~ion of $5,000.00. 356 2/22/72 v IN RE: PROPOSED RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY FOR THE DISPOSITION OF INERT SOLID WASTE MA~?ERIALS IN ROANOKE COUNTY On motion of Supervisor Richard C.. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unail:imous vote of 1:he Board, the above resolution referred to this present by Board of Superv:'.sors by the former Board, was this I day referred to the Commonwealth's Attorney and County Engineer for further study and recommendat~on as to what action should be taken relative to its adoption. Mr. Van wimmer appeared before th" Board this day and discussed bacteria I in regard to the shredder. It was suggested that he share his information with the Regional Landfill Study Committee. * (Board action re: changing polling place for East Vinton Precinct - see page 363) I , / IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY OF NELSON DEHART MARY LEE DEHART AND W. PRICE FIELDS I ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke so as to include in a "Business District B-J" two certain parcels of land con- feet taining 40.421 square/<md 21,879 square feet respectively, in Roanoke County. Virginia. , WHEREAS a petition by Nelson DeHar't, Ilary Lee DeHart and W. Price I Fields, as the legal and equitable,owners hil; been made to the Board of Super- to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke visors of the County of Roanoke/so as to include the parcels of land described in the petition in a "Business District B-3"; and WHEREAS by resolution of this Board on the 12th day of January, 1972, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County f,r a recom- mendation as required by the appropriate statutes and ordinances; and by WHEREAS after hearing evidence concerning same, the Planning Commission at ]lleeting resolution adopted/its/on the 15th day of February, 1972, recommended to this Board , that the ordinance be amended as requested by the petition; and WHEREAS a public hearing by this Board was scheduled in the Couthouse of the County of Roanoke located in the City of Salem, Virginia at 2:00 ','clock P.M. on the 22nd day of February, 1972 after notice of intention to amen~ said I ordinance at said hearing was pUblished once a week for two successive w.eks in the World News, a newspaper having general circulation in the County)f RoanOke; with the public hearing SCheduled to be held not less than five nor more than ~'\ 1/ and citizens were given an opportunity to be heard, both for and against the ~~~'; ,=,..., "=: ::: ::::::':::::'::' .::,,.,,,,,.. ., c>, ,.",'~ '..rn, " \ . ') I.. of the opinion that the land should be rezoned as prayed for by the petition. ~/~~ ' be amendedR:~:::~a:::::n::.:::tz:::n:c:::go:r:~::::: ::u:::,C:::::n::,R::n::eto ~~~. 'no'''''' ,. . .,no'~" ""doc ,-,. .. ',n.,' b, 'oo no"",~ '".,. rn' twenty-one days after the final puL~~cation; and WHEREAS at the public hearing as aforesaid, all parties in int'Bre:;t I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE Board of Supervisors of the , , 1 I ,I ; , . . 2/22/72 parcels of land lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1 - BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF THE Lee Highway, corner to the land of J. S. Roberts; said beginning point being 59.3 feet easterly from a planted State Highway Concrete Monument; thence leaving the said Highway (80 feet wide), and with the existing fence line, N. 290 00' W. 291.2 feet to an iron pipe by a fence corner post; thence with the fence line, a division line of the property of C. C. Stanley, N. 710 40' E. 134.2 feet to an iron pipe by a post; thence along another new division line through the lands of C. C. Stanley, S. 320 15' E. 289.3 feet to an auto axle on the north side of the aforesaid Lee Highway; thence along the said north side of said highway, S. 690 45' W. 150 feet to the place of BEGINNING; and containing approx- imately 40,421 square feet. - PARCEL NO. 2 BEGINNING at the southeasterly corner of the DeHart property in the line of the J. S. Wilson property; thence with the southerly line of DeHart S.710 26' W. 273.39 feet to a point a corner to J. E. Thornhill; thence N. 450 12' W. 34.99 feet to a point; thence with a new division line through the property of Nelson DeHart and Mary Lee DeHart N. 510 30' E. 275.18 feet to a point; thence S. 320 13' E. 128.73 feet to the place of BEGINNING; and containing approximately 21,879 square feet. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the clerk of this Board forthwith attest two true copies of this ordinance and respectively deliver them to the secre- .~ tary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County and to John H. Kennett, Jr. counsel for the petitioners. - The above ordinance was adopted on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora by a recorded v"te as follows: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodsc'n, John G. Seibel, Richard C" Flora & J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Attorney John H. Kennett, Jr. appE!ared in support of the abov", petition and there was no opposition. (Board action on rezoning petition of J. C" Hoelle occurred at this point in the meet~ng - see Page 363 of this Book) .-.-., IN RE: REZONING OF A PARCEL OF LAND SITUATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF AIRPORT ROAD (VIRGINIA ROUTE liS) IN THE VICINITY OF THE ENTRANCE ROAD OF THE ROANOKE AIRPORT AND SECONDARY ROUTE 118 AND ADJOINING THE PROPERTY OF DOUGLAS M. RUSSELL ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) RESOLUTION AND ORDER - WHEREAS Ralph Patrick and Hargaret R. Patrick, his wife, Mary Thama ] Patrick and Stella Mae Patrick have heretof"re filed a petition to amend the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in Roanoke County, Virginia, described in said petition, from Residentii~l District R-l to Business District B-2; WHEREAS the Board at its meeting on January 26, 1972, referred the matter to the Planning Commission of Roanok<~ County for its report and recommendation; WHEREAS the Planning Commission a1, a ::leeting held on February 15, 1972, after legal and timely advertisement of the same, fully considered the *" l v' f f ,t I, -------,.~- ..... -.... 358 2/22/72 petition and reported to this Board by resolution its recommendation that. the tract in question be rezoned from Residential District R-l to Business District B-2; WHEREAS the matter was set for public hearing at the Board's re,gular meeting on February 22, 1972 at 7: 00 p.m. and it further appears from the, certifi- '! ,i cate of the publisher Times-World Corporation that notice of the public bearing :! to be held on February 22, 1972 was duly published in accordance with law; ~, I WHEREAS a public hearing was duly held on February 22, 1972 at 7:00 P.M. and a full opportunity was accorded all interested parties to expreE;s their WHEREAS at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full I considera- I views concerning the proposal; tion of this matter, this Board is of the opinion that the change in claE;sifica- tion would promote the public interest, prosperity and welfare of the cit.izens of Roanoke County; and WHEREAS all requirements of law have been complied with and the, property , ~ should be rezoned as recommended by the Planning commission; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County, as amended, be and they hereby are further amended to reclassify and rezone from Residential District R-l to Business District B-2 the fol.lowing tract or parcel of land: BEGINNING at Corner 1 on the northeast side of Airport Road (Virginia Secondary Route 118) at the west most corner of the Douglas M. Russell property (formerly owned by W. Lee Turner) of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court for the County of Roanoke, Virginia, in D~ed Book 332, at Page 591; thence with the northeilst side of Virginia State Secondary Route 118, 20 ft. north- westerly from and parallel with t,he cen'.erline of said road, N. 39 degrees W., 350.0 ft. ~o Corner 2; thence with the southeasterly side of i' cef."..tive or proposed 50 ft. width road right of way, N. 52-3/4 degrees E., 500.0 ft. to Corner 3; thence S. 39 degrees E., 350.0 ft. to Corner 4; thence S. 52-3/4 degrees W., partly with the northwest line of Douglas M. Russell property, 500.0 ft. to the Place of BEGINNING, containing 4.015 acres more or less. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be ~ ij : I apread on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by the Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish a certified cO?y of this resolution and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commis- sion of Roanoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official ~ I zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that additional certified copies be sent to counsel for petitioners herein. \~~1/ J.\ 4" Itv.J' ~bzr/i ~~ ' ~ c.!Y~ ~ The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora of Hollins Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor C. the Supervisors voted as follows: I Lawrence Dodson of Windsor Hills Magisterial District and on a recorded vote AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Attorney John Thornton, representing the petitioners, Ralph pacrick, et als, and the C ~ P Telephone Co. who have an option on the land, appeared in support of the request and no one oppo~ed same. - ,.- .~ ----....,._.~..:.'_.. 2/22/72 IN RE: VACATION OF UTILITY EASEMENTS UPON PARCEL A AND PARCEL B, REVISED MAP OF WEST VIEW TERRACE, DATED MARCH 18, 1959, OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 4, PAGE 10. FINAL ORDER At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held at the Courthouse on February 22, 1972. ...~) WHEREAS, Leonard T. Gilbert, Louise C. Gilbert, Warren W. Gilbert, and Hassie D. Gilbert petitioned this Board and requested that an ordinance of Roanoke County be adopted so as to vacate certain easements hereinafter described, - which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board on the 12th Day of January, 1972, and by order entered on that day was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation in accordance with the provisions ,i of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commisaon by resolution adopted at its meeting held on the 15th day of February, 1972, after hearing evidence touching on the merits of the petition recommended to this Board that the ordinance be adopted as requested in the petition; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County did by its order entered on the 12th day of January, 1972, as aforesaid, order that the Clerk of this Board set the, same down for a public hearing at the February 22, 1972, meet- ing of this Board and give notice thereof by publication in accordance with the Code of Virginia; and, ..... WHEP.EAS, the Clerk of this Board did set the regular meeting of this Board to be h~ld on the 22nd day of February, 1972, at 7:00 p.m., as the date and --' time for a public hearing on the aforesaid proposed ordinance and gave notice and advertised the same by publication as required by the order of this Board and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and, WHEREAS, said public hearing was this date had on the said proposed ordinance by this Board after notice thereof was duly given and published as afore- said; and, WHEREAS, this Board after giving careful consideration, to said peti- --, I ! - tion and to the recommendation of the Planning Commission and after hf'aring evidence touching on the merits of said proposed ordinance, and finding that no public utility installations are erected within said easements, and being of the opinion that the ordinance should be adopted as requested in the petition and as recommended by the Planning Commission. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED THAT AT THIS REGULAR meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on February 22, 1972, the following ordinance be and the same is hereby adopted so as to vacate those '-, ~ I l ~ certain easements therein described. BE IT ORDAINED that those certain easements, to-wit: a. A certain 10 foot public utility easement along and across the extreme southerly portion of Parcel B, according to the Revised Map of West view Terrace, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 4, page 10, the said public utility easement being adja- cent and contiguous to the southerly boundary of said parcel b. A certain sanitary sewer easement, varying in width from 12 feet to 17 feet, and running along the extreme easterly portion of Parcel A, according to the aforesaid Revised Map of West View Terrace .' ~ 2/22/72 361 the unanimous vote of the Board. Mr. Lee B. Eddy, Chairman of the County's Sewer Negotiating Committee presented the Committee report. - The Roanoke County Electrical Inspector's request of February 14,1972 for the Board of Supervisors to adopt the 1971 National Electtical Code and also >/ certain proposed additions to the County Electrical Code was continued for consideration at the March 14, 1972 Board meeting. - --. The County Engineer reported that the debris at the site of the old woolen mill at Bonsack (reported at the 2/14/72 Board meeting) will be removed :/ shortly. Consideration of filing fees on rezoning petitions and the possibility of hiring a consultant in controversial rezonings were both continued to the I: ,y 11 March 14 meeting, pending a report by the County Engineer and Commonwealth's Attorney. Messrs. Paul B. Matthews, John N. Lampros and R. E. Hilton, Jr. were n " !: v i: ,,,., I , - named to the Courthouse Parking Lot Committee. On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the following items were this day received and filed: , 1. Letter of 2/5/72 from Roanoke County Woman's Club to Board re: regional' " jail; !i 2. Letter of 2/16/72 from City of Salem to Board advising Clyde C. Dickens v appointed by Council to a committee to study solid waste disposal problems in Valley; 3. Order of U. S. Federal Power Commission issuing preliminary permits to Virginia Electric and Power Company for their projects #2716 and #2717; v ,"j , - 4. Letter of 2/16/72 from George A. Jeffreys & Co., Inc re: operation of v' a genuine sanitary landfill. IN RE: MEMBERSHIP DUES IN VINTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE & SALEM-ROANOKE COUNTY CHA~IBER OF COMMERCE o On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence DOdson, seconded by Supervisor >/ Richard C. Flora and the following recorded vote, the following membership dues $125.00 to the Vinton Chamber of Commerce -1: ~ ~'I/ 'CJ/ were approved for payment: $280.00 to the Salem-Roanoke County Chamber of COlnmerce . AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: R. E. Hilton, Jr. .Mr. Seibel indicated tis affirmative vote was given reluctantly ~s he 362 "'-----"' -----,- ..., --- -.----'----_.-._-- . ~\1\1Y-t) ~- ell 'J' .j' ,/ N\1{: L~"I ~),,- C.o' 6-' I f. 2/22/72 mlt the whole question of spending ~ax payers' money for such purposes should be studied at the next budget study session and that he recommended that the Board not include such items in future budgets. The initial motion to pay the aforementioned Chamber membership dues,' offered by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, died for lack of a second. COUNTY PAYROLLS On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Bi-weekly dated 2/16/72; Semi-monthly dated 2/15/72) were approved for payment ./ sum of $2,938.31 F.I.C.A. in the gross amount of $58,351.01, ,/ $6,799.32 F.I.T.; $1,124.02 from which the TaXi v' State / V' Income Tax; $2.00 Uniforms; $1,621.95 Blue v $1,110.87 Miscellaneous Expenses; and $27.50 V' Cross Ins.; $2,356.98 Retirement; ./ United Fund; leaving a net payroll of $42,870.06. AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora & J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ACCOUNTS: On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the current bills amounting to $82,881.12 were approved for payment. AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora 'i I " I , " ii " .I :1 & J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. The Board resolved into a committee of the whole to discuss appointments ; on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of the Board. The Superviso~returned to the Courtroom, dissolved the committee of the whole and resumed the meeting in open session upon the motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of the Board. IN RE: APPOINTMENT TO ROANOKE COUNTY HIGHWAY SAFETY COMMISSION Upon the motion of SuperVisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the following recorded vote, Supervisor John G. Seibel was appointed to fill out the unexpired term of former Supervisor L. Earl Simms on the Roanoke County Highway Safety Commission, which term expires October 21, 1974. AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. :Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None I I I I I 2/22/72 363 ii ii ii Chairman Engleby confirmed the appointment of Mr. T. D. Steele as the " ,. " County's representative to the Regional Landfill Study Committee (authorized by the Board at 1/26/72 meeting) and also announced that Councilman Clyde Dickens i./ had been appointed as the Ci,ty of Salem's representative to the Committee. A copy of a letter dated 2/7/72 from the Juvenile & Domestic. Relations Court of Roanoke County signed jointly by Judge James I. Moyer and Charles L. Breeden, Jr., Chief Probation Officer, to the Commonwealth's Attorney regarding '" ~ ~ i, the emergent need for a Juvenile Detention Home separate and apart from that 'I h , " :i " 11 " , I: at Coyner Springs, was this day received and filed on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board. The board Chairman then named Supervisor John G. Seibel as Chairman v of the Juvenile Detention Home Study Committee and Messrs. Paul B. Matthews and J. Thomas Engleby, III to serve with him. ~ ... (Road resolutions adopted at this point re: portions of Finney Drive & *** Abbey Circle, see pages 365 & 366 of this Book) On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flc,ra, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the meeting adjourned until 2:00 p.m. Sunday, February 27, 1972. Resolution of Intent to Relocate the Polling Place for the * East Vinton Precinct From the Roland E. Cook School to Chewning's Inc. (furniture & appliance store), Vinton Magisteri,"l District 'j J Supervisor John G. Seibel moved the adoption of a resolution changing the voting place of East Vinton Precinct, V~nton Magisterial District, from Roland E. Cook i~ :iSchool to Chewning's, Inc. (furniture & appliance store), Vinton Magisterial District. Supervisor Richard C. Flora seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. ~ IN RE: REZONING OF PROPERTY AT THE INTERSECT:ON OF BRADSHAW ROAD AND OLD CATAWBA ROAD OF J. C. HOELLE . ~,* ~/ RESOLUTION AND ORDER WHEREAS, J. C. Hoelle has heretofore filed a petition to amend the zoning ordinances of Roanoke County by reclassifying certain property situate in Roanoke County, Virginia, described in said petition, from R. E. property to A-l property; WHEREAS, the Board at its meeting on January 12, 1972, referred the matter 364 < , ~~. :,1 ~~l\. iJ ~~/' 1 2/22/72 ito I , the Planning Commission of Roanoke county for its report and recommendation; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission a~ a meeting held on February 15, 1972, after legal and timely advertisement of the same, fully considered the petition and reported to this Board by resolutuion its recommendation that the tract in question be rezoned from R.E. to R-2; I I' WHEREAS, the matter ,,,as set for public hearing at the Board's regular I' . ,'i imeet1ng on February 22, 1972, at 7:00 p.m. and it further appears from the certifi-:' I 'I i :to , i !: I, 'i i i 'I :! " ii :1 II , " " I, II ,; :! :i in classification Ii , :! :i 'I Ii " " " i I ~ I' I icate of the publisher Times-World Corporation that notice of the public hearing be held on February 22, 1972, was duly published in accordance with law; WHEREAS, a public hearing was duly held on February 22, 1972, at 7:00 p.m !'and a full opportunity was accorded all ir,terested parties to express their views ,concerning the proposal; WHEREAS, at the conclusion of the public hearing and after full considera- , Ii i: ,tiOIl of this matter, this Board is of the opinion that the change i iwould promote the public , " ;:Roanoke County; and i 1 I, , " lshould be rezoned as recommended by the Planning Commission; I , , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the Zoning Ordinances of IRoanoke County, as amended, be and they hereby are further amended to reclassify and 'rezone from R.E. to R-2 the following tract or parcel of land provided a sit,~ plan: ,be furnished prior to construction,& that the project begin within one ;rear from the" 'the date of this final order of the Board of Supervisors or the property shall re- ,; vert to its present classification of RE: 'I , , I " i The tract lying on the north of the turnpike and ii ! south of Mason's Creek, bought of the Sam Guy 'i ! Estate in 1915, bounded as follows: ,i interest, prosperity and welfare of the citizens of WHEREAS, all requirements of law have been complied with and the property I I I I i, :: BEGINNING at the iron at the forks of the roaa corner to the said House tract; thence with the House Tract and the New Castle Turnpike, N. 140 0' E. 422 feet to a point on the bridge over Mason's Creek (over the first pier); thence down the creek N. 620 10' E. 220 feet to 3; thence N. 420 10' E. 210 feet to 4; thence S. 710 20' E. 240 feet to 5; thence S. 420 0' W. 220 feet to 6; thence S. 210 20' E. 130 feet to 7; thence N. 880 55' E. 200 feet to 8; thence S. 580 20' E. 65 feet, more or less, to the =orner of tract sold to Julia Furrow; thence with said tract line leaving the creek, S. 220 0' W. 430 feet with the line of the branch to a small wild cherry tree on the west bank of the branch; thence partly with the branch, S. 100 0' W. 286 feet to the point in the turnpike; thence with the turnpike N. 620 0' W. 234 feet; thence N. 530 30' W. 497 feet to the BEGINNING, containing eleven (11) acres. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that this resolution and order be spread on the official records of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Couaty by the Clerk of this Board and that the Clerk further furnish a certified copy of this resolu- tion and order to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, who is hereby directed to change all official zoning maps of Roanoke County to reflect the rezoning ordered herein and that additional certi-' , I fied copies be sent to ~ounsel for petitioners herein. I The above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr of Catawba Magisterial District, and seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson of Windsor Hills Magisterial District and on a recorded vote the Supervisors voted as follows: "AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora , NAYS: None. ABSTAINED: J. Thomas Engleby, III (for same reasons as set forth at the time the petition was filed with the Board on l/l2/72-see Book 23,Page 322) Mr. Ellis A. Musselman appeared in support of the above rezoning. Mr. Van Wimmer appeared requesting wells and septic lines be located so as not to affect adjOining wells, but not to object to the request. . -. -.. -,. '_'. . ..__n._. .. -----_.__._~---~. - i " " il " .---"'.------ --.-.....-.-....-...-..-.- Roanoke County Courthouse ADJOURNED MEETING Sunday, February 27, 1972 2:00 P.M. --, The Roanoke Count} Board of Supervisors met this day at the Courthouse " ~ in the County Courtroom, pursuant to adjournment of the February 22, 1972 Board U ii meeting. Members Present: :1 R. E. Hilton, Jr. and John G. SeibeL n 'I Ii convened) : Vice Chairman, Richard C. Flora, C. Lawrence DOdson, ....... , i Members Absent (at the time the meeting \/ Chairman, J. Thomas Engleby, III. The Commonwealth's Attorney and -. , i -' I, County Engineer, Messrs. John N. Lampros and Paul B. Matth,~ws were also present. if " i' ' Ii ',.,; In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman Richard C. Flora called :i II I: the meeting to order and recognized officials from the Town of Vinton, including II I: "Messrs. G. W. Nicks, Calverne Lyke and Donald A. Smith, Vinton's Mayor, a Council- ~ " " " man anJ Town Manager, respectively, also the Chairman and a Supervisor of the respectively. Botetourt County Board of SuperVisors, Messrs. L. C. Campbell "and Jesse,Jonesl On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor R. E. , , , '-- Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the Board resolved into a committe of the whole to discuss legal matters in connection with the sewer services ~ ' ~ ' contract proposed by the City of Roanoke on February 22, 1972. , ': NAYS: None. i: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence DOdson, John G. Seibel and Richard C. Flora ABSENT: J. Thomas Engleby, III. On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence DOdson, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of the Supervisors present, Mr. Engleby being absent, the Supervisors returned to the courtroom, dissolved the committee of the whole and the mEeting resumed in open session. 14~ , I ~ The Vice Chairman recognized Mr. L. S. Waldrop, Chairman of the Roanoke County Public Service Authority, who presented a resolution adopted by the Authority on February 25, 1972, reco~~ending that the Board of Supervisors not ,/ approve or accept the sewage service contract as proposed on February 22, 1972 by the City of Roanoke for three major reasons: (1) the Public Service Authority is not recognized in tha proposed contract as the agency for sewer serv~ce in the County:(2) the formula for computation of sewer service charges is not fair & (3) those sections of the proposed contract stating the City can acquire Authority sewer lines upon annexation' of all area in which the Authority operates such lines cannot be accepted. Upon the motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following vc~e, the aforementioned resolution of the Authority was this day received and filed: '...."':"-'.,~~'-:-"'...>c-, ., ,.. Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, March 1, 1972 6:00 p.m. i , I ; i: I I I i' Meeting mut. I !,in the waiver of notice signed by all members and spread below: T' '>,"ud of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day, being a Special v agreed upon by the Board, to consider the following items as stated "March 1, 1972 "We, the undersigned, being all the members of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Co~~onwealth's Attorney of Roanoke County, Virginia, do hereby waive notice of a Special Meeting of said Board of Supervisors to be held in the County Courtroom of the Roanoke County Courthouse, Salem, Virginia, at 6:00 p.m., Wednesday, March 1, 1972, for the following purposes: "1. Consider the Sewer Services Contract proposal from Roanoke City as filed with this Board on February 22, 1972. "2. Consider date for meeting with Salem on Services Contract. "3. Consider any other matter the Board may unanimously agree upon. 11 /s/ J. Thomas Engleby, III J. Thomas Engleby, III, Cha1rman Cave Spring Magisterial District /s/ Richard C. Flora, Richard C. Flora, V1ce Cha1rman Hollins Magisterial District /s/ C. Lawrence Dodson C. Lawrence Dodson Windsor Hills Magisterial District /s/ R. E. Hilton, Jr. R. E. Hilton, Jr. Catawba Magisterial District /s/ John G. Seibel John G. Seibel Vinton Magisterial District /s/ John N. Lampros John N. Lampros Commonwealth's Attorney The Chairman called the meeting to order and announced the first item for consideration by the Board as outlined in the waiver of notice spread above. The following action was taken: WHEREAS, the City of Roanoke has submitted to the County a proposed .j sewage treatment contract; and WHEREAS, the County is desirous of reaching an agreement to resolve the sewage treatment problems of the Roanoke Valley; and WHEREAS, on May 9, 1955 the County of Roanoke caused the crf'ation of the Roanoke County Sanitation Authority now knownas the Roanoke County Public Service Authority; and l'liEREAS, the County wishes to indicate its good faith and intention to enter into a contract but has certain differences with the contract as proposed; I I il " I' " 'I Ii 'I " " " Ii 11 " ii I' ,I " :1 I I I 372 3/1/72 (Initially the above resolution was adopted on motion duly made, seconded and carried showing the last line of paragraph number "5." to read "Public Service Authority be responsible for debt service." After some dis- cussion and on the advice of the Commonwealth's Attorney, it was amended as shown above.) On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the following recorded vote, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County directed the Commonwealth's Attorney to prepare a resolution requesting the Executive Committee of the Fifth Planning District Commission to seek an extension of the ~larch 1, 1972 deadline from the State Water Control Board for reaching an agreement with the City of Roanoke for a Sewer Services Contract, said resolution to be presented at the Executive Committee's meeting on March 9. AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora, & J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. IN RE: REQUEST OF SALEM FOR MEETING BETWEEN GOVERNING BODIES OF ROANOKE COUNTY & SALEM, CLOSED TO PUBLIC BUT OPEN TO NEWS MEDIA, TO DISCUSS SERVICES CONTRACT On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of the Bo~rd, the Chairman was authorized to respond to Salem City Council's request as e~pressed in Mayor Joyce's letter of February 29, 1972 for a meeting of the two governing bodies (open to the vi news media, but closed to the public) to discuss the Services Contract and to advise Council that this Board is willing to meet on either Tuesday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m. or Thursday, March 9 at 8:00 p.m. and, further, that this Board is amenable to a dinner meeting on Tuesday if Council so desires. Mr. Joyce's letter of 2/29/72 hereinabove referred to is filed with the minutes of this meeting. There being no further business to come before the Board at this time, the Chairman declared the meeting adjour~ed. ~~~ t CHAIRMAN / I , I I I il " Ii '1 Ii t , , II II ,I '1 I I 1 I I I ~ 3/9/72 There being no further busiaess to come before the Board, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. 9;J~~ CHJU I * A RESOLUTION REAFFIR M ING THE COUNTY' S DESIRE TO BE A PARTY TO AN INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT SEWERAGE PLAN AND A REQUEST THAT THE DATE FOR FILING SAID PLAN BE EXTENDED I i ireaffirms land its desire to be a party to an institutional arrangement sewerage plan: I ,IHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County by this resolution WHEREAS, the Boaru of Supervisors of Roanoke County, along with other i iinterested political bodies within the Roanoke Valley, by resolution has indicated I, iits desire to have an institutional arrangement sewerage plan for the Roanoke I !Valley and further agreed that a concerted effort would be made by all parties !'to reach agreement on contrac'tural arrangements by March 1, 1972; and WHEREAS, said effort has been expended in utmost good faith by Roanoke , I : County; I, r: and WHEREAS, certain major differences remain to be resolved between the {ounty of Roanoke and the City of Roanoke before the proposed contractural II jiarrangement for sewage services can be agreed to by Roanoke County, and said major il li !, ii Ii il ;! '; ['differences are as follows: I , i " !'sign a contract only with the County of Roanoke despite the fact that the County !' " i;neither owns, operates nor has any investment in any sewerage system. The Roanoke (1) The City of Roanoke has, time after time, insisted that it will i !:county Public Service Authority does own, operate and has outstanding revenue " , " i:bonds on its systems which serve not only areas in Roanoke County but areas within i r ithe City of Salem and the City of Roanoke. (2) The City of Roanoke insists that Roanoke County agree to the payment of sewage treatment charges computed on a formula which includes the payment of bond interest and principal on long term debts of the City despite the fact that Roanoke Cour.ty has pointed out to the City that such requirement of the County is unconstitutional since, in effect, it is a pledge of the full faith and credit of the County to pay indebtedness of the City. (3) The City of Roanoke has proposed, and will not agree to delete, I sections of the proposed service contract which state that the City can acq:.tj,re "County" sewer lines upon annexatit..:!: of ar.. area in which II County " sewer lines are located. These sewer lines are owned by the Authority and the Authority cannot I agree to any sale, disposition or transfe~ of such facilities due to the restrictions in Sections 708 and 717 of the Authority's Bond Resolution, dated Janua~y 29, ,1964, which specifically forbid such transfer. Additionally, the Authority is inot able to agree to any language which would limit or restrict its sale of i future bonds for improvements to or extensions of its sewer system. Any agree- 'ment to any conditions which would limit sales of future bonds would, in effect, ;make it ~mpossible for the Authority to make maJor improvements to its sytems or extend service as needed in its service areas. The Board of Supervisors of '-..'-_~_ T '_",. . __h__ ,-... ---. .....~,...-.".,'-.,....,..,". 3/9/72 Roanoke County has agreed by resclution dated October 17, 1955 that it will not amend or otherwise change the existing sewage treatment contract with reference ,i to anjl project under the jurisdiction of the Roanoke County Public Service Atithority without the consent of the Authority prior to such amendment. The Authority, in turn, as noted, cannot agree to any modification of the said sewage treatment contract without the approval of the Trustee under the if Authority's Bond Resolution, who, in turn, looi:s to bond counsel and the Authority's :! consulting engineers under the Bond Resolution for their approval prior to giving such permission. Bond counsel, and the Consulting Engineer have, by letter, stated that the sewage treatment contract af ryresently proposed by the City of Roailoke is not acceptable; and, therefore, the contract cannot be signed, a copy of said letters being attached hereto; and (4) The City of Roanoke has included within its charges for sewage transmission and treatment service, to be assessed against the "County", a definition of "total cost to the City" which contains therein an arbitrary fonnula for payment for the value of the city's present treatment plant and facilities. The Authority recognizes a duty to compensate the city for its past use of the aforementioned plant and facilities and in pursuance thereof is agreeable to pay to the city a sum, based upon accepted accounting principles, t,~ be computed on the following basis: For each of the thirty (30) years under this " contract, the Authority agrees to pay one-thirtieth (1/30) of the Atithor.ity 's -, I pro-rata share, based upon sewage flow, ~f operating expenses, interest on dent, - redemption of debt and capital outlays from revenue during the period 1956 through the date this contract is executed, less the Authority's payments made during the same period; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors believes that with an extension of time these differences will be resolved; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors will further agree, and has received assurances from the Roanoke County Public Service Authority that it too will agree, to submit all of the remaining contract differences to mediation by the staff of the State Water Control Board or any other qualified mediating agency. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of I , I - Roanoke County does hereby reaffirm its desire to be a party to an institutional arrangement sewerage plan for the Roanoke Valley and requests that the Fifth Planning ristrict's Executi:~ Committee use its good offices to advise the " State Water Control Board of the concerted effort put forth by Roanoke County and the other interested political bodies within the Roanoke Valley, that the State Water Control Board mediate or assist in the mediation of the remaining -~ ;,. ; --< -- contract differences; and that the State Water Control Board be requested to extend the time for entering into said agreement to April 1, 1972. Upon motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and adopted by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. 375 I ~k;/72- ;ICZ;' "6 :i '~~,LJ " :... /lfIi' ',I -;l, '-'" ~ '/I ;I-:~ " (' - b ('pW?>- , ') ~~~~~i! ~ ('-' ,ad-.Pfj, , " ~~ In,7' v ".'.'''',_. .........-. ,..~,__. ______._............... . .,_..-.......____".....,~__~........,_._.__.._ _.'_'., ...____.._._......".~~,-....-." "-', -.:c..,....".,.:.....\".. ,_,~-"".',.,_,..,.-.,...."...."....,......,..,... 380 3/14/72 The above Resolutions and Orders were adopted by motion of Richard C. Flora, a Supervisor, and duly seconded by R. E. Hilton, Jr., a Supervisor. AYES: All NAYS: None. I VA I , (IN I RE: REZONING PROPERTY LOCATED ON EASTERLY SIDE OF FRANKLIN ROAD (NOW STARKEY ROAD) BEING 1. 86 ACRES ORDER I OF " i 1 I,: I I !: i " i relative I HERMAN W. PERDUE This day came Herman W. Perdue and requested leave to file his petition to rezoning the p~operty described as follows, to-wit: Located on easterly side of Franklin Road (now Starkey Road) being 1.86 acres I:Which request is granted and said petition is hereby filed. " i: , :i ,I ~ j ii " , " " , :: On motion duly made, seconded, and carried it is hereby ORDERED that F said proposal to rezone the hereinabove d'~so::i.bed property, as requested in said i I, l:petition, be, and the same is hereby ref,~rred to the Planning Commission of Roanok"" I' r ,'county for a recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code of i iiVirginia, as " j, irecommendation to the i !'Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next " ~1Y iregular or special meeting of this Board, notice of which meeting shall be given ~ \S ~" l!bY the Clerk by publication, in accordance with the provisions of the 1950 Code ~'4'>' i of Virginia. \ I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this res01u-1i I ~~iv~' .; tion and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary G'" ' !' of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolution amended, and when said Pldnning Commission shall have reported its Clerk of this Board, as required by law, the Clerk of this j! " " " " 1! permissible, I and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor J.vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: [I i, AYES: All :! i NAYS: None. i; i! I ,y i: " ! IN RE: REZONING OF TWO PARCELS OF Llu~D CONTAINING 7.76,CRES lu~D 12.15 ACRES RESPECTIVELY, OWNED BY ROANOKE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, LYING ON TIlE NORTH SIDE OF LEE HIGHWAY, EAST OF THF LEE HI SHOPPING CENTER, INC. PROPERTY, AND VlEST OF VIRGINIA SECONDARY ROUTE 709 IN THE COUNTY OF ROANOKE, VIRGINIA ORDER I OF REFERENCE This day came Roanoke Development Corporation, by Counsel and requested leave of the Board to file its Petition for the rezoning of the pr~perty therein described and further requested that said Petition be referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED, ~t its regular meeting of 3/14/72 " :1 I I; the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke COWlty, Virginia. that said Petition be, and i: i; ;, the same hereby is filed. ,I AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the il Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, as requested in said Petition, be and the Ii same is hereby PEFERRED to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, ji I' for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia !: of, 1950 as amended. ........ AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission , shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board as required by the Ii :1 Code of Virginia, that upon the rec~ of the same the said Clerk of this ii Board shall forthwith set the matter down for a public hearing at the next permissabl':, _)1.2-/ ~ regular or special meeting of the Board, and that notice thereof be given by the !J) I,) i6 e" ii said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. '~-1 nki;, AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this Ii ~i" ' ~r '1\ V II'~ :i resolution and order be forthwith delivered by the said Clerk of this Board to :! ~ 00, Ii Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia.,: ~J j tP. Ii The foregoing resolution was adopted on Il',otion of Supervisor Richard C. i: yt:~ " Iii (f)}t1 i' Flora and seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and voted as follows: ,I ii AYES: All ii ~ 1Jrt, I', fl, ,7 NAYS: None. I, i' Ii " Ii il I: " " 11 v\ II :, Ii II :i II :1 IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY OF JOHN E. THORNHILL GENEVA M. THORNHILL W. PRICE FIELDS AND CONSOLIDATED INVESTORS OF VIRGINIA, INC. RESOLUTION . , - .;,. A RESOLUTION filing and referring to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke a petition of John E. Thornhill, Geneva:M. Thornhill, W. Price Fields and Consolidated Investors of Virginia, Inc., to rezone a 100 feet by 150 feet lot of land so as to include the same in a "Business District B-3". I,HEREAS John E. Thornhill and Gene,a, M. Thornhill, husband and wife, as the legal owners, and W. Price Fields and Consolidated Investors of Virginia, Inc., as the equitable owners, by counsel have this day presented to the Board of .-.., i I ~ Supervisors of the County of RoanOke, Virginia, at its regular meeting a petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke, Virginia so as to include ~ a parcel of land in Roanoke County 100 feet in width. and 150 feet in depth on Highway ,i .. .:1 the north side of U. S./Roue 11, approximately 362.8 feet west of 1tS 1ntersect10n Ii with Plantation Road, in a "Business District B-3" as defined by the ordinance; -, J and WHEREAS it appearing to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that said petition should be filed and referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County and a public hearing be subsequently held as required by law. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke that the petition of John E. Thornhill, Geneva M. Thornhill, W. Price Fields and Consolidated Investors of Virginia, Inc., be filed; that said petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County be, and the same hereby 382 3/14/12 --...- ----_.. ---- .---.- ...-- -----------,-_. - - ---.-.--.-----.. \,,7' ! \1;\ ~ I' '?\\. ~~. i' Yl:'~ ~j41 ~&r ' \,,'1 I' I ..\\7\ 'V~ll,,! '1'\' ~~' !, ~ Ii ~\~i (';tV' ~ ,\ ~~~~"I:: y~~~, ~~~\ "' is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for recommendation as required by the appropriate statutes and ordinances; and that after the clerk of this Board receives such report from said commission or after a period of ninety days has elapsed after the first meeting of said commission after this reference after which time it may be assumed said commission has approved the I i' petition, the clerk of this Board shall forthwith schedule a public hearing on i , I, " , , the question of amending said Zoning Ordinance to include said 100 fe~t by 150 feet lot of land in a "Business District B-3" after giving notices as required by the statutes and ordinances for such cases made and provided. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the clerk of this Board attest a true copy I of this resolution and deliver the same to Paul B. ~latthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virgi~ia. The above resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and adopted on a recorded vote as follows: AYES: All i: (, I. NAYS: None. IN RE: PETITION OF ROBY H. PATRICK, SR. ET UX, ET ALS TO REZONE APPROXIMATELY 6 ACRES OF LAND SITUATE OFF U. S. ROUTE 460 EAST OF THE CITY OF ROANOKE " , " " " Ii ii I On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of the Board members the above rezoning petition was this day received and filed and referred to the Planning Commission fur recommendation back to this Board. I IN RE: PETITION OF W. E. CUNDIFF CO., INC. TO REZONE FROM B-1 TO B-2 PROPERTY ON BRAMBLETON AVE., ADJACENT AND NORTH OF STEER HOUSE On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of the Board the above rezoning petition was this day received and filed and referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation back to this Board. I IN RE: REZONING PROPERTY ON THE WEST SIDE OF OGDEN ROAD (ROUTE 681) LYING BETWEEN VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE 419 AND THE LINES OF THE PROPERTY OF J. C. PREAS, CORCORAN AND HALE, AND THE PROPERTY OF THE J. R. SAUNDERS ESTATE, SAID PROPERTY BEING LOCATED OPPOSITE TANGLEWOOD SHOPPING CENTER AND BELONGING TO T. R. LESLIE AND ELEANOR K. LESLIE t I ORDER This day came T. R. Leslie and Eleanor K. Leslie and asked leave to file their petition relative to rezoning the property described in the petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED &~D ORDERED that at its regular 3/14/72 \i i1meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, the said petition " 'ibe, and the same is hereby filed. And be it further resolved and ordered that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said to the Planning Commission of Roanoke petition be, and the same is hereby referred for County, Virginia,/a recommendation in " Ii Ii " accord- ii --' ance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. And be it further resolved and ordered that when said Planning Commission Shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the ii Code of Virginia, 1hat upon the receipt of the same, the said Clerk of this Board , 1i shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at the next permissibil.e " If :'regular or special meeting of this Board, and that notice thereof be given by ': I' ;1 the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of - -' 'i Virginia. I: ii :1 And be it further resolved and ordered that one certified copy of this Ii ~resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul ii ,lB. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. i! i! Tbe above resolution and order was adopted on motion of Supervisor ,iRichard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and on the recorded i:vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: " i; !i AYES: All !, " Ii NAYS: None. ~ On motion of supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the unanimous vote of the Board the following items were received and filed: 383 t ,117' },II~ f;, !!C~~ ': JY1lJ~~ I) ~ ',i C", d .,p'.-' " ...t 0~. Ii I (;;;;r i!@it :"1. . Ii (M,U ii ;/ " " " .I Resolution of Roanoke County Welfare Board of 2/21/72 coffilt,ending Ii Mrs. Margaret L. Malley's service to the community as Superintendenti of the Roanoke County Welfare Dept. for 38 years; Letter of 2/28/72 from Baker Brothers, Inc. inviting Board to attend landfill compactor demonstrations at I-iontgomery County landfill; On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, and the unanimous vote of the Board members, the Clerk of - , " this Board was directed to drop from the agenda a resolution titled "RESOLUTION - APPROVING PARTICIPATION BY LOCAL HOUSING OWNERS IN TilE FEDERAL RENT SUPPLE!1ENT PROGRAM" and further that said r8s01ution be filed with the minutes of this :; meeting. -, : I , , ..... IN RE: PROPOSED AGREEMENT \'iITH HAGNASYNC-MOVIOLA CORPORATION COVERING PURCI~SE OF LOGGING-RECORDING EQUIP~mNT & PROPOSED AGREEMENT WITH TECHNICAL PRCDUCT5 ENGINEERING CO. COVERING PURCHASE & INSTALLATION OF CONTROL CONSOLE & OTHER CO~lmlICATIONS EQUIPMENT On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of the Board, consideration of the above two items the was referred to Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and/Commonwealth's Attorney for review and recommendation back to this Board. 1 / ~1-,j'7rt I C~<7 'i ,r; ...........,..,- V'.. ( O,ttj 3/14/72 Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the Board reimburse expenses for those who wish to attend the CATV conference at the National Association of ~ounties April 6-7. meeting in Washington, D. c./ Supervisor Richard C. Flora seconded the motion ~ which carried by the following recorded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. - IN RE: CONSIDERATION OF CERTAIN CHANGES PERTAINING TO ZONING, REFERRED TO COUNTY CODE REVISION COHMITTEE On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of the Board, the following suggestions were this day referred to the County Code Revisicn Study Committee for recommendation back to this Board: (1) When a petition for rezoning is apFroved, bona fide construction shall begin within 12 months, or the land shall revert to its former zoning classification; (2) That all R-3 property be zoned back to its prior classification; (3) That land being considered for rezcning be flagged so as to announce to the public that such rezoning is under consideration. ., ... A RESOLUTION TO AMEND THE RULES A1i;D REGULATIONS FOR PERMANENT COUNTY EMPLOYEES TO INCLUDE SECTION ON COMPULSORY RETIREMENT AT AGE 6:, WHEREAS, the present Rules and RegulaticlIls for permanent employees of Roanoke County, adopted in 1967, does not include, a section covering compulsory retirement; and WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke county is of the opinion in that it is/the best interests that s'lch a section be included so as to have a uniform rule covering all employees, rather than treating each case individually; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the rules and regulations be amended to add the following section: RETIREMENT AGE FOR PERMANENT EMPLOYEES: J Every permanent employee of the County of Roanoke shall be retired on the 30th day of June following his 65th birthday.. Employees who have reached the compulsory retirement age of 65 on or before the adoption of this amendment to the rules and regulations shall retire on or before June 30, 1972. I,'J ,'-I '...l This amendment shall be effective immediately upon its adoption. Upon motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel, and adopted by the following rec()rded vote: AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, Richard C. Flora and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Supervisor Richard C. Flor~ retired fron! the meeting at this point. On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 26, 1972, be, and the same is hereby amended as foll,:)ws to become effective March 14, . , , , " . ' , , \ 385 t Ii i; ~ i ii,,' " II :! Ii I 'I .; vd1~_ ;i~~;r,;' IS~'l , ii 1J~J1;; ) Ii ) ^ V,'.Ji;i , il \yVu; I~~j !!1:r~) ;,C,' /-y ;\ (~~V~ ilcff ~,/;1 ~ ,; Q,,v"V'jJPf , ,.i.'i,;r2V:4fcJ1: I!H~~/ :,,:: -~ 'f?/ [.ir;J'~G . it~"t. .- ;i 387 3/14/72 f ----- Sales Tax Fund - Available Cash Data Processing Fund - Available Cash Deferred Credit Account - Kathryn F. Garst $ 2.74 27,540.07 210,f;6 $ 1,246,578.24 $ 2,000.00 1,186.677.85 36,942.62 9,780.13 360.00 6,000.17 66.40 4,650.00 13.38 87.69 $ 1,246,578.24 ,/ ~ Financial Statement 'I Treasurer's Working Fund , Farmers National Bank Escrow - $3,522,000.00 Farmers National Bank - Federal Farmers National Bank Textbook Farmers National Bank Paying Agent Public Building Debt 'I Farmers National Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Ii Bank of Va. of the SW Paying Agent School Debt I, First National Exchange Bank - Paying Agent School Debt Deferred Credit Account - Alfred C. Anderson, Tre,~surer - James E. Peters :i " " I, ,! ii I" 1: Certificates of Deposit - School Construction Bank of Virginia of the Southwest Farmers National Bank Mountain Trust Bank security National Bank First National Exchange Bank Colonial-American National Bank $ 1,300,073.00 1,400,000.00 2,100,000.00 1,700,000.00 2,592,000.00 450,000.00 $ 9,542,073.00 I I Certificates of Deposit - Library Cons~ruction Farmers National Bank First National Exchange Bank $ $ 100,000.00 200,000.00 300,000.00 Certificates of Deposit - Parks & Recreation Construction Mountain Trust Bank $ 200,000.00 , '..i Certificates of Deposit - Savings - General Revenue Farmers Nat10nal Bank Mountain Trust Bank $ $ 876.71 400,000.00 400,876.71 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Alfred C. Anderson Alfred C. Ander,;on Treasurer Roanoke County IN RE: LIVESTOCK CLAIM OF DAVID RICHARDSON FOR LOSS OF ONE DRAKE ','i ,\ il __] -rz/ , - I) ij -7. ..J.- , 'IJ .~1-' .i! (j>YD ).P~ 'JOY _ 4' ,i 6) lP'y 1'" I' ,Ity-.-/. !""""7,A" c~~V /0 '0/ :1 tV On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seco~ded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson and the following recorded vote, the above livestock claim was not approved for payment inasmuch as the drake was not assessed in the filing of his personal property taxes by Hr. Richardson. .""'-t : , , i ..... AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ABSENT: RicharQ C. Flora. iJ , ' ..... I. On motion of Supervisor R. E. Hilton, ;rr., seconded by Supervisor ; / ,1'1 z...-- }. JS / , i~~'''b,~< i \ .r 'y.oJ' , 4- , COUNTY PAYROLLS C. Lawrence Dodson, and the following recorded vote, the County Payrolls (Semi-monthly dated 2/29/72) were approved for payment in the gross amour,t e,f v / $77,332.58 from which the sum of $3,815.53 F.I.C.A.; $9,085.18 F.I.T.; y v. /" $1,491.80 State Income Tax; $12.00 Accounts; $507.85 Blu~ Cross Insurance; , ./ .f ' $1.00 United Fund; $64.17 Retirement; and $2,749.62 Miscellaneous Expenses is deduct"d leaving a net payroll of $59,605.43. t .......~~..".....--..._-_.__._.~...-.....~. ,. ~"'.>"'.'-',"""'- ....,-..:..'.'. I 388 AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr.. C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. 'y ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT On motion of Supervisor John G. Seibel, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the current bills amounting to $6,516.52 were this day approved for payment: I AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, Jchn G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. . NAYS: None. ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. Supervisor John G. Seibel moved that the Chairman of the Roanoke ; .,; County Board of Supervisors be authorized to write a letter to the MaYor and members of Salem City Council, enclosing a copy of the Roanoke County School :j Board's letter of March 14, 1972 stating the School Board's position on negotiations 'I of a School Contract with the City of Salem, and advise the City of Salem 'I :1 " " that the meeting of April 3 will be the final negotiations with Salem on a :! I School Contract and that Mr. Burton, School Supt. will not attend that meeting inasmuch as the School Board's letter explains their position. Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote, AYES: R. E. Hilton, Jr., C. Lawrence Dodson, John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. , .,it ABSENT: Richard C. Flora. A copy of the School Board's letter above-referred to is filed with the minutes of chis meeting. ) There being no further business to come before the Board, the Chairman I declared the meeting adjourned. /7/ ~' ~ ~ --- 'CHAI N~ I ;" . i".{,' 390 ... to travel over a one-way bridge and request that ce'nsideration be given to extending Route 116. Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. seconded the motion which carried by una"imous vote of the Board. I \ IN THE ~~TTER OF R. DOUGLAS NININGER, RUTH M. NININGER, AND SA}mBL L. LIONBERGER, JR. ANENDMJ'NT TO ZONING ORDINANCE Upon petition filed with the Board of Super'/isors of Roanoke County. which was referred to the Planning Commission for :review and recommendation, and upon public hearing held pursuant to notice published and given as required, and I upon receipt of the recommendation of the Roanoke County Planning Commission, " and upon public hearing before the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke Cc>unty, helCi pursuant to notice published and given as required by law, and upon expansi~n of the area originally petitioned to be rezoned at the request of the petitioners, and upon motion of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke, which is in such case provided by law, the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County and particularly the land use map incorporated therein, is hereby amended as follows: The classification :1 of the hereinafter described property owned by the petitioners, R. Douglas Nininger and Ruth M. Nininger, is changed from Residential R-l to Manufacturing M-l according to the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County to allow M-l classification use thereof: BEGINNING at a point in the centerline of Hershberger Road at the southeast corner of the C. C. Crockett property; thence with the east line of the Crockett property N. 2 degs. 43' W. 1249.0 feet to point 2; thence with 9 lines along the southwest bank of Carvins Creek, S. 86 degs. 40' E. 37.4 feet to 3; thence S. 70 degs. 11' E. 115.5 feet to 4; thence S. 59 degs. 33' E. 189.5 feet to 5; thence S. 59 degs. 32' E. 91.0 feet to 6; thence S. 70 degs. 45' E. 165.0 feet to 7; thence N. 79 degs. 20' E. 198.0 feet to 8; thence S. 52 degs. 32' E. 165.0 feet to 9; thence S. 30 degs. 43' E. 297.0 feet to 10; thence S. 7 degs. 30' E. 85.6 feet to 11; thence leaving the, west bank of Carvins Creek and with 7 new lines through the Ha~*ins property, S. 87 degs. 17' W. passing an iron pin on line at 15.35 feet in all a total distance of 340.4 feet to 12; t~ence S. 2 degs. 43' E. 70.0 feet to 13; thence S. 87 degs, 17' W. 140.0 feet to 14; thence S. 2 degs. 43' E. 119.2 feet to 15; thence S. 117 degs. 17' I,. 190.0 feet to 16; thence S. 2 degs. 43' E. 258.~7 feet to 17; thence S. 47 degs. 26' W. 103.01 feet to 18, in the centerline of Hershberger Road; thence with the same S. 77 degs. 05' w. 254.93 feet to 1, the Place of BEGINNING; I CONTAINING a net area of 15.563 acres exclusive of 0.157 acre in road. I Excepting therefrom so much of the property as was heretofore con- veyed by R. Douglas Ninil!ger and Ruth M. Nininger to the Common- wealth of Virginia for the widening and r,~location of Hershberger Road, construction thereon to be subject to review by t:1e Secretary of the Roanoke County Planning Commission as to site plan and th'B provision of adequate boundary (I.' : D~\J-' ~ ~r ..( ~~ ' : f-~~. ~'\ , screening along the boundary between the properti~s of the petitioners and that I of Friendship ~anor as is provided by the zoning ordinance of Roanoke County. On motion of ~upervisor R. E. Ililton, seconded by Supervisor R. Flora and the following recorded vote: AYES: Messrs. Hilton, Seibel, Dodson, Flora and ~ngleby. NAYS: None. Mr. Charles H. Osterhoudt, Attorney for the Petitioners. appeared in support of the above matter. 392 as to include in a "Residen1:ial District R-2" a parcel of land designated as Lots 15 and 16, Section 13, Map of Mount Vernon Heights Survey No. 1 in Roanoke County, Virginia. WHEREAS a petition by Millicent O. Etheridge, as the legal and equitable owner, has been made to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke so as to include a parcel I of land designated as Lots 15 and 16, Section 13, as shown by the Map of Mount Vernon Heights, Survey No.1, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke in Plat Book 2, page 67, in a "Residential District R-2"; and I WHEREAS by resolution of this Board on the 12th day of January, 1972, the petition was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for a recommendation as required by the appropriate statutes and ordinances; and WHEREAS after hearing evidence concerning same, the Planning Commission by resolution adopted at its meeting on the 15th day of February, 1972 recommended to this Board that the ordinance be amended as requested by the petition; and WHEREAS a public hearing by this Board was scheduled in the Courthouse of the County of Roanoke located in the City of Salem, Virginia at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 28, 1972 after notice of intention to amend said ordinance at said hearing was published once a week for two successive weeks in the World News, Ii II a newspaper having general circulation in the County of Roanoke, with the iI 'I public hearing scheduled to be held not less than five nor more than twenty-one " Ii days after the final publ~cation; and U I of the opinion that the land should be rezoned as prayed for by the petition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, that the Zoning Ordinance of the County of Roanoke be amended to reclassify on the Zoning Map of Roanoke County, Virginia, so as to include in a "Residential District R-2" as defined by the ordinance that parcel of land lying and being in the County of Roanoke, Virginia, described as follows: 1Y I' ~/; ~ ~. ~t..' r , two true cOnPs of this ordinance and respectively deliver them to the secretary \oA /' i: ..- ..,." ~ - I' Lots 15 and 16, Section 13, as shown by the Map of Mount Vernon Heights, Survey No. l, recorded in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Roanoke in Plat Book 2, page 67. I BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED that the clerk of this Board forthwith attest of Roanoke County and to John 11. Kennett, Jr., counsel I for the petitioner. The above ordinance was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and secunded by Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson by a recorded vote as follows: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. Mr. John H. Kennett, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioner, appeared to explain the request. i: i;March 28,1972. WHEREAS, OAK GROVE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION did petition this Board for ;, the closing and abandonment of that portion of Merino Drive lying between Lot 8, i: , ~ Block 22 and Lot 1, ,Block 24, as shown by the Map of Section 6 of Sugar Loaf )! ': Estates, which petition was filed at a regular meeting of this Board and by order ;1 i ~ ii entered was referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County for its ,recommendation, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and WHEREAS, the said Planning Commission, by a resolution adopted at a meeting held on March 21, 1972, after hearing evidence as to the merits of said ~petition at a public hearing held at said meeting, recommended to this Board !I :, that Ii said portion of Merino Drive be closed and abandoned; and WHEREAS, the Boaro of Supervisors of Roanoke County did set the matter for public hearing at the next regular meeting of this Board on March 28, :' ~; down , " " Ii 1972, which said public hearing was held at the aforesaid meeting; and WHEREAS, this Board, after giving careful consideration to said petition " and to said recommendation of the Planning commission, and after hearing evidence Ii as to the merits of said petition, are of the opinion that the rights of no Ii "persons would be infringed and that no other property owners in said subdivision " , , 1 would be damaged by said closing and abandonment of that portion cf Merino Drive ""'I Ii as !i NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that at this meeting of the outlined in said petition and as recommended by said Planning Commission; ..... ii ti ;: Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, held on March 28, 1972, that Ii !i that portion of MERINO DRIVE, lying between Lot 8, Block 22 and Lot 1, Block 24, :! 'i as shown by the Map of Section 6 of Sugar Loaf Estates, of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of Roanoke County, Virginia, in Plat Book 6, at Page 79, be, and the same hereby, is CLOSED and,ABk~DONED. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED and ORDERED that the Clerk of the Circuit Court i; II of Roanoke County, Virginia shall mark on the aforesaid map, recorded in said :! :;Clerk's Office, a notation that said portion of MERINO DRIVE has been VACATED by :! this ordinance, and further that a copy of this order shall be recorded in said " I' Clerk's Office in the proper deed book ~herein at the expense of the petitioner. i: The foregoing resolution was adopted on motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence --I , I Dodson and seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and on the recorded vote, - the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: 'I AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel, and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: NOne. -:-\ , Mr. Holman Willis, Jr., Attorney for the Petitioner, appeared in support of the request and no one opposed same. -- IN RE: PETITION OF W. E. CUNDIFF, ET UX, ET ALS ) TO REZONE LOT 8, BLOCK 4, MAP OF ) BRAMBLETON COURT FROM B-2 TO B-3 ) TO CONSTRUCT A RESTUARANT ) DENIED On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence D~~so~, seconded by Supervisor Richard C. Flora ami the following recorded vote.. tht: "tlove petition was this day,jenied: AYLS: C. Lawrence DoCison, Richarci C. Plot" R. Lililton, Jr., John G. Seibel & J. Thomas Lngleby, III. "AYS: None. 395 I' ~ " " ii~j I,:~~.'( :I/'f' 7)4, "e ( " ~ il ' ~, fit, ','i,' -);: ~,~ ',iC. ry, (I~. 'l i , ~(t: ~ lJ~.' /!b;, :~,fJ~' ~~ l'~) i 3/28/72 From Davis H. Elliot Company, Inc. - installation of various items as listed in their letter of J.larch 20, 1972 $3,975.00 From United States Fence Corporation - installation of 9 foot security fence around base station site $1,886.00 Supervisor Richard C. Flora seconded the motion which carried by the following recorded vote: C. Lawrence Dodson,- Aye Richard C. Flora - Aye R. E. Hilton, Jr. - Nay John G. Seibel - Aye J. Thomas Engleby, III - Aye Copies of related quotations, including Davis ll. Elliot Company, Inc.:s 3/20/72 letter referred to above, are filed with the minutes of this meeting. IN RE: REQUEST OF ROANOKE COUNTY PUBLIC SERV:CE AUTHORITY AS STATED IN ~lARCll 23, 1972 LETTER Supervisor Richard C. Flora moved that the Commonwealth's Attorney be directed to prepare a letter for the Chairman's signature whereby the Roanoke County Board of Supervisors would request the City Council of Roanoke to grant a sewer line easement to the Roanoke County Public Service Authority through the City Water Dept. property on Tinker Creek for the Authority's .., Project No. 71-2-S and, further, that the City agree to waive the terms of the 1954 City-County Sewage Treatment Contract with regard to the deeding of the lines constructed within the City by the County. Supervisor John G. Seibel seconded the motion which carried by the follow- ing recorded vote: - AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF TRIl,CT OF LAND ON THE SOUTH AlJD ,"'EST SIDE OF WOODBRIDGE AVENUE, WEST OF PETERS CREEK ROAD, BEING VIRGINIA HIGHWAY ROUTE NO. 117 ORDER THIS DAY came Howard E. Sigmon, Agent of Virginia Baptist Foundation, , , : - Incorporated, by counsel and requested leave to file a petition on behalf of Virginia Baptist Foundation, Incorporated relative to rezoning of the property described in said peotion. WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be .,~ i , ::i -';-'1 ~ and the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, tor a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. k~D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board :, " " :: tv1 (.: ~:,/ ". ::~'''' ,,!;r,~ .-JJ il~r !i"'~~' ~~~ !:j ,-to ~ " r J !i 0 lfY'" b ' ii " !r ::, r " " " :1 ii ,1 1,1. :!, , ~ ; v' y> 1-72-- i;~~ :j I ~J)~ ~! " " , 398 '2/) ,- 1 'V' ~, /' ;t-t' ~&-~. ~V' .) 11r !f~' ~ ,~'. ~~ Cft'~ t: ~~. ' 6>' 3/28/72 shall forthwith set thE! same down for pubLi.c hearing at the next permissible regular or special meel:ing of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publi.cation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. t AND BE IT FURTHJ::R RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the certified copy cf this I resolution and order bE' forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, SecrE,tary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolutions and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and sE,conded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and OIl a recorded I vote, the Supervisors .~ted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. IN RE: REZONING OF REA,L PROPERTY CONSISTING OF A 1. 88 ACRE TRA,CT FORMERLY OI'/NED BY HUMBLE OIL AND REFINING COMPANY AND FRONTING ON VIRGINIA ROUTE 117, ROANOKE, VIRGINIA, ADJACENT TO PROPERTY OF CUMMINGS DIESEL OF VIRGINIA, INC., AND WILLI~l KENNEY AND BOUNDED ON THE OTHER SIDE BY PROPERTY OF CROSS ELECTRIC COMPANY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ORDER t THIS DAY came Construction and General Laborers Local Union No. 980, by counsel, and asked leave to file its petition relative to the rezoning of the property described above and in said Petition. I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED at its regular meetingl,;)f I! Ii the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, that the said Petition be, " and the same hereby is, filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the , zoning ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia, as requested in said petition, be, and the same hereby is, referred to the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia, for a recommendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. k~D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED fu~D ORDERED that when said Planning conwission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for a public hearing at its next permissi~le !f regular or special meeting of the Board, and that notice thereof be given by I the said Clerk by notice and publication, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Ai'm ORDERED that one certified copy of this I Resolution and order be forthwith referred by said Clerk of this Board to Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above Resolution and Order was adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and s'Bconded by Supervisor R. E. Ilil ton, Jr., and on a recorded i , vote, the Supervisors voted as follows, to-wit: AYES: All NAYS: None. 400 3/28/72 On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by ~u?ervisor C. .i this! I: i Lawrence Dodson, and the unanimous vote cf the Board, the following items were day received and filea: / Copy of budget for 1972-73 for Commissioner of the Revenue as prepared and submitted to State Compensation Board; f Notice that State Compensation Board will meet on April 4, 1972, at Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center to fix salaries and expenses for Commonwealth's Attorney, Sheriff, Treasurer, and COIDnlissioner of the Revenue. I " ;i ,I :: I! I' :j t I Ii ,\ " i! , v' Copy of Budget for 1972-73 for Treasurer as prepared and submitted to State Compensation Board; ./ Sheriff's Statement of office & travel expense incurred by self & Deputies during the month of February 1972. Copy of letter from DeL C. Richard Cranwell to Public Service Authority regarding Hcuse Bill 763; , Copy of letter from State Water Control Board to Chairman of Public Service Authority listing actions taken by Board at its March 13 meeting and including a special order il I , y' COt.'Y of Laboratory Report from State Health Dept. confirming positive rabies report on fox head suumitted by Director of County Health Dept.; Copy of letter from ::itate Fir~arshall to the Administrator of Gommunity School in Roanoke County acivising that violations contair,ed Ii in Fire Inspectors's report of 12/10/71 have been correctea; 1, " i! v Letter of 3/22/72 from Chairman's letter County ana Public City Cou."lcil; Roanoke and the service City Clerk to board Chairman ao.vising that copy of the Sewer Contract executed by Autnority were received and filed by ;' Co~y of letter from Roanoke City Clerk to James O. Trout, David K. Llsk and Julian F. liirst advisilg that Cil<! Council appointed them members of a corr~ittee to work with other Valley committees to find a regional landfill site. I / Sheriff's Statement of Prisoner Days Served in the County Jail during month of February 1972. IN RL: COUN~Y PAYROLLS 11/ ~:P/ Y( '-..?,. <\- \"'" On motion of ~upE;rvisor Richard C. Flora, s€:conc:;,ea by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the following recorded vote, the County Payroll (3/).5/72) was approved for paym"nt in tile gross amount of $24,692.24, from which the sur" of , " $1,283.94 F.I.C.A.; $2,662.7b F.I.T.; $443.49 State Income Tax; $584.15 ~lue v/ ,/ Cross Ins.; $1.00 United Fundi and $503.52 Hl.:3cellaneous Expenses are G.educteu. leaving a net payroll of $19,213.36. C. Lawrence Dedson - Aye Richard C. Flora - Aye R. l:. hilton, Jr. - Aye John G. Seibel - Aye J. Thomas ~ngleby, III - Aye I ILl RE; ACCOUN1'S FOR PAYHEiJT \,,1/ j~a\.Q/.J~ '. , w~ 7PJ~~ i C1~'! (1. On motion of Supervisor Richara C. Flora, scconde~ by ~upervisor c. I Lawrence Dodson, and the following recorded vote, the current bills amounting to $118,583.94 and the bills paid since the last board meeting amountingtD ~258,584.96 were approved for payr.~nt presently anu retro-actively. C. Lawrence Douson - Aye Richard C. Flora - Aye R. E. Uilton, Jr. - Aye John G. SeiLel - Aye J. Thomas Lngleby, III - Aye 402 , I I i I~-_-_--"_C ~C"-_ ! -. / / Roanoke County Boare of Supervisors SPECIAL MLETniG April 3, 1972 at 6:20 p.m. Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic Center The Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County met this day, being a Special ~ieeting mutually agree': upon by the Board" to consider the following items as stated in the waiver of notice signeci DY all members and spread belm" "We, the undersigne~, being all the memJJers of the Board of Supervisors of Roanoke County, Virginia, and the Commonwealth's Attorney of Roanoke COWlty, Virginia I do 11ereby waive notice of a Special Meeting of said tioard of Supervisors to be held in Room C of the Salem-Roanoke Valley Civic_Center, Salem, Virginia, at 6:20 p.m. Monday, April 3, 1972, for the following purposes: 1. Consider a resolution recognizing and commending Roanoke College Basketball team and Coach on recent achievemen;;s including 1972 iJCAA College Divis~on Championship; 2. Consider resolution proclaiming the week of April 9-15, 1972 as BARBLRSHOP jiARl,lONY HEEK of in Roanoke County; 3. Consider any other matter the Board :r.1ay unanimously agree upon." /s/ J. Thomas Lngleby, III J. Thomas Lngleby, III Cave Spring ;,jagisterial District Is/Richard C. Flora Richard C. Flora hollins Nagisterial District Is/C. Lawrence Dodson C. Lawrence Dodson I~indsor ilills Nagisterial District /s/R. E. Hilton, Jr. R. E. Hilton, Jr. Catawba [,\agisterial District Is/John G. Seibel John G. SEibel Vinton Hagisterial District Is/John ii. Lampros J oem :1. Lampros, Commonweal th ' s Attorney R L SOL UTI 0 11 IlilEREAS, the Roanoke College Haroons have won the 1972 NCAA College Division! Championship; and, \'JHLREAS, Coach Charles Nair has achieved the honor of being named Associa.te~ ,Press Coach of the Year and tr.e ;;ational Association of Basketball Coaches Coach ;,of the Year award; and, \'"i'liEREAS I Hctl Jol1uston ilas been selected to the first team AP All American , "Team, College Division, and Jay Piccola to the second team thereof; and, \;HERLAS I these men and t~le entire: Haroon team have brought honor and <recognition to the entire R~dnokc Valley community and deserve the commendation ,and recommendation of this body; NOI/, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Roanoke County Board of Supervisor does hereLy congratulate Coach Noir, Hal Johnston, Jay Piccola and the entire Roanoke College Basketball Team for the honors they have attained and does recognize that Coach Heir anc. tile !.1aroons have brought recognition, inspiratio::1 , i , I , I I I I I ~-''''-'''''._'_____'_~.F'.''~,_'''~'.''"_______.__ 404 Roanoke County Courthouse Salem, Virginia April 11, 1972 1:00 P.M. The Roanoke County Board of Supervisors met this day at the Courthouse in Salem, Virginia in the County Courtroom, being the second Tuesday and the I first regular meeting of the month. Members present: Chairman J. Thomas Englepy. III, Vice Chairman Richard C. Flora, C. Lawrence Dodson, R. E. Hilton, Jr. and ,; John G. Seibel. The Commonwealth's Attorney and two Assistants, Messrs. John N. Lampros, Thomas N. Key and Robert Rider, respectively were also present as well as the County Engineer and Assistant, Messrs. Paul E,. Matthews and Maurice I Mitchell, respectively. I The Chairman called the meeting to order and Supervisor C. Lawrence ! Dodson offered the invocation. The pledge of allegiance was then given in unison y to the flag. I The minutes of the regull.r meeting of :larch 28, 1972 and the special meeting of April 3, 1972 were both approved as f!?reacl, on motion of Supervisor , " Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor John G. Seibel and the unanimous vote of " I,: ii the Board. I! :~ ,:i 1'1 I The Chairman recognized a quartet representing the Roanoke Valley Chapter of the "Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet I Singing in America. Incorporated" who presented two musical numbers for the Board. , , At its meeting of Apn,l 3, 1972 the Board adopted a resolution recog;1izing this organization and declaring April 9-15, 1972 as "BARBERSHOP HARMONY WEEK" in Roanoke County. j I IN RE: PETITION OF MILLER E. PETTY, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN R. SAUNDERS, FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CAVE SPRING MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF ROANOKE COUNTY ON OGDEN ROAD ) ) ) ) ) PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED , I On motion of Supervisor C. Lawrence Dodson, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and the unanimous vote of 1:he Board members, the public hearing on -;\11/ I the above petition was contin~ed. to th(! April 25, 1972 Board meeting pending a #i\ \ y ; the submJ.tt1.ng of a i . ~ ~ recommendation and/land use plan of the adjacent acreage by the Roanoke County ~e r' Planning Commission. J, J,...r,' An earlier motion by Supervisor John G. Seibel did not receive a second i C ~ ~~, !, which motion was to rezone the above property B-2 in line with the property' Ilt~~11 ' ': surrounding it and the type of zoning already in the area. I \c;:~. t~:,,',. .pr/iJ ~/)( ,both appeared in support of the petiti,on. CoO' , I , Mr. Furman Whitescarver, Sr., Attorney and Mr. Miller Petty, Petitioner, 4/11/72 AMENDMENT TO APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, seconded by Supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr., the General Appropriation Ordinance of Roanoke County, adopted June 1971, be and the same is hereby amended as follows to become effective April 11, ~ ! ! 1972: ~'" 310 - PUBUC WORKS 310g- Garbage Disposal: An additional appropriation of $113,264.19 is hereby made from the General Revenue Fund for the period ending June 30, 1972, for the function or purpose hereinabove indicated. - Adopted by the following, recorded vote: AYES: C. Lawrence Dodson, Richard C. Flora, R. E. Hilton, Jr., John G. Seibel I ~ I~ and J. Thomas Engleby, III. NAYS: None. IN RE: PETITION OF W. W. HURT, FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF SALEM ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF ROANOKE RIVER NEAR BIG HILL ORDER This day came Furman Whitescarver, Jr., Attorney for W. w. Hurt, who requested leave to file a petition on behalf of the said W. W. Hurt, relative to amending the Zoning Ordinances of Roanoke County to the end and purpose ~ -- that certain property located west of Salem on the South side of Roanoke River near Big Hill be rezoned to A-l, which leave is granted and this petition is accordingly filed. And this Board having duly considered the same, and concluded that the rezoning of the said property may be beneficial to the County at large, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the proposal to amend the Zoning J Ordinances of the County of Roanoke so as to change the classification of said property requested to be rezoned in said Petition, and classifying the same as A-l as defined in the County Zoning ordinances, be and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia for recommendation in accordance with the provisions of ~ 15.1-491 and ~ 15.1-493 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That the said Planning Commission shall report its recommendations to the Clerk of this Board, as required by statute, and upon receipt of said recommendations by said Clerk the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the 10 ~ first permissable, regularer pQSlie heariR! at the fi~ ~ermissaBle. re!alar or public meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of ~ 15.1-431 of said Code; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED: That one certified copy of these resolutions be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to the Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke county, Virginia, together with a copy of the petition of the said W. W. Hurt. The above resdutions were adopted On motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora, and seconded by supervisor R. E. Hilton, Jr. I :1 I 1 ' Iv' II Ii " " " it 28, " I, " , I: ,1~ ~ '! .".. I, ~/\ - " I: , ,; , , I " ,! --f i' ...... j! ti/l 7 ie: 1: l:. .~<.i' ~ Rf. ' '7".:U , - )l~' C~. , , 408 I 11/ '11' ~~/ I -\7> V~.Q. ~v' I 4/11/72 On recorded vote, the vote was as follows: AYES: All NAYS: None, IN RE: ) ) ) ) ) \ , ) ) I REZONING OF TRACT OF LAND FOR INSTALLATION OF MOBILE HOME COURT LOCATED SOUTH OF VIRGINIA ROUTE NO. 612 BETWEEN THE NOR- FOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY TRACKS FORMERLY OWNED BY THE VIRGI~1:AN RAILWAY NOW OWNED BY NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY ORDER ; I i; , 1 I~ counsel, and requested leave to file th,eir petition relative to rezoning of the i , i' :' i THIS DAY came Park Realty Company and Waldron and Waldron Contractors, by property described in said petition. , WHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the aforesaid petition be ana the same is hereby filed. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that the proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance as requested in said petition be, and the same is hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the County of Roanoke, Virginia, for a reco~uendation in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and the County Zoning Ordinance. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that when said Planning Commission shall report its recommendation to the Clerk of this Board, as required by the , I Code of Virginia, that upon the receipt of same, the said Clerk of this Board shall forthwith set the same down for public hearing at the next permissible regular or special meeting of this Board and that notice thereof be given by the said Clerk by publication in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia and of the General Zoning Ordinance of Roanoke County, Virginia. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED AND ORDERED that one certified copy of this resolution and order be forthwith delivered by said Clerk of this Board to :i " " Paul B. Matthews, Secretary of the Planning Commission of Roanoke County, Virginia. The above resolutions and order were adopted on motion of Supervisor Richard C. Flora and seconded by Super'dsor R. E. Hilton, Jr. and on a recorded